THE COLLEGE OF |« UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN B Fig. 1 . The plant layout shown here includes equipment which is necessary in any prune dehydrating operation. Prune growers who have been doing their own dehydrating probably already have variations of this equipment. The layout is an ideal one, showing how equipment can be arranged to provide an uninter- rupted flow of fruit from receiving through all processes to boxing for storage, with maximum efficiency of time and labor. * DEHYDRATING PRUNES E. M. MRAK 1 AND R. L PERRY* This circular is issued for the California prune grower and the moderate or small-scale operator as a general guide in dehydrating prunes. There has been a steady increase in the mechanical drying of prunes in recent years. Thirty years ago virtually all prunes were sun-dried; now it is estimated that over 80 per cent of the crop is mechanically dried. This trend has been accompanied by a more general interest on the part of all prune growers in good dehydration methods, as well as an increase of small-plant operators. Important details of small-plant operation are covered in this circular with particular emphasis on the steps in preparing fruit for drying, and the method of controlling relative humidity during the drying process. For more complete information on the design, installation, and oper- ation of equipment, as well as the technical details of large-plant operation, other publications may be obtained through your County Farm Advisor. Similar circulars, prepared by the College of Agriculture, describe the dehydrating of freestone peaches and methods of operating a sulfur house. 1 Mr. Mrak is Associate Professor of Food Technology and Mycologist in the Experi- ment Station. - Mr. Perry is Professor of Agricultural Engineering and Agricultural Engineer in the Experiment Station. r=W ELEVATOR FOR FILLING BOXES OR MOVABLE BINS What Advantages Does Dehydration Offer? Before 1918 practically all California prunes were sun-dried. Now, the percent- age of prunes dehydrated has risen gradu- ally to over 80 per cent of the entire crop. Dehydration is preferred because it generally produces a higher quality of dried prunes. It is cleaner and it reduces losses during unfavorable drying weather. In the long run, dehydration is cheaper than sun-drying. Both the quality and dried weight of dehydrated prunes are often above those of the sun-dried product, because spoilage and resultant losses are reduced. Dehydra- tion also results in the retention of a greater amount of fruit sugar than does than sun-drying. It is good business practice, in the fruit industry as in all food enterprises, to keep products clean throughout every stage of processing, and dehydration offers the cleaner method. Because prunes ripen later (August 15 to October 1) than other fruits which are sun-dried, and the drying season may be interrupted by wet weather, dehydration is the safer means of drying. A great amount of labor is required in the sun-drying of prunes, and this cost may be reduced by dehydrating the fruit if the grower has his own equipment or belongs to a cooperative dehydrating organization. On the other hand, if he must pay a fixed amount per ton to a com- mercial dehydrator, his own sun-drying plant may prove the cheaper. The trend in fruit processing must be toward mechanization in handling the crops, in order to reduce excessive labor costs. As the cost of labor is reduced, the costs per pound of producing dried prunes will be lessened. A suggested arrangement of equip- ment for maximum efficiency of time and labor is shown in Figure 1 on pages 1 and 2 of this circular. Dehydration cannot be expected to [4 improve the original quality of prunes. Neither zvill it return quality to fruit zvhich has been partly spoiled during bad weather under sun-drying meth- ods. Inefficient operation of a dehydrater may be costly and result in an inferior product. Case hardening (too-rapid dry- ing of the outside of the fruit while the flesh is still underdried), bleeding (ex- cessive juicing of the fruit during de- hydration), scorching (which results from too-high finishing temperatures in the dehydrater), or smudging (as result of direct-heating oil burners) —all may be caused by careless operation. The drying ratio of prunes fluctuates considerably, but usually ranges from 2 to 3% to 1, on an average. A yield of 1 dry ton per acre is considered low; 2, medium ; and 5 or more, high. As a rule, coastal counties produce prunes of supe- rior quality which have a more favorable drying ratio than those grown in the in- terior counties. However, the warmer in- land areas commonly produce 20 tons per acre of fresh fruit, while in the coastal counties, yields range only from IV2 to 5 tons per acre of fresh fruit. Pick, Clean, Dip with Care for Good Product Steps in the dehydration of prunes are as follows: 1. Pick prunes by shaking from tree. 2. Clean the fruit with air blast and sprays of water. 3. Check prunes by dipping in cold or hot water, or in lye solution. 4. Grade for sizes, if possible. 5. Tray fruit (45 to 55 pounds of French, 60 to 75 pounds of Imperial or Sugar varieties per 3 x 6-foot tray) . 6. Dehydrate (18 to 28 hours) until fruit has but 18 to 19 per cent moisture content. 7. Cool fruit; scrape from trays, sort- ing out defective pieces; store in clean, wooden boxes. ] Picking the Prunes Prunes are best when harvested around the middle of the season for the district. Allowing the fruit to hang too long on the trees (in areas where it does not fall naturally) results in inferior quality and lower dry yields. On the other hand, knocking all the fruit from the trees early in the season will give similar results. The number of pickings varies with the orchard and location. In coastal counties, where the fruit falls more naturally from the trees and only light shakings are re- quired, three or four pickings are cus- tomary. In the interior counties, where heavier shaking is needed to bring down the fruit, growers rarely make more than two pickings. The first fruit picked in any orchard is usually of inferior quality and should be kept separate from that picked later. Excessively hot weather (with tempera- tures above 105° F) may cause the flesh of prunes still on the trees to brown, and form gas pockets in the flesh. If it is not possible to process the iruil as fast as it is brought in from the or- chards, the use of cold storage is desirable when available. Freezing storage, on the other hand, results in loss of fruit flavor. In an experiment conducted in 1946 in the Sacramento Valley, where the pick- ing is customarily done over a period of 3 or 4 weeks, a grower of French prunes picked the larger part of his crop within a 10-day period in mid-season, leaving the remainder of the fruit on the trees. As all of the fruit could not be handled at once in his plant, he hauled the picked prunes to a commercial cold-storage plant 10 miles from his ranch. Here it was held in storage at 40° F for a month. When finally dehydrated, the dried prunes were far superior to those from the same orchard, made from fruit which had been left on the trees for a week or more longer. The fruit left on the trees for the longer time tended to develop black flesh, gas pockets, and inferior flavor, while the cold-storage fruit had light-colored flesh, no gas pockets, and a good flavor. (Continued on page 7) II 1|$F^ Fig. 2. Appearance of sound prunes may be compared with the appearance of puffy prunes in the picture above. In A, the puffy prune at left dries in long, coarse wrinkles while the sound prune, shown on the right, has many small wrinkles. In B, the interior of the puffy prune at left has large gas pockets, and the pit is pulled away from the darkened flesh. These characteristics indicate fermentative spoilage during drying, and are not found in the sound prunes pictured on the right. [5 I HOW TO USE £ thermometers IN DEHYDRATING For most efficiency in the operation of the dehydrater, three thermometers should be used: a dry-bulb at the hot (finishing) end, and a pair of thermom- eters—one dry-bulb and one wet-bulb at the cool (wet) end. All thermometers must be located in the tunnel and exposed directly to the full air flow, else false readings will be obtained. THE DRY BULB AT THE HOT (FINISHING) END is the key to your operation. When one speaks of "operating a tunnel at 140°" or "drying prunes at 165°" he is referring to the temperature at the finishing end. A tunnel for prunes never should he operated at over 165° F. THE DRY BULB AT THE COOL END, together with the wet-bulb, helps the operator to measure relative humidity in the tunnel, and thus governs loading of the tunnel. The reading of this thermometer will always be con- siderably lower than that of the dry-bulb at the hot end. Just hoiv much lower depends on the length of the tunnel, the wind velocity, the dryness of the fruit, and how frequently new cars are introduced. For example, when drying French prunes at 165°, the dry-bulb temperature at the cool end of the 36-foot tunnel probably would read about 130°. THE WET BULB AT THE COOL END is to be used in conjunction with the dry bulb to indicate relative humidity. The objective is to maintain the wet-bulb at 15° lower than the dry-bulb reading. Whatever the reading is on the dry bulb, the wet bulb should read 15° lower. If the dry bulb reads 130° then the wet bulb should read 115°. This difference of 15° indicates a relative humidity of 60% at the cool end, the ideal humidity in a counter current tunnel for the drying of prunes and many other fruits. A smaller difference between the readings indicates a higher humidity which should be avoided at all times; a larger difference between the readings indicates a lower humidity, which is safe for the fruit but not completely efficient. The humidity of 60% is high enough to allow for recirculation of a substantial amount of air thus saving heat and making a more efficient operation, and at the. same time is low enough to assure a good dried product. The rule of maintaining a 15° difference between dry-bulb and wet-bulb readings at the cool end applies to all temperatures up to 135° dry-bulb and 120° wet-bulb. Above 135° dry-bulb, the wet bulb should continue to be held at the 120° wet-bulb reading. The wick in the wet-bulb thermometer must be kept clean at all times, and distilled water should be used to moisten it. Only by using a clean wick and pure water will correct readings be possible. Many operators believe, mistakenly, that it is adequate to change the wick once or twice a season; actually, the wick should be changed every ten days or two weeks. MAINTAINING RELATION OF DRY-BULB TO WET-BULB (both at the cool end) is simply a matter of adjusting air intakes to allow (a) more air to circulate through the tunnel and less air to be taken in from the outside, thus raising the wet-bulb reading and indicating a higher humidity in the tunnel; or to allow (b) less air to recirculate through the tunnel and more air to be taken in from the outside, thus lowering the wet-bulb reading and indicating a lower humidity in the tunnel. Guide Charts for Controlling Humidity in Dehydrating Prunes AT HOT (dry) END DA RECOMMENDED FINISHING TEMPERATURE FOR <* FRENCH PRUNES ■J M£ 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 ER t - > RECOMMENDED FINISHING TEMPERATURE FOR IMPERIALS -] 125 - DRY-BULB THERMOMETER FINISHING TEMPERATURE SHOULD NEVER EXCEED 165° F. TEAR OUT AND HANG AT HOT END OF YOUR DEHYDRATER AT COOL (wet) END IF DRY-BULB WET-BULB THERMOMETER THERMOMETER READS: SHOULD READ: 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 ABOVE *» 135° RETAIN 120°* MAINTAIN A FOR A RELATIVE TTOflnDTrroF"&Tf%" 120 120 120 115 no 105 100 95 n ^^^SSk-> Dry-Bulb Wet-Bulb TEAR OUT AND HANG AT COOl END OF YOUR DEHYDRATER Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of California, Davis Libraries V Prunes may lie on the ground in the orchard for several days, dining which time the fully mature fruit will start to dry and thus remain in good eating condi- tion. However, it should not be left too long on the ground, or it will lose sugar and develop off-color in the flesh, off- flavor, and an inferior texture. If the fruit is picked and held too long in boxes before being processed, the flesh may discolor, gas cavities form (fig. 2), and the sugar be lost. Molding and fer- mentation may take place without being visible on the fruit. Frequently this mold can be seen only with a microscope. If it is necessary to hold the fruit it should be stored in a cool and shady place. Prunes picked in the warmer part of the day will hold heat and spoil more rapidly than those picked under cooler conditions. The warmer fruit should be processed first. Quality once impaired remains so in the finished product. Clean the prunes to remove sticks, stones, leaves, and dirt (which are bound to adhere to any fruit harvested from the ground), by passing them through an effective trash remover. This consists of a strong draft of air over which the fruit passes, and strong sprays of clean water- showering over the fruit. Water should not be recirculated, for after continued use it becomes so dirty that the dried fruit may actually show muddy splotches. Checking Prunes by Dipping Many processors have found that checking the skin of prunes with a lye solution (as is usually done when the fruit is sun-dried) causes them to bleed badly during dehydration, and as a result have resorted to cold- or hot-water washes instead. Hot water is somewhat more ef- ficient than cold water, but use of the latter is adequate. Cold water does not remove the waxy bloom from the skin of the prunes, and is more economical to use because it requires no heating equip- ment. Firm, plump fruit checks more easily than shriveled fruit. If a lye solution is used, the strength varies from 4 to 12 or even 16 pounds of lye to each 100 gallons of water, accord- ing to the condition of the fruit and the temperature of the fruit and of the solu- tion. The solution should be kept as near boiling as possible. This may be hard to do on cool mornings, when cold fruit entering the vat will quickly lower the temperature of the solution. Watch the fruit to be sure the checking is sufficient. Longer dipping may be needed if the solution cools down; or perhaps it may be necessary to add more lye. (When lye is added to the hot solution there is danger that it may bubble up suddenly.) Another method is to spray rather than dip the fruit, either with lye solution or water. In lye-spraying the period of treat- ment is about 10 seconds, concentration of the solution being modified (by add- ing more lye or more water) to the de- gree of checking required (fig. 3). After dipping or spraying with lye, the prunes are washed under sprays of cold water to remove any lye residue. Grading for Sizes After the prunes have been dipped and washed, grading for sizes may be done by passing the fruit over a perforated shaker. Grading fruit allows for more even dehydration, and increases the actual capacity of the plant by taking advantage of the shorter time small fruit requires in the drier. Grading, however, is seldom done in commercial practice. Grading can be done if the plant is large enough to permit different sizes to be dehydrated separately. If the plant is small, however, or is being run on a co- operative basis and thus handling differ- ent growers' lots of fruit, it is better to dispense with the size-grading of the prunes. At present, there is no satis- factory system of quality-grading of fresh prunes, therefore pooling of different growers' lots is not practical. [7 7 raying for Even Drying Dipped fruit is spread on trays by use of a power-operated shaking device, which spreads the fruit one layer deep on the trays. A tray will hold about 45 to 55 pounds of French prunes; from 60 to 75 pounds of Imperial or Sugar prunes. It is very important that the fruit be spread only one layer deep on the trays. If too much fruit is on the trays, de- hydration will be retarded and the prunes may become sticky. The drying time will be increased and the fruit will dry un- evenly. Drying will be especially uneven if the trays are loaded irregularly, one layer deep in some places and two or three layers deep in others. This is apt to happen if the feeding of prunes to the trays at the dipper is done too fast. Trays may be stacked on cars either by hand or by use of mechanical stackers. The latter method will reduce the man- hours needed. In larger plants, the dehydraters oper- ate both day and night, while the dipping line ordinarily operates only during the day. In order to keep enough cars of dipped fruit for 24-hour operation, suf- ficient prunes must be dipped during the day, and some cars must stand all night before entering the dehydrater. This is not the best plan but, because nights usually are cool, will not cause significant damage to the fruit. Loading the Tunnel In loading the dehydrater, there should be regular time spacing between cars. In most countercurrent tunnels, spacing should be from 1 to 2 hours between cars when the tunnel is loaded. An empty tunnel may be partially loaded more quickly, but it is still important to avoid introducing more than two or three cars at once. Loading evenly insures uniform drying. Several Types of Dehydraters in Use Dehydraters vary considerably. Among the designs are countercurrent tunnels, small-capacity constant-temperature cabi- nets, and center-inlet cross-flow tunnels. Cabinet driers are occasionally used for Fig. 3. The dipping process should result in a definite checking of the skin as shown above. Large cracks or peeling should be avoided. [8] batch operations. The University has de- signed a crossflow type of dehydraler that can be constructed fairly cheaply and will handle the crop from almost any size of orchard, even as small as 6 acres (fig. 4) . A considerable number of the University- planned dehydraters have been erected in California. Plans and specifications for construction of the University dehydraler can be obtained for $1.00. (This and other printed information on the oper- ation of dehydraters and on the use of the humidity chart are obtainable through the office of the county farm advisor.) In the countercurrent tunnel the fruit moves through the tunnel (ordinarily long enough to accommodate 12 to 18 cars each holding about 25 trays of fruit) in the opposite direction to the flow of air. The cars enter at the cool end and move toward the hot end at 1- to 2-hour inter- vals. Air is heated in a chamber adjacent to the tunnel, either at one side or above it, and is forced in by electrically driven fans. The air velocity should range from 600 to 800 linear feet per minute. The drying time is usually from 18 to 24 hours. In the cross-flow dehydrater, the fruit moves at right angles to the air flow. Prunes usually require over 20 hours to dry in this type of dehydrater, with the temperature not exceeding 165° F. Rated capacities of dehydraters, and the tons of fruit they will handle, are given in the table on page 10. Fig. 4. Movement of air through the fruit at various stages of the drying process is shown above. The dehydrater pictured is the cross-flow type, with axial-flow fan, designed by Uni- versity of California agricultural engineers. The picture shows: /, first position of fruit, when fresh; 2, second position of fruit, partially dried; 3, third position of fruit, nearly dried; E, ex- haust air escaping out of adjustable door; F, fresh air entering beside furnace; G, gases heated in furnace; H, hot air delivered by fan to fruit in second and third positions; /, intermediate air passing from fruit in second and third positions to that in the first position; M, mixture of fresh air, gases heated in the furnace, and recirculated air entering the fan; V, primary fresh air for initiating combustion in the furnace; R, recirculated air passing from the fruit in the first position to the furnace chamber; S, secondary fresh air from completing combustion in the furnace. [9] CARS NEEDED, AND CAPACITY IN TONS OF PRUNES, FOR DEHYDRATERS OF DIFFERENT SIZES Total number of cars, with Capacity in tons of fruit per day Type and rated capacity of dehydrater trays, needed to operate Fresh Dry University dehydrater (a cross-flow type): 6-car 12 4 m 9-car 18 6 21/4 12-car 24 8 3 18-car 36 12 41/2 Counterflow type: 12-car 24 8 3 24-car 48 16 6 36-car 72 24 9 48-car 96 32 12 60-car 120 40 15 72-car. . 144 48 18 Rated capacity refers to the number of cars in the dehydrater at one time. At least an equal number of cars should be available outside the dehydrater for loading, drying or defraying. Control Humidity and Temperature in Drying Prunes are comparatively slow-drying. They require from 18 to 28 hours for the dehydration process, according to the size and condition of the fruit, the type of drier, and the operation of the equip- ment. Humidity of the air in the dehydrater during drying is important to the quality of the finished product, and also to the economical operation of the plant. If humidity is too high, dripping or stickiness occurs and flesh discoloration may be evident in the prunes; the time of drying is extended; and trays, floor and machinery become dirty and sticky. If humidity is too low, heat is being wasted and fuel consumption is higher than necessary because the exhaust air is unnecessarily large in volume and low in moisture. Frequent observation of the dry and wet bulbs at the cool end of the tunnel will guide the operator in controlling hu- midity properly at the various drying temperatures. To further aid the operator, an ex- planation of how to use three ther- mometers, and a convenient guide chart are inserted at the center fold of this circular. The chart can be re- moved and fastened to the dehydrater. A relative humidity of 60% at the cool end is the maximum which should be reached at any time during the drying process. This relative humidity is indi- cated by a difference of 15° between the dry-bulb thermometer reading and the wet-bulb thermometer reading at the cool, wet end of the tunnel. This relative hu- midity permits satisfactory drying and will allow the operator to recirculate some air within the dehydrater, thus mak- ing for a much more economical opera- tion. Controlling Temperature Certain varieties of prunes tolerate a relatively higher drying temperature than do others. French prunes are usually dried at the top of their safe-drying range of 150° to 165° F. Imperial and Sugar and other large varieties, which require lower dry- ing temperatures to avoid juicing, are most satisfactorily dried at around 140° F. However, since the drying time at 140° F is nearly twice that at 165°, it is com- mon practice to move the large varieties [10 from the lower- to the higher-temperature tunnels when they are about half dried. At no time should the finishing tem- perature exceed 165° F. Don't rush the drying of prunes. When they are dried rapidly the surface be- comes dry and hard while the inside flesh is only partly dried. These prunes will seem drier than they actually are, and if put into storage may mold as the inner moisture spreads to the surface. Testing Dried Fruit In a manual test, when the fruit is suf- ficiently dehydrated the flesh must be firm and the pit should not slip when a prune is squeezed between the thumb and fore- finger. Sometimes the surface of a dried prune feels quite firm when the fruit is first taken from the dehydrater. The moisture content of the fruit as it comes from the dehydrater may be de- termined by the use of a moisture tester. Freshly dehydrated prunes should not register more than 19 per cent moisture content in order to store satisfactorily. Do not judge dryness until the fruit is cool. Controlling Bleeding of Imperials Imperial prunes are difficult to de- hydrate because they tend to bleed during heating. In order to overcome this tend- ency, three procedures have been used. 1. Dip in water or a light lye solution for a short period of time (15 seconds or less). Dry in the sun until they start to wrinkle and then finish drying in a de- hydrater at 140° F. The drying time will vary greatly with the condition of the fruit. 2. Dip in water and dehydrate at 135° to 140° F for a day. Then permit them to stand in the outside air for a day before completing dehydration in a tunnel with a hot-end temperature of 160° F. The pre-dried fruit may be placed directly in the tunnel at 160° F if standing for a day is not feasible. Late in the season, when the fruit has started to dry and wrinkle before it is harvested, the higher tempera- ture may be used without low-temperature pre-drying. 3. After dipping, dehydrate at low temperature of 135° to 140° until drying is complete. This procedure has the dis- advantage of requiring about 60 hours, and is feasible only when plenty of tunnel capacity is available, such as in the early part of the season. Culling for Storage The prunes should be allowed to cool after they are taken from the dehydrater. They should then be scraped from the trays into clean, wooden boxes for stor- age. During this process, inspect the prunes and hand-sort out such culls as slabs, cracks, and scabs. For storing, boxes are preferred to bins as being more sanitary and less apt to cause damage to the fruit. Dried prunes, as a rule, are not held long in ranch stor- age, and are delivered to the packer in sacks or boxes. i ii i f a^h AGiicyorytE • • • Contains brief, easy-to-read progress reports of agricultural research, and is published monthly by the University of California College of Agricul- ture, Agricultural Experiment Station. FIELD CROPS ORCHARDS TRUCK CROPS 93S-- LIVESTOCK CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE offers information useful to the farmer and food processor, together with announce- ments of other publications dealing with farm subjects as they are issued by the College of Agriculture. Upon your request, your name will be added to the mailing list to receive CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE with- out cost. Send your name and address to: California Agriculture, Publications Office, College of Agriculture, University of California, Berkeley 4, California