'HE NEWBERRY LIBRAHt ENGLISH POETRY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/englishpoetryOOnewbrich ■*;;j<.a< '^.^^' :^ THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY ENGLISH POETRY PART I THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY ENGLISH POETRY PART I.-.. COLLECTIONS CHICAGO ^\.^^^ CLASS Y (Sections Y 16. 17, 18 [portions]) CLASS C (Section 692) Multigraphed as Manuscript FOREWORD The titles contained in the present multigraphed list are those of works classified on the Library shelves under what are commonly called "English poetical collections" or "collections of English poetry". They Include those which are general in character and those limited in content to a partic- ular period, as well as mediaeval romances, ballads, sacred poetry, and various types of minor poetical miscellany. The list does not include editions of single and of collected works of individual English poets. These, together with collections of academic and other verse written by Englishmen In Latin, Greek, French, or other foreign language, are re- served for a future publication of the Library. An index of authors has been added to aid the reader In finding any desired title or collection. 731838 I EXPLANATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS A plus sign (+) after a volume number or date indica- • tes that the publication Is currently received or is in progress . A dash (-) before an entry indicates that the author or the title is the same as in the preceding entry; between dates it indicates "to and including the second date . " Two dashes (- -) before a date or designation of an edition indicate that the author and the title are the same as in the preceding entry. arr. arranged . c copyright . c omp c omp lied, c omp Her. cop copyright . D duodecimo (17.5-20 cm. or about 7-8 in.) e d edited, editor. enl.... enlarged. F folio (30-35 cm. or about 12-14 in.) Inaug. disser . . Inaugural dissertation. ras . , mss. manuscript, manuscripts. n.d. no date. nar narrow . no., nos. number, numbers. 0. octavo (20-25 cm. or about 8-10 in.) pams pamphle t s . pi plates . pseud. pseudonym. pt., pts part, parts. pub published, publisher. Q quarto (25-30 cm. or about 10-12 in.) repr reprinted, reprint. rev revised . S. 16° (15-17.5 cm. or about 6-7 in.) sel . selected. s q s quar e . T. „ 24° (12.5-15 cm. or about 5-6 In.) t.-p. title-page. tr. translated, translator. V. ., volume, volumes . Errata p. 8, line 9. For Aiken read Alkln p. 17, line 1. For Plumtre read Plumptre Class No. Y 18-181 Y 1812 Y 1813 Y 1815 Y 1817 Y 183 Y 184 Y 1842 Y 1843 Y 1844 Y 1845 Y 18455 Y 1846 Y 1847 Y 1848 Y 189 Y 188 Y 186 Y 187 Y 1858 Y 16 Y 17 Y 171 Y 172 Y 178 CONTENTS SECTIONS OF THE CLASSIFICATION GROUPED UNDER ENGLISH POETRY Page Literary history and criticism (General )...l Literary history and criticism (By period) 5 Anglo-Saxon 5 Early English (To 1400) 5 Elizabethan ( 1558-1625 ) 6 18th century 6 Collective biography of poets 6 Collections (General) 8 Collections (By period) 20 Anglo-Saxon 20 Early English (To Chaucer) 21 Pre-Ellzabethan (1400-1558) 22 Elizabethan (1558-1625) 23 Puritan (1625-1660) 25 Restoration (1660-1702) 25 18th century 27 Victorian, 19th century 30 Scottish poetry - 31 Irish poetry... - 34 Australian poetry 35 Canadian poetry 35 South African poetry 35 Romances of the middle ages 35 Popular ballads and songs 38 History and criticism 42 Bohemian life ^3 Smoking and tobacco (Poetry & songs) 43 Qass No. Pege Y 179 Political ballads and songs (General) 43 Political ballads and songs (By period ) 43 Y 1795 Rebellion 43 Y 1796 Restoration 44 Y 17962 18th century 44 Y 17963 Georgian (1714-1760) • 44 Y 17965 Jacobite (1715 and 1745) 44 Y 1797 19th century 45 F 1026 European war poetry 45 C 692 Religious poetry Index 45 .51 ENGLISH POETRY LITERARY HISTORY AND CRITICISM ABBEY, C.J. Religious thought 'iX^fOMvfingrv ; ;, ^*" ^""^ llsh verse. 1892. D. ^ '''-••-'•';''.:'': i/y is.oi BAILEY, J. Poets and poetry; articles re- printed from the literary supplement of 'The Times'. 1911. 0. Y 181.06 BELFAST, F.R.C., earl of. Poets and poetry of the 19th century. 1852. D. Y 181.166 BROOKE, S.A. Studies in poetry. 1908. D. Y 181.167 - A study of Clough, Arnold, Rossettl and Morris. 1908. 0. Y 181.168 CARPENTER, F.I. An outline guide to the study of English lyric poetry. 1897. D. Y 181.169 CLARKE, HELEN A. Ancient myths in modern poets. 1910. D. Y 181.17 COLLIER, J. P. Poetical decameron; or. Ten conversations on English poets and poet- ry. 1820. 2v. D. Y 181.186 COLLINS, J.C. Greek Influence on English poetry; ed. by M.Macmlllan. 1910. D. Y 181.189 COOKE, G.W. Poets and problems. 1901. D. Y 181.193 COURTHOPE, W.J. A history of English poet- ry. 1895-1910. 6v. 0. Y 181.196 - [Carpenter, F.I. Review of W. J. Courthope ' s A history of English poetry] 1897. 0. Y 181.197 DELATTRE, FLORIS. English fairy poetry, to the seventeenth century. 1912. 0. Y 181.217 DE VERE, A. Essays chiefly on poetry. 1887. 2v. D. Y 181.22 DIXON, W.M. English epic and heroic poetry. 1912. 0. (The Channels of English lit- erature) Y 181.233 - English poetry from Blake to Browning. 2d ed. 1896. D. Y 181.234 FICKE, A.D. Some recent poets of note. 1910. S. Y 181.29 (1) LITERARY HISTORY AND CRITICISM Call No. PORMAN, H.B. Our living poets; an essay m criticism. 1871. D. Y 181.31 PRASER, J. Chaucer to Longfellow; lectures on English literature. 1887. 2v. 0. Y 181.314 GINGERICH, S.F. Wordsworth, Tennyson, and and Browning;- a study in human freedom. 1911. 0. • Y 181.34 GOSSE, E.W.:.-Fr:om Slii^kespeare to Pope. 1885. D.' Y 181.357 - Jacobean poets. 1894. D. (Univ. exten. manuals) Y 181.358 - Seventeenth century studies. 1897. D. Y 181.36 HASLEWOOD, J., ed. Ancient critical essays upon English poets and poesy. 1815. 2v. 0. Y 18.38 HAZLITT, W. Lectures on the English poets. 2d ed. 1819. 0. Y 181.392 Ed. by W.C.Hazlltt. 1890. D. (Bohn's Standard library) Y 181.393 HUDSON, W.H. Studies in interpretation; Keats, Clough, Matthew Arnold. 1896. D. Y 181.422 HUNT, L. Imaginations and fancy; or, Se- lections from the English poets. New ed. 1883. D. Y 181.425 IRVING, D, History of Scotish poetry; ed. by J.A.Carlyle. 1861. 0. Y 181.443 JACK, A. A. Poetry and prose; being essays on modern English poetry. 1911. 0. Y 181.448 JONES, E.D., ed. English critical essays (nineteenth century) [1916] S. (The world's classics, 206) Y 18.45 [JONES, J.L., ed.] Ten noble poems in Eng- lish literature. 1897. S. Y 181.45 LENTZNER, K. Uber das Sonett und seine Ge- staltung in der engllschen Dichtung bis Milton. [Inaug-diss. ] 1886. 0. Y 181.496 LEONARD, R.M. The dog in British poetry. 1893. D. Y 181.5 LOWELL, J.R. Conversations on some of the old poets. 1845. D. Y 181.528 MACDONALD, G. England's Antiphon. n.d. D. (The Sunday library for household read- ing) [2d copy] Y 181.529 (2) LITERARY HISTORY AND CRITICISM Call No, MACKAIL, J.W. The springs of Helicon; the progress of English poetry from Chaucer to Milton. 1909. D. Y 181.54 MASSON, D. Essays biographical and critic- al on the English poets. 1856. 0. Y 181.555 MATHER, J.M. Popular studies of the nine- teenth century poets. 1892. D. Y 181.558 MILLER, F. The poets of Dumfriesshire. 1910. 0. Y 181.57 MINTO, W. Characteristics of English poets from Chaucer to Shirley. 1897. D. Y 181.58 MOIR, D.M. Sketches of the poetical liter- ature of the past half-century. 2d ed. 1852. S. Y 181.586 [NEVE, P.] Cursory remarks on some of the ancient English poets, particularly Mil- ton. 1789. 0. Y 181.62 NOBLE, J. A. The sonnet in England & other essays. 1893, D. Y 181.63 PRATT, ALICE E. The use of color in the verse of the English romantic poets; [dissertation] 1898. 0. Y 18.71 REED, E.B. English lyrical poetry. 1912. 0. Y 181.735 REED, H. Lectures on the British poets. 1857. 2v. S. Y 181.737 REYNOLDS, MYRA. Treatment of nature in English poetry between Pope and Words- worth. 1896. 0. Y 181.74 RHYS, E. Lyric poetry. 1913. 0. (The channels of English literature) Y 181.744 SARRAZIN, G. Renaissance de la po^sie anglalse, 1798-1889. 1889. D. Y 181.785 SCOTT, J. Critical essays on some of the poems of several English poets; with the life of the author by Mr. Hoole. 1785. 0. Y 181.795 SCUDDER, VIDA D. Life of the spirit in • modern English poets. 1895. D. Y 181.802 SHAIRP, J.C. Aspects of poetry. 1882. D. Y 181.81 - Studies in poetry and philosophy, 1878. T\ Y 181 . ol6 (3) LITERARY HISTORY AND CRITICISM Call No, SHARP, AMY. Victorian poets. 1891. D. (University extension series) Y 181.814 SMITH, A. The main tendencies of Victor- ian poetry. 1907. D. Y 181.82 SOMMER, H.O. Brster Versuch liber die englische Hirtendichtung. 1888. 0. Y 181.828 SOUTHEY, R. [Lives and works of our un- educated poets] 1831. 0. (Binder's title) Y 181.83 STATHAM, H.H. Architecture among the poets. 1898. 0. Y 18.83 STEBBING, W. Five centuries of English verse; impressions. 1913. 2v. D. Y 181.837 STEDMAN, E.G. Victorian poets. 1887. 2v. 0. Y 181.84 STIRLING, J.H. Of philosophy in the poets; lecture. 1885. D. Y 181.845 SYMONS, A. The romantic movement in Eng- lish poetry. 1909. 0. Y 181.85 THOMPSON, G.A. Elizabethan criticism of poetry. [Dissertation] 1914. 0. Y 181.87 VEITCH, J. Feeling for nature in Scottish poetry. 1887. 2v. D. Y 181.939 WALKER, H. Greater Victorian poets. 1895. 0. Y 181.952 WARTON, T. The history of English poetry, 11th to the 18th century. New ed . 1824. 4v. 0. Y 181.956 - The history of English poetry, 11th to the 18th century; ed. by R.Price. 1840. 3v. 0. Y 181.957 - History of English poetry, 12th to the 16th century; ed. by W.C.Hazlitt. 1871. 4v. 0. Y 181.958 [Fillingham, T.] An index to the History of English poetry by T.Warton. 1806. Y 181.955 - - [Ritson, J.] Observations on the three first volumes of the History of English poetry. 1872. sq.Q. Y 181.96 WEBBE,.W. A discourse of English poetrle; ed. by E.Arber. 1871. 0. ([Arber's] English reprints) Y 18.96 (4) LITERARY HISTORY AND CRITICISM WHITAKER, S.P. Imagination and fancy in nineteenth-century literature; John Oliver Hobbes memorial essay, 1912. n.d nar .0. Call No* Y 181.97 ANGLO-SAXON PERIOD BODE, W. Die Kenningar in der angelsach- sischen Dichtung. 1886. 0. Y 1812.1 DEERING, W. The Anglo-saxon poets on the Judgment Day. 1890. Y 1812.22 EINENKEL, E. Ueber die Verfasser einiger neuangelsachsischer Schrif ten; Inaugural- Dissertation. 1881. 0. Y 1812.25 HAIGH, D.H. Anglo-Saxon sagas; their value as aids to history. 1861. 0. Y 1812.38 MERBOT, R. Asthetlsche Studien zur angel- sachsischen Poesie. 1883. 0. Y 1812.56 EARLY ENGLISH (TO 1400) BROWN, C. A register of Middle English religious & didactic verse. sq.O. (Bibliographical Society, London: Pub.) Contents: Y 1813.12 pt.l. List of manuscripts. 1916. HEIDER, 0. Untersuchungen zur mitteleng- lischen erotischen Lyrik, 1250-1300. 1905. 0. Y 1813.4 SANDISON, H.E. The "Chanson d'aventure" in Middle English. 1913. 0. (Bryn Mawr College: Monographs, v. 12) Y 1813.78 TRAUTMANN, M. Ueber Verfasser und Entste- hungszeit einiger alliterirender Gedlchte des Altenglischen. 1876. 0. . Y 1813.9 (5) .4:W ELIZABETHAN PERIOD (1558-1625) Call No. HARRISON, J.S. Platonlsm In English poetry of the 16th and 17th centuries. 1903. D. (Columbia University. Studies In compara- tive literature) Y 1815.38 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ANDERSON, V.E.J. Om hjemf 0lelsens indsats 1 det 18. aarhundredes engelske poesi. 1913. 0. Y 1817.04 COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY OF POETS AUSTIN,W.S. The lives of the poets-laureate; by W.S.Austin and J.Ralph. 1853. 0. Y BELL, R. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain; English poets. 1839. 2v. S. (Lardner's cabinet cyclopsedia, v. 25-26) GARY, H.F. Lives of English poets from Johnson to Kirke White. 1846. S. GIBBER, T. The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift; comp. by Mr. Gibber. 1753. 5v. D. HATFIELD, E.F. Poets of the church; a series of biographical sketches of hymn writers. [cop.l884j 0. [2d copy] HOWITT, W. Homes and haunts of the. most eminent British poets. 1847. 2v. 0. HUNTER, J. Ghorus vatum anglicanorum. Gollections concerning the poets and verse writers of the English nation. [Reproduction, made especially for the Newberry Library by process, of British mss. 24487-24492] v 1917]+. sq.Q. 183.057 Y 183.08 Y 183.15 Y 183.17 Y 183.39 Y 183.42 the rotary bromide Museum Additional 1-6+ , [1916- Gase Y 183.425 (6) COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY OF POETS an No. [JACOB, G.] An historical account of the lives and writings of English poets. 1724. 2v. D. Y 183.45 - Poetical register; or, The lives and characters of the English dramatlck poets. 1719. D. ^ Y 183.451 - Poetical register, or, The lives and characters of all the English poets. 1723. 2v. D. Y 183.452 JOHNSON, S. Lives of the British poets; completed by W.Hazlitt. 1854. 4v. D. Y 183.455 - The lives of the most eminent English poets. 1781. 4v. 0. Y 183.4551 - Lives of the most eminent English poets, with critical observations on their works; [ed.] by P.Cunningham. 1854. 3v, 0. Y 183.4552 - Lives of the poets; ed. by Mrs .A.Napier . 1890. 3v. D. (Bohn's standard library) Y 183.456 - Lives of the English poets; ed. by G. Birkbeck. 1905. 3v. 0. Y 183.4565 PHILLIPS, E. Theatrum poetarum; or, A com- pleat collection of the poets to 1675. 3d ed. by Sir S.E.Brydges. 1824. 0. Y 183.68 RITSON, J. Bibliographia poetica; a cata- logue of English poets of the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th centurys with a short account of their works. 1802. D. (2d copy) Y 183.74 ROSSETTI, W.M. Lives of famous poets. 1878. D. Y 183.757 RYAN, R. Poetry and poets. 1826. 3v. S. Y 183.768 WILLMOTT, R.E.A. Lives of sacred poets. [lst-2d series] 1834. 2v. Y 183.96 WINSTANLEY, W. The lives of the most famous English poets; or, The honour of Parnassvs in a brief essay. 1687, S. Y 183.97 (7) COLLECTIONS Gatl No. ABRAHALL, Mrs .H. C . Hoskyns , ed. English minstrelsy. [A collection of 12 poems] Illuminated. [1872] sq.Q. Y 184.01 AIKEN, J. Essays on song writing with a collection of English songs. New ed. 1810. D. Y 184.023 - Vocal poetry; or, A select collection of English songs. 1810. D. Y 184.024 Plumptre, J. Letters to John Aiken on his volume of vocal poetry; with a collection of songs. 1811. D. Y 184.025 [ANDERSON, R. , ed.] Complete edition of the poets of Great Britain. [1793-95] 13v.ln 14. 0. Y 184.035 ANDREWS, W. North country poets, poems and biographies of natives or residents of Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmore- land, Durham, Lancashire, and Yorkshire. 1888-89. 2v. 0. Y 184.0356 ANNUAL anthology; [ed. by R.Southey] Lon- don. V. 1-2,1799-1800. 2v. S. Y 184.037 ARMIGER, C, ed. The sportsman's vocal cabinet. 1833. S. Clarke Y 184.04 ASHMOLE, E., ed. Theatrvm chemlcvm Brltan- nlcum; poetlcall pieces [on] the herme- tlque mysteries. 1652. D. Y 184.05 BEECHING, H.C., ed. A paradise of English poetry. 1893. 2v. 0. Y 184.08 [BERN, Mrs.APHRA, ed.] Miscellany; being a collection of poems by several hands. 1685. D. Y 184.083 BELL, J., ed. Bell's edition; the, poets of Great Britain complete from Chaucer to Churchill. 1777-1800. 109v. T. Y 184.086 - Classical arrangement of fugitive poetry. 1789-94. 16v.ln 8. S. Y 184.087 BELL, R. , ed. Art and song; a series of steel engravings accompanied by a selec- tion of the choicest poems In the Eng- lish language. 1867. Q. Y 184.0873 - Poems of Greene, Marlowe and Jonson. 1876. D. (Bohn's standard library) Y 184.0875 - Songs from the dramatists. 1882. 0. Y 184.0878 (8) COLLECTIONS BELLAMY, T.L., ed . Lyric poetry of glees, ^" ^'* madrigals, catches, rounds, canons, and duets. 1840. D. Y 184.089 BENTLEY'S miscellany. The Bentley ballads, a selection of the choice ballads, songs, etc.; ed. by Dr. Doran. 1858. D. Y 184.092 - Bentley ballads, comprising the Tlpperary Hall ballads. [3d ed.] 1876. D. Y 184.093 BOOK of English songs from the 16th to the 19th century, n.d. D. Y 184.105 BRADSHAW, J., ed. An English anthology, from Chaucer to the present time. 3d ed. 1891. D. Y 184.107 BRAITHWAITE, W.S., ed. [1.] The book of Elizabethan verse. 1907. S. [2.] The book of Restoration verse. 1910. S. [3.] The book of Georgian verse. 1909. S. Y 184.108 The BRITISH anthologies; ed. by E.Arber. 1899-1901. lOv. D, Y 184.11 The BRITISH minstrel and national melodist; a collection of English, Scottish and Irish songs. 1827. 3v. D. Y 184.12 The BRITISH poets. Including translations. Chlswlck. 1822. lOOv. S. Y 184.121 - Little, Brown and Co. Boston. 1865-66. 131v.ln 130. 0. Y 184.1215 BRONSON, W.C. English poems [450 to 19th century]; sel. and ed. by W. C.Bronson. 1907-10. 4v. 0. Y 184.122 BUCK'S bottle companion. 1775. D. Y 184.123 The BULL-FINCH; a collection of English songs. 1761. 2 pts.ln Iv. S. Y 184.125 CAINE, R.H., ed. Love songs of English poets, 1500-1800. 1893. D. Y 184.13 CAMBRIDGE, Eng . University. Cambridge prize poems; such English poems as have ob- tained the annual premium Instituted by T.Seaton, 1750-1806. New ed. v.l. 1817. D. - [Prize poems] 1813-27. Y 184.14 (9) COLLECTIONS Call No. CAMPBELL, T., ed. Specimens of the British poets. 1819. 7v. 0. Y 184.144 [CAPELL, E., ed.] Prolusions; or, Select pieces of antlent poetry. 1760. S. Y 184.145 •CARPENTER, F.I., ed. English lyric poetry, 1500-1700. 1897. D. (Warwick library of English literature) Y 184.146 CASE, R.H. , ed. English eplthalamles . 1896. D. (The Bodley anthologies) Y 184.155 CHALMERS, A., ed. Works of the English poets, from Chaucer to Cowper, including the series edited by Dr. S . Johnson. 1810. 21v. 0. Y 184.157 CHAMBERS, E.K., ed. English pastorals, n.d. D. (Warwick library of English literature) Y 184.158 [CHAPMAN, Mrs.M.W., ed.] Songs of the free and hymns of Christian freedom. 1836. D. Y 184.16 CHENEY, J. v., comp. The Caxton Club scrap- book; early English verses, 1250-1650. 1904. 0. (The Caxton Club. [Publica- tions]) Y 184.165 CLARKE, C.C, ed. Poetical works of Joseph Addison, Gay's fables and Somervllle's chase. 1869. 0. (Gllfillan's British poets) Y 184.171 - Poetical works of Armstrong, Dyer and Green. 1868. 0. (Gllfillan's British poets) Y 184.172 - Poetical works of Beattle, Blair and Fal- coner, n.d. 0. (Gllfillan's British poets) Y 184.173 - Poetical works of Goldsmith, Collins and Warton. 1868. 0. (Gllfillan's British poets) Y 184.174 - Poetical works of Johnson, Parnell, Gray and Smollett. 1868. 0. (Gllfillan's British poets) Y 184.175 - Specimens with memoirs of the less-known British poets. 1868. 3v. 0. (Gllfillan's British poets) • Y 184.176 (10) COLLECTIONS Call No. CLIFFORD, A., ed. Tlxall poetry, with notes and Illustrations. 1813. sq.Q. Y 184.177 COATES, H.T. The fireside encyclopgedia of poetry. 33d ed. 1901. sq.Q. Y 184.178 A COLLECTION of serious, humorous and affectionate poems, n.d. ^q.O. MS. MS Y 184.18 A COLLECTION of the best English poetry; by several hands. 1717, [1708-10] 2v. D. Y 184.179 COLLINS, J.C, ed. A treasury of minor British poetry. 1896. D. Y 184.18 [COOPER, E. , ed.] The muses library; or, A series of English poetry, from the Saxons to the reign of Charles II. v.l, 173711 D. Y 184.185 COPPEE, H., ed. Gallery of distinguished English and American female poets. 1860. 0. Y 184.19 COUCH, A.T.Q., ed. Oxford book of English verse, 1250-1900. 1901. D. Y 184.197 CRAWPURD, 0., ed. Lyrical verse from Elizabeth to Victoria. 1896. S. Y 184.198 The CUPID; a collection of love songs; repr. from 1st ed. 1891. 0. (Moray library) Y 184.203 [CYCLOPEDIA of popular songs, n.d. S. (Tegg's social songster)] t .-p. wanting. Y 184.21 DANA, C.A., ed. The household book of poetry. New ed. 1903. 0. Y 184.22 DIXON, W.M. The English Parnassus; an anthology of longer poems; with intro- duction and notes by W.M.Dixon and H. J.C.Grierson. 1909. D. Y 184.23 [DODSLEY, R. , ed.] A collection of poems. 1766. 6v. D. Y 184.236 - Supplement to Dodsley's collection. A collection of the most esteemed pieces of poetry, [etc.] 1767. .Y 184.236 - - (2d copy) Y 184.236a - Pearch,G. , ed. A collection of poems (not inserted in Dodsley's Collection) 1768-70. 4v. D. (Lettered v. 7-10) Y 184.237 DYCE, A., ed. Specimens of British poetesses. 1825. D. Y 184.24 (11) COLLECTIONS Call No. DYCE, A., ed. Specimens of English sonnets; selected by A.Dyce. 1833. sq.T. Y 184.242 ELEGANT extracts; being a copious selection from the most eminent British poets; [comp. by V.Knox] n.d. 6v. T. Y 184.26 [ELLIS, G. , ed.] Specimens of the early English poets. 1790. D. Y 184.263 1801. 3v. D. Y 184.264 4th ed. 1811. 3v. D. Y 184.266 5th ed. 1845. 3v. S. Y 184.2661 EMERSON, R.W., ed. Parnassus. 1876. 0. Y 184.268 ENGLISH lyrics. 1894. S. Y 184.27 FAWKES, F. , ed. The poetical calendar in- tended as a Supplement to Mr.Dodsley's collection. 1763. 12v.ln 4. S. Y 184.289 v.1-3. 1763. 3v. S. (2d copy) t.-p. wanting. Y 184.289a FIELDS, J.T., ed. The family library of British poetry from Chaucer to the pres- ent time, (1350-1878); ed. by J. T. Fields and E.P.Whipple. 1882. sq.Q. Y 184.29 FOSTER, H.C. Excursion among the poets. n.d. 0. Y 184.312 GAYLEY, CM., ed. Poetry of the people; poems Illustrative of the history and na- tional spirit of England, Scotland, Ire- land and America; sel.and arr. with notes by C.M.Gayley and M.C.Flaherty. 1904. D. Y 184.32 GEORGE, H.B., ed. Poems of English country life, sel. and ed. by H.B.George and W.H. Hadow. 1902. Y 184.33 GILFILLAN, G. , ed. Specimens with memoirs of the less-known British poets. 1860. 3v. 0. Y 184.34 GOLDSMID, E. , ed. Quaint gleanings from ancient poetry. 1884. D. (Collectanea adamantsea, no . 1 ) (2d copy) Y 184.352 [GOOCH, R. , ed.] The Cambridge tart: epi- grammatic and satiric-poetical effusions &c. &c. By Soclus [pseud.] 1823. Y 184.354 GOSSE, E.W., ed. English odes. 1899. S. Y 184.355 GRIGG, J., ed. Grlgg's southern and west- ern songster. New ed. 1855. S. Y 184.366 (12) COLLECTIONS Call No. GROSART, A.B., ed . Miscellanies. 1871-76. 4v. 0. (Fuller worthies' library) Y 184.37 HALES, J.W., ed. Longer English poems. 1890. D. Y 184.381 HALLIWELL, J.O., ed. Palatine anthology; a collection of ancient poems and ballads relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. 1850. sq.Q. Y 184.383 - Palatine garland; supplementary . 1850 . In Y 184.383 HANNAH, J., ed. Poems of Sir Walter Raleigh, collected and authenticated with those of Sir Henry Wotton, and other courtly poets, 1540-1650. 1892. D. (Aldlne edition of the British poets) Y 184.385 HAZLITT, W., ed. Select poets of Great Britain. 1825. 0. Y 184.392 HAZLITT, W.C., ed. Fugitive tracts written In verse; lst-[2d series], 1493-(1700) 1875. 2v. 0. Y 184.393 - Inedlted poetical miscellanies, 1584- 1700. D. Y 184.3935 - Remains of the early popular poetry of England. 1864-66. 4v. 0. (Library of old authors) Y 184.394 (2d copy) Y 184.394a HEADLEY, H., ed . Select beauties of an- cient English poetry. 1810. 2v. D. Y 184.396 HENLEY, W.E., ed . English lyrics, Chaucer to Poe, 1340-1849. 1897. D. Y 184.397 - A London garland selected from five cen- turies of English verse. 1895. Q. Y 184.3978 - Lyra herolca. 1892. D. Y 184.398 HERFORD, C.H., ed . English tales In verse. 1902. D. (Warwick library of English literature) Y 184.4 The HUMBLER poets; a collection of news- paper and periodical verse; [lst]-2d series, 1870-1910. 1886-1911. 2v. 0. Y 184.418 HUMOURS of London; a choice collection of songs, n.d. S. Y 184.42 HUNT, J.H.L , ed. Book of the sonnet; ed. by J.H.L. Hunt and S.A.Lee. 2v. D. Y 184.425 (13) COLLECTIONS Call No. HUTCHISON, W.G., ed. Songs of the vine; with a medley for maltworms. 1904. S. Y 184.43 HUTTON, E., ed. A book of English love poems. [1905] S. Y 184.434 The ISHAM reprints. Contents: [v.l] Venus and Adonis; The passionate pllgrlme; Eplgrammes; Ovid's elegies; ed. by C. Edmonds. 1870. sq.S. [v. 2] Newes out of Powles churchyarde; ed. by E.Hake. 1872. Y 184.44 KELLETT, E.E., ed . A book of Cambridge verse. 1911. 0. Y 184.458 KEMPLING, W.B., ed. The poets royal of England and Scotland. 1908. S. (The king's classics, no. 43) Y 184.455 LANG, A., ed. Blue poetry book. 2d ed. 1896. D. Y 184.48 [LIBRARY edition of the British poets; ed. by G.Gllfillan] Edinburgh, Nlchol. 1853-60. 48v. 0. v.l. Addison, Gay, Somerville. 1859.- V.2. Akenslde. 1857. -v. 3. Armstrong, Dyer, Green. 1858.-V.4, Beattie, Blair, Fal- coner. 1854. -V. 5-6. Bowles. 1855. -v. 7-8. Burns. 1856. -v. 9-10 . Butler. 1854. -v. 11- 13. Chaucer. 1860. -v. 14. Churchill. 1855.- V. 15-16. Cowper. 1854. -v. 17. Crashaw, Quarles. 1857 .-v. 18-19. Dryden. 1855.- V.20. Goldsmith, Collins, Warton. 1854.- V.21. Herbert. 1857. -v. 22. Johnson, Par- nell. Gray. 1855 .-v. 23-24 . Milton. 1853.- V. 25-27. Percy's Reliques. 1858 .-v. 28-29 . Pope. 1856. -V. 30. Prior. 1858 .-v. 31-33 . Scott. 1857. -V. 34. Shakespeare, Surrey. 1856. -V. 35. Shenstone. 1854 .-v. 36-38 . Specimens. 1860. -v. 39-43 . Spenser. 1859.- V.44. Thomson. 1853. -v. 45. Waller, Den- ham. 1857. -V. 46. White, Grahame. 1856.- V.47. Wyatt. 1858. -v. 48. Young. 1853. Y 184.49 [LINTON, W.J., ed.] Golden apples of Hesperus; poems not in the collections. 1882. 0. Y 184.5 (14) COLLECTIONS Call No. LINTON, W.J., ed. English verse; ed. by W. J. Linton and R.H.Stoddard. 1883. 5v. D. Y 184 507 LOCKER-LAMPSON, F. , ed. Lyra elegantlarum; a collection of some of the best social' and occasional verse; ed. by F. Locker- Lampson and C.Kernahan. Rev. and e nl . ed. 1891. D. (The Minerva library of famous books) Y 184.51 LYRA historica; poems of British history, A. D. 61-1910; sel. by M.E.Windsor and J. Turral. 1911. 3 pts. D. Y 184.52 MAGAZINE of poetry; a quarterly review. Buffalo. v.l,no.l-2, 1889; v. 2, no. 1-2, 1890. 2v. Q. Y 184.542 MAIN, D.M., ed. Three hundred English sonnets. 1886. S. Y 184.543 - Treasury of English sonnets. 1889. Q. (Edition de luxe) Y 184.547 MASSON, ROSALINE 0., ed. Three centuries of English poetry, being selections from Chaucer to Herrick. New ed. 1886. S. Y 184.55 MELVILLE, HELEN, ed. Full fathom five; a sea-anthology in prose & verse by Helen and Lewis Melville. 1910. S. Y 184.56 MOTHERWELL, W. , ed. Minstrelsy, ancient and modern. New ed. 1873. 0. Y 184.595 A MUSE in livery; a collection of poems. 1732. D. Case Y 184.598 The MUSICAL miscellany; or. Songster's companion. 1789. D. Y 184.6 The NEW foundling hospital or wit; a collection of fugitive pieces in prose and verse; [ed. by J.Almon] New ed. 1786. 6v. nar.D. Y 184.61 An Asylum for fugitive pieces, in prose and verse; [ed. by J.Almon] 1785-99. 4v. nar.D. [Lettered v. 7-10 i.e. of Almon's collections] Y 184.611 NICHOLS, J., comp. A select collection of poems, with notes, biographical and his- torical. 1780-82. 8v. S. Y 184.616 (15) Y 184 .62 in Mus( 3 urn. Y 184 .63 choice of (The Y 184 .64 poems. Y 184. 646 COLLECTIONS [NICOLAS, Sir N.H. , ed.] The cynosure, be- ^^ ^^^ Ing select passages from the most dls tlnguished writers. 1837. S. The NONPAREIL. 1836. T. Shelved O'NEIL, H.C., ed. Pure gold; a lyrics and sonnets, [1912] S, people's books, no. 53) OXFORD and Cambridge miscellany [1709] D. The OXFORD book of English mystical verse, chosen by D.H. S .Nicholson and A. H.E.Lee. 1917. D. Y 184.647 OXFORD prize poems, being a collection of such English poems as have obtained prizes In the University of Oxford. 4th ed. 1810. S. Y 184.648 The OXFORD sausage; or. Select poetical pieces, by celebrated wits of the Uni- versity of Oxford, A new ed. 1777. S. Y 184.649 - [Carey, D. ] The reign of fancy, a poem with notes. Lyric tales, &c. By the author of the "Pleasures of nature." 1804. S. In Y 184.649 - Morrltt, J.B.S. Miscellaneous transla- tions and imitations of the minor Greek poebs. 1802. S. in Y 184.649 PALGRAVE, F.T., ed. Children's treasury of lyrical poetry. 1892. S. Y 184.652 - Golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language. [1st series] rev. and enl . 1896. 2d series. 1897. 2v. S. (The golden treasury series) Y 184.653 - The Golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language. [1906] S. (The Muses' library) Y 184.654 n.d. S.(The Muses' library) [2d copy] Y 184.654a - - Notes to Palgrave ' s Golden treasury of songs and lyrics. 1904. S. Y 184.659 PATON, F.N., ed. Bards and the birds, sel. and arr. by F.N.Paton. 1894. D. Y 184.667 PEEK, H., ed. Poetry of sport. 1896. D. (Badminton library) Y. 184. 669 (16) COLLECTIONS Call No. PLUMTRE, J., ed. A collection of songs, ' moral, sentimental, instructive, and amusing. 1824. 3v. D. Y 184.69 POEMS. 12 pams.ln Iv. Q. (Binder's title) Contents: Anatomy of a late negociation addressed to the people of Great-Brit- ain. 1763. -Churchill, C. The duellist; a poem. 1764. The times; a poem. 1764.- Falconer, W. The demagogue; by The- ophilus Thorn (pseud.) 1766.-Jerningham, E. Elegy written among the ruins of an abbey; by The author of The nun. 1765. II latte; an elegy. 1767. The Magda- lens; an elegy. 2d ed. 1763. The nun; an elegy. 1764. The nunnery; an elegy. 2d ed. n.d.-Keate, G. Epistle from Lady Jane Gray to Lord Guilford Dudley. 1762. -Pope, A. The new Dunciad as it was found in 1741. 1742 .-Stevenson, J.H. Makarony fables; by Cosmo Mytho- gelastick. 2d ed. 1768. Y 184.7 POEMS. 3 pams.in Iv. 0. (Binder's title) Contents: Envy; a poem addressed to Mrs. Miller at Batheaston villa. -A mob in the pit. 2d ed. 1778. -The watch; an ode. 1778. Y 184.701 POEMS for little folks. [1841] sq.T. (Aunt Mary's library for young children, v. 2) Y 184.704 POEMS of places; ed. by H.W.Longfellow, [cop. 1876-79] 31v. sq.S. Contents: v. 1-4, England and Wales. -v. 5, Ireland. -V. 6-8, Scotland, Denmark, Ice- land, Norway and Sweden. -v. 9-10 , France and Savoy. -V. 11-13, Italy .-v. 14-15 , Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and Holland. - V.16, Switzerland and Austria. -v. 17-18 , Germany. -V. 19, Greece and Turkey (in Europe) .-V. 20, Russia, including Asiatic Russia. -V. 21-23, Asia. -v. 24, Africa. - V. 25-26, New England .-v. 27 , Middle States. -V. 28, Southern States , -v. 29, Western States .-v. 30 , British America, Mexico, South America. -v. 31, Oceanica. Y 184.707 (17) COLLECTIONS Call No. The POETICAL magazine; or, Temple of the muses, v.1-2, [Nov. 1803?-OGt . 1804] 2v. D. Y 184.709 The POETICAL register and repository of fugitive poetry for 1801 (to 1811); [with criticisms] 1803-15. 8v. D. Y 184.71 POETRY; a magazine of verse. Chicago. V.1-10+, Oct.l912-Sept.l917+. D. Y 184.715 QUILLER-COUCH, Sir A.T., ed. English sonnets. 1897. S, Y 184.723 - The Oxford book of English verse. 1250- 1900. 1910. S. Y 184.725 RHYMERS' Club, London. The (first-second) book of the Rhymers' Club. 1892-94. 2v. sq.S. Y 184.73 RIMBAULT, E.F., ed. A little book of songs. 1851. D. Y 184.735 RITSON, J., ed. Ancient popular poetry from authentic manuscripts and old printed copies. 1884. 2v. S. (Collectanea adamantaea, 5.) Y 184.741 - Ancient songs and ballads from the reign of King Henry II. to the revolution. 1829. 2v. D. Y 184.7402 - - 3d ed. rev. by W.C.Hazlltt. 1877. D. Y 184.7404 - Ancient songs from the time of Henry III. to the revolution. 1790. D. Y 184.74 (2d copy) Y 184.74a - English anthology. 1793-94. 3v. D. Y 184.742 - Gammer Gur ton's garland; or, The nursery Parnassus. 1810. 0. Y 184.743 - Northern garlands. 1810. D. Y 184.744 (2d copy) Y 184.744a - Pieces of ancient popular poetry from authentic manuscripts and old printed copies. 1791. D. Case *Y 184.746 - Select collection of English songs. 1783. 3v. D. Y 184.748 - Select collection of English songs with their original airs. 2d ed.l813. 3v.D. Y 184.7481 ROACH'S Beauties of the poets of Great Britain; v. 1-5,1794. 5v.ln 3. nar.S. Y 184.749 (18) COLLECTIONS ROBERTS, C.G.D., ed. Poems of wild life. ^*° ^°' 1888. S. Y 184.7495 ROBERTS, W., ed. Book-verse; an anthology of poems of books and bookmen from the earliest times to recent years. 1896. D, (Book lover's library) * Y 184 75 RODD, Sir J.R. The Englishman In Greece; a collection of the verse of many English poets, with an Introduction by Sir R. Rodd. 1910. S. Y 184.755 ROUNDELAY; or; The new syren, n.d. S. Y 184*759 SAINTSBURY, G.E.B., ed. Political verse. 1891. sq.S. (The pocket library of Eng- lish literature) Y 184.77 SELECT early English poets; [ed. by S.W. Singer] 1817-23. lOnos.ln 7v. nar.D. Y 184.8 SHARP, Mrs.W., ed. Songs and poems of the sea. 1888. D. Y 184.83 SOUTHEY, R., ed. Specimens of the later English poets. 1807. 3v. D. Y 184.832 STEVENSON, B.E., ed. The home book of verse, American and English, 1580-1912. 1912. 0. Y 184.837 1915. 8v. nar.O. Y 184.8371 STONE, C, ed. Sea songs and ballads. 1906. S. Y 184.838 STRACHBY, Jane M. lady, ed. Poets on poets. 1894. S. Y 184.84 TAYLOR, J. P. Poetic Imagery... from the Brit- ish and American poets and dramatists; ed. by Hester L.P.Taylor. 2d ed, 1890. T. Y 184.867 THINGS to be seen by the sea at Nahant. 1862. 0. Y 184.87 THORNBURY, W. , ed. Two centuries of song. 1867. 0. Y 184.879 [TIMPERLEY, C.H., ed.] Songs of the press and other poems. 1845. S. Y 184.881 TOTTEL'S miscellany; songes and sonettes, by H.Howard, [and others]; ed. by E. Arber. 1870. 0. ([Arbor's] English reprints) Y 184.882 (19) COLLECTIONS Call No. TOOVEY, A.D. Biographical and critical- notices of the British poets of the present century. 1848. S. Y 184.883 TRENCH, R.C., abp.,comp. Household book of English poetry. 6th ed. 1899. D. Y 184.887 UNIVERSAL songster; or, Museum of mirth. London, 1826-28. 3v. 0. Y 184.91 [.UTTERSON, E.V., ed.] Select pieces of early popular poetry from printed copies in the black letter. 1817. 2v. D. Y 184.927 - - 2v.in 1. D. (2d copy) Y 184.927a VOCAL miscellany; a collection of celebrated songs. 1733. S. Y 184.94 WARD, T.H., ed. The English poets; selections with introductions. 1891-92. 4v. 0. Y 184.955 WARD, T.M., ed. The poems of Johnson, Goldsmith, Gray, and Collins. [1906] S. (The Muses' library) Y''184.957 WATTS, A.A. , ed. The poetical album, and register of modern fugitive poetry. 2d series. 1829. D. Y 184.96 WHITTIER, J.G., ed. Songs of three cen- turies, (cop. 1890) D. Y 184.97 [WRIGHT, T. , ed.] Songs and carols; from a manuscript in the British Museum. 1836. T. Y 184.98 The YOUNG lady's book of elegant poetry; selections from the works of British and American poets. 1853. sq.T. Y 184.99 ANGLO-SAXON The ALBION series of Anglo-Saxon and Middle English poetry. [1] The Christ of Cyne- wulf. 1900. ~[ 2 J The squyr of lowe degre. 1904. -[3j Andreas. 1906. -[4] The seven sages of Rome. 1907. -[5] The riddles of the Exeter book. 1910. 0. Y 1842.03 CONYBEARE, J.J. Illustrations of Anglo- Saxon poetry; ed. by W.D. Conybeare . 1826. 0. Y 1842.19 L2d copy] Y 1842.19a (20) ANGLO-SAXON Cafl No. COOK, A.S., ed. Select translations from Old English poetry; ed. by A.S.Cook and C.B. Tinker, [cop. 1902.] D. Y 1842.2 GARNETT, J.M. tr. Elene, Judith, Athelstan and Byrhnoth; Anglo-Saxon poems. 1896. 0. ^ Y 1842.32 KEMBLE, J.M., ed. Poetry of the Codex Ver- cellensls with an English translation. 1843. 0. (Aelfrlc Society) Y 1842.46 MOLLER, H. Das altengllsche Volksepos; Ab- handlungen (und Texte) 1883. 2v.ln 1. 0. Y 1842.6 THORPE, B., tr. Codex Exonlensls; a collec- tion of Anglo-Saxon poetry. 1842. 0. Y 1842.87 WILLIAMS, BLANCHE C, ed. Gnomic poetry In Anglo-Saxon. 1914. 0. (Columbia university studies In English and comparative liter- ature) Y 1842.97 WULCKER, R.P., ed. Klelnere angelsachslsche Dlchtungen. 1879-82. 2 pts.ln Iv. D. Y 1842.98 EARLY ENGLISH (to Chaucer) BODDEKER, K. , ed. Altengllsche Dlchtungen des Ms .Harl. 2253; mlt Grammatlk und Glossar. 1878. 0. Y 1843.1 HEARNE, T., ed . Works, v. 1-2. Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle; v. 3-4. Peter Langtoft's Chronicle. 1824-25. 4v. 0. Y 1843.39 LEONARD, Anne L. , ed. Zwel mlttelengllsche Geschlchten aus der Holle; begutachtet von L.Tobler. 1891. 0. Y 1843.5 Mcknight, G.H., ed. Middle English humorous tales m verse, [cop. 1913] S. (Belles- lettres series) Y 1843.54 NEILSON, W.A., ed. Chief British poets of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries; selected poems, ed. by W.A.Nellson and K. G.T.Webster, [cop. 1916] 0. Y 1843.61 SELECT early English poems; ed. by I.Gol- lancz. 1. Patience, an alliterative version of Jonah. 1913.-2. The parlement of the thre ages. sq.Q. Y 1843.8 (21) EARLY ENGLISH (to Chaucer) Call No« SMALL, J., ed. English metrical homilies from manuscripts of the 14th century. 1862. sq.T. Y 1843.82 [TURNBULL, W.B.D.D., ed.] The visions of Tundale; metrical moralizations and other fragments. 1843. 0. Y 1843.9 WESTON, JESSIE L. Romance, vision & satire; English alliterative poems of the 14th century. 1912. D. Y 1843.96 WRIGHT, T., ed. Anecdota literaria; a collection of short poems in English, Latin, and French. 1844. S. Y 1843.98 PRE-ELIZABETHAN PERIOD (1400-1558) ARBER, E.,ed. English reprints; Rede me and be nott wrothe, by W.Roy and J.Barlowe; A proper dyaloge; Treatise by a Lollard. 1871. 0. ([Arber's] English reprints) Y 1844.04 CHAMBERS, E.K., comp. Early English lyrics, amorous, divine, moral & trivial; chosen by E.K.Chambers & F.Sidgwick. 1907. S. Y 1844.15 FITZGIBBON, H.M. , ed. Early English poetry, n.d. T. (Canterbury poets; ed. by W.Sharp) Y 1844.3 [FRY, J., ed.] The legend of Mary, Queen of Scots, and other ancient poems; from ms.s. [ ! ] of the 16th century. 1810. 0. Y 1844.32 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS, J.O., ed*. Nugae poet- icae; select pieces of Old English poetry. 1844. D. Y 1844.38 PADELPORD, P.M., ed . Early sixteenth cen- tury lyrics. 1907. sq.S. (Belles-lettres series) y 1844.65 (22). ELIZABETHAN PERIOD (1558-1625) Cafl No. ALLOTT, R. English Parnassus, comp. by R. Allot, 1600; ed. from the original text In the Bodleian library, by C.Crawford, with Introduction, notes, tables and In- dexes. 1913. D. , Y 1845.03 BRYDGES, Sir S.E., ed. Excerpta Tudorlana; or, Extracts from Elizabethan literature. 1814. 0. Y 1845.124 BULLEN, A.H.,ed. Antlent drolleries. 1890-91. 2v. 0. Contents: no . 1 . Cobbes prophecies, 1614. -no, 2. Plmlyco; or, Runne red-cap, 1609. Y 1845.1245 - Lyrics from the dramatists of the Eliza- bethan age. 1891. S. Y 1845.125 - Lyrics from the song-books of the Eliza- bethan age. 1891. S. Y 1845.126 - More lyrics from the song-books of the Elizabethan age. 1888. 0. Y 1845.1265 - Poems chiefly lyrical' from romances and prose-tracts of the Elizabethan age. 1890. 0. Y 1845.128 - Speculum amantls; love-poems. 1902. 0. Y 1845.1284 CARRINGTON, F.R., ed. The "Kings ' lyrics; lyrical poems of the reigns of King James I. and King Charles I. 1899. S. Y 1845.15 - The Queen's garland, being. chosen lyrics of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1900. S. Y 1845.155 - The shepherd's pipe. 1903. S. Y 1845.157 CERTAIN elegies, done by sundrle excellent wits. With satyrs and epigrams. [Ed. 3] 1620 [repr.1843] D. 'Y 1845.16 COUCH, A.T.Q. The golden pomp; a procession of English lyrics from Surrey to Shirley. 2d ed. [1905] S. Y 1845.18 COX, F.A., ed. English madrigals in the time of Shakespeare. [1899] S. (Lyric poets) Y 1845 19 CROWE, Martha F. , ed. Elizabethan sonnet- cycles. 1896-97. 3v. D. Contents: [v.l] Phillis. Licia.-[v.2] Delia. Diana. - [v. 3] Idea. Fidessa. Chloris. Y 1845.202 (23) ELIZABETHAN PERIOD (1558-1625) Call No, DAVISON, F. Poetical rhapsody; ed. by A.H. Bullen. 1890-91. 2v. 0. Y 1845.21 [EDWARDS, R.] The paradise of dainty deui- ces, repr. from a transcript of the first ed . , 1576; with additional pieces from the eds. of 1580 & 1600 [ed.] by Sir E.Bryd- ges. 1810. sq.O. [2d copy] Y 1845 ENGLAND'S helicon; a collection of lyrical and pastoral poems, pub. in 1600; ed. by A.H. Bullen. 1899. D. ENGLISH lyrics from Spenser to Milton. 1898. 0. FACETIAE. Musarum deliciae; or. The muses recreation. New ed. [1874] 2v. S. FARR, E., ed. Select poetry, chiefly sacred, of the reign of King James the 25 Y 1845.26 Y 1845.262 Y 1845.28 First. 1847. S GARRETT, E.H. , ed honour of love LINTON, W.J. , ed. Y 1845.285 Elizabethan songs "in and beautie". 1893. D. Rare poems of the 16th and 17th centuries. 1883. D. MEYNELL, ALICE. A 17th century anthology. n.d. S. (Red letter library) OLIPHANT, T., ed. La musa madrigalesca; or, A collection of madrigals, ballets, roundelays, etc., of the Elizabethan age 1837. 0. PARK, T., ed. Heliconla; English poetry of the Elizabethan age, pub. 1575-1604. 1815. 3v. Q. [POEMS, songs, epitaphs and epigrams of the 17th century! n.d. F. MS SCHELLING, F.E.,ed. Book of Elizabethan lyr Ics. 1895. D. (Athenaeum press series) SIDGWICK, F. The cavalier to his lady; love-poems of the xvilth century; sel. by F.S. 1909. S. (The king's classics, no. 56) SYMONS, A., ed. A 16th century anthology. L1905J S. (Red letter library) Y Y 1845.32 Y 1845.5 Y 1845.57 Y 1845.645 Y 1845.658 Y 1845.7 Y 1845.79 Y 1845.81 1845.85 (24) ELIZABETHAN PERIOD (1558-1625) Can No. WALBANCKE, M. , ed. Annalia Dvbrensla; [a collection of verse by various authors] vpon the yeerely celebration of Mr. Rob- ert Dovers Ollmplck games vpon Cotswold- Hllls. 1636 [repr.1680?] sq.D. Case Y 1845.889 - Dover's Annalia Dubrensla; a reprint, ed. by E.R.Vyvyan. 1878. sq.O. Y 1845.89 YOUNG, W.T., ed. An anthology of the poetry of the age of Shakespeare; chosen and arr. by W.T.Young. 1910. D. (The Cam- bridge anthologies) Y 1845.9 PURITAN PERIOD (1625-1660) MORLEY, H. , ed. The king and the commons. Cavalier and Puritan song. 1868. S. Y 18455.6 OXFORD University. Verses on the death of Sir Bevlll (jrenvlll, alias Granvlll, Kt. 1643, repr.1684. sq.D. Case Y 18455.64 RESTORATION (1660-1702) BULLEN, A.H., ed. Musa proterva; love-poems of the Restoration. 1889. 0. Y 1846.12 CHOYCE drollery; songs & sonnets, from the ed. of 1656; added. The extra songs of Merry drollery, 1661, and An antidote against melancholy, 1661; ed. by J.W. Ebsworth. 1876. nar.D. Case Y 1846.16 A COLLECTION of poems: viz. The temple of death, by the Marquis of Normanby, etc. With several original poems. 1701. D. Y 1846.18 A COLLECTION of poems. 1701-02 (Binder's title) 6 pieces In Iv. Contents: The ladles defence, by a Lady. 1701. -The grove; or, The rival muses. 1701. -Tom of Bedlam; or, A mad poem, writ by a Mad author. 1701. -Wedlock a paradlce; or, A defence of woman's liberty against man's tyranny. 1701. -The tavern hunter; or, Y 1846.182 (25) RESTORATION (1660-1702) ^ ^n Call No. A drunken ramble from the crown of the devil. 1702. -A rod for Tunbrldge beaus . 1701. Y 1846.182 A COLLECTION of poems on several occasions; pub. by R.Cross. 1747. 0. Y 1846.184 [GILDON, C, ed.] Miscellany poems upon several occasions, consisting of origi- nal poems. 1692. nar.S. Y 1846.35 - A new miscellany of original poems on several occasions. 1701. The GROVE; or, A collection of original poems, translations, dsc . , by eminent hands. 1721. 0. HOLBORN-drollery; or, The beautiful Chloret surprized In the sheets. Annexed, Flora's cabinet unlocked. 1673. T. [Bound by Riviere] Museum Y MERRY drollery compleat; being jovial poems, merry songs, &c . , coll. by W.N.,C.B., R.S.,& J.G., 1661, 1670, 1691; ed. by J.W.Ebsworth. 1875. nar.D. Case Y MISCELLANY poems and translations, by Oxford hands. 1685. D. Y The MUSES farewel to popery & slavery. 2d ed. 1690. S. The MUSE'S pocket companion; a collection of poems. 1785. The NEW academy of complements; comp. by L[ord] B[uckhurst] Sir C.S[edley] Sir W. D['Avenant] and others. 1671. nar.S. Case Y PECUNIAE obedlunt omnia. Money masters all things; or, Satyrlcal poems; to which are added A lenten litany, [etc.] 1698. S. Case Y POETICAL recreations: pt.I. written by Mrs. Jane Barker; pt.II. by several gentlemen of the universities. 1688, D. Y SAINTSBURY, G., ed. Minor poets of the Caroline period, v. 1-2 , 1905-06. 0. Y SCHELLING, F.E., ed. Book of seventeenth century lyrics. 1899. D. (Athenaeum press series) Y Y 1846.351 Y 1846.37 1846.41 1846.57 1846.575 Y 1846.6 Y 1846.603 1846.62 1846.67 1846.697 1846.77 1846.79 (26) RESTORATION (1660-1702) Call No. TATE, N. , comp. Poems by several hands, and on several occasions. 1685. D. Case Y 1846.86 TUTIN, J.R., ed. T.Traherne: selected poems; T.Vaughan: English verse-remains; J.Norrls: selected poems. 1905. D. (The Pembroke booklets) Y 1846.89 WESTMINSTER drolleries, both parts, of 1671, 1672; songs and poems; ed. with Intro- duction [and] notes by J.W.Ebsworth. 1875. nar.D. Case Y 1846.96 The WORKS of the earls of Rochester, Rosco- mon and Dorset, the dukes of Devonshire, Buckinghamshire, &c.,wlth memoirs. 1739. 2v.ln 1. nar.S. Case Y 1846.98 18th CENTURY The BRITISH album. 3d ed. 1790. 2v. S. Y 1847.12 The BRITISH poetical miscellany. 4th ed., enl. [1818] S. Y 1847.125 [A COLLECTION of 18th century poetry] 19 pams . In Iv. 1774-87. sq.Q. Contents: Richard Plantagenet. n.d.-The cave of Morar. 1774. -Variety . 3d ed. 1776. -Odes. 1776. -The dlabollad. 1677 [ 1 . e . 1777 J-The first of April. 1777. -The goat's beard. 1777. -Ode to Dragon. 1777. -A letter to Her Grace the Duchess of Devonshire. 1777. -A second letter to Her Grace the Duchess of Devonshire. 1777. -A poetical epistle to Sir J.Reynolds. 1777. -Verses to the memory of Garrlck. 1779. -Elegy on Captain Cook. 1780. -The beauties of spring. 1781. -The Scottish village. 1786.-Florlo. 1786. -The bas bleu, n.d.- Instructlons to a celebrated laureat. 4th ed. 1787. -The progress of war. n.d. Y 1847.18 COLLECTION of 18th century poetry. (Bind- er's title) 1753-77. 22v.ln 1 . Q. Contents : v.l. Taste, an epistle to a young critic. 1753. --The farewell. 1764. -The rosclad. Y 1847.181 (27) 18th CENTURY 1761. -The poetical review. 2d ed. n.d.- The frlbbleriad. 1761. -An irregular bal- ladistical ode. 1768. -The patricians. n.d.-No rape; an epistle. 1768. -Songs, duets, trios in the Duenna. 1776. -A mon- ody, sacred to the memory of Elizabeth, Dutchess of Northumberland. 1777. -The race. 1765. -The muse in a fright, n.d. - V.2. The candidate. 1764. -The patriot- poet. 1764. -The nun. 1764. -Elegies . 1764. -Ingratitude. 1764. -The three con- jurors. [1763?]-A friendly epistle to the author of "The state dunces", n.d.- An epistle to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Chatham, n.d. -An epistle to William Hogarth. [1763]-A letter to a young lady. 1764. Y 1847.181 [COLMAN, G., corap.] Poems by eminent ladies; [comp. by G.Colman and B.Thorn- ton] 1755. 2v. S. Y 1847.189 - Poems by eminent ladies of Great Britain and Ireland; re-pub. from the collection of G.Colman and B.Thornton. [1780] 2v. nar.D. Y 1847.19 An EIGHTEENTH century anthology. [1904] S. (Red letter library) Y 1847.25 GEORGIAN poetry. (Binder's title) 1786- 1821. 5v.in 1. nar.O. Contents: The re- venge of Taran, by E.Ball [ i . e .Fitzball ] 1821. -Poems and other pieces, by H. Head- ley, 1786. -A small collection of original pieces consisting of epistles, songs, rural ballads, and hymns, by J.Lamb. 1819. -Bertha, a tragedy, by E.Ball. 1819. -The ideot boy, a Spanish tale of pity, and other poems, by E.Ball. 1814. Y 1847.33 HUSBANDS, J., pub. A miscellany of poems- by several hands. 1731, 0. Y 1847.42 LEWIS, D. , ed. Miscellaneous poems by several hands. 1726. D. Y 1847.5 (28) 18th CENTURY POEMS. 1709. (Binder's title) 3 pams . In ^ ^''' Iv. D. Contents: A letter from Italy, by J. Addison. -An ode on the Incarnation, by T.R.-O temporal or, A satyr on the times. Y 1847.693 POEMS. 1673, 1717-35. (Binder's title) 23 pieces in Iv. P. Contents: The man of taste, by [J.Bramston] 1733. -The woman of taste. 1733. -Court monkies. 1734. -On poetry, by [J.Swift] 1733. -The life and genuine character of Doctor Swift. 1733.- The state dunces. 1733. -Of verbal criti- cism, by [D. Mallet] 1733. -The proclama- tion of Cupid, by G.Sewell. 1723. -A translation of the second satyr of Per- sius, by T.Brewster. 1733. -On design and beauty. 1734. -The female rake; or, Mod- ern fine lady. n.d.-The rake of taste. n.d.-An essay on reason by [W.FIarte] 1735. -A letter to Mr.Tickell, by E.Young. 2d ed. 1719. -The false patriot. 1734.- Truth and falshood, by S.Duck. 1734.- Commercium ad Mare Australe. Ed. 2. 1720.- A congratulatory letter written from Ox- ford, by W.Huddesford. 1717. -Colin' s mis- takes, by [S.Croxall] 1721. -Chichla-us , by [H.Randolph] n.d.-Somnium navale, sive Poema in expedltlonem navalem adversus Belgas. 1673. Y 1847.695 POEMS. 1754-67. (Binder's title) 0. Con- tents: Poems on several occasions, by J.Love [pseud, of J. Dance] 1754. -Fables and tales for the ladies. 2d ed.; added: Miscellanies, by another hand. 1754. -The Kills of Hybla. 1767. Y 1847.698 POEMS on several occasions. 1749. D. Case Y 1847.7 STEELE, R. , ed. Poetical miscellanies, consisting of original poems and trans- lations, by the best hands. 1714. S. Y 1847.84 (29) VICTORIAN PERIOD, 19th CENTURY Call No. ARCHER, W. Poets of the younger genera- tion. 1902. 0. Y 1848.04 CAMBRIDGE, Eng. University. [Prize poems] 1813-27. 25 pams.ln v.l. 0. Y 1848.14 DUFF, Sir M.E.G. The Victorian anthology. 1902. 0. Y 1848.24 GRISWOLD, R.W. , ed. The poets and poetry of England in the 19th century. 3d ed. 1846. 0. Y 1848.37 MILES, A.H., ed. The poets and the poetry of the century. [1898] lOv. D. Y 1848.57 QUILLER-COUCH, Sir A. The Oxford book of Victorian verse, chosen by...Qulller- Couch. 1912. D. Y 1848.72 RICE, W. de Groot C. The athlete's garland; a collection of verse of sport and pas- time, comp. by W.Rice. 1905. S. Y 1848.74 SADDLE and song; a collection of verses made at Warrenton, Va. in 1904-05. 1905. 0. Y 1848.77 SHARP, W. , ed. Sonnets of this century. 1886. Q. Y 1848.81 STEDMaN, E.C, ed. Victorian anthology, 1837-95. 1896. 0. Y 1848.84 TREVELYAN, G.M. , ed . English songs of Italian freedom, chosen and arr. by G. M.Trevelyan. 1911. D. Y 1848.87 20th CENTURY An ANNUAL of new poetry. 1907. Y 1849.04 CAMBRIDGE poets, 1900-13. An anthology, chosen by Aelfrida Tillyard. 1913. D, Y 1849.14 CATHOLIC anthology, 1914-15. 1915. Y 1849.15 GEORGIAN poetry, 1911-12. [6th ed.l913] 0. - 1913-15. 1915. 0. Y 1849.33 MONROE, Harriet, ed. The new poetry; an anthology, ed. by Harriet Monroe and Alice C.Henderson. 1917. 0. Y 1849.59 OXFORD poetry, 1910-16+ Oxford, 1913+ . D. Y 1849.64 (30) CaU NO. SCOTTISH POETRY 3B0TSF0RD series of the Scottish poets, ed. by G.Eyre-Todd. 1891-96. 7v. D. Contents: v.l. Early Scottish poetry. - V.2. Mediaeval Scottish poetry. -v. 3. Scottish poetry of the 16th century.- V.4. Scottish ballad poetry,-v.5. Scottish poetry of the 17th century. - v.6-7. Scottish poetry of the 18th cen- tury. Y 189.01 BURNS, R., ed. Caledonian musical museum of the best Scotch songs, ancient and modern. 1811. D. Y 189.134 CHALMERS, G. , ed. Poetic remains of some of the Scotlsh kings. 1824. D. Y 189 161 CHAMBERS, R. , ed. Scottish songs. 1829. 2v. S. Y 189.163 CROMEK, R.H., ed. Select Scottish songs, ancient and modern. 1810. 2v. D. Y 189.19 CUNNINGHAM, A., ed. Ramsay and the earlier poets of Scotland; added. Ancient ballads and songs. Ed., with notes, by A.Cunning- ham and C.Mackay. n.d. Q. Y 189.2 - Songs of Scotland, ancient and modern; with characters of the lyric poets. 1825. 4v. D. Y 189.207 [DALYELL, Sir J.G. bart., ed.] Scotlsh poems of the sixteenth century. 1801. 2v.ln 1. D. Y 189.21 DIXON, W.MacN., ed. The Edinburgh book of Scottish verse, 1300-1900. 1910. D. Y 189.229 DOUGLAS, Sir G.B.S. bart. Scottish poetry, Drummond of Hawthornden to Fergusson; lectures. 1911. D. Y 189.2295 DOUGLAS, R.W., ed. Love songs of Scot- land; jewels of the tender passion, sel. from the writings of Burns, Allan and others. 1901. 0. Y 189.23 EDWARDS, D.H., ed. Modern Scottish poets; with biographical and critical notices; [lst]-16th serlesll 1880-97. 16v. S. Y 189.25. (31 SCOTTISH POETRY Calt No. HERD, D. , ed. Ancient and modern Scottish songs, heroic ballads, etc. 1869. 2v. D. Y 189.39 - Songs from David Herd's manuscripts, ed. by H.Hecht. 1904. 0. Y 189.392 ILLUSTRATED book of Scottish songs from the 16th to the 19th century, n.d. D. Y 189.43 IRVING, D. The lives of the Scotlsh poets, with dissertations on the literary his- tory of Scotland and the early Scotlsh drama. 1804. 2v. 0. Y 189.435 JOHNSON, J. The Scots musical museum; V. 4-6, [1792-1803] 3v. In 1. [ Imperfect ]0 . Y 189.45 [KEDDIE, Henrietta] The songstresses of Scotland; by Sarah Tytler [ i .e .Henrietta Keddle] and J.L.Watson. 1871. 2v. 0. Y 189.458 The KNIGHTLY tale of Golagrus and Gawane , and other poems, 1508. repr.1827. sq.Q. Y 189.46 [LAING, D., ed.] Early metrical tales, In- cluding the history of Sir Egelr, Sir Gryme, and Sir Gray-Stelll. 1826. S. Y 189.469 - Early popular poetry of Scotland and the northern border. 1895. 2v. D. (Library of old authors) Y 189.47 - Early Scottish metrical tales. New ed. 1889. D. Y 189.4691 - Select remains of the ancient popular poetry of Scotland. 1822[repr . 1884] 0. Y 189.471 - Select remains of the ancient, popular and romance poetry of Scotland, re-ed. by J. Small. 1885. Q. Y 189.472 [MAIDMENT, J., ed.] A book of Scotlsh pas- qulls, 1568-1715. 1868. 0. Case Y 189.55 - Scotlsh elegiac verses, 1629-1729. 1842. 0. Y 189.552 METCALFE, W.M., ed. The legends of SS. Nlnlan and Machor; In the Scottish dia- lect of the 14th century. 1904. 0. Y 189.57 PATERSON, J., ed. The poems of the Serapllls of Beltrees. 1849. D. Y 189.66 [PINKERTON, J., ed.] Ancient Scotlsh poems never before In print; from the manuscript collections of Sir R. Malt- land. 1786. 2v. D. Y 189.693 (32) SCOTTISH POETRY Cafl No. AMSAY, A., ed . The ever green; being a collection of Scots poems wrote by the Ingenious before 1600. 1724. 2v. sq.S. Y 189.729 1875. 2v. D. Y 189.73 - The tea-table miscellany; a collection of songs, Scots and English. 1793. 4v.in 1. S. Y 189.731 Rltson, J., ed. Caledonian muse; a chronological selection of Scotish poetry. 1821. D. Y 189.748 - Letters from Joseph Ritson, esq. to Mr. George Paton. 1829. 0. Y 189.7493 - Scotish songs. 1794. 2v. D. Y 189.74 ROGERS, C. The modern Scottish minstrel; or, The songs of Scotland of the past half century. 1855. 6v. D. Y 189.75 SELECT collection of Scots poems chiefly in the broad Buchan dialect. 1789. S. Y 189.8 SELECTIONS from the early Scottish poets, ed. with introduction, notes and glos- sary, by W.H.Browne. 1896. D. Y 189.801 SHANKS, H. , ed. The peasant poets of Scotland. 1881. D. Y 189.81 SIBBALD, J. Chronicle of Scottish poetry, from the 13th century to the union of the crowns. 1802. 4v. 0. Y 189.818 STENHOUSE, W. , ed. Illustrations of the lyric poetry and music of Scotland. 1853. 0. Y 189.845 WATSON, J., ed. Watson's Choice collection of comic and serious Scots poems; the three parts, 1706,1709,1711, in Iv. 1869. 0. Y 189.957 [WEDDERBURN, J.] A compendious book of psalms and spiritual songs, commonly known as "The gude and godlie ballates"; [ed. by John and Robert Wedderburn] repr. from ed. of 1578. 1868. S. Y 189.96 WHISTLE-BINKIE; a collection of songs. 1878. 2v. S. Y 189.965 WILSON, J.G., ed. The poets and poetry of Scotland, 1219^(1876) 1876-77. 4v. 0. Y 189.97 (33) IRISH POETRY Call No. BROOKE, S.A., ed. A treasury of Irish poetry in the English tongue, ed . by S.A.Brooke and T.W.Rol leston. 1900. D. Y 188.12 BROWN, M.J., comp. Historical ballad poetry of Ireland, arr. by M. J.Brown. 1912 . D. Y 188.125 COLUM, P., ed. Broad-sheet ballads; a collection of Irish popular songs. [1913] D. Y 188.18 - Poems of the Irish revolutionary brother- hood, ed. by P.Colum and E.J. O'Brien. New ed. 1916. D. Y 188.183 COOKE, J., ed. The Dublin book of Irish verse, 1728-1909. 1909. D. Y 188.19 CROKER, T.C., ed. Popular songs of Ire- land. 1839. 0. Y 188.198 GRAVES, A. P., ed. The book of Irish poetry [1915] D. (Every Irishman's library) Y 188.36 - Irish literary and musical studies. 1913. D. Y 188.362 GREGORY, P., ed. Modern Anglo-Irish verse; an anthology selected from the works of living Irish poets. [1914] D. Y 188.37 NAGLE, R. , ed. Popular poets and poetry of Ireland. 1887. Q. Y 188.611 The NATION, Dublin. New spirit of the Nation; ballads and songs, ed. by M. McDermott. 2d ed. 1896. S. (New Irish library, v. 3) Y 188.619 O'DONOGHUE, D.J. The poets of Ireland; dictionary of Irish writers of English verse. 1912. 0. Y 188.638 New ed. pt. 1,1901. 0. Y 188.64 [RUSSELL, G.W.J New songs; a lyric selection made by A. E. [ 1 . e .G.W.Russell] 1904. D. Y 188.76 WILLIAMS, A.M. The poets and poetry of Ireland. 1881. D. Y 188.97 YEATS, W.B., ed. Book of Irish verse, selected from modern writers. Rev.ed. 1900. D. Y 188.99 (34) AUSTRALIAN POETRY Can No. SLADEN, D.B.W. , ed . Century of Australian song. Centenary ed. [1888] D. Y 186.82 CANADIAN POETRY CANADIAN singers and their songs; an album of portraits and autograph poems. 1902. ^- Y 187.14 DEWART, E.H., ed. Selections from Canadian poets. 1864. D. Y 187.22 RAND, T.H., ed. Treasury of Canadian verse, with brief biographical notes. 1900. D. Y 187.73 SOUTH AFRICAN POETRY CROUCH, E.H., ed. A treasury of South African poetry and verse. 2d ed. 1909. ROMANCES OF THE MIDDLE AGES Y 1858.2 ARTHURIAN romances unrepresented in Mal- ory's "Morte d 'Arthur," S. Contents: no.l. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. 1903.- no. 2. The story of Tristan and Iseult. 1902. 2v.-no.3. Gulngamore, Lan- val, Tyolet, Blsclaveret. 1904. -no. 4. Morlen. 1901. -no. 5. Sir Cleges, Sir Li- beaus Descouns. 1902. -no. 6. Sir Gawain at the Grail Castle. 1903. -no. 7. Sir Gawain and the Lady of Lys . 1907. Y 16.04 BILLINGS, ANNA H. Guide to the middle English metrical romances. 1901. 0. (Yale studies in English, no. 9) Y 16.09 CURRY, W.C. The Middle English ideal of personal beauty, as found in the metri- cal romances, chronicles, and legends of the XIII, XIV, and XV centuries. 1916. 0. Y 16.2 (35) ROMANCES OP THE MIDDLE AGES Call No. DEUTSCHBEIN, M. Studien zur Sagenge- schlchte Englands; 1 .Thell , 1906. 0. Y 16.22 ELLIS, G. Specimens of early English met- rical romances chiefly of the 14th cen- tury. 1805. 3v. D. Y 16.26 New ed. 1848. D. Y 16.261 GOMME, G.L., ed. Chap-books and folk-lore tracts, ed. by G.L.Gomme and H.B. Wheat- ley, l.ser. [2d copy] 1885. D. Contents: 1. Thomas Hickathrif t . -2. The Seven '"■ Wise Masters of Rome. -3. Mother Bunch's closet. -4. Patient Grlsel.-5. Sir Richard Whittington. Y 16.35 HAACK, 0. Zeugnisse zur altenglischen Heldensage; Inaug.-Disser . [1892] 0. Y 16.376 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS, J.O., ed. Thornton romances; Perceval, Isumbras, Eglamour and Degrevant. 1844. 0. (Camden Society) Y 16.38 HARTSHORNE, C.H., ed. Ancient metrical tales. 1829. D. Y 16.385 HIBBARD, LAURA A. Three Middle English romances; King Horn, Havelok, Beves of Hampton; retold by Laura A.Hlbbard. 1911. sq.T. Y 16.41 MALORY, Sir T. La mort d 'Arthur. The most ancient and famous history of the re- nowned Prince Arthur, and the knights of the Round table. 1816. 3v. nar.T. Y 16.529 - The byrth, lyf , and actes of Kyng Arthur; and, Le morte Darthur, [ed.] by R.South- ey. 1817. 2v. Q. Y 16.53 - La mort d'Arthure. The history of King Arthur, ed. by T. Wright. 2d ed. 1866. 3v. 0. (Library of old authors) Y 16.537 - Morte Darthur; original ed. of Caxton, rev. by Sir E.Strachey, 1876. D. (Globe edition) Y 16.5375 - Le morte darthur; original ed. by W. Cax- ton now repr. and ed. by H.O.Sommer. 1889,1891. 3v. Q. Y 16.538 - King Arthur and the knights of the Round table, ed. by C.Morris. 1892. 3v. S. Y 16.539 (36) ROMANCES OF THE MIDDLE AGES an No* MALORY, Sir T. La mort d' Arthur; the old prose stories whence the "Idylls of the King" have been taken by A.Tennyson, ed, by B.M. Ranking, n.d. S. Y 16.55 - Schiller, M. Sir Thomas Malorys "Le morte d 'Arthur" und die engllsche Arthurdich- tung des XIX. Jahrhunderts . Inaug.- Disser. 1900. 0. Y 16.56 RETZLAFF, 0. Untersuchungen liber den nordengllschen Legendencyclus ; Inaug.- Dlsser. 1888. 0. . Y 16.735 RICKERT, EDITH. Early English romances in verse; done into modern English by E. Rickert. (The new medieval library, v. 8) Contents: 1. Romances of love. 1908.- 2. Romances of friendship. 1908. Y 16.737 RITSON, J., ed. Ancient English metrical romances, rev. by E.Goldsmid. 1884-86. 3v. Q. Y 16.74 ROBSON, J., ed. Three early English met- rical romances. 1842. 0. (Camden Socie- ty) Y 16.752 SERVICE, J., ed. Metrical legends of Northumberland. 1834. D. Y 16.81 SOCHTIG, 0. Zur Technik altenglischer Spielmannsepen. Dissertation. [1903] 0. Y 16.83 THOMS, W.J., ed. A collection of early prose romances. 1828. 3v. D. Y 16.87 - Early English prose romances, with bib- liographical and historical introduc- tions. 2d ed. 1858. 3v. 0. Y 16.873 - Early English prose romances, with the text of W.J.Thoms; ornamented by H. Nelson. 1904. 3v. sq.F. Contents: 1. Robert the deuyll.-2. Robin Hood. -3. Fryer Bacon. Y 16.874 TORRENT of Portugal; an English metrical romance, ed. by J.O. Halliwell-Phillips . 1842. 0. Y 16.88 WEBER, H.W., ed. Metrical romances of the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries. 1810. 3v. D. Y 16.96 (37) Y 17.052 POPULAR BALLADS AND SONGS Call No. ADAM BELL, Cllm of the Clough, and William of Cloudesle [balladl 1648. sq.D. Case Y 17.009 [ADAM BELL, Clym of the Clough, and William of Cloudeslyj An ancient ballad, by E.F. Ware. 1898. 0. Y 17.01 ALLINGHAM, W. , ed. The ballad book. 1907. S. (Golden treasury series[ no. 14]) Y 17.02 ASHTON, J., ed. Century of ballads. 1887 Q. - Modern street ballads. 1888. D. Y 17.056 AYTOUN, W.E., ed. The ballads of Scotland. 1858. 2v. S. Y 17.058 BALLAD minstrelsy of Scotland. 1871. D. Y 17.07 [BALLADS and songs, sung and printed in the latter part of the 18th and commencement of the 19th centuries] 539 broadsides, mounted in scrapbook. F. - Index in ms. Y 17.072 The BALLAD Society. Publications. 0. Contents: [v. 1-2] Ballads from manu- scripts. 1868-73. 2v.-[v.3-ll] The Rox- burghe ballads. 1871-[99] 9v.-[v.l2] Captain Cox, his ballads and books. 1871. -[v. 13] Love-poems and humourous ones. 1874. -[v. 14-15] The Bagford bal- lads. 1876-78. 2v. Y 17.071 BELL, R. , ed. Early ballads; also ballads and songs of the peasantry of England. 1885. D. (Bohn's standard library) Y 17.08 CHAMBERS, R. , ed. Scottish ballads. 1829. nar.S. Y 17.167 CHILD, F.J., ed. English and Scottish ballads. 1860. 8v. D. Y 17.161 [C1885-86] 8v.in 4. D. Y 17.162 - The English and Scottish popular ballads. [1883-98] 5v. P. Y 17.163 - English and Scottish popular ballads, ed. by Helen C.Sargent and G.L. Ki ttredge . [pref.19041 0. (Cambridge ed. of the poets) Y 17.17 COLLECTION of old ballads. 1723-25. 3v . S . Y 17.186 [Pearson's reprint , 1871] 3v. 0. Y 17.1861 (38) POPULAR BALLADS AND SONGS Call No* COLLECTION of seventy-nine black-letter ballads and broadsides printed 1559-97. Preface by Joseph Lilly. 1867. 0. Y 17.1869 COLLECTION of seventy-nine black-letter ballads and broadsides, 1559-97. 2d issue. Preface by Joseph Lilly. 1870. 0. Y 17.187 COLLIER, J. P., ed. Broadside black-letter ballads, printed in the 16th and 17th ^ centuries. 1868. sq.D. Y 17.19 - Twenty-five old ballads and songs. 1869. in Y 17.19 - A few odds and ends for cheerful friends. 1870. sq.D. in Y 17.19 [CRAWHALL, J., ed.] Olde tayles newlye relayted. [1883] Q. Y 17.197 CROMEK, R.H. Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway song. 1810. D. Y 17.2 ELLIOT, W.F. Further essays on border ballads, by F.Elliot. 1910. 0. Y 17.258 - The trustworthiness of border ballads. 1906, by F. Elliot. sq.Q. Y 17.26 EVANS, T., ed. Old ballads historical and narrative, collected from rare copies and mss. New ed., rev. by R.H.Evans. 1810. 4v. D. Y 17.27 FARMER, J.S., ed. National ballad and song; merry songs and ballads prior to the year 1800. 1897. 5v. sq.O. Case Y 17.28 FINLAY, J., ed. Scottish historical and romantic ballads. 1808. 2v. D. . Y 17.29 FORD, R., ed. Vagabond songs and ballads of Scotland, with many old and familiar melodies, ed. with notes by R.Ford. 1899. sq.O. Y 17.31 GILCHRIST, J., ed. Collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, tales and songs. 1815. 2v. nar.D. Y 17.33 GUMMERE, F.B., ed. Old English ballads. [cl894] D. (Athenaeum press series) Y 17.37 GUTCH, J.M., ed. Lytell geste of Robin Hode. 1847. 2v. D. Y 17.389 HARLAND, J. Ballads and songs of Lanca- shire, chiefly older than the 19th cen- tury, comp.and ed.by J.Harland. 1865 . D. Y 17.3891 (39) HARLAND, J., ed Lancaslre lyrics , modern songs and ba: Llads of the county pala- tine. 1866 .S , HAYES, E , ed Ballads of Ireland. POPULAR BALLADS AND SONGS Can No. Y 17.38 (pref.1855) 2v.ln 1. D. Y 17.39 INGLEDEW, C.J.D. The ballads and songs of Yorkshire. 1860. S. Y 17.43 [JACKSON, J.E.] Christmas carols. [Manu- script carols, letters and papers on carols, collected by him] 1877. sq.F. MS Y 17.45 JAMIESON, R. , ed. Popular ballads and songs, from traditions, manuscripts and scarce editions. 1806. 2v. 0. Y 17.457 JEWITT, L.F.W., ed. Ballads and songs of Derbyshire. 1867. D. Y 17.452 JOHNSON, R.B., ed. Popular British bal- lads, ancient and modern. 1894. 4v. D. Y 17.459 KING, R.J., ed. Selections from the early ballad poetry of England and Scotland. 1842. S. Y 17.465 KINLOCH, G.R. Ancient Scottish ballads. 1827. 0. Y 17.461 KlJHNER, F. Lltterarlsche Charakterlstlk der Roxburghe- und Bagf ord-Balladen. Inaug.-Dlsser. 1895.0. Y 17.468 [LAING, A.] Scarce ancient ballads . 1822 . S. Y 17.475 - The thistle of Scotland. 1873. In Y 17.475 -- A curious collection of Scottish poems. 1821. Anonymous, bound with above. In Y 17.475 M'DOWALL, W. Among the old Scotch min- strels. 1888. D. Y 17.53 MACKAY, C, ed. Legendary and romantic ballads of Scotland. 1861. S. Y 17.55 MAIDMENT, J., ed. A new book of old bal- lads. 1891. S. Y 17.551 MOORE, J.S., ed. The pictorial book of ancient ballad poetry of Great Britain. New ed. 1853. 0. Y 17.59 PARRY, J.D. Legendary cabinet; a collec- tion of British national ballads, ancient and modern. 1829. D. Y 17.665 [PATERSON, J., ed.] Ballads and songs of Ayrshire. 1847. 2v.ln 1. 0. Y 17.668 (40) POPULAR BALLADS AND SONGS Gtll No- PERCY, T., ed. Reliques of ancient Eng- lish poetry. 5th ed. 1812. 3v. D. Y 17.676 - Bishop Percy's folio manuscript. 1867-68. 4v. 0. Contents: v. 1-3. Ballads and ro- mances . -v. 4 . Loose and humorous songs. Y 17.677 - Reliques of ancient English poetry, ed. by C.C.Clarke. [1869] 3v. 6. Y 17.678 - Reliques of ancient English poetry, ed. by J.V.Prichard. 1883-89. 2v. D. [Bohn's standard library] Y 17.679 - Reliques of ancient English poetry, ed. by H.B.Wheatley. 1886. 3v. 0. Y 17.6792 [PINKERTON, J., ed.] Scottish tragic bal- lads. 1781-83. 2v. S. (Select Scotlsh ballads, v. 2) Y 17.7 QUILLER-COUCH, Sir A.T., ed . The Oxford book of ballads, chosen and ed. by A. Quiller-Couch. 1910. D. Y 17.72 [RITSON,J., ed.] Robin Hood; a collection of ancient poems, songs and ballads, re- lative to that celebrated English out- law. 1795. 2v. D. Y 17.742 1820. S. Y 17.743 1884. D. Y 17.744 ROBINSON, C. Clement Robinson and divers others. A handful of pleasant delights, 1584, ed. by E.Arber. 1878. D. (The Eng- lish scholar's library of old and modern works, no. 3) Y 17.75 ROXBURGHE ballads, ed. by C.Hindley. 1873. 2v. 0. Y 17.76 [SCOTT, Sir W. ] Minstrelsy of the Scot- tish border. 3d ed. 1806. 3v. 0. Y 17.8 - Sir Walter Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish border, ed. by T.F.Henderson. 1902. 4v. 0. Y 17.801 SHARPE, O.K. A ballad book, ed . by D. Laing. 1880. D. Y 17.8108 - Ballad book, ed by E.Goldsmld. 1883. 2v.in 1. S. (Blbllotheca curiosa, v. 27) Y 17.811 The SHIRBURN ballads, 1585-1616, ed. from the manuscript by A.Clark. 1907. 0. Y 17.814 (41) POPULAR BALLADS AND SONGS Call No. SIDGWICK, F., ed. Popular ballads of the olden time. 1903-06. D. Contents: 1st ser. Romance and chivalry. -2d ser. Mys- tery and miracle and fyttes of mirth. - 3d ser. Scottish. Y 17.816 SKELTON, J. A ballade of the Scottysshe kynge ; reproduced in facsimile with in- troduction by J.Ashton. 1882. sq.O. "The earliest known printed English ballad". Y 17.818 SONGS and carols. (Binder's title for four volumes printed by W.Pickering) 1836. 4v.in 1. sq.T. Y 17.82 [STEVENSON, T.G., ed . ] Four books of choice old Scotish ballads, 1823-44. 1868. 0. Y 17.84 The TURNAMENT of Totenham and The feest; two early ballads, [ed. by T.Wright] 1836. T. Case Y 17.9 [WATSON, Mrs. ROSAMUND M. ] ed. Ballads of the North countrie, ed. by G.R.Tomson [pseud. ] 1888. D. Y 17.96 WHITELAW, A., corap. Book of Scottish ballads; with historical and critical notices. 1845. T. Y 17.978 HISTORY AND CRITICISM CHAMBERS, R. Edinburgh papers; the roman- tic Scottish ballads, their epoch and authorship. 1859. 0. Y 171.16 FEHR, B. Die formelhaften Elemente in den alten englischen Balladen; l.Teil, Wort-' • formeln. 1900. D. Y 171.28 GUNNYON, W. Illustrations of Scottish his- tory, life and superstition from song and ballad. 1877. D. Y 171.37 HUNTER, J. The great hero of the ancient minstrelsy of England, Robin Hood. 1883. D. Y 171.42 (42) BOHEMIAN LIFE Call No. RICE, W. The little book of Bohemia, comp. and ed. by Wallace and Frances Rice. [cl910] D. (The little book series) Y 172.73 SMOKING AND TOBACCQ (Poetry & Songs) HUTCHISON, W.G., ed. Lyra nlcotlana; poems and verses concerning tobacco. [1898] T. (The Canterbury poets) Y 178.42 KNIGHT, J. Pipe and pouch; the smoker's own book of poetry. [cl894] D. Y 178.46 POLITICAL BALLADS AND SONGS MACKAY, C, ed. Jacobite songs and bal- lads of Scotland, 1688-1746. 1861. D. Y 179.535 POEMS on affairs of state from the time of Oliver Cromwell (to 1707). 1703-07. 4v. 0. Y 179.701 WILKINS, W.W., ed. Political ballads of the 17th and 18th centuries, 2v. D, Y 179.977 WRIGHT, T., ed. Political poems and songs. Edward III. to Richard III. 1859-61. 2v. Q. (Rolls series) Y 179.98 - Political songs of England, from the reign of John to Edward II. 1839. 0. Y 179.987 - The political songs of England, from the reign of John to that of Edward II, ed. and tr. by T.Wright, rev. by E.Goldsmld, 1884. v. 1-3. [2d copy] (Blbllotheca curlosa, v. 25) 0. Y 179.988 REBELLION The RUMP; or. An exact collection of the choycest poems and songs relating to the late times, 1639-61. 1662. S. 2pts.ln Iv. Case *Y 1795.76 [repr.l874J 2v. nar.D. Y 1795.761 (43) REBELLION Call No. [STANLEY, T.] Psalterlum Carollnum. The devotions of His Sacred Majestie [Charles I] In his solitudes and suffer- ings, rendred in verse. 1657. F. Case Y 1795.84 RESTORATION PERIOD MACKAY, C. , ed. Cavalier songs and bal- lads of England, 1642-84. 1863. S. Y 1796.54 [THOMPSON, N.] ed. A collection of 86 loyal poems. 1685. S. Y 1796,87 18th CENTURY [DUDLEY, Sir H.B., bart.] Passages se- lected by distinguished personages, on the great literary trial of Vortigern and Rowena; a comi-tragedy , [etc.] [1795-98] 3v.in 1. [v.l: 6th ed. v. 2: 4th ed. v. 3: 2d ed. ] [PELAGIUS, PORCUPINUS] pseud. Remarkable satires... The triumvirade, The porcupin- ade, The processlonade , The *piscopade, The scandallzade. The pasquinade . 1760 .D. Y 17962.7 Y 17962.24 GEORGIAN (1714-1760) PERCIVAL, M. , ed. Political ballads illus- trating the administration of Sir R. Walpole. 1916. 0. (Oxford historical and literary studies, v. 8) Y 17963.68 JACOBITE (1715 and 1745) GROSART, A.B., ed. The Towneley mss. Eng- lish Jacobite ballads, songs & satires. 1877. 0. Y 17965.37 (44) 19th CENTURY Call No. The ANTI-JACOBIN. Poetry of the Antl- Jacobin. 4th ed. 1801. sq.Q. Y 1797.034 - Poetry of the Antl-Jacobln, with notes by C.Edmonds. 2d ed. 1854. S. Y 1797.035 3d ed. 1890. D. Y 1797*.036 COOPER, T. The purgatory of> suicides. 1845. S. [2d copy] Y 1797.2 [CORNELIUS CUFFEY, the Chartist. Humourous poem with nine coloured prints. No t.p.] Y 1797.21 JONES, E.C. Chartist songs and fugitive pieces, n.d. D. Y 1797.45 POEMS on the abolition of the slave trade, by J.Montgomery, J.Grahame, and E. Benger. 1809. F. . Y 1797.7 TORY table talk; or, Mr .Brougham' s ghost. 1831. 0. Y 1797.88 EUROPEAN WAR POETRY CLARKE, G.H., ed. A treasury of war poetry, British and American poems of the world war, 1914-17, 1917. F 1026.17 RELIGIOUS POETRY BATEMAN, H. Fret not, and other poems. Including hymns with music. 1869. D. C 692.07 BEECHING, H.C., comp. Lyra sacra; a book of religious verse. 1895. D. C 692.08 [BENLOWES, E.] Sphinx theologlca; slve, Muslca templl, ubl dlscordla concors. Liber I [all pub.?] Cantabrigian [1636] T. Case C 692.088 BERNARD de Morlalx. The rhythm on the celestial country, tr. by J.M.Neale. 1867. D. C 692.092 BONAR, H. The song of the new creation, and other pieces. London. 1872. S. C 692.11 New York. 1872. S. C 692.1101 (45) RELIGIOUS POETRY Call No. BOWRING, Sir J. Matins and vespers; with hymns and occasional devotional pieces. 1823. D. C 692.1128 - - 1st Amer. ed. from the 2d London ed . 1827. D. C 692.113 BRETON, N. Longing of a blessed heart. 1814. F. C 692.12 BULLEN, A.H., ed. Christmas garland; carols and poems from the 15th century to the present time. 1885. Q. C 692.128 BUNYAN, J. A hook for hoys and girls; or, Country rhymes for children, a facsimile of the ed. pub. In 1686. 1890. S. C 692.129 - Divine emblems. [Repr. of ed.of 1767] n.d.S. C 692.13 CASHMORE, ADELINE. The mount of vision; a book of English mystic verse, sel. and arr. by A.Cashmore. [1910] D. C 692.154 CATTERMOLE, R. , ed. Sacred poetry of the seventeenth century. 1835-36. 2v. D. (Sacred classics, v. 21, 26) C 692.155 CLARK, F.H. On "Religious education In our schools" and the Christian teaching of music; a plea to Leo XIII. 1897. Obl.T. C 692.17 COLLINS, REBECCA. Treasured gems; selec- tions In prose and verse, n.d. D. C 692.186 CUNDALL, J., ed. Booke of Christmas carols, sel. and arr. by J.Cundall. 1846. D. C 692.2 DOANE, G.W. Songs by the way, chiefly de- votional. 1824. D. C 692.23 DYCKMAN, A.S. The light of life. 1891.' D. C 692.25 [ELLIOTT, CHARLOTTE] Hours of sorrow; or, Thoughts In verse. 2d ed. 1840. T. C 692.262 ERSKINE, R. Gospel sonnets; or. Spiritual songs. 2d Amer. ed. 1798. D. C 692.27 Edinburgh. 1812. S. C 692.271 London. 1844. S. C 692.272 EVANS, W. The Christian: his creed and conduct. [cl911] D. C 692.276 FARNINGHAM, MARIANNE, [pseud.] Lays and lyrics of the blessed life. 9th ed. 1872. D. C 692.278 (46) RELIGIOUS POETRY PARR, E., ed. Select poetry of the reign Caii No, of Queen Elizabeth. 1845. (Parker So- ciety) 2v. 0. C 692.28 FOSBERY, T.V., ed. Hymns and poems for the sick and suffering. 1870. S. C 692.3 FULLER, T. Davids hainovs sinne; Hear tie repentance; Heavie punishment. 1869. D. C 692.31 GAYTON, E. The religion of a physician; or, Divine meditations. 1663. D.*^ C 692.33 GOLDEN thoughts from golden fountains. [1867] 0. C 692.35 GOSPEL sonnets, or poems, by A layman. 1830. T. C 692.365 The GUDE and godlie ballates. A compendious book of psalms and spiritual songs, [ed. by D.Laing] 1868. S. [Reproof ed.of 1578] C 692.37 .HARRISON, SUSANNAH] Songs in the night. 1819. T. C 692.38 HAVERGAL, F.R. "Under his shadow"; the last poems of F. R. Havergal . [cl879] T. C 692.39 HILL, R. Old English carols from the Hill manuscript, tr. by J.L.Weston. 1911. D. C 692.394 [HOBART, LUCY P.] comp. At the beautiful gate, and other religious poems . 1880 . S . C 692.398 HORDER, W.C, ed. Treasury of American sacred song. 1896. D. C 692.41 HOSMER, F.L. The thought of God in hymns and poems, by F.L.Hosmer and W.C.Gannett, 1885. S. C 692.419 HUSK, W.H., ed. Songs of the nativity; being Christmas carols, ancient and modern, n.d. 0. C 692.427 HUYGEN, P. De beginselen van Gods konink- ryk in den mensch, door Pieter en Jan Huygen. 1738. D. C 692.43 [ KEMPENFELT , R.] Original hymns and poems; by Philotheorus [pseud.] 1777. D. C 692.462 KING, HARRIET E. Ugo Bassi's sermon in the hospital. 1887. C 692.465 LAYS of the Holy Land, from ancient and mod- ern poets. 2d ed. 1871. 0. C 692.49 (47) RELIGIOUS POETRY CaH No. LEFFINGWELL, C.W., ed . Lyrics of the liv- ing church. 1891. D. C 692.497 LEONARD, H.G., ed . Sacred songs of the world. 1899. D. C 692.5 (LEWIS, E.) Night watches; or. The peace of the cross. 1858. D. C 692.503 LYRA apostolica; [poems by J.W.Bowden, R.H.Froude, J.Keble. J.H.Newman, R.I. Wllberforce, and I.Williams] 1836. S. C 692.52 MACDONALD, G. A book of strife in the form of the diary of an old soul. New ed. 1889. nar.D. C 692.529 - England's antiphon. [1868] D. (Sunday library for household reading) C 692.53 MARSDEN, J. Leisure hours; or, Poems, moral, religious & descriptive . 1812 . D. C 692.553 MILES, A.H., ed. The sacred poets of the nineteenth century, n.d. S. C 692.57 MINSTRELSY in solitude, including a poeti- cal version of the first fifty psalms of David. 1861. sq.Q. C 692.58 MONTGOMERY, R. Christian life; a manual of sacred verse. 4th ed. 1851. T. C 692.59 (MUNNS, N.) Horneck's Fire of the altar versified. 1735. S. C 692.6 - The great example. 1735. in C 692.6 - Preparatory service. 1735. in C 692.6 NEWMAN, J.H. Echoes from the oratory. [1864] S. C 692.618 NEWTON, W.W. Told among the hills. Easter ed. (C1892) 0. C 692.62 OSBORNE, R.B. Poems of living truth. 1899. D. C 692.648 PALGRAVE, F.T.,ed. The treasury of sacred song. 1892. S. C 692.65 [PAPPAFAVA, G., ed.] Perfezione religiosa canti 9 per la solenne vestizione delle nobill signore contessa Orsula e Cecilia sorelle Santoninl. Padova, 1763. pi. F. C 692.66 PATRICK, S., bp. of Ely. Poems upon divine and moral subjects, by Dr. Patrick and other eminent hands. 1719. D. C 692.67 (48) RELIGIOUS POETRY Call No. PIERPONT, J. Airs of Palestine. 3d ed. 1817. S. C 692.69 RAMILLETE de flores que a Maria Inmaculada ofrece un devoto. 1904. 0. C 692.73 RELLY, J. Christian hymns, poems, and spiritual songs; book the first, 1791. S. C 692.74 RIDER, Q.T. Lyra Americana; or, Verses of praise and faith from American poets. 1865. S. C 692.745 ROGERS, C. The sacred minstrel. 2d ed. I860. S. C 692.75 SCHNAASE, E. Christliche Morgen- und Abend- feier in taglichen Gebeten. 1840. D. C 692.79 SCUDDER, Eli a. Hymns and sonnets. 1880. T. C 692.8 SEIBERT, J. Morning star; an epic poem. 1882. D. C 692.805 [STEELE, ANNEl Poems on subjects chiefly devotional, by Theodosia [pseud.] 1760. 2v. S. C 692.84 STREAMER, V., (ed.) Voices of doubt and trust. 1897. S. C 692.85 STRYKER, M.W. Song of Miriam and other hymns and verses translated and origi- nal. 1888. D. C 692.853 WATTS, I. Horae lyrlcae. 1706. 0. C 692.96 - Horae lyricae; poems. 1834. D. (Sacred classics, V.9) C 692.962 - Poems of the lyric kind. 10th ed.l762. S. C 692.961 WELLES, A. Life of Jesus, the Messiah; a sacred poem. 1874. 0. C 692.965 WESLEY, J. The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley, [ed.] by G.Osborn. 1868-72. 13v. D. C 692.967 [WHITMARSH, CAROLINE S.] Hymns of the ages, by Caroline S.Whitmarsh and Mrs. A. E. Guild. 1st (-3d) series. 1877. 3v.D. C 692.97 WIGGLESWORTH, M. Day of doom. 1828. T. C 692,973 - Day of doom; a poetical description of the great and last judgment; from the 6th ed., 1715. 1867. D. C 692.976 - The day of doom; abridged. Added, Vanity of vanities, &c . 1777. D. Case C 692.9725 (49) RELIGIOUS POETRY WILLMOTT, R.A., ed. English sacred poetry of the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th cent- uries. New ed. 1877. 0. WOODFORD, S. A paraphrase upon the Canti- cles and some select hymns. 1679. D. CaU No. C 692.978 C 692.98 50) INDEX Call No. Page Abbey, C.J. Religious thought in Old English verse Y 18.01 1 Abbotsford series of the Scottish poets . . .Y 189.01 31 Abrahall, Mrs . H.C.Hoskyns , ed. Eng- lish minstrelsy Y 184.01 8 Adam Bell, Cllm of the Clough, and William of Cloudesle. 1648 Case Y 17.009 38 - 1898 Y 17.01 38 Aiken, J. Essays on song writing... Y 184.023 8 - Vocal poetry Y 184.084 8 Albion series of Anglo-Saxon and Middle English poetry Y 1842.03 20 Alllngham, W. , ed. The ballad book...Y 17.02 38 Allott, R. English Parnassus Y 1845.03 23 Anderson, R. , ed. Complete edition of the poets of Great Britain Y 184.035 8 Anderson, V.E.J. Om hjemf0lelsens indsats 1 det 18. aarhundredes engelske poesi Y 1817.04 6 Andrews, W. North country poets... Y 184.0356 8 Annual anthology Y 184.037 8 Annual of new poetry Y 1849.04 30 Anti-Jacobin. Poetry of the Anti- Jacobin. 1801 Y 1797.034 45 2d ed. 1854 Y 1797.035 45 3d ed. 1890 Y 1797.036 45 Arber, E. , ed. English reprints ... .Y 1844. 04 22 Archer, W. Poets of the younger generation Y 1848.04 30 Armiger, C, ed. The sportsman's vocal cabinet Clarke Y 184.04 8 Arthurian romances unrepresented in Malory's "Morte d'Arthur." Y 16.04 35 (51) INDEX Call No. Page Ashmole, E., ed. Theatrvm chemlcvm Brltannlcum Y 184.05 8 Ashton, J., ed. Century of ballads... Y 17.052 38 - Modern street ballads Y 17.056 38 Asylum for fugitive pieces Y 184.611 15 Austin, W.S. The lives of the poets- laureate Y 183.057 6 Aytoun, W.E., ed. The ballads of Scotland Y 17.058 38 Bailey, J. Poets and poetry Y 181.06 1 Ballad minstrelsy of Scotland Y 17.07 38 Ballad Society. Publications Y 17.071 38 Ballads and songs Y 17.072 38 Bateman, H. Fret not and other poems. C 692.07 45 Beeching, H.C., comp. Lyra sacra C 692,08 45 - A paradise of English poetry Y 184.08 8 Behn, Mrs. Aphra, ed. Miscellany Y 184.083 8 Belfast, F.R.C., earl of. Poets and poetry of the 19th century Y 181.166 1 Bell, J., ed. Bell's edition; the poets of Great Britain Y 184.086 8 - Classical arrangement of fugitive poetry Y 184.087 8 Bell, R. , ed. Art and song Y 184.0873 8 - Early ballads Y 17.08 38 - Lives of English poets Y 183.08 6 - Poems of Greene, Marlowe and Jon- son Y 184.0875 8 - Songs from the dramatists Y 184.0878 8 Bellamy, T.L., ed. Lyric poetry Y 184.089 9 Benlowes, E. Sphinx theologica. Case C 692.088 45 Bentley's miscellany. The Bentley ballads. 1858 Y 184.092 9 3d ed. 1876 Y 184.093 9 Bernard de Morlalx. The rhythm on the celestial country Y 692.092 45 Billings, Anna H. Guide to the middle English metrical romances Y 16.09 35 Bode, W. Die Kenningar in der angel- sachsischen Dichtung Y 1812.1 .5 (52) INDEX Cafl No. Page Boddeker, K. , ed . Altenglische Dlch- tungen des Ms.Harl.2853 Y 1843.1 21 Bonar, H. The song of the new crea- tion, and other pieces. London. 1872. C 692.11 45 " - New York. 1872 C 692.1101 45 Book of English songs Y 184.105 9 Bowring, Sir J. Matins and vespers. 1823 C 692.1128 46 - - 1st Amer. ed. 1827 C 692.113 46 Bradshaw, J. ,ed. An English anthology. Y 184.107 9 Braithwaite, W.S., ed. The book of Elizabethan verse. (Restoration verse. Georgian verse) Y 184.108 9 Breton, N. Longing of a blessed heart. C 692.12 46 British album Y 1847.12 27 British anthologies Y 184.11 9 British minstrel Y 184. 12 9 British poetical miscellany Y 1847.125 27 British poets. Chiswick. 1822 Y 184.121 9 - Boston. 1865-1866 .Y 184.1215 9 Bronson, W.C. English poems Y 184. 122 9 Brooke, S.A. Studies in poetry Y 181.167 1 - A study of Clough, Arnold, Rossetti and Morris Y 181.168 1 - A treasury of Irish poetry in the English tongue Y 188.12 34 Brown, C. A register of Middle English religious & didactic verse, pt.l. 1916 Y 1813.12 5 Brown, M.J., comp. Historical ballad poetry of Ireland Y 188.125 34 Brydges, Sir S.E., ed. Excerpta Tu- doriana Y 1845.124 23 Buck's bottle companion Y 184.123 9 Bullen,A.H. ,ed. Antlent drolleries. Y 1845.1245 23 - Christmas garland C 692 .128 46 - Lyrics from the dramatists of the Elizabethan age Y 1845.125 23 - Lyrics from the song-books of the Elizabethan age Y 1845.126 23 (53) INDEX CaO No. Page BULLEN, A.H., ed. More lyrics from the song-books of the Elizabethan age Y 1845.1265 23 - Musa proterva Y 1846.12 25 - Poems chiefly lyrical, Elizabethan age Y 1845.128 23 - Speculum amantls; love-poems ... .Y 1845.1284 23 Bull-finch; a collection of English songs Y 184.125 9 Bunyan, J. A book for boys and girls C 692.129 46 - Divine emblems C 692 .13 46 Burns, R. , ed. Caledonian musical museum of the best Scotch songs... Y 189.134 31 Caine, R.H. , ed. Love songs of Eng- lish poets Y 184.13. . 9 Cambridge, Eng. University. Cambridge prize poems. 1750-1806 Y 184.14 9 - Prize poems, 1813-1827 Y 184.14 9 1813-1827. [another copy] Y 1848.14 30 Cambridge poets, 1900-1913....' Y 1849.14 30 Campbell, T., ed. Specimens of the British poets Y 184.144 10 Canadian singers and their songs Y 187.14 35 Capell, E., ed. Prolusions Y 184.145 10 Carey, D. The reign of fancy.... in Y 184,649 16 Carpenter. F.I. An outline guide to the study of English lyric poetry Y 181.169 1 - Review of W. J.Courthope ' s A his- tory of English poetry Y 181.197 1 - English lyric poetry, 1500-1700. . .Y 184.146 10 Carrlngton, F.R., ed. The Kings' lyrics Y 1845.15 23 - The Queen's garland ...Y 1845.155 23 - The shepherd's pipe Y 1845.157 23 Cary, H.F. Lives of English poets... Y 183.15 6 Case,R.H., ed. English epithalamles.Y 184.155 10 Cashmore, Adeline. The mount of vision Y 692.154 46 Catholic anthology, 1914-1915 Y 1849.15 30 (54) \ INDEX Cafl No. Page Cattermole, R., ed. Sacred poetry of the seventeenth century C 692.155 46 Certain elegies , satyrs and epigrams. Y 1845.16 23 Chalmers, A., ed. Works of the Eng- lish poets Y 184.157 10 Chalmers, G., ed. Poetic remains of some of the Scotlsh kings Y 189.161 31 Chambers, E.K., ed. Early English lyrics Y 1844.15 22 - English pastorals Y 184.158 10 Chambers, R. Edinburgh papers Y 171.16 42 - Scottish ballads Y 17.167 38 - Scottish songs .Y 189.163 31 Chapman, Mrs.M.W., ed. Songs of the free Y 184.16 10 Cheney, J.V., comp. The Caxton Club scrap-book Y 184. 165 10 Child, F.J., ed. English and Scottish ballads. 1860 Y 17.161 38 [c 1885-1886] Y 17.162 38 - The English and Scottish popular ballads. 1883-1898 Y 17.163 38 - English and Scottish popular bal- lads. 1904 Y 17. 17 38 Choyce drollery Case Y 1846.16 25 Clbber, T. The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland Y 183.17 6 Clarke, C.C, ed. Poetical works of Joseph Addison, Gay's fables and Somervllle's chase Y 184.171 10 - Poetical works of Armstrong, Dyer and Green Y 184.172 10 - Poetical works of Beattle, Blair and Falconer Y 184.173 10 - Poetical works of Goldsmith, Col- lins and Warton Y 184.174 .10 - Poetical works of Johnson, Parnell, Gray and Smollett Y 184.175 10 - Specimens with memoirs of the less-known British poets Y 184.176 10 (55) INDEX Call No. Page Clark, F.H. On "Religious education in our schools" C 692.17 46 Clarke, Q.H., ed. A treasury of war poetry Y 1026.17 45 Clarke, Helen A. Ancient myths in modern poets Y 181. 17 1 Clifford, A., ed. Tlxall poetry Y 184.177 11 Coates. H.T. The fireside encyclo- pgedia of poetry Y 184.178 11 Collection of 18th century poetry, 1774-1787 Y 1847.18 27 Collection of 18th century poetry, 1753-1777 Y 1847.181. .27-28 Collection of old ballads, 1723-25... Y 17.186 38 - Pearson's reprint Y 17.1861 38 Collection of poems, 1701 Y 1846.18 25 Collection of poems, 1701-02 Y 1846.182 25 Collection of poems on several oc- casions, 1747 Y 1846.184 26 Collection of serious, humorous and affectionate poems MS Y 184.18 11 Collection of seventy-nine black- letter ballads and broadsides. - .1559-1597. 1867 Y 17.1869 39 - 2d issue. 1870 Y 17.187 39 Collection of the best English poetry Y 184.179 11 Collier, J. P. Poetical decameron. . . Y 181.186 1 - Broadside black-letter ballads Y 17.19 39 - Twenty-five old ballads and songs in Y 17.19 39 - A few odds and ends in Y 17.19 39 Collins, J.C. Greek influence on English poetry Y 181.189 1 - A treasury of minor British poetry. Y 184.18 11 Collins, Rebecca. Treasured gems...C 692.186 46 Colman, G. , comp. Poems by eminent ladies. 1755 Y 1847. 189 28 1780 Y 1847.19 28 Colum, P., ed. Broad-sheet ballads.. Y 188.18 34 (56) INDEX Call No. Page Colum, P., ed. Poems of the Irish revolutionary brotherhood Y 188.183 34 Conybeare, J.J. Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon poetry Y 1842.19 20 Cook, A.S., ed. Select translations from Old English poetry Y 1842.2 21 Cooke, G.W. Poets and problems Y 181.193 1 Cooke, J., ed. The Dublin book of Irish verse Y 188.19 34 Cooper, E., ed. The muses library. .Y 184.185 11 Cooper, T. The purgatory of suicides. Y 1797.2 45 Copp^e, H., ed. Gallery of distin- guished English and American female poets Y 184.19 11 Cornelius Cuffey, the Chartist. Humourous poem Y 1797.21 45 Couch, A.T.Q. The golden pomp Y 1845.18 23 - Oxford book of English verse Y 184.197 11 Courthope, W.J. A history of Eng- lish poetry Y 181.196 1 Cox, F.A., ed. English madrigals .. .Y 1845 . 19 23 Crawfurd, 0., ed . Lyrical verse.... Y 184.198 11 Crawhall, J., ed. Olde tayles new- lye relayted Y 17.197 39 Croker, T.C., ed. Popular songs of Ireland Y 188.198 34 Cromek, R.H. Remains of Nlthsdale and Galloway song Y 17.2 39 - Select Scottish songs Y 189.19 31 Crouch, E.H. , ed. A treasury of South African poetry Y 1858.2 35 Crowe, Martha F. , ed. Elizabethan sonnet-cycles Y 1845.202 23 Cundall, J., ed. Booke of Christmas carols C 692.2 46 Cunningham, A., ed. Ramsay and the earlier poets of Scotland Y 189.2 31 - Songs of Scotland Y 189.207 31 Cupid Y 184.203 11 Curry, W.C. The Middle English ideal of personal beauty.. Y 16.2 35 (57) INDEX Call No. Page Cyclopedia of popular songs Y 184.21 11 Dalyell, Sir J.G. bart., ed. Scotlsh poems of the sixteenth century Y 189.21 31 Dana, C.A. , ed. The household book of poetry Y 184.22 11 Davison, F. Poetical rhapsody Y 1845.21 24 Deering, W. The Anglo-Saxon poets on the Judgment Day Y 1812 .22 5 Delattre, Floris. English fairy poetry Y 181.217 1 Deutschbein, M. Studien zur Sagen- geschlchte Englands Y 16.22 36 De Vere, A. Essays chiefly on poetry. Y 181.22 1 Dewart, E.H., ed. Selections from Canadian poets Y 187.22 35 Dixon, W.M. English epic and heroic poetry Y 181.233 1 - English poetry from Blake to Browning Y 181 . 234 1 Dixon, W.M., ed. The Edinburgh book of Scottish verse Y 189.229 31 - The English Parnassus Y 184.23 11 Doane, G.W. Songs by the way C 692.23 46 Dodsley, R., ed. A collection of poems Y 184.236 1] - Supplement to Dodsley 's collec- tion .Y 184.236 11 Douglas, Sir G.B.S. bart. Scottish poetry Y 189.2295 31 Douglas, R.W. , ed. Love songs of Scotland Y 189.23 31 Dudley, Sir H.B. , bart. Vortigern and Rowena Y 17962 .24 44 Duff, Sir M.E.G. The Victorian anthology Y 1848.24 30 Dyce, A., ed. Specimens of British poetesses Y 184. 24 11 - Specimens of English sonnets Y 184.242 12 Dyckman, A.S. The light of life C 692.25 46 Edwards, D.H., ed . Modern Scottish poets Y 189.25 31 (58) INDEX Can No. Page Edwards. R. The paradise of dainty deulces Y 1845.25 24 Eighteenth century anthology Y 1847.25 28 Elnenkel, E. Ueber die Verfasser elnlger neuangelsachslscher Schrlften , Y 1812.25 5 Elegant extracts Y 184.26 12 Elliot, W.F. Further essays on bor- der ballads Y 17.258 39 - The trustworthiness of border ballads Y 17.26 39 Elliott, Charlotte. Hours of sorrow. C 692.262 46 Ellis, Q. Specimens of early English metrical romances Y 16.26 36 New ed Y 16.261 36 - Specimens of the early English poets. 1790 Y 184.263 12 - - 1801 Y 184.264 12 4th ed. 1811 Y 184.266 12 5th ed. 1845... Y 184. 2661 . . . . . 12 Emerson, R.W. . ed. Parnassus Y 184. 268 12 England's helicon Y 1845.26 24 English lyrics Y 184.27 12 English lyrics from Spenser to Mil- ton Y 1845.262 24 Ersklne, R. Gospel sonnets. 2d Amer. ed. 1798 C 692.27 46 Edinburgh. 1812 C 692.271 46 London. 1844 C 692.272 46 Evans, T., ed. Old ballads Y 17.27 39 Evans, W. The Christian C 692.276 46 Facetiae. Musarum dellclae Y 1845.28 24 Farmer, J.S., ed. National ballad and song Case Y 17.28 39 Farnlngham, Marianne, [pseud.] Lays and lyrics of the blessed llfe....C 692.278 46 Farr, E. , ed. Select poetry Y 1845,285 24 - Select poetry of the reign of Queen Elizabeth C 692.28 47 Fawkes, F. , ed. The poetical cal- endar . . .Y 184.289 12 (59) INDEX Can No. Page Fehr, B. Die f ormelhaf ten Elemente In den alten engllschen Balladen...Y 171.28 42 Ficke,A.D.. Some recent poets of note.Y 181.29 1 Fields. J.T., ed. The family library of British poetry Y 184.29 12 Pllllngham,T. An Index to the History of English poetry by T.Warton Y 181.955 4 Flnlay, J., ed. Scottish historical and romantic ballads Y 17.29 39 Fltzglbbon, H.M. , ed. Early English poetry Y 1844.3 22 Ford, R. , ed. Vagabond songs and ballads of Scotland Y 17.31 39 Forman, H.B. Our living poets Y 181.31 2 Fosbery, T. V. , ed. Hymns and poems for the sick and suffering C 692.3 47 Foster, H.C. Excursion among the poets Y 184.312 12 Fraser, J. Chaucer to Longfellow. . .Y 181.314 2 Fry, J., ed. The legend of Mary, Queen of Scots Y 1844.32 22 Fuller, T. Davids halnovs slnne C 692.31 47 Garnett, J.M.,tr. Anglo-Saxon poems. Y 1842.32 21 Garrett, E.H. , ed. Elizabethan songs "In honour of love and beautle"...Y 1845.32 24 Gayley, CM., ed . Poetry of the people Y 184.32 12 Gayton, E. The religion of a phy- sician C 692.33 47 George, H.B., ed. Poems of English country life Y 184.33 12 Georgian poetry, 1786-1821 Y 1847.33 28 Georgian poetry, 1911-1915 Y 1849.33 30 Gilchrist, J., ed. Collection of Scottish ballads Y 17.33 39 Gildon, C, ed. Miscellany poems... Y 1846.35 26 - A new miscellany of original poems Y 1846.351 26 Gllflllan, G. , ed. Specimens of British poets Y 184.34 12 (60) INDEX Call No. Page \ B Glngerlch, S.F. Wordsworth, Tenny ^ son, and Browning Y 181.34 2 Golden thoughts from golden foun- tains C 692.35 47 Qoldsmld, E. , ed. Quaint gleanings from ancient poetry Y 184.352 12 Gomme, G.L. , ed. Chap-books and folk-lore tracts .Y 16.35 36 Gooch, R.. ed. The Cambridge tart..Y 184.354 12 Gospel sonnets Y 692. 365 47 Gosse, E.W. From Shakespeare to Pope Y 181.357 2 - Jacobean poets Y 181. 358 2 - Seventeenth century studies Y 181.36 2 Gosse, E.W., ed. English odes Y 184. 355 12 Graves, A. P., ed. The book of Irish poetry Y 188.36 34 - Irish literary and musical stud- ies Y 188.362 34 Gregory, P , ed. Modern Anglo-Irish verse Y 188. 37 34 Grigg, J., ed. Grigg's southern and western songster Y 184.366 12 Griswold, R.W. , ed. The poets and poetry of England Y 1848.37 30 Grosart, A.B., ed. Miscellanies Y 184. 37 13 - The Towneley mss Y 17965.37 44 Grove Y 1846.37 26 Gude and godlle ballates C 692.37 47 Gummere, F.B., ed. Old English bal- • lads Y 17.37 39 Gunnyon, W. Illustrations of Scot- tish history Y 171.37 42 Gutch, J.M., ed. Lytell geste of Robin Hode Y 17.389 39 Haack, 0. Zeugnisse zur altenglischen Heldensage Y 16.376 36 Halgh, D.H. Anglo-Saxon sagas Y 1812.38 5 Hales, J.W. , ed. Longer English poems Y 184.381 13 (61) INDEX CaII No. Page Halllwell-Phlllipps, J.O., ed. Nugae poetlcae Y 1844.38 22 - Palatine anthology Y 184.383 13 - Palatine garland In Y 184. 383 13 - Thornton romances Y 16.38 36 Hannah, J., ed. Poems of Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir H.Wotton and [others]. Y 184.385 13 Harland, J. Ballads and songs of Lancashire Y 17. 3891 39 Harland, J., ed. Lancashire lyrics... Y 17.38 40 Harrison, J.S. Platonlsm In English poetry Y 1815.38 6 Harrison, Susannah. Songs In the night C 692 .38 47 Hartshorne, C.H., ed. Ancient met- rical tales Y 16.385 36 Haslewood, J., ed . Ancient critical essays Y 18.38 2 Hatfield, E.F. Poets of the church. .Y 183.39 6 Havergal, P.R. "Under his shadow"... C 692.39 47 Hayes, E. , ed. Ballads of Ireland.... Y 17.39 40 Hazlltt. W. Lectures on the English poets. 2d ed. 1819 Y 181.392 2 1890 Y 181.393 2 Hazlltt, W. , ed. Select poets of Great Britain Y 184.392 13 Hazlltt, W.C., ed. Fugitive tracts. Y 184.393 13 - Inedlted poetical miscellanies ... Y 184.3935 13 - Remains of the early popular poetry of England Y 184 . 394 13 Headley, H. , ed.- Select beauties of ancient English poetry Y 184.396 13 Hearne, T. , ed. Works Y 1843.39 21 Helder, 0. Untersuchungen zur mlt- telengllschen erotlschen Lyrlk Y 1813.4 5 Henley, W.E., ed. English lyrics .. .Y .184. 397 13 - A London garland Y 184.3978 13 - Lyra herolca Y 184.398 13 Herd, D. , ed. Ancient and modern Scottish songs Y 189.39 32 (62) INDEX Call No. Page Herd, D. , ed. Songs from David Herd's manuscripts Y 189.392 32 Herford, C.H., ed. English tales in verse Y 184.4 13 Hlbbard. Laura A. Three Middle Eng- lish romances Y 16.41 36 Hill, R. Old English carols ...C 692.394 47 Hobart, Lucy P., comp. At the beautiful gate C 692.398 47 Holborn-drollery Museum Y 1846.41 26 Horder, W.C, ed. Treasury of American sacred song C 692.41 47 Hosmer, P.L. The thought of God....C 692.419 47 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of British poets Y 183.42 6 Hudson, W.H. Studies in interpreta- tion Y 181.422 2 Humbler poets Y 184.418 13 Humours of London Y 184.42 13 Hunt, J.H.L., ed. Book of the sonnet Y 184.425 13 Hunt, L. Imaginations and fancy.... Y 181.425 2 Hunter, J. Chorus vatum angll- canorum ...Case Y 183.425 6 - Robin Hood Y 171.42 42 Husbands, J., pub. A miscellany of poems Y 1847.42 28 Husk, W.H., ed. Songs of the na- tivity C 692.427 47 Hutchison, W.G., ed. Lyra nlcotlana.Y 178.42 43 - Songs of the vine Y 184.43 14 Hutton, E. . ed. A book of English love poems Y 184 . 434 14 Huygen, P. De beglnselen van Gods koninkryk in den mensch C 692.43 47 Illustrated book of Scottish songs... Y 189.43 32 Ingledew, C.J.D. The ballads and songs of Yorkshire Y 17.43 40 Irving, D. History of Scottish poetry Y 181.443 2 - The lives of the Scottish poets... Y 189. 435 . . . . . 32 (63) INDEX CaU No. Page ] Isham reprints Y 184.44 14 Jack, A. A. Poetry and prose Y 181.448 2 ^ Jackson, J.E. Christmas carols.... MS Y 17.45 40 ^ Jacob, G. An historical account of English poets Y 183.45 7 - Poetical register. 1719 Y 183.451 7 1723 Y 183.452 7 Jamieson, R. , ed. Popular ballads and songs Y 17 . 457 40 Jewitt, L.F.W., ed. Ballads and songs of Derbyshire Y 17.452 40 Johnson, J. The Scots musical museum. Y 189.45 32 Johnson, R.B., ed. Popular British ballads Y 17.459 40 Johnson, S. Lives of the British poets. 1854 Y 183.45b 7 1781 Y 183.4551 7 1854 Y 183.4552 7 - - 1890 Y 183.456 7 1905 Y 183.4565 7 Jones, E.G. Chartist songs and fugitive pieces Y 1797.45 45 Jones, E.D., ed. English critical \ essays Y 18.45 2 Jones, J.L., ed. Ten noble poems.... Y 181.45 2 Keddie, Henrietta. The songstresses of Scotland Y 189.458 32 Kellett, E.E., ed. A book of Cam- bridge verse Y 184.458 14 Kemble, J.M., ed. Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis Y 1842.46 21 Kempenfelt, R. Original hymns and poems C 692.462 47 Kempling, W.B. , ed. The poets royal i of England and Scotland Y 184.455 14 ' King, Harriet E. Ugo Bassi's sermon. C 692.465 47 King, R.J., ed. Selections from ballad poetry y 17.465 40 Kinloch, G.R. Ancient Scottish bal- ^^^s Y 17.461 40 Knight, J. Pipe and pouch Y 178.46 43 (64) INDEX GiII No. Page Knightly tale of Golagrus and Ga- wane Y 189 .46 32 Kuhner, F. Roxburghe- und Bagford- Balladen Y 17.468 40 Laing, A. Scarce ancient ballads.... Y 17 . 475 . . . . . 40 - The thistle of Scotland In Y 17.475 40 - A curious collection of Scottish poems in Y 17.475 40 Lalng, D. , ed. Early metrical tales. Y 189.469 32 - Early popular poetry of Scotland... Y 189.47 32 - Early Scottish metrical tales.... Y 189.4691 32 - Select remains of the poetry of Scotland. 1822 Y 189.471 32 1885 Y 189.472 32 Lang, A., ed. Blue poetry book Y 184.48 14 Lays of the Holy Land C 692 .49 47 Lefflngwell, C.W., ed. Lyrics of the living church C 692 . 497 48 Lentzner, K. Ober das Sonett Y 181.496 2 Leonard, Anne L. , ed. Zwel mlttel- englische Geschlchten Y 1843.5 21 Leonard, H.G., ed . Sacred songs of the world C 692. 5 48 Leonard, R.M. The dog In British poetry Y 181.5 2 Lewis, D. , ed. Miscellaneous poems.. Y 1847.5 28 Lewis, E. Night watches C 692.503 48 Library edition of the British poets. Y 184.49 14 Linton, W.J., ed. English verse Y 184. 507 15 - Golden apples of Hesperus Y 184.5 14 - Rare poems Y 1845 .5 24 Locker-Lampson, F. , ed. Lyra ele- gant 1 arum Y 184.51 15 Lowell, J.R. Conversations on some of the old poets Y 181.528 2 Lyra apostolica C 692.52 48 Lyra historica Y 184.52 15 MacDonald, G. A book of strife C 692.529 48 - England's antiphon. 1868 C 692.53 48 n.d Y 181.529 2 (65) INDEX CaU No. Page M'Dowall, W. Among the old Scotch minstrels Y 17.53 40 Mackall, J.W. The springs of Helicon. Y 181.54 3 Mackay, C. , ed. Cavalier songs and ballads of England Y 1796 . 54 44 - Jacobite songs and ballads of Scotland Y 179.535 43 - Legendary and romantic ballads of Scotland Y 17.55 40 McKnlght, G.H., ed. Middle English humorous tales Y 1843.54 21 Magazine of poetry ..Y 184.542 15 Maldment, J., ed. A book of Scotlsh pasqulls Case Y 189.55 32 - A new book of old ballads Y 17. 551 40 - Scotlsh elegiac verses Y 189.552 32 Main, D.M. , ed. Three hundred Eng- lish sonnets Y 184.543 15 - Treasury of English sonnets Y 184.547 15 Malory, Sir T. La mort d'Arthur. 1816. Y 16.529 36 - The byrth, lyf, and actes of King Arthur. 1817 Y 16.53 36 - La mort d'Arthure. 2d ed. 1866 Y 16.537 36 - Morte Darthur. 1876 Y 16.5375 36 - Le morte darthur. 1889,1891 Y 16.538 36 - King Arthur and the knights of the Round table. 1892 Y 16.539 36 - La mort d'Arthur. n.d Y 16.55 37 Marsden, J. Leisure hours C 692.553 48 Masson, D. Essays on the English poets Y 181.555 3 Masson, Rosaline 0., ed. Three centuries of English poetry Y 184.55 15 Mather, J.M. Popular studies of the nineteenth century poets Y 181.558 3 Melville, Helen, ed. Full fathom five Y 184.56 15 Merbot, R. Asthetlsche Studlen zur angelsachslschen Poesle Y 1812.56 5 Merry drollery compleat Case Y 1846.57 26 (66) INDEX Cafl No. Pafe Metcalfe, W.M. , ed. The legends of SS. Ninlan and Machor Y 189.57 32 Meynell, Alice. A 17th century an- thology Y 1845.57 24 Miles, A.H. , ed. The poets and the poetry of the century Y 1848.57 30 - The sacred poets of the nineteenth century C 692.57 48 Miller, F. The poets of Dumfries- shire Y 181.57 3 Minstrelsy in solitude C 692.58 48 Minto, W. Characteristics of Eng- lish poets Y 181.58 3 Miscellany poems and translations, by Oxford hands Y 1846.575 26 Moller, H. Das altenglische Volks- epos Y 1842.6 21 Molr, D.M. Sketches of the poetical literature of the past half-cen- tury Y 181.586 3 Monroe, Harriet, ed. The new poetry. Y 1849.59 30 Montgomery, R. Christian life C 692.59 48 Moore, J.S., ed. The pictorial book of ancient ballad poetry Y 17.59 40 Morley, H. , ed » The king and the commons Y 18455.6 25 Morritt, J.B.S. Miscellaneous trans- lations and imitations of the minor Greek poets in Y 184.649 16 Motherwell, W, , ed. Minstrelsy Y 184.595 15 Munns, N. Horneck's Fire of the altar versified C 692.6 48 - The great example in C 692 .6 48 - Preparatory service in C 692.6 48 Muse in livery Case Y 184.598 15 Muses farewel to popery & slavery.... Y 1846.6 26 Muse's pocket companion Y 1846.603 26 Musical miscellany Y 184.6 15 Nagle, R. , ed. Popular poets and poetry of Ireland Y 188.611 34 (67) INDEX GitI No. Page Nation, Dublin. New spirit of the Nation Y 188.619 34 Neilson, W.A., ed. Chief British poets of the fourteenth and fif- teenth centuries Y 1843.61 21 Neve, P. Cursory remarks on English poets Y 181.62 3 New academy of complements Y 1846 .62 26 New foundling hospital for wit Y 184.61 15 - Asylum for fugitive pieces Y 184.611 15 Newman, J.H. Echoes from the ora- tory C 692.618 48 Newton, W.W. Told among the hills... C 692.62 48 Nichols, J., comp. A select collec- tion of poems Y 184.616 15 Nicolas. Sir N.H., ed. The cynosure. Y 184.62 16 Noble, J. A. The sonnet in England... Y 181.63 3 Nonpareil Y 184.63 16 Notes to Palgrave's Golden treasury. Y 184.659 16 O'Donoghue, D.J. The poets of Ire- land Y 188 . 638 34 New ed. 1901 Y 188.64 34 O'Neil, H.C., ed. Pure gold Y 184.64 16 Oliphant, T. , ed. La musa madriga- lesca Y 1845.645 24 Osborne, R.B. Poems of living truth. C 692.648 48 Oxford and Cambridge miscellany poems Y 184.646 16 Oxford book of English mystical verse Y 184.647 16 Oxford poetry Y 1849.64 30 Oxford prize poems Y 184.648 16 Oxford sausage Y 184.649 .16 Oxford University. Verses on the death of Sir Bevill Gren- vill Case Y 18455.64 25 Padelford, F.M. , ed . Early six- teenth century lyrics Y 1844.65 22 Palgrave, F.T., ed. Children's treasury of lyrical poetry Y 184.652 16 (68) INDEX Can No. Page Palgrave, P.T., ed. Golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language. 1897 Y 184.653 16 1906 Y 184.654 16 - - Notes to Palgrave 's Golden treasury Y 184.659 16 - The treasury of sacred song C 692.65 48 Pappafava, G. , ed. Perfezlone rellglosa C 692.66 48 Park, T., ed . Hellconla Y 1845.658 24 Parry, J.D. Legendary cabinet Y 17.665 40 Paterson, J., ed. Ballads and songs of Ayrshire Y 17.668 40 - The poems of the Sempllls of Bel- trees Y 189.66 32 Paton, F.N., ed. Bards and the birds Y 184.667 16 Patrick, S., bp . of Ely. Poems upon divine and moral subjects C 692 . 67. . . . . 48 Pearch, G. , ed. A collection of poems Y 184.237 11 Pecuniae obedlunt omnia Case Y 1846.67 26 Peek, H. , ed. Poetry of sport Y 184.669 16 Pelagius, Porcuplnus, pseud. Re- markable satires Y 17962.7 44 Perclval,IVI. , ed. Political ballads. Y 17963.68 44 Percy, T. , ed. Bishop Percy's folio manuscript Y 17.677 41 - Rellques of ancient English poetry. 5th ed. 1812 Y 17.676 41 1869 Y 17.678 41 1883-1889 Y 17.679 41 1886 Y 17.6792 41 Phillips, E. Theatrum poetarum Y 183.68 7 Plerpont, J. Airs of Palestine C 692.69 49 Pinkerton, J., ed. Ancient Scotish poems Y 189.693 32 - Scottish tragic ballads Y 17.7 41 Plumptre, J. Letters to John Aikln.Y 184.025 8 - A collection of songs Y 184.69 17 Poems. 1778 Y 184.701 17 (69) INDEX an No. Page Poems. 1673, 1717-1735 Y 1847.695 29 « 1709 Y 1847.693 29 - 1742-1768 Y 184.7 17 - 1754-1767 Y 1847.698 29 Poems for little folks Y 184.704 17 Poems of places Y 184.707 17 Poems on affairs of state Y 179.701 43 Poems on several occasions Case Y 1847. 7 29 Poems on the abolition of thp slave trade Y 1797.7 45 Poems, songs, epitaphs and epigrams of the 17th century MS Y 1845.7 24 Poetical magazine ' . .Y 184.709 18 Poetical recreations Y 1846.697 26 Poetical register and repository of fugitive poetry Y 184.71 18 Poetry; a magazine of verse Y 184.715 18 Pratt. Alice E. The use of color In the verse of the English ro- mantic poets Y 18.71 3 Qulller-Couch, SlrA.T., ed. Eng- lish sonnets Y 184.723 18 - The Oxford book of ballads Y 17.72 41 - The Oxford book of English verse.. Y 184.725 18 - The Oxford book of Victorian verse . .Y 1848.72 30 Ramlllete de flores C 692.73 49 Ramsay, A.,ed. The ever green. 1724. Y 189.729 33 1875 Y 189.73 33 - The tea-table miscellany Y 189.731 33 Rand, T.H.,ed. Treasury of Canadian verse Y 187.73 35 Reed, E.B. English lyrical poetry.. Y 181.735 3 Reed, H. Lectures on the British poets Y 181.737 3 Relly, J. Christian hymns, poems, and spiritual songs C 692.74 49 Retzlaff , 0. Untersuchungen liber den nordengllschen Legendencyclus Y 16.735 37 Reynolds, Myra. Treatment of nature In English poetry Y 181. 74 3 (70) INDEX Cafl No. Page Rhymers' Club, London. The (first- second) book of the Rhymers' Club..Y 184.73 18 Rhys, E. Lyric poetry Y 181.744 3 Rice, W. de Oroot C, ed. The athlete's garland Y 1848.74 30 - The little book of Bohemia. Y 172.73 43 Rickert, Edith. Early English ro- mances in verse Y 16.737 37 Rider, (j.T. Lyra Americana C 692.745 49 Rlmbault, E.F. , ed. A little book ot songs Y 184.735 18 Ritson, J. Bibliographia poetica....Y 183.74 7 - Letters from Joseph Ritson Y 189.7493 33 - Observations on [Warton*s] His- tory of English poetry.. Y 181.96 4 Ritson, J., ed. Ancient English metrical romances Y 16.74 37 - Ancient popular poetry Y 184. 741 18 - Ancient songs and ballads. 1829.. Y 184.7402 18 3d ed. 1877 Y 184.7404 18 - Ancient songs from the time of Henry III. to the revolution Y 184.74 18 - Caledonian muse Y 189 . 748 33 - English anthology Y 184.742 18 - Gammer Gur ton's garland Y 184.743 18 - Northern garlands Y 184.744 18 - Pieces of ancient popular poetry. 1791 Case *Y 184.746 18 - Robin Hood. 1795 Y 17.742 41 - - 1820 Y 17.743 41 1884 Y 17.744 41 - Scotish songs Y 189.74 33 - Select collection of English songs. 1783 Y 184.748 18 2d ed.l813 Y 184.7481 18 Roach's Beauties of the poets of Great Britain Y 184.749 18 Roberts, C.G.D., ed. Poems of wild life Y 184.7495 19 Roberts, W., ed. Book-verse Y 184.75 19 (71) INDEX Can No. Page Robinson, C. Clement Robinson and divers, others Y 17.75 41 Robson, J., ed. Three early English metrical romances Y 16.752 37 Rodd, Sir J.R. The Englishman In Greece Y 184.755 19 Rogers, C. The modern Scottish min- strel Y 189.75 33 - The sacred minstrel C 692 . 75 . . . . .49 Rossettl ,W.M. Lives of famous poets. Y 183.757 7 Roundelay Y 184.759 19 Roxburghe ballads Y 17.76 41 Rump. 1662 Case *Y 1795.76 43 - 1874 Y 1795.761 43 Russell, G.W. New songs Y 188.76 34 Ryan, R. Poetry and poets Y 183.768 7 Saddle and song Y 1848.77 30 Salntsbury, G.E.B., ed. Minor poets of the Caroline period Y 1846.77 26 - Political verse Y 184.77 19 Sandlson, H.E. The "Chanson d'aven- ture" In Middle English Y 1813. 78 5 Sarrazln, G. Renaissance de la po^sle anglalse Y 181.785 3 Schelllng, F.E., ed. Book of Eliza- bethan lyrics Y 1845.79 24 - Book of seventeenth century lyj^ics Y 1846.79 26 Schnaase, E. Chrlstllche Morgen- und Abendf eler C 692. 79 49 Schiller, M. Sir Thomas Malory "Le morte d 'Arthur." Y 16.56 37 Scott, J. Critical essays on several English poets Y 181.795 3 Scott, Sir W. Minstrelsy of the Scottish border. 3d ed. 1806 Y 17.8 41 1902 Y 17.801 41 Scudder, Eliza. Hymns and sonnets.... C 692.8 49 Scudder, Vlda D. Life of the spirit in modern English poets Y 181.802 3 Seibert, J. Morning star C 692.805 49 (72) INDEX Call No. Pace Select collection of Scots poems, Buchan dialect Y 189.8 33 Select early English poems Y 1843. 8 21 Select early English poets Y 184.8 19 Selections from the early Scottish poets Y 189.801 33 Service, J., ed. Metrical legends of Northumberland Y 16.81 37 Shalrp, J.C. Aspects of poetry Y 181.81 3 - Studies In poetry and philosophy .. Y 181.812 3 Shanks, H. , ed. The peasant poets of Scotland Y 189.81 33 Sharp, Amy. Victorian poets Y 181.814 4 Sharp, Mrs.E.A., ed. Songs and poems of the sea Y 184.83 19 - Sonnets of this century Y 1848.81 30 Sharpe, O.K. A ballad book. 1880... Y 17.8108 41 1883 Y 17.811 41 Shlrburn ballads, 1585-1616 Y 17.814 41 Slbbald, J. Chronicle of Scottish poetry Y 189.818 33 Sldgwlck,F.The cavalier to his lady.Y 1845.81 24 Sldgwlck, F. , ed. Popular ballads of the olden time Y 17.816 42 Skelton, J. A ballade of the Scot- tysshe kynge Y 17.818 42 Sladen, D.B.W. , ed. Century of Aus- tralian song Y 186.82 35 Small, J., ed. English metrical hom- ilies Y 1843.82 22 Smith, A. The main tendencies of Victorian poetry Y 181.82 4 Sochtlg, 0. Zur Technlk altengllscher Splelmannsepen Y 16. 83. ... .37 Sommer, H.O. Erster Versuch liber die engllsche Hlrtendlchtung Y 181.828 4 Songs and carols Y 17.82 42 Southey, R. Lives and works of our uneducated poets Y 181.83 4 Southey, R. , ed. Specimens of the later English poets Y 184.832 19 (73) INDEX CaU No. Page Stanley, T. Psalterium Caro- linum Case Y 1795.84 44 Statham, H.H. Architecture among the poets Y 18.83 4 Stebblng, W. Five centuries of Eng- lish verse Y 181.837 4 Stedman, E.G. Victorian poets Y 181.84 4 Stedman, E.G., ed. Victorian an- thology Y 1848.84 30 Steele, Anne. Poems G 692.84 49 Steele, R. , ed. Poetical miscel- lanies Y 1847 .84 29 Stenhouse, W. , ed. Illustrations of the lyric poetry and music of Scotland Y 189.845 33 Stevenson, B.E., ed. The home book of verse. 1912 Y 184.837 19 1915 Y 184.8371 19 Stevenson, T.G., ed. Four books of choice old Scotlsh ballads Y 17.84 42 Stirling, J.H. Of philosophy In the poets Y 181.845 4 Stone, G., ed. Sea songs and ballads. Y 184.838 19 Strachey, Jane M. lady, ed. Poets on poets Y 184.84 19 Streamer, V., ed. Voices of doubt and trust G 692.85 49 Stryker, M.W. Song of Miriam G 692.853 49 Symons, A. The romantic movement In English poetry Y 181.85 4 Symons, A., ed. A 16th century an- thology Y 1845.85 24 Tate, N. , comp. Poems by several hands Gase Y 1846.86 27 Taylor, J. P. Poetic Imagery Y 184.867 19 Things to be seen by the sea at Nahant Y 184.87 19 Thompson, G.A. Elizabethan criticism of poetry Y 181.87 4 Thompson, N. , ed. A collection of 86 loyal poems Y 1796.87 44 (74) INDEX CaU No. Page Thorns, W.J., ed . A collection of early prose romances Y 16.87 37 - Early English prose romances. 2d ed. 1858 Y 16.873. 37 1904 Y 16.874 37 Thornbury, W. , ed. Two centuries of song Y 184.879 19 Thorpe, B. , tr. Codex Exoniensis . . . Y 1842.87 21 Tlmperley, C.H., ed. Songs of the press Y 184.881 19 Toovey, A.D. Biographical and crit- ical notices of British poets Y 184.883 20 Torrent of Portugal Y 16.88 37 Tory table talk Y 1797.88 45 Tottel's miscellany Y 184.882 19 Trautmann, M. Ueber Verfasser und Entstehungszeit einiger alliteri- render Gedichte des Altenglischen. .Y 1813.9 5 Trench, R.C., abp., comp. Household book of English poetry Y 184.887 20 Trevelyan, G.M. , ed. English songs of Italian freedom Y 1848.87 30 Turnament of Totenham and The feest Case Y 17.9 42 Turnbull, W.B.D.D., ed. The visions of Tundale Y 1843.9 22 Tutin, J.R. , ed. T.Traherne; T. Vaughan; J.Norris; poems Y 1846.89 27 Universal songster Y 184.91 20 Utterson, E.V. , ed. Select pieces of early popular poetry Y 184.927 20 Veitch, J. Feeling for nature in Scottish poetry Y 181.939 4 Vocal miscellany Y 184.94 20 Walbancke, M. , ed. Annalia Dv- brensla Case Y 1845.889 25 - Dover's Annalia Dubrensla Y 1845.89 25 Walker, H. Greater Victorian poets. Y 181.952 4 Ward, T.H., ed . The English poets. .Y 184.955 20 Ward, T.M. , ed. The poems of John- son, Goldsmith, Gray, and Collins. Y 184.957. 20 (75) 181.956. . . . . .4 181.957. . . . . .4 181.958. . . . . .4 INDEX Call No. Page Warton, T. The history of English poetry. New ed. 1824 Y 1840 Y - - 1871 Y Watson, J., ed. Watson's Choice collection of Scots poems Y 189.957 33 Watson, Mrs. Rosamund M. , ed. Bal- lads of the North countrie Y 17.96 42 Watts, A. A., ed. The poetical album. Y 184.96 20 Watts, I. Horae lyrlcae. 1706 C 692.96 49 1834 C 692.962 49 - Poems of the lyric kind C 692.961 49 Webbe, W. A discourse of English poetrie Y 18.96 4 Weber, H.W. , ed. Metrical romances... Y 16.96 37 Wedderburn, J. "The gude and godlie ballates" Y 189.96 33 Welles, A. Life of Jesus C 692.965 49 Wesley, J. The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley C 692.967 49 Westminster drolleries Case Y 1846.96 27 Weston, Jessie L. Romance, vision and satire Y 1843.96 22 Whistle-Binkie Y 189.965 33 Whitaker, S.P. Imagination and fancy in nineteenth-century literature. . .Y 181.97 5 Whltelaw, A., comp. Book of Scot- tish ballads Y 17.978 42 Whitmarsh, Caroline S. Hymns of the ages C 692 .97 49 Whittier, J.G., ed. Songs of three centuries Y 184.97 20 Wigglesworth, M. Day of doom. 1'^'^'7 .' Case C 692.9725 49 1828 C 692.973 49 IQ^"^ C 692.976 49 Wilklns,W.W. , ed. Political ballads. Y 179.977 43 Williams, A.M. The poets and poetry of Ireland Y 188.97 34 Williams, Blanche C, ed. Gnomic poetry in Anglo-Saxon Y 1842.97 21 (76) INDEX Can No. Paf e Wlllmott, R.E.A. Lives of sacred poets Y 183.96 7 Wilson, J.G., ed. The poets and poetry of Scotland Y 189.97 33 Wlnstanley, W. The lives of the most famous English poets Y 183.97 7 Works of the earls of Rochester, Ros- comon and Dorset, the dukes of De- vonshire, Buckinghamshire ,<5cc . Case Y 1846.98 27 Wright, T., ed. Anecdota literaria.Y 1843.98 22 - Political poems and songs. Edward III. to Richard III Y 179.98 43 - Political songs of England, John to Edward II. 1839 Y 179.987 43 1884 Y 179.988 43 - Songs and carols Y 184.98 20 Wlilcker, R.P., ed. Kleinere angel- sachsische Dichtungen Y 1842.98 21 Yeats, W.B., ed. Book of Irish verse. Y 188.99 34 Young, W.T., ed. An anthology of the poetry of the age of Shakespeare .. .Y 1845.9 25 Young lady's book of elegant poetry.. Y 184.99 20 (77) THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY ENGLISH POETRY PART II timm^M^ THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY ENGLISH POETRY PART II THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY ENGLISH POETRY PART II POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CHICAGO CLASS Y (Section Y 185 and portions of sections Y 12. Y 682 and Y 6884) 300 copies MulHgraphed as Manuscript Juae X920 FOREWORD The titles contained In the present multlgraphed list are those of works In the Library by Individu- al English poets, Including both single poetical works and editions of their collected writings. The poetical works of Shakespeare have been omitted, as the Shakespearlana In the Library form a group suitable for a special list at some future time. Collections of Latin poetry by Englishmen, Includ- ing academic verse, together with Latin poems by Individual English writers, are for the sake of completeness listed In an appendix. Titles of works received too late for Insertion In the general list form another appendix. The list complements Part I, already Issued, which was limited to "collections of English poetry". The Index refers (1) to the names of all Indi- vidual poets, (2) to the titles of all poems and collections mentioned In the list, If such titles are distinctive, (3) to the authors of all critical works Included. Where there are several editions of a work the reference Is usually to the page where the title first appears. EXPLANATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS A plus sign (+) after a volume number or date indi- cates that the publication is currently received or is in progress. A dash (-) before an entry indicates that the author or the title is the same as in the preceding entry; between dates It indicates "to and including the second date. " Two dashes (- -) before a date or designation of an edition indicate that the author and the title are the same as in the preceding entry. arr arranged . c copyright . c omp c omp iled, compiler. cop copyright . D duodecimo (17.5-20 cm. or about 7-8 in.) e d edited, editor. enl enlarged . F folio (30-35 cm. or about 12-14 in.) inaug.disser.... inaugural dissertation. ms . , mss manuscript, manuscripts. n.d. no date. nar narrow. no . , no s numbe r , numbe r s . octavo (20-25 cm. or about 8-10 in.) pams pamphlets . pi plates . pseud pseudonym. pt., pts. part, parts. pub published , publisher . Q quarto (25-30 cm. or about 10-12 in.) repr reprinted , reprint . rev. revised. S. 16° (15-17.5 cm. or about 6-7 in.) s e 1 selected. sq. square. vii rp 24° (12.5-15 cm. or about 5-6 in.) t . -p 1 1 tie-page . tr. translated, translator. V volume , volumes . ERRATA p. 24, line 19, for Hen wrt read Hengwrt p. 25, line 10, for hours read hous p. 39, line 3, for des read Deo p. 48, line 9, for Cornwal read Corn-law p. 58, line 34, for Jepthah's read Jephthah's p. 61, line 26, for Heylln read Heylyn. This should be an Independent entry following Hewlett. For Y 185. H 5 read Y 185. H 5032 p. 77, line 11, for Napolean read Napoleon p. 102, line 24, for 1st earl of read 1st earl of Dorset p. 117, line 29, for pastorlal read pastoral p. 133, line 4, for frontes piece read frontispiece p. 139, line 20, for Rellgulae read Reliquiae p. 139, line 36, for poetical read poetical p. 146, line 3, for cantabrlglensl um read canta- brigienslum vUi CONTENTS Page Poetical works of English writers 1 Addenda 143 Latin poetry by English writers 145 Index 153 ^ ix ENGLISH POETRY POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. Y 185. A 15 Y 12 12. A A 22 2203 Y 12. A 2208 Y 12. A 221 Y 12. A 228 Y 185. A 3 185. A 3101 185. A 3102 ABRAHALL, JOHN HOSKYNS. Western woods and waters. 1864. 0. ADDISON, JOSEPH. The works of Joseph Addison. 1721. 4v. Q. 1761. 4v. sq.F. - The works of Joseph Addison, collected by Mr. Tickell. 1804. 6v. 0. - The works of Joseph Addison. New ed. by R.Hurd. 1811. 6v. 0. - - With large additions, chiefly unpub- lished, ed. by H.O.Bohn. 1883-89. 6v. T. (Bohn's standard library) AIRD, THOMAS. The poetical works of Thomas Alrd. 5th ed. 1878. S. AKENSIDE, MARK. The poetical works of Mark Akenslde, ed. by C.C.Clarke. 1868. 0. Y 1886. S. (Aldlne poets) Y - The poetical works of Akenslde and Beat- tie. 1884. T. (British poets) Y 185. A 317 ALEYN, CHARLES. The hlstorle of that wise and fortvnate prince, Henrle the Seventh, King of England, with that famed bat- talle, fought between sayd King Henry and Richard the third upon Redmoore neere Bosworth; In a poem. 1638. S. Y 185. A 37 ALFORD, HENRY. Select poetical works of the Rev. Henry Alford. 1851. D. ALLINGHAM, WILLIAM. Blackberries. 1893. S - Flower pieces and other poems. 1893. S. - Irish songs & poems. 2d ed . 1893. S. - Laurence Bloomfleld; or, Rich and poor In Ireland. New ed. 1893. S. - Life and phantasy. 1893. S. - Sixteen poems, selected by W.B.Yeats. 1905. 0. Y 185. A 39 Y 185. A 421 Y 185. A 423 Y 185. A 424 Y 185. A 4248 Y 185. A 425 Y 185. A 427 I (1) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. ALLINGHAM, WILLIAM. Thought and word and Ashby Manor; a play In two acts. 1893. S. Y 185. A 428 ALLITERATIVE poem on the deposition of Richard II., ed. by T.Wright. 1838. 0. (Camden Society) Y 185. A 43 [AMHURST, NICHOLAS] Oculus Britannia-: an herol-panegyrlcal poem on the University of Oxford. 1724. 0. Y 185. A 515 ANDREW, of WYNTOUN. Orygynale cronykil of Scotland, ed. by D.Lalng. 1872-79. 3v. 0. (Historians of Scotland, v. 2, 3, 9) Y 185. A 56 ANSTEY, CHRISTOPHER. The poetical works of the late Christopher Anstey; with life by his son, J. Anstey. 1808. sq.Q. Y 185. A 617 - The New Bath guide; or, Memoirs of the B-r-d [Blunderhead] family. 1766. F. Y 185. A 62 ANTON, ROBERT. The philosophers satyrs. 1616. D. Case Y 185. A 64 ARNOLD, Sir EDWIN. [Poetical works] T. Contents. ~[1 ] Indian Idylls. 4th ed. 1909. ~[2] Indian poetry. 9th Impr . 1909.- [3] The light of Asia. 64th ed. 1909.- [41 Lotus and jewel. 3d ed. 1891. -[5] Pearls of the faith. 8th ed. 1905. ~[6] With Sa'dl in the garden. 5th ed. 1907.- [7] The secret of death. 6th ed. 1899.- [8] The song celestial. lOth ed. 1906. Y 185. A 74 - After death in Arabia. [cl893] S. Y 185. A 742 - The Indian song of songs, with other oriental poems. 1875. T. Eames Y 185. A 744 - The light of Asia. 1879. T. Eames Y 185. A 7448 - - [another copy] Case Y 185. A 7448 28th ed. 1885. T. Y 185. A 745 1890. T. Y 185. A 74502 - Light of the world. 1891. T. Y 185. A 7455 2d ed. 1891. T. Y 185. A 74551 - Pearls of the faith; or, Islam's rosary. 4th ed. 1887. T. Y 185. A 7467 - Poems national and non-oriental. 2d ed. 1888. T. Y 185. A 7481 - Secret of death. 3d ed. 1885. T. Y 185. A 7484 (2) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Cafl No. ARNOLD, Sir EDWIN. Tenth muse and other poems. 1895. T. Y 185. A 7486 ~ The voyage of Ithobal. 1901. T. Y 185. A 7489 ARNOLD, MATTHEW. Works of Matthew Arnold. Edition de luxe. 1903-04. 15v. 0. Y 12. A 757 - Alaric at Rome. A prize poem. A type-fac- simile reprint, ed. by T.J.Wise. 1893. 0. Case Y 185. A 7617 - Poems. 1883. 2v. T. Y 185. A 76 - Poems by Matthew Arnold. 1900. D. Y 185. A 7613 - Poems of Matthew Arnold, ed. by L.Mag- nus. 1906. S. (The Muses' library) Y 185. A 7614 - Poetical works. 1896. 0. Y 185. A 761 - Select poems, ed. by E.E.Hale, jr. 1908. T. (Belles-lettres series) Y 185. A 7615 ASHE, THOMAS. Poems by Thomas Ashe. 1859. S. Y 185. A 762 AUSTIN, ALFRED. Lyrical poems. 1891. T. Y 185. A 9389 AYLETT, ROBERT. Svsanna; or, The arraign- ment of the two vnivst elders. 1622. T. Case Y 185. A 97 AYTON, Sir ROBERT. The poems of Sir R. Ay- ton; with memoir by C.Rogers. 1871.0. Y 185. A 975 AYTOUN, WILLIAM EDMONDSTOUNE . Bothwell; a poem. 2d ed. 1857. 0. Y 185. A 98 - Lays of the Scottish cavaliers and other poems. 18th ed. 1866. T. Y 185. A 99 BAILEY, PHILIP JAMES. Pestus.5th ed. 1854. T. Y 185. B 153 17th American ed. n.d. T. Y 185. B 1529 BAKER, DANIEL. Poems upon several occa- sions. 1697. S. Y 185. B 17 BALDWIN, WILLIAM. The funeralles of King Edward the sixt wherein are declared the causers and causes of his death. 1817. T. Case Y 185. B 19 BAMFORD, SAMUEL. Poems. 1843. S. Y 185.B 21 BARBER, Mrs. MARY. Poems on several occa- sions. [ed.2] 1735. 0. Y 185. B 215 (3) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaU No. BARBOUR, JOHN. Barbour's Legend ens ammlung nebst den Fragmenten seines Trojaner- krleges, hrsg. von C.Horstmann. 1881-82. 2v.ln 1.0. Y 185. B 2188 - The Bruce; or, The history of Robert I., King of Scotland, ed. by J.Pinkerton. 1790. 3v. T. Y 185. B 218 - The Bruce [by J.Barbour] and Wallace [by Henry the minstrel] New ed . [by J. Jamie- son] 1869. 2v. T. Y 185. B 2185 - The Bruce, ed. by W.M.Mackenzie . 1909. T. Y 185. B 2186 BARCLAY, ALEXANDER. The ship of fools [by S. Brant,] tr. by A.Barclay. 1874. 2v. Q. [2d copy] Y 185. B 22 BARHAM, RICHARD HARRIS. Ingoldsby legends, by Thomas Ingoldsby [pseud.], ed. by R.H.D.Barham. 1876. 2v. 0. Y 185. B 23 BARMBY, BEATRICE HELEN. Gisli Sursson; a drama; ballads and poems and some trans- lations. 1900. S. Y 185. B 25 BARNFIELD, RICHARD. Poems, 1594-98. 1882. T. (English scholar's library, no. 14) Y 185. B 28 [BARON, ROBERT] Pocula castalia; The authors motto; Fortunes tennis^-ball ; Eliza; Poems; Epigrams, &c . , by R.B.Gen. 1650. nar.S. Case Y 185. B 285 BARTON, BERNARD. Poems and letters; with a memoir, ed. by his daughter. New ed. 1853. S. Y 185. B 29 BASSE, WILLIAM. The poetical works of William Basse, 1602-1653, ed. by R.W. Bond. 1893. 0. Y 185. B 292 [BAXTER, NATHANIEL] Sir Philip Sydneys Ourania, written by N.B. 1606. D. Case Y 185. B 294 BAYLY, THOMAS HAYNES . Songs, ballads, and other poems, ed. by his widow. 1844. 2v. T. Y 185. B 295 BEATTIE, JAMES. The poetical works of James Beattie. n.d.T. Y 185. B 38 - Parnell, T. The poetical works of Thomas Parnell. n.d. In Y 185. B 38 (4) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. 185. B 385 BEAUMONT, FRANCIS. Lyric poems of Beaumont & Fletcher, ed. by E.Rhys, n.d. S. (Lyric 1 poets) Y BEAUMONT , Sir JOHN Bosvvorthf leld; with a taste of the va rlety of other poems, set forth by his Sonne, Sir I . Beavmont . 1629. T. Case Y 1 - Poems. 1869. 0. (Fuller worthies' li- 185. B 3865 ^ brary) Y 185. B 3866 BEAUMONT, JOSEPH. The complete poems of Dr. Joseph Beaumont, 1615-99, ed. by A.B. Grosart. 1880. 2v. 0. (Chertsey worthies ' library) Y 185. B 388 - The minor poems of Joseph Beaumont, [ed. ] by Eloise Robinson. 1914. sq.O. Y 185. B 3885 - Psyche; or, Love's mystery; in 24 cantos. 2d ed. 1702. F. Y 185. B 389 BEDDOES, THOMAS LOVELL. The poems, posthu- mous and collected, of T.L.Beddoes, [ed. by T.F.Kelsall] 1851. 2v. S. Y 185. B 3898 - The poems of T.L.Beddoes, ed. by R. Colles. [1906] S.(The Muses' library) Y 185. B 395 - Poetical works, ed. by E.Gosse. 1890. 2v. S. (Temple library) Y 185. B 39 BEHN, Mrs. APHRA (AMIS) Poems upon several occasions; with A voyage to the island of love. 1864. 2pt.in Iv. D. Y 185. B 405 BELL, HENRY GLASSFORD. Romances and minor poems. 1866. D. Y 185. B 41 BENLOWES, EDWARD. Theophila; or, Loves sacrifice; a divine poem. 1652. Q. Case Y 185. B 43 BENNETT, WILLIAM COX. Our glory-roll and other national poems, n.d. 0. Y 185. B 436 - Proposals for and contributions to a ballad history of England. 1868. D. Y 185. B 437 BICKERSTETH, EDWARD HENRY. Yesterday and forever. 21st ed. 1891. S. Y 185. B 47 BIESTON, ROGER. The bayte and snare of fortune. 1894. D. Y 185. B 48 [BILLINGSLEY, NICHOLAS] Kosmobrephla ; or. The infancy of the world, written by N.B. 1658. T. [Bound by Zaehnsdorff] Case Y 185. B 49 (6) L POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. BINYON, LAURENCE. Poems. 1895. 0. Y 185. B 51 BISHOP, SAMUEL. The poetical works of the Rev. Samuel Bishop; [with] memoirs by T. Clare. 1796. 2v. sq.Q. Y 185. B 54 BLACKLOCK, THOMAS. Poems on several occa- sions. 1754. 0. Y 185. B 56 BLACKMORE, Sir RICHARD. Prince Arthur; an heroick poem. 1695. F. Y 185. B 57 - King Arthur. An heroick poem. 1697. F. Y 185. B 571 BLAIR, ROBERT. The grave; a poem. 1813. F. Y 185. B 575 BLAKE, WILLIAM. [The works of William Blake reproduced in facsimile from the original editions, hy William Muir and others. 1884-90] 2v.in 14no. 0.-F4. Contents: v.l,no.l. The book of Thel, 1789. 1885. -v. 1, no. 2. Visions of the daughters of Albion, 1793. [1884]-v.l, no. 3. Songs of innocence, [1789-1884]- v.l,no.4. Songs of experience, 1794. [1885]'-v. l,no. 5. Marriage of Heaven and Hell, 1790. [1885]-v.l,no.6. There is no natural religion. 1886. -v. 1 ,no . 7. Milton, a poem in 2 books, 1804. 1886.- v.l,no.8. Gates of Paradise, 1793. [1888]-v.l,no.9. Little Tom the Sailor, 1800. n.d. [Broadsheet]-v.2,no.l. Amer- ica, a prophecy, 1793. [ 1887]-v. 2 ,no . 2 . Europe, a prophecy, 1794. 1887. -v. 2, no. 3. Jerusalem, the emanation of the giant Albion, 1804. [ 1877]-v. 2 ,no. 4 . The song of Los, 1795. 1890. -v. 2 , no . 5 . On Homer... Sibylline leaf. 1890. Case Y 185. B 579 - The works of William Blake, poetic, symbolic and critical, ed. by E.J.Ellis and W.B.Yeats. 1893. 3v.O. Y 12. B 58 - The lyrical poems of William Blake; text by J.Sampson. 1905. S. Y 185. B 5801 - The marriage of Heaven and Hell, [1790] Facsimile reprint. [1870?] sq.Q. Case Y 185. B 585 - Poems, ed. W.B.Yeats. 1893. S. (Muses' li^^ary) Y i85.B 5793 (6) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS BLAKE, WILLIAM. Poetical sketches, ed. by R.H. Shepherd. 1868. D. - Poetical works, lyrical and mlscellane ous, ed....by W.M.Rossettl . 1900. D. (Aldine edition of the British poets) - The poetical works of William Blake, a new and verbatim text [ed.] by J. Sampson. 1905. 0. - ...The poetical works of William Blake, ked. by J.Sampson. [Oxford ed.] 1914. Songs of innocence and experience. 1866. D. BLANCHARD, SAMUEL LAMAN. The poetical works of Laman Blanchard; with a memoir by B.Jerrold. 1876. D. Y BLIND, MATHILDE. Poetical works, ed. by A.Symons. 1900. D. - A selection from the poems of Mathilde Blind, ed. by A.Symons. 1897. D. BLOOMFIELD, ROBERT. Poems; the farmer's boy. 1845. D. - The remains of Robert Bloomfleld, [ed. by J.Weston] 1824. 2v.ln l.D. BLUNT, WILFRID SCAWEN. Esther: a young man's tragedy; together with the love sonnets of Proteus. 1895. Q. CaU No. y 185. B 587 Y 185. B 58 Y 185. B 5795 Y 185. B 5805 Y 185. B 5883 185. B 595 Y 185. B 601 Y 185. B 606 Y 185. B 62 Y 12. B 6 185. B 6215 185. B 622 Y 185. B 624 Y 185. B 625 Y 185. B 6252 Y 185. B 626 - In vinculis. 1889. S. - The love sonnets of Proteus. 7th ed. 1898. S. - A new pilgrimage and other poems. 1889 S. - The poetry of Wilfrid Blunt. 1898. D. - The wind and the whirlwind. 1883. 0. BOLD, HENRY. Latine songs, with their English: and poems; collected by W. Bold. 1685. S. Case Y 185. B 635 BORROW, GEORGE HENRY. [Ballads, poems, tales and letters. Privately printed from unpublished manuscripts for T.J. Wise. 1913-14] 44v. D.^sq.O. Case Y 12. B 65 (7) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. BORROW, GEORGE HENRY. Contents: [1] Alf the freebooter, [etc.J-[2] Axel Thord- son and fair Valborg.-[3] The brother avenged, and other ballads. -[4] Brown William, The power of the harp, and other ballads. -[5] Child Maldelvold, and other ballads. ~[6] The Dalby bear, and other ballads. -[7] Ellen of Villens- kov, and other ballads. -[8] Ermellne, a ballad. -[9] The expedition to Birting's land, [etc.]-[10] Finnish arts or Sir Thor and damsel Thure, a ballad. -[11] The fountain of Marl bo, and other bal- lads. -[12] The giant of Bern and Orm Ungerswayne.-[13] The gold horns. -[14] Grimhlld's vengeance, three ballads. - [15] Grimmer and Kamper, [etc.]-[16l Hafbur and Signe, a ballad. -[17] King Dlderik and the fight between the lion and dragon, and other ballads .-[ 18 ] King Hacon's death, and Bran and the black dog, two ballads ,-[19] The king's wake, and other ballads .-[20] Little Engel, a ballad; with a series of epi- grams from the Persian. -[21] Marsk Stig, a ballad. -[22] Marsk Stig's daughters, and other songs and ballads. - [23] The mermaid's prophecy, and other songs relating to Queen Dagmar.-[24] Mollie Charane, and other ballads . -[25 ] The nightingale, The valkyrie and raven, and other ballads .-[26 J Niels Ebbesen and Germand Gladenswayne , two ballads. - [27] Proud Signild, and other ballads. - [28] Queen Berngerd, The bard and the dreams, and other ballads .-[ 29] The return of the dead, and other ballads. - [30] The serpent knight, and other bal- lads. -[31] Signelil, and other bal- lads. -[32] The song of Delrdra, King . Byrge and his brothers, and other Case Y 12. B 65 (8) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS on No. BORROW, GEORGE HENRY. Contents: (Continued) ballads. -[33] The songs of Ranlld.-[34] The tale of Brynlld, and King Valdemar and his sister, two ballads .-[ 351 Tord of Hafsborough, [etc.]-[36] Ulf van Yern, and other ballads .-[37 ] The Ver- ner raven, The count of Vendel's daugh- ter, and other ballads. -[38 ] Young Swaigder; or, The force of runes, and other ballads .-[39] A supplementary chapter to The Bible in Spain. -[40] Emelian the fool, a tale. -[41] The story of Tim. -[42] The story of Yvashka with the bear's ear. -[43] Letters to his mother, Ann Borrow, and other corre- spondents . -[44] Letters to his wife, Mary Borrow. Case Y 12. B 65 - Wise, T.J. A bibliography of the writ- ings in prose and verse of G.H. Borrow. 1914. sq.O. Y 12. B 66 BOURDILLON, FRANCIS WILLIAM. A lost god. 1891. 0. Y 185. B 65 - Mlnuscula; lyrics of nature, art and love. 1897. S. Y 185. B 653 - Sursum corda. 1893. S. Y 185. B 654 - Young maids & old china, n.d. 0. Y 185. B 655 BOURNE, VINCENT. Miscellaneous poems, consisting of originals and transla- tions. 1772. Q. Y 185. B 662 - Poematla latine partim reddita partim scripta. 5.ed. 1764. S. Y 185. B 66 - The poetical works of Vincent Bourne. 1826. T. Y 185. B 66b BOWLES, WILLIAM LISLE. Poetical works. 1868. 2v. 0. Y 185. B 67 BOWMAN, HENRIETTA. Songs amid the shad- ows. [1871] S. Y 185. B 68 [BRADSHAW. HENRY, tr.] Holy lyfe and history of Saynt Werburge. 1848. 0. (Chetham Society, v. 15) Y 185. B 72 (9) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. BRAMHALL, MAE St. JOHN. Japanese jingles; verses which have appeared In the Japan gazette. 1891. S. Y 185. B 725 [BRAMSTON, JAMES] The art of politicks, In Imitation of Horace's Art of poetry. 1729. D. Case Y 185. B 726 - The man of taste; occasioned by an. epistle of Mr. Pope's on that subject. 1733. Q. Case Y 185. B 7265 [BRATHWAIT, RICHARD] Barnabae Itlnera- rlum; or, Barnabee's journal, ed. by J.Haslewood. New ed. 1876. S. Y 185. B 729 - Drunken Barnaby's four journeys to the north of England. 1805. S. Y 185. B 728 - Natures embassle; divine and morall satyres/by R. Brathwalte . 1877. 0. Y 185. B 7295 [2d copy] Y 185. B 7295a - Odes; or, Philomel's tears, ed. by Sir E.Brydges. 1815. T. Y 185. B 73 - A strappado for the dluell, by R. Brathwalte. 1878. 0. Y 185. B 732 BRETON, NICHOLAS. The works in verse and prose of Nicholas Breton, ed. by A.B. Grosart. 1879. 2v. 0. (Chertsey worth- ies' library) Y 12. B 75 - Longing of a blessed heart, ed . by Sir E.Brydges. 1814. Q. Y 185. B 75 - Kuskup, T. Nicholas Breton und seine Prosaschrlf ten. 1902.0. [ Inaug . -diss . J Y 12. B 755 BRIDGES, ROBERT SEYMOUR. Eros and Psyche. 1894. T. Y 185. B 7627 - Poetical works of Robert Bridges. 1898- 1905. 6v. T. Y 185. B 76 - Poetical works of Robert Bridges, ex- cluding the eight dramas. 1912. D. Y 185. B 7602 - Shorter poems. 1896. T. Y 185. B 7681 BRONTE, CHARLOTTE. Poems [Binder's ti- tle] 3 pams.in Iv. 1917. sq.O. Con- tents: [1] The Orphans and other poems, by Charlotte, Emily and Branwell Bron- te. -[2] Red Cross knight and other Y 185. B 7685 (10) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Cttt No. BRONTE, CHARLOTTE. Contents: (Continued) poems. -[3] Swiss emigrant's return and other poems. Y 185. B 7685 BRONTE, EMILY. The complete works of Emily Bronte, [ed. by C. Shorter] 1910- 1911. 2v. 0. Contents: v.l. Poems. - V.2. Wuthering heights. Y 12. B 78 BROOKE, Sir PULKE GREVILLE, 1st baron. Certaine learned and elegant workes of the Right Honorable Fvlke, Lord Brooke. 1633. 0. Case Y 185. B 769 - Works in verse and prose omplete. 1870. 0, (Fuller worthies' library) Y 185. B 77 BROOKE, RUPERT. The collected poems of Rupert Brooke; with an introduction by G.E. Woodberry and a biographical note by Margaret Lavington. 1916. 0. BROOME, WILLIAM. Poems on several occa- sions. 2d ed. 1750. 0. BROUGHTON, JOHN CAM HOBHOUSE, 1st baron. Imitations and translations; together with original poems never before pub- lished. 1809. 0. BROWN, THOMAS EDWARD. Collected poems. 1900. D. BROWNE, ISAAC HAWKINS. Poems upon vari- ous subjects, Latin and English, pub- lished by his son. 1768. 0. BROWNE, WILLIAM. Original poems, 1815. F. - Poems, ed. by G.Goodwin. 1894. 2v. S. (Muses' library) - Whole works... coll. and ed. by W.C.Haz- litt.1868. 2v.Q. (Roxburghe library) BROWNING, Mrs. ELIZABETH (BARRETT) The complete poetical works of Elizabeth B.Browning. Cambridge ed. [cl900] 0. - Poems. 1844. 2v. S. - Poetical works. 1884. 5v. 0. - The poetical works of Elizabeth B.Brown- ing, [ed. by F.G.Kenyon] 1904. D. Y 185. B 8091 Y 185. B 774 Y 185. B 775 Y 185. B 111 Y 185. B 78 185 185 788 799 Y 185. B 7995 Y 185. B 7996 Y 185. B 809 Y 185. B 8084 Y 185. B 8088 (11) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS an No. BROWNING, Mrs. ELIZABETH (BARRETT) The battle of Marathon, a poem printed In 1820; repr. 1891. 0. Y 185. B 82 - Epistle to a canary, 1837, by Elizabeth B.Barrett, ed. by E.Gosse. 1913. D. Y 185. B 8203 - ...Hitherto unpublished poems and sto- ries; with an inedited autobiography. 1914. 2v. 0. (Bibliophile Society) Y 185. B 8092 - Sonnets from the Portuguese, illustrated by L.S.Ipsen. [cl886] ob.P. Y 185. B 8183 BROWNING, ROBERT. Poetical works. 1880- 1889. 16v. D. Y 185. B 8288 - Selections from the poetical works of Robert Browning. New ed.l890. 2v.S. Y 185. B 83885 - Select poems of Robert Browning, ed. by W.J.Rolfe and Heloise E.Hersey. 1891. sq.S. (English classics) Y 185. B 83887 - Complete poetic and dramatic works. Cambridge ed. [cl895] 0. Y 185. B 8289 - [Complete works of Robert Browning, from the author's revised text, ed. by Char- lotte Porter and Helen A.Clarke. 1900. C1898] 12v. 0. Y 185. B 82895 - Browning's Men and women, ed. by B. Worsfold. 1904. 2v. S. (The King's classics, no. 26-27) Y 185. B 835 - The complete poetic and dramatic works of Robert Browning, [ed. by H.E.Scud- der. C1905] 0. Y 185. B 829 - Poems by Robert Browning, [ed.] by 0. Browning. [1906] S. (The Muses' li- brary) y 185. B 8291 - Select poems, ed. by R. Burton. [cl906] S. (Belles-lettres series) Y 185. B 8292 - The works of Robert Browning, with in- troduction by F.G.Kenyon. [Centenary edition] 1912. lOv. 0. Y 185. B 839 - New poems, by Robert Browning and Eliz- abeth B.Browning, ed. by Sir F.G.Ken- yon. 1914. D. Y 185. B 8392 - Pauline; a fragment of a confession, ed. by T.J.Wise. 1886. 0. Y 185. B 84 (12) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS CaO No. BROWNING, ROBERT. Alexander, W.J. An Introduction to the poetry of Robert Browning. 1889. D. Y 185. B 8402 - Berdoe, E. Browning cyclopaedia. 1892. D. Y 185. B 841 - - Browning studies, being select papers by members of the Browning Society, ed. by E. Berdoe. 1895. 0. Y 185. B 84102 ^- Boston Browning Society. Catalogue of the library. 1897. 0. Y 185. B 84107 - - The papers of the Boston Browning So- ciety, selected to represent the work of the society from 1886-97. 1900.0. Y 185. B 8411 [Report]; 1909/10-10/11. sq.D. Y 185. B 84110 - Brooke, S.A. The poetry of Robert Browning. [1902] 0. Y 185. B 84111 - Brooklyn. Public Library. Robert Brown- ing, 1812-89; a list of books in the Brooklyn Public Library. 1912. S. Y 185. B 84115 - Browning Society, London. The illus- trations to Browning's poems. 1882- 1883. 2 pt.ln Iv. F. Y 185. B 84125 Papers; v. 1-3 , 1881/4-89/91 1| 3v.0. Y 185. B 8413 - Campbell, Lily Bess. The grotesque in the poetry of Robert Browning. 1907. 0. (Texas. University. Bulletin. Humanistic series, no. 5) Y 185. B 8417 - Cooke, G.W. Guide-book to the poetical and dramatic works of Robert Browning. 1891. D. Y 185. B 8419 [ - Corson, H. Introduction to the study of Robert Browning's poetry. 1889. D. Y 185. B 842 - Duff, D. An exposition of Browning's 'Sordello'; with historical and other notes. 1906. 0. Y 185. B 8424 - Pother ingham, J, Studies in the poetry of Robert Browning. 1887. D. Y 185. B 8431 - Hodell, C.W. An essay on Robert Brown- ing's The ring and the book. 1911. 0. Y 185. B 844 (13) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS CaTI No. BROWNING, ROBERT. Hodell, C.W. The old yellow book, source of Browning's The ring and the book; with tr., essay and notes. 1908. (Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publication, no. 89) Y 185. B 8441 - Holland, P.M. Stories from Robert Browning. 1882. D. Y 185. B 8443 - Mayne, Ethel C. Browning's heroines; with decorations by M.Armfleld. 1913. 0. Y 185. B 8455 - Mollneux, Marie Ada. Phrase book from the poetic and dramatic works of Robert Browning. 1896. D. Y 185. B 8458 - Nettleshlp, J.T. Essays on Robert Brown- ing's poetry. 1868. D. Y 185. B 8461 - Orr, [Alexandra Lelghton] "Mrs. Suth- erland Orr." Handbook to the works of Robert Browning. 6th ed. 1892. D. Y 185. B 8464 - Plgou, A.C. Robert Browning as a reli- gious teacher; being the Burney essay for 1900. 1901. D. Y 185. B 847 - Sotheran, Henry & Co. Books and mss. from the libraries of Robert & Eliza- beth Barrett Browning. [2d copy] Y 185. B 8482 - Symons, A. Introduction to the study of Browning. 1886. D. Y 185. B 8485 New ed. 1906. D. Y 185. B 8486 - Wilson, P. Mary. Primer on Browning. 1891. D. Y 185. B 8497 BRYDGES, Sir SAMUEL EGERTON. Sonnets and other poems. New ed. 1795. S. Y 185. B 85 - The Lake of Geneva; a poem, moral and descriptive. 1832. 2v. D. Y 185. B 852 BRYMNER. DOUGLAS. The twa mongrels; a modern eclogue by T.Treddles, Esq. [pseud.] 1876. D. Y 185. B 854 BUCHANAN, ROBERT WILLIAMS. The Buchanan ballads, old and new. 1892. 0. (Buchan- an's poems for the people, 1) Y 185. B 862 - Idyls and legends of Inverburn. 1866. ^' Y 185. B 8643 (14) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. BUCHANAN, ROBERT WILLIAMS. Saint Abe and his seven wives. 1872. D, Y 185. B 8677 BUCKINGHAM, JOHN SHEFFIELD. An essay on poetry, by the Earl of Mulgrave . 2d ed. 1691. Q. (With Latin translation by J.N. ) Y 185. B 869 The BUKE of ye chess script,. per manu Jhols Sloane. 1818. sq.Q. (Frondes caducae) Y 185. B 87 BURBIDGE, THOMAS. Ambarvalla; poems, by Thomas Burbldge and A.H.Clough. 1849. S. Y 185. B 9 BURNS, ROBERT. Life and works, ed. by J.Currle. New ed. 1815. 4v. 0. - [Poems and songs. Kilmarnock edition] 0. Contents: [v.l] Poems, 1786; fac- simile. American ed. 1870. •-[v. 2] Poems; early Edinburgh ed. 1869. -[v. 3] Poems; [six] posthumous poems. 1869. -[v. 4] Y 185. B 9381 Y 185. B 9376 ed. by C.C.Clarke. [1875] 3v.ln 2. S. 1877-78 Y 185. B 9386 Y 185. B 9387 Y 185. B 93873 Y 185. B 9385 Songs. 1869. - Poetical works, 1868. 2v. 0. - Poetical works. (Aldlne poets) - The works of Robert Burns 6v. Q. - Poetical works. [188-] 3v.ln 1. D. - The complete works of Robert Burns, ed. by W.S.Douglas. 1883. 6v. 0. (Edin- burgh ed. ) Y 185.B 9388 - Burns holograph manuscripts In the Kil- marnock Monument Museum; with notes, comp. and ed. by D. Sneddon. 1889. D. Y 185. B 93885 - Poems, songs and letters; being [the] complete works, ed. by A. Smith. 1896 0. - The poetry of Robert Burns, ed. by W. E.Henley and T.F.Henderson. 1896-97. 4v. 0. Y 185. B 9389 Y 185. B 93895 (15) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaU No. BURNS, ROBERT. The songs of Robert Burns, now first printed with the melodies for which they were written; a study In tone-poetry, with bibliography and historical notes, and glossary, by J.C.Dick. 1903. 0. Y 185. B 939 - The Geddes Burns; [a facsimile reprint of Burns' Poems, Edinburgh, 1787; with 27 pages of autograph poems in ms.] 1908. nar.O. (The Bibliophile Society, Boston) Y 185. B 93907 - Burns poems published In 1786. 1911 . S . Y 185. B 9391 -Robert Burns' Common place book; printed from the original manuscript. 1872. O.Y 185. B 947 - Robert Burns In other tongues; review of the translations of the songs & poems of ...Burns, by W.Jacks. 1896. 0. Y 185. B 945 - Angus, W.C. The Cralbe Angus Burns lana; list of special Items In the library with notes. 1902. 0. Y 185. B 9501 - Annual Burns chronicle and club direc- tory. no.l~27+,1892-1918+. 0. Y 185. B 9503 - Cralgie, W.A. A primer of Burns. 1896. 1 D Y 185. B 9507 - Cuthbertson, J. Complete glossary to the poetry and prose of Burns . 1886. D. Y 185. B 951 - Ewlng, J.C. Letter to the editor of "The Bookman" on "Robert Burns and Mrs. Dunlop." 1898. D. Y 185. B 9528 - Law, J.D. Some Burns collectors .[ 1903] 0. m Y 185. B 9501 - M'Kle, J. Blbllotheca Burnslana; life and work of Burns. 1866. 0. Y 185. B 9554 ~ Reld, J.B. A complete word and phrase concordance to the poems and songs of Robert Burns. 1889. 0. Y 185. B 9573 - Ross, J.D. Burns' Clarlnda; brief pa- pers concerning the poet's renowned correspondent. 1897. D. Y 185. B 9576 BURY, Lady CHARLOTTE SUSAN MARIA (CAMP- BELL) The three great sanctuaries of Tuscany; a poem. 1833. ob.F. (16) Y 185. B 96 POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Catl No. BUTLER, SAMUEL. Genuine poetical remains; with notes by R.Thyer, with a selec- tion from the author's characters In prose. 1827. 0. Y 185. B 97082 - The poetical works of Samuel Butler, ed. by C.C. Clarke. 1868. 2v. 0. Y 185. B 97086 - Characters and passages from note books, ed. by A.R.Waller. 1908. 0. (Cambridge Y 12. B 979 2v.in 1. D. (Al- Y 185. B 97088 Y 185. B 97089 3v. D. Museum Y 185. B 9766 English classics) - Poetical works, n.d dine poets) - - (British poets ) - Hudlbras, 1663-78 - Hudlbras, In three parts, corrected and amended by Z.Grey. 1744. 2v. 0. Hudlbras. 1793. 3v. F. - New ed. 1819. 3v. 0. [Large paper] - - [2d copy. Small paper] Large paper] by A.Mllnes. [3d copy. Hudlbras, ed. 2v. S. Hudlbras, ed. Y 185. B 9774 Y 185. B 9779 Y 185. B 9781 Y 185. B 9781a Y 185. B 9781b 1881-83. Y 185. B 9788 1885. 2v. D by H.G.Bohn. (Bohn's Illustrated library) - Hudlbras; written In the time of the wars, ed. by A.R.Waller. 1905. D. (Cambridge English classics) BYROM, JOHN. Miscellaneous poems. 1814 2v. 0. - The poems of John Byrom, ed. by A.W. Ward. 1894-1912. 3v.ln 5. sq.O. (Chet- ham Society. Remains ...v. 1-2; n.s.v.70) BYRON, GEORGE GORDON NOEL BYRON, 6th baron. Fugitive pieces; a facsimile reprint of the suppressed edition of 1806. 1886. sq.Q. Case Y 185. B 99077 - Poems original and translated. 2d ed. 1808. S. Museum Y 185. B 9908 - Works of Lord Byron. 1823-25. 6v. 0. Y 185. B 99082 Y 185. B 97885 Y 185. B 979 Y 185. B 9798 Y 185. B 98 (17) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Gitl No. BYRON, GEORGE GORDON NOfiL BYRON, 6th baron. Fugitive pieces and reminis- cences. Also original poetry, letters and recollections of Lady Caroline Lamb. By I.Nathan. 1829. D. Y 185. B 990825 - Works; with letters, journal and life, ed. by T.Moore. 1832-33. 17v. D. Y 185. B 99083 - Poetical works. [cl860] lOv.in 5. D. (British poets) Y 145. B 99086 - Poetry, arranged by M.Arnold. 1890. S. Y 185. B 9971 - The works of Lord Byron. New ed. 1898- 1904. 0. Contents: Letters and jour- nals, ed. by R. E.Prothero. 6v. -Poetry, ed. by E.H. Coleridge . 7v. Y 185. B 99089 - Selections from the poetry of Lord Byron, ed.with notes by F. I . Carpenter. [cl900] S. Y 185. B 9909 ~ The poetical works of Lord Byron; with memoir and notes, n.d. D. Y 185. B 99087 - Childe Harold, ed. by H.F.Tozer. 3d ed. 1891. S. (Clarendon press series) Y 185. B 99161 - Childe Harold's pilgrimage, n.d. D. Y 185. B 9916 - Don Juan. New ed. 1821-25. 6v.in 3. 0. [Lettered Byron's works, v. 7-8] Y 185. B 9923 - Puess, CM. Lord Byron as a satirist in verse. 1912. 0. (Columbia Univer- sity studies in English and compara- tive literature) Y 185. B 9983 - Hobhouse, J. Historical illustrations of the fourth canto of Childe Harold. 1818. 0. Y 185. B 99183 - Hoffmann, K. Uber Lord Byrons "The Giaour". 1898. 0. [Dissertation] Y 185. B 9985 _ - Konig, P. Erklarungen einzelner Stel- I len zu Byron's Manfred, Act I und II. 1889. sq.Q. Y 185. B 999 - Nieschlag, H. Uber Lord Byron's "Sar- danapal". 1900. 0. [Dissertation] Y 185. B 9993 CALVERLEY, CHARLES STUART. The complete works of C.S.Calverley;with a biograph- ical notice by Sir W. J. Sendall . 1901.D. Y 185.0 13 1913. D. Y 185. C 134 (18) ^ POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS H Can No. ■aLVERLEY, CHARLES STUART. The literary ^B remains of Charles Stuart Calverley; H[ with a memoir by Sir W.J.Sendall. 3d V ed. 1892. D. Y 185. C 132 K- Verses and translations. [1906] 0. (Red |l letter library) Y 185. C 133 [CAMBRIDGE, RICHARD OWEN] The scrible- rlad; an heroic poem. 1751. 6pt. In Iv. ob.Q. Y 185. C 14 CAMPBELL, THOMAS. The poetical works of Thomas Campbell. 1849. D. Y 185. C 149 - The poetical works of Campbell and Fal- coner. [cl854] 0. (British poets) Y 185. C 15 - The poetical works of Thomas Campbell, ed. by ...W. A. Hill. 1900. D. (Aldlne edition of the British poets) Y 185. C 1509 - The complete poetical works of Thomas P Campbell, ed. by J.L.Robertson. Oxford ed. 1907. 0. Y 185. C 151 - Gertrude of Wyoming. 1809. Q. Y 185. C 1533 CAMPION, THOMAS. Campion's works, ed. by P.Vivian. 1909. 0. Y 12. C 15 - The works of Dr. Thomas Campion, ed. by A.H.Bullen. 1889. 0. Y 185. C 16 - Lyric poems, ed. by E.Rhys, n.d. S. (The lyric poets) Y 185. C 1652 CANTON, WILLIAM. The Invisible playmate & W.V. her book. 1899. D. Y 185. C 168 CAREW, THOMAS. The works of Thomas Carew; repr. from the original ed. of 1640. 1824. 0. Y 185. C 175 Poems, ...coll. and ed. by W.C.Hazlitt. 1870. Q. (Roxburghe library) Y 185. C 1795 The poems and masque of Thomas Carew, ed. by J .W.Ebsworth. 1893. D. Y 185. C 18 The poems of Thomas Carew, ed. by A. Vincent. 1899. S. (Muses' library) Y 185. C 179 CAREY, GEORGE SAVILLE] Analects in verse and prose. 1770. 2v.in 1. S. Y 185. C 185 CAROLI tou makaritou paliggenesia. [Poem on Charles I] 1649. D. Y 185. C 21 I (19 POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaU No. CARTER, Mrs. ELIZABETH. Memoirs of the life of Mrs. Elizabeth Carter; with a new ed. of her poems, essays In prose, notes on the Bible and answers to ob-. jectlons concerning the Christian re- ligion, by M.Pennington. 1807. sq.Q. Y 12. C 24 - Poems on several occasions. 1762. S. Y 185. C 22 [CARTWRIGHT, EDMUND] Armlne and Elvira; a legendary tale [In versel 1771. sq.Q. Y.185.C 233 CARTWRIGHT, WILLIAM. Comedies, tragi- comedies; with other poems. 1651. 6v. m 1. S. Y 185. C 24 CARY, PATRICK. Trivial poems and trio- lets; written 20th Aug. 1651. 1820. Q. Y 185.0 255 CAWTHORN, JAMES. Poems by the Rev. Mr.. Cawthorn. 1771. Q. Y 185.0 31 CHALKHILL, JOHN. Thealma and Clearchus; a pastoral romance. New ed. 1820. S. Y 185.0 35 CHAMBERLAYNE , Sir JAMES, 3d bart . A sacred poem, wherein the birth, mir- acles, [etc.] of Jesus are delineated. Also eighteen of David's Psalms; with the Book of Lamentations paraphras'd. 1680. S. Case Y 185. C 353 CHAMBERLAYNE, WILLIAM. Pharonnlda; an heroic poem. 1820. 3v. S. (The old English poets, v. 2-4) Y 185. C 355 CHAPMAN, GEORGE. The works of George Chapman. New ed. 1875-1892. 3v. D. Contents: [v.l] Plays. -[v. 2] Poems and minor translations .-[ v. 3] Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. Y 185. C 36 - The plays and poems of George Chapman, ed. by T.M.Parrott. 0. Contents: [v.l] Tragedies. [1910]-[v.21 Comedies. [1914J Y 185.0 362 - Lohff, A. George Chapman. 1903. 0. [Dissertation] Y 185. C 37 CHARLETON, T.W. Art of fishing; a poem. 1819. 0. Y 185.0 38 (20) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CHATTERTON, THOMAS. Poems, supposed to have been written by Thomas Rowley and others in the fifteenth century. 1777. 0. Y - Poems, supposed to have been written at Bristol In the fifteenth century, by Thomas Rowley; with a commentary by J. Mines. 1782. sq.Q. - Poems, supposed to have been written at Bristol, by Thomas Rowley, and others, In the fifteenth century, [ed. by L. Sharpe] 1794.0. - The works of Thomas Chatterton, cont his life, by G.Gregory. [Ed. by J. Cottle and R.Southey] 1803. 3v. 0. - The poetical works of Thomas Chatter- ton; with a memoir. [cl855] 2v.ln 1. D. (British poets) Y - - 1871. 2v. D. Y - The complete poetical works of Thomas Chatterton, ed. by H.D.Roberts. 1906. 2v. S. (The Muses' library) - The Rowley poems by Thomas Chatterton; from Tyrwhltt's third edl- by M.E.Hare. 1911. D. Y Observations upon the poems Rowley. 1781. 0. " Y Thomas Chatterton and his Call No, 185.0 395 Y 185. C 39 Y 185. C 396 Y 185. C 3907 185. C 185. C 39085 39087 reprinted tlon, ed. Bryant, J. of Thomas Forman, H.B Y 185. C 393 185.0 3989 185. C 3991 latest editor Maltland, S.R. 1857. 0. Mathlas, T.J. In the shades novae prose [W.W.Skeat] 1874. 0. Chatterton; an essay. Rowley and Chatterton or, Nugae antlquae et A new Elyslan Interlude, In and verse. 1782. 0. Y 185. C 3992 Y 185.0 3994 Y 185.0 3995 - Warton, T. An enquiry Into the authen- ticity of the poems attributed to Thomas Rowley. 1782. 0. Y 185.0 3999 CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. [A collection of pam- phlets] D.-O. Contents: Bailers tedt , E. Ueber Chaucers Naturschllderungen. I891.-Lange, P. Chaucer's Elnfluss auf Y 185. C 4 (21) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS an No. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. Contents: (Continued) die Originaldichtungen des Schotten Gavin Douglas. 1882. -Lange ,M. Unter- suchungen liber Chaucer's Boke of the duchesse. 1883.--Leuschner , B. Uber das Verhaltnis von The two noble kins- men zu Chaucer's Knightes tale. 1903.- Mamroth, F. Geoffrey Chaucer. 1872.- Wood, H. Chaucer's influence upon King James I. of Scotland as poet. 1879. Y 185. C 4 - Autotype specimens of the chief Chaucer mss. [1876-85] 4 pt.in Iv. F. (Chaucer Society. Publications) Y 185. C 401 - The works of Geoffrey Chaucer and others; being a reproduction in facsim- ile of the first collected ed. 1532. [1905] F. Y 185. C 4054 - ...Workes... newly printed. 1598. F. Y 185. C 4059 - The workes of ovr ancient and learned English poet, Geoffrey Chaucer . 1602. F. Y 185. C 406 - The works of ...Jeffrey Chaucer. To which is adjoin'd The story of the siege of Thebes, by J.Lidgate... 1687. F. Y 185. C 4068 - - [2d copy] Case *Y 185. C 4068a - The works of Geoffrey Chaucer, compared with the former editions and many mss., by J.Urry. 1721. F. Y 185. C 4072 - The poetical works of Geoffrey Chaucer, [ed.] by T.Tyrwhitt. 1843. 0. Y 185. C 4084 - Chaucer's Romaunt of the rose, Trollus and Creseide, and the minor poems. 1846. 3v. D. Y 185. C 40846 - The poetical works of Geoffrey Chaucer, to which are appended poems attributed to Chaucer, ed. by A. Oilman. [cl879] 3v. D. (British poets) Y 185. C 4087 - Chaucer for schools, [ed. ] by Mrs. H.R. Haweis. 1881. 0. Y 185. C 40875 - Poetical works, ed. by R.Bell. Rev.ed. 1885-89. 4v. D. (Bohn's standard li- brary) Y 185. C 4088 (22) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. The Geoffrey Chaucer, ed 1885-89. 6v.ln 3. D. - The complete works of Call No. poetical works of by R.Morris. (Aldine poets) Y 185. C 40886 Geoffrey Chaucer, 0. Y 185. C 4089 pieces . Y 185. C 4089a Chaucer. Y 185. C 40894 ed. by D. ed. by W.W.Skeat. 1894-97. 7v - [Vol.7] Chaucerian and other 1897. 0. [2d copy] The complete works of Geoffrey [cl900] 0. The works of Geoffrey Chaucer, A. W. Pollard [and others] 1907 (The globe edition) Treatise on the astrolabe, by G.Chaucer, 1391, ed. by W.W.Skeat. 1872. 0. Y 185 Boece; Englisht from Boetii Philoso- phiae consolationis libri quinque , ed. by F. J.Furnivall. 1886. 0. Y Chaucer birthday book, comp. by Harriet Waechter. 1889. D. Y The Canterbury tales of Chaucer, [ed.] by T.Tyrwhitt. 1860. 3v. 0. (British poets) [2d copy] Y The clerk's tale; printed fromms. Dd. 4. 24 in the University Library, Cam- bridge. 1867. Q. Y Six-text print of Chaucer's Canterbury tales in parallel columns, ed. by F.J. Furnivall. Group A-I .[ 1868-76] 8 pt.ln 4v.ob. Q. (Chaucer Society. Publica- tions) - Index of proper names and subjects to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, and 5 plates. 0.& F4. (Chaucer Society. Publications ) - Ryme-index to the Canterbury tales, by H.Cromie (6-text paging) 1875. ob. Q. (Chaucer Society. Publications) Temporary preface to the six-text edi- tion of [his] Canterbury tales; pt.l, by F.J. Furnivall. 1868. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publications) Y 185. C 409 C 4102 185. C 4105 185. C 4109 185. C 41097 185. C 41099 Y 185. C 411 Y 185. C 411 Y 185.0 411 Y 185.0 411 (23) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. The Cambridge ms . of Chaucer's Canterbury tales, ed. by F. J.Furnlvall. 1868-84. 8 pt.in 2v. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publications) Y 185. C 4111 - The Corpus ms . of Chaucer's Canterbury tales, ed. by F. J. Furnlvall. 1868-85. 7 pt.in 2v. 0. (Chaucer Society. Pub- lications) - The Ellesmere ms . of Chaucer's Canter- bury tales, ed. by F. J.Furnlvall . 1868- 1884. 8 pt.in 2v. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publications) the Ellesmere ms . , by 0. (Chaucer Society. Y 185. C 4113 [his] Canterbury tales, J.Furnlvall. 1885. 0. (Chaucer Publications) Y 185. C 4135 The Hen wrt ms. of Chaucer's Canterbury tales, ed . by F. J.Furnlvall. 1868-84 6 pt.in 2v. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publi- cations) Y 185. C 4112 Y 185. C 4113 - Ryme-mdex to H.Cromle. 1875 Publications) Harleian ms. of ed. by F Society. Y 185. C 4114 - The Lansdowne ms . of Chaucer's Canter bury tales, 1884. 7 pt.in Publications) The Petworth ms ed. by F.J .Furnlvall . 1868- 2v. 0. (Chaucer Society. Y 185. C 4115 . of Chaucer's Canter- Furnivall. (Chaucer So- bury tales, ed. by F.J 1868-84. 7 pt.in 2v. ciety. Publications ) Specimens of all the accessible un- printed mss. of the Canterbury tales ed. by J.Zupltzka. pt.1-9, 1890-1902 Ob. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publications) Y 185. C 4116 Y 185. C 4118 Hardy, P.D. the morning 1387. 1900. The Canterbury by C.C.Clarke poets) Yard of the of the 17th Tabard Inn of April, on in Y 185. C 4118 tales of Chaucer, ed. 1868. 3v. 0. (British Y 185. C 412 (24) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaH No. Y 185. C 413 CHAUCER. GEOFFREY. Chaucer's Canterbury tales, [ed.] by J.Saunders. New ed. 1909. D. - The Ellesmere Chaucer, [i.e. The Can- terbury tales] reproduced In facsimile. 1911. 2v. F5. Case Y 185. C 4131 - The Canterbury tales of Geoffrey Chau- cer, ill. after drawings by W.R.Flint. 1913. 3v. Q. Y 185. C 4132 - The hours of fame, in three books, ed. by W.W.Skeat. 1897. S. (Clarendon press series) Y 185. C 414 - The knight's tale; or, Palamon and Ar- cite, done into modern English by W.W. Skeat. 1904. S.(The king's classics) Y 185. C 4145 - The legend of good women, ed. by W.W. Skeat. 1889. D. (Clarendon press series) - The legend of good women, done into modern English by Professor Skeat. 1907. S. (The king's classics) - The man of law's tale, The nun's priest's tale, The squire's tale, done into modern English by W.W.Skeat. 1904. S.(The king's classics) Y 185. C 41495 - One-text print of minor poems, ed. by F. J.Furnivall. 1868-80. 0. (Chaucer So- Y 185.0 4149 Y 185.0 41492 ciety . Publications) Parallel-text edition of Chaucer's minor poems, ed. by F. J.Furnivall . [1871-79] 3 pt.m 2v. ob.Q. (Chaucer Society. Publications) - Supplementary parallel text ed . , ed by F. J.Furnivall. [1871-80] ob.Q. - Ryme-lndex, by Miss I.Marshall and Miss L.Porter. 1887. ob.Q. (Chaucer Society. Publications) 1889. ob.Q. Trial-forewords to parallel-text ed. of minor poems, by F. J.Furnivall . 1868-80. ob.Q. Y 185. C 4151 Y 185. C 415 Y 185.0 415 Y 185.0 415 Y 185.0 4151 Y 185. C 4151 (25) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS y 185. C 4152 Y 185. C 4152 Can No. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. Odd texts of [his] minor poems, ed. by F. J.Furnlvall. 1868-80. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publi- cations) - More odd texts of [his] minor poems, ed. by P. J.Furnlvall . 1886. 0. - The minor poems, ed. by W.W.Skeat. 1888. 0. (Clarendon press series) Y 185. C 4153 - The pardoner's prologue and tale. 1902. D. (Chaucer Society. Publications) Y 185. C 4163 - The parliament of birds and The house of fame, done Into modern English by Skeat. 1908. S. (The king's classics) Y 185. C 4157 - The prioress's tale and other tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer, done Into modern Eng- lish by Skeat. 1907. S. (The king's classics) Y 185. C 4164 - The prioresses tale, Sire Thopas, The monkes tale, The clerkes tale, The squleres tale, from the Canterbury tales, ed. by W.W.Skeat. 4th ed. rev. 1888. S. (Clarendon press series) Y 185.0 416 ~ Prologue, The knlghtes tale, Nonne preestes tale; from the Canterbury tales, ed. by R.Morris. New ed. 1891. S. (Clarendon press series) Y 185.0 4165 - The prologue to the Canterbury tales. The knlghtes tale, The nonnes prestes tale, ed. by M.H.Llddell. 1901. S. Y 185.0 4166 - The prologue to the Canterbury tales. The Romaunt of the rose, and minor poems, done into modern English by Skeat. 1907. S.(The king's classics) Y 185.0 4167 - The romaunt of the rose; a reprint of the first printed edition by W.Thynne, ed. by F. J.Furnlvall . 1911. 0. (Chau- cer Society. Publications) Y 185.0 4171 - The romaunt of the rose; from the u- nique Glasgow ms . , ed. by M.Kaluza; pt.l, texts. 1891. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publications) Y 185.0 417 (26) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS C&U No. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. The tale of the man of lawe, The pardoneres tale. The sec- ;; ond nonnes tale, The chanouns yemannes tale; from the Canterbury tales, ed. by W.W.Skeat. New ed. 1889. S. (Claren- don press series) ' Y 185. C 4175 - Amorvm Troill et Creselda?. Librl duo prlores Anglo-Latlni . 1635. D. [Latin and English] Y 185. C 4178 - The manuscripts of Chaucer's Trollus; with collotype facsimiles, by R.K. Root. 1914. (Chaucer Society. Publi- cations) Y 185. C 4179 - Observations on the language of Chau- cer's Trollus, by G.L.Kittredge . 1891. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publications) Y 185. C 4189 - One-text print of Trollus and Criseyde, put forth by F. J.Furnivall . 1888. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publications) Y 185. C 4183 - Parallel text-print of Trollus and Criseyde, put forth by F. J.Furnivall . [1881-82] ob.Q. (Chaucer Society. Pub- lications) Y 185. C 418 ~ Rime-index to Trollus and Criseyde, by W.W.Skeat. 1891. 0. Y 185. C 4183 - Three more parallel texts of Trollus and Criseyde, put forth by F. J.Furni- vall. 3 pts. 1894-95. ob.Q. Y 185. C 4181 - Troylus and Cryseyde compared with Boc- caccio's Filostrato, tr. by W.M.Ros- setti. 1875. ob.Q. (Chaucer Society. Publications) Y 185. C 4182 - Les contes de Canterbury de Geoffrey Chaucer. Traduction frangaise avec notes par T.Bahans, J.Banchet, [et autres] 1908. Q. Y 185. C 4196 - Albertano da Brescia. Liber consola- tionis et concilii, ed. T.Sundby. 1873. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publica- tions) Y 185. C 4202 Ballmann, 0. Chaucers Einfluss auf das englische Drama. 1901. Q. Y 185. C 4206 (27) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS CaU No. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. Beryn. Supplementary Canterbury tales. 1. The tale of Beryn, re-ed. by F. J.Furnivall and W.G.Stone. Y 185. C 4209 , R. Comments upon Chaucer's The miller and The wife of . by C.F.E.Spurgeon. 1901. 0. Society. Publications) Y 185. C 4211 A.K. ten. Chaucer; Studien 185 1887. 0. Brathwait tales of Bath, ed (Chaucer Brink, B. zur Geschichte seiner Entwicklung und zur Chronologie seiner Schriften. 1870. 0. Y - Chaucers Sprache und Verskunst. 1884. 0. Y 185. C - The language and metre of Chaucer; 2d ed. rev., by F.Kluge, tr. by M.B. 1901. D. Y 185. C G. I poemi mlnori di Chaucer; critico. L1900] Q. Society, London. Essays on his words and works; pt.1-6. C 4212 42121 Smith. Capone, saggio Chaucer Chaucer; 1868-78. 0. - Life-records of Chaucer. 1875-1900. 4v.in 1. 0. - List of members and cash accounts; 1891,1897-1909. 0. 42123 Y 185. C 4214 Y 185. C 4215 Y 185. C 4216 Y 185. C 4217 - [Publications; 1st series, no. 1-97, 2d series, no. 1-40. 0. Scattered by topic; see list of call numbers in 2d series, no. 41]-no.41 . Harleian ms . of the C.T. 1909. -no. 42. Date of Troilus. 43. Eight-text ed. of the C.T. 44. Syntax of the infinitive. 45. Miracle of Our Lady. 46. Lydgate's Siege of Thebes; ■no. 47. Comparison of 8 mss. s Canterbury tales. 1913.- 1909. -no 1909. -no 1909. -no 1910. -no pt. 1,1911. - of Chaucer no. 48. 500 years of Chaucer criticism, [1357-1900] pt.l. 1914.-no.51. The scene of the Franklin's tale visited. 1914. Y 185 - Report; 1870-72,1877,1888, 0. Y 185. (28) .C 422 C 4218 POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS an No. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. Cummings , H.M. The Indebtedness of Chaucer's works to the Italian works of Boccaccio... 1916. 0. [Dissertation! Y 185. C 4223 - Ellis, A.J. On early English pronun- ciation with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer; pt.l~5. 1869- 1889. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publica- tions) Y 185. C 4226 - Fansler, D.S. Chaucer and the Roman de la rose. 1914. 0. (Columbia Uni- versity studies in English and com- parative literature) Y 185. C 4228 - Fleay, F.Q. Guide to Chaucer and Spenser. 1877. S. (Collins' school and college classics) Y 185. C 423 - Francis, H.T. The Vedabbha Jataka, tr. from the Pali and compared with "The pardoner's tale." 1884. 0. Eames Y 185. C 4231 - Freudenberger , M. Uber das fehlen des Auftakts in Chaucers heroischem Verse. 1889. 0. [Dissertation] Y 185. C 42315 - Furnivall. F.J. and Kirk, R.E.G., eds. Analogues of Chaucer's Canterbury pilgrimage, April 1386. 1903. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publications) Y 185. C 4233 - Furnlvall, F.J., and others, eds. Originals and analogues of some of Chaucer's Canterbury tales, n.d. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publications) Y 185. C 4222 - Goddard, H.C. Chaucer's Legend of good women. 1909. 0. Y 185. C 4235 - Hamilton, G.L. The indebtedness of Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde to Gui- do delle Colonne's Historia trojana. 1903. S. (Columbia University. Studies in Romance philology and literature) Y 185. C 4232 - Hammond, Eleanor P. Chaucer; a bib- liographical manual. 1908. 0. Y 185. C 4239 (29) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS CHAUCER. GEOFFREY. Hinckley, H.B. Notes on Chaucer; a commentary on the Prolog and six Canterbury tales. 1907. 0. Y - Hoccleve, T. A new ploughman's tale; Thomas Hoccleve 's legend of The virgin and her sleeveless garment, with a spurious link, ed. by A.Beatty. 1902. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publications) Y - [Jewett, Sophie] English literature; Chaucer; selected references . 1911.0. Y - Kaluza, M. Chaucer und der Rosenroman. 1893. 0. Y - Kittredge, G.L. Chaucer and his poetry. 1915. 0. Y - Klaeber, P. Das Bild bei Chaucer. Teil 1. Abschnitt 1; Sammlung der Bilder aus der Tierwelt. [1892?] 0. [Disser- tation] Y 185 - Koch, J. Chronology of Chaucer's writ- ings. 1890. 0. (Chaucer Society. Pub- lications) Y - - Versuch einer kritischen Textausgabe von Chaucer's Parlement of foules. 1904. Q. Y -- Lane, J. Continuation of Chaucer's Squire's tale, ed. by F. J.Furnivall . 1887-89. 2 pt.in Iv. 0. (Chaucer So- ciety. Publications) Y - Lange, H. Die Versicherungen bei Chau- cer. D. n.d. [Dissertation] Y - Legouis, E.H. Geoffrey Chaucer, tr. by L.Lailavoix. 1913. D. Y - Littlehales, H. , ed. Some notes on the road from London to Canterbury in the middle ages. 1898. 0. (Chaucer So- ciety. Publications) - Lounsbury, T.R. Studies in Chaucer, his life and writings. 1892. 3v. 0. - Marsh, G.L. Sources and analogues of "The flower and the leaf"; a disser- tation. 1906. 0. Cat! No. 185. C 424 185. C 4241 185.0 4243 185. C 4244 185.0 4245 42455 185. C 4246 185.0 4247 185.0 4248 185.0 42485 185.0 4249 Y 185.0 4251 Y 185.0 4252 Y 185.0 4255 (50 POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. Maynadier, G.H. The wife of Bath's tale; Its sources and analogues. 1901. D. (Grimm library) Y 185. C 4257 - Petersen, Kate 0. On the sources of The nonne prestes tale. 1898. 0. (Radcliffe College monographs) Y 185. C 4268 - - The sources of The parson's tale. 1901. 0. (Radcliffe College mono- graphs) Y 185. C 42681 [Rands, W.B.] Chaucer's England. 1869. 2v. 0. Y 185. C 4273 Remus, K.R.H. Untersuchungen liber den romanischen Wortschatz Chaucers. 1903. 0. [Dissertation] Root, R.K. The poetry of Chaucer; a guide to its study and appreciation. 1906. D. Sandras, E.G. Etude sur G.Chaucer. 1859. 0. Saunders, J, Cabinet pictures of Eng lish life. Chaucer. 1845. S. Chaucer a Wicliffite; an Y 185. C 4274 Y 185.0 4275 Y 185.0 4276 Y 185.0 4278 H. on Chaucer's parsgn and [1876] 0. W.W. The Chaucer Simon, essay tale . Skeat , D. - The evolution of 1907. 0. (Chaucer tions) canon Parson' s Y 185.0 4282 1900. Y 185.0 42823 the Canterbury tales. Society. Publica- Y 185.0 42825 Spielmann, M.H. The portraits of Geoffrey Chaucer; essay written on the occasion of the quincentenary of the poet's death. 1900. 0. (Chaucer So- ciety. Publications) Y 185.0 4284 Spurgeon, Caroline F.E. Chaucer devant la critique en Angleterre et en France, depuis son temps jusqu'a nos jours. 1911. Q. Y 185.0 42845 Sypherd, W.O. Studies Hous of fame. 1907. ciety. Publications) in Chaucer ' s (Chaucer So- Y 185.0 4285 (31) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. Tat lock, J.S.P. The development and chronology of Chau- cer's works. 1907, 0. (Chaucer Socie- ty. Publications) Y - Thynne, F. Animaduersions vppon the annotacions and corrections of some imperfections of impressions of Chau- cers workes; repr.1598. 1876. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publications) Y - Todd, H.J. Illustrations of the lives and writings of Gower and Chaucer. 1810. Q. - Young, K. The origin and development of the story of Troilus and Criseyde. 1908. 0. (Chaucer Society. Publica- tions) CHESTERTON, GILBERT KEITH. The ballad of the white horse. 2d ed. [1911] D. - The wild knight, and other poems, by Gilbert Chesterton. 1900. D. CHESTRE, THOMAS. Untersuchungen zu Thomas Chestre ' s "Launf al" . Inaugural- Dissertation von K.Miinster. 1886. CHUDLEIGH, MARY (LEE), lady. Poems on several occasions, together with the Song of the three children, para- phras'd, by the Lady C... 1703. 2 pt.in Iv. D. 2d ed. 1709. 2v.in 1. D. - The ladies defence; or, The bride woman's counsellor answered. A poem In a dialogue between Sir John Brute, Sir W.Loveall, Melissa, and a parson. 1709. D. in CHURCHILL, CHARLES. Poems. 1763. Q. - The poetical works of Charles Churchill, with a memoir by J.L.Hannay and copious notes by W.Tooke. [1866] S. (The Aldine edition of the British poets) Y 185 an No. 185. C 4286 185. C 4287 Y 185. C 4288 Y 185. C 4298 Y 185. C 432 Y 185. C 438 Y 185. C 431 Y 185. C 45 Y 185. C 451 Y 185. C 451 Y 185. C 46 C 4601 (32) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS CHURCHILL, CHARLES. The poetical works of Charles Churchill, ed. by C.C. Clarke. 1868. 0. (British poets) Y - The poetical works of Churchill, Par- nell, and Tickell; with a life of each 1880. D. (British poets) Y - The rosciad and The apology, ed. by R.W.Lowe. 1891. F. CHURCHYARD, THOMAS. Churchyard's chips concerning Scotland; with historical notices by G.Chalmers. 1817. 0. - Misery of Flanders, 1579. 1876. 0. CLARE, JOHN. Life and remains of John Clare the "Northamptonshire peasant poet", [ed.] by J.L.Cherry. 1873. D. - Poems descriptive of rural life and scenery. 2d ed. 1820. D. - Poems, sel. and introd. by N.Gale. 1901. 0. - Poems, ed. by A.Symons. 1908. D. - The rural muse; poems by John Clare. 1835. S. - The shepherd's calendar; with village stories, and other poems. 1827. S. - The village minstrel and other poems. 1821. 2v. S. CLEVELAND, JOHN. J.Cleveland revived; poems, orations, epistles, and other his genuine incomparable pieces. 4th 1668 .T. [Bound by Chambolle-Duru] Museum - Clievelandi Vindicia3; or, Clieveland's genuine poems, orations, epistles, &c . 1677. nar.S. Case - The works of John Cleveland [ed. by J. Lake and S.Drake] 1687. S. - The poems of John Cleveland, annotated and [ed.] by J.M.Berdan. [cl903] D. Y CLOUGH, ARTHUR HUGH. The poems and prose remains, ed. by his wife. 1869. 2v. T. - The poetical works of A.H.Clough, [ed.] by F.T.Palgrave. [1906] S. (The Muses' library) Call No. 185. C 4602 185. C 4603 Y 185. C 4647 Y 185. C 47 185. C 476 Y 185. C 539 Y 185. C 54 185 185 543 544 Y 185. C 547 Y 185. C 548 Y 185. C 549 of ed Y 185. C 6 Y 12. C 59 Y 12. C 6 185. C 603 Y 12. C 62 Y 185. C 62 k (33) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS COLERIDGE, HARTLEY. Poems; 2d ed. 1851. 2v. S. COLERIDGE, MARY ELIZABETH. with memoir Poems by Mary Can No. Y 185. C 66 Y 185. C 665 Y 185. C 687 Y 12.C 669 Y 12. C 67 E.Coleridge, [3d ed.] 1908. S. - Fancy *s guerdon, by Anodos [pseud.] 1897. D. COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR. Sibylline leaves; a collection of poems. 1817. 0. Y 185. C 67093 - The literary remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, coll. and ed. by H.N. Coleridge. 1836-39. 4v. 0. - The complete works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ed. by Professor Shedd. 1854. 7v. 0. - The poetical and dramatic works of Sam- uel Taylor Coleridge. 1877. 4v. S. Y 12. C 672 - The poetical works of Coleridge and Keats. [188-] 4v.ln 2. D. Y 185. C 67 - The poetical works, ed. with introd. and notes by T.Ashe. 1893. 2v . S. (Al- dine edition of the British poets) Y 185. C 6702 - Poetical works, ed. by J.D.Campbell. 1895. 0. Y 185. C 6703 - Poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ed. by R.Garnett. 1898. S. (Muses' libra- ry) Y 185. C 6705 - Select poems... arranged In chronological order; with Introduction and notes, by A.J.George. 1905. S. (The belles- lettres series. Section VI.. [Nineteenth century poets]) Y 185. C 67095 - The poems of Coleridge, [ed.] by E.H. Coleridge. [1907] 0. Y 185. C 6709 - Christabel, illustrated by a facsimile of the manuscript and by textual and other notes by E.H.Coleridge, 1897.0. Y 185. C 673 - Golden book of Coleridge, ed. by S.A. Brooke. 1895. D. Y 185. C 6735 - Rime of the ancient mariner, illus- trated by J.N.Paton. 1863. ob.O. Y 185. C 69 (34) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS an No. COLERIDCjE, SAMUEL TAYLOR. Haney, J.L. A bibliography of Samuel Taylor Col- eridge. 1903. 0. Y 12. C 6938 - Helmholtz, Anna A. The Indebtedness of Samuel Taylor Coleridge to^ August Wll- helm von Schlegel. 1907. 0. (Univer- sity of Wisconsin. Bulletin) Y 12. C 694 - Shepherd, R.H. The bibliography of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, rev. by W.F. Prideaux. 1900. 0. Y 12. C 698 - Wise, T.J. A bibliography of the writ- ings in prose and verse of Samuel Tay- lor Coleridge. 1913. 0. Y 12. C 699 [COLLINS, THOMAS] [The teares of love; or, Cupids progresse, together with the complaint of the sorrowfull shepheard- esse.-.Candida , deploring the death of her deare-lov'd.Coravin...l615]sq.O. Case Y 185. C 7 COLLINS, WILLIAM. ...Poems...ed . with notes by W.C.Bronson. 1898. D. (Athenceum press series) Y 185. C 71 COLLOP, JOHN. Itur Satyricum; in loyall stanzas. 1660. sq.O. Y 185. C 725 - Poesis rediviva; or, Poesie reviv'd. 1656. T. Case Y 185. C 724 COLTON, CHARLES CALEB. Modern antiquity, and other poems. 1835. D. Y 185. C 73 COLUM, PADRAIC. Wild earth; a book of verse. 1909. S. Y 185. C 74 CONSTABLE, HENRY. Diana, the sonnets and other poems, ed. by W.C.Hazlitt. 1859. D. Y 185. C 76 - The poems & sonnets of Henry Constable. [1897] 0. Y 185. C 761 COOK, ELIZA. Poems by Eliza Cook, sel. and ed. by the author. 1861. 0. Y 185. C I"? COOKE, THOMAS. Mr. Cooke's original poems; with imitations and trans- lations. 1742. nar.S. Y 185. C 772 (35) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. COOPER, THOMAS. The paradise of martyrs; a faith rhyme. Part flrst-ln five books... 1873. D. Y 185. C 774 - The purgatory of suicides. A prison- rhyme. In ten books. 1845. S. Y 185.C 775 CORBET, RICHARD, bp. of Norwich. Certain elegant poems, written by Dr. Corbet, bishop of Norwich. 1647. T. Case Y 185. C 7796 - Poetlca stromata; or, A collection of sundry pelces In poetry, by Richard Corbet. 1648. T. Case Y 185. C 7798 - Poems... The 3d ed. , cor. and enl. 1672. nar.T. Case Y 185. C 7799 - The poems of Richard Corbet, late bishop of Oxford and of Norwich. 4th ed., [ed.] by 0. Gilchrist. 1807. nar.D. [CORY, WILLIAM JOHNSON] lonlca. 1891. S. COTTLE, JOSEPH. Malvern Hills and other poems. 3d ed. 1802. S. COTTON, CHARLES. Poems on several occa- sions. 1689. D. - The genuine works of Charles Cotton, esq. 1715. nar.D. - The genuine poetical works of Charles Cotton. 2d ed. 1725. nar . S . Y 185. C 8102 - Lyrical poems, by Charles Cotton; In- cluding the poems of Izaak Walton, ed. with notes by J.R.Tutln, 1903. D. Y 185. C 8105 - The wonders of th§ peake. 1681. nar.D. Case Y 185. C 8109 COUPER, ROBERT. Poetry chiefly In the Scottish language. 1804. 2v. S. Y 185. C 82 COWLEY, ABRAHAM. The works of Mr. Abra- ham Cowley; [with an account of his life and writings by T. Sprat] 1668. O.Y 185. C 8266 - The works of Mr. Abraham Cowley... now published out of the authors original copies. 6th ed. 1680. F. Y 185. C 8268 8th ed. 1693. F. Y 185. C 8269 9th-llth ed. 1707-11. 3v. D. Y 185. C 82695 (36) Y 185 .0 78 Y 185. C 785 Y 185 .C 79 Y 185.1 C 809 Y 185, .C 81 I POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. OWLEY, ABRAHAM. Select works [in prose and verse, ed. by R.Hurd] 2d ed . 1772. 2v. D. Y 12. C 83 - The complete works in verse and prose of Abraham Cowley, ed. by A.B.Grosart. 1881. 2v. 0. (Chertsey worthies' li- brary) Y 185. C 827 - The English writings of Abraham Cowley. 1905-06. 2v. D. (Cambridge English classics) Y 185. C 83 - McBryde, J.M., jr. Study of Cowley's Davideis; a dissertation, n.d. 0. Y 185. C 835 COWPER, WILLIAM. Poems, by William Cow- per. New ed. 1811. 2v. 0. Y 185. C 838 - The works of William Cowper; his life and letters by W.Hayley, ed. by T.S. Grimshawe. 1835. 8v. S. Y 185. C 83805 - The life and works of William Cowper, ed. by T. S . Grimshawe . 2d ed. 1835-36. 8v. S. Y 185. C 83806 - The works of William Cowper; comprising his poems, correspondence, and trans- lations, ed. by R.Southey. 1836-37. 15v. S. Y 185. C 83807 - The works of William Cowper; with life of the author by R.Southey. 1853-54. 8v. D. (Bohn's standard library) Y 185. C 8381 - The poetical works of William Cowper; with life by G.Gilflllan. 1854. 2v.0. Y 185. C 8382 - The poetical works of William Cowper; with a memoir. [cl854] 2v. D. (British poets) Y 185. C 8383 - The poetical works of William Cowper; with notes and memoir by J.Bruce, n.d. 3v.ln 2. D. (Aldlne editions of the British poets) Y 185. C 8384 - The poetical works of William Cowper. 1859. 3v. D. (Aldlne edition of the British poets) Y 185. C 8385 - The poetical works of William Cowper; with life, ed. by C.C.Clarke. 1868-69. 2v. 0. (British poets) Y 185. C 8386 (37) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS an No. COWPER, WILLIAM. The poetical works of William Cowper, ed. with notes and biographical Introduction by W.Ben- ham. 1893. 0. Y 185. C 8389 - The unpublished and uncollected poems of William Cowper, ed. by T.Wrlghb. 1900. D. (The cameo series) Y 185. C 83897 ~ The poetical works of William Cowper, ed. by H.S.Mllford. 1905. D. Y 185. C 839 CRABBE, GEORGE. The poetical works of the Rev. George Crabbe ; with his letters and journals, and his life, by his son [G. Crabbe] 1834. 8v. D. Y 185. C 84 - Readings In Crabbe; "Tales of the hall". 1883. S. Y 185. C 8406 - Poems, ed. by A.W.Ward. 1905-07. 3v. D. (Cambridge English classics) Y 185. C 8407 [CRAIK, Mrs. DINAH MARIA (MULOCK)] Poems, by the author of "John Halifax, gen- tleman", etc. 1888. D. Y 185. C 841 CRASHAW, RICHARD. The complete works of Richard Crashaw, ed. by W.B.Turnbull . 1858. S. (Library of old authors) Y 185. C 85 - The poetical works of Richard Crashaw and Quarles' Emblems; with memoir and critical dissertation [by the Rev. George Gllflllan] 1868. 0. (Gllflllan's British poets) Y 185. C 851 - The complete works of Richard Crashaw. 1872-73. 2v. 0. (Fuller worthies' li- brary) Y 185. C 8512 - English poems by Richard Crashaw, ed. by J.R.Tutm. 1900. 2v.ln 1. D. Y 185. C 852 - Poems by Richard Crashaw. 1904. D. (Cambridge English classics) Y 185. C 8525 - The poems of Richard Crashaw, ed. by J.R.Tutm. [1906] S. (The Muses' li- brary) Y 185. C 853 - Steps to the temple, The delights of the muses, and Carmen Deo nostro. 2d ed. 1670. S. Case Y 185. C 8526 (38) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. CRASHAW, RICHARD. Notes and Illustrations to Crashaw's "Delights of the muses", "Steps to the temple", and "Carmen des nostro". n.d. D. in Y 185. C 852 CROLY, GEORGE. The poetical works of Rev. George Croly. [1830] 2v. 0. Y 185. C 87 te- Scenes from scripture; with other poems. 1851. 0. Y 185. C 878 CUST, ROBERT NEEDHAM. Poems of many years and places, 1839-87, by a lifelong thinker and wanderer. 1887. D. Y 185. C 96 2d series. 1897. D. Y 185. C 961 DANIEL, GEORGE. Poems. from the original mss. in the British Museum, ed. by A. B.Grosart. 1878. 4v. sq.D. Y 185. D 22 DANIEL, SAMUEL. Selections from the poetical works of Daniel, [ed.] by J. Morris. 1855. D. Y 185. D 223 p- Complete works in verse and prose, ed. by A. B.Grosart. 1885-96. 5v. sq.Q. Y 12. D 22 - Daniel's Delia and Drayton's Idea, ed. by A.Esdaile. 1908. S. (The king's classics) Y 185. D 225 |~ Guggenheim, J. Quellenstudien zu Sam- i uel Daniels Sonettencyklus "Delia". p Inaugural-Dissertation von J.Guggen- heim. [1898] 0. Y 185. D 228 DARLEY, GEORGE. The complete poetical works of George Darley; repr. from o- riginal editions, and ed. by R.Colles. n.d. D. (The Muses' library) Y 185. D 236 - Nepenthe; a poem in two cantos. 1897. S. Y 185. D 24 DARWIN, ERASMUS, Poetical works contain- ing The botanic garden and The temple of nature. 1806. 3v. 0. Y 185. D 25 D'AVENANT, Sir WILLIAM. The works of Sr William D'Avenant, Kt., consisting kof those which were formerly printed, and those which he design'd for the press. 1673. F. Case Y 12. D 27 (39) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. DAVIDSON, JOHN. The poetical remains of Mr. John Davidson; with a biographical account of the author, and various Illustrative papers, [by J.Maldment] 1829. D. Y 185. D 272 - Selected poems by John Davidson. 1905. D. Y 185. D 285 - Fleet street, and other poems. 1909. D. Y 185. D 275 - Holiday, and other poems; with a note on poetry. 1906. nar.D. Y 185. D 278 - In a music-hall, and other poems. 1891. 0. Y 185. D 279 - Last ballad and other poems. 1899. D. Y 185. D 28 - New ballads. 1897. D. Y 185. D 282 - The testament of a prime minister. 1904. D. Y 185.D 286 - Testaments; no. 1-3. 1901-02. 3v.ln 1. sq.O. Contents: no . 1 The testament of a vlvlsector . -no.2 . The testament of a man f orbld.-no. 3 . The testament of an emplre-bullder. Y 185. D 287 DAVIES, JOHN. The complete works of John Davles of Hereford, ed. by A.B.Grosart. 1878. 2v. 0. (Chertsey worthies' li- brary) Y 185. D 3 DAVIES, Sir JOHN. Works In prose and verse. 1869-76. 3v. 0. (Fuller wor- thies' library) Y 12. D 2886 - Nosce telpsum. Hymnes of Astrcea. Orch- estra; or, A poeme of daiinclng. 1622. j 3 pt.m Iv. S. Case Y 185. D 32 DAVIS. THOMAS OSBORNE. Thomas Davis. Selections from his prose and poetry; with an Introduction by T. W.Rolleston. [1914?] 0. (Every Irishman's library) Y 12. D 31 [DEFOE, DANIEL] Jure dlvlno; a satyr. In twelve books, by the author of The true-born-Englishman. 1706. F. Y 185. D 36 DELONEY, THOMAS. The works of Thomas Deloney, ed. with an introduction and notes by F.O.Mann. 1912. 0. Y 12. D 4 (40) I I POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. DELONEY, THOMAS. Thomas Deloney. Elne Studie iiber Balladenllteratur der Shakspere-Zelt . Inaugural-Dissertation von R.Sievers. 1903. 0. Y 12. D 41 DENHAM, Sir JOHN. Poems and .translations ; with the Sophy, a tragedy. 5th ed. 1709. 0. Y 185. D 41 - A version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches. 1714. 0. [2d copy] Y 185. D 416 DE TABLEY, JOHN LEICESTER WARREN, 3d baron. Poems, dramatic and lyrical. 1895-96. D. Y 185. D 45 DE VERE, Sir AUBREY, 2d bart. A song of faith, devout exercises and sonnets. 1842. S. Y 185, D 47 - Sonnets. New ed. 1875. S. Y 185. D 473 DE VERE, AUBREY THOMAS HUNT. Irish odes and other poems. 1869. D. Y 185. D 49 DIBDIN, CHARLES. Songs of the late Charles Dibdin, coll. and arr. by T. Dibdin. 3d ed . 1850. S. (Clarke col- lection) Y 185. D 529 1863. S. Y 185. D 53 DIBDIN, THOMAS JOHN. The last lays of the last of the three Dibdins, con- taining 50 new songs, poems, &c . 1833. 0. Y 185. D 5548 - Metrical history of England from the landing of Julius Caesar to 1812. 1813. 2v. 0. Y 185. D 5557 DICK, ALEXANDER. Splores of a Halloween, twenty years ago. 1867. S. Y 185. D 557 DOBELL, SYDNEY THOMPSON. The poems of Sydney Dobell, selected with an intro- ductory memoir. 1887. T. (Canterbury poets) Y 185. D 64 DOBSON. AUSTIN i.e. HENRY AUSTIN. At the sign of the lyre. [9th ed.] 1898. S. Y 185. D 6505 ~ Ballad of Beau Brocade, and other poems of the 18th century. 1893. D. Y 185. D 6506 b (41) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS DOBSON, AUSTIN i.e. HENRY AUSTIN. Col lected poems. 6th ed. 1905. D. - Old world Idylls and other verses. 1898. S. - Poems on several occasions. New ed. rev. and enl. 1895. 2v. D. - Proverbs in porcelain, to which is added "Au revoir" , a dramatic vi- gnette. 1893. 0. - Story of Rosina and other verses, il lustr. by H.Thomson. 1895. D. - Murray, F.E. A bibliography of Austin Dobson. 1900. nar.T. Y DODD, JAMES WILLIAM. Ballads of archery, sonnets, etc. 1818. D. Y DODD, WILLIAM. Thoughts in prison. 1777. 0. Y DOLBEN, DIGBY MACKWORTH. The poems of D.M.Dolben, ed. with a memoir by R. Bridges. 1911. D. DONNE, JOHN. Complete poems of John Donne... ed. with preface, essay on life and writings, and notes by A.B.Grosart 1872-73.0. (Puller worthies' library) Y - The poems of John Donne, from the text of the ed. of 1633, rev. by J.R.Lowell with preface, introduction, and notes Call No. Y 185. D 6508 Y 185. D 6564 Y 185. D 657 Y 185. D 6571 Y 185. D 6584 185. D 6595 185. D 6607 185. D 6687 Y 185. D 68 185. D 7187 2v sel and Y by H.J.C. by C.E.Norton. 1895. 2v. D. - Poems, ed. by E.K.Chambers. 1896 nar.S. (The Muses' library) ~ The love poems of John Donne ed. by C.E.Norton. 1905. D. - The poems of John Donne, ed. Grlerson. 1912. 2v. 0. - Ramsay, Mary P. Les doctrines medie- vales Chez Donne, le poete metaphysi- cien de I'Angleterre [1573-1631] 1917 0. DOUGLAS, ALEXANDER. Poems chiefly in the Scottish dialect. 1806. S. Y 185. D 7188 Y 185. D 7189 185. D 71895 Y 185. D 719 Y 185. D 12,1 Y 185. D 74 (42) f POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. DOUGLAS, GAWIN, bp. of Dunkeld. The poetical works of Gawln Douglas; with memoir, notes, and glossary by J. Small. 1874. 4v. D. [Large paper] Y 185. D 75 [Small paper] Y 185. D 75a - Gerken, H. Die Sprache des Blschofs Douglas von Dunkeld. 1898. [Disserta- tion] Y 185. D 752 [DOWDEN, EDWARD] A woman's reliquary; [poems by Edward Dowden] 1913. 0. Y 185. D 754 DOWSON, ERNEST CHRISTOPHER. The poems of Ernest Dowson. 1902. sq.D. Y 185. D 757 DOYLE, Sir FRANCIS HASTINGS CHARLES. Miscellaneous verses. 1834. S. Y 185. D 759 - The return of the guards, and other poems. 1883. D. Y 185.D 76 DRAPER, JOHN. Somerset, with the Severn sea; a poem with historical and mis- cellaneous notes. 1867. S. Y 185. D 78 DRAYTON, MICHAEL. Poems, collected into one volume with sondry peeces Inserted, never before Imprinted. [1620?] 0. Y 185. D 79 - The works of Michael Drayton. 1753. 4v. D. Y 185. D 7905 - The complete works of Michael Drayton. 1876. 3v. D. (Library of old authors) Y 185. D 791 - Selections from the poems of Michael Drayton, ed. by A.H.Bullen. 1883. 0. Y 185. D 7975 - The battalle of Aglncourt; with intro- duction and notes by R.Garnett. 1893. D. Y 185. D 798 - [Poly-olbion] A chorographicall de- scription of all the tracts, rivers, movntalns, forests, and other parts of Great Britain. 1622. Q. Y 185. D 797 - Elton, 0. Michael Drayton, a critical study; with a bibliography. 1905. D. Y 185. D 8026 DRUMMOND, WILLIAM. The works of William Drummond of Hawthornden; from the author's original copies. 1711. 2 pt. in Iv. F. Y 12. D 82 (43) POETICAL TORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS CaH No. works, ed. (Library of Y 185. D 83 Y 185. D 84 Y 185. D 841 Y 185. D 844 DRUMMOND, WILLIAM. Poetical by W.B.Turnbull, 1856. S, old authors) •- Poems of William Drummond of Hawthorn- den, ed. with a memoir and notes, by W.C.Ward. 1894. 2v. S. (The Muses' li- brary) Y 185. D 8389 DRUMMOND, WILLIAM HENRY. The habitant and other French-Canadian poems. 1900. 0. - Johnnie Courteau and other poems. 1906. D. - Phil-o-rum's canoe and Madeleine Ver cheres; two poems. 1898. D. - The voyageur, and other poems; with il- lustrations by P.S.Coburn. 1906. D. Y 185. D 845 [DRYDEN, JOHN] [Miscellany poems! The annual miscellany for the year 1694 » being the fourth part of Miscellany poems. 1694. D. Y 185. D 8471 - Miscellany poems; containing transla- tions of ancient poets, together with original poems. 5th ed. 1727. 6v. nar.S. Y 185. D 8472 - The miscellaneous works of John Dryden; containing all his original poems, tales, and translations. 1760. 4v.O. Y 185. D 8476 - The critical and miscellaneous prose works of John Dryden, now first col- lected; with notes and illustrations and account of the life and writings of the author, by E.Malone. 1.800. 3v. 0. Y 12. D 84 - The works of John Dryden now first col- lected. Illustrated with notes his- torical, critical and explanatory, and a life of the author, by Sir W.Scott. 2d ed. 1821. 18v. 0. Y 12. D 848 - The poetical works of John Dryden, ed. by C.C.Clarke. 1868. 2v. 0. (Gilfil- lan's Brilsh poets) Y ]85.D 8486 4 (14) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. DRYDEN, JOHN. Works with notes by Sir W.Scott, rev. and corr. by G. Saints- bury. 1882-93. 18v. 0. [Title of v. 1-8 is Dramatic works] Y 12. D 85 - The poetical works of John Dryden; with a memoir. [188-] 5v.ln 2. D. (British poets, Riverside ed.) Y 185. D 8485 - The poetical works of John Dryden. [188-] 5v.ln 3. S. (Aldlne edition of the British poets) Y 185. D 8488 - The poetical works of John Dryden, ed. with a memoir, by W.D.Christie. 1893. 0. Y 185. D 8489 - The poems of John Dryden, ed. by J.Sar- geaunt. 1910. 0. Y 185. D 849 - Fables from Boccaclo and Chaucer. New ed. with essay, by J.Alkln. 1806. S. Y 185. D 858 Stanzas on the death of Oliver Crom-- well, ed. by W.D.Christie. 3d ed. 1883. S. (Clarendon press series) Y 185. D 8584 Baumgartner, M.D. on Dryden' s relation to Germany In the eighteenth century. 1914. 0. Y 12. D 86 Qroller Club, New York. Exhibition of first and other editions of the works of John Dryden [1631-1700] [1900] D. Y 185. D 863 [Halifax, CM., earl of] The Hind and the panther transvers'd to the story of the country mouse and the city- mouse. 1687. 0. Case Y 185. D 864 The new Atlantis. A poem, with some reflections upon the Hind and the pan- ther. 1687. 0. [2d copy] Case Y 185. D 866 The revolter. A trage-comedy acted be- tween the Hind and panther and Rellglo laid, &c. 1687. 0. [2d copy] Case Y 185. D 8674 Sherwood, Margaret. Dryden' s dramatic theory and practice. 1898. S. (Yale studies In English) Y 185. D 8681 (45) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS c*n No. DUCK, STEPHEN. Poems on several occa- . slons; to which Is prefixed, an ac- count of the author, by J.Spence. 2d ed. 1737. 0. Y 185. D 8686 DUFFERIN and CLANDEBOYE, HELEN SELINA (SHERIDAN) BLACKWOOD, 4th baroness of. A selection of the songs of Lady Duf- ferln (Countess of Glfford) set to music by herself & others, ed. by her son, the Marquess of Dufferln and Ava. 1895. 0. Y 185. D 869 - Songs, poems, & verses by Helen, Lady Dufferln (Countess of Glfford), ed. with some account of the Sheridan family, by her son, the Marquess of Dufferln and Ava. 1894. 0. Y 185. D 87 DUNBAR, WILLIAM. Select poems of William Dunbar; pt.l, from the m.s. of George Bannatyne, 1568. 1788. S. (The Scott- ish poets. Morlson's edition) Y 185. D 908 - Life of Gavin Douglas, Bishop of Dun- keld; with notes, n.d. S. In Y 185. D 908 - The poems of William Dunbar, now first collected; with notes and a memoir of his life, by D.Lalng. 1834. 2v. D. Y 185. D 9084 - The poems of William Dunbar, ed. by J. Schlpper; pt.3. 1892 .P. (Wiener Akademle der Wlssenchaf ten. Denkschrlf ten der phllosophisch-hlstorlsche Classe) Y 185. D 9089 - Kaufmann, J. Trait e de la langue du poete ecossals William Dunbar; precede d'une esqulsse de sa vie et de ses poemes. [1873] 0, Y 185. D 909 - Mebus, F. Studlen zu William Dunbar. 1902. 0. [Dissertation] Y 185. D 9094 - Schlpper, J. William Dunbar; seln Leben und seine Gedichte. 1884. D. Y 185. D 91 D'URFEY, THOMAS. Butler's ghost; or, Hudlbras. The fourth part, with re- flections upon these times. 1682. D. Case Y 185. D 923 (46) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. D^URFEY, THOMAS. Collin's walk through London and Westminster, a poem In bur- lesque, by T.D. gent. 1690. S. Y 185. D 924 - Hogan-Moganldes ; or. The Dutch Hudlbras. 1674. S. ^ m Y 185. D 924 - The malcontent; a satyr; being the se- quel of The progress of honesty, or a view of court and city. 1684. F. In Y 185. D 927 - New opera's, with comical stories, and poems on several occasions. 1721. D. Case Y 185. D 925 - The progress of honesty; or, A view of a court and city. A Plndarlque poem, by T.D. 1681. F. Y 185. D 927 - Songs compleat, pleasant and dlvertlve; set to muslck by Dr. J. Blow, Mr.H. Purcell, and other masters. 1719-20. 6v. D. Y 185. D 93 - Stories, moral and comical.. from hints out of Italian, Spanish and French authors, done Into several sorts of English verse and prose, n.d. D. Y 185. D 933 - Tales, tragical and comlcal...f rom the prose of some famous antique Italian, Spanish and French authors. Done Into several sorts of English verse. 1704. D. Y 185. D 935 DUTT, TORU. Ancient ballads and legends of Hindustan. [4th ed.] 1906. nar . S . Y 185. D 95 - A sheaf gleaned In French fields. New ed. 1878. 0. Y 185. D 952 DYER, JOHN. Poems. Viz. I. Grongar Hill. -II. The ruins of Rome. -III. The fleece, in four books. 1761. 0. Y 185. D 977 - The fleece; a poem. In four books. 1757. sq.Q. Case Y 185. D 98 EARLE, MAY. Juana of Castile. 1910. D. Y 185. E 12 ELIOT, GEORGE, pseud., I.e. MARIAN EVANS, afterwards CROSS. The poems of George Eliot. 1887. D. Y 185. E 445 k (47) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. ELLERMAN, CHARLES F. Anglo-Belglc bal- lads and legends and other tales In verse. 1654. D. Y 185. E 45 ELLIOTT, EBENEZER. The poetical works of Ebenezer Elliott, the Corn-law rhymer. 1840. Q. Y 185. E 459 - Poetical works, ed. by his son E.Elli- ott. New and rev. ed. 1876. 2v. D. Y 185. E 46 - More verse and prose, by the Cornwal rhymer [I.e. Ebenezer Elliott] 1850. 2v. S. Y 185. E 462 - The splendid village; Corn-law rhymes, and other poems. 1833. S. Y 185. E 4629 - The village patriarch, Love and other poems. 1834. 2v.ln 1. S. Y 185. E 463 ELLIS, Mrs. SARAH (STICKNEY) Sons of the soil; a poem. 2d ed. [1840] 0. Y 185. E 47 ELLWOOD, THOMAS. Davldels; or, The his- tory of David from his anointing by Samuel-..a sacred poem, In twelve books, n.d. F. MS Y 185. E 49 - Davldels. The life of David, king of Israel; a sacred poem, In five books. 1712. D. Y 185. E 491 [FABLES and songs] 176-. S. Y 185. F 11 FALCONER, WILLIAM. The poetical works of William Falconer. 1885. D. (Aldlne edition of the British poets) Y 185. F 18 - The shipwreck; a poem. 1811. 0. Y 185. F 1879 FANE, JULIAN HENRY CHARLES. Tannhauser; or. The battle of the bards; a poem, by Neville Temple [pseud.] and Edward Trevor [pseud.] 1863. 0. Y 185. F 21 FANSHAWE, REGINALD. Corydon; an elegy In memory of Matthew Arnold and Oxford. 1906. D. Y 185. F 226 FANSHAWE, Sir RICHARD, bart . II pastor fldo, the falthfull shepherd [by G.B. Guarinl] with an addition of divers other poems. 1648. sq.D. Y 185. F 23 FAWKES, FRANCIS. Original poems and translations. 1761. 0. Y 185. F 28 (48) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaU No. FENTON, ELIJAH. Poems on several occa- sions. 1717. nar.D. Y 185. P 36 FENTON, GEORGE LIVINGSTONE. The canary and other poems. 1891. 0. (Moray li- brary) Y 185. F 372 FERGUSON, Sir SAMUEL. Congal; a poem in five books. 3d ed. 1907. S. Y 185. F 378 - Lays of the Red Branch. 1897. S. Y 185. F 38 - Lays of the western Gael and other poems. 1865. D. Y 185. F 382 FERGUSSON, R. Scots poems. 1898. S. Y 185. F 39 FIELD, MICHAEL. Underneath the bough; a book of verses. Rev.ed. 1893. S. Y 185. F 45 - Wild honey from various thyme. 1908. D. Y 185. F 452 FITZGERALD, EDWARD. Letters and literary remains, ed. by W.A.Wright. 1889. 3v.D. Y 12 F 57 - The variorum and definitive edition of the poetical and prose writings of Ed- ward Fitzgerald, coll. by G.Bentham. 1902^03. 7v. Q. Y 12. F 579 - Caxton Club, Chicago. A chronological list of the more important issues of Edward Fitzgerald's version of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, and of other books, written, translated, edited or owned by him. Exhibited by the Caxton Club, 1899. 1899. D. Y 12. F 582 FITZGERALD, THOMAS. Poems on several occasions. 1733. 0. Y 185. F 56 FLATMAN, THOMAS. Poems and songs by Thomas Flatman. 4th ed.; with many additions and amendments. 1686. D. Y 185. F 59 FLECKNOE, RICHARD. A collection of the choicest epigrams and characters of Richard Plecknoe. 1673. 2 pt.ln Iv. T. Case Y 185. F 6 - The diarium, or Journall, divided into 12, jornadas in burlesque rhime, or drolling verse, with other pieces. 1656. T. Case Y 185. F 602 (49) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Calt No. PLECKNOE, RICHARD. Epigrams of all sorts, made at divers times on several occa- sions. 1670. S. Case Y 185. P 599 PLETCHER, GILES. The poems of Giles Flet- cher, for the first time coll. and ed. by A.B.Grosart. 1868. 0. (Fuller wor- thies' library) Y 185. F 6086 - Giles and Phlneas Fletcher; poetical works, ed. by F.S.Boas. 1908-09. 2v. D. (Cambridge English classics) Y 185.F 609 - Christ's victory and triumph in heaven and earth, and other poems of the 17th century, ed. [by W.T.Brooke. 1889] 0. (Ancient & modern library of theologic- al literature) Y 185. F 611 FLETCHER, JOSEPH. The poems of Joseph Fletcher, ed. with introduction and notes by A.B.Grosart. 0. (Fuller wor- thies' library) Y 185. F 6286 FLETCHER, PHINEAS. The poems of Phineas Fletcher; for the first time collected and ed., with memoir, essay, and notes by A.B.Grosart. 1869. 4v. 0. (Fuller worthies' library) Y 185. F 6486 - The Purple Island; or. The Isle of Man; together with Piscatorie eclogs, and other Poeticall miscellanies, by P.P. 1633. D. Case Y 185. F 65 - The folly of love; a new satyr against woman; together with The batchelors lettany, by the same hand. 1701. 0. Y 185. F 72 FORDE, THOMAS. Virtus rediviva; or, A panegyrick on the late K.Charls the I. &c., attended with severall other pieces from the same pen. 1660-61. 5 pt.in Iv. S. Y 12. F The FOUR ages of England; or, The iron age; with other select poems, written In 1648. 1675. D. Case Y 185. F (50) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. FRERE, JOHN HOOKHAM. The works of John H.Frere, In verse and prose, coll. with a memoir by his nephews, W.E. and Sir B.Frere. 1872. 0. Y 12. F 89 - The works of the Right Hon. John H. Frere, in verse and prose. 2d ed., rev. 1874. 3v. 0. Y 12. F 891 FULLER, THOMAS. The poems and transla- tions in verse of Thomas Fuller, and his much-wished form of prayer, coll. and ed, by A.B.Grosart. 1888. 0. (Fuller worthies' library) Y 185. F 9586 GALSWORTHY, JOHN. Moods, songs & dog- gerels, by John Galsworthy. 1912. 0. Y 185. G 13 GARNETT, RICHARD. Idylls and epigrams, chiefly from the Greek anthology. 1869. S. Y 185. G 165 GARRICK, DAVID. The poetical works of David Garrick; now first collected in- to two volumes with explanatory notes. 1785. 2v. S. Y 185. G 18 GARTH, Sir Samuel. The dispensary; a poem in six cantos. 1709. D. Y 185. G 19 8th ed. 1718. nar.S. Y 185. G 191 - Schenk, T. Sir Samuel Garth und seine Stellung zum komischen Epos. 1900. 0. [Dissertation] Y 185. G 2 GASCOIGNE, GEORGE. 1. Certayne notes of instruction in English verse, 1575; 2. The Steele glas, 1576; 3. The com- playnt of Philomene, 1576. 1869. 0. ([Arber's] English reprints) Y 185. G 215 - The complete poems of George Gascoigne; now first collected and ed. from the early printed copies and from MSS., with a memoir and notes, by W.C.Haz- litt. 1869-70. 2v. F. (Roxburghe li- brary) Y 185. G 216 - The complete works of George Gascoigne. 1907-10. 2v. D. (Cambridge English classics) Y 12.G 21 (51) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS C*II No. GAY, JOHN. Poems on several occasions. 1720. 2v.ln 1. Q. Y 185. G 25 - The poetical works of John Gay; with a memoir. [188-] 2v.ln 1. D. (British poets) Y 185. G 251 - Poetical works, ed. with a life and notes, by J.Underhlll. 1893. 2v. nar.S. (The Muses' library) Y 185. G 2515 - Fables. 1737-42. 2v. D. Y 185. G 2527 - Fables; with a life of the author. 1793. 0. Y 185. G 2528 - Fables of John Gay; with a life of the - author, and embellished with 70 plates. '| 1793. 2v. Q. Y 185. G 2529 - The shepherd's week, In six pastorals. 1714. D. Y 185. G 255 GAY, WILLIAM. The complete poetical works I of William Gay, [ed. by J.G.Ollphant ] ^ 1911. D, Y 185. G 27 , [GIFFORD, WILLIAM] The Bavlad; a para- ^ phrastlc Imitation of the first satire of Perslus. 1791. 0. Y 185. G 35 GILBERT, WILLIAM. The hurricane; a theo- sophlcal and western eclogue; to which dj Is subjoined, A solitary effusion In a ~ summer's evening. 1796. 0. Y 185. G 37 [GLOVER, RICHARD] Leonldas; a poem. 1737. sq.Q. Y 185. G 51 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. Poems. New ed. 1800. 0. Y 185. G 577 - Miscellaneous works; Including a variety J of pieces now first collected, by J. « Prior. 1837. 4v. 0. Y 12. G 573 - The works of Oliver Goldsmith, ed. by P.Cunningham. 1854. 4v. 0. Y 12. G 5735 - The poetical works of Oliver Goldsmith; with a notice of his life and genius, by E.F.Blanchard. [1867] D. Y 185. G 5781 - The poetical works of Goldsmith and Gray; with a memoir of each. [388-] D. (British poets) Y 185. G 578 (52) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS an No« GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. The poetical works of Oliver Goldsmith; with a life of the poet by J.Mltford. 1884. S. (Aldlne edition of the British poets) Y 185. G 5784 - The works of Oliver Goldsmith; a new ed. containing pieces hitherto uncol- lected, and a life of the author. With notes by J.W.M.Glbbs. 1884-86. 5v. D. (Bohn's standard library) Y 12. G 578 Poetical works, Illustrated by wood en- gravings; with a biographical memoir and notes on the poems. 1889. Q. Y 185. G 5785 The miscellaneous works of Oliver Gold- smith; with biographical Introduction by Prof. Masson. 1893. 0. Y 12. G 579 The complete poetical works of Oliver Goldsmith, ed. by A.Dobson. 1906. 0. Y 185. G 579 A prospect of society by Oliver Gold- smith, being the earliest form of his poem The traveller, now first reprinted from the unique original; with a re- print of the first edition of The traveller, ed. by B.Dobell . 1902 . sq. S . Y 185. G 585 Sollas, Hertha B.C. Goldsmiths Elnfluss in Deutschland Im 18 . Jahrhundert . 1903. 0. [Dissertation] Y 12. Y 588 GOMERSALL, ROBERT. Poems. 1633. T. Case Y 185. G 6 - The Levites revenge; containing poetic- all meditations vpon the 19. and 20. chapters of Jvdges. 2d ed. 1633. T. m Case Y 185. G 6 - The tragedle of Lodovlck Sforza, dvke of Mlllan. 2d ed. 1633. T. In Case Y 185. G 6 GOOGE, BARNABE. Eglogs, epytaphes, and sonettes, 1563, ed. by E.Arber. 1871. 0. ([Arber's] English reprints) Y 185. G 64 GORDON, ADAM LINDSAY. The poems of Adam L.Gordon; including several never be- fore printed, arr. by D. Sladen. 1912 . S. Y 185. G 66 (53) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS an No. GORDON, PATRICK. The famous history of the renown'd and valiant prince Robert, slrnamed the Bruce, king of Scotland., &c., 1615; repr.1718. nar.T. Case Y 185. G Q7 GOSSE, EDMUND WILLIAM. Flrdausl in ex- ile, and other poems. [2d ed.] 1895. 1 nar.S. Y 185. G 69 - In russet and silver. 1894. D. Y 185. G 6943 - New poems. 1879. D. Y 185. G 6962 - On viol and flute. 1896. nar.S. Y 185. G 6965 GOWER. JOHN. [A collection of pamphlets] Contents: Meyer, K. J.Gower's bezieh- ungen zu Chaucer und Konig Richard II. >J 1889.-Tiete, G. Zur J.G.'s Confessio Amantls. [1889?] 0. Y 185. G 74 - The complete works of John Gower, ed. 1 from the manuscripts; with introduc- | tlons, notes and glossaries by G.C. * Macaulay. 1899-1902. 4v. 0. Y 185. G 7489 - Confessio amantls of John Gower, ed. and collated with the best manuscripts by R.Paul. 1857. 3v. 0. Y 185. G 7519 - Conflsion del amante, por J. Goer; span- Ische Ubersetzung von John Gowers Con- fessio amantls, von H.Knust, hrsg. von A.Blrch-Hirschfeld. 1909. 0. Y 185. G 7523 « Readings in Gower by M.W.Easton. 1895. 0. (University of Pennsylvania. Publi- cations. Series in philology, litera- ture and archaeology) Y 185. G 7625 GRAVES, ALFRED PERCEVAL. The Irish poems of Alfred P.Graves. 1908. 2v. sq.S. Y 185. G 77 - Songs of Killarney. 1873. D. Y 185. G 768 GRAY, DAVID. The Luggio, and other poems; with a memoir by J .Hedderwick, and a prefatory notice by R.M.Mllnes. 1862 . S . Y 185. G 78 [2d copy] Y 185. G 78a GRAY. JOHN. Silver points. 1893. nar.O. Y 185. G 786 GRAY, THOMAS. The poems of Gray. New ed. 1800. 0. Y 185. G 798 (54) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Cafl No. GRAY, THOMAS. The works of Thomas Gray, containing his poems and correspond- ence; with memoirs of his life and writings. New ed. 1825. 2v. nar.D. Y 12. G 8082 - The works of Thomas Gray In prose and verse, ed. by E.Gosse. 1884-1903. 4v. D. Y 12. G 809 - The poetical works of Thomas Gray; with a life by J.Mltford. 1885. D. (Aldlne edition of the British poebs) Y 185. G 7988 - Poems, published In 1768. 1909. S. Y 185. G 799 - Gray's Elegy; with translation Into Latin elegiac verse, by Sir A.J.E. Cockburn. 1900. 0. Y 185. G 8026 - Odes by Mr. Gray. 1757. 0. Case Y 185. G 806 - Cook, A.S. A concordance to the Eng- lish poems of Thomas Gray, ed. by A.S. Cook. 1908. 0. Y 185. G 812 - Northup, C.S. A bibliography of Thomas Gray. 1917. 0. (Cornell studies In English) Y 12. G 816 The GREAT birth of man; or. The excellen- cy of man's creation and endowments above the original of woman. A poem, by M.S. ]686. 0. Y 185. G 818 GREENE, ROBERT. The dramatic and poetical works of Robert Greene & George Peele; with memoir by A.Dyce. 1861. 0. Y 12. G 8386 ;- The life and complete works in prose and verse of Robert Greene. 1881-86. 15v. Q. (Huth library) Y 12. G 8388 J- The plays & poems of Robert Greene, ed. by J.C.Collins. 1905. 2v. 0. Y 12. G 839 Jordan, J.C. Robert Greene. 1915. 0. (Columbia university studies in Eng- lish and comparative literature) Y 12. G 8545 Knaut , C.F. Uber die Metrlk Robert Greene's. 1890. 0. [Dissertation] Y 12. G 8546 (55) 1 POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Cafl No. GREENE, ROBERT. [Rich, B. ]... Greenes newes both from heauen and hell, 1593; and Greenes funeralls, 1594, repr. from the original editions with notes by R.B.McKerrow. 1911. sq.O. Y 12. G 857 - [Vetter, T.l Robert Greene und seine Prosa. 1897. 0. (Verhandlungen der 44sten Versammlung deutscher Philologen und Schulmanner in Dresden, 1897) Y 12. G 859 GREENWELL, DORA, i.e. DOROTHY. Poems. 1889. T. (The Canterbury poets) Y 185. G 84 ~ Carmina crucis. 1869. S. . . Y 185.G 85 GROTE, Mrs. HARRIET (LEWIN) Collected papers, (original and reprinted) in ,. prose and verse, 1842-62, by Mrs. Grote. 1862. 0. Y 12. G 91 GWYNN, STEPHEN LUCIUS. A lay of Ossian and Patrick; with other Irish verses. [1903] S. Y 185. G 98 HABINGTON, WILLIAM. Castara. 3d edition of 1640; edited and collated with the earl- ier ones of 1634, 1635...1870. 0. Case Y 185. H 108 - Castara, ed. by E.Arber. 1870. 0. ([Ar- ber's] English reprints) Y 185. H 11 HAKE, THOMAS GORDON. Poems selected by Alice Meynell and a portrait by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 1894. D. Y 185. H 12 HALIFAX, CHARLES MONTAGU, earl of. The poetical works of Charles, late Earl of Halifax; with his Lordship's life, including the history of his times. 2d ed. 1716. 2 pt.in Iv. D. Y 185. H 136 HALL, JOHN. Poems, [ed. with a life of the author by Sir S.E.Brydges. 2d ed . 1646-47, repr. 1816] 2 pt.in Iv. nar.D. Y 185. H 137 ^ HALL, JOSEPH, bp . of Norwich. Satires; with Illustrations of P.Warton and additional notes by S .W. Singer . 1824 .D. Y 185. H 14 . HALLAM, ARTHUR HENRY. Remains in verse and prose of Arthur Henry Hallam; with a preface and memoir. 1863. D. Y 12. H 15 (56) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Catt No. HALLAM, ARTHUR HENRY. The poems of Arthur H.Hallam, together with his essay on the lyrical poems of Alfred Tennyson, ed. by R.Le Galllenne. 1893. S. Y 185. H 15 HAMERTON, PHILIP GILBERT. Isles of Loch Awe and other poems of my youth. 1855. 0. Y 185. H 17 HAMILTON, WILLIAM. Poems on several oc- casions. 1760. D. Y 185. H 19 - The poems and songs of William Hamilton of Bangour; collated with the ms . volume of his poems, and containing several pieces hitherto unpublished; with an account of the life of the author, by J.Paterson. 1850. nar.D. Y 185. H 191 HAMMOND, WILLIAM. Occasional poems by William Hammond, esq.; first printed 1655. 1816. 0. Y 185. H 2 HARDY, THOMAS. The works of Thomas Hardy In prose and verse. Wessex ed. 1912*-19. 0. Contents: I. The Wessex novels, v.l. Tess of the d 'Urbervllles .-v. 2 Far from the madding crowd. -v. 3. Jude the ob- scure. -v. 4. The return of the native.- V.5. The mayor of Casterbrldge . -v. 6. The woodlanders .-v. 7. Under the green wood tree. -V. 8. Life's little Ironies. - V.9. Wessex tales. -v. 10. A pair of blue eyes. -V. 11. The trumpet-major . -v. 12 . Two on a tower. -v. 13. The well-be- loved. -v. 14. A group of noble dames.- . V.15. Desperate remedies . -v. 16. The hand of Ethelberta.-v. 17 . A Laodicean. - V.18. Wessex poems, and other verses. - V. 19-20. The dynasts. Y 12. H 22 - Time's laughlngstocks » and other verses. 1910. D. Y 185. H 22 [HARINGTON, JOHN] The history of Pollndor and Flostella; with other poems, by J.H. 1651. S. Case Y 185. H 235 (57) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. HARVEY, CHRISTOPHER. The complete poems of Christopher Harvey, ed. by A.B. Grosart. (Fuller worthies' library) 1874. 0. Y 185. H 258? HARVEY, GABRIEL. The works of Gabriel Harvey, coll. and ed. , with memorial- .. introduction, notes and Illustrations, etc. by A.B. Grosart. 1884-85. 3v. Q. (Huth library) Y 12. H 2688 HASKINS, JAMES. The poetical works of James Haskins, ed. by H.Baldwin. 1848. D. Y 185. H 27 HAWKER, ROBERT STEPHEN. The poetical works of Robert S. Hawker, coll. and arr. by J.G.Godwin. 1879. D. Y 185. H 3087 - The poetical works of Robert S. Hawker, ed. from the original manuscripts and annotated copies; together v/ith a prefatory notice and bibliography by A. Wallls. 1899. D. Y 185. H 31 HAYLEY, WILLIAM. Poems and plays by Wil- liam Hayley, esq. New ed. 1788. 6v. D. Y 185. H 32 - An essay on history; in three epistles to Edward Gibbon. 1780. sq.Q. in Y 185. H 33 - The triumphs of temper; a poem in six cantos. 2d ed. 1781. Q. Y 185. H 33 [HEARNE, T.] An epistolary letter from T H to Sir H s S' e [i.e. Sir H.Sloane]; printed 1729, repr.1904. 2d ed. 1904. D. Y 185. H 335 HEATH, ROBERT. Clarastella; together with Poems occasional, elegies, epigrams, satyrs. 1650. 5 pt.in Iv. nar.T. Y 185. H 336 HEAVYSEGE, CHARLES. Jepthah's daughter. 1865. D. Y ]85.H 338 HEBER, REGINALD, bp . of Calcutta. The poetical works of Reginald Heber. 1842. D. Y 185. H 339 - The poetical works of Reginald Heber; with an introductory essay, by M.A. . De Wolfe Howe. 1858. 0. Y 185 H 34 (58) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Cafl No. HEMANS, Mrs. FELICIA DOROTHEA (BROWNE) Poetical works; vol.3. 1832. Tt. Y 185. H 378 - Works; with a memoir of her life by her sister. 1839. 7v. D. 1840-57. 7v. D. HENDERSON, JOHN. Letters and poems by the late Mr. John Henderson; with anecdotes of his life by J. Ireland. 1786. S. HENLEY, WILLIAM ERNEST. The works of William E.Henley. 1908. D. Contents V. 1-2. Poems .-v. 3-4. Essays. -v. 5-6. Views and reviews . -v. 7. Plays. - Hawthorn and lavender; with other verses. [2d ed. ] 1901. D. - Poems. 7th ed. 1904. D. - A song of speed. 1903. D. HENRY, JAMES. A half year's poems. 0. - Menippea. 1866. 0. - Poematia. 1866. 0. - Poems chiefly philosophical. 1856 - Thalia petasata; or, A foot-journey from Carlsruhe to Bassano, described on the way in verse. 1859. 0. - Thalia petasata iterum; or, A foot- tk- journey from Dresden to Venice, de- ~ scribed on the way in verse. 1877.0. HENRYSON, ROBERT. The poems and fables I of Robert Henryson, now first col-- lected; with notes, and a memoir of his life, by D.Laing. 1865. D. The poems of Robert Henryson. A re- vised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary, ed. by W.M.Metcalfe. 1917. D. HEPWITH, JOHN. The Calidonian forrest. 1641. sq.D. HERBERT of Cherbury, EDWARD HERBERT, 1st baron. The poems of Lord Herbert of Cherbury, ed. with an introduction by J.C.Collins. 1881. D. (59) Y 185. H 3781 Y 185. H 3782 Y 185. H 381 Y 12. H 38 Y 185. H 383 Y 185. H 3837 Y 185. H 38374 1854. Y 185. H 3938 Y 185. H 3956 Y 185. H 3969 0. Y 185. H 397 Y 185. H 3986 Y 185. H 3987 Y 185. H 4 Y 185. H 4003 Y 185. H 405 Y 185. H 41 POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. HERBERT, GEORGE. The works of George Herbert In prose and verse. 1846. 2v. 0. Y 185. H 4284 - - 1853. 2v. 0. Y 12. H 4185 ~ The poetical works of George Herbert, [ed.l by G.Gllfillan. 1854. 0. Y 185. H 4285 - The works of George Herbert In prose and verse, ed. by R. A. Willmott . 1854. 0. Y 12. H 4186 -- The poetical works of George Herbert; with life, critical dissertation, and explanatory notes by G.Gilfillan. The text ed. by C.C.Clarke. 1868. 0. (British poets) Y 185. H 4286 [2d copy] Y 185. H 4286a ~ The complete works in verse and prose of George Herbert, ed. by A.B.Grosart. 1874. 3v.0. (Fuller worthies' library) Y 12. H 4287 - The poetical works of Herbert and Vaughan; with a memoir of each. [188-] D. (British poets) Y 185. H 4287 - Vaughan, H. Poetical works. n.d.D. in Y 185. H 4287 - The poetical works of George Herbert, ed. by A.B.Grosart. Rev.ed. 1892. D. (Al- dlne edition of the British poets) Y 185. H 4289 - The English works of George Herbert. [ed.] by G.H. Palmer. 1905. 3v. 0. Y 12. H 429 - ...The temple; sacred poems and private ejaculations; with introductory essay by J.H. Shorthouse . 5th ed . Fac-simile reprint. 1893. nar.S. Y 185. H 42898 - The temple; sacred poems and private ejaculations, by George Herbert. 1907. sq.O. Y 185. H 429 HERRICK, ROBERT. The works of R.Herrick, [ed. with a biographical notice, by T.Maitland] 1823. 2v. 0. Y 185. H 4307 - Hesperides; or, The works both humane and divine of Robert Herrick; [with a memoir by S.W. Singer] 1846. 2v. S. Y 185. H 4309 (60) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. I HERRICK, ROBERT. The complete poems of Robert Herrlck, ed. by A.B.Grosart. 1876. 3v. D. (Early English Poets) Y 185. H 431 - Hesperldes; or, the works both humane and divine of Robert Herrlck. [cl854] 2v.ln 1. D. (British poets) Y 185. H 432 - The poetical works of Robert Herrlck; containing his "Hesperldes" and Noble numbers; with a biographical memoir by E.Walford. 1859. D. Y 185. H 433 - Hesperldes; the poems and remains of Herrlck now first collected, ed. by W.C.Hazlltt, 1869. 2v. 0. (Library of old authors) Y 185. H 434 - The Hesperldes & Noble numbers, ed . by A. Pollard; with a preface by A.C. Swinburne. Rev.ed. 1898. 2v. S.(The Muses' library) Y 185. H 4348 - The poetical works of Robert Herrlck, ed. by G. Salntsbury . 1900. 2v. D. (Al- dlne edition of the British poets) Y 185. H 435 - Thomson, J. Indexes to the first lines and to the subjects of the poems of Robert Herrlck. 1901. Q. (Philadelphia Free Library. Bulletin) Y 185. H 4468 - Heylln, P. Memorial of Bishop Wayn- flete, ed. by J.R.Bloxam. 1851. 0. (Caxton Society. Publications) Y 185. H 5 HEWLETT, MAURICE HENRY. Songs and medi- tations. 1896. D. Y 185. H 503 HEYRICK, THOMAS. Miscellany poems, by Tho. Heyrlck, formerly of Peter-House College in Cambridge. 1691. 0. Case Y 185. H 5035 - The submarine voyage. A Plndarlck poem in four parts. 1691. 0. In Case Y 185. H 5035 HEYWOOD, JOHN. The proverbs and epigrams of John Heywood, repr. from the 1562 ed.; with variations. 1867. 0. Y 185. H 504 '- The proverbs of John Heywood; being the "Proverbes" of that author printed 1546. Ed. with notes and introduction, by Julian Sharman. 1874. D. Y 185. H 505 (61) k POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaXL N*. HEYWOOD, ROBERT. Observations and In- structions, divine and morall , in verse, ed. by J.Crossley. 1869. 0. (Chetham Society. Remains historical and literary connected with the pala- tine counties of Lancaster and Chester)Y 185. H 51 HICKBY, EMILY HENRIETTA. Verse-tales, lyrics, and translations c 1889- S. Y 185. H 54 HILL, AARON. The works of the late Aaron Hill, esq., consisting of letters on various subjects, and of original poems, moral and facetions; with an essay on the art of acting. 1753. 4v.O. Y 12. H 55 HINKSON, KATHARINE (TYNAN) "Mrs . H. A. HINK- SON." Cuckoo songs. 1894. D. Y 185. H 592 - Miracle plays; Our Lord's coming and childhood. 1895. D. Y 185. H 5958 ■r Twenty one poems by Katharine Tynan, selected by W.B.Yeats. 1907. 0. Y 185. H 6 HOCCLEVE, THOMAS. Poems by Thomas Hoc- cleve. never before printed, selected from a ms. in the possession of G. Mason. 1796. 0. Y 185. H 65 HOFLAND, Mrs. BARBARA (WREAKS) HOOLE . Poems by Barbara Hoole. [1st ed . 1805] S. Y 185. H 66 HOGG, JAMES. The poetical works of the Ettrick shepherd, including the Queen's wake. Pilgrims of the sun, Mador of the moor, Mountain bard, &c. &c . ; with an autobiography, by D.O.Hill. 1840. 5v. S. Y 185. H 67 - The poetic mirror; or, The living bards of Britain. 1816. S. Y 185. H 673 HOLYDAY, BARTEN. A survey of the world in ten books. 1661. S. Case Y 185. H 74 HOOD, THOMAS. The poetical works of Thomas Hood; with some account of the author. [cl858] 5v.ln 2. D. Y 185. H 76 (62) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS C4flNo. HOOD, THOMAS. The works of Thomas Hood, comic and serious, In prose and verse; with all the original illustrations, ed. by his son and daughter. [1882-93] llv. 0. Y 12. H 76 - The complete poetical works of Thomas Hood, ed. with notes by W.Jerrold. 1908. 0. (The Oxford poets) Y 185. H 7609 HOPE, LAURENCE, pseud, of VIOLET NICOL- SON. India's love lyrics, collected & arranged in verse by Laurence Hope. 1902. D. Y 185. H 11 HOPPER, NORA. Under quicken boughs. 1896. 0. Y 185. H 773 HORNBY, WILLIAM. The scourge of drunken- ness; a poem, ed. by J.O.Halliwell . 1859. 0. Y 185. H 775 HORNE, RICHARD HENRY. Ballad romances. 1846. S. Y 185. H 78 - The great peace-maker; a submarine dia- logue. 1872. 0. Y 185. H 781 - Orion; an epic poem, in three books. 3d ed. 1843. D. Y 185. H 7813 HORSEMAN, JOHN. Poems and sonnets, moral and devotional, on various occasions. 1845. 0. Y 185. H 782 HOUSMAN, ALFRED EDWARD, A Shropshire lad. 1900. T. Y 185. H 81 [1908] 0. Y 185. H 811 HOUSMAN, LAURENCE. The little land; with songs from its four rivers. 1899. D. Y 185. H 825 - Rue...l899. D. Y 185. H 827 HOWARD, Sir ROBERT. Poems, viz.l. A panegyrick to the King. -2. Songs and sonnets. -3. The blind lady, a comedy. - 4. The fourth book of Virgil. -5. Statius his Achllleis, with annota- tions. -6. A panegyrick to Generall Monck. 1660. S. Y 185. H 835 (63) POETICAL iftfORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS . CaB No. HOWITT, WILLIAM. The forest minstrel, and other poems, by William and Mary Howltt. 1823. S. Y 185. H 8482 ~ The desolation of Eyam, the emigrant; a tale of the American woods, and other poems. 1827. S. Y 185. H 8483 HUBERT, Sir FRANCIS. Egypts favorite. The hlstorle of loseph, divided Into foure parts... together with old Israels progresse Into the land of Goshen. 1631. T. Case Y 185. H 86 HUGH OF EGLYNTON, Sir. Sir Hew of Eglln- toun and Huchown off the Awle Ryale; a biographical calendar and literary estimate, [by G.Nellson] 1900-01. 0. Y 185. H 87 HUGHES, JOHN. Poems on several occa- sions; with some select essays, [ed. by W. Buncombe] 1735. 2v.ln 1. 0. Y 12. H 87 HUNT. JAMES HENRY LEIGH. Stories In verse, by Leigh Hunt; now first col- lected. 1855. D. Y 185. H 907 - The poetical works of Leigh Hunt, rev. by himself and ed. by his son T.Hunt. 1860. S. (Routledge's British poets) Y 185. H 908 - Essays of Leigh Hunt, sel. and ed. by R.B.Johnson. 1891. nar.S. (The Temple library) Y 12. H 9 - Poems of Leigh Hunt, sel. and ed. by R.B.Johnson. 1891. nar.S. (The Temple library) in Y 12. H 9 - The palfrey; a love-story of old times. 1842. 0. Y 185. H 91 HUTCHINSON, THOMAS, verse writer. Bal- lades and other rhymes of a country bookworm. 1888. 0. (Moray library) Y 185. H 97 - Jolts and Jingles; a book of poems for young people. 1889.0. (Moray library) Y 185. H 974 HYDE, D. The three sorrows of story- telling, and Ballads of St . Columkille . 1895. S. Y 185. H 99 INGELOW, JEAN. Poems. 1880. 2v.ln 1. D. Y 185.1 46 (64) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. INGELOW, JEAN. The poetical works of Jean Ingelow. 1902. D. Y 185.1 463 ~ Poems, by Jean Ing^elow. [1906] S. (The Muses' library) Y 185.1 465 1913. D. (Oxford edition) Y 185.1 466 JACOB, HILDEBRAND. The works of Hllde- brand Jacob; containing poems on vari- ous subjects, and occasions, with the Fatal constancy, a tragedy, and sever- al pieces in prose. 1735. 0. Y 12. J 15 JAMES I, king of Great Britain. ...The essayes of a prentise, in the divine art of poesie, 1585. A counterblaste to tobacco, 1604. 1869. (English re- prints, ed. by E.Arber) Y 185. J 218 - His Maiesties Poeticall exercises at vacant houres [ 1591 , reprinted 1818] O.Y 185. J 219 - Lvsvs regivs; being poems and other pieces by King lames ye First. Now first set forth and edited by R.S. Rait. 1901. F. Y 185. J 22 JAMES I, king of Scotland. Poetical re- mains of James the First, King of Scotland; [with dissertations by W, Tytler] 1783. 0. Y 185. J 225 - The king-is quair and The quare of jelusy, ed. by A.Lawson. 1910. D. Y 185. J 228 - Wlschmann, W. Untersuchungen liber das Kingis Quair, Jakobs I von Schottland. 1887. 0. [Dissertation] Y 185. J 2289 JAMES, RICHARD. The poems etc., of Richard James. Now for the first time collected and edited, with introduc- tion, notes, and illustrations and an etching, by A.B.Grosart. 1880. Q. Y 185. J 23 - Iter Lancastrense ; a poem written A.D. 1636, by the Rev. Richard James, edited with notes and an introductory memoir, by T.Corser. 1845. 0. (Chetham Society. Remains historical and literary con- nected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester) Y 185. J 2344 (65) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS dn No. JOHNSON, LIONEL PIGOT. Twenty one poems written by Lionel Johnson, sel. by W. B.Yeats. 1904. 0. Y 185. J 629 - Poetical works of Lionel Johnson, [ed. by E.Pond] 1915. 0. Y 185. J 625 JOHNSON, REGINALD BRIMLEY. Verse essays. 1890. 0. (Moray library) Y 185. J 63 JOHNSON, SAMUEL. The poetical works of Samuel Johnson, now first collected in one volume. 1785. S. Case Y 185. J 64 - The works of Samuel Johnson. New ed.; with an essay by A. Murphy. 1810. 12v. nar.O. Y 12. J 628 - - 1825. llv. 0. (Oxford English class- ics) Y 12. J 63 Literary club edition. [1903] 16v. 0. Contents: v. 1-4. The rambler . -v. 4- 5. The adventurer ."-v. 5 -6. The idler and poems. -v. 7 Rasselas & lettres.- v.8-11. Lives of the poets, etc. -v. 12. Miscellaneous .-V. 13. Reviews, etc.- V.14. Eminent persons .-v. 15 . The He- brides, -v. 16. Book of devotions [and Sermons of John Taylor] Y 12. J 632 - Samuel Johnson; [selections] by Alice Meynell and G.K.Chesterton, n.d. D. (The regent library) Y 12. J 635 - Brooklyn. Public library. Samuel John- son, 1709-84; a list of books with references to periodicals. 1909. 0. Y 12. J 64 - Courtney, W.P. A bibliography of Samuel Johnson, rev. by D.N.Smith. 1915. 0. (Oxford historical and literary stud- ies) Y 12. J 642 - Samuel Johnson's Prologue spoken at the opening of the theatre in Drury-Lane in 1747; with Garrick's Epilogue. A facsimile. 1902. Q. Y 185. J 655 JONES, EBENEZER. Studies of sensation and event; poems, ed. by R.H. Shepherd . 1879. D. Y 185. J 7 (66) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. JONES, ERNEST CHARLES. The battle-day, and other poems. 1855. S. Y 185. J 71 JONES, ROBERT, muslaian. The muses gardln for delights, ed. with an Introduction by W.B. Squire. 1901. sq.D. Y 185. J 73 JOYCE, ROBERT DWYER. Ballads of Irish chivalry, ed. with annotations by P.W. Joyce. 1908. D. Y 185. J 85 KEATS, JOHN. Poetical works; with a memoir by Lord Houghton. 1866. D. Y 185. K 2286 - The letters and poems of John Keats, ed. with a memoir by J. Q. Speed and with the annotations of Lord Houghton. 1883. 3v. 0. Y 185. K 2287 - Poetical works and other writings now first brought together including poems and numerous letters not before pub> lished,ed.by H.B.Forman. 1883. 4v.O. Y 185. K 2288 - Poetry and prose; fresh verses and new readings, ed. by H.B.Forman. 1890.0. Y 185. K 2289 - Poems of John Keats, ed. by G.T.Drury. 1896. 2v. S. (The Muses' library) Y 185. K 229 - The poetical works of John Keats, chronologically arranged and ed., with a memoir, by Lord Houghton. 1901. D. (Aldine edition of the British poets)Y 185. K 2291 - The poetical works of John Keats, ed. with introduction and memoir by W.S. Scott, rev. by G.Sampson. 1903. 0. Y 185. K 2292 - The poems of John Keats, ed. with an introduction and notes by E.de Selin- court, [19051 0. Y 185. K 22 - The poetical works of John Keats, ed. with an introduction and textual notes by H.B.Forman. 1906. 0. Y 185. K 2293 - Poems published in 1820. 1909. D. (Ox- ford library of prose and poetry) Y 185. K 2294 - The poems of John Keats arranged in chronological order with preface, by S.Colvin. 1915. 2v. 0. Y 185. K 2296 (67) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. KEATS, JOHN. Hyperion; a facsimile of Keat's autograph manuscript. With a transliteration of the manuscript of The fall of Hyperion, a dream; with Introduction and notes by E.de Selln- court. 1905. F. Y 185. K 244 - John Keats unpublished poem to his sis- ter Fanny, April, 1818 [with facsi- mile] 1909. 0. (The Bibliophile Socie- ty. Boston) y 185. K 247 - Odes of Keats; with notes and analyses, and a memoir, by A. C. Downer. 1897. D. Y 185. K 246 - Baldwin, D.L., ed. A concordance to the poems of John Keats, comp. and ed. by D.L.Baldwin, [and others] 1917. 0. Y 185. K 2492 " Wolff, L. An essay on Keats's treat- ment of the heroic rhythm and blank verse. 1909. Q. Y 185. K 25 KEMBLE, FRANCES ANNE. Poems. 1883. D. Y 185. K 31 KENNEDY, WILLIAM. Fltfull fancies. 1827. D. Y 185. K 38 - A soldier In Siberia; [autograph poem, probably unpublished. 1847] Q. In Y 185. K 38 KENYON, JOHN. Poems, for the most part occasional. 1838. 0. Y 185.K 42 KILLIGREW, ANNE. Poems, by Mrs. Anne Kllllgrew. 1686. sq.Q. Y 185. K 55 KING, HENRY, bp. of Chichester. Poems and psalms, ed. by J.Hannah. 1843. S. Y 185. K 5884 - The English poems of Henry King, D.D. , 1592-1669, sometime bishop of Chi- chester; coll, and ed. by L.Mason. 1914. D. Y 185. K 5886 KING, WILLIAM. Miscellanies In prose and verse. [1705?] 0. Y 12. K 58 KINGIS QUAIR [attributed to James I] Brown, J.T.T. The authorship of the Klngls qualr; a new criticism. 1896.0. Y 185. K 59 KINGSLEY, CHARLES. The life and works of Charles Klngsley. 1901-03. 19v. 0. Contents: v. 1-4. Letters and memories.- Y 12. K 61 (68) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Cafl No. KINGSLEY, CHARLES. Contents: (Continued) v.5-6. Westward ho!-v.7-8. Alton Locke.-v. 9-10. Hypat la. -11-12. He reward the Wake. -V. 13-14. Two years ago. -v. 15 Yeast. -V. 16. Poems . -v. 17 . At last.- V.18. Prose idylls. -v. 19. Water-babies KIPLING, RUDYARD. The writings In prose and verse of Rudyard Kipling, v. 1-26+ , 1897-1917+. 0. - The seven seas. 1897. D. Y - Lawton, W.C. Rudyard Kipling, the art- ist; a retrospect and a prophecy. 1899. 0. - Leeb-Lundberg, W. Word-formation in Kipling; a stylistic-philological study. 1909. 0. - Le Gallienne, R. Rudyard Kipling; a criticism, with a bibliography by J. Lane. 1900. 0. - Saxton, E.F. The Kipling index; being a guide to authorized American trade Rudyard Kipling's works. Y 12. K 61 Y 12 185. K K 62 6281 Y 12. K 645 Y 12. K 6452 Y 12. K 6454 of A dictionary of the charac scenes in the stories and Rudyard Kipling, 1886-1911. edition 1911. D. - Young, W.A ters and poems of [1911] 0. KYFFIN. MAURICE. The blessedness of Brytaine; or, A celebration of the Queenes holyday, originally pub. in 1587. 1885. 0. (Cymmrodorion Society LAMB, CHARLES. The works of Charles Lamb. New ed. 1859. 0. The life, letters and writings of Charles Lamb, ed . by P.Fitzgerald, 1892. 6v. D. The life and works of Charles Lamb 12 volumes. Edition de luxe; with troduction and notes by A.Alnger. 1899-1900. D. Y 12.K 648 in in Y 12.K 6499 Y 185. K 98 Y 12. L 175 Y 12. L 179 Y 12. L 177 (69) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. LAMB, CHARLES. The works of Charles and Mary Lamb. ed. by E.V.Lucas. 1903-05. 7v. 0. Contents: v.l. Miscellaneous prose, 1798-1834. -v. 2. Ella and The last essays of Ella. -v. 3. Books for children. -V. 4. Dramatic specimens and the Garrlck plays. -v. 5. Poems and plays.-v.6. Letters, 1796-1820 . -v. 7. Letters, 1821-34. Y 12. L 1792 - Poetry for children, by Charles and Mary Lamb. 1892. 2v. S. Case Y 185. L 16 LAMB, MARY. Mary and Charles Lamb; poems, letters, and remains, now first collected by W.C.Hazlltt. 1874. Q. Y 12. L 181 LAMPMAN, ARCHIBALD. The poems of Archi- bald Lampman, ed. by D. C. Scott .. 1900. 0. (Memorial edition) Y 185. L 19 - Lyrics of earth. 1895. D. Y.185.L 205 LANDON, LETITIA ELIZABETH, afterwards Mrs. GEORGE MACLEAN. The poetical works of L.E.Landon. New ed . 1839. 4v. D. Y 185. L 23 LANDOR, WALTER SAVAGE. The works and life of Walter Landor. 1876. 8v. 0. Y 12. L 23 ~ [The works of] Walter S. Landor, ed. by C.G. Crump. 1891-1903. lOv. D. Contents: [v. 1-6] Imaginary conversations .- [v. 7-8] The longer prose works. -[v. 9- 101 Poems, dialogues in verse and epi- grams. Y 12. L 2302 - Poems, dialogues in verse and epigrams, by W.S. Landor, ed. with notes by C.G. Crump. 1892. 2v. 0. Y 185. L 24 - Poems from the Arabic and Persian; with notes by the author of Gebir. 1800. sq.Q. Case Y 185. L 241 - A modern Greek idyl. 1917. Q. Y 185. L 246 LANG, ANDREW. Ballads and lyrics of old France. [2d ed.] 1898. D. (Old world series) Y 185. L 26 - Ballads and verses vain. 1884. D. Y 185. L 2605 (70) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS GiU No. LANG, ANDREW. Ban and arriere ban; a rally of fugitive rhymes. 2d ed. 1894. D. Y 185. L 261 - Grass of Parnassus; first and last rhymes. 1892. D. Y 185. L 263 - Helen of Troy, her life and transla- tion; done into rhyme from the Greek books. 1892. D. Y 185. L 264 - Rhymes a la mode. [5th ed . ] 1895. S. Y 185. L 2674 - XXXII ballades in blue china. 1899. S. Y 185. L 2687 LANSDOWNE, GEORGE GRANVILLE, baron. The genuine works in verse and prose of George G.Lord Lansdowne. 1736. 2v. S. Y 12. L 3 LEFROY. EDWARD C. Gill, W.A. Edward Cracroft Lefroy, his life and poems, including a reprint of Echoes from Theocritus; with a critical estimate of the sonnets by J.A.Symonds. 1897. D. Y 185. L 52 LEICESTER'S ghost. The Earle of Leices- ter's ghoste. [An important historical poem, written in a hand of the time of Queen Elizabeth] n.d. F. MS Y 185. L 53 LEVY, AMY. A minor poet and other verse. 1884. D. Y 185. L 57 LEWIS, GERRARD. Ballads of the Cid. 1883. D. Y 185. L 58 LEWIS, MARY G. Zelinda; a poem, and Cardiff castle, a dramatic-historical sketch. 1823. 0. Y 185. L 59 LEWIS, MATTHEW GREGORY. Poems. 1812. S. Y 185. L 608 - Tales of terror; with an introductory dialogue. 1801 D. . Y 185. L 61 - Tales of wonder, written and coll. by Matthew G.Lewis. 1801. 2v. 0. Y 185. L 611 [LINCHE, RICHARD] Diella; certalne sonnets, by R.L. , gentleman. 1596, i [repr.1841] S. Y 185. L 64 LINTON, WILLIAM JAMES. Poems and trans- lations. 1889. 0. Y 185. L 66 (71) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaH No. LITHGOW, WILLIAM. The poetical remains of William Lithgow, the Scotlsh travel- ler, 1618-60, [ed. by J.MaldmentJ 1863. sq.O. Y 185. L 71 LITTLE, T.W. North country lyrics. 1889. 0. (Moray library) Y 185. L 726 LLOYD, CHARLES. Nugae canorae; poems by Charles Lloyd. 3d ed. 1819. S. Y 185. L 77 - Poems on various sub jects . 1795 .0. Case Y 185. L 772 LLUELYN, MARTIN. Men-miracles; with other poemes. 1656. T. Y 185. L 8 LOCKER-LAMPSON, FREDERICK. London lyr- ics. [10th ed.] 1885. S. Y 185. L 81 ~ London lyrics by Frederick Locker Lamp- i son; with introduction and notes by ^ A.Dobson. 1904. D. (Golden treasury series) Y 185. L 811 - London rhymes. 1884. S. Y 185. L 812 LOVELACE, RICHARD. Lucas ta; posthume poems, with poems to his memory by i several of his friends. New ed. 1818. nar.S. Y 185. L 938 - Lucasta; poems, [ed.] by W.C.Hazlitt. 1864. D. (Library of old authors) Y 185. L 94 [LOVELING, WILLIAM] Latin and English j poems. By a gentleman of Trinity Col- \ lege, Oxford. 1738. sq.O. Y 185. L 945 LOVER, SAMUEL. Songs and ballads. 3d ed. 1847. D. Y 185. L 95 LOVETT, WILLIAM. Woman's mission. 1856. D. Y 185. L 954 LUTTRELL, HENRY. Crockf ord-house , a rhap- sody, in two cantos. A rhymer in Rome. 1827. D. Y 185. L 9568 - Letters to Julia, in rhyme. 3d ed. 1822. nar.D. Y 185. L 957 LYDGATE, JOHN. The assembly of gods; or, The accord of reason and sensuality in the fear of death. [Edited from the mss. with introduction, notes, index of per- sons and places, and glossary], by O.L. Triggs. 1895. 0. [Dissertation] Y 185. L 96 (72) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaUNo. LYDGATE, JOHN. Gattlnger, E. Die Lyrik Lydgates. 1896. 0. (Wiener Beltrage zur engllschen Phllologle. [2d copy] Y 185. L 965 LYNDSAY, Sir DAVID. The poetical works of Sir John Lyndsay of the Mount, Lion king at arms under James V. A new ed. , corr. and enl . ; with a life of the author, prefatory disserta- tions, and a appropriate glossary, by G.Chalmers. 1806. 3v. D. Y 185. L 978 - The poetical works of Sir David Lind- say of the Mount, Lyon King of Arms. New ed. 1871. 2v. D. (Early Scottish poets) Y 185. L 9786 - The poetical works of Sir David Lynd- say; with memoir, notes and glossary by D.Laing. 1879. 3v. nar.O. Y 185. L 9787 - Knauff , G. Studien uber Sir David Lyndsay. [1885] 0. [Dissertation] Y 185. L 9789 LYTE, HENRY FRANCIS. Remains of the late Rev. Henry Francis Lyte; with a prefa- tory memoir by the editor. 1850. D. Y 185. L 979 LYTTELTON, GEORGE LYTTELTON, 1st baron. The works of George Lord Lyttelton, formerly printed separately, and now first collected together; with some other pieces, never before printed, pub. by G.E.Ayscough. 1774. Q. Y 12. L 977 3d ed. 1776. 3v. 0. Y 12. L 9773 LYTTON, EDWARD GEORGE EARLE LYTTON BULWBR- LYTTON, 1st baron. The poetical and dramatic works of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, bart. 1852-54. 5v. D. Y 185. L 98 - Poems. By the Right Hon. Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton. New ed. rev. 1865. D. Y 185. L 981 LYTTON, EDWARD ROBERT BULWER-LYTTON, 1st earl of. The poems of Owen Meredith [pseud.] 1869. 2v.in 1. S. Y 185. L 99 - Fables in song. 1874. S. (Collection of British authors. Tauchnltz edition) Y 185. L 9928 (73) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. MACAULAY, JAMES. Poems on various sub- jects, In Scots and English. 1788. D. Y 185. M 12 MACDONALD, GEORGE. The poetical works of George MacDonald. 1893. 2v. 0. Y 185. M 1489 MCGEE, THOMAS D'ARCY. The poems of Thomas D'Arcy McGee; with copious notes. Also an introduction and bio- graphical sketch, by Mrs. J.Sadlier. 1869. D. Y 185. M 18 MACKAY, CHARLES. The collected songs of Charles Mackay. 1859. nar.S. Y 185. M 19 ^ MACKAY, GEORGE ERIC. Love letters of a violinist and other poems. Cop.ed. 1891. S. (Collections of British authors. Tauchnitz edition) Y 185. M 2 - A lover's litanies and other poems. 1890. S. (The Lotos series) Y 185. M 202 MACMANUS, Mrs. ANNA JOHNSTON. The four winds of Eirinn; poems by Anna Mac- Manus ["Ethna Carbery"], ed. by S. MacManus. 10th ed. 1902. S. Y 185. M 23 MACPHERSON, DONALD. Melodies from the Gaelic, and original poems; with notes on the superstitions of the Highland- ers, &c... 1824. D. Y 185. M 24 MALLET, DAVID. The works of Mr. Mallet; consisting of plays and poems .1743.0. Y 185. M 288 - Ballads and songs by David Mallet; with notes and Illustrations and a memoir of the author. New ed. by F.Dinsdale. 1857. 0. Y 185.M 29 M MANGAN, JAMES CLARENCE. Poems of James C.Mangan (many hitherto uncollected) Centenary edition. Ed., with preface and notes by D. J .O'Donoghue . 1903. D. Y 185. M 316 MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER. Hero and Leander; begun by Christopher Marlowe, and finished by George Chapman. 1820. S. Y 185. M 34 - Hero and Leander; a poem, begunne by Christopher Marlowe and finished by G. Chapman. [1909] 0. Y 185. M 341 . (74) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaA No. MARSTON, PHILIP BOURKE . The collected poems of Philip B.Marston, comprising "Song-tide." "All in all," "Wind- voices," "A last harvest," and "After- math." With biographical sketch by Louise C.Moulton. 1892. D. Y 185. M 35 MARVELL, ANDREW. Miscellaneous poems. 1681. 0. Case Y 185. M 376 - A collection of poems on affairs of state. By A-M-1 , esq. and other eminent wits. Most whereof never before print- ed. 1689. sq.O. Y 185. M 3762 - The works of Andrew Marvell. 1772. 2v. S. Y 185. M 3765 - The works of Andrew Marvell, poetical controversial, and political, contain- ing many original letters, poems and tracts never before printed; with a new life of the author, by E.Thompson. 1776. 3v. sq.F. Y 12. M 36 ~ The complete works in verse and prose of Andrew Marvell.. ed., with memorial- introductions and notes by A.B.Grosart. 1872-75. 4v. 0. Y 12. M 3687 - Poems of Andrew Marvell. sometime Member of Parliament for Hull, ed. by G. A. Ait- ken. 1892. S. (The Muses' library) Y 185. M 377 - Satires of Andrew Marvell, sometime Member of Parliament for Hull, ed. by G.A.Aitken. 1892. S. (The Muses' li- brary) Y 185. M 378 MARY STUART, queen of the Scots. Queen Mary's book; a collection of poems and essays by Mary, queen of Scots, ed. by Mrs.P.S.M.Arbuthnot. 1907. 0. Y 185. M 3784 MASEFIELD, JOHN. Ballads and poems. 1910. S. Y 185. M 3788 - Dauber; a poem. 1913. D. Y 185. M 37883 - The everlasting mercy. 1913. D. Y 185. M 37884 - The widow in the Bye street. 1912. D. Y 185. M 3789 (75) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. MASON, JOHN, of Fordham, Eng. Mentis humanae metamorphosis; sive, Conver- sio. The history of the young converted gallant; or, Directions to the readers of that divine poem, written by B. Keach, intituled Warre with the devil. Comp. in a poem by J.Mason. 1676. T. Y 185. M 37896 MASON, WILLIAM. Poems, by William Mason. 5th ed. 1779. D. Y 185. M 379 - The works of William Mason. 1811. 4v. in 2. 0. Y 12. M 38 '- The English garden; a poem in four books. New ed., corrected. To which are added a commentary and notes, by W. Burgh. 1783. D. Y 185. M 3793 MASSEY, GERALD. My lyrical life; poems old and new. 1889. 2v. S. Y 185. M 38 - Voices of freedom, and lyrics of love. By T.Gerald Massey, working man. 1851. S. Y 185. M 385 MASTERS, Mrs. MARY. Poems on several oc- casions. 1733. 0. Y 185. M 4 MATHIAS, THOMAS JAMES. The pursuits of literature; a satirical poem, in four dialogues. With notes...with the cita- tions translated, and with a complete index. 14th ed. 1808. 0. Y 185. M 428 16th ed. 1812. sq.Q. Y 185. M 4281 - [Hales, W. ] Irish pursuits of litera- ture, In A.D. 1798, and 1799. 1799. 0. Contents: Translations .-Second thoughts. -Rival translations .-Index, &c.-The monstrous republic. Y 185. M 429 MAY, THOMAS. The reigne of King Henry the Second, written in seaven bookes, by His Majesties command. 1633. S. Case Y 185. M 45 - The victorious reigne of King Edward the Third, written in seven bookes by His Majesties command. 1635. S. Case Y 185. M 452 (76) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. MENKEN, ADAH ISAACS, Infellcla. 1868. D. Y 185. M 51 MEREDITH, GEORGE. Selected poems. 1897. D. ' Y 185. M 5385 - The works of George Meredith. Library edition. 1897-1906. 18v. D. Y 12. M 54 Memorial edition. 1909-11. 27v. 0. Y 12. M 541 - The nature poems of George Meredith; with...plctures in photogravure by W. Hyde. 1898. Q. Y 185. M 5386 - Odes in contribution to the song of French history; The revolution. -Napole- an. -France, December, 1870.'-Alsace Lor- raine. 1898, 0. Y 185. M 539 *- A reading of life, with other poems. 1901. D. Y 185. M 5392 - Poems written in early youth [published in 1851]; poems from 'Modern love ',1st ed., and scattered poems. 1909. D. Y 185. M 5395 - Beachs, J.W. The comic spirit in George Meredith; an interpretation, by J.W. Beach. 1911. D. Y 12. M 562 - Esdaile, A. Bibliography of the writ- ings in prose and verse of George Meredith. 1907. D. Y 12. M 5627 - Forman, M.B., ed. George Meredith; some early appreciations. 1909. D. Y 12. M 563 - Photiades, C. George Meredith, his life, genius & teaching, from the French by C. Photiades, rendered into English by A.Price. 1913. 0. Y 12. M 567 - - George Meredith, sa vie, son imagina- tion, son art, sa doctrine. 1910. D. Y 12. M 566 MERIVALE, JOHN HERMAN. Poems original and translated. 1838. 2v. S. Y 185. M 55 MEYNELL, ALICE CHRISTINA (THOMPSON) "Mrs. WILFRID MEYNELL". Poems. 3d ed. 1896. D. Y 185. M 57 - Poems by Alice Meynell. 1913. D. Y 185. M 571 MIDDLETON, RICHARD, of York. Epigrams and satyres. 1608 [repr.1840] sq.S. Case Y 185. M 58 (77) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS CaU No. MILL, HUMPHREY. A nights search. Dis- covering the nature and condition of all sorts of night-walkers; with their associates. As also, the life and death of many of them. Together with divers fearfull and strange accidents, occa- sioned by such ill livers. Digested into a poeme. 1640-52. 2v. T. Case Y 185. M 6 MILMAN, HENRY HART. The poetical works of the Rev.H.H.Milman. 1839. 3v. D. Y 185. M 62 - Anne Boleyn, a dramatic poem. 2d ed. 1827, 0. Y 185. M 6203 - The fall of Jerusalem, a dramatic poem. 6th ed. 1831. 0. Y 185. M 6228 - Samor, lord of the Bright City, an heroic poem. 1818. 0. Y 185. M 6278 MILNES, RICHARD MONCKTON, baron HOUGHTON. The poetical works of [Richard Monckton Milnes] Lord Houghton. 1876. 2v. S. .Y 185. M 633 MILTON, JOHN. Joannis Miltonii Angli epistolarum familiarium liber unus : quibus accesserunt, ejusdem, jam olim in collegio adolescentis , prolusiones quasdam oratoriae. 1674. T. Case Y 12, M 633 - Facsimile of the manuscript of Milton's minor poems, preserved in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1899. P. Y 185. M 635 - Poems of Mr. John Milton, both English and Latin, composed at several times. 1645. S. Case Y 185. M 6364 - Poems, &c. upon several occasions. By Mr. John Milton. Both English and Latin, &c. Composed at several times; with a small tractate of education to Mr. Hartlib. 1673. S. Case Y 185. M 6367 - Poemata. 1673. In Case Y 185. M 6367 (78) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CftU No. MILTON, JOHN. The poetical works of Mr. John Milton. Containing Paradise lost, Paradise regaln'd, Sampson Agonlstes, and his Poems on several occasions. Together with explanatory notes on each book of the Paradise lost, and a table never before printed. 1695. P. Case Y 185. M 6369 - A complete collection of the historical, political, and miscellaneous works of John Milton, both English and Latin; to which Is preflx'd the life of the author, [by J.Toland] 1698. 3v . sq.F. Y 12. M 636 - The poetical works of Mr. John Milton. 1720. 2v. sq.Q. Y 185. M 6372 - Paradise lost. A poem, In tv\^elve books. The author John Milton. A new ed., with notes of various authors, by T.Newton. 1749. 2v. Q. Y 185. M 6374 - Paradise regained, a poem In four books, to which Is added Samson Agon- lstes, and poems upon several occa- sions; with notes of various authors. 1752. Q. In Y 185. M 6374 - Paradise lost. A poem. In twelve books. The author John Milton. The 3rd ed. With notes of various authors, by T. Newton. 1754. 2v. sq.Q. Y 185. M 6375 Poems upon several occasions, English, Italian, and Latin; with translations, by John Milton, viz. Lycldas, L'alle- gro, II penseroso. Arcades, Comus. With notes critical and explanatory, and other Illustrations, by T.Warton. The 2d ed. , with many alterations, and large additions. 1791. nar.O. Y 185. M 63788 The poetical works of John Milton; with life of the author by W.Hayley. 1794-97. 3v. F. Y 185. M 6379 (79) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaU No. MILTON, JOHN. Latin and Italian poems, translated Into English verse and a fragment of a commentary on Paradise lost, by the late W.Cowper. 1808. F. Y 185. M 638 - The poetical works of John Milton; with notes of various authors. To which are added illustrations, and some account of the life and writings of Milton, hy the Rev.H. J.Todd . 2d ed. with considerable additions and with a verbal index to the whole of Milton's poetry. 1809. 7v. 0. Y 185. M 63809 - The poetical works of John Milton; with notes of various authors; life and writings of Milton by H.J.Todd. 3d ed. 1826. 6v. 0. Y 185. M 63 82 - The poetical works of John Milton, ed. by Sir E.Brydges, with illustrations by J. M.W.Turner. 1835. 6v. 0. Y 185. M 6383 - The works of John Milton, in verse and prose, printed from the original edi- tions, with a life of the author by the Rev.J.Mltford. 1851. 8v. 0. Y 12. M 645 - The complete poetical works of John Milton; with explanatory notes, and a life of the author, by H.Stebblng, to which is prefixed, Dr . Channing* s essay on the poetical genlug of Mil- ton. 1852. S. Y 185. M 63852 - The poetical works of Milton and Mar- dj veil; with a memoir of each; [by D. Masson and H. Rogers] n.d. 4v.ln 2. D. (British poets) Y 185. M 6386 - The poetical works of John Milton. With life, critical dissertation, and explanatory notes [by the Rev.G.Gll- fillan] The text ed. by C.C.Clarke. 1869. 2v. 0. (British poets) Y 185. M 63869 ' - The poetical works of John Milton, printed from the original editions; with a life of the author by A.Chal- mers. [1873] 0. Y 185. M 63873 (80) POETICAL WORKS OF ENQLISH WRITERS Can No. MILTON, JOHN. The poetical works of John Milton, [with Sonnet to the Bishop of Winchester, Advertisement, and Life of Milton, by J.Mitford] 1886-88. 3v.ln 2. S. (Aldine edition of the British poets) Y 185. M 6388 - Poetical works; with a Memoir and Crit- ical remarks on his Genius and Writ- ings by J.Montgomery. New ed., with an Index to Paradise lost, Todd's ver- bal Index to Poems and a Variorum se- lection of notes by H.G.Bohn. 1884-87. 2v. S. (Bohn's standard library) Con- tents: v.l. Paradise lost. -v. 2. Para- dise regained; Samson Agonistes; Comus; Arcades and other poems. Y 185. M 63887 - Poetical works, ed. with notes, and an essay on Milton's English and ver- sification by D.Masson. 1890. 3v. 0. Y 185. M 6389 - English poems, ed. with life by R.C. Browne. 1890-91. 2v. S. (Clarendon press series) Y 185. M 63891 - Poetical works; with introductions by D.Masson. 1896. D. Y 185. M 63896 - Introduction to prose and poetical works, comprising all the autobiogra- phic passages in his works; with notes by H.Corson. 1899. D. Y 12. M 654 - The poetical works of John Milton, ed. by H.C.Beechlng. 1900. 0. Y 185. M 639 - The poetical works of John Milton, ed . with critical notes by W.A.Wright. 1903. D. Y 185. M 63903 - Comus and other poems by John Milton. 1916. sq.O. Y 185. M 63916 - Paraphrasls poetlca in tria Johannis Miltoni.. poemata, viz. Paradisum amis- sum, Paradlsum recuperatum, et Samson- em Agonlsten. Autore G.Kogaeo. 1690. 3 pt.in Iv. D. Y 185. M 6405 ~ Bradshaw, J. Concordance to the poeti- cal works of John Milton. 1894. 0. Y 185. M 6411 (81) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS MILTON, JOHN. Brooke, S.A. Milton. 1896. D. (Classical writers) - Cambridge, Eng. University. Christ's College. Milton tercentenary. The portraits, prints and writings of John Milton. 1908. sq.O. - Cleveland, CD. Complete to the poetical works of 1867. D. - Dowden, E. Milton in the 1701-50. [1909?] 0. (The demy) - Dunster, C. Considerations Call No. Y 185. M 6412 Y 185. M 6414 concordance John Milton. Y 18th century, British Aca- on Milton' s 185. M 6417 Y 185. M 642 the sixteeth W. Falconer , Y 185. M 6423 Y 185. M 6426 early reading, and the prima stamina of his Paradise lost, together with extracts from a poet of century. In a letter to from C. Dunster. 1800. 0. Edmundson, G. Milton and Vondel; a curiosity of literature. 1885. D. Grolier Club, New York. Catalogue of an exhibition commemorative of the tercentenary of the birth of John Mil- ton, 1608-1908; including original editions of his poetical and prose works, together with three hundred and twenty-seven engraved portraits. Held at the Grolier Club... December 3,1908 to January 9,1909. [1908] 0. Y 185. M 6437 Lockwood, Laura E. Lexicon to the Eng- lish poetical works of John Milton. 1907. 0. Y 185. M 6457 Osgood, C.G. The classical mythology of Milton's English poems. 1900. 0. (Yale studies in English) Y 185. M 6464 Prendergast, G.L. A complete concor- dance to the poetical works of Milton. 1857. sq.Q. Y 185. M 6471 Raleigh, Sir W.A. Milton. 1900. D. Y 185. M 6473 Thompson, E.N.S. John Milton, topical bibliography. 1916. 0. Y 12. M 6687 (82) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaU No. MILTON, JOHN. Trent, W.P. John Milton, a study of his life and works. 1899. D. Y 185. M 6488 - L'Allegro and II penseroso, Illustrated by B.Foster. 1855. Q. Y 185. M 6502 - Miltonis Eplstola ad Polllonem. Edldlt & notls lllustravlt F.S., cantabrl- glensls. Ed. 2. 1738. Q. Y 185. M 652 - Tuckwell, W. "Lycldas", a monograph. 1911. D, Y 185. M 653 - Paradise lost, as originally published by John Milton, being a facsimile re- print of the first ed.; with Intro- duction by D.Masson. 1877. 0. Y 185. M 6566 - Paradise lost, a poem In twelve books. The author John Milton. The 2d ed., rev. and augmented by the same author. 1674. S. Case Y 185. M 6567 - - 9th ed. , adorned with sculptures. 1711. T. Y 185. M 6571 - Paradise Igst. New ed. by R.Bentley. 1732. Q. Y 185. M 6573 ~ The first and second books of Paradise lost. Printed from 1st and 2d edi- tions. The original system of artho- graphy restored; the punctuation cor- rected and extended; with the various readings, and notes, chiefly rhythmi- cal. By C.Lofft. 1793. sq.D. Y 185. M 6579 - Paradise lost; with Illustrations by J.Martin. 1827. 2v. F. Y 185. M 6582 - Paradise lost, a poem In twelve books. 1835. T. Y 185. M 6583 - -- 1858. S. Y 185. M 6585 - Paradise lost. Illustrated by G.Dore. Ed., with notes and a life of Milton, by R.Vaughan. [1866?] F. Y 185. M 6586 [1868] F. Case *Y 185. M 65863 (83) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. MILTON, JOHN. Paradise lost, In ten books; the text exactly reproduced from the first edition of 1667; with an appendix containing the additions made in later issues and a monograph on the original publication of the poem. 1873. 0. Y 185. M 6587 - Paradise lost; books 1-2, ed. by M. Macmillan. 1891. S. Y 185. M 6589 - Paradis perdu, traduit par J.Delille. 1805. 3v. T. Y 185. M 662 - Paradise lost, in Hebrew blank verse, translator J.E. Salkinson. n.d. 0. Y 185. M 6635 - Addison, J. Criticism on Milton's Paradise lost. From 'The Spectator'. 31 December, 1711-3 May, 1712, ed . by E.Arber. 1869. 0. ([Arber's] English reprints) Y 185. M 6701 - Brown, G.D. Syllabification and accent in the Paradise lost; a dissertation presented to the Board of University Studies of the Johns Hopkins Univer- sity. 1901. 0. Y 185. M 6712 - [Lauder, W.] An essay on Milton's use and imitation of the moderns, in his Paradise lost. 1750. nar.O. Y 185. M 675 - Massey, W. Remarks upon Milton's Para- dise lost. Historical, geographical, philological, critical, and explana- tory. 1761. S. Y 185. M 6755 - Paterson, J. A complete commentary; with etymological explanatory, criti- cal, and classical notes on Milton's Paradise lost. 1744. nar.S. Y 185. M 6765 - [Pearce, Z.] successively bp. of Bangor and Rochester. A review of the text of the twelve books of Milton's Para- dise lost, in which Bentley's emenda- tions are consider'd, and several other emendations and observations are of- fer'd to the public. 1733. 3 pt.in Iv. 0. Y 185. M 6767 (84) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Can N«. MILTON, JOHN. Richardson, J. Explanatory notes and remarks on Milton's Paradise lost, by J.Richardson, father and son. With the life of the author, and a discourse on the poem, by J.R.sen. 1734. 0. Y 185. M 677 - Samson Agonlstes, ed. by J. C. Collins. 1889. S. (Clarendon Press series) Y 185. M 6786 - Brown, J.M. The "Samson Agonlstes" of Milton, a study, n.d. D. Y 185. M 679 MINOT, LAURENCE. Poems, written anno 1352, by Laurence Mlnot. With Intro- ductory dissertations on the Scotlsh wars of Edward III., on his claim to the throne of France, and notes and glossary, [ed.] by J.Rltson. 1825. D. Y 185. M 68 - The poems of Laurence Mlnot, ed. with Introduction and notes by J.Hall. 2d ed. 1897. S. (Clarendon Press series) Y 185. M 681 A MIROVR for magistrates; being a trve chronicle hlstorle of the vntlmely falles of such vnfortunate princes and men of note, as haue happened since the first entrance of Brute Into this Hand, vntlll this our latter age. Newly enl, with a last part, called A winter nights vision..., with a poem annexed, called Englands Eliza. 1609-10. D. Case *Y 185. M 69 MIRROR for magistrates, ed. by J.Hasle- wood. 1815. Q. Y 185. M 692 MITFORD, MARY RUSSELL. Dramatic scenes, sonnets and other poems. 1827. D. Y 185. M 7 MOIR, DAVID MACBETH. Poetical works, ed. by T.Alrd. 1852. 2v. S. Y 185. M 72 MONCK, Mrs. MARY (MOLESWORTH) Marlnda, poems and translations upon several occasions, [ed. by R.Molesworth] 1716. D. Y 185. M 73 MONCRIEFF, WILLIAM THOMAS. Poems. 1829. S. Y 185. M 74 (85) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No- MONTGOMERY. ALEXANDER. The poems of Alex- ander Montgomery; with biographical notices, by D.Irving. 1821. D. Y 185. M 76 MONTGOMERY, JAMES. The poetical works of James Montgomery, collected by him- self. 1841. 4v. D. Y 185. M 7684 - The poetical works of James Montgomery; with a memoir. [188-] 5v.in 2. D. (British poets) Y 185. M 7686 - Poetical works, n.d. D. (Lansdowne poets) Y 185. M 7687 MOORE, JAMES LOVELL. The Columbiad, an epic poem on the discovery of America and the West Indies by Columbus. In twelve books. 1798. 0. Y 185. M 78 MOORE, THOMAS. The poetical works of the late Thomas Little [pseud.] 2d ed. 1802. nar.S. Y 185. M 7879 - Epistles, odes and other poems . 1806 .Q. Y 185. M 788 - The poetical works of the late Thomas Little, esq. [pseud.] 1810. D. Y 185. M 7881 - The poetical works of Thomas Moore, collected by himself . 1840-41. lOv.S. Y 185. M 7883 - The poetical works of Thomas Moore; a new collated edition. To which is added, an original memoir, by M.Bal- manno. [In this edition the names, which, for personal and political con- siderations, were left blank, are now for the first time filled up, render- ing the obscure passages perfectly intelligible] n.d. 2v.in 1. Q. Y 185. M 7884 - Poetical works. 1854. S. Y 185. M 7885 - The poetical works of Thomas Moore; with a memoir. [188-] 6v.in 3. D. (British poets) Y 185. M 78856 - ...The poetical works of Thomas Moore, ed. by A.D.Godley. 1910. 0. Y 185. M 7887 - Thomas, A.B. Moore en France; contri- bution a I'histoire de la fortune des oeuvres de Thomas Moore dans la lit- terature frangaise ,1819-30. 1911. Q. Y 185. M 789 (86) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. MOORE, THOMAS STURGE. [Poems] 1903-04. 3v.ln 1. D. Contents: The centaur's booty. -The rout of the Amazons. -The gazelles and other poems. Y 185. M 7895 - The vinedresser and other poems. 1899. S. Y 185. M 79 MORE, HENRY. The complete works of Dr. Henry More, 1614-87, ed. by A.B.Gros- art. 1878. 0. (Chertsey worthies' li- brary) Y 185. M 81 - Philosophical poems. [2d ed.] 1647. S, Y 185. M 811 MORE, Sir THOMAS. The vvorkes of Sir Thomas More, Knyght , sometyme Lorde Chauncellour of England, wrytten by him m the Englysh tonge. 1557. 0. Y 12. M 815 - Utopia and poems. 1906. D. (Methuen's standard library) Y 12. M 818 MORRIS, CHARLES. Lyra urbanlca; or. The social effusions of the celebrated Captain Charles Morris. 1840. 2v. D. Y 185. M 818 MORRIS, Sir LEWIS. The works of Sir Lewis Morris. 1904. D. Y 185. M 82 1907. D. Y 185. M 8207 - Poems by Sir Lewis Morris. [Authorized selection. 1906] S. (New universal li- brary) Y 185, M 83 MORRIS, WILLIAM. The collected works of William Morris; with Introductions by his daughter. May Morris. V.1-24+, 1910-15+. 0. Y 12. M 83 - The defence of Guenevere and other poems by William Morris; reprinted without alteration from the edition of 1858. 1896. D. Y 185. M 8322 - The defence of Guenevere and other poems by William Morris, ed . by R. Steele. 1907. S. (The King's poets) Y 185. M 8323 - The earthly paradise, a poem. 1872. lOv.m 5. S. Y 185. M 8325 - Life and death of Jason, a poem. 9th ed. 1889. D. Y 185. M 835 - Poems by the way. 1892. D. Y 185. M 837 (87) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. MORRIS, WILLIAM. Hueffer, P., ed . Se- lection from the poems of William Morris; with a memoir. 1886. S. Y 185. M 838 - Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Nlblungs.4th ed. 1887. D. Y 185. M 8385 - Drlnkwaber, J. William Morris, a criti- cal study. 1912. 0. Y 12. M 84 - Moulton, R.G. The poetry and fiction of William Morris; syllabus of private study or to accompany lectures. 1904. D. Y 185. M 845 - Rlegel, J. Die Quellen der neun ersten Erzahlungen von William Morris' Dichtung The earthly paradise. 1890. 0. [Dissertation] Y 185. M 8455 MOTHERWELL, WILLIAM. Poetical works; with memoir by J.M'Conecky. New ed. 1881. D. Y 185. M 85 MOTLEY, JAMES. Tales of the Cymry; with notes illustrative and explanatory. 1848. S. Y 185. M 86 MOULTRIE, JOHN. Poems. New ed.; with memoir by D.Coleridge. 1876. 2v. D. Y 185. M 87 MURFORD, NICHOLAS. N.Murford's Frag- menta poetica, 1650. [1914] Q. (Greenland fishery museum reprint) Y 185. M 94 MYERS, FREDERIC WILLIAM HENRY. Poems. 1870. D. Y 185. M 978 - - The renewal of youth, and other poems. 1882. 0. Y 185. M 98 - Fragments of prose & poetry, ed. by his wife Bveleen Myers. 1904. 0. Y 12. M 99 . NABOTH'S Vinyard; or, The innocent tray- tor. Copied from the original of Holy Scripture in heroick verse. 1679. F. Y 185. N 11 NAIRNE, CAROLINA (OLIPHANT) NAIRNE, baron- ess. Life and songs of the Baroness Nairne; with a memoir and poems of ' Caroline Oliphant, the younger, ed. by C.Rogers. 1905. D. Y 185. N 14 (88) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. NASH, THOMAS. The cholse of valentines; or» The merle ballad of Nash, his Dlldo, ed. by J. S. Farmer. 1899. Q. Y 185. N 19 NEALE, JOHN MASON. Collected hymns, se- quences and carols, [ed. by Mary S. Lawson. 1914] 0. Y 185. N 25 NEW Atlantis, a poem In three books; with some reflections upon the Hind and the panther [by John Drydenl 1687. sq.O. Y 185. N 42 NEWBOLT, Sir HENRY JOHN. Admirals all, and other verses. 1898. D. Y 185. N 45 NEWCASTLE, MARGARET (LUCAS) CAVENDISH, duchess of. Poems, and fancies . 1653 . Q. Y 185. N 46 [NEWMAN, JOHN HENRY, cardinal] Verses on various occasions. 1868. D. Y 185. N 47 NOEL, RODEN BERKELEY WRIOTHESLEY. Se- lected poems; with a biographical and critical essay by Percy Addleshaw. 1897. D. Y 185. N 67 NOGUCHI, YONE. From the eastern sea. [5th ed.] 1910. D. Y 185. N 69 NORRIS, JOHN. A collection of miscella- nies; consisting of poems, essays, discourses and letters, occasionally written. 1687. 0. Y 12. N 8 NORTHMORE. THOMAS. Washington; or, Lib- erty restored, a poem. 1809. S. Y 185. N 82 NOYES, ALFRED. Collected poems by Alfred Noyes. 1910. 2v. D. Y 185. N 86 - Forty singing seamen, and other poems. 1907. D. Y 185. N 87 - Tales of the Mermaid tavern. [2d Impr . ] 1913. D. Y 185. N 875 O'DOWD, BERNARD. The bush. 1912. sq.S. Y 185.0 26 - The seven deadly sins, [a series of sonnets] and other verses. 1909. sq.S. Y 185.0 265 - The silent land and other verses. 1906. D. Y 185.0 267 OGILVIE, JOHN. Poems on several sub- jects. 1769. 2v. 0. Y 185.0 34 (89) John Oldham, 1684 . 4v. Y 185 .0 43 Y 185.0 4382 POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. OLDHAM, JOHN. The works of together with his Remains in 1. D. 1822. 2v. S. [OLDMIXON, JOHN] Amores brltannlci. Epistles historical and gallant, in English heroic verse; from several of the most Illustrious personages of their times.... 1703. 2 pt.in Iv. D. Y 185.0 46 O'NEILL, MOIRA, pseud. Songs of the Glens of Antrim. 1904. D. Y 185.0 58 OPIE, MRS. AMELIA (ALDERSON) Poems, by Mrs. Opie. 1802. S. Y 185.0 61 O'SHAUGHNESSY, ARTHUR WILLIAM EDGAR. An epic of women, and other poems. 1870. D. Y 185.0 818 - Lays of France. [Founded on the Lays of Marie] 2d ed. 1874. D. Y 185.0 82 - Music and moonlight; poems and songs. 1874. S. Y 185.0 821 - Songs of a worker. 1881. S. Y 185.0 822 OVERBURY, Sir THOMAS. The miscellaneous works in verse and prose of Sir Thomas Overbury, Knt.; with life. lOth ed. 1756. nar.S. Y 12.0 948 -- The miscellaneous works in prose and verse of Sir Thomas Overbury, Knt., now first collected. Ed. with notes. and a biographical account of the author, by E.F.Rlmbault . 1856. S. (Li- brary of old authors) Y 12.0 96 PACK, RICHARDSON. Miscellaneous works in verse and prose, in two parts; with some account of the author. 1726. S. Y 12. P 36 A PARADOX against liberty, written by the Lords, during their imprisonment in the Tower, a poem. 1679. F. Y 185.P 21 A PARADOX against life, written by the Lords in the Tower, a heroick poem. [with A paradox against liberty] 1681. P. in Y 185. P 21 1 (90) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. The PARALLEL; an essay on friendship, love and marriage. 1689. 0. Y 185. P 214 PARKER, MARTIN. The nightingale warbling forth her owne disaster; or, The rape of Philomela. Newly written in Eng- lish verse. 1632 [repr.1820?] D. Case Y 185. P 23 PARNELL, THOMAS. The poetical works of Thomas Parnell. Ed. with the life of the author, by J.Mitford. n.d. S. Y 185. P 245 - The hermit and the traveller, [by 0. Goldsmith. Anon.] 1816. S. Y 185. P 25 PARRY-CROOKE, DOUGLAS J. Snowdrops and daffodils. 1911. sq.S. Y 185. P 26 PATMORE, COVENTRY KERSEY DIGHTON. The angel in the house. 7th library edi- tion. 1896. S. Y 185. P 27 - The angel in the house, together with The victories of love; with an intro- duction by Alice Meynell. [1906J S. (The Muses' library) Y 185. P 272 - ...Florilegium amantis [selection from his poems], ed. by R.Garnett. [1879] S. Y 185. P 2725 PATMORE, HENRY JOHN. Poems. 1884. sq.O. Y 185. P 278 PAYNE, JOHN. The poetical works of John Payne. Definitive edition. 1902. 2v. 0. (Villon Society. Publications) Y 185. P 29 - Carol and cadence, new poems, 1902-07. 1908. 0. (Villon Society. Publica- tions) Case Y 185. P 302 - Vigil and vision, new sonnets, 1903. D. Case Y 185. P 308 PEACOCK, THOMAS LOVE. The poems of Thomas L. Peacock, ed. by B.Johnson. [1906] S. (The Muses' library) Y 185. F 31 -- Thomas Love Peacock letters to Edward Hookham and Percy B.Shelley; with frag- ments of unpublished mss., ed. by R. Garnett. 1910. 0. (The Bibliophile Society) Y 12. P 367 (91) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. PEMBROKE, MARY (SIDNEY) HERBERT, countess of. The works of Mary Sidney, Countess of Pembroke, ed. by R.G.Barnwell. 1865. D. Y 12. P 37 PEMBROKE, WILLIAM HERBERT, 3d earl of. Poems of William Herbert, 3d Earl of Pembroke and Sir B.Rudyard , [ed . by Sir S.E.Brydges] 2d ed. 1817. nar.S. Case Y 185. P 36 PHILIPS, AMBROSE. Pastorals, epistles, odes and other original poems; with translations from Pindar, Anacreon, and Sappho, by Ambrose Philips, esq. 1765. S. Y 185. P 51 [PHILIPS, JOAN] supposed author. Female poems on several occasions, written by Ephelia [pseud.] 1679. S. Case Y 185. P 512 PHILIPS, Mrs. KATHERINE (FOWLER) Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips, the matchless Orin- da. To which is added. Monsieur Cor- neille's Pompey & Horace, tragedies; with several other translations out of French. 1667. Q. Case Y 185. P 513 1710. 0. Y 185. P 5135 [PHILLIPS, JOHN] Cyder, a poem; with The splendid shilling, Paradise lost, and two songs, &c. 1708. S. Y 185. P 517 - Mr. John Milton's Satyre against hypo- crites. 1710. D. Y 185. P 52 PHILLIPS, RICHARD. Story of Gautama Bud- dha and his creed, an epic. 1871. D. Y 185. P 54 PHILLIPS, STEPHEN. Lyrics and dramas. 1913. D. Y 185. P 553 - Marpessa. 1901. S. Y 185. P 555 - The new Inferno. 1910. D. Y 185. P 5554 - New poems. 1907. D. Y 185. P 556 - Poems. [14th ed.] 1905. D. Y 185. P 557 [PILKINGTON, MATTHEW] Poems on several occasions. 1730. D. Y 185. P 63 PINKERTON, JOHN. Rimes. 2d ed. 1782. 2v. m 1. D. Y 185. P 65 (92) I POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaU No. Y 185 P 11 Y 185. P 8171 Y 185. P 8178 Y 185.] P 818 PINKERTON, JOHN. Other juvenile poems, by the author of Rimes [I.e. J. Pinker- ton] n.d. D. in Y 185. P 65 POETICAL chronology and compendium of ancient British and modern English history. 1864. D. Y 185. P 75 POLLOK, ROBERT. The course of time, a poem in ten books. 1827. 2v.in l.nar.D. Y 185. P 76 POMFRET, JOHN. Poems upon several occa- sions. 16th ed. 1795. S. POPE, ALEXANDER. Works. 1717. F. - Poetical works. 1785. 3v. F. - - New ed. 1804. 6v. 0. - Works in verse and prose; containing the...notes of Drs . Warburton and Warton, remarks by Johnson and others, memoir of the life of the author by W.L. Bowles. 1806. lOv. 0. Y 185. P 8181 - The poetical works of Alexander Pope, ed. by R. Carruthers . 1853-54. 4v. D. Y 185. P 8185 - The poetical works of Pope and Collins, with a memoir of each. n.d. 4v.in 2. D. (British poets) Y 185. P 8186 - The poetical works of Alexander Pope; with memoir, critical dissertation, and explanatory notes by the Rev.G. Gilfillan, ed. by C.C.Clarke. 1868. 2v. 0. (British poets) Y 185. P 81868 '^ The works of Alexander Pope, New ed., including several hundred unpublished letters and other new materials by J. W.Croker; introduction and notes by W. Elwin. 1871-89. lOv. 0. Y 185. P 8187 - The poetical works of Alexander Pope, ed. by R. Carruthers . New ed.rev. 1858-- 1883. 2v. D. (Bohn's illustrated li- brary) Y 185. P 8188 - The poetical works of Alexander Pope, [with memoir by Rev.A.Dyce] 1887. 3v. in 2. D. (Aldine edition of the British poets) Y 185. P 81887 (93) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. POPE, ALEXANDER. The poetical works of Alexander Pope, ed. with notes and in- troductory memoir by A.W. Ward. 1896. D. Y 185. P 8189 - Concordance to the works of Alexander Pope. 1875. 0. Y 185. P 8201 - Warton, J. Essay on the genius and writings of Pope. 5th ed. to which is now added an index. 1806. 2v. 0. Y 185. P 8295 - Ensaio sobre o homem; tr. verso por verso por F.B.M.Targini , barao de Sao Lourengo. 1819. 3v. F. Y 185. P 8326 - Essay on man, ed. by M.Pattison. 1887. S. (Clarendon press series) Y 185. P 8327 - Rape of the lock, an heroi-comical poem. 1798. 0. Y 185. P 8373 - Satires and epistles, ed. by M.Patti- son. 4th ed. cor. 1881. S. (Clarendon press series) Y 185. P 8378 - Dennis, J. Remarks on Mr.Pope's Rape of the lock, in several letters to a friend. With a preface, occasion'd by the late treatise on the Profound and the Dunciad. 1728. D. Y 185. P 852 - Grolier Club, New York. An exhibition of the first editions of the works of Alexander Pope (1688-1744); together with a collection of the engraved por- traits of the poet and of his friends. 1911. D. Y 185. P 8537 PRAED, WINTHROP MACKWORTH. Poetical works. New ed. 1859-60. 2v. D. Y 185. P 87 - Poems. Revised and complete edition; with a memoir by D.Coleridge. 1889. 2v.in 1. D. Y 185. P 88 , - The political and occasional poems of f Winthrop M.Praed, ed. with notes by Sir G.Young. 1888. D. Y 185. P 89 PRICE, HENRY. Poems on several subjects, by a Land-waiter in the Port of Poole. 1741. 0. Y 185. P 896 (94) I- POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. PRICHARD, THOMAS JEFFERY. Welsh min- strelsy; containing The land beneath the sea; or, Cantrev y Gwaelod, a poem, with various other poems. 1825.0. Y 185. P 9 PRINCE, JOHN CRITCHLEY. Autumn leaves, original poems. [1856] D. Y 185. P 93 PRIOR, MATTHEW. Poems on several occa- sions; V.2. 5th ed. 1733. S. Y 185. P 937 - The poetical works of Matthew Prior; now first collected with explanatory notes, and memoirs of the author. 1779. 2v, D. Y 185. P 9377 - The poetical works of works of Matthew Prior; with memoir and critical dis- sertation by the Rev.G.Gilf illan, ed. by C.C.Clarke. 1869.0. (British poets) Y 185. P 938 - The poetical works of Matthew Prior, [with memoir by Rev. J .Mitf ord . 1871?] 2v.in 1. S. (Aldine edition of the British poets) Y 185. P 9382 - The poetical works of Matthew Prior; with a life by Rev. J. Mitf ord. [188-] 2v.in 1. 0. (British poets) Y 185. P 9381 - Selected poems of Matthew Prior; with an introduction and notes by A.Dobson. 1889. S. Y 185. P 9388 Poems on several occasions, ed. by A.R. Waller. 1905. 0. (Cambridge English classics) Y 185. P 9372 PROCTER, ADELAIDE ANNE. Complete poetic- al works. Cabinet edition; with an in- troduction by C.Dickens. 1901. S. Y 185. P 939 - The complete poetical works of Adelaide Anne Procter; with an introduction by C.Dickens. [1903] 0. Y 185. P 93952 - Legends and lyrics, a book of verses. lst'-2d series. 1892. 2v. S. Y 185. P 9395 - Legends and lyrics; together with a chaplet of verses. [1906] S. (The Muses' library) Y 185. P 9396 (95) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. PROCTER, BRYAN WALLER. Dramatic scenes and other poems, by Barry Cornwall [pseud.] 1857. 0. Y 185. P 94 PYBUS, CHARLES SMALL. The sovereign. [A poem] addressed to His Imperial Ma- jesty Paul, Emperour of all the Rus- sias. 1800. F. Y 185. P 99 - Brave Intelligence from Parnassus, etc. [Ms. copies from the Morning chronicle] 1800. F. in Y 185.? 99 QUARLES, FRANCIS. The complete works in prose and verse of Francis Quarles, now for the first time collected and edited; with memorial introduction, notes and illustrations, portrait, emblems, facsimiles &c . , by A.B.Gro- sart. 1880-81. 3v. 0. (Chertsey wor- thies* library) Y 185. Q 05 - Divine poems; containing the history of lonah Ester, lop, Sampson. Sions Son- ets, elegies. 1642. T. Y 185. Q 1 1669. T. Y 185. Q 101 - Emblems, divine and moral; together with Hieroglyphics of the life of man. 1778. 2v. nar.D. Y 185. Q 105 QUARLES, JOHN. Fons lachrymarum; or, A fountayne of teares. 3d ed. 1677. T. Y 185. Q 2 QUIA Amore Langueo. [Printed from a manu- script in the library at Lambeth Palace. 1902. Y 185. Q 35 QUILLER-COUCH, Sir ARTHUR THOMAS. Green bays, verses and parodies by Q. 1893. D. Y 185. Q 4 - Poems and ballads, by 'Q'. 1896. D. Y 185. Q 42 RADCLIFFE, ALEXANDER. Ovid travestle, a burlesque upon Ovid's Epistles. 2d ed. 1681. D. Case Y 185. R 108 - The ramble: an anti-heroick poem, to- gether with some terrestrial hymns and carnal ejaculations. 1682. S. Y 185. R 11 (96) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. RADCLIPPE, Mrs. ANN (WARD) The poetical works of Ann Radcllffe. St.Alban's ab- bey, a metrical romance; with other poems. 1834. 2v. nar.O. Y 185. R 12 RALPH, JAMES. Night, a poem, in four books. 1728. D. Y 185. R 13 RAMSAY, ALLAN. The poems of Allan Ramsay. To which is prefixed the life of the author by W.Tennant. 1819. S. Y 185.R 14 RANDOLPH, THOMAS. Poems. With The muses looklng-glasse. Amyntas. Jealous lovers. Arystippus. 4th ed. enl. 1652. T. Case Y 185. R 157 - Poems; with the Muses looklng-glasse , and Amyntas: whereunto is added, The jealous lovers. 5th ed. 1668. T. Case Y 185. R 1571 - Poetical and dramatic works of Thomas Randolph; now first collected and ed- ited from the early copies and from MSS. with some account of the author and occasional notes, by W.C.Hazlltt. 1875. D. Y 185. R 16 RAWDON- HASTINGS, lady FLORA ELIZABETH. Poems, ed. by her sister [Sophia, Mar- chioness of Bute] 1841. D. Y 185. R 18 RAWNSLEY, HARDWICKE D. Ballads of the war, by H.D.Rawnsley . With a prefatory note by A.C.Doyle. New ed. with many portraits and other illustrations. 1901. D. Y 185. R 19 - Sonnets in Switzerland and Italy. 1899. D. Y 185. R 192 [RAYMOND, 'JOHN] supposed author. Folly in print; or, A book of rymes. 1667. nar.T. Case Y 185. R 2 READE, JOHN EDMUND. The poetical works P of John E.Reade. New ed. 1860. 2v.O. Y 185. R 22 REYNOLDS, JOHN HAMILTON. The fancy; a selection from the poetical remains of the late Peter Corcoran [pseud.] of Gray's Inn, student at law. With a brief memoir of his life. 1820. nar.D. Y 185. R 33 (97) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS CatI No. REYNOLDS, JOHN HAMILTON. The garden of Florence, and other poems, by John Hamilton [pseud.] 1821. nar.D. Y 185. R 331 RHYS. ERNEST. Welsh ballads and other poems, n.d. D. Y 185. R 34 RICHARDS, NATHANAEL. Poems sacred and satyricall. 1641. nar.T. Case Y 185. R 37 - Poems on various occasions, chiefly pastoral. [1785?] nar.S. Case Y 185. R 39 RICHMOND, ANNA W. Verses. 1898. D. Y 185. R 41 ROBERTS, CHARLES GEORGE DOUGLAS. Poems. [C1901] D. Y 185. R 52 [ROBERTS, JOHN] The Belloniad, an heroic poem. Dedicated to a young officer in the British service. 1785. 0. Y 185. R 526 ROBINSON, AGNES MARY FRANCES, afterwards Mme. DARMESTETER, later Mme . DUCLAUX. The new Arcadia and other poems. 1884. D. Y 185. R 538 - Retrospect and other poems, by Agnes Mary F.Robinson (Mme. James Darme- steter) 1893. nar.D. (Cameo series) Y 185. R 54 - Songs, ballads, and a garden play, by Agnes Mary F. Robinson. 1888. S. Y 185. R 542 ROBINSON, Mrs. MARY (DARBY) Memoirs of the late Mrs. Robinson; with some posthumous pieces, [ed. by Mary E. Robinson] 1901. 4v.in 2. 0. Y 12. R 56 ROBINSON, RICHARD. A golden mirrour by Richard Robinson. Reprinted from the only known copy of the original edi- tion of 1589 in the British Museum; with an introduction and notes, by the Rev.T.Corser. 1851. Q. (Chetham Society. Remains historical and liter- ary connected with the palatine count- ies of Lancaster and Chester) Y 185. R 56 ROGERS, SAMUEL. Poems by Samuel Rogers. 1834. 0. Y 185. R 6383 1 (98) I POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. ROGERS, SAMUEL. Poems by Samuel Rogers; with numerous illustrations. A new ed., revised; with additions by the author. New ed. 1843. 0. Y 185. R 6384 - The complete poetical works of Samuel Rogers; with a biographical sketch, and notes, ed. by E.Sargent. 1854.0. Y 185. R 6385 - The poetical works of Samuel Rogers; with a memoir by E.Bell. Rev.ed. 1892. D. (Aldine edition of the British poets) Y 185. R 6389 - Italy, a poem. 1830. 0. Y 185. R 6444 - - [2d copy] Y 185. R 6444a 1839. S. Y 185. R 6445 ROSCOE, WILLIAM. The poetical works of William Roscoe. 1st ed. 1857. sq.S. Y 185. R 71 ROSCOE, WILLIAM CALDWELL. Poems and es- says, by the late William C. Roscoe . Ed. , with a prefatory memoir, by his brother in law, R.H.Hutton. 1860. 2v. D. Y 185. R 712 - Poems by William C. Roscoe, ed. by his daughter Elizabeth M. Roscoe. 1891. D. Y 185. R 7126 ROSCOE, WILLIAM STANLEY. Poems. 1834. D. Y 185. R 715 ROSCOMMON, WENTWORTH DILLON, 4th earl of. Poems by the Earl of Roscommon. To which is added. An essay on poetry, by the Earl of Mvlgrave, now Duke of Bvcklngham. Together with Poems by Mr. Richard Duke. 1717. D. Y 185. R 717 ROSSETTI, CHRISTINA GEORGINA. New poems by Christina Rossetti, hitherto unpub- lished or collected, ed. by W.M. Ros- setti. 1896. D. Y 185. R 72 '- The poetical works of Christina Georgi- na Rossetti; with memoir and notes &c . by W.M. Rossetti. 1904. D. Y 185. R 723 - Sing-song, a nursery rhyme book. By Christina G. Rossetti. With one hundred and twenty illustrations by A.Hughes. 1872. S. Y 185. R 724 (99 POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL. Poems by Dante G.Rossettl; with a memoir by F.Hiiffer. 1873. S. (Collection of British au- thors. Tauchnitz edition) Y 185. R 7387 - Verses. 1881. [reprod. 190-? ] D. [Type- written] Case Y 185. R 7388 - The collected works of Dante G.Rosset- ti, ed. by W.M.Rossetti . 1890. 2v.D. Y 185. R 7389 [19--] S. Y 185. R 739 Bibliography of the Gabriel Rossetti. 1905. Y 185. R 7392 ship. W.M. Dante - The white - Rossetti, works of D. ROWE, Mrs. ELIZABETH cellaneous works, of Mrs. Elizabeth order, by T.Rowe. Poems on several Rowe. And to the (SINGER) The mis- in prose and verse, Rowe, pub. by her To which are added, occasions, by T. whole is prefixed, An account of the lives and writings of the authors. 5th ed., cor. To which is added. The history of Joseph, a poem in ten books. 1772. 2v. S. Y 185. R 7395 ROWLANDS, SAMUEL. The bride by Samuel Rowlands. Reprinted from a copy of the original edition of 1617 in the library of Harvard College; with an introductory note by A.C.Potter. 1905. Q. Y 185. R 74 - Good newes and bad newes, by S.R. 1622 [repr.1841] sq.D. Case Y 185. R 788 - Knave of harts. Haile fellow, well met, 1613[repr.l840] 0. Case Y 185. R 79 - Looke to it, for lie Stabbe ye. 1604 [repr.1841] D. ROY, WILLIAM. Rede me and be nott wrothe, for I saye no things but trothe. Ll528?repr.l845] D. Y 185. R 792 Y 185. R 81 (100) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. RUSKIN, JOHN. The poems of John RuskJn, now first collected from original manu- script and printed sources, and ed. , In chronological order; with notes, bio- graphical and critical, by W.G.Colllng- wood, 1826-45. 1891. 2v. F. Y 185. R 89 - The works of John Ruskln, ed. by E.T. Cook and A.Wedderburn. [Library edi- tion] Q. Contents: v.l. Early prose writings, 1834-43. 1903. -v. 2. Poems. 1903. -v. 3. -7. Modern painters. 1903- 1905. -V. 8. The seven lamps of archi- tecture, 1903. -V. 9-11. The stones of Venice. 1903-04. -v. 12. Architecture and painting, 1844-54. 1904. -v. 13. Turner; the harbours of England. 1904. -v. 14. Academy notes... 1904. -v. 15. Elements of drawing.. . 1904. -V. 16. "A joy for ever" and The two paths. 1905. -v. 17. Unto this last, Munera pulverls. Time and tide. 1905. -V. 18. Sesame and lilies... 1905. -V. 19. The cestus of Aglala and The queen of the air. 1905. -v. 20. Lec- tures on art and Aratra Pentellcl. 1905. -V. 21. The Ruskln art collection at Oxford. 1906. -v. 22. Lectures on landscape...l906.-v.23. Val d'Arno, The schools of Florence, Mornings in Flor- ence... 1906 .-v. 24. Giotto, The Cavalll monuments, Guide to the Academy... 1906.- V.25. Love's melnie and Proserpina... 1906. -V. 26. Deucalion, and other stud- ies. 1906. -V. 27-29. Fors Clavigera. 1907. -V. 30. The Guild and Museum of St. George. 1907. -v. 31. Bibliotheca Pastorum...l907 .-V. 32. Studies of peasant life. 1907. -V. 33. The Bible of Amiens... 1908. -V. 34. The storm-cloud of the 19th century...l908.~v.35. Praeterita and Dllecta. 1908 .-v. 36-37 . The letters of John Ruskln, 1827-[1889] 1909. Y 12. R 9 (101) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaU No. RUSKIN, JOHN. Salsette and Elephanta. A prize poem, recited in the theatre, Oxford. June 12th, 1839. New ed. 1879. 0. Y 185. R 9077 RUSSELL, EDMUND. The arts of India. Poems by Edmund Russell; with intro- duction by R.Dutt, notes by A.S.K. Ghosh, illustrations by Evelyn S.Har- dy. 1901. nar.O. Y 185. R 91 [RUSSELL, GEORGE] Collected poems. By A.E. 1917. 0. Y 185. R 918 - By still waters, lyrical poems, old and new, by A.E. 1906. 0. Y 185. R 92 - The divine vision and other poems by A.E. 1904. D. Y 185. R 921 - - [2d copy] Y 185. R 921a - The earth breath and other poems by A.E. [cl897] sq.S. Y 185. R 922 - Homeward, songs by the way, by A.E. [2d American ed.] 1904. sq.D. Y 185. R 923 - The nuts of knowledge, lyrical poems old and new by A.E. [1903] 0. Y 185. R 927 SACKVILLE, lady MARGARET. Poems. 1901. D. Y 185. S 11 SACKVILLE, THOMAS, 1st earl of. The works of Thomas Sackville. Ed. by the Hon. and Rev.R.W. Sackville-West . 1859. D. (Library of old authors) Y 185. S 12 SAND key, the key to all; a full and suc- cinct description by An ancient warder of it who during his incumbency was a solitary resident, after Epich armus , who sought to elevate a popular mode of representation into the mandatory respect of everybody. 1890. S. Y 185. S 21 SANDYS, GEORGE. A paraphrase upon the divine poems, by George Sandys. 1676. 3 pt.in Iv. D. Y 185. S 218 - The poetical works of George Sandys. Now first collected; with introduction and notes by R. Hooper. 1872. 2v. 0. Y 185. S 22 [2d copy] Y 185. S 22a (102) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Y 185. Y 185 Y 12.S Y 12. S Y 12.S SAVAGE, RICHARD. The works of Richard Savage; with an account of the life and writings of the author, by S.Johnson. 1775. 2v. D. SCOTT, ALICIA ANNE ( SPOTTISWOOD) , lady. Songs and verses, by Lady John Scott, ed. with memoir by her grand-niece, Margaret Warrender. 2d ed. 1911. D. SCOTT, JOHN. The poetical works of John Scott. 2d ed. 1786. 0. SCOTT, Sir WALTER. Poetical works. 1830. llv. T. Y 185 ~ The prose works of Sir Walter Scott, bart. 1830-36. 30v. D. - The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott bart. 1833-34. 12v. D. - Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott. 2d ed. 1839. lOv. D. - Poetical works; with all his introduc- tions and notes, also various readings and the editor's notes. 1847. 0. Y - The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott. With memoir and critical dissertation, by the Rev.G.Gilf illan. 1868. 3v. 0. (British poets) Y - The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, bart.,ed. by J.G.L. i.e. J.G.Lockhart . 1868. 12v. S. Y - Miscellaneous works. 1870-71. 30v. D. - The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott; with a memoir. [188-] lOv.in 5. D. (British poets) Y - The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, ed. with memoir, by J.Dennis. 1892. 5v. D. (Aldine edition of the British poets) Y - The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, baronet; with a biographical and critical memoir by F.T.Palgrave . 1893. 0. Y CftU No. Y 185. S 26 S 425 .S 43 4383 4282 4281 4283 185. S 4384 185. S 4385 185. S Y 12 4386 S 43 185. S 4387 185. S 4388 185. S 4389 (103) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS SCOTT, Sir WALTER. The Ballantyne Press The history of the Ballantyne Press and its connection with Sir Walter Scott, bart. 1871. sq.Q. - A few hours with Scott, being sketches in the way of supplement to the two lord of the Isles", and by One of his old read- Call No. Y 12. S 435 poems of "The of "Rokeby"..., ers. 1856. S. Freye, W. The literature on influence of "Gothic" Sir Walter Scott. 1902. 0. [Dissertation] Hertel, H. Die Naturschilderungen in Walter Scotts Versdichtungen. laOO. 0. [Dissertation] The field of Waterloo, a poem. 1815. 0. The lady of the lake, a poem. trated with engravings from signs of R.Westall. 1811. 0. The lay of the last minstrel, illustrated with engravings designs of R.Westall. 1809. The lay of the last minstrel, in six cantos. 1853. S. Lay of the last minstrel, ed. with preface and notes by W.Minto. 2d ed 3d ed , illus the de- a poem... from the 0. a poem. Y 185. S 4429 Y 12. S 4365 Y 185. S 44293 Y 185. S 443 1889. S. (Clarendon press series) Y The lord of the Isles, a poem. 2d ed. 1815. 0, Marmion, a tale of Flodden field..., 11- lustrated with engravings from the de- sign of R.Westall. 1809. 0. - Marmion, ed. with notes by W.J.Rolfe. [C1885] S. - Rokeby, a poem with notes, by W.Scott Edinburgh, 1813. Q. - Rokeby, a poem. Philadelphia, 1813. nar .T. SCOTT, WILLIAM BELL. Poems by William Bell Scott, ballads, studies from na ture, sonnets, etc. 1875. D. (104) Y 185. S 444 Y 185. S 4445 Y 185. S 4446 185. S 4449 Y 185. S 446 Y 185. S 4466 Y 185. S 4469 Y 185. S 4475 Y 185. S 4476 Y 185. S 45 POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS SEAMAN, OWEN. Horace at Cambridge. [New and rev.ed. ] 1902. D. SEDLEY Sir CHARLES, bar t. The poetical works of the Honourable Sir Charles Sedley, baronet, and his speeches In Parliament. Pub. from the original ms . by Capt. Aylof f e...Wlth a new mlscelany of poems by several of the most emi- nent hands. And a compleat collection of all the remarkable speeches in both houses of Parliament from the year 1641, to the happy union of Great Britain. By several lords and common- ers. 1707. D. - The works of Sir Charles Sedley, in prose and verse; with memoirs of the author's life, written by an eminent hand. 1778. 2v. D. SEMPILL. ROBERT. The Semplll ballates; a series of historical, political, and satirical Scotish poems, ascribed to Robert Semplll. To which are added poems by Sir J.Semple of Beltrees. 1872. nar.O. [SETTLE, ELKANAH] Absalom Senior; or, Achitophel transpos'd. A poem. 1682. F. SEWARD, ANNA. The poetical works of Anna Seward; with extracts from her liter- ary correspondence, ed. by W.Scott. 1810. 3v. D. SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE. Posthumous poems. 1824. 0. Y - The Shelley papers. Memoir of P.B. Shelley, by T.Medwin, and original poems and papers, by P.B.Shelley, now first collected. 1833. 0. - The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Mrs. Shelley. 1839. 4v CaU No. Y 185. S 46 Y 12. S 439 Y 12. S 44 Y 185. S 47 Y 185. S 49 Y 185. S 5 185. S 5282 ley, ed. by - 1840. 0. The poetical ed. by Mrs. [cl855] 2v. 185. S 5283 185. S 5284 Y 185. S 52825 Shel- S. Y Y works of Percy B.Shelley, Shelley; with a memoir. D, (British poets) Y 185. S 5286 (105) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CatI No. SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE. Relics of Shel- ley, ed. by R.Garnett. 1862. S. Y 185. S 58862 - Works, in verse and prose, now first brought together; with many pieces not before published, ed., with pre- faces, notes and appendices by H.B. Forman. 1880. 8v. 0. Y 12. S 54 - The lyrics and minor poems of Percy B. Shelley, sellected, with a prefatory notice by J.Skipsey. [1884] T. (The Canterbury poets) Y 185. S 5287 - Complete poetical works, the text care- fully revised; with notes and a memoir, by W.M.Rossetti . 1885. 3v.D. Y 185. S 5288 - The complete poetical works of Percy B, Shelley, the text newly collated and revised and ed. with a memoir and notes, by G. E. Woodberry . [Centenary edition] 1893. 4v. D. Y 185. S 52887 - The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, ed. by E.Dowden. 1895. D. Y 185. S 5289 - Original poetry by Victor & Cazire . ed. by R.Garnett. 1898. 0. Y 185. S 52895 - The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, ed. with a memoir, by H.B. Forman. 1892-1901. 5v. D. (Aldine edi- tion of the British poets) Y 185. S 529 - The complete poetical works of Shelley, including materials never before print- ed in any edition of the poems, ed. with textual notes by T.Hutchinson. 1904. 0. Y 185. S 53 - Select poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley, ed. with introduction and notes by G. E. Woodberry. 1908. D. (Belles-lettres series) Y 185. S 5300 (106) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Cftfl No. SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE. Note books of Percy B.Shelley, from the originals in the library of W.K.Blxby, deciphered, transcribed, and ed., with a full commentary, by H.B.Forman. 1911. 3v. 0. (Bibliophile Society, Boston. Publica- tions) Y [2d copy] Case Y : - The poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley, ed . with notes by C.D.Locock; with an In- troduction by A. Clutton-Brock. [1911] 185. S 530 85. S 5301 2v. 0. Epipsychldlon, colla 2a ed. della Nu- vola e dell' Allodola [tr. da D.Man- clnl] 1893. D. Note blograflche con una scelta dl llriche, tradotte In Italiano [per] D.Manclnl. 1892. D. Shelley's Defence of poetry; Browning's Essay on Shelley, ed. by L. Wlnstanley . Y 185. S 5302 Y 185. S 5326 Y 185. S 535 Y 12. S 548 Y 12. S 5491 [cl911] 0. (Belles-lettres series) Shelley's prose In the Bodleian manu- scripts, ed. with corrections, addi- tions, notes and unpublished frag- ments, by A.H.Koszul. 1910. S. [Articles from divers periodicals re- lating to Shelley. 1819-86] 19 pams . O.-Q. Contents : [no. 1 ] Loan and Cythna; the revolt of Islam. 1819. -[no. 2] Prometheus unbound. 1821. -[no. 3] Posthumous poems of Percy Bysshe Shel- ley. 1824. -[no. 4] The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 1839. -[no. 5] The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley; letters and essays from a- broad; die Cencl; Adone. 1841. -[no. 6] Percy Bysshe Shelley. 1843. -[no. 7] The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley; Shelley at Oxford; the life of P.B. Shelley; [etc.] 1847. -[no. 8] Shelley and the letters of poets by Robert Y 185. S 54 (107) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaU No. SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE. Contents: (Con- tinued) Browning. 1852. -[no. 9] The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shel- ley; essays, letters from abroad, translations and fragments; [etc.] 1858. -[no. 10] Trelawny's recollections of Shelley and Byron. 1858 .-[no . 11 ] More words about Shelley. 1860 . -[no. 12] The life and poetry of Shelley. 1860.- [no.l3] Shelley, by Thornton Hunt. 1863. -[no. 14] Percy Bysshe Shelley, by J.M. 1868. -[no. 15] Notes on Shelley's text, by A.C.Swinburne. 1869. -[no. 16] Shelley's Beatrice Cencl, by James Henry Dixon. 1875 . -[no . 17] Shelley's earlier years. 1875 .-[no . 18] The soul of Shelley, by R.A.Holland. 1876. -[no. 19] An episode in the life of the poet Shelley, by J. R. Chanter. 1886. - [no . 20] Shelley in Pall Mall, by R.Garnett. 1860. -[no. 21] Shelley, politician, atheist, philanthropist. 1875. Y 185. S 54 - Forman, H.B. The Shelley library, an essay in bibliography. 1886. 0. Y 185. S 543 - Asanger, F. Percy Bysshe Shelley's Sprach-Studlen; seine Uebersetzungen aus dem Lateinlschen und Griechischen. 1911. 0. Y 185. S 5405 - Brown, J.M. The "Prometheus unbound" of Shelley, a study, n.d. D. Y 185. S 5412 - Edgar, P. Study of Shelley; with special reference to his nature poetry. 1899. 0. [Dissertation] Y 185. S 5425 - Ellis, F.S. A lexical concordance to the poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. An attempt to classify every word found therein according to its signification, compiled and arranged by F.S.Ellis. 1892. Q. Y 185. S 5426 (108) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE. Locock, CD. An examination of the Shelley manuscripts in the Bodleian Library. Being a col- lation thereof with the printed texts, resulting In the publication of several long fragments hitherto unknown, and the introduction of many Improved readings into Prometheus unbound, and other poems, by CD. Locock. 1903. 0. Y 185. S 545 SHELLEY Society, London. Publications. D.-O.-Q. Contents: 1st ser.,no.l. The Shelley Society's papers. 2 pts. 1888- 1891. -no. 2. Note-book of the Shelley Society, pt.l. 1888. -2d ser.,no.l. Adonals, by P.B.Shelley. 1886. -no. 2. Review of Hogg's "Memoirs of Prince Alexy Haimatoff", by P.B.Shelley. 1887. -no. 3. Alastor, or, The spirit of solitude, by P. B. Shelley . 2d ed. 1887.- no.4. A vindication of natural diet, by P.B.Shelley. New ed. 1886. -no. 5. Hellas, a lyrical drama, by P.B.Shel- ley. 2d ed. 1886. -no. 6. An address to the Irish people, by P.B.Shelley. 1890. -no. 7. Epipsychldlon, by P.B. Shelley. 1887. -no. 12. The wandering Jew, a poem, by P.B.Shelley. 1887.- no.l3. The masque of anarchy, a poem, by P.B.Shelley. 1892. -no. 17. Rosalind and Helen, a modern eclogue, by P.B. Shelley. 1888. -4th ser., no.l. The Shelley library, an essay in biblio- graphy, by H.B.Forman. Lp^.] 1, 1886.- no.2. A memoir of Shelley, by W.M. Rossettl. 1886. -no. 3. The Cencl, a tragedy by P.B.Shelley. 1886. -no. 4. A Shelley primer, by H.S.Salt. 1887.- no.6. An alphabetical table of con- tents to Shelley's poetical works, by F.S.Ellis. 1888. -no. 8. An essay on Percy Bysshe Shelley, by R.Browning. Y 185. S 548 (109) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. SHELLEY Society, London. Contents: (Con- tinned) 1888. Extra ser.,no.l. Hellas, a lyrical drama, by P.B.Shelley. 1886. --no. 4. The mask of anarchy; fac- simile. 1887. -no. 5. A proposal for putting reform to the vote throughout the kingdom; facsimile. 1887. Y 185. S 548 - Shelley Society and the "Cenci". [News- paper clippings mounted] 1885-86. Q. Y 185. S 5481 - Talfourd, Sir T.N. Speech for the de- ' fendant in the prosecution of the Queen v. Moxon, for the publication of Shelley's works. Delivered in the Court of Queen's Bench, June 23,1841, and revised by T. N. Talfourd . 1841.0. Y 185. S 5485 SHENSTONE, WILLIAM. The works, in verse and prose of William Shenstone. 6th ed. 1764-1769. 3v. 0. • Y 185. S 549 1791. 3v. 0. Y 12. S 556 - The poetical works of William Shen- stone. With life, critical disserta- tion, and explanatory notes by the Rev. G.Gllfillan. The text ed. by C.C. Clarke. 1868. 0. (British poets) Y 185. S 55 SHEPPARD, SAMUEL. Epigrams, theological, philosophical, and romantick. Six books. Also, The Socratick session, or the arraigment and conviction of J. Scaliger, with other select poems. 1651. T. Case Y 185. S 5513 SHERBURNE, Sir EDWARD. Salmacis, Lyrian & Sylvia, Forsaken Lydia, The rape of Helen, A comment thereon, with severall other poems and translations. 1651. S. Museum Y 185. S 552 SHIRREFS, ANDREW. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. 1790. 0. Case Y 185. S 553 SHORE, LOUISA. Poems by Louisa Shore. With a memoir by her sister Arabella Shore, and an appreciation by F.Harri- son. 1907. D. Y 185. S 555 (110) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Cad No. SHORTER, DORA (SIGERSON) "Mrs. CLEMENT SHORTER". The fairy changeling and other poems. 1896. D. Y 185. S 558 SIDNEY, Sir PHILIP. The works of Sir Philip Sidney In prose and verse. 1725. 3v. D. Y 12.S 5772 - The complete poems of Sir Philip Sid- ney, ed. with essay on the life and writings, and notes and Illustrations, by A.B.Qrosart. 1873. 0. (Fuller wor- thies' library) Y 185. S 5687 - The complete works of Sir Philip Sid- ney. Contents: v.l. The Countess of Pembrokes Arcadia. 1912. D. (Cambridge English classics) Y 12. S 579 - Astrophel & Stella, ed. from the folio of 1598 by A. Pollard. 1888. S. Y 185. S 57 - The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. With his life and death; a brief table of the principal heads, and some other new additions. 13th ed. 1674. F. Y 12. S 5767 - Crossley, J. Sir Philip Sidney and the Arcadia. 1853. S. Y 12. S 582 - Morley, Edith J. The works of Sir Philip Sidney. 1901. 0. (University College, London. The Qualn essay, 1901) Y 12. S 585 SKELTON, JOHN. The poetical works of John Skelton; with notes and some account of the author and his writings, by A.Dyce. 1843. 2v. 0. Y 185. S 6284 - The poetical works of Skelton and Donne; with a memoir of each. 1881. 4v.ln 2. D. (British poets) Y 185. S 6288 -- Skelton, a selection from the poetical works of John Skelton; with introduc- tion, and glossary by W.H.Williams. 1902. D. Y 185. S 6289 - Skelton's satirical poems in their re- lation to Lydgate's Order of fools. Cock Lovell's Bote, and Barclay's Ship of fools. 1899 0. [Dissertation] Y 185. S 6295 (111) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaU No. SKELTON, JOHN. Thummel, A. Studlen liber John Skelton. 1905. 0. [Dissertation] Y 185. S 6297 SLATYER, WILLIAM. The history of Great Britanle from the. first peopling of this island to this present raigne of o happy and peacefull monarke K.James, by Will: Slatyer. (1621) Q. Y 185. S 631 SMART, CHRISTOPHER. Poems on several occasions. 1752. Q. Y 185. S 635 [2d copy] Y 185. S 635a SMITH, ALEXANDER. Poems. 2d ed . 1853. S. Y 185. S 64 - City poems. 1857. S. Y 185. S 641 SMITH, ROBERT. Poems of controversy be- twixt Episcopacy and Presbytery; also several poems and merry songs on other subjects; with some funeral elegies on various noblemen and gentlemen. 1869. D. Y 185. S 65 - - The Assembly's Shorter catechism in metre. 1872. D. in Y 185. S 65 SOMERVILLE, WILLIAM. The poetical works of William Somervile. 1766. 2v.in l.S. Y 185. S 677 - The chase, a poem. 1767. Q. Y 185. S 679 - The chase, by William Somerville, re- printed from the original edition of 1735; with a memoir of the author, illustrations by H.Thomson. 1896. 0. Y 185. S 68 - Field-sports, a poem. 1742. F. Y 185. S 686 - Hobbinol, field sports and the bowling green, [ed. by R.Ackermann; with en- gravings by C.Nesbit and J.Thurston, typography of W.Bulmer] 1813. Q. Y 185. S 69 SOUTHEY, ROBERT. The poetical works of Robert Southey; with a memoir, n.d. lOv. in 5. D. Y 185. S 718 - The poetical works of Robert Southey, collected by himself. 1838. lOv. S. Y 185. S 7183 - The curse of Kehama. 1810. Q. Y 185. S 722 - Joan of Arc. 1798. 2v. 0. Y 185. S 7245 - Madoc. 1805. Q. Y 185. S 7253 i (112) 1 POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. SOUTHEY, ROBERT. Oliver Newman; a New England tale (unfinished); with other poetical remains, [ed. by H.Hlll] 1845. S. Y 185. S 7264 - The poet's pilgrimage to Waterloo. 2d ed. 1816, S. Y 185. S 727 - Robin Hood, a fragment by Robert Southey and Caroline Southey; with other frag- ments and poems. 1847. D. Y 185. S 7275 SOUTHWELL, ROBERT. The poetical works of the Rev. Robert Southwell, now first completely edited by W.B. Turnbull . 1856. S. Y 185. S 73 - The complete poems of Robert Southwell, ed. with memorial-introduction and notes, by A.B.Grosart . 1872. 0. (Ful- ler worthies' library) Y 185. S 731 SPEED, R. The counter-scuffle; whereunto is added The counter-rat, written by R.S. 1667. D. Case Y 185. S 74 SPEGHT, RACHEL. Mortalities memorandvm, with a dreame prefixed, imaginarie in manner, reall in matter. 1621. D. Case Y 185. S 736 SPENCER, WILLIAM ROBERT. Poems. 1811. 0. Y 185. S 75 SPENSER, EDMUND. The faerie qveen, The shepherds calendar, together with other works of England's arch-poet, Edmund Spenser. 1611. Q. Case Y 185. S 7561 - Works of that famous English poet; whereunto is added an Account of his life with other new additions never before in print. 1679. F. Y 185. S 7567 - Works; with the principal illustrations of various commendators , to which are added Notes. Some account of the life of Spenser, and glossarial and other indexes by Rev.H. J. Todd . 1805. 8v. 0. Y 185. S 758 - The poetical works of Edmund Spenser. 1839. 5v. S. (Aldlne poets) Y 185. S 7583 (113) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. SPENSER, EDMUND. The poetical works of Edmund Spenser; the text carefully re- vised and illustrated with notes, original and selected by F.J. Child. [cl855] 5v. in 3. D. (British poets) Y 185. S 7585 - The poetical works of Edmund Spenser; the text carefully revised and illus- trated with notes, original and se- lected by P. J. Child. 1860. 5v. S. (British poets) Y 185. S 7584 - The poetical works of Edmund Spenser, [with memoir by J.P.Collier] n.d. 5v. In 3. D. (Aldine edition of the Eng- lish poets) Y 185. S 75861 - The works of Edward Spenser, ed. by J. P.Collier. 1862. 5v. 0. Y 185. S 75862 ~ The poetical works of Edmund Spenser. With memoir and critical dissertations by the Rev. G.Gilfillan. The text ed. by C.C.Clarke. 1859-68. 5v. 0. (Brit- ish poets) Y 185. S 75868 - Complete works of Edmund Spenser, ed. from original editions and manuscripts by R.Morris; with a memoir by J.W. Hales. Globe edition 1877. D. Y 185. S 7587 - The complete works in verse and prose of Edmund Spenser, ed. with a new life, based on original researches, and a glossary embracing notes and illustra- tions, by A.B.Grosart, [and others] 1882-84. 9v. 0. Y 185. S 7588 [2d copy] Y 185. S 7588a - The poetical works of Edmund Spenser. 3v. 0. Contents: v.l. Minor poems. 1910. -V. 2-3. Faerie queene. 1909. Y 185. S 759 - The works of Edmund Spenser, ed. from the original editions and manuscripts by R.Morris. 1912. D. Y 185. S 7591 - Carpenter, F.I. An outline guide to the study of Spenser. 1894. 0. Y 185. S 7614 - ^ Spenser's Cave of despair. 1897. Q. Y 185. S 7615 (114) I POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Cafl No. SPENSER, EDMUND. Craik, G.L. Spenser, and his poetry. 1845. 3v. S. Y 185. S 7619 - Groller Club, New York. Catalogue of an exhibition of the original editions of the works of Edmund Spenser... May 5th, to May 20th, 1899. 1899. D. Y 185. S 7635 - Grosart, A.B. Who wrote 'Brittaln's Ida'? (Misassigned to Edmund Spenser:) answered in a letter to Sir John Duke Coleridge...By the Rev. A.B. Grosart. 1869. D. Y 185. S 7636 - Harper, Carrie A. The sources of the British chronicle history in Spenser's Faerie queene. 1910 .0. [Dissertation] Y 185. S 7638 - Osgood, C.G. A concordance to the poems of Edmund Spenser. 1915. sq.Q. (Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publications) Y 185. S 7664 [2d copy] Y 185. S 7664a - Sawtelle, Alice E. The sources of Spenser's classical mythology . 1896 .0. Y 185. S 768 - Spenser's poem, entitled Colin Clouts come home agalne, explained; with re- marks upon the Amoretti sonnets, and also upon the minor poems of other early English poets, by [E.A.Hitch- cock] 1866. D. Y 185. S 771 - The faerie qveene. Disposed into twelve books. [1st ed.] 1590. 0. Y 185. S 7759 - The second part of the Faerie Qveene; containing the fovrth, fifth and sixth bookes. 1596. D. [Bound by Riviere & Son] Museum Y 185. S 77596 - The faerie qveene, disposed into xli. bookes, fashioning bwelue morall vertues. 1609. Q. Y 185. S 77Q - Faerie queene; a new edition with glos- sary and notes, by J.Upton. 1758. 2v. Q. Y 185. S 7775 - Spenser. Book I of The faery queene, ed. by G.W.Kltchin. New ed. 1890. S. (Clarendon press series) Y 185. S 7789 (115) . POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. SPENSER, EDMUND. The Faerie queene, ed. from the original editions of 1590 and 1596, with introduction. 1897-1908. 6v. S. Y 185. S 779 ~ Harper, Carrie A. The sources of the British chronicle history in Spenser's Faerie queene. 1910. 0. (Bryn Mawr College monograph series) [Disserta- tion] Y 185. S 784 - Padelford, F.M. The political and ecclesiastical allegory of the first book of the Faerie Queene. [cl911] D. (University of Washington publications in English) ' Y 185. S 7865 - Walther, Marie. Malory's Elnfluss auf Spenser's Faerie queene. n.d. 0. [Dis- sertation] Y 18b. S 7894 - Warton, T. Observations on The faery queen of Spenser. 2d ed. 1762. 2v.O. Y 185. S 7895 - The fowre hymnes, ed. by Lilian Win- stanley. 1907. S. (Pitt press series) Y 185. S 79 - The Shepheardes calendar, the original ed. of 1579 in photographic facsimile; with an introduction by H.O.Sommer. 1890. Q. Y 185. S 793 - Hlgglnson, J.J. Spenser's Shepherd's calender, in relation to contemporary affairs. 1912. 0. (Columbia University studies in English and comparative literature) Y 185. S 8004 STAGG, JOHN. Cumbrian minstrel; being a poetical miscellany of legendary, Gothic and romantic tales, the scenes and subjects of which are principally laid in the border counties of England and Scotland; together with several essays in the northern dialect, also a number of original pieces. 1821. 2v. S. Y 185. S 83 (116) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. STANLEY, THOMAS. Poems. 1651. 2 pt.in Iv. S. Y 185. S 835 - Poems, by Thomas Stanley; reprinted from the edition of 1651. 1814. D. Y 185. S 8351 - Anacreon, Blon and Moschus; with other translations. By Thomas Stanley. First printed 1651. A new ed. ; with a pre- face, critical and biographical. 1815. D. in Y 185. S 8351 - Thomas Stanley, his original lyrics, complete, in their collated readings of 1647, 1651, 1657; with an introduc- tion, textual notes, a list of edi- tions, an appendix of translations, and a portrait, ed. by L.I.Guiney. 1907. D. Y 185. S 836 STEPHEN, JAMES KENNETH. Lapsus calami, ' and other verses, by James Kenneth Stephen, [ed.] with introduction, by H.S., i.e. Sir Herbert Stephen. [3d ed. 1 1905. S. Y 185. S 84 STERLING, JOHN. Poems. 1839. D. Y 185. S 845 STEVENS, GEORGE ALEXANDER. Songs, comic and satyrical. 1772. nar.D. Case Y 185. S 847 STEVENSON, JOHN HALL. The works of John Hall Stevenson, containing: crazy tales, fables for grown gentlemen, lyric epistles, pastoral cordial, pastorial puke, macarony fables, lyric consolations, moral tales, monkish epitaphs, &c., &c., &c. Corr. and enl. with several original poems, now first printed. 1795. 3v. D. Y 12. S 84 STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS. [Works] 23v. D. Contents: v.l. Across the plains. 1895. -V. 2. The black arrow. 1895. -v. 3. David Balfour. 1895. -v. 4. More new Arabian nights; The dynamiter, by Robert L.Stevenson and Fanny van de Grift Stevenson. 1895. -v. 5. Familiar studies of men and books. 1896. -v. 6. Y 12. S 844 (117) I POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS. Contents: (Con- tinued) Memoir of Fleeming Jenkln. 1896. -V. 7. Footnote to history. 1895.- V.8. Inland voyage. 1895. -v. 9. Island night ' s entertainments . 1893. -v. 10. Kidnapped. 1895. -v. 11. Master of Bal- lantrae. 1896. -v. 12. Memories and por- traits. 1896. -V. 13. Merry men; Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 1895. -V.14. New Arabian nights. 1896. -v. 15. Poems and ballads. 1896. -v. 16. Prince Otto. 1895. -V. 17. Silverado squatters. 1895. -v. 18. Travels with a donkey. 1895. -V. 19. Treasure Island. 1896.- V.20. Virginlbus puerisque. 1896.- V.21. Weir of Hermiston. 1896. -v. 22. The wrecker, by Robert L.Stevenson and L.Osbourne. 1896. -v. 23. The wrong box, by Robert L.Stevenson and L.Osbourne. 1896. Y 12. S 84 STEWART, WILLIAM. The bulk of the croni- ' ells of Scotland; or, A metrical ver- sion of the history of Hector Boece, ed. by W.B.Turnbull . 1858. 3v. Q. (Rolls series) Y 185. S 85 STIRLINCj, Sir WILLIAM ALEXANDER, 1st earl of. The poetical works of Sir William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, &c . , now first collected and ed. with memoir and notes. 1870-72. 3v. D. Y 185. S 856 - Recreations with the mvses, by William, Earle of Sterline. 1637. Q. Case Y 185. S 86 STODDART, THOMAS TOD. Songs of the sea- sons, and other poems; with autobio- graphical sketch of the author. 1881. D. Y 185. S 865 STONE, SAMUEL JOHN. The knight of inter- cession and other poems. 3d ed.l875.D. Y 185. S 87 STORER, THOMAS. The life and death of Thomas Wolsey, cardlnall, diuided into three parts. 1599. D. Case Y 185. S 885 (118) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. STRODE, WILLIAM. The poetical works of William Strode (1600-45) Now first collected from manuscript and printed sources; to which is added The float- ing island, a tragi-comedy , now first reprinted from the original edition of 1655. Ed. by B.Dobell; with a memoir of the author. 1907. 0. Y 185. S 92 SUCKLING, Sir JOHN. Selections from the works of Sir John Suckling, to which is prefixed a life of the author; with critical remarks on his writings and genius, by the Rev. A. Suckling. 1836. 0. y 185. S 943 - Poems, plays and other remains; with a copious account of the author, notes and an appendix, ed. by W.C.Hazlitt. 2d ed. 1892. 2v. D. (Library of old authors) Y 185. S 942 - The works of Sir John Suckling, in prose and verse, ed. with introduction and notes by A.H.Thompson. 1910. D. Y 185. S 9425 [2d copy] Y 12. S 942 SURREY, HENRY HOWARD, earl of. Works of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey and Sir Thomas Wyatt, the elder, ed. by G.F. Nott. 1815. 2v. Q. Y 12. S 96 SWAIN, CHARLES. The mind, and other poems. 1841. 0. Y 185. S 95 SWAN TRIPE-CLUB in Dublin, a satyr; dedi- cated to all those who are true friends to her present majesty and her govern- ment, to the Church of England, and the succession as by law established. 1706. 0. Y 185. S 965 SWIFT, JONATHAN. The works of Jonathan Swift. New ed., rev. by J.Nichols. 1803. 24v. S. Y 12. S 97 (119) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaU No. SWIFT, JONATHAN. The works of Jonathan Swift, containing additional letters, tracts and poems, not hitherto pub- lished; with notes and a life of the author, by Sir W.Scott. 2d ed. 1824. 19v. 0. Y 12. S 972 - The works of Jonathan Swift; with notes and life of the author, by Sir W. Scott. 2d ed. 1883-84. 19v. 0. Y 12. S 978 - The poetical works of Jonathan Swift; with a life by J.Mltford. [1888] 3v. in 2. D. (British poets) Y 185. S 968 - The poems of Jonathan Swift, ed . by W.E.Browning. 1910. 2v. S. (Bohn's standard library) Y 185. S- 969 - The poetical works of Jonathan Swift, [with a memoir by Rev. J.Mltford] n.d. 3v.ln 2. D. (Aldlne edition of the British poets) Y 185. S 9681 SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES. Selected poems, by Algernon Charles Swinburne, ed. with introduction and notes by W.M. Payne. 1905. D. (Belles lettres series) Y 185. S 9807 - [Swinburne's works] Contents: [1] iBolus. 1914. --[2] The Arab chief. 1912. -[3] Ballade of truthful Charles and other poems. 1910. ~[4] Death of Sir John Franklin. 1916. -[5] Juvenil- ia. 1912. -[6] Lady Maisle's bairn and other poems. 1915. -[7] Lord Scales. 1909. -[8] Rondeaux parlslens. 1917.^ [9] Triumph of Glorlana. 1916. -[10] Wearleswa. 1917. -[11] Christopher Marlowe in relation to Greene, Peele and Lodge. 1914. -[12] F^licien Cossu, a burlesque. 1915. -[13] Fleurs du mal and other studies. 1913. -[14] Letters to the press. 1912. -[15] Pericles and other studies. 1914. -[16] A vision of bags. 1916. Case Y 185. S 9809 (120) 1 POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Catl No. SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES. Border bal- lads, by Algernon Charles Swinburne, ed. by T.J.Wise. 1912. 0. (Bibliophile Society. Boston) Y 185. S 9812 - Posthumous poems, ed. by E.Gosse and T. J.Wise. 1917. 0. Y 185. S 9813 - A century of roundels. 1883. 0. Y 185. S 9815 - Memorial verses on R. Burton, n.d. F. Y 185. S 98835 - Mr .Whistler ' s lecture on art. Facsimile of original ms. [1914] F. in Y 185. S 98835 - Notes on poems and reviews. 1866. 0. Y 185. S 99 - The poems of Algernon Charles Swin- burne. 1904. 6v.D. Y 185. S 9884 -Songs before sunrise. 1871. 0. Y 185. S 988 - Songs of the springtides. 1880. D. Y 185. S 9881 - Songs of two nations. 1875. D. Y 185. S 9882 - Specimens of modern poets. The heptalo- gia; or. The seven against sense, a cap with seven bells. 1880. D. Y 185. S 9883 - Studies in song. 1880. D. Y 185. S 9885 - Tristram of Lyonesse and other poems. 5th ed. 1896. 0. Y 185. S 9888 - Drinkwater, J. Swinburne, an estimate. 1913. 0. Y 185. S 993 - Hill, W.M. pub. List of the original manuscripts of Algernon Charles Swin- burne. 1910. S. Y 185.S 994 - Rossetti, W.M. Swinburne's poems and ballads, a criticism. 1866. D. Y 185. S 9975 - Shepherd, R.H. Bibliography of Swin- burne; bibliographical list in chrono- logical order of the published writ- ings of Swinburne, 1857-87. [New ed. enl. ] 1887. D. Y 185. S 998 - Thomas, E. Algernon Charles Swinburne, a critical study. 1912. 0. Y 185. S 9981 - Wise, T.J. A bibliographical list of the scarcer works and uncollected writings of Algernon Charles Swin- burne. 1897. 0. Y 185. S 9982 (121) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Calt No. SYLVESTER, JOSHUAH. The complete works of Joshuah Sylvester; for the first time collected and edited, with memor- ial-introduction, notes and illustra- tions, glossarial index, &c . , &c., por- traits, and facsimiles, &c., by the Rev. A.B.Grosart. 1880. 2v. 0. (Chert- sey worthies' library) Y 185. S 999 SYMONDS, JOHN ADDINGTON. Animi fjgura. 1882. S. Y 185. Sy 51 - Many moods, a volume of verse. 1878. D. Y 185. Sy 55 - New and old, a volume of verse. 1880. D. Y 185. Sy 57 - Vagabunduli llbellus. 1884. D. Y 185. Sy 59 - Wine, women, and song; medieval Latin students' songs, tr. into English verse by J.A.S. 1907. S. (The king's classics) [2d copy] Y 185. Sy 6 SYMONS, ARTHUR. Poems by Arthur Symons . 1909. 2v. 0. Y 185. Sy 69 - The fool of the world, and other poems. 1906. 0. Y 185. Sy 7 - Images of good and evil. 1899. D. Y 185. Sy 72 SYNGE, JOHN MILLINGTON. Poems and trans- lations. 1909. 0. Y 185. Sy 8 - The works of John Millington Synge. 1910. 4v. 0. Contents: v.l. Plays. - V.2. Plays, poems and translations . - V.3. The Aran Islands .~v. 4. In Wick- low, In West Kerry, In the congested districts and Under ether. Y 12. S 993 ^ Howe, P.P. John M. Synge, a critical study. 1912. 0. Y 12. S 997 TALBOT, CATHARINE. Works, first published by Mrs. Elizabeth Carter and now re- published with additional papers, notes and illustrations and some ac- count of her life by M.Pennington. [8th ed. ] 1812. 0. Y 12. T 14 4 (122) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No* TANNAHILL, ROBERT. The works of Robert Tannahlll; with life of the author, and memoir of R.A.Smith by P. A. Rams-ay. [1851?] D. Y 185.T 1545 - Wilson, J. Clyde, a descriptive poem; with life of the author by J.Leyden. n.d. D. in Y 185. T 1545 « The poems and songs and correspondance of Robert Tannahlll; with life and notes by D.Semple. 1876. D. Y 185. T 155 TATE, NAHUM. Poems written on several occasions. 2d ed. 1684. D. Y 185. T 18 TAYLOR, Sir HENRY. The poetical works of Henry Taylor. 1864. 3v. S. Contents; v.l. Philip van Artevelde .-v. 2 . Edwin the Fair; Isaac Comnenus.-v. 3. A Sicil- ian summer; St.Clement's eve; The eve of conquest and other poems. Y 185. T 2 - Works. 1877^78. 5v. D. Contents: v.l. Philip van Artevelde . -v. 2. Edwin the Fair; Isaac Comnenus .-v. 3. The virgin widow... and other poems. -v. 4. Notes from life; The statesman. -v. 5. Critical essays on poetry; Crime considered. Y 12. T 2 TAYLOR, JOHN. All the workes of I. Tay- lor, the water-poet, collected by the author, 1630. 1630. Case ^Y 12. T 219 - Works of John Taylor, the water-poet, ed. by C.Hlndley. 1872. Q. Y 12. T 22 - Prose and poetical works. 1580-1653. 1888. 0. Y 12. T 21 TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, 1st baron. Manuscript note book, mostly in the handwriting of A.B.Chalker, containing copies of the earlier versions of some of Tennyson's poems and of others not appearing in his collected works, n.d. sq.O. MS Y 185. T 2472 - Extracts from Tennyson's suppressed poems, in his first volume, [as copied by Canon Dixon] n.d. sq.O. MS Y 185. T 247 (123) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Y 185. T 248 Y 185. T 2485 Y 185. T 2486 Y 12. T 25 Y 185. T 249 CaU No. TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, 1st baron. Poems, by Alfred Tennyson. New ed. 1854. 2v. S. Y 185. T 2474 - Poetical works, v. 3-5. 1860-64. 3v.ln 1. S. - Poetical works. 1864. 2v. T. - Poems. New ed. 1866. 0. - The works of Alfred Tennyson. 1874. 6v. 0. Y 185. T 2487 - Poems by two brothers. 1893. Q. Y 185. T 2488 - Works. 1896. 0. Y 185. T 2489 - The life and works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Edition de luxe. 1898-99. 12v. 0. - The Hesperides, and other early poems by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, chosen and ed. by J.R.Tutin. 1900. S. - Tennyson's suppressed poems (1830-60) and The lover's tale (1833) (The Avon booklet, Sep. -Dec. 1903) S. Y 185. T 24903 - Suppressed poems of Alfred, Lord Tenny- son, 1830-1862; including the prize poem Timbuctoo and the original (1833) version of 'The lover's tale'. 1905. D. Y 185. T 24904 - The poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson, 1830-63. [1906] S. (The Muses' li- brary) Y 185. T 2491 - Select poems of Alfred Tennyson, ed. by A.MacMechan. 1911. (Belles-lettres series) Y 185. T 2492 - Baker, A.E. A concordance to the poet- ical and dramatic works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, including the poems contained in the "Life of Alfred, Lord Tennyson," and the "Suppressed poems". 1914. 0. . Y 12. T 2508 (124) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CaU No. TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, 1st baron. Baker, A.E. A Tennyson dictionary; the characters and place-names contained In the poetical and dramatic works of the poet, alphabetically arranged and described, with synopses of the poems and plays. [1914?] 0. Y 12. T 251 - Brooke, S.A. Tennyson; his art and re- lation to modern life. 1894. 0. Y 185. T 2512 - Collins, J.C. Illustrations of Tenny- son. 1891. D. Y 185. T 2518 - Dixon, W.M. A primer of Tennyson; with a critical essay. 2d ed. rev. 1901. D. Y 185. T 2523 - Gordon, W.C. The social Ideals of Al- fred Tennyson as related to his time. 1906. 0. [Dissertation] Y 185. T 2535 - Jacobs, J. Tennyson and "In memorlam" , an appreciation and a study. 1892. D. Y 185. T 2545 - Ker, W.P. Tennyson; the Leslie Stephen lecture, delivered In the Senate House, Cambridge, on 11 November, 1909. 1909. D. Y 185.T 2547 - Lauvrlere, E. Repetition and paral- lelism In Tennyson. 1910. D. Y 185. T 255 - Luce, M. A handbook to the works of Alfred Lord Tennyson. 1897. S. Y 185. T 2552 - Maccallum, M.W. Tennyson's Idylls of the King and Arthurian story from the xvlth century. 1894. 0. Y 185. T 2554 - Mustard, W.P. Tenyson and Virgil. [1899] 0. Y 185. T 256 - Rylance, J.H. A tribute to Tennyson. n.d. S. Y 185. T 2576 - [Shepherd, R.H. ] The bibliography of Tennyson; a bibliographical list of the published and privately-printed writings of Alfred Lord Tennyson, Poet Laurlate from 1827-49 Inclusive; with his contributions to annuals, maga- zines, newspapers, [etc.] 1896. D. Y 185. T 258 (125) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. - [Shepherd, R.H.] Tennysoniana. Notes bibliographical and critical on Early poems of Alfred & C.Tennyson. Opinions of contemporary writers...Bibllographlc- al list of Tennyson's volumes and of his contributions to periodical publi- cations. 1866. S. Y 185. T 2581 2d ed. rev. and enl. Y 185. T 2582 - Talnsh, E.C. A study of the works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, poet laureate. New edition, completed and largely rewritten. 1893. D. Y 185. T 2586 - Van Dyke, H. Poetry of Tennyson. 1889. 0. Y 185. T 2593 - [Wise, T.J.?] A bibliography of the writings of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. 1908. 2v. 0. ' Y 185. T 2597 - The antechamber, by Alfred, Lord Ten- nyson. 1906. D. Y 185. T 263 - Death of Oenone , Akbar ' s dream and other poems. 1892. D. Y 185. T 265 - Demeter, and other poems. 1889. S. Y 185. T 266 - The foresters, Robin Hood and Maid Marian. 1892. D. Y 185. T 268 - Jones, R. Growth of the Idylls of the king. 1895. D. Y 185. T 279 - Gatty, A. A key to Lord Tennyson's "In memorlam." 1902. S. Y 185.T 2888 - Genung, J. P. Tennyson's In memorlam; its purpose and its structure, a study. 1892. D. Y 185. T 289 - In memorlam; annotated by the author, [Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Author's notes edited by Hallam, Lord Tenny- son] 1906. S. Y 185. T 2895 - Locksley Hall sixty years after, The promise of May, Tireslas and other poems. 1887. S. (Tauchnltz edition) Y 185, T 29 TENNYSON, CHARLES. Sonnets and fugitive pieces. 1830. S. Y 185. T 3 (126) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. TENNYSON, FREDERICK. Days and hours. 1854. S. Y 185. T 316 - The Isles of Greece. 1890^91. 2v. D. Y 185. T. 31 - Poems of the day and year. 1895. D. Y 185. T 317 - The shorter poems of Frederick Tenny- son, ed. with an introduction by C. Tennyson. 1913. D. Y 185. T 318 THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. The works of William M.Thackeray. 1869- 1886. 24v. 0. Y 12. T 32 - Grolier Club, New York. Catalogue of an exhibition commemorating the hun- dredth anniversary of the birth of William M.Thackeray, [1811-1863] 1912. 0. Y 12. T 3337 - Mudge , I.G. A Thackeray dictionary; the characters and scenes of the novels and short stories alphabeti- cally arranged, by I.G. Mudge and M.E. Sears. 1910. 0. Y 12. T 336 - [Shepherd, R.H. ] Bibliography of Thackeray; bibliographical list in chronological order of the published writings, and the sketches and draw- ings of Thackeray. [1880] D. Y 12. T 338 ~ Splelmann, M.H., ed. The hitherto unidentified contributions of William M.Thackeray to "Punch"; with a com- plete and authoritative bibliography from 1843 to 1848. 1900. 0. Y 12. T 3383 THELWALL, JOHN. Poems chiefly written in retirement. The fairy of the lake a dramatic romance; effusions of relative and social feeling; and specimens of the Hope of Albion; or, Edwin of Northumbrid, an epic poem. By John Thelwall. [2d ed. ] With a prefatory memoir of the life of the author, and notes and Illustrations of Runic mythology. 1801. 0. Y 185. T 33 (127) POETICAL WORKS OP ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. THELWALL, JOHN. The thief slain; or, The linen vail restored, an herol- comlc poem In two canto's. [1750?] D. Y 185. T 34 THOMPSON, FRANCIS. New poems. 1897. D. Y 185. T 35 - Poems. 1908. sq.D. Y 185. T 354 - The works of Francis Thompson, ed. by W.M. 1913. 3v. 0. Y 12. T 37 THOMSON, JAMBS. The poetical works of James Thomson. With life, critical dissertation, and explanatory notes by the Rev.G. Gilf illan. The text ed. by C.C.Clarke. 1868. 0. (British poets) Y 185. T 3885 [188-] 2v.in 1. D. (British poets) Y 185. T 3886 - The poetical works of James Thomson; with memoir by Sir H.Nicolas, n.d. 2v.in 1. S. (Aldlne edition of the British poets) Y 185. T 3887 - The poetical works of James Thomson, ed. by B.Dobell; with a memoir of the author. 1895. 2v. D. Y 185. T 394 - The city of dreadful night; with in- troduction by E.Cavazza. 1892. 0. Y 185. T 395 - The seasons by James Thomson. New ed. 1794. S. Y 185. T 3906 - The seasons; with critical observa- tions of various authors on his genius and character, and notes, explanatory and critical, by J.R.Boyd. 1852. 0. Y 185. T 3908 ■- The seasons, by James Thomson. Edited by H.D.Roberts. To which is added, a biographical note and a critical study, by E.Gosse. [1906] S. (The Y 185. T 3909 Y 185. T 4 Y 185. T 403 Y 185. T 405 Muses ' ' library) THOMSON, JOHN STUART. A day's song. 1900. D. THORNBY, GEORGE WALTER. Lays and le- gends ; or, Ballads of the New World ^ 1851. 0. THORNTON , WILLIAM THOMAS. Life's mystery, [a poem] 1873. 0. (128) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS CatI No. THYNNE, FRANCIS. Debate between pride and lowliness. 1841. 0. (Shakespeare Society) Y 185. T 42 TIGHE, Mrs. MARY BLACKFORD. Psyche; with other poems. 1812. S. Y 185. T 44 TITE, Sir WILLIAM. A garland for the new Royal exchange, composed of the pieces of divers excellent poets made In memory of the first opening there- of, January the 23rd, 1571; with the choice verses and devices of sundry fine wits of later time, written in honor of the second opening on Sep- tember the 28th, 1669. Now first col- lected and printed complete. 1845. sq.O. Y 185. T 53 TOLAND, JOHN. Cllto, a poem on the force of eloquence. 1700. sq.O. Y 185. T 57 TONNA, Mrs. CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH (BROWNE) PHELAN. Works; with an introduction by Mrs.H.B.Stowe. 8th ed. 1850. 2v. 0. Y 12. T 61 - Convent bell and other poems. 1845. 3v.in 1. S. Y 185. T 61 TRAHERNE, THOMAS. The poetical works of Thomas Traherne, now first published from the original manuscripts, ed. by B.Dobell; author. 1903. Q. Case Y 185. T 68 TRAVERS, HENRY translations. 1731. D. Y 185. T 7 TRENCH, RICHARD Poems. 1856. D. Y 185. T 71 TUBBE, HENRY. and letters G. CM. Smith leal and literary studies) Y 185. T 8 TUPPER, JOHN LUCAS. Poems, sel. and ed . by W.M.Rossetti. 1897. D. Y 185. T 83 TUPPER, MARTIN FARQUHAR. Proverbial philosophy. 4th ed. 1841. D 2d ser. 1842. D. - - 3d ser. 1867. D. (129) with a memoir of the . Q. Case Miscellaneous poems and . 1731. D. CHENEVIX, abp. of Dublin Henry Tubb and poems 1915. 0. e, [his , ed.] ] (Oxford life histor- Y 185. T 844 Y 185. T 845 Y 185. T 846 POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Can No. TUPPER, M.F. Proverbial philosophy; a book of thoughts and arguments, originally treated. 1865. T. Y 185. T 8458 TURBERVILE, GEORGE. Tragical tales, and other poems by George Turber- ville. Reprinted from the edition of 1587. 1837. Q. Y 185. T 847 TURNER, CHARLES TENNYSON. Collected sonnets, old and new, by Charles T. Turner, ed. by Hallam, Lord Tennyson. 1898. D. Y 185. T 85 TUSSER, THOMAS. Pive hundred points of good husbandry; together with a book of huswifery. New ed., with notes by W.Mavor. 1812. 0. Y 185. T 87 - Five hundred pointes of good husband- rie, ed. by W.Payne and S . J.Herrtage . 1878. 0. (English Dialect Society) Y 185. T 873 VAUGHAN, HENRY. The works In verse and prose complete of Henry Vaughan, Silurist, for the first time collected and edited; with memorial-introduc- tion; essay on life and writings, and notes, by A.B.Grosart. 1871. 4v. 0. (Fuller worthies' library) Y 12. V 4687 - Silex scintillans. Sacred poems and private ejaculations, by Henry Vaugh- an (Silurist). Being a facsimile of the first edition published in 1650; with an introduction by the Rev.W. Clare. 1885. D. Y 185. V 458 - The poems of Henry Vaughan, Silurist, ed. by E.K.Chambers; with an intro- duction by H.C.Beeching. 1898. 2v. S. (The Muses' library) Y 185. V 4689 - Silex scintillans, etc.; sacred poems, and pious ejaculations; with a memoir by H.F.Lyte. 1900. D. (Aldine edition of the British poets) Y 185. V 46 - The works of Henry Vaughan, ed. by L.C.Martin. 1914. 2v. 0. Y 12. V 469 (130) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. VINCENT, E. , [pseud. J A modern Judas, and other rhymes, by E.Vincent [pseud.] 1908. D. Y 185. V 74 WADDINGTON, SAMUEL. The collected poems of Samuel Waddington. 1902. D. Y 185. W 1 - A century of sonnets. 1889. Q. Y 185. W 11 WALLER, EDMUND. The poetical works of Edmund Waller and Sir John Denham. With memoir and critical dissertation by the Rev.Q.Qilf illan. The text, ed. by C.C.Clarke. 1869. 0. (British edi- tion of the English poets) Y 185. W 16 - Denham, Sir J. The poetical works of Sir John Denham. n.d. 0. in Y 185. W 16 - The poems of Edmund Waller, ed. by G.T.Drury. 1893. S. (The Muses' li- brary) Y 185. W 1689 WALPOLE, HORACE, 4th earl of Orford. The works of Horatio Walpole, Earl of Orford. 1798-1825. 9v. P. Y 12. W 16 WARBURTON, ROWLAND EYLES EGERTON. Hunt- ing songs and miscellaneous verses. 2d ed. 1860. S. Y 185. W 2 WARD, EDWARD. Hudibras redivivus; or, A burlesque poem on the times. 1705- 1707. 2v.in 1. D. Y 185. W 205 - The long vacation, a satyr address 'd to all disconsolate traders. 1708. D. in Y 185. W 205 - The libertine's choice; or, The mis- taken happiness of the fool in fash- ion. 1709. 0. Y 185. W 206 WARD, THOMAS. England's reformation, (from the time of K. Henry VIII. to the end of Oates's plot.) A poem in four cantos. 1715. 2v. nar.S. Y 185. W 21 WARNER, WILLIAM. Albions England, a continved historie of the same king- dome, from the originals of the first Inhabitants thereof. With the most chiefe alterations and accidents Y 185. W 24 (131) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. WARNER, WILLIAM. (Continued) there hapnlng, vnto, and in the happie ralgne of our now most soueraigne Lord King lames. Not barren in var- letie of inventive and historicall Intermixtures. First penned and pub- lished by William Warner, and now reuised, and newly enlarged a little before his death. Whereunto is also newly added an epitome of the whole historie of England. 1612. sq.S. Y 185. W 24 WARTON, THOMAS. The poetical works of the late Thomas Warton. 5th ed., corrected and enlarged. To which are now added Inscrlptionum Romanarum de- lectus, and an Inaugural speech as Camden professor of history, never before published. Together with memoirs of his life and writings, and notes, critical and explanatory, by R.Mant. 1802. 2v.in 1. Q. Y 185. W 25 WASHBOURNE, THOMAS. The poems of Thomas Washburne, ed. with memorial-intro- duction and notes, by the Rev.A.B. Grosart. 1868. 0. (Fuller worthies* library) Y 185. W 2786 WATSON, THOMAS. Poems, ed. by E.Arber. 1870. 0. (Arber's English reprints) Y 185. W 31 - The first sett of Italian madrigalls Englished, by Thomas Watson. There are inserted two madrigalls of W. Toyrds, 1590, by F.I. Carpenter, n.d.' 0. Y 185. W 312 WATSON, WILLIAM. Odes and other poems, by William Watson. 1894. S. Y 185. W 328 [5th ed.] 1895. S. Y 185. W 329 - Poems. New ed. 1893. S. Y 185. W 33 - New poems, by William Watson. [2d ed.] 1909. D. Y 185. W 3302 (132) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Cat! No. WATSON, WILLIAM. The purple East, a series of sonnets on England's deser- tion of Armenia, by William Watson; with a frontes piece by G.F. Watts. 1896. S. Y 185. W 332 - Sable and purple; with other poems, by William Watson. 1910. 0. Y 185. W 334 WATTS, ALARIC ALEXANDER. Lyrics of the heart; with other poems. 1851. 0. Y 185. W 34 WATTS, ISAAC. The poetical works of Isaac Watts and Henry Klrke White; with a memoir of each. n.d. 2v.ln 1. . D. (British poets) Y 185. W 35 - White, H.K. The poetical works of Henry Klrke White, n.d. D. In Y 185. W 35 WATTS-DUNTON, THEODORE. The coming of love, and other poems. 1898. D. Y 185. W 36 - The coming of love, Rhona Boswell's story, and other poems. [5th ed.] 1899. D. Y 185. W 361 WAUGH, EDWIN. Waugh's complete works. 1881-89. llv. Q. Y 12. W 35 WEBB, PELHAM. Wandering fires, by Pel- ham Webb. 1916. D. Y 185. W 39 WEEVER, JOHN. Eplgrammes In the oldest cut and newest fashion, 1599; re- printed from the original edition, with notes, &c., by R.B.McKerrow. 1911. sq.O. Y 185. W 42 WEST, Mrs. JANE. Poems and plays, by Mrs. West. 1799. 2v. S. Y 185. W 5 WESTWOOD, THOMAS. In memorlam, Izaak Walton, obllt 15th December, 1683; twelve sonnets and an epilogue. [1884] Q. Y 185. W 52 WHITE, HENRY KIRKE. Remains; with an account of his life by R.Southey. 8th ed. 1819. 2v. 0. Y 185. W 5981 - The remains of Henry Klrke White, of Nottingham; with an account of his life by R.Southey. 1820. 2v. T. Y 185. W 5982 10th ed. 1823. 2v. 0. Y 185. W 59823 (133) POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Call No. WHITE, HENRY KIRKE. The poetical works of Henry Klrke White; with a memoir by Sir N.H.Nicolas. 1854. S. Y 185. W 5985 - The poetical works of Henry Klrke White and James Grahame ; with memoirs critical dissertations, and explan- atory notes, The text ed. by C.C. Clarke. 1868. 0. (British poets) Y 185. W 5986 - Grahame, J. The poetical works of James Grahame. n.d. 0. in Y 185. W 5986 WHITEHALL, JOHN. Miscellaneous poems; with some remarks on the death of King Charles the II. and the happy succession of King James the II. in a poem to the magistracy of England. 1685. D. Y 185. W 6 WHITEHEAD, WILLIAM. Plays and poems. 1774. 2v. D. Y 185. W 602 - The danger of writing verse, an epistle. 1741. F. Y 185. W 604 - Manners, a satire, by Mr .Whitehead . 1739. F. m Y 185. W 604 WHITING, NICHOLAS. Le hore dl recrea- tlone; or The pleasant hlstolre of Albino and Bellama discovering the severall changes of fortune in Cupids journey to Hymens joyes. To which is annexed, II insonlo insonadado; or, A sleeping-waking dreame vindicating the divine breath of poesle from the tongue-lashes of some cynical poet- quipper and stolcall philo-prosers . By N.W., Master in arts of Queenes college In Cambridge . 1638. nar.T. Case Y 185. W 6 WILD, ROBERT. Iter boreale. With other select poems. 1671. T. Case Y 185. W 625 WILDE, OSCAR FINGALL O'FLAHERTIE WILLS. Poems. 1881. D. Y 185. W 638 - The poems of Oscar Wilde. 1906. 2v. D. Y 185. W 64 - [The works of Oscar Wilde. 1909-11] D. Contents: [1] Lord Arthur Savlle's crime; The portrait of Mr.W.H., and Y 12. W 63 (134) .1 I POETICAL WORKS OF ENGLISH WRITERS Y 12. W 63 Y 185. W 65 Call No. WILDE, OSCAR FINGALL O'FLAHERTIE WILLS. (Continued) other stories. 5th ed.- [2] The duchess of Padua. -[3] Poems. 10th ed.-[4] Lady Windermere's fan.- [5] A woman of no importance. 4th ed.-- [6] An ideal husband. 5th ed.-[7] The importance of being earnest. 5th ed.- [8] A house of pomegranates . -[9] In- tentions. 4th ed.-[10] De profundis. 15th ed.-[ll] Essays and lectures. 2d ed."-[12] Salome; La sainte court- isane; A Florentine tragedy. 2d ed. - The ballad of Reading Gaol. [1907] D. WILLIAM RILEY. William Riley's court- ship to Collian Band, to which is added the Shoemaker's favorite, together with Contentment. 1800. D. Y 185. Y/ 678 WILLIAMS, Sir CHARLES HANBURY. The works of Sir Chas. Hanbury Williams. From the originals in the possession of his grandson the Earl of Essex; with notes by Horace Walpole, Earl of Oxford. 1822. 3v. D. WILLIAMS, ROWLAND. Owen Glendower, a dramatic biography, being a contribu tion to the genuine history of Wales and other poems, by Goronva Gamlan Y 12. W 66 (Rowland Williams, D.D.) 1870. S. WILSON, JOHN. Works, ed. by J.F. Ferrier. 1855-58. 12v. D. - The angler's tent; The nameless stream; Art and nature. [1812] 0. - The isle of palms, and other poems. 1812. 0. WILSON. THOMAS. Miscellanies, being a selection from the poems and corres- pondence of the Rev. Thomas Wilson; with memoirs of his life, by F.R. Raines. 1857. 0. (Chetham Society. Remains historical and literary connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester.) (135) Y 185. W