IRLF 5B 3CH D25 THE ORCHID-GROWER'S MANUAL. 1 THE ORCHID-GROWER'S MANUAL CONTAINING BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS OP UPWARDS X OF FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY ORCHIDACEOUS PLANTS, TOGETHER WITH NOTICES OF THEIR TIMES OF FLOWERING AND MOST APPROVED MODES OF TREATMENT ALSO, PLAIN AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS RELATING TO THE GENERAL CULTURE OF ORCHIDS; AND REMARKS ON THE HEAT, MOISTURE, SOIL, AND SEASONS OF GROWTH AND REST BEST SUITED TO THE SEVERAL SPECIES. BENJAMIN SAMUEL WILLIAMS, F.B.H.S., PARADISE NURSERY, HOLLOW AY, LONDON, N. ; AUTHOR OF "HINTS ON THE CULTIVATION OF FERNS," &c., . 29 pulchella . 43 156 INDEX. PAGE PAGE YAEIEGATED ORCHIDS . . 43 BLETIA AlOECTOOHILTJS patula . 59 argenteus . . 48 BOLBOPHYLLUM. Bulleni . . 49 barbigerum . 59 El-dorado . . 49 Henshalli . 59 intermedius . 49 saltatorium . 59 javanicus , . 49 BRASSAVOLA Lobbii . 49 acaulis . 60 Lowii .... . 49 Digbyana . . 60 , , virescens . 50 glauca . 60 Neville anus . 50 venosa . 60 "petola" . 50 BRASSIA querceticolus . 50 Lanceana . 61 Roxburghii . 50 Lawrence ana . 61 Ruckerii . 50 maculata major . 61 setaceous . 51 verrucosa . . 61 ,, cordatus . 51 ,, superba . 61 , , grandifolius . 51 "Wrayii . 61 striatus . 51 BROUGHTONIA Veitchii . . 51 sanguinea . 62 xanthophyllus . 51 BURLINGTONIA maculatus . 52 amcena . 62 ANGR^CTJM Candida . . 63 bilobum . 52 fragrans . 63 caudatum . , . 53 Knowlesii . 63 eburneum . . 53 venusta . 63 ,, superbum . . 53 CALANTHE ,, virens . . 53 Dominii . . 64 sesquipedale . . 53 furcata . 64 ANGTJLOA masuca . . 64 Clowesii . . . 54 , , grandiflora . 65 ,, macrantha . . 54 Veitchii . . 65 Ruckerii . . . 54 veratrifolia . . 65 uniflora . , 55 vestita rubra oculata . 65 virginalis . . 55 ,, lutea . 65 ANSELLIA CAMAROTIS Africana . . . 55 purpurea . . 66 , , gigantea . 55 CATTLEYA ARPOPHYLLTJM Aclandise . . 68 cardinale . . 56 amabilis . . 68 giganteum . spicatum . . , . 56 . 56 amethystoglossa . bicolor . 68 . 69 BARKERIA Candida . 69 elegans . 57 citrina . 69 melanocaulon . . 57 crispa . . 69 Lindleyanum . 57 , , superba . 70 Skinneri . . 58 Edithiana . . . 70 spectabilis . . 58 elegans , . 70 BLETIA granulosa . . 70 campanulata . Shepherdii . , , . 58 . 59 guttata . Leopoldii . . 70 . 71 INDEX. 157 PAGE PAGE CATTLEYA CYCNOCHES Harrjsonise . 71 Loddigesii . . 82 ,, violacea . 71 pentadactylon . . 82 hybrida . . 72 ventricosum . 82 intermedia violacea . 72 CYMBIDIUM ,, superba . . 72 eburneum . 83 labiata atropurpurea . 72 . 72 giganteum . Mastersii . 83 . 83 ,, pallida . 73 *7O pendulum . . 83 , , picta . . 7o Lemoniana . Ji-g4 . 73 CYPBIPEDIUM lobata . 73 barbatum . 84 Loddigesii . . 73 ,, grandiflorum . 84 marginata maxima . 74 . 74 , , superbum biflorum . 84 . 85 McMorlandii . . 74 caudatum . 85 Mossise . 74 roseum. . 85 ,, aurantiaca . . 75 t)ayii . 85 ,, superba . pumila . 75 . 75 Farrieanum hirsutissimum . 85 . 85 quadricolor . . &. . 75 insigne . 85 Schilleriana . l&$k . 75 ,, Maulei . . 86 Skinneri . . . . 75 Lowii .... . 86 superba . . 76 purpuratum . . 86 violacea .. }.. . 76 Schlimii . 86 Wagnerii . 76 Yillosum . . 87 Walkeriana . 76 DENDROBIUM Warnerii . 77 aduncum . . 88 Warcsewiczii . 77 aggregatum majus . . 88 ,, delicata . 77 albo sanguineum . 89 CHYSIS album . 89 aurea . , ' . T 78 anosmum . . 89 bractescens . y i , . 78 Calceolaria . 89 Isevis . . v-ijf . 78 Cambridgeanum . . 90 Limminghii . . ' I & . 78 chrysanthemum . 90 CffiLOGYNE chrysotoxum . 90 cristata . . . vV . 79 clavatum . 90 Cummingii . . ' <* . f * . 79 crepidatum . . 90 Gardneriana . . v . 79 cretaceum . 91 Lowii . . . : ", '; . 80 Dalhousianum . 91 media . .. /i. ' . 80 densiflorum . 91 pandurata . . '. ,- t . 80 ,, album . 91 plantaginia . , .', . 80 Devonianum . . 91 speciosa . . ... ' . 80 Falconerii . . 92 COKYANTHES Farmerii . . 92 macrantha ... . 81 fimbriatum . . 92 maculata . . ; vV . 81 ,, oculatum . 93 speciosa . . , . 81 formosum . . 93 CYCNOCHES ,, giganteum . 93 barbatum , . 82 Gibsonii . 93 chlorochilum . , . . 82 Heyneanum . 93 158 INDEX. PAGE PAGE DENDROBITJM GALEANDRA Jenkinsii . . . 94 cristata . 104 lituiflorum 94 Devoniana . 104 longicorim majua . . 94 GOODYERA Lowii * 94 discolor . . . 105 macropliyllum . . . 95 Dominii . 105 giganteum . 95 picta . . . . 106 moniliforme . 95 pubescens . 106 ,, majus . . 95 rubro-venia. . 106 moschatum 95 GRAMMATOPHYLLTJM nobile . . . . 95 Ellisii . . 107 ,, intermedium . 96 speciosum . 4 . 107 ,, pendulum . . . 96 HOULLETIA Paxtonii .... 96 Brocklehurstiana . . 108 Pierardii . . . . 96 odoratissima . 108 ,, latifolium . 96 HtTNTLEYA prinmlinum 96 marginata . 108 pulchellum purpureum . sanguinolentum . . . taurinum 97 97 97 meleagris . violacea "Wailesise . . 108 . 108 . 109 transparens . . . 97 IONOPSIS tortile .... 98 paniculatus . . 109 triadenium . . . . 98 L^ELIA Wallichianum . . . 98 acuminata . 110 DENDROCHILTJM albida . . 110 filiforme . . . . 98 anceps . 110 glumaceum EPIDENDRTTM 98 autumnalis . Brysiana . . . Cinnabarina . . 110 . 110 . Ill alatum majus . . . 99 elegans . Ill atropurpureum, var. ro 1 AA ,, Dayii . . Ill seum .... aurantiacum . 10U 100 ,, Warnerii flava . Ill 111 aloifolium. . . . bicornutum . cinnabarinum . . . crassifolium . Hanburyanum . . . macrochilum . 100 100 101 101 101 101 furfuracea grandis Lindleyana majalis . Maryanii . peduncularis . '. 112 . 112 . 112 . 112 . 113 . 113 ,, roseum . . maculatum grandiflorum phceniceum . . . rhizophorum . Stamfordianum . . . 101 102 102 102 102 Perrinii prestans . purpurata ,, Williamsii Schilleriana . . . 113 . 113 . 113 . 114 . 114 yerrucosum . vitellinum . . . 102 102 superbiens . xanthina . 114 . 115 majus . 103 L^LIOPSIS ERIOPSIS Domingensis . 115 biloba . ... 103 LEPTOTES GALEANDRA bicolor . . 115 Banerii . . 103 serrulata . . . 115 INDEX. 159 PAGE PAGE LlMATODES ONCIDIITM rosea . 116 Cavendishii . . 126 LYCASTE ciliatum . . 126 cruenta . 117 crispum . 126 Deppii . Skinneri . . , . 117 . 117 , , grandiflorum divaricatum . . 127 . 127 ,, alba . 117 flexuosum . . 127 , , delicatissima . 117 Forbesii . . 127 ,, rosea . 118 hsematochilum . . 127 , , superba . 118 incurvum . 127 MILTONIA Lanceanum . 127 bicolor . . 118 leucochilum . . 128 Candida . 118 longipes . . 128 ,, grandiflora . . 119 luridum guttatum . . 128 Clowesii major . 119 oblongatum . 128 cuneata . 119 ornithorynchum . 128 Karwinski . 119 Papilio majus . . 129 Morelii . 119 phymatochilum . 129 ,, atrorubens . . 119 pulchellum . 129 Regnelli . . 119 pulvinatum . . 129 spectabilis . 120 ,, majus . . 129 MORMODES roseum . . 130 crinitum . . 120 Sarcoides . . 130 luxatum , . 120 sessile . . 130 pardinum . ODONTOGLOSSUM citrosmum . 120 . 121 sphacelatum majus . unguiculatum variegatum . 130 . 130 . 130 roseum . 121 PAPHINIA cordatum . 121 cristata . 131 coronarium . 122 tigrina . 131 grande . . 122 PERISTERIA hastillabium . 122 elata . 132 Insleayii . 122 cerina . 132 maculatum ' . 122 guttata . . 132 membranaceum . . . 122 PHAJTJS nsevium . 123 albus . 133 ,, majus . 123 grandifolius . . 133 Pescatorei . . 123 Wallichii . . 133 Phalsenopsis . . 123 PHAKENOPSIS pulchellum . 124 amabilis . . . 136 Rossii . . . 124 grandiflora . 136 triumphans . V . 124 Lobbii . . 136 Uro-Skinneri . . 124 rosea . 137 "Warnerii . . 124 Schilleriana . . 137 ONCIDIUM PLEOINE ampliatum majus . . 125 humilis . 139 Barkerii . . 125 lagenaria . 139 Batemanii . 125 maculata . . 139 bifolium . . 125 "Wallichiana . . 139 bicallosum . 126 PROMEN^A bicolor . *: . 126 Rollissonii . 139 160 INDEX. PAGE PROMEN.EA STANHOPEA Stapelioides . . 139 Martiana RENANTHERA oculata coccinea . . . 140 tigrina . SACCOLABITJM . ,, lutescens ainpullaceum . . 141 TRICHOPILIA Bhimei . 141 coccinea majus . 141 crispa curvifoliuni . 141 picta furcatum . 141 suavis guttatum . . 142 tor tills . . . j > giganteum . 142 UROPEDIUM ,, Holfordianum . 142 Lindenii . miniatum . 142 VANDA prsemorsum . 142 Batemanii retusum . 143 ccerulea Wightianum . 143 cristata . SCHOMBURGKIA gigantea . crispa . 143 Lowii . Lyonsii . . 143 insignis tibicina . 144 Roxburgh!! . SCUTICARIA suavis . , Hadwenii . 144 teres Steelii . 144 tricolor SOBRALIA , , superba liliastra . . 145 violacea macrantha . . 145 WAER^A , , splendens . 145 cyanea . SOPHRONITIS tricolor cernua . 146 ZYGOPETALUM grandiflora . 146 brachypetalum violacea . 146 crinitum coeruleum STANHOPEA intermedium . aurea 147 Mackayii . Devoniensis . 147 maxillare grandiflora . 147 rostratum . insignis . . 147 PAGE 147 147 147 147 148 148 148 148 149 149 150 150 150 151 151 151 151 151 152 152 152 152 152 153 153 153 153 153 154 154 THE END. BRADBURY AND EVANS, PRINTERS, WHITEFRIARS. SELECT ORCHIDACEOUS PLANTS. PAET I. BY EGBERT WARNER. Folio. LOVELL REEVE. The following is an extract from a notice of this Work in the Gardeners' Chronicle, July 5, 1862 : " This new contribution to our knowledge of Orchids will appear in ten quarterly parts, price 10s. 6d. each. The author states that ' having one of the largest amateur collections of Orchidaceous plants, and being in friendly correspondence with the principal growers throughout the country, he possesses ample opportunities for selecting the most interesting species and varieties for illustration. One object of the work will be to collect and disseminate information as to the best means of growing and flowering Orchidaceous plants. It is consequently intended to devote ample space to the details of cultivation ; and the author will gladly avail himself of the assistance of those who are willing to communicate the results of their practice.' Mr. Williams, the author of the ' Orchid- Grower's Manual,' and one of the most skilful of cultivators, being associated in the under- taking, the public has the best possible guarantee that the foregoing promise will be kept. The species now figured are 1, Phalaanopsis Schilleriana; 2, Cattleya amethystoglossa ; 3, Vanda insignis ; and 4, Oattleya Warscewiczii delicata. Of the three last noble plants the figures are worthy of Fitch's skilful pencil." \* The above Work can be sent by post from PARADISE NURSERY, HOLLOWAY, N. SELECT ORCHIDACEOUS PLANTS. BY ROBERT WARNER, F.R.H.S. THE NOTES ON CULTURE BY B. S. WILLIAMS, Author of the " Orchid-Grower's Manual," and " Hints on the Cultivation of Ferns," assisted by some of the best Growers. LONDON : LOVELL REEVE & Co, Extract respecting this work from Cottage Gardener, July 22, 1862 : " This work promises to be excellent in every respect. The portraits of the Orchids in the first number, just published, are of life-size, and truthfully drawn and coloured. They are four in number Phalsenopsis Schilleriana, Cattleya amethystoglossa, Vanda insignis, and Cattleya Warscewiczii delicata. The work will embrace only those Orchids which are most beautiful and recently acquired, whether they be species or varieties, and thus will include ' real gems of the OrcMd-house, which are rather ignored by those who look at the subject from a purely scientific point of view.' Yet there is enough of scientific description, given in language intelligible to every reader, sufficient to confirm him in his identifying the plant, which he may do, however, by the portraits, without any such aid. The directions for cultivating the Orchids portrayed are also full and good. In fact the work, judging from the specimen, will be such as might be expected from the authors, they being one of the largest amateur proprietors, and one of the best practical cultivators of Orchids in our times." In Svo cloth, price 3s. 6d., HINTS ON THE CULTIVATION OF BRITISH AND EXOTIC FEENS AND LYCOPODIUMS, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SPECIES AND VARIETIES. BY BENJAMIN SAMUEL WILLIAMS. CHAPMAN & HALL, 193, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This boolc isaue on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 24Apr'5?JG KC.V-* D L.D APR 2 9 1357 OCT 19*966 20 -O **& *&- \ & & ^ ^ ^ *e* f^ \P* V-;, j. **** ! LD 21-100m-6,'56 (B9311slO)476 General Library University of California Berkeley GENERAL LIBRARY -U.C. BERKELEY