fc UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES GLENNAIR; OR, LIFE IN SCOTLAND. BY HELEN HAZLETT, AUTHOR OP ' HEIGHTS OP EIDELBEK 0," ETC. ' Let us walk together as friends, in tbe shaded paths of meditation, Nor judgment set his seal until he hath poised his balance; That the chasteuiugs of mild reproof may meet unwitting error, And charity not be a stranger at the board that is spread for brothers." PHILADELPHIA: CLAXTON, EEMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, 819 & 821 MARKET STREET. 1869. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the . Eastern District of Pennsylvania. J- FAQAIf * SON, STEREOTTPERS, PHII.AD'A. MOORE BROS., PRINTERS. en I T5 INTRODUCTION. complaint has been made of late, perhaps not without reason, that distant lands are portrayed and antique subjects chosen, when the pen of the author would glide more smoothly and be more acceptable to the community, if confined to familiar home scenes. The apology offered in thus braving the literary world is, that the authoress has been led to wake up in memory those who lived among Scotia's hills, the home of her own ancestry, and from whose lips much of ' Scottish life ' has been gathered. 410748 GLENNAIR. CHAPTER I. " Now courage again ! And, with peril to cope, Gird thee with vigor, And helm thee with hope." I SHALL assuredly enroll you among the insane, if you insist on braving this tempest, Duncan ; and must exert my influence with your sister, to pre vent her accompanying you." " My father's note admits no option, uncle," re turned the young man addressed. " His charge is, to bring my sister home, regardless of the storm, or Mr. and Mrs. Rushbrook's importunities. The bearer was a stranger ; it was handed to me as I was leaving the bank, toward evening. Father has entire reliance on my obedience ; would you have me lessen his future confidence, Uncle Ralph ? " A faint smile played for a moment over the fea tures of the youth, as his dark-gray eyes rested in quiringly upon Mr. Rushbrook. " It would be difficult to arouse distrust in you, Duncan, in the family or community ; but does it not appear to you singular your father gives no reason for his peremptory summons ? " 2 13 14 GLENNAIK. " I do not doubt, uncle, my father's explanations will be quite satisfactory ; he is never unreasonable. But here is Amy, equipped, and, has she convinced Aunt Louisa, though against her will, that we are right if perversely so ? " " Aunt Louisa pronounces father intensely absurd, and is equally complimentary to his son and daugh ter for following his mandates," replied a bright, happy-looking girl of apparently eighteen years. " I have no idea of the why, but the motive must be cogent to induce father ever to allow us to battle with this storm. We are ready, Duncan ; good night, Uncle Ralph. Aunt Louisa looks determi- nately opposed ; you will at least exchange a part ing kiss, auntie ? " " I would I had power to oppose this rash step, Amy," said Mrs. Rushbrook ; " remonstrance has failed." " And I have expended all my arguments, and shall not urge another word," pursued Mr. Rush- brook. " Will has been trying various ways of getting the carriage out for you, children, but the drifts are so heavy he cannot succeed ; and, indeed, it would be quite impossible and useless to attempt to drive any vehicle to-night. So, Duncan, if you are resolved, there is no choice you must walk" " Father writes that Lochiel will meet us with the' sleigh the other side of the brook," replied the young man, calmly. " Your brother will manifest less wit than has usually been ascribed to him, if he ventures such a risk; yet, you are all young and strong, and the GLENNAIR. 15 elements are under the direction of a merciful God. May He be your covert this night, children." After a few inquiries respecting the security of his sister's apparel against the anticipated contest with the northern blast, and an interchange of kind adieus, Duncan Graeme and his sister Amy set forth. " How dark and dreary it is, Duncan," she mur mured, when with difficulty they had gained about a quarter of a mile. " My courage would fail were it not balanced by our experience of father's unerring judgment." " How I wish I could carry you, Amy," said the brother, gently, " but these drifts half bury me. Cling close to my arm, and I can then lift you as often as I extricate myself. Cheer up, Amy, it is only one mile to the Grotto ; Loch, is not one to disappoint us." " The Grotto ! Not Elfin Grotto ! " she exclaimed, half releasing the arm she held. " Why appoint that place, Duncan? a night among these drifts would be preferable to such a refuge." A strong blast at that moment separating and whirling them at a dis tance from each other, all else was forgotten in the strenuous efforts to recover a footing. " I am almost exhausted, Duncan," Amy ex claimed, when her brother had once again joined her, and the fierce wind had in a measure subsided, " and I do not hear the bells of Lochiel's sleigh." " And will not, this night, Amy. It would be utterly impracticable to reach us the roads are impassable." " Oh ! brother, what will become of us ? " 16 GLENN A IK, "Had- we ottr father's hope, faith, and assurance of a heavenly home, or mother's unwavering trust and confidence in the Scripture promises, we might follow your suggestion, to sit down passively, and yield the victory to King Boreas. " "Is there no alternative except " " The Grotto is our sole security, Amy. "We have, to the letter, obeyed our directions ; further we can not proceed. The foot-bridge is carried away, Amy." Amy had the arm of her brother in a close clasp, but she answered not. " There is no prospect of an abatement of the storm," he continued. "Choose, Amy, death, or the haunted cavern. I shall not leave you, whatever may be your decision." The wild sighing of the winds through the forest, the crashing of the limbs and bending of the surround ing trees, were fearful. " Here, Amy, we are exposed to the fury of the hurricane ; we can but die, should we realize all you fear, in the cave." " Lead where you will, Duncan ; in a very little while I shall be unable to follow you." He waited for no more. Quickly passing his arm round her, and lifting her over the low brushwood, he glided with his precious burden down a narrow by-path, to the much-dreaded and ever-avoided " Grotto of the Elfin." " I had not supposed the wild legends and dark doings of the Glenlock fairies could have taken pos session of the strong mind of Amy Graeme," her brother observed pleasantly, as he placed her before the door they were now to enter. " I would disabuse your mind of any such belief, GLEXXAIR. 17 Duncan," she replied. "I have no fear of other than incarnate spirits ; I do believe some of the worst of the human race infest this spot, and have never thought otherwise. The land of spirits or fairy- laud has in it nothing terrible for me." " Perhaps hospitality may be the redeeming trait of this band of savages," said her brother, laugh ing. " We will hope so, and make our entrance." The door opened as though by a sesame, at the first touch. After passing down a short flight of steps, the brother and sister found themselves in a large room, partially lighted by a swinging lamp, and warmed by a large coal-stove. The apartment was furnished, too, rudely, but comfortably. Miss Graeme could not repress an exclamation of amaze ment on entering. " A very unique style of banditti, we must con fess, Amy," observed her brother ; " not a weapon of offence. Let us take advantage of their com forts," he added, taking from his sister her cloak and hood, and hanging them near the fire. " I would advise a rest upon that divan, until claimed by a fairy or a felon ; and I will usurp this chair, and play monarch for the time there, really, you might pass for an Elfin Queen, so delightfully enveloped in those cushions. But what have we here on these shelves ? Books, some scientific, some poetic, and a Bible!" " How strange ! Duncan. Who can the inmates be, and why not here on this inclement night ? " " This is obviously not the only apartment, and our host has too much propriety to intrude upon his 2 * B 18 GLENNAIE. guests. "With your consent, Amy, I will touch this. It mayhap be a wand to gather the family in groups." "It is a bell, Duncan. Not for the earth," she whispered, eagerly. "Who knows but his Majesty might furnish some mode of our getting home? Had I not better seek, if I may not summon him ? " "What is the hour, Duncan? " "Half after nine, cne hour and a half since we left Uncle Ralph's, a twenty minutes' walk, ordi narily." " Hark ! " exclaimed Amy, in a hushed voice, " what was, what is that, Duncan ? " " Only the wail of the winds, my nervously excited sister." Yet he drew nearer the corner from whence the sound proceeded. " We might imagine all the goblins from all lands ; or that the inmates of Pan demonium itself held a convention at this spot to night. You are pale and exhausted, Amy ; I won der if to sleep were quite impossible." The only reply was a nervous shake of the head. Amy sat intently listening. " I cannot be mistaken," she said at length ; " there are human voices min gling with the noises of the elements." "When similarly situated, Amy," he returned, " I have been almost inclined to answer to my own imaginings. Depend upon it, Amy, those voices will subside with the gale." " Duncan Graeme ! there are human footsteps ap proaching ! " she almost shrieked, burying her face in her hands in terror. " Amy, dear Amy ! " whispered her brother, sitting GLENN A IE. 19 down closely beside her ; " whatever your eyes or ears may witness here, you and I are perfectly secure. Have I ever deceived you, my sister ? Further reve lation would be perjury." The hands fell from her face. Amy lifted her eyes to her brother in astonished inquiry, while the compressed lip 'and ghastly cheek evidenced the an guish his words had occasioned. " Amy," he said, placing his arm caressingly around her and speaking cheerfully, " my associa tions with this place do not render me unworthy of your affection and confidence ; my reputation would remain unsullied were it proclaimed .throughout our country ; yet, so peculiarly am I circumstanced, that even you may not yet listen to the detail of events that link me, for the present, to the tenant of the ' Cav ern.' Shall I ask my sister's silence, and also that she will remain satisfied with mine until the period arrive when I may, without injury to others, reveal all?" Amy raised her head from the shoulder upon which it was resting, and faintly asked, " Is Edith Lincoln in possession of your secret, Duncan ? " There was a sudden start, yet as suddenly checked. Leaning down and fondly kissing her forehead, he replied, " She is aware of my frequenting this Grotto, and holds me guiltless. Can not you, Amy ? " A burst of bitter weeping was the answer. " For give me, Duncan," she murmured, after a long inter val, dashing back the tears as she spoke ; "it would be difficult to convince me there could be anything censurable in your motives, but I was so startled, so 20 GLENXAIK. stunned. Yet, Duncan, it is passing strange that Edith never herself ventures near this Grotto, nor suf fers others to do so. She has frequently obstinately persisted in riding several miles out of the way, rather than cross Elfin Bridge. If conscious of security, why is this, Duncan? Edith is incapable of du plicity" " I do not consider my accountability embraces all the fantasies of others, Amy. Edith Lincoln is be yond even the suspicion of insincerity ; whatever be her reasons for concealment, they must not suggest an evil thought of her." " I love Edith, Duncan ; we all love her, and deeply mourn the unhappy occurrences which have sepa rated her from us so irretrievably. "We only do not often speak of her, Duncan, because we know how intensely you suffer." " Do not use the word irretrievably, Amy dear ; the reputation of Hugh Lincoln is not a total wreck. There are many as sanguine as myself that his char acter will be re-established, and he reinstated in his position in society and in the Bank. The time may not be near ; I do not think it very far distant. Edith, and her Aunt Cameron, bask in the hope ; they are perfectly assured of his innocence, and " But, Duncan, the proofs of his guilt are so obvi ous ; and his mysterious disappearance reflects only culpability anything, surely, than conscious inno cence. Father thinks him a bad, designing man ; and father has considerable discernment, Duncan." " No question of it, Amy ; yet ray intimacy in the family has given me special opportunity of watching GLENNAIK. 21 his traits of character. Religion sits so naturally, so easily upon him ; his amiability is so winning, such a father could not be a bad citizen. I suppose it was known his disappearance was owing to the perilous threats of the populace. Should his life now be sacrificed, he will lie forever in a dishonored grave, and the name of Lincoln be branded infa mous ; but credit me, Amy, there are those who can, who must, and who will shed light on this dark affair. These proceedings against poor Lincoln will yet be stayed ; he will stand as honored and respected throughout his country as now defamed." " Poor, dear Edith ! Father has not prohibited your visiting there, although he has Lochiel and me." " I should have a terrible conflict with the Fifth Commandment, in such a case, Amy. I fear there would be only nine left on the decalogue for me." " Why is the house so entirely deserted, if others hold your good opinion of Mr. Lincoln, Duncan?" " Public sentiment keeps his friends politically silent. The favorable day is yet to dawn, but it will dawn, believe, my Amy." " There is that singular noise again, dear Duncan ; it cannot be the wind ; it is enclosed with us," inter rupted the sister, tremblingly. Removing a stone, young Duncan revealed a small black cord. Drawing the end, hastily, he again closed the aperture and resumed his seat. " Our host supposes strangers have been driven in by the storm, and is trying the effect of his music. It will cease now ; they will not molest us." Miss Graeme saw and heard her brother in amaze- 22 GLENN AIR. ment. " Why, Amy," lie resumed, " I should be dismissed from the Bank did I give public expression to my opinion, to father, I have he thinks me excessively sanguine, and believes it is entirely on account of my position in the family but it is not. I would defend him as an innocent man had he no daughter." " Some little influenced by that, nevertheless," re turned his sister. " Edith's loveliness is very attrac tive. Even father, when he forbade my intercourse with her, said with tears, 'It is a sad necessity, my child ; I think I am as much attached to Edith Lin coln as Duncan himself.' ' A smile of momentary brightness played over the features of the youth, but the voice was sad, and in broken accents he said, " Only I could not have deprived her of the solace and companionship of an almost sister. She admits, the, propriety ; I have never been reconciled to the withdrawal of our family ; only a thistle-hedge has divided our homes since infancy ; that should have been thrown down in this ordeal, rather than a greater barrier placed there ; but father acts from prin ciple ; he does not intend to induce sorrow. Father cannot do wrong wittingly, nor would Mr. Lincoln. Edith is supported by a large proportion of pride, in the neglect of her former associates. She receives very few visits, and makes none. But, dear Amy, how weary and pale you are ; let me arrange your cushions once more, and oblige me by trying to sleep. I shall resort to the soldier's custom when I see you more composed." G L E N N A I K. 23 In a little while he had the satisfaction of seeing her yield to " tired nature's sweet restorer." Throw ing his own cloak upon the floor, he was himself, in a short time, profoundly sleeping. Whatever might have been the strife of the elements, the silence of death reigned in the cave. For hours there was no sound save the breathing of the sleepers. The flicker of the expiring lamp awakened Dun can. None but the initiated could have procured a substitute. Removing a stone from the side of the wall, from a shelf behind he produced candles and matches. Lighting and introducing one into the nock of an old bottle, he extinguished the lamp be fore the smell of the smoking oil should arouse his sister. The fire required fuel, but that could not be replenished as noiselessly, and was allowed to tarry. His watch told the morning dawn. Through no crevice in the mystic cave could the day break ; no sunlight ever shed a gleam of brightness there. While his sister still slept, young Graeme passed a slip of paper through another secret opening. Iii reply, a stone was removed from the opposite side, and crackers, cheese, dried mutton, ham, nicely chipped, and milk, were handed through into the apartment, then all silently closed. Having spread the articles over the table, near the light, Duncan Graeme sat down by the side of the couch of his sister. It was not long before she raised her head, and glancing around in slight alarm, said, "Where? yes, yes, I have been sleeping, Duncan dreaming. Where is mother, Duncan? 24 GLENN A IE. She was here, surely, or was it the cry of the Ben- shee ? No, no ; that is fabulous ; I was only dream ing." With a strong effort to smile, she asked, " What have we here, Duncan ? The Elves have not heen sleeping." The thoughts of the brother had kept pace with the words of Amy. He, too, had dreamed of their mother. He felt that she was somehow certainly connected with their night wanderings ; yet he re plied with well-feigned cheerfulness, " The Benshee did better than cry ; she has pitied our condition and brought us food." He filled a glass as he spoke, and Amy drank the milk only because he held it to her lips. A bright fire once again lighted the room ; and except for the time- riveted associations- of the " haunted Grotto," and the peculiarity of their sojourn there, it might have been deemed cheerful. Breakfast was very soon over, and now the possibility of reaching home was discussed. Refusing to listen to reason while her brother took an observation from the door, Amy accompanied him up the steps, and through the passage they had entered the preceding night. A scene of desolation presented itself. The storm was still raging ; the winds howled over and around them ; broken branches lay heaped up on all sides, obstructing the pathway. " Effectually blockaded !" exclaimed young Graeme, " and a question whether the larder of the Elves will stand a siege ! Shall we return to our quarters, Amy ? There seems no other resource." Amy stood with folded hands, gazing wistfully GLENN A IE. 25 upon the prospect. " "We can only go back and bide our fate," she replied, after a lengthy pause. " Our anxiety cannot exceed theirs at home. Oh, Dun can, what could have happened to have rendered this disastrous journey necessary ?" " I dread to learn, Amy ; yet, as this result could not have been foreseen by father, we may greatly exaggerate the occasion. Let us endeavor to hope so, Amy dear. The team will be sent in quest of us so soon as there is a possibility. Shall we go in ? The wind is too keen for you here." Miss Graeme turned mechanically. " Is there no other way of egress ?" she inquired, after they had been some time sitting silently by the fire. " Not by land, Amy ; and there would be more risk than I would like you to encounter, as the pas sage to the sea is very dark and dangerous to other than Elves," he added, pleasantly. " I would hazard all the dangers. The anticipa tion of reaching home banishes every fear, Duncan. I could brave the tempest of last evening again, to look upon mother's face once more, and to know I have a mother still." " Still wandering over the regions of superstition, Amy. You cannot give credence to the laments, the wails and the waifs, the legends repeated around Scottish hearth-stones ? " " Perhaps not actual belief, Duncan ; but my nerves are weakened by the singular adventures of the night, and my mind, too, probably," she said, mournfully. " I do not blame you, Amy," he replied, soothingly. 26 GLENNAIR. " No wonder your imagination has been wrought upon by the seemingly strange proceedings of the night. I much regret the necessity that led to your witnessing them. Yet, Amy, there is nothing mys tical here ; nothing superhuman acted in this place. As it has been our refuge for one night, so the refuge of the unfortunate it has been and will be, I trust, ever. It certainly never was my intention to intro duce my sister into the cave, or to its inmates, but it seems I am driven to both. For a few moments he stood irresolute, then suddenly, with an evident effort to appear calm, he stepped forward, and strik ing a spring-bell, placed it again on the ground, and sat down on the couch near his sister, who was in tently watching his operations. The vibrations of the bell had not ceased when the same large stone through which had issued the provisions an hour before, was slowly removed, then one below it, then another and another, until an aperture was made sufficiently large to admit the person of a robust, athletic man. His countenance bespoke the extreme of sadness as he stood mutely awaiting orders. " The boat and a torch, Roger ! My sister cannot be wanted at home any longer. Speed you, my good fellow." " Nae morrow for the ain that wull fly the oar the morn ; for me 'tis nae muckle ill, yet the bairns might bide life for the love of it." " The distance is short, Roger, and the barque stout. "We shall skim round the Lynne and over Loch Muir speedily, and safely, too. Is Norval here?" GLENN A IE. 27 " I need not ISTorval, if I gang ; the wind drives. ~No oars will be needed, I trow." " My sister cannot walk, and no wheels could find passage. Roger, we have no choice ; by driving out we will be safe." " I trow not, Maister Duncan ; but I bide your bidding." " The torch, then, good Roger. We will walk to the outlet and view the dangers first." The sturdy Roger disappeared only a minute, returning with a lighted torch which he handed to the youth. He remarked, " / maun guide the leddy through the pass. Amy instinctively followed. She noticed in the next apartment three cot-beds, and that two figures stood in the shadowy niches. There was no word spoken until they reached the bottom of a flight of steps formed of stones of various shapes and sizes, when her escort said, " I maun carry you, lassie, it is sae slippy here." Unresistingly, Amy was borne through the dismal avenues, her brother cautiously bending the light into the diffi cult windings, obviously himself perfectly familiar with the way. After an irksome travel of half an hour, the light suddenly broke upon them, and they stood before the broad ocean ; but the rocks shel tered them securely from the strong blast. A heavy boat rocked at the mouth of the cave. " Oh, Duncan ! " whispered his sister, shuddering ; " is it well to venture ? yet how can we return ? " " Even this contrasts favorably, Amy dear. We will choose the least evil in your view," he answered affectionately. " The boat, Roger ; we can put in at Maelaine inlet if we are conquered." 28 GLENN A IR. "It is nae far frae the manse of Maister Graeme, the hame of your father, Maister Duncan ; yet I trow there is aneither hame we '11 nae miss if we meddle with the billows this morning. "Will I loose her? The surges will he doubtful anchorage." " Launch her, Roger ; I feel we shall arrive safely. We must get home ; by land is impracticable for my sister. The sea is not so much troubled, and the wind has lulled considerably since dawn." " Ye ken, Maister Duncan, I dinna," returned the man, swinging the boat from its moorings with the same nonchalance. Young Graeme lifted his sister over, stepped in, and the three commenced the haz ardous enterprise. Amy sat in the centre of the boat, her head resting on her hand, watching the movement of the oars with mingled hope, fear, and occasional despair, as the strong man struggled with the angry waves. " "We maun drift into smoother water ; the under flow is powerfu', the air strong an' the Lynn yawn- in'. Mair than ane of my name ha' gane there, nor shroud, nither coffin. An awfu' coast on a foul morn, Maister Duncan, but " There is a gun, hark 1 Neilson, another and another ; throw up the oar for a flag-staff ; Amy's scarf will serve for an ensign." " The Lynn afore the maircy of Glennair's Laird," he bitterly ejaculated as he obeyed, " he wull hae nae muckle for Roger Neilson ; yet sae let it be, twa for the ane." In an instant the scarf was torn from the pole. " Forgive me, Roger," said young Graeme, " I GLENXAIIi. 29 thought only of home, and judged the firing pro ceeded from thence. Are we nearing the Laird's inlet?" " is"ae, nae, Maister Duncan, there 's a heavy bal ance of blessin's fa' ye, agin a' I ha' to forgie, but ye canna ken, nor I canna speak the hate of the mon fa' the name of Roger Neilson. Lincoln is nae mair to his mind. I would nae like to luke him in the een." "And shall not, good Roger," replied the youth warmly. "Yet, Roger, the Laird errs ignorantly; the development of the truth will send him to seek your pardon for his part in the transaction turn, quickly! Roger!" he exclaimed, suddenly rising, "there is a heavy swell on us northward, or we will be bilged." Seeing their danger at a glance, the skilful pilot threw his boat over the wave, and the next moment she glided into the inlet of Glen- nair. "We are here, an' maun make the best of it ; we had nearly toppled. It is cauld for the bonnie lassie; spring up, Maister Duncan, an' I will hand Miss Amy tae ye." "And yourself, Roger? " " Tak' agin to the waters. Loch Muir is nae far ; unco' kind wull be the greetin' o' Allen Dhu an' his auld wife, an' our ain cave will nae want me the eve, if my oar ha' its strength." "My kindest wishes will accompany you, Mr. Keilson," said Amy, offering her hand, which was warmly clasped. " I have reason to be thankful to the cave, to the boat, and to its owner. May you 3* 30 GLENN AIR. be as safely delivered from all your trials as we from ours, of last night and this morning." " Many thanks, leddy. Ye wad nae ha' had the racket we gie to the foe an' the stranger, if Maister Duncan had nae forgot the signal ; it was nae meant for ye." "It was only a momentary shock." " I could not have struck the gong, without occa sioning greater terror, Roger. It was not remiss- ness ; it was the choice of evils your goblinism seemed preferable ; but pass up my sister, and take to your craft, before the brighter light of morning tells the tale we would fain keep from the ear of Glennair's proprietor." As K"eilson lifted Amy, he whispered, "Mind Roger Neilson in your prayers, leddy: at the askin' of some, the light may gleam through even sic' as covers Hugh Lincoln an' mysel'. Bonnie lassie, farewell," he added, as her brother received her on the beach. " Gude bye, Maister Duncan ; when ye stumble on us agin,' gie us the signal." " Good bye, Roger," returned the youth ; " a summer day will be dawning." Neilson, raising his cap, looked an almost smiling adieu upon his young friends, and turned his boat silently from the spot, as the two stood as silently gazing after him. " Amy" the brother spoke huskily. She looked up inquiringly. " No mention of places or persons you have unwittingly encountered since yester's sunrise." " Concealment with mother I have never prac tised, Duncan ; mother will disclose nothing that I would not." GLENNAIR. 31 " To none else, Amy ? " " I promise you, Duncan. Why should I desire to reveal that I would so gladly be ignorant of my self? " " Undeniably, Amy, appearances against Lincoln are as dark as the cave, and nothing has occurred to strengthen your confidence in his guiltlessness. Mayhap your mind is disquieted concerning your brother, also, Amy? ISTo marvel it were." " Duncan, dear Duncan," she replied with energy, yet falteringly ; " might I ask why you, of all others, are so connected with these fugitives from justice ? and why you, and no other, regard them innocent of such widely credited accusations ? and why rigidly honorable persons, as Mungo Robertson and Robert Dunbar, have not a sparkle of lenity toward him or his family ? " "Universally, Amy, those who suffer in their coffers from the supposed delinquency of a fellow- man, are the last to inquire into his relative virtues. Men of as firmly established reputation as either Dunbar or Robertson, may as readily become the victims of designing villains, in an unguarded hour, as Hugh Lincoln or poor Roger." "How is Neilson implicated? What situation had he in your banking-house ? " " A very inferior officer ; yet, although subordi nate, his undoubted reliability gave him free access to every part of the building, and he is suspected of affording Lincoln opportunities of executing his infamous purposes, in the absence of the other officers. Certainly Mr. Lincoln could have accom- 32 GLENNAIR. plished nothing without an agent ; arid on account of his gigantic physical strength, suspicion has fallen upon Neilson as his abettor. As if to confirm this opinion, bolts and bars have been proved no bar riers, and a large chest was conveyed away without any extraneous aid. Yet, Amy, all this is pre sumptive evidence, and on only such the voice of the community utters its maledictions against men who were never known to deviate from the very straightest path of rectitude. I dare not openly, but secretly I will defend and succor them while I have breath. I feel sanguine the hour is not far distant, when the hills and rocks of our beautiful Caledonia will echo and re-echo their triumphant acquittal from all participation in this mysterious affair ; the heartless perpetrator will be brought to justice, and his deeply laid villany proclaimed from our lofty towers. But here we are, Amy, and the gates are barred." " I saw Miss Gertrude appear at a window for a moment. I am convinced she recognized us, and will doubtless have us admitted immediately." " Miss Amy Graeme ! " exclaimed the young lady who had accompanied the servant she had sum moned to give them entrance ; " why so early, so far from the manse, and why but let all your reasons rest for the moment you are cold and weary; Kenneth, add logs to the fire." (There was always a noble bank of ashes from the preced ing evening.) " ISTow, Amy, sit you down on this couch, throw off your camlet. Master Duncan, take father's arm-chair; Kenneth, hasten break fast, and tell father." GLENNAIR. 33 " No, no ! Lady Gertrude," interrupted Mr. Graeme, " do not, I beseech. Former experience induced us to expect a hospitable reception ; but we shall regret this step, if you swerve from your cus tomary regulations. The snow-drifts- have pre vented our reaching home. After we have rested, and- partaken of some refreshment " " Very questionable hospitality that would defer either rest or refreshment to this chilled mortal, Mr. Duncan. You miscalculated your strength, Miss Amy, when you ventured a contention with the drifts this morning ; but place your feet upon this cushion, and give me your mufflers, and all discomforts shall be forgotten." " Your kindness, Miss Gertrude, would thaw an iceberg," returned Miss Graeme, as she gave her hood and cloak into the young lady's hands. " With the auxiliary of one of Kenneth's fires," she said, laughing and pointing her little dimpled fingers in that direction. "Nine logs, only ; it is a pity the size of the chimney-place should restrict him ; papa is sure he would pile in a whole fir-tree, but for lack of space. Percy suggests an enlarge ment." " Kenneth's fire is refreshingly comfortable to half-frozen wanderers," Miss Graeme observed, " and so totally unexpected as we were, it seems the production of magic." " No, Kenneth always has a tower of coals, in case of sickness in, or surprise outside the house. We have so long laughed at his preparations, that he is in a state of excited exultation at having occa- C 34 GLEXNAIR. sion to open the hall, and his ashes, for the perish ing stranger 1 " " Good morning, Amy ; good morning, Mr. Dun can. Was it you firing us up at early dawn ? " These inquiries and salutations were made by a bright, sweet-looking girl, a brunette of about fif teen, who entered the apartment with a gleesome laugh, first kissing Miss Graeme, then cordially shaking the hand of her brother. " Not quite so discourteous as that, Lady Ellen, although we have laid siege at no timely hour, and have made no apology " " And will leave it unmade, Mr. Duncan," inter rupted Miss Ellen ; " what is inevitable needs none, neither what is agreeable, and your visit combines both. Perhaps my undue curiosity may demand an apology indeed, I cannot restrain my inquisitive- ness to learn why you selected such a morning and such an hour to visit Glennair ? " " Ellen ! " whispered her sister, rebukingly. " Necessity, Miss Ellen," replied young Graeme. " I cannot tell you how, or why. Amy and myself have yet to be instructed in the reason, or the rea sonableness, of being summoned from Everbright on this inclement night. You shall be among the earliest initiated nay, Miss Gertrude, I consider the question perfectly natural, reproof is need- " Ellen is so thoughtless ; she is invulnerable to reproof: yet, Ellen, I did not fear you would be regardless of others' feelings." " Nor has she, Lady Gertrude," interposed the GLENNAIR. 35 youth, rising, and drawing her arm in his, in answer to the sound of the breakfast-bell. " The Laird is ready for breakfast," said a voice at the door ; " shall you be ready to have it served, my ladies ? " " Now for questions, and no apologies," said the lively little lady, " but you understand papa, Mr. Graeme ? " Duncan inclined his head, but the sad expression that fell upon her from those deep gray eyes sur prised Ellen ; she meant what she said, playfully. Silently they followed the others to the breakfast- room. " I hope we have not interfered with any of your arrangements, my Lord Glennair," Duncan observed, advancing to receive his graceful welcome. "You could not, Master Duncan Graeme ; the son of your worthy father could not be intrusive, no matter what the hour. And Miss Amy," he con tinued, taking her hand in both of his, " is a plea sant substitute for the sunbeam we lack this morn ing. I hope to learn our pastor, and your excellent mother, are enjoying a large measure of health; and Lewellyen no, Lochiel, you call him I ven ture to say he is enjoying all he can of life, if at the expense of all others ; his best friends, I believe, are no surety eh, Miss Amy? " he asked, as he drew the chair nearer himself, which was placed for her. " Lochiel has no better reputation than he merits," laughed Miss Graeme ; " and my Lord Glennair has a worse opinion of him than he really deserves." " I am not in the minority, Miss Amy ; yet he is 36 GLENNAIE. a favorite, too. He is brave, even to daring ; noble- hearted, generous, but reckless. Were he here, instead of conversing as Duncan is, and eating his breakfast, some misdemeanor would have enraged me, and sent him from the table ; this, Miss Amy, has occurred several times." " His parentage has not so effectually rendered him innoxious to the Laird of Glennair," she ob served, archly ; " but, indeed, Lochiel's frailties spring from an overflowing mirthfulness, and his better feelings are quite accessible. These annoying propensities, I am confident, will die out with his years. I have entire reliance in the strength of character of both my brothers." The color mounted as she met the glance of Duncan, who had heard, and been arrested by the last sentences. His face reflected her own ; the confusion was momentary and unnoticed the Laird immediately replying: " Do not quarrel with mutton hash, Miss Amy," lie said, helping her plentifully, and then himself; " it is very wholesome, and so are Mrs. Carter's bis cuit. As to the lad Lochiel, there is little need to battle for him ; I am sure as yourself he will out grow his quirks ; but I had as leave bide his absence till he do. Gertrude, dear, replenish Miss Amy's cup before you send mine ; and, Kenneth, learn what prevents Master Percy's more timely compliments to our guests." " He was disturbed by the firing, papa, or rather by the inquirers about it. His apartment," she said, turning again to Mr. Graeme, " is the only one over looking the sea, and we were anxious to ascertain GLENN AIR. 37 whether some fellow-being required assistance. Did you notice it, Mr. Duncan ? " ' I heard the gun, but supposed it proceeded from the shore." " Some fool firing at gulls, I warrant," rejoined the Laird. " So Percy suggested in no meek spirit or voice," remarked the younger lady, " and would give none of us admittance." " It is said evil spirits always appear when their qualities are being discussed, which 'of mine are worthy of the remarks of Ellen Dunbar ? " inquired the young man in question, entering the room. With perfectly easy address, he bowed generally to the group, and then cordially welcomed the visitors. " You were perversely determined there should be distress upon our coasts this morning, Ellen," he re marked playfully, as he took his accustomed seat by her side ; " I would not have delayed giving the alarm, had your aid been required, my dear little sister." " You might have opened your door, and not have resisted all my importunities," she said, half petu lantly, pushing his hand from her head and bending low to prevent his intended kiss. " Was there nothing to be seen, Percy Dunbar ? " asked his father ; "your eyes were our only medium." " Dreaming ears, eyes, and lips, I do trust, are irre sponsible agents, father, or I have much incivility to answer for. Ellie here is totally unforgiving, and no doubt thinks I deserve the tower for not spying a wreck, and not illuminating the observatory to 4 38 GLENNAIE. help the sun-rising ; and sister, her sentence is no breakfast for her heartless brother." " You may be the best judge of your delinquencies and deserts, brother," returned Gertrude, laughing. " but I have sent for coffee and hot cakes for you." He playfully bowed his thanks, and addressing Miss Graeme, said courteously, " he flattered him self she was to be their guest several days ; the weather certainly is propitious to that happiness, Miss Amy." " Such an arrangement would be very agreeable to me," she answered ; " but it is necessary we should be at home even now, Mr. Dunbar'." " How ! what ! " exclaimed the Laird ; " you must not think of travelling where a vehicle cannot. "Who talks of venturing on foot, to-day ? " " We must do other than talk, my Laird," inter posed Duncan. " We are needed at home, and speedily. The drifts prevented our reaching there last night." " And will prevent your sister to-day, also. If so ' determined, tramp it alone or with Percy. Amy Graeme is my guest until she can leave here with comfort and in safety." " My father " . " Say to him I am surety for every inconvenience I may occasion ; and I tell you, Duncan Graeme, your sister is the captive of Robert Dunbar so long as the roads between here and the manse are inac cessible to a horse and carriage. Are you going home, or to the Bank ? " " I will be there in the course of the day. Our GLENNAIR. 39 operations are suspended until the officers examine the papers." " I believe it is fully ascertained half a million is irretrievably lost." " Robertson's estimate is 300,000. He advises les's harshness with regard to Lincoln ; he proposes to delay the confiscation of his property until it is known how far available, his library especially." "Humph ! Though the blood of the Camerons flow in my veins, nevertheless I say to the death ! and to the last farthing ! and both speedily ! Ex tension, forsooth ! has Robertson a watchword to stay the clamors of creditors, too ? Will he have me part w T ith Glennair to save Thistle-hedge Hall ? And will he have the miscreant, the felon Lincoln, go free? Hugh Lincoln was not ignorant of the penalty ; the sin of a man has ever been and must ever be the inheritance of his children. Edith Cameron Lincoln must wear the brand her father has imprinted upon her ; she will sink into obscurity somewhere far from her native place ; mayhap will change her name and be, with her father, forgotten. He has escaped to the Continent, I presume." " Father ! " observed young Dunbar, after a long interval of silence, " the exalted virtues, the beauty, the gentleness, the purity, the Christian forbearance of Miss Lincoln, will never, can never fade from the remembrance of Glennair and its vicinity." Every eye, save that of Duncan Graeme, was turned toward the Laird. The gathering wrath left his son a few moments unanswered. At length, in tones deep with contending emotions, he returned, 40 GLENNAIE. " Percy Dunbar ! as you value my affection and dread my resentment, never, in my presence, men tion any one of 'that doomed family with respect, or even with lenity. I lament, I pity the poor bairn ; yet had I the authority, the death-warrant of the father, for forgery and defrauding, would have my seal fixed to-day. I am glad to know, children, that our pastor has laid his interdict also upon all com munication with the family of this infamous man." " I would disabuse your mind on that point, my Lord," returned Duncan, raising and dropping his spoon repeatedly into his cup while speaking. " Miss Edith Lincoln declines almost any intercourse with the human family ; my father has recommended a cessation of my sister's visits for a* time ; Lochiel has imbibed the universal impression ; I cannot, my self, understand how it can be salutary to the guilty, to ourselves individually, or to the nation, to thus confound the innocent with the criminal." " Human nature has not been very extensively studied by my opponent," answered the Laird, haughtily. " Man would be encouraged to trans gress under your lenient policy. Depend upon it, young man, the more stringent the law, and the more rigid its enforcement, the stronger the barrier to these outbreaks. Strange such a man as Lincoln, such a father, could have plotted so much criminality, knowing his family would be involved in his dis grace ; strange that had not deterred him." " How terribly Edith must feel, as being the inno cent occasion of fastening suspicion upon her father," observed Miss Gertrude. " The notes found by GLENN AIR. 41 Edith were confirmatory of his guilt ; a correspon dence between him and Neilson about the removal of the trunk, and all those checks, failing to coun terfeit correctly the signatures of father and Mr. Robertson. Poor Edith, little supposing papers di rected to the bank porter could involve her father in any trouble, innocently gave them into the hands of the Bailie." " Yes, it was to support her own firm conviction of his ignorance of the whole affair which led to the production of the papers confirming his guilt. Has it yet been discovered what became of those documents, papa ? " " Very well- known, Gertie, but never proved. They disappeared with Lincoln. Of course, they are" in his possession, or his daughter may " " No, my Lord, no ! " burst from the lips of young Graeme. " That name and reputation has hitherto been unsullied, and I trust ever will escape the voice of calumny." " Mayhap the father may find an advocate in the assistant cashier of our wicked bank ; can a syllable be written in extenuation or palliation of his guilt, Duncan Graeme ? " " Possibly, many, my Lord, were permission given to investigate the whole business, and placed with judicious, unprejudiced persons." A touch under the table from the boot of Percy, checked Duncan. Smiling, he gravely added, " From childhood, our families have been almost as one ; it is difficult to awaken or harbor a thought derogatory to so early a friend. Time will make its own developments." 4* 42 GLENNAIR. " Time will, no doubt, and will exhibit unequivo cally the real villain ; and it will be prudent to spare the espousal of his cause till those he has wronged discover they have erred most singularly in their judgment. Personal interest has. misled you, young man. Be cautious where you utter such sentiments ; you may become entangled in' the net this early friend has woven ; but no more of it." He pushed his chair back hurriedly and arose. The cheek of Duncan paled with indignation, but an entreating look from his sister, and the hint from the monitor beneath the table, held back his re sponse. " Kenneth," inquired young Dunbar of the per son removing the chairs from the table, " could the horses be possibly attached to the heavy wagon this morning ? " " iNaithing mair possible, Mister Dunbar ; but how muckle mair I dinna ken ; hae ye a mind to try?" " Yes, yes ! let us all try, papa ; do permit us," exclaimed Miss Ellen. " /must go too, then, Ellen " " You ? oh ! no, dear papa, some evil might befall you ; I could not hazard that," she said, throwing her arms caressingly around him. " What greater, dear, than happening to one of you ? Suppose I were bereft of my second Ellen, what would life be to Robert Dunbar ? Let Duncan Graeme and your brother take each other for com pany ; the steeds may have more wit than to trifle with their own necks." GLENXAIE. 43 " I cannot bear to vex you, my Lord," said Amy, meekly, laying her fingers on his arm, " and am really loth to leave you all ; yet I feel so apprehen sive of some calamity at home, that every moment I linger seems an age. I would not incur your anger willingly, but how can I remain ? " "Take the risk, then, Miss Amy," he replied, gently, patting her hand ; " but say to your mother you were carried away by your own waywardness, disdaining my dissent. Go find your trappings ; mind they be warm ; and take my forgiveness," he added, kissing her forehead. " I declare, they are nearly ready," cried Gertrude from the window. " The young gentlemen are di recting Kenneth, and he is evidently protesting against it, though harnessing with all his might. Nymph stands gently enough, but Pitt is restive." " Restive ! " exclaimed the Laird, advancing has tily and throwing open the casement. " Out with Pitt," he commanded, " and bring Leon. Miss Graeme's neck is worth the saving, if her wits have followed the sun this morn." The exchange was made ; Laird Glennair was summoned to a private interview with a man in the library ; so, without further interruption, Amy was equipped for the journey of seven miles, and bade farewell, for a season, to the daughters of the haughty yet kind, inexorable yet just, stern yet tender-hearted, Laird of Glennair. CHAPTER II. " Angels are 'round the good man, to catch the incense of his prayers, And they fly to minister kindness to those for whom he pleadeth; For the altar of his heart is lighted, and burneth before God continually, And he breatheth, conscious of his joy, the native atmosphere of heaven." ABROAD glare of light gleamed from the manse upon the road through which the travellers were to pass. Lamps had been placed in every win dow as beacons to guide the missing ones. A young man, apparently about sixteen, with hurried and excited step, paced the hall, repeatedly opening the front door, anxiously endeavoring to scan into the distance ; but the violence of the hurricane hurling myriads of snow-flakes against him, obliged him to seek a retreat within. The wind, whistling around, shook the house to its centre, and an old tree that had graced the ground for centuries, moaned and shivered, and bent its huge frame as though it felt and acknowledged its danger. , "Duncan Amy!" he murmured, clasping his hands in agony. " Where are you ? where, oh ! where ? And my precious mother ! " Throwing himself into the corner of an old settee, his head bent low upon his knee. There was a footstep upon the stairway ; it was unheeded. A hand was laid upon his shoulder. "Your mother mentions the name of Lochiel 44 GLENNAIR. 45 inquiringly. She evidently desires your presence, my boy." The youth started to his feet. "What of my mother, Dr. McMillan ? Will she live ? "Will she be spared us ? Tell me, oh ! tell me, must I be bereft of hope ? " " While life continues, the Great Shepherd suffers us to hope, Lochiel." " But what is your candid opinion? " he inquired, fixing an intent gaze upon him. The head of the physician was shaken despond- ingly. His eye sought the floor, as, for a few moments, he stood in silence. " Tell me the worst, doctor ; suspense is intoler able." " It is your mother's wish, and, I believe, her Saviour's will, that she should soon enter her eter nal rest." A burst of grief followed uncontrolled, violent; the frame of the youth trembled with emotion. Again the kindly hand rested upon his. " Lochiel, my boy, your mother anxiously awaits you. Delay not for Duncan and Amy ; this tempest renders their return impracticable. They doubtless are still under the shelter of your uncle's roof. The storm must have been pending when the message was received." " They have set out," replied the boy vehemently, at the same time dashing his cap heavily upon the floor, " or my name is not Lochiel Graeme. The message was peremptory ; and when did Duncan disregard the slightest wish of his father? Would 46 GLENNAIR. that I could bear the same testimony to his bro ther's obedience," he added, mournfully. " I will follow you, doctor." " And promise composure ? Agitation might produce serious results." The head was bowed in acquiescence, although the lip quivered while the promise was given. Both entered the chamber. The stillness of death was there. Mr. Graeme, bowed with grief, was seated at the side of the bed, the hand of his wife resting within his own. A faint smile played over the countenance of Mrs. Graeme as Lochiel approached. Throwing himself impetuously upon his knees beside her, he silently bathed her hand with tears. " My beloved, precious boy," she murmured. " Can you forgive me, my darling mother ; forgive my waywardness, my disobedience ; forgive the many cruel pangs I 've cost you ? " " All, all," she answered feebly, " and love you with all the strength of a dying mother's love. But Duncan, Amy ? " " The storm has prevented their return, my dar ling," Mr. Graeme replied. A shade of disappointment crossed her pallid face. "May the blessing of the Triune God be with my precious ones," she ejaculated. The head of Lochiel was buried in his hands ; a low sob only broke upon the stillness of the apart ment. The hand of the invalid was slightly raised. Mr. Graeme, reading her wish, gently placed it upon the head of Lochiel. GLENN A IK. 47 " May the star of Bethlehem guide my latest- born," she almost whispered ; " and may he take refuge under the shadow of the cross. May his parents' God be his God, and may he experience, in a dying hoar, the same perfect peace he has vouch safed me at this moment." " I will, mother ; I will," gasped the youth. " I will be all you wish, wish " The power of utter ance failed ; a gush of feeling followed. Gently, very gently, the hand of the kind physi cian was laid upon his shoulder. " Lochiel," he whispered, " have you forgotten your promise ? " There was no reply ; but rising immediately, he busied himself arranging the pillow for his mother. " Have you no blessing for me, Agnes ? " inquired Mr. Graeme, again taking the hand he had relin quished. The countenance was almost beaming as she faintly replied, " Those who turn many to right eousness, will shine as the stars in the firmament. Many jewels you have been* permitted to place in the diadem of your Redeemer. Do you need a fur ther blessing, my Malcolm ? " " Yes," he murmured, in broken accents ; " grace and strength to bow to this sore bereavement." There was a radiant smile as she pointed upward, saying, " Home, home, Je " The smile remained, but the word died upon the lips ; the spirit, without a struggle, had winged its way to the home, where Jesus was awaiting, with hosts of angels, to wel come it. Mr. Graeme arose, and laying his hand upon the 48 GLENNAIR. polished forehead, beautiful even in death, meekly said, " The Lord gave, the Lord has taken " His voice faltered. " Blessed be his name," added Dr. McMillan, as he gently closed the eyes of his beloved patient, and drew the arm of his pastor within his own, to lead him from the room. With a loud wail, Lochiel threw himself upon the body. "My mother, oh! my mother!" he exclaimed. " Speak but one word to your boy, your son, your Lochiel." A deep groan told the feelings of the father, as he bent his head upon the shoulder of Dr. McMillan. " The Lord loveth whom he chasteneth," whis pered the physician in the ear of the boy. " Can you not put your trust in so good, so merciful a being, dear Lochiel ? " " What is mercy ? " he inquired, sullenly. " The exertion of power to bring blight and ruin in our midst?" " Do not arraign the Almighty, my darling son," said Mr. Graeme, as tears, unbidden, coursed down his face. " "What I do, thou knowest not now ; but thou shalt know hereafter." At the sound of his father's voice, the youth raised his head reverently, and meeting the heavenly expression upon the face of his mother, his attention was riveted ; he gazed gazed intently. " May God forgive my rebellious spirit," he said, mournfully, as he rested his cheek upon that of his mother, and wet her face with his tears. " Your God shall be my God, mother ; your slightest wish shall be laid up in my remembrance, and I here sol- GLENNAIK. 49 emnly vow to honor your religion for your sake. So help me, my mother's Redeemer." Dr. McMillan was about replying, but checked himself, merely remarking, " It would be her wish, Lochiel, that you would now endeavor to be the stay and solace of your bereaved father." The lad immediately arose and silently laid his arm around the neck of Mr. Graeme. The doctor led the way into the adjoining apart ment. "With countenances in which the deepest sadness was depicted, two faithful domestics performed the last rites for all that remained of their beloved mis tress. " There will be monny a sair heart to mourn her loss, Kathleen," the elder woman remarked. " But nan sae sair as our ain Mr. Lochiel, Mag gie," was the reply ; " it near breaks his heart, this partin' ; " then lowering her voice, she added, " and a mighty thorn he was in his mother's side, bein' sae awfu' wilful." " He's a bonny bairn, Kathleen," her friend re turned, warmly, " though as wild as the rocks around him ; but frae the time his mouth first lisped the name of Margie, to this melancholy day, he has never crossed the path of his old nursg, Margaret MacDee." " And has Margaret MacDee e'er said nae to her bonnie bairn ? " Kathleen inquired, pleasantly. " It wud nae be the kind thing o' ye, Kathleen," she returned with an offended air, " tae think he 6 D 50 GLENN AIR. put a nail in his mother's coffin. After all the sights and sounds afore her death, nothin' could hae saved or harmed her. Did Rob Roy howl for naethin' ? I trow nae. And did the auld clock's weight fa' like a death damp, an' nae bidden either, Kathleen ? " " I dinna ken, Margie ; I trow our blessed Lord dinna need dumb creturs to speak his will. When he sends swift messengers, is it auld clocks and howlin' dogs that does his biddin'? " " Twenty winters passed o'er my head afore ye were rocked upon yere mither's lap, Kathleen Mac Leod ; and is n't the Benshee's cry that came to my ears sae often, and the monny deaths that's came after them, of hae account wi' ye ? And dinna them of your own clan that 's came afore ye, tell ye the same truths that I tell ye at this moment ? Yere ain gude Book says, ' Be not faithless, but be lieving.' ' " Truly it does, Margie ; the words of our ain Redeemer. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and all faith in sights 'ill flee awa'. We are not to add or take from that gude Book." " Ye are a puir MacLeod, Kathleen ; the first hea then e'er raised among them." A sad smile passed over the face of Kathleen. " Would that ye would study yere Bible, Margie," she returned ; " that Bible tells " The door opened, and Dr. McMillan entered. " The^ light is just dawning, my good women," he remarked ; " you must take some rest for a few hours ; nothing is needed for the present. I will remain, and my man is here to answer any necessary calls." GLENNAIR. 51 With a lingering look toward their mistress, they quietly, but with evident reluctance, withdrew from the chamber, and the Doctor threw himself upon the couch in the same apartment. Lochiel had left his father's chamber, and his hurried step might now be distinguished pacing the hall below. A fervent petition was offered by Dr. McMillan, that this heavy bereavement which now pressed with such weight upon the spirit of the youth, might tend to attune that heart to gladness, and enable him to praise and magnify the name of his Redeemer, and find a radiance shed over his now darkened path. The gray dawn had scarcely appeared ; the white and heavy clouds moving rapidly over the moun tains, tokening another fall of snow. The wind had partially lulled, but a dreary waste lay before the vision. The Doctor arose, and stood viewing the gloomy prospect, when the hall-door, closing heavily, arrested his attention. On hearing his name mentioned at the chamber-door, he immediately opened it. A tall, brawny Irishman stood before him. " What is it, Bernard ? " he inquired. " It 's a dreary marnin' for Misther Lochiel, I 'm afther thinkin', yere honor, an' he '11 be head over hales out of his depth afore he can make a calkila- tion. 'Now I could n't make free to spake, but may be a word frum yere honor would do the thing, and kape him frum reskin' sich a wa bet of a neck in sich elements. He 's got the strength of a giant packed up in a wa bit of a frame that would n't do much wark in this hurricane, I'm thinkin'." 52 G L E N N A I R. Before the door was reached, Lochiel had pro ceeded some steps, and was carefully picking his way toward a drift at the side of a mountain. His head was almost buried in a high coat-collar with a felt hat drawn about his ears ; a gun was carelessly laid across his shoulder. At the voice of Dr. Mc Millan, he turned. " You will accomplish nothing by this risk, Lochiel," he called ; " and your father will be rendered yet more unhappy from the sus pense he will endure for your sake." His eye rolled wildly as he replied, " I will bring Duncan and Amy to him. They can comfort where I cannot." " But your own precious life, my boy ? " " That is valueless ; if I cannot save, I can only perish with them." " And are you ready to yield that spirit to your mother's God, young man ? " asked the Doctor sol emnly, as he came forward and laid his hand upon his arm. A blast of wind moaned past them, almost over turning the slight frame of the youth, who was forced to cling to a jutting rock for support, and with bended form await until it had spent its force. When he again arose, he threw his head impetuously upon the shoulder of his friend, and gave way to a torrent of grief. " Can any future woe surpass my present suffer ing ? " he inquired. The head was drawn very closely, as the kind phy sician returned gently : " ' Come unto me all ye that are weary, and I will give you rest.' Return with GLENNAIR. 53 me, dear Lochiel ; you. are not fitted this day to brave the hardships before you. And your efforts would not avail." " No, Doctor, no. Do not detain me ; I must atone for the trouble I have caused my now only parent. I will restore to him his children ; I will render his declining years comparatively happy. I have trodden every foot of ground and rock for miles around, and can with " A sudden thought seemed to pass through his mind ; a low whistle brought an immense dog to his side, bounding joy fully upon the shoulders of his young master. "Hist! Rob," he whispered. "Lost, lost." The dog looked intelligently, then darted forward, re turned, wagged his tail, growled, again darted for ward, and was soon lost to view. At a signal from the Doctor, Bernard disappeared, and returned equipped with a large coat, flapped hat, and gun. There was a glance of gratified surprise as the man joined him, but no word passed, and they hastily pursued the way down the road, while the Doctor, with a sad heart, retreated into the house, and joined Mr. Graeme in the sitting-room. Lochiel and Bernard had proceeded but a short distance, when a tall, slight female figure, wrapped in a large plaid shawl, turned the corner of the rock. She started, and the deep color mounted to her cheek as they approached ; but the cap, slightly raised, was the only recognition, and the head of Lochiel again sank upon his bosom. With a defer ential bow, Bernard advanced to meet her. 5* 54 GLENNAIR. " Is it aftlier the Doctor ye are, Miss Edith ? " he inquired. " Yes, Bernard, little Helen is quite ill thip morn ing, and Aunt Cameron wished to see him immedi ately. Is he still with Mrs. Graeme ? " " An' it 's a long time I 'm a-trustin', Miss Edith, afore he reaches that same home where her spirit 'a now a-restin'. He '11 give many a d'rap o' comfort to all around him afore that day arrives, I 'm thinkin'." "Bernard!" exclaimed the young lady, claspmg her hands together, " Mrs. Graeme is not dead ; surely you are mistaken." The man shook his head. " It 's too true, Miss Edith ; I had it from the Doctor's own lips, and Margie and Kathleen." With her face buried in her hands, she stood silent a few moments, then hesitatingly inquired, " Has Miss Amy yet returned ? " " JSTo ; nor Mr. Duncan nither, Miss Edith ; the Docther 's afther a-thinkin' it will be an awful blow, if they ever rache the manse, which sames rather doubtful. And for the raisin we are now in sarche of them, I can't be afther tellin' the Docther you nade him." " They were yesterday at Mr. Rushbrook's," she replied, with forced calmness, though her voice trembled with agitation. " Why do you suppose them in danger ? " " I don't know the grounds of the case, Miss Edith ; but Mr. Lochiel is on a wild-goose chase, an' I 'm a-follerin' afther him, with my ordthers, to GLENN AIR. 55 peck the wee tiling out when he 's head over haels in snow ; but we '11 soon be brought up by the sae, I 'm thinkin'." " But would it not be possible to force a way to Mr. Rushbrook's ? " she inquired, with a face of ashy paleness. " The teanr? " " He 's a manin' for all his doin's," he replied, pointing his finger toward the now almost invisible figure of Lochiel. " He has his own plans laid, I 'm thinkin' ; and I '11 follow him through arth and wather, always provided he steers clare of the Elfin. I 've pretty strong nairves, Miss Edith ; but a stout heart might be afther quakin' at the unarthly sights in that quarter, fet to make the hair of one's head stand upright, and fasthen in the other end. But we '11 musther strong, if there's a nade be, and drive out all the men, an' sperits, too, afore Mr. Duncan and Miss Amy shall be the worse." An involuntary start was not noticed by Bernard. " But it 's quite and intirely time I was kapin' in the wake, Miss Edith, for Misther Lochiel might be buried up, for all the care I'm takin' of him." So saying, with another low bow, he left her, and hastened to rejoin the young man, who was entirely out of sight. " Will yees be afther cuttin' across to Misther Rushbrook's, Misther Lochiel ? " he inquired. "The snow would prevent the possibility. We will take MacLoughlin's boat, and endeavor to find some safe landing-place." " A man bred to the sae would kape clear of the shore, instead of venturing on it, Mr. Lochiel." 56 GLENNAIR. " We may possibly throw up the boat upon the sand beach to the right of the Elfin. The forests in the neighborhood may afford them shelter, though no sustenance." " The Elfin ! " exclaimed Bernard. " A sorry place to enter for safety ; we nade a sarch-warrant from the divil for that expedition, I 'm thinkin'." " If you and John have any fear, you can remain in the boat, while I enter the forest in search of them. There are many caves beside the Elfin ; I scarcely think, myself, that Duncan would venture there." " Sich a cowardly step 's not in my natur, Misther Lochiel. No, no, my strong foot may do some sar- vice, if his riverence does n't interfere on the side of his friends ; at any rate, it sha'n't be said that Ber nard O'Dougherty desarted a bet of a streplin' in his utmost nade." There was a flash in the eye of the youth ; it was momentary ; for despair, which had set its seal upon that brow, resumed its place. " I will never return without them," he mur mured ; " never, never." The tone, rather than the words, fell upon the ear of Bernard ; feeling that they were not addressed to him, he forbore reply. After much difficulty, they at length reached the hut of the fisherman, which stood upon a bluff, about a quarter of a mile from the ocean. A loud halloa brought him to the door of his cabin. " Misther Graeme is wantin' your services, John MacLoughlin," called Bernard ; " jist step this way, man, and don't be sleepin' to 'tarnity." GLENNAIE. 57 The person addressed, a sour, crusty-looking man, came forward, having evidently just risen at the call of his friend. " Yere makin' an unco' noise aboot naethin', Ber nard O'Dougherty," he growled. " I '11 rise wi' the sun, or when it's gaun awa', an' nae settlement wi' ye, nither." " Well, come, be afther makin' a sittlement with Misther Lochiel, who 's down on the wather's edge a-waitin' to strike a bargain wi' yees. You always was good in that line, Misther MacLoughlin," he added, slapping the ill-natured man upon the shoulder. "Ye 'd mickle better make a settlement wi' yere own tongue, Bernard O'Dougherty ; there 's nae mon but myseP wad hae carried Norval Neil son far frae danger, an' the tender mercies o' my Laird Glennair." " And were ye afther doin' the thing handsome, John, an' did n't ye grip the last bawbee from the poor divil's pocket? I'd hae been the last man would cast it up in yere tathe, but it was a mane pace of business, ye can't deny it, can ye ? The stuff would burn in my pocket, I tell ye." " Make yere ain bargains, and mind yere ain af fairs," he remarked, breaking from' him angrily, and advancing to the spot where Lochiel was standing. " "Wull ye aught wi' me, Maister Graeme," he inquired. " Let your boat be launched at once, John, and provide me a strong oarsman." " In sic a blaw, Maister Lochiel ? and the puir auld craft is sae ailin' ; she canna hauld water, salt 58 GLENNAIR. or fresli ; she 's mickle the waur for the last wurk she tried upon the waters." A shade of bitter disappointment crossed the face of the young man. " And can no boat be obtained ? " he inquired. " Where is Aleck Edgar ? " As he spoke, his eye carefully scanned the waters. A small speck at some distance .met his view. It was pointed out to Bernard. " It 's nae mair than a sea-bird, dippin' for its ain dinner," MacLoughlin remarked.. The practised eye of Lochiel saw differently, as much of his leisure time had been passed in watch ing boats and shipping as they gradually neared the shore. Taking a small glass from his pocket, he brought it to bear upon the object. " There is a boat," he observed, after a few mo ments' intent gazing, " evidently endeavoring to effect a landing. Their danger is imminent ; here the waves are comparatively smooth ; fire quickly, Bernard ; let them know they are observed." The order was immediately obeyed, and the echo reverberated from rock to rock. Suddenly the glass was grasped tightly, while an exclamation of horror escaped him. " It is it is ! " he gasped. The glass was grasped by Bernard, as his strong arm was placed around Lochiel to support the trem bling boy. A signal was plainly seen a curiously wrought crimson scarf, which Bernard well remem bered having seen upon the neck of Miss Graeme. " Another look, in mercy ! Bernard." The glass was again placed to the eye of Lochiel. GLENNAIR. 59 For a moment the scarf fluttered upon the breeze, then suddenly disappeared, as though intentionally it were carefully removed from view. The strained eye of Lochiel intently watched the boat, as he clung to the arm of Bernard for sup port ; an immense surge rose higher and higher, be coming more terrific every moment, then bursting upon the little boat, engulfed it within its bosom. Lochiel saw no more, but with a wild shriek, fell senseless upon the ground. His faithful dog who had been scenting every nook throughout their jour ney, and as often returning to the side of his master, eagerly watching every movement threw himself, with a piteous whine, upon him. " John MacLoughlin, if ye have any pity in yere heart," shouted Bernard, as he gently raised the un conscious boy, "let your boat lake or no lake be launched, and save the precious lives of Misther Duncan and Miss Amy. This moment, or ye will be 'too late," he added, with feverish impatience, as he saw the man still linger. " And wha wi' ha' a care for the risking of the life o' John MacLoughlin ? " he inquired, sneeringly, " and wha wi' hae a look tae his bairns, if the morn see him in the bottom of the Lynn ? Tell me that, Maister Bernard O'Dougherty." " Launch at once, MacLoughlin," he shouted, as (taking his cloak from his shoulders, and gently lay ing the youth upon it, under shelter of a rock) he advanced and seized the side of the boat, while great drops stood upon his forehead, from the excitement of the moment. " Lend a hand, man, and throw 60 GLENNAIE. her into the dape, and I '11 take all the risk, if you '11 lend an eye to the lad yonder." " And wha wuld be the profit of that, wi' a dead boy to scare the auld woman and bairns." " Then handle the oar," he cried, impatiently, as he almost threw the man into the boat, now floating upon the angry billows, " and I '11 promise you a full pocket for all your trouble." . The man surlily obeyed, and in a few moments was springing the breakers and breasting the waves in a manner that showed him no novice in his voca tion. " And y'ere childer might be more scared with yere ugly visage, you craven," Bernard murmured, as he resumed his burden and proceeded to the hut of MacLoughlin. The tap at the door being unanswered, the latch was lifted and he entered. A dirty bundle of straw in the corner of the room appeared to have been just vacated, and a tall, lank, bony woman was crouching over some smouldering embers, which she was endeavoring to light by the aid of some chips which lay beside her. An infant a few months old, wrapped in a tattered spread, was lying upon the floor, feebly making known its wants, while several children the eldest not over six were clamor ously surrounding their mother for something to eat. A dirty table, devoid of cloth, was standing beside the wall, with a few fragments the remnants of last night's meal. Crumbs and grease had fallen, and were scattered in various directions around. " Out upon ye, every mither's son o' ye," she GLENNAIR. 61 shouted, seizing an old shoe, and testing its strength over the back of the eldest. " Can't ye hould yere eilly tongues, an' not be draggin' sowl andr body apart wi' yere clamer ? " The youngster thus suddenly attacked, sought refuge under the table which being rather totter ing, finding support, in the absence of a fourth leg, against the wall, suddenly up-turned, scattering tin and earthen dishes to the farthest corner of the room. In a moment a cold potato was seized by one, the tongue of another applied to a molasses-dish, the baby's cries increasing with the vociferous noises. Bernard, almost unconscious of the scene around him, had seated himself on an old stool, and was bathing the temples of his precious charge with cold water from a tin cup which he had seized on enter ing. An occasional moan manifested some sign of returning life* The woman, whose warm temper was now thor oughly roused, sprang from the corner, and was about wreaking her wrath upon the first object she might encounter, when her eye, for the first time, fell upon the new-comers. For a moment she stood mute with astonishment and rage, then placing her hands upon her sides, she made a sudden descent upon them. " And wha may ye be ? " she inquired, with clenched teeth, " a-makin' sae frae in the house of anither ? " " Lave the lad brathin'-room, woman," exclaimed* Bernard, passionately, as she attempted to push them both toward the door. A low moan and slight 6 62 GLENNAIB. movement arrested him. " Misther Locliiel," he said, gently. A hand was partially lifted, then all was again still. " Will you kill the lad the son of the good ministher, too, you old hag ? " he inquired, fiercely. " His life shall be laid at your door if you stir a step toward the harmin' of him." " And do you trow I care that" snapping her fin gers, " for a' yer preachments an' ministers a'thegi- ther ? An' wi' ye scare awa the Benshee the night at the bringin' of death among us ? Allan MacLough- lin ! " she vociferated, opening a small back window. The sound of the chopping of wood ceased, the axe fell heavily, the door opened, and a young man entered. His kind, benevolent countenance at once attracted Bernard. " I nade some help here, young man," he re marked. " Can you get any conveyance to the manse, at once ? " Hesitatingly the door was opened, and a very small room appeared to view, in which was a wooden settee with some old clothes lying upon it. Casting a doubtful look at the woman, he inquired, " Could n't he lay here for a wee time ? " " Out upon ye ! " she exclaimed. " It's nae i' my house he '11 find a footin'." " Ye dinna ken mickle of the gude Book," he re plied, sadly, " or ye wuld hae mair kindliness in yere heart, Katy." " And lose my sowl by turnin' heretic, like yer- sel', ye fou' ! Ye'd mickle better git the priest to shrive the heathen, and nae stan' parlyin' 'bout naethiuV GLENNAIE. 63 There was no reply, but the young man disap pearing for a moment, returned bearing the little cot, upon which were arranged smoothly two small, soiled blankets the sole bed-clothing he possessed. Over this the cloak of Bernard was laid, and ?, tat tered plaid belonging to Allan arranged for a pillow. " I '11 aid you wi' him mysel'," he said, as Ber nard, with a heart-felt " God bless you," lifted his charge upon it. Allan passed his arm carefully un der it, to raise it more steadily. " And wha '11 be cuttin' the wood in the time ? " inquired the 'woman, angrily. " Get your cuttin' done by some of your own stamp, who are worth nothin' betther," Bernard re plied, impatiently, throwing a piece of silver toward her. Silently pocketing the money, somewhat mollified at the sight of it, she permitted them to leave the house without further molestation. " A warm house there, I guess, without the nade of asking," Bernard remarked with a shrug, point ing his thumb backward in the direction of the lot, as they carefully picked their way toward the manse. " I look far awa', " he replied, meekly. " Far awa' ! " exclaimed Bernard ; " I should think your wits would be naded nare home, to kape your head upon your shoulders, gran tin' any may be left in such a brawl." " It is n't my hame. I sit content at the Maister's feet, an' he points there," (raising his forefinger im pressively,) " to anither an' a better hame. Eye hae nae seen, nor ear heard, nor heart conceived the glo- 64 GLENNAIR. ries " Overcome with timidity, the words died upon his lips. Bernard's heart was touched ; he made no reply, but glancing toward his companion, he saw his coun tenance beaming with a heavenly radiance. Silently they proceeded until they drew near the manse. Bernard paused. " I 'm just a-thinkin', Allan," he remarked, " there's trouble enough at the minister's for one day, so we '11 take Misther Lochiel to the Hedge. The lady has a big heart, and we'll be sartin of a kindly gratin'. " Wha' is the trouble at the manse, sair ? " " ISTo sair for me, if you plase ; I am plain Bernard O'Dougherty, no betther no, nor half so good as yourself; but our kind leddy at the manse has gone to her long home." An involuntary start shook the hand of Bernard ; he turned inquiringly. Every feature in his com panion's face was convulsed, and the heaving bosom told that a chord had been struck of which he had not the slightest apprehension. A gush of feeling followed, and uncontrolled sobs and tears relieved his pent-up anguish. " Then you knew Mistress Graeme, Allan ? " his friend inquired, kindly. " She ha made me all I am. Twa year since, she took me by the hand, and led me right to Christ my Saviour ; and he said, ' Come unto me,' and I came right awa', and since that time, on the eve of every holy Sabbath, wi' three other puir lads nae better than mysel', she gie us an hour's blessed counsel at the manse." GLENNAIR. 65 A fresh gush, of tears followed. " And a good cup of tay in the bargain ? " Ber nard inquired, desirous to divert the current. " Ah, Kathleen's kindness was gude to think upon ; alway a hearty welcome and good cheer i' the kitchen afore we parted." The house now stood full in view, the closed win dows mournfully telling that death had set its seal upon it. There was a shudder passed through the frame of Allan. Bernard turned, and leading the way to a side door of the neighboring house, entered without ask ing permission. A tall, dignified, sad-looking lady was sitting in the dining-room. She started and advanced, pale with alarm. "JSTot Dr. McMillan, Bernard? He left here only a few moments since." "Misther Lochiel, Mrs. Cameron. Thenking there was grafe enough at the ministher's, I madefrae " " Hold, good Bernard ; no words are necessary ; the sufferer will always find a welcome here." The door to a small apartment, nicely warmed, was thrown open, and after freeing him from use less clothing, and wrapping him in a flannel morn ing-gown, Lochiel was placed in a comfortable couch. " The Doctor, Bernard, immediately," said Mrs. Cameron. " Then return for refreshment, with your friend, in the kitchen. But the poor lad is pale from exhaustion," she remarked, as for the first time she glanced toward Allan. Bringing a cup of warm coftee, she bade him take it, and be 6* E 66 GLENN AIR. seated. With a grateful and a full heart, Allan partook of the beverage, and with feelings such as none could appreciate but those who knew not the name of comfort, in a very few moments sunk into the soundest slumber. CHAPTER III. " He stealeth all goodly names, As wealth, as value, and substance." DARK and gloomy as had been the ushering in of the morning, at noon, in all his glory and brilliancy, the sun burst forth over the hills and lochs of Glennair and its surroundings. Loch Leighton, bound in a coat of mail, reflected glitter- ingly every ray, while the tall firs and eaves, hea vily hung with icicles, in allegiance to the King of Day, offered no quarter to the unfortunate wayfarer. Thus far, the only exhibition of the power of his majesty was to throw a shower of crystal drops, pendent upon each point, upon the old cap of John MacLoughlin, as he beat with his heavy stick against the kitchen-door of the dwelling of Dr. Graeme. " Can ye nae tap mair gently at the house of mournin', friend?" asked Kathleen, opening the door, and still holding the ladle with which she was dipping the fritters she was preparing for din ner. G L E X N A I E . 67 " If ye kenned the news I hae fetched yer mis tress, ye wud gie me room to come in, and gie me summat to eat, too, for I hae tramped mony miles to tell it to the parson, and am starvin' as a crow for carrion." " If ye ken anything of our missing anes, tell us in maircy, for our hearts are sair to their core, and the minister is wellnigh spirit-broken." " !N"ae, I will tell nain but the parson or his woman ; to them I be sent, and ye can gae fetch them, mistress." " Our minister is wi' his younger son at the hall, nae far frae this ; the lad is mickle hurt ; we fear he maun follow his mother." " His mother ! " echoed MacLoughlin ; " Mistress Graeme hae nae gane, is she ? " " Our leddy hae gane where nae tidings will vex her mair. The body is still waiting the gathering of the bairns." " Weel, weel," returned the man, lifting up the cap he had thrown down between his feet, arid moving nervously upon his chair, " she wa' delicate, an' summut gane in years ; sic maun expect to die ; she is nae near, is she, mistress ? " " In the ither room ; would ye look on her? She is like to life." "Nae! nae!" he exclaimed, arresting Kathleen by the dress. " I hae nae fondness for seeing sic sights ; there was nae need for the ither woman tae gang for Dr. Graeme. I wull tak a mouthfu', and gae to the hall mysel'." At this juncture, Margaritte burst into the apart- 68 GLENN A IE. ment, and, almost breathless from haste, delivered the direction from the minister, that the messenger from Duncan and his sister should come to Mrs. Cameron's, as he could not leave Lochiel. " I wud hae been the ane to have fetched him, but Bernard O'Dougherty sent me for the ithers. I maun say I hae ben the savin' of them a'. I hope the parson's purse-strings 'ill nae be tied in knots," he added, while he diligently manifested his appro val of Kathleen's fritters. " Rough journeys helps a mon's appetite," he remarked, pushing his plate to be replenished the fifth time. " I wull gie ye a steak frae this mutton venison and some bread, friend, for Dr. McMillan, and may be ithers," she sighed, " will be here to dine, an' my fritters will nae hold out." Without a reply he devoured the slice of meat and several rounds from a loaf, not sparingly but tered. Margaritte, who had been serving him, thought proper to wrap up the remainder, remark ing as he passed out of the door, in an undertone of disgust, "I will leave ye to scald and scour the plates and things, Kathleen ; I maun run and fetch you what he kens." Margaritte followed the man to the hall of Mrs. Cameron. On reaching there, she passed in before, and noiselessly opened the door of the little room where was Lochiel, and the father, with Allan, anx iously watching. " The mon hae come," she was whispering, when John MacLoughlin caught a glimpse of his brother. "Allan MacLoughlin," he surlily demanded in a GLEXNAIE. 69 loud voice, f ' why are ye nae at yer ain work, in stead of wha ye are nae wanted, ye idle poltroon ? Ye hae left yer wages wi' yer choppin, I can tell ye, Allan MacLoughlin." Before he could say more, or all of this, Mr. Graeme had come out of the room and Margaritte had prudently closed the door. " Ye wull undo all the gude ye brag of, if ye wake our lad frae the sweet sleep we hope in " " Hold, Margaritte," interposed her master, "there is no- harm done. "YVe will go with this friend into the north room, and when he tells us all we shall love to learn, amends shall be made for all he has lost in our service." In this apartment were found Mrs. Cameron, a little, delicate-looking child coiled up in a large chair, and Edith Lincoln. Even the obdurate spirit of John MacLoughlin seemed sub dued; his muscles relaxed into something like an inclination of the body, as he entered and stood before this family. Edith arose from a reclining position on a sofa, passed her fingers over her slightly disarranged hair, settled her comb, but the color suffused her usually pale cheek as she met and re-met the earnest, continued gaze of the stranger. " I know'd her mither when I wa' a youngster, and all of us ca'd her 'Angel Helen o' the Hall ; ' as like are ye as gulls twa wings ; yere een are blacker, and trouble hae taen awa' tfre dance frae them ; ye be Hugh Lincoln, the Robber's daughter, beant ye?" " We acknowledge no such appendage to that name, John MacLoughlin." Dr. McMillan had entered unobserved, and had heard the last sentence. Drawing the large chair between the sofa and Mac- 70 GLENNAIR. Loughlin, lie lifted the little girl from it into his lap, and continued : " Now, out with what brought you, man, and nothing false. Be speedy ; where are, and what do you know of the son and daughter of Mr. Graeme ? " The man quailed for a moment before the steady, honest eye of his querist, and answered, " Safely harbored in the Castle of Glennair ; the young man would hae come in my boat, but the Laird forbade the risk." " He said he tramped all the distance, when he came to the manse," Margaritte quietly remarked. " The truth, John," rejoined the Doctor ; " no truthtelling, no pay." " We would know all you know, friend," said the pastor, " and please be speedy." "All I ken is that they started for hame this morn, but the wagon stove an' the beasts wad nae haul, an' they are baith waitin' for anither chance, an' I wa' sent to see arter ye all, and if all wa' well." The head of Mr. Graeme fell upon his clasped hands ; Mrs. Cameron, beckoning to Margaritte, withdrew. The Doctor, without appearing to notice the anguish of his sorely bereaved pastor, said, " Go prepare your boat, MacLaughlin ; in five min utes I will be ready to go with you to Glennair, and, according to your deserts, you shall be recompensed," he added, seeing the man hesitated. " Are you going away, too ? " asked the little Helen, with earnestly appealing eyes. " Not long, tiny Fawn," he replied, caressing her tenderly ; " only to bring Duncan and Amy back to GLENNAIR. 71 their father. Cannot you and cousin Edith take care of him while I am gone ? " Clinging to him, she waved her curls from side to side, to testify her inability and unwillingness. " Sis ter, maybe, can, but how can little Helen talk to Mr. Graeme ? " she whispered. " Will you try if I tell you ? " the Doctor whis pered in return. She nodded a reluctant consent, while the tears gathered in her eyes. " Well, then, when I have gone, you go and sit on the small cushion near him, and lay your hand upon his knee ; that will soothe him." Rising, the Doctor placed her in the large chair, and after a few comforting words to Miss Lincoln, left the three alone. Soon after, Helen, slipping from the seat and looking timidly toward Mr. Graeme, said softly to her cousin, " Sister, will I go stand by him ? " "Do, precious, if you wish," she answered, releasing the little hand she had linked in hers. Softly the child approached the mourner and sat down upon the cushion. Not only the hand, but the cheek, was laid against his knee before Mr. Graeme was aware of her presence. At length, raising his eyes and perceiving her, he stroked the fair hair, and murmured, " Dear little one, you have but just entered upon a world of sor row ; may you be kept from the coming evils. Edith ! do you find strength equal to your trying day, my child ? " " Would I could ever trust the blessed promises, 72 GLENN A IE. Mr. Graeme," she answered, vainly attempting to restrain the gushing tears. " My agonized spirit often cries loudly for relief, and rebelliously pre scribes the method. The mercies of the last hour must help pur unbelief, and we shall find his grace sufficient hereafter, yet " " Heavy have been your trials, Edith," interrupted Mr. Graeme, " and unmitigated by the voice of kind ness or affection. Keenly have we all felt our una voidable (as we supposed) desertion, in this your hour of sore trial. That our course toward you has been erroneous, the providences of the last two days have clearly witnessed. To you, whom we have all, save Duncan, deserted in your sorrow, are we brought for succor in our extremity, and thus taught that we are henceforth to aid you in bearing your burden. We have acted from expediency not scripturally, Edith ; a heavy chastisement has shown me my duty." " I could scarcely receive sympathy, Mr. Graeme, from those who believe him culpable." Miss Lincoln moved to give the minister the seat beside her, which he had advanced to take. " It is very difficult to give it credence, Edith ; and his daughter could not support the supposition. Leaving that subject, my love, I claim for Amy your former sisterly affection, and sue for forgiveness for all our delinquencies." " Will heaven ever espouse the cause of other *han the innocent ? " inquired the weeping girl. " Never ! my child ; and how obvious the divine interference to prevent your suffering from the alien- GLENN AIR. 73 ation of your earliest friends and nearest neighbors ; yet, Edith, how generally, ' Behind a frowning Providence, He hides a smiling face.' My Locliiel is recovering, his sister and brother are returning home, and you, and your aunt " " We '11 forget the past, Mr. Graeme ; most keenly have we felt your withdrawal." Mr. Graeme laid his hand upon her head, as he fervently and humbly besought Heaven's blessing upon that household ; then, raising the little Helen in his arms, from Miss Lincoln's side, where she had been closely nestled during the while, he blessed her ; also beseeching that " this lamb of the fold might be the light of the family, their prop in de clining years, their aid in the Christian life ; that light might be brought out of darkness, and their latter days be bright." It was enough for the child to know her cousin was in tears. When Mr. Graeme put her down, throwing her arms around her, she begged her not to cry, saying in her childish innocence, that nobody should hurt her, and that she would always be good and mind everybody. Her cousin held her in a close embrace and endeavored to wipe away the tears. Mr. Graeme smiled on the little girl, and said he and Allan were now to convey Lochiel to the room Kathleen, and some of his parishioners, who had been unremitting in their attentions, had prepared for him. " Edith," the minister spoke hesitatingly" Edith, 7 74 GLENNAIE. is it too much to ask that you would be at the manse to receive my Amy ? You would have more power to comfort her in the bereavement than any other being in the world." Edith made an effort to say she would be there, but the words died upon the lip ; she bowed an as sent. Pressing her hand gratefully, Dr. Graeme left the room. " You look so tired, dear," said Miss Lincoln, " I would like you to lie here and sleep while I go to the manse ; but first, I must kiss away every tear from these cheeks. Dr. McMillan must not see his 4 tiny Fawn' grieved." " Sister, my Doctor says he has not room in his heart for Aggie MacAlpin, I take up so much space," sighing heavily, while her cousin kissed and dried away the tears. " I think you might move a little and let her in, she is such a nice little girl." " I would, sister, but the Doctor says his heart is so crowded up, nobody else can creep in." " He knows differently, Helen ; his heart will hold all the people in the world who deserve a place there. Aggie, dear little Aggie, will not be left outside ; so now go to sleep and dream she is safely there." Edith arranged her comfortably, remained long enough to give a parting kiss to the sleeping child, and then sought Mrs. Cameron to advise her of her o promise to Mr. Graeme. " I decidedly disapprove of your going, my dear, as would your father," Mrs. Cameron replied with some asperity, when Edith had finished her report, GLENNAIR. 75 " and. am more than a little Surprised, Edith, that you are willing to enter the manse, while the pastor is unwilling to recognize you as the daughter of an injured, honorable man. You have been commend- ably prudent hitherto, and why would you now haz ard meeting many who are the declared foes of your father ? Indeed, Edith, I cannot permit this undig nified step." Rising quickly and taking from a bureau-drawer a large shawl, she unfolded and threw it around her shoulders. " I will go myself," she said emphatically; "Edith Cameron Lincoln shall be guilty of no act derogatory to her own or her father's name, defamed as his may be by others. The grief of Amy Graeme will be terrible ; none will be able to check it for a time ; better, too, you should not encounter that, dear ; you can hardly bear your own, sweet bairn." Tears started as Mrs. Cameron looked up and saw the face of her niece covered with both hands. *' Surely, you will prefer not to see them just now, Edith, my child ? " she asked, softly. Withdrawing her hands from a face bathed in tears, she said bitterly, "Nothing, no, nothing .could add to my sorrow ; I might possibly mitigate theirs ; I might be able to soothe Amy, aunt ; and perhaps," she added, hesitatingly, after another pause, " Duncan may think me unkind, and that will give poignancy to bis grief. Aunt Edith, father would almost confront the people himself .to comfort Duncan Graeme; but I. will be satisfied with your decision, and Duncan will with my reasons." She said no more, and Mrs. Cameron was silent .76 GLENNAIR. until, when about to leave the room, attired for the visit, she kindly laid her hand on' Edith's as they lay clasped over the back of a chair, and said ten derly, " / know this is the wisest course, dearest, and Duncan will acknowledge its propriety. I am sure he would suffer any privations rather than have you subjected to the invidious remarks of those who will collect on this occasion, and so would I. My Edith is as the apple of my eye." She folded her to her heart and left her. Placid and beautiful in death reposed the clay tenement of Mrs. Graeme in the darkened room where sat the minister, when Mrs. Cameron entered. The watchers had retired, leaving the mourner alone with his dead. Without speaking, he clasped her proffered hand and led her to the side of the sleeper. Mrs. Cameron, bending over the face, w^ept for a time uninterruptedly. " In the slumbers of the grave there are no dreams of evil, no heart-burnings ; in death there are no divisions, we sepulchre no separations; beyond it, alienated friends all are reunited." Thus murmured the pastor, in a hushed, broken voice. " She was universally beloved, and dearly prized by her friends, by none more than the family at Thistle Hedge ; nor were we requited by her ungrate fully," replied Mrs. Cameron. " Circumstances have separated us for a little while," responded the pastor. " I have been severely rebuked, my friend ; I have sinned, I have been chastened, I repeat. God has in mercy withdrawn G.^ENNAIR. 77 his wrath, and restored my children. He has again lifted upon me the light of his countenance, here beside " "Believe me," interrupted Mrs. Cameron, "I cherish no enmity, Mr. Graeme, and am rejoiced to be able to befriend you, and deeply have sympathized in your sorrows ; yet I cannot feel entire friendliness with him who does not recognize or acknowledge his belief in the rectitude of Mr. Lincoln ; but this is not the spot for discussion, nor the advocacy of my brother, Mr. Graeme. We shall all soon be where there is no controversy, no root of bitterness, but where there is one love-cemented circle." " Yes, oh ! yes, my dear friend, how insignificant do the affairs of such vast earthly importance ap pear, when we have a glimpse of an eternal home. May we all henceforth hold transitory things more loosely." " I have frequently observed," Mrs. Cameron w,as about resuming, when she was interrupted by Mar- garitte, who whispered, as she passed through the room greatly excited, to open the front door, " Dr. McMillan's carriage is coming up from Fir Grove." " Precious bairns ! " she exclaimed, as the Doctor lifted Amy from the chaise, and Duncan, passing his arm around her, almost carried her into the house. " Take me, take me to her ! " she cried in anguish, as Mrs. Cameron received her from him. " Why, why was I separated from her ? Dear, dear mother ! " " Be composed, my love," Mrs. Cameron whis pered. " Try to be calm before you meet your father. Your grief will be more than he can bear." 78 GLEN X AIR. Amy raised her eyes, looked earnestly at Mrs. Cameron, then at Margaritte, who was in tears ; turning to the Doctor, whose countenance could not conceal the truth, she shrieked, " Mother is dead ! Mother is dead ? " she reiterated inquiringly. The averted faces of the others, and the bowed head of the Doctor, told all she dreaded to hear. With a deep groan, she fell senseless into the arms of Mrs. Cameron. Every effort to restore consciousness was for a long time unavailing, and even then her eyes wandered listlessly from face to face, her fingers occa sionally creeping over or resting upon her forehead, as though she would recall her roving thoughts. "Daughter, dear daughter," said her father, tenderly drawing her head against his bosom and kissing her. She raised her head, and, shrinking back, surveyed him earnestly. " Amy, my own Amy, do you not know your father ? " he asked softly. " Yes," was the laconic answer, and she laid her head with apparent confidence upon his bosom. " Do not disturb her," said the Doctor, as her father was about to speak again, " the restoration will be very gradual present scenes are unfavor able ; the mind must be led back to earlier and hap pier hours to restore its tone ; she neither recog nizes nor realizes anything yet." "Hark ! " she murmured, "hark ! Lochiel is sing ing Lochabar; it is so sweet, hark!" and she lifted her head in an attitude of listening. " Edith, call him back to sing again ; I love to hear Locha bar" With grateful emotion the little group listened GLENNAIR. 79 with Amy to the deep, musical voice of Dr. Mc Millan, as he sang the exquisite stanzas to encourage the delusion. She was obviously soothed ; a sad smile overspread her countenance, and the big tear stood in her eye. Again the voice of the singer fell upon her ear ; the rich melody of the Psalm selected told upon the heart of Amy : there was not that unearthly brightness in the eye that met his own, as the Doctor resumed his seat near her, when he had finished. " Praise, praise, it is all praise that beautiful Psalm," she said, placing her hand in his, " and 'we will praise Him again as we pass over Jordan.' Sing that, James ; I always love to hear you sing ; but where is Lochiel ? " " Not very far away ; shall I sing, Amy ? " But the eyes of Amy were closed, and her head had sought its resting-place against her father. At a pleading look from Mr. Graeme, the mellowed notes once more flowed from the lips of the Doctor, but it was only to lead ; Mrs. Cameron united with him, and the sweet blending of the voices reached the fountain of grief. Amy Graeme, when the music ceased, was weeping. The father's coun tenance bespoke his gratitude ; of utterance he was incapable. Silence reigned ; there was not a sound in the house of death and mourning. The door of the apartment was opened by Kath leen. Mrs. Cameron touched the arm of the Doctor, who was sitting abstractedly, his head resting upon his hand, and both upon his knee, " Kathleen says Lochiel requires you," she whispered. " I know he 80 GLENNAIR. has been in impatient expectancy for the return of Duncan and his sister." " We must endeavor to keep Miss Amy tranquil," he replied, in the same subdued voice ; " and unless very urgent, it is decidedly better to keep her from the study until to-morrow." "Far better, Doctor; but I doubt if she will be prevented. There is need of special influence to dissuade a Graeme." " The genuine Highlander, Mrs. Cameron," was the response. "I will go to Lochiel ; what of Duncan ? " " He*.went immediately to the study, and is prob ably still there ; he was overwhelmed to find her no more." " Heavily, heavily stricken," sighed the kind physician, as he repaired to the chamber of his patient. " What now ! " he exclaimed, on entering the room. " Margaritte, what are you doing with this clothing? Not for LochiePs present use, cer tainly?" " I am trying what I can do, Doctor." " Trying what you cannot do, rather. Insane boy, I had credited Margaritte with more sense. Lie down quietly and patiently, and wait the move ments of others wiser than yourself. Death, my dear Lochiel, would probably result in an incautious physical effort ; for the sake of those who are ten derly fearful of exciting you, be satisfied to remain alone until your sister is prepared to meet you.; Great prudence is required in telling her the condi tion of her beloved brother." GLENNAIR. 81 " It was to Duncan I desired to go, Doctor ; they told me he was alone with mother. The watchers had left him to grieve alone. I wanted to tell him I would try to he to our father the son he had been to both. She gave me her blessing, Doctor ; but her blessings upon Duncan were for the past. Duncan was all her heart desired ; but I, how often I have grieved our mother's heart. Help me, oh ! help me, my mother's God, to be all my mother would have asked." His head sank wearily upon the pillow, the long, dark lashes laid upon the pale cheek ; any other than the practised finger that touched that pulse, would have supposed the spirit had passed away. Such was the thought that startled Duncan on entering the chamber ; but the hastily extended hand and smile of the Doctor reassured him. Silently he bent over his brother, kissed his fore head, and for a long time stood sadly gazing upon the much changed face. " He is very, very ill, Doctor," he said, huskily. " He has been, Duncan ; but this is prostration ; he will live. Your Epaphroditus will not be taken." The lip of Duncan quivered, and he walked to the window to conceal his emotion. When he returned to the bedside, the Doctor remarked : " I know of no more potent elixir than your pres ence. When Lochiel revives, Duncan, take my seat ; hold his hand ; speak when he speaks, not sooner. I will leave you now ; Amy may need my services." Laying the hand of Lochiel gently down, and F 82 GLENNAIE. warmly clasping that of his brother, the Doctor withdrew. There had been no moment for expla nation, anxiously as the. heart of Duncan yearned to learn the circumstances attending his mother's- last hours, and the wherefore his brother was in this condition, if either had occasioned the other. From Margaritte he could obtain no satisfactory informa tion ; with wringing hands she told him of the fore- shadowings of evil ; she perplexed and annoyed him by her recountings of Benshee cries, and other omens, to her mind certainly portentous of great calamity. There had been little opportunity of communicating with Dr. McMillan then only in the presence of his sister ; in their last interview, inquiry was impossible. He at times conjectured what might have been, and as often vainly imagined the very contrary. The clock told one hour his anxiety, several, before his brother manifested any symptoms of returning consciousness. Opening his eyes languidly, he turned his head slightly, but did not at first notice Duncan ; once again he turned, sighed heavily, and rested his eyes upon his brother ; his lips moved, and a faint smile spread over his pale features. " It is best to be very quiet now," Duncan whis pered, bending over, and caressingly laying his face against his forehead. "The boat tell me of the boat of Amy," he faltered. " Amy is safe, and our boat was in no danger ; when you are well, all shall be explained." Lochiel looked satisfied, and lay quietly for a GLENN AIR. 83 long while, with his "brother's hand clasped tightly between his own. " Duncan," he murmured. " "What is it, Lochiel ? " " Mother forgave me in all that I had grieved her freely forgave, and left me her blessing, Dun can ; you also have a large debt of waywardness against me, Duncan. I remembered all bitterly remembered all, when the billows rose over the boat, Duncan." " Let us both forget every past unpleasantness, Lochiel. I can recall instances in which _T, not you, might be the forgiven. Lochiel, shall my page of grievances be cancelled also ? " " You, Duncan," he feebly ejaculated. " Mother distinguished me by ' my erring boy ; ' I hate myself, that I ever could have grieved my mother or my precious brother." "Let by-gones be as though they were not, Lochiel ; you are nervously alive to all your frail ties. I never thought your ' terrible misdeeds' merited a harsher name. My affection for you now is the same I felt for that baby-boy I was called to see lying in Amy's cradle ; I could not have loved anything more, and I love you no less now, my brother." , The tears coursed over the pale cheeks, as Duncan again and again stroked back his -hair, and pressed his lips to his forehead. "When is mother to be carried away, Duncan? " he whispered. " The ground is unfit to-day; therefore, to-morrow noon is named." 84 GLENNAIR. " Is Edith with Amy, Duncan ? " " Better she should not be, Lochiel ; shall I bring Amy to you ? " " I have often distressed Amy also ; can " " Let that subject rest, Lochiel : comfort me with the promise you will discuss the past no more ; you would greatly pain our sister by any reference to former misdoings. She views them in the same trifling light I do. Our field is the future ; you and I are to be the support, the staff of our father and sister. Let us endeavor to vie with each other in our kindness and attention to them ; we are indebted to them both a weighty debt of gratitude. Rest now, Lochiel ; if you are worse, Doctor will accuse me as the cause. So soon as you can bear it, you shall hear the occasion of our absence, and I will gladly listen to an account of the incidents of home during the time." "Mother " " Nay, Lochiel, nay, no more now, or I must leave you." " Duncan, I would like Amy to come to me," he said, after a very long interval of entire silence. "Without replying, the brother left the apartment. He found Amy where he had anticipated. She was not weeping, but as calm and placid as the form be fore her. She was supported by Mrs. Cameron, who was soothing her by repeating appropriate texts of Scripture in the gentlest tone, mingling them with the praises of the friend she had always highly re spected. Duncan entered unobserved, and stood by his sister. Mr. Graeme had thrown himself upon GLENN AIR. 85 a coucli, entirely overcome ; lie had been sustained by excitement, and the reaction was great. As one after another came into the room, Duncan suggested to Mrs. Cameron they should withdraw, and after speaking a few words with his father, gently forcing Amy from the side of their mother, retreated to the chamber of Lochiel, accompanied by Mrs. Cameron. Mr. Graeme very soon followed his children, leaving the unconscious sleeper to the care and watchful ness of endeared friends and sympathizing parish ioners. " It is lang syne Mistress Cameron ha' graced the manse," was the remark of Mrs. Finley, after the family had retired. " Death gives a check to all dissensions," was the reply, " yet I mistake if there has been any between these neighbors ; the inmates of Thistle Hedge avoid all their former friends, unless they are quite confi dent of their belief in the innocence of Hugh Lin coln." " They will number a select remnant in that case," responded another. " Few doubt his guilt, who are acquainted with the facts ; even Doctor McMillan, who always speaks the best he can for his fellow- mortals, is silent about this villain. I am sure his daughter herself must believe him one, for you know it was she found the papers confirming his guilt." " I ken only what I do ken," returned Mrs. Finley, " and I ken Mr. Lincoln maun hae been sorely tempted by Satan himsel', to hae fallen frae his piety in sic a strange way, sae sudden, and sae far." 86 GLENNAIR. " No, no, Mrs. Finley," replied her auditor, " the fall of Lincoln was not so sudden. Robert Tra- quair had suspicions of wrong doings, and had been narrowly regarding his movements months back ; he warned the president, who was slow to credit any reports against Lincoln's honor and hon esty. If ever the hypocrite is taken, there will be astounding developments. The proofs of his guilt are too glaring to be dimmed, or the Doctor would find his tongue in his defence." " Yet, Fariss, did not McMillan once rebuke your abuse of him ? " " Not exactly, Mrs. Finley ; he only said, ' Leave that to the court ; better not anticipate what cannot be averted then ; ' but the court that tries Hugh Lin coln will wait long for the sitting. He is far enough from these parts, and some say the bankers have helped him off." " "Weel, weel, the Doctor's was good advice for us all, an' I for ane will nae condemn him till the judge pronounces his sentence ; an' for all I ken it is nae right to aid the wicked to flee from justice, I rejoice Hugh Lincoln is gane, for the sake of his puir bairn, puir Miss Edith. She is sometimes seen wander ing among the rocks, carrying a little basket over her arm. How canny she is, and how bright she used to be ; but she never sings or laughs more. Some say," she added, lowering her voice, " Edith is daft." " Nae doubt of that, an' nae marvel either, Mis tress Finley ; the child hae been followed round the lower bridge, an' seen fra the distance crossing the rickety bridge on wizard's stream." G L E N N A I R. 87 " Maircy, maircy, gude Mistress MacClain, ye dinna say Elfin Bridge ! Puir chiel, she maun be clean daft ; it may be she wi' take her ain life some day the canny, canny bairn:' she maun be well guarded. My heart sored to look on her yester- morn, just when the big clouds were clustering an' the heavy storm comin' on she wa' standin' lookin' out far over the distance for somethin', or some one to come : I could nae but stop, she looked sae like ane of anither world sae pale, sae pitiful, yet sae heavenly. The wind had tossed off her mantle, and her throat, sae white, was bared ; her dark hair, too, was blawn back, an' I ne'er saw her een sae bright, but nae wild at all. I said aloud, and did nae ken it, ' Angel of the hall ! ' It wa that they ca'd her mither. She heard me, and sae sweet she turned, an' in her ane auld winsome way she said, ' Come in, or hasten home, friend Finley, or the storm will overtake you.' I did nae say ane word ; I went awa, and my heart just broke, an' my een told the tale when I got hame. Yes, I do hope he will escape the findin'." "Miss Lincoln has been much admired. Her beauty and her character are quite in unison, I believe, although I never was acquainted with the family," observed Mr. Fariss. " Evans Traquair wa' her humble servant till now ; he has withdrawn his suit." " Evans Traquair ! don't tell me, Mistress Fin- ley. Hugh Lincoln came near blowing him into the channel, on the mention of his views to him. A Cameron listen to the overtures of a Traquair ! 88 GLENNAIE. A McMillan, a MacAlpin, or the young Laird, it may be, might get a hearing ; but such a proposi tion from a Traquair made the proud blood of Lin coln boil in his veins. But now, good lack, his bairn is weak, and her beauty marred." " Her beauty marred ! nae, nae, not a whit ; she is as queenly and beautiful as Venus herself, Mr. Fariss." " Hoot awa'," joined in an old man, who had been an attentive listener. " The beauty of the bairn will deaf the voice of justice, I trow ; it vexes mony to see how ye and ithers are overreached, an' how ye let this Lincoln gie ye the partin', cause of the canny face of the lassie." " Ye ne'er heard hard word agin ither, neighbor Mitchell, afore the robbin' of the bank, an' few '11 forget the mony gude deeds of Hugh Lincoln and Miss Edith," responded Mrs. Finley. " Weel, I say again, Mrs. Finley, it vexes me that all sic men, ither high-born, or in lofty stations, when they act the wrang, they are holpen off, or the gettin' awa' is connived at. On'y a puir fellow who steals a shillen, finds his way to the lock-up ; ye canna' gie the nae to that, Mrs. Finley, or ony of ye, neighbors." " We are aware you are right, Mr. Mitchell, and the principle wrong, yet Mrs. Finley has been mis informed in this instance. Hugh Lincoln has not been befriended : we all are so well convinced of his frauds, and the multitude so roused against him, that let who will have compassion for his daughter, he will be brought to justice and the gibbet, and I for one " GLENNAIR. 89 The face of Dr. McMillan appeared at the door. He bowed gravely to the group, yet was evidently seeking some one not there. " Doctor," said Mr. Fariss, " if disengaged, I would speak with you." He came forward, and stood before Mr. Fariss, with his hat in his hand. "Doctor," continued that gentleman, "there will be watchers required to-night, and I promised my wife to return after dinner. Who will remain ? " " Mrs. Cameron, myself, and one of Mr. Graeme's family, who is now taking rest to facilitate that intention. No other friends will be.requisite." A young man, whom the Doctor had not noticed, and who had taken no part in the previous conver sation, then arose. Lifting his cap, he stood a few moments reverently beside the dead, then followed the Doctor from the room. Again he raised his cap, as Dr. McMillan turned at the call of his name, and revealed the head and features of Norval Neil- son. " Venturesome, truly, young man," remarked the Doctor, sternly. " I would take the place of Maister Duncan this night ; he had little rest the last." " He will not watch, and the one who designs so to do, will not permit a substitute. Be assured, young man, this hour or spot would be no security, if this temerity lead to the discovery of the haunt of your father. Will you not be advised to leave here without delay ? " " Hardly worth the hindrance," returned the 8* 90 GLENN A IE. youth, bitterly ; "it is but a living death they lead there." There was compassion in the eye that met Nor- val's, as he said : "Go over to the hall ; Miss Edith will advise you what is best. I am of those who believe one of your name has done much mischief ; yet fear nothing from me ; I have been hitherto and will remain neutral." The cap was lifted, and the head bent low, as the youth passed the Doctor, who closed the door after him. Never thereafter was Edith Lincoln seen among the rocks, or upon Elfin Bridge. " At what hour will be the gathering," inquired Mr. Fariss of the Doctor, when he reappeared in the study. " Noon had been suggested," he replied ; " but Lochiel has inadvertently been told, therefore it is thought best it should take place at early morning, without his knowledge." " "Will Lochiel's mind ever oe restored, think you, Doctor ? " " The slight aberration was produced by fever. He is perfectly himself at present, and will be in his usual health in a few days, unless unduly excited." "And Miss Amy? " continued the querist. "She was distressed to derangement when she first came home ; is she more resigned ? " " Miss Graeme," replied the Doctor, " is power fully sustained by grace: she is quite calm, and has been ministering consolation to her father and bro thers." "I always kenned she wa' pairfect," said Mrs. GLENN AIR. 91 Finley. " She and Edith Lincoln seemed born for sisters." To this Dr. McMillan made no answer. Calling the attention to the life-like appearance of Mrs. Graeme, he descanted upon her loveliness and her Christian character. When the current of conver sation turned upon the Bank and Lincoln, he ex cused himself, and withdrew. CHAPTER IV " The tide is strong against us; Good oarsmen, pull or perish." AT the dawn of the following morning, Mrs. Graeme was silently and solemnly committed to the tomb, to await the resurrection of the just, by a few friends who deeply mourned their loss, and sincerely sympathized with the bereaved pastor and his children. The sound of footfalls, at this unusual hour, attracted Lochiel. " Look from the eastern window, Duncan," he called to his brother, who had remained with him during the night, and was still sitting by the side of his couch. " I have been lis tening to the continued tread of feet upon the frosted ground ; a sound I had not anticipated till noon." " Other arrangements were made since your in quiry, Lochiel." There was no other question, no other remark ; the grief of the brothers was noiseless. It was their first bereavement : they mourned their mother. The sound of footsteps ceased ; all was still. ""Who is with father, Duncan? " murmured his brother ; " I am selfish to keep you from him." "Father is in Amy's room, with her and Mrs. Cameron." 92 GLENN A IE. 93 " Strange tliat Edith Lincoln absents herself, Dun can: she would be a comfort to sister, and need encounter no others." " I will go over for her myself, this evening. I would not have Edith compromise her dignity, even to comfort our sister, Lochiel." " Mother loved her, Duncan." "Did mother name her in her parting remem brances, Lochiel ? " " She did. The evening before she directed a keepsake to be made for Edith similar to Amy's, a brooch with her hair, and name engraved on the counter side." " Was there no message? no wish? " he asked, with a quivering lip. " Yes, Duncan ; but father requested it might not be repeated to you.' " Do not, then, I enjoin you, Lochiel: I conjecture the purport dear mother " " Dear ! dear mother ! " was reiterated from the lips of the invalid, and a long silence ensued. Mrs. Cameron opened the communicating door, and, with an effort to appear calm, beckoned Dun can to her. " I have a note from Edith, my dear," she fal tered ; " something dreadful has occurred." He glanced over its contents. "Can Duncan come? Oh, no, he cannot. Come, aunt, quickly. Not Helen, no, no E. C. L." Duncan hurriedly passed back the paper ; throw ing his camlet around him, he seized the nearest hat, and rushing down the stairs, was half-way to 94 GLENNAIE. the hall before Mrs. Cameron had time to declare her intention to accompany him. His heart sank, and a groan escaped him, as a new-made grave, in a small enclosure, rose suddenly before him. " My mother ! my precious mother ! " he murmured ; " would that thy last blessing might have rested upon thy eldest boy also." In the hall, Miss Lincoln was anxiously awaiting him. " My Edith 1 " he exclaimed, encircling her in his arms, " what new sorrow has been added to your woes ? " He kissed the brow of the agonized girl, and led her to a sofa in the parlor ; then bend ing down to the proifered lips of the little Helen, raised her upon his knoe, as he drew a chair near Edith. "Duncan," she gasped, after several efforts to speak ; " oh ! Duncan, Duncan, hope is buried for ever." He only looked an imploring inquiry. " The Fawn and Jessie MacAlpin found some printed papers in the garret while playing there, Jessie filling her little pocket with them. In wash ing the skirt, the servant drew them out, and at the request of John Daley who was making a visit in the kitchen at the time gave them to him. They were given to Mr. Traquair as entirely cor roborative of father's guilt, and somehow impli cating Norval Neilson and and Korval is taken! " she shrieked, throwing her head upon his shoulder. " Impossible, Edith," replied the youth, in as composed a voice as he could command ; '.' Norval is GLENNAIR. 95 at their retreat : you are misinformed, depend upon it, and nothing additional would give greater con firmation to their guilt in the community." " No, no, Duncan ; ISTorval is here is in custody, and the officers have come to examine for other proofs." " Did you see any of the papers the children found, Edith?" She drew from her pocket a small roll, and with a trembling hand resting upon his arm, she anx iously watched the countenance of Duncan Graeme, as he unfolded the first paper. "This is preposterous, Edith, a check to the order of Norval, signed by Traquair ! Who will be next implicated ? " he said, bitterly staggered himself to recognize the familiar scrawl of Norval Neilson on the counter side. " It cannot, cannot be ! " She asked beseechingly, " You do not doubt, dear Duncan you still believe them " " What a net is woven about them ! No, my Edith, I will never believe otherwise. I must see the officers ; where is ISTorval ? Helen will remain with you," he continued; "and. your aunt will not be long absent." Edith bowed her face upon her hands ; tne child stood by her, one arm thrown around her neck, and her head resting against her cousin's cheek. Cast ing a sorrowing glance upon them, Duncan left the room. In an ante-chamber the reception-room of former days days of happiness and of gayety he was 96 GLENNAIR. introduced to the two officers from the bank, with authority to examine the house for papers similar to those sent to Mr. Traquair, which he perceived were like that shown him by Edith. " We have secured the young forger in one of the outbuildings, and will take him with us to the city," the elder officer remarked, to which young Graeme made no reply. " I had, perhaps, better conduct you," he said, coldly; "there are some windings in this house, with which I am more familiar." There were no further discoveries, nothing more revealed, and the gentlemen, thanking Mr. Graeme for his attention, intimated their design to take Norval. To this Duncan merely bowed. Returning to the parlor, he found Mrs. Cameron weeping, with her niece, over her recital. It was pitiable to witness the tearful earnestness of Helen, as she entreated her " sister to forgive her for finding the wicked papers, and giving any of them to Jessie." " Is the search completed, my dear ? " Mrs. Cam eron inquired. " Yes, without any more developments. ISTorval Neilson is their captive: I might not interfere, dared not rescue, and could not endure to witness the conflict." The words had scarcely passed his lips, when a tap and the hasty opening of the door announced the presence of one of the officers. " Young Keilson has escaped, sir," he said, touching his hat to the ladies ; " have we permission to go through the cel lars, where he is probably secreted ? " OLENXAIB. 97 "The power with which you are invested will meet no opposition," replied young Graeme, closing the door rather uncivilly and quickly upon him. " This is an hour of deep sorrow, my children," Mrs. Cameron groaned, rather than expressed. " We may rejoice for those who slumber beneath the turf, unconscious of the trials of those they have left." "Forgive me, Duncan," whispered Edith; "I had almost forgotten your sorrow in my own anguish. You know I sympathize mourn for you; but I envy the undisturbed rest of the sleepers there my own mother and yours. Would " " Check the wish, Edith, for your father's sake at least " "For your sake, Duncan, I would suppress all such selfish desires ; my interest in living had nearly left me when you were missing : indeed, I will try to be a comfort to you all to dear Aunt Edith. Attribute all I say, all I do wrong, to a whirling brain." Mrs. Cameron, drawing her more closely to her, endeavored to soothe her by endearing words. " This is a dark hour, my Edith," Duncan whis pered, as he bent over her. " There is brightness in. the future. He who sees the end from the begin ning will bring light out of darkness." "We are forsaken forsaken of God, Duncan," she cried. "I cannot I never pray For some time there was no interruption to the convulsive sobbing of the despairing Edith. Dun can sat with his eyes resting upon the floor, holding 9 G 98 GLENNAIE. her cold hand between his. The little Helen, slip ping down, had clasped her arms about her cousin, hiding her face against her. At length, most tenderly, and in tones of deep humiliation, the voice of young Graeme arose in prayer : " Call back, God ! thy wandering, erring child. She has thrown away her buckler, her shield ; she has turned from the hills whence cometh our help; she has gone aside from her rock, her refuge ; she has restrained prayer ; she has forsaken her God, and thy chastisement is upon her. Stay thine hand, thine anger: let her hear the still, small voice of love and mercy, recalling her to thy throne of grace, and to Thee ; for the sake of Him thou gavest for us, lift upon her the light of thy counte nance, our Father." Gently laying down the hand he held, he said a few words to Mrs. Cameron, and raising the child, he carried her with him from the room. " Where are we going, Mr. Duncan ? " she in quired, returning fondly his caress, as they passed through the back entry. " To ask if there are any tidings of our friend Norval. Did you see him here, Fawn ? " " Only a minute ; sister sent me to ISTanny, while she talked with him: he always makes sister cry so when he comes ; yet sister is always glad to see him, too." As they entered the kitchen, the officers came in at an opposite door. Nanny was absorbed in her baking; she had taken out some cakes, and was just GLENNAIK. 99 drawing out a large loaf; turning to look at her visitors, she incautiously took the bread in her hands ; instantly letting it fall, she uttered an ex- jClamation of pain blowing her fingers violently, I until the heat had somewhat abated. " Ye wald hae handled it mickle better wi' a cloth, mestress," laughed old AVilly. " Haud yer tongue, or be civil," she muttered, with chagrin; "ye might hae given me a leetle help, in place of grinuin'. Ye hae made the oven sae ragin hot ye hae nae wit sometimes." " I trow ye would hae growled mair if it hae been too cauld for the large cake, Nanny." " Weel, true ; the large cake maun bake a leetle longer. Gang and fetch me some cauld water for my fingers, Wully." The man, with a provoking laugh, obeyed, and the officers proceeded in their search in the cellars of the main building. Duncan, with Helen, stayed to learn the result. " Entirely unsuccessful," one of them observed on their reappearance ; " the fellow must be a wizard to elude us." "Swifter feet to him than to his hunters," ejacu lated old Nanny. " He is a bonnie lad ; blessings, and nae harm, come to him or his." " We did not expect much aid in our search, old woman," replied one of the men ; " and very little doubt he has had help in his flight." " That accusation must be well founded before it becomes actionable, sir," rejoined young Graeme ; " there has been no barrier to your official proceed- 100 GLENN A IK. ings, and nothing observable to warrant your sug gestion. It is due to this family you should express yourselves satisfied they have in no way thwarted or frustrated your designs. Jfor one was not aware Norval Neilson was about the premises." The gentlemen declared themselves wholly con vinced " the youth had himself planned and exe cuted his deliverance, and was probably hidden away among the fisher's huts." " Ye wa' long fetchin' the water, Wully," said Nanny, after a nervous look from the windows after their guests. " Cauld loaves misses the sting, and nae need the water, Nanny ? " returned the old man, holding his side, and suppressing the mirth he could scarcely control. " Do look out, Maister Graeme ; see if they be out of hearing ; I canna hauld in muckle langer." The first impulse of Duncan was to check his untimely gayety ; but Nanny, respectfully touching his arm, whispered, " Tarry a wee bit, an' ye will laugh, too, for gladness, Maister Graeme. Maun the tiny Fawn tarry, too, Wully dear? " " Helen's lips are sealed, if needs be," answered young Graeme, rather sternly. " Our little girl never will tell tales, will she? " he added, turning kindly to the child in his arms. " No, Mr. Duncan," she said, softly, nestling her head closely upon his shoulder. * " We will trust the bonny bairn," replied Willy, now giving way to a burst of laughter in which Nanny joined. " I tell ye," he exclaimed, opening GLENN.AIE. 101 the oven-door which Nanny had closed upon the large cake, " Norval Neilson is the only fuel and fire that has been here to-day ; the burning bread was baked yesterday." The astonishment and gratification of young Graeme was only equalled by the gratitude of Nor- val. Little Helen was allowed to carry the pleasant tidings to her mother and cousin, and many were the praises and thanks bestowed upon Willy and Nanny. " I shall be expected home to breakfast," said Duncan, in reply to the invitation of Mrs. Cameron. " We need not anticipate any further trouble ; I will report, myself, from the cave this evening. Mean while, Edith must take nourishment and rest ; and endeavor to be comforted from my source, dearest," he whispered, kissing her pale cheek. " It is the only, the living fountain." Her hands were instantly pressed over her eyes, to suppress or conceal the tears. Young Graeme stood a few moments irreso lute ; he sighed as he gave his hand to Mrs. Cam eron ; gently caressing the little Helen, he was about to leave the room, when Edith looked up with glis tening eye, and called softly, " Duncan " " What will you, my Edith? " " I would love to go with you to father, to-day, and remain with him until to-morrow. Why will I not be permitted, Duncan ? Norval told me Amy Graeme passed the night there." " The stay of my sister was obligatory. Norval Neilson was aware of that." " He said she was storm-bound, and his father conveyed you away by sea ; that was all he knew. 102 GLENNAIB. Will Amy ever Amy will never- Tears choked further utterance. " Amy is bound to secrecy, dear Edith. Edith, your grief breaks my heart," he said, sitting down once again by her side. " I have no words of conso lation, but thre is balm in Gilead ; will you not seek the Physician there? Will you promise me you will make the effort ? " I w iH I will, Duncan. Oh, that I should add to your sorrow ! Indeed, I will try to do all you desire. May I accompany you to the Grotto, Duncan ? " " The bridge must be replaced before you can ven ture. I will see you on my return." She made an effort to repeat his farewell, but the sound died upon her lips. i GLENNAIR. 181 lias spared no trouble or expense in his efforts to ob tain the best counsel from Edinburgh and Glasgow." " Was he successful in his last endeavor ? "Was his offer accepted ? " faltered Edith. " No, love ; the principal barristers in our chief cities suppose the facts too well established to be controverted, and severally decline all interference. Our hope at present is from Dundee. Arthur Clay- bourne, an old classmate of mine and of your father, is examining into the cause, at Duncan's request, and is willing to undertake for us. Claybourne is a man of sound judgment, an eloquent pleader, and, withal, a family friend." Helen nestled closely to Mr. Graeme, upon whose knee she was sitting. " Then he will bring them all home, he will, will he, Mr. Graeme ? " she asked, anxiously. With a heaving heart and scarcely articulate voice, he answered, " God will bring them home, darling/' " My father," said !N"orval Neilson, " was so cer tain all would be against us, he spoke of a petition to King George for a pardon." The eyes of Dr. McMillan turned almost fiercely upon him. " That" he remarked, "would be verily an admission of guilt ; the suggestion had better be withheld." " My father convinced Mr. Lincoln it would be a gude course, Doctor," pursued the young man. The pained expression of his countenance was noticed by the Pastor, and he answered, " I suppose, Nbrval, your father and Mr. Lincoln 16 182 GLENNAIR. thought their future course would not only establish their innocence, but their freedom would enable them to pursue measures to discover the perpetrators of the frauds, and ultimately retrieve their characters." " "We can but see, Dr. Graeme," resumed JSTorval, without raising his eyes, " that an ignominious death would stay every doubt of their guilt "A stifled groan from Edith arrested him. " "We cannot dread such a result,'' Mrs. Cameron responded quickly. " We may reasonably expect much from Mr. Claybourne's arguments, and also from Mr. Traquair's interest." " To his Majesty, King George, I would reluc tantly appeal," rejoined Mr. Graeme. " His exalted views of the supremacy of law would uphold a jury in any verdict, most probably." " It is only to try, Doctor Graeme, if the only means left," said Norval, sadly. Dr. McMillan arose. " As you pass the Glade, Doctor, will you -do me the favor " " It would be difficult to find the favor James Mc Millan would not be proud to execute for Amy Graeme," interrupted the Doctor, extending his hand for the note she held. " You wish me to leave this at the ofiice ? " " If you will, I will be grateful to you," she re plied. There was a touch of reproach in the glance, as the Doctor bowed his good-bye. " What will you with me, Kathleen ? " inquired Miss Graeme, perceiving the woman still standing, and evidently trying to engage her attention. GLENN A IE. 183 " A wee while wi' ye, my young leddy," slie re plied in a hushed voice. Amy followed her from the room. " What is it, Kathleen ? Has anything occurred ? " " Nae, nae, my bairn, only Mistress Cameron is so crampit, Margaritte was sure if ye did trow, ye wad gie us the word tae lift the clothes fra' the closet. "Will we do it, Miss Amy ? The trunks o' the Mistress wi' hold them a'." " Where is Mrs. Cameron ?" she asked, excitedly. " Gane wi' Miss Edith tae your room. Poor, dear child 1 " she added, her eyes moistening. " I will attend to it now, then, Kathleen ; prepare the trunks I will refill them." she said with quiv ering lip. With a strange calmness, Amy Graeme lifted from the pegs and folded carefully each article of her brother's clothing. In the arrangement of an overcoat she had difficulty ; the impediment was a roll of loose papers which she drew from the pocket. Her eye fell upon the outer fold ; a paper directed to her brother in the handwriting of Norval N"eilson, saying he had succeeded in drawing the money over Mr. Traquair's signature, to his order, in his ab sence from the bank, for 500 ; also many papers with abbreviated words, counselling great secrecy and caution, some directed to Mr. Lincoln, evi dently furnishing information and proving their guilt, while Duncan was doubtless implicated. She had too frequently seen the peculiar characters of Norval IsTeilson to be mistaken. Hastily she con cealed the package about her person, hearing the step of Kathleen. 184 GLENN AIR. " I kenned it would gae hard wi' ye, pnir bairn," said the kind old woman, attributing the increased pallor and agitation to the employment, "will ye nae gang, Miss Amy ? I will put a' smooth and right ; canna ye trust me wi' the things ? " "Yes," she stammered, "yes, I must not be disturbed for the next hour, Kathleen. I will go to your room." In an agony of mind indescribable, she rushed to the little attic of the domestics. Drawing the bolt of the door, she threw herself upon her knees at the side of their bed ; for a short time she remained in silence. " Why why have I lived to discover the just implication of my idolized brother ? " she at length ejaculated. Then rising, she found the tin der-box belonging to the room. "Wondering at her own strength, she succeeded in lighting a candle which stood there. "With trembling hands and withered heart, she sat down on the floor near the little stove (never used excepting in time of sickness) to examine and destroy the papers. There were several communications from Mr. Lin coln advising ISTorval how to proceed, recommend ing extreme caution in presenting his checks. The heart-sickness on the recognition of his signature dimmed her sight. " This," she murmured, as she unfolded another, " is indisputably the handwrit ing of Roo;er Neilson." With a sensation of hor- o o ror, she read, "Is"o fear of discovery, my son; Graeme will be your security ; he will never be sus pected." Amy would have fainted might have died, GLENNAIR. 185 but this was an emergency where the nervous sys tem seems superhumanly empowered ; her strength was aroused for action. She had with intensity scrutinized each paper, examined each word, every signature ; her heart revolted at the disclosures there made ; it was undeniable. These atrocious men, hypocrites, villains, had degraded, had ruined, had murdered her brother. Her head reeled, yet again she rallied, and deliberately applying each paper to the candle, threw it into the stove ; and with pru dence inexplicable with that extraordinary fore thought often exercised when the mind is wrought to the verge of frenzy, she saw the one reduced to ashes before she ignited another. The last ember had died out ; with it Amy's strength. She ex tinguished her light, and there remained no further occasion for energy or action. With a moan of bit ter anguish, she fell prostrate on the floor where she had been sitting. It is written, " there is a joy with which none intermeddleth." There is such a sor row. This sorrow filled the heart of AmyGraeme ; she felt there could be no relief in communicating the cause of her grief to any being ; she must bear it alone. " Oh, our Father ! " she ejaculated, " pre serve my reason, my shattered brain ; Teach him of thy righteousness and of a judgment to come ; teach me to say, ' Thy will be done.' ' She arose after a long, long interval of silence. There was a hopeless calm upon her features ; there was no further out break ; she buried her discovery in her own heart, and, returning to the family, merely replied she " felt chilly," to her father's anxious inquiries. Her in- 16 * 186 GLENNAIK. creased dejection was thought the natural result of circumstances ; yet Mrs. Cameron remarked to Dr. McMillan, "There is a sternness in Amy's grief entirely foreign to her character, and her aversion to all society is quite alarming. That of ISTorval Neilson seems peculiarly distasteful to her." " Others have felt Amy's estranged manner," was his reply, " which I think is independent of recent occurrences. Amy Graeme has singularly changed since the death of her mother ; there is a capri- ciousness never observable before ; she sometimes re ceives me with all her native urbanity and friendli ness, oftener with marked reserve, to me unac countable." " I have noticed no great peculiarity, Doctor. She is entirely void of all hope regarding her brother. She insisted on remaining, and followed the officers employed to inspect the house from room to room. Kathleen told me she had violent hysterics after they had gone ; but she has not named them since, and never speaks of Duncan. Indeed, she seldom utters a word upon any subject. Edith is greatly distressed for her ; she, poor child, endeavors to bear up because her father so earnestly besought she would for his sake. Amy appears to have no mo tive. Her father is himself crushed to the earth, and the very life of Lochiel is ebbing away." En tirely overcome, Mrs. Cameron gave way to an un controllable gush of emotion. Dr. McMillan sat by her, sympathizingly silent. After some time, Mrs. Cameron having given vent to her feelings, resumed : " My poor baby is the sole gleam of sunlight we GLENNAIR. 187 have, Doctor ; Edith acknowledges she is a tie to existence, and she sometimes succeeds in beguiling Amy into a little talk." " Sweet, tiny Fawn," said the Doctor, dropping his eyes to conceal the tears her words had occasioned ; " her little pensive face reflects the sorrow surround ing her. Helen herself requires change of scene, Mrs. Cameron." " I am sensible of that, Doctor ; but Helen must not, cannot be wanted here. I do not think she could be persuaded again from her cousin ; she is wrapt up in ' sister dear ; ' she is essential to Edith ; she would never walk but for that child, and Amy is frequently induced by her persuasive manner to join them." " Amy ! you surprise me," replied the Doctor ; " I have tried every inducement and failed." " It is her winning childishness ; they cannot with stand her. ' Take me to walk, sweet Miss Amy,' or, ' Do, please, dear sister, I am so tired ! ' The child's confident expectation of seeing them ' all very soon ' has a happy influence, too. She asked Mr. Traquair yesterday ' how many days before you will bring my uncle, and Mr. Duncan, and NorvaPs father, home ? ' He won her heart and her belief by telling her it would be done in a very few days, if he could do it himself; that he would willingly give half of all his money to bring all, or even one of them to her. She climbed instantly upon his knee, and kissing him eagerly, said in her earnest, plain tive voice, 'Go then, do go, Mr. Traquair ; give every bit of all your money, and when I grow big I 188 GLENNAIR. will pay you all of it back again. Will you ? will you?'" " What could he answer? " asked the Doctor. " ' It would not be enough, little Helen.' The child looked anxiously and curiously into his face for a moment, and then so innocently inquired, ' Has n't anybody got some more ? ' I then called her away." The Doctor sighed, " The directors and officers have exercised great forbearance, believing, as they do, Mrs. Cameron." " Yes excepting Robert Dunbar ; he is impla cable and quite angry at Mungo Robertson for ad vising leniency. He is convinced Duncan Graeme has been deluded. His family all differ from him, yet dare not express their opinion the Laird is so exacting." " A real Scotchman firm and upright - show ing no quarters to any other with a heart to hold a world of such." Mrs. Cameron remaining silent, the Doctor re sumed : " I noticed the name of Claybourne among the coach -passengers from Dundee." " Lochiel mentioned it, and we tremble for the result of his investigation, Doctor ; an unfavorable decision will be death to my poor child." Dr. McMillan walked toward the window. " What is your expectation, Doctor ? " Mrs. Cam eron asked softly. The Doctor turning, again stood before her. " None from Mr. Claybourne, Mrs. Cameron. The perpetrators did riot forget to raise a barrier to all GLENN AIR. 189 legal proceedings ; proofs are too well authenticated to admit of controversy. Keally, Mrs. Cameron, some of tlie notes purporting to be written by Mr. Lincoln might stagger his own sister." " I imagine not, sir," she replied coldly ; " and those in the handwriting of Duncan Graeme, would they disturb the faith of his sister, think you ? I .trow not ; or would the belief of Edith be unsettled by witnessing them all. Dr. McMillan ? " "Pardon me, Mrs. Cameron," said the Doctor, " I spoke unguardedly ; it is a mystery none can fathom." " It is a plot of incomparable iniquity, indeed, Doctor. How the papers and coins could have been introduced into our house, has yet to be unravelled. There is, as you w^ell know, no other than our ordi nary mode of access. Poor, ignorant old Nanny, although possessing so much shrewdness, insists the fairies are the operatives. She ' hae heard fearfu' souns' and seen fearfu' sights o' nights o'erhead.' ' Dr. McMillan smiled gravely. Stroking his hands over his knees, and rising, he said he had several sick folks to visit, and would like to meet Mr. Clay- bourne in his interview with Traquair. " I will see you this evening, Mrs. Cameron," he said, after his ' good morning,' " and report his decision relative to his acceptance of the cause." Dr. McMillan arrived at "Woody Glade just in time to be introduced to the barrister from Dundee, at the hall-door, as he and Mr. Traquair were start ing for the manor of Glennair. " How opportune, McMillan," exclaimed the lat- 190 GLENNAIR. ter, cordially clasping liis hand. " It is essential I should be at the Bank ; will you do me the kindness to present Mr. Claybourne to his old friend, our Pastor ? " " Mr. Traquair informs me, very regretfully," ob served the lawyer, as they walked through Firwood crags, " yes, very regretfully, that the course of your Pastor's son has been rather downward of late, and from all the documents he has shown me, I fear his guilt is too palpable to admit of defence. It will require some time to examine into the affair." There was a reluctant response to its truth in the mind of the Doctor, on account of Duncan's con stant intercourse with Lincoln and knowledge of his O retreat ; but prudently checking his assent to its probability, answered, "From all my intercourse with Duncan Graeme, I should judge him entirely unaltered ; he is the same inimitable son and brother, and, until suspected in this matter, he held an ele vated position in the public mind. Did Mr. Traquair mention in what way he had strayed, or how he had retrograded ? He himself pronounced young Graeme the envied and enviable of the parish a few months since." " Maister Traquair spake confidentially ; he said he desired to be merciful, but he had ascertained of a truth that the youth had daily communication with Lincoln and ' ]STeilson before their imprison ment ; that he knew and visited their place of con cealment, and that his intercourse with them had led to the discovery of their retreat Goblin Cavern, as we called the place in my boyhood. He also told GLENN A IK. 191 me Graeme was seen bribing the doorkeeper, to permit him to say a few words to them after their capture." " That, sir," returned the Doctor, " was in con nection with his daughter, most probably. I recol lect Duncan bringing a note from Mr. Lincoln to her the same evening perhaps the bribe was a gratuitous addition: human -nature is too ready to accelerate the ruin of the falling." "And the same propensity to exalt the rising. This is a strange world, my friend, that he whom I judged of almost unexampled probity, with the highly esteemed gardener of a neighboring parish, and the model for all sons, Duncan Graeme, are charged with crimes of deepest dye, by those whose character for truth and honor are indisputable. The counsel versus the Bank will have little strength. "What family has Hugh Lincoln, sir ? " "A sister and an only daughter, now residents at the manse, with a little child of Mrs. Cameron." " I recollect the rumor of her extreme beauty reached Dundee with the downfall of the father." " Mr. Graeme has observed, and is coming toward us, Mr. Claybourne." The meeting of the friends was sad indeed. The numerous lines and deep furrows told of the suffer ings of Glennair's minister. Although his early friend gave no expression to his thoughts, Mr. Graeme read them in his countenance. " Time has left some traces, Arthur," he remarked, "but trouble has outstripped him, such trouble as will soon close my pilgrimage." 192 GLENNAIR. \ " I hope I may be able to do more than sympa thize with you, Malcolm, and we had better suspend our judgment in the case of our friends. As regards appearance, none of us realize time's inroads upon ourselves, Malcolm : I might very probably have passed with you for my father." " Considering the long time we have been sepa rated, Arthur, you have surprisingly little changed ; yours has been a lot of uninterrupted comfort." " His goodness and maircy have followed me so far, Malcolm, and I trust great maircy may be in store for you ; but I shall prefer attending the first sitting of the court, to-morrow, before I pass any judgment. The bills are regularly filed, and will be brought out in their order. My whole interest is awakened, and so will be also any skill I may have, to overturn the opposing counsel." There was not very much more said during the visit of the lawyer, yet his words had laid the foundation for some little hope. The morning came, and with it the bright sun shine of a cloudless, frosty spring day. Amy Graeme closed the blind ; with clasped hands and throbbing heart she turned from the window. The family met at prayers, and at table few sentences were interchanged. Then each sought the solitude of her own chamber, while Mr. Graeme and Lochiel wended their way in silence to the Court-House. The face of the father was buried suddenly in his hands at sight of Duncan, his own Duncan, a prisoner at the bar. For some moments he was unable to raise his eyes, but when they did meet GLENN AIR. 193 those of his son, there was the same clear, calm ex pression of " not guilty " to be read there, as fell upon the ear when the question was demanded by the judge. The gaze of Mr. Lincoln was upon vacancy when the solemn answer was required of him to "Guilty? or not guilty?" Quickly turning to the sound of his name, he replied deliberately, almost sternly, " Guilty would find a universal belief here, yet the tribunal will be set where my ' not guilty ' will be verified throughout eternity, and mine accusers put to shame and everlasting contempt." The attention of Neilson had been wholly ab sorbed in his master ; twice he was named before he listened to the question from the bench, "Roger Neilson guilty? or not guilty? " "As guiltless as my fellow-prisoners," was his answer ; " but as weel gather the drops from a sieve as plead innocent here ; aye, ye may convict, ye may condemn, ye may sentence us all to the death ; but for all, ye canna mak ane of us what ye think ye ken us to be. We are nae guilty of any of the charges ye have read ; and ye will ane day all ken I speak naething but the truth." Roger wiped the drops from his broad forehead, and turned again toward the object of his intense interest Mr. Lincoln, who stood the very person ification of sadness, his hand hanging over the shoulder of young Graeme. There was some weariness manifested in the court, and Mr. Claybourne seemed quite restless, while Mr. Grant, counsel for the Bank, went leisurely 17 N 194 GLENN AIR. and tediously through even the structure of the building, and all the arrangements of the banking company. lie at length mentioned the contriv ance of a safe within a closet, having a door of narrower dimensions, to prevent it from being pur loined bodily, but which had been done through the ingenuity of one or more of the prisoners now at the bar. "As counsel for the defence, I would ask," said Mr. Claybourne, " by what imaginable method could a box of greater magnitude than the aperture be taken through ? " " By removing and replacing the surrounding panels," replied Mr. Grant, with a shrug of con tempt. " With the leave of the bench, we will inquire if, in the removal and replacing of said panels, the residents of the dwellings convenient might not have heard, and been curious to learn the occasion of the unusual noise at that hour of the night ? " " There was no inquiry, and the safe was re moved," returned the barrister ; " how, we are not bound to inquire ; enough that it is no longer there. After six weeks allowed the learned counsel for in vestigation, it might be supposed he had fully ac quainted himself with all the details." " It is scarcely needful to say to the able speaker from Dundee," said Mr. Reid, " the absence of the chest is conclusive evidence it was carried off; how, is not the question, but by whom." At this juncture a slip of paper was produced, corresponding with that used by the Cashier of the GLENNAIR. 195 Bank. " This," resumed Mr. Grant, " is minus sis- * * O nature. It is giving directions to a man named Roger, to be punctually at the eastern vault at 11 o'clock, P. M. The slip is fitted precisely to this sheet, found, on investigation, in the desk of Hugh Lincoln, the late Cashier ; and who will dispute the handwriting ? " Mr. Claybourne involuntarily started as he sur veyed the paper in question ; the characters were perfectly familiar to him he could not but recog nize the hand of his early companion : yet, instantly recovering self-command, he asked, " Could not others have had access to the desk of Mr. Lin coln?" " Our case does not rest upon so slight a basis, sir ; a brief examination of these more important documents will substantiate in your, as in our minds, the proofs of the guilt of the Cashier, the porter, and his son. At a later date, others have been discovered, leaving no room to doubt that the eldest son of the most worthy, much-beloved pastor of Glennair has forged very extensively. We refer you to papers discovered, with a great number of missing coins, in a secret drawer of his private 'desk at the Bank since the sitting of the court. Loose papers also, drawn from an old boot by some chil dren at play, in a garret at Thistle Hedge, has re vealed to you the enormity of Lincoln's duplicity, and also that of Norval Neilson, who has so far eluded justice." There was a long period of painful silence. The head of the distressed father had sunk upon his 196 GLENN AIR. knees ; Lochiel stood beside him, Iris eyes earnestly fixed upon the countenance of Mr. Claybourne ; he was obviously disquieted by the revelation in the papers before him ; the occasional change of color and compressed lip, spoke the unfavorable result of his research. It was a relief when his voice broke upon the stillness. " Upon more than one of these papers there are spots of whiting, and many of them are quite soiled ; it would seem they had passed through other than the fingers of the supposed writers." " That, sir," replied the opposing lawyer, " was noticed, discussed, and accounted for: the garret had been cleaned after their concealment, the boots also were bespattered with the same wash. They had been the playthings of several children before presented to us ; they, no doubt, are ac countable for the blemishes." The cheek of the Dundee barrister blanched as he slowly arose from his seat by the table. Folding the numerous documents, one in the other, he placed them again in the hand from which he had received them. "The court will be adjourned until to-morrow," was announced, " when the trial will be continued." The carriage of Dr. McMillan was considerately sent to convey the Pastor home. Mr. Claybourne and the broken-hearted Lochiel attended him. There was a hush amid the crowd as Mr. Graeme left the court-room ; subsequently, group after group filed off in different directions, discussing at large the downfall of Duncan Graeme. GLENNAIR. 197 " It was a sair pity," said one, " that ane so young would hae the ruin o' hisself, and sic a situation all maun ken would hae driven him daft." Such was the now genera^ opinion of the selection of young Graeme to this responsible position in the Bank. He of w r hom language was too meagre to find sufficient plaudits a little while since, was now the subject of universal scorn and reproach. A tight grasp of the hand that had held his during the ride, was the only recognition of the presence of his friend by Mr. Graeme. He retired to his study immediately, whither Amy followed. Lochiel, rushing to his own chamber, gave vent to his overflowing grief. " My sister, Mrs. MacAlpine, has desired me to insist upon your making your sojourn with her, Mr. Claybourne," said Dr. McMillan ; " but in our Pas tor's family you can hardly be wanted at this trying time : I would urge your remaining here, sir." " Wherever you think best, Doctor ; the only solace I can offer is my prayers." "Is our cause then hopeless?" Mrs. Cameron in quired, with quivering lip. " I have been shown no accusation against Mr. Lincoln- meriting capital punishment, my dear madam," replied Mr. Claybourne. " He may be imprisoned for an indefinite period. The condem nation of the youth is inevitable." The timely aid of Dr. McMillan prevented the fall of Edith to the floor. The swoon was deep, and baffled every effort to subdue it, and the Doctor almost desired she might never be restored to con- -198 GLENN AIR. sciousness ; but she was, and to a sense of desolation unendurable. Mr. Claybourne, supposing, in the absence of Mr. Graeme's family, he might make the communica tion, now assiduously endeavored to retrieve his error. The attentions of the Doctor, too, were un remitting ; it was his talent always to say and to do the right thing at the right place. Fruit and flow ers from the hot-house of Mr. Traquair were daily offerings, with his kindly inquiries for their welfare. The week previous to that of the decision of the court, Mr. Traquair appeared in person, with an especial request to see Miss Lincoln. Before the servant had left the room, Miss Edith lingered, looking toward her aunt for encourage ment to decline the visit. " You had better see him, dear," was Mrs. Cam eron's reply ; " it would seem ungrateful to refuse, and he may have something important to say to you." Mr. Traquair, instantly rising on her entrance, advanced to meet her. " You will pardon my ap parent intrusion, my dear Miss Lincoln," he said, leading her to a seat, and placing one beside it ; " the object of my visit is to prove the sincerity of the interest I have taken in your welfare." " We all have perfect confidence in your sincerity, Mr. Traquair," she replied ; " although your efforts to befriend us have been unavailing, it has not in the slightest diminished our gratitude." " Your father, Miss Lincoln," he resumed, after recognizing gracefully her polite reply, " has been GLENNAIR. convicted of fraud only, as you well know, which we all feel subject of thankfulness." (Miss Lincoln looked bewildered.) " My kinsman, Otho Traquair," he continued, at the same time producing a folded paper, which he turned and twisted in his fingers, and then laid upon the table before her, "this relative of mine holds this check over my head, declaring unless the amount he has lost by Mr. Lin coln is refunded, he will present this check, forged by Mr. Lincoln, before the court to-morrow ; yet do not, I beseech you, be agitated, my dear Miss Lincoln. I have come to convey comforting, not ex citing intelligence. My cousin Otho has consented to receive Woody Glade, with its improvements, in lieu of his losses, which I am ready to transfer to him this day, and not only save your father from the imputation of forgery, but secure him from any penalty whatever, giving him immediate freedom and acquittal." "Heaven bless you!" ejaculated Edith, "words cannot express my gratitude. How shall I thank you, our noble preserver?" " I need no thanks, my dear Miss Edith ; it re mains with you to establish and confirm your father's freedom, or to shroud his destiny in deepest dark ness. That Hugh Lincoln is a free man, or dies upon the scaffold, is his daughter's fiat." " In mercy explain yourself, Mr. Traquair," she gasped. " Why ? how ? how am I how can J save or destroy ? Keep me not in suspense, I im- plore, my head reels." " The obscurity of my name, my parentage, my 200 QLENNAIR. humble origin, Miss Edith, induced your father to deny me the boon I once asked of him ; the same boon I entreat of his daughter herself. For the pos session of your hand, Miss Edith, I am willing to encounter poverty, to toil for my daily bread ; I give in exchange all my lands. Become my bride, and you save your father from an ignominious death. I am well aware, Miss Lincoln, although your father has not been falsely accused, he is an honest man ; he has been deceived, deluded by Duncan Graeme and " " Forbear ! " she exclaimed, " in pity forbear. Father in heaven, teach me how to act." She buried her face in her hands. Mr. Traquair sat in silence a long interval ; at length he said, in very subdued tones, " "Will you that I show you the check and the transfer deeds drawn, Miss Lincoln ? I am persuaded you will be directed to decide aright. My life, my happiness, is dependent upon your yea ; and what possible good can be effected by your refusal ? I plead, I conjure you, Miss Edith, to give your as sent. By the ardent love I bear you, for the acquittal of your beloved father, speak the one assenting word, and all is well." He held one hand in a tight clasp, with the other she covered her eyes ; drawing the one from his, and clasping her hands together, she exclaimed, " Save me from perjury, O my Father ! give me entire submission to Thy will ; give me strength of purpose strength to act." Her eyes fell upon the parchment ; Mr. Traquair remarked, as his eye fol lowed hers, " That is the transfer to Otho Traquair ; GLENNAIR. 201 this," he added, pointing to a smaller paper near her, " is the check in question. Decide, dearest Edith," he whispered, "decide mercifully for me, merci fully for your father." Her dark eye glittered ; her purpose was formed on the instant, and the check as suddenly grasped and committed to the flames. " Edith Lincoln ! " shouted Mr. Traquair, dart ing forward. He seized the paper and rescued it, scorched, and with scarcely a word legible. " That was a daring deed," he said ; " none other could have defied me." Receding a few steps, she replied with haughty bitterness, "A deed saving me from perjury, you from beggary, and the soul of your kinsman from the foul stain of murder ! " Closing the door upon him, she rushed to the apartment and into the arms of her astonished aunt. Without awaiting any in quiries, Edith poured into that sympathizing bosom the details of her interview with the paying-teller of Glennair's Banking; House. O " My darling child," said the weeping aunt, fold ing her closely to her, " you have verily been shielded from the weapons of the destroyer ; you have indeed resisted the great adversary." " Oh, Aunt, Aunt Edith, he is not saved ; father is not saved. I, / have confirmed, I have sealed his ruin." " My own Edith, our friend and counsellor saw only the papers condemning the one ; there was and is nothing lacking to sentence the other ; no propi tiation can be found ; your self-sacrifice would have 202 GLENNAIE. availed nought ; Providence interfered, my Edith ; in that Providence still trust." " Aunt, he said the offence was defalcation, not forgery." " Mr. Claybourne is since differently informed ; the sacrifice of yourself would have embittered the rem nant of his days, Edith ; his life, no human power that will be exerted can lengthen. I say it, love, to save you from any remorseful feeling with regard to your conduct to-day ; and moreover, Traquair can not be ignorant of this. I fear he is not all he rep resents himself toward us." " Why did father so dislike him, aunt ? His un precedented kindness since our misfortunes has dis posed me to think dear father was prejudiced." " Until the proceedings of this day, my child, I too have been induced to look upon him more favor ably ; yet I never knew your father to err in judg ment with respect to character, and he always held him at a distance as an evil-disposed person. Cir cumstances unfold intentions ; his have ever been to supplant Duncan Graeme. The obscurity of his ori gin might have had some weight with your father, yet independent of it, and of Duncan's claim, he believed Traquair to have acted dishonorably in some business transactions, and he found him selfish and untruthful. He scorned the man, rather than the name of Traquair ; yet he has eminent talents, superior intellect, is well-looking, and has a good address, and withal, has amassed, somehow, great wealth." " Who is he, aunt ? of what family, or clan ? " GLEXNAIE. 203 "Nobody knows, not even himself, though he says his possessions have come to him by collat eral inheritance. It is said in Glennair, he is the nephew or grandson of a poor, worthy boatman from Wmdermere. I only know that Robert Dunbar, meeting with him and noticing his cleverness, re solved to educate him, which he did, and by his influence promoted him to the situation he holds in the Bank. I never felt or took any interest in, and have seen little of him till of late. His cloven foot was certainly quite visible to-day." "Has he any power any influence, dear aunt ? Can he do us any injury? " " It is not in the ability of a human being to add to our woes now, love." ^ There was a dash of bit terness in the tone, unusual to Mrs. Cameron. Edith well understood the words and their bitterness ; she bowed her head upon her aunt's knee. CHAPTER IX. " Purity of motive and nobility of mind Shall rarely condescend To prove its rights and prate of wrongs, Or evidence its worth to others." aOOD Kathleen surely will find Miss Amy's bon net. The morning is so fine, you will ride with me, Amy; the air is invigorating will you not oblige me at the request of your father? " All this Dr. McMillan urged coming into the kitchen, draw ing his riding-whip through his fingers. " I know I have taken you unawares, but leave these opera tions and come try the benefit of exercise, Amy." " Why do you or father ask me, Doctor ? " she inquired, mournfully ; " how can I go ? " " Very few persons are stirring yet, Amy ; we will ride toward Tristy Loch and avoid any ; the exer cise will create the strength needful to sustain your father." "With Kathleen's assistance, in a few moments Amy was equipped, in pursuance of the wish of her father, and the desire to be strengthened for his service. " Will I nae fetch a chair, Doctor ? " inquired the old woman. " No, Kathleen, no necessity," replied the Doctor, raising Amy between his hands with entire ease and seating her in the saddle. " I thought it better to 204 GLENKAIR. 205 bring the pony of Miss Dunbar ; she will not need him, as she expects to make a few day's visit among the Peaks ; I am to accompany her at noon, and that will be fatigue enough for her. The saddle I bor rowed for Miss Gertrude, from Edith ; so you see, Amy, how greatly you are indebted to James Mc Millan." " The considerate kindness of Dr. McMillan would make him a universal creditor," replied Amy. , " I had hoped they would have been more espe cially appreciated where they were intended," he answered, slightly piqued. " Do not believe me entirely insensible and thank less, Doctor," she said,, raising her eyes to his for a moment and instantly dropping them ; " my emo tions are all seared ; gratitude is perhaps the least so." " I was not appealing for thankfulness, Amy ; it is enough to feel I may contribute to your comfort at all ; would I could in any way meet and lessen the poignancy of your sorrow, Amy. Do you con sider the cause on trial so utterly hopeless ? Why do you, Amy, when some anticipate their acquittal ? May we not, in two weeks, controvert some of the schemes of the plotters ? A fortnight may reveal much now in darkness. Is the whole position cheer less to you ? Is there no single point of comfort .no ray of hope ? " " None, none, unless by miracle, no " The girth slipping at this moment, turned Miss Graeme over on the horse. Dr. McMillan caught the reins, and, springing to the ground, exclaimed, '' Are you hurt? Are you hut at all, dear Amy?" 18 206 GLENN A I JR. " No, only jarred, James ; the fall was attributable to my own carelessness." The girth was adjusted, and they had proceeded a few paces only when Mr. Traquair came in sight. lie bowed ; they turned to avoid him. " That is a singular person," the Doctor remarked, glad to escape to another topic, and lead Amy, if possible, from that so constantly absorbing her. ." Is he? Until lately, I have only thought of him as the wealthiest, handsomest, and most talented person in Glennair ; his paintings are exquisite, judg ing from those sent to our house in a present to Mr. Claybourne." " They are copies ; Traquair draws from nature beautifully, and his handwriting resembles the finest copper-plate ; he can imitate, too, any text or any character set before him. He excels in science, also ; as a jbotanist, he is incomparable." " Yet, Doctor, he is not generally admired in the parish ; why is it ? " " There is nothing more tf ue, Amy, than the pro verb, ' Just as the twig is bent the tree 's inclined.' Traquair lacks early, native refinement, cradle culture, as Mr. Lincoln terms it. Educate, promote such a person, elevate him to the very pinnacle of political or literary eminence, he is unpolished still, and continually the lack of that which cannot be attained, nor is ever acquired, will be observable. The courtesy, suavity, and refinement taught in the nursery, will outshine and outlive great intellectual attainments ; they gather strength with age, while mental honors decay. But-*ve are home." GLEXNAIR. 207 " Our Doctor combines all," Amy murmured, as she laid her habit and bonnet in their places. " How gently, how sweetly he tried to lead my thoughts from their constant theme." She repaired to the study, to her father, quite refreshed. Edith was with him. Lochiel and Mr. Claybourne were sitting with him also ; Mrs. Cameron was walking. " Where is Aunt 'Edith, Fawn ? " inquired her cousin, as Mr. Claybourne drew her chair close to him at the breakfast-table. " Mother said she would be home after a little time, but to excuse her from breakfast ; she could not eat anything this morning. I left her by the hedge talking with Mr. Traquair." An ashy pale ness succeeded the momentary flush occasioned by this information, unnoticed by any but the child, who inadvertently said, " I am sorry I told you, sister." Fortunately, at this juncture so embar rassing, Margaritte came in to say, " Dr. Graeme was required on the instant, to come to a dying man." " I did hope, but without much expectation, that our good Pastor might be detained from court to day ; all the anxiety ever evinced by his son is for him and Lochiel," said Mr. Claybourne. " My dear boy, may we not miss you, also ? Your absence w T ill greatly tend to the composure of your brother." " I comprehend Duncan better than you, sir. I will be found "with him while suffered to remain. I may not be dissuaded, Mr. Claybourne." The watchful ear of Miss Lincoln recognized the step of her aunt, and through the half-closed win dow she saw the grim smile that parted the lips of 208 GLENNAIR. her companion, in his " Good morning, Mistress Cameron." Pouring out a cup of coffee, she fol lowed her to her apartment. " I have greatly feared, my dear Edith," observed the aunt, after partaking of the beverage, " and have now not a vestige of doubt, his whole bias has been against, while apparently befriending us. He made some expositions of his true character when exasperated because my influence with you was withheld. I declined all interference. My suspi cions are quite settled that he has not been what he professed to your father ;- toward Duncan he has never made any pretence of friendship. Edith, love," she inquired, in a hushed voice, after a pause, " are you sure Duncan destroyed that roll of papers found in the garret ? " " Of course, aunt ; their importance secured their immediate destruction ; and the keen scrutiny of the investigating officers would have ferreted them out, had they been concealed, no matter how se cretly. I have no fear from them, dear aunt," she added, while the increased pallor of her cheek belied the declaration. " Did Traquair allude to them, aunt ? " she asked, softly. " Only indirectly ; his mention of documents brought them to my instant recollection. I feared they might be in existence, and would lead to un told trouble." " Oh ! no, no," replied Edith, nervously, " or they would have been produced long before this, aunt." She opened the door in reply to a gentle tap. Lochiel came to the room to inquire for his sister. GLENNAIR. 209 " I am going now with Mr. Claybourne, Editli ; if I have opportunity to deliver it, what message may I carry ? " Lochiel spoke hurriedly. "We are all trust ; you cannot speak of hope with much truth, dear Lochiel." " It shall be my own addition then, Edith ; their support is our hope. Are you ill, Mrs. Cameron ? " he asked, kindly. " No, dear, only sorely vexed. I am in rich pos session of that promise of ' tribulation in this world,' yet rest upon the annexed sentence, ' that the world has been overcome.' ' The eyes of the youth fell ; he leaned over the couch of Mrs. Cameron. " The Lord bless and pros per you, dear boy," she whispered, laying her hand upon his head. Pausing a moment to kiss the pale cheek of Edith, he turned sadly and slowly away. " Do not wait dinner for us," he returned to say. " Mr. Claybourne thinks they will have a lengthy sitting to-day." Edith's lip quivered ; Mrs. Cameron turned her face upon the cushion ; neither answered. " It would seem preferable, aunt," Edith remarked, recovering from an uncontrollable fit of weeping, "to be present during the proceedings ; the suspense of each day is unendurable." " Your father was very certain absence was the less evil, dear, or he would not so strictly have pro hibited our being there ; and how could we listen to an adverse counsel, Edith ? " A convulsive heaving of the heart was the an swer. 18* '0 210 GLENNAIR. " Daley was very communicative to-day," con tinued, Mrs. Cameron ; " no doubl to ingratiate him self with Kathleen to procure employment. He says Mr. Traquair threatens to use every influence against the Lincolns, which he has hitherto used in their favor ; and Kathleen was somewhat amazed at his addition, ' Why, maistress, the mon hae nae power bigger tha' my thumb ; I tell ye he '11 nae miss the warp in the rope an he begins, I trow.' ' " What can the man mean, Aunt Edith ? " " Not more, I imagine, than to gain an end he will not reach now at the manse, or again at the Hedge ; he appears very well to do in his present employ. Traquair surely deals very liberally by him, and he appears to have abundant time for gos sip, and is not sparing of his master's reputation." " Both Kathleen and Margaritte would discoun tenance such a person ; and I am sure, aunt, he would meet with no quarter from jSTanny." " He has found favor among them by his atten tions to Helen ; he has laid out a plot in the garden for her, selected and planted choice roots an'd rare seed in it, the very spot you and Duncan took so much pleasure in cultivating when children. He has won all the domestics by his assiduity in pleas ing Helen, and I have felt grateful to him myself, it is so desirable to have the ordinary current of our Fawn's life changed, even by such an agent. I sup pose the expression of my thankfulness to him has encouraged the repetition of his visits here." " Fawn has been telling me ' Jamie ' had arranged her a garden, and I have promised to go with her GLENXAIE. 211 to admire it ; but I have not had resolution to look upon that spot, much as I desire to please her." " Nor is it necessary, love. I have purposely said very little about it. The place will either pass from us forever, or be restored to us in happiness. Our child enjoys herself there ; Kathleen takes her every morning. Nanny has always returned with her until this said ' Jamie ' has undertaken to be her guide, which gives him the opportunity of con versing in the kitchen. I do not approve, but can not see how to avoid it. Helen comes immediately to me, and is full of the praises of Jamie's kindness and gardening powers." " I cannot divest myself of suspicious feeling, aunt. I connect that Daley with Mr. Traquair, and think all their good deeds are a mask to some thing evil." " Yet it is hardly to be imagined, dear, that little Helen could be made a medium for any wrong action, and the arrangement of a garden-plot cannot be other than innocent." " It is scarcely conceivable, I know, aunt ; still the man's countenance engenders dislike, and repels any wish for intercourse." There was a very uncomfortable expression on the face of Mrs. Cameron. Rising from the couch, and unrolling some linen, she handed part of it to Edith, saying, " The collars had better be finished ; they might be needed." In uninterrupted quietness, they sat sewing until the entrance of Helen. She brought a note for " Miss Lincoln," marked " pri vate." 212 GLENN AIR. "James Daley says," she exclaimed, throwing herself into her mother's lap, " that he is very sure Uncle Hugh will get orders to go home to-morrow or next day; hut he does not think my flowers will he ready to cut, by then. How glad we shall all be, mamma," she added, clapping her hands. " Why does James think so, my child ? " " I cannot tell, mamma ; but James knows all about it. I mean to stay home here to-morrow, to see uncle first before you, sister." " Yes, darling," her cousin replied, abstractedly, " will you see where Miss Amy is to be found, and ask her to come to me ? " " Miss Amy is driving ; I saw her ride by with Doctor." " I did not see his chaise this morning, Helen." "It was not here, they went on horseback, mamma." " That is a ride, not a drive, dear ; but there is Lochiel go talk to him until I call you, Fawn." The child' instantly disappeared. " Lochiel has returned unexpectedly early ; but the letter what has Traquair to say further ? I judge it is from him." With a trembling hand, yet with unaccountable calmness, Edith read : "ADORED Miss LINCOLN: The crisis is at hand ; to morrow will be too late. By one monosyllable you may avert the doom of your father; the sentence on the morrow decides it irretrievably. If confirmatory evidence were necessary, the key of the chest stolen from the vault, found by Daley in digging in the Hedge Hall garden, would cast the die. It is now in my possession ; I am pre- QLENNAIR 213 pared to declare null and void many proofs adduced, and to withhold the last, which could not but destroy every vestige of belief in his innocence, even in his own counsel. My action will be governed by your reply. T." Her eyes met those of her aunt as the last word fell from her lip ; she read indignation only and plainly there. " Return it in a clean, blank sheet, my dearest Edith," she said, huskily. " I have wept over the graves of five of my own children ; I can give to your tomb the same tribute, and far rather than behold you linked to consummate vil- lany to an embodiment of atrocity no, not to save your father my only brother." Mrs. Cam eron sobbed uncontrollably. Throwing her arms caressingly about her aunt, Edith succeeded in soothing her ; then taking a pencil from a chain, she wrote : "Miss Lincoln can die with her father; but to avert the anticipated sentence of the court, she never, no, never, can doom herself to inexpressible misery ; and she adds her belief that the power to change the decision, claimed by Mr. Traquair, is fabulous." " You are home unexpectedly, my son," the Pas tor remarked to Lochiel, as he passed the window, leading his sister's palfrey ; " where is Mr. Clay- bourne? " " I heard Mr. McMillan urge him to return with him to dine. The adjournment of the court was occasioned by the death of Mr. Benson ; he was drowned in Loch Dhu, supposed to have been taken with cramp ; and as he was one of the promi- 214 GLENNAIE. nent witnesses of the day, the court was dismissed. Father," pursued Lochiel, drawing near the window, and still holding the bridle, " the cave will not be searched, for no two men could be found of bravery sufficient for the undertaking : the fear of ghosts appalls them." " Stable the pony, my son, and come in ; the east- wind is chilling," said the Pastor, closing the case ment. Lochiel did as desired, and the family gathered in the apartment of Mrs. Cameron until the dinner- hour. " To whom were you summoned so abruptly, father ? " Amy inquired. " To a thoughtless, prayerless man, daughter, who, to the death, was deaf to every remonstrance, insensible to all pleadings, he would listen to no entreaties. It has seldom been my lot to see life close upon so seared a conscience so hardened a heart. Strange he was to have presented an over whelming evidence against Duncan this morning." "Amazing ! Benson also was to have appeared clS ' ' " The same, my son. He was rescued last even ing from a grave in Loch Dhu a suicidal plunge, I conjecture; and I imagine he succeeded in another mode of terminating his existence, though I am not authorized to say it." " How inscrutable," observed Mrs. Cameron. " Benson had all that could invite the love of life, and seemed so calculated to enjoy her offerings." " He flourished as the green bay-tree, and was GLENNAIE. 215 cut down as a cumberer. Oh, Mrs. Cameron, friend of my early prosperity, and my companion in deep sorrow ; oh, my children ! I mused as I stood by the side of that bed of down, on the comparatively little importance in the mode of death. Whither had that spirit passed from its tenement, fed sumptu ously every day, clothed in purple and fine linen ? We shudderingly leave our query. We yearn in anguish over- those who, in all probability by false accusations, will be doomed to an ignominious death ; but in a little while yea, a very little while, we shall join, and spend with them an eter nity of blessedness " As he continued, the countenance of Edith seemed illuminated, her dark eyes riveted upon the speaker. Amy Graeme fell fainting upon the bosom of her brother, who stood with clasped hands intently lis tening to the words of his father. "Amy pleads to be left alone," Dr. McMillan ob served, on returning from the room whence he had carried Miss Graeme. "She rejects all our consol atory ministerings ; her entire hopelessness is re markable, and unlike her natural disposition." " True, Doctor, her temperament is hopeful ; but from the beginning of these troubles, my poor child has been wholly despairing. Mrs. Cameron has re marked that effort to impart comfort was useless, every avenue was closed : to be alone, is the one desire of Amy." " And yet," returned Lochiel, " it could hardly be the tone of discouragement in father's remarks that induced sister's distress to-day ; they were in perfect consonance with her own feelings." 216 GLEXNAIK. " The prospect for this world is dark indeed," re joined the Pastor ; "words of encouragement have failed." He looked earnestly at Dr. McMillan. " Earnest prayer and deep sympathy cannot fail for our friend and Pastor," replied the Doctor, moved to tears. "The Lord reigns, Mr. Graeme." " And under his dominion we are safe, James. Yet the present chastening is grievous ; may it pro duce the peaceable fruits of righteousness." " Though he slay, let us trust in him," murmured Mrs. Cameron ; " whom he loves he chastens." Edith, who had withdrawn to Amy's room with the Doctor and returned with him, had been sitting looking on vacancy, apparently listless and indiffer ent to what was said, until the voice of her aunt attracted her. Raising her eyes, she gazed wildly around, then rising slowly, she advanced toward the group. " Tell me," she asked nervously, " will I live ? " Duncan promised I should die with my father, and will I live without either ? ISTo ! no ! no ! " she cried vehemently. " I must, I will you cannot surely tell me I will not die. Aunt Edith, dear Aunt Edith," she continued in softened tones, " you said I might sleep in the grave. Will you call me back ? Will you speak falsely to your orphan niece? Yes, my father, yes, my Duncan, the sun that rises upon yours, will set upon the grave of your Edith." Mrs. Cameron, unable to speak, held her in a close embrace ; Lochiel, weeping impetuously, knelt on the floor by her, entreating her to be calm for his for her aunt's for her father's sake. GLENN AIR. 217 After this burst of agony had in a measure sub sided, the Doctor begged she would retire, desiring Mrs. Cameron to remain with her ; to permit nothing to induce her to leave her ; adding that he himself would remain in the house until after the returns of the morrow's court, " What Will be the result of these outbreaks, Doc tor ? " Mrs. Cameron asked, weeping. " Edith is in the judgment of to-morrow, my dear friend ; with that sentence she lives or dies ; she will not survive the decree we dread." "And Amy?" " Her father's life is dependent upon hers. Edith is very peculiarly stricken, Amy will form other ties," he added hurriedly, " Edith, never !" Mrs, Cameron groaned bitterly, and repaired to the chamber of her niece. " I will rest on this sofa, Margaritte," the Doctor answered to her. " Ye '11 find a lighted candle on the table when ye will like to gang to bed, Dr. James. There is mair than spare room syne the Maister hae gone wi' Lo- chiel to our dear ane to tarry the night. I trow there '11 be light slumbers the night, and deep anes for some after the morrow. Doctor, will ye nae tak the room above ? " " K"o, Margaritte, I will remain here ; should I be needed I am ready ; no fear disturbing me." " "Weel then, gude night, Doctor; and a quiet arie to the Maistress and the lassies." Dr. McMillan kindly replied, and Margaritte withdrew. An occasional quick step in an adjoining apart- 19 218 GLENNAIE. ment, wliicli the Doctor knew to be that of ISTorval Neilson, alone broke upon the deep silence of this sad, sad night, to the inmates of the manse. Dr. McMillan, from the casement, watched the moon and stars shedding their brightness over the parish in solemn indifference to all its sorrows. Just after daybreak, the latch was raised, and Miss Graeme came into the room. Receding a step on seeing the Doctor, she said with surprise, " Why down so early? I thought all asleep but myself." Waiving the question, he advanced, and leading her gently toward the window, pointed to the east ern horizon, observing, " Let us endeavor to think that emblematic of our prospect, Amy." Shading her eyes, she murmured, " ISTo, no ; the retreating lights of the earlier morning were fitter emblems of oar fate, Doctor. But I seek Xorval ; I supposed you were above stairs." " I would dissuade you from an interview just now, Amy ; the despondency of ISTorval would in crease your own. Suppose you suspend all inter course with him until after to-day." " Perhaps he could relieve my mind by answering a few questions now burdening my heart, Doctor ; to-morrow, they may need no reply,'" she added with sadness. " Mayhap, J may be as well, or better able to meet your difficulty, Amy. Shall I invite your con fidence ? " " No oh, no ! James. I could not intrust even you ; yet Norval JSTeilson might delude me." The purple veins filled upon her brow as she GLENNAIR. 219 pressed her hands over her face to shield it from observation. Doctor McMillan walked the floor, occasionally stopping before her with the hope she might raise her head from the table on which she was leaning, and again address him. After a long interval, seating himself by her, he said in .a low, emphatic tone, "Amy." Without changing her position, she murmured, " What will you, James ? " " Amy," he said again, in the same subdued voice, " you believe in the entire guiltlessness of Edith's father, of Duncan, and the others ? " " What prompted that question, James ? " she in quired vehemently, raising her eyes and pressing her hands together. " You know, saw, found nothing to induce a contrary opinion ? " " Never, dear child ; how could my question have conveyed such an idea ? You are morbidly nervous, Amy ; do not harbor these evil surmisings. Since the arrest of Duncan, I have been all hope and trust ; even at this late hour an acquittal will be the result. The scrutinizing judgment of Scotia's barristers and an overruling Providence, are strong fortresses, Amy. I own I once saw with the eyes of the condemning, but Duncan " A suppressed moan interrupted him ; he noticed the shudder as he released her hand, and carefully avoided allusion to the subject again. Mr. Graeme and Lochiel came home together. The father was silent, composed, and very, very sad. Lochiel had no command of himself; he wept in cessantly. Deep grief forbade any questions, and 220 G L E N N A I E . Mr. Graeme forbore the mention of their mournful visitation. Kathleen remarked afterward, " The salmon maun as weel ha nae been sairved, for it ganged nae tasted frae the kitchen as fra the faist table." The little clock in an upper room struck ten, as the carriage of Dr. McMillan drove to the door. The Pastor arose, glanced at his son, who immediately left the apartment, Mrs. Cameron fol lowing. " Dear boy," she sobbed, as he wrung her hand, " there is no hope?" "None I " he groaned, " that key " Mrs. Cameron, in a state of mind bordering on frenzy, hastened to her own chamber. Lochiel moved toward 'the door. Mr. Graeme laid his hand upon his daughter's head while she clung wildly to him. He tried to speak ; no word was heard ; the lips only moved. He approached Edith, who had thrown herself upon a sofa ; bending over her, he made an unsuccessful effort once more to speak. Again embracing Amy, and gently forcing her into a seat, he hurried from thence to the carriage in waiting to convey them to the court-room, which was already crowded to suffo cation. There was no noisy demonstration on the entrance of the parish pastor ; universal respect was expressed by the instant falling back to admit him, with the younger brother of the accused. A number of pa pers lay upon the table before the counsel ; some opened, others rolled together ; near Judge Scott was a small brass key, which he continually twisted in his fingers while listening to the summing-up of all and every evidence against the prisoners, by Judge OLE XX A IE. 221 Carter. " Before the jury retire," remarked that gentleman, we would express our sincere regret that we have before our bar, three persons, whom we would have supposed the most improbable to be so circumstanced ; proving forcibly the truth of Scrip ture relative to the deceitfulness of the human heart ; and we who would fain have rejoiced in the reverse, have heard testimony far more than sufficient to condemn the accused under our law. To you, the jury, we commend them to your mercy ; duty is stern, is severe, and whatever the verdict, it will be just. Our laws demand justice ; our hearts recom mend mercy." Wiping the clustering drops from his forehead, Judge Carter sat down. The jury retired ; it was a mere nominal withdrawal. The unanimous verdict on their return was, " Guilty of Fraud, Forgery, and Perjury." There was a momentary buzz through the assembly ; all was hushed when Judge Scott arose. His face was of an ashen hue, and evidently with great effort he assumed his usual calmness. He was about pronouncing the sentence of death, when a piercing shriek proceeding from the box in which the prisoners were seated, fell with a startling sound upon every ear, and arrested the voice of the speaker. The next moment Lochiel sprang forward and threw himself at his feet. " Take me" he gasped, " take me, let me pay the ransom. Let my life be the forfeit, and let my father's stay his first-born, his beloved, his heart's idol, still remain to be the prop of his declining years 1 " Exhausted, he sank almost lifeless upon the floor. The Judge 222 GLENNAIK. attempted to speak, but failed. Mr. MacAlpin gently raised him, and endeavored to lead him into the ad joining apartment, but resisting every effort, he again threw himself before the Judge, and in a plaintive, piteous tone pleaded for the life of his brother. " "Who will be the staff of the declining years of my dear father when his sun begins to set ? " he in quired. " Who will watch over and pour balm into every wound, and be his counsellor in every diffi culty ? Let me be in the place of that dear brother, and send not the gray hairs of that precious father to an untimely grave." " Remove the dear youth," Judge Scott whispered, with tremulous voice, in the ear of Mr. MacAlpin. " I cannot perform my duty." " Grant, oh ! grant but my request ! " he con tinued. "Duncan is innocent, innocent as I, of every crime alleged ; and "he suddenly arose and stood defiantly before him " he must, he will, he shall go free, or may Heaven's heaviest curses for a wicked, unrighteous decision rest upon you and all concerned in this, this " He fell prostrate. Lord Glennair, unable longer to endure the heart rending scene, rushed from the court-house. CHAPTER X. "Behind him lowered the thunder-storm, Which the caldron of his wickedness had brewed; Before him was the smooth, steep cliff Whose base is ruin and despair." HE was about entering his carriage, which awaited him at the door, when a voice accosted him. He turned ; a man in livery, whom he immediately recognized as a waiter of Mr. Robertson, stepped forward. " What are the last tidings of Miss Agnes, John ? " he inquired. " She 's nae better, my Laird, and Maister Robert son has left them baith i' the warm country tae re cruit." " Why ? He has not returned, surely ? " " Yes, my Laird, on the last eve, and is now in the last agonies, and bade me bring ye speedily, if ye would see him alive." "What do you mean, John? Do I comprehend you ? Is Mr. Robertson ill ? " " Scarcely be amang the living when ye reach his hame, my Laird." Lord Glennair heard no more, but, giving direc tions to the coachman to follow, in a few moments he reached the palatial residence of Mr. Robertson. In the upper hall he was received by young Robert son the only male inheritor of his broad lands. 223 224 GLENNAIR. Bowed with grief, he silently led the way to his father's apartment. The magnificent and gorgeous furniture seemed to mock the anguish of the poor sufferer upon the couch. The only response to the warm clasp of the hand, and the heartfelt, " Dear, dear friend," was a deep groan. The left arm lay splintered beside him ; his shaven hair exposed a gash in his temple, pressed together by artificial means. In the lifeless eye and ghastly face there was not a trace of the bright and buoy ant friend of whom he had taken leave so few months since. His physician sat beside him, and an old faithful housekeeper stood at his feet, with the deepest sadness depicted upon her countenance. " Is there no hope ? " the Laird whispered to the physician, as he pressed the throbbing pulse. The Doctor's head was shaken sadly. As he spoke, the eye of the sufferer turned upon him for a moment, but was immediately averted. " Mungo," inquired the Laird, tenderly taking his hand, " have you no message, no kind word, nothing that I can do for you before " He hesitated. "Mr. Robertson," said the physician, "if you have any matters still unsettled, it would be well to arrange them and relieve your mind from care." An expression of the utmost anguish passed over his countenance, as he inquired faintly, " Is life so rapidly waning ? Must I so soon enter that world of" " Rest and peace," quickly added his friend. " Your high morality, your unexceptionable character " GLENN AIR. 225 " Hold ! Robert Dunbar, hold ! The thought of a future judgment maddens me." "For such a man as you, Mr. Robertson," inter posed the physician, "there is little fear. Doubt less you have clothed the naked and fed the hungry. "What more would be required of us ? " Throes of anguish and deep groans interrupted the speaker. " My dearest Maister," exclaimed the woman, tears coursing rapidly down her cheeks, " might I mak' frae tae point ye tae Jesus, the sinner's friend ; he '11 wash away all sins, if they be as scarlet, and he tells us all tae come tae him. But the best of us canna gang wi'out him, for it's only through the cleansing of his bluid we ever approach the maircy- seat. Dear, dear Maister, gang tae him, and he'll save ye, and mak' yer dying bed saft and pleasant." Overcome with her emotion, she covered her face with her apron and wept. The lip of the physician curled, as he remarked, haughtily, " For such as your master, there is no need of this or any other atonement ; his good deeds and blameless life will be a sufficient guarantee." " Nae, sir, nae," she replied, " there is nane ither name gi'en under heaven by which any of us can be saved ; and, on a bed of death, ye'll find your strong hold naething ; but, oh ! dear Maister, dinna listen to such teachings." " Time is waning, and my dissolution rapidly ap proaching," said Mr. Robertson ; " I would be alone with Lord Glennair for a short season." The physician immediately arose ; Katy reluc- 226 GLENNAIE. tantly followed, casting an anxious glance toward her master. The door was closed npon the two friends. " Take paper from that escritoire, Robert," he said. " Pen and ink, quickly. A few more run ning sands a few moments, and time will be no longer with me. Robert, I am the most miserable, wretched being that has ever trodden God's world." " Say not so, Mungo ; your physical state has pro duced this morbid feeling. Say not the most miser able ; you leave a stainless name. Compare yourself with Lincoln, and young Duncan Graeme ; their blasted characters, their ignominious deaths." A piercing shriek thrilled to the heart of the Laird. " Pardon, my dear friend," he said, sooth ingly. " I was rash in reverting to the sad reality ; it has been too much for your sensitive and kindly nature." There was an effort to reply, but utterance failed ; the quiver of the lip, and the shudder which passed through the whole frame, alarmed the Laird, and he was about recalling the physician, when, by a strong effort, he seized his arm and pointed to the desk. The materials for writing were obtained, and the Laird again seated himself beside him. " Robert," he at length said, in a low, deep, gut tural tone that startled his friend, " do not hate, do not execrate my very name. Bear in mind that I shall be borne on the wings of time, to where the pangs of conscience .will pierce this immortal frame, immortal in sin, immortal in wretchedness, immor tal in the home where the worm dieth not and the fire of conscience is never quenched." GLENNAIR. 227 Again there was a fearful shriek. Lord Grlennair started to his feet in terror, but the close grasp of the hand forbade all call for aid. " I was not always so, believe me, Robert," he con tinued, after a short pause, " my downward course was gradual ; success attended my first deed of vil- lany ; would that I had been detected, and, in irons, brought to repentance." " Your mind is surely wandering, Mungo. Why write bitter things against yourself? " "Hold! Robert, interrupt me not. The mys terious hand has appeared upon the wall, writing bitter things against me. See," he exclaimed, as, terror-stricken, he pointed upward, " it awaits me, ready to seal my doom. Deed after deed was com mitted until my coffers, filled to overflowing, per mitted me to gratify the mad ambition of my proud heart. I lavished recklessly, accumulating wealth, not by patient industry, but by means from which my whole nature at first revolted. " Taken from the lap of luxury, my income would hot suffice my wife's expensive habits." " Are you mad, Mungo ? " inquired his friend anxiously ; " or is this, indeed, sober reality ? " " Reality," he repeated, while his brow knit as though in the deepest thought. " Reality nay, it has been a dream a nightmare a delusion, from which I could awake, only to the conscious ness of a mad career of wretchedness, of guilt, of ruin." His voice rose as he proceeded "Of of Robert!" he almost shrieked, "Lincoln is inno cent guiltless Jam the offender against the laws 228 GLENNAIE. of God and man. _Z"and my two accomplices have wrought all this ruin." The paper fell from the hand of Lord Glennair, and he iirmly grasped the bedpost for support. "And Duncan, what of the dear young Graeme? " he inquired, breathlessly. " I had no part in that," he returned, quickly. " The dark plot to ruin that guiltless youth was laid during my absence. Through my name, they obtained access to private apartments in the Bank. I knew not, until the papers told of his arrest, that his name had been implicated. ]N~o, oh ! no, Robert, the one false accusation drove me almost to frenzy. I was fully aware of the place of Hugh's resort, and expended large sums in veiling the eyes of justice. The officers would long since have effectually done their work but for bribery ; and the master of the Orion, in view of an ample reward, promised pro tection. I have experienced what no tongue or pen could portray during this trial. "Within the pre cincts of the eternally lost, no soul has ever endured a greater conflict of agonized feeling. Duty urged its claim ; but the love of life and honor rose para mount, and bore down all better feeling. But He who sitteth in the heavens has hedged in my way, and forced me to make restitution. Let the paper at once be drawn out, which will place the innocent in their true light." O "N"ay, Mungo, Neilson himself presented the check to the order of Lincoln, with your forged signature, and once again, to the same order : over mine. How was this? how without immediate detection ? " GLENNAIR. 229 " Robert ! Robert ! J, wretch that I was, person ated Roger ; coarse clothes, artificial beard, broad hat, passed among the unobserving. My accomplice was " " The chest ! the chest ! what of it and its con tents ? " groaned the Laird. "At midnight, we sank it where it stood, and, always being on the committee of investigation, the flags remained undisturbed, and the chest undis covered." "And that key ? " " It was forgotten at the time ; it was subse quently buried in the garden of Hugh Lincoln, by my order." With an effort almost superhuman, the trembling hand of Lord Glennair noted every particular, and invited two of the numerous friends who were in the adjoining apartment, tendering their sympathy and services to young Robertson, to bear their testi mony as witnesses to the signature of the document. Without glancing at its contents, they signed the paper, and fearing to disturb the sufferer, silently withdrew. There was an unnatural wildness in the eye of Mr. Robertson, as his head was again laid upon the pillow, unnoticed by any, until the attention of the Laird was arrested by a low, murmuring sound. He turned, and saw a frenzied eye gazing upon him. " Did you place me in this burning fire, Traquair? Call Benson. Wretches miscreants, do you desert me in this hour of need ? You placed the papers 20 GLENNAIR. you know it. Oh ! for some water ; give me water I will not betray you. Do not fear I am honorable ha! ha! the soul of honor honor honor let the Laird know your gone, gone, gone ! " With a mighty effort, he sprang from the bed, and fell heavily upon the floor. The loud call for assistance alarmed the family. Young Robert son rushed in, followed by the physician and several friends. He was raised and laid upon the bed, in a state of entire insensibility. Lord Glennair, with feigned composure, left the room, and with hurried step descended the stair way, rushed from the house, nd throwing himself into a seat of the carriage, ordered the man to drive with all speed to the Court-House. The direction was obeyed, and with a celerity that startled the passers-by, they arrived within a few rods of the building. There their speed was arrested by an immense. concourse of people. The Laird, impatient at the delay, sprang out, and with difficulty suc ceeded in reaching the steps ; but a further advance was impossible : a dense mass filled the house, ren dering fruitless every effort to obtain an entrance. " Make way ! " he shouted, unconscious of the impracticability ; " make way, my friends ; it is ne cessary it is of vital importance I should see the Judge at once." " Make way for the Laird ! " the crowd returned, endeavoring to force a passage for him ; " my Laird the Laird Glennair calls for admittance. "WT ye nae mak room for the Laird ? " " I must obtain an entrance," said the Laird, im- GLENNAIR. 231 patiently ; " I liave that will prove tlie innocence of the prisoners." " Wha' ! Of Lincoln and Maister Duncan ? " in quired a dozen voices at once. " The same the same," he replied, in a voice choked with emotion. For a moment a buzz only was heard, then a " Lang life tae Maister Lincoln and young Maister Graeme, and tae the Laird wi' the welcome news ! " resounded through the building. " Lang life, lang life ! " was continued by the multitude without. At the same moment, Lord Glennair was lifted upon the shoulders of those near him, and borne from one to another, until he was placed in safety in the circle of judges and members of the bar, who were endeavoring to learn the meaning of the cheers, and the din of confusion so suddenly bursting upon them. " My Lord Glennair," exclaimed Judge Scott, as he noticed the unnatural excitement of his manner, " have you tidings for us ? What means this wild enthusiasm so impossible to quell ? Is there a res cue contemplated ? or is there some further reve lation?" " Lincoln, Neilsou, and our boy, are as innocent as ourselves," he replied, in a husky tone, throwing the paper down before him, and rushing into a small room, in which the prisoners were awaiting the dis persal of the crowd. None noticed him ; NeilsonV eye was riveted upon Mr. Lincoln, with the most intense and absorbing interest, while a tear, stealing silently down his weather-beaten cheek, showed a 232 GLENNAIE. conflict of emotion. Mr. Lincoln, his eyes cast upon the floor, sat noticing nothing around him. The arm of Duncan rested upon his father's knee, whose face was hidden ; but the quiver of the whole frame bore witness to the intensity of his agony. There was a bewildered expression on the ghastly face of the youth, as he looked from the agonized parent to his brother Lochiel, who, in his wild delirium of grief, had thrown himself upon the floor, embracing the feet of his brother, and beseeching him to let him die for him. " What will life be without my Duncan, my bro ther?" he moaned, piteously. "I will die with you ! " he shrieked, starting to his feet. I will The next moment, an arm encircled him, and he was pressed to the bosom of Lord Glenn air. " You will die for none, precious boy," he ex claimed, as the tears streamed down his cheeks; "I have joyful tidings ; the powers of darkness have plotted the ruin of the best of men, and this dear youth ; but all has been discovered, and the miser able destroyer is now reaping the fruit of his own doing." The arms of Lochiel were thrown around him with so firm a grasp, it was impossible to free him self. "An explanation, in mercy, Lord Glennair ! " ex claimed Duncan, starting to his feet. The hold of Lochiel was relinquished, as, with breathless interest, he fastened his gaze upon the Laird. " Your entire innocence, and that of my dear and GLENN AIR. 233 early friend, has been clearly proved," he replied, clasping warmly the hand of Mr. Lincoln. "And Roger, your tried friend and companion through these sore and heavy trials, is proved the same un compromising, honest man we ever deemed him." * The features of Neilson quivered with convulsive emotion, a powerful effort was vainly made to reply, but the head bowed, the frame of the strong man was shaken, and a gush of feeling, long pent up, now burst forth unrestrainedly. None inter posed to calm the torrent, which continued but a short season, then passed away, and the bright and joyous face of Roger Neilson might be likened to the rays of the glorious sun, as they appear after a storm, scattering the dense masses of clouds that intercepted them from view. Duncan threw himself upon his knees before his father, saying, " Your blessing, dearest father ; a restoration to your confidence is more than life it self: the anguish of the felt separation was worse than the pangs of death." The trembling hand was immediately laid upon his brow. " My beloved, my stricken one," he murmured, "may the Great Shepherd overshadow thee, and may he shield my child from future injury, and lay up for him a crown imperishable, where no enemy can tarnish his fair fame, where no tear can ever enter,- and no rough wind assail his gentle nature." Tears fell heavily, and arrested the voice of Mr. Graeme ; all wept no dry eye was there, save that of Mr. Lincoln: .his manner had betrayed no emo tion. As Mr. Graeme finished speaking, he arose, 20* 234 GLENNAIE. and in a calm, collected voice, said, " Let us bow the knee and heart to our Great Deliverer." The warm, fervent petition breathed forth, calmed every Christian spirit, and stilled every conflicting emotion. It told of one purified in the furnace of affliction, sorely tried, yet entirely submissive to the will of his Redeemer. As they arose, Judge Scott entered. The low, heartfelt, " God be praised," as he clasped the hand of his Pastor, spoke more than many words of grat- ulation. "Dear Amy, dear Edith!" exclaimed Lochiel, advancing hastily toward the door, " I must carry the tidings. Such tidings ! " he murmured, clasp ing his hands in ecstasy. " Will I go, father ? "Will I, Duncan ? Am I in a dream ? " he said, lay ing his hand upon the arm of Lord Glennair ; " is it a vision from which I shall awake to some dread reality ? " " ISTo, no, my darling boy," he replied, gently ; " but no wonder you are in a maze of bewilderment. Await us a few moments, Lochiel, and, in person, the loved ones will proclaim the blessed tidings at the Graeme and Cameron hearthstones." " The officers have succeeded in dispersing the crowd sufficiently to enable you to leave the place without difficulty," the Judge remarked. " What meant those groans and hissings, imme diately succeeding the loud gratulations ? " inquired the Laird. " Occasioned by my indiscretion. I, of course, read the confession aloud, being anxious at once to GLENN A IE. 235 place our injured friends in their proper position ; but the name of the author of this vile machination go astonished me, that I, with an involuntary excla mation, mentioned it, and produced the manifesta tion of the revulsion of feeling which met your ears. The carriages are in waiting, gentlemen." Mr. Lincoln arose ; the arm of Judge Scott was immediately extended, to support his feeble steps. Lord Glemiair accompanied them. Roger Neilson walked beside his Pastor. The arm of Lochiel was closely linked in that of his brother. Percy D unbar sprang forward ; but a warm pressure of Duncan's hand, as warmly returned, was the only greeting. A low murmur arose as they appeared, which was as suddenly repressed, and there was perfect silence, as every cap was lifted, in attestation of respect. Many of the members of the bar came forward to greet them ; but the bowed head of Mr. Lincoln withheld them. No word passed as they pressed through the crowd to the carriages. The elders of the party, with himself, entered the car riage of Lord Glennair. Percy, with Duncan and Lochiel, followed. A long train of vehicles, filled with friends and strangers, to testify their sympa thy, accompanied them to the door of the manse. The carriage-doors were scarcely closed upon them, ere the multitude burst forth in loud and cheering peals, hundreds of voices simultaneously shouting, " Tae the manse ! tae the manse ! " There was a general rush in that direction. " Lang life tae all the house o' Graeme, Lincoln, and Neilson ! and mony blessings on the head o' our ain Laird ! " was echoed from every quarter. 236 GLENNAIE. " To the manse," to that hopeless circle mourn ing despairingly. The few there had clustered in an inner chamber to await the heavy tidings of the doom they dared not hope would be averted. Lit tle Helen was clinging to " dear sister," who had folded her in her arms ; Amy, the gentle Amy, was kneeling upon the floor, her head buried in the lap of Mrs. Cameron, whose own grief was too intense to oft'er one word of consolation. In the heart of Amy was hidden a doubt of their innocence she vainly attempted to resist ; the dreadful thought there" it was harbored, and would rise before her in all its blackness. Kathleen and Margaritte were there, with clasped hands and bowed heads, silent in their wretchedness. Dr. McMillan was there ; the glance of Amy toward the clock told him the tick was unendurable ; he touched the pendulum, and all was still. In quiet expectancy they waited, dread ing the sound of the muffled toll of the court-house bell, telling to the distracted survivors that sentence of death had been pronounced. A stifled sob or groan would occasion an anxious look from the Doc tor, yet he would but change his position ; he could not "minister to the mind diseased." "When Amy, completely overwhelmed, with a withering cry of anguish, threw herself upon the floor, he gave way and burst into tears ; raising her upon the sofa, he falteringly besought her to be composed. Clasping her hands wildly together, she exclaimed, " Have you not one word of comfort, James ? Oh ! no," she murmured, dropping her head again into the lap of Mrs. Cameron ; " none, none can save." GLENNAIE. 237 " Tlie Lord reigns, Amy, dearest Amy," he ejacu lated. " Is it not written, ' the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth ' ? " An " amen " groaned from the recesses of the heart of Mrs. Cameron, and all was once again still, and for several hours the stillness was unbroken. The first peal of the great bell vibrated upon every nerve. In quick succession, stroke after stroke fell upon the ears of the sufferers. " It is nae the soun' of a boun' clapper, Doctor James," shouted Kathleen, springing to her feet, " and mair than the ane is pealing." The Doctor heard her not, for he had thrown open the casement, and was breathlessly listening. " Hearken tae the clamor i' the distance," again cried Kathleen, rushing after Margaritte to the front of the house. Edith stood transfixed, pressing her hands upon her throbbing temples. Amy clung, trembling with hope, to the Doctor's arm. Helen had followed the servants, who were, from the door, endeavoring to look far away into the distance, whence the din proceeded. " What ! oh, what if we are yet disappointed ! " murmured Edith, suffering herself to be led to the window. " The joyous peal of that bell tokens no disap pointment, my darling," said her aunt. " Shall we go to the front chamber, Doctor ? " " I would advise not, Mrs. Cameron ; the excite ment is sufficient here for you, for us all. Amy is trembling as an aspen now, and Edith too ; try to be 238 GLENNAIR. tranquil. Is not the balmy spring breeze refreshing ? " lie said, compassionately. " The Laird of Glennair's carriage is turning the Hedge ! " Margaritte shouted from the foot of the stairs, " and Maister Lochiel is waving his kerchief high in the air." This announcement was scarcely made, when little Helen burst into the apartment clapping her hands and exclaiming, " They are coming ! they are coming ! I saw Uncle Hugh, I saw Mr. Duncan, I saw Norval, sister, mother ; they are coming they are here ! " " Duncan ! " gasped Amy, throwing herself into her brother's arms. " Father ! oh, my father ! " Edith murmured. " My daughter, my treasure," responded Mr. Lin coln, folding her to his heart and kissing her repeat edly. As Mr. Graeme and Lochiel entered, Dr. McMil lan, without being observed, glided out of the room, saying softly to the latter, " Draw the bolt to pre vent intrusion. / will attend to the Laird and the Neilsons." Cordial, indeed, was the greeting of the Doctor and his old friends. " It is sae lang syne I hae slept, Doctor," said Mr. ISTeilson, " or I would trow it a' a dream, the transition was si sudden. It *seems mair like tae a waking nightmare. Some fearfu' developments hae been made, nae doubt. The Laird o' Glennair kens the whole matter." " And would be glad to blot it all from his re membrance, now you are acquitted, Roger," was the reply. " There have been, verily, fearfully gloomy d and sweet was the carol of the little hirds, as from the hand of their young mistress they pecked the crumbs she offered ; and as the rich and melodious notes of Duncan, in the adjoining chamber, singing a favorite air, fell upon her ear, she raised a tearful eye and grateful heart to the Author of every good and perfect gift. Seating herself with her Bible in her hand, she was interrupted by a gentle tap, and a pleasant in quiry from Duncan whether he might come in. " I could scarcely await the morning, dear Amy, to meet you," he said, clasping her warmly to his bosom. " Mr. Lincoln told me all ; and father sym pathized deeply with the happiness of James, when, on leaving you last evening, he joined him in the study. lie said that he sealed with his full consent his fondest wishes." The face of Amy was hidden ; the tears upon her 27 - 313 314 GLENNAIR. cheek told not of sorrow, but a heart overflowing with happy feeling. " The transition is so sudden," she at length re marked, " that the revulsion is almost painful. Such a tide of unexpected happiness unnerves me." " The reality," returned her brother, " is more wonderful than the vagaries of a disordered imagi nation. Through the past year, our fortunes have been indeed varied. All is now sunshine, Amy ; I trust no cloud will intervene to mar our prospect. The Lord reigns ; He will always bring good out of evil. If misfortune had not beset our path, we should not have nestled so closely to the cross." " Are not afflictions always sanctified to the be lieving heart, Duncan? I trust we have that evi dence of being the children of the covenant." "Doubt it not, Amy; though sinning daily, hourly, yea, at every moment ready to mourn some sad defection, yet I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that in my flesh I shall see God." " My assurance has been clouded of late, Duncan. I feared my good estate was not firmly founded." " Distrust not your Redeemer's word, dear Amy. ' He that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.' Go to Him ; cling to His cross ; look away from self ; rely upon His precious promises, and trust Him for time and eternity. Your home is prepared in that abode which He died to secure you. Wound Him not by doubting for a moment your safety. But there is the bell. Father is no doubt awaiting us impa tiently in the breakfast-room." A very bright smile was returned for the warm GLENN AIR. 315 kiss of Amy, as she bade her father " good morn- ing." " And did the anodyne have the desired effect? or had other causes a magic charm to produce so bright a glow this morning ? " he inquired. " The anodyne stilled my nerves, father," she re plied, as the color deepened, " and I slept very calmly." " And may life's pathway be calm and peaceful, daughter," he returned, as he laid his hand affec tionately upon her head, " and may you be gently led on the heavenward road, where all is perfect peace, and may your mind ever be stayed on the Almighty arm. None can better point the way than he whom Providence has allotted as your pro tector. James is all I could desire, in every point of view ; and it is in my Amy's power still to be the life, the stay of her father's home. James has prom ised never to separate her from those dependent upon her for many comforts." " And on no other terms would I ever consent to his wishes, dear father," she returned ; ".and nothing but death will ever separate Amy Graeme from her dear, her only parent." And I trust, daughter, I will always keep in view the hand which has bestowed so inestimable a gift, and be resigned to His holy will, should He see fit to remove my treasure. But," he added, " while we are living under a cloudless heaven, let us not over look the command to 'mourn with those who mourn.' The poor Laird now demands our sympa thy, our kindest attention. Mr. Lincoln, at early dawn, ordered his carnage made ready, and, with 316 GLENNAIR. Lochiel, lias gone to offer his sympathy to Ms friend." " And Lochiel came to my door, father," inter rupted Duncan, " to say that the Laird required his services when freed from college duties ; he would therefore remain for a few days at the Manor." " And I have promised again to see him after at tending to some parochial duties this morning. I long to impart consolation to his crushed spirit. He is stricken to the earth, realizing not the hand that has so sorely bruised him. With one having so high a moral sense as Lord Glennair, (like him who touched the heart of the Redeemer, yet left him sor rowing, unwilling to fulfil His one command,) it is difficult to minister comfort ; hut I trust he will he led to see mercy even in this severe dispensation, which may be instrumental in his own sanctification." The heart of Amy bounded, as a familiar footfall met her ear. Dr. McMillan entered. The chastened expression of his countenance showed the impression left by the sad scenes in which he had, of late, been so prominent an actor ; but his face lighted with pleasure as his eye met that of Amy which told only of sympathy for the sorrows of others ; and his heart was now gladdened by her welcome, the benignant smile of Mr. Graeme, and the cordial greeting of Duncan. " Do you feel equal to a short drive, Amy ? " he inquired, " my carriage is in waiting, and I have an hour at your service. Mr. MacAlpin has purchased a house among the mountains, five miles from this. "We will take a survey, and, if satisfactory, I will convey your opinion to sister on our return." GLENN AIR. 317 A ready assent was given, and Amy, when equipped, was placed with care in the wagon, by the Doctor, who dismissed Bernard to Thistle Hedge, to render any assistance in his power until his return. " What magic charm has not that little assent of last evening wrought, Amy," he whispered, as he seated himself beside her ; " could you have imag ined my days and nights of anguish while sitting beside the couch of the dear sufferer at the Manor, you would then realize the happiness, the truly, my lot is cast in pleasant places. Must I await the rising and setting of many suns, Amy, ere I may call you mine ? " " In six weeks, Duncan removes to Pleasant Slope," she replied. " Then permit Duncan to be my first groomsman previously," he interrupted, with an arch smile. The eye of Amy fell as she falteringly replied, "It cannot be, James ; it is impossible." "And why impossible ? " he inquired, playfully taking her hand. " Mr. Graeme has promised me shelter; will you be less hospitable? Would that I could see that pallid cheek always so deeply tinted as now. Well, we will for the present (but remem ber, only for the present) dismiss the subject, and pass an opinion on the rural cottage before us." The beautiful mansion was duly examined and admired. " I have promised sister a month of our society each summer, Amy. It is due. A sister, in every sense, she has been, and is to me. Impatient to have her sympathy, I saw her ere she arose this 318 GLENN A IE. morning. She now rejoices with me, even as she has, in some bitterness of spirit, I fear, mourned with me. She reflected upon you sorely, Amy." " I observed her changed manner, and could not divine the cause." * The conversation was interrupted as they arrived at the door of the manse, and Mr. Graeme appeared, to assist Amy in alighting. There was a silent thanksgiving offered as he noticed the bright and happy face of his daughter, and a silent prayer for him to whom he had resigned his treasure. _ After many precautions given Amy, the Doctor set forth to pursue a round of duties, rather dis tasteful at the present moment ; and toward evening, after dining with the afflicted inmates of the Manor, returned to his desired haven, to enjoy with Amy the few hours he could call his own. " There has been some misunderstanding on the part of Percy, Amy," the Doctor remarked, as they eat together in the study ; " he evidently is sorely grieved at receiving coldness, rather than sympathy, from you. I much fear," he added, sadly, "his heart is centred in Amy Graeme." " The charms of Amy Graeme," she returned, pleasantly, " if they have forced others to bow to their supremacy, have certainly had no effect upon the heart of Percy ; but I fully comprehend his meaning : there was mutual misunderstanding, and I will at once, by a kind note, disabuse his mind of the idea that sincere sympathy is lacking on my part." The note was written, and the Doctor deputed to GLENNAIR. 319 be the bearer, with any further explanation he deemed advisable. Some days had passed, and the hour, that dreaded hour, had arrived, in which the first-born of the Laird was to be conveyed to the silent tomb. Many sad hearts were there, to pay respect to the memory of the departed. Many social ties were broken, and many mourned the loss of a kind benefactress ; but by this afflictive dispensation the heart of the Laird was led to higher aspirations, and bowing submis sively to the chastening rod, he was enabled to say, " Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him." On the day succeeding the" burial, Lochiel left the Manor, and on the following morning, at the door of the manse, met his sister returning from her ride, accompanied by her brother and Doctor McMillan. After assisting Amy to dismount, he followed Dun can, who was leading Raven to the stable. So soon as they were alone, he drew his brother's attention by suddenly dropping the rein of Blanche, exclaim ing, " Do, in pity, Duncan, explain to me the new witchcraft that has taken possession of sister and Doctor McMillan ! " "Any maze regarding either can readily be cleared away, my dear brother," replied Duncan, calmly. "What is the trouble?" "Why, Duncan, when the Doctor left us last evening, he kissed sister as if he had our birthright." Duncan laughed outright ; Lochiel colored indig nantly, and resumed: "Surely, Duncan, you, with all of us, are fully aware of the claim of Percy Dun- bar ; you certainly believe Amy is affianced to him? " 320 GLENNAIE. " I know, certainly, to the contrary, Lochiel. I know Amy never accepted addresses that were never proffered, nor even thought of." " You amaze me, Duncan : then why was sister, and sister only, inquired for so constantly by Percy? " " That may have reasonably occurred, as Amy was confidante in some affair of his, neither of her own or of Cupid's. It is my brother's habit to rush at a conclusion : a single query would have satisfac torily solved the seeming mystery." "Admitting this a possibility, Duncan," resumed the lad, in a hushed voice, and hesitatingly, " Ger trude Dunbar is scarcely consigned to the tomb, and you will not tell me there was no betrothal there ? " "With the same confidence, my mistaken brother. The almost exclusive attentions, and constant visits of our Doctor, were earnestly entreated by the Laird ; his abhorrence to the publicity of his daughter's failing strength induced this requirement, and also his secrecy : from the implicit adherence of the Doc tor to all these injunctions, originated the report which others than yourself credited. James has explained all so satisfactorily, that father has con sented cordially to receive him as a third son at as early a period as Amy Graeme chooses to name." Lochiel silently led Blanche into the stable, smoothed her down, and joined his brother again. "Any objection, Lochiel, to the increase of the brotherhood ? " Duncan asked pleasantly, as they were nearing the house. " There could be none to James McMillan, in any situation, Duncan ; but to fling away all my specu- GLENNAIE. 321 lations, and overthrow all my expectations, will re quire time and reflection." "The Doctor is coming, be careful how you express yourself to him ; go forward and offer your hand and congratulations, Lochiel." "From the sudden cessation of conversation," the Doctor remarked, taking the extended hand of the younger Graeme, " I conclude I have been the sub ject. Surprise still is uppermost in the mind of Lochiel. I trust the happiest man in Glennair has created no contrary feeling, no disappointment? " lie regarded Lochiel earnestly. " Oh ! no, no ! " exclaimed the warm-hearted youth, " it is just as I could have wished it ; but ' WHO is IT ? ' has been so often the question in our Parish, I am perfectly bewildered." Grasping the hand of the Doctor, and throwing his sister's riding-whip to his brother, he rushed into the house. "Such excitability will destroy that frail form ; what could have induced it in this instance?" in quired the Doctor. "He was among the misled by your constant visits at the Manor ; and your position in our family could not remain undiscovered, after the manner of your parting with our sister last evening:' that led to his inquiries, and the denouement. He is still suffering from the bewilderment caused by learning that Percy and Amy had not formed a contract for life, which he implicitly believed. To reason with Lo chiel will be unavailing ; he will become calm in a little while, if left to himself." "Lochiel, with a noble intellect, and a warm, 322 GLENNAIE. affectionate heart," returned the Doctor, "has always been the slave of an unfettered will of late, influenced, in a measure, by his devotion to a way ward girl. I feared the helm would scarcely guide to a propitious haven ; but since this sore trial has mellowed Ellen's temper, and brought her, with a meek and chastened spirit, to the foot of the cross, I doubt not it will tell upon the character of Lochiel for time, and when time shall be no longer." " I have always marvelled, Doctor, that a fetter could be drawn so firmly by one so inferior to our boy." The Doctor smiled. " It is a chain whose links often bind closely ere reason is consulted," he re plied ; " but the appreciation of Lord Glennair is much increased in consequence of the excellent taste he has shown in his selection ; and the sincere sym pathy of Lochiel, in this trying season, has so won the heart of the Laird, that he is resolved, if he obtain the consent of Mr. Graeme, that he shall share with Percy and Ellen the advantages of visit ing foreign parts. He intends broaching the subject to-day when Mr. Graeme pays his customary visit." "And the Laird has fully determined to accom pany Percy ? " " He is not willing to retain Percy at home, and cannot endure the thought of separation." For a moment there was a troubled expression upon the brow of young Graeme, then, as though a sudden thought had arrested him, his countenance brightened. " I will see the Laird with father," he remarked. " Under such auspices tjie advantages GLENNAIR. 323 would be incalculable. LocLiel must avail himself of them." There was an arch, meaning expression upon the face of the Doctor as he called, on mounting his horse, " The Graeme spirit, Duncan." There was no reply ; and waving his hand pleasantly, he rode away. On the same evening, young Graeme accompanied his father to the Manor. "Your daily kindness is a balm to my wounded spirit, my dear Pastor," the Laird remarked, as he warmly pressed his hand ; " and my poor son cannot too highly commend the attentions of his most be loved friend, Duncan Graeme ; but I have yet another favor to ask at your hands. Lochiel, of late, has been to me as one of my own family, and I desire that he, as my guest, may accompany us to the Continent. Mr. Turnbull, as private tutor, will be with us, and no loss in regard to his regular routine of education shall accrue." "Your kind wish was mentioned to Duncan, Laird; his object in accompanying me this morning was to have some conversation with you upon the subject." " Pardon this seeming intrusion, Laird," said Duncan, "when my father alone was addressed; but if such advantageous arrangements can be made for Lochiel, the responsibility and trouble he will cost you will be more than he can ever possibly repay : will you not, therefore, permit me to defray all personal expenses ? " "So spoke the grandson of Campbell Dunwiddie! " 324 GLENNA1JR. lie exclaimed " that maternal grandsire, loved by all, respected by all, and whose only failing was an intense desire to bestow, rather than to receive. But, Duncan Graeme, as I am already under the deepest obligation to your house for your unwearied attentions, I must be gratified in this instance. Lochiel goes as my guest." ""We duly appreciate your kindness, Laird," re turned Mr. Graeme, " and do most sincerely thank you ; but the expenses of Duncan have been light for some previous years, and he has reserved from his salary a sum sufficient for this purpose. Will you not allow him the gratification? His heart is set upon it." Lord Glennair hesitated. " I am fully aware, my boy," he remarked, laying his hand kindly on his arm, " that an urged favor is no favor ; therefore, let the matter rest as you would have it ; it is of trivial importance, and scarcely worthy a contest; but to my dear Pastor," he added, turning to him, "my obligation will never cease. Ho, when time shall be no longer with me ; when this heart and voice shall join in rapturous strain to praise redeem ing love, I will still bless the hand that, in my sore bereavement, pointed to a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother ; to a Physician able to bind up the broken in spirit ; to a Redeemer able to save to the uttermost; and led me to the foot of the cross, from which nothing can ever separate me. Yes, I bless affliction, that it has led me to know myself, to know my God, my " Overcome by his emotion, he wept. GLENNAIB. 325 "With instinctive delicacy, Duncan silently with drew from tlie apartment. The eye of Lochiel beamed with pleasure and gratitude as Duncan opened up to him the proposal of the Laird, and the terms on which he had acceded to it. " It is noble, Duncan," he returned, resting his hand affectionately on his shoulder ; "just like you, and the deeds of your whole life. You were born for the happiness of others, and have faithfully ful filled your mission. It is not given from your abundance, Duncan, and shall riot be lightly es teemed. It will incite me to more industry, more perseverance, and," he added, striking his hand heavily upon the table, " as sure as Lochiel Graeme is Lochiel Graeme, it shall be returned to its present owner. The first, yea, second, third, and fourth fees of Dr. Lochiel Graeme shall be held sacred for this purpose, l^one shall say that the scapegrace, Lochiel, has appropriated the hard earnings of the best of brothers, to his own selfish purposes." ""Well, well, Lochiel, all I desire in return is to see you a Christian gentleman, striving to benefit others, and, like your Master, going about doing good." " The atmosphere I breathe ought to render me all you wish, and, if affliction sanctifies, surely I have born the yoke in my youth." A smile played upon the face of Duncan as he replied, " That passage, as I apprehend it, alludes not to trial, Lochiel, but to the yoke of the Saviour." "A yoke that I am resolved to bear," he returned, 28 326 GLENN A IE. seriously. " But I must at once see Ellen ; she has sorely mourned with me the prospect of a separa tion. Her mind must be relieved without delay." "Dinner is waiting us ; you will remember father's injunction, Lochiel." "Explain to him the urgency of my engagement, Duncan." " The urgency, in your esteem," his brother re plied, pleasantly. "And, Duncan," he added, returning as he was about leaving the room, " ask sister to break it gen tly to Margey. I cannot be the first bearer of the intelligence ; her grief would entirely unman me. Or will you do me this favor, if sister is unwilling? " " The information had better be conveyed gradu- ally." "No, Duncan, no; she will be hurt deeply hurt, unless apprised of it immediately. On second thought, I will be my own messenger." " Your thoughts and intentions are so swift- winged, Lochiel, that we can hardly distinguish them by number." Lochiel, only replying by a laugh, crossed the hall hastily, and disappeared in the kitchen. "You are going to lose me, Margey, a certain case," he said, "all settled between father and the Laird. It can't be helped, Margey, and we must all submit to whatever may befall us." "Lose ye, Master Lochiel?" exclaimed the old woman, letting fall the spoon within her fingers ; " lose ye ! Heaven bless ye, what mean ye by sic a thing?" GLENNAIR. 327 ""Why I mean, Margey, that I am going to Eng land, and many other places, with the Laird, and " "And wha wi' hae the care o' ye should ye be ill ? " she inquired, laying her trembling hand upon his arm ; " and wha wi' care for a' your wee com forts, my bonnie bairn ? " "Well, we must trust, Margey, and I have no doubt the Laird will have an eye to all these mat ters." The old woman shook her head sadly, while tears coursed down her cheeks. "And hae ye nae thought," she inquired, reproachfully, "for the mony lonely hours of puir auld Margey ? And hae ye iiae care for a' the sad forebodings that hae come to me o' late ? It 's a' out ; ye may gang, Maister Lochiel : but your return wi' nae be sae blythe and happy ; the sod will be lang o'er the grave o' auld Margey ; how wi' she live wi' the thought of Maister Lochiel's illness, or may be death, in the land o' strangers? " Covering her face with her apron, she sobbed aloud. " But, Margie," he returned, placing his arm kindly around her, " it is so usual to travel, and persons constantly return safely." " But it 's nae the kind thing o' ye, Maister Lo chiel. "Wha stood up for ye when ye've been called names that 's made me hate 'em, and watched o'er ye night and day when ye've been sorely ailin' ? 'T is nae the kind thing o' ye. And ye cannot find a blyther spot than our ain isle. What will ye gain by a' your trampin's ? " "You will think better of it, I know you will," he replied, as the tear started to his own eye; "and 328 GLENN AIR. tlie first letter written shall be to my own Margey, and the first purchase in foreign parts shall be for you. You cannot long think hard of your own Lochiel ; and when I come back, safe and sound, think of the stories I shall have to tell you." "And wi' ye tarry lang? " she inquired, somewhat soothed ; " or wi' it be weeks and months afore your sweet face blesses me wi' its sight ? " " There is no certainty ; and I could not be rude enough to worry the Laird with many questions. You have taught me differently from that, Margey." "!N"ae, I'd gie any the lie that said nae tae that, Maister Lochiel ; and ye '11 bear yoursel' the gentle man in the face of Laird or sairvants. Never fear ye. But in a strange land, where they dinna ken ye, ye '11 hae tae be a wee mair like Maister Duncan, and nae the less like yoursel', either ; but you 're a gentleman, and nane 'ill e'er dispute it in this, or any land ye '11 travel, till ye arrive at the gate o' the Celestial City." "And the way to that gate I am now seeking, Margey," he returned, gravely. "And I '11 seek it with ye," she replied, warmly. " I '11 ne'er see" ye enter, and be left out mysel'." " God grant we may both seek aright," he re turned, shaking her hand affectionately ; " but father will be the better teacher." "And ye '11 hae a cauld dinner, Maister Lochiel," interrupted Kathleen, who came in at that moment, " if ye dinna hasten tae it. Maister Duncan said ye were gane tae the Manor." "And I have a pressing engagement that forbids GLENNAIR. 329 my remaining longer," lie said, hurrying toward the front door. As far as sight had the faculty of discerning, the eye of the old nurse followed him as he hent his steps toward the manor ; then, slowly returning, as she closed the door, she murmured, " May the Lord keep him frae harm i' the midst o' strangers ; but we '11 hae a lone time, even wi' Maister McMillan and Bernard." The evening brought Lochiel home, enthusiastic in the praises of the Laird and the Directors of the Bank, placing, at the same time, a package in the hand of Duncan. What was his brother's astonish ment on opening it, to find enclosed a deed convey ing Pleasant Slope to Duncan Graeme, and a kind note from the Directors, asking his acceptance of it as a token of their sincere regard and high appre ciation. Mr. Graeme was not at home to sympa thize with the feelings of the gratified youth, and, accompanied by Lochiel and his sister, he proceeded immediately to Thistle Hedge. " It is just the purchase I wished to make," said Mr. Lincoln, " but could not see my way clear in doing so at present ; but the Lord w r ill always provide for his own people. "We seem to be pecu liarly his care, Duncan ; and how his judgments have followed in every step of the path of our miserably unhappy persecutor ! Percy placed this letter in my hand this morning, desiring me to send it to the manor for perusal. It is from the same correspond ent who described, so feelingly, the last hours of the young and beautiful daughter of Mungo Robertson, lie says, 28* 330 GLENNAIR. " * Several months elapsed, after arriving in Austra lia, before I had any tidings of the surviving mem bers of the family of the interesting young lady I mentioned in my last ; and the sad event had almost passed from my mind, when a stranger came to my house with a request that I would at once see a man in the last agonies of death. " He has mentioned you by name," he said, " and desires you would come to him." " ' Without a mo.rnent's delay, I followed him to a small cabin. There, what a scene presented itself! Stretched upon the ground floor, lay a miserably haggard being, the wildness of whose eye startled me. I seated myself upon a low stool beside him, and laying my hand upon his forehead, clammy in death, I said, " Though we pass through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord has promised to be with all who love Him, and put their trust in Him." " ' The lip quivered, and the eye closed, as he mur mured, " The eternal horrors of a second death ; a dread abyss ; dark, deep, eternal ! " " ' I replied not, but kneeling beside him, was about offering a supplication in his behalf, when, with un natural strength, he seized my hand. " ' " You will call in vain," he said, bitterly. "Vain, vain, is the help of man. But I have a request, a message " His voice sunk, and I supposed him dying ; but rallying, he continued, " Do you re member consigning one to the deep on. board the Congo ? " he inquired. " ' " Perfectly. "Where is her brother ? " GLENN A IK. 331 " '" Gone to an early grave ; a victim to the ambi tion of a cruel parent." '" " And are his parents still living? " I inquired. " ' " Her mother, with a crushed spirit, followed her idolized son and daughter." "And her father?" " Would you know his fate ? Tell Mm tell Percy tell him," he whispered in a voice almost spent, " to intercede for me ; I know you are his friend ; I therefore sent for you to ask, to plead, at the hand of Robert Dunbar, forgiveness for the perjured, mis erable, unhappy, and justly execrated Mungo Rob ertson." " ' I started from my seat with amazement. " !Nbt," I exclaimed, " ISTot " Large drops now stood upon his forehead. I again sank upon my knees. I pleaded as a man pleadeth with his brother, for the dying man. I felt that an immortal spirit was about en tering the eternal world, without resting upon that arm extended to receive the chief of sinners. " Lord, thine arm is not shortened," I said. " ' The hand of the stranger was gently laid upon my arm ; his finger pointed to the lifeless tenement. So quietly had the spirit passed, I was not conscious of the change. May I never again be called to wit ness such a. scene.' ' " Truly," saM Mr. Lincoln, " the hand of the avenger of blood will not be stayed without the walls of the city of refuge." " And truly," exclaimed Lochiel, as the big tears rolled down his face, " any resentment I may have harbored, is at an end. I feel only the greatest com miseration, and Lord Glennair will weep over so terrible a retribution." 332 G L E N N A 1 11. For some days there was a sad impression ; a feeling of compassion but it passed away ; and with hearts overflowing with thankfulness, they blessed the hand that was now strewing only flowers in their path. With redoubled zest, as the possessors of Pleasant Slope, Duncan and Edith suggested improvements in the house and grounds ; and the changed appear ance of the manse also told that something; more o than usual was about transpiring there. An addi tion of a large wing appeared, which was certainly not needed by the Pastor, and might possibly be for the accommodation of one of another profession. " Wonderful, indeed, have been the checkered events of the last few years of our lives," Lochiel remarked to Mr. Lincoln, as they stood viewing the enchanting prospect from the window of Pleas ant Slope ; " and through what a different medium do I now see the power that rules the universe and guides the destinies of men. Since the still, small voice has spoken, peace has reigned over the troubled waters, and my soul is stayed on Christ my God. I leave these shores with new aspirations, new hopes, a new and happy future opening up before me." " Here, viewing such a scene," returned Mr. Lin coln, solemnly, " our heart may be stirred to its in most depths, revering the hand that formed it ; but on Calvary alone will we be melted with the con sciousness of our own sinfulness, and cling as hum ble suppliants to that cross, finding a balm for every sorrow, and the bright prospect of a crown beyond the skies." 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