463 1634 G-73 .>♦■ .,^» Great Br-ltaln. Parliament, House of Lords, Humble Addresses,,, Presented to His ''a.jesty 1694-1699 1 it> The Humble AD DRESS Of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Aflembled, Prefented to HIS MAJESTY The One and thirtieth of Decernhzr^ 1 6pj^, AND ! His Majefties GRACIOUS ANSWER THEREUNTO. L N D K, PiinccJ by Ckula Bill ani chc lixecnrrixof Thomas Neticombj iiece.it.'d, PrinCcis to c!ic Kings moll Excel Ici.t Ma jelly. 1694. ^^ Die Lunas 31. Decern' 16^4. Rderedhy the Lords Spirit ml and Tempos _ ral in Parliament Ajfemiledj That the Ad-^ drefs this day Frefented to His Majefty, iy this Houfe, and His Majefties Gracious Ajifwer there^ mito, Jball he forthwith Frinted and Vuhlijhed, Matth. Johnfon, Cler Varliajnentor C3) 1634 The Humble ADDRESS Of the Right Honourable the •dsSi il and T( Lords v^pirituai ana i cmporai In PARLIAMENT Aifembled. ^ ^ X Die Veneris 28. Decmkis, 16^^. .^^;:,r^.E Your MajePcies mofl: Dutiful and Loyal Sub- je6ts, the Lords Spiri- tual and Temporal in Parliament AilembJed , do, with inexpreflible Grief, humbly Allure Your Majefty of the deep Seiife we have of the Lofs Your Majefty and the whole Kingdom do fuftain by the Death of that Excellent Princels our Sovereign Lady jthe Queen, moft humbly beleeching Your [Majefty, That You vvould not Indulge iYour Grief upon this Sad Occaiion, to the Prejudice of the Health of Your Royd Perlbn, in whole Prcicrvation, not A 2 only 297Mt ( 4 ) only the Welfare of Your ov/n Subjecls, but of all Chriilendom is fo nearly con- cerned. We farther beg leave, upon this Sad Occalion, humbly to Renew to Your Ma- jefty the hearty and fincere AiFurances of our utmofl: Afliftance againft all Your Enemies both at Home and Abroad, and of all other Demonftratidns of the greateft Duty and Affection, that can poflibly be paid by the moll Faithful Subjeds. Match. Johnfon, Cbric Yarhamantor To this Addrels His Majefty was Gra- cioufly pleafed to fay, Hcartil) Thank yoii for your Kindjwfs to Me, hut much viore for the Senfe you Jhew of Our great Lofs, which is above what lean Exprefs. > V I N I S, I \ The Humble ADDRESS Of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual 6^ Temporal In Parliament Aflembled, Prefented to -i^i^ HIS MAJESTY t)n WedmfAay the Eighth day^ pf Decemher^ }f.97- A N Di His Ma jefties MOST G RAG lOHS ANSWER THEREUNTO, LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill and the Executrix of Thomas Ntwcomb, deceas'd j Printer* to the King's moft £x6cUcnt Majclly. i6^. p I i j li^ ' ..J 1 :^ l.r;ij3ninc?bi:o.J 1 h' ^ !• Die Lun^^i ^. DeCimb' i ^5»7. { : IT is Ordered! iy the Lofds SpmtlalJfd Temporal in Pnrliamentj4femfkd,Tlmt, m \ j Addrefs of this Honfe, pfefented to His Mai ' jefty en Wpdnefd^y laji, andHis MajeftieS mofi Gracious Anfwer thereunto , k forthwith Printed andFuiliJle. ' 9 Cleric' Parliament 01 ;lD3nh oJ ?irl:^ ■ ^'i piHii-^on boar/. //< :ji'jni ;^.\*i\^.vi L^s Spintuai.aiicl XeWpbra In PARLIAMENT ifemfeleT ' E Your Majefties moll Dutiful and Loyal Sub- jedls, the Lords Spiri- ^ tual and Temporal in Parliament Ailembled, do, with unfpeakable Joy, Congratulate Your Majefties Happy Return, accompanied »vith the Bleffings of a Safe and Honour- able Peace ^ which, next under God, We are Senfible is Owing to Your Majeftiesi Courage and Conduct. A 1 After^ (4) After the Hazards and Labours You have fo lorig fuftaind for the Good of Europe, there wanted nothing but this td Compleat the Glory of Your Reign -, and We beg leave humbly to Alfure Your Majefty, Jhat We (hall never, be wanting in ^r Endeavours to Airift^dur Maje- fty in Maintaining that Quiet which YoU have fo Gloriouily Reftof d to thefe Your Kingdoms^ and in Contributing all We i^tk to the Safety of Your Perfon, the Se- curing the Peace and Profperity of Your Gpvernment .. : •xJiiii Mdtth. Johnfdn, , Cleric Parliamentor iils Majefties moft Gracious Anfwer there- .~H-( Jfjwik j(ju heartily for this Addrefs : I Hope ^jMis Pence will k fo Blef/d, that We may long "^"My LoraSy'joic may be Ajfured always of My Kindnefs. FINIS, <7 . , ■ ,. The Humble ADDRESS of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Afrembled, Prefented to HIS MAJESTY On Tnefday the Third Day of January^ 169%. AN D His Majefties MOSlT G RACIOUS A N S E W R THEREUNTO, -. J i-ii^jji j^. . « .'• :.ihA:riSfni.iiifi'l nl i i Gj ! .-."rr/hrl ' I V ..-X TXT V Die McrcurS |^.^Januarii, i:^>;B. l^is Orderfd •bf\ihe''-^Ijbtds SfinM^nd jjTemporal in Parliament Afftmlded,_That tbe\ Lfrd Chdncellor do ^ve Order, that the Ad-^, drefs of this Hoiife-^priffnted to His Maje{ly. jt-jleraay ,. ma Uis -Tiiojir Gracum~finfwn therein ■ i j^ Zl^OlC'/ i i M^tth. Johnfon, ric-Pa^amenknr'' .PTHUH^IHT 5i'\N a I ji ^ .8c bi .^j-b(iiM jnoIIoDx3 '— ^- ^ ^— — ■ yOi 1- — :rf4i D R rs s LbrdsfSpiritail and Temporal In P^ PvXf ANIENT AtfernKed. Di^-^is 22^. DeccmkiSy k^^S. E Y^o^r Majeilies. mofl: t(p^4l and Pijti^^^^ j^fts the Lords Spiritual mid iF^mporal in P^liap. oieiiit Ailembled, bqc^ highly Senfible of YoJLir Majeitlies great Grace and Goodnefs tbwkrd:s Your People, Expre^ upon fo many Occafions, and particular- ly in Your Majelties mofl Gracious Speech to both Houfes, at the Opening of this Parliament, Do beg Leave, hum- bly to Allure Y,ovir ^lajelty, That as we fliall always RetHiA aMfvcty ImprelTion of thofe great and continued Obligations, which Your Majefty hath laid upon this Nation to all Poifcrity ^ fo it (hall be up- A 2 on 4)11 every Occafion the Perpetual Gare and Study ofthisHoufe, with the moli zealous Duty, and the Inoft grateful Af-* fedions imaginable, to make Your Maje- fty all Suitable Returns within their Powen V ^ And at this time particularly, we beg Leave further to Alfure Your Majefty, That we ihall not fail to ufe our moft diligent Endeavours^ for the Attaining of thofe great and good Ends, which Your Majefty hath been Gracioufly Pleafed to Recommend to Your Parliament. His Majefties moft: Gracious Anfwef to 1^ , the. Addf els was to this Effect : i . . J I i 1 V ' ■ « : . i Ji J Mr Lords, I take this Addrefs very Kindfy, and give pU' My Hearty Thanks. The tioiife may always Defend upon My Kindnefs, as I do on this Affhrance of their Duty to me\ and their Zeal for the PuMick Good,.^ ...^ c-w.iLooL^ >^>i>- ■' " * ' ' can - f^ <^^ 'iiJOI vl '. .» lO If-, rrxil* H^^:. .ii ..... ;':on^r ^'r- -r no 20 The Humble ADDRESS of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In ParliameatAflembled, Prefented to HIS MAJESTY On Munday the SixtK Day of Fwrunry^ i<5p8. • '^^ ^ AND His Majefties MOST GRACIOUS ANSWER THEREUNTO. L li D N^ Printed by Charles Bill^ and the Executrix oilhomas Newcomh^ deceas'dj Printers to the Kings moft Excellent Ma)cfty. i6p8. V- ! I . I 1 I ni Die Martis 7° Febmarii/ t6^S, IT is Ordered l)y the Xords Spiritml and Tevipofal in Parliament Affemlfled, That the Addrefs of this Hotife , a?id His Majefiies mofi Gracious Anfwsr theremto, ie forthwith frintedandfdlipjed, ! Ai Ji Matth. Johnibn, ,, ,, Qeru Parliamentor i a£w ii dog ^vii 29iJbisM luoY n Hi^ el !^-^3?^ c - sd n£o gnimon .-■ . - UOY ?S ii 2J The Humble ADDRESS Of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual ^Temporal In Parliament Aflremble(f,I Prefented to H I S M A J E STY On Friday the Tenth Day or Jnne^i6^%. » III III AN D' His Majefties MOST G RACIOUS ANSWER THEREUNTO. LOUDON, Printed by Charles Bill and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomhj dcceas'd ^ Printers to the King's raofl: Excellent Majefty. 16^8. Ii p Die Veneris I o'^.Junii^ 16 $S. IT is Ordered hj the Lords Spiritaal and Temporal in Parliament Ajfemiled, That the Lord Chancellor do give Order, that the Ad" drefs of this Hoiife Frefented to His Majefly\ relating to the Woollen ManwfaUare in Ire- land, and His Majefties mofl Gracious An- fwer thereunto^ ie forthwith Printed andPui- lijhed. Matth. Johnfon, Cleric Parliamentor ( 3 } The Humble ^^D DRESS '■ 'fiffl - idf thfe Right Horkvurable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal In PARLIAMENT AlTembled. Die Jovis ^°, Jimii^ i^^8. ,E the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Afiembled, Do Humbly Reprelent unto YourMa- jefty. That the Growing Manufadture of Cloth in Ireland , both by the Cheapnefs of all Sorts of Necelfaries for Life , and Goodnefs of Materials for Making of all manner of Cloth, doth Invite Your Subjefts of England , with their Families and Servants, to Leave their Habitations to Settle there, to the Increafe of the Woollen Manufacture in Ireland i which makes Your Loyal Sub- jects in this Kingdom very Apprehenlive, that the further Growth of it may Great- ly Prejudice the faid Manufafture here ; by which the Trade of this Nation, and the Value of Lands will very much De- A 2 creafe. (4) creafe, and the Numbers of the Peo- ple be much Leflened here : Where- fore We do mbtt Humbly Befeech Your moft Sacred Majefty^ That Your Majefty would be Pleafed, in the rhoft Fublick and Effectual Way that may be, to Declare to all Your Subjefts of Ireland, That the Growth and Increafe of the W^oollen Manufa6ture there, hath Long and will ever be Looked upon with great Jealoulie by all Your Subjefts of this Kingdom ; And if not timely Remedied may Occafion very Stri6t Laws totally to Prohibit and Supprefs the lame ; And on the other hand, if they turn their Induftry and Skill to the Settling and Improving the Linen Manufafture, for which gene- rally the Lands of that Kingdom are very Proper, they fhall Receive all Counte- nance, Favour and Protection from Your Royal Influence, for the Incouragement and Promoting of the laid Linen Manu- fadure, to all the Advantage and Profit that Kingdom can be Capable of Matth. Johnfon Ckn Varliamentor His Majefties moft Gracious Anfwer to the Addrefs was to this Effect. Hat Hk Majefij will take care to do what Their Lordjhips have defired, FINIS. T 9.% The Humble ADDRESS Of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiricual & Tcrnporal in Parliament Aflerhbled, Prefented to HIS MAJESTY On Munday the Twelfth Day of February^ 1 6^^. AND His MajelHes MOST GRACIOUS ANSWER THEREUNTO. LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill^ and the Executrix of T/j^W/i^ Kexpcowb deceas'd^ Printers to the Kings moft Excellent Majefty. 16^9, £)ie Lunx 1 2. Fei3ruarii, 16 s% . IT is Ordered hy the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Afemikd, That the Lord Chancellor of England, do give Order, That the Address of this Hoafe prefented to His Majefy, and His Majefties mofi Graciom Anfwer thereunto, ie forthwith Printed and Puilijhed. x Matth. Johnfbn, Ckric'Pdrliamentor^ ( 3) The Humble ADDRESS Of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Aflembled. Die Sahhathi i o. Febntarii. 1 6^9. E the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Par- ;j^^ «£,« ^ liament Aflembled^ being according to our 5'^fc^ Duty ever Solicitous for the Prefervation "^ ^ and Increafe of the Trade of this King- ?f dom, on which the Support of Your Ma- '] jeftics Greatnefs and Honour fo much de- pends, as well as the Security and Defence iM'^-^^A'^^ of Your People, have been very apprchen- live, That the Steps lately made towards a Settlement of Your Subjects of the Kingdom of Scotland at Darien^ may tend to the great Prejudice of this Nation, and poffibly to the Diflurbance of that Peace and good Correfpon- dence with the Crown of Spain, which we conceive is very Advantagious to us all : Wc have therefore taken the iamc into our feriousConfideration, as a Matter of the greateft Importance, and proper to be laid before Your Majefty, as the Common Father «fboth Countreys. And as we arc truly fenfible of the great LoiTes our Neighbour Kingdom hath fuftaincd, both of Men and Treafure^ in their Expc4itions to that Place, which we very heartily lament, fowe fhould not Endeavour, by any Intcrpofitionof ours, to De- fesit the Hopes they may fiill Entertain of Recovering thofe Lof- fes by their further Engaging in that Defign, But that we judge fucha Profecution on their Parts muftend not only in far greater Difappointmcnts to thcmfelvcs, but at the fame time prove very- Inconvenient to the Trade and Qiiiet of this Kingdom. Oh thisOccafion we humbly prcfiime to put Your Majcfly in mind of the Addrefs of both Houfcs of Parliament, prefcntcd to Your Majcfty on the Seventeenth day of Teccmber, ^^9'y- I'l die Clofe of which Addrefs Your Majcily will fee the Unanimous Senfe of this Kingdom in relation to any Settlement the Scots- might make in the Wcjl Indies^hy virtue of an Aft ot Pai liament Pait about that time in the Kingdom of Scotland, which was die f' Occafion of the faid Addrefs. And wc humbly Reprcfcnt to YourMajcfty, That having re-*" ceived Information of fomc Orders Your Ma jelly had fcnt to the Govcrnours of the, Plantations on this Subjeft, this Houfe did, ori the Eighteenth of January laft, Come to this Refohition, That Your Majeftics Plealure, fignified to the Governors of the Plantations j in relation to the ^c^j/f/j'Settlcment at Darien^ was a- greeable to the Addrefs ofbothHoufes of Parliament, prefented to Your Majcfty on the Seventeeth oi December^ i^9$* And on the Eighth Day of this InftantFetrw^/r^jthis Houfedame to this further Refolution, That the Settlement of the Scotch-Co- lony at Darien is Inconfiftent with the good of the Plantation- Trade of this Kingdom. All which we humbly hope Your Majefty will take into Your Ropl Confideration \ and vve are Confident that Your Majefty cannot be thought too Partial to the Addrefs of this Houfe, if Your Maicfty fliall in the firft Place Confider the Advantage and Good of theTradeof this Kingdom, by the Prefervation and Improvement of which, both thcfe Kingdoms, and all Your other Dominions, muft: on all Occafions Principally be Defended. His Majefties moft Gracious Anfwer to the Addrefs, was to this Effea : HZ S Majejly havingKecei'ved a very Dutiful Addrefs froitt the Houfe of Peers^ in relation to the Endeavours lately ufed by fonjc of His Majejiies SubjeSis of the Kingdom of Scotland ton>ards }itaki)}g a Settlement at IDsincn^ in which they humbly Keprefent to Him their Opinion^ That fuch a Settlement is Jnconfijient with the Good of the Plantation-Trade of this Kingdom : Is Pleafed to let the Honfe l{fWiv^ That He rvillalvpays have a very great Regard to their Opinio .on j and to Affure them^ That He will never be wanting by all Proper Means to Promote the Advantage and Good of the Trade of England. At the fame time His Majejiy is Pleafed to Declare^ That He cannot but have a great Concern and Tendirnefs for His Kingdom of Scotland, and a Defire to Advance their Welfare and Profperity, and is very feiifihly Touched with the Lofs His SubjeSis of that Kingdom have Snjiainedby their late unhappy Expeditions^ in order to a Settlement at iDa lien. His Majejiy does apprehend that Difjiculties may too often arife with refpeSl to the different Interejis of Trade between His Two King- doms^ unlefsjome Way be found out to Z^nite them more Nearly and Co fn pleat ly : And therefore His Majejiy tak^s this Opportunity of patting the Houje of Peers in mind of what he Recommended to His Parliaments fwn after His Accejpon to the Throne^ That they would Confider of a IJnion between the Two Kingdoms. His Majejiy is of Opinion^ that nothing would more Contribute to the Security and Hap- pincfs of both Kingdoms j and is inclined to hope, That after they have Lived near a Hundred Tears under the fame Head, fome happy Expedient may be found for tnaking them one People, in Cafe a Treaty were fet on Foot for that Purpoje i andthcrefore He does very earneji- ly Recommend this Matter to the Confideration of the Houfe. FINIS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below PormL-0 S0m-12,*3D(33Se>