IRLF 77 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Deceived ... ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LEAFLETS BY PROFESSOR E. J. HOUSTON, PH. D. AND PROFESSOR A. E. KENNELLY, F.R.A.S. ADVANCED GRADE UNIVERSITY 1895 THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER NEW YORK H ' Engineering Library ^9$, 'UBI7BR3I.TT: 'T'HE Electrical Engineering Leaflets have been pre- pared for the purpose of presenting, concisely but accurately, some of the fundamental principles of electrical science, as employed in engineering practice. They have been arranged under three grades ; namely, the Elementary, the Intermediate, and the Advanced. The Elementary Grade is intended for those electrical artisans, linemen, motormen, central station workmen, or electrical mechanics generally, who may not have advanced sufficiently far in their studies to warrant their undertak- ing the other grades. Here the mathematical treatment is limited to arithmetic, and the principles are illustrated by examples taken from actual practice. The Intermediate Grade is intended for students of electricity in high schools and colleges. In this grade a certain knowledge of the subjects of electricity and physics generally is assumed, and a fuller mathematical treat- ment is adopted. These leaflets, moreover, contain such information concerning the science of electricity, as should be acquired by those desiring general mental culture. The Advanced Grade is designed for students taking special courses in electrical engineering in colleges or universities. Here the treatment is more condensed and mathematical than in the other grades. Although the three grades have been especially pre- iv pared for the particular classes of students referred to, yet it is believed that they will all prove of value to the general reading public, as offering a ready means for ac- quiring that knowledge, which the present extended use and rapidly increasing commercial employment of elec- tricity necessitates. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia, March, 1895. CONTENTS. ADVANCED GRADE. PAGE. No. 1. ELECTRICAL EFFECTS 1 " 2. ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE 9 " 3. ELECTRIC RESISTANCE 17 " 4. ELECTRIC RESISTANCE 25 " 5. ELECTRIC RESISTANCE 33 " 6. ELECTRIC CURRENT 41 " 7. OHM'S LAW 49 " 8. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 57 " 9. THE VOLTAIC CELL 65 " 10. THE VOLTAIC CELL 73 " 11. THE VOLTAIC CELL 81 " 12. MAGNETOMOTIVE FORCE 89 " 13. MAGNETIC RELUCTANCE. ... 97 " 14. MAGNETIC FLUX 105 " 15. ELECTROMAGNETS 113 " 16. INDUCED E. M. F 121 " 17. THE DYNAMO 129 " 18. THE DYNAMO 137 " 19. THE DYNAMO 145 " 20. THE REGULATION OF THE DYNAMO . . 153 vl PAGE. No. 21. ELECTRODYNAMICS 161 " 22. THE ELECTRIC MOTOR, (CONTINUOUS CUR- RENT TYPE) 169 u 23. THE ELECTRIC MOTOR, (CONTINUOUS CUR- RENT TYPE) 177 " 24. THE ELECTRIC MOTOR, (CONTINUOUS CUR- RENT TYPE) 184 " 25. ELECTRIC HEATING 193 " 26. INCANDESCENT LIGHTING 201 " 27. INCANDESCENT LIGHTING 209 " 28. ARC LIGHTING 217 " 29. ARC LIGHTING 225 " 30. ALTERNATING CURRENTS 233 " 31. ALTERNATING CURRENTS 241 " 32. ALTERNATING CURRENTS 249 " 33. ALTERNATORS 257 " 34. ALTERNATORS . . 265 " 35. ALTERNATING CURRENT TRANSFORMERS. . 273 [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. T i -ICQA Price, - 10 Cents. > * JuNE 16 > l H ' Subscription, $8.00. Electrical Engineering Leaflei & UHIVBRSITT; BY Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. . AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED GRADE ELECTRICAL 1. The development of electrical excitation by friction, as is well known, is due to the contact of dissimilar material surfaces. The discovery of the exist- ence of an electric force is ascribed to Thales, B. C., 600. Not only is the exact mechanism whereby electrical excitation is evoked by friction unknown, but even the nature of the excitement itself yet remains to be dis- covered. The electric force is, however, associated with a stress in an all-pervading medium called the ether. When two dissimilar substances are brought into contact, a stress in the ether is produced at the contact surfaces, and, on separating the bodies, a condition of deforma- tion, or strain, pervades the ether in the surrounding space. Whatever the nature of the strain may be, it is cer- tainly polarized as regards direction, as is evident from the fact, that the condition of excitement, which appears to exist at the surface of one of the bodies, is different Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New York, N. Y. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14, 1894.] from, but supplementary to, the condition of excitement at the surface of the other body, and this difference or polarity is arbitrarily referred to as a positive and negative charge respectively. An electric charge is generally supposed to reside on the surface only of the charged body, and, so far as manifestations of force are concerned, one might readily 'believe this to be the case, but it has been clearly proved that the active disturbance exists in the medium between the two excited bodies, and that the so-called charge is merely an effect of the discontinuity of this strain at their surfaces. 2. Contact between dissimilar materials produces an electromotive force in the ether between them, and it is this electromotive force or stress, which establishes the strain in the ether. The establishment of such a strain is called an electro displacement and can only l)e main- tained in non-conductors or dielectrics. Electric displace- ment is of the nature of a flux^ and follows, in its distribution, either the motion of displacement in an incompressible fluid or the strain in a compressible iso- tropic solid ; namely, that as much flux must issue from any portion of space as enters it, provided no electric (1 large exists within that space. This is only another way of stating the fact that discontinuity of the flux exists at the surfaces of the excited bodies or the boun- daries of the E. M. F. The passage of a displacement flux constitutes an electric current ; a momentary electric current, therefore, accompanies the charge and discharge of a dielectric, and such current is oppositely directed on charge to what it is on discharge. An electric current in a dielectric is accurately defined as the time-rate of change of the dis- placement, as will be afterwards more fully explained. 3. The effects produced by an electric discharge or current are extremely varied. Among the most important are the following : (1.) Radiant effects. (0.) Thermal effects. (3.) Magnetic effects. (4.) Electrolytic effects. (#.) Physiological effects. All these effects are believed to be different kinds of motions in the ether or in matter. To the motion of the ether belong the effects of magnetism and of radiant energy; i. e., heat and light; while in the motion of the molecules of matter we have the purely thermal phenomena connected with temperature, and in the motions of the atoms and radicals, we have the phenomena of electrolysis. 4. It is necessary to distinguish between the terms force, work, and energy. Force is that which sets a body in motion, arrests its motion, or changes the direction or velocity of its motion ; i. j A -n ; . ( mi ( Kadiant Energy. (4.) Thermo cell j (5.) Frictional electric machine . -> (#.) Influence electric machines. I .... 7 i, i . > Mechanical Energy. Magneto machines | Dynamo machines \ Plants and animals \ Vital Energy. The following table gives the E. M. r. of a number of electric sources : 18. CELL. PLATES. ELECTROLYTE. E. M. F. Volts. Bichromate ) or Grenet \ Bichromate \ double fluid f Bunsen . . . 1 zinc carbon zinc carbon zinc carbon zinc copper zinc copper zinc carbon zinc platinum zinc carbon zinc silver with chloride electropoin 1.9 2.0 1.96 1.072 0.667 2.0 1.93 1.47 1.03 2.00 dilute sulphuric acid j dilute sulphuric acid . . . | dilute nitric acid Daniell j zinc sulphate, copper Edison-Lalande. . Fuller dilute caustic soda j dilute sulphuric acid . . . { bichromate of potash. . . j dilute sulphuric acid. . . Grove -Leclanche. . . \ dilute nitric acid sal ammoniac, manganese dioxide Silver chloride.. . Secondary Cell or Storage Battery sal ammoniac dilute sulphuric acid The following E. M. F'S are not capable of precise limi- tation. Average values and limits are given. Plating dynamos 5 to 100 volts. Continuous current incandescent dynamos. 50 to 150 volts. 15 Arc light dynamos 250 to 10,000 volts. Street railway dynamos 300 to TOO volts. Alternators for transmission of power 1,000 to 4,000 volts. Frictional machines 500 kilovolts and over. Influence machines. . . . 500 kilovolts and over. Thermo-couple .a few millivolts, de- pending on metals used and tempera- tures of their junc- tion. COPPER WIRfc PARAFFINED CORK PURE ZINC ROD ' AIR SPACE PLATINUM WIRE WITH AMALGAMATED SURFACE SECTION OF ONE FORM OF CLARK STANDARD CELL flec.Enyineer FIG. 6. 19. The Clark cell is employed for accurate com- parison and measurements of E. M. r., and, when properly prepared, is considered to have an E. M. r. of 1.434 International volts at 15 C. It is made up with pure mercury and pure zinc as the metallic elements, and pastes of mercurous sulphate and zinc sulphate as the electrolyte. A common form of such cell is shown in FIG. 6, in which a platinum wire P, is sealed into the glass cell at its lower extremity. The part within the cell is first amalgamated with pure mercury and is then surrounded 16 by a paste consisting of a mixture of mercurous and zinc sulphate. The temperature coefficient of this cell is usu- ally taken as 0.077$ per C., so that #==1.434 [1 0.00077 (t 15)] International volts. When the highest accuracy is required in the use of this cell, certain precautions are necessary in its preparation, which are accurately described in specifications issued by the British Board of Trade, a copy of which is published in vol. x, of the Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1893, (page 19). SYLLABUS. . Electromotive force is the name given to the unknown cause or force which produces or tends to produce an electric current. During the establishment of an E. M. F. displacement currents are produced. An E. M. F. is a vector quantity, i. e., possesses both direction and magnitude. An E. M. F. does no work unless it is producing motion, i. e., an electric current. E. M. F'S. are measured in International volts of which a Clark cell is regarded as producing 1.434 at 15 C. The practical unit of electric quantity is called the International coulomb. The transference of one coulomb through a difference of potential of one volt is accompanied by an expendi- ture of energy of one joule. Difference of electric potential constitutes E. M. F. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.! WEEKLY. 3 ITT-KTV ^O 1 k> 47" '"> " \ i Kohlrausch Sal ammoniac Sulphate of soda. . Sulphuric acid in water ' ' g - 2.5 S-S 11.3 " | i 376 " ^5 " ( & Nippoldt. Nitric acid in water Hydrochloric acid in water tt 1.287" oSJ 1 316 j ~ < < Pure water , \ about 3.75 meg- I Kohlrausch Sample, of hydrant water I 15 C. \ ohms about 200,000 r; [ Kennelly. Mica Gutta-percha. 1 20 24 ohms 84 tregohms. . 449 " f j Ayrton & "Perry. Latirner Shellac. 28 9 Quegohms '"( Clark. Ayrton & Hard rubber .... Paraffin 46 46 28 34 " ""\ Perry. Glass flint . 16700 " Foussereau Porcelain 540 " a Commercial stearic acid, olive oil 15 440 tregohms Kennelly. " lard oil. 350 begohms . . C " creosote " benzine. " benzole. 5.4 megohms 14 tregohms 1.3 begohms. i t 21 The resistivity of pure water has been observed by Kohlrausch to be 3.75 megohms, and since an exceed- JJ s 41 | | M 31 33 J 30 H 28, 27 26 3 3 i ^_ 7 g FLA __ /- 1 _ 7 r= = " " 1 T"" 1 1 / r 5 ^BON~f ," . / iefe -, / / f-1 / / 1:1 cT M AN S L JE 1.- ow M R Cl AU u . FF - / c ^ I / / / IS -O_*- -S-i 13 / 6 ' F t -1 33 I! N JV - s - L ;E / ( __ L/l -? " ^ / x" Ja / j ^ ^ S tt 20 19 18 17 1G 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 2 I- . 3 / ^ g x *~j i ^/ O "e? $>/ / W3 C 1Z ^ . <6 U X x S < ^ x^ > X X ^ ^ gr- T V x P@ <^ x $ / x- ,<) K-s / 0) 9 x ^^^I^oSP^K^ if / Q ^ x r ? 4l 1 i / X"! i x ^|- / x 1 ^ x/9-x ^ x , ,' 1 / / / x g x X' -U Wl x _ x ' x- ''I t / X x x X 3^Sf / ^ X ^ ^ X ;C. -" x _, x x S ^^ X /> x ^ X _^ - x 111 p / -- ^ X _, x' _, ' ^.> ' 2 ">! "i x ^< --- ^' 43 u. X -x J ^J - J : 3 -; X x- ^ . -- s _. ,- 2 , 4 O o O eo e SJ If III I I FIG. 7. DIAGRAM OF RESISTIVITIES AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES, (DEWAR AND FLEMING.) ingly small trace of impurities greatly decreases its re- sistance, it is probable that Kohlrausch's value is much below the resistivity of pure water, which in the opinion of some would be almost infinite. The temperature-coefficient of all liquids is negative. The temperature-coefficient of all insulators is also negative. In order to point out more clearly the relation of re- sistance to temperature in different substances, the dia- gram Fig. 7, gives a series of curves of observed resistivities for different substances at various tempera- tures. Various formulae have been advanced at different times for reducing the resistance or resistivity of a metal at one temperature to its corresponding value at another, but this temperature, variation* appears to differ appreci- ably with different samples of even the purest metals, or, at least, the experimental results are not yet in suffi- ciently close accordance to make any formula reliable. The most convenient supposition is, that the variations in resistance are proportional to the variations in tempera- ture which produce them, or that the curves in Fig. 7 are straight lines. Some of them do in fact appear from the observations to be sensibly straight lines. On this supposition Pt = Po (1 + where p t is the resistivity at any temperature t C., p the resistivity at zero centigrade, and a is an experiment- ally determined constant. From the measurements of Dewar and Fleming as re- presented in Fig. 7, the mean value of the constant , between and 100 C. is, for Platinum 0.00358 Gold . . .0.00376 23 Silver ....................... 0.0040 Copper ....................... 0.00422 Aluminum ............. ..... ..0.00475 Nickel ...................... 0.00548 Iron .......................... 0.00655 Carbon ....................... 0.00391 Platinum Silver ................ 0.000224 Platinoid .................... 0.000253 German Silver ...... . ......... 0.000317 According to Matthiessen's observations which have hitherto been generally accepted, the formula of correc- tion for pure copper to any temperature between and 100 C. is approximately. /> t = 14-0.00387(H + 5.968xlO- 6 t s 1.177X10- 8 t* 9.93 X 10- 11 * 4 . The resistance of any homogeneous conductor may, therefore, be calculated by the following formula where I the length of the conductor in centimetres. a its cross-section in square centimetres. p t the resistass&y at the observed temperature . Thus the resisfc&^L of a mile of copper wire of Matthiessen's standard, 1 sq. mm. in cross-section at C. is 1 f\C\ Q^'-i Q ^ X 1.594 microhms = 25,652,720 microhms or 25.65 ohms approximately. SYLLABUS. The resistance of a uniform homogeneous conductor varies directly with its length and inversely with its area of cross-section. The International ohm is the practical unit of electric resistance. In order to conveniently designate the decimals, mul- tiples and submultiples of a quantity, suitable prefixes are employed. ICT" The bj&^ohm is the fundamental c. G. s. unit of re- sistance. The resistivity of a homogeneous isotropic body is the resistance of a column of that body, having unit length and cross-section. The resistivity of all metals increases with tempera- ture. The resistivity of carbon, selenium, liquids and solu- tions, as well as insulators diminishes with temperature. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.! WEEKLY. i 4. TITTV 7 1KQ4- Price > ' 10 Cellts> JUIA 7, 1 Subscription, $3.00. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F.,R. A. S. ADVANCED GlfcADE. ELECTRIC 24. Conductivity is the reciprocal of resistivity, and conductance the reciprocal of resistance. Thus the minimum resistivity of an aqueous solution of nitric acid being 1.287 ohms, the maximum conductivity is T.^T 0.777 mho, the mho (ohm spelled backwards) being the unit of electrical conductance. A wire which has two ohms resistance has 0.5 mho conductance. The total resistance of a number of separate resist- ances, connected in series, is equal to their sum, and the total conductance of a number of separate conductances, connected in parallel, is equal to their sum. Thus, if a number of resistances of #, &, , is the resistivity of the medium in ohms ; - = 3.1416, /', is the radius of each hemisphere in centi- metres ; and d, is the distance between the centres of the hemispheres in centimetres. From which it is evident that the distance between the hemispheres does not appreciably aifect the value of the .resistance 7?, which may be taken as i + i or, when the hemispheres have equal radius, 32 TT r ' ,^: Thus if />, the resistivity of the medium = 100 ohms, and r, the radius of the hemispheres is 1 metre, the re- sistance of the ground = 0.318 ohm. The distance r/, fails to appreciably affect the resistance 72, owing to the fact that the current is by no means confined to the portions of the medium lying directly between A and B, but diffuses or spreads through the entire mass of the infinitely extended medium. SYLLABUS. Very large resistances are usually measured by electro- meters or galvanometer deflections. Yery small resistances are usually measured by poten- tiometers. Intermediate resistances are usually measured by means of the Wheatstone bridge by properly proportioning the resistance in the bridge arms. The Wheatstone bridge, as ordinarily constructed, may measure resistances from T Jj-0th ohm to one megohm and is frequently constructed for TT i _ -th ohm to 10 megohms. In order accurately to determine the resistance of a standard coil its true temperature requires to be known. The resistivity of nearly all the materials forming the earth's crust is high. The presence of water, however, renders the resistivity of the mass much lower. The resistance of a ground return in a circuit may, therefore, be only a fraction of an ohm. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. ^ TTTTV 14- 1 8Q4. Price, - 10 Cents. JUIA 14, 1 Subscription, $3.00. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED GRADE. ELECTRIC 33. If the resistivity of the insulating materials alone had to be considered their specifications would offer but little choice. In actual practice the re- sistance of an insulator is determined not so much by its dimensions and resistivity, as by the leakage afforded through the film of dust and moisture which collects on its surface. For this reason the best form of insulation is that which affords the longest and narrowest path for leakage. In cases where very high insulation is desired, some form of oil insulator is employed, the principle being to insert in the circuit of the leakage path a film of oil whose resistivity is not only great, but which is automatically kept clean by the tendency of dust to settle and fall to the bottom. (See Fig. 12.) 34. The insulation resistance of a line or conductor is measured in megohms, and this total insulation multiplied by the length of the line in miles, gives the average apparent insulation per mile in megohm-miles. Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New York, N. Y. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14, 1894.] On the other hand, the metallic resistance of a conduc- tor divided by its length gives its apparent conductor re- sistance per mile. On long lines the effect of the escape of the measuring current by leakage will be to make the apparent insulation per mile, -7? appt too high, and the ap- parent conductor resistance per mile, 7 i app( too low. These values, corrected for leakage through uniform insulation, are : r = y J? app . /v P p. tanh- 1 ^app. '^app. ^?ann app, FIG. 12. OIL INSULATOR. For example : If the apparent insulation R^v. ^ a uniform line 200 miles long, was 6024 ohms, and when grounded at the distant end its apparent conductor resis- tance was 2656 ohms, then the corrected conductor resistance = |/6024 X 2656 tanh- 1 V f|S? = 4000 X 6024 0.8 = 3200 ; that is, 16 ohms per mile and its corrected . /Ofv^l-t V ~ = _ insulation R = cL R = 0.3665 X 300 X 10 9 X 0.30103 ; = 33.1 beg- ohms per centimetre ; this divided by 160,933, the num- ber of centimetres in a mile, gives 0.2057 megohms to the mile, i. e., 0.2057 megohm-mile. 36. A common error in less recent text-books is found in the belief that electric resistance par- takes of the nature of a velocity. This, however, while true for the existing system of electrical dimensions in the electromagnetic system, where resistance appears as a length divided by a time, is only a misconception de- rived from incomplete knowledge. The real nature of resistance is yet unknown. 37. When a galvanometer in a circuit gives too high a deflection, it is usual to reduce this deflection by the introduction of a bypath or shunt. For ex- ample, when the galvanometer of resistance 6r, has its terminals connected by the shunt S 9 its deflection will O fl I o be reduced by the factor ^, whose reciprocal, 3l 6r + XS is called the multiplying power of a shunt. To obtain, therefore, a shunt with a multiplying power of 1000 for a KAAA | & galvanometer of 5000 ohms resistance, we have ' o = 1000, so that 8 $gg$- or -^th part of the galva- 37 nometer's resistance, and generally the resistance of a shunt must be (n 1) times less than the resistance of the galvanometer in order to have the multiplying, power of n. 38. In the use of any high resistance apparatus it is absolutely necessary that the insulation of the apparatus be as high as possible, for the effect of leak- age may be to considerably reduce the resistance of the apparatus as computed. For example, a box containing one megohm in resistance might easily have a leakage resistance over the surface of the box between the ter- minals of one begohm. The effect of this very small leakage would be to shunt the megohm by a resistance one thousand times as great, and the effect would be to re- duce the resistance of the box by about 1000 ohms, and leave the apparent total of 999,000 ohms approximately. In practice the problem frequently presents itself of determining the size of wire required to fill a spool or bobbin of certain dimensions. To do this we first cal- culate the volume of space required to be filled by the wire, and then employ the following formula : d = t + V # 4- 0.0009432 V ; r where d = diameter of the wire in inches t = thickness of insulation (inches). If D be the covered diameter, 2 t = J) d. v = volume of winding space in cubic inches r = the resistance required in the winding (ohms) The resistivity of the wire is here assumed to be 1.775 X 10" 6 (copper of 0.97 Matthiessen's conductivity at 38 In practice t has the following values : Silk, single covering, 0.0005 to 0.001 inch. Silk, double covering, 0.0015 to 0.002 inch. Cotton, single covering, 0.0035 to 0.004 inch. Cotton, double covering, 0.005 to 0.007 inch. The precise thickness of the coat depends upon the size of the wire. Large wires usually take heavier thicknesses of insulator. Thus a spool of two inches intern 1 ange, i. e., length between flanges, h&s an internal or core diameter of 0.5 inch, and an external diameter when fully wound of 1.0 inch. The resistance of the winding is to be 20 ohms, with a double silk covered copper wire, in which the insulation increases the diameter of the wire by three mils. Find the required diameter. Here t = 0.0015;^ = 2 X 0.5891 = 1.1 782 cubic inches; r 20, v/r = 0.05891 \fvjr = 0.2427. d = 0.0015 + 1/0.0000023 + 0.0002289 - 0.0015 + 0.0152 = 0.0137 inch. The nearest size to this is No. 27. B. & S., 0.0142 inch, which, when covered with the required thickness of silk has a diameter of 0.0172 inch. There would be 15 layers of this wire, each layer having 11(3 turns, supposing the winding perfectly regular and complete. The total number of turns would, therefore, be 1740; and the mean turn length being 2.356 inch the total length of wire = 341.6 feet. =18 ohms. The resistance is two ohms less than that required, owing to the differ- ence between the diameter of the wire that has to be selected and the calculated diameter. When the thickness of insulation is very small, the formula becomes approximately 39 d = t + 0.03071 r Thus, taking the above case, V - = 0.4926, T and d = 0.0015 + 0.0151 = 0.0136 inch. 39. When plates of pure amalgamated zinc are im- mersed in an aqueous solution* of pure zinc sul- phate it has been observed that no appreciable resistance exists in the surface of contact between the two. If, therefore, the resistivity of zinc and the resistivity of the solution were known, the resistance of the combination could be determined.' Generally, however, such contact surfaces between metals and liquids appear to possess a small definite resistance, called surface-contact resistance, in addition to the electromotive force which is usually established there. SYLLABUS. The insulation resistance of a line or conductor is usually measured in megohms and its apparent insulation per mile in megohm-miles. The apparent conductor resistance of a line divided by its length in miles gives the apparent conductor re- sistance per mile. An electromagnetic relay or other receptive device at the receiving end of a ground return circuit should with a slow rate of signalling, preferably have a resistance equal to the resistance which the circuit offers from the receiving end. The resistance of a conductor depends upon its re- V 'ra* ^ fUiriVERSITT; sistivity, on its geometrical form, but in all except very simple forms the computation becomes complex. It is a mistake to believe that the nature of electric resistance is of the nature of velocity, its real nature being unknown. A by-path or shunt is often employed with a galvan- ometer or other device which may carry too much current. By the multiplying power of a shunt is meant the ratio in which the shunt reduces the current through the device shunted and is represented by unity plus the ratio of the resistance of the device to the resistance of the shunt. A very small leakage in a high resistance apparatus may materially reduce the resistance proper to that appa- ratus. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. No fi IITFY 91 1X the current strength in amperes, and multiply this by the E. M. F., we obtain the volt- amperes or the activity of the circuit in watts, d W -jj P = El watts. In mechanics the activity of a force is measured by the product of the force and the distance through which it acts or P = F -= cos a ergs per second ;* d t where /*, is the activity ; F, the force in dynes; -^ the time rate of displacement in cms. per second ; and a the angle between the directions of displacement and the direction of the force. So in electricity, P = E ~2 cos a (watts) ; d t d o where P, is the activity, K the E. M. F. in volts, ^ the current strength, and a the angle between the direction 1. The symbol cos a, represents the cosine of the angle a, and is always some number between minus one and plus one, which can be found for any given angle from trigonometrical tables. For example, if sity would be -^ = 0.04 ampere per square centimetre, J.O and would be uniform for the entire cross-section of the conductor. Current density is, therefore, the intensity of current per normal unit area, and is expressed in am- peres per square centimetre. 44. Attempts have at different times been made to formulate rules for the carrying capacity of con- ductors and of copper wires by specifying a definite cur- rent density, for example, 1,000 amperes per square inch of cross-section. Such a rule, however, cannot prescribe uniform temperature elevations in conductors of differ- ent sizes, for the reason that the surface of the con- ductor only increases as the square root of the cross- sectional area, and the surface area is the principal factor determining the rate of escape of heat from the wire. 46 45. When the strength of a current is rapidly alter- ing, as in pulsatory or alternating currents, it be- comes necessary to define how that varying current strength shall be estimated. For example, the mean magnetic strengtli of that cur- rent or the mean electrolytic effect of that current might be taken as determining its value. In these cases, the strengtli would be the arithmetical mean or average of the current strength in amperes during the time under consideration. In practice, however, rapidly varying FIG. 13. THOMSON MIRROR GAL- FIG. 14. THOMSON MARINE GAL- VANOSCOPE FOR SIGNALLING VANOMETER FOR USE ON R.OLL- ON SUBMARINE CABLES. ING VESSEL AT SEA. currents are measured by their mean heating effects, and since the heating effect of a current depends upon the square of its strength, currents are determined in their effective values by the average of their squares taken during the period under consideration. If half an am- pere of continuous current just suffices to heat the fila- ment of an incandescent lamp up to a certain degree of incandescence, then any rapidly pulsatory or alternating current which will bring the lamp to the same degree of incandescence is just half an ampere in strength. 47 46. Various methods may be employed for measur- ing the strength of an electric current, but prac- tically the magnetic method alone is employed. When an electric current passes through a conductor, it is accompanied by the distribution of magnetic flux or magnetism in its vicinity. This flux is attended by stresses in the space so occupied, which stresses acting either on iron or active conductors, produce movements Fiu. 15. HIGH-GRADE THOMSON MIRROR GALVANOMETER FOR MEASURING HIGH INSULATION RESISTANCES. in the same, which movements are opposed by springs or gravitational forces. The amount of motion pro- duced is usually read off by a pointer or index upon a graduated scale. Fig. 13 shows a common form of Thomson mirror galvanoscope employed for the reception of telegraph signals on long submarine cables. A circular coil of wire in the upper part of the instrument carries at its 48 centre a small magnetic needle attached to the back of a small glass mirror, and suspended on a fibre. Fig. 14 shows a form of this instrument intended for use on board ship. The coil and mirror are enclosed in a soft iron case one inch thick, in order to reduce as far as possible the disturbing effect of the earth's magnetic field on the suspended magnet when the ship turns about. Fig. 15 shows a form of double coil Thomson galvan- ometer prepared for careful insulation tests. The coils are supported on long corrugated hard rubber pillars. SYLLABUS. It is no longer believed that electricity flows through a conductor but rather through the dielectric surround- ing the conductor. The presence of a conductor directs the energy, and at the same time absorbs some of it in progress. The unit of electric quantity is called the coulomb. The time rate of change in quantity that has passed through a circuit is the current in that circuit, and is ex- pressed in units called amperes. The unit of electric quantity, the ampere-second or coulomb is not used in commercial practice, being re- placed by the ampere-hour. The density of electric current is expressed in am- peres per square centimetre. It is uniform only in the case of steady currents, and that only, where the conduc- tors are very long and are uniform in nature and cross- section. Galvanoscopes are used to indicate the presence of a current, and galvanometers to measure its strength. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia, [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. vr 7 T 9 o 1S(U Price, - 10 Cents. UIA J, 1 **. Subscription, $3.00. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED OHM'S 47. Ohm's law as discovered and annunciated by Dr. Ohm of Berlin in 1825, is generally expressed as follows : The current strength in any continuous current circuit is directly proportional to the total E. M. p., and inversely proportional to the total resistance, or (' = ~; or, as written in foreign countries, / = _ (1.) R H Ohm's law, as expressed above, assumes that the full current strength in the circuit has been reached. Strictly speaking, a continuous current requires an indefinitely long time to attain full strength, although practically, within the limits of measurement, the maximum strength is usually reached in a small fraction of a second. At the International Electrical Congress at Chicago in 1893, it was recommended that a uniform system of notation should be internationally adopted, and since the symbol /was selected for current strength in this nota- Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New York, N. V r * . [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N, Y., Post Office, June 14, 1894.] 50 tion, and (7, for capacity, we propose to follow the inter- national notation. From equation (1) we obtain, E = IR (2.) and R^^ (3.) so that in any continuous current circuit, any two of the essential quantities, (electromotive force, resistance and current) being known, the third can be determined. 48. These formulae apply not only to a complete circuit, but also to any portion of the same. Thus the electromotive force in a circuit distributes itself in such a manner that the current strength in the circuit is equal throughout. The electromotive force required to drive a current through any portion of a circuit against the resistance in that portion, is usually called the "drop" in that circuit. Thus with a dynamo supplying a con- tinuous current at a pressure, across the brushes, of 125 volts, to incandescent lamps in parallel, it may be required to limit the drop in the supply mains to eight per cent,, meaning that eight per cent, of the 125 volts, or ten volts,, would be the limit of pressure required to drive the supply current through the mains, leaving 115.0 volts at the lamps. If the total number of lamps was 500, each of 50 watts, and since the product of the current consumed and E. M. F. delivered is the activity in the lamp, the cur- rent supplied to each lamp would be -ff^ = 0.4348 amperes, so that the total current is 500 X 0.4348 = 217.4 amperes, representing a total activity of 115 X 217.4 = 25,000 watts, or 25 K. w. The drop of ten volts allowed in the two conducting wires, or five volts in 51 each wire, requires that the resistance of each wire should in conformity with the formula, r , be ?, = 0.023 ohm. The resistance of each lamp must 217.4 in conformity with the same law be, r = = 115 = 264.4 ohms. i 0.4348 The joint resistance of all the lamps is, = -^ = 0.5288 ouU ohm. If the resistance of the dynamo be 0.015 ohm, the drop in the dynamo must also be 0.01 5 X 217.4 = 3.26 volte, so that the E. M. F. in the circuit must be 125 -f- 3.26 = 128.26. The total resistance in the circuit would be, Dynamo armature ............... 0.015 ohm. . Leads .............. 2 X 0.023 = 0.046 " Lamps ........................ 0.5288 " 0.5898 " So that the total current in the circuit would be 128.26 The activity in the circuit, 7^=217.4X128.26=27.884 K. w. Of this the activity in the dynamo is, Ie Y =21 7.4x3. 26= 0.709 K. w. The activity in the leads is, .Zfc 2 +0 3 )=217.4XlO= 2.175 ." The activity in the lamps is, /0 4 =217.4x 115=25.000 " 27.884 " The electrical efficiency of distribution is the ratio of the energy in the lamps to the energy in the circuit or 52 49. Applying the same law to branch, derived or shunt circuits, the current in any particular branch is equal to the electromotive force at the terminals of that branch, divided by its resistance. Thus in the preceding figure, the current in any one lamp, is 115 volts divided by 264.4 ohms = 0.4348 ampere. This is true no matter how complex the network of conductors may be. FIG. 16. APPLICATION OF OHM'S LAW TO A CIRCUIT. 50. In complete networks of circuits, there are cer- tain corollaries of Ohm's law which enable the current strength to be deduced in any branch. These may be expressed as follows : (1.) No current can be absorbed at any branch point. Thus in Fig. 17, i l =i s -\-i B because if this identity did not hold, the current arriving at the point A, would be greater or less than the current leaving it, so that gen- eration or absorption of current would occur at the point A. (2.) The total E. M. F. in any closed loop must be equal to the sum of the potential differences in the loop due to IE. Thus in Fig. 1 7, E e % r^ + i s r s i t r 4 -|- 4 /' 5 , because if this identity did not hold, the total E. M. F. acting in the loop would be greater or less than the total counter E. M. F. of 1R established by the current, whereas, in any continuous current loop or circuit, these two quantities must be equal. (3.) The P. D. at the extremities of any line must he equal to the sum of the P. D'S due to IR, in that line to- gether with the sum, of E. M. F.'S contained in it. E FIG. 17. NETWORK OF CONDUCTORS. Thus calling 17, the potential difference between A and B e. This follows by the same reasoning as in the preceding case, of which it is a direct consequence, for, U =E- i r^ (4.) The current in any ~branch is the sum of the cur- rents that all the E. M. F.'S in the network would produce if each of the E. M. F.'S were successively permitted to act dngly. Thus calling i m the current which would be establish- ed in r s if the E. M. F., 6, existed alone, and a n , the cur- rent which would be established in /' 3 , if ^existed alone, then, when both E. M. F.'S exist, as shown in the figure, the resulting current i s = i m -\- i n . (5.) Taking any two branches such as r 8 and r 5 , the current which would be set up in r 5 by inserting a given E. M. F. in 7*3, is equal to the current strength which would be set up in r s by the insertion of the same E. M. F. in r 5 . Thus considering the figure as representing the co'n- nections of a Wheatstone bridge, the current set up in the galvanometer branch r 4 by the testing battery in 0.47 VOLTS r = 3.135 OHM !^ 3.O23 AMP^ f % =3.135 OHM r -H h-114.4 V<5LTS-^ 37.857 OHMS 2 HUH 44.167 OHMS X^ < O.356 AMP. -^ 8.36 VOLTS ^ r 5 = 3.135 OHM P 7 t 1 1 7. 8 VOLTS-> I STJTJ . < 2.667 AMP. FIG. 18. THREE-WIRE SYSTEM. is equal to the current which would be set up in TI by removing the testing E. M. F. to r 4 . These rules can all be deduced directly from Ohm's law. Numbers (1) and (2) are frequently called Kirchoff 's laws. In all cases care must be taken to observe the di- rections of the various E. M. F.'S and currents, since the geometrical and not the mere arithmetrical sums of these quantities are under discussion. Also the E. M. F.'S must be considered independently of the resistance which practically accompany them. In (5) for example, when we consider the transference of the E. M. F. in a battery, 55 we have to regard the resistance of the battery as im- movable, and the E. M. F. only to be transferred. 51. In order to determine the current strength in any or all the n branches of a conducting net- work in which all the E. M. F.'S and resistances are known, it is customary to write down n independent simultaneous equations with the aid of (1) and (2), and then solve these equations by the ordinary algebraic processes. Thus Fig. 18 represents the connections of a "three- wire system" in which two dynamos in series operate two groups of incandescent lamps with a " neutral " wire from the connection of the dynamos to the con- nection of the lamp groups. We may determine the current strength in the various conductors as follows : '*/! = ^ (/' 3 + /* 6 ) + 1 4 r 4 % = 4 (r & + r?) i 4 r 4 % = i* + k Solving these equations for i%, i 4 and i- M we obtain _ ff> 4 + % * " r< (E, + B,) + ^i * ' _ 't-h R* U>2 RI /rx " n (B, + Bj + B l E, U r 4 -{- u 2 R^ , x " r 4 (R, + B,) + B, //,, wliere P^ (/' 3 + r 6 ); R, = (/v, + /,); and tf=u l -\- y/ 2 It follows, therefore, from (J), that whatever the two resistances r and /v, may be, that is to say, whatever the two incandescent lamp loads may be, balance in the sys- tem will be obtained, and no current will flow through v 4 when M! : Q ArrnmsTll 1 KQ4- Price, - 10 Cents. 11, 1 ^4. Subscription, $3.00. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E.-J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED GF?ADE. VOLTAIC CELL. 61. When a plate of chemically pure zinc and a plate of chemically pure copper are plunged into a dilute solution of sulphuric acid, no visible action takes place as long as the plates are electrically discon- nected outside the acid liquid. When, however, the two plates are connected outside the liquid by a con- ducting wire, the completion of the electric circuit is immediately attended by the establishment of an elec- tric current through the circuit, and a more or less visi- ble action on the zinc, as evidenced by the evolution of hydrogen and the gradual solution of the zinc plate. Such an arrangement forms what is called a voltaic cell. 62. The electromotive force which produces the electric current, exists at the contact surfaces of the two plates with the liquid. As we have already seen, whenever an E. M. F. acts in the direction of an electric current, energy is absorbed from the source of the E. M. F.; that is, work is done on the current and Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New York, N. Y. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y M Post Office, June 14, 1894.] 66 appears in the circuit. So here, when an E. M. r. sets up a current in the voltaic circuit, energy is absorbed at the source of the E. M. r.; namely, at the junction sur- faces between the plates and the liquid in which they are immersed. Such a combination or couple of two plates or elements, with the conducting solution or elec- trolyte is called a voltaic cell. It follows, therefore, that the particular combination of elements and electro- lyte in a voltaic cell, which will insure the most powerful E. M. r., will be that combination which will ensure the maximum resultant amount of work being absorbed at the immersed surfaces when the circuit is closed. In an ac- tive voltaic cell, one of the elements or plates is dissolved by the electrolyte while the other plate remains unat- tacked. The plate which is dissolved is called \\\v posi- tive plate of the couple and the other the negative plate. The current flows through the liquid from the posi- tive to the negative plates, as shown by the arrows, when the external circuit c D E is completed, and the terminal c, at which the current leaves the cell is, ac- cording to convention, called the positive pole or terminal, and the terminal z, where it returns to the cell, the negative pole or terminal. It will be seen, therefore, that the negative terminal is connected with the positive plate, and the positive terminal is connected with the negative plate. This classification, although generally used, is apt to mislead. In reality, the plate A, (allowing for any existing drop of pressure) must have the same potential throughout its substance ; and, similarly, the plate B, must be positive throughout. Since the electro- motive force is resident at the surface of contact be- tween the plates and the liquid, it follows that the entire 67 plate B, is positive to the liquid and the entire plate 'A, negative to the liquid. The terms positive plate and negative plate, however, are in universal use, and if properly understood introduce no error. We shall, therefore, hereafter employ them. 63. It has frequently been stated in text-books of less recent date that the seat of the E. M. r., for ex- ample, the zinc-copper couple shown in Fig. 24 is at the V z c / | 1 ^ A B 3 ^_ CC '', Ul ' tt. : Q. : ; ^ 8 ; \ 5 ,;/% PIG, 24. SIMPLE FORM OF VOLTAIC CELL. metallic contact of the zinc plate and the copper wire outside the cell. This is, however, erroneous. The only E. M. F. which can exist at this metallic junction is what is called a thermo-electric E. M. F., and as such is altogether two small to account for the E. M. F. of the cell. As has already been pointed out, wherever an E. M. F. aids or opposes a current, work is done by or on the E. M. F. If, therefore, the E. M. F. of the voltaic cell resided at the zinc-copper contact outside the cell, it would follow UHI7BRSIT7 68 that the energy of the cell would be supplied at this contact, i. e. outside the cell, and would therefore be in- dependent of such energy relations s existed within the cell. In point of fact, however, the energy is absorbed, not at this contact, but at the contact surfaces of the plates with the electrolyte, and it is to these surfaces, therefore, that we have to look for the E. M. F. of the cell. 64. In every voltaic cell there are two distinct sources of E. M. F., viz : (1.) An E. M. F. at the contact surface of the positive plate with the liquid. (2.) An E. M. F. at the contact surface of the negative plate with the liquid. When a cell, such as shown in Fig. 24, has a positive plate of zinc, a negative plate of copper, and an elec- trolyte of dilute sulphuric acid, on the closing of the circuit hydrogen sulphate, Jf 2 SO^ in the electrolyte is decomposed. The negative radical, (SO^) enters into com- bination with the zinc, to form zinc sulphate, ZnSO^ and the hydrogen radical H^ is liberated at the negative plate in the form of bubbles of gas. Before closing the voltaic circuit, we have a condition of affairs in the cell represented by the chemical expression Zm, + // 2 SO i + On, and after closing, Zn/SO^ -f- H 2 + Cu. 65. The most economical voltaic cell that has been yet developed, is incapable of producing, on a large scale, electric energy as cheaply as a dynamo electric machine. A careful consideration will show how hope- less it is to expect any existing voltaic cell economically to compete with an efficient dynamo. As we have already pointed out, the source of energy in the cell is the chemical potential energy in the positive plate and electrolyte. For example, taking for the positive ele- ment the metal which experience has shown to be the most economical and suitable, namely zinc, one pound of zinc, of the requisite degree of purity, costs, when made up in large quantities into plates, say $0.07. This pound of zinc dissolved in a voltaic cell without loss by local action, produces a delivery of about 1,347,500 coulombs, and if the E. M. F, of the cell be two volts, 2,695,000 volt- coulombs, i. e.y 2,695,000 joules of electrical energy, equal to 0.7486 kilowatt- hours, so that, leaving out of consideration the cost of the electrolytes employed in the battery, as well as labor, interest and depreciation, the cost of a kilowatt-hour in zinc consumed, is 9.352 cents per kilowatt-hour in the battery circuit. On the other hand, it is known that 1.8 Ibs. of coal in the best large steam plants will furnish one average indicated horse- power-hour ; or 2.4 Ibs. of coal, one average indicated kilowatt-hour, which with an efficiency of conversion in dynamo machines of 0.9, represents an expenditure of 2f Ibs. coal per kilowatt-hour of electrical energy in the dynamo circuit. With coal costing $3.00 per ton of 2,240 Ibs., the cost of a kilowatt-hour is thus approxi- mately 0.357 cent for coal consumed, leaving out of consideration water, oil, waste, labor, interest and depre- ciation. In a large steam dynamo central station, the total cost of producing and delivering a kilowatt-hour over a long line to consumers is sometimes seven cents. 66. If the working E. M. r. of a cell be denoted by e (volts) and its internal resistance by r (ohms) then may be called the electrical capability of the cell, and is equal to the activity of tlie cell, when short circuited, expressed in watts. If now an activity of P watts is required from the battery in its external circuit, the minimum number of cells which will supply this activity is4.P-^( J. This number of cells will, therefore, represent the most economical installation or first cost. Thus if a given type of cell has an E. M. F. of 2 volts, and a resistance of 0.1 ohm, its electrical capability is 40 watts. If a battery of these cells has to yield 160 watts in its external circuit, the minimum number of cells re- quired is 4 X = 16. Each cell will yield to the circuit 20 watts, or one-half of its capability, and will yield to the external circuit 10 watts or one-quarter of its capability. In other words, minimum installation cost requires an efficiency of 0.5 from the battery, and half the capability of each cell. 67. When the requisite number of cells has been determined by the preceding rule, the grouping of the cells does not alter their activity. In the case considered, if 16 cells be operated in series the terminal E. M. F. would be 16 volts and the current 10 amperes. If the battery was arranged "in 2 rows of 8 cells, the terminal E. M. F. would be 8 volts, and 20 amperes, similarly for 4 rows of 4 cells, 8 rows of 2, or 16 rows of 1, the output would be 160 watts. The grouping adopted would in practice depend upon the nature of the receptive device ; i. e. the motor or lamp operated. 68. It sometimes happens that the activity required from a cell for minimum installation cost, namely one-half of its capability, is greater than the cell can 71 sustain. In such cases the rule must be modified. If '*, be the maximum current strength in amperes which the cell can sustain, then e i, is its maximum yield to the circuit, and e i i* r, its maximum delivery to the ex- ternal circuit. Hence if JP, be the external activity re- quired, the minimum number of cells which will yield it is . ., . e ^ v* r For example, in the cells already considered, the theoretical current obtainable from them on short-cir- cuit would be 2 T 20 amperes and the most economical working current in regard to first cost of battery would be ten amperes. But if the maximum current practi- cally obtainable from these cells without undue polari- zation was four amperes, then the minimum number required to yield 160 watts in the external circuit would be - - - = 25, and this might be arranged in one, 8 1.6 or five rows, according to requirements. The efficiency of the battery would no longer be 0.5. In this instance it would be 0.8. 69. It should be observed that in order to obtain the best economy in operating and maintaining a battery for a given activity, the cost of materials and superintendence have to be considered as well as interest, depreciation, and first cost, so that the number of cells for best working economy, may be very different from the number of cells for lowest first cost of installation. TO. The value of any type of cell, in regard to the minimum number that must be installed for the supply of a given power is proportional to its capability, 72 and if p, be the price in dollars of any given type of cell, its economic value for cost of installation is proportional to <> Thus, two cells would have equal economic value p r for the delivery of a small quantity of power, reckoned on the basis of first cost in installation, if one had two volts 0.1 ohm, and cost $1.00 ; while the other had 0.6 volt, 0.012 ohm and cost $0.75. 71. "Whenever in order to secure the maximum first cost of battery by obtaining an efficiency of 0.5, the cells of a battery have to be joined up in multiple series, it is preferable to employ larger cells in a single series if possible. Such a proceeding is not only more economical, since large cells cost relatively less than smaller ones, but will also be a safegard against defec- tive action by the failure of cells in any series, thereby allowing the neighboring series to discharge through it thus seriously interfering with the effectiveness of the battery. SYLLABUS. The seat of E. M. F. in a voltaic cell is at the contact surfaces of the plates or elements of the voltaic couple with the electrolyte or electrolytes. It is erroneous to ascribe the seat of E. M. F. in a vol- taic cell to the metallic junction outside the cell. In any cell, the ratio of the square of the E. M. F. to the resistance, may be called the capability of the cell. The economic value of a cell, so far as regards first cost, is its capability divided by its price. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. No 10 Arrrnvr 1$ 1 SQ4- Price > ' 10 Ccuts - lb, 1 M. Subscription, $3.00. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED GRADE. THE VOLTAIC CELL. 72. The conduction of an electric current by an electrolyte is of a different nature from the con- duction afforded by metals. In the latter case, apart from an elevation of temperature, the passage of the current is attended by no change in the metal. In the case of an electrolyte, however, the passage of an elec- tric current is invariably attended by a decomposition or dissociation of some of the constituent molecules. This is accounted for on the supposition, that in liquids, only the ions, i.e., the dissociated molecules, are capable of carry- ing an electric current, and, if no dissociated molecules existed in the solution, that solution would act as an in- sulator. The action of an E. M. F. on an electrolyte is, therefore, to direct the movement of the ions. Since atoms possess definite electric capacity, differing for different kinds of atoms, but always the same for the same kind of atom, it follows that the passage of a definite quantity of electricity, say one coulomb, must necessitate Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New York, N. Y. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14, 1894.] the transfer of a definite number of atoms or radicals, different in the case of hydrogen than in that of oxygen; consequently a definite quantity or mass of any given radi- TABLE OF ELECTRO-CHEMICAL EQUIVALENTS. Element. Atomic Weight. &* o c 1 Electro -chemi- cal Equival- ents. Milli- grammes per Coulomb. Coulombs per Gramme. B* l| kl H ^ Hydrogen 1 1 01038 96340 12140 Potassium 39 03 1 4051 2469 311 1 Sodium 23.0U 1 2387 4189 527 8 Silver 1U7.7 1 1.118 894 5 112 7' Copper, in cuprous combina- tions 63 18 1 6558 1525 192 1 Mercury, in mercurous com- binations 199 8 1 2 074 482 2 60 75 Chlorine ... 35 37 1 3671 2724 343 2 Iodine .... 126 54 1 1 3134 761 4 95 93 Bromine 79 76 1 U 8279 1208 1522 Copper, in cupric combina- tions Mercury, in mercuric com- binations Tin, in stannous combina- tions 63.18 199.8 117.4 2 2 9, 0.3279 1.037 0.6093 3050. 964.3 1641 384.3 121.5 2068 Iron, in ferrous combinations Nickel 55.88 58.6 2 2 0.2900 0.3042 3448. 3287. 434.4 414.1 Zinc . 64.88 9, 3367 2970 374.2 Lead 2U6.4 2 1 071 933.7 117.6 Oxygen . . 15.96 2 0.08283 12070. 1521. Gold 196 2 g 0.6789 1473 185 6 Iron, in ferric combinations. Aluminum 55.88 27.04 3 3 0.1934 0.0935 5171. 10700. 651.5 1348. Nitrogen Tin, in stannic combinations 14.U1 117.4 3 4 0.04847 0.3046 20630. 3283. 2599. 413.6 cal is invariably dissociated and transferred by the passage of one coulomb of electricity. This mass ex- pressed in grammes is called the electro-chemical equiv- 75 alent of the radical. For example, one coulomb of electricity passing through an electrolyte will transfer 0.00001038 gramme of hydrogen. A table of electro-chemical equivalents is given on page 74, 73. It will be seen from the table that the electro- chemical equivalent of silver is 1.118 milli- grammes ; therefore, each coulomb of electricity will liberate 1.118 milligrammes of silver, and each ampere- hour will liberate 3600 X Vwo = 4.0248 grammes of silver. It will also be observed that the electro-chemical equivalent of any monad element, such as hydrogen, chlorine, nitrogen, iodine, etc., is directly proportional to its atomic weight. Thus the electro-chemical equivalent of chlorine is 35.37 times the electro-chemical equivalent of hydrogen. This is tantamount to the statement that all monad atoms or radicals carry the same electric charge; that all dyad atoms or radicals carry twice the charge of a monad atom ; that all triad atoms or radicals carry three times the charge of a monad atom ; that all tetrad atoms or radicals carry four times the charge of a monad atom. Consequently, when an electric current passes in series through solutions of various chemical substances, there will be liberated one-fourth as many tetrad, one- third as many triad, and one-half as many dyad, as monad atoms or radicals. Thus, one coulomb of electricity will liberate 0.00001038 X ^y- 8 grammes of copper from cupric solutions, for the reason that the atomic weight of cop- per is 63.18, and copper, in such salts, is a dyad radical. 76 Generally, in the case of any element or radical, the mass in grammes liberated by one coulomb is, 0.00001038 X ~' Weij;ht valency 74. Whenever a definite chemical combination oc- curs, a certain amount of energy is either ab- sorbed or liberated. In the case of the mere chemical formation of zinc sulphate from metallic zinc and sul- phuric acid, energy is liberated as heat. If, however, the same combination is effected in a voltaic cell, when the circuit is closed, this energy is no longer liberated as heat, but as electric energy, and the same number of joules appear in the circuit as before. It is evident, therefore, that the E. M. F. is capable of being calcu- lated when the thermo-chemical equivalents of its forma- tion products are known. By the thermo-chemical equivalent of a substance is meant the amount of energy liberated by the chemical combination of its molecular weight with any other sub- stance. This energy is usually expressed in gramme- calories, i. 11 AiTnniT 9^ 1SQ4- Price, - 10 Cents. 1 J0, 1 M. Subscription, $3.00. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED GRADE. THE VOLTAIC CKLL 77. The hydrogen evolved at the surface of the negative plate adheres to the plate, and produces by its contact an electromotive force, counter or opposed to that of the cell. This is called the counter E. M. F. of polarization. Various methods are employed to pre- vent polarization. These consist, practically, of methods by which the hydrogen is either prevented from being evolved at the negative plate ; or, if evolved, prevented from forming there by entering into combination with some suitable substance surrounding the negative plate. This substance is called a depolarizer. 78. Voltaic cells may be divided into the following classes according to the presence or absence of a depolarizer and its character, viz. : (1.) Single-fluid cells or those which possess an excit- ing fluid but no depolarizer. (2.) Single-fluid cells with solid depolarizers surround- ing, or in contact with, the negative plate. Published by THE' ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New York N. Y. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14 1894.] 82 (3.) Double-fluid cells, or those with an exciting fluid and a fluid depolarizer. 79. In single-fluid cells no steps are taken to avoid polarization. It is evident, therefore, that the cells cannot be successfully employed for furnishing a continued electric current. Indeed, even for temporary currents, they are inferior to most forms of efficient cells with depolarizers. One of the earliest forms of single-fluid cell was the Smee cell, a zinc-silver couple, immersed in an electro- lyte of dilute sulphuric acid in water. This cell was at one time largely used in telegraphy and in electroplating. It has now almost entirely disappeared, being replaced by more efficient types of cell, or by dynamo electric machines. 80. A form of single-fluid (fell, which is still em- ployed for producing powerful currents for brief intervals of time, is the zinc-carbon couple immersed in a solution of sal-ammoniac in water. Like all cells of the single-fluid type without depolar- izers, this cell requires long intervals of rest in order to regain its full E. M. F. 81. The Grenet, the bichromate, or the Poggendorf cell, as it is indifferently called, consists of a zinc- carbon couple immersed in an electrolyte of bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid. The reactions occuring in this cell, when at work, are probably represented as follows : Before action, 3 Zm, + 7 H 2 SO, + ^ 2 Or., 0, + C. After action, 3 ZnSOi + 7 ff 2 O + KI SO \ + Or* (SO^ + C. In the Grenet cell, the zinc plate should be removed from the electrolyte when not in use, since otherwise deleterious local action, or irregular consumption of the zinc will occur. For this purpose some arrangement is generally made to lift either the zinc only, or both the zinc and carbon from the liquid, as shown in Fig. 25, where a form of cell suitable for use in driving the motor of a phonograph is illustrated. Although the Grenet cell may be regarded as a single -fluid cell without any separate depolarizer, yet, in point of fact, the exciting FIG. 25. FORM OF GRENET FIG. 26. FORM OP GRAVITY CELL. DANIELL CELL. solution acts both as an exciting liquid ai^d as a depolar- izer, since no free hydrogen makes its appearance at the negative plates. Such a cell as is represented in Fig. 25 will supply three amperes steadily. 82. In double-fluid cells, in order to prevent the depolarizing liquid from mixing with the exciting liquid, the depolarizing liquid is generally placed in a porous jar. The presence of the porous jar greatly in- creases the internal resistance of the voltaic cell on account of the high resistivity of the unglazed earthenware of which it is formed. The Daniell cell possesses the great advantage of giving a continuous, steady current, provided the current density in the cell is not excessive. The reaction which occurs in this cell is probably ex- pressed by the following equation : Before action, 2n + H 2 80, + Cu SO, + Gu. After action, ZifiSO, + HI SO, + Cu + Cu. 83. In practice, the inconvenience arising from the use of a porous jar, led Callaud to modify the Daniell cell for closed-circuit work. In the Callaud cell the porous partition is entirely dispensed with, and the zinc sulphate and copper sulphate solutions are separated entirely by reason of their differences of density. Fig. 26 shows the Callaud or gravity cell. The copper element consists of a sheet of copper, bent as shown, placed at the bottom of the cell and provided with an insulated wire passing out at the top. The zinc plate has generally the form of a star or crowfoot, and is suspended near the top of the jar. After the battery has been in use for some time, the zinc sulphate formed by its action, will be seen as a clear transparent liquid layer separated from the dense blue copper sulphate solution, in the lower part of the jar, by a sharply marked boundary. After the cell has been in use some time, some of the zinc sulphate solution requires to be drawn off, a handful of copper sulphate crystals thrown in, and fresh water added. A film of 85 oil is frequently poured on the liquid so as to avoid the effects of creeping, and to prevent evaporation. The ordinary form of Callaud cell should not be called upon to deliver more than J ampere steadily. Special forms of gravity cell are sometimes employed, called Tray cells, which will supply five amperes steadily. 84. Fig. 27 shows the Leclanche cell, which has a zinc-carbon couple. The zinc is in the form of a rod. The carbon is placed inside a porous cell and closely packed with powdered carbon and black oxide of mangan- FIG. 27. FORM OF LECLANCHE CELL. FIG. 28. PARTZ GRAVITY CELL. ese, the latter acting as a solid depolarizer. The exciting liquid is a solution of sal-ammoniac in water. This cell is made in a variety of forms. In one form, called the agglomerate form, the porous cell is dispensed with, and the crushed carbon and manganese dioxide are moulded around the carbon plate under great pressure. The action of the Leclanche cell is probably represented as follows : Before action, Zn + 2 NEt Cl + 2 MnO 2 + C. After action, 2 NH* + M.NI o, + zr a o + o. "When the cell is overworked, the reactions that take place are very obscure. 85. Fig. 28 shows a Partz acid gravity cell. It is com posed of a zinc-carbon couple ; the carbon plate rests on the bottom of the jar, while the zinc is sus- pended near the top. On charging, the jar is partly filled with an aqueous solution of common salt or of sulphate of magnesia. A specially prepared salt, consisting of a mixture of chromic and sulphuric acids is now added through the funnel FIG. 29. FULLER CELL FIG. 30. EDISON-LALANDE CELL. tube shown at the side. This salt, on reaching the bot- tom of the cell, dissolves and spreads over the surface of the carbon plate and acts as a depolarizer. Its greater density keeps it at the bottom of the vessel. 86. Fig. 29 shows a Fuller mercury bichromate cell, which consists of a zinc-carbon couple with the carbon immersed in an electrolyte, consisting of a solu- tion of bichromate of potash, sulphuric acid and water, and the zinc, which is usually in the form of a truncated cone, placed inside a porous cell filled with dilute sul- phuric acid in water. A small quantity of mercury is 8Y poured into the porous cell to thciuughly amalgamate the zinc. This cell gives a high electromotive force and a fairly steady current, but possesses the disadvantage attending all cells with porous partitions of a compara- tively high internal resistance, and waste of chemicals on open circuit. 87. Fig. 30 shows an Edison-Lalande cell, which consists of a zinc-copper couple in a solution of caustic soda in water. A solid depolarizer is used in this cell consisting of a block of black oxide of copper supported in a frame or grid of copper. The action consists in the formation of a zincate of soda, and the reduction of the copper oxide to metallic copper on the external surface of the block. Owing to the fact that the zinc and copper plates have large surfaces placed in close proximity to each other, the internal resistance of this cell 13 remarkably low, and forms the nearest ap- proach, on the part of a primary battery, to the internal resistance of a storage cell. For this reason it is capable of supplying strong currents, although its E. M. r. is comparatively low (-- volt). Its local action is usually negligible. 88. The chloride of silver cell consists of a zinc-silver couple immersed in a solution of sal-ammoniac in water. The depolarizer is a mass of chloride of silver fused as a rod around a silver wire. The electromotive force of this cell is very uniform, but owing to the ex- pense of silver plates these can not be given a large sur- face, and hence the cells possess a comparatively high internal resistance and are unsuited to the delivery of strong currents. For testing purposes, however, the 88 portability and constancy of the cell renders its use admirable, and it is frequently made up into portable batteries, one of which is shown in Fig. 31. 89. Fig. 32 shows two of Clark's standard cells en- closed in a brass box with a hard rubber cover and a thermometer suitably placed to indicate the tempera- ture of the interior. FIG. 31. BATTERY OF SILVER CHLOR- FIG. 32. PAIROF" MAGNETIZING FORCE crC (GAUSSES)- PRIME FLUX, FIG. 38. Curves of reluctivity in iron and steel in relation to magnetizing force. 103 all cases at a certain value, and diminishes as the mag- netic force is increased, to a critical value, where the reluctance turns and commences rising steadily in a straight line. Thus the lowest full line curve, No. VII, represents the reluctivity of soft annealed Norway iron. For magnetizing forces above 3 gausses, the reluctivity fol- lows an ascending straight line, and at 90 gausses reaches 5.45 millioersteds. If reluctivity be denoted by the Greek symbol v, we have, therefore, beyond the value of 3C = 3 v = (0.3 + 0.057 X) -T- 1000, and similarly for other samples of iron or steel. Reluctivity is, strictly speaking, expressed in the c. G. s. system, as a numeric. In Fig. 38, it is, for convenience, expressed in millioersteds, and the curves may be there- fore directly interpreted as representing the reluctance of a centimetre cube. 107. Since the ether pervades even the densest mat- ter, the reluctivity of any medium may be re- garded 'as the reluctivity of that ether and of the medium taken in parallel. For low values of the magnetizing force, the reluctivity of the ether is so much greater than that of iron (say, 1,000 times greater), that it may be neglected. This linear relation v a + & 3C, which ap- pears to hold from experimental evidence, refers only to the metallic reluctivity of the iron or steel, independ- ently of the ether which prevades the metal. When, however, very high magnetizing forces are reached, the reluctivity of the iron increases greatly and becomes much greater than that of the ether, whose reluctivity therefore controls. The reluctivity of iron and the 104 ether together can, therefore, never be greater than unity. For practical purposes, however, iron is always worked at such magnetizing forces, that its metallic reluctivity is always much lower than unity, and consequently the metallic reluctivity may be taken within the limits of the diagram to be sensibly equal to the real reluctivity of the ether and iron together. SYLLABUS. Reluctance is that quantity in a magnetic circuit which limits the flux under a given M. M. F. The reluctivity of any medium is its specific reluct- ance, and, in the c. G. s.- system, is the reluctance offered by a cubic centimetre of the body between opposed faces. The unit of reluctance is called the oersted, and is the reluctance of a cubic centimetre of air-pump vacuum. The reluctivity of all media with the exception of the non-magnetic metals is practically the same, i. e., unity. The reciprocal of magnetic reluctivity is called mag- netic permeability, and both quantities are mere numerics in the existing c. G. s. system of units, but are probably not simple numerics in the, as yet, undiscovered true relations of this system. It is erroneous to suppose that magnetic permeability or reluctivity varies in iron under magnetic force, except, perhaps, within small limits. The apparent variation is due to the existence of a structural M. M. F. induced in tlie iron under the influence of a prime magnetic force. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.") WEEKLY. .No. U. SEPTEMBER 15, 1894. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED GTCADE iVtAQNETIC 108. The fundamental equation 01 the magnetic cir- cuit is = - ; or, the webers = ilbert8 . (1) (R oersteds From this we 6btain & = (R, (2) and = ; (3) There are, therefore, two ways of varying the mag- netic flux i:i any circuit ; namely, by increasing the M. M. F., and by decreasing the reluctamce. As we have already seen, a linear relation exists be- tween the reluctivity of a magnetic metal and the mag- netizing force, but in many practical magnetic problems it is the flux density, rather than the magnetizing force, which is known, and from which the reluctivity has to be determined. It becomes necessary, therefore, to know Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New Vork N. Y. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14, 1894.] 106 the value of the reluctance of the circuit from point to point at the existing flux density, in order that the total reluctance of the circuit may be determined. From the relation v = a + b 3C (4) and corresponding to i = for the electric circuit, we obtain 109. Fig. 39 represents a series of curves showing the reluctivity of various samples of iron and steel at different flux densities up to 19 kilogausses, taken from actual observations with materials employed in dynamo construction. These curves conform to equation (6), through the ascending branch, the corres- spoiiding flux densities of which are those practically employed in designing dynamo machinery. The des- cending branches are not expressed by equation (6). They belong to the reluctivity at early stages of the mag- netizing force or flux density. In order to show the application of the preceding formulae, we will consider some cases similar to those which may arise in practice. We will first take the simple case of the ferric^ circuit, in anchor ring form, shown in Fig. 40, uniformly wound so as to have no leakage. 110. The corresponding case of electric flux is shown in Fig. 41, where a number of voltaic cells are connected in a circle in series. Here, neglecting the in- fluence of temperature, the resistance of the circuit be- comes independent of the current density. The case is lor ABSCISSAE; FLUX DENSITY, GAUSSES(CJ&) I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 | | I-H' c$W^*ooi>ccoiO-i j eo H* us to t~ oo TOTA' MAGNETIC INTENSITY OR FLUX DENSITY (SS) GAUSSES EUc.Engineer FIG. 39. Curves of reluctivity ia iron and steel in relation to fluy density, from measurements by Kennelly. 108 not an exact analogue unless the reluctivity of the electric conductor be modified to suit the magnetic intensity. Suppose this ring composed of Norway iron, to be of the dimensions shown, and wound with 300 turns of insulated wire which carries a current of 4 amperes. The M. M. F. for this winding will be 1,200 ampere-turns = 1508.1 gilberts. The magnetizing force Elec-Enaineer FIG. 40. FIG. 41. Sections of a Norway iron ring. Ferric Diagrammatic representation of electric magnetic circuit. Mean circumference circuit. The analogue of magnetic cir- 94.25 cms. Cross-section 19.635 sq. cms. cuit in Fig. 40. will be this M. M. r. divided by the length of the mag- netic circuit, which will vary between the limits of the outer and inner circumferences. Taking the mean circum- ference, the mean prime intensity will be - 1 -^|^ 4 - = 16.01 gausses, and this would be the flux density if the ring were made of wood instead of iron. By reference to Fig. 38, it will be seen that, at this magnetizing force, the reluctivity of Norway iron is 0.00121 ; and, since the cross-section of the core is 19.635 sq. cms. the re- luctance of the circuit is -$5 X 1.21 = 5.807 milli- 109 oersteds = 0.005807 oersted, and the flux produced in the circuit will, therefore, be T .V|&%*T = 272,200 webers or 272.2 kilowebers, with a mean flux density of Sfgrfff. = 13,860 gausses, or webers per square centimetre of cross-section, i.e., 13.86 kilogausses. 111. Taking now the case of an electro-magnet of the dimensions shown in Fig. 42, the magnetic circuit having two air-gaps in series, we will first assume 01.3 crnj. Elec. Engineer FIG. 42. Electromagnet of wrought iron, aero-ferric circuit. Air gaps % in. = 1.27 cm. Mean length of magnetic circuit 140.24 cms. Cross-section of magnetic circuit 25 sq. cms. that the leakage is negligibly small. The magnetic cir- cuit is, therefore, considered as entirely confined to the path of the arrows, 1, 2, 3, 4, leaving the other paths for later consideration. Let us suppose that it is required to find the M. M. r. which will be necessary to produce a flux of 250 kilowebers, through the keeper. Assuming that this magnet is entirely constructed of wrought iron, and that the air-gap is fixed, as, for example, by means of wooden wedges, so that the keeper is unable to ap- proach the poles, then the reluctance in each gap is i-|j 0.0508 oersted. The density of the flux in the iron of the circuit is 10 kilogausses, and by referring to 110 Curve YL, Fig. 39, it will be seen that at this density the reluctivity of ordinary wrought iron is 0.00095. Since the mean length of the circuit in the iron is 137.7 cms., and its cross-section is 25 sq. cms., the reluctance of the iron will, therefore, tie -if -JJ X 0.95 == 5.23 milli- oersteds 0.00523 oersted, and the total reluctance of the circuit 0.1068 oersted. The M. M. F. required to send 0.001476 Ohm 309 Volts Elec.Engineer FIG. 43. ELECTRIC CIRCUIT ANALOGUE. WITHOUT LEAKAGE. 250,000 webers through this circuit, will be 250,000 X 0.1068 = 26,700 gilberts = 21,256 ampere-turns. If the spools have the same winding there must be 10,628 ampere-turns on each spool. The corresponding electric case is shown in Fig. 43. 112. Let us now assume that the electro-magnet pos- sesses an appreciable leakage, and let us assume that this leakage takes place, as shown diagrammatically in Fig. 42, along the paths 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, 14, 15, 16. Let it be ascertained that this leakage amounts to 33| per cent, of the total flux, so that for Ill every 100 webers of flux in the interior of the field cores only 66 1 pass through the keeper. It is required to find the M. M. F., which will enable 250 Mlowebers, as before, to pass through the keeper under these circumstances. The effect of leakage is not only to reduce the effective cross-section, which may carry the main circuit flux, but also, owing to the increase in density, to increase the re- luctivity of that reduced cross-section. Similarly, if it be known that the leakage flux through the yoke, in the path 6, 7, is 50 kilo webers, the total KEEPER FIG. 44. ELECTRIC CIRCUIT ANALOGUE. WITH LEAKAGE. flux through the yoke will bo 300 kilowebers, and the flux density there -%- = 12 kilogausses. At this den- sity, the reluctivity of wrought iron by Curve VI., Fig. 30, is seen to be .001316. 113. Referring to Fig. 44, which represents the elec- trical analogue of this case, observe that each core may be regarded as the seat of an E. M. r. impressed on three independent circuits, numbered to correspond with Fig. 42. J A , 7? B , and 7? c , are fixed reluctances through air, depending upon the dimensions and arrangement of 112 the various parts of the magnet. They have perfectly definite values, but these values may be very tedious and difficult to compute. The reluctances O i9 <7 2 , 63, 4? in tne main circuit, and call- ing their sum (R, we have the simple relation G o UP i gj F 1 18* - M * s W c v.-, C?Cr 3 . *j en Reluctance Oersteds. E 2 .r w d o A o fc * LjS $i ^ I cr ^uiz Is sa J2 w (2 J H C/3 H Q OS Core 3 25 16.667 375 15 3-77 ,-^X ^=0.005539 Yoke.... 38.85 2 5 20.833 300 12 1.316 38.85 X 1 -3i6 20.833 looo" - 00245 ^ Core .... 3 25 16.667 375 15 3-77 I ^ 7 X^=o.oo S 539 Air-gap.. 1.2 7 2 5 25 250 10 1000 1.27 X i =0.050800 Keeper .. 38.85 25 25 250 IO 0-95 38 85 0.95 Air-gap. 1.27 25 2 5 250 10 1000 1.27 ^ T 0.050800 25 o.i 1 6608 To force 250 t:ilowebers through the main circuit through this reluctance, a M. M. r. will be needed of 250,000 X 0.116608 = 29,152 gilberts, or 23,200 am- pere-turns 11,600 to each spool. SYLLABUS. The fundamental equation of the magnetic circuit is F gilberts = S rtheWeberS ^ oersteds' Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. No. 15. SEPTEMBER 22, 1894. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED GRADE. ELBCTROMAQNBTS. 114. The polarity of an electromagnet may be deter- mined by noticing the character of the magnetiz- ing coils, whether right-handed or left-handed, and the direction in which the current traverses them. A right- handed helix carries the flux in the same direction as that in which the current advances along the helix, while a left-handed helix carries the flux in the opposite direc- tion of the advance of the current.. As already pointed out, the flux in an electromagnet is of two distinct characters ; namely, the prime or magnetizing flux, and the induced or structural magnetic flux, which is called into play by the action of the prime flux. 115. Electro-magnets may be divided into two classes; namely, the tractive and the portative ; the former are designed to exert a pull on their armature at some distance from the poles, and the latter are designed to support a pull upon the armature when the armature is placed in contact with the poles. Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New York N. Y. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14, 1894.] 114 In all practical cases an electromagnet exerts a pull upon the iron or steel of the armature whether the armature be separated from the poles by an air- gap, or whether it be in actual contact with the poles, and the same process of calculation has to be employed in each case in order to compute the attractive force. This process is substantially as follows : The reluctances of the different parts of the circuit have to be de- termined and summed, the M. M. F. acting in the cir- cuit has then to be ascertained, and from these the flux in the circuit is deduced. From the flux and its distri- bution, the flux density in the air-gap between the keeper and poles has to be found, and from this flux density, the intensity of the attractive force is determined from point to point. The total attractive force on the arma- ture will be the surface integral of this attractive force over the area of the attracting surfaces. 116. The fundamental law of attractive force is as follows: At any element of surface on iron or steel at which flux enters or emerges perpendicularly, the attractive force in dynes, exerted upon the element, will be the product of the elementary surface area into the square of the flux density (expressed in gausses), divided by 8 TT ; that is, dF=dS dynes, STT J where (B, is the normal flux density ; d F, the element of attractive force, and d $, the element of surface in square centimetres ; and this force will be exerted along the flux paths, or perpendicular to the surface. If, how- ever, the entering or emerging flux makes an angle 6, with the normal to the surface, then the above rule re- 115 quires slight modification. The equivalent normal surface, on which the attractive effort is exerted, is d S cos 0, so that the attractive force becomes, 1 C1 a /T 9 dynes, Sx exerted in the direction of the flux-paths of which the component perpendicular to the surface is, FIG. 45. Flux normal to opposed plane parallel polar surfaces. Elec. Engineer FIG. 46. Flux oblique to polar surfaces. 117. Let A B c D, and A' B' c' D', Fig. 45, be portions of two parallel plane polar faces of iron between which the magnetic flux passes perpendicularly across the intervening space A A', or c c'. If the flux intensity is uniform over these surfaces and equal to five kilo- gausses, then the mechanical force exerted between any pair of opposed unit areas, such as the shaded portions e f ff h, and e' f g' h r , each one square centimetre, will 116 be 500Q X 50QQ or approximately 994,800 dynes, or 8 7T 1,015 grammes weight (2.238 pounds), at Washington. Since the total area A B c D, or A' B' c' D' is 25. square cms., the total mechanical force exerted between these surfaces will be 25.375 kilogrammes (55.95 pounds). The magnitude of the attractive force does not depend upon the distance A A', separating the polar faces, nor does it depend upon the direction of the flux between them. All that is essential is that the flux should be perpendi- cular to the faces. Increasing the air-gap will, in prac- tice, usually diminish the total flux, and, therefore, the flux intensity over the surfaces, also causing the flux paths to deviate from the perpendicular by lateral dif- fusion ; but if these secondary effects could be compen- sated and removed, the attraction between the surfaces would not vary witli the length, of air-gap. 118. Fig. 46 represents a case where the flux passes between the parallel polar faces at an angle /?, with their normal. If a I c d, and e f g A, are areas limited by the flux-paths a e p, 1} I q, c g r and d h n, then the attractive force between these areas will be such as would be experienced by two surfaces each of the area Icl g m, standing perpendicularly across the flux. If a b G d, and e f g A, have each an area of one square cm., the surface k I g m, will have an area of cos /? square cms. With 10 kilowebers passing through each of the shaded areas, the flux density will be = ^ . The attractive force between two opposed cos/3 /r>2 parallel surfaces of area Tc I g m, will be cos /? ex- 8 71 117 erted along the flux paths. The component of this ten- sion exerted across the actual surfaces abed, and ef g k, (B 2 will be cos 2 /9, and the component tending to make 8 JT II ie.000 15.000 14,000 13,000 18,000 11,000 10,000 9,0000 8,0000 7,0000 0,0000 6,0000 4,0000 3,0000 2.0000 1,0000 !! I 16,000,000 15,000,000 14,000,000 18,000,000 12,000,000 11,000,000 10.000,000 9.000,000 8,000,000 7.000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 8,000,000 2.POO.OOO Ii 1 200 190 uo III 170 160 150 140 130 IM no 100 90 70 CO 40 30 , / I II] / ii A / A / ,f / 2 f t / '/ /' / / / J / f / / / ,/ .' J? / * ^ V ^ r-^ >> -^ Mis KILOGAUSSES B2 9 & 2 9 tf 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 I 2 2 2 d K * *. a p- ^ a KILOWEBERSPERSQ. Elec.Engineer Cvt\e& representing the intensity of magnetic stress, for all values of 30 from O to 20 Kilogausses. O to 129 Kilowebers per sq. in. I in. dynes per square in grammes weight per square centimetre III jn pounds weight per square inch. FIG. 47. these surfaces shear across one another would be (B 21 - sin ft cos ft. O 71 In practice, the useful flux exerting tractive force be- 118 tween the polar surfaces of electromagnets may be con- sidered as crossing those surfaces at right angles, so that the simpler formula may generally be applied. 119. As a consequence of the preceding formulae it is evident that the active polar surfaces of a port- ative electromagnet should have as great an area as pos- sible, provided that the flux density over them be made as great as possible. In other words, the polar surfaces should have maximum areas consistent with their mag- Elec.Engineer FIG. 48. Section of Portative Electromagnet through Axis, and Polar Surfaces. netic saturation. The curves in Fig. 47 show that at a density of 18 kilogausses, which is readily obtainable in ferric magnetic circuits employing soft Norway iron, the attraction becomes 1 3.14 kilogrammes per square cm., or 186.6 pounds per square inch of opposed polar surfaces. 120. A convenient practical form of electromagnet for sustaining heavy weights is shown in Fig. 48. The magnetic circuit is indicated by the lines of arrows. 119 The external surface of the magnet when the keeper is in place, being entirely of iron, the magnet is usually described as belonging to the ironclad type. The con- tact polar surfaces should be carefully planed and kept clean if the best attractive results are to be obtained. The space allowed for the exciting coil is made as small as is consistent with saturation of the polar surfaces. The limiting M. M. F. that can be employed for a given winding space depends upon the heating of the coil by the current, and not upon the size of the wire. Practi- cally, however, a large wire with few turns can be better protected against damage from a high temperature, than a small wire with many turns. It is essential that the flux density should be a maximum in the circuit at the polar surfaces, and for this reason the surface area of the inner core and outer ring should be kept equal while a slight constriction in the iron should 'be made at the poles. If such a magnet have a cross-sectional area of 20 square cms. at the inner or core polar surfaces, and also 10 square cms. at the outer or annular polar surfaces, the portative power of the magnet may readily be 40 X 15 = 600 kilogrammes weight. 121. When an electromagnet has to exert a tractive force upon its armature at a distance, through one or more air-gaps of given length, the best area of polar surface to employ with a fixed M. M. F., and the size of magnet are those which make the reluctance of the air, equal to the reluctance of the iron in the circuit. If, for example, an electromagnet has two poles each four centimetres in diameter, and the air-gap or distance be- tween poles and armature be 0.25 cm., then the area of 120 each pole face will be 12.57 square cms., and the reluct- ance of the air 0.0398 oersted. If the reluctance in the iron be, say, 0.050 oersted, under these conditions with the M. M. F. employed, it will be advantageous to increase the air reluctance by constricting the polar surfaces until the air and iron reluctances equate. This assumes, how- ever, as negligible, leakage and diffusion of flux at the polar surfaces. In consequence of leakage and diffusion, it is preferable to make the air reluctance somewhat less than the iron reluctance. SYLLABUS. The direction of magnetic flux within a coil is in the direction along which the current traverses the coil if the coil be right-handed, and opposite to the direction of the current if the helix be left-handed. The fundamental law of tractive force upon a mag- netized surface, at which flux enters or issues perpendir cularly, is d F = d 8 dynes. 8 7T Portative electromagnets are designed to have as large an area of saturated polar surfaces as possible. Powerful tractive magnets are designed to have their reluctance about equally divided between air and iron. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. No. 16. SEPTEMBER 29, 1894. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, BY Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A, S. ADVANCED GRADE. INDUCED EX IVL K. 122. Whenever relative motion exists between mag- netic flux and an electric conductor, so that one moves across the other, an E. M. F. will be set up in the conductor. This relative motion between flux and con- ductor may occur in two ways ; namely, (1.) When the conductor moves across the flux. (&) When the flux moves across the conductor. Both cases may occur together, but in (1) we suppose that the flux may be considered as at rest, and in (2), that the conductor may be considered at rest. 123. We will now consider case (1), in which the conductor moves across a magnetic flux. Al- though the mechanism by which E. M. F. is induced is unknown, yet the E. M. F. produced is directly propor- tional to the total amount of flux per second cut by the conductor, and this clearly depends on two quantities ; namely, upon the velocity of the conductor across the flux, and, upon the intensity of the flux. Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New Vork N. Y. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y M Post Office, June 14, 1894.] 122 124. Consider, first, a uniform magnetic flux, whose intensity at a given point is equal to (B, and is di- rected as shown by the arrows, Fig. 49. A rectilinear conductor A B, normal to the flux, is moved in a direction normal to the flux with a velocity v, which would carry it in one second to A' B'. Then the total amount of flux cut per second would be the amount passing through the rectangle ABB' A', -and this is clearly equal to e = v I (B c. G. s. units of E. M. F. Suppose, however, that a conductor lying in a position oblique to the flux, as shown in Fig. 50, is moved in a B ^ * ^ -* *>' ^ N< >* /l^*- B' -* ^^^^^x b' "* ^ A ^*^C^ ** ^i ''T~-^ . ^ i ^ ^ ^ i H a r'--^j^^^^ B ' 3 ". U ^ T^ 1 ~k ^ ^ -*b| *i > S^ 'A ^ **+ % ^ ,--. ^/ i/, , x V. ~Sk. -X^ 1^1 :\^^ B R>^A / ^ <^'*/^. ^^' ^ ^ FIG. 49 FIG. 50. FIG. 51. Conductor normal toflux. Conductor oblique, to flux, Conductor oblique to flux, moving in direction normal moving of conductor in di- moving in direction othque to flux. rection normal to flux. to flux. direction normal to the uniform flux with a uniform velocity v ; then the total amount of flux cut per second will be that enclosed by the rectangle A J 1}' A', where A J, is the virtual length of the conductor equal to A B cos /9, that is, the projected length normal to the flux, and the E. M. r. is equal to e = v I cos /9 (B c. G. s. units. If both the position of the conductor, and its motion are oblique to the direction of the flux, as in Fig. 51, 123 then the total flux cut per second will be that enclosed by the rectangle A b ~b' A', where A B, is the virtual length of the conductor, as before, and A a', is the virtual velocity normal to the flux, or A A' cos . So that e = v cos a I cos ft & c. o. s. units. Since one volt equals 10 8 c. G. s. units of E. M. F., the E. M. F. as above obtained, must be divided by 10* in order to obtain its value in volts. FIG. 52. 125. The direction of the induced E. M. F. varies both with the direction of the flux and with the direc- tion of the motion. The simplest rule for memorizing this direction is, probably, Fleming* B hand rule. If the right hand be held, as shown in Fig. 52, with the extended /ore-finger pointing in the direction of the /"lux, and the thumb in the direction of the motion, then 124 the E. M. F. induced will be directed along the direction in which the middle finger points. 126. In practice when a conductor is moved through a magnetic flux, it generally happens that neither the intensity of the flux nor the velocity in the direction of motion is uniform. Nevertheless, the above law is true for any small element of the conductor at any mo- ment, when its direction and the intensity of the flux in which it moves are taken into account. 127. Turning now to case (2) where the flux moves across a conductor. The fundamental rule re- mains the same as in the preceding case ; if v, be the velocity of the field at any point, where the intensity is <&, and I be the virtual length of conductor at right angles to the flux and the motion, then the E. M. F. in c. G. s. units is v (B Z, as before. 128. In order that the induced E. M. F. in a conductor may produce a current, the circuit of that con- ductor must be closed, that is, a conducting loop must be formed, although only a portion of this loop may be active in cutting through flux and generating E. M. F. It is obviously the same whether we speak of the rate at which the portions of the loop are cutting through flux, or of the rate at which a loop is enclosing flux, since the sum of all the lines cut through per second around a loop must be equal to the amount of flux enclosed by the loop in that time. Similarly, when flux is withdrawn from a loop, the E. M. F. will be introduced around the loop in the opposite direction. All these results may be included in the following equation : =<** dt' 125 where 0, is the flux enclosed by the loop (webers) in the positive direction, and - the instantaneous rate of Ci t change of that flux. 129. A consideration of Figs. 49, 50 and 51 will render it -evident that E. M. F. is never produced by the relative motion of magnetic flux and a conductor, unless a change exists in the amount of flux enclosed by FIG. 53. Conducting ring normal to flux, mov- ing in plane normal to uniform flux. FIG. 54. Conducting ring normal to flux, mov- ing in a plane normal to a non-uniform flux. the conducting circuit. It is evident, therefore, that if the conducting ring, shown in Fig. 53, though normal to the uniform magnetic flux, and moving at right angles to such flux, so as to cut the flux, has, nevertheless, no resultant E. M. F. generated in it, since at any moment of time the flux it encloses is constant ; or, if regarded from the standpoint of Fig. 49, the E. M. F. generated by the cutting in the upper half of the loop, is exactly equal and opposite to the cutting in the lower half. 126 The conducting ring, shown in Fig. 54, placed normal to the non-uniform flux, if moved in its own plane in any direction except in the directions F G, or G F, will have a resultant E. M. F. generated in it, since the amount of flux enclosed by the loop will otherwise increase or diminish. 130. If a conducting loop, placed in a uniform mag- netic flux, be rotated about any axis, as, for ex- ample, about the axis H K, in Fig. 55, a resultant E. M. F. FIG. 55. Rotation of a Loop in a Magnetic Flux. will be induced in it, since the amount of flux enclosed by the loop will vary. Thus, in rotating the loop from A to A', the flux enclosed will be reduced from the total area ABC, to the virtual area def. Since the value of the E. M. F., at any instant, is the time rate of change of the flux enclosed by the circuit, it is evident that the maximum E. M. F. is produced when the plane of the loop is parallel to the direction of the flux. 12Y 131. When a current through a conductor is chang- ing its strength, there will, as we have already seen, be a change in the amount and intensity of the flux surrounding the conductor. Since the entire con- ducting circuit, in which the current flows, may be regarded as a loop, or combination of loops, these varia- tions in the flux linked with the conducting loop will induce in the conductor an E. M. F. of exactly the same strength as though the current remained unchanged, but the same flux variations passed through the conducting loop. This E. M. F. induced in a circuit by variations in its current strength is known as a self-induced E. M. F., or an E. M. F. of self-induction. Projection of Magnetic Flux through Conducting Loops. 132. If a current be sent through the electromagnetic helix, shown in Fig. 56, in such a direction as to produce the poles s, N, then the flux established is shown in part by the curved arrows, in the neighborhood of the north pole. As this flux emerges, it will pass through the loops A, D, B, and c; but whereas the same amount of flux passes through each of the two loops A, or B, is greater than that which flows through p, the E. M. F. gene- rated in A, or B, during the change will be greater than that in c, while the double loop D, will have double the E. M. F. in it. The direction of the E. M. F. in these loops, UNIVERSITY 128 on making the magnet circuit, is opposite to that on breaking : for in one case the flux passes through the loop to the right, and in the other case; to the left. Even when the existence of the flux that passes through the loop cannot be determined by the aid of a compass needle, as, for example, in Fig. 57, where the closed cir- cular coil is linked with three separate conducting loops j k Z, h e f g, and m, yet on varying the current in the coil the same E. M. F. will be induced in all three FIG. 57. Closed Circular Coil linked with three Loops of Conductor. loops. This case is apparently an independent demon- stration of the fact that the velocity of the propagation of magnetic disturbances is finite. SYLLABUS. If $, be the total flux in webers linked with a con- ducting circuit in the positive direction, then ^-^ X 10" 8 cL t is the E. M. F. induced in that circuit in International volts. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER,] WEEKLY. 1 7 fWrmvT? ft 1 SQ4. Price, - 10 Cents. rOBER 6, 1 J4. Subscription, $3.00. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED GRADE. DYNAMO. 133. A continuous current dynamo, depending as it does for the production of its E. M. F. on the movement of conductors through a magnetic flux, de- termines the magnitude of that E. M. F. in accordance with the relation, E = $ n w c. G. s. units, n w 10~ 8 volts. where <#, is the total useful magnetic flux through one pole passing into the armature (webers) ; n, the number of revolutions made by the armature per second; and w, the number of conductors on the surface of the arma- ture counted in one complete revolution. That is to say, the E. M. F. is directly proportional to the product of the total useful magnetic flux through each pole, the rate of speed of the armature, and to the number of turns of wire. Thus, Fig. 58, represents a four-pole generator for 550 volts. The useful flux through each Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New York N. Y. Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14, 1894.] 130 pole may be, say, 55 megawebers ; there are, say, 200 conductors embedded in the surface of the armature, and the speed of rotation is assumed to be 300 revolu- tions per minute, or tive revolutions per second. The E. M. F. generated by the machine is, therefore, L = 5 X 200 X 55 X 10 6 X 10~ 8 = 550 volts. FIG. 58. 550 Volt Four-Pole Generator. 134. The output of a generator, or its capacity, is usually expressed in kilowatts, and is the electri- cal activity which the machine can maintain at its ter- minals. This, within wide limits, is independent of the electromotive force ; that is to say, the 100 K. w. machine can be constructed for 1,000 volts and 100 amperes, or for 100 volts and 1000 amperes, or 50 volts and 2,000 am- peres output. There is, however, a practical limit to the E. M. F. which can be obtained from a machine without 131 altering its rating ; for, very small E. M. r.'s may require such massive construction in their commutators and ad- jacent conducting parts, to carry off the enormous cor- responding currents generated, that the whole structure of the machine may require to be modified, while, when high electromotive forces are reached the great thickness of insulating material required, may so reduce the avail- able winding space as to seriously reduce the output. 135. When a dynamo-electric generator is operated on open circuit, it is, of course, doing no work, since the resistance of its external circuit is infinite. As the resistance of the external circuit is decreased, the amount of work in its circuit increases, until, when the external circuit has no resistance, or the machine is short-circuited, the amount of work in the electric cir- cuit of the machine would be a maximum, and, if it could be reached, would be expressed by the formula, E* P watts ; where E, is the E. M. F. generated in the r armature, and r, is the internal resistance of the machine. This activity may be called the electric capability of the machine, and is similar in nature to the electric capability of a voltaic cell. Of course, no machine of any con- siderable size could be made to run on short-circuit. 136. Since, useful output can be computed as a cer- tain fraction of the electrical capability, depend- ing on the output of the machine, the electrical capability is by no means of merely theoretical interest. The frac- tion of the electrical capability which represents the output of a machine, may be called the coefficient of reduction from capability to output ', and varies with the 132 size of the generator, and the details of its structure. For example, in a particular series of bipolar generators, of different sizes, this fraction is 0.15 for generators of one K. w. capacity, and reduces to 0.034 for generators of 100 K. w. capacity. This reduction in the coefficient is partly due to the fact that as the size of the machine increases, the active surface of the armature, offered for the dissipation of heat, increases less rapidly than the mass in which the heat is developed, thus necessitating a relatively diminished output. The electrical capability of a generator is independent of the character of the winding, provided the amount of winding space remains constant. This is true, how- ever, only so long as the proportion of winding space, devoted to insulation, remains constant through all sizes of wire ; thus, if the number of turns in the armature be doubled, the E. M. F. will be doubled, but the resist- ance will be quadrupled, since there will be twice as great a length of wire of half the cross section ; hence the ratio of E* to /*, remains the same. 137. Since the E. M. F. of a continuous current gene- rator is proportional to n w, and its resistance is proportional to 2 , where Z, is the length of one turn ct p of conductor, , its cross-section, and p, the number of poles, the electrical capability of a machine is propor- tional to * n 2 p z , that is, propor- w I I tional to C ( ^j-?\ . w here (7, is the weight of copper on the armature. Consequently, for a given weight of 133 copper conductor on the armature, and a given cross-sec- tion of armature core, the output of the machine in- creases as the square of the speed of rotation, and as the square of the number of poles in the field frame. Vari- ous considerations, however, incidentally limit the range over which this rule can apply. Thus an increased capability and output may be attended by increased heat- ing or sparking at the brushes, so that the coefficient of output may be lowered. A doubled speed of rotation would double the E. M. F. of the machine, and would quadruple the electric capability, enable twice the cur- rent strength to be delivered at full load at the same electrical efficiency, thus quadrupling the output ; but, if, at the doubled speed, and with the doubled current, the armature unduly heated, the safe load, and coeffi- cient of reduction, would require to be lowered. 138. In the design of a dynamo, the problem which presents itself is to produce the desired electro- motive force at a given speed of rotation of the arma- ture, determined by mechanical considerations, and to maintain a given current strength at that E. M. F. The problem, therefore, resolves itself into the proper pro- portioning of the amount of flux, the number of turns and size of conductor, and the number of poles in the machine. The value of the output which it is desired to produce, will, in reality, determine whether the ma- chine is to be bipolar, or multipolar, since large sizes of bipolar machines are usually objectionable, partly owing to the large dimensions required. Having determined upon the number of poles, the total flux and the number of turns on the armature only remain to be determined. The proper resistance of the armature for the type of machine required, is known by reference to tables of co- efficients for the electrical capability and output, and, from this resistance one relation between the total flux, the length and the cross-section of wire is given. By trial the size of armature is found upon which the amount of wire of the necessary cross-section and mun- .ber of turns is arrived at. 139. The magnetic flux requisite under a given con- dition of speed and armature turns, now remains to be provided for. The first step is to provide a path of sufficient cross-sectional area through the iron field frame and armature. In order to assign the proper flux density in the magnet cores, it is necessary to assume a certain quantity of leakage. The proportion of leakage is generally taken from observations made on machines of similar type, and is the principal source of uncertainty in the design of any given generator. The ratio of total flux to the useful flux passing through the armature varies from 1.2 to 2.1 in different types of machine. When this ratio is known, the total flux passing through the field cores is known, and the area of cross-section necessary for a given flux density is arrived at. 140. It will be seen that the reluctivity of the iron employed in the framework of the machine is a very important consideration, since on this depends the area of cross-section that must be employed for a given total flux. The core of the armature is always con- structed of a given quality of laminated soft iron, with the flux passing parallel to the laminations. The field mag- nets are sometimes entirely constructed of cast iron, some- times of cast steel, and sometimes of wrought iron in 135 the core, united with cast iron iii the yoke. The choice of materials depends upon the character of the work the generator is to perform. In the case of cast iron, a flux density of 7.5 kilogausses is approximately the practical limit, while in wrought iron, or cast open hearth steel, a density as high as 17 kilogausses can be employed. The balance of advantage lies between cost of materials and limitations of size and weight. 141. Slight impurities in wrought iron or soft cast steel have a marked influence upon their reluc- tivity. The most common impurities in iron are carbon, silicon, sulphur, phosphorus and manganese. Of these, carbon produces the greatest influence on reluctivity, and taking the reluctivity of pure wrought iron at an intensity of 7.5 kilogausses as 0.0005, the influence of small quantities of these impurities on the reluctivity appear to be expressed as follows: Carbon, 0.25; silicon, 0.11; manganese, 0.06; phosphorus, 0.04, and sulphur, inappreciable. Thus, one per cent, of carbon added to pure wrought iron might be expected to increase its reluctivity at 7.5 kilogausses from 0.0005 to 0.0005 + ' 2 X l = 0.003; 100 i.e., to three rnillioersteds in a cubic centimetre of ma- terial. These values can only be regarded as approxi- mations. They appear to vary in different qualities of steel. 136 SYLLABUS. The electromotive force produced by a dynamo, ex- pressed in c. G. s. units, is the product of the flux, the revolutions per second and the number of conductors counted once around the armature, divided by the num- ber of poles. The electrical capability of a dynamo, in watts, is equal to the square of its E. M. F. in volts, divided by its resistance in ohms. The ratio of the total to useful flux varies in different machines between 1.2 to 2.1. The flux density that can be employed without unduly increasing the reluctivity of the circuit is about 7.5 kilo- gausses in cast iron, and up to IT kilogausses in wrought iron or soft cast steel. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. ~| WEEKLY. No. 18. OCTOBEK 13, 1894. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED DYNAMO. 142. The commercial efficiency of a dynamo-electric machine, like that of any other electric source, is the ratio between the output and the intake, and varies, in different sizes of generators, between, say, 0.5 for a one KW. machine, to 0.98 for a generator of, say, 3,750 KW. In other words, the commercial efficiency of a machine is Out P ut = Intake-Losses^ Intake Intake In order, therefore, to determine the efficiency of a machine, the intake being known, it only remains to de- termine the losses. These are of three kinds ; namely, (1.) Mechanical losses, such air churning, brush fric- tion, and journal friction. (2.) Electrical losses of the type $ r ; namely, losses in the armature winding, and in the field magnet winding ; and losses, due to eddy currents set up in the metal by variations of flux. (3.) Magnetic losses in the iron due to hysteresis. Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New York N. Y. [Entered as second class matter'at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14, 1894.] 138 143. The mechanical losses, as a rule, are readily esti- mated. The loss by air churning is usually small,, and, in large, slowly revolving armatures, may be neg- lected. Indeed, a small expenditure of energy in this direction, is, to a certain extent, advantageous, and is sometimes designedly incurred for the purpose of venti- lating the armature, and, by consequent cooling, increas- ing the possible output. Brush friction is usually a large item of loss in very smill machines, and an insignifi- cantly small item in large machines. Journal friction can be readily estimated by the ordinary rules of me- chanics, when the gravitational and magnetic forces, to- gether with belt pulls, when such exist, are taken into account, together with the size of the shaft and length of bearings. The electrical losses of the type i 2 r, are of three kinds : First, those due to the passage of the armature cur- rent through its resistance, and of the field exciting current through the resistance of the field magnets. Second, those due to the energy expended by waste- ful currents in loops of conducting wire on the armature, when short-circuited by the action of the brushes on the commutator; and, Third, those due to energy expended in the iron of the armature or pole-pieces, or in the copper wire on the armature, in setting up induction currents in them. 145. If the resistance of the armature of a 100 KW. machine be 0.05 ohm, and the E. M. F. of the ma- chine be 500 volts, the current delivered by the machine will be 200 amperes. The electrical loss of energy in 139 the armature will, therefore, be 40,000 x 0.05 = 2,000 watts or 2 KW. 2 per cent, of the output. 146. If the armature core were a solid mass of soft iron, then, from the variations of the magnetic flux produced in this mass during its revolution through the field, E. M. F.'S would be induced in it, which, acting through the very low resistance of so large a mass of metal, would generate powerful and wasteful currents. By laminating the substance of the core, in planes parallel to the magnetic flux, the E. M. F. in each lamina is reduced, and also the available cross-section for the action of the E. M. F. By thus building up the armature core of sheets of thin iron, the eddy current loss is brought down to very small limits. For the same reason the conducting wire on the surface of the armature, when of comparatively large size, needs also to be lami- nated by stranding. It is not usually necessary to insu- late the separate strands from each other, as the E. M. F. in any particular cross-section of the wire is so small that the superficial layer of oxide of copper will inter- pose an effectual barrier to the passage of eddy currents. When the conductors are buried below the surface of the armature, as in grooved or toothed armatures, lami- nation of the conductor is not necessary, since the flux is almost entirely carried by the iron on one side or other of the conductor, and the transition is effected without cutting the substance of the conductor. 147. The third source of loss in the generator is purely magnetic, and is termed loss by hysteresis. Hysteresis, meaning a lagging behind, is the lagging of the magnetism in a magnetic metal behind the_niagiietiz- 140 ing flux which produces it. Thus, on the reversal of the magnetizing flux exerted on a piece of iron, the zero of magnetism is reached at an instant of time sensibly later than the zero of magnetizing flux. This entails an ex- penditure of energy in the iron which takes the form of heat. 148. If an electric current be sent through a con- ducting loop, magnetic flux is produced through the loop, and, during the time the current strength is rising to its full value the rate at which flux is entering the loop will induce around the loop an E. M. F. of the type e volts. This E. M. F. is oppositely directed to the current i, which establishes it, and con- sequently the current does work upon the E. M. F. with an activity of e i watts. This energy is stored away in the air and the ether, as magnetic energy of the type /ng ergs per cubic centimetre. On withdrawing the cur- 8 7T rent and emptying the loop of flux, which occurs during the time the current is waning, an opposite E. M. F. is produced, aiding the current, doing work on the current and restoring the energy from the magnetic flux into the circuit. This interchange of energy from the circuit to the ether surrounding it, and thence back to the circuit is, so far as is known, apart from electro- magnetic radiation unaccompanied by loss of energy. If, however, a bar of iron, or other magnetic material, be introduced into the loop, then the magnetizing flux due to the current passing through the loop, produces, as before, a magnetic flux through the loop, but this mag- netizing flux acting on the iron, produces by the align- ment of its molecules a powerful M. M. F. and flux in its 141 own direction. As before, the prime flux produces a counter-electromotive force, 0, in the loop absorbing energy of the type e i, joules per second. The flux passing through the iron and loop also produces a more powerful E. M. F., E) volts, absorbing energy from the current at the rate E i, watts. This energy is stored in the magnetic circuit of the iron. The total counter- electromotive force produced will be E + 0, volts, and the work expended rT I (E -\~ e) i dt joules. gausses to (B = 5,000 gausses, the range of reversal will be 10,000 gausses. If now the range be doubled, or increased to 20 kilogausses, the energy expended in the iron per cycle will be approximately trebled. The en- ergy expended in a cubic centimetre of iron undergoing periodical reversals of magnetism is approximately ex- pressed by the equation W = /? (B 1 - 6 ergs per c. c., where r h is a coefficient which varies from 0.002 for very soft iron to 0.080 in the hardest steels. When, therefore, the core of an armature of soft iron having a total volume of, say, 8,000 c. c. makes 12 re- volutions per second in a bipolar flux from (B = -|- 5,000 to 5,000 gausses, it will undergo one complete cycle or double reversal for each revolution. Consequently the expenditure of energy in the core by hysteresis, per 144: revolution of the armature, will be 0.002 X SjOOO 1 - 6 = 0.002 X 828,600 = 1,657 ergs per c. c.; or 8,000 X 1,657 = 13,256,000 ergs 1.3256 joules per revolution, and at 12 revolutions per second a total hysteretic activity in the armature of 15.907 joules per second = 15.907 watts. For this reason the intensity in the armature is preferably kept much below saturation, in order to avoid the rapid increase in hysteretic loss at high densities ac- cording to the above rule. 152. If the three classes of loss of energy in a gene- rator be summed, their total subtracted from the intake, is equal to the output, and this divided by the intake gives the commercial efficiency of the machine. SYLLABUS. The losses in a dynamo-electric machine are three ; namely, mechanical, electrical and magnetic. By hysteresis is meant the lagging of the magnetiza- tion behind the magnetizing force. The loss of energy in a magnetic metal undergoing re- versals increases approximately as the 1.6th power of the limiting flux density. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. 1 WEEKLY. No. 19. OCTOBER 20, 1894. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, BY Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED THE DYNAMO 153. The limitations to the output of a dynamo are of three kinds ; namely, limitations by excessive drop or fall of pressure in the armature ; limitations by excessive heatin g; and, limitations by excessive sparking. When a powerful current passes through the armature of a generator, the fall of pressure, or drop in the re- sistance of the machine, may be so great that the limit- ing E. M. F. developed by the machine may not be capable of supplying at its terminals, the pressure required to operate the external circuit. This limitation exists only in the case of small machines ; for, provided that their normal E. M. F. has been correctly apportioned, large machines find their limitations in other directions. Limitations due to excessive heating are reached when the temperature of the machine acquires a certain limit- ing or critical value. The heat is chiefly developed in the armature, where friction, hysteresis, eddy currents Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New Vork N. Y. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14, 1894.] 146 and resistance losses, that is, I 2 7?, losses in the winding, due to the load current, are all active. ^ . 154. In all properly drawn contracts for installing generators, the specifications require a certain limiting temperature elevation, which the machine shall not exceed after a certain duration of continuous, full load. The object of this limitation is mainly to prevent such a rise of temperature, on any part of the machine, as may endanger the insulation of its winding. Cotton begins to char, or undergoes slow thermolysis, at a temperature slightly above the boiling point of water. It would, therefore, be theoretically safe to operate a generator at continuous full load with the copper wire at 100 C. Taking 25 C. as the normal temperature of the external air, this would represent a temperature elevation of 75 C. Supposing the limiting current of a generator were adopted so as to produce, after continuous full load run, a temperature elevation of 75 C. in the factory in cases where the dynamo happened to operate in a hotter room, say, at 40 C., the same full load current would, probably, raise its tempera- ture tP 115 C., and an overload under such circum- stances of, say, 10 per cent, might raise it to 125 C. It is evident, therefore, that a due regard to the safety of the insulation of a dynamo requires that the tempera- ture elevation should be considerably less than 75 C. The temperature elevation frequently met in conserva- tive specifications is 40 C. ; in special cases where the generator has to work in a hot room, as low as 30 C. 155. The heat developed in the armature of a gene- rator is dissipated by conduction, radiation and convection. The usual allowance of free surface in 14T armatures is 0.15 watt per square centimetre, but when the armature is specially ventilated, so that air passes through its substance as well as over its surface, this may be increased to as much as 0.45 watt per square centi- metre. 156. Sparking at the brushes is in all cases the result of inductance. That is to say, to the effect of an E. M. F. produced in that coil or section of winding which is leaving contact, through its commutator seg- A c EUc.Engineer FIG. 60. FIG. 61. Commutation of segments on the Voltaic circuit made up of single-volt Gramme -ring armature. cells. Analogous to dynamo armature Brushes at A A', 15 volts ; BB', 13 volts; C c', ii volts. ment, with the brush. If, as is represented in Fig. 60, the brush H, be in contact with the commutator bar , the current 2 /, flowing through the brush, will be made up of two currents each equal to ./, flowing through the adjacent coils, as represented by the arrows. If the arma- ture revolves counter-clockwise, as shown by the arrow, then the relative motion of the brush is clockwise, or in the opposite direction. If the width of the brush be w cms., and the width of the gap between the adjacent bars be g 148 cms., then the distance through which short-circuit will be maintained between two bars will be w g cms. If a be the radius of the commutator, its circumference will be 2 TT 0, and the time occupied in the transfer of the brush from any bar to the next will be s- seconds. 2 ii n a It is evident, therefore, that the current in the winding section, H, must be stopped and reversed in this fraction of time if there is to be no E. 11. r. between J and H, when H is transferred to , is reduced by 149 increasing the number of bars in the commutator. In- creasing this number up to a certain limit diminishes the E. M. F., or sectional E. M. F.. and, therefore, diminishes the tendency to spark. On the other hand, after a cer- tain limit is readied, the cost of construction and connec- tion of the commutator increases rapidly with the number of bars. In order to supply the E. M. F. neces- sary to comply with the relations indicated, and to reverse the current in the short-circuited segment, it is usual to PIG. 62. give the brushes a lead, that is to say, to move them for- ward in the direction in which the commutator is rotat- ing. The lead has to be increased as the load increases, By this means the coil under commutation is brought within a portion of the flux from the field magnets whose variation through the coil supplies the E. M. F. re- quired to reverse the current during the period of short- circuiting. Two consequences follow a lead of the brushes : 150 First, the reduction of the E. M. r. of the armature owing to the position and consequent neutralization of some of the $. M. F. generated, as shown in Fig. 01. Second, a tendency to oppose and neutralize the con- trolling flux through the field magnets at the pole corner nearest the brush, as shown in Fig. 62. In this figure the normal condition of the flux through the pole-pieces of the armature of a four-pole generator is shown at the quadrant A, when no current flows through the armature, the direction of rotation being indicated by the large arrow. At the quadrant, B, the figure represents, diagrammatically, the flux set up by the M. M. F. of the armature winding, in the quadrant under A, when no current flows through the same. This M. M. F. increases with the load. At the quadrant c, the effect of combining or super- posing these two conditions is similarly represented, and indicates the consequences of what is called armature reaction in the generator under load. It will be seen that the flux is crowded together, i.e., its intensity is in- creased at the edge of the pole edge 6, and diminished under the edge 5. 158. The magnitude of the armature M. M. F. will be 1.25T / N gilberts, where JT is the number of conductors covered by a pole-face, and 7, the current in the winding, and this will be almost entirely distributed in the two air-gaps, 3 and 4, or 5 and 6, since the path through the iron of the pole-pieces and armature is com- paratively short. The difference of maximum difference of magnetic potential across each of these air-gaps will be - _ gilberts ; and, if the entrefer or length of 151 path between the iron and iron, be f cms., the maximum possible flux density, due to this difference of magnetic 1 257 I N potential will be - gausses. This intensity is opposed to the controlling intensity in the entwefer from the field magnets at the edge 5, and added to it at the edge 6. When this armature intensity is equal to the intensity from the field magnets, they will neutralize and leave no intensity at the edge 5, while the intensity under the edge 6, will be doubled. When the neutrali- Elec.Engineer ' FIG. 63. Section of one Quadrant of a 4-pole Generator with Tooth-cored Armature. zatioii is effected, no amount of lead can be of any ser- vice in checking sparking, since the flux whose variation should induce a controlling E. M. r. in the short-circuited segment, lias been removed. The load current which, in the case of smooth-cored armatures, can be sustained without sparking, is, therefore, less than that which makes p equal to the intensity in the gap, when no cur- 2 / rent flows through the armature, and, in practice, only about half this limiting current strength can be allowed. 152 159. In the case of toothed core armatures, such as shown diagrammatically in one quadrant by Fig. 63, the same general results occur, but if the cross-sec- tion of the teeth be properly designed, they will suffice to carry a normal intensity as at A, in Fig. 62, without saturation of the iron, although the intensity in them under this action may be high. When, however, owing to the effect of the M. M. F. in the armature, a crowding of the flux takes place towards the edge, A, this tendency to increase the intensity saturates the iron, and enor- mously increases its reluctivity in the teeth, thereby in- terposing a barrier to the distortion of the flux, and bringing about a more uniform distribution with less reduction of flux at the corner B. For this reason toothed-core armatures can be made to sustain greater loads than prescribed by the sparking limitations of smooth-core armatures. SYLLABUS. The limitations of a dynamo arise from the drop in its armature, from excessive heating, or from excessive sparking. The limitation of temperature in the armature of a dynamo is imposed in order to prevent the possibility of endangering the insulation of the armature by excessive heating. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. No. 20. : OCTOBEB 87, 1894. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, BY Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED GRADE. The Regulation of the Dynamo. 160. In all cases where more than a single receptive device is actuated bj a generator, some means are necessary to accommodate, automatically, the output of the machine to changes in the load. If the recep- tive devices are connected to the circuit in series, and are operated by a constant current, it is necessary to in- crease the E. M. F. of the generator in proportion to the number of devices thrown into the circuit. Such are series-arc-light generators (see Fig. 64). If the devices are connected in parallel, and are operated by constant current, the voltage at each device must be maintained uniform, and the current and pressure of the machine varied to suit this requirement. Most continuous cur- rent incandescent generators, are of this type (see Fig. 65). 161. When a series-arc-light generator is running at a constant speed, and with a fixed number of turns on its armature, the E. M. F. developed by the ma- chine can only be varied either by altering the quantity of Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203~Broadway, New York, N. Y. l[Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, Tune 14, 1894.] 154 flux passing through the armature, or by varying the posi- tion of the brushes on the commutator. Fig. 61 indicates how the E. M. F. of a generator can be varied by chang- ing the lead of the brushes ; except that, whereas, in the voltaic analogue represented, the coils are indicated as having the same E. M. F., the coils on the armature of the generator have, in reality, different E. M. F.'S existing on opposite sides in pairs. 162. In most arc-light dynamos, the field magnets are connected in series with the armature which supplies a practically constant current, and, therefore, 4- SUPPLY MAIN -I- SUPPLY MAIN Elec. Engineer' FIG. 64. Series-wound generator. SUPPLY MAIN Elec.Engiv FIG. 65. Shunt-wound generator. the M. M. F. in the main magnetic circuit is practically constant, and the entire variation of E. M. F., say, from 50 to 3,000 volts, is provided for by varying the posi- tion of the brushes on the diameter of commutation from the diameter of minimum E. M. F. to the diameter of maximum E. M. F. The machines are so designed that the M. M. F. from the armature winding is sufti- C5 ciently powerful to neutralize, by the flux it produces, the field flux through that portion of the air-gap and armature-surface in which the coils undergoing com- 155 mutation are situated, in the manner already described in Section 156, so that the commutation is practically sparkless in all positions of the brushes within regulat- ing limits. If this balance between armature and field M. M. F.'S and flux, were not maintained throughout this range, violent sparking would occur, especially as arc light machines reach such high pressures, and the num- ber of volts per bar in the commutator is large. 163. "When a generator running at a constant speed has to supply a varying current under an E. M. F. which is automatically maintained constant, either at its own terminals, or at the terminals of delivery, a com- paratively large range of current variation has to be provided for, with a definite but much smaller range of E. M. F. variation. Thus a 100 KW. generator, intended to supply 125 volts at its terminals, must automatically maintain a pressure of 125 volts practically constant under all conditions of load, from no current to 800 am- peres, the E. M. F. which the machine must generate being in one case 125 volts, and in the other, say, 130. This variation of E. M. F. of five volts must accompany the increase in output in due proportion. In such cases the variation of E. M. F. is obtained, not by changing the position of the brushes on the commutator, but by changing the M. M. F. of the field magnets. 164. If the magnetic circuits of a dynamo, including the leakage- or air-paths, be considered as analog- ous to a corresponding system of voltaic circuits, as re- presented, for example, in Figs. 35, 42, 43 and 44, each branch reluctance in the system has a value of the type - (a -\- b JC), where , is the virtual or real length of the 156 branch in cms.; s, its virtual or real cross-section in sq. cms. ; and (a + I 5C) its reluctivity at the prime flux density 3C, which in its turn may be considered as the average magnetic potential difference per cm. of length, through the branch, or, if 37l b , be the total magnetic p. D. between branch terminals - b = mean OC. Under these conditions it can be shown that the flux a , pass- ing through the armature will be d> -= = _ ^ a ~~ (R a ~~ di + bi 9fTl ' so that the apparent reluctance of the magnetic circuit, considered as having no leakage or shunt paths, is a linear function of the M. M. F. in which a^ and 5 1? are con- stants depending for their magnitude upon the qualities of the iron in the dynamo, and on the configuration of the magnetic system. This relation is known as Frolich's law, and is a consequence of the experiment- ally observed fact that the reluctance of any branch is constant for a path through air, and of the form for a path through iron. In computing the reluctance in the magnetic circuit of a dynamo, a slight addition, strictly speaking, is necessary on account of the reluctance of such joints as may exist. It has been found by measurement that the reluctance of a joint between two smooth surfaces of wrought iron is equal to the reluctance of an air-gap varying from 0.0026 to 0.0043 cm. according to the intensity in the iron and other circumstances. The reluctance of a well 157 fitted joint between smooth surfaces of soft iron, may, therefore, be estimated as 0.003 oersted divided by the area of the joint in sq. cms. This reluctance will usually be a negligibly small fraction of the total reluctance of the circuit. The reluctance of a badly fitted joint be- tween soft iron surfaces may however be considerable. 165. When a generator has its load increased from no load to full current load of 7, amperes, the pressure at its terminals under constant M. M. F., diminishes by I R volts, 7?, being the resistance of the generator. If, in addition to this, a lead has to be given to the brushes to maintain sparklessness at the commutator, the E. M. F. of the armature will be diminished by an amount 0, volts, which can be estimated from the distribution of E. M. F. in the coils around the armature, but which is almost im- possible to compute accurately. The lead of the brushes also introduces a certain small counter M. M. F., from the armature acting through the main magnetic circuit of the field coils, thus reducing the main circuit flux and the armature E. M. F. by a certain small amount e i9 volts. The problem in designing an automatic constant poten- tial generator, is, therefore, to cause the increase of cur- rent 7, amperes, which tends to diminish the terminal pressure by the amount (7 R + + i 3ft were known, the change, A 2flt, necessary to introduce in 158 3fft, for the required change in a , would be immediately determined, and this change could be effected by causing the load current /, to make such a number of turns t, around the field magnets in aiding the shunt-winding, as would make 1.257 1 t = A 971. The machine would then be compound- wound and self-regulating; i.e.^ would maintain a constant M. M. F. through a shunt-winding connected to its constant potential terminals, and would develop a M.M. r. through a short stout winding in series with its armature. This auxiliary M. M. F. would be zero, at no load, and at full load, would reach a maxi- mum capable of compensating for the tendency of the E. M. F. to fall. 166. In practical dynamo magnetic circuits, however, owing to the complexity of the means for com- puting the value of the constants a, and b ly it is prefer- able to arrive at the same result by a synthetic process, as follows : Having given a total fall of pressure at ter- minals due to full load under a constant M. M. F., the in- crease over the flux through the armature at no load, necessary to recoup this loss, is immediately determined. The intensity in the armature will, consequently, be in- creased thereby from (B a to, say, & A , and the reluctance of the armature from CR, = A / _* \ to (R A = / __ ^L^ oersteds, ' , = A / _* \ to (R A = A / * a \l b&J' s a \l a and 5, being constants for the quality of the iron in the armature. The constant reluctance (R. K , of the leakage paths, placed in parallel with the armature, is supposed to be known from the type of machine, from previous 159 data, or from direct computation, and the joint reluc- tance of the armature and leakage paths will be (ft, = ^^ oersteds. (R A + (R K The total flux to be supplied through the field coil or coils must, therefore, be and the density in the iron of the field magnets becomes <* = 4, *M so that the reluctance of the field cores will be - l * -~ the total reluctance in the circuit will, therefore, be (R = (RK + CR,, and the M. M. F. required will be 371 M (R. In order to economize the extra M. M. F. required to maintain the pressure of the generator, it is necessary to keep the densities (B A and (B VI , well below the limits of saturation. 167. It is sometimes required to maintain the pres- sure constant, not at the terminals at the gene- rator, but at the terminals of supply, which may be a mile or more distant, and situated at a real or virtual electrical distance r, from the generator, so that the drop in the armature and supply circuit together will be [7 (R -\- y) -f- e + e?J volts. This case falls iiumedi- 160 ately into the preceding treatment by supposing the re- sistance of the armature increased by /, except that the shunt-winding is no longer maintained at uniform ex- citation, but slightly increases in excitation with the load. In order to make up for any deficiencies in design of compound-wound generators so as to permit of over- compounding, resistances called compensating coils are sometimes connected, or left ready to connect, in parallel with the series-winding on the magnets, so as to increase or diminish their effect. SYLLABUS. Automatic regulation in generators is employed in practice to maintain a uniform current under varying E. M. F. or a uniform E. M. F. under varying current. Constant-current generators are usually regulated by shifting the brushes. Constant-potential generators are usually regulated by compound-winding, that is, by automatically varying the flux. Over-compounded generators, are generators whose compound winding is designed to maintain automatically a constant pressure at the terminals of delivery, instead of at the terminals of the generator. Laboratory of Houston & Keimelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELHCTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. No. 21. NOVEMBEK 3, 1894. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED C F? A D E . ELECTRODYNAMICS. 168. Electrodynamics is tliat branch of electromag- netic science which treats of the apparent mutual attractions and repulsions between electric currents, or between electric currents and magnets. The apparent mutual attraction or repulsion between magnets, although frequently classed under electrodynamics more properly belongs to the separate branch of imagnetodynamics. When a conductor, situated in a magnetic flux, has a current passed through it, the conductor tends to move. This tendency to motion is the result of the mutual in- teraction between the flux in which the wire is situated, and the flux produced by the current in the wire. 169. When a wire of length /, cms., Fig. 66, situated in a uniform flux of intensity (B gausses, carries a current of strength i, c. G. s. units, the flux surrounding the wire will no longer be represented by a uniform fleld, but the flux above the wire will be increased in intensity, and the flux below the wire decreased. Under these circum- Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 20 1 Broadway, New York, N. V. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York. N T . Y., Post Office, Tune 14, 162 stances the wire will be forced mechanically towards the side on which the flux is weakest, and, since the difference of intensity above and beneath the wire depends upon the current strength through the wire, the electrodynamic force with which the wire is acted upon will depend upon the current strength. The value of the force ex- erted on the wire will be f = i (B I dynes. It is evident that if in obedience to this force, the wire is moved down- wards through the flux with a velocity v cms. per second, the E. M. F. generated in the wire will be e = v nw, the speed . = = per second, or 266.7 revs, per minute, or an angular velocity of 4.445 X 6.283 = 27.93 radians per second. The torque of the motor at full load will be r- P } CO where P = the mechanical activity of the motor in ergs per second. In this case P = 100,000 watts; and one watt being 10 7 ergs per second, r = = 3.58 X 27.93 10 10 dyne-cms. = 3.58 x 1.0203 X 10 10 = 3.653 X 10 10 milligrammes weight (at Washington) 3.653 X 10 4 kilo- grammes weight, at a radius of one centimetre. If the diameter of. the pulley were 30", and the thick- ness of the belt driven by the pulley f", the effective radius of transmission ISf^" or 46.2 cms., so that the effective pull exerted by the belt = 3 ' 653 t x 1Q4 = Y90.7 kilograinmes=1743 Ibs. weight. 46.2 181. When a continuous-current shunt-motor of re- sistance /, ohms with separately-excited field, and whose armature is ready to move, is connected to a source of constant E. M. F., E, volts, a current will now through the armature of the motor on closing its circuit. The strength of this current will be determined not merely by Ohm's law, that is by the resistance and the E. M. F. in the circuit, but also by the inductance of the circuit, which tends to check the first rush of current. The initial strength of current, will, therefore be, either equal to, or less than /* T The torque set up in the motor by this current will be 1 4> w ^r' and if this torque is sufficient to set the armature in motion against its load, the armature will immediately start, and the c. E. M. F., generated by its motion will reduce the current to some value *, expressed by " r Under the influence of the driving current, the motor will continue to accelerate until the working speed is arrived at, which satisfies both equations of energy and of E. M. F.; for, it is necessary, that: First, the intake is equal to the total work performed, or that e i = speed X torque. This torque includes not only the mechanical torque usefully exerted, but also the f rictional torque due to eddy currents, hysteresis and journal friction. In well designed armatures, employing properly lami- nated and insulated cores, the loss of power in eddy cur- rents, and the torque exerted against their elect rodynamic force, are comparatively small. The torque exerted against journal and brush frictions may be approximately deter- mined, when the motor is disconnected from its circuit, by ascertaining the smallest weight which suspended by a cord over the pulley, will maintain the armature in motion. This weight in pounds, multiplied by the effec- tive radius of the pulley, gives the observed frictiorial torque in pounds-feet. A torque of 1 pound-foot = 13,825 gramme-cms. = 13,550,000 dyne-cms. (Washington.) As soon as the field magnets of the motor are sepa- rately excited, the torque resisting motion, observed in this way, will be found to have considerably increased. If v, be the volume of iron in the armature core in cubic centimetres and 37, its hysteresis coefficient, (Sec. 151), (&, its maximum intensity, p, the number of field magnet poles, the energy expended in hysteresis per revolution of the armature will be approximately -JL-L -- ergs, 2 and the torque due to hysteresis corresponding to this expenditure of work will be - dyne-cms. Thus, 4: It 175 an armature of a 4-pole machine (generator or motor) containing 120,000 c.c. of soft iron of which the hyster- esis coefficient is 0.002, magnetizing the armature at full load to a density of 10 kilogausses in each direction, would exert a hysteresis torque resisting motion, of 180,000 X4X 0.008X10,000" = mg x 10 , dylMMang . 12.5 1 = 14.15 lbs.-feet. 182. Second, the pressure at the terminals must be equal to the c. E. M. F. plus the drop in the arma- ture; or, that^= e-\- ir. The speed and current, there- fore, co-operate to satisfy these two conditions, and these will determine the normal condition of operation in the motor for constant excitation, constant pressure, and constant load, the total activity absorbed by the armature being E i^ watts. If now, the load on the motor, i.e., the mechanical torque, be increased, the speed will diminish and witli it the o. E. M. F. until the current strength in- creases to a value, which satisfies both the energy and pressure equations. The speed at which the motor runs is, in conformity with these conditions, always expressed by the formula revs, per second. - w W w* The first term gives the speed at which the armature would run if it had no drop, and the second term gives the rein eta nee due to drop. ^y^-^^j-JLU-^ff^ 183. It is evident, therefore, that when a motor is prevented from moving by excessive torque, it can perform no useful work, because its c. E. M. F. would be zero. On the other hand, if all torque could be re- 1Y6 moved from the machine its speed would be a maximum, because the current it would take would be zero, the maximum activity of the motor existing midway between these two conditions ; namely, when its counter E. M. F. is half that of the pressure at terminals or equal to the drop. This would be represented by a commercial effi- ciency of less than 0.5. In practice, however, the activ- ity of all motors of any considerable size must be considerably greater than 0.5, for the reason that if they were to expend internally half the energy they receive, they would become violently overheated. SYLLABUS. In all continuous current dynamo-electric machines, whether dynamos or motors, E. M. r/s and electrodyna- mic forces are developed. In dynamos there isacounter- electrodynamic force and a direct E. M. F. In motors there is a counter E. M. F. and a direct electrodynamic force. Dynamos and motors are reversible machines when the lield magnets are capable of seif-excitation. In dy- namos the E. M. F. is greater than the pressure at the ter- minals, and in motors, the c. E. M. F. is less than the pressure at the terminals, by the amount of the drop in the machine. The controlling factors in the activity of motors are the torque and the speed. A torque of one pound-foot is 0.13825 kgm.-metre, or 13.55 megadyne-cms. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. No. 23. NOVEMB.E IT, 1894. g*^^ Cent*. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED GRADE. THK ELKCTRIC MOTOR (CONTINUOUS CURRENT TYPE.) 184. When a motor, connected to constant potential mains, is loaded witli a constant torque, there are three possible ways of varying its speed ; viz., (1.) By shifting the brushes on the commutator, thus altering the amount of c. E. M. F. available in the motor circuit. (2.) By inserting a resistance in the armature circuit, thus producing a drop of pressure in the circuit of the motor, and thereby lowering the pressure at its ter- minals. (3.) By varying the M. M. r. of the field magnets of the motor, so as to induce a varying c. E. M. F. in the armature, forcing it to alter its speed in order to main- tain a constant c. E. M. F. 185. The method of varying the speed of a motor by shifting its brushes is not practically employed ; since, unless efficiency be intentionally sacrificed in the design of the motor, for the purpose of permitting such Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 901 Broadway, New York, N. Y. [.Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y M Post Office, Juo 14, 1894.] 1Y8 shifting, violent sparking would be produced at the brushes. The method of inserting a resistance in the armature circuit is frequently adopted, especially with small motors. It is, however, a wasteful process. We have seen that the torque exerted by a motor is cm.-dynes, (including torque against friction) so 2 7t that, the torque remaining constant, the value of the driving current is determined. If now, the speed re- quired of the motor is such that the c. E. M. F. (0 n w) is small, the difference between this c. E. M. F., and the pressure in the mains must be made up of drop in re- sistance i r, and this drop, when considerable, will have to be almost entirely produced in external resist- ance. Calling this drop 9, being a test of a series-wound H. p. motor, and Fig. JO 183 a corresponding test of a shunt-wound machine of the same make and power. The characteristic properties of shunt and series-winding, in regard to speed and effici- ency, are clearly shown. The loss of energy taking place at all activities up to full load is shown, for the Held as magnetizing energy (*' 2 /'), for the armature as drop (i 2 r) and for friction of eddy-current, hysteretic 100 WATTS. INTAKE FIG. 80 Curves showing Expenditure of Power in a Half-Horse-Power, Shunt-Wound Motor wound for 500 volts. and mechanical types combined. Thus, at an output of 850 watts, the shunt motor is seen to have absorbed 640 watts, of which 82 were expended in magnetizing the field, 50 in heating the armature, and the remaining 158 in frictions, representing a commercial efficiency of 54.0 per cent.; while, at the same output with the series ma- chine, the intake was 620 watts, with 57 in the field 184 magnets, 70 in the armature, and the remainder of 143 in frictions, representing a commercial efficiency of 56.4 per cent. The speed of the series machine drops from 38.5 revolutions per second at no load, to 21 revolutions per second at full load, while the speed of the shunt machine drops from 29.2 revolutions per second at no load, to 25 at full load. The series machine is somewhat cheaper to construct, since its field magnets are wound with a few turns of coarse wire instead of many turns of finer and more expensive wire, but the regulation in speed of the shunt motor is much closer. SYLLABUS. The regulation of speed in a motor under constant torque, connected to constant potential mains may be obtained either by inserting resistance in the armature circuit, or by altering the M. M. F. of the tield magnets. This variation of speed is practically limited in range, and constitutes the principal disadvantage of the electric motor. The uniform regulation of speed in a motor under variable torque, when connected to constant potential mains, is readily obtained either by shunt winding, or still more closely, by compound winding. The regulation in speed in a motor under variable tor- que, when a wide range of speed and torque have to be maintained, is accomplished by the insertion of resist- ance in the armature circuit and by varying the M. M. F. of the n'eld magnets, whiclr are usually series-wound. Dynamo-electric machines have, other things being equal, a greater output when employed as generators than as motors. Laboratory of 'Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. Nn 94 "NViv^MRTTR 94- 18Q4- Price, - 10 Cents. S J4, 1 M. Subscription, $3.00. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED GRADE. ELECTRIC MOTOR, (CONTINUOUS CURRENT TYPE.) 194. Motor armatures, like dynamo armatures, are either smooth-cored or toothed-cored. The toothed-cored armature was one of the earliest forms devised. Latterly, however, owing to its mechanical and electrical ad vantages, the toothed-cored armature has again come into almost universal favor. In a smooth-cored armature the electrodynamic force is mainly exerted upon the wires on its surface and, therefore, unless these wires are very carefully bound and secured, they are liable to be dislodged. In the toothed-cored armature, not only are the wires more completely protected from injury and in a position more favorable to complete in- sulation, but the electrodynamic force is no longer ex- erted upon the substance of the copper, but on the mass of the iron in the teeth. The M. M. F. of the current in the wires, affects the distribution of flux from the M. M. F. of the field magnets through the armature core, and produces a distortion of flux density which serves to Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New York, N. Y. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14, 1894.] 186 rotate the armature according to the law of tractive force, ( dynes per sq. cm.) as already explained. \8 7T / Moreover, eddy currents are avoided in the substance of the conductor; for the flux no longer penetrates the wires themselves, but is deflected by the surrounding iron either to one side or to the other. This effect does not alter the E. M. F. produced in such imbedded wires, since the rate of linking flux with them remains equally effective ; and, although the electrodynamic force set up by currents in the wires changes its point of application, yet its amount is unaltered. 195. The effect of armature reaction, in a motor, is the same as in a dynamo, except that its relative direction is reversed ; that is to say, the polar edge which is weakened is the trailing pole, or the pole that is left, and the pole which is strengthened, is the leading pole or the pole that is approached. This is evidently owing to the fact that, other things being equal, the current in the armature is in the reverse direction to that produced when it is operating as a dynamo, and, consequently, the direction of the armature M. M. F. is reversed. Since the rotation of a motor is produced by electro- dynamic force, the leading pole requires to have its flux density strengthened by armature reaction, and the fol- lowing, or trailing pole, must be correspondingly weak- (B 2 ened. That is to say, the distribution of - , is such as 8 7T to increase at the leading polar edge, in accordance with the principles described in Section 116, so that the arma- ture is pulled around in the direction of the denser flux. In a generator, however, the armature has to be moved by mechanical force away from the denser flux, at the (B 2 strengthened pole-piece where the distribution of is greater, and, therefore, the trailing polar edge is strengthened by armature reaction. Consequently, the fact that the direction of both armature reaction and armature M. M. F. must be opposite in a motor to that which exists in a dynamo, is the fundamental law under- lying all considerations of direction of relative rotation in motors and generators. 196. As a consequence of the preceding fundamental law, it will be seen, that in order to preserve the same direction of rotation of the armature as a motor that it possesses as a generator, the direction of current through the armature must be reversed, unless the direc- tion of the current in the field magnets is also reversed. That is to say, the relative direction of M. M. r. between field magnets and armature must be reversed. (1.) Shunt-wound machines will preserve their direc- tion of rotation as motors, either when the current through them retains the same direction, or when the E. M. F. at their terminals retains the same direction, as in their condition as generators. (2.) Series- wound machines will reverse their direction of rotation as motors, either when the current through them retains the same direction, or when the E. M. F. at their terminals retains the same direction, as in their condition as generators. (3.) In order to reverse the direction of rotation of a motor it is necessary to change the M. M. F. in either field or armature ; i.e., to reverse the direction of either the field or armature. Merely reversing the direction of pres- 188 sure at the motor terminals ; or, what is the same thing, re- versing the direction of current through the entire motor, DIRECTION OF TERMINAL CURRENT PRESERVEI DIRECTION OF TERMINAL E. M. r. PRESERVED GENERATORS Elec.Engin.eer FIG. 71. Showing Relative Direction of Rotation in Generators and Motors. does not change its direction of rotation unless the ma- chine be separately-excited. These relations are indi- 189 cated diagram matically in Fig. 71, where the uppermost row of machines are separately excited, the middle row are shunt-wound, and the lowest row series-wound. The large arrows point out the directions of M. M. F. in field and armature, and the curved arrows the direction of armature rotation. It is evident that in order to retain as a motor the direction of rotation possessed as a dyna- mo, a relative reversal of M. M. F.'S in field and armature must be effected. 197. When a motor is connected with an E. M. F., current flows through the motor, and electrody- namic force is set up, as we have seen, between the armature and field fluxes. Under the action of this force, the motor accelerates until its c. E. M. F. is suffi- cient to limit the current strength it receives to the amount required for the performance of the total work expended in and by the motor at the speed which it must main- tain to develop that c. E. M. F. When, however, two motors are connected in series, they will tend to accele- rate, until, by their united c. E. M. F.'S, the current they receive is limited to the total work they absorb; but since by varying their relative speeds the same amount of c. E. M. F., and the same amount of work, may be distributed between them in an indefinitely great num- ber of ways, it is clear that their relative speeds will be indeterminate. For, as an example of such instability, consider two similar, separately-excited motors A and B, to be connected in series, and each loaded by indepen- dent, equal and uniform torques, such as by weights sus- pended over their pulleys. Then, for a given current strength passing through the armatures, by symmetry, the two motors will run at equal speeds, dividing the 190 total voltage equally between them, and exerting equal activities. But any slight accidental increase in the tor- que imposed on one motor, say A, instead of automatically causing an increased current strength from the mains to overcome the extra load, might be met by the absolute stoppage of A, with a doubled speed on the part of its neighbor B. The same current strength would continue to flow through the armatures, but one motor would do all the work and generate the entire c. E. M. F. 198. For the same reason, motors which are oper- ated in series arc circuits, are difficult to con- trol in speed unless their torque increases with the speed, as in the case of fan motors, or unless some speed governing mechanism is employed to vary the torque in relation to the speed. Few motors of any con- siderable size are, therefore, operated upon series circuits. It is often necessary in practice to reverse the direction of a motor. For this purpose it is only necessary to re- verse the M. M. F. either of the field or of the armature. It is customary in such cases to reverse the connections of the armature. Care lias to be taken, however, not to apply too powerful an F,. M. F. at the brushes, immedi- ately after such reversal ; for, the c. E. M. F. of the arma- ture, which will be still revolving by its momentum in the original direction, will now be an E. M. F. in the same direction as the driving current, and will, therefore, aid in producing a very powerful current through the armature, which may act as a short circuit on the mains. 199. Whatever may be the importance of small weight in the case of stationary electric motors, there can be no doubt that, in the case of electric loco- 191 motors, it is desirable to reduce their weight for a given output as much as possible. For a given output the torque required may vary within wide limits, and is in- versely as the maximum speed the motor has to main- tain. When a motor can produce a given output, it is evident that any torque can be theoretically obtained from it by sufficiently increasing or reducing the speed of rota- tion through the necessary gearing. In practice, however, such gearing is frequently objectionable from the fric- tion, noise and wearing introduced by it. Thus, street- car motors as first employed, reduced their speed of rotation by double gearing from 12 to 25 times, accord- ing to the type and power of motor employed. They now usually reduce their speed by single gearing from four to five times, requiring, however, a slower armature speed and a greater corresponding torque for the same output ; or, in other words, a more powerful motor. By employing cast steel, multipolar, field magnets, and by economy in weight, street car motors are built which de- velop at their armature shafts a torque of 133,000 dyne- cms., per ampere, per kilogramme, that is 0.00448 or 212-5 pound-foot, per ampere, per pound of total motor weight, not including the weight of gearing ; so that at this rate, a 500-volt motor weighing 223 pounds, and supplied with one ampere, would exert a torque of one pound-foot. A 500-volt stationary motor of about the same size (15 H. p.) usually exerts a torque at its arma- ture shaft, of about 0.001 to 0.0015 pound-foot per am- pere, per pound of weight, so that street-car motors are usually about four times more powerful than stationary motors in reference to their weight. > Of UNIVERSITY 192 SYLLABUS. In smooth-cored armatures, the electrodynamic force is largely exerted upon the substance of the conductors wound upon its surface, but in toothed-cored armatures, the armature is sheltered from both eddy currents and from electrodynamic force by the surrounding iron. In a generator, the leading polar edge is weakened, while in a motor it is strengthened by armature M. M. F. and reaction ; consequently, the M. M. r. in a motor arma ture must, for the same direction of rotation be reversed in direction to that which existed in a generator. Motors operated in series, are unstable in speed unless their torques are either maintained in uniformity, or in- creased at a greater ratio than their speeds. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. No. 25. DECEMBEK 1, 1894. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED CRADE. ELKCTRIC HBATINQ. 200. When an electric current of strength i, ex- pressed in c. G. s. units, passes steadily through a resistance of r c. G. s. units, a c. E. M. r. of e = i r c. G. s. units is developed in the resistance, while energy is ex- pended by the current against this c. E. M. F., at the rate of e i = i 2 r ergs per second, and appears in the resistance as heat. Transformed into practical units, a current of i amperes, passing steadily through a resistance of r ohms, develops a c. E. M. r. of i r volts, and does work at the rate of one joule per second (10 megergs), or with an activity of one watt, as heat in the resistance. 201. The scientific unit of heat generally employed is the amount of heat required to raise the tem- perature of a gramme of water from 3 to 4 C. This unit is indifferently called the lesser calorie, the therm, the gramme-calorie, or the water-gramme-degrce-centi- grade. Since the calorie is not a c. G. s. unit, it is more con- Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 303 Broadway, New York, N. Y. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14, 1894.] 194 venient, in electrical engineering, to employ as the prac- tteal unit of heat, its mechanical equivalent ; namely, the joule, or 10 megergs. The joule is equivalent to 0.23D therifi ; or, in other words, 4.18 joules approximately are required to be expended in heat to raise the temperature of one gramme of water one degree C. (One British Thermal Unit, or B. T. u., that is, 1 pound of water raised from 68 to 69 F., requires an expenditure of 1053 joules, so that, roughly, 1 B. T. u. = 1 kilojoule). Heat produced in resistance by electrical currents is either purposely developed, as in electric heaters or elec- tric furnaces, or incidentally and unavoidably developed, as in dynamo machinery and wires conveying currents. 202. The flow of heat through a conductor follows the same law as that which determines the flow of electricity through a conductor, i. e., Ohm's law. If 6, be the difference of temperature in degrees Centigrade, between two parallel plane surfaces of the conductor, and xS r , the thermal resistance of this portion of the con- ductor, then H, the strength of the thermal current, in joules per second, will be $, is determined as follows ; viz., if y, be the thermal re- sistivity, Z, the length of the conductor in cms., and , its cross-sectional area in square centimetres, then #=*-. a The thermal resistivity of a substance is the reciprocal of its thermal conductivity, and may be defined as being equal to the reciprocal of the amount of heat, expressed 195 in joules, which will traverse a cube of the material one cin. in length of edge, in one second of time, with 1 C. difference of temperature between two opposed faces. Thus, if a wire had a resistance when heated to 100 C. of 1.41 ohms, and was enclosed in a cubical box whose internal edge was 10 cms. in length, with walls composed of felt and 1 cm. thick, the external surface being zinc lined, and maintained by immersion in water, at a temperature of 20 C., then if the wire were so disposed within the interior that its temperature was immediately communicated to the internal surface of the walls, these would each have a cross-section of 100 sq. cms. and a difference of temperature of 80 C. between the inner and outer surfaces. The thermal re- sistivity of felt, expressed in c. o. s. units, according to the above notation is about 2750, so that the resistance 1 V 2750 of each wall Avould be - : = 27.5, and since the 1UO box has six walls, the total thermal resistance would be ^2. = 4.583. The flow of heat would, therefore, be 80 = 17.46 joules, and the current strength which 4.583 would have to be sent through the wire to maintain its temperature, with that of the interior walls, at 100 C., would be 1.41 X i 2 17.46, or i = 3.52 amperes. The preceding relations form the basis for determining the amount of energy required to be expended in obtain- ing a fixed temperature in a closed electric stove of given dimensions and material, after due allowance has been made for the thermal capacity of the contents ; i.e., of the amount of heat required to be expended in such 196 contents in order to raise them initially to the required temperature. 203. The following is a list of thermal resistivities for a few substances. These values can only be regarded as approximations. Comparatively few obser- vations have been made, and the thermal resistivity of a substance, like its electric resistivity, varies both with its physical condition and with its temperature. Like electric resistivities, it would seem that good thermal conductors conduct better, and good thermal insulators insulate better at low temperatures. THERMAL RESISTIVITIES IN JOULEAN UNITS. THERMAL CONDUCTORS. Silver 0.17 Copper 0.225 Zinc 0.81 Brass 0.83 Iron 1.52 Lead 1.95 German Silver 2.29 THERMAL INSULATORS. Stone 50 Chalk. . 100 Glass ..................... 100 Sand ..................... 300 Gutta-percha ............. 500 Caoutchouc .............. 600 Clay ..................... 800 Sawdust .................. 2000 Wool ...... - .............. 2100 Paper ................... 2200 Vulcanized Indiarubber. ... 2700 Felt. 2750 204. In general, heat developed in a conductor by the passage of an electric current is dissipated by conduction, radiation and convection. The conduction losses, as we have seen, depend both upon the dimen- sions and thermal resistivity of the conducting substance, and the difference of temperature at opposing surfaces. The loss of heat by radiation follows less simple laws, and the loss of heat by convection is still more complex. 197 205. Radiant heat is believed to be a purely electro- magnetic phenomenon, and its laws are not yet accurately known. The rule commonly employed in com- puting the amount of radiation from a hot body is an empirical rule determined by Dulong and Petit from a large number of practical observations : The loss by radiation is proportional to the surface of the heated body, to the nature of the surfaces of surrounding bodies, arid is in geometrical proportion to the absolute tempera- ture of the surfaces. The loss of heat from a body by convection depends upon the temperature of the surface of the body, the nature, and density of the surrounding medium, the normal amount of motion in the medium (for instance, wind in the case of air) and the form of the body, with the friction which its surface offers to the motion of the medium. The result is a complex thermodynamical and hydrodynamical problem which has only been reduced to quantitative results in a very few cases. 206. Although radiation from the surface of the hot wire takes place in geometrical proportion to its temperature elevation, yet it is usually sufficient, within the range of ordinary temperatures, to take a mean value of the radiation in direct proportion to the rise of temperature. One sq. cm. of bright copper radiates 0.0006 watt per C temp, elevation (approximately). One sq. cm. of blackened copper radiates 0.001 i watt per C temp, elevation (approximately). For practical purposes the convective loss of heat from a wire supported horizontally in still air, may be taken as independent of the diameter, and as equal to 198 0.00175 watt per linear cm. of the wire per C. of temp, elevation (0.0533 watt per foot). In moving air, as for example, in ordinary weather out of doors, the convec- tive loss is usually many times greater. 20Y. The temperature elevation of a wire, for a given current strength, depends upon its resistivity, diameter, covering and environment. A bare wire is best cooled by supporting it on insulators in the open air, where any breeze or other motion of the air that may exist, will carry off its heat convectively. A covering of, say, cotton, rubber, or other electric non- conductor will, up to a certain thickness, serve to cool the wire by increasing its surface, even although the thermal resistivity of such materials is very high. A buried, insulated w r ire is usually kept much cooler, by conduction through the substance of the soil, than the same wire suspended in quiescent air; while an insulated wire, submerged in water, is maintained still cooler, by reason of rapid convection of heat through the water together with its large thermal capacity. The following table gives the diameter of copper wire, required to carry the various current strengths, with an elevation of 20 0. in temperature, as deduced from actual measurements of the heating of wire under different conditions. If the normal temperature of a wire be 30 C., the continued passage of the tabulated current strength will cause the wire to approximately attain the temperature of 50^ C., which will enable the wire to be held in the hand without pain, and such a temperature may be considered as a safe limiting temperature. Fire insurance rules both in the United States and in Great Britain require a lower temperature 109 elevation and limiting current-strength in order to pro- vide a margin of safety, namely, what is equivalent to an elevation of 10 C. at full load, or about 33 per cent, less current strength. TABLE OF DIAMETERS OF COPPER WIRE, OF CONDUCTIVITY 98 PER CENT. MATTHIESSEN'S STANDARD, ELEVATED 20 C. BY VARIOUS CURRENT STRENGTHS ix AMPERES (ALTERNATING OR CON- TINUOUS). Effective Current Strength Amperes. Covered Wire in Wooden Moulding. Bare Wire Suspended Horizontally in Still Air Within Doors. Bright. Blackened. Bare Wire Suspended Horizontally in Calm Weather Out of Doors. Bright. Blackened. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 5 O.020 0.015 0.014 o.on 010 10 0.036 o 030 O.O28 O.O22 0.020 15 O.OJ2 0.045 0.042 0.032 0.030 20 0.069 0.060 0.057 0.042 0.039 25 0.085 0.075 0.068 0.052 0.049 3 O.IOO 0.090 0.080 0.061 0.038 35 0.114 0.103 0.092 0.070 0.066 40 0.127 0.115 0.105 0079 0074 45 0.140 0.128 0.117 0.087 0.082 So 0.152 0.140 0.130 0.094 0.089 60 o 175 o.i 68 o 152 0.108 o 103 70 0.197 0.190 0.171 O.I22 olu6 So 2l8 O.2I2 O.I92 0.134 0.128 9 0.236 0.2 3 5 O.2iO 0.146 o 140 100 .-<54 0257 0.227 0-157 0.151 I2 5 O.2Q2 0.307 0.265 0.183 0.175 150 0.326 -3 6 5 0.308 O.21O O.2O2 175 -357 0.410 o-347 0.234 o 227 200 0.386 0.450 0-385 0.256 0.248 2 5 0.440 0.520 0-455 0.299 O.2yO 3 00 0.615 0.518 0-339 0-330. 400 0.765 0.640 0.418 0.406 500 o 910 0.750 0.488 0.471 600 .... 0.857 0-550 0-533 700 .... 0.958 o.6n o-593 800 .... .... 0.671 0.650 goo .... .... .... 0.717- 0.693 IOOO .... 0.782 0-745 200 208. The rapid elevation of temperature in an over- loaded conductor is practically employed in safety fuses which are formed of high resistivity conductors with a small surface per unit length and a low melting point, so that an excess of current strength above their rated capacity readily fuses them. The heat developed in a safety fuse depends upon its resistivity at the work- ing temperature, on the current strength, and on the length of the fuse. As the current strength, and con- sequently the temperature, increases, the resistivity of the metal increases, the energy expended in unit length increases, and the rate of dissipation of the energy by conduction, radiation and convection also increase until the melting temperature is attained. Except in fuse wires of very small diameter, the predetermination of their melting current becomes very complex and differ- ent under different circumstances, such as the inclination of the fuse, its surface, condition, etc. With large fuses the capacity for heat may be such that an enormous over- load may be safely carried for a very brief interval, the energy being expended in raising the temperature of the metal while a much smaller steady increase of load would certainly melt them. SYLLABUS. Heat escapes from a hot body by conduction, radiation and convection. Conduction follows a law similar to Ohm's law. Radiation is believed to be a purely elec- tromagnetic function of the ether and follows laws not yet fully ascertained. Convection is a still more com- plex function depending upon the material environment of the body. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. No 2fi DT?mr\rRT?p 8 1 8Q4- Price ' 10 Cents. ^ X ** Subscnption, $3.00. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED GRADE. LIGHTING 209. AVhen a substance is lieated to the temperature of incandescence, it imparts energy, by wave mo- tion or radiation, to the surrounding ether. This wave motion comprises a great variety of vibration frequencies. All waves of frequencies lying between the limits of ap- proximately 390 trillions and 760 trillions per second, are capable of affecting the eye as light. All radiations whose frequencies lie outside these limits, since they fail to affect the eye are called non-luminous or obscure radi- ations. Of the radiant energy emitted by a body, only a certain quantity consists therefore of luminous energy. 210. If w, be the activity of radiation per unit dif- ference of frequency, the total luminous activity can be expressed as, 760,000,000,000,000 y- w dn watts, 390,000,000,000,000 where n, is the frequency. This is shown in Fig. 72, Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New York, N. Y. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14, 1894.] 202 which roughly represents the distribution of radiant activity with reference to the frequency of vibration in an ordinary incandescent lamp. The frequencies com- prised between the ordinates e Jc and g h, are luminous frequencies. The shaded area e f g h #, comprised be- tween the curve and base, between these limits, repre- sents the number of watts expended by the lamp in luminous radiation. The unshaded areas represent the non-luminous activity. The ratio of the shaded to the unshaded area is about 0.03. X10 FlG. 72 Distribution of radiant energy from incandescent filament with respect to vibration frequency. Area, e f g h k = luminous activity in watts. Curve, A B c = physiological coefficient of illuminating power referred to standard frequency as unity. Area, E F G H K = effective physiological illuminating power. The total flux of radiation activity emitted by a fila- ment of surface-area, S sq. cms. at an absolute temperature T, is expressed by P = TcSTe aT watts, where k, is a constant depending upon the nature of the filament, and a = 0.0043. The luminous effect produced on the average normal eye by a given quantity of radiation activity, say one watt, is not the same in different parts of the spectrum ; 203 that is, at different frequencies. For the average eye, the maximum effect is produced in the yellow, at a fre- quency of about 500 trillions per second. The amount of illuminating power in a given source of light cannot therefore be determined from the total activity of radia- tion. It becomes necessary to determine the illuminating values of one watt of activity at all frequencies within visual limits. If this physiological coefficient of illumi- nation be expressed by z, in suitably chosen units, or, as in Fig. 72, by reference to the physiological effect B D, at some standard frequency, taken as unity, then the illuminat- ing value of any quantity of energy w dn, covering a small range of frequency dn, will be z w dn, and we obtain by the application of the coefficient z, a new curve E F G H K, whose area is 7.6 XlO 14 w dn 3.9 XlO 14 units of physiologically effective illumination. For this reason it is impossible to compare accurately the illumi- nating power of two different sources of light, such as a candle and an arc light, unless the physiological coeffi- cient 2, at present undetermined, be known for all parts of the spectrum, as well as the distribution of activity in the spectra of the two sources. 211. The most efficient source of light, if it could be produced, would be that in which all the en- ergy radiated possessed a frequency within visual limits. Considering illuminating power alone, that particular frequency near which 2, is a maximum, that is some- <2*Ui r &^T^ where near the ^cHow of the spectrum, would be the most advantageous frequency the source could possess, 204 but, considered with reference to fitness for agreeable illumination and the distinction of colors, that distribu- tion of frequencies would be the most desirable which best agreed with the distribution in sunlight. 212. The frequencies which are predominant in the radiation of bodies heated to incandescence, are non-luminous frequencies. Consequently, in all artifical sources of illumination, the larger proportion of the en- ergy radiated is of a useless character. It has been found that, in the neighborhood of 1 ,000 C., as the temperature of a luminous body increases, the luminous radiation rapidly increases, so that the attainment of a very high temperature is essential for a successful artificial illumi- nant. A high refractory power is necessary, therefore, to sustain the high temperature required, and carbon is the only common substance which has yet fully met this requirement. An illustration of the importance of a high temperature, and the efficiency of luminous radi- ation, is seen in the case of the arc and incandescent lamps, each of which employ incandescent carbon as a source of radiant energy, but in the arc lamp the tem- perature attained, being that of the volatilization of car- bon, is higher than that which the incandescent filament can safely and continuously sustain. The amount of energy expended in an arc lamp is usually about 450 watts, and of this about eight per cent, is expended in luminous radiation, the balance being non-luminous, while in incandescent lamps the percentage of luminous radia- tion is about three. Moreover, the distribution of energy differs in these two sources of light, the average physio- logical coefficient being greater in the spectrum of the arc lamp, than in the spectrum of the incandescent lamp. 205 213. The object in the commercial incandescent lamp is to produce an electrically heated incandescent surface at the highest practical temperature ; for, as we have seen, such a temperature will produce the best effi- ciency of luminous radiation and a fair approximation to the character of sunlight. The high temperature necessary for the proper work- ing of an incandescent lamp must be uniformly main- tained over the entire surface of the filament, and, to insure this, the resistance of the filament must necessarily l)e uniform .per unit of length, since, otherwise, on the passage of a steady current through it, different parts would glow with unequal brightness and the parts un- duly heated would be rapidly destroyed, or, if preserved at the safe temperature, the rest of the filament would be insufficiently heated. 214-. The standard of physiological effective luminous radiation, or, as it is ordinarily called, the standard of light, differs in different countries. In the United States and in Great Britain it is the standard candle burning 2 grains (0.1296 gramme) per minute ; in France, a Carcel lamp of definite dimensions, burning 42 grammes of colza oil per hour ; in Germany, a Hefner- AltenecJc lamp of definite dimensions burning amyl-acetate with a flame four cms. high. The light emitted from one square centimetre of platinum at a definite high temperature is also employed as a standard in Germany under the name of the Reichsanstalt Unit. In France the Violle lamp of molten platinum was adopted by the International Paris Conference of 1881, but has not come into general use. According to the best determinations one standard 206 British candle = 0.0506 Violle, = 0.1053 carcel, = 1.14 Hefner Alteneck. 215. The illumination received by any surface is the quantity of light (the physiologically effective flux of light) received by its surface per unit area. Thus, if the standard candle be regarded as the unit point-source of light, the total quantity of light it emits is 4 TT, units of luminous flux, and one unit of luminous flux received per square centimetre would constitute unit illumination. No name or unit of illumination has, however, yet been adopted, but common expressions of illumination refer to the candle-foot, or the carcel-metre as unit, these being respectively the illumination produced, on a perpendicu- lar surface by a candle at a distance of one foot, and by a carcel at a distance of one metre. These intensities of illumination are nearly equal, one candle-foot being greater than one carcel-metre in the approximate ratio of 1.133. 216. The proper lighting of a room depends upon its dimensions, and upon the character of its interior surface. Highly diffusive wall surfaces require a smaller amount of light to produce the same general degree of illumination. The character of the illumination will also depend upon the amount of light and upon its dis- tribution. A single source of light will usually produce the greatest local and the lowest average illumination, while the same total quantity of light from numerous distributed sources will produce the opposite results. In the case of incandescent lamps, an illumination upon the surface of a book, equivalent to one carcel-metre, is suf- ficient for the purposes of easy reading. This is usually obtained in a room by allowing 1 candle power to the 207 square foot of floor space, or one 16 c. P. lamp to 50 sq. feet, while rooms not devoted to reading purposes, unless darkly papered, will be amply illumined by one 16 c. P. lamp per 100 sq. feet of floor space. The intensity of illumination from a single point-source of light is inversely as the square of the distance from tlie^ source, so that a room with a high ceiling, lighted by incandescent lamps placed on the ceiling, would receive on a desk or table a lesser degree of illumination than if the lamp were lower, and, in any case, the illumination on the surface of the desk or table is ordinarily greater than on the surface of the floor. In determining, therefore, the number of in- candescent lamps required for the proper illumination of a room, reference must be had not only to the character of the illumination but to the parts of the room where such illumination is specially required. 217. The number of watts that have to be supplied to an incandescent lamp per candle power that it yields is frequently called the efficiency of the lamp, but could more accurately be called the inefficiency of the lamp or its specific activity r , since the greater the number of watts supplied per candle obtained, the lower the ef- fective physiological efficiency of the lamp. The true efficiency of the lamp, or its specific illumi- nating power, is the reciprocal of this, or the number of candles obtained from the lamp per watt supplied to it. The efficiency at which new lamps are usually operated, ranges between -i- and ^ candles per watt. 218. The higher the temperature at which a lamp is operated the greater its efficiency, but the shorter its probable duration of life. 208 When an incandescent lamp is steadily operated at constant pressure, the light it emits steadily decreases, that is, its efficiency becomes reduced. This is owing to two causes consequent upon the disintegration of the fil- ament. First, to the deposition of the disintegrated material as an opaque coating on the walls of the lamp globe, thereby reducing the amount of light emitted, and second, to the reduction in the cross-section of the tila- ment by the disintegration and the consequent increase in resistance, whereby less energy is absorbed by the lamp. .- SYLLABUS. The physiological effect on the retina of different re- lative frequencies within visible limits is different ; gener- ally, therefore, the physiological effect of a given quantity of luminous activity varies with different sources of light. The illumination required on a well lighted table in an ordinary room is about one carcel-rnetre, or usually, two sixteen candle power lamps for every 100 square feet of floor space. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. No. 27. DECEMBER 15, 1894. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED GRADE. INCANDESCENT LIGHTINQ 219. When a new incandescent lamp is connected to mains which supply it uniformly with the pressure for which it was designed, say, for example, a pressure of 110 volts, the lamp having an initial resist- ance when hot of 252 ohms, the current through the lamp will be 0.4364 ampere, and the activity in the lamp will be 48 watts ; or, if the lamp supplies 16 c. P., an efficiency of | candle per watt. The first effect of the high temperature upon the filament, may be to re- duce its resistance by a coking or carbonizing process sustained by heating in a vacuum. The current, therefore, which passes through the lamp, together with the activity of the lamp, will increase in corresponding measure, thereby increasing the temperature of the filament, and the candle-power as well as the efficiency of the lamp. Tiiis diminution in resistance, which, however, does not occur in all lamps, soon ceases, and, after say twenty hours, the resistance of the filament begins to increase. Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New York, N. Y, [.Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14, 189}.] 210 The candle-power of the lamp attains its maximum with the minimum resistance of the filament. 220. The temperature of the filament in incandes- cent lamps, operated at an efficiency of J candle per watt, is estimated to be about 1345 C.; at | candle per watt about 1310 C.; and at * T candle per watt about 1290 C. An increase of one per cent, in the activity of a glowing lamp, i.e., in the number of watts it absorbs, is believed to increase the temperature of its filament about 2 C. and its candle-power or its total flux of light about three per cent. 221. The progressive increase in the resistance of the filament during use, is due to the reduction in the diameter and cross-sectional area of the filament. This reduction in the diameter of the filament is brought about *by one or all of the following causes ; namely, (^.) Mechanical, by the explosive evolution of occluded gases in the surface layers of the filament. (2.) Chemical, by the removal of the surface layers of the filament through chemical combination with some of the constituents of the residual gases in the globe. (3.) Physical, by electrical evaporation of the surface layers under the influence of high temperature and elec- trification. 222. Not only is the diameter of the filament de- creased and its resistance thereby increased, but the emissivity of the surface is considerably increased. The temperature of the filament is thus lowered dur- ing the use of the lamp for two reasons ; first, because the emissivity of the surface increases by reason of the surface change, thus enabling the same quantity of activ- ity per unit surface to be radiated at a lower tempera- ture, and secondly, because the diminished conductance of the filament causes it to take less activity from the mains in the same proportion. There is thus less activ- ity in the lamp and also less temperature elevation re- quired to radiate the activity that remains. 223. The carbon which is thus removed from the surface of the filament is slowly deposited on the inside of the lamp globe in a dark semi-opaque layer, cutting off some of the light emitted by the filament and, therefore, tending to reduce the efficiency of the lamp. Each of these three causes ; namely, increased resistance, increased emissivity, and increased opacity, decreases the efficiency of the lamp to approximately the same degree. As a consequence, new lamps starting at an efficiency of ^ candle per watt, steadily decrease in their efficiency after the first few hours, until an efficiency even lower than ^ candle per watt may be ulti- mately reached. 224. The physiologically effective luminous radiation from a lamp increases rapidly with the current, between the fifth and sixth powers of the current strength. Since at incandescent temperatures, the temperature coefficient of variation in the resistivity of the filament is small, and a small change of temperature is accom- panied by a great change in candle power, it follows that the candle-power of a lamp varies with the terminal voltage between its fifth and sixth powers, and therefore approximately as the cube of the intake in. watts. Since the efficiency of a lamp steadily decreases with its continued use, there must come a time when even if 212 the filament does not break, the light emitted becomes so small in proportion to the power consumed, that it may be more economical to destroy the lamp and replace it by a new one, than to continue its use at such low efficiency. The length of time during which it will be advantageous to continue the use of such a lamp will depend on the cost of electrical energy and on the cost of new lamps. Although this may be determined on a large scale of operation, as in central station lighting, it is practically impossible to lay down an inflexible rule for the economical breaking point of any lamp, since it is evidently economical to retain a lamp in employment so long as it supplies sufficient light to meet the purposes required of it. 225. In large cities in the United States, practical experience in central station work shows that the maximum load is approximately 50 per cent, of the total number of lamps connected with the system, that the average load is approximately 27 per cent, of the maxi- mum load and the minimum load from 10 to 20 per cent, of the maximum load. 226. Attempts have been made at different times to produce a lamp capable of being regulated in candle power, when supplied from constant potential mains, thus corresponding to the gradual turning off at the key in a gas burner. This has been accomplished in the case of the incandescent lamp in two ways; first, by introducing additional resistance into the lamp circuit and, second, by reducing the time during which, in periodic contacts, the iilament is in connection with the mains. Both methods result in a considerable reduction 213 of efficiency in the lamp, and a diminished temperature of the filament, so that the light is not only more expen- sively produced but also becomes duller in color. 227. In large installations where the number of lights required is great and the distance from the supply centre not excessive, incandescent lamps are almost in- variably connected to the supply mains in parallel. The parallel connection method of distribution is both simple and economical. But where the district to be lighted is scattered, necessitating long circuits on which the density of lighting is not great, this method becomes very ex- pensive in all cases where a comparatively small drop is to be maintained on the supply mains. In such cases it is more economical to employ a high tension system ; that is, either a series-connected system ; or, as is more common, an alternating current system in connection with transformers. In a series incandescent system, the lamps are connected to the circuit in series. The resist- ance of series incandescent lamps is usually compara- tively small and the current they take greater than in multiple incandescent lamps. In many cases incandes- cent lamps are connected in series arc circuits, and, there- fore, require to be operated by the current generally employed in such circuits, namely, about 10 amperes. 228. The rupture of a filament, which merely ex- tinguishes the lamp in a multiple-connected cir- cuit, in a series circuit extinguishes all the lamps in that circuit, unless a device be employed to cut out the im- perfect lamp. This is frequently accomplished by means of a film cut-out. Fig. 73 shows a series incandescent lamp and a film cut-out arranged in the lamp base. This cut-out consists of a film of paper which insulates per- fectly at a pressure of 20 volts, but breaks down com- pletely under a pressure approaching that of the full pressure in the circuit, so that the two contact points separated by the film become welded together as soon as the lamp breaks. This cut out is placed either in the base of the lamp or in the socket. 529. Since one per cent, change in the pressure sup- plied to the terminals of an incandescent lamp, above or below the normal pressure, produces about 5 FIG 73. Series Incandescent Lamp with Film Cut-Out. per cent, change in the amount of light supplied by the lamp, it is necessary to ensure that the drop of pressure in the mains supplying different lamps shall not be ex- cessive. Where a large number of lamps have to be supplied in parallel from a network of mains, the pres- sure will be lowest at the most distant lamps. If when all the lamps are lighted, the maximum drop of the most distant lamps amounts to, say, 10 per cent, of the pressure of the dynamos, then it is desirable to make the average pressure for the whola system, the normal 215 pressure for which the lamps are designed. In this case the distant lamps will be operated at 5 per cent, below pressure, while those nearest to the dynamo will be oper- ated at 5 per cent, above pressure. This will -reduce the average life of the nearest lamps in a very marked degree, while the distant lamps, will be below candle- power by an amount which depends upon their normal efficiency. The usual range of drop permitted in the wiring of buildings supplied by their own dynamos is from 2 to 5 per cent, of the pressure at the dynamo ter- minals, according to the size of the building, i.e., from 1 to 2^ per cent, above or below the normal mean. So that, allowing 5 per cent, drop, if the normal voltage of the lamps be 110, the dynamo pressure would be 112.8 and the pressure at the lowest lamp 107.2 volts. The lamps nearest the dynamos would, therefore, give say 19 candles initially and the lamps furthest from the dynamo 13.5 candles. 230. The difficulty arising from drop experienced in the lightiLg of a single building, is greatly in- creased when the lighting has to be extended over a large area, in a city, from a single central station. In such cases excessive drop may be avoided by the use of suitably located and proportional feeders. A feeder is a conductor, one end of which is connected to the bus- bars at the station, and the other end is connected to some point on the mains, there being no lamps connected directly to the feeders, so that the mains supply the lamps, while the feeders supply the mains. In this way it is possible to maintain say 110 volts at a very distant lamp, with a drop of perhaps three volts in the mains, making 113 volts at the feeding point, but with a drop or 216 of 17 volts in the feeder or feeders, and a pressure of 130 volts at the central station. In other words, it is possible to have 15 or 20 per cent, drop in the feeders and only a very small range of drop in the mains and house wires. The number and size of feeders employed in distrib- uting currents from a central station depends upon the cost of the power which has to be expended in the drop under existing conditions of load, upon the cost of the various sizes of feeder, upon the facility with which the pressure can be maintained uniform at feeder terminals and its effect upon the average 'life time and proper operation of lamps. Feeders have to be so selected that the total cost, including these items, together with depre- ciation shall be a minimum. SYLLABUS. The resistance of an incandescent lamp increases with its use. This increase is due to a decrease in its diameter that may be produced by mechanical, chemical and physical causes. The effect of the decrease of the diameter of the fila- ment is not only accompanied by an increase in its re- sistance, but also by an increase in the emissivity of its filament and by a blackening of the globe. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. NY> 9S "n-uwc'Ttni-E'i? 99 1 SQJ. Price, - 10 Cents. ,EMBEK JJ, 1 *k. Subscnption, $3.00. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED CF?AE>E ARC LlQHTINQ. 23 1 . The voltaic carbon arc consists of a bow-shaped cloud of volatilized carbon, formed between the points of two carbon electrodes by the passage of an electric current. In order to produce this current, a pressure of from 30 to 55 volts has to be maintained between the carbon electrodes. This pressure is required by reason of resistances in the arc, and partly by a c. E. M. F. The c. E. M. F. depends upon the quality of the carbons employed and the temperature attained. When the arc is very short, the temperature is compara- tively low, and the c. E. M. F. comparatively small, but for arcs of -J in. or more, the c. E. M. F. varies from 35 to 40 volts, and the drop due to resistances increases with the length of arc, being about 50 to 75 volts per inch, (20 to 30 volt per cm.), of distance between the elec- trodes. The current strength employed varies from 3 to 200 amperes, according to the size and nature of the carbons. Consequently, the activity in the carbon voltaic Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 03 Broadway, New York, N. Y. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14, 1804.] 218 arc may have a very wide range. The ordinary com- mercial arc lamp takes about 10 amperes at 45 volts pressure between lamp terminals, and, therefore, has an activity of about 450 watts. Such an arc lamp is some- times described as a 450-watt arc lamp, but is more pre- cisely described as a 450-watt 45-volt arc lamp. 232. Of the E. M. F. in the arc lamp, about 38 to 40 volts are usually developed at the surface of the positive electrode, 4 to 6 volts in the arc proper, and the remainder in the carbon rods and the electromagnetic apparatus. The activity is, therefore, about 400 watts at the surface of the positive carbon, 40 to 60 watts in the arc proper, and the remainder in the substance of the carbons and conductors. So large a proportion of the activity at the positive carbon surface, necessitates the development there of an exceedingly high temperature, and, consequently, this is the principal source of light in the voltaic arc, about 85 per cent, of all the light being emitted from the glowing surface of the positive carbon, about 10 per cent, from the arc proper, and about five per cent, from the surface of the negative carbon. 233. The high value of the c. E. M. F., developed at the positive surface, is analagous to the c. E. M. F. de- veloped at the surface of the electrode in an electrolytic cell. In this case, however, the work is not expended in freeing ions from molecular combinations, but in vola- tilizing carbon, and the high temperature is accompanied by intense radiation. Consequently, all the volatilization occurs at the end of the positive carbon, which is thereby hollowed out in the form of a minute crater, the principal source of light in the arc. The character of the lumin- ous radiation will depend on the quality of the carbon electrodes and their distance apart ; but, with the same material, the distance being maintained constant, the temperature at the surface of the positive carbon will be uniform if the current strength is adequately main- tained.- Carbon having, like other substances under fixed conditions, a fixed temperature of volatilization, (estimated at 3,500 C.), the temperature at the posi- tive carbon, and consequently the intensity of radiation, are thereby determined. It has been found that the brightness of the positive crater amounts to about 16,000 British standard candles per square centimetre, or, roughly, 100,000 candles per square inch. The negative carbon is at a temperature sufficiently below that of the positive to permit the volatilized car- bon to be condensed upon its surface in the shape of a small mound or nipple of graphite. 234. The temperature of volatilization of carbon being so much greater than that at which carbon monoxide forms, is probably above the dissociation tem- perature of carbon and oxygen, so that the carbon vapor can only oxydize at the external surface when the tem- perature suddenly falls. This accounts for the coating of flame which surrounds the arc itself, and for the com- paratively slow rate of carbon consumption. 235. With the carbons arranged as is usual in street lamps with both carbons in the same vertical line the positive above the negative, the amount of light given off from the arc varies in different angular positions. This difference in the intensity of the emitted light is due to the following circumstances : 220 (1.) The positive crater, the main source of light, is not a plane surface, but is concave ; the principal distribution of its radiant flux is, consequently, downwards. (2.) The crater being surrounded by a wall of opaque carbon, the horizontal intensity of the emitted light is comparatively small, and, since the edges of the wall are irregular, the horizontal intensity varies in different azimuths. (3.) However closely the axis of the two carbon elec- trodes may be aligned, the arc will rarely remain long at Elec. Engineer FIG. 74. Diagram Indicating Luminous Intensity of an Arc Lamp in Different Directions. the centre, but tends to travel around the edges of the positive carbons, thereby causing the crater to appear on the side of the arc, and tending to increase the illumina- tion on that side. (4.) The arc is usually accompanied by some flame of a reddish color surrounding the arc proper, like a lum- inous cloud, and the light from this source is of an unstable flickering nature, shifting irregularly. 5. Even the smallest mechanical irregularity or chemi- cal impurities, liable to be present in the best carbons, develop fluctuations in the intensity of the light. 221 Fig. 74 represents graphically, in polar co-ordinates, the relative distribution of luminous intensity from an ordi- nary 500-watt, 50- volt arc lamp. It will be seen that the maximum intensity is developed at an angle which is ap- proximately 50 below the horizontal plane. The hori- zontal intensity is usually only about 10 to 20 per cent, of the maximum intensity, and, in the actual example here represented, o B, or o G is only about 11 per cent, of o c, or o F. The horizontal intensity is subject, owing to the causes above mentioned, to much greater fluctuations than the maximum intensity. The mean spherical can- dle power is the average intensity measured in candle- power for all directions. The mean spherical candle- power is usually about 30 to 40 per cent, of the maxi- mum intensity and from 2 to 4 times greater than the horizontal intensity. In Fig. 74 the radius o j is, in length, 30 per cent, of the radius o c, or o F. The ordi- nary empirical formula which fairly expresses the ob- served relationship between the spherical and maximum intensities is, Mean spherical intensity = Mean horizontal intensity , Maximum intensity. HP ~T~ It is evident that the total quantity of light emitted will be 4 TT X mean spherical intensity in units of lu- minous flux. 236. The nominal intensity of an arc lamp, as for ex- ample, that of a 2,000 candle-power arc, means the maximum intensity of the arc under favorable conditions of carbons and operation. A preferable rating, however, would be either by the total luminous flux of the arc lamp or its mean spherical candle-power. The greater the current strength through an arc lamp the greater the surface which becomes elevated in tem- perature. If the carbons are too small, this will be ac- accompanied by flaming disintegration, and other dis- turbances, but if the carbons be suitably increased in diameter, the increase in total luminous flux will be safely obtained. For a given arc lamp of 48 volts pres- sure, it has been observed that an empirical relation exists between the intensity of the current strength fairly ex- pressed by the formula, Maximum luminous intensity = 190 i -f- 4 i z , where * = current strength in amperes. So that a 480-watt, 10-ampere arc lamp gives under favorable conditions a maximum intensity of 2,300 candles. 237. A great difficulty exists in accurately measuring the candle power of an arc-lamp by the use of any of the ordinary standards of light. This difficulty is due not only to the rapid fluctuations constantly occur- in the arc, but also to the difference in the character be- tween the light of the arc and that of the ordinary standards with which it is compared. An arc lamp is particularly rich in waves of high frequency ; namely, those near the violet end of the spectrum, and the eye is unable fairly to match intensities between lights of es- sentially different colors. This difficulty has led to the proposal of a special standard for arc lamp photometry, based on the relation which has been found to exist be- tween the amount of light emitted per unit surface of the crater in the positive carbon. The arc lamp whose luminous intensity is to be meas- ured is compared in the photometer with what might be 223 called a unit-arc-light crater-intensity, which consists of a standard arc lamp whose crater is exposed to the photometer through an opening of standard dimensions in an opaque and artificially cooled screen. Most arc light carbons, in use in the United States, are provided with a thin metallic coating of copper, electrolytically deposited. The effect of this coat- ing is not only to decrease the resistance of the rods, but also to prevent irregular burning and disintegration. Carbons so protected are more apt to burn with com- paratively blunt ends, and, therefore, to last longer. Unprotected carbons are apt to burn in points, and thus seriously interfere with the proper feeding of the carbons, that is, their automatic adjustment as to distance. 238. During use, the carbons consume unequally. The positive carbon consuming roughly twice as rapidly as the negative carbon. The more rapid con- sumption of the positive carbon is due not only to the higher temperature but also to the fact that it is volatil- ized. For this reason the positive carbon is generally made about twice as long as the negative carbon. Attempts have been made to prolong the duration of the carbons by increasing their diameter, but whenever the diameter of the carbon exceeds a certain limit, de- pending upon the strength of the current, the light be- comes unsteady, owing to the tendency of the arc to travel around the edges of the larger cross section offered. Less objection is experienced to increasing the diameter of the negative carbon, alone, but even here, the increased duration is accompanied by increased fluc- tuations in the light. The average length of the positive carbons employed 224 in systems of street lighting does not usually exceed 12 inches, the length of the negative carbon being about seven inches. Such a pair of carbons will ordinarily last about 7 hours when T \- in. in diameter, and about 9 hours when in. in diameter. Consequently, during prolonged runs, such as are necessitated during winter, a lamp provided with but a single pair of such carbons would require re-carboning during the night. In order to avoid this, various expedients have been adopted, such as an increase in the diameter of carbons already alluded to. The method in general use is that of employ- ing two pairs of carbons side by side, so arranged that one pair of carbons is first consumed and the second pair is then automatically switched into the circuit. Such a lamp is commonly called a dou~ble-carbcm,, or all-night lamp. SYLLABBUS. The c. E. M. F. of a carbon voltaic arc is principally resident at the surface of the carbon electrode or crater. It is commonly considered that a 450-watt 45-volt arc- lamp gives a maximum of 2,000 candle-power, but this is only true under the most favorable conditions. An arc light differs principally from the light of candles, incandescent lamps and other luminous sources, in being richly provided with luminous waves of high frequency. The mean horizontal intensity of an arc lamp is much more variable than its maximum intensity, but is com- monly about 15 per cent, of the maximum intensity. The mean spherical intensity of an arc lamp is about 35 per cent, of its maximum intensity. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. No. 29. DECEMBER 29, 1894. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED CF?ADE ARC LIOHTINO. 239. On constant current circuits, arc lamps are generally operated in series and are then supplied by special generators known as arc-light dynamos. These generators are always series-wound. The number of lamps operated in series is commonly about 50, though occasionally it reaches about 100, and in rare in- stances 200. The largest arc generator yet constructed being for 200 lamps, a pressure of about 10,000 volts exists between machine terminals. Since the number of arc lights in a circuit is seldom constant, the generator must maintain a constant current under all conditions and must be able to vary the E. M. F. it generates. When a series arc-light circuit, Fig. 750, containing say 10 lamps, and having a total pressure at machine termin- als of 500 volts, is perfectly insulated from the ground, there will, by symmetry, be a difference of potential be- tween the positive brush and the ground of 250 volts, and a difference of potential between the negative brush Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINE 203 Broadway, New York, N. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y M 226 and the ground of an equal amount, while a point B, in the circuit, situated electrically midway between the termi- nals, will be at zero potential, and could, therefore, be con- nected to the ground without in any way disturbing the pressures or current strengths in the circuit. If, however, instead of connecting the circuit to ground at its central point, the ground connection were made at any other point, such, for example, as at the positive terminal of the generator, D, Fig. 75&, that point would be reduced 1-200 O.-HOO I o -100 -200? --300Q -400 > -500 -t-400 H- 300' ^+200 >+lOO Elec.Engineer FIG. 75. Distribution of Electric Potential in Continuous Current Series Arc Circuit. to zero potential, the symmetry of pressure at the dynamo terminals would be disturbed and the potential of the negative terminal would become 500 volts. Sim- ilarly, if the ground connection, instead of being made at D, were made at G, Fig. 75tf, the potential at that point would be reduced to zero, producing the distribution of potential shown. There would, however, be no permanent flow of current from the circuit through the ground connection while the insulation of the rest of the 227 circuit is preserved. If, however, a second ground con- nection occur, then a current would flow through both ground connections of a strength determined by the resistance of the ground connections and the difference of potential between the points of contact. Thus if, Fig. 75c, a slight leak to ground were at- tached at the point H, the E. M. F. tending to send a cur- rent through the leak to ground would be the difference of potential between H and the ground, or 250 volts. A man standing on the ground at H and coming in contact with the wire would be subjected to a pressure of 250 volts. 240. Arc lights are sometimes operated on constant- potential circuits, usually at from 110 or 220 volts pressure. In Fig.. 75 ten arc lamps are represented as being connected in series, and the extremities of the cir- cuit are assumed to be connected to a generator directly. The advantage of the series arc-circuit is a high pressure and the small diameter of conductor which may be em- ployed for conveying the total strength of current, usu- ally 10 amperes, and this, in a district of street lighting covering an extended area, is a matter of considerable importance. The advantage of multiple-arc lighting is found in the combination of arc lamps with incandescent lamps, from the same circuit, without additional wires or generators. In many cases it is more economical to place arc lights on already existing incandescent circuits, rather than establish entirely separate series-circuits and a spe- cial generator, even though the amount of copper re- quired in the circuits be considerably increased. This is partly on account of the increased simplicity of the sys- tem, the reduced space and cost of generators, and partly 228 on account of the greater efficiency of incandescent genera- tors. But the conditions under which economy exists in the use of constant potential arc lamps are limited, and each case must be determined on its own merits. Two lamps are generally operated in series on a 110 volt circuit, and four lamps in series on 220 volt cir- cuit. A small resistance is usually inserted in the circuit of each lamp to assist in its regulation. The usual cur- rent strength employed in constant-potential lamps is from 4 to 10 amperes. The best results are obtained with a cored carbon, for the positive electrode. With the usual twelve inch positive and seven inch negative carbons, of ^ inch diameter, a lamp with a current of nine amperes will last nearly nine hours. 241. Arc lamps are sometimes operated from special generators on alternating current circuits. In such cases, since the carbons are alternately positive and negative, neither crater nor nipple forms on the car- bons, which burn with comparatively blunt points. In the alternating current arc, the temperature is evenly distri- buted; consequently, the horizontal candle-power does not differ so markedly in intensity from the maximum, and there are two directions of maxima, one upwards and one downwards, as shown in Fig. 76, which repre- sents in polar co-ordinates the distribution of light in a particular case. The distribution varies considerably with different current strengths and characters of carbon. Alternating current arcs are usually operated from local step-down transformers, by which a pressure of from 28 to 35 volts alternating is supplied directly to the lamp terminals. The current in the main or primary cir- cuit of the generator is usually about 30 amperes, instead of 9 or 10, as in the continuous-current circuit, by which means a lower total pressure for a given number of arcs can be obtained. 242. In the application of the voltaic arc to search- lights, exceedingly powerful currents are em- ployed with suitably proportioned carbons, so that a very great intensity of light is obtained. In order to throw FIG. 76. Distribution of Light from an Alternating Current Are as measured in a particular case. this into an approximately parallel beam, instead of dif- fusing it in all directions, the carbon arc is formed at the focus of a suitable projector. These projectors may be catoptric, i. e., reflecting ; or, dioptric, that is, re- fracting. The usual form is, however, a reflector of the parabolic or spherical type. Since large parabolic projectors are very expensive, a spherical reflector is generally em- 230 ployed. This consists of a lens-shaped mass of glass the two sides of which have different radii of curvature, the exterior surface being silvered. The light from the car- bon arc, on entering the substance of the glass, suffers re- fraction, and it is then reflected from the silvering at the exterior surface again suffering refraction on issuing from the glass into the air. The curvatures are so chosen with regard to the index of refraction of the glass, that the light emerges in a sensibly parallel beam. The car- bons are usually tilted at such an angle that the crater FIG. 77. Speciment of MagiuTtiu. Reflector. Section through Axis. Dimensions in Centimetres. is most effectively exposed towards the reflecting mechan- ism. In many cases a small reflector is employed near the arc to throw its light on the lens. The beam of light issuing from a search light projector being only approximately parallel, necessarily diverges and lessens in intensity with the distance from the appa- ratus. Beyond a distance of a few hundred feet, the illu- mination produced by the beam approximately varies inversely as the square of the distance. Neglecting, how- 231 ever, the absorption of light by dust and fog in the at- mosphere, the total flux of light in the beam remains constant, so that the area of the beam increases after the flrst few hundred feet approximately as the square of the distance. A Mangin reflector is represented in axial section in Fig. 77. The arc being placed at the principal focus A, which in this case is 38.3 cms. from the centre of the inner surface, throws a beam parallel to p A, of dia- meter D E, the surface B o.c, being silvered. 243. Carbon arc lights for street lighting are gener- ally surrounded by globes, which may be clear or ground. In either case a loss of light is thereby entailed, but a more uniform diffusion of light obtained. This is especially the case where the globe is ground or consists of translucent glass or porcelain. The loss of light may amount to as much as 60 per cent., but the general illu- mination produced is better and shadows are avoided. SYLLABUS. Arc lights are generally operated commercially on series circuits from specially designed dynamos, generat- ing sufficient difference of potential to maintain the cur- rent constant under all conditions. Arc lamps are some- times operated on constant-potential circuits, with either two or four lamps in series. Arc lamps are sometimes operated on alternating-cur- rent circuits from transformers. 232 Alternating-current lamps have two maxima of light intensity, one upwards and one downwards, no marked crater being formed. Reflectors are commonly used with large search lights. Globes placed around arc lights, while useful for dif- fusing the light, cut off from 10 to 60 per cent of the total light emitted. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. No. 30. JANUARY 5, 1895. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED GRADE. Alternating Currents The comprehension of the following definitions is necessary to a clear understanding of alternat- ting currents. An alternating E. M. F. or current is an E. M. F. or cur- rent which successively reverses its direction. Fig. 78 is a graphical representation of an E. M. F. or current which is alternating, for it successively changes its sign, being, say, in the positive direction at a, and in the negative direction at 0, while at b df h &, it has zero value and no direction. Aperiodic alternating E. M. F. or current, is an alter- nating E. M. F. or current which not only periodically reverses its direction, but also periodically repeats its changes in magnitude. Figs. 79 to 84 represent periodic alternating E. M. F.'S or currents. The terms alternating E. M. F., or alternating current, as ordinarily employed, designate periodic alternating E. M. F. and current, respectively. Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 303 Broadway, New York, N. Y. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14, 1804.] 234 Each reversal of a periodic alternating E. M. F. or cur- rent is called an alternation or semi-period. Thus in Fig. 79, o a I c, or c d r FIG. 85. Graphical Representations of Simple Harmonic E. M. F.'S or Currents. An example of a simple-harmonic motion (abbreviated s. H. M.) is seen in the motion of a vertically falling shadow projected upon a horizontal plane, from a point on a verti- cal disc which is uniformly rotating about a horizontal axis. Thus in Fig. 85, the disc Q K s, revolving uniformly about its horizontal axis at o, has a pin p, whose shadow 237 falling vertically upon a band of paper T v, lying in a horizontal plane, produces an s. H. M. upon the paper. If, therefore, the paper be moved in the direction of the arrow in its own plane and in a direction at right angles to the plane of the disc, the shadow will trace on the paper a simple-harmonic or periodic curve, A B c D E F, and this curve is called sinusoidal, because any ordinate, such as o A, is proportional to the sine of the angle con- tained between the radius of the pin and the vertical plane through the axis of the disc. It is evident that the outline of the sinusoidal curve so traced depends upon the distance of the pin from the axis, and the velocities of disc-rotation and paper-progression. Thus, assuming the paper to move with the same velocity in the four cases represented at A, B, (7 and D, respectively, then the shape of the curve will only depend upon the position of the pin and on the velocity of its rotation. Thus, the pin is shown in the same position at A, and at D, namely, near the edge of the disc ; but since the velocity of rotation at D, is twice that at A, the cycle is completed in half the time at J9, and the frequency of the periodic motion is, therefore, twice as great at D, as at A. At B arid (7, the pin is shown half way between the centre and the edge of the disc, while (7, has twice the rotary velocity of B. The amplitude or maximum ordinate in B and C, is half that in A and D. The frequencies in O and D are equal, and the frequencies in A and B, are equal. The waves represented at A, B, 6 y , or D are, there- fore, all sinusoidal waves in spite of their differences of appearance, and any E. M. F.'S or currents, whose suc- cessive changes in time are represented by such curves are sinusoidal E. M. F.'S and currents. 288 Calling , the time in seconds dating from the initial or zero position, to, the angular velocity of the disc in radi- ans per second, and Y, the amplitude, the y ordinate at any instant is y = Y sin co t. The angle contained between the radius vector o P, and the initial ascending vertical radius o K, is called the phase of the motion. Thus the phase of the point c, in the curve of A 9 is 270, the phase of the point E, 90 and of B and F, zero. 247. A coil of insulated wire, rotated with uniform velocity about any diameter as axis in a uniform magnetic flux, has generated in it a sinusoidal E. M. F." In practice alternators, or dynamos for producing alternating E. M. F.'S, never produce strictly sinusoidal E. M. F.'S, al- though they frequently generate E. M. F.'S that are suf- ficiently nearly sinusoidal to be considered as true sinu- soids for purposes of computation. The E. M. F. gen- erated by any practical alternator may be regarded as lying between the flat-topped type of Fig. 82 and the peaked type of 83. 248. Since an E. M. F. or current which is changing its direction many times a second, has, at different instants of time, all values comprised between its maximum and zero, it becomes necessary to define conventionally the numerical value of such an E. M. F. or current. If this value were taken as being equal to the maximum, the E. M. F. or current could only attain its nominal value twice in each cycle. If the arithmetical mean value without re- gard to sign be taken, the value so obtained is called the mean E. M. F. or mean current but this value has very little practical application. The value of an alter- nating E. M.F. or current is most conveniently defined by reference to its heating power and this is the method invariably adopted. If a given continuous-current pres- sure maintains a given thermal activity in a fixed resist- ance, then the alternating E. M. F., which will maintain the same thermal activity in the resistance, will have the same nominal val lie expressed in volts, so that this value, which is called the effective value of the E. M. F., may be regarded as the value of the continuous E. M. F. required to produce the same thermal activity. Since, according to Ohm's law, the thermal activity maintained in a re- , will be found by laying off from B, a line parallel to and Elec.Engineer FIG. 86. equalto c D, so that the straight line A D, will be the vector sum. If now A B, represents at some instant of time the relative position of the sinusoidal E. M. F., of say 1180 volts effective, a second sinusoidal E. M. F. of say 820 volts effective, whose phase is 150 in rear of A B; i.e., T 5 ^ of a complete revolution, or period, will be represented by c D. For if the lines A B and c D, be each set revolving counter-clockwise about the ex- tremities A and c, respectively, with equal and uniform angular velocities in the plane of the paper, then if c D, lags 150 behind A B, when A B, reaches the position shown CD, will also occupy the position indicated. Their vector sum A D, will be the resultant or combined E. M. F. of these two generators when placed in series at this de- , K PIG. 87. finite phase relationship and will be represented by a sinusoidal E. M. F. of 620 volts effective, 41 behind A B. If, as represented in Fig. 87, two equal sinusoidal 243 E. M. F.'S, each 1000 volts effective, are connected in series at an angle of 60, or ^ period, their resultant will be a sinusoidal E. M. F. of 1733 volts. T ^ period ahead of E F, or y 1 ^ period behind F G. If the angular displace- ment be J period, their resultant will be 1415 volts effective, -J of a period later than j K ; while, if the angular divergence be 150, their resultant will be 518 volts effective, 75 in advance of L M. Any number of co-periodic simple harmonic E. M. F.'S can be compounded into an equivalent single resultant by finding their vector sum. E 62 VOLTS t ^ RESISTANCE 10 OHMS FIG. 88. FIG 89. The impressed E. M. F. at the terminals of an alternat- ing current circuit is always equal to the geometrical sum of the component c. E. M. F.'S in that circuit, that is to say, if there be only resistance in the circuit, the im- pressed E. M. F. will be expressed by the c. E. M. F., / R ; or, if there be additional c. E. M. F.'S of the type 0, the impressed E. M. F. will be expressed by the vector sum Ifi + e. This law applies to the continuous current circuit where however the sum is merely arithmatical. If, therefore, the drop / 7?, in the resistance, be laid off on the line A B, Fig. 88 and the c. E. M. F., 0, due to the variation of flux linkage be laid off by the line B c, at right angles to A B, and 90 in advance of it, then A c, 244 will be the vector sum of the c. E. M. F.'S, and this must be equal to the impressed E. M. r. 251. Instead of considering the current produced in an alternating-current circuit as being numerically equal to the quotient of the resultant E. M. F. by the ohmic resistance of the circuit, in accordance with Ohm's law, it is frequently simpler to regard the impressed E. M. F. as acting alone in the circuit, and that the resist- ance of the circuit is altered to, what is called the impe- dance of the circuit. For example, if the circuit possesses a resistance a 5, Fig. 89 of say 10 ohms, and the frequency of the E. M. F. be 100 ^, its angular velocity will be 628.3 radians per second ; i.e. the angu- lar velocity of the revolving line in the plane of the paper will be 100 X 2 TT. If the inductance be 0.015 henry, the reactance I c, will be 0.015 X 628.3 = 9.425 ohms, 90 in advance of a &, and the impedance of the circuit will be the geometrical sum of these two components, or a c, 13.74 ohms, 43 18' in advance of a b. We have, therefore, in an alternating current cir- cuit, the vector relationships, (1) Reactance of an Inductance L henrys = j 2 TT n L ohms where n, is the frequency and j, is the symbol of direction or V-- 1, indicating that the reactance is set at right angles to the resistance. (2) Impedance = Resistance -f- Reactance. Ohm's T? law applied to such a circuit becomes / = _ am- J peres, where /, is the vector impedance. In dividing vectors, their lengths are divided numerically and their angles subtracted. Thus, if p Q, and E s, Fig. 90 be two vectors p Q, being 0.8 /60, and R s, 0.5 /270; or, 245 0.5 \ 90, their arithmetical product will be 0.8 X 0.5 /270 + 60 = 0.4 /33Q' = 0.4 \30. While the quotient of If = will be - 8 /60 270 = 1.6 / 210 R s 0.5 = 1.6 \ 210 = 1.6/150 as shown at T v, and v w, Fig. 90. If then, the resistance coil last considered, have an impressed sinusoidal E. M. F. of say 52 volts, con- nected to its terminals, the current in the circuit will be M 3.785 13.74 ,/43 IS' : " /43 18' as represented in Fig. 89, and the current will, there- fore, lag 43 IS' behind the E. M. F. in phase. 252. The reactance of a condenser is the reciprocal of the product of its capacity in farads and the angular velocity of the impressed E. M. F. Thus, if a condenser of 10 microfarads ; that if, 10~ 5 farad, be con- nected directly with the terminals of the alternator of 100 ~, and 1100 volts effective, as measured at ter- minals, the reactance of the condenser at this frequency will be = 159.2 ohms ; but this reactance, 10- 5 X 628.3 while set off at right angles to ohmic resistance, is marked in the opposite direction to inductance-reactance as shown 246 at B G Fig. 91. This is for the reason that inductance and capacity in a circuit tend to neutralize each others influence, and, calling the inductance-reactance positive, capacity-reactance is reckoned as negative. The current through the condenser under these conditions will be _ 6.91 /90. so that the current in this case 159.2 \ 90 leads the E. M. F. by a quarter period. The reactance of a condenser of capacity c, farads is therefore j ' . ; = 135.3 ohms, as shown in Fig. 248 93, j, being the symbol of V 1 or an operator which rotates 125.7 through a right angle, counter-clockwise from the direction of the resistance. The drop at the terminals of the coil will, therefore be 18.27 /33 50' X 135.3 /68 19 r = 2472 /1Q2 09', and as shown in Fig. 94 2472 /102 09 ; + 2909 \ 50 10' = 1100. It is evident that by the combination of an induct- ance with a condenser, the pressure at the terminals of a condenser may exceed that of the impressed E. M. F. The vector sum of the total c. E. M.'F.'S or drops in the circuit must, however, be equal to the impressed E. M. F. as shown in Fig. 94. If the reactance of a condenser is equal to the react- ance of the inductance in a circuit, the impedance of the circuit is reduced to its simple resistance, so that an al- ternating current circuit on a coil having a small resist- ance but large inductance, in circuit with a properly selected condenser may develop an exceedingly high pressure at the condenser and at the coil terminals. Such a circuit is said to be resonant. SYLLABUS. The sum or difference of two co-periodic, sinusoidal E. M. F.'S is their geometrical or vector sum, or differ- ence. Laboratory of Houston & Keiinelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINBBR.] WEEKLY. No. 32. JANTTAHV 19, 1895. l^tio" S3m Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED Alternating Currents. 253. Since in an alternating-current circuit we have Tf 1 the vector equation I = amperes = E .- .am- J J peres, we may write 1 = E A amperes, where the ad- mittance A, is the reciprocal of the impedance, and is expressed in mhos. In a continuous-current circuit, 7? I = = E G amperes, where 6r, is the conductance in R mhos (Sec. 24), and the admittance A, degrades into a simple conductance. In a continuous-current circuit, the joint conductance of a number of separate conductances in multiple is their arithmetical sum. In an alternating -current circuit, the joint admittance of a number of separate admittances in multiple, is their geometrical sum. For example, let two impedances be connected to the terminals of an alternator delivering 1100 volts at tor rjpgs, with a frequency of 12S *v, Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New York, N. Y. [Entered & second-clas matter at the New York, N. Y., Port Office, June 14, 1894. ] 250 one of these impedances being offered by a coil of 30 ohms resistance and 0.2 henry inductance, and the other impedance being that of a condenser of 10 micro- farads capacity ; then the angular velocity of the E. M. F. is 785.4 radians per second. As shown in Fig. 95, the re- actance of the inductance is 15 Y.I /90 ohms, and the impedance C E, 159.9 /79 11' ohms. The reactance it \ i / C 80 OHMS D "0.002076 MHO FIG. 95. Illustrating the Combination of Impedances in Parallel. of the condenser is 127.3 \ 90 ohms, and this, in the absence of resistance in series with it, becomes its im- pedance. The admittance of the coil is, therefore 159 9 /79 11' = - 006252 \ W H' raho, as repre- sented by the line c d, to a convenient scale ; and the admittance of the condenser is similarly ===^ 4.27.0 \ yo 251 = 0.007854 /90 mho. The geometrical sum, or joint admittance of a I and c d, is a d, 0.002076 /55 37' mho. The joint impedance is, therefore 0.002076 \ 55 as represented by the line G H, to a suitable scale. The current supplied from the alternator will, consequently be - = = 2.284 /55 37' amperes, as shown " 481.6 \ 55 37' by the line N p. The current in the resistance coil will be 159 9 7790 n/ = 6.877 \ 79 11' amperes, as repre- sented by the line L M, and the current in the condenser will be o = 8.641 /90 amperes, as shown by \2ii.o \ 90 the line j K. The arithmetical sum of these two branch currents would be 6.877 + 8.641 = 15.518 amperes, whereas the current actually supplied is only 2.284 /55 37' amperes, and this is the vector sum of 6.879 /79 11' + 8.641 /90. 254. In a continuous-current circuit we have the con- dition that the sum of tfre currents arriving at a point in a network of conductors is equal to the sum of the currents leaving that point (Sec. 50). This is true in an alternating current circuit if we substitute the geometrical sum for the arithmetical sum. The multiplying power of a shunt (Sec. 37) in a con- S7 I & tinuous current circuit is - ' T* ' ? where G, is the re- X3 sistance of the galvanometer or similar device, and /, 252 the resistance of the shunt. In an alternating-current circuit, the same ratio holds when the computation is effected geometrically. Thus, suppose a galvanometer applicable to an alternating-current circuit ; for instance, an electro-dynamometer is placed in a circuit whose fre- quency is 125 ~, and whose angular velocity is there- fore, 785.4 radians per second, with a resistance of 6.19 ohms, and an inductance of 0.01 H. Its reactance, therefore will be 7.854 ohms, and its impedance, as shown in Fig. 90 of 10 /51 45' ohms. If this dynamo- meter is shunted by a simple non-inductive resistance $, of 10 ohms, and whose impedance is, therefore, 10 /0 100HM8. FIG 96. Illustrating the Multiplying Power of a Shunt. ohms, then the vector sum G -\- $, is shown to be 17.99 /25^3 / ohms. This sum divided by 8, is clearly 1.799 /25 53', so that the readings of the dynamometer would have to be multiplied by 1.799 in order to obtain the total current strength. 255. In the same way it may be shown that all the formulae, applying to continuous-current circuits^ apply equally to sinusoidal-current circuits when the proper impedances, are substituted for the various re- sistances, and the computation is carried out vectorially. In a continuous-current circuit, the activity is E 1 253 watts, E I, being the numerical product. In a sinusoidal- current circuit, the activity is E /watts, E 1, being in- terpreted geometrically, and representing the co-directed product ; or, if , be the angle included between E, and /, the activity is E /cos a watts. Thus, considering the case represented in Fig. 95, the activity supplied to the condenser by the alternator of 1100 volts, will be 1100 X 8.641 X cos 90 = 0, (see Fig. 97.) Such a current is sometimes called a wattless current. _ . ^A >- ,100 VOLTS B, A,, 1100 VOLTS B w 2ec-Engineer FIG. 97. Illustrating Activity Relations. Considering next the activity in the circuit of the coil, we have 1100 X 6.877 X cos 79 IV = 1419 watts. This energy is expended in heating the coil. 256. When the circuit embraces iron, there will be hysteretic expenditure of energy in the iron at each cycle (Sec. 148). The effect of the hysteresis will be to apparently increase the resistance in the circuit, to what may be termed its equivalent resistance. Thus, if an E. M. F. of 100 volts at 130 ~ be impressed upon the terminals of a coil embracing iron, having a resistance of 1.0 ohms (Fig. 98) and an inductance of 0.1 henry (sym- bolically written 0.1 H\ the angular velocity being 254 816.8 radians per second, the reactance of the coil will be 81.68 /90 ohms, and the impedance of the coil will be 82.31 /83 01' ohms. If, owing to the effect of hysteresis, the 100 volts is opposed by a c. E. M. F. 20 /1 50 volts, as shown by the line E F, the resultant E. M. r. will be D E + E F, or 83.28 /6 54' volts, and this re- sultant E. M. F., considered as acting on the impedance of 83 28 ' the coil, will produce a current 82 31 ,^go 01 / \ 83 01' amperes, represented by the line d g, which *k d \~i--- esi'^ ' 83,%,' 76 07 / - Elec.Engineer FIG. 98. Illustrating Equivalent Resistance, Reactance and Impedance. will be 76 07' behind the impressed E. M. F. d 1 9 of 100 volts. The same result can, however, be obtained if we consider the impressed E. M. F. as acting directly on a circuit whose impedance is 98.8 /76 07' ohms, and whose equivalent resistance and reactance are 23.7 ohms, and 95.96 /9^ ohms, respectively. 257. The ratio of the impedance to the ohmic resis- tance in a conductor or circuit is called its im- pedance factor. The ratio of the reactance to the ohmic 255 resistance in a conductor or circuit is called its reactance factor. The impedance factor is therefore the secant, and the reactance factor the tangent, of the angle of lag. 258. When an alternating current in a primary circuit is linked with a secondary circuit, through the medium of a mutual inductance of L^ henrys, an E. M. F. is set up in the secondary circuit, and a c. E. M. F. is set up in the primary circuit under the influence of the cur- I RA EQ. -RESISTANCE 45 OHMS Site. Engineer FIG. 99. Illustrating Equivalent Resistance, Reactance and Impedances of Mutually Inductive Circuits. rent in the secondary circuit. Without, however, ana- lyzing the direction and magnitude of these E. M. F.'S, it is sufficient to modify the impedance of the primary cir- cuit in order to determine the results produced. If j?a, !*> e/aj represent respectively the resistance, reactance and impedance of the primary circuit, r^ & b , and / b , the corresponding quantities in the secondary circuit and 0) L then fi^ has to be increased by n* r^ to J? 4 ; and K^ di- 256 minished by n 2 K b to K^ ; when the impedance J = 72 A + 7jT A , is the equivalent impedance of the primary circuit. Thus, if a primary circuit of 20 ohms resistance and 100 ohms reactance have impressed upon its terminals a sinusoidal E. M. r. of 100 volts, whose angular velocity is 1000 radians -per second, and is linked through a mutual inductance of 0.05 henry, with a secondary circuit of resistance r b of 50 ohms, reactance & b , of 50 \ 90 ohms, and, therefore, an impedance of 70.7 \ 45 ohms, as shown in Fig. 99, then n = 100 X - 05 = 0.707 70.7 and n 2 = 0.5, so that the primary resistance has to be increased by 0.5 X 50 = 25 ohms, and the secondary re- actance diminished by 0.5 X 50 = 25, i. e., increased by 25 ohms, so that the equivalent resistance 7? A , is 45 ohms, the equivalent reactance 7T A 125 /90 ohms, and the equivalent impedance 132.8 /70 12'. The primary current is, therefore 132 8 Q 12 / = 0.753 \ 70 12'. The secondary E. M. F. is expressed by j to L^ 7 A = to L 7 A \^W = 50 \TJO X 0.753 \~70~ 12 r = 37.65 \ 160 12 ; , and this secondary current 7 b will be 37.65 060^ m ^ 70.7 \ 45 Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, by THH ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.] WEEKLY. oft i QQK rce, - en 2b, 1 Subscription, $3.00. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D! AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED GRADE. ALTBRN ATTORN. 259. The essential difference between an alternator and a continuous-current generator is that the al- ternator has to supply an alternating E. M. F. of definite frequency and of definite wave character, whereas the continuous-current generator has only to supply a con- stant E. M. F. If p, be the number of poles, or the num- ber of magnetic circuits in the alternator field, and if /?, l>e the number of revolutions made by the armature per second, the frequency will be & n periods per second, except in the case of some inductor alternators whose frequency is p n ~. Thus a bipolar machine, to produce a frequency of 1.00 ~, would have to make 100 revolu- tions per second, or 0000 revolutions per minute, a speed only attained by steam turbines. Consequently, almost all commercial alternators are multipolar machines, some having as many as 112 poles. The lower the frequency adopted on a circuit, the smaller the number of poles, or the fewer the number of revolutions per minute. Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 203 Broadway, New York, N. Y. [Entered as second class matter at the New York, N. Y., Pott Office, June 14, 1804.] 258 260. The shape of the wave of E. M. F. produced by an alternator depends primarily upon the rate from instant to instant, at which flux is linked with the armature-winding during revolution. It will, therefore, vary with the shape of the poles and with the shape of the winding on the armature. The simplest form of wave that can be produced by an alternator is a sinusoidal wave. As already men- tioned, many alternators produce a close approximation to the sinusoidal wave form, but, no matter how far the wave may deviate from a strictly sinusoidal form, it may always be considered as a combination of a number of sinusoidal waves, or, in other words, as a complex sinu- soidal wave. According to what is known as Fourier's theorem, every periodic and single-valued wave of what- ever complexity, may be resolved into a combination of a single fundamental wave or simple sinusoid, having the frequency of the complex wave, and a number of shorter sinusoidal waves or harmonics, whose frequen- cies are all some integral multiple of the fundamental frequency. 261. The first harmonic has a frequency twice that of the fundamental. The second harmonic three times, and the nth harmonic, n-j-1 times that of the fun- damental. In some forms of waves the complexity is so great as to necessitate the resolution into an indefinitely great number of harmonics superposed upon the funda- mental, while for practical purposes, waves may usually be considered as simply composed of a fundamental together with the superposition of the second, fourth and sixth harmonics, since beyond the sixth, the eifect of higher harmonics becomes practically negligible. 259 Fig. 100, represents at A, a fundamental wave of the sinusoidal type ; B, its first harmonic ; c, its second ; D, its third, and E, its fourth. Fig. 101 represents at s, a fundamental sinusoidal E. M. F. of 800 volts amplitude, i. e., 565.6 volts effective and 100 ~; at P, its first har- monic of 400 volts amplitude, and at Q, its second har- monic of 500 volts amplitude. If these E. M. F.'S were FUNDAMENTAL V V vwww Elec. Kngi FIG. 100. FIG. 101. independently produced by three separate alternators, which could be coupled rigidly together on the same shaft, then when alternators P, and Q, were so connected, starting together from the zero in the same direction, the E. M. F. which would be produced is shown in Fig. 102. If all three were connected together the resultant wave type of E. M. F. is represented in Fig. 103. 260 262. It is evident from an inspection of Figs. 102 anci 103, that no ordinary alternator could produce such types of wave as are there represented, because the positive waves are not geometrical inversions of the neg- ative waves, with respect to the zero line. Thus the negative wave D E F G H, should continue from D, to the point as far below the zero line as A, is above it, in order to represent the symmetry that must be developed in an alternator where the various outlines of a positive wave are repeated in due succession in the negative wave, with mere alteration of direction. The discrepancy is due to -Else. Engineer FIG. 102. Elec.Engineer FIG. 103. the introduction of the first harmonic. It can be shown, that in order to maintain the symmetry referred to, only the even harmonics, that is, second, fourth, sixth, etc., can be present ; that is, those harmonics whose frequency is an odd number of times that of the fundamental fre- quency. Fig. 104 represents the combination of a fun- damental sinusoidal wave of E. M. F. with its second harmonic of 200 volts amplitude in two different cases of phase relationship. At F -f- A, the fundamental F, and second harmonic A, are united, while at F -f- B, the same fundamental and B, are united. "It is evident, 261 therefore, that the marked presence of a second harmonic in an alternating-current wave may produce either a flat topped or a peaked form of wave, according to the phase of the harmonic, relatively to the fundamental. Any alternating E. M. r. may, therefore, be expressed by the formula, e = E\ sin (cot + i) + E z sin (3 tot + 3 ) sin (5 tot + 05) + volts FUNDAMENTAL - HARMONIC FIG. 1C5. FIG. 104. where e, is the instantaneous value of the E. M. F., the frequency, E^ E^ E 5 the amplitudes of the fundamental and the second and fourth harmonics, and a 19 3 , 5 , the respective phase angles. If it be required to eliminate the phase angles, this may be done by resolving each 262 successive wave into two sinusoidal components in quad- rature, thus e = E t sin cot + E' cos cot + E itl sin Scot -f- E" cos 3 cot + EV sin 5 ^ -f ^ v cos 5 w tf, -f- This equation is one expression of Fourier's theorem. The same applies to any alternating current, if *', and /, be substituted for e, and E, respectively. 263. When a complex-harmonic E. M. F.; that is, an E. M. F. distinctly deviating from the simple-sinu- soidal type, sends a current through a circuit containing inductance, the reactance of the circuit to the harmonics will be greater than to the fundamental E. M. F., and, therefore, the impedance will be greater to the har- monics. For this reason the components of harmonic cur- rents are weakened relatively to the fundamental, and the current tends to approach the sinusoidal form more closely than the E. M. F. When, however, the circuit is linked with iron, the presence of hysteresis will usually introduce a greater amount of distorsion than the induct- ance can compensate, so that the current supplied to al- ternating current transformers, particularly on light loads, are usually much distorted. 264. When two alternators are connected in series and driven by independent sources of power, the armatures tend to take up such a position that the E. M. F. waves of one are in the opposite direction to the E. M. r. waves of the other, so that no resultant E. M. F. is de- veloped. For this reason, when alternators have to be connected together, they are connected in parallel in- stead of in series unless rigidly connected on the same shaft. 263 When two alternators are connected in parallel, they must necessarily keep step, and their phase difference must, therefore, be constant, within certain limits. Sup- pose two alternators, of 1100 volts effective E. M. F., run- ning independently, be suddenly connected together at a time when their phase difference is, for example, as represented in Fig. 105. The E. M. F. existing in the circuit connecting the two armatures, whose E. M. F.'S, are represented in magnitude and phase by o A, and o B, will, therefore, be represented by the line A B, and this E. M. F. tends to send a current through the armature, whose effect \vill be to accelerate the lagging armature and re- tard the leading armature, thus bringing the machines into phase. On the other hand, by armature reaction, the current will tend to produce a c. M. M. F. in the vari- ous magnetic circuits, tending to weaken the E. M. F. of the leading machine. The machines, will, therefore, rap- idly fall into step, or out of step, according to which of these influences preponderates. The smaller the phase difference existing at the time of interconnection, the lesser the liability of derangement in operation. The lower the frequency and the smaller the armature reaction, the more readily the interconnection can be brought about. If this connection be made at an unfavorable moment, the current in the armatures may reach unduly great strengths, sufficient to blow the fuses, and the mechani- cal strains brought to bear upon the machines are liable to be excessive. For this reason with alternators at Ameri- can frequencies in electric lighting, i. e., from 120 ~ to 135 ~~ parallel workings has not come into use. although in Europe, where the frequencies are from 40 ~~ to 100 ~, parallel working is the general practice. In- 264 struments called phase detectors are frequently employed to ascertain the right moment at which to throw the switch connecting two machines in parallel. SYLLABUS. Any single-valued, periodic function may be analyzed into a sinusoidal wave, of the frequency of the function, and a series of superposed harmonics. The n\h harmonic has a frequency of n-\-\. times that of the fundamental. A complex E. M. F. acting upon a circuit of con- siderable reactance tends to generate a current more nearly sinusoidal in type. Alternators connected in series, unless rigidly con- nected together, tend to annul each other's E. M. F. Alternators, when suddenly connected in parallel, may either fall into step, or short circuit one another, accord- ing to the nature of the machines, the armature reaction, frequency, and the phase difference between them. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. [Copyright, 1894, bv THK ELECTRICAL WEEKLY. NY 34 FTTRT?TTAT?V 9 ISQPi Price, - 10 Cents. BRUARY 2, 1 Subscription, $8.00. Electrical Engineering Leaflets, Prof. E. J. Houston, Ph. D. AND A. E. Kennelly, F. R. A. S. ADVANCED CRADE. ALTKRNATORS. 265. A multiphase alternator, or multiphaser, as distin- guished from a uniphase alternator, or uniphaser, is a machine which generates two or more alternating currents in definite phase relationship with each other. Multiphase alternators are diphase when they produce two separate alternating E. M. F.'S in quadrature, or sepa- rated by a quarter cycle, and triphase when they pro- duce three separate alternating E. M. F.'S separated by one-third of a cycle. Multiphase generators are only required for the purpose of operating alternating cur- rent motors, which can start from rest at full torque ; that is, induction motors. 266. Diphase generators employ on the armature two sets of coils or windings so arranged that the E. M. F.'S generated in them shall have the same magnitude, frequency and wave type, but shall differ in phase by 90, or a quarter cycle, so that the diagram representing such effective E. M. F.'S will be shown in Fig. 106. The Published by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 303 Broadway, New York, N. Y. [Entered as second-class matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, June 14, 1894.] 266 current produced by these two E. M. F.'S may be carried in two independent circuits, necessitating four wires and four collector rings, as in Fig. 107, or in two inter-con- n 100 VOLT 8 ^ ^ XOJ ~\~\^ a ), will become approximately 625 /125. Again, if the same load in watts be applied inductively to the transformer, as, for example, an alternating-current motor, the power factor of the secondary circuit will be reduced, and a greater current strength will be required, which will lag con- sid,erably and the M. M. F. may become, as at B, 770 \ 60. The primary component will be increased to approxi- mately 1100 /2<>, and the components will be nearly in opposition. 280 The effect of this opposition in M. M. F.'S upon the leak- age through both coils is illustrated in Fig. 121. If om 2 and 6 m, are in quadrature, each M. M. F. is at its maxi- mum when its neighbor is zero, and when as at A, rn is at its maximum, //i 2 , is absent, and the flux tli rough the reluctance R 3 , of the leakage path will be only that due to the magnetic drop in the reluctance R 2 , of the iron oc- cupied by the secondary coil. Similarly when m%, is at its maximum the flux through R 3 , is that due to the drop in KJ. When, however, the M. M. F.'S are forced into op- position, the leakage flux from each through K 3 , is in- creased. 274. The power factor of transformers varies not only with their load, but also with the nature of their load, for, when the secondary circuit is loaded inductively, the current in the secondary circuit lags considerably be- hind the impressed secondary E. M. F. Consequently the c. M. M. F. is brought more nearly in opposition to the primary M. M. F. The drop in each circuit is, therefore, increased as will be evident from an inspection of Figs. 120 and 121. Large transformers, whose power factor may be 0.995 at full non-inductive load, with a full load drop at secondary terminals of 1 per cent., may have a power factor of 0.90 with an inductive load, and have their full load drop at the same time increased to 4 per cent. On the other hand a condenser connected to secondary terminals tends to diminish the secondary drop and increase the power factor. Laboratory of Houston & Kennelly, Philadelphia. INDKX. Activity, Definition of 7 Activity in Carbon Voltaic Arc 217, 218 Admittance 249 Aero-Ferric Magnetic Cir- cuit, Calculation of. . . 109, no Alloys 26 All-Night Arc Lamps 224 Alternating-Current Arc Circuits 228, 229 Alternating Current, Defi- nition of 233 Alternating-Current Arc, Distribution of Light from 228, 229 Alternating Current, Mean or Average Strength of. . 46 Alternating-Current Trans- former 273 to 280 Alternating-Current Trans- former,AutomaticAdjust- mentsof 275, 276 Alternating-Current Trans- former. Definition of 273 Alternating-Current Trans- former, Hysteretic Loss in 276, 277 Alternating-Current Trans- former, Power-Factor of. 280 Alternating Currents 233 to 256 Alternating E. M. F., Defini- tion of 233 Alternating or Pulsatory Current , Determination of Strength of 46 Alternation, Definition of.. 234 Alternator and Continuous Current Generator, Es- sential Difference b e - tween 257 Alternator, Diphase 265 Alternator, Uniphase 265 Alternators 257 to 272 Alternators, Connection of in parallel 263 Alternators, Definition of. . 238 Alternators, Multiphase.... 265 Ampere, Definition of 42 Ampere-Hour, Commercial Unit of Electric Quantity 45 Arc Carbons , Consumption of 223 Arc, Counter-Electromotive Force of 217 Arc Lamps, All-night 224 Arc Lamp, Ordinary, Activ- ity of 7 Arc Lamps, Alternating- Current Circuit 228, 229 Arc Lamps, Double-Carbon 224 Arc Light Carbon, Positive Crater in 218 282 INDEX. Arc Light Circuits, Con- tinuous, Distribution of Potential in 226 Arc Light Dynamos 225 Arc Light Globes 231 Arc Light Projectors . . 229, 230, 231 Arc-Lights, Mean Horizon- tal Intensity of 221 Arc Lights, Mean Spherical Candle-power of 221 Arc Lighting 216 to 232 Armature of Dynamo and Motor, Circumstances Af- fecting Direction of Rota- tion of l87 , 18 8 Armature Reaction i 5o Armatures, Toothed Core of Dynamos I52 Attractive Electromagnets, Definition of II3 Attractive Force of Electro- magnets, Calculation of 114. 115, 116 Balances, Resistance, Vari- ous Forms of 28, 29 Balance, Wheatstone's.. 28, 29 Battery, Voltaic, Efficiency of 7i Begohm, Definition of r8 Bichromate Voltaic Cell . 84, 85 Bicrohm, Definition of 18 Bridge Boxes, Various Forms of 2 8, 39 Bridge, Wheatstone's. . . 28, 29 Brushes of Dynamo, Lead of - M 149 Brushes, Shifting of on Com- mutator f orVaryingSpeed of Continuous Current Motor 177> I7 8 C. E. M. F. of Polarization. . 81 c. G. s., Practical, Unit of E. M. F n c. G. s Units 4, 5 c. G. s. Unit of Force 5 c. G. s. Unit of Quantity. .. u Cable, Insulation Resi- stance of 35) 3 6 Candle-Foot 20 6 Candle-Power of Arc Lights, Mean Spherical 221 Candle-Power of Incandes- cent Lamp, Methods Pro- posed for Regulating, 2 1 2, 213 Candle, Standard 205 Capability, Electrical , of Voltaic Cell 69, 7 o Carbon Voltaic Arc, Ac- tivity in 2i 7 , 218 Carbons, Cored 228 Carbons, Electro-plated 223 Carcel Lamp 205 Carcel-Metre 2 o6 Carrying Capacity of Con- ductors 45 Cell, Voltaic, Bichromate, 82, 83 Cell, Voltaic, Clark Standard 88 'ell, Voltaic, Edison-La- lande 87, 88 ell, Voltaic, Electrical Capability of 69, 7 o Cell, Voltaic, Fuller .... 86, 8 7 lell, Voltaic, Gravity. . . 84, 85 Cell, Voltaic, Grenet 82, 83 INDEX. Cell, Voltaic, Leclanche... 85 Cell, Voltaic, Partz Gravi- ty 85, 86 Cell, Voltaic, Poggendorff, 82, 83 Cell, Voltaic, Silver Chlor- ide 87, 88 Cell, Voltaic, Smee 82 Centimetre-G r a m m e - Se- cond Unit of Activity. ... 7 Central Lighting Stations, Maximum Lighting Load of 212 Central Lighting Stations, Minimum Lighting Load of 212 Charge, Electric, and Ether Strains, Relation between 2 Charge, Negative 2 Charge, Positive 2 Circuit, Drop in 50 Circuit, Electric, Definition of 57 Circuit, Ferric Magnetic. . 93 Circuit Impedance 244 Circuit, Multiple-Series 60 Circuit, Reactance 244 Circuit, Resonant 248 Circuits, Conducting, Clas- sification of 57 Circuits, Magnetic 92 Circular Type of E. M. F. or Current 235 Clark Standard Cell 15 Clark Standard Cell, Tem- perature Coefficient of . . . 16 Clark Standard Voltaic Cell 88 Coefficient of Reduction from Capability to Out- put... 131, 132 Coils, Compensating 160 Combin ation Triphase Winding 268 Compensating Coils, of Dy- namo 160 Complex-Sinusoidal Wave. 258 Conductance, Definition of 25 Conductances, Formula for Calculating 25 Conducting Circuits, Classi- fication of 57 Conductivity. Definition of 25 Conductivity, Magnetic. ... 95 Conductor, Electric, Dissi- pation of Heat by 196 Conductor, Electric, Tem- perature Elevation of 198 Conductors, Carrying Capa- city of 45 Conductors, Safe Current Density in 45 Continuous-Current Dyna- mo, Reversibility of 170 Cooling of Wire, Effect of Covering on 198, 199 Co-periodic Simple-Harmo- nic E. M. F.'S, Vector Sum of 243 Cored Carbons 228 Coulomb, Definition of . . 1 1 , 42 Couple, Voltaic 66 Counter- E lectromotive Force, Development of, by Continuous Current . . 62 Counter- Electro motive Force of Arc 217 Counter- Electromotive Force of Arc, Origin of.. 218 Counter-Electromotive Force of Induction . . 62 28 4 INDEX. Counter- E lectromotive Force of Motor 170 Counter-E lectromotive Force of Polarization . 62 Counter-E lectromotive Force, Varieties of 62 Counter-E lectromotive Force, Virtual 62 Crater in Positive Arc Light Carbon 218 Current, Alternating, De- finition of 233 Current, Circular Type of Periodic-Alternating 235 Current Density 45 Current, Displacement, Probable Nature of 10 Current, Electric ... 41 to 48 Current, Electric, Does Not Pass Through Conductor 41, 42 Current, Periodic-Alternat- ing, Definition of 233 Current, Sinusoidal 236 Curve, Sinusoidal 237 Curve, Simple-Harmonic . . 237 Curve, Simple-Periodic 237 Curves of Reluctivity in Iron and Steel in Relation to Flux Density 107 Cut-Out, Film 213, 214 Cycle, Definition of 234 D. E. M. F 170 Daniell Voltaic Cell 84, 85 Density of Current 45 Density of Flux, Definition of 90 Depolarizer 8 1 Derived Circuit, Applica- tion of Ohm's Law to $2 Detectors, Phase 264 Diagram, Hysteretic 142 Dielectric Displacement , Current in 2 Dielectrics, Maintenance of Electric Displacements in 2 Difference of Potential ... 13 Differential Calculus, Sim- ple Explanation of 43 Direct Electromotive Force of Generator 1 70 Diphase, Alternator 265 Diphase, Connection of In- terconnected Circuits. . . . 266 Diphase Connections, Sep- arate Circuits 266 Diphase E. M. F.'S 266 Displacement Current, Probable Nature of 10 Displacement Flux, Nature of 2 Displacement Strain. ...9, 10 Displacement, Electric, Na- ture of 2 Double-Carbon Arc Lamps 224 Double-Fluid Cells, Defini- tion of 82 Drop in Circuit 50 Dynamo and Motor, Co- Generation of Electro- dynamic and Electro motive Forces in 169 Dynamo, Counter Electro- dynamic Force of 1 70 Dynamo-Electric Machine, Armature of 150, 151 Dynamo-Electric Machine, Classification of Losses in 137 INDEX. 285 Dynamo-Electric Machine, Electrical Losses in. . 138, 139 Dynamo-Electric Machine, Lead of Brushes of . . . . 149 Dynamo-Electric Machine, Limitations to Output of, Classification of 145 Dynamo-Electric Machine, Mechanical Lossesin, 137, 138 Dynamo-Electric Machine, Principles of Design of. . 133, 134, 135 Dynamo, the 128, 152 Dynamos and Motor, Dif- ference of Output of . 181, 182 Dyne, Definition of 5 Dyne Centimetre, Defini- tion of . . 6 E. M. F 9 to 16 E. M. F., Alternating, De- finition of 233 E. M. F., Circular Type of Periodic-Alternating 235 E. M. F., Direction of In- duced, Rule for Deter- mining 123,214 E. M. F., Effective, Value of 239 E. M. F., Monocyclic Dia- gram of 271 E. M. F., or Current, Alter nating Flat-top Type of.. 235 E. M. F. of Self-Induction . . 127 E. M. F. of Voltaic Cell, Cal- culation of 76, 77 E. M. F., Periodic Alternat- ing, Definition of 233 E. M. F., Self-Induced 127 E. M. F., Sinusoidal 236 E. M. F., Sources of, in Vol- taic Cell 67, 68 E. M. F.'S, Diphase 266 Earth's Crust, Resistance of 31, 32 Earth's Crust, Resistivity of Materials Forming. . . 30 Edison-Lalande Voltaic Cell 86, 87 Efficiency, Commercial, of Dynamo Electric Ma- chine 137 Efficiency of Electrical Dis- tribution, Definition of . . 51 Efficiency of Lamp 207 Efficiency of Lamp, Effect of Temperature on 207 Efficiency of Lamp, So- called 207 Efficiency of^Lamp, True. . 207 Efficiency of Voltaic Bat- tery 71 Electric Capability of Gene- rator 131 Electric Circuits 57, 64 Electric Discharge, Classi- fication of Effects of 3 Electric Displacement, Maintenance of, in Non- Conductors or Dielectrics 2 Electric Displacement, Nature of 2 Electric Motor, Continuous Current Type of . . . 168 to 192 Electric Railroad Motor. . . 180 Electric Sources 13 Electric Sources, Classifica- tion of 14 Electrical Effects . . . . i to 8 286 INDEX. Electrical Energy of Voltaic Cell, Cost of 69 Electrification, Nature of . . 10 Electro-Chemical Equiva- valents, Tables of 74 Electro-Dynamic Force of Dynamo 170 Electro-Dynamics . . .161 to 168 Electro-Dynamics, Defini- tion of 161 Electrolyte, Action of E.M.F. on 73 Electromagnet, Attractive Form of 119, 120 Electromagnet, Portative Form of 118, 119 Electromagnets 113 to 120 Electromagnets, Attractive, Definition of 113 Electromagnets, Computa- tion of Attractive Force of 114, 115, 116 Electromagnets, Determin- ation of Polarity of 113 Electromagnets, Dual Char- acter of Flux in 113 Electromagnets, Iron-clad. 119 Electromagnets, Induced or Structural Magnetic Flux of 113 Electromagnets, Portative, Definition of .... 113 Electromagnets, Prime or Magnetizing Flux of 113 Electromotive Force of Electric Sources 14, 15 Electro-plated Arc Carbons 223 Element of Voltaic Cell 66 Energy, Conservation of . . 4 Energy, Definition of 3 Energy, Doctrine of Con- servation of 4 Energy, Kinetic, Definition of 3 Energy, Potential, Defini- tion of 3 Energy, Potential, a Pos- .sible Variety of Kinetic Energy 4 Energy, Total Amount of, in Sun 7 Entrefer, Definition of, 150, 151 Equivalent, Electro-Chem- ical 74, 75 Equivalent Resistance 253 Erg, Definition of 6 Erg, Value of , 6 Ether, Stresses and Strains in i, 2 Excessive Heating of Dy- namo-Electric Machine, Limitations to Output of, Caused by 144, 145, 146 Factor, Impedance 254, 255 Feeders. 215 Ferric Circuit, Calculation of 108, 109 Ferric-Magnetic Circuit 93 Filament, Causes of De- crease of Cross-Sectional Area of 210 Filament, Coking of 209 Filament, Decrease of Area of Cross Section of 208 Filament, Disintegration of 208 Filament of Incandescent Lamp 210 INDEX. 287 Filament of Incandescent Lamp, Variation of, Dur- ing Use, 209 Film Cut-out 213, 214 First Harmonic, Frequency of 258, 259, 260, 261 Five-wire System 61 Fleming's Hand Rule for Direction of Induced E. M. F 123, 124 Fleming's Hand Rule for Motors 163 Flux Density, Definition of 90 Flux Density, Unit of 90 Flux, Displacement,Nature of 2 Flux Intensity, Definition of ? Flux, Magnetic 89 Flux, Magnetic, Convention as to Direction of 89 Flux, Physiologically Effec- tive 206 Force, Counter Electromo- tive of Motor 170 Force, Definition of 3 Force, Electric i Force, Electromotive and Electrodynamic, Co-gen- eration of in Dynamo and Motor 169 Force, Magnetic, Definition of 99, ioo Force or Stress, Electromo- tive, Cause of 2 Force, Varieties of 3 Formulas for Resistivity.22, 23 Fourier's Theorem 258 Frequencies, Luminous and Non-Luminous. .,...,., 201 Frequencies, Definition of. 234 Frequency of First Har- monic 258, 259, 260, 261 Frequency of Second Har- monic 258, 259, 260, 261 Fuller Voltaic Cell 86, 87 Fuses, Electric, Capacity of, for Heat 200 Galvanometer, High Grade Thomson's Mirror. .. .47, 48 Galvanometer, Shunt. . .36, 37 Galvanometer, Thomson's Mirror 36 Gases, Effect of Pressure on Resistivity of 26 Gauss, Definition of 90 Generator, Direct E. M. F. of 170 Generator, Electric Capa- bility of 131 Generator, Output of 130 Generator, Series Wound. . 154 Generator, Shunt- Wound .. 154 Gilbert, Definition of 92 Globes, Arc-light 231 Gravity Voltaic Cell. . . 84, 85 Grenet Voltaic Cell,. . . 82, 83 Harmonics 258 Heat, Development of in Safety Fuse. 200 Heat, Dissipation of, by Electric Conductor 196 Heat, Loss by Radiation . . 197 Heat, Radiation of 197 Heat, Unit of. 192 Heating, Electric. . . .193 to soo 288 INDEX. Heating, Excessive, of Dy- namo-Electric Machine, Limitations to Output of, Caused by 144, 145, 146 Hefner-Alteneck Lamp . . . 205 High Resistance Appara- tus, Effect of Leakage on Accuracy of 37 Hysteresis, Definition of. . . 139 Hysteresis, Magnetic . . 139, 140, 141, 142, 143 Hysteresis, Magnetic. Loss of Energy of 141 Hysteretic Diagram 142 Hysteretic Loss in Alter- nating-Current Trans- former 276, 277 Illumination, Physiological, Coefficient of 203 Illumination, Physiologic- ally Effective 203 Illuminating Power, Phys- iologically Effective. . 202, 203 Impedance Factor 254, 255 Impedance of Circuit 244 Incandescent Lamp, Activ- ity of 7 Incandescent Lamp, Me- thods Proposed for Re- gulating Candle-power of 212, 213 Incandescent Lighting.. 201 to 224 Induced Electromotive Force 121 to 128 Induced or Structural Mag- netic Flux of an Electro- magnet ii Inductance, Influence of on Sparking of Brushes of Dynamo 147, 148 Induction, Counter-Electro- motive Force of 62 Inductor Alternators 257 Insulation Resistance of Line or Conductor 33 Insulator, Circumstances Affecting Resistance of. . 33 Insulator, Oil 33, 34 Intake of Machine, Defini- tion of 8 Intensity, Maximum of Arc Light ., 221 Intensity, Mean Horizontal, of Arc Lights 221 Intensity of Flux, Defini- tion of ... 90 International c. G. s. Unit of Quantity n International Ohm , Defini- tion of 17 International Practical Unit of E. M. F ii Ions, Definition of. 73 Iron-clad Electromagnets. . 119 Joint Admittance 249, 250 Joint Resistance 51 Joule 194 Joule, Definition of 7 Kinetic Energy, Definition of 3 Kirchoff's Laws 52, 53 Laborer, Average Activity of 7 Lamp, Carcel 205 INDEX. 289 Lamp, Effect of Tempera- ture on Life of 207 Lamp, Efficiency of 207 Lamp Globe, Blackening of 208, 2ii Lamp, Hefner-Alteneck . . . 205 Lamp, Violle 205 Laws, Kirchoff's 52, 53 Lead of Dynamo Brushes.. 149 Leading Pole of Motor- Armature 186 Leakage Paths. Magnetic. . 96 Leakage, Magnetic, Effect of on Efficiency of Trans- former 277 Leclanche, Voltaic Cell. ... 85 Lesser Calorie 192 Light, Standard of 205 Lighting, Load of Central Stations 212 Limiting Current Strength in Wires 198, 199 Line or Conductor, Insula- tion Resistance of . . . .33, 34 Localized Vector 1 1 Loop, Conducting, Rotation of, in Magnetic Flux 126 Losses, Eddy Current, in Continuous-Current Mo- tors 174 Losses, Magnetic, in Dyna- mo-Electric Machine, 139, 140 Losses, Mechanical, in Dy- namo-Electric Machine, 137, 138, 139 Luminous and Non-Lumin- ous Frequencies 201 Luminous Radiation, Effect of Temperature on 204 M. M. F 89, 96 M. M F.. Unit of . . . 92 Machine, Definition of In- take of 8 Machine, Definition of Out- put of 8 Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Commercial-Efficiency of 137 Machine, Dynamo Electric, Principles UnderlyingDe- signof 133, 134, 135 Machine, Efficiency of 8 Magnetic and Material Fluxes, Difference be- tween 91 Magnetic Circuits 92 Magnetic Conductivity 95 Magnetic Force, Definition of 99, 100 Magnetic Flux. . . . 89, 104, 112 Magnetic Leakage, Effect on Efficiency of Trans- former 277 Magnetic Losses of Dyna- mo-Electric Machine 139, 140 Magnetic Permeability .... 95 Magnetic Reluctance 96 to 104 Magnetic Reluctance, and Magnetizing Force, Rela- tion between 101, 102 Magnetic Saturation 92 Magnetism Residual 93 Magneto-Dynamics, Defini- tion of 161 Magnetomotive Force 91 Magnetomotive Force, Structural 93 Mangin Reflector. . . . . .230, 231 Maximum Intensity of Arc Light 221 2go INDEX. Mean Horizontal Intensity of Arc Lights 221 Mean Spherical Can die- Power of Arc Lights 221 Megadyne , Approximate Value of 6 Megadyne, Definition of . . . 6 Megohm, Definition of 18 Megohm, Standard 30 Metal-Coated Arc Light Carbons 223 Metallic Reluctivity 103 Mho, Definition of 25 Microhm, Definition of ... 18 Molecules, Dis-associated. . 73 Molten-Platinum Standard 205 Monocyclic E. M. F., Dia- gram of 271 Monocyclic System 271 Monocyclic System Trans- former 272 Motion, Simple-Harmonic.. 236 Motor- Armature, Leading Pole of 186 Motor- Armature, Reaction of 186, 187 Motor-Armature, Toothed Core 185 Motor- Armature, Trailing Pole of 1 86 Motor-Armatures, Smooth Core. 185 Motor, Continuous-Current, Speed Varied by Shifting Brushes on Commutator 128, 177 Motor, Continuous-Current, under Constant Torque, Methods of Carrying Speed of... 177, 178, 179 Motor, Counter-Electromo- tive Force of 170 Motor, Electromotive Force of 62 Motor, How to Reverse Di- rection of. . .187, 188, 189, 190 Motor, Relation of Torque and Speed to Activity of 171 Motor, Series 179 Motor, Shunt 180 Motor, Starting Resistance of 181 Motor, Street-car 191 Motor, Torque of 167 Motor, Work Absorbed by, 170 Motors, Classification of for Torque and Speed of 171 Motors,Continuous-Current, Eddy Current Losses in.. 174 Motors, Electric, Weight of 190, 191 Multiphase Alternators 265 Multiphaser 265 Multiple Arc Lighting, Cost 227, 228 Multiple Circuit 59 Multiple-Series Circuit .... 60 Multiplying Power of Shunt 36, 37 Negative Arc Light Carbon, Nipple on 219 Negative Charge 2 Negative Plate of Voltaic Cell 66 Negative Pole of Voltaic Cell 66 Negative Resistivity Tem- perature Coefficient 23 INDEX. 291 Negative Terminal of Vol- taic Cell 66 Network of Conductors, Application of Ohm's Law to . 53 Nipple on Negative Arc Light Carbon 219 Non-Luminous Radiation.. 201 Obscure Radiation 201 Oersted, Definition of. .97 Ohm, International, Defi- nition of 17 Ohm, Multiples and Sub- Multiples of 17. 18 Ohm, Standard ....... 29, 30 Ohrn's Law ... ...49 to 56 Ohm's Law, Application of, to Branch Circuit 52 Ohm's Law, Application of, to Network of Conduc- tors 53 Oil Insulator 33, 34 Output of Dynamo Electric Machine, Classification of Limitations to 145 Output of Dynamos and Motors, Difference be- tween 181, 182 Output of Generator 130 Output of Machine 8 Parallel Connection of Al- ternators 263 Partz Gravity Voltaic Cell 85, 86 Paths, Magnetic Leakage. . 96 Period, Definition of 234 Periodic Alternating Cur- rent, Definition of 233 Periodic- Alternating E.M.F., Definition of 233 Periodic Alternating E.M.F., or Current. Peaked Type of 235 Periodic- Alternating E. M. F. , or Current, Sinusoidal Type of. 235 Permanent Magnetomotive Force 91 Permeability, Magnetic ... 95 Phase 238 Phase Detectors 264 Physiological Coefficient of Illumination 203 Physiologically Effective Flux 206 Physiologically Effective Illuminating Power. 202, 203 Physiologically Eilective Illumination 203 Plate, Negative, of Voltaic Cell 66 Plate, Positive, of Voltaic Cell 66 Poggendorff Voltaic Cell 82 , 83 Polarity, Nature of 2 Polarization, c. E. M. F. of.. 8r Polarization, Counter-Elec- tromotive Force of 62 Pole, Leading of Motor- Armature 1 86 Pole, Negative, of Voltaic Cell 66 Pole, Positive, of Voltaic Cell 66 Pole, Trailing of Motor- Armature 186 Portative Electromagnets, Definition of 113 2 9 2 INDEX. Positive Carbon, Rate of Consumption, of 228 Positive Charge 2 Positive Plate of Voltaic Cell... 66 Positive Pole of Voltaic Cell 66 Positive Terminal of Voltaic Cell 66 Potential Difference 13 Potential, Distribution of, in Continuous-Arc Light Circuits 226 Potential Energy, Difini- tion of 3 Power Factor of Alternat- ing Current Transform- ers 280 Practical Unit of E. M. F. . . u Practical Unit of Electric Resistance 17 Practical Unit of Heat. . . . 194 Projectors for Arc Lights. . 229, 230, 231 Quantity, Electric, Com mercial Unit of 45 Quegohm, Definition of 18 Radiation, Non luminous.. 201 Radiation, Obscure 201 Radiation of Heat 197 Radiation, Physiologically Effective Luminous, Var- iation of, with Current Strength 211 Radiation, Standard, of Physiologically Effective Luminous 205 Railroad Electric Motor. . . 180 Ratio of Transformation . . 273. 274 Reactance of Circuit 244 Reflector, Mangin. ... 230, 231 Regulation of the Dynamo 153. i 60 Reichsanstalt Unit 205 Reluctance, Magnetic,^ to 104 Reluctance, Magnetic, Defi- nition of 97 Reluctance, Unit of 97 Reluctivity 97 Reluctivity, Curves of, in Iron and Steel, in Rela- tion to Flux Density 107 Reluctivity, Curves of, in Iron and Steel, in Rela- tion to Magnetizing Force 102 Reluctivity, Metallic 103 Residual Magnetism 93 Resistance, Balances. ..28, 29 Resistance, Electric 17, 40 Resistance, Electric, Nature of Unknown 36 Resistance, Equivalent 253 Resistance, Insulation of Cable 35, 3& Resistance, Joint 51 Resistance of Insulator, Circumstances Affecting, 33 Resistance, Specific 18 Resistance, Specific, Mag- netic 97 Resistance, Starting of Mo- tor 181 Resistance, Surface Contact 39 Resistances, Formula for Calculating 25 Resistances, Methods of Measurement of ... .26 to 31 INDEX. 293 Resistivities, Diagram of, atDifferentTemperatures 21 Resistivities, Table of . .19, 20 Resistivities, Thermal, Table of. 196 Resistivity 18 Resistivity, Formulae 22 Resistivity, Temperature Coefficients 19 Reversibility of Continuous- Current Dynamo. .. .170, 171 Resistivity, Thermal 194 Resonant Circuit 248 S. H. M 236 Safety Fuse, Development of Heat in 200 Saturation, Magnetic 92 Search Lights 229 Second-Harmonic, F r e - quency of. . . 258, 259, 260, 261 Self. Induced E. M. F 127 Semi- Period of Alternating E. M. F. or Current Wave, Definition of 234 Series Arc Light Circuits . . 225, 226, 227 Series Circuit 58 Series-Connected In- candescent Electric Lamps 213, 214 Series Motor 179 Series Motor, Commutation of Field Coils of 179 Series Motor, Method of Varying Speed of 179 Series-Wound Machine 187, 188 Shunt, Alternating-Current Circuit, MultiplyingPower of 252 Shunt Circuit, Application of Ohm's Law to 52 Shunt, Continuous Current Circuit, Multiplying Power of 251 Shunt Galvanometer 36, 37 Shunt Motor 180 Shunt Motor, Care Re- quired in Starting 181 Shunt, Multiplying Power of 36, 37, 251 Shunt- Wound Machines, Direction of Rotation as Motors and Generators. . 187, 188 Silver Chloride Voltaic Cell 87, 88 Simple-Harmonic Curve. . . 237 Simple-Harmonic Motion . 236 Simple-Periodic Curve 237 Single-Fluid Cells, Defini- tion of 81 Sinusoidal Current 236 Sinusoidal Current Circuit, Activity of 253 Sinusoidal Curve 237 Sinusoidal E. M. F 236 Smee Voltaic Cell 82 Smooth Core Motor Arma- tures 185 Sources, Electric 13 Sources, Electric, Classifi- cation of 14 Sources, Electric, Electro- motive Force of 14, 15 Sparking at Dynamo Brush- es, Cause of 147, 148 294 INDEX. Specific Magnetic Resis- tance 97 Specific Resistance, Defini- tion of 18 Speed and Torque, Classi- fication of, in Motors. ... 171 Speed of Motor, Varied by Inserting Resistance in Armature Circuit. . . .177, 178 Speed of Motor, Varied by Varying Magneto-motive Force of Field Magnets. . 178, 179 Standard Candle 205 Standard Cell, Clark. ..15, 16 Standard Megohm 30 Standard of Physiologically Effective Luminous Radi ation 205 Standard Resistance 29, 30 Star Triphase Winding, Diagram of 267 Star- Winding of Triphase Generator 267 Step-Down Transformer. . 273 Step-Up Transformer 273 Strain, Displacement ...9, 10 Street-Car Motors 191 Stress, Electromotive, Cause of 2 Stresses and Strains in Ether i, 2 Structural Magnetomotive Force 93 Sun, Total Amount of Energy in 7 Surface, Contact Resis- tance 39 Table of Electro-Chemical Equivalents 74 Table of Resistivities 19, 20 Table of Thermal Resis- tivities 196 Temperature Coefficients for Clark Standard Cell. . 16 Temperature Coefficients for Resistivity 19, 20 Temperature, Effect of, on Efficiency of Lamp 207 Temperature, Effect of, on Life of Lamp 207 Temperature, Effect of, on Luminous Radiation. . . . 204 Temperature, Effect of, on Resistivity of Conductors 26 Temperature, Safe Limit- ing, of Wire 198, 199 Terminal, Negative , o f Voltaic Cell 66 Terminal, Positive, of Voltaic Cell 66 Thales i Therm 192 Therm-Calorie... 193 Thermal Conductivity 194 Thermal Resistivities, Table of 196 Thermal Resistivity. . . 194, 195 Thomson's High Grade Mirror Galvanometer. 47, 48 Thomson's Marine Galvano- meter 46 Thomson's Mirror Galvano- meter 46 Three-Wire System, Cal- culation of Current Strength in 55, 56 INDEX 295 Three Wire System, De- scription of 54, 55 Three- Wire System, Neutral Wire in 55 Toothed Core Motor- Arma- ture 185 Torque and Speed, Classifi- cation of, in Motors.. 171 Torque and Speed, Rela- tion of, to Activity of Motor . . . 171 Torque of Motor 167 Trailing Pole of Motor- Armature. 186 Transformation, Ratio of 273. 274 Transformer, Step-Down. . 273 Transformer, Step-Up 273 Transient Magnetomotive Force 91 Tregohm, Definition of .. 18 Triangular Triphase Wind- ing Diagram of 267 Triangular Winding of Tri- phase Generator 267 Tricrohm, Definition of.... 18 Triphase Circuit, Analysis of 270 Triphase E. M. F'S 267 Triphase E. M. F.'S, Diagram of 268 Triphase Generator, Star- Winding of 267 Triphase Generator, Wind- ing of 267 Triphase Generators, Tri- angular-Winding of 267 Unit Arc-Light Crater In- tensity 223 Unit of Activity, c. G. s 7 Unit of Flux, Density of . . 90 Unit of Force, c. G. s 5 Unit of Heat 192 Unit of Illumination, Name Proposed for 206 Unit of M. M. F 92 Unit of Quantity, c. G. s. . . n Unit of Reluctance 97 Unit of Resistance, Prac- tical, Definition of 17 Unit of Work 6 Units, c. G. s 4, 5 Units, Fundamental, Sci- entific 4, 5 Vector, Localized 1 1 Vector Quantities 1 1 Violle Lamp 205 Virtual Counter-Electro- Motive Force 62 Voltaic Cell 65 to 88 Voltaic Cell, Calculation of E. M. F. in 76, 77 Voltaic Cell, Cost of Elec- tric Energy, produced by 69 Voltaic Cell, Elements of . . 66 Voltaic Cell, Simple Form of 67 Voltaic Cell, Source of E. M. F. of 67, 68 Voltaic Cells, Classification of 81 Voltaic Couple 66 Water-Gramme -Degree- Centigrade 193 Water, Pure, Resistivity of 21 Wave, Complex-Sinusoidal 258 Wheatstone's Balance . 28, 29 2 9 6 INDEX. Wheatstone's Bridge, Vari- ous Forms of 28, 29 Winding, Combination Tri- phase . . 268 Wire, Formula for Calcula- ting Size of, Required to Fill Given Bobbin. 37, 38, 39 Wires , Limiting Current Strength in 198, 199 -Work, Absorbed by Mo- tor 170 Work, Definition of 3 Work Unit of... 6 ERRATA. Page 23, If 23, 5 lines from bottom of page. For resistivity of a mile read resistance of a mile. ^ " 24, Syllabus, 9th line. For begohm read bicrohm. - 34, 1[ 34. For R = r app . coth-i \/ ^ <, -ttapp. read R = \/R &pv . r app . /tanbr ' 34, last line. For coth V; 2656 read 1 / tanh -iA/2656 V R(Y).A 6024 " K 6024 " 175, If 182. For reluctance read retardation. ~* " 203, " 211. For yellow read green. -S " 230, Fig. 77, caption. For Magnetic read Mangin. 44 258, If 261. For n\ read n + 1. - " 264, Syllabus. For n 1 read n + 1. J OT THB UJIVEBSITT ill