The Book of MATRICULATIONS and DEGREES 1 544-1659 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS ILonDon: FETTER LANE, E.G. C. F. CLAY, Manager M m> flFuinbiirgi) : 1°°. PRINCES STREET JSfrlin: A. ASHER AND CO. ILeipjig: F. A. BROCKHAUS ipfbJ )9ork: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Bombnu anliffnlcufta : MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. All rights reserved The Book of MATRICULATIONS and DEGREES : a Catalogue of those who have been Matriculated or been admitted to any Degree in the University of Cambridge from 1544 to 1659 Compiled by JOHN VENN, Sc.D. President of Gonvillc and Caius College and J. A. VENN, M.A. Trinity College Cambridge : at the University Press klambriligc : riUNTED BY JOHN CLy\Y, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS INTRODUCTION The pcnn.-iiient traces of his career which a Cambridge student who completes the full course — i.e. who proceeds duly to the M.A. degree — leaves behind him, are more numerous than are commonly supposed. Omitting several records which commence at a later date, those which cover the whole, or a great part, of the period with which we are here concerned, are as follows. On Admission 1. His name should be recorded in the Admission Register of his College. 2. It should be sent in to the Registrary, by the College prajlector, when the student matriculates. 3. It should be entered in the Lists of Matriculation ; i.e. in the ' Matriculation Books.' On Graduation as B.A. 4. There should be a ' supplicat ' for each student, from his College ; and 5. A Grace of the Senate for the conferring of the degree. 6. The names of all recipients of degrees should be found arranged in the Ordo Senioritatis of their year. 7. Signature to the ' Three Articles ' was required, so that the name of every graduate should be recorded in his own handwriting. On Graduation as ]\I.A. The last four requirements are repeated, viz. : 8. The* Supplicat. 9. The Grace of the Senate. 10. The arrangement in the Ordo. 11. The signature of the graduate. 333995 vi Introduction The above represents the full career of what may be called the ordinary student. If he proceeded to the higher degree of doctor in any of the faculties, or to that of Bachelor of Divinity, three at least of the above requirements will be found again repeated. Of course if he became a fellow or scholar of his College we have access to a number of other sources of information^. We can generally determine the date of his appointment, and the length of his residence ; in the case of a fellow we can probably find his signature often repeated in the various account books, reports of College meetings, &c. It will be seen therefore that if the lists were really complete and accurate, our information as to name, degree and date, would be many times repeated. The main difficulty would then lie in making our selection amongst the various spellings of the name, possibly 20 or more in number. Un- fortunately, however, the lists are very far from being complete, or even accurate. For the convenience therefore of those who desire information on these points it seems advisable to give a somewhat detailed account of the present condition of each of the above classes of records. I. College Admission Registers^ Taking these in the order of seniority of the respective Colleges : ^ 1. Peterhouse. This begins in 1617. At first only the name, and the county of origin, are recorded. From about 1635 the school at which the student was educated is generally mentioned. As a rule the name and status of the parent are not recorded. This register has been just published by Dr Walker, Librarian of the College, with biographical details. 2. Clare. This begins in 1631. It records at first only the name, but from about 1665 the birthplace is commonly assigned. 3. Pembroke. Begins 1616. Records the name, age and 1 During the period here dealt with, this particular information can only be obtained from the College records. But, from 1662, every College fellow — by the provisions of the Act of Uniformity — had, as such, to sign his name at the Registry. This regulation prevailed till 1871. '^ According to Sims' Maimal, 'It is believed' that most of these registers date from the fifteenth century. Introduction vii birthplace of the student, and also, generally speaking, the father's name and status. 4. Gonville and Caius. This is much the best of the series. It begins in 1560 ; and gives in almost every case (by Dr Caius' express direction) the name, age, birthplace, father's name and profession, and school ; also, as a rule, the name of the schoolmaster. This has been published, in three volumes, with full biographical details. 5. Trinity Hall. Very late and meagre, the ordinary register not beginning till 1692. A MS. volume compiled by Samuel Warren, former fellow of the College, gives lists of the fellows from the commencement, and of the scholars from 1557, with the dates of their appointments, and some further information. This MS. has recently been privately printed. 6. Corpus Christi. The data here seem to be available from about 1568, but nothing more is assigned than the name and county. The admissions were collected by Robert Masters, fellow and historian of the College, and are printed at the end of his History, published in 1753 (reprinted by Dr Lamb, 1831). It is from these printed lists that the results in this volume have been taken. The names of fellows also are there given, as far as attainable, from the foundation, 1352. 7. King's. The names of the foundation scholars from Eton, but of no other students, are recorded in Har wood's Alumni, from the commencement of the school in 1441. Till the recent popularization of the College no register seems to have been kept of any but these scholars. For some years, however, Mr F. L. Clarke, of the Bursar's Office, has been carefully collecting the names of all the fellow-commoners, pensioners and sizars whose names can be found recorded in the various College account books. These most useful MSS. have been used for the purposes of this volume. 8. Queens'. Gives the name, and county-origin, of fellow-commoners and sizars from 1569, and those of pensioners from 1576. Also the name of the tutor. These were tran- scribed and arranged by the late Rev. W. G. Searle, fellow, and historian, of the College, who allowed us to make use of his MS. He has given the fellows, as far as attainable, from the foundation, 1448. 9. St Catharine's. Begins about 1627 but gives only the name of the student and of his tutor, and occasionally b viii Introdiictiori assigns the county. It is very meagre, and often even the Christian name is omitted. 10. Jesus. Begins 1618. Gives, as a rule, for very many years, only the name and county. The fuller information, as given in the better registers, does not commence regularly till about 1790. 11. Christ's. Begins 1622. Gives, in most cases, age, father's name and status, birthplace, school and master. This was edited, with full biographical details, by the late Dr John Peile, Master of the College (published in two volumes, 1911, 1913). As in the case of Caius College, wherever possible, information is given, by the editor, as to the career of every known member from the foundation of the College. 12. St John's. Begins 1630. Gives the full information, viz. name, age, birthplace, father's name and status, school and master The publication of this register was commenced by Prof J. E. B. Mayor, and continued by Mr R. F. Scott, the present Master. Part I (1630—65), II (1666—1714), III (1715 — 68), contain full biographical details. 13. Magdalene. Begins 1646. Gives nearly the same information as the last. From 1817, for a number of years, the mother's maiden name is recorded. Preparations are being made for the publication of this register. 14. Trinity. Begins 1635. For many years only the name of the student and that of his tutor are recorded. From about 1682 the usual fuller information is given. This register is being published under the direction of Mr W. W. R. Ball, late tutor, and Mr J. A. Venn, M.A. Three volumes have been already issued, viz. 1701—1800; 1801—1850; 1851—1900. It is proposed to continue this work, so far as the names of fellows and scholars can be determined, from the foundation of the College in 1546 ; as also to give the names of all known students at the earlier foundations of King's Hall and Michael House. 15. Emmanuel. The name and status of the student are recorded from the foundation in 1584. From about 1629 the county is assigned ; but nothing more, till quite recent times. The entries were alphabetically arranged by the indefatigable Dr Richardson (Master, 1736—1775). 16. Sidney Sussex. Begins with the foundation in 1598. At first little more is recorded than the name, and Introduction ix occasionally the father's name and county. From 1619 the information is as full as that at Caius. Regard had to the date and completeness, it may be considered the second best in Cambridge. The above descriptions apply to the Admission registers of the ordinary students. As already intimated, much earlier information is generally obtainable as regards the fellows and scholars on the foundation. But to obtain such information demands laborious research amongst the various College account books. This labour has been undertaken at Caius, Queens', King's and Christ's, and, to some extent, at Trinity. But in the case of many of the Colleges it is very doubtful if any MS. lists, even, have yet been compiled of these early members. It is not fully realized how much information is attainable from these sources. Take the case of Caius College. Besides some much earlier similar records, we have from 1580, onwards, full lists, in the half-yearly Computus books, of all the scholars on the foundation. Not only are names thus supplied for which we may search in vain in the matriculation books, but degrees are indicated in cases where the University records are now lost. For instance, a student appears as ' Shene ' at Michaelmas 1602, but as ' Ds Shene ' at Lady Day 1603. This is equivalent to proof that he graduated in 1602 — 3, though the University records for that year are missing. Again, in the early " Bursar's Indentures," or College accounts of the same College, we find from about 1491 onwards, lists of pensioners. They are not numerous; but it must be remembered that, when these men did not graduate, we have in these lists (which date from many years before matriculation was recorded) the only known evidence of College membership. Again at Christ's, for a number of years before 1531 (i.e. long before the times of matriculation) there are lists of 'sick scholars ' to whom payments were made. In fact, fresh .names and fresh degrees, will continue to turn up until the muniment rooms of every College have been searched. II. The Pr^electors' Lists The prajlector, or ' father,' of every College, sent in a list of his own men, for entry in the Registrary's matriculation books. Presumably these lists were not intended to be preserved. They are carelessly written, often scribbled on very small pieces X Introduction of paper — many of these, literally, not two inches square, so that they could hardly have been filed — and the only wonder is that they have not long since disappeared. Most fortunately, however, they have for the most part been preserved from 1589, and were, some years ago, carefully mounted in volumes, under the supervision of Dr Luard, late Registrary. They are extremely useful ; for not only do they serve to fill up the hiatus to be presently mentioned, but, in case of doubt as to the best spelling of a name, they are decidedly more likely to be correct than is the official entry in the Registrary's books ; for they were compiled by the College prselector, who knew the men personally. As a rule, however, they are not dated, so that the exact year to which they refer is often a matter of conjecture. Even the College to which the matriculant belonged, has sometimes to be guessed. Also, from the nature of the case, a mass of loose slips cannot be expected to be complete. III. The Matriculation Register By a statute of 1544 every student was required to matriculate soon after commencing residence. The lists recorded in the books should therefore be complete and trustworthy. As a matter of fact they are very far from fulfilling either condition. The names of many students who certainly entered at a College, and came into actual residence, are not recorded. Sometimes the omission is due to the youth of the student. If iiwpuhes {i.e. under fourteen) he was not considered competent to take the oath, and the matriculation thus deferred was often omitted altogether. Again, fellow-commoners and other young men of family, who seldom contemplated taking a degree, often neglected to present themselves at the Registry : Oliver Cromwell is a signal case in point. Even in the case of those who graduated, there are not a few cases where no matriculation is on record. Few persons realize how numerous these omissions areS and, 1 To state the case statistically, take letter C as an example. It contains about 4070 names in om- list. Of this total, there are no less than 463 for whom no matriculation can be found, though they are recorded as admitted at one College or another. Of these 463, 153 graduated and 310 apparently did not graduate. The graduates almost certainly must have matriculated, tliough all record of the fact is lost : the non-graduates, for the most part, very likely did not matriculate. So far as these 310 are concerned, therefore, all official University record of their presence is missing, though most of them doubtless came into actual residence. Assuming that C is a fair sample of tJic whole, and contains rather more than Introduction xi therefore, how important it is to appeal to the College registers if we wish to secure anything approaching to a complete roll- call of Cambridge alumni. From the registers (as just described in the note) we have succeeded in supplying over 3000 names not to be found in the matriculation books nor recorded as graduates. Now, as was pointed out, these College registers do not in any case go back to 1544. On an average they do not cover half the aggregate period between 1544 and 1659 included in this volume. The total number of non-matriculated students may therefore well be over 6000. Many of these names will doubtless be recovered whenever the records of all the Colleges have been fully searched. The above omissions are not entirely to be laid to the blame of the University officials. But Mr Registrary Thomas Smith (1590 to 1601) has a heavy load of responsibility to bear. During the whole time of his tenancy the Matriculation Book is an absolute blank. So far as he is concerned, not a single entry is recorded. Fortunately the prselectors' lists, though by no means complete, are fairly well preserved during this period, and these have been employed to supplement the deficiencies in the regular books. With the exception of this fatal gap, the list of matriculations (under the limitations mentioned above) seems to be almost complete from the commencement in 1544 down to the present day. It deserves notice that, for a few years from 1578, the matriculations were entered also in another and somewhat more complete form ; the county to which the student belonged, as also the name of his tutor, being recorded. This improvement was presumably imposed by authority^, and it is to be regretted that it was not carried out more fully and rendered permanent. The strange thing is that this arrangement seems to have been an addition to the ordinary one, not a substitute for it. But it was very imperfectly carried out. And we find, by a comparison of the overlapping years, that, whereas only a portion of the names occurring in the normal list are included in the temporary one, this latter contains a certain proportion of names not to be found in the former. This second list begins in Feb. 1578 — 9, one-tenth thereof, we conclude that between 3000 and 1000 names havo been suppHed here entirely from College sources. ' There seems to have been a grace on the subject Feb. 15, 1578 — 9, but no record is preserved in the (haee Book. The Statute for Matriculation is printed in full in Documents (1852), p. 444. xii Introduction and was moderately complete at first. But it soon falls away, and for several years before 1597, when it entirely ceases, only one or two names are recorded in a year. The whole arrangement is very puzzling. Some Colleges seem to have almost entii'ely neglected to insert their men in the list whilst others {e.g. Pembroke) are represented with disproportionate frequency. It was said above that the prselectors' lists, so far as they go, are probably better evidence than the regular books. There are, in fact, very many errors in the latter, entirely due to careless copying of the former on the part of the Registrary or his clerk. Take but a couple of instances. A youth named, rightly. Hone, by the praelector, is recorded in the books as Mashone. Reference to the original shows that the official had carelessly read the name as Tho. Mashone instead of Thomas Hone. Again, ' Pauper Schot ' is enrolled in the books as a pensioner at King's in 1607 : reference to the prselector's return shows that Pauper, schol. was his heading of the list of sizars. These are far from solitary instances. IV. SUPPLICATS FOR DEGREES Before a degree (other than one by Royal Mandate) is conferred, a request on the part of the candidate has to be sent in by his College to the Senate — i.e. in old times to the Caput, or, since 1860, to the Council — for this degree to be granted. The term in use is derived from the words in the request, ' Supplicat reverentiis vestris....' This document states the fact, on the testimony of the College prselector, that the candidate has kept the requisite number of terms, has duly attended lectures, and so forth. These supplicats are written on separate small slips of paper, and, until lately, were kept in a chest in bundles, filed, one for each year; which helps to account for their preservation. But, under the circumstances, it is not surprising that many of them have been lost : the wonder rather is that so many have been preserved. As they generally bear no date, the year to which they refer is somewhat a matter of inference. They have been (juite recently mounted in a long series of volumes. The supplicats before 1568 are entirely missing ; but since then — with many individual omissions, and occasional lapses of a year — they are well preserved. Introduction xiii It may be noticed that they are frequently in duplicate. It is probable that two copies were always made originally ; one for the Regent-house and one for the Non-regent. Many of them bear marks of endorseipent, at the foot, or behind, indicating the date of their being received and passed. These supplicats bear to the graces exactly the same relation that the prelectors' lists do to the matriculations. They are the originals, issued on College authority, from which the graces have been copied ; and, if there is any doubt about the correctness of a name in the grace, the supplicat should always be consulted. Not only is the writing generally clearer, but it is compiled by an official personally acquainted with the candidate in question; and who, moreover, was subject to a heavy penalty if he signed an erroneous certificate. Whether the scribe (Registrary or clerk) who wrote out the Grace Books, depended upon his eye or his ear in copying the supplicats, is difficult to say. The majority of his blunders imply the former, but many suggest the latter. Some idea of what he managed to effect in this way will be given presently. V. Graces for Degrees The grace may be considered as being, for all practical purposes^, the official proof of a degree having been conferred. From a very early period, viz. from 1454, nearly all the graces, so far as we know (with the exceptional period of 1589 — 1602), are recorded in a series of volumes, called in consequence Grace Books. These contain, it need not be said, much other information 1 Strictly speaking the only ' official proof,' during the period with which we are concerned, would be a certificate from the Registrary that such a degree had actually been conferred. Each of the four lists here considered (supplicat, grace, ordo, signature) refers to a preliminary to the actual degree. Obstacles might occur, and occasionally did occur, to prevent the candidate from finally appearing before the Vice-Chancellor. Certificates are occasionally mentioned in the Grace Books, presumably when the candidate was going abroad, or for some other reason desired some tangible proof of graduation. At the present day there are official lists published after the ceremony, and signed by the Registrary. It may be stated that for the purposes of this volume we have accepted the occurrence of a name in any one of the above four lists as being practically sufficient evidence*. On the plan of printing adopted there is not space to indicate the evidence more minutely. * At Oxford it seems that the mppUcat was very often not followed up by a degree, and therefore the distinction is important. But at Cambridge we have found no proof that this was the case. xiv Introduction besides that which refers to degrees. The first four of these books, extending down to 1589, have been published. As these are the official records of one of the principal functions of the University, they should, of course, be complete and accurate. Unfortunately they are neither ^ From 1589 to 1601 the graces, including those for degrees, are almost entirely omitted : as is also the B.A. ordo. Fortunately, the supplicats seem to have been fairly well preserved. But for the preservation of these all record of B.A. degrees during some fourteen years would have been lost : except in so far as the subsequent conferring of the M.A. degree gave evidence of the fact. Even under better official superintendence and where the entire list for the year has not dropped out, it is evident that there are many individual omissions. This is proved by the occurrence of names in the supplicats, &c. for which no grace can be found. Also by the fact that the M.A. degree is frequently recorded as being conferred ' nine terms after B.A.,' when no contemporary reference to an earlier degree is to be found. Ordination records, also, supply some missing degrees. VI. The Ordo Senioritatis This list, under its later appellation of ' The Mathematical Tripos,' is familiar to every one, but it is not so commonly understood that the Tripos list is lineally identical with the Ordo Seiiioritatis which is preserved intermittently since 1491, and doubtless existed before that date. Some account of these curious and ancient lists has been given in the Introduction to Grace Book A, so a very few words must suffice here. The B.A. ordo became known in later days as an ' Honour List,' or ' Order of Merit,' and quite rightly so. But in early times it was strictly what the name ' seniority ' implies, viz. an order of precedence. There are obvious reasons for the existence of such an arrangement when a number of men of the same standing were brought together, and these moreover having often to take part in processions, &c. By what steps this ordo developed into seniority by merit, as we understand ' merit ' in an examination, is a very difficult question to answer ; but with this we have nothing to do here. ■■ A list of the missing years is given at the end of this Introduction (p. xxv). Introduction xv There was an ordo for each set of degrees : for the B.A., the M.A., and very frequently also for the B.D. and D.D. when these were at all numerous in any one year. The names of all the graduates should therefore be repeated in the ordo. Of these the M.A. list seems to have been, officially, the more important. During the period with which we are concerned there are not more than one or two occasions of its omission ^ And it comprised — allowing for occasional carelessness — every single M.A., so that it is a useful supplement to the other lists. The main drawback lies in the fact that only the surname and College are assigned. The B.A. ordo had a different fate. Originally of small importance — for the B.A. status was temporar3^ and indeed hardly regarded as a true degree — it gradually increased in stringency and importance until it became one of the dominating characteristics of Cambridge. During the earlier part of the period with which we are concerned, that is, till the end of Grace Book A, in 1589, the list seems fairly complete and accurate. Then for about 12 years it is entirely missing. From 1602 it is often omitted; a page being frequently headed Ordo, and then left blank ; suggesting that the proctors and examiners had drawn up their list but that the official at the Registry had neglected to copy it. More often a selection is made of a few names — some 20 or 30, out of 200 or 300 — these only being recorded. It is important to notice this, as it suggests the introduction of the later and more familiar ' order of merit.' Not improbably these names were selected on the ground of their intellectual superiority. Occasionally, but rarely, during the seventeenth century, the entire number of graduates is recorded in the list. VII. Subscriptions for B.A. These lists contain the signatures of the candidates to their assent to the declarations in the 'Three Articles.' This subscription was enjoined by King James, Dec. 3, 1616, for the inferior degrees. Those for the Theological degrees date 1 It is difficult to state exactly the date at which the M.A. ordo, in the old sense, ceased to exist. As late as 1827 (as now) it is so called in the Grace Book, and the names are individually an-anged, though there could have been no examination by which to decide precedence. After that date all the names belonging to one College are generally grouped together. xvi Introduction from a few years earlier. With the exception of the inevitable Interregnum gap — 1642 to 1660 — these lists seem fairly complete to the present day ; though, of course, with the exception of the Theological degrees, they do not now involve any declaration of belief Of course all these four distinct lists ought precisely to coincide, and to confirm each other. As a matter of fact, however, each of them contains a number of names not to be found in some of the others ; not improbably each contains names not to be found in any of the others. As an illustration how wide this discrepancy may be, take the M.A. ordo of 1603, which contains 141 names. Of these only 94 are recorded amongst the graces. VIII — XI. These refer to the M.A. degree, and give exactly the same information about this as was given about the B.A. degree in the last four lists. As regards the M.A. ordo, it has been already remarked that this has been better kept, and has hardly ever failed to be recorded in tolerable fullness. Of course the number of names to be found in these lists is con- siderably smaller ; for of those who took the earlier degree not more than about two -thirds, as a rule, proceeded to the later. The higher degrees, viz. those of Bachelor and Doctor of Divinity, of Law and of Medicine, stand upon exactly the same footing. The requirements are very similar, and the records of degrees conferred are precisely the same. It will be seen from the above, what a multitude of records exist as to our former students. It is in this fact really that the main difficulties of our task consist. A complete list of matriculations, as they are actually Vritten down, would have been comparatively easy work : and so would one of Degrees, as based, say, on the Grace Books. The trouble arises when we proceed to collate the two lists in their various sources, and to bring them into comparison with the College records. All experience shows that, in such a work as is here under- taken, final accuracy cannot be attained at a first attempt. But it must be clearly understood that in the case before us the difficulties are exceptional and almost insuperable. Refer- ence is not intended, by this statement, to the familiar laxity of spelling proper names in early times. One expects, as a matter of course, that names such as Ascough, Beaumont, and Introduction xvii Cholmeley should occur under ten or fifteen various renderings; that Barne and Barnes, Brook and Brooks should be almost interchangeable; and that Ayre and Eyre, Etherington and Hetherington, Cooke, Cock and Coke, and so forth, should be considered as equivalent by those who had to transcribe them. Nor is one startled to find that ' Houstwayte ' was subsequently ordained as ' Ustwate.' As regards such variations as these, an attempt has been made to smooth the path of the reader towards identification by grouping together the various names which must be regarded as fundamentally the same, and by giving a number of cross references. But the laxity displayed extends far beyond this, and even beyond anything which can charitably be called indifference to uniformity. In many hundreds of cases, probably in some thousands, we have to reckon with downright blunders arising from the gross carelessness of the copyist. These assume sometimes almost incredible proportions. In one short list alone — that of the M.A. degrees as given in the official Grace Book for 1628 — we have some fifteen or more blunders such as the following : Dickingson for Pilkington, Depys for Pepys, Wiske for Withe, Ledrich for Redrich. This chronic carelessness extends through most of the period with which we are here concerned. We have to identify Saundersburie and Sandsome, Battiston and Saltiston, Vewtibhat and Levvthwait, Queadman and Redman ; and feel quite grateful when the initial letter is the same. George Ring is called Bing in the grace, and King in the ordo. Peter Dillander appears thus in the matriculation book ; is reduced to Dillan at his degree, and sinks to Dill in the 07^do. Hamart Laxson is really Hamond Claxton. One who matriculates as Frick (his prselector rightly calling him Prick) takes his B.A. as Parke, and his M.A. as Prickes. What was the ' real name ' of some of these, perhaps, no man will ever know. They are dead and their secret died with them. In the case of Christian names the difficulties are, of course, less serious, in spite of the constant confusion between George and Gregory ; the impossibility of distinguishing between Laurence and Lancelot, when contracted to the first three letters, &;c. It may be noticed that most of these ' howlers ' are not due to the prtelector who prepared the supplicats for degrees, but to the Registrary (or his clerk), who copied them for the Grace Book. If it be asked, why, this being so, we have not compiled xviii Introduction our lists of matriculations simply from the prselector's slips, and those of degrees from his supplicats, the answer is that there are two fatal obstacles. In the first place, neither of these pieces of evidence, as a rule, is dated ; and in the second place, they are both seriously incomplete. They can therefore only be used to correct and supplement the continuous records. Consequently, when we have given a variant name as that of matriculation, it means that the name so occurs in the books, as these alone are easily available for reference^. Only a few of such variants have been given ; the majority have been silently corrected from the prselector's lists. Owing to the many discrepancies described above, it seems desirable to attempt to assign their relative authority to the various records in question. As to the Matriculation ; as already remarked, though the books at the Registry are the official record, there can be no doubt that the prajlectors' slips, from which they were compiled, are the more trustworthy. They are really the originals, over which the Registrary has often bungled. As to Degrees ; there are really three independent authorities. The signatures of the candidates are naturally the most trust- worthy ; but they only cover about 22 years within our period. Next to these, officially, come the graces ; but, as was seen to be the case with the matriculations, the prselectors' supplicats, from which the graces were copied, are naturally the more accurate of the two. Thirdly, and quite independently, comes the list in the ordo. This, as we have it, was copied out by the Registrary into the Grace Books. But the original had doubt- less been drawn up some time before by the proctors or examiners, and must therefore be regarded as being independent of the graces, and, not unfrequently, more accurate than they are. The above remarks will serve to explain some puzzling discrepancies. Thus in 1583 — 4 (Gr. Bk. A, p. 372) there is a grace for B.A. granted to Will. Lanit : the nearest corresponding name in the ordo is Huit On looking at the supplicat we find that, though the name is certainly Huit, a careless eye might read it Lanit. The scribe has done so ; but when he came to 1 If for purposes of identification, as sometimes happens with parish registers, the records were called for in a Court of Law, there can be no doubt that the Matriculation Books and Grace Books would be selected. Whether the Court would allow these to be corrected by the praslector's lists and the supplicats, is a question that might be argued. Introduction xix copy the ordo he had, doubtless, the proctors' list before hi in, and therefore wrote the name correctly, Huit. Some account ought to be given here of such efforts as have previously been made towards facilitating reference to this class of University records. The man who, before all others, deserves our gratitude is undoubtedly William Richardson, Master of Emmanuel 1736 — 1775. He held no office in the Registry, and was evidently one of those laborious and self-effacing antiquaries, of the type of Baker and Cole, of whose work we make constant use, without always recognizing to whom our obligation is due. He made many collections. In his own college he compiled a list of all known members from the foundation ; and even commenced similar lists for other colleges. Working in the University Registry he made two separate catalogues of all the degrees fi-om 1500 to 1735; one of these, in four volumes, being chronological, and the other alphabetical. It was a fine piece of work to be performed by one man, and he not an official. In most of the volumes every name is in his own quaint but distinct handwriting, and there seems no evidence that he had any help in his task. Considering that there are some 38 thousand names in his Alphabetical Catalogue alone, and that some of the documents, now filed and mounted, were in his days lying about loose in boxes and drawers, it does him very great credit. But he was not an accurate man, and his eye and judgment in decyphering crabbed writing were far from perfect. Hence it is no wonder that he fell into numerous errors : there are probably many hundreds of these in the course of his catalogue. But such as it is, this catalogue has been, till now, almost our sole source of immediate reference for any degree previous to 1660. There is, it is true, a second MS. catalogue at the Registry, in 15 volumes quarto, commonly known as Romilly's Catalogue. This is the one which is now generally appealed to for degrees prior to 1660, when the printed Graduati commence. It is naturally more trustworthy than Richardson's, for, since its compilation, every error discovered, and consequently every correction which had to be made, was noted here. It was apparently compiled, for the most part, by a clerk during Romilly's tenure of office (1832—62), but those who consult it XX Introduction should clearly understand that it is in no sense a second catalogue, but simply a transcript of Richardson's work. The frequent repetition of errors^ due to obvious oversight is a plain proof of this. Many corrections and annotations have been made in this catalogue by Mr Romilly, that most careful and conscientious officer, who lived in the happy days when a Registrary had leisure to attend to something beyond the current demands of modern business. Not only had he carefully examined every doubtful case which came before him — and Cooper, when compiling his Atheme, must have brought many instances under his notice — but he had also gone systematically through one series after another of subscriptions and supplicats. His hand and eye are in evidence everywhere, and it is plain that his paramount interest lay in the records in his custody. In Dr Luard's time the demands of office and routine work had become much heavier, and he had moreover, in his parish work and in his labours undertaken for the Master of the Rolls, calls upon his time from which Romilly was happily free. But he was intimately acquainted with the University archives, and not a few further corrections are due to him. We are also indebted to him for the great advance represented by the systematic arrangement and indexing of very many scattered documents. Every one who had to make historical enquiries at the Registry during his tenure of office knows how wide was his knowledge of the documents in his charge, and how unfailing his courtesy in meeting the wants of visitors. In 1787 was published the first edition of the Graduati. 1 Many instances might be given, but two will suffice. John Ashtou, B.A. 1604^5, is so named iu the Grace Book, ordo, and supplicat, the writing iu each case being quite clear. Bichardson, by inadvertence, wrote it Alston ; and it is so reproduced iu the quarto. Again, William Ailesbury, B.A. 1631 — 2, is equally plain. Richardson made the Christian name Walter, and it so appears in the quarto. It may be added that there are quite a number of instances in which Richardson had antedated a degree by a century, writing, by inadvertence, 6 instead of 7 ; these have mostly remained uncorrected till now. It is plain therefore that, careful as Romilly was— and very many corrections are due to him— he could not have found time to make anything approaching to a revision of the old catalogue. One illustration will sufUce. A degree is assigned in 1656 to ' Thomas Smith Rurbridge.' The double Christian name at this date would have raised a doubt in the mind of anyone going carefully through the book. As a matter of fact this is a jumble of two names, Thomas Smith and Robert Burbidge (not Rurbridge). hitrodiiction xxi This included all the B.A. and higher degrees, whether ordinary or what are now commonly called ' honorary,' but did not include the incorporations from other Universities, For some reason it begins with the year 1660^. Why the author selected the date of the Restoration is not easy to see, unless the precedent of the Oxford Graduati was considered binding, for the Interregnum made almost no difference as regards our University records. Every one knows what a serious gap is then encountered in ecclesiastical, as in many civil matters ; but at Cambridge the formalities for matriculation and graduation^ were entirely undisturbed, except for the inter- mission of the subscriptions to the Three Articles. The volume in question is published without a word of preface or any indication of authorship, but there seems no doubt that it was compiled by G. Borlase of Peterhouse, the Registrary at the time. On the title-page it is stated that the degrees are taken " e libris subscriptionum." This may account perhaps for the selection of the date for commencement ; for the Subscription books, though beginning about 1618, break off between 1641 and 1660, and are only continuous from the latter date. This, however, seems an insufficient reason for the selection, for these subscriptions are only one of several such sources of information, and, taken by themselves, are by no means exhaustive^. The Graduati have been from time to time republished in order to bring them up to date. The complete list seems as follows : 1 According to the title-page it commences in 1659. As a matter of fact the first recorded degrees are the M.A. and Ad. Bapt. of 16(30. The B.A. of 1659—60 are omitted. 2 For instance, tlie Divinity degrees (D.D. and B.D.), though certainly less frequent, occur throughout this period, and the graces for conferring them do not differ by a word from those in use before and after. How little there was also of what would now be called the ' democratic spirit,' is evidenced by such facts as that fellow-commoners are very nearly as numerous, and that the privileges of the sons of noblemen were not interfered with. The 'nobilissimi juvenes,' who owned a peer for their father, continued to obtain the M.A. degree at once, instead of proceeding first to B.A. •' Examination shows that, as a matter of fact, Borlase did not confine himself to the Subscription lists,' but supplemented them from the.Grace Books. But he did this in a capricious way. For instance, out of five omitted sub- scriptions for B.A. (at Trin. and Joh. IGGO — 1) he inserts three and neglects two. The fact that these defects are not corrected in the next edition is a plain proof that, as regards the earlier names at any rate these volumes are mere reprints of the former one. xxii Introduction 1660—1787 Borlase, 1787 1660—1800 Borlase, 1800 1760—1823 Hustler, 1823 1760—1846 Romilly, 1846 1760—1856 Romilly, 1856 1800—1872 Luard, 1873 1800—1884 Luard, 1884 1851—1900 Faning, 1902 (the last including matriculations) It need not be said that none of these compilations encounters any difficulties approaching to those which Richardson had to face. By 1660 not only had the bulk of the vagaries as to spelling ceased, but the records were far better kept. Moreover, if the compilers confined themselves mainly, as they imply, to the subscriptions, they had only one list to transcribe instead of four to harmonize. But it is significant of the appreciation commonly felt for drudgery of this description, that in all these eight successive editions Richardson's name is only once mentioned^, and that briefly. The preceding few pages refer to the Degrees; as regards the Matriculations there is very little to be said. Till quite lately no attempt had ever been made even to draw up a MS. index, so that it was impossible to say, of any given man, whether or not he had been a member of the University, without a laborious search over a succession of years. Several College historians had extracted, from time to time, lists of their own men — for instance at Corpus, Queens', Christ's, Caius — but no general catalogue had been attempted. A few years ago Mr C. J. Stonebridge, chief clerk at the Registry, began the compilation of a complete catalogue of matricula- tions. This very useful collection, mostly arranged in drawers on the card-catalogue plan, has been used as the basis of the present undertaking, but of course every successive name has been verified by comparison with the original. As already ^ By Di- Luard in 1873. The reference wliicb he makes to the publishing of Richardson's catalogue of early degrees, i.e. of those prior to 1660 (' ut hoc publici juris fiat magnopere cupiendum est, sed magis cupieudum quam speranduni '), suggests that he, like his predecessor in 1787, held that such an undertaking as this was just the sort of job for an outsider. But he must surely have known that it could not be ' published ' in the usual sense of the term ; every single name requires separate verification. Introduction xxiii stated, all the College registers have also been consulted, and, where necessary, employed to supplement the deficiencies and errors in the University records. The only other attempt, so ftxr as we know, at the separate publication of a list of early graduates is a small volume by Mr C. M. Noale, in 1909. It is entitled The Early Honour Lists (1498—9 to 1746—7...). Its value is marred by the fact that it is compiled, not from the original Grace Books but from a rough MS. in the Registry. The full list of this Ordo Seniontatis can now be consulted down to 1588 — 9, in the published Grace Books. A few miscellaneous notes as to various degrees and abbreviations, &c. employed or referred to in this volume may be convenient. As to the licences for medicine and surgery some account is given in the Introduction to Grace Book A. They were often granted, after due examination, to persons who had no other connexion with the University. They do not seem to have ranked as degrees strictly so called. They are not recorded in any previous Graduati. Degrees in Canon Law, which were relatively frequent in early times, were abolished by Royal Injunction in 1535. They were revived during the brief reaction under Queen Mary, which accoimts for their occurrence on three or four occasions here {v. Richard Dunning, and Hugh Griffin). As this volume will presumably be continued up to 1850, we have adopted the modern designations LL.B. and LL.D. In Grace Book A the designations B.C.L. and D.C.L., then in general use, were employed. At a still earlier date they would have to be distinguished as B.Civ.L., and B.Can.L., D.Civ.L. and D.Can.L. It will be seen that the B.A. degrees have generally a double date. This is owing to the fact that the customary time of graduation was early in the year, in January or February, so that the double date is the only resource if con- fusion is to be avoided. In such a case, e.g. as ' B.A. 1571 — 2,' it is meant that the date would now be described as 1572, but at the time in question, when the year was reckoned from March 25, it was described as 1571. When the date is a single one {e.g. B.A. 1582) it is meant that the student graduated after March 24. These later B.A. graduations were technically termed ' Ad Baptistam.' d xxiv Introduction It is unfortunate that in the early Graduati, i.e. those of Borlase, which alone assign degrees before the change of style in 1752, this distinction is not drawn. He uses only the old reckoning. Hence with him any given date down to 1752, e.g. 1662, is ambiguous. If the degree were an Ad. Bapt. one, we should know that it was conferred some time after Lady Day 1662, so that the single date would be correct. But it is more than ten times as likely to have been an ordinary degree, in which case it would have been conferred some eight or ten months later, i.e. in Jan. or Feb. 1662 — 3. And Borlase gives no indication as to the class to which the degrees belong. The above is a source of confusion which can be avoided, but there is another ground of ambiguity. The various formalities for a degree, from the supplicat or mandate to the actual conferring, might stretch over some time, and, though this time was not actually long, it might be sufficient (if it covered a critical time of the year) to alter the assigned date. In this volume the date of the grace is selected as far as possible. Attention is drawn to this, in case the dates here assigned do not always agree precisely with those of Cooper or others. A list of abbreviations is given further on, but it may be noted here that for the matriculation, the letters f-c, p, and s, stand respectively for fellow-commoner, pensioner, and sizar, the three social grades which have remained unchanged, so far as the University is concerned, to the present day. As a rule the matriculations were entered in the Lent, Easter and Michaelmas terms, dates indicated by the letters L, E and M. In the case of the praelectors' slips, where the exact date is not known, we have indicated the approximate date, e.g. c. 1590. [ ] Square brackets indicate facts dependent upon College evidence, as distinguished from University. Thus, Smith, John [Qu. s M 1582] indicates that no matriculation can be found, so that he appears only in the College register. If it were written thus, Smith, John Qu. [s M 1582] A.B. 1585—6, it is implied, as before, that no matriculation can be found, but that we have University authority for assigning him to Queens' at his graduation. NoAv and then, in the case of Colleges whose records have Introduction xxv been thoroughly searched, wc may obtain evidence of a similar kind as to the conferring of a degree. In such a case the assignment would be as follows : Smith, John [Cai. p M 1599] A.B. [1(502—3]. This would mean that J. S. graduated in a year of which the records are lost, and that no matriculation or graduation can be found. The University, as such, has entirely lost count of him. The years of which the sup})licat records are thus missing are the following: For B.A. 1589—90; 1591—2; 1594—5, 1602—3. For M.A. 1590; 1595. These lapses are due to Registrary Smith. They fall in the period of some 20 years during which no graces, practically, are recorded, and no B.A. ordo is given. It is true that for most of these years we can appeal to the supplicats, but on these four occasions even the supplicats are missing. The case of the M.A. is not quite so bad, for though the graces for them were systematically neglected we have the ordo. But this does not give the Christian names, so that the years 1590, 1595, in which the M.A. supplicats are missing, mark a very defective period. It is to be understood that wherever a College is mentioned at matriculation, the subsequent degrees, unless otherwise stated, were taken at the same College. So also when a College is mentioned at B.A. any subsequent degrees are to be referred to the same College. The above interpretation holds good from the year 1569 onwards. Before that date we cannot be equally certain, because the Grace Books do not assign the College. Still, as changes of College were not very common, we can feel a pre- sumption that the student graduated where he matriculated. More than that we cannot say. As to the foot-notes. It is hoped that those referring to University and College offices are complete and accurate : at any rate trouble has been taken to make them so. If it be objected that the dates here assigned differ occasionally from those in the Graduati and the Calendar, we must adhere to our own. There can be no doubt that the Graduati of 1884 — the latest in which the successive holders of the various xxvi Introduction offices are recorded — contains many errors^. In the case of the masterships we have in every possible case consulted the College Histories, as giving the latest and best evidence. The appointments to Judgeships are taken from Foss, helped out, in cases where he was ignorant of the University training of a Judge, by the College Biographical Histories. The creation of, or succession to, Peerages are as given by ' G.E.C Of course, in the case of these, completeness is not claimed ; it could not have been attained without an amount of research quite unsuitable for such a list as this. Against certain degrees will be found the words Lit. reg., i.e. per Literas regias. These are what are called Mandate degrees, i.e. those conferred by Royal Mandate. The reasons for them were various. Sometimes the University itself desired to confer a degree upon some one who was not statu tably qualified. More often, and especially in later Stuart times, they were granted to royal favourites, or to persons in attendance on the King. On certain occasions, when the sovereign or crown prince paid a visit to the University, a considerable number of such degrees were conferred upon various members of the Court. These occasions were in later times commonly termed Gomitia Regia, and are so indicated in the later Graduati, but the phrase does not seem to have been in actual use in the records of the period here concerned. The principal occasions of this description during our period are the following: 1564, Aug. Visit of Queen Elizabeth. 1612 — 3, Mar. 4. Prince Charles and Count Palatine. 1615, May 15. King James' 2nd visit. 1624, Nov. 8. King James' 4th visit. 1631 — 2, Mar. 22. King Charles I, and Queen. 1635 — 6, Feb. Charles Louis, Count Elector Palatine; Earl of Holland, Chcmccllor. 1641 — 2, Mar. King Charles and Prince of Wales. In conclusion, the compilers of this volume desire to say • For instance, in the list of Masters of Gonville and Caius College, alone, there are no less than six errors of date ; all of these naturally reproduced in the successive issues of the Calendar. As to one or two puzzling assign- ments to the office of Vice-Chaucellor, some remarks may be consulted in the Introduction to Grace Book A . Introduction xxvii that they have done what they can to secure accuracy, but they are acutely conscious that it is not within the range of human power, under the existent conditions, that final accuracy should be secured at a first attempt. They may claim, amongst other things, to have added to the Roll of Cambridge alumni, many thousands of names, not yet recorded as such in print, and to have ' laid ' several hundred phantom graduates who, for the last century and a half, have haunted the catalogues of Richardson and Romilly. What, per contra, they may have introduced in the way of errors of their own, must be left to the college historian or other critical student to discover. Whatever such persons do discover, in the form of misrenderings, of omissions, or more likely of reduplications, will, it is hoped, be forthwith reported to the Registrary. Any one who will refer to the examples on page xvii will readily believe that there is still scope in this way for those who are fond of solving puzzles. J. VENN. J. A. VENN. TABLE OF ABBEEVIATIONS CHRISTIAN NAMES Abraham Fre. Frederick Nath. Nathaniel Albert Geo. George Nich. Nicholas Alexander Geoft: Geoffrey Pat. Patrick Alfred Gilb. Gilbert Pet. Peter Andrew Greg. Gregory Phil. Phihp Anthony Hen. Henry Reg. Reginald Archibald Herb. Herbert Rich. Richard Arthur Hor. Horace Rob. Robert Bartliolomew Hub. Hubert Sam. Samuel Benjamin Humph. Humphrey Sept. Septimus Bernard Ja. James Sid. Sidney Charles Jerem. Jeremiah Steph. Stephen Christopher Jonat. Jonathan Syd. Sydney Clement Jos. Joseph Theod. Theodore Cuthbert Lane. Lancelot Theoph. Theophilus Daniel Lau. Laurence Tho. Thomas David Leon. Leonard Tim. Timothy Edmund Marm. Marmaduke Walt. Walter Edward Matth. Matthew Will. William Ernest Maur. Maurice Zach. Zachariah Francis Mich. Michael DEGREES, ETC. A.B. Bachelor of Ai-ts E Easter Term A.M. Master of Arts * Fellow of S.T.B. B.D. Lit. Reg. By Royal Letters S.T.P. D.D. Imp. Impubes, i.e. under the a{ LL.B. Bachelor of Laws of 14 LL.D. Doctor of Laws Fil. Nob. Filius Nohilis C.L. Licentiate in Surgery P Pensioner M.L. Licentiate in IMedicine s Sizar M.D. Doctor of Medicine f-c Fellow-Commoner Mus.Bac. Bachelor of Music schol. Scholar Mus.]])oc. Doctor of Music Square Brackets [ ] denote a Colle} M Michaelmas Term source of information L Lent Term Where it is known that a name is wrongly given in the records the fact indicated by its inclusion between inverted commas. CORRIGENDA During the five years which have been occupied in compiUng these lists new records have come to light, and access has been obtained to others of which only imperfect copies could formerly be consulted. In most of the cases which follow, the names are correctly taken from the Registrary's books, but examination has shown that he was undoubtedly in error. It was not until the first four letters were printed off that the compilers realized the necessity of going behind the official records. Many more errors are probably still lurking, each under its own alias. Alcock, Rob. of Joh. ; for graduation see Elcock. Anderson, Athelin, dele. Aunger (John), dele. Armitage, Will. (Mag.), for graduation see Harmytage. Arxdall, Will., should be Axtell; for 1545-6 read 1645-G. Baker, Geo. (Qu.), read Greg. Banks, John (Mich. Ho.), read Nich. Ho. Barcroft, Bern., read IBancroft. Baron, Sam. (Trin.), dele. Barram, Tho., read Burram. Bead«el, Luke, prob. Beadwel, i.e. Bidwell. Becke, Rich. (Trin.), read Becket. Bickley, Will., dele; the degrees belong to John. Birkett, Rob., same as Brokitt. Blumstead, Rob., mistake for Plumstead. Borough, John, Sir, read Saint. Bramsgrove, Walt. ; Bromegrave, Walt. Probably one man ; matr. at King's; A.B. (Trin.) 1624; A.M. {do.) 1628. Brandon, Hen., note misplaced ; it was Charles who succeeded his brother Henry. Buckby, Will., for S.T.P. read S.T.B. Burnell, Ja., prob. Burwell, i.e. Burvill. Cadburn, Tho., should be Caborn. Caius, John, read A.B. 1532-3; A.M. 1535. Camadge, flog., mistake for Garaage. Cardis, John, dele. Cawne, John (*Trin.), dele asterisk. Chofield, Edm., i.e. Schofield. Cobbe, Math., read Cokke. Colde, Sam., mistake for Golde. XXX Corrigenda Collen, Will., prob. mistake for Cotton. Collyn, Phil, and Tho., mistakes for Cottyn. Corsage, Tho., prob. Cocsage. Couch, Samps., mistake for Gooch. Covile, Hen., mistake for Clovile. Cutt, Sim., prob. mistake for Gott. Darrey, John, mistake for Darcey. Doddington, Marm., dele ; should be Dorington. Drane, John, mistake for Deane. Eaton, Dav., grad. as Dan. Eyton. Elam, Geo., should be Eland. Endeard, Jos., dele. Erles, Tho., should be Eales. Fennis, John, grad. as Fineux. Fothergill, Tho. (Cai.), A.B. 1614, as ' Soddergill.' Frenche, Edm., dele ; mistake for Trench. Gade, John, dele; mistake for Cade. Garlacus, fell. Trin. as Garlick. George, Humph., dele; mistake for Graye. Gibson, Hen. (Joh.), mistake for Sibson. Gookin, Sam., 1 same as Goodin. Graven, Tho., dele; mistake for Craven. Halls, Will. *Pem., for S.T.P. read S.T.B. Halts, Will., dele; the name is Halls. Hanton, John, prob. meant for Hampton. Harvey, Staph. Qu., prob. mistake for Hurrie. Henton, Martin, mistake for Heaton. Howard, Tho. (note 11), dele Earl of Arundel. Howes, Isaac, prob. mistake for Hewes. Hunt, Tho. *Qu., dele (*Pet.) Keltwell, Rich., A.B. as Kettlewell. Key, John (f-c of Qu.) ; the degrees probably belong to John Keys, matr. c. 1595 or 1596. Less, Rob., dele; v. Leese. Lutlaine, John, mistake for Ludlam. Melling, Will. (Trin.), matr. Myllinge. Owendon, Hen., same as Hoveden. Rowe, Humph., dele the note; the Trin. fellow was Roane. Sanderland, Rich. (Trin.), mistake for Sunderland. Sinett, Jer., mistake for Levett. Snowing, Nath., Registrary's rendering of 'Snowe, imp.^ MATRICULATIONS AND DEGREES 1544—1650 jbot, .hot, ■bott, bat, bot, bott, bot, bott, botts, botts, dey, iye, iey, ikle, ill, Chris *C. C. John Trill. Tho [Qu. Tho Chr. Art Qu. Edw *King Fra Jes. P^ra Pern. Geo Chr. Hen Triij. Jerome Job. John Sid. John Trin. Pet Em. Ralph Pet. Rich Rob Chr. Rob.' Pet. Rob. • Jes. Rob Jes. Rob Em. Sam Jes. Tho Job. Tho Cai. Geo Geo King Chris Pem. Geo [Qu. John *Trin. Tho Trin. Antli Mich. Abr Cai. John Qu. Roger (Rich.) Mag. Sam Cai. Will Chr. Will [Em. Will Mag. Will *Pem. s M 1573 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580, Abbys; [S.T.B. 1588 A.B. (Pem.) 1573-4, Abbis i] [1664 A.B. (Job.) 1660-1, Abbesse ; A.M. A.B. 1659-60, Abbot; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1628-9 ; A.M. 1632 (On [King's visit) A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1627 1570 1632- 1657 1656 1624 1603 1620 1549 1569 1568 1602 1652] 1637 1614 1573 1602 1603 1629- 1639] 1611 1573 1617 1622 1614 1649] 1634 1629 1545 1632 1611 1629 1577 1579 1591] 1629 1650 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610; S.T.B. A.B. 1656 [1617 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1617-8 A.M. 1650 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1576-7 [1609 A.B. 1605-6, Albutt in ordo : A.M. A.B. 1606-7 ; A.M. 1610 30 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1614-5; A.M. (Cath.) 1618 A.B. 1620-1, Abbot A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1635-6 ; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1632, Rich.; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1653; A.M. 1657 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Aberye, Ja. Pet. Ableston, Rowland ... Qu. Altlinson, Geoffrey ... Cai. Abneye, Edw Jes. Abnye, Edw *Joh. Abney, Edw *Chr. Abnye, Geo Job. Abuey, Geo Catb. Hen Trin. — .J a Em. — Mich Em. — Rich Chr. — Sam [Em. A both, Ambrose ... Job. Abram, Adam Trin. Abraham, Isaac Job. — Tho Job. — Will Cla. — Will Jes. Abythell, Nich *Trin. Acclom, John Sid. — Will [Em. Achard, Ro Jes. Achlaye, John Jes. Aclan, Will. Qu. Acresse, Tho. {imp.) Qu. Acridge v. Aykridge Acrigg, Will Chr. Acrinlye, Chris Acrodd, Alverye Cla. Acred, Ambrose . . . *Tri 1 1 . Acroyde, Anth Trin. Acrodd (?), Hen Trin. Aikroyd, John Chr. Aycroid, Jos Trin. Acrod, Rog — Tho Chr. Acroid, W Trin. Acryck, Will Jes. Acson, Hugh, v. Ax ton — John Em. Acton, John Cath. — Nath Sid. — Nath Cath. — Tho Chr. Actum, John v. Acclom Acworth, Edw Ac worthc, ' Geo * Pet. — Hen — Rich Chr. — Steph. (imp.) Pet. — Tho Pet. — Tho Trin. A('Worth, Joh. Ackworth [Qu. Adam, Chri.s Joh. V M 1567 s M 1576 p E 1623 p E 1553 V M 1584 p E 1649 p M 1584 p E 1631 V M 1638 1> E 1610 p M 1619 [schol. 1549] P E 1616] 1» M 1582 s M 1584 s M 1616 s M 1568 s c. 1595 f-c E 1655 p M 1550 f-c E 1637 f-c E 1599] .s M 1562 s M 1576 p E 1551 s M 1548 p E 1606 s E 1580 P c. 1595 ^^ E 1614 1^ M 1589 f-c M 1632 ** M 1641 s M 1585 s E 1577 s M 1547 s c. 1593 f-c E 1636 p E 1609 s E 1644 p E 1572 s M 1548 p M 1550 s E 1555 s M 1548 s M 1551 p E 1546 ichol. 1547] p E 1658 A.B. 1579-80, Ablesou A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592, Aburey A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656; LL.l). [{Lit. Reg.) 1661 A.B. 1643-4 A.B. 1551-2; A.M. 1554 A.B. 1588-9, Abraham ; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1552-3, Abypli.iLlI ; A.:\I. '56 (Matr. Actum) A.B. (Em.) 1616-7 A.B. 1583-4, Acrod, Alured A.B. 1596-7 ; A.M. 1600, Aykerod ; [LL.D. 1630 A.B. 1619-20, Aikerod ; A.M. '23 A.B. (Cla.) 1571-2, Acrik ; A.M. (*Chr.) 1576; S.T.B. 1583; S.T.P. 1602, Acroyd A.B. 1588-9, Acroyde ; A.M. '92 ? A.B. 1647-8; A.:M. IG.".! A.B. (Joh.) 1563-4; A.M. 1570 A.B. 1551-2; A.M. 1555; LL.D. A.B. 1552-3 [1560-1 A.B. 1553-4 A.B. 1661 2; A.M. 166: > Public Orator, 1559. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hen ... Cai. P M 1559 Mich. ... ... Joh. s c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 Rob ... Cai. P M 1612 [Adams] Sam ... Joh. P M 1579 A.B. (Trin.) 1582-3, Adams; A.M. [1586 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603, Adams Tho ...*Trin. l«l c. 1594 Tho LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1607-8 Tho ...[C. C. 1618] Alex ... Trin. s M 1570 A.B. 1574-5 [Benj.] ... Chri.s ... Em. f-c M 1651 ... Pern. [1640] A.B. 1643-4 Clement... ... *King's lp 1536 J A.B. 1540-1 ; A.M. 1544 E.l ... Cla. p <■. 1595 Geo s E 1620 (?A.B. 1607-8) ; A.M. (King's) '11 A.B. 1623-4, Adams; A.M. 1627 Hen ... Qu. Isaac ... Chr. s M 1571 John ... Joh. p M 1544 John .. Cath. f-c M 1555 John .. King's s c. 1590 John .. [Em. p E 1593] John (?A.B. 1603-4); A.M. (Pem.) 1607 John .. Joh. s M 1637 A.B. 1641-2 John .. Mag. f-c M 1648 John .. Trin. 1> E 1649 John .. [Qu. a E 1650] Lewis ... .. Chr. s E 1612 A.B. 1616-7 Mich. ... ..*Joh, P M 1652 A.B. 1656-7 ; A.M. 1660; S.T.B.'67 Nath A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. 0.xf.) Pet .. Joh. p E 1573 R^ilph ... .. Mag. P E 1613 A.B. 1616-7 Rich . *King's P M 1551 A.B. 1555-6; A.M. 1559 Rich .. Sid. s M 1619 Rich .. Cai. p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630; S.T.P. Rich .. [Pet. ..[?*Pet. s E 1626] 1633] [{Lit. Reg.) 1631 Rich Fell. A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Rich A.M. 1652 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Shorland .. Joh. P E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Simond... .. Cla. s E 1608 (?A.B. 1611-2); A.M. '15, Samuel Simon ... .. Pern. P E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 Silvester A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Tho .. Trin. 1> M 1564 A.B. 1568-9 Tho .. Trin. ]J L 1597-8 A.B. (Cla.) 1601-2; A.M. 1606 Tho .. Sid. h E 1600] JA.B. 1605-6 (in ordo) Tho A.B. (Mag.) 1605-6 Tho .. Jes. s E 1603 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 Tho .. Joh. P M 1620 A.B. 1624-5, Addams Tho .. C. C. a E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 Tho .. Trin. p M 1651 Walt ..*Era. I^ E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1644; S.T.B.'51 Will .. Joh. M 1564 A.B. 1567-8 Will .. Pet. s E 1579 A.B. (Cla.) 1582-3, Adam Will .. Pet. .s c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1 Will .. Trin. p M 1640 A.B. (Cla.) 1645 Will A.M. 1643-4 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Will .. Em. p E 1644 Brian .. Pem. !> E 1574 A.B. 1581-2 Edw .. Trin. •S M 1588 (jCO .. Chr. .s E 1606 John .. Cla. s L 1577-8 John .. Joh. s M 1615 John .. Joh. s E 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.xM. 1652 Addamson, Rich Toh. Adamson, Ricli Joh. — Tho C. {!. — Tim Teis. — Walt Job. — Will *P0I1L Addamson, A^'ill *Joh. Adamson, Will Triii. — Will *Cai. Adcocke, John Chr. Adcock, Rich Chr. — Rich [Qu. Adcoke, Tho Chr. Adderley, Hen Sid. — Rich Joh. — Tho. Ayrc... King's Aderley, Will Cla. Addersley, John [Qu. Adderton v. Atherton and Atterton Aden, Clem Pern. Adey, Edw Em. Adye, John Cla. — John Jes. Adey, John Em. Adee, Nich Qu. Ady, Nich Jes. Addey, Rob Cai. Aadye, Rob Cai. Adye, Tho Pet. Ady, Tho Em. Adington, John Qu. Adysoii, Chris Qu. Addison, John Chr. Addinson (Addison), Phil. Qu. Adison, Rolph Sid. Addison, Will *Chr. Adison, Will Joh. Addison, Will Em. Addister, Sam Em. Adkins, Hen. v. Atkins Adlerd, Anth Em. Adlard, Mich Qu. Adlum, John Cla. Adrian, Earth Trin. — Earth Em. Adrean, Rich Cla. Adrey, Tho [Trin. Adshead, Tho Pet. Adwicke, Rich Qu. Aelmer v. Ailmer aiid Elmei- Aeton r. Eaton Aftbrby, Cha. /'. Asfordley Agar, And Trin. H. '^ And Joh. Benj King's , Agei-, Clem [Cai. — Edm. [Edwin] Trin. Agar, Geo Joh. Ager, Hen Mag. Age, John Cai. Agar, Join Pet. ? a^id Deep -ees 1544 — 1659 •5 ,. E 1570 ,,;- s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 A.M. 1625 p E 1621 A.B. 1623-4 A.M. 1627 E 1656 A.B. 1658-9 AM. 1662 p E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 A.M. 1646 f| s M 1554 A.B. 1557-8 A.M. 1561 ^ V M 1579 A.B. 1583-4 A.M. 1587 H s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 A.M. 1635 f^ ,s E 1644 A.B. 1647-8 A.M. 1651 p E 1571 A.B. 1574-5 A.M. 1578, Adcoke! ' L 1557-8 ^ s L 1620-1 p M 1575 on s E 1625 i f-c E 1651 p f-c E 1650 1 p M 1632 . p M 1619] m p E 1545 U p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 A.M. 1628 kk p M 157G jski p c. 1595 p E 1G25 to s M 1550 iiker p c. 1590 ier, s M 1572 tei iS c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1 [Addy] ber, s E 1588 A.B. 1590-1 V M 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 lilemo P M 1628 ier, P E 1553 E 1632 s M 1613 p E 1613 [S.T.B 1612 p c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 (in ordo) ; l,br E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 s E 1640 A.B. 1645 Ifkie p E 1612 %t (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) \ M p E 1645 A.B. 1648-9, Adlard; A.M. 1652 feort s M 1637 A.B. 1641-2 \}\H s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1, Adlam llllflii s M 15.S1 IjllMVi s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 lllMlli 1' E 1647 A.B. 1651-2, Adrian ItllMt. L 1637-8 llleMt 1> M 1633 iibmi p L 1579-80 A. E. 1583-4 l!ll^w ItlMV IjB^W, Vsl p M 1612 LL.E. 1618 Infill) p p E 1651 M 1548 IfBMTi p E 1573] 111.. p E 1604 fck p L 1610-1 ietuiv p M 1646 s p M 1565 E 1559 [Ager] ! 'k, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 \.gar, John Mag. Vggar (Agar'), Tho Qu. Vgar, 'loll. \.gar /'. also Haygai-th \.garde, Art Qu. \.gaid, Fra Qu. Igarde, Will Trin. ^g'?A.B. 1609-10); A.M. 1613, [Alured; S.T.B. 1621 A.B. 1610-11 A.B. 1592-3 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1579-80 [Aldred] [(*Sid.) 1603; S.T.P. 1609 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596; S.T.B. A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 [1571 A.B.(*C.C.)1567-8,Aldrich ; A.M. A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1582-3, Aldriche ; A.M. 1586, [Aldredc A.B. 1635-6 ; A.M. Trin. H.) 1639 A.B 1615-6 [Aldrich] [Aldred] A.B. 1565-6 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600; S.T.B. [1607 A.B. 1.561-2; A.M. (*Trin.) 1565 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1604(inort;u) A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1631-2 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.M. 1632 (Inco)p. fr. O.xf.) A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1564-5, Allee Mastfi- i.f Sidney, IGOb. Master of Curpus, l.')Kit. Matriculatiotis ami Degrees 1544 — 1659 Alephe, Alepli, Alephe, Alcsby, Alett, Alexanik Alixaiuler, Alexamler. Allfeild, Alforde, Allfonl, Alford, :les. *TriM Pern (Jhr. Trill Pet. Allott Sid. (iyle. Tho. W. ... Will. Saui. J<.hn, Bcuj. I'hii. Edw. Edw. Edw. (Jeo. Jei-oine Cai. .Tohu C. C. Rob Clem.H. Trill. ♦King's C. C. *Pein. Tho. ... Will. ... Rich.... John ... Rob. ... Theoph. Tho. ... Rob. Tho. Alforde, Alefoundcr. Alfray, Allaiiibridge, John Allan), John — Nich Allard, John — Rich Allatsoii, Alardus, v. Alardi Em. Pet. Pern. Sid. Em. .... [Tnn, *Em. Em. Trill. Jes. Hallam Cla. AUastone, Allat, Allde, Allen, Aleyn, Alien, AUyii, AUin, Allen, AUeyiie, Allin, Alleine, Allen, Alyii, Alei), Allen, Allyn. Allen, Allin, Allen, Alhn, Allen, Jos. . Rich. . Tho. . Jonat. Abr. . Alex. . And. . Cla. Cai. Cla. Cla. Cai. Trin. Qu. Anth Trin. Bartli Qu. Cha. Chri.s. Dav. . Ed. . Edni. , Edni. , Edni. . Edw. . Edw. , Edw. . Edw. . Fra. . Era. . Cieo. . Geo. . Geo. . (ieo. . Co.). . (iilb. . Gyles , Sid. Cai. Mag. Cai. Sid. rc. C. [Em. Je.s. [Em. *Pet. Tri xMag. Jes. Trin. Cai. Km. Trin. Em. . II. f- M 1559 E 1588 M 1583 E 1548 E 1627 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. 1566, Ayleph P if. |> E 163.") s E 1582 p M 1626 s E 1648 E L571 M 1609 E 1637 E 1544 M 1634 M 1639 E 1545 M 1619 E 1623 1548] E 1649 M 1632 E 1626 c. 1592 E 1586 E 1563 M 1657 L 1.564-5 L 1.564-5 E 1611 E 1628 M 1616 M 1561 E 1566 E 1618 c. 1593 E 1567 M 1633 E 1637 1647] E 1599] E 1623 E 1625] M 1654 E 1551 E 1586 M 1564 E 1586 M 1598 E 1614 E 1627 M 1611 E 15991 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A. P.. 1638-9 A.B. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.; (A.B. 1630-1); A.M. 1634 A.B. (Joh.) 1651-2 A.B. 1.573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.M. 1624 {Lit. Reij.) A.B. 1642-3 A.B. 1622-3 A.M. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1652 [Atfray] A.M. 1656 iS.T.B. (:Matr. AlLstone) A.B. 1568-9, AUet [S.T.P. {Lit. Reg.) 1 A.B. 1631-2, Alleyne; A.M. 163 A.B. (Cath.) 1619-20 A.M. 1615-6 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) (« [but see Al A.B. 1565-6, Alen A.B. 1621-2, AlJovn; A.M. 16 A.B. 1.597-8 M.L. (Pem.) 1595 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1640-1, Alleyne A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 (?A.B. 1589-90); A.M. 1593 (^A.B. 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1617-8; A..M. 1()21 (/A.B. 1602-3); A.M. 1606 Matrlculatioiiii and Degrees 1544 — 1659 9 ^Lllen, (iyles Chr. p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640; S.T.P. ilyn, H Pet. p E 1559 {{Lit. Refj.) 1661 Hen. {imp.) Qu. s :\I 1544 Vlleii, Hen C. C. p M l.-)75 A.B. 1578-9 kleyn, Hen *King's p M i:)78 A.B. 1582-3, Allen; A.M. 1586 Ulen, Hen A.M. 1610 (Incorp. fr. St Andrews} Hon Joh. s E 1628 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1638 Hen [CO. 1634] Hen Jes'. p E 16.56 A.B. 16.39-60; A.M. 1663 Uyu, Hugh Joh. p M 1554 \.llen, Lsaac Em. [p E 1599] (L\.B. 1602-3); A.M. (Trin.) 1606 ■Ueyn, Isaac [Chr. \) E 16.59] \len, .John Mag. p M 1564 John Mag. p L 1564-5 Ulen, John Jes. s L 1579-80 A.B. (Ccxth.) 1583-4? John Je.s. p E 1582 (Of Sussex) A.B. (Cath.) 1584-5? John Trin. s L 1597-8 John Cai. [p M 1604] A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 John Cla. s M 1606 A.B. 1610-11; A.M. 1614 John Chr. p L 1610-1 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 John Cai. p E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 John Chr. p E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 John Trin. .s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7, AUIne; A.M. 1621 John Em. p M 1615 Ulyn, John Joh. s E 1622 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1623-4? Allen, John Sid. s E 1627 [alias Cornish] John Chr. p E 1628 [Alleyn] John Em. p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 John Pet. .s E 1631 \.Uyn, John Qu. s E 1632 [Allen] Ulen, John Joh. s E 1635 A.B. 1639-40 \.Ileyn, John Em. p E 1639 Ulen, John Cai. p E 1641 — Jonat Cath. s E 1627 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 — Judas Em. s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 i-Uein, Matth Pern. p E 1579 ,'lllen, Matthias ... King's s E 1583 — Nath [Em. f-c E 1600] — Nath A.B. (Cath.) 1616-7 Uyii, Ni. {imp.)... Triu.H. .>s M 1544 Nich Triu.H. f-c M 1544 Nich Trin. s E 1574 Pet Sid. p E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. (Cath.) 1609; Ralph Cla. p E 1.564 A.B. 1.567-8 [*Mag. 1615 Rich Pet. s E 1546 Rich Sid. p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30 Rob Joh. p M 1556 Rob Trin. s M 1.570 A.B. 1.575-6, Allen; A.M. 1579 Rob Joh. s M 1571 Rob Pern. s E 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 Rob Qu. p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 Rob Cla. s M 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1640 Rob Sid. [p L 163.5-6] A.B. 1639-40 Roger Joh. p M 1565 Sam [Em. p L 1614-5] Tho Qu. p E 1548 Tho Chr. p M 1570 Tho Trin. p E 1.588 Tho C. C. [1600] A.B. 1603-4 Tho Em. [E 1616] A.B. 1619-20 Tho Cath. s E 1023 10 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 AUyii, Tho Cai. s Allen, Tho Qu. p — Tho Chr. s Allin, Tho Em. p Allen, Tho Ohr. p — Tho Joh. p _ Tho Joh. f-c — Tho [Joli. .s — Tho Qu. s — Tho Chr. Allin, Allen, Tho Triu. p Allen, Tho [Trin. f-c — Tho [Cai. p — Tho (,)u. p — Valentine... (Jla. p _ W Chr. s Alen, Walt .I.)h. p AUein, Will Allen, Will Joh. p Allenn, Will Triu. s Allen, Will *Triu. [«choI Alleiu, Will Chr. ]. Allen, Will (^n-. p — [Peni. — [Trin. f-c Aliens, John Joh. s AUenson, Cha [Em. f-c Alanson, Chris [Joh. f-c Allinson, John Trin. .s — John Allenson, Ralph Chr. p Alynson, Rich. r. Aly.son Allenson, Rob Joh. {) Alinson, Tho. v. Alison Allenson, Will Joh. s Allinson, Will Sid. s Allerton, John Cla. s — John Joh. s — Rob Cla. p — AVill Pet. s Allestree, Geo Joh. p Allestry, Tho Joh. s Allestrie, Will Joh. p AUistr}', Will Joh. p Alley V. Alee Allgood, Major Chr. p Allibond, Pet Alington, Cha Pet. p Alyngton, Geo Gyles Triu. H. f-c — Gyles Jes. f-c Alyngton, Hugh *Kiugs p Alliugton, Hugh Qu. [> Allyngton, Ja (Jhr. p Alliugton, Ja Triu. f-c .\lyngton, John Pem. f-c .\llyngton, Jolui Jes. s Alliugton, John (^u. s Alyngton, Phil Pem. p Rich Triu. [> E 1625 V: 1628 E 1629 E 1631 E 1633 E 1634 E 1635 E 1638] E 1639 E 1640 M 1648 E 1649J E 1659] E 1659 E 1637 E 1583 M 1560 E 1585 E 1608 E 1620] E 1635 E 1641 1572] 1606] E 1603 L 1649-; M 1657] E 1576 M 1648 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1631-2 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. (*Jes.) 1636 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640; S.T.P. [{Lit. Reg.) 1661 A.B. 1643-4 A.B. 1651; M.B.(*Cai.) 1654 ; M.D. [1659 A.B. 1659-60: A.M. 1663 A.B. 1640-1 i AVill. Alleiu below [S.T.B. 1577 A.B. (*Chr.) 1562-3; A.M. 1566 A.B. (Em.) 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1588-9 A.B. 1611-2, Allin A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1638 p, ,0] A.B. 1606 7; A.M. Kilo [S.T.B. 159( A.B. (*Joh.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2 A.B. 1652 M1611 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 M 1587 M 1611 E 1588 M 1615 E 1569 M 1615 E 1656 M 1654 L 1618-9 M 1658 E 1659 c. 1590 E 1565 E 1572 M 1554 L 1607-8 E 1566 L 1618-9 E 1559 M 1567 M 1622 M 1554 M 1547 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 (?A.B. 1591-2); A.M. 1595 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 S.T.B. (Em.) 1603 A.B. 1658-9, Allestree; A.M. A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1667 A.M. 1634 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) 'f Aliugsou LL.B. (Triu. H.) 1579 A.B. 15.-)8-9 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. (*Cath.) 16; A.M. 1621 {fil. nub.) A.B. 1625 (>; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1551-2: A.M. 1555 f Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 11 A.lyngton, A-llington, Kol) Em. Will Rob. V. Ellis ^liston, Ulestone, Vliston, lUlistoii, (Vllistone, jUistone, jUiston, aiiston, If Uman, Ja. Rob Fra ton V. also Alston Edw Ja John Jos *Ein. Jos Joh. Matth Em. Matth Em. \llvley, Ufvlye, Mlve, VI VUiston, \.li.ston, Vlliston, Joh. Mag. Joh. Em. Em. Era. Matth. Pet. .. Pet. .. Sam. .. Will. .. Will. .. Will. .. Cai. Em. Qu. Em. Pet. Qu. Qu. Fra. W. . lUiuande, Will. ., jVlmer, Edw. ., I tUlmer, Hen. .. lUmery, John .. !Umcy, Rob. .. lUraon, W[ill]. lUmond, Edw. .. I — Geo Jim. s iK — John *Em. s — Rob. ., — Tho. .. 'Umor V. Elmor jk-lmot, Trin.IT. p M la^o |Uowe, Will ilphary, Michepheru.s Joh. \> K l(j09 Cai. Joh. [C. C. Cai. Joh. Joh. Em. Em. Qu. Cath. Em. *Em. Pet. *Kins'i p E 1637 f-c E 1628 A.lyson, Barnabas ... Jes. s M 1559 Chris Trin. 1> M 1554 Rich Joh. s M 1573 A.lhs()n, Rice [Rhesus] Qu. .s M 1623 ■Uison, Tho. Em. s M 1606 Joh. \llett, Barnabas ... Joh. s M 1619 iUott, Edw Joh. s M 1619 A.llett, Fra Joh. s Geo M 1625 Gerv Trin. s E 1633 Elliot, Gyles \liot, Tho Jes. p L 1620- \llott, John Trin. s E 1614 Vlk-t, Rich. V. Allat Ulott, Rich Joh. V E 1633 Rob *Joh. c. 1592 „ Will Pem. p M 1556 - Will. (Matr. Aid) *Joh. s E 1632 p p p p p p p s p p [p l> [p I' p p f-c [p] [f-c p p E 1576 M 1575 E 1555 E 1627 M 1634 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644; S.T.P. [(*Pem.) 1661 ; {Lit. liccj.) AM. 1629 {fil. nob.) [S.T.P. 1600 A.B. (Qu.) 1577-8; A.M. 1581; A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1610-11, Alinson (?A.B. 1591-2); A.M. 1595 A.B. 1623-4 M.B. 1634 AB. (Joh.) 1603-4, Allert; A.M. [1607 A.B. (Jes.) 1585-6; A.M. 1.389, A.B. 1624; A.M. 1627 [Aylet A.B. (*Joh.) 1617-8; A.M. 1621; [S.T.B. 1628 [1606 ; M.D. 1608 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599; M.L. A.B. 1,559-60; A.M. 15G3, Allet A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1637-8 A.M. A.M. 1634 1641 1629 1595 1625 1624 1629 1659 1629- E 1632 E 1634] E 1586 E 1588] E 1624 E 1632 M 1565 1565] c. 1594 M 1656] M 1545 E 1645 E 1627 M 1588 L 1629- E 1636 M 1624 c. 1592 E 1635 -30 A.B. 1598-9 ; A.M. 1602 ; S.T.B.'09 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. (Qu.) 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1662-3, Allistone 30 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1634-5, Alston A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 (?prev. [at Cai. as Alston) A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 [Almonds, Allman] A.B. 1658-9, Aylmer A.B. 1630-1 A.B. (Cai.) 1592-3, Almonds 30 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1628-9 ; A.M. 1632 ; S.T.B. '39 (A.B. 1638-9); A.M. 1642 A.B. (Trin.) 1598-9 AB. (Cla.) 1611-2; A.M. 16i; 12 Matriculatlonii and Decfvees 1544 — 1659 Alpinas, (Christian / *ppt ^laccabeus) Aired (Aldred), Hen Cai. — John Joh. — Tho Joh. Alscough, Edw Sid. AUopp, Durand Trin. AUsopp, Fra Mag. Alsop, Fra Trin. Alsope, Geo. v. Hawsope — Geo Peru. Allsopp, Geo Joh. Allsoppe, Hen Joh. Alsoppe, John CO. Alsop, John Trin. AUsopp, John *Chr. Alsop, Jcsias Chr. Alsope, Rob Mag. Alsop, Sam Jes. — Tho Trin. — , Tho Chr. — Vincent ... Joh. Alstall, Will Jes. Alsten, Tho Cai. Alston, Fdw Joh. — Edw Qu. — Edw Cai. — Hen Chr. — John [Em. — John Cai. — John [Trin. — Pet Cath. — Ralph Qu. — Tho Qu. Alstone, Tho Cath. Alston, Tho Joh. — Will Qu. — Will [Cai. — Will Cai. — Will Joh. Alte, John Pet. Altani, Ed Cla. Altham, Edw [Em. — Edw Cath. — Ja Trin. Altam, Ja Trin. Altham, Ja C. C. — Ja Em. — John Sid. — Mich Chr. Alltam, Rich, {imp.) Gonv.] Altham, Rich Trin. — Sam [Em. Altam, Tho Joh. — Tho Cla. Alltam, Joh. Alton, John Qu. Alured v. also Aldi'ed — John [Trin. — Join. [Trill. f-c M i:)6l A.B. ].")61-2 (Incorp. fr. Copen- [hagen); A.M. 1563 s M 1587 A. P.. l."i94-5 MR p M 1569 Iffij, p M 1572 - f-c E 1612 Aischough] ' p E 1627 ?All.sopp] - s E 1617 - p E 1632 , 1 s s E 1613 E 1645 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1647-8 M. s L 1645-6 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1659 s E 1578 A.B. 1580-1 ,.r:., [soho: . E 1584] A.B. 1584-5 s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 ; S.T.B.'36 p M 1628 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 p E 1581 s L 1620-1 A.B. (Chr.) 1624-5; A.M. 1628 *, s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 |libse, s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 - s L 1647-8 s L 1629-30 p E 1626 [Alston] [1620; M.D. 162(j( p E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 M.L. - p E 1615 LL.P>. (Trin. H.) 1619 ik T> E 1628 te s c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 Wts, 1604] V. A.shton p E 1631 L 1643-4] Wit, f-c E 1624 A.B. 1627 ta, s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 km, p M 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 163:3 toyt p E 1631 s E 1650 fe p E 1612 p E 1624] k p E 1648 p E 1654 s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3 Will.; A.M. 626 ^ f-c M 1567 h. f-c E 1599] i\% p M 1641 A.B. 1643-4 f-c M 1571 \ p M 1580 f-c E 1604 , f-c E 1631 A.B. 1632-3 . p E 1634 V E 1649 k {. s E 1545 k f-c E 1615 ^1 , f-c E 1599] ¥' 1' M 1546 M,, , f-c M 1567 ISBIWU p E 1544 4* ^ V M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 V E 1650] S f V E 1656] 1 ^ Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 13 Alui-ed, Alvye, Alvey, Tho Tho Edw Hen John Rob Will Will — Yectard (Yeldard) [Trin. Trin. *Joh. *Joh. Trin. Sid. [Joh. schol. [P P P P P Alvitt, Alwood, Aly, Alyes, Ambler, Ambliu, Ambrose, Ambrye, Amkotts, Amcott.s, Ameredith, jAmerot, jAmery, |Amerye, Ames, I Amis, 'Aymes, 'Ames, Amei.s, Ames, Amyes, Tho Em. Matt. V. At wood Jonat [Trin. Nath [Chr. John Fern. John Qu. Joshua Qu. Laur. Tho. Will. , Dan. . Edw. Isaac John Will. , Will. . Edm.. Ham. . Rich. , Will. . Trin. Pem. Joh. *Joh. Pet. *Joh. .Joh. Amey, Amye, Amy, Amye, Ambgil, lAmgell, lAmhunst, Edw Isaac John , Ralph Alex Earth John Rich Rich Rich, {imp.) Will Will Will Will Edw Hen John Rich Rob Tho Nich. Qu. Trin. [Cath. Mag. Pem. *Pet. Qu. L\ C. Em. Qu. Em. C. C. *( 'hr. Em. Qu. Chr. Mag. Cla. Jes. Chr. Qu. (tOUV. Pem. Chr. Joh. Ho. s P f-c f-c p p p Chris.... Ja Geo. . . . Amiraut v. Amyrald Amner, John Amry, Edw Em. p Amster, Tho Pem. s Amyas, Era C. C. p Amise, Israel (m/?. 12 a?t.) Joh. p Amya.s, John C. C. f-c E 1602 J E 1654J M 1564 M 1571 E 1578 E 1646 s E 1634] p E 1615 A.B. 1654 A.B. 1567-8, Alvey; A.M. 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579; S.T.B. [1586 A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1553-4 A.M. 1619 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1645-6] 1629-30] 1621 1658 1659 1588 1620 1655 1612 1607 1624 1610 A.B. (Jes.) 1624-5 ; A.M. 1628 A.B. (Cath.) 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 [1627; S.T.P. 1631 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619; S.T.B. A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.M. (Mag.) 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 : S.T.B '38 1545 1618-9 1609 1644] 1637 1580 1589 1609 1614 1611 1629-30 1658 1594 1638 1645-6 1623 1582 1563-4 1548 1578 1591 1544 1631 1555 1648 A.B. (Joh.) 1626-7 A.B. (Mag.) 1577-8 A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 (Incorp. fr. Saumur : degree not [specified) 1613 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1592-3 [Amias] A.B. 1613-4, Amyas A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1614-5, Amias A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1597-8, Ames; A.M. 1601 A.B. (Chr.) 1607-8 A.B. 1641-2, Ames; A.M. (*Qu.) A.B. 1649, Ames [1645 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1584-5, Amys A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 ; LL.D.'83 A.B. (Cla.) 1581-2; A.M. A.B. 1595-6, Amie 1585 M 1607 c. 1596 E 1580 M 1560 M 1578 A.B. 1634-5, Amgill; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1651 2 Mas. Bac. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1582-3, Amys A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1572 14 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Aniyce, Jos . *Kmg's P M 1568 A.B. 1572-3, Amise !i« Ainias, Pet . C. C. s M 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589, Amys , Theoph .. Cai. s E 1658 , — Tho .. Cai. P E 1651 A.B. 1654; A.M. 1658 - Aniyrald, Chris .. Jes. s E 1649 A.B. 1652-3, Amiraut l^es. Anby, r. a so Auby liJiew^ Anby, Will .. [Em. P E 1641] it^^ Ancell, Will .. Em. p E 1635 (Matr. Ancett) - W .. Trin. s E 1573 Auckersou, John .. Cai. [« E 1604] A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 Anderson, Alex A.B. (Trin.) 1575-6; A.M. 1579 , Athelin.... '.; [Trin. schol. E 1578] . Archib .. Qu. s M 1585 " Scotvis " , — Banks .... .. Mag. p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 '^. — Cha .. Mag. p E 1653 ^Kft. Edm .. Joh. p E 1549 , , Edm .. Joh. f-c E 1620 Edm .. Mag. p L 1647-8 *I^ Edm ..*King's p L 1650-1 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 *f» Fra .. Pet. p M 1609 A.B. (Em.) 1612-3; A.M. 1616 IRIR — Era .. Pet. p E 1610 (?the above) fc^ Hen .. Joh. 1> L 1564-5 ,teR ■ Hen .. Trin.H. f-c E 1655 Hen .. Mag. s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 John .. Em. s E 1603 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 John .. Sid. f-c L 1626-7 — Nath .. [Em. p E 1624] Nich .. Chr. s M 1578 A.B. 1581-2 Nich ..*Chr. s M 1642 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1651 Eich .. Joh. p E 1552 Rob .. Trin. p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 . Rob .. Chr. f-c E 1655 . — Steph. ... .. Joh. p E 1645 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 aki^ — Tho .. Joh. p E 1549 Will .. Trin. M 1575 A.B. 1579-80 Will .. Trin. ,s E 1576 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. (*Cath.) 158i iis Will .. Joh. f-c E 1598 U, Will .. Chr. s E 1651 ... [Trin. f-c 1644] "i Aiiderton, Laur ... Chr. p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 : Matth. ... ... Joh. p c. 1596 Phil ... Em. s E 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 . Steph. ... ... Mag. s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 ^ Thursto) 1 ... Joh. p c. 1596 Andewe, Geo ... Cai. s E 1574 [Andeiwe] M Andleser, Edw A.M. 1566 (Incorp. fr. 0.\f) \ Andresse, Olive A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Rmj.) %, Andrew, Barth. ... ... Jes. s M 1570 1 Chris. ... ... Cai. p E 1588 i Eusebi us ... Chr. f-c E 1622 |~ Andre we, Edw ... Trin. p L 1582-3 k Andrew, Edw ... Trin. [schol . E 1608] A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 | Geo ... Jes. p M 1579 ■^ . Ja ... Joh. p M 1621 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 P' — John ... Cath. f-c E 1545 Androw, John ... Trin. p s E 1552 M 1556 A.B. 1559-60 (?*Joh. 1560) ' ^r Aiidrowe, John ... Chr. ■^H. .lohn ... Trin. s M1573 it^ti — John ... Em. p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600, Andreas; A.l [(Pem.) '03, Andrewes ; S.T.P. 'J \\ — Rob ... Qu. s M 1573 Matricalations and Deyrees 1544- 59 15 Andrewe, Tho C. C. s E 1629 A.B. (Cla.) 1632-3 [Andrews] — Tho A.B. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Will Trill. p E 1569 W Trill. s L 1579-80 Aiidrewes, Bartimeus... Pet. s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 \ndrews, John Jes. s E 1606 .Indrewes, John Jes. f-c M 1618 — John Cla. s E 1620 A.B. 1622-3 John Jes. p E 1623 John Cai. p M 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 John Joh. s E 1637 [Andrew] John [Sid. f-c M 1639] John Cai. p E 1642 Andrews, John Pet. s E 1645 Andrewes, Joshua Joh. s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 iLancelot ...*Pem. p M 1571 A.B. 1574-5 ; A.M. 1578; S.T.B. '85 Nich *Pem. p E 1619 A.B. 1622; A.M. 1626; S.T.P. '42 viulrews, Rich A.M. 1607 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Androwes, Rob Pet. p E 1563 A.B. 1565-6, Andrew ; A.M. 1569 Andrewes, Rob C. C. p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 JAudrews, Rob Clti. p L 1647-8 [1604 ; S.T.P. 1609 Andrewes, -Roger *Pem. p c. 1590 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1597; S.T.B. — Roger A.B. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Sampson ... Em. p M 1634 A.B. (King's) 1637-8, Andrew Samson Trin. p M 1640 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 Sam Cai. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 Sam A.B. (Cath.) 1644 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Simon Chr. s E 1652 A.B. 1655-6 Tho Mag. s M 1582 Tho M.L. (Chr.) 1600 Tho Cla. s M 1629 A.B. 1633-4: A.M. 1637 Tho A.B. (Trin.) 1657 Andrewes, AVill Sid. s M 1598 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 Will Trin. f-c E 1606 Will Jes. f-c E 1619 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1625 li Andrews, [Trin. f-c 1 606] Anforth, Rob [Em. p E 1587] (Angar, Tho Joh. p E 1565 jAngell, John Jes. f-c E 1608 I — John Jes. f-c M 1619 I — Rob [Jes. f-c M 1619] Rob Cai. p E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 ; M.L. '61 Angel, Will Jes. f-c M 1641 Angenow, Pet ('Gallus') A.M. 1629 glesey, Cha., AW/ o/'[Pet. f-c 1644] Anger, Ambrose .'.. Trin. p M 1613 A.B. 1617-8 ; A.M. (*Cla.) 1621 Aunger, Edm Qu. s M 1571 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578; [Adm. Edw Chr. p E 1584 A.B. 1588-9 [Cai. 1570], Anger Edw Trill. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629, Angier Era Trin. p E 1574 Aungier, Era Cla. p E 1622 Aunge, Era Joh. p M 1635 Amigier, Era [Cla. s M 1658] [LL.D. 1616 Aunger, John *Trin. p M 1-583 A.B. 1587-8, Augier; A.M. 1591 ; (John) (LA.B. 1594-5); A.M. (Cla.) 1598 Angier, John Em. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 John Cai. p L 1634-5 A.B. 1637 Aungier, John Em. p M 1647 1 Master of Peiulnoke. l.W.t ; Bishop of Cliic-liester, l(i().j; Ely, 1GU9 ; Wiucht-ster, 1G19. 2 Master of Jesus, Kils. 16 Anger, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 John Rich. [AwgerJ Tht The. Tho. Will. Angold, Angood, Angron, Anguish, Anguishe, Angwish, Angwood, Anicoe, Anlabye, Anlaybie, Anlabie, Annand, Annis, J oh. Peni. Uai. Cla. Mag. *Trin. [C.C. Jes. Steph. Tho. V. Angwood Pet Pet, Edm. John Rich. Rich. Tho. Tho. Tho. Pet. Edm. Tho. Tho. Will. Will. Rich. Rich. Will. [C. C. c. c. *c. c. c. c. Pet. Cai. Qu. Cla. J oh. Trin. Peni. Em. U. ( '. Ansam, e. also Agmondesham Awnsham, Ansam, Ancell, Ansell, Rich Chr. Will King's 'junr.' [King's Anscell, Ansell, Ansowort, Anncsley, Ansley, Anson, Anstele, Anstey, Ansty, Anstruthcr, Antam, Antcrbu.s, Anthom, Antonie, Anthony, Anthonie, Antony, Anthony, Edm Matth Nich Oliver Reynold Rich Tho Tho. (Matr.^ John)( Will Rob Era Phil John Em. Cla. Em. Jes. Sid. Joh. Jes. *Jes. Jes. Jes. [Qu. Joh. Joh. [Pern. John *King's Steph * King's Will. Ja Ralph ... John (imp. Cha Edvv Era Ceo John John John Anthouye, Nicl Qu. King's C. C. Trin. Jes. Qu. Cath. King's- Pern. (nh.^ Jes. E 1650 E 1545 M 1582 c. 1591 L 1648-9 M 1568 1548] M 1582 M 1581 1653] M 1629 [1599] M 1629 E 1578 E 1631 c. 1596 E 1656 M 1584 E 1656 E 1633 M 1656 E 1650 f-c f-c [P P V V P P P f-c A.B. 1652-3, Angier; A.M. 1657 A.B. (*Trin.) 1547-8, Augier A.B. 1585-6, Aunger; A.M. (^A.B. 1594-5); A.M. 1598 A.B. 1652-3, Aungier; A.M. A.B. 1573-4, Aunger; A.M. E 1612 1595 1596-7] 1635] 1585 1624 1585 M 1616 E 1631 E 1585 M 1618 E 1588 E 1615 E 1644] L 1563-4 M 1552 1579] M 1629 E 1637 E 1623 L 1593-4 M 1566 E 1550 E 1620 E 1645 L 1588-9 M 1576 !> E 1608 bovej p M 1565 1589. 1656 1577 A.B. A.B. A.B. 1303-4; A.M. 1607 1632; A.M. 1630 1581-2, Angus S.T.B. [1614 vH. A.B. 1599-1600, Angood; A.M. '03 A.B. 1516-7 (Handlabye); A.MJ [1520; S.T.B. 1547 (*Cla.: A.B. (Joh.) 1571-2 A.M. 1659 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1615-6, Ansam; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625; S.T._ 1632 (On King's visit), Anselin A.B. 1590-1 [S.T.P.(ZiV.y%.)'6 [16Ci (A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637); S.T..' (A.B. 1640-1); A.M. 1644 (in < A.B. 1596-7, Anton A.B. 1623-4; A..M. 1627 {IA.B. 1592-3; A.M. c 15961 A.B. 1590-1 [M.D. (Pern.) 1( A.B. (Mag.) 1599-1600 M.B. 1613; M.D. 1618-9 A.M. (Pern.) 1612 1\ Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 17 Anthony, lAntill, Anthill, Anton, Antonius, Rob. Sam. John Will. Geo. Ja. ... Antoniis, de, Pet. .. Mag. ,. Joh. . Em. . [Em. . *King'.s .*King's Ja. V. Antam Tho King's John, V. Anthony E 1606 M 1634 M 1651 E 1659] M 1566 E 1616 Antrobus, John Rob Will Evans . . Roger Ambrose Pem. Joh. Qu. *Qu. Anwill, Anworth, i Appleby, Appleby, Chris Chr. [Appleby, Era Em. JApelbye, John Joh. Applebj^e, Rich, {imp.) Joh. Apleby, Tho *Trin. Appleford, Cha *Qu. Applegarth, Tho Cai. Aplethwaite, John Cai. ' " C. C. Pet. Em. Joh. Pet. Trin. Cai. Trin. Cath. C. C. Joh. p M 1561 f-c E 1604 s E 1634 f-c E 1620 s E 1631 A.pplewhaite, John jAppleton, Hen. lOlS; Appleton, i| — JApleton, Appleton, E 1603 E 1607 E 1568 M 1554 E 1634 E 1637 E 1600] E 1626 E 1655 E 1610 Isaac .... Rob Roger. . . . Tho Will Appleyard, Edw Gamaliel Hen Hen Ja S.I.illAppleyarde, Joh Appleyard, '(«,.)'! Matth Trin. Tho Cla. Tho Mag. Tho *Trin.H, Will Pet. Will Joh. Will Cla. Mag. Aprichards, John Joh. Apsley, Anth Jes. I — Edw Chr. I — Hen Jes. jApsly, Hen Cla. John Qu. Ralph (Randall) Em. .. Trin. p E 1637 f-c M 1583 f-c E 1610 f-c E 1567 p E 1613 s L 1637-8 p M 1569 s M 1641 s E 1632 f-c E 1616 p M 1626 s c. 1591 f-c c. 1595 [schol. E 1592] A.psley Arbotyll Edw. Archbishop, John [Joh. Ajchbold, Edw *Trin Archboult, A.rchbold, Edw. Fra. John Jos. Tho. Qu. Pet. *King's Joh. King's E 1602 E 1614 M 1634 c. 1597 M 1567 M 1579 E 1619 M 1572 E 1620 E 1657 E 1624 M 1561 E 1639] L 1593^4 E 1642] E 1608 c. 1595 E 1606 M 1601 A.B. 1609 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1574 (died 1619: no A.B.) A.M. 1624 A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Trin.) 1597-8 V. Hanmer A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637; S.T.B. {Lit. Reg.) 1661; S.T.P. {Lit. A.B. 1606-7 [Reg.) 1666 A.B. 1610-11 A.B. 1637-8 ; A.M. 1641 ; S.T.B. '61 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg: A.B. 1612-3 (Adrn. at Cai. Feb. 11, 1566-7) A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1629-30 LL.B. 1598 A.B. 1617-8 A.B. 1638-c A.M. 1642 A.B. 1582-3 (Matr. Aspley) A.B. 1576-7 A.B, 1627-8; A.M. 1636 (in ordo) A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1649-50 A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 (A.B. 1598-9); A.M. 1603; S.T.B. [1609; S.T.P. 1615 18 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Archdale, Dan Chr. p — Rob Arche, Ant Trin. p Archer, Abr Chr. p — Anth [Trin. p — Benj [Chr. s — Benj Qu. p — Edw Joh. s — Edw Trin. s — Ferdinand... Chr. s — Gabriel Joh. p — Gyles Em. p — Hen C. C. f-c — Isaac Trin. s — Ja — Ja Chr. s — John *King's p — John Qu. s — John Joh. s • — ■ John Jes. s — John (sen.)... Qu. p — John(jun.)... Qu. p — John — John Trin. f-c — Rob Mag. s — Tho *Trin. s — Tho Em. p — Tho Chr. p — Tho Trin. p — Tim Trin. p — Tim Sid. s — Will — Will Em. s ™ Will Chr. p Archerson, John Cla. s ArchpooUc, Edw Mag. p Ardds, John Gonv.H. s Arden, John King's s Ardern, Hen Trin. [p — Ja Chr. p Ardrum, John Chr. f-c Arderne, Ralph Trin. [s Ardren, Tho King's p Ardes, Rich Joh. p — Tho Joh. p Ardinville, [C. C. f-c Ardley, Nath Em. s Arengell, John C. C. s Argall, Cha [Chr. p — Edm. (mjo. 13 a«.) Chr. f-c — Gabriel — Rich [C. C. — Rich [Trin. schol. — Rich Em. p — Sam Joh. p ~ Tho Trin.H. p Argent, John Pet. p Argor, John Qu. s Arkasdcn, Tho Em. p M 1610 M 1559 M 1611 L 1635-6] E 1641] E 1658 E 1610 M 1629 E 1633 c. 1591 M 1626 M 1586 E 1657 L 1597-8 M 1561 M 1572 M 1579 E 1602 M 1615 M 1615 E 1633 E 1614 M 1575 E 1626 E 1631 M 1635 M 1613 E 1637 A.B. (Chr.) 1607; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. (Cla.) 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1633; A.M. (King's) 1637 A.B. 1636-7 ; A.M. (Qu.) 1640 m m A.B 1630-1 ; A.M 1634 A.B. 1664-5 - A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 - A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 », A.B. 1565-6 ; A.M. 1569 f, A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 jte A.B. 1605-6 ; A.M. 1609 1 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 b A.M. (Mag.) 1626 t* irtage, A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643; ?S.T.Mite, {{Lit. Reg.) 166 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620; S.T.] [1632 (On King's visih - A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 {i ^ A.B. (*Cla.) 1604-5 ; A.M. 160|i ^ Sited, E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 E 1584 M 1564 A.B. 1567-8 E 1544 E 1598 E 1659] A.B. 1662-3; A.M. (*Pet.) 1666 E 1653 A.B. 1656; M.B. 1658 L 1564-5 A.B. 1567-8, Ardren E 1647] A.B. 1650 M 1547 [Arden] M 1554 M 1554 1579] E 1645 (Adm. Qu. 1645-6) E 1622 E 1646] E 1565 A.B. 1572-3 (Incorp. fr. OxJ 1591] E 1593] [A.M. (Trin. H.) 19 E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 E 1582 E 1578 A.B. 1581-2 E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 wj Mafriculations and Degrees 1544 -16; 19 Arkenstall, John [Ti'in. ] Arkynstall, Rich Qu. Arkenstall, Rob Qu. Arkinstall, Will Arlich, Alex Qu. Arlush, Steph Arme, John Em. — Will Jes. Armeston, Will Annfield, Nich Qu. Armiger, Clem King'.- Armyger, Edw Trin. Armiger, Manser Em. Tho [Cai. Will Cai. Armin, Evers Sid. fiArmyn, John Qu. Armine, Will [Sid. Army tage, Anth Pet. — Godfr Cla. Armitage, Greg Trin. Armytage, John Trin. jArmatage, John Trin. ■j Armitage, John Pet. j — John Cla. Rob Trin. Tim Cath. Armytage, W Trin. Armitage, Will Mag — Will Em. — Will Sid. — Will [Sid. Armley, Chris Em. Armond, Rob Cla. — Will Qu. Armisted, Chris Cath. — Ja Pem. Armitstead, Mich Chr. Armistead, Rich Armstead, Rich Cath. — Rob Chr. Armitstead, Tho Cai. Armested, W Chr. Armystead, Will [Joh. Armitstead, Will [Qu. Armsteade, W Trin. Armesteed, Will Chr. Armistead, Will Cai. Armested Chr. Armestronge, Barth Qu. — Gabr Pem. Armestroug, [Gabr.] Chr. Armstrong, Gabr Jes. Armestronge, John Trin. — John Joh. iArmestrong, John Joh. Armstrong, John *Joh. — Tho Em. Arnall, Hen Joh. Arnesse, Edw. v. Harnyss Arnewaye, Rob Joh. I. schol. M 15901 p L 1584-5 P L 1582-3 A.B. (*Jes.) 1592-3; A.M. 1596 s E 1635 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1646 A.B. (Pet.) 1645-6; A.M. 1649 s M 1625 Armes s M 1589 A.M. 1617 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ,s E 1606 (?A.B. 1609-10); A.M. 1613 p E 1634 s E 1554 s c. 1595 f-c M 1585] f-c E 1655 f-c E 1614 p M 1579 f-c L 1609-10] [tage s M 1586 (?A.B. 1589-90) ; A.M. 1593, Ermy- s M 1586 (?A.B. 1589-90) ; A.M. (Mag.) 1593 p p c. 1593 L 1563-4 p 1591 s c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 f-c E 1615 p M 1629 A.B. 1632-3 s M 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 s M 1566 s M 1580 s E 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 p E 1615 ?prev. at Caius s E 1642] s E 1613 p L 1618-9 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 s M 1587 [Aerman] s M 1622 A.B. 1625-6, Armitsted s E 1569 [Clemisted p E 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 Matr. A.B. (*Joh.) 1552-3; A.M. 1556, s E 1623 [*Jes. 1553 p E 1659 A.B. 1662-3 s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5, Armistead s M 1545 schol M 1550] s L 1576-7 s M 1584 s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 p E 1639 s E 1544 p M 1575 p E 1606 p M 1631 s M 1642 s M 1565 s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 s M 1645 s M 1652 A.B. 1655-6; A. M. 1659; S.T.B. '66 s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 M 1549 •20 Arnold, Arnolde, Arnold, Mah'iculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Adam Chr. And Chr. Edw. {imp.) Jes. Jer — John .... — John .... — John .... — Nath Arnald, Rich Arnold, Rich — Rob — Sam — Tho Arnald, W Arnwey, John .... Arrablaster, Edra Arrells, Ds de, Arrington, Lancelot Arris, Tho — Tho Arrowsmythe, Alex Chr. s Arrowsmyth, i John Joh. p Arrowsmith, Tho Joh. p Arscot, Edrn Em. f-c Arscott, Tho Em. p Arskine (Areskinus), Will., i.e. Erskine King's Cath. Mag. Qu. Jes. Qu. Joh. Pet. Joh. Cai. Chr. Joh. Arson, Arthington, Arthor, Arthur, Artur, Artson, Arundel, Arundell, Arwaker, Arwin, Arwyn, Arwin, Arxdall, John Cla. John Joh. Ralph Joh. Tho Cla. Tho Trin.H. John Em. Owen *Cla. Tho. Will. Walt. Era. Geo. Geo. Era. John John Tho. Tho. Will. Asbole V. Ashboold Asburne, Era. ^ Em. Joh. Em. *Trin. Qu. Cai. Trin. Cath. , Chr. Chr. [Qu. Qu. Asbye, Ascham, Ascam, Askam, Ascham Ascott, Asforbye, Asfordley, Asgill, Ash, Ashbom'ne W Qu. Anth *King's Gyles *Trin. Hen. V. Ayscough Tho. Will. ... Cha. ... Joshua Edw. ... Hen. .., Joh. [Em. [Em. Mag. Cai. Chr. Mag. E 1582 M 1567 M 154!J E 1580 M 164G E 1653 E 1659 E 1616 E 1622 E 1658 E 1655 M 1578 A.B. (Trin.) 1584-5, Arnall A.B. 1571-2; A.M. (*Qu.) 1575; [S.T.B. 1582 A.B. (Trin.) 1597-8, Aruall; A.M. [1601 A.B. (Trin.) 1582-3; A.M. 1586;_ [S.T.B. 1593; S.T.P. 1604, W A.B. 1656-7 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1635 A.B. (Em.) 1626 A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1661-2 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662; LL.D. '80 Oxf.) Jime. A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. L 1564-5 [Alablaster] A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) 1617 1639 M 1571 E 1616 M 1651 c. 1596 E 1644 E 1545 E 1632 M 1617 E 1604 E 1637 E 1629 E 1657 L 1626-7 M 1565 L 1629-30 E 1632 E 1549 M 1614 E 1635 E 1632 c. 1596 M 1567 E 1601] L 1545-6 E 1565 M 1634 E 1579 M 1544 A.B. 1642-3 M.D. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [(*Cath.) 1633; S.T.P. 1648B!kk A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623; S.T.B, A.B. (*Trin.) 1655-6; A.M. 1659 Incorp. (?A.M.) fr. St Andrewi [1635 ; S.T.B. (Mag.) 164( A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. (*Cath.) 1607-8 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636, Arthui A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1568-9 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 iiiist, feitiist m A.B. 1635-6; A.M. A.B. 1599-1600 A.B. 1571-2 1639 1633] 1596- 1594 1632] M 1621 M 1602 A.B. 1638; A.M. 1642 \ A.B. 1582-3, Ascham; A.M. 1586*; [S.T.B. 159i! A.B. 1635-6 (Asforby); A.M. 1( A.M. 1617 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1624 Master of St John's, 1644; Kegius Professor of Divinity, IG.'il; Master of Trinity, 1653. Matriculations and Degrees 15 44 — 1659 21 A-she, il A^he, [1« _ Assball, IM Ashall, John Trill. Nath.... Nath.... Rich.... Simeon Anth.... Tho. ... Tho. ... Qu. s Em. P gu. P [Em. s *Joh. V Qu. r« Trin. s E 1616 E 1639 M 1652 E 1613 E 1613] E 1548 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 Ashburnham, John [Pet. Ashbernham, Sam. A.sbole, \sbebold, \shborne, \sburue, Yshebourne, Ishborne, \shbm-ne, Vshburner, Vshby, \shbye, Vssbebye, Vshby, Vshbie, Hen Will Alex Era Geo John Sam Rich Cba. (Matr.[ Astey)( Cheney Era Job. Job. Mag. Em. Trin. Trin. Em. Job. Job. A.B. 1551-2, Ashaw L 1589-90] A.B. 1593-4 M 1651 E 1619] M 1654 E 1622 A.B. 1625-6, Asbboold ; A.M. 1629 E 1562 A. B. 1 564^5, Asbebole ; A. M. 1 568 ; L 1629-30 A.B. 1634-5 [S.T.P. (Pet.) 1594 A.B. 1566-7, Ashbourne; A.M. '70 M 1562 M 1569 M 1625 E 1654] E 1646 A.B. 1629-30, Ashburne ; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1657-8; M.L. (Trin.) 1662 *King's p M 1650 A.B. 1654-5 ; A.M. 1658 Cla. Pet. Geo Trin.H. ilAsheby, 'lAsshebye, Ashbj', jishcroft, Ai'tte i^bdon, lAshelebye, lishenbiirst, Geo. Hen. John Rob. Tho. Tho. Will. Will. Rich. Tho. Ja. .. Era. Trin. Trm. Qu. King',' Trin. V. As ... [Tr. H. schob .. Pet. p ,..*Trin. p ... Pet. p ;hton .. Trin. p ... Job. s M 1564 E 1551 E 1550 1598 1598 (?A.B. 1602-3); A.M. 1606 M 1576 L 1579-80 E 1604 E 1609] M 1551 E 1604 E 1615 (No A.B.); A.M. 1566 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612, Ashebe A.B. 1618 i\.shetonhm'st,_Ralpb Tr iishey, ~ ~ iVsshefylde, in. Vsbefyld, IVshfeild, lAsshefylde, iisbefyld, j^shefylde, l^shfeld jAsheley, ishley, Asheley, Em. C. C. C. C. CO. Trin. Edm. Ho. Trin. SI. 158! 15S Ksheley, 'ishley, ishlie, Asshelay, ishley, ^[ 18S isheley, ishley. J, 1633. Era. Edm. Geo. John John John Rob. Tho. Will Edm. Ho. [Trin. Edw Job. 'Herb Mag. John V. Astley John Cla. John John John John Rich. Rich. Rob. Tbo. Tho. Will. Mag. f-c C. C. s Trin. p *Job. ]) Trin. p Trin. f-c Trin. s Trin. f-c Fern. s M 1566 M 1656 M 1580 E 1635 E 1554 E 1554 M 1554 E 1578 M 1544 E 1578 M 1544 1554] M 1567 M 1638 M 1571 E 1582 E 1621 M 1635 M 1545 M 1562 E 1572 M 1601 M 1619 E 1639 A.M. 1612 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1641-2 [1580, Ashley A.B. 1574-5, Astley; A.M. (Mag.) A.B. (Jes.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 [Atcblie A.B. 1624; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1550-1, Asteley ?*C.C. 1551 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1648 Dean of Norwich, 1670 (Astley;. 99 Matricvlatlons and Defjree^ 1544 — ^659 Ashmall, Alex Qu. s M 1570 Ashner [C. C. 1544] Ashpole, Edni Trin. .s M 1656 Ashpull, Elisha Clir. s ]M 1619 — Elisha Asheton, Abdias *Joh. p L 1577-8 — Abel Job. p L 1577-8 Ashton, Anth Trin. s E 1621 Asheton, Chris (Jla. s E 1582 — Edm Job. s M 1562 Ashton, Edm CO. p M 1602 Asheton, Edw — Ja Trin. s L 1579-80 Ashton, Ja *Joh. s c. 1591 Asheton, John *Trin. p M 1547 Ashton, John [Em. 1604] — John Mag. p E 1624 — John Mag. p M 1645 — Nich *Chr. [? schol. 1530] — Pet Asheton, Pet Cla. s E 1580 Ashton, Pet *Trin. [schol. E 1605] — Pet — Ralph Sid. f-c E 1614 — Randolph ... Mag. f-c E 1023 Asheton, Rich Qu. f-c E 1573 Ashton, Rich Job. f-c ? c. 1595 — Rich Sid. f-c E 1640 — Rob Assheton, (Rob.) Chr. s E 1544 Ashton, Roger *Pem. s E 1628 — Roger Jes. s L 1637-8 Assheton, Tho *Trin. p E 1555 Ashton, Tho Job. p c. 1597 — Tho *Trin. p E 1621 Ashdon, Tho Em. p E 1637 Asheton, Walt Chr. p E 1571 Ashton, Walt Job. p E 1606 — Walter, Sir — Walt Job. [E 1633] — Will Jes. s c. 1593 Asheton, W Cla. f-c E 1563 Ashetonn, Will Em. p M 1602 Ashton, Will Job. p E 1623 Asheton, Will Trin. p E 1627 Ashton [Trin. f-c 1644] Asbvxrst, Ja Qu. [s E 1623] — John Em. p E 1640 — Sam [Em. p L 1645-6] Ashwell, Gideon *King's p L 1634-5 — Ja Qu. s M 1623 Asbewel, Rob Trin. s M 1567 Ashwn C. C. p M 1602 Ashewood, Tho Trin. s E 1576 Ash worth, John [Em. p M 1655] — Rich Mag. s M 1612 Askall, Humph. ... Job. p L 1557-8 Aske, Ja Pem. p M 1583 — • John Cai. f-c L 1578-9 A.B. 1574-5 A. 13. 1622-3 A.B. (Chr.) 1636-7 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585; S.T.B. 'aapikf^ A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 litje, A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. (Qu.) 1569-70 A.B. (Cath.) 1582-3; A.M. (Cla.*|rf [1586; S.T.B. 159S H' (? A. B. 1594-5); A.M. 1598; S.T.B A.B. 1549-50; A.M. 1553 [160< A.B. 1004-5 (?adm. as Alston) A.B. 1533-4 ; A.M. 1538 ; S.T.B. A.B. 1539-40; A.M. (*Pet.) 1543 [S.T.B. 155 lijtl, A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609; S.T.I Ifjvtbe, [1637 {Lit. Reg. |ik, A.B. (Trin.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.M. 1614-5 (On King's visit) A.B. 1540-1; A.M. 1545 A.B. 1544-5 A.B. 1631; A.M. 1635; S.T.P. A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1563 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 [Ashton] (?A.B. 1608-9); A.M. 1612 A.M. 1612-3 A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 (A.B. 1638-9); A.M. 1641 (Mistake for Asburst, above) A.B. (Qu.) 1573-4, Ashwell A.B. 1581-2 A.B. 1058 (?adm. as Astwick)i A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1561-2 It also i J' ^ n. I, Ii Ji \ h Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 23 A.ske, Askows, Askye, A.slack, Aslebye, S fA.slabye, A.spden, 1 — .4spin, Aspinwall, 'Aspynall, Vspinall, Aspingwall, Vsplande, Vspland, Asplande, \squith ('. Vskwyth, \skquythe, Asquith, \skwith, Vsqviith, iAsquithe, '[Askewith, lAskwith, John Leon. Pern. Qii. V. Astry Chr. Job. .{imp.) Trin. Hen. Will. Fra. Rolpl Miles Tho Tho John Tho Will Edw Gamaliel . . . Ja Tho Will Geo Nich Tho also Ayscough Anth Trin. Job. Pet. Mag. *Mag. Em. Cla. Job. Cai. Mag. Chr. Trin. Cla. Job. Brian Pem. Em. Em. Em. Chr. Trin. Em. Trin. Catb. Job. Era. Trin. Trin. Astell, iistyll, ■jVstell, Vstyll, i^tle, Ashtell, lAstell, 'Vsten, .^ter, istey, Istie, Astley I istely, istley, 'istely, Brian Fra Hen John Tho Will Will Will Will Befaitbful Edw Hen And Edw. V. Awstell Edw. Geo. John John , Ralph Tho. , Tho. , Tho. Will. Cla. Trin. Pem. Cla. Job. Pem. Cla. Cla. Jes. Fra. V. Austen Ja Chr. Tho [Trin. Fra Em. Rob Job. '. also Asbelev And. ....^ [Qu. Edw Trin. Fra Chr. Geo [Job. Is [Pet. Jacob King'H (Asheley) John... John V. Ashley John Mag. Rich Qu. p E 1582 A.B. (Pet.) 1585-6 p E 1545 E 1645] M 1567 E 1550 M 1620 E 1651 E 1582 E 1623 E 1652 E 1635 E 1582 M 1564 M 1589 E 1654 M 1553 M 1639 E 1576 f-c A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1664 (Matr. [Haslock) A.B. (Trin.) 1608-9 A.B. 1623-4 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659; S.T.P. '83 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. (C. C.) 1597 A.B. 1657 A.B. 1555-6; *Jes. 1557 p E p M s c. s c. s M p M p c. p E f-c M f-c E [p E s E s E s E 1567 1546 1593 1593 1602 1558 1591 1.587 16J3 1637 1655] 1608 1579 1575 A.B. 1596-7 M.B. 1660 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.B. (Pet.) 1583-4, Ashley p E 1631 p M 1578 p M 1576 s E 1631 p E 1650 p M 1576 f-c E 1586 p M 1621 [s 1629] A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 p M 1558 (?Astey) s E 1647] f-c E 1635 (Matr. Aspey) p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1633-4 A.B. (Pet.) 1653-4; A.M. 1657 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. (*Qu.) 1583 [S.T.B. 1634 A.B. 1622, Astell; A.M. 1626: E 1626] L 1618-9 E 1611 s E 16521 1652J 1657 1593 A.M. 1564 (On Queen's visit) p M 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 24 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Astley, Tho Pet. — Will Trin. Astloe, Edw Pet. ■ Aston, Edw [Cai. — Peele Triu. — Willoughby {Sir) [Job. — [Trill. — [Triu. Astrye, Geo Cla. Astrey, Geo Qu. Astry, Hen King's Astrey, Hen [Trin. — Luke Qu. — Ralph Qu. — Rich Qu. Astry, Will Qu. Astwick, John Em. Astood, Will, {imp.) Cai. Atchorne, Rich [Em. Atchlie, John v. Ashley Ateye, Hen *Kiug's Atey, Jonat Trin. Atay, Rog Atey, Tho Trin. Atfenne, Will C. C. Atherold, Nath [C. C. Atherston, Humph. ...*Qu. Atherstone [King's Atherton, Chris Joh. — Hen Joh. — Humfr Qu. — John Em. — Ruben Cla. Adderton, Sam Chr. Atherton, Tho Trin. — Tho Aththie, Chris Chr. Athorpe, Rob Sid. Athow, Chris Cai. — Hen. Cai. Athowe, John Cla. — John Cai. Athow, John Cai. — John Trin. — Nich Cla. Athowe, Tho Cla. — Wingfield ... Cai. Atkin, Tho [Trin. Atkins, Edw [Sid. — Hen Cai. Atkyn.s, John Em. Atkins, John Qu. Atkyns, Rich Trin. Atkins, Rich Sid. Atkaines, Rob Sid. Atkyns, Rog Joh. Atkins, Simon Cai. Atkyns, " Sth.'^ (Steph. ?) C. C. — Tho Sid. Atkins [King's Atkinson, Abr Joh. f-c c. f-c f-c p E p E f-c c. M s E p E p E s E p M s M E 1595 1588 1616 1592- 1606 1656] 1606] 1606] 1573 1603 1591 1638] 1604 1628 1650 1647 1655 1658 1646] 3] A.B. (Pern.) 1576-7 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1651 A.B 1650-1; A.M. 1654 V. Ashworth [Astwood] A.B. 1576-7, Atlierton ; A.M. 1580l [S.T.B. 1587- L 1607-8 (A.B. 1611-2); A.M. 1615 E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 ; A.M. 1653 ; M.L. '5: A.B. (Cath.) 1618-9; A.M E 1611 c. 1594 1655] E 1573 L 1569-70] E 1568 E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4 M 1588 L 1597-8 (?A.B. 1602-3); A.M. 1606 E 1572 A.B. (Pern.) 1578-9; A.M. 158: E 1569 A.B. 1573-4 ; A.M. 1577 ; S.T.B. A.B. (Cath.) 1608-9 A.B. 1590-1, Athey E 1587 E 1656 M 1631 M 163] M 1565 E 1606 M 1612 E 1642 M 1566 E 1576 E 1606 E 1654] M 1647] M 1624 E 1588 L 1645-6 M 1552 M 1641 E 1637 M 1573 M 1614 E 1548 E 1648 L 1581 2 E 1598 A.B. 1634-5 A.B. 1634-5: A.M. A.M. 1638 1638 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 1627-8 (Matr. Adkins) A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 [Migr. to Em. M \bi Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 25 Atkynson, Anth Chr. s — Benedic t . . . Atkinson, Chippenham [Qu. p Atkynson, Chris — Chris Joh. s Vtkinson, Edw Joh. p — Edw Sid. p — Edw Jcs. p — Edw Sid. p — Era Joh. p — Era Joh. s — Ceo ]\[iig. s \tkynson, Hen Joh. s Vtkinson, Hen Pern. s — Isaac Chr. p — Ja Joh. s i.A.tkynson, John Pem. p John Trin. s John Qu. p itkinson, John Joh. p John Chr. p John Chr. s John Joh. s John Pem. s John [Joh. s Mark Chr. s Nath Em. s [Pet.] Chr. s Pet Chr. p — 1 Rich *King's [jj Vtkynson, Rich Joh. s Vtkinson, Rich Qu. s — Rich [Sid. s — Rich Chr. s Vtkynson, Rob Qu. s — Rob Qu. p Ukinson, Rob Chr. p ; — Rob Tr. H. p I — Simond Chr. p iUkynson, Tho iltkinson, Tho Chr. p Itkynson, Tho *Joh. p ,j — Tho Joh. s — Tho Foh. s ' — Tho Mag. s ' — Tho Pet. s itkinson, Tho Qu. s — Tho Chr. p — Tho Chr. p — Tho Chr. p — Tho Chr. p itkynson, Will Jes. p \tkinson, Will Pet. p Vtkynson, Will *Trin. [schol. — W Joh. s — Will Chr. R Atkinson, Will Trin. p — Will Pem. s — Will [Chr. s 1 Provost M 1550 E 1612] 1578 1601 1609 1633 1639 1617 1636 1618 1576 1641 1627 1591 1546 1568 157S-9 1598 1604 1611 1618 1620 1656] 1637 1635 1603 1652 1527] 1579 1620 1647] 1659 1565 1580 1652 1654 . 1606 1553 1566 1571 1577 1581 1587 1595 1607 1619 1620 1623 1552 1556 1562] 1565 1573 1609 1619 1624] King A.B. (Joh.) 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.M. 1573 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 (in ordo) A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1547-8; A.M. (*Pet.) 1555 A.B. (Joh.) 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586; M.D. [(C. C.) 1608 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1614-5 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1640; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1607-8 [1542; S.T.P. 1545 A.B. 1531-2; A.M. 1535; S.T.B. A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1623-4 ; A.M. 1628, Previously at Joh. [John in grace A.B. 1662-3 A.B. 1568-9 A.B. 1583-4 LL.B. 1658 A.B. 1541-2 ; A.M. (*Trin.) 1547 ; [S.T.B. 1554 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1626; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1555-6; *Joh. 1556 A.B. 1565-6 ; A.M. 1569 ; S.T.B. '76 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 1553. 26 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Atkinson, Will Chr. Atkys, Hen Trin. — John Job. Atley, Rich [Trin. — W[ill.] Cai. Atlce, Will. : Qu. Atniear [Sid. Atsloe, Edw [Pet. Attcrbery, tjteph J oh. Atterbie, Tho Chr. Attersall, Will Pet. Attersoll, Will Pet. Aterton, (John) Atterton, Tho Attlesey, Phil Pet. Attewell V. also Otwell Atwell, Geo Chr. Atewell, Ralph Atwel] [Em. Atwood, Ja [C. C. — John Qu. — John *Em. — Walt Qu. Atwoode, Will Qu. Atwood, Will Trin. Atwood [C. C. Aubrey v. Awbery Aubie, Andr Trin. Aubigny, Geo. (Ih'other of Auborne, Matth Em. Auburne, Will Job. Aubye, Geo Sid. Aucher, Anth Cla. — Anth Trin. — Anth King . — Edwin Trin. — Hatton *Cla. — John C. C. Auckerson v. Ancker.son Auder, Will Audian, Rich Trin. Awdleye, Edm Chr. Audley, Hen Chr. Awdley, John Mag. Audlye, John Chr. Audley, John Joh. — John Chr. — John Cath, — John Chr. — John Qu. — Lewis Awdeley, Phil Joh. Awdley, Rob Cla. Audley, Rob Pem. Awdley, Rob Pem. Audley, Rob C. C. — Rob Trin. Awdley, Tho Mag. Audley, Tho Pern. Awdley, Tho Pem. M 1627 M 1566 (isame as above) 1579-80 1644] 1586 1633 1600] 1616] 1609 M 1572 M 1579 p E 1608 s E 1627 s E 1658 P P H. p f-c E 1628] 1624] E 1615 L 1647-^ E 1618 E 1614 M 1647 1553] P Duke of E 1634 Lennox) P f-c f-c P s f-c [schol. P P 1625 E 1648 E 1618 E 1633 E 1636 E 1655 E 1608] M 1654 L 1634-5 E 1550 E 1654 E 1607 E 1544 E 1560 c. 1596 E 1621 M 1622 M 1649 E 1656 M 1555 E 1553 E 1579 M 1585 E 1611 E 1641 E 1544 L 1577- M 1585 [Atlee] A.B. 1636- Iiiiler: A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. (Cla.) 1582-3, Attersold ; A.IV f [(Pet.)158 ^¥' A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 I • A.B. 1539-40; A.M. 1545; *Tri#«* A.B. (Cai.) 1588-9 [Atharton] A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1638 A.B. (King's) 1578-9 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653; S.T.B.'( A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 (Mai [Al A.B. 1638, i'Anbie A.M. 1634 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1633 [Awnby] [Adm. Pet. 1636] A.B. 1608-9 A.B. 1660; A.M. (*Trin. H.) 16 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. (*Pet.) 164 [S.T.P. {Lit. Reg.) 16' (?A.B. ); A.M. (Chr.) 16 ■ A.B. 1550-1; A.M. 1559 A.B. 1610-11 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1627 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. (King's) 1637-8; A.M. 16 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 27 Audley, The. .. Pern. ,s E 1626 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Will. .. C. C. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618; M.D. Awdry, John .. Mag. P M 1567 [1631-2? (On King's visit) Audry, Audsley, Will. .. Koger. . Cla. s c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1621 ; A.M. 1632 Aufyld, Tho. .. .!'"!>King's l> M 1568 A.B. 1572 3 A.utield, Will. .. *King'.s p E 1618 (A.B. 1620-1); A.M. 1625 \uger i: also Anger Auger, John .. Pet. s M 1G83 Augar, Augars, Nich. .. A.B. (Joh.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 Ml Nath... ;.'.".'.'.' [Em. s E 1600] eiiloS Aulabye v. Anlabye Auldin, Hen. .. Sid. s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 ;% Aumant, Rob. .. A.B. (Pet.) 1595-6; A.M. 1599 rtoo] Austen, Benj. .. '.'.'.'.'.'. Job. p U 1586 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 s Edw. .. Trin. f-c M 1626 Asten, Fra. .. Job. p E 1585 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 Austen, Fra. .. A.B. (Cath.) 1609 Austin, John .. '.'.'.'.".'. Joh. s E 1631 Austen, John .. [Pet. 1645 Austin, Pet. .. [Joh. s E 1655 Ralph AM. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) M 1599] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 — Hen Sid. s M 1633 A.B. (Trin.) 1638-9; A.M. 1642 Askewe, John Joh. s L 1564-5 Avskewe, John Cai. s E 1580 A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. 1586 ; S.T.B. '95 Avscough, John Em. f-c E 1622 Askew, Phil Trin. s M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 Askewe, Rob Trin. s M 1572 Ascoughe, Rob Cai. p c. 1594 Askew, Tho Chr. p M 1564 Ascugh, Tho Joh. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8 Askewe, Walt Trhi. p E 1575 Ayscough, Will [Cai. p E 1608] Will [Sid. .s E 1628] A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 Askue, Will Trin. p L 1629-30 A.B. 1633-4, Askew ; A.M. 1637 Ascue, Will Trin.H. p E 1641 Askewe [Trin. 1548] Askue [King's 1557-8] Ayson, John Chr. p M 1642 — Rich A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2 Aystrope, John Mag. s E 1641 A.B. 1644-5 Ayton, John Chr. p E 1651 Bab, Babyngton, Babington, Babyngton, Babington, Babyngton, Babington, B, John Cai. 1 Brutus *Chr. Era Chr. 2 Gervase *Trin. Humph. ...*Trin. Matth Chr. Matth Qu. Rich. Will. , Zach. Babrooke, Babtliorpe, Babthroppe, Ayeni Babthorpe, Babthropp, Babtliorp Babwith, Batche, Ja John . Nich. . Ralph. Tho. . Tho. . Will. . Hen. Hen. Chr. [Qu. Trin. Trin. Joh. Pet. Cai. Pem. Joh. Joh. [C. C. [Cla. Cai. f-c f-c P f-c f-c s P s f-c p p p p p E 1657 E 1572 M 1544 M 1567 E 1634 L 1564-5 E 1631 E 1621 E 1598] 1657 E 1621 L 1557-8 E 1545 E 1576 M 1555 c. 1594 M 1553 1560] E 1647] E 1619 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1575-6 ; A.M. 1579 ; S.T.B. '86 A.B. 1548-9; A.M. (*Joh.) 1552 A.B. 1571-2 ; A.M. 1575 ; S.T. p. '89 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642; S.T.B. [1669 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.M. 1598 (Incorp: fr. Oxf) A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 162t Bishop ;.f DeiTy, 1610. 2 Bishop of Llandafif, 1591 ; Exeter, 1595 ; Worcester, 1597. 30 Bache, Batch, Bachcroft, Batchcroft, Bachecroft, Batcheler, Bachelor, Batchelour, Bachiler, Batchelcjr, Bachum, Backhowse, Backhouse, Backhowse, Backler, Backs, Backwith v. Bacombe, Bacon, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Edw, 2Fra, Sam Em. Will. (m»».) Trin. Will Cla. Fra Cai. Ja Cai. Rich Em. iTho Cai. Dan Joh. Edw Elias (mjo.)*King' (xreg Cai. John Em. Josiah Cla. Gilb Pet. John Jes. Sam Trin. Sam Sid. Will Trin. Ja Jes. Sam Mag. Alex Pet. also Beckwith John Joh. John V. Becombe Anth Trin. Barque vill... Joh. Bacquevill... Jes. Basil V. Beacon Chris Joh. Dan Edm Cla. Edm C. C. Edm Cai. Edm Cla. Edm Cai. (mjo. 12a/in.) Trin. Edw [Cai. {impA'iann.) Trin. Fra Pet. Fra Trin. Fra Fra Qu. Fra C. C. Fra Qu. Fra Jes. Hen Em. Ja C. C. Ja Qu. John Pet. John Chr. Lionel Chr. Luke Em. Nath Trin. 3Nath Chr. Nath C. C. Nath Jes. Nath Qu. s E 1636 H. p M 1550 s M 1583 f-c E 1634 p E 1636 p E 1622 [p L 1589- p M 1644 s p M 1657 p L 1578- s E 1632 p E 1655 p E 1566 s M 1589 p M 1569 f-c E 1612 p E 1620 p E 1631 p E 1649 s E 1605 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643, Batch A.B. 1587-8, Bache [S.T.P. 1628 {Lit. Reg.\ 90] A.B. 1593-4 ; A.M. 1597, Badgcroft A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1654 A.B. (Trin.) 1586-7 A.B. 1661, Bachiler; A.M. 1665 -9 A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. 1586, Bacheloi A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. (*Trin.) 1569-70 ; A.M. 1573 [S.T.B. 158] A.B. 1572-3 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 (Matr. Alerode?) s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6, Beckwith f-c E 1573 f-c c. 1594 f-c E 1635 p L 1563-4 E 1571 E 1584 c. 1594 E 1617 E 1648 M 1561 M 1581] E 1573 E 1602 E 1612 A.B. (Pet.) 1568-9; A.M. 1573 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1578 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 (?the above) f-c E 1617 E 1640 M 1657 E 1658 M 1622 E 1584 E 1613 E 1566 E 1566 E 1606 E 1619 M 1561 E 1606 E 1622 E 1648 E 1659 A.M. July 27, 1594 A.B. (*Em.) 1619-20; A.M. 162? [S.T.B. 16£( A. 15. 1626-7 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 (? Daniel, above) A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1610-1 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1651-2 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 1 Master of Caius, 1626. 2 M.P. for University, 1614; Baron Vernlam, 1618; Viscount St Albans, 1621 (for the degn <}. Baker mss., S2, p. 5"29j. * M.P. for University, 1645. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 31 fjBakon, I iBacon, Nich Gonv.H. p Bakon, Bacon, Badbve, Badby Badcocke, 1^'5 iBadcock, (Badcocke, iBaddel, iBaden, 'Badley, iBaddely, 'Badinge, iBafford, Bagott, Bagsett, Bagshawe, Bagshaw, ,Bagshawe. Nich. Nich. . Nich. . Nich. . Nich. . Phil. . Phil. . Phil. . Ralph Rich. . Rich. . Rob. . Rob. . Rob. . Roger. Tho. . Tho. . Tho. . Tho. . Will. . [Tnn. Chr. [Cath. C. C. Em. Chr. Jes. Sid. Mag. Chr. King's Mag. Em. Jes. Joh. Qu. King's C. C. Cai. Gonv. H. Will Gonv.H. Will. Will. Rich. Em. [Sid. [Qu. Trin. Qu. [C. C. Pern. Trin. P f-c f-c P Hen Heritage John John Cath. p Tho Jes. p Hen [Trin. schol. Gyles V. Badinge Rich Tho Joh. s 'Gyles Pet. s John Pern. p Simon *Cai. p Will *Cai. p Fra King's s Hugh *Joh. s Rich King's [s Sam Trin. s Will *King's p Will King's s John Will. Fra. Geo. Will. .. Joh. .. Qu. .. Qu. ..*King's .. C. C. Chris Joh. Edm Trin. Edm Sid. Edm *Trin. Edw *King's Edw Hen M 1554 1561] E 1606 E 1635] [1635] A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 1641 1606 1653 1653 E 1567 E 1574 c. 1590 M 1564 M 1616 E 1637 E 1578 M 1571 L 1629-30 E 1637 M 1645 M 1553 M 1555 M 1627 L 1630-1] 1619] M 1640 A.B. 1656-7 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. (*Pem.) 1660; [M.L. 1662 A.B. 1577-8 1552 1554] s E 1631 p E 1648 E 1640 E 1561 E 1641] E 1620 M 1609 c. 1596 E 1656 E 1637 E 1645 E 1588 E 1654] E 1644 M 1606 M 1638 E 1606 E 1650 c. 1594 M 1579 E 1646 M 1566 M 1585 E 1620 E 1652 M 1551 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. A.B. (Cla.) 1634-5 1634 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 S.T.B. 1559 A.B. 1643-4 ; A.M. (*Trin.) 1647 ; [S.T.B. 1655 A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. (*C. C.) 1612-3, Baden : A.M. [1616; S.T.B. 1623; S.T.P. 1634 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1644 ; M.D. 1655 A.B. 1650 1 A.B. 1591-2 ; A.M. 1595, Beayley A.B. 1656-7, Boggley A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1641-2 ; A.M. 1645 ; S.T.B. '60 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1596-7 A.B. 1583-4 (?Bagfet); A.M. 1587 [Bagshaw] A.B. 1623-4 A.B. 1655-6 ; A.M. 1659 ; LL.B. A.B. 1555-6 A.M. 1654 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1659 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) '64 1 Dean of Ardfert, c. 1630. 32 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Bagshawe, Thruston ... Qu. s M 1581 Bagulve, Geo C.'la. p M 1619 Baguley, Hen [Em. s E 1597] — John Joh. p E 1658 — Tho Joh. p M 1608 Bainbridge v. also Bambridge and Bembridge Bainbrigg, Chris *Chr. p E 1632 Baynbridge, Cuthbert ... Joh. p M 1578 Bainbrigg, Edw Chr. s E 1639 — Edw Chr. p M 1642 Baynbrycke, Era Trin. p E 1557 Bainbrigge, Rich Chr. s E 1655 Baynbrigge, Tho Joh. p . E 1574 Bainbrigg, Tho King's s E 1633 Bainbridge, Tho Chr. p E 1657 Baineforth, Ja Chr. s M 1558 Bainerd v. also Baynard — Edm Jes. p M 1560 Baines v. Baynes Baining, Paul Trin. f-c E 1604 Bainton, Jerome Cai. p M 1611 — Tho Mag. p E 1652 Baynton, W Cla. p L 1584-5 Bayse (Baist). Abr Cai. s M 1609 Baist, Tho Cai. p E 1642 — Will Cai. s c. 1597 Baker, Alex Trin. p 1598 — Chris Trin.H. p M 1559 — Cornelius ... Joh. p E 1607 — Edm Trin. s E 1586 — Edm Pet. s E 1610 — Edm Qu. [p L 1645-6] — Edw Qu. p E 1569 — Edw Joh. p E 1571 — Edw Cla. s E 1580 — Edw Pet. p E 1610 — Edw Trin. p E 1617 — Era [Mag. schol. 1613] — Geo Em. p M 1628 — Geo Em. s M 1633 — Geo [Pet. p E 1638] — Geo Qu. p L 1653-4 — Hen Mag. p ' L 1626-7 — Hen — Hen Em. f-c E 1639 — Hen Qu. p M 1647 — Jasper Jes. p c. 1594 — John *King's p M 1545 — John Mag. f-c E 1568 — John Joh. s M 1571 — John Chr. s M 1575 — John Jes. s E 1578 — John Joh. p E 1579 — John Qu. s E 1587 — John Trin. p M 1588 _ John Em. s E 1603 — John Pet. s E 1604 — John Joh. p E 1611 _ John Qu. s M 1616 _ John Chr. p E 1620 — John, Sir ... Jes. f-c E 1624 A.B. 1584-5 ; A.M. 1589, Trustran A.B. 1622; A.M. 1626 [Bagshal A.B. 1658-9 A.B. 1611-2 A.M. 1662 A.M. 1615 [1661 {Lit A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639; S.T._ A.B. (*Chr.) 1581-2; A.M. 1585 [S.T.B. 1592, Bambri A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 A.B. 1658, Bambrigge ; A.M. 166) A.B. 1606-7, Baniuge 1 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 161^ A.B. 1645-6 A.B. 1610-11 A.B. 1590-1, Edw. ; A.M. 1594 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1646-7, Edw. A.B. 1575-6; A.M. (Cai.) 1579' A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1641 A.B. 1597-8 A.B. 1549-50; A.M. 1553 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. (C. C.) 1590-1 ; A.M. 159 [Scholar, Trin. H. 1589 ?] A.B. 1607-8 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 ialaam. ialam, Matric^dations and Deffvees 1544 — ^6.^9 33 John . John . John . John . John . John . Jos. . Leon. . Mich. . Mich. . Mich. . Nich. . OHver Phil. . Phil. . Phil. . Rich. . Rich. . Rich. . Rich. . Rob. . Rob. . Rob. . Rob. . Rob. . Rob. . Rob. . Rob. . Rob. . Rob. . Sam. . Steph. Tho. . Tho. . Tho. . Tho. . Tho. . Tho. . Tho. . Tho. . Tho. . Walt. . Will. . Will. . Will. . Will. . Will. . Will. . Will. . C. C. [C. c. A.M. c. c. Em. Pet. Em. Chr. Joh. Joh. C. C. Joh. Sid. p E 1629 1632] (Qu.) 1620 (grac€ s E 1637 E 1648] E 1652] M 1647 M 15.51 M 1614 E 1616 E 1618 E 1628 E 1612 *King's [schol. E 1540] King's p M 1569 Sid. s E 1636 Edm.H. p M 1544 [Trin. schol. 1562] Anth Cha Rob Rob Will Sam Walt Jaldacke (Baldock), Rich, Jalderston, ^John Jes. C. C. *Trin. King's Jes. C. C. Chr. King's Cath. [Trin. Chr. Trin. Cai. Qu. Jes. King's C. C. , Em. . Em. . *Joh. , Trin. , Chr. ' Trin. , Cai. , Qu. . Cai. , C. C. , [Cath. . Em. . Joh. . Joh. . [Trin. . Cla. . *Pem. . *Pem. [Qu. *Em. M 1573 c. 1596 M 1561 M 1555 L 1563-4 [1600] M 1615 E 1626 L 1634-5 E 1652] E 1612 M 1569 E 1563 M 1569 E 1573 M 1609 E 1624 E 1631 E 1638 E 1647 L 1578-9 E 1571 1620 1620 1625 1637-8 1647 1644] 1641 1623 M 1623 E 1650] p M 1637 [1619] [1610 as A.M. s M 1570] p M 1659 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 ; ? mistake for A.B. v. back) A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1655 [Cath.) A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 (prev. at A.B. 1553-4; LL.B. 1557 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1544-5 ; A.M. 1548 ; S.T.B. '54 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 [Migr. to Cai.] A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1565-6 ; A.M. 1569 ; M.D. 1577 A.B. (Chr.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1603-4 (in ordo) ; A.M. 1607 A.B (Trin.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1615-6 A.B. 1572-3 A.M. 1619; S.T.B. [1627;S.T.P.'39 [Migr. to Cai.] A.B. (Cla.) 1613 4; A.M. 1617 A.B. (Cla.) 1614-5, Barker in (7race A.B. 1627; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1650-1; A.B. 1582-3; A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1638 A.M. A.M. A.M. M.D. 1609 (Incorp. 1654 1586 1578 fr. Oxf.) A.B. A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654 A.B. A.M. 1630; S.T.B. '38 1 Dean of Rochester, 1625; of Durham, 1639. A.M. 1618 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) [Reg.) ] S.T.B. 1616; S.T.P. 1621 {Lit. A.B. 1574-5 [1673 ; S.T.P. 1681 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666; S.T.B. 2 Master of Emmanuel, 1680. 34 Matricidations and Derfrees 1544 — 1659 Balderston, Will Trin. — [Chr. Baldocke, Jeremias ... Pem. Baldock, Rich Cla. — Rob [Pem. — Sam Em. — Tho [Em. Baldwer, Ja Qu. Bladwer, Ja Pet. Baldwer, Rich Qu. — Will Pem. Baldwin, Earth King's — Benj Pet. — Edw King's — Hammond... Joh. — Hen Joh. Baldwyn, Hen [Cai. Bawdyn, Humph. ... Jes. Baldwin, Ja Cla. — Ja Cai. Bawdwj'n, John Joh. — John Joh. Baldwin, John Pet. — John [Qu. — John Mag. Baldwine, Jos Trin. Balldwyn, Nich Joh. Bawldwyn, Rich Joh. Baldwin, Rich Trin. — Rich Pet. -r Rob Qu. — Rob [Qu. — Tho Cai. Baldewin, Tho Joh. Baldwin, Tho Chr. — Tho Qu. ~ Tho [Qa. Bald wen, W Trin. Baldwin, Will Em. — Will *C. C. Bale, John — John Joh. — John Pem. — John Sid. — John Mag. — Tho Mag. — Valentine ... Em. — Will [Joh. Baleman, Hen Joh. Bayles, Emmanuel . . Bales, John Trin. — John Cai. — Pet Sid. Bayles, Rob *Joh. Bales, Sam Joh. — Zackray Trin. Bailes [King's Balgave, Tho Joh. Balgy^ Tho Trin. Balguy, Tho Joh. Balkon, Will Sid. schol. f-c f-c P P P P (p) c. p p E M E s E [p M 1571 1547] 1582^3 1591 1640] 1614 1613-4 1631 1655 1631 1636 1642 1621 1626 1632 1575 1585] 1576 1618 1652 1569 1577 1610 1614-5] 1638 1617 1564 1565 1589 1650 1638-9 1645] 1590 1594 1625 1646 1655] 1563 1599] 1653 E 1622 E 1627 M 1634 E 1639 M 1642 E 1613 E 1636] E 1623 E 1577 E 1636 E 1628] E 1609 M 1589 c. 1595 E 1581] E 1571 M 1612 E 1659 E 1631 A.B. 1575-6 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590-1 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1656-7, Baldwer A.B. 1645-6 A.B. 1624-5 ; A.M. 1628, Benony A.B. (Cai.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1.582 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. (C. C.) 1613-4 A.B. 1641; A.M. 1648 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 A.B. 1567-8 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. 1652-3, Balwine A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1603-4 ; A.M. 1607 ; S.T.B.T A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 M.L. 1568 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. (Trin.) 1604-5 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. (Cai.) 15841 A.B. 1638 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1574-5 [1627, Balg A.B. 1616-7 ; A.M. 1620 ; S.' A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 I Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 3o BaU, Abr ...*King's Benedict ... King's Bevell ... ... Joh. ' Edw . . King's — Edw .. Joh. — C4eo .. Trin. Geo ... Chr. Geo .. [Joh. Ja ...Em. — Joachim .. Joh. Balle, John ... Trin. Ball, John .. Pem. John .. [Qu. — Nath .. King's — Rich .. Trin. Rich ..*Pem. Rob .. [Cai. Rob .. Joh. Sam .. King's — Sam — Sam .. [Chr. — Sam .. Joh. — Sophom. .. Pet. Bawle, Tho .. Em. Ball (Baal) Tho .. Qu. — Tho ..*Joh, — Will .. Trin. — ... [C. C. Balland, Tho Ballantine, And. V. B; nnentine Ballard, Edm. [YA^ '.] C. C. — Edm .. [C. C. — Edw .. Jes. — John .. Cath. — John .. [C. C. — John .. Trin. — Rich .. Pet. — Rich .. Em. — Rob .. Joh. — Rob .. C. C. — Tho .. Mag. — Tho .. Cla. Ballarde, Tho ... Jes. Ballard, Tho ... Em. Ballatt, ... [Cath. Ballet, Will ... Mag. Ballis, Tho ... Trin. Balliston, Chris ... Cai. — John ... [C. C. Baleston, Joshua ... ... C. C. Ballowe, Tho Balls, Edw .. Sid. — Nath ... [Em. Balles, Rob ... Trin.H Balls (Bale), Boa .. [Trin.H ...*Sid. 1 — Tho Balser, John ... Cla. — Tho ... gu. Baltree, Rob ... Pet. Bamborowe , Humph... ... Trin. f-c sch. L 1650-1 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 E 1658 (Prev. at Pet.) A.B. 1661-2; A.M. M 1579 [1665 M 1556 [Bawll] 1579-80 1581-2 26 1630-1] 1642-3] 1580 E 1616 M 1623 xM 1645] E 1644 M 1560 M 1623 L 1563-4] E 1631 M 1631 L 1645-6] M 1659 M 1565 M 1587 E 1619 E 1655 c. 1591 1548] M 1582 1586] M 1573 M 1569 1600] L 1650-1 M 1580 E 1637 E 1574 E 1586 M 1585 E 1586 E 1611 E 1618 M 1649] M 1621 M 1602 M 1609 1645] E 1650 L 1620-1 E 1629] M 1610 M 1610] E 1618 E 1626 M 1583 L 1579-8' M 1588 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 (fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1642-3 ; A.M. A.B. 1583-4 [(*Pet.) 1646 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1647-8, Balls; ?A.M. 1660 A.B. 1565-6, Baull [{Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630; S.T.B. [1637; S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639, *Chr. A.M. 1644 (Incorp. fr. Edinb.) A.B. 1662-3 ; A.M. 1666; *Pet. 1667 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. (*Em.) 1625 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 (?A.B. 1594-5); A.M. 1598 LL.B. 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589, Bulward (? mistake for Rob.) (Migr. to Cai. L 1569-70) A.B. [(King's) 1574-5 [Ballet] A.B. (Chr.) 1576-7 (?A.B. 1589-90); A.M. 1594 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1612-3 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1659 (?A.B. 1602-3); A.M. (Jes.) 1606 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. (Pem.) 1615-6, Ball LL.B. 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. (Cath.) 1586-7 I A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587, Bawtry 36 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Bamborowe, Tho Trin. p M 1588 Bambridge v. also Bainbridge and Bembridge — Cha Chr. p E 1627 — (Benbridge),) Trin. p M 1566 Chris.) Bambrigg, Fra Chr. p M 16.38 Bambrig, Gyles [Qu. s L 1594-5] Bambridge, John Em. [p L 1600-1] Bambridge, Rich Cla. s M 1635 Bambrige, Tho Chr. p E 1578 Bambridge, iTho *Chr. p c. 1593 ■^(Bainbridge),j ^^.^^ ^ ^ ^^^^ Bambrigge (Bainbri,lge),j *^^j^ ^ ^ ^^^^ Bambridge, Will Chr. p E 1621 — Will Cla. p E 1623 Bambry, Abr Cai. s E 1624 Bamburgh, John [Sid. f-c E 1627] Bamford, Gilb Em. s E 1632 — Lyon (Leo) Job. p M 1639 — Sam *Em. p E 1612 — Seth Em. s M 1655 — Steph Joh. s E 1658 — [C. C. f-c 1586] Bamster, John Trin. p M 1572 Banage v. also Basnage — Benj Em. s c. 1593 — David Cai. s E 1611 Banbrick, Reg Pet. s E 1573 Banbrike, W Chr. s L 1563-4 Banbrick [C. C. 1565] Banburgh, Will Chr. f-c E 1584 Banburye, Ciprian Qu. s M 1618 Bancocke, John Pet. s E 1607 Bancroft, John Joh. p E 1584 — John Chr. p c. 1593 — 3 Rich Chr. [schoL 1563] — Tho Cath. p E 1613 Bandinell, Dan Pem. p E 1623 Banier, Tho Joh. s E 1572 Bailing, John Sid. p M 1608 Baninge, Paul v. Paining Banister, Barth Joh. p E 1634 Banyster, Chris Joh. s M 1569 Banister, Chris Joh. p c. 1593 — Edw Joh. p M 1585 Banni.ster, Fra Trin. s L 1626-7 Banester, Hen Trin. s E 1579 — Hen *King's p M 1579 Banaster, Laur Cla. f-c E 1624 Banister, Rich Cai. p M 1583 — Rob Cai. p E 1584 Bannester, Rob [King's s c. 1593] — Rog Joh. s M 1545 Banister, Tho *Trin. p M 1578 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1574; S.T.E [(*Chr.) 158 A.B. 1641, Bainbrigg [1610; M.D. 161 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607; M.I A.B. 1639-40 ; A.M. 1643 [bridg A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585, Bayne A.B. 1596-7 ; A.M. 1600 ; S.T.P.'l A.B. 1653-4 ; A.M. 1661 {Lit. Reg. A.B. 1654-5: A.M. 1658; S.T.I [1684 {Lit A.B. (Joh.) 1626-7, Bamburghilfe [A.M -'- 163 A.B. 1635-6, Banford; A.M. A.B. 1615-6, Balmeford ; A.M. 161i A.B. 1661-2 A.B. 1596-7, [Basnage] A.B. 1576-7, [Banbrick] Basnage Bambrige A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. (Jes.) 157C [S.T.P. 158 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 163 is [Bunninge] (Matr. Bam per) A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1583-4 ; A.M. 1587 ; S.T.B. A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1631 [Banestre] A.B. A.B. 1549-50, 1582-3; Rob. A.M. 1586 Master of Clirist's, 16'2'2. There exists some uiicertainty as to the respet-tive degrees of this and the next. Bishop of London, \mi\ Archbishop of Ciinterbury, 1604; Chancellor of Oxford Universit" k k m. m m J Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 37 Bannaster, Tho King's s Bannister, Will Banks, Alex Jes. s — Alex Bankes, Anderson ... Mag. p — Bern Joh. s Banckes, Cha Trin. s — Chris *Pet. s Bankes, Ed Cla. f-c — Edw — Edw Chr. p Banks, Geo *Pet. p I'.ancks, Gyles Sid. p Banks, Hen Trin. s — Hen Pet. p — Hen Chr. s : Bankes, Hen Chr. p •'' "> -Bancks, Hen Qu. s Bankes, Hen Mag. p '"'Banks, [John] Mich.H. p Cankes, John Cla. f-c — John King's s ijBanks, John C. C. II — John [Em. p ' — Laiir Jes. s Bankes, Math Pet. s Banke, Nich Trin. s Banckes, Peregrine ... Trin. Bancks, Rob Jes. p Bankes, Rog Qu. s I — Sam Em. f-c JBancks, Sim IBankes, Tho Jes. s i i — Tho Qu. p Banks, i Tho Chr. s Bankes, Tho (?Pet.) p es,lli [Banks, Tho Pet. s TRIM - Tho Qu. p 30 iBancks, Tho Trin. s IBankes, Tho C. C. Banks, Valentine ... Joh. s — Will Trin. s Bankes, Will Joh. p — Will Cai. s Banks, Will Jes. p Bancks, Will Trin. s Banks, Will Cath. [s Banckes, Will Bankes, Will, (imp ) C. C. s — Joh. p Bankworth, Rob *Trin. p Banne, Nath Jes. p Bann, Will King's s Bannentine, And Bannocke, Will C. C. p 'Ban tuft, Sam Em. p Banyarde, Edm Chr. p Baradall, Tho Jes. p M 1612 L 1580-1 E 1626 M 1640 L 1593-4 E 1631 M 1569 M 1602 c. 1593 E 1622 M 15.54 M 1564 E 1577 E 1609 E 1624 M 1637 E 1544 M 1569 M 1581 [1582] E 1644] E 1561 E 1640 M 1582 L 1593-4 M 1622 E 1658 M 1608 E 1575 M 1576 E 1579 c. 1592 M 1609 E 1615 M 1618 [1658] E 1589 M 1548 E 1609 E 1610 E 1614 M 1641 M 1649] E 1658 E 1544 E 1607 M 1654 E 1548 L 1584-5 M 1638 E 1552 M 1568 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 LL.B. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oif.) A.B. (Pet.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1545-6 A.B. 1604 (?ni ordo 1605-6) A.B. 1597-8; " " A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1601 A.M. 1629 [1571 A.M. (Qu., as John) A.M. (Oxf) 1583; [S.T.P. 1608 A.B. 1567-8 A.B. 1580-1 A.B. 1612-3 A.B. 1627-8 A.B. (Jes.) 1641-2; S.T.P. 1671? A.B. 1550-1, Bank, *Trin. (?A.M. (Qu.) 1571, see Hen.) A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1589 A.B. 1585-6, Bankes A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.M. 1605 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. (C. C.) 1581-2; A.M. (Chr.) [1585; gr. for S.T.P. 1628 A.B. (Pet.) 1595- A.B. A.B A.B A.B A.R 1612-3; 1618-9 1622-3; 1661-2; 1592-3 : A.M. 1616 A.M. 1626 S.T.P. 1686 A.M. 1596 A.B. 1617; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1654 A.M. 1650 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [1626, Blanckworth A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614; S.T.P. A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661; M.D. [1690 {Lit. Reg.) A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Edinb.) A.B. 1588-9 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. (*Jes.) 1645 A.B. (Pet.) 1571-2 Deau of St Asaph, 1587. 38 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Barashaw, Tho. v. Bamshaw Barber, Aug [Jes. — Cha Pet. Barbar, Edm Chr. Barber, Edrii C. C. — Edw Cla. Barbar, Fra Trin. Barber, Fra Cai. — Gabr Cath. — Greg Cai. — Hen *King'.s — Hen — Ja Pem. — John C. C. — John Barbour, John [Sid. Barber, John Em. — John Cath. — John Cla. Barbar, John *King's — Ralph Cla. Barber, Rich C. C. Barbar, Rob Chr. Barber, Rob Chr. — Rob Cai. — Rob Chr. — Rob Cath. — Rog Chr. — Rog [Cai. Barbor, Tho Trin. Barbar, Tho *Joh. Barber, W Trin.H. _ W Pet. — Will Qu. — Will C. C. Barbor, Will Em. Barbar, Mag. — [Em. Barbett, Edw Em. Barbon, Hugh Trin. Barclay, Will Em. Barcock, Will Joh. — Will Mag. Barcocke, Tho *Triu.H. Barcroft, Bernard ... Em. Barcrofte, Geo Trin. Barcroft, Hugh Sid. — Humph. ... Em. — John Sid. Barcr[oft], Rob Trin. Barcroft, Tho Joh. — Tho Trin. Barcrofte, Will Jea Barcroft, AVill Trin. Barde, Geo Trin. Bard, Goo Qu. — iHen *King's — ' Tho Qu. Bardolphe, Edm Trin. p M 1632] 1 E 1634 M.B. 1640 1 V E 1598 1 s M 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 1 8 E 1582 A.B. 1585-6 ; A.M. 1589 ; M.D. '99li*^' S E 1622 1 s E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 1 p E 1631 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636; M.L. 1 p E 1645 A.B. 1648-9 [1639; M.D. 1645lf"f p M 1580 [Off 1584] A.B. (Trin.) 1625-6 t s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4 1*1 s c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9, Barbar; A.M. 1602 W\ A.B. (Trin.) 1612-3 ■p s E 1633] r p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 p M 1635 s M 1637 p E 1637 (A.B. 1640-1) ili"! M1621 A.B. 1625 s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 s E 1580 A.B. 1583-4, Barber m p E 1610 w p M 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 1 1 p E 1627 s M 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 p M 1559 p M 1592] A.B. (Trin.) 1596-7; A.M. 160C s E 1552 13 M 1560 A.B. 1563-4 ; A.M. 1567 ; S.T.B.'7 P M 1561 s M 1583 P E 1571 [1619] ^ p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 iia s E 1544 - s L 1586-7 m p E 1612 A.B. (Mag.) 1615-6 s E 1573 p E 1647 p L 1557-8 , p s c. 1597 c. 1593 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 (in LL.B. 1608-9 ord<- s M 1585 A.B. ; A.M. 1596 s E 1574 A.B. 1577-8 [1634; S.T.P. 166C p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627; S.T.], s E 1587 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 p E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 E 1614 A.B. ; A.M. (Em.) 1622 s E 1588 (A.B. ? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 p E 1622 s M 1566 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 s M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 p E 1584 p M 1589 1 [sch ol. 1632] (A.B. 1636-7); A.M. 1641 ! p M 1589 s M 1607 i Afterwards Viscount Bellamout. Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 16.59 39 Bardon, Bardsey, John Will. Will. Will. Will. Edm. Geo. Ja. D.18 Barenham(?), Fra. Baresley, Ellis Bairfote Barfoot 180i Barfote, Barfoote, Barford, Ed.... Fra. Geo. Will. John Rob. Tho. jar (Bargrave), ' Isaac John John Tho. Pet. Joh. Joh. Joh. *Qu. *Qu. Qu. Trin. Cla. Chr. Em. Chr. Jes. Em. Trin. Qu. Cla. Cla. Bargrave, jT ji; JBarrl ham, Sarham, jBarrham, iBharram, Barrham, Marram, Barrham Barker, Ja John , John Rob (Tho.) Anth Art Geo Hen Hen Martin Rich Tho. {imp.) Abel Aimes Ambr And Anth Benoni Cha Chris Chris Dan Edm Edm Edm Edm. [Edw. Edm Edw Edw Geo Geo Gerv s M 1579 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1.587 A.B. (Job.) 1600-1 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1605-6 ; A.M. 1609 ; S.T.P.'22 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626; 8.T.B. [1633; S.T.P. 1638 A.B. 1634; A.M. 1638 P E s E s :m p E f-c L 1619 1631 1639 1602 1622-3 1631 1592 1566 1568 1606 1572 1580 1623-4 1585 1628 A.B. 1576-7 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 (A.B. n 589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 (Matr. [Bradford) ■ A.B. (Pern.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610; ^- [S.T.P. (Cla.) 1621 f-c E 1588 [1609, Bergeus A.B. (Cla.) 1604-5; A.M. (Trin.) p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 (in [o;-t/o); S.T.B. 1610; S.T.P. 1621, c. c. P E 1657 [Bargrave *Pet. p L 1629-30 A.B. 1632-3 A.M. 1636; S.T.P. Qu. [Cla. P E 1654 [1660 {Lit. Reg.) P L 1641 -2] Pet. P E 1637 Pet. 1' M 1567 Trin. s E 1634 A.B. 1644-5 Mag. P E 1637 Jes. s E 1616 C. C. p M1625 A.B. 1628-9, Barham Joh. f-c E 1598 Sid. s E 1615 A.B. (Pet.) 1618-9 Qu. s M 1544" A.B. 1550-1, Burhara Trin. student, 1560 *Em. p E 1635 A.B. 1637-8 ; A.M. 1641 Cath. P L 1653 -4 A.B. 1656 *Chr. s E 1568 A.B. 1571-2; A.M.1575;S.T.B.'82 Cla. P E 1642 Trin. P E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 A.M. 1646 Qu. P E 1647 *King's P M 1622 Pem. f-c E 1610 King's f-c E 1639 * King's p M 1579 A.B. 1583-4 A.M. 1587 Joh. p M 1559 A.B. 1562-3 A.M. 1566 Cai. p M 1578 [King's E 1579 Em. V E 1632 *Cai. \- E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 A.M. 1644; S.T.P. Cai. \V E 1637' A.B. 1640-1 [1661 {Lit. Req.) Trin. Ischo . E 1602' A.B. 1603-4 (Baker in ordo) Chr. p L 1610 -1 *Cath. p E 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M.1652;S.T.B.'59 Cla. s E 1557- -8 Dean of Canterbuiy, 1625. 40 Matriculations aiid Degrees 1544 — 1659 Barker, Hen Chr. p M 1582 A.B. (Cath.) 1586-7 — Hen C. C. [1587] — Isaac Em. p M 1602 — John *King's p M 1548 A.B. 1552-3 ; A.M. 1566 — John C. C. p M 1552 — John Qu. s M 1562 A.B. 1565-6 — John Pern. s M 1575 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. (Chr.) 1583 — John Cai. s L 1597-8 A.B. 1601-2 — John A.B. 1600 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — John Em. f-c M 1606 — John *Em. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 — John Pern. s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 John Cla. s M 1617 A.B. 1621-2 — John Cla. p L 1618-9 A.B. 1622 — John Cla. s M 1620 A.B. 1623-4 — John Trm. s E 1621 A.B. (Mag.) 1625 ; A.M. (Trin.; — John C. C. p E 1624 — John Trin. s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1 — John Pern. [1627] A.B. 1630-1 — John Chr. s E 1632 — John Pem. f-c E 1640 (Matr. Parker) — John Qu. s E 1641 — John Em. p E 1642 — John Chr. p M 1647 — John Em. p L 1648-9 — Lanr *Trin. s L 1582-3 A.B. 1588-9 ; A.M. 1592 ; S.T.B. — Leon King's p M 1551 — Leon Chr. p M 1568 — Matth Trin. s M 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 — Nath Em. p M 1631 — Nich Chr. s M 1553 — Pet Cla. s L 1580-1 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 (Mai — Ralph Sid. p E 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M 1662 [Baker Ifcv Rich Mag. s M 1614 (Matr. Baker) Rob C. C. p E 1573 farti: Rob Joh. p E 1577 Sfe, %m fttt, iv, itr, Rob Trin. p M 1581 A.B. (Pem.) 1584-5 Rob Em. [s L 1593-4] A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 Rob Joh. p E 1609 Rob Trin. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 (Baker in grace) Rob King's f-c M 1635 Rog Joh. s M 1582 A.B. 1586-7 Sam Chr. s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1 (Matr. Baker) Simon Cla. p M 1617 iH^Ai Tho Mag. s E 1549 Mkli Tho Cla. s M 1568 H^ki, Tho Pet. s M 1576 A.B. 1579-80 Tho Qu. p M 1576 A.B. 1579-80 Tho [Qu. f-c E 1579] Tho Jes. s E 1582 Tho Trin. p 1589 Tho A.B. (Trin.) 1597-8; A.M. 160 Tho Trin. s c. 1601 [S.T.B. 16Cj. Tho Cai. p E 1605 '' Tho Em. p E 1618 A.B. (C. C.) 1621-! Tho Pem. f-c L 1618-9 Tho Pem. p M 1642 'SKk% Tho [Pem. 1652] Of^' Urias Joh. s E 1572 ^" Walt *Joh. p M 1562 A.B. 1564-5 ; A.M. 1568 ; S.T.B.' Will Cai. s M 1573 A.B. 1576-7 (Matr. Karker) i Matricidations and Degr^ees 1544 — 1659 41 Barker, Will *Trin. Will. Will. Will. Will. Will. Will. Will. Cla. Trin. Chr. Trin. Cath. C. C. s E 1575 s L 1579-80 [] f-c 1583] p c. 1593 s M 1621 p E 1640 p E 1644 Barksdale, Barkesdale, ... (Chaplain to Bp. of Chichester) [Sid. schol. E 1600] King's Fra *Qu. Rich Trin. H Will Qu. Edw Kins:'s Edw. John John Rob. Rob. Barklett, Barkley, Barklay, Barkley, Berkeley, Barkley, Barklay, Barkley, Barklay Barkwith, Barkwoith, Barley, Barlye, Barley, Barling, King's Pem. King's Cai. [Trin. Trin. Chr. f-c E 1615 [M 1647] E 1611 E 1648 Tho. .. Edw. .. Edw. .. Era. .. Gilb. .. Hen *Trin Hugh.. Rob. .. Tho. .. Will. .. M 1627 M 1618 L 1645-6 M 1645] E 1656 E 1549 [Em. f-c M 1639] (Bp. of Bath and Wells) [schol. 1546] M 1569 1596 E 1654] M 1619] yu. p Em. p [Trin. s *King's [p Fra. Chr. Qu. Miles Chr. John John John (Capt.) Tho Tho W Clem Walt Cai. Chr. Chr. Trin. Qu. Joh. Joh. 1.544 1632 1565 1565 Barlott (? Barlatt\ Walt... Trin. Barlow, i Barlowe, ! Barlow, Barlow, Barloe, Barlowe, Barlow. Barlowe, Barlow, Alex Cla. Barnabas . . . *King's Hugh Cai. John Em. Matth *King's ' Ralph Jes. 2 Ralph ... Randolph Rog Sam Tho 3 Will Will Chr. Trin. Em. Trin. Joh. *King's E 1568 c. 1590 M 1623 M 1568 M 1632 E 1623 M 1602 E 1645 ]\1 1615 M 1640 E 1611 E 1639 M 1586 L 1563-4 E 1557 E 1645 E 1557 M 1580 M 1598 A.B. 1578-9 ; A.M. 1582 ; S.T.B. 'S9 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589; S.T.P. [1600 M.D. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. ; A.M. ; S.T.B. (Cla.) S.T.B. 1544 [1.548 A.M. 1605 (in ordo) A.M. 1644 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1618; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1647-8 ('Rich.') ? A.B. 1612-3 (On visit of Pr. Cha.) S.T.P. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Trin.) 1604-5 (in ordo) ; A.M. [1608 S.T.P. 1563 (S.T.B. Oxf.) A.B. 1546-7; A.M. 1550 A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. (Qu.) 1572-3; A.M. 1576 A.M. 1614-5 (On King's visit) A.B. 1635-6: A.B. 1626-7; A.M. A.M. 1639 1630 A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1618-9 ; A.M. 1622 ; S.T.B. '29 (?Matr. Barton) A.B. 161.3-4 A.B. 1641 ; A.M. 1644; M.D. 1651 A.B. (*Pem.) 1590-1; A.M. 1594; [S.T.B. 1604; S.T.P. 1623 A.M. 1604 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1648-9 [(*Trin. H.) 1594; S.T.P. 1599 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587; S.T.B. A.B. 1601-2 ; A.M. 1606 ; S.T.B. '20 ' Archbishop of Tuam, 1629. 2 Dean of Bath and Wells, 1621. 3 Bishop of Rochester, 1605 ; Lincoln, 1608. 42 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Barlow, Will ....*King's V M 1633 (A.B. 1637-8); A.M. 1641 -! — Will M.D. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) Barloe .... Joh. p E 1.544 Barnam, Pet. .... .... King's s M 1598 Barmason, Geo .... Chr P E 1604 1 Barnadiston Barnaby, Anth .... Pet. M 1624 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Barnard v. also Bernard — Balwvn . .... Joh. p E 1569 — Benj .... [Cai. s M 1613] — Chris Trin. p E 1615 A.B. 1619 — Edm [Cai. V E 16391 — Edw Chr. |P L 1642-3- A.B. 1646; A.M. (King's) 1650 !« — Edw Joh. p M 1646 — Era Jes. p E 1572 — Era Trin. p M 1583 — Era Chr. P E 1645 A.B. (C. C.) 1648-9 ; A.M. (*Pem.^J — Geo Joh. (?A.B. 1609-10) ; A.M. 1613 [165si — Isaac .... Cla. P E 1604 A.B. 1607-8, Bernard; A.M. 161i: — Ja Qu. s E 1588 [Bernard] — John .... *Qu. [schol. 1.5411 A.B. 1543-4; A.M. 1547 J — John .... Qu. s M 1562 — John .... Jes. p E 1569 — John .... Trin. [schol. 15911 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 \ — John .... Chr. P E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 ■ — John .... [Qu. P L 1644-5] — John .... Chr. P E 1645 [Bernard] — Jolin .... Joh. p E 1647 ■ — Josias . Cai. s E 1625 — Nath Em. [P E 1614] A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 — iNich *Em. p E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 Barnarde, Rich Jes. P E 1544 Barnard, Rich Chr. p E 1563 A.B. 1567-8, Bernard — Rich .... Em. p L 1584-5 Barnarde, Rich .... Chr. s c. 1592 (A.B. ? 1594-5); A.M. 1598,Bernar(; Barnard, Rob .... Trin. f-c E 1643 — Steph. . .... Mag. s E 1571 Barnarde, Tho A.B. 1.539-40; A.M. 1545 Barnard, Walt Trin. p M 1575 — Will A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Will .... [Qu. s E 1574] — Will Trin. s c. 1596 (?A.B. ); A.M. 1609 — Will .... Joh. f-c L 1615-6 — Will .... Trin. s E 1634 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642, Bernaiv. S.T.B. 1547; ?*Triu. 1550 Barnardiston , A rt Joh. p M 1608 I — Art Joh. p E 1609 (?the above) — Gyles .... Cath. p M 1641 A.B. 1644 _ John .... ..... Cath. p E 1641 — Rob .... [Cath. fie 1637] ^ — Tho Qu. f-c L 1579-80 [Barnestone] || — Tho Cath. f-c M 1633 — Trin. f-c E 1615 Barnby, Hen Cai. [s E 1624] A.B. 1627-8 1 Barn bey. Ralph . .... Cla. s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4 Barne, John V. Berne — John .... .... Trin. s M 1586 — John .... Trin. 'schol E 1622] A.B. 1627-8, Barnes — Miles.... .... Trin. p M 1618 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 Barner, John {imp.) Trin. s E 1588 ' Dean of Kilmore ~^ 1 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 43 Barnes, Chris Chr. — Dan Trin. — Edm Cai. — Edw Pet. — Emmanuel — Geo *King's — Hen Joh. — John Mich. H — John [King's — John — John (}\\. — John *King'.s — John Cai. — John Cla. — John Cath. — John [Cla. — Jos — Marlion [Pet. — Miles *Pet. Barns, Nich Cla. Barnes, Owen Qu. — Pet Qu. — Ralph Qu. — Rich Chr. Rob Trin. — Rob Pet. — Rob — Tho Joh. — Tho — (Tho. 1) [Trin. — Tho [Qu. — Tho Cai. — Tho Qu. — Tho Jes. — Tho C. C. — Tim Trin. — W Joh. — Will Jes. — Will Qu. — Will Chr. — Will King's — Will Qu. — Will Chr. — [Em. Bamesse, Anth Chr. Bamett, And [Trin. — John Joh. Barnet, Rich Trin. Barnewell, Edw King's — Hen Pern. — John Mag. — Laur Pet. — Rob Qu. — Will Jes. Barnewts, Tho Em. Barney v. also Beniey — John C. C. Barnnye, Rob [King's Barnye, Rob Pern. Barney [Trin. Barnham, Abr [Trin. E 1608 E 1636 E 1615 E 1620 M 1584 E 1629 M 1546 E 1562] M 1567 M 1573 c. 1593 M 1627 E 1645 E 1651] E 1641] E 1657 M 1564 E 1634 E 1587 E 1610 E 1577 M 1566 E 1584 s E 1578 f-c s P P P P s P s p p p s f-c f-c s s p s p s f-c s p f-c f-c 1580] 1599] 1602-3] A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1623; A.M. 1627 A.M. 1586 (Incorp. fr. Basel) A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1631-2 ?*Trin. 1547 LL.B. 1562-3 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 ; S.T.B.'87 A.B. 1596-7 A.B. 1630-1 [Migrated to Joh.] (A.B. fr. Oxf ) A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663, Barne; [S.T.P. 1682 (ZzV. Reg.) A.M. 1604 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) (? degree at Trin.) A.B. (Trin.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 1613 1626 1659 1.587 1583 1595 1596 1604 1616 1634 1644 E 1636] M 1576 M 1646] E 1653 M 1582 E 1612 L 1580 1 E 1584 M 1558 E 1582 E 1572 E 1628 (A.B. at Oxf); A.M. 1603 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1598-9 A.B. 1606-7 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 [1600 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588; S.T.B. [(*Jes.) 1570 A.B. 1561-2; A.M. 1565; S.T.B. A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 E 1653 [Berney] M 1575] M 1578 15801 1654] 44 Matriculations m Barnham, Jotn — Pet King's [s Barnam, Tho Cla. p Barneham, Tho Qu. s Barnshaw, Tho Joh. s Barnsdell, Will *Joh. p Barnsley [King's f-c Barnestone [Trin. f-c Bare, Pet. v. Barrow Baron, Edw Cai. p — Geo Pet. p — Humberstone Cla. p — Ja — John Em. p — John [Em. f-c Barone? John Joh. p Baron, Pet Pet. p — Rob Cai. p — Sam Pet. p — Sam [Trin. schol. Barron, Tho C. C. p Baron, Will Pet. s — Will *Cai. s — C. C. s Barron Chr. p Barr, Nath Joh. p Barrand, Rich Cla. s Barrett, Anth Jes. s Barret, Chris Joh. s — Chris C. C. p Barrett, Edw Gonv. H. s — Edw Joh. s — Era King's p — Hen Chr. s — Ja Jes. s — John Joh. s Barret, John Cla. ? p Barrett, John Joh. p Barrat, John Joh. p Barrett, John Cla. s — John Joh. s Barret, John Cla. s Barrit, John Joh. p Barret, Jos Em. s — Nich Qu. p — Rich Pern. s Barrett, Rich Joh. p Barret, Tho — Tho Trin. s — Will Trin. p Barrett, Will Joh. s — Will King's p Barrit, Will King's f-c Barricke, Benj. v. Barwick Barriker, Will Joh. s Barrington, Everard [Jes. p Baryngton, Era Barrington, Gilb Trin. f-c — Hen [Em. f-c — Hen [Em. p — John Trin. f-c id Deg) •e^s 1544 — 1659 A.B. (Trin.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600 1 M 1598] A.B. 1601-2 L 1563-4 E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 \ E 1649 A.B. 1653-4 (Matr. Barashaw) 1 E 1.552 A.B. 1554-5; A.M. 1558; M.D. '68. M 1599 155.5] [ E 1618 \ c. 1595 \ M 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1649 ii A.M 1650 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) k M 1617 E 1618] E 1560 E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 i M 1645 M 1615 A.B. (Tr. H.) 1617-8 ; A.M. (*Pet; E 1639] ,1621; M.L. 1627; M.D. 162t | E 1647 M 1580 1 E 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 E 1544 E 1603 E 1631 M 1580 M 1554 I E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 \ E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 (Matr. Bauet) E 1548 A.B. (*Pem.) 1552-3; A.M. 155t. E 1637 [(*C.C. 1553, *Qii. 1560 E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 E 1625 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 E 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 E 1551 A.B. 1554-5; A.M. 1558; M.P c. 1591 [(*Trin.) 157 E 1614^ A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 (one c E 1615^ [these *Joh. 162t E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 E 1626 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632, Borrett E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 , E 1651 A.B. 1654-5 M 1656 \ M 1572 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. (Cath.) 158;^^ E 1580 1 E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 , A.B. (Mag.) 1578-9 c. 1595 L 1579-80 A.B. 1584-5 ; A.M. 1588, *Cai. 159 E 1604 A.B. 1607-8 ,[ M 1617 k M 1659 [Barret] | M 1589 1 E 1646] 1 A.M 1580 (/?/. noh.) \ E 1633 \ M 1603] E 1635 . E 1633 I n nshas'i Matricnlatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 45 Barrington, Baringtoii, Barritigton, John John John Sam. Tho. Barrodel, Barroford, Pern. King's [Pern. Cath. Pem. Trin. Trin. Mag. Joh. Joh. Em. Cla. C. C. Sid. Barrow, liarrowe, Ban'ow, Barrowe, iBarowe, Barrowe, Barrow, (Ba A.i IS •Qu, 151 m m Geo Matth. .. Benedict Fra Hen Hen Hen Isaac *Trin. Isaac Trin. Isaac [Cai. ^ Isaac *Pet. Isaac Cai. -Isaac *Trin. Ja C. C. John Cla. Justinian ... Cai. Maur Joh. •o), 3Pet Pet Pet. Phil Sam Trin. Sam Qu. E 1637 E 1641 1652 M 1639 1652 1582' E 1658' E 1640 E 1657 M 1629 E 1607 M 1566 L 1577 E 1615 p M 1584 V E 1616] ]) E 1631 p M 1646 s E 1647 p M 1569 p M 1570 p E 1648 f-c M 1612 M 1576 Ban ■owe. M 1575 L 1615-6 Sam Trin. fschol. E 1641] 1587] 1642 1566 p E s M V E >: I "Baro, ; Barrow, .: 1* iBarrowe, 'Job. IS IBarrow )i5 Barrowis, !:),Borreli Barry, Barrye, Barry, m Barshall Barsham, Tho [Qu. Tho Trin W Cla. Will. V. Borrow Will Will Will Trin. [schol. E C. C. John Joh. Barn [Trin. Chris Trin. Geo Pet. Geo *Trin. Hasledius ... [Cath. Ja John [Sid. 1599; Trin. John Cath. p E John [Trin. schol. E Matthias ... Cath. p E Nath [Joh. p L Tho [Cath. p Tho *Trin. p L 1644] 1585 1631 1648] 1654 1589 1627 1635-6] A.B. 1642-3 (? Adm. at Jes. as Berrington) A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1633-4 A.B. 1610-1, Barrough A.B. 1569-70 A.B. (Mag.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583, A.B. 1618-9 [Barrough A.B. 1560-1; A.M. 1564; M.L. [1564; M.D. 1570 (Prev. at Trin.) A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636; S.T.P. [1660 {Lit. Reg.) (Adm. Pet. 1643) A.B. 1648-9; A.M. [1652; S.T.B. 1661 ; S.T.P. 1666 A.B. (Pem.) 1573-4 (Matr. Browne) A.B. 1574-5 [Bourges); S.T.P. 1576 LL.B. (*Pet.) 1575-6 (Incorp. fr. A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1585, Baro C.L. 1559 A.B. 1579-80 (?Adm. Sid. E 1616) A.B. 1643-4 A.B. (Pet.) 1583-4; A.M. 1591 A.B. (*Em.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1647; A.M. 1651 (A.B. ? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. (Em.) 1653; A.M. (Cai.) 1658 A.B. 1657-8 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Dublin) (?A.B. 1602-3); A.M. (Trin.) 1606 Tho. 1602] 1629 1635] 1629 (Migr. to Joh. 1631 ; to Em. 1634) 1630-1] 1627] 1656-7 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.M. (Qu.) 1590 (?Bagshaw) A.B. (Pet.) 1580 1 Bishop of Sodor and Man, 1663; of St Asaph, 1670. * Regius Professor of Greek, 1660; Lucasian Professor of Mathematics 1663; Master of Trinity, 1672. Lady Marg. Professor of Divinity, 1574. 46 Barsham, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Tho. Tho. W. ... Geo. John Hen. Rich. Anth. Cla. Trin. Cla. Barsie, Barstowe, Bartham (?), Bai-thew, Bartlemar, Barthohnevve, John Trin. Bartholmew, Rich Joh. — Will Hid. Bartholomew, Will Trin. Berstowe Je.s. Bertie Ma- Bartie, Bai-ty, Bartin, Bartinne, Bartin, Barthelet, Bartlett, Bartlet, Bartlett, Bartlet Bartley, Barton, King's * King's King's Joh. J..h. Joh. , Cai. Cai. ' *Ma?. Edw. Fra. , Hen. , Godf. , John , Phil. Tho. Anth. Hen. John John Rob Trin. [Era. Hen. Nich. And. Chris Jes. Edw Qu. Edw Cai. Edw *Trin. Fra *Trin. Geof. [Godf.] Joh. Geo Trin. Geo Jes. Hugh V. Barlow Chr. Chr. Chr. John John John John Matth Nich Ralph Rich Rob Tho Tho Tho Tho Thurstan {imp.) Will Will Will Trin. Trin. Pet. C. C. Bartrum, Barugh, Barwell, John Tho. 'Edni. [Cai. Cln-. Jes. Trin. Qu. Cai. Cath. Trin. Cla. *Trin. 'Vvm. Joh. Pet. [Sid. »Chr. L 1579- M 1610 M 157G E 1616 E 1649] M 1566 E 1567 1606 1624 1577-1 E E L M 1575 1607 1631 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.M. 1624 (Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1652 [Bartholomew] A.B. 1570-1 ; A.M. (Pem.) 1574 [S.T.B. 162C A.B. (*Em.) 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 [Bertie] A.B. 1579-80 A.B. 1634-5, Barton; A.M. 163f A.B. (Joh.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 c. 1595 E 1639 M 1612 M 1618 L 1615-6 L 1577-8 E 1620] L 1584-5 E 1582 E 1579 E 1557 L 1578-9 M 1580 M 1618 E 1631 E 1654 M 1580 c. 1593 L 1577-8 E 1610 E 1622 M 1631 E 15751 E E M E E E E ]M 1 L 1577- L 1618- E 1546 E 1610 E 1641] L 1563- 1617 1548 1585 1599] 1636' 1636' 1549 •)2 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 LL.B. 1562, *Jes. (?A.B. 1619-20); A.M. 1623 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1581-2 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625; S.T.B. '3; A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1636 [S.T.B. (King's) 165 A.B. (Trin.) 1603-4; A.M. 160', A.B. (Joh.) 1585-6 A.B. 1549-50; A.M. 1553 A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. 1586 ; S.T.B. K.V>. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 (? Barrow, at Trin. 1642) A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571; S.T| [1577 8; S.T.P. Ifill Master of Christ's, 1582. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 47 Bar well, JBarwicke, IBarwick, ■ Banvicke, \ Bai-wycke, j Barwicke, I Barwycke, Barwicke, 3arwycke, Barwick, Barwicke, Barwick, iBarwis, jBarwise, iBascew, [Baseley, (Basford, Basforth, iBashe, iBasshe, iashe, 'Basie, BasiU, jJasil, ;3asire, iaskerville iBaspoull, Edni Edw Edw Edw ({eo Tho AVill also Berwick Abr Benj , BoDJ Geo'. Humph. .. John 'John Lancelot Libius , Nich Pet Rob Steph Tho Tho Tho Tho Will Chr. *Chr. Chr. Chr. Pern. Chr. Chr. Trin. Chr. Pern. King's Cm. rc. C. *Joh. qn. Joh. Cla. Joh. Joh. Jes. Chr. King's Cai. Cai. Chr. E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Will *Trin. Will Joh. Will Joh. Will. Will. John Rich Hugh Tho Ed Pet Dio Edw Edw Edw Ralph .... Raljih .... Will Tho Eldw Mart Martin .... Isaac John also Banage Dan Sam Lionel .... W , Cla. *Joh. Cai. [Chr. [C. C. [Joh. Qu. Chr. Em. Joh. Trin. Joh. Pet. Pet. Cath. Pet. Cath. Pet. Pem. [Qu. Cath. Joh. Em. [Cai. Em. Pem. Trin. c. 1595 M 1610 E 1645 M 1560 e. 1595 M 1586 E p M p E p E schol. f-c 1620 1590 1613 1643 1594 1599] 1631 1577-8 1569 1633 1638 1571 1568 1544 1557-8 1577-8 1608 1546 1563-4 1576 1627 1636 1609 f-c M p M f-c E f-c E [f-c E p E 1578 1631' 1575 1564 1622 1567 1658 1568 1579 1608 1639 1588 1639 1588 1604 1658] 1631 1635] 1658 A.B. 1595-6; A.B. 1613-4 A.B. 1563-4 A.B. 1595-6 A.B. 1590-1: A.M. 1599; S.T.B. [1607 A.M. A.M. 1599 1594 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. (*Em.) 1634 [Barrick] A.B. (Cath.) 1616-7 ; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1646-7 [1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638; S.T.'P. A.B. 1581-2 [Berwick] A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1642-3 ; A.M. 1647 ; M.D. '55 A.B. (*Trin.) 1545- A.M. 1549; [M.L. 1573 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1572 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1603-4 (in ordo) ; A.M. 1607 ; [S.T.B. (*Cath.) 1613 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582, Barvis 5 A.B. 1568-9, Bascue A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 80 A.B. (Pem.) 1601-2 [S.T.P. 1640 (A.M. of Leyden); S.T.B. 1635; A.B. 1661-2 ; A.M. 1665 ; S.T.B. '77 s M 1592] [p E 1644) p M 1567 p E 1570 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 (Incorp. [fr. Oxf.) 1 Dean of Diuham, 1660; of St Paul's, 1661. 48 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Bassall, Bassell, Bassett, Basset, Bassett, Basset, Bassett, Basit, Bassett, Hiimf. [Em. John Will. . Will. . John . Tho. . Dan. . Will. . Edw. . Edw. . Fulke. Ge Clem. H. Isaac John Jos 'Joshua .. Josias . . Steph. .. Tho Will Will Pet. Em. Joh. Chr. Jes. Pem. Joh. Joh. Trin. Bassingwhite, John Baster, Basterd, Bastard, John Mag. Pet. *Cai. [Pet. Chr. King's . Chr. Joh. C. C. Cla. Edw Cai. Bastarde, Bastvvicke, Bastwick, Bastwyck, Batch V. Bache Hen John Leon Rich Tho. {imp.) John John John Cai. Cai. Cai. Chr. Cath. [Em. King's Trin. Bate, Bayte, Bate, Bayte, Bate, Bate, Bayte, Bate, Bayte, Bate, Bateman, Abr. , Edw. Elias . Geo. , Hen. . Hen. , Ja. V. John . John John , John Nath. Nich. Osw. , Ralph Rich. , Rob. , Sam. Seth , Tho. Tho. Tho. Will. Will. Will. Hugh Joh. 0. Batte *C. C. Chr. Em. Chr. Batte Chr. Trin. Mag. *Cai. Joh. *C. C. Qu. Em. Trin. Chr. *King'i Chr. Cai. Trin. *Trin. [Joh. E 1614] c. 1596 E 1629] E 1602 E 1576 E 1609 L 1588-9 M 1546 E 1587 E 1612 E 1544 E 1567 M 1655 M 1657 E 1654] E 1620 E 1614 L 1626-7 E 1628 L 1580-1 E 1617 E 1582 M 1645 M 1645 M 1567 E 1551 E 1546 E 1614] 1651 1653] A.B. 1546-7 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1606-7 ; A.M. 1610, Bossal (?Barsham above) A.B. 1612-3 [(Besis in gr. ; Bassill in ordo A.B. (Cla.) 1619-20; A.M. 162; (Migr. to Pem. 1657) A.B. 1661-2 ; A.M. 1665 ; S.T.B. '7 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 [Bassett] A.B. 1585-6 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. (Trin. H.) 16.'j A.B. 1572-3 A.B. 1550-1 (Matr. Bo-stwicke) A.B. 1656 L 1620-1 L 1597-8 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605, Bate: E 1549 A.B. 1552-3, Bates c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 E 1628 (Matr. Bale) E 1558 E 1584 E 1586 E 1653 c. 1596 E 1573 E 1548 E 1613 A.B. A.B. E 1605 E 1628 M 1578 E 1628 L 1629-30 M 1554 M 1571 A.B. A.B. p E 1633] Master of Sidney, 1687. A.B. 1561-2 A.B. 1588-9, Bayte A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1600-1 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. (Chr.) 1603; A.M. 1607 A.B. (Trin.) 1597-8; A.M. 16^ 1631-2; A.M. 1635 1582-3, Bates 1571-2; A.M. 1575 (Mag.) 1575-6; A.M. 15' [M.D. 11 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 49 Bateman, ?>atman, llateman, Ja Jodocus(z7?i^.( 12 ann.)| John John John Rich Rich Hob Tho fiBateraanson r>ates, Hen — Isaac .... — Nath I'.atis, I'et liates, Tho — Will 11 - Will fiBatson, Chri.s — (Bateson), Edw — John .... — John .... iJBateson, Mark.... " — Rich — Rich — Rob Bath, Earl of, — John Batho, Tho Cai. — Will Cai. Bathoe, Rich Jes. — Tobias Cai. Bathiu'st, Edw Joh. I — John Pern. j — John Pern jBathrest, Paul (imp.) ; 12 ann.)f JBathurst, Randoll IBatherst, Rob iBatthurste, Rob Bathurst, Steph . Chr. Mag. .*Gonv.H. . Jes. . ♦King's . *Qii. . *King's . Trin. . King's , Chr. . Trin. . Cla. . Joh. . Cai. . Peni. . Qii. . Cla. . Joh. . [Joh. . Triu. . Trin. , Joh. , Cla. . Cla. , [Chr. Bourcher Qu. Pern. Qu. Mag. Qu. Batthrust, jBathurst, iBatner, iBaton, iBatte, •Theod Trin. Tho. Tho. Tho. John Hob. Trin. Peni. Trin. Cla. Joh. E.lw *Trin. Hen n Batt, Batte, IBatt, tBatte, (Bats, Battle, Battell, John John Join. Li:)nel Xich Tim Will Tho A ttabiU (?)... Geo Ralph Joh. Joh. Em. [Sid. Trin. Em. Em. Trin. Mag. Qu. Jes. Qu. f-c P P f-c P P E I60I E 1572 E 1544 M 1629 M 1648 L 1578-9 M 1598 M 1611 M 1570 E 1548 M 1611 E 1645 E 1619 E 1572 M 1587 E 1644] E 1648 E 1620 E 1652] E 1557 E 1614 E 1572 E 1579 M 1579 E 1653] E 1631 E 1585] M 1587 E 1589 E 1620 M 1614 E 1632 M 1555 c. 1595 E 1567 c. 1596 M 1556 E 1602 E 1602 E 1617 E 1647 M 1611 M 1552 M 1571 M 1571 L 1582-3 E 1606] L 1647-8] E 1611 E 1606 E 1633 M 1580 M 1608 M 1606 M 1587 M 1635 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1545-6; A.M. 1549 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1651-2 A.B. 1582-3 (A.B. 1601-2); A.M. 1606 (Matr. (Matr. Batsin) [Baterman) A.B. 1614-5 A.B. 1648-9: A.M. A.M. 1618 1652 A.B. 1575-6, Bates A.B. A.B. A.B. 1644-5; 1651 1623-4 ; A.M. 1648; S.T.P. [1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.M. 1627 A.B. 1616-7, Bateson ; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1581-2) A.B. 1582- ?A.M. (Cath.) 1586 (A.B. at Oxf.) ; A.M. (Pern.) 1638 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592; S.T.B. A.B. (Pern.) 1592-3 [1601 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1617-8 ; A.M. 1621 ; M.D. 1637 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 [Bathurst] A.B. 1569-70 A.B. (*Pem.) 1 -6; A.M. 1609; [S.T.B. 1618 A.B. 1615-6, Batener; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1576-7 ; A.M. 1580 ; S.T.B. '87 A.B. 1586-7, Bate A.B. 1609-10 A.B. (Jes.) 1640 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1584-5 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642, Battle 50 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Batten, Abr Sid. s L — Barnabas ... Job. s M Baten, Ricb Trin. s E Battye, Chris Mich. H. p M Battie, Edm Trin. [schol. E Batty, Era [Pern. — John Joh. s E Battie, Will Chr. s E Battison, John Cla. s M — Sam Joli. s E Battesou, Will [Trin. E Bawghe, Tho *Pet. p M Bawde. Edw Sid. p E — John Joh. p M — Tho Joh. p M Bawdes, Maur Cai. p M — Maur Cai. p M Bawdrey, Leon Trin. p M Bauldricke, Tho Trin. ts E Bawdricke, Sam Trin. s E Bawtersbye, Will *Chr. p M Bawtree, John Cla. p E Bawtry, Rob. v. Baltree Baxter, Augiistin ... Jes. p E — Benj Joh. s E Bacster, Dan Em. s E Baxter, Edw Em. p E — Fra Cai. f-c E — John C. C. s M — iJohn C. C. p E — John Joh. p M Backster, John Cla. s M Baxter, John Cla. p E — John Pet. 8 E Bacster, Luke King-'s p M — Marm Trin. p E Baxter, Nath Jes. p E — Ralph Cla. p E — Rich Pet. s c. — Rich Mag. s E — Rob *King's [schol. — Rob Chr. s L — Rob Em. s c. — Rob Chr. p E — Rob Sid. s E Bacster, Rog Chr. s L Baxter, Steph Cai. p c. Backster, Tho Jes. s E Bacster, Tho Joh. p c. Baxter, Tho Cla. s E — Tho — Tho [Cai. f-c M — Tho C. C. p E — Tho Cla. p E Backster, Will Pein. p M Bacster, W Joh. s E Baxter, Will Joh. s E — rc. C. Bayard, Fra [Qu. p E 1645-6 1571 1641 1546 1578] 1647] 1648 1650 1617 1641 1637] 1582 1620 1546 1546 1615 1645 1570 1627 1626 1552 1.587 1633 1628 1585 1587 1621 1547 1550 1552 1572 1587 1602 1583 1588 1653 1631 1597 1610 E 1535] 1557-8 1593 1618 1632 1579-80 1594 1551 1593 1613 1619] 1619 1628 1570 1573 1629 1544] 15811 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583;S.T.B. [1590 [(Incorp. fr. Lamoeth) A.B. 1653-4 ; A.M. 1657 ; S.T.P. '81 A.B. 1620-1: A.M. 1624 A.B. (Em.) 1 585-6, Baughbie ; A.M., [(Pet.) 1589 [prev. at Qu. and Peni.] A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1630-1 1629-30, Bauldricke 1555-6; A.M. 15.59 1590-1 ; A.M. 1594 (Joh.) 1636-7; A.M. 1640 1631-2 1588-9, Baxter; (A.M. 1) [S.T.B. 1605 A.B. 1552-3, *Cath. A.B. 1575-6, Baxter; A.M. 157 A.B. (Trin.) 1588-9 A.B. 1656; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639, Raphae' A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1539-40; M.L. 1561 A.B. 1635-6 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.M. 1618 (Incorp. fr. Oxf. (?sanie as next) A.B. 1631-2; A. I63r A.B. (Jes.) 1632-3; A.M. 1636| ('?John, matr. 1547) Esquire Bedell, 1556. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1(^59 51 Baycoll, Tho Bayes v. Bayse Bayfylde, ! Bayfield, Bayldon, Bay lie, Baylv, Bayley, Havlye, llaly, 1 '.avlie, liayly, Chr. iBayley, jBaylie, 'Bayly, i Bayley, Baily, Bayly, Baly, Bayley, [Bayly; iJBaylye, Bayly, iBaylie, iBayly, Balv, Bayly, Baily, Bayley, ; Baily e, Bayley, Baylie, i Baily, iBaylye, ,Bayly, Bayley, IBayly", ' Bayleys, \ Bayli.sse, Bayne v. Ed Ciir. Geo Trill. Tho Trin. Baynard Dan. . Kdw. . Geo. . H Hilary Jolin .. John .. John .. John .. John . John . John ., Laur. .. Em. Joh. Trin. Joh. Cai. Oath. Chr. [Em. Em. [Tnn. [Trill. Joh. Martin Mag. Nich Rich Rich. .. Rich. .. Rich. .. Rich. .. Rich. .. Rich. .. Kich. .. Rob. .. Em. iTho. .. Tho. .. Tho. .. Tho. .. Tho. .. Tho. .. Tho. .. Tho. .. Vincent Cla. [Pet. Joh. [Trin. King's Qu. Cla. *Cla. Jes. King'.s Mag. Em. Cai. Joh. [Cla Walt. Will. Will. Will. Will. Will. Will. Will. Ja. ... Joh. *Joh. Joh. Chr. Trin. Em. *Triii. Cath. Cath. Rich Chr. also Baynes Adiel.. Rob. .. (Baines), And Anth... Baynes, Baines, Baynes, Baines, Cla. Trin. Pern. Brian Joh. Edw Chr. Elnathan ... Chr. Era Trin. Era Chr. f-c E \(i±l [?Tho. Dayrell] p M 1545 p L 1656- 7 p E 1615 p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1626 s E 1624 V E 1641 A.B. 1641-2 y E 1559 p E 1629 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 s E 1575 ^ E 1582 i():n] A.B. 1585-6, Baylie 1> E 1636 A.B. (King's) 1639-40; A.M. 1643 hoi. E 1641] 1' L 1649- -.0] A.M. 1651 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) .s E 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 p i\I 1565 M 1624 1635] 1647 1649- 1654 1659 1563- 1.544 1576 1622 1627 1628 1629 1648 1652] 1620 1622 1570 1582- 1592 1602 1620 1631 1655 1658 1597 A.M. 1614 (Iiicorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Joh.) 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 LL.B. 1633 (Ineorp. fr. Oxf.) 50] [Cath. p E 1650] 1580 1622 1544 1544 1648 1656- 1549 1626 A.B. 1656-7 A.B. 1662 4 A.B. 1546-7; A.M. 1549; S.T.B.'58 A.B. 1626; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1632-3 A.B. 1651-2, *Cai. 1652 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1626; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1574-5 ; A.M. 1578 ; S.T.B.'85 3 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590-1 3 A.B. 1596-7 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638; S.T.B. A.B. 1658 [1666 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1600-1, Baylifte ; A.M. (Joh.) [1604, Bayley A.M. 1629 (Ineorp. fr. Oxf.) ; S.T.P. [1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.M. 1634 (Ineorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1544-5, Baynes A.B. 1549-50 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1660-1 Master of Clare, 1557. 52 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Baines, Jeremy Joh. Baynes, John Trin. — Jos Joh. Baines, Martin Joh. Baynes, Nich Cla. — Nich Cla. — Paul *Chr. Bane, Pet Qu. — (Baynes), > Ralph ... [*Joh.] Baynes, Rich Chr. Banes, Rich Chr. — Rob Qu. Bayns, Rob *Chr. — Rob [Pet. Bayens, Tho Cai. Banes, Tho Qu. Baynes, Tho Chr. Baines, Tho Baynham, Rob Em. Baynon, Mich Trin. Bayse, Abr. v. Baist Bayes, John Cai. — Rob Cai. Bayze, Sam Trin. Bay tenor, John Trin. Bayton, Dan Joh. — Rob. V. Boyton, Tho. Beache v. Beech Beacher v. Beecher Beacon, A nth King's — Basset ( I Basil) *King's — Cuthbert ... Trin. — 2joi^n *Joh. — John Trin. — John Pet. — Rich Joh. — Steph Joh. — Theod. {imp. 1 2 ann. ) *Joh. Beaconsfield v. Beconsfield Beadell, Abr. v. Biddell Bedle, Capel Qu. Beadle (alias Aldrige), | ^, • Geo. ( ^'^'- — Hen *King's Bedell, Hen Cai. — Hen [Em. Beadle, John Pcui. Bedle, John Qu. Bedell, Julius [Cai. — Mich Joh. Beadle, Rob Cai. Bedell, Sam C. C. Beadle, Sam Trin. — Silvester ... Em. Bedall, Tho Jos. Bedell, Tho King's Bedle, Tho King's Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 1554. M 1659 L 162fi- E 1616 E 1606 M 1583 E 1627 c. 1590 M 1575 M 1568 M 1622 M 1544 M 1578 L 1641-2] E 1577 M 1589 M 1638 M 1649 E 1656 A.B. 1663 A.B. 1619-20 (?A.B. 1609-10); A.M. 1613 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597, Baine A.B. 1578-9, Baynes; A.M. 1582 A.B. 1517-8; A.M. 1521; S.T.B. [1532 ; S.T.P. 1555 A.B. 1572-3, Banes ; A.M. (Cai.) '76 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1581- Banes; A.M. 1585; [S.T.B. 1592 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646; M.D. [1661 (Incorp. fr. Padua) (?A.B. 1594-5); A.M. (Mag.) 1598' E 1604] A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 E 1640 A.B. 1643-4, Baise E 1652 A.B. 1655-6 M 1569 E 1565 E 1615 M 1579 E 1616 E 1559 E 1586 E 1647 M 1567 E 15.59 E 1567 f-c E 1618 s c. 1597 A.B. (Trin.) 1619-20; A.M. 1623| A.B. 1583-4 [liacon]; A.M. 158^ A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1560-1 ; A.M. 1564 ; LL.D.'Tll (?A.B. 1589-90); A.M. 1594J [?Nath.] [S.T.B. 1( A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1576-7 ; A.M. 1580; M.D. A.B. 1600-1, Heale; A.M. 1606 p M 1588 (A.]^,. 1592-3); A.M. 159 p E 1612 p E 1640] s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 p M 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 1> E 1635] p E 1560 s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4, Bedell p E 1577 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 s M 1649 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 p L 1588-9 s M 1564 P M 1567 [Hedyll] f-c c. 1596 Public Orator, 1571. Matricnlatioi s and Befp -ees 1544— 1659 53 Bedell, Tho . Qu. s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6 iWill . *Em. p L (1584-5 A.B. 1588-9, Bedle; A.M. 1592; Bedle, Will . Em. p E ^4 [S.T.B. 1599 Bedill . [C. 0. 1562] l^el . Cla. p c. 1592 Beadle . King's f-c M 1600 l',o;ulnel, Luke".'.'.'.".'.'.' . Qu. p M 1581 [Bidwell] [S.T.B. 1657 1 '.LMdoil, Tho . Sid. p M 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. (*Joh.) 1649; ileake, Rob . Pet. p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1645 liealbie, Tho A.B. (Cath.) 1598-9 1 Seal by, loale. Tho A.B. (Mag.) 1599-1600 (Matr. Bele) Alex .' Qu. p E 1556 - Barth . Pet. p E 1639 M.B. 1682 (L^-L Reg.) — Cha . [Trin. f-c E 1656] — Chris . Trin. s E 1607 A.B. (Pet.) 1610-1 ; A.M. 1616 1 - Edw . Jes. p E 1570 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 Edw . Qu. s M 1625 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 — Edwin .... . [Qu. p E 1641] — Fra . Joh. p M 1641 A.B. (Mag.) 1644 — Godf. A.B. (Joh.) 1573-4 — Hen '. Cath. p E 1632 A.B. (*Jes.) 1635-6; A.M. 1639 — -Jerome .... A.B. (Chr.) 1595-6 ; A.M. (*Pem.) — John ." Mag. f-c M 1609 [1599; S.T.B. 1607; S.T.P. 1619 — John . C.C. s M 1611 A.B. 1614-5 , — John . C. C. s L 1618-9 A.B. 1621-2 — John . ♦King's [schol. 1629] A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 — Joshua .... . Chr. f-c E 1659 Bele, Nich . Mag. s M 1578 A.B. 1579-80, Beale iBeale, Rich ..*Pet. p M 1570 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 Beele, Rob . Joh. p M 1579 Beale, Rob . Qu. s M 1612 — Rob . Jes. p E 1622 A.B. 1623-4 — Rob . Chr. p M 1634 A.B. 1638-9 — Rob . [Cai. p M 1642] — Theod . Trin. p M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. (*Pem.) 1622 i — Tho . Joh. p M 1585 — 3 Will . Trin. p E IfiD^ A.B. 1609-10; A.M. (*Jes.) 1613; — . [King's f-c M 1641] [S.T.B. (Joh.) 1620; S.T.P. 1627 Bealie, Geo . Joh. p c. 1.590 A.B. 1593-4, Beeley Sf Will A.M. 1607 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ? Beebie W ". Chr. p E 1577 jBeames v. Bemis l^umont, Adam . ISid. f-c L 1646-7] '• ainont. Anth . Qu. s M 162.3 iiuounte • amoiid. Edw *Fra . Joh. . Pet. p p M 1570 E 1565 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 -iemont, Fra . Joh. p M 1624 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 |3eemont, Gamaliel . . Joh. p 1598 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1608, Beamond Bemonde, Geo A.B. (*Qu.) 1540-1; A.M. 1543; [S.T.B. 1549; S.T.P. 1557, Bea- Beamound, Geo . Qu. s E 1563 A.B. (Chr.) 1569-70 [mont Beaumont, "Geo . C. C. s ' L 1618-9 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626; S.T.P. [1660 (Lit. Beg.) Beamont, Geo . Mag. s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 — Hamond .. . Pet. s E 1659 A.B. 1662; A.M. 1666 Beamond, Hen . Joh. f-c M 1.560 ^Mmont, Hen . Qu. s E 1566 A.B. 1569-70, Beaumond ' Bishop of Kilmore and Ar.lagh, 1629. 2 Master of Pembroke, 1618. Master of Jesus, 163-2; Master of St John's ^ T\ -C T , 1634. * Judge of C.P., 1593. 54 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Beamont, Hen . C. C. s E 1584 A.B. (Cath.) 1588-9, Beawmont Beauuiont, Humph. . . *King's P E 1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 Beamonde, John . Joh. s M 1548 A.B. 1551-2; A.M. 1559, Beaumon Bewmonte, John {imp.) Qu. s E 1551 [(*Trin. 1560 Beaumont, John . [C. C. . *Trin. 1570 1570 lieamont, John [schol. A.B. 1572-3 ; A.M. 1576 ; S.T.B.'S; Beamount, Beaumond, John John . Joh. . Qu. s p M 1570 E 157H ?A.B. (Mag.) 1573-4, Beamond Bemond, John . Joh. p c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599, Beau Beaumont, John . Jes. s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 [mon — John . [Chr. f-c M 1653 — Uos . *Pet. p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638; S.T.F Beamont, Maur . C. C. s E 1573 [1660 {Lit. Reg. A.B. 1543-4; A.M. (*Pet.) 1550 Beamond, 2Rob [S.T.B. 1560; S.T.P. 156 Beament, Rob . Trin. s E 1632 A.B. 1634-5, Beaumont Beaumond, Rob . Cla. f-c E 1637 Beamont, Steph . Cai. s E 1572 A.B. 1575-6 [Bemant] Beamount, Theod . Trin. s E 1569 Beamond, Tho . Chr. s E 1582 Bemound (?) , Tho . Pet. f-c c. 1596 Beaumont, Tho . Cla. f-c E 1637 Beomont, Will . Qu. s E 1605 Beaumont, Will . Sid. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1633 Beamont . Chr. . Trin. schol. 1549^ ?John, of 1548 Beaumont f-c 1600 — . Trin. f-c 1620' Beane, Alex.'.'."."!!'.'.'. . Cai. p L 1630 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 — Chris . Qu s c. 1596 Edm . Cath. f-c M 1546 (No A.B.) A.M. 1547 Hen . Qu. p L 1557 -8 Been, Tho. (imp.) Jes. s M 1549 Bene . [C. C. 1544] Bearcliffe, John V. Br jrecliffe Bearcroft, Tho . Joh. s M 1639 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 Beard, John . Trin. s M 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 John . Qu. [E 1654" A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1661 — Nich . Em. s M 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 — Ralph .... . Trin. p M 1617 [1602; S.T.P. 1614, Bi: Tho . Jes. s M 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591; S.T. Bearde, Will . King's p M 1556 [Berde] Beard, Will . *Kiug's p L 1629- -30 (A.B. 1633-4) ; A.M. 1637, Bei, Beardemore Humph. . . . Trin. s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 _ John V. Berdmore Beardsell, Geo . Joh. s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Beardsall, Tho . [Joh. s E 1652" Beardsley, John . Joh. s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 Beare v. also Bere Bere, Edw A.B. 1631-2 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Beare, Geo ! [Mag. schol. 1604" A.B. (Trin. H.) 1607-8 John . Joh s M 1606 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 i — Steph . Qu.^ s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 Bearman, Will . Trin. s E 1606 Bearne, Tho . Pem. s E 1567 Tho . Chr. s E 1610 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 Bearsley, Tho . C. C. s c. 1591 (Matr. Beauslye) Beasley, Rob. V. Bisley Beast V. Best Beatnesse, Tho . Sid. s E 1656 A.B. 1660, Beatniffe; A.M. 16 1 Regius Professor of Divinity, 1674; Master of Jesus, 1662; Master of Peterhouse, 1663. 2 Lady Marg. Prof. Div., 1559; Master of Trinity, 1561. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 55 Beatnisse, Beaty, Beaton, Beeton, ffioui ^ Becharae, Hi Becham, Will Mich John Nehemiah , Tho Tho W Will John Mag. p E 1616 A.B. 1619-20, Beatnifie ; A.M. 1623 A.B. (Chr.) 1622-3 Jes. p E 1645 A.B. 1648-9 Jes. p E 1647 A.B. 1650 Cla. s E 1589 Cai. p M 1635 A.B. 1639-40 Pet. s L 1584-5 /' the above) A.B. (Cath.) 1593-4 *Pem. p M 1575 A.B. 1578-9, Beacham; A.M. '82; Josiah Beauchamp, Tho, ' k Beauvoir v. also Bever 1^1^ Bevoir, ° 1* Beauvoire, Beayly (?) Beching, Becke, Cla. [p E 1655] Trin. [schol. E 1638] [ 1589, Beauchampe A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 Pet. Hen. Beck, Becke, Beck, Becke, 5 Beck, ] jBecke, m - I; si; - 'Beck, \l\ I Becke, 1} Secket, !3eckett, Becket, Osf.1 i. - (ham. Bekain, John , Brian . Cave . Edw. . Edw. . Edw. . Geo. . Geo. . Godfr. Hen. . Hen. . John . John . John . Jos. . Perse . Pet. . Rich. . Rich. . Rob. . Sam. . Tho. . Tho. . Will. . Will. . Will. . Nich. . Nich. . Rich. . Rich. . Tho. . Will. . Will. . Edw. . Hen. . John . Rich. iBeckinshawe, John. n, John jBeckwith v. also Backwith Fra Leo Tho Tho Tho fieckwyth, 0li0eckwith, ■ ,(. Beckwithe, *'*'3eckwith, Jes. P M 1621 A.B. 1624-5, Beauvoir; A.M. 1628 Jes. [P E 1631] A.B. 1634 A.M. (Joh.) 1595 (mugh Bagley) A.B. 1576 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. Trin. p E 1561 [(Cla.) 1576 Joh. V E 1639 A.B. 1641-2 Cai. s M 1576 A.B. (Pern.) 1580-1 [Beacke] Qu. P E 1621 A.B. 1623; A.M. 1627 [Qu. f-c E 1623] Mag. p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Em. p E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 Trin. s E 1555 A.B. 1559-60, Geoffrey ; A.M. 1563 Joh. s L 1577-8 Qu. p E 1631 A.B. 1634 Joh. p L 1563-4 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 Trin. p E 1639 Mag. p E 1656 A.B. 1659; A.M. 1663 Qu. s E 1604 A.B. (Cath.) 1606-7 *Cai. P E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 ; A.M. 1630; S.T.B.'37 lQu.1 p c. 1593 A.B. (Cath.) 1595-6 p E 1588 Trin. s M 1611 Qu. s c. 1593 A.B. (Em.) 1597-8 ♦King's p L 1650-1 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 Joh. p E 1578 A.B. 1581-2 Chr. V E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 Cai. p E 1578 Trin. s 1598 *Cai. 1> E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 C. C. p E 1577 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 Pet. s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. (Trin.) 1614-5 A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Cai. p E 1588 [?Beckwith, below] C. C. p E 1577 A.B. 1580-1 Qu. p E 1577 A.B. 1580-1 [1666; S.T.P. 1684 King's s M 1651 A.B. 1655; A.M. 1659; S.T.B. Cai. b E 1601] AB. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 Cath. s E 1624 A.B. 1626-7 Cla. p M 1565 Em. s E 1616 Qu. 8 M 1581 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. (Cath.) 1589 Trin. s M 1581 Joh. p M 1568 [Cai. f-c L 1587-8 Mag. p c. 1596 Trin. p M 1615 56 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Beckwith, W Jes. — Will Cath. — [Trin. Becombe, John Trin. Beconsfield, John Chr. Bedcott, Rich Sid. Bede, John [Em. Bedel, Bedall, v. Beadell Bedford, Amand Cath. — Ambrose ... Mag. — Amos Qu. — Amos Pet. — Earl of [Trin. — Era — Isaac Qu. — Isaac Em. — Ja Em. — John Pet. — John Qu. — Tho Qu. — Tho Qu. — Tho Qu. — Tho. {i7np.) Trin. — Will Qu. — Will Qu. — Will Qu. — Will Cla. — [C. C. Bedingfield v. also Benningtield — Anth [Cai. — Dan [Qu. Beddingfeld, Edm Trin. Bedingfield, Edm [Cai. — (Matr. Bening-} ... , field), Edm. ( ^^"'^'^ — Edw Chr. Bedingfeild, Era Joh. Bedingfield, ^Hen [Cai. Bedyngfyld, John Trin. H. Bedingfeild, John Qu. Bedyngfyld, Lane Trin. Beddingfield, Phil Em. — Phil Chr. — Rob. V. Benefield Bedingf3dd, Tho Chr. Bedingfield, ^Tho [Cai. Bedingfield, Tho Joh. — Tho [Chr. Bedwell, Edw Cai. — Tho *Triu. — Will Trin. Bee, Dan Trin. — Edw Sid. — Hen Trin. — John *Joh. — John Trin. — Nich Joh. — Rob *Trin. p 1> M 1565 E 1640 f-c s 1654] M 1627 A.B. 1631-2, Bacombe s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4 V M 1641 A.B. 1645-6 A.M. 1649 V L 159.5-6 ? Bode s E 1573 s L 1634-5 A.B. 1637-8, Amos; A.M. 1641 s M 1569 A.B. 1573-4 A.M. 1577 s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6 A.M. 1609 f-c 1591] A.B. (Cla.) 1643-4 s L 1607-8 A.B. 1610-1 A.M. 1614 V M 1634 A.B. 1637-8 A.M. 1641 s E 1643 A.B. 1646-7 s M 1611 A.B. 1614-5 A.M. 1618 s M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 s E 1606 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1616 s M 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M.1616;S.T.B.'3: s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30 ; A.M. 1633 s M 1657 A.B. 1660-1 [« E 1600] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1608 s E 1612 A.B. 1616-7 A.M. 1622 (Mati [Bradford 8 M 1621 A.B. 1624-5 A.M. 1628 •S E 1640 A.B. 1643-4 f-c 1583] p M 1584 M 1657' p J p E 1548 p M 1584] s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614, Edw., V E 1647 V E 1607 J p p M 1650] M 1.564 1 p M 1580 p E 15.59 f-c E 1609 s M 1637 ]) E 1571 f'o E 1608] M 1634 f-c p s M 1644] E 1584 M 1562 [Beddall] A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 s L 1578-9 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 [« E 1653] A.B. 1656; A.M. 1660 p E 1617 s M 1646 A.B. 1650-1 p E 1544 A.B. 1546-7; A.M. 1549 s E 1658 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 p M 1567 p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 » Justice C.P., 1686. a Justice C. P., 1648. 1. 16) Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 57 Beeby, Beche, Beache, Beech, Beeohe, Beech, Beacher, jBeecher, jBecher, Beecher, Beacher, Beecher, Becher, Beecher, Becher, ;her. ^eecroft, lee ford, '.eeles. John Andr Chr. .Tdhii Cla. John Cla. Rob. . Tlio. . W Will. . Bart. . Edm. . Edw. . Edw. . Edw. . Edw. . Edw. . Hen Jes. Howard Em. Ja Joh. John Pet. Oliver Qu. Oliver Trin. Will (?Pet.) Joh. *Joh. Chr. Joh. Pet. Job. (?Pet.) [Pet. Joh. Joh. Will. Will. Will. , Will. Chris. Is. ... Will. , Sid. ^et. Trin. Joh. [P P P s f-c P P P s f-c p p s f-c p p 1644] 1582 1659 1580-1 1575 1575 1632 1572 1628 1592 1626] 1646 1647 1639 1637 1560 1586 1615 1645 1592 1626-7] 1626 M. 1656 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) M. (*Cai.) 1652 (by Visitors' B. 1585-6 [mandate) B. 1584-5 B. 1579-80 ; A.M. 1583, *Trin. H. [1596 B. 1630-1, Edw. ,B. 1562-3 A.B. 1639-40; A.M.1643,*Pet.l644 .B. 1629-30; A.M. (*Joh.) 1633; [S.T.B. 1647 schol. E A.B. (Qu.) 1620- Pet. E 1645 159r A. 1 (mistake 1585 A.M. (*Joh.) 1645 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) B. 1595-6 for Bedford, 1610-1) ?elev V. Bealie J,M> >eernian, iee.sinther, iBeeste, Beeston, Beete, Beetson, IBeilby, Beirsford, iekerton, Bekke, Bekynghani, Beckingham Belcher, John V. Berryman Rich [Pet. Tho. Edm. Will. Nich. Rob. John (ieo. Era. Geo. Will. Belclifl' Belgrav iBeliald, Vlkc, r. Best Trin. *Joh. Joh. Joh. *Pet. Joh. 1). Bikerton Joh. Trin. Jes. JJabridgecourt C. ('. John C. C. Bilcliffe ( ieo Chr. Geo Sid. Will Jes. Roger Joh. Tho Trin. Geo. V. Bekke Mich *gu. Tho *gu. E 1621] Will. *Uu. Barachell ... Em. Beaupery ... Em. Dan 1652-3] A.B. 1605 A.B. 1595 A.B. 1597-8 1648] A.B. 1583 1656-7; A.M. 1660 1608-9; A.M. 1612, Beaton 1599-1600 1651-2; A.M. 1655 1570 1547 1616 1597 1597 1579 1604 1656 1567 1624 1659 1653- A.B. 1574-5, Belke M 1615 1616 1587 A.B. 1661-2 ; A.M. 1665 ; S.T.B. '73 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658; S.T.B. [1667; S.T.P. 1671 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622; S.T.P. (1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1590-1 ; A.M. (*Qu.) 1594 A.B. (Joh.) 1603; A.M. 1607 8 MatriculaHo7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Bell, Edra . Mag. Edm . Jes. Edw . Pem. Edw . *Sid. Edw . Joh. Edw . Sid. — Edw. [Edm ] Chr. — Edw . Mag. Edw . Cai. Era . Trin. — Geo . Pem. Geo . Trin. Godfrey.... . Joh. Guy . Joh. — Guy . Chr. Hen . Joh. Hen . *King'.s Hen . Trin. Hen . Trin. — Ja . Em. John . Joh. John . [C. C. iJohn . Trin. John . Pet. — John . Joh. John . Trin.H John . Chr. John . [C. C. Josias .... . (!hr. Martin . Sid. Nath . C. C. Nich . [C. C. Nich . Pem. Nich .[Qa. . [Qu. — Phil Rich . Pem. Rich . Trin. Rich . Qu. — Rob . Pet. — Rob . King's Rob . Pem. Rob . Chr. Rob . Mag. — Roger . Pet. — Steph. (imp.) King's Tho . Joh. Tho . Pet. — Tho . Qu. Tho . Cai. _ Tim . Trin. Will Will . Mag. — Will . Joh. . Joh. Bella, Edw . Em. Bellamy, Alex . Cla. Matth . Joh. Belamy, Nath C. C. p E p M f-c E s E s E P L P L p E s E [schol. •s E p M [schol. p E s E I' 5 p E p M E ^' 5 p E p E p M p M f-c E H M 1^ s s E s E p M s E p M [p E s E p E 1606 1615 1579 1611 1613 1618-9 1624 1625 1628 1594 1583 1624 1569 1579 1611 15«8 1607-8 1608 1637 1619 1544 1548] 1552] 1560 1564 1603] 1631 1635] 1655 1631 1617 1548] 1581 1581] 1590] 1577 1587 1622 1579 1606 1611 1625 1647 1574 1554 1565 1586 1595] 1645 1627 1623 1655 1594 1590 1577 1632 1620 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618; S.T.B [1625, Edm A.B. 1625-6 ('Bull') A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1630 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1614-5 A.n. 1.592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 (? Migr. to Trin.) A.B. 1552-3; A.M. (*Pct.) 155.^ [S.T.B. 1561 ; S.T.P. 15< A.B. 1567-8; A.M. (*Mag.) 15" LL.B. 1603-4 A.B. 1658 A.B. 1634-5 A.B. 1584-5 A.B. 1579-8( A.B. 1590-1 A.B. 1615-6, Ball A.B. (C. C.) 1626-7 A.B. 1559-60; *Qu. 1562 A.M. 1598 A.B. 1648-9 S.T.B. 1556 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. (C. C.) 1592-3 [Bellow] A.B. 1635-6 A.B. 1623-4 Master of Jesus, 1579; Dean of Ely, 1589. Bellaniie, Bellarbio, Bel lard, Bellases, Matriculatioiis and Degrees 1544 — 1659 59 Edi iBellasis, 'Belasis, i — iBellasi.s, JBellasie, IBelhisis, Sellers, Oliver Mich. . Tho. . Brian . Cha. . Hon. . John . Rich. . Rich. . Tho. . Will. . . {Ken. .{Jan. *C. C. Jes. [Chr. Jes. Je.s. Trin. Pet. Joh. Cath. Jes. Cath. Trill. Trin. Em. A.?. A.B HJ()0-1 ]()(tO-] John — (Bellowes), Fulk.. Belles, Hen BeUet, Will Bellve (Bellay), John Belye, Rich Belley, Tho [Trin. H Bellieure, Peter de ... — Poniponius de .schol. P P f-c P P f-c f-c f-c f-c f-c p E 1657 c. ins)? c. 1554] M 1579 M 1572 [Cai. E. 1573] E 1615 M 1638 M 1615 E 1629 c. 1592 1628 1658 1658' E 1651' [A.M. 1582 A.B. (*Jes.) 1578-9; Jes. Pet. Joh. f-c E 1572 s M 1576 ,chol BeUing, Phil Belliuge [Billing], Rich. Bellingham, Beling.sley, Bellingsley, Bellonsis, Bellot, Belman, Belson, Belt, Belte, Belton, Belwood, Belworthie, Edw. Hen. Hen. Tho. Tho. Will. Will. Hen. .. Will. ., Steph. Cuthb. Tho. ., Nich. .. Rob. .. Tho. .. Tho. .. Will. .. Ja Tho. .. Anth. John lasies Hog. Kob. ...[C.C. ... Chr. ... Jes. ... Joh. ... [Qu. ... Joh. ... [Qu. ... Mag. ... Chr. ... [Trin. ... Joh. ... Joh. ... Chr. Billet ... Chr. ...*King': ... [Chr. ... Joh. ... Chr. ... Mag. ... [Chr. ... Trin. .. [Cath. ... [gu. ... Em. ... Joh. L 1584 L 1588-9] 1625] E 1632 L 1581-2 M 1580 M 1609] L 1564-5 L 1603-4] M 1575 M 1618 A.M. 1651 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (*Joh.) 1580-1; A.M. 1584 LL.D. 1574 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1637-8 A.M. 1637-8 (Matr. Bellinop) student 1548] p M 1550 p M 1550 p E 1555 A.B. 1658 A.B. 1558- E 1655 M 1.554 E 1653] E 1582 M 1655 c. 1596 M 1652] E 1633 1658] E 1605] L 1611-2] A.B. 161 A.M. 1662 9 [Bilson] A.B. (Cath.) 1585-6 (Joh. in ordoj LL.B. 1661 {Lit. tieg.) A.B. 1637-8 M 1626 Mag. s M 1585 Bembridge v. also Bainbridge and Bambridge A.B. 1630-1 A.B. (Trin.) 159 A.B. 1588-9 [ in grace) A.M. 1619 (Thomas A.M. 1634, Josias -8; A.M. 1601 Bembrich, Benebridge, Bendbrig, Bembridge, Bemington, Beinis, Semister, Sen, Hen. [John] John .. Rob. .., Rob. .., Will. ... Raphel John .. Rich.... John ... Qu. Em. Trin. Joh. Em. Em. Joh. Cai. Cla. Sid E 1627] E 1623 L 1647-8 M 1568 M 1602 M 1602 E 1614 L 1620-1 E 1645 E 1621 A.B. 1630; A.M. 1634, Baiubrigg A.B. 1626-7, Benbridge; A.M. '30 [Bainbridge] [Bainbridge] A.B. 1617-8 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.M. 1621, Ralph A.M. 1629 [Beames] 60 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Ben, Tho Cath. s Benn, Will Pern. s Bence, Will Joh. p Bench, Will Joh. s? Benchkin v. Benskin Bend, Fra [Trin. p Bendes (Binnes), Tho Pet. p Bendys, W Pet. p Bendishe, And *Jes. p Bendish, Edm [Em. p Bendishe, Fra Pet. p — Fra Trin. s — Fr. ? Jes. p Bendish, Fra Jes. p Bendishe, John Qu. f-c Bendish, John Joh. f-c Bendishe, Rob Pet. p — Rob Je.s. p Benndishe, Rob Pet. p Bendish, Rob [Em. p — Rog Trin. p — Shellingham [Em. p Bendysshe, Tho Trin. H. s — Tho Pet. s Bendishe, Tho Jes. p — Tho *Qu. [p Bendish, Tho [Qu. p Bendishe, Tho Trin. p — Tho Joh. f-c Bendish, Tho Chr. s — Tho [Joh. f-c Bendishe, Will *Jes. p, Will Jes. p — Will Qu. p — [Trin. schol. Bendlowe, And King's p Bendlowes v. also Bindlowes Bendlowes, Edw Joh. f-c Bendy, John Em. p — Sam Em. p Benedict, Sam Sid. s — [C. C. Bennifield, Chris [Trin. H. p Benifelde, Edm Chr. p Benningtield, Edm [C. C. Benninffeild, Edm King's s Benyngfyld, Humf. Jes. p Bennengfeild, John Joh. f-c Benyngfyld, Nich Chr. f-c Benefeild, Rob (Bedingfield) i Benefylde, Tho Trin. p Benefyld, W C. C. p Beneworth, W Cath. s Bens, Anth Jes. s Bennes, Tho Joh. s Bennett, Chri.s Cath. [f-c — Edw Joh. p — Edw — Edw — Edw Joh. p? — Geo [Trin. f-c M 1639 » E 1544 " 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 p c. 1595 h E 1655] [S.T.B. 1593 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. (*Joh.) 1585j k M 1578 ' E 1584 \% M 1578 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 L 1625-6] - M 1566 fell M 1580 •m 1590 ' c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 ini M 1581 L 1645-6 M 1566 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573; S.T.B iji E 1589 [1581 u c. 1593 - E 1657] h E 1623 [Adm. Em. 1624] - E 1635] ill M 1548 M 1554 c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4: A.M. 1597 L 1599-1600] A.B. 1603-4 (in orrfo) ; A.M. \&)\ M 1616] E 1620 E 1624 E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 E 1646] M 1584 A.B. 1587-8 ; A.M. 1591 ; S.T.B. '9 iK M 1594 <5 M 1622 i Id E 1645] i kt M 1592 [Bindlowe.s] -^ E 1620 L 1648-9 A.B. 1651-2 L 1648-9 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. (*Joh.) 16f «! M 1632 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 (Mat 1563' E 1651 [Bennet E 1554 1603] E 1607 E 1544 ' E 1603 E 1570 5.T.P. 1631- -2 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ' M 1552 1 M 1561 M 1570 ' L 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 j E 1645 A.B. 1648 M 1644] A.M. 1645-6 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.j L 1586-7 A.B. (Cath.) 1590-1 [M.D. 16L A.B. (Trin.) 1598-9; A.M. 16Ci A.B. ; A.M. (Joh.) 1605. ■ \ M 1611 A.B. 1614-5 I r L 1645-6 1 Bennett, Ben net, Bennett, Ben net, Benet, Bennet, Bennett, j Bennitt, Bennett, Bennet, Bennett,' Bennet, Bennett, ' Bennet, I - 1 Bennett, Bennet, Ik'Uiiett, IJennet, Dennett, Bennet, . Bennit, i Bennet, I Bennett, Qnet, I Bennett, i Bennit ! Bennett Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 61 Geo. Gilb. Hen. Ja. ... Job. Chr. Trin. Sid. John Cla. John John John John John John John John John Jos. Jos. Jos. J oh. C. C. Cla. Mag. King'; Trin. [Em. C. 0. Joh. Em. Joh. Joh. Josias Cla. Martin Sid. Martin Matth. Pet. .. Pet. .. Phil. .. Rich. .. Rich. .. 'Rob. .. Rob. .. Rob. .. Rog Sam. V. Benedict Sid. Jes. Jes. Trin. Chr. Trin Chr. *Trin. Mag. Trin. Tho. Tho. Tho. W. ... Will. Will. Will. Will. Will. Will. Benningley, Bennington, Edw. Fra , Mich , Barnaby Benyngworthe, Hugh., , *Joh. , *King't , Trin. Joh. Joh. Joh. . Trin. Jes. , Sid. Joh. , [Jes. [Trin. [Cath. Will. V. Biningley (jwn.). Benyson, Benyworth, Benny, ;Benchkin, Benskin, ;Bensley, ! - I Benson, Will. Rob. .. Ja John .., Rich. ... Rich. ... Joshua Tho. ... Cha. ... Pern. Trin. Chr. Trin. Cai. *Qu. C. C. Pet. Trin. Chr. Pern. Cai. [P E [P s P P P P s f-c s p p p p s s f-c f-c f-c f-c s p 1G51] 1617 1564-5 1628] 1572 1.572 1580 1621 1626 1637 1640 1645] 1648 1651 1618 1645 1655 1593 1619 1653 M 1568 E 1627 E 1626 E 1568 c. 1590 E , Bespitch, Leon .. Je.s. e. 1592 Best (Beast) , Art .. Peni. p M 1598 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 M Chris .. Trin. s E 1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1583 Chris .. Joh. s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 — Cuthb .. Chr. p c. 1595 \ordo) — Edw !!*Jes. p xM 1562 A.B. (Pet.) 1604-5 ; A.M. 1608 (in A.B. 1565-6 ; A.M. 1569 ; S.T.B. '80 1553J Geo Besto, Geo .. Jes. p M 1589 A.B. 1592-3 Best, Hen .. Em. p E 1642 A.B. 1646 V — Hen .. [Chr. fc E 1652] J - Ja .. Joh. p E 1616 A.B. (Cath.) 1619-20; A.M. 1623 i - John .. Joh. s M 1582 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 '■ Be-ste, John .. Cla. s E 1607 A.B. 1610-11; A.M. 1614 i^east, John .. Chr. p M 1637 3est, Jos .. Trin. p M 1568 A.B. 1572-3 1 - Josias .. [Pem. 1658] 1 Paul .. Jes. 13 M 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613; *Cath. Rich .. Chr. P M 1547 A.B. 1550-1 [1617 _ Rich .. Trin. P E 1659 Beeste, Tho .. Joh. P M 1559 A.B. 1562-3, Best; A.M. 1566; Beste, Will .. Cath. P E 1618 [S.T.B. 1580, *Pem. Beast Besten, !! Joh. P M 1573 A.M. (Trin.) 1611 (in ordo) Ralph"'!!! jBestnye, Bestney, iBestow, Benj .. King's P M 1578 1 M Nich ..*King's P L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2 li 11 John .. Trin. s E 1614 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 SSr Nich .. Joh. .. Em. f!c f. 1593 E 1617 Will I'^m Brian .. Trin. P M 15.53 1 _ ' Leon .. Trin. )) M 1553 iBeswick, Benj .. Chr. s c. 1590 (Beewicke, Cha .. Em. s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4 633 IBeetwod, Nich .. King's s M 1581 Betel ... Cla. s c. 1592 Betcr .. [C. C. 1569] Bethell, Hugh!!!."!! .. Qu. f-c M 1621 ! - Hugh .. Mag. p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1646, *Chr. iBethel, Walt .. Joh. p M 1587 646 iBethell, W[ill.] ... .. Qu. p E 1584 [Betingsoii, Rich.. .. Trin. p M 1579 [Betenson] tBetiiifte, John .. Trin. s E 1573 Betson, Geo !! Chr. p M 1566 A.B. (Chr.) 1571-2; A.M. 1585 John A.B. 1569-70 — Tho .. Trin. p E 1557 Beteson, Will .. Trin. s E 15.50 A.B. 1553-4; A.M. 1557, *Pem. n'e Bettenhani, Fra .. [Em. p E 1631] 1 — Geo .. Cai. P E 1639 1 '2nd Earl of Lindsey, 2 1st Earl of Liiidsey. 3rd Earl of Lindsey. 9 66 Bettenham, Betenham, Betnatn Betteston, Bettesworth , Betton, Betts, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 John .. Steph. C. C. Joh. Job. Trin. Em. Edw. .. Pet. .. Ja *Qu. John Qu. John Joh. Hen Trin.H. Bettes, Betts, Bettys, Betts, Bettys, Betty, Be van, Bevance (Be vans), Fra. Bever v. also Beauvoir — Steph. .. Hen Hen John .... John ..., Rich Rob. ... Rob Tho Tho. ... Tho. ... Tho Will Humph. Phil Beaver, Bever, Bevercotes, Beverdsell, Bever idge. Beverley, Beverly, Beverlye, Beverley, Beverlye, Beverly, Beverley, Beverly, Beverley, Beaverlye, Beverley, Beverly, Beverley, Beverly, Beverley, Beverly, Beaverlye, Joh. Joh. Cai. Pet. *Pet. Trin.H. Em. Joh. Cai. Pern. King's Trin. Pern. c. M E E E E E E s M p c. s M [schol. 1593 1624 1544 1650 1621 1605 1618 1659 1549 1565 1585 1558 1595 1570 1559] 1618-9 1559 1577-8 1579 1586 1616 [Betnara] C. C. Jes. Trin. [Qu. Trin. Em. [Trin. Pet Tho AVill Sam Tho John Will 'Will Chris Chris Devereux Ellis Ja Ja Ja John John Matth. .. Nath Pet Rich Rich Rich Rob Rob Rob Rog Sam Simon .. Tho Tho Vincent Joh. Will Joh. f-c . Joh. Pet. , Cla. . Qu. , Joh. Joh. Joh. , Em. Joh. *Trin. , Sid. , Em. , Joh. , Joh. , Cla. , [Em. . Joh. , Joh. , *Cai. . Joh. , [Em. '. Joh. . Em. E 1632 M 1567 M 1615 M 1572 L 1622-3] E 1570 E 1622 M 1647] E 1653 M 1547 M 1632 P P E 1605 E 1602 E 1583 E 1619 E 1644 c. 1594 M 1645 E 1653 E 1647 M 1553 E 1617 E 1621 E 1643] E 1598 E 1627 E 1654 M 1583 E 1644] E 1626 E 1647 c. 1594 E 1617 5nson] A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612; S.T.B. [1620; S.T.P. 1627 A.B. 1662; A.M. 1667 LL.B. (*Trin. H.) 1568; LL.D. '86 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577; S.T.P. [1617 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 [Betts] A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) (?Matr. Brame^ LL.B. 1581 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Trin.) 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.M.? ; S.T.B. (Joh.) 1631 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660; S.T.P." A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 (King's: A.B. 1605-6 [in ordc A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1651 A.B. 1656-7 A.B. (*Cla.) 1556-7 A.B. 1620-1 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1601-2 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. (Chr.) 1588- A.B. 1620-1 Bishop of St Asaph, 1704. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 67 Beversham, Ja Cath. [P E 1642] A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649; S.T.B. Will. ... Trin. P i<: 1639 A.B. 1640-1 [1656 ; S.T.P. 1663 A.B. 1652; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1660 Bewe, Geo. . . . Cla. !-: 1649 Bew, John ... Jes. s M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 Bewe, John ... LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1650-1 Will. ... A.B. (Joh.) 1599-1600; A.M. 1603, [' Bero ' Bewclier, Hugh i: Bucher Bewicke, Bewick, John ... Joh. s p E M 1621 1615 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 Will. ... Km. Bewlev (Buley), Tho. King' s [schol.] M 1553 A.B. (Cla.) 1556-7 Bewsick, Hugh... loh. s M 1612 Bexhill, Obadiah ... Em. 1> i<: 1633 A.B. 1636-7 Beynon, Bibbye, Bybie, Mich.... [Trin. 1> K 16561 Fra. ... Trin. M 1578' A.B. 1582-3 Hen. ... Joh. V M 1573 Bybye, Nich.... Joh. .s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 Bybe, Rob. ... Trin. .s M 158G Bibie, Kob. ... Qu. s E 1592 A.B. (Trin.) 1595-6 Biby, Rog. ... Qu. p M 1589 Bybe, Sim. ... Joh. s Isi 1581 Bibbye, Simon A.M. 1615 (On King's vi.sit) Biber Bickardyke, ..'... [Cath. p dyke, E *Tr 1647] n. 1550 John ... Bycoi A.B. 1531-2 ; A.M. 1537 ; S.T.B.'46 Bickerstaff, Anth.... Cai. P c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 Ja *King' s p c. 1597 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 Bikerton, Fra. ... Cai. .s E 1575 [Bekerton] Byckerton, Bickerton, John ... Will. ... Chr. Joh. p p M 1579 E 1644 A.B. 1647-8 iBicklev, Fra. ... [Cla. f-c E 1656] [1627 ! Geo. ... A.B. (Joh.) 1623-4; A.M. (*Mag.) — John ... S.T.B. (Joh.) 1605 — Rich. ... ■.■.'.■.■. Mag. p ]\I 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 — Tho. ... A.B. (Pet.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 — Will. ... .'.'.".'.' Joh. p c. 1594 (? A.B. 1594-5) ; A.M. (Cath.) 1598 iickner John ... Pem. s M 1554 A.B. (C. C.) 1560-1 •idbancke, Will. ... Em. s M 1650 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1659 ;iddell, Abr. ... *King' s p M 1587 A.B. 1591-2; A.M. 1595 liddulph [Cath. p L 1644-5- iidgod, John ... Sid. p E 1639 A.B. 1642, Bidgood (? Adm. Cla. '38) lidwell, Luke ... [Qn. p M 1581] — Rob. ... King' S S c. 1596 A.B. (Sid.) 1599-1600 — Rob. ... Em. p L 1618-9 Bierlev, Anth. V Byerley Bifeild, Adoniram ... Era. s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 Byfeld, Edw. ... Joh. p .AI 1550 iByfiekl, John ... A.M. 1650 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Bifeild, Rich. ... ;■.;■.; qu. p E 1647 Byfield, Sam. ... Qu. p E 1645 A.B. 1647-8 Bigg, John ... Pet. p E 1584 Matth. Trin. p E 1626 — Matth. Mag. p E 1631 A.B. 1633-4 BTgge, Rich. ... Pet! p E 1561 Bigg, Tho. ... *Trin. [schol E 1631] 1636; A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 Tho. ... [Trin. .schol. E Bygge, Will. ... A.B. 1564-5 Bigg, Biggen, Will. ... ..... Joh. .s c. 1.595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 Will. V. Buggin Biggens, Tho. ... .. .. Km. p E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 Biggs, Edw. ... ITrin. H. sch A. 1566 1602' — Jerome [C. C. — John ... Joh. P M 1655' Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Bigges, W Cla. Bigland, Edw *Qu. — Edw *Qii. — Hen Qu. — Tho Pet. Bigmore, Will Bignall, Edm Joh. Biker [Cath. Bilbe, Ja Trin. Bilbey, . John Pet. Bilbye, Nich Trin. Bilby, Tho Mag. Bilbowe, Anth Chr. BilcliflFe, Edw Jes. Billeliflfe, Edw Cla. Bilclyff, Geo Cai. Biltecliffe, Jos C. C. BilcliflPe, Sam Cla. — Tho Cla. — Tho Joh. Byll, And Joh. — Cha *King'.s — Ja *Trin. — John Joh. — John Joh. — John Joh. Bill, John Trin. — John Chr. Bille, Ro Cla. Bill, »Will Billero, Rob [Trin. Billers, John — Rob Trin. Byllot, Cuthb Jes. — Edw. Jes. Byllet, '-^Hugh Chr. — (Bellot) Reg — W. V. Bellet Billidge, Jos [Joh. Billing, Benj Trin. Billinge, (John) Chr. — Jos Trin. Billing, Rich. v. Belling Byllingsley, Hen Joh. Billiugsely, John loh. Billingsley, John Joh. — Nich — Rob Joh. — Sam [C. C. BiUingsly, Tho Cai. ByUingsley, Tho loh. BiUingsly, Tho (Master ByUingsley, Will *Joh. Billingsley, Will Joh. BiUingsly, WiU Joh. Billingsley Joh. E 1561 c. 1591 E 1637 E 1637 E 1580 p M s E p c. p M s M P P [schol. p E p M p E 1560 1646] 1601 1649 1617 1594 1602 1588-9 1609 1581-2 1616 1613 1613 1642 1550 1568 1560] 1558 1.564 1566 [1605 (in ordo) A.B. 1594-5; A.M. 1.598; S.T.R A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 A.B. 1640-1: A.M. 1644 A.B. 1583-4 LL.B. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.R. 15G3-4 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. (Cath.) 1598-9, Bealbie E 1610 E 163j M 1559 E 1648] E 1648 M 1578 M 1587 E 1561 s E 1641] s E 1625 s E 1603 s E 1622 f-c E 1579 f-c E 1609 s E 1645 s M 1646 1655] p E 1.580 f-c M 1587 of the Horse) p M 1579 f-c M 1587 p M 1615 s M 1614 Matr. Belcliff A.B. 1581-2 A.B. 1617; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 A.B. 1562-3 ; A.M. 1566 ; S.T.B.'7: A.B. 1566-7 A.B. (*Trin.) 1570-1 ; A.M. 1574 [S.T.B. 1584; S.T.P. 160< A.B. 1613-4 [S.T.B. 1544; S.T.P. 154 A.B. 1532-3; A.M. (*Joh.) 1536! A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; M.I [164 A.B. (Joh.) 1581-2; A.M. 1585 [S.T.B. 159i A.B. 156.3-4; A.M. (*Jes.) 1567! [S.T.P. 1579, Belk A.M. 1581 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ■ A.B. (Cath.) 1606-7; A.M. 161 A.B. 162.5-6; A.M. 1630 [fr. A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1652 (Inco#| A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. (Cath.) 1.582-3; A.M. 1588 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. 1586 ; S.T.B. 'I A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 610^ 1 Master of St John's, 1547 ; Master of Trinity, 1551 ; Dean of Westminster, 1560. 2 Bishop of Bangor, 1586; of Chester, 1.595. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 69 Billingstay, Bylsby, JBilsbeye, iBilson, Bilsev, Byltoii, Bime.s, v. Bindlesse,, Byndlea,, Bindlowes, Byndlos, Bynge, Bing, Bynge, Bing, I'inge, Bynge, I'.ing, JJynge, pinge, Bing, I'.ingham, Bynghani, jBingham, I'.j-ngani Bingham Binglay, Byngley, jBinguet v. (Biningley, Binkes, Binks, Binkes, Bynke.s, Tho Joh. Ed Joli. Tho Joh. Nich. V. Belson John V. Bisby (4eo Qu. John Em. also Bynlowes Edw Joh. Era Joh. Pet *Joh. Rob Trin. Tho Sid. Tho Sid. Walt Trin. ' And. {imp.) Cla. Cha C. C. Edw *Cla. Era Pet. Geo Cla. Geo. {imp.) Cla. Geo Cla. Hen Cla. Hen King's Humph. ...*King's John *King's John [Cla. Lan. V Cla. Rob. {imp.) Cla. Rob. [imp.) *Cla. Sam Cla. 2Tho *Pet. Tho Cla. Tho Cla. Will Trin. Adam Cai. Geo Pet. John Cla. John Trin. John Cla. John Mag. Tho Joh. Tho Trin. Will *Trin. Joh. [Sid. [King's Geo Trin. Rich Trin. Rob Joh. Byngnet Will. (Matr. Beningley) Ja Chr. John [Qu. Rob Pet. Try man Chr. Abr Joh. Christian ... Trin. p E 1G20 f-c M 15G4 p E 1614 A.P.. 1623-4, Billingsley ; A.M. '27 .s E 1566 p E 1609 p L 1577-8 A.B. f-c M 1617 s M 1.584 A.B. f-c E 1640 s E 1645 A.B. p E 1647 A.B. 1) E 1576 A.B. p L 1586-7'^ A.B. P .schol. P P L V f-c [schol M 1641 E 1639] M 1566 M 1570 c. 1593 M 1611 M 1585 E 1631 1606] E 1635 1635] M 1583 L 1.586-' c. 1593 E 1642 E 1552 c. 1592 E 1628 E 1602 c. 1597 M 1565 E 1571 c. 1595 c. 1597 E 1631 E 1588 M 1613 M 1553 E 1544 E.160r 1619- E 1579 L ^577- M 1572 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 1588-9; A.M. 1592; S.T.B. [1600 1648-9, Binlowes; A.M. 1652 1650, Binlowes; A.M. 1654 1579-80, Bendlowes (*Pet.) 1590-1; A.M. 1594; [S.T.B. 1602; S.T.P. 1606 1644-5; A.M. 1648 1641-2; A.M. 1645 (Cla.) 1570-1 1574-5 (*Trin.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600; [S.T.B. 1607 A.B (A.B 1610-11 ; A.M. 1614 ; M.D. '30 . 1638-9) [S.T.B. (Pet.) 1601 A.B. 1590-1 ; ?A.M. (Tr. H.) 1594 ; A.B. 1596-7 ; A.M. 1600; S.T.P. '30 A.B. 1645-6 A.B. 1555-6; A.M. 1559; LL.D.'70 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 A.B. 1574-5; A.M, 1578 A.B. 1599-1600 A.B. 1600-1 A.B. 1635-6 (Prev. at Caius) A.B. 1557-8; A.M. 1561 ; LL.D.'72 20] A.B. 1582-3 Sid. s L 1632-3 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1610-11; A.M. 1614 M 1607 M 1617] L 1626-' E 1619 E 1651 E 1641 A.B. 1645-6 ' Regius Professor of Hebrew, 1G08. •^ Public Orator, 1565; Master of Clare, l.')71; Re{,aus Professor of Civil Law, 1574. 70 Matriculations and Degrees 1544—1659 Bins, Byns, Binns, Binse, Binns, Bynnes, Birch V. Birche, Birch, Byrche, Birch, Byrche, Birche, Birch, John Em. John Sid. Jonas Chi. Rich Cla. Rob Tho. V. Beudes also Burch Abdias Em. Eber Trin. Edm Job. Geo Job. John Em. Jonadab . . . Trin. Jos Cai. Nich Mag. Rob Job. Rob Pem. Sam Em. — Tho [Em. Byrche, Will Job. Byrchame, Dan Pet. Bircher, Geo Trin. Byrcher, Rich Birchall, Will Trin. Byrchet, Ja Job. Byrchett, John {imp.) -r 12a»n.)| •''^^• Pet Chr. Tho Qu. Tho Jes. Birchynall, Tho Chr. Birckbye, Will Job. Byrde, Barrington Chr. Byrd, Chris Chr. Byrde, Chris Job. — Edw Pem. Edw [Cai. Edw Pet. Geo Qu. Geo Pet. Hen C. C. Hen Je.s. John King's John King's John Jes. John C. C. John Mag. John John John Sid. John [Chr. John Jos Trin. Jos Jos Pem. Josiah Chr. Josias Trill. Math [Pem. — Meares [C. C. — Ralph Trin. Birde, Rich *Trin. Byrchet, Byrchett, Bird, Birde, Bird, Birde, Berde, Bird, Birde, Bird, Birde, Bird, Byrd, Byrde, Bird, s E 1607 A.B. 1610-11; A.M. 1614 \¥ p E 1621 1 p E 1631 1 s c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597, Binne^lri A.B. (Trin.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 I s E 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596; S.T.BJ I s E 1634 [16(«1M V M 1579 A.B. 1583-4, Byrth W V M 1571 h V M 1654 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. (Pem.) 1658iipl s L 1624-5 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 'i s E 1654 A.B. 1656-7 'i s c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8 ; A.M. 1601, Berche i p M 1572 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 i s M 1581 A.B. (Pet.) 1583-4, Birtch i [p L 1651-2 A.B. 1655; A.M. 1661 i p E 1645] p M 1544 A.B. 1547-8; A.M. (*C. C.) 155] i s M 1589 A.B. 1592-3 s E 1656 [Berchall] A.B. (Trin.) 1619-20 [s L 1645-6' A.B. 1649; A.M. 1653 t p M 1547 p M 1552 i f-c M 1564 p M 1549 p E 1554 ii s E 1579 [Bar 3hinall] I p M 1554 (Matr. Byrckbye) | D p M 1585 i p s E 1553 E 1581 p M 1572 i p E 1573] (Migr. fr. Jes.) f V E 1624 % p E 1586 (?A.B. 1589-90); A.M. 1592 1 p E 1637 A.B. 1638-9 p E 1578 A.J1 1581-2; A.M. 1585 p E 1583 A.B. 1586-7: A.M. (*Tr. H.) 1591 p M 1549 [Bearde] \ p M 1558 p E 1583 s c. 1593 s E 1602 A.B. A.M A.B. (Cath.) 1605-6 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) (Pem.) 1614-5; A.M. 161! s L 1645-6 p E 1646] A.M 1646 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f p E 1584 A.B. A.M 1587-8; A.M. 1591 j 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 1> M 1564 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. (*C. C.) 15^! s M 1602 A.B. 1605-6 1656" 1653" A.B. 1660; A.M. 1664 p M 1641 [1580; S.T.R 16( s L 1564-5 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572; S.T.] Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 71 h\\ Byrde, Rob .. Joh. s M 1580 A.B. 1.583-4; A.M. 1.587 Rob . Em. s c. 1596 — (Burd) Rob .. Jes. s E 1612 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. (Cath.) 1618 % Bim Birde, Sam .. Qu. V E 1.5G6 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. (*C. C.) 1573 ^■51. l«ii [Sam.] .... . Em. s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 (in Bird, Sam . Chr. V M 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 [{ordo Sam . Trin. [« E 1647] A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 % aii Birde, Tho . Cai. s c. 1595 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 [16 Bird, Tho . [King's f-c L 1569-70] Birde, Tho ■ A.B. 1631-2 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 3yrd, Bird, Tho ... LL.B. 1631 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1630-1 *te Tho ." Chr. p .M 1627 31 Berde, AV . Joh. p M 1572 Byrd, Will . Chr. p E 1552 ?A.B. 1.5.55-6 IBerclt B^rd^, Will . Pem. p IM 1.5.54 SJ P: w . Cla. p xAI 1569 rtch Will .. King's f-c E 1569 (Matr. Burd) Birde, w Will . Trin. . Trin. p s E E 1576( 1576 ?A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1.584 U]\i Bird, Will ir- 1> E 1632] _ Tho. V. Bee . Will . Qu. p E 16.35 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.M. (Joh.) 1606 (in ordo) ! B^e ■. Qu. 1> M 1547 . Joh. s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 Birdsall v. also Burdsall ^- Tho . Joh. s E 1652 Jirgis, Fra. V. Biirgess Krion, Tho . Jes. p E 16.56 Jerckbecke, Ambrose . . Jes. s E 1575 A.B. (Trin.) 1579-80, Birkecke Jirckbecke, Cuthb . Joh. p E 1559 [1605 iircbeck, Edw . *Trin. s c. 1591 (?A.B. 1594-5) : A.M. 1598 ; S.T.B, 'Birkbecke, Geof. . Cai. p M 1575 A.B. 1578-9 [Berbecke) Paul . *Pem. p L 1,577-8 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1.584 (Matr. Pet . Trin. s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 ; A.M. 1638 (Matr. _ Rich . Trin. p E 1.568 [Pirbeck) '.irckebeck, Tho . Trin. s E 1627 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 '>irl)eck, Will, (imp.) *Joh. s M 16.57 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665, Berbeck '.ircbecke, W. ......... . Jes. s M 1575 '.irkby, Alverye.... . Trin. p M 1576 A.B. 1580-1, Alured Birtbie '.irkbye. Avery .... . Chr. p iAI 1576 (?same as above) '.irkenhead, John A.M. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) _ Mich '. Qu. s c. 1.592 P.yrkiiishaw John . Em. [« E 1616] A.B. 1619-20 Birkett v. also Burkitt Byrket, Geo . Clir. p 1-: 1.568 A.B. 1571-2, Birkhed; A.M. 1575 i'.irkett, John . Qu. p L 1645-6 ^irket, Miles '. Cla. s M 1.560 A.B. 1632; A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. [Oxf.) (?Berkir) A,)l. 1' Rich IBirkett, Rob A.B. (Trin.) 1.595-6 'Birkhead, Dan '. Em. p f. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 ; A.M. (*Trin.) '03 ; [S.T.B. 1610; S.T.P. 1618 _ Fra . Joh. p M 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Ja A.B. (Trin.) 1634-5, Berkett ; A.M. K.0 Nath ." Em. p n. 1.593 [1638 — Will . Joh. p M 1.588 Birrage v. Berridge iBirram, Rich A.B. (Cath.) 1570-1 1 Bisbrowe, Ja ; Qu. p E 1645 [Disbrowe] Bvsbve, Fra . Pet. s M 1569 [Bilsev) B'isby, John .. Qu. s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1627 (Matr. 72 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Bisbie, Rob Bi«h, Will [Trin. 8 Bishop, Edni C. C. — Edm [Pet. Bishope, Era Job. Bishopp, Era Mag. Bishop, Geo Mag. — Greg Gonv.H. Bishope, John Jes. — John — John King's Byshop, Nich Job. Bishope, Rich Qu. — Rob *C. C. Bishoppe, Rob Trin. Bishop, Sam [Job. Byshope, Tbo J oh. Bi.shope, Tbo Qu. — Tbo Chr. Bishopp, Tbo Qu. Bisshop, Tbo Job. Bishop, Tbo King's — Tbo Em. — Tbo Pet. Bishope, Will Chr. Byshope, Will Trin. Bishope, Will Trin. Bishop [Sid. Byslay, Edw Qu. Bisley, Geo Bysly, R M 1561 A.B. 1564-5, Edw.; A.M. 1568 s E 1658] 1» E 1562 V L 1645-6 V <;. 1594 L E 1553 (No A.B.) A.M. 1555 s L 1563-4 M.B. 1576 s M 1655 A.B. (Pem.) 1659 P M 1567 V M 1609 p E 1559 A.B. 1560-1 ; A.M. 1564 ; LL.D.'7C s M 1615 A.B. 1619; A.M. 1623 V E 1647] P M 1562 s E 1571 s L 1588-9 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1598 i p E 1612 s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 s E 1631 (A.B. 1633) V M 1651 P E 1655 P M 1572 s M 1580 ?A.B. 1585-6 s M 1584 A.B. 1587-8 scho .E 1600] P M 1581 A.B. (Job.) 1570-1 s M 1564 A.B. 1569-70, Beasley 1) M 1618 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 s E 1570 A.B. 1573-4 i 1> E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 s E 1618 A.B. (C. C.) 1621-2; A.M. 162? 1 s M 1633 A.B. 1636-7 f-c M 1613 p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 s E 1658 s E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 s M 1570 (Adm. at Caius, 1574) ; • J> M 1545 A.B. (Chr.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 s E 1583 p L 1593-4 L M 1619 1 s M 1584 [p L 1597-8" A.B. 1599-1600 [tume in (/rac A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) (Blacl A.B. 1614 (Incorp. ir. Oxf.) 8 p c. 1595 E 1587 E 1636 [A.M. 1583, Blackfa s M 1576 A.B. (Mag.) 1579-80, Blackfanc' s E 1614 A.B. 1619; A.M. 1623 ; s E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 p M 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 s p c. 1595 M 1601 A.B. (Cath.) 1599-1600 p M 1619 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1622 i 1 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 73 ilaxton, Barth. Cath. X M 1570 ilackstone, Chris. Joh. P M 1575 51axton, Edw. .. Trin. P E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. (Jes.) 1631 — Era. .. *Pet. P M 1637 A.B. 1641-2, Blakiston ilack«ton, Godf. .. Trin. P M 1586 (?A.B. 1589-90); A.M. (Cla.) 1593 Ilackstone, Hen. .. loh. s E 1561 A.B. 1564-5 ; A.M. 1568 ; S.T.B. [(Cla.) 1575 — Hon. .. *Trin. p M 1585 (?A.B. 1589-90), Blaxton; A.M. '.laxton, Hen. .. [Trin. .schol E 1616] [1593; M.L. 1597 — Ja Joh. P E 1649 — John .. Em. P E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 llackston, John .. Chr. f-c E 1650 [Blakiston] Uaxton, Jo.shua *Trin. [schol . E 1600] A.B. 1603-4 ; A.M. 1607 ; S.T.B. — Lionel Sid. p E 1621 [1614 — Marm. loh. p E 1553 — Ralph Chr. p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8, Blakiston ; A.M. — Bob. .. Chr. p M 1623 [Blakiston] [(*Jes.) 1631 '.lakiston, Bob. .. A.B. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ilaxton, Bob. .. ''.'1.'.'. Pet. p M 1638 '.lakestone, Walt... [Joh. p E 1658' '.laxton, Will. .. Em. b E 1614' A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — Will. .. Sid. p E 1621 '.lakistoii, Will. .. Pet. f-c I\I 1639 ;lack\vall, John .. Qu- p c. 1594 [Blackwell] — [Trin. f-c 1583] — John .. Em. [) f. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 ilackwell, Elvdad Em. b E 1620] A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 — BtUph Qu. V c. 1594 — Bo Trin. s M 1559 Bob. .. Joh. p L 1579-80 — Bob. .. Pet. p E 1634 — Tho. .. C. C. p E 1552 — Tho. .. C. C. s E 1623 A.B. 1625-6 — Will. .. [C. c. [Chr. . 1622' t c. 1600' E 1621 ilackwood, ^tuden Ciiris. ( 'mp.) Peni. A.B. 1624-5 — Ja Joh. P L 1577-8 A.B. (C. C.) 1581-2; A.M. 1585 •lakwood, Mich... Cla. P c. 1590 lades, Geo. ... Joh. P M 1647 ;ladoii. Tho. .. Mag. p E 1655 ■ladwell. Edni. .. *Cai p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 — John .. Cai. f-c E 1633 (Matr. Bradwell) — Bob. .. [Chr. p E 1645] — Will. .. Cai. f-c E 1611 [Blodwell] ;lad\vick. Tho. .. Qu. 8 M 1650 (Matr. Bludwick) iladwin iladworth. Joh. P s E 1609 E 1626 (Jeo. .. Pet. A.B. 1628-9 ; A. M. 1632, Blacworth Ja Trin. L 1588-9 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 •lage (Blague), iTho. Qu. p E 1568 S.T.P. 1589 (S.T.B. of Oxf.) 'igg. Geo. .. Em. f-c E 1627 A.B. 1629-30 ligrave, l.igue. Will. .. Pet. p E 1647 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1659 Edm. . A.B. (Jes.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605 John .. A.B. (C. C.) 1598-9; A.M. (*Jes.) r — Phil. V. iiiake [1603 flake, Tho. .. Trin. f-c M 1607 Anth... Joh. p E 1571 A.B. (Pet.) 1573-4, Blayke Edw. .. Trin. s 1598 John .. A.B. CJes.") 1607-8: A.M. 1611 Dean of Rochester, 1592. 10 74 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Blake, Phil Em. — Rich Jes. Blayke, Tho Triu. Blake, Tho C. C. — Will Joh. — Will *Cath. Blaker, John Triii. Blakiston, Ralph v. Blaxtou Blakney, Lancelot ... Trin. Blanchard, Geo Cla. Blanshard, Geo *Mag. Blansher, Herb Joh. Blanchard, John Mag. Blanke, John Blank, D« de Blancks, Chris Cai. Blankys, John Cla. Blancks, John — Will *Cai. Blande, Adam Chr. — Chris — Esdras Trin. Bland, Esdras Blande, Fra Joh. Bland, Fra Jes. Blande, Geo Jes. Bland, Gervase Em. — Ja Chr. Blande, John Joh. Bland, Leon *Cath. Blande, Peregrine ... Em. Bland, Pet Jes. — Rich Joh. — Rich C. C. — Rich Joh. — Bob Joh. — Rob Joh. — Rob Joh. — Rob C. C. — Rob Mag. Blande, Sam Em. Bland, Tho — Tho Cla. — Tho Joh. — Tho Blande, Tobias (imp.) p 13 ann.)\ ® ^' Bland, Tobias [Em. — Will *Trin. — Will Chr. — Will — Will Em. — Will — Jes. Blanfourd, Hen Cla. Blanye, ? Cornewallis Jes. Blatter, Will Joh. Blawe, Rich Blaxley, Laur Trin. Blaxon, Humph. ... Joh. E 1590] E 1G03 M 1570 E 1619 M 1629 M 1633 A.B. 1593-4 A.B. (*Pet.) A.B. A.B. A.B. 1622-3; 1629-30 1637-8 ; 606-7; A.M. 1610; [S.T.B. 1618 A.M. 1626 A.M. 1641 s E 1587 A.B. (Cla.) 1590-1 E 1574 M 1578 E 1608 M 1565 E 1609 M 1640 M 1568 M 1609] E 1579 M 1565 E 1619 L 1645-6 M 1612 E 1613 E 1581 M 1553 M 1546 E 1614 E 1637 M 1578 c. 1597 E 1656 M 1.562 M 1584 c. 1594 E 1637 E 1653 M 1615 E 1626 E 1629 M 1576 1630] E 1570 c. 1591 E 1611 E 1613 M 1569 E 1605 E 1609 E 1633 E 1553 A.B. 1.581-2 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. (Mag.) 1568-9, Blanchard A.B. 1612-3 A.B. 1529-30; A.M. 1533; S.T.B, A.M. 1615 I^Lit. Reg.) [1544 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 [15! A.B. (Jes.) 1595-6, Blanck ; AM A.B.1613-4; A.M. 1618; S.T.B. '3?: A.B. 1542-3; A.M. 1.545, *Cath. A.B. (C. C.) 1570-1 ; A.M. 1574 A.B. (Cla.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1616-7 A.B. 1584-5 A.B. 1548-9; A.M. 1552 A.B. A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1587 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1.598-9 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1618-9 LL.B. 1562 A.B. 1629 A.M. 1631 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1580-1 ; S.T.B. (Mag.) 15f A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 I ?A.B. 1603-4 I A.B. (Chr.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612! A.B. (Joh.) 1638 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.;' [A.M. 16^, A.B. (Joh.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611? Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 75 Blaxter, Tho Cla. Blaykliiige, Rich. v. Blakling Blaye [C. C. Blayne, John Trin. Blayston [C. C. Blaythwett, Gfiwen Qu. Blea-se, John — Rob J(.h. Blechinden, Fra *Joh. — Tho *J()h. M 15G5 1544] E 1570 1588] e. 159.^ — Tho. .. I'.lemi-Hasset, Edw. Blemmell, John . Tho. .. (Tho.) mmel ncowe (' Blynco '), Anth. Qu. Joh. Chr. [Jes. Trin. [Chr. ncow, Hen nerhasset, Ciithb. Edw Edw Wenerhasset, W Blenner-Hassett j^eshingdaile, Humph nden, Tho Bletcherd, Bletsoe, Bletso, liletsoe, Bletso, Bletsoe, Bleven, Bluet, [Joh. p E [Qu. p E Cai. p M [Pet. f-c M Joh. p c. Joh. f-c E Joh. p E C. C. s M Tho [Trin.H. schol. Stukley (Blickearde) Edw. Ed. Ja. ... Tho. Tho. |Ble\ iBlewitte, plewniare, ^lexolme, iBlier, iBlinchorne, Blinckhoi-ne Blyiichorne, Blynckhorne, John , i', John I 'lithe, Adam ■ lyth, Dan. I 'lithe, (4eo. Tho John Rob Tristram Ale.x Geo Tim Edw Hen John ■.ui. Illy the Jilyth, Blith, Blygh, ^^' Blith, Blyth, Hugh. Ja John . John . John . John . Jonat. Nath.. Rich. . Rog. . Sam. . King's Mag. Trin. Qu. Joh. [C. C. Qu. Qu. Pet. Pet. Chr. Mag. [Em. Mag. Joh. Trin. Joh. Peni. Em. *Chi.. *Trin. *King's Joh. Pern. Em. Em. King's Em. C. C. \ *Cla. 1 580 1018 lfi09 1635 1565 1619 1627] 1630-1 1651] 1658] 1642] 1614 1622] 1.595 1621 1584 1565 1570] 1617 1628 1659 1633 1641 1588] 1622 1587 1565 1613 1575 1642 1599] 1587 1646 1550] 1573 1619 1593 1658 s E •s E 15.59 1646 1545 1637 1656 1626 1659 1628 [P.lethwaite] A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Dublin) [1631 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. l(!21-2; A.M. 1625; S.T.B. A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616; S.T.B. [1624; S.T.P. 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 (?Same as next) A.B. 1630-1 A.M. 1573 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) .s E 1652 Hhe above A.M. 1612 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) (?A.B. 1622-3) A.B. 1632 [Migr. to Joh. 1634] A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1578-9, Bluraer and Brumer A.B. 1551-2 A.B. 1622; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1660-1; A.M'. 1664 A.B. 1554-5; A.M. 1558; *Pet. [1557 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567 A.B. (*Pet.) 1582-3; A.M. 1587; A.B. 1640-1 [S.T.B. 1594 A.B. 1659-60 A.B. 1662; A.M. 1666 A.B. 1631 [1612 A.B. (Cai.) 1606-7; A.M. (Trin.) A.B, 1655-6 ; A.M. 1659 ; S.T.B. '79 76 Blyth, Blythe, Blvth, Blith, Blythe, Blyth Blythe Blobold, Blocke, Blodwell V Blowfeild, Blofeild, Blofield, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Tho. Will. Will. Will. Will. Tho. .. Tho. .. Bladwell Rob. .. Rob. .. Tho. .. Tho. .. Will. .. W Geo. .. Blois V. Bloyse Blomfeild, Anth. . . Blumfield, Blomfield, Blomefeild, Geo. Blumfeild, Ja. .. Blumfeld, Blumfeild, Blowefyld, Art. Geo. Cla. Trin. Cath. Chr. Trin. Qu. Trin. Em. C. G. Cai. Cai. C. C. Cai. Qu. Em. Joh. Trin. Mag. Em. Cai. Chr. Blomfield, Blomfylde, Blmnfyld, Blomefield, Blumfield, Blomfeild, Blomfyld Blomer, Blonston, Bloome, Blome, Bloome, Blume, Bloore, Blosse, Bloss, Blosse, Blossom, Bio we. Blow, Blowe, Blower, Bloer, Blower, John , John Cai. John . John . John . John . Miles . Rob. . Rob. . Sim. . Steph. Will. . Will. . Cai. Trin. Cai. Cath. Pem. Trin. Em. [Pem. Trin. Em. [C. C. Edm Tho *Trin. Laur Chr. Edm C. C. John King's John Cai. John Qu. Matth Mag. Tho Cai. Will. V. Blower Tho Trin. Tho [Cai. Tho Trin. Tho Em. Tobias Trin. Tobias Trin. Pet. . Geo. . Hen. . Pet. . Rich. . Allyn . Edw. . John . Pem. Joh. Mag. Cai. Pein. Qu. Trin. [Em. f-c P schol E 1582 M 1551 E 1580 E 1651 E 1656 1547' 1548" E 1608' M 1602 M 1622 M 1619 M 1627 E 1647 E 1565 E 1627 E 1625 c. 1595 E 1618 E 1622 E 1581 M 1564 E 1581 M 1582 M 1601 E 1636 E 1655 E 1575 E 1618 E 1629 1657] M 1632 E 1634 1563] 1653] 1554 E 1618 1611 1631 E 1641 1650 1634 A.B. 1583-4 A.B. 1659-60 ?Geo. above A.B. (Chr.) 1603-4 (in ordo) ; A.M. [1G07 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1621-2 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1598-9, Blundefeilde A.B. 1621-2, Blofield LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1589 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1639-40, Blomfeild M.L. 1553 [Scholar Trin. H. 1577] A.B. 1621-2 A.B. 1632-3, Blufeild ; A.M. A.B. 1636- A.M. 1640 A.B. (Trin.) 1583-4 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660; S.T.I f [1671 {Lit. Reg A.B. 1621-2 [Bloome] A.B. 1637-8 ; A.M. 1642, Bloom. A.B. 1650-1; a!m! 1654 E 1561 L 1576-7] L 1578-9 M 1612 E 1629 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 M 1650 E 15.50 M 1615 E 1633 E 1637] E 1608 E 1657 E 1584 M 1599] A.B. (Pet.) 1618-9 (Matr. Plow) A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1611-2 A.B. 1660-1 A.M. 1615 A.M. 1664 (?Same as next) Matriculaffons and Defjrees 1544 — 1659 77 Blower, 31oys, 31oyse, Bloise, iloys, Bludder, Bludwick, ilumstead, Blumston, Siundle, ■ilundell, Blundeston, Blundstoiie, Slunston, Blundiis, 51unt, Uount, '.hint, ;Bluiite, Blount, r.lunt, John .. John .. Josua.. Patrey Pet. . . Sam. .. Will. .. Will. .. John .. Anth. Fra. Rich. Rob. Will. Will. . Geo. Hen. Pet. Sid. Era. Trin. [VA\ Trin. Jes. Trin. C. C. [Era. Qu. Trin. Trin. Peni. [Cath. Chr. Chr. S.T.B. 1621 ("A.B. ante IGannos") A.B. 1636-7 ; A.M. 1640 (Bowler in A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 [grace) A.B. 1633-4, Peter; A.M. 1637 ?the above A.M. 1656 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1625-6; A.M. (Trin.) 1631 A.B. 1658-9, Bloore; A.M. 1662 Julius Chr. Tho Chr. Tho. V. Bladwick Rob. Nich. Fra. Geo. Geo. Ja. ... Rob. Trin. Joh. Em. Cai. Mag. Joh. P f-c f-c f-c f-c f-c f-c John Ant. I'.luyte, lUynco, lilythe V. Blith Blythman John Boar, Chris Joh. Hen Trin. (Rich.) Humph. ... [Pet. s Art Pem. p Edw King's p Godfr Joh. p John C. C. p Mountjoy, Ds {Earl of S Em. p [Trin. schol. Em. p Trin. p Pet. f-c Em. p Chr. p Sid. p [Cath. p Cla. f-c Blencowe Rob Rob Sam Wcxlt Will, [iiiip.) Will Will Will, {imp.) E 1633 M 1631 K 1631 1630] E 1623 E 1655 E 1577 E 1544 E 1645] M 1620 E 1574 M 1656 E 1617 M 1641] E 1639 E 1616 E 1618 E 1614 L 1597-8 M 1584 E 1623 M 1638 c. 1596 c. 1591 E 1585 E 1587 E 1644] E 1550 M 1587 M 1579 E 1649 ewport) M 1642 E 1643] E 1645 M 1549 M 1554 E 1588 E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 [Blois] A.B. 1656-7 ; A.M. 1660; M.D.'69 (Matr. John) (Matr. James) A.B. 1616 A.M. 1604 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1588-9 [Blounteston (? A.B. 1591-2) ; A.M. 1595, AM. 1538 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; S.T.B. [1546 A.B. 1583-4 A.B. 1658 A.M. 1629 A.B. 1644 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1650 1659 1650-1 1577-8 ''.oate, 'oatuian liiobet, iBocas, 'Bockiug, locock, lode, 3odell, Tho John John John Rob. {imp.) Tho John E.l John Moses Qu. [Trin. Cath. Pem. Trin. H. Joh. Cla. Jes. Era. Joh. E 1608] E 1657] M 1641 E 1569 E 1554 E 1627 E 1658 E 1570 c. 1596 c. 1594 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 S.T.B. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1661, Bowcock Uoh. Bede 78 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Bodendine, Fra [Sid. f-c E 1601] Botendine, Will Sid. p M 1608 Bodeiiham, John Job. p M 1611 — Rob Qii. f-c E 1633 — Wingfield... Qu. f-c E 1634 Bodgas, Rob C. C. p E 1647 l^.odington, John Sid. p E 1647 — John Qu. s M 1649 Bodleygh, John Pet. p E 1604 Bodley, Laurence . . . Bodurda, Griffith Joh. p M 1616 — Griffin Joh. p M 1639 — Hen *Joh. p M 1619 — Hugh Joh. p E 1632 — John Joh. p E 1631 — Will Bodye, John Trin. p E 1549 Boercher, Rich Jes. s M 1546 Boes V. also Bowes — Fra Joh. f-c — Ralph Joh. f-c — Talbot Joh. f-c — Tho Trin. p Bogge, Humph. ... Cla. p Bogg [Em. f-c Boguslaus, (Count of H.R. Empire) Boham, Simeon v. Bougham Bohemus, Geo [Qu. s Bohum, Humph *Joh. p Bohun, Baxtor Joh. p — Nich Cai. s Boier v. also Boyer and Bowyer — Hen Joh. p E 1589 — (?Borier) Hen., Ds de Toutacrie Bokenham v. Buckenham Bold V. also Bould _ Alex *Pem. s E 1603 — Hen — John — Radnall {imp.) Jes. p Bolde, Sam Mag. s Bold, Sam Joh. s Bolde (Boode), Tho King's s Boldero, ^ Edm *Peni. p — Hen. {imp.) Chr. s Boldroe, Tho Pet. p Boldney, John Trin. p Boler, Hen Bolgar, Barn Em. [s Bolle, John King's f-c Bollen, Dan Boleyn, Geo. v. BuUeyne Boleyn, Rich [Qu. s E 1544] BoUes V. also Bowles Boles, Cha [Qu. p L 1604-5 _ Cha [Qu. f-c L 1608 [Bodendine] A.B. 1614-5; A.M. A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. [Bogas] 1618 i i A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1607-8, Bodley A.M. 1618 (Incorp. fr. 0.\f.) A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); A.M [1615; S.T.B. (*Joh.) 1621 M 1575 M 1575 (?same as Rolph Bowles) M 1575 M 1589 (?Bold) L 1579-80 E 1604] A.M. 1634 E 1647] M 1552 A.B. 1555-6 ; A.M. 1559, *Cai. 156- E 1635 M 1567 (Matr. Boham) A.M. 1624 (on King's visit) [1618, Bo(h] A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610; S.T.I A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Trin.) 1603-4 A.B. 1660-1, Randolph A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1661: A.M. 1665 A.B. 1607-8 ; A.M. (*Pem.) 161 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632: ST. I [1660 {Lit. Reg A.B. (Qu.) 1660-1; A.M. (JeV [16( A.B. (Chr.) 1638 A.B. (Cath.) 1593-4, Boulgei [A.M. (Em.) 15i A.B. 1586-7 [Bowles] A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) E 1658 E 1631 M 1658 E 1604 E 1626 M 1657 M 1585 M 1550 E 1590] L 1586- 11 Master of Jesus, 1663. L. Mat7'iculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 79 Jolles, Geo . CO. — John . Cai. Xich . C. C. Rob . Sid. )ollesey, Tho . C.C. ioUing, Phil . [C. C. ?olvn, Rich . Nich. Joliyni^p, Will . Cla. >olnej, Nich .Gouv.] '.oiliest, John . Chr. Jolt, Ambr . Cai. Joltc, Gabr . Pet. Gabr . Chv. '.oiilte, John . CO. ■,olt, John . [Chr. '.oult, John . Cai. iolt, John . [Mao;. Nich . Chr. Jolte, Will . Chr. iolter, Hen . Qu. — Will . Trin. Joulton, Alex . Cla. Jolton, Cha . Joh. Dan . Pet. — Edm . Trin. — Edna . Em. Joiiltoii, Edw Edw . Trin. lolton, ?oulton, Fra Gaudy .... . Jes. — Hen . Cath. '.olton, Ja . Joh. — Jerem . Mag. _ John . Je8. '.'Hilton, John . Trin. — John . Qu. .' iltOll, John . Qu. _ John . C. C. _ John . [Chr. — Leon . Trin. — Pet . Pem. — Rich . Trin. _ Rob . *Trin. — Rob . [C. C. . *Joh. — Rob >ulton, Rob . Pem. — iSam . Chr. •niton, Sam .[Qu. — Sam — Sam . Chr. — Tho. (imp.) Chr. — Tho . *Trin. •Mildton, Tho . Em. ;>olton, Tho . Chr. — W . Pem. — W . Joh. — Will . Joh. — Will . Joh. [Joulton, Will . Jes. H. s E f-c M ■s E f-c M s E 1548 1656 1548 1634 1605 1629] 1544 1562 1548 1631 1657 1589 1619 1608 1649] 1649 1659] 1613 1616 1638] 1598 1622 1634 1632 1589 1627 M 1629 [.schol. p M p M p E f-c M 1597-8 1642 1637 1658 1548 1615 1618 1644 1655 1656] 1552 1585 1550 1552] 1557] 1561 1615 1625 1646] 1654 1557-8 1577 1614 1651 1580 1582) 1580( 1590 1605 [Bowle.s] A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Rexj.) A.B. 1566-7, Bolynge A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1660-1 A.B. (Cath.) 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1652-3: A.M. 1656 A.M. 1662 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1615-6 ; A.M. 1619 ; S.T.B.'35 A.B. 1618 9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1638 [prev. at Pet.] A.B. 1624-5 ; A.M. [1628, Bolton A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. (Cla.) 1618-9 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. (King's) 1613-4 A.B. 1603; A.M. ; S.T.B. 1613 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. (Cath.) 1618-9 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. (*Chr.) 1652 A.B. 1553-4; A.M. 1557 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622; M.T). '30 A.B. 1628-9 ; A.M. 1632 ; S.T. P. '50 A.M. 1652 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. 1586, Bowleton ; A.B. (Trin.) 1617 [S.T.B. 1593 ?A.B. (*Chr.) 1585-6; A.M. 1589; [S.T.B. 1598 A.B. (Cath.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 Master of Christ's, 1646. 80 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Bowlton, Will Qu. p Bonace, John Sid. p Bonar, John Bonde, Geo *J()b . p Bond, Geo [C. C. — John Joh. s — John Joh. s — John Cai. s — 'John *Gath. p Bonde, John Joh. p — Laur Pet. p Bond, Nath — Nich Joh. p — Rich Trin. s Bonde, Sam Cath. p Bond, Tho *King's p Bonde, Tho *Pein. p Bondfield, John Mag. s Bonell, Marmaduke Pern. p Bonnell, Sam Mag. s Bonell (Bunnell), Tho. ... Bouefelowe, John [Cai. p Bones, Edm Trin. s Bonesse, Tho. v. Bonger King's Hall f- Bongeye v. Bungay Bonnam, Basset Pet. p Bonham, Geo C. C. s Bonnam, Jerem Pet. p Bonham, Joshua Trin. s Bonnam, Tho Joh. s Bonham, Tho *King's p — Will *King's p Bonaham [Chr. p Bonner, Fra [Qu. s — John Mag. p — Leon — Math *Mag. p — Rich Cai. p — Rob Joh. s — Tho Trin. s — Tho Trin. s — W Cla. p — AVill Joh. s — Will Joh. p Bonnett, Will Joh. s Bonnyman, Geo [Trin. schol. Bonten (?Bouten) Clir. p Bonwick, John Chr. s Bonynge, Rol) Cai. s Bonyngton, Fra Trin. p Bonython, John [Sid. p Boode, Alex. v. Bold Boodly, Ja Em. s Booker v. also Bowker — Geo Joh. s — Ja *Em. s — Rich *Trin. p L 1607-8 A.B. 1611-2 M 1637 (Matr. Bonast) Incorp. fr. St Andrews, 1621 M 1555 A.B. 1559-60 ; A.M. 1563 ; M.D. 77 1565] M 1569 A.B. (Cai.) 1572-3, Bounde; A.M. L 1577-e A.B. (Cath.) 1581-2 [1576 M 1588 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 M 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635; LL.D. M 1639 [1645-6 M 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583; S.T.B. [1591-2 LL.B. 1659 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) j E 1559 A.B. 1563-4 M 1572 A.B. 1576-7 M 1639 A.B. 1642 ; A.M. 1646 ; *Trin. H M 1565 (no degree) [164( E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 J E 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 , M 1568 A.B. 1572-3, Bownell E 1648 A.M. 1617 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) E 1571 : Prev. at Cla.] E 1554 c E 1544 M 1570 E 1623 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 M 1570 E 1618 E 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 M 1622 A.B. 1627; A.M. 1630 1 E 1616 (A.B. 1619-20); A.M. 1623 1 c. 1564' E 1644 L 1626-7 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. (Trin.) 1606-7 E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1637 E 1612 A.B. 1617-8 E 1648 A.B. 1651-2 E 1576 M 1628 A.B. 1631-2 , M 1651 1 K 1637 A.B. 1640-1 E 1641] M 1568 E 1640 S.T.B. 1663 {Lit. Reg.) E 1565 FBonnino] j E 1572 E 1636] E 1629 \ E 1657 M 1654 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 M 1649 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 ; f 1 Master of Trin. HaU, 1646. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 81 Booker, Boold, Joord, Boorde, Boote, the, th, Bouthe, Booth, Bothe, Boothe, Booth, P)0<)tlie, liowthe, '.owth, l'.()0th, '.oothe, Booth, 'Boothe, Booth, 'Boothe, Bouthe ?, Booth, Boothbey, Booth by. The .Jes. Tho Mag. Jonat Joh. Ja [^fag. Tho Jes. Tho Trill. Anth C'hr. Geo Trill. II. (ieo Em. Hen Cath. 'John *Triii.H. Edw Qu. Ja :\[ag. Anth Trin. Dan Em. Edw Joh. Edw Je.s. Fra C. C. Geo Chr. Geo Trin. Geo Em. Geo Joh. Hugh *Trin. Humph. ... Joh. John Trin. John King'.s John Joh. John CO. John Trin. John Jes. John *C. C. John Trin. John Joh. Nich C. C. Remigius ... King^.s Rob Qu. Rob Chr. Rob *Joh. Rob Trin. Rob *Joh. Rob Joh. Rob Trill. Rob Chr. Rob Mag. ^Rol) [Joh. Rob Cai. Sam Pet. Tho Trin. Tho King's Tho Jes. Tho C. C. (Will.)(m/).) Qu. Will Trin. Will Jes. Will Jes. Will Joh. Rob Trin. Rob Mag. M 1614 E 1647 E 1641 1656] M 1566 M 1602 c. ir)95 M 1544 E 1642 E 1624 M 1649 E 1605 E 1656 E 1586 <: 1596 M 1581 E 1642 E 1631 M 1564 E 1.568 E 1649 E 1653 E 1561 M 1649 M 1552 E 1571 M 1585 E 1602 E 1606 E 1611 M 1621 M 1638 L 1653-4 E 1631 M 1571 E 1553 M 1564 M 1565 L 157 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1622, Bocar A.B. 1650-1 A.B. 1646 [Boole] A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1653 ; A.M. 1657 ; LL.D. 1664 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. (Chr.) 1612; [S.T.B. 1619; S.T.P. 1627 A.B. 1659 (?A.B. 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1585-6 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 ?A.B. 1567-8, William A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 A.B. 1564-5 ; A.M. 1568 ; S.T.B. '75 A.B. 1653-4 [Ja.) )9 (Matr. A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 (] A.B. (Chr.) 1610-1, Bootie ; A.M. [(Trin.) 1613 A.B. 1624-5 ; A.M. 1628 ; S.T.B. '36 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. (Chr.) 1574-5 A.M. 1578; [*Cai. 1581 A.M. 1571, Booth A.M. 1574 A.B. 1567-8 A.B. 1570-1 8 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. (Mag.) 1585 L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 M 1587 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. (*Em.) 1610 A.B. (Pet.) 1618-9; A.M. 1622 E 1603 E 1615 E 1623 E 1644] E 1647 E 1637 A.B. (Cla.) 1649 A.B. 1640-1 L 1593-4 A.B. 1597-8 ; A.M. 1601 ; S.T.B. M 1609 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1634-5 ; A.M. 1638 E 1616 E 1631 M 1558 ,'. 1596 E 1609 E 1611 E 1650 M 1607 L 1615-6 A.B. 1614-5: A.B. 1654-5 A.M. 1618 1 Regius Professor of Civil Law, 167,S. 2 C. J. King's Bench, Ireland, 1H79. 82 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Booteflower, John v. Boutfloore Bootie, John v. Booth, 1606 Booty, Sam Chr. Bootey, Tho Cai. Boowe, Nich Chr. Borage v. also Barrage — John Cai. — John Sid. — [C. C. Bordall, Dav [J oh. Bordman, And *Joh. — Gabr — Geo Cath. Bordeman, John Joh. Bordman, Sam — Joh. Bordenand, John Joh. Bordly, Steph Chr. Borell, Wa Cla. Boreman, Ja Trin. — John Trin. — Rob *Trin. Borfett, Abiel Chr. — Sam *King's — Walt Chr. Borgarucius, Julius Borier, Hen. v. Boier Borlase, John King's Borne ;;. also Bourne and Burn — Dan Trin. — Era Qu. ^ Hen Chr. — Will [C. C. — Will — Will Trin. Bornford v. Bournford Borough V. also Burrough Bourrowe, Geo C. C. Borough, John, Sir ... [Qu. Boroughe, Pet Qu. — Rich Qu. Borrow, Saint John.. Sid. Bon-ough, Tho Trin. Borrowe, Tho Joh. Borough, Walt C. C. Borowe, Will Qu. Boroughe, Will Jes. Borrough, Will Pet. Borradell, John Joh. Borett, Rob Pern. Borrett, Sam Em. Borret, Tho Trin.H. Borrett, Will ~ Will Joh. — Will Joh. Borretts, Edw [C. C. Borrowes, Ja Mag. — John Cla. — Simon Joh. Borsett, Sam. v. Borfett M 1615 A.B. (*C. C.) 1618^9; A.M. 1622; M 1616 A.B. 1619-20, Bootie [S.T.B. '32 M 1578 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585, Bowe [1582; S.T.P. 1594 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575; S.T.B. A.B. (Trin.) 1625 (?same as Burdman) A.B. 1566-7, Bourdman S.T.B. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ]i M 1581 p M 1620 1583' E 1653] s p M 1568 f-c M 1555 p E 1560 s c. 1592 p M 1645 s E 1654 s L 1557-8 s E 1639 p M 1656 p M 1627 s E 1649 p E 1650 s E 1607 1591 A.B. 1657; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1631-2; 'A.M. 1635; S.T.B, [1643; S.T.P. {Lit. Beg.) 160(1 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 (Mai A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 [Borseti M.D. 1567 (Incorp. fr. Padua [Montpel] s E 1636 A.B. 1639, Bourne ■ p E 1548 1 s E 1583 1591] A.B. (Em.) 1604-5, Bourne 1 s E 1614 A.B. (Joh.) 1616-7, Bourne; A.M | [16»|1 ]J c. 1593 [Burrough] f-c M 1570] s M 1573 s E 1569 [Adm. at Cai. 1572] s E 1609 A.B. 1615 p M 1621 A.B. 1625-6, Burrough ; A.M. 162 s M 1627 [Borrowi f-c c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 p L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2 [Burrough] . p c. 1596 ■ s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2 ; A.M. 1665, Burroug! s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 | p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 1 p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 1 s M 1658 A.B. 1661-2 ' A.B. (Cath.) 1597-8 ; p E 1611 P E 1620 1636] M 1631 A.B. 1623-4 s A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 p L 1597-8 s E 1622 M Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 83 John Pet. Pet Pet. John Trin. John King's John Pet. Nath Chr. Rich Trin. Tho Pet. Will Cla. John V. Bassall Cath. Edw C. C. Ed Joh. John Pern. Matth Joh. Pet Joh. Rich Joh. Rob ; [CO. Chris Cai. Humph. ... John Cai. Laur Chr. Paul Cla. Sam Cai. Tho Em. Will Joh. Geo *King's Gervase Sid. [Pet. Godfr Sid. Tho [Qu. Tho Pet. Will [Mag. Dudley John Joh. John Joh. Leon King's Pet. V. Bosquell Ralph King's Rob King's Rob [C. C. Rol Joh. Tho Jes. Tho Mag. ; — Tho Qu. Bowswell, Tho Jes. 3oswell, Tho Cai. 1 — Tho Pern. — Tim Joh. I — Will Joh. ' — Will — Will — King's iostwicke, John r. Bastwicke ioaye, Tho C. C. iotcher, Fra [Qu. ioteler v. Butler iotendine, Will. v. Bodendine iotomley, Tho Pem. Jotterell, Giles Cai. f-c V P P M 1587 M 1583 E 1585 c. 1591 E 1657 E 1621 E 1656 E 1623 E 1582 p c V L p M [.schol. f-c M p E f-c L p M p M f-c E 1578 1620 1585 1587 1560 1545 1560] 1574 1590 1635 1635 1595 1618-! 1569 1604] 1636 1656] 1633 1579- 1622 1652] 1544 1627 1612 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1591, Boswell A.B. 1624-5; A.M. (*Em.) 1628 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1586-7 A.B. 1605-6 (in ordo) A.B. 1622-3 A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1577-8 A.B. (Chr.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 A.B. 1607-8; (A.M. 1612); S.T.P. [1626, Boswell 80] L 1593- M 1576 1597] M 1568 E 1604 E 1607 M 1579 M 1582 E 1629 M 1633 E 1610 E 1569 E 1624 E 1545 E 1600] M 1573 c. 1597 A.B. 1625-6, Boseveld A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Dublin) A.B. [C. C] 1549-50; A.M. 1553 ?A.M. 1612 (in ordo) A.B. (Chr.) 1607-8; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. (*Pem.) 1613 A.B. 1632-3, Bos.sevill; A.M. 1636 A.B. (*Jes.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.M. 1623 (Incoii). fr. Oxf.) [Bowsy] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. (Cla.) 1612 84 Boterall, Botrell, Bott, Botting, Bottrye, Bougham, Boughton, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 John John John Hen. The. [Chr. Cai. Jes. Joh. schol. 1539] 1593 Bouillion, Boular, Bould V. also Simeon *King's ,.*Cla. ..*Joh. ,. [Qu. .. [King's .. Jes. ,. Jes. Edw. John Tho. Jes. Boulds, Bouldsworth, Boulger, Boultflore, Bound, Bownd, John .. Tho. .. Bold Hen. .. Hen John Jes. Lane Joh. Will .... Pet. .... Chr. Bolgar M 1582 L 1563-4 M 1564 M 1615 M 1655 E 1644] L 1588-9] E 1628 M 1607 Will. Rob. Barn. John Abr. Alex. Geo *Trin. Boixtfloore Trin. *Kinct's Bound, Bownde, Bowne, Boune, TBoungey, Bourman Boureman, Boorne Bourne, Boorne, Bourne, Bourn, Bourne, Boorne, Bourne, Bourcher, Bourchier, Boucher, Bowcher, John Nath. Nich. Nich. Rich. Rob. Tho. . Em. *Qu. . *Pet. . Qu. . *Pet. . Em. . King'^ p M 1571 s E 1640 1) M 1631 E 1637 E 1582 M 1581 M 1564 E 1636 M 1644 E 1600] M 1568 E 1635 E 1575 E 1616 M 1572 Will Edw [Cai. Edw Em. John Mag. Matth. V. Bungay Nich Joh. Tho Sid. also Borne Dav Trin. Elisha Joh. [fr Emmanuel . . Jolin Em. John Joh. John Pern. John Em. Osmond *Trin. Sam Em. Tho Joh. W Chr. Will Trin. Will King's Will [Pet. Zerobabell...*C. C. Edw *King's Edw [Cai. Hen Jti Em. p E 1622 s E 1623 p L 1634-f E 1563 E 1627 s E 1629 Em.] s M 1646 P P P [schol. M 1616 E 1618 E 1627 E 1656 E 1571 E 1644 M 1624 E 1570 1583] E 1627 E 1645] c. 1593 M 1562 E 1603] f-c c. 1593 A.B. 1541-2; A.M. (*C. C.) 1545% A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1602, Botterilll A.B. (Sid.) 1610-1 A.B. (Cath.) 1584-5 A.B. 1568-9, Boham [Broughton) A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 (Matr. A.B. 1655-6; A.M.1659 ; S.T.B.'66 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1635 A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1643-4 A.B. 1635-6 A.B. (Jes.) 1604-5 [Bold] A.B. 1584-5 [1579; S.T.P. 1595 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572; S.T.B. A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 [Bowne] [1615 (?A.B. 1602-3); A.M. 1606 ; S.T.Bi A.B.1571-2;A.M.1575; S.T.P. '94 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1577-8 ; A.M. 1581 ; *Qu. ISS") A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623, Bowaa A.B. (Cla.) 1575-6; A.M. 1579 [S.T.B. (*C. C.) 15a A.B. 1542-3; M.L. 1549; M.D.'5{ ?Migr. to Em.] A.B. 1625-6, Boone; A.M. 162S A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1632-3 [fr. Oxf A.B. 1647-8 ; A.M. 1651 (Incori A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1621-2 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580; S.T.l A.B. (Joh.) 1647-8 ['87, Boon (Matr. Boarne) A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590; S.T.J [15i A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1566-7, Burchet; A.M. 15: A.M. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Dublin) 1 Fourth Earl of Bath. Matricidations mid Degrees 1544 — 1659 85 Soiircher, oncher, Jouirher, Idurchier, '.(lurcheyr, Uirchier, Idurchier, jONwher, '.iircher, '.uuivheir, jurcher, Jourchier, John . John . John . John . Ralph Rich. . Rich. . Rich. . Chr. V. V. n^riii. Joh. Em. Em. Sid. Trin. Sam [Em. The " Tho Will Will. {Earl) of Bath)] Will Burcher 3ourdenand, John ..... ^ourdman v. Bordman 3ourman, Chr. Joh. CO. Trin. Joh. [Trin. M 1608 E 1624 E 1633 E 1647 M 1611 M 1611 M 1614 . 1619] E 1592] E 1617 L 1621-: A[ 1573 P P P P f-c f-c P [schol, f-c p f-c f-c f-c M 1576 P f-c [Student at Trin. ... [Joh. p E M 1628 1583 1548 1654 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. (Matr. Beachier) (?thc next) A.B. 1619-20 [BourcherJ [Migr. to Cai. A.M. 1577 A.B. 1632-3; 16.39 1576] A.M. 16,36 Bournford, Bouskell, Boutfloore, I' Novell, Bovey, l.j iBovyll, Tho. . Hen. . Giles I John . Era. . Ralph Hen. . Cla. Em. Buskell Chr. [Mag. Cath. I jBovell \ iBovington, i JBowater, M — _ i Sowbiar, ' IBowchert, iBowcock, Bowde, , I ;Bowd, iBowde, Boued, Bowden, P Pern f-c f-c M 1565 E 1622 p E 1625 1650] E 1632 A.B. 1625-6, Bornford; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 16.32 Edm. . Steph. Tho. . John . [Trin. [*Trin. King's [schol. 1591" 1555' 1530° . Jes. , Cai. Matth [Trin. John V. Bocock A.B. 1541-2; A.M. (*Chr.) 1544; [S.T.B. 1554 [? Henry] A.B. 1534-5 ; A.M. 1538 ; S.T.B. '51 LL.B. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) And Trin. Drue Chr. Nath [Qu. Rob Mag. Simon Chr. Joshua Qu. Nich Will Cla. John Qu. Tho Joh. Nich. V. Boowe Rob Joh. Bowles John Reuben *Trin. Tho Trin. Bower v. also Howyer E 1627 E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 L 1659-60] M 1572 E 1611 E 1603] E 1572 L 1580-1 E 1645 A.B. 1614-5 ; A.M. 1618 ; S.T.B. '25 Pi iBowder, ifti |Bowdler, ) iBowdon, jBowe, E 1628 E 1616 E 1650 A.B. 1584-5; A.B. 1645-6 C.L. 1602 A.B. 1631-2; A.B. 1619-20; A.B. 1652-3 A.M. 1588, Bowde A.M. 1635 A.M. 1623 Bowells Bowen, il ) - M 1632 A.B. 1636-7 Edw. John Rob. Sam. Tho. Tho. Bowerman, Tho. jBowes *'. also Bees — Cha. — Geo. Joh. Joh. Boyer Trin. Qu. Chr. Boureman Sid. Qu. 1657- 1656 1634-5 1571 A.B. (Trin.) 1597-8, Bo wayn ; A.M. A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 [1601 A.B. 1657-8 E 1622 c. 1593 xM 1598 E 1656 E 1637 A.B. 1574- A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1601-2 86 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Bowes, Hen *Joh. — Ja Pet. — Ja Chr. — John Job. — Matth Sid. — Paul [Joh. — Pet. {imp.) .. Qu. — Ralph Em. — Rich Trin. — Rich Cai. — Rob Qu. — Rob Qu. — Rob. (imp. ) T , \2ann.)\ J^^- — Rob Em. Bowses, Sam Jes. Bowes, Tho Cla. — Tho Joh. — Tho Chr. — Tho [Trin. — W[ill.] Joh. — Will Trin. Bowgen, Geo Chr. Bowgeon, Steph Cla. Bowghe, Rob. v. Bowe Bowker v. also Booker — Adam Joh. — Hen Chr. — John Em. — John Joh. — Rich *Joh. — Sam [Em. Rowland, Ambr Em. — Dudley Qu. Boland, Edw Qu. Rowland, Edw [King' — John Chr. — Rich Trin. Bolland, Rob Trin. Bowie, iJohn *Trin. — Rich Trin. Bowler, John Pern. — Rich Joh. Bowles V. also Bolles — Cha. (? Boles, Qu., — Dan Em. — Edw Cath. — Geo [Sid. — Geo [Sid. — John Cla. — John [Sid. — John Trin. — John [Pem. — (Boulds), Jos Em. — Nath Trin. — Oliver *Qu. — Rich Cla. — (Boules), Rich Em. Boles, Rich p E 1574 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 h s E 1573 A.B. 1576-7 p c. 1595 f-c c. 1591 p M 1621 , P M 1650] P E 1545 p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 Jir p M 1588 p M 1658 A.B. 1661 (Matr. Bowles) , p E 1545 p M 1547 - p L 1564-5 - p s E 1616 E 1606 p E 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 f-c c. 1591 p M 1619 f-c E 1646] . p L 1564-5 H. f-c M 1659 m P s L 1580-1 E 1576 s E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 (Matr. Booker) s E 1577 p E 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. (*Joh.) 16^ s E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 (Matr. Booker) s M 1650 A.B. 1650-1 (Matr. Booker) s E 1651] p c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9 \ iri f-c c. 1591 radshawe, ilradshaw. radshawe, Iradshaw, ilrudshow, i'.radshawe 'tradstreete, Jradstreate, ^radstreet, Iradwey, Iradwell, Irady, Iradie, Iradye, Jrady, iJragden, 5rage, Mag. Joh. Em. Trin. Chr. .Toh. v.. C. [Chr. John [Qu. Joh. Em. [c; u. Em. Em. V\\v. Em. John John John John John John John John John Trin. Mich Nath Obadiah Pet Phil Rich Eob Roger . . . , Sainctone , Savill Tho Tho Tho Wady Will Sam. . Chr. , *Trin. . Em. : Qu. , Pet. , Chr. [Trin. Pet. Sid. *Cai. [Em. , Em. Em. Trin. . Em. P P [schol. P b Simon S , Chr. t>ymon Em. Will Cla. Rich Joh. Steph King'.s C. C. Chr. Chr. Jes. Cai. ' Fragge?, 'ragg, il Will. Fra Geo John iRob.(Matr.( Bradley)^ Edw Rich Nich Rob I'enj (ieo John Joshua [Em. Rich Joh. Sam Trin Will Qu. ( ;hr. Chr. Cai. C. C. Jes. Cai. Pet. H. E ir)80 M 1566 L 1653-4 E 1637 M 1548 E 1648 E 1633 E 1651] E 1588] c. 1591 c. 1592 1599] M 1602 E 1604 E 1619 E 1620 M 1G23 E 1631 E 1559 E 1637] E 1605 L 1605-6] E 1636 E 1563 M 1648] L 1645-6 E 1606 E 1640 E 1648] E 1605 E 1589 1595 E 1606 M 1570 E 1618 M 1572 M 1570 E 1610 E 1618 M 1580 L 1577-8 E 1584 E 1644 M 1569 M 1569 E 1629 M 1641 M 1614 L 1645-6 M 1624 E 1644] E 1569 E 1653 L 1618-9 A.B. (Chr.) 1583-4 A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1574 A.B. 1656-7 A.B. (King's) 1607-9; A.M. (Cla.) A.B. 1552-3 [1611 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640; S.T.P. [1660 {Lil. Reg.) A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1627-8 ; A.M. 1631 ; S.T.B. '63 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 A.B. 1608-9; A. M. 1612 LL.B. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.; M.B. 1613 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1644 (Matr. Braydshawe) A.M. 1581 (Incorp. fr. 0.xf.) A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596, *Sid. /A.M. (Mag.) 1603, Broshawe A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613, Broad- [streete; S.T.B. 1630 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1575-6 A.B. 1574-5, Brodwaye; A.M. '78 (Matr. Bredwell) A.B. 1587-8, Bradie A.B. 1647-8; M.B. 1653; M.D. [1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1571-2 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1635 A.B. (Qu.) 1645-6 A.B. 1616 A.B. 1620-1 » Eegius Professor of Physic, 1G77 ; M.P. for University, 1681, 1685 ; Master of Caius, 1660. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Will Sid. s Will Qu. [p Brage [Em. p Braham, Humph. ... Qu. p Brainford, Tho *Em. p Braithwaite, Fra. v. Brathwaite Brakyn, Fra. {imp.) q 11 ann.)) ^ ' ^ Bracking, Fra Trin. p? Brackin, John Cla. ? Brakyn, Tho Qu. p Bracking, . . . (sen. ) [C. C. — -(jun-) [C. C. Brame, John Chr. p — John Em. p — [Cath. f-c Bramfield v. also Bromfield Bramfeild, John Trin. p Bramfyld, Tho Pet. p — Will Trin. p Bramforth, Will Bramhall, Geo C. C. s — iJohn Sid. s — (Jeff.) Em. p Bramhar, Will Cath. s Bramly, Art Cath. s Bramley, Geo [Trin. schol. Brampston, Will Qu. p Brampton, Hen *Pem. p — Tho Edm. H. s — Will Cai. p Bramsgrove, Walt King's p Bramson, Hen Mag. s — (?) Chr. s Bramston, Anth. {imp.) Qu. f-c — Fra *Qu. p — Moundeford Qu. p Branche, Rob Joh. p Brand, Hen. ('Belgicus') Brande, Ja Mag. p Brand, John Chr. p — John Qu. p Brande, John Pem. p Brand, Mich Chr. p — Pet Pet. p — Rich King's s Brande, Sim Gonv.H. f-c Brand, Tho Cla. p Brande, Tho Cai. p — Tho *Cai. p — Will Jes. s Brand, Will C C. p — [Cath. p Brandeston, Tho Trin. H. p Brandford, Sam Em. p Brandishe, Tho Em. p Brandley, Pet Cla. s Brandlynge, Cornelius ... Joh. p Brandling, Sam Jes. p M 1624 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Ir E 1646] E 1621] A.B. 1646 M 1544 E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 iB M 1561 [Migr. to Cla.] to c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1, Brakin ; A.M. (*Chr.) [1605 (? in or do 1604, as Bracher) [Migr. to Cla.] 'i c. 1596 W M 1561 a 1568] 1568] ji - M 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 .to E 1607 [Brane] in E 1653] i E 1577 A.B. 1580-1 i ji> M 1553 L 1580-1 A.B. 1584-5 C.L. 1577 ^ H E 1639 A.B. 1641 % E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616; S.T.B 58 c. 1596 [1623 ; . S.T.P. 163t - E 1637 A.B. 1640-1, Bramhall 1& M 1638 A.B. 1640-1 ^ E 1643] E 1639 A.B. (Mag.) 1643-4, Branston » E 1578 A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. 1586 ; S.T.B. '9^ m M 1544 asf M 1580 E 1619 A.B. ; A.M. (Trin.) 162J M 1639 !i c. 1597 si E 1658 i E 1634 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 fii E 1632 LL.B. (*Trin.H.) 1637; LL.D. 166! ^i M 1570 [{Lit. Reg , A.M. 1629 E 1576 E 1606 E 1613 E 1625 A.B. 1628, Brandt E 1572 c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 M 1576 1 M 1546 1 L 1563-4 c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 E 1544 M 1637 M 1659] L 1618-9 E 1612 E 1633 E 1623 E 1552 E 1648 A.B. 1651-2 Bishop of Derry, 1634; Archbishop of Armagh, 1661. Matriculations atid Degrees 1544 — 1659 93 Brandon, Brandreth, Brandrith, >ranforth, h-annam, h-anham. Cha. {imp.).. Joh. Edw Pem. 'Hen [King's Tho [Cai. Hugh V. Brundreth John John . Rich. . Rob. . Rich. . Hugh. Hugh. Tho. ^ Cai. [Pet. Chr. Em. Trin. Joh. Joh. Barnham Irankyngham, Elias Joh. r>ianston, Will. v. Bramston '.lasbone, Will C. C. ! '.ra.sbridge, Will Joh. iBrasgerdell, John Qu. iBrasgirdell, jBrasgirdle, jBrashawe, Brasier, John *Tnn. Brassy, Brassey, iBrathile {sic) Brathwaite, Brathwayt, Brathwaite, Brathwayt, iBranthwaite, Brathwaite, Branthwite, Brathwayte, Branthwayt, Brathwate, Brathwaite, Brathwaight, liranthwaite, Brathwaite, Brathwait, Brathwaite, Braythwhet, Brathwaite, Brauthwaite, Will Tho Edw Tho Ja Ralph Ralph Edm John Rich. {imp.). ^Rob *King's Tho Trin.H. [Qu. [Joh. Cai. [Qu. Chr. Joh. Joh. Em. Sid. Trin. H. Art. . Chr. . Fra. . Geo. . Ja John , Miles . Reg. . Rich. . Ro Rob. . Rob. . Rob. . Rob. . Tho. , Tho. , W Will. , 3 Will. -c E 1549 p M 1566 1.551] p E 1616] Em. f-c Trin. s *Joh. P [Joh. f-c Joh. (s) Joh. p Cai. s *Joh. a Cai. f-c Chr. s Trin. s Joh. s [Cai. p Joh. ]) Cai. V Joh. V Trin. H Joh. S Cla. 1^ E 1629 E 1651] E 1632 E 1641 E 1.561 M 1567 M 1572 E 1.578 M 1578 M 1588 E 1625 E 1599] E 1631] M 1616 M 1595] E 1554 E 1567 E 1568 M 1586 E 1622 M 1547 1525 M 1547 L 1620-1 M 1611 M 1632 E 1631] c. 1594 M 1627 M 1654 E 1588 E 1608 M 1561 E 1582 M 1598 M 1599] E 1618 E 1613 M 1627 E 1569 M 1559 ^^579" Brathwaite, Will *Joh. s c. 1595 Branthwaite, Will Chr. p E 1607 Branthwayt, Will Cai. f-c E 1653 iBrattell, Dan *Trin. [p E 1652] (Duke of Suffolk) (Matr. Branden) A.B. 1635-6, Brandreth; A.M. '39 A.B. 1644 [1581 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573; S.T.B. A.B. 1593-4; A.M. (Jes.) 1597 [Brabourne] A.B. (Trin.) 1582-3, Bracebridge (?A.B. 1591-2), Bracegirdle; A.M. [1595; S.T.B. 1602 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633, Brace- [girdle; S.T.B. 1641 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 (?same as next) A.B. (Cla.) 1571-2, Bressey [Brassye] A.B. 1625-6, Bressey ; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1529-30; A.M. 1533; S.T.B. [1541 ; S.T.P. 1557 A.M. (Joh.) 1595 (in ordo) (Matr. Branthwaite) A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1597- A.B. 1631 A.M. 1602 A.M. 1635 (?A.B. 1591-2); ?A.M. 1595, Bra- [thile (?A.B. 1602-3); A.M. 1606; M.L. [1613 A.B. 1615-6; A.M: 1619 A.B. 1562-3 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. (*Em.) 1586; S.T.B. 1593 ; S.T.P. 1598 (Matr. [Branthyth) A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 [1667; S.T.P. 1681 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659; S.T.B. Succeeded his brother as Duke of Suffolk. » Master of Caius, 1607. 2 Provost of King's, 1556. 94 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Braughton i . Broughton Brawlerd, John .... Pem. s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4 Braxton, John .... A.M. 1587 (Incorp. fr. Aberdeen) Bray, Edw .... Joh. p E 1624 Geo .... Chr. f-c E 1640 — Giles .... Mag. f-c E 1629 A.B. 1631-2 — Joshua .. .... Em. p E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1665 Braye, Rich .... Pet. p M 1576 Rich .... Mag. f-c E 1628 Will .... Trin. p E 1613 A.B. (Chr.) 1616-7; A.M. 1620; Bray, Will .... [Trin. schol. E 1637] [S.T.B. 1631-2 (Z^■^ Reg.) ; S.T.P. A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 [1639: Brayne, Edw .... C. C. p M 1568 Braine, John .... Pet. s E 1604 A.B. 1608-9 I Brayne, Nath .... [C. C. 1569] . — Nath .... King's s c. 1593 A.B. (C. C.) 1596-7 ; A.M. 1600 Tho .... C. C. s M 1571 A.B. 1582-3 Brayner, Hen .... Jes. p E 1631 Braynton, John .... .... [Joh. s E 1656] A.B. 1659-60 Brean, Will .... Trin. s M 1649 Brearcliefe, Edw .... Jes. s c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1, BrierclifFe ; A.M. 1611 BrearcliiFe, John .... [Sid. s M 1599] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607, Beercliff^ Brearclife, Rich .... Pem. s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 Brearcliffe, Sam ....*Joh. s E 1641 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 Steph. . .... Joh. s E 1648 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1656 Breerclife, Will .... Jes. s M 1598 A.B. 1601-2 ; A.M. 1605 (in ordo) Breerey, Sam .... Sid. [scho . M 1651] M.B. 1657 Brearey, Will .... Sid. p E 1647 Brearley, John .... .... Chr. s E 1640 — Rog .... Mag. s E 1652 . Brieriy, Sam .... Em. s E 1624 Brearely, Will .... Mag. s E 1629 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. (*Chr.) 1635 Brecknock, Ja .... Trin. s E 1622 A.B. 1624-5 Tho .... King's s M 1650 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 Brednam, Audr. V. Lacy ■ Bredstret, W. V. Bradstreet [158S Breeden, Will .... Trin. s E 1578 A.B. (*Cla.) 1578-9, Bridon; A.M Bredon, Zacheus. (A.B. at Oxf.) ; A.M. (*Em.) 1611 Breedon, Zacheus. A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) i Breington, John .... .... Jes. s E 1641 Brelsford, Hugh . .... Em. p E 1641 [Brilsford] ■- A.B. 1587-8, Brelsford 1 - Brelsforth, Will Trin. E 1584 Breme, Mart .... C. C. f-c E 1551 A.B. 1551-2 Brende, Tho .... [Em. p E 1650] < Will .... Qu. p M 1571 . Brennynge, John .... .... Chr. p M 1569 1 Brerer, Trust.... .... Joh. p M 1562 Brerers, John .... .... Em. p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 Breres, Alex .... Joh. p E 1617 Breers, Austin . Trin. s E 1642 Breres, John .... Joh. s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 Brereton, And .... Cai. p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 (Matr. Briarton) Bryerton, Hen .... Joh. p E 1579 [Brerewood or Brerton Brereton, Hen .... Trin. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 (Mati Breerton, John .... A.B. (Mag.) 1573-4, Brereton , [A.M. (Joh.) 157' Briereton, John .... Cai. 1^ E 1589 A.B. 1592-3, Brereton ; A.M. 159( . Brereton, John .... .... Sid. p M 1598 [Braiarto John .... Joh. .... Sid. s E 1659 E 1650' Randall. — Theoph. ... King'f- p M 1637 Brierton, Tho Trin. p L 1577-8 MatHculatioiis and Degrees 1544 — 1659 95 Brereton, Tho Em. Brierton, Will [Em. Brerton Mag. Bretherton, Leigh Cai. Bretland, John [J oh. — Tho Em. — Will Em. Brett, Edw Cla. — Ferd Em. — Geo Hen Trin. Ja Cla. Ja Je.s. John Cla. John Trill. John Trin.H. Jord [Em. Nich Qu. Nich Cla. Rich Cai. Tho Chr. Tho Tho C. C. Tho C. C. Will. Qu. also Brittan Basil [Chr. Clem *Sid. Everard Pet. Geo Sid. John Joh. John Pet. John Cai. John Trin. I — John Cai. iBreton, ^John Em. Bretton, Laur *Qu. i — Rob [Em. — Rob [Qu. ' — Rob Cai. — Rob Chr. Breton, Rob [Chr. — Will *Em. — Joh. Breviter, Edw Cla. — Rich C. C. [f'. C. Brewer, Edm Chr. — Edm [Trin. — Edw [Qu. Bruar (Bonar ?), John ... Joh. Brewer, John Trin. j — John Qu. j — John Cath. Rich *Trin. Rog King's Steph Chr. Tho C. C. \% — f-c E 1587 L 1599-1600] E 1544 E 1650 (Matr. Brotherton) E 1647] E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 c. 1595 E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 M 1615 E 1607 M 1566 M 1583 E 1566 E 1606 E 1647 E 1615] E 1615 E 1634 c. 1595 c. 1591 E 1649 E 1659 E 1602 E 1647] M 1619 E 1584 1657 1574 1584 1587 1596 1615 1629-30 M 1601 L 1598-9] M 1600] E 1625 L 1645-6 E 1650] E 1618] c. 1592 M 1579 E 1640 1580] E 1614 M 1645] E 1641] c. 1595 E 1633 M 1645] M 1646 M 1581 M 1620 E 1656 E 1645 Mus.B. (Trin.) 1610 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621; S.T.P,.'28 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1598-9 A.M. 1607 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1652; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1604-5 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626; S.T.B. [1633; S.T.P. 1640 (?A.B.1589-90); A.M. 1601, Britten A.B. (Trin. H.) 1617 ; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636; S.T.P. [1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1604-5, Brittan ; A.M. 1608; [S.T.B. 1615; S.T.P. 1630 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1648-9; S.T.B. {Lit. Rt-g.) [1662; S.T.P. 1663 (Matr. Brittan) A.B.1621-2; A.M. 1625; S.T.B. '32 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1646 (Incorp. fr. St Andrews) A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1651 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1659-60 Master of Emmanuel, 1665. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 p L 1564^5 Bruer, W Joh. Brewse, Edm Chr. — John Cai. Bruester, Edw Qu. Brewster, Fra Pem. — Fra Cath. Breuster, Hen Em. Brewster, Humph. ... Joh. — Ja Joh. — John C. C. — John [Em. — , Rob Pem. — Tho Jes. — Tho Em. — Will Pet. — [King's Breydon, W Cla. Breyer, Rob Mag. Brian v. Bryan Briares (Breares), Alex. ... Chr. — Thurstan ... Chr. Brickdall, John Qu. Bryckdale, Rich Qu. Brickhead, Ja Trin. Brickley, Geo Joh. Bridell, John [Jes. Briden, Tho Cai. Brideoake, Jabez Joh. — Jonat *Joh. Bridge, And Chr. — Anth Joh. — Fra Cath. — Fra *Trin. — Hugh [Trin. — Hugh Trin. — John — John Cai. — John Qu. — Owen Chr. — Reuben Qu. — Rob [Joh. — Sam Em. — Sam Jes. Brydg, Tho Cai. Bridge, Tho Cath. — Tho Chr. — Tho Chr. — Will *Em. — Will Joh. — Trin. Bridger, Brian Joh. — Nich *King's Bridges, Brooke [Trin. — Fra Cla. — Fra [Em. — Haselfoote .. Cath. — iJohn Pet. — John C. C. f-c M p E f-c E f-c E p E s M p L p M f-c E P L EMigr. to Caius] Brus] A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1620; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1597-8, Brewster; A.M. 1601 1572 1613 1618 1618 1642 1593 1588 1582 1563-4 (Matr. Bruster) 1620] 1617 (Matr. Bruster) 1598-9 1626 1580 1587-8] 1576 1627 s M s M [p E 1591 1595 1606 1551 1631 1620 1636] 1602 1653 1651 1627 1633 1655] 1565] 1656 1654 1655 1627 1622 1656] 1627 1659 1568 1584-5 1617 1656 1619 1649 1656 1588 1646 1647] 1596 1597] 1646 1554 1595 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. 1598; A.M. 1602; S.T.B. '10 A.B. 1608-9, Brigdall ; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1657-8 A.B. 1655-6 ; A.M. 1659; S.T.B. '6< A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1658-9; A.M.1662; S.T.P.'SS [Joh. A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1664 ( A.B. (Pet.) 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1625- A.M. 1629 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. (Pem.) 1663-4; A.M. 1667 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 [Brigges] A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1652-3, Briggs; A.M. 165! A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653, Bridge (?same as next) A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 I A.B. (*Pem.) 1556-7; A.M. 1560! f [S.T.B. 1564; S.T.P. 157' A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 Bishop of Oxford, 1604. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 97 bridges, Chr. Joh. Chr. Joh. Joh. John .. Rich. .. Rob. .. Tho. .. Walt... Will. .. Will King's Will Joh. »ridgeway, Rob Jes. Jridgman, Dove Mag. ridgeman, Ed Cla. rigman, Edw King's — Geo Mag. ridgman, Ja Trin. — Ja Joh. iiridgeman, 'John Pet. Iridgman, John Pet. Nich Trin. Orlando *Mag. Rich Cla. Tho Mag. Iridgewater, - Rich *King's Iridgwater, Rich King's — Will [C. C. ridon, Hen Joh. — Jasper Pern. — Will Pern. rigdall v. also Brickdall — (Bredgdall), Hen. Qu. ;rygdall, John Jes. rigdall, Nich Joh. ligghoiise, Rob *Mug. riggs, Brian C. C. — Constantine Sid. 1— Edm Chr. — Enismus ... C. C. Fra Cai. Hen *Joh. Hen C. C. Hen Em. John John Cla. John C. C. Jos Mag. Mart Joh. ;ngs, !"ggs, fOggs, ngges Martin *Joh. ingges, Nath Rich Rich Rich Rich Rich Rich Rob Sampson Sim Iriggs, Tho. Tho. Cla. C. C. Joh. Joh. Cla. Joh. Cla. '^King's *C. C. Cai. s M 1629 E 1636 M 1562 M 1632 E 1626 M 1638 E 1655 L 1645-6 E 1625 M 1567 E 1625 E 1605 E 1586 M 1631 c. 1593 E 1625 E 1614 E 1619 E 1571 E 1602 M 1555 E 1579 1635] E 1622 E 1629 E 1623 E 1658 E 1565 :\r 1582 c. 1596 M 1572 E 1644 E 1644 c. 1593 L 1629-30 L 1577-8 [1627] M 1634 E 1615 E 1629 E 1654 M 1566 E 1588 E 1633 M 1573 L 1577- M 1581 (? Bridget) A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1638-9 A.B. A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.M. 1631 (son of Bp. of Chester) A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1633, Bridman A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 (?A.B. 1589-90) ; A.M. (C. C.) 1593 ; [S.T.B. 1600 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. (*Mag.) 1600; [S.T.P. 1612 A.B. (C. C.) 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1624 (A7. nob.) A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1563; LL.D. [1579 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1631; A.M. 1635 [Breydon] A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 158.5-6; A.M. (Cath.) 1589, A.B. 1599-1600 [Brickdall (?A.B. 1647-8); A.M. 1651 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1595-6 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1637-8 A.B. (Pet.) 1596-7 A.B. 1618-9 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1570-1 ; A.M. 1574, Brigges («A.B. 1591-2); A.M. 1595 E 1631 E 1642 E 1639 E 1631 E 1619 L 1623 4 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585) '^*Cath. A.B. 1585-6 ; A.M. 1589^ 1606 M.L. 1600 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1633-4; A.:\r. 1636 A.B. 1534-5 ; A.M. (*Pem.) 1538; [S.T.B. 1544 ; S.T.P. (*Trin.) '47 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626; S.T.B. A.B. 1628; A.M. 1632 [1634 Bishop of Chester, 1G19. Public Orator, 1573. 13 98 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 16 Tho Sid. Tho Jes. Brigges, Tho [Trin. Briggs (Bridge), Tho *Joh. — Will Cai. — Will [C. C. Brigham, Will Sid. Bright, Art Chr. — Edm *Em. — Edw Cla. — Edw *Em. — Geo *Em. — Hen Cla. — John — John Joh. — John Mag. — John Em. — Tho Joh. — Tho Em. — Tho Jes. — Tim (^•mpj ^^-^ 11 ann.)S — Tim Joh. — Titus [Em. — Walt Cai. — Will Pem. — Will [Em. — Will Em. Brightall, Hen Cai. Brightman, Tho *Qu. Brightwall, John Chr. Brihan, Jeremy Chr. Brilsford v. Brelsford Brimley?, Kich Trin. — Tho *King's Brimsell, Oliver [Cath. Brimston, Edw Joh. Brincklowe, Rob Pet. Brindle, Edw Bryndell, Owyn Qu. Bringe, Tho Bringhurst, Isaac Qu. — Sam Em. Brinley, John Chr. — Sam *Joh. Brinsley, John Em. Brinsly, Rob *Em. Brinsley, Tho Chr. Brinton, John Joh. Briose?, Tho Pem. Brisassier, de, Will Brisco, Gabriel Chr. Briscoe, Geo Joh. Brisco, John Joh. Briscoe, John Joh. — Mark Joh. — Ralph Trin.H. Brisco, Rich Sid. Bryscoe, Rob Pet. Briscoe, Rob Sid. M 1624 L 1645-( E 1647] E 1650 E 1622 M 1598] M 1569 E 1651 E 1617 M 1647 E 1651 s E 1629 p E 1610 p E 1657 p M 1659 p E 1607 p E 1621 s E 1637 s E 1561 M 1629 E 1597] E 1599] E 1579 E 1643] M 1650 E 1635 L 1577-8 E 1562 M 1638 M 1569 M 1653 1640] M 1580 M 1576 s E 1584 E 1647 M 1652 L 1580-1 E 1645 E 1615 E 1653 c. 1592 E 1656 c. 1590 M 1550 E 1577 E 1613 E 1657 M 1561 E 1640 L 1607-8 M 1565 E 1615 A.B. 1628- 59 A.M. 1632 A.B. 16.53-4 ; A.M. 1657 ; LL.D.' A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 A.B.1573-4; A.M.1577; S.T.P.'89 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657; S.T.B. [1664; S.T.P. 1671 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. (Mag.) 1603-4 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1660-1 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. (Pet.) 1624-5 A.B. 1640-1 U.B. 1567-8; M.B. 1573; M.L. ( [1575; M.D. 1578-S [M.L. 1607; M.D. 1611 A.B. (Pet.) 1600-1; A.M. 1604 (?A.B. 1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. (Chr.) 1582-3; A.M. (*Em. [1586; S.T.B. 1593 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584; S.T.B [1591-S 1 Brumley A.B. 1657 A.M. 1661, Brinley A.B. (Cath.) 1583-4 (Matr. Bru [ston A.B. (Cla.) 1586-7; A.M. (Qu.' [Bundell] [1590-] A.B. (Cla.) 1601-2 (Bing in s^ippA A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1660; S.T.P. 7fl A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1584-5, Brynsley ; A.M. If A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 16.56-7; A.M. 1660 ?Biose, Brose A.M. 1624 (On King's visit) A.B. 1553-4; A.M. (*Pem.) 155'| A.B. (Mag.) 1580-1, Bristo A.B. 1616-7 A.B. 1660-1 A.B. (? 1611-2); A.M. 1615 A.B. 1618-9: A.M. 1622 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 99 nsco, risket, riskin, jrisley, risman, ristall, ristow, ristowe, jristow, Iristowe, Tho Cla. Tho *Triu. Tho Em. Job. Chr. Lewis Trin. Grift: .. John . Mich... Mich.., Laur. . Ja Hen. . John .. Litton *Trin Rog *Trin. Trin. *King' *Trin. Em. King'; [Trin. Tho Tim Tim Will Will Tho Brytifte also Bretton Barth. .. Brian 'li jrittan (Breton), Geo. ristoe, 'ristowe, ristow, risty, ritiffe v ritan 1: Chr. Joh. Chr. Cai. Trin. Trin. s E P L s M s E p c. ^ I p E p E s p M H. [schol. p M 8 s E p M P E s E p E s E p E p E tane, tton, ttau, -"' rittiiine, ritten, ritane, 1 iritan, j jrittaine, ii;' irytton, Irittridge, Er. iroade, [-: jroad, iToadgate, roadhead, '.'jadnasc, roadway v. ' jrocbauk, Irockbanke, rocke, rock, rocke, I {rockden, I irokeu, i irockerby ' iroket, ; irocket, irockett, rokett, Qu. C. C. Gile.< Hen. John Cla. John Cai. Rich Chr. Rich Qu. Steph [Trin. Theoph Joh. s schol s Tho. Edw. . Tho. . W John . Josias Will. . Tho. . also Bradway Joh. [King Jes. Joh. , *Joh. Em. Trin. Qu. Will. John John Tho. Era. Nath. Rob. Rob. Tho. W. ... John John Edm. Edw. Era. John Trin. Joh. [Joh. Chr. Em. [C. C. Cai. C. C. Trin. [Mag. Joh. Pet. Pern. Qu. Trin. 1605 1618-! 1659 1564 1590 1559 1563 1606 1550 1583] 1618 1657 1657] 1620 1614 1632 1614 1659 1613 E 1588 E s L I I s L [s E s E p E s c. s M s E s M P L 1646 1659 1580 1634 1625 1646 1560] 1651 1577-8 1591-2] 1648 1567 1645-6 1657] 1625 1647 1592 1615 1659] 1655 1637-8 1650] 1651 1650 1578 16.59] 1616 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1662 A.B. 1566-7 ; A.M. 1570; S.T.B.'77 A.B. 1554-5 ; A.M. 1558 ; LL.D.'69 LL.B. 1588 [Birstall] A.B. (Chr.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. (Mag.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. (Trin.) 1603-4; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1616-7 A.B. 1592-3 A.B. (Cath.) 1585-6 A.M. 1625 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1649 [Bretton] A.B. 1662-3 1581 1576 1658 1554 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653; S.T.B. A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1631-2 [Brodnix] A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1658-9, Brookbank; A.M. '65 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. (*Pet.) 1645; [M.D. 1653 A.B. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) (?Adm. Cai. 1651) (Migr. to Caius) (?A.B. ); A.M. (Trin.) 1595, A.B. 1585-6 [in ordo A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 100 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Brocket, John [Pet. Broket, John Sid. Brockett, John Chr. Brocket, Nich Joh. Brokitt(?), Rob Trin. Brockett, Will Trin. Brockhall, Adam Joh. Brockhil, John Joh. Brockhill, Tho Joh. Brockhull, Tho Brockhurst, Edw Brokelbancke, Rob J oh . Brooklesban, Tho Pet. Broklesbye, Edw *King's — John [King's Brocklesby, Rich Sid. Broklehurst, John [C. C. — W Joh. Brochmann, John (Son of Abp. of Brockman, Zouch v. Brookman Brock well, John Era. Brodbelt, Will Joh. Brodbent, Chris Trin. Brode, John Pet. Brodehurst, Rog Cla. — Tho Cla. Broderick, Fra. v. Brothericke Brodgate, John Chr. Brodie, Jos — [Cath. Brodley, John Joh. Brodly, Matth Em. Brodley, Rob — Sam [Em. — Tim Trin. Brodnar, Tho Mag. — Will Mag. Brodnix, Tho. v. Broadnasc Brodock, Alex Chr, Brodocke, Hen Gonv. H Brodock Chr. Brodrib, Will. r. P.n.tlieribb Brogdon, Tho Trin. Brogden, Will Trin. Brograve, Edw Sid. — Edw Cath. Brodwaye v. Bradwey Brograve, John Joh. — John Joh. Browgrave, John Sid. Brograve, John Cai. — Sim [Cai. — [Cath. Bromebie, Gerrard Mag. Bromegrave, Walt Trin. Bromfield v. also Bramfield Brumfield, (Edw.) Jes. Bromefield, Ja Mag. Bromfeild, John Pem. — John Pem. Brumfyld, Tho Qu. p L 1617-8] IB fc M 1619] A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 In E 1634 |» p L 1577-8 Jn 1595 <»« s M 1638 [Scholar, 1641] || *a s M 1618 hi s E 1651 - s E 1635 A.B. A.B. 1638-9 (Joh.) 1619-20 m A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ' p M 1569 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 - p M 1587 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 * p E 1544 A.B. 1546-7; A.M. 1550 • f-c M 1552] ' 8 M 1652 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 * 1637] A.B. (Jes.) 1641-2 lul S M 1588 kB Zealand) A.M. 1642 ki s M 1633 M.B. 1640 ki (s) c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 » M 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. (Chr.) 1634 - p L 1564-5 [(Matr. Bredberet) p L 1579-80 s L 1579-80 A.B. (C. C.) 1582-3 ffli s M1582 A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Aberdeen^ - P 1631] ifc p E 1578 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 p E 1602 E 1629] A.B. A.B. (Cla.) 1605-6; A.M. 1610 [BroadW (Cla.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612' m s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 p M 1615 p M 1615 \ p E 1553 . s M 1554 [*Trin. H. 1564] p E 1544 s M1568 A.B. 1572-3, Brogden s M 1573 p E 1622 p E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 p M 1554 p c. 1592 f-c E 1613 A.B. 1614-5 p E 1621 A.]i. 1623-4 f-c M 1589' 1654' c. 1593 I* s A.B. 1597-8, Brumbie s E 1621 A.B. (?) ; A.M. 1627, Bromsgro\ f-c M 1654 s M 1618 A.B. 1622-3 f-c M 1623 p E 1623 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 s E 1562 A.B. 1565-6, Bromfyld , i Matriculations and Degrees itru — 1<>59 101 Jromfeild, Tho Jes. Jromfyld, Will Triu. Jromefyld C. C. Jrumfelde [Trin. Jromehall, John v. Branihall Jromehedge, Abr Pet. Jromhead, Hen C C. John Cla. John [Qu. Jromley, Art C'hr. — Geo Joh. — Hen. *Chr. Jrumley, Lewin Pet. Jromley, Lewis [Qu. — Tho Qu. Jromely, Tho Pern. |iromley, Will. v. Brownley iiromsall, John Joh. — Tho [Qu. iromsgrove, Walt Chr. irumsgrove, Will Chr. iromskill, Geo Mag. — John Mag. OUver Chr. Sam Chr. Jromsted, John Pet. Eob. {imp.).. Pet. Will Pet. Will *King'.s iromston, Anth Joh. John Je«. Jromwell, Ja *Mag. Ja Em. Jrommell, Ja Em. iromwell, Leon Em. Rich *Trin. Sam [Em. 3ron, Cha. de Jrond, Jos Joh. ironwin, Brice (Matr.J p Brown\vin)J Jrooke, Alein Trin. H. 3rook, And Joh. 3rooke, Barn [Em. I — Edm Chr. : — Edw Em. I — Edw j — Edw. {sen.).. Cath. — Edw. Ijun.). Cath. — Era Sid. irowke, Gabr Joh. Jroke, Geo Joh. 3rooke, Geo Cla. — (iei) King's — Geo C. C. — Geo [C. C. — Hen King's — Humph. ... Sid. — Isaac Cai. Brucke, Ja Joh. |3rooke, Ja *Cai. I — Ja Mag. p E 1655 p L 1557-8 A.B. 1561-2 s E 1544 [Bramfeld] f-c in 1560?! E 1609 M 1602 E 1640 E 1657] E 1614 L 1582-3 E 1575 E 1587 1594] E 1584 E 1611 A.B. 1612-3, Bromydge; A.M. '16 A.B. 1605- A.M. 1609 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 (Matr. [Brownley) A.B. 1586-7 {fil. nob.) A.B. 1661-2; A.M. [Brownsgrave] A.B. (Chr.) 1656-7 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1665 1664 1619 [schol. 1566 1658-9] 1658 1644 1652] 1657 1612 1657 1553 1553 1553 1561] A.B. 1565-6 ; A.M. 1569, Brumsted 1567 1593 1567 1603 1647 1639 1566 1647] ? Brounston A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1606-7 ; A.M. 1610, Brommel A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654, Bromwell A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1574 f-c E 1652 A.M. 1624 (On King's visit) (Matr. Brand) s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 p M 1568 f-c M 1587 p E 1633] s E 1581 s E 15^ A.B. (Trin.) 1586- A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1646-7; A.M.. 1650 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. (King's) 1611, [Brookes M 1642 E 1643] M 1604] E 1580 L 1557-8 M 1572 E 1580 A.U. 1586 ( fiJ. nob.) (Matr. Bronke) E 1614 1641] L 1579-80 [Brookes] E 1649 E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 E 1577 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584, Brooke E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624; S.T.B E 1623 [1631 {LU. Reg.) 102 Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 1597] M 1620 M 1637 E 1584 c. 1592 M 1619 E 1549 M 1552 Broke, John Trin [seho Brooke, John Pern. s Broke, John Trin. s Brooke, John Joh. s — John Em. p — John [Qu. p Broke, John Em. p Brooke, John Chr. p Broke, John King's s Brooke, John Pet. p — John [Pem. — John Trin. s — John *Sid. s — Lewis [Qu. p Broke, Marm Trin s Brooke, Maximilian . King's f-c — Nich Joh. p Brookes, Rich Qu. f-c Brooke, Rob Trin. s — Rob Em. f-c — Rob Qu. [p E — Rob Rob Qu. f-c — Rob — Rob., Lord Beauchamp — Rob Cath. f-c — Sam Joh. p — ^Sam Trin. p — Steph Pem. p Broke, Tho. (mp.).. Gonv.H. f-c Brooke, Tho Jes. p — Tho — 2Tho Cla. s E 1577 — Tho [Qu. p E 1606' — Tho Chr. s E 1607" — Tho Cai. p E 1610 — Tho Sid. p L 1650 Broke, W Cla. p M 1562 Brooke, W Chr. p M 1569 — Will *King's p M 1572 — Will King's f-c L 1579- — Will Joh. f-c E 1616 — Will Cath. p E 1649 — (imp. 10 ann.) Jes. p M 1552 — (?Sam. Brookes) — [King's f-c M 1611 — [Cath. f-c E 1653; Brookeleach, Rich Brookles, John Cath. s Brookeman, Cha Gonv. H. p — Hen Cla. p — Tho Gonv.H. p Brookman, Zouch C. C. f-c Brookes, Basell Jes. f-c Brooks, Edw Cath. p Brookes, Giles C. C. s — Humph. ... Em. p — Ja *Mag. p — Joyner Jes. p — John Chr. s 1 Master of Trinity, 1629. . 1547] A.B. 1553-4 ?*Trin. E 1568 E 1577 M 1580 E 1588 L 1589-90] \ E 1609 M 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 M 1611 A.B. 1615-6, Brooke; A.M. 1619, i E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 ; A.M. 1625 [Brookes 1619] (Migr. to Trin. H.) E 1633 E 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 E 1605] 1598 A.B. (Cath.) 1600-1, Brooke E 1577 [Brookes] E 1554 E 1587 E 1586 E 1588 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604, Roger A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1629 (?A.B. 1594-5) ; A.M. 1598 ; S.T.B. [1607; S.T.P. 1615 S.T.B. 1561 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. (Trin.) 1613-4; A.M. 161^ 1 [Brookes] [(*C. C. 1618)| A.B. 1576-7, Brookes 80 [Brookes] S.T.B. (Jes.) 1595 (in ordo) A.B. (Trin. H.) 1606-7 E 1606 <^ E 1544 I M 1587 1 E 1544 1 E 1639 1 E 1576 1 E 1645 (? Brooke ji««. above) E 1631 [Brooke] E 1613 M 1654 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 M 1633 [Brooke] ' L 1581-2 2 -Rami A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 WcK TJpdpll. ^^9\^. T.ihrftrian. 162.S. Jrookes, Jrokes, Jrookes, Jrooks, Jrookes, Irooks, rookes MatiHciilations aiul Degrees 1544 — 1659 103 John [Qu. John Pem. John Pet. John Qu. Jos *King's ? Levis Rich. Rob. Rob. Rob. Sam. Sam. The. Tho. Tho. Tho. Tho. Will. Will. Win. Will. Irooks, irookes, Irooks, [Irookes, Irooks, irookes rookebank, John irookesbanke, Abr Cla •rookesbancke, John Cla 'hi . Qu. Trin. . Trin. . Trin. *Cath. . Jes. Em. Chr. . Chr. Jes. Trin. Qu. Joh. Sid. [Trin. Masr. rokesby, rouksbye, roome, rome, roome, rome, roome. Fra. ... John ... Edm. ... Edm. ... Fra. ... Henson John ... Phil. ... , *Trin. Chr. . C. C. . [Joh. . Joh. Trin. Trin. [Pem. rome, roome, toom 'rnfViPin Rob. Tho. Tho. m rotheribb, rothericke, i-otherick, ron,-h. 1 ' i\vg;lio, Jl, '.Ljham, rowghton, jroiighton, j-owghton, "Uijjhton, oughtone, ■oughton, Will. , Fra. Rich. Edw. Fra. John Will. . Tho. . Alan , Ambr. Andr.. Edw. Fra. . Hugh . John . Mar. . Pet. . Rich. . Rich. . Rob. . Rob. . Cla. Trin. C. C. [Em. C. C. Qu. Chr. [c.c. Trm. Mag. Chr. [Joh. Joh. Chr. Pem. Poughton Qu. [Pem. Pem. [Pem. Pem. Em. Pem. Trin. E ir,87] c. L')91 E IfilO M lfi24 E 1631 E 1552 E 1617 E 1579 E 1598 E 1605 E 1627 E 1657 E 1625 E 1632 E 1652 E 1653 L 1593-4 E 1617 M 1619 E 1623 1589] c. 1593 E 1650 M 1653 M 1652 E 1565 M 1625 E 1658] M 1586 E 1629 E 1577 16311 [Brook] (?A.B. 1594-5); A.M. (Cla.) 1598 A.B. 1613-4, Brooke; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631, Brooke A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 [Brook] A.B. 1582-3, Brooke ; ?S.T.B. 1595 A.B. 1609 A.B. 1630-1, Brooke; A.M. 1634 A.B. (Joh.) 1600-1 ; ?A.M. (Trin.) [1604 [John Brooke] A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 [Brook] A.B. 1622-3, Brooke A.B. 1653-4; A.M. (*Chr.) 1657 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1655-6 ; A.M. 1659 ; S.T.B.'66 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 [1584; S.T.B. 1591 A.B. (*C. C.) 1580-1, Browne ; A.M. A.B. (Trin.) 1635-6; A.M. 1639; [LL.D. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1582-3, Broome ; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1628-9, Brome; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1658 (Matr. [Browne) A.B. 1620-1, Brodrib; A.M. 1624 A.B. (C. C.) 1610 [Braderick] A.B. 1616-7 E 1579 M 1626 E 1647 E 1632] E 1618 E 1606 E 1613 1623] L 1557-8 M 1555 E 1613 E 1637] L 1579-80 E 1610 L 1653-4 (Matr. Braughton) A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620; S.T.B. [1627; S.T.P. 1636 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587, Alban E 1561 1658] E 1544 1646] E 1577 E 1624 M 1567 M 1602 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1568 A.B. (Mag.) 1569-70 (*Joh. 1570) ; [A.M. (*Chr.) 1573, 'Henry' A.B. (Joh.) 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. (Cath.) 1571-2 Dean of Gloucester, 16-14. 104 Broughti Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Browne, Brown, Browne, Broune, Browen, on, Tho Jes. Tho Chr. Tho Pern. Tho Chr. Tho *Joh. Will Trin. [Qu. Adam Chr. Ambr Jes. Anth. {imp.) Qu. Anth. {sen.) Pem. Anth. {jim.) Pem. Anth Cla. Benj Chr. Benj Joh. Cha Pet. Chris Chris Trin. Chris Sid. Chris [Sid. Clem Trin. Edm C. C. Edm Joh. Edm Em. Edm Joh. Edw Pem. Edw Joh. Edw Chr. Edw Jes. Edw King's Edw Edw Trin. Edw. {imp.) Em. Ferd [Em. Era Chr. Era Cla. Era Chr. Era Mag. Era Mag. Galen Trin. Geo Jes. Geo Qu. Geo Pem. Geo Em. Hen Trin. Hen Joh. Hen *King'.- Hen Joh. Hugh Pem. Hugh Trin. Ja Cai. Ja Em. Job John {imp.) Pet. John Joh. John Cla. John *King't John C. C. John C. C. John Joh. John *Pem. p M 1575 Iro p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 ¥ s E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 [Brawton) ¥ s E 1652 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 (Matr. 1 - Is L 1654-51 A.B. 1658-9 ;A.M. 1662; S.T.B. '69 ¥ s E 1658 '10 f-c E 1569] ' f-c E 1640 h« f-c E 1606 W s E 1546 ' f-c M 1580 ' f-c M 1580 - s c. 1591 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 ' p c. 1590 - s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 p M 1559 A.B. 1564-5 A.B. 1535-6; A.M. 1539; S.T.B.I s L 1580-1 [(*Joh.) 1549tl|* s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 » f-c E 1634] - s M 1560 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. (Qu.) 1568 p c. 1593 A.B 1596-7 p M 1611 'i s E 1624 ;."; ta, p M 1658 to p M 1567 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 - p E 1579 - p c. 1591 - p E 1608 - s p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1642-3 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) p M 1657 M.B. 1663 p E 1658 p E 1590] p M 1564 f-c E 1576 . p c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1603 . f-c c. 1595 . s E 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 . [schol E 1602] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 p M 1552 E 1563 s M 1582 A.B. (Cath.) 1585-6; A.M. 1590-]i p c. 1592 s E 1639 [p E 1640] A.B. 1644-5 * p L 1650-1 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 p M 1651 A.B. 1654-5 p M 1583 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 s E 1584 [schol. Trin. H. 1587] s E 1616 A.B. 1619 p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. (Joh.) 1582-3 s E 1545 p M 1562 p M 1562 5 p M 1564 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 j p M 1566 1 [1570] A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 I; s E 1573 s E 1577 A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 j Matriculations and Degrees 1544- )o9 105 rowne, John ... Cai. f-c L 1577-^ rown, John AM 1583 ('Incorn fr Oyf) rowne, John '.". Trin. X K 1082 A.B. 1585-6 — John ... Joh. 1' M 158B [Migr. to Caius] rown, John ...*CHi. P c. ir)94 A.B. 1.597-8; A.M. 1601 rowne, John ... Chr. 1> c. ] r)9f ) A.]?. 1599-1600 — John A.B. (Pot.) 1604-5 rouue, John '.'. Trin. f-c E 1606 rowne, John ... Trin. s M 1610 A.B. 1613-4; ?A.M. (Pet.) 1619 — John ... Em. p E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1620 — John ... Qu. p M 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — John ... Qu. V E 1615 A.B. 1618-9 — John ... Chr. P E 1616 A.B. 1622-3 — John ... Sid. P M 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 — John ... Joh. P E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 John A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 John '.'. Chr. s E 1622 rown. John .. Chr. s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.xM.' 1632 rowne. John .. Em. p E 1628 — John .. Cai. p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 — John .. Sid. s L 1634-5 — John .. Chr. p E 1636 — John .. Qu. p E 1637 rown, John .. Em. p E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; M.D. 1657 rowne, John .. Chr. s E 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 John .. Cai. s E 1647 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1655 — John .. [Pet. p E 1648] — John .. Qu. s E 1651 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 — John .. Qu. s E 1653 A.B. 1656-7 — John Jcs. f-c E 1657 — John (?the above) M.B. (Jes.) 1658 ; M.D. 1669 — John .. Em. P E 1658 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 — John .. Joh. f-c E 1659 — Jonas .. Cai. s E 1623 — Jos .. Qu. p E 1579 A.B. 1582-3 — Jos .. Chr. s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 — Jos .. Sid. p E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 — Jos .. Em. s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 — Jos .. Chr. p E 1631 — Jos .. Jes. s E 1639 A.B. 1645 — Lane .. Joh. p E 1559 A.B. 1562-3 ('Charles'); A.M. [1566; M.L. (*Pem.) 1570; M.D. — Marm .. Joh. s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7, Browen [1576 — Mathias.... .. Em. p M 1642 — Matth .. Pet. p c. 1592 — Matth ..*Em. s E 1658 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 — Main- .. Pem. p E 1569 — Nath .. Qu. p E 1619 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 4625 — Nath .. Em. p E 1626 — Nich ..*Trin. M 1554 A.B. 1558-9 ; A.M. 1562 ; S.T.B.'69 — Nich .. Joh. s E 1568 A.B. 1571-2 — Nich .. Cla. .. Joh. f-c p M 1579 M 1589 Nich — Nich .. Cai. s E 1603 A.B. 1606-7 ; A.M. 1610; M.D. '25 — Nich .. Pem. s L 1607-8 A.B. (*C. C.) 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 — Nich .. Mag. p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 — Paul .. Pet. p L 1580-1 — Peregrine . .. CO. [1594] A.B. 1595-6 — Pet .. Pet. s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 — Pet .. Qu. p E 1646 — Phil .. Cla. p M 1571 14 ]06 Browne, Brown, Browne, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Brown, Browne, Phil Cai. Rich Cla. Rich Joh. Rich Cath. Rich Joh. Rich Chr. Rich Qu. Rich Jes. Rich Trin. Riches [C. C. Rob Joh. Rob Trin. Rob C. C. Rob Cla. Rob Chr. Rob Chr. Rob Em. Rob Cath. Rob Joh. Rob. Cai. Rob. {jun.) Cai. Rob Cai. Rob Cai. Rob Em. Rodolph ... Trin. Rog *King's Sam [Qu. Sam Joh. Sam Jes. Sam Em. Sam [Em. Steph Joh. Steven Chr. Tho Joh. Tho *King's Tho Chr. Tho Qu. Tho Pet. Tho Joh. Tho Pem. Tho *King's Tho C. C. Tho C. C. Tho [Cai. Tho Fern. Tho *King's Tho Tho Cla. Tho Trin. Tho Tho Cla. Tho [Cai. Tho Tho Chr. Tho Trin. Tho Trin. Tho Trin.H. Tho Cai. Tho Em. Tho Pet. Tho Chr. M 1618 E 1553 E 1568 M 1568 E 1574 E 1582 M 1582 E 1634 E 1640 1659] E 1565 E 1566 [1570J E 1579 E 1586) c. 1595^ E 1614 E 1628 E 1631 E 1634 E 1634 E 1636 M 1640 E 1651 E 1635 M 1556 L 1613-4] E 1636 E 1645 M 1649 E 1650] E 1645 E 1604 M 1547 M 1550 E 1559 M 1561 M 1564 E 1566 M 1568 M 1569 E 1575 E 1578 E 1594] c. 1596 L 1597-8 M 1598 E 1609 M 1614 E 1616 E 1622] E 1625 E 1629 E 1629) E 1629); E 1634 E 1634 E 1637 M 1651 A.B. 1578-9 A.B. 1584-5 A.B. (C. C.) 1585- A.B. 1637-8 A.B. 1645-6 A.B. 1572-3 ?A.B. ; A.M. 1600? A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. (Chr.) 1631-2 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1637-8 I A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1654; A.M. 1667 A.B. 1560-1 ; A.M. 1564; S.T.B.'70 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1554-5 ; A.M. 1558 ; S.T.B.'65 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. (Pem.) L [LL.D. 157J A.B. 1570-1 A.B. 1569-70 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1606 A.B. (Joh.) 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.M. 1619 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1619-20 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1625 ; LL.D. 16»| A.B. 1632 ?A.P,. (Joh.) 1631-2 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1654-5 Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 107 Jrovvne, Jroune, Jrowne, Tho Tho Tho Valentine ... Valentiniaii Valentine ... Valentine . . . Walt W w w Will wmi.] Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will. ... Will. ... Will. ... Wiston Jes. Joh. Cai. Trin. (.'la. Joh. Mag. Pet. Joh. Pern. [Qii. Qu. C. C. Pern. Joh. Trin f-c C'hr. s *King'is p Em. p Trin. s Chr. p Trin.H. s [Je.s. p Sid. [.schol, Trin. s John Rob Will Will Benj , Edni Geo Hor. [Hartins] John [Trin. V Joh. s Chr. P "C. C. f-c C. C. c. c. Trill. f-c Trin. f-c Joh. ? King's f-c Trin. p Pet. p Joh. s Joh. s Trin. s Cath. p Chr. s Trin. p Trin. V *Trin. Pet. Browning, Jolm Pern. Srounnyng, liog Trin. Jrunning, Sam *Cath. Browning, Tho Peni. — Tho Sid. — Walt King'h — Will C. C. jrownley, lien. v. Bromley h'owndley, W Chr. — Will Chr. E 1658 E 1659 E 1659 E 1570 M 1581 E 1598 M 1635 M 1559 M 1575 E 1584 E 1578] E 1581 [1579] M 1546 E 1575 E 1579 E 1604 M 1608 E 1612 M 1616 E 1618 E 1629 E 1632] E 1642] E 1646 E 1655] E 1544 E 1544 1544 1557' 1567" 1569" 1580' c. 1594" 1600-1 E 1655] M 1656 c. 1597 E 1605 E 1619 M 1644 M 1656 M 1623 E 1658 M 1558 p M 1610 p E 1613 p M 1569 p E 1652 s E 1632 p E 1635 .s E 1623 p M 1625 p M 1566 s E 1615 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664; LL.D. [1673 S.T.B. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.> ?same as next A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. (Em.) 1604-5 (A.B. 1612-3); A.M. 1616 A.B. 1620-1 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 LL.B. 1637 A.B. 1645 A.B. 1658 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1609 A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1644-5, Bruiming; A.M. [(*Jes.) 1648 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1562-3 ; A.M. 1566 ; S.T.B. '77 S.T.P. 1582 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1613-4; A.M. (*Je.s.) 1617; [S.T.B. 1624 A.B. 1616; A.M. 1620 A.B. (*Cai.) 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659; S.T.B. '67 A.B. 1635 6; A.M. 1639; S.T.P. [166U {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1638-9, Brmming ; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 ?A.B. (Cla.) 1570-1, Bromley A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 108 MatiHcidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Brownlow, Benj Em. p E 1658 — Rich [Sid. f-c M 1645] Brownelow, Theod Joh. p M 1653 Brownlow, Will [Sid. f-c E 1650] Brownrigg, Hen C. C. p M 1582 Brownrygge, John Trin. s M 1569 Brownrigg, Matth Pem. p E 1613 Brownrig, Matth (?the above) Brownrigg, Oswald Cai. s M 15S5 — 1 Ralph *Pem. p E 16g7" Brownerigg, Rob Cath. p lVrT642 Brownrigg, Rob Cath. s M 1644 Brounsen, Dav Sid. s E 1651 Brownsmith, And Brownsworth, Will Em. p M 1645 Broxholme, Rob Joh. s E 1626 — Will *Joh. s E 1626 — Will Jes. p M 1639 Broxopp, John Em. s E 1613 Broxup, John Em. p E 1657 Broyton, Tho Joh. s E 1655 Bruce, Edw. v. Bruse — Ja Em. p E 1602 — John [Em. p E 1639] Bruche, Rich Joh. p E 1579 Brudenell, Paul Cla. p M 1585 Brudnall, Edm Sid. p E 1633 Brudnell, Edm C. C. s M 1544 — John Cai. f-c L 1598-9 — Tho C. C. s M 1544 — Tho Cai. f-c c. 1593 Brudnel, Tho Sid. p M 1602 Brudnell, Will Cai. f-c L 1598-9 Bruine?, Rich Chr. s E 1581 Bruen, Sam Em. p M 1642 Brewen, Sam (?the above) Brumbye, Tho Mag. s E 1562 Brumer, Alex. v. Blewmare Brumston, Edw. v. Brimston Brundish, Rob Pet. p c 1593 — Tho Em. p E 1633 Brundreth, Hugh — Tho [Em. s M 1599] Brunning, Benj. v. Browning Brunsell, John Sid. [L 1634-5] — Ohver Trin.H. p M 1640 — Oliver Brunson, John Sid. s E 1637 Brunts, Gervase Chr. p E 1610 — Griffin — Rowl Chr. p E 1627 Bruse, '^Y.(\vi Bruskell, Seb Trin.H. p M 1552 Brust, John Chr. p M 1589 Bruster v. Brewster Bruton, Geo C. C. s E 1624 — Jeremias ... Km. s E 1634 Bruxbye, Tho Trin. p E 1551 1 Master of St Catharine's, 1G35; Bisli 2 Son of Lord Dorchester. A.B. 1655-6; M.B. 1658 A.B. 1585-6 (Matr. Bromridge) A.B. 1616 (Matr. Brunrig) A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Franeker);] A.B. 1588-9 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614; S.T.B. ; [1621; S.T.P. 1627 1 A.B. (Cath.) 1585-6 A.B. 1645-6, Brownsword; A.M.' A.B. 1629-30 [1€ A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633; S.T.B. [1640a A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1667 A.B. 1605-6 (? A.B. 1589-90); A.M. (Chr.) 1593: [Brudenell] [*Mag. 1597 Brunie 1 A.M. 1651 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 (Matr! [Brandish i ?A.B. ; A.M. (*Em.) 1608 (A.B. at Oxf.); A.M. 1642 M.B. 1658 (?the above) A.B. 1640-1, Bround.son A.B. (Cla.) 1613 4, Brunt A.B. (King's) 1613-4, Bruunes [A.M. 161 A.M. 1612 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 op of Exeter, 1641. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 109 Jryan, Beni [C. C. [Pet. 1654' E 1652' — Cha s — Ge Jes. s E 1544 — Geo Joh. s E 1577 Jriann, Geo King's s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 [(George) Jrian, Jarvis . *Em. p E 1640 A.B. 1643-4, Gerv. ; A.M. 1647 Jryan, John .... [Qn. p E 1604] [1645; S.T.P. 1651 — John .... Em. s E 1620 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1632; S.T.B. Jrian, John .... Qu. s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1642 5ryan, John A.B. ; A.M. (Em.) 1638 John .... !'.!!! Pet. p M 1644 A.B. 1647; A.M. 1651 — John .... *King's p E 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 — John .,.. Pet. p E 1655 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 John .... C. C. s E 1657 Wan, Nath Pet. ll M 1645 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 iryan. Wan, Noah.... Pet. E 1650' A.B. 1653; A.M. 1657 OUver . Qu. s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 fryan, Rich *Qu. s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631; S.T.B. [1640 (Matr. Bryar) A.B. 1634 5 [Adm. Sid. E 1631] Wan, Sam Trin. s E 1632 Jryan, Sam *Pet. [p E 1648] A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 — Tho Cla. s E 1577 — Tho [Qu. f-c E 1604] Jriant (Bi-ian), Tho. . Cla. p E 1622 A.B. 1624-5 ; A.M. 1629; M.L. '29 Jrian, Tho Cla. s E 1627 A.B. 1630 1 Jryan, Tho King's f-c E 1646 Irian, Tho Trin. s E 1658 A.B. 1658-9 — Will Trin. [« E 1648] A.B. 1651-2 Jryan, Will Cai. s M 1657 Jryce, Ince, Bern Gonv-.H s s M 1556 E 1575 Chri.s Cai. — Nich Jes. s M 1578 Jryse, Jrice, Will Mich. Ho p M 1546 [schol. 1620] Will *King's (A.B. 1623-4); A.M. 1627 Jryant, .rynckhurs Walt Joh. s M 1588 t, Hugh . .... Pern. P L 1563-4 irynckley, Steph. . .... Joh. P M 1562 LL.B. 1570 ;, John .... .... Chr. P E 1561 ■I'vtittig, Rob M.L. 1560 — Sim '.'.'.'.'. Cai. p E 1642 .lytifte, Tho Cai. s M 1571 jiubwyth. Rich .... Joh. p M 1579 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 Hibwith, Sam loh. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 •ubvvythe. Tho Cla. M 1571 ;ub\vith. W Joh. s c. 1591 f.ubwyth, Will Pern. p M 1555 iiicer. 1 Martin . S.T.P. 1550 ;uchanan, Ja '.'.'.'. [Sid. p E 1655] A.M. 1655 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) •ucher, Hugh V. Butcher iucke, Beni .... Joh. p c. 1596 Mick, Edrn .... Em. p E 1612 Urko, Ja .... Em. s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7 ; A.M. 1620 ; S.T.B. '28 John .... c. (;. p M 1569 '•^John .... Mag. s E 1615 A.B. (Cath.) 1617-8; A.M. 1622 .. ki', John .. Cath. p p p M 1624 E 1634 E 1636 John Chr. A.B. (C. C.) 1637-8; A.M. 1641 John .... .... Cath. A.B. 1638-9 urk, John .... .... Pern. f-c E 1641 John .... *Mag. p E 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 ' llegius Professor of Divinity, 1550. Esquire Bedell, 1636. 110 Matricnlations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Buck, Martin [Qu. — Nath Sid. Bucke, Nich C. C. Buck, Olivius [Qu. — Peregrine ... Em. Bucke, Peregi-ine ... Jes. Buck, Pet C. C. — Pet Sid. — Rich [Cai. Bucke, Rob Cath. — Rob Mag. Buck, Rog Jes. — Sam Trin.H. Bucke, Sam Chr. Buck, Boucke, Simon Chr. Bucke, Simon Mag. — Tho. {imp.).. Jes. — Tho C. C. — iTho Jes. Buck, Tho Cath. — Tho Cath. Bucke, W Job. — Will *Trin. Buckbury, John C. C. Buckberye, Rob Trin. Buckberry, Tho Buckby, Will *Qu. — Will Qu. Buckenham, Anth Em. Bucknam, Anth *Pem. Buckenham, Clere Cai. Bucknham, Edm Qu. Buckenham, Edm Bokenham, Hen Em. — Hen Em. Buckenham, Hen Cai. Bucknam, John Gonv.H Buckenham, John Cai. Bucknam, John Cai. — John Em. Buckenham, Reg *Cai. Bucknam, Rich *Pem. — Rich Chr. Buckenham, Tho Cla. — Tho *Cai. — Tho *Sid. [fr Bokenham, Walsingham [Em. Buckenham, Will Chr. Bucknham, Will Em. Buckenham, Will Gonv.H. Bokenham, Will Em. Buckenham, Wi.seman ... Em, Buckeridge, John Buckhurst, Tho Buckingham, Geo. Duke of Buckingshaw, John Em. Buckland, Rob p s M 1646] E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 V E 1555 P P L 1608-9 E 1612 P M 1640 P E 1631 A.B. 1633-4 p E 1656 p E 1600] E 1632 A.B. 1635-6 p E 1647 s E 1548 V E 1647 A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654 1> E 1650 [S.T.B. 1570 s E 1558 A.B. (*Pem.) 1561-2; A.M. 1565; s s E 1626 M 1546 A.B. 1629-30, Boucke p E 1583 p E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. (*Cath.) 1616 p E 1617 A.B. (Cai.) 1620-1 p E 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 s M 1566 p E 1567 A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1574 s E 1613 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 s M 1571 p E 1610 A.B. (Job.) 1569-70 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616; S.T.P.'23 p E 1651 ]) E 1591 (Matr. Bokenham) p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7, Bokenham; A.M. '40 p E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 p E 1567 A.M 1615 (On King's visit) p E 1591 f-c E 1644 p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 p E 1550 p L 1580-1 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 s E 1639 s p M 1655 E 1634 A.B. 1658-9, Bokenham ; A.M. '62 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 p E 1584 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590-1 ; S.T.B. [1599; S.T.P. 1615 p E 1626 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 (]\[atr. p p E 1576 E 1629 A.B. [Buckman) 1632-3; A.M. 1636; M.I). '46 Ox f. L 1644-5 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 p p M 1646] E 1583 A.B. 1586-7, Buckman p E 1588 s E 1544 p E 1647 (? Migr. to Caius, 1648) f-c E 1618 E 165"; A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1571 A.M. 1641-2 [Burtinshaw] A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Esquire Bedell, 1624. Matriculations ami Degrees 1544 — 1659 111 n.t|; s p p Buckland, Rob Cai. p E 1629 Buckle, Chris [Joh. f-c M 1648] Buckell, Geo Joh. s L 1564-5 — [Cath. p E 1645] Buckley v. also Bulkley — Abr Bukley, Cha Joh. Buckley, Edw *Joh . — Geo — John — John Joh. p M 1631 — John — John Pem. — Jonah Trin. — Mich Cla. — (Bulkeley), Miles *Joh. — Nath Em. — Paul *Qu. Buckleye, Rich Triu. Buckley, Rich Pern. — Ro Jes. — Rob Em. — Rowland ... Mag. — Tho *Joh. — Tho Chr. — Tho Chr. — Tho Trin. — Will *King^ — Will Mag. — Will Chr. — Will Em. — Will Triu. [«^i-- Will Qu. Tho Rowland ... Qu. Will Chr. Art Trin. Anth [Pet. Everard Triu. Everard Trin. Rich Trin. iTheoph *Trin. Tho Trin. Will Trm. Dav Cai. Abyel Mag. Geo *Joh. Hen Joh. John Joh. Zach C. C. tigen, John Cla. John Triu. — John *Trin. Will *Trin. John Trin. Tho. V. Beverdsell Theoph Joh. s E 1605 Anth Joh. p M 1565 P f-c E p M schol. s E p E p M f-c M f-c E p c p E p E [.schol. E p E [schol. E [P L •s E M E L E E E M M E P 1641 1555 1657 1641 1601 1 548 1606 1600- 1552 1587 1544 1597 1562 1602 1575 1592 1629- 1537] 1567 1579 1631 1656 1562] 1631 1658 1555 1631 1653] 1591 1616 1633 1596] 16.^ 1602] 1629- 1605 1584 1615 1620- 1602 1621 1642 1654 1656 1646 A.B. 1632-3, Bugland A.M. 1604 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) [1569; S.T.P. 1578, Bulkley A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1563; S.T.B. A.B. (Mag.) 1574-5 A.B. (Joh.) 1608-9; A.M. 1613 A.M. (Sid.) 1636 (A.B. at Oxf.) A.B. 1659 A.B. 1551-2; A.M. 1555 M.L. 1616 1] A.B. 1604-5, Bulkeley ; A.:M. 1608, [Buck by A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610; S.T.B. '17 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1600 30 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637, Bulkely A.B. 1541-2; A.M. 1545 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. (Em.) 1586 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 ? Rowland above A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601; S.T.B. [1609; S.T.P. 1613 A.B. 1603-4 [fr. Oxf.) 30] LL.B. 1635; LL.D. 1662 (Incorp. A.B.(Chr.)1608-9, Buddie; A.M.'12 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 ; S.T.B. '98 A.B. 1617-8 1 A.B. 1623-4 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658; M.D.'71 A.B. 1656-7, Budgen ; A.M. 1660 Bishop of Promore, 1613. 112 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Anth Qu. — Nath Qu. Bug, Natli Joh. Bugge, Will Qu. Buggin, Bowes Pet. Buggyii, Edw Trill. — Will Trill. Buggin, Will [C. C. — Will *Cai. Anth Pern. John — Sam *Sid. — Tho Em. Buick, Rob Em. Bulbecke, Edw. {Sir)... Qu. Bulbeck, Tho Bulbett, Chris, v. Bullet Bulcock, Hammond .. Jes. Bulcoch, John Mag. Buley, Tho. v. Bewley Bulfell, Rich Cath, Bulkley v. also Buckley — Edw Cath, Bulkeley, Hen Qu. — Pet Bulkely, Rich *Joh. — Rich Joh. — Will [Cath. Bull, Ahr Em. — ])aii Em. — Era Qu. — Hen Chr. — Hen Trill. — John Chr. — John Joh. — John Jes. — John Trin. — Josias Joh. — Josias Trin. — Matth Em. — Matth Cla. — Nath Joh. — Rich Trin. — Sam Joh. — Tho Cla. — Tho Trin. — (Bill), Will Pem. — {imp.) C. C. Bullace, Rob Joh. Bullard, Pet Chr. — Rich Jes. — Rich I — [King'; Bullen, Dan — Edw Sid. — 'Geo. {imp.) Trin. Bullayne, Tho Cla. s E 1605 s E 1605 s E 1654 s E 1657 ]) E 162.3 1> M 1572 1> M 1572 1627' 1> E 1653 f-c c. 1593 V E 1607 V M 1615 P E 1640 f-c M 1558 A.M. 1610 A.M. 1661, Buggs A.M. 1664 A.M. 1633 E 1621 V E 1653 a M 1586 V E 1629 f-c M 1657 P M 1624 [f-c L 1641-2 P 1628] s E 161!) s M 1647 s M 1562 s E 1582 p M 1583 p M 1570 s M 1575 p e. 1596 s M 1601 p E 1586 p E 1620 f-c E 1587 p M 1634 p E 1584 s M 1635 s E 1644 p E 1616 M 1638 s E 1613 s E 1544 s E 1573 p E 1575 s L 1564-5 (Uhe above) 's s L 1585-6] p M 1619 11. L M 1544 E 1576 A.B. 1608-9 A.B. 1606-7; A.B. 1657-8; A.B. 1660-1; A.B. 1626-7; A.B. 1576-7 ? A.B. (Chr.) 1573-4, Biggen ; A.M. [1578 A.B. 1655-6 M.L. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Lcvdeii) A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 ;''S.T.B. [1621 ; S.T.P. 1631 {Lit. Key.) A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 (Edm. \ [Bullock, ill grace) (Matr. " Will. | A.B. 1656-7 . [Walcockc ■') (?A.B. 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. (*Joh.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1628-9 ; A.M. 1632 ; S.T.B. '39 A.M. 1641-2 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. (*Chr.) 1652 [(Visitors' Mandate) [? Scholar, Trin. H. 1585] A.B. (Qu.) 1574-5 A.B. 1579-80 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1590-1 ; A.M. 1594 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1641 2 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. (CUth.) 1578-9, Bui ward A.B. (Cath.) 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. 0.xf.) A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1559; S.T.B. [1566-7; S.T.P. (Trin.) 1576, A.B. (Trin.) 1578-9 [Bolein I 1 Dean of Lichtield, 1576. Matriculations and Deijrees 1544 — i'i59 113 Fra Sid. f-c Fra Trill. f-c Ja Chr. .s John [Trill. p Rob Chr. s Tho Joh. p Chriw 1e.s. p John les. p , Edw Fra Jcs. f-c •John '■'Nich Nich Joh. p Nich C. C. s Rich Trin. Rich Tho Tho Joh. p Tho C. C. John Qu. [p Ralph Cla. p Rob Trin. p Hen Toll. s Ja Joh. p Ralph Trin. p Tho Cai, p Edni Trin. p — Edm Cai. p — Edw Joh. f-c — Emanuel ... Jcs. s — •* Geo — Geo Joh. s — Geo /.... C. C. p ullocke, John Trin. s uUock, John Joh. p — John [Joh. s — John [Mag. — Justin Joh. is ullocke, Rob Gonv. H. s uUock, Rob Joh. p — Simon Qu. s ullocke, Simon Pem. p iillock, Tho Trin. [schol. — Tho Jes. f-c Will *Joh. p — [Trin. f-c ulstrodc, Rich Pem. p ultoll, John Em. p ulward, Edw [C. C. John Cai. s W C. C. s Will Trin.H. p Edw C. C. f-c Edw Mag. p Edw [Em. f-c Geo C. C. p Nath Mag. p Rob C. C. p E 1620 M 164(5 A. 15. 1646-7 E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 E 1647] E 1569 [Migr. to ('ai.] M 1617 M 157S A.B. 1582-3, Bulbett; A.M. 1586 E 1571 A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 E 1568 [King'.s 1569-70] S.T.P. 1575 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) (LL.B. Oxf.); LL.U. 1559 Jl 1584 L 1645-6 A.B. (*Joh.) 1648-9; A.M. 1652; [1596] A.B. 1597-8 [S.T.B. 16.59 A.B. (Joh.) 1611 2 A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2 M 1626 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 [1605] E 1616] A.B. 1608-9 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 E 1586 E 1656 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 E 16.33 c. 1594 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602, Bowliner M L561 M 1584 c. 1596 L 1626-7 E 1627 E 1605 [S.T.B. 1554; S.T.P. 1557 A.B. (*Joh.) 1537-8; A.M. 1541; M 1566 A.B. (^[ag.j 1570-1 M 1638 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1646 E 1570 A.B. (*Je«.) 1573-4; A.M. 1577; E 1642 [S.T.B. 1585 L 1646-7 1653] E 1562 E 1548 E 1652 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 16.59 M 1558 A.B. 1.560-1; A.M. 1569 M 1562 E 1602] (A.B. n602-3); A.M. 1606 E 1628 A.B. 1630-1 E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 1600] E 1640 L 1598-9 [Boulteel] 1.580] M 1558 M 1580 E 1544 LL.B. 1548-9, Bulwer E 1.584 E 1619 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 E 1640] L 1584-5 A.B. 1.588-9 (l^uUer in ordo) E 1619 A.B. 1622-3 E 1586 A.B. 1590-1 ; A.M. 1593 Bishop of Gloucester, 1581. - Bishop of Lincoln. 15tK); of Worcester, 1571. » Master of St John's, 1554; Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, 1556. 15 114 Mat}'iculatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Bulwer, Tho Cath. Bulye, John Chr. Bun, Xich Trin. Bunne, AVill Cai. Bunbury, Tho Pet. — Tho Trin. Bunce, ' Matth Em. — Matth Pern. — Matth [Em. Buncher, Will Em. Bunchley, Edw Chr. Bundell, Owen v. Brindle Bungay, John *C. C. Bungey, John Trin. [ Bungay, Matth C. C. — Tho [('. C. Bungey [Student Buniard, Geo loh. Bunley, John Em. Banning, John v. Baning — John Cai. — Rich Sid. Bunniuge, Rich Em. Bunning, Tho Sid. Bunnington, Geo — Hen Joh. — John Em. — Ralph Bunny, Rob Trin.H. Bunting, John Sid. — Josua Jes. Buntinge, Rob *King'.s — Steph Jes. — Tho Cai. Bunworth, Cha [^ifi'g- — Rich [Pet. Bunyon, Rob Cath. Burbridge, Rob Chr. Burbye, Edw Burch, Will Burcham, Rob King's Burchett, Edw Burcott, Will Cla. Burdall, Dav Joh. — Tho Em. Burdat, Sam Pern. Burden, Chris [Qu. Burdin, Reg. (Matr.( ^-^^-^ Burder)j Burden, Reynold *Joh. Burdens, Rob C. C. Burder, Rob Qu. Burdet, Benj Burdett, Era. {imp.) Cla. — Era Qu. — Geo — Hen Pem. Burdet, Mich Pem. Burdett, Theoph Mag. — Theoph Pem. Burdman, And. v. Bordman P P P f-c f-c P P schol. )f Trin. s E E \mi M 1556 M 1586 M 1622 M 1633 E 1656 E 1631 E 1635 M 1634 E 1626 E 1653 A.B. 1659-60 (Matr. Bullwire) A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1640 [1550] 1602] 1593 1593] 1557] 1619 1596 E 1647 E 1622 E 1631 E 1627 M 1612 E 1607 M 1640 M 1641 E 1609 L 1577- E 1605 E 1629 1651] E 1655] M 1638 E 1655 s M 1588 A.B. 1657-8 ?one of these] A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1557-8; A.M. 1561 , (A.B. ?1602-3); A.M. 1606, Bunger A.B. 1596-7 (Matr. Boungey) A.B. 1622 3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1625-6 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. (*Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. (Joh.) 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1645-6 A.B. 1581-2 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1656 [JUirbidgc] A.M. 1625 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Cla.) 1593-4 A.B. (King's) 1566-7; KM. 1570, p E 1618 [liurchar s E 1653 p E 1626 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632, Byrdall }) E 1629 A.B. 1631-2, Bm-det ; A.M. 1635 s L 1583-4] A.B. 1588-9 s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609, Burdiu p L 1563-4 ]) E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. (Joh.) 1619-20 p E 1550 f-c] r. 1595 (Previously at Dublin), A.B. (Sid.) 1623-4! 1) M 1645 A.B. 1649-50 1 V E 1629 1 s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 ■ p M 1645 A.B. 1649-50 |e, Matriculations and Def/rees ir,44 — 1<5.-,9 115 Burdman, Puirdocke, Burdon, Burdyall, Biiifet, Burgayne, Burge, Ijurgeini, liui'gen, Burgess, r.urgesse, Burgis, B)urgisse, lUu'ge.sse, r.urgess, liurclies (I Barges, Burchess, I'lirgess, Bui'gisse, ]>urgess, l>urges, Burgess, Burges, Burgess, Burgis, Burgess, Burges, Burgesse, Burges, Biu-gess, Burgis, Burgess, Burgis, Burges, urgesse, urghe, urre, ui-gh, urghalJ, ]5urgoyne, I'-ui'ham, l!urlurvill, Ja Qu. r.urward, Rob Cai. [C. C. Harwell c. also Burrell — Edm *King's Fra Pet. — Fra Qu. — Geof. [Cai. Jeremy Em. John Qu. — Lab. ? Pem. — Nich Trin. — Rob Mag. — [Rob.] Mag. — Tho Pet. ir)89 1596 1.588 l.-)79 1G20 [P f-c M 1561 A.B. (Chr.) 1598-9 ; A.M. 1604 ; [S.T.B. 1612 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1.586 A.B. 162:5-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. (Mag.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. (Cla.) 1.569 1568 A.B. 1572-3 [1.582 1575 A.B. (Qu.) 1578-9; A.M. (King's) 1580-1 A.B. 158.3-4; A.M. 1.587; S.T.P. [(Joh.) 1608 1.590] A.B. ; A.M. 1597; S.T.B. 1612 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 1579-80 A.B. 1.582-3 A.B. (Jes.) 1570-1 A.B. (Trin.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1557-8 (?LL.B. 1572) ; LL.I). [1581 {Lit. Reg.) S.T.B. 1604 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1625-6 A.B. 16.38-9 ?A.B. (King's) 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1.586 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. (*Mag.) 1605; [S.T.B. 1614 A.B. 1623-4 ; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 1652 1553 1580 L584 1611 1623 1635 1635) 1636 i 1616 1578 1578 1598 1620 16.34 1635] 1638 1650 1655 1571 1645 1573 1544 1624] 1593 15571 M 1.561 M 1602^ M 1638 E 1629] E 1644 M 1638 M 1.552 E 1636 E I60d E 1652 E 1620 A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1596-7, Bourward 1566] A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 A.B. (Pet.) 1641-2 [Burrell] A.B. 1623-4; A.M. (*Trin. H.) [1627; LL.D. mm {Lit. Reg.) * Regius Professor of Physic, c. 159t). 120 Matric Illations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Burwell, Tho Trin. — Tho (?the , — Tho — Walt [Trill. — Will [Kmg'.s — Will Cai. — [Chr. l>ury V. also Berry — Cordell Mag. Bmyc, Edw Jes. Bury, Gill) Joh. — Giles *Qu. — Giles — Haseldine... Oath. — Hen Joh. — Hen Mag. — Jacob Cla. I'lurye, John Mag. Bury, John Cai. — Phineas — Rich Em. — Tho Trin. — Will [Cai. — [Cath. Busbridge, Tho King's Busby, Geo Trin. Busbey, Rich .Jes. Busby, Rich Busbye, Will Chr. Bushe, Abr — Ja Trin. — John [King'.s — Paul Pem. — Sam Trin. — Tho Trin. Bush, Will [King's Bushell, Dan King's — Jasper Joh. Busher, John Sid. Bushnall, John [Em. Buskard, Edw Chr. Buskell, Giles *Cath. — Hen [Qu. liusken, Hen C. C. Buskin, Ralph C. C. Bussard, Will Cai. — Will Qu. Bussert, Will Busshefyld, Tho *King's Bussey, Cha *Pem. Bussy, Cicill Joh. Bussye, Edm Cla. Bussye, John Cla. Bussy, Milles Pem. Bussie Joh. Buate, Matth *King's Bust, Matth *King's — (Rob.?) [King's — Sam *King's Bustard, Tho C. C. Buster, Rob King's p E 1646 A.B. 1648-9 [M.D. 1668 al)ove) M.B. (Trin.) 1661-2 {Lit. Reg.); M.D. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Leyden) ! f-c M 1646] f-c ]M 1565] P E 1632 schol. 1556] _.^ M 1614 A.B. 1617-8, Berry s c. 1597 A.B. (Pet.) 1600-1 ; A.^I. 1604 (1>) c. 1594 c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604; S.T.B. M.L. 1650 [1611 ; S.T.P. 1625 P E 1637 (P) c. 1594 P M 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 1> L 1637-8 p E 1641 i s M1646 A.B. 1650-1, Berry; A.M. 1655 * A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 s c. 1595 p M 1560 E 1648 p s M 1572 p E 1610 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 s L 1563-4 A.B. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p M 1554 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1575 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 s L 1578-9 1> L 1563-4 c. 1596 s E 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 schol. 16001 P M 1620 A.B. 1623-4, Bussell p E 1605 p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 !> E 1640] P E 1616 P E 1544 A.B. 1544-5, Bowskell ; A.M. 1547 1 f-c M 1597] f-c c. 1593 A.B. (Chr.) 1596-7 f-c c. 1597 A.B. 1599-1600 s E 1580 H M 1587 [Busart A.B. (Joh.) 1631-2; A.M. 1635, P M 1546 A.B. 1550-1, Bowshefeld P E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625; S.T.B. ]> E 1620 [(*Jes.) 1633 V E 1578 p E 1578 f^c E 1606 P M 1619 p M 1561 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569 p L 1593-4 (A.B. 1597-8); A.M. 1601 s M 1571] p E 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 (in ordo) 1^ E 1577 (? Buscard) s M1639 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 165( 121 Butchei" Butler, Boteler, Butler, Boteler, Butler, Boteler, Butler, Boteler, Butler, Butlar, Butler, Botler, Butler, Boteler, Butler, Buteler, Butler, )teler, Jutler, Boteler, Butler, Botler, Butler, (Buclier),Hugh... John Trill. Pet Trin. Rob I oh. Will Pern. Will [Peui. Alex Chr. Almeric [Alcmar] Sid. And Qu. And [Trin. H Anth Cla. Cha. {imp.) Cla. Cha Qu. Cha Joh. Chris Qu. Edm Trill. Edw Cai. Edw *Mag. Era Cla. Fra C. C. Era Sid. Geo Pet. Geo Qu. Geo Trin. Geo Qu. Geo Qu. Geo Jes. Geo (?one Geo Joh. Greg (?Geo. Greg Chr. Greg Joh. Harrington Sid, Hen. (wip.) Cla. Hen Trin. Hen Trin. Hen Pet. Ja Jes. Ja Chr. John Chr. John Qu. John C. C. John Trin. John Pem. John Qu. John Joh. John Cla. John Joh. John Trin. John Cai. John Chr. John *Sid. John Cla. John C. C. John Trin. John *Joh. John Chr. John Pern. Jonat Trin. H. Jonat Joh. Lane Trin. P schol M 1658 M 1652] E 1653 c. 1593 1657] E 1624 E 1629 E 1615 . 1633] E 1545 E 1545 E 1636 E 1641 E 1607 E 1625 c. 1595 E 1635 M 1545 E 1627 E 1629 E 1549 c. 1596 c. 1597 p M 1620 [s L 1624- p E 1629 of the above) p E 1637 of Qu. above) s M 1629 E 1635 E 1618 E 1545 M 1548 M 1612 E 1626 E E E E E A.B. (Pet.) 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 M.B. 1658 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 P A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1619-20: A.M. 1624 A.B. 1639-40 [Boteler] A.B. 1638; A,M. 1642 A.B. (n602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. (*Pet.) 1627 A.B. 1628-9 M.B. 1637 A.B. (Cath.) 1600-1 A.B. 1633-4 , A.B. 1620-1; A.M. (*Pem.) 1624 [{Lit. Reg.) (Matr. Bohler; 1586 1619 1549 1555 1574 E 1575 M 1578 M 1581 E 1582 E 1585 c. 1594 MLieoa" E 1612 M 1615 M 1624 E 1627 L 1629-30 E 1636 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 E 1636 E 1646 E 1647 E 1633 M 1638 E 1587 A.B. 1627-8 ;. A.M. 1631 ; S.T.B. '38 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1641-2, Boteler A.B. (? 1600-1); A.M. 1604 16 122 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Butler, Matth Pet. p E 1562 — Nevel [Chr. p E 1624] — Nich *Pet. p L 1557- — Noel Chr. p E 1624 Botler, Oliver Job. f-c L 1607- Butler, Owyn King's s M 1576 — Phil Chr. f-c M 1578 Buttlar, Rich Pet. s M 1549 Butler, Rich Pet. p L 1577- — Rich Job. s M 1580 — Rich Cla. s E 1606 — Rich King's s E 1650 — Rob Job. p M 1569 — Rob Job. p c. 1597 — Rob — Sam Cai. p E 1659 Buttler, Tho Job. p c. 1595 Butler, Tho Job. p E 1615 — Tho Jes. f-c E 1626 Boteler, Tho Chr. p E 1633 Butler, Tho Job. p E 1634 Boteler, Tho [Sid. f-c E 1646] Butler, Tho Chr. p E 1649 Boteler, Tho Trin. p E 1659 Butler, Titus Mag. s c. 1597 — Will Qu. p M 1555 — Will Job. s L 1557- — Will Pet. s L 1557- — 'W\\\.{imp.\\ann.) Chr. p E 1559 — Will C. C. p M 1571 — Will Mag. f-c E 1610 — Will Chr. f-c E 1622 — Will Jes. f-c M 1623 — Will Joh. p M 1644 Boteler, Will Trin. f-c M 1651 Butler {imp.)... Cla. s M 1545 — {sen.) [Trin. f-c 1601 — 0?i.) [Trin. f-c 1601 Botelier [Trin. f-c 1613 Butt, Tho C. C. s c. 1593 — [Gonv.H. scbol. 154' Butter, Peers Joh. p E 156 Butterfyld, John Qu. s M 1564 Butterfeild, Rob Cai. s E 1598 Butterfyld, Rob Butters, Nath [Trin. s E 1652] Butterton, Will Job. s M 1581 Butterwicke, Geo Pet. s M 1638 Butterworth, Alex Chr. p M 1615 — Cha Joh. p E 1575 Butterwoth, Edw Chr. s L 1557- Butterworth, Edw Chr. f-c E 1613 — Tho Mag. s M 1645 — Will [Chr. f-c M l(i5I] Butterye, Rich Joh. s M 1627 — Simon Jes. s E 1575 Buttier, Ja Buttolphe, iTho C. C. p E 1619 1 Dean of Raphoe, 8 A.B. 1558-9; A.M. 1562; M.L. A.B. 1627-8 [1564; M.D. 1566 •8 8 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587; S.T.B. [1594; S.T.P. 1608 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1653-4 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 A.B. (Mag.) 1625 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1561-2 A.B. 1560-1: A.B. 1562-3; [(*Cla.) 1572 A.M. 1564; ?M.L. A.M. 1566, *Pem. (?Also adm. at Jes.) A.B. 1624-5, Boteler A.B. 1648-9 ] 1 Butts A.B. 1605-6, Butervell A.B. (Trin.) 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. (Trin.) 1586-7 ; A.M. 1590-1 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.M. 1631 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626; S.T.P. [1661 {Lit. Reg.) 1671. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 123 Uutton Buttress, Buttres, Buttrye, liutts, Butteys, Butts, Buxon, Buxton, Buxston, Buxton, Leon. . . Ralph Kicb. .. Rich. .. Tho. ., Joh. .. Simon Tho. .. •Hen. .. Jos. Chr. King's Cath. Ediu. H. Qu. Bucxton, Buxton, Byam Byard, Biatt, Byatt, Bychar, Byckforthe, Byckner v. Byde, 15yc, iycrdike licrley, '.ycrley, '.\l(hicke, lynd. '.yiignet, '.yulowe.s, Bynman, Byrnarin, Byrne, Byrom, Byran, Byram, John . C. C. P John . Jes. p Will . Chr. p Will . \Q.n. P Tho . Cai. s Anth . Trin. s Edw . Joh. s Fra. {imp.) Trin. H. s John . Joh. p John . Jes. P Mich . Jes. s Nath . Cai. p Reg . Joh. p Rich . C. C. p Rich . [Trin. schol Ro. (imp.) .. .Trin. H. s Rob , C. C. P Tho . Cai. p Tho . [Pern. Tho . Joh. P Will . Pem. P Will . *Cai. P . C. C. s Fra. Tho. Tho. Will. Hen. Pem. Joh. Pet. Tho Edm.H. Bickner Edw [Qu. John Trin. W. Anth Rob Will John Edw Magnus Ro John Chris. V. Bindlowes Rug [Qu. John C. C. Mulier [Cai. Adam Cai. Edw Cai. Sam Cai. Tho King's C. C. Sid. Sid. Pet. Joh. Pet. Em. Jes. Joh. f-c M 1587 p M 1619 p E 1G29 s E 16-21 s M 1544 p c. 1591 E 1583 E 1606 M 1556 L 1584-5] E 1579 E 1650 E 1656 M 1547 M 1578 E 1658 E 1659 E 1636 L 1577-8 E 1627 E 1640] M 1547 E 1619 M 1625 1638] M 1645 M 1588 M 1625 E 1544 f-c E 1572 p M 1624 f-c E 1555 p M 1544 p M 16a8j s M -L602 p M 1587 1544] p E 1636] p E 1636 s E 1544 s M 1583 p E 1639 p E 1631 s M 15G4 s E 1586 s E 1590] .s L 1578-9 s E 1612] p E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 p E 1650 [Byrom] p E 1650 [fr. Pet.] A.B. {> A.B. 1554-5 stt.1- of Corpus, 1626. A.M. 1583 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Jes.) 1609, Buttrie ; A.M. '12 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. 1626 [Schol. Gonv. H. 1546] A.B. (n594-5); A.M. (C. C.) 1598 ; [S.T.P. 1623 A.B. 1586-7, Buttys ; A.M. 1590-1 ; [LL.D. (*Triu. H.) 1598 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1653-4 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1673 A.B. 1662; A4M. 1679 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 (Matr. [Burton) A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1627 (Matr. Burton) A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596, Buck- A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 [stone A.B. (Qu.) 1581-2 A.B. 1627-8 A.B. (Jes.) 1604-5; A.M. 1609 (Prev. at Pet.) A.B. (Trin.) 1644; A.M. (*Cai.) '48 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. (? ); A.M. 1597 ); A.M. (♦Pet.) [1655 124 Matriculatic Byron, Anth Qu. Byrron, John Qu. Biron, John Trin. Byron, Nich [Qu. — Nich Em. — Rich Trin. Biron, Rob Byrom (or Byron) [Trin. Byron [Trin. Byrrell, Walt Byrt, Rich, {imp.) Joh. Byse, Chris Joh. Bys, Ja — Pliil Byssat, Tlio Byste, John Jes. Bytering, Will Joh. By ton, Edw Joh. By water, Brian Cla. — Tho ms a nd Deg rees 1544— 1659 f-c M 1573 f-c M 1573 f-c E 1615 A.M. 1618 {fil. nob.) f-c M 1571] f-c M 1612 p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. (Cla.) 1598 f-c 1600 1621" f-c A.B. 1566-7 s M 1547 p c. 1591 A.M. 1581 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) S.T.P. 1581 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1579 (Incorp. fr. Aberdeen) p E 1560 p E 1552 s E 1626 H E 1566 A.B. 1569-70, A.B. (Chr.) 1592-3; A.M. 1596 Cabeck, Cabicke, Cabeck, Cable, Cabricke, Caw borne, Caborne, Cacott, Cacket, Cacott, Cacot, Cadburn, Caddye, Cade, Caed, Cade, Cadman, Cadenian, Hen Trin. Tho Pern. Will Qu. John Jes. Ri Mag. Tho John Qu. Tho [Trin. Era C. C. Giles V. Cakat John Trin. John C. C. Tho Trin. Lanr Trin. Anth Cai. Barth Cai. Ja *Qu. John Joh. John Joh. John Em. Ro Jes. Rob. Em. Rob Jes. Tho Cai. W Trin. Will Qu. Will Qu. Herb Chr. Ja Jes. John C E 1614 E 1637 E 1641 E 1609 M 1639 p M 1632 p E 1649] p c. 1593 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 [pell) A.B. 1642 ; A.M. 1663 (Matr. Ca- A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607, [Cabicke A.B. 1636-7, Caborne; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1597- A.M. 1601 s E p E s E p L [s E [p M s E ^* I p E p M p M s E s M p i\r f-c M p c. p c. P E 1593 1631 1650 1577 1580-1 1618] 1649] 1579 1620 1644 1559 1610 1644 1583 1562 1589 1591 1593 1639 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. (Pern.) 1638 A.B. 1584-5 ; A.M. 1588 ; S.T.B.'99 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 165;i-4 ; A.M. 1657 ; S.T.B.'64 A.B. (Mag.) 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. (Jes.) 1646-7 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1606 A.B. 1642; A.M. 1663 M.D. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Bologna) Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 125 C'iuiyman, C.'adimaii, Cadeiuan, Cadiwood, Cadewood, Cadot, Cadvvicke, Caesar, Cesar, CiBsar, Catfe, Caiuho, Caius, Cakat, John Chr. Rob Trii Tho Trill. The Habakuk Tho Will. {Eques) John V. Chadwick Trin. C. C. c. c. 1641 1605 1577 1601 1605 1631 Augustus iCha Cha ••^Hen Hen John Rob Tho Tho Anth Anth Trin. [Chr. [Jes. Qu. Qu. s E 1617 f-c E 1651] f-c E 1646] f-c E 1639 f-c E 1642 Joh. Em. Anth Trin. (?the above) Art. Dan. Edw. Ja. ... John John Nich. Pet. Rob. Rob. Tho. Will. Will. Will. Will. Pein. Chr. Qu. Cai. Joh. Joh. Em. Cai. Pet. [Trin. Chr. Trin. Pem. Pet. Cla. Joh. Cla. 'akebreade, 'alaniin, 'alamy, 'alcot, 'ulcott, 'alcot, '.ilcott 'a 11 craft, '.ildcool, 'aldcott, 'aldecott, aldecote, < aldren, Caldwall v. Calebutt, Calender, Will. .. Geo. V. Key 3 John Gonv Giles Cla. John Qu. David Mag. Edm *Pem. Edm Sid. John Joh. Tho. ., Tho. . John .. John .. Art. .. Dan. .. Sam. .. Tho. .. Rob. .. Coldwall Rob. V. Calybutt John C. C. *Joh. Pet. C!hr. (.,)u. Pet. Joh. Trin. Cath. [Cath. C. C. H. [p P P s P P P [schol. M 1562 c. 1596 M 1616 L 1656-7 E 1575 E 1632 E 1575 M 1561 L 1563-4 c. 1596 E 1575 E 1579 E 1657] E 1575 M 1566 c. 1590 M 1614 M 1639 c. 1595 M 1585 M 1530] M 1566 L 1579-80 E 1627 E 1616 E 1652 c. 1591 M 1547] M 1568 M 1544 E 1635 M 1646 c. 1596 [E 1641] M 1628 1628] M 1628 A.B. 1642, Cademan ; A.M. 1646 A.B. (? 1609-10) ; A.M. 1613, Cade- [nian A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1608-9, Cadiwolde A.B. 1632-3 A.M. 1624 (On King's visit) LL.B. 1609 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) S.T.P. 1597 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1619 (Iricorp. fr. Oxf) S.T.B. 1631 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1564-5 (Matr. Cadge) A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623; S.T.P. [(Chr.) 1630 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1639 A.B. 157! A.M. 1582 A.B. (Cla.) 1569-70; A.M. 1573 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1647 [1558 (Incorp. fr. Padua) A.B. 1530-1 ; A.M. 1534 ; M.D. A.B. 1569-70, Cacket; A.M. 1573, [Cacot A.B. 1583-4 ; A.]\[. 1587; S.T.B. '94 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623; S.T.B. A.B. 1654-5 ; A.M. (Pem.) 1658 ['32 A.B. 1552-3 [Caldecot] A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1642 (Matr. (Matr. Coldcoole) [Cullcroft) A.B. 1645-6 A.B. 1632-^ p E 1559 (Matr. Colendar) Master of the Rolls, 1639. Dean of Ely, 1614. Master of Caius, 1559. 126 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Caleye, Abr *Joh. Caley, Art Trin. Kaley, Chris C. C. Caley, John Cai. Cayley, Tho [*C. C. — Tho [Em. Caley, Will Cla. Call, Rich C. C. Callis, Dan [Em. — Hen Cla. — John Em. — Tho Joh. Callonay, Sam [Em. Callouw, Era Joh. Callow, Ja Joh. Callows, John Joh. Calowe, Rich Pet. Callowe, Rob Pern. Cally (Cawley), John *Qu. Calmadie, Edw Sid. Calmady, John [Sid. — Shelston ... Sid. — Tho Joh. Calthrop, Earth Pet. Calthrope, Cha Cai. Cawlthrope, Chris Chr. Calthrop, Chris Trin. — Chris [Chr. Calthorpe, Geo Trin. Calthrop, Hen Calthrope, Ja Trin. H. — Ja Calthropp, Ja Calthrope, Ja Cai. Calthrop, Ja [Chr. Calthrop^ie, John Trin. Calthrop, John — John [Chr. Calthrope, Le Strange.. Cath. Caltroppe, Martin Em. Calthrope, Nath Trin. — Rich Chr. — Rich C. C. Calthrop, Rich C. C. — Rich Mag. Calthroppe, Will Trin. Calthrope, Will Calthorpe [Cath. Calton, Edm Pern. Calvard, John Joh. Calver, Edw C. C. — Greg Em. — Theoph Chr. Calverley, Edm Trin. — Geo *Pet. — Lane Qu. — Ralph — Sam Chr. — Tho Cath. — Walt Cla. — Will Cla. s M 1622 A.B. 1625-6 ; A.M. 1629 ; S.T.B. '37 i p E 1632 [1636] A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643, *Jes. i p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6: A.M. 1639 1553] (no A.B.) A.M. 1554 | V E 1640] P M 1572 (Matr. Kalie) |l| p E 1623 s E 1652] p E 1653 A.B. 1656; A.M. 1660 p E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 f-c L 1603-4" p c. 1594 A.B. (Mag.) 1600-1 ; A.M. 1607, p M 1562 [Collowe s M 1618 A.B. 1621-2 s M 1560 p E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1658 p E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 p E 1604 f-c L 1633-4 [f-c E 1601] A.B. 1604-5 p E 1584 8 E 1544 P L 1656-7 P M 1546 P 1598 f-c E 1659] p E 1636 A.B. (Trin.) 1604-5 p E 1575 LL.B. (Cath.) 1609-10 1 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1611-2 | p E 1620 p E 1659] p M 1552 A.B. (Chr.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 p M 1629] p E 1641 p c. 1596 p M 1613 A.B. 1617-8, Culthorpe p M 1561 p L 1579-80 f-c E 1581 p c. 1591 p E 1554 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. (Joh.) 1571 f-c M 1643] s E 1618 p M 1544 p E 1628 A.B. 1631; A.M. 1634 p E 1618 p E 1568 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. (Mag.) 1581 p L 1580-1 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1646 p M 1551 A.B. (Cla.) 1571-2 p E 1606 A.B. 1609-10 ; A.M. (*Pem.) 1613 ; | p E 1647 [S.T.P. 1628 p M 1579 p M 1579 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 Matrieulations mid Degrees 1544 — 1659 127 Calvard, Geo Job. Calvert, Geo — Ja Cla. — John Job. — John [Qii. — John Cath. — Mich *Cath. — Mich Trin. — Oliver Chr. — Pet Sid. Calverte, Rob Mag. Calvert, Rob Cai. — Rolph Cai. — Tho *Trin. — Tho Mag. — Will Chr. Calybutt, Rob Job. Cam, Rog Chr. Camadge, Rog Trin. Camborne, Rob — Steph Cai. Camel, Tho Chr. Camfield, Benj *Pem. Camock, Edw Job. Cammocke, Hen Chr. Cammock, John Trin. — Rich Chr. Camock, Rob Job. Camoke, Tho Trin. Campe, Chris Cai. Camp, Laur. Em. Campbell, Edw Em. — John [C. C. Campian, Abr Job. Campyon, Alan Qu. Campian, And Em. — Edw *Trin. — Era Cla. — Geo Cla. Campion, John Trin. — Rol — Sam Mag. — Tho Sid. — Will Qu. W {imp^ 11 a)m.)\ — Will — W Job. — Will Job. — Will Cla. — Will [Em. — Chr. — [Trin. Campleshon, John Job. — - Leon Job. — Will Trin. Campnet, W Trin. Camswell, (Tho.) Clem. Camu.s, Nich Canapolis ( Comes) s c. 1593 p M 1646 s M 1571 s M 1572] .s M 1.579 s M 1550 [schol. 1601] s E 1626 p E 1646 s E 1606 p E 1622 p E 1622 s E 1586 s E 1622 s E 1631 p M 1546 f-c c. 1590 p E 1608 s L 1656-7 s E 1645 p M 1657 s M 1656 p E 1640 s E 1642 s E 1648 p E 1583 p M 1558 p E 1609 f-c M 1626 [f-c L 1598-9J 1597] p M 1568 s E 1555 p M 1655 p E 1635 p L 1629-30 p M 1634 s M 1558 s E 1633 [f-cE 1620; fr. Ox s E 1546 f-c M 1560 A.B. (Mag.) 1595-6; M.L. 1638 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. A.B. (Cath.) 1574-f A.M. 1653 (Job.) [1599 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. (?Trin.) 1554-5; A.M. 1558 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608, 'Nath.' A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 (Matr. Colvert) A.B. 1612-3 A.B. 1625-6 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1595 A.B. (Sid.) 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1551-2 [A.M. 1638 A.B. (C. C.) 1638 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 (Matr. [Camberlie) A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 A.B. (11602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 A.B. (Cla.) 1606-7; A..M. 1610 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 f.] A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 f-c A.B. (Job.) L567-8; A.M. M 1575 E 1582 A.B. 1585-6 E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 L 1629-30] A.B. (Cla.) 1633-4 E 1606 1571 f-c 165.5] p E 1651 A.B. 1654-5 p M 1613 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 s E 1576 f-c E 1544 (S.T.B. of Oxford) A.M. 1624 (On King'.s visit) A.M. 1615 128 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Candeler, Ferdinando Pem. Candishe, Cha Cla. Candish, Cha. (aSw") . . . (prob, Candishe, John C. C. — Kich [C. C. Candish, Tho C. C. Candishe, W Cla. — W Chr. — iWill Candish, 2 will Joh. Candler v. also Chandler — John Jes. — Mathias Trin. — Nich Trin. — Will Em. Canfeild, Tho Cai. Cauforth, Tho Joh. Cannum, Gascoyne ... Cai. Canham, John \se.n.).. C. C. Cannam, John {jun.).. C. C. Canham, John Cai. Cannam, Rich Trin. Canham, Rob Trin. — Rob *Pet. — Simon Pem. Cannam, Tho Trin. Cannap, Hen Cai. Cannop (Connopp), Hen. Cai. Cannap, John [Cai. Canhope, Mich [Cai. Canne, Geo Joh. — John Cla. Cann (? Cannam), John... Chr. Cannon, John Cai. — John C. C. — Pet *Jes. — Simon Joh. — Simeon Jes. — Tho Pet. — Tho [Qu. Canon, Tho *Jes. Cansfield v. also Causfield Cansfyld, Rob Trin. Cant, John Joh. Cantrell, Edw Trin. Canterell, Ralph Pet. Cantrell, Ralph [C. C. Cantrill, Rich Cla. Cantrell, Tho *Qu. — Will [Qu. — {Major) Joh. — {Minor) Joh. Cape, Tho Joh. Cai)pell, Aaron Pet. Capyll, Art Trin. Capell, 3 Art Qu. Capel, Edw Qu. Capell, Era Chr. — Era Cath. p E f-c M the above f-c E f-c E f-c M P L f-c H. s P P P f-c E p M p M p M H. p E f-c E p E s E p E s E s E s E p M f-c M f-c L [f-c] c f-c L p M 1621 1567 ) 1571 1569] 1576 1567 1584- 1631- 1649] 1620 1648- 1629 1629 1578 1605 1601 1602 1637- 1588 1544 1579 1631 1588 1593 1626- 1637] 1605 ; 1623- 1565 1602 1613 1629 1622 1569 1637 1586 1602] 1615 1566 1562 1544 1578 1599] 1576 1626 1596] 1544 1544 1631 1581 1571 1618-9 1592 1626-7 1639 A.M. 1594 {spec, congr.) (no A.B.) A.M. 1572, Cavendish Cavendish A.M. 1608 (A7. nob.), Cavendish 2 A.M. 1637 (fil. nob.) A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657, Clandler A.B. 1623-4; A.M. (Pet.) 1628 9] A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. (Jes.) 1636 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612, Canham A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1605-6 8 A.B. 1641-2 A.B. (n591-2); A.M. 1595 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 1629-30; A.M. 1633 schol. Trin. H. 4 A.B. 1627-8, Canner A.B. 1617-8 ; A.M. 1621, Cannan A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. (*Cai.) 1575, A.B. 1640-1 [Canham A.B. 1618-9 ; A.M. 1622 ; S.T.B.'29 A.B. 1570-1 ; A.M. (*Cath.) 1574 LL.B. 1545 A.B. 1629-30: A.M. 1633 [Caipe] ti fa A.B. 1629-30 1 ?Duke of Newcastle, 1665. 2 Earl of Devonshire. 8 Baron Capell of Hadham, 1641. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 129 Capell, Gamaliel ... Pem. p E 1577 — Gamaliel ...*Qu. [f-c M 1616] — Gamaliel ... Cath. f-c M 1639 Capel, Hen Qu. [f-cj c. 1592 Capell, Hen Sid. f-c M 1632 Capel, Humfr [Qu. f-c Ml 605] — Ja [Qu. p E 1620] Capell, Moses Qu. p E 1620 Caple, Rich. v. Cable Capell, [Roger] Qu. f-c M 1616 Capill, Tho Qu. p E 1610 Capell, Will King's f-c E 1606 Capon, John Chr. p E 1555 Capper, Rich Cardenas, de, Isaac Pem. p E 1579 Cardifte, Walt Cla. p M 1578 Cardill, Geo Jes. p E 1604 Cardinal, Edw Chr. p M 1619 Cardinals, [Humfr.] .. Qu. p E 1618 Cardinall, Ja Em. p E 1621 Cardvnall, John Joh. p E 1563 Cardinall, John [Trin. E 1644] Cardynall, Steph Trin. p E 1557 Cardinall, Will Chr. f-c E 1634 Gardiner, Tho (? Gardiner) Cardis, John Trin. p M 1585 Cardroe, Ja [Qu. p E 1658] — Matth [Qu. s E 1608] Cardy, John Qu. [p M 1622] Carewe, Allen Joh. p M 1544 Carew, Geo. {Sir) ... — Geo [Em. s E 1600] — Geo Carewe, Matth Trin. [schol. 1548] Carew, Ohver Pet. p E 1626 — Reginald ... King's s E 1619 Carewe, Tho Joh. f-c M 1548 — Tho Carew [Carey], 1 Valentine Chr. s M 1585 Caroo, W Joh. f-c M-1M8 Carew, Wyman *King's p M 1623 — (imp.) Joh. p E 1546 Carewitham, Ja Cai. p E 1636 Cary, Cha Chr. p M 1602- Carey, Edw Cla. p E 1637 — Ernest Joh. p M 1627 Cary, Fra [Sid. p E 1635] Caryc, 2Geo Trin. f-c £ 1560" Cary, Geo [Em. p L 1603-4] ( 'arey, ^ Hen. {Lord Hunsdon) ( 'arie, Hen Carye, John Trin. f-c M 1566 Cary, John Cai. s E 1606 Carie, John Trin. s E 1606 Carey, Uohn Joh. f-c ,E 1624^ — John [Em. p E 1627] Cary, John C. C. [1635] A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. (*Qu.) 1584 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623; S.T.B. [1632 ; S.T.P. 1642 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1613 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [Migr. to Caius] LL.B. 1570 [S.T.B. 1.^ A.B. 1560-1 ; A.M. (*Joh.) 15( A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) A B. (Mag.) 1605 571 1564 ; A.B. 1626-7 ; A.M. (*Trin. H.) '30 A.M. 1571 [1615 A.B. 1615 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; S.T.B. A.B. 1550-1 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1612 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1588-9 ; A.M. (*Joh.) 1592 ; [S.T.B.(*Chr.) 1599; S.T.P. 1610 A.B. 1627; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. [Reg.) A.M. 1564 (On' Queen's visit), A.M. 1607 (//. nob.) ['Carew' A.B. 1609-10 (Matr. Care) A.B. 1609-10 A.B. 1638-8 1 Master of Christ's, 1609; Dean of St Piiul 2 Second Baron Hunsdon. * Fifth Baron Hunsdon; 's, 1(514; Bishop of Exeter, 1621. 3 First Baron Hunsdon, 1559. Earl of Dover. 17 130 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Gary, John Chr. p E 1650 A.B. 1653-4 Carye, Mich Trin. f-c M 1566 Cary, Nicli Pem. p M 1621 Carey, Nich CO. [1639] A.B. 1644-5 Caree, Rob. {Sir)... Job. f-c E 1624 Cary, Sam [C. C. 1646] Carey, Tho Sid. f-c E 1623 A.B. 1625-6 Cary, Val. v. C-arew Carey, Walt Cla. p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 — Will, {alias Tbrogmorton) A.M. 1612-3 (On visit of Prince Cary [C. C. f-c 1570] [of Wales) — [Em. p E 1635] Carkett Job. s E 1544 Carles, Carolus de A.M. 1624 (On King's visit) Carleton, Ambrose ... Jes. p E 1568 — Dudley *King's p E 1615 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 Carlton, i Dudley {Lord) _' ^ A.M. 1626-7 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) Carleton, Edw Pem. s E 1548 Carlton, Edw Trin. s M 1649 Carleton, Erasmus ... Pem. s E 1548 — Geo. (,S'iV)... [Em. f-c E 1641] — Jobn King's s M 1554 Carlton, Jobn Em. p M 1584 Carleton, Ricb Qu. p M 1569 Carlton, Rob Job. p E 1648 Carleton, Sam Cbr. p E 1627 — Tbo Em. p M 1648 Carlton, Will Job. s M 1628 A.B. 1629-30, Charlton ; A.M. 1633 Carly, Pet Trin.H. s M 1642 Karlyll, Chris A.B. 1538-9; A.M. 1541; S.T.B. Carlell, Chris Job. s E 1586 [1552, *Cla. Carlyell, Edw Job. p L 1557-8 Carlyle, Edw Job. s M 1610 Carleil, Era Mag. p M 1641 Carlill, Geo Em. s E 1589 A.B. 1592-3 Carlyle, Ja Chr. p M 1564 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. (Qu.) 1571 Carlisle, Ja., Earl of A.M. 1642 Carlyle, John Job. p L 1564-5 LL.B. 1573 Carlile, Jobn Mag. p M 1639 [corp. fr. Basel) ; S.T.B. 1618 — Laur Trin. p M 1602 A.B. (? 1607-8) ; A.M. 1618 (In- — Randolph... Qu. [s E 1592] A.B. (Cath.) 1595-6; A.M. (Qu.) Carlyle, Rob Job. p E 1576 [1599 Carlell, Rob [Chr. p E 1640] Carlile, Salvin Sid. p E 1639 A.B. 1641-2 Carlell, Tho Jes. s E 1566 Carleill, Tho Qu. p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 Carman, Sam Cla. s M 1567 Carmarden, Gedeon Trin. p M 1620 — - Nath Job. [p] c. 1594 — Rich Em. f-c c. 1591 — Will Job. [p] c. 1594 Carmebrooke, Tho Cla. s E 1583 A.B. (Cath.) 1586-7 Carnal, Ricb Job. s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 Carne, Roger {imp.) Qu. p E 1544 Carney, Jobn Mag. s E 1561 A.B. 1564-5, Keerne Carodus, Jobn Qu. s M 1585 [Carudders] Carowe, Benj Cai. p E 1615 A.B. 1618-9 Carrowe, Edm Cai. s c. 1594 Carowe, Will Cai. p E 1577 A.B. (Pem.) 1580-1; A.M. 1584 1 Baron Carleton, 1626; Viscount Dorchester, 1628. MatricuIatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 131 Carpender, Carpenter, Carpender, Carpenter, Carr, Carre, Carr, Car, Carr, Care, Carre, Carre, Carr, Care, Carr, Car, Carr, Car, Carr, Carre, ( 'arr. Ctrre, Will Pern. Edw Gabriel Em. Hen John Pern. John Em. Nich Qu. Rich King'i Walt Joh. Will Trin. Alan Chr. Alan Pet. Allen Trin. And C. C. Art Joh. Ed Joh. Eustace Joh. Fra [Cla. Gamaliel ... Qu. Gamaliel . . . Qu. Geo. {sen.)... Joh. Geo. (jun.).. Joh. Hen Chr. Hen Chr. Ja Chr. John Pet. John *Chr. Matth Nath Qu. 'Nich Nich Joh. Nich Cai. Ralph Qu. Ralph Trin. Ralph *Joh. Ralph Joh. Rich Chr. Rich Pet. Rich *Joh. Rob Cla. Rob Chr. Rob Rob Cai. Rob Cath. Rob [Joh. Rob Trin. Rob Joh. Roger Pern. Roger Trin. Rolph Joh. Rolph Qu. Sam Em. Tho. (imp.) Jes. Tho Joh. Tho Joh. Tho Joh. Tho Pet. E 1585 E 1610 E 1568 E 1645] L 1607-8 M 1623 M 1569 E 1610 E 1585 E 1611 M 1645 M 1578 c. 1594 M 1565 L 1564-5 E 1657] E 1604 M 1632 M 1546 M 1546 E 1629 E 1635 L 1579-80 M 1569 M 1646 E 1606 E 1610 M 1646 M 1566 c. 1596 E 1618 E 1652 M 1579 M 1615 E 1650 L 1563-4 E 1578 E 1618 L 1629-30 M 1631] E 1643 E 1655 M 1566 M 1575 M 1549 E 1579 E 1636] M 1550 E 1571 c. 1595 E 1607 E 1607 S.T.B. 1640 (Incorii. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1613-4, Carpenter ; A.M. 1617 {(.mbsc. 1626) A.B. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1652 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1610-1 A.B. 1614-5 A.B. 1590-1 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. (Em.) 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. (Cath.) 1582-3; A.M. 1586 M.B. 1652; M.D. 1657 A.B. (King's) 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 A.B. 1540-1; A.M. (*Pem.) 1544; [*Trin. 1546; M.D. 1558 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1599-1600 A.B. 1621-2 ; A.M. 1625 ; S.T.B. '32 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1653-4 ; A.M. 1657 ; S.T.B. '64 [?Adm. Cai. 1564; Trin. H. 1566] A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. (Joh.) 1609-10 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 A.M. 1655 {fil. nob.) A.B. 1569-70 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1580 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1610-1, A.M. (*Jes.) 1614; [S.T.B. 1621; S.T.P. 1630 1 Regius Professor of Greek, 1.517 132 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Carr, Tho Chr. — Tho Chr. Carre, Tho Cath. — Tho Sid. Car, Tho Chr. Carre, Tho Trhi. Carr, Tho Chr. Car, W Joh. Carre, Will Clem. H. — Will Pem. Carr, Will Joh. — Will C. C. Carre, Will *Trin. Carr, Will Chr. — Will Chr. Carre, Will Qu. Carr, Will Qu. Carre, Will Carr, Will Chr. — Will [Trin. — Will Chr. Carre Carrier, Benj *C. C. — Rich ~ Rich *Pet. — Rob Em. Carier (Charier), Tho. ... C. C. — Will Joh. Carrier, Will Joh. — Zachaeus ... Joh. Carrington, Fra Trin. - — Fra Jes. — Godfrey Sid. Carington, John Jes. Carrington, Sam Jes. Carington, Tho [Pem. Carrington, Tim Sid. Karrington, Will C. C. Carington, Will Sid. Carse, John [*Cla. Carte, Geo Trin. — John Sid. Cart, Jos Pet. Carte, Tho Joh. — Will Trin. — Will Sid. Carter, Abdiel Jes. — And Cla. — Earth Trin. — Bezaleel Cla. — Bezaleel C. C. — Cha Cai. — Cha Mag. — Edw Pet. — Florence ... Joh. — Fra Cla. — Fra *King's — Fra Cai. — Gamaliel ... Jes. f-c M P I s E p r p E [schol. s E f-c L s M 1625 1631 1638 1641 1645 1646 1650 1565 1544 1572 1595 1606 1611] 1618-9 1620 1620-1 1631 s E 1651 p E 1653] s E 1657 s E 1583 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A. B. 1634; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 (?*Trin. [1647) A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1609; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1612-3 ; A.M. 1616; S.T.P. '25 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 [Migr. to Em.] A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1654-5 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 A.B. (? ); A.M. 1548 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590; S.T.B. [1597; S.T.P. 1602 (Matr. Charier) A.B. (*Joh.) 1600-1; A.M. 1604 p M 1658 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 p E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 V M 1568 A.B. 1572-3 P E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 P M 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 s E 1610 A.B. 1613-4 p E 1637 s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 p M 1610 p M 1612 A.B. (Cla.) 1615-6 1645] s E 1657 A.B. 1661-2 p E 1621 s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 1622] A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Edinb.); [S.T.B. 1628 ; S.T.P. 1631-2 {Lit. s L 1615-6 A.B. 1619-20 [Reg.) s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 s M 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 s L 1584-5 s E 1607 A.B. (Sid.) 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 V E 1576 s E 1575 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 s E 1606 A.B. (Chr.) 1610-1 ; A.M. (Cla.) '17 1> E 1632 A.B. 1635-6 (Matr. Cartwright) T> E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 s E 1648 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 H L 1634-5 S E 1633 [(Jartey] S E 1604 A.B. 1607-8 P E 1615 A.B. 1619; A.M. 1623; S.T.B. P E 1622 [1630; S.T.P. 1638 P c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6 Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 133 A.B. (1 1591-2) ; A.M. 1595 ; S.T.B. A.B. 1604-5 [1604 A.B. 1616-7 ; A.M. 1620; S.T.B. '29 A.B. 1624-5 ; A.M. 1628 ; S.T.B. '36 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. (King's) 1631; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. (Cla.) 1580; A.B. 1577-8 ; A.M. 1581 [M.D.'86 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. (?1602-3); A.M. (Job.) 1606 A.B. 1613-4 ;A.M. 1617; S.T.B. '38 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1626-7 ; A.M. 1630 ; S.T.B. [1638 ; S.T.P. 1661 / {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1633-4 A.B. 1659-60 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. (*Je.s.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. (*Em.) 1652 [1665 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652;.M.D. A.B. 15.59-60: A.M. 1563; S.T.B. '69 A.B. (*Joh.) 1553-4; A.M. 1557 A.B. 1550-1; A.M. 1555 A.B. ; A.j\r. (Job.) 1569 {supp.) A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1629; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1660-1 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. (Cai.) 1590-1 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599; S.T.B. A.B. 1.597-8 [1608? A.B. (Job.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1642-3 ; A.M. 1646 ; S.T.P. '69 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1662-3 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1528-9 ; A.M. 1532 ; S.T.P. '44 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 ( 'arter, Geo Cla. s L 1588-9 Geo . Cbr. p M 1601 Geo . Cbr. P E 1613 Geo .*Cla. P E 1621 Geo Cla. s E 1634 Grenough . . . Pet. s E 1627 Hewohe? .. . Jes. s E 1602 Ja . Trin. s E 1573 Jobn . Cla. s E 1569 Jobn . Cbr. p M 1573 John . Cla. s E 1575 John . C. C. V c. 1.596 Jobn Jobn . Cla. s M 1610 Jobn . Job. s E 1621 Jobn . *Trin. p E 1623 Jobn . Em. s E 1625 Jobn . Sid. s E 1631 Jobn . Cai. p E 1656 Jolm . Sid. V E 1659 Lancelot . . . Qu. s E 1612 Lewis . Trin. s xM 1576 Martin . Qu. P E 1645 Mattb . Pern. s M 1641 Miles . [Cai. p E 16321 Nicb . Trin. p M 1631 Nicb .*Cla. .s M 1646 Oliver .... .*Job. p M 1555 Pet ; Catb. s IM Rich 1547 Rich . Cai. p M 1583 Rich . Cai. p c. 1590 Rob . Rob . Job. V M 1622 Rob . Qu. s E 1626 Rob . [King's L 1631-2 Rob . Cla. p E 1657 Rog . [Jes. p L 1645-6 Sam . Cai. s L 1597-8 Sam. {imp. Pern. p M 1657 Sim . Job. p E 1656 Stepb . Pet. p E 1587 — Stepb . Job. s c. 1594 Tbo . Mag. s E 1576 Tbo . Cai. s L 1580-1 Tbo . Jes. p c. 1590 Tbo . Cbr. s c. 1592 Tbo . Trin. s c. 1593 Tbo ( 'jirtor, Tbo .. Trin. s E 1607 ( "arter, Tbo . Trin. p E 1617 Tho . Job. p M 1617 Tbo . Job. s E 1626 _ Tbo . Trin. s E 1634 ^ Tbo . Mag. p E 1639 Tbo . *Job. \) M 1651 Tho . Cai. V E 1659 Walt . *King's p E 1618 Will '. Job. p M — Will 1568 134 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Carter, Will Pet. — Will Mag. — Will — Will Trin. — Will Joh. — Will Trin. — Will Cla. — Will C. C. Carteret, Amise Jes. — [Sid. Cartmell, iJryan [Cla. — Nich Trin. Cartwright, Chris *Pet. — Edm [C. C. — Edm Sid. — Edw Trin. — Era C. C. — Eulke C. C. — Eulke Pet. — Geo Chr. — Geo C. C. — Hamlet C. C. — Hugh Mag. Carterwright, Humfr Pet. Cartwright, Ja Trin. — John [Cai. ■ — John Mag. — John Jes. — Miles C. C. — Rich Trin. — Sam Sid. — iTho Cla. — Tho Trin. — Will Qu. — Will Mag. — Will Em. — Will Mag. — Will {] Car udders v. Carodus Carus, Nich Joh. Carver, Edw Qu. — John [Trin.H — John Chr. Carvar, Marmaduke Qu. Carver, Rich Qu. — Tho Em. — Tho Cai. — Tho C. C. Carvell, Edm Trin. Carvill, John Sid. Carvyll, Nich *King's Carwitham, Ja. v. Carewitham Caryan, Tim C. C. Carrill, Edw Trin. Carrell, John Trin. Caryle, Rich Chr. Caryll, Rich Pern. s E 1609 s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8 A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1624 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 p E 1624 s s M1628 L 1637-8 A.B. 1631-2 J p E 1649 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 L M 1573 p E 1603] E 1639 A.B. fr. Oxf.] s E 1566 p M 1617 1631] A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 p E 1632 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 s L 1588-9 A.B. (Jes.) 1592-3, Edm.; A.M. p M 1627 [1596; S.T.P. 1630 f-c c. 1597 p E 1639 p E 1584 p M 1627 s M 1573 A.B. 1576-7, Hanett p E 1613 p E 1566 A.B. (Joh.) 1568-9; A.M. 1572 p M1587 A.B. (Pet.) 1590-1 p L 1604-5 f-c E 1632 p E 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 s E 1575 A.B. 1578-9 p E 1565 [schol. L. 1599- -1600] A.B. 1604-5 ; A.M. 1608 s M1547 A.B. (*Joh.) 1553-4; A.M. 1560; [S.T.B. 1567; *Trin. 1562 p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1630 p E 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 p c. 1594 f-c E 1624 f-c E 1633 the above) LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1637 p M 1585 p E 1658 A.B. 1662 . schol. 1606] p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 j P L 1564-5 P E 1602 P L 1626-7 A.B. (Cla.) 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 P E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 ; A.M. 1662 ; M.D. '70 \ P E 1548 V E 1650 A.B. 1653-4, Carolle; A.M. 1657 P M 1545 A.B. 1549-50; A.M. 1553, Kervyle s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1672 1 s E 1609 A.B. 1613-4 V E 1640 A.B. 1643-4 (Matr. Cavyll) V E 1581 A.B. 1584-5 P E 1640 1 Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, 1569. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 135 Carell, Carill, Case, Casinhurst, C'ason, Casse, Cass, Casse, Casson, Castel, Castell, Castle, Castell, Castle, Casteale, Castle, Castell, Castle, Castell, Castle, Castell, Castel ow, Castelton, 1 Castleton, < 'asselton, ( "astleton, ( 'astou, ( 'atcher, Catehpoole, Tho Trill. H. Tho Em. Geo Tho Joh. Will Rob King's Edw Trill. Edw Joh. Hen Joh. John Em. John ("hr. Edni *Joh. John V. ('arse Mich Chr. Tobyas Joh. John V. Cawston Rob Joh. Aug Cai. Edni. ('Edw.') Em. Geo Cla. Geo Chr. John Joh. John Chr. John Joh. John Trill. Laur Joh. Mich Cai. Pet Joh. Rob King's Rob Chr. Rob Em. Rob Chr. Rob Em. Rob Pet. Rob [Em. Rob [Qu. Sherard [Em. Telamueth.. Chr. Tho Joh. Will Joh. Benj Cai. And Mag. [And.] Em. Hen Cai. Hugh Gonv.H. John [Em. M;irt Cai. Sam Cla. W Mag. Will Pet": Will Pet. Edm C. C. Edm Cath. Leon [C. C. Edw *Trin.H. Rich Pet. Tho Cai. Ezek Em. Gabriel Em. E ir,48 M IfiOl M 1631 E 1626 M 1580 E 1624 E 1617 E 1624 M 1626 c. 1595 A.M. 1612 (Tiicorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.M. 1615 (liicorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 [1611 A.B. 1599-1600 ; A.M. 1603 ; S.T.B. L E E E E M M E E E E L E E M M M E E E L E p E f-c M 1577-8 A.B. 1580-1, Miles Case 1605 [schol. p E p M [s E fp E 1641 1652 1621 1545 1641 1580 1610 1647 1650 1620-1 1624 1588 1566 1575 1584 1618 1621 1629 1651-2] 1653] 16.53] 1626 1647 1553 1628 1569 1609 1603] 1554 1638] 1616] 1614 1583 1607 1637 1586 1622 1585 1587] 1612 1646 1626] 1617] A.B. 1644-5, Cossoii A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628; S.T.B. [1635; S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1649 A.B. 1583-4 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1658; S.T.B. '85 [Casteile] A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.B. 1621-2 ; A.M. 1624 {Lit. Reg.) [Talmache] A.B. (Trin. H.) 1651-2 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. (Qu.) 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1559-60, Castelton; A.M. [1563; S.T.B. 1569 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. (King's) 1645 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. (? 1589-90) A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619; M.L. '24 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1620; A.M. 1624 Professor of Arabic, 1664. 136 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Catchpole, John Chr. Catlin, Anth Chr. Catiliue, Anth Chr. Catelyn, Cha Cai. Catelin, Elias Pern. Catling, Elias [C. C. Catliu, Fra Chr. Catalyn, Geo C. C. Catline, Jeremy Chr. Catelin, Jeremy Cai. Catiline, John Chr. Katline, Jonat Cath. Catlin, Jonat Cla. Cateline, Lawrence . . . *Qu. Catlinge, Nath Em. Catelin, Nevill King's Catlyn, Reinolpus... Cai. — Rich Cai. Cataline, Rich Pern. Catalin, Rich King's Catlyn, Rob Joh. — Rob Joh. — [Rob.(?)] ... King's Catalyn, Tho C. C. Catlin, Tho Joh. — Tho Cai. Catelin, Tho [C. C. — Tho [Cai. Catlyn, W Cla. Catlyne, Will Chr. Catlin, Will Em. Catelyne, Will Catlin Zach. {imp.) Chr. — Mag. Cater, And Qu. — And [C. C. Cater, And Cath. Cater, Edw King's — Edw Mag. — Geo (Mag.) — Geo Em. — Gerard [Jes. — John Trin. — John Chr. — Rich Trin. — Tho Joh. Cater, Tho Pet. Cater, Tho Em. — Tho Qu. Caterbank, Ralph Joh. Catesbye, Fra Trin. Catesby, Geo. {imp.\ ^^^^ 11 ann.)') — Geo [Qu. — Mich Em. — Rob Cai. Catesbye, Tho Trin. Catesby, Tho Cla. Catsby Em. Catherall, Edw Jes. _ [Gabr.] Cai. P s s s p p f-c p p p p p p f-c s p p f-c s s s E 1636 c. 1595 E 1634 M 1645 E 1613 1625] c. 1597 E 1545 E 1608 L 1637-8 E 1639 E 1628 M 1650 E 1655 c. 1601 E 1650 M 1572 M 1561 E 1631 M 1652 E 1557 M 1.562 M 1611 E 1545 c. 1597 M 1610 1635] E 1637] L 1564-5 E 1577 E 1609 c. 1597 E 1648 E 1634 1646] E 1655 E 1631 E 1632 E 1624 M 1625 M 1652] L 1578-9 E 1639 c. 1591 L 1557-8 M 1602 L 1623-4 E 1624 L 1564-5 L 1564-5 E 1586 L 1645-6] E 1610 M 1616 L 1563-4 E 1623 c. 1591 E 1610 c. 1590 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 A.B. 1550-1 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 A.B. (Cai.) 1642-3 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1654; A.M. 1658 _ A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662; S.T.B. '71 T A.B. 1576-7, Ralph; A.M. 1580 M.D. 1642 {Lit. Reg.) [Catlin] A.B. (? 1564-5); A.M. 1569 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. (Joh.) 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1637- A.M. 1641 A.B. 1658, Cater (Matr. Carter) A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1627-8, Carter; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. (Cai.) 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1613-4 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 137 Catherall, Eandolph ... Jes. — Rich ('. C. — Sam Joh. — Tho Pern. Caterall, AVill Qu. Gatherer, Will Pern. C'atrall, Ja Joh. Catlye, Fra Jes. Catley, John Jes. Caton, John Trin. — Phil Trin. — Rob Mag. Cat.stray , Walt *Tr i n. Cattlett, Ja Pet. Catlett, Tho [Qu. Catton, John Mag. Cawcott, Obadiah ... Trin. Caucutt, Tho Chr. Caudron, Rob Joh. Cawdron, Rob [C. C. Caulle, Tho Cla. Caulfield, iTob [Chr. Caunte, Geo Pet. — Tho C. C. Causfyld, John Trin. Causfield, John Cath. Causfeild, Rob Trin. Causfyld, Tho Trin. Cavan v. de Cavan Cave, Brian [Em. — Brian Em. — Cecil les. • — Chris Pern. — Edw Chr. — Edw Jes. — Eusebius ... [Em. — Geo Jes. — Hen Jes. — John Mag. • — De la, Joshua — Rich Jes. — Rich — Rob Sid. — Rog Joh. — Tho Chr. — Tho Trin. — Tho *Trin. — Vincent ...*Cai. — W Jes. — Walt Joh. — Will Joh. — Will Jes. — Will Sid. — (?Cane)Will Trin. — Will Joh. Cavee, Ed Trin. Cavell, Hen [Em. — Will Qu. Cavendish v. Candish s M 1610 A.B. 1613; A.M. 1617 p E 1585 p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 s E 1584 A.B. 1586-7, Catherall s M 1568 s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6 s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 1^ E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 s E 1625 A.B. 1629-30 (Matr. Canston) s L 1634-5 V E 1646 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1647 (special s E 1637 [Ketlet] [grace), Katstry p E 1645] s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 V E 1637 s L 1623-4 [Caldecot] s c. 1596 1628] s M 1570 f-c 1637] s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 p E 1573 f-c L 1588-9 (Cansfield ?) p c. 1594 p M 1558 f-c E 1595] p E 1602 f-c M 1589 p M 1562 p E 1608 p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 f-c E 1595] p E 1550 p M 1569 s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 S.T.P. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Franeker) f-c M 1578 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) f-c M 1637 p M 1622 A.B. 1626-7 p c. 1595 A.B. (Trin.) 1599-1600 ; A.M. 1603 fc M 1609 p E 1634 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 p M 1658 LL.B. 1664 V M 1569 s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 1> E 1551 f-c M 1589 p L 1607 }) M 1608 s M 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660; S.T.P. '72 f-c L 1564-5 p E 1600] s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1635 Third Baron Charlemont. 18 138 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Caverly, Will Em. p M 1638 Cavyll, John v. Caryll Caudrie, Anth Chr. s c. 1591 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 Cavvdrey, Dan [Sid. M 1606] A.B. (? 1609-10) ; A.M. (Pet.) 1613 Cawdry, Dan [Em. p L 1652-3] — John Trin. s E 1621 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1623-4 Caudrie, Tho Chr. s c. 1591 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 Cawdrey, Tho Em. p E 1641 A.B. (*Qu.) 1644-5 Cawdraye, W Trin. s M 1575 Cawdreye, Zacharie ... Chr. s c. 1595 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 ; M.D. Cawdry, Zachary *Joh. s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 [1611 Cawen?, Will Jes. s c. 1595 Cawfield, Tho Mag. p E 1645 Cawlton Chr. p E 1544 Cawne, John Cai. p L 1580-1 A.B. (*Trin.) 1586-7; A.M. (? 1590); Cawood, Will Trin. 8 M 1622 [S.T.B. 1597 Cause, Rich Em. f-c E 1613 Cawse, W Pet. p E 1586 Cawsey, Rob A.B. (Cai.) 1583-4 — Will Cai. p E 1572 A.B. 1575-6 ; A.M. 1579 ; S.T.B. '86 Cawston, John *C. C. p M 1582 A.B. 1585-6 ; A.M. 1589 ; S.T.B. '96 — John C. C. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1626, Casson Cauthorne, Edw Em. p L 1629-30 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 Cawthorne, John A.B. 1531-2; A.M. 1535 ; S.T.B. '44 — John Chr. p E 1606 John [Trin. p L 1646-7] Cauthon, Jos C. C. p E 1647 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 Cawthorn, Tho Trin. s M 1623 A.B. 1626-7 (Matr. Caiothorn) Cawton, Tho Qu. s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 Cay V. Kay, Key Cayer, John [Trin. schol. 1634] Cayley, Tho. v. Caley Cayster, W Pem. p L 1563-4 Cayworth, John v. Ceyworth — Will A.B. (Em.) 1609-10; A.M. 1613 Cecill, Algernon ... [Trin. f-c E1645] AM. lUA {fil. noh.) Cecil, Cha [Joh. f-c M 1634] Cicill, Chris Pem. f-c c. 1593 Cecil, David Cla. f-c M 1620 A.M. 1620-1 ( ^Z. %o6.) Cecyll, Edw [Trin. f-c M 1652] A.M. 1653-4 (fil. nob.) Secill, Phil [Cath. p 1639] Cecyll, Rich Joh. f-c M 1585 Cecil, Rich [Pet. f-c E 1628] — iRob A.M. 1605 — Rob [Joh. f-c M 1^34] Cecyll, Tho *Pet. A.B. 1541-2, Syssel; A.M. 1544 — 2Tho Trin. f-c M 1558 (Matr. Cicyle) — Tho Joh. p M 1567 Cecill, Tho A.M. 1571 Cecil, Tho Pem. f-c c. 1593 Cecill, Tho *Joh. s c. 1595 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 ; S.T.B. '08 — 3 Will. (Sir)... [Joh. 1535] A.M. 1564 rOn Queen's visit) Cecyll, 4 Will Trin. f-c M 1578 Cecill, sWill Joh. f-c M 160'2 A.M. 1605 Certayne, Rolph Pem. p M 1556 Cervington, Edw [Em. p L 1587-8] 1 High Steward, 1591; Chancellor, 1601; Earl of Salisbury, 1605. 2 ?Earl of Exeter, 1605. 8 Chancellor, 1559 ; created Lord Burghley, 1571. 4 Earl of Exeter, 16-2-2. 5 Earl of Salisbury, 1612. I Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 139 Cevalerius v. also Chevallier — Sam Ceyworth, John *Em. Chabrier, Paj-ne Pet. Chace v. also Chase — Jeremy King's — John Kin'^'s — Will *King's — [King's — Chr. Chadburne v. Chatburne Chaderton, Alex *Qa. — Edm Qu. — Edm Qu. Chatterton, ^ Lain- *Chr. Chaderton, Laur Qu. Chatterton, Tho Trin. Chaderton, 2 Will Pern. Chatterton [King's Chadsley, Geo Chr. Chadisley, Rich Jes. Chad.sley, Rob Qu. Chadwicke, Cha Chr. Chad wick, Cha Chr. — Cha [Em. — Cha Jcs. — Dan Em. — Ja Cla. Chadweeke, John Trin. Chadwick, John Chr. — John Chr. Chadwicke, John Chr. Chadwick, John Mag. — John [Em. — John Em. — Jonat Mag. Chadweeke, Jordan Em. Chadwick, Jos Em. Chadwycke, Rob C. C. Chadwick, Theoph Joh. — Tho Chadwycke, W Qu. Chadwicke, Will Jes. Chadwyke Jes. — ijxin.) C. C. ChafFey, John Em. Chafin, Tho [Trin. Chairc, Albion Cla. Chalfont, Chris *King's — Matth *King's Chalice, Rich *Cai. ChalkhiU, John Trin. Challiconibe, (ieo Cai. Challoner, Cha Pet. f-c A.B. E 1610 A.B. L 1597-8 (Pet.) 1582-3 1613-4; A.M. 1617 f-c E 1620 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. (Chr.) 1626 p E 1611 p M 1583 A.B. 158'; 1590-1] f-c 1610-1 A.M. 1591; M.D. [1601 c. 1596 M 1579 M 1615 L 1564-i E 1611 E 1637 M 1555 1600- M 1553 M 1564 E 1635 E 1576 E 1637 E 1657 ; E 1659 M 1642 E 1656 M 1575 E 1585 E 1607 E 1616 E 1634 E 1653] E 1658 E 1635 ]\[ 1585 E 1651 M 1568 E 1612 E 1568 M 1641 E 1544 1567 M 1651 E 1653] E 1658 M 1650 M 1562 M 1655 M 1610 E 1629 E 1629 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 ; S.T.B. [1611 A.B. 1567-8, Chaderton; A.M. [1571 ; S.T.B. (Em.) 1578 ; S.T.P. A.B. 1638-9, Chaderton [1613 A.B. (*Chr.) 1557-8; A.M. 1561; I [S.T.B. 1566; S.T.P. (Qu.) 1569 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 A.B. 1637-8 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583; S.T.B. [(*Em.) 1590; S.T.P. 1605 A.B. 1640-1, 'Shadwick'; A.M. 'same as next] [1647 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 A.B. 1644-5 (Migr. to Pet.) A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592; S.T.B. [1599; S.T.P. 1608 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 (Matr. [Cadwick) A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. (Mag.) A.B. 1654-5 [1593 ; S.T.B. 1601 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1620 A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. (Mag.) 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. 1651-2 [Chare] [Chauford) (A.B. 1654-5); A.M. 1659 (Matr. A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 A.B. 1659-60 A.B. 1632-3, Chalncombe; A.M. [1636 1 First Master of Emmanuel, 1584. - Lady Margaret Professor of Diviuity, 1567 ; Regius Professor of Divinity, l.')77 ; President of Queens', 1568; Bishop of Chester, 157'.); Liucohi, 1595. 140 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 M 1576 M 1609 E 1617 M 1635 E 1647 E 1649 M 1582 M 1561 M 1589 E 1617 M 1647 E 1570 L 1638-9] L 1643-4] E 1645] E 1639 E 1554 M 1547 E 1611 L 1578 c. 1592 E 1600 1623 1647" E 1631 E 1606 L 1620 A.B. A.B. Chaloner, Dau Chr. s E 1617 — David Jes. s E 1658 Challoner, Edw Chalenour, Era Cla. f-c Challoner, Era Qu. p — Ja Mag. p — John — John Cla. s Challener, John Cla. p — John Chr. s Chalenor, Luke Trin. p Chaliner, Nich Qu. s Chalenor, Rich Em. p Challenor, Tho Jes. s Challoner, Tho Cla. [p Chalenor, Tim Cla. p Challinor, Will Challenor [Em. f-c Chalenor [Cath. p Chalone [Cath. f-c Chamber, Cha Chr. s — Ja Chr. p — Will Cla. s Chamberlyne, Barth Chamberlin, Edm Cai. p M 1606 Chamberlayne, Edm Cai. p Chamberleyne, Edw Qu. s Chamberlayne, Edw Trin.H. p — Edw Cai. [s Chamberlain, Edw [C. C. — Edw [C. C. Chamberlyn, Fitzrash ... Joh. p Chamberlaine, Era Trin. p — Geo *Trin. s — Hen [Qu. p Chamberlayne, Ja Trin.H. s M 1627 Chamberlain, Ja *Joh. s E 1651 Chamberlaine, Jerome ... Pem. s E 1620 Chamberlyne, John Joh. p M 1560 Chamberlyn, John Trin. p E 1570 Chamberlaine, John Trin. p E 1606 Chamberlain, Martin *Pet. p M 1654 Chamberlayne, Nich Jes. s M 1553 Chamberlaine, Nich Qu. p L 1653 Chamberlayne, Pet Em. p M 1615 Chamberlain, Ralph [Joh. p Chamberlyn, Rich Trin. p M 1583 Chamberlaine, Rich [Trin. p E 1648] Chamberlain, Sam [Qu. p E 1593] Chamberlayne, Sam Em. p E 1640 Chamberlaine, Symon ... Mag. s E 1618 A.B. Chamberlin, Tho A.M Chamberleyne, Tho. Fitzraffe King's f-c L 1579-80 Chamberlayne, Will Cai. [s E 1601] A.B. — Will Qu. s E 1631 A.B — Will *Trin. .s E 1636 Chambers v. also Chamber — Anth Joh. s E 1615 — Anth — Art Joh. s c. 1597 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1625 A.M. 1616(Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; S.T.B. [1617 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. (Cla.) 1603; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1585-6; A.B. 1563-4, [1567; A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1589 Chalenour ; S.T.B. (Cla.' A.M. 1624 A.M. 1575 Oxf.] A.B. 1647 A.B. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1559-60, Chambers S.T.P. 1585 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) 1614; A.M. 1618 1582-3 A.B. 1603-4 A.B. (n609-10); A.M. 1613 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629; S.T.P. [1661 {Lit. Reg.) L 1600-1] A.B. (? 1604-5); A.M. (Trin.) 1608 ^"^~ A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1654-5 ; A.M. 1658 ; S.T.B. '65 A.B. 1623-4 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 M.D. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Padua) M 1630 •? Fitzrash, above] A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 1620-1 1598 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 1634; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 (? S.T.P. [1660 {Lit. Reg.)) A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1627 A.B. (Joh.) 1629-30 Mat) 'iculatiot .s a nd Deg rees 1544 — 1659 141 Chambers, Benj Trin. s E 1566 Calcott . Qu. f-c E 1619 Cha Job. p L 1623-4 A.B. 1626-7, Chamber; A.M. 1629 Cha Cai. p E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 Edw Em. .s M 1647 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 (leo A.B. (Joh.) 1606 Geo .■.■.".■.■ Qu. p L 1618-9 A.B. 1622-3, Chamber; A.M. 1626 Hen Chr. p E 1655 Humph. S.T.P. 1654 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) John .... ...'.'.' Job. p M 1569 — John .... Job. p E 1575 A.B. (Cla.) 1577-8; A.M. 1581 — John .... Trin. p L 1584-5 [(Matr. Chamber) John .... Qu. s E 1633 Jos [Era. p E 1638] Leon *Trin. p M 1561 A.B. 1565-6 ; A.M. 1569 ; S.T.B.'83 Matth. . Job. p M 1639 Mich *Qu. p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Nath Qu. s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 Pet Cath. p E 1637 — Rich Chr. p M 1560 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. (*Trin.) 1566 Rich Cla. s E 1561 [1610; S.T.P. 1614 Rich *Joh. s c. 1595 A.B. 1599-1600 ; A.M. 1603 ; S.T.B. Rich Qu. [p E 1611] A.B. 1614, De la Chamber Roh *Joh. s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 ; S.T.B. '24 Rob Job. p E 1641 [Chamber] — Rob [Trin. p E 1654] — Sam :qu. p E 1631] — Tho King's p M 1562 [Chamber] — Tho Job. s M 1575 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 Tho s E 1544 A.B. (Pet.) 1609 ; A.M. 1613 ; S.T.B. Will .'.'.".'.' Nich.H LL.B. 1545-6 [1623 Will Job. p E 1576 A.B. (Chr.) 1579-80; A.M. (Joh.) Will Jes. s E 1652 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 [1583 [Trin. schol. 15571 Chamley v. Chomley Chammock, John .... A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5 Champernowle, John . .".'.'.'. C. C. f-c E 1608 [Champernowne] Champernowne, Hen.. Pern. f-c M 1551 Champinell, Hen Cla. P E 1559 Champney, Rich A.B. (Cla.) 1603; A.M. 1608 — Tol)ias . ::::: qu. P c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9 Chainpnies, Justiniai ... Joh. P M 1654 A.B. 1658-9 (Matr. Chapney) Charapnes, Will Em. f-c E 1626 Chan, John V. Chun Chauncey, Cha *Triu. p E 1610 A.B. 1613-4 ; A.M. 1617 ; S.T.B. '24 Cauncy, Edw Job. s E 1654 [Cbauncey] Chaucey, Geo Cla. f-c E 1633 Chansey, Hen Pem. p M 1588 Chancy, Hen Em. s E 1627 [Chauncey] — Hen Cai. p E 1647 Chauncy, Ja Joh. p M 1615 A.B. (Trin.) 1618-9; A.M. 1622 Chancey, Will Joh. p M 1609 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 — Will Em. s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5, Chauncey ; A.M. 1618 — Will Trin. s E 1637 A.B. 1641-2 Chandler, Dan *Qu. s M 1619 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. 1626 ; S.T.B. '35 — Era Qu. .s E 1637 A.B. 1639-40 — Phil Trin. p M 1650 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 (Matr. — Rob Cai. s M 1611 A.B. 1614-5 [Candler) A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Chaunler, Rob Chandler, Tho ..... C. C. s E 1583 [Candler] Chandlor, Tho Qu. p M 1613 142 Mat7'iculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Chandler, Tho . Em. p Chandron, Abr Channet, John . Mag. ]i Chantler, Hen . Sid? s Chantrell, Sam . Trin. p — W[ill] . Trin. s Chantry, Eich . Joh. s Chaplin, Abr . Em. s Edm Hugh . Trin. p — Isaac . Cath. s Chapleyne, John . Chr. s Chaplin, Jos . [Cath. s Chapleyn, Rocus .... . Chr. 1^ Chaplyne, Tho . Cai. s Chaplin, Tho . Cath. s Chapleyn, W . Joh. p Chaplyne, Will . Cai. s Chapman, Alex .*C. C. V Allen . rCai. ]) . Ambr . Cai. r« And . Mag. p Chris . Cla. s Dan . Chr. V — Drue Edm . Gonv.H s Edm . Trin. s Edw . *Joh. p Era . Chr. s Era . Pet. s Era . Cath. s — Era . Joh. s Gabriel . Cai. s Gabriel . Mag. s Hen . Qu [p Hen . Em. p — Hen . [Qu. p Ja . Joh. p — John . Pet. s — John . Qu. s — John . Mag. p — John . Trin. s — John . Qu. s John . *Trin. p John . Cla. V John . Mag. V John . Cai. r« John . *Trin. V John . Trin. John . C. C. s John . Mag. .s — [John] . Chr. V — John . King's s John . Joh. p John . [Cath. s John . [Em. f-c John . Jes. H John . Pern. S John . C. C. P Marmaduke Trin. E 1627 M 1623 E 1604 E 1631 c. 1591 E 1649 M 1625 c. 1596 E 1646 E 1581 1638] M 1576 L 1564-5 E 1639 E 1561 L 1564-5 c. 1593 M 1568] E 1594] M 1567 M 1572 E 1607 M 1554 M 1581 E 1575 M 1587 M 1627 E 1631 M 1656 E 1588 E 1588 M 1592] L 1618-9 E 1648] M 1567 E 1544 E 1565 M 1565 E 1568 E 1569 M 1570 M 1581 E 1586 L 1594-5] c. 1595 M 1607 E 1612 E 1617 E 1623 E 1626 E 1628 1630] E 1632] E 1632 M 1648 E 1651 E 1587 A.B. (Pet.) 1584-5 A.B. (? ) ; .\.M. 1615 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. {-i 1594-5) ; A.M. (Em.) 1598 A.B. 1652-3 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1598-9 A.B. (Mag.) 1603-4 (Henry in ordo) A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1654 (Incorp. [fr. Edinb.) A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1575-6 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.B. (Joh.) 1587-8 [S.T.B. 1569 A.B. (*Trin.) 1558-9; A.M. 1562; A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1659-60 A.B. 1595- A.B. 1573-4 ; A.M. 1577; S.T.B. '85 A.B. 1585-6 A.B. (n589-90) ; A.M. 1593 ; S.T.B. A.B. 1598-9 ; A.M. 1606 [1600 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1635-6 A.B. 1649 A.B. (n591-2); A.M. 1595 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 143 Chapman, Matth Trin. .s E 1566 — Matth Cath. s E 1617 — Mich Tnn. s M 1615 — Nich Tnn. H. s E 1545 — Nich Cai. p E 1651 — Paul C. C. p E 1578 — Randall Toh. s E 1579 — Rich (,)u. s M 1567 — Rich — Rich Jcs. s E 1609 — Rich Mag. s E 1612 — Rich Qu. s E 1622 — Rich Chr. s E 1639 — Ro Pet. s E 1559 — Rob Pet. .s M 1567 — Roh Trin. p E 1620 — Rob Joh. p E 1621 — Rob C. C. p M 1625 — Rog C. C. [1640] — Rog Joh. s E 1656 — Sam *C. C. s E 1649 — Seth Em. p E 1620 — Steph Chr. s E 1610 — [Tho.] {imp.) C. C. s E 1544 — Tho Joh. s M 1549 — Tho King's p M 1.555 — Tho Joh. p E 1565 — Tho Trin. p E 1568 — Tho [Qn. s E 1575] — Tho Qu. p E 1604 — Tho Joh. s E 1618 — Tho Cai. s E 1651 — Will — Will Joh. p E 1565 — W C. C. p M 1571 — W Chr. s E 1573 — [Em. f-c E 1604] — Trin. E 1606 — [Cath. s E 1653] Chapney, Ju.stinian v. Champneys Chappell, Anth — Earth 'John — John *Trin. [schol. 1605] — John Chr. p E 16.50 — John Em. p E 1658 — Steph Clir. p M 1634 — 2 Will *Chr. [c. 1599] — Will Sid. p E 1633 Chappelo, Tho C. C. s E 1639 Charde, Tho Cla. p E 1624 Charier, Benj. v. Carrier Charke, Ezechiel ... King's [schol. E 1603] — Ezechiel ... Qu. s E 1644 — Will *Pet. s E 1560 Charles, Prince of Wales — Prince of Wales — John Trin. p E 1657 A.B. 1569-70 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. (Cla.) 1620; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585; S.T.B. [1600; S.T.P. 1613 A.B. (Cla.) 1603-4 A.B. 1612-3 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1625-6 A.B. 1642-3 A.B. (Trin.) 1571-2 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1643-4 A.B. A.B. A.B. 1652-3 ; 1623-4 ; 1613-4 A.M. 1656 A.M. 1627 A.M. 1617 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. (*Cla.) 1555 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1628 A.B. (C. C.) 1654-5 ; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1561-2; A.M. (*Qu.) 1565 A.B. (Mag.) 1570-1 [? scholar, Trin. H. 1572] A.B. (Cla.) 1608 A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Chr.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610; [S.T.B. (*Em.) 1617 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 A.". 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. (n602-3); A.M. 1606; S.T.B. A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 [1613 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 (Matr. A. B. 1 562-3 ; A. M. 1 566 [Clarke) A.M. 1612-3 A.M. 1642 A.B. 1659-60; M.B. 1661 ; M.D.'66 Dean of Ross, 1639. 2 Dean of Cashel, 1683; Bishop of Cork, 1638. 144 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Charles, Sam C. C. Charlaworth, Nich Trin. Charlesworth, Rich Joh. Charlton, Alex Cath. Charleton, John Trin. Charlton, Mich *Trin. Charleton, Nath [From — Rich Cla. — Rob Cla. — Tho Trin. Charlton, Tho [Chr. — Tho Em. Charleton, Tho [Pet. Charlton, Walt Qu. — Trin. Charlewood, John Joh. Charman, Fra Charnelhouse, Alex Pern. Charnells, Edw Em. Charnocke, Rich Pet. — Rog Cai. Charnock, Steph Em. Charnocke, W Pem. Charrise, John Joh. Charrold, Geo Cai. Chartam, Ralph Mag. Charte, John Charvell, Tho Jes. Chase, Gamaliel ... — John Sid. — Rich *Sid. — Tho Sid. Chasye, John Pem. Chasie, Tho Cla. Chatburne, Dan Jes. — Geo Joh. — Oliver Joh. — Rich Qu. — Will [Cath. Chatborne, W Cla. Chaytor, Hen Joh. Chayter, Hugh Trin. Cheter, John Chr. Chater, Ralph Qu. — Tho Pet. — Will Chr. — [C. C. Chateres, John Joh. — Tho Jes. Chatfeeld, Steph Chatterton v. Chaderton Chauncey v. Chancy Chauiitler, Nich Cla. — Rog Trin. Chaussu, Nich. de ... Chavency, Pet Em. Chawdron, Abr Pet. Chawner, Rob C. C. — Rob Cai. — Sam C. C. — Will C. C. s M 1649 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 s E 1627 s M 1645 A.B. 1648-9 s E 1626 . p E 1572 A.B. 1575-6, Chaleton [schol. 1608 Ex. Coll. Oxf." A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. (Qu.) 1644-5 P E 1574 A.B. 1577-8 s M 1576 A.B. 1579-80 V E 1617 V M 1636 J p E 1650 s E 1656] I'-c M 1589 p L 1629-30 p E 1605 A.B. 1608-9 A.B. (King's) 1636-7 ; A.M. 1640 p E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 p M 1637 A.B. 1640-1 s M 1548 p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 s E 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 (Matr. P M 1561 [Charnick) f-c E 1607 s M 1623 A.B. 1626-7 s E 1571 A.B. (Trin.) 1585-6 p E 1544 A.M. 1619 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8 ; A.M. 1621 ; S.T.B. '28 p M 1628 p E 1559 s E 1577 p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 p M 1552 A.B. 1555-6 ; A.M. (*Cath.) 1559 s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 s E 1631 [Chadburne] schol 1558] s M 1560 p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 p M 1562 p E 1626 [Chaitor] p E 1586 A.B. (? 1589-90) ; A.M. (Chr.) 1593 p M 1572 p M 1658 1561] s E 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588, Chattris s E 1544 A.M. 1586 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1575 s E 1563 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 A.M. 1625 (On King's visit) p E 1641 p M 1581 s E 1614 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 s M 1642 A.B. 1646-7 s E 1617 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 [1604] A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1612 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 145 Chauwoi'th, Earth Trin. Chay worth, Geo Trin. Chaworthe, Geo Trin. Cha worth, Geo Em. Chau worth, Geo Trin. Cha worth, Geo — Gilb Cai. — John Cai. Chay worth, W Trin. Cheadle, Roland Cheales, Rich Em. — Tho Em. Cheaner, Rob. v. Cheyner Chedock, Sam Em. Cheke, Hatton Trin. Cheeke, Hen Trin. Cheek, Hen Em. Cheke, John Joh. — John Pet. Cheeke, Rob *Trin. — Rob King't — Rob *Trin. — Rog *Trin. — Tho — Tho Em. Cheeseborough, Hugh ... Joh. Cheetam, Edm Cheetham, Edm Sid. Cheever, Ezechiel ... Em. Chynnerye, John Jes. Chenerey, Tho Jes. Cheney, Chris Pet. Cheyney, Era. {imp.) j^^^ 12 anil.)) — Herb Joh. — John Joh. Cheny, John Trin. Cheyney, iRich [Chr. Cheney, Rich Qii. Cheyne, Rob Trin. Cheynj% Rowland ... Em. Cheney, Sam Em. Chaynye, Tho Trin. Cheny, Tho Sid. Cheyney, W Cla. Cheneye, W Chr. Cheyney, Will Joh. Chery, Edw Cla. Cherie, Tho C. C. Chernoke, John Joh. Chernock, John C. C. — St John [Cath. Cherry, Edw Chr. Cherwell, Humph, v. Sherwel Cheryngton, W Pet. Cheselden v. Chiselden Chesham, Tho Cla. Cheshire, John Joh. — Rich P P f-c P P P P s P f-c f-c p p p p p p f-c s c. 1598 M 1564 E 1572 M 1.586 c. 1598 M 1622 E 1627 E 1570 E 1621 E 1625 E 1620 c. 1595 L 1564- M 1588 M 1.544 L 1564- M 1586 M 1642 E 1644 L A.M. 1614-5 (On King's visit) [de Cadurcis] A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1624 A.B. (Mag.) 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1.590-1; A.M. 1594; S.T.B. [1610 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1650 1577-8 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.M. 1629 (Jl. nob.) 1644 1637 E 1656 E 1633 L 1584-5 E 1659 L 1579-80 E 1562 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. (Joh.) 1598 p M p E p M scholar] p M s E s M E M P P f-c M p M p M s E p c. p L p M 8 M f-c s M 1602 1562 1598 1561 1631 1635 1634 1566 1628 1566 1581 1614 1.597 1.597-i 1578 1635 1637] 1617 s M 1558 E 1610 M 1656 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1608, Harberton A.B. 1528-9; A.M. (*Pem.) 1532; [S.T.B. (*Chr.) 1540 A.B. (Em.) 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 [Cheyne] A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 [Chorie] A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1659-60 A.B. (Pet.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607; [S.T.B. 1615; S.T.P. 1627 Bishop of Gloucester, 1562. 19 146 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Cheshire, Tho Cheslen, Rob Chr. p E 1628 Chester, Cha Pet. f-c E 1572 — Dan Chr. f-c M 1569 — Edw Pet. f-c E 1558 — Edw Chr. p E 1606 — Edw. {imp.) Cai. p E 1658 — Era Trin. p M 1567 — Granado ...*Trin. p E 1612 — John Cath. f-c M 1641 — John [Qu. p M 1647] — Payton Joh. p E — Rob Cla. f-c E — Rob — Rob Trin. p — Rob Chr. f-c — Rob [Cath. f-c — Will. {Sir)... Chesteney, Will Trin. H. s Chestney, W Cla. s Cheston, John Trin. s — Kirke Trin. s — Tho Trin.H. p — Will Trin.H. p — Will Joh. p — Will Joh. s Chestonay [C. C. Cheswell, Rich Mag. s Cheswick, John Cath. s Cheswright, Edw Cai. p Chesewryght, John C. C. p Cheswright, Mark Pern. p Chiswright, W Pern. p Chenfley, Will [Qu. p Chevalier, Emmanuel — Era ('Gallus') Chever, Rob *C. C. Chewney, Nich [Jes. s Cheyer, Walt Joh. p Cheyner, Rob C. C. s Cheyney v. Cheney Chiball, Will Chibnall, Anth Chiborne, Rich Cath. p Chicheley, Hen Cai. f-c — Tho — Wolstan ... Pern. Chichester, Art [Trin. f-c — Era — Greg [Sid. s Chidlow, John C. C. s Chidlowe, Rog Joh. s Chidwicke, John Em. .s Chiflet [C. C. Chilborne, Chris Cla. p E 1558 Chilcot, Rob *Sid. s M 1645 Chilcotte('Charotte'), Will. Jes. f-c M 1622 Child, Benj Em. [s E 1610] A.B. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf ) ; A.M. [(Job.) 1623 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1570-1; A.M. (*C. C.) 1574 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619; S.T.B. [1627 ; S.T.P. 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) 1651 1569 L 1615-( E 1635 1640] E 1557 E 1560 E 1576 E 1632 E 1544 M 1556 E 1560 E 1613 1548] E 1614 M 1642 c. 1595 M 1556 M 1584 M 1585 E 1614] E 1628] E 1558 E 1575 E 1634 M 1649 [1623] L 1652-3] E 1637] c. 1590 E 1579 A.M. 1666 {Lit. r.) A.B. (Trin.) 1585-6 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623; S.T.P. [1636 A.M. 1567 A.B. (Cai.) 1635-6 A.B. (*Trin.) 1567-8; A.M. 1571 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 (?A.B. as Chiswell) A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 A.B. (Cai.) 1587- A.B. 1569-70 (Incorp. fr. Heidel- A.M. 1629 [berg); A.M. (*C. C.) A.M. 1576 ( Oxf.) [1570 A.B. 1576 A.M. 1582, Chenier A.M. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 LL.B. 1654 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1582-3 1629-30 A.B. 1634-5 1552] A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1611-2: A.M. 1615 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 147 Childe, Hen Em. — John Em. — John C'la. — Rich Em. — Rob C. C. Child, Sam Joh. — Tho Cai. — Tho Cla. Childe, Tho [Em. Child [Em. Childerley, John Childers, John Trin. Childerston, Tho Cai. Childmay, Cha [Em. Childs, Nich Je.s. Chiles, Rob. v. Childe Childes, Silvester ... Em. Chillingworth, Tho King's — Will Chilmead, Geof. [Sid. Chilton, Ja [King's Chimny, John Cai. Chimnaj'e, Will Cai. Chinay (? Cheney), Edw. .. Chr. Chipbourne, Cha Pet. Chipperfeild, Hen Trin. Chippingdale, Edm Joh. Chiseldeu, Geo Sid. Chiseldine, Kenelm Sid. Chisselden, AVill Joh. Chishull, John Chr. Cheshull, John Sid. Chysell, Laur C. C. Chissill, Paul Qu. Chishull, W Trin. Chissoll, Giles C. C. Chiswell, John Chittam, Edm Joh. — John King's Chittenden, Edw C. C. Choate, John Jes. Chote, Tho Chr. Chofeild, Edw Trin. Chomley, Edw [C. C. Cholmely, Hen [Cai. Chomley, Hen Chr. Cholmely, Hen Trin. Cholmeley, Hen Pet. Chomley, Hugh *Em. — Hugh [C. C. Cholmeley, Hugh Jes. Cholmley, Hugh Joh. — Hugh [Pet. Chumley, Jasper C. C. Chamley, John Trin. Chomeley, John Cath. Cholmely, John Pet. Cholmeley, John C. C. Cholmley, John C. C. Cholmeley, Marm Cai. Chomley, Mountague.. Sid. p M 1648 A.B. 1648-9 p E 1G19 E 1637 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1646 p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 ; A.M. 1641 ; M.D. 1650 P E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 (Matr. \> E 1648 [Chile-s) [« E 1604] A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1621 p E 1627 p E 1645' 1618" f-c E S.T.P. 1607 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) ]) M 1615 p E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 p E 1627] f-c E 1623 A.B. 1625, Child s E 1629 A.B. 1631-2, Child; A.M. 1635 p E 1659 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1653] p L 1656-7" A.B. (Trin. H.) 1660-1 p M 1626 A.B. 1630-1 s L 1578-9 p E 1610 p M 1581 s c. 1596 p M 1578 p E 1604 A.B. 1609-10, Cheselden p E 1617 A.B. 1620-1, Cheseldyn s L 1626-7 A.B. (Mag.) 1629-30, Cheselden; s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4... [A.M. 1633 s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1673 p M 1552 s M 1624 A.B. 1628-9, Chishull p M 1578 p E 1550 A.B. (Cath.) 1645-6 p c. 1591 p M 1578 s M 1619 A.B. 1623-4 s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 V E 1625 A.B. 1628-9 s E 1626 1612] 1573] f-c E p E 1579 f-c c. 1.595 f-c L 1607-8 (Matr. Sholmely) ]) E 1589 A.B. (? 1592-3); A.M. 1596; S.T.B. 1598] [1603 f-c E 1614 f-c L 1618-9 f-c E 1659] 1> M 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627, *Pem. ]) E 1574 A.B. 1575-6, Chomeley ; A.M. 1579 V L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2 p c. 1601 p E 1613 ]) M 1620 p E 1575 (Matr. Chamley) f-c E 1633 148 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Cholmlye, Rich. ... Trim P c. 1591 Cholmely, Rich. .. Trim f-c c. 1595 Cholmley, Rich. .. Sid. f-c E 1635 Cholmeley, Rob. .. Mag. P E 1610 Cholmlye, Sam. .. *Pet. [« E 1647] A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 Cholmney, Sam. .. Cla. s M 1650 Chamley, Tho. .. Chr. P E 1584 Cholmelaye, Tho. .. Cath. P M 1585 Chomondely. Tho. .. Jes. f-c E 1635 Cholmelaye, Will. .. Cath. p M 1585 Cholmeley, Will. .. Mag. p M 1612 Choone (Chowue), Will... Em. p E 1626 A.B. 1629 ; A.M. 1633 ; *Joh. 1634 Choppin, Crane Em. p E 1620 Choppyne, Rob. .. [C. C. 1654] Chorie, Tho. V. Cherie Chorley, John ,. Chr. p E 1653 Chote V. Choate Chowne, Geo. .. Em. f-c L 1623-4 [Matr. Chowe] — Nevill Cla. p E 1604 Chomie, Tho. .. [Pern. 1627] A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634, Chune, Choute, Geo. . . Trim p M 1656 [*Joh. Chowning, Tho. .. C. C. [1647] A.B. 1650-1, Chewning; A.M. Chrashawe, Tho. V. Crashawe [1654 Chrichey, Chrie, Chris... Em. s p E 1653 E 1640 A.B. 1656-7, Chriche; A.M. 1660 Nich. .. C. C. Chrimes, Will. .. Joh. s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 — Will. .. LL.B. (Joh.) 1652 Christian, John .. '.'.'.'.'.'. Joh. s M 1569 — John .. Qu. s M 1582 A.B. (Cath.) 1586-7 — Rob. .. Qu. s E 1583 Christmas, John .. Pet. p M 1566 — John .. C. C. s E 1620 A.B. 1624-5 Chrystenmas, Rob. . . Trin. p E 1548 Christmas, Will. ... C. C. [1603] A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1612 Christopher Fra. .. LL.B. 1654 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Christophers, Geo. .. '.'.'.'.'.'. Joh. p M 1560 A.B. 1563-4 Christoferson, John [Trim] s L 1559-60 [1543; S.T.B. (*Trim) 1554 * John . . A.B.(*Pem.) 1540-1 ; A.M. (*Joh.) A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) Chudleigh, John .. — Will. .. A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) Chule, Geo. .. .".'.'.".*.' Em. p E 1627 Chune, Geo. .. [Qu. f-c L 1571-2 Chun, John .. .:.... Trin. s E 1623 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 (Matr. Chunn, Rob. .. Cla. s c. 1593 [Chan) Chun, Sam. .. Qu. [« E 1639] A.B. 1642-3 — Tho. .. Joh. p M 1608 Chune, Tho. .. Will. .. C. C. p E 1647 (?A.B. as Chowning) A.B. (Em.) 1629 Church, Earth. ...... Cai. [s E 1601 A.B. (11602-3); A.M. 1606 — John .. [Cai. p E 1659^ Jos. .. Em. s M 1647 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 Churche, Josias Pem. s E 1587 C!hurch, Josias Chr. p M 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1636 — Nath.... Em. p E 1643 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1653 — Randall Chr. p M 1580 Churche, Rich. .. C. C. s M 1545 — Rich. ... Chr. p L 1564-5 — Rich. ... C. C. p E 1577 Master of Trinity, 1553; Bishop of Chichester, 1557. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 149 Churche, Rob Joh. s E 1565 A.B. (*Cai.) 1567-8; A.M. 1571; Church, Steph C. C. s E 1584 [S.T.B. 1578; S.T.P. 1590 Churche, Tho Chr. P M 1559 Church, Tho Cla. P L 1563-4 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 Tho Cai. s E 1617 Tho *Pet. s E 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652; S.T.B. — Will Trin.H. p M 1628 LL.B. 1635 [1659; S.T.P. 1664 Churchill, John Joh. f-c E 1609 — Joshua [Qu. s E 1644 Isame as next] Joshua Em. s L 1647-8 Churchman John [C. C. 1641] — Rich Trim s E 1639 Churley, Geo. V. Shirley Churton, Will. V. Curton Chute, Chaloner ... Pern. p M 1613 — Edw [Em. p E 1629] — [Edw.l Joh. Geo [Em. f-c E 1651 (Matr. 'Amte') — p E 1627] — Nich Em. p E 1637 — Phil Em. p E 1629 Chuyte(/), Chybnall, Walt. (Sir).. A.M. 1612-3 (On visit of Pr. of Tho [Em. Will [Em. P E 1614 1614' [Wales) p E Chyburne, Humph. . . . Joh. p E 1565 Chynuerye, John V. Chenerey Chytting, Geo Chr. p E 1553 Clacvson, Lucas V. Clayson Clagett, Ja. V. Clegate Clagot, Edw Pern. p M 1614 Clampe, Rich Jes. p M 1558 Clamper, Geo. (imp.) ^ 13 ann.)\ *^^- s M 1555 Clapham, Anth Chr. s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30 — Era Chr. s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Clapam, H Trim s M 1560 Clappum, Jonat Trim s E 1626 A.B. 1639-40, Clapham ; A.M. 1643 Clapam, Rich Mag. p E 1548 Rob Jes. s s L E 1563-4 1631 Clapham, Rob Pet. A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 Claj)pam, Tho Jes. s E 1576 Clapham, Tho [C. C. 1647] Clappam, W Cla. s M 1567 Claijliam, Will [Qu. Will [Em. s E 1573 1614' — p E — Will Chr. p E 1622 A.B. 1625; A.M. 1629 Claphamson , Hen Chr. s c. 1594 — John Cai. p E 1628 A.B. 1631; A.M. 1635 Clapamson, John Chr. s E 1645 Clapen.son, Rob C. C. s E 1579 A.B. 1583-4, Claphamson [1625 Clappen«on, Rob Trin.H p L 1618-9 A.B. 1621-2, Claphamson; A.M. Clapon, Luke Pern. s E 1559 [Adm. Cai. 1564; Clappam] Claptborne, Geo Em. p M 1607 Clapthorn, John [Em. p E 1616] Clapton, Geo *Jes. p E 1572 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579, Clopton — John ... Mag. p M 1565 — Will Trim p M 1 555 Will Cath. [!; E L 1652 [Clopton] [A.M. 1641 1639-40] A. B. 1639-40 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); Clare, Ambrose ... Sid. — And A.B. (Trim) 1616-7; A.M. 1620; — Rich Qu. p M 1655 [S.T.P. 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) — Matth A.B. (Trim H.) 1619-20 ; A.M. 1623 150 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Clarebance, John Mag. Claringbell, John [C. C. Clarke, Abr King's — Alex — And Qu. Gierke, Barth *King'f Clark, Barth C. C. — Bartin [Em. — Benj Pet. — Chris Pet. — Chris Cai. — Chris Chr. — Chris Joh. Clarke, Cressy *Qu. Clarke, Dan Em. Clarke, Ed Cai. Clark, Edm Trin. Clarke, Edw Cai. — Edw *Jes. — Edw Cla. — Edw Cai. Clark, Edw — Elisha Chr. Clarke, Ezeckiell ... Cla. — Era Cai. — Era Joh. — Era Em. flerk, Era Cai. Clarke, Gabriel — Gabriel *Pet. — Geo Chr. — Geo Trin. — Geo [Cai. — Geo Qu. — Geo Trin. — Geo Mag. — Geo Em. — Geo Qu. — Geo — Gilb *Sid. — Hen — Hen Qu. — Hen Qu. Clark, Hen [Qu. Clarke, Hugh Jes. — Humf. Cath. — Humf. Gierke, Isaac Em. Clarke, Ja Joh. — Ja Cla. — Ja Cai. Clark, Ja Pem. Clarke, Ja — Ja Chr. Clark, Ja Em. — Ja *Pet. Gierke, Ja Cath. Clarke, Ja *Pet. Clark, Jer King's Clarke, Je[r.] Qu. [P P f-c [P M 1562 1621] M 1589 M 1581 M 1554 M 1638 L 1627-8] E 1653] M 1569 E 1577 E 1583 M 1612 E 1613] M 1626 E 1562 E 1628 E 1574 E 1584 c. 1590 L 1590-1] A.B. 1562-3; A.M. 1566, Clare- [bach A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1558-9 ; A.M. 1562 ; LL.D. '72 A.B. (Cla.) 1632-3 A.B. 1656-7; M.D. 1676 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 E 1620 c. 1592 E 1577 E 1579 c. 1596 E 1642 M 1654 E 1571 M 1571 E 1572] L 1577-8 M 1580 E 1582 E 1588 E 1639 [s E 1641] E 1588 E 1622] E 1648] M 1579 M 1552 E 1635 M 1566 M 1584 E 1590] c. 1593 E 1623 E 1637 [E 1644] M 1654 E 1612 E 1645 A.B. 1615-6 A.B. 1616-7 ; A.M. 1620 ; S.T.B.'27 [migr. to Pet. 1630], A.B. (King's) [1631; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1631-2 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 A.M. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626; M.L. '28 A.B. 1595-6 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.M. 1616 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; S.T.B. [(Pern.) 1630 (do.) A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.B. (Cla.) 1581-2 A.B. (Cath.) 1586-7 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 A.M. 1654 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 A.B. 1543-4; A.M. 1547 A.B. 1625-6 A.B. (Joh.) 1571-2 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. rEm.) 1596-7; A.M. A.B. (Mag.) 1599-1600 A.B. 1626-7 1600 A.B. 1640-1; S.T.B. 1655 A.B. 1644-5; A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1644 [1653 ; M.D. 1656 A.M. 1648; M.L. A.M. 1658 A.B. 1614-5 (Matr. as James) Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 151 Clarke, Clerke, (Marke, Clark, Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clerk, Clark, Clearke, Clarke, Clark, Clerke, Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clerke, Clark, Clerke, Clark, Clarke, Clark, Clerke, Clarke, Clerke, Clark, Clarke, Clerk, Clerke *King'.s , Trill. , Chr. , *King'> , Cai. John . John . John . John . John . John . John Cla. John Trin. John les. John C. C. John [Cai. John Em. John Chr. John Sid. John Trin.H. John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John Mag. Cai. Cla. King's Jes. C. C. Trin. Pet. [Qu. Cath. [C. C. Qu. Em. Em. King's John Trin. John Pern. John John Trin. John Chr. iJohn Pet. John [Em. John [Joh. John *Pem. John Em. John Pet. John [Sid. John John . John . Jonat. Jonat. Jos. . Jos. . Jos. . Jos. . Jos. . Jos. . Josias Josias Joh. . Sid. . Pet. . Chr. , Em. . Era. . C. C. , Cath. . Chr. , Pem. .*Trin.H. . Chr. . Em. (Khe abov s E s E p M p E s L P E s E p E p L p E s E p M p M Josiah (From X Josias Pet. Laur C. C. Inn H [P E 1. E 1550 1567 1569 1572 1573 1578 1580 1582 1583 1600] 1605] 1607 1611 1612 1615 1616 1618 1621 1622 1624 1626 1626 1627] 1627 1631] 1632 1632/ 1632 S 1633 1634 1635 e) 1636 1641 1642 1644] 1645-6] 1647 1650 1650 1652-3] 1655 1656 1656 1608 1629-30 1602 1632 1634 1645 1646 1647 1568 1605 ill, Oxf.) 1656] 1607 (LL.B. ); LL.D. 1544 A.B. 1554-5; A.M. 1558 A.B. (Chr.) 1570-1 ; A.M. (*Cai.) A.B 1573-4 [1574 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. 1586-7 [M.D. 1615 A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608; A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. (Pem.) 1614-5; A.M. 1618 LL.B. 1618 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 ; S.T.B.'31 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. (Qu.) 1628 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 - A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. (Cath.) 1634 A.B. (Mag.) 1635-6; A.M. A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1637-8 [migr. to Chr.] LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1641 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1660 A.B. (*Trin. H.) 1645-6; [1649; LL.D. A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1653-4 1639 A.M. 1663 A.B. 1658-9 A.B. 1658-9 A.B. 1664-5; A.M. 1668 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. (Cla.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1649-50: LL.B. 1653 A.M. 1654 A.B. (Qu.) 1644-5 M.B. 1661; M.D. 1666 Kegius Professor of Civil Law, 16G6. 152 Matriculatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clerk, Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clark, Clarke, Clark, Clearke, Clarke, Clerk, Clarke, Clerke, Clarke, Lewes Em. Martin Matth Chr. Matth *Trin. Matth Em. Matth Chr. Matth Mag. Mathias . . . *Trin. Miles [Cai. Nath Mag. Nath *Pem. Ni Trin. Nich Trin. Nich Trin. Nich Chr. Pechie Pern. Pet *Joh. Pet Em. Reg Cai. Rich Cla. Rich *Chr. Rich Chr. Rich [C. C. Rich Chr. Rich *Em. Rich Chr. Rich Pet. Rich Jes. Rich Joh. Rich Chr. Rob Joh. Rob Jes. Rob Qu. Rob Joh. Rob Chr. Rob Em. Rob [Em. Rob [Em. Rob *Era. Rob Qu. Rob Qu. Rob Joh. Rob *Joh. Rob *King's Rob Chr. Rob Mag. Roger Mag. Roger Cai. Roland Joh. Sam Qu. Sam Em. Sam Em. Sam Em. Sam *Pem. Sam Pet. (fr. Sam Em. Sam [Trin. Sam [Em. Sam Sim [*Trin. p L 1588-9 f-c P P P s P P s p p s p s s p p [p p p p p Oxf. P P P E 1581 M 1607 E 1617 E 1617 E 1621 M 1651 E 1604] E 1631 E 1647 E 1563 M 1587 E 1613 E 1635 L 1634-5 E 1622 M 1659 M 1604] M 1578 M 1579 M 1583 1591] E 1606 E 1617 E 1617 E 1621] E 1633 E 1642 E 1649 M 1564 E 1573 E 1583] M 1585 c. 1591 c. 1591 E 1591 A.B. (Chr.) 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1.588 A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614; S.T.B.'23 A.B. (C. C.) 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 A.B. (Qu.) 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. A.B. 1634 ; 1650; A.M. A.M. 1638 1654 A.B. 1.593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. 1638- A.B. 1638- A.B. 1625- A.M. 1642 A.M. 1629 A.B. 1607-8 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1.582-3; A.M. 1586; S.T.B. [1593; S.T.P. 1598 A.B. (Cath.) 1585-6; A.M. 1589 A.B. 1609-10 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 ; S.T.B. '31 A.B. 1620-1; A.B. 1624 A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1645-6; A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1624 A.M. A.M. 1649 1665 1592 1600' 1616 1628 1629-30 1629 1631 M 1631 E 1654 E 1622 L 1634-5 E 1554 E 1576 E 1617 L 1618-9 E 1633 M 1638 ) p M 1644 M 1649 E 1657] E 1658] 1546] A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1603-4 ; A.M. 1607 ; S.T.B. A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1632-3 ; A.M. 1636 ; S.T.B. (A.B. 1634-5) A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1657-8 A.B. 1625; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 AB. 1619-20 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1648 A.B. 1644-5 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 A.M. 1659 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1541-2; A.M. 1545 14 43 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 153 Clarke, Sim . Joh. s E 1557 Tho . Joh. p M 1547 Tho . Trin. s M 1572 Tho . Pem. s M 1573 [1598); S.T.P. 1610 — Tho . *King's p M 1581 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589; (S.T.B. — Tho . Joh. p E 1585 [? schol. Trin. H., 15851 Tho . Qu. s c. 1591 Clark, Tho . Jes. p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 — Tho . Joh. s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 Clarke, Tho . Trin. s E 1607 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 Tho . Qu. p M 1613 Clark, Tho . C. C. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 Tho . Qu. p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — Tho . Trin. s M 1615 A.B. 1619-20 Clarke, Tho . Jes. f-c L 1615-6 Tho . Qu. s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3 Clark, Tho . Cla. p M 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Clerke, Tho . Jes. s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 Clark, Tho . Cath. p E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 Tho . Trin. s M 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 Clarke, Tho . Sid. s L 1650-1 A.B. 1654-5 Tho .[Em. p E 16581 Walt A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1551-2 ; A.M. (*Gonv. H.) nviii '. Pet. s E 1548 [1555; LL.D. (*Cla.) 1569 Will . *Pem. p M 1548 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1555 Will . Jes. p M 1555 A.B. 1561-2; A.M. (*Joh.) 1565; w . Pem. f-c M 1564 [S.T.B. 1570 — Will . Jes. s M 1564 A.B. 1567-8 — w . Trin. p E 1567 w . Jes. s M 1569 Will . Cla. s M 1570 A.B. 1573-4 Will . Cai. p E 1573 LL.B. 1578-9 Will . *Trin. s E 1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 — Will . Cai. p L 1577-8 Clark, Will . [Qu. p M 15791 Clarke, Will . Pet. s L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4 Clark, Will . [Trin.H schol. E 15811 Clarke, Will . King's s M 1584 A.B. (C. C.) 1588-9 Will . Joh. s E 1588 A.B. (Cla.) 1592-3 Clark, Will . Cla. s c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 Clarke, Will . Em. s c. 1597 — Will .*Trin.H [schol. 1605] LL.B. 1610; LL.D. 1629 Will . Trin. s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 Clark, Will . Pet. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 Clarke, Will . Joh. s E 1620 Clark, Will .*Pem. s L 1620-1 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Clarke, Will Jes. s E 1621 Clark, Will Mag. s E 1627 A.B. 16.30-1; A.M. 16.35 Will Joh. s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 Will Trin. p E 1629 A.B. 1630-1 Will Em. p E 1632 A.B. 16.35-6; A.M. 16.39 Will Trin.H. [schol. 16321 LL.B. 1637 • Will Cla. P E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 Clerke, Will Sid. s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 Will Joh. p M 1639 Clark, Will. {sen.). Joh. s E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 Will. Uun.) Joh. s E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 Clerke, Will Trin.H p M 1655 1 Regius Professor of Civil Law, 1563. 20 154 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Clarke, Zaca Trin. — King's — King's — Trin.H. Clerkson, Dav Trin. Clarkston, Edw Sid. Clarkson, John Trin. Clarson, John Clarkson, Mich Joh. Clarson, Nath Trin. Clarkson, Rich C. C. — Rob *Jes. — Tho Trin. — Tho [Cai. — Tho Pet. — Will Jes. — Will [Em. Claromantanus, Claud. Avillus Clatterbooke, Will. v. Clutterbook Claver, Rich Clavering, Ja Mag. — Rob *King's — Rob Jes. — Tho *King's ■ — [King's Claxton, Dan Joh. Claxtone, Edm *Cai. Claxton, Era Em. — Geo Joh. — Hamon [Cai. — Hamon Pet. — Hamond ... Trin.H. — Hamond ... Chr. — Hamond ... Qu. — Hamond ... Chr. — John Joh. — John Trin. Claxon, John Em. Claxton, John Chr. Clay, Dan Jes. — Geo Claye, Ja Joh. Clay, John Joh. — Jonat Chr. — Matth C. C. — Nich Claye, Rob Qu. — Roland Joh. Clay, Tim Chr. — Will Joh. Clayborne, Will Pern. Cleybrooke, Tho Pet. — Tho Joh. Clabrooke, Will Claybrooke, Will Trin. Claydon, John Cai. Clayden, John Cath. Claydon, Will Cai. — Will Qu. Claypoole, Adam Trin, s E 1567 s L 1579-80 s L 1589-90 p L 1618-9 p M 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. (*Cla.) 1648 P c. 1598 A.B. 1601-2, Clarson ; A.M. 1605 s M 1553 A.B. 1559-60 [(Matr. Claxton) A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 p E 1579 [Clarkson A.B. (Cla.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610, s M 1602 [1617] A.B. 1621-2 [S.T.B. 1633 p M 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625, Clarson ; s M1565 (? A.B. 1569-70, as John) ; A.M. '75 p E 1568] s M 1608 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 f-c E 1627 p E 1654] (A.M. Paris ; M.L. Bologna) ; M.L. [1575 LL.B. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) f-c E 1635 A.B. 1637-8 p E 1609 (A.B. 1612-3); A.M. 1616 p E 1642 p L 1615-6 (A.B. 1619); A.M. 1623 f-c L 1606] s E 1618 p M 1622 A.B. 1625, Clackson; A.M. 1629 p E 1585 p M 1555 p E 1637] p E 1637 (Matr. Clarkson) p M 1558 p M 1588 [« L 1607-8' A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 f-c M 1640 p L 1577-8 s E 1579 p E 1602 f-c E 1639 s M 1637 A.B. 1598 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); A.M. s c. 1593 A.B. (Cath.) 1597-8 [(Cath.) 1598 p E 1659 A.B. 1662-3, *Pet. 1^ M 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. (Mag.) 1661 s M 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1636 A.B. (Joh.) 1609 h L 1576-7 A.B. 1580-1 p E 1579 s M 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 s M 1610 A.B. 1614-5, Cley; A.M. 1618 p E 1617 s E 1589 s c. 1594 A.B. (Pet.) 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1526-7; A.M. 15.30; S.T.B. [1545; S.T.P. 1549 ]) E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617, Clea- p E 1583 A.B. 1587-8, Claiton [brooke s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 p E 1583 A.B. 1587-8, Clayton s p E 1616 E 1584 A.B. 1619-20 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 155 Claypole, Claypoole, Cleypoole, Claypoole, Claypole, Cleypooll, Cleypool, Claysone ( Clayton, Cleiton, Clayton, Claiton, Clayton, Cleaton, Clayton, Claiton, Clayton, Claiton, Clayton, Claiton, Clayton, Cleyton, Clayton, Cleyton, Clayton, Cleve, Cleave, Cleaver, Clever, Cleaver, Clever, Cleburne, Cliborne, Cleburne, Cleare, Clare, Cleare, Adam [Qu. f-c Edw Job. p Edw Job. p Graveley ... Je.s. p Hen Trin. p John Trin. p John [Em. f-c Clacyson'), Luke Trin. H. p Benj Job. p Dan Ck.? p Dan Edm [Cai. Jeremie Cla. s John Job. s John Cath. s John Cla. p John King's f-c Luke Trin. s Matth Job. p Matth Chr. s iRich *Job. p Rich Chr. s Rich Job. p Rich Chr. p Rob Mich.Ho. s Rob Rob Job. p Rob Job. s Rolph Clem. Ho. s Sam Trin. s Tho Pet. p Tho Pet. s Tho Job. p Tho Tho Job. p Will Chr. s Will Chr. s Will Chr. s Will Jes. f-c Will Chr. p Will *King's f-c Geo Job. p Rog. V. Clive Will Job. p Cba King's f-c John John *King's p Rich Jes. p Simon Job. p Theoph *King's p W Qu. s Rich Trin. s Rich Jes. p W Job. p Will Sid. [schol. Cba [C. C. Edw Job. p Edw Pet. f-c E 1638] E 1607 E 1655 E 1649 E 1625 A.B. 1628-9, Cleypoole ; A.M. 1633 M 1572 L 1642-3 E 1568 A.B. (*Mag.) 1571-2 E 1578 A.B. 1581-2 c. 1591 A.B. (Job.) 1621-2; A.M. 1625 M 1561] E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1633 E 1609 A.B. 1612-3 ; A.M. 1616 ; S.T.B.'30 E 1627 A.B. 1630-1 E 1639 L 1648-9 E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. (Cath.) 1644 E 1552 E 1607 A.B. 1610-1, Cleaton; A.M. 1614 ^I 157^ A.P>. 1576 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. ' 1579; S.T.B. 1586 E 1613 A.B. 1616-7, C eyton; A.M. 1620 E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 E 1634 M 1545 A.B. (Job.) 1595-6 M 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1619 E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 E 1544 c. 1594 M 1547 A.B.1552-3; A.M. 1555; S.T.B. '61 c. 1591 E 1603 A.M. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) M 1635 A.B. 1639-40, Clayton M 1555 A.B. 1558-9, Claiton E 1556 c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 E 1607 E 1634 M 1642 A.B. 1645 E 1573 E 1572 E 1652 A.M. 1625 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) L 1650-1 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 E 1645 M 1647 M 1649 A.B. 1653 ; A.M. 1657 ; S.T.B. 1666 M 1565 [S.T.B. 1606; S.T.P. 1617 c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6 ; A.M. (*Sid.) 1599 ; E 1631 A.B. 1634, Clebourne; A.M. 1638 E 1559 E 1600] 1595] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608; S.T.B. [(Job.) 1615 E 1553 M 1579 A.B. 1581-2 (fil. nob.) Master of Magdalene, 1593; St John's, 1595; Dean of Peterborough, 1607. 156 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Cleere, Edw Sid. — Geo Trin. Clere, John Joh. — Tho Joh. Cleere, Tho Trin. Cleer, Tho C. C. Cleare, Will Joh. Clegate, Ja Cath. Clein, Garrad Trin. Cleland, Benj Em. — John C. C. — Sam C. C. Clemem Mag. Clement, Ed Qu. — Era Chr. — John Pet. — John Sid. — Tho Trin. — Will — Will Pem. Clems, John [Trin. Clemson, Will. v. Climson Clinch (Clench), Almott... Chr. Clench, Edm [Chr. — Era Em. — John Chr. Clenche, Rob Cla. Clench, Rob Cla. Clendar, Will Cla. Clendon, Hen Em. — Tho. V. Clindon Clent, Miles Trin. Clepham, Pet. (mjo.)... Pet. Cletheray, Will Jes. Clethero, Dan Em. Clithero, Era Chr. Cletherow, Hen Clethero, John Chr. Clethro, Sam Chr. Clytheroe, Tho Jes. Clethero, Tho [Pem. Clitheroe, Walt Sid. Cleterowe, Will *Joh. Cleveland, John Chr. — Tho Tho [Chr. — Will Pem. Clewar, Will Chr. Cleworth, Tho Joh. Cleypool V. Claypole Cleyton v. Clayton Cliburie, John Cliberrie, John Joh. Clyberye, Will Chr. Cliburne v. Cleburn Clifford, Abr *Pem. Clyfford, Anth Mag. Clifford, Conyers {Sir) — Edw Trin. — Geo Cath. V E 1648 s M 1569 p E 1558 f-c M 1561 [Migr. to Caius, 1566] s M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 j f-c c. 1595 p M l.')82 A.B. 1585-6 p M 1628 A.B. 1631-2 ; A.M. 1635, Clagett p M 1639 p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 s E 1614 A.B. 1616-7 J p M 1607 J s M 1588 1 p M 1566 A.B. (Chr.) 1571-2 1 s M 1566 A.B. 1570-1 I s E 1544 1 s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 " P E 1589 A.B. (Trin.) 1590-1; A.M. 1594 s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634, Clemens M 1639] p E 1608 p E 1650J P E 1624 p E 1607 p E 1619 f-c M 1632 s E 1659 A.B. (Em.) 1662, Clendan; A.M. s L 1623-4 [1666 p E 1642 M 1549 s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 p E 1612 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1619 s c. 1595 A.B. 1596-7 A.B. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9 s E 1618 1622] s E 1656 s E 1546 A.B. 1549-50, Clidero ; A.M. 1554 p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 ; A.M. (*Joh.) 1635 [(Matr. Cheveland) A.B. (Joh.) 1608-9; A.M. 1614 s E 1642] s E 1647 A.B. 1650 s E 1644 A.B. 1646 s M 1642 A.B. 1646-7 A.B. (Cath.) 1588-9 s E 1589 p M 1548 A.B. 1550-1 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653; S.T.B. p E 1646 s E 1618 A.M. 1594 {spec, congr.) s M 1638 A.B. 1642-3 ; A.M. 1646 s M 1564 Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 157 Clifford, 'Geo Trin. Clyforthe, Hen Je.s. Cliffai-a, Hen *C. C. Clyfford, Hen Trin. Clifford, Hen C. C. — Hen Sid. — Ja *Pem. — ? John Trin. Clyfford, Martyn Trin. Clifford, NicL {Sir).. — Phil *King's Clyfforthe, Rich Jes. Clifford, Tho Mag. — Tho Jes. Clifton, Gervase Cai. Jervoise Joh. — Gervase {Sir) ■ — (jprvase C. C. Clyfton, Gervase Trin. Clifton, Gervase [Joh. Clyfton, Hen C. C. Clifton, Hen [Sid. Clyfton, Hen King's — John Pet. Clifton, John Cai. Clyfton, Rowland ... Trin. Cliftan, Theodore ... Em. Clyfton, Tho Trin. Clifton, Tho Trin. — Tho King's — [Trin. Clinison, Will Qu. Clinch, Almott v. Clench Clinche, John Joh. Clinch, John Qu. Clinche, Rob Joh. Clynche, Rowland ... King's Clinch [Cath. Clindon, Tho Em. Clinton, Edw. {Sir).. Clynton, Theoph. {Sir) Qu. Clitero v. Clethero Clive, Ambrose ... Trin. Clyve, Era Trin. Clive, Rob [Joh. — Rob Em. — Rog *King's Cloberry, Chri.s Sid. Clopton, Era Joh. — John Joh. — John [Sid. — John [Sid. — John Chr. — Tho Trin. — Tho — Tho Chr. — Walt Chr. — Will Qu. — Will f-c P P f-c f-c s f-c f-c f-c f-c E 1552 E 1559 E l.'')72 1591 E 1631 M 1648 c. 1592 E 1640 M 1606 E 1552 M 1642 E 1647 L 1582-3 E 1603 M 1613 E 1628 L 1630-r E 1581 E 1633] E 1657 M 1554 E 1575 L 1580-1 E 1626 c. 1598 E 1606 f-c [f-c M 1606] student, 1548] s E 1612 c. 1595 M 1638 M 1587 L 1580-1 M 1652] E 1620 f-c E 1618 A.M. 1577 A.B. 1561-2; A.M. 1565 A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. 1598 ; S.T.B. A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 [1607 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.M. 1594 {spec, congr.) (A.B. 1609-10); A.M. 1613 A.B. 1646-7 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.M. 1612 (On vi.sit of Prince of A.B. 1617-8 [Wales) A.B. 1660-1 A.B. (Cla.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1609-10 A.B. 1615-6, Clemson ; A.M. 1619 ; [S.T.B. 1634 A.B. 1598-9, Clench A.B. 1623-4, Clendon; A.M. 1627 A.M. 1564 (On Queen's visit) A.M. 1618 P P P P P f-c P P schol. P P P P P P c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600, *Joh. 1605 L 1579-80 A.B. 1584-5 L 1629-30] E 1631 M 1544 (Matr. Cleve) [off 1547-8] L 1626-7 M 1553 M 1553 L 1600-1] E 1612] (?Tho.) E 1632 E 1548 E 1628 E 1637 E 1583 A.B. (Sid.) 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1646 A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 1 Earl of Cumberland. 158 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Clopton, Will Chr. — Will Em. — Will Chr. Closse, Geo Triii. Close, Geo Job. — Geo Clotterbooke, Will. v. Clutterbook Clouds, Pet Trin.H. Clough, Alex Em. — Clifton Job. — Edm Cbr. — Geo Sid. Clougbe, Jobn Sid. Clougb, Mattb Cbr. — Eob.- Em. Clowgbe, Tbo *Cbr. Clougb, Tbo Sid. Clowgbe, Will Job. Clouting, Jos Em. Clovill, Fra Job. Clovile, Hen Qu. Clovell, Pet [Trin.H. Cloves, Will Mag. Clowdsley, Will Trin. Clowes, Edm Cbr. — Will — Will Clubb, John C. C. Cluer, Will Em. Clungeon, Tim Cla. Clutterbuck, Tbo [Em. — Tobias Clatterbooke, Will Trin. Glutting, Osmond C. C. Glutton, Rich Cbr. Cluttone, Tbo Job. Clyatt, Jobn Pem. — Sam Em. CliflFe, Edw Clyffe, Jobn *King's — John Mag. — Mich — Rich Job. ClyflFar, Hen. v. CliflFord Clypsham, Rob Cai. Clyvely [C. C. Coate, Tbo Trin. Cotes, Antb Mich. Ho. Coates, Chris Job. Coats, Geo Em. Cotes, Geo Trin. Coats, Ja Sid. Coates, Jerem Cotes, Jobn Trin. Coats, Jobn Sid. Coates, Luke Job. Coats, Pet Cai. — Ralph *Joh. — Ralph Job. Cotes, Rich Job. Coats, Rich Joh. p E 1628 p 1631 p E 1637 M 1571 V M 1611 below p E 1641 P E 1612 s E 1635 p M 1646 V M 1620 P E 1619 s E 1639 s E 1585 s M 1546 p E 1619 p E 1555 p E 1653 p E 1598 [p E 16201 scbol. 16411 s E 1627 s E 1634 p E 1622 p E 1637 s E 1606 s E 1620 p E 1639 p M 1623 s E 1583 p E 1632 p E 1569 s E 1623 p E 1626 p M 1576 [.s E 1647] s E 1582 s L 1656- f-c 1579] p c. 1601 s E 1544 s M1609 s E 1606 s E 1608 [p L 1627- a E 1554 P M 1608 s E 1652 \v E 1611] p E 1609 s E 1611 s M 1566 s E 1642 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1640-1, Clapton A.B. 1578-9 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; [A.M. 1579 A.B. (Job.) 1624-5 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1637-8 (prev. at Oxf.) A.B. (Cbr.) 1.588-9; A.M. A.B. 1554-5; A.M. 1557 1592 A.B. 1653-4 ; A.M. 1658 (prev. at [C. C.) A.B. 1023-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1625 A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) A.B. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1609-10 A.B. 1623-4 ; A.M. 1627, Clunvron fr. Oxf.] S.T.P. 1669 (Lit. Rea.) A.M. 1604 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1627-8 ; A.M. 1631 ; S.T.B. '39 A.B. 1586-7 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1581-2 A.B. 1652 S.T.B. 1597 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. 1585-6, CHff 7 A.B. 1660-1, Rich. ; A.M. 1671 A.B. 1613-4 A.B. 1608-9 A.B. 1611-2, Coates; A.M. 1615 8] A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1614-5 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616; S.T.B. '24 A.B. 1614-5 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1645-6 ; A.M. 1661 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 159 Cotes, Rob Coates, Sam Em. Coats, Sam *Jes. Cotes, Tho [Chr. — AVill Cla. Cobb, Geof. Qu. — Geof. Cai. Cobbe, John — John Trin. — John Qu. — Matth Chr. — Mich Cla. — Nich Jes. — Oliver Trin. Cob, Paul [Qu. Cobbe, Rob Chr. Cobb, Sam. Em. Cobbe, Tho Trin. — Will Trin. — "Will [King's Cobb, Will Qu. — Will Joh. Cobbe [Cai. Cob [Cath. Cobball, Will King's Cobham, Edw Trin. — Hen. {imp.). Trin. — John Trin. — Tho Trin. — Tho Trin. Cobbam [King's — King's — [King's Cobbes, Edm C. C. Cobb.s, Geof. Gonv.H Cobbes, Tho Cla. Cobtlen, Era Trin. — Rob King's Cobley, Will Sid. Cock V. also Coke, Cooke — Cha [Em. Cocke, Edw Joh. — Geo Chr. — Geo Chr. — Hen Joh. — Hen Pet. — John ^lag. — John Pem. — John Mag. Cock, John Trin. Cocke, John Chr. — John Trin. — John Em. — John Em. Cock, John Chr. Cocke, Marty ne ... Trin. — Phil Qu. Cock, Rich Cai. Cocke, Rob Joh. — Rob Chr. V E 1634 s E 1645 s E 1655; s M 1579 p M 1629 1^ E 1650 p E 1573 s E 1576 s E 1558 s M 1545 s E 1551 p E 1618 p E 1599] s E 1581 s E 1611 s M 1572 V E 1570 f-c M 1579] p M 1615 p M 1646 p M 1577] E 1646' s s E 1648 f-c E 1563 p M 1547 p M 1548 p M 1547 s E 1659 f-c M 1549] f-c E 1577 s 1579 [1631' • p M 1552 s E 1582 p M 1637 p E 1648 s M 1631 p E 165.3] p E 1624 f-c E 1616 p E 1628 p E 1553 p M 1619 s E 1576 p E 1583 p E 1586 [schol. 1596] V E 1615 s M 1620 ]) E 1626 p M 1644 p E 1655 .s vE 1603" p irT580 H E 1625 s E 1574 p E 1608 (A.B. Oxf.); A.M. 1548 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641, Cotes A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 fr. Glasgow] A.B. 1654-5 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586, Coates A.B. 1556-7 A.B. (Pet.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1556-7, *Joh. 1557 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. (Mag.) 1584-5 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618, Cobbs A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1631 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 A.B. 1641-2 (Matr. Copden) A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1622 A.B. (Chr.) 1579-80; A.M. (Mag.) [1583; S.T.B. (*Em.) 1591 A.B. 1586-7 ; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1597-8 A.B. (Trin.) 1618-9, Cooke? A.B. 1623; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.B. (Chr.) 1606-7 A.B. 1583-4 160 Matriculations a^id Degrees 1544 — 1659 Cocke, Rob Cai. Cock, Rob Chr. — Rob Job. Cocke, Sam Cock, Sam Chr. Cocke, Tho {imp.\ ^^ 11 ann.)\ Cock, Tho Em. Cocke, Tho Job. Cock, Tho Job. — Will Cla. Cocke, W Job. Cobayue, Geo Sid. Cockayne, John [Qu. Cockaine, Rich Pet. — Scipio Jes. Cokaine, Tho [Pem. Cockcroft, Hen Chr. Cockcrofte, Hen *,Job. Cocker, Rob Gonv. H. Cockeram, Armiger ... Chr. — Jos Em. Cocckram, Will King's Cockram, Will Job. Cokerell, Ambrose ... Jes. Cockerell, Dan *Em. — Ed Jes. Cokerell, Geo Pem. Cockerell, Hen Job. — Sam King's CockeriU, Pet C. C. — Rich Cai. Cockerell [C. C. Cockerton, Will Cla. Cockes V. Cox Cocket, Anth C. C. — Edw Job. — John Chr. — Rich Cai. Cockett, Tho [Cai. Cockbill, Will Chr. Cocky n, Chris Job. — Era Job. Cokene, Era Job Cockin, Era Job. Cockyn, Nicb Pet. — Tho Job. Cockin, Tho — Tho Pem. Cockley, And Cai. Cockman, Era Pet. — Era — Hen C. C. — Will c. c. Cockraine, Nath Trin. Cochraine, Phineas Trin. Cocksedge, John v. Coxedge Cocksey, Rich Jes. Cocksbut, John Cai. Cokshoote, Roger Job. Cockson, John Job. p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 p E 1631 [p L 1653-4 fr. Em.] A.B. 1654-5 ; A.M. 1658 A.B. (Pem.) 1611-2 p E 1621 p E 1562 s e. 1591 A.B. 1593-4 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 p E 1647 s E 1544 p E 1562 p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40, Cockayne f-c E 1659] p L 1634-5 p E 1637 ; 1633] s E 1544 A.B. 1.545-6; A.M. 1549 p M 1554 A.B. 1557-8; A.M. 1564 s E 1548 p M 1571 s L 1629-30 A.B. 1632-3 | f-c L 1563-4 1 s E 1582 A.B. 1.584-5; A.M. 1588 ^ p M 1552 s E 1605 A.B. 1608-9 ; A.M. 1612 ; S.T.B.'19 p E 1568 s M 1573 s M 1624 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 s E 1578 [?Adm. Qu. M 1579] p M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 p E 1615 1569] p L 1557-8 p E 1560 p E 1585 s L 1650-1 A.B. 1651; A.M. 1656 f-c c. 1595 f-c L 1594-5] s c. 1595 p L 1582-3 A.B. 1586-7 p M 1547 f-c E 1560 A.B. 1564-5 s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4 p E 1566 f-c E 1562 A.M. 1612-3 (On visit of Prince f-c E 1633 [of Wales) s L 1577-8 s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. (King's) 1636-7 p E 1621 s M 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 [schol. 1619] A.B. 1620-1 p E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 s M 1573 p E 1658 8 M 1572 A.B. 1576-7 p M 1554 Matriculations and Der/rees 1544 — 1659 161 Cokson, Eob Joh. Cockson, Rob Cai. Codd, Anth Pet. — Ja Tes. — Ja Joh. Codde, Tho Jes. — Tho Pet. Codder, Vincent Chr. Code, Will Chr. Codlenge, John {imp.) Chr. Codlinge, John Cai. Coe V. Coo Coffin, Chris Qu. Coga, Art Pern. Cogha, 'Nath *Pem. Cogan, John Joh. — John Mag. — Lewes Joh. Coggan, Rob Trin. Cogan, Will Sid. Coggar, Tho *Cla. Coggs, John Cla. Coggshall, Hen Pern, Cogehill, John Sid. Coghill Chr. Cogyn, Laur Cath. Cois, Gyles Em. Coitmore, Tho Chr. Coke V. also Cocke, Cooke Coke, John Qu. — John Trin. ^o {impA j^^ 12 ann.)S — Rob Trin. Coker, Tho *Trin. Colb [Trin. Colbeekc, John Joh. Colebv, Alex Chr. — ' Art [Qu. Colbye, Chris C. C. Colby, Dan C. C. Colbye, Edw Colbey, Edw Joh. Colbye, Era C. C. — Era Trin. Coleby, Era Cla. — Ja Joh. — John [Qu. Colby, John Cai. Colbye, John Trin. H. Coulbye, Rich Coleby, Rob Trin. Colbye, Tho. {imp.).. Trin.H. Colby, Tho C. C. — Tho *C. C. — Tho [C. C. — Tho C. C. Coleby, Tho Pem. p )> M 1551 E 1605 p E 1626 A.B (Mag.) 1629 1> L 1579-80 f-c E 1656 (Matr. Cood) V L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 b E 1621] A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 V p M 1648 L 1618-9 s E 1560 s c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4 ; A.M. 1598, Quodling P M 1579 [Cophin] [1656] A.B. 1659-60 s L 1653-4 A.B. 1656-7, Coga; A.M. 1660; [S.T.P. 1678 {Lit. Reg.) p E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 s M 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 s E 1613 A.B. (Mag.) 1617; A.M. 1620 p M 1652 A.B. 1655; A.:\L 1659 s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 s E 1586 V M 1638 A.B. 1642-3 V M 1632 P E 1609 f'c P P M 1548 M 1609 E 1628 s E 1577 [Cooke] P E 1624 s M 1559 (?A.B., as Cooke, 1565-6) [schol. 15931 A.B. 1595-6 p E 1587 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594, Cooker; E 1645] [S.T.B. 1601 p M 1555 P L 1656-7 P E 1602] f-c M 1567 V E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. (Trin.) 1607-8; A.M. 1613 s M 1627 A.B. 1630-1, Edm. Coulby ; A.M. s M 1567 [1634 s M 1571 s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 p E 1601] E 1646 ]) M 1659 A.B. (Cath.) 1624 .s M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 s E 1544 f-c E 1588 ]) E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609; S.T.B. 1609] [1617; S.T.P. 1621 s L 1623-4 A.B. 1627 [1657] A.B. 1661-2 1 Master of Tembroke, 1677. 21 162 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 C.L. 1577 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1654-5, Coulburn ; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1571-2, Colcloughe A.B. 1573-4, Colcough A.B. 1554- [oflF 1566] i; A. M. 1558; M.D.'64 A.B. 1615-6 A.B. 1585-6, Caldwell; A.M. 1589 A.B. A.B. A.B. 1644; A.M. (*Qu.) 1648 [(*Qu.) 1616 1603-4; A.M. 1607; S.T.B. 1634-5; AM. 1638 Coulby [Cath. s 1623] Colborne, Edw ;.... Pern. p E 1628 Colbourne, H Job. s M 1565 Colborne, Hen Trin. p M 1616 Colburn, Nich Colborne, Will Job. p E 1647 Coleburne, Will Job. s E 1651 Colcloytb, Adam Trin. p E 1570 Colcloithe, Tobias Trin. s M 1569 Colcott, Anth Sid. p E 1656 Colde, Sam Trin. s E 1603 Coldham, John *Qu. p E1624 A.B. 1627-8 ; A.M. 1631 ; S.T.B. '38 Coldwell, Anth Sid. [s L 1600-1] A.B. 1604-5 Caldwall, Geo Pern. p E 1631 Caldwell, Ja Je.s. s M 1550 Couldwell, Uohn *Joh. p E 1551 Caldwell, John *King's p M 1562 Coldwell, John [Sid. p E 1612] Couldwell, Sam Sid. p E 1612 Coldwell, Tho *C. C. p M 1582 Caldwall, Tho Job. p E 1634 Coldwell, Will Cla. p E 1642 — Will. V. also Gold well Cole, Abdias Trin. [schol. 1602] — Abr Sid. p E 1631 — Art [Mag. schol. E 1654] — Curtis Job. s c. 1593 — Edm King's f-c E 1637 — Edw Jes. p E 1577 — Geo King's f-c E 1572 Geo Cath. s L 1588-9 — Geo [Qu. p M 1596] — Gilb Sid. s E 1615 — Hen King's (Lay clerk) 1545 — 2Hen — Hen Job. s c. 1597 — Humph. ... [Cai. p E 1589] — Ja *King's p L 1557-8 — Ja Cai. p L 1645-6 — John Job. p M 1548 — John C. C. p M 1550 — John Chr. s E 1573 — John Trin. s M 1602 — John Pern. p E 1616 Coell, John [Em. p L 1626-7' Cole, John [Qu. f-c E 1632] Coale, John Chr. p L 1637-8 Cole, John Sid. p M 1641 — John Qu. p L 1653-4 — Lactan Pet. p E 1565 — Laur Qu. s E 1577 — Mich [Trin. schol. 1578 — Nath *Triu. p M 1575 — Nath Qu. [p L 1599-1600] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607; S.T.B.'ie — Nath Trin. s E 1626 " ' " Coale, Nath Chr. p E 1634 Cole, Nath Mag. p M 1654 — Nath Qu. s E 1655 — Pet Chr. s E 1582 A.B. 1596-7, Coell A.B. 1580-1 A.B. 1619 I S.T.P. 1557 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1600-1, Coall A.B. (Pem.) 1593-4 AM. 1598 A.B. 1561-2: [Coell] A.M.1565;S.T.B.'77 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580, Cowll (? 1603-4) ; A.M. (Chr.) 1607 1619-20; A.M. 1623 1641-2; A.B. 1644 A.B. 1654-5; ? migr. A.B. A.B. A.B. to Chr., 1578-9; 1629-30 1637- A.M. 1645 A.M. 1658 as Cowle] A.M. 1582 A.M. 1633 A.M. 1641 A.B. A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1662 (Cath.) 1585-6, Cowle Bishop of Salisbury, 1591. 2 Deau of St Paul's, 1556. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 163 Cole, Ralph C. C. — Rich Trin. — Rich *Kiiig's — Rich Em. — Rob *lving's — Rob Joh. — (Coole), Rob Em. — Rob Trin. — Rob Chr. — Rob [Em. — Rob Chr. Coale, Theodore ... Qii. Coole, Tho (Archdej Cole, ■ Tho Chr. — Tho Cai. — Tho C. C. — Tho Joh. — Tho Cai. — Tho — Tho Cath. — Tho CiUh. — Tho Cai. — Tho Coell, Tho [Qu. Cole, Will Trin. — (Cowell), Will Trin. — Will Joh. — Will Trin. — Will Chr. — Will C. C. — Will Coale [Cath. Colebrand, Hen Trin. Colbrand, Rich Trin. Colebrand, Rich *Cai. — Will Cai. Coleman, Cha — • Dan ^I^ag. — Edni Pet. Colraan, Edw Chr. Colleman, Edw Trin. Colman, Edw C. C. — Edw Trin. Coleman, Era Pem. Colman, (Jeo Joh. Coleman, Hen King's — Hen Trin. — Hen Trin. — .Feremiah ...*Cai. Colman, John Pern. Coalman, John Cla. Colman, John Qu. — Mich Joh. Coleman, Nich Qu. — Rich [Trin. — Rob Sid. — Steph King'.s — Tho *Qii. Colman, Tho Trin. — Will Cai. .s E 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1598 s E 1578 V E 1615 (A.B 1619-20); A.M. 1623 V E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 [Coles] P E 1544 A.B. 1546-7; A.M. 1550 .s E 1565 p M 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 s E 1637 A.B. 1641; ?A.M. (Pet.) 1661 p E 1649 p E 1650] f-c E 1656 s E 1605 A.B. 1608-9, Cowle; A.M. 1612 ICOI 1 of Essex ; A.M. Oxf.) S.T.P. 1564 p M 1576 A.B. (Pem.) 1580-1 p c. 1590 c. 1591 A.B. (?1594-5); A.M. (Trin.) 1598 p c. 1597 E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.M 1636-7 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p p M 1637 L 1637-8 p M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 A.M. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c :\I 1659] s E 1551 [Coell p M 1564 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. (*Joh.) 1570, p E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 p M 1622 p E 1632 M 1637 A.B. 1640-1 S.T.B. 1656-7 (Incori). fr. Dublin) p L 1642-3" p M 1589 s E 1588 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636; S.T.P. p E 1640 [1661 (Lit. Reg.) Mus.D. 1651 (Visitors' mandate) p s E 1572 E 1620 p M 1564 A.B. 1566-7 p M 1612 p E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 p M 1651 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 p E 1636 p E 1577 p E 1621 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. (Mag.) 1631 s E 1637 s E 1644 A.B. 1647-8 p M 1646 A.B. 1650-1 s E 1561 p M 1570 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 p M 1570 A.B. (*Pem.) 1574-5; A.M. 1578 p M 1585 \i E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 V M 1648] p M 1638 A.B. 1640-1 p M 1642 .s M 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 p E 1618 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 ; S.T.B. '31 p E 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 164 Coles, Colesou, Coulson, Colsonne, Colfe, Collfer, Colfer, Colforde, Colfos, Colladon, Collar, Collard, Cullerd, CoUart, Colle, Colledge, Coller, Collett, Collet, Collett, Collie, Colley, Colly, Colley, Coleye, Coley, Colley, Colier, CoUyer, Collier, Colyer, Colier, Colyer, Collier, Colier, Colliar, Collier, Colyer, Collin, Collyn, Colleu, Matricidations and Degrees 1544— 1659 Geo Sid. Ja Em. Rich. V. Cole Sam [Em. Will Pem. Chris Chr. Chris [Trin. John *Cath. Rich Chr. Sam Joh. Tho Jes. Abr Edw Cla. Era *C. C. Hen [C. C. John C. C. John Chr. Rich Joh. John Leon Joh. Cliris Greg Cla. John [Trin. John Hugh Pem. Rich Trin. Edw Jes. Ferrar *Pet. John [Cla. Rich Cai. Tho Cla. Will Cai. Anth Trin. Era Cla. Hugh Pem. John Trin. Jonat Em. Tho *King'; Tho Cla. Tho *Pet. Will *King': Will Will Chr. Abell *Pet. Amos Sid. Hen Jerem Chr. Jerem Trin. John King*! John Trin. John Qu. John Trin. Phil Pet. Rob Chr. Rob Cai. Rob Mag. Tho *Joh. Ezechias ... Chr. Geo Joh. Geo Trin. p M 1622 p M 1638 E 1638] M 1635 c. 1593 E 1655] M 1627 E 1652 M 1601 E 1614 E 1609 E 1624 1640] E 1640 M 1576 L 1580-1 s E 1631 p M 1581 schol. 1567] E 1603 M 1580 E 1605 E 1636 E 1649] M 1580 E 1616 E 1644 E 1570 E 1581 E 1603 M 1575 E 1634 M 1576 E 1605 M 1654 M 1552 A.B. 1625-6 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 (Matr. Coulson) A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1655-6, Coulson ; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1605-6 A.B. 1616-7, CouLson ; A.M. 1620 (A.B. at O.xf.) ; A.M. (Trin.) 1603 A.B. 1627-8 ; A.M. 1631 ; S.T.B.'39 M.D. (King's) 1636 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1635-6 A.M. 1619 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (C. C.) 1585-6 :M.D. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Leyden; A.B. 1608-9 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643; S.T.B. [1672 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1647-8: A.M. 1652 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1580-1, Collie A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 [oflf 1579] p E 1612 s E 1636 ; s M 1554 p M 1561 p c. 1591 s E 1641 s E 1612 s E 1577 s M 1587 p E 1639 [schol. M 1547] p E 1605 p M 1580 p E 1618 A.B. 1608-9 A.B. 1657-8; [oft' 1556] M.L. 1578 A.M. 1661 E 1633 L 1645-6 E 1609 A.B. 1649-50 A.B. (Pem.) 1612-3 A.B. 1641 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1615-6 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643, *Joh. [1644 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1580-1 A.B. 1642 A.B. 1550-1; A.M. 1555 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1621-2, Collin ; A.M. 1625 Matriculations and Defjrees 1544- i6.- 165 Collyu, Hen Joh. Collin, Ja Chr. Colly n, John Joh. — John Chr. — John Pom. Collen, John Chr. Collin, John Je.s. — John — John Chr. — John Jcs. Collon, John Chr. CoUyn, Nich Chr. — Nich. Leon. King'.s — Phil [Qu. Colyn, Rich Pet. Collin, Rich Qu. Collen, Tho Pet. — Tho [Qu. Collin, Will Cla. Collen, Will Qu. Collington, Nath. v, Cullington Collingwood, Dan Chr. — Edw Mag. Collingwad, Fra Trin. Collinwood, (ieo Qu. Collingwood, Rich Chr. — Rob Trin. — Rob Chr. Collinwood, Will Collyngwoode Chr. Collins, Art Cla. Colyns, Btild win *King's Collins, Dan *King's Collens, Edw Trin. Collyn.s, Edw Chr. Collins, Hen Trin. — Increase ... Cla. — Israel Qu. — Ja *King's — Jeremy [Trin. — 'John *Joh. — John *Kiug's — John *King's Collings, John Em. Collins, John Cath. Collingcs, John Collin.s, John Joh. Collyn.s, Mark Joh. Collins, Nich Qu. — Rich Chr. — Rob Joh. — ^Sam *King's CoHns, Sam Trin. }) E 1582 s M 1579 A.B. 1582-3, CoUey p E 1552 p E 1565 A.B. 1568-9 p E 1575 A.B. 1.578-9 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1582 1» E 1582 f-c L 1585-6 A.B. 1585-6 A.B. (Chr.) 1606; A.M. 1610 p E 1613 A.B. 1616-7, Collins ]> E 1621 A.B. 1624-5, Collins s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 p iM 1567 s L 1582-3 s E 1557] ]) E 1557 1> E 1612 [Culling] ]> ]M 1555 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. l.-)63 s E 1557; ?the above] s c. 1.393 A.B. 1597-8, Collins ; A.M. 1602 p E 1619 f-c E 1650 p E 1606 A.B. 1609; A.M. 1614 s E 1584 A.B. 1588-9, Collingwood p M 1.582 [Collingwell] s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 p L 1582-3 A.B. (Mag.) 158.5-6 p M 1633 A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 f-c E 1550 V c. 1596 V M 1.561 A.B. L56.5-6; A.M. 1569 p c. 1594 (A.B. 1598-9); A.M. 1602; S.T.B. [1608-9 ; S.T.P. 1626 s c. 1601 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1610, Collins s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 p E 1.584 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 f-c E 1619 p E 16.58 A.B. (Trin.) 1660-1, Collen p M 1634 A.B. 1638; A.M. 1642 p E 1657] [1608 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599; M.D. s c. 1591 [schol. 1603] (A.B. 1607-8); A.M. 1611 ; S.T.B. "1618 p E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646; ?LL.D. 1683 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646; S.T.B. s E 1639 [16.53; S.T.P. 1658 s E 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 16.56 A.M. 1654 (Incorp. fr. Camb., New s M 1654 A.B. 1658-9 [England) I> M 1571 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578, Cullins p E 1614 p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 p c. 1591 (A.B. 1595-6); A.M. 1.599; S.T.B. [1605; S.T.P. 1613 s c. 1595 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 1 Regius Professor of Pliysic, 1625. 2 Provost of King's, 1615; Kegius Professor of Divinity, 1617 166 Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Collins, Sam Qu. — Sam *King',s — Sam *Triii. — Sam C. C. — Steph Cla. — Tho Cath. — Tho Collens, Will Trin. Collins Job. Collens Jes. Collynson, Adam Chr. CoUiuson, Geo Cla. — Hen C. C. — Hen C. C. — John [Sid. Collynson, Lau. (? Laii.) Jes. Collinson, Rich Qu. — Tho Trin. Colinson, Will Jes. Collys, Rob Pet. Colbson, Edm C. C. Collyson, Will Cai. — Will C. C. Collopp, Edm : Chr. Collop, John Pem. — Reynold Chr. Collupp, Tho Cath. Collumbyne, John *Trin. Colmer, Clem Colmar, Jaspar Colmer, Matthias ... Colpher, Fra. v. Cf)lfer Colpotts, Lane Trin. — Nich *King's Colsaye, Tho Chr. Colston, Jos Pet. Colte, Edw Sid. Coulte, John C. C. Colte, Nich Cath. — Roger {imp.) Job. — Will Pet. Coulte [Em. Colton V. Coulton Colvert, Pet. v. Calvert Colvyll, John Trin. Colvile, John Chr. Colvyle, Rich Jes. Colvile, Tho Mag. Colvel, Tho Cai. Colville, Tho [Trin. Colvile, Will Mag. Commander, Rob King's Combar, John Trin. H. Combe, (Era.?) [Sid. — John Cai. Coomb, Sam [Chr. Comber (Cumber), 'Tho. *Trin. Comberford, Humph. ... Cla. Combrye, Chris, v. Cumbry s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 p M 1634 A.B. 1638 ; A.M. 1642 ; M.D. 1649 ]) E 1634 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642; M.D. 1> M 1637 [1673 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1> c. 1592 s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642, Collin A.M. 1639-40 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) V E 1618 s c. 1594 f-c E 1615 T> L 1563-4 A.B. 1566-7 s E 1576 A.B. 1578-9 i p c. 1592 f-c c. 1.593 s E 1604] s E 1570 [^ E 1601] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1609 s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 s M 1619 s M 1588 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 s c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 s M 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609, Collinson s M 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 p M 1641 s E 1617 A.B. (Cath.) 1619-20 p M 1633 s M 1578 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.M. 1579 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1578-9 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.M. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1550 p E 1560 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567; S.T.E. s M 1550 [1577-8 s M 1628 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 (Matr. f-c E 1620 [Coulston) p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 s M 1581 ?S.T.B. (Jes.) 1595 p L 1557-8 s M 1580 A.B. 1583-4, Coult; A.M. 1587 p E 1614] f-c M 1559 p c. 1593 p E 1582 p M 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 p E 1640 [Colvyle] p E 1659] f-c M 1634 p M 1548 V E 15.50 V L 1599-1600] p E 1646 s E 1648] p c. vl592 A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. 1598 ; S.T.B. f-c M 1633 [1609; S.T.P. 1616 Dean of Carlisle, 1629; Master of Trinity, 1631. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 167 Comdell, Rowland v. Cundell Cornel ie, W Jes. Comelyiis, Tho Trin. Comyn (Cummin), Chris. Em. Coniiuge, David? Joh. (Jomyne, Rich Qu. Cummyn, Rich Joh. — Rob [Qu. Comminii, Tho *Joh. Conuniu, Tim loh. Commyn, Will Joh. Com my ns, Fra Commins, John Qu. Cun)min.s, Tho Em. [fi — Will Qu. Complison(?), Leon Joh. Compton, iJa [Qu. — John Cumpton, John King's Compton, Ralph *King's — Rich Joh. — ^gpencer [Qu. — Walt [King's — King's Comston, Ralph Pet. Conant, John — Rich ( — Sam [Em. Condall, Rob — Rob Joh. Conesby, Walt Coony, Edm Trin. Cony, Edw *Sid. Coney, John Chr. — Jos Trin. Cony, Nath Joh. Conye, Nich Mag. • — Nich Em. Cunney, Rich Cath. Coonnye, Rich Chr. Cony, Rob *King's Coney, Rob [Em. — Sam Em. — Sutton Em. Conye, Tho. {imp.) Joh. Coney, Tho Chr. Conye, Will, {imp.) Joh. Cooney, Will Trin. Conye, Toh. — [Trin. Coney Trin. Congnard, Abr Congham, Ambrose ... Chr. — Rob Chr. Conigrave, Fra [Cai. Coningrave, Hugh Joh. Congrave, Tho [Joh. Coningsby, Ralph King's s E 1588 p M 1561 1> E 1634 p E 1610 s M 1571 V E 1633 s M 1577] 1> E 1619 p c. 1594 P E 1636 s E 1655 -. Ox f. E 1643] V E 1656 P M 1613 f-c L 1636-7] ^^ E 1647 p E 1652 E 1604 f-c t6T4l schol. 16231 [f-c 1588-9] P M 1572 ?fr. Oxf) P L 1645-6] s E 1622 s E 1577 P M 1656 p E 1608 [1659] s E 1629 p E 1569 p E 1616 s M 1550 p L 1579-80 p M 1561 f-c E 1651] p E 1629 f-c M 1615 p E 1545 p E 1608 p E 1545 f-c E 1579 p E 1544 sizar in 1572] f-c E 1615 .s E 1611 f-c E 1639 P M 1634] s E 1605 P E 1658] f-c M 1615 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641, *Pet. A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. (Joh.) 1580-1 A.B. 1622-3, Comyn ; A.M. 1626 A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661, Comyns A.B. 1643-4; A.M. (*Pcm.) 1647 A.B. 1659-60, Comyns A.M. 1635-6 {fil. nob.) A.B. (Chr.) 1576-7 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1613 A.M. 1615 {/l. nob.) (prob. A.M. 1594, spec, congr.) S.T.B. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Em.) 1645-6 A.M. 1574 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.M. 1618 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. 1661; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1663-4 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. (Chr.) 1573-4, Cooney A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 [Coney] A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569; S.T.B. [1577, Coony A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1546-7; A.M. 1550; *Chr. [1552 S.T.B. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618; S.T.B. [1626; S.T.P. 1635 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 1 Third Earl of Northampton. 2 Second Earl of Northampton. 168 Matrmdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Coningsby, Ealph Pern. Conyugesbye, Will *King's Conisby [King's Conisly, Walt Cla. Conington, Hen Job. Connam, Abr *Trin. Connar, Antb Trin. Connock, John Triu. Connold v. also Cunnold — Rob C. C. Connopp, Hen. v. Cannap Cone, Rob Connye, Anth — Hen Trin. — John King's Conquest, Edm Trin. — Edm Trin. — Lewis Sid. — Rich Trin. — Rich Trin. Couqueste, W Trin. Conquest, Pem. Consant, Rich C. C. — Tho C. C. — Tho Pem. Consent, Tho Chr. Conset, Hungate ... Job. — John [Chr. Constable, Cha Triu. Cownstable, Ch[ris.] Cai. Cunstable, Edw Cla. — Hen Job. Constable, Hen Pet. — Ja [Qu. — John Job. Cunstable, John Qu. — John Cla. Constable, John Pet. — Jos Trin.H. — Marmaduke Cai. — Marmaduke [C. C. — Marmaduke Qu. — Marmaduke Qu. — Marmaduke [Pet. — Phil [Qu. Cunstable, Rob Gon v. H. — Rob Pem. Counstable, Rob Cunstable, Rob Trin. Constable, Rob Trin. — Roger Trin. Cunstable, Steph Mag. Constable, Tho Cai. — Tho Job. — Tho Cla. — Will Trin. — Will *King's Constantyne, Rob Joh. Constantino, Steph C. C. — Will Em. Conwaye, John Jes. p M 1650 A.B. 1651 p E 1653 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 f-c 1634] p E 1637 s E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 p M 1567 A.B. 1571-2, Conams; A.M. 1575 ; p L 1610-1 [S.T.B. 1582 f-c M 1612 p E 1658 A.B. 1659-60, Cunnell; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. (Joh.) 1571, A.B. 1553-4 [Conns f-c E 1603 [p L 1602-3' A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 p E 1552 f-c M 1587 [p E 1637] A.B. 1640-1 V E 1552 f-c E 1588 p E 1560 f-c c. 1593 p E 1584 p E 1583 E 1583 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 p E 1606 p M 1626 A.B. (Jes.) 1630-1 p E 1641 ; A.M. fr. Aberdeen] p M 1610 A.B. ^Cai.) 1619-20 s s M 1558 E 1629 f-c E 1578 A.B. 1579-80 {fil. nob.) f-c M 1607 f-c E 1581] p M 1555 p c. 1596 8 M 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 p s E 1639 E 1646 p E 1581 1590] f-c c. 1591 p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 f-c E 1634' E 1611] f-c s E 1546 p E 1573 A.B. (Cai.) 1576-7 A.B. (Trin.) 1603-4 p M 1649 p M 1654 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 p M 1607 A.B. (Cai.) 1619-20 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 p E 1577 s E 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 s E 1649 A.B. 1652 f-c M 1607 [p M 1652] [off 1656] s E 1568 p M 1598 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 p E 1627 s M1573 Conwav, John Jes. — " Pet Jes. Conwaye, Rob *Jes. Conway, 'J'ho Trin. — Tlio *('ai. — Will Cai. Conwaye, Will Jes. — Will Con vers, A nth *Joh. — Chris Pet. Coniers, Edw Joh. Conyers, Geo Trin. Couiars, Geo Pet. Conyers, Hen [Trin. — Hen Pet. — Ja Sid. Connyers, John Joh. Conyers, John Chr. — Leon Pet. Conier.s, Noah ;\Iag. Conyers, Rich Pet. — Rich Chr. Coniers, Tho Joh. Conyers, Tobias *Pet. Coniers, Tristram ... Joh. Con vers. Will Joh. — Will Joh. Coe (Coo), Abner Trin. — Chris [Joh. — Ja Trin. Coo, Rich Trin. Coe, Sam Qu. — Steph Chr. Coo, Tho. {imp.} p, , 12 ann.)\ Co, Tho Cla. Cooe, Tho Em. Coo, Tho Sid. Coe, Will Cai. — Will [Em. — Will Sid. — Will Cla. Coo, Will *Qu. — Will Sid. Coode, John [Sid. Cood, Tho Pet. Cooke, Alex Trin. — Andr Joh. — Anth Pem. — Anth Trin. — Aquila Trin. — Brian Sid. — Chris Cai. — Chris Cai. — Clem Trin. — Dan Trin. — Ed Trin. — Edm King's — ¥Am Cai. — Edm *King's — Edm C. C. 9 a Md Deg rees 1544 — 1659 169 s E 1604 A.B. 1606-7 A.M. 1610 s M 1582 A.B. 1586-7 s L 1563-4 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570; LL.D.'78 s E 1615 p E 1642 A.B. 1645-6 A.M. 1649 p E 1577 p E 1587 A.B. (Pet.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M.1628;S.T.B.'35 p E 1635 V E 1577 A.B. 1580-1 c. 1595 s E 1616 A.B. 1620-1, Conyers; A.M. 1624 ?chol. 1602] [s L 1652-31 A.B. 1656-7 E 1609 A.B. 1612-3, A.M. 1616 V L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 P M 1607 s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 s E 1617 A.B. 1619-20 ; A.M. 1623 f-c E 1635 s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. (Pet.) 1647 p L 1579-80 s E 1647 A.B. 1649-50 ; A.M. 1660 1^ M 1565 p M 1602 p M 1615 A.B. 1618-9 p M 1623 A.B. 1626-7 A.M. 1630; M.L. p E 1659] [1631-2 ; M.D. (*Cai.) 1645 s E 1606 s E 1572 A.B. 1575-6, Coe p E 1631 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 s M 1583 A.B. 1587-8 p E 1552 p E 1584 A.B. (Pet.) 1 586-7, Cooe; A.M. p M 1602 [1590 p E 1636 p L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585, Coo p E 1606] p M 1628 [Coo] s M 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 p M 1646 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 p E 1657 s E 1642] s E 1621 s M 1631 A.B. 1635-6 s c. 1593 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599; S.T.B. f-c E 1574 [1607 V E 1620 s E 1569 f-c E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 p E 1625 p M 1641 [Cocke] f-c M 1608 s E 1603 M 1567 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 p M 1558 [Edward] ]> L 1.597-8 ll> i^; 1600] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 p M 1637 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1644 22 170 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 f-c L 1637-8 A.M. 1564 (On Queen's visit) Cooke, Edm Pem. — Edw — Edw C. C. — Edw Joh. — (Coke), lEdw (Attor — Edw Trin. — Edw [Em. — Edw Sid. — Edw Trin. — Edw [Em. Cookes, Edw Trin. Cooke, Edw Sid. — Erasmus ... Joh. — Era Toh. — Era Trin. — Era Joh. — Era — (Coke), Era Joh. — Era C. C. — Era Cath. — (Coke), 2 Geo Joh. — Geo Cai. — Geo Joh. — Geo [Pem. — Hen Trin. — (?) Hen Joh. — Hen Trin. — Hen [Qu. — Hen Sid. Cook, Hen Chr. Cooke, Hen — Hen Qu. — Hen Mag. — Ja Cla. — Ja — Ja [Trin. — John Qu. — John *Trin. — John *King's — John *Joh. — 3 John *Trin. — John Em. — John Em. — John Joh. — John [Qu. — John Jes. — John Chr. — John Em. — John {]v. — John Trin. — John Pem. — John Trin. — John *Trin. — John Jes. — John Chr. — John Cai. Higli Steward, 1614; Chief Justice C. P., 1606. 2 Bishop of Bristol, 1633; Hereford, 1636 3 M.P. for University, 16-25. p E 1587 A.B. 1590-1 f-c E 1589 nev-General) A.M. 1597 {spec, grace) f-c c. ^^596 A.B. (Cath.) 1600-1 P L 1599-1600] p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638; M.D. f-c E 1631 [1643-4 (Incorp. fr. Padua) f-c L 1638-9" A.B. 1641 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. T> E 1645 [1641 p E 1581 A.B. (Trin.) 1584^5 P M 1546 A.B. 1551-2 s E 1574 s c. 1591 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1599 A.M. 1607 {fil. nob.) p E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. (*Chr.) 1623 f^c E 1632 p M 1638 p M 1588 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596, *Pem. s E^626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 p M 1626 1648] p L 1564-5 A.B. 1567-8 s c. 1593 [schol. 1596] A.B. 1596-7 f-c E 1607] s E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 p M 1615 A.B. 1617-8 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1623-4 s E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 p E 1650 A.B. 1653-4 p E 1579 LL.B. 1607 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1649] s E 1544 [S.T.B. 1569-70 p M 1555 A.B. 1559-60, Ja. ; A.M. 1563; p M 1555 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1564; S.T.B. [1572 p E 1566 A.B. 1567 (Incorp. fr. Louvain); [A.M. 1568, Cox; S.T.B. 1575 p E 1576 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584, Coke s L 1584-5 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1593, Cock s M 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 s c. 1595 A.B. 1600-1 f-c E 1606] p M 1609 A.B. 1612-3 p M 1610 A.B. 1613-4 p E 1612 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 John Cocke) A.B. (Trin.) 1618-9 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 p E 1620 f-c E 1631 s E 1631 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639, Coke f-c E 1634 A.B. 1639-40 f-0 E 1636 [p E 1637] A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 171 Cooke, John .. C. C. s E 1648 A.B. 1651-2 — John {imp. ) Jes. P E 1652 A.B. 1655-6 John .. Joh. f-c M 1653 John ..*King's p M 1653 [off 1657] .^ John .. Jes. M 1654 A.B. 1657-8 John .. Cla. .s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 Lane .. Cla. s M 1562 Lane . . Jes. p M 1572 — Leon .. Joh. p E 1559 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. 1566 Leon .. Pem. H M 1621 A.B. 1624-5 ; A.M. (King's) 1628 Marraaduke Cki. S M 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1650; S.T.P. Matth . Trin. s E 1589 [1677 {Lit. Reg.) Miles . Chr. p E 1566 Conk, Miles . Trin.H . Joh. s p c. 1593 L 1656-7 LL.B. 1600 Cooke, Nathan.... A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 Cook, Nich . [King's f-c E 1564] Cooke, Olophernes . Joh. p E 1586 — Pet. . Trin. s M 1583 A.B. 1586-7 — Pet . Jos. s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 Phil . *Trin. p E 1587 A.B. 1590-1, Coke; A.M. 1594 Cook, Rich . Trin. p M 1556 Cooke, Rich . Cai. p L 1577-8 [Coke] — Rich . *King's [p M 1592] (A.B. 1596-7); A.M. 1600; S.T.B. — Rich . Pet. s c. 1601 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 [1607 — Rich . Qu. p M 1602 A.B. (Cath.) 1605-6 — Rich . Sid. p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 — Rich . *Trin. p E 1628 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 — Rich . C. C. [1636] A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 — Rich . King's f-c M 1637 Rich . [Joh. s U 1647] — Rich . Trin. s M 1657 A.B. 1657-8 — Rich . *Pet. p E 1659 A.B. 1661-2 ; A.M. 1665 ; S.T.P. '92 — Rob . Chr. p E 1546 A.B. 1550-1; A.M. 1554, *Pet. — Rob . Trin.H s E 1549 — Rob . Joh. p M 1553 A.B. 1557-8; A.M. 1561 — Rob . A.B. 1565-6; A.M. (Cla.) 1569 — Rob . Joh. s E 1575 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1582 — Rob . Jos. s M 1578 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 — Rob . Cla. p E 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 — Rob A.M. 1583 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Rob ! Chr. s E 1580 A.B. (Pet.) 1583-4 — Rob . Chr. s E 1581 A.B. (*Pem.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588 — Rob . Qu. s M 1583 A.B. (Cath.) 1587-8 — Rob . Em. p E 1611 — Rob . Em. p M 1617 — Rob . King's f-c E 1634 — Rob . Chr. s E 1654 A.B. 1657 — Roger . Em. p E 1603 — Roger . Qu. p E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 — Roger . King's f-c E 1639 — Sam . Pem. p M 1578 A.B. (Pet.) 1582-3 — Sam . [Qu. p E 1580] A.B. (Cath.) 1583-4 — Sam A.B. (Qu.) 1605-6 — Simon '. Pem. s E 1575 A.B. 1579-80 — Tho .*Joh. p M 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 [Coke] A.B. 1585-6 — Tho . Trin. s M 1582 — Tho . *Cai. [p L 1603-4] A.B. 1607-8 ;A.M. 161 1;S.T.B. '22 — Tho . C. C. .s E 1618 A.B. 1621; A.M. 1625 — Tho .FQu. . Jes. f-c L 1618-9] — Tho p E 1620] — Tho . Trin. f-c E 1628 172 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Cooke, Tho Cai. — Tho Jes. — Tho — Tho Jes. — Tho [Trin. — Tho [C. C. — Tho *Pem. — Tho *Joh. — Tim Cai. — W Chr. — Walt C. C. — Will Pet. — AViU Trin.H. — -Will — Will Trin. — Will C. C. — Will — Will .Toh. Cook, Will [Qu. Cooke, Will [Cai. — Will Pem. — Will Joh. — Will Cai. — Will Em. — Will [Pet. Cooks, Will Mag. Cooke, Will Chr. — Will Qu. — Will [Em. — Will *Jes. Cook, Will [Pem. — Trin. Cooke, Trin. Cookes, [Em. Cooke, [King'.s — Chr. Cookson, Ja Chr. Cookeson, John Joh. — John [Cai. — John King's Cookson, Tho Pet. — Tho Sid. — Tim Chr. Cookeson, Will Pem. Cookin, John Joh. Cookyn, Tho Joh. Cooken, Will Joh. Coole, John Joh. — Tho Jes. — W Joh. Coolie, John Jes. (_!oonye v. Coney Coope, John Trin. — John Coop, Rich [Qu. Coope, Sam Qu. Cooper, Alir Trin. — Adam Em. — Anth. {it))p.) Pet. — Art Joh. — Benj *King's s M 1629 p M 1631 [Coke] A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 E 1641 1642] [1664; S.T.P. 1679 s E 1650 A.B. 1653; A.M. 1657; S.T.B. p M 1655 [fr. Oxf.]; A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659; s E 1643 A.B. 1646-7 [S.T.B. 1666 s E 1567 s M 1567 P M 1553 s E 1554 A.M. 1564 (On Queen's visit) p E 1567 A.B. 1569-70 f-c E 1578 A.B. (Cai.) 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1583 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c E 1589 s E 1601] s L 1601-2" p E 1608 p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 p M 1626 A.B. 1629-30 f-c M 1637 p L 1637-8" p E 1641 p M 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1662 p M 1646 [Migr. to Joh. 1648] f-c E 1647] s E 1648 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655; LL.D. 1651] [1673 s] c. 1596 f-c E 1608 p E 1632; fi ■. Oxf.] f-c 1572] p L 1618-9 p E 1627 A.B. 163U; A.M. 1634 s E 1578 p E 1621 ; ? same as next] T) M 1621 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614; S.T.B. p M 1639 [1622 ; S.T.P. 1636 s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6 s M 1570 p c. 1592 11 M 1588 p M 1548 s M 1562 p p L 1620-1 M 1562 E 1584 L 1628 A.B. 1631-2 ; A.M. 1635, Cowpe A.M. 1612(On visit of Pr. of Wales) M 1601] A.M. 1603 s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 p M 1581 ]) E 1589 s M 1549 P L 1579- 80 A.B. 1583-4 p M 1569 A.B. 1573-4 Matriculations and Der/rees 1544 — 1659 173 Cooper, Benj Em. f-c — Tjpiij — Drurye Trin. p — Edm Jos. [p — Edw *King'.s p — (Copper), Edw. ... Trin. s Cowper, Edw Cooper, Edw Mag. s Cowper, Era King's p Cooper, Era — Era *Joh. p — Era Trin. H. s — Geo Cai. f-c — Geo Mag. p — Geo [Cai. s — ■ Giles Cla. s — Hen Joh. p — Hen Trin. s — Hen Joh. p — Hen Em. s — Hen Em. p — Hersy Joh. p — Isaac Jes. p — Isaac Pern. p Ja *Joh. s — John [Trin. s — 'John Qu. p — John Joh. p — John C. C. s — John *Joh. p — John Trin. p — John Trin. s — John Mag. p — John C. C. • — John Sid. p — John Cai. p — John Jes. p Cow[)er, John Chr. s Cooper, John Pern. p — John King's f-c — John Pern. s — John Trin. s — John Pet. p — Levye loh. s — Matth Couper, Pet Pem. p Cowper, Pet Sid. p Cooper, Ralph Joh. p Rich Pet. s — Rich Trin. s — Rich Trin. s — Rich *Joh. s — Rich Em. s — Rich [Trin. Cowper, Ro Trin. p Cooper, Rob Jes. s — Rob Cai. s — Rob E 1612 A.M. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) E 1G18 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 L 1628-9 ; fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633; [M.D. (Cla.) 1650 M 1.046 A.B. 1550-1, Coupar M 1611 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) M 1632 M 1548 (no A.B.); A.M. 1562 E 1605 A.B. 1608-9 ; A.M. 1612 ; S.T.B.'20 M 1625 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 M 1573 c. 1596 E 1601] E 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 M 1579 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 M 1581 A.B. 1584-5 M 1606 A.B. 1610-1 E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1644, Cowper M 1578 E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 c. 1601 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 1555] M 1568 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 E 1569 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 E 1583 A.B. 1586-7 M 1583 A.B. 1.587-8, Cupper; A.M. 1591 ; E 1587 [S.T.B. 1599 c. 1593 c. 1595 [1600] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 M 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 E 1622 A.B. 1625-6, Cooper; A.M. 1629 E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 E 1631 A.B. 1633 E 1640 A.B. (King's) 1643-4; A.M. 1647 M 1642 E 1655 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1619 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); A.M. M 15.56 [(Joh.) 1619 E 1635 M 1567 A.B. 1570-1 E 1584 E 1622 E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 M 1628 A.B. 1632-3 ; A.M. 1636 ; S.T.B. '43 E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 E 1645] M 1561 E 1576 A.B. 1579-80 c. 1593 A.B. (Joh.) 1606-7 1 This, or the next, S.T.P. 1597. 174 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Cooper, Rob Chr. — Rob Job. — Roger Trin. Cowper, Sam [Em. Cooper, 1 Tho — Tho Pet. — Tho C. C. — Tho — Tho — Tho Cai. — Tho Cai. Couper, Will. (i?;i^.). Qii. Coo2)er, W Job. — Will Cai. Copper (Cooper), Will. ...*Trin. Cooper, Will Em. — Will Pem. Cowper [C. C. Coortes, Rich Jes. Coote, Cha Trin. • — Chris Edm. — Edm Pet. — Edw Pet. — Era Gonv.] — Nich Trin. — Rob Qu. — Tho *Trin. — Will Cai. — Will Qu. — Will *Trin. Cooth, John Coots [Chr. Copcots, ^John *Trin. Copcotts, Ralph Trin. Copden, Era. v. Cobden Cope, Ed Job. — John Em. — John [Cath. — Jos Jes. — Tho Job. Walt [Em. Copynger, Ambrose ...*Joh. Copinger, Ambrose ... Trin. Copynger, ^jjen *Job. Coppinger, Hen Cai. Copinger, Hen [Job. — John Job. Coppinger, Tho Job. Copinger, Tho Trin. Coppinger, Will Em. — Will Job. _ Will Job. _ Cla. Coplande, John C. C. Copland, Laurence ... Job. Coupland, Nich Trin. Copland, Nicb Job. p E 1625 b M 1645] p M 1609 p E 1640] p M 1581 [1600] s ■ L 1623-4 s E 1645 p E 1556 s M 1566 p c. 1595 p M 1611 s E 1628 s E 1639 1544] s M 1567 f-c E 1622 I. s M 1544 P E 1576 p E 1578 I. p M 1550 p E 1588 s E 1578 [scbol E 1602] p L 1582-3 p 1591 [scbol E 1608] schol. 1557-8 : p M 1562 P c. 1592 f-c M 1566 f-c M 1608 P E 1635] fP L 1645-6; s M 1637 p E 1622] p M 1560 [schol. 1602] P M 1565 p c. 1594 f-c L 1637-8] p M1576 p E 1559 s E 1619 f-c M 1585 p c. 1598 p M 1642 p E 1613 p E 1553 s E 1647 s E 1576 s E 1634 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1649-50 S.T.P. 1571 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. (Job.) 1611-2 A.M. 1615 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1627-8; AM. 1631 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1562-3 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1.585 A.B. 1605-6 ; A.M. 1609 ; S.T.B.'17 [1620; S.T.P. 1635 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612; S.T.B. A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ?John C, of Trin.] A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570; S.T.B. [1577; S.T.P. 1582 A.B. 1610-1 fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1645-6 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1568 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607; S.T.B. [1613; S.T.P. (*Cath.) 1630 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1601 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. 1650-1 A.B. 1579-80, Copeland; A.M. '8E [Coupland] 1 Bishop of Lincoln, 1571; of Winchester, 1584. 2 Master of Corpus, 1587. ^ Master of Magdalene, 1577. Matricu7a(io7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 175 Coupland, Tho Cla. Copland, W Joh. Copied vck, Fra Cath. — ' Tho Cath. Coopledike, Tho Sid. Copplestone, Mohn *Kiiig's Copier, Edw Trin. Copley, Chris Chr. — Edw [Cai. — Fra Chr. — Fra Joh. Coplaye, Geo Trin. Coppley, Godfrey .Toh. Copley, Godfrey Joh. — Hen Joh. — John Joh. — John [Trin. — Phil *Jes. Coppley, Ralph Trin. Coplaye, Rob *Trin. Copley, Rob Joh. Copleye, Tho Pet. Coplye, Will Joh. Copley, W Joh. — Will Trin. Coppin, Amos Chr. Coppen, Cha Mag. Coppin, Edw C. C. Copi)yn, John Joh. Coppin, John [Em. — John C. C. - — John Cai. — John Cai. Coppen, Jo.sias Qu. Coppin, Rich [Qu. Coppyn, Tho Joh. Coppin, Tho Sid. Coppyn, W C. C. — Will Joh. Coppin, Will King's Coppinge, Joel Cai. — John Qu. — Rich Pet. — Rob Chr. — Rob Cla. — Tho C. C. Copping, Tho Cai. — Will [King's — Will C. C. Coppin [King's {'Oppocke, John Joh. Cojjwood, Abr [Cai. — John Gonv. H. — Will Trin. Corbet, Chris Pem. Corbitt, - Clement *Trin. H. Corbett, Edw Chr. — Elias V. Corlett Corbet, Fra Cai. 1572 1567 1548 1548 1606 1641 A.B. 1644-5 ; A.M. 1648 ; S.T.P.'64 1609 1618 1608] 1560 1579 1552 1584- 1607 1620 1.584 1635-6] 1556 1596 A.B. 1563-4 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1615 A.B. (Mag.) 1623 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1563 1648 1572 1557-8 1591 1646 1612 1651 1639 1583 1595] 1634 1649 1650 1616 1600] 1580 1621 1573 1.580 1607-8 1596 1593 1631 1585 1625 1620 1648-9 1579] 1655 1589-90] 1561 1564] 1555 1637 1573 1592 1620 A.B. 1540-1 ; A.M. 1545 ; S.T.B. '52 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1642; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1654; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1619-20, Coppinge; A.M. '24 A.B. (Chr.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1583-4 A.B. (Cath.) 1597-8 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1627-8; A.B. 1623 A.M. 1631 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 (Matr. Capwood) LL.B. 1598; LL.D. 1605, Corbet A.B. 1623; A.M. 1627 M 1584 A.B. 1587-8 1 Provost of King's, 1681. 2 Master of Trin. Hall, IGll. 176 Matricnlatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Corbett, Fra Joh. Corbet, Hen Jes. Corbett, Hen Joh. Corbet, Hen [Jes. Corbett, John — . John Joh. — Miles Trin. — Miles Chr. — Pelham Joh. Corbet, Rob Cla. — Tho C. C. — Tho Trm. — Tho Pem. Corbett, Tho Cla. — Tho Trin. — Tho [Em. — Tho Trin. Corbet, Vincent Joh. — Will Pem. Corbett [Chr. Corbin, John [Em. — Sam Trin. Corbold, Ellis Cai. — Fra C. C. Corbould, John [Trin. Corbold, Rob C. C. Corbald, Tho C. C. Corbold, Will Trin. Corbridge, Tho Joh. Corbrigge, John [Cai. Cordall, Earth Trin. — Guthlack ...*King' — Tho Mag. Corde, Mich Cla. Cordell, Rob Cai. — Tho *Pet. — Tho King' Corder, John Cla. Cordwell, Tho. {imp.).. C. C. Cordwin, Geo Mag. Core, John Trin. Coren, Gilb. v. Curren — Tho *Jes. Corker, Fra Joh. — Fra Jes. — Leon Joh. — Lionel Joh. — Tho C. C. Corcor, Will *Trin. Corlett, Elias Corne, Cornelius ... Joh. Corneforth, John Pet. Cornelius, John *Pem. — Tho Cornell, Fra Em. — Ralph Era. Corner, Rob Joh. Cornet, Will Trin. Cornwall, Hen Jes. Cornwell, Hen Chr. Cornewall, John Em. p E 1619 p M 1560 p M 1642 p E 1656] s M 1631 E 1553 E 1612 E 1623 E 1559 [1573] E 1574 M 1575 L 1597-^ E 1604 E 1633] M 1658 M 1569 E 1559 L 1606- E 1636] E 1648 E 1612 [Mm. 1635 ; fr H. scbol. 1573] p E 1583 s E 1573 E 1573 M 1579 M 1566] M 1569 M 1549 E 1625 M 1547 E 1623 c. 1590 L 1656- L 1597- E 15.50 E 1632 P P f-c f-c P P P s f-c p p p f-c p p p A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1646; A.M. 1650; M.D. 1659 A.B. 1612 (On visit of Prince of A.B. (Mag.) 1634 [Wales A.B. 1575-6 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. (Cla.) 1581; [S.T.P. 1594 A.B. 1601-2 ; A.M. 1605 ; *Trin. H. [1607 A.B. 1573-4 A.B. 1562-3 '] H. A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 Pem.] A.B. 1638-9 ; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1584 [prev. at LL.B. 1581 (Matr. Corbed) [Cai.] A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1553-4; A.M. 1557 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632; S.T.B. [1639, Cordwell A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. (n594-5); A.M. 1598 7 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 8 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1635-6 s M 1587 E 1574 M 1573 M 1626 E 1566 E 1566 M 1565 E 1651 L 1577- E 1573 M 1623 E 1618 E 1635 M 1565 E 1636 M 1554 E 1659 M 1598 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. [(Pem.) 1638 [1635; S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628; S.T.B. A.B. 1564-5 A.B. 1621-2, Cornewell; A.M. '25 A.B. 1568-9, Corney; A.M. 1572 A.B. (?C. C.) 1557-8 [LL.D. 1676 A.B. 1662-3, Cornwall ; A.M. 1666 ; A.B. ( ) ; A.M. 1610, Cronwell Matriculations a7id Degrees 1,^44 — 1659 177 Cornewall, Ralph [Era. Cornwall, Rich Chr. Corn well, Tlio Joh. Cornwall, Will Cornwallis, Bever [C. C. Cornewallis, Cha Trin. Cornvvallys, Fra King's Cornwallis, Fra [C. C. Cornewallis, Fred Chr. — Hen Cai. — John Trin. Cornwallis, John [Cai. Cornwaleys, John C. C. Cornwallis, Phil Cai. Cornewallis, Phil Em. Cornwaliaes, Rich Cai. Cornwallis, Tho Gonv. H. Cornewalles, Tho Cath. Cornaleis, Tho Cai. Cornewalles, Will Gonv. H. Cornewallis, Will. (imp. } rr. • 11 ann.)) ^""• — Will Trin. Cornwallis Trin. — [Em. Corney, John Joh. — John — ^lorris Trin. — Rob Joh. — Rob — Will Joh. Cornish, John Sid. — John Joh. — Tho Em. Corsage, Tho Trin. Cort, John Sid. Corvyn, John Jes. Corv, Edm Cai. — Edw Trin. Corie, Fra Pem. Cory, John Joh. Corey, Rob Trin. H. Cory, Rob *Joh. Correy, Tho Trin. Corv, Tho [C. C. Corie, Will Pem. Coryn, Ja Jes. Cosarides, John Chr. Cosbye, Phineas (imp.) Em. Cosyn, 1 Edm Cosen, Ezekiell Chr. Cosin, 2 John *Cai. — John [Pet. Cosyn, John Sid. — Rich *Trin. Cosen, [Sam.] Em. — Tho Chr. Cosyn, Will Pem. E 1635] A.l^.. (Mag.) 1638-9 E 1546 E 1657 1636] M 1566 E 1637 1657] E 1653 M 1609 M 1560 L 1588-9] E 1647 c. 1594 M 1631 L 1584-5 M 1546 M 1571 c. 1596 M 1544 M 1560 c. 1598 c. 1597 E 1626] M 15.S5 A.B. A.B. 1660-1; A.M. (Trin.) 1638-8 1669 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1638 1592 s E 1620 p M 1565 s E 1635 s E 1627 s M 1640 p E 1631 p E 1555 s E 1657 s L 1580-1 p E 1636 s M 1610 p M 1612 s E 1651 [s.-hol. M 1626] s M 1655 p M 1564 1627] p E 1629 p M 1578 s E 1656 p E 1611 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. (Jes.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1623; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 M.L. 1608 A.B. 1638-9 LL.B. (Sid.) 1638 [alias Allen] A.B. (Pem.) 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1660-1 A.B. 16.39-40 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1622, Corie A.B. 1654-5; LL.B. 1632 A.B. 1658-9 A.M. 1658 A.M. 1662; S.T.B. [1669; S.T.P. 1675 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1621 A.B. (King's Hall) 1534-5; A.M. [1541 ; S.T.B. (*Trin.) 1547 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619; M.D. '26 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617; S.T.B. [1623; S.T.P. 1630 E 1612 E 1610 E 1649] E 1650 M 1561 A.B. 1565-6 ; A.M. 1569 ; LL.D.'SO :En6oI E 1623 E 1554 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 1 Master of Cath. Hall, 1554. 2 Master of Peterliouse, 1635; Bishop of Durham, 1660. 23 178 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Cosyn, Will Triu. Cosen, Will Chr. — Will Chr. Cosynge Job. Cossam, Adam Cla. Cosson, Rob. i\ Casson Costentjne, Tho Chr. Coster, John Sid. Cosworth, Mich Joh. Cosoworth [C. C. Cotchet, Tho Chr. Cbtes V. Coates Cotewyn, Rob Cai. Cotgreave, Randolph ... Joh. Cotsworth, Rob Qu. Cotta, John Trin. Cottell, John Joh. Cotten, Ja Joh. Cottesford, John Cotesford, Rob — Rob *Qu. Cottisford, Sam Qu. Cotsford, Steph Cottesford, Tho Cottie, Pet Cottingham, John — Tho [Em. Cotton, Allan Qu. — Allan Sid. — Anth Pet. — Earth [C. C. — Earth [Cai. — Cha Trin. — Chen Trin. — Dodmore ... King's — Edm. {imp.) Trin. H. — Edm Qu. — Edm Sid. — Edw. {imp.) Joh. — Edw Joh. — Edw Trin.H. — Edw Joh. [L — Era Cai. — Gabr — Geof. Trin.H. — Gyles Trin. — Hen Sid. — Ja Jes. — John Trin.H. Cottam, John Trin. Cotton, John Jes. — John Trin. — John Mag. — John Cai. — John Trin. — Lan. (?Lau.) Joh. — Laur — Matthias ... King's — Ralph Sid. — Rich, {imp.) Cla. — Rich Cla. s M 1581 A.E. 1585-6 ; A.M. 1589 p c. 1595 p M 1621 A.E. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 s E 1544 s M 1621 A.E. 1625-6, Cosham s c. 1595 A.E. 1598-9; A.M. 1603 s L 1637-8 p M 1576 A.E. 1579-80, Cosowarth f-c 1585] p E 1658 [Prev. at Qu.] [fr. Trin.] A.E. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624, [Cottwin [M.D. 1604 A.E. 1592-3; A.M. (C. C.) 1596; A.E. (Cla.) 1616-7, Cottle A.E. (Joh.) 1600-1; A.M. 1604 A.E.(Joh.) 1568-9 ; A.M.(Mag.)'72 A.E. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624; ?S.T.P. [Cotcheford] [1636 A.M. 1584 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.E. (Joh.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 M.L. 1576 A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p L 1618- p M 1586 s E 1565 p M 1588 p M 1612 p E 1609 s E 1617 s M 1568 p E 1647' E 1619' t A.E. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 E 1654 P E 1622 1601] P E 1631 f-c E 1618 p E 1557 f-c E 1607 p M 1561 f-c M 1581 p M 1638 f-c E 1549 s E 1568 A.E. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 p E 1613 1658-9; A.E. of Oxf.] s E 1612 A.M. 1612 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1549 p M 1570 p M 1598 s M 1655 A.E. 1658-9; A.M. 1663, Catton p M 1561 s L 1563-4 s L 1563-4 s 1598 A.E. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. (*Em.) 1606 ; f-c E 1637 [S.T.E. 1613 f-c M 1640 A.M. 1642 p E 1643 p L 1564-5 M.L. 1629; C.L. 1629 p E 1629 A.E. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 p E 1655 M.E. (Qu.) 1660 p M 1554 f-c E 1559 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 179 Cotton, Rich Trin. — Ro Trin. — Rob Trin. — Rob C. C. — Rob Trin. — Rob Qu. — Rob Jes. — Rob *Trin. — Rowland ... Joh. — Rowland ... [Trin. — Sam — Sam [Chr. Coton, Tho Pet. Cotton, Tho Jes. Tho Chr. Tho Chr. — Tho Trin. — Tho — Tho Cai. — Tho Pet. — Tho Trin. — Tho Cath. — Tim C. C. — Will Trin. — iWill Qu. — Will — Will Cai. — Will Qu. — Will Cai. — Will Joh. — Will Mag. — Will Chr. — Will Trin. — Trin. Cottrell, Cha Qu. Cotts, [John] Em. Cottye, John v. Cotta Cottyn, Phil Qu. — Tho Qu. Couch, Sampson ... [Qu. Cowchman, Edw Cla. — Ezechiell ... Pern. Cougell, Bryan Trin. Coughen, John Mag. Coulby, Ja. v. Coleby Couldwell V. Coldwell Coulson V. Coleson Coulstocke, Samson Jes. Coulte V. Colte Coulthurst, Edw Gonv. Couldthurst, Geo Sid. Colethirst, Hen Joh. Couldthurst, Rob Sid. Coulton, Geo Mag. — John Jes. — Matth Jes. Cowlton (Culton), Ralph Trin. Colton, Rob Mag. — Tho Trin. s E 1631 H. p M1561 H. s M 1556 *Trin. H. 1564 p E 1573 A.B. (Trin.) 1575-6 f-c M 1576 P E 1576 p M 1581 A.B. 1585-6 p E 1606 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 P c. 1596 E 1641] A.M. 1628 (Incori). fr. Oxf.) P ^[ 1644] s M 1551 f-c L 1580-1 P L 1582-3 A.B. 1586-7 p M 1609 f-c E 1611 (?A.M. follows) A.M. 1612 (On visit of Prince of p E 1620 [Wales) p M 1624 p E 1633 p E 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 p M 1568 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1576 p M 1567 A.B. 1569-70 [schol. 15691 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1574 f; E 1599' A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 E 1619] A.B. 1622-3 p M 1623 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 s M 1627 f-c E 1637 p M 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 p M 1649 E 1631 f-c M 1629 s E 1605 s E 1557 s E 1557 p E 1626] p E 1576 A.B. 1578-9 ; A.M. 1582,Cutchman p E 1587 A.B. 1590-1 s E 1624 A.B. (C. C.) 1627 ; A.M. (Trin.) '34 s E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. (Qu.) 1661 M 1566 p E 1554 p M 1616 p E 1567 p M 1616 s M 1619 s M 1580 s M 1586 s M 1553 s M 1618 s E 1636 A.B. 1619-20, Coulthrifte ; A.M. 23 A.B. 1619-20, Coulthrifte ; A.M.'23 A.B. (Joh.) 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1556-7 ; A.M. (*Cath.) 1560; [S.T.B. (*Jes.) 1567, *Qu. 1557 A.B. 1639-40 Bishop of Exeter, 1598. 180 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Coundon, John [Jes. p E 1629] — Tho Jes. f-c E 1629 Countenn, Rob Em. p E 1618 Coupland v. Copland Courthop, Geo Chr. p E 1606 — John Joh. p c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8 Courtop, Tho Jes. f-c E 1617 Courthorpe [Trin. f-c 1655] Courtman, Chris *Kmg's [p E 1643] A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 — John *Trin. s E 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653; S.T.B. — Rob Joh. p E 1566 [1660 Courtnall, John C. C. s M 1620 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 Courtney, Tho C. C. f-c L 1597-8 — Will C. C. f-c c. 1.594 Covin, Edw Cla. s E 1625 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631, Covell Covell, Era Joh. p M 1566 Covile, Hen Qu. p E 1621 [1679 {Lit. Reg.) Covell, iJohn *Chr. s E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.JkC. 1661; S.T.P. — Will Chr. p L 1580-1 A.B. 1584-5 ; A.M. 1588, Covile; Covney, Rich Mag. E 1606 [S.T.P. (*Qu.) 1601 Coveney, Rob [Em. p E 1645] Co ventre, John Joh. f-c E 1625 Coventry, John Pet. s E 1647 A.B. 1650 Coverdale, ^jyijies S.T.P. 1563 (Incorp. fr. Tiibingen) Coverly, Will Trin. p E 1604 Covert, Edw Pern. p M 1615 — Era Pet. p M 1579 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. (Mag.) 1587 — John Jes. f-c E 1637 [(Matr. Cowert) — Rich C. C. s M 1548 — Walt A.B. (Trin.) 1606-7 Covet, Tho Qu. f-c L 1607-8 [Covert] Covy, Tho C. C. p E 1627 Cowward, John Trin. s M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 Coward, John Joh. s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3 — Steph C. C. s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1626 — Tho Joh. p L 1557-8 A.B. 1561-2 Cowdell, Rich Trin. s M 1575 Cowdel, Rich Joh. s M 1578 A.B. 1582-3; S.T.B. 1595 Cowdale, Rich Pem. p E 1625 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. (Joh.) 1631, [Cowdall Cowell, John A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1556; *Cai. [1557; *Cla. 1559 — sjohn *King's p M 1570 A.B. 1574-5 ; A.M. 1578 ; LL.D. '88 — Rob Qu. p E 1546 — Tho Jes. p E 1568 — Will. Chr. s M 1569 A.B. 1573-4 — (?John, above) S.T.B. (King's) 1595 — M.L. 1559 (?John, of Cai.) Cowes, Ja A.M. 1654 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Cowke Joh. p E 1544 Cowland, John Trin. p E 1576 Cowley, Abr *Trin. p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 (Matr. — Josuah Jes. p E 1649 1652, Cowhey [Cooley) Couley, Ralph Chr. s E 1554 (?Conley) Cowlinge, John A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Cowling, Era Trin. s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. (Pet.) 1629 Cowpe, Rich [Em. p E 1658] Cowper V. Coopei- Cox, Benj C. C. p E 1614 A.B. 1616-7 1 Master of Christ's, 1688. 2 Bishop of Exeter, 1551. 8 Kegius Prof, of Civil Law, 1594; Master of Triu. Hall, 1598. Mafrmilations and Degrees 1544 — 16,59 181 Cockes(?), Clem Job. Coxe, Dan. (imp.) Jes. Cockes, Ed Jes. Cox, Geo Chr. Coxe, Hen Job. Cox, Hen Sid. — Hen [King'; — Humph. ... Qu. Coxe, Ja C. C. — Ja Sid. Cockes, Jobn Qu. Coxe, John Je.s. — Jobn Trin. Cox, Jobn Trin. Co-\e, Jobn Job. Cox, Jouat Mag. — Pet Sid. Cockes, Reynold ... [Trin. Cox, Rich Jes. — Rich Cbr. Coxe, Hob Cbr. Cox, Rob Em. Cockes, Roger Trin. Coxe, Roger Qu. Cox, Roger [C. C. Cockes, Roger Trin. Cocks, Sam Pem. Coxe, Sam *Joh. Cox, Sim Pet. Koxe, Tbo Chr. Coxe, Tbo Pet. Co.x, Tbo Qu. Coxe, Tbo Pet. Cox, Tbo Cla. Cocks, Tbo Sid. Cox, Tbo *Qu. Coxe, Tbo Em. Cox, Tbo Cla. Coxe, Tho [^l^ag. — Will Qu. — Will *Qu. — Will Qu. Cox, Will Mag. — Will Mag. — Will — Will Catb. Cocks, Will Co.xe, Will Coxall, Esdras Pet. — Rich Pet. Cocksadge, Jobn Coxedge, Jobn Trin. Cocsage, Tho Trin. Coxey, Humph, v. Coxe Coye, Jobn Qu. Coy, Will Chr. Coyne, Will Trin. Coysb, Jos Qu. — Obadiah ... [Qu. Coyte, Jobn King's Coytemor, Rob Mag. c. 1593 M 1659 M 1565 E 1606 M 1571 E 1636 M 1653] E 1612 M 1571 L 1625-6] M 1566 E 1574 f-c T i schol. P P I' P s p p 1620 1637-8 1639 1622 1635 1555] 1579-80 M 1578 M 1587 M 1651 1580 15^1" 1590' 1611' 1565 M 1618 M 1569 E 1554 M 1575 M 1606 E 1620 E 1624 E 1627 M 1628 E 1633 L 1647-8 E 1659] M 1576 M 1601 E 1602 E 1625 E 1636 [s E 1646] E 1611 E 1622 M 1649 E 1555 E 1565 M 1623 E 1640 E 1631 M 1643] E 1545 E 1579 M.D. 1669? {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1574-5, Cockes A.B. 1639-40 A.B. (Pem.) 1656 A.B. 1614-5, Coxey; A.M. 1618 [Cocks] A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. (*Joh.) 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1586 (Incorp. [fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1611-2 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1574-5 (Alex, in ordo); A.M. [Coxe] [1578 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1627-8 1630-1 1632-3; A.M. 1636 1634-5; A.M. 1638 1651 (Matr. Foxe) A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1606-7 ; A.M. 1610 ; LL.D.'36 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1636-7 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); A.M. 1654-5 [A.M. (Trin.) 1637 A.M. 1651 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) S.T.P. (?) 1654 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. (Joh.) 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 182 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Coytmer, Tho Joh. Crabbe, Nich. (imp.) Pet. Crabb, Tho *C'ai. — Will King's — Will [Em. Crabtree, Eli Chr. — Tho Cla. Cracherod, John Trin. — Tho Mag. Cratcherwood, Tho Qu. • Crackbone, John Cai. Cracroft, Fra Trin. — Geo Sid. Cracraft, Rob Pet. Cracroft, Tho Cath. — [Cath. Cradocke, Earth Chr. Cradoch, Fra Trin. Cradocke, Geo Trin. — John — John — John *Cai. — John Em. Cradock, John v. Crodacot Cradocke, Jos Sid. — Matth Trin. Cradock, Nath *Cai. Cradocke, Rich Cla. Cradock, Rich Trin. — Sam Cradocke, Sam *Em. Cradock, Tho — Walt Em. Cradocke, Will Cai. Cradock, Zach Em. Craffbrd v. Crayford Crafoote, John Trin. Craftes, John Trin. Crafts, John Cla. — Tho Jes. Craftes, Will. v. Crastes Crafts, Will Jes. Cragg, Chris Trin. — Geo Mag. — Geo [Trin. — Hen Joh. Cragge, John Joh. — ('Cragas'), John Em. Cragg, John Chr. Cragge, Will Joh. — Will Craige, Will Trin.H. Crakenthorpe, John Joh. Crakanthorpe, John Chr. Crackinthorp, John Trin. Crackenthorpe, Rich Crallye, Tady ? Mag. Crawley, Tho Cai. L 1623-4 M 1554 E 1633 E 1636 E 1646] E 1609 M 1584 E 1633 E 1633 E 1637 E 1603 E 1622 M 1616 M 1659 E 1644] 1638] E 1636 M 1612 L 1582-3 E 1612 E 1622] E 1622 E 1577 E 1612 M 1580 E 1608 E 1637 E 1598 M 1615 M 1647 M 1631 E 1606 E 1615 E 1609 E 1609 L 1584-5 M 1646 M 1653] M 1582 M 1552 E 1619 M 1624 M 1553 E 1650 E 1618 E 1627 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1560-1; A.M. (*Trin.) A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. (Joh.) 1639-40; A.M. [M.L. 1654; M.D. '61 (ZiV A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 ('?A.B. ); A.M. (Joh.) A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1636-7 (Matr. Coocher A.B. 1639-40, Cracherode; 1564 1654; Reg.) 1595 wood) A.M. [1643 A.B. 1647-8 ; S.T.P. {Lit. Reg.) '78 A.B. 1616-7, Cradocke; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. ( ) ; A.M. (Pet.) 1601 ; [S.T.P. 1620 LL.B. 1601 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 ; S.T.B.'28 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1615-6; A.B. 1584-5: A.M. 1619 A.M. 1588 A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1644 ; S.T.B. '51 A.B. (*Trin. H.) 1654; A.M. 1657 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. (King's) 1654 ; [S.T.B. (*Qu.) 1661 ; S.T.P. 1666 A.B. (*Cath.) 15^ A.B. 1651 -9 ; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1586-7 (A.B. ?): A.B. 1622-3; A.B. 1627-8; A.B. A.M. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1557-8 : 1621 (Incorp. fr. 1654 *Qu. 1556 A.M. 1626 A.M. 1632 A.M. (*Qu.) 1561 Oxf.) 1621-2; 1630-1 ; [p E 1658] A.B. 1661-2: S.T.P. 1612-3 f-c M 1561 L 1564-5 A.M. 1625 AM. 1634 (Matr. [Slakenthorpe) A.M. 1665 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) (Matr. Craley) Matriculatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 183 Cramforne, Tho Em. Cramlington, Rob Qu. Crampton, John *King's — John Joh. — Ralph Mag. Cranadge, Tho Joh. Cranch, Andr Em. Crane, Edw C. C. — Fehx C. C. — Era — Era [Trim — Gilb Cai. — H Qu. — Hen Chr. — Ls;mc v. Craven — John *Chr. — John Chr. — John — John King's — Nath Em. — Nich Gonv. H. — Rob *Trin. — Tho C. C. — Tho — Tho Era. — Will Chr. — Will Pem. — Will *Trim — Will King's — Joh. — [Cath. Cranfyld, Ro Trin. Cranfeild, Vincent Em. Cranforth, Cuthb Chr. Cranford, Ja Chr. — Ja — Ja Pem. — Jo.s Chr. — Will Em. Cranmer, Tho Trin. Cranmeyre Joh. Crannidge, Tho. v. Cranadge Cranshaw v. also Cronshay — Hen Cranwell, Adam Trin. — Luke Chr. Cranvvise, Hen Joh. Cranwys, Tho Gonv. H. Crapen, Tho Crapnell, John Pem. Crase(?), Era [Chr. Crashaw, Rich Pem. — Rich Cla. Chrashawe, Tho Joh. Crawshawe, Will *Joh. Crask, Edm Trin. Craske, Tho Joh. Cra.stes ( ? Craftes), Will. ... C. C. Crastor, John Qu. Craswell, Rich ♦King's Crathorne, Simon Pem. p E 1629 M 1649 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 p E 1560 [off 1564] p E 1579 A.B. (Qu.) 1582-3 [Crompton s M 1586 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593, s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20, Cranidge P p M 1615 E 1588 A.B. 1618 p c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 A.M. 1642 (On visit of Prince of f-c M 1655] [Wales) p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 ]> M 1558 p M 1566 A.B. (Pem) 1572-3; A.M. 1576 [schol. 15361 A.B. 1536-7 ; A.M. 1541 ; S.T.B.'49 P c. 1598 ?A.B. 1605-6 (in ordo) A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) s E 1629 P M 1644 A.B. 1648-9 s E 1544 p E 1634 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639; LL.D. s E 1567 A.B. 1570-1 [1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.M. 1584 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1635 p E 1602 p E 1606 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. (Cla.) 1612 p M 1627 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1641 f-c E 1603 p 1641] p M 1559 f-c E 1624 p E 1567 A.B. 1570-1 (Matr. Croforth) s M 1579 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1623 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) p M 1645 A.B. 1648-9 p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 p E 1631 A.B. (King'.s) 1633-4 ; A.M. 1637 f-c M 1564 p E 1544 A.B. 1561-2, *Qu. 1562 s E 1606 A.B. (Cath.) 1609 s E 1645 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. (Pem.) 1659 p E 1578 A.B. (Pet.) 1580-1 p M 1556 A.B. (King's) 1606-7 [1637] A.B. 1640-1 s E 1642] p E 1632 A.B. 1634; A.M. (*Pet.) 1638 T> E 165S s L 1584-5 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 s E 1588 A.B.(?1591-2);A.M.1595;?S.T.B. s M 1646 [Caius, 1650] [1603 A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654 ; M.D.'62 s E 1647 p E 1579 p M 1589 p M 1562 A.B. 1566-7 (Croswell in ordo) p E 1647 184 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Craven, Fra Joh. [s E 1646] A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 — Hen [Trin. s E 1656] — ('Crane'), Isaac Trin. s E 1614 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 — Isaac *Trin. s E 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 — John Joh. .s M 1588 A.B. (Trin.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597 — Mile.s Joh. s E 1579 A.B. 1582-3 — Nich Trin. s E 1576 A.B. 1582-3 — Rich Joh. .s M 1646 — Rob Em. .s M 1631 A.B. 1634-5 — Tho Trin. p M 1571 A.B. 1575-6 (Matr. Graven) — iWill A.M. 1626-7 {fil. nob.) Craw, John Cai. s M 1645 Crawley, ^Fm [Cai. s E 1592] — • spra Cai. p E 1629 — Fra Joh. p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 — John Cai. p E 1625 — Rob Cai. p E 1637 M.D. (Trin. H.) 1660 {Lit. Reg.) — Theod A.B. (Chr.) 1607-8; A.M. 16il — Tho [Cai. f-c M 1564] — Tho Em. p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 — Tho *Trin. p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639; S.T.P. — W C. C. p M 1582 [1660 {Lit. Reg.) — Will Mag. p E 1626 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Cray, John Pet. s M 1564 Craye, John Cai. [p E 1622] A.B. 1626-7 Cray?, Will Jes. p c. 1592 Crafforde, Art Jes. p E 1552 Crayford, Edw Chr. p c. 1595 — Geo Joh. p E 1628 A.B. (Trin. 11.) 1630-1 CrafFord, John Qu. p c. 1597 Crayford, John C. C. p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 Crafforde, Nich Joh. p E 1550 Craford, Rob Cai. p E 1640 A.B. 1643-4, Crayford ; A.M. 1647 Crayford, Tho Chr. p c. 1595 — Will Joh. f-c E 1574 — Will Joh. f-c L 1626-7 Craforthe Joh. \:t E 1544 Crayle, John Jes. p M 1567 Creake, Ambr Trin. H. p c. 1596 A.B. (Cla.) 1599-1600 ; A.M. 1613 — Edw Joh. p c. 1593 — John Trin.H. p E 1636 LL.B. 1641 — Rob Joh. p c. 1593 Creke, Sam Pern. s L 1607-8 — Tho *Trin.H. s M 1553 LL.B. 1563; LL.D. 1573 Creake, Tho Joh. p c. 1593 Creke, Tho Trin.H. p M 1602 — Tho Trin.H. f-c M 1623 Creake, Will *Trin.H. [schol. 1573] LL.B. 1580 Creed, Geo Pem. p M 1575 — Hastings ... C. C. p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 — Sam Qu. s E 1657 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663, Tho (fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Qii.) 1644-5 Creighton v. Critone Cremer, Cha C. C. p E 1647 A.B. 1650 — Edm Sid. p E 1647 — Rob Cai. s E 1648 — Tho *Trin. p E 1656 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 Cressham, Edw [Qu. s M 1584] [S.T.P. 1680 Cressener, Drue Chr. s E 1658 A.B. (*Pem.) 1661-2; A.M. 1665 ; 1 High Steward, 1G67; Earl of Craven. -J Justice C. P. 1632. 3 Cursitor Baron of the Exchequer, 1679. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 185 s E 1658 p E 1617 p E 1585 s E 1650 p (fr. Oxf. L p L 1629-30 f-c E 1623 H. s E 1647 H. v E 1555 p M 1568 P E 1651 s c. 1592 P E 1613 p E 1637 1601] P E 1632 f-c M 1578] s M 1566 p E 1629 s M 1634 p E 1635 p M 1562 f-c E 1616 p M 1583 f-c E 1619 s E 1642 f-c E 1646] f-c E 1646] p E 1576 Cresner, Hen Jes. — John Em. — Nich *Em. — Tho Joh. Cresson, Rich [Jes. Cressey, Everingham Joh. Cressy, Fra Joh. Cresie, Geo Trin. Cresseye, Gervase Trin. Cressy, Hugh Qu. Cressie, Rich Trin. Cressy, Roger Trin. Creswell, Edw Joh. — Fra Trin. — Rob [C. C. — Roh *Trin. — Rolph [Cai. — Tho loh. — Tho Cai. — Will Joh. Creswicke, Ja Em. Crethlove, Ralph Joh. Crewe, Clippesby... Joh. — Ja Joh. Crew, John Joh. — John Cath. — John [Joh. Crewe, ' Nath Crew, Ralph [Joh. Crewe, Randall Chr. Crew, Sam Crews, Walt. v. Cricton, John Crich, Chris, v. Chrichy Crichlowe, Hen [Trin. Crychlowe, Ja [Cai. Cricke, Sam Trin. Cryckmay, John Cai. Cricks, Sam Em. Cripps, Ja C. C. — Rich Cai. — Rob — Tho C. C. Crispe, Hen Cla. — Hen Cla. — Hen Mag. — Nich Ck. Cryspe, Rich Chr. Crisp, Rich [Trin. Crispe, Rich Mag. — Tobias Chr. Cryspe, Will Trin. Crisp Joh. Critch, Pet Joh. Critone (Creighton), ^Rob. *Trin. Critten (Creighton), 'Rob. *Trin. Crochaye, John Pern. 1 Third Baron Crew. Bishop of Oxford, 1671; of Durham, 1674. 2 Professor of Greek, 1625; Public Orator, 1627; Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1670. 8 Professor of Greek, 1666. A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1625 [1601 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1593; S.T.B. A.B. 1653-4 1639-40)] A.B. (Mag.) 1633 ; A.M. (Trin.) 1642 {{Lit. Reg.) [Migr. to Jes., and Cai.] A.B. 1654 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1616-7 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642; S.T.B. [(*Joh.) 1650 A.M. 1659 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1659 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1634-5 (Incorp. fr. St An- [drews) s E 1641 p E 1613 s c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1605 ; S.T.B. s E 1565 [(Mag.) 1611 p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9, Cricke; A.M. 1632 p L 1634-5 A.B. 1638-9; KM. 1642 p c. 1593 A.M. 1655 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p L 1634-5 p c. 1593 p M 1623 A.B. 1626-7 p L 1626-7 [Migr. to Cai.] p c. 1593 p M 1544 . schol. 1600] s M 1629 A.B. 1633; A.M. 1637 p L 1620-1 A.B. 1624 ; A.M. 1638 (Incorp. fr. . s M 1551 [Oxf.) s c. 1594 [1618] A.B. 1622-3; A.M. (Jes.) 1626 [schol. 1614] A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 p E 1656 A.B. 1658-9, Critton; A.M. 1662; p E 1560 [S.T.P. 1678 24 186 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Crocker, John . Mag. s Crocket, Ralph .... . Chr. s Crokett, Tho. {imp.) . Cla. p Crodacot, John . Mag. Crofte, Anth . Em. f-c Croft, Ja . Jes. s Crofte, John . Joh. p Croft, John . Jes. p Crofte, John . Trin. s Croft, John — Nich . [Em. p Rich .*C. C. p Crofte, Rob . Joh. s Croft, Tho . *Joh. p Crofte, Vincent.... . Joh. p Croft, Will . Trin. s . [C. C. . Em. s Crofts, Anth . Qu. p — Anth . [Joh. p — Boat? . Jes. p Croftes, Cha . Joh. p Crofts, Cha . Pem. f-c Cha . Pem. p Croftes, Edra . Chr. p — Edw Crofts, Edw . [Pet. p — Hen . Joh. f-c — John . Jes. s John . Joh. f-c John . Mag. — John . King's s John . Trin.H p _. John . [Em. Croftes, John . Chr. p . John . Chr. f-c Crofts, John . Trin. p — Leon . Qu. s Croftes, Tho . C. C. f-c Crofts, Tho . [C. C. — Tho . Qu. s Croftes, Will . Chr. p Crofts, Will . Qu. b . Will . Jes. s Crofton, Rich . Joh. — Will . Em. p Crofyld, Martin .... . Chr. p Cro Winer, Ja . Pet. f-c Cromer . Joh. p p Crompton, Anth . Pem. Cha . C. C. — Hen . C. C. p — Ja . Pem. p — John . [Sid. s — John . Jes. p — John . Em. s John . [Em. f-c — John . Cath. p — Paul . Pem. s — Rich . Qu. p — Rob . Jes. p E 1655 M 1568 M 1554 E 1641 E 1611 M 1611 M 1559 M 1611 E 1614 L 1643-4] M 1625 M 1576 M 1550 M 1554 E 1552 1581] E 1604] E 1614 E 1658] E 1580 M 1568 c. 1592 L 1637-8 M 1589 L 1625-6] L 1580-1 E 1575 L 1580-1 c. 1593 E 1623 M 1625 1631] E 1647 E 1650 E 1652 E 1629 E 1576 1603] E 1620 M 1570 E 1629] E 1653 c. 1592 c. 1596 E 1567 E 1587 E 1546 E 1641 [1635] L 1634-5 E 1649 L 1601-2] E 1602 E -1629 E 1636] E 1658 E 1635 L 1578-9 E 1602 A.B. 1658- A.B. 1644-5 (Matr. Cradock) [Craftes] A.B. 1614-5 A.B. (Mag.) 1636-7; A.M. 1640 [1640 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632; S.T.B. A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1553-4; A.M. 1557, Crofts A.B. 1559-60 A.B. 1617; A.M. (*Pet.) 1621 A.R (Trin.) 1561-2; A.M. (C. C.) [1565 A.B. 1577-8, Croflfes A.B. 1597-8, Croft; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1650 [Croft] [Croft] A.B. 1622-3, Croft A.B. 1632; A.M. 1636 A.B. (Chr.) 1656-7 A.B. 1638- A.B. 1604-5 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 (Matr. Crampton) A.B. 1604-5 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 187 Crompton, Rob C. C. — Rob [Em. — Rob Job. — Tbo Trin. — Tbo King's — Tbo Triu. — Tbo Sid. — Tbo Chr. — Will *Joh. Crumpton, Will Qu. Cromwell, Edw. {Lord) — Geo King's — Hen Job. — Hen Jes. — Hen [King's Crumwell, Hen Qu. Cromwell, Hen [Qu. — Hen Mag. — Hen [Era. : — 'Hen I — Ja Trin. — Ja Jes. — Jobn Qu. Crumwell, Jobn *Mag. Cromwell, Oliver Qu. — 2 Oliver [Sid. — 3 0bver [Catb. — Pbil Mag. Crumwell, Ricb Jes. Cromwell, Rob Qu. Tbo. .,. Job. — Tbo. ..: [Qu. — Will [Qu. Cromewell, Will Mag. Cronsbaye, Jobn Cai. Cronshay, Rob C. C. Cronsbaye, Tbo Trin. Crooke, Ellias (Helkiab) Job. — Geo Job. Croke, Hen C. C. Crooke, Hen Trin. — Hen [Em. — Ja Job. — Jobn Em. Crook, Jobn [Em. Crooke, John Croke, John Em. Crooke (Cooke), Jobn Mag. — Jobn [Job. — Jobn Mag. — Jonat Job. — Ricb Em. — Sam Qu. — Sam [Em. Croke, Sam Em. Crooke, Sam Mag. — Tbo *Trin. — Walt Cai. — Will Em. 1 M.P. for University, 1654. f-c E 1629 p E 1651] s p E 1659 E 1573 A.B. 1662-3 f-c c. 1595 f-c M 1598 s c. 1601 A.B. 1604-5 s E 1617 A.B. 1619 s M 1640 A.B. 1644-5 ; A.M. 1648; S.T.B.'55 « L 1647-8 A.M. 1594 {spec, congr.) f-c M 1585 f-c M 1553 p E 1577 f-c M 1578] f-c M 1580 f-c E 1600] p E 1626 p E 1644] A.M. 1654 p M 1547 f-c E 1635 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) f-c E 1604 V E 1649 A.B. 1652; A.M. 1656 f-c L 1.578-9 f-c E 1616] 1) 1641-2 p E 1626 A.B. 1628; A.M. 1632; S.T.B. p E 1620 [(Jea.) 1639 f-c L 1578-9 f-c M 1553 f-c E 1604] E 1604 f-c s E 1608 s E 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612, Cron- p M 1637 [sbawe s E 1605 A.B. (Jes.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 s c. 1591 A.B. 1595-6; M.B. 1599; M.D. p E 1646 [1604 M 1570 A.B. (Cai.) 1573-4; A.M. 1577 p E 1597 1644] A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 s E 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 s c. 1.596 s E 1598] (Incorp. fr. Orleans, 1602) s E 1611 s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30, Crooke s E 1648] E 1652] r« A.B. 1655-6 s E 1648 s M 1601 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 p L 1580-1 [1596 V E 1589] A.B. (Pem.) 1592-3; A.M. (*Em.) E 1631 A.B. 16.33-4; A.M. 1637, Crooke V E 1632 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 16.38 s E 1560 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. 1566; S.T.B. [1573, Croke ; S.T.P. (Pem.) '77-8 Ip E 1639] A.B. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. s c. 1592 [1639 (do.) 2 The Protector. » Son of the Protector. 188 Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Crooke [Sid. Crook [Pern. Croone, Will *Em. Croote, John [Qu. Cropley, Edw Cla. Croplie, John C. C. Cropley, John *Trin. — John Trin. — John Trin. — John Cai. — John Pern. — Rob Cla. — Rob Cla. — Rob Cai. — Tho Cla. Cropwell, John Jes. Crosby, Art — Sam Cath. Crosbee, Tho Chr. Crosby, Tho Job. — Tho Chr. — Tho Em. Crosedaile, Hen Pern. — Rich Sid. Crosfeild, Tho Croshould, Tho Chr. Crosier, Nath Jes. — Tho Trin. Crozer, Tho Pet. Crosland, Era Sid. — Geo Pet. — John Sid. — John Em. — John Trin. — Mathias Chr. — Phiiieas Trin. — Theod *Trin. Crosseland, Will Trin. Crosly, Abr Job. — John Em. Crossely, John Em. Crosley, Malachias... Em. — Micheas Job. — Tho Crosman, Rich Em. — Sam Chr. — Sam Pem. Crosse, Benj Em. — Era Cross, Era [Cla. Crosse, Era — H Pet. — John {imp.) C. C. — John C. C. — John Cla. — John Qu. — John — John Job. — John -^ John Mag. — Joshua L 1602-3] 1651] M 1647 M 1624] p M 1624 p M 1581 [schol. 1596] p E 1626 s E 1626 p E 1626 s L 1637-8 p M 1562 p E 1636 s E 1639 s E 1577 s E 1554 P f-c f-c P P s f-c P P p 1645^6 1566 E 1570 1613 1648-9 1656-7 E 1642] E 1617 E 1611 M 1583 E 1640 M 1632 L 1588-9 c. 1601 E 1609 E 1627 E 1616 E 1625 E 1621 E 1656 E 1620 E 1624 E 1631 E 1609 M 1602 M 1608 s E 1606 s M 1641 p E 1657 {{Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654 ; M.D. '63 A.B. 1628, Crout; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1596-7: A.M. 1600; S.T.B. [1608; S.T.P. 1613 E 1633] M 1561 M 1560 E 1574 E 1574 L 1577-8 E 1617 M 1633 A.B. 1567-8 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1644 A.B. 1642-3 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. (Cla.) 1604-5 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1657-8 [daile A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1659, Croys- A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1623-4 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. (Cath.) 1586-7 A.B. 1646; A.M. 1650 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1612-3 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. (Job.) 1619-20 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1624-5 ; A.M. 1628 ; S.T.B. '40 A.B. 1659-60 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. (Jes.) 1612-3 A.B. 1529-30; A.M. 1533; S.T.B. [1544 A.B. 1609-10 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1651; S.T.B. '60 A.B. 1661 A.B. (King's) 1600-1 A.M. 1656 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1581-2 1611 A.B. (Trin.) 1607-8; A.M. (?same as next) A.B. (Trin.) 1617-8; A.M. 1621 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1639 LL.D. 1650 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Matricvlations mid Degrees 1544 — 1659 189 Crosse, Lattimer ... Joh. — Rich Chr. — Sam Joh. — Steph [Jes. — Steph Trin. Cross, Tho [(?. C. Crosse, Tho Toh. — Tho C. C. — Tho Cai. — Tho Qu. — Tho Jes. — Tho *Em. — Will Joh. — Will Trin. — Will C. C. — Will Em. Crostway te, Will *Joh. Crosthwaite, Will Trin. Croston, John Joh. Crotch, Chris Pet. Crouch, Cleophas ... Chr. — John King's — John King's Crowch, Matth Qu. Crowche, Rich *King's — Tho *King's Crouch, ^Tho *King's — Tho Trin. — Tho Qu. — Will [King's — Will *Joh. Crouchy, Phil Pern. Crow, Chris [Gonv. H. — Chris Jes. Crowe, Giles Joh. — Hamond ... Cai. — John C. C. Croe, John Trin. Crowe, John Cuth. — John [Trin. — Phil Trin. — Sackvill Pet. — Rich Trin. — Tho Pet. — Tho Qu. Crow, Will Cla. Crowe, Will *Cai. Crow, Will [Qu. Crowe, Will Cai. — C. C. Crowder, Hen Mag. — Will Trin. Crowfoot, Ildgar C. C. — John C. C. Crowther, Ja Joh. — John — Jos — Tho Trin. p E 1589 s M 1645 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1652; S.T.B. p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 [1661 {Lit. Reg.) p L 1630-1' ?same as next s E 1631 1558] A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 p M 1561 A.R. 156-4-5; A.M. 1568 1> E 1589 A.B. (Jes.) 1592-3; A.M. (Mag.)'96 p c. 1597 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 p E 1617 p M 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633, Croscutt p M 1642 A.B. 1646-7 ; A.M. 1650 ; S.T.B. '57 p M 1555 p M 1571 s E 1584 A.B. 1587-8 p E 1604 V L 1563-4 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 s M 1609 A.B. 1612-3 s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 p E 1576 A.B. 1583-4 s E 1637 f-c E 1622 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 f-c M 1624 A.B. 1626-7 p M 1657 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 p M 1585 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 p M 1582 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 s M 1637 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1648 p E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. (*Pem.) 1665 1590-1 s M 1651 A.B. 1655-6 ; A.M. 1659; S.T.B. '66 s E 1629 schol. 1545] f-c E 1656 P E 1575 P E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1633 P E 1563 A.B. 1565-6 s M 1582 A.B. 1585-6, Crow; A.M. 1589 p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 f-c E 1647] ]) M 1602 f-c M 1611 s c. 1592 p M 1564 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 p E 1632 A.B. (Em.) 1635-6; A.M. 1639; p M 1586 [M.L. 1648 1^ c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 p M 1599] p M 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 s E 1.544 s E 1585 p M 1547 s M 1624 A.B. 1628 p M 1586 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594, Craforth p M 1582 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. (♦Joh.) 1590; M 1585 [S.T.B. 1597 (Matr. Crowdall) A.B. (Joh.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1632 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.); A.M. [1634 (do.); S.T.B. 1640 (do.) M.P. for University, 190 Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Croxton, Edw Em. — Jos Qu. — Tho — Will Qu. Croyden, Edw Trin. Croydon, Rob Sid. — Tho *Triu. — Will *Trin. Crozer, Tho. v. Crosier Crudde, John Jes. Crump, Benj C. C. — John C. C. Crompe, John Em. — Tho Cla. Cruse, Gamaliel ... King's ■ — Humf. *King's — Rob Em. Crews, Walt.. Chr. Cruso, Aquila *Cai. — John *Cai. Cruttenden, Tho Crux, John Sid. Cryche Chr. Cryer, Jos Joh. Crier?, Rob Cla. Cryer, Sam Cla. — Tho Crysall, John Pem. Crythies(?), Pet Joh. Cubit, John C. C. Cubitt, Rich [Jes. — Rich Joh. — Rich Cai. — Tho Cai. Cudmore, Tho Qu. Cudworth, Dan Em. — Edw — Era Cla. — Geo Joh. — Jeremie Chr. — Joshua Em. — Nich Chr. — Ralph *Em. — 1 Ralph *Em. Cuflfe, Hen — John *King's Cuffen, Hen King's Cuftyn, Dav Joh. Cuivaro CuUum, John Chr. CuUam, Tho C. C. Cullembell, Geo Trin. Cullyu, John Qu. Cullein, Rob Qu. CuUen, Will Em. Cullerd v. Collard CuUyer, Sam Cai. — Sam Pem. s E 1614 A.B. 1616-7, Edm. E 1632 E 1627 M 1653 E 1607 E 1632 E 1636] E 1620 E 1628 [1600] L 1637-8 M 1572 M 1576 M 1581 E 1620 L 1581-2 E 1611 E 1632 M 1621 E 1544 E 1620 c. 1592 M 1637 E 1586 E 1619 E 1609 L 1619-20] E 1620 M 1638 M 1646 E 1631 E 1609 M 1653] M 1639 E 1659 M 1602 E 1625 L 1588-9 E 1632 [Crockson A..B. (Chr.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583, A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1657-8 A.B. 1610-1 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1623-4 1631-2 : 1603-4; 1641-2; A.M. 1635 A.M. 1607, Crompe A.M. 1645 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 LL.B. (Cath.) 1625, Cruyse A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1618; S.T.B.'26 A.B. 1635-6 ; A.M. 1639 ; LL.D.'52 A.M. 1656 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1623-4 (Matr. Cayer) A.B. 1539-40; A.M. 1561 A.B. 1612-3 A.B. 1623-4; A.B. 1650-1 A.M. 1627 [prev. at [Jes. 1] 1616 M 1615 L 1620-1 M 1575 M 1569 E 1631 c. 1591 E 1575 M 1570 M 1621 p M 1622 s E 1629 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4 A.M. 1654 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1668 (Matr. John) A.B. 1628 [1603; S.T.P. 1619 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596; S.T.B. A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639; S.T.B. [1646 ; S.T.P. (Cla.) 1651 A.B. 1586 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) (A.B. 1618-9); A.M. 1622; S.T.B. A.B. 1623-4 [1632 A.M. 1612 (On visit of Prince of A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 [Wales) [Cullens A.B. 1574-5; A.M. (King's) 1578, A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Master of Clare, 1645; Christ's, 1654; Professor of Hebrew, 1645. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 191 Cullier, Tho *Trin.H. p Cully er, Will C. C. s Culling, John Cla. s — ' Mark C. C. p Cullington, Nath Trin. s CuUje, Ja Chr. p Culme, Hugh King's p Calmer, Alex Mag. s — Rich Mag. s — Rich Qu. [p Culpeper, Alex Job. p Culpejjper, Edw Cai. f-c Culpeper, John C. C. p Colpepj)er, John Pet. f-c Culpeper, Nich Qu. [p — Rich. (imp.). Pet. s Culpepper, Tho. (Sir)... — Will Cai. f-c — Chr. s Culpeper [Cath. f-c — [Trin. f-c Culthorpe, Xath. v. Calthorpe Culton, Peregrine ... Chr. s — Ralph V. Coulton Culverwell, Ezechiel ... Em. p — Xath *Em. p — Xich (m^,j (-,j 12 ami.)) ^ — Nich [Em. f-c — Rich Culverwill, Rich *Trin. p Culverwell, Sam Chr. p Cumber, Tho. v. Comber — Tho. {imp.). Sid. s — Will King's p Cumberforth, Hen Cumberlandie, Geo. {Earl of) Trin. f-c Cumberland, 'Rich *Mag. p Cumbers, Will Cumbrey, Chris Pet. s Cummin v. Comyn Cundell, Rowlaud ... Sid. s Cuudey, John Chr. s Cunistou, Ralph Cunnell, Rob. v. Connold Cunningham, Ja Sid. s — John — Will. V. Kenyngham Cunnole, Nich Em. s Cuppage, Edw Mag. s Cupper, Edw Joh. — John V. Cooijer Curd, John [Jos. schol. Curde, Mich Cla. s Curdy, Will C. C. s Curie, John Trin. p — 2Walt Chr. p Curll, Will Pet. p E 1624 E 1652 E 1641 M 1613 M 1622 L 1615-6 M 1555 E 1620 E 1613 E 1646] M 1550 M 1621 M 1545 M 1611 E 1601] E 1549 1\I 1621 E 1603 1646 1647' E M 1609 E 1606 E 1633 L 1577-8 1601] M 1635 M 1568 E 1659 E 1631 E 1571 E 1650 M 1580 E 1611 E 1620 LL.B. 1630 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 A.B. 1644-5 A.B. 1617-8 A.B. 1625-6, Collington A.B. 1619 (Matr. Colme) A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1624 A.B. 1547-8; A.M. 1552, *Pet. A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) L 1615- A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 [S.T.B. 1626 (do.) A.M. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 A.B. 1532-3 ; A.M. 1536 ; S.T.B. '45 [1663; S.T.P. 1680 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656; S.T.B. A.B. (Cath.) 1659 A.B. 1583-4, Combrye A.B. 1614-5 (Matr. Comdell) A.B. 162.3-4; A.M. 1627, Condie A.B. (Pet.) 1576-7 A.M. 1605 (Incorp. fr. St Andrews) [1641, Connold E 1634 A.B. 1637-8, Cunnold ; A.M. c. 1593 A.B. (Cath.) 1598-9 c. 1594 E 1623] M 1572 E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 M 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 c. 1592 A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. (*Pet.) 1598 ; E 1585 [S.T.B. 1606; S.T.P. 1612 1 Bishop of Peterborough, lfi91. 2 Bishop of Rochester, 1628; Bath and Wells, 1629; Winchester, lG3i 192 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Curnebecke, Hen Pet. p E Curren, Gilb King's [schol Currer, Chris Pern. — John Chr. — Walt Chr. — Will Joh. Cursnn, Anth Cai. — Geo Pet. — Hen Trin.H. — Humph. ... Cai. — Rich Cai. Cursun, Tho Jes. Curaon, Tho King's — Tho [King's — [Cath. Curteyne, John Curtis, Edw Cai. Curtisse, Era Sid. Curtess, Hen Em. Curtes, John Qu. Curtis, John Cai. — John Em. — John [C. C. Cooi'tesse, Lan. (?Lau.) Trin. s Curtesse, Lane Trin. s Curtice, Leon Qu. p Curtysse, Nich Pet. s Curtes, Phil [King's s Curtis, iRich *Joh. [schol — Rich C. C. — Rich Cai. — Rob C. C. Curtesse, Tho Jes. Curtes, Tho Sid. Curtis, Will Cai. — Will Joh. — Will Cath. — Will Joh. Curton, Will Em. Curweyn, Cuthbert . . . *Pem. Curwen, Era Joh. Curweyn, Hen Joh. Curwen, Hen Pern. Curwin, Pat Qu. — (? Peter) ...[King — Will Chr. Cusacke, Anth Pem. Cushing, Cornelius ... C. C. — John C. C. — Joshua Era. s E — Pet C. C. s E Cushinge, Sam C. C. s E Cust, Hen [Trin. schol. E — Rich [Trin. schol. E — Sam Qu. p L — Sam Joh. p E — Sara [Era. p E Cutbald V. Kytbald Cuthberte, Anth Chr. p M 1554 1574 1539] 1582 1595 1582-3 1657 1583 1572 1.557-8 1625 c. 1595 E 1551 E 1580 1604] E 1644] E 1622] E 1625 M 1615 M 1571 L 1614-5] E 1617 1652] M 1573 E 1584 E 1647 M 1544 M 1565] M 1550] [1594] E 1617 E 1637 E 1571 E 1624 E 1622 E 1634 E 1650 M 1659 E 1616] M 1.585 E 1584 E 1577 c. 1595 E 1620 M 1639] E 1616 M 1558 E 1631 M 1626 1635 1640 1640 1638] 1638] 1607-8 1655 1659] A.B. 1543-4; A.M. 1548, Coreu A.B. (Chr.) 1585-6; A.M. 1589 A.B. 1598-9 ; A.M. 1602 ; S.T.B. '09 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 (Matr. Cursut) A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 A.M. 1659 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1618; A.M. A.B. 1620-1 1622 A.B. 1587-8 A.B. 1650 [Coi-tis] A.B. 1547-8 [1565; S.T.P. 1569 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1556; S.T.B. A.B. 1597-8 ; A.M. 1601 ; S.T.B. '19 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624; M.D. [1632 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631, Curtis A.B. (Chr.) 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1653-4 [Courtois] A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1625, Churton A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1594 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 (Matr. Custian) A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1643-4 A.B. 1610-1 Bishop of Chichester, 1570. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 193 Cuthbert, ("uthberte, Cuthbert, Cutberd, Cutbert, Cutbard, Cuthbert, (/Utlack, Cutlard, Cutler, Cutloafe, Cutt, Cutter, Cutting, Cutts, Cuttes, Cutts, Cuttys, Cutts, Cuttys Cutts, Geo Joh. Geo Chr. Geo [i.}w. Geo Sid. Mich Joh. Nath Chr. Pet Chr. Rob Chr. Will Chr. Rob C.C. John Trin. Benj Pet. Cha Chr. Hen Chr. John Cla. Laiu' Pern. Laur [Rob.] Pem. Sam [C. C. Tho Trin. Tho Pem. Tim Joh. Jos Em. Rob Simon Trin. Benj Jes. Cha Pem. Chris Cai. Fra Chr. Hen [Cai. Hen Qu. Hen Trin. John Trin. John {Sir)... John Chr. John Joh. John Chr. John Trin. Rich Chr. Rich [Em. Rich Joh. Rich Joh. Will Chr. Will Job. p L 1557-8 p c. 1593 A.B. p M 1599] s E 1631 A.B. p M 1569 A.B. p M 1610 .s M 1571 A.B. p L 1581-2 A.B. p L 1629-30 A.B. p E 1634 A.B. [schol. 1567] A.B. p E 1631 p M 1550 p M 1550 s I\[ 1560 p E 1585 A.B. A.B. f-c E 1623 1626] p c. 1596 f-c M 1628 A.B. s E 1635 A.B. s M 1655 A.B. A.B. s E 1621 s E 1647 A.B. [1653] A.B. s E 1657 A.B. f-c E 1580 A.B. f-c E 1562] p L 1647-8 A.B. f-c L 1650-1 f-c E 1561 A.M. p E 1621 A.B. f-c E 1635 s E 1637 A.B. f-c L 1650-1 f-c E 1573 A.B. f-c E 1613] p E 1639 p E 1639 f-c M 1576 p E 1629 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 1634-5; A.M. 1638 (Chr.) 1573-4, Cutbard ; [A.M. 1577, Cuthbert (Pet.) 1575-6, Cuthbert 1581-2 1633-4; A.M. 1637 1637-8 1569-70 1588-9 (Pem.) 1609 1628-9 (Qu.) 1639 1658-9, Cutlove; A.M. 1662 (Joh.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592 1650-1; A.M. 1654 1657 1660-1; A.M. 1664 1583-4; A.M.(Trin. H.) 1587 1648-9 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1615 (On King's visit) 1624-5; A.M. 1628; S.T.B. [1639 1639-40 1576-7 1632-3 194 Matricidations cmd Degrees 1544 — 1659 D Dabridgcourte, John Joh. p E 1584 Dackombe, John Cai. f-c M 1624 Dacres, Art *Mag. p M 1642 Dakers, Chris Pet. f-c E 1555 Dacres, Edw *Kmg's p M 1611 Daker, Hen Chr. s M 1554 Dacres, John Mag. p M 1634 Dakers, Percivall ... Qu. s M 1572 Dacres, Rich Mag. p E 1647 Dakers, Rob Em. p M 1585 _ Tho Trin. f-c E 1571 Dacres, Tho [King's f-c M 1573] _ Tho Joh. f-c E 1603 — Tho Dakers, Walt Em. p M 1585 Dacres, Willoughby *King's p M 1625 Dade, Era Trin.H. p E 1637 -. Hen Trin.H. p L 1597-8 — John C. C. [1636] — Rob C. C. [1591] — Rob Cai. p E 1644 — Tho. {sen.)... Cai. p E 1631 . — Tho. {jun.). Cai. p E 1631 — Will Cai. p [E] 1598 — [C. C. 1577] _ [C. C. 1584] Dadley, Rich Chr. p E 1618 Dafferne, Rich Joh. s M 1576 Datforne, Rob Jes. s E 1568 Daggett, John Sid. s E 1623 Dagget, Rob *Sid. p E 1605 Daggett, Will *Sid. [s E 1628] — [Em. 8 E 1610] Dagnall, Tho King's s E 1622 — Will Cai. p E 1645 Dayntrie, Art Chr. p L 1563-4 Daintrie, Benj Pet. p E 1 658 Da?itrey (??0, John Chr. s c. 1601 Daintry, Will *Pet. p M 1652 Daken, Hen Sid. p E 1632 Dakyns, Art Trin. p M 1567 Daykyns, Edw Joh. p E 1550 Dakyns, Edw Pet. p E 1571 — Geo Trin. p M 1567 — Hillary Pet. p E 1571 _ John *Joh. s M 1556 Daken[8], Rob Jes. s M 1546 Dakyns(Dakyn), Win. ...*Chr. p E 1544 _ Will *Trin. p M 1586 Dalby, Edw Trin. s E 1620 Dalbey, Edw. ... Dalbie, Ferdinand... Trin. [schol. 1602] Dalby, Hen [Cla. p E 1647] — Tobias Jes. p M 1580 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649; M.D. '54 [A.B. 1615] A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1577-8, Dacres A.B. 1650-1 A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [died 1628] LL.B. 1643 LL.B. 1603-4 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 A.B. 1646-7 ; A.M. 1650 ; *Pet. '51 [? schol. Trin. H. 1632-7] A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 (Matr. [Dudley) A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1608-9 ; A.M. 1612; S.T.B. '19 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635; S.T.B. '42 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 A.B. 1570-1 A.B. 1574-5 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1578 A.B. 1559- A.M. 1563 A.B. 1551-2; A.M. (*Joh.) 1555; [*Trin. 1560 A.B. 1548-9; A.M. 1552 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594; S.T.B. A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 [1601 A.B. 1635 (Incorp. fr. 0.\f.) A.B. 1603-4 Matriculations and Derft'ces i.-)44 — 1659 195 DiUbye, W ^u. .s M ir)G5 Dalby, W Qu. p M 1568 — AVill C'lii. I) E 1589 Daulby, Will Jus. h c. 1596 Uolbey, Will Jes. .s E 1619 Dale, Chris Chr. p M 1544 — Cuthb *Triii. .s M 1570 — Cuthb Trill. s E 1611 — Cuthb Jes. s M 1638 — Damascene. — Dan Trill. p E 1617 — Era Trill. [s E 1653] Dalle, Geof. Pet. p E 1632 Dale, Hen Trin. s M 1627 — Heu Trin. s E 1656 — John — Nath [Jes. s E 1645] — Roger [Eni. E 1613] — Sam Mag. s E 1616 — Valentine ... — W Joh. p M 1579 — Will Trin. s c. 1591 — Will Em. s E 1627 — Will Chr. s E 1635 Dalechamp, Caleb (from Sedan : 1 years' study in Cambridge) Daleiider, Hen Cai. p E 1617 Dallinder, Ralph Cai. f-c E 1614 Dalizon, Ed Jes. p M 1559 Dalisou, Ja [King's s L 1544-5] Dallison, John Trin. p E 1637 Dalland, Simon Cla. p E 1584 Dallys, Hen Pet. p E 1565 Dallay, Hen Cla. p L 1647-8 Dalocke, Tho Cla. p E 1579 Dalston, Era Chr. p E 1603 — Geo Qu. f-c c. 1596 — John Chr. p E 1603 Dalstone, John Joh. p M 1580 — Tho Jes. p M 1570 Dalston, Will [Joh. f-c E 1631] Dalton, Edw — Era *Trin. p E 1570 — Geo Trin. s E 1584 — Jerem Cath. s E 1629 — John Trin. s E 1568 — John Cai. p E 1623 — John Em. s L 1626-7 — John King's p M 1642 — Marm Chr. p E 1654 — Mich Trin. p L 1579-80 — OUvcr Pet. f-c E 1607 — Rich [Qu. f-c M 1595] Dawlton, Ro Joh. p M 1545 Dalton, Roger Trin. p E 1570 Daulton, Tho Sid. p c. 1601 Dalton, Tho (?the above) — Tho Trin. s E 1625 — Tho Chr. p E 1650 — Tim T,,li. s .M 1610 — Will Cai. p L 1584-5 A.B. (Joh.) 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.R. 1576-7 ; A.M. 1580 ; S.T.B. '87 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1641 (No A.B.); A.M. 1545 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.M. 1660 Dale A.M. 1634 A.B. 1656-7; A.B. 1635-6, A.B. 1630-1; A.B. 1658-9 A.B. 1542-3; A.M. 1546; S.T.B. [1556, *Qu. A.B. (Trin. H.) 1619-20 LL.D. 1562 (Incorp. fr. Orleans) A.B. A.B. 1593- 1630- A.B. 1624; A.B. 1620-1 [Dalender] ; A.M. 1634 (Matr. [Dell) A.M. (Trill.) 1624; [S.T.B. 1633 A.B. (Jes.) 1587-8, Dollond A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 fMatr. Dolston) A.B. 1606 A.B. (Joh.^ 1606-7 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577; S.T.B. '86 A.B. 1588-9 A.B. 1632-3 A.B. 1571-2, Dasvltun A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. (*Mag.) 1648-9; A.M. (*Joh.) (Matr. Bolton) [1652 LL.B. 1611-2 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632; S.T.B. [1639; S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1613-4 (Matr. Dolson) 196 Matrmdations and Def/rees 1544 — 1659 Daltou, Will Chr. p E 1609 — Will [Chr. f-c E 1647] — Will Job. p E 1652 — [Trin. student 1548] — [8id. s E 1603] Damat Chr. s M 1608 Dammer, Edw Chr. s E 1650 Uamport v. also Davenport — Edm Cai. f-c E 1612 — Rich *Sid. s E 1604 — Sampson ... Joh. s E 1625 — W Joh. p M 1561 Dan, Edw Joh. s E 1582 — John Joh. p L 1563-4 Dann, Olympas ... Trin. s E 1604 Dan, Tho Chr. p E 1627 Danby, Era Jes. f-c E 1632 Danbye, Ja Mich.Ho. s E 1545 Danby, John Joh. p M 1608 — Nath Em. s E 1623 — Roger Joh. p M 1601 Danbie, Tho Joh. p E 1619 Danby, Tho Joh. f-c L 1626-7 — Will Cath. p L 1653-4 Dance, Tho Dande, Ed Pern. s M 1558 Dand, Era Joh. p E 1576 John Chr. f-c E 1651 Dande, Oliver *Joh. p M 1619 — Tho Trin. s M 1614 — Will Joh. s c. 1596 Dandy, Edm Joh. p E 1604 — Hen Jes. p E 1645 Dandye, Tho Cla. p E 1576 Dandy [Em. p E 1626] Dane, Era King's s E 1633 Danes, Will Em. s M 1632 Daniell, Cha Cai. f-c M 1655 _ Era Joh. s c. 1601 — Geo Sid. [p E 1599] Daniel, Hen Joh. s E 1576 Danyell, Hen Pet. p E 1584 — Ingleby Cai. p M 1588 Daniel, Ja *Cai. p E 1623 Daniell, John Qu. p M 1569 Danyel, John Cai. s E 1583 Daniel, John Trin. p c. 1592 — iNehemiah... King's s L 1579-80 _ Pet [Em. f-c E 1626] Daniell, Rich Joh. p M 1568 Danyell, Rich Qu. p M 1587 Daniell, Rich Daniel, Rob [Trin. p E 1649] _ Rob C. C. p E 1654 Daniell, Sam Joh. p M 1566 _ Tho Daniel, Tho Trin. p M 1646 _ Tho Joh. p E 1658 _ Will [King's schol. 15451 A.B. 1615-6 (Balton in grace) A.B. 1653 [S.T.B. 1617 A.B. 1606-7, Danford; A.M. 1610; A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. (Sid.) 1606-7 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. (Qu.) 1626- A.B. 1605-6 A.B. (J(.h.) 1611-2 A.B. (Chr.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627; S.T.B. '34 A.B. 1618; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 (Matr. LL.B. 1660 [Dands) A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. (C. C.) 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. (Cath.) 1581-2 A.B. 1572-3 A.B. (Trin.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. ( ); A.M. (Jes.) 1625 A.B. 1650-1 A..B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 Arclibishoii of Tuaiii, 159,") (Douellaii). Matrlcidatloiis and Degrees 1544 — 1659 U)7 Daniell, Will *Peiu. — Will Em. — AVill Cai. Daniel, Will Jes. — Will [Sid. — [Chr. — Qu. Dankes, Cha Pet. Dannacke, Nich Trin. Daniiet, Ger Mag. — Matth *Kiug's — Tho Mag. — Tho Job. — Tho [King's — Tho Pern. Dannott, Sam Chr. Dans V. also Dauucc — Will [Em. Danson, Pet — Tho Joh. — Tho — Will Chr. Danvcrs, Dan — Hen [Em. — Will Chr. Danwcll, Rich Em. Danye, Jonat Job. Darby, Cha *Je.s. — Edw Jos. — John C. C. — Luke Job. Darbie, Rob Trin. Darby, Tho Em. Darbyshire, John Chr. — John Trin. 1 )arbi.shii'e, Tho Trin. Dart-et, Ja Qu. Dar-sey, Art Trin. Darcy, Brian [Cai. Darcye, Conyers Cai. Darsey, Edw Trin. Darcie, Fra Joh. Darcy, Geo Chr. Darcie, John Job. — John Qu. Darcy, John [Cai. — John Joh. — John [Trin. Darsey, Marm Trin. Darcy, Rob Cai. — Tbo [Cai. Darcey, Tho Qu. Darsey, Tho Trin. Darcy, Tho les. — Tho Jes. — Tho Chr. — Will [Chr. Darcey Trin. Dardis, John Trin. Darell v. also Dorrell Darrill, Cha Chr. P s f-c il f-c f-c f-c f-c f-c f-c f-c schol. P P f-c p p f-c p p f-c f-c p 1572 1586 1588 1595 1653] 1564] 1591 1657 1575 1548 1606 1548 1548 1574] 1633 1609 1591] 1637 f-c E 1659 1648] 1579-80 1611 1619 1652 1578 1640 1612 1651 1623 1591 1654 1619 1610 1561 1604] 1588 1561 1571 1650 1571 1577 1585] 1594 1638] 1631 1596 1601] 1618-9 1631 1650 1652 1653-4 1651] 1615 1585 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M. (*Jes.) 1664 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613, Dounett A.B. (Chr.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.M. 1654 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1655 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1650 {fil. nob.) A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1581-2 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 [Adm. Em. E 1612] A.B. 1593-4 (Matr. Derbisber) A.B. 1658-9 (Matr. Tassct) A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 [Darcie] A.B. 1655-6 A.B. 1657 p E 1649 A.B. 1651 [Dorrell] 198 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Darrell, Edw Pet. Darell, Geo. {imp.). Thu. Darrell, Geo [Em. — Geo. Darell, Hen. {imp.) Trin. Darrell, John Qu. — Rob [Em. Darey, Rob Pet. Darker, Geo Cai. DarknoU, Phineas Darlcy, Benj Trin. — Geo Job. Darly, Hen Trin. Darley, John Chr. — John Trin. — John — Jos Trin. — Rich Jes. — Rob Trin. — Tho C. C. — Tho Cai. — Will [Trin. Darling, John v. Derling Darhngc, Will Em. Darlyu, John Trin.H. Daruall, Hen Trin. — Ralph Chr. Darnell, Jeremy Cla. — John {imp.) Job. — Rob Trin. — Tho Trin. Darnelly, Dan _ Dan (?Matr Darnley, Rich [Trin. Darnill, Tho Job. Darneton, Hen Trin. Darnton, Hen Pet. — John Joh. — Rich Joh. Darourey (?Diconry), Rich. Trin. Darrey, John Trin. Darrys [C. C. Dart, Cha Qu. Dartnol, Will Em. Darwin, Tho C. C. — Will Mag. Daryngton, John {imp.) ^^^^j^ 13 ami.)) Dash, Tho Trin. Dasbfeild, John Dashwood, Leon Cath. Dasie, Rob. v. Deasy Dauburne, [Rob.] King's Daulyc(?Danby), Alf. Joh. Daughly, Tho Em. Daunce, Geo Joh. Daunccr, Rich. v. Dawnser Dauncie, Gerves Trin. Davcll, Rich Trin. Davcnant, Edw Qu. — Edw *Qu. L 1582-3 E 1554 E 1588 ?same as next] A.M. 1601 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1578-9 A.B. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1574-5, Darlowc (?Her.) A.B. A.B. (Mag.) 1615-6 1660-1 A.B. 1654 A.B A.B. 3; A.M. 1658 1580-1; A.M. 1584 1611-2: A.M. 1615 E 1554 E 1575 E 1588] L 1597-^ E 1625 E 1656 E 1571 M 1611 M 1544 E 1578 E 1657] M 1586 E 1651] E 1577 E 1608 E 1652] c. 1595 E 1580 M 1580 E 1624 M 1569 E 1551 E 1570 M 1606 Davine) M 1649] E 1610 L 1579-80 M 1584 E 1647 E 1615 E 1620 E 1635 1563] M 1608 c. 1593 [1598] E 1640 M 1559 (/Dorington) E 1604 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. (Cath.) 1621 E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 A.B. (Cai.) 1583-4, Darling A.B. 1573-4, 'Henry'; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.M. 1634^5 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (*Trin. H.) 1655-6 ; A.M. 1659 A.15. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1588-9, Darton A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1596-7: A.B. 1600-1 A.M. A.M. 1600 1604 s p 1598 E 1609 [Dawburne] s E 1629 s E 1617 A.B. 1619-20 (Matr. Dans) s 1» M 1609 E 1570 p L 1584-5 [1624; S.T.P. 1629 V E 1610 A.B. 1613; A.M. 1617; S.T.B. Matricnlationn and Degrees 1544 — ^659 199 Davenant, Geo *Qn. Davenent, Geo Daveuaunt, 'John *Qu. Davenant, John Qu. — Will Jcs. — WiU Qu. — Will Davinport, Chris Trin. Davenport, Edw Sid. — Edw [Joh. — Geo Em. — Hen Qu. — Hen Pet. Daneport, John Qu. Davenport, John Qu. — John *Eni. — Ralph Trin. Davers, Hen Trin. — Hen. V. Danvers Jerom Cla. Davice, W Joh. David [Davy], Era C. C. Davydc, Gyles Joh. David, Sam Trin. Davyd, Tho Mag. David • [C. C. Davidson, Cha Trin. Davill, Cha King's Davy 11, Chris Jes. Davil, Hen C!ath. Davillo, John Cla. Davile, John Joh, Davyll, Tho Jes. Davil, Tho Cath. Davine, Dan Trin.H. Davy, Chris Cai. Davye, Chris Cai. — Geof. Em. — Greg Cai. Davy, Hen Cai. Davie, Hen Pem. Davy, Hen [Cai. Davye, John {imp.) Trin. Davie, John Cai. — John Em. — John [Cai. — John Cai. Davy, John Cai. Davie, John *Trin. Jonat Joh. Davy, Osmund ... Pet. Davye, Rich Gonv.H. Davie, Rob C. C. — Rob Cai. Davy, Rob Joh. Davye, Simon Cai. Davie, Tho E 1604 I) 31 1587 E 1636 M 1552 E 1590] E 1602 E 1604] E 1650] E 1647 E 1634 M 1638 L 1597-8 E 1605 E 1643 L 1581-2 M 1623 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.M. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594; [1601 ; S.T.P. 1609 A.ll 1639-40; A.M. 1643; M.D. [1660 {Lit. licg.) [(*Trin. H.) 1659 A.M. (Qu.) 1659 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.), A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 p M s M s M p E [schol. s M E E M E E L M E E L E E s c. p M s c. f-c E s ]\I s E s M p E p M s E 8 L '' I p E ^ I I i s L 1> K 1568 1564 1649 1557 1602] 1565 1559] 1631 1623 1568 1641 1610 1645-6 1572 1641 1652 1582-3 1615 1617 1595 1580 1593 1613] 1555 1582 1589 1597] 1616 1629 1634-5 1619 1557 1553 1575 1582 1653-4 1620 A.B. 1641-2; [Davenport] A.B. 1607-8: A.M. 1645 A.M. 1611 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 A.B. 1581-2, Dam port ; A.M. [1585; S.T.B. (*Qu.) 1593 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 [Davis] A.B. 1651-2, Davy A.B. 1603-4 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. (Trin.) 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1613-4 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. A.B. (Cai.) 1576-7; 1650 A.M. 1 580 A.B. 1618-9 A.B. (C. C.) 1620-1, Davys ; A.M. A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 [1624 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 [M.L. 1609 A.B. (C. C.) 1600-1; A.M. 1604; A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1560-1; A.M. (*Pem.) 1564, [David; S.T.B. (*Trin.) 1572 A.B. 1577-8 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. (Trin.) 1623; A.M. 1626 Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, 1G0'.>; President of Queens', 1614: Bishop of Salisliury, 200 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Davey, Tho C. C. s E 1626 Davy, Will Chr. s E 1606 A.B. 1608-9 Will Cai. V E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — Will Job. P M 1648 Will *Jes. s E 1657 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 — C. C. 1570] Davies, Edw A.B. (Jes.) 1606; A.M. 1610, Ed- — Edw Job. s L 1637-8 A.B. 1641-2 [mund Davis, Gerson A.B. 1580-1 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Hen yu. p c. 1596 Davies, Humph. ... Qu. M 1567 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 Davis, John A.M. 1584 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) — John A.B. (?); A.M. (Jes.) 1608 — John Job. 1) E 1622 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 — John A.B. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — John Chr. s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 Davies, John Job. s E 1642 John Trin. [f-c 1645] A.M. 1646 (?John Davie) Davis, John Job. s E 1646] John A.B. 1646 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) John Pet. s M 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 Davys, John Trin. s M 1654 A.B. 1654-5 — Owyn Trin. s M 1561 A.B. 1566 ; A.M. (Qu.) 1569 ; S.T.B. Davis, Owen Trin. s M 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1662 [1577 Davies, Pet Job. s E 1642 Davis, Ralph Jes. p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 Davyse, Rich Jes. p E 1567 Davies, Rob Trin. f-c L 1655-6" Davys, Sim Cai. p E 1566] — iTho Job.: ace. to Bakerl (B.C.L. Oxf); LL.D. 1548 Tho Trin. s M 1556 A.B. 1559-60 Davies, Tho Qu. s M 1572 — Tho Chr. p E 1577 A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 ; M.D. '91 Davis, Tho Trin. V E 1652 Davys, W Jes, E 1565 Davies, Will g,u. s E 1577 Davyes, Will Qu. s c. 1596 Davies, Will Trin. s M 1654 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 Davison, Ashton Job. V M 1626 A.B. 1630-1 (Antb. in grace); [A.M. 1634 — Chris King's f-c c. 1595 — Fra. {imp. 12 ami.) Em. f-c E 1586 Geo Sid. p p M 1609 A.B. 1613-4 Davyson, John Chr. L 1557-8 iJavison, John Job. V E 1625 — Ralph Catb. V M 1624 A.B. 1628-9 — Rich Chr. s E 1569 — Rob King's s M 1602 Davyson, Roger Jes. V E 1566 IJavison, Tho Catb. V L 1623-4 A.B. 1627-8 — Tho « Job. V E 1652 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 — Tho Job. V E 1658 — Walt King's f-c c. 1595 — Will Trin. s M 1634 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1661 — Will Mag. V E 1636 — Will King's s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9, Davidson ; A.M. 1662 — Will Trin.H P M 1655 — King's f-c 1587-8] — Catb. f-c 1627] Bishop of St Asaph, 1561. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 201 Dawber, Rich Mag. Dawbuey, Art. {imp.) p . 13 ann.)\ — Clem Cai. Dawbne, Isaac Em. Dawbncy, John *Joh. — John Joh. Daubny, John Mag. Dawbncy, Rob Pet. Daws, Abr Mag. — Ed Mag. Dawes, John — John Qu. — John King's — Jos Mag. — Owin C. C. [t'. c. Dawg, Rob Qu. Dauges, Jos Qu. Daukynne, Edm Joh. Dawlyn, Rich Chr. Dawney, Chris Trin. — Edw Cai. — John Cai. Dawnay, John Jes. Dawnoy, John [Trin. — Tho Cai. — Tho Sid. Dawny Trin. Dawning, Tho Jes. Dawnser, John *King'.^ Dauser, Anth King's — John King's Dawncer, Rich Trin. Dawnser, Rob King's Dawset, Will. v. Dowsett Dawson, Abr Mag. — Alex Trin. — Cha Cla. Edw Sid. — Edw {]. C. — Geo Joh. — Gilb Joh. — Godfr Trin. — Hen Cla. — Hutton Joh. — John Pern. — John Joh. — John C. C. — John [Sid. — John Joh. — Jos Joh. l)aw.sone, Lamb Trin. Daw.son, Lane Joh. — Laur Trin. — Miles Joh. — Nich Pern. — Ralph Cla. Dauson, Ralph *Cath. Dawson, Rich Joh. — Rich Em. L'JTr) 1570 1581 1588 1551 1588 1631 1581 1575 1564-5 1620 1659 1571 1579 1580] 1653-4 1657 1584 1632 1637 1634 1639 1641 1647J 1603-4] 1634 1589 1626 1563-4 1593 1593 1592 1557-8 A.R. 1579-80; A.M. 1583, Dauby A.B. 1554-5; A.M. 1561 ; S.T.P..'69 A.B. (Mag.) 1592-3; A.M. 1598, A.B. 1634-5 [Dawl.ury A.B. 1579-80; A.M. (Trin.) 1587 A.B. (Trin.) 1614-5 A.B. 1624; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1655-6, Dawges (Matr. A.B. 1657-8, Dawgs ['Bawgs') A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1631-2, Dawney A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 [Dawnser] [Dawnser] A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 M 1639 L 1588-9 L 1634-5 E 1613 M 1655 E 1655] M 1616 E 1568 L 1580-1 M 1624 M 1554 E 1617 [1625] L 16.33-4 M 1639 E 1653 M 1566 M 1567 E 1617 M 1584 M 1589 E 1577 E 1648 E 1570 E 1599] A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1642-3 1593-4; A.M. 1597 (Cai.) 1641-2 1616^7; A.M. 1620 1658-9 1658-9: 1620-1 A.M. 1662 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 prev. at Trin.] ' A.B. 1656-7 157'J A.B. (Cath.) 1573-4; A.M. A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1588-9 [S.T.B.(*C.C.)1591 ; S.T.P.1601 A.B. (Pet.) 1580-1; A.M. 1584; A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655, Dowson [Migr. to Cai. 1571] A.B. (/1602-3); A.M. 1606 202 Dawson, Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Dawsor, Dawton, Dawtrey, Day, Daye, Day, Daye, Day, Daye, Day, Daye, Day, Daye, Day, Daye, Day, Rich *Jes. Ro Pern. iRob Rob Job. Rob Ma^. Rob Chr. Rob Job. Tho Pet. Tho Job. Tho C. C. Tho Tho [Jes. Will Will Chr. W Pet. Will Will Jes. Will Qu. Will C. C. Will Cai. Arnold Job. Geo Trin. Phil Trin. Edw [Catb. Rich Qu. Gamaliel ... Pern. Geo Job. Hen Cla. Hen Pem. Humph. ... Mag. Ja Job. John *Jes. John John Mag. Martin *Chr. Matth *King's Matth King's Matth. {imp.) Trin. Natb C. C. Osb Trin. Rich *King's Rich Chr. Rich *King's Rich Chr. Rich *King's Rob Pet. Rob Jes. Rob Qu. Rob Jes. Rob Job. Rob [C. C. Sam [Em. Steph Cai. Tho Trin. Tho Qu. Tho Pem. Tho King's Tho Mag. Tho Cath. 1631 1544 161G 1620-1 1631 1635 1575 1594 1607 A.B. 1633- A.M. 1637 p E 1659] s M p II 1554 1559 1584 1605 1627 1631 1559 1581 1581 1638] 1571 1613 1601 1579 1631 1657 1657 1559 1613 1591 1631 1637-8 1657 1658 1555 1571 1572 1590 1602 1622 1555 1560 1566 1594 1629-30 1650] 1659] 1650-1 1572 1615 1629 1629 1632 1637 A.B. (*Joh.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612; A.B. 1620-1 [S.T.B. 1620 A.B. 1623-4 A.B. 1634-5 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. (Chr.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1611-2 A.B. (Job.) 1628-9 A.B. 1541-2 ; A.M. 1545, *Pet. 1543 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. (Trin.) 1569 A.B. 1587-8 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. (Pet.) 1578 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1633-4, Dey; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1660-1 A.B. 1562-3 ; A.M. 1566 ; LL.D. '76 A.M. 1597 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [1617 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597; S.T.P. A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637; S.T.P. [1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664, Dey A.B. 1659-60 A.B. 1575-6 [A.B. 1594] A.B. 1625-6 ; A.M. 1629; S.T.B. '37 A.B. 1632-3 A.B. 1653-4, Dey A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. (Chr.) 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. (Pem.) 1640-1 Bishop of Cloiifeit, l(j'27. Matriculations and Degrees 1544^165 59 203 Day, Tho Triu. — Tho Chr. Daye, 'Will *King'.s — AVill les. — Will Joh. Day, Will *Kiiig's — Will Cai. — [King's — [Em. Daygcs, Jos Dayiics, Fra C. C — John C. C. — John [Cai. — John Joh. — John C. C. — John {imp.) . Em. — Tho C. C. — Tho C. C. [C?-C. Dayi-ell, Tho Chr. Daysine, Sirac Jes. — Zacharias ... Jes. Dayson, Ja Joh. Dazill, Isaac Ola. Deacon, John — John Jes. — Sam Trin. — Theod — Sid. Deacons, Geo Qu. Deale, Tho Qu. Dealtrye, Geo Trin. Dealtre, Rich Trin. Dealtrye, Will Trin. — Will Trin. Deane, Anth Cath. — Brian Joh. — Drue Jes. — Edm Edw^(m;,J Jes. 12 ann.)) — Geo Cai. — Gervasc Trin. Dean, Hen Qu. Dcanc, Hen *Cla. — John — John [Qu. — John Em. — John Jes. — John Joh. — Xich Pet. — Pet Sid. Dean, Pet Jes. — Tho Trin. Deane, W Pem. — W Joh. — Will Mag. — Will Pem. — [Cath. [^ E 1641 A.B. 1646; A.M. 1650 f-c E 1641 ]> M 1545 A.B. 1549-50; A.M. 1553; S.T.B. 1> E 1584 A.B. 1587-8 [1562 f'u E 1588 V M 1624 A.B. 1628; A.M. 1632 s E 1652 A.B. 1655 s 1601' E 1623] ]' A.B. (Joh.) 1606-7; A.M. 1611 V E 165U A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655, Deyucs V E 1579 s E 1605] A.B. (Em.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 P E 1628 A.B. 1630-1 P L 1634-5 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 ; M.D. '49 p E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1668 !> M 1580 A.B. 1584-5, Danes P E 1646 1578] A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 f-c E 1622 !> M 1561 p M 1561 r' E 1657] A.B. 1661 p E 1616 A.B. (Mag.) 1575-6 s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20, Dekcn; A.M. 1623 s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1641 A.B. (Trin.) 1631 b L 1598-9 A.B. ; A.M. 1607 (in ordo) P c. 1595 V M 1571 s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625, ' Peal- s M 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 [tary' P E 1610 A.B. 1613-4, 'Vealtrye'; A.M. '17 s M 1652 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 p E 1647 p M 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 f-c M 1624 M.D. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p L 1563-4 1» E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1633 s M 1649 A.B. 1650-1 s M 1547 s M 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633; S.T.P. M.L. 1569 [1662 {Lit. Re,j.) s L 1581-2] s E 1617 A.B. 1619-20 f-c E 1625 s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4 1> L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6 s E 1652 p M 1659 A.B. 1659-60 p E 1565 E 1573 s M 1575 [Migr. to Cai. 1577] s M 1641 f-c E 1643] 1 Biahop of VViuchuster, 159(>. 204 Matriculatt07is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Dearde, Pet Trin. Dealing, Chris Sid. — Elerad Trin. — Fra Mag. — Geo *Jcs. Ucaresley, Edm Cla. Dearsly, Hen *Trin. Dearsley, Rich Pet. Deresley, Rich Qu. Dearslye, Tlio Cla. Dearsly, Tho Joh. Dearcsly, Tho Qu. Deersly, Tho Cath. Dearsley, Will Jes. — [Em. Deas, Will Deasy, Rob Sid. Deat, Tho King's Duithc, Anth Trin. Death, Anth Pern. — John C. C. — [Em. Debnam, John Era. Debenham, Sam Pem. Debankc, John Pem. — Nath — Pem. Debden v. also Depden — John Cai. Deberge, Cha. Bernard [Trin. Debney, John [Cai. de Cadurcis, John v. Chaworth de Cardenas v. Cardenas de Cavan, Cha Em. Decks, Sam. v. Dike Deconson, W Qu. Decritz, Hen [Pera. Dedman, John Em. Dee, Adrian Trin. — iFra — John *Joh. — John [Em, — Tho King's Deeble, Nich Qu. Deekes, John Cath. Deer, Sam [Jes. Derynge, Anth Qu. Deeringe, Antli Mag. Deryng, Anth Chr. — Edw Derring, Edw Trin. Deering, Ed Mag. Dering, Edw Sid. — Geo Mag. — Hen Mag. — Hen [Trin. Derynge, Rich Qu. Deering, Rich Jes. p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5, Deards; A.M. 1638 p E 1641 f-c L 1650-1 s E 1605 A.B. 1608; A.M. 1612, Deering p E 1586 A.B. (n589-90); A.M. 1593 p L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4: A.M. 1587 s M 1645 A.B.1648-9; A.M.1652; S.T.B.'60 p M1571 s E 1641 s E 1584 p E 1613 A.B. 1615-6 ; A.M. 1619, Derisley s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 V E 1637 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 V M 1580 V E 1620J A.B. (Em.) 1592-3 s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 s M 1642 p M 1559 [Death] s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 V E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 p E 1628" 1617' [P E A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 s L 1581-2 s M 1551 A.B. (*C. C.) 1554-5 (?*Pem.) A.M. (*Qu.) 1645(Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1552 p c. 1596 p E 1636 1616; p E f-c L 1618-9 f-c E 1565 1646] ]) E 1617 p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. (Joh.) 1599-1600 ; A.M. 1603 ; [S.T.B. 1610; S.T.P. 1616 p E 1544 A.B. 1545-6; A.M. (*Trin.) 1548 s E 1640] s K 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 n> E 1646] A.B. (Oxf.) 1644-5; A.M. 1647 s L 1615-6 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 s E 1646] s M 1548 1> E 1618 p E 1575 A.B. 1578-9 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. (*Chr.) 1563; s E 1608 [S.T.B. 1568 f-c E 1615 f-c E 1640 A.B. (Em.) 1642-3 s E 1583 A.B. 1586-7 p L 1618-9 A.B. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. f-c E 1650] [1624 p E 1546 p c. 1596 liialiop of retciboi-ougli, 1634. Matrlcidatioits and Deyrees 1544 — 1659 •20ii Dccringe, Tlio Mag. p E 1580 Deesley, Rich Qu. « E 1563 [iJerslcy] Defford, John Trin. s M 1565 (1 Destfurd) Defriaii, Goo Joh. s c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4, Deliainc Degge V. Diggcs De Grey, Edm Cai. p E 1637 ['? scholar, Trin. II. 1639] — Ja [(,'ai. p E 1630] — Rob Cai. f-o E 1629 Degray, Will Cai. p E 1645 A.?.. (Trin. II.) 1647-8 Deicrowe, Benj [Triii. schol. 1619] A.B. 1622-3 Deios V. Dios Dekenzie, Matth Trin. s M 1626 De la Cave v. Cave Delachamp, lien. v. Dalechanip Delacourte, John Trin. H. p M 1554 Delacre, Edw. v. Dillacre — Mich [Trin. s E 1641] — Tho Pet. p E 1637 A.B.(Trin.)1640-l;A.M.(Trin.H.) Do la Hay, John *Trin. s E 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 [1646 Delahay, Paul Trin. s M 1654 A.B. 1654-5 De la Mai'.sh, Cha. o. Marsh Delamorc, Martin Jes. s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 De la Place, Pet C. C. s E 1649 A.B. 1649-50 de la Pyende, Steven Chr. p E 1606 Delaunce, Abr Em. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5, Dclaune ; A.M. 1618 Delawne, Hen [Cai. s M 1610] — Nath C. C. p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 Delaunc, Pet S.T.P. 1635-6 (On visit of Pr. De Laune, Will Sid. f-c E 1648 [Elector) Delavall, John Mag. f-c E 1637 — Will Joh. p M 1633 Delawoode, Tho Jes. p c. 1596 Delbuidge, John Em. p E 1604 Delbridge, John Pern. p L 1656-7 Delbringe, Nath Em. p E 1607 A.B. 161 1-2, Delbridge ; A.M. 1615; Delemarche, Hen Jes. s E 1617 [S.T.B. 1622 Delene, Tim Qu. s E 1601 Deligne, Erasmus ... [Joh. f-c E 1639] Dell, iWill Em. [s L 1623-4] A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 — Will A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Dclomence, Hen. Aug., Count Montbrou A.M. 1625 (On King's visit) Delve, Phil Em. p E 1607 Delves, Laur Pem. p E 1619 Delvin, Uarun, v. Nugent, Chris. Delyne, liob Pem. p M 1641 Demi, Cha Em. f-c M 1626 — Chris *C. G. p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 — Dav Sid. [s L 1626-7] A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 — Hen Sid. s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 Denne, Hen Sid. s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9 • Denn, John *Sid. s E1607 A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 ; S.T.B. '21 Dene, Lane Joh. s E 1565 Denne, Tho Cla. p E 1585 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 Denn, Tho Em. s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 Den, Tho Qu. s M 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 — Vincent Qu. p L 1647-8 — Will Qu. p L 1647-8 Denne [Mag. p 1650] Denbigh, Will, Earl of A.M. 1627 1 Master of Gonville and Caius, 1049. 206 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Denbye, Mich Gonv.H s Dendy, Tho [Em. V Deneson, Rich. 0. Denison Dengayne, Hen Qu. V — Tho *Qu. V Art Benj Chr. V — (Diuham), Geo. . — Hen Trin. s Tho Qu. V Denison, Dan Em. \v Dav King's a John .... Qu. V — Lane Cath. s — Rich Joh. s — Steph. . Tini Trin. s Donman, Art Trin. s Rich Pet. V Tho [Sid. *Joh. V Will V _ Will Cla. s Will Qu. s Denner, Edvv Pet. V Dennis, And Pet. s Chris. . Dennys, John .... Trin. s Denys(?e), John .... Chr. V Dennes, John .... Joh. s Dennys, Tho Cla. s Dennis, Tim Pet. s Dennes, Will Chr. 1> Dennis, Will Joh. Dennye, Anth Pern. f-c Anth Trin. t-c Denny, Anth Chr. V Art Cla. t-c Art Cath. p Cha *King's 1^ Denye, Ed Joh. s Deiniye, Edw Joh. i-c Denny, Edw Cai. s Edw [Em. p Era Cla. p Dennye, Furmian ... Trin. p Denny, Geo C. C. p Dennye, Hen Pem. t-c Denny, John .... Cla. l^ John .... Chr. t-c . Phineas . Chr. 1^ Rich King's p Rob Pet. s Tho Cath. p Will [Cai. p Will Chr. 1> Dennye, Will Cai. p Dennie, Will Em. s Dente, Art Chr. 1> Dent, Chris. . Chr. p Dan *King's 1> Geo Joh. s M 1554 A.B. 1560-1 L 1653-4] E 1586 c. 1593 E 1639 E 1625 E 1617 E 1626] M 1625 M 1620 E 1655 M 1654 E 1635 E 1577 L 1582-3 E 1635] M 1544 M 1589 M 1562 M 1638 E 1585 c. 1593 c. 1598 E 1603 M 1569 L 1634-5 E 1581 c. 1593 M 1551 M 1570 E 1653 M 1601 M 1646 E 1617 E 1548 M 1585 E 1621 E 1642] M 1601 M 1570 c. 1593 M 1551 M 1580 E 1617 E 1624 E 1629 L 1580-1 M 1622 M 1594] E 1608 E 1620 M 1655 M 1571 L 1563-4 E 1614 M 1587 [S.T.B. 1607 (Matr. Dingham) A.B. 1596-7 ; A.M. 1600, Dengay ; A.B. (Trin.) 1582-3 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1650 A.B. 1654 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); M.L. A.B. (Cath.) 1628 [(Joh.) 1654 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. A.B. 1657-8 1627 A.B. (1 1602-3) ; A.M. (Trin.) 1606; A.B. 1638-9 [S.T.P. 1627 A.B. 1547-8; A.M. 1551 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569 A.B. (n589-90) ; A.M. (Trin.; 1594 A.B. (Chr.) 1603 A.B. 1601-2, Dennis A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. (Mag.) 1638-9 A.B. 1584-5, Dennys; A.M. 1588 A.B. (? 1621-2); A.M. 1624 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5 A.B. 1627-8 A.B. 1583-4 A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1567-8 A.B. 1617-8 ; A.M. 1621 ; S.T.B.'27 A.B. (Chr.) 1590-1; A.M. 1594 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 207 Uente, Ja Sid. Dent, John Em. John Qu. — John King's — Pet [Trin. — Tho C. C. — Will Joh. Den tall, Sam Joh. Denton, Adrian Joh. — Anth Cai. — Geo Pet. — John *Cla. — Nich Sid. — Rich Cath. — Sam Joh. — Tho Pet. — Tho Trin. — Tlw Joh. — Walt Joh. Deodatus, Cha Depden, Geo Trin. — Geo *Pem. — John Em. — Rob [Cai. Deptford, Tho. v. Diptford Depupe, John Trin. Depoope, Rich Trin. H. Depup, Tho Joh. Derehaugh, Era [Cai. Dcraugh, Rob Mag. Derehaugh, Sam Cai. Deraiigh, Will Cai. Derbisher, John v. Darbyshire Dereham, Rob *Pet. — Rob Pet. Deerham, Geo Joh. Derluim, Hen [Pet. — John Cai. — Roger Trin. — Tho Chr. — Tho [Pet. — Tho Cla. Derkyn, J. v. Dyrkin Derkindren, Abr [Pern. Derlinge, John Pern. Derrycke, Cha Chr. — (Dyrycke), Era. Chr. Derycke, Ed. (imp.) p --, 12 ann.)\ ^- ^■ Desborough v. also Disberongh Desborrow, Nich Joh. Desborow [Trin. Dethe, John Trin. Dcthycke, Chri.s Cai. Dethick, Edm Cai. — Edm Joh. Dethecke, (Geo.) Joh. Dethick, (iilb King'.s — Hen *Gonv.H — Hen *King's Dethyck, John Qu. a E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 .s E 1645 A.B. 1648-9 f-c M 1648 s L 1649-5 0] f-c M 1623 p M 1562 A.B. 1564-5 s E 1580 11 E 1623 V E 1579 •s M 1555 s E 1646 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1653 \) E 1631 a E 1621 A.B. 1623-4 s E 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 P M 1559 A.B. (Trin.) 1563-4; A.M. 1569 .s c. 1591 p E 1629 s M 1573 A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1551 V E 1632 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 V E 1585 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592, *Cai. '96 V E 1596: Trin. H. schol. 1600] V M 15.59 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567, *Cai. p E 1553 \- E 1636' E 1604 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 V p E 1567 V E 1611 p M 1575 ]> M 1598 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605; S.T.B. 1> M 1623 [1613; S.T.P. 1625 p M 1544 f-c E 1616] f-c E 1650 [(*Pet.) 1608; S.T.P. 1615 p L 1588-9 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596; S.T.R. P E 1585 A.B. 1588-9 (Matr. Dyrham) f-c E 1616] s M 1645 1621] A.B. 1649 .s M 1588 A.B. 1592-3, DaHing; A.M. 1596 p E 1569 A.B. 1573-4 p E 1565 A.B. 1569-70, Derick ; A.M. (C.C.) P M 1573 [1573 V E 1627 f-c 1656] [Deatho V E 1609 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. (Qu.) 1615, \y M 1569 V M 1641 p E 1651 A.B. 1654 L r. 1593 A.B. 1595-6 c. 1598 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 s M 1554 A.B. 1556-7 ; A.M. 1560 ; S.T.B. '65 p p M 1642 E 1544 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1650 208 Matricidations mid Degrees 1544 — 1659 Dethick, John Cai. \i Detliicke, Rich Joh. p Dethyck, Tho Eelm. H. p Dethycke, Will Joh. p Dethicke [Trin. sizar Detlye, Godfry Trin. s Deufeult, Ja [Qu. s Deutz, John [Qu. p Devenysshe, Will Mich. Ho. f-c Devoraxe, Geo Joh. f-c Devereiix, Jonat Em. s Deavereiix, Jonat Chr. p Devereux, Pet Pet. s — Pet Pet. s — Rob Pet. s — Will Pem. f-c Devonshire, Will. {Earl of) Devyas, Will .". Cla. .s Dew, John Cai. p Devvn, Tho Dew.s, Lane. (?Laur.) Joh. p Dewce, Paul Pem. p Dewose, Rich Cath. f-c Dcwes, Symon Joh. f-c — Simon Dews, Tho Dewes, Tho [Trin. f-c Dewhurst, Ja [Qu. s — Rob Trin. p — Tho Pet. s Dewy, Ja Qu. s Dey, Edm C. C. — Edm Pem. p — John [Cai. s — John [C. C. — Jos Cai. p Deye, Oliver Cai. p Dey, Rich King's s — Rob Pet. s — Valentine ... Cai. p Deyos, John v. Dios Deyman, Will Sid. [p Deyne, Tho Trin. s Doywood, Geo King's p Diason, Hen C. C. s — John Joh. s Dyckc V. also Dike — John King's s Dickerson, Nich [Cai. p Dickons, Brian Dickins, Fra Chr. p Dickons, Nich Pem. p Dickens, Nich Joh. p — Nich C. C. — Rich Chr. p Dycans, Will Chr. p Dickyns, Will Chi-. p E 1659 E 1558 M 1544 M 1559 1567] E 1617 E 1610] E 1612] E 1544 E 1560 E 1626 E 1647 c. 1597 E 1625 E 1579 E 1627 c. 1596 M 1552 E 1657 M 1571 E 1584 E 1632 E 1618 E 1647] E 1574] c. 1595 E 1629 M 1562 [1624] E 1629 M 1592] 1593] E 1629 E 1603 E 1633 E 1579 E 1606 M 1632] M 1567 M 1564 L 1618-{ M 1565 M 1548 E 1600] E 1633 E 1613 E 1623 [1635] E 1619 M 1561 E 1646 A.B. 1562-3 (S.T.B. of Oxf.) A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1656 (Matr. A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1609 [John) A.B. 1629-30 A.M. 1581 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.M. 1637-8 A.B. (Mag.) 1575-6 KM. 1635 6 (On visit of Pr. of A.B. (King's) 1592-3 [Wales) A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. (*Pet.) 1636, [Day A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1606-7, Day A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1621-2 [Lay clerk] A.B. (Mag.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1638 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630; M.D.'38 A.B. 1639-40, Dickons; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 [Migr. to Cai. Dickens] A.B. (*Trin. H.) 1647-8 ; A.M. 1651 Chancellor, 15'J8. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 209 Dicoiison, Altr *Trin. — Antli Job. Dickinson, l'>eni Sid. — Chris Trill. — Dan *.Toh. — Edm *Kini;'s Dickenson, Edm Dickinson, Edm *Mag. ~ Kdm ('. ('. Edw Trin. — (iCO Toll. Dickenson, (Jrogory Ie.s. — Hoii *Joh. Dickinson, Hon C'ai. — Ja Trin. — Ja Tes. Dyckynson, Jolin Toll. Diconson, John Cla. Dickinson, John Trin. — John Dickenson, John Cai. Dickinson, Fjcon Jos. Dickenson, I'liil Cai. Dickinson, llich Dickenson, Rich King's Dickinson, Rob Cath. — Roger Cai. Dyckynson, Tho Job, — Tho Qu. Dickinson, Tho Trin. ]])ickenson, Tho Toh. — Tho Catb. Dickinson, Tho Trin. Dickenson, Tho Chr. Dicenson, Tho Dickonson, Will Trin. Dickinson, Will Chr. — Will Em. Dicken.son, Will [Em. Dickison, Will Sid. Dickenson Dicus, John Didsbm-y, Ceo Cla. Diersley v. Deir?ley Dieugard, Hen Em. Digby, Edm Dygbe, Evererd ... Chr. Digby, Everard *Joh. — Era Sid. Dygbye, Humph. ... Chr. — John Pet. Digby, John Chr. — John [Cath. — John Chr. Dygbye, Kenelm Trin. I^'gby, Kenelm {Sir) Dygbye, Roger Jos. — Rol Trin. Digby, Simon Trin. — Simon VAw. V L 1583-4; A.M. 1587 E 1583 A.B. 1585-6, Dikynson s E 1641 A.B. 1644-5 s E 1626 s L 1653-4 A.B. 1657-8 ; A.^r. 1661 ; S.T.B.'68 p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. (King's) 1618-9; XM. 1624 p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648, Edw. p E 1650 A.B. 1656-7 E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 p M 1562 A.B. 1567-8, Dykenson M 1617 s E 1569 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 s ^r 1633 A.B. 1636-7 .s E 1577 p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 p M 1544 E 1586 c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. (Cla.) 1602 A.B. (Trin.) 1595-6 s E 1608 (Matr. Dicconson) s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 p E 1617 A.B. 1620-1, Dickanson ; A.M. ■ [1624 A.B. 1541-2; A.M. 1544; S.T.B. s M 1621 A.B. 1625-6 [1549, Deconson s E 1658 p E 1639 s M 1546 A.B. 1550-1, Dykenson s M 1546 A.B. 1552-3 s M 1572 A.B. 1578-9, Diconson ; A.M. 1582 p L 1577-8 E 1582 A.B. (King's) 1586-7 s c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9 (Matr. ' Dickshon ') p E 1617 A.B. 1620-1, Dixon A.B. (King's) 1629-30; A.M. 1637 fS E 1566 A.B. 1570-1, Dickenson p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8 ; A.M. 1621 ; S.T.B. '34 p E 1615 E 1638] A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 p E 1651 A.B. 1654 S.T.P. (Trin.) 1609 (in ordo) A.M. 1618 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ^ E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 s M 1588 A.M. 1638 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1556 s M 1567 A.B.1570-1 ; A.M.1574 ; S.T.B. '81 p E 1607 p M 1555 s M 1544 p E 1627 A.B. 1630; A.M. 1634 p 1636] f-c E 1647 s M 1552 A.M. 1624 (On King's visit) p E 1550 p M 1547 s 1598 A.B. 1601-2 p E 1627 27 210 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Digbey, Bimon Qil Digbie, Will Qu. Digby [Chr. Digges, Dudley Dygges, Tho Qu. — Will Qu. Diggle, Edm Diggles, John Mag. Diggny, Jos Cla. Dighton, Everard Sid. — Everard (?the above) — John Trin. — John Mag. — Rich Cai. Dyghton, Roger Qu. Dighton, Tho Cath. Dyghton, Will Chr. Dighton, W Pet. Diton, Will Trin. Digland, Gilb Chr. Diglcn, Ezech C. C. Dike, Augustine. . . *King's — Dan Joh. — Dan Em. — Geo Joh. — Jeremiah ... Em. — Jeremy *Sid. Dyke, John [Em. Dike, Jos Chr. — Nath Chr. — Nath Em. — Rich Em. — Rob Trin. — Sam Qu. — Sam Em. Dyke, Tho Joh. — Tho Pet. Dike, Will. Joh. Dikes, Dan. {imp.) Joh. — John Joh. Dykes, Oswald Jes. — Tho Pern. Dilckes, Sam Pet. Dilkes, Tho Pet. — W Pet. Dillaker, Edm. (?Edw.) Trin. — Rob Trin. Dillan, Pet C. C. DiUingham, Benj *Em. — Era *Chr. — , Gilb Chr. Dillyngham, Hen Chr. Dillingham, Hen Em. — John *Sid. — Sam Em. — Sam Em. — iThooph. ... Em. !> E 1636 p E 1577 ichol. 1549-50] p E 1546 p E 1546 p L 1626- p M 1607 p M 1619 M 1562 M 1564 E 1580 M 1566 E 1573 E 1550 E 1586 E 1622 E 1588 [1624] L 1563--^ c. 1593 E 1629 M 1567 1629 1598 1630] 1616 1608 1636 1633 1636 1617 1637 1635 E 1655 c. 1594 c. 1593 M 1622 M 1567 E 1603 E 1650 E 1584 E 1576 M 1601 M 1601 M 1584 M 1653 E 1583 E 1585 E 1570 E 1625 M 1631 E 1624 E 1643 M 1629 A.M. 1638 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1550-1, Dcgge; A.M. 1557, [*Pet. ; 1556 *Cath. (Degg) A.B. (Pet.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. 1630-1, Diggle; A.M. 1634 [Edvardus] A.B. (Mag.) 1627; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. (Qu.) 1571 [A.B. at Oxf.; Diglen] A.B. 1628; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1567-8: A.B. 1595-6: A.B. 1632-3: A.B. 1571-2; A.B. (Cath.) A.B. 1601-2; A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1571 A.M. (*Sid.) 1599 ; [S.T.B. 1606 A.M. 1636 A.M. 1575 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.M. 1605 (prev. at [Em.) A.M. 1615 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1620-1, Deike; A.M. 1624, [*C. c. (Matr. Dicke) A.B. 1597-8, Dikes; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1626-7, Dike A.B. (.Joh.) 1570-1; A.M. 1574 A.B. 1605-6, Delacre; A.M. 1609 [Dillander) A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 (Matr. A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590; S.T.B. '99 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639; S.T.B. '46 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637, *Sid. ; [S.T.B. 1644 ; S.T.P. (Cla.) 1655 1 Master of Clare, 10.54. Matrlcalations mid Dcfjrees i-,44— K^ri' •in Dillingham, Tho Tes. — Tho Chr. — Tho. / Trill. — Tho Km. — Will Chr. — Will Chr. — Will Em. — MVill *Em. Dillon, Rich... Em. Dilworth, Ja Cai. — John Toh. — Tho Cai. Dhnl.ill.y, Will Chr. Dymocke, Fra Triu. — Hen Trin. Dimocke, John Trin. — Will Chr. Dimond, Pet Sid. — Tristram ... Cla. — Tristram ... J oh. — Tristram ... Joh. Dymond, Tristram ... Em. Dimond, Will Sid. Dimsdalc v. Dymsdale Dineley, Fra Chr. Dynelic, Geo Cai. Dinley, John Chr. Dynley, Nich Em. Dinely, Tho C. C. Dinge, Fra Jes. Dingley, Will King's Dinglie, Tho Deyos, John Chr. Dios, Laur *Joh. — Xich Pem. — Tho King's Diptford, Tho Em. Dire?, Will Trin. 1 )isl)orow, Anth *Cai. Di.sberowe, Bruno Trin. — Geo Chr. Disborowe, Hen Trin. Disborough, Ja [Qu. Disborowe, John Trin. — John Qu. Disborrow, Nath Chr. Disborough, Oliver Cai. Discipline, Tho *Joh. Di-ssher, Rob G. C. Di.sney, Edw Trin. — Edw Trin. Disnye, Humfr Chr. — John Chr. Disnev, Tho Trin. -' Will ^Tnn. Dison (Dyzon), Will Trin. Ditchell, John Cai. Ditchfield, Edw Em. 1> E 1585 A.B. 1588-9; \.M. b")92 p E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A..M. 1616 E 1641 s E 1648 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 1> E 1576 A.B. 1579-80 p E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 s E 1637 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643; S.T.P.. 1> c. 1595 [1650; S.T.P. 1655 E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 p M 1602 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 E 1629 s E 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 p p M 1562 L 1564-5 s M 1602 A.B. (Joh.) 1605-6; A.M. 1609 [« 1628] A.B. 1031 p L 1634-5 [Dyman] s E 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 s M 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 p M 1621 p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; M.B. 1642 p M 1632 [Deyman] s E 1649 p M 1583 p E 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613, Deincly s L 1637-8 A.B. 1641-2, Dinely p E 1607 p M 1608 s E 1623 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 (Incorp. [fr. Oxf.) 1> E 1571 A.B. 1572-3 ; A.M. 1576 ; S.T.B.'83 p E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 [f-c L 1588-9] (A.B. 1592-3): A.M. 1596 p E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 p c. 1596 [1610 p M 1586 A.B. [1590]; A.M. 1594: S.T.B. s M 1623 A.B. (Qu.) 1626-7; A.M. 1630 s c. 1592 s E 1571 A.B. 1576-7 p M 1645] [schol. 15621 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1568 P M 1587 P M 1626 A.B. 1630-1 s E 1641 A.B. 1644-5 p M 1618 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 162(i s E 1572 p M 1575 [p E 1647] A.B. 1654 (Incori). fr. Oxf) p M 1548 p p M 1548 E 1637 [p E 1638] A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 s E 1567 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5 1' E 1619 A.B. 1622-3 Master of Eiuniauuel, 1(553. 212 Matrmdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Dive, Dixe, Dicks, Dix, Dickes, Dix, Dicks, Dix, Dixe, Dix, Dixie, Dixye, Dixie, Di^, Dixie, Dixi, Dickson, Dixon, Dyckson, Dixon, Diclarth Job. — Chris Joh. — Chris Pet. — Edw Em. — Usjuic *C. C. — John Pet. — John — John Joh. — John Joh. — Lane Cai. — Rob Joh. — Rob Trin. — Sam Joh. — Sam C. C. — Tho Trin. — Will Mag. — Will Mag. Dobton, Ralph Trin. Dobynson, John Pern. Docking, Tho [Cai. Dockley, John Trin. Docrell, Ed Qu. Doewra, Edw Trin. Docwray, Hen Em. Docwra^ Ja Trin. Dockery, Josiah Chr. Dockwray, Periam Trin. Docwray, Periam Cai. Dockrey, Steph Em. Docuraye, Tho Trin. Docwra, Tho Trin. Dockwray, Tho Trin. Dockrey, Tho Chr. Dockwrav [Cath. Dod, ' Andr [Qu. Dodd, Anth Pet. Dod, Penj Cla. Dodd, Chris, v. Dodson — Dav Trin. Dod, Edm. [Edw.] Cai. Dodd, Edw *Jes. Dod, Edw Cai. Dodd, Hugh Jes. — John *Jcs. — John Qu. — John Dod, John *Em. Dodd, John Chr. Dod, John Jes. — John [Cath. — John Sid. ]) E 1575 V E 1631 s E 1611 s M 1614 f-c M 1645] s E 1620 !> M 1565 V E 1620 s M 1602 V M 1649 s E 1642 s E 1620 s E 1581 s M 1640 s E 1655 s E 1656 p M 1561 c. 1591 s c. 1590 1> M 1629 f-c E 1647 s M 1642 s E 1652 s L 1578-9 s M 15.59 s E 1628] s E 1625 s E 1563 V E 1571 V E 1623 V M 1606 s E 1652 f-c E 1618 V E 1658 V M 1615 p M 1564 1> M 1606 p E 1636 s E 1645 p E 1644] E 1603] s s M 1632 s E 1623 p E 1578 ]) M 1650 ]> M 1579 s M 1634 s E 1587 s M 1572 s E 1575 s M 1608 s E 1609 f-c E 1627 V E 1644] s E 1647 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 ; M.L. 1587 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 (Matr. A.B. 1614-5 ; A.M. 1619 [Doblon) A.B. 1541-2, Dobeson; A.M. 1544 A.B. 1617-8 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 (? Dodson) A.B. 1652-3 A.B.1623-4; A.M.1627 ; S.T.B.'35 A.B. 1583-4 A.B. (Joh.) 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1658-9 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 163(5 A.B. (King's) 1631 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1655-6 ; A.M. 1665 ; LL.D.'73 A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1647-8; S.T.P. 1667 {Lit. [Reg.) A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 [prev. at Qu.] A.B. 1625-6 ; A.M. [1629 A.B. 1581-2 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586; S.T.B.'93 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1582 A.B. 1602; A.M. (*Jcs.) 1606 A.B.1611-2 ; A.M.1615 ; S.T.B.'22 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. (Joh.) 1647-8 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 1 UuiviTsity Librarian, l(j(il. 2U Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Dod, John King's — Nath. (Nehcmiah) Cla. — Nath Jes. — Paul Qu. — Pet Em. Dodd, Phil Chr. Dod, Randall Jes. — Ralph Qu. Dodd, 1 Roger *Pem. — Tho Triu. Dod, Tho *Jes. Dodd, Tho Sid. Dod, Tim Em. Dodd, Will Pern. Dod, Will Trin. — Qu. Doddy ug, Edw *Tnn. Dodding, Geo Em. Doddyng, Miles Joh. Dodding, Miles Joh. Dodge, Ralph King's Dodggett, Benj. v. Doggett Dodgson, John Chr. Dodington, ^ Earth *Joh. Doddington, Marmaduke Trin. Dodington, Rich Trin. — Rob Dodyngton, Will Joh. Dodkyn, Tho C. C. Dodsley, Gervase Qu. Dodson, Chris Joh. — ('Dod'}, Chris Trin. — Edw Chr. — Gervase C. C. — Jerem [Sid. — John Em. — John [Joh. Dodsonne, Matth Em. Dodson, Miles Pet. — Myles Cla. — Nathan Em. — Pet Sid. — Rich Joh. — Tho Qu. — Tho Chr. — Tho [Trin. Doddsworth, Anth Chr. Dodsworth, Chris Sid. — Edw. Joh. — Era. .' Jes. Dodsworthe, John Chr. Dodsworth, John Sid. — John Sid. — Matth Joh. — Ralph Chr. — Ralph Joh. — Roll Chr. — Tim Sid. s E 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1660 s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 s E 1617 A.B. (*Cai.) 1620-1; A.M. 1624; [S.T.B. 1631 s E 1607 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 s E 1626 s c. 1592 p M 1583 A.B. 1585-6, Ralph; A.M. 1589 s E 1604 A.B. 1606-7 [1589; S.T.P. 1.594 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582; S.T.B. V M 1575 V L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 s c. 1592 A.B.1595-6; A.M. 1599; S.T.B.'26 s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 p E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 c. 1595 A.B. (*Joh.) 1598-9; A.M. 1602 p s M 1659 M 1606 A.B. 1660-1 p M 1558 A.B. 1.562-3; A.M. 1566; M.L. f-c M 1623 [1573; M.D. 1576 p L 1557-8 f-c M 1659 p M 1583 A.B. (Cath.) 1585-6; A.M. (Qu.) [1589 s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 1> M 1547 A.B. 1551-2 ; A.M. 1555,*Trin. '60 p M 1587 p E 1573 A.B. (Pem.) 1581-2; A.M. (C. C.) p E 1545 A.B. (Trin.) 1547-8 [1585 s E 1577 A.B. 1582-3 s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M. 1678 s M 1602 'I Dobson s E 1628 A.B. (Triu.) 1631; A.M. 1635 ]) E 1629 A.B. (King's) 1632-3 [1602] A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 (Dob- s L 1647-8 [son in ordo) s E 1608 (? Dobson, A.B. 1613-4) s M 1640] s E 1628 p M 1649 A.B. 1649-50 p L 1607-8 [« E 1628] A.B. 1631-2; A.M.. 1635 1^ E 1636 p M 1581 A.B. (Pet.) 1.583-4; A.M. 1587 l« E 1585] A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 f-c E 1658] f-c E 1656 p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 ]3 E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 p M 1571 [Migr. to Cai. 1573] ]) c. 1590 p ]) E 1613 E 1635 p E 1655 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1573 (Matr. Dodg- s M 1618 [worth) s E 1628 s p E 1634 E 1637 A.B. 1637-8 Bishop of Meatli, 1605. Regius Frofeasor of Greek, 1562. Matriculations and Der/rees 1544 — 1659 Dodsworth, Will Job. Doell, Tho Gonv. ^ Doffy, . Wilfred [P:iii. Dogge, Edw Dodggett, Bonj loh. Dogget, I^ieh \lm. . Doggit, Tho Joh. Doggett, Will Qu. Doiben, >Dav b.b. Doulben, Rob. Dolboy V. Dalby Dolbin, Will Dolhalt, Hen. r. Donhalt Dolittle, Tho Peni. Dollaiid v. Dalland Dollcg, John Pem. Dollefe, .Tohn Dollman, Alban Trin. Dollyn, John *King'.s Dolman, Chris Joh. — John Joh. Doleman, Marmaduke Joh. Dolman, Pet Joh. — Ro Joh. — Rob Joh. — Tho Cla. Doman, Ralph Joh. Domelaw, John Chr. Dominis, ^Marc. Anton, de {Late Domvile, Edw Chr. Doiniat, Matth. v. Dannat Donatt Joh. Don boom, Xath. v. Dunbabin Donford, Jer [Em. Donlialt, Hen Trin. Donne, Dan — Edw Joh. — John — ^John — John Qu. — Will Joh. Donnell, John Cai. — Rob Cath. — Tho — Tho Pet. Doole, Nich Dor, John Cai. Doreslarer (Dorislaus), ^Lsaiic ]3ormer, John Dorrell, Geo Mag. — John Em. — Rob Mag. — Rob Pom. — Sam (,'ath. — Tho Chr. — Walt *King'.s s E 1()39 p E 1544 p E 1597] .s E 1G55 p E 1626 p M 1611 -s E 163C •s E 1602" s E 1649 s E 1616 p E 1554 V M 1580 P M 1564 P L 1577-8 P E 1616 P M 1581 P M 1550 P M 1575 .s M 1544 s c. 1590 p E 1609 ■\hp. I )/■ Spalato) P M 1648 P E 1544 s E 1613] P E 1608 p E 1623 L 1618- E 1624 c. 1593 M 1564 (p) c. 1594 s c. 1593 p M 1587 f-c E 1633 p E 1588 p E 1631 f-c M 1641 p M 1564 p L 1577- A.B. 1G42-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. (Chr.) 1628 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662, Doggett A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1605-6 ; A.M. 1609 ; S.T.P.'27 A.B. 1612 A.M. 1614 (Incorp. fr. 0.xf.) A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1618-9 A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. (King's) 1606 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 [S.T.B. 1624; S.T.P. 1636 A.B. 1612; A.M. (*C. C.) 1616; 1617 (Incorp. fr. Padua) M.B. 1654 [Reg.) (Matr. Downhill) [S.T.B. 1622; S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. A.B. 1611-2; A.M. (*Joh.) 1615; A.B. (Joh.) 1613-4; A.M. (Chr.) A.B. (Chr.) 1625-6 [1617 A.B. (Mag.) 1574-5 ? S.T.P. 1615 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1622-3 [Dontrell) [A.B. 1594-5]; A.M. 1598 (Matr. A.B. (Cai.) 1568-9; A.M. (Cath.) [1572 (?as Dunning) A.B. 1540-1 ; A.M. (*Trin.) 1546 [(Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; S.T.B. 1549 M.L. 1648 LL.D. 1631 (Incoii). fr. Leyden) A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. 0.xf.) [Darrell] A.B. 1633; A.M. (Trin. 11.) 1637 [Darrell] [off 1581] Bishoi) of Bangor. 1(>31. -i Doaii of Windsor, 1(U8. Di'aii of St I'aul's, KVil. (Tlic actual conferring of the depree sceins doubtful.) (iiLiiville Locturor on History, 1G27. Judge of the Admiialty Court, 1G48. 216 Matrmdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Doriiigtou, Ambr Doryngton, Edw Cath. Dorington, Fra [Triii. — Fra Trill. — John Trill. — John *Kiiig's — ]\rarni *Trin. Dorrington, Eich Trin. Dorington, Rob Peni. — Tho Cath. Doryngton, Will Cath. — Will *King'.s Dorman, Fra Trin. — Simon C. C. Dormar, Mich [King's Dormer, Will — Cla. Dorram, John Jes. Dor.sGtt, John Trin. Dorvill, Ja Cath. Dorville, Fred Dotchin (Dochen), Tho. ... Dotheram, Tho Pet. Doubleday, Fra Em. Doiighton, Art Jes. Doughty, And Cai. — Edw Joh. Dough tye, Edw Sid. Doughty, Hen Em. Doutey, Hen Cla. Dowtie, John Cai. Doughty, John Qu. Doughtio, John Em. Doughty, John Trin. — John Joh. — Nath Era. — Rob — Rob. [Will] Cai. — Rob C. C. — Sam Em. — Tho Joh. — Tho C. C. — Tho Em. — Tho Mag, Dough tie. Will Cai. Doughty, Will [Cai. Doughtie [Trin. Douglaste, Rob Trin. Douglasse, Will Cai. Doulson [Em. Douth(?), Will Trin. Douthwaite, John Trin. Doughtwate, Nich Trin. Dove, Chris Joh. — Edm Trin. — Edw Sid. — Fra C. C. — Hen *Trin. — John Pern. — John [Jes. — John Cla. s M 1571 student 1551] p E 1602 p M 1559 p M 1623 [schol. 1588] p E 1606 s L 1577-8 s L 1578-9 s L 1557-8 M 1565 L 1577-8 c. 1596 E 1574] P P P f-c f-c M 1544 s M 1550 p E 1632 p E 1644 E 1618 E 1639 E 1633 E 1609 M 1564 1618 1640 1651 1578- 1593 1607 M 1634 E 1652 M 1647 f-c E s E s M p E s E f-c E p E sizar s E s E 1> E p M s E P L s M p E p E [p E 1632 [1635] 1637 1588 1623 [1629] 1653 1609 1637] 1570] 1635 1631 1637] 1596 1623 1636 1564-5 1639 1649 1628 1658] 1549 1620-1] 1650 A.B. (Chr.) 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1574-5 A.B. 1555-6; A.M. (*Cath.) 1559; [S.T.B.(*Cai.) 1565 ; S.T.P. 1575 [Migr. to Cai.] A.B. 1627 A.B. (? 1.591-2); A.M. 1595 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. (Cath.) 1573 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.15. (Trin.) 1605-6 A.B. 1647-8 S.T.B. 1616 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) A.M. 1578 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 A.B. 1649 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586; S.T.B. '93 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. 161; A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1597 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660; S.T.P. ' A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1568- A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1661-2 ; A.M. 1665 ; S.T.P. A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 Matriculations^ and Degrees ^taa — 1659 217 Dove, Xevill Sid. — Pliil loh. — Rich C. C. — Rob Mag. — 1{()1. — Sam Eiu. — Sim [C. C. — Tho Chr. 'Tho Pern. — Tho Trin. — Tho Sid. — Tho Qu. — Tho [C. O. — Tho [C. C. — Tho — Tim Em. Will Qu. — Will Cai. — Will Sid. [Em. — [("ath. Dover, .lohn Qu. — Rich Qu. — Rob Qu. — Rob [Qu. — Will Trin. Dovoj, John Dowe, Barjonas ... Em. — Chris Chr. — John Joh. [C. 0. Dowell, John Chr. — Sam [Trin. — Will Qu. Dowle, Nath Cath. Dowly [C. C. 1 )owke, John *Joh. Dowman, Edw Trin. — Era Joh. — Ja Joh. — Mildmay ... Joh. — Rich Joh. — Roger Cai. Downall, Will Pern. Downe, Anth Pem. — Dan. V. Donne — Hen Em. — John *Em. — John Cai. — Mark Qu. — Rich — Tho Joh. — Tho Joh. Downer, Tho Downes, -And — And King's — Chris — Edm V L 1647-8 A.B. 1651; M.L. 1661 )) M 1559 s M 1566 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 [1603 A.B. (Cla.) 1599^1600 ; A.M. (Mag.) ]' c. 1595 A.M. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ^ E 1651 1650] A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 V M 1566 p M 1571 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 [schol. 1605] A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 p E 1609 P M 1618 1623 1652 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.M. 1650 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) s M 1653 A.B. (Joh.) 1654-5; A.M. 1670 V M 1570 )) L 1580-1 [Dowe] p M 1638 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1646 s E 1614] E 1636] 1> b L 1599 1600] A.P.. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 s c. 1593 s c. 1595 s E 1613] L« E 1653] A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 A.B. (*Joh.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592 s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 p E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620; S.T.B. [1627; S.T.P. 1638 s M 1606 1563] [Migr. to Cai. 1608] 1> M 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1656 ]' L 1648-9 s M 1622 p M 1622 f-c 1552] p ]> M 1555 M 1582 A.B. 1559-60 p E 1640 ]) M 1553 1> E 1650 V E 1658 s E 1582 f-c M 1602 s M 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 (Matr. [Ambr.) p E 1631 V M 1586 A.B. (n589-90); A.M. 1593; s E 1603 [S.T.B. 1600 [« E 1629] A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1598 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 s E 1625 A.M. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (*Joh.) 1570-1; A.M. 1574; M 1641 [S.T.B. 1582 A.B. 1534-5; A.M. 1539; S.T.B. LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1600 [(*Trin.)'46 Bibhtjp of Peti'ilion)Ut,'li, 1001. - llegius Professor of Greek, 1585. 218 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Downes, Elkaiiah ... Cai. — Fm Chr. — Fra [Qu. — Geof. Chr. — Geo Joh. — Ja .Joh. — John Chr. — John Joh. — John Trin. — (Downe), .John — John Chr. — Marhis Joh. — Rich Trin. — Rich Joh. — Rob Chr. — Rob Jes. — Rob Chr. — (Ro.) Joh. — Roger Era. — Sam Pet. — Tho Pem. — Tho — Tho Qn. Downham, ' Geo *Chr. Downame, Geo Chr. Downham, Gregory Pem. — John Chr. — Miles Pem. Downeham, Sam Chr. Downham [Chr. Downhill (Doimehalt), Hen. v. Doi Downing, Calibnte ... Em. — Edra Chr. — Em [Trin.H. Downinge, Fra Pem. Downyng, Geo Qu. Downing, Geo Cai. Downinge, John Cla. — Jos Downing, Rich Qu. Downinge, Rob Mag. Downing, Sam Joh. Downinge, Tho Chr. — Will C. C. Dowse, Edw — Hampton ... Joh. — Rich [Em. — Will *Joh. Dowsett, Will Em. Dowsey, Chris Cla. — Geo King's Dowsing, Dan Pem. — John Trin. Dowsinge, John Em. — Phil Trin. Dowsing, Rob C. C. — Sam Em. — Tho Trin. s E 1631 ]) E 1550 f-c M 1644] p E 1554 p U 1564 p E 1579 p E 1551 P M 1568 s c. 1597 f-c E 1633 s E 1628 s E 1616 p E 1626 l^ E 1550 }) E 15.52 V E 1563 p M 1559 f-c L 1618-9 p M 1616 s c. 1595 [s E 1625] p M 1581 V E 1627 P E 1572 P M 1589 s M 1565 p E 1615 s E 1564] p E 1623 s E 1619 schol. 1602] p E 1629 p M 1569 P E 1637 P M 1608 P E 1573 s E 1624 s c. 1595 s E 1603 p E 1556 f-c E 1617 s E 1649] s E 1.5.54 V L 1629-30 s E 1575 s L 1559-60 p E 1656 s E 1575 s E 1606 s E 1577 p E 1611 p M 1648 s E 1623 A.B. 16.33-4; A.M. 1637; S.T.P. [1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1557-8; A.M. (*Joh.) 1561 A.B. 1571-2 A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. 0.xf) A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1561-2; A.M. (*Pet.) 1565 A.P,. (Cath.) 1619-20; A.M. (Joh.) [1623 A.B. (Joh.) (? 1609-10) ; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632, Downe A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588; S.T.B. [1595; S.T.P. 1601 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596; S.T.B. ri603 [(Pet.) 1630; LL.D. 1637 A.B. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf); A.M. A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1631; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. (C. C.) 1577 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1644, *Sid. A.B. (Trin.) 1610-1; A.M. (Qu.) A.B. (Mag.) 1576-7 [1614 A.B. i631-2 A.M. 1616 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1556-7 ; A.M. 1560, Dowset A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582, Dowsing A.B. 1656-7 A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584, Dowsey A.B. 1612-3: A.M. 1616 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 1 Bishop of Deny, IGIG. Matriculations and Degrees 1544- 165. 210 Dowsing, Tho Job. Dowson, Ja Mag. Doycll, Edm f'lir. — Edw Chr. Doyll, I J Qu. Doyle, Rol Doylie, J'.artram ... Chr. Doyly, Chris Chr. — Edw *Toh. Doiley, Era *Kiiig's Doylcy, Hen Cai. — Oliver *King's Doyly, Perigrinc ... [Job. Dovley, Rob [Jes. Doylv, Tho Job. — " Tho [Cai. Doylev, Will Jes. Doyle Trin. Doyly, (sra.)[?Cha.] Chr. — Ijun.) Chr. Doyley [Catb. Dracket, Mark Cai. Drackloy, Hen Em. Dracot, Jasper Chr. — John Job. Drake, Era Chr. YvA Chr. — Era Em. — Era [Job. — John C. C. — John — John [Pet. — John King's — Mich Em. — Mich Mag. — Rich *Pem. — Roger C. C. — Roger Pem. — Sam *Joh. — Tho C. C. — Tho Cai. — Tho Cla. — Tho Trin. — Will Sid. — [Em. Draker, John [Em. Drakys, John Drane, John Qu. Drant, Tho *Job. Draper, Edm C. C. — Geo Pem. — Geo Em. — Hen Trin. — Hen Cai. — Hen Em. — Hen Cai. — John Qu. — John — John Chr. — Jos. (imp.)... Vau. — Josua Em. P P P P P P P P f-c f-c f-c f-c f-c p p [p p f-c s p p p p p f-c M 1627 E 1569 M 1566 M 1566 M 1565 E 1615 E 1637 E 1650 E 1658 E 1632 M 1634 L 1642-3] M 1656] E 1624 L 1636-7] E 1656 E 1608 E 1603 E 1603 1631] M 1576 E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 E 1582 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1638; A.M. 1642; LL.D. [1690 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 (Matr. Doyle) (Matr. Doyle) 1640] 1603 1613 1626-' 1658] M 1568 L 1618-9] L 1623-4 A.B. 1643-4 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. (Mag.) 1571-2 A.M. (C. C.) 1602 1611 1639 1625 1577 E 1625 E 1637 xAl 1566 E 1588 c. 1596 E 1612 E 1635 E 1634' E 1655' E 1582 L 1557-8 E 1613 E 1584 E 1627 L 1580-1 E 1605 E 1624 E 1642 M 1573 E 1653 E 1658 xM 1631 A.B. 1627-8 [1618 A.B. 1614-5, Nath. ; A.M. (*Cath.) A.B. (Job.) 1642-3; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631; S.T.B. [1639; S.T.P. 1660 (Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644; S.T.P. [1662 {Lit. Reg.) [A.B. 1.591-2]; A.M. 1596 A.B. (? 1599-1600); A.M. 1603 A.B. 1615-6 A.B. 1635-6 A.B. 1558-9 [S.T.B. 1569 A.B. 1.560-1, Drailnt; A.M. 1564; A.B. A.B. 1616-7 1587-8: A.M. A.M. 1621 1591 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. (Trin.) 1595-6 A.B. 1656-7 A.B. 1661 2; A.M. 166.^ M.B. 1638 220 Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — ^659 Draper, Rob . Trin. — iRob . *King's Rob . Chr. — Rob . Cai. — Rob . Rem. Tho Tho . Qu. — Tho . Cai. — Tho . Oath. Tho . Cai. AViU . Em. 'Dratsab,' Tho. {imp.) . Gonv.H. Drawer, Rich . Trin.H. Drax, John [Cath. . — Tho . Chr. Drayner, Edm Joh. Edvv . Pern. Edw (?the Tho . King's Drayton, Basil . Joh. Era . C. C. Era C. C. Nath . Qu. Tho . Pem. Will . Cla. Drely, Tho . Trin. Dremar, Rich . Chr. Dresner, Tho . [Jes. Drew, John John . Qu. John . Sid. Drigg, Dririkwatcr Ree. . Pet . Trin. ^ Will . Jes. Drisius, Sara Dryver, Alex . Qu. Driver, Era . Trin. Hugh . Em. John . Em. John Jos . Joh. Nich . Trin.H. Tho . C. C. Dryver, Will . Jes. Dry, Isaac . [Qu. Ralph . Joh. Drydeii, Erasmus . . . Em. Jonat . Em. Jonat . *Trin. John . Trin. Dryland, John . Mag. Drope, John John . Trin. _ Tho Drowtc, Geo . Trin. John . Trin. Druell, Humph . Jes. Druge, Will . [Trin. Drury, Anth . C. C. P E 1557 P L 1563-4 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 P M 1569 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576, *Cai. [P E 1591] [A.B. 1594-5]; A.M. 1598 P E 1609 A.B. 1533-4; A.M.1537; S.T.B.'46 P M 1579 p c. 1594 V E 1641 s E 1642 A.B. 1645-6 s E 1655 A.B. 1658 P E 1556 [Bastard s. of Tho. Alablaster] s E 1549 P 1558] V M 1588 A.B. (? 1.594-5); S.T.B. 1608-9 p E 1659 s E 1603 above) A.B. (Mag.) 1613-4 f-c L 1577-8 s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1628 s E 1651 A.B. (Joh.) 1654-5; A.M. (C. C.) s E 1610 A.B. 1613-4 11658 s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615; S.T.P. p E 1640 [1632 (On King's visit) 13 M 1589 P P E 1573 L 1646-7; A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. (Trin.) 1584-5 s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619, Drue s E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 A.B. (?1604-5); A.M. (Joh.) 1608 p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 s E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Edinb.) V L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2 P E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 P E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 s L 1588-9 A.B. (Cla.) 1.592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. (?) ; A.M. (Cla.) 1605 p M 1627 A.B. (Cai.) 1630-1 [schol. 1605] LL.B. 1609-10 1> M 1580 A.B. 1583-4 s M 1546 s E 1644] s L 1610-1 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 p E 1618 p M 1617 A.?,. 1621-2; A.M. 1625, 'Briden' p L 1656-7 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 p E 1650 A.B. 1653-4 s E 1625 A.B. 1629-30 p M 1561 A.B. 1565-6, Droop KM. 1616 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.M. 1579 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1' M 1567 A.B. (Chr.) 1571-2; A.M. 1575 s M 1567 f-c L 1577-8 p E 1657] p L 1557-8 Bishop of Kilmore, 1603? Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 •221 Dniry, Anth Em. \y c. 1591 Drurye, Chris *King'!s p M 1552 — Dru Eilm.^Ho. p M 1544 Drury, Drue Chr. f-c E 1629 — Drue Mag. p E 1654 Drurye, Ed Edm.Ho. p M 1544 Drewrye, Edm C. C. p M 1564 Drury, Edm Chr. f-c E 1625 — Edw Pet. p M 1555 — Era Job. p c. 1594 Drurye, Hen Chr. f-c E 1554 — Hen *C. C. p M 1559 Drury, Hen C. C. p M 1602 — Hen Trin. s E 1629 — Hen Trin. p E 1637 — Isaac Mag. p E 1657 Drurye, John C. C. p M 1552 Drewrye, John Cai. [f-c E 1590] Drurye, Ro Trin.H. p M 1558 Drury, Rob [Cai. p M 1564] Dnu-ye, Rob Trin.H. p E 1575 — Rob. {imp. 13) C. C. f-c E 1588 Drury, Rob Em. p E 1631 — Rob. {Bart.) Mag. f-c E 1655 Drurye, Roger Trin. p E 1560 Drury, Roger [Cai. f-c M 1605] — Roger Cla. p E 1625 Drewrye, Tho C. C. s M 1545 Drurey, Tho Cai. p M 1564 Drurye, Tho Je.s. p M 1571 Drurie, Tho Mag. s E 1589 Drurye, Tho Em. p c. 1596 Drewry, Tho Qu. p E 1617 — Tho Em. p E 1624 Drury, Tho [Cath. f-c 1632] — Tho Cai. p E 1635 — Tho Cath. p E 1637 Drewry, "Walt Em. p E 1622 Drurye, 'Will Trin.H. s E 1545 Drurey, Will Cai. f-c M 1564 Drewrye, Will Em. s M 1585 Drury, Will Trin. p c. 1592 — Will Em. f-c M 1614 Drewrye, [Will.] C. V. f-c L 1618-9 Drurie, Will (Jath. f-c M 1633 Drury, Will [Chr. p M 1645] Dry wood, Geo *King's p M 1564 — Geo *Trin. p M 1570 — Geo *Trin. p M 1618 — John Trin. p E 1575 — John [King's p M 1579] — John (?thc above) Driwoode, John King's f-c M 1609 Drywood, Will Trin. s M 1570 — Will Trin. p M 1588 Ducane, John Duckberry, John Ducke, John Pet. p M 1565 Duckell, Tho Cla. p E 1579 A.B. 15.56-7 A.B. 1657-8 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567 A.K. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. (Pet.) 1633 4; A.M. 163'i A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 A.B. 1592-3 A.M. 1599 {spec, grace) A.B. 1634 A.B. 1564-5 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1627-8 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1625-6, Drurie ; A.M. 1629 LL.B. 1553; LL.D. 1559 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 [off 1568] A.B. 1573-4 ; A.M. 1577 ; S.T.B.'86 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 M.L. (Trin.) 1587 A.B. (Trin.) 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. (C. C.) 1615-6 A.B. (*Trin.) 1569-70 ; A.M. 1573 ; A.B. 1582-3 [S.T.B. 1584 Regius Trofessor of Civil Law, 1559. •?-?9, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Ducket, Fra Joh. p M 1580 Duckett, Gabr Trin. [schol. 1560] Ducket, iGreg *Trin. p E 1587 — Gyles Cla. s M 1559 — Hen Em. p E 1586 Duckett, Hen Joh. p c. 1596 — John {imf.) Edm. Ho. s M 1544 Ducket, John *Kmg's p M 1583 — John Pet. p M 1583 Duckett, John Trm. p E 1636 Ducket, John [Em. p L 1654-5] — Lionel Joh. p E 1579 — Matth Cai. s E 1608 — Nath Cla. p E 1584 Duckett, Nath Trin. s E 1617 Ducket, "Noah Trin. p M 1568 Duckatt, Paul Trin. p M 1638 Duckett, Pet Trin. s E 1615 — Eich [Chr. s M 1626 — Tho Em. [1603] — Tho Joh. p L 1634-5 Ducket, Tho [Em. f-c E 1651] _ Will Joh. p E 1607 Duckfield, Dan. , Duckfeild, Dan *Cath. p E 1632 Duckfyld, Geo Chr. p E 1562 Duckheld, John *Cath. p M 1642 Duckling, John Cai. « M 1633 Duckworth, Chris Qu. s E 1571 Duckeworte, Chris. ...... Joh. s c. 1594 Duckworth, Hen Joh. s M 1627 — John Joh. s L 1615-6 — Rich Joh. s E 1616 . _ Rob Joh. s L 1615-6 Ducy, John Pem. p M 1659 Dudley, Ambr. v. Warwick, Earl of — Augustine... Em. p E 1627 — Cha Em. p E 1621 _ Edw Chr. p M 1587 _ Edw Chr. f-c E 1617 _ Gamaliel ... [Em. p E 1627] _ John Jes. s E 1566 — Montague... Sid. p M 1620 — ■■^Rob. [Sir)... — Roger Chr. p M 1566 — Sam Em. p E 1626 _ Tho Chr. p M 1587 — Tho Em. p E 1624 — Tobias Jes. p M 1615 — Will Jes. p E 1616 _ Will Fes. s E 1622 — Edm.Ho. p E 1546 _ [Em. f-c E 1636] Duell, Edw Trin. s L 1581-2 Duerdcn, Dan Cath. s E 1640 Duerdain, John Qu. s E 1631 Duerdcn, Matth Duffy Id, John Trin. p E 1565 Duffeild, John Joh. p E 1.582 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. (*Joh.) 1566 A.B. 1590-1, Geo.; A.M. 1594; [S.T.P. 1613 A.B. (?1589-90); A.M. (Cla.) 1593 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1606 A.B. 1587-8 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. A.B. 1638-9 1599 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. (*Jes.) 1586; [ST.B. 1597 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1572-3 A.B. 1642-3 (prev. at Joh.)] [Migr. to Trin.] A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1645-6; A.B. 1636-7; A.B. 1576-7 A.B. 1597-8; A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1619-20; A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1649 A.M. 1640 A.M. 1601 A.M. 1623 A.M. 1623 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1590-1 A.M. 1564 (On Queen's visit) A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1643-4 A.B. 1634 [Durden] A.B. (Trin.) 1634-5 A.B. (*Joh.) 1568-9; A.M. (Pet.) [1572; 8.T.B. 1578-9 1 Librariau, 1594. Earl of Leicester, 1564. Matriculations and Deprees 1544 — 1659 •223 Duffield, John Cai. s Dufteild, Loon Duffelde, Tho Trin. s Dugard, Hen [Em. s — Rich *Sid. s — Rich [Sid. s — Tho Sid. s — Will Sid. s Dugdale, John Jes. s Duisboroiigh v. Disberow Duke, And [Qu. p ^j.^ — Edw. !!!.'!.".'." Chr. f-c — Edw Pem. p — Edw Cai. p — Edw Cath. p — Geo [Cath. f-c — Gilb Chr. p — John Trin. p — John Trin. s — John Cai. p — John Chr. p — John [Em. f-c — Rich [Em. p — Rob — Rob Pem. p — Tho Chr. f-c — Will [Qu. f-c — Joh. f-c Duke.s, Benj Em. s Dukeson, Rich Dukinson, Tho Toh. p Dullingham v. Dillingham Dulraohey, Tho Dumvell, Rob Trin. s Dumville, Rob Dunbabin, Nathan Chr. p Duncalfe, John Joh. p Dunche, Fra Qu. p Dnnch, John Qu. s — John [Chr. f-c Duncombe, Edm *Trin. H. p — Edw Joh. p Duncom, Eliazer Pem. s Duncon, Eleazer Cai. p Duncumbe, Vya Duncombe, Fra *King's p — John Cla. p — John King'.s f-c Duncan, John *Pem. p Duncombe, John *Trin. .s — John DuncomVi, John [Chr. f-c Dunkyn, Pet [?at Qu. Duncam, Pet Cai. [p Duncomb, Roger Trin. p Duncombe, Tho *Pet. p — Tho Cla. f-c Duncomb, Will King's f-c Duncon, Will Joh. s E 1622 A.B. 1625^6 C.L. 1559-60 M 1549 E 1588] E 1606 A. 13. 1609-10; A.M. 1613; S.T.B. E 1649] E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M [1620 . 1633 M 1622 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 E 1627 E 1650] E 1553 A.M. 1610 (Incoiii. fr. Oxf.) M 1585 E 1606 E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 E 1635] E 1553 E 1568 A.B. (C. C.) 1569-70 ; A.M. 1573 M 1581 A.B. (*Era.) 1584-5 ; A.M. 1588; E 1606 A.B. 1608-9 [M. 1. (Cla.) 1598 E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 E 1649 E 1645; A.B. 1557-8 M 1585 E 1559 M 1595] E 1620 (Matr. Tuke) M 1648 A.B. 1652-3 A.B. (Trin.) 1616-7 , A.M. 1620 ; E 1G26 [S.T.B. 1627; S.T.P. 1637 1601 E 1645 E 1634 E 1627 L 1584-5 M 1644] M 1624 M 1580 M 1571 E 1614 E 1633 M 1589 E 1611 M 1620 E 1632 L 1637-8] 15 70| L 1601-2] E 1650 c. 1601 E 1637 M 1609 E 1634 A.M. 1641-2 (On visit of King) A.B. (Cath.) 1607-8, Dumvile A.B. (Cath.) 1611-2; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1647-8, Don boom A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634, Dench A.B. (Joh.) 1587-8, Duntch; A.M. [(Qu.) 1593 ; S.T.B. 1606 LL.B. 1630 [M.D. (Qu.) 1590 A.B. 1574-5 ; A.M. 1578, Dunckon > A.B. 1617-8; A.M. (*Pem.) 1621; [S.T.B. 1628 ; S.T.P. 1633 A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1636; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1623-4 ; A.M. 1627; S.T.B. '34 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1578 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. [1602-3] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 224 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Duncumbe, Will *King's Dune, John Qu. Dun, Dan, Sir ... Duneche, Walt Dunkin, Ja Job. — AVill Trin. Dunmole, Ja Cla. Dunmoll, Rob *Trin. Dunnan, Edm King's Dunne, John Jes. — John Trin. — John Sid. — John Sid. Dunn, John Sid. Dunne, Tho Pern. — Tho Cla. — Will Chr. Dunning, Fra Sid. Duunynge, John King's Dunning, John [Qu. Duunynge, Lane *Trin. Dunning, Lane Sid. — Mich — Rich — Rob *King's Dunscombe, Geo *King',s Dunskam (Dunscomb), Tho. Dunstall, Gamaliel ... Pet. [C'.C. Dun.ster, Hen Em. Dunstor, Hen Mag. Dunton, And Chr. — John C. C. — John King's — John Trin. Dunwell, Rich Pem. Duperier, John Pem. Duporte, H Jes. Daport, iJa *Trin. Duporte, ^John *Jes. Duport, John Jes. — Rich Jes. Duppa, ^Bi-ian — Hen Qu. — Tho Qu. Dupson, Rich Trin. Dupuis, Tolstarus ... [Em. Durand, John (?W Durant, Art Sid. Durrant, John Durant, John Pet. — Nath Jes. — Rich Job. Durrant, Tho Chr. — Tho Pet. Durant, Tho Cai. _ Will Em. E 1648 E 1570 1637 1616 1623 1639 1601 1568 1579 1627 1639 1650 1565 1571 1625] 1623 1575 1659] 1555 1623] p M 1564 p L 1629- E 1651 ; 1544] E 1637 E 1627 E 1565 M 1569 L 1634- [1645] L 1563- M 1650 M 1564 M 1622 M 1564 E 1614 E 1614 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.M. 1604 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) LL.B. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1641-2 A.B. (Cla.) 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. (*Pet.) 1645 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1643-4 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 (? mistake for Lancelot) A.B. 1560-1; A.M. 1564 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 LL.B. 1540-1; LL.D. 1555 B.Can.L. 1554-5 A.P.. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 30 A.B. (1633-4) ; A.M. 1637 A.M. 1587 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1653 A.B. A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1643 1634 (Matr. [John) A.B. 1648-9 p L 1579 p E 1549 s M 1613 p L 1658 ill. Durant) p c. 1601 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 [1637; S.T.P. 1660 {LU. Reg.) A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630; S.T.B. A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573; S.T.P. A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 [1590 A.B. 1617-8 S.T.P. 1641 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 79-80 A.B. 1583-4 E 1612 E 1622 E 1555 E 1602 E 1612 E 1641 c. 1596 9 A.M. fr. Sorbonne, Paris] S.T.B. (Sid.) 1615 A.B. (Chr.) 1607-8; A.M. A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 1611 A.B. (*Trin.) 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1644-5 [1615 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600; ?S.T.B. Regius Professor of Greek, 1639 ; Dean of Peterborough, 1664 ; Master of Magdalene, 1668. Master of Jesus, 1590. Bishop of Chichester, 1638 ; Salisbury, 1641 ; Winchester, 1660. Matricnlati07is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 225 Durden, Dan Pet. — John loh. — John — John [Qu. — Matth Trin. — Ralph Pem. — Will Joh. Durdeyn, Rob C. C. Durham, Fra V\\v. Dnrrham, Will C'ai. Dutton, Geo Pem. — Tho Em. — Will Jes. — ... Kinf;' Dybald, John Trin. Dycans, Will. v. Dickens Dycer, Will Pet. Dye, Oha Mag. Die, Fra Joh. Dye, John — Rob Cla. Dyer, Edw Chr. D'ier, Geo Chr. — Ja Cla. Dyer, Ja Joh. — Ja Pem. — Lewis Em. — Lewis Sid. Dier, Rich King' Dyer, Rich — Sam Jes. — Simon C. C. Dier, Tho Trin. Dyer, Will *King's — Joh. Dier, [Ua.].'.'. ".".!".'.! Chr. Dylcocke, Hen *Chr. Dynsdale, John Joh. Dimsdalo, John C. C. Dynne, Hen C. C. Dyn, Will Qu. Dyrkin, Ja Dyrrycke v. Dethick Dister, Benj Joh. Dyster, John Jes. Dister, AVill. v. Dycer p c. 1593 A.B. (Qu.) 1597-8; A.M. 1601 s M lafJG A.B. (Pet.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600 s E 1631] s E 1631 s M 1578 A.B. 1581-2 s M 1566 A.B. (Pet.) 1569-70 s L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587, Dardon s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 p 1598 s E 1579 A.B. 1581-2 s E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 p M 162G A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1632 (On 's f-c L 1598-9 [King's visit) s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 p M 1639 A.B. 1644-5, Dister s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p c. 1596 A.B. (Trin.) 1605-6; A.M. 1609 s M 1578 f-c E 1611 s M 1582 f-c E 1570 s c. 1595 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 [1654] A.B. 1657 p E 1585 f-c E 1623 [De} er] 's f-c M 1572 A.B. (?atOxf.); A.M.(Trin.) 1650 s M 1646 A.B. 1650-1 [1643] A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1650 p E 1550 's p M 1568 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 p E 1546 A.B. (n591-2); A.M. (Cla.) 1595 f-c c. 1597 p E 1544 A.B. 1544-5; A.M. 1547 p E 1560 [1566] A.B. 1569-70 p E 1554 [Dinn] p L 1579-80 A.B. (Trin.) 1548-9; A.:\I. 1552 p L 1648-9 p E 1552 29 226 Matriculationii and Degrees 1544 — 1659 E Eachard, Echarde, Echard, Eachard, Eade, Ead, Eade, Benj Trin. John Je8. John Pet. John Trin. Mohn *Cath. Laur Trin. Laur Cath. Pet Edm Cai. John Cai. Reynold ... Em. Rob *Cai. — Rob Cai. Eades, Will *Chr. Ealand v. Eland Eales V. also Eles — Tho *Qu. Earbury, Will. v. Erbery Erdley v. also Yardley Eardly, And Eardley Chr. Earie, Chris [C. C. — Edw [Cai. — Erasmus ... Pet. — Geo Cla. Earley, John Cla. Earle, John Pem. — Rich Chr. — W Joh. — Walt Chr. — Will Chr. Earlwin r. Urlin Earton, John Cai. Easdall, Will Easday, Hen Pet. Eaesington, John Trin. Eason, Edw Em. — John C. C. — John Em. — Sam Em. East V. also Est — Nich [Qu. — Nich Sid. — Tho Cai. — Tho [Sid. — [Chr. Easterby, John Mag. — John Sid. Estrop, Reuben Chi'. Easton, Will E 1G20 M 1556 L 1597-8 E 1607 L 1653-4 p L 1625-6 p M 1659 p L 1615-6 s E 1565 s M 1652 p M 1627 E 1658 E 1657 A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660; S.T.P. [1676 {Lit. Reg:) A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. (Trin.) 1573-4 A.B. 1618-9 ; A.M. 1622 ; 8.T.B.'32 [Eide] A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1635; M.L. [1637; M.D. 1641-2 {Lit. Reg.\ A.B. 1661-2 ; A.M. (*Trin. H.) 1665 A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M. 1664, Eede [s E 1616] A.B. 1620-1 A.M. 1624; S.T.B. [1631 {Lit. Reg. A.B. (Jes.) 1619-20 f-c e. 1597 1640' p E 1649 p E 1609 p M 1587 s 1601 A.B. 1605-6 p M 1641 f-c E 1625 s E 1586 f-c M 1658 f-c E 1618 p E 1622 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1614; LL.D. 162(: p M 1638 p E 1603 f-c e. 1597 p M 1598 p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 [s E 1636] A.B. 1639-40 p M 1627] p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 p M 1575 p E 1628] schol. 1556-7 p E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 [s E 1621] A.B. 1624-5 p M 1615 A.B. 1617-8, Easthorpe; A.M. '21 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1641-2 1 Master of bt Cathai-ine's, 1675. Matriculations ami Degrees 1544 — 1659 •227 Eastwick, Nich *Chr. — Westerne ... [Qu. Eaton, (Jenricke ... J oh. — Dav Trill. — Hen Trill. — John Qu. — John Trill. — John Trill. — Joiiat ?]in. Eton (Ilcton), Martin ... Eaton, Matth *Peni. — [Nath.] Trill. — Keg Cai. — Rich C'la. Eton, Rob Pern. Eaton, Rob Chr. — Sam Mag. — Simon Trin. — Tho Cla. Eton, Tho Qu. Eaton, Tho Cla. Eton, Tho Eaton, Will Trin. — [C. C. Ebboots, John Pet. Ebden, Geo Trin. — John — Rob Cla. — Tho Cai. Ebdon, Rob Trin. Eburnc, John Mag. Eccleshall, Jos Em. Eccleston, John Chr. — Rob Sid. — Tlio [King's Eckersall, Ja Joh. Eckarsall, Pet Em. Ecopp, Geo Chr. Eddey, Will Trin. Ede, W Joh. Eden c. also Iden — Alexius Chr. — Cha Pet. — Hen Mag. — John [Qu. — John Em. — John Em. — John [Qu. — John [Qu. — Rich Trin.H. — Rob Qu. — Tho Trin.H. — Tho Jes. — 'Tho *Trin.n. — Will [Em. — Will Qu. — Will Em. — [King's Ederman, Era 1602 1613 : ir)64 1641 1656 1580 1628 1659 1633 A. B. 1605-6, Estwicke ; A.M. 1609 ; alias Weaver] A.B. 1583-4 A.B. 1632-3 [S.T.B. 1616 A.M. 1587 A.B. 1633-4 A.M. 1581 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 1657 1629 1577-8 (Matr. Aeton) 1566 1545 1646 1620-1 1632 1573 1584 1613 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 1633 1569] 1592 1576 1565 1580-1 1571 1580 1650 1629 1632 1564-5] 1577-8 1584 1624 1579 1563-4 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1635-6; A.M. fPet.) 1639 A.B. 1543-4 A.B. 1568-9 A.B. 1583-4 A.B. 1653-4 A.M. (*Pet.) 1547; [S.T.P. 1564 A.B. (Mag.) 1635-6; A.:\r. 1639 A.B. 1588-9 A.B. 1627-8 A.B. (Trin. A.M. 1593 A.M. 1637 H.) 1582-3 A.M. [(Trin.) 1586 E 1651 L 1618-9 E 1659 E 1611] E 1624 M 1624 E 1635] E 1635] L 1557-8 E 1610 E 1551 M 1587 [schol. 15961 p E 1590] s M 1619 p M 1633 s L 1576-7] A.B. 1621-2 ; A.M. (*Triii.H.)1625 A.B. 1662-3 LL.B. 1600; LL.l). 1614 A.B. 1624 C.L. 1562 1 Master of Triuity Hull, 1G2G; M.P. for Uuiversity, 162S, 1640. 228 Matrkulatic Edes, Hen Qu. — John Job. — John Cath. Edesburie, Fra Mag. Edgar, Benj Joh. — Ezechicl ... Em. — Ezechiel ... Em. — Era Fra Em. Edgare, Hen Cai. Edgar, Hen [Cbr. — Nich C. C. — Phil [Triu. — Tho — Tho Chr. — Tho [C. C. Edge, Gyles Joh. — Mich Cla. — Tho Chr. — [c.c. Edgecumbe, Jos [Em. Edgcoombe, Pearsc Joh. Edgecombe, Rob Sid. — Will King'; Edge worth, Edw Joh. Edgely, Geo Trin. Sam Cla. Edgly, Tho Jes. Edgscomb, Rich Joh. Edling, Chris Trin. Edlin, Phil Em. — Sam *Mag. — Will Sid. Edmonds, And Pern. Edmunds, Anth Chr. Edmonds, Edw Pern. Edmunds, Eleazcr Trin. Edmonds, Gideon Trin. — Hen Joh. Edmondes, Hen *King' Edmonds, John Pet. Edmondes, Pet Cai. Edmouds, Sydracke ... Trin. Edmunds, Tho Pem. — Tho Trin. — Will Cai. Edmonds, Zachary Trin. Edmondes Chr. Edmunds [Trin. Edmundson, Chris [Em. Edmondson, Rob Joh. — Tho Mag. Edridges, John Trin. Edringham [Chr. Edsaw, John Qu. Edward, Tho Joh. Edwards, And — Earth [Pet. — Clem C. C. — Dav Qu. — Dav Qu. IS a tid Degi •ees 1544—1659 V E 1646 S.T.P. 1669 {Lit. Reg.) V E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 E 1647 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 1> E 1658 s c. 1594 s c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 P L 1637-8 A.B. 1641-2 A.B. (Pet.) 1601-2 s M 1608 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 s M 1564 A.B. (Trin.) 1569-70 f-c 1647] V E 1610 V E 1653] (no A.B.) ; A.M. 1566 V M 1572 1611] V E 1567 a E 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 a M 1645 1544' E 1646" P f-c E 1626 V E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 V M 1547 s E 1595 A.B. 1599-1600 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 \v E 1651] A.B. 1654; A.M. 1659 V E 1565 f-c E 1627 [1656, Edelin V ]\r 1648 A.B. 1652-3, Edelen ; A.M. (*Sid.) W E 1614] A.B.1617-8 ; A.M. 1621 ; S.T.B.'28 V E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 P E 1656 A.B. 1659; A.M. 1663 s L 1582-3 s E 1649 A.B. 1652-3 s s L 1582-3 E 1625 s E 1618 ]:> M 1583 1> L 1626-7 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 P E 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 1> E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 s E 1604 A.B. (Sid.) 1609-10 P L 1588-9 A.B. (Joh.) 1592-3; A.M. (Pem.) P E 1650 [1596 p E 1610 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 s M 1615 P E 1544 student, 1548 ; I fr. Chr.] }3 E 1632] s M 1610 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1620 p M 1629 • P E 1609 1^ in 1564] P E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 s E 1575 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1658-9 p M 1643] s ]M 1616 A.B. 1619 p c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1 p M 1631 Matricidatioiis and Degrees 1544 — 1659 *220 Edwards, Edin *C. C. s E 1544 A.E. 1544-5; AM. 154!) — Edw C'hr. p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 — Edw Joh. p M 1650 — Era Qu. s E 1583 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 — Ceo -Jes. p ]\[ 1564 — Geo Em. p M 1633 — Gyles {imp.) Triii. p E 1549 — Hen Pom. s E1623 A.B. 1626-7 ; A.M. 1631 (/.i7. /ie^/.) — Hugh Jes. s E 1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 — Hugh Oath. p M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 — Israel Qu. p E 1604 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 — ■ Ja Pet. f-c E 1650 — Jasper Cla. p E 1637 — John King's p L 1582-3 — John CO. s L 1584-5 — John Em. p c. 1593 — John Pem. p ]\I 1606 A.B. 1610-1; A.I\r. 1614 — John Joh. f-c M 1649 [1668; 8.T.P. 1699 — John *Joh. s L 1653-4 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661; S.T.B. — John Em. p M 1657 A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M. 1665 ; LL.D. '83 — John *King's p E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 — Morris Qu. s M 1587 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1595 — Morris Oath. p E 1605 — Nath [C. C. 1606] — Nich. {imp.)*Q. C. s M 1560 A.B. 1566-7, *Cai. 1569 — Nich *King^s p L 1563-4 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 — Nich Qu. s E 1632 — Owen Trin.H. s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 — llaphael ... Cai. [s E 1604] A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1613 Pvich Pet. p E 1575 — Rich Chr. s c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8 — Rich Chr. s M 1607 A.B. 1614-5 — Rich Joh. p E 1620 — Rich Cai. p E 1626 — Rich Clir. s E 1634 A.B. 1637; A.M. 1641 Rich Em. p E 1634 A.B. 1637; A.M. 1641 — Rich King's p E 1648 — Rich Joh. p E 1648 — Rob Em. p c. 1596 A.B. 1601-2 — Rob A.B. (Chr.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 Rob (A.M. (Joh.) 1611; ^mistake for Chr. above) — Rob Jes. s L 1637-8 A.B. 1641-2 — Rob Cla. s E 1639 — Rob *Joh. s E 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 — Tho *Trin.H. [1559] LL.B. 1.562 — Tho Qu. s E 1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 — Tho. ('sc'/t.') Trin. s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 — Tho. {'jun.') Trin. s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 — Tho Joh. p E 1613 — Tho Sid. s M 1614 — Tho Qu. p M 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 — Tho *Qu. p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642; LL.D. — Tho Trin. s E 1637 [1660 {Lit. Ilea.) — Tho [Pet. p E 1653] — Tuder Je.s. p M 1575 — Will, {imp.) Trin. p E 1549 — Will King's p M 15.52 — Will Joh. p L 1557-8 — Will Trin. [schol. 1571] A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 Edwardes, Will Pet. p c. 1593 Edwards, Will Qu. p c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8 230 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Edwai-des, Will Triii. .s Edwards, Will Triu. s Will Em. p — Will Em. s — Will — [C. C. Edwyne Pem. p Edyll, Anth — Eicli *Pem. Edy.sbm-y, Jo« [Pem. Eflford, John Jes. p — Nich Jes. p — Tho Pet. p Egar, Will Cai. s Egbastian, Tho Trin.H. p Egerton, Pet Pet. f-c Edgerton, Phil Jes. f-c Egerton, Steph — Tho Pet. p — Tim Pet. p Egles, Tho Trin. s Eglesfeild, John Eglesfield, Sam [Em. p Egleston, Pet Trin. s — Will *Trin. p Eglisfyld, Chris Cla. f-c Eglyonbye, Barth Cla. s — Edm. {imp.) Mich. Ho. p Eglonby, Edw [Qu. p Eglionby, Geo. v. Aglionlay Eglyonbye, Tho. {i7rip^.. Mich. Ho. p Eillett, Tho C. C. p Eisteade, Eich Mag. p Ekkersall, Elias Em. s Ekius, Alex *Trin. p — Edw Sid. s — John Joh. s — John Em. p — John *Trin. — Laur Trin. s — Rob Cla. p — Rob Trin. p Ekles, Tho Elame, Edw Joh. p Elam, Geo — Rob Trin. s Eland, Brian Joh. p — Edm Mag. p — Gabr Pem. p — Marm Joh. p Elboron, Hen Joh. s Elborough, Jerem Joh. p Elborowe, John Toh. s Elborough, Rob Em. p Elborrough, Roger Joh. s Elborough, Will Joh. s — Will Elbrow, Tho Joh. s Elburne, Rob Qu. s Elcocke, Anth Chr. p Elcock, Era Joh. p M 160!) A.B. 1612-3; AM. 1616 M 1622 A.B. 1625-6 M 1623 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 L 1625-6 A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxt ) 1558] M 1548 [1557, Ithell A.B. 1553-4 (Idell in ordo) ; A.M. A.B. 1546-7 (Idle in ordo) ; A.M. 1652] [1549; S.T.L . 1556 E 1569 E 1569 M 1586 M 1625 A.B. 1629-30, Egger; A.M. 1633 E 1624 A.B. 1628, Edgbaston ; A.M . 1633 M 1602 M 1589 A.B. (*Pet.) 1575-6; A.M. 1579 M 1564 E 1563 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 M 1582 A.M. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf ) L 1625-6' c. 1596 M 1582 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 E 1569 M 1546 M 1546 [At Trin. 1551] M 1600] M 1546 [At Trin. 1551] E 1627 M 1585 c. 1596 A.B. 1603-4 E 1646 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 E 1622 E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 [1653] A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 M 1651 A..B. 1654-5 E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 E 1656 A.B. 1658-9 A.B. (Joh.) 1586-7 E 1572 [S.T.B. 1596 (Eland in ordo) A.B. (*Jes.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588 ; M 1581 A.B. (Pem.) 1584-5 E 1563 E 1626 A.B. 1629; A.M. 1633 L 1585-6 E 1571 E 1611 A.B. 1614-5, Elborough ; A.M. M 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 [1618 E 1606 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 M 1652 A.B. 1655; A.M. 1659 E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 c. 1593 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 A.B. (Joh.) 1615-6 E 1639 A.B. 1642-3, Elborough M 1569 M 1567 A.B. l.")71-2; A.M. 1575 E 1613 Matrimtlations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 231 Elcocke, Fra J oh. Elcoke, Geo Job. Elcock, John J oh. — Rich Elcocko, Rob Joh. — Seth Joh. Eldcrkar, Rob Trin. Eldorson, Clem Cla. Eldcrton, Tho. v. Elrinf^ton — Will Cai. Eldington, John v. Elrington Eldrod, John Em. — John [Pet. — John Cai. — John ("ath. — .los [Trin. — Martin Cla. — Sam. {imp.) Trin. — Sam Trin. — Tho Jes. Eldrington r. Elrington Ek's, Luke Era. Eeles, Nath Em. Eloiulen, Tho Elford, Hugh Cla. — Hugh Sid. — John — John Toh. Elgar, Edm C. C. — Tho Chr. Elliam, John Em. Eelvnge, Rob Trin. Eling, Tho C. C. Elkyn, Geo Tes. Elkin, John Joh. Elkyji, Rich Joh. Elkinton, Tho Pet. Ellakaj, Edw Cai. Ellecar, Fra Trin. Elarkar Joh. EUerker [Cath. Ellerton, John Qu. EUe.sley, Chris Joh. Ellet r. Elliott Elletson, John Trin. Ellington, Tho Pet. — ^ [Pem. EUiott, Benj Eliot, Cha Cla. Elyott, Geo *King's Eliot, Edw Chr. Ellyott, Edw Joh. Eliot, Ja King'.s Elliott, Ja [C. C. — Ja [King's Eliot, John Joh. — John King's Eliott, John Ie.s. Elliot, John Ie.s. Eliott, Joshua ]) E 1621 1^ M 1565 ]\I 1622 A.B. (Chr.) 1626-7 A.B. (*Joh.) 1609; A.M. 1612 V E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.:\r. 1640 (Matr. H E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1644 [Alc(xk) V M 1566 p E 1569 p M 1.562 [Elryngton] [E 1607] A.B. 1610-1 f-c M 1621" 1' M 1646 f'^ E 1659' E 1658' A.B. 1662-3 A.B. 1661-2 p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 ; A.M. (Je.s.) 1638 s M 1657 s M 1658 A.B. 1660-1 p E 1572 A.B. 1575-6 s M 1649 M.B. 1654 ; M.D. 1661 (Lit. Req.) p M 1633 A.B. 1636-7 A.B. (C. C.) 1575-6 p M 1579 p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.M. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1620 p M 1569 A.B. 1574-5 11 E 1621 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1624-5; A.M. 1628 p M 1619 p E 1578 A.B. 1582-3, Eling; A.M. 1586 .s c. 1597 p M 1552 ]) c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4 p M 1587 A.B. 1590-1 ; A.M. 1594 p M 1580 ]> M 1584 A.B. 1587-8, Ellerker p E 1584 p E 1544 f-c E 1646 s E 1577 A.B. 1580-1; A.M 1584 s E 1581 s M 1584 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 b E 1658j 1657] A.B. (Em.) 1661-2 S.T.B. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1625 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1632 p M 1587 A.B. (n591-2); A.M. 1595 p M 1582 A.B. (Cath.) 1584-5 ('s in p M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 [ordo) [p M 1602' A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1606 1> E 1636 p E 1637] E 1567 (?.same as above) .s M 1608 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 1) L 1618- -9 A.B. 1622 .s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 A.M. 1616 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 232 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Elliott, Orlando,... A.B. (Mag.) 1631-2; A.M. 1635; [M.L. 1639 Pet A.B. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 Phil .. King's P E 1637 Elliot, [Rich.] .... .. Em.^ s c. 1592 Eliot, Roger .. Chr. p E 1575 A.B. 1578-9, Eliot; A.M. 1582 Elyott, Thirstan . .. Sid. s L 1637-8 [(Matr. Hellot) Eliot, Tho .. King's f-c E 1572 Elliott, Tho .. Chr. f-c M 1589 Ellyott, Tho .. [Em. s E 1619] Eliote, Tho . . Jes. s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Eliot, Walt .. Joh. s E 1578 [Ellet) Elliot, Walt .. [Em. s L 1620-1 ] A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 (Matr. Elliott, Will .. Cath. p E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. f*Joh.) 1047 Elliot, Will .. Jes. M 1651 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 Ellis, Augustus . .. Joh. p E 1559 Ellys, Earth .. C. C. s E 1588 Ellis, Edm .. Joh. p E 1611 — Edm .. Chr. p E 1622 — Edin A.M. 1632 (Incorix fr. Oxf.) — Edw ".". Chr. p M 1562 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. (*Joh.) 1569 — Edvv .. Cai. p E 1606 A.B. 1608-9 — Edw .. Joh. s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. 1626 ; S.T.B.'33 — Edw .. Cai. p E 1647 — Era .. Pet. c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 — Geo .. Trin. p M 1615 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 (Matr. — Geo .. Cla. p M 1617 A.B. 1620-1 [Elwis) — Geo .. [Chr. p E 1625] Ellys, Gilb .. Pet. s M 1565 Ellis, Griffith .... .. Joh. s E 1641 Ellys, Hen .. Cai. p M 1560 Ellis, Hen .. Trin. s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6, Ellice Elys, Hugh .. [Cai. f-c M 1560] Ellys, Ja .. Qu. s M 1554 A.B. 1557-8 ; A.M. 1501 ; LL.D.'08 John .. Pet. s M 1554 Ellis, John .. [Cla. .. [King's schol. 15621 Ellys, John s E 1564] Elles, John . Joh. p M 1581 Ellys, John .. Joh. s E 1586 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 Ellis, John . Joh. s M 1618 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. 1626 — John .. Joh. s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30 ; A.M. (*Cath.) 1633 — John .*Cath. p 1630 A.B. 1634; A.M. 1638 — John . Chr. p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 — John . [Cath. f-c 1637] — John .. Cath. s E 1647 — iJohn ..*Cai. s L 1647-8 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 — John . Joh. s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9; ?*Cla. 1662 Ellys, Lancelot . . Cla. s E 1570 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1581 Ellis, Lion . Joh. p M 1606 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 — Pet . Cath. p E 1647 A.B. 1649-50 — Rich . Trin. s c. 1595 — Rich A.B. (Mag.) 1608-9 — Rob .'. Chr. p E 1625 A.B. 1629-30, AUis; A.M. 1634 — Rob . [Joh. p E 1652] — Rob . Chr. p E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 — Roger . Cla. s M 1579 Ellys, Rolph .... A.B. (Joh.) 1592-3 Rowland . ." Chr. p M 1581 A.B. 1584-5 Master of (ionville and Cains, 1703. Matricnlationii and Derjrees 1544 — '659 233 Ellis, Sam Qu. Ellys, Tho Jes. Ellis, Tho Chr. Ellys, Tho Chr. Ellis, Tho Trin. — Tho Chr. — Tho [Chr. — Tho Sid. — Tho Cath. — Tho Jes. — Tho [Em. — Tobias Trin. — Walt Pet. Ellys, Will Qu. — Will Joh. Elys, Will Jes. Ellys, Will — Will Ellis, Will Pet. — Will Joh. — Will King's — i[Will.] Chr. — Will Qu. — Will *Cai. — Will Cath. — {jun.) Chr. Ellison V. also Allison Elyson, Anth Chr. Ellison, Cuthbert ... Joh. — Dav Joh. — John Joh. — Sam Joh. — Theoph Cai. — Tho Joh. — Will Joh. — Will Joh. — Will [.Joh. Elliston, Edw Chr. — John C. C. Ellistone, John Em. Ellotson, John Pem. Ellistone, Matth Em. Ell wall, Tho Cla. Ell wood, John Sid. — Will Trin. Elly, John *King's Elmer v. also Ailmer — Leventhorpe Joh. — Sam Chr. Elmes, Edw [Cai. — John King's — Lewis Qn. Ehns, Tho [Chr. Elmes, Will [Em. Elmstone, Tho Em. Elmore, John Joh. Elmot, Mich. v. Emont Elm.sall, Tho Trin. Elmy, Edw [Qu. s M 1629 A.B. 1633-4 p E 1545 V E 1562 P E 1586 V E 1589 f-c E 1620 P E 1623] A.B. (Mag.) 1626-7; A.M. 1630 s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 s M 1638 f-c L 1645-6 f-c E 1647] s E 1651 A.B. 1655-6 V E 1639 A.B. (Em.) 1639-40; A.M 1643, s E 1548 [*Pet 1644 s M 1554 s M 1555 A.B. (Joh.) 1572-3 [S.T.B 1598 A.B. (Mag.) 1587-8; A.M. 1591 ; s M 1598 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 p p M 1601 E 1618 1> E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 V E 1627 P E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1636 f-c M 1638 p E 1623 s M1545 A.B. 1549-50, *Joh. V E 1654 A.B. 1657-8 s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 s E 1652 A.B. 1655-6 1> E 1655 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 }' E 1625 A.B. 1628-9 s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1667 s E 1604 A.B. 1607-8 p E 1652 x> L 1658-9' s M 1584 A.B. 1590-1 p )> E 1616 E 1642 A.B. 1619 [1658] A.B. 1661-2, Elletson p M1642 s M 1644 s L 1648-9 p E 1615 p M 1641 A.B. 1645-6, Ellis ]) E 1616 p E 1616 M.B. (Jes.) 1626,. Ailmer ; M.D. p M 1573] [1631 p M 1556 f-c M 1559 f-c M 1641' E 1646' p p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 s E 1656 A.B. 1659-60 1> E 1586 s U 1604] Justice C. P., 16' 3. 30 234 Matricidations and Decpres 1544 — 1659 Elmy, Tho Em. p — Will Em. [p Elphicke, Geo Chr. p Elrington, Edvv Trin. p Eldrington, Edw [Cai. p Elrington, Edw Trin. s — John Trin. IT. p — Tlio *Chr. p — Will. V. Elderton Eldrington, Tho [Cai. p Elsam, John Jes. p Elsby, Sam [Pet. s — [C.C. Else, Tho Em. p Elsham, John Elsing, Hen Cai. p Elsmero, Ja Cai. [s Elsworth, John Job. p Eltanie, John Jes. s Elston, John Elton, Anth Trin. p — Edw Chr. p — John Mag. s — Rich [Chr. p — Tho Eltherington, Geo. v. Ethei'ington Eltheridge, John v. Etheridge Eltonheade, John Chr. s Eltonhead, Will Joh. p Eltye, Eoger Trin. s Elvasse, Gervase Joh. p Elven, John Qu. p Elvered, John C. C. s Elvin, Isaac Sid. p Elvye, Sam Cai. p Elvyne, John Cla. s Elvyn, Tho C. C. s — Tho *Cai. [p Elwaes, Tho Joh. p Elwald, Will [Sid. p Elwes, Hen Trin. p — Ja [Trin. _p — Jeremy [Trin. f-c El wyn, Edw *C. C. p Elwin, Pet Em. p Elwis, Silvins Trin. [schol. — Tho Trin. s Elwood, Geo Sid. s — Hen Qu. s — John Sid. s — Matth Trin. s — Sam Joh. s — Tho Qu. p — Tho Joh. p — W Joh. p Elye, Anth Chr. p Eley, Benj Jes. s Elie, Chris Joh. s Elcj', Hen Pern. p Ely, John v. Hely — John (imp.) Qu. p E 1031 E 1625] E 1653 E 1586 :\I 1600] E 1617 L 1618- E 1.566 M 1600] E 1640 E 1627; 1576] E 1640 c. 1.595 E 1585] E 1577 M 1587 E 1576 M 1585 E 1605 E 1581] M 1602 M 1632 E 1615 E 1573 E 1573 E 1619 E 1615 E 1623 E 1569 E 1576 L 1617-8] c. 1590 M 1635] M 1629 E 1650] E 1649] L 1579-80 E 1642 1596] M 1631 E 1654 E 1588 L 1648-9 M 1611 E 1635 E 1587 M 1588 E 1567 M 1547 E 1617 E 1575 E 1617 M 1657 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 - A.B. 1628-9 ('Elinge' in gr.)i' A.B. 1656-7 (Matr. Uphicke) 9 A.B. 1621; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1574 (Matr. [Elderton) A.B. (Em.) 1643-4 Alesby] A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1649 A.B. (Mag.) 1603-4 A.B. 1588-9 [Elmesmore] A.B. (Joh.) 1570-1 [(Mag.) 159! A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592; S.T.B A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. (Pet.) 1608-9 A.B. 1605-6 A.B. 1622-3, Elured ; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1618-9 A.B. 1572-3, Elwyn A.B. 1578-9, Elwyn A.B. 1620-1, Elwyn; A.M. 162C [Scholar, Trin. 1590] A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1635-6 (Matr. Ellis) A.B. (*Cla.) 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1614-5 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 Matrlcidatloiis and Degrees 144- <^59 •235 7, Nath Joh. /e, Rob *Pem. — Sam C'la. '•lly, Sam Em. — Steph King't — Tho Cai. Eley, Tho Rlag. Emanuel [C. C. Embersoi), Laur C. C. Embliiig, Will C. C. Emliiig, Will [Joh. Emerson, Alex, {imp.) Sid. — Chris Joh. — Chris Joh. — Geof. *King'.'' — John Em. — Ralph Jes. — Tho Joh. — Tho [Qu. Emrye, Rich Joh. lEmerye, Rob Pet. ^mere, Tho Joh. Emery, W Chr. Ernes, Dan Joh. '^myley, Hen Trin. Emily, Hen Trin. Emley, And Trin. Emod, Alex Joh. Emont, John — Mich Emot, John Joh. Emmot, Lam- Joh. Emount, Rich Qu. Empringham, John [Qu. Empson, Edw Cath. — Fra Em. Emraud, Hugh v. Everard Endeard, Jos [Trin. Enderby, Rich Trin. Endersbye, Geo Sid. P'ndon, Laur [Joh. Entield, Rich Cla. Engham, Edw *Qu. — Edw Qu. Engeham, Rowland ... Cla. Engham, Tho C. C. England, Chris Chr. English, Fra C. C. — Hen Em. — John — John Pern. — Nich Cai. — Rob Englishe, Symon Joh. English, Symond Em. — Tho Em. Ennewe, Hen [Em. Ennewes, P]dm Jes. Enowcs, John Sid. Fusing, Dav *Em. Enstablc [C. C. p c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 ]) L 1582-3 A.E. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 s c. 1592 s E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 s E 1651 A.R. 1654-5 s E 1605 A.B. 1608-9 p M 1632 f-c 1548] 1> E 1583 [Emmerson] s M 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628, Emlyn s 1» L E 1654-5 1658 ] p E 1546 A.B. 1548-9 p E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 V E 1544 A.B. 1544-5; A.M. 1548 s M 1629 s M 1584 A.B. 1585-6 p M 1566 p L 1644-51 s M 1639 [Emery] p E 1568 A.B. 1571-2 p M 1569 p E 1587 T> E 1582 s M 1572 16451 A.B. 1648, Aemilie A.M. 1651 1> M 1645 s E 1566 A.B. (King's) 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. (King's) 1603-4 ; A.M. 1607, s M 1567 [Emott s E 1654 [Eniot] s M 1581 A.B. 1585-6, Emot A.M. 1589 p E 1603] p E 1635 p E 1647 s E 1651] p E 1610 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 1> E 1604 p M 1637 ; lom Oxf.] p E 1584 p M 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 f-c E 1587 f-c c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1 ]> E 1659 A.B. 1662-3 V E 1567 A.B. 1571-2 s E 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1655 f-c M 1637 A.M. 1617 (1 ncorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1648 p E 1609 A.B. 1612-3 A.B. (Mag.) 1570-1 ; A.M. 1575 1' M 1560 A.B. 1564-5 ; A.M. .568, Inglish p p I> E E 1604 1641 1654] 1» L 1563-4 A.B. (Pern.) 1 568-9 p \i 1606 A.B. 1609-10 \y E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 f-c 1569] 236 Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Ente, Geo Sid. p E 1624 A.B. 1627; A.^[. 1631 Entense [C. C. 1578] Entwisle, Edw Mag. p E 1639 Entwistlc, John Mag. p M 1642 A.B. 1645-6 Entwisell, Jos Trin. s M 1581 A.B. (Mag.) 1584-5, EiitwhiHtle Eps, Allen Em. p c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8 — [f'ath. ]) 1641] Ep])es, Will Em. p c. 1593 Erastus, Ban Cath. p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 (Matr. 'Brastiis') Erbeiy, Will A.B. (Qu.) 1624 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; Erby, Anth Em. f-c E 1620 [A.M. 1626 — Edw Em. f-c E 1620 Erdiswick, Rich [Cai. f-c L 1608-9] Erdnam, Rich Jes. s E 1548 Erfeild, Tho Trhi. f-c E 1615 Ericke, Ja Joh. s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Erick, Tho Chr. s E 1645 A.B. 1647-8 Erles, Tho Qu. s E 1616 Erlwin, Marmadukc Pern. p L 1656-7 Erne, John [King's s 1551-2] Erneshy, Griftyn Trin. p M 1584 Erncstius Joachim (^ ffares Norwegioe) A.M. 1619 Errington, Rich Chr. s E 1650 (]\Iatr. Orrington) Ersby, John Joh. p c. 1592 Ersbye, Rich Trin. p E 1562 Ersey, Hen [Em. p E 1645] Erskine v. also Arskine — John (son of Earl of Mar) A.M. 1638 Erswell, Rob Qu. s c. 1.596 EscosccCO, W Joh. p L 1563-4 Escott, Dan A.M. 1615 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Estcot, Dan A.M. 1659 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Esdall, Baldwin ...*Pem. s E 1560 A.B. 1562-3, Esdale ; A.M. 1566 ; [S.T.B. 1573 Esday, Hen Pet. [p E 1638] A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1646 Eshe, Chris Trin. s E 1575 Esh, Edm Trin. s M 1 658 Eshe, John Trin. s E 1618 — W Trin. s M 1575 Eson, Sam Em. s E 1636 Esquire, Will Trin.H. s E 1647 Essex, Edw King's p M 1572 — Rob [King's p 1573] — Rob., ii'ar^ o/ Trin. f-c E 1579 A.M. 1581 — Scipio King's p M 1572 — Tho Jes. s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 — Will King's p M 1572 Est, Era Chr. s L 1581-2 (?East) — Simon Qu. s L 1581-2 Este, Tho Joh. s E 1549 — Tho Qu. s M 15.56 — Will. (m/;. 11 a?m.) Cai. s E 1559 Esteourt, Edm [Sid. s E 1627] Estcy, Beuj Em. p M 1615 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — Geo *Cai. [p L 1576-7] A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 ; S.T.B. '91 — John [Cai. s E 1649] Estman, John Jes. p M 1578 Estoffe, Chris Mag. p M 1567 — John Joh. p E 1569 [Aligr. to Cai. 1571; Estofte] Estoft, John Sid. f-c E 1656 A.B. 1657-8 1 So described iu the (jiace. Matrlcalations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 237 Estoft, Tho Joh. — Tho C. C. Estofte, W Joh. Eston, Edrn Em. — Hen Chr. — John Cla. — John Cai. — John Sid. — Nich Peni. — Tho Chi. Ivstrop, Ruben i\ Easthorpe Mstwickc V. also Eaxtwick lOstvvick, John Em. — Rich Qii. I"'theridge, John *Qu. l"]thryngton, Ambrose ... Mag. ICthrington, Chris Sid. Etherington, (!co Trin. Ethrington, Geo Joh. Etherington, Geo Em. — Lewis [Qu. Ethrington, Nich Em. Etherington, Pet Cai. — Rich Em. — Rich Em. Ethrington, Ricli Joh. Etherington, Rob Joh. — Will Em. — Will Trin. Ethrington, Will Joh. Etkins, Rich ]*]ton V. Eaton Etoney, Geo Qu. Euggen, Edw Joh. Eulstone, John Joh. Eure, Era Euridge, Rich [Sid. Eurie, Tho Mag. Evans, Adam Joh. Evance, Art Chr. Evans, Bezaleel Joh. Evance, Dan Sid. Evans, Dav Joh. Evance, Dav Jes. Evans, Edm Evance, Edw Joh. Evens, Edw Jes. Evans, Eyton Joh. — Geo Jes. — Hen Joh. Evance, Hugh Mag. Evans, John Joh. — ]\[ich Joh. — Mich (?the — Morrice Joh. — Owen Joh. Evance, Rich Evans, Rich Pet. — »Rol) ^ Dean of Baugor, E 1555 E 1617 L 1563-4 ('. 1596 E 1570 E 1580 M 1613 E 1641 i\r 1586 E 1581 E 1652] E 1580 E 1609] M 1545 E 1647 M 1588 M 1607 M 1612 E 1658] E 1639 M 1578 M 1612 M 1632 E 1640 E 1582 E 1604 E 1634 E 1640 s E 1631 p M 1570 p E 1565 E 1613] E 1625 c. 1590 E 1567 E 1631 M 1629 M 1552 M 1623 s M 1571 s E 1629 p M 1627 s L 1648-9 s M 1579 8 M 1565 s M 1562 p E 1624 above) s E 1616 s E 1603 p E 1604 1531; Master of A.B. 1600-1, Eson; A.M. 1604, [*Sid. [S.T.B. 1629 A.B. 1617-8 ; A.M. (*C. C.) 1621 ; A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1655-6 [1616; S.T.B. 1623 A.B. 1612-3, Elthcridge; A.M. A.B. (*Trin.) 1550-1 ; A.M. 1554; [S.T.]]. 1562, Hetherington ; A.B. 1650-1 [S.T.P. 1583 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1581-2 [A.M. 1590 A.B.(Trin.) 1586-7, Hetherington ; A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1637-8 A.B. 1643-4 S.T.B. 1609 (Incorp. fr. 0.\f.) A.B. 1634-5 (Matr. 'Stonoy') A.M. 1583 {fil. nob.) A.B. (Qu.) 1571-2, Evans A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1555-6; A.M. 1.5.59 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630, Evans A.B. (Cath.) 1605-6 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1649-50: A.M. 1653; S.T.P. A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 [1665 A.M. (Joh.) 1642 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; [S.T.B. 1642 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. (Joh.) 1680-1 (LL.B. Oxf.); S.T.B. (.^[ag.) 1544 Magdaleue, 1542. Atatricidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Evance, Eob — Rob King'ci Evans, Rob Joh. — Rowland ... Joh. Evance, Sam Evans, Tho Pem. — Tho [Qu. — Tho [Tnn.H. — Tho Joh. — Tho Joh. Evance, Tho Joh. Evans, Tho Joh. Evance, Tho Cath. Evans, Tho Em. Evance, W Joh. — Will Joh. Evans, Will Joh. — [C. C. Evart, Tho Cla. Evaston, Will Mag. Evat, Anth Cla. — [Evit], Rich C. C. — Rob Jes. Eve, Hen Cai. — Tho Qu. Eveley, John Eveleigh, John Jes. — Rich Cai. Evelin, Geo Em. — Geo Qu. — Tho Cath. — Will Em. Evelyn, John Em. Eveling, John Em. Evenson, Tho Trin. Ever, Will Joh. Everard, And Joh. — Anth Jes. Everarde, Hen Joh. Everard, Hugh ('Hen.') Jes. — Hugh *Cath. — Humph. ... Joh. Evererde, John Jes. Everard, John — John Em. — John Qu. — John Pem. — John [Cath. — Jos Trin. — Matth Cai. Evererd, Nich Trin. Everard, Nich Qu. — Ralph Joh. — Rich Tcs. — Rich Sid. — Rich Pem. — Rich [Cath. Everarde, Siniond Toh. Evcrede, Tho Mag. Everard, Tho Trin. — Valentine ... Trin. s E 1618 p E 1633 s M 1612 schol. l.->81-2 1587-8] 1601] 1608 1618 1631 1636 1640 1657 1583 1586 1626 1556] 1612 1636 1618 1583 1569 1634 1624 1640 1606 1593 1652 1636 1621] 1606 1615 1626 1579 1611 1575 1545 1585 1651 1570 1547 E 1628] E 1637 M 1642 E 1659] E 1651 M 1576 E 1570 I\I 1571 E 1631 E 1617 E 1629 L 1634-; 1659] E 1614 M 1547 [1654] E 1606 A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) LL.B. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588, Evanc [S.T.B. 162 A.B. (C. C.) 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1643-4 ; A.M. (*Mag.) 1647 A.B. 1658-9 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1634 (Matr. Ebaston) A.B. 1620-1 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589, 'Erot [S.T.B. 1.5! A.B. (Cla.) 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.M. 1585 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1609-10, Evilygh ; A.M. 16 A.B. 1596-7 A.B. 1652 A.B. 1624; A.M. (Trin.) 1628 x\.B. 1618-9 A.B. 1631 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618; S.T [1631-2 {Lit. Re] A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 A.B. 1654; A.M. 1658 A.B. (Pet.) 1571-2 [S.T.P. Kt) A.B. (Cla.) 1600-1; A.M. 16( A.B. 1631; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 Matricidationsi (md Decfrees 1544- 16; 239 J<]verii.t, l-']verdall, Evercd, Everard, Evered, Everenden, Everndon, Everet, Everfyldc, Everill, Evering, p]vorit, Everitt, Everod, Everot, '59 Evers, )^ _ Eversoll, Eversden, Eversfeild, Eversfylde, p]ver.sfield, Everfiold, Eversfyld, Evershead, Every, Eves, EvinG^;nn, Evyngton, Ewlianke, Ewbank, Ewbanke, Eubank, Eiibancke, Eubanks, Ewle, Ewell, Ewells, Ewen, Ewer, Owyn Jcs. Tho .Te«. Tho Trill. John Trin. Ralph Chr. Tho Cla. Valentine... Qu. Will [Trin.H. Will Cai. Humph. ... Em. John Jes. Rob [Em. Hugh Pem. John V. Eversfylde Edw. ('Edm.') Sid. Edw Pet. John C. C. Will Qu. Tho Em. Tho *King'.s Rich C. C. Humph. ... Chr. Cha [Qu. Edw Qu. Hen Joh. Ralph (»»^j Joh. 10 ann.)\ Tho [Chr. Will Hen Chr. Anth Cla. John C. C. Nich Trin. Rich Em. Tho Cla. John [Chr. Hen [Chr. John Chr. Geo Pem. Tho Cai. Era Trin. John Pem. John Qu. Maur [Qu. Rich Pem. Rob Chr. Era Trin. Geo Trin.H. Hen Joh. John Sid. Mich Sid. Rob Joh. Will John [Cath. Hen C. C. Rob C. C. Sam [Jes. Era [Em. Rich Em. Hen Qu. John Em. p M 1572 p p M 1572 E 1586 p E 1560 p E 1577 s M 1572 A.B. 1575-6, Evera ■A f-c L 1578- 9 A. P.. 1581-2, Evoro •d schol. 1596; .s E 1632 s E 1603 p L 1653- -4 M.P.. 1659 E 1630 .s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2 p E 1650 A.B. 1653-4 s M 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 p p E 1604 L 1577- -8 s c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1, Evered; A.M. 1604 p M 1639 A.B. 1642-3 s M 1578 A.B. 1582-3, Everet p E 1559 f-c M 1591' f-c c. 1592 .s E 1576 f-c M 1568 p E 1627 Ewens] A.B. (Em.) 1603-4 (in ordo) p E 1622 A.B. 1624-5 p M 1581 A.B. 158.3-4; A.M. 1587 s M 1548 [Everfold] f-c c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9 f-c M 1641 f-c M 1571 p E 1647] E 1646' f-c p M 1648 p M 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 s E 1609 A.B. 1611-2, Ives p E 1637 A.B. 1641-2 p M 1609 A.B. (Sid.) 1612-3 p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 f^c E 1632 p E 1625 s s M 1571 E 1612 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 s E 1654 A.B. 1656-7 (Matr. Orbanke) p p E 1639 E 1617 p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 p E 1617 A.B. (Trin.) 1595-6 ; A.M. 1602, stud ent 1558' [Ubankes p M 1626 A.B. 1629-30 [1587" A.B. 1.590-1, Evill A.M. 1594; p E 1634 [?S.T.] .. 1599, Evall s p E 1657' M 1633 p E 1632 p E 1620 240 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Ewer, John [Qu. — Jos Trin. — Roger Ewre [Ewer], Will Joh. Ewin, Jos Mag. Ewsden, Laur [King's Exelbj', Miles Exam, John v. Ixem Exley V. also Oxley — Hugh [Em. Exton, Brian C. C. — John Chr. — John Qii. — 'Tho *Trin.H. Eyes, John Chr. Eyre v. also Ayre Eyer, Edw — Gervase Qn. Eyre, ^Qyjgg y_ Ayre — Hen *Joh. — [Eyres] John Cath. — Rich Cla. — Rich [Trin. — Rob [Trin. — Tho Em. — Tho Joh. — Tho [Trin. — Will [Chr. [C-C. — [Sid. Eyres, Dan Em. — Dan [Cath. — Nath Joh. Eyers, Rob Qn. Eyres, Will *Em. Eyton, Dan [Trin. — Hen Trin. s M 1650] s E 1618 1^ E 1636 V E 1654 s 1595] p E 1589] r E 1572 V E 1617 p E 1640 p E 1647 p E 1646 f-c M 156f: M 1638 E 1637 c. 1590 E 1656] E 1656] E 1641 E 1650 1656] 1642] 1583] 1599] A.B. (C. C.) 1621-2 A.M. 1597 (Tncorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1657-8 ; A.M. 1661 ; M.L. '62 A.B. (Trin.) 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1619-20; A.M. [1623; LL.D. 1634 LL.B. 1652; LL.D. 1662 [Migr. to Joh.] A.B. (?); A.M. (Joh.) 1612 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645; M.D. A.B. 1640-1 [1658 A.B. 1643-4 (Matr. Eyoe) s E 1615 A.B. (Mag.) 1618-9; A.M. 1622 p E 1636] s E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654, Eyre s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5, Eyre; A.M. 1634 s c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599, Aiers ; p E 1641] A.B. (Cla.) 1644-5 [S.T.B. 1606 [s E 1654] A.B. 1657-8 F Faber, Fabian, Facer, Facon, Facy, Fage, Phage, John Em. John Trin. John Pem. Tho Joh. Tho *Cla. Clem King's Rob *Trin. Humph. ... Cai. Anth Mag. Fra Pet. M 1623 L 1581-2 M 1618 c. 1601 E 1631 M 1601 E 1607 L 1615-6 L 1598-9 E 1584 A.B. 1626 A.B. 1581-2 A.B. 1621-2: 1625 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638; M.L. '48 A.]]. (Cla.) 1605-6 A.B. 1610-1 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 [Migr. to Em.] Master of Trinity Hall, 167G: M.P. for Uiiivprsity, 1679, KiSl. 1685 Dean of Chichester, 1549. Matriculations aiul Degrees 1544 — 1659 •241 s E 1621 A.B. l(J23-4; A.M. 1(J27 A.B. (Chr.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 Fage, Rob Cath. — Tho Fagge, Edw Joli. Fagg, John Pern. Fagiiis, Paul Trin. Fairbarn, John King's Fairebavne, Will Mag. Fairbeard, Rob [Em. Fairebrass, Hen Job. Fayerbrother, Will *King's Fairchild, John Em. Fairclough, Edw Qu. Faireclough, Fra Joh. Faircloth, Ja Joh. Fayrecloth, John *Cai. Fairclough, Nath Em. Fayercloth, Rich Fairecloth, Rich *Em. — Sam Qu. — Sam Em. Fayrefax, Art Qu. Fairfax, Brian Trin. Farfax, Cha Cla. Fairfax, Chris [Trin. — Edw [Cai. Farfax, Edw Cla. Fairfax, Gabriel [Cai. — Geo Chr. Farfax, Geo *Tiin. Fairefax, Hen Trui. Fairfax, Hen *Trin. — Isaac Cla. Fairefaxe, John *C. C. Ferfex, Mark Trin. Fairfax, Nath C. C. — Peregrine ... Fayrefaxe, Tho Pem. Fairefax, Tho Qu. — iTho Qu. Farfax, Tho Qu. — Tho Cai. Fairfax, Tho — Tho *C. C. — 2 Tho. {Sir)... [Joh. — Tho Trin. Fayerfaxe, Will Cai. Farefax, Will Jes. Fairfax, ^will Trin. — 3 Will Qu. — Will Joh. Fairlye, Will Chr. Falconer v. Fawkner Falder, John Qu. — Tho Qu. Faldo, Cha King's First Lord Fairfax of Cameron, 1627. ^ Third Lord Fairfax of Ciiineroii, 1618. ^ Some uucertaiiity as to the respective degrees. }' M 1576 A.B. 1579-80 ; A.M. 1583 [Phage f-c M 1617 p E 1550 s E 1623 p 1» E 1657 L 1658-9] A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 p M 1568 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 p E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637; LL.lX [1660 {Lit. Reg.) s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 p c. ^11591 A.B. 1597-8 (Matr. Fartlow) V E 1621 [M.L. 1658 f-c M 1654 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. (*Cai.) 1658; P E 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658; M.D. [1661 {Lit. Reg.) [P E 1641] A.B. 1644; A.M. 1648 A.M. 1581 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) P E 1637 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 s E 1608 A.B. 1615 'Fetloe'] P E 1644 A.B. 1646-7 ; A.M. 1650, *Cai. '50 p E 1615 p E 1648 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 p E 1584 E 1640] A.M. (Trin. H.) 1641-2 (On King's p M 1580 Isame as next] [visit) f-c L 1580-1 f-c M 1579] p M 1553 p M 1583 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 p L 1578-9 p M 1602 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 p M 1650 s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 p M 1611 s E 1655 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. (Trin.) 1618-9 p M 1551 s L 1557-8 A.B. 1560-1; A.M. 1564; S.T.B. f-c E 1577~^ [(*Cath.) 1574-5 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 p M 1587 f-c c. 1591 [Charles) A.B. 1612-3 (On visit of Prince s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 f-c c. 162B] A.M. 1647 p E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 f-c E 1576 s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1622 p E 1616 A.B. (Joh.) 1620-1; A.M. 1624; [S.T.P. 1631-2 (On King's vi.sit) A.B. (Cla.) 1619-20 1> M 1616 s E 1625 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1633 s c. 1593 [s L 1624-5 ] A.B. 1629-30 s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 p M 1624 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 16.30 31 242 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Faldoe, Dav Trin. s M 1571 Faldowe, Fra Oath. p E 1631 Faldoe, John *Trin. s c. 1 596 — John King's s M 1615 Faldo, Osbert Qu. s M 1631 Faldoe, Rob Trin. s E 1575 — Rob Pem. p M 1583 — Tho Pem. p E 1623 Fawldo, Will Qu. s E 1546 Faldoe, Will *King's p c. 1 590 Faldo, Will Chr. p E 1624 Fale, Ja Cai. p E 1619 — John C. C. p E 1584 Fayle, John Cai. p E 1644 Fale, Theod [C. C. ^ 1609] . — Tho Cai. s Falkenbridge, Hen. v. Fauconbridge Falkes, Tho Cla. p Falkingham, Art. Chr. s — John Fall, Mich Trin. s — Tho Joh. s — [Cath. s Fallowfield, Hen *Joh. s — Rob Qu. s Fallowfylde, Tho Joh. p Falowfyld, Tho Joh. p Falsam, Rich. v. Foulsam Falthrope, Tho Pet. s Fancotes, Tho Era. p Fane, Anth Em. f-c — iFra Qu. f-c — Fra — Fra [Em. f-c — Geo Qu. f-c — Geo Em. f-c — Hen. ( E 1639 p M 1561 s c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9 f-c E 1604 s E 1649] p E 1608 p E 1629 1 Far ren] s E 1625 A.B. 1627-8 p c. 1594 A.B. (n596-7); A.M. 1600 s E 1652 A.B. 1655-6 p M 1567 A.B. 1570-1 p M 1628 E 1558 s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626; S.T.B. '3 p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9 p E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 1> M 1648 p L 1647-8' s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 s s E 1631 E 1624 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30, Faseck I> E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p M 1566 f-o M 1657 [Fownes] p E 1609 p E 1572 A.B. (C. C.) 1575-6 s E 1586 [Foacot] s E 1606] s M 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1619 s M 1635 A.B. 1639-40 p M 1645 A.B. 1649 p E 1550 p M 1570 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 s E 1658 A.B. 1662 s M 1568 Matricvlatiovs and Degrees 1544 — 1659 245 Fawcet, Geo C'hr. — Geo Em. Faucet, John *Joh. Fawcet, John Joh. — John Joh. — John Joh. — John Fawcett, John Chr. — John Joh. — Miles Gonv. H. — Rich Faucet, Rich *Joh. — Rich Joh. Fawcett, Rich Joh. — Rich Joh. Faucet, Rob Joh. Fawcet, Rob Fawcett, Rob Pern. Faucet, Rob Pern. Fawcet, Roger Cla. Fawcett, Sam Fawcet, Tho Joh. Fawcett, Tho Cai. — Tho C. C. Faucitt, Tim Joh. Faukingham v. Falkingham Fawconbridge, Chris Chr. Falkenbridge, Hen *Trin. H. Fawke [Triu. Fawkner, Dan Chr. — Geo Trin. Falconer, Gervase Trin. Faulkener, Hen Qu. Falconer, Isaac Chr. Fawlkner, John Joh. Fawconer, John C. C. Fauckner, John Trin. Faulconer, John Jes. Fawkeuer, Maur Mag. Fawkner, Rob Chr. Falconar, Will Falkner, Will Cath. Fawcus, Hen Chr. — John Chr. Fawden, John Pet. — Nich Trin. — Tho Fawde.s, Tho Pern. Fawdon, Gerard Chr. Fawether, Ja Em. — Josias Joh. Fawkes, Edw Nich.H. Faux, Edw Chr. — Hen Chr. Faulkes, Tho Pet. Fawlke, John Cla. Fawnes, Will Pet. Fayle v. Fale Fayr, Rob [*Pet. V M 1583 s E 1610 1^ M 1565 V M 1571 p M 1578 s E 1583 [« M 1624] p M 1649 s M 1554 p M 1560 V c. 1593 E 1631 a M 1639 s M 1576 p E 1632 s M 1641 s E 1587 s M 1584 [« E 1589] p M 1625 s E 1624 V E 1612 V E 1652 E 1645] P M 1615 s E 1631 s E 1628 s E 1606 p E 1632 p M 1544 s M 1572 p E 1606 p E 1635 s M 1561 s E 1606 s E 1649 s M 1573 s E 1579 s M 1581 p E 1572 V M 1561 s c. 1592 p E 1585 p M 1580 s M 1548 s E 1617 s E 1572 s E 1623 ]) E 1583 s E 1551 A.B. (Joh.) 1587-8 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617; S.T.B. [1626 (Matr. Fasset) A.B. 1568-9, Fawcett; A.M. 1572 ; [S.T.B. 1579 A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. 1586 ; S.T.B. '93 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. (Joh.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631, Fassett A.B. 1653-4 [S.T.B. 1549; S.T.P. 1554 A.B. (*Joh.) 1536-7; A.M. 1540; A.B. 1563-4 ; A.M. 1567 ; S.T.B. '74 A.B. 1597-8 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. 1631 ( Oxf.); A.M. [(Pem.) 1631 A.B. 1646 A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Cath.) 1588-9 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1597 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632; S.T.B. [1640 (Matr. Fassett) LL.B. 1658, Fauconberg; LL.D. [1665 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 (Matr. A.B. (Qu.) 1634-5 [Falconer) A.B. 1631-2 ; A.M. 1635, Fawkner (Matr. Fautherner) A.B. 1635-6; A.M. (Mag.) 1639 [1614, Fawken) A.B. 1610-1, Faulcon; (?A.M. A.B. (Trin.) 1638-9 [S.T.B. 1575 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. (*Joh.) 1568; A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Aberdeen) A.B. (*Pet.) 1652-3; A.M. 1656; [S.T.B. 1680 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. (Cla.) 1575-6 A.B. (*Joh.) 1537-8; A.M. 1541; [S.T.B. 1549 A.IJ. 1588- A.M. 1592 A.B. 1620-1 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 1566] 246 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Fayrhar, John Feabure, Ja. v. Le Febure Feke (Feake), Chris Em. Feake, Hen Em. — Tho Em. — Tho Trin. Fealke, Sam Em. Feasor, Roger Trin. Fee, Isaac C. C. Feefer, Will [Trin. Feeler, John Chr. — Rob Chr. Feild V. Field Feldham, Will Pet. f^ell, Ed Chr. — Edw Joh. — Geo Pern. — Geo Chr. — John Mag. — John Pern. — Spencer C. C. — Tho Trin. — Will Pern. Fellowe, Edw Qu. Felowe, John Trin. Felstead, Rich [Em. Felsted, Sam Cai. - — Tho Joh. Feltham, Will Pet. Felton, Anth Qu. — Geo Chr. _ Hen Trin. — [John] Em. — John *Cai. — iNich Qu. — Nich Pem. — Nich *Pem. — Rich Chr. — Rob *Pem. — Tho C. C. — Tim Trin. — Will Pem. Feltwell, Rob Cai. Femers, Will Mag. Feney, Giles Trin. Fenay, John v. Fenny — Tho Sid. Fenby, Will Joh. Fenbye, Will Joh. Fenby, Will [C. C. Fenhouse, Deliverance. Qu. Fenne, Giles Joh. — [Hen.] Sid. Fen, Humph. ... Qu. Fenne, John C. C. — John Qu. Fenn, Nich Jes. — Rich [Em. f-c E 1628 L 1584-5 L 1584-5 E 1589 E 1631 c. 1594 M 1580 M 1642] M 1615 M 1615 E.Can.L. 1554-5 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. (Cai.) 1588-9 [Adm. at Cai. 1587] A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1632-3, Feake; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1597-8, Feyzor [schol. 1651 1547 1657 1588-9 1655 1588 1620 1620 •1571] 1623 1615 1557-8 1620] 1646 1605 1650-1] 1570 1559 1607 1596 1648 1577 A.B. A.B. 1592-3 ; A.M. A.M. 1664 1596 A.B. 1593-4 A.B. 1623-4 A.B. 1623-4; A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1627-8; A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1627 A.B. A.B. A.B. 1649-50 1608-9; 1654 A.M. A.M. A.M. 1631 1622 1612 (Matr. [Phelstead) f-c E 1610 E 1634 M 1581 M 1608 E 1602 M 1657 M 1641 M 1626 M 1586 E 1571 E 1625 E 1605 E 1606 1648] E 1625] M 1548 M 1608 M 1568 E 1640 L 1653-4 L 1557-8 E 1646] A.B. 1651-2 ; A. M. 1655 ; S.T.B. '62 A.B. (*Pem.) 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584; [S.T.B. 1591 ; S.T.P. 1602 A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1612-3 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. (?1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1608-9 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1572-3; A.B. 1642-3 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. (Pet.) 1576 A.M. 1658 1 Master of Pembroke, 1616 ; Bishop of Bristol, 1617 ; Ely, 1619. Matricidations and Deyrees 1544 — 1659 247 Fenn, Rob Fenne, Rob Trin. Fenn, Simon Jes. — Steph Cai. Fen, The *King's — Tho Cla. Fenne, Will Em. Fenn, AVill Cai. Fennell, Geo [Job. — John Cla. — Rob Cla. Fenner, Dudley Pet. — Edw Job. — Nich Pet. — Tho Pern. 13 «««.)} ^^^• — Will *Pem. Fennet, John Joh. Fennie, Geo Joh. Fenny, John Joh. Penning, Jeremy Em. Fennynge, John Cai. Fennymore v. Finnimore Fennis, John . Trin. Fenour, And Joh. Fenton, Anth Joh. — Cha Pet. — Hen Jes. — Hen Pern. — Ja Jes. — John Pet. — John Em. — John Cai. — John Cath. — Jos — Mattathias .. [Pern.] — Matth Jes. — Ralph [Jes. — Roger *Pem. — Tho Cath. — Will Chr. ^— [C. C. Fentyman, John Mag. Fen wick, Earth Cai. — Claud Cath. — Fred [Cath. — Geo Qu. Fennick, John *Chr. Fennwicke, John Trin. Fenwicke, John Cath. — John Trin. Fenwick, Lancelot ... Chr. Fenwicke, Martin Chr. Fenwick, Rob Joh. Fenwicke, Tho Pet. — Will Trin. — Will Chr. Fenye?, Roger Joh. Fenys, Ja [Em. Ferents, Tho. {Colonel) V V f-c s f-c s [p p p p p f-c f-c p p 1637 1582-; 164C) 1595 1635 1610 1646 E 1640] E 1579 M 1569 E 1575 c. 1593 E 1578 E 1627 M 1576 1612 1588 1640 1593 1610 A.B. (Trin.) 1600-1 ; A.M. (King's) [1605 A.B. 1649 [A.B. 1599]; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1613 A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. (King's) 1586 A.B. 1630 1 A.B. 1615-6 ; A.M. 1619 ; S.T.B. '27 A.B. 1596- s M 1567 (Matr. Josias) c. 1593 M 1622 E 1625 L 1582- M 1568 E 1606 E 1650 M 1568 E 1608 E 1634 E 1655 L 1563- E 1646; M 1585 E 1644 M 1556 1569] M 1656 M 1621 L 1634- 1633] E 1619 M 1617 E 1628 E 1644 E 1647] E 1640 E 1614 M 1658 L 1582- M 1609 E 1633 M 1559 E 1622] A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1637-8 A.B. (Jes.) 1617 A.B. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) t fr. Oxf.] [1602; S.T.P. 1613 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592; S.T.B. A.B. (Jes.) 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. 1561-2 ; A.M. (*Pem.) 1567 ; [S.T.B. 1576 A.B. 1660-1 . A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1621-2 ; A.M. 1625 ; S.T.B. '39 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654 3 A.B. 1587-8 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) 248 Matriculatioiis and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Ferian v. Ferrin Ferill, Tadd Mag. s M 1562 Fermary v. Farmery Ferment, John Trim p E 1589 Fermer, Will Trim p M 1642 Fernam, Humph, v. Farnham Feme, Geo Trin. [schol. 1608] — iHen *Trim p E 1620 — John Joh. p E 1572 Fernely, Edm Joh. s E 1626 — Geo Trin. p E 1616 Ferneley, John Joh. s M 1578 Fernely, Jos Cla. s E 1617 Ferneside, Ja Ferniside, John Em. s c. 1596 Fernesley, Sam [Cai. L 1561-2] Fernslay, Will, {imp.) Joh. s E 1545 Ferniers, S [CO. 1544] Feron, Rob Joh. s E 1572 Ferrand v. also Farrand — Sam *Mag. p L 1648-9 Ferrant, Edm Jes. f-c M 1615 Ferrar, Abr Trin. s E 1571 — Nich — Rich Oath. s E 1650 — Will Cla. p E 1607 Ferrer, Hen Chr. p E 1637 — John [C. C. 1645] — Rich C. C. p E 1631 — Tho Joh. p E 1555 Ferrers, Lord v. Essex, Earl of Ferrin, Nath C. C. p E 1613 Ferrour, John C. C. [? Farrow, 1590] — John Ferryan, Rich Cla. s E 1 580 Ferye, Rob Joh. p E 1571 Feryman, Tho Qu. p E 1566 Fetham, Tho Joh. p M 1608 Fetherstone, Chris Fetherston, Will Trin. p E 1610 Fetherstonhalgh, John ... Mag. f-c E 1617 Fethyon, Gilb. v. Phitheon Fetuplace, Edm Fetyplace, Era Pet. s M 1544 Fettiplace, Tho Pet. p E 1618 Feverell, Barnard ... Pem. s M 1608 Feveryeare, John Cai. s E 1631 Fewyll, Chris, v. Fowle Fewell, Laur [Trin. 1642] Fewyllams, John v. Llewellyn Feyney, Nich Trin. p M 1560 Fiddis, Chris Joh. s E 1607 Fiddys, Tho Qu. s E 1637 Fidlynge, Rich Joh. s M 1567 Fidoe, Anth Trin. s M 1658 — John Trin. [s M 164.5] Field, Anth Jes. s M 1579 Feild, Edm Em. f-c E 1637 [Gallus] A.B. 1646-7 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626; S.T.B. [1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) ; S.T.P. 1641 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1619; A.M. 1623 A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2 A.B. 1596-7 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. (*Cla.) 1609-10; A.M. 1613 [Farrer] [Ferrour] A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1614-5, Ferian; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1593-4 A.B. (Chr.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587, Ferryhan A.B. 1568-9 A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1619 A.M. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) M.L. 1650; M.D. 1663 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645; S.T.B. [1660-1 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 Master of Trinity, Bishop of Chester, 1662. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 249 Fyld, Edw ('. C. s M 1571 Feild, Geo Trin. s E 1578 A.B. 1582-3 — Hen *Chr. [A.B. fr. Oxf.] A.M. 1645 Field, John *Pem. p E 1587 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1594 Feilde, John Trin. p E 1613 Field, John Trin. s M 1617 A.B. 1620-1 Feild, Playford ... Pern. p M 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 Feeld, Rowland ... Trin. p E 1608 [S.T.B. 1605; S.T.P. 1611 Feild, iTheoph Em. s ci^592" A.B. (*Pem.) 1595-6; A.M. 1599; — Tho C. C. s E1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 (Matr. — Will Mag. s M 1646 [Fild) Feilde A.B. (Chr.) 1608-9 (in ordo) Feild A.M. (Trin.) 1613 (in orc;o,mowl.) Fielden, Geo [G. C. 1658] Fylden, Rob Joh, s E 1586 Fyldyn, Will Joh. p E 1551 Feildhowse, Ja Mag. s M 1635 — Will A.B. (Mag.) 1637-8 Fylding, Basil King's f-c L 1581-2 Feilding('Felden'), ^Basil Qu. f-c E 1621 A.M. 1622 {Jil. nob.) Feildinge, Edw Qu. p M 1606 Feilding, Eustace Trin. s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 Fyldynge, Fawsten ... Joh. p M 1551 Fyldinge, Ferd Gonv. H. p M 1555 Fylding, Mich King's f-c L 1581-2 Feilding, Phil Joh. s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 Fielding, Rich Qu. s M 1619 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Feilding, Rich A.M. 1641-2 (On King's visit) Feildinge, Rob Qu. [s E 1627] A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 — Roger Qu. p M 1606 Feilden, Roger Trin. IL p M 1609 LL.B. 1616 Feilding, Will [Qu. f-c E 1603; '?same as next] Fielding, 3 will A.M. 1627 Feilding, Will Toh. p E 1640 Filbecke, Roger Trin. s L 1580-1 Filbie, John C. C. p L 1615-6 A.B. 1618-9 (Matr. Phillbye) Filden, Sam Mag. s E 1633 Filoll, John [Em. p E 1600] Filmere, Edw Cai. f-c M 1582 Filmer, Hen Qu. p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 — Rich Joh. p E 1620 — Rob Cai. p M 1586 — Rob Trin. p E 1604 — (?) loh. p E 1604 Filmore, Edw Trin. p E 1606 [Filmer] Fynche, And Trin. p M 1575 Finch, Chris Jes. p M 1559 A.B. 1566-7 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1571 Fynche, Edw King's p M 1581 Finch, Edw Em. p E 1631 A.B. 1634 — Edw S.T.B. 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) — Fra Trin. p E 1612 A.B. 1615-6 — f>a A.M. 1629 (Jll. nob.) Fynche, Geo Joh. p M 1544 — Hen Jes. p E 1548 Finch, Hen Chr. p E 1572 A.B. 1575-6 — Hen Trin. a E 1576 A.B. 1579-80 Fynche, Hen Trin. p M 1580 Finch, Hen Cla. [p M 1652] A.B. 1652 — Heneage ... Trin. f-c c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6 1 Bishop of Llaiidaff, 1619; St David's, 1C)'27; Hereford, IfiHo. 2 Second Earl of Denbigh. » First Earl of Denbigh. 32 250 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Fynche, John Pern. s M 1569 — John Trin. p E 1577 Fynch, John Pem. p E 1584 Finch, John Em. f-c c. 1594 — John Jes.(?) p c. 1595 — iJohn Em. p c. a596> — John Em. s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 — John [Qu. f-c E 1644] [1660 (rfo. fr. Padua ?) — John Chr. p E1647 A.B. 1647 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; M.D. — Lam- Qu. [s M 1624] A.B. 1628-9 — Martin [Trin. schol. L 1645-6] Fynche, Ralph Mag. p M 1567 Fiuche, Rich Trin. s E 1577 A.B. 1581-2 — Rich C. C. [1591] A.B. (?1594-5); A.M. 1598 Fynche, Rolph Qu. p E 1549 Finche, Tho Cla. f-c E 1578 Finch, Tho Pem. p E 1584 Fynch, Tho Trin. f-c c. 1592 Finche, Tho Mag. p E 1614 Fynche, Will Jes. p L 1557-8 — W Trin. s M 1571 Finch, Will Chr. p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Fynche, Wulfr Chr. s E 1576 Finch [C. C. 1.578] — (? Martin above) A.B. 1646-7 (in ordo) Fincham, Rich Qu. p L 1615-6 — Rob Pem. p L 1623-4 — Tho Pem. f-c E 1620 — Will Chr. s M 1629 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 Fincker, Rich Em. p E 1647 A.B. 1650, Fincher Fynckle, Tho Joh. p E 1567 Fines, Cha Chr. p E 1624 Fienes, Hen Em. p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9 (Matr. Find) Fines, ^Ja Qu. f-c E 1618"; Finnes, John [Pet. s E 1659] Fynes, Ralph Cla. p M 1565 Fines, Rob Trin. p E 1639 Fienes, Theoph [Em. f-c L 1632-3] — Will [Em. f-c L 1632-3] Fynes [Em. f-c 1625] Fineux, John A.B. (Trin.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600 — Tho C. C. p E 1587 Finett, John A.M. 1612-3 (On visit of Prince Finnett, Tho Joh. p c. 1591 [Charles) Fingley, John Cai. s M 1573 Finit, Will Em. f-c E 1641 Finlow, Reginald ... Jes. p E 1646 A.B. (Cla.) 1649-50, Findlow — Tho [Jes. p E 1646] Finnemore, Elias Mag. p M 1583 A.B. 1586-7 Fynnimore, Will Trin. p E 1570 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 (Matr. Finne, Tho Em. s E 1612 A.B. 1614-5 [Fenymoure) Fynney, W Pet. s M 1560 Fynnye, W Joh. p E 1584 Firbancke, Rob *Trin. s M 1551 A.B. 1553-4; A.M. 1557 Firman, Edw Em. s M 1615 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621, Firmin — Rob Em. p L 1623-4 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 Firmin, Giles Em, p M 1629 Fermyn, John Pem. s M 1579 Firmin, John Cla. s E 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 1 Baron Finch of Fordwicb, 1640; Ch. Justice, C.P., 1635. 2 Viscount Saye and Sele, 1662. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 251 Firm in Firsell, Firth, Feirth, Firth, Fish, Fy.she, Fishe, Fish, Fishe, Fish, Fysh, Fish, Fyshe, Fisli, Fishe, Fisher, Fysher, Fisher, Fyssher Fisher, Fysher, Fisher, (Ferrnin), JdIiii... Chi. (Fermin), John... Peni. Tho. V. Frisle Hunipli Cla. John Sill. Will Sid. Ambrose ... Anth Sid. Cornelius ... Joh. Edw Chr. Edw Cai. [s Geo Cai. Geo Chr. Hen Chr. Humph. . . . Chr. Ja Em. Jeremiah ... Cai. Jeremy Em. John [King's John Pet. John Chr. John King's Phatiiel Rob Trin. Rob Em. Rob Cla. Rob Sid. Tho Cla. Will Chr. Will Sid. Ambr Anth Trin. Cha Mag. Chris Pet. Corn Em. Ed Chr. Edw Qu. Edw Qu. Edw Chr. Geo Trin. Geo Qu. Hen Trin.H. Hen Chr. Ja Mag. Ja Em. Ja Mag. Jasper John C. C. John Je.s. John King's John Pem. John John (.'ai. John ^I M 1606 A.B. 1610 1 ; A.M. 1614 p L 1615-6 p M 1548 A.B. 1552-3, Fyzwater; A.M. 1556 f-c M 1610 [Freeh waters] [(Matr. Fuatei-) f-c E 1635 f-c E 1563] f-c M 1570 ]} E 1582 s M 1628 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 f-c M 1589 p E 1657 A.B. 1660 f-c c. 1593 f-c M 1564 1» E 1582 f-c M 1589 E 1591 f-c E 1622 1571 1598 s E 1579 above) A.B. (Cla.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592 s c. 1595 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 p L 1645-6 !> c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. (Jes.) 1600; P E 1624 [S.T.B. (*Pet.) 1606 s c. 1596 p M 1602 V E 1603 V L 1645-6 1651] A.B. 1648-9 V E 1653 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 V E 1647 A.B. 1650; A.M. (King's) 1654 p L 1623-4 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 p E 1631 A.B. 1635-6 p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 ; A.M. 1627 ; S.T.B. '34 s E 1623 P s M 1554 1568] L 1597-8 P E 1636] P E 1647 [Fleard] s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 s M 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. (*Qu.) 1662 f-c M 1637 A.B. 1638 p M 1622 A.B. 1627; A.M. 1631 f-c M 1646] p E 1622 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1632-3 Incorp. fr. Oxf.); f-c L 1618-9 A.M. (Cath.) 1634 f-c E 1636 s M 1570 A.B. 1581-2 s M 1554 s c. 1595 s p L 1618-9 E 1631 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 1 Provost of King's, 1660; Bisliop of Worcester, 1675. 254 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Flemming, Jos Joli. Flemin, Rich *Mag. Flemynge, Sam *King's riemyng, Tho Em. Flemynge, Will *Joh. Fleminge, Will Trin. — Joh. — Joh. Flemming Joh. Flent, Oliver Clem.H. Flesh war, Bern Fletcher, Barth Cai. — Chris Mag. — Dakins Trin. — Edw [C. C. — Edw *Pem. — Edw Chr. — Fra Pern. — Fra Trin. — Fra Pern. — Geo. Pem. — Giles *King's — Giles *Trin. — Hen Trin. — Hen Jes. — Heu Trin. — Isaac Pet. — Ja [Qu. — Ja Cai. — Ja Joh. — John C. C. — John *Cai. — John — John Trin. — John — John Qu. — John Pern. — John Chr. — John [Chr. — Jos C. C. — Jos (?th — Lancelot ... Trin. — Lancelot ... Pern. — Nath *Qu. — Phil Triu.H. — Phineas *King's — iRich Trin. — Rich C. C. — Rich — Rich Joh. — Tho Cai. — Tho Chr. — Tho Pem. — Tho Cai. — Tho Cai. — Tho Qii. — Tobias Chr. — W Pet. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. c. c. E p E s c. s E p E p E s M s M p E p M p M p M [schol. p E p M p c. schol. s M s E p M s L 1589 1565 1586 1569 1591 1594 1594 1594 1544 1645 1596 1617 1591] 1626 1648 1564 1622 1631 1606 1565 1601 1560] 1565 1582 1590 1555] 1587 1655 1569 [fr. Cai. 1605-6, Flemins; A.M. 1609 1592-3; A.M. 1598 1569-70; A.M. 1573; 1572-3; A.M. 1576 1595-6; A.M. 1599 S.T.B. [1580 A.B. (? 1616-7) ; A.M. (Joh.) 1620 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1651-2 A.B. (Cath.) 1625 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 [1581 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573; LL.D. A.B. 1605-6 ; A.M. 1609 ; S.T.B.'19 A.B. 1560-1 A.B. (Cla.) 1569-70; A.M. 1573; [S.T.B. 1580 1577-8 p c. 1595 [l> E M p M p E s c. B above) p L p E p c. s E [schol. p M 1604] 1613 1614 1644] 1595 1580- 1626 1590 1629 1600] 1562 A.B. 1572-3 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. (C. C.) 1598 A.B. 1599-1600 A.B. (^1602-3); A.M. (Qu.) 1606 A.B. 1617-8 [1592] E 1631 E 1585 E 1609 M 1615 E 1625 M 1627 E 1655 E 1645 E 1584 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. (Cath.) 1605-6; A.M. 1609 1584-5; A.M. 1588 1627-8; A.M. 1631 1592-3; A.M. 1597; S.T.B. [1606 1604-5; A.M. 1608 1565-6 ; A.M. (*C. C.) 1569 ; [S.T.B. 1576; S.T.P. 1580 1596 (Joh.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 1634-5 1588-9 1612-3 1618 1629-30; A.M. 1635 1658-9; A.M. 1662 1648-9 Bishop of Bristol, 1589; Worcester, 1593; Lomloii, 1591 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 255 1593 1613 1622 E 1638] E 1646 E 1646 E 1651 M 1560 M 1560 E 1640 E 1611 E 1634 E 1631 E 1607 M 1567 M 1623 1617 1631 1625 1582-3 Fletcher, Will C. C. p — Will Joh. p — Will Joh. s — Will Qu. s E 1622 — Will [Chr. — Will Joh. — Will Pern. — Will Joh. Flete, Tho Pet. — W Pet. Flick, Aiith Em. Flicke, Nath *C. C. — Sain C. C. Flight, Phil C. C. — Eob Cai. , — W C. C. Flint, Anth Cai. Flinte, Geo Jes. Flint, Hen Jes. Flinte, Ja Chr. Flyut, John Chr. Flint, John Trin. s c. 1595 Flynte, John Jes. Flint, Ro C. C. — Roger C. C. — Tho King's — Will Em. — [Cath. Flood V. Floyd, Find and Lloyd Florence, Garret Jes. Flote, John Qu. Flowe, Edw Jes. Flower, Anth Trin. — Kenj Chr. — Chris Em. Flowar, Edw Em. Flower, Fra [King's — Geo Chr. Flowre, Geo Trin. Flower, Hen Qu. — Jay[?Jaynp] Chr. — John *Pem. — John — John Joh. — John Cai. — Joshua Jes. — Ralph Cai. Rich Pet. — Roger Flowre, Roger Joh. Flower, Tho Jes. — Will Chr. — [Em. Flowerday, Edw Joh. Flouredue, Nath (,'ai. Flowerdew, Sam C. C. — Stanley Trin. — Will Pern. Flowery, Woolston ... Em. p c Floyd c. also Fludd (below), and Lloyd L 1618-9 E 1559 M 1632 c. 1593 1625] 1629] E 1573 E 1631 M 1626 E 1603 E 1646 M 1642 (fr E 1607 E 1574] M 1544 M 1551 M 1579 L 1584-5 E 1568 M 1601 E 1607 M 1567 E 1607 E 1623 M 1617 E 1658 E 1585] E 1585 L 1647-8 E 1654 M 1612 c. 1593 c. 1595 A.B. 1596-7 A.B. (Cla.) 1626; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1625-6 A.B. 1613-4 ; A.M. 1617 ; S.T.B. '24 A.B. 1637 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. (Jes.) 1628-9; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 [Adm. at Qu. E 1593] A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1634-5, Float [S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) Oxf.) A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647; A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614; S.T.B. [(*Jes.) 1621 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.M. 1574 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1572-3 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf); A.M. [(*Pem.) 1611 A.B. 1616 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) ; A.M. [1617; S.T.B. 1621 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1651-2 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. (Trin.) 1.597-8 256 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Floyd, Dav Mag. — Geo Qu. — Hugh — Hugh Jes. — Hugh [Jes. — John Jes. — Rich Joh. — Simond Trin. — Tho Jes. — Will Joh. — Will ,Toh. — Will Joh. Flucode, Tho [C. C. Fludd (Floode), Abiel Em. Flued, Brian Mag. Floode, Dav Chr. — Dav Chr. Fludd, Dav Qu. — Edw Jes. Floodd, Edw Qu. Floode, Edw *Joh. Fludd, Edw Mag. — ^Geo Jes. Flued, Hen Jes. Fludd, Hen [C. C. Floode, Hen Chr. Flued, Hen Qu. Flude, Herb Pet. Flood, Humph Jes. Fludd, Ja — Ja Trin. Flude, John Chr. Fludd, John Jes. Flud, John Jes. Flude, John Qu. Floude, John Joh. — John Cai. Fludd, John Joh. Flowd, Lane Chr. Flud, Lewin Trin. — Meredith ... Joh. — Mich Floode, Ralph *King's Flude, Rich Chr. — Rich Jes. Fludd, Rich Joh. Floude, Rich Joh. Flood ('Hoyde'), Rob. ... Joh. Fludd, Rob Joh. Flud, Roger Joh. — Roger Joh. Fludd, Sam [Em. Flued, Splendian ... Qu. Fludd, Will Trin.H. Flude, W Pet. — Qu. Fluellyn, Tim. v. Llewyllyn c. 1594 E 1610 E 1628] E 1637] M 1602 M 1638 1605 1604 E 1609 E 1613 E 1655 1604] M 1618 E 1571 M 1558 E 1561 c. 1591 M 1575 c. 1593 M 1614 M 1639 M 1579 M 1546 1557] E 1561 E 1576 E 1562 M 1562 E 1628 L 1564-5 M 1565 E 1566 M 1567 E 1607 M 1626 M 1637 M 1561 E 1629 M 1588 E 1619 E 1571 E 1574 E 1586 L 1597^8 M 1623 M 1637 E 1588 c. 1593 E 1597] E 1576 M 1556 M 1567 c. 1591 A.B. (Jes.) 1599-1600 A.B. (Joh.) 1613-4; A.M. (Qu.) [1617, Lloyd A.B. (*Jes.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605; [S.T.P. 1617 A.B. 1631-2 ; A.M. 1635 ; S.T.B. '42 A.B. 1609; A.M. 1612, Fiord A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662; S.T.P. [1670 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1621-2, Floyde A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1618-9, Floyd; A.M. 1621, A.B. 1639-40 [Lloyde A.B. 1582-3; A.M. (*Mag.) 1586; [S.T.B. 1593; S.T.P. 1598 A.B. 1563-4, Fludd [S.T.P. (*Sid.) 1618 A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. (Cla.) 1606 ; A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1610-1, Fiord A.B. 1631-2 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. (Trin.) 1597-8; A.M. 1601 [A.B. 1622] A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1577-8, Flued A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1601-2, Fludd AB. 1627-8; A.M. 1631, Lloyd A.B. 1596- Bisliop of Sodor and Man, 1600; Chester, 1604. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 257 Fluett, Giles Joh. Flush war, Rich Trin. Fly, John [Em. Flyer, Ralph *King'.s — Tho [C. C. Foberyc, Aiith Joh. — Rob Joh. Foe, Edw Joh. Fog, Laurence ... Ena. — Orlando ilm. Fogge, Rob Sid. Fol(7ington (?j{-), John ... Joh. Fold.s, Tho Chr. Fole, Rob Peui. Foley, Edw Cla. — Tho Pem. Foljambe, Oodfrey Mag. — Godfrey Jes. Foolyams, H Mag. Fuljambe, John Pet. Foljambe Mich. Ho. Folkes, Edw Chr. — Fra — Ja C. C. Fokes, John Joh. Folkes, Mart Cath. — Rob Chr. — Rob *Mag. Foakes, Roger Cla. Fokes, Simon Chr. Folkes, Tho Chr. — Tho Catli. — Will Cath. Folkingam, John Chr. — Nich Folkingham, Tho Mag. — Will Pem. Follensby, Will Sid. FoUiott, Edw FoUiot, Rich Jes. FonesC?), Humph Pet. Fonstall, Rob C. C. Font (?Fant), Hen Trin. Fooche, Tho Em. Fooks, Tho Jes. — Chr. Foote, Dan Trin. Foots, John Joh. Foot, Joslma Trin. Foraker, John Forby, Feli.x C. C. Forbie, John Cai. Forbey, John Cai. Forcet, Edw. (imp.) ,,, 10 ann.)\ ^' — Geo Trin. Hen {imp) ^,,^^ 11 a7i7i.)) Forcett, John *King's Forcet, Will Chr. Ford V. also Forth E 1555 E 1606 E 1635] M 1645 1638] E 1583 E 1583 E 1575 E 1645 E 1645 E 1612 c. 1597 E 1645 M 1564 E 1631 M 1659 M 1567 E 1572 M 1562 E 1574 E 1544 M 1561 L 1577-8 c. 1593 M 1619 E 1560 E 1655 c. 1595 E 1587 M 1561 E 1617 M 1642 M 1550 E 1647 M 1642 E 1612 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1653; M.D. 1665 [S.T.B. 1659; S.T.P. 1679 A.B. (*Joh.) 1648-9; A.M. 1652; A.B. (Joh.) 1648-9; A.M. 1652 A.B. (Joh.) 1615-6; A.M. 1619 L 1618-9 c. 1597 E 1613 c. 1598 E 1631 E 1586 E 1609 M 1645 L 1557-8 E 1648] A.B. 1646-7, A.B. 1570-1 Foulds A.B. 1659-60 A.B. 1568-9 (Matr. Fulgen) A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 A.B. (Mag.) 1593-4, Fookes; A.M. A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 [1597 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662, Fowkes A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602, Fookes A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. (Mag.) 1637-8 A.B. 1650-1, Falkingham A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1649 A.B. (Chr.) 1615-6; A.M. 1619 LL.B. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1649-50 ; A.:M. 1653 ; M.D. '64 c. 1593 L 1582-3 E 1634 A.B. 1651 A.B. (Trin.) 1610-1 A.B. 1.595-6 A.B. 1586-7 ; A.M. (*Cath.) 1590 ; A.B. 1637-8 [S.T.B. 1598 L 1563-4 A.B. (*Trin.) 1571-2; A.M. 1575 L 1578-9 L 1563-4 A.B. (Joh.) 1571-2 M 1559 [Off 1564] L 1563-4 258 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Ford, Anth Chr. Forde, Edw Jes. Ford, Edw Cai. Fourd, Emanuel ... Trin. Ford, Fra Job. — Hector [Pet. — John Job. Forde, John Mag. Ford, John [Pet. — John Foord, Phil Trin. Ford, Phil Trin. Fourd, Rich Qu. Ford, Rich Cla. Fourd, Ro Qu. Ford, Simon — Tho Trhi. — Tim Joh. Fourde, Will Qu. Fourd, W Pet. Ford, Will *Trin. — Will Joh. — [C.C. Fordam, Edm Cla. Forden, Edw. v. Jordan Fordham, Rob Cai. Fordyngham, Ed Joh. Forebench, Cha Mag. Forer, W Trin. Forest, Anth Em. Forrest, Anth Mag. — Emilius [Trin. Forest, Hen Cath. — Hen Trin. Forrest, John *Qu. — John Joh. Forest, Miles Chr. Forrest, Miles Em. — Miles Pet. — Sam Trin. Forest, Walcott Mag. Forester, Abr Cai. Forrester, Fra Em. Forester, Hen Trin. Forister, Ja Cla. Forester, Will Qu. Forge, Tho (?: Forgon, John Sid. Forman, Abr — Adeodatus . . Joh. — Chris Pet. — Hen Chr. — John — Rich Joh. — Sim Foreman, Tho Joh. Forman, Tho Cla. — Tho Job. Forteskue, Fra Job. Fortescue (Foscew), Geo. Chr. p M 1554 A.B. 1559-60 ; A.M. (*Trin.) 1563 ; [S.T.B. 1570, Furde p L 1620-1 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 p E 1646 s L 1584-5 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1639 s E 1626; prev. at Trin.] s M 1572 A.B. 1576-7, Forth; A.M. 1580 s E 1618 A.B. 1621 p L 1645-6 ; A.B. fr. Oxf.] A.M. 1651 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p c. 1592 A.B. 1596-7, Fourth c. 1594 A.B. (Qu.) 1597-8; A.M. 1601 s E 1559 A.B. 1564-5 s c. 1596 s E 1557 S.T.B. 1650 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1651 A.B. 1654; A.M. 1658 p E 1652 [Foard] s E 1557 A.B. 1561-2 , !> M 1559 [schol. 1578] A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582; S.T.B. '91 P E 1618 1557] A.B. 1621-2 P M 1610 s E 1623 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 p M 1566 p s M 1612 E 1575 A.B. 1616; A.M. 1620 p E 1591 f-c E 1618 scho^ . E 1599] P E 1550 P L 1579-80 A.B. (Cla.) 1584-5 ; A.M. (Mag.)'88 p c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597; S.T.B. P c. 1597 [1604 t-c E 1565 P c. 1595 A.B. (Trin.) 1599-1600 P E 1619 fS M 1575 p M 1586 p E 1610 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 f-c M 1615 p E 1631 s E 1576 A.B. 1579-80; KM. 1583 [p E 1607] M.L. and C.L. 1608 atr. Frog) A.B. (Joh.) 1633-4; A.M. 1637 P E 1622 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) P E 1609 A.B. 1612-3 s E 1578 A.B. 1581-2 s E 1606 A.B. 1608-9 A.B. (Jes.) 1588-9 p M 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 M.L. (Jes.) 1604 p E 1559 p M 1566 p M 1576 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 p E 1555 p M 1564 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. (*Pem.) 1570 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1^59 •259 Will Kincr'a f- Fortescue, Forret, (too. Forset, Rich. Forsith, Benj. Fort, Will. Forth V. also Ford Fourth, Ambri Forth (Ford), Clem. Edw. (Ford), John Young ('Junius') Qu. Fourth, Philologus... Joh Rich Ro Rob Tho Tho Valentine .. W Will Will Will — Will ortho V. Furtho John Isaac Ja Rob Staph John Rob Eleazer Em. John 8id. John ... [Pern Ralph Joh. W Chr. [Cla. John V. Fauscot AViU Joh. Rich Joh. Forthe, Foxnth, Forthe, ■Foarth, Forthe, ourth, brth, Fourth. Forth, Fortius, 5'ortrey, Fortry, Fortune, Fortune, Forward, Joh. Joh. Joh. Chr. King's Jes. [Qu. Cai. Pem. ' Joh. Trin. H. Trin. Mag. Pem. Qu. Pem. Pem. Em. Trin. Trin. [C. C. Qu. Jes. Em. Fosbrooke Fostbroke, Fosbrook, Fosbrocke, Fosbroke, 'osbrook Foscot, 'oscrafte, Foscroft, Fossan, Fosse, Foster, Forster, Foster, Tho Tho Alex And Augustus Chris Cuthbert Edw Fra Geo Geo Geo Giles Ja Mag. Joh. Cai. Qu. Chr. , *Joh. Qu. Chr. Pet. , Joh. . ]Mag. . Qu. Trin. John Qu. John Trin. Forster, lit Foster, John . John . John , John . Jonkt. Cla. Joh. Joh. Mag. Trin. L 1629-30 E 1604 M 1567 E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; E 1639 A.P>. 1642-3; A.M. 1641 A.M. 1646 [LL.D. (Trin.) 1581 A.M. (*Jes.) 1568; A.M. 1576, Fourd; [M.L. 1587 A.M. (Cath.) 1606 M 1560 A.B. 1564-5; E 1569 A.B. 1572-3; 1601] E 1599 A.B. 1602-3 E 1643 E 1559 E 1577 A.B. 1577-i E 1559 E 1552 LL.B. 1556- M 1589 E 1651 A.B. 1654-5 E 1606 M 1562 E 1606 E 1616 L 1626-7 E 1632 LL.B.(*Trin.H.)1638; LL.D. 1646 (Matr. Furth) • ; LL.D. 1562, Furth E 1622 1649] E 1618 M 1582 E 1645 A.B. A.B. (Pem.) 1598-9 1624-5; A.M. (Em.) 1628 c. 1596 L 1599-1600] 1651] M 1571 A.B. E 1568 L 1656-7] c. 1594 M 1569 E 1651 M 1568 L 1618-9 c. 1591 M 1562 E 1585 M 1569 A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1603-4, Fosbrooke; A.M. [1607; S.T.B. (King's) 1615 1575-6, Fosbrooke 1627 1576 1579 1619 1632 1617 1576 1579-80 1597 1611 1619 1638 A.B. 1588-9 ; A.^L 1592 ; S.T.B. 99 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1635-6, Forster A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. (Pet.) 1612-3 1620-1; A.M. 1628 1580-1 ; A.M. (Pet.^ 1584 1614-5 (*Chr.) 1622-3; A.M. 1626 M 1635 A.B. 1638- A.M. 1642 260 Foster, Forster, Foster, Forster, Foster, Mafriculafions and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Forster, Foster, Forster, Foster. Leon Cla. Lionel Trin. Martin Pet. Mich Trin. Mich C. C. Nath Chr. Nath [Pet. Nich Joh. Nich *King's Nich Pet. Pet Pem. Ralph [C. C. Rich Pet. Rich *Trin. Rich V. C. Rich Joh. Rich Joh. Rich King's Rich Chr. Rich Trin. Rob Trin. Rob Joh. Rob Qn. Rob Chr. Roger *Joh. Rowland ... Cai. Sam Era. Sam Mag. Sam *Cai^ Sam Pem. Sam Em. Tho Trin. Tho Chr. Tho *King's Tho Pet. Tho Mag. Tho Em. Tho Chr. Tho Cai. Tho Cai. Tho Mag. Tho [Joh. Walt *Em. [fr Will King's W Joh. W Joh. Will Jes. W Pem. Will Cai. I Will *Cath. Will Pet. Will [*Trin.H Will Will Pem. Will Mag. Will Trin. Will Chr. Will [Chr. Zeath Trin. L 1579-8C E 1578 E 1636 M 1555 M 1598 E 1634 E 1646] L 1564-5 M 1570 M 1584 M 1546 1648] M 1549 M 1552 M 1573 E 1575 E 1604 E 1605 E 1618 E 1629 E 1565 M 1615 E 1622 M 1637 L 1557-8 E 1580 E 1616 M 1623 E 1634 L 1637-8 s M 1647 s M 1550 p M 1560 p M 1562 s E 1579 s M 1587 p E 1609 p M 1617 s E 1620 s E 1625 p E 1627 s E 1640] •. Oxf. E 1614] [schol. 1526] p M 1561 p E 1565 s M 1565 s M 1567 s E 1576 s L 1588-9 p E 1609 E 1623 E 1625 E 1627 E 1648 E 1653] E 1573 P P A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 158^ A.B. 1581-2 A.B. A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 1637-8 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1549-50; A.M. (*Joh.) 1553 A.B. 1552-3; A.B. 1552-3; A.B. 1576-7; A.B. 1578-9; A.B. 1607-8 A.M. 1556 A.M. 1556 A.M. 1580 A.M. 1582 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1563 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1637-8 ; A.M. 1641 ; S.T.B. '49 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1566-7 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1597 A.B. 1620-1 A.B. 1623-4 A.B. (Mag.) 1627-8; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1617-8 ; A.M. 1621 ; S.T.B. '28 A.B. 1530-1 ; A.M. 1534 ; S.T.B. '44 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. (Cath.) 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1.595; S.T.P. [1618 (Lit. Rea.) LL.B. Uhe above] A.M. 1618 (Incorp. A.B. 1625-6; A.M A.B. 1628-9; A.M, A.B. 1630-1; A.M, A.B. 1651-2; A.M. fr. Oxf.) 1629 1633 1634 1655; S.T.B. [(*Em.) 1662 Bishop of Soflor and Man, 1633. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 261 Foster ... [King's — [Trin. Fotherbie, Cha *Trin. — Cha *Trin. Fotherbe, Cha Trin. Fotherbj, Edm *Trin. Fotherbye, Edw Cla. — Fra Pem. Fotherby, Fra *Trin. — Geo Job. Fotherbye, John Qn. Fotherby, 'Martin *Trin, Fotherbie, Tho Trin. Fotherby, Will Pem. Fothergill, Geo Job. — Hen Trin. — John Job. Fothergil, Mark Sid. Fothergill, Tho Cai. — Tho (?the — Tim Trin. Fotherly, John Cai. — Tho [King's Fotherley, Tho Cai. Foulce, Tho Foulis, Hen Foulds V. Folds Fonlsam ('Falsam'), Rich. Job. Foulson, Rob C. C. Foulthorpe, John Chr. Founstone, Edm Pem. Founteyne, John C. C. Fountaine, John Pem. — John Em. Fountain, John [Em. Fountaine, Martin Cla. Fountayne, Tho Mag. Fountaine, Tho *King's — Em. Fourden, Will Job. Fowlberye, Geo Job. Fowberye, Rob Trin. Fowbery, Tho Em. Foouke, Earth Cai. Fowke, Earth Trin. — Phineas *Qu. Foulke, Will V. Fulke Fowle, Chris Pem. — Hen — John — John Trin. Foule, John Em. Fowl, John rC. v.. Fowle, John *Trin. — John Em. — Jos Em. — Nath *Eni. f-c M 1569 E 1645 s s E 1573 A.E. 1576-7, Fetherbie ; A.M. 1580; [S.T.E. 1587 p L 1618-9 A.E. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p E 1627 A.B. 1631 ; A.M. (*Jes.) 1634 p E 1648 A.E. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 p E 1583 Y M 1560 p E 1610 A.J^. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 s E 1628 A.E. 1631-2 s E 1577 A.E. 1580-1; A.M. (Trin.) 1584 s ^157^ A.E. 1580-1; A.M. 1584; S.T.E. [1591 ; S.T.P. 1607 p p E 1625 c. 1593 A.E. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 s M 1623 A.E. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 V E 1551 ]3 E 1626 A.E. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 p E 1650 A.E. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 p M 1610 [S.T.E. 1627 above) A.E. (*Joh.) 1616-7; A.M. 1620; P E 1605 [Migr. to Trin. H. 1606] f-c E 1639 P L 1565-6 s c. 1597 A.E. (? 1589-90) ; A.M. (Jes.) 1593 A.E. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) V s E 1583 E 1577 A.E. 1586-7 p M 1648 [Fulthorpe] p L 1579-80 p E 1573 p M 1613 A.E. 1617-8 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1621 p M 1637 f-c E 1653] V E 1629 A.E. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 f-c E 1647 P E 1657 A.E. 1660-1 f-c E 1636 ]) M 1610 1^ M 1552 s E 1619 A.E. (Sid.) 1622-3 s E 1617 A.E. (Job.) 1620-1 ; A.M. 1627 p c. 1594 [Fowkes] lp M 1649] A.B. 1649-50 P E 1655 A.E. 1657-8, Fewke ; A.M. 1661 ; [M.D. 1668 s E 1560 A.E. 1562-3; A.M. (*Joh.) 1566, A.M. (Cla.) 1630 {grace) [FewyU A.E. (*Qu.) 1550-1 s M 1570 A.E. 1573^ ]> E 1609 A.E. 1612-3 1610] p M 1621 A.E. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 p E 1642 A.E. 1645-6 p E 1617 A.E. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 V E 1612 A.E. 1615-6; A.M. 1620; S.T.B. '27 Bishop of Salisbury, 1618. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Fowle, Nich Qu. — Rob [Qu. — Rob Em. — Tho *Joh. — Tho Cai. — Tho Qu. — Tho *Cla. Foule, Tho Cath. Fowle Joh. — Em. Fowler, Abr Em. — Brian Chr. — Dan C. C. — Edw — Fra Cai. — Geo Jes. — Geo Chr. — Isaac King's — Isaac Em. Fowlar, Ja Gonv.H. Fowler, John Qu. — John Joh. — Matth — Matth Qu. Fouler, Moses *C. C. Fowler, Rich Joh. — Rich Mag. — Rich — Roland Jes. Fouler, Rowland ... Chr. Fowler, Steph Em. — Tho Trin. — Tho Em. — Tho Joh. — Will Trin. — Will — Will Trin. Fowles, Dav. {ISir)... Fowlis, Dav Fownes v. also Fawnes — Geo Em. — Tho [Trin. Foxe, Cha Joh. Fox, Chris Jes. Foxe, Chris King's — Dan Trin.H. Fox, Dan Trin. — Edm Joh. — Egrimon ... Pern. Foxe, Fra Mag. — Hen Cai. — Hen Qu. Fox, Hugh Joh. Foxe, John Chr. — John Trin. — John Cath. — John Trin. — John Chr. Fox ('Foche'), John Joh. — John Cla. Foxe, John E 1580 L 1585- E 1609 M 1547 E 1578 L 1584- E 1614 E 1624 M 1548 E 1618 E 1640 E 1631 M 1608 E 1626 M 1553 c. 1595 E 1616 E 1640 E 1544 E 1625 L 1629- E 1641 M 1569 M 1607 E 1618 L 1557- c. 1593 E 1645 L 1620- L 1626- E 1642 M 1580 p E 1632 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1549-50; A.M. 1553 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1627 (?John, A.B. of Queens') A.B. 1643-4; A.M. (*Pem.) 1647 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1656 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. (*Cla.) 1647 30 [(Qu.) 1641 ; S.T.P. 1660 A.B. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); A.M. A.B. (Joh.) 1644-5 A.B. 1572-3 ; A.M. 1576 ; S.T.B. '83 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1620-1 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1645-6 1 7] A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. (Jes.) 1634 A.B. 1584-5 A.B. (Trin.) 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.M. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1615 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1659 f-c M 1646] p E 1576 s M 1582 s M 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 s E 1554 V E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 p E 1585 P E 1586 P E 1623 ]) L 1582-3 A.B. (Joh.) 1586-7 s M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 i:> E 1579 p E 1549 A.B. 1550-1 s E 1550 s M 1552 ,s L 1563-4 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1572 p L 1564-5 A.B. 1567-8 1> E 1573 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577; S.T.B. p c. 1591 [(*Cath.) 1584 A.M 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) 3Iafricnlatfons and Degrees 1544 — 1659 263 Foxe, Lain- A.B. (Joh.) 1624 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; Fox, Nath ... Mag. s E 1623 prev. at Em.] [A.M. 1624 Migr. to Cai. E 1573" ¥o\e, Nich ... Jes P U 1571 Rich ... Cai. V E 1589 Fox, Kob ... J oh. a E 1604 Foxe, Simeon .. ... *King's p M 1583 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 Fox, Simond . . ... J oh. s M 1608 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 Foxe, Tho ... Pem. p M 1546 — Tho ... Trin. s M 1575 Fox, Tho ... Sid. p E 1605 — Tho A.M. 1615 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Tim ... Chr. p L 1647-8 Foxe, Tobias .. ... J oh. ' p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 Fox, Will p E 1611 A.B. (Jes.) 1573-4 A.B. 1613-4 Will ... Jes. Will p p E L 1632 1579-8( A.B. (Trin.) 1629-30; A.M. 1634 Will ... Sid. Foxcrofte, Edw ... Job. J Foxcroft, Ezekiel .. . . . *King's p E 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 — Geo ... Joh. s c. 1601 — John ... Em. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 Moses . . ... Em. ]) E 1644 A.B. 1647-8 — Nath ... [Em. 1> E 1653] — Rich A.B. (*Joh.) 1572-3; A.M. 1576 — Sara ... Cath. p E 1633 Foxcrafte, Tho ... C. C. s L 1584-5 A.B. 1588-9, Foxcroft Foxcroft, Will ... Joh. s E 1579 A.B. (C. C.) 1582-3, Foxcrafte Will p E 1597] A.B. (Cath.) 1597-8; A.M. 1601 Foxley, John ... Em. ... Em. — Tho p E 1597 — Will ... Em. p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 Foxon, John ... Joh. p E 1570 Foxton, Anth ... Joh. p E 1616 A.B. (Cai.) 1619; A.M. 1623 Elias ... Em. p M 1584 A.B. 1588-9 [1603 ; S.T.P. 1619 Fra ... Joh. s E 1588 A.B. (?1591-2) ; A.M. 1595 ; S.T.B. Fra ... Cai. V E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1631 — Rich ... Em. P c. 1592 — Rob ... Joh. s E 1621 Foy, John ... Cla. p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 Foyster, Nich ... C. C. p M 1549 Frake, Rob ... Trin. p M 1587 Framingham, Cha ... Joh. 1> E 1556 Edm p M 1657 A.B. (*Trin. H.) 1612-3 Rob ... Jes. A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1666 Framlingham, Clem. ... ... Cai. f-c L 1580-1 Frampton, Rich ... Trin. p E 1606 France, Abr ...*Joh. p E 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 Tho ... Trin. p M 1570 Francis, Art ... Qu. s M 1644 — Cleare .. ... Chr. (fr. Oxf ) A.M. 1598 Frances, Edw ... Joh. P M 1582 Fraunces, Edw ... Trin. p L 1623-4 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Frauncis, Hen ... Pem. s M 1620 A.B. 1623-4 Frances, John ... Joh. P E 1571 Francis, John ... Cla. s E 1.583 A.B. 1586-7, Frances Francys, John ... Trin. s E 1.584 Francis, John ... Qu. [p E 1585] A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 Francys, John ... Pem. s M 1586 A.B. 1590-1 Francis, John A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. (Trin.) 1606 John ... Jes. s M 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 — John ... Cla. s L 1629-30 A.B. 1633-4 264 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Francis, John Pet. — Jonat Cai, — Martin *Pem. — Melchizedec — Rich C. C. Frances, Rob Pet. — Tho Jes. Francis, Tho Cai. — Will Qu. — Will Joh. — [C. C. Francius, Godf. i\ Fransseus — John — John [Pet. Frane, Uan Trin. Francke, Abr Cla. Franke, Abr Qu. — Cha Cla. Frank, Edm C. C. Franck, Humph. ... Em. Francke, Isaac Trin. — John Joh. Franke, John Jes. Francke, ^ Mark *Pem. Franke, Rich Qu. Francke, Rich Joh. Franke, Rich Qu. Franck, Rich Joh. Francke, Tho Qu. — Walt Joh. Franke, Walt C. C. Franck [C. C. Frank, {sen.) [King's — On.) [King's Franckland, Chris Pet. Frankland, Hen Chr. — John Chr. Franckland, Pet. v. Franklin — Rich Joh. — Rich — Rich Chr. Frankland, Sam Cath. Franckland, Tho Chr. — Tho. Francklyn, Chris Joh. — Edm *Joh. — Edw Qu. Franklyn, Edw *Chr. Francklin, Edw *Trin. Franckleyne, Geo Trin. Francklin, Geo Trin. Franklyn, Greg C. C. Francklin, Hen Cai. Francklyne, John Cath. Franklin, John Trin. Frankolin, John Pet. Franklin, John Pern. M 1655 E 1610 M 1648 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 1651-2; A.M. 1655 (C. C.) 1593-4 1649-50; A.M. 1661 1583-4; A.M. 1587 1575-6; A.M. 1579 1657-8 E 1646 M 1580 E 1572 E 1654 c. 1596 L 1626-7 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 15711 1655] 1636 1595 1635 1631 1614' 1594 1574 1653 1656 1627 1567 1611 1627 1648 1569 1579 1619 1580] 1613-4] 1613-4] 1621 1626 1626 Ph.D. (*Pet.) 1628 (Incorp. fr. [Frankfort); M.L. 1644; M.D. [1647 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1634-5 ; A.M. 1638 [Franks) A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 (Matr. A.B. 1597-8; A.M. (Sid.) 1601 A.B. (Cla.) 1576-7 A.B. 1630-1; A,M. 1634; S.T.B. [1641 ; S.T.P. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1635 s M 1575 p E 1648 s E 1640 [fr p E 1642 s M 1573 p E 1563 P P E 1566 M 1601 [schol. 1606] p L 1588-9 p M 1656 s c. 1591 p M 1629 s E 1574 s E 1602 f-c E 1614 s E 1629 A.B. 1624-5 (Matr. Franklin) (Matr. Franklin) A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. (Pet.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597, [Frankling; S.T.B. 1606 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 ; Pet.] A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646, [Franklin A.M. 1656 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 A.B. 1569-70 (*Cat,h.); A.M. 1573 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608; S.T.B. [1616; S.T.P. 1630 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 (entry erased) A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 Master of Pembroke, 1662. Matriculations ami Degrees 1544 — 1659 •20 Franklin, Frankly n, Franckliii, Franklyn, Franklin, Francklin, Franklin, Francklin, Franklyn, Francklin, Franklin, Franckleyne, Francklin, Franklin, Francklyn, Franklin, Francklin, Franklen, Franklyn, Franklin Francklyn Francklin Franks, Francs, Frankwell, Fransseus, Frayer, Frayser, Freeke, ' Freake, Freecke, Freake, John Cai. John [Em. Matth Chr. Freeborne, Freeburn Freeman, Frcman Nich. Nich. Nich. Nich. Pet. Pet. Rich. Rich. Rich. Rich. Rob. Sam. Tho. , Tho. Tho. Will. W. ... Will. , Will. . Will. , Will. . Will. , Cla. Jes. Chr. Chr. Sid. Pet. Mag. Jes. [Em. (?onc, Qu. Frankland Trin. E L E 1637 M 15;-,3 M ir)64 E lf;i2 E 1613 M 1601 M 1638 E 1606 E 1645 L 1646 1646 A.B. 1649-50 1646-71 A.B. 1640-1, Fran A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. A.B. 1608-9; A.M. Qu. Joh. Cla. '.'.'.'. Cla. [Qu. *King's Pern. C. C. King's [King's Frank Joh. Pet. Sid. Edm. Rob. Nich. Godf. Will. Alex 'Edm Edm *Pem. John Chr. John *Trin. Tho Cla. Humph Joh. Rich Joh. Tobias Joh. Ferdinand . Nath Will John John John Patrick .... Sam. Barth. Edw. .. Edw. .. Edw. ., Edw. .. Esixy .. Em. Chr. [Qu. Chr. [Qu. King's Mag. Kuig's [Cath. [Cath. Joh. Trin. C. C. ♦King's Cla. Qu. of the above) s E 1647 p L 1588-9 s E 1609 A.M. [prev 1631 1563-4 1582 E 1612 L 1630-1" M 1635 E 1641 1553" E 1576' M 1590' s M 1569 f-c E 1610 p E 1569 p M 1562 1596 1579 1560 1602 1605 1616 1650 1595] 1582 1583] 1624 1572 1627 1628] 1653] 1601 1598 1623-4 1645-6 1648 1584 1652 (Incorp. at Jes.] A.B. (Pet.) 1612-3; A.B. 1633-4 A.B. 1566-7 A.B. (Em.) 1604-5; A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1608 (Matr. [Francklaiid) 1612 fr. 0.\f.) A.M. 1616 A.M. 1608 1619 A.B. 1639; A.M. 1642; M.D. 1661 A.B. 1642-3 [{Lit. Keij.) A.B. (Cath.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 LL.D. 1581 (Incorp. fr. Douay) M.D. 1637 (Incorp. fr. Montpelier) S.T.P. 1570 A.M. 1576 A.M. (*Pem.) 1569; [S.T.B. 1576 A.M. 1604 A.B. 1572-3; A.B. 1565-6 ; A.B. 1600-1 A.B. (Em.; 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. (Cai.) 1601-2; A.M. A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1631 [A.Ji. 1649]; A.M. 1653 Bishop of Kocbester, 157'2; Norwicli, 1575; Worcester, l.l 34 266 Mafricnlations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Freeman, Geo . Trin. 1> — Geo . Sid. P — Geo . King's P Hen . Cla. p _ Ja . C. C. s Freman, John (imp.) Trin. H s Freeman, John . *Trin. s Freman, John . Pet. !S Freeman, John . Cai. p John . Chr. Ip — John . Em. s — John . *King's 1> Laurence . . C. C. s Martin .... . *King'.s p — Ralph .... . Sid. p — Ralph .... . King's p — Ralph .... . King's f-c — Ralph .... . Trin. p Rich . C. C. f-c . Rich . Chr. s Freman, Rich . Chr. p Freeman, Rob . C. C. s Freman, Steph . C. C. p Freeman, Steph . Pet. p Freman, Tho . Joh. p Freeman, Tho . Cai. p — Tho . Cla. s — Tho . Chr. p — Tho . Chr. p Tho . Trin.H V Tho . *Sid. V — Vincent.... . Em. P — Will . Joh. P — . C. C. — . Sid. P Freer, Anth Frere, Fra '. Sid. Freer, Geo V — ('Fryar'), Hen . *Triu. s Frere, Hen . Sid. s Freere, John i\ P^r -er Freer, Mich . *Qu. .s Frere, Rich . [C. C. . [Em. Freere, Rich p Frere, Tho . Joh. !> — Toby . [Joh. . *Sid. P Freer, Will P Frere, Will . Sid. P Freeston, Mich . Pern. f-c Freiar, Ja . Mag. s Freise, John . Mag. f-c Frekinham, Clem . Trin. s Frekyngham, Edw . Qu. s Godfr . Em. s Frekleton, Martin Jes. p Frenche, Anth Trin. French, Anth Joh. p Anth [Trin. — Clem *Qn. 1> Frenche, Edm French, Edm Em. p c. 1592 E 1610 L 1618- E 1634 E 1654 E 1549 M 1575 E 1578 M 1616 L 1623- E 1631 E 1651 c. 1591 E 1614 E 1603 E 1605 E 1618 E 1639 L 1577- M 1615 E 1627 E 1623 E 1571 c. 1595 M 1556 L 1618- E 1621 E 1631 E 1636 E 1647 E 1655 E 1622 L 1649- 1580] M 1609 A.B. A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 1621-2 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. 4] A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 1627 1654-5; A.M. 1658 1593-4; A.M. 1598 1617-8; A.M. 1621 1607-8 1619-20 8 A.B. 1.580-1 A.B. A.B. A.B. [1660 {Lit. Reg.) 1630-1; A.M. 1634; S.T.P. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 1598-9; A.M. 1602 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 50] A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1625-6 E 1646 E 1636 E 1656 M 1629 1636] E 1637] E 1647 L 1645-6] E 1652 E 1656 M 1571 E 1613 E 1608 M 1564 M 1565 L 1588-9 M 1598 M 1555 E 1637 E 1637] E 1584 E 1659 A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2, Friery; A.M. A.B. (Cla.) 1582-3 [1615 V A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 AB. 1658-9; M.B. (Qu.) 1660 A.B. 1633-4: A.M. 1637; M.D. [1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1654-5 ; A.M. 1658 ; S.T.B. '65 A.B. 1616-7, Freer; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1569-70 ? the above A.B. 1588-9 ; A.M. 1592 ; S.T.B. '99 A.B. (Sid.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1664 Matricidationfi and T>ecfreesi 1544 — 1659 French, Edw Chr. — Geo ('hr. — Geo [Peni. — Geo Cla. — Geo Pet. — Greg Mag. — Hen Peni. — Jerem Cai. — John Joh. — John Qu. — John Joh. — John [C. C. . Frenche, Pet Joh. French, Pet Em. — Rich les. — Rob Sid. — Rob Chr. Frenche, Sam Trin. French, Tho Frenche, Will, {imp.) Trin. H French, Will Em. — [Cath. Frenchani, Barnabas ... Peni. — Edw Cath. Frenchead, Tho [C. C. Frent, John [Cai. Frery, John Joh. Frerye, Rich Joh. Freshewell, Ralph Joh. water, Edw Chr. — Tho Trin. Fresson, John Pern. — Tho Chr. Freston, Rich Pet. — Rob Em. — Rob Em. — Rob Trin. — Tho [Pern. Fre.stone, Will Em. Fretchwell, Pet Joh. Fretchvile, Pet. i^Sir) ... Yvethovne, P^erd Em. Fretwell, John Joh. — Ralph Joh. — Roger Trin. — Will C. C. Frevile, Geo Cla. Frevell, Humph Joh. Frevyll, Jasper Jes. Frevill, John Joh. Frevell, Rich Joh. — Rob Cla. Fry veil, Rob. (imp.) . Pet. Frevell, Rob [Qu. — Tho Joh. Frevyll, Will Joh. Freweu, 'Accepted ... Frichewell, John Joh. Frickleye, John Je.s. 1 Dean of Gloucester, 1631; Bisliop of Lichfield, 1G43; Arclibiahop of York, IGGO. 267 p .M 1637 A.B. 1640-1 I> E 1617 A.B. 1620 1 ; A.M. 1624 1621] s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 r« E 1643] A.B. 1646-7 p E 1623 E 1618 p E 1641 c. 1.592 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 [p M 1592] A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 E 1639 1647] A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 p M 1578 A.B. (Mag.) 1581-2; A.M. 1585 E 1632 A.B. 1635-6 ; A. M. 1639 ; S.T.B. '46 s M 1637 p E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 V L 1623-4 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 V c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 A.M 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1549 p M 1633 A.B. 1636-7; M.L. 1640; A.M. P L 1643-4 [1640; M.D. (*Cai.) 1647 P E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 P E 15.52 1606' E 1587' 1> }■> M 1579 A.B. 1582-3 (Matr. Frieris) P E 1602 P M 1568 P E 1625 p E 1585 p E 1623 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 (Matr. P M 1615 [Freston) 1) M 1564 P E 1603 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 [f-c E 1608] A.B. 1609-10; A.M. (? 1613); M.D. P E 1641 1639] [1628 P c. 1595 f-c M 1587 A.M. 1612-3 (On visit of Prince \^ E 1616] A.B. 1619-20 [Charles) p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1634 p M 1579 .s L 1580-1 1> E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 f-c p L 1577-8 M 1654 M 1573 p E 1640 p M 1610 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 f-c M 1544 s E 1549 schol. 1555'] 1> M 1610 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 161S 1> M 1555 A.M. 1616 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c c. 1594 s E 1572 •268 Mafn'cuJafwns and Der/vpeft 1544 — 1659 Friday, Tho Em. Friend (Frende), John ... — John Em. Frend, John Friend, Will Friskney ('Fryskine'), Will. *Mag. Frisle, Tho King's Frisnev, Geo. (imp.) .*Mag. Frith," Geo Chr. — John Qii. — Josias Joh. — Nich Fryth, Rob Oath. Frythe, Tho Qu. Frith, Tho Chr. Frithe, W Cla. Frith, Will Sid. Frod.sliam, John *King',s Frogg, iHen Trin. Frogge, Oliver Qu. Frogg, Tho Joh. Froiiock, Nath Trin. Frooh, John Mag. Frost, Geo Trin. — Ja Joh. Froste, John Cai. — John Joh. Frost, John Mag. — John *Joh. — Jos Em. — Nich Qu. — Rob Trin. — Tho Joh. — Walt Em. — Will Cai. — Will Cai. — Will Qu. Froswell, Tho Trin. Frothingham, Chris Cai. — Edw Froysell, Tho Cla. Fryer v. also Freer — Alex Gonv. H. Frier, Hen Chr. Fryer, Hen Joh. Fryar, John Tes. Fryer, John Foh. — John King's — John King's — Rich King's Frier, Rich Qu. Fryer, Rob Cai. — Rob Trin. Fryar, Tho Jes. Fryer, Tho Trin. Tho Trin. Freyere, Tho Jes. Friers, Tho ]\[ag. Fryer, Will *King's E 1604 E 1644 E 1614 E 1631 M 1658 E 1622 L 1577-8 c. 1601 E 1614 E 1618 E 1624 c. 1591 M 1627] M 1655 M 1581 M 1544 E 1631 M 1620 E 1652 E 1640 E 1653 M 1587 M 1618 E 1633 M 1642 L E E E E 1647-8 1632 1620 1644 [fr 1637 M 1564 E 1610 E 1645 E 1612 E 1589 M 1623 M 1548 E 1571 M 1572 E 1544 E 1567 c. 1594 c. 1597 c. 1595 E 1617 E 1573 E 1586 E 1544 M 1553 E 1577 E 1614 E 1617 M 1552 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.M. 1612-3 (On visit of Prince A.B. 1647 [Charles) A.M. 1658 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1633-4, Firsell A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 A.B. 1625 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 C.L. 1612 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1658-9, Fradsham ; A.M. '63 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 (?'. Forge) A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.V>. 1645-6 ; A.M. 1649 ; S.T.B. '56 A.B. 1635-6 Cai.] A.B. 1646-7; A.M.(*Trin.H.) [1650; LL.D. 1665 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 (Matr. Frodingham) A.B. (Trin.) 1568-9 A.B. 1627-8 ; A.M. 1631, Frossell [M.D. 1555 A.B. 1544-5, Freere; A.M. 1548; A.B. 1570-1 A.B. 1600-1 A.M. 1574, Frier A.M. 160.^ A.B. 1620-1 A.B. 1576-7 ; A.M. 1580 A.B. 1557-8 A.B. 1617-8 A.B. 1620-1: A.B. 1556-7 A.M. 1625 Librarian, 1583. Matriculations and Degrees^ 1544- 269 Frier, \V Triu. s 1. ir)81-2 Fryer [Sid. s I. 1598-9] Frvers, John Trin. s c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1 (Matr. Fmu'or'O Fuell, Rob Joh. 8 M 1573 Fugayle, Tho King's s M 1554 Fugill, Chris Sid. s M 1633 A.B. (Cai.) 1636-7 ; A.M. 1640 — Will Pet. s E 1584 A.B. 1588-9, Fugall Fugell (No A.B.) ; A. M. 15.56 Fulbech, Jos Trin. s E 1610 A.B. 1614-5, Filhecke Fulcher, Edw Em. p E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 — John Em. ' p E 1612 A.B. 1615-6 — Simon C. C. p M 1573 Fiilcis, John Pem. s E 1646 Fulford, John A.B. (Mag.) 1636 (Tiuorp. fr. Oxf.) ; Fulgen, Geof. v. Foljambe [A.M. 1637 Fulger, Rich [Cai. p L 1608-9] Fulke, Tho Mag. p M 1572 Fulk, Tho [Pet. s E 1623] Fulke (Foiilke), 1 Will. ...*Joh. p M 1555 A.B. 1557-8 ; A.M. 1563; S.T.B. — AVill Trin. p E 1606 [1568, Foulke ; S.T.P. 1572 Fullam, Edw A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Ja [Chr. 1624] Fulham, Will Em. s M 1624 A.B. 1627-8 Fuller, Benj Em. [^614] A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — Benj Cai. p M 1647 — Dan Jes. p E 16.53 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 — Edw C. C. s L 1607-8 A.B. 1610-1 — Fra [Qu. p E1653] A.B. (Pem.) 1656 ; A.M. (Qu.) 1660 — Geo []C. C. 1553] A.B. 1553-4; A.M. (*Chr.) 1556 ; [S.T.B. 1561 — Gervase Trin. p E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; /A.M. 1647, Rich. — Ignatius ... Em. p M 1645 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 — Isaac Em. p E 1629 — 2, John LL.D. 1558 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) — John Joh. p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 — John Pem. p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 — John Sid. p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 — John [Em. p E 1635] — John *Sid. p E 1658 A.B. 1660; A.M. 1664 — Nich Chr. p M 1560 A.B. 1562-3 — Pet Joh. p E 1575 — Rich Cla. p E 1576 — Rich (? mistake for Gervase) A.M. (Triu.) 1647 — Rob Em. p E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 — Sam *Joh. [p M 1650] A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658; S.T.B. [1665; S.T.P. 1679 — Tho Pet. p E 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 — Tho *Trin. p E 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 ; S.T.B. '98 — Tho Pem. p c. 1590 A.B. (C. C.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597 — Tho Pem. p E 1609 A.B. 1612-3 — Tho Qu. p M 1622 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628; S.T.B. [(Sid.) 1635 ; S.T.P. 1660 — Tho Cath. p L 164.5-6 A.B. 1647-8 ; A.M. (*Chr.) 1651 ; — Will Pem. s 0. 1590 [S.T.B. 1659 ; S.T.P. 1665 — •■'Will Triu. s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603; S.T.B — Will Em. p E 1639 [(*Cath.) 1610; S.T.P. 1627-8 — Will Cai. p E 1646 ULit. Req.) Fulmer.ston, John Qu. p E 1611 A.B. 1613-4 Fulmiston, Edw [Trin. H. .schol. E 1604] 1 Master of Pembroke, 1578. a Master of Jesus, l.')56-7. » Dean of Ely, 1636; of Durham, 1646. 270 Matriculations ami Degrees 1544— 1659 Fulnebie, Rob Pet. Fulnetbye, Chri.s Pet. — John Cla. Fulthorpe, Chri.s *Joh. — John Cla. Fulwell, Geo Qu. — Steph Pern. — Will [Qu. Fuhver, Dan Chr. — Sam Chr. Fulwood, Anth Chr. — Dickenson... Pet. — Fra Em. — Gervase *Cath . — Hen. {imp.). Jes. Fulwoode, John Trin. Fulwood, Pet Joh. — Pet Cath. - — Vincent ... Trin. — Will [Cai. — Will Cath. — Will [Em. Funston, Chris [Pem. — Phil Jes. — Tho Qu. Funteyne, John Cla. Furd,' Rob Chr. Furley, Rob Kmg's Furman, John Pet. Fvirmery v. also Farmery — Will Cai. [c.c Fm-nar, Sam C. C. Furne.s, Adam Joh. — Ralph *Joh. Furnice, Edw Chr. P'urth V Forth Furtho, John *Trin Furthoe, Tho *Trin Furthoe, Will Trin, Fuston, Chris Pern. Fatter, Em [Jes. — Hen Jes. — Rich Jes. — Rob Jes. Fyge, Valentine... Pem. Fyland, Cornelius ... Mag. Fyn [C. C. Fynkell, Edm Cla. — Edw Chr. — Rob C. C. Fynnie, Ro Cai. Fyrmage, Will [Em. 1> L 1577-8 p c. 1601 [1597 (Matr. Funnebie) V E 1583 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590; S.T.B. p E 1650 A.B. 1653-4 ; A.M. 1657 ; S.T.B. '65 s E 1589 P E 1566 s M 1544 f-c E 1621] f-c E 1584 f-c E 1584 p E 1606 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 s E 1625 A.B. 1627-8 p E 1644 A.B. 1647 ; S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) Ip 1649] M.L. 1649 ; A.B. 1653-4 ; A.M. '57 s E 1548 p M 1566 s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 p M1658 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662; M.L. s M1571 [1662; M.D. 1669 s L 1612-3' p E 1646 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 ; M.D. '59 p E 1649] 1626; prev. at Trin. H.] s M 1569 p E 1606 A.B. (Joh.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610 p E 1620 p E 1586 s s M 1601 A.B. 1605-6, Farley s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1 s L 1577-8 f-c 1583] p E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624, Furness E 1573 A.B. (Cla.) 1576-7; A.M. 1580, [Fowrnes p M 1575 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583; S.T.B. s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 [1590 [schol. 15841 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590; M.D. P E 1578 A.B. 1582-3 [1606, Fortho P s E 1578 E 1627 p L 1651-2" p E 1568 p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 P E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 p s M 1645 M 1562 1544] A.B. 1648-9 s M 1572 p c. 1595 p M 1561 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569 p M 1559 p E 1602] I Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 271 G Gabbet, Hen Trin. p L 1579-80 Gabry, Sam Chr. [f-c 1 623 ; fr. Trin.] A.B. 1623-4 Gabrey, Sam G. C. s E 1649 M.B. 1654 Gace, Langley Job. s E 1628 — Will. V. Gase Gadsden, John Chr. p M 1568 (Matr. Gaydsden) Gaddesdcn, Tho Pot. s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 (!ade, John [Trin. E 1644] Gage, Edw Nich. H. p M 1555 — Fra. IK Gates — Geo Chr. p c. 1597 (entry erased) — John Cla. p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 — Maurice Trin. p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 — Bob Chr. p M 1589 — Rob Chr. p E 1626 — Tho Chr. p c. 1593 — Chr. p c. 1597 Gager, John Em. f-c E 1651 — Will A.M. 1581 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; LL.D. Gages, Tho Em. p E 1631 [1601 {do.) Gainesborowe, Edw Em. s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 Galasius, John v. Gclasius Gale, Art Chr. p L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 — Cha *Mag. s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 — Hen C. C. s c. 1593 A.B. (Qu.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600, — Hen Mag. p M 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 [Galle — John Chr. p E 1582 — John *Pem. p E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614, Gaell — Josias A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Leon Chr. .s M 1602 — Pet Joh. s E 1617 — Rob Chr. p E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 — Simon Qu. p M 1635 A.B. 1639 — Theoph S.T.B. 1619 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Theoph A.M. 1656 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Gayle, i Tho *Trin. [p E 1656] A.B. 1658-9 ; A.M. 1662 ; S.T.P.-75 Gale, Will [Trin. p E 1649] Galfi-ide, Steph Trin. H. p M 1558 [(Trin.) 1631 Galhampton, Oliv A.B. 1631 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); A.M. Galimore, Tho (?Jes.) s c. 1595 A.B. (Jes.) 1598-9; A.M. 1602 Galle, Edw Em. p E 1611 Gall, John Mag. p M 1623 Gallant, Hen. v. Galone Gallard, John Chr. p M 1576 — John [C. C. 1600] — John Chr. p E 1616 A.B. 1619-20 — Rob A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. (Chr.) 1606 — Rob Cai. p E 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 — Roger Chr. p E 1617 A.B. 1620-1: A.M. 1624 — Sam Chr. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 — Will Chr. p E 1620 Gallatine, Dav C. C. [fr. Geneva] A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 16(>5 Gallett, Hen Cath. s E 1645 [Migr. to Joh. E 1645] Galloway, Edm Joh. s M 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1594 1 Regius Professor of Greek, 1672. 272 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Galowaye, Geo Pet. p E 1579 Galloway, Ja Cai. s M 1628 — Tho Cai. p E 1646 Gallowey, Will Trin. p M 1571 Gaily, John Job. s E 1584 Galone, Hen Trin. p M 1559 Galthorp, Ja Cath. f-c E 1644 Gamydge, Anth Joh. p M 1559 Gamage, Roger Trin. [schol. 1608] Gammage, Will Cla. f-c M 1572 Gambell, Edw Pet. ,s L 1626-7 Gamble, Pet Trin. s M 1627 — Rich Qu. p M 1566 — Sam Trin. s c. 1595 — W Cai. s E 1580 Gamde, Tho C. C. p L 1629-30 Gamer, Rob King's f-c E 1575 Gaminge, Anth Qu. f-c E 1602 Gambn, John Mag. f-c E 1634 Gamling, John Gamlyn, Matth Trin. s M 1562 — Matth Pern. [1636] Gammon, John Pem. s M 1586 Gamon, John Cai. p E 1626 — John Sid. p M 1628 Gammon, Rich Cai. p E 1629 — Rich Sid. p E 1637 — Rob Sid. p E 1627 Gamon, Roger Cai. s E 1640 Gamson(?), Will Chr. s c. 1597 Gamul, Geo Trin. p M 1598 Ganing, Nich *C. C. p E 1617 Ganneck, Edw C. C. p c. 1596 Gannocke, Will Trin. s M 1639 Gannot, W Cla. p M 1576 Ganselett Joh. s M 1544 Gant, Geo Cla. p E 1612 — Jonat Trin. s E 1636 Caraway, Will Trin. p E 1572 Garbot, Will Job. s M 1584 Garbought, Rich *Sid. s E 1606 Garbrant, John {alias Herks) Garbslye, Tho [Em. f-c E 1593] Garbutt, Ja *Sid. p M 1616 Gardiner, Bartley Pet. p L 1577-8 Gardener, Chris Sid. f-c E 1614 Gardiner, Chris Gardner, Dan Cla. p E 1561 Gardiner, Dan Cath. p M 1642 — Edm C. C. p M 1578 — Edm C. C. p E 1654 — Edw Pem. s M 1584 Gardner, Ed[w.] Qu. p M 1624 Gardmer, Era Trin. p E 1560 Gardyner, Era *Trin. s L 1593-4 (^Tardner, Era Cai. p M 1618 (fi Gardener, Geo Chr. p M 1552 Gardiner, Geo Mag. p c. 1594 — German [Cai. M 1561] A.B. 1631-2 A.B. (Cath.) 1587-8 A.B. 1563-4 ; A.M. 1568, Gallant A.B. 1611-2 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634, Gamble A.B. 1630-1 [Gaimer] [Gamage] A.M. 1641-2 (On King's visit) A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1590-1 ; A.M. 1594, *Sid. A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. (?1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M.1624: S.T.B.'31 (? Gauselett) A.B. 1615-6, Gaunt; A.M. 1619 A.B. (Cai.) 1575-6 A.B. 1588-9, Garbut A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613; S.T.B. [1620, Garbut A.M. 1568 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; S.T.P. [1583 (do.) A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623; S.T.B. [1630 A.B. (Pem.) 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1564-5 ; A.M. 1568 ; S.T.B. '75 A.B. 1644; A.M. 1648 A.1]. 1597-8 ; A.M. 1601 ; S.T.B. '08 . Oxf.) A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1554-5; A.M. (*Qu.) 1558; [S.T.B. 1565; S.T.P. 1569 A.B. (Cai.) 1598-9; A.M. (Mag.) [1602 Matrmdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 273 Gardyner, Hen Joh. p M 1550 Gardeuer, Hen Joh. p c. 1595 — Hen Cai. s E 1599 Gardiner, Hen Jes. s E 1621 — Hen Chr. f-c E 1646 — Humph. ... Qu. p M 1575 — Humph. ... — Humph. ... — Ja Joh. p E 1637 Gardner, 'Ja Em. p E 1649 — Jeremie Em. f-c E 1589 Gardener, John Jes. s M 1559 Gardyner, John Chr. p M 1567 Gardiner, John *Trin.H. [schol. 1571] — John Pet. p L 1582-3 — John [Cai. p M 1604] — John — John *C. C. p E 1647 Gardner, Jos Em. p E 1649 — Mich *Chr. p M 1569 — Mich Trin. [1652] — Onslow Sid. f-c L 1637-8 Gardiner, Pet [C. C. 1594] Gardener, Phil Joh. p M 1647 Gardiner, Rich Pet. f-c M 1564 — Rich Trin. p E 1587 Gardner, Rich Gardiner, Rob *King's p M 1.580 — Rob King's f-c L 1623-4 — Rob Sid. f-c E 1632 — Sam *King's s M 1581 — Sam C. C. [1624] Gardner, Sam *C. C. [1636] Gardiner, Steph Cla. s M 1581 — -'Tho *King's p E 1544 — Tho Pet. f-c M 1581 Gardner, Tho Pet. s E 1587 — Tho Em. f-c E 1588 Gardiner, Tho Mag. p c. 1589 — Tho (? Gardiner) Gardner, Tho Gardiner, Tho Cai. p M 1611 — Tho Cla. s E 1613 — Tho Em. p E 1613 — Tho Joh. s E 1615 — Tho Pem. p E 1615 — Walt [*Trin.] — Walt [King's f-c M 1575] Gardner, W Pem. s M 1558 Gardiner, W Trin. p E 1560 Gardner, Will Trin. p L 1.588-9 Gardinar, Will Trin. p M 1602 Gardner, Will Em. p M 1656 Gardiner Pem. p E 1623 Gardum, John [Pet. s M 1651] Garey, Benj Cai. s E 1653 — Nath Trin. s M 1602 — Sam Cai. p E 1598 1 Bishop of Liucola, 1695. A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1652-3 ; A.M. 1656 ; S.T.P. '69 LL.B. 1576; LL.D. 1583 A.B. 1632 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653; S.T.B. [1661 ; S.T.P. 1666 M.B. 1654; M.D. 1659 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1655-6 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1.568 A.M. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1626-7 [1596 ; S.T.P. 1601 A.B. 1585-6 ; A.M. 1589; S.T.B. A.B. 1627-8 ; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1639-40 ; A.M. 1643 ; S.T.P. [1657 A.B. 1546-7 ; A.M. 1550 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 A.B. (Mag.) 1605 A.M. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1618-9 ; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1616-7 ; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1616-7 ; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1618-9 ; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1551-2; A.M. 1555 A,B. 1659- A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1606-7 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1606 2 Public Orator, 1554. 35 274 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Garey, Sam Cai. p — Tho Pet. s Garfield, Abr — John Tes. s — Tho Trm. s Garfyld, Will Chr. s Garfidd, Will Trin. s Garfoot, Edm loh. s Garfoote, Tho Trin. p Garfoot, Tho [Trin. p Garfoote, AVill Trin. p Garforth, Dion Qu. s — Tho Mag. s Gargrave, Fra. Trin. ]) — • John Trin. p — Rich Pet. f-c — Tho Joh. f-c Garlacus ('Frisius') Garland, Angustine... Em. p — Edw Jes. p — John Pem. s — John *Joh. s — John Trin. s — John Joh. p — Nath Trin. s — Rob *Joh. p — Rob Joh. p — Sam Cai. p — Tho Joh. p Garley, Anth Mag. p Garlicke, Geo Chr. s Garlick, John *Joh. p Garnam, Tho Cai. s Garnaham, Will Trin.H. p Garner, Rol> Mich. Ho. s — Will Mich. Ho. s Garner.s, Chris Trin. s Garnet, Brian Joh. p — Chris Qu. s — Edw Joh. — Fra Chr. s — Ja Joh. s John Joh. p — Rich Trin. s — Rich Pet. p Garnys, Cha Chr. p Garnisshe, John Gonv. H. s — Rich C. C. s Garneys, Tho Cai. f-c Garnyshe, Tho Trin. p Garnis Joh. p Garnish [Em. f-c Garnou, Rich Joh. s — Will. V. Gernon Garnons, Abr Em. [p Garnonce, John *Em. p Garnons, John Em. — Ralph Trin. p — Will Em. p Garrad ('Garrer'), Sam.... Pem. s M 1646 [Prev. at C. C] E 1612 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 (Matr. A.B. (Cath.) 1612 [Geary) E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 E 1618 E 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 E 1648 A.B. 1651-2, Garforth ; A.M. 1660 E 1629 E 1659] E 1629 M 1568 E 1639 [Migr. to Chr.] L 1597-8 A.B. 1601-2 L 1597-8 c. 1591 M 1573 A.B.*(Trin.) 1551-2 E 1618 M 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 E 1582 A.B. (Cath.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588 M 1617 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 E 1635 E 1657 E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 M 1614 A.B. 1618-9 ; A.M. 1622 ; S.T.B. '29 E 1651 E 1656 [f r. Qu.] M 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 E 1651 A.B. 1654-5 ; A.M. 1658 ; S.T.B. '65 M 1620 A.B. 1625; A.M. 1629 c. 1593 LL.B. 1600 E 1545 E 1544 E 1633 A.B. 1637 L 1564-5 c. 1596 M 1609 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 M 1583 L 1581-2 E 1569 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 M 1576 E 1608 A.B. 1611-2 M 1640 E 1556 M 1547 E 1659 M 1552 c. 1594 1625] M 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 E 1646] A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 E 1609 A.B. 1611-2, Garnons; A.M. 1615; [S.T.B. 1622 ; S.T.P. 1631 [E 1618] A.B. 1621-2 E 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 M 1649 E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 275 Garrad, Will Em. Garrard, Edw loh. — Ja Chr. — John King's — John Em. — Nehimillas.. King's — [Em. Garret, YA\y *Qu. — (Garrard), Geo Garrett, Humi)h. ... Chr. — John Garret, .lohn Cath. — Pet Cai. — Rob Chr. Garrett, Rob C. C. Garret, Roger King's — W Jes. Garryngton, Edw Trin. Garsett, Sam Joh. Garset, Tho Joh. Garshe, Nich Joh. Garten, Clear Chr. Garter, Gyles Joh. parth, Cha Chr. — Geo Em. — Greg *Pem. — Rich Pet. — Rich Chr. Garthe, Rob Trin. Garth, Will Jes. Garthfeild, John v. Garfield Garthpole, Ezechiel Em. Garthside, Era Chr. Gartside, Ja Trin. Garthside, .John Trin. Garth waite. Hen Chr. — Jerem Jes. Garth wayte, John Chr. Garthwhaite, John Chr. Garth waite, John Chz\ Garthwayt, Miles Joh. — Rich Joh. Garth waite, Tho Joh. Garton, Matth Qu. — Pet Joh. Garthford, Anth Joh. Garway, Jonas *King's — Phil King's — Tho C. C. Garwaye, Will. v. Caraway Garway, Will Sid. — Will Pem. Gascoyne, Edw Jes. Gascoigne, Geo Jes. Gascoine,* Jos *Trin. Gascoyne, Leon Jes. Gascone, Nich Jes. Gaacoine, Rich Jes. Gascoyne, Rich [Em. Gascoine, Rich King's Gascoyne, Tho Jes. p E 1G39 f-c M 1656 s E 1546 f-c M 1634 ]) E 1640 f-c E 1637 1> L 1631- 1> M 1570 E 1604 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. (Jes.) 1646, [Garrard [Garrett] A.B. 1643^, Garrad; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1574-5 ; A.M. 1578 ; S.T.B.'85 A.M. 1607 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611, Gerard A.B. (Pem.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1631 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. 1> M 1570 [Migr. to King's, Garrard] [1631 p E 1559 A.B. 1561-2; A.M. (*Qii.) 1565; s E 1631 A.B. 1637-8 [S.T.B. 1571 p M 1562 p M 1568 p E 1572 M 1589 A.B. (Cla.) 1576-7 s V E 1572 E 1560 V E 1569 P E 1614 p c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1604 f-c E 1639 A.B. 1641-2 1> E 1545 E 1611 A.B. 1548-9 ; A.M. 1552 ; S.T.B. '62 p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 f-c M 1569 P E 1625 A.B. (C. C.) 1628; A.M. 1635 s E 1626 [S.T.B. 1576 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. (*Joh.) 1566; p M 1559 s c. 1592 A.B. 1596-7, Garsed; A.M. 1600 s M 1583 s E 1621 A.B. 1624; A.M. 1628, ' Cart- s E 1634 [f r. C.C] A.B. 1636-7 [wrighf A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611; M.L. '28 p E 1604 V E 1605 s E 1633 s M 1588 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 s c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 p E 1576 f-c s M 1583 M 1568 p M 1610 [A.B. 1614] \> M 1610 V E 1623 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629.Garaway f-c E 1629 f-c M 1632 E 1577 (-. 1590 [Garvay] I' E 1659 A.B. 1662-3 ; A.M. 1666 ; S.T.P.'87 p E 1578 ]) M 1586 P c. 1594 A.B. 1598-9 V L 1644-5; ?same as ne.xt] A.B. 1651; A.M. 1655 [P L 1645-6] 276 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Gase, Will Cla. Gaskyn, Edw Gaslyng, Nich Cai. Gasson, Jos Pet. Gastrell, Benj Gastrell, Jos Gataker, Cha Sid. — Tho Gatchell, Tho Cai. Gater, Will Em. Gates V. also Yates — Abr Jes. — Ed Pem. — Era Jes. — Geo Trin. — Hen Trin. — John Jes. — John C. C. — Tho Chr. — Tho Pem. — Will Trin. Gatescall, Rich Trin. Gatford, Lionel *Jes. — Will Jes. Gatfould, Rich Trin. Gati/er (?^), Geo Trin. Gatley, Ja Chr. Gaton, Ja. v. Gayton — Rob Gats, John Pet. Gattwell, John {imp.) Trin. Gatward, John Trin. — Steph Jes. Gawden v. Gawding Gaudy, Anth Cai. Gawdy, Bas. {imp.) . Trin. — Bassingborne Cai. Gaudy, Bassingborne Cai. Gawdy, Bassingborne Chr. — Cha [Cai. Gaudey, Clipsby Em. Gawdy, Edw. Chr. Gawdey, Framlingham Cai. — Framlingham Chr. Gawdie, Hen Trin. Gaudy, Hen Em. Gawdey, Hen Pet. Gaudey, Hen Pem. Gaudy, Rob Em. Gaudey, Rob Cai. Gawdey, Rob Cai. Gawdy, Tho. {imp.).. Trin. Gawdie, Tho Trin. Gaudy, Tho Em. Gaudie, Tho C. C. Gaudey, Tho Cai. Gaudy, Tho Cai. Gaudey, Will Cai. Gawdy, Will [C. C. s M 1568 p M 1559 s E 1623 E 1629 s M 1657 s E 1612 p c. 1590 f-c M 1562 p L 1577-! [schol. 1634] f-c H. p P P H. p P P f-c P P H. ;,' f-c f-c p f-c p p H. p H. p f-c f-c p p f-c E 1571 E 1582 [1627] E 1544 E 1584 M 1658 E 1614 M 1618 M 1632 E 1565 c. 1595 E 1646 M 1609 M 1658 E 1557 M 1566 1622 1.545 E 1632 L 1648-1 E 1654 E 1637] c. 1593 E 1656 E 1631 E 1656 E 1571 c. 1596 M 1619 M 1638 c. 1596 E 1631 E 1639 E 1545 E 1571 c. 1596 E 1626 E 1631 E 1636 E 1629 1647] A B 1572-3 A.B. 1540-1 ; A.M. 1543 ; LL.D. ^ [1559, Gascoyne A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1657 (Incorp. [fr. Oxf) A.B. (Joh.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597; [S.T.B. (*Sid.) 1604 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B.(? ); A.M. 1602; S.T.B. [1608-9 A.B. 1581-2 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1585-6, Gaytes A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1544-5 A.B. (Em.) 1661-2 A.B. 1615-6, Gaytskoll A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625; S.T.B. [1633; S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. (Mag.) 1637-8 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1634-5 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1631- Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1^59 277 Gaudie, Gaule, Gaunt, Gaussell, Gavell, Gavill, Gawbar, Gawdyng Gauden, Will Jes. John Joshua [Em. Greg Sid. W Joh. Rob Joh. John Peni. John *Joh. P E (?fr. Oxf.) 1 John Joh Gawding, Morgan *Joh. Gawen, Edw Cath. — Will Jes. Gawnsler Mag. Gawsell, Rob C. C. — Rob Em. Gawthroppe, Leon Em. Gay, Edm Cai. Gaye, John Cai. — Rich Joh. Gay, Rich Cai. Gaie, Rob Gaye, Tho Qu. — Tho Cai. Gay, Will Gaynes, Era Pet. — Oliver [Joh. Gaynsford, John Qu. Gainsford, John [Qu. Gaynsford, Tho Pet. Gayre, Tho Cla. Gayton, Ja Joh. — John Em. — Tho Qu. Gay wood, Tho Pet. Gearing, Alex Cla. Gering, Geo Trin. Gearinge, John Em. Gering, Pet [Qu. Gearing, Rich [Cath. Gearinge, Tho *King'; Geary v. Garey and Ciery Geast, Will Mag. Gedney, John Qu. Gednye, John C. C. Gedney, Nich Chr. — Nich Joh. — Rich Trin. — Rich Cla. Gedny, Rich *Mag. Gee, Alex Pern. — Edw Mag. — John Chr. — Rob C. C. — Tho Trin. — Tho Chr. — Tho Sid. Jee, W Joh. 1658 1608- 1602 1579- 1659 1564 1587 A.B. (Mag.) 1623-4 s M 1619 s E s c. s c. s E P L f-c E p M p M f-c M M 1580 1597 1595 1544 1577-! 1624 1620] 162.3 1628 1608 1613 1571 1602 1637 1639] 1571] 1605] 1582 1650 1566 1602 1626 1579 1577 1622 1622 1604] 1627] 1631 A.B. 1568-9 ; A.M. 1572 ; M.D. '83 A.B. (? 1591-2) ; A.M. 1595; S.T.P. [1602 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626, Matr. [Gaudinge A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587; S.T.B.'94 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 [?schol. Trin. 1548] A.B. 1623-4 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. (Joh.) 1606-7 A.B 1575-6 [Geare] A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1635; A.M. 1639 M 1615 A.B. 1619-20; L 1579-80 M 1583 M 1554 E 1576 A.B. 1579-80; M 1568 M 1584 c. 1595 M 1581 E 1640 E 1620 E 1606 M 1616 E 1621 E 1625 E 1577 A.M. 1623 A.M. 1583 (Matr. [Gidney) A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1621-2; A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1628-9 A.M. 1625 Bisliop of Exeter, 16G0; Worcester, 1662. 278 MatricidatioiiH and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Gee ('Jee'), Walt Trin. — Will Chr. — Will Chr. Geeres, John Geffraye v. Jeffery Gelasius, John Trin. Geldar, Chris Trin. Gelder, Hugh Joh. — John Pern. — Will Joh. Cell, Rob Qu. — Rob *Chr. Gellibrand, Edvv Gelson, And Joh. Gelsthorpe, Edw *Gai. Gelstrop, Fra Trin. Genua?, And Jes. Genison v. Jenison Gennye, Chris Gonv. H. Genye, W Cai. Gente [Geint], Edw *C. C. Gent, Hen Qu. Geint, John [C. C. Gent, John Mag. — John Joh. — Nich Joh. — Chr. Gentle, Geo. [Greg.] C. C. — John Jes. George, Humph. ... [Qu. — Theobald ... Gerard, Cha C. G. — Cha [Qu. Gerrard, i Cha [Em. — Felix Cai. Gerard, Fra Chr. Gerrhard, Fra Cath. Gerrard, Gilb Trin. Gerard, ^GWh C. C. — Gilb Em. — John *Trin. Gerard, John Jes. — John Gerrard, John *King's Gerrerd, Phil Cai. Gerard, Rich Cai. — Rich Pet. Gerrard, ^'p^Q Qai. — Tho Cai. — ('Jarrard'), Tho., Sir Gerard, Tho Em. — Will, (imp.) r^. Gerrard, Will Trin. — Will Em. Gere, Nich Cla. Geret, Cha Em. Gery, Benj Em. V E 1583 A. B. 1 586-7 ; A . M. 1 590 ; S. T. B. '97 V E 1621 A.B. 1623-4 f-c E 1640 Mus.D. (King's) 1623 p E 1.563 A.B. 1563-4, Galasius P M 1.579 1' E 1584 A.B. 1587-8 s E 1605 s E 1583 A.B. 1586-7 [s M 1594] [1628; S.T.P. 1641 s E 1615 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621; S.T.B. S.T.B. (Em.) 1585 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1639 [1663 {Lit. Reg.) V E 1643 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1651; M.D. p M 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589, Gels- s M 1583 [thorpe V E 1557 s E 1559 s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 f-c M 1581 1562] s M 1564 A.B. 1567-8 (Matr. Jeute) p M 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 p M 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 p E 1548 s c. 1606 p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 p M 1566] A.M. 1612 (On visit of Prince f-c E 1610 [Charles) p M 1647] f-c L 1649-5 0] p L 1577-8 p M 1615 f-c E 1632 p E 1602 f-c E 1610^ p M 1634 p E 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 p E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 M.L. 1643 p M 1656 A.B. 1660; A.M. 1664 p E 1582 [1575; S.T.B. 1582 1» M 1568 A.B. (Trin.) 1571-2; A.M. (*Cai.) p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 f-c E 1580^ [p M 1603] A.B. 1606-7 A.M. 1612 (On King's visit) p E 1622 p E 1565 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 p E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 p E 1603 p E 1566 A.B. 1569-70, Gier p E 1655 s E 1622 Fourth Baron Gerard, 1650. 2 Second Baron Gerard, 1617. » First Baron Gerai-d, 1603. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 279 Gery, Eich Cla. — Rich C. C. Geree, Sam Em. Gerryc, Tho [King's Geary, Tho Geryc, Will Joh. Geray, Will [C. C. Gerev, Will ('.('. Ger/, Will Joh. Germin, Dan King's — Gervase Jes. Germyn, John Gonv.H. German (Jennin), Mich.... Germyn, Tho Gonv.H. Gernon, Will ('.('. Gerratt, Will Jes. Gerte, Dan Em. Gervase v. Jervis Geslinge, Nich Chr. Gethyn, Geof. Gethin, John Qu. Getsius (Goetz), Dan. ... [Qu. Getter, Rob. v. Jetter Geurdain, Aaron Pern. Geurdon, Dennis Qu. Geve [C. G. Gheast v. Guest Gibb, Fred Gibbenson, Hugh Joh. Gibbet, Tho. v. Gibbs Gibbex, John Cla. Gibbin, Pet Mag. Gibbins, Mich Qu. Gibbon, Art *Trin. Gybbon, Hen Trin. H. Gibbon, Hen Pern. Gybbon, Humph. ... Mag. Gibbon, John — John — John Em. — John Jes. — John Mag. — John *Em. — John [Mag. — John Em. — Melchior ... Pem. — Rich Em. — Tho Em. Gybbon, W Pem. — W Cla. Gibbous, Anth Mag. Gybbons, Fra Trin. — Gervase Pet. Gibbons, Hen Em. G^'bbons, Humph. ... Gonv.H. — John Joh. Gibbons, John Chr. — Marmaduke Pet. — Nich Cla. — Orlando King's — Pet King's p M 1601 p M 1631 A.B. (Sid.) 1635-6; A.M. 1639 p M 1656 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 s L 1565-61 A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. (Pet.) 1606 ; p L 1557-8 1603] [S.T.B. (*Em.) 1613 f-c K 1628 [S.T.P. 1661 p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. (*Em.) 1642; p E 1603 A.B. 1605-6, German; A.M. 1613 p E 1621 A.B. 1626 s M 1548 A.M. 1617 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1548 V E 1629 A.B. 1631; A.M. 1635, Garnon f-c p E 1615 M 1586 p E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1620 M.Gram. 1547-8 s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1637 s M 1621] p E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. (*Qu.) 1627; p E 1632 1584] [M.L. 1632 [Andrews) A.M. (*Pet.) 1618 (Incorp. fr. St s r. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 s E 1653 p E 1627 s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 s E 1587 A.B. 1590-1 (Matr. Gibball) p E 1544 LL.B. 1548-9, Gibbons s M 1586 A.B. (n589-90); A.M. 1593, Gib- f-c E 1607 [bins A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. (Jes.) 1606 A.B. (*Em.) 1604-5 ; A.M. 1608 ; p L 1620-1 [S.T.B. 1615 p E 1645 p E 1645 ]) M 1645 A.B. 1646-7 ; A.M. 1650; S.T.B. '57 f-c M 1649] f-c M 1652 p M 1578 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1593 p E 1640 p M 1637 p L 1564-5 • ]) E 1566 p M 1633 f-c E 1578 f-c L 1584-5 s c. 1596 p E 1552 s M 1545 p M 1634 A.B. 1642 .s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 p E 1585 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 s E 1598 Mus.Bac. 1606 s E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 280 MatiHmdations and Degy^ees 1544 — 1659 Gybbons, Rich . Cla. s E 1585 Gibbones, Tho . Qu. s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5, Gibbon; A.M. 1618 Gibbons, Tho . Qu. s E 1645 A.B. 1647-8, Gybons Gybbons, W . Em. s c. 1591 Gibbons, Will S.T.B. 1608-9 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; — Will .. [Pem. 1633] [S.T.P. (Pet.) 1609 — Will . Chr. p E 1635 . Mag. f-c M 1649 Gibbs, Hen . Joh. p M 1576 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 Gybbes, John . Joh. \) M 1564 Gibbes, John . Em. s M 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Gibbs, John . [Trin. E 1640] Gibbes, John .Em. p E 1642 [Gipps] Gibbs, John . Sid. s E 1645 A.B. 1647-8 Gibs, Sara . Pet. p E 1617 A.B. (Trin.) 1620-1; A.M. 1627 Gibbs, Simon .... . *C. C. [1551] A.B. 1551-2; A.M. 1555 Gibbes, Tho . Trin. s E 1611 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 (Matr. Gibs, Tho . Em. s E 1624 A.B. 1628-9 ; A.M. 1632 [Gibbet) Gybes, Will . Trin. p M 1578 Gibs, Will . Pet. p E 1617 A.B. (C. C.) 1619-20 Gibbs, Will .*Pem. p L 1653-4 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 Gybbonson, Hugh v. G bbenson Gibson, Abr . Joh. s E 1603 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610; S.T.B. [1617 ; S.T.P. 1624 (On King's Abr . Chr. s E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 [visit) Abr . Oath. s E 1639 A.B. 1642; A.M. 1646 [Glasgow) Alex A.M. (*Cai.) 1644-5 (Incorp. fr. . Cha .*Trin. s L 1626-7 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 Cha .*Jes. p E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 . Edw . Trin. V E 1612 A..B. (Cath.) 1618 Edw .*Sid. s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 Erasmus . . Jes. s c. 1596 Era . Trin. p L 1563-4 Era . Sid. s E 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 Gybson, Geo . Jes. s E 1568 Gibson, Godfrey.... . Jes. p M 1641 A.B. 1644-5 Hen . Em. s c. 1592 A.B. (Cai.) 1595-6; A.M. 1599 Hen . Joh. p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636, 'Sibson' Gybson, Isaac . Jes. s M 1570 Gibson, Jeremy .... . Cla. s c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 John {imp. Cla. s L 1557-8 A.B. (*Trin.) 1560-1 ; A.M. 1564; Gybson, John . King's p M 1568 A.B. 1572-3 [LL.D. 1571 Gibson, John . Cla. s M 1583 Gybson, John ('Scotus') Joh. s E 1583 A.B. (Qu.) 1585-6 Gibson, John . Trin. s c. 1591 LL.B. (*Trin. H.) 1598 John . Chr. s c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 John . Trin. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 John . Cla. p E 1627 A.B. 1629-30 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1633 __ John .'. .. Trin. s E 1633 A.B. (Em.) 1636-7; A.M. 1641 John . Chr. s E 1645 [Migr. to Joh. M 1647] John . Qu. s E 1645 (Matr. Gipson) John . Trin. p M 1646 John . Trin.H. p E 1648 A.B. 1651 John . Trin. p M 1656 A.B. (Cai.) 1658-9; A.M. 1662 John .. Joh. E 1658 Jos .. Cla. s E 1575 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 Nath . Em. s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. (*Pem.) 1647 Gybson, Perse ..Clem. Ho p E 1544 Gibson, Pet .. Sid. [« L 1599-1600] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 Pet .. Trin. p E 1634 A.B. 1635-6 Gybson, Rich .. Pem. p M 1555 Matt'iculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 281 Gybson, Rich . (J. C. s :m 1573 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 Rich . Pem. s E 1575 Gibson, Rich . Trin. s E 1577 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 Rich . Em. p E 1627 Rich . Trin. s E 1656 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 Rob . Trin. [schol. 1571] A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 Rob A.B. (Cath.) 1590-1 ; A.M. 1595 [Sam.] .... Sam '. Em. g E 1596 A.B. 1599-lGOO; A.M. 1603 . Em. s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 Sam . Trin. s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1642 Sam . Joh. s E 1645 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 Tho M.L. 1558-9 Tho '. Triu. s E 1572 A.B. 1576-7 Tho . Cai. p L 1584-5 A.B. 1587-8 [Tho.] . Em. s E 1596 A.B. (Sid.) 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 Tho. . (:;hr. . Em. s s M 1631 E 1639 A.B. A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 Tho 1642-3; A.M. 1646 Gvbson, Will ." Joh. p M 1547 A.B. 1542-3; A.M. 1546, *Trin. Will w . Joh. s M 1567 w . Pem. .s E 1569 [Jebson) Gibson, Will . Cla. s E 1571 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 (Matr. Will '. Trin. s E 1607 A.B. (n602-3); A.M. (*Pet.) 1606 _ Will Will . Sid. s M 1622 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1633 Will . Trin.H . s M 1628 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1639 . Trin. s c. 1595 . Chr. s E 1603 . [Em. p 1636] Giddings, John . Joh. s E 1656 A.B. 1659-60 Gier, Nich. r. Gere Giflford, Dan . Em. [p E 1600] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 Gyffbrd, Emanuel . . Chr. p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 Giflford, Era . Trin. p M 1585 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1.593 Era . Qu. p L 1647-8 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 Geo A.B. (Chr.) 1569-70; A.M. 1573 Hananiah . ". Qu. s E 1642 A.B. (Mag.) 1646-7 Hope . Pem. s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7, Heap; A.M. 1630 Gyflfurd, John . Trin. s M 1569 [S.T.P. 1616 Gifford, John . Pem. p c. 1597 A.B. (Em.) 1600-1; A.M. 1604; John . Qu. s E 1618-9 A.B. 1622-3 (Matr. 'Kifford') John . Pem. p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 [S.T.P. 1613 Gyfford, Nath .*Pem. p E 1586 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593; Nich . Pem. p E 1586 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 Nich . Joh. s E 1586 Giflford, Rich . Trin. p E 1625 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 Giftard, Rol> ". Qu. s E 1612 A.B. A.B. (Joh.) 1583-4; A.M. 1587 Gitford, Rob 1614-5 ; A.M. 1618 ;S.T.B. '37 Tho A.B. (Joh.) 1593-4 Tho .. Trin. p c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 — Tho . Em. [p E 1611] A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 Tho . Cai. f-c E 1625 Tho . Em. p E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 Will . Joh. s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 (Matr. Geffbrd) . Chr. . Joh. p p E E 1609 1610 A.B. Gilbert, Ambrose . 1613-4; A.M. 1617 ;S.T.B. '24 Ambrose . .. Joh. p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 Blase .. Cath. M 1572 Claud .. Cath. [p M 1642] A.B 1647-8 Gylbert, Edw . *Trin. s E 1563 A.B. 1566-7 ; A.M. 1570, (^ilberd Gregory . .. Joh. s E 1568 A.B 1571-2, 'George' 282 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Gilbert, Isaac Trin. p M 1638 Gylbert, John King's s E 1548 Gylberte, John Qu. p E 1549 Gilbert, John Cai. p M 1602 — John Em. s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1631 — John Cai. s M 1642 — Mich Chr. s E 1621 A.B. 1624 (On King's visit) — Mich Chr. s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 Gilberd, Rob Pern. s E 1618 A.B. (Triu. H.) 1621-2 ; A.M. 1625 Gilbert, Rob Cai. s E 1628 A.B. 1632-3 — Roi) Cai. s E 1648 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 — [Theodore].. C. C. p E 1631 — Tho Trin. s M 1620 A.B. 1623-4 — Tho Pet. p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 [M.D. 1569 Gylbert, Will *Joh. p E 1558 A.B. 1560-1, Gilbard; A.M. 1564; — Will Job. p L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587, John [in grace Gilbert, Will Joh. p E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1617 Gylbert, Will Joh. p M 1612 A.B. 1616-7, Gilberd ; A.M. 1620; [S.T.B. 1627 ; S.T.P. 1632 ^^^^''^' IwmI T''^ ^' ? \f^n «! A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 — 'Will Joh. p L 1647-8J ' Gilby, Cha Mag. p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Gilbey, Geo Em. p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600, *Mag. Gylbye, John Joh. p M 1565 [1608 Gylby, Nath Joh. p E 1579 Gilby, Nath Chr. p L 1582-3 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. (*Eni.) 1586; — Tho Mag. p c. 1589 [S.T.B. 1593 Gylbie, Tristram ... Joh. p L 1577-8 Gilburne, Edw Chr. p c. 1593 Gilder, Edw Joh. p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Gildon, Mich Jes. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 Giles, Alex A.B. (Pet.) 1596-7 Gyles (?Oyles), Edw Pern. s L 1563-4 Gilles, Edw Pem. s L 1597-8 Giles, Hen Joh. p M 1620 Gyles, John Sid. s M 1602 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 Giles, John Em. p E 1624 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Gyles, John Trin. p M 1649 A.B. 1651; A.iVI. 1655 Giles, Mascall Pem. s M 1611 A.B. 1618-9 _ Nath A.M. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Gyles, Nathan A.M. 1651 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Giles, Rich Joh. s E 1648 A.B. 1651-2 _ Steph Em. p E 1624 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Gyles, Tho Trin. s M 1564 _ Tho Cai. s E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 _ Tho Em. s E 1613 Giles, Tho Pet. p E 1636 A.B. 1637-8: A.M. 1641 Gyles, Tho *Trin. p E 1642 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 _ Will Joh. s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 Giles, Will Cla. s M 1620 A.B. 1623-4 _ [C. C. 1569] Gill V. also Gell _ Alex AM. 1623( Oxf.); S.T.B. _ Cha C. C. p E 1571 [1636 {do.) Gyll, Edw Joh. p L 1557-8 A.B. 1561-2 Gill, Edw Trin. p. E 1631 _ Era Joh. p c. 1592 Gyll, Geo Chr. p M 1567 1 Uncertain which of these graduated. MatHculatioiiH and Degy^ees 1544 — 1659 283 Gyll, Geo Ck. Gill, Geo Ghr. — (ieo Qu. — Geo Gyll, Hen Cla. Gill, Hen [Joh. Gyll, John Je.s. Gill, John Chr. Gyll, John Joh. — John Cla. Gill, John {imp.) Cla. — John Jes. — John Cla. — [Gell], Matth C. C. — Nich — Pet Joh. Gyll, Ralph Em. Gill [Gell], Rob C. C. — (?Sill), Rowl Cath. Gyll, Tho Chr. Tho (,'hr. Tho Chr. Tho Cath. Will Cla. Will Chr. Gilleat, Dav Trin. Giliett, John Chr. Tho John Martin *Cai. Rich Cai. Chr. Hen Cla. Hen Joh. Matth Cath. Sam Cath. Rich [Trin. Alan Joh. Bernard Cai. Everard Em. Geof. (Godfr.) Geo Trin. John Trin. Luke *Trin. Owen Joh. Randall *King'!- Simon Pet. John Trin. Ja Je.s. John Cla. — Rob Cai. Ginner, Tho Chr. — Will Cla. Gynnynge, Rich Cla. Ginnings, Tho Qu. (Jipps, Geo Joh. Gippes, Geo [Qu. Gips, John Em. — John Sid. Gipps, Rich rr]m. — Rich [Era. p E p M p E p M s L s E p E p E p E p c. s M p M s E 1582 1615 1616 A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1578 1651-2] 1544 1551 1568 1582 1593 1611 A.R. 1614; A.M. 1619 1652 1607 p M ,s M p E s E s E s E s E s E s M s L p E s c. s E [schol. p M p E 1585 1587 1601 1596 1557-8 1579 1615 1619 1606 1609 1612 1636 p c. p E p E 1559 1629 1609 1575 1612 1649 1652 1647] 1575 1563-4 1588 1596 1551 1560] 1550 1611 1638 1595 1577-8 1589 1579-80 1624 1588-9 1564 1646 1606 1618-9] 1596 1652 [fr. 1596] 1627] A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. (Trin.) 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1609-10 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1618 A.B. (Chr.) 1631 {(jrace) A.B. (Mag.) 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1562-3 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 A.B. 1615-6 A.B. 1655 A.B. 1579-80 A.B. 1532-3; A.M. (*Chr.) 1535; [S.T.B. 1544; *Trin. 1546 A.B. 1561-2 ; A.M. 1565 ; S.T.B.'76 [Trin. 1552] [A.B. 1614-5]; A.M. 1618; S.T.P. A.B. 1642-3 [1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1588 [Jenner] A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 Em.l 284 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Gipps, Rich [Em. — Tho *Trin. Gipson, John v. Gibson Girling, Geo C. C. Gerlinge, Hen Cla. Gurling, Nath Cai. Girling, Ralph v. Greenling Gurlyng, Tho Cla. Gurling, Tho Cai. — Will Cai. Girlinge, Will Trin. Gurling [C. C. Gyrlington, ' Anth Trin. Gerlington, John Jes. Girlington, Nich Mag. Girlyngton, Tho Jes. Gyrlington, Will Cai. Gerlington Mag. Girton, Tho Trin. Gisborough, Fra Joh. Gisborow, Paul [Qu. Gisebriiner, Elias Sid. Gisland, Tristram ... Mag. Gissing, Rich C. C. Gist V. Guest Gyttons, Dav C. C. Gyttings, Edw Pet. Gittons, Geo [Qu. Gyttons, Hen Gittiugs, Ja Joh. Gittins, Ralph Joh. Gladman, Baanah Sid. — Elias [Cla. — • Elkanah . . . — Naariah Trin. Gladstains, Alex Glanfeild, Rich Pem. Glanvill, John Em. — John [Em. — Jos Pet. Glapthorne, Hen C. C. Glascock, And Chr. Glascocke, Barth Chr. Glascock, Chris Cath. Glascocke, Edw Qu. — Edw Chr. Glascock, Ethan Sid. Glascocke, Hen Chr. Glaskock, John *KingV Glascocke, John Chr. — John *Mag. (ilascock, John Cath. — John Chr. Glascocke, Phil Cla. Glascoke, Phil Cla. Glascocke, Rich Pet. Glascock, Rich [Chr. Glascoke, W C. C. f-c E 1635] s E 1656 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 p E 1626 f-c E 1577 p E 1614 A.B. 1614-5 s M 1567 p E 1649 A.B. (Pet.^ 1652 p E 1604 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 p E 1606 1568] A.B. (Em.) 1609-10 ; A.M. 1613 p M 1548 A.B. (*Pem.) 1551-2 ; A.M. 1555 P E 1573 [Migr. to Cai.] f-c c. 1595 f-c E 1572 s E 1610 f-c c. 1597 s M 1646 s M 1638 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 s E 1604] p E 1611 p E 1639 s E 1659 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 s M 1569 p M 1580 p E 1599] A.B. (Pem.) 1572-3 s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 p E 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 r« M 1598' A.B. 1609 E 1643' 1598 p E 1624 V E 1587 V L 1638-9] p M 1638 p E 1624 p M 1554 p M 1571 s E 1631 P M 1587 f-c E 1639 s E 1627 p M 1581 p E 1544 1^ M 1554 p E 1639 p E 1640 r« E 1659] p M 1572 .s E 1607 p c. 1589 V L 1654-5] P L 1564-5 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Sid.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.M. 1609-10 (Incorp. fr. St [Andrews) A.B. 1627-8 ; A.M. 1631 ; S.T.B.'38 A.B. (?1591-2); .\.M. 1595 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1646 A.B. (Cath.) 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. (C. C.) 1594 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. (Cla.) 1585-6; A.M. 1589 A.B. 1545-6 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1046 A.B. 1662-3 Public Orator, 1560. Matriculation fs (I IK 1 Degrees 1544 — 16 59 285 Glascocke, Will Jes. p M — Will Chr. p L Glascock, Will C'ath. p M Glaskock -loh. p E Glascock [C. C. f-c (iliisgow, John, Ahp. of\ (Spottiswood) Glasyer, Laurence ... Triii. H. f-c M Glasier, Rob Trin. .s M Glas, John [('. C. Glass, John Em. p E Glasse, Tho Jes. p E Glcadall, Rich I oh. s c. Gleane, John Gai. p E — John [G. G. — Pet — Tho Pet. p E Gledell, John Toh. p M Gledhill, Rich Sid. p E — Tho Gla. f-c E (xlegge, Will ("hr. p E Glemham, Hen Gleaiam, John Gonv.H. p E Glendall, John Em. p E Gle-son, John *Trin. s E — Tho Trin. s E Glewe, Hen Glisson ('Gleson'), ' Fra. ..*Cai. p E — Hen *Cai. p E — Humph. ... — John — Paul *Trin.H. p M Glosborow, Nich. v. Goldsborough Glo.sse, John Qu. s M Glossoppe, Will Chr. p E Glover, Alex Chr. s c. — Chris Mag. p E — Cornelius ... C. C. s E — Edw — Fra. V. Gower — Era [Qu. p E — Hen Pem. )) L — Hen Joh. s E — Hugh Pem. p M — Hugh — Hugh Em. s E — Hugh [Pet. p E — John Chr. 8 M — John *King's [schol. — John [Cai. p L — John Pet. K E — John Em. p E — Nich Tes. s E — Pet Joh. p E — Rich Joh. s M — Rich Chr. p M — Rich Trin. s E — Sam Cath. s E — Sam 1G26 1G2G- 1633 1544 1562] 1553 1629 1547] 1624 1624 1596 1610 1647] 1603 1622 1634 1656 1607 1557 1647 1579 1587 1617 1625 1627 1622 1549 1591 1619 1618 1648] 1564-5 1618 1561 1627 1652] 1555 1604] 1604-5] 1625 1633 1584 1631 1576 1602 1636 1637 A.B. 1629-30 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1640 A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) A.B. 1631-2 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. (Chr.) 1600-1 A.B. (Cla.) 1582-3 A.B. 1620-1 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654 (Incorp. A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586, Gledson [(Mag.) 1636 A.B. 1636 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624; M.L. [1631; M.D. 1634 A.B. 1628-9 ; A.M. 1632 ; M.D. '39 A.M. 1636 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) LL.B. 1634 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1622; A.M. (Cla.) 1627 A.B. 1621-2 A.M. 1617 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1567-8 A.B. (King's) 1622-3 ; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1564-5 A.M. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 {alias Cambryge) A.B. 1607-8 ; A.M. 161 2 ; S.T.B. '26 A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 A.B. 1634-5 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1644, *Qu. A.M. 1656 (Incorp. fr. 0.xf.) Kegius Professor of Physic, 1636. 286 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Glover, Tho Chr. s M ir)88 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 — Tho Job. p c. 1591 — Tho *Joh. p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 — Tho A.M. (Trin.) 1642 (grace) — Will Em. f-c M 1627 — Will [Cai. f-c M 1637] — Will Qu. s M 1648 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 — Cla. p E 1613 Glower, Era. i\ (iower Glyd, Rich LL.B. 1659 (Jncorp. fr. Oxf.) Glydell, Geo Joli. .■^ E 1573 [1558 ; *Cath. ; *Cai. Glyn, Hugh Qu. s E 1544 A.B. 1548-9; A.M. 1552; M.D. — Owen A.M. 1581 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Glinne, Rich A.B. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) (iHynne, Tho Joh. f-c E 1658 Glyn, iWiU A.B. 1526-7; A.M. (*Qu.) 1530; Glynne [Glenne], Will... Qu. s M 1576 [S.T.B.1538; S.T.P. 1544; *Trin. Gnorway, W Sid. p M 1637 [1546 Goade, Chris *King's p M 1569 A.B. 1573-4 Goad, Chris *King'8 p L 1607-8 [A.B. 1611-2] Goade, Chris *King's p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 ; S.T.B. '30 Goad, Era *King's p E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 (Matr. [Good) Goade, Era Cla. p M 1626 A.B. (Pet.) 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 Goad, Geo *King's p M 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 — Hen *Qu. s L 1564-5 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 ; S.T.B.'79 — Matth *King'.s p c. 1591 [A.B. 1595-6]; A.M. 1599 — Rich *King's [schol. 1610 A.B. 1613-4] — Rob [King's p L 1569-70] — Rob King's p c. 1594 [1568-9; S.T.P. 1576 — 2Roger *King's p M 1555 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1563 ; S.T.B. Goade, Roger *King's p M 1585 A.B. [1589]; A.M. 1593 — Roger *King's p M 1601 A.B. 1605-6 [1607 ; S.T.P. 1615 — Tho *Knig's [schol. 1592] [A.B. 1596]; A.M. 1600; S.T.B. — 3Tho *King's p M 1611 A.B. 1613; A.M. 1619; LL.D. 1630 — Tho Cla. p M 1626 A.B. (Pet.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 — Will S.T.B. 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) Goare, John Qu. p M 1613 Gobart v. Gubbard Gobert, John A.B. (Trin.) 1622-3; A.M. 1628 Gocchinga, Scatho k (Frithiua) LL.D. 1593 (Incorp. fr. Erankfort) Godbed v. also Gotobed — Augustin ... Pet. s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 ; A.M. 1628, Godbit Gotobed, Edw Jes. s e. 1596 A.B. (Pet.) 1600-1 Godbed, Hen Jes. p E 1544 — John Pet. s M 1560 (iotobed, Tho Cai. s E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 Godbed, Will Clem.H. p E 1.544 Gotobed, Will Trin. s E 1631 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 Godbet, Tho Jes. s E 1578 A.B. 1581-2, Godbed ; A.M. 1585, Godbold, Anth [Jes. p INI 1650] [Gotobed Godbould, John [Cai. p E 1599] Godbold, John [Jes. p M 1650] — Rich Tes. p E 1653 A.B. 1655-6 — Tho [Trin. p E 1646] — Will [Pern. 1639] Goddard, Bcnj Chr. p M 1649 A.B. 1653 — Edw Joh. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 1 Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, 1544; President of Queens', irjoS; Bishop of Bangor, 1555. 2 Provost of King's, 1569. » Regius Professor of Civil Law, 1635. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 •287 E 1577 c. 1594 E 1606] E 1607 M 1544 E 1578 M 1617 M 1582 ibove) L 1623-4 c. 1593 E 1621 E 1612 E 1609 E 1589 M 1571 [1599] E 1608 E 1625 E 1641 E 1589 M 1588 Goddart, Gibbon Pet. p E 1629 Goddard, John Job. s M 1638 — Jonat Chr. [fr. Oxf. 1637] — Tho Cai. s E 1565 — Tho Cla. Godderd, Tho Job. Goddard, Tho [Em. Godward, Tho C. C. Godard, Will Mich. Ho. Goddart, Will Trin. Goodard, Will Cai. Goddell, Zach Qu. — Zach. (/the Godden, Eob Ti'in. Goddin, Will C. C. Goddinge, Rich Cla. Goderick, John Mag. Godfrey, Anth *Trin. Godfrie, Art Cai. Godfrey, Dan C. C. Godfry, Fra C. C. Godfrye, Fra C. C. Godfrey, Fra Pet. Godfery, Hen Cai. Godfraye, John C. C. Godfrey, Jos Pern. — Lambard ... Godefridus, Mich Godfraye, Oliver Trin. Godfray, Pet Job. Godfrey, Rich — Rich Mag. — Rich Cai. Godfray, Rich [Job. Godfreye, Rob Job. Godfrey, Rob Godfry, Rob Pern. Godfrye, Rob Godfrey, Tho Chr. — Tho Joh. Godley, Bevis Qu. — Brian Godlye, Hen *Qu. Godman v. also Goodman — Hen Pet. — Tho Pet. — Tho Em. — Will *King=s Godolphin, Will Em.' Gods [C. C. Godsalve, Edw — Hen Em. — Hen [Cai. — Hen C. C. — John — John Em. f-c Godselfe, Rich Joh. s Godsaul, Roger Cai. f-c Godshalfe, Tho Trin. p Godsave, Will Chr. s Godscale, Ja p E 1563 f-c M 1628 s L 1637-J p E 1641 f-c M 1644] s E 1555 p c. 1596 E 1626 L 1626-7 E 1597 E 1576 E 1647] E 1586 M 1589 M 1642 L 1584-5 1547] A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 M.B. 1638; M.D. (Cath.) 1643 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 [Goddard] A.B. (? ) ; A.M. (Cath.) 1605 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1623-4 ; A.M. 1627, Goodin A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1610-1 A.B. 1628-9 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 A.B. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Incorp. in Theol. and Law, on [King's visit, 1624 A.B. 1554-5, *Joh. A.B. 1641-2 A.B. (Qu.) 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.B. (Trin.) 1599-1600 A.M. 1617 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1630-1 [Benj. A.B. (Chr.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607, A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583; S.T.B. [1592 A.B. 1650-1 A.B. 1646 ; A.M. 1650 ; S.T.B. 1659 p c. 1 595 p L 1595-6] p M 1614 E 1607 L 1656-7 E 1584 M 1552 E 1582 A.B. 1543-4; A.M. 1546; S.T.B. (Matr. Godson) [(*Trin.) 1554 A.B. 1549-50 [Trin. 1550] A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 [Godsalve] A.B. 1585-6, Godsawff A.B.(Trin.) 1599-1600 ; A.M. 1600 288 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Godwin, Edm Qu. s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 — Edw Chr. p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 — John Chr. p E 1629 — Sam Chr. p E 1639 [Goodwin] — Will. V. Goodwin Goethfeus v. Getsius Goftarler S.T.B. 1544 Gofie, Chri.s C. C. s L 1577-8 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1586 — Edm Trin. s M 1575 — Edw [Cai. f-c M 1648] Gough ('Goah'), Era. ...*Em. s E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 ; S.T.B. Goughe, Era Sid. p E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 [1602 Goffe, John Joh. .s M 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 — John Pern. p E 1623 A.B. 1624-5 — John A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — John Em. p E 1653 A.B. 1656, Jonat. ; A.M. 1660 Gough, Morris Qu. p E 1578 A.B. (Cath.) 1584-5 Goffe, Rich Cla. s M 1632 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 — Rob Joh. s M 1.584 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 — Tho A.M. 1617 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Will Joh. p E 1614 A.B. 1618 Gough, Will Qu. p L 1645-6 A.B. 1647-8 — Will Chr. p E 1646 — [C. C. 1583] Goftom, Era Joh. p E 1577 Gofton, Era [Pem. 1627] — Era [Pet. f-c M 1654] Gogges, John Cla. s E 1586 A.B. (Cai.) 1588-9 Gogman, Will A.B. (? 1 539-40, Gobeman) ; A. M. Gogney, Simon Trin. H. p E 1553 [1546 ; S.T.B. (*Joh.) 1554 Gol borne v. Goulbourn Gold V. Gould Golden, Rob Pem. s L 1563-4 Goldham, Tho Em. .s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 (Matr. Goldinge, Ambrose ... Trin. s M 1573 [Gouldum) Gouldinge, Ambrose ... Pem. s M 1627 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634, Golden Goklyng, Art Jes. f-c E 1552 Golding, Bart Em. [s E 1614] A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — Edm Pet. t-c M 1564 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569 Goldynge, Edw Gonv.H. s E 1548 Golding, Edw Pem. p E 1613 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 Goulding, Geo. v. Gouldham Goldynge, Hen Joh. p M 1.567 A.B. 1571-2 — ' Hen C. C. p M 1572 A.B. 1575-6 ; A.M. 1579, Goulding Goulding, Hen Qu. s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 Golding, John C. C. \) E 1587 Goldinge, John Em. s E 1610 A.B. 1613-4 Goulding, Pet [Qu. p M 1647] — Rich Joh. p E 1606 A.B. (U609-10); A.M. 1613 Golding, Rich Qu. s E1632 A.B. 1635-6, Goulding ; A.M. 1639 Goldinge, Rob Gonv.H. s E 1548 Golding, Rob Chr. p M 1549 A.B. 1554-5 (Joulding, Rob Qu. p E 1575 (Joldinge, Rob Cla. p M 1602 A.B. 1606; A.M. 1610 (ioldynge, Roger *King's p M 1571 [off 1575] — Tlio Gonv.H. s E1551 — Tho Tes. p M 1554 Golding, Tho Cai. f-c E 1652 — Will Gonv.H. s E1544 A.B. 1.544-5; A.M. 1548 ; *Trin.H. — W Trin. s M 1582 [1557 ; *(!<)n v. H. 1.5.59 Goldinge, Will Em. s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 16 59 289 Goldingham, Anth Gonv. H. p E 1551 — Chris Trin. H. [) E 1575 Goulilingham, Edw *Trin. [.schol. 1601 Goldyngham, Fra Gonv. H. p E 1544 Goldingham, John King's p E 1544 Goldyngham, Will Mag. f-c L 1564-5 Goldingham, Will Qu. p E 1602 — Will [Em. p E 1651] Gouldingham Pet. f-c M 1602 Goldman ;•. also Gouldnian — Fra Chr. p E 1623 Goldren, Fra Em. s M 1639 Gould.sborough, Edw Trin. [schol. 1602] Goldysborowe, iGodfry U^^.,^ ^ ^^^^ {imp. 12 ann.)) ^ Goldesburge, John Chr. p M 1611 Goldsborgii, John [Trin. L 1641-2 Goldisborowe, Nich Qu. p E 1571 Golsborowe, Tho Joh. p L 1563-4 Goldsborow, Tho [Qu. p E 1595] (iouldsmythe, Cha *Pem. p M 1619 Goldsmith, Cha Pem. p L 1656-7 Gouldsmith, Dan Trin. s M 1627 Goldsmyth, Geo Qu. p M 1588 Gouldsmith, Geo Sid. p L 1623-4 Goldsmith, John — Mathias ... Pem. p L 1656-7 — Tho Em. p E 1623 — Will *Trin. [schol. 1599] Gouldsmith Trin. f-c E 1626 Goldson V. Gouldson Gouldestone, Hugh [Sid. p E 1635] Golstone, Jerman Chr. p L 1580-1 Goldston, John Pet. s E 1544 Golstone, Raphael Pet. p M 1570 Goldston, Tho Qu. s M 1646 — Will Joh. s M 1653 Goldsworth, Tho Cai. p M 1631 Goldwell, Cha Qu. p E 1606 — Fra [Em. s E 1639] Gouldwell, Jeftery Sid. p E 1625 Goldwell, John Job. p E 1544 — John Qu. f-c M 1567 — Rich Cla. [p L 1645-6 — Tho Trin. p M 1559 — Will Qu. p E 1616 Goldwyre, Hen [Trin. p E 1656] Goldwire, John [Qu. p M 1647] Gouldwyer, Roger Em. p M 1628 Golland, Rob Em. [p E 1614] Golliford, Rob Golson V. Gulson Golty, Edw Cai. p E 1607 — Miles Pem. s E 1626 — Rich Pem. p E 1613 — Rich Cath. p M 1646 Goltie, Sam Cath. p E 1641 Goltz, Geo Gomar, Fra (No A.B.); A.M. 1562 (Mag.) 1577-8 ] A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. A.B. (*Trin. 1605-6; [1571 ; LL.D. H.) 1567-8; A.M. 1609 1579 A.M. A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1603-4 , A.M. 1607 A.B. 1565-6 A.M. [1577 1569; S.T.B. ; S.T.P. 1583 A.B. A.B. 1573-4 1567-8, [1595, Glosborow A.M. 1577; S.T.B. Goldisborowe M.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1627 1658-9 1631-2, (/1591- 1627-8 (Trin.) 1658-9; A.M. 1635 2); A.M. 1595 1620-1 A.M. 1662 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. (Mag.) 1588, [Gulston A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 [alias Porter) A.B. 1610-1 (C. C. in ordo); A.M. [1614 A.B. 1544-5, Trin. 1546 fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1645-6 [Coldwell] A.B. A.B. 1617-8 (Joh.) 1576- A.B. 1610-1; A.B. 1629-30 A.B A.B A.B. A.M. A.B. A.M. 1614 A.M. 1633 1615-6; A.M. 1619 1649-50; A.M. 1653 Bishop of Gloucester, 1598. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 1619 {fil. nob.) (Mag.) 1582-3 (Incorp. fr. [Oxf.); A.M. 1583 37 290 Matriculations and Degrees 544- 1659 Gomarus, Fra. (Belga) A.B. and A.M. 1624 Gonell V. Gunnel 1 Gonester, Rich King's M 1545 Goniston, Edw A.B. (Jes.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 Gonne v. Gunn Gonson, Anth loh. f-c M 1586 Gonville v. Gunvile Gouge (Gooch), Barnaby . Chr. p E 1555 Goche, iBarn Mag. p M 1582 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590; LL.D. — Barnabie ... Mag. p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 [1604 _ Hen *Trin. p c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1: A.M. 1604; S.T.B. [1620; S.T.P. 1627 {Lit. Reg.) Gooch, Hen Em. p E 1658 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1668 Goche, John Trin. s E 1578 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 (Matr. Gooche, John *Mag. p E 1611 A.B. 1614; A.M. 1618 [Googe) — John Mag. p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Goche, John Trin.H. s M 1624 Gooche, John Chr. p M 1628 Gooch, Leon [Chr. p L 1645-6] Goch, Mathias Mag. p E 1640 A.B. 1644-5 — Nath Mag. p E 1607 Gowche, Phil Joh. s E 1577 A.B. 1.580-1 — Rob Qu. f-c M 1573 Goche, Rob Era. p M 1618 A.B. 1619-20 Gooch, Rob Chr. p E 1647 Goche, Sampson ... Qu. p E 1626 Gowtche, Tho Chr. p M 1564 A.B. 1567-8 ; A.M. (*C. C.) 1571, Goouche, Tho Trin. s M 1570 A.B. (Cai.) 1574-5 [Gouche Gooche, Tho Trin. s c. 1592 A.B. 1596-7 ; A.M. 1600, Googe Gooch, Tho Cai. s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 — Tho Cla. p E 1659 Gowche, W Trin. p E 1587 A.B. 1590-1 Gooche, Will [Em. p E 1627] Good V. also Goade Goode, Edw Trin. s c. 1597 Good, John Cla. p E 1573 A.B. 1576-7 — John Sid. s E 1642 — John Sid. s E 1650 A.B. (Trin.) 1653-4; A.M. 1657 _ Nevell Jes. p M 1567 A.B. 1569-70 Goodde, Rich *King'8 p M 1578 A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. 1586 Goode, Rob Qu. p E 1603 A.B. 1606-7, Goude ; A.M. 1610 Good, Sam C. C. p E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 Goode, Tho Chr. p E 1559 Good, Tho C. C. [1599] A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. 1606 _ Will Pern. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 Goodall, Cha Em. [p E 1658-9] C.L. 1665 _ Edw Trin. s E 1614 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 Goodale, Geo Cla. p M 1571 A.B. 1574-5 ; A.M. 1578, Goodall _ Ja *Pet. s L 1645-6 [fr. Trin.] A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 Goodall, John Em. s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 Goodhall, Rob Joh. p E 1586 Goodall, Tho King's s E 1618 A.B. 1622-3 Goodhall, Will Joh. p E 1612 Goodall, Will Pet. s M 1649 A.B. 1652-3 Goodanter, Tho Pet. p M 1633 A.B. 1636-7 Goodborne, John Je.s. s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Goodcree?, Hen Joh. p E 1550 (?Gooderec) Godday, Art C. C. p c. 1593 Gooday, Geo Qu. p E 1636 1 M.P. for University, 1620; Commissary, 1615. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 291 Goodday, John Chr. p M 1637 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645, *Pem. ? Gooddaye, Rich Jes. p E 1575 Gooday, Roger Jes. p M 1568 A.B. 1571-2, Gooddaye — Roger Chr. p E 1640 Goodday, Sam Job. p E 1652 — Tho Cai. s M 1566 Gooday, Tho *Qu. s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 Gooddell, Edm Cath. p E 1615 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 Goodder, Ralph Triii. s E 1623 Goodding, Ja Em. p c. 1592 Goodingo [Goodwin], John Sid. p E 1610 A.B. (Peni.) 1613-4; A.M. 1617 — John *Pem. [1658J A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 — Rob Qu. s M 1620 A.B. 1623-4 Goodin, Sam Qu. p E 1627 Gooddinge, Tho (^a. p L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2 ; A.M. 1585, Golding Goodeeve, Rich Qu. s E 1632 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 Goodescm, John [Cai. p E 1586] Goodfelowe, Lewis Qu.- p L 1577-8 — Tho Pet. p M 1561 Goodhand, Trianiour ... Joh. p E 1581 — \V Je.s. p E 1572 Goodicar(0, John A.B. (Mag.) 1600-1 Goodknap, Jerem Em. p E 1854 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 Goodlade, Nich Trin. s M 1559 A.B. 1.563-4 (ioodlet, And Mag. s M 1564 Goodlove, W Pern. p E 1588 Goodman, Cardell Era. ' [E 1622] A.B. 1625-6; A.M. (*Joh)1629- — Dav Chr. s E 1654 A.B. (Joh.) 1657-8 [S.T.B. 1636 — Ed Pern. s M 1566 — Edw Chr. p L 1615-6 — Edw [Jes. p M 1657] — Everard Cath. p E 1629 — Everard Je.s. p E 1659 — Era A.B. (Pein.) 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 — 'Gabriel Jes. .s M 1546 A.B. (? J oh.) 1549-50; A.M. (*Chr.) [1553; S.T.P. 1564 — Geo *Mag. p M 1613 A.B. 1616-7 ; A.M. 1620; S.T.B. '30 — Geo Trin. p E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. (*Pet.) 1664 — Godfrey Chr. p E 1553 — Godfrey Trin. p L 1581-2 A.B. 1585-6 — '^Godfrey Trin. [schol. 1600] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607; S.T.B. — John Mag. p E 1612 [1614; S.T.P. 1619 — John Joh. .s M 1612 A.B. 1616-7 — John Mag. p E 1632 — John Trin. p M 1637 A.B. 1641-2 — John Sid. s M 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. (Trin.) 1648; — John Cath. p M 1642 [S.T.B. (*Cai.) 1656 ; S.T.P. 1673 — John [Trin. L 1645-6] — John Cai. s E 1655 A.B. 1658 — hiiu. {]n) ... Chr. s E 1581 — Laurence ... Cai. s E 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 — Rich C. C. s E 1581 A.B. 158.5-6 (Matr. Godmanj — Rich Cai. s E 1634 — Rob Jes. p M 1589 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 — Rob [Mag. schol. E 1612] — Sam Mag. p M 1634 — Tho Chr. j) i\[ 1561 — Tho Trin. p E 1576 — Tho Cai. s E 1652 1 Dean of Westminster, 1.561. * Bishop of Gloucester, 1625. 292 Mati'iculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Goodman, Will Mas;. p — [C. C. — [King's s Goodread, Tho. (m^o.).. Chr. s Goodrich, Nich Cai. s Gooderyche, Tho Chr. p Gooderich, Will Cai. s Goodrich, Will Cai. s Goodricke, Edw C. C. p — Hen Trin. p Goodrick, Hen Goodricke, Hen Cla. p Goodrick, Hen Pern. s — Hen Qu. s — John Joh. p — 1 John Mag. s Goodricke, John Jes. f-c Goodericke, John Qu. s Goodrick, John Joh. s — Lionel [Em. p Gooderick, Lionel Cai. s Goodrick, Oliver Em. f-c Goodricke, Rich Chr. f-c — Rich Goodrick, Rob Trin. p Goodricke, Rob Sid. p — Rob *Pem. s — Rob. (imp.) . Chr. s Goodrick, Sam [Em. p Goodricke, Tho Cla. s Goodrick, Tho Chr. s Goodrycke, Will Qu. p Goodricke Em. f-c Goodwin, Anth Trin. s Goodwyn, Earth Qu. p Goodwin, Barthram ... Joh. p — Blaise [Cai. f-c — Edm C. C. s — Edm Jes. p — Edw C. C. ■ — Ewin C. C. p — Era Trin. p Goodwyn, Geo *Trin. p — Geo Chr. s Goodwin, Geo [Em. p — Geo Cai. s Goodwyn, John Mich. Ho. p Goodwynne, John C. C. p Goodwyn, John *Joh. s Goodwin, John *Trin. p — John Sid. p — John *Qu. s Goodwinge, John King's s Goodwin, John Trin. s — John — John Em. p — John [Chr. p — John Joh. p — Jonat Jes. s Goodwynne, Matth Cai. p E 1606 1566] L 1571-; M 1657 1597 E 1567 c. 1597 E 1634 E 1573 E 1579 E 1614 E 1631 E 1640 M 1545 E 1612 E 1633 E 1635 E 1655 E 1596] M 1623 E 1607 E 1576 1598 E 1602 E 1619 M 1657 E 1600] E 1576 E 1631 E 1545 E 1607 E 1571 L 1578-9 E 1618 M 1569] E 1607 E 1656 [1581] E 1623 E 1637 M 1578 L 1581-2 E 1630] E 1632 E 1544 M 1581 M 1587 E 1609 E 1610 E 1612 E 1613 E 1625 E 1629 E 1635] M 1656 E 1633 E 1579 [Goodridge) A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 (Matr. A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. (Cath.) 1604 A.B. 1637 A.M. 1612 (On visit of Prince A.B. 1617-8 [Charles) A.B. 1634-5 A.B. 1643-4 A.B. 1547-8; A.M. (*Chr.) 1551 A.B. 1637-8, Goodridg ; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1663 (ZiV. Reg.) A.B. (Joh.) 1626-7; A.M. 16.30 A.B. (? 1609-10) ; A.M. (Cla.) 1613 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. (*Pem.) 1660-1 ; A.M. 1664 ; [S.T.B. 1671 A.B. 1634-5 A.B. 1575-6 (Matr. Gooddyn) A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614, Godwin A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1626-7 [Goodam) A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 (Matr. A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. 1586 ; S.T.B. '93 A.B. 1634-5; A.^L 1638 [1602; S.T.P. 1616 A.B. C? 1591-2) ; A.M. 1595 ; S.T.B. A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 (Matr. [Gooddin) A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. (King's) 1631 (Incorp. fr. [Oxf.); A.M. 1631 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1641 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 293 Nath C. C. s Nath Phil Joh. s Phil C. ('. s Ralph *'rrin. p Ealph Trin.H. s Rich Mag. s Rich Em. s Rob Qu. [s Roger Qu. s Tho .loh. p Tho Em. p Tho Chr. p Tho Sid. p [Tho.] Pet. p Tho Cath. p Vincent Gonv.H. s Vincent Cai. p W Joh. p Will Will AVill Qu. s Will Joh. s Will Qu. s Will Em. p [Chr. s Hen Trin. f-c Hen Joh. f-c Hen Trin. p Hen Cla. s Hugh Em. s John Em. s John Trin. f-c Roger Em. p Sam *Joh. s Tho Joh. p Will Joh. p Geo Cai. s Sam [Qu. p Tho Joh. p Will Trin. s John Qu. f-c Rich Cla. s Roger Trin. p Jerem Chr. p John Chr. s Tho Qu. p Will Trin. s John Cla. p Mich.Ho. f-c iRob John [Qu. p John [Cath. f-c John Trin. p Tho King's p Tho Joh. s Will *Qu. p {sen.) Trin. f-c {jtm.) Trin. f-c M 1619 A.B. 1623; A.M. 1627 A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. 0.xf.) E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 E 1637 A.B. (Qu.) 1639-40; A.M. 1643 M 1621 A.B. 1624-5 M 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 E 1620] A.B. 1623-4, Gooddin ; A.M. 1627 M 1569 A.B. 1573-4 c. 1593 E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 E 1614 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. (*Cath.) 1620; E 1632 [S.T.B. 1630 E 1637 M 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. (*Joh.) 1646 M 1554 E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 M 1564 A.M. 1583 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (C. C.) 1597-8, Godwin ; A.M. L 1620-1 A.B. 1623-4 [1601 E 1621 M 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 E 1627 A.B. 1630-1 L 1622-3 M 1570 M 1587 c. 1595 M 1626 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 E 1608 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 c. 1591 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 M 1610 E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 M 1576 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 M 1552 M 1552 M 1613 A.B. 1617-8 E 1627] M 1588 E 1575 E 1659 [Gore] M 1581 M 1566 E 1627 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634, Gosse L 1629-30 E 1575 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 M 1617 E 1544 A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) L 1613-4' 1640] M 1649 E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1633 (Matr E 1640 A.B. 1642-3 [Goare) E 1647 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1653 E 1623 E 1623 Brother of the Earl of Sutherland. 204 Matricidatiom Gore [Cath. Gorge, Ferd. {Sir) .. Gorges, Era Cla. — Rich Cla. Gorge (Gorges), Rob Gorges, Tho — Will Em. Goringe, Art Em. Goring, Cha Jes. Goringe, Ed Sid. Goring, * Geo [Sid. — Geo — Hen Sid. — Tho Em. Gorsuch, .John Pern. Gorst, Cha [Em. Gorstelow, Tho Gorton, Tho Trin. Gosenall, Earth Jes. Gosham, Adam Gosnalde, Anth. {imp.) Jes. Gosnold, Anth Trin. Gosnall, Anth C. C. Gosnold, Hen Trin. Gosnole, Hen Trin. Gosnold, Ja Jes. — Ja Gosnalde, John {imp.) . Jes. Gosnall, John [Pern. Gosnold, Lionel C. C. — Paul Chr. Gosnall, Pet Pem. Gosnold, Phil, {imp.) .Edm. Ho. Gosnalde, Rob Jes. Gosnold, Rob [C. C. — Rob Em. — Rob C. C. Gosnall, W Trin. Gosse, John [Cai. — John Em. — Will Joh. Gossip, Greg Ghossip, Ja Tiin. Gossop, Nath Gosshipe, Obadiah ... Joh. Gossip, Rich Sid. — Rob Trin. Gosset, Ja [Chr. Gosson, Ja Pem. — Jos Pet. Go.stling, Isaac Joh. Gostlyn, ^JqI^,^ *Cai. Goslyn, John Pet. — John Trin. Gostlynn, John *Cai. Gostlyn, John *Cai. Goslen (Gostlin), John ...*Cai. Gostling, John Chr. 1 Earl of Norwich, 1644. 2 Master of Goiiville and Caius ' a nd Degrees 1544 — 1659 i p E 1642] A.M. 1594 {spe.c. congreg.) f-c E 1635 A.M. 1635-6 f-c E 1637 A.M. 1652 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c E 1636 f-c E 1615 f-c E 1637 p E 1609 f-c E^1600]^:- A.M. 1626 {HI. noh.) p E 1609 A.B. 1612-3 f-c E 1616 p M 1617 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624, Gorseck; p E 1654] A.B. (Chr.) 1657-8 [S.T.P. 1636 S.T.B. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [1647] A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1657 p E 1587 A.B. (Cla.) 1625-6 s M 1550 P L 1578-9 p c. 1597 [Gosnold] 1> E 1577 p E 1636 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 p L 1564-5 M.L. 1581 s M 1550 1646] E 1657 p A.B. (*Pet.) 1660-1; A.M. 1664 p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1028 s E 1562 A.B. (Jes.) 1568-9 s s M 1544 M 1550 1597] p E 1603 p E 1654 p p M 1566 E 15S1] p E 1612 A.B. 1615 p M 1575 A.B. 1579-80 1 A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4 « E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.M. (?) 1584 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1613 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. (Jes.) 1619 s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 s s M 1567 E 1655] (fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1633; A.M. 1637 [E 1622] A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1631 s E 1652 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 p M 1582 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590; M.D. s E 1582 A.B. 1585-6 [1602 p M 1586 1' E 1620 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 p M 1640 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 p M 1647 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. (*Pot.) 1654; s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2 [M.D. (Cai.) 1661 Wl 1619; Regius Professor of Physic, 1623. Matriculations and Degi^ees 1544 — 16 59 295 Gostlyn, Nich C. C. Gosling, Rich Gostling, Tho *Cai. Goslinge, Tho Joh. Gostlin, Will C. C. Gostwyke, Edw Chr. Gostwick, Gabriel Sid. Gostwicke, John Cla. — Roger *King's Gostwick, Tho Chr. Gostwycke, Will Chr. Gostwick, Will Chr. Got bolt V. Godbold Gotch, Clem Jes. Goter, Sylvester ... Gother, Paul Pein. Gotobed v. Godbed Gott, Sam Cath. — Sim Trin. Gouge, John Googe, Nich King's Gouge, Rob [Chr. Googe, Tho Em. Gouge, Tho *King's — (Gooch), Will *King's Will [Pern. Gough V. GoSe Goulburne, Jos Joh. Gould (Gold), Hen C. C. — John Cla. Goolde, Paul C. C. Goulde, Rich Trin. Gold, Rob C. C. Golde, Sam Trin. Gould, Will *Joh. Gold, Zephanias... Qu. Gouldham, Geo Trin. Gouldan, Rob Pet. Will Pet. Gouldes, Hen Trin.H. W Mag. Gouldfinch, Tho *Trin. Gouldman, Fra. v. Goldman - Geo Cai. Gouldson, John Qu. Gouldum V. Goldham Goule, Hen Ji)h. Goulton, Rich Trin. Goultry [Cath. Gowell, Josias Gower, Evers Chr. Fra Chr. - 1 Humph. ...*Joh. Gowre, John Trin. Gower, John Pem. - John Jes. - John Joh. Gowre, W Joh. E 1631 f-c E p E 1605 1606 1626 1606 1627 1554 1586 1640 1582 1617 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. (Joh.) 1612 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1617 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 xV.B. [1590-1]; A.M. 1594; S.T.B. [1601 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 c. 1592 A.B. (? 1595-6); A.M. 1599 A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) L 1564-5 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571, Goter p L 1629-30 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1644 [schol, [p 1625] c. 1627] E 1647] E 1622 M 1625 1595 1658] 8 E 1624 p M 1571 c. 1592 M 1569 E 1625 E 1577 E 1603 E 1657 L 1620-1 c. 1596 M 1583 M 1583 [schol. 1605] s E 1567 p M 1606 p M 1582 p c. 1594 M 1634 M 1588 E 1646] M 1622 M 1608 E 1655 E 1562 M 1562 E 1629 M 1654 M 1579 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. (Pem.) 1650-1 A.B. (Cath.)1629-30; A.M. (King's) [1633 ; M.D. 1645 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. (King's) 1629 A.B. 1629; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1603 (Gooch) ; [S.T.B. 1611; S.T.P. 1628 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. (King's) 1636 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. (*Pem.) 1579; [S.T.B. 1586 A.B. (Cai.) 1595-6; A.M. 1599 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. (*Cai.) 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1606-7, Gould A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664; S.T.B. '71 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627, Gould A.B. 1599-1600 (Matr. Goulding) LL.B. 1609-10 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 [(*Joh.) 1597 ; S.T.P. 1608 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589; S.T.B. (Matr. Goulton) A.B. 1592-3 A.B. (Cla.) 1611-2 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630; S.T.B. A.B. 1611-2, Glover [(*Jes.) 1637 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662; S.T.B. [1669; S.T.P. 1676 A.B 1632; A.M. 1636 Master of Jesus, I; Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, 1688. 296 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Gowin, Jeremy Em. Gowlaud, Rich Grace, Chris Cla. — John Pet. — John *Joh. — Rob — Will Cla. Graceborrowe, Mark C. C. Gradbadge, W. {imp. { r^ ■ tt 11 a7in.)\ ' ' Grafton, Greg. [George] Trin. — Matth Trin. — Rob *Pet. Graham, Geo [Job. — Rich Chr. Graile, John Trin. Graine v. Grayne Grams, Abr Em. Greame, Art J oh. Gramlin, Matth Pern. Grandedge, Rich Joh. Grandidg, Chris Cla. Grandish, Benj Pem. Grandorge, Cha Joh. — Chris Joh. — Isaac *Joh. — Nich Joh. Graynge, Geo Jes. — Geo King's Graunge, John Trin. Grange, Tho Trin. — Will Joh. — iWill Joh. — iWill Joh. Granger, Benj Cai. — Benj Cai. — Geo Joh. Graunger, Tho Pet. Granger, Will [Trin. Gransworth, Hen Joh. Grant, Brian Joh. Graimte, Ed Joh. Graunte, Fra Pet. Grante, Gabriel Trin. — Hen Chr. Grant, John Mag. — John Pem. — John — John Joh. — John — Paul *Joh. — Rich Joh. — Tho Em. — Tho. V. Grent — Tho Qu. — Will Trin. — Will Trin. E 1629 s E 1625 s E 1544 p c. 1596 s E 1627 p E 1579 s M 1561 p E 1559 p E 1604 s E 1550 f-c L 1641-2] f-c L 1653-4 s E 1627 s M 1624 p M 1586 p E 1636 s M 1567 s E 1607 p E 1606 p M 1562 s E 1659 s E 1646 p M 1562 s M 1547 s L 1579-80 s M 1602 p M 1586 s E 1571 s c. 1593) c. 1593S p •s E 1605 p E 1644 p M 1654 s M 1598 1647] p E 1653 p c. 1595 s L 1563-4 ]) E 1619 p c. 1593 s E 1620 s c. 1596 p E 1625 s M 1628 V M 1579 s M 1641 s M 1601 A.B. 1632-3, Go winge; A.M. 1636 A.B. (Cath.) 1620; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 ; S.T.B. '12 A.B. (Trin.) 1569-70; A.M. 1573 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. 1586,Graceboro A.B. 1607-8, 'Geaston'; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1553-4; A.M. 1558 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 {{Lit. Reg.) A.B. (Trin. H.) 1627 ; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594, Grame A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612, Gran- [didge A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 A.B. 1551-2, Greg. A.B. 1606-7, Grange; A.M. 1610 A.B. (Trin.) 1597-8 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 A.B. 1655-6 [prev. at Mag.] A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1656-7 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 A.M. 1573 (Incorp. fr.Oxf.) ; S.T.B. [1578-9; S.T.P. 1588 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1596-7 ; A.M. 1600 ; S.T.P. '12 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. (*Trin.) 1597-8; A.M. 1601; [S.T.B. 1608 ; S.T.P. 1614 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.M. (Joh.) 1628 (Incorp. fr. A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 [Dublin) S.T.P. 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 s E 1629 A.B. 1632 s E 1569 A.B. 1572-3 p E 1627 A.B. 1630-1 Uncertain which of these graduated. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 297 Grantam, Edm Jes. — Tho Trin. Grantham, Fra Jes. — Lancelot ... King'.'' — Tho Pet. Grathwaite, Jer [C. C. Grave, Earth — Geo Trin. — Ja Joh. — John Jes. — Eob Pern. — Tho Trin. — Tho Trin. — Tho Qu. — Tho Qii. — W Trin. — Will *Trin. — Will Pern. Graveley, Geo [King's (Jravelye, John Cla. Gravelev, Tho Qu. — " Tho Trin. Graven, Tho Trin. Gravener, Goddard ... Trin. — Rich Pet. — Will Pet. Graver, Ralph [^^ag. Graves, Abr Em. Greeves, And Joh. Graves, Anth Em. Greaves, Edw Jes. — Geo *Triu. Greves, John Jes. Greaves, John Joh. Graves, John Joh. — (Greaves), John — John [^lag. — John Chr. Grayves, Leon Joh. Greaves, Matth Em. Graves, Nich Joh. Greaves, Nich — Paul *Chr. Greves, Ralph Cai. Greaves, Rich C. G. Graves, Rich Pem. — Rich Joh. Greves, Tho Chr. Graves, Tho Mag. — Will Trin. — Will *C. C. Greaves, AVill Jes. — Will Trin. Graves, Will Gath. — Will Cath. Gravett, Hon Joh. (Jravet, John *Peni. — John *King'; John *Pem. — John C. C. p M L559 f-c L 1650-1 [Grantham] V c. 1590 f-c M 1650 [E 1632; A.B. of Oxf.] A.M. 1634 A.M. 1650 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s L 1577-8 A.B. 1582-3 p M 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 s E 1607 s E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 s M 1584 s L 1584-5 s E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2) ; A.M. 1595, Graves s M 1602 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 (Matr. s M 1583 [Gray) [sch )1. 1596] A.B. 1596-7, Greave; A.M. 1600; [S.T.B. 1607 p L 1618-9 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 L 1566-7' s E 1558 s M 1550 s L 1582-3 p M 1571 p M 1601 p M 1607 p s E 1632 E 1648] p M 1649 A.B. 1649-50, Antony; A.M. 1653 s c. 1593 p L 1645-6 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 p E 1604 A.B. 1607-8 s E 1652 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 s M 1556 s c. 1595 p E 1624 A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) schol L 1638-9 s E 1647 A.B. 1651; A.M. 1660 s E 1571 S.T.B. 1595, Greaves {grace) s E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 ; A.M. 1647, Graves s E 1610 A.B. 1613-4, Greaves; A.M. 1617 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2) ; A.M. 1595, Grave s M 1572 A.B. (Cla.) 1575-6; A.M. 1579, [1610] A.B. 1613-4 [Graves p E 1626 A.B. 1629 p M 1627 A.B. 1631-2 ; A.M. 1638, (Greaves p E 1570 M 1635 A.B. 1638-9, Greaves ; A.M. 1642 M 1585 [S.T.B. 1610 c. 1594 A.B. 1598-9, Greaves ; A.M. 1602 ; E 1604 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. (King's) 1610 E 1641 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1650 M 1642 A.B. 1645-6, Grave; A.M. 1649 E 1647 A.B. 1647-8 M 1548 A.B. 1551-2; A.M. 1555, *Pet. M 1559 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. 1566 M 1562 A.B. 1566-7 s M 1576 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 38 298 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Gravett, Tho *King'i — Will Pet. Grave, And Cla. Gray, 'Anth [Trin. — Cornelms ... Sid. Graje, Ed C. C. — Edra *King'i — Edw Trill. — Edw Jes. — Edw Chr. Grey (Gray), Edw — Edw Joh. Gray, YAw Chr. Graye, Enoch Em. — Era Jes. Gray, Era.. Cla. Graye, Eulck Joh. Gray, Ge Cla. Graye, Hen Pet. Graie, Hen Em. Gray, Hen Trin. — Hen Jes. — Hen Sid. — 2 Hen Trin. — Hen Em. — Hen [Mag. — Herb Sid. Graye, Hughyn ... Trin. — Hugh (? — Hugh *Triu. Gray, Hugh Trin. Graye, Humph. ... Qu. Gray, Ja Cai. — Ja Jes. — Jeremy Chr. — Job Qu. — John Cla. — John Trin. Graye, John Jes. — John Qu. — John C. C. Gray, John [Qu. — John Qu. Graye, John Cla. — John Chr. Gray, John Cai. — John Em. — John Cai. — John Cla. — John Chr. — John Cla. Graye, Matth Chr. Gray, Matth Chr. Graye, Mich Pem. — Mich Mag. — Nich Gray, Nich Sid. Graye, Oliver King' 1 Earl of Kent, 1651. p M 1567 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 I V M 1554 A.B. 1557-8 ; A.M. (*Pem.) 1561 ; M 1546 [S.T.B. 1569 f 1658] A.M. 1661 fi .s M 1624 A.B. 1629-30 I! 1) M 1572 V M 1649 A.B. 1653 1 f-c E 1563 ]> E 1609 f-c E 1626 A.B. 1627-8 A.M. 1640 (Iiicorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c E 1650 A.B. 1652, Gray V E 1654 s E 1629 A.B. 1631-2 s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 ]) E 1640 A.B. 1643-4 p M 1552 s E 1544 M 1554 ( s c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 f-c M 1598 1-) M 1602 p M 1611 A.B. 1614-5 i f-c E 1615 A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) p E 1623 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 s E 1639; Migr. to Clare E 1640] s M1648 [Adm. at Cla. E 1648] p E 1562 J above) LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1573 s E 1574 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582; S.T.B. [1589; S.T.P. 1595 , [schol. 16021 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 p M 1566 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. (Cath.) 1573 P s E 1631 M 1641 p E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. (*Cath.) 1623 p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 s M 1547 s M 1560 p M 1566 p E 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. (*Em.) 1587; .s E 1583 [S.T.B. 1594 s M 1583] s c. 1596 s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 f-c L 1618-& T> E 1622 p E 1622 s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 P M 1641 E 1654 r« E 1659] A.B. 1662-3 p E 1585 s E 1645 s M 1580 p c. 1593 [1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) '1 A.M. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); S.T.P. s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 s E 1606 A.B. (Trin.) 1611-2 - Baron Grey of Groby. Matriculation} s and Degrees 1544 299 Gray, Phil Chr. — Ralph [Chr. Greje, Reg Joh. Graye, Rich Trin. Gray, Rich C. C. — Rob Graye, Rob Cla. — Rob Joh. — Rob — Rob Trin. — Rob Chr. Gray, Rob Trin. CJ ray e, Roger Tri n . Gray, Simon Trin. — Tho Chr. — Tho Jes. Graye, Tho Joh. Gray, Tho C. C. Grave, Tho Jes. — Tho Pet. — Tho *Chr. Gray, Tho Pern. Graye, Tho Mag. — Tho. V. Grave Grev, Tho Chr. GraV, Tho Cla. — Tho — Tho Vm. Graye, Walt Cai. Gray, Walt Trin. — Will Qu. Graye, Will Joh. — Will Em. — Will Mag. — Chr. Gray [Em. Grayne, Rol Cla. — Tho Cla. Greame /•. Grame Greathed, Edw Jes. Greathead, Edw Sid. Grethett, John Chr. Greathead, Rich Trin. Greatorex, Hen Em. Greave, Edw Greaves v. Graves Grebbie, Will Cai. Grechfeild Trin. Gredmer(?), Hen Pet. Greege, Randoljjh ... Joh. Greegs, W Chr. Greeke, John *Trin. — Tho *Trin. — Tho Pet. — Will Pet. Greke, Will Pet. Greene, Ale.x *Pem. Green, Ambrose ... Jes. Greene, Anth *Pe.m. — Anth C. C. p K 1654 f-c E 1618] p M 1551 s E 1559 p E 1571 s E 1577 p E 1589 E 1622 E 1626 M 1638 E 1562 M 1640 M 1550 L 1557-8 M 1560 E 1570 M 1578 E 1582 E 1582 c. 1591 c. 1593 s E 1617 p M 1632 M 1640 E 1578 E 1639 E 1585 E 1614 E 1618 M 1639 E 1544 L 1626- E 1612 E 1618 A.B. 1546-7 ; A.M. (?*Pem.) 1549 ; [S.T.B. 1557 A.B. 1592-3 A.M. 1612 (On visit of Prince A.B. 1625-6 [Charles) A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631; S.T.B. [16.38; S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1583-4 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. A.B. 1585-6; A.M. A.B. 1.593-4 A.B. 1620-1 c. 1593 E 1631 E 1605 M 1570 E 1659 M 1622 E 1608 M 1606 E 1617 M 1575 M 1612 M 1609 M 1639 M 1564 E 1605 M 1646 E 1580 L 1581- M 1628 1589 1589 1636 (Incorp. fr. St Andrews) A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 (?Rob. A.B. 1546-7) A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 (Matr. [Grathram) A.B. 1662-3 A.B. (Trin.) 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1616-7; A.B. 1612-3: A.M. A.M. 1620 1616 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 A. P.. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636; *Jes. '38 300 Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Green, Cha ... [C. C. ... [C. C. 16091 Cha 1610' Grene, Chris. ... ... Trin. s E 1567 Greene, Chris. ... ... Trin. s E 1576 Chris. ... S.T.B. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Green, Chris. ... '.'.'. Chr. s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 Greene, Dan ...*Trin. p E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619; S.T.P. '27 Dan ...*Trin. s M 1646 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 Greane, Edw ... Chr. p E 1.549 Grene, Edw ... Cla. s M 1568 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 Green, Edw ... Trin. s E 1584 Greene, Edw ... [Cai. p E 1601] Edw ... Em. s E 1606 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 Edw ... Pet. p E 1620 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 Edw ... Chr. s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 Edw ...*Mag. p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9 ; A.M. 1632 ; S.T.B. '39 Green, Edw ... [Em. p E 1646] Greene, Flower ... ... Mag. p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 Green, Era ... Cla. p E 1571 Grene, Gabr ... Qu. p L 1563-4 Green, Geo ... [C. C. 1604] Grene, Geo ... Cai. p E 1609 A.B. 1611-2 Greene, Geo ... Sid. p M 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 Geo .. Mag. s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 Green, Geo ... [C. C. 1652] Grene, Gilb ... Jes. p M 1572 Green, Godfrey.. ... Pet. s E 1587 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594; S.T.B. Hen ... C. C. [1570] A.B. 1576-7 [1610 Greene, Hen ... Em. p M 1601 A.B. (Trin.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 Hen ... Cai. p M 1623 Hen ... Em. p E 1635 Green, Hen ... [Em. p E 1646] Greene, Hi;gh ... Pet. s c. 1601 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 Green, Ja. ... Mag. f-c M 1586 Greene, Ja ... Qu. p 1593 A.B. 1596-7 . Ja ... Cla. c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 Green, Ja ... Sid. [p E 1599?] A.B. ( ); A.M. 1605 Ja A.B. (Jes.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 Grene, Ja ... Em. p E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 Green, John ...•'Trin. p M 15.59 A.B. 1562-3 John ... Jes. p M 1571 [Migr. to Cai. 1573] Grene, John ... C. C. s E 1572 A.B. 1575-6 John ... Pem. s M 1572 Greene, John ... Cla. p E 1576 Green, John p E 1593; A.B. ? same (Trin.) 1592-3; A.M. 1597 John '.'.'.. [Qu. as next] John A.B. (Trin.) 1593-4; A.M. (Cath.) John ".'.'.. Jes. s c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8 [1597 Grene, John .... Job. p c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 Green, John s M 1617 A.B. M.L A.B. (Joh.) 1600-1; A.M. 1604 John 1615 Greene, John '.".'.'. Cai. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 John .... Cath. p M 1622 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 John .... Pem. s E 1623 A.B. 1624-5; A, M. 1628 John .... Pem. p E 1629 A.B. 1631-2 John .... Mag. s E 1631 A.B. (Joh.) 1634-5 John .... Joh. f-c E 1632 John .... Joh. s E 1646 A.B. 1649 Green, John .... Chr. s E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 John .... .... Mag. 8 E 1652 A.B 1659 — John .... .... Em. p E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1663 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1^59 001 Greene, Green, Greene, Green, Grene, Green, Greene, Greue, Green, Grene, Greene, Greene, Grene, Green, Greene, Green, Grene, Greene, Green, Grene, Green, Grene, Greene, John Sid. Joshua Pem. Laur Pet. Laiir Pet. Leon C. C. Oliver Cai. Ralph Cla. Rich. (imp.). Cla. Rich. Cai. Rich Chr. Rich *Pem. Rob Trin. Rob C. C. Rob Joh. Rob C. C. Rob Chr. Rob [Joh. Roger Cath. Sam Joh. Sam Cai. Sam les. Tho Joh. Tho Chr. Tho Qu. iTho Trin. 'Tho Pet. ■Tho Trin. Tho Cath. Tho ("la. Tho Trin. Tho [Pem. Will *King's Will Mag. Will Cla. Will Will Cai. Will Cla. Will Joh. Will. (imp.). Trin. Will Joh. Will Trin. Will Chr. Will Trin. Will Will Cai. Will *Cath. Will Trin. Will Joh. Ed Joh. Rich Pem. Rich Trin. Toby Trin. John Rich [Pem. Al.r Joh. John Trin.H. John King'.s W Pet. Art M 1658 E 1623 E 1578 M 1613 M 1633 E 1582 M 1572 M 1545 L 1564- E 1576 M 1642 E 1560 E 1573 M 1575 E 1609 M 1614 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B: 1625; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1581-2 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589; M.L. [1599; M.D. 1615 A.B. 1579-80 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. 1564-5 A.B. 1579- A.M. (Cla.) 1583 1652-3] 1631 1618 1645 1658 1557-8 1568 M 1572 E 1579 E 1580 L 1580-1 E 1631 E 1637 M 1639 1647] M 1546 E 1549 M 1554 L 1564-5 M 1572 E 1579 E 1588 M 1588 c. 1592 M 1621 E 1631 E 1644 L 1645-( E 1654 E 1659 M 1564 E 1563 M 1579 c. 1598 1624] E 1579 E 1550 M 1576 E 1579 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. (Mag.) 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 A.B. (Mag.) 1585-6 A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. 1586 ; S.T.B. '97 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1558 A.B. 1560-1; A.M. 1564 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. (*Mag.) 1628; [LL.D. 1636 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1662-3 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 M.L. 1615 A.B. (Cath.) 1584-5 A.B. (Cath.) 1597-8 Some uncertainty as to the assigimieiit of these degrees. 302 Matr iculation s a nd Deg rees 1544 — 1659 Grenehalgh, John .... Sid. P E 1627 A.B. 16.30-1; A.M. (*Joh.) 1634; [S.T.B. 1641 ; S.T.P. 1672 Greenalgh, John .... Joh. 8 M 1632 A.B. 1635-6 [1596; S.T.B. 1603 Grenhalgh, Oliver .. ....*Chr. S L 1588-9 A.B. 1592-3, Greenough; A.M. Greenliough Oliver .. A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5 Grenehalgh, Rich .'.'.'. Sid. f-C M 1624 Greeiiham, Baltliazar ... Joh. s E 1626 — John .... Em. [« E 1599] A.B. (Chr.) 1603-4 (in nrdo) Grenhani, Rich ....*Pem. s E 1559 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567 (Matr. [Grynham) Greenhill, Will ... Trin. s E 1572 A.B. (Cai.) 1575-6; A.M. 1579 — Will .... Sid. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8 ; A.M. 1621 ; S.T.P. '36 __ Will .... Cai. p E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 Will .... Sid. p E 1647 .... [Em. f-C 1626] Greening, Tho." ■■'.".". .... Sid. s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 Greenlin, Anth .... Em. p E 1637 Greenliug, Ralph .. .... Em. ■s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6, Girling; A.M. 1629 Greeuough, Oliver i\ Greenhalgh Rob .... Chr. s L 1597-8 A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. 1606, Green- Greenowes, Rob .... Chr. p M 1639 [halgh Greeno, Will .... Chr. s c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1600 Greneside, Tho .... Pet. p M 1576 Greensworth , Hen ... [Joh. p E 1653] Grene\vald, Rich . . . . King's p E 1569 A.B. 1570-1, Greenwhall Grenwall, Nich A.B. 1540-1; A.M. (*Chr.) 1544; Greeneway, Sam '.'.'.'. Chr. s E 1577 A.B. (Mag.) 1579-80 [*Trin. 1547 A — Theoph. ... c. c. [1601] A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 || A.B. 1643-4; A.M, 1647 *} Greenway, Tim .... Cai. p M 1640 Grenewell, John .... Chr. p M 1566 A.B. 1569-70 Grenwell, Step. V. Grennell Greenwell, Will .... Em. p M 1601 A.B. 1604-5 Grenewell, Will .... Jes. f-C E 1625 Greenwell, Will .... Em. p E 1640 Grenewood, Chris. .. .... C. C. E 1577 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 Greenew ood Chris. .. .... Joh. s M 1601 Greenwood, Dan A.B. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Dan '.".".' Chr. p E 1645 Greenewood Devoreu.x ... Em. s M 1606 A.B. (Cai.) 1610-1 Greenwood, Edw ....*Joh. p E 1559 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. 1566 Grenewood, Hen ....*Joh. p M 1564 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 Greenwood, Hen .... Pern. s M 1598 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 Hen .... Pem. p E 1625 A.B. 1627-8: A.M. 1631 Hen ....*Tnn. p M 1646 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1651 Grenewood, Ja .... Trin. s E 1637 A.B. 1637 Greenwood, John p E 1559 A.B. 1542-3; A.M. 1547, *Joh. A.B. (*Cath.) 1561-2 ; A.M. 1565 John '.'.'.'. Joh. Grenewoodd , John .... Cath. s L 1564-5 II Greenwood, John .... C. C. s L 1577-8 A.B. 1580-1 John .... Joh. p M 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 Grenewood, John .... Trin. s M 1589 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 . John .... Cath. s E 1612 Greenwood, John .... Joh. s M 1622 Miles .... Joh. p M 1645 [Adm. Sid. E 1645] Paul .... Joh. [« E 1645] A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 Rich .... C. C. s M 1586 A.B. 1590-1 ; A.M. 1594 Rob .... Joh. s M 1570 A.B. 1574-5 ,1 Rowland ... Joh. p E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623; S.T.B. ] Grenewood, Tho .... C. C. >i M 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 [1638 Greenwood, Tho .... Trin. [1650] A.B. 1653-4 Grenewood, Will .... Joh. p E 1570 A.B. 1573-4 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 303 Greenwood, Will ('. (". Greenewood, Will Joh. Greet, Ambr Sid. Gret, John Trin. Gregg (Grigge), (^hris. ... Cai. - (Grigge), Edm Gai. jory, Anth Chris ^orye, Clem... Trin. jory, Clem Cla. Edw Trin. Era Trin. Era [Chr. Geo les. Geo [Job. John loll. John Cai. — John I'cni. — John *Trin. Rich Jes. — Rob. V. Sayer Jregorie, Rob Em. — Roger [Qu. iregory, Sam Cai. — Tho Mag. — Tho Trin. — Tlio Cla. — Tho Cla. W Mag. Will Will Jes. Tho Pet. Hen Chr. Tho Qu. Step Joh. Barnard King's John King's Hen Tho Will [King's Edm [Cai. Edw Trin. Edw Jes. Edw Jes. Ja Joh. Marra King's Parrot Trin. Ricli Joh. Tho Pern. Hen Hen *Trin. John Qu. Rich *Trin. John V. Greathead John Trin. Hoger Mag. Tho Joh. ' Eulke Jes. V E 1605 s E 1645 s E 1604 M 1559 A.B. 1607-8 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. (Pet.) 1603-4 S.T.B. 1579 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s c. 1591 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 V L 1634-5 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 s M 1619 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1626 ]> E 1642 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 f-c p p l> E 1652] E 1620 E 1655] E 1577 s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 p E 1629 p M 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 s M 1615 A.B. 1618-9 s E 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 f-c L 1608-9" [1660 {Lit. Reg.) p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632; S.T.B. p c. 1594 A.B. (Cath.) 1597-8 s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8 p E 1625 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 p E 1656 p E 1585 A.M. 1617 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1618 s c. 1601 p E 1640 A.B. 1643-4 [p E 1644 (fr. Oxf.)l A.B. 1644-5 p L 1582-3 A.B. (C. C.) 1585-6; A.M. 1589 f-c M 1584 f-c M 1584 [Grenvile] A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) M.D. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c 1621 ?J A.B. 1620-1 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c L 1614-5 s E 1584 p c. 1592 p E 1594 p E 1544 A.B. 1545-6, Trin. 1546 f-c M 1645 s E 1606 A.B. (n609-10); A.M. 1613 f-c M 1582 f-c E 1633 [fr. Oxf.J A.M. 1651 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1» M 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 [Grissold) s M 1650 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 (Matr. p E 1656 A.B. 1658-9 ; A.M. 1662, Greswold s E 1637 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 3hol M 1604] A.B. 1605-6 p E 1575 f-c Ji: 156§~ (Matr. Grevell) First Baron Brooke. 304 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Grevell, John Job. — John Joh. Grew, Jonat Pern. — Nehem Pern. Gryse, Cha *Joh. Grice, Hen *Trin. — Nich. [Nath.l Em. — Will Griffes v. Griffiths Griffin ap Lewes, vide Lewes Griffin, Barth Trin. — Cadwallader Mag. — Coniers Chr. Gryffen, Dav Mag. Griffin, Edw King' — Edw [Pet. — Hugh Gryfifyn, John Jes. — John Qu. Griffyn, John Jes. Griffin, John *King' — John Joh. — Lancelot ... Pern. Griffian, Lancelot ... Cai. Griffin, Lewis Qu. GryfFyn, Morice Qu. Griffin, Oliver — Pet Gryffyn, Rich Qu. Griffin, Rich Trin. — Rob Qu. — Rob Joh. — Rob Pern. — Rob Mag. — Rob Jes. Gryffyn, Tho Jes. Griffin, Tho *King' Griffen, Tho Jes. Griffin, Tho Trin. Gryffyn, Will Cla. Griffin, Will — Will Pet. Gryffyn Jes. Griffith, Alban — Edw Griff'with, Emmanuel.. Joh. Griffith, Geo [Jes. — Geo Em. Griffiths, Geo Gruffith, Hen Mag. Griffith, Hen Joh. — Hen Em. — John Jes. — John Pet. — John (? Griffithe, John Joh. Griffith, John Qu. — John Joh. — John Joh. E 1545 E 1545 (sic) E 1646 M 1659 M 1548 E 1574 M 1637 L 1593-' E 1603 M 1629 E 1571 M 1588 M 1656] f-c M 1544 s M 1566 s L 1582-3 [schol. 1592] p E 1613 s E 1605 s E 1631 p M 1652 s M 1550 s M 1550 H. s E 1639 s E 1576 p c. 1597 s E 1606 V. Griffith p- L 1620-1 f-c M 1544 's p c. 1594 s E 1617 s E 1636 p M 1567 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1661-2 A.B. 1551-2 A.B. 1577-8, Grysse; A.M. 1581, [Gries A.B. (Trin.) 1588-9, Grys A.B. 1605-6, Griffith B.Can.L. 1535; D.Can.L. 1556 [1589; S.T.B. 1596 A.B. 1585-6, Griffith ; A.M. (Mag.) A.B. [1596-7]; A.M. 1600 A.B. (Pet.) 1616-7; A.M. A.B. (Jes.) 1611-2 1620 A.B. 1642-3 (Matr. 'Griffin Roberts') A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605, Griffith A.B. (Chr.) 1608-9 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 [1608-9 A.B. [1598-9] ; A.M. 1602; S.T.B. A.B. 1619-20 ; A.M. 1623, Griffith A.B. A.B. p E 1618 f-c E 1544 (fr. Oxf.) p L 1629-30 s E 1620; fr. p E 1640 s E 1575 f-c E 1619 p M 1633 s L 1582-3 s E 1618 the above) s M 1614 s E 1627 p E 1632 s E 1634 A.B. A.B. 1638-9 (Catb.) 1570-1 ; A.M. (Joh.) [1574; LL.D. 1581, Grufit (Pet.) 1590-1 1621-2; A.M. (Joh.) 1625 A.B. (Qu.) 1604-5; A.M. 1611 A.B. (Cla.) 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. (Chr.) 1632-3; A.M. 1636 Dublin] A.B. 1643-4; A.M. (*Qu.) 1647 A.B. 1645 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. A.B. 1577-8, Gruffis [(Em.) 1645 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. (Joh.) 1624-5 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634, Griffith Matriculations and Degrees 1544—1659 305 Griffith, John Jes. p M 1658 — Josias *Kiiig's p E 1617 — Lawrence ... Cath. s M 1654 — Matth — Pearce Je.s. a E 1608 — Pet Trin. s E 1656 — Rich *King's p M 1629 — Rob Mag. s E 1614 — Tho Qii. p E 1614 — Tho Pern. p L 1653-4 Grefythe, Walt Joh. p M 1546 — Will Mag. f-c M 1546 Griffith, AVill Qu. s M 1622 — Will — Will C'hr. s E 1652 Griffiths, Edw Jes. s M 1578 Griffie, Tho Mag. p E 1640 Grigge v. also Gregg Grigg, Era *Pem. p M 1659 — Rob Chr. p M 1615 Grigge, Will Cla. p E 1618 Griggs, Bardolph ... — Rich Cai. p E 1598 — [Grigge], Steph. ... Qu. s E 1606 — Will Qu. .H E 1620 Grime, Cha Pern. s E 1631 Grvme, Geo C. C. f-c E 1576 Grime, Geo Trin.H. p M 1613 — Geo Cath. p L 1653-4 — John Trin. p c. 1595 Gryme, Rich C. C. s M 1580 — Tho Chr. p L 1580-1 Grime, Will Cai. s E 1637 Grimes, Ferdinando . [Trin. s E 1652] Grimley, Tho Cla. s E 1631 Grimmar, Rob Qu. p E 1620 Grimmer, Tho Jes. p E 1627 Grimsby, John Cai. p E 1641 Grymshawe, Ja Trin. p M 1560 — John Cla. s M 1570 Grymshowe, Nich Qu. s E 1581 Grimshaw, Tho Chr. s E 1635 — Will — [Chr. schol. in 1564] Grimshey, Rich Mag. s E 1623 Grymston, Chris Chr. p E 1572 Grimston, Chris *Cai. p L 1578-9 Grymstone, Edw Gonv.H. p E 1554 Grimston, Edw. {imp.) Joh. p M 1555 Grymston, Edw^ {imp\ ^^ ^ ^5^2 13 ann.)) ^ Grimston, Edw Trin:H. [schol. 1573] — Edw Cla. f-c M 1616 Grimeston, Harbottle... Em. p E 1620 Grimston, Hen Chr. p c. 1598 — Hen Chr. p M 1614 Grimstone, Hen Em. p E 1621 Grimston, Hen Em. p E 1631 — John Cai. p L 1578-9 Grimstone, John Pet. p M 1579 Grimston, Marmaduke Trin. p E 1606 A.]'.. 1658-9 A.B. 1620-1 (Matr. John) A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1663 A.B. (Chr.) 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; [A.M. 1621 A.B. [1633-4]; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1617-8, Griffin A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1656-7 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1581-2 (Matr. Gryffes) A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622, Griggs A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. (Joh.) 1620-1 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627, Grigg [Grimes] A.B. (Cai.) 1598-9; A.M. 1602 A.B. (Jes.) 1624; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1628 A.B. 1644-5 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. (Trin.) 1590-1; A.M. 1594 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 LL.B. 1578 A.B. (Em.) 1618- A.B. 1617-8 A.B. ^*Cai.) 1623-4 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. (Cla.) 1582-3; A.M. (Pet.) [1686; S.T.B. 1595 306 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Grymstone, Tho Cla. Griniston, Thwaites ... Cai. — Walt Cai. Grimstone, Will Ein. Gnmston, Will Chr. — Will Chr. Grimwade, Job Trin. Grindall, ' Edm [Chr. Griukin, Will Grinling, Lionel [Cai. Grinrod, Laur Trin. Grise, John Trin. — Rob Em. Grissold, John v. Greswold Grixson, Tho Qu. Gro[.]er (? Grocer), John .. Chr. Grome, Reynold ... Joh. Groume?, Tho Trin. Groome, Tho Joh. Grome, Will Trin. Gromet, Will Mag. Grooby, And Qu. Grosden, Laurence ... King's Grose (Gross), Alex [Cai. Grosetre, John Joh. Grosse, Alex [Em. — John C. C. — John Pet. — Luke Je.s. — Matth Em. — Rob Jes. — Will Chr. Grosvener, Rich [Em. Grouse, Tho *Qu. Grove, Geo Pern. — 2Rob *Joh. — Will [Qu. Growue, Rich Joh. Grubb, John Qu. Grubbe, John [Em. Grubb, Tho Gruchey, Luke Trin. Grundye, Geo Qu. Grundy, Geo Qu. Grundey, John Pem. — John C. C. Grundy, Ralph Joh. Grundye, Rob Qu. Grundie, Tho Qu. Grundy, Tho C. C. — Tho Qu. Gruter, John (Janus) Cai. Grymdytche, Hen Trin. Grymesdytche, Tho Joh. Grymsdychc, Will [Chr.] Grynell, Steph. v. Grennell s M 1573 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581; M.D. p L 1578-9 [(*Cai.) 1601 p L 1578-9 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 ]) E 1627 f-c ]\I 1635 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) f-c E 1657 p c. 1596 [S.T.B. 1549; S.T.P. 1564 schol. 1536] A.B. (*Pem.) 1537-8 ; A.M. 1541 ; A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s L 1622-3 s E 1619 s E 1586 f-c M 1585 p E 1644 p c. 1595 p M 1561 A.B. 1566-7, Groome V M 1560 a E 1589 s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 s E 1603 A.B. 1606-7 s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 s c. 1595 s E 1618] A.B. (Trin. H.) 1621 ; S.T.B. 1633 s E 1603 [(Incorp. fr. Oxf) p L 1640-1 fr. Oxf.] f-c E 1574 1> c. 1595 A.B. (Pem.) 1598-9; A.M. (C. C.) s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 [1602 p E 1643 A.B. 1646 p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9 p c. 1595 f-c E 1626] p E 1604 A.B. 1606-7 ; A.M. 1610 ; S.T.B. '17 s E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 V M 1652 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660; S.T.B. [1667; S.T.P. 1681 p E 1629] A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1584 s M 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1587 p E 1642] A.M. 1619 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1616 A.B. 1620-1, Grushey p M 1589 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 p M 1625 A.B. 1628-9 s L 1557-8 A.B. 1560-1; A.M. (*Joh.) 1564; p E 1620 [S.T.B. 1570 s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 s E 1575 s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 [16291 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 p M 1649 A.B. 1652-3 p E 1577 p E 1563 A.B. 1566-7 p M 1560 A.B. 1542-3; A.M. 1545 1 Master of Pembroke, 1559; Bishop of London, 1559; Archbishop of York, 1570; Archbishop of Canterbury, 1576. 2 Bishop of Chichester, 1691. Matriculations and Degrees -1659 307 Grynham, Edw Joh. Grysleye, Edw. {imp.) Chr. Gualter, Will C. C. Gualtier, Geoft". Gualter, Rolph [Trin. Gubbard, Jos Cai. — Rob C. C. Guercye, Bait Cla. Guerout ( ? Gucroult), Ja. . Guest, Dan Em. — lEdni [King'.s — Geo Joh. Gest, Tho Jes. Guest, Will Chr. — Will. V. Geast Guetz (?Gaette), Cha. de Guevara, Hen Mag. — Hen Mag. Gwevara, John Mag. Guevara, Peregrine ... Mag. — Will Mag. Guge, Era [C. C. Guibon, Tho. %k Guybon Guile, Tho [Jes. Guilliams, Will. v. Williams Gullard, Edw [Qu. Gulson, Anth Qu. — Era Em. — Geo *Qu. — H Pem. — Hen Qu. — Hen Trin. — John Qu. — John [Qu. — John Qu. Guleson, Jos *Trin. Gulson, Morice Chr. — Theo Pet. — Will Qu. Gulston, German — John Joh. — John Trin. — Rich Trin. — [Sid. C;umble(Gumley), Tho.... Cai. Gunbye, John Pet. Gunn, Rob King's (Jounnell, Benj Joh. (Junnell, Rob Cla. — Tho Pem. Gonel, Will Gonv.H. Gunning, Pet Guiminge, '^ Pet *Cla. •iiinnis, Valentine... Mag. tiiuison, Ralph Jes. tiunston V. also Goniston f-c L 1557-8 E 1546 E 1571 1571] s E 1645 s M 1584 s M 1544 [p E 1586] schol. 1536] s E 1658 p E 1576 n M 1613 [Walter] A.M. 1624 (On King'; vi.sit) [Gobart] A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 M.D. 1546 A.M. 1624 (On King's visit) A.B. 1590-1, Gist; A.M. 1594 A.B. 1540-1; A.M. 1544; S.T.B. [1550-1 AB. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 (Matr. [Gest) A.M. 1624 (On King's visit) A.B. 1574- A.M. 1578 p c. 1589 p E 1603 f-c E 1582 p E 1586 f-c M 1610 1650] p M 1619] A.B. (Cath.) 1623-4 f-c M 1645] p M 1571 s E 1588 s M 1560 s L 1563-4 s M 1581 s M 1608 s E 1578 f-c E 1602] s E 1622 p E 1619 s L 1584-5 s c. 1590 s M 1561 A.B. 1564-5 ; A.M. 1568, ♦King's (Matr. Golson) A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. (Em.) 1625-6; A.B. 1622-3; A.M. A.M. 1629 1626; S.T.B. [schol M 1568 E 1644 1631] 1598-9] E 1643 E 1650 E 1612 M 1581 M 1579 L 1580-1 M 1546 M 1629 E 1606 M 1611 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. (Chr.) 1564-5; A.M. 1569 A.B. (Chr.) 1584-5; A.M. (Mag.) [1588 A.B. 1631-2 A.B. A.B. A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650; S.T.P. 1652-3- [\m\ {Lit. Reg.) 1615-6, Gonn A.B. 1584-5 ; A.M. 1588, Goonnell A.B. 1582-3, Guhvyle; A.M. 1587 A.B. (Pet.) 1605 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636; S.T.P. [(C. C.) 1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1609-10, Gonnis 1 Bishop of Rocbester, l.-)60; Salisbury, 1571. 2 Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, 1660 ; Master of Corims, 1661 ; Master of St John' il; Regius Professor of Divinity, 1661; Bishop of Chichester, 1669; Ely, 167.5. 308 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Gunston, Rob Pem. s M 1569 [S.T.B. 1593 — Roger Trin. s M 1571 A.B. 1574-5, Gunsoii ; (No A.M.); Gunter, John Qu. p E 1647 LL.B. 1652 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Gunthorpe, Will Em. p E 1620 Gunton, Jos King's s E 1635 — Simon Mag. p L 1626-7 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 — Theodore ... Jes. p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 — Tho Cla. s E 1577 A.B. 1580-1, Gunston — Will Trin. s c. 1593 Gunvile, Nich Cai. s E1611 A.B. 1614-5 ; A.M. 1618, Gunnel! Gunvill, (ileoff. Jes. s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 Gonvill, Tho Cai. p E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 Gurdon, Brampton ... [Em. p E 1614] — Brampton... Jes. f-c E 1656 — John Em. p E 1611 [S.T.P. 1691 {Lit. Reg.) — Nath Em. p M 1652 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. (Qu.) 1657; — Phil Em. [p E 1650] A.B. 1653; A.M. (Qu.) 1657 — Rob [Em. p E 1614] — Rob [Em. p E 1645] — Will Em. p E 1619 Gurerd, Staph. (' Franc.') Pet. p E 1586 Gurley King's s M 1549 Gurnall, Will Em. p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 Gurnard, Rich [Pet. f-c L 1631-2] Gurney, Edm Qu. p c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9 ; A.M. (*C. C.) 1602 ; Gurnay, Edw [Chr. f-c E 1625] [S.T.B. 1609 Gurney, Edw Qu. s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 Gournye, Geo Chr. p M 1573 Gournay, H Chr. p M 1564 Gowrnay, Hen Cai. f-c E 1648 Gurney, John Qu. p E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 — Tho Jes. p M 1588 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596; M.D. — Tho Chr. p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 [1608 — Will C. C. s E 1613 Gurrey, Tho Chr. s E 1586 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 — W Joh. s E 1573 Gustard, Rob Trin. s c. 1595 Gutter, Edw Cla. s M 1580 A.B. 1584-5, Edm.; A.M. 1588 ~ Jonas Trin. s L 1577-8 A.B. 1582-3 — Tho Jes. p M 1566 Guy, Brian Joh. p M 1634 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 — Edw Trin. s E 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 Guye, Geo Sid. s E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 Guy, Will Trin. s M 1637 A.B. (Joh.) 1641-2 Guybon, Tho Cai. p L 1647-8 — Will Cai. f-c L 1647-8 Guyon, Rob Em. [1614] A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 Guillim, Lucius C. C. p M 1655 Gwillim, Pet Joh. p E 1646 A.M. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Gwyn, John Qu. s M 1545 A.B. 1547-8 ; A.M. (*Joh.) 1551 ; — John Joh. s E 1568 [LL.D. 1560 — John *Joh. p M 1575 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 Gwinne, John Pem. p E 1583 Gwyn, Lewis *Jes. p M 1555 A.B. 1556-7; A.M. 1560 (iwynne, Lewis Chr. s c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1603 (iwyn, Owen Qu. s M 1545 [1599 ; S.T.P. 1613 Gwynne, 'Owen *Joli. p E1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 ; S.T.B. (iyunne, llice Joh. s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 Gwymi, Rice Cai. f-c E 1640 1 Master of St John's, 1612. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 309 Gwyn, Rich Job. — Rich [Trin. — Rob — Tho Joh. — W Joh. Gwin, Will Joh. Gwyn, Will Joh. Gye, Jos Joh. Gyldard, Geo Peni. Gyldyne, Rich Chr. Gylford, Hen Trin. Gylgate, Will Cla. Gylian, John Joh. Gylmore, John Mag. Gylmyu, Rob Trin. Gylson, Edm Cla. — (?Gybson), Edw.... Joh. — Geo Joh. — Tho Trin. Gilson, Tho [Em. p M 1571 . p L 1647-8] A.B. (*Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 p M 1588 p M 1567 p M 1611 [p E 1632 ff. Oxf.] A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 s E 1659 p M 1562 A.B. 1566-7, Gyldar p M 1544 A.B. 1548-9, Gyldon f-c L 1580-1 p M 1580 A.B. 1584-5 s M 1568 s E 1581 p M 1571 s M 1560 [Adm. at Cai. L 1571-2] s E 1579 p M 1561 s M 1572 s E 1645] H Habecius, ' Gasp Mag. p L 15G4-5 Haber, Reynold Cla. p c. 1596 Habergham, John Joh. s E 1566 Habergam, Sam Em. s M 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 Haberye, Rob Trin. s E 1588 Hacke, Rich Trin. s M 1562 — Will Joh. f-c E 1581 Hacker, Era [Pet. E 1649] — John Chr. p E 1627 A.B. 1630-1 Hacket, And Trin. p E 1646 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 — Connand ... Cai. s M 1575 A.B. (Mag.) 1579-80 Hackett, Edm Cla. s E 1626 Hacket, -'John *Trin. p E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616; S.T.B. Hackett, John Cla. p E 1633 [1623 ; S.T.P. 1628 Hacket, Tho Em. [p E 1600] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 Hacluit, Edm *Trin. p M 1611 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 Hackluet, Tho Trin. p E 1570 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 Hackney, Edm Mag. s M 1598 — Tho Chr. s M 1586 Hackshaw, Sam Pet. p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 Hacksupp, Nich A.B. (Cla.) 1606-7: A.M. (Pet.) '16 — Nich Jes. p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5 Hacsope, Sam King's s E 1605 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1614 Haxup, Sim Pet. s M 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 Hacon, Gawdy C. C. p E 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1653 — Hubert Cai. p L 1563-4 — Jos Em. s M 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 — Will Em. 8 E 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 1 "Hie solvit tantum xir' quia peregriiius, et quia docet Hebraicas literas. Est magister artium in Acad. Marpurgen." 2 Bishop of Lichfield, 1661. 310 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hacwell (Hakewill), Geo. . Haddack, Ja Job. Hadde, Matth C. C. Hadder, Geo Trin. Haddes, Matth Trin. Haddison, Geo [Trin. Haddock, Rich *King's Haddon, Clere *King's — Era Trin. — 1 Ja [King's — John *Qu. — Roger Jes. — 2 Walt King's Haddridge, Ja Sid. Hadfield, Ralph Hadley, Geo Chr. Haddlesay, Rob Joh. Haddelsay, Sam Joh. Haddlesee, Tho Trin. Hadsley, John C. C. Hager, John Em. Hagar, Tho Joh. Hagarde Nich.H. Hagarston, H Qu. Hagge, Mark Qu. Hagg, Ralph King's Hagge, Rich Mag. Haggar, Ja Chr. — John Trin. — John Chr. Hagger, John Cath. Haggar, Tho Hagget, Paul [Trin. Haggett, Steph *Qu. Haghe, Era Em. Hagobert, Abr. v. Hawgowbert Haieccius, Simeon v. Hayet Haigh, Chris Chr. Hailott, John v. Haylet Hailsby, Tho [Pem. Haymes, Tho [Em. Haimes, Tho *King's Haine, John Em. Haishe, John Em. Hake, Anth Em. — Tho Em. — Will Em. — Will [Em. Haken, Amos Jes. Hakewill v. Hacwell Hakesworth, Geo [Joh. Haktope, Will Mag. Halden, Rich. v. Houlden Haldanby, Edw Chr. Haldenbye, Era Mag. — Rob Cla. Haldenby, Rob C. C. Haldye, Will Em. A.M. 1607 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1648 f-c E 1624 A.B. 1626-7 I) M 1645 p M 1561 s E 1641] [schol. 1554] A.B. 1558-9 [Haydock] P M 1567 [died 15711 p M 1645 [1546 10] A.B. 1541-2; A.M. 1544, *Trin. p 1539-^ f« M 1644; fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1645-6 ; A.M. 1649 s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A. M. 1603 [schol. 1533] A.B. 1537-8 ; A.M. 1541 ; LL.D. '49 s E 1654 A.B. 1657-8 A.B. (Em.) 1604-5, Hardfield; A.M. p M 1578 [1608 ; S.T.B. 1615 ; S.T.P. 1622 c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 p E 1606 s M 1609 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 p E 1613 s M 1566 V M1544 f-c E 1561 s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 s E 1633 s E 1589 s E 1619 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 s E 1577 A.B. 1580-1 (Matr. Hagyard) p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. (Qu.) 1628 f-c E 1640 E 1645' E 1598" [Hagar] A.B. (? 1609-10) ; A.M. (Qu.) 1613 [s A.B. (n602-3) ; A.M. 1606 ; S.T.B. p c. 1595 [1615 E 1584 A.B. (Cla.) 1588-9, Hagbe; A.M. [1592 1627] 1> E 1625 p E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 s E 1647 A.B. 1650-1, Haime; A.M. 1654 p E 1616 p M 1649 [p E 1646] A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654 fc L 1618-9 V E 1646] V L 1564-5 s E 1649] p M 1642 p E 1620 A.B. 1623 s }> E 1588 M 1566 (Matr. Hawdenbye) f-c M 1619 f-c E 1618 1 Dean of Exeter, 1558. 2 Regius Tiof. of Civil Law, 1551; Master of Trin. Hall, 15.52. Matriculations aiid Degrees 1544 — 1659 311 Hale, »Bern *Pet. p — Edui Chr. s — John Cla. |) — John Chr. s Hayle, John Em. p Hale, John Pet. p — Oliver King's p — Rich Trill. p — Rich Sid. s — Rowland ... Pet. p Hayle, Tho Joh. p Hale, Tho [Qu. p — Tho [Qu. s — Will Trin. p Hayle, Will Sid. s Hale, Will [Trin. f-c Halee, John Qu. p Hales, Alex [Cath. f-c — Cha Qu. f-c — Edw Trin. f-c — Humph. ... Pem. p — Ja. {imp.) ... Trin. p — John Joh. p Hayles, John Trin. s — John Trin. f-c Halvs, John Chr. p — John C. C. — John Em. f-c Hayles, John [C. C. Hales, John — Rob [*Trin.] — Rob Chr. p — Rob Pem. p Hayles, Rob Pet. s Hales, Rob C. C. p Hayles, Sam Pem. p Hales, Sam Era. f-c — Sam Trin. f-c — Will Chr. p — [C. C. Halsworth, Dan Joh. p Halseworth, Rob. v. Holdsworth Half head, Fra les. p Halfehead, Fra Trin. s Half head, Hen Trin. p Halfehead, Ja Sid. p Halfhead [C. C. f-c Half hide, Ja Joh. p Halfoi-d V. also Holford and Hawford — And Chr. f-c — Cha Cath. p — Geo Chr. f-c — Hen Chr. [f-c — John Em. s — John [('hi'. p — John Sid. s — Rich Chr p Rich Chr. p E lf)25 [S.T.B. c. 1593 E 1584 L K)20-l E 1G31 M 1632 E 1645 E 1623 E 1632 E 1616 M 1573 E 1609] E 1626] L 1582-3 E 1631 E 1649] M 1587 1640] E 1619 M 1649 E 1568 E 1560 M 1561 L 1564-5 M 1576 E 1579 [1600] E 1619 1635] E 1563 E 1579 M 1582 E 1627 M 1562 M 1606 E 1625 M 1567 1571] M 1572 M 1594 E 1629 E 1575 E 1614 1579] E 1570 A.B. 1628-9, Hall; A.M. 1632; 1639 (Lit. Reg.); S.T.P. 1660 (do.) A.B. 1597-8, Hall; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627, Hall [Heyle] A.B. 1635-6 A.B.1577-8( ; A.M. [(Joh.) 1580, Hay 11 A.B. 1585-6 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 [Haly] A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1563-4, *Pem. A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 M.D. 1651 (Incorp. fr. Padua) A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1563 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. (*Pem.) 1569 A.B. 1581-2 {fit. nob.) A.B. 1586-7 A.B. 1567-8 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1617-8 E 1621 M 1640 E 1621 E 1658] A.B. E 1624 A.B. L 1641-2] E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 M 1613 M 1638 1661-2; A.M. 1665 1628; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1641-2 Master of Peterhouse, 1660. 312 Halford, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Halke, Hall, Haull, Hall, Haull, Hall, Rich [Sid. p E 1647] Tho Sid. p L 1618-9 Tho Chr. p E 1635 Will Chr. p L 1598-9 Will Chr. s M 1611 Will Chr. f-c E 1632 Will [Chr. f-c E 1658] [Trin. f-c E 1647] John C. C. p L 1618-9 Mich C. C. [1602] Will Cla. f-c E 1585 Adam Anth Em. p E 1585 Augustine... Em. f-c E 1607 Art King's p E 1603 Art (?the above) Cha Trin. p E 1619 Cha Joh. p E 1629 Chris, {imp.) Jes. s M 1549 Chris Joh. p M 1572 Chris Trin. s M 1578 Chris King's s M 1602 Chris Cla. s M 1622 Chris Chr. s E 1626 Dive Qu. p M 1589 Edm C. C. p E 1569 Edm Era Joh. p M 1550 Era Pern. p L 1579-80 Era Trin. s E 1627 Geo Trin. s M 1562 Geo Cai. [schol. 1586] Geo *C. C. p c. 1594 Geo Em. s E 1611 Geo Mag. f-c E 1614 Geo *King's p E 1625 'Geo Geo Chr. f-c E 1656 Godfrey Joh. s c. 1590 Hen Trin. f-c E 1561 Hen Chr. p M 1606 Hen *Trin. s M 1620 Hen Joh. p E 1628 Hen [Trin. p E 1635] Humph. ... Joh. p E 1575 Humph. ... Joh. p E 1621 Ja Clem. Ho. p E 1545 Ja [Nich. Ho. schol. 1557] John Joh. p M 1578 John John Pet. p L 1579-80 John Pem. s E 1586 John Qu. p M 1589 John Joh. p c. 1593 John Cai. s L 1618-9 John Em. p M 1644 John ♦King's s M 1645 John [Joh. f-c E 1646] John Chr. p E 1648 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 (Matr. Hawford) A.B. 1600-1 (Matr. Hauford) A.B. 1614-5 ; A.M. 1618, Hawford (Matr. Hardford) [1631- -2 {Lit Reg.) A.B. 1621-2 , A.M. 1625; S.T.B. A.B. 1606-7 A.M. 1613 A.B. 1588-9 A.B. (Joh.) 1593-4 A.M. 1597, [Hale A.B. (Chr.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1632-3 A.B. (Cai.) 1574-5 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 (entry erased) A.B. "1625-6 A.M. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1557-8; A.M. (*Qu.) 1562 A.B. 1583-4 A.B. (Joh.) 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1588-9, Hale; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1612-3 A.B. 1629; A.M. 1633 A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628; S.T.B. '38 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1.582 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. (Trin.) 1582-3, Haull; A.M. A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 [1586 A.B. (Cath.) 1588-9, Hale A.B. 1593-4 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1653 Bishop of Chester, 1662. Matri culations a nd Degi ^ees 1544 — 1659 313 Hall, John ...*Trin. b E 1652] A.B. 1655-6 ; A.M. 1659 ; S.T.B.'66 — John ... Jes. V E 1657 John ... Chr. s M 1658 (? John, above) A.B. 1662-3 _ Jonat. . . . ... Jes. A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 Jonat. . . . ... Qu. [B E 1658] A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 Haidl, 1J0.S ..*Em. P E 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596; S.T.B. Hall, Jos .. Em. [fr Oxf s E 1645] A.B. 1646 [1603; S.T.P. 1610 Josias ... ... Pem. p L 1653-4 A.B. 1655-6 Lancelot ... Chr. s M 1610 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1620 — Lionel . . . ... Cla. s E 1579 — Micah ... ... King's s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1627 Nath .. Chr. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 Nath .. Chr. p E 1659 — Nich ...*Em. p E 1619 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. 1626 ; S.T.B. '33 — Oliver ... A.B. (Cath.) 1583-4 — Ohver ... " C. C. [1622] A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Reg .. Chr. p M 1559 Rich .. Cla. p M 1552 Rich V M 1553 M.L. and C.L. 1553 Rich !!*Pem. A.B. 1555-6; A.M. 1559 — Rich ... Trin. s L 1580-1 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 Rich ... Chr. s c. 1592 Rich ... Trin. p E 1613 — Rich S.T.B. 1617 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Rich .. Trin. s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 — Rich A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Rich ... King's s M 1647 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 Rich ... Job. s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 Rob ... King's p M 1550 [Hawll] — Rob ... Job. p L 1557-8 A.B. 1560-1 — Rob ... Cai. P M 1560 (Matr. 'Ball') — Rob ... Trin. P L 1563-4 A.B. 1567-8 Rob ... Trin. s L 1564-5 Rob ... Job. s M 1578 A.B. 1582-3, Haull Rob ... Chr. p M 1584 — Rob ... [Em. p E 1604] — Rob ... Em. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 — Rob ... Em. s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 Rob ... Cath. s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4 Sam ...*Em. p c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M.1604; S.T.B. '11 Sam ... C. C. p M 1638 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1645 ; S.T.P. '71 — Sam ... Pem. s E 1650 — Sam ... Jes. s E 1652 A.B. 1655-6 [(*Je.s.) 1625 -- Steph. ... ... Pem. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618; S.T.B. Tho ... Cla. s E 1544 A.B. 1547-8; *Pet. 1548 Tho ... Job. s E 1582 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 Tho ... Joh. p c. 1590 Halle, Tho ... Chr. p c. 1592 Hall, Tho ...*Qu. s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 Tho ... Cai. s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 Tho ... Joh. s E 1616 A.B. 1620-1 Tho ... [Mag. s E 1644] Tho ... Mag. s E 1645 A.B. 1648-9 Tho ...*C. C. [1657] A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M. 1664 ; S.T.B. '71 Will ... Jes. 8 E 1544 Will ...*Trin. p E 1574 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 Will ...*Joh. p L 1577-8 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 ; S.T.B. '91 Will ... [Qu. p M 1579] — Will ... Trin. s M 1617 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 1 Bishop of Exeter, IG'27; Norwich, 16-11. 40 314 Mat7'iculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hall, Will Sid. s E 1620 — Will Cai. p E 1623 — Will Joh. s E 1624 — Will Chr. p E 1628 — Will Trin. s M 1628 — Will Qu. s E 1633 — Will Joh. s E 1635 — Will Jes. s E 1639 — Chr. p E 1544 — (?Rich. above) — [Sid. p M 1599] — [Em. f-c E 1626] Hallam, Geo — Hen — Ja Joh. s E 1631 — Nich Chr. s M 1579 — Nich Chr. p E 1620 Hallely, Rob Hallen, Era Jes. p M 1562 Hallej, Geo Joh. p M 1613 Halleye, John Joh. p L 1564-5 Halley, John Pern. s E 1584 Hallybread, Tho Trin. p L 1557-8 Halyburton, Anth *Cai. p E 1631 Halyday, Alan Joh. s E 1573 Halidaye, Tho Halyday v. also Holiday Hallyfax, Chris C. C. p E 1574 Hallifax, John Trin. s E 1632 Halbngdale, Sam Pet. s E 1575 Halliwell, Abr Chr. p E 1637 — Gyles Qu. s E 1633 Halywell, Hen Trin. p M 1616 — Hen *Chr. [p E 1657] — Rich Trin. s E 1631 Halliwell, Theoph Trin. s E 1622 Hallmorynge, Hen Trin.H. s E 1557 Hallowell, Will Pern. s E 1608 Hallowes, Ephraim ... [Em. p E 1644] — Sam Em. s M 1588 — Sam Chr. p E 1653 Halls, Anth *Pem. f-c E 1548 — Edw Cath. p E 1639 — Hen *Qu. p E 1607 Hallys, John Pem. s E 1545 Halls [Hall], John Qu. p E 1615 Hals, Miles Pem. s E 1579 Halls, Miles Qu. p E 1622 — Tho Cla. s E 1620 — Tho [Cath. p 1638] Hals, Will *Pem. p E 1568 A Halles, Will [Qu. s El614,'Hall Halls, Will Qu. [p E 1629] Halman, Edm Qu. p L 1578-9 — Edm Pem. s E 1625 — iJa *Cai. H E 1655 — (HoUman), Nich. ... Cai. p E 1617 Halock, Will Jes. s E 1551 Hakall, Mich *King's p M 1560 A.B. 1627-8 [1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635; S.T.P'. A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1642-3 (?Tho., A.B. at Cla.) M.L. 1550 A.B. (Cla.) 1573-4 A.B. (Joh.) 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1633-4, Hellam ; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1584-5 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627, Allam A.B. (Chr.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1560-1, Halibrede A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. (Trin.) 1569 B. 1577-8 B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1611-2, Holwell B. 1548-9 B. (Joh.) 1642-3 B. 1610-1 ;A.M. 1614; S.T.B.'23 B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587, Halles A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 [S.T.P. 1582 A.B. 1571-2, Haules; A.M. 1575 '] A.B. (Cla.) 1617-8 ; A.M. 1621 1 B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 B. 1628-9 B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 B. 1559-60 B. 1564-5 (Matr. Halsam) Eegistrary, 1683; Master of GoiivUle and Caius, 1700. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 315 Halse, John Cla. Halsetur, Dan [Trin. Hallseter, John (Jla. Halseter, John Trin. Halsey, Edw Cla. — Ja Sid. — Jos *Tvin. Halstead, Edra Trin. Halestead, Hen Trin. Halstead, John Joh. • — Laur [Joh. Halsted, Rich Joh. — Will Joh. Halton, Era Sid. — Roger Joh. — Roger Jes. — Tho Chr. — W Joh. — Will Joh. Halts, Will Qu. Hambleton, Hen Pet. Hambye, Allen — Rich Chr. Hamby, Will *Joh. Hamcotts, Alex Trin. Hampootes, Alex Jes. Hamcots, Rich Trin. Hanimersley, Chamberlain [Cla. Hamerslay, Hugh King's Hammersly, Tho [Pet. Hamerton, Geo Chr. — Ja Chr. Harney, Will Em. Hamilton, Geo Hamylden, John Qu. Hamilden, Tho [Qu. Hamilton, Will. (Dominm) Hamman, Edw Joh. Haman, Will Chr. Hamon, Tho Joh. Hammond, Alex Chr. — Anth Hamond, Cha Qu. Hammond, Edm Chr. — Ed Cai. — Edw Cai. — Edw Jes. — Edw Jes. Hammont, Geo Cai. Hammond, Geo King's — Geo Joh. Hammonde, Gervase Trin. Hammond, Hen *Cai. — Hen Trin. Hamman t, Hen *Cai. Hammond, Hen Trin. Hamond, Hen p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 s E 1652] s M 1623 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 [1652] A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 p E 1606 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. (*Cla.) [1613; S.T.P. 1631 (Lit. Reg.) s M 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 p M 1578 [Harlested s E 1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. (Chr.) 1582, s M 1606 A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 1^ iM 1656] s M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 p M 1572 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 p M 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p L 1582-3 p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 p E 1629 V M 1584 f-c E 1609 p E 1629 p E 1544 A.B. 1544-5 A.M. (Sid.) 1623 (ordo) A.B. (Chr.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597 p M 1582 A.B. 1586-7, Hanbye; A.M. 1590, [Humby [schol. 1561] A.B. 1564-5 ; A.M. 1568, Hansby P M 1554 f-c c. 1592 f-c M 1584 s E 1658; also at Jes.] s E 1655 A.B. 1659 P s L 1628-9" E 1620 p M 1564 p E 1656 A.M. 1624 (Incorp. fr. St Andrews) s M 1571 A.B. 1574-5 f-c E 1608] A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) p M 1570 p M 1551 (?A.B.) *Chr. 1555 p M 1572 p M 1566 A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Montauban) f-c M 1580 p E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1673 s M 1567 V c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 p E 1629 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 p L 1648-9 A.B. i652-3 s E 1574 A.B. 1577-8, Hammond ; A.M. 1581 s L 1577-8 p M 1616 A.B. 1620-1 p E 1611 s M 1561 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569 s E 1582 p E 1583 A.B. 1586-7, Hammond ; A.M. 1590 p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 ; A.M. 1603 ; S.T.B. [1610 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 316 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hammond, Humph. ... Trin. — Humph. ... Trin. Hamond, Humph. ... Qu. Hammond, Ja [Pem. Hamond, Ja Pet. Hammond, John C. C. — John (Uhe — John *Trin. Hamont, John Cla. Hamond, John Joh. Hammond, John Trin. — John [Pet. -^ John Joh. — John — John [Qu. — Maur Cai. — Mich Cla. — Miles Pet. Hamond, Nich Cai. Hammond, Pet Sid. — Phil — Rich Cai. — Rich Joh. — Rich Joh. — Rich Trin. — Rich [Em. — Rob Cai. — Rob Jes. — Sam. .. King'.s — Tho Chr. — Tho *Trin.H. — Tho Chr. — Tho Joh. — Tho C. C. — Tho Hamond, Tho Chr. — Tho C. C. — Tho Era. Hammond, Tho [Em. — Tho Cai. Hammonde, Will Trin. H. Hammond, Will King's — Will Chr. Haramand, Will Cla. Hammond, Will — Will Sid. — Will Trin. Hamond, Will Em. Hammond, Will Joh. — Will .Era. Haraond, Will, *Pem. Hamonde Joh. Hammond [Em. — [King's Hamocke, Hen Cai. Hamor, Ralph [Em. Hamore, Will Qu. Hampden, Alex [Em. — Edw C. C. — John [Em. Hamden, Will Pern. p L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. (Qu.) 1587; p E 1604 [*Joh. 1588 p E 16.35 1637] A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 V E 1639 p E 1552 A.B. 1554-5, *Trin. H. 1557 above) LL.B. 1561; LL.U. 1569 p E 1570 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 p M 1572 A.B. 1575-6, Hammond ; A.M. 1579 p E 1579 s E 1579 A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. 1586 ; M.D. '97 s E 1622] P M 1627 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. (Trin.) 1636-7 P M 1648] s E 1578 A.B. (Chr.) 1581-2; A.M. 1585 p M 1566 p E 1585 p E 1621 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. (Cla.) 1573-4; A.M. 1577 s M 1567 ]) E 1570 p M 1579 s L 1582-3 f-c L 1636-7 p E 1575 A.B. (*Chr.) 1578-9; A.M. 1582 p L 1648-9 s M 1638 M 1555 A.B. 1641-2 ; A.M. 1645 ; *Mag.'45 [schol. 15611 LL.B. 1569 p M 1566 p M 1579 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 f-c E 1584 A.M. 1597 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) P M 1608 p L 1620-1 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 p L 16.36-7" f-c E 1659 s M 1546 s E 1573 p L 1580-1 A.B. (Joh.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588 p c. 1596 A.B. (Pem.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 p E 1610 A.B. 1613 ; A.M. (Cla.) 1617 ; S.T.B. p E 1611 [1623 p E 1613 s E 1627 s L 1630-1 A.B. 1634-5 (Matr. Hammon) p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 ]) E 1544 p E 1626' f-c M 1641 p M 1582 E 1607] (? mistake for Womocke) p M 1572 f-c E 1633] p E 1612 (Matr. Hapden) f-c E 1639] f-c E 1586 Matricidations and Degrees itaa — 1659 317 Hampton, i Chris *Triii. — Corn wallis .. [Pet. — Edw *Trin. — Edw Cai. — John Qu. — John Cla. — Rob Cla. — Tho Qu. — W Joh. — Will Trin. — Will Joh. — Will Cla. Hamson, John Cath. Hampson, Tho [Qu. Hanadyne, Tho Pet. Hanbie, Edw King's Handbie, Fra King's Hanbye, John Pet. 9 ann.)\ Hanbie, Will King's Hanbury, [Edw.] Sid. Hance, Will Trin. Hanch, Sam Cath. Hanchett, John — John Cath. — Rich Qu. Hanchet, Tho Cai. Hancocke, Edw Trin. Hancock, Fra Cai. Hancocke, Geo Joh. — Hen Jes. Ja Cla. Hancock, John Joh. — Ralph Joh. — Randal Chr. Hancocke, Rich Chr. Handcocke, Rob Qu. Hancock, Rob Handcock, Rob *Cla. Hancocke, Sam Cai. Hancock, Tho Chr. Hancocke, Tho Joh. — Will Joh. Hancock, Will Hande, Fra Cla. Hand, John Chr. — Tim Qu. Hands (Hannes), Rob. ... Trin. Handford(?M), Edw Chr. Haudforde, Tho *King's Handiday, Tho Handson, John Chr. — John Trin. Handsom, Tho Sid. Hangar, John Hanger, Rich [Qu. [schol. 1570] A.B. 1571-2 A.M. 1575; S.T.B. s E 1(J53] [1582; S.T.P. 1598 s E 1576 A.B. 1580-1 A.M. 1584 s c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9 A.M. 1602 [p E 1594] A.B. 1597-8 A.M. 1602 s L 1G07-8 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 s E 1610 p M 1618 p E 1562 s M 1568 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 s E 1588 p M 1640 s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9 s E 1577] s E 1552 p M 1573 [Hansbie] p E 1606 p M 1579 p M 1552 p M 1573 f-c M 1622 s M 1570 p U 1635 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. (*Joh.) 1619-20; A.M. 1623 fp E 1646] A.B. 1650-1 s E 1624 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1631 f-c E 1575 V L 1577-8 p E 1577 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 s 1598 A.B. 1601-2 s E 1608 A.B. 1611. Hancocks ; A.M. 1615 s E 1655 A.B. 1657-8 s c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 p E 1653 A.B. 1656-7 ; A.M. 1660; S.T.B. [(*Em.) 1667 s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 s M 1642 p M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.M. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 s L 1582-3 A.B. (C. C.) 1585-6 s M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 p c. 1597 A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. (*Pem.)1606 A.B. 1619 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1572 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 s L 1579-80 p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6 s E 1574 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1583 ]) L 1597-8 p M 1547 A.B. 1551-2, Hanforth A.M. 1657 (I ncorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1565 p c. 1596 s E 1614 [1602 ; S.T.B. 1610 ; S.T.P. 1620 A.B. (Trin.) 1598-9 ; A.M. (C. C.) E 1599] A.B. (Joh.) 1603; A.M. 1607; [M.D. 1615 1 Archbisliop of Armagh, 1613. 318 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hankin, Hankyn, Hankys, Hanley, Hanmer, Hanmor, Han, Hanuam, Edm John Roger . . . . Nath Rich Griff. Humph. . John John John Jonat Jos Roger Tho Tho W Tho. (Sir). Will Phil Will Chr. Cai. Joh. [Trin. Pet. Jes. Joh. Jes. King's Joh. Em. Trin. Qu. Joh. Mag. Trin. King's Mag. *King's Hannington, Hen Cai. Hansard Hansby Hansbye, Hansby, Hansbye, Hanscombe. Rich. Mag. P P P P P P f-c f-c & s f-c p p p f-c p p p p also Hamby and Hausby Hanscome, Hausfylde, Hansley, Hansom, *Joh. P *Joh. P *Joh. P Joh. P *Pet. P Cath. [P Trin. V Joh. P Qu. V Pet. s Pet. s Pern. s Mag. s Pet. s Mag. p Ed Ralph Will Matth Matth Rob Tho Will Cha John John Leon Geo Hansome (Hanson), i John - — John Hanson, John — John — Simon — Will Hanton (? u), Hen — John Rich. V. Hopper Edw Pet. also Herbert Abiezer Cla. Geo Chr. Hen Chr. John Em. Rich Trin. Rob Chr.? Rowland . . . Trin. Steven Chr. Will Trin. Will Joh. Tho Jes. Tho [C. C. Happer, Harbard, Harbert Harbart, Harbert, Harbart, Harborne, Harbreed, Harbronne, Harbrowne, Joh. C. C. Joh. Pet. Qu. E 1626 M 1581 E 1573 L 1651-2 E 1635 E 1569 M 1560 E 1571 M 1637 E 1659 E 1624] M 1653 E 1620 M 1560 M 1602 M 1564 E 1627 A.B. (Mag.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 E 1639 M 1559 E 1639 L 1581- L 1557-8 E 1604 c. 1596 E 1621 M 1632 E 1649] E 1613 E 1610 M 1545 E 1546 E 1618 M 1546 M 1565 E 1560 E 1560 E 1657 E 1632 E 1621 L 1588-9 c. 1594 f-c M 1561 E 1613 E 1604 E 1610 E 1647 L 1623-4 E 1606 L 1588-9 E 1606 E 1623 E 1623 M 1555 1560] fr. Pet.] A.B. 1638-9, A.B. 1563-4 Handley A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1657 ; A.M. 1661 ; S.T.P. 1678 (Matr. Anworth) A.B. 1605-6 A.M. 1650 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. 1642; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567 ■2 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1560-1 ; A.M. 1564 ; S.T.B.'Gi A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 A.B. (Em.) 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. (*Em.) 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 [(*Trin.) 1573; S.T.P. 1583 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. 1566; S.T.B A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1568 A.B. (Pet.) 1603-4 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 A.B. (*Jes.) 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1616-7 (Matr. Harbet) A.B. 1607-8, Herbert; A.M. 1611 [Herbert] A.B. (Cath.) 1626- A.M. 1630 Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, 1573. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — '659 319 Harbye, Anth Trin. Harby, Clem Trin. Clem Em. Harbie, [Edw.] Sid. — [Harvey], John C. C. Hareby, John Mag. Harby, John Mag. — John Mag. — The [Qu. — Will — Will Chr. — [Em. Harcocke, Edm Cai. Harcock, Hen Cai. Harcott, Geo Trin. Harcom-t, Fra Em. Harecorte, Vere Em. Harcourt [Trin. Hardcastel, Tho Joh. Harcastle, Will Cla. Hardcastle, Will Trin. Hardes, Tho Qu. Hardestre, Will Trin. Harding, Dan Mag. Hardyng, Geo Pet. Harding, Geo Trin. — John Qu. Hardinge, John Jes. Harding, John — John Chr. Randolph ... Jes, — Rich [Qu. — Rich Jes, — Rich — Rob King'i — Sam Em. Hardinge, Sam Joh. Harding, Sam Cath. — Sam Em. — Tho Hardnes, Humph. ... Pern. Hardres, Cha [Qu. — Pet *Qu. — Pet [Qu. Hardresse, Tho Qu. Hardrest, Tho Qu. Hardware, John Qu. Hardwicke, John Qu. — Laur Pet. Hard wick, Tho Joh. — Will *Trin. Hardwicke, Will Trin. — Will Pern. — Will Pern. Hardy, Ehud Qu. — iNath Hardie, Pet Mag. Hardye, Rob Joh. Hardey, Rob Trin. f-c P P s P P f-c s p p p E E M E L E L M E E s E s E s L [schol. p E s E s E s E s L s E [p E s E s E s E s c. p E p M f-c E s E P E 1559 1622 16.35 1614 1618- 1620- 1627 1657 1622] 1617 1625] 164.3 1650 1550 162.3 1623- 1654] 1652 1584- 1610 1628 1575 1633 1545 1637-i 1562] 1577 1616 1626 1581] 1581-; 1659 1599] 1607 1632 1651 1594 1656] 1623 1651] 1657 1629 1632 1645- 1626 1653 1607 1612 1614 1623 1647 1647 1588 1631 (Matr. Herbye) A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628, Harby A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1665 A.B. A.B. (Mag.) 161.3-4 1620-1; A.M. [Hareby A.M. 1617, 1624 (Matr. [' Harvey ') A.B. 165.3-4; A.M. 1657 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 4 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630; S.T.P. [1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1655-6 5 A.B. 1588-9 [desty A.B. 1578-9; S.T.B. 1608, Har- A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 8 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1564-5, Hardin A.B. 1580-1; A.M 1584 A.M. 1584 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.M. 1641-2 (On King's A.B. (Trin. H.) 1662 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 visit) A.B. 1654; A.M. 1658 [S.T.B. '29 A.B. (Joh.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608; A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630; S.T.B. [1637 ; S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1659-60; A.xM. 1663 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639, *Joh. 6 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 ; S.T.B. '22 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. (Jes.) 1625; A.M. 1629 [fr. Chr.] A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. 0.\f.) A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. (/ 1591-2); A.M. 1595 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 Dean of Kochester, 1660. 320 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hardy, Sam Chr. [student Hardye, Tho Sid. s ' Hare, And Cai. s — Edm Pet. s — Hugh Em. p — John Qu. p — John Cai. p — Mich Gonv.H. f-c M — Nich. (imp.) Trin.H. p E — Nich Chr. f-c c. — Nich Em. p M — Phil C. C. p M — Ralph Trin. f-c M — Rich Trin. p E — Rob Gonv.H. f-c M Hayre, Rob Joh. p M Hare, Rob Qu. s L Hayre, Rob Trin. p E Hare, Sam Chr. p E — Tho Hares, Tho Em. Hare, Tho [Cai. Tho King's — Will, {imp.) Trin.H, — Will [Qu. — Will Cai. Haire, Will [Joh. Hare, Will Mag. — Chr. Hares, Theoph Em. — Tho Trin. Harewell, Hen Qu. — Isaac Chr. — Will Harflet, Cha Qu. — Ed Joh. Harfleet, Hen Qu. Harflett, Mich Trin. Harflet, Sam Joh. Harford, Anth Chr. — Geo Trin. — Heritage ... Mag. — [Em. Harridans, Mich C. C. Harry dana, Sam Chr. Haridance, Will Cai. Hargraves, Hen Joh. — Hugh Joh. Hergraves, Ja Trin. Hargrave, Ja Hargraves, Ja Joh. Hergraves, John Trin. Hargrave, John Joh. — John Sid. Hargreaves, John Mag. Hargrave, Rob Chr. Hargreaves, Rob Joh. Hargrave Chr. Harkyn, John Chr. Harlakenden, Geo Mag. — Hen Joh. P s s p p f-c p p p p p p p p p [schol. s & p p p 1589] 1616 1633 1555 1647 1623 1657 1545 1545 1598 1647 1564 1584 1587 1545 1546 1579- 1585 1646 E 1622 M 1655] E 1657 E 1545 M 1582] E 1622 E 1630] E 1631 c. 1597 L 1618-i E 1588 E 1653 E 1567 M 1624 E 1563 E 1625 E 1606 E 1583 1577] E 1626 E 1623 E 1632] M 1579 M 1570 M 1648 M 1571 M 1567 M 1573 E 1655 E 1575 M 1648 E 1648] E 1656 M 1582 E 1658 E 1548 E 1555 E 1580 c. 1593 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1636-7, Hares A.B. 1557-8 [Haire] A.B. 1566-7; A.M. (Mag.) 1570 A.B. 1583-4 (Matr. Hore) A.B. 1538-9, Hayre; A.M. 1543; A.B. 1625-6 [M.D. (*Pet.) 1559 A.B. 1659-60 A.B. 1625-6 A.B. 1633-4 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 [(Joh.) 1638 A.B. 1638 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 (? Harslet) A.B. 1579-80 ; A.M. 1583, Hertford A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1626; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1570-1 A.B. (Trin.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1658-9 A.B. 1648-9, Hargi-aves A.B. 1651-2 A.B. 1585-6, Hargraves A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 Matriculations ami Degrees 1544 — 1659 321 Harlakenden, Rich Mag. — Rich [Em. — Rich Em. Harlukenden, Rich Jes. Harlakynden, Roger Mag. Harlakenden, Tho Mag. — Tho [Em. Harlakendine, Tho Chr. Harlakinden, Will Mag. Harland, Harlstone, John John Joh. J oh. Harlestone, Rob Pern. Harlston, Harleston, Harlewad, Harlev, Harlow, Harman, Harmar, Harmay, Harmer, Sam. Sam. Tho. Tho. Rob. Rob. Tho. Will. Will. C. C. King's Pern. C. C. Cai. [Trill. Em. Mag. (? the above) Ezechiel ...*King's Rich. Tho. . Jonat. Ja John . Sid. Joh. Em. Trin. — ('Tharme'), John... C. C. Rich. Harner (?), Rob. Harmer, Rob. Harmon, Mich. Harmytage, Nich. — Tho. Harnyss, Harnesse, Haniess, Harop, Harould, Harpenye, Harpur, Haqjer, Will. , Edw. . John . John . Ja Edw. . Anth.. John . John . John . John . John . John . John Joh. Joh. , Cla. , Joh. , Cai. , Cla. , Joh. . Mag. , Joh. , Sid. .*Mag. , Joh. , Jes. . Chr. , King's , Joh. . Em. . Qu. , Em. . Chr. Harpur, Harj)er, Harpum, Rich. Rich. Rich. Rob. Tho. Walt. Pet. 1 Harrel v. Hearle Harriman, Harrimer Harington Gavin. Tho. . Tho. . And. Joh. Pem. Pet. Qu. Joh. Joh. Jes. Joh. Joh. Pem. King' f-c M p E 1583 1588] 1623 1649 1582-3 1585 1588] 1616 1618 1658 1627 1636 1565 1617 1631 [fi 1637 1605 1645-6] 1631 1655 1560 1638 1578 1624 1596 1627 1581 1596 1626 1620 1557-8 1581-2 1.580 1554 1650-1 1653] 1656 1571 1584 1546 1588 1615 1618-9 1621 1631 1654 1588 1606 1634 1626 1616 1565 1614 1554 1620- 1587 1595 A.B. 1586-7 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1621-2 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.M. 1574 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1619-20 . Joh.] A.B. 1633; A.M. 1637 A.M. 1648 {fil. nob.) A.B. 1564-5 (alias Taylor) A.B. (Mag.) 1581-2 (Matr. Hermon) A.M. 1584 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1623-4, Harman A.B. 1582-3 (Matr. Armitage) A.B. 1558-9, Arnesse ; A.M. (*Qu.) [1562 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1659-60 A.B. (Mag.) 1586- A.B. 1618; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1633; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1569-70 A.B. (Trin.) 1590-1 (? Gavin, above) A.B. 1598-9; A.M. (Sid.) 1602 41 322 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Harrington, Edw Chr. f-c 1598 — Edw [C. C. 1606] — Edw Qu. p E 1624 — Era Sid. f-c E 1615 Harryngton, Hen [C. C. 1568] Harrington, Hen [Sid. f-c L 1599- — Hen C. C. s M 1610 — Hen Sid. f-c E 1613 — Hen Sid. p M 1658 Harryngton, Ja [King's f-c 1570- Harrington, Ja [Chr. f-c L 1594- — Ja — Ja Joh. p E 1645 Harington, Uohn King's f-c M 1576 Harrington, John [Chr. L 1594- — 2joiin [Sid. f-c E 1607] — John (^?>)... (?the above) — John — John Trin. f-c M 1626 — Jos Em. p E 1637 — Ralph Pet. p E 1608 Haryngton, Rob *Qu. p E 1567 Harryngton, Rob C. C. s M 1567 Harington, Villiers Cla. p M 1638 Harrington, Will *Joh. p M 1553 Haryngton, Will King's p M 1578 Harington, Will Sid. p M 1641 Harryngton, ..{Maximus) Chr. p E 1544 — {Majoi") Chr. p E 1544 — {Minor) Chr. p E 1544 — ...{Minimus) Chr. p E 1544 Harrington Joh. p c. 1594 Harryot, John Joh. p M 1567 Harriott, Rich Qu. s E 1613 — Rob Sid. [s M 1599] Harriatt, Will Harris, Art Joh. p E 1589 Harrise, Art Sid. f-c 1601 Harris, Art Chr. p E 1645 — Chris Trin. f-c M 1614 — Cranmer ... Jes. f-c E 1624 — Cranmer ... Mag. p E 1648 — Edw C. C. [1579] Harrys, Edw Joh. s E 1583 — Edw Em. p L 1588- Harris, Edw Joh. p E 1616 — Edw Pern. p L 1653- Harrys, Geo Harris, Geo — Geo Pem. s M 1627 — Geo Joh. s E 1648 — Hen C. C. s E 1634 — Isaiah Trin. [p E 1646] Harrys, Ja Jes. s E 1578 Harryse, John Chr. s M 1569 Harris, John Joh. p E 1617 A.B. (Sid.) 1599-1600 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. (Chr.) 1570-1 1600] A.B. 1613-4 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1646-7 A.B. 1577-8 ( ill nob.) ; A.M. 1581 Incorp. fr. Oxf. 1607 {/il. nob.) A.B. (Cla.) 1625-6 A.B. 1570-1 ; A.M. 1574 ; S.T.B. '82 A.B. 1556-7 [fr.Oxf.] A.B. 1642-3; A.M. (*Cai.) [1646; LL.D. 1652 (Visitors' [Mandate) A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. (Chr.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1585-6 (? the above) A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1543-4; A.M. 1545; S.T.B. [(*Trin.) 1551, died before ad- [mission A.B. (*Joh.) 1620-1; A.M. 1624; [S.T.B. 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1627-8 ; A.M. (C. C.) 1647 LL.B. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1581-2 A.B. 1574-5 BaroD Harington of Extoii, 1603. Baron Harington of Exton, 1613. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 323 Harries, John [Qu. Harris, John Trin. — John — John [Pern. — John Qu. — John Cai. — Malachi *Em. — Matth Jes. — Nich Em. — Percy Em. — Phil Trin.H. Harryes, Rich Joh. Harrys, Rich *Joh. )S1 Harris, Rich Qu. — Rich — Rich Qu. — Rich Pern. Harrys, Rob Pern. Harris, Rob Cai. — Sam Cla. — Sam [Chr. Harrys, Tho Trin.H. — Tho Jes. Harris, Tho *a C. Harryse, Tho Cla. Harrys, Tho Joh. Harris, Tho Cai. Harries, Tho Mag. Harris, Tho Trin. — Tho [Chr. — Tho Qu. Harryse, HVill Joh. — iW Joh. Harrishe, Will Pern. Harrys, Will *Joh. Harryes, Will Joh. Harris, Will Chr. — Will — Will — [King's — ;!!"^!;;!"!!!;; joh. Harri.son, Ahr [Em. Haryson, Alex Qu. Harrison, Anth King's — Anth Joh. Harison, Benj Qu. Harrison, Bern Joh. — Cha Trin. — Chris Joh. Haryson, Chris Harrison, Guthb Cla. Hari.son, Ed Joh. Harrison, Ed Em. Harison, Edra [Qu. Harrison, Edm Chr. — Edm Jes. Edw Cla. — Edw s E 1622] p E 1631 1649] A.B. 1634-5 A.M. 1638 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1^ M 1650 p E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 [« E 1623] A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630; S.T.B. E 1629 [1637; S.T.P. \mO {Lit. Reg.) lp E 1645; fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1644-5 p M 1627 [Adm. Qu. E 1628] p L 1618- 3 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p M 1568 p E 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583; S.T.B. p c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9 [1590; S.T.P. 1595 (?the above); M.D. (Pem.) 1607 p E 1631 p M 1645 A.B. 1648-9 I) M 1584 p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 p E 1648] p M 1546 p M 1562 p M 1573 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 p E 1574 A.B. 1577-8 p E 1577 [p M 1608 ; fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 s E 1636 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 p L 1644- J] s M 1650 A.B. 1654-5 s E 1572 M 1572 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 p L 1577- 3 A.B. 1580-1, Harries )) L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4; A.M.1587 ; S.T.B.'94 s E 1580 A.B. 1583-4 s E 1610 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.M. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1637 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s L 1569- 70] A.B. (Jes.) 1606-7 (in ordo) p M 1608 ]) E 1638; Cath. 1639] 1^ E 1544 A.B. 1546-7 s L 1579- SO s M 1587 p M 1644 fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1645-6 p E 1627 s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p c. 1592 A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) fp E 1651; fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1651 p M 1559 p M 1612 p E 1589] [1603 p c. 1591 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596; S.T.B. p E 1652 p E 1574 [S.T.B. 1614 A.B. (Jes.) 1603-4; A.M. Uucertaiu which of these (if differeiit men) graduated. 324 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Harrison, Edvv ... Joh. s E 1604 — Edw ... Em. s M 1613 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — lEdw ... Jes. p E 1633 A.B. 1636 — lEdw ... Jes. p E 1634 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 — Edw ... Joh. [s L 1635-61 A.B. 1637-8 — Eurye ... ... Joh. s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3 — Era ... Joh. s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 — Era ... [Cai. s E 1653] Harison, Gabriel ... ... Cai. s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 Haryson, Geo ... Pet. s M 1551 Harrison, Geo ... Trin. s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 — Geo .. Joh. s c. 1601 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 ■ — Geo ... Trin. s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6 — Geo ... Chr. s E 1647 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. (King's) 1653 — Gerard ... ... Joh. s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1620 Haryson, Guy ... Cai. s M 1578 Harrison, Hen . . *Cai. p E 1628 A.B. 1631; A.M. 1635; S.T.P. — Hen .. Chr. p M 1651 [1664 {Lit Reg.) — Hugh ... Jes. E 1612 — Hugh ... Joh. s E 1646 — Isaac .. Cai. p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 ; A.M. 1638 ; S.T.P. '57 Harryson, Ja .. Joh. p M 1554 Harrison, Ja .. Joh. p M 1588 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 Jacob ..*Chr. s c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601; S.T.B. Harryson, Jacob .. Joh. s E 1602 [1609 Harrison, Jerem. ... .. Joh. s E 1637 — Jerem. (Jervis) A.M. 1642-3 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Jerem. ... .. Chr. p M 1645 Haryson, John .. Mag. p E 1548 Harryson, John . . *King's p M 1570 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 John .. Joh.^ p M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 Harrison, John ..*Joh. p M 1575 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583; S.T.B. — John .. Trin. s E 1576 A.B. (Jes.) 1579-80 [1591 — John .. Pet. s E 1578 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1586 — John .. Chr. s L 1579-80 A.B. (C. C.) 1585-6 ; A.M. 1591 — John .. Joh. s c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 — John .. Trin. s M 1601 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 John A.B. (Trin.) 1607-8 John .'.' Chr. s E 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613; S.T.B. John .. Trin. s M 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1619 [1620 — John .. Cai. p M 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 — John .. Trin. p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 — John ..*Trin. s E 1627 A.B. 1631-2 ; A.M. 1635 ; S.T.B. '48 — John .. Cai. p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 — John .. [Em. p E 1634] A.B. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Dublin); John .. Em. M 1632 A.B. 1636-7 [A.M. 1636 John .. Sid. p E 1633 John .. Pern. p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 John .. [C.C. 1636] — John .. Trin. s E 1649 A.B. 1652-3 John .. Sid. s E 1649 — John .. [Joh. p L 1655-6 Jos .. King's E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 Joshua ... .. Trin. p E 1616 Harison, Knightly .. Sid. p M 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 Harrison, Lancelot .. Jes. p M 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 Lancelot .. Jes. s E 1611 A.B. (? 1613-4); A.M. 1617 Lancelot . .. Jes. p E 1634 A.B. 1637 ; A.M. 1641 ; M.D. 1661 — Lancelot . .. [Qu. p E 1646'; fr. Oxf.] [{Lit. Reg.) Not improbably the same man. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 325 Harrison, Lan. (??<) ... Joh. — Martin C. C. Harryson, Mich Trin. — Mich *Trin. Harrison, Morris Joh. — Nath Chr. — Nich Trin. — Nich Chr. — Pet Harry.son, Phil Trin. Harrison, Ralph Em. Harison, Ralph Cai. Haryson, Rich Joh. Harryson, Rich Joh. — Rich Trin. Harrison, Rich Chr. — Rich Trin. Harryson, Rich King's Harrison, Rich — Rich Chr. — Rob [King's Harryson, Rob Joh. Harrison, Rob Mag. Harrisson, Rob Trin. Hairison, Rob Cla. — Rob Em. — Rob Em. Harison, Rob Mag. Harrison, Rob Trin. — Rob Chr. — Tho [King's Harryson, Tho Chr. — Tho Joh. — Tho *Trin. Harri.son, Tho Cla. — Tho Chr. — Tho Joh. — Tho Chr. — Tho Trin. Harrisonne, Tho Chr. Harrison, Tho — Tho Chr — Tho Sid — Tho Joh. — Walt Trin. — W. Jes. Harryson, Will *Joh. Harrison, W^ill Harryson, W King's Harrison, Will Trin. — Will Cla. Harryson, Will *King's \ — W[ill.] Qu. [Harrison, Will Em. : — Will Trin. ; — Will Joh. ' — Will Chr. ' — Will Mag. Harrisonn, Will Trin. Harrison, Will Trin. Will Chr. s M 1565 A.B. 1568-9 s M 1601 p E 1565 A.B. 1570-1, 'Nich.'; A.M. 1574 s E 1573 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 p M 1654 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1664 p M 1645 s c. 1589 s E 1612 [S.T.B. (*Chr.) 1648 ; S.T.P. 1661 A.M. 1641 (Incorp. fr. Dublin); p M 1568 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. (Cla.) 1576 p E 1633 A.B. 16.36-7; A.M. 1640; S.T.P. p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 [1661 {Lit. Reg.) s L 1557-8 s E 1568 s M 1569 A.B. 1572-3 p E 1575 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1592 (?) s p E 1577 M 1579 A.B. (Chr.) 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1655 E 1545] A.B. 1545-6; A.M. 1549 p M 1564 A.B. (C. C.) 1567-8; A.M. 1572 s E 1589 A.B. 1593-4 s L 1597^8 A.B. (King's) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 .s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 p E 1636 s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 p E 1639 A.B. 1641-2 ; A.M. 1645 ; *Pet. '46 p E 1640 p E 1562] p E 1568 p M 1572 A.B. 1576-7 ]) M 1573 A.B. 1577-8 ; A.M. 1581 ; S.T.B. '88 p M 1579 A.B. (Mag.) 1582-3 s M 1584 A.B. (Cath.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592 s c. 1592 s c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8 p c. 1596 A.B. (Sid.) 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 p c. 1598 A.B. (Mag.) 1601-2 A.B. (Joh.) 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 p E 1632 p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 s E 1646 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1653 p E 1563 8 M 1567 s M 1567 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 (A.M. Oxf.); S.T.B. 1569 s M 1576 s E 1576 A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 p M 1579 1> M 1582 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 M 1582 ]) E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 s M 1588 V E 1589 V M 1589 p E 1605 A.B. 1608 p E 1606 A.B. (Chr.) 1609-10 s M 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1619 s E 1620 326 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Harrison, Will (?th£ — Will *Trin.H. Harison, Will Cath. Harrison [C. C. — [Sid. Harropy, Reynold ... [Qu. Harry, Mark Em. Harrydance v. Haridance Harsnett, Adam Pern. — Ezekiel [C. C. Harsenet, ' Sam King's Harsenett, Sam C. C. Harsfeild, Rich Triu. Harslet, Hen Joh. Harslett, Will C. C. Harswell, Hen Cla. Hart, Dav Qu. Harte, Fra Gonv.H. — Hen [King's — John *Trin.H. — John Trin. Hart, Lewis Joh. Harte, Rich Chr. Hart, Rich.... Cath. — Rich Harte, Tho Chr. — Tho Joh. Hart, Tho C. C. Harte, Tho Em. Hartt, Tho Trin. Harte, Tho Trin. Hart, Tho Rem. — Walt Qu. — W Qu. Harte, Will Trin. — Will Joh. — W Chr. Hart, Will Em. — Will [Qu. — Will Pet. Harte, Will Chr. Hartborne, Nich Chr. — Rob Hartcliflfe, John Hartenes, Humph. . . . Hartflet, Tho Trin. Hartford [Em. Hartgrave, Geo Mag. — Paynell Mag. Hartley, Chris Joh. Hartlie, John Cla. Hartley, John Trin. — John Qu. — La«. (?m) ... Joh. — Tho *King's — Tho *Joh. Harteley, Will Jes. Hartley, W Rem. above) p M 1629 •-C E 1637 -c 1554] p E 1599] p E 1578] s E 1621 s c. 1597 1647] s JE 1579 E 1656 E 1629 E 1571 E 1644 c. 1592 M 1635 E 1555 E 1546] E 1544 M 1568 E 1632 E 1587 E 1617 E 1575 M 1585 E 1589 c. 1595 E 1613 E 1626 E 1637 E 1563 E 1563 M 1561 E 1579 M 1583 c. 1595 E 1616] M 1623 E 1626 M 1546 f-c M 1580 s L 1644-5] s M 1633 s M 1633 s E 1614 s E 1587 s E 1588 s c. 1593 (Matr. Hertle) s M 1567 [schol. 1548] [scbol. 1549] p M 1555 s E 1585 A.B. (Chr.) 1629; A.M. 1638 LL.B. 1635 A.B. 1637-8 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. (Joh.) 1604; [S.T.B. (Pern.) 1612 A.B. (*Pem.) 1580-1; A.M. 1584; [S.T.P. 1606 A.B. 1595-6 LL.B. 1553 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594; S.T.B. A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 [1608 A.B. 1620-1 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. (*Sid.) 1602 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1570 A.B. (C. C.) 1582-3; ?A.M. 1594, [Heart A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 [1556, *Joh. 1558 A.B. 1538-9; A.M. 1541; S.T.B. A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Joh.) 1598-9; A.M. 1602; [S.T.B. 1610 A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1617-8: A.M. 1621 A.B. 1552-3 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1556 A.B. 1561-2 1 Master of Pembroke, 1605; York, 1629. Bisliop of Chichester, 1609 ; Norwich, 1619 ; Archbishop of Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 327 Hartnoll, Geo [Sid. Harton, Ambrose ... Chr. Hartopp, Ed[w.] Chr. Hartep, Geo Trin. Hartopp, John Em. Hartop, Tho Trin. Hartopp, [Tho.] Qu. Hartope, Will Trin. Hartopp, Will [Joh. Hartridge, Dennis Em. Hartshorue, Rich [Qu. Hartstonge, Finch Pern. — Ja Gonv Hartwell, Abr *lving' Hartewell, Abr *Trin. Harvard, John Era. Harvell, W [Qu. Harvest, Tobias Trin. Harvy, Brian Joh. Harvey, Dan Cai. Harvye, Edm Jes. Harvie, Edm (? Harvey, Edm Joh. Harvie, Era Chr. — Era Cai. Harvey, Era Jes. . — Gabriel Chr. Harvye, Geo Trin. — Geo Qu. Harvy, Hen Trin. Harvey, Ja Joh. — Ja Joh. — Ja [Pem. — Ja Jes. — John Qu. — John Chr. Harvye, John Em. Harvie, John Cai. Harvey, John Em. — iJohn Cai. — 1 John Cai. Harvy, John Pet. Harvey, John Chr. — John Pem. — John Chr. — John [Sid. — John Cai. — John [Qu. Harvie, John Trin. Hervey, Jos Em. — Martin Chr. — Mich [Em. Harvie, Rich *Pem. Harvey, Rich Cai. — Rich Chr. Harvie, Rich Cai. Harvy, Rich Cai. Harvye, Ro Joh. — Rob Cla. f-c E 1646] s E 1640 f-c M 1624 p L 1597-8 [f-c p E 1596] M 1584 A.B. 1600-1 f-c M 1616 p c. 1591 f-c E 1642] f-c E 1588 s E 1653] s M 1621 .H. s E 1544 's p M 1559 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567 s E 1568 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 (Matr. p E 1631 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 [Ambr.) p M 1564] s E 1643 A.B. 1646 8 E 1575 f-c M 1646 A.B. 1647 p E 1566 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 the above) LL.B. 1570 P E 1611 P L 1582-3 A.B. (C. C.) 1585-6; A.M. (Em.) P E 1629 [1589 p E 1635 rLL.D. (*Trin. H.) 1584 p E 1566 A.B. 1569-70 ; A.M. (*Pem.) 1573 ; H. s M 1544 A.B. 1551-2 P E 1545 P M 1582 f-c E 1613 P E 1615 1631] A.B. 1618-9 s M 1632 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 p E 1578 A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 ; M.L. 1587 p E 1586 p s M 1587 E 1601 f-c E 1619 p s E 1620) E 1620J A.B. 1623 p E 1623 p E 1626 A.B. 1628-9 p E 1631 A.B. 1633-4 p E 1631 p E 1633] f-c E 1646 p E 1647] H. p E 1651 P M 1647 p E 1627 A.B. 1630 f-c L 1650-1' p E 1575 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 s E 1615 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1622 p M 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 s M 1632 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 p L 1563-4 p L 1564-5 A.B. 1570-1 Uncertain which of these graduated. 328 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Harvey, Harvie, Harvey, Harvy, Harvye, Harvey, Harvye, Harvey, Harvie, Harvey, Harvy, Harvey, Harvye Harvey Harward v. Harword, Herwarde, Harward, Harwell, Harwood, Harwoode, Harwood, Rob *Trin.H. Rob Chr. Rob Cath. Sam Chr. Sam Cath. Joh. [Qu. Trin. Jes. Joh. Pern. Cla. Cla. Trin. Cai. [Sid. Cai. Cai. Pem. Pem. Cla. Em. Tern. ;Cath. also Harwood And *King's Rich [Cai. Simon Chr. Sam. .. Steph. Steph. Tho. .. Tho. .. Tho. .. Tho. .. W Will. .. Will. .. Will. .. Will. .. Will. .. Will. .. Will. .. Tho. , Will. Will. W. ... Anth. Augustine. Cai. Joh. King's Qu. Sid. Qu. Chris Pet. Fra Ja John John John John Nath Rich Walt, {imp.) 11 ann.)] Walt Hasbert, Hase, Haseldin, Haselhorst, Haselhurst, Haselepe, Haselopp, Haselop, Haselrigg v. Haseltopp, Haselwood, Haselwoode, Haselwood, Joh. Joh. Chr. Cai. C. C. Qu. Joh. Cla. Cai. John C. C. Edm. John Rob. Pet. Hen. Mag. Mag. Em. Joh. Jes. Jeremy v. Hasell John Tho Heselrigg Edw Anth Edm Edm Joh. Trin. Chr. Cla. Pem. Jes. [schol. s L E c. E E E E E M L E L E P P P P P P P P P s P s p c. p M P L s E f-c E p E f-c E f-c E f-c E 1576] LL.B. 1583 1579-80 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 1657 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 1593 1640 1647 1615] 1641 1565 1569 1584-5 1614 1564-5 1569 1593 1604] 1623-4 1628 1636 1649 1544 1626 1641 1653 E 1615 E 1567] M 1572 E 1633 M 1546 M 1625 M 1564 E 1631 M 1627 E 1575 M 1606 E 1618 E 1586 M 1625 E 1644 L 1623-4 M 1576 E 1559 M 1580 E 1656 c. 1593 E 1623 E' 1618 E 1603 E 1615 E 1617 1598 E 1613 E 1635 M 1555 M 1568 A.B. 1643; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 157J A.B. 1572-3 A.B. 1596-7 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1641-2 {Lit. iReg.) A.M. (Mag.) 1595 A.B. (1619-20) ; A.M. 1623 ; S.T.B. [1630 A.B. 1574-5 A.B. 1636-7, Harward A.B. 1549-50, Harward ; A.M. [(*Qu.) 1553 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1626 A.B. (Trin.) 1569-70 A.B. 1628-9, Harward ; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 A.B. 1583-4 ; A.M. 1587, Haward A.B. 1659 [Hause A.B. (Joh.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600, A.B. (Cai.) 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1606-7 A.B. 1601-2, Haselupp; A.M. 1605; [S.T.B. 1612 '*Jes. 1571] Matricidatio7is a7id Degrees 1544 — 1659 329 Haselwood, Edw Pern. p E 1561 — Era. (wHjo.) . Trin. s E 1560 Hasylwood, Hen Jes. p E 1570 Haselwood, John Job. s E 1566 — Rob Pern. p M 1560 Haslewood, Rob Joh. p E 1612 — Rob (?the above) Haselwood, Rob C, C. [1637] Haskard, Geo Em. s M 1657 Haslam, Anth Qu. s E 1607 Hasler, Tho. v. Hastier Haslerton, Rob. v. Heslerton Haslock, "Will. v. Aslack Haslyhead, John Joh. s M 1618 Hassall, Roger Jes. p M 1606 — Tho Trin. s c. 1591 Hassard, John Cath. p E 1633 — [Sid. s E 1600] Hassell, Ambrose ... Trin. p E 1578 — Edm Trin. s M 1631 Hasell, Edw Joh. p E 1595 — Edw *Cla. p E 1624 Hasyll, Hen [Trin.H. schol. 1589] Hasell, Jeremy Joh. p E 1616 — John Trin. s E 1576 Hassell, Lancelot ... [Pet. s E 1647] Hasell, Owen Pern. f-c L 1607- Hassel, Ralph Em. p E 1611 Hazell, Rich Cai. p E 1625 Hasell, Rob Trin. s M 1565 — Rob Sid. s E 1622 Hasel, Sam Chr. (?) p E 1606 Hassell, Sam [Pem. 1659] — Tho Pet. p E 1652 Hasset, Sam Joh. p M 1569 — Tho Trin. p M 1560 — Tho Joh. p M 1571 Haste, Tho Joh. p E 1584 — [Chr. schol. 1553- Hasted, Edw Em. s E 1602 Hastings, Edw Sid. [f-c E 1605] — Edw [Qu. f-c L 1608- — 1 Ferdinando . [Qu. f-c L 1625- Hastyngs, ¥rB. {imp) ^^.^^ ^_^ ^^ ^5„2 12 ann.)) Hastings, Geo [Sid. f-c E 1605] — 2 Hen [Qu. c. 1548] — Hen Em. s c. 1592 — ^Hen [Qu. f-c ^M 1601] "Hen [Qu. f-c E 1627] — Martin Trin. p E 1618 — Phil [C. C. 1626] — Rob Mag. [schol. M 1604] — Will Mag. p M 1619 — Will Sid. p M 1619 Hastier, Edw — John Chr. s E 1623 — ('Hosier'), Rich. ... Joh. s E 1629 1 Sixth Earl of Huntingdon, 1643. 8 Fifth Earl of Huntingdon, 1G04. A.r>. 1573-4 A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1640; S.T.B. 1662 (Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664; S.T.P. [1671 {Lit. Reg.), Greg. A.B. 1610-1 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626, Hesly- [head A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598, Has- [Hazard] [said A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1619-20 (Matr. Haslepe) A.B. 1614-5, Hassall; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1628-9 A.B. 1570-1 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1655-6 (Matr. Hasel) [? scholar, Trin. H. 1585] A.M. 1610 {fil. nob.) A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1623-4 A.B. (Chr.) 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1626-7 (Matr. Hasler) A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 2 Third Earl of Huntingdon, 1561. ■» Baron Loughborough, 1613. 42 330 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hastier, Tho C. C. Hastling, Nich [Cla. Hasty, John Pern. Hatch, John [Qu. — John Joh. — John Pet. — Jos Cath. Hatche, Will Joh. Hatcheman, Rich Jes. Hatcher, Fra Sid. — Hen Joh. — John King's — Tho. *King's Hatsher, Tho. (imp.) Em. Hatchett, And Chr. Hattaclyf, Rich Trin. Hatclyff, Will Jes. Hatfeild, Alex Chr. Hattfeild, Jervis Cai. Hatford, Anth Qu. Hathornwhaite, Gawin ... Joh. Hatkyll, Tho Trin. Hatlyflfe, Davey Pet. — Geo Jes. Hatlefe, Tho Jes. Hathfte, Vincent C. C. Hatley, Art [Trin. — Chris Trin. — Edm Trin. Hattlye, Edm Trin. Hatly, Griffith Em. Hatley, Griffith Pern. — John Hately, John Joh. Hatley, John Trin. — Nath Qu. — Phil — Phil King's — Rich Cla. — Rich Triu. Hatle, Ro Cla. Hatley, Rob. {imp.) y , 12 ann.)\ Hatley ('Hetley'), Rob.... Cla. Hatly, Rob Em. Hatley, Tho Clem. Ho, — Tho Trin. Hatt, Edvv Joh. Hatterly, Will Qu. Hatton, Art Em. — Benedict ... Trin. — 1 Chris Jes. — Edw Pern. — Era Sid. — Geo King's — Hen *Joh. — Humph. ... [King's — Ja Chr. — John Jes. f-c 1621 1644- 1593 1587- 1604 1626 E 1644 M 1579 M 1544 E 1636 L 1579- M 1584 M 1555 E 1603 M 1547 M 1547 M 1582 E 1628 c. 1591 M 1575 E 1632 M 1572 M 1566 E 1566 M 1564 1619 1641] 1619 1587 1596 1624 M 1658 E 1604 M 1637 M 1624 E 1617 E 1560 E 1587 M 1547 E 1565 c. 1592 E 1604 E 1544 L 1580-1 M 1601 E 1634 M 1656 I^ 1580-1 L 1620-1 M 1585 E 1636 M 1628 M 1634 E 1574] E 1576 E 1626 A.B. 1623-4 (Matr. Hasler) A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599, Hasly A.B. 1607-8 A.B. (Pem.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 80A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1563 A.B. 1550-1; A.M. 1554 A.B. 1631-2 [Hartford] A.B. 1635-6, 'Gornus' A.B. (Trin.) 1570-1 A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1658-9 ; A.M. 1662 ; M.D. '6i A.B. (Cla.) 1590-1; A.M. 1594 A.B. 1642-3 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1633 A.B. (Pet.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1637-8 A.M. A.B. (? A.B. 1639 1622 {fil. nob.) ) ; A.M. (Cath.) 1597 A.M (Jes.) 1643 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1579-8C A.B. 1628-9 Baron Hatton of Kibby, 1643. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — ^659 831 Hatton, Rich Sid. f-c E 1623 — Rob *Pet. p E 1658 Haton, W Pet. p E 1577 Hatton, Will Sid. f-c E 1636 — Will (?the above) — Will — Will Trin. p M 1649 Hattridge, Will Job. p E 1647 Haudon, Will Pern. [1635] Haughton, Anth Job. s E 1602 — Edw — Geo Trin. p E 1632 — Hen Trin. p L 1625-6 — Hen Cbr. p E 1656 — Humph. .., Cbr. s M 1575 Hawton, John Cbr. s E 1587 Haughton, John Cla. f-c E 1610 — Tho — Tho Em. s E 1624 — Tho Em. s M 1656 Haugton, Will Haughton, Will Job. s E 1605 Haulibye, W Job. p M 1567 Haulsey (Halsey), John... Cla. p E 1626 Hault, Adam Job. s M 1589 Haultain, De, Phil [Em. f-c E 1600] Hauntler, Rob Cai. s c. 1593 Hausby ;;. also Hansby Hausbye, Ralph Job. p M 1554 Hausted, Edw Em. [s E 1602] Hawsted, Geo. {imp.). Trin.H. s M 1544 Hausted, Pet Qu. s E 1620 — Will Qu. s E 1629 Hauten, Natb. v. Hawtins Ha?iyston(?M), Will Job. s E 1605 Haver, Hen Catb. s M 1637 — Tho Trin. p M 1559 Havercroft, W Trin. p M 1 637 — Will Trin. s E 1636 Havers, Gilb Trin. [p E 1649] — John Cbr. f-c E 1629 — John Catb. s E 1633 Haverydge, John Trin. s E 1560 HaviU, Geo [Job. s M 1650] Havisett, Tho Pern. p E 1634 Hawe, Ja [Qu. p M 1583] — John Trin. p L 1577-8 Hawgb, Nich Mag. f-c L 1564-5 Hawghe, Walt.. C. C. p M 1551 Haugh, Walt (^same as above) — [C. C. 1544] Hawarden, Savage *King's [schol. 1599] Hawden (' Haudson '), Geo. — John Hawdyn, Ralph Cbr. s M 1572 Hawdon, Ralph Sid. s M 1619 Hawen v. Hawin Hawes, Edm Cai. p E 1636 — Edw King's s c. 1596 — Edw [Cai. p M1607; — Era A.B. 1625 M.B. 1661 M.D. 1636-7 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. (Jes.) 1641-2 (On King's [visit) A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.M. 1641 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1625-6 [A.M. 1582 A.B. (C. C.) 1578-9, Howghton ; A.B. (n591-2); A.M. 1595 A.B. (Job.) 1606 ; M.L. 1610 ; M.D. [1624 A.B. 1659-60 A.M. 1604 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 (Matr. [Haugston) A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1606-7 [Hosteade) A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 (Matr. A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1641- A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1658 (Matr. Haver) A.B. 1636-7 A.B. (Trin.) 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1554-5, Hawe; *Jes. 1564? M.L. 1559 [off 1603] A.B. (Trin.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. (Job.) 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 [Hawys] prev. at Job.] A.B. (Trin.) 1644-5 332 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hawes, Geo Joh. p — Geo. [Greg.] C. C. p Hawse, Gustavus ... Trin. s Hawes, Hen Trin. p — Hen [Trin. s — Ja Em. p — John Edm.Ho. s — John [Cai. schol. — John C. C. p — John [Cai. p — John *C. C. p — John C. C. p Haues, Nath Cath. p Hawes, Eich *C. C. p — Rob Trin. p — Sam Pet. [p Hawys, Theodore ... Cai. p Hawes, Tho Chr. p — Tho Cla. s — Tho Sid. p — Tho Mag. s — Will Trin. p Hause(?), Will Hawes, Will Em. p — Om.)[C.C. — [King's Hawfeeue, Will Trin. p Hawfeild, Rob Joh. s Hawford v. also Halford — Basil Chr. p — Dan Chr. p — lEdw — Edw Chr. p — Edw Chr. s — Hen Chr. s Hauford, John Chr. p Hawford, Rich Chr. p — Rob Chr. p — Theoph. ... Em. s Hauford, Will. v. Halford Hawford, Zach Chr. p Hawgowbart, Abr Pet. p Hawin, Geo Qu. p Hawke, Ed Pet. p Hawker, Rich Mag. s Hawkeridge, Roger Chr. s Hawkes, Edw Chr. s — John King's p — Kenelm Joh. — Tho Joh. s — Will Pet. s — Will Cath. s Hawkesby, John Cai. s Hauxbey, Will Cla. s Hawkesworth, Geo Joh. s Hauksworth, Israel Mag. s Hawxworth, Ja C. C. s Hawkesworth, Jonas Sid. s — Jos Em. p E 1607 E 1607 L 1656-7 A.B. 1661-2 ; A.M. (King's) 1665 M 1551 A.B. 1555-6; A.M. 1559 E 1641] E 1631 E 1545 in 1551] L 1577-8 A.B. 1580-1 L 1585-6 [1623 ; M.D. 1629 M 1615 A.B. 1618-9 A.M. 1622: M.L. E 1650 A.B. 1653; M.B. 1655; M.D. 1660 L 1637-8 E 1620 A.B. 1623-4, A.M. 1627 c. 1592 A.B. 1596-7 , A.M. (Jes.) 1600 E 1645] A.B. 1649-50 ; A.M. 1655 E 1632 A.B. 1635-6 "*Cai. 1578 M 1570 A.B. 1574-5 A.M. (Pem.) 1578, c. 1595 A.B. (Pet.) 1598-9; A.M. 1602 E 1622 A.B. 1625 E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654 M 1560 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1568; S.T.B. A.B. (Trin.) 1573-4 [(Cla.) 1586 M 1632 A.B. 1636-7 1576] 1592-3 M 1615 M 1606 E 1611 A.B. 1614 M 1568 A.B. 1573-4 ; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1542-3 ; A.M. (*Chr.) 1545; M 1570 [S.T.B. 1554; S.T.P. 1564 E 1632 A.B. 1641-2 E 1574 M 1609 E 1584 M 1587 A.B. (? ); A.M. 1597 E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 E 1574 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 M 1581 [Qu. 15 83- A.B. (Cath.) 1584-5 E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 E 1605 A.B. 1608-9, A.M. 1612 E 1640 E 1626 E 1653 A.B. 1656; A.M. 1660 (Matr. M 1551 ['Rawkes') c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6 E 1627 A.B. 1630-1 (Matr. 'Hookes') M 1547 E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 ; A.M. 1638 c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 ; A.M. 1600 E 1641 A.B. 1644 E 1650 A.B. 165.3-4 E 1653 A.B. 1655 E 1571 A.B. 1573-4 ; A.M. 1577 E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 : A.M. 1636 E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 [aster of Christ's, 1559. Matriculatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 333 Hawkeswortli, Josias Cai. Hawksworth, Pet Hawckseworth, Pet Trin. Hawkeswortli, Pet Em. Hawksworth, Tho Mag. Hawkeswortli, Tho Joh. Hawksworth, Tho Mag. Hawxwoorth, Walt *Trin. Hawkyn, Geo Trin. Hawkins, Abr Cath. — Adrian King's — Edw Qu. — Geoffry Em. Hawkyns, Hen *Pet. — John Trin.H. — John Mag. Hawkins, John — John Sid. — John Chr. — John *Trin. — Rich C. C. — Tho Pet. Hawkyns, W Pern. Hawkins, Will Chr. Hawkyard, Matth [Qu. Haukyard, Tho Qu. Hawley, Chris Mag. — Era. Cla. Hawlie, Gabriel Jes. Hawley, Hen Sid. — Hen — John [Trin. — Rob Sid. Hawlve, Tho Qu. Hawl>, Will Cath. Haworth v. also Heyworth Haworthe, Cha Cla. Haworth, John Joh. — Mich — Pet Qu. Hawworth, Randall Trin. Haworth, Will Joh. Hawsoppe, Geo Joh. Hawsyn, Rob King's Hawthorne, Gilb Hawtins, Nath Jes. Hawtofte, Rob King's Hawtrey, Kdw *King's — John *Kiiig's Hawxneste, Chris *Joh. Haxby, Staph — Tho Chr. Haxhara, And Mag. Haxton, Will. v. Axton Haxup V. Hacksupp Hay, Herricus ... — Isaac Joh. — iJa — John s E 1625 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. (Joh.) 1595-6 s c. 1601 p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 s E 1648 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1661 s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 p E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 p E 1560 p M 1639 A.B. 1642-3 s E 1625 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 P E 1631 A.B. 1632-3 s E 1637 A.B. 1639-40 1^ E 1568 A.B. 1571-2 ; A.M. 1575 ; LL.D. '91 .s E 1550 p E 1581 M.D. 1616 (Incorp. fr. Padua) s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 p M 1627 p M 1646 A.B. 1649-50 ; A.M. 1653 ; S.T.B. p L 1577-8 [1661 E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 p L 1563-4 s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 s M 1611] s E 1606 s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 V E 1578 A.B. 1581-2 V E 1560 f-c M 1621 E 1636] A.M. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p M1621 E 1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 s M 1627 A.B. (Mag.) 1631-2 p c. 1593 [Howorth s E 1653 A.B. (Chr.) 1655-6; A.M. 1660, A.B. (Trin.) 1585-6; A.M. (Cla.) s L 1584-5 [1589; S.T.B. (Trin.) 1595, s M 1570 [Haward s M 1652 A.B. 1656-7 p M 1546 A.B. 1550-1; A.M. 1554 s L 1581-2 S.T.B. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1647 A;B. 1650-1, Hauteii ; A.M. 1654 p M 1546 [Hottof] [schol. 1622] A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 ]) E 1647 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 P M 1551 A.B. 1554-5, Hauxurste ; A.M. '58 A.B. (*Joh.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608; [S.T.B. 1616 s p M 1658 E 1606 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1668 p c. 1597 Earl of Carlisle. A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Edinb.) A.B. 1600-1 A.M. 1641-2 (On King's visit) Incorp. fr. Edinb. 1634, *Joh. 1634 334 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hay, John [Qu. f-c E 1645] — John Qu. s E 1656 A.B. (Trin.) 1659-60 Hey, Laur Joh. p E 1544 A.B. 1546-7 Haye, Ralph [Joh. s M 1647] — Rich Joh. s E 1588 — Roger Joh. s E 1548 A.B. 1553-4, *Joh. Hey, Roger King's s M 1589 Hay, Tho Trin. s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 Haye, Will Pern. f-c M 1612 — Will Cla. f-c M 1612 Hay, Will Cath. f-c E 1640 Haybar, Tho Trin. p M 1584 Hacocke, Fra Chr. p E 1.582 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 Haycocke, John Chr. s M 1586 Heacocke, Nath Em. s M 1611 [Headocwe] Haydock, John [Em. s E 1646] Haydoke, Rich. v. Haddock Haydon v. Heydon Hayes, Abell Pem. s E 1610 A.B. (Cla.) 1612-3, Heies — Benj Joh. f-c E 1615 Heyes, Cha Trin. p E 1610 Hayes, Dan Em. s E 1644 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 Haies, Edw King's f-c E 1571 Hayes, Hen *King's p M 1560 A.B. 1564-5 ; A.M. 1568; S.T.B. '79 Haies, Nath Em. f-c E 1617 Hayes, Pet Qu. s M 1615 [Heyes] — Philemon ... Cla. p E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 — Phil King's p M 1558 (Matr. ' Chayes ') Hayhes, Rich Jes. s E 1611 Hayse(?), Rich Jes. p E 1640 Heyes, Rob Mag. s E 1605 Hayes, Rob Joh. f-c M 1608 — Tho C. C. p M 1656 — Will Pem. s E 1629 A.B. (Em.) 1632-3; A.M. 1636 — Will [Cath. f-c 1640] Heyes [King's f-c M 1643] Hayet, Simeon ('Boemus') C. C. f-c L 1581-2 A.B. 1581-2, Haiecius Haygarthe, Geo Trin. s M 1554 A.B. 1559-60 (Agixr in ordo) Hayghyngton, Rob Chr. p M 1545 Hayhoe, Geo Cai. p M 1638 A.B. 1641-2, Heyhoe; A.M. 1645 — Ja Cai. p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9 Hayhow, Tho Cai. s E 1559 Hayhurst, Bradly Em. s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 — Rich Chr. s E 1622 — Rob Em. s M 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Hayles v. Hales Haylet, John Pem. p E1584 A.B. 1587-8, Hailott; A.M. 1591 — Will C. C. [1644] A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 Hayloe v. Ayloe Hayman, Will Trin. p L 1578-9 Haymer, Rob Em. p M 1637 (Heyman) A.B. 1643-4; A.M. (*Pera.) Hayne, Abr Em. p M 1619 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1625 [1647 Haine, Ja Sid. p E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 Hayne (Heyne), John ... Sid. p M 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 — John Em. p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 — Jos *Sid. s M 1625 A.B. 1628-9; AM. 1632; S.T.B. '39 — Rich Em. p E 1620 A.B. 1623 Haine, Rob Em. s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 Hayne (Heane), Tho. ... A.M. 1615 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) Heyne, Will Chr. s E 1579 A.B. 1582-3, Heane; A.M. 1588, Haynes, Cha [Pem. 1659] [Heines Matriculations and Defjrees 1544 — 1659 335 Haynes, John Chr. s M 1611 — John — John [Qu. s E 1G42] — John Chr. s M 1642 — John Haines, Jos Qu. p E 1567 Haynes, Matth Joh. p E 1616 — Ralph Joh. s M 1647 Heines, Sam King's s E 1602 Haynes, Simon Jes. p E 1568 — Simon Qu. p c. 1596 Haines, Walt Qu. s E 1626 Heines, Will Trin. p c. 1595 Haysett, Edw [CO. 1635] Hayt, Will Haywarde, Chris *Trin. [schol. 1562] Hey ward, Edw [C. C. 1600] — Edw Mag. s E 1617 Hayward, Edw *Trin. p M 1638 — Era Trin.H. f-c E 1550 Hey ward. Era C. C. p E 1658 Ha ward, Geo Em. f-c M 1601 — Humph. ... Chr. f-c M 1611 Hayward, John Trin. p M 1572 — John — John Chr. p E 1586 — John Trin. [schol. E 1602] — John Em. f-c E 1603 — John Em. p E 1612 Haward, John [Chr. p M 1623] Heyward, Nich Em. p c. 1591 Hayward, Phil Cai. p M 1638 — Rich Qu. s E 1622 Mag. s E 1654 Hawarde, Roland Chr. p c. 1592 Hayward, Steph Cla. f-c E 1623 Haywarde, Theod Qu. s M 1602 Heyward, Tho Joh. p L 1584- , — Will Pet. p M 1578 — [C. C. 1580] Hayward Em. f-c E 1603 — [Em. p L 1633- Heywood, Edm Joh. s E 1651 Haywood, Giles Trin. [E1639; Hey wood. Hen Chr. s M 1581 Haywood, Ja Joh. s E 1614 Heywood, John Qu. s E 1571 Heawood, Nath Trin. s M 1649 Heywood, Oliver Trin. p M 1646 Haiwood, Pet Mag. p E 1620 Haywood, Ralph Chr. s L 1597- — Ralph *Pet. s M 1649 — Rich Chr. p M 1566 Heywoode, Rob Mag. p E 1567 Haywood, Rob Mag. p E 1624 Heywood, Tho Em. p c. 1591 Haywood, Will Joh. p M 1571 Hay worth v. Haworth and Hey worth Hazard, Nath Qu. s M 1615 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.M. 1614-5 (On King's visit) A.B. 1645-6 ; A.M. 1652, Hayne A.B. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Camb., New [Eng.); A.M. (*Pem.) 1660 LL.B. 1572-3 A.B. (Joh.) 1571-2 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. (*Joh.) 1569 A.B. 1564-5, Haywood ; A.M. 1568 A.B. (Chr.) 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 (Matr. [Howard) [Charles) A.B. 1612-3 (On visit of Prince A.B. 1578-9 (?Matr. Howsord) A.B. (Pern.) 1580-1; A.M. 1584; [LL.D. 1591 A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. 1606 ; S.T.B. [(*Pem.) 1613 (?Matr. Henrird) A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. (Joh.) 1656-7; A.M. 1661; [S.T.P. 1674 {Lit. Rea.) A.B. 1595-6, Heyward ; A.M. 1599 A.B. (Cath.) 1605-6 A.B. (Jes.) 1582-3 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. fr. Oxf.] A.M. ;641 [AM. 1578 A.B. (Chr.) 1574-5, Heiwood; A.B. 1651-2, Heywood A.B. 1650 (Matr. Hewood) 8 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1649-50, Heywood A.B. 1627 A.B. 1619-20 ; A.M. 1623, Hassard 336 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hazard, Rob Trin. — Tho Chr. Head , Fra *King's Heade, Rich Pet. Hedlam, John Pet. Headlam, John [C. C. Hedlam, Phil C. C. Headlam, Will Trin.H Headley, Tho Cath. Hedley, Tho Qu. Headon, Marmaduke Sid. Headsam, John Qu. v. Heald, Will [Em. Heale Em. Healey v. Hely Heane, Will. v. Heyne Heape, Abel [Em. Hepe, Fra Trin. Heape, Geo Joh. Hepe, Tho Chr. Heard, Bryant Cla. Herde, John *King's Heard, John Trin. — John Joh. — Tim Trin. — Will [Em. Heardson, Fra Joh. Herdson, Hen *Joh. — Hen Joh. Heare, John C. C. Hearle, Fra Cai. — [Harrel], Will *Cai. Hearles, Will Cai. Hearly, Will Mag. Hearne v. also Heron, Heme — Art King's — Benj Cla. Hirne, Chris C. C. Hearne, Edw Joh. — Edw *Trin. — Fra Trin. — Hen Trin. — Hen Mag. — Jeremy Em. — John *Cai. — Jos Cla. — Mich Jes. , — Rich *King's — Sam *Trin. — Simon Trin. — Simon Cai. — Tho *King's — Will Cla. Heath, Anth. {imp.) q ■ 9 ann.)\ ' ' Heathe, Earth *Pet. Heath, Edw Pet. — Edw Cla. — Fra Trin. — Geof. [Joh. M 1623 E 16.56 M 1655 M 1616 E 1589 1632] M 1632 M 1646 M 1571 M 1582 E 1617 A.B. 1658- A.B. (Trin.) 1575-6: [Netley] A.M. 1579 Edsam p L 1644-5 ; fr. Oxf.] p M 1613 s E 1624] s E 1585 p E 1659 s M 1580 s M 1639 [schol. 1529] s E 1570 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. M 1571 A.B. E 1610 A.B. L 1640-1] L 1629-30 A.B. M 1588 M 1626 M 1586 1596 c. 1590 M 1631 M 1610 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. (Pet.) 1627-8; A.M. 1631 1588-9, Heape 1583-4, Heape [1558 1533-4; (?A.M. 1546); M.D. 1574-5; A.M. 1578; S.T.B. [1586-7 (Trin.) 1576-7, Herde 1613-4 1631-2; A.M. 1635 (n591-2); A.M. 1596 1629-30 (Matr. 'Headse') 1590-1; A.M. 1594 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 1593-4; A.M. 1597 1636-7, Hearle f-c E p L p c. p U s E s M p E s E f-c M p E p M p E p E p c. p M p M 1595 1646 1585 1557- 1601 1572 1575 1642 1603 1640 1639 1577 1615 1575 1572 1596 1598 1570 A.B. (Chr.) 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1649-50, Heme ; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1605-6 ; A.M. 1609 ; S.T.B. ; S.T.P. 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) I s E 1559 M 1562 M 1570 E 1626 M 1626 E 1653] [1616; A.B. 1648-9, Hyrue ; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1643-4, Herne A.B. 15B0-1; A.M. 1584 (A.B. 1617-8); A.M. 1623 A.B. 1578-9 ; A.M. 1582 ; S.T.B. [1589; S.T.P. 1595 A.B. (Em.) 1599-1600; A.M. 1604, A.B. [1601-2] [Heme A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577, Heme A.B. 1564-5 ; A.M. 1568 ; M.D. '76 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632; S.T.B. [(C. C.) 1640; *Trin. H. 1643 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 337 Heath, Geo *C. C. — Hen C. C. Heathe, John Chr. — John Chr. Heath, John Pet. — John *Peni. John C'la. — John Chr. — John Qu. — XeviU Cla. — Xich Pet. — Rich Chr. Heathe, Rob Trin.H. Heath, i Rob Toh. — Rob Pern. — Rob C. C. — Rob Cla. — Rob Em. — Rob C. C. Heathe, Tho Cai. Heath, Tho Tnn. — Tho Chr. Heathe, Will Pet. Heath, Will C. C. — Will King's Heathcote, Ralph Heathcoate, Ralph Mag. Heather, Will Qn. Heath field, Jos Mag. Heatly, Era Cath. Will [Cath. Heaton, Edw IM;ig. Heton, Era Pet. — Geo Pet. — Geo *Trin. Heaton, Martin Qu. — Rich. .. Joh. — Solomon ... Mag. Heavers (Heaver), John... *Cla. Hebbe, Jos Em. Hebbert, Hen [Joh. Hebener, Hen [Trin. Heber, Era Jes. Heblethwat, Hen Joh. Hebblethwayte, Hen Chr. Heblethwaite, Ja Joh. — Ja Joh. Hablethwaite, John loh. Heblcthwait, Rob *J()h. Heblethwaite, Rob Joh. Heblewaite, Rob Joh. Heblethwaite, Tho Joh. Hibblethwaite, Tho Joh. Hebelthwaight, Will Trin. Heblethwayt, Will Joh. Hechstetter, Dan Pern. — Dav Qu. Hechsteter, Emanuel ... Pern. f-c E 1633 A.B. 1636 7; A.M. 1640 s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 f-c M 1585 s E 1618 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1625 f-c E 1620 A.B. (Chr.) 1621; A.M. 1625 p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 f-c E 1626 p E 1645 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 p L 1645-6 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. (*Joh.) 1652 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 p M 1570 s E 1632 A.B. 1634-5 p E 1553 p vM 158r p E 1611 f-c L 1634-5 s M 1637 A.B. 1641-2, Heyth f-c E 1639 p E 1644 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 fc E 1559 s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1 p E 1654 s E 1618 p M 1623 A.B. 1626-7 ; A.M.1630; S.T.B.'43 s E 1639 A.B. (Trin.) 1624-5 p E 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1662 p E 1658 E 1656 A.B. 1659-60 f-'c M 1637 f-c 1638] s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1634 p E 1577 A.B. 1580-1 (Eaton in ordo) p E 1577 p E 1612 A.B. 1616-7 ; A.M. 1620 ; S.T.B. '32 b E 1658] A.B. 1661-2 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40: A.M. 1643; S.T.P. s M 1619 A.B. 1623-4 [1661 {Lit. Reg.) s E 1645 1656' f-c p M 1614 p M 1553 s E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 f-c E 1626 s E 1647 s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3 s M 1583 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590; S.T.B. [1598 (Matr. Hobleswhet) s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 p E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 s c. 1594 p M 1646 p M 1547 s E 1602 A.B. (Sid.) 1605-6; A.M. 1612 p E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 p c. 1593 s M 1641 A.B. 1644-5 1 Chief Justice, K.B., 1642. 43 338 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hechstetter, Roger *Pein. Heckle, Jereui Trin. Hecleton, Rich Trin. Hedge, John Sid. — Will Trin. Hedworth, John Chr. — Ralph Pet. Heet, Rich Job. Hegardiu(?), Chris Trin. — Rob Trin. Ileiburne, Ferdinand... Pem. Heicroft, Hen *Joh. Heigh, John Pem. Heigham, Art Hyham, Clem Job. Higgam, Clem *Joh. Heigbam, Clem — Clem [C. C. — ('Hiam'), Edm Job. Higbam, Fra Trin. — Fra King's — Ja Cai. Hygbam, John Trin.H. Hyham, John C. C. Heigham, John Chr. — John C. C. Higbam, John [Chr. — John Chr. Heigbam, John (imp.) Job. — Rob Job. Hygbam, Tho Trin.H. Heigbam, Tho [Pet. Will Higbam [King's Heigbam [Cath. Heigbton, Ambrose ... Chr. Heiron v. Hieron Helcocke, Phil Cai. Heliar, Hen Mag. Helyar, Will Hellder, Martin Jes. Hellot, Roger v. Elliott Hellyard v. Hilliard Helme, Ja Qu. Helm, John [Em. Helme, Rob Jes. Helmes, John ('Alemanus') — Shadracb ... [Job. — Tho Jes. — [Em. Helperby, Tho Helton, Will Helwis, Will Cai. Healey, Geo Mag. Helie, John {imp.) -n, 12 ann.)\ ^°^- Hely, John Mag. — Orlando Mag. Heley, Tho *Mag. Healy, Tho Mag. Helley, Willis f-c E 1607 E 1658 M 1547 L 1645-6 E 1571 E 1563 E 1575 M 1580 c. 1597 c. 1597 E 1635 E 1565 E 1608 M 1573 E 1589 1626] c. 1592 c. 1592 E 1640 E 1606 M 1555 M 1561 M 1624 E 1627 M 1647J E 1657 M 1657 E 1575 M 1555 E 1620] L 1598-9] M 1658] M 1586 M 1624 E 1609 M 1610 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1662-3 (Matr. 'Hockle') A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 (Matr. [Hycrofte) A.B. (Trin.) 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1592-3, Heigbam ; A.M. 1596 A.M. 1594 {spec, congr.) A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 (Matr. Hiem) A.B. (Qu.) 1565-6, Heigham A.B. (Mag.) 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M. 1664, Heigbam A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582, Higbam A.B. (Qu.) 1623-4, Higbam A.M. 1612 (On visit of Prince of [Wales) A.B. 1628 [Hillier A.B. (Mag.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588, A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 p E 1622] f-c M 1567 A.M 1631-2 (Z?-<./fe^.);M.D. 1638 s E 1646] Jl E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 f-c E 1623] [1538; S.T.B. 1546, *Trin. A.B. (Mich. Ho.) 1535-6; A.M. A.B. (Cla.) 1625-6 p E 1606 A.B. 1609 p E 1621 s M 1586 A.B. 1590-1 ; A.M. 1594, Ely p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2, Healy; A.M. 1635 s M 1627 p E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 p E 1657 [(Trin.) 1610 A.B. (Mag.) 1606-7, Heley; A.M. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 139 Hemblinge, John *C. C. [1614] Ilemmyng, Rob *Trin. p E 1579 Hempryngham, Rob Chr. p M 1564 Hemyngton, John Pet. s M 1544 Heniington, Will Qu. p c. 1597 Henuige, Edw Henydge, Mich *Joh. p E 1559 •Henagc, Mich Eju. f-c M 1649 Hennedge, Tho Qu. p E 1549 Heneage, Tho (? the above) Henadge, Tho. (imp.) t i nr t/^< ° ' irx \) Jou. p M la64 10 ami.)) ^ Henchlye, Tri.'^tram v. Hinchiffe Henchman, Cha Qu. [p L 1637-8 — 1 Humph. ... Chr. p M 1609 ('Hinseman'), Rich. Joh. Hinchman, Henchman, Henden, Henderson, Hendle Hendrye, Henks, Henley, Henman, Heynmer, Hennant, Henrird, Henshall, Henshaw, Rich. .. Tho. .. Will. .. Edw. .. John .. Simon Joh [Em. Tho Trin. [C. C. ,. Cla. C'ath. Cla. Joh. [Joh. [Joh. John . Roger. Hen. . Ja John . Pet. . .. Joh. .. Joh. ,. Trin. ,. Cla. Allen *Joh. Tho. . Tho. . John . Hen. , Tho. , John , Edm. , Brian , Edw. , John . 2 Jos. Mich. , Joh. Sid. *Chr. C. C. C. C. Chr. Cla. Cai. *Em. Trin. ' *Joh. E 1602 E 1634 E 1637 E 1639 E 1646] E 1646] E 1649 E 1638] M 1555 1552] E 1583 M 1657 E 1565 E 1573 E 1553 E 1622 E 1618 E 1635 M 1552 M 1644 [1614] M 1623 M 1602 E 1599] E 1603 E 1651] Rob. V. Honshawe p E 1614 Hensley, Henslye, Hensman, Henson, Tho. . Tho. . Tobias Will. . Fra. . John . Hen. . Will. . John . Rob. . Will {imp.) [Qu. Trin. Cla. Em. Joh. Trin. Trin. Cla. C. C. Em. C. C. Will ♦King's E 1603] M 1641 E 1639 E 1631 M 1585 M 1566 E 1588 M 1637 E 1644 E 1611 E 1559 M 1564 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. 1586 ; S.T.B. '93 A.B. 1600-1 (Matr. Hinnington) A.B. (Cla.) 1600-1; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1562-3, Hennadge; A.M. '66 [Heneage] A.M. 1564 (On Queen's visit) fr. Chr.] A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616; S.T.B. [(*Cla.) 1623; S.T.P. 1628 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609; S.T.B. [1616; S.T.P. 1623 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. (*Cla.) 1641; A.B. 1640-1 [S.T.P. 1666 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1647 A.B. (Joh.) 1576 A.B. 1659-60 A.B. 1577-g A.B. 1625-6; A.B. 1621-2 A.M. 1629 A.B. 1557-8, *Qu. 1558 A.B. 1646-7 A.B. 1617-8 [? Haward] A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. [1602-3]; A.M. 1606 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1654-5 A.M. (Pern.) 1628 (Incorp. fr. A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 Oxf.) 1 Bishop of Salisbui-}', 1660; London, 2 Dean of Windsor, 1660; Bishop of A.B. (*Joh.) 1606; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1642-3; S.T.B. 1661 {Lit. [Reg.) A.B. 1641-2 [Henchman] A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572; S.T.B.'79 1663. Petfri)()i-oii''h, i(;t;:5. 340 Matricnlations and Degrees 1544 — i6r HenstoD, W. (imp. ) Ti in n r^r. io V? Pern. p E 1567 12 ann.)) ^ Henton, Geo *Trin. s E 1612 — Martin Qu. s E 1658 Hepden, John Em. [p E 1600] Ilepenstall, Brian Em. p E 1608 Heppwood, Leon [Em. s E 1591] Hepwood, Tho Trin. s M 1625 Hepworth, John — John Cla. s E 1649 Hepworthe, Rich Trin. h E 1551 Herbert v. also Harbert — Chris Trin. p M 1588 — Edw Qu. s E 1642 — iGeo *Trin. p M 1609 — Ralph Joh. f-c E 1647 — Rowland ... Joh. p E 1615 — Tho Trin. s E 1639 — Will Pet. p E 1566 — Will Em. p E 1627 — Will *Trin. [schol. E 1631] — Will Trin. p E 1650 Herdman, Bartin — Edm — Gabriel Jes. s M 1588 — Tho Trin. s E 1604 Herdson v. Heardson Hereford, Viscount v. Essex, Earl of Hergraves v. Hargraves Herisham [C. C. 1562] Herks v. Garbrant Herley, Steph [Trin. E 1641] Herman v. also Harrnan — Reynerd ... Cla. 8 M 1633 — Will Trin. s M 1649 Hermitage, Tho Trin. s M 1584 — Will. V. Harmitage Herneman, Barnard ... Joh. s E 1612 Herns v. also Hearne — Art *Joh. s E 1622 — Clem Cai. f-c E 1655 Heron, Cuthb Chr. s M 1633 Hern, Dan Trin. s 1595 Heron, Haley Qu. s M 1565 Herron, Hen Trin. s E 1614 Heron, Ja [C. C. 1603] — John Qu. f-c M 1565 John Cla. f-c L 1607-8 Heme, John Hyrnc ('Fyrne'), John... Cai. p L 1623-4 Heron, John Pem. s E 1629 — John Cla. p E 1632 Heme, John Pem. p M 1633 — Nich Joh. p L 1577-8 Heron, Poynes Qu. f-c M 1565 — Rich Cla. f-c L 1607-8 — Rich King's .s E 1620 Heme (Hiron), Rob A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1601-2 AB. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1636 A.B. (Joh.) 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1652-3 A.B. 1592-3 (Matr. Herbath) A.B. (Joh.) 1645-6; A.M. (King's) [1654; S.T.P. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 (Matr. [Harbert) A.B. 1568-9 (Matr. Harbert) A.B.. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635; ?S.T.P. [1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. (Jes.) 1609 A.B. (Jes.) 1609 A.B. (Pem.) 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. (Cla.) 1615-6; A.M. 1619 j A.B. 1625-6, Heron; A.M. 1629; [Hirne] [S.T.B. 1636 [S.T.B. 1614, 'Denney' A.B. (Pet.) 1595-6; A.M. 1601; A.B. 1569-70 A.M. 1612 (Incorp. fr. 0.xf.) A.B. 1631-2 (Matr. Heorne) A.B. 1624-5, Hearne ; A.M. 1628 A.M. 1600 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Public On Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 341 Heron, Eob Sid. f-c Heme, Rob Cai. p — Rob Cla. p — Rob Clir. s Heron (Hieron), Sam. ... Trin. s Herone, Tho Pet. s Hjrne, Tho Cai. f-c Heme, Tho Job. s Heron, Tho Joh. s Heme, Will Jes. p Herrick v. also Heyrick Rob Herring, Era C'hr. p Herringo, Ja *King's p Herring, John Sid. s — Julines Sid. [p Heringe, Laur Cai. p Herring, Nich Mag. s — Rich Sid. s Herringe, Theodore ... Em. p Herynge, Tho Chr. p Herring, Tho [Pet. p Herringdon, Chris [Cai. p Herringhoeck, Dan Herrys, Chris [C. C. — John Jes. f-c Herris, Salter Chr. f-c — Will Pem. f-c Herry.s, Will Chr. p Hersent, Pet Trin. [schol. Hertford, Edw., Earl of — John Trin. s Hertle, John v. Hartley Hescrycke, Will Trin. s Hesilrig, Art ]\[ag. f-c Haslerige, Art *Kiiig's p Haslerigg, Barten Chr. f-c Hesilrig, Donald Mag. f-c Hesilrigg, John Mag. p Haslerigg, Tho p]m. f-c Hesleridge, Will Mag. p Hesketh, Cuthb Trin. p Heskett, Tho [Trin. p Heskey, Rob Chr. p Heskyns, Tho [*Cla. Heslerton, Rob Joh. s Hesletine, Rich Trin. s Heslock, Abr Pet. s Heslop, Geo [Chr. p Hessham, Tho [King's Hesterton, Tho Joh. p Hether, Tho Joh. s Hetherfidl [Chr. f-c Ilethryngton o. also Etherington — Rtilph Joh. p Heveningham, Anth Joh. f-c — Hen Qu. p Hevenyngham, John King's p Heningham, John [Qu. f-c Heveningham, Tho C. C. f-c E 16-23 E 1635 M 1639 M 1645 [fr L 1634-5 M 1570 E 1621 E 1629 M 1646 E 1635 A.B. 1643-4, Heron; A.M. 1647 Trin.] A.P>. 1643-4; A.M. (*Joh.) 1647 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1623 A.B. 1632-3, Heron A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.P>. (Trin. H.) 1616-7; A.M. 1620 E 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589; M.D. [1597, Hearing M 1649 A.B. 1653 ; A.M. 1657 E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 1600] A.B. 1603-4 (in ordo) L 1599 E 1615 E 1606 E 1633 E 1611 E 1571 E 1621] M 1599] A.B. 1609-10 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. A.B. 1614-5: A.M. 1640 1618 M.D. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Leyden) 1647] E 1628 E 1639 E 1608 A.B. 1611-2 E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 ; A.M. (*Pem.) 1631 E 1617] A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624, Har.snet A.M. 1571 M 1578 M 1550 E 1617 M 1651 A.B. 1G54-5 M 1622 E 1617 E 1617 M1649 E 1632 E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; KM. 1638 L 1653-4] M 1553 c. 1539] A.M. 1540; S.T.B. 1548 ; S.T.P.'57 M 1659 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1603 E 1607 A.B. 1611-2 M 1642 E 16361 E 1545] E 1611 M 1555 1590-1] M 1559 A.B. (*Pem. ?) 1561-2; A.M. 1565 M 1626 E 1605 (Matr. Hinninghara) M 1572 E 1592] 1601 342 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Heveningham, Will Pern. Hever, Tho Jes. Hevisett, Tho. v. Havisett Hewardyne, Rob Pet. Heward, Tho [C. C. Hewarte, John Chr. Huitte, Auth Mag. Hewett, Anth Chr. Huit, Benj Trin. Huett, Edm Trin. Huitt, Ephraim ... Job. Hewet, Fra Qu. Hevvytt, Gardner Joh. Hewet, Geo Mag. Hewitt, Israel *Chr. Hewett, Israel [Qu. Huit, Ja Trin. Hewet, John C. C. Hewett, John Joh. — John Pern. Huett, John Cla. Hewit, Matth Mag. Hewitt, Matth Joh. Hewet, Mich Cai. Huit, Nich Joh. Huet, Rob Trin. Hewitt, Rob Cai. Huitt, Rob Trin. Hewitt, Rob Joh. Huett, iTho C. C. Huet, iTho Mag. Huit, Tho Joh. Huett, Tho Sid. Hewitt, Tho Joh. Huit, Tobias Hewytt, Tobias Trin. Huett, Will Trin. Huet, W Qu. Hewet, Will Joh. Huit, Will [C. C. Hewet, Will Trin. — Will Chr. Hewitt, Will Sid. Huitson, Chris Jes. — Nath Cath. Hewler, Geo Em. Hewley, Tho Sid. Hewson, Earth Trin. — Matth Jes. — Nath Mag. — Tho Hughson, Will Qu. Hexam, John Jes. Hey V. Hay Heydon, Chris Pet. Haidon, Hen Pet. Heydon, Hen Joh. Haydon, Ja Joh. — John Cai. f-c E 1621 p M 1561 p M 1578 1628] s M 1567 1> E 1571 p E 1617 p M 1626 p M 1550 s E 1611 1> E 1566 f-c M 1657 s E 1656 s E 1602 s M 1604] s E 1622 f-c M 1565 s E 1632 s E 1633 f-c M 1637 s E 1623 1' M 1639 s E 1615 p E 1554 p M 1576 s E 1623 p E 1634 s E 1645 s M 1545) M 1561^ s s E 1609 f-c E 1622 s M 1659 [1659] ]:> M 1550 p M 1564 s M 1580 1597] p E 1612 f-c E 1621 f-c E 1633 s L 1580-1 s E 1631 s E 1608 p E 1648 s E 1626 s E 1623 s E 1622 J^ E 1641 s E 1570 f-c E 1576 f-c M 1570 p E 1609 f-c E 1605 p E 1578 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1630-1, Hewett A.B. 1553-4 A.B. 1659 A.B. 1605-6 ; A. M. 1609; S.T.B.'16 ? the above A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. (Chr.) 1642 ; A.M. (Sid.) 1652 A.B. 1618-9 [S.T.B. 1569 A.B. 1557-8; A.M. (*Qu.) 1561; A.B. 1580-1, Hewite A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. (Joh.) 1641 A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1562-3 A.B. (Cai.) 1612-3, Hewett A.B. (Cla.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1662-3 A.B. 1583-4, 'Lanyt'; A.M. 1588 A.B. (Trin.) 1614-5 (Matr. Howott) A.B. 1584-5, Ilewetson ; A.M. 1588 A.B. (King's) 1633-4, Hewitson; [A.M. 1637 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. ( ); A.M. (Trin.) 1623, [Huson A.B. 1573-4 A.B. 1578-9 Uncertain which of these graduated {v. Cooper, Ath. C, n. 108). Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 343 IHeidon, Jos Haydon, Mich Heidon, Nich Haydon, Tho Heydon, W Heidon, W Heydon, Will Haydon Heyes v. Hayes Heyfeild, Nath Heyfield Hey gat, Reg Heigate, Rob Heylin ('Hely'), John — Pet Heylie, Chris. ... King's 1> L 1597-8 Trin. P M 1559 Mag. Trin. Cai. [Trin. f-c f'.c f-c M 1567 M 1576 1598 1658] King's s E 1631 Mich. Ho [Cai. Qu. f-c f-c V M 1544 L 1608-9 L 1618-9 Heylet, Heylett, Haylet, Heyman, Heynione, Hevnoy, He>rick, Ilearick, Heyricke, Heyryngton, Heyt, Heyth, Heywoorth, Heiworth, Hibbens, Hibbins, ftliccok, fHickc, Hickes, Hyx, Hix, Hicks, Hickes, I Hyckes, Hicks, Hickes, Hyxe, Hickes, Hicks, Hickes, Hickford, Dan Dan Johi Chr. (?) s E 1606 Em. Pem. [Em. Trin. [Em. Em. Em. Trin. Hen. .. Pet. .. Rob. .. Rob. .. Tho. .. John .. Rich Rob. V. Herrick Tobias Em. Will Trin Will Pet. Edm Cath John [Qu. Rob. V. Heath John . Will. . Tho. . Cha. . Will. . Rich. . P^apt. . Edw. . Edw. . Edw. . Geo. . Hen. . Hen. . John . John . John . Mich Trin. Mich. . Rob. . Will. . Will. . Will. . Ja Joh. Em. Trin. Em. Qu. Trin. Trin. Chr. [Qu. Pem. Trin. [C. C. Joh. Pet. E 1631 E 1584 E 1634] E 1572 E 1597] M 1637 xM 1639 E 1631 f-c P scho f-c Trin. f-c Pet. s Trin. s Trin. 1' [Trin. f-c Em. P 1588 1627 1657 fr. 1546 1583-4] 1609 1606 1621 1617 1644 1562 156^ 1563 1563; 1618 1567 1569] A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) S.T.B. 1592 (in ordo) A.B. (Em.) 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Joh.) 1578-9; A.M. 1582, [Helowe A.B. (Chr.) 1609-10; A.M. 1613 [(Matr. Hilet) A.B. 1634-5 (Matr. Haylett) A.B. 1643-4, Heymer A.B. (Cla.) 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 [1633(c;o.) A.B. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. A.B. (? 1591-2) ; A.M. (Joh.) 1596 A.B. 1631 Oxf.] A.B. 1657-8 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1647-8, Hiccocks ; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1566-7 the above] A.M. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1570-1 S.T.B. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1656-7 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 1653 1654 1559 1618 1552 1601 1637 1646] 1629-30 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 163 [Hyckes A.B. (*C. C.) 15,56-7; A.M. 1560, A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 First Viscount Campden, 1628. 344 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 M 1565 E 1647 E 1634 E 1607 1583 1604 E 1620 Hickforthe, John Job. f-c M 1559 Hicklynge, John Qu. s M 1561 Hickling [Em. p E 1629] Hickman, Anth Joh. p M 1575 — Dixy Em. f-c E 1604 — Hen *Joh. — Hen Cath. — John *Cla. — Rich Mag. — Bob Cai. s E — Tho Pet. s E — Tho Pet. Hyckman, W Trin. Hickman, Will King's Hickornegill, Edm Joh. Hyckson, Rob Pem. Hickson, Tho Joh. — Will Joh. Hicson Em. Hickyn, W Joh. Hide V. Hyde Hider, Rich Pet. Hidgem, Rich Pet. Hidgley, Sam Cla. Hieron v. also Hearne and Heron — John — John Chr. s — John Chr. p — Jos. (M«p.)... Chr. p — Roger Em. p — Sampson ... Em. p Heiron, Sam *King's p Hiron, Tho Qu. s Hiet, Ja Pet. s Higat, Ja Higbie, John Qu. s — Will. Pem. 8 Higden, John [Sid. p — John Sid. p — Jos C. C. s — Merlin *C. C. p Higdon, Laur Trin. p Hegynbotham, John [King's s Higgenbotham [Pem. Higgeus, Anth *Joh. p Higgins, Edw Higyns, Geo *Joh. Higgins, Geo Cath. — John Pet. Higgcns, Rich Higkins, Rowland ... Chr. Higgons, Tho Trin. Higginson, Fra Joh. Hyginson, Geo Jes. s E 1614 Higginson, John Trin. p M 1561 — John Joh. p E 1572 — Sam [Pem. 1623] — Tho Chr. p E 1645 E 1565 E 1612 E 1647 E 1567 M 1650 M 1572 E 1623 E 1586 E 1624 E 1607 E 1651 E 1625 E 1628 E 1658 E 1617 E 1628 c. 1590 E 1616 E 1607 E 1620 E 1575 M 1604] E 1632 E 1624 c. 1594 E 1636 E 1564] 1659] M 1568 p M 1570 p E 1634 s M 1642 s M 1587 p E 1613 s M 1602 A.B. 1564-5 [*C. C. A.B. (Pet.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583, A.M. 1612-3 (On visit of Prince A.B. 1568-9 ; A.M. 1572 ; LL.D.'84 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 (Incorp. A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1642 [fr. Oxf.) [Adm. C. C. 1607] A.B. 1.592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1607; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1650-1, *Cai. [Migr. to Cai. ; Higson [Higson] A.B. 1544-5, Hyron A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. (Sid.) 1624 A.B. 1631-2 A.B. (1594-5); A.M. 1598, Hearne A.B. 1619-20, Hieron; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1610-1, Hiat; A.M. 1614; [S.T.B. 1621 A.M. 1598 (Incorp. fr. Glasgow) A.B. 1578-9, Highbid A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600; S.T.B. A.B. 1639-40; A.M. (Mag.) 1643 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575; S.T.B. '82 A.M. 1583 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578; S.T.B. '85 A.B. 1645-6 A.B. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1615-6 ; A.M. (*Trin. H.) 1619 A.B. (Jes.) 1609-10; A.M. 1613 [(John in qr.) A.B. 1617-8, Hugginson; A.M. A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1568 [1621 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 16 59 345 Higginson, Tim. ... — Tobias Higges, Geo. ... Higgs, 1 Griffin Higge.s, Xich. ... Higham v. Heigham Highelord, Higher, Higney, Higsaw Hig.son, Chr. Mag. lohn Geo Sam Hildersham, Art — Nehem — Sam Tho Mark Chris also Hilliard Chris Hen John AVill Dan. V. Hey Hildersley, Hildreth, Hildvard v. Hylyard, Hilet, Hill V. also Hills Hvll, Anth Hill, (Hills), Hyll, Hill, Hyll, Hill, Arnold Augustine... BeviU Edw Edw Edw Edw Era Geo Geo Han ye Hen." Heu Humph. ... Ja Ja Ja Ja 2John 2John John John John John John John John John John John John . John . John . Trin. Trin. *Cai. Joh. *Trin. Chr. Em. *Em. Pern. Em. Chr. Pet. Trin. Trin. Joh. let Chr. Em. Trin. Trin. Jes. Chr. Sid. Em. Em. [Qu. Trin. Trin. [Qu. C. C. Joh. Trin. *Joh. Trin. Mag. Trin. Trin. Pern. King's C. C. Em. Em. Ero. Jes. Mag. Qu. [Cath. c. c. Cai. 1 Dean of Lichfield, 1638. f-c c. 1595 E 1632 c. 1592 E 1650 E 1629 L 1645-6 c. 1596 M 1576 M 1623 E 1609 M 1575 E 1645 E 1613 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602, *Joh. A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.M. 1600 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) S.T.B. 1600 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Cai.) 1653-4, Hyer; A.M. A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 [1657 A.M. 1614-5 (On King's visit) A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584,*Trin. H. A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1612-3 ; A.M. 1616 ; S.T.B. '23 fr. Oxf.] A.B. A.B. 1616-7 1650 p E 1655 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) f-c M 1626 p E 1659 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1663-4: LL.D. p E 1557 p E E 1576 E 1608 L 1615-6 M 1629 E 1603 E 1607 E 1624 E 1657 E 1608 L 1577-8] E 1608 E 1603 E 1587] E 1633 L 1579-80 M 1548 INI 1565 E 1586 E 1659 1577) E 1578f L 1584-5 c. 1597 L 1597-8 A.B. 157 -80 E 1606 E 1609 E 1614] M 1626 L 1626-7 M 1628 1628] E 1628 E 1634 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 [S.T.B. 1618 A.B. (*Trin.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 ; A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1627-8, Hilles A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1611-2 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1568^ ; A.M. 1572 ; S.T.B. '79 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 A.B. 1663-4 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. (Jes.) 1587-8 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. (Trin.) 1605-6 A.B. 1609-10 [M.L. 1621 A.B. 1612-3, .Hills; A.M. 1616; A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 (Matr. [Hills) A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 " Uncertain which of these graduated. 346 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hill, John [Jes. 1642; fr. Oxf.] A.M. 1642 _ John Cath. [p E 1644] A.B. 1647-8 — John Joh. p M 1648 _ John Sid. s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665, Hills _ Jos A.M. 1601 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) _ Jos Joh. p M 1646 A.B. 1649; A.M. (*Mag.) 1651; [S.T.B. 1660 — Joshua Trin. s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 _ Joshua [Mag. p E 1650] [1663 ; S.T.B. 1682 ; S.T.P. 1703 — Martin Joh. s E 1656 A.B. 1659-60, Merllin Hills ; A.M. _ Matth Mag. s E 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 — Maurice Trin. s E 1569 Hyll, Mich *King's p M 1572 [off 1577] Hill, Mich Trin. [s E 1653] — Oliver [Joh. p M 1648] Hyll, lOtwell *Joh. p E 1573 A.B. 1576-7, Otnell ; A.M. 1580 Hill, Percival Pem. s M 1613 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — Ralph Cla. p c. 1595 A.B. 1599-1600 — Rich Trin. p M 1559 A.B. 1562-3 — Rich Pem. s M 1578 — Rich Qu. s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 — Rich King's p M 1611 — Rich Joh. s L 1637-8 — Rich A.B. 1641-2 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Rich *Trin. p M 1657 A.B. 1657-8 ; A.M. 1661 Rob Jes. s M 1560 Rob Jes. s M 1579 A.B. (Pet.) 1583-4 Rob Chr. p E 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 ; S.T.B. [(*Joh.) 1595; S.T.P. 1609 Rob A.B. (Em.) 1590-1 — Rob Mag. s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 — Rob (?fr. Oxf.) A.M. (Cath.) 1642 — Roger Joh. s E 1622 — Roger [Jes. f-c E 1658] — Rolph Pet. s M 1556 — Rowland ...*King's p M 1579 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 — Sam *Trin. p E 1585 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592; S.T.B. — Sam Em. p c. 1591 [1599; S.T.P. 1608 — Sam Joh. p M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 Hyll, Tho Chr. s E 1551 A.B. 1553-4 — Tho Jes. s L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4 [1634-5 Hill, Tho Pet. p E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622; S.T.P. — 2Tho *Em. p M 1618 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. 1626 ; S.T.B. [1633; S.T.P. (Trin.) 1646 — Tho Cla. p M 1621 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 — Tho [Qu. p E 1632] , — Tho A.M. 1641-2 (On King's visit) — Tho C. C. s E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 — Tho (one of the above ; A.M.) S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) — Tho *Triu. p E 1652 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659; S.T.P. — Tho C. C. s E 1657 [1670 {Lit. Beg.) — Walt Jes. s M 1555 A.B. 1563-4 — Will Pet. p E 1568 A.B. 1568-9, Hills; A.M. 1572 — Will A.M. 1585 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Will Trin. s E 1584 A.B. 1588-9 — Will *Jes. p E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2) ; A.M. 1595, Hills; — Will [Em. s E 1593] [S.T.B. 1604 — Will Cai. s c. 1593 A.B. (Cla.) 1595-6; A.M. (King's) — Will Cai. p E 1625 A.B. 1628 [1599 HyU, Hill, HyU, Hill, Commissary, 1605. 2 Master of Triuity, 1645. Matricn latimi s a nd Degi ^ees 1544 — 1659 347 Hill King's f-c 1592-3" L 1593-4" King's P ;cath. s E 1652] Hillenden, Laur A.B. (Qu.) 1582-3 Hillersdou, John A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Tho King's f-c M 1648 Hylliard, Chris Joh. p M 1584 Hellyard, Chris Trin. f-c E 1618 Hilliard, Chris Trin. f-c E 1633 Ezechiel ... A.B. (*Pet.) 1573-4; A.M. 1577, Hen Trin. p M 1602 [Helier — John Mag. s E 1571 Hillvard, Will Trin. p c. 1591 Hildyard [Trin. f-c 1654] Hilling, Wiil... '...'.'.." Sid. s E 1635 A.B. (Pet.) 1604-5 Hills, Chris A.B. 1638-9, Hill ; A.M. 1642 Dan Chr. p E 1611 Edm A.M. 1617 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Geo Joh. s E 1612 A.B. (Trin.) 1626-7 Hen A.B. 1615-6 Heigham ... *0u. p M 1628 A.B. 1631 ; A.M. 1635 ; S.T.B. 1643 Hercules . . . Sid. E 1644 [Migr. to Qu. 1644] Hylls, Hugh *Joh. p M 1552 A.B. 1555-6, Hill; A.M. 1559 John {imp.) Jes. s M 1549 [S.T.B. (Jes.) 1593; S.T.P. 1605 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. (*Cath.) 1586; Hills, iJuhn Jes. s M 1579 — ('Hyles'), John C. C. s M 1580 A.B. 1583-4 John Chr. p E 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 John C. C. p E 1616 A.B. 1619-20, Hill John Cath. p M 1622 A.B. 1624 John King's s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1, Hill Ralph Qu. s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 Rich Trin. s E 1606 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 Hvlls, Tho [King's p E 1566] Hills, Tho Pem. s E 1606 A.B. 1609-10 Tho Trin. s M 1608 Tho Em. p E 1643 []\Iigr. to Pet. ; Hill] Vincent Sid. s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 Hilsden [Em. f-c E 1626] Hiltaft, Rich!'"!!!!!!! Cla. p M 1578 Hilton, John Joh. s M 1570 A.B. 1574-5 John Joh. p M 1635 Mus.Bac. (Trin.) 1626 John Hylton, Matth Trin. p E 1573 Hilton, Nath Jes. p M 1606 Ralph Trin. s E 1570 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577; M.B. Sam Chr. s E 1608 [1585; M.D. 1586 Will Pet. f-c E 1555 Will Trin. s M 1608 Will Em. s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 Will Cai. p M 1637 A.B. 1641-2 Hinchliffe, Theoph [Joh. s L 1639-40] Hinchiffe, Tristram ... Joh. s E 1605 A.B. 1612-3 (Matr. Henchlye) Hinckley, Tho Trin. s E 1633 Hinkes, Sam Cai. p E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 Hincks, Will Mag. p M 1646 Hinde, Edm Trin. s c. 1596 Hynde, Edm *King's p c. 1597 A.B. 1601-2 Hinde, Edm A.B. (Joh.) 1632-3; A.M. 1637 Edm Chr. s E 1634 A.B. (C. C.) 1637-8 Master of St Catharine's, ie07. 348 Matrimilations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hynde, Edw C. C. f-c M 1572 Hinde, Edw *Kmg's p c. 1594 Hjnde, Era Joh. p M 1546 'lUrii C.C. f-0 M157. Hinde, John Trin. p E 1577 Hind, John Trin. p c. 1592 Hinde, John Mag. s E 1631 — John Chr. s E 1639 — John Sid. [s L 1651- Hind, Jos Mag. p E 1650 Hinde, Nath Em. s M 1622 Hynde, Percival Cla. s E 1577 Hinde, Rich *Joh. p E 1611 Hynde, Rob Chr. s E 1583 Hinde, Rob Chr. s E 1636 — Sam King's s E 1627 Hynde, The Cla. s M 1546 — Tho Joh. p E 1551 — W Cath. a M 1568 — Will Qu. f-c M 1572 Hinde, Will Chr. s E 1612 Hindle, Ja Trin. s M 1639 Hindley, Chris *Joh. s E 1641 Hen Hiiidman v. Hyndman Hindmer v. Henmer Hinds, Sam Hingly, John Joh. s E 1646 Hingworth, Ja Em. p E 1645 Hinley Em. p E 1618 Hinningham, Gilb Em. [s E 1611] — Hen. V. Heveningham Hinnington, Will. v. Hemington Hinson, John Joh. p M 1583 — John Jes. s E 1628 — John Cai. p E 1631 Hynson, Tho Chr. p E 1567 — Tho Cai. p E 1588 — Tho Mag. p E 1588 — Tho [Cai. p E 1603] Hinson, Will Cai. p c. 1594 — Will *Trin.H. p M 1613 Hynton, Benj *Trin. p c. 1593 Hinton, Geo Sid. p E 1641 — John [C. C. 1625] — Laur — Sam *Trin. p M 1614 Hynton, Tho Gonv.H. s E 1552 — Tho Trin. p E 1578 Hinton, Will *Trin. [schol. 1570] — Will C. C. s E 1634 Hird, Will King's p E 1622 Hiron, Tho. v. Hieron Hirst V. also Hurst — Chr — Edw — Hen Em. p M 1625 — (Hurst), Ja — Tho Cath. p E 1621 Hisson, Fra Cla. s M 1579 A.B. [1598-9]; A.M. 1602; S.T.B. [1615 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1655; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1653-4 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1614-5 ; A.M. 1618 ; S.T.B. A.B. (Pet.) 1587-8 A.B. 1628-9 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 S.T.B. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Osf.) A.B. (Chr.) 1606-7 A.B. 1649-50 A.M. 1610 A.B. 1614-5 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. A.B. 1633-4; A.M. A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1635 1637 (C. C.) 1574, [*Cai. 1575 A.B. 1598-9 LL.B. 1620 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600; S.T.B. [1607 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 [1582; S.T.P. 1587 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575; S.T.B. A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.M. 1600 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) S.T.B. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Cath.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.M. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 Matrimdatwns and Degrees 1544- 349 jHisson (Higson), Will. ... fHitch, Hen Qu. E 1636 iHich, John Rob. Hitch ('Heche'), Tho. Hitche, Hitch, Hitchani, Hitchcock, Hitchcocke, Hitcock, Hitchocke, Hitchecocke, Hitching, Hitchin, Hitchison, Hoard, Tho. Tho Will Will Will Rob Geo Hen La?<. {In) Miles W John Tho Tho Sam. *Ics. V E 1652 *Trin. s E 1611 Jes. s M 1571 Chr. s E 1582 [Pet. s E 1637] Qu. s E 1606 Qu. r« E 1644; Jes. s E 1645 Pern. p M 1587 [Qu. p M 1646] Trin. s c. 1591 Mag. p M 1565 Job? s M 1564 Chr. p M 1564 Joh. p E 1650 Pet. 1^ E 1604 Mag. E 1653 — Will Hoare, John — Leon — Will — Will Hobart v. also Hubbart — Drue •^King's Chr. Trin. Pet. Robert, ^obart, Hobard, lobart, Hobard, Hobart, Hobert, Hobart, Hob bye, : - (Hoby), {Hoby, [Hobelon, taobkyn, [Hobmaii, .. [Cai. Edw *King's Edw Joh. Fra Pern. Gregory Cla. Hen [Cath. John Cla. John Pem. John Em. John Em. Miles Job. Miles Miles Xath. . King's . Qu. . [Em. Nich *King's Rob. .. Rob. .. Tho. .. Tlio. .. Will. .. Rich. .. , Tho... Hobby^ Will. Pet. , Nich. Fr.1. John Will. Rich. . Joh. , Cai. . Qu. Qu. , Cai. Trin. . Joh. [Em. Pet. Trin. *Cai. , Cai. [Em. s [f-c p p f-c p s f-c p p f-c p f-c f-c f-c p p f-c p f-c f-c p p p f-c p s p E 1656 M 1640: I\r 1606 E 1653] M 1599] M 1583 E 1623 M 1619 E 1644 L 1635-6] M 1568 E 1618 E 1644 E 1647 M 1566 E E E L E E A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4 A.B. (Jes.) 1639-40; A.M. 1643; [LL.D. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657; LL.D. [1669 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619; S.T.B. [1628; S.T.P. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1575-6 A.B. (Jes.) 1640-1 ; A.M. 1644 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1614 ?the next] A.B. 1647-8 A.B. (Chr.) 1569-70, Hitchcock (Matr. 'Fetching') A.B. 1656; A.M. 1660; S.T.B. [1661 {Lit. Reg.), Hutchinson; [S.T.P. 1673 A.M. 1622 ( Oxf.) ; S.T.B. [1632 {do.) A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 [1644 fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. (*Qu.) A.M. 1654 (Incorp. fr. Camb. N. [Eng.); M.D. 1671 {Lit. Reg.) M.B. 1655; M.D. 1660 1611 1620 1654] 1620-1 1623 1653 c. 1597 E 1620 M 1582 E 1577 E 1545 E 1618] E 1634 M 1566 M 1609 M 1614 E 1596] A.B. [1587-8] ; A.M. 1591, Hobard A.B. 1647, Hobart [Harbart] (Matr. Hubbarte) (Matr. Hubbard) A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 (Matr. Hubbart) (Matr. Hubbard) A.B. 1585-6 (Matr. Hubbard) A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 A.B. 1613-4; A. M. 1617; S.T.B. '28 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. (Pem.) 1599-1600 [A.M. 1632 A.B. (Em.) 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; 350 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hobs, Rob Trin. p 1598 Hobbes, Tho Hobbs, W Pem. p E 1588 Hobbes, Will — Will Hobson, Chris [Qu. s E 1598] — Clem Chr. p E 1652 — Ed Trin. p E 1611 — Godfr King's p L 1591- — John Cath. s M 1564 — John Trin.H. s E 1639 — John Mag. f-c E 1651 — Jonas [Joh. s E 1631] — Rich Em. p E 1618 — Rob Trin. p E 1633 — Rob Joh. [s E 1645] — Rob (?Rob. of Trin.) — Tho Trin. p E 1611 — Tho Qu. s M 1612 — Will Trin. p M 1588 — Will Mag. p E 1621 — Will Trin. p L 1629- — Will Em. p M 1638 Hockley, Nich Joh. p E 1631 Hocknell, Lancelot ... Chr. p M 1568 — Rob Em. s E 1622 Hodder, John Trin. [schol. E 1645] — Rob Cai. [s E 1620] Hodge, Alex — Will Joh. s e. 1594 Hodges, Abell Pem. s E 1606 — Abell Pem. p E 1631 — Era Sid. s E 1642 _ Ja *Trin. p M 1649 — John (A.M. c. 1624) — John — John [Qu. s M1644; — John *Sid. p E 1654 — Nath Jes. f-c E 1615 — Rich Trin. p M 1651 _ Tho Jes. p E 1620 — Tho Em. s E 1633 — Will — Will *Sid. s E 1632 Hodgekyn, Anth Joh. s E 1584 Hodskyns, Hen King's p M 1576 Hodgskin, Randolph ... [Cai. s M1618; Hodgkins, Will Em. s c. 1592 Hodgkin, Will *Trin.H. [schol. 1606] _ Will Hodgkinson, Benj [Em. p E 1641] — John [Em. p E 1641] — Paul Chr. s M 1598 _ Will Chr. p E 1613 _ [Cath. s 1628] Hodgson, Hodson v. also Hudson Hodgeson, Alex Pem. p M 1571 Hodson, Anth Cai. s M 1609 _ Art Trin.H. p E 1647 _ Chris Joh. p M 1572 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1652 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 (*Cath., A.B. 1642-3 [as ' Hobbes') A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1649-50 A.M. ( ); M.D. (Mag.) 1659 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1624 30 A.B. 163.3- A.M. 1637; S.T.P. [1660 {Lit. Rag:. A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 A.B. 1625 A.B. 1645-6 A.B. 1620-1 A.M. 1656 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 (Matr, A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 [Hodg) A.B. 1644-5 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 S.T.B. (Trin. H.) 1634 A.M. 1631 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) fr. Edinb.] A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1617 A.B. 1654-5; M.B. 1657 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 [(*Joh.) 1648; S.T.P. li A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) S.T. 30 (Li^ [Reg.\ A.B. 1635-6 ; A.M. 1639 ; S.T.B.'4 ?Hotchkin, of Christ's] A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 LL.B. 1612, Hotchkin A.B. (Cath.) 1609; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1601-2 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 [Hodgson] A.B. 1575-6, Hodgson Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 351 Hodgson, Hodsou, Hodgson, Hodson, lodgson, lodson, lodgson, Hodsou, Hodshon, Hodson, Hodgson, Hodsou. Hodshon, Hodson, Hodgson, Hodson, Hodgeson, Hodson, Hodgeson, Hogson, Hodgson, Hodson, Hodgson, Hodson, Hodgson, Hodgeson, Hodgson, Hodson, Chris. Chris. Cleiu... Edw. .. Edw. .. E leaser Fra. .. Geo. .. Geo. .. Hen. .. Hen. .. Ja Ja Ja Ja John .. John .. John .., Jolni .., John .., John ... John ... John ... John ... Phil. ... Phil. ... Phil Phineas Jes. Phineas Cla. Pem. [Joh. [Cai. Chi-. Joh. Joh. Sid. Joh. C. C. Joh. Chr. ( 'hr. Chr. Joh. Joh. Qu. Chr. C. C. Trin. Jes. Trin. Trin. Cath. Rich Rich Rich Rich Rich Rob Rob Rob Sam Sam Tho Tho Tim Tobias Will Will W Will Will Will (?Eleazar). Cla. Chr. Pet. Joh. Chr. Sid. Mag. *Joh. Chr. Qu. Chr. [Pet. *King's *King's Joh. Joh. Pet. Chr. Chr. Trin. King's Cla. Chr. Trin. dilow. Art - Art diloe, Barnabas dilow, Staph. .. iHuddelowe [C. C Hoegson (? Hodgson), John Pet. Hogan V. Hoogau Hogarde, John Jes. Hogden, Rich Joh. s M 1581 p E 1649] E 1613] E 1631 E 1588 c. 1596 E 1619 E 1639 E 1583 E 1626 1595 c. 1601 E 1614 M 1619 M 1566 M 1568 M 1575 s f-c c. 1596 E 1618 M 1623 E 1657 M 1607 L 1615- c. 1590 M 1621 E 1558 E 1565 E 1578 c. 1594 s E p E Eschol. schol. 1592 1621 1633 1571 1602 1592 1626 1643] 1641] 1534] A.B. (Mag.) 1592-3 [Hodgson] A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1605-6, Hodgson ; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1617-8 A.B. (Chr.) 1592-3 A.B. 1599-1600 A.B. (Cath.) 1599-1600 ; A.M. 1606 A.B. (Cla.) 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1660-1, Hodson A.B. 1618-9 A.B. 1654 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1593-4, Hodgson ; A.M. 1597 ; [S.T.P. 1609 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 A.B. 1581-2, Hodgson A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1599 A.B. (*Joh.) 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614; [S.T.B. 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1605-6, Hodgson ; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1629-30, Hodgson ; A.M. 1633 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1646-7 ; A.M. 1650 A.B. [1645] A.B. 1538-9; A.M. 1542; S.T.B. A.B. 1560-1 [(Qu.) 1546 A.B. 1620-1, Hodgson ; A.M. 1624 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. (Jes.) 1595 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 M 1564 M 1571 E 1617 E 1652 M 1553 E 1626 c. 1595 E 1624 M 1578 M 1562 1561] E 1608 M 1556 E 1588 A.B.eU591-2); A.M.1595,Hogbin 352 Matriculatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hogg, Rich Hogge, Roger Job. Hogg, Steph Joh. Hogge, Tho Trin. Hoggett ('Hogge'), Antonius Chr. Hoglye, Will Qu. Hoke, Sam Mag. Holbech, Barnabas ... Em. — Gabriel Qu. — Martin Qu. Holbeech, i Tho *Em. Holbecke, Tho Qu. Holbem, Rob *King's Holberne, Will Qu. Holborne, Sam Joh. Holborough, Tho Em. — Tho Em. Holbrooke, John Joh. Holbrok, Rich Holebrooke, Rich Trin. Holburne, Anth Chr. Holcroft, Era *Cla. — Hen Joh. — Hen Chr. — St John Chr. — Tho Joh. Houlden, Anth Em. Holden, Caleb Joh. Holdyu, Chris King's Howlden, Edw Cath. Houlden, Edw *Mag. Holden, Cilb Jes. — Gilb Qu. — Hugh — Humph. ... [Pet. — Jerome Chr. Houlden, John [Trin. Holden, John Chr. Houlden, John Joh. Holdeu, John Trin. — John [Pem. Holdyn, Jos Qu. Holden, Martin Trin. ^ Pet Joh. Houlden, Rich Jes. Holden, Rich Joh. — Rich Trin. — Rich Em. — Rob Trin. — Rob [Pem. — Sam Em. Houlden, Thimbleby.. Chr. Holden, Tho — Will Trin. — Will Joh. Houlden, Will Joh. Holden, Will — Will Em. — [King's schol, E 1570 M 1616 E 1631 E 1604 E 1566 L 1564-5 E 1618 M 1619 M 1621 E 1622 M 1579 M 1560 L 1578-9 c. 1593 E 1618 M 1652 E 1654 M 1649 E 1562 M 1647 c. 1601 M 1638 E 1636 E 1645 E 1636 E 1651 M 1548 M 1572 E 1605 M 1547 L 1582-3 E 1652] E 1570 E 1565] E 1567 M 1606 M 1635 1654] E 1659 E 1573 M 1583 M 1565 M 1576 E 1619 M 1642 M 1571 1654] M 1651 E 1606 E 1562 E 1563 E 1605 E 1635 E 1577] A.B. (Trin.) 1609; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1574-5 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1607; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1569-70 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629; S.T.B. [1636; S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1564-5, Holbeam ; A.M. 1568 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1654-5 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645, *Cla. A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643, *Joh. A.B. 1575-6 ; A.M. 1579; S.T.B. '86 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 [Houlden] A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1570-1 ; A.M. (*Cath.) 1574 A.B. 1570-1 (Matr. Halden) A.B. 1579-80 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. (*Joh.) 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. (?1609-10); A.M. 1613 A.M. 1572 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569 A.B. 1566-7 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1616 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 Master of Emniaiiuel, 1675. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 353 Holdenbe, Holder, Hovvlder, Houlder, Holder, Holdemes, Holderness, Holdernes, Holdych, Holdyche, Fra. Clem. Edm. Hen. Tho. Cla. Mag. Chr. *Pet. Trill. AVill *Pem. Ignatius ... Rob Rob Hen John {imp.) Nich Rich Theod Tho Chris Jonathan . . . Mark Holdiche, Holdich, Holdiche, Holdinge, Holdred, Houldred, Holdysworth, Ed. Holdsworth, Fra HouldsworthjHen Trin. Houlsworth, Jos Mag. Hold.sworth, Josiah J oh. Houldsworth, ^ Rich *Joh. Pern. [Peni. Chr. Cai. Trin. I Joh. Cai. Joh. Cai. Trill. *Kiug's Chr. Chr. Joh. 1571 1579 1556 [fr. 1635 1616 1633 1584-5 102:^] 1623 1584 1545 1567 1585 1620 1585 1553 1646 1588 1545 1655 1576 1625 1655 1607 A.B. (Cai.) 1582-3; A.M. 1586 C. C] A.B. 1560-1, Holder A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642, Holder A.B. 1619-20, Houlder ; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.P. 1588-9; A.M. (?Migr. to Chr.) A.B. 1627-8; A.M. (Matr. Houldege) 1593 1631 Holdesworth, Rob *King's [schol. E 1603] Holdsworth. Holdworth, Hole, Hoale, Hole, Th Will. ... Will. ... Hen. ... Will. .. Geo. ... Hen. ... Hen. ... Jasper John ... Sydney Holford V. also Halford — Benj — Benj — Geo — Hen Benj John Rob Rob Tho Will — Will Holhead, John Holkar v. Houlkar Adam John Xath Tho W Em. Em. Joh. , Trin. Cla. [Trin. , Em. ' Joh. ,*Sid. Joh. [Chr. Pet. schol M 1641 E 1590] E 1655 M 1571 L 1588-9 E 1650] M 1615 M 1567 M 1598 c. 1593 . 1547-8] M 1623 Holgate, Holgatt, Holdgate, Holgate, Holiday, Holliday, Holidaye, Hollydaye, Holiday Em. Pet. Pem. [Cai. Chr. Sid. Chr. Qu. Sid. [Em. (? the above) E 1604 L 1615-6 E 1579 L 1622-3] L 1557-8 M 1658 M 1560 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. [1650-1]; A.M. 1654,Holroyd A.B. (n591-2); A.M. 1595 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1629-30, Houldsworth A.B. 1658-9 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614; S.T.B. [1622; S.T.P. (Em.) 1637 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 A.B. 1658-9 A.B. 1575-6, Holdsworth A.B. (? 1592-3); A.M. 1596 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622, Hoyle A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1571-2 {sup.) A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.M. 1639 (Incoii). fr. Oxf.) [Holdford] A.B. 1581-2 (Chr. in ordo) A.B. 1560-1; A.M. (*Joh.) 1564 1636 1648-9 1633] [Em. f-c E 1599] King's s M 1624 Em. s p] 1615 Chr. p M 1566 [Trin. H. schol. 1637] S.T.B. 1572 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1618-9 1 Master of Emmanuel, 1637 ; Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, 1613 ; Dean of "Worcester, 1646. 45 354 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Holle, Edw . Trin.H. s E Holl, Edw . Cai. P L Rob . Cla. f-c E Tho. {sen.).. . Pet. p E Tho. {jun.) Pet. p E Tho . C. C. s E Holland, Abr . Trin. [schol. E Adam . Chr. p E Hollonde, Bl . Chr. P E Holland, Brian . Pet. s M Chris . Pern. p M Hollande, Cornelius . . Pern. p E Holland, Edm . Chr. f-c L Edw . C. C. p L Edw . [Joh. f-c M Edw . Em. s E Hollande, Garret .... . Em. p c. Holland, Greg — Guy . Joh. p E Hollande, Hen .*Gonv.H f-c E Holland, Hen . Joh. s E Hen . Em. s E — Hugh . Jes. p E Hugh . Triu. schol. E Hugh Hollande, Ja . Trin.H P E Ja . Chr. P Holland, Ja . [Cai. P E . John . King's Hollande, John . Qu.° P E Holland, John . Joh. p M John . Trin. P E Hollonde, John . Joh. s M Holland, John John . Chr. f-c L John . Joh. 8 M John . Trin. S E Hollande, John .. Chr. P M Holland, John . Pem. P E John . Chr. s E John . *Trin. s L John . Em. P M Noel . Sid. E Philemon . . *Trin. p E Phil . Sid. s M Hollond, Ralph .... . *King's [schol. Holland, Ralph .... .. Cai. P M Rich Rich .. Joh. V E Rob ..*Chr. s E Rob .. Cla. p E Rob .. Chr. s M Rob .. Joh. p c. Tho .. Cai. p L Tho ..*King's p M Tho .. [Pem. — Tobias .... .. Joh. s M Will Will .. Cla. s M Will ..*Joh. p M Will 1549 1615-6 A.B. 1618-9, Hoole 1648 1.580 1580 1607 1614] A.B. 1616-7 1607 1.545 1584 1.561 A.B. 1564-5 1615 A.B. 1618-9 1620-1 1597-8 1646] 1658 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 1593 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 ' A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5; A.M. 1609 1602 A.B. 1605-6 [1570 1556 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1563; S.T.B. 1579 A.B. (Mag.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 1658 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 1582 [Roberts) 1590] A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 {alias A.B. (Cla.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605 1544 1595 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1605 1620] 1547 1549 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1555 1565 1572 A.B. 1576-7 1607 A.B. 1610-1, Holland A.M. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1620-1 1627 A.B. 1629-30 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 1639 A.B. 1642-3 1640 1647 1648-9 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 1649 A.B. 1652-3 1629 1566 A.B. 1570-1 ; A.M. 1574 ; M.D.'97 1598 1537] A.B. 1542-3; A.M. 1545 1559 A.M. 1612 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 1559 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. (*Joh.) 1566 1577 A.B. (Mag.) 1577-8; A.M. (Jes.) 1586 [1581 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 1563-4 1583 A.B. 1587-8 1640] 1562 A.B. 1566-7 C.L. 1559 1 1570 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583; S.T.B. A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [1591 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 355 Holland, Will. Will. Will. Joh. Em. Joh. [King's Trill. Cla. Trin. Joh. HoUenden, La»i. (??/) Hollibrand, The Holliman, Edw — Lion. V. Holyman Hollings, John *Mag. Hollyns, Will Hollynshed, Edw Trin. Hollinghedge, Edw Em. Hollynshed, Yiu.{1n) ... Trin. Holingshead, Hugh [Jes. Hollynshed, Ottiwel Chr. Hollinghedge, Rob Em. Hollinhedge, Tho Cla. Hollinshead, Tho Cath. Holynghead Chr. Hollington, Nath Em. — [Sid. Hollingworth, Anth Trin. — Ja Trin. — Jacob Trin. Holinworth, Rich Mag. Hollinsrworth, Rich Em. Hollis, Hollis, Holies, Holys Holies Hollis,' HoUys, ; Hollis, iDenzil Era Geo Gervase {imp.) 10 ann.) (?'Halys 0,2 John . Rich Rob Tho. {imp.) Will, {imp.) Will [Cla. Chr. Chr. Chr. Hollolye, Hollowe ' Holloway W. Tho. .. Tho Trin. Holly, Benj Cai. Holie, Rich Joh. Holman v. also Halman Digory Pem. E 1636 E 1639 M 1659 M 1565] c. 1597 M 1566 M 1615 M 1616 E 1651 p E 1549 p c. 1596 s M 1547 p E 1659] schol. 1537] s E 1586 p M 1578 p L 162.3-4 p E 1544 s M 1602 s E 1602] s E 1618 p E 1580 s E 1658 s E 1623 s E 1655^ f-c M 1^651] p c. 1593 f-c E 1559 p ^^_1579; s ETB57 Chr. 1> E 1655 Pem. p E 1550 Pem. p E 1550 Pem. p M 1635 [C. C. f-c 1571] Chr. P c. 1597 Qu. P E 1577 [C. c. 1589] s M 1645 f-c M 1657 s E 1589 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. (Joh.) 1641-2 A.B. 1618-9 [1624 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1620 ; A.M. (Joh.) A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658; M.L. A.B. 1550-1 [1661 ; M.D. 1665 [Hollingshead] [1546 A.B. 1540-1; A.M. 1544, *Trin. A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1581-2, Hollinshed ; A.M. '85 A.B. 1627-8 (Matr. Holensheed) A.B. 1621-2 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595; S.T.B. A.B. 1661-2 [(*Cath.) 1603 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1658-9 ; A.M. 1662; S.T.P.'84 A.B. [Chr.] 1612-3 (On visit of [Prince Charles) ; A.M. 1616 A.M. 1581-2 {fil. noh.) A.B. 1660-1 A.B. 16.39-40 A.M. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 Hollman, Holman, Holmdene, Holmden, Ed\ Everard.... Geof. John John John Leon Mich Will John Joh. John King's Em. Cla. [Sid. King's Em. [Trin. Cla. Trin. Joh. A.B. (Trin. H.) 1619-20 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1643 A.M. 1634 (Matr. [Holiner) Baron Holies of Ifield, 1661. E 1615 E 1657 M 1626 E 1641] E 1618 E 1640 M 1651] L 1629-30 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 M 1646 M 1648 M 1568 M 1645 2 Earl of Clare, 16-24. 356 3Iatriculatwns and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Holmden, John .. Qu. p M 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 Holmeden, Rob .. Pet. f-c E 1623 Holmden, Tho . . King's P E 1603 [Hamden] Tho .. King's f-c M 1645 Holme, Gilbert ... ..*Joh. V M 1555 A.B. 1559-60, Holmes ; A.M. 1563, — John .. Joh. V M 1567 [died before admission John .. Chr. P E 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591, Holmes John .. Trin. 8 M 1589 Rich .. Joh. P E 1560 — Ro .. Chr. f-c M 1559 — Tho .. Trin. P c. 1593 Will A.B. (Cla.) 1578-9 Will Em. s M 1632 A.B. 1636-7, Holmes; A.M. 1640 Home 1 .. Chr. p E 1544 1 .. Chr. s E 1544 Holmes, Adam .. . .. Cai. p E 1579 Barneham .. Trin. s E 1645 A.B. 1647 Chris .. Sid. p E 1611 [Holme] [1671 {Lit. Reg.) • Chris .. Cla. p E 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663; S.T.B. Edw ..*Joh. s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 Edw .. Cai. ls E 1637] A.B. 1641; A.M. 1645 — Fra .. Qu. p M 1580 Era .. Joh. p E 1651 Geo .. Trin. s E 1611 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 Hen .. Joh. p L 1584-5 Hen .. Joh. p M 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. (Pet.) 1617 Hen .. Joh. p E 1654 John .. Cla. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 John ..*Cai. p E 1644 A.B 1647-8; A.M. 1651 John .. Sid. s E 1656 A.B. 1660 Nath S.T.P. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Homes, Nich .. Cai. p E 1579 Ralph .... .. Pet. s E 1639 Holmes, Rob ... Sid. p M 1601 Roger .. Sid. [H E 1628] A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 Tho . Qu. s M 1583 Tho .. Sid. s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6, Holme Tho . Qu. p E 1604 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 Tho . Em. p E 1609 Tho . [Em. f-c E 1611] W . Qu. p M 1580 Walt . Trin. p M 1612 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1622 Will .[Qu. p M 1580] Will . *Qu. s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 ; S.T.B. '23 Holney, John . Pem. s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 John .*Pem. s M 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 John . Pem. s E 1640 A.B. 1644-5 John . [Mag. 1646] John . Cla. s L 1647-8 Holoren . Joh. s M 1609 Holeroyd, Theoph . C. C. p E 1649 Holstecd, Will . Joh. s c. 1594 Holt, Cha . Em. p c. 1591 Holte, Edm . Em. s E 1588 Holt, Elize . Cai. s E 1614 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 Holte, Fra . *Joh. p M 1566 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573; S.T.B. Hoult, Hen . Qu. s M 1612 [1580 Houlte, Holt, Ja Ja . Joh. p M 1568 A.B. (Mag.) 1574-5 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1 ?One of these A.B. (Trin. H.) 1547-8, as Thomas Homes. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — ^659 357 lolte, [oulte, [oult, [olt, [oult, [oulte, [olt, [olte, [olt, [olte, [oult, [olte, [olt, [oult, Holt, Jeremy , *Joh. John *Pem. John Joh. John Joh. John Joh. . olte, Bolton, !olwey, lolyar, lolyer, lolyman, BEolyoke, iolywell, omer, 3omes v. omocke, gowden (? one. 1 [onshawe, ] lony, lonnyfold [onynge i John Pern. p Jos Joh. s Leon Joh. s Ralph Joh. p Rich Joh. s Rich Joh. s Rich King's p Rob Joh. s Roger Mag. p Tho Chr. s Tho Trin. s Tho Pern. p Tho *King's [schol. E 1604] Tho , . . Pern. s ... Qu. p ... Joh. p c. 1596 E 1566 L 1577-8 M 1589 c. 1594 c. 1596 M 1626 E 1602 L 1577-8 M 1573 E 1577 M 1609 M 1561 E 1622 L 1563-4 E 1574 c. 1596 Hen. Will, fionywood, Anth. loneywood, Edw. loniwood, Hen. lonywood, Lsaac Tho. .. Tho. .. Tho. .. Will Will Joh. Tho [Qu. John Trin.H Rob Cath. Lionel Trin. Era Pet. Giles [Qu. Athelbert ... Peni. Lsaac Joh. Holmes Art Cla. m\ Geo (Ua. Earth *Cai. John Cla. Tho Chr. Walt Trin.H Rob Chr. Fred. {Capt.) , Gabr ;. also Hvmnynge 1628 1645 1650 Chr. Chr. Chr. [C. C. Chr. Joh. lunnywood, John Trin. lonywood, loniwood, onywood. Math. 'Mich Pet Tho Tho. Vice.simus . Clem John Em. *Chr. Em. Pern. [Jes. Chr. Cai. , [Qu. P f-c P P f-c E 1552 E 1587] M 1547 M 1551 M 1582 c. 1595 E 1632] 1564- 1659 M 1568 c. 1596 E 1603 M 1564 E 1635 M 1561 L 1580-1 E 1572 E 1572 M 1567 1647] E 1611 E 1659 E 1604 E 1606 E 1611 Yr 1606 E 1546 M 1655] M 1639 c. 1590 M 1618] A.B. 1599-1600 ; A.M. 1603 ; S.T.B. [1610 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573; S.T.B. [1580 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. (? 1601-2); A.M. (Pet.) 1606 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1577-8 A.B. 1580-1 [Hoult] A.B. 1564-5: A.B. 1566-7; A.B. 1578-9 A.M. 1568 A.M. (Pem.) 1571 A.B. 1608; A.M. 1612 A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 16.30-1 ; A.M. 1634 ; S.T.P.'65 A.M. 1573 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [(*C. C.) 1597 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589; S.T.B, A.B. 1595-6; A.M. (Em.) 1599 A.B. 1605-6 LL.B. 1573; LL.D. 1579 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642; M.D. [(Sid.) 1655 A.B. 1584-5 ; A.M. 1588, Henshaw A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) S.T.B. 1612 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618; S.T.B. [1636; S.T.P. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) 1 Dean of Liiicohi, 1660. 358 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hoo, Tho Sid. f-c M 1628 H, Will Cla. f-c c. 1596 Hoode, John .... C. C. s E 1544 John .... ..... Pet. p M 1554 Hood, Paul .... A.M. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Tho !.'.'.".' *Trin. p M 1573 A.B. 1577-8 ; A.M. 1581 ; M.L. '85 h Tim Chr. [s E 1623] A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1635 Hoods, Tho Jes. s E 1605 A.B. 1608-9, Hoode Hoodson, Rich Job. s M 1569 H Hoogan, Hen Chr. p M 1618 Hogan, Hen *Trin. p M 1656 A.B. 1658-9 ; A.M. 1662 ; M.D. '70 Hoogan, Jos Cai. [p E 1633] 1604' A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 (Matr. — Rob [Cai. f-c E [Huggoua) Tho Cai. p c. 1595 Tho Cath. p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 Tho [Cai. f-c E 1658] Hooke, Fra Em. P E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Hugh.... Mag. s L 1564-5 Humph.. Pem. p L 1623-4 John .... A.B. (*Joh.) 1587-8; A.M. 1591; John .... ..... Em. s E 1602 [S.T.B. 1598 John .... [Pem. [Qu. 1620] Hook, John .... f-c L 1629-30] John .... A.M. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Hooke, Rich ".'.'.'.". Cla. s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1629 Rich. ... Pet. s E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1651; S.T.P. [1665 {Lit. Reg.) Rich ... A.M. (Chr.) 1641 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Rob. ... Mag. f-c E 1568 Rob Cai! p L 1623-4 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 Sam. ... Joh. s E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 Sam King's p E 1605 Theoph. ... Cla. p M 165.3 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 Tho. ... Pem. s M 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Walt.... Pem. p E 1656 A.B. 1656-7 Hooker, Cornelius ... Chr. p E 1639 Edw. ... C. C. s E 1640 A.B. 1644; A.M. 1648 John ... Em. p E 1650 Tho. ... Qu. s E 1604 A.B. (*Em.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 Hookes, John ... Chr. f-c c. 1595 Nich. ... Chr. s E 1633 A.B. 1637; A.M. 1641 Hooks, Nich.... Trim p E 1649 A.B. 1652-3 Hookes, Tho. ... Joh. s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 Will. ... p E 1619 A.B. (Jes.) 1582-3; A.M. 1586 Will. ... '.'.'.'.'. Joh. Hoole, Edw. V. HoU Will. ... Qu. s E 1607 A.B. (King's) 1614-5 ; A.M. 1618 ] Hooper, John ... ] John ... '.'.".'.'. Cla. s M 1632 A.B. 1635-6 Rob. ... King's s M 1576 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 Tho. ... King's f-c L 1629-30 1 Walt.... Sid. p E 1654 Hoorde, Geo. ... Joh. p L 1579-80 1 ] Rich. ... *Joh. p M 1586 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594; S.T.B. W Joh. p L 1579-80 [1601 Hope, Cha. ... Chr. p M 1627 John ... King's p E 1575 John ... Mag. c. 1.591 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. (Jes.) 1599 John ... A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Edinb.) Mark... '.'.'.'.'. Jes. s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1650 Ralph *King's p M 1578 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 359 Hope, Rob [Cla. s Hoper, Dudley Chr. p John Chr. p Nath Chr. p Hopes, Osbert Trin. [schol Saiuson Trin. .s Tho Trin. s Hopkin.s, Edni Em. s Edm Em. p Edw Trin. s Geo CO. p Hen *Cla. p Ja Ja Em. p John Qu. [p John Trin. [schol John [Qu. s John King's s John Sid. s Jonat Trin. s Rich Joh. p Rich Em. s Rich Trin. f-c Rich [Mag. f-c Rich, {imp.) Trin. p Rob Jes. s Sampson ... Pern. Sam Sam Trin. f-c Sam Joh. [p Tho. {imp.) J Tha {imp.[ 12 cum.)) Tho Will Will Trin. p AViU Trin. f-c Edw Joh. p Hen Joh. p Jabes Joh. p Jeremias ... Joh. s John Sid. p John Benj. . Em. p Juda Joh. s Hopkynson, Rich Joh. p Hopkinson, Rich Rich Cla. p Rich Pet. s Hopkynson, Will Joh. s Chr. p iopper, John [*Joh. 1554] — Rich Qu. p — Rich [Pet. f-c lopperton, Nich C. C. s oppes, Fra Sid. p oppey, Matth Joh. p opton, Ingram Joh. f-c — Tho Trin. H. s M 1634] E 1G24 E 1628 E 1628 E 1602] E 1588 E 1582 c. 1592 L 1629- c. 1596 M 1598 E 1616 E 1631 M 1599 E 1619 E 1627 E 1632 E 1636 M 1648 M 1589 E 1619 E 1631 E 1646] M 1657 M 1575 [1657] E 1631 E 16571 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. (*Pet.) 1631; [S.T.B. 1638; S.T.P. 1661 {Lit. {R^g.) A.B. 1631-2 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1635 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. (? 1591-2) ; A.M. 1595, Hoopes A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590, Hoopes A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1600 30A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 [? schol. Trin. H. 1600] A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. (*Pet.) 1600-1; A.M. A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1620-1 1604 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. A.B. 1639-40 1640 A.B. 1578-9 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1669 A.B. (Cath.) 1606-7; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1660-1 M 1552 (?LL.B. below) s M 1562 LL.B. 1564 A.B. (Jes.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610 E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 E 1658 M 1616 M 1613 A.B. 1617-8 M 1602 E 1595 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 M 1614 A.B. (Qu.) 1618-9 E 1641 — c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 M 1569 A.B. (Joh.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597 E 1612 A.B. 1615-6 E 1627 L 1564-5 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 E 1544 A.B. 1532-3 ; A.M. 1535; S.T.B. '48 M 1622 [Happer] E 1658] L 1580-1 A.H. 1585-6 E 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. (Cath.) 1612 M 1560 E 1631 c. 1593 360 Matriculatio7is mid Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hopwood, Horberye, Horberry, Horbery, Horberry, Horden, Hornald, Hornby, Hornebey, Horn castle. Home, Horn, Home, Horner, Hornewad, Horningolc Horrox, Horroks, Horrocks, Horracks, Horrocks, Horrax, Horrox, Horrax, Anth Job. Dan [Em. John King's Hugh Pem. Ja C. C. Martin C. C. Will *Joh. John Trin. Dan Qu. Tho Mag. Walt Em. Walt Em. Will Sid. Cha Trin. Cotton Cla. Gabriel Gustavus ... Isaac Joh. John John Trin. John Cai. Josias Trin. Josias Jes. Josias Pet. Moses Cai. Nich *King's Rich Sid. iRob Rob Qu. Sam Sam *Pet. Tho [Qu. Tho [Joh. Tho *King's Will Joh. Will Qu. Will Cla. Will *King's And Trin. Geo Trin. John Qu. Rob Cai. Tho Trin. Tho Pet. Tho Sid. W Chr. John Trin. Benj C. C. Alex Chr. Ja Joh. Jeremiah ... Em. John Em. John Chr. John Em. Tho Mag. Tho Joh. Tho Joh. Will Cla. M 1589 E 1598] M 1641 E 1588 M 1625 E 1639 E 1632 [1658] E 1601] M 1642 M 1647 M 1609 E 1637 E 1569 E 1620 ( s E 1583 M 1633 E 1659 c. 1593 E 1620 L 1626- E 1636 M 1561 E 1649 L 1653-4 M 1620" M 1596' E 1655° E 1659' E 1571 E 1575 E 1631 E 1657 L 1629 E 1587 M 1581 M 1616 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 [Adm. Cla. E 1641]" A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665; S.T.P. [1682 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1604-5 ; A.M. 1608, Hornold A.B. 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. (*Pet.) 1577; A.B. 1623-4 [S.T.B. 1585 A.B. (Joh.) 1604-5 A.M. 1633 {Jil. nob.) A.B. 1587-8 A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626, Le Horn A.B. 1565-6 ; A.M. 1569 ; S.T.B.'77 A.B. 1652-3 A.B. (*Joh.) 1536-7; A.M. 1540; [S.T.B. 1546; S.T.P. 1559 A.M. 1598 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) i A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.B. 1634-5 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 -30A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. (Cath.) 1584-5 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 1581- 1582- 1620- 1565 s E 1565 p E 1631 s E 1602 s E 1589 s E 1632 s M 1589 s E 1612 p E 1622 s c. 1593 s c. 1593 s E 1633 p E 1614 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 1615-6 1625-6; A.M. 1629 (Cath.) 1596-7 1596-7; A.M. 1600 1634-5; A.M. 1638 1617-8, Horrocks Bishop of Winchester, 15(: Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 361 Horrold, Tho Joh. p M 1637 Horsfall, John Joh. s M 1560 Horsefall, Will Sid. p E 1653 Horsey, Geo *Tnu. p M 1619 — Jasper Trin. f-c E 1577 — Ralph Trill. f-c E 1577 Horsley, Beiij Mag. p E 1653 Horseley, John Joh. p E 1567 Horsley, Nich C. C. s E 1544 Horseley, Tho Pet. s M 1565 Horslynge, Edw Joh. s M 1585 Horaiuan, And Horseman, Rob King's [f-c M 1605] Horsman, Rob Sid. f-c M 1632 — Tho *Trin.H. p M 1555 Horseman, Tho Trin. s E 1607 — Tho Rem. s E 1627 Horsman, Tho Cath. p E 1650 Horsmanden, Dan — Rich Chr. p M 1570 Horsmonden,Tho *Joh. s c. 1593 Horsepoole [Sid. s E 1602] Horton, Ed Qu. s E 1544 — John Trin. p E 1606 — John (?the above) — John Jes. s M 1653 — Tho King's [schol. 1537] — Tho Em. p c. 1596 — iTho *Em. p E 1624 — [Em. p E 1604] Horwood, John Rem. s M 1580 Hosboston, Will Joh. p M 1547 Hosier, Geof. Cai. p M 1584 — Ja Em. s E 1621 — Rich King's p E 1637 Hoskyn, Tho Chr. s M 1554 Hoskins, Cha Qu. f-c L 1618-9 Hostenius?, Pet Mag. p L 1564-5 Hotchkin, Anth C. C. s c. 1593 — Ralph Chr. s M 1618 Hotchkins, Hen Mag. s E 1615 Hotckins, John Trin. s E 1648 Hotchkis, Tho C. C. s E 1627 Hotham, Cha Chr. p E 1631 [fr. — Durant Chr. p M 1632 — Era [Pet. f-c E 1651] — Ja Joh. f-c E 1605 — John [Pet. f-c E 1648] Hottoff, Rob. V. Hawtoft Hottofte, Rich Trin. s c. 1593 Houblon, Dan — Ja *Pet. [E 1654] Hough, Edm *Jes. p M 1651 — John Pet. s E 1629 Houghton V. also Haughton Howghton, Geo Pern. s E 1548 Houghton, Jocelyn [Em. p E 1640] Hougheton, John Joh. p E 1559 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627, Horseley A.B. 1656-7 A.B. 1546-7 A.B. 1565-6 (A.B. of Oxf.) ; A.M. (Em.) 1623 A.B. 1607-8: A.M. 1611 LL.B. 1563 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 *Cath. [Migr. to Cai •] [1614 A. (*Joh.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607; [S.T.B. 1614; S.T.P. 1627 A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. 1598 ; S.T.B. [1606; S.T.P. 1614 A.B. 1610-1 (Matr. A.M. (Cath.) 1617 A.B. 1657 A.B. 1541-2; A.M. A.B. 1600-1; A.M. A.B. 1626-7; A.M. Orton) (*Pem.) 1549 1604 1630; S.T.B. [1637; S.T.P. (Qu.) 1649 A.B. 1625-6 A.B. 1596-7 (Matr. Hotheking) A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1625 A.B. 1651-2 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 Pet.] A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639; [*Pet. 1644 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 M.L. 1629 [1655 A.B. 1655 (Licorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 (Matr. A.B. 1632-3 ;A.M. 1636 ['Rough') President of Queens', 1647. 46 362 Houghton, Howton, Houton, Houghton, Howghton, Houghton, Houldege, Holkar, Houlkar, Houlker, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 John Joh. John Trill. John Em. John John ... John ... John ... Oli. ... Rich. ... Rob. ... Rob. ... Rob. ... Roger. . . Sam. ... Tho. ... Tho. ... Tho. ... Tobias Win. ... Will Trin. Hen. V. Holdytch Ja Chr. John Chr. John Chr. Cla. Jes. Cai. King's Cai. Trin. C. C. C. C. Em. Em. Jes. Trin. Em. King's Em. Hoult V. Holt Houltbye, Houltbie, Holtbie, Houlton, Houlten, Houlton, Hourde, Geo Chr. Marmaduke Joh. Rich. Jos. Rob. Tho. Tho. Hounde v. Hownde Howsdeiie, Art. . . Housden, Chr. C. C. C. C. Cla. Joh. Cla. Howsden, Housego, Houselock, p E s E p M f-c s P P P P 1565 1573 1593 A.B. 1577-8 ; A.M. 1581, Hawghton A.M. 1618 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1642-3, Haughton 1624 1639 1645 1545 1633 1581 1639] 1641] 1640 1637-8 A.B. 1641-2 1586 1646 1649 1564 1621 1652 (Matr. Hulton) A.B. (*Em.) 1585-6; A.M. 1589 A.B. 1659- A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 3] A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 1605 A.B. 1608-9, Houlker; A.M. 1612 1555 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 1569 1572 1571 1615 1571 1612 1577 M 1585 p E p c. s E s M s L -c E s E p M Edw Enoch Jes. Geo Jes. John Joh. Rich Trin. Rob Joh. Abr [Pet. Houseman, John Mag. Housman ('Horsman'), John *Joh. Houstvell, Edw Pet. Hoveden, Rich — Rob Hovill, Edni [Cai. Hovell {alias Smith), Geo. — Greg Cai. — Hugh Cai. — Rich [Em. — (Howell), Tho — Tho Cath. — Will Trin. — Will Cai. Hovenden, Rob Pet. — Tho Trin. Hovington, Chris Jes. Howard v. also Howorth — iCha. (>%>)... 1 Baron Howard of Efidngham 1603 1569 1593 1618 1562 1641-2] 1558 1640 1565 [Migr. to Cai.] A.B. 1618-9; A.M. [Houghton] A.B. (Cath.) 1588-£ A.B. (Chr.) 1593-4; 1622 ; A.M. 1592 A.M. 1597 A.B. (Cath.) 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. (*C. C.) 1569 p E 1637] A.B. 1643-4 ; A. M. 1647; S.T.B.'54 A.B. (Pern.) 1568-9, Howstwayte A.B. (Trin.) 1580-1 A.M. 1625 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Cath.) 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604, A.B. 1617-8 [Howell A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.M. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1653-4 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.M. 1571 first Earl of Nottingham, 1596. [p E 1608] p E 1632 f-c L 1626-7 p M 1639 p c. 1594 L M 1649 p L 1564-5 p M 1564 s E 1614 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 363 Howard, Cha *King's p Howarde, Fra. {imp.) . Qu. f-c — Hen. {imp.). Qu. f-c Howard, ^ Hen King's f-c — 2Hen — Hen Cai. p — 3jjen [Joh. f-c — John Cai. p — John Chr. s — Matth Mag. p — "Phil [Joh.] — i^Phil [Joh. f-c — exheoph Tho. {imp.) Qu. f-c — 7Tho — 8Tho [Joh.] — 9Tho — lOTho. (-SiV)... — "Tho [C. C. — i2Tho [Joh. f-c — inviii. (ASiV)... — Will Jes. s — Will, {dominus) Joh. f-c — Will Chr. [f-c — "Will [C. C. — 1'' Mag. f-c — 1° Mag. f-c Howchin, Jerem C. C. p — Tho C. C. p Howdan(?), Will Pem. s Howdell, John Trin. s Howden, Rob Jes. s Howe, Hen Jes. s — John Jes. p — John Joh. p How, John [Qu. p Howe, John Pet. p — John Mag. s How, John Chr. s — Nath [Em. s Howe, Rich Joh. s — Rob [Em. p — Rob Cath. p — Tho Joh. p — Tho [Em. p — Will Cla. p How, Will Cai. s — [Em. s — [Sid. s Howell, Davy Trin. p — Edwin *Qu. p — Fra Trin.H. p M 1640 E 1550 E 1550 ^ 1564 E 1629 E 1640] E 1641 M 1651 E 1634 El^sb te?] E 1640] E 1611 E 1624 E 1642] 1646] M 1598 M 1598 E 1634 M 1615 E 1635 M 1572 E 1575 E 1577 E 1557 M 1588 M 1597] E 1616 M 1623 E 1647 E 1595] E 1640 1637 1639 1557 1658- 1577 1631 E 1585] M 1599] [oflf 1645] (Matr. Hawarde) (Matr. Hawarde) A.M. 1566 (Matr. Haword) A.M. 1605 [?schol. Trin. H. 1632] A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1660, Howorth A.B. (Qu.) 1639-40 A.M. 1577 A.M. 1605 A.M. 1564 (On Queen's visit) A.M. 1605 A.M. 1605 A.M. 1605 A.M. 1564 COn Queen's visit) A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.M. 1642 {fil. nob.) A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1578-9, Howdyll; A.M. 1582 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 ?same as next] A.B. 1641-2 8 9] A.B. 1580-1 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 M 1623 L 1563 E 1575 A.B. (Trin.) 1608-9 (in ordo) -4 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 I Earl of Northampton, 1604 ; Chancellor, 161-2. -i ' Son of Earl of Suffolk.' :' Sixth Duke of Norfolk. •» First Earl of Arundel, 1.580. ^ Cardinal Howard. Second Earl of Suffolk. ' Fourth Duke of Norfolk, 1554. 8 First Earl of Suffolk. 1603; Chancellor of the University, 1614. 9 Second Earl of Arundel, 1604. lo Earl of Berkshire, 1626. II Earl of Arundel, 1652. i- Fifth Duke of Norfolk. 13 First Baron Howard of Effingham. i' P.aron Howard of Escrick, 1678, IS ?Theophilus, Earl of Suffolk; and Thomas, Earl of Berkshire. 364 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Howell, John Joh. p E — John Em. s E — John Jes. s E — Paul Trin. s E — Tho Chr. p E — iTho — Tho Cai. s M — Will Qu. s E Howie, Will *Mag. s E Howes, Geo Trin. s M — Gyles Qu. p M Howis, Isaac [Qu. p L Howes (?), John Joh. s c. — John Cath. p E Howse, John Em. p E Howes, Leon Chr. p E — Rich C. C. p M — Rich C. C. p L Howse, Rob Em. s E — Rob Cai. p M Howys, Tho Chr. s M Howse, Tho *Cai. s M Howys, Tho Qu. s E Howis, Tho [Qu. s E Howse, Walt *Qu. p E — Will Qu. s E Howett, Tho Trin. s M Howgrave, Hen *King's p L — Hen Cai. p M — John King's p M Hawgrave, Will *King's p M Howkes, Hugh Chr. p M Howland, Ja Pet. p M — John Cai. p c. — 2 Rich Chr. p L — Walt [Pem. Howler, John Howlett, John Trin. s L — John ... Trin. p E — Laurence ... Sid. s E Howlutt, Leon Trin.H. p E Howlett, Nich Cai. s c. — Nich Cai. s L — Pet Qu. s E — Phil Howlat, Rich *Sid. s E Howlet, Rich Em. p M Houlet, Rob Em. s E Howlett, Roger Em. s E — Sam Jes. s M — Tho Trin. [schol. — Tho Trin. p M — Tho Trin. p E Will Pem. p E Howlet, Will Cai. s M — Sid. s L Howlter [C. C. Howlyii, Earth Cai. s M Howlyng, Era *King's p M 1 Bishop of Bristol. 1644. '•i Master of Magdalene, 1576; Master of St 1571 1616 1646 1659 1569 1646 1646 1648 1567 1551 1629- 1590 1613 1628 1612 1614 1620-: 1618 1657 1560 1573 1581 1596] 1585 1602 1639 1593- 1639 1625 1551 1561 1572 1595 1557-! 1656] 1626-^ 1636 1606 1548 1595 1626-^ 1553 1604 1648 1609 1631 1644 1602] 1619 1637 1549 1648 1618-£ 1570] 1580 1559 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666; M.D. [1671 {Lit. Reg.) A.M. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1651-2, Hoole; A.M. 1655; LL.D. 1665 {Lit. Reg.) 30] [? Hues] A.B. (*Cai.) 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. (Cai.) 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1623-4 A.B. 1621-2 A.B. 1660, Hawes A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. 1588-9 ; A.M. 1592 ; S.T.B.'99 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1642-3 (A.B. 1597-8) ; A.M. 1601 ; S.T.B. A.B. 1642-3 [1607-8 A.B. (Em.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1555-6 ; A.M. 1559, Howgrave A.B. (Trin.) 1576-7 ; A.M. (*Joh.) A.B. 1598-9 [1580 A.B. 1560-1; A.M. (*Pet.) 1564; [S.T.B. 1570; S.T.P. 1577-8 A.B. (Joh.) 1633-4 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. (*Em.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612; LL.B. 1558 [S.T.B. 1619 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602; S.T.B. A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 [1609 [*Chr. 1555 1 A.B. 1554-5; A.M. 1557, Hulett ; A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611; S.T.B. '17 A.B. 1652; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. A.B. A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 1624-5; A.M. 1628 1640-1 A.B. (King's) 1650-1 [Howling] A.B. 1563-4: A.M. 1567 Joliii's, 1.577; Bishop of Peterborough, 1584. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 365 I Howtham, Howthen, oxle, Hoyce, Hoyden, , *Joh. , Chr. , Cai. , Trill. Mag. Mag. Mag. — (Haworth), 2 John ...*Mag. Hownde, iHoworth, Hen. . Roger. Roger. ' Edm. . Edm. ., Geo. . Hen. . E 1552 E 1623 E 1058 M 1558 John Rob. Chr. Chr. Howsonn, Howson, Theoph *Mag. Brian , Ja John . John . John . Sam. . Will. . Will. . Geo. . Roger, Pet. . Edw. . Geo. . Joh. Sid. Pern. *King'9 s M 1618 f-c M 1639 f-c M 1639 s E 1617 s M 1651 p E 1620 [schol. M 1633] p L 1584-5 p M 1622 Cath s E [Trin. H. schol. 1549 1577-8 1649 1608] Mag. [C. C. Trin. Hoydesan [C. C. Hoye, Hoyle, Hoyley, Hubbald, Hubbard Hubberd, Hubbard, lubberd, Hubbard, Cla. Joh. Cath. Trin. Hole Clem- Geo. Hen. Edw. Hen. Hen Hen Joh. John [Em. MihiU Pet. Will Cai. Geo Joh. Alex Cai. Gervase Trin also Hobart Chris. Hen. Hen. John John John John Pet. Rich. Tho. Will. Will. Hiibberstie, Hubbert, Pem. Pet. Trin. King's Pet. [C. C. Em. Mag. Joh. Qu. Joh. C. C. E 1566 M 1562 1650] 1598 1583] M 1578 E 1560 M 1644] M 1652 E 1655 E 1658] E 1604 E 1626 L 1582-3 M 1644 E 1607 A.B. 1554-5; A.M. 1558 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 ; M.D. '74 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1.567; S.T.B. [(*Cai.) 1574 ; S.T.P. 1582 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 [1631 ; S.T.P. 1664 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624; S.T.B. A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1660 (Matr. [Howard) A.B. 1634-5 ; A.M. 1638 ; M.D. '61 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1593 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1581-2 A.M. 1583 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. A.B. (Trin.) 1618-: (Jes.) 1570-1 A.M. 1622 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1644-5 A.B. 1655; A.M. A.B. (Pet.) 1596-7; A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1659 A.M. 1662 1600 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 Edw Trin. Abr. Edm. Era. Era. Geo. Hen. [Trin. i). C. Em. Pet. [Trin. Joh. M 1573 M 1570 E 1573 E 1581 M 1583 1600] E 1626 E 1623 E 1578 L 1614-5] A.B, M 1606 E 1647 c. 1591 E 1651] E 1611 E 1589 E 1618 1657] E 1605 A.B. 1577-8, Hobart [? schol. Trin. H. 1584] A.B. (Trin.) 1604-5, Hobert A.B. 1629-.30, Hubbart ; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1625-6; A.B. 1581-2, 1615-6 A.M. 1629 Hubbald A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1625 Master of St Catharine's Hall, 1577. A.B. (Sid.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 2 Master of Magdalene, 1664. 366 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hubert, John Hubbert, John Pern. s E 1625 — W Job. p M 1566 Hubberd, Will [King's f-c M 1608] Hubbert, Will Pern. p E 1611 Hubbocke, will.".".'.'.' *.".'.'! Hubright, Cornelius ... Huckle, Era Trin. s E 1619 Huckell, John — Rob Chr. p M 1656 Huckmore (Hockmore), Phil. Hucstable, John Chr. s L 1582-3 Hudd, Tho Jes. p E 1566 Hud, Tim [Pet. s E 1623] Hudleston, Edm Chr. s M 1559 Huddleston, Geo *Mag. p E 1631 — Godfrey Jes. s L 1634-5 — Hen Mag. s E 1624 Hudleston, Hugh *Trin. s M 1572 Hodleston, Ja Trin. s E 1619 Huddleston, John Hudlesto[n], John Chr. s M 1562 — John Cai. f-c M 1578 — John Trin. p M 1579 Huddleston, Tho C. C. s E 1624 Hudleston, Tristram ... Job. \) c. 1590 Huddleston, Will Trin. p E 1552 — Will Trin. p M 1552 — Will Chr. f-c E 1620 Hudson, Chris Pet. s E 1619 — Chris C. C. p E 1620 Hudsonn, Chris Mag. s E 1622 Hudson, Edw Job. s E 1651 — Geo Job. p c. 1590 — Geo Cath. s E 1623 — Gervase Trin. s M 1629 — Hen *Joh. s M 1579 — Hen Sid. p E 1625 — Ja Pet. s E 1622 Hudsone, John Chr. p L 1580-1 Hudson, John [Qu. p M 1582] Hodson, John Pet. s E 1605 Hudson, John Em. [p E 1614] — John Qu. s E 1629 — Mich C. C. p E 1623 — Nath Em. s E 1658 — Nich Qu. p E 1576 — Pet Job. s c. 1591 — Pet Qu. s E 1612 — Rich — Rich Job. s E 1645 — Rob Chr. p E 1560 — Sam Chr. p M 1620 — Sam Em. p M 1655 — Simon Trin. p M 1586 — Tho Pem. p E 1606 — Tho Chr. p M 1617 — Tho *Chr. s E 1629 — Tho [Pet. s E 1630] — Tho Cath. p M 1639 A.B. (Pem.) 1607-8 A.B. 1628-9: A.M. 1632 [Charles) A.B. 1612-3 (On visit of Prince A.M. 1586 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) M.L. 1599 A.B. (Chr.) 1573-4 A.B. 1659-60 ; A.M. 1663, Hucknell A.M. 1598 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1637-8 A.B. 1627-8 [(Matr. Hursston) A.B. 1576-7, Hurlston ; A.M. 1580 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1543-4; A.M. 1546 (Matr. Hulestone) A.B. 1583-4 ; A.M. 1587 ; S.T.B.'97 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 (? the above) A.B. 1626 [Hodgson] A.B. 1625-6 ; A.M. 1629 (Hewson [in ordo) A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. 1625 A.B. 1632 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587; S.T.B. '95 A.B. 1628-9 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1632 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1609; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1617-8 A.B. 1632-3 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 |c( A.B. 1615-6 LL.B. 1584(Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; LL.D. [(Pet.) 1584 1566 A.M. 1628 1659 Houdson) 1614 1624 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. A.B. (Em.) 1624-5 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. A.B. 1590-1 (Matr. A.B. 1608-9; A.M. A.B. 1620-1; A.M. A.B. 1632-3 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 367 (Bud son, W ... Qu. s L 1557-8 (?A.B. 1560-1, as Hodgson) — Will ...*Trin. s M 1550 A.B. 1554-5; A.M. 1558 — Will ... C. C. [ 1591 A.B. 1594]; A.M. 1598 — Will ... C. C. p E 1620 — Will ... [Joh. s E 1651] — Will ... Joh. s E 1655 A.B. 1658 auflFani, Edw ... Joh. 1> c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8 — John ... Joh. p E 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 — Mich ... Qu. p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 — Solomon ... Mag. p E 1617 — Steph. ... ... Joh. p c. 1591 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 Vincent... ... Joh. p M 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 lugasen, John ... C. C. f-c M 1646 luges ton, Josias .. ... Chr. p E 1635 luggen. Alex ... r. c. p E 1574 Anth A.B. 1541-2; A.M. 1545 ! John '.'.'. Joh. p M 1546 — Nath A.B. (Joh.) 1619-20 ; A.M. 1623 Steven . . . '.'.'. Chr. s E 1605 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1614 Hugen, Tho ... Qu. f-c E 1561 [? Huggenson] Huggen, Tho ... Pet. p E 1572 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 Huggett, Anth....... ... Trin. s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 Hugginson, Geo. V. H gginson Hugglescott , Will ... Qu. s M 1615 A.B. 1618-9, Hucklescott Juggons, Jos. V. Hoogan lughart. Roger ... Em. p L 1584-5 [Huggard] iughes. Abr ... Pet. s E 1616 A.B. 1619; A.M. 1623 3e\ves, And ... Pet. s f. 1601 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 — Art ...*Jes. p M 1565 A.B. 1568-9, Hew; A.M. 1572; [S.T.B. 1580 lues, Edw ..*Jes. s E 1584 A.B. 1587-8, Hughes ; A.M. 1591 ; [S.T.B. 1600; S.T.P. 1616 lughs. Edw ... Joh. s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30 lughes. iFra ... Trin. [schol E 1616] A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 Geo A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) lewes, Hugh '.'. Trin. s M 1564 A.B. 1567-8 Hugh ... Joh. s E 1640 Isaac ... Qu. p E 1631 John .. Qu. E 1544 lewis. John .. Trin. p E 1575 Hues, John .. Chr. p E 1587 A.B. 1590-1, Hughes ; A.M. 1594 Hewes, John ... Mag. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1619, Hughes Hughes, John .. Joh. E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 Hewghes, John .. Jes. s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6, Hughes; A.M. 1619 Hughes, Hewes, John .. Jes. p E 1621 E 1623 A.B. 1624-5 John .. Pem. A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 Hughs, Lewes . . . .. Pem. [1623 B.A. Oxf. A.M. 1625 Hughes, Maurice... A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. 1616 Hues, Nich '.'. Chr. s E 1576 A.B. (Mag.) 1579-80 Hewes, Owen .. Trin. s E 1566 A.B. (Jes.) 1570-1, Hughe Hughes, Owen .. Cai. p E 1645 LL.B. (*Trin. H.) 1650; LL.D. '62 Heughes, Ehesus ... .. Jes. p E 1633 A.B. 1635-6, Hughes ; A.M. 1639 TT hiewes, Kich .. Pem. p E 1606 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 Hughes, Rich ..*Jes. s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 ; A.M. 1618 ; S.T.B. '25 Rich .. Jes. p M 1618 A.B. 1621-2 ; A.M. 1625 ; S.T.B. '34 Rich .. [Jes. s E 1632] Rich .. Joh. s E 1653 A.B. 1656-7 Hues, Rob .. Joh. s L 1557-8 Hughes, Rob .. Pet. s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2, Hewes; A.M. 1616 Es(iuire Bedell, 16'29. 368 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hughes, Roger King's f-c E 1608 Heughes, Rowland ... Cath. s E 1606 Huhes (1), Tho. {imp.) Qu. s M 1545 Hews, Tho [C. C. 1571] Hewes, Tho *Qii. p M 1571 — Tho Trin. s M 1585 — Tho (?the above) Hughes, Tho *Trin. H. s E 1658 Hewes, iWill Qu. s M 1554 — Will Qu. p M 1569 — Will [Qu. p E 1578J — Will Cath. s E 1612 Hughes, Will *Joh. s E 1647 — Will Trin.H. s M 1657 Hewes [Chr. sizar 1564] Hughson V. Hewson Hules, Geo C. C. s M 1580 — Tho Qu. s E 1626 Hulett, Tho Chr. p E 1554 — Will Cla. s E 1632 Hulkes, Steven Jes. p E 1605 Hull, Edw Chr. s E 1578 — Geo Joh. p M 1555 — Hen Joh. p c. 1591 — Humph. ... [King's p E 1592] — John *Cai. s E 1586 — John [Jes. p E 1646] — Libeus [Cai. p E 1601] — Rich Trin. p M 1620 — Rich Sid. .s E 1634 — Tho [Sid. p E 1616] — Will Cla. s M 1579 — Will Chr. s L 1582-3 — Will Pern. s E 1614 Huller, Rob Joh. s E 1616 Hullwode, John Pern. s E 1607 Hullyer, Rob Qu. p M 1568 Hulme, Geo Chr. s E 1576 — Hugh Joh. s M 1566 — Matth *Joh. p E 1562 Huhbesse, Christian ... Sid. f-c M 1616 Hulse, Edw *Em. p M 1656 — Geo C. C. p E 1611 — John Trin. s M 1583 Hulton, Rich. v. Houghton — Joh. p E 1544 Hulye. Will Joh. p M 1575 Humberstone, Cha Trin. p E 1578 Humberston, Edw Cath. p E 1641 — Hen C. C. p M 1582 — Hen Trin. p M 1618 — John [Cath. p 1640] — Rob Cai. p E 1581 Humberstone, Tho Trin. p E 1612 Humberston, Tho Mag. s E 1615 Humber.stone, Will Trin. p E 1578 Humberston, Wi 11 Pern. p Ml 588 — Will Trin. p M 1618 Bishop of St Asaph, 1573. A.B. 1607-8 A.B. 1575-6, Hughes; A.M. 1579, [Hewishe A.B. (Trin.) 1598-9 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. (*Chr.) 1556-7, Hughes; A. M. [1560; S.T.B. 1565; S.T.P. 1575 A.B. 1573-4, Huse; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654; S.T.B. '61 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 [Hulse] A.B. 1581-2 A.B. 1558-9 A.B. [1589- [; A. M. 1593; S.T.B [160( A.B. 1634-5 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. (C. C.) 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1583-4 ; S.T.B. (1602) ; S.T.P A.B. 1586-7 [160' A.B. 1617-8 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 ; M.D. '85 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1568, Holme [Hulsbos] A.B. 1656-7, Hoolse ; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1588-9 A.B. 1579-80 A.B. 1581-2 [fr. Oxf. A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1652 (Incorp, A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 A.B. 1583-4 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 369 Humble, Tim. Humes, John Hume, [umphry, [umfrey, [omfray, Tumfrey, lumphry, [um})hrey, [umfrie, jHumphrey, Humfroy, Humpfrey, Humphre, Humphrey, Humphrye, umfrey, Eumphrey, [lumphry, umphrey, umfrey, umphrie, Eumphrey, aumfrey, lumphry ('Umfrie'), Will, — Will Humphreys, Dav John John ... John ... Pet[tus] Chris.... Edm. ... Edm. ... John ... John ... John ... John ... John ... John ... John ... John ... Laur. . . . Nath.... Nuttall Rich Rich. ... Ris. (?) Rob. ... Simond Simon Tho. ... Tho. ... Tho. ... Tho. ... Will. ... Rich. ., Hen. . Ralph Rob. .. Tho. .. Will. ., Will. ., Will. ., Fulk . BLungate, Eungat, Eungate, aungayte, Eungate, Hunkes, ExmleyiU), Will Eiunlock, Hen Sunlocke, Hen Hunue, Edm Erasmus . . . Miles Tho Huuning v. also Honing Roger. Ed..., Nich. Tho. Hunnyuge, Hunnyngs, Hunning.s, Hunnyngs, Hunnychurch, John Hunywood v. Honywood IHunseley, Tho Em. Joh. Trin. Em. Triu. [Trin. Chr. King's Em. Trin. Jes. Em. Cla. Jes. Qu. Pem. Cath. Chr. Jes. Sid. Cai. Chr. Qu. Em. [Em. Joh. *Trin. Em. Em. Chr. Cai. Jes. Joh. Joh. Trin. [Cai. Jes. Joh. Pet. C. C. Em. Chr. Chr. Em. Cai. Chr. Joh. Chr. King's Pem. Qu. M 1601 E 1651 E 1659 E 1609 M 1610 M 1635] M 1544 L 1577-8 E 1609 E 1613 E 1634 E 1644 E 1648 E 1650 L 1575-6 E 1640 M 1633 E 1658 M 1589 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.M. 1622(Incorp. fr. St Andrews) ; [S.T.B. (*Jes.) 1629 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Edinb. and [Oxf.) A.B. 1654-5, Hume; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616, Umphry A.B. 1613-4 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1651-2 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. (Matr. Umfrey) A.B. 1643-4 A.B. 1636-7 A.B. (Em.) 1605-6: [Humphreys] 1610 1645 1581 1612 1636 1640-1] 1595 1596 1625 1653-4 1631 E 1614 E 1614 L 1563-4 M 1571 M 1565 M 1585] E 1614 M 1546 M 1580 E 1633 E 1603 L 1577-8 E 1568 c. 1597 p E 1579 p M 1567 p E 1576 p M 1550 s E 1652 s M 1567 p E 1635 1657 [Umphrie A.M. 1609, [Umphrey A.B. (C. C.) 1604-5 ; A.M. 1608, A.B. 1613-4, Umphry; A.M. 1617 A.B. (Joh.) 1647-8 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 (Matr. [Umphrey) A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 ; S.T.B. A.B. 1628-9, Humphreys [1610 A.B. 1657-8 [Umphrays) A.B. 1634; A.M. 1638 (Matr. A.B. (Jes.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.M. 1635-6 (Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1583-4 (Matr. HumloL-k) A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1581-2, Hun A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 47 370 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 HunstoD, Hen. {imp.) 9 ann.)\ Cai. Hen Em. Hen Qu. — Kich. {imp.) 13 ann.)\ Cai. Rich Trin. W Rem. Huntston e, Will Cai. Hunstwyt , Ro Pet. Hunt, Abr Abr Sid. Abr Sid. Adam Em. Adam Chr. Anth Chr. Chris C. C. Chris Sid. Dan Em. Eusebius ... Chr. Eusebius ... Cai. Era Joh. Era Cai. Hunte, Geo Joh. Hen Chr. Hunt, Holofornes . C. C. Isaac Cai. Ja Joh. Hunte, John Chr. Hunt, John King's Hunte, John *Trin. Hunt, John Joh. John Pem. John *Trin. John [C. C. John . Em. John . King's John Josias *Triu. Matt Sid. Mich . Pet. Nath Nich King's Rich *Trin. Rich Chr. iRich . Trin. Rich . [Trin. Rich .*Em. Rich . Em. Rich . *King's Rob . Cla. Rob . Tnn.H Rob . Chr. Rob . Qu. Rob . Cai. Rob . [Trin. Roger . Trin. Rowland . . . Qu. Rowland .. . Jes. M 1559 1591 1634 M 1559 1563 1559 1576 1564 1615-6 1645 1622 1627 1568 1623 1623-4 1607 1610 1648 1585 1629 1546 1554 1626 1620-1 1575 1559 1565 1566 1589 1590 1592 1600] 1610 1618 1591 1622 1627 [M A.M. (Cla.) 1606 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 (Cla.) 1648-9 1625-6 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. (Jes.) 1613-4; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1588-9 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1570-1 ; A.M. 1574; LL.D.'81 p c. s E f-c E S G. s M s E s E p E p M s M schol. E [s E [E p M p E [schol. 1^ I s E p M p M [schol. p E p E Deau of Durham, 1620. A.B. 1595- A.M. 1599 [Le Himt] A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. 1598 ; S.T.B. A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 [1611 igr. to King's] A.B. (Pet.) 1630-1 A.B. (Em.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 1620 A.B. 1624-5 1560 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1568 1571 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589; S.T.P. 1605" [1608 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617; S.T.B. '24 1610" 1621^ A.B. 1624 1645 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1653 1587 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 1603 LL.B. 1606 1611 1613 A.B. 1616-7 1625 1651 1605] A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 1622 1645 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 371 Hunt, Sam Trin. s E 1566 A.B. 1570-1 — Sam Pet. s E 1651 A.B. 1654-5 Hunte, Tho *King's p M 1569 A.B. 1573-4 Hunt, ;Tho Cla. p E 1575) ^ j, j^^^.g ^ j^j ^^g^ — iTho Cla. s E 1575^ — Tho Trin. p c. 1594 — Tho (? the above) Mus.Bac. (C. C.) 1601 — Tho Jes. p E 1614 — Tho. V. Hurt — Tho Qu. p E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 — Tho *Qu. [p M 1645] A.B. 1649-50; A.M. (*Pet.) 1653 — Tho Trin. s M 1653 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 — Tho Joh. s E 1659 A.B. 1662 — Will Trin. s E 1580 — Will Trin. s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 — Will Cai. p E 1628 — Will King's s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 — Will A.M. (Chr.) 1641 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Will Cai. p E 1652 — Will Trin. p M 1656 — Zach Trin. s M 1565 — (?mistake for Rich., S.T.P. 1608) S.T.B. (Trin.) 1607 (in — [Trin. s E 1645] [ordo) Hunter, Bethel Chr. p E 1620 [John] Joh. s M 1649 — Jo.siah Cath. p E 1645 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 Nath Pet. p c. 1593 Rich Joh. p M 1587 A.B. (n591-2) ; A.M. 1595 — Rob Joh. p c. 1595 Tho Joh. s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2 Hunting, Edw Em. p M 1619 A.B. 1622-3, Hunton Huntingdon, Earl of v. Hastings, Henry Tho Chr. s E 1577 A.B. (Mag.) 1580-1 Hundington, John Joh. p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2, Huntingdon Huntlie, John C. C. p E 1586 Huntley, John A.M. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) John Trin. p M 1638 A.B. 1642-3 Rich Joh. s M 1575 Hunteley, Th Qu. s E 1544 Huntly, Will Cath. p E 1629 A.B. (Joh.) 1632-3 Hunton, Anth Chr. s E1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1.582 ; M.L. '89 Benj Chr. p E 1622 A.B. 1625; A.M. 1629 Uan Chr. p E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 — Edw. V. Hunting John A.B. (Trin.) 1613-4 Hunwicke, John Mag. s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 Hunwycke, Will Jes. p E 1554 Hurdleston, Geo Chr. s E 1579 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1582-3, Hurleston Hurland, Ro Chr. p M 1559 Hurlston, Hugh v. Huddleston Hurleston, Will Joh. p E 1582 A.B. (Trin.) 1584-5 Hurleton, Ralph *King's p E1544 [oft" 1546-7] Hurlton, Roger Jes. p M 1568 Hm-locke, Hen Pet. s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 Hurne, Era Trin. H. s M 1561 Hurrell, Ja [Qu. s L 1573-4] — Rich Pem. p c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4 Hurrie, Steph Joh. p M 1612 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. (Qu.) 1618 Hurrye, Tho Jes. s E 1548 1 Uncertain whicli of tliese graduated. 372 3Iatriculation§ and Degrees 1544^ — 1659 Hurrion, John Hurst V. also Hirst — John Joh. — Joshua Cath. — Owen Cla. — Owen Mag. — Ralph Chr. — Rob Chr. — Rob Em. — The Chr. — Valentine ... Joh. — W Cla. — Will Mag. Hurstou, Hugh Trin. Hiirt, John Mag. — John [Joh. — Nich Jes. Hurte, Tho Joh. Hurtt, Tho ,.. Trin. Hurton, Tho [Cai. Hurwood, Roland Chr. Husband, Chris *Cai. — John Cai. — Tho Cai. — Valentine . . . Cai. Huscrofte, Will Trin. Huse, Edm Cai. Husk, John C.C. Husse, Ambrose ... Cai. Hussye, Alex Joh. Hussie, Deering Em. Hussey, Edw Cai. — H Qu. — Hen Em. Hussey e, John Pern. Hussey, Jo Jes. — John Cla. — John [Cath. — John Joh. — Pet Em. Husseye, Rob Pem. Hussey, Sir Tho. {Bart.) Chr. Hustler, John Mag. Hustwayte, Edw. v. Houstvell Hustwate, Geo Trin. Hustode, John Joh. Hustwhat, Rob Cla. Hutchyn, John Qu. Hutchin, Rob Mag. Hutcheson, Cha Cla. Hutchison, Edm Mag. — Edw Jes. Hutchinson, And Trin. — Cha. Cla. Hutchynson, Chris, {imp.) Jes. — Ed Trin. Hutchinson, Julias Sid. — Era Joh. — Gabriel Cla. — Gervase Cath. — Ja M 1617 E 1631 M 1580 M 1623 E 1653 E 1621 [E 1622] E 1614 c. 1590 E 1584 E 1602 M 1567 M 1598 E 1640] E 1640 M 1549 M 1615 E 1637] (fr. Oxf.) [p M 1590] p E 1650 p M 1638 p E 1644 s 1598 s M 1582 c. 1591 c. 1591 M 1551 E 1624 L 1645-6 E 1562 E 1641 E 1550 M 1560 L 1607-8 1640] M 1646 M 1637 E 1550 E 1656 E 1652 f-c A.B. (Cath.) 1615-6; A.M. 1619 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1639 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1624; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1625-6, Hearst A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620; S.T.P. [1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 (Matr. ['Hunt') A.B. 1617-8; A.M. (*Joh.) 1621; [S.T.B. 1629 (Matr. Hunts) LL.B. 1654 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 [Migr. to Joh. E 1647] A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1650 A.M. 1656 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1595-6, Hustwayt A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 [1592 A.B. 1588-9, Hutchinson; A.M. A.B. 1636-7, Hutchinson; A.M. E 1560 c. 1592 E 1610 E 1571 E 1617 E 1585 E 1634 E 1629 M 1632 M 1611 M 1549 M 1558 L 1625-6] A.B. 1629-30 M 1606 E 1589 E 1650 A.B. 1614- A.M. 1618 A.M. 1633 [S.T.B. 1608-9 A.B. (Cla.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600; Matriculations ami Degrees 1544 — 1659 373 Hutchynson, John *Pem. p Hutchenson, John Pern. s Hutchinson, John Em. p — John Joh. p — John Pet. f-c — John Sid. s — John *Trin. s Hutchenson, Jonat Em. s ' Hutchinson, Jos Mag. s — Mitchaell ... Joh. p Hutchynson, Percivell ... King^s s Hutchenson, Philemon ... Sid. s — Ralph Pern. p Hutchinson, Rich — Rich Mag. s Hutchynson, Rob Chr. s Hutchinson, Rob Trin. s — Roger — Routh [Rowland] Pet. s — Solomon ... Chr. s — Theoph Sid. p Hutchynson, Tho Trin. H. p — Tho Chr. s Hutchingson,Tho Qu. s Hutchinson, Tho Pem. f-c — Tho Joh. s — Tho Pet. f-c Hutchynson, W Chr. s Hutchinson, W [Qu. p Hutchynson, Will Qu. p Hutchinson, Will. (sejj.)... Trin. [schol. — Will, {jun.) Trin. [schol. — Will Pem. p — Will Em. p — Will Cla. p — Will Qu. p — Will .*Cath. p — [King's s — Joh. J) Hute, Edw Em. p Huthergill, Tho Joh. s Huthwaye, Rob C. C. s Huthwet, John Cai. s Hutley, Hen Joh. s Hutt, Geo Em. s — John Pem. s Hutton, Anth [Qu. p — Anth Chr, [s — Art — Chris [Qu. f-c Huton, Edw Trin. s Hutton, Edw Qu. s — Geo *Joh. s — Gerard Jes. p — Hen Joh. p — Hen Joh. p — Jeremie Trin. s — John Qu. s — John *Jes. p — John Trin. h M 1568 c. 1593 E 1617 E 1627 E 1632 E 1653 E 1656 L 1625-6 M 1639 E 1627 M 1576 E 1619 M 1620 E 1633 E 1555 c. 1593 E 1621 E 1628 M 1606 M 1561 L 1582-3 c. 1593 E 1606 E 1637 E 1658 M 1561 E 1617] M 1568 E 1602] E 1602] E 1604 E 1628 E 1629 E 1641 L 1645-6 E 1589] c. 1594 E 1629 E 1614 E 1608 L 1620-1 E 1623 E 1642 E 1636 M 1599] E 1659] M 1607] M 1573 E 1628 E 1636 E 1611 E 1613 E 1625 E 1589 M 1547 M 1565 E 1577 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576; S.T.B. 84 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 A.B. 1620-1 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 ; S.T.B. '41 A.B. 1634 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1658-9 A.B. 1625-6 A.B. (Cath.) 1579-80 A.B. (Mag.) 1623-4; A.M. 1628 A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. (*Joh.) 1598 A.B 1596-7 A.B. (*Joh.) 1540-1; A.M. 1544 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614; *Mag. [1618 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1603-4 (in ordo); A.M. 1611 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610; S.T.B. [(Cla.) 1617 ; S.T.P. (Pem.) A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 [1630 A.B. 1632-3 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 (? Richard, above) A.B. 1611-2, Huthwaite A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1662-3 A.B. (*Joh.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 LL.B. 1579 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. (*Jes.) 1632 A.B. (Pem.) 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 A.B. 1580-1 374 Matriadaf 10718 and Deg -ees 1544 1<559 Hutton, John ... Trin. s E 1584 A.B. (Cath.) 1585-6; A.M. 1589 — John .... Joh. P M 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 — John .... A.B. 1652 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Josue . . . '.'.'." C. C. P M 1566 — Lancelot A.B. 1620-1 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Luke .... Trin. 8 M 1582 — Mark... Trin. P M 1579 — iMatth. . A.B. (*Trin.) 1551-2; A.M. 1555; — Matth. . ..... Trin. f-C E 1615 [S.T.B. 1562 ; S.T.P. 1565 — Phil Trin. P M 1618 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 — Phil King's P E 1621 — Rich Joh. f-C E 1615 A.B. 1617 — Rich Pern. s E 16.31 A.B. 1633-4 — Rich Pem. s E 1649 — Rob *Trin. s M 1569 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577; S.T.B. '84 — Rob Cla. s E 1654 A.B. 1657-8 — Roger.... Em. P L 1584-5 A.B. 1588-9 ■ — Sam *Trin. c. 1593-4 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 — Sam King's s M 1628 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 — Theoph.. Pet. p E 1615 — The Jes. f-C E 1567 — Tho Cai. p M 1587 — Tho Qu. p M 1589 A.B. 1592-3 — Tho Qu. f-C c. 1597 — Tho Joh. p M 1619 A.B. 1622-3 Tho Sid. s p L 1626-7 M 1652 A.B. 1629-30 Tho Joh. A.B. 1657; A.M. 1661 — Tim Trin. p M 1588 — Tim *Joh. p M 1614 A.B. 1618-9 ; A.M. 1622; S.T.B. '30 — Tim *Joh. p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 — Will A.B. 1538-9; A.M. (*Qu.) 1541; w '.'.'.'.'. Jes. p E 1565 [S.T.B. 1549 .. Will Trin. s M 1578 — Will Joh. s L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 — Will Pet. p M 1580 — Will Trin. s E 1626 — Will LL.B. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Hiixley, Anth ::::: Mag. s M 1614 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1630 Ja Pet. f-C E 1657 Huxly, John .... Trin. f-C M 1613 Huxley, John .... .... King's f-C M1648 — Rich Cai. p E 1608 A.B. 1611-2 — Tho *Chr. s M 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 Huish, Tho Alex Pet. f-C E 1657 A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Huysh, Ja Pem. f-C 1593 Huyshe, Rowland ... Trin. p L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2 Hiam, Edw. V. Heigham Hyam, Roger.... Jes. p M 1580 Hycrofte, Hen. V. leicroft Hide, Benj .... Chr. p E 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 Benj .... Pem. s M 1648 [fi \ Pet.] A.B. 1651-2 — Bern Cla. f-C E 1626 Hyde, Bern [Cla. f-C L 1651-2] Ed Qu. p E 1568 Hide, Edw *Trin. p M 1625 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633; S.T.B. Edw Joh. s E 1631 [1640 — Humph. ... Cla. f-C E 1626 1 Lady Marfjaret Professor of Divinity, l.'Sei ; Master of Pembroke, 1562 ; Regius Professor of Divinity, 15G2; Bishop of Durham, 1589; Archbishop of York, 1596. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 375 Hyde, Humph. ... Cla. — Ja — John Job. — John Trill. Hide, John Sid. — Nath Chr.? Hyde, Ralph Joh. — Rich *Joh. Hide, Rob Jes. Hyde, Rob [Trin. Hide, Rob Chr. Hyde, Tho Chr. — Tho — Tho [King's Hide, W Joh. Hyde, Will Chr. — Will Jes. Hide, Will Joh. Hyde, Will Hydes, Will [Cai. Hyde, Will [Qu. Hide, Will Cla. Hye, Tho Pet. Hyer, Geo. v. Higher Hylgate, Tho. {imp.). Trin. Hyloflfe, Will [Cla. Hymers, John Chr. Hyude v. Hiude Hyndman, John *Em. Hyudmarsh, Herb Mag. Hynmers, W Joh. Hj'ou V. Ion Hysem, Tho. {imp.).. Qu. f-c M 1654 A.M. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1' ]) M 1560 c. 1596 s E 1652 p E 1606 s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 p M 1546 A.B. 1546-7; A.M. 1549 p E 1604 f-c E 1646] p E 1648 A.B. 1651-2, Hyde p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) schol. 16521 s E 1563 V c. 1597 ]) E 1614 A.B. 1616-7, Hide; A.M. 1620 s M 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) P M 1643; prev. at Chr.] f-c M 1652] s E 1653 A.B. 1656-7, Hyde s E 1611 s E 1550 f-c E 1649] p M 1639 jj E 1627 A.B. 1630-1, Hinman ; A.M. 1634 s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1605 p M 1564 (? Hymuers) M 1648 Ian, Rich Pem. Ibbetson, Anth Pet. Ibotson, John Chr. Ibbitson, Tim Cath. Ibbot, Edm [Chr. Ibson, Tho Chr. Iden, John Em. — Rich — Rich C. C. Idgrave, Benj Pet. Idle V. also Edyll — John Trin. Idon, Tho Cai. Igleden, John *Qu. Ignes ('Epues'), Sam. ... Joh. Iken, Ja *Cai. — Tho Cai. Ilande, Nich. {imp.) Qu. ,s M 1551 s M 1619 A.B. 1623-4, Ibbotson ]) E 1584 A.B. (Cath.) 1588-9 s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9, Ibbotson ; A.M. 1662 « 1649] S.T.P. 1662 {Lit. Reg.) p E 1619 A.B. 1622-3 p E 1647 A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1538-9; A.M. 1544 V E 1637 f-c E 1579 s M 1646 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 s E 1576 [S.T.B. 1564 !> E 1551 A.B. 1554-5, Igulden ; A.M. 1557 ; p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 [P M 1604] A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 1^ M 1648 A.B. 1652-3 s E 1551 376 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Ilden [C. C. lies, Brian Jes. — Mich Trin. Ilgarde, Mich Trin. Hive, Geo [Qu. lUenden, John King's Ilhngworth, Hen Em. Illyngworth, Ja Trin. Hlingworth, Ja *Em. — John Em. — [Tempest]... Trin. Impey, Geo Cai. — Tho Trin. Infeelde, Rich Trin. Infield ('Infierd'), Tho.... Mag. Infeild, Will Mag. IngaU, Will Joh. Inge, Rich Trin. — Rich Trin. Ingge, Tho Pem. Ingelo, Nath Ingham, Chris Cai. — Will Chr. Ingland v. also England Inglande, Tho Joh. Ingland, Tho Jes. Ingilby, Hen [Qu. Inglebye, Rob Qu. Inglesby, Tho Inglethorpe, Sam C. C. Inglett, Will *Joh. Inglish V. also English — Edm Mag. Ingoldsby, Will Em. Ingram, Art Trin. — Art Trin. — Art Trin. — . Art Pem. — Cha Pem. Ingrame, Chris Pem. Ingram, Edw Pem. — John Jes. — John Chr. — John *King's — Simon Jes. — »Will Trin. — Will Chr. Inhould, Rob Qu. Inione, Ja Pem. Inman, Era Trin. — Geo Joh. — Rob Sid. — Will Sid. Inwood, John Joh. — Will Trin. Ion, Rowland ... Jes. — Tho Jes. Irby, Anth Cai. Irbye, Ed Qu. 1578] p E 1612 s M 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 p M 1554 s M 1623] s E 1575 s E 1659 A.B. 1662; A.M. 1666 s L 1563-4 [p E 1645] A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652; S.T.B. '59 p E 1659 E 1631 A.B. 1662-3 P M 1634 A.B. 1637 ; A.M. 1641 ; M.L. 1646 p c. 1594 p M 1614 s E 1625 A.B. 1628; A.M. 1633 s M 1637 s M 1573 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 p M 1583 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 s M 1613 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. (C. C.) 1621 ! s L 1620-1 A.B. 1624-5 A.M. (*Qu.) 1644 (Incorp. fr. p E 1584 [Edinb.) ; S.T.P. 1658 p E 1649 E 1556 p M 1579 A.B. 1582-3, England; A.M. 1586 f-c L 1651-2 s M 1566 A.M. 1614-5 (On King's visit) p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 ; A.M. 1629 ; S.T.B. '37 s L 1564-5 [p E 1615] A.B. 1618 f-c E 1615 p E 1622 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1628 p E 1656 p M1659 A.B. 1661-2 [1654] A.B. 1657 s M 1575 A.B. 1578-9 s E 1631 s M 1547 p E 1586 p M 1612 A.B. [1616-7]; A.M. 1620 \ s M1607 A.B. 1611-2 i p E 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. (Mag.) 1589; p c. 1592 [LL.D. 1604 s L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 s M 1613 A.B. 1617-8, Inians; A.M. 1621 , s M 1587 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 s E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 (Matr. Ingman) s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 s E 1631 f-c M 1656 p M 1640 s M 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 p M 1649 p M 1559 p M 1554 Esquire Bedell, c. 1592. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 377 Ireland, Dav Jes. s — Ed Qu. s — Ed Joh. p — Era Mag. s — Hen Joh. s — Josias C. C. p — Rich Cla. s livLinde, Tho Cath. f-c Ireland, Tho Trin. s — Tho Joh. f-c ~ Tho — Will *Joh. p Ireniouger, Will Sid. p Ireton, Cha Trin. p — German Joh, p — John Joh. s — W Joh. f-c Irton, Wolfreed ... Pern. f-c Ireton Chr. f-c Ironside, Edw Qii. p — iGilb — Ralph Irwell, Tho Joh. p Isaacke, John [Joh. p Isaack, Phil [Cai. s Lsack, Tho Em. s Isaacson, Anth Pern. p Izason, Phil Trin. s Isaacson, Rich Joh. p — Will — Will Pem. p Isbell, John C. C. s Isham, Augustine... Chr. p Isam, Eusebius ... Chr. p — Greg King's p Isham, Greg Sid. p — John [Qu. p — Justinian ... Chr. f-c — Rich Chr. p — Rob King's f-c — Roger [Joh. s Isam, Tho Sid. p Isherwood, Adam Em. p — John Chr. p — Tho Chr. p Islaye, John Mich. Ho. f-c Isly, John Chr. p Isons, Harrington (?) Joh. p Issot, John Cla. p Isteedc, Tho Mag. p Ithell V. also Edyll, Idle — Fulk Jes. s — Geo Mag. .s — Hugh Jes. p — John Trin.H. p — John Jes. p — Leon *Jes. p — Ralph {imp.\ ^ . jj 1 Bishop E 1628 M 1544 M 1568 M 1642 E 1575 M 1579 M 1627 E 1544 M IGll M 1619 E 1544 E 1652 E 1650 L 1564-5 L 1564-5 E 1562 M 1614 c. 1597 E 1620 A.B. 1631-2 A.B 1578-9 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. (Cla.) 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1544-5: A.M. 1548 A.B. 1567-8 A.B. 1568-9, Ayerton; A.M.(*Chr.) [1572; S.T.B. 1579 A.B. (Em.) 1623-4; A.M. 1627 S.T.B. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1655 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) c. 1595 [{Lit. Reg.) L 1654-5] A.B. (Cath.) 1658; S.T.P. 1671 L 1599-1600] A.B. (Em.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 E 1627 '" ■ ' M 1642 E 1586 E 1637 E 1632 E 1588 E 1610 M 1568 M 1580 M 1621 M 1597] E 1627 M 1579 E 1611 E 1638] E 1620 M 1623 E 1646 E 1647 M 1544 E 1637 c. 1592 M 1646 M 1581 A.B. (Qu.) 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1590-1, Isaacson A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. (Pem.) 1612-3; A.M. (*Jes.) [1616; S.T.P. 1630 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. (King's) 1638 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 [Isham] [Isham] A.B. (Qu.) 1625-6 [Isham] A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1649 M.B. 1644 A.B. 1649 (Jutt in ^r;-.) E 1584 E 1548 L 1563-4 E 1560 E 1575 E 1578 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 E 1560 of Bristol, 1661. 48 378 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Ithell, Ivat, Ivatt, Ive, Ivers, Ives t Iveson, I very e, Ivory, Ivy, Ixem, iTho Mag. John Qu. Tho Em. John C. C. Pet Chr. also Eves Asty ('Austin') C. C. John Cla. Nich Em. Rich Qu. Roger Qu. Simon Trin.H. Tho Cla. Tho C. C. Will Mag. Will Chr. Anth Joh. Gregory Pem. Rich Joh. Tho Pem. Tim [Chr. Will Chr. John *King's Rob Pem. Rob Pem. Rolph [King's John Chr. Jaclar, Jackler, Jacklynge, Jackson, Jaxon, Jackson, Jacson, Jackson, Rob Qu. Tho Qu. Edm Joh. Abr Anth Jes. Art Trin. Art Cha [Joh. Chris Cla. Chris Joh. Chris Mag. Chris Joh. Dan Trin. Edw Pem. Edw Trin. Eleazar Cai. Era Chr. Geo C. C. Gervase Joh. Hen Cai. Hen Jes. Hen Em. E 1549 A.B. 1553-4 ; A.M. 1557 ; LL.D. '63 M 1569 E 1623 M 1561 M 1566 E 1626 M 1573 M 1635 M 1586 L 1618-9 L 1647-8 M 1568 E 1620 E 1624 E 1647 M 1575 E 1548 E 1625 E 1629 E 1653] E 1634 M 1561 M 1625 L 1634-5 E 1545] E 1636 E 1583 E 1580 M 1554 E 1614 E 1568 M 1645] M 1568 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. (Cai.) 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. 1637-8 [Ive] [fr. Joh.] A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1579-80 (Eveson in ordo) A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1646 I A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589, Jackler A.B. 1583-4, Jackley; A.M. 1589 A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Trin.) 1613-4; A.M. 1617 1570 1653 1654 1589 1575 1620 M 1608 E 1649 E 1639 L 1579-80 M 1580 c. 1590 E 1631 A.B, A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1655 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. A.B. A.B. 1623-4 1612-3 1652-3 ; 1634-5 A.M. 1660 I Master of Jesus, 1563; Commissary, 1678 (called Authouy iu gr. for A.B.). Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 379 Jackson, Hen [Qu. — Humph Cai. — Israel Em. — Ja *Cla. — Ja Joh. Ja.xon, John Joh. Jackson, John Joh. Jacson, John C. C. — John Joh. — John Joh. — John Jes. Jackson, John King's Jacson, John Chr. Jackson, John Trin. Jacksonn, John *Chr. Jackson, John — John Sid. — John Chr. — John Em. — John Trin. — John Trin. — John Qu. — John Jacson, John Trin. Jackson, John Joh. — John Cath. — John Joh. — John Em. — John Chr. — Jos Em. — Jos Pern. — Lionel Jes. — Mich Qu. — Nath King's — Nath Chr. — Pet Trin. — Pet Sid. — Pet Chr. — Pet Trin. — Phineas Joh. Jaxon, Ralph Chr. J ackson. Rich *Pem. Jaxson, Rich Cla. Jacson, Rich Joh. — Rich C. C. Jackson, Rich Joh. — Rich Joh. — Rich Chr. — Rich Joh. — Rich Cai. — Rich [Jes. — Rich Em. — Rich [Trin. — Rob Cla. — Rob Era. — Rob Trin. — Rob Qu. — Rob [Qu. — Roger Trin. Jacson, Roger Chr. Jackson, Roger Chr. ]J E 1045] V E 1627 s E 1643 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 P M 1626 A.B. 1629 ; A.M. 1633 ; M.D. 1657 s E 1650 p M 1568 P M 1570 A.B. (Chr.) 1572-3 s M 1573 p M 1576 s L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2 ; A.M. 1585 ; S.T.B. '95 s L 1580-1 A.B. 1584-5, Jackson s E 1581 A.B. (Trin.) 1585-6; A.M. 1589 s M 1583 A.B. 1587-8 s M 1588 p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. (? ) ; A.M. (Trin.) 1608 p E 1612 A.B. 1614-5 s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 f-c E 1622 s E 1626 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1634 s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30 "l> L 1627-8 LL.B. 1633 A.B. (Cla.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 p E 1634 s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 I1 M 1638 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. (*Qu.) 1646 V M 1639 A.B. 1645-6 s M 1645 A.B. 1647-8 V E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1658 V M 1621 A.B. (*Mag.) 1626-7 ; A.M. 1630 s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 s M 1586 A.B. 1593-4, Leonard p M1568 s c. 1595 A.B. (Joh.) 1598-9; A.M. 1602 s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 s E 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 s E 1620 A.B. (Chr.) 1623-4 s E 1629 A.B. 1632 s M1649 p E 1648 A.B. 1651-2 V M 1549 s E 1559 A.B. 1561-2 ; A.M. 1565 ; S.T.B. '72 p M 1567 A.B. 1570-1 p E 1575 s E 1575 A.B. 1578-9 s M 1579 p E 1588 T> E 1619 A.B. 1622; A.M. 1626 s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1629 s E 1639 A.B. 1641-2 s L 1640-1 [E 1641] A.B. 1644-5 {alias Kuerden) s L 1658-9" s E 1559 .s [E] 1592 p E 1620 A.B. 1624; A.M. 1627 s E 1628 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 p M 1645] s E 1577 A.B. 1580-1 s E 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 s M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 380 Jackson, Jaxson, Jackson, Jacson, Jakson, Jackson, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Jacson, Jaxon, Jackson, Jacson, Jackson, Jaxon Jackson Jacob, Jacobe, Jacob, Jacobbe, Jacob, Jacombe, Rowland ... [Ch:\ Sam Pet. Sam Trin. Sam Em. Sam [Qu. Seth Mag. Simon Job. Steph Em. Steph Chr. Tho Job. Tbo Pem. Tho Em. Tho Em. Tho Qu. Tho Trin. Tho King's Tho Pet. Tho [Qu. Tho King's Tho Em. Tho Tho Trin. Tho. Jes. Tho *Em. Tho Pet. Tim Sid. Valentine ... Qu. Vayn Job. Walt Trin. Will Pem. Will Trin. Will Job. Will Trin. Will Trin. Will Pem. Will Chr. Will Jes. Will Job. Will Mag. Will Job. Jes. [C. C. Fra King's Era Job. Geo Cla. Gisbrigbt ... Trin. Hen [Trin. John Jes. John Jes. John Pet. John Trin. Nich Em. Phil Em. Ro Jes. Rob *Trin. Tbo [Qu. Will Trin. Will Pem. Will Trin. Abr Trin. f-c E 1649] E 1579 M 1613 E 1623 as M.A., E 1568 E 1613 M 1598 E 1627 M 1565 M 1566 M 1589 c. 1595 E 1612 E 1615 E 1620 M1620 L 1620-1] E 1626 E 1626 E 1631 L 1645-6 E 1653 E 1655 L 1607-8 E 1621 E 1567 M 1582 E 1548 L 1564-5 E 1567 M 1573 M 1602 M 1609 E 1625 M 1638 L 1644-5] E 1647 E 1653 M 1544 1550] M 1612 M 1638 E 1629 M 1568 E 1646] E 1588 E 1614 E 1639 M 1651 E 1640 E 1602 M 1559 M 1565 E 1602] M 1571 M 1638 E 1648 M 1646 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 S.T.B. 1608; S.T.P. 1615 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1624-5: A.M. 1628 A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1656-7 ; A.M. 1660 ; S.T.B. '67 A.B. (Chr.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1625-6 A.B. 1567-8 A.B. 1570-1 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. (*Em.) 1610 A.B. 1628-9 A.B. (Chr.) 1641-2; A.M. 1645; [S.T.B. (*Jes.) 1668; S.T.P. 1673 A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1650-1 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 (A.M. of Oxf.) A.B. (Jes.) 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575, *Cla. A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1595; S.T.B. [1602-3 A.B. 1605-6 ; A.M. 1609 ; S.T.B. '16 A.B.1569-70;A.M. 1573,'Ricbard'; [M.D. 1579 (Incorp. fr. Basel) , A.B. 1575-6; A.M. (Jes.) 1583 ' A.B. 1651; A.M. 1655 Matricniations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 381 'Jacombe, Sam. ,, — ('Jacob'), Tho. Job. Jacye, Jago, Jagarde, Jaggard, Jagger (?), Jaglett, Jake, James, Jeames, James, Jeames, [James, Jeames, James, Jeames, James, Jeames, James, Jeames, James, Hen Tho Tho. {imp.) Tho Tho Fra Will Auth Abr Abr Edm Fra Geo Giles Hen Hen Hen Humph. ... John John John John (imp.) 12 ann.)) John Trin. John John Pem. John L-A71. (? u) ... Trin. Lewis Chr. Marm Trin. Nath Mag. Reuben Trin. Rich Trin. Rich Rob Trin. Rob Sid. Roger Cla. Joh. Em. Chr. Cath. Qu. Cath. Joh. Chr. Em. Mag. Pet. Cla. Em. Joh. Pem. Trin. Joh. *Trin. Trin. Mag. . [Qu. . Mag. ! Qu. , [Em. Sid. . Em. , Trin. I Will *Pet. ,*Pem. Roger. Sam. . Sam. , Sam. . Sam. . Tho. . Tho. . Tho. . Tho. . Jeames, James, Jamson, Janewaie, Janawaye, Jeneway, Janeway ('Janua'), John., lewa, Will Will Will Will Rich And John (imp.) John Pem. Trin. Jes. *King'! Em. E 1644 M 1642 E 1619 M 1632 M 1551 M 1628 E 1656 c. 1597 E 1622 E 1575 E 1647 E 1658 c. 1590 E 1635 E 1611 M 1619 M 1620 A.B. 1647-8 ; A.M. 1651 ; S.T.B.'58 [fr. Oxf J A.B. 1643-4; A.M.*(Trin.) [1647 ; S.T.P. 1661 (Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 (Matr. Jage) A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1659-60 LL.B. 1584 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 -5 L 1594 M 1559 M 1564 M1570 E 1585 c. 1591 E 1625 E 1572 L 1584-5 L 1634-5 E 1647 E 1628 E 1617 E 1568 E 1613 M 1637 E 1637] M 1571 E 1619 E 1631] M 1602 E 1611 E 1632 E 1562 E 1583 E 1617 E 1572 M 1549 1556] L 1650-1 L 1623-4 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [1575 ; M.D. 1578 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571; M.L. A.B. 1575-6 ;A.M. 1579; S.T.B.'86 A.B. 1592-3 A.B. (Chr.) 1609-10; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1628 A.M. 1654 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 S.T.B. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 LL.B. 1585 A.M. 1600 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1632-3 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1568, A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.M. 1603 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1619-20 A.B. (Jes.) 1587-8; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1654-5 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 1 Librarian, 1577. 382 Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 1^59 Janeway, Will ..*King's P M 1650 [f r. Joh.] A.B. 1654; A.M. 1658 Janing, John .. Cai. s E 1633 [Janion] [(Matr. Jaunua) Jannings, Tho A.B. (Cath.) 1604-5 Janns, Tho ''. [Em. P E 1651] Janny, Rob A.B. (Jes.) 1611-2 — Rob ''. Joh. s E 1656 Janson, Lancelot . .. Trin. s E 1570 A.B. 1574-5, Yauson; A.M. 1578 — Mich .. [Mag. schol. L 1618-9 Janiia, W .. Jes. 8 E 1588 Janyon, Geo .. Trin. s E 1573 Jaquis, Edw .. Qu. s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600, Jaques Jaques, John .. [Joh. s E 1646] — MaiTU .. Sid. p E 1650 A.B. 1653-4 — Rich .. Pet. p E 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. (Pet.) 1583 — Rich A.M. 1584 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) Jardefyld, Jonas '.'. Chr. s E 1567 A.B. 1570-1 (Matr. Jervyll) Jardfield, Rich .. Qu. p E 1588 A.B. (n591-2); A.M. 1595 Jarrard, -Tho. {Sir). A.M. 1612-3 (On King's visit) Jasley, Gabriel .... '. Pern. p E 1572 Jasper, Rob .. Trin. s M 1571 [Migr. to Cai.] Jeye, Geo .. Chr. s L 1580-1 A.B. (Pet.) 1583-4, Gees Jay, Hen A.M. 1641-2 {Lit. Reg.) Jey, John '.! Pet. f-c E 1581 Jay, John .. [Pet. p E 1648' John .. [Pet. f-c M 1655; — Rob A.B. (Pet.) 1563-4; A.M. 1567; — Rob '.'. Pet. s c. 1590 [S.T.B. 1574 Rob .. C. C. [1627] A.B. 1631 Jaycocke, Leon .. Jes. P M 1637 Jeanes, Hen A.B. 1632 (Licorp. fr. Oxf) — Tho '.. Trin. p E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 Jebb, Anth .. Mag. s M 1545 A.B. 1550-1 Jeais, Geo. V. Jeye above Jee V. Gee Jeeve, John A.B. (Em.) 1608-9 Jeffe, Nich .'. Trin. p E 1572 — Rob. {imp. 13 anil.) 1 Trin. s E 1573 Jefferson, Hen .. Trin. p E 1575 — Hen .. Qu. p E 1576 — John .. Joh. p E 1652 Mark .. Pern. s L. 1620-1 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 JefFarson, Shute .. Joh. p c. 1594 A.B. (Trin.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600 Jefferson, Tho A.M. 1616 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Jeffry, Devereux ;; Chr. s M 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1651 Jephery, Edm. {imp.) Pern. p M 1657 A.B. 1661-2, Jeffery ; A.M. (*Pet.) Jeffery, Edw .. Pet. p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 [1665 Jeffrie, Era .. Cla. f-c E 1586 Geffery, Geo A.B. 1631 (Incorp. fr. Oxf); A.M. Jefieray, Hen ., Em. s E 1602 A.B. (Cla.) 1605-6 [(Cath.) 1631 — John ..Mich.H 0. p M 1546 A.B. (Trin.) 1550-1 Jeffrey, John ... Trin. p E 1569 Geftraye, John .. Trin. p E 1579 A.B. (Chr.) 1582-3, Jeffrey Jeffery, John .. Chr. s E 1606 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 — John A.B. (Cath.) 1610-1 ; A.M. (*Pem.) — John '" Em. p E 163G [1614; S.T.B. 1621 ; S.T.P. 1627 Jeftray, Nich .. Cla. p E 1575 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 Jeffrye, Nich ... Pern. p E 1616 A.B. 1622, Jefteray Jeffery, Rob ... King's s E 1633 — Roger ... Chr. s E 1572 — Steven ... ... Cla. f-c E 1610 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 383 Jeffi-ay, Tho .... Chr. V M 1547 A.B. 1549-50, Jeffera ; A.M. (*Cla.) jefterey. Tho .... Qu. P M 1561 [1553; S.T.B. (*Joh.) 1561 Jefti-aye, Tho .... Cla. s M 1572 A.B. 1574-5 Jefli-y, Tho .... Em. f-c c. 1595 Jeft'rey, Tlio .... Sid. s M 1611 A.B. 1614-5 W .... Pem. s M 1568 Jeflf'eraye, Will .... Cla. p E 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 JefFery, Will .... Pem. s M 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1025 Jeffrey, Will .... Jcs. .s M 1626 A.B. 1629-30, Jefferys Jeffrais, John .... .... Cai. ri> L 1605-6 ; fr. Trin.] A.B. 1607-8 Gei)ffrays, John .... .... Em. [) E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 Jetferyes, John .... .... Chr. s E 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1058, Jeffrey Owen .... .... Job. s E 1607 Jefferyes, Rob .... t'hr. V M 1637 [Jeffry] Jeffres, Tho .... Cai. s E 1569 Jeffreys, Will .... Cai. s E 1603 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 Jeffreye, Will .... Pem. 8 E 1618 Jefford, Rob .... Job. s L 1579-80 [1583; S.T.P. (1590?) jJegon, iJohn .... ....*Qu. s M 1567 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575; S.T.B. John .... ....*C.C. s E 1612 A.B. 1614; A.M. 1618 John .... .... C. c. V M 1627 John .... .... c. c. V M 1639 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 Rob .... c. c. f-c M 1624 — 2 Tho .... Qu. p M 1584 Jenison, John .... *King's 1> M 1576 [Off 1580] Mich .... Trin. V E 1589 Genison, Phil .... Trin. a E 1627 Jenison, Rob A.B. (Em.) 1604-5; A.M. (*Joh.) Tho .... Job. V E 1578 [1608 ; S.T.B. 1616 ; S.T.P. 1629 Jenyson, Tho ....*Kbig's P M 1585 [A.B. 1589] Jennison, Tho .... Catb. P M 1646 Jenison, Tho .... Job. ]) E 1654 Will .... King's 1> M 1575 [Genison] Will .... King's P M 1580 Jenken, Rob .... c.ct 1) E 1644 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. (Em.) 1651 Will .... Cai. rl' E 1600] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. (*C. C.) 1607; Will .... C. C. ]> E 1608 [S.T.B. 1613 Jenkiu, Will .... Job. p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. (Em.) 1635 Jenkins, Geo A.B. (Pet.) 1600-1; A.M. 1604, Genkyns, Hen .... Pet. p E 1584-5 [Genkins Jenkins, John .... .... Cla. p M 1638 A.B. 1641-2, Jenkin — Ralph . .... Trin. p c. 1593 — Tho .... r*Cath. c. 1550 ? Jenkinson] Tho .... Pet. p c. 1592 Jenkinson, Chris. . . .... Job. s E 1611 Jenkenson, Dan .... Em. p E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 Master of Corpus, lo'JO; Bishop of Noiwicli, 1603. - Master of Corpus, 1603. 384 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Jenkinsou, Edw Trin. s E 1614 — Geo Cai. s E 1604 — Griffin — Hen Em. p E 1589 Jenkenson, Hen Mag. p M 1647 Jenkinson, Rich [Cla. schol. 1562] Jenkynson, Rich Trin. f-c M 1572 Jenkinson, Rich Pern. f-c M 1614 Jenkynson, Rob C. C. p E 1570 Jenkinson, Rob Joh. p E 1609 Jenkenson, Simon Mag. s L 1618- Jenkynson, Tho Chr. p M 1547 — Tho Cla. s M 1562 — Tho [Cai. s M 1646] — Will Trin. s E 1579 Jenkinson, Will Chr. ? s E 1 606 — Will Em. p E 1612 Jenkenson, Will Cai. s M 1617 Jenkinson [C. C. 1544] — [C. C. 1580] — [Cath. p 1656- Jenks, Barnard v. Jynks — Hen [Em. 1646- Jenkes, WiU Trin. c. 1593 Jenne, Ja Joh. p L 1557- Jenner v. also Ginner — Dav Trin. p M 1657 — John [Cai. p E 1599] — Jonat [Trin. s E 1655] — iTho Qu. p E 1655 Jenney, Art Cai. f-c E 1611 Jeney, Era Jes. p M 1576 Jeneye, Hen Jes. p E 1577 Jenny, Hen Cai. s E 1625 — Jerningham Chr. s c. 1595 Jenney, Rob [Cai. p M 1635] Jennie, Tho Cai. p M 1611 Jenney, Will [Cai. p E 1654] Jeuy [C. C. f-c 1558] Jennings, Abr Trin. s M 1639 Jenings, Edm Jes. p E 1614 Jennings, Edm Sid. f-c E 1641 Jenings, Edw Jes. p E 1614 Jennings, Era Sid. s E 1650 — Geo [Trin. p E 1652] — Hen Cath. s E 1621 Jenyngs, John C. C. p E 1572 Jennings, John Jinnings, John Em. p L 1629- Jenyns, John C. C. p M 1656 Jennings, Jonat Jes. p E 1614 — Jonat Chr. f-c E 1650 — Pet — Rich Cath. p M 1633 Jenynges (Genynges), Rob. C. C. s E 1578 Genyngs, Tho Jes. s E 1566 Jenyngs, Tho (?John above) Jenerr, And Chr. p c. 1592 Jenoure, And Qu. f-c E 1659 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1609 A.B. (Trin.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 A.B. 1612-3 9 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1550-1, ?*Cath. A.B. 1566-7 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 7] 7 A.B. fr. Aberdeen] *Cai. 1653 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. (*Jes.) 1600;! 8 [S.T.B. 1615[ A.B. 1657-8; A.M. (*Sid.) 1 [{Lit. Reg.) ; S.T.B. 1668 {do.) A.M. 1673 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1580-1 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 (Matr. 'Jhemers') A.B. 1653-4 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 (?A.B. (Pern.) 1576-7, as Tho.) A.B. (Joh.) 1606-7 30 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. (Jes.) 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639, Janings A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. (Pern.) 1576-7 1 Justice C.P., 1688. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 385 .Tennor, Hen Trin. JciuHir, Kenelm •Icnoure, Will Trin. •Icnoar, Rich *King'.s Jcnson, Rob Qu. - Tho Em. .fiMitleman, Ja Trin. •leiinn, Abr Job. .b'])heott, Ja Chr. .l('Iibcot, John Pem. ■lephson, Norris Em. •IhefHon, Will Pet. .(opson, Fra Chr. Fra Job. - John Cbr. - John Mag. - Roger Trin. Will Will Job. Will Job. Jerman, Antb Jes. Edw Jes. John Jes. Jermy, Antb Jes. Ferniye, Clem Cla. Jermy, Edw Cai. Fermye, Fra Trin.H, Termy, Fra Cai. Fermye, Fra Cbr. Fermy, Fra Pem. Termey, Fra Joh. Fermye, Geo Qu. Farmy, John Cai. Fermy, John Em. Termye, John Joh. Fermey, John Chr. Termy, Rob Chr. liob Cai. Termye, Tho Jes. Tho C. C. Termy, Tho Qu. Will Chr. Terme, W Jes. Termy, Will Cai. Will [Em. Vermin v. also Germin ^ermy n, Edw *King's Edw Em." Geo Chr. Isaac Trin. Jaques [Em. Jaspar King's John C. C. ermin, John Cai. ermyn, Rob Trin. ermin, Rob Em. — Rob Cla. armyu, Tho C. C. ermyn, Tho C. C. — Tho Em. — Tho P P P P 8 P P P f-C f-c f-C p p [p p f-c p p f-c M 1628 M 1638 M 1608 E 1573 E 1621 E 1618 c. 1598 M 1639 M 1659 M 1637 M 1580 M 1570 E 1617 L 1597-8 E 1617 E 1579 E 1611 E 1628 M 1571 M 1571 E 1626 E 1656 M 1579 M 1612 E 1551 E 1608 M 1615 M 1625 M 1650 L 1617-8; M 1589 E 1620 E 1646] E 1648 M 1621 E 1631 E 1577 1607-8 1654] 1572 1584 1617 1651-21 L 1563-4 E 1586 M 1564 M 1582 E 1620] M 1575 E 1576 E 1648 M 1553 c. 1596 M 1617 E 1554 E 1576 M 1585 A.M. 1608 (//. noh.) (? Jenonce) A.B. [1612-3]; A.]\I. 1616, Joyner A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663; S.T.P. [1678 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1620-1 A.B. (Cla.) 1574-5 A.B. 1631-2, Jephson; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1629-30 ; A.M. 1633, German A.B. 1659-60: A.M. 1663 (Matr. Germey) A.B. 1627-8 fr. Em.] A.B. 1618-9 ; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1592-3, Jermye A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1580-1 A.B. 1610-1, Jermyn; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1657; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1567-8 ; A.M. 1571 ; S.T.P. '86 A.M. (*Qu.) 1570 {jil. noh.) A.B. 1599-1600 A.B. (C. C.) 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 49 386 Mati'iculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Jermin, Tho Em. — Will Cla. Jermyu, Will [Pet. [c.c. Jerningan, Geo Qn. Jernegan, Hen *Cath. Jernyngham, Hen Trin. Jermingham, Hen [Cai. Jerningam, Hen Job. Gernyngham, Tho Trin. Jermingham, Tho [Cai. Jerome, John Chr. Steph Jersey, Pet King's Jerves, Edm Job. Jarvys, Geo Pet. Jarvis, Geo Em. Jervace, Hen J ervesse, Hugh Chr. Jarveis, Jos Trin. Jervys, Rich King's Gervys, Rob Trin. Jarvis, Sam [Pem. Jervys, Steph Qu. Jarvis, Tho J oh. Jarvyse, Will Pem. Jervis, Will Trin. Gervas, Will C. C. Gervis, Will Job. Jervyll, Jonas v. Jardefyld Jessey, Hen. v. Jacye Jesson, Abr Em. Jeson, John Jesson, Tho Pet. Jessop, (Earth.) Jesojje, Chris *Cbr. Jesop, Fra Job. Jesope, John Chr. Jessopp, John Cai. Jessupp, John Pet. Jessoi>, Jonat C. C. Jesop, Jos *King's Jesopp, Mich — Rich Job. Jessoi^e, Rich Qn. Jessop, Rob Pet. Jessup, Rob Job. Jesope, Tho Jesoppe, Tho Trin. Jessop, Tho C. C. Jessopp, Tho [Em. Jessop, Tho Pet. Jesope, Will Job. Jesopp, Will Jessopp, Will Mag. — Will Job. — [Trin. Jetbcote, Ralph Trin. Jetherell, John Trin. Jetterell, Rob Pem. Jett, [Rob.] Em. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 s c. 1594 A.B. 1600-1, Jarmin p L 1644-5 ; fr. Oxf.] f-c 1550] s E 1641 s M 1565 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 f-c M 1566 f-c M 1589] ]) M 1624 p M 1560 f-c M 1589] s M 1622 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. (Job.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 s E 1641 A.B. 1644 s M 1581 A.B. 1584-5, Jervys V M 1566 V c. 1597 A.M. 1578 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1551 A.B. 1557-8 ; A.M. 1561, Gerva.s s E 1631 A.B. 1631-2 f-c E 1552 p E 1571 1647] M 1569 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578, Jervis V A.B. 1573-4, Jerves; A.M. 1577 p c. 1595 P M 1567 A.B. 1572-3, Jervys P s E 1609 M 1613 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 s E 1614 P L 1656-7 A.B. 1659-60 A.B. (Pet.) 1604-5 (Idson in ordo] s M 1571 LL.D. 1607 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1547 A.B. 1553-4; A.M. 1556 V E 1586 A.B. (11589-90); A.M. 1593 s E 1555 p E 1614 p E 1647 A.B. 1648-9 p M 1649 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1659 p L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. (Trill.) 1597-8; A.M. 1601 p M 1576 A.B. 1580-1 s E 1610 s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6 p M 1642 A.M. 1565 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1575 s E 1639 A.B. (Cla.) 1643 V L 1642-3 ; ?Migr. to Pet.] s L 1645-6 A.B. 1646-7 p M 1576 A.B. 1589 (Incori). fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. p E 1627 [1589 s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 f-c E 1654] s M 1620 p E 1627 p M 1569 p E 1607 « Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 387 letter, Ja Joh. p L 1563-4 Rob Qu. p M 150") Will Cla. p E 1586 ijeve, John Triu. p M 1566 Rich Cla. s E 1577 Jeven, Dan Trin. [schol. 1608] Dan Trin. s M 1637 iJew, (Jeo Sid. s E 16.37 iJuell, Geo Cai. s E 1565 IJewell, John Cai. [p M 1586] — Rich Pet. s E 1636 I'wel, Sam *Jes. s E 1650 mvell, Tho [Cai. s L 1649-50 cwett, John cwry V. also Jury ^ John Trin. s M 1616 John C. C. p E 1626 I'x, Edw Joh. s E 1656 linnsey, Rol [Cai. p L 1562-3; ..bson, And Trin. p M 1564 — Godfrey King's p c. 1591 8onue, John (imp.) Qu. p M 1558 .il).son, Mich Pern. p M 1571 ..bsoinie, Rich Cai. s E 1623 nl.son. Tho Trin. s E 1568 — Will Joh. p M 1572 ndrell, Edm Joh. f-c L 1653-4 oh us V. Jones iilinson, Abr. (imp.) Em. p E 1591 — Abr (?the above) — And Qu. s E 1613 — And Trin. s E 1636 [fr — Anth rii.inson, Art Nich. Ho. s M 1548 Inhnson, Art *Joh. p E 1573 — Art King's s M 1588 — Art ^King's [schol. 1596] ~ Baldwyn ...*King's p L 1563-4 ^ Catlin Cla. p M 1572 I'Uison, Cha Jes. s E 1566 inhuson, Cuthbert ... -Chr. p M 1575 — Cuthbert ... Pet. s M 1582 Dan Cla. p M 1572 — Dan [Em. p E 1599] — Dan *C. C. s E 1631 — Dan C. C. s E 1649 — Edw. ('Edm.') Trin. p M 1583 — Edw Trin. s L 1582-3 — Edw Cath. s E 1586 — Edw — Edw — Edw Qu. s E 1622 — Edw Mag. p E 1639 — ICzechiel ... Chr. p E 1608 — Ezechiol ... Em. [s E 1622] — Fra *Chr. p E 1579 — Fra Em. p M 1633 — Fred Em. p c. 1596 — Geoff. Chr. p L 1557-8 — Geo Pern. s E 1560 — Geo Jes. p M 1.562 (]\Iatr. Getter) A.B. 1.580-1; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A. P.. 1641-2 A.B. 1640-1 [Jewyll] A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 ; fr. Peni.] M.D. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Dublin) A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623, Juory A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1659-60 prev. at Cath. 1558] A.B. 1571-2, Jopson A.M. 1612-3 (On King's visit) Chr.] A.B. 1638-9 A.B. (Jes.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1576-7 ; A.M. 1580 ; S.T.B. '86 A.B. 1601-2 ; A.M. 1605; S.T.B. '15 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 A.B. 1575-6 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638; S.T.B. '46 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1593 Mus.B. (Cai.) 1594 A.B. (Trin.) 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1637-8 ; A.M. 1644 (Incorp. [fr. Edinb.) A.B. 1559-60; A.M. (*Joh.) 1563; [S.T.B. 1569 388 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Johnson, Geo Chr. p M 1580 — Geo Pern. s E 1625 Jonson, Hen Pern. s E 1565 Johnson, Hen C. C. s E 1572 — Hen Job. p M 1588 — Hen Trin. s 1598 — Hen (?the above) — Hen Pet. p E 1612 — Hen Joh. s E 1616 — Hen Pet. p E 1622 — Hen — Hen Chr. s M 1640 — Hen *Joh. s E 1 645 [fr _ Hen *Joh. p M 1645 — Hen Joh. s E 1650 — Hodgson ... Joh. p M 1651 — Hugh Qu. s M 1585 — Hugh C. C. p c. 1597 _ Isaac. [Em. p E1600] — Isaac Em. s M 1614 — Ja _ Ja C. C. s E 1620 _ Ja CO. s E 1624 _ Ja Joh. s E 1624 — Ja Em. p E 1636 — iJa *Sid. p E 1656 _ Ja Joh. p E 1657 — Jerem C. C. p E 1571 — John Qu. p E 1544 — John — John Chr. p M 1555 — John Joh. p M 1569 — John Pet. s E 1572 _ John Cath. s M 1572 — John Joh. p E 1576 — John Cla. s E 1580 _ John Joh. p M 1588 Jhonson, John Chr. s M 1589 Johnson, John Joh. f-c E 1589 — John C. C. [1601] _ John Sid. s E 1604 — John — John *Pem. s L 1607-8 _ John Chr. s E 1612 — John Em. p E 1612 _ John Pem. s M 1615 _ John Trin. p E 1616 — John [C. C. 1618] _ John *Joh. p E 1619 _ John Pet. p M 1620 _ John Pet. s E 1628 — Jolni [Qu. s E 1629] — John Em. s E 1631 — John Jonston, John (fr. Szamatuly, Poland) Johnson, John Chr. p E 1635 _ John C. C. p M 1635 _ John Cath. s E 1644 _ John Em. p M 1644 — • John Mag. [s E 1645] 1 Master of Sidney Sussex, A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1628-9 A.B. 1572-3 A.B. (Joh.) 1604-5 A.B. (Trin.) 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. (Chr.) 1619 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 M.L. (Trin.) 1632 Oxf.] A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. (Trin.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. (Qu.) 1639; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662; S.T.B, A.B. 1660-1 [1669; S.T.P. 168£ [155S A.B. 1546-7; A.M. 1549; S.T.B, A.B. (*Chr.) 1552-3; A.M. 1556 A.B. 1559-60 [S.T.B. (*Jes.) 1562 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1575-6 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583; S.T.P, A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 [151 A.B. (Cla.) 1592-3 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1607-8; AM. 1611 (in ordo A.B. (Pet.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610 1 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 ; M.L. '2 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. 1626 ; S.T.B. ' A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 S.T.P. 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) M.I). 1634 (Incorp. fr.' Leydeu) A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 (Incorp. A.B. 1649-50 [fr. Oxf.) 1G88. Matricnlations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 389 Johnson, John .. Sid. p E 1647 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 - John .. c. c. s E 1649 [Migr. to Job.] John .. Trin. P L 165.V4 — Jonat. ... .. Triu. s L 1615-6 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 Lancelot .. [Pem. 1651] Tiaiirence .. Chr. s E 1570 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 Malcolm .. C. C. s E 1624 A.B. 1627 Marm. . . . .. Jes. s E 1640 Martin ... .. Em. s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643; ?S.T.B. Matth. ... .. C. C. s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 [(Mag.) 1661 Miles .. Trin. s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 — Nath M.L. (King's) 1651; A.M. 1654 [(Incorp. fr. St Andrews) ; M.D. [1656 A.B. (Mag.) 1604-5; A.M. 1612 Nich — Nich ".. Mag. p E 1618 A.B. 1621; A.M. 1625 — Pet .. Cla. s E 1581 A.B. 1585-6 _ Pet .. CO. f-c E 1646 Phil .. Joh. p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1639 Ralph ... .. Joh. s E 1648 Jhonson, Rich .. Pem. s M 1550 Johnson, Rich (No A.B.) ; A.M. 1555,*Trin. 1560 Rich .. Trin. s E 1570 Rich .. Joh. s M 1578 A.B. 1582-3 Rich .. Jes. s M 1579 Rich ..*Trin. p c. 1591 A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. 1598; S.T.B. — Rich .. Trin. p 1598 A.B. 1601-2 [1608 Rich .. Qu. s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6 (in ordo 1607) ; A.M. Rich .. Joh. s E 1603 A.B. 1606-7 [1609 Rich .. Jes. p E 1614 Rich . . *King's [schol. 1621] A.B. 1625; A.M. 1629 Rob .. Cla. s L 1557-8 A.B. 1560-1 ; A.M. (*Trin.) 1564; — Rob .. C. C. p M 1562 [S.T.B. 1570 — Rob ..*King's p I\I 1566 A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1574 Jnoson (?), Rob .. Joh. p c. 1594 Johnson, Rob .. [C. C. 1594] Rob .. Em. p c. 1596 Johnston, Rob A.M. 1597 (Incorp. fr. Edinb.) Johnson, Rob ".". Joh. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 Rob .. Trin. s E 1620 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. 1626 ; S.T.B. '56 Rob .. Cai. s E 1631 Rob A.M. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Roger . . . . .".' Chr. p E 1622 — Rook .. Qu. [p E 1602] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 iordo) Jonson, Rowland .. Cath. s E 1559 Johnson, Sam ..*King's p M 1583 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 Sam .. Em p E 1599 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 — Sam .. Em. p E 1618 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1628; S.T.P. [1641 {Lit. Reg.) Sam .. Pem. p E 1621 A.B. 1623-4 ; A.M. 1627 ; M.D. '41 Sam .. Qu. s E 1652 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 Sam .. Mag. s M 1658 Silas .. C. C. p E 1584 Solomon . .. Qu. E 1652 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 Talbot .... .. Joh. p M 1614 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 Jhoiison, 'Tho ..*Chr. p M 1549 Johnson, Tho .. Joh. M 1565 Tho .. Joh. p M 1570 A.B. (Cai.) 1573-4 — Tho .. Trin. p E 1587 Graduation not found. Full, of Chr. 155G-8. 390 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Johnson, Jhonson, Johnson, Jonson, Johnson, Jhonson, Johnson, Jhonson, Johnson, Jhonson Johnson Joise (?), Johffe, JolUflfe, Jolly, Joy lie, Jollie, JoUybrand, Jones, Joanes, Jones, Tho Joh. Tho Jes. Tho Joh. Tho Tho *King's [schoL Tho. Tho. Tho. Tho. Tho. Tho. Tho. Tho. Tho. Tho. Tim, W. . Em. s Chr. P [Em. P Em. 1) Sid. [P Trin. s Joh. p Chr. p ... Trin. ... C. C. ... Joh. ... Pem. Will *King's Will. .. Will. .. Will. .. Will. .. Will. .. Will. .. Will. .. Will. ., Will. .. Will. ., Will. ., Will. ., Will. . Will. . Will. . Joh. C. C. Joh. Qu. Jes. Em. Pem. C. C. Trin. Qu. Jes. *Cai. Cai. Chr. Chr. Chr. C. C. C. C. C. C. King'; Trin. Cla. John . Geo. . Ja Kich. . Geo. . Hen. . Ja John . Tho. . Tho Trin. Tho Trin. Abr Pem. Alex Cath. Alex *Jes. Bern Cadwallader Mag. Cadwallader Joh. Cla. [Cai. Qu. *Trin. Joh. Chr. Johnes, Cha. Cha. Dav. Dav. Ed. , Joh. , *Trin. . Jes. . [Joh. . Chr. f-c c. 1593 c. 1597 c. 1601 E 1608] M 1611 E 1613 E 1617] E 1629 L 1635-6 E 1636 M 1649 E 16.50 E 1651 E 1652 E 1566 M 1561 M 1551 M 1555 M 15.55 M 1565 E 1570 E 1585 c. 1591 c. 1593 E 1608 E 1612 E 1627 E 1629 E 1631 M 1632 E 1649 E 1650 E 1544 1550] 1575] 1580] M 1602] 1645] M 1581 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A..M. 1604 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1612-3 A.B. (Cath.) 1G16-7 A.B. (Sid.) 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 16.39-40 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1555-6 A.B. 1558-9 A.B. 1569-70 A.B. 1572-3 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 s E 1646 M 1589] E 1623 M 1645 E 1646 E 1584 E 1646 L 1584-5 M 1611 M 1622 E 1653 A.B. 1597-8; A.B. 1611-2; A.B. 1615 A.B. 1630-1; A.B. 1631-2; A.B. 1634-5; A.M. A.M. 1601 1615 A.M. 1634 A.M. 1635 A.M. 1638 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. (*Cla.) 1657 [M.D. 1652 A.M. (Cla.) 1650 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 A.B. 1616 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1626; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1587-8, Jolie; A.M. 1591 L 1618-9 L 1634-5 E 1611 E 1620 E 1615 L 1650-1] E 1562 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 A.B. (Joh.) 1593-4; A.M. 1.59'; A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1624 3Iatriciflat(ons and Degrees 1544 — 1659 391 Jones, Jhones, Jhoaues, Jones, Johns, Jones, Johnes, Jones, Joanes, Jones, Johnes, Jones, Johnes, Jones, Johns, Jones, Jhones, Jones, Jhones, Jones, Johnes, Edm Joh. p M 1G45 Edm Edw Qu. p L 1577-8 Edw Joh. p E 15H8 Edw Jes. s E 1606 Edw ElUs Tnn. p E 1653 Geott". Mag. p E 1545 (Jeoff. Qu. s M 1572 Geo Mag. p E 1625 Geo Hen Chr. s c. 1591 Hen [Qu. f-c M 1596] Hen Cla. s E 1625 Hen Joh. s E 1628 Hugh Mag. s M 1551 Hugh Chr. p M 1565 Hugh Jes. s E 1585 Humph. ... Chr. s E 1579 Jacob King's s E 1606 John John C. C. s M 1567 John *Pem. p c. 1593 John Joh. s c. 1595 John Chr. E 1596 John (?the above) John Qu. s M 1608 John Joh. p M 1611 John Cai. s E 1615 John Em. s E 1623 John Cath. s E 1626 John *King's p E 1627 John Qu. s E 1632 John [Qu. p E 1645] Joshua *King's p M 1651 Morris [Em. f-c E 1649] Nath Em. s c. 1596 Nich Qu. p E 1566 Owen Chr. s c. 1596 Pet Jes. s E 1562 Pet Pet. p E 1639 Ralph *Qu. s L 1563-4 Ralph Ralph 'Ri.' Qu. s M 1602 Rich [prob. Chr. f-c M 1544] Rich Mag. s M 1545 Rich Cath. s E 1550 Rich Jes. s M 1566 Rich Jes. s c. 1596 Rich Jes. s E 1603 Rich Rich Mag. s E 1631 Rob Trin. s L 1564-5 Rob Trin. H. f-c E 1565 Rob Trin. s E 1566 'Rob.' (? mistake for Rich, above) Rob Rob Jes. s c. 1595 A.B. 1649; A.M. (Jes.) 1660 A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 ; S.T.P.'97 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 LL.B. (Mag.) 1622 A.B. 1575-6, Griffin A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1658 A.B. 1628-9 A.M. 1632 A.B. 1631-2 A.B. [C. C] 1566-7 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1609-10 ; A.M . 1613 M.L. 1564 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 ;S.l \B.'07 A.B. 1598-9 ; A.M. 1602 A.B. (? 1603-4); A.M. (Pern )1607 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1615-6 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. (Chr.) 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1628-9 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1635-6 ; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1659 A.B. (Trin.) 1599-1600, Jones A.B. 1642-3 [1576; S.T.P. 1581 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569; S.T.B, A.B. (Joh.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. (Joh.) 1607-8 A.B. 1605-6, Rice (No A.B.); A.M. 1545 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. (Chr.) 1572, ['Rob.'; S.T.B. (*Mag.) 1679; [S.T.P. 1684 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1603 (in ordo) A.B. 1605-6 ; A.M. 1609 ; S.T.B. '19 A.B. (Jes.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.M. (Chr.) 1572 A.P,. (Mag.) 1573-4 A.B. 1598-9, Jones 392 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Jones, Rob [Qu. p L 1610-1] — Rob Trin. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1626 — Rob Chr. p E 1641 — Rob LL.B. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Roger *Joh. p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 — Rowland ... Cai. p E 1641 — Sam A.B. (C. C.) 1609 — Sam Qu. s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 — Sam C. C. s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 — Sam Em. s E 1640 — Sam CO. s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 — Steph Job. s M 1628 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 — Tho Trin.H. s E 1544 Johns, Tho Chr. p E 1561 Jones, iTho Chr. s M 1565 A.B. 1.569-70; A.M. 1573 Joanes, Tho A.B. (? 1595-6) ; A.M. (Cla.) 1599 Jones, Tho Qu. f-c c. 1596 Johnes, Tho A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. (Job.) 1606 Jones, Tho Jes. s E 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1619 Johnes, Tho Job. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 Jones, Tho Cai. p E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 — Tho C. C. p E 1624 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Tho Sid. p M 1624 — 2Xho Em. [p E 1629] A.B. 1632-3 — Tho Trin. s E 1631 — Tho *King's p E 1639 A.B. [1644]; A.M. 1648 — Tho [Em. p E 1655] — Walt *Trin. s M 1572 A.B. 1576-7 ; A.M. 1580 — Watts Em. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 — Wi King's s E 1545 — Will Jes. p E 1573 A.B. (Mag.) 1576-7; A.M. 1580 — Will Jes. s E 1575 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 — Will Trin. s E 1576 A.B. (Cla.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583; [S.T.B.(*Em.)1590; S.T.P.1597 Johns, Will Joh. p c. 1591 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 Jones, Will *King's [schol. 1599] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. [1607]; S.T.B. — Will Pet. p E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 [1613 — Will Joh. p M 1602 A.B. (Jes.) 1605-6; A.M. 1609 — Will Cai. p E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 — Will Joh. s M 1621 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 — Will [Em. p E 1629] — Will A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Will [Em. p E 1655] Will [Em. f-c E 1657] — Zach [fr. Oxf.] A.B. (Chr.) 1577-8 Jhones Joh. l^ c. 1594 Jops, John Joh. s M 1565 Jopson, Tho. 1). Jobson — Tho [Trin. f-c E 1646] Jourdayne, Ciprian Trin. s L 1564-5 Jorden, Edw A.B. (Pet.) 1582-3, 'Forden'; A.M. — Edw Em. p M 1607 [1586 Jordan, Edw (?the above) A.B. (Jes.) 1617-8 Jurden, Hen King's s E 1626 Jordan, Ja Chr. p E 1628 Jourden, John Joh. p E 1565 Jordan, John ('Belga') A.M. 1624 {Lit. Reg.) — John Em. [p L 1645-6] A.B. 1649 — Rich Jes. f-c M 1617 1 Bishop of Meath, 1584; Ai-chbishop of Dublin, 1(505. 2 Chief Justice C.P., 1683. i Jurden, Jorden Josse, Josselin, Joslyn, Josselin, Jostlyn, Joscelyn, Joslinge, Joselin, in, Josselin, Joselyn, focelyn, Toselin, Foscelyn, Jostlinge, focelyn, Jocelin, Matrictdatioirs and Degrees 1544— 1659 393 Jordan, Jorden, Rob. Sam. Jourdayne, W. Will. c. c. J oh. Cla. King's Cla. Trin. Jes. John . Fra. . Geoff. los. Hen *Jes. Hen. [C. C Hezekiah ... Cai. John *Qu. John . John . Nath.. Ralph Rob. . Rob. . Em. Em. Mag. Jes. Joh. [Qu. Simon Qu. Tho Qn. Tho Qu. Tho Em. Tho Joh. — Tho Qu. Joselin, Torrell Jes. Josua, Rich. v. Jozue Jovian, John Joh. Jower, John [Joh. Jowle, John Sid. Joye, Edw Joh. Joy, Geo loye, Rob Pet. — Rob *Joh. — Will Trin. Joylie V. Jolly Joyner, And Chr. — Dan Em. — Dan [Pem. — Edm. Joh. — Fra Trin. — Isaac Chr. — Isaac Em. Isaac Qu. Joynes, Jozue, Jubbe, Juby, Juce, Juckes, Jud, Judd, Jude, Ralph Rich. ... Hen. ... John ... Rich. ... Fra. . . . Tho. ... Rich. ... Tho. ... Geo. ... Tho. ... Herb. John ... Nich.... W Edw. ... John ... John ... C. C. (A.M. Em. Chr. Trin. Joh. C. C. Joh. Chr. [Qu. King's [Pem. Cla. Pet. Jes. Em. Joh. *Joh. M 1635 E 1632 M 1567 E 1611 E 1611 M l.')75 c. 1592 E 1571 f. 1592 1623] E 1631 M 1545 M 1589 E 1616 E 1622 M 1633 E 1616 E 1640] E 1629 M 1545 E 1604 E 1619 E 1647 M 1647 E 1606 E 1585 M 1654] E 1615] E 1604 M 1560 M 1564 E 1607 M 1554 E 1624] 1654] M 1559 E 1579 L 1577-J E 1608 E 1650] M 1579 Oxf.) E 1625 E 1631 E 1572 E 1584 E 1.588 c. 1594 E 1608 E 1650] M 1612 16.33] AI 1572 M 1627 E 1570 c. 1.596 <: 1595 E 1631 A.B. 1638; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1635-6 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1579-80 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 A.B. 1633-4, Jocelin ; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1548-9; A.M. 1552 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1632-3 (Matr. Joseland) A.B. 1607-8 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1650-1 (Matr. Jocking) A.B. 1650-1 (? Joinan) A.B. 1618-9 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. (*Joh.) 1563-4; A.M. 1567; [S.T.B. 1575 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1627- A.M. 1631 A.B. (Pet.) 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1654; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1582-3 M.D. 1580 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. (Chr.) 1576-7, Josua A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 A.B. 1615, Jeuckes A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1639 A.B. (Joh.) 1599-1600, Judd A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1603 (in ordo) A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 50 394 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Judkin, Tho Em. Judra [Trin. Judson, Rich Trin. — Rich Cla. Jugg, Tho Julian, Hen Qu. Jurd, Herb Pern. Jurnard, Rich Pet. Jiu-y V. also Jewry — Nath Em. _ Nath *Cla. Juery, Rob [Pem. Justice, Hugh Job. — Jasper Job. Juxon, Elias *King's — Jos I^^^- — Rich *King'f — Tho Qu. Juxtou, John Em. Juyte, Anth Cbr. Jynks, Barnard (Jhr. M 1612 E 1645] M 1566 M 1635 M 1623 E 1633 E 1632 1626 1659 1634] 1576 1639 1650 1640; 1628 1619 1626 1561 1579 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1570-1 A.B. 1639-40 [of Wales) A.M. 1612-3 (On visit of Prince A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1634 A.B. (Cai.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1662-3 A.B. 1642-3; (A.M. 1680?) A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1632-3 A.B. 1622-3 (?Inyte) [(Pet.) 1586 A.B. (C. C.) 1582-3, Jenks; A.M. K KaiU, Rob *Jes. Kaile, Tho Jes. Kalegrew Job. Karker, Will Cai. Karlyll, Chris, v. Carlyle Katlyn v. also Catlin _ {sen.) [C. C. — On.)[C. C. Kayson, Hen Em. Keake, Tho Job. Keale, Rob Jes. Kearton, John ^id. Keary, Tho Keble, John Cath. — John Cai. Keable, Nath Sid. — Ralph Trin. — Rich C. C. Kebbell, Rob Cai. Keble, Rob [Pet. Keeble, Sam Qu. Keble, Tho Qu. Keeble, Tho Qu. Keble, Tho Pem. — Will *C. C. Kechraer, John Job. Keckwith, John Trin. p E 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 (Matr. [Keill) p E 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 (Matr. p E 1546 [Keill 1 s M 1573 1544] 1544 p E 1647 8 c. 1.590 S E 1628 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. (C. C.) 1606, Kyrre p E 1641 p E 1646 (Matr. 'Kelke') p E 1621 ]) E 1606 E 1602 A.B. 1605-6 (in ordo) p E 1563 s E 1635] H E 1641 A.B. 1644-5 [P L 1638-9 ; fr. Trin. H.] A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. P E 1641 [1644; M.L. (Cai .) 1651 p E 1647 A.B. 1650 ]) c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 ;A.M. 1603 ;S.T.B. s M 1567 [1611 f-c E 1611 tl Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 395 Kedington, Giles Cai. Keddyngton, Hen Cai. Kedington, Rob Cai. Kedgwin, John Cath. — Tho Em. Keeling, Fra Trin. — John Trin. Keelir, Tho Cla. Keene, Anth Cai. Keen, Cha Cai. Keene, Edm *Peui. Keane, John Peni. Keene, John Em. Keen, John *Pem. Kene, Tho C. C. Keene, Will — [C. C. Keepis, Mich Cai. Keghly v. Kighley Keightly, Tho Pet. Keightley, Will Pet. Keill V. KaiU Keiston, Rich Pet. Keith, And., ^^^V ... Keiworth, Will Em. Keld, Chris Chr. Keleye, Tho Cla. Kelke, Edw Sid. — John *Mag. — Nath Trin. — Rob Jes. — 1 Roger — Will Joh. Kell, Rob Era. Kellam, John Joh. — John Em. — Tho Joh. — Will Joh. Kellet, Anth Cai. — Edw *King's Kellett, Edw Qu. — Jos Cai. Kellet, Rich Cla. Kellington, Rich Joh. Kelly, Malachi Qu. Kelsall, John King's Kelsey, Jos *Qn. Kelton, Geo [Cai. Keltridge, John Pem. Keltridg, Sara Joh. Keltridge, Sydney Joh. Keltwell, Rich Trin. Kelway, Anibrose ... Qu. Kelyn, Will Trin. Kemble, Th<. Trin. 11. Kerne, Sara Kemerlynge, Pet Pem. Kemishe, Anth Pem. Kemish, Nath p M 1657 M 1564 p M 1635 fp 1630] A.B. 1634-5 )) c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8 s E 1648 A.B. 1651-2 (Matr. Keely) p E 1623 s E 1622 s M 1587 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. (Cath.) 1596 p E 1652 p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 ]> M 1580 (Kyne) A.B. 1618-9 [E 1615] p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8: A.M. 1641 p M 1580 A.B. ( ); A.M. (Em.) 1638 f-c 1582] p E 1622 f-c E 1637 f-c E 1637 p M 1583 A.M. 1620 s E 1606 p M 1639 f-c E 1553 p M 1637 [Migr. to Em. 1638] p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9 ; A.M. 1632 ; S.T.B.'39 s M 1575 p M1611 A.B. (*Joh.) 1543-4; A.M. 1547; p E 1575 S.T.]?. 1560 ; S.T.P. (Mag.) 1564 p E 1636 A.B. 1639 p E 1589 p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5, Kelham s E 1582 s E 1579 A.B. 1582-3 s E 1610 p M 1598 A.B. [1602-3] ; A.M. [1606] ; S.T.B. p M 1606 [1613; S.T.P. 1621 s E 1644 A.B. 1647-8 s E 1573 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1581 s L 1637-8 A.B. 1641-2 r^i L 1583-4 A.B. (King's) 1583-4; A.M. 1587 s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 p L 1653-4 A.B. 1655-6 ; A.M. 1659 ; S.T.B. '68 p M 1581] ]> M 1566 A.B. (Trin.) 1571-2; A.M. 1575 p E 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. (Cai.) 1587 p E 1584 A.B. (Cai.) 1587-8; A.M. 1591 s M 1602 p E 1553 p E 1637 [Kelling] s E 1637 S.T.B. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c E 1567 s E 1584 S.T.B. 1604 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) 1 Master of Magdalene, 1559. 396 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Kemishe, Tho Cla. Kempe, Art Cai. — Art Pern. — Earth King's Kemp, Earth Cai. Kempe, Caleb *King's — Edw *Qu. — Geo Job. — Geo Cath. — Hen *King'« — John Chr. — John *Pet. — John Era. — John Chr. — John — Jos Chr. — Leou *King's — Rich Chr. — Rich Sid. — Rob Cla. — Rob Cai. — Rob Joh. Kemp, Rob [C. C. Kempe, Tho Cla. — Tho Trim — Tho Pet. Kemp, Tho Em. Kempe, Tho Cai. — Will Chr. — Will — Will Qu. — Will [fr. — Will Kemp, Will [Em. Kempe, Will Cla. Kemp Joh. Kempsall, Edw Trim H. Kemster, Edw Chr. Kendall, Abr Joh. Gabriel Chr. — Geo — Giles Joh. — He Joh. Kendoll, Hen Joh. Kendall, Hen Pem. - — Hen Chr. — Hen [Pet. — John Joh. — John Pem. — John Trin, — Miles Joh. — Rich Cai. — Rob Cla. — Sam Mag. — Sam Jes. — Tho ~ Tho Pem. Kend-.n, W Joh. Kended, Nich Chr. Kened, Tho Kenie, Edm Pem. p E Oxf.J f-c E p E p c. p M s p E p E p M p M p E f-c E f-c M p E p E s E 1562 1579 1617 1613 1622 1577- 1625 1547 1586 1551 1551 1560 1599- 1604 1621 1612 1551 1617 1563 1615 1619 1644] 1563 1598 1618-i 1626 1637] 1578 1644] 1656 1594 1649 1601 1570 1626 1576 1560 1572 1605 1624 1650] 1570 1631 1634 1578 1615 1573 1628 1656 1610 1572 1560 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. (Pem.) 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B.1581-2;A.M.1585; S.T.E.'92 A.B. 1628-9 ;A.M. 1632; S.T.B.'39 [off. 1555] A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567, ?*Cath. 1600] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. [1616]; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. A.B. 1621-2 1605 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 A.B. (Pet.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. (Sid.) 1634; A.M. 1638 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1633 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1605-6 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. (Cai.) 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.E. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. (Chr.) 1572-3; A.M. 1576 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1562-3 E 1636 I Matriculations mid Degrees 1544 — 1659 397 Keningham, Will. Kenyon (' Kenyer ' C. C. Edw. *Joh. Kenion, Keiiian, Kenean, Kenion, Kinyon, Kenion, Keniston, Kenyte, Kenity, Kenn, Kennard, Kennehead, Keniiett, Rennet, Kennington, Keurich, Kenrick, Kenricke, Kenrike, Kenricke, Kenwrick. Kenrigg Kenshani, John John Mich Rich Rob Rob Roger Walt Tho Cla. Job. Clir. Job. Cla. Trin. Job. Cai. Pet. Nahum Em. Ralph Tho Geo Sampson Emanuel Rich Tho Will Tho Will Edw Geo Job. Em. Cla. Jes. *C. C. Pem. C. C. Trin. Trin. Cbr. Qu. John Cai. John John Ralph Will. Will. Kensy, Kent, Kente, Kent, Kente, Kent, Kent(\ Kent, bteph. . . Geo John Abel Earth. .. Edw (' Kuent '), Ehas Macr. Cbr. [Trin. King'^s [Sid. Em. Pet. Pet. Cai. Job. Trin.H. Gabriel Gabriel Pem. Geo Em. Greg Trin. Greg Trin. Hen Qu. Hen *King's John Trin.H. John [Trin. H. John Em. John John (>hr. Kcnebii Pet. f-c E 1551 E 1649 M 1580 r. 1(501 M ir)()5 E 1588 M 1572 E 1637 E 1036 E 1563 c. 1597 M 1617 M 1638 M 1586 M 1611 l\ 1580 E 1637 E 1607 E 1611 E 1637 c. 1591 j\I 1601 L 1578-9 E 1588 E 1588 s M 1585 E 16571 •s M s E p E s E schol. ,. E 1571 1600] 1634 1623 1615 1584 1603 1544 1587 1633 1591 1637 1622 1627 1544 1606] 1644 ..*THn. .. C. C. .. Trin. .. C. C. .. C. C. Roger Trin.H Roger Pet. Roger Joh. Theoph. ... Pem. Tho Trin. Paul Rob. Rob. Rob. Rob. s E 1653 p M 1553 ichol. 1575] p E 1553 f-c M 1581 .s E 1586 [1636] n M 1548 .s E 1572 ■s E 1576 .s M 1606 p M 1571 M.B. 1557 {post. Cunningham) A.B. 1652-3 ; A.M. 1656 ; S.T.B. '63 A.B. (Joh.) 1583-4 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1565-6 A.B. 1621-2, Kenitie; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1615-6, 'Genuard' ; A.M.1619 A.B. (Cla.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1644 ; S.T.B.'55 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 [Kenricks] A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. (Jes.) 1588-9; A.M. 151 A.M. (Joh.) 1624 {Lit. Reg.) [Kensam] A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. (Qu.) 1618-9; A.M. A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 1622 A.B. 1636-7; A.B. 1596-7; A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1625-6; A.B. 1630-1; A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. 1640 (Joh.) 1600 1629 1634 A.B. 1647-8 A.M. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660; S.T.B. [(*Em.) 1667 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. 1555-6; A.M. (*Pet.) 1559 [S.T.B. 1609 A.B. (? 1589-90) ; A.M. 1593 ; A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 [Migr. to Cai. E 1572] 398 Matri culations a nd Deg rees 1544 — ^(^^9 Kent, Tho ... Qu. s M 1587 i — Tho ... Pet. s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 — Tho ... Job. s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 — Tho ... Joh. p M 1635 — Tim ... Trin. p E 1598 A.B. (Joh.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605 — Tim ... Chr. p E 1653 ?A.M. 1671 (lucorp. fr. Glasgow) — Will ... Jes. s M 1547 — Will ... Pet. s L 1634-5 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 — Will ... C. C. P M 1638 — ... Chr. p M 1556 'C Keiivynge ... [C. C. 1544 1 Ken ward, iiich!"'!!!! ... LQu. P E 1646 I Kenyte v. Kenity Kenythorpe Tho A.B. ( ) ; A.M. (Cai.) 1597 '\ Kercher, Kob . ..* *Trin. p E 1587 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594; S.T.B. [1601 ; S.T.P. 1606 1 — Rob ... Trin. p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 i Kerchivall, Roger ... [Trin. s E 1648] 1; Kerchever, Ja ...Pet. p E 1582 A.B. 1585-6 i Kerington, John ... Cla. p M 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Kerrington, Will A.B. (C. C.) 1623 ; A.M. 1627 (Her-- — Will !!! Em. [s E 1644] A.B. 1648-9 [rington in gr.) Kerisforth, Rob ... Trin. p E 1576 Kerlew, Jos ... Joh. p M 1659 A.B. 1663-4, Kirlew Kerry, Hen A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) John ... Cath. s L 1623-4 ?A.B. 1628-9 — Tho ... C. C. [1598] A.B. 1606 (Kyrre) Kery, Will . . . Trin. s c. 1592 Kershaw, John ... Chr. p E 1645 Kershey, Abr ... Pet. s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 ; A.M. 1602, Kerchey Kerswell, John A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Kestian, Nich "... Chr. s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 Kether, Tho ... [Trin. s E 1656] Ketlande, Ed ... Joh. p M 1544 Ketlet, Ja ... [Pet. s E 1637] Kett, Esau ... Cai. s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4 Ket, Era ... Cla. a M 1566 A.B. (*C. C.) 1569-70 ; A.M. 1573 ; Kett, Tho ... C. C. P E 1639 [xM.D. 1581 Ketle, Edvv ... Joh. s M 1575 Kettle, Humph. ... Cla. p L 1650-1 — John ... Cai. p E 1640 — Phil ...*Joh. s c. 1595 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 Ketle [Cettle], Will. ... ...*King'.s p M 1575 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 Kettyll ... Chr. ? p E 1544 Kettleburgh , Gardin ... ... C. C. p E 1657 Kettleborrough, J ohn . . . ... Em. p E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 Ketleboroug h, Tho. ... ... Mag. s M 1611 A.B. 1615-6 Kettelbye, Ketelby, Era A.B. (Joh.) 1619-20 Rich ".;; [Qu. p M 1612] [1555; *Cai. 1557; *Cla. 1562 Kettleston, John ... Joh. s E 1548 A.B. 1550-1; A.M. 1554; *C. C. Ketlewell, Era ... Cla. s M 1571 A.B. 1576-7 Kettelwel, John ... Joh. p c. 1597 Ketlewell, Rich ... Trin. s M 1602 A.B. (Cath.) 1605-6 — Seth ... Cai. p E 1623 A.B. (*Trhi.) 1626-7; A.M. 1630 — Tho A.B. (Trin.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 Kettlewell, Valerick '.'.'. C. C. p M 1589 A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. (Trin.) 1598, Kewe, Rob ... Pem. p M 1564 A.B. 1566-7 [Valerius Keye, lAlex ...*Joh. s M 1561 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567; S.T.B. Kaye, Art ... Pet. s M 1552 [(Mag.) 1574 1 ' Ciucus uatus.' H Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 399 Cay, Keye, Cay, Keye, Caye, Kaye, Key, Cay, Kaye, Key, Keye, Caye, Key, Kay, Kaie, Keye, Kay, Keye, Kaye, Key, Kaye, Keye, Key, Keye, Key, Keye, Kaye, Kay, Keye, Key, Keyes, Keys, Kayes, Keyes, Kayes, Keyley, Keyre, Kible, Kibble, Kibley, Kickiug, Kidby, Kidd, Kydde, Kidd, Edw Cla. Edw Trin. Edw Job. Era Chr. Era Cla. Era gu. Era Chr. Geo Trin. Geo Qu. Giles Trin. Horatio Sid. .la Job. Ja *Trin. John Chr. John Trin. John Cla. John Chr. John Qu. John [Cai. John Sid. John Catb. John Trin. John Trin. John Cla. John Mag. Martin Qu. Ralpb Job. Rich Job. Rich Cla. Rich C. C. Rich Chr. Rich Sid. Rob Chr. Rob Trin. Rob Trin. Rob Catb. Rob C. C. Roger Tbo Sid. Tho Trin. Will Pern. Will Chr. Will Em. Will Sid. Will Mag. John Trin. John Trin. John Catb. John Cla. Will Trin. Tho Cla. Tho Job. John Job. John Trin. Hen Trin. John C. C. John Qu. Edw Chr. Jerome C. C. John C. C. E 1573 [f-cj c. p E s s f-c 1576 1616 1574 1579 1584-5 1608 1563 c. 1593 L 1563-4 E 1657 M 1559 E 1561 L 1563-4 E 1577 E 1583 E 1584 c. 1595 1604] E 1622 E 1628 E 1633 M 1645 ]\I 1646] E 1657 M 1568 E 1567 M 1554 M 1571 M 1578 E 1619 M 1637 L 1563-4 E 1570 M 1578 M 1583 c. 1591 E 1601] E 1624 M 1555 E 1613 E 1616 M 1632 E 1657 c. 1595 c. 1596 E 1628 E 1637 L 1593-4 E 1553 M 1572 . M 1572 E 1588 E 1588 E 1647 M 1629 L 1597-8 M 1564 [1599] A.B. 1578-9, Key ; A.M. 1582, Edm. A.B. 1579-80, Caye A.B. 1618-9, Kaye; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 A.B. 1582-3, Key; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. (*Joh.) 1569 A.B. 1596-7, Kay ; A.M. 1600, Kaye A.B. (Chr.) 1566-7, Key; A.M. [(Cla.) 1572 A.B. (Chr.) 1562-3, Kaye A.B. 1562-3; A.M. 1566, Caye A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569 A.B. 1580-1, Keye; A.M. 1584 [(Tho. in gr.) A.B. 1587-8, Kay; A.M. 1591 A.B. (Trin.) 1599-1600 ; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1631-2, Kayes; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1662, Kaye [Migr. to Cla. E 1658] A.B. (*Cbr.) 1572-3; A.M. 1576; [S.T.B. 1583 A.B. 1575-6, Keye; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1646 A.B. (Trin.) 1566-7, Kay A.B. (Qu.) 1584-5, Kay A.B. 1587-8, Kay A.B. 1593-4 A.B. (Chr.) 1592-3 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. (Cai.) 1608 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1557-8 ; A.M. 1561, *Jes. 1561 A.B. 1621-2; A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1660-1 A.B. 1631-2 A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1625 A.M. 1601 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B.(Pem.) 1601-2 ; S.T.B. 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1567-8; A.M. (Mag.) 1571 A.B. 1603-4: A.M. 1607 400 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Kidd, John Em. — John Pet. — Leon Cai. Kiddal, Gervase Em. Kyddall, John *Joh. Kiddall, John Joh. — Rob Joh. — Tho Trin. Kiddear, Hugh Kidder, i Rich *Em. Kiddermaister, Will Trin. Kidman, John C. C. — Martin Trin. Kydman, Rich Chr. — Rich C. C. Kidman, Rob Cai. — Tho *Cai. — Titus Pet. Kidmer, Tho King's Kidson, Chris Chr.[?] — Hen Chr. — Rob *Pet. ■ — Rob Cai. — Tho Jes. Kiffin, Dav Kighley [Keghly], Rich. . Qu. Kyghley, Tho Trin. Kilbacke, Roger Jes. Kylbourne, John Chr. Kilburne, Rich Mag. Kilborne, Tho Mag. — Will Cai. — Will Joh. Kilbie, Rich Em. Killbey, Rich Pern. Killam, Rob Cla. Killigrew, Pet. {Sir) ... — Rob *King's Killingbeck, Era Trin. — Geo Chr. Killingback, Ralph Qu. Killingbeck, Rich Cla. Killinghale, Rob Chr. Killinghall, Will Joh. — Will Chr. Killingly, Ralph Chr. KiUingworth, Giles Qu. — John — Rob Pet. — Rob Cla. — Will Trin. Kilsby, Rob Trin. Kimball, Tiio Trin. — Jes. Kimberley, Will.".'."."."."!'.'. Sid. Kimbold, Tho Jes. Kime, Phil C. C. s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 s E 1624 A.B. 1628-9 s M 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1620 s E 1623 A.B. 1625-6 p M 1545 A.B. 1548-9; A.M. 1554 p E 1563 p M 1564 p E 1586 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. (Cath.) 1609 s E 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656; S.T.P. [1690 {Lit. Reg.) s E 1616 A.B. 1618-9, Kitterminster V E 1.587 c. 1591 s M 1552 p c. 1591 A.B. (Cai.) 1592-3 V E 1577 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 p L 1600-1 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 s E 1650 A.B. 1651-2 s c. 1596 s E 1606 s M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 s c. 1591 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597; S.T.B. s s E 1624 E 1612 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 [1606 A.B. (Joh.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 s E 1611 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1620 p c. 1595 p E 1575 p M 1566 p E 1620 s M1656 A.B. 1660-1 p p M 1589 M 1648 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. (*Cath.) 1596 l« E 1593] A.B. 1593-4 s s L 1653-4 c. 1596 A.B. 1655-6 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) p E 1615 A.B. [1619]; A.M. 1623 [schol. 16051 A.B. 1605-6 ; A.M. 1609 ; S.T.B. '18 p E 1613 p E 1581 s s M 1620 E 1647 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 s M 1634 p M 1656 i. s M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 p M 1588 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) V L 1607-8 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 p M 1639 P E 1656 r« M 1646] A.B. 1650-1 p 1598 p c. 1597 A.M. 1614-5 (On King's visit) s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 p M 1637 A.B. 1640-1 p E 1613 A.B. 1616-7 Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1691. Matriculatlo7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 401 Kimptoii, John Cai. s E 1G33 A.B. 1035-0; A.M. 1640 — Leon Qu. p c. 1595 (Matv. Kernpton) Kympton, Rob Pet. p j\I 1564 Kinaston, Edw Qu. p M 1582 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 — Era *Trin. s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 — Humph. ... Qu. p L 1577-8 A.B. 1.581-2; A.M. 1586 — Sam A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Kinde, John Jes. p E 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 15S3 (Matr. [Keinde) — John Qu. p E 1606 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. (Pet.) 1612 — John (? the above) S.T.P. 1623 (Incorp. fr. St Kinder, Edm [Cai. E 1564] [Andrews) — Phil Pem. s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6 — Rob Joh. 8 E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 — Will Joh. p E 1639 A.B. 1641-2 Kinder.sley, Ralph Qu. p M 1585 Kyndesley, Salathiel ... C. C. p M 1566 [migr. to Qu.] Kindersley [C. C. 1565] kmdleton, Geo Jes. p L 1620-1 A.B. 1623-4 ; A.M. 1627 ; S.T.B. '.35 Kindlosse, {Dnminus)... A.M. 1612 {fil. nob.) Kine, Will Trin. s E 1629 A.B. 1633-4"; A.M. 1637, Kinnes King, Adam Chr. p E 1631 Kynge, And Cla. s M 1565 King, Benj Sid. p. M 1628 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 Kynge, Chris Pem. p L 1580-1 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 — Edw Chr. s E 1562 King, Edw Joh. s c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 • — Edw Joh. p E 1625 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 — Edw *Chr. p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 — Edw Joh. p M 1657 — Era Qu. p E 1621 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1624-5 — Era Mag. p M 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 Kynge, i Geof. *King's p M 1583 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 ; S.T.B. '99 King, Geof. Trin.H. s L 1647-8 LL.B. 1661, Godfrey Kynge, Geo Trin." s E 1569 A.B. 1571-2 King, Geo A.M. 1650 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Kinge, Giles Pet. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 Kynge, Hen Cla. s E 1560 — Hen Trin. p M 1584 King, Hen Cla. s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 Kinge, Hen King's p E 1623 — Hen Chr. p E 1631 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1637 — Hen Cai. s M 1644 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 — Hen Trin. p E 1646 King, Hen [Chr. p L 1647-8] Kinge, Hezekiah ... A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) — Isaac Em. s M 1637 A.B. 1640-1 Kynge, Ja Mag. s E 1.569 Kinge, Ja A.B. (Trin.) 1606-7 — Ja Jes. s E 1607 — Ja *King's p E 1609 A.B. 1612-3 — Ja Qu. p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 — Ja Em. s M 1645 A.B. 1648-9 King, John (prev. at Oxf.) A.B. 1547-8; A.M. 1549 Kynge, John *Pet. s E 1548 A.B. 1553-4; A.M. 1557 Kyng, John Joh. p E 1559 A.B. 1561-2; A.M. 1565 — John *King's p M 1567 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 — John A.M. 1584 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) Kinge, John A.M. 1606( Oxf.) ; S.T.P. — John Joh. s E 1603 A.B. 1610, Kinges [1621 {do.) 1 Begins Professor of Hebrew, 1607. 51 402 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 King, John Em. [p E 1613] A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 : Kinge, John Qu. p E 1618 ; King, John Trin. p M 1622 A.B. (Chr.) 1624-5 — John [Chr. p M 1628] — John A.M. 1637 (Incorp. fr. Geneva) — John [Sid. f-c E 1639] — John [Em. f-c E 1643] — John Qu. p M 1655 A.B. 1659-60 — Jos Chr. p E 1613 Kynge, Mich Pet. s E 1579 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 King, Murdarh ... Joh. s c. 1592 Kinge, Nich Pet. ,s M 1555 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1568 King, Nich A.B. (Cath.) 1619-20; A.M. 1623 — Peregrine ... A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Rich *Jes. p M 1556 A. B. 1559-60; A.M. 1563 , Kynge, i Rich Joh. p M 1567 ? A.B. 1577-8 ; — Rich Jes. p M 1568 A.B. (Pet.) 1571-2 , — Rich Qu. s M 1571 — iRich Chr. s M 1573 ? A.B. (Joh.) 1577-8 S — Rich King's s M 1581 A.B. (Cath.) 1586-7 ; A.M. 1590 ■ i — Rich Joh. f-c M 1598 g King, Rich Pet. p M 1658 A.B. 1660-1 g Kynge, Rob Pet. p M 1556 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1563? h King, Rob A.B. (Jes.) 1595-6; A.M. 1599; is [S.T.B. 1606; S.T.P. 1615 '■ \ — Rob *Cai. p M 1612 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618; S.T.B. '25 — Rob [Qu. f-c L 1613-4] — Rob King's f-c E 1615 [(*Trin. H.) 1636 Kinge, ^Rob Chr. p E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624; LL.D. King, Rob A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Kinge, Rob Cai. p E 1649 King, Rob [Jes. s E 1657] — Rob. {imp.) . Joh. f-c M 1657 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1662 — Roger Chr. p E 1626 Kinge, Roger C. C. p M 1629 Kynge, Rolph Pern. s M 1549 , — Samson Joh. p M 1570 A.B. 1574-5 I King, Sam [Sid. p E 1616] '< Kinge, Sam Em. [p E 1620] A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Kynge, Tho Cai. s E 1575 (? Mistake for Lynge) Kinge, Tho Cla. p c. 1591 — Tho Cla. s c. 1596 — Tho *King's p E 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 King, Tho Chr. p M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 _ Tho Qu. [p L 1617-8] A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 — Tho Em. p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Kinge, Tho Joh. s E 1621 _ Tho Qu. s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 — Tho C. C. p E 1637 A.B. 1639-40 — Tho Pet. s M 1639 _ Tho Cai. s E 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 King, Tho *King's p E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 — [Tobias] Em. s L 1606-7 Kynge, Will *King's p M 1548 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1556; S.T.B. — Will Trin. p E 1551 [1570 _ Will Jes. p M 1572 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 Kinge Will A.B. (Jes.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 — Will Qu. p E 1618 King, Will Cai. s E 1626 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 1 Some doubt as to which of these graduated. 2 Commissary, 1638; Master of Trin. H., 1645. Matrmdations and Degreefi 1544 — 1659 403 Kinge, Will C. C. s King, Will Pein. s — Will [Sid. p — AVill Trill. s — AVill *Kiiig's p — Will *Joli. s — AVill — [Em. Kingerby, Hen Mag. s Kingross, Rob Nicli. Ho. .s Kingsman, Cha Trin. H. p Kynsinyll, Anth Qu. p Kingsruill, Anth Trin. s Kingesmeal, Augustin ... King's p Kingsmile, As-God-AVill King's s Kingsniill, Tho King's s JCingston, John HI — John Pern. p Hbingstono, John Pet. p "■Kingston, Tho Qu. p Kingwell, Ja Sid. [s Kinnersley, Clem Kinscot, Rob Jes. s Kynsey, (Rob.) Kinsman, Edm Trin. p — Harold [Sid. p — Maur Qu. p — Rich Sid. p — AVill Qu. p Kinward, Rich Trin. s Kinyon, Rob. v. Kenyon Kipling, Cha Joh. [s — John Joh. p Kippax, John Cla. [s Kippinge, Rob Trin. p — AVill C. C. p Kippys, Rob Pet. p Kyppcs, AVill King's s Kirby, Alex Chr. p Kerbie, Benj Jes. s Kyrkbye, Geo Qu. s Kirbye, Greg Cla. s Kyrkebie, Hen Nich. Ho. p Kirbye, John Joh. s Kirkbye, John Chr. s Kerbey, John Joh. p Kirbie, Ralph iea. s Kyrkbye, Rich Trin. p Kirbye, Rich Qu. p — " Rich Cai. f-c Kirby, Rich Trin. s Kirkbey, Rich Joh. p Kerby, Rob Pem. f-c Kirkby, Rob Qu. s Kyrbye, Roger Jes. s Kyrby, Tho *Kiiig's p Kirby, Tho Cla. p Kerbye, Walt Jes. p Kirbie, Will *Joh. p Kyrkbie, AVill Nich. Ho. p Kirby, AVill Cath. p E 1G32 E 1634 E 1639; E 1646 E 16.W E 1654 1626] E 1628 M 1548 M 1654 E 1568 c. 1596 E 1603 E 1605 E 1607 E 1623 E 1658 E 1585 E 1636] M 1578 A. 11 1635-6 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1653-4 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661, King'i A.M. 1655 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. (Mag.) 1577 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. (C. C.) 1602 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. (Cla.) 1611 A.B. (Joh.) 1609-10 ; A.M. (King's) LL.B. 1544 [1619 A.B. 1626; A.M. 1630; M.D. 1637 A.B. (Mag.) 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1588-9, 'King' A.B. 1639-40 A.M. 1614-5 (On King's visit) A.B. 1582-3 (A.B. at Oxf.); A.M. 1544, *Trin. A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 [1546 M 1623 E 1650] L 1577-8 [Kinnesuian] E 1619 L 1577 M 1610 [Kinnesman] A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 E 1635] M 1635 L 1652-3] M 1624 E 1609 L 1580-1 c. 1590 E 1628 E 1620 M 1561 E 1580 M 1555 E 1563 c. 1593 E 1631 M 1579 M 1564 E 1565 M 1573 E 1578 E 1640 M 1617 E 1633 E 1551 M 1547 M 1580 M 1582 M 1551 M 1555 E 1655 A.B. 1639-40 (? Charles, above) A.B. 1656; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1583-4, A.B. 1593-4; A.B. 1631-2; A.B. 1623-4 ; Kippest A.M. 1597 A.M. 1635 A.M. 1627, Kirkby A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1589, George A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1634-5, Kirkby A.B. 1567-8 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1661 [Off 1550] A.B. 1586-7 A.B. 1553-4 LL.B. 1660 404 Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Kirke, Edw Pern. s M 1571 Kerke, John Job. s E 1635 — Ralph Jes. s E 1576 Kyrk ('Kecks'), Rich. ... Mag. s E 1607 Kirke, Rob Jes. p E 1659 — Sam Job. s c. 1594 — The Job. p E 1615 Kerke, Urian Qu. s M 1567 Kerk, W Job. s M 1564 Kyrkbride, Barnaby ... Qu. p c. 1591 Kerkebryd, Percival Chr. p M 1559 Kyrkbred, Rob Chr. p L 1557-8 Kirkham, Cba *King's p M 1564 Kyrkham, Geo Chr. p M 1556 Kirckham, Geo Job. p E 1616 Kirkham, Ja Joh. s E 1649 — John Joh. p M 1642 Kirkam, Walt Em. f-c c. 1596 Kirkham, Walt [Joh. f-c E1637] Kyrkham, Will Job. p M 1546 Kirkeland, Chris *Job. p M 1559 Kirkland, John Joh. p M 1572 — Rich Cath. p M 1628 — Rob Trin. s M 1571 Kerkman, John Joh. p M 1565 Kirkman, Roger Em. [E 1603] Kirtleton, Matth Cath. s M 1569 — Tho Joh. s E 1637 Kirlewe, Pet Kirton, John Mag. f-c E 1584 Kerten, Tho Em. p E 1612 Kyrton, Will Joh. p M 1550 Kitchell, Tho C. C. p E 1646 Kitchener, Nath Joh. p c. 1594 — Tho Kytchyn, John Trin. f-c E 1578 Kitchin, John Chr. s E 1612 — John *C. C. [1647] Kytsbyn, Rich Chr. s M 1544 Kitcbyn, Rich Chr. p M 1580 Kitchin, Rich Trin. s M 1610 Kycbyn, Tho Chr. s M 1544 Kitchin, Tho *Trin. [scbol. 1592] Kitchingman, Clem Cai. p E 1635 — Hen Job. s E 1615 — John *Cai. p M 1655 Kitchinman, Rob *Cai. p L 1656-7 Kyte ('Kyette'), Lain-.... Mag. s E 1572 Kite, Tho Trin. p c. 1592 Kitgar, Era Pet. p M 1598 Kitson, H Pem. s E 1562 Kytson, Rich Qu. s M 1551 Kittsone, Rich Cla. s c. 1596 Kitson, Rich *Sid. s E 1650 — Tho Jes. p M 1571 Kytson Joh. p E 1544 Kittam, John Trin. p E 1606 Kittermaster, Will. v. Kiddermaister Knaplock, Rob [Qu. f-c E 1620] Knapp, Cba C. C. p M 1644 A.B. (Cai.) 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1638-9, Kirk A.B. 1G13-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. (Chr.) 1571-2; A, M. 1575 A.B. 1563-4, Kirkebread A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 A.B. 1618-9, Kirkman ; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 A.B. 1562-3 ; A.M. 1566 ; S.T.B.'73 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. (Sid.) 1612 A.B. (Jes.) 1573-4 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1642-3 \ A.B. 1615-6, Kirton; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1649 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 LL.B. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1547-8, Kechin ; A.M. (*C. C.) A.B. (Qu.) 1587-8 [1551 A.B. 1547-8; A.M. (*Job.) 1551 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 (Matr. [Chickinman) A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 A.B. (Chr.) 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1554-5 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 A.B. 1653-4 ; A.M. 1657 ; S.T.B. '64 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 405 Knappe, Edm Trin. H. Knap, Edw Trin. Knape, John Job. Knappo, John Em. Knap, John Trin. Knapp, John Em. — John [Sid. — John — Eol) C. C. — Sam Cbr. — Will Cath. Knaresbrowghe, Edw. ... Knat, John C. C. Knachbull, John Mag. KnatchbuU, John Job. — John [Trin. — Norton Job. — Norton Job. — Norton Mag. — Rich Job. — Tho Job. — Tho — Tho Trin. — Job. Knell, Barnabas ... Pet. — Paul Cla. Knevytt, Ed C. C. Kneyvet, Hen Jes. Kuevet, John Chr. Knivet, John Cai. Knivett, John C. C. Knevett, Phil Cai. — Ralph [Pet. Knevy.o, Tho C. C. Knevet, Tho — Tho Qu. — Tho Em. Knyvet, Tho Knevitt [Trin. Knewstabs, Hen Cbr. Knewstubbe, John *Joh. Knewstubb, John Job. Knewstubbe, Rich Job. Kuewstubbs, Rich Job. Knibbe, Sam Cbr. Knifton, Cha Mag. — Rosly(?) ... Mag. Knyfton {maj.) Chr. — {min.) Chr. Knight, Bostocke ... Qu. — Geo Job. — Giles Knyght, He Jes. — John Pern. Knight, John Job. — John Chr. — John Cai. — John [Em. — Nich Cla. — Nich Trin. Knyght, Rich Cla. M 1554 c. 1595 M 1554 M 1587 c. 1595 E 1600] E 1601] M 1644 M 1609 E 1639 E 1575 M 1580 M 1586 E 1652] M 1586 L 1618-9 E 1625 M 1586 M 1586 M 1659 M 1618 c. 1592 M 1632 E 1544 1569 1577 1612 1639 1597-8 1616] 1544 E 1584 E 1612 1654] E 1655 M 1561 E 1628 E 1575 M 1598 E 1647 1597-8 1597-8 1544 1544 1583 1597-8 A.B. 1590-1 A.B. 1603-4 (in ordo) A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1651 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1553-4 [*Tiin.j A.B. 1578-9 (Gnatt in ordo) A.B. 1620 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. (Cath.) 1629-30; A.M. 1635 [(Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 [(Matr. 'Remuet') A.B. 1614-5 ; A.M. (*Trin. H.) 1618 A.B. 1641-2 [Knyvets] A.B. (Jes.) 1577-8; A.M. 1581; [S.T.B. 1595 A.B. 1614 A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1658-9, Knewstub; A.M. '63 A.B. 1564-5; A.M.1568 ; S.T.B.'76 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.B. (n602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1650 E 1544 E 1550 M 1586 M 1614 E 1620 E 1630] c. 1592 M 1640 E 1576 A.B. 1586 A.B. (Mag.) 1578-9 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1579- 406 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Knight, Rich Joh. p E 1584 — Rich Cla. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 [1638 ; M.D. 1641 — Rich Em. p E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634; M.L. — Tho Joh. p M 1562 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. (*Pem.) 1569 — Tho [Trin. schol. 1563] — Tho A.M. 1578 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Tho Chr. s M 1581 A.B. (n589-90) ; A.M. 1593 — Tho Sid. .s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 ; A.M. 1625 ; S.T.B. '32 — Tho Qu. p L 1653-4 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 — Walt Cla. p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 — Will Chr. p M 1575 A.B. 1579-80 — Will *Chr. p E 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 — Will Joh. « c. 1593 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 H — Will Em. p L 1626-7 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 — Will Pem. [1656] A.B. 1659; A.M. 1663 — [Sid. schol. E 1601] _ [Trin. f-c 1655] [1645 ; S.T.B. 1655 ; S.T.P. 1673 Knightbridge, iJohn *Pet. [E 1645] A.B. 1645 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. Knightley, Edw *Chr. p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 Knyghtley, John Cla. s M 1571 Knightlye, Rob Trin. p E 1605 Knightly, Sam C. C. s L 1637-8 A.B. 1641-2 Knighton, Rich [Sid. p E 1606] Kuyghton, Tho Pet. p M 1582 A.B. 1585-6 Knights, Era Chr. p c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601, Knight _ John Jes. s E 1645 A.B. 1648-9, Knight; A.M. 1652 — Will Qu. p E 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 J Knightsmyth, Rich Chr. s M 1587 ' Knill, Rich Em. p c. 1597 A.B. ( ); A.M. (Cla.) 1603 Knokys, Eleazer *Joh. p M 1572 A.B. 1577-8, Knox; A.M. 1581 ij [S.T.B. 158?| Knokes, Nath *Joh. p M 1572 A.B. 1576-7, Knox; A.M. 1580 Knott, Cha Em. s E 1612 A.B. (Joh.) 1615-6, Knotts — John [C. C. 1568] '^ — John Qu. s M 1573 — John Mag. p L 1620-1 Knowes, John [Sid. p L 1605-6] Knowles, Anth Joh. s E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 Knolles, Cheney Qu. [p E 1647] A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 Knowles, Chris Nich. Ho. p E 1556 Knolles, Edw Trin. s M 1581 A.B. 1585-6, Knowles — Era. (Sir)... A.M. 1564 (On Queen's visit) Knowllys, Hanserd ... Cath. p E 1629 Knowles, Hen Pet. p M 1628 A.B. 1631, KnoUis _ Ja *King's p M 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 _ John Joh. p M 1569 _ John Cai. p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 — John Qu. s M 1616 Knowle, John Mag. p E1620 A.B. 1623-4, Knowles ; A.M. 162'3 KnoUis, John C. C. [1636] A.B. 1639-40 [(*Cath.)l Knowles, Miles *Trin. H. [schol. 1603] LL.B. 1610 Knolles, Rich Trin. s M 1581 A.B. (Pet.) 1585-6 Knollys, Rich Mag. s E1657 A.B. 1660-1 Knolles, Rob A.M. 1641-2 _ Tho Cai. s c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. (*C. C.) 16C Knowles, Tho *Pet. p M 1628 A.B. 1631-2, Knollis ; A.M. 1635 Knolles, Will Chr. s M 1588 Knowsley, Aristoteles . Joh. p M 1569 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 Knowsly, John *Chr. p E1611 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 ; S.T.B. '27J 1 Founder of the Piofessorsbip of Moral Theology. Mat ricnlat ions ami Degrees 1544 — 1659 407 l\iiox V. Knokes Knuttoii, Emanuel ... Mag. Ky])crd, Hen C. C. Kvkelov, Tho Chr. W Chr. K\ndlcinarchc, And Trin. Kynne, John Pet. Kypace, Rich Joh. L 1626-7 [1621] M ir,67 :\r 1507 M 1571 L 1579-80 M 1568 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. [Chicholcy i] 1633 iche, Dionysius... Joh. Giles C. C. ickland, Hugh Chr. icoult, Rich Pern. icton (?), Will Trin. icye, Ambrose ... Joh. — lAnd *Joh. — H C. C. — Hen Trin. — Hen Trin. — John Joh. — John Trin. icy, Jonas Chr. icye, Nath Jes. ^ R Nich.Ho. — • Rob Joh. — Rob Chr. — Solomon ... — 2 Tho Trin. icy, 2Xho Pet. icye, Will Trin. Will Joh. Will Chr. ^ Will Trin. ,cy, Will Chr. Kie, Will *Joh. I coy, Will Jes. '^y [t'c. id ('Laal'), Nath King's idler, John [Joh. idyman, RoV) Joh. ifHyn, Rich. v. Lawflyn igdale, Chris Jes. igdcn, Geof. Qu. — Giles Em. ike, And Em. — Edw — Ferd [Pem. — Fra *Trin. — Hugh Joh. — Ja Brediiam, alias Lacy." s E p E s M P E f-c E p M p L s M s E [schol. 1555 1553 1649 1606 1598 1572 1563-4 1567 1550 1584] 1580 1601 1580 1644] 1544 1.567 1581 1617^ 1617f 1550 1550 1554 1571 1629 1629 1644 1557] 1624 1638] 1614 1633 1588 1596 1636 1635] 1626 1595 A.B. 1609-10 (? Hacton) A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1570 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1650 A.B. (Pem.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. (Mag.) 1620-1 (Matr. Laysy) A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636; S.T.B. [1643; S.T.P. 1663 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. (Chr.) 1641 ; S.T.P. 1674 {Lit. A.B. 1617-8 {Reg.) [Lugden] A.B. ( ) ; A.M. (Chr.) 1607 ; [M.L. 1622 A.B. (Cath.) 1626; LL.B. 1636 [(Incorp. fr. Oxf.); LL.D. 1637 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1599-1600, Lakes ; A.M. 1604 A.B. (Chr.) 1641 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; [A M. 1641 2 Doubtful as to which graduated. 408 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Lake ('Leake'), ^John... Job. — Tho — Tho Pet. Laike, Tho Mag. Lake, Tho King's — Will Em. — Will Lakeland, Tho Joh. Lakin, ^John *Joh. Lakers, Edw Joh. — [Lake], Jonas C. C. Lakes, Ja *King's — Osmund ...*King's — Steph *King's — ('Lake'), Tho Chr. — Will Cla. — [King's Lakyn, Miles ,*King's — Tho *Joh. — Tho Joh. — Will *Joh. Lambe, Earth Mag. — Chris Joh. Lamb, Edw Mag. Lambe, Ja — Ja — John Jes. Lamme, John Joh. Lambe, ^John Trin. — 3john Trin. — John Trin. John Pern. — John Mag. — Lionel — Mich C. C. — Nath Mag. — Phil Cla. — Rich, {imp.) Cla. — Rob Chr. — Rob *Mag. — Roland Qu. — Simon Trin. — Steph Joh. Lamb, Tho Mag. Lambe, Tho Chr. — Tho Em. — Tho Joh. — Will Joh. Lamb, Will Cla. Lambe, Will Joh. — Mag. Lamb [Em. Lambard, Geo Cla. Lamberd, Gilbert Cla. — Tho Joh. ?Vanne ... Cla. M 1637 E 1618 E 1650 L 1656-7 E 1598 E 1614 M 1548 L 1580-1 M 1582 M 1601 M 1562 M 1565 L 1557-8 E 1615 L 1613-4] M 1546 M 1544 M 1573 M 1560 E 1640 E 1624 E 1575 M 1579 E 1583 M 1625 M 1625 E 1634 M 1642 E 1655 E 1622 E 1654 M 1641 M 1545 E 1620 E 1648 E 1579 E 1621 c. 1594 E 1575 E 1620 E 1639 E 1648 M 1576 M 1623 E 1648 E 1544 E 1585] E 1605 E 1579 E 1622 E 1605 A.B. 1641-2 ; S.T.P. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. (King's) 1609-10, Lakes; A.M. A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 [1613 A.B. 1653-4 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. (Cla.) 1606 A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1617-8 [(*Jes.) 1560 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1556; S.T.B. A.B. 1584-5 (Labers in gr.) A.B. 1585-6 [1631, Lake A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609; M.L. A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570; S.T.B. '79 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573; LL.D. [1579 A.B. 1560-1; A.M. 1564; M.D. [(*Pet.) 1571 (?A.B. 1550-1) A.B. 1547-8; A.M. 1551; S.T.P. [1570, Laken A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1568; M.L. [1579; M.D. 1580 A.B. (King's) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [1616 A.M. 1590; LL.D. A.M. (Jes.) 1633 A.B. 1586-7; A.B. 1628-9; A.B. 1629 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.M. [?A.B.] rTrin.) 1618; A.M. [(Chr.) 1621 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1657 A.B. 1646 A.B. 1623-4 ; A.M. 1627 ; S.T.B. '39 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1623-4 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Bishop of Sodor and Man, 1684; Chichester, 1685. 8 Some doubt as to the degrees. 2 Master of Jesus, 1562. Mahnculations mid Degrees 1544- 659 409 Lambert, Carey Em. — iCha Em. Edm Trin. Edvv [(^ C. Edw c.c. Edw Cath. Geo Chr. Humph. ... Trin. Lainbart, John Pet. Lambert, John Chr. — Johu Trin. Jos Trin. Joshua Trin. Lionel Pem. — Nich Mag. — Phil Jes. — Ralph Chr. Lambarte, Rich Cla. Lambert, Rich Job. — Rich Job. — Rich Joh. _ Tho Pem. _ Tho [C.C. — Tho Cla. Tho [Pem. Lambarte, Will Jes. Lambert, Will Em. Will Joh. Will Trin. — Will. {Oallicus' Lambinge, Tho C.C. Lambton, Will Joh. Lamly, Hen Sid. Lamley, Ja Pet. Lammas, Steph Chr. — Tho Pem. Lamotte, Ja Lampkin, Isaac Chr. Rob Trin. Lamplugh, (ieo Trin. — Josiah *C. C. Lamplughe, Rich C. C. Lamplough, Steph Chr. Lamplugh, Will Trin. Lampton, John Chr. — Ralph (i»ip.( 12 ann.)\ Joh. — Will Joh. Lankeshire. Johu Joh. Lancaster, Chris Trin. Chris Cai. Clem Joh. — Cuthbert .. .Alag. — Hugh Chr. John Jes. -John * King's John — John [Cai. — Matth . Jes. f-c L 1618-9 f-c L 1618-9 A.M. 1619 ^Lit. Reg.) V E 1570 1579] f-c c. 1597 p E 1629 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 H E 1568 A.B. 1571-2 1» M 1564 A.B. 1566-7 ; A.M. 1570; S.T.B. '80 E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 }) E 1636 S M 1627 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 s E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 p M 1587 a E 1609 \) E 1615 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 s c. 1595 p M 1552 p c. 1594 s E 1609 s E 1611 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 p M 1588 1620] A.B. (Joh.) 1623-4 s M 1626 1656] A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1634 s E 1549 s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 s E 1603 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 s E 1626 A.M. 1629 s E 1583 f-c E 1640 p E 1606 p M 1580 p E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 s E 1604 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 ,s 1589 A.B. (Qu.) 1593-4, Lambkind ; p E 1602 [A.M. 1597 s E 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649; S.T.B. '57 p M 1624 s M 1629 T^ E 1605 A.B. (Chr.) 1609; A.M. 161J L M 1642 [Lambton] f-c M 1568 f-c M 1606 s E 1578 A.B. 1581-2, Lancashire s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1649 s M 1657 A.B. (Trin.) 1661-2 p c. 1591 A.B. (Mag.) 1595-6 s M 1579 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 p M 1629 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 p M 1562 p M 1587 A.B. [1591-2]; A.M. 1595 A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 V E 1619] M 1562 Charles Lambart, Barou Cavau, 1618. Bishop of Waterford, 1607! 1591 410 Matriculations and Degree Lancaster, Matth Job. — Nath — Pet Trin. — Rich Cla. — Rich *King's Lanceter, Rich Cai. Lancastur, Rob Joh, Lancaster, Sam [Qu. — Tho C. C. — Tho *King's — Will Em. — [King's — [Em. Lancton, Anth Edm. Ho, — Chris King's — Chris Chr. Land, John *Sid. Lande, John Sid. — Lewes Sid. Lane, Adam Pem. — Edw Joh. — Erasmus ...*C. C. — Era Pem. — Era Trin. — Era Em. — Geo Pet. Layne, Geo Lane, Isaac Pet. — Ja Em. Layne, John , Joh. — John Pet. — John Pem. — John Joh. — John Qu. — John Cath. Laine, John Cath. Lane, Jos *Pet. — Nath Pem. — Par[re] Chr. — Pet *Joh. Layne, Rich Trin. Lane, Rich Jes. — Rich Cla. — Rob *Joh. — Sam [Pet. Layne, Tho Trin. Lane, Tho — Tho Trin. — Tho Em. — Will Pet. — Will Joh. — Will Trin. — Will Cath. — Will Sid. — Will [Trin. — Will [Em. — [C. C. — [C. C. — Joh. Lantit, Pet Sid. 1544 — 1659 S.T.B. 1647 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.; p M 1646 s M 1562 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1569 p M 1589 A.B. [1593-4]; A.M. 1597; S.T.B. [1605; S.T.P. 1615 s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 s E 1586 s L 1620-1] s E 1577 p M 1586 A.6. [1590-1]; A.M. 1594 ; S.T.B. p E 1644 [1601 s 1557-8] s E 1623] 1> M 1545 [sch ol. 1538] A.B. 1542-3; M.D. 1552, Langton p E 1567 A.B. 1570-1 L s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7 ; A.M. 1620 ; S.T.B. '27 1> E 1620 I P E 1603 A.B. 1606-7 V M 1568 s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 p s E 1655 E 1609 A.B. 1658-9 ; A.M. 1662 ; S.T.B. '70 p E 1637 [Migr. to Cla. E 1638] p s E 1644 M 1570 A.B. 1598 (Licorp. fr. Oxf.) p M 1581 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587, Lawne s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 s E 1552 A.B. (*Qu.) 1557-8; A.M. (*Chr.) f-c M 1558 [1560; S.T.B. 1564 s L 1584-5 s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 s M 1618 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 V E 1641 A.B. 1644; A.M. 1648 j V E 1645 1 s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 p E 1577 V M 1628 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 s M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 f-c M 1633 s E 1647 p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600; S.T.B. p E 1652] [1608 ; S.T.P. 1624 {Lit. Reg.) s M 1572 A.M. 1602 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 s E 1631 f-c M 1558 f-c 1> M 1613 E 1614 \v 1630] A.B. 1635-6 V M 1639 V E 16.55 P E 1658' 1544 1570 c. 1594 s E 1644 A.B. 1647-8 I Lange, John *Joh. Lang, Marm [Em. Lange, Kob Trin. — (' Long'), Sam Job. Langbai ne, Gerrard Langdale, Alban Leangdale, Cha loh. Langdale, Chris Jes. — (ieo *King's Langdall, John King's Langdale, John Cai. Langdall, Marm Cai. — Marm Joh. Langdale, Rich Chr. Laiugdale Joh. — C. C. Langdon, Mich Qu. — Walt Trin. Langford, Geo Em. — Humph. ... King's — John Sid. — John — Will Langham, Ja Em. — John King'.s — John Joh. — John Em. — Jos Em. — Rich Cla. — Seth Joh. — Tho — [Tho.] Em. — Will Em. — Will Langherne v. also Laiiglierne Langhorne, Dan Trin. — Lancelot ... Chr. Lankhorne, Lancelot ... Qu. Langherne, Will Chr. — Will Pem. — Will Trin. Langley v. also Longley — Adam Langlaye, Chris Cai. Langley, Edw Jes. — Era [Cath. — (ieof. Cla. — Geo — Geo Joh. — Geo C. C. — Gilb ....*Joh. — Gregory Chr. — Hen Chr. Laugly, Hen .Mag. Langley, Hen — Ja — John C. C. — John *Joh. Langle, John Cla. Langley, John Mag. — John Qu. IS Q Md Deg rees ir,44— 1659 411 s E 1570 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 P E 1620] s M 1579 s M 1607 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.M. 1641 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1531-2; A.M. (*Joh.) 1535; p M 1598 [S.T.B. 1544; S.T.i\ 1554 !■- E 1632] A.B. 1635-6 p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 s E 1623 A.B. (Joh.) 1626-7, Langdale s E 1659 A.B. 1662; A.M. 1668 p E 1584 p E 1613 s E 1651 A.B. 1663 p E 1544 s E 1544 p E 1556 p E 1615 A.B. 1619-20 p E 1607 A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614; S.T.B. '22 p E 1655 p E 1613 [Lankeford] A.M. 1616 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Em.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605 f-c M 1638 s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 s E 1626 [f r. Sid.] A.B. 1629-30 f-c M 1638 [p L 1644-5 A.B. 1648-9 p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 p E 1613 A.B. 1631-2(Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. p E 1654 [(Cla.) 1634 p E 1642 A.B. 1645-6, *Pet. 1646 M.D. 1652 (Incorp. fr. Padua) [(*C. C.) 1664 p M 1649 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657; S.T.B. p c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 ; S.T.B. '13 s E 1615 [Langhorne] s E 1552 p M 1618 p M 1649 S.T.B. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c M 1.584 (Matr. Longley) s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 p E 1656] p E 1616 A.B. (Chr.) 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. (Cath.) 1611-2 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4, Longley; A.M. 1627 s E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 s E 1544 A.B. 1546-7 s M 1571 [schol. 1602] A.B. (11602-3); A.M. 1606 1> M 1627 A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 s E 1.572 (p) c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 p M 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 p E 1626 xV.B. 1627; A.M. 1631 (Matr. p E 1657 [Laugi-ey) 412 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Langley, Phil Pern. p M 1645 _ Rich *King's p M 1580 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588; S.T.B. _ Rich [Joh. f-c M 1639] [1595 ; S.T.P. 1607 — Rich Qu. p E 1657 _ Rob Cai. p M 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 — Sam Em. [p L 1642-3] A.B. 1642-3; A.M. (*Chr.) 1646 _ Tho Qu. s E 1587 [1607 _ Tho *King's [schol. 1592] A.B. [1596-7] ; A.M. 1600; S.T.B. Tho A.B. (,Jes.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 _ Tho [Jes.] A.M. 1644 (Incorp. fr. Edinburgh) — Will Mag. p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 — Will Pet. f-c E 1639 Langlois, Solomon ... Pet. p L 1588-9 Langridge, Will Em. s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2 Langthorne, Simon C. C. p E 1649 A.B. (Em.) 1652-3; A.M. 1656 Langton, Chri«. v. Lancton _ Era Joh. s L 1637-8 ■ _ Hen Em. s E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 — John Cai. s E 1625 _ Pet [Qu. p L 1599-1600] — Rob Jes. p L 1563-4 _ Rob A.B. (Joh.) 1600-1; A.M. 1604 — Tho. ('Rob.') Jes. p 1563-4 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. (Chr.) 1570; [M.D. 1576-7 _ Tho A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) — W Joh. p L 1564-5 _ Will [Qu. f-c E 1580] _ Will A.M. 1604 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) _ Will Joh. p E 1628 [Lawton in Matr. book] — Will [Qu. p M 1646] _ Will Em. p M 1648 — (sen.) Chr. p M 1597 — {jun.) Chr. p M 1597 Langtrie, Rich Chr. (?) s E1606 (? Laugtrit, Langtrit) Langworth v. also Longworth Langeworth, Adam Joh. p M 1566 A.B. (Qu.) 1569-70 ; A.M. (*C. C.) _ Geo [Cath. p 1631] [1573, *Cath. Langworth, John *Joh. p E1566 A.B. 1567-8, Longworth; A.M. _ John Cai. p M 1587 [1571 ; S.T.B. 1577-8 _ Tho Joh. p E 1605 _ Tho *Trin. p E 1606 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 Lanine(?), Will Trin. s M 1602 Lan.scomb, John Em. p E 1628 Landsdell, Chris, v. Londsdale Landesdale, Edw Cai. p E 1634 Lannsdell, Leonard ... Jes. s M 1579 Lansdale, Pet Cla. s M 1620 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Lansdayle, Rob Chr. p M 1552 A.B. 1554-5; A.M. (*Jes.) 1558; Lant, Ambrose ... Trin. f-c E 1656 [LL.D. 1573, Londesdall _ Era Cai. [s M 1600] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 _ Tho *Jes. [p E 1620] A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 ; S.T.B. '34 Lany, Aslack Em. p E 1620 — ('Laine'), ^ Benj. ... Chr. p E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615; S.T.B. _ John..." Pern. p L 1634-5 [(*Pem.) 1622 ; S.T.P. 1630 _ Sam Chr. s M 1609 A.B. 1612 [Reg.) Laney Tho Pem. p M 1642 A.B. 1644-5; S.T.B. 1661 {Lit. Lapworth, -^Edw Qu. p M 1589 A.B. (?1591-2) ; A.M. (C. C.) 1595 ; _ Edw Chr. s E 1619 [M.L. 1597 ; M.D. 1602 _ Will C. C. s E 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 1 Master of Pembroke, 1630; Bishop of Peterborough, 1660; Lincoln, 1663; Ely, 1667. 2 Doubtful if actually M.D. before 1611. Matincidatioiis and Degrees 1544 — 1659 413 Larcome, Tho Trin. s M 1G19 Lare v. Layer Large, Abr [Cla. s M 1G33] — John Chr. p E 1622 — Rob Cai. s E 1606 Larke, Joel Mag. s M 1615 — Will C. C. p M 1546 Larkham, Tho. v. Larcome Larkin v. also Lorkin — Edvv *King's p M 1639 Larkyn, John {imp) ^^^ ^ g ^^gg 13 ann.)S Larkin, John *Cla. p E 1637 — Ro Cla. .s c. 1591 Larman, Tho C. C. s M 1581 Larson, Laurence ... Em. s E 1629 Lasby, John C. C. s M 1655 Lascels, Barth Joh. p E 1641 La-ssels, Brian Chr. f-c E 1615 Lascelles, Era Joh. p E 1611 — Phil Joh. p E 1611 Lassells, Rob Mag. p c. 1.596 Lascelle.s, Walt [Trin. schol. 1588] — Will Mag. f-c M 1654 Lasher, Hen Chr. s E 1644, Rich [Cla. .schol. 1562] Latch, John Latham, Dan Cai. [p E 1637] — Edw Joh. p E 1631 Lathum, Hamlet Cai. f-c M 1638 Latham, Hen — John Cath. p E 1550 — John Qu. p E 1576 — John Trin. s M 1639 — Nich Qu. p M 1570 — Paul *Em. s E 1585 — Tho Cai. f-c E 1631 — Tho *Cath. p E 1651 Lathum, Will Em. p c. 1592 Lathe, Rich Cai. p E 1585 Lath, Will Pern. s L 1577-5 Lathebery, Tho Jes. p M 1544 Lathiuge, Hen Trin. s E 1628 Lathwett, Ja — Will Latimer, Edw loh. p E 1571 — Rob Trin. s E 1587 — 'Will Latlais, Harry son ... Chr. p E 1625 Latncr, John Joh. s M 1620 Latton, Filby Trin. s E 1631 Latus, Ferdinand... Pem. p M 1635 Laud, 2 Will Laughei'ue, Rich *Pem. s E 1568 Laughornr, Tho *Trin. p M 1559 Laughtoii, Edm. [Edw.]*King's p M 1559 Lawghton, (ieo *King's p M 1560 Lawton, Gilb Cai.^ p M 1582 1 Dean of Peterborough, 1560. 2 Bishop of St David's, 1621 ; of 15atli and Wells, Canterbury, 1633. A.B. (Trin. H.) 1621 2, Larkham; [A.M. 1626 [1669 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629; S.T.P. A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1640-1, Lorkin; A.M. 1644 [? Larmar] A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1675 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. (Joh.) 1607-8 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 ]LL.B. 1631 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1571-2( ; A.M. [(Cath.) 1572 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. (Cai.) 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1548-9, *Joh. 1555, Louth- A.B. 1631-2 [bery A.B. (Mag.) 1603-4; A.M. 1611 A.B. (? ); AM. (Mag.) 1611 A.M. 1536 ; S.T.P, (C. C.) 1564 (On [Queen's visit) A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. (C. C.) 1635-6 S.T.P. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1571-2, Lawhorne ; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1563-4, Lawgherne; A.M. A.B. 1563-4 [(*Pera.) 1567 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1568 16-26; of London, 16-28; Archbishop of 414 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Lawghton, John . Pem. P E 15.59 Lawton, John . Jes. p E 15f)0 Laughton, John . Joh. s E 1653 A.B. 1656 Lawghton, Phil . King's P E 1580 [Layton, Laton] Lawton, Sam A.B. (Joh.) 1626-7; A.M. 1631 Laughton, Tho (No A.B.); A.M. 1564 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 ; S.T.B.'88 Tho ".*Chr. p M 1573 — Tho . Chr. P M 1588 Lawton, Tho A.B. (Joh.) 1622-3 — Tho . Jes. s E 1657 A.B. 1661 Will . Joh. p M 1573 A.B. (Qu.) 1576-7, Laughton; A.M. Laughton, Will . Qu. fc L 1647-8 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1654 [1580 Launce, John . Trin. p c. 1594 Launder, Ueo . Qu. P E 1627 A.B.. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 Laurdale ?, Paul . Jes. p E 1625 Lavell, Jolui . Chr. p E 1565 Lavender, John A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) John ". Qu. s M 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 — John . [Pet. p E 1653] Laverock, John . Em. p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 — John . Cla. s M 1635 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1645 Lavinston V. Levinston Lawe, Jeremy .... . Chr. p M 1617 — John . Jes. s M 1569 A.B. 1573-4 — John . Trin. p E 1570 — John . Pem. p M 1578 A.B. (Cla.) 1581-2 John . Joh. . Em. s L 1579-8( M 1584 3 A.B. 1583-4 _ John Law, John . [Em. p E 1591] Lawe, Matth . Trin. p M 1613 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621, Lawhe Pet . Pet. p E 1588 A.B. (? ); A.M. 1597, Lawne; — Rob . Chr. p E 1558 [S.T.P. 1617 — Rob . Joh. s M 1586 — Tho . Chr. f-c L 1564-5 Tho . Em. p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 Will . Chr. s E 1555 Will . Joh. p E 1579 — Will . Chr. p M 1612 A.B. 1615-6, Lauz Law, Will . Qu. p E 1651 Lawes, Edw . Em. [« E 1597] A.B. 1600-1 [LL.D. 1578 — Tho . Jes. p M 1555 A.B. (*C. C.) 1558-9; A.M. 1562; Lawse, Will . C. C. p E 1575 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 Lawes . Gonv. H s E 1544 [1578 Lawflyn, Rich!'.V.'.'.V.' . King's s M 1571 A.B. (Pem.) 1574-5, Lafflyn ; A.M. Lawford, Dan A.M. 1633 (Incori). fr. Oxf.) Lawgden, Rich .' Joh. p L 1563-4 Lawley, Geo A.M. 1610 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Lawne, Isaac V. Lane [1584 John . Jes. p L 1577-8 A.B. (Pet.) 1580-1, Lawnde ; A.M. — John A.B. (? ); A.M. (Jes.) 1596 Nath .' Em. p 6'. 1596 A.B. (Pet.) 1599-1600 Paul . Em. [p E 1604] A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611; M.D. Pet. V. Law [1615-6 (Incorp. fr. Padua) Lawpage, (jljris . Chr. [« E 1638] A.B. (Chr.) 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1646 Chris Lawre (1), Rob . Trin. L 1593-4 Lawrence, Art . Pet. s M 1544 Cha . Cai. p E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 Cornelius .. A.B. (Trin.) 1618; ]\I.l). 1636 — Ed iMich.Ho p M 1544 [{Lit. liecj.) Laurence, Ed . Jes. p M 1567 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 415 Lawrence, Edm Cai. Laurence, Edw loh. Lawrence, Edw Chr. — Edw Sid. — Edw Mag. — Edw Job. H Tes. — Hen yii. — Hen Em. — John Peni. — John Toh. Laurence, John Jes. Lawrence, John Trin. — John Trin. — John Pet. — John Pem. — John Sid. — John Em. — John Em. — Jonat Em. Laurence, Matth Lawrence, Nath Cai. Laurence, Nich Chr. Lawrence, Paul Pem. Laurense, Paul Jes. Laurence, Rich Pem. Lawrence, Rich Joh. — Rich — Rob Em. Laurence, Roger Pet. Lawrence, Sam Qu. Laurence, Tho [Trin. Lawrence, Tho Cla. — Tho Pet. Laurence, Tho Joh. — Tho Qu. — Tho Pet. Laurance, Tho Lawrence, Tho C. C. Laurance, Tho Em. Lawrence, W Je.s. — Will Pet. Laurence, Will Chr. Lawrence, Will Joh. Laurence, Will C. C. Lawrence, Will [Pom. — Chr. Laurence ' Lawson, Adam Joh. — Cha *Joh. — Cha Trin. — Edw Mag. — Geo Pet. — Geo Cai. — Geo Em. — Geo Je.s. — Geo Trin. — Hen Chr. — Hugh Joh. .s E 1618 A.B. 1620-1 ]) L 1577-8 p M KM 7 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 .s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 s E 1645 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1654 p p E 1649 M 1564 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1658 f-c E 1621 A.B. (Em.) 1623-4; A.M. 1627 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 s E 1544 s 1> M 1554 E 1566 A.B. 1558-9 ; A.M. 1567, *Cath. V c. 1592 A.B. 1593-4 p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 1> M 1615 A.B. 1618-9 M 1623 A.B. 1627-8 V L 1626-7 A.B. 1632 s E 1653 A.B. 1653-4 s M 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 p E 1619 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1616-7 ; A.M. 1620 s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 s E 1641 A.B. 1647-8 s E 1621 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1623-4 ; A.M. 1628 1> E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632, Larrence •S M 1578 A.B. 1581-2 « E 1643 A.B. 1646-7 A.M. 1651 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1> M 1612 A.B. 1615-6 p M 1556 s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 schol. 1560] P L 1563-4 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. (*Joh.) 1570 P M 1569 P ]) M 1569 E 1573 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1576 p L 1582-3 E 1640 A.B. 1586-7 A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1647 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 !> M 1.562 [(*Qu.) 1580 P M 1565 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572; S.T.B. !> E 1575 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 ]) E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 I' P E 1631 1635] E 1544 A.B. 1634-5 A.M. (Trin.) 1611 !> E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.I^. 1635 1> E 1598 A.B. 1601-2 ; A.M. 1605 ; S.T.B. '13 1> E 1641 s L 1620-1 A.B. 1624 p M 1586 .s c. 1593 8 M 1615 S E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 ]> E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 « E 1607 P E 1573 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 Head uf list iti ordo. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 416 Lawson, Hugh Joh. — Hugh Chr. — John Chr. — John Chr. — John Chr. — John Pet. — John *Sid. — John Qu. — Jos — Nich Pern. — Nich C. C. — Ralph Qu. — Ralph Pet. — Rich Pern. — Rich Pet. — Rich Sid. — Rob Qu. — Rob Cla. — Rob Pet. — Rob Em. — Sam [Sid. — Tho Chr. — Tho Chr. — Tho Pet. — Tho Chr. — Tho Cath. — Tho [Chr. — Tho Chr. — Tho [Jes. — Vincent Cai. Lauson, Vincent C. C. Lawsone, Wilfrid Trin. Lawson, W Trin. — Will Joh. — Will Joh. — Will [Pem. Lauson, Will Mag. Lawson Trin.H Lawter, John [Cath. Lawtye, Tho Cai. Lawtie, Tho Sid. Laxte, Tho Jes. Lax ton , Earth — John Cla. — Rob Qu. — Rob Chr. — Rob C. C. — Tho Em. — Will Joh. Lay, Will Labournc, Edw Trin. Layborne, Gilb Laybourne, Ja Trin. Laburne, Tho Qu. Laborne, Will Joh. Laycocke, Edm *Joh. Lacocke, John Trin. Laycocke, John Trin. Lacock, Rich *Trin. Laycock, W Trin, L 1581-2 E 1652 E 1559 M 1566 E 1605 E 1612 E 1631 M 1652 L 1582-3 E 1639 L 1564-5 M 1586 M 1566 M 1598 M 1633 M 1565 E 1573 M 1586 c. 1595 E 1633] M 1578 E 1586 E 1622 M 1623 M 1633 E 1650] E 1652 E 1657] 1606 E 1644 E 1562 E 1563 E 1549 c. 1594 1651] E 1653 E 1546 1640] E 1588 E 1632 E 1620 E 1580 E 1576 M 1612 M 1615 E 1654 E 1646 s E 1609 M 1569 M 1620 M 1572 E 1622 L 1577-8 E 1614 M 1553 M 1575 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1656-7 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. (*Joh.) 1566; A.B. 1567-8 [S.T.B. 1575-6 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656; M.D. [1659 (Incorp. fr. Padua) A.B. (Pet.) 1604-5; A.M. 1609 A.B. A.B. 1601-2: 1637-8 A.M. 1605 A.B. 1625-6 A.B. 1636-7 ; A.I\L 1640, *Joh. '44 A.B. 1655 A.B. 1645-6 A.B. 1656-7 A.B. 1592-3 LL.B. 1578 A.B. 1583-4 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1650-1 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. (Jes.) 1606 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1537-8; A.M. 1541 ; S.T.B. '49 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1625-6 ; A.M. 1629 ; S.T.B. '36 A.B. 1557-8; A.M. 1561 Matriculatiotis and Degrees 1544 — 1659 417 Lay cock, Will. (?the Layer, Augustine... C'ai. Lare, Beuj Chr. Layer, Chris *Triu.II. — John (lonv.H. — John Trin. Tho [t'ai. — Tlu. Pot. — Will Cai. Pom. Peni. Layfeild, Aiith J oh. Laytiel.], Edm Joh. - Edw — p:d\v Layfyld, John *Trin. I.ivfeild, Tho I.aythwett, Will Joh. I.iiton, Cha Joh. Layhton, Hugh les. Ijcyton, Jo.s *King's Layton, Tho Laysonby, Chris Joh. Lazenby, Tho Mag. Lasyubee Nich. Ho. Lea V. Lee, Leigh and Ley Leachford v. Letchford Lead better, Geo Joh. Leadbeater, Hen Trin. — Matth Chr. Leadbettcr, Tho Chr. Leader, Hen Pet. — Hen Qu. Leder, John (mp J (-,, 13 ann.)\ Leader, Newman . . . — Sam Cai. — Tho Em. — Joh. Leads v. Leeds Leake v. also Lake — Cha Mag. — Edw — Fra. {imp.) . Joh. — Fra [CaL Leek, Fra [Sid. Leake, Fra Joh. Leke, Gaspard ... Trin. Leake, Gervase Joh. — Guy Chr. Leeke, Hen Trin. Leke, Ja Pern. Leake, .John {imp.) Joh. — John Cath. — John Pet. — ■ John — John Joh. — John Pet. — John Pern. ibove) E 1608 E 1637 E 1632 E 1545 E 1632 M 1602] E 1629 E 1619 M 1548 M 1548 E 1632 E 1610 L 1577-8 s p p p L 1597-8 M 1566 M 1558 E 1657 p p s c. 1595 E 1653 E 1544 s s s p p s E 1623 c. 1589 L 1656-7 L 1647-8 M 1564 E 1620 p c. 1598 p p p M 1645 E 1635 E 1544 f-c M 1639 E 1555 E 1596] E 1626] E 1632 M 1558 M 1659 E 1651] M 1570 M 1623 E 1555 M 15cS9 E 1607 E 1619 M 1624 E 1634 A.B. (Cla.) 1584-5 A.B. 1611-2, Laer . Trin.] A.B. 1637-8, Layer; A.M. LL.B. 1640 [1641 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1636-7 [S.T.B. 1624 A.B. (Chr.) 1613-4; A.M. 1617; A.B. 1548-9; A.M. 1552, *Cath. A.B. 1625 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. [1633 {do.) A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585; S.T.B. [1592 ; S.T.P. 1603 A.B. (*Joh.) 1606-7 (Ilayheld in [ordo); A.M. 1610 A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M. 1664, Layton A.B. 1558-9; A.M. (*Pet.) 1562 M.B. 1661, Lasenby A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1631 A.B. (Jes.) 1593-4 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1685 A.B. 1651; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. (Joh.) 1606 A.B. 1649-50 A.B. (Qu.) 1638-9; A.M. 1642; [S.T.P. l%l\{Lit. Reg.) A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1654-5 A.B. (Pet.) 1626-7; A.M. 1630; [S.T.B. 1637 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. (Chr.) 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1637-8 63 418 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Leake, John .... Cla. s M 1645 A.B. 1648-9 Leek, Nich .... [Sid. f-c E 1626] Leake, Rich .... Cath. s M 1585 [fr. Cai.l A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1593 — Rich .... Joh. s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 — Rich .... Mag. s E 1641 Leeke, Rich .... Sid p E 1641 — Rob ... Trin. p M 1583 A.B. 1585-6, Lecake; A.M. 1589 — Rob .... Joh. p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1649 Leke, Roger ... Trin. p M 1558 Leeke, Sam ...*Joh. p E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 Leake, Solomon ... Pern. f-c M 1602 Leeke, Tho ... Pem. p M 1569 Leake, Tho ... Chr. p c. 1598 A.B. (Pem.) 1600-1 — Tho A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4 — Tho '.'.'. Chr. s M 1612 A.B. 1615-6 — Tho ... Joh. 1> M 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 Tho M.D. 1624 (Incorp. fr. Leyden^ Will ;."." Joh. p E 1580 Leeke, Will ... Trin. p E 1586 Leake, Will ... Trin. p M 1646 Leeke, Will ... Joh. p M 1649 Leake, Will ... Chr. p E 1651 [Leech] [? Lever] Leands, Tho ... C. C. p M 1623 Leaninge, Roger ... Jes. p M 1609 Learo, John ... Pet. p M 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 Learmouthe, Will ... Chr. p M 1554 Leythlye, Geo ... Chr. p M 1560 A.B. 1564-5 Leathley, Roger ... Chr. p M 1562 Leavens, Brian . . . Jes. s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 (Matr. 'Ben. Lewens') — Will ... Qu. s E 1606 A.B. 1610-1 Leaves, Will ... Chr. s E 1650 LebanJ, Rob ... Trin. s M 1572 A.B. 1577-8 Ledam, John ... Qu. p E 1570 Leddall, And ... [Trin. E 1640] Ledall, Hen ... Pet. p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40, Liddall — Rob ... Cla. s L 1564-5 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 Ledington, John ... Trin. s M 1604 A.B. (Qu.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612; Lee V. also Leigh and Ley [S;T.B. 1623, Lodington — Anth ... Chr. p M 1565 — Cha ... Trin. p E 1636 — Chris .. Mag. p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 — Cromwell ... Trin.H p E 1556 — Cuthbert .. Chr. p M1564 — Edm .. Cla. s L 1564-5 — Edw. Dun . . [Em. p E 1617] — Edw .. Sid. p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 Lea, Fra .. Trin. p E 1635 Lee, Geo ..*Trin. s M 1564 A.B. 1567-8 ; A.M. 1571 ; S.T.B. '87 — Geo A.B. 1586 Lea, Geo '.'. Jes. s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 Lee, Geo .. Mag. [p E 1652] 1656' A.B. 1655-6 Lea, Geo .. [Pem. Lee, Gervase... .. Trin. p M 1569 A.B. 1573-4 — Gervase... A.B. (Pem.) 1604-5 — Gervase... '.'. Joh. p E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 — Hen .. Chr. p M 1568 — Hen .. Qu. p M 1585 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 — Hen A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) Lea, Hen .'.' [Pem. 1658] Lee, John .. Joh. p M 1559 John .. Chr. V E 1567 A.B. 1570-1 (Matr. Lye) Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 419 Lee, John Cla. — John C. C. Lea, John [Qu. — John Jes. Lee, John Trin.H. — John Jes. Lea, John [Qu. Lee, Matth Ghr. — (Leigh), Miles — Peirs Sid. — Pet Cai. — Pet Qu. — Phil King's — Reg Trin. Rich Chr. — Rich Chr. Lea, Rich Cai. Lee, Rich Trin. — Rob Cla. — Rob — Rob Jes. — Roger *Trin. — Roger Jes. — Roger Cla. St John Chr. — Sam Em. — Sam Qu. — Simon Cai. — Tho Trin. — Tho Joh. Lea, Tho C. C. Lee, Tho Chr. — Tho Qu. — Tho Em. — VV Joh. — Will Cla. — Will Pet. — Will Joh. — Will Trin. — Will [C. C. — Will Qu. — Woulfrid ... Chr. Leech, Benj Chr. — Benj Chr. Leache, Hen Cai. — Humph. ... Leeche, Jerem Leche, John Chr. — John Chr. Leeche, John Jes. Leach, John Chr. Leech, John Mag. Leache, Rich Joh. Leach, Rob Leche, Rob [Trin. Leech, Sam Trin. — Silvester ... Trin. Leach, Tho Lieche, Tho Qu. Leech, Tho Chr. 8 E 1570 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 1577-8 1587] 1609 s E 1613 f-c 1639 1642] c. 1597 M 1628 E 1580 E 1607 M 1581 M 1547 E 1554 E 1606 M 1629 M 1647 M 1552 E 1606 M 1547 E 1606 E 1649 E 1654 E 1618 M 1644 E 1620 L 1564-5 E 1571 M 1585 M 1587 M 1632 E 1646] M 1565 E 1570 E 1575 c. 1598 E 1616 1618] M 1622 L 1.581-2 E 1607 E 1632 M 1620 E 1561 E 1563 ]\[ 1.583 M 1587 E 1624 E 1576 1652] 1629 E 1618 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1642-3 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 A.M. 1573 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [Leigh] A.B. 1610-1, Leigh; A.M. 1614 [Leigh] A.B. (? 1609-10) ; A.M. (Chr.) 1613 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. (*Pet.) 1637; [S.T.P. 1664 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. (Cla.) 1649 A.B. (Pem.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1551-2; A.M. 1555; M.D. '63 A.B. 1609-10, Ley; A.M. 1613 1618 1626 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1646 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); A.M. [1646 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1601-2 A.B. 1625-6; A.xM. 1629 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 [1596 A.B. (Qu.) 1592-3; A.M. (Em.) A.B. (Chr.) 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 [Adm. at Cai. E 1563] A.B. (Chr.) [1566-7; A.M. 1570 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1595 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. (*Cla.) [1615 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. (*Joh.) 1567; [S.T.B. 1574-5 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 420 Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Leech, Tho Em. Leche, Will Triu.H. Leache, Will Trin. Leeche, Will *Mag. Leach, Will. v. Leake — [C. C. Leeds, Anth. (imp.) Trin. H. Leedes, Anth Em. Leeds (Ledys), ^Edw. ... — Edw Em. Leedes, Edw Chr. Leeds, Geo CO. — Geo Trin. — John Trin.H Leads, John Leadys, John Cla. Leeds, John Chr. Leedes, John Qu. — Rich Cla. Leeds, Rob Leede, Rob Trin. Leeds, Sam Trin. Leedes, Sam Chr. Leeds, Tho Cla. — Tho Trin. — Will Qu. — Will Em. Lees, Edm — John King's — John Joh. — Lewis [Sid. Leese, Rich Jes. — Rob *Trin. Lees, Tho Qu. — [C. C. Leete, Giles Pet. — John Qu. — Rob Leet, Will C. C. Leete {Alaj.) Joh. — {Mill.) Joh. Leetwood v. Lightwood Le Febure, Ja [Cai. — Renatus ('Gallicus') Legard, Chris Trin. — Chris Sid. — Chris Sid. Leghard, John Trin. Legard, John Sid. — John [Cla. Loegard, Rich Sid. Legard, Rich Sid. — Rob Trin. — Rob Joh. — Rob [Trin. — Rob Joh. — Rob [Cai. — Will C. C. s L 1629-30 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 f-c E 1544 LL.B. 1544-5 p M 1580 A.B. 1584-5 s M 1621 A.B. 1625-6 ;A.M. 1629: S.T.B.'36i 1552] V E 1554 V M 1642 A.B. 1542-3; A.M. 1545; LL.D.'GS p c. 1596 s M 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1654 P E 1570 s E 1614 A.B. 1618 P E 1554 A.B. (Cla.) 1573-4; A.M. 1577 P L 1584-5 A.B. 1588-9, Leeds s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1642 1' L 1653-4 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659, Leed p M 1565 A.B. (Joh.) 1605 [1642, ' Rich.' s E 1636 A.B. (Chr.) 1638-9, Leeds; A.M. [schol. 16021 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 s E 1640 p M 1585 p E 1612 A.B. (Cla.) 1615-6; A.M. 1619 • s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 p E 1650 A.M. 1614-5 (On King's visit) A.B. 1538-9; A.M. 1543, Leisse ; s E 1650 [S.T.B. 1557 s E 1659 p s E 1650] E 1565 V M 1560 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567 P E 1658 A.B. 1660-1 f-c 1553] p E 1572 A.B. (Pern.) 1577-8 p M 1566 A.B. 1544-5; A.M. 1548 s E 1604 p E 1544 p E 1544 p E 1635] A.M. 1629 p c. 1597 p M 1617 p E 1633 A.B. (Trin.) 1636-7; A.M. 1640 s M 1587 A.B. 1590-1, Legert p E 1620 f-c E 1649] p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30: A.M. 1633; S.T.B. p c. 1597 [1640 p E 1631 M 1638] A.B. 1634-5 p M 1650 A.B. 1654 p E 1653] p E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1635 Master of Clare, 1500. Matriculations and Degrees 1544— 1659 421 Legate, John Trin. s M 1G16 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 I.egat, John Joh. p E 1642 A.B. 1645-6 — Tho Cla. f-c E 1613 Legate, W Cla. p E 1588 Legatt, Will Pern. p E 1640 [.(Hrge, John Joh. s M 1606 A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 — Rob Cai. s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6 Leug, 'Tho C. C. p M 1552 A.B. (*Tnn.) 1556-7 ; A.M. 1560; [*Jes. 1568; LL.D. (Cai.) 1574-5 — Tho A.B. (Cath.) 1575-6 — Tobias A.M. 1652 (Incorp. fr. Glasgow) Le Grosse, Cha Cai. f-c E 1611 Le Gros, Tho Cai. f-c L 1618-9 Legrosse, Tho (Jhr. f-c E 1631 Le Grys, John Cai. f-c M 1647 A.B. 1647-8, Le-Grice Le Horn v. Home Leicester, Earl of v. Dudley, Robert — ('Lestester') M.D. 1604 Leice, Ja Joh. s M 1567 Leifte (Leeffe), Geo Trin. s M 1570 A.B. 1574-5 Leigh, Alex Trin. p E 1621 — Chris Joh. s E 1617 _ Edw A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Edw Cath. f-c M 1641 — Era Joh. p E 1609 — Geo Trin. fschol. 1608] A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 _ Geo A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 — Hen Em. p E 1646 — Hen A.M. 1659 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — John Mag. s E 1637 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 — John *Joh. s E 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 — Jos Sid. s E 1614 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 — Laurence ... Em. p E 1645 Lewis [Em. f-c E 1609] — Moses Jes. p E 1645 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1654 — Obadiah ... Mag. s E 1652 A.B. 1655-6, Lee; A.M. 1663 — Olliph *King's p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 Legh, Peers Joh. p L 1653-4 Leigh, Pet Pem. s E 1620 — Pet Em. p E 1645 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1653 Leighe, Phil Trin. [schol. 1621] A.B. 1624-5 Leigh, Rich A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Rich [Joh. f-c E 1649] — Rob Joh. f-c c. 1594 — Rowland ... Cla. p E 1561 A.B. 1562-3, Lee — Sam Joh. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 — Tho A.B. 1562-3 Tho [Qu. p E 1587] — Tho Chr. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — Tho Sid. p E 1620 — Tho [Chr. p M 1647] — Tho Chr. p K 1650 Legh, Tho [Joh. p E1653] Leighe, Will Chr. s E 1579 Leigh, Will Joh. s E 1616 — Will Joh. p E 1617 — Will Chr. s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 — Will Chr. f-c M 1637 — Will *Chr. p E 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 1 Professor of Civil Law, c. 1570; Master of Caius, 1573; Commissary, 1579. A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657; S.T.B. [(*Em.) 1664 A.B. (Joh.) 1582-3, Lee A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 422 Matriculations ami Degrees 1544 — 1659 Leighton, Ambrose ... Lyghton, John Joh. Leighton, John [Mag. L'Eitan, De, Paul Leithe, John v. Ljethe — Tho Pet. Leland, Geo, Cla. Lello, Tho Cla. Leaman, Edw Cai. Leman, Ja Mag. Leeman, Ja Lemman, John Pet. Leman, John CO. ■ — Lister Cai. — Will [Trin. Le Marchand, Paul *Jes. Lem etayer, Cha Lemmings, Hen Joh. Lemming, Ja Joh. — John Pern. — Nich Pern. Lemynge, Rob Joh. Le Master v. Master Lemon, John Jes. Lempriere, Nich King's Le Neve v. also Neve Le-Neve, Tho Cai. Le Neve, Will Cai. Lennox, Duke of Lentall, Tho Chr. — Will Sid. Lenton, John [Sid. — John C. C. — Rob Sid. Leonard, Art Mag. Lennard, Edw [Qu. — Fines [Qu. Leonard, Greg Qu. — Hen Qu. — Ja Mag. — Nich [Cai. — Rich [Qu. — Rich Qu. — Rich [Joh. — Sam Pet. — Sam Pet. Lennard, Steph [Em. Leonarde, Tho *Ki ng's Leonard, Tho King's — Tho Joh. — Tho Pet. Leonarde, W C. C. Lenard, W Joh. Leonard, Will Trin. — [Em. Lepar, Will Qu. Leper, Will Mag. Lepton, John Joh. Lercilde?, Rich Cla. Lermouth, Chris Joh. Le Royer, Pet A.B. (? 1589-90) ; A.M. (Chr.) 1593 s E 1556 s E 1651] A.M. 1625 (On King's visit) s E 1621 [Liethe] s M 1580 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 s E 1629 p c. 1591 A.B. 1592-3 a E 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.M. 1609 (lucorp. fr. Oxf. [? Edinb.]) P E 1585 f-c E 1653 s E 1639 p E 1652] [1620 (Matr. Marchand) p E 1606 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612; S.T.B. A.B. 1619 (Licorp. fr. Oxf.) p M 1638 f-c E 1635 V E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 s E 1629 p L 1564-5 f-c L 1648-9 p E 1629 M.B. 1636 {Lit. Reg.) s E 1633 A.B. (Trin.) 1637 (Matr. Neave) s E 1624 A.B. 1628-9, Neave A.M. 1612-3 (On King's visit) s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. (*Pem.) 1636 p E 1645 f-c E 1600] s E 1647 s E 1619 s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1637 f-c E 1627] f-c M 1611] ' f-c M 1588 f-c E 1586 f-c E 1640 A.B. 1643-4, Lennarts p L 1588-9] A.B. (/ 1601-2); A.M. (Cla.) 1605 f-c M 1611; Lennard] s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 f-c E 1641] A.M. 1641-2 p M 1566 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 p M 1579 f-c E 1619] p M1569 A.B. 1573-4 s M 1571 [S.T.B. 1588 p M 1573 A.B. (Cla.) 1577-8; A.M. 1581; s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623; M.L. p M 1545 [1627-8 ; M.D. 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) V M 1564 p E 1572 A.B. (Qu.) 1575-6 p E 1626] M 1572 s E 1581 p E 1625 s c. 1590 p L 1564-5 M.D. 1640 (hicorp. fr. Rheims) Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 423 Leescaillett, John Cai. Les-Caillet, John C. C. Leslye, Geo Chr. Lesley, ^John — 2Rob Lesse, Hen Jes. Less, Rob *Trin. Lesser, Reg Job. Lessy, Reginald ... Trin. Le Strange v. also Strange — Hamon [Qu. — Hamon Chr. — Hamon [Em. Lestrauge, John Trin. La Strange, Nich Trin. Le Strange, Nich [Em. — Tho Pet. Letche, Tho Job. Letchford, Leon Jes. Lethbrigg, John Em. Letherland, Roger Pern. Lettie, Will Qu. Letto, Sam Cath. Letts, Will Job. Leucey, Hen Job. Lewcey, Rich, {imp.) Job. liGwkner, Edm *Joh. Lewckner, Edm Em. Leuckner, Edw *Joh. Lewknor, Edw Chr. Leuknor, Edw C C. Leukner, Hammond . Sid. Lewknor, Rob [Em. — Rob [Pet. Lowkener, Steward [C. C. Lewckner, Tho Trin. Leullier, Dan [Jes. Leventhorpe, Cha Chr. — Edw Chr. Leventhorp, John King's Leventhorpe, John Pet. — John [C. C. — Ralph Pet. Leventhorp, Tho Pet. Leventhorpe, Tho. {Sir)... Chr. Leaver, Adam Em. Lever, Chris Chr. Levyr, Giles Cla. Lever, Hen Sid. — John — John Em. Levyr, Ralph *Job. Leaver, Ralph King's — Rich Job. Lever, Rich Em. Leaver, Rob Em. Lever, Rob [Sid. Leaver, Samson Job. Levir, Sam Pern. 1 Bishop of the Isles, 2 Bishop of Dromore, s E 1625 A.B. 1628 p E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 p RI 1580 S.T.P. (Trin.) 1624 {Lit. Reg.) A.M. 1641 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1571 A.B. 1575-6, Le.ssey; A.M. 1579 sch >1. 1562] A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567, Leesse 1> M 1560 s E 1623 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 f-c E 1601] f-c L 1623-4 f-c E 1650] p E 1654 f-c M 1622 f-c E 1652] f-c E 1578 s E 1558 r« E 16201 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 p M 1628 A.B. 1628-9, Lethbridge; A.M. s E 1637 [(Mag.) 1632 p L 1578-9 [Lytty] s L 1645-6 s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 f-c L 1597-8 f-c E 1549 V M 1559 A.B. 1562-3 \^ E 1599] A.B. 1604-5, Edw. p E 1559 A.B. 1560-1 f-c E 1631 V E 1632 f-c E 1627 1> E 1604" f-c E 1654 1650' ]3 L 1557-8 A.B. 1562-3 s I\I 1623] p E 1611 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 p E 1611 f-c L 1597-8 f-c E 1607 1646] 13 E 1607 f-c E 1582 f-c L 1650-1 A.M. 1652 {fil. nob.) s E 1621 s c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8, Leaver p E 1552 s E 1624 [Levir] A.B. 1549-50; A.M. 1553 p E 1651 A.B. 1654-5 s M 1544 A.B. 1547-8; A.M. 1551 ; S.T.P.'78 p M 1558 s E 1578 A.B. 1581-2 V E 1616 A.B. (Mag.) 1619; A.M. 1623 ]) E 1624 s E 1642] A.B. (Job.) 1645-6 p E 1578 s L 1618-9 A.B. 1622-3, Lever 1828; of Raphoe, 1633; of Clogher, 1661. 1660 ; of Raphoe, 1661 ; of Clogher, 1671. 424 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Lever, Tho — Tho Em. — Tho [C. C. Leveracke, John Pet. Leveret, Edm Trin. Leverich, Will Em. Leveryngton, Tho C. C. Leverington, Tho Trin. Levermore, Will Cai. Leversedge, John C. C. Levison, Nich. v. Luson Levett [Levit], Fra Qu. — Hen Cla. Levitt, Hen Pet. Levett, Jeremy *Tri n. Levitt, John ['Ja.'] Cai. Levit, John Em. Levett, John Chr. — John Em. — John Jes. Levitt, John Trin. Levett, Matth — Pet Chr. — Ral})h Chr. Levytte, Rich Chr. Levit, Rich Chr. Levet, Rob Jes. Levin, Creswell ... [Trin. Levyng, Will Trin. Levyns, Chris C. C. Levingston, Tho Leviston, Ja Cla. Levsie, Gabriel Pem. Lewgar, Adam Chr. — Phil Cai. — Phil Trin. Lewger, Tho C. C. Lewen, Ja Cai. — iWill *Chr. Lewin, Will — Will *Cai. Lewens, Benj. v. Leavens, ! Lewins, Lewis Trin. Lewys, Amos Mag. Lewes, Chris Lewis, Chris Joh. — David Joh. Lewys, Ed Cla. Lewes, Edw Jes. Lewys, Felix Cla. Lewes, (Geoff'.?) ... Lewys, Geo Qu. Lewes, Geo Joh. — Griffin ap... Trin. Lewis, Grittitli Jes. Lewes, Hen Trin. Lewis, Ja Sid. — Jeremy Chr. — Jeremy Cath. p c. 1595 s 1623] M 1638 s M 1560 E 1622] M 1572 s c. 1596 p E 1616 p M 1641 s E 1650 s c. 1596 s E 1604 [schol. 1634] p E 1577 s c. 1594 p E 1623 [P p E 1626] E 1632 H. s M 1657 P E 1629 P E 1617 p E 1571 p E 1575 s c. 1596 s s E 1648] M 1585 p M 1545 f-c E 1637 p E 1583 s M 1623 s E 1593 s E 1629 p E 1580 p M 1621 p M 1559 p E 1616 p M 1632 s E 1572 s M 1598 p E 1635 p E 1563 p M 1580 p E 1563 s E 1565 s M 1567 H. s M 1552 s c. 1593 s M 1566 s E 1621 p E 1606 s E 1642 A.B. 1541-2; A.M. (*Joh.) 1545; [S.T.B. 1552 A.B. 1641, Leverocke A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1631, Liverich A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1619; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 A.B. 1651-2 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1607-8 ; A.M. 1611 ; S.T.B. '2C A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 LL.B. (*Trin. H.) 1628; LL.: A.B. 1630-1 [1633 {Lit. Reg: A.B. (Joh.) 1634-5; A.M. 1638' A.B. 1659; A.M. 1663 A.B. (Joh.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1578-9, Levett; A.M. 1582 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1623-4 [Lavinston] A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1624-5, Lewiug [1575-6 A.B. 1561-2; A.M. 1565; LL.D. A.M. 1614-5 (On King's visit) A.B. 1618-9 ; A.M. 1622 ; LL.D. '32 A.B. (Cath.) 1576-7; A.M. (Qu.) [1580 A.B. (Cath.) 1584-5 S.T.P. 1575 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 A.B. (*C. C.) 1570-1 ; A.M. 1574 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 1 Public Orator, 1570. Matricukitions and Degrees 1544 — 1659 425 Lewes, John Qu. — John Km. — John [Qu. Lewis, John [^ffig- — John Sid. — John Jes. — John Joh. — Lewis — Lewis Qu. — Lewis Joh. Lewys, Nich Sid. Lewes, Owen Jes. Lewis, Owen Jes. — Owen Joh. Lewes, Pet Trin. Lewis, Pierce Joh. Lewes, Rich Joh. Lewys, Rich Lewes, Rich Qu. Lewis, Rich Qu. — Rich Joh. Lewes, Rob Cai. Lewis, Rob Joh. Lewes, Roger Trin. — Sam Sid. Lewis, Tho *King's Lewes, Tho Trin. — Tho Joh. Lewys, Tho Joh. Lewes, Tho Lewis, Tho Joh. — Tho Pet. Lewes, Tristram ... Pet. — Will Lewis, Will Lewes, Will Joh. — Will Lewis, Will Em. — Will — Will Joh. — Will Trin. — Will Joh. Lewys Joh. Lewis — [Pern. Lewling, Nelson Trin. Lewnery [King's Lewood, [Geo.] Km. Lewthat, John Qu. Lewthwat, Rich Cai. Leye, Ed Qu. Ley, J Ja Qu. — John Cla. — Lain' Trin. — Will Leyns, John I oh. Librey, John Trin. Lickbarrow, Rich King's Lichford, Leon Jes. s E \hm s E L588 p E 1596 schol E Kill s M 1614 s E 1634 s E 1647 [s 1601] n> K 1642 s E 1645 s M 1568 s E 1614 s E 1650 s M 1568 s E 1653 s M 1569 p c. 1592 s E 1597 P L 1597-8 s E 1569 s M 1656 s c. 1589 P E 1606 p M 1546 p E 1560 s E 1584 f-c c. 1595 f-c M 1627 s M 1646 p E 1578 A.B. 1592 3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. (Joh.) 1572-3 A.B. (H 602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1642 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) ; A.M. A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 [1642 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1653-4 A.B. 1573-4 • A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 A.M. 1579 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) A.B. (Joh.) 1571-2; A.M. (Cai.) [1575 A.B. 1596-7 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1550-1; A.M. 1554 A.M. (King's) 1606(Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. (Pem.) 1576-7 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1578 p E 1584 A.B. 1587-8 (No A.B.); A.M. (Mag.) 1589 s L 1603-4] A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; S.T.P. p M 1622 A.B. 1625-6 [1629 {do.) s M 1646 A.B.1650-1; A.M.1654;S.T.B.'61 s M 1659; fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1661-2; A.M. (*Jes.) p E 1546 [1665; LL.D. 1679 A.M. 1616 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1647-8] 1653 1570] 1597 1594 1629 1565 1571 1547 1572 1547 1646 1620 1620-1 A.B. 1653-4 ; A.M. 1657 (Newling [in grace) A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1632; A.M. 1636 (Vewtibhat [in ordo) A.B. 1578 9 ; A.M. 1582 ; S.T.B.'89 A.B. (Cath.) 1603-4 ; A.M. (Cai.) [1607 A.B. 1624-5, Ligborough Chief Justice, K.B. ; Earl of MarlboiMngh, 1626. 54 426 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Liddcll V. Lvdall Life, 'Will Cai. Lvffc, Eich Chr. Liffe, Will *Trin. Light home, Edw Cla. Lightfoot, Aiiastatius Cotton Lightfoote, Edw Joh. Lightfoot, Geo Qu. — Hamlet Mag. Lightfoote, 'John Chr. Lightfoot, John [Pet. — John Cath. Lightfoote, John Cath. — Josiah Trin. — Sara Chr. Lightfoott, Tho Mag. Lightfoot, Tobitis Joh. Lightfote, Will Joh. — Will C. C. Light wood, Tho Qu. Ligne, Rob [Pern. Lilburne, Will Sid. Lillecrop, Will. v. Littlecrop LiUie, Hen Qu. — Hen Joh. Lilley, Hen Qu. Lylley, John Lylly, John Joh. Lilley, John *Mag. Lylie, Pet Jes. Lylly, Pet Mag. Lilly, Rob Em. Lillingston, John Jes. Lyllingston, Tho Joh. Lillingston, Will Jes. Lillyman, John *Mag. Lilman [C. C. Lilys, Rich Pem. Linacer, Gilb Joh. Linakers, Rob Cla. Linch V. Lynch Lyncoln, Alex Jes. Lincolne, Edm *Mag. — John Mag. — Sam [Mag. Lincohi, Will C. C. Lincolne, Will *Mag. _— Will [Mag. Lindley, Dan Lyndley, Era Pem. Lynley, Era Qu. Lyndley, John Pem. Lindley, John Je — John Trin. ^ Nath Qu. Lyndley, Will [Pet. Lindoe, John Joh. Lindsell, "Augustine... [Em. Pet Joh. 1 Master of 2 Bishop of p E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 s c. 1590 p E 1660 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. 1566 s E 1631 A.P>. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 Jacson A.B. (Cath.) 1654; A.M. 1658 P M 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5 E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624; S.T.P. P E 1646] [(*Cath.) 1651 ll> L 1650- 1] A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1658 s E 1657 s E 1633 s E 1629 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 p E 1614 s E 1635 p M 1569 A.B. 1572-3 p L 1577- 8 A.B. 1579-80 p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6 (Matr. Leetewood) f-c 1641; De Lygne] r E 1651 s M 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 s M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.M. 1579 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s 1601 p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 p M 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1587; S.T.B. s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 [1595; S.T.P. 1608 s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 s M 1609 A.B. 1612-3, Littlelingtou ; A.M. p M 1582 [1616 s E 1583 A.B. 1586-7 s E 1657 1562] M 1575 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 s A.B. 1580-1, Lyles p E 1584 A.B. 1587-8 s p M 1568 M 1564 A.B. 1577-8, Linacre p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 ; A.M. 1636, *Jes. 1638 p E 1631 A.B. 1634; A.M. 1638 p L 1650- -11 [(Pem.) 1623 s c. 1597 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605; S.T.P. p E 1624 A.B. 1627; A.M. 1631; S.T.B. p L 1649- -50] [1638; S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. (Trin.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600 s M 1562 A.B 1566-7; A.M. (*Qu.) 1570; p E 1576 [S.T.B. 1577 s E 1568 s E 1633 A.B 1636-7 [s s E 1649 A.B. 1652-3 E 1604" A.B 1607-8; A.M. 1611 s E 1617' s L 1577- -8 p E 1592 A.B (Cla.) 1595-6; A.M. 1599; p L 1577 -8 [S.T.P. 1621 Catharine Ball, 16 50. Peterborough, 1683 ; Hereford, 1634. McitrimdatioDS and Degrees 1544 — 1659 427 Lindseli; Sam A.B. (*Cla.) 1609-10; A.M. 1613; Sam " (,)u. s E lf540 A.B. 1643-4 [S.T.B. 1620 — (Lin Tho ".'. Qu. .s E 1G32 A.B. (Cla.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605 sell\ Tho A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 Lyndsell, Will .. Pet. s E 1573 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 l.indsel, Will .. Cla. s >[ lG-20 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Lindseli Will .. C. C. s E 1645 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1650 Lyndscy, Jonathan . .. Cath. a E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 Lyndsey, Rob . Pern. s M 1567 A.B. (Cath.) 1571-2, Linsey Liiidsey, Hob., Earl of A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. ReAj.) Sam. {imp. ) Chr. s M 1657 Mndslev, Tho . Pet. p M 1613 l-iiiford", Martin .... . Qu. V M 158!) A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1.51)6 — Rob A.B. (*Qu.) 1560-1, Lynfall ; A.M. [1564 ;\S.T.B. 1569 — Sam . Joh. V E 16:^6 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633; S.T.B. [(*Cath.) 1643 Lingo, Edw . Pem. s M 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 Ling, Hen .. [Trill. E 1646; A.B. Dublin] Lynge, Ja .. Cai. P E 1563 A.B. 1566-7 Ling, John .. Chr. .s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 1 ^yiige, Lancelot . .. Pem. p E 1572 Lmg, Pet . [Cai. p M 1592] Lynge, Rich . Trin. s E 1569 Linge, Tho . Cai. [p E 1575] A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1583, Lvndge Lynge, Tho. '. Chr. E 1652 A.B. (Trin.) 1608-9; A.M." 1613 Tho l-iiige, Will .*Cai. p E 1614 A.B.1616-7; A.M. 1620; S.T.B. '27 — Will .*Cai. p M 1642 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 Liii'_;ai'd, Rich .. Pem. s E 1649 A.B. 1652-3 " Rol). A.B. (Cath.) 1586-7 Lvngart, Will .' Chr. .s c. 1592 A.B. (n594-5) ; A.M. 1599, Lingard Lingfeld, Will . Pet. p E 1575 Lingwood, Ly 11 lave. Will . Cath. . Jes. p s E 1631 E 1550 Chris A.B. 1556-7 ; A.M. (*Pem.) 1560 ; Liiile, Chri.s . Chr. p c. 1591 [S.T.B. 1568 Linley, Fra. V. Lindlev Era . Trin. s E 1625 A.B. 1629-30 Lynely, Fra . Chr. p E 1651 [Lindley] Linley, Will . Pet. s E 1617 Lvnet, John . Qu. p E 1566 A.B. 1569-70 Lmnett, Will . Chr. s E 1604 A.B. (Sid.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 - Will .*Trin. s E 1641 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649; S.T.B. [1662; S.T.P. 1671 {Lit. Reg.) Lvnsell, Dan . *Joh. s E 1568 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575; M.D.'97 Lynzell, Fra . Pet. p E 1568 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 Lynsey, Edm . Joh. p E 1571 Linsey, Edw. . Je,s. p M 1621 l>ynsy, (xabriol . Pem. p E 1583 A.B. 1586-7 Lynsayo, Ja . Pot. s E 1618 Linsey, John . *Joh. p l\ 1554 A.B. 1557-8 ; A.M. 1561 ; S.T.B. '69 Lynsey, LiiiscN', .lohn . Pot. . [Cai. s p L 1577-8 E 1631] A.B. (Cla.) 1580-1 Jnhn , John . Trin. s M 1649 Rich . Cai. p E 1(J()9 A.B. 1612 3; A.M. 1616 Lynsey, W . Joh. .s E 1565 Lynsaye .. Chr. .s E 1544 Linsley, ThV).' ■■■.'.■.■.".'.' . Pet. p M 1613 A.B. 1617; A.M. 1620 Will . Pet. s c. 1591 A.B. 1593-4 Linsted, Tho . C.C. s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 1 Lynton, John . Pet. s E 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 428 Matriculation 8 and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Linton, Rich Jes. Liptraps, Tho Jes. Lisle V. Lyle Lisle)', Mark [Chr. Lisse, John Joh. Lyster, Anth Joh. Lister, Anth Trin. — Benj [C. C. — Brian *Trin. Lyster, Chris Joh. Lister, Chris Cla. — Chris Trin. Lyster, Edw *King's — Edw Sid. Lister, Era Chr. — Hen *Trin. Lyster, Humph. ... Pem. Lister, Ingram Pet. — Ja Em. — Ja Cla. Lyster, John Pet. — John Trin. Lister, John Trin. Lyster, John Joh. Lister, John Qu. — John King's — John Trin. Lyster, Jos Trin. — Jos (Uhe Lister, Jos Sid. Lyster, Laur *King's Martin Cla. Lister, Martin *Joh. — Matth Lyster, Rich King's Lister, Rich [Jes. — Rob Em. Lyster, Tho Qu. Lister, Tho [Joh. Lyster, W Joh. Lister, Will *King's Lyster, Will Trin. — Will Sid. Lister, Will Sid. — Will Sid. Liston, Tho Joh. Lychefeilde, Edw *Trin. Litchfield, Hen [King's Lyth, Will Sid. Litherland, Edw Chr. Lytherland, John Joh. — Rob Chr. Litherland, Rob [Qu. — Roger Chr. Little, Anth *King's — Chris Joh. Litle, Geoff. Chr. Little, Geoff'. Qu. Litle, Geo Cla. Litelbery, Ed. ...{Maj.) Joh. — Ed. ...{Min.) Joh. p M 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596* " s E 1572 s E 1654] p M 1562 p M 1573 s E 1634 1648] E 1574 A.B. 1638; A.M. 1642 s A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 p M 1567 s E 1610 A.B. 1613-4 p E 1636 p M 1575 A.B. 1 579-80 ; A.M. 1583 ; M.D. '90 V E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 M 1647 A.B. 1649 p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 s E 1647 A.B. 1649-50 1 s E 1584 1 p c. 1596 ! p E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 p E 1561 V L 1563-4 s M 1567 A.B. 1571-2 1» M 1573 s E 1613 V E 1619 f-c E 1625 [1599; M.D. 1603 p E 1588 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597; M.L. above) M.L. 1599 (Incorp. fr. Basel) s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1638-9 p E 1635 }) L 1650-1 A.B. 1651-2 P E 1658 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 M.D. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1585 A.B. (*Em.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592 p E 1642] p c. 1596 s E 1618 f-c E 1655] p M 1581 p M 1554 A.B. 1558-9 s E 1582 A.B. (Cla.) 1585-6; A.M. 1589 p E 1618 p E 1634 f-c E 1650 s E 1621 s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 p M 1631] s E 1651 A.B. 1655-6 ]) M 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 p M 1568 p E 1582 L 1585-6] 1 [« E 1639; t r. Pern.] A.B. 1640-1, George p M 1551 [Off 1555] p M 1652 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 p E 1565 p E 1636 p M 1579 A.B. (Cai.) 1582-3 p E 1560 p E 1560 1 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 429 Littlebury, Edw Trin. Litelberye, John Job. Littlebury, John Mag. Littlecroppe, Will Mag. Littlejohn, John Qu. Lyttler, Rob [Jes. Littler, Rob *King's — Rob Littleton, Edw — John Trin. — John King's — John *Pet. — Matth — Rich Pet. — Walt *Joh. Littelton, Will [King's Littlewood, Rob Litton, Geo Cai. Lytton, Rowland ... Cai. Litton, Rowland ... Em. — Rowland ... Sid. — Will [Em. Litty, Will. V. Lettie Lively, Alex Ly veley, > Edw *Trin. Lively, Edw Trin. Lyvelie, John Trin. Lively, John Trin. — Lorkin Trin. Li veley, Rich Jes. Lively, Sam Joh. Liveridge, Will Em. Livermore, Dan King's — Ja Cath. Lyvernioro, W Pet. Livesaye, Ja *Joh. Livesey, Ja Chr. Livinge, Geo King's Living, Will Em. — [King's Livingston, Alex *Mag. Llewellin, David Chr. — (Flewellyn), Edw. ... Pem. Llewellyn, John Jes. Fluellyn, Tim Pem. Lloyd V. also Floyd — Dav Edw Joh. — Edw *Joh. — Elizeus Joh. — Evan ('Will.') — Fulk Jes. Loyd, Gabriel Joh. Lloyd, Geo. v. Floyd — Griffin Jes. — Griffith Qu. — Hen [Joh. — Humph. ... p L 1615-G A.B. 1619-20 p E 1560 V M 1609 A.B. 1613 s E 1645 (Cla.) 1648-9, Lillecrop p L 1647-8 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1658 p M 1645; prev. at Pet.] P E 1649 A.B. 1652; A.M. 1657 A.M. 1652 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [schol. 1620] A.B. 1620-1 s M 1646 P M 1649 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. (King's) 1610 s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 p L 1623-4 A.B.1626-7(;A.M. schol. 15991 [1630; LL.D. 1639 A.B. (*Em.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 p M 1576 f-c E 1576 f-c M 1609 f-c E 1632 f-c E 1603] A.B. (C. C.) 1578-9 (Clyveley in s L 1564-5 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 [ordo) s c. 1601 s E 1565 A.B. 1569-70 s L 1593-4 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600; S.T.B. s M 1606 A.B. (King's) 1613-4 [1611 s M 1558 p E 1607 s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6, Leverich s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 s E 1639 s, M 1583 c. 1597 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 s E 1645 [Migr. to Joh.] s M 1632 p M 1618 A.B. 1621-2 p E 1618] [S.T.B. 1628 A.M. 1624 (Incorp. fr. Edinb.) ; s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M. 1664 (Matr. [Kuellin) s L 1637-8 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. (Joh.) 1655 p E 1552 ('Fewyllams') E 1568 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1616 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s L 1653-4 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1618-9, Floyd; A.M. 1621 s M 1628 A.B. 1631-2 A.B. ( ); A.M. (Joh.) 1617 s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 s E 1629 A.B. 1631-2 s E 1623 p E 1658 f-c E 1634] A.M. 1616 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Regius Professor of Hebrew, 157 430 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Lloyd, John Pern. p E 1618 — John — John (prob. the above) Loyde, John Trin. p E 1631 Loyd, John Joh. s M 1641 Lloyd, John Jes. p E 1646 — John Joh. s E 1647 • — Jonathan ... Em. p M 1645 — Oliver Lloide, Rich Trin. p E 1625 Lloyd, Rich Loyd, Rob *Trin. p M 1612 Lloyd, Rob — Rob Joh. s L 1637-8 — Roderick . . . — Roger King's f-c E 1659 — Simon Joh. s E 1640 Looyd, Tho Mag. s E 1613 Lloyd, Tho Loyde, Tho Jes. s E 1627 Lloyd, Tho — Tho (?the above) Loyd, Will Cla. p E 1622 Lloyd, Will Joh. p E 1623 — iWill Joh. s E 1655 Loades, Phil Chr. s E 1610 — Tho *Cai. p L 1645-6 Loane, John Trin. s M 1606 Lobley, John Mag. s E 1654 — Will Qu. s E 1579 Locke, Anth Pern. p E 1585 — Anth C. 0. p M 1624 — Cuthb Cai. s E 1626 Lock, Dan Em. s L 1647-8 Locke, Hen Joh. p E 1569 — John Joh. p M 1562 Lock, John Em. p L 1623-4 Locke, John Joh. s E 1628 — Laur Pem. s M 1556 — Mich Chr. p M 1576 — Pet Joh. p E 1654 — Pet C. C. s E 1655 — Rob Qu. p M 1650 Lock, Sam [Cai. p E 1645] Locke, Tho *Chr. p E 1554 — Tho Joh. p M 1556 — Tho Joh. s E 1577 Lock, Tho [Em. f-c E 1597] Locke (Loke), Tho Pem. p M 1614 Lock, Tho Cai. p E 1653 — Tho [Trin. .s E 1657] — Will Trin. s E 1620 Locke, Will Chr. [s E 1622] — Will C. C. p E 1646 — [C. C. 15661 Lock [King's f-c E 1586] — [King's f-c E 1597] Locker, Will Chr. p E 1631 1 Bishop of Llaiulaff, 1675 ; of Peterborough, 1G79 ; Bisliop of Norwich, 1685 (ah-eady entered as Floyd). A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Dublin) S.T.B. (Cath.) 1630 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1646-7 [Migr. to Chr.] A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 LL.B. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.M. (Joh.) 1637 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1641-2 A.B. (Joh.) 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) LL.B. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.M. (Trin.) 1635 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662; S.T.P. [1670 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. (Cath.) 1582-3 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. (Cla.) 1627-8; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1565-6 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. (Joh.) 1579-80 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1558-9(Matr. Lockeye) ?*Joh. [? *Pem. A.B. 1618-9; A.M. (*Trin. H.) [1622 ; S.T.B. 1629 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1649-50 ; A.M. 1653 (' Cooke' [in gr.) A.B. 1634 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 431 Lockey, John Sid. p E 1621 Lockie, Will Qu. p L 1578-9 Lockier, Xich . A.B. KiSo (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. Locksmvthe, Rich Joh. p E 1.579 [(*Em.) 1636 Locksmith, Eich Em. s M 1607 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 Lockton, John Triu. p M 1569 Locton, W Trim p E 1570 Lockwood, Anth Cai. s c. 1.596 A.B. 1600-1 _ Geo A.B. (Cath.) 1618-9; A.M. 1622 Lockwoode, John Pem. s M 1545 Lockwood, John Qu. s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 — Rob Joh. s E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 Loder, John Cla. p M 1578 [Adm.Cai. 1581] A.B. (Pet.) 1582-3 Loader, John C'ai. p E 1643 A.B. 1646-7 Loder, Will Cla. p M 1578 Lodge, Benj Trin.H. p E 1641 — Brian Chr. p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 — Hen Trin. p M 1583 — John Joh. s M 1564 — Luke *King's p M 1579 A.B. 1583-4, 'Nicholas' — Rol) King's p c. 1590 — Will *King's p E 1544 A.B. 1544-5; A.M. 1548 Lodington v. Luddington Loefts, Isaac Em. p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. (*Pet.) 1648 Loft, Itchingham . Cai. s M 1607 — Eob Mag. s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 — [King's s L 1572-3] Loften, Ro Chr. p M 1558 [? Lough ton] Loftus, lAdam S.T.P. 1567 — Adam Jes. p L 1585-6 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 — Adam Jes. f-c M 1587 — Dudley Jes. f-c M 1579 A.B. 1582-3 — Dudley A.B. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Lofthouse, Edw Jes. p L 1579-80 A.B. 1.582-3, Loftus Loftus, Edw *Jes. p E 1586 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 — John [Sid. p E 1599] — Will Chr. s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 — Jes. f-c M 1602 Logan, Ami wells ... Joh. s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 ; A.M. 1618, Amiwot — Ami[wells].. Joh. p E 1646 — Jos Joh. p M 1.587 A.B. 1590-1 Loker, John Qu. s E 1631 A.B. 16.33-4 — Rob Qu. p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 Lollye, Rob Cla. s M 1569 Lonias v. also Lummas — h&u.{hi) ... Chr. p L 1.563-4 Lommas, Roger Joh. s E 1586 Lomax, Hen [Pet. p M 1645] — Ja. V. Lummas — Ja Pem. s c. 1596 — John Ern. s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 — Sam [Trin. p E 1653] Lombe, Edw Cai. p E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 — . Rob Cai. [p E 1600] A.B. 1603-4 — Simon C. C. p M 1579 — Simon Cai. p M 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 Londesdall v. Lansdale London, Hen. (imp.) Jes. s E 1548 — John C. C. p E 1607 A.B. (Trin.) 1610-1 — Rich *Cai. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 1 Archbishop of Armagh, 1563; Dublin, 1567. 432 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 London, Tho Trin. Lone, John — Roger Trin. — Tho Cai. Longe, Ezekiell Joh. — Geo Joh. — Geo *Trin. — Gilb Cla. — Hen Cai. — Hen Cai. — Isaac [Israel] C. C. Long, iJohn King's Longe, John Chr. — John Mag. — John Cai. — John Mag. — John Joh. Long, Jos Em. Longe, Neheniiah . . . Em. — Nich *Trin. — Eich C. C. — Rich — Rob Trin. Long, Rob [Cai. Longe, Rob [Cai. liong, Rob Cath. — Rob [Qu. Rob Cai. — Tho Cai. Longe, Will Chr. Long C. C. — [Em. — [Cath. Longaville, Cha Mag. Longbotham, John Mag. — Tho [Chr. Longeston, Dan Pet. Longhorne, Rich Longford, Geo. v. Langford Longforde, Nich Pern. Longland, Tho *Joh. Longly, John Mag. Longman, Ja Longsdale, Jos Joh. Longestreit, Rich C. C. Longstreth, Rich Mag. Longworth v. also Langworth Longe worth, Chris Joh. Longworth, Geo Longewoi'the, Lanrence... Qu. Longworth, ^Rjch *Joh. Lonsdale, And Pet. Lonsdall, Chris Em. Lonsdale [Ca,th. Lonsford, Ja Qu. Loosemore, Geo [Jes. — Hen Lowthorp, Edw Em. [p L 1652-3; M.B. 1658 A.B.(?1609-10); A.M. (Trin.) 1613 V .L 1577^8 V M 1637 V E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 1> L 1644-5 A.B. 1647-8 s E 1646] A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 s M 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1596 f-c E 1562 p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 P E 1656 P M 1564 s E 1565 p M 1565 p E 1573 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1584 s E 1625 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1634 8 E 1650 A.B. 1653-4 P E 1622 A.B. (Chr.) 1625-6; A.M. 1629 s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 p M 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 p E 1644 A.B. 1647-8 A.M. 1651 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1553 A.B. 1556-7; A.M. 1560 p M 1599] M 1612] LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1606 p p E 1634 p E 1645] f-c E 1658 p E 1658 p E 1544 1581 A.B. 1546-7 p E 1626' p 1642 f-c M 1628 s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 p E 1651] s L 1584-5 A.B. 1544-5 p E 1550 s E 1648 A.B. 1651-2 ; A.M. 1655; S.T.B.'62 s E 1605 A.B. 1609 A.M. 1637 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1657 [Lonesdale] p M 1569 s E 1621 p E 1577 A.B. 1580-1 A.B. (Joh.) 1606-7 s E 1554 p M 1549 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. (*Qu.) 1556; p c. 1590 [S.T.B. 1562-3; S.T.P. 1567 p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 ; A.M. 1625, Lonsday p 1658] [(Matr. Landsdell) f-c M 1572 p E 1640] Mus.D. (Trin.) 1665 E 1586 Mus.B. (King's) 1640 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 1 Archbishop of Armagh. 1584. 2 Master of St Johu's, 1564; Deau of Chester, 1572. I Matricnlations and Degrees 1544 — ^659 433 Loothrop, John — John Joh. p E 1641 — Tho Qu. [.s E 1601] Lopton, John Pet. p M 1580 Lord, Fra Chr. p E 1562 Lorde, Geoff. Chr. p L 1564-5 Loi-d, Hen Chr. p M 1578 — John Cla. s E 1637 — John Joh. s M 1659 — Roger Chr. p E 1561 Lorde, Tho Em. s M 1587 Lord, Will. Lorkin v. also Larkin — John Chr. s E 1604 — John Em. p E 1637 Lorkyn, ^ Tho Pem. p M 1549 Lorkynge, Tho Cla. p E 1566 Lorkin, Tho. Em. s c. 1596 — [Larkin], Tho Sid. s L 1626-7 Lorran, Tho Chr. f-c E 1633 Lorrayn, Tho [Chr. f-c E 1655] Loryngton, John Trin. s M 1578 Lorrington, John Joh. s M 1645 Losby, Edw Loseby, Rich [Qu. s E 1619] Losebye, Tho Chr. s M 1570 Loskin (?Lof kin), Rich.... Jes. s E 1612 Losse, Hugh Em. p c. 1595 Loss, Hugh *King's p M 1644 Losse, Will *King's [schol. 1603] — Will *King's p M 1641 Lost, Rob Mag. s E 1635 Lothian, John Lothrop V. Loothrop Lotinger, John Lougher, John C. C. p E 1652 — Tho Sid. 8 M 1617 Loupt, Will [Trin. p E 16.54] Love, Geoff. Chr. p E 1627 — John Joh. p M 1559 — John [Em. E 1599] — John Chr. p E 1617 — John [Joh. s M 1645] — John [Jes. s E 1645] — John Joh. s E 1655 — Rich Chr. p M 1554 — (ILowe), Rich Cla. p M 1569 — 2Rich King's p E 1611 — Rich [C. C. 1654] — Steph Je.s. s E 1578 — Tho *Pet. p M 1598 Lovedale, And Pet. p c. 1589 Lovedaye, Cha Trin. p c. 1591 Loveday, Hen Trin. s L 1620-1 — Hen Pem. p E 1623 Lovedaye, John Joh. s c. 1593 Loveday, Rob Pet. p M 1637 — Will Pem. p E 1553 1 Regius Professor of Physic, 1564. 2 Master of Corpus, 1632; Lady Margaret Professor A.B. (Qu.) 1606; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. (Mag.) 1571 A.B. 1663-4; A.M. 1667 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1.594 A.B. (Trin.) 1604-5 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. (*Qu.) 1551-2 ; A.M. (*Pet.) [1555; M.L. 1559; M.D. 1560 A.B. 1569-70, Larkyn ; A.M. 1573 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 [Lorraine] A.B. 1649 A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1574-5 A.B. 1646-7 A.B. [1607-8]; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1649 A.M. (*Cath.) 1623 (Incorp. fr. [Edinb.) A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1654-5 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. 1576 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.B. (*Cla.) 1614-5; A.M. 1618; [S.T.P. 1630 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 of Divinity, 1610; Dean of Ely, 1660. 434 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Lovekin, Rich '. Joh. Lovelace, Fra p Lovelas, Reginald . . Lovelace, Rich. . . Rich Rob . Joh. p Lovelase, Tho . Cla. p Lovelace, Will . C. C. P Loveland, Jos . *Cai. ]) Lovell, Cha . Cai. f-c _ Dabridgecourt Jes. s Edw . Joh. s Fra . Gonv. H . Pern. Geo p — Hen . Lovel, Isaac . Chr. p Lovell, iJohn .Edm.Ho Nich .*Chr. p — Nich . Pet. s — Phil . Cla. p — Eob . Qu. L — Tho . Cla. p Tho . Cath. f-c Lovel, Tho . Em. Lovell, Tho . [Pet. f-c — Titus . Trin. p — Will . Trin. p Lover, John . Em. Levering, Abel . Pem. p Loveringe, Jos . *King's p Lovering, Tho . *Pem. p — Tho . Pem. s — . [King's f-c Lovett, Jos . Chr. s Rich . Trin. s Tho . Joh. s Loe, Edw . Jes. f-c Low, Edw . Cai. p Loe, Fra . Chr. p Low, Fra . C. C. p Lowe, Fra . Chr. p — Gabriel .... . King's [f-c Low, Geo . Chr s Loe, Hamlet.... . Joh. a — John . Chr. P Lowe, John . [Cai. s Loe, Nich . Joh. p Rich — Rich . Joh. s Low, Rob . Joh. s Lowe, Rob . *Cla. s Loe, Sam .*Mag. s Tho . Jes. p Lowe, Tho Loe, Tho.- . Pem. s Lowe, Tho . Mag. s Low, Tho . Chr. p Lowe, Tho . Jes. s E 1612 E 1607 M 1572 E 1624 E 1619 E 1647 E 1627 M 1645 M 1548 M 1648 M 1608 M 1544 M 1561 E 1619 E 1560 E 1561 E 1560 L 1584-5 E 1620 M 1637] M 1614 c. 1593 E 1646 E 1606 E 1614 M 1575 E 1612 E 1636] E 1628 E 1628 E 1619 E 1608 E 1649 E 1563 E 1634 E 1640 L 1591-2] E 1646 E 1636 M 1555 M 1583] M 1589 E 1631 M 1655 E 1658 L 1647-8 M 1566 c. 1590 c. 1597 E 1608 E 1658 A.B. (Jes.) 1614-5 A.B. 1542-3; A.M. 1545 A.B. (Cla.) 1601-2 A.M. 1637 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. (*C. C.) 1614 A.B. 1575-6 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 1 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 j A.B. 1630-1 • A.B. 1649-50; A.M. (*Jes.) 1653 A.B. (Cla.) 1651-2; A.M. 1655, A.B. (Trin.) 1579-80 ['Greg.' A.B. 1564-5; A.M. A.B. 1622-3: A.M. 1568 1628 A.B. 1618-9 (Matr. Loovell) S.T.P. 1628 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1631 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1595-6 A.B. 1639-40, Lowe A.B. (Qu.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1659-60 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1651-2, Lowe; A.M. 1655: [S.T.B. 1662 A.B. 1573-4, Lowe; A.M. 1577 A.B. (Cla.) 1575-6 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1598 A.B. (Chr.) 1600-1 A.B. 1611; A.M. 1615 Principal of E Master of Clare, 1549. 56 442 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Maulden, John Em. Maiden, Jos Trin. Mawden, Tho Cla. Maulden, Tho [Trin.H. — Will Chr. Male V. Mayle Malym, Ferdinand... Joh. Malim, Will Malin, Geo Em. — John Trin. — Miles Chr. Malyn, Will *King's Malin [Pern. Malkinson, Will Em. Mallam, Era Trin. — John Joh. Mallum, John Cai. Malam, Eob Trin. Mailer, Geo. v. Mellors Mallet, John Em. Malett, Tho. {imp.). Mich. Ho. Mallocke, Rich Joh. Malerye, And Joh. — Anth Chr. Mallory, Benj Em. Malarie, Edw Joh. Mallerye, Era Joh. Malarye, Geo Joh. Mallery, Geo [Cai. Mallerey, Geo Joh. Mallery, John Cai. — Rich Joh. Malorye, Rob Trin. — Simon Pe.m. Mallory, Tho Trin. Malory, Tho Cath. Mallorye, W Pet. Mallerye, Will Trin. Mallery, Will, {imp.) Cla. Mallory, Will Cai. — Will Cai. Mallery Chr. Mallowes, Edw Cai. — Rob Cath. — Tho Cai. Malpasse, [Will.] Cath. Malshe, Tho Chr. Maltby e, Roger Tri n. Maultby, Will Qu. Malton, Matth Mag. — Rich Qu. Maltravers, ^ Hen Qu. Matravers, Hen Joh. Maltward, Rob C. C. Manam, Rob Mag. Manburne, Will Trin. Manbye, John Chr. Manby, John Jes, — John Cla. s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1631 s E 1652 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 s E 1580 A.B. 1583-4, Maulden schol. 1585; ?the above] s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 M 1567 E 1628 M 1612 M 1616 M 1548 1652] M 1626 M.L. and C.L. 1608 A.B. 1617 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1552-3, Malym ; A.M. 1556 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 p L 1597-8 [ham; S.T.B. 1557 13 E 1544 A.B. 1546-7 A.M. 1549, Maul- P E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631, Mallom S L 1597-8 A.B. (11602- 3); A.M. 1606, Mal- [ham f-c M 1586 1> E 1545 1^ M 1639 [Mattock] p M 1552 p E 1582 s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 p M 1573 p M 1561 p M 1582 p E 1583; ?the above] p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 J p E 1625 p E 1620 p M 1587 p M 1575 [(*Cai.) 1627 f-c M 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589; S.T.P. s L 1629-30 A. B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 p M 1568 p E 1575, p c. 1593 p c. 1594 f-c M 1620 p E 1603 p M 1613 p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 1^ c. 1597 s E 1656 A.B. 1663 p E 1619 M 1584 p E 1657 [Maltby] s E 1647 s M 1579 [Maulton] f-c E 1549 f-c E 1624 p E 1627 A.B. 1630 s c. 1593 p E 1612 s E 1572 [S.T.B. 1626 ; S.T.P. 1636 i A.B. (Cla.) 1615-6; A.M. 1619; I s E 1612 p E 1650 A.B. 1652-3 i Henry Fitzalan, Lord Maltravers. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 443 Manby, Lancelot ... Jes. Manbye, Will Jes. Manby, AVill Cla. Mancknoll, Will Jes. Mangknolls, Rob Job. Mandame, Will King's Mandeville, John Cai. Mane, Anth Mag. Maney, Anth Trin. Manfyld, John Joh. — Phil *King's — Roger *King's Manfeild, Will Cla. Manison, Hen Mag. Manister, Phil Cai. Manestye, Allen Em. Manestie, Edw Cla. Manisty, Edw Cla. Manestye, Rich Em. Manistie, Rob [Pet. Manley, Hen Mag. — John — Rob. V. Maidey Manly, Tho Joh. — Tho Pet. Manley, Will Manly Trin. Manlove, Roland *]\[ag. Manne, Abi* Em. Man, Era Trin. Mann, Gilb Sid. Man, Hen C. C. — Hugh Trin. Mann, Ja King's Manne, John *Qu. Mann, John Cla. — John C. C. — John Chr. Man, John Em. — John Trin. — Jos Jes. — Joshua Trin. — Martin Qu. — Matth Cai. Manne, Nath Qu. — Nath King's — O-swald Cla. Man, Rich Pet. Manne, Rich Cai. Man, Rob Chr. Mann, Rob Em. — Simon Em. Man, Steph [Cai. Mann, Tho Pet. — Tho Trin. — Tho Joh. Man, Tho Trin. Mann, Tho [Chr. Man, Will Sid. — Will Mag. — Will Chr. s E 1611 A.R. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 p E 1572 A.B. 1575-6 p E 1655 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 s E 1631 A.B. 16.34-5 1> M 1572 A.B. 1576-7, Manknols s M 1602 (entry erased) lp E 1616] A.B. 1619-20, a Mandeville f-c E L587 f-c E 1656 p M 1568 A.B. (Pet.) 1572-3 P M 1562 A.B. 1566-7 ; A.M. 1570, Mandevil p E 1544 A.B. 1545-6 s L 1580-1 A.B. (Cath.) 1584-5 ; A.M (Cla.) V E 162.3 [1588 V c. 1594 A.B. 1-596-7; A.M. 1600 V c. 1591 A.B. 1.593-4; A.M. 1597 V E 1588 A.B.(?1.591-2); A.M. 1595; S.T.B. P M 1622 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 [1606 s E 1588 s E 1655] p M 1545 A.B. (Joh.) 1606-7 V M 1602 V M 1652 A.B. 15.36-7; A.M. (*.Joh.) 1540; f-c E 1623 [S.T.B. 1546 P E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 p E 1635 A.B. 1638 s M 1553 s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 f-c E 1544 s L 1.577-8 s L 1634-5 A.B. (Chr.) 1638-9; A.M. 1642 p M 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583; S.T.B. s L 1588-9 A.B. (Cai.) 1592-3 [1590 s E 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 s E 1619 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1639 p M 1658 A.B. 1658; A.M. 1662 p M 1568 13 M 1612 A.B. 1614-5 p M 1579 8 c. 1594 S.T.B. 1615 s c. 1593 s c. 1595 s E 1554 p E 1577 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 s E 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 p E 1544 A.B. 1544-5 p M 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 s L 1647-8 p E 1617] s E 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 s E 1614 V E 1620 (]\Iatr. ' ^lapp ') s E 1641 V E 1646] s E 1624 p E 1650 f-c L 1653-4 444 Matriculatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Mannard, John Cai. s M 1583 Mannering V. Mainwaring Manners, Cha Cai. [Qu. L 1588-9- — Cha f-c E 1590; Migr. to C. C. A.M. 1564 (On Queen's visit) lEdw . 2Fra [Chr. f-c 1594]" A.M. 1612 {fil. nob.) — 3Geo Chr. f-c i5g"4- A.M. 1612 (jil. nob.) — Hen C. C. f-c c. 1597 Maners, John {imp.) Job. f-c E 1549 John Trin. f-c M 1564 Mannars, John Job. f-c E 1617 (?same as next) Manners, *John [Qu. Chr. f-c L 1618-9" A.M. 1620-1 — Oliver f-c 1594] Maners, Rob Cla. f-c E 1544 (No A.B.); A.M. 1546 — Eoger {imp. Job. f-c E 1549 Manners, Roger . [C. C. [C. C. f-c 1550; ?the above] — 5 Roger f-c 1590; Qu. 1591] A.M. 1594 — Roger Jes. s E 1622 A.B. 1625; A.M. 1631 | — Roger Job. f-c L 1623-4 — Roger Trin. p M 1649 ) Maners, Tho. (imp.). Job. f-c E 1549 Manney, Walt......... Jes. p M 1564 ■. Manning, Dan Catb. p L 1645-6 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. (*Pem.) 1653 / \ / Mannynge, Edm Pern. p E 1566 Mannyug, Geo C. C. s L 1577-8 A.B. 1580-1 — Hen C. C. s L 1579-80 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. (Cla.) 1586 1| Mannynge, Hen LL.B. 1584 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1 Mannyng, Ja Jes. p E 1578 Manninge, John Chr. s E 1604 Manning, John A.B. (King's) 1613-4 John Em. s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 Manninge, John C. C. p M 1637 A.B. 1641; A.M. 1647 Manning, John Sid. s E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 Mannyng, Pet CO. p E 1577 A.B. 1579-80 Manninge, Randolph , . Chr. p c. 1592 — . Rob Trin. p c. 1596 Manning, Sam Em. 8 E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 Maninge, Tho. {imp.) Cla. s c. 1593 Manninge, Tho Job. s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 Manning, Tho Pet. s E 1640 A.B. (C. C.) 1643-4 — Tho Cla. p E 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 — , Tho Qu. s E 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 — Tho Trin.H . f-c M 1659 — Will Cai. s E 1647 A.B. 16.50 — Will Chr. s E 1650 A.B. 1653; A.M. 1660 Manninghani, John Mag. p c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6 — Rich *Pet. p M 1624 A.B. 1628; A.M. 1632 Man nock. John Cai. [p E 1599] A.B. [1602-3] Mannocke, Tho Cla. p M 1555 Mannock, Will [Cai. M 1564] Mansbridge Will Sid. p E 1621 A.B. 1624 Mansil, Edw Era. s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7, Mansell; A.M. 1630 Mansell, Edw. {Sir).. . [Qu. f-c E 165,3] — Geo Pem. p E 1550 [1609; S.T.P. 1621 — "John *Qu. s c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601; S.T.B. John A.B. ( ); A.M. (Trin.) 1609 — John Em. f-c E 1621 1 Third Earl of Rntlaiid, 1.563. 3 Seventh Earl of Rutland, 1632. 5 Fifth Earl of Rutland, 1588. 2 Sixth Earl of Rutland, 1612. 4 Eighth Earl of Rutland, 1641. 6 President of Queens', 1622. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 445 Mcaunsell, Tho Em. f-c E 1624 Mansell, Will Manser, Nich Cla. p M 1602 — Nich Trill. p E 1G32 Mansergh, Jos Cath. s E 1642 Mansfield, Nath Mag. s E 1647 — W Chr. s E 1583 Manson, Chris Pom. p M 1554 Mantell, John Joh. p E 1572 — Chr. s E 1544 Manton, John [Pet. s E 1634] — John — John Pet. s M 1658 — Tho Pet. s M 1609 — Tho Mantravers, Hen. v. Maltravers Manwcll, Ja Trin. s L 1626-7 Manwood, Edw Trin. s E 1614 Maperley, Matth King's p E 1544 Mapes, Leon [Cai. p M 1565] — Rich Cai. p M 1618 Mapels, Hugh Qu. p E 1578 Maples, Tho Cla. p M 1623 Maplesden, Edm [C. C. 1600] — Edw Qu. p E 1611 Maplisden, Hugh Trin. s M 1622 Maplesden, John Joh. p E 1562 — John Qu. p M 1614 — Pet *Trin. p M 1612 — Rob Cla. p M 1553 — Sam — [C. C. 1552] Maplet, Edw *Cath. s M 1571 — John Qu. s M 1560 — Tho Qu. s M 1602 Mapletoft, Edm Pem. s E 1611 — Edm Cai. p M 1646 — Hugh Cath. s L 1578-9 — John Jes. s E 1624 — John *Trin. p M 1649 — Joshua Cla. p E 1609 — iRob Qu. s E 1625 — Solomon ... Pem. s E 1629 Mapletoftte, W Trin. s M 1583 Mapted, John Cai. p M 1578 Maptytt, John Gonv.H. s E1544 Maptit (Moptyd), '^ Laur. Marbury v. also Merhery — (Merbery), Edw. ... Trin. p c. 1597 Marberie, Era Chr. p E 1571 Marbery, John Pet. p E 1544 Marberye, John Joh. p E 1570 Marbury, Rich Trhi. H. [schol. 1608] — Rich Cai. p L 1648-9 Marbery, Will Pem. f-c E 1544 Marcclline, Edm Trin. [schol. 1611] A.B. (Joh.) 1619-20 A.B. 1645-6 A.B. (Pet.) 1654 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); [A.M. 1654 A.B. 1576-7 A.M. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1673 A.B. 1612-3 S.T.B. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. 1631-2, Mannell A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1565-6 A.M (Qu.) [S.T.B 1569; 1576 A.B. 1616-7 A.M. 1620 A.M 1614-5 (On K ing's visit) A.B. 1574-5 A.M. 1578 A.B. 1563-4, A.M. (*Cai.) [*Cath 1567, 1564 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1581-2 A.B. (Mag.) 1626-7 ; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1651-2 A.M. 1655 ; M.D. [ 1667 ; S.T P. 1690 (Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1612-3; AM. 1616; S.T.B. '23 A.B. 1628-9 ; A.M. ( *Pem.) 1632; [S.T.B. 1639 ; S.T.P 1665 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1529-30; A.M. (*Gonv. H.) [1533 ; S.T.B. 1549 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 [Merbury] LL.B. 1614 A.B. 1611-2 Master of Pembroko, 1664 ; Dean of Ely, 1667. ^ Muster of Corims, 1553. 446 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Marcelline, Geo. March v. Marsh Qu. s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20 Markand, Marchand, Marchant, Markant, Marchant, Marchaunte, Marcroft, Marcrofte, Marcroft, Marden, Margats, Margeiye, Margery, John Qu. Paul V. Le Marchand Eleazer Pet. Fra C. C. Marm Joh. Marm Joh. Tho. Will. Hen. Ja. ... Jos. John John Ja. ... Rich. Sam. Pet. Trin. H. Trin. Cla. Cla. Joh. Sid. CO. [C. C. Joh. Theoph [Em. Margets, Margetson, Margetts, Marion, Marius, Markham, Marcham, Markham, Marcham, Markam, Marcam, Markam, Mai'kham^ Markam, M 1646 E 1585 E 1602 c. 1594 E 1631 M 1581 M 1554 L 1563-4 E 1586 c. 1596 M 1584 E 1613 E 1618 1623] E 1611 L 1651-2] 1616] E 1628 M 1659 M 1619 E 1656 M 1570 L 1645-6 E 1621 E 1594] c. 1591 Tho [C. C. Hen Chr. Hen Em. Ja Pet. Ja Em. Will Pet. Tho Cath. Nath Sid. Anth [Cai. Chris Trin. Fra Geo Cai. f-c c. 1593 Gervase(mp) j^ 13 ann.)) Griffin Cai. Hen Trin. Ja Em. Jerome (imp.) t i, 12«)I J«^- — John Joh. — John Pern. Marcham (?), John Joh. Markhame, John Chr. Markam, Pet Cla. — Rich Mag. — ^oh iimp.) ^. 12 an7i.)\ Rob Cai. Rob Rob Roger Theodore ... Will -.. {sen.) U'^n.) Tob A.B. 1650-1, Markant ' Gwerneriensis ' A.B. 1598-9 A.B. 1635-6 A.B. (Chr.) 1584-5; A.M. (*Jes.) [1588 A.B. 1566; A.M. 1570 A.B. 1596-7 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. (*C. C.) 1614-5 ; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 (Matr. A.B. 1662; A.M. 1667 [Masets) A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1659-60; M.B. 1661 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1624-5 [1598 A.B. (Mag.) 1593-4; A.M. (Em.) A.M. 1650 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1596-7, Markham P f-c f-c P E 1573 [Migr. to Cai. 1576] M 1584 L 1582-3 M 1648 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 Marcam, Markam, Markham, Markam, Markham E 1573 M 1547 M 1565 c. 1595 c. 1598 M 1566 E 1585 E 1573 f-c M 1584 [Migr. to Cai. 1576] A.B. 1551-2 ; A.M. (*Pem.) 1555 Markendell, Markenfyld, John — W. ... Marker, Tho. — Tho. Sid. Joh. Mag. Joh. King's King's Joh. Cla. Cla. Joh. [C. C. M 1658 E 1613 E 1631 M 1549 E 1583' E 1583" E 1647' L 1564-5 L 1564-5 M 1568 1640] A.B. (Mag.) 1597-8, Marcham; [A.M. 1601 A.B. 1634-5; M.B. 1636 Archbishop of Dublui, 1660; Ai-magh, 1663. Markes, Ja C. C. — Rich loh. Marland, Rob [Joh. Marlen (Marlowe), Chris. O. C. Marler, Geo Qu. — John Joh. — Tho Mag. Marley, Brian Joh. Marly, Cuthb Sid. Marley, Cuthb Chr. — Tho *Qu. Marleye, Will Chr. Marley, Will Chr. Marlott, Will [Chr. Marlowe, Chris, v. Marlen — Rich Mag. Marlton, John Cai. Marmion, Gab Trin. Marre, Rob Pet. Marres, Rich Chr. Maret, Dan Pet. Marryat, John Em. Mareot, John Em. Marriott, Rob Trin. Marriett, Rob [Trin. Mariat, Tho Qu. Marriet, Tho Cath. Marriot, Will Joh. Marrow, Edw — Edw [Trin. — Isaac Cai. — Isaac Trin. — Ja - — (Morrowe), Leon. ... Cla. Marrys, Nich Qu. — Rob Qu. Marsden, Geo Joh. — Jer Chr. Marsh, Ambr Sid. Marche, And Em. Marsh, Cha Em. — Edm Jes. — Edw (A.B. — Edw Cai. — Era Mag. — iPra Em. Marche, Gabriel Marshe, Geo Chr. Marche, Humberston Pet. March, Ja Marshe, John Chr. Marsh (Mershe), John ... Cai. Mar-she, John C. C. — John Joh. — John Trin. Marsh, John Qu. — John Trin. — John Joh. a nd Vegr eefi 1544 — ^659 447 p E 1G44 A.B. 1646-7 p M 1583 E 1(500] A.B. (Cai.) 1603-4; A.IM. 1609 P L 1580-1 A..B. 1583-4, Marlyn; A.M. 1587, p M 1589 [Marlell] [Marley P E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1649 p E 1628 A.B. (Trin.) 1633-4 (Matr. Morley) M 1569 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 p E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 P E 1640 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 s E 1621 A.B.1624-5; A.M.1628; S.T.B.'36 p M 1554 p E 1639 A.B. (Em.) 1641-2 p E 1638] p E 1606 p E 1622 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 p E 1561 p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 p M 1546 [*Pem. 1618 s E 1612 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. (Trin.) 1618, s L 1618-9 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 p L 1645-6 s M 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 p E 1657] s E 1563 A.B. 1565-6, Marryat p E 1646 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1653 s E 1637 (Matr. 'Maruitt') LL.B. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c L 1645-6] s M 1580 s E 1617 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. ( ) ; A.M. (Cla.) 1608 s M 1587 A.B. ( ); A.M. 1599 ;p E 1582] A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 ;p E 1582] A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 p M 1645 p E 1636 p E 1589 Marsh] De la Marsh] p M 1635 p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 of Oxf.) LL.B. 1565-6 s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1667 p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 [V E 1642] A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650, *Cai. A.M. 1624 (On King's visit) V M 1551 V E 1616 A.M. 1623 (Incoii>. fr. Oxf.) P M 1567 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 s M 1571 A.B. 1575-6 s M 1587 s c. 1593 p M 1619 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 p E 1625 p E 1631 s E 1651 1 Bishop of Liinorick, Anlfert ami Aglmdoc, IC.dT; Kilim of Dublin, 168'2. iiiid Anl!ii,'li, H')7'2; AiTlibishop 448 Matriculations and Degrees 1544—1659 i Marsh, John .. Trin.H s E 1659 A.B. 1662 — Miles .. Cai. P E 1648 [March] 1 Nath A.B. (Pet.) 1609-10; A.M. 1613 Marshe, Nich ..*King's p M 1589 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597; S.T.B. — Rich .. Trin. s E 1584 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 [1606 — Rich .. Trin. p L 1588-9 Marsh, 'Rich .. Qu. b M 1599] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 — Rich .. Chr. V L 1626-7 [fr. Ti ■in.] A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 ' March, Rich . Qu. p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1, Marsh Marsh, Rich .. Em. [p E 1651] A.B. 1654 — Rich .. King's p L 1656-7 Marche, Rob .. Cla. p E 1574 Marshe, Rob .. Joh. p L 1577-8 Rob .. C. C. p L 1578-9 March, Sam A.M 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Marshe, Sam '. Cath. p M 1639 A.B. 1642-3 — Tho .. Pern. p M 1567 Marche, Tho .. Cai. f-c E 1581 [Marsh] Marsh, Tho .. [Qu. P E 1608] March, Tho .. Qu. p M 1615 A.B. 1618-9, Marche Marshe, Tho .. Qu. p M 1621 Marsh, Tho .. Trin. s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 — Tho . Cath. f-c M 1640 March, Tho . Cla. f-c M 1646 — Tobias .... . Qu. P E 1637 A.B. 1640-1, Marsh Marshe, W . Joh. p E 1561 Walt . Joh. p L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 Marche, Will . Trin. p M 1559 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567, *Pem. Marsh, Will . [C. C. 1563] March, Will . Cai. p E 1612 A.B. (? 1615-6); A.M. 1619 — Will . Qu. p M 1618 Marshe, Will . Sid. p E 1619 March, Will . C. C. [1620] A.B. 1622-3 Will . Chr. s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 Will . Cai. p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5, Marsh Marsh . C. C. 1587' E 1604 March . Em. s Marshall, Antii.' .'.'.".'."! . *Trin. s E 1620 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629; S.T.B. — Augustine. . Trin. s E 1605 [1636 ; S.T.P. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) — Rowdier . . [Qu. s E 1599] Chris . Mag. s E 1632 — Edw . Trin. s E 1576 A.B. (Cla.) 1580-1; A.M. 1584 — Edw . Mag. p E 1636 A.B. (Jes.) 1639-40 Esdras .... . Em. s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 Esdras .... . Em. p M 1651 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1656 — Fulk . Cla. p M 1584 Geo . [Jes. p E 1621] Geo . Joh. s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Gervase .... . Mag. s M 1633 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 Hamlet.... A.B. (J oh.) 1599-1 600; A.M. 1603; Hen .* Cai. p L 1578-9 [S.T.B. 1610; S.T.P. 1615 Hen . [Qu. fc E 1602] Hen . Trin. s L 1626-7 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 Ja . Pera. s E 1623 A.B. 1625-6 John A.B. 1553-4; A.M. 1560 John ; Chr. p M 1556 John . Pern. s L 1580-1 John . Cla. c. 1596 — John . Trin. s E 1611 A.B. (Joh.) 1614-5; A.M. 1618 1 Dean of York, 1644. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 449 Marshall, John King's s — John Trin. s — John C. C. s — John Em. s ■ — John Jes. p — Jo^ui [Trin. — John Mag. s — John Cai. f-c — Marra Job. s — Marni Trin. p — Mich Trin. p Nich Jes. p — Nich Job. p — Rich King's s — Rich loh. p — Rob — Rob *Joh. s — Rob Cai. s — Rob Chr. p — Roger Job. p — Sam Trin. s — Sim Chr. s — Steph Em. s Marchall, Tho Cla. p Martial, Tho [Qu. s Marshall, Tho Cai. s — Tho Trin. s — Tho Chr. p — Tho Trin. p — Tho Cai. s — Tho C. C. s — Tho Job. p — Tho C. C. p — Valentine ... Job. s — W C. C. f-c — Walt Qu. s — Warner Qu. [p — Will Pet. s — Will Jes. s — Will Cai. p Martiall, Will *Joh. p Marshall, Will — Will C. C. s — Will — Will Job. s — Will Trin. p — Will — Gonv.H. f-c — Job. p — Mag. s Marsbam, Ja Job. p — John Cai. s — John Cai. p — Rob Cai. p — Tho. Em. p Marson, John {imp.) King's s Marston, John — Rob Trin. p — Tho Chr. p — Will Chr. p — Will Jes. p E 1617 E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 E 1629 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1642 E 1632 1635] E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 E 1659 A.B. 1662 E 1604 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 E 1611 E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 M 1568 E 1603 c. 1597 E 1646 A.B. (Qu.) 1577-8 L 1622-3 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626; S.T.B.'34 E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 M 1638 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1641 M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 E 1566 E 1615 S.T.B. 1629 {Lit. Reg.) E 1584 E 1584] E 1610 (Matr. 'Marsh') E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 E 1632 E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 E 1646 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 E 1648 E 1650 A.B. 1658 E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 M 1545 E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618, Martial E 1614] A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 M 1544 E 1568 A.B. 1571-2 E 1574 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 M 1607 A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 ; S.T.B. '22 A.B. (Cla.) 1612-3; A.M. 1617 M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. (Job.) 1621-2 M 1637 A.B. 1640-1; xM.D. 1652 E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.M. 1651 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) E 1544 E 1544 E 1544 E 1605 L 1564-5 M 1606 A.B. 1609-10 E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 c. 1595 E 1621 A.M. 1633 (Incoi-p. fr. Oxf.) c. 1594 E 1572 M 1554 LL.B. 1564 E 1609 57 450 Mati'iculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Marston, Martham, Martin, Martine, Martin, Martyn, Martin, Marton, Martin, Martyn, Martin, Martinn, Martin, Martyns, Marten, Martin, Martine, Martin, Martyn, Marten, Martin, Marten, Martyn, Martyne, Martin, Martyn, Martin, Martyn, Martin, Martyn, Martin, Martinn, Martin, Marten, Martin, Martynn, Martin, Will [Em. p E 1636] Era Pern. s E 1606 lAnth Boniface ... Chr. p E 1553 Burrage Pern. [1626] Clem Qu. p M 1568 Clem Em. p E 1618 Compassion Cla. s E 1617 Edw Trin. p M 1598 2Edw *Qu. s E 1605 Edw Em. p E 1618 Era C. C. p M 1641 Geo Qu. s E 1617 Geo [Trin. s E 1653] Greg Hen Cla. s E 1576 Hen Joh. p E 1579 Ja Ja Em. s E 1632 Ja Em. p M 1655 Jer John Pem. v. Wignall John C. C. p M 1567 John Chr. p L 1577-8 John Pem. s c. 1593 John Qu. p E 1606 John Cai. p E 1614 John [King's 1625-6] M.B, John Chr. f-c M 1639 John Trin. p E 1642 John *Joh. s E 1646 Josias Trin. s c. 1596 Nath Pet. p M 1628 Nich Chr. p E 1584 Nich *C. C. p E 1588 Nich Sid. p E 1632 Nich [Qu. p E 1658] Oliver Ralph Cath. s E 1629 Rich Joh. s c. 1591 Rich [Qu. f-c E 1645] Rich [Trin. p E 1652] Tho. (imp.) Pet. s M 1549 Tho Joh. p E 1573 Tho Tho Pet. s c. 1590 Tho Chr. p E 1616 Tho Tho Em. s E 1618 Tho Jes. p E 1619 Tho Qu. [s L 1621-2] A.B. Tho Joh. p E 1639 Tho Qu. [fr.Oxf.] p E 1644 Tho Chr. s E 1645 Tho Cath. p L 1645-6 Will Will Mag. p E 1586 Will Trin. p E 1608 Will Qu. s L 1620-1 A.B. (Em.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 [Burham] A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.B. 1620-1 A.B. (?1602- 3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1608-9 ; A.M. 1612; S.T.B. [1621; S.T.P. 1631 -2 (Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1644-5 A.M. 1648 A.B. 1620-1, Martin A.M. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1578-9 A.M. 1583 A.B. (Chr.) 582-3 A.M. 1612 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1657-8 M.D. 1631-2 (Lit. Reg. A.B. 1570-1, Martin A.B. (Pet.) 1582 A.B. 1597-8; A.B. 1608-9; A.B. 1616-7; 1634 A.B. A.B. 1645-6 ; 1649-50 A.M. 1601 A.M. 1612 A.M. 1620 A.M. 1649 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603; M.L. [1605 ; M.D. 1614 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 C.L. 1545-6 A.B. 1631-2 A.B.(? 1594-5): A.M. 1598; S.T.B. [1606 [1579; S.T.P. 1597 A.B. (Chr.) 1575-6; A.M. (*Pet.) LL.D. 1587 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (n594-5) ; A.M. 1598 ; S.T.B. A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 [1606 A.M. 1618 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 1628-9; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1644 A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1646-7 1650 A.M A.B. 1533-4 ; A.M. 1539 ; S.T.B. '44 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1624-5 Bishop of Meath, 1625. President of Queens', 1631; Dean of Ely, J Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 451 Martin, Will — Will [Em. f-c E 1640] — Will Cai. s E 1645 Martyu [C. C. 1552] Martynnes, D [Qu. f-c M 1579] Marton, Humph. ... Mag. s E 1632 Martyndale, Rich King's p M 1546 — Tho Joh. p M 1559 Marvell, And — And Trim s M 1633 Marvin, Geo Em. p E 1636 Marvyn, Phil King's p M 1561 Maryss, Tho Chr. p M 1544 Mascall, Abell King's s E 1579 — Alex Jes. p E 1566 Maskal, Alex Sid. p E 1647 Mascall, Edw C. C. p L 1577-8 Maskall, Geo *King's p M 1575 Mascall, Hen C. C. s E 1581 — Jasper Sid. p E 1611 — John *King's p M 1575 — John Joh. p E 1602 Mascal, John Pet. p M 1649 Mascall, Tho King's s E 1604 — Will Cla. p E 1609 Masham, Era [Cath. f-c M 1634] — John Cath. f-c M 1633 — Will Pet. p E 1578 — Will [Em. p E 1599] — Will "Cath. f-c M 1633 Maslin, John Trin. [schol. 1584] Mason, Ambr Chr.? p E 1606 — Amos Pern. s M 1615 — Anth Trin. s E 1623 — Bern — Cha *King's p E 1632 — lEdm Cla. p c. 1590 — Edw Joh. p E 1634 — Fra. V. Magson — Gabr Chr. s E 1615 — Gecflf. Sid. s E 1602 — Geo Jes. p E 1622 — Geo Joh. s E 1628 — H Joh. p M 1567 — Hen (?the above) — Ja Joh. s E 1579 — Ja — John Chr. s E 1574 — John Cai. s c. 1596 — John Pet. p M 1602 — 2, John King's p M 1615( — 2 John King's s M 1615( — John C. C. s L 1620-1 — John — John Cla. [p L 1637-8 — John Chr. f-c E 1640 A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Jea.) 1645-6 A.B. (Em.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 Matr. Mervyn A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573; S.T.B. A.B. 1649; A.M. 1653 [1581 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 [MascoU] A.B. 1579-80 A.B. 1653-4 [S.T.B. 1617 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. (*Sid.) 1611; A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1635-6 A.B. 1580-1, ]\rassam A.B. 158.5-6; A.M. 1589 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1626-7 (No A.B.) ; A.M. 1544, *Joh. 1554 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639; S.T.B. [1642; S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B.(?1594-5); A.M. (*Pem.) 1598; [S.T.P. 1628 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1619-20; A.M 1623 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. (Mag.) 1625-6 A.M. 1629 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 [1582 A.M. (Cath.) A.B. (Trim) 1575-6; A.B. (Trin.) 1582-3 A.M. 1586 A.B. (Chr.) 1616 A.B. (Cath.) 1600-1 ; A.M. 1606 A.B. (Em.) 1618-9 A.B. 1624-5 S.T.B. 1634 (Incorp fr. Oxf.) A.B. fr. Oxf.] A.M. 1638 1 Dean of Salisbury, 1630. '■* One of these (if they be two) graduated. 452 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Mason, Luke Em. s E 1603 A.B. 1610-1 I — Marm . Sid. s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9 — Nath . Cai. p M 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 I — Nich. {imp. ) Pern. P E 1588 1 — Nich Chr. s M 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — Ralph C. C. s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3 11 — iRich Cai. p L 1557-8 A.B. 1563-4 SI — ^ Rich, (imp.) Chr. p L 1557-8 A.B. 1560-1; A.M. 1564 5 — Rich .. Qu. s M 1627 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 — Rich C.C. p E 1633 A.B. (*Jes.) 1636-7; A.M. 1640 _ Rich Trin. s M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 : — Rich [Joh. s M 1642] — Rob Qu. s E 1573 — Rob Joh. s M 1587 A.B. (Cath.) 1590-1 — Rob A.B. (*Joh.) 1609-10; A.M. 1613; — Sim Joh. p M 1582 [LL.D. 1628 {Lit. Reg.) — Sim Joh. p M 1621 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 — Steph Sid. p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 Masonn, Steph Joh. p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 Mason, Tim Pet. p M 1581 A.B. (Em.) 1584-5 Mazou, Tho Trin. s M1567 Mason, Tho Cla. p c. 1590 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. (Pem.) 1598 — . Tho *Joh. p M 1616 A.B. 1621 ; A.M. 1624 ; S.T.B. 1632 . Tho Cath. s L 1623-4 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 — Tho Joh. s E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 — Tho Chr. s E 1632 May son, Tho C.C. s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1, Mason; A.M. 1664 Mason, Will, {imp.) Qu. s E 1546 Will Cath. s E 1574 A.B. 1576-7 _ Will Joh. p M 1588 — Will Mag. p E 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 — Will Pet! s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1606 — Will Joh. p M 1619 — Will Trin. s M 1626 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 — Will C.C. s E 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1654 — [Qu. scho 1. 1558] Massam, Rob" "■";;;;;; Cla. p M 1566 — Will. V. Masham Masey, Chris Cai. p L 1634-5 A.B. 1637-8, Massey; A.M. 1641 Massye, Edm Pet. M 1569 Massey, Edm Cai. p L 1645-6 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 Massye, Gerard A.M. 1598 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Massey, Isaac A.B. (Cla.) 1609-10; A.M. 1613 — ('Malley'), Natli. ... Cla. s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 — Nich Jes. p E 1572 A.B. (Cai.) 1575-6 Massy, Nich Trin. s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 Masseye, Rich Chr. p M 1549 Massye, Rich Joh. p E 1584 A.B. 1587-8, Massee; A.M. 1591 Massy, Rich Pem. s c. 1593 Massey, Will Jes. p L 1579-8C Massenberd, Drayner Chr. p E 1631 (Matr. 'Mastbird') Massingberc , Hen Chr. f-c E 1627 Massingbid, Hen Trin. f-c M1658 Master, Edw Cla. p c. 1593 — Geo Trin. p M 1573 — Ja Joh. p M 1624 Maister, John Jes. s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7, Masters; A.M. 1640 Master, Rich M.D. 1571 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Rob Cla. s M 1569 Some uncertainty as to the degrees ; one was Fellow of Cath. Matrwulations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 458 Master, Tho Trin. p — Tho C. C. s Maister, Tho Chr. s Master, Will Qu. p — Will Peni. s Maister, Will Em. p Masterrnan, Tho Sid. p Ma.sters, Edw J oh. s — Ja [Qn. p — Ja [Trill. f-c Maisters, Rob King's s Master-s, Tho Em. p — Tho Mag. p — Tho Em. [.s — iWill *King's p Mastersoii, Geo Cla. p — Hen Chr. p Maisterson, John *Joh. p Mastland, John Joh. s Matchett, Clem [Cai. schol. — John C. C. p — John Em. [p — John Trin. p Matchet, Mich Em. p Machet, Rob Cai. [p — Will C. C. s Matham, Will [Trin. Mather, Aug Joh. p — Edm. {imp.) C. C. p — Rich Joh. p — Tho [Cai. p — Tho Cai. p Mathison v. also Madison — Anth King's p Matheson, John Qu. s Matholde, Will, {imp.) . Mich. Ho. p Matley, Rob Joh. s Matterson, Will Chr. s Mattheman, John Jes. s Matthew, Dav Qu. s Mathewe, Edm *Sid. s Mathew, Edm Em. s Mathewe, Hen King's s Matthewe, -John Trin. p Mathew, John Jes. s — John King's s Mathewe, Josias Sid. p Mathew, Matliias ... Pet. s — Nath *Chr. s — Sam Pet. f-c — Tho Trin. s Matthew, Tho Em. p — Tol)ia.s Mathew, Will Pem. s Matthew Matthewman, Rich Chr. s — Rob Chr. s Matthews, Edw C. C. 1 Public Orator, 1563. M 1573 E 1577 E 1588 M 1581 c. 1595 E 1617 E 1634 M 1638 [? scholar, Trin. H. 1589] A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588; S.T.P. A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 [1609 A.B. 1620-1, Masters ; A.M. ((^la.) A.B. 1637-8 [1624 A.B. 1641-2, Master 1644-5] 1646] 1637-8 1616 1617 1623] M 1549 M 1632 E 1622 E 1642 E 1581 M 1609] M 1571 E 1646] E 1651 E 1598 M 1602] M 1570 A.B. 1641-2, Masters A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1627-8; A..M. 1630 A.B. 1553-4 ; A.M. 1557 ; LL.D. '68 A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629; S.T.B. [(*Joh.) 1636; S.T.P. 1648 A.B. 1646; A.M. 1650 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. A.B. 1649-50 1579 1643] 1565 1556 1560 1585-6] 1640 E 1636 E 1628 E 1545 M 1564 E 1650 M 1548 M 1560 M 1632 E 1640 E 1625 M 1588 E 1603 E 1624 E 1620 M 1556 M 1638 M 1598 L 1593-4 E 1642 A.B. 1601-2, Maitchett A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1562-3, Maither A.B. 1643-4 (Matr. Methay) [Madison] A.B. 1631 [Mattison] [1640; S.T.B. 1647 A.B. 1636-7, Matthews; A.M. A.B. 1643-4; A.M. (*Chr.) 1647 A.B. 1592-3, Matthews ; A.M. 1596 A.B. (Joh.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. (*Cla.) 1563 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1645-6 A.M. 1600 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) L 1634-5 A.B. 1637-8 A.M. (Trin. H.) 1624 {Lit. Reg.) E 1651 A.B. 1654 E 1651 A.B. 1654 [1602] A.B. 1605-6 - Librarian, 1587 ? 454 Matriculations and Decjrees 1544 — 1659 Mathews, John Jes. Mathew, Jos *Qu. Matthews, Phil [Em. Mathewes, Rob Cai. Matthews, Sam Tnn. Matthewes, Tho Cla. Mattins, Rob Trin. Mattock, Anth Mag. Mattocke, John Chr. Mattock, Nich [Pet. Mattocke, Walt Triu. — Will Chr. — Will Cla. Maude, Anibr — Anth Trin. — Barnabas ... Em. — Dan Em. — Edw *Joh. Mawde, Edw Maud, Era Qu. Mawde, Gilb Qu. — Ja Mich. Ho. Maude, Jehochanan Cla. — John Jes. Mawde, Rob Sid. Maud, Sam Trin. Mawde, Sam Cla. Maude, Tim Cla. Mawde, Tobias Cla. — Will C. C. Maudsley, Will Sid. Maugham, Jacob Pet. Maulde, John Joh. Maule, Geo. Sid. Mawl, Tho [Pet. Maule, Tho *Pem. Maule verer, Edm C. C. — Ja ■. [Joh. Mauliverer, Nich [Joh. Mauleverer, Tho Joh. Mauliverer, Tim [Joh. Malleyvorax, Will [Trin. Mauliverer, Will Joh. Maleverer, Will C. C. Mauley, Rob Qu. Maund, Clinton Maundvyle, Phil. v. Maudevill Maundby, Rob Joh. Maunton, Tho. v. Manton Maurice, Alex — Dav [Qu. — Humph. ... Joh. — Poynes Em. Mawbarne, Luke Mag. Mawberg, Ja Cath. Mawden, Tho Cla. Cha Pet. ' Leon *Pet. E 1620 E 1644 fr E 1656] E 1633 E 1650 M 1568 M 1623 c. 1597 E 1586 E 1646] E 1602 c. 1593 M 1615 p E 1656 c. 1596 E 1603 M 1564 E 1613 M 1585 E 1544 c. 1591 E 1652 M 1633 E 1610 E 1622 M 1608 E 1609 M 1583 E 1641 E 1630] M 1565 E 1620 M 1622] M 1645 E 1621 M 1651] E 1659] L 1615-6 E 1647] M 1572] M 1619 M 1635 E 1573 E 1631 A.B. (Pern.) 1623-4, Mathew Oxf.] A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648; [S.T.B. 1655 A.B. 1636-7, Mathew; A.M. 1640 A.B. 165.3-4 A.B. 1571-2, Matthew A.B. 1626-7 A.B. (Chr.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B.(n589-90); A.M. 1593 ; S.T.B. [(Mag.) 1600 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. (Mag.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. (Cla.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. (King's) 1588-9; A.M. 1592 f-c L 1646-7] s M 1634 f-c L 1620-1 p E 1656 s E 1634 s E 1580 V M 1598 p E 1588 S.T.B. [1608 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599; [Mawdes] A.B. (Trin.) 1625-6 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1586-7 A.B. 1644-5 (Matr. Mudsley) A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 ; S.T.B. '34 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1653, Mall A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1623 (Matr. 'Mallivorer') A.M. 1655 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1622-3, Uranius; A.M. A.M. 1663 {Lit. Reg.) 1626 [1611 A.B. (? 1591-2) ; A.M. 1595 ; S.T. P. Master of Peterliouse, 1617 ; Master of Trinity, 1G26 ; Bishop of Bath and WeUs, 1G28. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 455 Mawe, Mawer, Mawgier, Mawhood, Mawlbie, Mawley, Mawman, Mawnser, Mawson, Mauson, Maxey, Maxy, Maxie, Maxy, Maxey, Maxie, Maxfyld, Maxwell, Maye, May, Maye, May, Maye, May, Mey, Maye, May, Meye, Maye, May, Maye, Meye, Male, Maye, Mayart, Maydstone, Nich. . Rob. . John . Rich. . Rob. . John . Tho. . Rob. . John . John Trin. H. t'hris Mag. .*Pet. , Pet. . Mag. . Trin. , Peni. *Jes. Joh. Sid. Trin. [P Rich. Anth... 1 Anth. . . Grevil Hen. .. Hen. .. Will. .. Will. .. Will. .. Tho. .. Mark . . Pat. .. Tho. .. And. .. And. .. [Earth. Ed Edm. .. Geo. .. Geo. .. Geo. .. Geo. .. Hen Hen *Pem. oh. Mag. [Pern. C. C. Trin. Em. Qu. Em. C. C. Qu. Em. Joh. Pern. [*Pet. [Chr. Cla. Cla. Chr. Joh. Joh. Qu. Chr. Jes. Cla. ^ John *Qu. John John .. John .. John .. Lainecl Rich. .. Rich. .. Rich. .. Rob. .. Qu. Joh. Qu. Chr. C. C. Jes. Qu. Mag. Pern. Sam Mag. Theoph. Tho. Will. Will. Will. Will. Will. Luke John Trin. Sid. Joh. Trin. Em. Trin. Trin. H. [Pem. E 1619 M 1652 E 1584 E 1612 E 1585 E 1652] M 1583 E 1632 E 1650 M 1545 E 1585 E 1615 E 1614 1648] E 1553 E 1578 L 1623-4 E 1583 L 1623-4 E 1553 E 1583 E 1634 M 1570 M 1583 1643] E 1622] M 1615 M 1623 M 1631 M 1568 E 1637 M 1546 M 1566 E 1605 M 1646 f-c E 1637 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626, Mawd ; A.B. 1655 ; A.M. 1660 [M.D. 1634 A.B. 1615-6 A.B. 1655-6 ; A.M. 1659; S.T.P. '80 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585; S.T.B. [1594; S.T.P. 1608 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. (Joh.) 1641 A.B. (Mag.) 1575-6 A.B. (Trin.) 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1627-8 A.B. 1573-4 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1648-9 ; A.M. 1653 ; S.T.P. '81 A.B. 1548-9; A.M. (*Joh.) 1552 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1641-2 {Lit. [Ilea.) A.B. 1549-50; A.M. 1553; S.T.B. [1560; S.T.P. 1564 A.B. 1571-2, Mey E 1544 M 1547 M 1568 M 1582 M 1583 L 1618-9 A.B. 1621-2 M 1554 E 1576 M 1581 M 1641 E 1640 E 1636 M 1609 M 1568 E 1574 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1612-3 A.B. 1572-3, Mey c. 1593 E 1620 E 1568 1656] A.B. (Cath.) 1585-6 A.B. 1623 ('a Fleming from Ghent') 1 Dean of Windsor. 1612. 2 Master of St Catharine's, 1559; Bishop of Cailisle, 1577. 456 Matriculations and Deqrees 1544 — 1659 Maydston, Rob Trin. Mayer, Edm Trin. — Ja Trin. Mair, Ja [Qu. Mayre, John Joh. Mayer, John *Joh. — John Cai. — John Joh. Mayre, John Joh. — Ralph Joh. Maior, Rob Pern. Mayer, Rob *Joh. — Tho Cla. Mayor, Will Em. — Will Trin. Mayer, Wolfgang ... Mayrs, Dan Trin. Mayers, Dan Joh. Maiers, Edw Pern. Mayers, John Joh. — John [Joh. — Joh. Mayes, Chris Jes. Males, Edw Cai. Mayes, John Joh. Males, Sam Trin. Mahew, Anth Qu. Mayhewe, Edw Trin. Mayhew, Geo Mag. — Ja Cai. — John Cath. — Matth Pem. — ('Mathew'), Rob.... Cai. — Tho Joh. Male, John Trin. Mayle, John Trin. Mael, John Em. Male, Josias Em. Mayle, Loth Qu. Male, Sam Pem. Mayle, Sam Chr. — Sam Em. Male, Tho Qu. — Tho Em. Maynarde, Anth Trin. Maynerd, Edm C. C. Maynard, Hen — John Pet. — Rich [Joh. — Steph [Cai. — Will Cla. — iWill Maynarde, ^ Will Maynard, Will Cath. — Joh. Mayne, Caspar [Jes. — Sam Pem. p M s M [schol. s E p M p M s M 1646 1623 1605] 1649] 1554 1565 1578 1597 1607-8 1577-8 1.585 1597 1658 1596 [Migr. to Cla. 1648] A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1605-6 A.B. 1558; A.M. (*Jes.) 1561 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 A.B. 1581-2 [Maior, Mawr] A.B. (Em.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605; [S.T.B. 1612; S.T.P. 1627 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1599-1600, Maire ; A.M. 1603; [S.T.B. 1627 s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3, Mayer; A.M . 1666 A.M. 1598 (Incorp. fr. ] Basel) ; [S.T.B. (Trin ) 1601 s E 1606 A.B. (Joh.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 s M 1640 s E 1603 A.B. 1606-7 p M 1627 A.B. 1627-8 p M 1640 ; prev. at Trin. H.] f-c M 1608 [s E 1657] A.B. 1660-1 s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7, Mayes s E 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 s M 1645 A.B. 1648-9, Mayes p E 1544 A.B. 1546-7; A.M. (*Pem ) 1549 s M 1553 s L 1564-5 s E 1648 [s M 1658] A.B. 1662; A.M. 1666 s M 1621 A.B. 1626-7 s M 1602 A.B. 1605-6 p M 1579 s M 1589 s E 1640 A.B. 1644-5 [p E 1652] A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659, Male p E 1645 s M 1614 A.B. 1617-8, Mael; A.M. 1621 p E 1609 p M 1610 A.B. 1613-4, Male; A.M. 1617 [p E 1644] A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5: A.M. 1638 p E 1654 A.B. 1657-8, Mails; A.M. 1661 p M 1589 s E 1567 A.B. (Joh.) 1607-8 s c. 1589 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. (Sid.) 1599 p E 16511 p M 1590] s E 1577 A.B. 1579-80 A.M. 1608 {fil. nob.) A.M. 1639 [jil. nob.) p E 1647 f-c E 1612 s M 1623] [S.T.B. 1598 s M 1583 A.B. (*Pet.) 1586-7; A.M. 1590; First Baron Maynard, 1620. Second Baron Maynard, 1640. I Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 457 Mayne, Zach — [Trin. Mayuer, Fra Pet. Maynprise, Will Qu. Mayo, Clem King's Mayow, Diouysius ... Qu. Mazey, Hen *Cai. Mede, Cha Job. Meade, Chris Trin. Mede, p]lias Meade, Fuller Sid. — Geo *Trin. — Hen Trin. Meade, Humph. ... J oh. Mead, John [Qu. — John Joh. Meade, John Pet. — John [Em. — John Cai. — Jos *Chr. — Laur [Cai. — Matth King's — Numan Cla. — Rich Chr. — Eob Chr. — Rob Pem. — Rob Chr. Mede, Tho Clem.H. — Tho Chr. Meade, Tho *Kiug's Mead, Tho Trin. Meade, Tho Qu. — Tho Cath. — Tho Trin. — Tho Chr. — Tim — Will Cai. — Will Chr. — Will Chr. — Will Sid. Meadowe (' Middow '), John Em. Meadow, Rob [Em. Meadowe, Phil Em. Medowe, Tho Chr. Meadowcroft v. Medocroft Meadowes, Dan Em. Meddowes, Edm loh. Medowes, Fra King's Meadwell, Laur Sid. Meakiii, Rob Meakins, Tho Joh. Meale, And Chr. — Chris *King's — John — John *King's — Tho — Tho Em. Meane, Jonas Pet. — Rich Pet. Meene, Rob Em. Meare, [Hugh] Chr. f-c f-c 1654] E 1588 E 1641 M 1650 M 1565 E 1654 L 1564-5 E 1570 M 1634 E 1634 M 1562 M 1570 1604; i M 1606 M 1616 s E P P P P P f-c P P f-c P P P s E P E P L p E V) E 1629] 1659 1603 1599] 1649 1596 1627 E 1567 M 1584 M 1626 E 1544 M 1564 M 1570 E 1573 L 1581-2 L 1583-4 E 1584 E 1636 E 1576 M 1614 E 1629 1645 1640 1645-6] 1642 1611 E 1636 E 1634 M 1586 E 1613 M 1644 M 1645 E 1650 M 1649 E 1657 E 1604 L 1618- M 1647 M1631 A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Trin.) 1645-6, Mainprice A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. (? 1566-7) ; A.M. (*Joh.) 1572 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1566-7 the next] A.B. 1620; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610; S.T.B.'18 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1587-8 A.B. 1567-8 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. (*Chr.) 1647 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. (*Qu.) 1649, [Meadowes A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1637-8 A.B. (Chr.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1647-8 M.B. 1652 [1669 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657; LL.D. A.B. (Pet.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1657 A.B. (Pet.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1620-1, Meene; A.M. 1624 58 458 Meare, Meeres, Meares, Meres, Meeres, Men res, Meres, Meei'es, Mears, Mease (Me Meautys, Mutas, Mejiutys, Mautys, Medbury, Medcalfe i Medcalf, Medcalfe, Meadcalf, Medcalfe, Medcapp, Med forth, Medhope, Meddope, Meddop, Medope, Medliop, Medoppe, Medope, Medley, Medlaye, Medeley, Medlie, Medley, Medleye, Medley, Medeley, Medlicoate, Medlicott, Medicroft, Medocroft, Meeke, Meke, Meeke, Meake, Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Rich Trill. Tho Aiith Mag. Fra Pern. Fra Trin. John Trill. H. Rob Sid. Roger C. C. Tho Sid. Tho [Sid. Walt Chr. se), Pet Jes. Hen Em. Pet Em. Pet [Trill. Tho Em. Tho Em. also Metcalfe Alex Cla. Anth Chr. Chris *Joh. Fra Chr. John Trin. John [Pem. Jonat Chr. Reg Trill. Rich Chr. Roger Pem. Tho Qu. Tho Trin. Tho Joh. Will Sid. Will Chr. John Pem. Hen Joh. Edm Trin. Geo Trin. Ja King's La Joh. Steph *Trin. Steph Trin. Tho Joh. Tho *Trin. Cha Mag. Clem Joh. Hen. {imp.) Mag. Hen Trin. Job Mag. John Trin. Rob Joh. Tho. {imp.) . Mag. Rich Pet. Tho Chr. John Qu. Rich Joh. Rob Mag. John [Em. John Sid. Rich Qu. Rich Pet. Will Trin. L 1623-4 A.B. A.M. 1606 1584 1625 1640 1614 1606 1629 1650-1] c. 1596 E 1614 M 1632 E 1644 E 1652] E 1635 E 1629 E 1637 E 1575 c. 1591 M 1586 M 1564 1619] E 1631 E 1570 1627-8, Meares; A.M. 1631 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 [(*Cath.) 1628; S.T A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 [Meere] P. 1634 ; S.T.B. c. 1601 L 1577-8 L 1579-80 c. 1595 1601 M 1634 E 1654 E 1619 M 1562 M 1601 E 1573 E 1631 E 1577 M 1566 E 1620 M 1568 M 1607 E 1657 E 1585 M 1547 M 1584 E 1618 M 1571 M 1617 M 1547 M 1615 L 1645-6 c. 1596 L 1584-5 E 1625 E 1613] M 1639 E 1565 M 1664 E 1571 A.B. 1617-8 ;A.M. 1621; S.T.B. '28 [Mutis] [Meautys] [Mutis] A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1645 A.B. 1595-6, Metcalfe ; A.M. 1599 A.B. 1568-9 A.B. 1633-4, Metcalfe A.B. 1604-5, Metcalfe; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1581-2 [Metcalfe] A.B. 1605-6 ; A.M. 1609, Metcalfe [Metcalfe] A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1611-2 ; A.M.1615 ; S.T.B. '22 A.B. 1660-1 A.B. (Trin.) 1588-9 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. (Cath.) 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 [Meadowcroft] A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Matrlcalations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 459 Meerye, John Joli. Meese, Nich Meetkerk, Edw Meggott, 1 Rich Qu. Megges, Ed Jes. Meggs, Ja [Qu. Megs, Peic Chr. Megg.s, Peverell Chr. Mehen, John v. My hen Meiburne, John [Chr. Meienreis, Sigisuiund... Peni. Meiglien, (Jodson Jes. — Tho Tes. Mekes, Rich Jes. Melbanckc, Brian Joh. Melboxn-n v. Milbourn Mellmish, (ieo Em. — John [Em. Mell, John Qu. Melles, Moses Mag. Melhng, Bern [Qu. MeUinge, John Trin. Melhng, Rob [Qu. Mellynoe, Will Mellinge, Will Chr. Melhsh, Will Em. Meller, Anth Sid. — Geo Joh. — Hen Joh. — John Cai. Mellers, Tho Chr. Mellor, Rich Cai. — Rob C. C. — Will Trin. Mellors, Covel Jes. — ('Mailer'), Geo Em. Mellowes, Edw Era. Melsonbie, Rob Cla. Melso[)i), Rob Trin. Melton, Anth Qu. — Edw Cla. — John Chr. — John Sid. — John [Qu. Melvin, Pat Mendame, Will [King's Mendham, Rich [Cai. Mendleshain, Will [Pem. Menes, Ja Joh. — Tho loh. Menfyeld, Tho *Trin. Mennell, John Joh. — Rob C. C. Menye, John Mag. Menzie.s, James [Em. Merbury, Edw. v. Marbery Merburye, Tho Chr. Merbury, Tho Chr. Mercer, Alir Toh. Doi p E 1/ A.M. 1655 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1617 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p M 1650 A.B. 1653 ; A.M. 1657 ; S.T.P. 1669 V ■\[ 1565 1> K 1625] A.B. (Trin.) 1627-8 ; A.M. 1631 ; p .M 1580 [S.T.P. 1661 {Lit. lieg.) V K 1580 A.B. 1583-4 f-c M 1653] f-c E 1614 s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 p E 1612 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1620 1» M 1559 p M 1575 A.B. 1579-80 \v E 1652; i r. Pet.] A.B. 1656; A.M. 1660 V E 1642] s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 P P E 1641 M 1643] A.B. 1644-5 s M 1573 p E 1601] A.B. (Trin.) 1570-1 V E 1626 P E 1622 s E 1624 s E 1568 A.B. 1571-2, Mellar p E 1654 f-c E 1603 s E 1570 s M 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1622, Mellar !> E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 s E 1615 A.B. 1617-8 s M 1578 p E 1612 A.B. 1615-6 p M 1627 ]) M 1572 s E 1632 s M 1589 s M 1569 A.B. 1574-5 p 1) E 1586 L 1607-8 p M 1652] M 1602] Incorp. fr. St Andrews, 1621 schol. 15591 1634] s c. 1594 (? Menzies) s c. 1594 s M 1587 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595, Men- s c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 [vill f-c E 1568 [Minnell] 3 E 1561 s L 1592-3] f-c M 1569 1) c. 1595 s E 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 1 uf WiiichesU-l-, Kwi) 460 Mercer, Matriculatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Merchant, Mercott, Meredith, Meridith, Meredith, Meridith, Merridith, Meredyth, Meredith, Meridith, Meredith, Merfyn, Mervine, Merfin, Meriam, Merick, Merrick, Mericke, Merick, Meyrick, Meridale, Meridall, Meriden, Meriton, Merriton, Meriton, Merriton, Meriton, Mariwether, Meriwether. Edw Joh. s Fra Trin. p Ja John [Qu. s John Nich Rich Sam Chr. p Tho Trin. p Tho Em. s Will [Em. p Job [Em. p Edw Joh. [s Edw [Qu. f-c Ellys |Qu. s Humph. ...*King's p Humph. .. Mag. p John Joh. s John John Qu. s Rich Trin. s Rich Joh. s Rich *Trin. p Rich *King's p Rich Qu. p Roger Trin. p Will Rem. f-c John Joh. s Rich Rob Chr. p Edw Cla. s Esai Chr. s Edw Sid. f-c Gilly Chr. f-c Hen. V. Myriecke John Chr. s Peregrine ... Qu. p Rich Rich [Em. p John C. C. s Tho Joh. (?Matr. Tho Joh. p ' Geo Joh. s Geo Qu. p Geo Qu. s Geo Qu. p Hen *Qu. s Hen Mag. s John Trin.H. s John Mag. s John Joh. s Tho Tho Mag. p Earth Cla. p p]dm *Cla. p John Joh. .s L 1626- -7 A.B. 1630-1 L 1618- -9 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.M. 1641-2 (On King's visit) E 1592 M.L. (King's) 1639 A.M. 1585 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Incorp. 1587 (A.B. Oxf.) E 1610 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 M 1571 M 1635 E 1636 E 1640 M 1637 A.B. 1641-2 E 1644 E 1586 E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 E 1639 A.B. 1639-40 E 1607 A.B. 1610-1 A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) E 16.32 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 M 1568 c. 1601 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 M 1612 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620; S.T.B. [1627 ; S.T.P. 1634 E 1615 A.B. 1619; A.M. 1623 E 1647 M 1658 A.B. 1658 ; A.M. (*Trin. H.) 1662 E 1620 E 1574 A.M. 1625 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) E 1629 [Mirfin] E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 M 1568 E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 E 1608 E 1615 c. 1592 A.B. (Mag.) 1573-4; A.M. 1579 E 1618" E 1659 A.B. 1662-3 'Meriden') A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 c. 1591 (*Qu.) 1596; S.T.P. 1601 M 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588; S.T.B. E 1616 A.B. 1619-20 M 1621 A.B. 1621-2 E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 E 1612 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 E 1645 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 M 1620 A.B. 1622; A.M. 1626 E 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 \{do.) M 1652 A.M. 1660 (ZiV. lUg.") ; S.T.P. 1669 A.B. (Jes.) 1608-9; A.M. 1613; [M.D. 1627 E 1648 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 M 1623 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 M 1615 A.B. 1618-9, Edw.; A.M. 1622 M 1634 A.B. 1637-8 ; A.M. 1641 ; S.T.B. [(*Mag.) 1652 1 Dean of Peteiborout,'!), KU'i ; of York, 1G17. Matriculati07is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 461 Merreste, Tho Cai. Merryall, John Merriall, Tho Merrill, John Chr. — John Trin. — Jos Em. Merryll, Rob Joh. Merrell, Tho Merill, Tho Joh. Merrills, John Qu. — Tho C. C. Merrington, John v. Meriton Merry, Will Pern. Merton, Rob Joh. Mervyn v. Marvyu Meryman, Edw C. C. Meriman, Edw — Edw Mag. Mersam, Geo Merynge, Tho Trin. Messam, Ralph Joh. Messanger, Art Messiuger, Aug Cai. Messynger, Edm Pet. Messenger, Fra Sid. — Geo Oath. Messeruy, Edw Trin. Messner (Meissner), John Em. Metcalfe v. also Medcalfe — Alex Joh. — Edw King's — Fra Cla. — Geo Chr. — Gilb Chr. — Hen Joh. — Leon Joh. — Leon C. C. — Mich Pet. — Nich Pet. — Nich Sid. — Oswald Chr. — Rich Jes. — Rich Joh. Mettcalfe, Rob Joh. Metcalfe, i Rob — Tho Joh. — Tho Cla. — Tho Chr. — Vincent Trin. — Will Sid. Mettham, Cha Cath. — Hen Mag. Metham, Rob Em. — Tho *Trin. — Tho [Qu. — Tho Cai. p E 1589 p E 1613 s M 1650 s M 1655 p L 1564-5 s c. 1594 s E 1637 s c. 1596 p E 1626 s E 1628 s E 1575 s E 1603 f-c E 1566 s c. 1592 f-c L 1656-7 s E 1561 p M 1608 s M 1569 p E 1616 p E 1629 P P P P f-c P V P f-c f-c A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1563 A.B. (Cath.) 1606-7; A.M. (Jes.) [1610, Myriell A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1663 S.T.B. (*Joh.) 1555 E 1624 E 1615 E 1611 M 1607 M 1555 E 1605 L 1563-4 E 1633 E 1617 M 1607 E 1619 E 1544 M 1552 M 1615 c. 1594 c. 1596 E 1611 M 1656 M 1608 L 1623-4 E 1574 E 1608 M 1606 M 1551 E 1573] c. 1590 A.B. A.B. 1640-1 1600-1 A.B. 1631-2 A.B. 1577-8 A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. (Mag.) 1598, [*Chr. 1599 Mus.B. (Trin.) 1598 A.M. 1578 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1565-6; A.M. (*Cath.) 1569 A.B. (Pet.) 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.M. 1624 (On King's visit) A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 [Medcalfe] A.B. 1568-9 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. (Cai.) 1611 [S.T.B. 1637 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. (*Mag.) 1626; A.B. 1546-7; A.M. 1551 A.B. 1618-9 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 A.M. (*Joh.) 1606; S.T.B. 1613; [S.T.P. (*Trin.) 1630 A.B. 1600-1, Medcalfe; A.M. 1604 A.B. (Mag.) 1626-7, Medcalfe; M.D. 1614 (in ordo) [A.M. 1630 A.B. 1554-5; A.M. 1558 Het.) Pet. p c. 1590 Methwolde, Will Pet. p M 1589 Mettringham, Rich .Joh. s E 1584 Meverell, Era Trin. .s E 1631 — Othowell ... Ohr. p E 1604 — Otiwell (.1hr. f-c E 1646 — Owen Trin. .s L 1637-8 Mew (Mue), Tho Mewe, Will Em. p M 1618 Mewlis, John Joh. p L 1615-6 Mews, 1 Pet Meyer, Ja Michaelsoiith, John Michborue, Rich Cla. p M 1586 Mychelborne, Edw Jes. p E 1552 Michelborne, Hen Em. f-c E 1623 Michelbm'iie, John Chr. f-c M 1617 Michelborne, Tho Chr. p E 1550 Mikelborowe, Leon Cla. p E 1580 Mieheley, Sam Joh. p M 1578 Michell, Chris [C. C. 1598] — Ed Qu. p E 1559 — Edm *Cai. p E 1611 — Era Em. p M 1584 Mitchell, Era (? the above) — John Mag. p M 1580 — John Chr. p E 1607 Mitchell, John Chr. s E 1627 Michael, John Michell, Jonas Em. [s E 1587] — Jos Joh. p M 1633 — Josias Chr. s c. 1597 — Mich Cla. s E 1656 Micliel, Nath Cath. s L 1634-5 Michell, Pet Joh. s M 1572 — Ralph *Pet. s E 1581 Michel, Rich Trin. s E 1606 — Rich Jes. p M 1646 Mychell, Rob Trin. H. p E 1556 Mychaell, Rob Qu. p E 1565 Michell, Tho Pet. p M 1566 — Tho Jes. s E 1576 — Will Trin. s E 1616 — Will Cla. s M 1619 Michelsone, John (? Michaelsouth above) Micklethwait, Elias Cai. [p E 1599] Michel whit, Elias Sid. [p M 1642] Micklethwait, John Qu. p E 1627 — Jos Cai. p E 1611 Micklethwaite, Jos Sid. p E 1656 Micklewaite, Mark Sid. p E 1613 Micklethwait, Paul Cai. p M 1606 Micklethwaite, Tho Kinc{'s s c. 1591 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1607-8 ; M.D. 1615-6 (Incorp. [fr. Leyden) A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645; M.L. [1647 ; M.D. 1652 A.B. (Em.) 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; [A.M. 1632 A.B. 1622 ; A.M. 1626 ; S.T.B. 1633 A.M. 1647 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1612 (Incorp. fr. Basel) Incorp. fr. St Andrews, 1634 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1614-5 ; A.M. 1618 ; S.T.B. '27 LL.B. (Sid.) 1603 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1630-1, Michel; A.M. 1634 A.M. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. (Cath.) 1636-7 A.B. 1659-60, Mitchell ; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589; S.T.B. '96 A.B. (n609-10); A.M. 1613 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1630 S.T.B. 1620( St Andrews) A.B. [1602-3]; A.M. 1606 A.B. 1646; A.M. 1650, Michleth- A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 [waite A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. (*Sid.) 1613; [S.T.B. 1620; S.T.P. 1628 A.B. (Qu.) 1595-6; A.M. 1599 1 Bislioy of Bath mid Wells, 1(57-2; of Winchester, 1684. Matriculations and Degrees i,-,44 — 1659 463 Mickluwaite, Tho Sid. Mickleton, Ja C'hr. Micklie, Humiih. ... Cla. Mykley, John Cla. Middleditch, Sam Peni. — Will Qu. Mydlefeyld, Cha Joh. Mydletwhat, Tho Chr. Mydleton, Ambrose ... Chr. — Anth Cla. AntMm;,) p^^ 13 ann.)\ Midleton, Anth *Joh. — Anth Trin. Myddleton, Art Pet. Midleton, Art Trin. Mydleton, Chris Joh. Middleton, Cuthb Toh. Mydleton, Edw Joh. Middleton, Geof. Qu. Mydylton, Geo Middleton, Hugh [Pern. Myddylton, John Joh. Middleton, John Trin. — John Trin. — Rich [Mag. Mydelton, Rob Joh. Middleton, Rob [Qu. Middelton, Rob Chr. Midleton, Rob Chr. Mydleton, Tho Em. Midelton, Tho Qu. Middleton, Tho Joh. Midelton, Tho Trin. Middleton, Tho [Trin. Myddleton, Will Trin. Mydleton, i Will *Qu. — Will Chr. Midleton, Will Em. Middleton, Will Pem. Myddleton Trin. Middleton [C. C. — [Qu. Midford, Bertram ...*Pem. — Phil Chr. — Rob [Sid. Midforth, John Trin. Mydgelaye, John C. C. Mydsley, John Trin. Midgeley, John Joh. Midgley, John — John Joh. — Jonat Chr. — Jos Trin. Midgeley, Rob Trin. Midgley, Will Mag. Midworth Chr. Myght, Rich Joh. Might, Tho Chr. E 1632 E 1656 E 1575 M 1567 M 1659 E 1659] M 1579 M 1561 M 1578 E 1545 M 1576 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 1578-9, Mickley 1570-1 1661-2 1662-3 A.B. (Pet.) 1583-4 (' Midlesleade ') H. f-. f-c M p M s M s L p M p M E schol. P P P 1610 1611 1548 1607 1587 1591 1547 1611 1649] 1555 1596 1633 1657] 1558 1598] 1642 1650 1587 1591 1596 1606 1648] 1555 1567 1579- 1587 1619 1546 1548] 1550] 1611 1582- 1631; 1616 1565 1579 1609 1647 1616 1581 1631 1652 1618- 1561 1624 A.B. 1581-2 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1614-5 A.B. c. 1600; S.T.B. 1619 A.B. 1614-5 A.B. 1565-6 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1653 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 [fr. Oxf.) ; S.T.B. 1582 A.B. 1570-1 ; A.M. 1576 (Incorp. 80 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626; S.T.B. [1633; S.T.P. 1642 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 Milford] A.B. 1619-20. Midforde A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 A.B. 1582-3, Midgley A.B. ( ); A.M. (Cla.) 1610 A.B. 1619-20 [*Em. 1610 A.B. (Mag.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588, A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. (Joh.) 1655-6 1 Elected Master of Corpus, 1602. 464 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Mihen, Godson v. Meighen Myhen, John Joh. p Mihell, Chris, v. Mitchell Mihill, Edm [C. C. — Hen. *C. C. p — Hen King's s — ('Michell'), Rob. ... C. C. p — Tho Pet. s Milbank, Ralph Joh. p Milbourne, Geo Chr. f-c — Geof. Chr. p — Ja C. C. — Leon [Qu. s — Leon Qu. p — Luke Em. s — iRich *Qu. s Milborn, Sam Chr. s — Steph Trin. s Milburne, Will Chr. s Myldich, John Mildishe, Rob Trin. s Myldmay, Anth Pet. f-c Mildmay, Anth — Carew Em. f-c — Cha Em. f-c — Cha Em. p — Era Em. p Myldmaye, Hen Chr. f-c Mildmay, Hen [C. C. — Hen Em. f-c — Hen Em. p — Hen Em. p — Hen [Em. f-c Myldmaye, Humph. ... Pet. f-c Mildmay, Humph. ... [Em. f-c — John Em. f-c — John Em. f-c — Rob [Cath. p Myldmaye, Tho Chr. f-c — Tho Joh. p Myldmay, Tho Qu. p Mildmay, Tho Qu. f-c — Tho Em. f-c — Tho Em. f-c Myldmay, Walt... Chr. f-c — Walt Em. f-c Mildmay, Will Em. f-c Mileham, Edw Em. p Greg Pem. p Chris Mag. p — Edm Trin. s Miles, Hen. (imp.) *Em. s — John — Jos Em. p Myles, Rob Trin. p — Steph Trin. p Miles, Tho C. C. Milford, Rob Sid. p Mill, Rich M 1573 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581, Mehen 1636] M 1582 M 1638 E 1618 M 1602 E 1650 E 1656 E 1566 [1642] L 1584-5] E 1613 E 1634 E 1579 L 1653-4 E 1626 E 1615 1577 1562 E 1614 E 1639 E 1641 E 1648 M 1561 1590] E 1610 E 1615 M 1651 E 1657] M 1569 E 1611] E 1614 E 1639 1638] E 15.55 M 1559 M 1580 M 1589 M 1589 E 1610 M 1561 E 1606 E 1641 E 1605 E 1639 L 1582-3 M 1569 E 1658 E 1645 M 1586 E 1613 [1600] M 1631 A.B. (Pem.) 1639-40; A.M. 1648 A.B. 1585-6 ; A.M. 1589; S.T.B. '96 A.B. (Pet.) 1641 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1606-7, Mighill (Matr. 'Nilburne') A.B. 1646-7 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1637-8 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585; S.T.P. A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 [1601 A.B. (Em.) 1629-30, Melbourne A.B. 1619-20, Melbourne; A.M. A.B. (Trin.) 1586-7 [1624 A.M. 1624 (On King's visit) A.B. 1644-5; A.M. (*Pet.) 1648 A.M. 1612 I AM. 1624 (On King's visit) A.B. 1584-5 [Migr. to C. C] A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1648-9; A.M. (*Cla.) 1652 A.B. 1603-4 [? Midford] A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Bishop of St David's, 161.'^; Carlisle, 1621. Matricnlatimis and Degrees 1544 — 1659 465 Millard, Miller), Myllen, Meller, Myllar, Miller, Millar, Millers, Millicent, Millesente, Milleson, Millet, Millington, Milner, Mylner, Milner, Mylner, Milner, Myllner, Milner, Millner, Mylner, Milner, Millner, Milnei', John V. Milward John Joh. John [('ai. Will Pet. Adam Joh. Chris Chr. Edw Qu. Geo Hen Chr. Hen Chr. Jacob Mag. Ja Cla. John King's John Mag. John Cai. John [Qu. Marm Trin. Matth *Cla. Nich Cla. Nich [C. C. Randolph ... Trin. Rich Cla. Rich C. C. Rob Cla. Tho Trin. Tho Chr. Tho Cla. Tim Cath. Will Cla. Will Pern. Rich Jes. John {Sir)... Rob Trin. P>orrowdale . [Cai. Rich Cai. Will Sid. Gilb Pet. John Pet. John Cath. John [Joh. Marm Mag. Pet Chr. Rob Pem. Tho Trin. Tho Clinton Em. Era Trin. (lervis Trin. Greg *Trin. Jer Joh. John C. C. John Chr. Laur Trin. Ralph Trin. Rich Trin. Rich Cla. Ricli Mag. Rob Trin. Rob Rob Trin. Tho P f-c E 1562 L 1626-7] M 1571 c. 1593 E 1546 E 1618 E 1623 E 1637 E 1633 E 1621 E 1612 E 1614 M 1624 E 1644] E 1634 E 1612 E 1612 1654] E 1618 L 1623-4 M 1637 E 1627 M 1581 M 1607 E 1623 E 1647 E 1618 M 1659 E 1607 L 1557-8 E 1625] E 1624 E 1615 E 1612 M 1613 M 1646 E 1655] M 1632 M 1622 E 1613 E 1646 E 1634 L 1580-1 c. 1591 E 1572 E 1648 M 1578 M 1642 M 1559 E 1577 M 1612 L 1623-4 L 1648-9 M 1579 E 1620 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. (*Chr.) 1569 M.L. 1561? A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1640 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) A.B. (Em.) 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 (Matr. A.B. 1636-7 [Mellor) ' Molineere' A.B. 1617-8 (Matr. Milner) A.B. 1627-8 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1615-6 ; A.M. 1619 ; S.T.B. '27 A.B. 1615-6 A.B. 1621-2 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1650-1 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1661-2 A.M. 1614-5 (On King's visit) A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1615-6 A.B. 1650; A.M. (*King's) [1652] LL.B. 1641 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1648-9 A.M. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1637 A.B. 1584-5 A.B. 1576-7; A.Jll. 1580 A.B. 1651-2 A.B. 1644-5; S.T.B. 1662 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 (Matr. A.B. 1616-7 ; A.M. 1620 [Miller) A.B. 1627-8 (Matr. Miller) A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4 A.B. ( ); A.M. 1629 A.B. (Trin.) 1596-7 59 466 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Mylnes, Steph .. Trin. P E 1563 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570, Mylles Milles, Chris A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 Mills, Dan ..*Cath. P E 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649; S.T.P. '79 Milles, Edw .. Mag. p E 1621 Ellis .. Joh. s c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8, Milnes Geo .. Pet. s E 1637 A.B. 1639-40 Mills, Isaac .. Joh. s E 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 Ja ..*Triu. s E 1621 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Milles, John . . King's s E 1574 Mylles, John .. Joh. p M 1581 A.B. 1584-5 Mills, John .. Em. s E 1589 A.B. (Cla.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597 Milles, John .. Jes. f-c E 1602 Mylles, Rich .. Cla. ]) E 1577 Rob .. Joh. p L 1582-3 A.B. 1586-7 Milles, Rob .. Cath. E 1627 Rob .. Cla. s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 Mills, Sam .. C. C. s M1626 Sam .. Joh. s E 1644 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1654 Myllys, Tho .. Joh. p M 1547 Milles, Tho .. Cla. s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 (in Tho .. Cla. p M 1598 [ordo) Mills, Tho ..*King's p M 1623 A.B. 1627; A.M. 1631 Milton, Chris .. Chr. p E 1631 Miltoun, John ..*King's p c. 1594 A.B. 1598-9]; A.M. 1602 Milton, John .. Chr. p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Milward, Anth .. Cla. s M 1560 Mylward, Edm .. Cath. s M 1568 MiUward, Ja .. Chr. s E 1623 A.B. 1626; A.M. 1630 Milward, John .. Qu. s L 1577-8 A.B. (Joh.) 1581-2; A.M. 1585 John .. Joh. s c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8 Mylwarde, John .. Chr. 15 E 1619 A.B. 1623-4 Milward, John .. Joh. f-c M 1648 ('Millard') John A M 1650 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Millward, Jos .. Cai. p M 1637 A.B. (Chr.) 1641-2 [S.T.B. 1605 Milward, Matthias . A.B. (n594-5); A.M. (Joh.) 1598; Rich .. Trin. s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632; S.T.P. Mylward, Rich .. [Trin. s E 1646] [1662 (Lit. Reg.) Rob .. Pem. s M 1580 Milward, Rob. .J .. Trin. s M 1645 A.B. 1649-50 Mylwarde, Tho .. Joh. p E 1577 Milward, Tho .. Trin. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. (Pet.) 1626 Millward, Will .. Chr. p E 1609 Milway, Tho .. [Trin. s E 1657] Mingey, Era .. Trin. p c. 1592 Mingay, Era .. Mag. p E 1627 Myngay, John .. C. C. p M 1562 Mingay, John .. Cai. f-c E 1653 John] .... .. Cai. p E 1653 (Matr. Thomas) Myngay, Miles .. C. C. p M 1562 Myngey, Will .. Trin. p M 1565 Mingay, Will .. Cai. p L 1637-8 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 Mynge, Jos .. Pet. p M1567 A.B. 1571-2, Myndgey Minge, Valentine . .. Qu. s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 Mynors, John .. Trin. p E 1567 Minors, Ralph ... .. Chr. s M 1616 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 — Will .. [Chr. s E 1650] Will .. Cath. p E 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 Minshall, John .. Mag. p E 1622 A.B. 1625; A.M. 1629 Laur .. Sid. V M 1632 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 MinshuU, Ralph ... .. Pem. p E 1584-5 A.B 1588-9; A.M. 1592 (Matr. [Minshon) Mafnculations ami Degrees 1544 — 1659 467 Minshull, iRich *Sid. Mirffin, Will Chr. Mirfin, Will Jes. Mirrell, Hen C. C. ]\Iyssyelden, Fra. {imp.) . Jes. Misseldin, Sam. Era. Mitchell V. Michell Mitford V. also Midford — Chris Qu. — Cuthb Sid. — Hen Cla. — Humph. ... Sid. — John V. Midforth — Rob Sid. — Rob Em. — Will Cla. Mytforthe Joh. Miton, Geo Sid. Mittall, Roger Joh. Mytten, Lewis Joh. Mitten, Rich Joh. Mitton, Will Chr. Moans, Will Jes. Mobbs, Tho Mag. Mobs, Will Joh. Mockett, Tho Qu. Mockson, Geo Sid. Mokeson, Nath (fr. Moddall, Tho Pet. Moell, And [Trin. Moffett, Will Sid. Mohne, Tho Em. — Will Em. Moigne ('Moynes'), -Tho. *Pet. Moynes, John Molande, Dav Joh. Mole, Rob Jes. Molineus, Pet (Du — Pet (Du Molins, Ja Molle, ^Hen *King's Mollett, Rich Pem. MoUinax, Alex Qu. Mullonax, Edm Sid. Mulenuxe, Davy Joh. Molineuxe, John Chr. MoUineux, John Chr. Mollinax, Reg Jes. Mollynax, Rob Joh. Mollineux, Sapcotes ... Sid. IMulleneux, Tho Joh. Molyneux, Will Sid. Molineere, John v. jVfiller, \V Cai. Molmeire, John [Sid. Molson, H (Jla. M 1616 E 1023 E 1656 E 1626 E 1548 M 1G37 p M 1588 f-c M 1652 p E 1639 f-c E 1651 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623; S.T.B. [1630; S.T.P. 1644 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1629-30, Myriell; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1640-1, Missenden A.B, 1654-5; A.M. (*Cai.) 1658 A.B. 1643 f-c M 1633 M 1638 E 1609 E 1544 E 1625 M 1561 M 1571 M 1571 E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 E 1617 E 1631 L 1579-80 E 1622 E 1620 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1583-4 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1631 Oxf.) s E p E p E f-c M f-c M p E 1612 1647] 1624 1589 1589 1580 s E 1554 s M 1587 Moulin) Moulin) M 1612 E 1625 M 1572 E 1609 c. 1591 c. 1598 M 1640 E 1621 E 1565 E 1610 E 1576 K 1612 M 155S E 1613] M 1567 A.B. (Trin.) 1641-2 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 ; S.T.B. '94 A.B. (King's) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 S.T.P. 1615 (On King's visit) S.T.P. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Leyden) A.B. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. [1632 {do.) A.B. [1616-7]; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1577-8, Molyneux Master of Sidney, 1643. " Bishop of Kihiiorc aud Ardagli 3 Public Orator, 1(539. 468 Mat7'iculatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Molyne, Abr Chr. Momforth, Fra Nich. H. MomiDesson, Will Pet. Monckes, Rich Trin. Moncks, Will Trin. Moncton, Chris Joh. Mimcton, John Cai. Monckton, John Joh. Mouncton, Will Sid. Muncton [C. C. Monday e, Ed Pet. Munday, Edm Cla. Mundie, Edw Cla. Munday, Edw Qu. Monday, Fra Mag. Mundey, Fra [C. C. Mundy, Fra Joh. Mundaj'e, John Chr. Monday, Tho C. C. Mundy, Will Joh. Mone, Will Trin. Moneley, Will Money, Ambr C. C. — Edm Trin. — John Trin. — John Qu. — Lane Trin. — Will C. C. Monger, John Trin. Monke, Hen *King's — John Joh. — John Cath. Munke, John Pet. Monke, John Cla. — Nich Chr. — Rob *Qu. Monnke, Tho *King's Mouuke, Tho King's Monke, Tho Trin. — Tim Qu. Munk [C. C. Monk [C. C. Monke [King's Mouyng, Ed Qu. Moneyng, Humph. ... Trin. Monnyng, Will Joh. Moniugs, John Sid. Monoux, Humph. ... Chr. — Will Em. Monroe, Will Joh. Montagu, Chris [Sid. Mountague, i Edw Sid. Montagu, ^gdw Sid. Mountagu, Edw Sid. Montague, Geo Chr. Montigue, ^ jjen Chr. Montagu, Jacob [Sid. f-c L 1618- 9 s E 1544 s M 1655 p M 1634 V M 1634 s L 1598-9 s E 1629 s E 1639 s E 1606 1569] p M 1559 s M 1602 p M 1572 p L 1586-7 E 1584 1593] f-c L 1645-6 s E 1610 s L 1579-80 p c. 1597 s E 1620 p L 1629-30 s L 1580-1 s L 1584-5 p E 1625 s L 1580-1 p E 1626 \) M 1620 p M 1576 s E 1553 s E 1579 p E 1579 1^ E 1627 p M 1564 p E 1544 p L 1577-8 f-c E 1587 p E 1642 p L 1579-80 1552' f-c 1571' f-c M 1627] p M 1565 s E 1577 s E 1575 p M1624 p M1617 p E 1624 s L 1634-5 f-c L 1632-3] f-c E 1618 f-c L 1630-1 f-c E 1652 f-c E 1639 f-c L 1582-3 f-c L 1623- -4] A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 LL.B. 1546-7 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. 1606 ; S.T.B. A.B. 1632-3; M.B. 1636 [1617 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1609-10 [Mountaine] A.B. 1575-6, Munday; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. (*C. C.) 1616; A.B. 1583-4 [S.T.B. 1623 A.B. 1600-1 (Matr. 'None') A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. (King's) 1585-6 [oflF. 1580] A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. (Pet.) 1568-9; A.M. 1572 A.B. 1546-7 A.B. 1581-2 ; A.M. 1585 ; S.T.B. '94 A.B. (Jes.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588 AB. 1581-2, Munnyng ; A.M. [(Mag.) 1585 A.B. 1628; A.M. (Pet.) 1632 A.B. 1620-1 A.B. (Qu.) 1629 AM. 1631-2 {fil. nob.) A.M. 1640 {Jil nob.) (Matr. Mount- [acute) 1 Second Earl of Mancliestei- ; Chancellor, 1648. 2 Second Baron Montagu of Boughton. 3 Chief Justice K. B., 1616; Earl of Manchester, 16-26. 3Iatricnlations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 469 Montague, iJa Chr. f-c E 1585 S.T.P. 1598 (by special ^rrace) Mountaou, Ja Sid. f-c M 1652 — Jonas [A.B. Oxf.] ; A.M. (King's) 1622 _ Jonas *King's p E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657, John Montagu, Rich [King's s M 1589] Montague, 2 Rich *King's [schol. E^1594] A.B. [1598]; A.M. 1602; S.T.B. Mountague, Sydney Chr. f-c M fSSS [1609 ; S.T.P. 1620 — Sidney Clir. f-c E 1641 A.M. 1641-2 (Jii. nob.) Montagu, Steph [Trin. E 1643] Mountague, Tho A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) _ Tho *King's p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 _ Walt Sid. f-c E 1618 A.M. 1627 (fil. nob.) — Will *King's p M 1581 A.B. 1585-6 ; A.M. 1589 Montagu, ^Will [Sid. f-c E 1632] Montbron, Comes de v. Delomence Mountgornery,rerdinando Qu. p c. 1593 Mongombrye, Lu Pet. s M 1544 Montgomery, Phil A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) Mountgomery, Sherington Qu. p c. 1593 Montmartin, Gedeou Du Mars a A.M. (Trin.) 1600 (fil. nob.) Montrose, Ja., Earl of A.M. 1635-6 {Lii. Reg.) Monyas, John [Sid. p 1624] Monyman, Nich Cai. s M 1648 A.B. (King's) 1652-3; A.M. 1656 Moodes, Tho A.B. (C. C.) 1634-5 (Noods in gr.) Modye, Earth Trin. s E 1577 A.B. 1580-1, Moodye Moodey, Chris Sid. p M 1629 A.B. 1633-4 Moody, Edw Trin. s c. 1594 Modie, Geo Trin. p E 1578 Moody, Geo Pem. s M 1598 A.B. (Jes.) 1600-1 Moodye, Geo Pem. p E 1632 — H Mag. s E 1561 Moody, Ja Pet. s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 ; A.M. 1636 Modye, John Cla. s L 1557-8 _ John Joh. s E 1565 A.B. 1568-9, Moody [1585 — John Jes. s M 1578 A.B. (Pem.) 1581-2; A.M. (Pet.) Moody, Leon Cla. s M 1633 [IG7 1 {Lit. Beg.) — Liveley Joh. s E 1652 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658; S.T.P. — Rich Cai. [s E 1637] A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1646 — Tho A.B. (Pet.) 1595-6 Moodey, Tho Trin. s E 1636 Moone, John Qu. s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1629 — Rich Jes. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — Tho Qu. s E 1644 A.B. 1647-8 _ Will Pem. p M 1580 A.B. (*Cath.) 1583-4 ; A.M. 1587 Moonynge, Rob Trin. p E 1560 Moore, Alex Trin. p E 1586 — (More), Alex Chr. p M 1615 A.B. 1618-9 — Alex Mag. s E 1651 A.B. 1654-5 — Earth Chr. s E 1620 A.B. 1623 — Benedict ... Trin. [schol. 1602] A.B. 1604-5 More, Chris Joh. s E 1559 Moore, Chris Joh. p E 1576 More, Ed Jes. p E 1565 Moore, Edm Chr. s E 1640 — Edm *Trin. p E 16.50 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 — Edw Em. s c. 1595 A.B. 1597-8 — Edw Chr. c. 1596 A.B.1599-1600; A.M. 1603; S.T.B. — Edw Joh. s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3 [1610 1 First Master of Sidney, 1595; Bisliop of Bath aud Wells, 1608; Winchester, 1616. 2 Bishoii of Cliichester, 1628; Norwich, 1638. 3 M.P. for the University, 1660; Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 1676. 470 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Moore, Edw ... Chr. — Era ... King's — Era Era ... [King's ... Cla. — Era ... Joh. — Era ... Pern. Gabriel ... ... Trin. Gabriel ... ... Chr. More, Gabriel ... ... Chr. Moore, Gamaliel ... Sid. — Geof. ... Trin. — Geo ... Chr. — Geo ... Chr. More, Geo ... Pern. Mowre [Morel, ^^eo. ... ... Qu. Mower. Geo .. Chr. More, Gervase... ... Jes. Giles .. Cai. Moore, Hen Hen .. Em. More, Hen .. Trin. Moore, Hen .. Sid. Hen ..*Chr. Hen .. Em. More, Ja .. Chr. Moore, Ja .. Joh. Ja .. Joh. More, John ..*Chr. Moore, John .. Joh. John .. King's John .. Qu. John .. Joh. John .. Joh. More, John .. King's Moore, John .. Em. More, John .. Joh. Moore. John .. Mag. John .. Em. John .. [Em. John .. Cla. John .. Chr. John .. Joh. John .. Joh. More, John .. Chr. John .. Cla. Moore, John .. Sid. More, Jos .. Joh. Jos .. Joh. Jos ::lid. Moore, Jos Jos .. Joh. Lane .. Trin. Marm. . . . .. Joh. Matth. ... .. Trin. Miles .. Chr. More, Nich .. Chr. Nich .. Trin. Nich .. Em. Nich ..*King's Nich .. Cla. — Peregrine . .. Trin. P E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 P L 1557-8 f-c E 1567] P M 1581 P E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 p E 1640 P E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. (*Chr.) 1609; ; P E 1627 [S.T.P. 1624 {Lit Reg.) , P E 1650 [A.M. 1639 i| M 1632 A.B. 1637 (Incorp. fr. Dubhn); | P E 1577 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1586 P M 1568 E 1570 P M1613 A.B. (Pet.) 1617-8; A.M. 1622 P M 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 s E 1645 A.B. 1647-8, More; A.M. 1652 s M 1659 s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 LL.B. 1562-3 s E 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 s E 1611 s E 1627 A.B. 1631 [1660 (Z^V Reg.) p M 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639; S.T.P. f-c E 1639 A.M. 1640 {fil. noh.) s M 1623 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 p E 1631 A.B. 1633-4, More p E 1656 p E 1560 A.B. 1562-3 p E 1562 s E 1581 s E 1587 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 s M1601 s E 1604 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 (in ordo) p E 1606 [p E 1610] A.B. 1612-3 s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1621 s E 1624 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 p E 1632] p M 1635 A.B. 1639-40 p s E 1636 E 1637 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 p E 1646 f-c E 1648 s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 s E 1604 A.B. 1607-8 s E 1617 s L 1618-9 s E 1653 A.B.1656-7; AM. 1660; S.T.P. '67 | s M 1655 A.B. 1658-9 s E 1553 V M1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 s M 1576 s E 1568 p E 1571 s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1619 p E 1633 p M 1633 A.B. [1637]; A.M. 1641 f-c E 1648 s M 1652 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 1 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 16 59 471 Moore, More, Moore, More, Moure, Moore, More, Moore, More, Moore, More, Moore, More, Moore, More, Moore, More, Moore, More, Moore, More, Moore, More, Moore, More, Moore, More, Moore, More, Eich *King's Rich Pet. Rich Joh. Rich Joh. Rich Trin. Rich Cla. Rich Chr. Rich Rich Joh. Rich Rich King's Rich [Em. Rich Chr. Rob Trin. Rob C. C. Rob Pern. Rob Rob Trin. Rob Trin. Rob Chr. Rob Ck. Roger Joh. Sam Trin. Sam Trin. Sam Joh. Tho Cath. Tho Tho. {imp.) Trin. Tho Joh. Tho Jes. Tho Cla. Tho Chr. Tho (?one of Tho. Joh. Tho [King's Tho C. C. Tho Pem. Tho C. C. Tho Sid. Tho Chr. Tho Cla. Tho Chr. Tho Jes. Tho Pet. Tho Catb. Tho Mag. Tho Cath. Tho Mag. Tho Chr. Tho *Mag. Tho Pet. Tristram . . . Trin. W Jes. Will .Toh. Will *Trin. Will C. C. Will Chr. Will Trin. Will Joh. I Will *Cai. p M 1575 s M 1578 p P: 1581 p c. 1594 s c. 1596 p E 1610 p M 1615 p E 1622 s M 1625 s E 1626] s E 1659 s E 1571 s E 1571 s M 1581 s M 1619 s E 1627 p E 1640 s E 1646 s M 1658 s E 1603 s E 1612 s M 1648 p M 1544 p M 1554 s M 1554 p M 1556 p M 1564 p L 1564-5 the above) s E 1573 s M 1573] p c. 1596 p c. 1597 p M 1601 s L 1607-8 p E 1608 s E 1609 p E 1621 s E 1628 s M 1640 E 1642 M 1645 E 1648 M 1649 E 1653 E 1654 E 1658 E 1565 L 1563-4 M 1554 L 1577-8 L 1578-9 c. 1593 c. 1593 M 1606 E 1606 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583; S.T.B. A.B. 1581-2 [1590 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 S.T.B. 1617 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1624 (On King's visit) A.B. 1662-3 A.B. 1575-6, Moore; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1585-6 A.M. (Joh.) 1606 A.B. (Cla.) 1623; A.M. 1627 (Matr. ' Mocks') A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1651-2 S.T.B. 1546 P Librarian, 1653. A.B. (?); A.M. 1567 A.B. 1599-1600 A.B. 1600-1 A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2 A.B. 1612-3 ; A.M. 1616 ; S.T.B. '24 A.B. (Cla.) 1623-4 A.B. 1644-5 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1653-4 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1581-2 ; A.M. 1585 ; S.T.B. A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1595-6 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 472 Matriculatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Moore, Will Qu. — Will Em. — Will Trin. — Will Chr. Moor, Will *Chr. More, Will Em. Moore, Will Trin. More, Will Chr. — Will Qu. Moore Mag. More Job. Moore [C. C. — [Cath. Morebread, Antb Morecocke, Tho Trin. Morecroft, Ferdinando . Morecrofte, Jobn Qu. Morecraft [C. C. Morebowse, Antb... Cla. Moorebouse, Hen Mag. Morebowse, John Trin. — John Job. Moorebouse, Theoph [Pet. Moorer, Humph. . . . *Sid. Mores, Will [Jes. Moorewood, Rowl Chr. Moorey, Edw Moothe, Will Cai. Morcombe, Otho Em. Morcrosse, Nath Cath. Mordant, Cba [Qu. — Cba Mag. — Cba Cai. Mordaunt, Cba [Job. Mordant, Edm Qu. Mordante, Edw Job. Mordant, Ferd Mag. — Geo Trin.H, Mordent, Hen Job. Mordant, Ja Pet. — Jobn Cla. — John [Qu. — Lewis Job. Mordent, Rob Job. Morden, Edw Chr. — Fra Chr. Moorden, Fra [Cla. Mordon, Geo Pet. Morden, Jobn Pet. — Jobn Jes. — ('Moiden'), John ... Chr. — John Pet. — Will Pet. — Will Trin. Morfin, Tho. v. Murphin Morgan, Cadwalader . Morgans, Dav Qu. Morgayne, Edw Job. Morgans, Evans Job. Morgan, Gabriel Chr. — Hen Cla. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 s M 1621 A.B. 1625; A.M. 1629 [schol. 16241 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 ; A.M. 1638 ; S.T.P. '50 p M 1632 s E 1634 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 s M 1645 s E 1658 A.B. 1660 s E 1544 p E 1544 1557 1629J A.B. (?); A.M. 1563 p A.M. 1585 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) V E 1636 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.M. 1611 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1571 1569] s E 1576 A.B. 1579-80 s E 1636 A.B. 1639 p L 1580-1 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 p M 1612 s E 1621' Ip E 1599 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 1^ L 1625-6 p E 1629 A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1627 [« E 1604] A.B. 1604-5 V M 1633 V L 1600-r p E 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. (Qu.) 1613, f-c E 1631 [*Trin. H. 1616 f-c M 1653] p M 1609 P M 1553 p E 1614 s M 1638 LL.B. 1641 f-c M 1608 p E 1574 fc E 1581 f-c L 1583-4" p M 1546 f-c M 1608 ]) E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 ; A.M. 1640 ; M.L. '40 p L 1557-8 A.B. 1562-3 scbo 1. 1560; ' the above] p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628, Murden p M 1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 M 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 V E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 p E 1651 A.B. 1653; A.M. 1657 [Mordant) P E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 (Matr. P L 1618-9 A.B. (Cai.) 1622-3, Murden ; A.M. [1626 A.B. ( ) ; A.M. (Qu.) 1607 ; s E 1578 [Morgan] [S.T.B. 1614 s M 1587 p L 1577-8 s p c. 1593 c. 1597 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 Matriculations and Degrees 1544— 1659 473 Morgans, Humph. ... Trin. s M 1584 Morgan, Humph. ... Joh. s c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 — Israel .. Em. P E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 Morgen, John .. Jes. s L 1563-4 Morgan, John .. Trin. p E 1578 A.B. 1582-3 Morganes, Morgan, John A.B. (Jes.) 1581-2 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 Justinian '.'. Chr. s c. 1595 Owen .. Chr. p L 1563-4 — Ralph ... .. [King's s E 1589] — Reg .. Cath. p E 1613 — Rich .. Jes. s E 1606 — Rob LL.B. 1557 [1577 IMorgayne, Rob '.'. Joh. s E 1566 A.B. (Qu.) 1572-3, Morgan ; A.M. Morgan, 'Rob .. Jes. s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631; S.T.B. Morgan t, Rob .. [Jes. f-c E 1633] [(Joh.) 1638 ; S.T.P. 1661 Morgans, Tho .. Mag. s M 1545 A.B. 1554-5; A.M. 1561 Morgan, Tho .. Qu. p E 1549 Tho .. Chr. s M 1585 — Tho .. Mag. s M 1588 — Tho .. Em. p c. 1595 — Tho .. [Qu. f-c M 1614; A.B. of Oxf.] — Tho .. [Em. f-c L 1647-8 [1578 ; S.T.P. 1583 2 Will .. Joh. s L 1564-5 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571; S.T.B. Will. . . .■>Joh. p E 1637 A.B. (Pet.) 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643; M.D. Will Morhall V. Morrall [1652 Morhews, Lane .. Jes. s E 1616 Moryson, Cha .. Trin. f-c M 1564 Morisou, Fines ..*Pet. p E 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 — Hen .. Pet. p L 1584-5 Rich .. Pet. p L 1584-5 Morrisson, 3Tho ..*King's p M 1586 A.B. [1590-1]; A.M. 1594; LL.D. Morison, Will .. [Trin. E 1640 E 1599 [1606 Morrison .. King's f-c Morthwaite , Hen.".'.'.".".".' .. Chr. s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 Morland, Geo .. Mag. p E 1659 A.B. 1662 — Hen ..*Joh. s M 1652 A.B. 1656-7 ; A.M. 1660 ; S.T.B. '68 Morlant, John .. C. C. s M 1558 [Moreland] Morland, John .. Jes. s M 1632 A.B. (Joh.) 1635-6; A.M. 1639 — Jos .. Em. s c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9 — Jos .. Em. [p E 1623] A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 — Martin ... A.M. 1652 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Sam '.'.*Mag. p E 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 — Steph. ... .. Joh. s M 1586 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 — Will .. Jes. s E 1615 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1628 Morley, Anth .. Qu. p M 1550 A.B. 1554-5, *Pet. 1556 — Chris ..*Trin. p M 1578 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 — Cuthb. ... .. Em. p M 1623 — Cuthb. ... .. Chr. p E 1641 — Fra .. C. C. p E 1654 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 — Geof. .. Joh. p E 1544 A.B. 1545-6; A.M. (*Trin.) 1549 Morlay, Herb .. Cla. f-c E 1577 Morley, Herb .. Em. f-c E 1632 — Hen .. Cla. p M 1554 [S.T.B. 1597 — Hen .. Trin. p M 1582 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. (*C. C.) 1590; — Hen .. Pet. p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 — Ja .. Trin. p M 1572 — John .. Cla. p M 1571 Bishop of Baugor, 1666. Kegius 2 Bishop of Llandaflf, Professor of Civil Law, 1611. 1595; St Asaph, 1601. 60 474 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Morley, [John] Pern. — John Jes. — Owght? Cla. — Pet Joh. — Rob Em. — Rob [Qu. — Sam Sid. — Tho C. C. — Will *Qu. — Will Em. Morrant, Era [C. C. Moreant, Jos Cai. Morrant, Tho C. C. Morant, Will Cai, Morrali, Geo Joh. Morrell, Roger *Joh. Morell, Will Mag. Morrell, Will Sid. Morrali [Cath. Morrey, Constantine Mag. Morrye, Edm Trin. Morrey, Rich. v. Murray Morrett, Rob Sid. Morris v. also Maurice — Benj Chr. — Edw Trin. Morys, Evans Jes. Morrys, Era King's Morys, Gilb Pern. Morris, Hen Qu. — Ja Sid. — Ja Cath. Morys, John Joh. Morres, John Trin. Morrys, John Chr. Morise, John Joh. Morrys, John Joh. — John Jes. Morris, John Morice, John Pem. Morris, John Morrice, John Trin. Moris, Nath Joh. Morris, Nich Em. — Rich Morrice, Rob Trin. Morris, Roger Cath. _ Theoph Pet. Morrice, Tho C. C. Morys, W Cla. Morris, ^Will Qu. — iWill Qu. _ Will Jes. _ Will Cath. _ Will Em. — Will Em. _ Will Joh. Morrowe, Leon. v. Marrow Morse, Anth Chr. f-c E s E p M p E [s L s L s E s E p M f-c E 1623 1625 1555 1559 1599-1600] A.B. 1604-5 1607-8] 1629 1659 1545 1637 1601] 1641 1587 1589 1632 1573 1611 1645 1644] 1614 1591 A.B. A.B. A.B. 1632-3 ; 1661-2; 1548-9 A.M. A.M. 1636 1665 A.B. 1644-5 ; A.M. 1648, Morrant A.B. A.B. 1593-4 1635-6; A.B. 1576-7; A.B. 1614-5 A.B. 1649-50 A.M. 1639, Morhall A.M. 1580; S.T.B. [1586 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 p E 1651 A.B. 1654-5, Maret; A.M. 1660 p M 1589 [schol. 1588] s E 1576 s M 1580 s M 1566 s M 1626 p M 1602 s M 1638 p M 1550 s E 1565 s M 1576 p M 1578 s E 1582 p M 1585 p L 1620-1 s E 1628 s L 1597-8 [E 1640] E 1632 1654] E 1621 L 1623-4 E 1560 M 1579) M 1581J E 1626 E 1636 M 1638 E 1651 E 1659 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1588-9 A.B. (Cai.) 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 A.B. (Mag.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. (Trin.) 1584-5 A.B. 1585-6, Morres; A.M. 1589 A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2 A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1644-5 A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. (Pet.) 1583-4 A.B. (Em.) 1629-3( A.M. 1633 A.B. 1642-3 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 E 1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 1 Uncertain which graduated. Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 475 Mors, Fra Em. Morse, Hen [G. C. — John Em. Mors, Lion Jes. — Phil Chr. Morse, Phil [C. C. Mors, Rob Chr. — Tho Em. — Tho Em. — Tho C. C. Morse, Tho Em. Mors [Cath. Mort V. Morts Mortius, Joachim ... Mortoft, Will [Trin. Morton, ^ Albert *Kiug's — Albert King's — Anth King's Mourton, Chris Joh. Morton, Cha [Qu. Cha Dav *Joh. Ed Qu. — Edw *King's — Eusebius (' Godly ') Qu. — Fra Cla. — Hen [*Jes. Moorton, Ja — John Joh. Morton, John Joh. — John Chr. — John — John Chr. — John Sid. — John Em. — John — John Trin. — "^Sohw Qu. — "^Sohw Qu. Moorton, John [Jes. Morton, Jonat Em. — Mahn Trin. Murton, Nich Morton, Nich *Em. — Nich — Pet Chr. — Ralph Em. — Rich Gonv.H. Mourton (?), Rich Chr. Morton, Rich Em. — Rob Cla. — Rob King's — Sam — [Murton], Tho *Chr. Moorton, -'Tho *Joh. Morton, Tho Joh. Tobias Sid. M.P. for University, 1625. » Bishop of Chester, 161C; p M 1612 1612] c. 1591 s A.B. (n594-5); A.M. 1598 p M 1555 p E 1566 1636] T> E 1566 s M 1585 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 s L 1623-4 A.R. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 p s E 1636 1623] A.M. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Rostock) E 1642] p M 1602 A.B. [1606-7]; A.M. 1610 p E 1639 p M 1548 s L 1597-8 p E 1646] A.M 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1649 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655; S.T.B. s E 1550 [1663; S.T.P. 1675 V M 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 V E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654 P L 1623-4 1573] A.M. 1631-2 {Lit Reg.) P s M 1568 E 1588 p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 A.M. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) p E 1614 V M 1621 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 s E 1623 M.D. 1631 (Incorp. fr. Bordeaux) p E 1643 p p E 1644J M 16441 A.B. 1644-5 p E 1658] s E 1656 s E 1575 [(*Trin.) 1553-4 A.B. 1542-3; A.M. 1545; S.T.B. p M 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.M. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) Y> E 1619 A.B. 1622 P P c. 1597 M 1544 s c. 1592 s c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6 V c. 1593 V E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) P M 1578 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 P cMlSS?- A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590; S.T.B. [1598; S.T.P. 1606 P P E 1657 E 1618 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 - Uiict'i-taiu which graduated. Lichfield, 1618; Durham, 1632. 476 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Morton, Will Cath. Moorton, Will Clir. Morton, Will [Ein. — Will Cai. — Will Sid. Morts, Seth Em. Moses, nVill *Pem. Mosier, John Pet. Moisley, Brudenel ... Pet. Moslaye, Cha Jes. Mosley, Edw Chr. Moseley, Era *Em. — Humpli. ... Em. — Ja Em. Mosley, John Joh. Moseley, John [Em. Mosely, John Em. Moseley, Maurice [Em. Mosley, Nich Mag. Moslye, Rich Qu. Mosely, Rich Em. Moseley, Rob [Pern. Mosley, Sam Chr. Moseley, Will *King's Moss, John (y. Mosse, John :... Em. — John Pern. Moss, John Em. Mosse, John Pet. — Lionel Cai. — Miles Cai. — Rich Mag. — Rob King's — Sim Chr. Mossaye, John Joh. Mossom, 2£ob Mag. — Rob [Pet. Mostyn, Edw Qu. _ Tho [Qu. Mostin, Will Qu. Moston ('Moyston'), Hen.*Jes. — John Qu. — (Mostyn), Sim Mote (Moate), Rich Qu. — Sidrach Cai. — Will Joh. Motham, Era Trin. Mothame, Isaac Pem. Motherbye, Will Cai. Motley, Aaron Chr. — John *Trin. — Tho. V. Mutley Mott, Isaac Sid. — John Sid. Motts, John Trin. Mott, John Cath. — Mark P P I [f-c P f-c p p p p p f-c E 1550 M 1575 E 1596] E 1604] E 1618 M 1639 M 1639 [E 1644; M 1582 E 1567 1586 1646] 1645] 1631 1606 1632; E 1647 E 1655] M 1628 E 1618 E 1624 1634] M 1609 M 1582 Mossaye) P P f-c f-c P P E 1586 M 1587 1591 c. 1596 E 1608 E 1575 E 1571 f. 1590 M 1551 M 1565 E 1631 E 1658] M 1553 E 1619] E 1620 M 1567 E 1619 A.B. (C. C.) 1578-9, Murton; A.M. [(Chr.) 1582 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1644 A.B. 1585-6, Mosley A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1648-9 migr. to Chi A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. (Mag.) 1570-1 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1590-1 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1607 [Morse] A.B. 1578-9 ; A.M. 1582 ; S.T.B. [1589; S.T.P. 1595 [?schol. Cla. 1553] \\ A.B. as Moss) A.B. (Pet.) 1634-5; A.M. 1638; [S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1623-4 A.B. 1571-2 [Mostyn] A.B. (Joh.) M 1571 A.B. (*Joh.) E 160.3] E 1579 L 1637-! E 1629 M 1576 M 1584 E 1562 A.B. (n605- A.B. (Mag.) A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1579-8' A.B. 1588-9 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569 ; A.M. (*Joh.) 1627 ; A.M. 1574; LL.D. [1589 1604-5; A.M. 1608; [S.T.B. 1620 1575-6; A.M. 1579; [S.T.B. 1586 -6); A.M. 1609 1582-3, Mott; A.M. [1586 ; A.M. 1634 3; A.M. 1583 1641 1607-8 1620 1649 [S.T.B. 1610; S.T.P. 1621 A.B. (*Joh.) 1599-1600; A.M. 1603; 1 Maater of Pembroke, 1654. Bishop of Derry, 1G6G. Matri culatioi IS md Di igrees 1544 — 1659 477 Mott, Mark .. Qu. V E 162C A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Motte, Mark ... [Cath. P M 1641] — Sam .. Job. P E 1G14 A.E. 1616-7 — Tho .. Qu. P E 1620 A.E. (Em.) 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Mott, Will .. Cath. V E 16:^9 Motteram, Tho .. Chr. p M 1579 Mottershed, Will ..*Joh. P E 1583 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 Mould, Abr .. Em. P E 1632 A.E. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 — Ja .. Sid. l« L 1635 -6] A.E. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 — Rob A.E. ( ); A.M. (Pet.) 1613 Movvld, Tho .. Pet. s c. 1590 A.B. (11594-5) ; A.M. 1598 Mould, Tho .. Chr. s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 — Tho .. Trin. s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1635 Moulin, Du V. also Mo mens — Lewis ... M.D. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Leyden) Moulson, Rob .. Qu. s E 1597 A.E. 1600-1 Moulton, Chris. . . . .. Cai. s E 1625 — John .. Pet. s M 1598 A.E. (? 1604-5); A.M. 1608 — Sam .. Cai. p M 1613 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — Will .. Chr. s M 1602 Mount, Will . . *King's p L 1563 -4 A.B. 1567-8 Maunts (Olouns), Will .[Trin.H . schol. 1609] Montayne, Fra .. Cath. s E 1575 Mountaigne, iGeo ..*Qu. s M 1586 A.B. (? 1589-90) ; A.M. 1593; S.T.E. — Geo .. Cla. f-c E 1640 [1602; S.T.P. 1607 Mouutayne, Hugh .. Cath. s E 1621 A.E. 1622-3 — Ja ..*Cla. p M 1639 A.E. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 Mountain, Will .. Sid. s E 1606 (Matr. Mouncton) Mountford, Earth .. Pet. p E 1624 A.E. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 Mountfoard, Earth .. Chr. p M 1656 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 Moumford, Edm .. Cla. V L 1564 -5 LL.B. (*Trin. H.) 1572-3, Mounde- Moundeford Edm .. Cai. f-c E 1612 [ford — Edw .. Chr. p E 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 — Fra .. Trin. f-c M 1560 Mondeford, Fra .. Cai. p M 1582 A.B. 1585-6 Moundford, Fra .. Cai. p E 1636 A.E. 1639-40 Monford, Ja .. Em. p L 1584 -5 [Monteforth Mundford, John .. Qu. p E 1578 A.B. (*Pet.) 1581-2; A.M. 1585, Montforde, John .. Trin. p c. 1594 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602; S.T.E. [1610; S.T.P. 1620 Mondeford, Osbert .... . *King's p M 1601 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 Mountford, Pet .. Em. s E 1659 A.B. 1663-4 Moundeford, Rich ..*King's [scbol. 1603 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 Mounford, Sim. V. Muniford Moundeford, Tho ..*King's p M 1568 A.B. 1572-3 ; A.M. 1576 ; M.D. '84 Monteford, Will .. Pem. P M 1633 A.E. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 Mountney, Fra . Job. P E 1648 (Matr. ' Moulaine ') — Rich . Job. p M 1612 A.B. 1616-7 Montney, Tho . Qu. P L 1615- -6 A.E. 1618-9, Mdunteney; A.M. Mounton, Rob . C. C. V E 1570 [Mountain] [1622 Mountstevei] , Edm . Job. p E 1579 Mousse, Rich . Trin. P M 1562 A.B. 1566-7 ; A.M. 1570 ; S.T.B. '77 Mowse, Rich .. Em. s E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 Mousse, Rich .*Cla. P E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 Mowse, -Will ; [Cai. P M 1599] LL.E. 1538; LL.D. 1552 Mousse, Will Mouse . [Em. f-c E 1619' [(*Joh.) 1648 Mowbray, Ja . Cath. L« E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641; S.T.E. 1 Bishop of Lincoln, 1617; London, 1621; Durham, 1627; Ai-chbishop of York, 1628. 2 Master of Trin. H., 1552. 478 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1^59 ii Mowtlow, iHen *Kiiig's p M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 Moxill, Josias Jes. s M 1615 A.B. 1618-9, Moxon; A.M. 1622 Moxon, Geo Sid. [s E 1620] A.B. 1623-4 Moyse, Hen Cai. s E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1623 Moyes, Hen Em. s M 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1629 Moyle, Nath Trin. p M 1618 A.B. 1621-2 — Rich Jes. s E 1615 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — Rob *Trin. p M 1646 A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654; S.T.B. '62 Moyne, Fra Job. p M 1655 — Walt Cla. p E 1587 Moynes, John Job. p E 1633 [Moigne] Moyser, Ja [Trin. f-c E1646] — John Trin. s E 1578 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 — Leon Pet. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 Moysar, Tbo Trin. p E 1549 Moyston, H Jes. p M 1565 — Hen. V. Moston Muckeley, Geo Trin. p E 1576 Muckleton, Maur Jes. s E 1606 A.B. 1609-10 [S.T.B. 1618 Muckleston, Rich A.B. (Jes.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608; — Rich (? a repetition) A.M. (Jes.) 1605 {sic) Mudd, John Cai. s M 1573 A.B. 1576-7, Mood Mudde, Pet Job. p E 1614 Mudd, Tbo Cai. s E 1577 A.B. (Pet.) 1580-1 ; A.M. (*Pem.) Muddiman, Hen [Job. p M 1647] [1584 Muddle, Will C. C. p E 1631 Muffet, Pet *Trin. p E 1574 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 — Tbo Trin. p E 1569 A.B. (Cai.) 1572-3; A.M. (Trin.) MufFett, Tim. v. NuflFet [1576; M.D. 1582 (Incorp. fr. Muffet, Will *Trin. p E 1563 AB. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 [Basel) — [C. C. 1576] Mugge, Will, (imp.) Jes. s E 1548 Mulcaster, Chris *Chr. p M 1549 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1556 — John Pet. p M 1554 — Rich *King's p M 1548 A.B. 1553-4 — Rich Job. p M 1620 — Rob Cla. p M 1554 — Tbo Chr. p M 1561 — Tbo King's p M 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 MuUiner, Fra Chr. f-c E 1615 — Tbo Chr. f-c E 1615 Mulshoe, Edw Jes. s E 1606 A.B. (n609-10) ; A.M. 1613 — Rob Chr. p E 1632 (Matr. ' Inulshon ') Mulso, Rob [Sid. f-c E 1653] Mulsoe, Will Chr. p E 1611 Mulshoe ('Mutshoy'), Will. Cla. p M 1633 A.B. 1637-8 ; A.M. 1641 Mulsboy, Fam worth... [Cla. p L 1639-40] Mulston, Maur. v. Muckleton Mumford, Adam Chr. p M 1569 — John V. Mountford — Sim Pet. s E 1604 A.B. (C. C.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 Munbve, Blase Qu. p M 1583 Muncester, Mattb Mag. s M 1609 Mundane, Hen Cai. s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20, Munden Mundy v. Monday Munke v. Monk Munn, Rich Job. s M 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 — Steph C. C. s M 1638 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 Munning v. Monyng 1 Public Orator, 1589; M.P. for University, 1603. Munsey, Muiison, Murcroft Murdeii, 1611 Murdon, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 479 Mannings, Munings, Munniugs, Muns, IMunns, Munsay, Edw. Tho. Will. Edw. Kich. Dan. Pet. Pem. Em. [Cath. C. C. E 1587 E 1614 E 1016 M 1658] [1594] *Trin. Jes. I'la. Will. . Geo. . Geo. . (Monson), John Chr. Marm Rob Cai. Tho Clem.H. [Trin. Jos Cla. Geo. V. Morden Rob Job. Murgatroyd, Ja Trin. Murgetrode, Mich *Jes. Margatride, Rob Qu. Muryell, John Trin. H, Muriall, Phinias ('Jenias') Mag. — Sam Cai. Muriell, Tho *Pem. Muriott, Hen Mag. Murkatt (' Murall '), Ralph Pem. Murphin (' Moriin '), Tho. P s f-c f-c P s scbol, Mm-rall, Will. Murrey, Geo Murray, John — John — Patrick — Quintigern . — ('Morrey'), Rich — Rich Murrey ('Morrye'), iWill. Murray, Will Murrell, Steph Murslcy, Giles Murthwaite, Hen — Rich — Rich Murton v. also Morton — John — Tho — Will Muschamp, Hen — Tho. (Sir)... Muschampe, Will 1626 1548 1552 1561 1584-5 1545 1551] 1593 1598 1658 1573 1650 1544 1627 1636 1583 1625 1645 1566] 16061 [CO. *Qu. King's f-c E 1631 (Uhe above) Trin. P c. 1594 King's f-c E 1631 Chr. p E 1571 Em. [P E 1629] Chr. s E 1634 Qu. s M 1592 [Qu. s E 1647] *Chr. p E 1562 Qu. s E 1.559 Trin. s M 1584 Muse, Muscote, Muscot, Muscott, Muser, Musgrave, Fr; Crescens Era Rich Christian Chris. .., Chris. .. Lain* King's f-c E 1605 Trin. s M 1622 Cla. s E 1628 Cla. p E 1633 Cla. s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 Jes. f-c E 1567 Pem. p c. 1595 Em. s E 1647 [Migr. to Sid.] A.B. 1617-8, Monins A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. (Pem.) 1587-8; A.M. (*Pet.) A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 [1591 A.B. (*Joh.) 1567-8 ; A.M. 1571 ; [S.T.B. 1578 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 AB. 1551-2 A.B. 1555-6; A.M. (*Cath.) 1559 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. 1654, Murgatroyde [Migr. to Cai. 1627] A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1648-9, Murhalt; A.M. 1652 A.B. (Pet.) 1622-3; A.M. 1626 [1622 A.B. (? 1609-10) ; A.M. 1613; S.T.B. A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) A.M. 1612-3 (On King's visit) AM. 1624 (On King's visit) S.T.B. 1605 (Incorp. fr. Edinb.) S.T.P. (Pet.) 1615 A.B. 1597-8 ; A.M. (King's) 1601 ; [S.T.P. (*Mag.) 1621 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1637-8, Morthwaite AB. (Cath.) 1595-6 (Matr. Mur- [that) A.B. 1565-6, Morton ; A.M. 1569; [Murvun] [S.T.B. 1577 A.B. 1587-8 A.B. (Trin.) 1612-3 A.M. 1612-3 (On King's visit) A.M. 1615 (On Kiug's visit) Bishop of Kilfeiiora, 1622; Llandaff, 1627. 480 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Musgrave, Phil. {Sir)... [Pet. — Rich, {imp.) y — Rich [Cai. — Tho Jes. — Tho Cla. Musgrave, Will [Pet. Musgrove, Sim Pern. Mushy, John [Jes. Muskett, John ...; Chr. Musket, Rob Chr. Musred, Will Qu. Mussendine, Edw Mag. — Fra Mag. Mussenden, John Mag. Mussendine, Will Chr. Musson, Sam Trin. Musters [Em. Mustian, Hen Trin. Muston, John Trin. — Rich Chr. Mutley, Tho Cai. Mutton, Tho Trin. — Tho Trin. Mycock, John Joh. Mydope v. Medhope Mydson, John (wip.) . Cla. — Will Trin. Myers, Edw [Trin. Mires, Hen Joh. Meyres, Ralph Trin. Myers, Rob Trin. — Tho [Em. Myldnall, W Trin. Myllynge, W Trin. Mylney, John Chr. Myltourne, Chris Chr. Mynne, Geo -.. [Pet. — Geo [Cla. Mynn, Hen Pem. Mynne, John Cai. Myn, Nich Pem. Mynne, Will Pet. Mynyver, Tho King': Myntern, Will Myrieke, Hen Mytche, Rich f-c M 1622] f-c M 1566 f-c E 1598] f-c M 1566 s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 s E 1623] p c. 1594 A.K (Trin.) 1599-1600 s E 1625] p M 1550 f-c M 1610 p M 1579 P E 1610 A.B. 1613-4 p E 1623 A.B. 1626; A.M. 1630 f-c M 1654 p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 p E 1643 A.B. 1647 f-c E 1639] s E 1611 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5, Musson; A.M. 1638 p M 1609 A.B. 1612-3 s E 1608 A.B. 1610-1 (Matr. Motley) p M 1633 A.B. 1635-6 p M 1635 s E 1576 A.B. 1578-9 s M 1546 s E 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. (Pem.) 1579 f-c M 1648] s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2 H. ]) E 1544 p M 1606 1636] p M 1560 s M 1566 p M 1567 p M 1567 (?A.B. as Will. Myntern) p E 1634 f-c E 1650 p E 1623 A.B. 1626 p E 1647 p M 1580 p s M 1570 M 1545 A.B. (Chr.) 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. (Chr.) 1580-1 A.B. 1542-3; A.M. (*Joh.) 1546; [LL.D. (*Trin. H.) 1556-7 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 481 N Nabbe, Tho Chr. p M 1570 Nabbs, Edw Mag. s M 1638 A.B. (Catli.) 1641-2 — Fra Cai. [s E 1601] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 Naddall, Tho A.B. (Pet.) 1615-6 Nalson, John Jes. s M 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1662; LL.D. — Jos Sid. s E 1656 A.B. 1659-60 [(Joh.) 1678 — Will Cla. s E 1652 Nalton, Ja Trin. p E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 Nawlton, Leon Pet. s M 1573 A.B. 1576-7, Nalton Nansog, Martin A.B. (*Trin. H.) 1613; A.M. 1617 Nantdurrant, Will LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1614 Nanton, Hen. (^•«^^ U^ • ^^ j^g^ ^g j5gg_7 ^^ ^^^^ 12 ann.)) ^ ' — John A.B. (Chr.) 1597-8; A.M. 1601 — (Naunton), iRob. ...*Trin. p L 1578-9 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586, *Trin. H. — Tristram {imp.) Cla. p E 1550 — W Trin. s E 1586 Napier, Hen [Sid. p E 1606] — Bob Joh. f-c M 1642 Napleton, Steph Trin.H. p E 1652 A.B. 1654-5 Napper, John Joh. s E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 Narman, Steph Trin. p M 1656 Nase, Dav Pern. s E 1579 — Will C. C. p E 1576 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 Naise [C. C. 1580] Nash, Fra Pet. s E 1620 A.B. (Joh.) 1623-4; A.M. 1627 — Gawen Pern. s L 1620-1 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 ; S.T.B. '35 — Geo [Trin. s M 1647] — Geo Joh. s E 1648 A.B. 1651-2 Nashe, John C. C. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8 Nash, Tho Joh. s M 1582 A.B. 1585-6 — Will Joh. s M 1610 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1613; A.M. (Joh.) Nassau, Maurice, Count A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Keg.) [1617 Natley, Anseb/i [/]... Qu. s M 1639 — Edw *Qu. p M 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 — Tho Qu. s M 1638 Nailor, Benj Em. s M 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 Naylor, Chris Joh. s M 1564 Neylor, Chris Sid. p E 1614 Naylor, Dan Trin. s M 1581 A.B. 1586-7 ; A.M. 1590; S.T.B. '99 — Dan *Trin. s L 1618-9 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 Nayler, Dan *Sid. p E 1653 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 — Edw C. C. s E 1604 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 Naylor, Geo C. C. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 Nayler, John Chr. p M 1545 — John C. C. [s E 1605] A.B. 1610 — John [Em. s E 1617] A.B. (Chr.) 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 Naylor, John C. C. p M 1622 A.B. 1625-6 — John Mag. s E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 Nayler, John Qu. p E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 — Jos Trin. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. (*Sid.) 1618; [S.T.B. 1625; S.T.P. 1636 — Lion Joh. s M 1571 A.B. 1575-6 — Lovel King's p E 1603 Naylor, Oliver *Cai. p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 1 PubUc Orator, 1594; M.P. for University, 1621, 1624, 1625. 61 482 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Nayler, Oliver *Cai. Naylor, Pet Cla. — Pet Job. — Pet Job. — Rich Cai. — Rich Qu. — Rich Cai. — Rich Cai. — Rob C. C. — Sam Job. Naler, Tho Chr. Naylor, Will *King'.s — Will Nailer, Will King's Nayler, Will Trin. — Will Sid. — Will Cai. Nailour, Will *Cai. Neale, Cha King's — Edm Cla. — Humph. ... Trin. — John Mag. — John Job. — John Cla. — John *Pem. Neal, John [Pet. Neale, John Chr. — Jos Em. Neile, Paul Pern. Neale, * Rich Job. Neile, Rich... Job. Neale, Rob Pern. — Sam Neele, Tho Trin. Neale, Tho Jes. — Tho Cath. — Tho C. C. — Tho Em. — Tho Cla. — W Job. — Will Trin. Neast, Tho Jes. Neve, Neave v. also Le Neve — Cha C. C. — Cornelius ... Mag. Neave, Firmin [Cai. Neeve, Fra Job. Neve, Fra Cai. — Gabriel Pet. — Geof. [Qu. — Hen — Hen Pet. Neave, John C. C. Neve, John Pem. Neave, John Catb. — Phil Pet. — Phil Pet. p E 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 p E 1589 A.B. (? 1592-3); A.M. (Jes.) 1596 s E 1617 s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 V E 1625 A.B. 1628-9 ]) E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 P M 1640 P E 1641 P E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. (Qu.) 1665 s M 1608 A.B, 1611-2 V L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. (Em.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 s M 1611 s E 1612 s E 1631 s E 1640 A.B. 1644-5 p s E 1645 M 1602 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 p M 1642 p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639, *Joh. p E 1602 A.B. (Trin.) 1605-6; A.M. 1609 s L 1615-6 A.B. 1619-20 p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 ; A.M. 1631 ; S.T.B. p E 1650] [1638 ; S.T.P. 1661 (Lit. ReqX 13 E 1658 A.B. 1661-2 [Neil P M 1638 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1646 f-C M 1628 A.M 1631 {fil. nob.) P E 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587; S.T.B. [1595; S.T.P. 1600 P M 1621 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 P E 1634 [Neile] A.B. (Trin.) 1611-2 s E 1569 f-C E 1576 E 1584 p c. 1592 p L 1637-8 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 f-C L 1656-7 s L 1564-5 s E 1609 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1616 p L 1645-6 1> E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 p M 1587 p E 1622] p M 1633 A.B. 1641-2 p E 1659 p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 p E 1601] A.B. ( ); A.M. (Cai.) 1615 s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 s E 1577 A.B. 1580-1 p L 1582-3 A.B. (Mag.) 1585-6, Neave p L 1653-4 p E 1617 s E 1632 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 1 Bishop of Rochester, 1608; Lichfiehl, 1610; Liiicohi, 1614; Durham, 1617; Winchester, 1628; Archbishop of York, 1632. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 483 Neve, Rich. ., — ('Reve'X Rich Neave, Neeve, Neve, Pem. Cai. Rob C. C. Rob Cai. Rob *Kincr's Neave, Necle Necton, Neech, Rob. Tho. Will. Will. Ja John . John . Nath.. Rich. . Rich. . Rich. . Rich. . Tho. . Chr. C. C. [C. C. C. C. [C. C. Trin. C. C. [Pem. C. C. C. C. Em. C. C. Needes, Nedam, Needam, Needham, Nedham, Nedam, Nedham, Needham, Benj. Art. , Brian , Edm. , Edm, , Era. , Era. , Geo. . Geo. . C. C. Mag. Jes. Cla. Trin. Qu. Jes. Trin. Pet. Gervase Tr Nedham, Hen Pem. Needham, Jasper Pet. Nedham, John Trin. Nedam, La?(. (??;) ... Pet. Needam, Nich Cai. Needham, Nich Trin. Nedam, Rob Qu. Needam, Rob Joh. Nedam, W Jes. Needham, Walt Trin. Nedum, Will Chr. Needham, Will [Chr. Needier, John Chr. Negus, Benj Trin. - Dan Qu. — Edm Qu. — Edw Chr. — John Chr. — John Jes. — Jonat ♦King's — Sim Qu. — Strickland . . Sid. Negoose, Will Trin. Negus, Will les. Nelson, Abr Pet. — (' Nealson '), Adam . Pem. — Anth Joh. — Benj. {imf.) Joh. — Chris Chr. Nellson, Geo Trin. E 1588 E 1612 L 1577-8 E 1631 M 1655 E 1659 E 1620 1578] E 1585 1568] M 1584 E 1631 1639] E 1634 [1629] s M 1638 s E 1659 Jes. p E 1650 A.B. A.B. E 1659 E 1628 M 1546 E 1583 E 1605 E 1606 E 1609 M 1571 E 1637 E 1611 E 1619 E 1641 E 1576 L 1564-5 L 1582-3 A.B E 1606 M 1569 E 1582 E 1573 E 1650 E 1568 E 1648] E 1632 E 1606 E 1628 M 1623 M 1571 M 1562 E 1645 M 1611 M 1613 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618; S.T.B. '25 A.B. (*Pem.) 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 A.B. 1633-4 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. (Jes.) 1598-9 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. (*Pem.) 1662-3; A.M. [S.T.B. A.B. (Pem.) 1653-4; A.M. A.M. (Mag.) 1604 (in ordo) A.B. 1662; A.M. 1687? A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 1674 1657 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. A.B. A.B. A..B. A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 1644-5, Casi^r; A.M. 1648; [M.D. 1657 1586-7; A.M. 1590 1653-4; A.M. (*Qu.) 1657; [M.L. 1659; M.D. 1664 1608-9 1631-2; A.M. 1635 1624-5; A.M. 1628 (Edw.) 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. A.B. A.B. 1649 [1615-6]; A.M. 1619 1616-7; A.M. 1620 [L 1639-40] A.B. 1640(Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M A.B. 1577-8, Negus [1640 A.B. 1636-7 E 1573 E 1633 E 1640 E 1555 M 1588 M 1615 E 1584 L 1564-5 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1559-60 1592-3 1619-20 1587-8; A.M. 1591 484 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Nelson, Nellson, Nelson, Nelthorpe, Nesfield, Nesham, Nesmith, Nesse, Nethercott, Nethercoote, Nethercote, Nethersole, Netley, Netlor, Nettles, Nettells, Nettles, Geo Qu. Gilb Job. Gilb Job. Hen Pem. Hen *Job. Hen. {imp.) Job. Isaac Job. Ja *Job. Jerem Cbr. Jerem Em. Jobn Cai. Jobn Trin. Jobn King's Jobn Pem. Jobn *Trin. Marm Trin Martin Trin. Mattb Pet. Mattb *Pet. Nicb Job. Pet Trin.H. Ricb Qu. Ricb Job. Rich, {imp.) Job. Ricb Job. Rob King's Rob Job. Sam Job. Tho Trin. Tbo Tbo Cbr. Tbo Mag. Will *Job. Will Job. Will Sid. Will Sid. Will Trin. Edw Job. Edw [Qu. Jobn Job. Jobn [Job. Ricb Job. Rich [Job. Will Tho Job. Ja Qu. Chris Job. John Pet. Ralph Trin. Antb *Sid. Tbo Qu. Walt Cla. I Era *Trin. Era Trin. Jobn Qu. Tho Qu. Era. (?) Job. Jobn Qu. Stepb *Qu. Tho Job. [s E 1608] A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 s M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 r« E 1657] A.B. 1660-1 p M 1566 A.B. 1569-70 p M 1572 A.B. 1576-7 ; A.M. 1580 ; S.T.B. '86 p E 1619 A.B. 1622-3 s E 1627 A.B. 1632 V M 1589 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 P E 1626 A.B. (King's) 1629-30 ; A.M. (Cbr.) s L 1656-7 A.B. 1660; A.M. 1664 [1633 p c. 1595 p E 1620 A.B. 1623; A.M. 1627 p E 1620 {non juratus) p L 1620-1 A.B. (Job.) 1623-4; A.M. 1627 s E 1627 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 s M 1578 s L 1564-5 A.B. 1568-9 p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 p M 1656 A.B. 1658-9 ; A.M. 1662 ; M.D. '69 p M 1637 A.B. 1638-9 p E 1546 s M 1566 s M 1586 p M 1615 s E 1619 s E 1604 s E 1657 p M 1611 s M 1565 A.B. (Cla.) 1568-9 A.M. 1615 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1620 A.B. 1623 p M 1647 s M 1580 A.B. 1583-4 ; A.M. 1587 ; S.T.B. '94 s M 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 p E 1607 p M 1609 p M 1613 p E 1629 p E 1651] p E 1631; ['Lines.'] p E 1631; Yorks.'] p E 1628 p E 1646] A.B. (Job.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 s M 1614 A.B. 1618-9, Neesam; A.M. 1622 f-c E 1626 s M1638 A.B. 1641-2 s M 1559 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. (*Qu.) 1566 s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 p E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 f-c E 1620 [Netbercoats] p E 1575 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 p E 1603 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 p E 1636 !> E 1565 V M 1582 (Matr. 'Hedley') p E 1609 p E 1631 A.B. 1633; A.M. 1637 1> c. 1596 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602; S.T.B. s blic E 1639 Orator, 1611 A.B. 1641-2 [(C. C.) 1611 Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — ^^^9 485 Xettloshipe, Mark Joh. Xettvlton, Edw Joh. Xctleton, Edw Qu. Xottleton, Tho Jes. — Tho Pem. , John Joh. Rogor Chr. , Roger Joh. Rowl Trin. , Steph Chr. Tho Trm. Tho Will Trin. also Newell Alex Joh. Cha *King's Chris Jes. Chris Qu. Chris Sid. Clem *Trin. Edw Qu. Edw *Trin. Edw *Kins:'s Xcvonson, No Vinson, Xi'venson, Xovyson, Xovynson Neverde, Nevell V. E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 M 1552 L 1579-80 A.B. (Cath.) 1582-3 M 1578 E 1586 E 1579 c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6 E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 M 1553 E 1544 E 1566 s E 1551 A.B. 1544-5; A.M. (*Trin.) 1548; [LL.D. 1553 A.B. (Joh.) 1582-3; A.M. 1586 Nevill, Nevell, Nevill, Nevile, Nevill, Nevell, Nevile, Nevell, Nevyll, Nevile, Nevill, Nevyll, Nevell, Nevill, iNevil, iNevell, iNevyll, i^evill, Neville, Nevell, Nevill, Nevell, Nevill, Nevel, Nevell, Nevill, Nevile, Nevyaon, Nevit, Newwarke, Newbale, Newbery, M 1559 E 1627 E 1566 c. 1591 E 1650 E 1620 M 1588 E 1608 L 1620-1 E 1632] M 1556 M 1565 M 1608 E 1609 L 1593-4 E 1550 M 1609 M 1656 J M 1617 M 1661] E 1586 E 1586 M 1626 E 1639 E 1646 E 1580 E 1587] E 1631 A.M. A.B. 1581 {fil. nob.) 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 1623-4 Edw [Sid. Era Chr. Era Joh. Era Trin. Era Joh. Fulk Trin. Geo Joh. p Geo Trin. s Geo [Sid. f-c Gervase Joh. f-c Gervase [Sid. p Hen Qu. f-c John Trin. p John Joh. p John C. C. s John Trin. s Nich Pet. p Phil [Cai. p Rich Qu. f-c Rich (?the above) Rob *King's p E 1657 Tho [*Pem. 1560] iTho *Pem. p L 1564-5 Tho Cla. p E 1658 (Newell), Will Pem. s M 1579 Will Trin. [schol. 1605] Will Jes. p M 1612 Will Trin.H. p L 1613-4 Will Trin. f-c E 1637 Humph. ... Trin. s E 1552 Ralph Pet. p E 1617 Tho Trin. p E 1570 Will Cla. p M 1576 Matth Em. p E 1602 Hugh Peregrine John*Qu. p M 1657 Newberye, Ralph King's s c. 1594 1 Master of Magdalene, 15S'2; Dean of Peterborough, 1591 Master of Trinity, 1598. A.B. 1559-60 (Matr. Nevel) A.B. 1597-8 A.B. 1588-9 A.B. 1629-30; A.B. 1642-3 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1633 LL.D. (Cla.) 1592 A.B. 1633 A.M. 1641-2 (On King's visit) A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664; S.T.B. [1671 (Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572; S.T.P. [(Mag.) 1589 A.B. 1583-4 A.B. 1607-8 A.B. 1616; LL.B. 1619 LL.B. 1624 A.B. 1579- A.B.1605-( 0; A.M. 1583 [1609 Newbald; A.M. (Joh.) A.M. 1584 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663; S.T.B. [1670 of Canterbury, 1597. 486 Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — ^^S9 Newbolt, John Joh. [s E 1657] Newbon, Laur Joh. p E 1610 Newburg, John [Em. f-c E1646] Newby, Rich Joh. p E 1651 — Tho [Mag. s E 1650] Newce, Hen *Cla. p M 1646 — Martin Trin. f-c E 1579 — (Nuse), Tho Pet. f-c M 1559 — Tho C. C. f-c M 1635 — Tho [C. C. 1647] — Will Jes. f-c E 1609 — Will Cla. p E 1637 Newcome, Hen Joh. s E 1645 — John Mag. s E 1602 — Rich Jes. s L 1648-i — »Rob. Cla. s E 1577 — Rob Joh. s E 1637 — Steph Cla. p E 1573 — Steph Trin. s E 1609 Newcora, Tho Chr. s E 1583 — Tho C. C. s c. 1596 Newcome, Tho C. C. s E 1624 — Tobias Pet. s E 1629 — Will Joh. p E 1621 Neucomen, Cha Cla. p E 1604 Newcomin, Cha Qu. p E 1631 Newcomen, Edw Qu. p E 1655 — Elias Cla. p M 1565 Newcomin, Hen Qu. p E 1656 Newcomen, John Cla. f-c M 1573 Newcomin, John Cla. p M 1601 Newcomen, Matth Joh. s E 1626 — Nich — Nich Cai. p E 1639 Newcomin, Rich Cla. f-c M 1601 Newcomen, Rob Mag. s M 1571 — Steph C. C. p E 1583 Newcomyn, Tho Trin. p M 1571 Newcomen, Tho Qu. p E 1606 — Tho Neudicke, John Joh. s M 1583 Newdicke, Tho Jes. p M 1568 Newdigate, John *King's p M 1559 Nudigate, Rob Chr. f-c E 1612 Newdigate, Will Newell, Edw Em. p E 1620 — John Qu. p E 1552 — John Trin. p E 1572 Newall, John Chr. p M 1588 Newell, Maur Trin. H. f-c E 1544 — Rich (prob. Nowell v. A.B. — Rich Em. p M 1632 — Rob Joh. s c. 1595 — W Cla. p E 1573 — Chr. f-c L 1618-i Newgate, Rob Cai. s M 1564 Newham, John C. C. s M 1639 — [Newnham], Roger . Qu. s M 1616 _ Tho Jes. p M 1554 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. A.B. 1613-4 1664 A.B. 1647 ; A.M. 1651 ; S.T.B. 1664 A.B. (*Pem.) 1561-2; A.M. 1565; A.B. 1637-8 [S.T.B. 1571-2 AB. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 A.B. 1606-7 AB. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 ; LL.D. '92 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1646 AB. 1576-7 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607,*Jes. 1609 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1636 A.B. (Trin.) 1632-3 A.B. 1606- A.M. 1610 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. (Mag.) 1568-9; A.M. 1572 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. (Cla.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 (?A.B. as Nich., above) A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 AB. 1575-6; AM. 1579; S.T.B. '8<; A.B. (Joh.) 1624-5; A.M. 1628; [S.T.P. \mO{Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1563-4 AB. (Trin. H.) 1623-4 [Neveil] A.B. (*Pem.) 1555-6, *Qu. 1558 A.B. (Cla.) 1575-6, Neveil A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1600 degree) [*Pet. A.B. (Joh.) 1635-6; A.M. 1639, A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600; S.T.B. [1607; S.T.P. 1615, Nevill [Matr. Edm.] A.B. ( ); AM. 1647 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 1 Commissary, 1610. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 487 Newhoffe, Roger Mag. Newhouse, Rob Chr. Newhowse, Tho Pem. Newhoixse, W Pem. Newhowse, Will Chr. Nuland, Benj Pem. Newland, John — John — Tho Trin. — Tho Trin. — Will Trin. Newlin, Rob Newlove, Anth Sid. — John Joh. — John Chr. Newman, And. *Trin. — Anth Em. — Earth Chr. — Dan Jes. — Edw Qu. — Edw Joh. — Edw Mag. — Era Pet. — Era — Geo Trin. — Ja Cath. — John {imp.) Qu. — John (' Yon ') Trin. — John Jes. — John — John C. C. — John — John Cath. — John Cla. — John — John [Em. — Laur *Qu. — Rich Joh. — Rich Cla. — Rob Trin. — Rob *Joh. — Rob *King' — Rob Cla. — Sam [Em. — Steph Trin. — Tho Trin. — Tho Qu. — Tho Pet. — Tho Pet. — Tho Trin. — Tho [Qu. — Tho Trin. — Tho Cath. — Tho Joh. — Tho *Joh. — [Cath. Newsun?, Will Joh. Neusbitt, John Joh. Newsell, Chris Pet. Newshambe, Edw Pet. Newsom v. Nusom f-c L 1564-5 p E 1632 E 1586 A.B. 1589-90; A.M. (*Chr.) 1593 p M 1559 p E 1640 V M 1648 A.B. 1561-2 A.B. 1567-8 [schol 1590] A.B. (U592-3); A.M. 1.595 P E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1628 S.T.B. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf ) P E 1613 p L 1564-5 p E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1617 p E 1578 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 p c. 1593 s c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602; S.T.B. p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 [1613 s M 1568 s E 1606 p L 1637-8 p E 1616 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) . [schol. 1581] LL.B. 1584; LL.D. 1589 p E 1634 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1639 s E 1546 p M 1584 s E 1589 A.B. (? 1592-3); A.M. 1596 A.B. (? 1591-2) ; A.M. (Qu.) 1595 ' c. 1597 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. (Cath.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1628 s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. (Chr.) 1631-2 (Incorp. fr. p E 1645] [Oxf.); A.M. 1632 s L 1564-5 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 s E 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612; S.T.B. p E 1615 A.B. 1618-9 [1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) s E 1577 p c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1646 f-c E 1633] p K 1632 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 [schol. 1571] A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 s L 1579-8C ) s E 1582 A.B. 1585-6 s E 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591; S.T.B. p E 1587 [1607 s E 1588] s c. 1596 A.B. (Cath.) 1600-1 p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1628 p M 1635 A.B. 1639-40 s E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 p 1632] p M 1585 p E 1616 s E 1641 s c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. (Jes.) 1601, [Nusam Matriculatiofis and Degrees 1544 — 1659 488 Newson, John Chr. — Sam Catli. — Steph Qu. Newsted, Chris [Pet. Newstead, Chris *King's Newton, Cha Cai. — Chris Chr. — Edm C. C. — Edw [Em. — Edw Jes. — Edw Joh. — ^Fogge *King's — 2Fra Mich. Ho. — Era. {imp.) .*Trin. — Greg Chr. — Hen Chr. — Hen [Qu. — Hen. {Sir)... — Isaac [Pet. — John Pern. — John Cla. — John Qu. — John Em. — John — John Joh. — John Pem. — John Joh. — John Em. — John Em. — John *Cla. — Joshua Joh. — Matth C. C. — Nich Qu. — Pet — Rich Cath. — Rich Chr. — Rich Trin. — Rich Sid. — Rich Chr. — Rob Joh. — Rob Joh. — Rob Chr. — Roger King's — Sam Joh. — Sam [Em. — Sam Pem. — Sam Joh. — Tho Qu. — Tho Qu. — Tho *Trin. — Tho Joh. — Will Chr. — Will Jes. — Will C. C. — [Chr. 1 Niblet, Will Trin. Nicasius, Cha Trin. s E 1555 A.B. 1557-8 ; A.M. 1561, Newsam, [*Trin. 1561 |s E 1649] A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 (Matr. s E 1641] [Nelson) p M 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1663 s E 1623 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 [1582] E 1644] A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1593 p [fr. Oxf.) p L 1645-6 A.B. 1647-8 ; A.M. 1652 (Incorp. p M 1652 A.B. 1656-7 [1601 ; S.T.P. 1607 p M 1586 A.B. [1590-1]; A.M. 1594; S.T.B. . s E 1545 A.B. 1549-50; A.M. 1553; S.T.B. [(*Jes.) 1561 ; S.T.P. (*Trin.) 1563 1> E 1549 A.B. 1551-2; A.M. 1555 s E 1582 A.B. (Trin.) 1585-6; A.M. 1589; f-c E 1549 [S.T.B. (*Joh.) 1596 s E 1594] A.M. 1631-2 (On King's visit) p M 1649] s M 1556 p M 1572 p E 1577 s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 M.L. 1612-3 V E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 p E 1620 A.B. (Pet.) 1624-5 p E 1632 V E 1644 A.B. (Jes.) 1646-7; A.M. 1650 p M 1647 s M 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 p E 1565 p E 1569 p M 1562 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) p M 1551 p M 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 s c. 1597 s M 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 p M 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 s c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 p E 1648 s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 s E 1636 s L 1620-1 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 p E 1630] s E 1631 s M 1654 A.B. 1658-9 p M 1562 s E 1587 [schol. 1593] A.B. (11594-5); A.M. 1598 s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 p c. 1591 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 (Newman p M 1614 [in ordo) p M 1638 schol. 1558-9 s E 1620 (Matr. 'Millet') f-c E 1563 Provost of King's, 1610. 2 Dean of Winchester, 1565. Matriadatw7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 489 Nich, Will ... Trin. P E 1609 Nicholas, Geo ... Trin. s c. 1592 Hen ...*King's p E 1544 A.B. 1547-8: A.M. 1551 John ...*Trin. p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 Nath ... Em. s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 Tho ... Pet. s M 1571 Tho ... Trin. s E 1649 Vincent . . ... Jes. p M 1555 Nicoll, Nath ... [Em. P E 1650] Nicholl, Paul ... Cath. p E 1637 [Nichols] Nicoll, Eich ... Em. p E 1632 Nicols, Anth ... Mag. p E 1561 Nicolls, Cha ... Pet. p s M 1644 E 1633 A.B. 1647 NichoUs, Ciprian .. ... Trin. A.B. 1636-7 Dan ... Joh. s c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 Dan ... Chr. s E 1610 [1659; S.T.P. 1664 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652; S.T.B. Nicols, Dan ...*Qu. p E 1645 — iDegory ,. ...*Pet. p E 1560 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567; S.T.B. [1574; S.T.P. 1581 Edw ... Joh. p E 1611 A.B. (*Cai.) 1614-5; A.M. 1618 — Geo ... Qu. p E 1579 Geo ... Pet. p M 1580 — Hen ... Qu. E 1588 NichoUs, Hen ... Em. p E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 Ja ... King's p E 1626 A.B. (Jes.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 John A.B. (C. C.) 1578-9 [1607 John .'.'.■ Cla. p E 1589 A.B. (? 1592-3) ; A.M. 1.596 ; S.T.B. Nichols, John ... C. C. p 1594 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602; M.L. Nicholes, John ... Qu. p M 1602 [1607 ; M.D. 1630 Nichols, John ... Jes. p E 1620 A.B. 1624; A.M. 1628 John ... C. C. p E 1659 Nicols, Jos ... [Cla. p M 1645 NichoUs, Jos ... Pet. s M 1646 A.B. 1649-50 Nichols, Josias .. ... Em. p c. 1591 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 Nicols, Matth. .. ... Joh. s E 1588 A.B. (? 1593-4); A.M. 1597 NichoUs, Pet ... Em. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Nicols, Phil ...*C. C. p M 1569 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 — Rich ... Trin. p E 1572 Rich ... Em. p E 1598 A.B. 1601-2 [1638 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632, *Pet. Nichols, Rich ... Jes. s E 1625 NichoUs, Rich ... C. C. p E 1631 A.B. 1633-4 ; A.M. 1637 ; M.L. '40 Nichols, Rich (?A.M.) 1644 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) Nicols, Rob ■.".■. Mag. p E 1561 Nicholes, Rob ... Mag. s E 1602 A.B. (Trin.) 1605-6 Rob ... C.C. p E 1607 A.B. 1609; A.M. 1612, NicoU Nichols, Rob ... Mag. p E 1614 Nicols, Sam ... Joh. p E 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 Sam ... Joh. c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 ; S.T.B. '13 Nichols, Sam ... Pet. p M 1638 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. (*Chr.) 1645 Sam ... Cath. [f •. Oxf. L 1641 -21 A.B. 1641-2 Sam ... [Em. P E 1645 • NicoUes, Tho ... Trin.H. s E 1544 Nichols, Tho ... C. C. p M 1609 NiccoUs, Tho .... [Qu. .... [Jes. p M 1616^ Nicols, Tho s E 1640' NichoUs, Tho ....[Trin. s M 1648 Nicols, W .... Joh. s M 1569 Nicolls, Will .... [Cai. f-c M 1562' [S.T.B. 1635 Nichols, Will .... Sid. p E 1611 A.B. (Trin.) 1613-4; A.M. 1617; Master of Magdalene, 1577. 62 490 Matriculations and Deg^^ees 1544 — 1659 Nycolls Chr. NichoUs [Cath. Nicolson, Alan Job. — Chris Job. Nicholson, Cuthb Job. — Dan Em. — Fra Em. — Geo Job. — Geo Job. — Geo [Trin. — Ja Jes. — Ja — John Pem. Nicolson, John Pem. Nicholson, John — John Mag. — Otho Em. Nicolson, Ralph Job. Nicholson, Rich *Pem. — Rich Chr. — Rob. {imp.) *Job. — Sam — Theod Sid. — Tho Trin. — Tho Qu. — Tho — Tho Qu. — Tho King's Nicollson, Tho Em. Nicolson, Will Job. — Will Cai. — Will *Qu. — Will Qu. Nickolsou, Will [CO. Nicolson, Will Nickins, John Trin. Nickson, Edw Job. — John Cla. Nidd, Gervase *Trin. — John *Trin. — Leon Trin. Nyghtyngale, Dav Mag. Nightingale, Edw Chr. Nigbtyngale, Geof. Chr. Nightingale, Geof. Chr. Nigbtingall, Hen Cai. Nitingalle, Hen Trin. Nigbtingall, John *Qu. Nitingale, Lane Mag. Nigbtyngale, Leon Cla. Nitingale, Leon Mag. Nightingale, Lucas *Trin. Nithingall, Rich Mag. Nitingale, Rich Job. — [Rob.] Jes. Nigbtingall, Tho Cai. Nitingale, Tho Cai. Nigbtengel, Tho. {Sir)... Cai. Nightingale, Tho Trin. Nightgale, W Job. E 1544 c. 1657] M 1578 M 1586 E 1615 E 1617 E 1642 E 1605 E 1631 E 1648] E 1605 s E 1544 s M 1562 E 1651 E 1652] M 1567 E 1550 E 1582 M 1618 E 1625 c. 1591 c. 1593 M 1616 E 1622 E 1653 M 1566 L 1580-1 M 1581 E 1583 1618] p M 1647 s E 1576 s M 1602 [scbol. 1596] s E [scbol. p M P E p L f-c E p M p M s M p E s E p E s c. s E f-c M p c. s E f-c L p L f-c E 1640 1602] 1567 1635 1557-8 1631 1593 1633 1646 1587 1563 1625 1635 1594 1602 1623 1593 1623 1645-6 1647-8 1562 ■ A.B. (Mag.) 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1620 A.B. (Job.) 1620-1 A.B. (Cath.) 1609 A.B. 1608-9 A.M. 1656 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1566-7; A.M. (Chr.) 1570 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1654-5; A.M. (Job.) 1658 A.B. 1655 ; M.B. 1657 ; A.M. 1658 ; [M.D. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1553-4; A.M. 1559 (?*Chr. A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 [1558) A.B. 1622^3 ; A.M. 1626 ; S.T.B. '33 A.B. (Cath.) 1597-8 A.B. (Cath.) 1597-8 A.M. 1600 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1626; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1570-1 A.B. (Jes.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.M. 1622-3 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1649 A.B. 1582-3, Nixon A.B. 1606; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601; S.T.B. [1608; S.T.P. 1613 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. (Cla.) 1607 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. [Reg.) A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1652 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 491 Nightingale, Will Chr. p Nisbet, Phil C. C. p Nixe, Tho Chr. p Nobs, John C. C. s Nobbs, John — John Sid. p — Tho Noble, And Cai. p — Cha Trin. p — Chris Qu. p — Edw Qu. p — John Job. p — John Chr. p — John Joh. p — John Mag. s — John Chr. s Mich Cla. s — Rob Jes. s — Tho Cla. p Will Chr. p — Will Trin. s Nodall (Nuddall), Will... Cai. p Noddiuge, Chris Sid. s Nodes, Cha Chr. p — Geo [Chr. p Noke, Ed Jes. p — John Qu. s — John Qu. [p — Josias Trin. s — Rich Qu. [p — Simon *King's p — Tho *King's p — Tho King's p — Tho Qu. [p — Tho Qu. [p Nocke, Will Qu. p Nokes, John Pern. s — Tho Joh. p — Will Joh. p Nollius, Christian ... [Qu. p Nolloth, Nich None V. Mone Nonnye, AVill Trin. s Noone, Era Trin. p — John [Joh. s — Will Qu. p Nnrclifte, Benj Chr. p — Tho Joh. p — Tho Chr. f-c Norcott V. Northcott Norcrosse, Nath Cath. [p Norden, John — Will, {imp.) C. C. s Norfield (Northfield), Sim. Cai. s Norfolk, Tho., Duke of v. Howard — Will ■ Je.s. p Norford, lien Qu. s Norgate, Edw Pem. s — Hen [Cai. p — Nich Trin. p M 1613 E U;34 M ir)71 M 1584 E 1639 E 1578 E 1626 M 1566 E 1565 E 1586 E 1617 E 1626 E 1627 E 1631 M 1614 E 1648 E 1575 E 1587 E 1626 c. 1596 M 1617 E 1619 L 1653-4] L 1563-4 M 1555 1592] E 1619 M 1607] M 1544 M 1549 M 1575 1592] E 1598] E 1621 E 1606 E 1580 E 1651 L 1604-5] E 1554 E 1606 E 1634] E 1617 E 1641 E 1595 E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. (C. C.) 1605-6 A.B. 1642 3; A.M. 1646 A.B. (Cath.) 1609 [Noblie] A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1598 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1621-2 A.B. 1622 [1599; S.T.B. 1606; S.T.P. 1620 A.B. (C. C.) 1595-6 ; A.M. (Qu.) A.B. (Qu.) 1624-5 A.B. 1611-2 A.B. 1548-9 A.B. 1553-4 ; A.M. 1557 ; S.T.B.'70 [Noakes] A.B. (C. C.) 1595-6 ; A.M. (Qu.) A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 [1599 A.B. 1624-5, Noke A.B. 1654-5 A.B. (Chr.) 1607-8 (Matr. 'Nortsill') 1632] A.B. 1636-7 A.M. 1581 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); M.D. 1545 [(Pern.) 1581 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1599 M 1585 M 1614 E 1621 E 1607] E 1658 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1618-9 ; A.M. 1622; S.T.B. A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 492 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Norgate, ^ Rob Job. — Will *C. C. Norman, Ja Sid. — John — John [Cla. — Pet Cai. — Sam Chr. — Tho Chr. — Will C. C. — Will King's — Will Norman ton, Edm Chr. — John *Cai. Normenton, Rich Job. Normington, Tho Pern. Normavell , Hugh Job. Norridge, Martin Cai. Norrington, Vincent Trin. Norrys, Cutbb *Trin. Norris, Cutbb Pet. — Dan Norysse, E Mich. Ho. Norris, Edm Mag. Norries, Edw Job. Norris, Ja [Qu. — John C. C. — John Cai. — John Cath. — John Mag. — (Norisbe), Rich. ... Jes. — Rob — Rob Em. Rob King's — Will Trin. — Will *King's North, Cha Cai. — 2Cha Sid. — 3 Dudley Trin. — Edw Sid. Edw Em. — *Fra Job. — Geo Trin. — Geo Sid. — Gilb Cai. — Hen Trin. — Hen [Em. — Hen Job. Nortbe, John Trin. — John {imp.) Pet. North, John King's — [John] Em. — John — John [Pet. Joshua Nicb M 1560 E 1572 M 1638 E 1651] L 1584-5 E 1646 E 1645 M 1547 E 1575 E 1607 E 1620 M 1562 E 1631 M 1572 M 1629 M 1619 E 1573 E 1631 M 1545 M 1615 E 1653 E 1626] E 1623 E 1640 E 1647 E 1657 E 1584 E 1620 M 1655 M 1617 M 1623 E 1584 E 1651 c. 1597 E 1624 L 1648-9 M 1653 M 1547 L 1634-5 E 1612 E 1604 E 1645] M 1650 E 1560 M 1562 L 1577-8 E 1602 E 1629] A.B. 1564-5; A.M. (*C. C.) 1568; [S.T.B. 1575; S.T.P. 1581 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 A.B. (C. C.) 1603-4 A.B. 1588-9 A.B. 1648 A.M A.B. A.B. 1618 1610- 1623- (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1; A.M. 1620 4, Normington; A.M. [1627 A.B. 1633-4, Normanton; A.M. A.B. 1576-7 [1637 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582; S.T.B. [1589; S.T.P. 1598 A.M. 1646 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1656-7, 'Morris'; A.M. A.B. (Em.) 1632-3 A.B. 1626-7: A.M. 1660 A.M. A.M. A.B. 1643-4 A.B. 1650-1 A.B. 1660-1 A.B. 1587-8 A.B. (Pet.) 1612 A.B. (Cla.) 1623-4; A.B. 1659-60 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1630 1661 1664 A.M. 1627 1624 A.B. 1627; A.M. 1631 (Matr. 'Noete') A.B. 1607-8 A.M. 1572 {fil. nob.) A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. (Trin.) 1606 A.M. 1651 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1 Master of Corpus, 1573. s Third Baron North of Kirtling, 1600. 4 Chief Justice C.P., 1675. Created Baron Guildford, 2 Fifth Barou North of Kirtling, 1677. Matriculatiofis and Degrees 1544 — 1659 493 North, Oliver Chr. — Pet Trill. — Rob Trill. — Roger Pet. — Sam Cai. — Tho Trin. — Tho — Tho — Tho Mag. Northe, Will Chr. North Trin. — Trin. Northage, Rich Pern. Northam, Tho Qu. Northampton, Earl of v. Howard. Northan, Edw. ...'. [Trin. — Rich Qu. Northcote, Art [Em. Norcott, John Chr. Northcott, John [Em. — Percy Trin. Norcot, Sam Trin. Northen, Andr Trin. — Edm Mag. — Edw Chr. Northend, John Joh. Northen, Jos Chr. — Sam Northens, Rob Joh. Northie, Adam Cai. Northey, Edw [Qu. — Geo Cla. Northfolke, Rich Joh. Northropp, Rich Cla. Northus, Era Joh. Nortley, Rich Trin. Norton, Bonam Trin. — Brett Cath. — Dudley Qu. — Edm Pem. — Edw. {imp.) ^^^ 13 aim.)) — Edw Qu. — Era Joh. — Era Joh. — Geo Joh. — Chr. — Greg Jes. — H Joh. — Ja King's — Ja Joh. — John Trin. — John Joh. — John Qu. — John [Qu. — John — John [Qu. — Jolin Trin. — John *King's — John Trin. s E p E f-c E s E s E s E Henry s E P f-c P P P E E L L E M s M s E p c. p E s c. s E s M s E E E E M E L E f-c E f-c M 1633 1629- 1635 1607 1647- 1579 1647 1639 1602 1631 1625 1619 1655] 1616 1645] 1645-6 1646-7] 1618 1567 1583 1641 1591 1566 1593 1628 1567 1646] 1563 1628 1611 1638 1585 1580- 1642 1611 1639 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 30 A.B. 1634-5 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. (Cath.) 1586 A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. (Trin.) 1606 A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 (John, or Thomas above) A.B. (King's) 1629-30 ; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1620; A.M. 1623 1650-1 1621-2 (Cai.) 1572-3 A.B. 1644-5 A.B. 1593-4, Northend ; A.M. 1597 A.B. (Pet.) 1570-1 ; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1631-2, Northend ; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 A.B. A.B. (Joh.) 1614-5; A.M. 1624 1642-3 (Matr. Northis) L 1564-5 L 1607-8 (Matr. 'Morton') c. 1591 E 1658 E 1637 E 1620 L 1637 M 1565 E 1612 E 1614 E 1554 M 1565 M 1570 1571 ; nhe above] A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1640-1 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1615- [schol. 1) E 1579-80] 1591 A.B 1599] A.B 1606 A.M. 1578 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1593-4 1603-4 A.M. 1597 A.M. 1607 494 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Norton, John Trin. — John Qu. — John Pet. — John Sid. — John Cath. — John Cai. — John Sid. — John Jes. — Leon Qu. — Leon — Luke Trin. — Rich Cla. — Rob *Cai. — Rob Em. — Rob Sid. — Rowl Sid. — Sampson ... Mag. — Sam Trin. — Sam Cath. — Steph — Steph Joh. — Steph Em. — Steph Pem. . — Tho. (imp.). Mich. Ho. Tho. {imp.) — Tho Pem. — Tho — Tho Joh. — Tho Trin. — Tho Joh. — Tho Joh. — Tho [Sid. — Tho C. C. — Tho *Chr. — Tho Sid. — Walt Gonv.H. — Welbuiy ... Chr. — Will Chr. — Will Cla. Norwich, Geo. [Oooft:] Chr. — John Cla. Norwitch, John Chr. Norwich, John [Trin. — Rich Cla. — Roger [Chr. — Tho Mag. — Will Trin. Norwood, Cha Mag. — Edm [Em. — Rich Trin. Note, John Em. — Rich Cai. Notley, Hen Cai. Nott, John Em. — Nicli Qu. — Pet Cla. — Tho Pem. — [C. C. Nottingham, Nath Chr. Nourse, Tho Trin. s M 1607 p M 1620 P E 1621 p E 1627 p M 1635 p E 1639 p E 1646 f-c E 1655 p E 1618 p E 1578 p M 1580 [schol. 1556] p M 1601 P E 1639 s E 1641 P E 1614 f-c M 1559 p M 1638 p E 1579 s E 1602 s E 1629 f-c M 1544 f-c E 1545 p E 1561 V M 1572 P L 1582-3 s c. 1593 p M 1606 p E 1628] [1628] E 1631 p V E 1640 s E 1550 f-c E 1650 p E 1546 p E 1612 f-c E 1654 s M 1578 f-c M 1629 f-c L 1645-6; p c. 1596 f-c L 1653-4] p E 1659 p E 1622 E 1618 p p E 1628] E 1610 p E 1636 s c. 1591 s E 1619 p M 1642 p M 1589 p E 1553 p E 1621 •S 1552] E 1631 1' M 1637 A.B. 162.3-4; A.M. 1627 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1633 ; LL.D. 1639 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1642-3 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1563; S.T.B. [1569; S.T.P. 1575 A.B. 1642-3 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1646 A.B. (Pet.) 1568-9 A.B. (Cla.) 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 (?same as next) A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569 (No A.B.) ; A.M. 1570 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600; M.L.'28 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); A.M. [1637 A.B. 1581-2, Norrydg; A.M. 1585 migr. to Pet. E 1647] A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 (Matr. [Norris) M.B. 1663 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629; S.T.B. [(*Pet.) 1636 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1637-8: A.M. 1641 A.B. 1596-7 A.B. (*Trin.) 1646-7; A.M. 1650 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1638 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 495 Nowell, Noel, Nowell, Noell, Nowell, Noell, Nowell, Noell, Nowell, Novell, Nowell, Novell, Noel, Nowell, Noell, Nowel, Nowell Noel Nower Noyle, Nuboltes (?), Nubye, Niice, Nuffett, Nu 1652 1562 1596 1609 A.B. 1652-3 A.B. 1599-1600 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. (*Joh.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611; [S.T.B. 1619 , Mag.] A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 M E f^c M 15.50 1626 [fi 1571 1596 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 1621 1551 1635 1624 1618 1604 1594] 1629-30 1632] 1651 1644 1653 1652 1654] 1585 1564 1617 1613 1569 1647 A.B. 1638; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1621-2 A.B. 1606-7, Oneby A.B. (Pet.) 1637 A.B. 1653-4 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1654-5 p E [schol. p E p c. p M p E V L p E p E f-c E p E p M s M 1569 1577 1597-8 1599] 1561 1601 1659 1580-1 1650 1650 1590 1606 1596] 1623 1590 1617 1566 1590 1641 1597 1638 1650 1657-8 1645 1646 1641] 1613 1650 1600 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. (Joh.) 1606 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1565-6 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1662-3 ; A.M. 1666 ; S.T.B. '73 A.B. 1591-2 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. (?1594-5) ; A.M. 1598 ; S.T.B. A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 [1605 A. B. (? 1 594-5) ; A. M. 1598; S.T.B. A.B. 1644 [1605 A.B. 1601-2 A.B. 1653-4, Orlibeare A.B. 1661 1557 (Incorj). fr. Padua) A.B. 1649-50 M.B. 1655 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1621 500. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Orme, Rich Qu. — Rob Trin. — Rob Pet. — Rob [C. C. — Rob [Qu. — The Chr. Will Pern. — Will. C. C. Ormerod, Benj Jes. — Geo — John Joh. — Laur Ormeroyd, Oliver Em. Ormrode, Pet Joh. Ormesby, John Pet. Ormeshawe, Steph Pet. Ormestone, Phil Chr. Ornsby, Will Sid. Orphynstrange, John Joh. Orrell, Fra Joh. — Rob Cai. — Tho *Cai. Orrington, Rich. v. Errington Orrocke, Ja Trin. Orton, Rich Joh. — Rich Em. — Rich [Chr. — Will. Cai. Ortoppe, Valentine ... Trin. Orwell, Gervase Joh. — John Joh, — Rob Cla. — Tho Will Joh. Osat, Archibald... Osbaldeston, Will Chr. Osbaston, Fra King's Osbastone, Rob *King's Osbolston, Lambert . . . Osborne, Cha King's — Chris *King's — Chris [Em. — Edw Cai. Osburne, Edw Trin. Osbourne, Edw Trin. Osborne, Edw Mag. Osborn, Edw Joh. Osborne, Gilb — Hen King's — Ja Joh. Osburne, John Pem. Osbourne, John *King's Osborne, John Chr. Osborn, John Trin. Osborne, John Cai. — Nich King's — Pet King's Osbourne, Rich *Pem. Osborne, Rich Joh. — Rich Trin. — Rich Em. s E 163.'3 p E 1562 s c. 1593 1598 E 1638' s s E 1631 V E 1617 V M 1631 P E 1648 s E 1656 s c. 1596 p E 1.584 s M 16.56 p L 1582- s M 1645 s E 1604 p M 1544 [ p M 1569 f-c M 1576 p c. 1591 V E 1616 V E 1578 V E 1613 P E 1646] P M 1602 p M 1.560 P E 1615 p E 1584 P M 1620 s E 1583 f-c M 1647 p E 1618 p M 1587 p E 1639 p E 1.575 f-c E 1603] p E 1575 p E 1589 f-c E 1611 ]3 M 1621 s E 1655 p L 1577- s E 1607 p M1564 p M 1.568 p E 1579 p c. 1591 p E 1626 p E 1575 1> M 1548 p M 1564 p L 1582- ]) E 1603 f-c E 1607 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1596-7 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. (Trin.) 1611-2 A.B. 1659-60 A.B. (Trin.) 1622-3 A.B. 1599-1600 A.B. (Em.) 1587-8; A.M. 1612 A.B. 16.59-60 3 A.B. (Em.) 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611, Ormesby [migr. to C. C] A.B. (*Trin.) 1546-7 ; [A.M. 1549 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 A.B. 1618-9; AM. 1622 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. (Joh.) 1598-9 A.M. 1585 (Incorp. fr. St Andrews) [1605 A.B. (? 1591-2) ; A.M. 1595 ; S.T.B. A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [off 1578] A.B. 1658-9 S.T.B. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1614-5; AM. 1618 A.B. 1572-3 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 501 Oaborne, Tho Cath, — Tho *Chr. — Tho *C. C. — Tho Em. — Tho Trin. — Will Chr. — Will Joh. — Will — Will [Em. — Will Chr. — Will — Will Cai. — Will Chr. — Will Em. — Will C. C. Osburne, Will Joh. Oscliffe, John Cath. Osgabey, Nich Joh. Osgodby, Rob — Will Mag. — Will Mag. Osland, Hen Trin. Osmonton, Tho Jes. Osmothei-ley, Chris Qu. Osney, Geo [Sid. — Hen Sid. — Rob Joh. Osteb}-, John Sid. Ostler, Era *Trin. — Rich Sid. — Will Trin. Otbie, Pethuel Pern. Otby, Phatnell ... Cai. — Tristram ... Joh. Otere, Gilb Trin. Oteringhara, Mich Trin. Ottryngham, Rob Trin. Othey, Rich Joh. Otlaye, Tho Job. Otter, John [C. C. — Leon Em. Ottewell, Hen Ottiwell, Jos Em. Otwell, Ralph Trin. Otwayo, Edw Chr. Ottway, Edw Chr. Otvvaye, Geo Cath. Otway, Geo Chr. — Geo Chr. Otwaye, Humph. ... Chr. Otway, John *Joh. Otewaye, Roger *Joh. Otway, Sam Joh. — Tho Joh. — iTho Chr. — [Chr. — (? Oudart, Nich Oughton, John Trin. p E 1550 [1588; S.T.P. 1.598 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581; S.T.B. p E 1574 s M 1602 A.B. 1605-6 ; A.M. 1609; S.T.B. '17 f-c E 1607 p M 1615 p M 1579 A.B. (Trin.) 1582-3; A.M. 1586 s L 1582-3 A.B. 1586-7 AM. 1597 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1599] " E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. (Trin.) 1619-20; A.M. 1623 p E 1619 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p E 1619 p E 1631 p E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 s E 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 p M 1601 s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. (*Jes.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607; p M 1642 [S.T.B. 1615 s E 1644 s L 1648-9 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 p L 1648-9 A.B. 1652-3 s E 1621 p L 1643-4 f-c E 1637 p E 1607 s E 1621 s M1610 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 s E 1615 A.B. 1618-9 s E 1604 A.B. (Cath.) 1606-7, Osier p E 1640 p M 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 p M 1608 A.B. 1612-3, Utby; A.M. 1616 s E 1569 s E 1575 A.B. 1578-9 p M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 p E 1560 p L 1582-3 1596] s E 1625 C.L. 1609 p E 1648 s M 1571 p M 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1589 s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 s E 1548 A.B. 15.52-3; A.M. (*Chr.) 1555 8 c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 8 E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A;M. 1630 8 E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 P E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 P M 1551 A.B. 1555-6 E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 P E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 s E 1633 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 schol. 1551-2] the above) M.L. (Chr.) 1559 A.M. (Cath.) 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.^ ; 8 M 1658 [M.L. 1639 Bishop of Killaloe, 1670; Ossory, 502 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Ouldham, John . Qu. s E 1658 A.B. 1663-4 Oiilton, Perigrine .. . Chr. s M1609 — Tho . Cla. s E 1659 A.B. 1661-2 Ouseley, John . Em. ;p E 1644" — Jonat . Em. .p E 1644' 1597 A.B. 1648-9 Oustin, Will . [C. C. Outlaw, Ralph . Pern. p M 1637 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 Outlawe, Will . Em. p M 1601 Outred, AVill . *King's [schol. 1592] A.B. [1596-7]; A.M. 1600 Ovan, Rob . [Trin. M 1639] Overed, Chris . Jes. p M 1567 Overeds, John . Chr. P M 1560 Overed, John . C. C. p E 1624 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Overend, Edw . Joh. s E 1650 A.B. 1654-5 (Matr. 'Gutrend') — Edw . Chr. P E 1656 [S.T.B. 1591 ; S.T.P. 1596 Overhall, ^John . Joh. s E 1575 A.B. (*Trin.) 1578-9; A.M. 1582; Overman, Tho . Jes. f-c E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 Overton, Chris . Cla. p M 1573 — Edw C.L. 1569 — Edw : Qu. [p E 1598] A.B. 1601-2 — Edw . Joh. p M 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 — Hen . King's p M 1546 — John . [Chr. f-c L 1651-2- ■ — Rich Qu. s E 1631 — Rob . Joh. f-c L 1626-7 — 2Will A.M. 1562 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Overye, Edw. {imp.) Pern. p E 1550 — Rich Pet. p M 1571 Overynge, Tho. (imr).) . Qu. p M1546 Ovington, Rob Trin. s c. 1592 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 Owell, Rob C. C. p M 1587 Owen, And *Trin. H p E 1633 LL.B. 1637; LL.D. 1652 Owyn, Earth Trin. s M 1561 A.B. 1564-5 Owen, Dav A.B. (Cath.) 1598-9; A.M. (Cla.) Owyn, Ed Pem. s M 1565 [1602; S.T.B. 1609; S.T.P. 1618 — Edw Joh. p E 1582 Owen, Era Joh. s M 1623 A.B. 1626-7 Geo A.M. 1624 (On King's visit) — Hen Joh. p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 — Hugh Jes. s M 1598 A.B. 1601-2 — Hugh Joh. s M 1637 Isaac Cath. s E 1637 Ja Cla. p E 1580 Owyn, John Chr. p E 1560 A.B. 1560-1 ; (?A.M. 1564, as Owen Owen, John Cla. s M 1562 [Owens) — 3John Chr. p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. (*Jes.) 1600; rS.T.P. 1617 John Cath. s M 1624 [prev. at Cai.] A.B. 1627-8; A.M. — John Cai. p M 1640 [1631 — John Trin.H. s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1675 — Jonas LL.B. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Owyn, Owin, Lewis Jes. p M 1561 Maur Joh. p M 1637 A.B. 1641-2 Owen, Nath Joh. E 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 — Nich Qu. s E 1549 — Rich Gonv. H. s M 1552 — Rich Joh. p E 1567 1 Et-sius Trofessor of Divinity, 1596 ; Master of St Catharine's, 1598 ; Bisliop of Lichfield, 1011; N E 1626 f-c E 1639 V E 1644 f-c E 1652 E 1657 L 1644-5; E 1647] L 1564-5 E 1.584 E 1584 M 1586 E 1606 E 1607 E 1613 L 1615-6 E 1621 E 1659 L 1564-5 M 1555 E 1604 E 1614 E 1632 M 1646 E 1650] E 1637 M 1545 M 1570 M 1560 L 1627-8] M 1644 M 1567 E 1604] E 1637 E 1607 M 1608 E 1639 M 1566 E 1584 L 1577-8 M 1569 E 1544 E 1620 E 1644 E 1633 E 1642] A.M. 1641-2 (On visit of King) A.B. 1579-80; A.M. (*Pet.) 1.583 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 ; S.T.B.'19 A.R 1608^9 A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1644-5 A.B. 1609-10 A.B. 1610-1 A.B. 1616-7 A.M. 1621 (Incoii). fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1662; A.M. 1668 [1563 ; S.T.B. 1571 ; S.T.P. 1598 A.B.(*Pem.) 1559-60; A.M. (*Joh.) A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. ( ); A.M. (Cai.) 1658 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1562-3 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. (*Joh.) 1646-7; A.M. 1650; [M.D. 1658 ; LL.D. IQS^Lit. Reg.) A.B. (Trin.) 1570-1 ; A.M. (*Cai.) [1574; S.T.P. 1594 A.B. (Trin.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. (? 1611-2) ; A.M. (Cath.) 1615 A.B. 1570-] ; A.M. 1574 A.B. (Cath.) 1572-3; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1647-8; S.T.B. 1661 {Lit. Uieg.) A.M. 1668 {Lit. Reg.) » Earl of CastlfiiiaiiiL', lOGl. 2 Public Orator, UTl. 508 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Pantwall, Roger Joh. Pape, Rob Cla. Papworth, John [Cai. — Tho Trin. Paradine, Tho Chr. Paramoure, Hen Qu. Paramor, Hen Em. Parramore, Rich Joh. Paramore, Steph [Qu. — Tho [Qu. Parramore, Tho Joh. Paramour, Tho Em. — Tho Qu. — Tho Pem. — Tho C. C. Paramore, Tho Cath. — Walt [Qu. Parcelye, Fra Trin. Pare, Hen Cai. — John Qu. — John Trin. — John Pet. — Rob Mag. — Walt Pem. Pargiter, Rob [Em. — Will Pem. Parham, Pet *Cai. Parys, Edw Joh. Parris, Edw Qu. Parys, Geo Joh. Paris, Hugh Trin. Parys, John Joh. Paris, John Cai. Parris, John Joh. Paris, Phil Pet. — Ralph Qu. Parys, Rob Joh. — Will Pet. Parris, Will *Pem. Parish, Geo *Trin. Parke, Edw Trin. — Geo Joh. — Hen — [Parker], John Qu. — John Cath. — John King's — Nath Joh. — Rob Em. — [Cath. Parkens, Sam Joh. Parker, Adam C. C. — Anth Joh. — Anth — Austin [C. C. — Cha [Cath. — Cha Trin. — Edm Sid. Edw C. C. — ^Edw Cai. P P f-c P f-c f-c f-c f-c f-c [P P P P f-c s p p s A.B. 1643-4; A.B. 1637 (?the above) M 1587 E 1583 E 1561] E 1639 A.B. 1643-4: A.M. 1647 E 1634 L 1578-9 E 1613 M 1601 E 1613] E 1599] M 1601 E 1611 L 1631-2] A.B. 1635-6 E 1632 A.B. 1635-6 E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 M 1639 A.B. 1643 E 1606] M 1555 1597 [Peare] A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 c. M 1579 c. 1591 E 1627 M 1633 M 1641 E 1616] E 1647 E 1653 E 1570 M 1644 E 1586 M 1576 E 1551 [L 1591-2] A.B. 1595-6 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660; M.D. '79 A.B. (Cla.) 1576-7 A.B. A.B. (Cai.) 1588-9 1580-1 A.B. 1642-3 A.B. 1579-80 A.B. 1630-1; E 1639 M 1576 E 1627 M 1545 E 1582 E 1619 M 1634 M 1581 M 1589 M 1608 E 1637 E 1639 E 1604 M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M 1635-6 ?John, above] M 1567 A.B. (1570-1) A.M. 1647 ; A.M. 1583 A.M. 1640 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. 1626 ; S.T.B. '36 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641; S.T.P. A.B. 1585-6 [1662 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. (Trin.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1642-3, Parker; A.M. 1646 E 1583 M 1561 1626] 1558] E 1637 E 1631 E 1556 E 1563 A.M. (C. C.) 1574, [Perkins A.B. 1607 (Incorp. fr. Oxf); A.M. [(*Pem.) 1608 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1634-5 Um\ Morloy, l.-)77. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 509 Parker, Edw Job. f-c E 1588 — Edw Cla. p E 1620 — Edw Em. p E 1633 [fr. Pet.] A.B. 1633 — Edw Trill. p M 1646 — Fra A. M. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Fra Em. p M 1644 A.B. 1646; A.M. 1650 — Galthrop ... Triu. f-c c. 1592 — Gilb [Chr. p E 1624] — Geo Jes. f-c E 1609 — Geo (Uhe above) A.B. (Chr.) 1614-5 ; A.M. (*Cath.) — Hen Pet. s E1588 [1618; S.T.B. 1625 — Hen *Qa. s E li88 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 — iHen., Sir... A.M. 1617 {fil. nob.) — Hen [Em. p E 1625] — Hen A.B. (Mag.) 1637; A.M. 1641 — Hen [Trin. p E 1650] — Howard [Trin. p L 1646-7] — Ja Cla. s L 1580-1 — Ja A.M. 1587 (Incorp. fr. Aberdeen) — Ja Trin. p E 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 — Ja Em. p E 1625 M.L. 1633 — Ja [Job. f-c E 1638] — Jobn Pet. f-c E 1562 — John (? the above) A.M. 1564 ( Oxf.) ; S.T. P. — John Joh. p E 1570 [1583 — John Chr. p M 1573 — John Joh. p L 1582-3 — John Trin. s M 1583 — John Joh. p E 1589 — Jobn Chr. s c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 — John A.B. (Cath.) 1605-6 — John Qu. s E 1605 A.B. (? 1607-8); A.M. 1611 — [John] Em. p E 1607 (Matr. 'Paker') — John Trin. s E 1612 (?Grad. as Parkhurst) — John Em. f-c E 1616 A.B. 1619; A.M. 1623 — John Trin. s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 — John [Em. p E 164.5] — Jos Em. p E 1631 A.B. (Jes.) 1635-6 Jos Chr. p M 1645 — Luke Mag. s E 1657 — Matth C. C. f-c M 1569 — Matth C. C. f-c M 1588 — Nicb Trin. [schol. 1608] A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 — Nich Trin. s E 1623 — Phil C. C. f-c E 1556 — Phil Cla. p E 1574 A.B. 1577-8 — Phil [Qu. f-c E 1618] — Kandolph ... Chr. s E 1577 — Rich Cla. p E 1570 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 — Rich Joh. s E 1574 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 — Rich Qu. s M 1582 — Rich *Cai. p c. 1591 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597; S.T.B. — Rich *C. C. p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 ; A.M. 1600 [1610 — Rob Trin. p M 1547 — Rob A.B. 15.55-6 — Rob Qu. p L 1577-8 A.B. (*C. C.) 1581-2; A.M. 1585 — Rob Joh. p M 1607 — Rob Trin. p E 1622 [S.T.B. 1.587 ; S.T. P. 1598 — 2K„ger A.B. (Qu.) 1577-8; A..M. 1581; 1 Lord Morlcy and Moiitcuglc, lG-22. 2 Deau of Lincoln, 1013. 510 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Parker, Eoger Cla. p E 1620 — Sam Em. p E 1647 — Selwin .Em. f-c E 1617 — Tho — Tho Chr. p M 1549 — Tho [Cath. p 1558] — Tho C. C. f-c E 1570 — Tho Qu. p M 1572 — Tho Cla. s c. 1597 — Tho Chr. p E 1606 — Tho Em. p M 1631 — Tho Chr. s E 1633 — Tho Trin. p E 1641 — Tho [Em. p E 1643] — Tho Em. p M 1645 — Tho Cath. .p M 1648 — Tho Joh. p M 1653 — Walt C. C. p E 1626 — Will Khig's p E 1580 — W Pet. s L 1580- — Will, {imp.) Cla. p M 1554 — Will, {imp.) C. C. f-c E 1556 — Will (?the above) — Will [Qu. f-c 1564] — Will Mag. s E 1571 — Will *Qu. p E 1575 — Will Cla. p E 1610 — Will Joh. p E 1610 — Will — Will [Pern. 1621] — Will Mag. s E 1621 — Will Sid. p L 1623- — Will Pet. p E 1626 — Will Pem. p E 1649 — Will Qu. p L 1653- — Chr. p E 1544 — Trin. s c. 1595 — '.t.".'.7.".!'.!!!".!! cia. p m 1609 Parkes, Mich Joh. s c. 1594 — Tho Mag. p c. 1593 — Will Trin. s E 1622 Parks, Will Qu. p M 1659, Hen — John Qu. p E 1587 — John — John (?Matr. as Parker) — Mich C. C. s E 1604 — Nath Cath. f-c L 1634- — Nath Qu. s E 1657 — Rob [Em. f-c E 1647] — Stafford ... C. C. s E 1622 Pcrkyn, Geo Pem. s E 1588 Parkin, Geo. v. Perkins — ('Perkin'), Ja Em. s E 1631 — Ja [Em. s E 1633; — (Perky ng), John ... Parkvn, Tho Mag. p E 1-567 Parkin, Tho C. C. p E 1646 A.B. (Joh.) 162.3-4 A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654; S.T.P. [1671 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1535-6; A.M. 1541; S.T.B. [(*Trin.) 1548 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1646 A.B. 1652; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1657-8 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. (Jes.) 1586 A.B. 1562-3 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.M. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 4 A.B. 1657- A.M. 1661 A.M. (Mag.) 1603 (in ordo) A.B. 1597-8 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 [fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) S.T.B. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. (Trin.) 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 5 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 {1 the above)] A.B. (1539-40); A.M. (*Trin.) [1546; S.T.B. 1557 A.B. 1648-9 Mat ricidat ions and Degrees 1544 — 1659 511 Parkyn (Perkins), Will.... Parken Job. Parkinson, Chris .. Cla. Perkiu.son, ("hri.s ^^'''-g- Parkyn.s()ii, Edm. Pet. Parkin.son, Edw Pem. — Era Cla. — Gabriel — Ja King's — Ja Joh. Parkynson, Jolm Qu. — John Trin. — John Joh. Parkinson, Lanr Joh. Perkinson, Martin *Trin. Parkinson, Steph Joh. — Tho Parkynson, Tho Cla. — ■ Tho Pem. — Tho Parkinson, Tlio Jes. — Will Joh. — Will Chr. Perkinson [King's Parkington, John [Trin. Parlett, Benj Cai. — Edm Cai. — Era Chr. — Fm Cai. Parlet, Era Mag. — Nicodemns Cai. — Will Cai. Parlett, AVill Cai. — Will Cai. Parlor, Hugh King's Parman, John [C. C. Parmenter, Hen Cai. Parmeter, Tho Cai. Parnam, John Joh. Parnebye, Will Pem. Parnell, Geo Cla. — Ja Cai. Parre, Alan *King's Parr, Bart — Edw [Chr. — Elnathan ...*King's — John V. Pare — John Trin. — 'Rich — l^ich Joh. Parre, Rob Cath. — Rob Chr. — Sam Pet. PaiTatt, Chris Qu. Parrat, John Trin. Parratt, John *Trin. Parrett, Phil Joh. Parrot, Humph. ... Sid. A.B. 1541-2 ; A.M. (*Gonv.H.) 1544 s E 1544 s -M 1569 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 P M 1585 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 s E 1545 s M 1648 A.B. 1652-3, Perkinson p E 1613 A.B. (Pem.) 1578-9 s c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1606 s M 1631 A.B. 1635-6 s s E 1546 M 1551 p E 1563 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 s E 1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 s E 1555 A.B. 1558-9; A.M. 1562; S.T.B.'69 p E 1654 A.B. 1534-5; A.M. 1537; S.T.B. s M 1559 [1545, *Ti-in. s E 1575 A.B. (*Cla.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 s E 1614 A.B. 1616-7; A.xM. 1620 p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2, Perkinson; A.M. p E 1650 [1635 f-c E 1606 E 1655 p p E 1618 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 p E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 p M 1564 A.B. 1567-8, Perlet p E 1598 p E 1622 p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 s E 1569 p E 1604 p E 1643 A.B. 1646-7 p E 1575 1544] p c. 1596 A.B. 1598-9; A.^t. 1603 s M 1575 s M 1613 A.B. 1616-7, Parman s M 1575 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 s M 1567 A.B. 1570-1, Pernell p M 1642 p M 1546 A.B. 1550-1 ; A.M. 1554 ; S.T.B.'62 A.B. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); A.M. [1616 {do.) p E 1646] A.B. (Cath.) 1647; A.M. 1651 p L 1593-4 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601; S.T.B. [1614-5 s E 1659 S.T.B. 1626 (Incorn. fr. Oxf.) p E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 f-c M 1555 s M 1648 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655, 'Edw.' p M 1583 s M 1601 A.B. 1606; A.M. 1609 s M 1587 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 s M 1628 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 p E 1613 I' E 1615 [Perrot] Bishop i)f Soilor and Man, IGcio. 512 Mat7'iciilations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Paratt Parrock, Tho [Jes. Parrye, Chris Parry, Dan Cath. Parrye, Evans Qu. Parri, Gabriel Parry, (4eo [*Mag. Parrey, Hen Joh. Parry, Hen Joh. Parrye, Leon Jes. — Rich Jes. — Rich *Mag. Parrey, Rich Pem. Parry, Rob Pai-ye, Sam Trin. Parrey, Theodore ... Jes. Parry, Tho [Qu. Parrye, Will Mag. Parsevell, Rob C. C. Parson, John Chr. — John [Trin. — Tho *Pem. — Will Chr. — Will [Cai. Parsons, Edm Trin. — Edm Qu. — Phil Qu. — Phil — Rich Sid. — Simon Em. — Will Em. Parte, Ja — Paul Partesoile, John Chr. Partherick, Art Cath. Partiger, Rob Em. Partington, Edw Pem. — John Trin. — John Trin. Partinton, Rob Joh. Partington, Tho Pem. Partenton, Will Trin. Patridge, Earth Qu. Partricke, Gervase ... C. C. Partrich, Nath Qu. Patrich, Ralph Trin. Partridge, Alfred {'Alvery') Trin. Partridg, Edm Trin. Partridge, Era Cai. — Geo Pet. — John Joh. — Rob Pem. — Tha — Tho Em. — Tho Kin-'t — [Cath. — [Cath. Parvin, John Sid. Pascall, And *Qu. — John Joh. — John Em. A.:M. (C. C.) 1604 (in ordo) V L 1620-lj A.B. ( ); A.M. (Cai.) 1604 V E 1613 s M 1566 A.B. (Jes.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 1619] LL.D. 1628 s E 1628 p E 1634 f-c E 1568 P E 1566 P s s E 1615 E 1641 L 1593-4 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1617 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p M 1618] s M 1578 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 p M 1635 [Persival] p E 1620 p L 1650-r p E 1647 A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654 s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 s M 1617] V M 1578 l« L 1624-5- A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 s M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) "p E 1613] A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 E 1643] A.B. 1646-7, Persons p M 1642 A.B. (Cla.) 1646-7; A.M. 1650 A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) p M 1619 A.B. 1622-3 \L E 1645] A.B. 1649 f-c M 1616 s E 1629 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 M 1582 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591; S.T.B. p M 1656 A.B. 1658 [1605; S.T.P. 1614 s M 1573 s e. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 p E 1625 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 s M 1629 p c. 1593 [Patrich] 1> E 1565 [trige s c. 1595 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603, Pa- s E 1606 A,B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 s L 1584-5 [s E 1604] A.B. 1607-8 p E 1582 s E 1618 A.B. (Mag.) 1621-2; A.M. 1625 V M 1575 A.B. (Cath.) 1583-4 p s E 1619 E 1627 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 f-c 1645 f-c 1647 s E 1641 p p E 1647 E 1602 A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654 ; S.T.B. '61 p E 1618 Matriculations ami Degrees 1544 — 1659 513 Pascall, Rich Pern. — ll(.b Qu. Paschall, Will Pern. Pase, Rich Joh. PashHe, Chris C. C. Pashlye, John Em. Paske, Ham Cath. — iTho — Tho *aa. — Will *King^s — Will Cla. — Will *Cla. Paskfeild, John Triii. — Will Pet. Pasfeild, Will Chr. Paskf vld, Zauharias . . . *Trin. Pashheld [C. C. Pa.skyn, Tho Chr. Pasley, Chris Trin. — Chris Joh. Pasmore, Fra Cai. — Geo Chr. — Nich Joh. Paston, Edai Cla. — Hen Trin. — John Cath. — nioh [Trin. — Tho Gonv.H. — W^ill Gonv.H. — Will C. C. — Wolstan ... King's — Joh. Patchett V. Paget Pate, Edw Jes. — Hen Jes. — John Pern. Pateman, John Jes. Paten, Mercurius... Trin. Patenden, Hen Joh. Patenson, Bar Pern. — Bern — Brian Chr. Pates, H Trin. Pateson, Edw Chr. — Tho Pet. Paton, Rich Qu. Patinson, Anth Joh. Pattinson, Edw — Geo Chr. — (ierrard Trin. Patenson, Leon Chr. Pattinson, Matth Pet. Pattynson, Ralph Trin. — Rob *Trin. Patinson, Rob Pet. Pattinson, Tho Trin. — Tho Chr. Patriche, Edm C. C. }> E 1605 A.B. 1609 p M 1580 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 f-c E 1587 p E 1582 p E 1575 A.B. 1578-9, Pashley; A.M. 1582 s E 1602 A.B. (Cla.) 1605-6; A.M. 1609 s M 1642 [S.T.B. 1613; S.T.P. 1621 A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. (Cla.) 1606 ; V E 1659 A.B. 1662; A.M. 1666 V c. 1594 A.B. (? 1598-9) ; A.M. 1602 ; S.T.B. [(Cla.) 1609; S.T.P. 1618 p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 s M 1633 A.B. 1637-8 ; A.M. 1641 ; LL.D. '48 p M 1588 p E 1581 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587, Pasfield p E 1615 p M 1582 A.B. 1586-7 ; A.M. 1590, Pasfield ; 1580] [S.T.B. 1597 ; S.T.P. 1607 f^ M 1570 E 1612] A.B.1615-6; A.M. 1619; S.T.P. '38 p M 1655 A.B. 1658-9 p M 1578 E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 s E 1645 A.B. 1647-8 f-c E 1555 f-c M 1560 f-c L 1653-4 A.M. 1655 {Jil. nob.) f-c L 1645-6 p M 1546 p M 1546 [1624] A.B. 1626-7 f-c E 1575 p M 1555 p E 1637 f-c E 1636 A.B. 1637-8 s L 1588-9 [s E 1659] A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1668 p M 1567 p s M1638 M 1554 A.B. 1641-2, Pattendon A.B. (Chr.) 1580-1 (Pateson in p E 1580 (Hhe above) [ordo) p M 1562 p M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 s c. 1590 A.B.(? 1594-5); A.M. 1598; M.D. p E 1546 [1606 E 1625 [Pattison A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608, s E 1575 A.B. 1578-9, Patenson ; A.M. (Pet.) s L 1577-8 A.B. 1582-3, Patenson [1582 s M 1572 p E 1575 A.B. 1578-9 ; A.M. 1582, Patenson s M 1570 A.B. (Cath.) 1574-5 ; A.M. (Chr.) s M 1562 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 [1578 s E 1639 A.B. 1641, Pattison s E 1565 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. (*Chr.) 1572; s E 1605 * [S.T.B. 1579 s E 1558 Master of Clare, WIO. •2 Earl of Yarmouth, 1679. 65 514 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Patrick, Fra Chr. Patrycke, Giles *Jes. Patricke, Ja — John Pet. Patrick, Jolin Qu. Patryck, Rich Patricke, Rich [Cai. — Rich Pet. — Rob Joh. — Simon Pet. Pattricke, Simon Pet. Patrick, ^ Simon *Qu. Patricke, Vincent King's Patricson, Fra Patison, John Joh. Pattison, Jos Cai. — Rob Joh. Patteson, Tho Jes. Pattle, John Em. Pauer, Will Trin. Paul, Chris C. C. Pauls, Fra Em. Paul, John Cai. Paule, John — John Chr. — Rob Cla. — Tho Qu. Paul [King's — [Trin. Pauldeu, Will Jes. Paiilie, Walt Trin. Pauling, John C. C. — Rich Paute, Pet Chr. Pauw, Adrian, Sir . Pavie, John Jes. Pavy, Seth Jes. Pavye, Will Joh. Pawell, Anth C. C. Pawlett, Geo King's Paulett, John Chr. Paulet, Phil *Pet. Pawlett, Rich Em. Pawlet, Tho Cai. Pawlett, Tho *Trin. Pauley, Edm Joh. Pawlye, John Mag. Pawley, Rob Trin. _ Tho *King'3 — W Trin. Pawmes, Rich Nich.H. Pawson, Dan Qu. — Elias *Sid. Pauson, Hen Cai. Pawson, John C. C. — John *Sid. — Sam *Sid. — Sam *Sid. — Tho Cai. E 1575 E 1557 E 1579 E 1647 M 1589] E 1620 E 1622 E 1561 M 1602 E 1647 E 1607 [1574; M.D. (Cai.) 1584 A.B. 1561-2; A.M. 1565; M.L. A.M. 1624 (Incorp. fr. Edinb.) A.B. 1583-4 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1542-3; A.M. (*Joh.) 1546; [M.D. 1552-3 A.B. 1623-4 A.B. 1647-8 ; A.M. 1651 ; S.T.B. [1658 (Matr. 'Pahask') A.B. (Pern.) 1592-3 A.B. 1641-2, Pattinson M 1638 E 1652 E 1645 E 1622 L 1629-30 M 1602 E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 M 1607 L 1615-6 [Pattinson] A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1631-2 E 1640 M 1579 E 1612 1588-9] L 1648-9] E 1634 E 1570 E 1647 s E 1609 E 1614 E 1614 M 1615 M 1566 M 1572 L 1644-5] E 1609 E 1653 E 1579 [1658] E 1561 M 1580 E 1631 E 1560 M 1558 E 1555 M 1576 E 1636 c. 1593 E 1626 E 1636 E 1648 E 1650 E 1617 A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1644-5 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. (Cai.) 1650 A.M. 1625 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1612-3, Pawte A.M. 1628 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616, Powlett A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1563-4 A.B. 1579-80 [Pattison] A.B. 1639-40: A.M. 1643; S.T.B. A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1607 [1650 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643; *Joh. A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 [1644 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 Bishop of Chichester, 1680 ; Ely, 1G91. 3Iatricnlations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 515 Paxton, John Jes. s E ir)44 Pavbodie, Tho [Trin. 8 E 1648] PaV, Laur A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Pave, Tho Mag. s E 1575 Pavler, Edw Trin. p c. 1591 Paler, Edw Chr. p M 1615 — John Tnn. p L l.-i80-l Paylor, John Trin. p M 1588 — Watkinson.. Ca,i. f-c E 1628 — Watkinson.. Cla. f-c L 1650-1 Pavler, Will Trin. s E 1550 — Will Chr. p E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 Payman v. Painan Payne, Abr [Em. p E 1643] — Anth [Cai. p M 1599] — Angustine.. Pern. s L 1623-4 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 — Edm Qu. p E 1584 A.B. 1587-8, 'Parne' ; A.M. (Mag.) — Edw Joh. p M 1555 [1591 — Edw. A.B. (Cla.) 1577-8 Paine, Edw Qu. p M 1609 — Edw Qu. p E 1637 Payne, Edw Chr. p E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1647 — Elias Qu. p E 1636 A.B. 1639 — Geo C. C. s L 1580-1 A.B. (Cla.) 1585-6; A.M. 1589 — Geo Qu. p E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1635 — Geo Em. f-c M 1638 — Geo Jes. s E 1639 A.B. 1642 — Hen Cla. s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 — Hen Joh. p L 1615-6 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 — Hen Chr. p E 1639 A.B. 1641-2 — Hen [Em. p E 1657] — John Joh. s M 1567 — John C. C. s M 1575 — John Joh. p E 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. (*Mag.) 1596 — John Chr. p c. 1593 — John Joh. s E 1606 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 — John Jes. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8, 'Paynser'; A.M. 1622 — John Jes. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 — John Cai. s E 1635 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 — John Em. s M 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 — John Trin. p E 1644 — John Qu. p E 16.53 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 — Mahaleel ... Cai. p E 1615 A.B. 1620-1 Peyne, Xich King's p E 1548 [Payne] Payne, Nich Jes. p E 1576 — Paul Em. s E 1627 Paine, Pet Em. s M 1634 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 Payne, Rich Qu. p E 1545 Paine, Rich [Qu. p E 1646] Payne, Rob [Cai. p E 1587] — Rob Joh. p E 1.589 A.B. 1.592-3; A.M. 1596 — Rob Pet. f-c M 1619 — Rob Trin.H. s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Paine, Steph Pem. s M 1645 [fr. Mag.] A.B. 1647 Payne, Tho Trin.H. p M 1551 — Tho Joh. s M 1562 — Tho Joh. p E 1.576 — Tho Joh. p L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4 — Tho Cai. p E 1580 — Tho C. C. s c. 1593 — Tho [Qu. H M 1595] 516 Matric xlation s a nd De(^ irees 1544 — 1659 Payne, Tho Qu. s E 1611 A.B. (Jes.) 1614-5; A.M. 1618 Paines, Tho Cai. p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8, Payne; A.M. 1641 Payne, Walt Chr. p M 1544 W Cla. s E 1571 __ Will Qu. p E 1576 A.B. 1579-80 [1585 iWill Cla. s M 1579 A.B. (Qu.) 1581-2; A.M. (Cath.) . . iWill . Mag. p L 1579-80 A.B. (Cai.) 1583-4; A.M. 1587 |f w . Joh. p E 1582 Will . C. C. p M 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 Will Pern. p E 1619 Will C. C. p E 1620 A.B. 1622-3 WA\.{sen.).. . Jes. p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638; S.T.P.'67 Pain, Will, ijim.) Jes. p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 Payne, Will Cai. s M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 Paine [Cath. p L 1643- 4] Paynell, John Em. p E 1606 A.B. (11609-10); A.M. 1G13 — (' Pannell '), John . . . Jes. f-c E 1655 Rob . Chr. p M 1617 \ Rob. {imp.) Jes. p M 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 Painter, Nehemiah . . . Em. p E 1631 A.B. (Trin.) 1635-6 Paynter, Owen . Jes. s E 1623 [1581 ; S.T.B. 1590 Rob Chr. p E 1575 A.B. (Mag.) 1577-8; A.M. (Chr.) Solomon . . A.B. (King's) 1579-80 Will Joh. s M 1554 W Chr. s E 1583 Payton v. also Peyton Hen . Em. p c. 1593 Paighton, John . Qu. f-c c. 1594 [Payton] Payton, Rob *King's p E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616; S.T.B. Rob . [Jes. f-c L 1625- 6] [1629, Peyton Rob . Joh. s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30, Peyton; A.M. 1633 Sam . Chr. p E 1631 Tho . Gonv.H Trin. s p M 1548 E 1614 A.P>. 1616-7 _ Will Peach, Hen Jes. p E 1569 A.B. 1572-3, Peeche John Mag. p M 1632 Pecham, Edm . Chr. s E 1575 Peacham, Hen Trin. s c. 1592 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 Peecham, Ja . Joh. p M 1588 Peacham, John V. Peckham Tho . Trin. p M 1638 Peachell (Pechel), Geo. .. . Joh. s E 1573 John . Jes. p E 1615 A.B. 1618-9 ; AM. 1622 ; S.T.B. '30 2John .*Mag. p M 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653; S.T.B. Pechell, Will . Jes. p E 1615 [1661 ; S.T.P. 1680 Petchy, Edw Pern. p M 1580 Pecheye, John Jes. p L 1581- 2 Peach ie, John Joh. s M 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Peachey, John Joh. s E 1627 A.B. 1629-30 John Cai. p E 1631 Peacliy, John [Joh. s E 1649; ?the next] Peachey, John Qu. b L 1649- JO] A.B. 1652; A.M. 1656 Petchie, Jos Chr. s E 1607 Peachie (' Peacy '), Josias Joh. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 Peachey, Rich C. C. s c. 1591 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 Pechye, Peachye, Rob Cla. p M 1565 [S.T.B. (Joh.) 1597 Rob Jes. s M 1571 A.B. 1575-6, Pechie; A.M. 1579; Peachie, Rob Cai. [p E 1601] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 Some uncertainty as to tlie degrees. Master of Magdalene, 1679. Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 16: Al Peachy, Peachie, Petchie, Rob Cai. Roger Trin. Sam *Joh. Tho *rem. Peche (Pechy), Will *Joh. Peachie (' Peactur '), Will. Joh. Peacock, Peacoke, Peacock, Pecoke, Pecocke, Peacock, Pecock, Peacock, Pecocke, Peccocke, Peacock, Pecock, Pead, Peade, Pead, Peede, Pead, Pede, Peade, Peagrim, Peake, Peeke, Peake, Peeke, Peake, Pcke. Peale, Peele, Benj. Cha. Chris- Geo. Hen. Qu. Trin. Trin. Chr. Em. Jerome Pet. John Trin. Oliver Qu. Rich Qu. Simon Trin. ■Tho Tho. Tho. Will. W. .. Will. AYill. Will. And. . Geo. . Mich. . Mich. . Rob. . Tho. . Tho. . Will. . Dan. . Dan. . Gregory Trin. Hen. V. Peeke . Trin. . Pem. , Chr. , Joh. , Trin. , Pem. . King's [Qu. , Chr. , [C. C. , Chr. , C. C. ,*Em. , C. C. , [Joh. , Qu. , Joh. Joh. Pele, Peel Peele, Peale, Peele Pearce, v. Perse Peare v. Pare Humph. John ... John ... Rich. ... Sam. ... Tho Tho Tho Tho W Chris. , Edw. ..., Era. ... John ..., Nich Rob Tho AVill , Trin. . Pet. . Joh. . Trin. . Cath. . Trin. , C. C. . Cai. . Ccxi. . Je.s. . Qu. . Em. . Joh. Cla. Pem. '*Cla. Cla. Nich. p E 1628 p ^r 16^7 P M 1614 s E 1577 M 1.582 E 1626 E 1647 M 1642 M 1572 M 1601 E 1626 M 1571 M 1566 E 1622 E 1631 M 1572 1595 1626 15.55 1575 1614 1626 1644 1602] 1648 1561] 1615 1618 1649 1563 1634] 1577 1616 1642 1636 M 1613 E 1623 M 1648 M 1571 1641] M 1578 E 1618 E 1629 E 1646 M 1562 M 1608 E 1608 E 1610 E 1652 M 1586 s E 1627 p c. 1595 s E 1544 A.B. 1631-2 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 ; S.T.B.'29 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 (Matr. [Peche) A.B.1586-7; A.M.1590; S.T.B.'97 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1576-7 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1574-5; A.B. 1570-1; A.B. 1625-6; A.B. 1634-5: A.B. 1576-7' A.B. 153.3-4: A.M. 1578 A.M. 1574 A.M. 1629 A.M. 1638; S.T.P. [1661 {Lit. Reg.) __ _ A.M. (*Joh.) 1537; [S.T.B. 1553-4, *Qu. 1557 A.B. 1601-2 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1559-60 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1647- A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. (Joh.) 1580-1, Pegrem A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1658 [S.T.P. 1633 A.B. 1616-7, 'Drake'; A.M. 1621; A.B. 1626; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1620-1 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 (Matr. A.B. 1613-4 [Peles) A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1543-4; [?A.M. 1547], *Chr. A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1598-9 (? Robert, above) 1 rresidout of Queens', lo.")7. 518 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Peare, Matth [King's M 1637] Pearks, John Joh. s E 1639 Pearson, Abr Trin. p M 1629 A.B. 1632 [Peirson] [1550-1 Person, And *C. C. [1541] A.B. 1541-2; A.M. 1544; S.T.B. Pearson, Chris Mag. s L 1597-8 A.B. 1601-2, Person; A.M. 1605 — Cuthb *King's p M 1610 A.B. [1613-4]; A.M. 1618 ; S.T.B. Person, Edm. (' Edw.') Joh. p E 1604 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 [1627 Peirson, Edm Trin. s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1635 Person, Edw Em. p E 1609 [Pierson] Pearson, Hen Cla. p E 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 Person, Hen Trin. p E1604 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611, Peirson Peirson, Hen Pet. p E 1617 [Peerson] Pearson, Hen King's s E 1650 [fr. Cai.] A.B. (Cai.) 1653-4; A.M. — Ja Joh. f-c c. 1592 [1657 — [Person], Ja Qu. s c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1607 Peirson, Ja Cla. s E 1616 Pereson, John Mich.H. s M 1544 Peerson, John Qu. s E 1571 Person, Uohn C. C. p M 1578 A.B. 1582-3, Peerson Peerson, iJohn Pet. s E 1579 A.B. (Cla.) 1582-3 Person, John King's s c. 1590 — John Sid. p E 1606 [Pearson] [S.T.P. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) Pearson, 2 John King's p E 1632 [fr. Qu.] A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639; Person, John Trin. p M 1648 A.B. 1651, Peirson — Martin King's p M 1648 Peirson, Mathias ... Chr. s L 1645-6 _ Miles Cla. s E 1629 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1635 Pearson, Nich Joh. p E 1584 — Rich Trin. s E 1577 Person, Rich A.B. (Pem.) 1610-1 Pearson, Rich Jes. f-c M 1615 _ Rich A.B. (Joh.) 1622-3; A.M. 1626 _ Rich Joh. s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 _ Rich [Mag. p L 1646-7] [1661 {Lit. Reg.) Person, Rich *King's p E 1647 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654; S.T.P. Pearson, Rich Joh. p E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 Person, Rob Cla. s E 1571 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 Pearson, Rob *Qu. s E 1588 A.B. (?1591-2) ; A.M. 1.595 ; S.T.B. [(King's) 1603 ; S.T.P. (Qu.) 1609 Pierson, Rob [Trin.H. schol. 1605] A.B. (*Pet.) 1609-10; A.M. 1613 Pearson, Rob Sid. s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 Peirson, Rob Qu. s E 1642 [Pearson] Pearson, Rob Sid. s E 1646 A.B. 1649, Person; A.M. 1653 Peirson, Sam Trin. s E 1620 Pearson, Sam Joh. s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 Pierson, Tho Joh. p M 1566 Person, Tho Jes. s M 1582 A.B. 1585-6 ; A.M. 1589, Pearson Peerson, Tho Pet. p L 1582-3 Pearson, Tho Em. [p E 1589] A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 _ Tho A.B. (Trin.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600 Person, Tho [Cai. s E 1605] Peirson, Tho Joh. M 1611 — Tho .. Joh. p E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623, Pearson Pearson, Tho Chr. p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1631 . _ Tho Joh. f-c E 1650 _ W Pet. f-c M 1564 Person, Will Pem. p L 1580-1 A.B. (Chr.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588 _ ' Will Em. s E 1589 1 Olio of these A.M. (Pet.) 1586. i Master of Jesus, 1660 ; Trinity, 1662 ; Lady Margaret Professor of Divimty, 1661 ; Bishop of Chester, 1673. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 519 Person, Will Catb. Peirson, Will, {imp.) . Mag. Pearson, Will Jes. — [Em. Peart v. Pert Peartrco, Edw C'ai. — Edw Chr. — Rob Jes. Pease, Edw Pern. — John Em. — Jos Mag. — Ro Qu. — Will Em. Peason, Rob Pet. Peble, Steph. v. Pipple Pel.yls, Tho Trin. Pefhell V. Peachell Pocke, Ananias Trin. I'euk, Benj Em. Pecke, Edw Cai. — Era C. C. — Giles Chr. — Hen Chr. — Hen Em. — iohn {imp.) . Qu. — John Pern. — iJohu *Joh. Peck, Oliver Sid. Pecke, Rich Sid. Peck, Rich [Qu. — [Rich.] Pern. Pecke, Rob Peck ('Pack';, Rob Joh. — Sam Em. Pecke, Simon Triu. Peck, Simon Sid. Pecke, Steph Trin. — Tho C. C. Peck, Tho Cai. Pecke, Tho [Jes. — Tho Cai. — Will C. C. — Will Sid. Peck, Will [Qu. — Will Sid. — [Em. Pecker, Edw [Em. Peckett, Rob C. C. Pecket, Will Trin. Peckham('Peacliam'),John Em. Peckam, John Pem. Pockhani, Reg Qu. Peckman, John Sid. Peckover, John *C. C. Pecot, Tho Jes. Pedder, Isaac Cai. — 2john — John Sid. — Pet Trin.H. 1 Esquire Beacll, 1669. s p E 1614 E 1658 V E 1659 A.B. 1660 ji E 1604X; \v E 1614] A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 s E 1649 A.B. 1652-3 [s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 p M 1576 [l> E 1616 A.B. 1620-1 1> E 1648 s M 1561 [s E 1589' A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1597 p M 1616 [Pesinge] s E 1586 s E 1626 s E 1629 V E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 [1628 A.B. 1628; A.M. (Chr.) 1632 s L 1579-80 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 s L 1563- -4 A.B. 1567-8 (Matr. Peake) f-c E 1613 s M 1545 p E 1619 A.B. 1622 s M 1655 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 p M 1639 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 V E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1624 P L 1621- -2] P E 1623 (Matr. 'Feck') A.B. (Cath.) 1598-9; A.M. (Mag.) s E 1648 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 [1603 s E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 s E 1617 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 p E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 s E 1575 p E 1575 f-c E 1609 8 E 1624 A.B. (Em.) 1627-8; A.M. 1631 P M 1655 P 1> E 1574 E 1606 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 P E 1640' f« E 1659 A.B. 1662-3 P E 1633 ]) E 1629j 1> E 1645 A.B. 1648-9 s E 1611 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 p E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 p M 1612 A.B. 1616; A.M. 1620 f-c E 1587 [Prickham] [man] A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 [Pike- p E 1607 ]) M 1625 A.B. 1628-9 ; A.M. 1632 ; S.T.B.'40 s M 1615 p E 1647 [S.T.B. (*Trin.) 1551 A.B. 1538-9; A.M. (*Pet.) 1542; 1) E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 p M 1652 [prev. at Sid.] ~ Dean of Worcester, l.')GO. 520 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Pedder, Roger C. C. — Will Trill. Pedley, Hen Cla. Pedly, John Qu. — Nich Qu. Pedley, Nicli Qu. — Rich Qu. Pedyngton, The Chr. Peel V. Peale Peere, Lett? Trin. — Will Qu. Peete, Era *Eni. — Hen. V. Pight Peat, John Joh. Peete, John Qu. — Rob Em. Pegeon, Cha Gonv.H. Pegge, Abr [C. C. Pegg, Chris Joh. — Edw Joh. Pegge, Rich Chr. Peguame, Rob Joh. Peighen v. Pigheu Peirce, Peirse o. Perse Pelham, Anth Em. — Cha Mag. — Geo Chr. — Hen Trm. — Herb Qu. — Herbert — John {imp.) . Qu. — John ., Sid. — John Em. — Tho Qu. Pellam, Tho Em. Pellum, Tho Qu. Pelham, Tho — Waldegrave. [Qu. Pellam, Will Em. Pell, Anth C. C. — Barth Sid. — Dan Joh. — Edw Qu. — Geo. — John Joh, — John Mag. — John Pet. — John Trin. — John [Pet. — Joshua Mag. — Joshua Cla. _ Ralph Chr. ; — Rich Joh. — Rich Pet. _ Rob Trin. — Rob Mag. _ Tho Sid. ■ — Tho Sid. _ Tho [Mag. Pelle, Valentine ... Joh. Pell, Valentine ... Pet. s M 1615 s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 p E 1544 s c. 1590 \v E 1590] A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 ; A.M. 1671 {Lit. Reg.) p M 1567 P M 1571 s E 1602 p E 1588 [Pery] V E 1650 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 p E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 p M1555 1656] p E 1659 A.B. 1662 V E 1639 s M 1624 A.B. 1628; A.M. 1632 f-c E 1560 [f-c E 1615] A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1624 f-c M 1640 1^ E 1651 (Matr. 'Patham') f-c E 1615 f-c M 1562 A.B. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1549 f-c M 1601 f-c E 1640 f-c M 1561 f-c M 1615 p M 1646 A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c E 1647] f-c M 1615 f-c M 1601 p M 1611 s E 1651 f-c E 1606 A.B. (Mag.) 1624-5 1) M 1578 [Migr. to Cai. E 1580] s c. 1596 A.B. (Jes.) 1598-9 p E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 s E 1624 A.B. 1629 p E 1635] V E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 E 1656 A.B. 1658-9 ]'> E 1647 p M 1560 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 p M 1578 ]) E 1659 A.M. 1677 {Lit. Reg.) [p E 1599] A.B. (11602-3); A.M. 1606 p M 1611 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. (*Pct.j 1619; 1> E 1658] [S.T.B. 1628 p p E 1572 E 1604 A.B. 1574-5 Matriculations and Degrees 1544— 1659 521 Pell, Will Pem. s E 1579 — Will (?the above) — Will Cla. s E 1625 — Will Trin. p M 1(539 — Will *Mag. s E 1651 — [Chr. 1564] Pelland, Edw Trin. p c. 1595 Pellett, Rich C. C. p E 1549 Felling, Edw *Trin. [1658] Pelsaut, Hen Cath. s E 1624 — ('Pelsett'), John ... Trin. s E 1612 — Rob Pem. p M 1633 Pelsatt, Gavi C. C. s M 1554 Pelset, Chris Cla. p E 1575 — Edw King's p E 1606 — Will Cla. p M 1570 Pelson, Rich Mag. p L 1564-5 Peraber, John Pemberton, Adam Em. p M 1644 — Era Em. p M 1644 — Goddard ... Job. p E 1631 — John Chr. s E 1605 — John Chr. p E 1631 — Lewes Chr. p c. 1592 — Matthias ...*Trin. s M 1645 — Rich *Pem. p E 1602 — Rich Trin. [schol. 1605] — Rob Em. p E 1639 — Roger Job. s E 1572 — Will *Pem. s M 1568 — Will Chr. p c. 1592 — Will *Chr. s c. 1594 — Will — Will Pem. s E 1631 Pemble (Pembe), Steph.... Joh. p E 1576 — Steph [C. C. 1646] — Tho Trin. s c 1591 — [C. C. 1590] Pembroke, Will., Earl of Pembxydge, Tho Trin. s M 1569 Pendarvice, John King's f-c E 1652 Pende, Tho Chr. p E 1559 Pendlebm-y, Hen Chr. s E 1645 Pendleberry, Nich Chr. p E 1611 Pendleton, Edm Cai. p M 1602 Pendilton, Geoff. Jes. s M 1573 Pendleton, Will, {imp.) Pem. .s M 1657 Pendock, Gervase Joh. s E 1621 — Will Em. p E 1640 Pendred, Chris Jes. p E 1548 — John Joh. p L 1637-8 Pendrith, Cha *Sid. s E 1623 Penlowe, Hen. v. Spendlow Pen, Uav Sid. s E 1627 Penn, John Qu. p E 1577 — John C. C. p c. 1593 — John Trin. s E 1614 Pen, John [C. ( '. 1634] Penn, John Cath. s L 1653-4 — Jonat C. C. p M 1646 A.B. (Mag.) 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 [1690 {Com. Reg.) A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665; S.T.P. A.B. (*Trin, H.) 1626-7; A.M. [1630; S.T.B. 1638 A.B. (Pet.) 1615-6; A.M. 1619; [S.T.B. 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1577-8 A.B.1573-4; A.M. 1577; S.T.B. '85 A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1644-5 [Adm. Pet. L 1644-5] A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576; S.T.B. '83 A.B. 1595-6 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 ; S.T.P.'21 A.B. (Chr.) 1607-8 A.B. 1634; A.M. 1638 A.B. (Mag.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.M. 1612-3 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1569-70 A.B. 1648 A.B. 1614; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1577-8, 'Godfrey' ; A.M. 1581 A.B. 1660; A.M. 1665 A.B. (Cath.) 1625 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. (Cla.) 1647 A.B. (Pet.) 1640-1 A.B. 1626-7 ; A.M. 1630 ; S.T.B. '37 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1617-8 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 522 Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Penn, Rob [Trin. — Tho Qu. Pennant, Dav Qu. Pennill, John Mag. Penninge, Anth Cla. — Hen Pem. Peninge, John King's Penning, Phil Qu. — Rob [C. C. Peney, Phil Era. Pennye, Tho *Trin. Penny, Will Trin. Pennington, Isaac Em. — Isaac Cath. — John Joh. — Jos Trin. Penington, Will Trin. Penniston, Anth Pet. — Anth Sid, Penycooke, Isaac Trin. Penyfather, Matth C. C. Penefather, Will Joh. Pennyman, Tho *Pet. Penrose, John Trin. _ [Cath. Penruddocke, Edw *King's Penrodocke, John Chr. Penruddock, John Penre, Traherne {imp.) Pet. Penry, John Pet. Pensackes, Cuthbert ... Chr. Penson, Rob Trin. Penston, Martin Joh. Pent Joh. Pentloe, Tho Cla. Pentlowe, Will Jes. Pentlow, Will Cath. Penton, Edw Sid. Penven, John Qu. Peors, Will Joh. Pepill V. also Pipell — Will Trin. Peper, Anth Trin. — Chris Trin. Pepper, Chris Chr. — Chris Chr. — Chris [Chr. — Cuthbert ... Chr. — Hen C. C. — John Chr. — John Jes. — John Chr. — John [Chr. — Josias Joh. Peper, Rob Trin. Pepper, Rob Chr. — Rob Cai. — Rob *Chr. E 1637] E 1546 E 1623 E 1621 E 1614 M 1627 E 1577 M 1616 1629] E 1629 E 1550 [fr, c. 1596 E 1616 E 1637 E 1618 E 1634 M 1575 M 1627 E 1656 E 1573 M 1571 M 1547 E 1631 E 1637 1640] M 1633 E 1560 M 1561 M 1580 M 1565 L 1557-8 E 1658 M 1614 1633 1577- 1634 1644 1565 M 1624 c. 1596 E 1568 M 1583 c. 1596 E 1627 E 1658] E 1649 c. 1594 E 1555 E 1573 c. 1596 E 1651] E 1612 E 1577 c. 1595 E 1610 E 1651 Peppin, Ephraim Peppen, Geo Qu. Qu. M 1627 M 1635 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1630-1 Qu.] A.B. 1551-2; A.M. 1559 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1621-2 A.B. 1579-80 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1658-9 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638; S.T.P. [1661 {Lit. Reg.) [A.B. 1637] A.M. 1616 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1583-4, Penfry A.B. 1569-70, 'Peseke' A.B. 1661-2 A.B. 1580-1, Pentloe; A.M. 1584 A.B. (Pem.) 1647 A.B. 1567-8 [Pible (in ordo) A.B. (1599-1600) ; A.M. 1603, A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1599-1600 A.B. 1631-2 A.B. 1652-3 A.B. 1598-9 A.B. 1599-1600 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658; LL.D. [1664 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 Matriculations ami Degrees 1544 — 1659 523 Peppin, Zachaeus ... Trin. Pepys (Pepes), Apollo ... Joh. Pepi)s, Dan Pet. Pepes, Edw Cla. — Fennor Joh. Pepys, Fennor Chr. — John Pepes, John Cla. Peapes, John Pet. Pepys, John Chr. — John *C. C. — Nich Mag. Peps, Rich Joh. Peapis, Rich Chr. Peapes, Rich Pet. Pepys ('Peoys'), Rich. ... Chr. Pepes, Rob Em. Pepys, Rob *Qu. Pepps, Roger Chr. Pepia, Sam Pet. Pepys, Sam Chr. Peapys, Sam Mag. Peapes, Talbot King' Peps, Talbot [Trin.H Peaps, Tho Cla. Peapes, Tho Pet. Pevps, Tho Trin. Pepes, Will Cai. Peeps {major) Joh. — (minor) Joh. Pepwell, Hen Trin. Pepwall [Em. Percell, John Qu. Persell, Nath Trin. Perchard, Rich [Sid. Pei-sival, John *Qu. Percival, John Mag. Perse vail, Rich Trin. Persevell, Rob Percifall, Tim Pet. Percy, 'Algernon ... Joh. Percye, Edw Cla. Percy, Rich [Cai. Percye, Tho Pet. Perdrius, John [Peni. Periam, John Pet. Perriam, Rich C. C. Periam, Sam Joh. Periant, Humph. ... Cla. Perient, Tho Cla. Pcrier, John v. Du Perier Periman, Tho C. C. Peryn, Reg Pet. Perin, Tho Cai. Perinam (? Pern), John ... Chr. Perkinderen, Abr Pem. Perkins, Adrian I oh. Pirkins, Edw Cath. Perkins [Parkin], Geo. ... Joh. p t. V E p E p L p c. p M . schol. 1625 1591 1652 1579 1565 1656 1575 1604 1636 1645- 1595 1550 1601 1604 1620 1629 1657 1635 1617 1640 1651 1595 1601] 1570 1589 1641 1622 1544 1544 1575 1584] 1569 1631 1601] 1563 1646 1562 p c. 1593 f-c E 1615 p E 1583 f-c M 1594] p M 1579 1647; s M 1613 s c. 1596 s E 1624 p M 1612 p U 1609 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1597-8 A.B. 1656-7 A.B. (*Cai.) 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1546-7 A.B. 1577-8 LL.B. (*Trin. H.) 1641 ; LL.D. 1647 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609, Pepys A.B. 1607-8 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1658-9 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 [fr. Trin. H.] A.B. 1653-4 ; A.M. 1660 ? fr. King's A.B. 1574-5, Pepis; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648, Peypes A.B. 1625; A.M. 1631 A.B, 1572-3, Parsell; A.M. 15< A.B. 1565-6, Percivall ; A.M. 1569 ; A.B. 1648-9 [S.T.B. 1576 A.B. 1543-4; A.M. 1547; S.T.B. [1553-4 A.M. 1616 {Jil. nob.) ? Perreere] A.B. 1616; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 E 1589 E 1557 M 1579 E 1553 E 1621 c. 1593 M 1638 M 1589 A.B. 1596-7; A.B. 1642-3: A.M. 1600 A.M. 1046 A.B. (Cai.) 1593-4 1 Earl of Nortliumbcrlund, 1G3"2. 524 Matriculatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Perkins, Hen Joh. — Ja [Qu. — John Joh. — OHver Chr. — Rich C. C. — Rich [Jes. Parkins, Sam Perkin, The Cai. Perkins, Tho Sid. — Tho Joh. — Will. V. also Parkin Perkvus, Will *Chr. Perkins, Will Chr. — Will Qu. — Will Em. _ Will Em. — Will Em. — Will Chr. — Will [Joh. — Zachary Chr. Pernbie, Will Pet. Perne, ^And — And *Pet. Pearne, And *Pet. — And Pet. Perne, And Pet. — And Pet. — Chris Qu. — Heigham ... Pet. Pern, John Pet. — 2john Joh. Pearne, Rich *Pet. Perne, Rich Pet. Pearne, Rob Pet. Perne, Tho *Pet. _ Tho Pet. — Tho Pet. Pern [C C. Pernham, Rich *C. C. Perning, John [Jes. Perpoynte, Chris Pet. — Edm — Hen Jes. — H Trin.H. Parpointe, John Trin. Perpoynte, John Joh. Pierrepoint, Rob [Joh. Perreere, John Pern. Perrincheife, Rich King's Perring, John Jes. Perrins, John Joh. Perroger, Phil Perrott, Cha Perrot, Geo [Sid. _ Humph. ... [Sid. Rich Sid. _ Rich *Sid. — Rob Perrye, Hen Qu. E 1624 E 1G26] M 1659 A.B. 1663-4 E 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 E 1632 L 1633-4] [1574, Perkins A.B. (Joh.) 1570-1 ; A.M. (C. C.) L 1599-1600] A.B. 1603-4 ; A.M. 1607, Parkin E 1618 E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 E 1577 E 1608 E 1621 E 1624 M 1625 M 1627 E 1646 M 1649] E 1613 E 1577 E 1582 c. 1593 L 1593-4 M 1613 E 1623 E 1544 M 1654 c. 1591 E 1658 M 1564 E 1581 E 1577 M 1573 E 1625] M 1655 1569] [1596] L 1647-8] E 1569 M 1552 M 1561 c. 1593 E 1629 M 1655] E 1647 L 1637-8 E 1648 E 1613 E 1616 E 1615 E 1603 E 1645 M 1576 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. (Chr.) 1627-8 A.B. 1631-2 [Parkins] A.B. 1616-7; A.M. (Cath.) 1620 [1540 ; S.T.B. 1547 ; S.T. P. 1551-2 A.B. (*Joh.) 1537-8; A.M. (*Qu.) A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 [1622 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621, *Cath. A.B. 1626-7 ; A.M. 1631 ; LL.D. '40 A.B. 1655-6; A.B. 1593-4: A.B. 1661-2; A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1659 A.M. 1597 A.M. (*Pet.) A.M. 1571 1665 1584 Master of Peterhouse, ir>5i ; Dean of Ely, 1557. A.B. (C. C.) 1580-1 ; A.M. A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1657-8 A.B. (?1602-3); A.M. 1606; S.T.B. [1614 A.B. 1536-7; A.M. (*Chr.) 1540; [S.T.B. 1548 A.B. (*Mag.) 1641-2 ; A.M. 1645 ; [S.T. P. 1663 A.B. 1616-7 ; A.M. 1620 [Charles) A.M. 1612-3 (On visit of Prince A.M. 1659 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [S.T.B. 1614 A.B. 1604-5 ; A.M. 1608, ' Pcxott' ; A.B.1648-9;A.M. 1652; S.T.B. '59 M.B. (Mag.) 1642 Es(iuire Beilfll, 1GS3. Matricidations and Degrees 1544- 1659 525 Perry, Ja Mag. P E 1628 John Qu. P c. 1590 John C. C. s E 1646 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1653 Pery, Jonat [Em. E 1634 Perry, Jos Joh. s M 1656" Phil Em. p E 1629' A.B. (Cla.) 1632-3; A.M. 1636 Perrye, Rich 'Cla. p E 1578 A.B. 1581-2, Peery; A.M. 1587 Perye, Rob C. C. s E 1571 Periy, The Cai. p E 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1613 — Tho Mag. p E 1623 A.B. 1627; A.M. 1631 Perye, W Cla V E 1581 Perrye, Will Cai. P M 1582] Persale, Tho Joh. p M 1551 Perse, Art Cai. p M 1619 A.B. 1622-3 Cadwallader Joh. s M 1631 A.B. 1635-6, Piers Perce, Dav Joh. s M 1648 [Peers] Peirce, Edra Trin.H s E 1633 [fr.X\ C.T LL.B. 1635; LL.D. 1639 Peerse, Edw Joh. p E 1577 Peirce, Edw Joh. s M 1639 [Piers] Peers, Edw Ou. s M 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1664 Pearse, Geo *Kiug's [schol. 16221 A.B. 1625-6, Pierce; A.M. 1629 Pierce, Geo. Gilb.... [Joh. f-c M 1648 ; fr. Oxf.] Peirse, Griffyn Joh. s E 1631 A.B. 1633-4, Pyerse Peers, Hen Jes. s E 1585 Peirce, Hen *Kinsfs p E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 — Hen C. C. p M 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642, Peerse Peers, John Joh. M 1572 Pearce, John Pet. p M 1581 Perce, John C. C. p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 Peirs, John Joh. s M 1602 Peirse, John Cai. p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4, Pearse Peirce, John King's E 1622 Pearce, John Sid. p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Peerse, John C. C. p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1642 Peirce, John Cath. s M 1641 A.B. 1645-6 Peirse, John Cath. p E 1651 Perse, Jonas Cai. p M 1645 [Peers] Peers, Laur Joh. s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1658, Peares Perse, Martin *Cai. p M 1633 A.B. 1637; A.M. 1641 Peirse, Rich Chr. p E 1614 A.B. 1617; A.M. 1621, Pearce Rich Chr. p E 1620 Peers, Rich Qu. E 1651 A.B. 1654; A.M. 1662 Peirce, Rob *King's p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 [Perse Pearse, Sam Qu. p E 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. (C. C.) 1591, Pearce, Sam C.C. [1590 E 1619; A.B. (? 1593-4); A.M. 1597 Peirce, iSam Em. [p A.B. 1622; A.M. 1628 Pearce, 'Sam A.M. (Em.) 1631 [M.D. 1581 Perse, Steph * Cai. s M 1565 A.B. 1568-9, Persay; A.M. 1572; Pearse, Steph * Trin. [.schol. 1611] A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616; S.T.B. [1623; S.T.P. 1630 Peirce, Steph Cai. p E 1658 A.B. 1661; A.M. 1665 Peirse, Theoph Em. P M 1652 A.B.1655-6; A.M. 1659; S.T.P. '82 Pierce, Tho [Jes. V E 1621] Peirse, Tim Chr. f-c E 1628 A.B. 1630; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1634 Perse, Valentine ... Cai. p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 Pearse, W Chr. p E 1560 Pears, W. Chr. 8 E 1588 Pearce, Will Sid. s E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1660, Perse Will Cai. f-c M 1656 Probably the same man ; A.M. degree deferred. 526 Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Peirse, Will Em. p Pearce, Will *King's p Persell, John v. Percell Perse3% Nich Trin. p Persley, Ralph Trin. s Person v. Pearson Perswall, Art Mag. p Peart, Chris Joh. p Pert, Fra Cai. s — Geo Joh. p — Rob Cath. s Perte, Staph Chr. s Pearte, Will Trin. p Pert [Cath. p Perusinus, Peter (Bizarri) Pescod, Earth Pern. s Peseke, Cuthbert v. Pensackes Pesinge v. Reason Pestell, John Cai. a — Tho Qu. s — Tho Chr. p — Will Qu. s Petchell, John v. Peachell Peter (Peters), Gerard ...*Trin. p Peters, Fra Pet. p — Hugh Trin. s — John King's s — Rich *King's p — Will C. C. p Peterson, Rob Pet. p — Will *Trin. p Petingale, Sam Chr. s Petinger, Gervase Trin. p — Will Trin. p Petley, Elias Pet. p — Godfrey Pet. [1618; Petlye, Tho King's p Petrye, Mark Trin. s Rett, Pet Sid. p — Phinea.s Em. p Petter v. also Pytter — Geo Trin. s — John Trin. p — John *Joh. s — John Trin. p — Tho Trin. p Pettifer, John [Rem. s — Rob Chr. s Pettefer, Will Chr. [s Pettis, Aug., Sir ... — Austin Joh. f-c Petit, Caleb Rem. p Pettitt, Edm Chr. s Pottit, Edw Joh. s Pettitt, Elias Em. p Petit. Fra Jes. p Petti t, Hen Trin. p Petit, John [Cai. p Pettit, John Cla. s — Rob Cla. s Pettitt, Sam Cath. s E 1656 A.B. 1659-60, Peers E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 E 1575 A.B. 1578-9 (Matr. Pearcye) M 1572 E 1648 A.B. 1651-2, Percivall c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 L 1578-9 A.B. (Cath.) 1581-2, Peart E 1639 E 1649 (Matr. Purttj E 1652 M 1565 M 1644] A.B. (*Joh.) 1548-9 E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 E 1611 A.B. 1613-4 [Pesle) E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 (Matr. M 1628 A.B. (Qu.) 1632-3; A.M. 1636 E 1631 A.B. 1634; A.M. 1638 M 1582 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 M 1562 M 1613 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1622 M 1602 M 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1624 M 1579 E 1610 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 E 1606 A.B. (11609-10); A.M. 1613; S.T.B. E 1574 [1620; S.T.P. 1625 E 1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 M 1560 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569 E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 fr. Trin.] A.B. 1626 M 1615 M 1555 L 1645-6 A.B. 1647-8 E 1587 A.B. (? 1591-2) ;A.M. 1595, 'Potts' E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609, Peter E 1615 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 E 1627 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633; S.T.B. E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 [1641 E 1635 A.B. 1638-9 L 1647-8] E 1647 M 1644] A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1612-3 (On visit of Prince E 1598 [Charles) M 1573 A.B. (Joh.) 1577-8 E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 E 1649 E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 M 1571 E 1613 E 1574] E 1587 E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 M 1640 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 527 Pettit, Tho Ck. Petit, Tho Em. Pettite, Will Pet. Pettit, AVill Job. Petto, Sam Cath. Petts, Will Trill. H. Pettus, John Pein. — Rich Chr. — Tho Cai. — Tho [C. C. Pettward, Rich Pern. Petti ward, Roger [Joh. Pettye, Sam Chr. Petty, Will Chr. Pettie, Will Jes. Petwerd, Simon Pem. Pettward, Simon Pern. Petzell, John Qu. Peverell, Rob Cla. Pevings, Rob Jes. Pewe, Tho Jes. Peyton r. also Payton — Algernon ... Pet. — Edw. {Sir).. — Edw — Hen Qu. — John Em. Payton, John {Sir)... Peyton, Tho Trin. — Tho [C. C. — Will Em. Phage, Era. v. Page Pharam, Rich. v. Earam Phends, John Sid. Phesant, Steph Cath. Phillhve, John V. Filbie Philip, Geo Trin. Philipp, Geo Trin. — John Em. — John Era. Phillipe, Percival Chi-. ? Philip, Ralph Joh. Phillipe, Rob Joh. PhiHp, Steph Trin. Phillipp, Will Em. — Willoughby Em. Phillip.s, And Joh. Philips, Anth Trin. — Anth Qu. — Bern Joh. Phillips, Fra Trin. H. Philips, (ieo Pet. Phillips, Geo Cai. Geo Sid. — Geo Chr. Phillipps, Humph. ... Phillips, Ja [Trin. — Jerome C. (I. — John Pet. — Jnhn Em. E 1603 E 1622 E 1623 E 1659 E 1644] E 1550 E 1632 E 1656 E 1608 1653] c. 1596 E 1648] E 1606 E 1604 E 1614 c. 1593 E 1627 M 1545 M 1564 E 1659 E 1588 M 1632 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1662-3 A.B. 1647 A.B. 1631 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 [Migr. to Sid. 1607] A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611; S.T.B. [(*Jes.) 1618 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1596-7, Pettiward; A.M. A.B. 1630-1, Pettiward [1600 A.B. 1662-3 [1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1637; A.M. 1641; S.T.P. A.M. 1618 {fil. nob.) A.B. (*Joh.) 1629-30 ; A.M. 1633 p E 1634 p E 1602 [Charles) A.M. 1612-3 (On visit of Prince p M 1615 1634] p E 1642 s E 1654 [Phenes] f-c E 1631 p M 1579 A.B. 1583-4, Philips; A.M. 1587 p M 1585 [1600; S.T.B. 1608 p E 1594 E 1600' A.B. (Cath.) 1596-7; A.M. (Cla.) s A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 p E 1606 s E 1581 A.B. 1584-5, Philips s E 1558 8 E 1565 S E 1612 f-c E 1612 [Phillips] f-c E 1641 s M 1583 P M 1587 p E 1577 A.B. (Pem.) 1582-3; A.M. 1586 f-c E 1623 f-c L 1584-5 s E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 [p M 1644; fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1644-5 p E 1646 A.M. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p L 1651-2' V c. 1592 A.B.(? 1594-5) ;A.M.(*Mag.) 1598; p c. 1592 S.T.B. 1605; S.T.P. 1622 1' E 1612 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 528 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Phillipps, John Trin. Phelips, John Trin. PhilHpps, John Joh. PhiHips, John Pet. — John C. C. — John Joh. Phihps, Jos [King's PhiUipi^s, Nath Cai. Phihps, Ohver Jes. — Oliver Cai. Phihpps, Ealph Chr. PhilHpps, Rees Joh. Philhps, Rich Pet. Philips, Ro Pet. — Rob Trin. — Rob Cai. — Rob King's Phillips, Rob Jes. Philips, Roger Joh. Phillips, Roger Philipps, Rowland ... Em. Phillipps, Sam C. C. — Theodore ... Pem. Phylips, Tho Trin. Phillips, Tho Chr. — Tho — Tho Trin. — Tho — Tho Cai. — Tho Pet. Phihps, Tho Cath. Phillips, Tho Pet. — W Chr. — Walt Em. — Will Qu. — WiU Joh. — Will Em. — Will [Em. Phylypson, Rob. (imp.) . Pem. Philipson, Rob. {sen.)... Joh. — Rob. (jun.) . Joh. — Tho Philo, Rich Trin. Philpott, Edw Trin. — Edw Trin. — John Trin. — Mich Sid. Phillpott, Tho Philpott, Tho Trin. Phillipott, Tho Cla. Phiper, Jos Phipp, Steph Phippen, Geo. Phipps ('Phise'), Geo. ... Joh. — John — Rob Em. — Tho — Will. V. Phillips Phiston, Will Mag. Phitheon (Fethyon), Gilb. *Trin. Fethyon, Will Trin. f-c E p E s E E E P P schol. s E p E [p L p M p M s E p M s L p M f-c M f-c 1621 1623 1633 1645 1655 1658 1657] 1651 1565 1604-5] 1627 1632 1621 1558 1582-3 1601 1611 1648-9 1579 E 1615 c. 1593 E 1636 M 1569 c. 1593 E 1622 E 1645 M 1646 E 1650 E 1659 L 1584-5 E 1617 c. 1596 E 1604 E 1610 E 1644] E 1546 M 1584 M 1584 c. 1591 M 1578 M 1638 M 1628 E 1647 [schol. 1629] f-c E 1634 8 E 1611 p E 1615 A.B. (*Mag.) 1624; A.M. 1628; [S.T.B. 1635 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1657-8: A.M. 1661 A.B. 1654-5 A.B. 1568-9 ; A.M. 1572 ; S.T.B.'79l A.B. 1608-9; A.M. (Jes.) 1612 A.B. (*Cai.) 1631-2; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1586-7, Phihp; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1582-3 A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1618-9 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 [1608 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601; S.T.B. A.B. ( ) ; A.M. (C. C.) 1609 A.B. (Mag.) 1625; A.M. 1629 LL.B. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1600-1 ?A.B. 1607-8, 'Phippes' A.M. 1573 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1662 A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. (Trin.) 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. (Trin.) 1626-7 A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Cath.) 1615-6 A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1619-20 [S.T.P. 1634 A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4 s M 1572 s E 1551 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1556 s M 1551 Mat rictUat ions and Degrees 1544 — 1659 529 Phyiicy [C. C. 1552] — [C. C. 1587] Phypson, (Jeo C. C. s L 1557-8 Pibenl, Hen C. C. n E 1626 Piblc i: Pepill Piccuo, Hon Cla. s E 1605 Piccasso (Pickis), Rich.... *Trin. II. p E 1617 Pichell.s, Rich Em. p E 1618 Pichels, Will Picher, John CO. « iM 1009 Pikchcs, Geo Trin.H. s M 1625 Pickard, Anth [C. C. 1590] — Chris Pern. .s M 1642 Pickerd, Dan C. C. p c. 1591 Piccard, Elias Cla. s E 1658 Pioard, Hen Qu. s L 1577-8 Picardc, John *Chr. .s M 1559 I'yckard, John Chr. p L 1564-5 I'i.kard, John Sid. p c. 1601 I'icaid, John C. C. .s M 1616 I'itkard, Nich Qu. s E 1629 I'icard, Rich Chr. p E 1568 I'icarde, Sam (?Matr. Piggott) I'ytcluu'de, Tho Joh. s M 1551 i'lckard, Tho Sid. [s E 1629] — Tho Cath. s E 1652 1 • ycard, W Chr. p M 1 564 l>id .M 1582 Pickeringe, Tho *Em. p K 1589 Pickering, Tho Sid. i> E 1615 — Will Cla. s E 1573 — Will Em. . [f-c E 1584 L 1622-3] E 1650] M 1564 M 1608 M 1621 M 1545] E 1645 E 1654 E 1607 c. 1594 E 1584 L 1588-9 E 1633 E 1636 E 1581 c. 1595 E 1624 E 1639 M 1564 E 1624 E 1652] E 1652 E 1624 M 1611 M 1565 E 1626 M 1628 L 1656-7 E 1585 c. 1590 M 1609 E 1572 E 1606 M 1566 c. 1590 E 1659 E 1632 M 1566 E 1598 M 1613 E 1621 M 1578 E 1558 E 1631 E 1584 E 1614 E 1657] A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1024-5, Pixe A.M. 1624 (On King's visit) A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 A.B. (Joh.) 1607-8 A.B. 1609; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. (Pet.) 1583-4, Pie A.B. 1598-9 A.B. (Em.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [fr. Em.] A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1569-70, Pig [Page] [Adm. Cai. E 1592] A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1575-6 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. (Chr.) 1607-8 A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. (Mag.) 1600 prev. at Cath.] A.B. (Chr.) 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1660-1 Marquess of Dorchester, 1645. Mat/i'iculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 531 Piggott, Sam Joh. — Tho C. C. Pigott, ^y Jes. Piggott Eiii. Piggot [Sid. Pighen, Tho Joh. Pight, Hen Pihain, John Piko, Geo *Tnn. — (Jeo C'hr. — Hen — Mich loh. — Rich Ctith. Pykc, Rich Joh. Pike, Sam Jes. Pikeuian, John v. Peckman Pilfould, Roger Trin. Pilgrim, Tho C. C. — Walt Joh. Pilkyngton, Abr Chr. — And Cla. Pilkynton, Barnabas ... Joh. Pilkiiigton, Cha Joh. Pylkynton, Edw Joh. — Geo Joh. Pilkinton, Haslewood... Joh. Filkington, Ma Ja Joh. — Ja Joh. — Ja *Joh. — John [Joh.] Pilkynton, John Joh. Pilkington, Leake Qu. — -Leon *Joh. Pilkinton, Lionel Cla. Pilkington, Nath Mag. — Nath Sid. Pilkynton, Rich Em. Pylkrynton, Rob Trin. Pilkynton, Sam Joh. Pylkyngton, Tho Joh. Pylkynton, Tho Joh. — Tho *Joh. Pilkynton, Tho Joh. Pilkington, Tho Mag. Pilley, Tho Gai. Pillinge, Abr Chr. Pilman, Ja Em. Pilson, Edw Joh. I'ilstone, John Jes. I'ylston, Lane Qu. Pilstone, Rich Jes. Pimloe, John Em. Pinccnt, Fra [C. C. Pincham, John Cla. Pinchbeck, Abr Cath. s E 1616 (?Grad. as Pikard) [1601] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 s M 1578 p e. 1596 p E 1599] P M 1650 A.B. 1653-4, Peighen; A.M. 1657 A.B. (lucorp. fr.Oxf.)1630; A.M. [(xMag.) 1630 A.B. (Cla.) 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 V L 1578-9 A.B. 1582-3, A.M. 1586, Picke f-c E 1659 A.B. ( ); A.M. (Trin.) 1583 p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9 A.M. 1632 p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 A.M. 1635 s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 A.M. 1664 P M 1646 A.B. 1650-1 s E 1631 p E 1602 A.B. 1604-5 A.M. 1608 p E 1609 A.B. 1612-3 p M 1588 s E 1578 A.B. 1581-2 p M 1582 A.B. 1586-7 A.M. 1590 s L 1563-4 p M 1572 p M 1573 LL.B. 1581 p M 1656 A.B. 1656-7 A.M. 1660 A.B. 1538-9 ; A.M. (*Joh.) 1542 ; p M 1.587 [S.T.B. 1551 s M 1602 A.B. 1606-7 s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M.1657;S.T.B.'64 A.B. 1546-7; A.M. (*Pem.) 1549; [S.T.B. 1560 p E 1583 A.B. (Chr.) 1586-7; A.M. 1590 f-c E 1606 s E 1544 A.B. 1543-4 A.M. 1547 ; S.T.B. p E 1575 [1 561 ; S.T.P. 1563-4 p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 A.M. 1600 P E 1652 A.B. 1655-6 A.M. 1659 p M 1585 A.B. (^1589- 90); A.M. 1593 p E 1571 v M 1587 a E 1563 A.B. 1567-8 s M 1566 A.B. 1570-1 A.M. 1575 V M 1573 A.B. 1578-9 A.M. 1582 f-c E 1579 P M 1621 A.B. 1624; A.M. 1628 (' Dickin- s L 1597-8 A.B. 1601-2 [son ' in grace) s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 s E 1643 A.B. 1646-7 s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620, Puleston V E 1570 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577, Puleston P M 1550 P E 1570 .s E 1639 1647] A.B. 1642-3 f-c M 1614 p L 1645-6 A.B. 1646-7 A.M. 1651 1 Ma.ster of St John's, 1.559-61 ; Bishop of Durham, 1561. '^ Master of St John's, 1561; Regius Professor of Divinity, 1559. 532 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 f-c E E E L E .s E schol. p E p E s M p M Punder p E 1617 1653 1653 1619 1656-7 1652 1655 1560] 1600] 1559 1567 1646 1618 1652-3] 1561] 1580 p L 1620-1 s E 1627 p E 1647] Pynchbacke, Edm Sid. p E 1615 Pinchebeck, Rob Cai. p c. 1601 Pinchbroke [C. C. 1574] Pinchon, Hen Trin. p M 1601 Pinde, John Pem. p E 1612 Pynder, Geo Chr. p L 1564-5 Pinder, Hen Trin. s c. 1591 Pyndar, John Pindar, John Pinder, John Chr. Pindar, John King's Pinder, Martin Qu. — Matth Em. Pindar, Mich *Pem. Pinder, Paul Joh. Pindar, Paul Chr. Pinder, Rich [Trin. — Sara [Qu. Pynder, Tho Trin. — Tho Qu. Pinder, Tho Mag. — Will Em. r. — Will Qu. — [Cath. Pynder [C. C. Pyne, John King's — John — Leonard ... Em. Pine, Meredith ... Trin. Pines, Will [Em. Pinke, Will Pinckney, Era Chr. Pingney, Humph Chr. Pinkney, Rob Joh. Pinny, John [Em. Pinson [Em. Pipe (Pype), Jer [Trin. H — W C. C. Piphe [King's Pipho, Travers King's Pipin, Geo. v. Peppen Pipell V. also Pepill — Mich Trin. Pipple [Pehle], Steph. ... Em. Pirrat, Rob Trin. Pirratt, Tho Trin. Pirryn (Perrin), John ... Pirren, Rich Trin. Pyrton, Rich [Qu. Pirton, Will Qu. Pistor, Alex Em. — Ale.x — John Cai. p L 1656- Pitchar, Roh Em. p M 1585 Pitchard, Rob Jes. p E 1625 Pitcher, W Trin. p M 1582 — Will Pet. f-c E 1612 Pitt, Edw Pem. p E 1640 — Edw Trin.H. p E 1650 — Nich Trin.H. p E 1650 — Will King's f-c E 1658 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. (Joh.) 1593-4 1542-3; A.M. (*Joh.) 1547 (Trin.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 1620-1 1656--; 1656-7 A.M. A.M. 1624 1660 A.M. 1660 1622-3; A.M. 1657-8; A.M. 1626 1661 A.B. 1658-9 p E 1652 s E 1603 s M 1641 s E 1645' 1585; schol. 1570' s M 1560 s 1570-1] f-c M 1579 s E 1608 s M 1631 p M 1571 p M 1570 p M 1582 p E 1597] f-c E 1577 p M 1584 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. 1567 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625; S.T.B. [1632; S.T.P. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. (Cath.) 1585-6 A.B. 1615 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1645-6 A.B. A.B. 1611-2 1636-7 : A.M. A.M. 1615 1640 A.M. 1586 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) [Purton] [1621 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1593; S.T.P. A.B. (King's) 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1650-1 Matriculations and Degrees 1544- 533 Fitter v. Pytter Pitts, Edm Sid. f-c E 1636 — Gamaliel ... Cath. p M 16:22 — Hen Pom. s M 1G51 — John Em. p E 1(;37 — John Pittes, Jouat C. C. s E 1577 Pitts, Nich Em. p E 1G40 Pixe V. Picks Place V. also De la Place Plaoe(us), Dan Plaice,' John Cai. s E 1587 Place, Pet *King's p M 1551 — Ralph Cai. s c. 1590 — Rowland ...*Cla. p E 1651 Plase, Will Joh. s M 1582 Place, Will Pern. p E 1006 Plant, Will Qu. s E 1616 Plantney, Dan C. C. p E 1588 Phisket, W Chr. p M 1558 Pl:i.sted, Edw Cla. s E 1647 Plater, Will G. C. p E 1555 Platte, Edw Trin. s E 1573 Piatt, Hu^h ('Aurus') Joh. p M 1568 — Rob Em. f-c L 1618-1 Platte, Will Chr. p M 1571 Piatt Joh. M 1609 Plattes, Godfrey Trin. s E 1611 Plates, Will Cai. s E 1632 Pla.xton, Hen Joh. s M 1652 Plackston, Ja [Joh. p E 1649] Plaxton, John Cla. s M 1618 — Will Joh. s L 1597-! — Will Joh. p E 1622 Player, John Cla. s E 1612 Playfer, John Em. p c. 1595 — (Playford), Matth.... C. C. s E 1626 Plafer, Sam Joh. p E 1585 Playfer, Tho Qu. s E 1626 — W Joh. p E 1579 Playford (Playfer), 1 Tho. *Joh. p M 1576 — Tho [Cai. p E 1625] Playne, Will Cath. p E 1624 Platers, Anth Cai. p E 1626 Playters, Lionel Cai. p E 1623 — Roger Cath. p M 1639 — Tho [Joh. f-c E 1632] Platers, Will Qu. [p M 1654] Playton, Will. v. Payton Pleasaimce, Anth [Cai. s L 1591-! Pleasance, John Cai. p E 1613 — Rob Cai. p c. 1595 Plesance, Rob *Joh. s E 1647 Pleasance, Tho Cai. s M 1567 Pleazaunce, Tho Cai. p M 1618 Pledger, Elias Cath. s E 1639 Pleise, Cha Cath. p E 1651 Pleijs (' Playse '), John ... King's p E 1611 Plenes, John [Sid. a E 1654] ' Lady Margaret Professor of [Pitt] A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1663 A.B. (Trin.) 1640-1 ; A.M. 1647 [M.L. 164- A.M. 1640 (lucorp. fr. O.xf.) A.B. 1580-1, Jonas Pitz A.B. 1640-1, Pitt; A.M. 1644 1648 (Incorp. fr. Saumur) [Place] A.B. 1555-6; A.M. 1568 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 A.B. 1654; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1585-6, Place A.B. 1609-10 [Plankncy] A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1634-5, Platts; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1621-2 A.B. (11602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601, *Sid. A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583; S.T.B. [1590, Playfer; S.T.P. 1595 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1624- A.M. 1628 M.B. 1660; M.lX 1667 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1649-50; K.'M. 1653 A.B. 1642-3; A.M.*(Trin.) 1646 A.B. (Qu.) 1654-5, Ploys; A.M. '58 A.B. (*Qu.) 1613-4; A.M. 1617; [S.T.B. 1625 Divinity, 1596. 534 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Plesse, Chris Chr. Plessis [C. C. Plmnrae, Edm Em. Plumm, Edra Chr. Plombe, Hen [Cai. Phimbe, Hen Cai. Plume, Isaac Cai. Plumbe, John Jes. Plume, John Chr. — ('Pluraen'), Jos. ...*Qu. Plumbe, Laui" — Matth Cai. Plumme, Rob Cath. Plumbe, Sam Chr. Plume, Sam *Cla. Plum, Sam Chr. Plombe, Tho C. C. Plumbe, Tho Jes. — Tho Cai. Plume, Tho Chr. Plumme, ^ Tho Chr. Plumbe, Will Trim Plume, Will Qu. Plumb Chr. Plummer, Anth Joh. — Edw Cla. Plomer, Era [Jes. — Geo Qu. Plumer, Geo C. C. Plummer, John [Sid. — Leon Cai. Plomer, Rich — Sam Em. Plommer, Tho Chr. Plumer, Tho Joh. Plummer, Tho Chr. — Tho Em. — Tim C. C. — W Cla. — W Trim Plomer, Will Chr. Plumer, Will Chr. Plummer, Will C. C. Plumly, John Cai. — Rich Cai. Plumpton, Pet Joh. Plumsted, Augustine... *Trin. Earth Pem. Plumpstead, Edw Qu. Plumsted, John Pem. Plumstead, John Cai. Plumsteede, John Em. Plumstead, Rob Trin. Plumsted, Will Pem. Plumto, Rich Trin. Plumtree, Alban Cai. — Hen Joh. — Huntingdon Joh. Poage, Geo Trin. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P [P P P P P P f-c P P P P P M 1609 1652] M 1638 M 1642 E 1600] E 1636 c. 1593 c. 1593 L 1653- E 1622 1601 1638 1605 1626 1631 1572 1593 1604] 1607 1646 1605 1619 1603 1659 1586 1648-9] 1618 1625 1611] 1579 [schol s P P P s p M 1627 M 1581 E 1611 E 1631 E 1642 [1609] E 1580 E 1582 M 1606 M 1629 L 1645-6 M 1602 M 1599] M 1601 M 1654 E 1554 E 1628 E 1554 c. 1596 M 1608 . 1602] E 1646 M 1566 E 1633 c. 1596 E 1620 M 1585 A.B. 1596-7 ; A.M. 1600, Plummer A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1656 A.B. 1625-6 ; A.M. 1629 ; S.T.B.'36 A.B. (Cath.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612! A.B. 1641-2, 'Rich.'; A.M. (*Joh.) A.B. 1608-9 [1645 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1575-6, Plumbe; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 [Reg.) ■ S.T.P. 1673 A.B. 1649-50; S.T.B. 1661 {Lit. A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. (Qu.) 1593-4 A.B. (Trin.) 1621-2 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. (C. C.) 1581-2; A.M. 1585, A.B. (Trin.) 1622-3 ['Reginald' A.B. 1633-4 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1623 A.B. [1602-3]; A.M. 1606 A.B. 1657-8 (Matr. Pumstead) A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 [steede in ordo) A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 (Bum- A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1622-3; A.M. 1626; [M.D. 1631-2 (Lit. Reg.) 1 Founder of the Plumiau Professorship. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — ^659 535 Pockley, Tho *Trin. Poclington, John Joh. Pocklington, Oliver Triii. Pococke, Edw Podenstinus, John v. Potensteiner Poe, Ja *King's — Leon *Kiug'.s Poet, Rob. V. Pote Poyntdexter, Edw Cla. Poindexter, John Pem. — Tho King's Pointell, IJan Trin. Polden, Tho Trin. Pole V. also Powell — Geo Trin. — German [Joh. — Gervase Pet. — Hugh v. Poole — Pet Trin. — Rich Trin.H. — (Powell), Steph. ... — W Joh. — Will Trin. Poley V. Pooley Polhill, David Cla. — Edw Em. — Edw Trin. — Geo C. C. Pollard, Leon — Mich Joh. — Nich Em. — Rich Trin. — Rich Trin. — Sam Trin. — Tho Cla. — Tho Pem. — Will Trin. — Will Trin. Pollen, John {imp.) King's — Nich Mich. Ho. Pollett, Hugh Joh. Pollie V. also Pooley — Anth C. C. PoUey, Geo Cla. PoUye, Rob Cla. PoUey, Tho Cla. Will Cla. Pollington, Alex [Qn. — Tho Qu. Poison, Randolph ... [Trin. Polewhoele, John Polwheele, Otho Trin. — Theoph Km. Pomeroy, Art *Tnn. I'omroy, Jolni Km. Pomeroy, John Km. Pomfrett, Anth Qu. Pomfret, (ieo Pet. Pomphrett, Rob Mag. Pomfret, Sam Cla. L 1645-6] A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 c. 1595 A.B. (Sid.) 1598-9; A.M. 1603; [S.T.B. 1610 ; S.T.P. (*Pem.) '21 E 1644 M.D. 1656 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) K 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 L 1618-9 A.B. 1622; A.M. (Joh.) 1626 M 1628 E 1626 A.B. 1629; A.M. 1633 E 1631 E 1642 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 M 1635 A.B. 1636-7 E 1650 M 1644] E 1550 M 1646 E 1629 M 1569 M 1621 A.B. 16.50-1 A.B. 1631-2 A.B. 1570-1 (Incorp fr. Oxf.) 1590 1596 1639 1640 1593 1609 1576 1595 1631 1579-80 A.B, 1611 A.B. (11602-3); A.M. (Trin.) 1606 [PoUiol] [S.T.B. (*Joli.) 1553-4 A.B. 1542-3; A.M. (*Pet.) 1547; A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 1562 M 1564 M 1657 M 1546 E 1654 M 1582 E 1628 M 1568 E 1628 M 1634 E 1658] M 1657 E 1637] E 1610 E 1644] E 1657] M 1611 E 1636 E 1627] E 1578 E 1619 M 1568 1583-4 A.B. 1614-5 A.B. 1565-6 ; A.B. 1569-70 A.M. (Cla.) 1569 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1631 A.B. A.B. 1631 1638-9 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.M. 1612 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Trin. H.) 1615-6 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M. 1664; S.T.P. '76 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1581-2, Piimfret A.B. (Trin.) 1622-3 536 Poniphret, Sam Trio. Pomfrett, Sam Cath. Purafret, Tho Trin. Pomfrett, Tho Trin. Pom fret, Will Trin. Pond, John Trin. — John Trin. Ponde, Tho [King's Ponder, John Qu. — Sam Trin. — Tho Cath. — Will Cla. Ponet, John v. Poynet Pooke, Geo Trin. Poole, Chris Em. — Edw [Trin. — Everard Jes. — Germamis... Joh. — Hen Joh. — Hugh *Pet. Pooll, John Jes. Poole [Poale], John Sid. John C. C. — John Em. — John [Trin. — John *Mag. — Joshua Cla. Matth Em. — Ralph Em. — Rich [Trin. — Rich Joh. — Rob Qu. — Rob Chr. — Steph Trin. — Tho Mag. — Tho — Tho Jes. Poley, Chris Trin. Pooly, Chris Cai. — Chris King's Poley, Edm Pem. Poolcy, Edm C. C. — Edw Cla. Poolye, Fra Pet. Pooley, Geo Cath. — Hen Joh. — John Qu. — John *Pem. — John C. C. Pooly, John Jes. Pooley. Rich Cla. — ■ Rich Joh. — Rich — Rich Joh. — Rob Cai. — Rob Cla. — Rob King's — Tho Pem. — Tho Pem. — Will Cath. .s a nd Decj rees 1544 — 1659 V E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 s E 1623 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 s E 1574 [1651] A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1661 s E 1571 A.B. 1575-6 s M 1566 A.B. 1570-1 s E 1569 A.B. 1573-4 (died before admis- s M 1545] [sion) p E 1577 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 s M 1656 A.B. 1659-60 p E 1633 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 p E 1658 [B E 1611 1642 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 P E 1615 A.B. 1619-20 f-c E 1562 s E 1552 p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600, Pole 1^ M 1568 [« E 1601] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 s E 1610 p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631, Pole s E 1653] s E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 p E 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652; M.D. [1684 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 p E 1632 schol. 15471 A.B. 1548-9 p M 1580 i:> E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 s L 1653-4 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 s E 1646 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 p M 1580 A.M. 1624 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ,s M 1654 A.B. 1657-8 s c. 1592 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600, Powly p E 1629 A.B. 1631-2 p M 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1647 f-c E 1635 A.B. 1637-8 [1635] A.B. 1638-9 s E 1584 p M 1553 p L 1579-80 p L 1580-1 p E 1576 [IV.ley] p E 1619 A.B. 1622-3, Poley; A.M. 1626 p E 1627 [Poley] f-c E 1655 p E 1563 A.B. 1566-7 p M 1566 A.B. 1568-9, Poley; A.M. 1572 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. (Joh.) 1606 s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 s E 1617 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 f-c M 1617 s E 1643 A.B. 1647 p E 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586; M.D. '95 p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5 p L 1579-80 A.B. 1582-3 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 537 Pooley, Will Pern. p E 1619 A.B. lG2i>, Foley Foley, Will Fem. p E 1639 Fope, Diullev Trin. p E 1623 — Era. .■' A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.^ — (4al)ricl Cla. p M 1566 A.B. (Jes.) 1569-70 — Hen Gonv.H. s Eir)46 — Jercm Cai. p L 1645-6 — John Joh. s L 1557-8 — John Cla. p M 1576 A.B. 1579-80 ; A.M. 1583 ; LL.U. — John ('. (\ p E 1618 [1590 — John Cath. p L 1623-4 — John Oath. s E 1648 — Jonat [C. C. 1648] — Nich Trin. p E 1612 A.B. 1614; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1618 — llich Cla. p E 1580 — Roger Joh. p E 1575 — Sackville ... Trin. p E 1606 — Tho Cla. p M 1576 — Tho Trin. p L 1578-9 — Walt [Trin. 1645] A.M. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — [Cath. p E 1642] Fopejay, Rich Jes. s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 Fopelay, [John] Em. s M 1613 Fopham, John A.M. 1622 {fil. nob.) Fopson, Tho *King's p M 1550 A.B. 1554-5; A.M. 1558 Popular, Dan Chr. f-c E 1657 [Poplar] Fopulwell, Tho Joh. s M 1573 Porberye, Tho Joh. p E 1559 Pordage, Era Bid. s E 1645 A.B. 1647; A.M. 1651 — John Fem. p E 1623 A.B. 1626; M.D. 1640 (Incorp. fr. — Laur [Qu. f-c E 1583] [Leyden) — W Fem. p E 1584 — W Mag. p M 1587 Forder, Bich A.R 1562-3 Porkley, Tho Trin. s E 1646 Pormort, Lionel Mag. f-c L 1564-5 Formorte, Tho Trhi. p M 1575 Fort, Rob Joh. p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 Portage [Cath. p E1644] Porter, Edm A.B. (*Joh.) 1614-5; A.M. 1618 ; [S.T.B. 1625; S.T.P. 1661 {Lit. — Euphemius.. Trin. H. s L 1629-30 A.B. (Chr.) 1634-5 [Reg.) — ^Geo *Qu. p c. 1593 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599; LL.'D. — Hen Chr. s M 1586 [1612 — Hen C. C. p c. 1591 — John Cai. s E 1561 — John (? the above) A.B. (C. C.) 1568-9; A.M. 1.572 — John Fem. p E 1582 — John Chr. f-c M 1616 A.B. 1619-20 ■ — John Trin. s M 1645 — John J..h. p M 1645 — John [(,)ii. p L 1650-1] — Mich Kuig's s M 1601 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 — Pet A.B. (Joh.) 1571-2; A.M. 1576 — Ralph Trin. p M 1586 — Rich gu. .s E 1645 [S.T.B. 1577 — Rob Fem. p E 1563 A.B. 1566-7 ; A.M. (Trin.) 1570 ; — Rob Joh. p M 1578 A.B. (Mag.) 1581-2; A.M. 1585 — Rob loh. s K 1639 A.B. 1012-3 1 IScRins Professor of Civil Law. KUl. G8 538 Matricidatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Porter, Eob Jes. p M 1640 — Sackville ... Job. p E 1602 — Sam Chr. p M 1626 — Talbot Job. p M 1601 — Tbo C"ai. v. Goldswortb — Tbo [King\s s M 1566] — Tbo Qu. p M 1581 — Tbo *Kiug'.s p c. 1594 — Tbo Cbr. s E 1616 — Tbo [Mag. scbob E 1641] — Tho Cbr. p L 1647-J — Will Cbr. p E 1571 — Will [Qu. p M 1607] — Will Job. s E 1649 Portar Jes. p E 1544 — (Hbe above) Portington, Hen Em. p E 1637 Portyngton, Rich Jes. s M 1568 Portmain, Will [Jes. s L 1649-^ Portray, Alex Portwood, Tbo Mag. s E 1658 Porye, Geo. {imp.). C. C. s E 1544 — iJobn — Jobn C. C. s E 1560 — Jobn Cai. p E 1588 Porie, Jobn [C. C. 1599] Porye, Ricb C. C. s M 1547 — Rob Cbr. p E 1625 — Will C. C. p E 1551 Poste [Gonv.H. f-c 1551] Postgate, Stepb. (imp.) Cla. s E 1545 — Will Cbr. s E 1546 Postlethwait,Walt Em. [s E 1643] Pote, Jobn Cai. p M 1576 — (Poet), Rob Cai. s E 1606 Potensteiner, Jobn Cla. s M 1631 Potban, Jobn Job. p M 1619 Potkin, Jerome Job. p E 1639 Potken, Jobn Job. p E 1561 Potkin, Simon Trin. s M 1601 Potkins, Edw Catb. s M 1632 — AVill Job. s M 1649 Potman, Rich Qu. s L 1564-i — Tbo Pott, Edm [Cla. p M 1658] — Geo Em. p c. 1596 — Jobn Em. s M 1601 — Laurence ... Clir. s M 1588 — Tbo *Cbr. s E 1587 — Tho [Qu. p E 1607; — Tho Cbr. p E 1607 — Walt Chr. s E 1604 — Will Sid. s M 1652 Potter, Chris Sid. s E 1654 — Edm Job. s c. 1595 Edw Job. p M 1586 — Edw Catb. p M 1642 — Geo. Sid. p M 1641 A.B. 1643-4 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1584-5 A.B. (1598-9) ; A.M. 1602 ; S.T.B. A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 [1609 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 (Xo A.B.); A.M. 1544 0] A.B. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 A.B. 1523-4; A.M. (*C. C.) 1527; [S.T.B. 1535; S.T.F. 1559 A.B. [1591-2]; A.M. 1595 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632; S.T.B. [1639 ; S.T.P. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1548-9 A.B. 1646 A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 (Matr. [Podenstinus) A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. (*Em.) 1593-4 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594; S.T.B. ?same as ne.xt] [1601 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1609 A.B. 1657-8 A.B. 1657; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1590-1 A.B. 1644; A.M. (*Cla.) 1648 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1649 1 Master of Covinis, 15')' Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 539 Potter, Potterton, Potticary, Pottle, Potto, Potton, Potts, Poulet, Pouley, Poulter, Poultney, Poulton, Poundell, Pount, Pollutes, Pouter, Povey, Powditfh, Powell, John John [Knightlcy]. Rich Rich Trin. Trill. Em. Qu. Pet. Simon *Cla. Simon Trin. Tho. Tho. Will. Will. Will. Pet. Cai. Cai. [Cai. *Joh. "C. C. 'C. C. 'C. C. "Em. Rich W John John Walt Edw John Croftestus (Crofts) Pet. C. C. (1 C. Sid. Edm. Era. C. C. Joh. John Em. John John Roger Tho Will Hen. {Ds) Edm Art Tho Will Geo John And John [Cai. Edw Joh. Era *King's , [Cath. *Chr. [Em. [Chr. [Qu. , [Pet. Joh. Qu. King'. Kmg's Chr. Joh. Trin. Powlc, John Rob And Chris. . . . Dav Uav Edw Ellis Erasmus Era Humph. John , John John John John John Sid. . p]m. C. C. *Joh. Qu. Joh. , Joh. Jes. . Qu. \ Trill. . *Chr. Qu. '. Chr. . Em. . C. C. V f-c f-c f-c f-c f-c p s p P s p P p p ir)98 1G28 1013 1617 1032 1626 1652 1577-8 1646 1580 1591] 1654 1557 1582' 1590' 1614 1582 1587 1619 1614 1651 1654 1606 16.34] 1636 [fi 1600" 1643 1586' 1618-9] 1561 1619 1640 1640 1568 1653-4 1.569 1581-2] 1612 1644 1624 1641 1631 1577-8 15.55 1639 1622 1561 1583 1650 1577 1593 1016 1616] 1023 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 ; S.T.B.'32 A.H. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1029-30; A.M. 1633; S.T.P. [1663 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 16.55-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1.584 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. (*C. C.) 1653 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1657-8 ; A.M. 1661 ; S.T.B.'69 A.B. (Pet.) 1585-6 ( ? the above) A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. 0.\f.) A.B. 1590-1, 'James' A.B. 1022-3; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1017-8; A.M. 1021 A.M. 1578 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1001 •. Job.] A.B. 1039-40; A.M. 1043 [Pultney] [Pulton] A.B. 1572-3 (Matr. Punt) A.B. 1040-7; A.M. 1051 A.B. 1644-5 A.B. 1.580-1 ; A.M. 1584 ; S.T.B.'Ol A.B. (*Trin.) 1559-60; A.M. 1503 A.B. 1642-3, Daniel A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1.564-5 A.M. 1651 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 ; S.T.B. '9 1 A.M. 1597 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1626 540 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Powell, John Job. — John Qu. — John C.ii. — John Era. — John *King's — Nath [Era. — Paul C. C. — Pet Joh. — Rice Qu. — Rich Joh. — Rich Qu. — Rich Mag. — Rich — Rob Tiin. — Rob Qu. — Rob Chr. — Rob — Rowland ... Trin. — Sara Joh. — Tho Chr. — Tho [Qu. — Tho Trin. — Tho Jes. — . Tho *King's — Will Qu. — Will Em. — Will C. C. — Will Cai. Power, Edm Em. — Era Chr. — Hen Jes. — Hen Chr. — John Chr. — John King's — John C. C. — Matth Trin. — Tho Chr. — Will *Chr. — Will *Chr. — Will Chr. Powlet, Geo. v. Pawlet Poynes, Adrian Trin. — Era Trin. Poynet [Ponet], i John ... Poynings, Hen Joh. Poynte, Hen Jes. Poynter, Era C. C. Pointer, Ja C. C. Poynton, John Cai. — Rich Chr. Poyntz, Rich [Joh. Pradman, John *King's Prance, Miles — Miles King's — Rol. Chr. Pranse?, Tho Em. Prance, Will Joh. Prauiice, Will Jes. Praunell, Hen Ciii. E 1624 E 1624 E 1626 E 1648 M 1658 L 1656- E 1631 M 1580 M 1582 M 1567 M 1615 E 1618 M 1579 M 1618 E 1645 E 1656 E 1621 c. 1595 M 15961 7] A.B. 1627-8, Pole A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1586- A.M. 1590 E 1622 E 1645 E 1657 c. 1595 [L 1619- E 1624 E 1631 c. 1595 M 1554 E 1636 M 1641 M 1564 M 1611 E 1651 M 1611 E 1610 L 1.557- c. 1593 M 1647 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. (Pern.) 1648-9 A.M. 1654 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1623-4 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. (Pem.) 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 20] A.B. 1623-4 A.B. (Joh.) 1627-8; A.M. A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 1631 A.B. 1644-5 ; A.M. 1648 ; M.D. '55 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658, Powers A.B. 1614-5 8 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. (*Pem.) 1563 A.B. 1597-8 ;A.M. 1601; S.T.B.'U p L 1579-80 (fr. Antwerp) f-c E 1502 s E 1631 p M 1552 p M 1585 p E 1575 s M 1578 s M 1619 f-c L 1638-9] p M 1644 1> c. 1595 s E 1578 p c. 1591 1> M 1564 s M 1576 I' M 1581 [1535 ; S.T.P. 1547 A.B. (*Qu.) 1532-3, Punnett ; A.M. A.B. 1635-6; A.M. (Em.) 1639 A.B. 1578-9 ; A.M. 1.583 ; S.T.B.'90 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1651 A.B. (Jes.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. (Pet.) 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. (Trin.) 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. (Jes.; C^Grad. as Miles) 1574 Bishop of Rochester, 1,")50 ; Wiudiebter, lool. Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 541 Pratis, de, Nich A.]V[. 1G25 (On King's visit) Pratt, Anth Mas?. p E i:)82 — Cha [C. C. ir)97] — Edm A.B.(? 1609-10); A.M. (Job.) 1613 — Edm. ('Ed w.') Mag. p E 1631 A.B. 1634; A.M. 1638 — Edw Pern. f-c E 1620 — Elisha Em. p E 1617 [fr. C. C] A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 — Era Pet. f-c E 1584 — Era Pem. p E 1621 — Hen Trin. p E l.")8.-) A.B. (*Cai.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592 — Hen C. C. p E 1587 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 — Hen Cla. f-c L 1630-1 A.15. 1630-1; A.M. 16.34 Pratte, John *Joh. p M 1564 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 — John Chr. p E 1568 Pratt, John Pem. p E 1575 A.B. 1578-9 IVat, John Trin. s M 1582 Pratt, John Trin. p E 1585 A.B. (Cai.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592 — John [C. C. 1597] — Jolm Job. p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 [1639; M.D. 1645 — John Em. p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632; M.L. — John Em. s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 Matth Sid. .s E 1642 — Mich Joh. f-c L 1626-7 — Millisent ... Pem. p E 1613 — Osbert Chr. p M 1613 — Eich Qu. p E 1549 — Rob [Cai. s L 1621-2] Prat, Tho Trin. s M 1609 Pratt, W Joh. p M 1569 — Will *Joh. s L 1577-8 A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 ;S.T.B. '92 — Will Jes. p M 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 — Will Chr. s M 1.582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1.589 — Will Cath. s c. 1591 A.B. (Jes.) 1595-6; A.M. 1599 — Will A.B. (C. C.) 1600-1 — Will Joh. p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 Pra\7s, Rob King's p M 1547 [Provis] Pre, P>a Mag. s E 1561 Preist, Hen Trin. p E 1622 A.B. 162.5-6; A.M. 1629 Priest, John Trin. [p E1657] A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M. 1664, *Pet. 1667 Preist, Reg Trin. s M 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1635 — Rob Pet. p M 1567 A.B. 1.569-70, Priest ; A.M. 1573; — Will Joh. s E 1628 [M.L. 1577; M.D. 1580 Priestbergh, Will. v. Prethergh Premayne, Rich Jes. s M 1606 (?Permayne) Prentis, Era [Qu. s E 1644] Prentice, John Trin. s M 1632 A.B. 1636-7 Prentis, Will Trin. s E 1608 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 Presburye, John (}x\. s E 1616 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 Prescott, J a Sid. p E 1645 — John Qu. f-c E 1618 — John Trin. p E 1640 [Peirscott] Presgrave, Edw [C. C. 1600] — Rich Chr. 1) E 1581 Presse, John Pet. s E 1562 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569 Prest, Steven Trin. p E 1609 Prestedg, W Cln. s M 1571 Prestland, Geo Qu. p M 1575 A.B. 1578-9 Prestlande, Lasl. (?) (mjD.) Job. p M 1.544 Prestland, Paul Sid. \> E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 I'restley, Will Sid. f-c E 1610 Prestnev, Ceott Pet. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 542 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Prestone, Chris Joh. Prestonu, Geo Trin. Preston, la-A-dc {imp.) . Chr. — Jacob Peni. — John Cai. — John Trin. — John Pet. — ijohn King's — John Chr. — Leon Joh. — Nich Trin. — Nich Em. — Rich Pern. Preaston, Rich Pem. Preston, Rich Sid. — Rich Trin. — Rob [Trin. — Sam Cla. — 2Tho *King's — Tho Trin. — Tho Pem. — Tho — Tho C. C. — Tho — Will Pem. Prieston, Will Preston, Will Chr. — Will Joh. _ Will Sid. Prestwich, John Prestwithe, Tho [Em. Prestwood, Rich Trin. Prestwryght, Rob Joh. Prethergh, Will Prettie, Sam Sid. Pretty v. Pritty Pretyman, John C. C. Prettiman, John Qu. Pretiman, Rob Pet. — Tho C. C. — Tho Pet. — W Chr. Pretyman, Will [Cai. Pretiman, Will Pet. Prettiman, Will Trin. — Will Joh. — [Em. Prevost, Tho Trin. Priaulxe, Will Trin. Price, And Qu. — Dav Qu. — Dav [Cai. — Dav Pryce, Edm Cath. Prise, Edm *Joh. Price, Edm Qu. — Edw Joh. s E 1560 f-c c. 1594 1> M 1657 f-c E 1632 f-c M 1587 s c. 1591 s E 1594 s E 1604 s E 1622 s M 1565 f-c M 1561 p E 1625 E 1582 s L 1607-8 s E 1614 s E 1634 1641] s E 1631 p M 1553 fc M 1580 s M 1584 p E 1608 s E 1581 s M 1622 s E 1634 '" E 1654 s E 1612] p E 1621 s M 1545 s E 1619 p M 1562 f-c E 1631 p E 1588 p L 1563-4 p E 1588 p E 1581 p E 1590] p c. 1591 p c. 1596 s E 1626 p E 1619] s M 1587 p E 1625 s M 1618 s M 1572 f-c E 1575; 15 E 1550 s E 1565 s L 1615-6 s E 1640 A.B. (Qu.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. (*Mag.) 1601 A.B. (*Qu.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611; [S.T.B. 1620; S.T.P. 1623 {Lit. A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 [Reg.) [1639; S.T.P. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632; S.T.B. A.B. (Cath.) 1585-6; A.M. 1589 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1557-8; A.M. 1561 A.B. (Cath.) 1593-4; A.M. 1595 A.B. 1619 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1584-5 A.B. (Cath.) 1615-6 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1662 [1606 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. (King's) A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. A.B. 1622 [(Mag.) 1G41 A.B. (?1592-3); A.M. (Cath.) 1596 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1622-3 A.B. Oxf.] A.B. (Jes.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571, Price A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 1 Master of Eiiimanuel, 1622. a Master of Trin. H., 1584. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 543 Price, Edw Mag. — Eviince Chr. — Ezra Em. — Era Prise, Eulke Toh. — Howel Job. Pryse, Hugh *Joh. Price, Isaac Qu. Pryce, Mohn Qu. — iJolm Job. Prise (Price), Jobn Cla. Price, Jobn Jes. — John Trin. Prise, John Job. Price, Jobn — John — John [Qu. — John Job. — Jobn Catb. — Jobn *Trin. — John ('ath. — Jobn *King's — Jobn Cath. — John {imp.). Job. — Martin Jes. — Nicb Pryce, Owen Jes. Price, Owen Job. — Pet Job. — Eowland ... [Job. — Sam Em. Pryce, Tbo Job. Pryse, The Job. Price, Tbo Mag. — Tbo Job. — Will Sid. — Will Em. — Will *King's [C. C. Pritchard, Hen.' ".".",'. Sid. Pricbard, Jobn — Rice — Rob Jes. Pritcbard, Rob [Trin. Pricbard, Roger — Sam King's — Tbo Qu. — AVill Pricke, Edm Chr. — Jobn Jes. Prick ('Frick'X Jobn Cath. Pricke, Sam Em. — Tim Em. Prickett, Marm Trin. Prideaux, Edm Sid. Pridgeon, Era Cai. Priyeon, Em Cai. f-c [P L 1647-8 M 1572 E 1645] c. 1593 E 1635 E 1626 M 1614 M 15.50| E 1553^ E 1561 M 1573 L 1581-2 c. 1592 M 1617] M 1623 1630] L 1634-5 M 1635 L 1645-6 E 1655 M 1657 M 1579 E 1589 E 1657 L 1597-8 E 1648] M 1619 E 1565 E 1567 E 1633 E 1655 M 1617 E 1623 M 1648 1557] E 1637 A.B. (Job.) 1646-7 A.M. 1631 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600; S.T.B. [1607; S.T.P. 1616 A.B. 1628-9 ; A.M. 1632 ; S.T.B. '40 A.B. 1616-7 A.B. 1555-6; A.M. 1560, Prise A.B. 1564-5 ; A.M. (*Catb.) 1569 A.B. (Cbr.) 1575-6 A.B. 1584-5 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. A.B. (Mag.) 1601-2 A.B. (*Joh.) 1604-5; A.B. 1627-8; A.B. 1634-5; A.B. 1636-7; A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1658-9; 1599, Price, [S.T.P. 1616 A.M. 1608; [S.T.B. 1616 1631 A.M. A.M. 1638 A.M. 1640; S.T.P. [1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.M. 1653 A.M. 1662 A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. 1586 ; S.T.B. '93 A.B. (*Mag.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1625-6 A.B. 1625-G A.B. 1651-2: A.M. 1655 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1645-6 (in ordo) A.B. 1640-1 A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) E 1624" M 1646] A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) E 1640 A.B. 1643-4 M 1618 A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) M 1578 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 M 1579 A.B. 1582-3 M 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 E 1633 c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 E 1619 E 1622 A.B. 1625 L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; M.B. 1617;M.D. '21 1 Uncertain which of these pi-aduated. 544 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Prujean, Tho . Cai. P E 1641 M.D. 1648 (Licorp. fr. Franeker) Pridgyn, Will . Cai. s M 1587 Pridgeon, Will . [Cai. P E 1620] Priest V. Preist Priestlie, John Cla. s E 1604 A.B. (Cath.) 1607-8 Prigg, Nich . Em. s M 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 Primatt, Rich A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Steph A.B. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf); A.M. Pryme, Benj '. Pet. p M 1564 [(Pet.) 1629 [Adm. King's M 1609] Prime, Bcnj . Qu. s M 1609 — Edw . Chr. s E 1649 — Hen . King's p c. 1601 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 Pryme, Phil . Qu. p E 1659 LL.B. 1664 Prime, Will . Kmg's s M 1615 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 Primrose, Dav '. Pem. f-c E 1615 S.T.B. 1624 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Prince, Will Pringle, John . Trin. s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 Prinne, Hen . Chr. p M 1622 A.B. 1626-7 (Matr. Preine) Prior, CJhris S.T.B. 1642 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) {Lit. [Reg.) Hen : [Qn. s E 1644] — John Trin. p M 1573 Pryor, John . Jes. p E 1636 Pritty, Geo . C. C. s E 1644 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649, Pretty Proby, Edni . Jes. p I\I 1617 A.B. 1620 ; A.M. 1624 ; S.T.P. 1637 — Heneage . . . Jes. f-c E 1614 — Hen . Jes. f-c E 1614 — Hen . Em. p E 1646 — John . Jes. p E 1624 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 — John . Jes. p E 1657 — Tho . Em. p M 1648 Prockliall, Tho Joh. p E 1616 Procter, Anth Joh. s M 1565 — Anth Jes. g M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 — Anth Mag. s E 1640 A.B. 1651-2 Proctor, Anth Chr. p E 1654 Procter, Cha *Trin. p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 ; A.M. 1630 ; S.T.B. '38 Dan Chr. p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Proctor, Geo . Joh. p c. 1593 A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. (Trin.) 1598 — Geo A.B. (Trin.) 1623 — Geo Trin. p E 1636 — Geo Sid. s E 1654 A.B. 1657-8 Hen Chr. p M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 Procter, Hen Sid. s E 1646 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1653 Proctor, Hugh . Chr. p L 1637-8 — Ja.! Chr. s L 1650-1 A.B. 1654 — John {imp.) 13 a7in.)\ Chr. p M 1578 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 Procter, John Trin. p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 John A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) . John Trin. [1644] A.B. 1647 Procteur, Luke ('Lewis' ) Jes. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. (Pet.) 1624 Procter, Nich Cath. Trin. s s M 1571 E 1572 A.B. (Joh.) 1575-6; A.M. 1579 Rich A.B. 1575-6 Proctor, Rich Jes. p E 1607 Procter, Rich Pem. [1658] A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 Rob C. C. p M 1601 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608; S.T.B. Proctor, Rob *Pet. s E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 [1614-5 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582; S.T.B. '88 Sam Chr. p E 1575 Procter, Tho *T<.h. p E 1560 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567 Tho Cath. H M 1568 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 Proctor, Tho Joh. s L 1577-8 Mat ric Illations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 545 Procter, Tho Chr. Proctor, W Qu. Profett, Nich Chr. Proffett, Tho Joh. Proline, Rob Em. Prooste [Proast], Jonas ... Sid. Proude, Lewis Joh. Prowde, Nich Joh. — Rich C. C. Proud, Rich Cai. Prowde, Sam Mag. — Tho Joh. — Tho *Trin. Prowse, John Proiise, Maximilian . Joh. Prowse [Trin. Provis, Rob. v. Pravys Prudden, Pet [Em. Prude, Edw Cath. Prue, Will [Qu. Prujean v. Pridgeon Pryckarde, Will Mag. Prydmay, Laurence ... Chr. Prymont, Vincent Qu. Psalter, Edw Sid. Pukering, Benj. v. Pickering Puckrin, Geo Pet. Puckering, Hen Trin. Puckring, Tho *Qu. Puckrin, Tho Pet. Puckering, Tho Cai. Puckle, Sam Cai. Puddinge, Will Pet. Pudsey, Ralph Qu. — Tho Trin. Pugh, John Jes. Pue, John (' Will.') Cath. Puleston V. also Pilston — Edw *Jes. — Edw Joh. — John Jes. Puilston, Will Jes. Pulford, Greg C. C. — John Cai. — Will Chr. Pullham, Browne Trin. Pulham, Will C. C. Pull, Rob C. C. Pulleyn, ' Benj *Trin. Pullein, Dan Peru. — Edw Mag. — Fra Mag. Pullen, Geo Trin. Pulleyne, Hen Pet. Pulleyn, John Trin. Pullen, John *Mag. — Josiah I'ullin, Josuah Trin. E 1631 M 1568 M 1615 M 1655 E 1631 M 1624 E 1576 M 1624 [1579] II 1611 M 1646 E 1573 L 1579-! s E 1610 1645] s E 1620] f-c M 1642 p E 1577] s E 1545 s M 1546 s E 1587 p M 1614 P [f-c P P P [P s P P s p E 1610 1654] M 1572 E 1610 E 1647 E 1645] E 1602 E 1571 M 1586 M 1602 E 1639 p M f-c M f-c E p M s E p M s M p E s M p M p M s E s E s E p E s M .s iM l> E 1576 1638 1608 1589 1647 1614 1619 1618 1632 1611 1653 1624 1586 1636 1637 1579 1568 1623 A.B. (Em.) 1618; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1658-9 A.B. (Mag.) 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1580-1 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587; S.T.B. [1594 ; S.T.P. 1615 A.M. 1650 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [Priamont] A.B. 1657 [1586; S.T.P. 1591 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579; S.T.B. A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618, Puckering A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. (Trin.) 1574-5 (Matr. Putsa) A.B. 1605-6, Pue; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1642; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1579- A.M. 1583 E 1615 A.B. 1650 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. (Cai.) 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1614; A.!\[. 1618 A.B. 1653-4 ; A.M. 1657 ; S.T.B. '73 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1031 A.B. 1637-8 A.B. 1572-3 [S.T.B. 1637 A.B. 1626-7, ' Powell' ; A.M. 1630 ; A.M. 1659 (Incor]). fr. 0.xf.) A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 Regius Professor of Greek, 546 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 PuUen, Rob Chr. Pullin, iSatn Pern. Pulleyn. Tho Pet. Pulleu, ' Tho Chr. — Will Pet. PuUenson, Mich Chr. Puller, Abr Trin. — ('Fuller'), Tim *Jes. Pulley, Barnard Cath. — Rich Joh. — Tho — Will *Trin. — Will Trin. — Will Cath. Pulter, Ed Trin. — John Mag. — Lytton Trin. — Nich Trin. — Rob Trin. — Sam Trin. Pulton, Ferdinand . . . *Chr. Punder, Rich C. C. — ('Pinder'), Will. ... Em. Punge, Ja Qu. Punsonby, John [Joh. Punter, Hen Joh. — Tho Cai. Purbeck, Viscount v. Villiers, John Purchase, Ambrose ... Cath. — Fra *Mag. Purchasse, Rich Pem. Purcas, Sam Joh. Purchase, Sam Joh. — ('Purkis'), Sam. ... Joh. — Sam [Cath. Purchas, Tho — Tho Mag. Purcas [Sid. Purdin, Rob Em. Purdon, Rich Trin. Purefye, Art Chr. Purefay, Edw. .: *King's Puryfye, Fra Pet. Purifye, Fra Pet. Puryfy, Gamaliel ... Em. Puryfie, Geo Pem. Purifey, Geo King's Purify, Geo Pet. Purefoy, Geo [Qu. Purefey, Humph. ... Nich. H. Purefoy, Ja [Pem. Purefey, John Nich. H. Purefay, Knightly ...*King's Purifye, Mich Pet. Purifie, Nich Em. Purefy, Nich C. C. Puryfie, Ralph Qu. Puryfye, Rich Jes. Purifie, Tho Chr. E 1616 E 1615 L 1580-1 M 1583 E 1576 E 1581 c. 1592 E 1653 M 1589 E 1569 E 1584 E 1612 M 1646 E 1569 E 1609 M 1588 L 1582-3 M 1572 E 1606 M 1552 [1583] M 1598 E 1611 L 1631-2] E 1573 E 1633 E 1629 c. 1597 c. 1594 c. 1594 M 1622 M 1623 1628] E 1620 E 1599] c. 1596 M 1584 M 1555 M 1608 E 1566 L 1579-80 L 1597-8 M 1586 E 1621 E 1636 L 1644-5] E 1544 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B, 1583-4, PuUin A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583, Pulleyn A.B. A.B. 1596- 1656- A.B. 1573-4, A. B. 1530-1 A.B. 1588-i A.B. 1647 A.M. 1600 A.M. 1660; S.T.B. [1667 ; S.T.P. 1673 Foley; A.M. 1577 A.M. 1534 ;S.T.B.'48 ; A.M. 1592 A.B. (Chr.) 1577-8 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 A.B. 1555-6 A.B. 1587-8 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1576-7 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1632-3 1600-1 1597-8 1596-7; 1625-6 ; 1626-7 ; A.M. 1604 (Matr. [Purkas) A.M. 1600 A.M. 1629 A.M. 1630 A.B. (?1609-10) ; A.M. (Joh.) 1613 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1560-1 ; A.M. 1564, *Pet. A.B. [1615-6]; A.M. 1619; S.T.B. [1626 A.B. 1590-1 A.M. 1624 (On King's A.B. 1639-40 A.B. (Trin.) 1553-4 visit) E 1544" M 1651 M 1576 c. 1595 c. 1595 E 1611 M 1555 E 1550 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1659 A.B. (Mag.) 1581-2, Puryfoy ; A.M. [1585 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1554-5 Bishop of Tuam, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 547 Purifie, Tho Em. p c. 1595 Pui-efey, Will Nich.H. s E 1544 Purifie, Will Em. p c. 1596 — Will (Hhe above) Pm-efoy, Will Sid. p M 1609 Purifoye [King's f-c E 1599] Purland, Rob Pet. f-c E 1622 — Rob [Em. p L 1647-8] Pm-ley, Era [Trin. p M 1651] Purmorte, Will Trin. p E 1572 Purjjoint, Rob. v. Pierrepoint Purse, John Em. p E 1637 Pursell, Edw Qu. p M 1613 — Penson King's f-c L 1623-4 — Tho Cla. f-c E 1571 Pursley, Rob Chr. p M 1556 * — Rob Chr. p M 1556 Purton V. also Pirton — Edm [Qu. f-c E 15971 Purvey, [Will King's f-c 1574] Purveys, Rich Mag. s M 1615 Pury, Athlardus... Pet. p M 1614 Pewrye, Leonard ... Cai. p L 1577-8 Pury, Pet Chr. s E 1625 Purye, Will Pet. p M 1609 Pusey, Fra Pem. s E 1574 Putenham, Geo Chr. p M 1546 Putsa, Ralph v. Pudsey Putto, Rich Pem. p M 1553 Puttooe, Tho Trin. p L 1563-4 Pybus, Geo Chr. s E 1550 Pyckman, John Sid. p E 1607 Pyende, Steven v. De la Pyende Pyle, John Cai. s E 1648 Pile, Rich C. C. s E 1618 Pyle, Rich Cai. [p M 1619] — Tho Cai. p M 1619 Pym (Pirn), Anth Catb. p E 1629 — Cha Cath. p E 1632 Pynfoole, Tho Trin.H. p E 1656 Pyott, Rich [Em. f-c E 1607] — Tho Trin. s L 1618-9 — Will Jes. f-c E 1616 Pypard, John Pyper, Rob. {imp.). Jes. s E 1548 Pysing, Rob Sid. s E 1641 Pytter, Hen Jes. p M 1578 Pywell, Pet Pem. p M 1598 Pyzany, Ja [Pet. s E 1623] A.B. (Pern.) 1603-4 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 [Pury] A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1579-80 A.B. 1567-8, Putto [Pakenham] A.B. 1651-2 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 (? mistake for Richard) LL.B. 1662, Pynfold; LL.D. 1668 A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. (*Qu.) 1644 (Incorp. fr. Glas- [gow) A.B. (Qu.) 1581-2; A.M. 1586 548 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Q Quadrynge, Art Joh. p M 15G5 Quadring, Gabr Trin. p E 1612 A.B. 1615-6 — iGabr *Mag. p E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664; S.T.P. Quadrynge, John Joh. f-c M 1578 [1691 (Lit. Reg.) Quadring, John Cla. p M 1618 A.B. 1622; A.M. 1626 — Will Chr. p M 1638 — Will Mag. p E 1652 Quarles, Edw *Pem. p E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622; S.T.B. '29 — Era Era. p E 1591 — Era Trin. p c. 1596 — Era A.B. (Chr.) 1608-9 — Era *Cai. p E 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 — Era Chr. p E 1614 — Era *Sid. p E1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 ; S.T.B. '53 — Gabr [Trin. M 1635] — Geo Pern. f-c E 1553 — Geo Pet. p c. 1589 — Geo Pet. p L 1645-6 — Ja A.B. (Chr.) 1608-9 — John Cla. p E 1559 A.B. 1561-2; A.M. (*Joh.) 1565 — John Joh. p c. 1593 [1661 {Lit. Reg.) — John Trin. p E 1615 A.B. 1619-20 ; A.M. 1623 ; S.T.P. — John *Pet. p E 1647 A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654; S.T.B. 1661 — Rob [Em. f-c L 1598-9] [{Lit. Reg.) — Rob Trin. p E 1631 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639, *Pet. — . Rob *Pet. p M 1654 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 — Roger Trin. p c. 1596 — Will Joh. p L 1563-4 — Will *Pem. s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638; M.L. Quarrell, Edm [Qu. p L 1638-9] [1655-6 Quash, John C. C. p E 1614 A.B. (Trin.) 1617-8 ; A.M. (C. C.) Queeney, Edw Chr. p E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 [1621 Quincy, Benj Em. p E 1658 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 Quynseye, John Pem. p M 1566 Quincy, John Em. p E 1658 A.B. 1659-60 — Rich Qu. p E 1646 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 Quincie, Tho Trin. s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 Quiningborrow, Era Trin. s c. 1592 (A.B. 1594-5); A.M. 1598 Quiningborough, Ja Mag. p M 1649 A.B. 1652-3 Queningbrough, Matth. ... Era. p L 1656-7 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 Quengborrough, Tho Em. p E 1625 A.B. 1629-30 Quinton, Era [Trin. s M 1645 ; migr. to Cla. M 1646] Quipp, Will Qu. [s E 1655] A.B. 1658 Quodling v. Codlinge Quoyle(>Quayle), Rowland Chr. p E 1562 Quylter, Chris Joh p M 1561 Quynnet, Philibert ... Em. s E 1586 J Master of Magdalene, 1G90. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 549 R Eaban, John *Mag. Rabbe, Will C. C. — [C. C. — [C. c. Eabbitt, Edw Trin. Rabett, Geo Pet. — Hen C. C. Rabbet, Mich Trin. Rabbitt [Rabbe], Mich. ... CO. Rabitt, Reginald ... [Cla. Rabbett, Reynold ... [Cai. — [Rabbe], Tho C. C. Rabbje, Hen *Pet. Raby, John [Qu. Rabby, Rich Pern. Rabey, Will Cai. Racie, Tho Rackett, D [C. C. Rakster, John Racster, John *Trin. Rackster, John Radcliffe v. also RatclifFe Radlyffe, Cha Trin. Radclyffe, Fra Chr. Radcliffe, Jerem *Trin. Radclifte, John Joh. Radcliffe, Jonat Chr. — Rich Trin. RadcUff, Sam [Em. Radford, Nich [Trin. Radforth, W Cla. Radley, Hen Trin. Rafbie, W. v. Rathbie Raffe, Tho Cai. Ragge, Earth Trin. Ragg, Will. V. Wragg Raghet, Hen C. C. Raighet, Tho C. C. Rainbowe, ' Edw *Mag. Raynbow, Ralph Trin. H. Rakes, Rich Em. — Tho Joh. — Will Mag. Raleigh, Gilb Cla. Ralfe, Edw Pern. Ralph, John Em. Rafe, Will [C. C. Ram, Jos Chr. — Rich Qu. — Rob Cath. — Rob Jes. E 1654 1578 1580] 1586] E 1626 E 1627 E 1579 E 1572 E 1626 L 1645-6] L 1585-6] E 1627 E 1544 E 1601] E 1621 M 1613 1562] p M 1584 p E 1563 f-c E 1567 p E 1567 s E 1654 p E 1653 s E 1581 f-c E 1640] schol. 1602] p M 1562 [1658] E 1637] E 1586 M 1565 f-c 1569 1625 1557 1634 1636 1648 M 1637 E 1629 c. 1592 1594] M 1610 E 1604 L 1580-1 p E 1609 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 [?A.B. 1582-3] A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1629-30 [(*Cai.) 1586 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579; S.T.B. A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1630; A.B. 1544- A.M. 1634 ); A.M. 1549, Rabye A.B. (Cla.) 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. (Chr.) 1620-1 A.B. (Pem.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1543-4; M.L. 1559 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; LL.D. [(King's) 1638 A.B. 1.567-8, Ratclifie ; A.M. 1571 [S.T.B. 1581 ; S.T.P. 1588 A.B. 1570-1, RatcHffe ; A.M. 1574 ; A.B. (*Mag.) 1657-8; A.M. 1661 ; [S.T.B. 1668 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1584-5 A.B. 1661-2 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1597 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. (*Cai.) 1572 [Migr. to Cai. 1570] A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630; S.T.B. [1637; S.T.P. 1643 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1639-40 ■ A.B. 1652-3, Raikes A.B. 1632-3, Raffe; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1595-6 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. (Jes.) 1583-4; A.M. 1587; [S.T.B. 1595; S.T.P. 1602 A.B. 1611 1 Master of Magdalene, 1642; Bishop of Carlisle, 1GG4. 550 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Bam, Rob (?tbe above) — iTho *Kmg's p M 1588 — Will Trin.H. p E 1551 Rames, John Chr. p M 1550 — Roger Chr. p E 1561 — Tho Chr. p M 1552 Rampaine, Livewell . . . Ramply, Will Cai. p E 1647 Ramsborrowe, Will Mag. s E 1626 Ramsbotham, Ja. v. Romsbotbam Ramsbottom, Tho Qu. s E 1629 — Will Cath. s M 1658 Ramsden, Humph. ... Joh. s L 1629- — Rich Trin. [1596] — Rich Em. p E 1615 — Rob *Trin. s E 1561 — Will King's f-c E 1640 Ramsey, Chris Cai. p M 1615 — Geo — Geo Pet. p E 1620 — John Qu. p M 1615 — John [Joh. p E 1631] — John — John *Trin. s E 1648 — John Chr. p E 1658 — Rob — Tho Qu. p M 1615 _ Will Chr. p E 1618 Ramshaw, Will [Em. s E 1631] Ramus, Pet C. C. p E 1577 Rand, Ja Chr. s E 1570 Rande, John Pem. s M 1579 — John Chr. s E 1581 Rand, John Cai. p E 1611 Rande, John Joh. p M 1616 — John Em. p E 1631 — Ralph Pet. p E 1581 Rand, Rich Sid. s L 1645-( Rande, Sam Chr. p E 1606 Rand, Sam Trin. s M 1657 Rande, Tho Pem. f-c E 1552 — Tho Pem. s E 1567 _ Tho Sid. f-c M 1606 _ Tobias Joh. p E 1618 — Will Rand, Will Cath. p M 1633 Randall, Ambr Em. p c. 1596 _ Anth Chr. p E 1563 _ Benj Cai. p M 1638 _ Bern Joh. f-c M 1645 — Edw Trin.H. p M 1554 — Edw Qu. p E 1583 _ Hen Em. p E 1614 _ Ja Joh. s E 1588 _ John Joh. s E 1548 — John Joh. f-c M 1564 ll.uidell, John Em. p E 1615 Randall, John Qu. p E 1626 _ John *Pem. p E 1626 A.M. 1615 (Incorp. fr. Dublin) A.B. 1592-3: A.M. 1596 A.B. 1553-4; A.M. 1557 A.B. 1563-4 A.B. 155.5-6 A.M 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1632-3 A.B. 1659-60 ; KM . 1664 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1597-8 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1564-5 ; A.M. 1568 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1622 A.M. (*Chr.) 1612 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 [Ramsden] Mus.Bac. (Trin.) 1616 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1621-2 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1584-5 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1634; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1660-1 A.B. (Chr.) 1621-2 A.B. (Cath.) 1597-8; A.M. A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 1601 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. [Randolph] 1664 A.B. 1617- A.M. 1621 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1556; LL.D. [(*Jes.) 1568-9 A.B. 1619-20, Rundle ; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1634 [dolph A.B. 1629-30: A.M. 1633, Ran- Bisliop of Ferns and Leighliii, 160.5. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 551 Randall, John Cai. — John Em. — Lionel * King's — Rob Jcs. — Rob Em. — Rob Job. — The — The Job. — The C. C. — Tho Em. Randoll, Tbo [Em. Rayndoll, W C. C. Randall, Tho *Cai. — Will [Cai. — Will Cla. Randes, Hen Trin. Rands, Ja Cath. Randes, John Sid. — Rich — Tbo — Tbo Qu. Randolph, Edw Qu. Randalph, [Harbert] ... Qu- Randolph, Herb [Job. Randolpbe, Ja Jes. Randolph, Jos Pet. — Tho Cai. — Tho *Trin. Randolpbe, Vincent Jes. Randolph, Will Cai. — Will Job. Ra?idon ( 'I mj, Vincent Trin. Randwyk, Arnold de . . . Rane r. Rayne Raney, Tho Pern. Rano we, Anth J es. Ranewe, Aug Jes. — Gilb Em. Ranno, John les. Raynew, John C. C. Rainow, John Pom. Ranow, Leonard *Jes. Ranewe, Nath Em. Ranowe, Rich Jes. Ranew, Rich Yaix. Ranewe, Will Pern. Rainew, Will Pom. Ranew [Chr. Rangcraft, Tho. v. Ra\fnscroft Rannes, Hen Em. Ransom, Jos Peiii. — Rich Cai. — Will Em. Ransonc, John [Job. Ranstone, W Job. Rant, Antb Cai. Rante, Edw Cai . Rant, Humph. ... [Cai. — Humph. ... Cai. — John *Cai. — John Cai. p M 1638 s E 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 p M 1582 A.B. 1586-7, Leonard; A.M. 1590 p L 1557-8 [Ralph p c. 1596 A.B. (? 1600-1); A.M. 1604, Rob. p M 1606 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 A.B. (*Job.) 1560-1 ; A.M. 1564 ; p E 1571 [M.D. 1577 s E 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 p c. 1592 p E 1613] s M 1569 p E 1603 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 p M 1582] s c. 1596 A.B. (Cath.) 1597-8 p E 1569 A.B. 1572-3 p E 1641 p E 1646 S.T.B. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1557-8; A.M. (*Jes.) 1561 p E 1631 A.B. 1634 p E 1651 f-c c. 1597 [Randall] f-c E 1646] f-c M 1567 A.B. 1570-1 E 1628 A.B. 1631-2, Randall s E 1622 A.B. 1624-5: A.M. 1628 p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 fc M 1589 A.B. 1593-4, Randyll s E 1623 A.B. 1629-30 {non adm.) s E 1652 A.B. 1655-6 ; A.M. 1660 ; M.D. '68 s E 1608 A.M. 1628 p c. 1595 p M 1560 p E 1561 p M 1616 A.E. 1619-20, Raynie; A.M. 1623 p c. 1590 [1600] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 s E 1620 p M 1553 A.B. 1556-7; A.M. 1560 s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 p L 1557-8 A.B. 1563-4 p E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 s M 1560 p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p 1564] p E 1658 s M 1659 A.B. 1663-4 s M 1631 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625, Ramson p M 1651] s E 1584 p M 1657 p E 1631 A.B. 1633-4 f-c E 1612] p E 1653 [p E 1626] A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1634 p E 1644 LL.B. 1652 552 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Kant, Rob C. C. p L 1584-5 — Rob [Cai. f-c M 1592] — Roger Cai. f-c E 1615 — Roger Cai. f-c E 1641 — Steph Cai. p M 1623 — Tho Cai. [p E 1592] — Tho [Cai. p E 1619] — Will *Cai. p E 1581 — Will Cai. [p E 1619] — Will [Cai f-c M 1645] — Will Cai. f-c E 1659 Raynie, John Em. p M 1616 Raper, Chris Joh. s E 1618 — Hen Sid. p E 1606 — John Trin. s M 1619 Rapkyn, W Trin. s c. 1591 Raseinyll, Roger Joh. s E 1573 Rash, John Cai. p M 1602 _ Rob C. C. p E 1632 Rashely, Tho *Trin. p E 1629 Raysyn, Mar Mich. Ho. s E 1544 Rasin, Sam Joh. p E 1639 Rason, Anth. v. Rawson Rayson, Edw Chr. p E 1574 — John Sid. p M 1658 Rason, Randall Chr. p E 1568 Rastall, Tho *Qu. s L 1557-8 Rastell, Tho Em. p M 1638 Rasthorne, Rich Em. p c. 1591 Ratcliff'e v. also Radclift'e Ratclife, Anth Pet. p M 1611 Ratclifl[e, Anth Mag. p M 1646 — Cha Gonv.H. p E 1553 Ratclyffe, Edw Trin. s E 1570 — Gawyn Trin. p M 1576 — Gray Ratcliff, Hen Ratclyffe, John Triu.H. p E 1551 — Joshua Mag. s M 1614 Ratlyffe, Rob Chr. p M 1562 — 'Rob.' (Tho.) Pet. p E 1573 Ratclyff'e, Tho (Uhe above) Ratcliff; Tho. v. Sussex, Earl of Ratclyfe, Tho Trin. f-c M 1610 Ratclifle [King's f-c 1594-5] Rate, Abr Em. s E 1602 Rathband v. also Wrathband — Abiel _ Will Em. s M 1644 Rath bone. Rich Sid. s E 1614 Rathobie, John Trin. p M 1566 Rathbie, Will Joh. s M 1575 Rath well, Tho Joh. p E 1570 Rauden, Sam Trin. s E 1607 Raughley, Roger Em. p E 1616 Raunce, Rich Mag. p M 1575 Raunse, Rob Mag. p E 1574 Ra«nson(?n), Hen Trin. p M 1582 Ravell, Rob King's p E 1546 Raven, Edw *Joh. p E 1544 _ Ja [Sid. p L 1653-4] A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588; M.D. '97 M.B. 1625; M.D. 1629 A.B. A.B. 1619-20 1621-2 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 (Matr. A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 ['Pash') A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 A.M. 1678 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1564 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 A.B. 1593-4 ; A.M. 1597, Rosthorne [M.D. 1584 (Incorp. fr. Orleans) A.B. 1573-4; A.M. (C. C.) 1577; A.B. (Chr.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. (Trin.) 1609 A.B. (Jes.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1617-8 A.B. (Trin.) 1577-8 A.B. 1605-6, Ratt; A.M. 1609 A.M. 1641 (Incorp. fr. Edinb.) A.B. 1646-7 ; A.M. 1650 (Incorp. A.B. 1617-8 ; A.M. 1621 [fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1571-2, Rathbie A.B. 1579-80 A.B. 1546-7; A.M. 1549; M.L. [1556-7 Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 553 Raven, John Trin. — John Ti-in. — John loh. — John Trin. — i\liles *King's — Nath Peru. — Rich. V. Rayne — Roger Cla. — Sara Sid. — Will *King's — Will Chr. Ravens, Jeremiah ... Qu. — Rich [gu. — Rich C. C. — Rowland ... Joh. Raven.scroft, Ja Jes. — John — (' Raugcraft '), Tho. Ravinshaw, John Cla. Rawe, Ja Trin. — Rich Sid. — Tho Pet. Raweston, Edw Joh. Rawlett, Ja Em. Rawlat, John Pem. Rawley, Will *a C. — Will *a C. Eawlings, Adiel Cla. Rawly ng, Alex Cla. Ravvhns, Carey Joh. Rawlyn, Edw Chr. Rawling, Gilb Mag. Rawly us, Hugh Rawlings, Ja Sid. Rawlyns, John Qu. Rawliuge, John Trin. Rawhngs, John Pem. Rawlins, John [C. C. — John Em. Rawliugs, John Cai. — Joshua Pet. Rawling, Rob Cai. Rawling.s, Roger Trin. — Roger Trin. Rawling, Steph Trin. Rawlings, Tho Rawlin, Will Triu. — Will Trin. Rawlins [C. C. — [C. C. Rawlin.sou, Chris Joh. Rawliugson, Fra Cla. Rawliuson, Hen Qu. — Ja Joh. Rawlynson, John Nich. Ho, — John Trin. — John Joh. — Tho — Will Chr. [schol. 16021 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607; M.L. 1> E 1628 [1610; M.D. 1614 P E 1648 13 E 1656 A.B. 1658-9 p E 1587 A.B.(? 1591-2); A.M. 1594; S.T.B. s E 1631 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 [1607 s L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2, Ravens; A.M. 1585 p E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 [schol. 16.371 A.B. 1641; A.M. 1644 ]> E 1648 s E 1614 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 V E 1578 ?same as next] s E 1579 A.B. 1.581-2; A.M. 1585 s E 1627 f-c E 1615 A.B. 1615-6 A.B. (Trin.) 1628-9 Mus.Bac. 1605 s M 1650 A.B. 1653-4 s M 1573 p E 1640 p s L 1577-8 E 1589 A.B. 1580-1 s E 1642 A.B. 164.5-6; A.M. 1649 s M 1659 S.T.B. 1676 {Lit. Reg.) [1600] A.B. (? 1604-5) ; A.M. 1608 ; S.T.B. [1614-5; S.T.P. 1620 !> M 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 p M 1579 A.B. 1.583-4; A.M. 1587 s M 1573 A.B. 1577-8, Rawlings ; A.M. 1581 p E 1644 p M 1568 s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 [1547 (A.B. at Oxf.) ; A.M. 1543; S.T.B. ]> E 1613 A.B. (Joh.) 1617; A.M. 1620 V E 1567 A.B. (Trui.) 1571-2 V M 1575 A.B. 1576-7, Rawlin P c. 1595 1622] A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 s M 1627 A.B. 1627-8 s E 1629 V M 1644 [f •. Em.] A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 V M 1623 A.B. 1626-7 s E 1575 A.B. 1578-9 P L 1580-1 P L 1577-8 r/A.M. Oxf.); M.D. (Cla.) 1599 s E 1615 A.B. 1617-8 s E 1637 1547' 1580" A.B. 1640-1, Rawlins s M 1654 p M 1580 1.583-4; A.M. 1587 s E 1610 A.B. (n613-4); A.M. 1617 (Matr. [Rolleison) s M 1616 A.B. 1619-20, Rollinson p E 1544 A.B. (? ); A.M. 1544 s e. 1592 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. (Sid.) 1600 p E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. (Joh.) 1593-4 E 165^ 70 554 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Rawnsley, Will ... Cla. s E 1607 S.T..B. 1663 {Lit. Reg.) Raworth, Fra ... Sid. P P s E 1609 E 1642]) E 1645J( ^Fra iFra ... Em. ... [Qu. Tho ... Trin. p E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 Rawson, Anth ... Chr. E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620, Rason — Anth ... Trin. s E 1626 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1635 Rauson, Ja ... Joh. s c. 1593 Raw son, John ... Trin. p E 1567 John ... Joh. s E 1573 — John ... Trin. s M 1646 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 — Ralph .. ... [Joh. f-c (Fell, of Brasenose, Oxf ) L 1654-5] |, — Tho ... Em. p E 1622 A.B. 162.5-6 — Tho ... Trin. s E 1625 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 -- Tho ... Em. p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 — Will ...*King's p M 1632 A.B. 1636; A.M. 1640 Raiison, Will ... Chr. 1> E 1659 Rawsthorne V. Rasthor ne and Roisthorne Rawstorne, Fra ... Em. [E 1627] A.B. 1631 Ray V. also Wray Alex ... Cla. V E 1566 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 Raye, Clem ... Em. p E 1619 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Ray, Clem ... Em. V E 1635 A.B. 1638 ; A.M. 1642 ; S.T.B. 1649 Dan ... Joh. !i E 1652 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659, Wray Raye, Geo ... C. C. [1600] A.B. 1603-4 (in ordo) H ... Cla. P M 1562 Ray,, John ... Cai. s M 1613 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 Raye, John ... Joh. s E 1618 Ray, NeveJl ... ... Trin. s E 1605 Rey, Pet, ... C. C. p L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585, Ray Raye, Rob ... C. C. p E 1577 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 — Rob ... Joh. p M 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 Ray, Sam ... Pet. p E 1611 Sam ... Era. V E 1629 — Tho ... C. C. P M 1552 — Tho ... Chr. P M 1634 — W ... Cla. f-c M 1562 Raye, Will ... Chr. P E 1569 Raymaii, Rayuiant, Geo ... Cla. p p L 1577-8 E 1623 A.B. 1626-7, Raymond ; A.M. 1630 Hen ... Em. Rayrnent, John ... Trin. p M 1560 — John ... Pet. 1> M 1627 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634, Raymond — John .. [Pet. ...*Pet. p L 1642-3 — Rob p c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602; S.T.B. '09 — Tho ... A.B. (?1602-3) ; A.M. (*Pet.) 1606 ; [S.T.P. 1624 {Lit. Reg.) Rayniont, Rayment, Tho ...*Cath. p E 1612 E 1641 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1644-5 ; A.M. 1660, Raymond Tho ... Sid. — 2Tho ... Chr. p E 1643 A.B. 1646 1 — Will ... Pet. p E 1615 A.B. 1618-9, Raymond ; A.M. 1622 Raymond, Art ... Pet. p E 1577 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 Dan ... [Qu. ...*yu. p L 1610-1' Raymonde, Edw s E 1551 A.B. 1554-5; A.M. 1558 Raymond, Hen ... Trin. s M 1648 A.B. (Sid.) 1651-2; A.M. 1655 1 — Ja ... Pet. )) E 1602 A.B. 1605-6 ; A.M. 1609, Rayment Ja ... Trin. s M 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 Raymonde, Jerem. . . ... Pet. p E 1579 A.B. 1582-3 John ... Trin. s L 1593-4 Rayniont, John ... Em. p E 1634 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1636-7 Uncertain which of these graduated. Justice K. Bench. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 555 Ravraand, John Jes. s E 1649 A.B. 1652-3 Raymond, Oliver Trin. p M 1622 [adm. Chr. 1623-4] — Pet Pet. s E 1631 _ Rich Em. p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 _ Tho (!hr. p E 1544 A.B. 1546-7; A.M. (*Qu.) 1549 _ Tho Joh. s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 — Will Jes. s M 1546 — W [Qu. schol. 1549-50] Raymnnd, Will Jes. s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 Raymond [Cath. f-c E 1649] Raynard, John Cla. s E1583 A.B. 1586-7, Reynard ; A.M. (C.C.) — Tho Mag. s E 1571 [1591 Ravnberd, Nich [Cai. s L 1619-20] Rayne, Cuthbert ... Joh. s E 1619 Rain, Laur *Joh. s E1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658; S.T.B. Rayne [? Reeve], Ralph... Qu. p E 1626 [1665, Rayne Reyne, Rich LL.B. 1544 Rane, Rich Cai. s M 1633 A.B. 1636-7, Raven Rayner, Dan Qu. p L 1647-8 — Edw A.B. (Joh.) 1620-1; A.M. 1624 Revner, Geo Joh. p M 1568 — Geo Joh. p c. 1596 Rayner, Geo Cai. s E 1634 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 — Gerv [Pet. p E1646] Reyner, Hen Trin. p M 1585 Raner, John A.B. 1529-30; A.M. 1533; S.T.B. Ravner, John C. C. p M 1559 [1546 — John Cla. s E 1606 A.B. 1609-10 (Matr. Rainard) Reyner, John Trin. p M 1617 Raynor, John [Pem. 1620] Rayner, John Ma?. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 Raynor, John C.C. p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 Rayner, John *Em. [p E 1649] A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 — Rich C.C. p M 1559 A.B. 1563-4 Reyner, Rich C.C. p E 1657 M.B. 1662 ; M.D. 1669 — Rob Joh. p E 1573 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 Rayner, Rob Cla. s M 1609 A.B. 1612-3 [A.M. 1646 — Sam A.B. (*Qu.) 1645 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; Reyner, Tho Cai. s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Rayner, Tho Cai. p M 1651 A.B. 1654; A.M. 1661 Reyner, Will Joh. p c. 1596 Rayner, Will Joh. p E 1611 A.B. (C. C.) 1614 [Reynoe) — Will Jes. s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 (Matr. — Will Joh. s M 1659 A.B. 1663-4 ; A.M. (King'.s) 1667 Raynor [Chr. schol. 1560-1] Raynes, Edw Mag. s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M. 1664 (Matr. — Geo Cla. p E 1553 [Rayner) — iJohn [*Joh. 1554] Reynes, John Joh. s Y. 1569 Raines, John A.B. (?1602-3) ; A.M. (Trin.) 1606 Reynes, Nath Pet. p M 1613 A.B. 1617 ; A.M. 1621 ; S.T.B. 1628 Raines, Rich *Joh. s E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 ; LL.D. Reynes, Rob [Em. f-c L 1646-7] [1668 Raynes, ^Tho [*Joh. 1556] Reynes, Will Mag. s M 1579 Raynes, [C. C. 1552] Riynford, Rick {imp.) ^^ ^ ^ l^.g Raynham, Paul C. C. s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 1 No graduation found for these. 556 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Raynsford, Edw Qu. Rainsforde, Hen *Trin. Raynsford, Rich Jes. — Rob Raynton, Hamon Jes. — [Trin. Read, Alex — Alex Reade, Alex Pem. — And Cai. Read, Chris Joh. — Edw C. C. Reade, Edw Cai. — Edw King's — Edw Cai. — Era Trin. — Geo C. C. — Geo [Sid. — Hen Cai. — Hen Chr. Reed, Isaac Cai. Rede, John Reade, John [King's — John Trin. Read, John C. C. Reade, John C. C. — John Em. Read, John (Janus) [Sid. — John Chr. — John Cai. Reade, Jos Trin. Read, Martin Joh. Reede, Nich Sid. Reed, Ralph Joh. Reade, Ralph Pet. Read, Rich Cai. Reede, Rich Qu. Read, Rich Qu. — Rich [Qu. — Rich Reade, Rich Em. — Rich Trin. — Rob Cai. Read, Rob [Trin. Reade, Sam Chr. — Simon Chr. — Tho Mag. Read, Tho Qu. Reade, Tho Pem. — Tho Joh. Read, Tho., Sir ... Reade, Tho Pem. — Tho — Tho Cath. — Tho Cai. Reed, Tho Em. Reade, Will Joh. — Will *C. C. — Will Trin. — Will C. C. Reed, Will Jes. V M 1650 A.B. 1653-4 [1611 ; S.T.R '30 V c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604; S.T.B. s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 S.T.B. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1623 f-c 1654] [S.T.P. 1624 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. (*Pem.) 1604-5 ; A.M. 1608 ; M.D. 1624 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 P M 1587 s E 1636 A.B. 1638-9 f-c M 1588 V E 1602 A.B. 1604-5 s E 1612 A.B. 1616-7 p M 1615 A.B. 1618; A.M. 1622 f-c c. 1596 p E 1585 p E 1658] p E 1602 T^ M 1610 s E 1653 [prev. at C. C] A.B. 1545-6 s s E 1560] E 1570 s M 1570 f-c M 1579 p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 f-c E 1613] f-c E 1631 s E 1647 s M 1652 A.B. 1655-6 p E 1573 A.M. 1585 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p L 1626-7 p M 1633 p M 1655 p L 1557-8 s E 1578 A.B. 1581-2 s E 1600 E 1601] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1609 f-c A.B. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1643 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 p M 1648 s M 1582 f-c L 1648-9] 1 s E 1611 A.B. 1613-4 s c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 s M 1565 p M 1569 V E 1580 A.B. (Jes.) 1583-4; A.M. 1587 f-c M 1583 A.M. 1594 (?the above) [1611 s M 1587 A.B. (n591-2); A.M. 1595; S.T.B. 1 A.M. 1619 (Incorp. fr. Aberdeen) f-c E 1628 V E 1631 p E 1648 p M 1564 A.B. 1567-8 p M 1572 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 s L 1577-8 s L 1578-9 A.B. 1582-3 1 f-c E 1586 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Reade, Will Eead, Will Em. Reade, Will Chr. — Will Rede Chr. — Chr. Reader, Geo C. C. — John C. C. — John Cla. — Rich Trin. — Tho Cla. Reder, Tho Cath. Reading, Chris Joh. — Nath Em. — Rob Em. — Tho Pern. — Tho King's — Will King's Reason, Alex Em. Recheforth, John Joh. Record, Rob Redbm-n, Rowland ... Pet. Redell Joh. Redferne, Elys Chr. Redgrave, John Joh. — Sam [Jes. — Will Trin. Redham, W Joh. Redhed, Geo C. C. Redhead, Hen Pern. Reding, Jos King's Redding, Rich. v. Ridding Reding, Rich [Em. Redinge, Tho *King's Rediofc, Rob Trin. Redman, Drew Trin. — Era Joh. — Geo Jes. — Hen Trin. — Ja Chr. — Jason Joh. — John — John Trin. — John Cai. — Rich — Rob — Rob Trin. — Rob *Joh. — Rob Chr. — iTho — Tho Joh. — Tho Jes. — nVill *Trin. — W Qu. — Will Trin. — Will Cla. Redmayne, John [Joh. Redmer, Rob *King's Red nail, Rob C. C. Reddrish, Edw (.'hr. 1 Master of Jesus, 1559. p M 1601 f-c E 1611 V E 1544 p E 1544 P E 1627 P E 1622 s E 1650 s E 1577 p M 1552 f-c M 1552 s c. 1594 lp E 1644 s M 1652 f-c M 1615 s M 1629 s M 1629 p E 1612 p E 1577 p c. 1596 p E 1546 p E 1578 p E 1639 f-c E 1657] s E 1606 p M 1545 s M 1566 V E 1631 p M 1619 V E 1635] p M 1573 s M 1573 p E 1607 p E 1549 p E 1565 s M 1584 ■s c. 1591 p M 1589 p E 1619 p M 1640 p E 1560 p M 1571 p E 1652 s c. 1594 s M 1632 p E 1559 s M 1559 f-c c. 1596 s E 1650 p E 1647] [schol. 1592] s E 1655 s c. 1593 (Chr.) 1603-4 A.B. 1604-5 A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. 1630; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629, Rader A.B. 1581-2; A.M. (*Cath.) 1585 A.B. 1598-9, Ridding Oxf.] A.B. 1643-4, *Chr. 1644 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. (C. C.) 1580-1, Rechford (A.M. at Oxf); M.D. 1545 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 (?Grad. as Era. Ridell) A.B. (Joh.) 1581-2 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1577-8, Reading A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. 1593-4 A.M. 1553 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) [1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648; S.T.P. A.B. (Chr.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1557-8; A.M. 1561, *Trin. A.B. 1575-6 ; A.M. 1579 ; LL.D. '86 A.B. 1541-2; A.M. 1546; S.T.B. A.B. 1597-8 [(*Trin.) 1554 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. 1566; S.T.B. [1573; S.T.P. 1578 A.B. 1598-9 A.B. 1595-6 A.B. 1658-9 (Matr. ' Bednall') - Bishop of Noi'wich, 1595. 558 Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Kadrich, Edw .. Qu. s Hen. ....... .. Qu. P Redrich, John .. Chr. s Reddrich, Rich .. Em. p — The .. Chr. s Redrish, Tho .. Chr. p .. Chr. .. Chr. Redshaw, John s Readshawe, Rob .. Pern. s Readshaw, Tho .. Sid. s Red way v. Retraye Redwood, John .. Knig's p Redycbe, Rich .. Chr. f-c Ree, ;: (V. \ Will leeve Reeve, Aug .. Cai. P Reve, Cha . [Cai. P Reeve, Chris . Qu. p Chris .. C. C. P Reve, Dan .. Jes. P Edm .. [Cai. P Reeve, Edm Edm .. Cai. p Geo .. Qu. r''^ Geo .. Trin. p Geo .. Joh. p Geo .. Cla. p Hambden . ..*Em. p Hen .. C. C. s — Hen .. Chr. p Hen .. Cai. f-c Hen .. Cai. 1' — (' Reises'), Ja .. Jes. s Ja .. C. C. p Reve, John .. Chr. s John .. Chr. s Reeve, John .. Chr. p Reve, John .. C. C. p — John .. Cai. p Reeve, John .. Cai. p John .. Chr. s John .. King's s John .. [Trin. V Jonas .... .. Chr. s Mich .. Cai. s Reve, Owen .. Cai. p Reeve, Ralph .... .. Qu. h> — Randolph . .. Trin. s — Rich .. Mag. s Rich .. Pern. }) Reve, Rob ..Gonv.H. s Rob .. Cai. p Reeve, Sam .. Chr. p Tho .. King's p Reve, Tho ..*Cai. p _ Tho .. Cai. [p Reeve, Tho Reve, Tho .. Cai. s Reeve, Tho .. Cai. p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 ; M.D. '46 L 1623-4 A.B. (Em.) 1627-8; A.M. 1631 L 1629-30 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 M 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 E 1624 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 M 1546 E 1582 E 1640 c. 1595 M 1567 A.M 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) below) A.B. (Joh.) 1624-5; A.M. 1628 E 1658 E 1589] E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 E 1572 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579; S.T.B. E 1605] [158<;, Ryve; S.T.P. 1598 S.T.B. (King's) 1627 E 1646 E 1600] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 E 1633 E 1640 A.B. 1643-4 E 1646 E 1640 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 c. 1591 E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 M1626 E 1658 E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 E 1659 A.B. 1662-3 E 1572 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580; S.T.P. c. 1591 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 [1609 E 1612 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 E 1626 A.B. 1628; A.M. 1632 E 1631 M 1637 E 1637 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1646 E 1640 L 1647-8 c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8 E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1629 E 1626 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 E 1625] A.B. 1628 E 1616 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1622-3 c. 1594 A.B. (Em.) 1597-8; A.M. 1601 E 1637 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 E 1548 M 1575 E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 M 1552 A.B. 1556-7, Ryve; A.M. 1560 [(Matr. Ryve) M 1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582; S.T.B. [1589, Rive E 1599-1600] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. (Chr.) 1607 E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617; S.T.B. E 1652 [1624; S.T.P. 1660 Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 559 Kecve, Tho Cai. — Will Chr. Reve, Will Joh. Will Cai. Reeve, Will Chr. Reve [C. C. Regentine [King' Rolfe, Ja Sid. • — Nich Sid. — Rich — Will Sid. Remshing, Gilb Joh. Remchin, Hen Cai. Remching, Tho Cai. Remes, Will Cai. Remington, Hen Pet. — Hen Chr. — John Pet. — John Trin. — John Pet. — John Trin. — John King' — Rich Joh. — Rich Pet. — Rich Joh. — Rich [Pet. — Rob — Rob Trin. — Rob (? — Rob. Barne . Trin. — Rob Pet. — Sam Sid. — Tho [Pet. — Tim Pet. — Tim Pet. — Will Sid. Remiict, John [Cai. Renew, Will. v. Rainew Reniger, Mich Joh. — Mich [C. C. Renniger, Raphael *Joh. Rensforth, Rob Chr. Reppes, Hen (Jhr. — Hen Cai. Reppis, John Joh. Reppes, Nich Cai. — Rich Cai. Repton, Humph. ... [Jes. Reresby, Godfrey Joh. — John Jes. Rcrsbve, Tho Joh. Reresby, Will Joh. Resbiirie, Nath. {imp.) Em. Resbury, Rich Sid. — Theodore ...*Trin. Resbye, Arnold Joh. — Rob. {imp.) . Trin. — Tho Pet. Resoulde, Ja Trin. Re.solde, Will Em. Rest, Tho C. C. E 1654 M 1607 E 1621 E 1629 E 1650 1552] E 1613 E 1615 s M 1628 p E 1625 s E 1653 s M 1561 [s E 1(;04] p E 1645 p E 1611 s E 1640 p L 1580-1 s 6'. 1591 p M 1619 p E 1629 s [s E 1635] p M 1560 p E 1607 s E 1633 f-c E 1652] s M 1611 the above) f-c M 1610 V f-c P P s p 1> f-c f-c p l> E 1617 E 1624 E 1627] E 1607 E 1633 E 1656 E 1612] E 1611 1613] M 1606 E 1583 c. 1601 M 1649 E 1568 M 1649 E 1652 M 1639] c. 1591 E 1628 E 1579 M 1629 M 1657 E 1625] M 1652 M 1573 E 1545 E 1555 E 1582 E 1611 [1601] A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1610-1 (?grad. as Ree) A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1631-2 A.B. (Cla.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607; A.B. 1628-9 [M.L. 1609 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1565-6 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 [Reymes] A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1632-3 (Matr. 'Bennington') A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. (*Pet.) 1568; [M.L. 1586 A.B. 1636-7 A.B. (Pet.) 1579-80 A.B. (Joh.) 1617-8 A.B. (Cath.) 1619-20; A.M. (Pet.) A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 [1625 A.B. 1636-7 (?same as ne.xt) A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614, Regnier A.B. 1604-5 (in ordo) A.B. 165.3-4; A.M. 1657 ; S.T.P.'73 A.B. 1655-6 [1661 {Lit. Rea.) A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637; S.T^P. A.B. 1661; A.M. 1672 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. (Joh.) 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 [ordo) A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 (' Best' iu 560 Matriculation Eeston, Fra Em. Retchford, John C. C. — John Trin. — Will Cla. Retraye, Dav Qu. Revyll, Alex C. C. Revell, Alex C. C. Revill, Edw Em. Revell, John Job. — John Mag. — John Joh. — Phil Pet. — Rob Em. — Rob Cla. — Roger {imp.) Pet. — Rowland . . . — Tho Joh. — Tho C. C. — Will *Trin.H. Revet, Eldred Cla. Revett, Fra Em. — John Cai. Revet, Phil Mag. Revett, Tho Joh. — Tim. V. Rivet Rewse v. also Ruse — John Joh. — John Pern. Rews, Rich Pet. Rewse, Rob [C. C. — Tho [C. C. — Will Pem. Reymes, Barnes Reyne, John Trin. Reynold, Anth Em. Reynald, Anth Qu. Reynold, Chris Cla. Reinold, Humph. ... Joh. — Ja [Qu. Raynolde, John Joh. — John Joh. Reinold, John Trin. Reynold, Lewis. Joh. — Rob — Chr. Reynolds, Anth Em. Raynolds, Cooper Chr. Reinolds, Edw Reynolds, Edw Renold, Fra Jes. Reynolds, Geo *King's — Geo Catb. ■ — Griffin Pem. — Isaac Joh. — Ja Pet. Rennalls, Ja Mag. Renolds, Jerome Qu. Reynolds, John Trin. — John — John Trin. Renodes, John Sid. 1 ? and Degrees 1544 — 1659 1 p E 1613 A.B. 1616-7 [1580] A.B. ( ); A.M. 1590 s E 1652 A.B. 1655-6.; A.M. 1659 [s M 1635] A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 8 M 1581 [Red way] P M 1571 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 P L 1615-6 s M 1614 s E 1579 A.B. 1582-3 s L 1634-5 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2 p M 1559 s M 1609 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 p M 1559 A.B. 1563-4 A.B. (Joh.) 1630-1 s M 1569 s E 1648 M.B. 1653 p M 1572 LL.B. 1578 P M 1650 [Rivet] P E 1612 A.B. 1615-6 f-c E 1628 p L 1564-5 s c. 1595 A.B. (Chr.) 1598-9, 'Revell' p M 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 s M 1638 s E 1645 1604] A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 1636 A.B. (Trin.) 1639-40 p E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.M. (Trin. il.) 1646 (Incorp. fr. s L 1588-9 [Leyden) s L 1588-9 p L 1615-6 [Reinold] p M 1580 s c. 1597 A.B. (Chr.) 1600-1, Reynolds p M 1583] p M1547 8 M 1554 p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 p L 1563-4 A.B. [C. C] 1566-7, Reynolds A.M. 1575 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c c. 1597 p E 1643 s L 1620-1 A.B. 1623; A.M. 1627 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1585 A.B. 1590-1, Reinolds; A.M. 1594 p M 1552 A.B. 1556-7; A.M. 1560 f-c E 1618 s E 1584 8 L 1618-9 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 P M 1612 P M1648 [Reynolds] P E 1604 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 P E 1551 A.M. (Chr.) 1577 P M 1582 A.B. (Cath.) 1584-5, Reynold E 1609 A.B. 1612-3, Reynolds ; A.M. 1616 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 561 Reignalds, John Job. s E 1611 A. B. 1614-5, Reynolds; A.M. 1622 Reynolds, John Jes. s E 1614 A.B. 1616-7, Renalds; A.M. 1623 — John King's p L 1615-6 [Rainold] — John A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Rhenolds, John Cath. p E 1640 Raynolds, John Cai. s E 1647 A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654 Rennalls, John Joh. s E 1649 [ReinoldsJ Reynolds, Mark Em. s E 1610 A.B. 1614-5 (Matr. Rinolds) Reynold, Nich Pet. p M 1615 A.B. 1618 Reynolds, Rich (?Joh. s E 1544) A.B. 1549-50; A.M. 1553; MD Raynolls, Rich gu. s M 1556 A.B. 1562-3 ; A.M. 1567 [1567 Reynolds, Rich A.M. 1575 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Reignolds, Rich Chr. s c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 Reynolds, Rich A.B. (Mag.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597 Renolds, Rich Qu. p c. 1597 Reynold.s, Rich [Sid. f-o E 1599] — Rich Pet. s E 1647 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 Reynalds, Rob Qu. p E 1617 Reynolds, Rowland ... A.M. 1631 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Tho. On.).. Trin. p M 1551 — Tho A.B. (Cath.) 1573-4 [Oxf.) Renolds, Tho A.B. (C. C.) 1597-8 (Incorp. fr. Reinalds, Tho Qu. f-c M 1623 A.B. 1623-4, Reynolds; A.M. 1627 Reinolds, Tho 0. C. p E 1637 Raynolds, Tim [Trin. schol. 1562] Reynolds, Will Trin. p E 1551 Reinolds, Will Trin. s L 1597-8 Reynolds, Will Em. p E 1641 A.B. 1644; A.M. 1648 Raynolds [Pem. s 1647] Reyuoldson, John Pet. s M 1658 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 Rhetorfortis, Ja [Pem. 1619] Rhodes, Abr Cla. s E 1622 ('Roodes') — Dan Em. [p E 1641] A.B. 1644 Rodes, Edw Em. f-c E 1616 Rhodes, Ed[w.] Cla. p E 1654 Rodes, Era Joh. p E 1576 — Era Cla. p E 1577 — Era Joh. f-c c. 1595 Roades, Era Jes. f-c E 1614 Roads, Geoff. Em. f-c M 1649 Rhode-s, Geo Trin. p E 1636 Roades, (ieo Cla. s E 1645 A.B. 1648-9 Rhodes, Godfrey Joh. p E 1586 — Godfrey *Sid. j) E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 ; A.M. 1628 ; S.T.B. '35 Roads, Hen Jes. f-c E 1615 Rodes, John Chr. s E 1555 Rodys, John Joh. p E 1576 Roades, John *Trin. p M 1613 A.B. 1616-7 ; A.M. 1620; S.T.B. '44 Rodes, John Em. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 Rhodes, Uos Trin. s M 1626 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 — 'Jos Cla. p M 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 Rodys, Nacor Cla. p M 1576 Rodes, Osmund ... Trin. p M 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 ~ ^^^2 ««;5i •'"^^- 1' ^'' l-^'6 ^-S- l'^»0-l, Rodys — Rich (oh. p E 1567 Roode-s, Rich Joh. s c. 1591 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1.598 Rodis, Rob Qu. s M 1559 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. (*Joh.) 1566, Rodes, Rob Joh. p c. 1601 [Rodes ; S.T.B. 1573 1 Que of these S.T.P. 16(50 (Lit. Reg.) 71 562 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Rodes, Tho King's p E Rhodes, Tho *Kmg's p M — Tim — [Will.] Em. p E — Will Trin. s M Ribley, Ralph Pem. s M Ricard, Cha Sid. p E — Era Jes. p M Riccard, John Mag. s M Ricard, Maleverer ... Sid. p E — Nich Cai. p E — Tho Joh. f-c E Riccaby, John [Qu. p E Rice, John Rich, Cha *Trin. p E Ryche, Ed Qu. s E Rich, Hatton [Cath. f-c — iHen. {imp.) Em. f-c E Ryche, Hugh Joh. f-c M Rich, Nath Em. p M . — Nath Cath. p Riche, Pet C. C. p L — Rich Joh. f-c L — Rich Trin. f-c E Rich, Rich — Rich (Hhe above) — 2Kob Em. f-c E — 3 Rob [Em. f-c E — Rob — Rob Trin. f-c L — Steph Pet. s M — Tho [Joh. f-c M Riche, Will *Pem. p E Rich 4 Joh. s E — [King's f-c M Richant, Paul Triu. p E — Tho Trin. p E Rychants, Sam Trin. f-c M Richard, Pet Joh. p M — Will Chr. s E Richards, And Qu. p E Rikards, Cha Joh. p M Rickards, Dan Trin. s E Richardes, Ed Jes. p M Richards, Edm Em. p E Richardes, P^dvv C. C. s c. Rickard, Fra [Cai. p E Richards, Era Cai. p E — Geo Pem. s E Rychards, John *Joh. s E Richards, John Joh. p L Rychards, John Cla. f-c M Richards, John — John — John C. C. p E — John Joh. p E — John Cath. s E — Mich Trin. s M 1617 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 1625 A.B. 1629 A.B. (Mag.) 1631 ; A.M. (King's) 1607 [Rode] [1635 1631 1 r^eo A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 1626 1589 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 1626 1582 1566 1650] A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 1544 1639] A.M. 1640 {fil. fiob.) 1603 - A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) 1548 i^or A.B. 1604-5 1637 1577-8 A.B. 1580-1, Ritche; A.M. 1584 1564-5 1571 A.B. (Trin.) 1618-9 A.M. 1622 (JiL nob.) 1603 1626] xi.M. 1629 (JiL nob.) 1650-1 1644 A.B. 1647 1645] 1583 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 1555 1617] 1646 A.B. 1649-50 1646 1639 1570 1575 A.M. 1641-2 (Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1578-9 1586 1572 1659 A.B. 1662 1566 1653 A.B. 1656-7 1591 A.B. 1595-6 1631] 1657 1629 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 1557 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1563 1563-4 1573 A.B. (Trin.) 1575-6 A.B. (Joh.) 1579-80 A.B. (Jes.) 1580-1 1585 A.B. 1588-9 1624 1632 A.B. 1635-6 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 1 First Earl of Holland ; Chancellor, 16-28. 3 Third Earl of Warwick, 1658. 2 Second Earl of Warwick, 1619. ^ In the original ' Rich. Jurat ' : — tjuratus. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 563 Richards, Nath Cai. p E 1629 LL.B. 1634 — Rob Trill. s E 1577 — Rob A.B. (Jes.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 — Rob Cai. s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 — Sam Jes. p L 1637-8 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1647 — Tho Trill. p M 1568 A.B. 1571-2, Richard — W Joh. p E 1585 — Walt Em. s E 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 — Will Cai. p E 1618 — Will Em. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 — [Catli. f-c L 1649-50] — [Cath. s E 1652] Richard.son, Ales Qii. p M 1579 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 — Anth A.M. 1612 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Cha Chr. s E 1588 — Cha Cai. p M 1620 — Chris Trin. s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 — [Clem.] Chr. p E 1623 — Edw C. C. s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 ; A.. M. 1630 — Edw Em. s E 1637 A.B. 1639-40 — Edw Trill. s M 1652 A.B. 1656; A.M. 1660 — Edw |Mag. p E 1659] — Eubulus ... A.B. (Trin.) 1630-1 — Gabr Joh. p M 1561 — Geo Cla. p M 1567 — Geo [Em. s L 1655-6] — Hamond ... Jes. s E 1585 A.B. (Cai.) 1588-9 — Harbert [Sid. f-c E 1635] A.M. 1635-6 — Hen A.B. 1540-1; A.M. 1546 — Jeremy [Sid. s E 1615] — John Joh. p M 1552 — John Nich. Ho s M 1555 — John Cla. s M 1568 — iJohn Cla. s M 1578 A.B. 1581-2 ; A.M. (*Em.) 1585; — John Pet. s L 1582-3 [S.T.B. 1592; S.T.P. 1597 — John Joh. p E 1584 A.B. (Qu.) 1586-7 — John Chr. s M 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1595; S.T.B. [1603; S.T.P. 1610 — John Trin. p c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1601 — John Joh. s c. 1594 A.B. (Em.) 1597-8; A.M. 1609 — John 16U9 (Incorp. fr. Dublin) — John Trin. p E 1623 — John Joh. p M 1632 — John [Pem. 1637] — John Qu. s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 — John Em. p M 1637 A.B. 1641 — John A.M. 1641-2 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — John Chr. p M 1646 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 — John Joh. s E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 — John Mag. p M 1648 — John {imp.) Sid. s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 — Jos Qu. s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 — Lambert ... Mag. p E 1629 — :\Iarm Joh. s E 1642 — Matth Mag. s L 1564-5 — Mich Cai^ s E 1626 A.B. 1628-9 — Nich Chr. p M 1549 A.B. 1553-4 — Nich Cla. p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 — Ralph A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 1 Regius Professor of Divinity, 1C()7 ; Master of Pt-terlioiise, 1GU9; of Trinity, 1015. 564 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Richardson, Ralph Pet. — Reg Cai. — Rich Jes. — Rich Cla. — Rich Joh. — Rich Trin. — Rich [C. C. — Rich Em. — Rob Cla. — Rob Chr. — Sam Em. — Soloman ... Trin. — Tho Chr. — Tho [Cai. — Tho Cla. — iTho Chr. — Tho Cai. — 2Tho [Sid. — W Chr. — Walt Chr. — Will — Will — Will — Will Chr. — Will — Will C. C. — Will Trin. — Will *Joh. — Will Trin. — Will Joh. — Will Chr. Richer, Rob Cai. — Tho Richers, Hen C. C. Ritches, John C. C. Riches, John Trin. Richfords, Will Cla. Richman, Ambrose ... Pet. Richmond, Earth Trin. — Fra Qu. Richemond, John Chr. Richmond, John [Chr. — Nich Cla. Richemond, Steph Mag. — Tho Cai. Richmond, Tho Joh. Richemond, Will Trin. Ricketts, Geo Em. — John Em. Ricks, Edm Cai. — Elias Rix, Hen Qu. Ricotts, Ja Trin. Rvcroft, Hen Chr. -— Tho Joh. Ricrofte, Tho Chr. Rycroft, Will Mag. Ridell, Fra [Trin. — Mich Em. s M 1615 A.B. 1618-9 8 M 1564 S M 1547 P M 1567 P M 1569 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 s M 1611 A.B. 1615-6 1623] A.P.( ); A.M. [?(C.C.) 1630] s M 1656 A.B. 16.56-7; A.M. 1660; S.T.B.'71 s M 1545 p M 1564 A.B. 1567-8 s E 1643 E 1588 p M 1571 p E 1572] s E 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 p E 1584 f-c M 1613 f-c M 1642] p M 1564 s E 1573 M 1614 A.B. (Jes.) 1553-4, ?*Pem. A.B. (? 1609-10) ; A.M. (Joh.) 1613 A.M. 1612 (Incorp. Ir. Oxf.) A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1624 A.B. (Jes.) 1620-1 p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30 p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 p M 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40, *Pet. p M 1638 AB. 1641-2 fc M 1647 A.B. 1647-8 s M 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. (*Trin.) 1613-4; A.M. 1617 p E 1632 A.B. 1634-5 s E 1576 p E 1636 s E 1636 [M.B. 1614; M.D. 1619 s E 1607 A.B. ( ); A.M. (;Em.) 1614; s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 [s L 1571-2 1 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 p M 1575 f-c E 1646] A.M. 1589 p E 1582 A.B. (Pem.) 1585-6, Richeman; s M 1561 A.B. 1565-6, Richeman; A.M. 1569 s M 1571 .s E 1585 s M 1567 p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 IJ E 1623 A.B. (Jes.) 1625-6; A.M. 1629 r« E 1592] A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. ( ); A.M. (Cai.) 1597 s L 1653-4 A.B. (Cai.) 1657; A.M. 1661 f-c E 1639 s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 V M 1547 A.B. 1549-50 V E 1553 p E 1625 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 schol. 1552] A.B. 1554-5 M 1601 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 Lord Cli. Justice, C.P. l«-2ti Baron Cramoiid, 1651. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 565 Ryddall, Tho. {imp.). Joh. Ridiall, Tho Jes. Riddle, Tho Ein. — [Em. Ridlesden, Edw Riddelsden, Steph Joh. Riddlesden, Will [Pern. Ridding v. also Reding Ridinge, Aniias Ridinge, Geof. ('(JodlV.') Cai. — John Cai. Ridding, iRich Joh. Rydington, Tho Jes. Riddingtop, Tho Chr. Riddios, Geo Cla. Rider, Dudley Mag. — Hen Em. — Tho *l'em. Rydge, Edw Ridge, John Qu. — Nich Qu. — Rich. V. Rigges Ridgley, Ja Em. Ridgeloy, John Chr. — Luke [Cath, Rydgeley, Simon Joh. Ridgley, Simon Qu. — Tho Joh. Ridgly, Tho Qu. Ridgway, Hen Joh. Ridgewav, Rob [Jes. Ridgway, Tho [Trin. Ridgewell, John [C. C. — Tho Qu. Rydgewell, Will Chr. Ridley, Chris Joh. — Geo Mag. Ridly, Geo Joh. Ridle}', Geo Mag. — Gerard Mag. — Hen Cla. — Hen Em. — Israel Cla. — John Pem. — John — John Qu. — Mark Cla. — Nich Pem. Rydley, Oswald Pem. Rydly, Pet King' Ridley, Sam Cath. — Tho *King^ Rigbey, Adam Pem. Rigbye, Alex Joh. Rigby, Alex (? Rigbey, Alex Em. — Edw Joh. Rigl)y, Edw Em. Rigl)ye, Geo Joh. p M 1554 s L 1581-: p E 1G17 f-c E 1607] s E 1571 1621] s E 1607 p c. 1597 a E 1587 s E 1576 s E 1624 s c. 1593 s L 1645-6 s E 1623 p L 1656-7 p E 1645 (fi p E 1587 A.B. 1583 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 [Ridding ; S.T.B. 1626 A.B. (*Joh.) 1614-5; A.M. 1618, A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.M. A.M. 1604 1594 A.M. 1660 A.M. 1630 1619 1586 1631] 1560 1618 1594 1628 1634 1645-( 1652] 1600] 1597-J 1565 1610 1571 1638 1653 1650] 1570 1629 1592 1561 s E 1618 p E 1577 p E 1566 p M 1544 s p c. 1593 p M 1638 s p M 1566 p c. 1593 p E 1610 the above) p M 1637 p M 1628 p E 1643 p E 1618 1600-1 1590-1 ; 1579-80 1627-8 1598-9 A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1626-7; A.B. 1657; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1544-5; LL.B. 1555 •. Oxf.) A.B. 1645 [Redge] A.B. 1622-3 A.B. (Chr.) 1634-5; A.M. 1638; [M.D. 1646, Rudgely [Ruggley] A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600; M.D. [1608 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 migr. to Chr.] A.B. 16D1-2; A.M. 1606 [1575 A.B. (Pet.) 1571-2; A.M. (Qu.) A.B. (Trin.) 1642 .. A.B. 1656-7 A.B. 1661 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. (Pem.) 1577 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1614-5 (On [King's vi.sit) A.B. (King's) 1617 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 A.B. 1570-1 ; A.M.1574; LL.D.'83 A.B. (Joh.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1613-4 A.M. 1614-5 (On King's visit) Esquire Bedell, 1.59G. 566 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Rigbye, Hugh Job. Rigby, Hugh Joh. Rigbye, Ja Chr. Rigbie, Jos Joh. Rigby, Tho *Joh. Rigbftv, Uriell Em. Rigden, Rob C. C. Rigglevvood, Will. v. Wrigglewood Rigge, Hen King'.s Rigo, Tho Triu. Riggs, Abr Trin. Rigges, Cha Cai. Ryggs, Edm Trin. Rigges, Edw Trin. Riggs, Edw Trin. — Hen Trin. Ryggs, Rich *Trin. Rigs, Will Trin. Riley v. also Ryle — Edw Chr. — Ja Joh. — John Rilay, Rich Mag. — Rich Joh. Riley, Rich [Trin. Rylye, Tho *Tvin. Rimil, Sam Pern. Rimington, John King's Ringe, Geo Qu. — John Cla. — John Jes. Ringall, Will *Cai. Ringhet, Tho C. C. Ringold, Chris Pet. Ringrose, Era Joh. Ringstead, Era Trin.H. Ryngsted, Roger Trin.H. Rinsted [C. C. Ringwoode, Anth Cai. Ringwood, Tho Cai. Ripley, Abr Trin. Rippon, Matth Sid. Ripps (Reppes), Era Chr. Ripton, Allan Trin. Risbrot)ke, Will. v. Rushbroke Risby, John Cath. — John [Joh. Rysbye, Tho Trin.H. Risdon, Tho Cai. Rise, Hen Cai. Ryse, Rob Cla. — Tho Jes. Rise, W Jes. Risen, Will Joh. Rishton, Edm Joh. — Edm Trin. — Edw Joh. Rishetone, Geo Cla. Ryshton, Hen Cla. Rishton, John Joh. — John Cai. p E 1605 A.B. 1608-9 p M 1639 rft . T.C.D.] A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1649 p M 1618 A.B. 1621-2 p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 V M 1637 f-c E 1605 P c. 1590 P E 1575 s E 1582 s M 1613 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 p E 1557 s M 1571 s E 1614 A.B. 1618-9 r« E 1612] A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 p L 1557-8 A.B. 1561-2, Ridge p E 1575 s E 1587 A.B. 1590-1 (Matr. Risley) p M 1562 A.B. 1567-8, Rylye A.B. (Cla.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 p E 1623 p M 1626 A.B. 1630-1, A.M. 1634 p E 1648] p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30 ; A.M. 1633 [1656] A.B. ( ); A.M. 1665, Rymill s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9, Remington s M 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. (Trin.H.) 1646, s M 1585 ['King' s E 1609 p E 1633 A.B. 1635-6 ; A.M. 1639; M.D.'46 s E 1569 s E 1613 A.B. 1616 (Reynolds in qr.) s M 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 s M 1609 LL.B. 1618 p M 1561 1544] p c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9, A.M. 1602 s E 1618 A.B. 1620-1 A.M. 1624 s E 1639 s L 1650-1 A.B. 1653-4 A.M. (Em.) 1657 f-c E 1580 8 M 1582 p E 1615 A.B. 1615-6 f-c M 1655] p M 1546 [p E 1626] A.B. 1630-1 A.M. 1634 s E 1572 A.B. 1575-6 p M 1573 p E 1567 p L 1581-2 s E 1580 s c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9 A.M. 1602 s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1 A.M. 1614 s M 1571 A.B. 1575-6 A.M. 1579 p M 1568 A.B. 1571-2 s c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8 A.M. 1601 p E 1659 A.M. 1677 {Lit. Reg.) Matriculatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 567 Rishton, Rizing, Riseing, Rjsen, Ryseley, Uisley, Rislay, Ryseley, Riseley, Ritche, Ryvell, Rively, Riveley, Rively, Rivers, Ryvei-s, Rivers, Ryvers, Rivers, Rivet, Ryvet, Rivett, Rivet, Ryvett, Rivet, Rivett, Rivet, Rivett, Ryvet, Rivet, Ryvet, Rivett, Rivet, Rivett, Rivet, Rivett Roane, Rone, Roane, Robee, Roberds, Robards, Robert, Robertes, Roberts, Mattbias ... Job. s E 1588 Edni John C'ai. s E Tbo Cath. s M Ed Jes. s E Edni Edw. (;. Riley Edw Chr. p E Edw Chr. p M Geo Job. p E Nich Trin. s E Rich Cai. s E Rob Edw Cla. p E Will Job. p M Benedict ... Em. s L Geo Job. p M Ralph Pern. p M Edm Cla. s M Edw [Job. p E Geo Trin. p E Geo Chr. p E John Cla. s L Nizell Chr. p E Antb Job. p M Edm Chr. p E Edw Sid. p M Geo Job. p M John Trin.H. p M John Cla. p E John Em. p E John Em. p E Nich [Cai. p E Nich Cath. p E Nich Cai. p M Ro Joh. p M Rob [Cai. p E Tbo. {imp.) . Trin. p E Tbo Job. p M Tbo Joh. p E Tbo C. C. f-c M Tim Pet. p c. Tim Pet. p E Will Em. p E Will Cla. s E [C. C. [C. C. Humph. ...*Trin. [scbol. E John Trin.H. p E Tho Trin.H. s M Will *Trin.H. [schob Tbo Job. p M Fhied Jes. s E Geofi: Mag. s M Ja [Job. s E Alc.x Chr. p E Ambrose ... Cai. s E Barne Chr. f-c c. Benj Cadwalder.. Jes. s M 1579 A.B. (Trin.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610 1643 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 1608 A.B. 1612-3, Risinge A.B. (Trin.) 1553-4; A.M. 1557 1581 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 1565 1657 A.B. 1562-3 1563 A.B. (Chr.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592 1616 1645-6 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 1561 1582 A.B. 1586-7 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 1646] 1571 1628 A.B. 1631-2 1579-80 A.B. (C. C.) 1582-3 1628 A.B. 1631-2 1559 1577 1611 A.B. (Trin.) 1614-5; A.M. 1618 1559 1555 1577 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 1655 A.B. 1658-9, Revett ; A.M. 1663 ; 1589] [M.D. 1670 1637 1655 1559 1 Kom 1548 1566 1608 1595 A.B. (Cath.) 1597-8; A.M. (*Pet.) [1601, Revet; S.T.B. 1608; 1632 A.B. (Sid.) 1633-4 [S.T.P. 1614 1655 1659 A.B. 1663-4, Revett 1578 A.M. 1585] 1590] 1599] A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M.1604; S.T.B. '11 1641 1628 LL.B. 1635 1626] LL.B. 1630; LL.D. 1637 1589 A.B. (Mag.) 1593-4, Roby 1576 1551 1632] [S.T.B. 1592 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. (*Cai.) 1583; 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 1595 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1650-1 A.B. 1582-3;. A.M. 1586 568 Matriculation Roberts, Cadwallader Em. — Dav Chr. — Dav Joh. — Dav Je.s. Robarts, Edm *Joh. Roberts, Edm Joh. Edm Jes. — Edw Jes. Robertes, Edw Em. Roberts, Ed[\v] C. C. — Era Pet. Robertes, Fulk Chr. Roberts ('Robards'), Geo. Trin. — Gregoi-y Triu. — Griffin Qu. — (iriffitli Jes. — Hendcr Chr. — Hen Joh. — Hen Chr. — Hen Trin. — Hugh — Hugh Joh. — Ja Pet. — Jerome *Jes. Robarts, John Joh. Roberts, John Qu. — John Cai. — John Jes. Robarts, John Qu. Roberts, John Trin. — John Joh. ^— John Qu. — John Trin. — John Trin. — John [Qu. — John Chr. — John *C. G. — Jonat Cla. — Mich — ('Roberds'), Morgan Joh. — . Nich Chr. — Owen Qu. — Ralph Trin. — Rich Jes. — Rich Em. — Rich Joh. Roliertcs, Rob Roberts, Rob Pet. — Rob [Qu. — Rob Chr. R()l)erds, Samson Chr. Roljerts, Sampson ... Trin. H. — Simon Jes. — Theoph. ... Cla. -r- Tho King's — Tho Qu. — Tho Trin. — Tho Em. — Tho — Tho Pet. — Tho Jes. ? a ml ' Deg ^eeS 1544 — 1659 ^ M 1650 A.B. 1654-5 [1586-7. s E 1573 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580; S.T.B. s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 s L 1618-9 p U 1569 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 p E 1577 p L 1582-3 s L 1582-3 p c. 1593 s E 1658 f-c E 1568 s c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602; S.T.B. p E 1637 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 [1609 s E 1614 A.B. 1620; A.M. 1623 s E 1576 [Rob. Grifhn] s E 1602 f-c L 1650-1 p E 1579 p M 1585 s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 , A.M. 1612 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1626 A.B. (King's) 1628-9 ; A.M. 1632 p E 1614 p M 1575 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 p M 1555 s E 1557 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1563 s M 1576 p L 1581-2 s c. 1591 s M 1601 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 s M 1613 A.B. 1617-8 [s E 1625] A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 s E 1634 s L 1634-5 f-c M 1648] f-c L 1650-1 p E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 M 1645 A.M. 1624 (Incorp. fr. Dublin) p M 1575 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 s c. 1593 8 E 1555 s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 s E 1588 p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 p M 1659 A.B. 1663-4; A.M. (King's) 1667 S.T.B. 1601 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p M 1609 A,B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 s M 1617] f-c L 1650-1 s M 1558 A.B. 1563-4 s M 1564 p L 1597-8 A.B. 1601-2 s r. 1593 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 16(»5 p U 1546 (Matr. 'John') [(*C. C.) 1576 s M 1562 AB. 1565-6; A.M. 1569; S.T.B. s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6, Robardes; A.M. 1609 p E 1613 A.B. (Qu.) 1623-4 p E 1627 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1 . Matriculations and Degrees 1544- 16: 569 Roberts, Tho King's — Tho Cath. — Tho C"ai. — W Cath. — AVill Trin. — 'Will *Qu. — Will Jes. — Will *V. C. — AVill [Qu. Will Em. — Will Trin. — [King's — [Em. — Trin. — Cath. Roberison, Ale.x — Hmnph. ... Trin. — John Joh. — John Pern. Robinett, Reg. r. Robnet Robynds, Adam *King's Robyns, Alex Trin. Robins, tJeo [Em. Robynes, John King's Robins, John Em. — John [Pet. — John Ein. Robynes, Oliver Jes. Robins, Tho Robines, Will Robinson, Abr Qu. — Abr Sid. — Adam Trin. — Adam Joh. — Anth — Anth :\rag. — Anth Sid. — Bern — Chris Joh. — Dan Cai. — Dan [Qn. — Dan Em. — Edm — Edm Joh. — P^dm Trin. — Edw — Edw Chr. — Edw Joh. — Ephraim ... Joh. — Erasmus ... Em. — Era Joh. — Fra Joh. — Fra Joh. — Fra — Fra Cla. — Gabriel Chr. — Geo Qu. — Geo Joh. f-c L 1629-30 f-c E 1634 s E 1611 A.B. 1644-5 ; A.M. 1648 ; S.T.B. '62 s M 1565 [1609; S.T.P. 1618 }> c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600; S.T.B. l> E 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612; S.T.B. [1621 ; S.T.P. 1626 s E 1617 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 s E 1617 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623; S.T.B. ]> E 1622] [1631 f-c M 1631 p M 1641 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 f-c E 1606 E 1634 f-c f-c M 1640 p 1645 A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr. St Andrews) V M 1560 V M 1581 A.B. 1584-5, Robarson p E 1585 p p M 1570 L 1564-5 A.B. 1574-5, Robins; A.M. 1578 f-c p L 1654-5J E 1573 s M 1588 s L 1621-2] V E 1636 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 P E 1566 [A.IM. 1639 A.B. (Joh.) 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) l« M 1592] A.B. 1595-6 s E 1657 p E 1578 p M 1638 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 A.B. (Joh.) 1616-7 ; A.M. 1621 s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 P E 1655 A.B. 1658 A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1575 A.B. 1578-9 }> E 1620 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 s L 1623-4 p L 1623-4 A.B. 1627-8 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. (*Joh.) 1570 s M 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1593 « E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1541-2; A.M. (*Qu.) 1544 ]) M 1589 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596; S.T.B. p E 1642 c. 1595 [1615 s E 1635 s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 ^ K 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 s M 1544 p M 1568 Bishop of Bangor, 16:57. 72 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. (*Joh.) 1578 570 Matricidatio7is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Robinson, Geo Chr. s c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 — Geo C. C. s E 1602 — Geo Cath. s E 1652 — Geo [Pet. s E 1658] — Hen Joh. p E 1612 A.B. 1615-6 — Hen Joh. p E 1615 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 — Hen Chr. p E 1625 — Hen Qu. p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. (*Pet.) 1633 — Hen C. C. f-c M 1635 — Hen Joh. p E 1639 — Hen Jes. p L 1645-6 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 — Hen Cai. p E 1656 — Hugh A.B. (Joh.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 — Humph. ... Joh. p M 1568 A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1574 — Humph. ... A.M. 1600 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Humph. ... Joh. s E 1614 — Ja Joh. p M 1546 — Ja Tnn. s E 1560 — Ja Joh. s E 1575 [1624 — Ja C. C. p E 1618 A.B. (Joh.) 1619-20; A.M. (C. C.) — Ja A.B. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — John Qu. p M 1547 A.B. 1548-9; A.M. (*Pet.) 1552 — John *Pem. s E1550 A.B. 1553-4 ; A.M. 1557 ; S.T.P. '83 — John Qu. s M 1556 — John Tnn. s M 1566 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 — John Joh. p M 1566 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 — John Pet. s E 1570 — iJohn Joh. p M 1570) — iJohn Joh. s E 1570f — John [King's s E 1574] — John Trin. p E 1577 — John Joh. s M 1585 — John Cla. p E 1588 — John *C. C. s c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 — John Jes. p c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8 [1607 — John Em. s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600; S.T.B. — John Trin. p c. 1596 A.B. (Joh.) 1600-1; A.M. 1604 — John Cai. s E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 — John Trin. p E 1611 — John King's s M 1615 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1626 — John Joh. s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 — John King's p E 1621 A.B. (Joh.) 1624-5; A.M. 1628 — John *Joh. s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 — John Cla. s M 1623 — John Joh. s E 1633 — John Sid. f-c E 1633 — John Cai. p M 1634 A.B. 1637 — John Sid. p E 1636 — John Joh. p M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 — John Cai. s E 1643 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 — John Joh. p M 1645 A.B. 1649-50 — John Sid. f-c L 1648-9 — John Joh. .s M 1649 A.B. 1652-3 — John *Cai. p E 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 — John C. C. s E 1651 — John Em. p M 1656 A.B. 1659-60 — Jos Sid. p E 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 16.59 — Josias A.M. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Leon Joh. s E 1577 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 1 Uncertain which of these (if two) graduated. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 571 Robinson, Leon Qn. — Leon Sid. — Leon Sid. — Leon Job. — Luke [Cbr. — Marni Mag. — Mattb les. — Mattb *Job. — Metcalf [Job. — iNich *Qu. — Nich — Nicb Pern. — Nicb Cbv. — OHvcr Job. — Ralpli Job. — Ralpli Qu. — Ralpb Catb. — Reuben Jes. — Ricb Trill. — Rich Qn. — Rich Cbr, — Ricb Trill.' — Ricb Jes. — Rich Job. — Rich Cai. — Ricb Em. — Rob *Pem. — Rob Job. — Rob Pet. — Rob Trin. — Rob Trin.H. — Rob Job. — Roockwood . Cai. — Rowland ... Cbr. — Sam Qu. — Solomon ... Job. — Tho Trin. — Tho Cai. — Tho Job. — Tho *Em. — Tho Em. — Tho Cai. — Tho Trin. — Tho Job. — Tho Cbr. — Tho Job. — Tho Pet. — Tho Qu. — Tho Sid. — Tho .Job. — Tho King's — Tho Cla. — Will Joh. — Will Catb. — Will Trin. — Will — Will Job. — Will Qu. — Will Job. f-c E 1622 s E 16.34 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 1^ E 1637 s M 1653 V E 1627] s E 1570 f-c M 1631 p E 1645 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. (*Cbr.) 1652 I'-c M 1645] [1560; S.T.P. (*Job;) 1566 s M 1545 A.B. 1547-8; A.M. A.B. 1561-2 1551; S.T.B. p M 1576 A.B. 1579-80 p L 1577-8 s E 1581 E 1577 A.B. (C. C.) 1586-7 ; A.M. 1590 s E 16.36 s L 1637-8 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 p L 1645-6 (ir. Oxf.) A.B. 1646- 7 ; A.M. 1650 p E 1565 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573, *Jes. p M 1573 [1575 s M 1580 A.B. 1583-4 p M 1585 s c. 1596 s M 1615 A.B. 1618-9 p E 1639 p M 1642 p M 1571 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 p E 1576 A.B. (Qu.) 1579-80 ; A.M. 1583 V c. 1595 s E 1607 p E 1615 A.B. ( ); A.M. (Pet.) 1621 p E 1621 s E 1612 A.B. 1614-5 p E 1553 p E 1576 A.B. 1579-80 p M 1633 p M 1575 1^ M 1583 A.B. (Catb.) 1586-7; A.M. 1593 1^ E 1588 p c. 1.596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 s E 1607 s M 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 p E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 p E 1615 p M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 p M 1622 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 s E 1624 p E 1633 A.B. 16.36-7; A.M. (*Jes.) 1640 s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 • p E 1639 E 1647 f-c E 1651 p M 1551 s M 1568 A.B. 1571-2 p E 1575 A.B. 1578-9 A.B. (Qu.) 1576-7 p M 1579 •s E 1583 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1501 « E 1583 A.B. 1586-7; ?A.M. (Catb.) 1593 1 Bishop of Baugor, 15GG. 572 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Robinson, Will Pern. — Will Job. — Will Cai. — Will Job. — Will Cbr. — Will Job. — Will Pet. — Will Job. — Will *King's — Will Mag. — Will Sid. — Job. — Jes. — Cbr. — [King's Robnet, Reginald ... Job. Roborrougb, Hen Jes. Robrougb, Steph Pet. Robotbam, Cha Qu. Robotome, Edm Em. Robotbam, Edm Em. — Era Jes. — Era Job. — Jobn Em. — Jobn King's — Rob Cai. — Tho [Trin. Robson, Cba Job. — Geo *Trin. — John — John Cath. — John Pet. — Mich Jes. Rich Pet. — Rob Job. — ' Simon *Joh. — Steph Qu. — Tbo Joh. — Tbo Job. — Tbo Job. — Will Trin. Roby V. Robee Roccatagliata, Sebastian . [Cai. Roche, Hammond .. Cla. Roch, Will Qu. Rocbeley, John Job. Rochester, Ed Edm. Ho. Rocester, Edw Cla. Rochester, Jobn C. C. Rocester, Rich Cla. Rochford, Era. de. Sir Rock, Will Joh. — [C. C. Rockhold, Rob Pem. Rockley, Rich Joh. Rocklye, Rob. (? Tbo.) Joh. Rockley, Tho Joh. Rockrey, Edm *Qu. p E 1586 A.B. (*Qu.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592; 1 5o( [S.T.B. 1599; S.T.P. 1609 W s c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6 ^; s c. 1596 A.B. 1598-9 f V M 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 ' s E 1612 s E 1614 A.B. 1616-7 f-c E 1616 s E 1647 p M 1650 A.B. 1654; A.M. 1658 s M 1654 A.B. 1659; A.M. 1671 p M 1656 s E 1544 s M 1544 s M 1544 f-c M 1623] p c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. (*Mag.) 1605 s M 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 r« E 1653] A.B. 1656 [1648 ; S.T.B. 1655 s E 1641 A.B. (C. C.) 1644-5 ; A.M. (*Trin.) , p E 1586 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 ' 13 M 1621 s M 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 r« E 1612] A.B. 1616 s E 1639 p M1613 P L 1652-3' V E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.M. 1607 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 p M 1638 A.B. 1642-3 i p E 1616 A.B. 1619; A.M. 1623 p M 1638 p M 1573 A.B. 1577-8 p E 1569 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576; S.T.B. s M 1600] c. 1593 A.B. 1604-5 [1583; S.T.P. 1594 p E 1604 V E 1614 s E 1634 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 p M 1562] p M 1571 p L 1607-8 A.B. 1611-2 s M1578 p M 1544 p E 1589 p E 1577 A.B. (Pem.) 1580-1; A.M. 1584 p E 1589 A.M. 1627 {fil. nob.) s E 1640 1569] (Matr. 'Knock') Y> E 1615 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 a E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 p E 1605 A.B. 1609-10, Tho. s M 1573 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 s M 1558 A.B. 1560-1; A.M. 1564; S.T.B. '70 Dean of Bristol, 1598. Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 573 Rodeknyght, John *Qu. Rodle}', Hen Mag. Roe V. Rowe Roffe V. Rolfe Roffey, John [Ohr. Roffi-ye [Roffey], Will. ... Chr. Roger, Rich Toh. — Rob Trin. Rogeray, Matth Cla. Rogers, Benoni Trin. ^ Chri.s King's — Dan *Chr. — Dan Sid. — Edw Trin. — Ezechiel . . . — Fra a C. — Fra *Trin. — Fra Jes. — Geo Mag. — Geo — Goldwell ... Em. — Hananeel ... *King'.s — Ja *Pem. — John Joh. — John *Trin. — John Jes. — John Em. — John Trin. — John Cai. — John [Sid. — John [Cai. — John Cla. — John C. C. — John Sid. — John Qu. — John King's — John Joh. — Mar Jes. — Nath Em. — Neheraiah... Em. — Nehemiah . . . King's — Portington . . Em. — Ralph — iRich — Rich Chr. — Rich Trin. — Rich Em. — Rich Trin. — Rob Joh. — Roger Qu. — Sam Em. — Sam *Qu. — Sam Em. — Sam Em. — Tho Pern. Tho Trin. — Tho Em. — Tho Em. s M 1583 A.B. 1587-8: f-c E 1607 p E 1647] p E 1631 p E 1549 p M 1649 s M 1589 [1635] s E 1574 p c. 1592 p E 1624 p M 1607 A.M. 1591 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599; S.T.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 [1606 p M 1573 [schol. 1596] s E 1627 s c. 1590 A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5; A.M. A.B. A.B. 1.597-8; A.M. 1601; S.T.B. 1629-30 [1608; S.T.P. 1613 P P P P P s s [schol. 1589 1652 1597 1559 1559 1562 1588 1601 1613 1614] 1616: 1616 1619 1624 1624 1642 1646 1.546 1614] 1613 1642 1620 A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. (Cath.) 1606 A.B. A.B. A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 1600-1; A.M. 1604 1562-3; A.M. 1567; LL.D. [(Mag.) 1574 ] A.B. 1604-5 ? same as next] A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1622; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1627-8 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631, *Joh. A.B. 1646 [1634 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1614 (in ordo); A.M. A.B. 1645-6 1618 1610 M 1566 M 1626 E 1636 E 1640 c. 1591 E 1577 E 1622 E 1627 A.B. (Trin.) 1606-7; A.M. (A.B. Oxf.); S.T.B. 1562 A.B. 1570-1 ; A.M. (Cai.) 1574 A.B. (C. C.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1642; A.M. 1646 A.B. A.B. 1625-6; 1630-1 ; E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; L 1629-30 A. B. 1633-4; M 1544 M 1618 E 1620 A.B. 1623; A.M. 162 M 1639 A.M. 1629 A.M. 1634; S.T.P. [1662 {Lit. Reg.) A.M. 1636 A.M. 1637 Bishop suffragan of Dover, 15G8 ; Dean of Canterbur}', 1581 574 Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Rogers, Tho Trin. — Tim Em. — Will — Will Je,s. — Will Joh. — Will *Joh. — Will Pet. — Will Joh. — Zachery Em. — [King's — [C. C. Rogerson, Chris Cai. — Geo Joh. — John Joh. — Rob Cai. — Tho Cai. — Will *Trin. Roisthorne, Edw — Will Qu. Rokeby v. Rookby Roket, Tho Trin.H. Rolphe, Anth Cai. Rolph, Anth Cai. Rolf, Aug Qu. Rolfe, Aug Qu. Roffe, Basil C. C. Rolfe, Clem Cai. — Hen Qu. Roflfe, Ja Cai. Rolphe, John Pet. Rolfe, Rich Joh. — Rich Cai. — Rob Trin. Roulfe, Rob. {imp.) . Mag. Rolfe, Rob Cla. — Tho Qu. Rolphe, Tho Cai. Rolfe, Tho Qu. — Walt [Qu. — Will Em. Rolle, Era [Em. — (Roules), Gabriel ... Joh. — Rich Jes. — Sam. V. Rowles — (' Rolte '), Tho *King's Rolle.s V. Rowles Rowlinson, Era *Joh. Rollenson, Era [Joh. Rolleison, Hen. v. Rawlinson RoUiston, Will Chr. Rollyns, Rob Joh. Rolston, Edw Chr. — Lancelot ... [Cai. Roleston, Rich Chr. Rolston, Tho Trin. Rolt, Benj Sid. — Edw Sid. — Edw Sid. — Geo — John Em. Rolte, John Jes. s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M.1664 ; S.T.P.'92 Ml "s E 1604] A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 1 A.B. (King's) 1542-3; A.M. (*Qu.) ■ p M 1572 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 [1546 s M 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636; S.T.B.'43 s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 s E 1645 A.B. 1648-9 f-c 1545 1569J s E 1614 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8 s M 1579 A.B. 1583-4 s E 1645 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1653 s E 1612 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 p M 1584 A.B. 1588-9 ; A.M. 1592 ; S.T.B. '99 i A.B. (Joh.) 1592-3 s E 1604 A.B. 1607-8, Rawsthorne s M 1564 p M 1619 f-c M 1653 s E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 s E 1586 prev. at Qu.l 1 Rofte] f p c. 1593 p M 1566 p M 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589, Rob. s M 1606 s M 1581 A.B. (*Em.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588 p E 1608 p M 1564 A.B. 1566-7 p M 1571 p M 1602 p E 1566 s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 [s L 1631- 21 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1640 p E 1613] p E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624; S.T.B p L 1646- 71 [1631-2 {Lit. Req.) p M 1605 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 s E 1637 A.B. 1638-9 p M 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1666 s c. 1591 A.B.(?1594-5); A.M. 1598; S.T.B. p E 1637] [1606 s c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9 s M 1571 p L 1563-4 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1572 f-c E 1637] .s M 1602 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 s M 1584 A.B. (Cath.) 1588-9 p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 V L 1607-8 (Matr. Roult) p E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1^ E 1624 f-c E 1633 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 575 r.B; Rolt, Nath Em. — Sam *King's Tho Chr. — Tho *Sid. Rommerill, Phil Peru. Roniney, Jos Em. Rorusbotham v. also Ramsbotham Romsbottom, Ja Job. Rone V. Roane Rongius, Tho [Em. Roode, Edw — Onesiphorus Roof, Edw [Qu. Rookby, Alex I'et. Rokeby, Alex [Jch. Rookby, Alex Trin. Rokebey, Geo Qu. Rokeby e, Ralph Qu. Rookeby, Ralph (.}y\. Rokeby, Tho Job. Rookbye, Tho C. C. Rokeby, Tho Pet. Rookeby, Tho *Cath. — Tho Joh. Rokebye, W Qu. Roocbye, Will Pet. Rookby, Will Trin. Rookeby, Willoughby . Job. Rooke, Hen Joh. — Hen Joh. Roke, John Joh. Rooke, John Qu. — Laur Cai. — Laur *King's — Rob — Rob Jes. — Steph Mag. — Will Qu. — Zacharv Qu. ■ [c.c. Rooks, Chris *Kiiig'.s Rooke.s, John *King's — John Cla. Rokes, Nich King's Rookes, Rob Je.s. Rooks, Tho Eui. Rookes, Tho Joh. Roksbey, Nich Pem. Rookvvood, Edni lluckwood, Edw Cai. Roockwood, Hen. Cai. Rookewood, Hen Cai. Rooles, John [Trin. Roope, John [Chr. Roote, Hen Pem. — Hen Sid. — Jereni Em. — John Cath. — Tim loh. Rooth, Rob [Qu. Rootes, Fra Cla. p E 1626 ]> M 1652 A.B. [1656]; A.M. 1660 p E 1604 s E 1644 A.B. 1647-8; A.M.1651 ; S.T.B.'58 s M 1626 A.B. (King's) 1631-2; A.M. 1635 [f-c E 1607] A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 s E 1585 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1593 f-c E 1596] A.M. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Chr.) 1645 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; [A.M. 1645 s E 1588] p E 1620 f-c 1> E 1649] E 1650 ]> M 1562 V M 1562 p c. 1591 1» E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 I' E 1624 A.B. 1625 p E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 f-c M 1657 A.B. 1664-5 p M 1562 \) M 1617 p E 1650 p E 1646 1> M 1546 ]) M 1627 A.B. 1630 1 p E 1560 1> M 1587 p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1644 p E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M 1647 A.B. 1542-3; A.M. (*Trin.) 1547 ]) E 1611 A.B. 1613-4 s M 1564 [« E 1599] A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 )> M 1569 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 1561] T) M 1547 A.B. 1551-2; A.M. 1555 \> M 1583 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 V M 1607 V M 1562 }> E 1633 I> c. 1596 xV.B. 1.599-1600; A.M. 1603 1' M 1619 P P I> M 1562 E 1574 L 1578-9 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1624 P E 1629 (xMatr. 'Dookeward') schol. 1605] f-c M 1646] ]) E 1605 s M 1606 A.B. (Mag.) 1610-1 s xAl 1625 s L 1615-6 A.B. 1617-8 s L 1653-4 A.B. 1658; A.M. 1661, Rooth p M 1649] p E 1621 A.B. (Qu.) 1623-4; A.M. 1628 576 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Roots, John Trill. — Nich Cla. — Nich Em. Rootes, Rich J oh. — Tho — Will Trill. Roots Rooper, Cuthb Pern. Roper, Fra * J oh. — Hen Cai. Roopar, Hen Cai. Roper, Hen [Sid. — John — Rich Trin. — Sam Em. Rooper, Sam Trin. Roper, Tho Joh. — Tho Cai. Rophe, Will Joh. Roscarrock, Cha [Qu. Roose [Rose], Adam *King's Rose, Anth Trin. — Gilb Em. — Hen *Cai. — Humph. ... Cai. — Isaac Trin. — John Jes. — John Cai. — John [Qu. — Rob Joh. — Roger Pet. — Seth Em. — Tho Chr. — Tho Chr. — Will C. C. Roser, Ja Joh. — Roger [Em. Rosier, Ja — John Cai. Rosipus (? Rosinus), Lewis Ross, Lord v. Manners, Roger Rosse, Gabriel Trhi. — Hen Trin. — Hen Joh. — Hugh Trin. — . Ja Pet. — Ja Qu. — John — John Trin. — John Joh. — John — Rich C. C. — Rob [Cai. — Tho Jes. — Th.. Chr. — Will *Trin. — Will *King's Rossell, Geo Joh. Rosell, Harold Chr. Rossell, John Qu. Rosell Joh. 13 E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 P E 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 V E 1602 s c. 1591 A.B. 1595-6 A.B. (Oxf.); A.M. (Mag.) 1632 s E 1633 A.B. 1637; A.M. 1641 A.M. (Em.) 1603 (in ordo) V E 1603 s M 1658 A.B. 1662-3 ; A.M. 1666 ; S.T.B. '73 8 M 1571 f-C c. 1595 f-c E 1633] A.B. 1541-2; A.M. (*Pet.) 1545 p M 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 f-c E 1614 p E 1652 p E 1555 s E 1626 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 p L 1577-8 f-c E 1608] V M 1567 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 p E 1561 f-c E 1607 [Migr. to Cai. 1608] p E 1617 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 f-c E 1639 s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 V M 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 s M 1637 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 f-c E 1647] p M 1567 s E 1636 A.B. 1638-9 p G. 1595 A.B. 1598-9 p M 1547 [A.B. 1549-50] s E 1648 s M 1627 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 p M 1559 p E 1592] A.B. (Pem.) 1592-3; A.M. 1596 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.M. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Saumur) p ^ 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 V E 1616 A.B. (Joh.) 1616-7, Rose; A.M. p E 1629 [1620 [schol. 1618] A.B. 1618; A.M. 1622 p M 1576 s E 1655 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1662 A.M. 1599 {fil. nob.) s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. (Chr.) 1621 p E 1619 A.B. 1622-3 [(Matr. 'Bosse') A.B. (Trin.) 1631-2 p E 1611 p L 1585-6 p L 1577-8 ]) M 1639 A.B. 1642 p ]!: 1570 A.B. 1573-4, Rose; A.M. 1577 p E 1637 A.B. [1640] p E 1573 p M 1558 p E 1578 p E 1544 Matrlculatio7is and Degrees 1544- [659 577 Rosthorne V. also Roisthome Hen . Chr. s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 Will A.B. (Joh.) 1587-8; A.xM. 1591 Rossiter, Edw ; Sid. p E 1636 Rich . [Sid. P L 1633-41 Rosseter, Tho . C'hr. fc M 1609 Rossi ngton, Anth . (^hr. p E 1618 _ Ja . Em. p M 1626 Tho . Chr. E 1618 Roswell, Walt A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1625 (On King's visit) Rotheliu, Henri d'Orleans, Marquis of Rotherham, Chris . Joh. p E 1550 Rotlieram, John . Chr. p E 1546 John . Cai. p E 1626 John A.M. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Ralph .... '. Joh. s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 Rotherham, iTho . Pet. p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 Rotheram, Tho . *Trin. p E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 Rothwell, Edw . Chr. p E 1653 — Geo . [Joh. f-c E 1641] — John . Trin. s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 Rich . Qu. p E 1578 A.B. 1580-1, Rathwell — W . Joh. p M 1565 — Will . Em. p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30, Rotchwell; A.M. — Will . [Joh. p E 1641] [1633 Rouffe, Roger . Joh. p M 1548- Roulstone, Will . Trin. p M 1601 Roult V. Rolt Rowse, Anth . Chr. s M 1567 [schol. Trin. H. 1570] — Anth . Chr. f-c M 1581 — Art . Em. b E 1644 (f r. Oxf.)] A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 Rous, Chris . Pern. f-c E 1621 A.B. 1623-4 [(Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Rowse, Edm. (' Edw. ) Pet. s E 1625 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1634 Edw A.B. (King's) 1600-1; A.M. 1604 Rous, Era .' Mag. p E 1656 Rowse, Hen . Pern. p E 1582 Isaac . Em. p E 1639 A.B. 1643-4 — John . King's p M 1546 — John . Trin. s E 1579 Rouse, John . Em. s E 1598 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1607 Rous, John .' Pem. [1623] A.B. (Joh.) 1624-5 Rowse, John A.B. 1626 Rouse, John . Em. s E 1647 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 Rowse, Mich . Pem. f-c E 1628 Rouse, Rich . Pet. p M 1633 A.B. 1634; A.M. 1638 Rowse, Tho . [Cai. p E 1568] Tho . Chr. f-c E 1582 — Tho . Trin. s E 1615 A.B. (Qu.) 1617-8 Rous, Tho . Em. s E 1635 Rouse, Tho . Cai. p L 1637-8 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 Tho . Joh. p M 1648 Tho . King's p M 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 Rowse, Will, {imp.) Qu. p M 1546 Rouse, Will . [Pet. . ;Cath. p E 1648] E 1653; — p Roustin, Ds de A.M. 1614-5 (On King's visit) Rout, Roger *. Cai. s c. 1593 Rowth, Anth . Sid. s M1645 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653, Rowt Routh, Chris . Mag. s E 1571 Signs, for .\.M., Tho. Atwooil Rotheram. 73 578 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Routh, Gabriel Jes. p E 1568 Routhe, W Qu. p L 1564-5 Routh Trin. fc E 1623 Rovington, Fra Trin. s L 1580-1 A.B. 1584-5 Roe, Cheviiey ...*Trin. p E 1608 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614; S.T.B. Row, Cheiiy Trin. p E 1644 A.B. 1647-8 [1622; S.T.P. 1635 — Fra [Pern. 1623] Roe, Hen [Sid. f-c L 1626-7] Rowe (Roe), i Humph. ... Trin. p c. 1596 — 1 Humph. ...Jes. s M 1598 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 ; S.T.B. '12 Roe, Ja A.B. (Trin. H.) 1577-8 Rowe, John Cla. p E 1577 A.B. 1580-1 Roe, John Em. p E 1617 — John Em. s E 1636 A.B. 1640-1 Rowe, John Em. [s E 1644 fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1645-6 Roe, Jonat [Pet. s E 1642] — Joiiat Qu. s M 1650 A.B. 1650-1 — Nath Cai. s c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1605 — Nich Jes. f-c E 1583 — Nich C. C. p c. 1594 A.B. 1598-9 Rowe, Nich Em. f-c M 1618 Row, Rich Em. p c. 1595 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 (in Rowe, Rich Jes. v. Wrowe \ordo) Roe, Rob Cla. s M 1576 — Rob Mag. s M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 Rowe, Rob M.L. (Joh.) 1640 Roe, Sam [Trin. s E 1647] — Tho Cai. p E 1576 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 Rooe, Tho Chr. s E 1577 [S.T.B. 1633 ; S.T.P. 1638 Rowe, Tho *King's p M 1611 A.B. [1615-6]; A.M. 1619, Roe; — Tho *C. C. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618; S.T.B. '30 — Tho Pern. s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 Roe, Tho Cla. s M 1640 A.B. 1644-5 — Will A. M. 1569 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Rowe, Will [King's schol. 1604] Roe [King's f-c M 1639] Rowell, John Trin. s E 1623 A.B. 1625 Roes, Will *Jes. p c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602, Rowes Rowland, Da Cla. s L 1557-8 — Elisha [Joh. s E 1639] — Fra Em. p c. 1595 — Griffith A.B. (Jes.) 1571-2; A.M. 1575 — John Gonv.H. s M 1552 A.B. 1556-7; A.M. 1560; S.T.B. [(*Jes.) 1569 — Owen Chr. p E 1567 A.B. 1570-1 ; A.M. 1575 (Incorp. [fr. Oxf.) — Owen Jes. s E 1577 A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 ; S.T.B. '91 — Paul Chr. s c. 1593 — Rich Chr. p E 1566 — Rich [Sid. f-c L 1599-1600] — Rob [King's schol. 1556] — Sam Pern. s E 1649 Roland, Tho A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1556; LL.D. Rowland, Tho Mag. s M 1588 [1567, *Chr. 1558, *Jes. 1564 — Tho [Cai. p E 1601] Roland, Tho [Cai. f-c E 1636] — Tho King's f-c E 1637 Rowland, nVill Jes. s E 1611) .p .,... . — 2Will Jes. s M leilf ^•^- 1^1^-^ 1 A Humphrey Eowe was fell, of Trin. 1002 : if he was the former, the graduation is lost. - Uneertain which (if two) graduated. 3Iatrlculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 579 Eowland, Will [Qu. — Will Pem. Roule, Eich Trin. Rowles, Beiij [Trin. — Dan Triu. — Nath Em. — Sam Em. Rolles, W Pet. Rowlestoi), John [Qu. Rowlatt, Edm Pem. Rowlet, Elijah {imp.) Cai. Rowlett (Rollett), Johu...*Sid. — Noel Joh. Rowlet, Rob :,... Chr. Rowlvc, Anth Joh. Rowley, Edw Cai. — Era Trin. — Era Trin. — John Cai. — John Pet. — Jos Em. — Ralph *Pem. — Rob Pem. — Roger Em. Rowlve, Tho Qu. Rowley, Will Chr. — Will Sid. Rowning, [Hen.] Qu. Rowntree, Leon [Qu. Rowsby, Rob Trin. Rowsonn, Tho Em. Roy, Hen C. C. — Will c. c. Roydon, Dan Cai. — Edm Trin. — Humph. ... Qu. Royden, Marm Jes. Roydon, Matth Trin. Royden, Tho Jes. Royle, Nath Trin. — Rob Jes. — Tho King's — Tho [Joh. Royse (Rois), John Sid. Roys, Luke Jes. Royston, Gregory Joh. — Rob Pet. — [Em. Rubens, Pet. Paul... Rubye, John Chr. Rucke, Art — John C. C. Ruckhill, John Joh. Rudd, lAnth *Trin. — Anth Qu. — Anth Qu. — Edm Cla. — Ja Pet. — John Joh. E 1027] [Rowler) M 1627 A.B. I(i30-1; A.M. U)39 fMatr. E Ki{)9 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616, RouU L 1649-50] M 1646 E 1637 E 1644 L 1582-3 M 1612] [1649] E 1659 E 1640 E 1625 M 1584 E 1611 M 1621 M 1601 E 1642 L 1620-1 E 1651 E 1631 M 1579 M 1581 E 1616] E 1566 E 1576 E 1613 E 1618 L 1597-8] M 1653 E 1618 c. 1594 E 1614 M 1635 M 1558 c. 1593 E 1634 M 1571 E 1634 E 1604 M 1653 E 1573 M 1634] E 1617 M 1552 M 1568 E 1629 A.B. 1646-7 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1644; M.D.'51 A.B. (*Trin.) 1646-7; A.M. 1650; [M.D. 1676 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1652-3 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1667 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. (Sid.) 1603; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1646-7 ] A.B. 1654; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1579-80 1616-7; A.M. 1620 1621-2, 1598-9: 1616-7 ; Rosen A.M. 1602 A.M. 1620 A.B. i; -9; A.M. 1602 [Will.] A.B. (Cla.) 1607 A.B. 1653-4 A.M. 1613 A.B. 1620-1 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 L 1630-1 ; fr. Oxf.] A.M. 1629 M 1584 A.B. 1588-9, Rabie; A.M. 1.592 A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [1568] A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 E 1625 A.B. 1627-8 E 1562 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570; S.T.B. L 1597-8 [1577; S.T.P. 1583 E 16.39 [fr. Oxf.] LL.B. 1641 M 1569 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 [1591 E 1584 [fr. Cai.] A.B. (Chr.) 1587-8; A.M. ' Bishop of St David's, l.'.Ol. 580 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Rudd, John Cla. Rud, John Chr. Rudd, Rich — Rob *Qu. — Roger Trin. — Tho *Trin. — Tho Trin. Ruda!1, Geo Job. Ruddle, John Cai. Rudinge, John Qu. Riiddocke, Rob Jes. — Tho Rndge, Edw [Qn. Rudston, Belknap ... Chr. — Chris *Trin. — Geo [King's Rudstone, Ja Joh. Rudston, John [Qu. — John Job. Rudston e. Mar. ? Joh. — Sam Pet. Rudston, Tho. (mjo.) Mich. Ho. — Tho Gonv.H. — Walt Pet. Rudstone, Walt Pet. Rudyard, Benj King's Rutin, Fra Rugby, Will Chr. — Will [Qu. Rugely, Simon Chr. Rugge, [Hen.] Cai. Rugg, John *Trin. Rugge, Ro Trin. — Rob C. C. — Tho. Trin. — Will Gonv.H. Rugg, Will C. C. Ruggle, Cha Trin. RuggUe, Geo Joh. — Roger Joh. Rumbald, Edw Pem. Rumball, John Cath. Rumbold, Edw Jes. — W C. C. Rusbrooke, Tho [Pem. Ruse V. also Rewse — Hen *C. C. — John Trin.H. — Simon C. C. — Siri Trin.H. — W C. C. Rushall, Nich Cla. Rusbam, (xeof. Jes. Rushe, ^Anth — Fra Qu. — Geo Joh. — John Em. Rush, Nich *Chr. s E 1586 s E 1622 s E 1584 s M 1575 [schol. 1554] f-c E 1614 s E 1613 s E 1655 p E 1639 p E 1616 f-c f-c M 1644] E 1567 s M 1608 sclol. 1557] ]) E 1559 f-c s E 1609] E 1619 p E 1559 p E 1627 p M 1546 p E 1555 f:c c. 1601 f-c E 1616 p E 1636 s E 1610 s p M 1644] E 1653 f-c c. 1590 p M 1548 s M 1547 f-c E 1626 f-c c. 1595 p E 1544 p L 1629-3( p E 1624 p E 1589 s E 1589 s L 1581-2 p M 1624 M 1615 s E 1559 1640] p E 1577 p E 1544 p E 1577 p E 1544 p M 1588 p M 1576 p E 1569 p M 1576 p M 1619 p E 1639 s E 1598 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1541-2; A.M. 1545; S.T.B. [(*Trin.) 1554 A.B. 1586-7 ; A.M. 1590; S.T.B. '97 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1557-8; A.M. 1561 A.B. 1616-7 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1642 A.B. (Cla.) 1619-20; A.M. A.B. 1538-9; A.M. 1546 1623 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1572, *Cai. A.B. 1628-9 A.B. (Trin.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597, A.B. 1593-4 [*Cla. A.B. 1583-4, Rumball A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1618-9 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583, Rwse; [S.T.B. 1590 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583, Rusher (A.M. at Oxf.); S.T.P. 1566 A.B. 1579-80 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 1 Dean of CbiLbtster, 1570. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1 6.^ 59 581 Rishebrooke, Rich Joh. Rushebrocke, Rob C'la. Rushbrooke, Rob Cai. — Steph Pet. Rusbrook, Will Qu. Rushbrooke, Will Toh. Rush worth, The Em. — Will Em. Russheworthe Chr. Ruslynge, Ste])h Mag. Russell, Edw Qu. — Edw [Qu. — Ed[w.] les. — Enisinus ... Cai. — Era. {imp.) . Qu. — iFra — Era King's — Era — Era — Era. {Lord) Mag. — Gerrard Jes. — Hen Trin. — Hen Pet. — John Trin. — John Trin. — John Cla. — John Mag. — John Cai. — John *King's — Phil Cla. — Ralph Pet. — Rich Em. — Rich — Rob Jes. — Tho Chr. — Will Mag. — Will Cath. — Will Cai. — nVill Mag. — Gonv.H. — [C. C. Rust, Cali.x C. C. — Chris C. C. — Edm C. C. — Edw Trin. — Edw C. C. — Geo Cath. — 3Geo Cath. — John [C. C. — John [Pern. — Jona.s Pet. — Nich Cai. — Nich Pet. — Tho *King's — Tho Cai. — Tho Qu. — Will *King's — Will [Cai. E 1573 M 1571 E 1613 M 1576 <: 1591 E 1619 E 1597] M 1601 E 1544 E 1569 M 1615 M 1617] M 1654 E 1619 E 1544 f-c E 1602 f-c M M 1655 1637 1554 1621 1553 1559 1579 1625 1638 1655 1569 1655 1620 E 1637 E 1583 E 1626 M 1644 M 1647 E 1655 E 1544 1562] E 1559 E 1559 E 1559 M 1598 E 1647 M 1568 E 1644 1610] 1637] E 1625 M 1592] E 1636 M 1551 E 1569 E 1588 M 1550 M 1592] A.B. 1576-7, Rushb-oke A.B. 1616-7 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1597-8 ; A.M. 1601, Rishworth A.B. 1622-3 A.M. 1571 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) A.M. 1638 {fil. nob.) A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 [schol. Qu. 1553] A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1628; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1656; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.M. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 'Camillus Rusticu.s' (Cooper) A.B. 1650; A.M. 1664 A.B. (Pet.) 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. (*Chr.) 1&50; [S.T.B. 1658 A.B. 1630; A.M. 1644 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599; S.T.B. A.B. (Cai.) 1639-40 [1617 A.B. 1555-6; A.M. 1559 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1554-5 1 Earl of Bedford, l.'i.iS. 2 Lord William Russell, executed 1683. Bishop of Didiuore, 1667. 582 Matrimdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Rust Rustatt, Geo King's Rustat, John Chr. — Rob Jes. Rustatt, Theoph Cla. Rusted, The. (imp.) Joh. Ruth, Hen Cath. Ruthall, Edw Cai. Rutinge, John Sid. Rutland, Earls of v. Manners — Edm Jes. Rutley, Roger Chr. Rutter, Conyers Mag. — John Chr. — John Joh. — Nich Chr. — Rich Chr. — Rich Joh. — Rich Sid. Rutterford, Ja Pern. Rutters, Will Chr. Rutton, The Em. Rutty, Tho Pet. Rutyard, Benj Ruys, Gallet Cath. Ryall, John Joh. — Nich Joh. — Nich Cla. Rvden, Will Chr. Rye, Edw Trin. — Edw Trin.H. — John Trin. Ry le, Laur J oh. — Tho Ryme, Mahaliel ... Joh. Rimer, Mich Joh. — Ralph [Cai. Rymer, Tho. (m^o.).. Sid. Ryplingham, Adolphus ... Ryston, John Cla. Ryther, John Trin. — John Sid. A.B. (? 1591-2) ; A.M. (Jes.) 1595 p L 1557-8 p E 1619 A.B. (Joh.) 1623-4; A.M. 1627 p L 1581-2 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 p M 1619 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 s M 1544 s M 1582 p E 1562 p M 1625 A.B. 1629-30 s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 1^ M 1646 A.B. 1649-50 s E 1586 p E 1636 p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8 s E 1579 A.B. 1581-2 p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8: A.M. 1621 p M 1641 s M 1619 p M 1544 p E 1631 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 p M 1644 A.M. 1612-3 (On King's visit) f-c M 1550 p M 1579 A.B. (Mag.) 1582-3 s E 1575 A.B. 1579-80 s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1 p M 1546 f-c c. 1591 p E 1615 A.B. (C. C.) 1618-9 ; A.M. 1622 s E 1572 A.B. 1575-6 p M 1560 A.B. (*Pem.) 1561-2 ; A.M. (*Joh.) A.B. (Cla.) 1576-7 [1565, Ryly s L 1634-5 A.B. (King's) 1638-9 s L 1645-6 A.B. 1650 p E 1619; prev. at Joh.] p E 1659 A.M. 1624 (On King's visit) s M 1565 s M 1613 s E 1650 Maty^iculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 583 s Sabbe, John Trin. s M 1575 A.B. 1579-80 Sabb, Matth C'ai. s L 1618-9 A.B. 1622-3 Sabin, Alured Qu. p E 1655 — John Pet. p E 1625 A.B. (Job.) 1627-8; A.M. 1631; Sacar, John Joh. p c. 1593 [M.L. 1637 Sacheverell v. also Zacheverell — Anth Trin. p E 1571 A.B. 1575-6 (Matr. Zacheverell) Sacheverel, Ferd [Joh. f-c E 1647] Sacheverell, Hen Eiu. 1-c E 1588 Sacheverill, Jos Trin. p E 1626 — Manfred ... Mag. f-c M 1612 Satcheverel, Tho Jes. s M 1570 Sacheverell Chr. p E 1548 Sacker, Rob '..... C. C. s c. 1590 A.B. (? 1.594-5); A.M. 1598 Sackatt, Geo. {imp.). Sid. p E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 Sackett, John Sid. p E1614 A.B. 1617-8 ; A.M. 1621 ; S.T.B. '28 Sacket, John Sid. p E 1647 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 Sackett, Steph Sid. p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 Sackford, Cha Trin. p M 1562 — Hen C. C. f-c c. 1597 — Hen (Uhe above) A.M. 1607 {Jil. nob.) — Tho Gouv.H. p E 1544 — Tho C. C. f-c c. 1597 Sackville v. Saville Sadd, John Em. s E 1619 Sadden, John Chr. p E 1647 — Rob. V. Seddon Sadler, Anth Pet. p E 1620 A.B. 1623; A.M. 1627 — Edw Trin. H. f-c E 1554 — Edw [Trin. f-c E 1652] — Era C. C. p M 1585 A.B. 1588-9 — Geo Cla. s M 1573 — Hen Cai. p L 1557-8 — John King's [schoL 1538] A.B. 1542-3; A.M. 1547 — John Mag. p M 1564 — John Trin. s c. 1598 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 — John Cai. s E 1620 — John Pern. s E 1631 — Uohn *Em. p E 1631 A.B. 1634; A.:\r. 1638 — Ralph [Qu. f-c L 1596-7] — Rich Pet. f-c E 1540 — Rich Em. p E 1637 — Rich Cai, s M 1657 A.B. 1661 — Rob [Trin. p E 1650] — Theod Pet. p M 1566 — Tho Trin. PI. f-c E 1554 — Tho Qn. p E 1605 A.B. 1608-9 — Tho gu. p E 1637 — Will Je.s. s E 1544 — C. C. s E 1544 Sadlington, Mark Chr. p E 1578 A.B. (*Pet.) 1580-1; A.M. 1584 — Rali)h Pet. p M 1586 Sadljugton, Rich Jes. p E 1561 A.B. 1566-7 — Sam Jes. p E 1565 1 Master of Magdak'He, IG.'jO. 584 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Sadlington, Tho C. C. Sadocke v. Shaddock Saffbrd, Earth Sagar, Cha Joh. — Edw Em. — Jer Chr. — John Chr. — Otis Joh. Sage, Hen Qu. — John Pern. — Will Pet. Sagge, John Trin. Saintalmond, John Trin. Saintandrew, Will C. C. St George, Anth [Qu. — Baldwin ... Qu. — Baldwin ... Qu. Sentegeorge, John Joh. St George, John [Qu. Sentgeorge, Rich Joh. St George, Rich *Trin. — Will [Cai. St Hill, Humph. ... Sainthill, Pet St John, Alex [Qu. — Anth [Qu. — Anth [Chr. — Beauchamp . Qu. — Era [Em. — Era [C. C. — Hen Qu. Saynt Jhons, 'John Joh. — 'John Joh. St John, John Cath. — Oliver Cai. Seinjohn, Oliver [Cai. St John, Ohver Pet. — 2 Oliver Qu. — ^Oliver Qu. — Oliver Sid. — Oliver Cath. — Rowland ... Qu. — Rowland ... (? Sentjohn, Tho Qu. Senjhons, Will Jes. St John, Will [Em. St Leger, Anth Joh. — Warham {Sir) St Low, John Trin. St Nicholas, John Em. — Tho Qu. — Tho Em. — Tim Trin. Sendquyntine, Anselm ... Cai. St Quintin, Gabriel Cai. Sayntquintan, Hen Joh. St Quintin, Hen [Joh. St Quintine, Tho Joh. s M 1598 A.B. 1601-2 1611 s E 165.3 A.B. 1657 s E 1618 s s E 1659 M 1555 A.B. 1662-3 p M 1575 V E 1588 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1595 s E 1569 p E 1562 A.B. (*Pem.) 1564-5; A.M. 15( « E 1612 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 p E 1609 A.B. 1612-3 f-c c. 1595 p E 1647" E 1592] lp A.B. 1592-3 [f-c L 1649- -50j M.B. 1659 p E 1569 f-c E 1574' p E 1569 H. p M 1627 LL.B. 1633 schol. E 1601 A.B. (Trin.) 1606-7 A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c M 1601 f-c ]\l 1601] f-c E 1636' [f-c L 1609- -10] A.M. 1612-3 (On King's visit f-c E 1648" 1654' A.M. 1650 {fil. noh.) f-c E 1604~ A.M. 1612-3 (On King's visit) p E 1545 p E 1545 p E 1633 p M 1579 p E 1581' f-c c. 1595 p L 1615- -6 f-c 1618 A.M. 1620 {Lit. Reg.) f-c E 1627 f-c M 1640 f-c E 1604 the above) A.M. (Joh.) 1614 {fil. nob.) P M 1559 P M 1547 f^c L 1652- -3] f-c E 1626 A.M. 1614-5 (On King's visit) P E 1653 A.B. 1654-5 [Santlowe] p E 1619 P M 1583 (Matr. 'Seniglas') P E 1619 p M 1646 P L 1578- -9 P M 1584 f-c E 1623 p E 1652' p E 1635 These are distinct entries. 2 Chancellor, 16.51 ; Lord Chief Justice C.P., ■^ Baron St John of Bletso. I Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 16- 585 S.iker, Chris [Chr. Sakings [C. C. Sale V. Sayle Salebanck, Sam Trin. Saling, Roger Trin. Salisbury, Ambrose ... Era. — Gabriel Salsbnry, John *Cla. Salisbury, Pet Joh. Siulsbury, Reg Mag. Salislmrie, Rich Joh. Salslnu-y, Tho Pet. Salisbury, Tho Qii. — Tho Joh. Salisburye, Will Joh. Salkeld, Era [Qu. — Lane [Qu. — Tho [Qu. Sallet, John C. C. Sallowes, Edw. [Everard] Cai. Salmon, Edm Jes. — Edw Mag. — Edw *Trin. — Hen Joh. — Hen *Em. — Ja Em. — Ja Em. — Pet *King'i — Sam Trin. Salmond, John Chr. — John Joh. — Paul C. C. Salms (?Saltus), Comes Salt, John *Joh. — Tho Pem. Saltonstall, Gabriel Trin. — Ja Jes. Saltanstall, Rich Cla. Saltenstall, Rich Jes. Soltenstall, Rich Em. Salter, Anth — Blaise C. C. — Chris Em. — Edm — Edm Cai. — Edw Qu. — Edw Pem. — Edw Joh. — Edw — Edw *Cai. — Nich Qu. — Tho Pem. — Tho [Trin. Solter, Tho [Joh. Salter, Will Trin. — Will Joh. — Will Trin. Salterford, John Chr. p E 1638] f-c 158?; s E 1614 s E 1581 V L 1626-7 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 16 M A.B. (Trin.) 1614-5; A.M. 1620 8 E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 ; A.M.1628; S.T.B.'34 P E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 S E 1605 A.B. (Pem.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 s M 1582 A.B. 1585-6 s E 1607 A.B.1610-1;A.M.1614;S.T.B.'21 s p E 1613 M 1634 (Matr. 'Silsburry') s E 1650 A.B. 165,3-4; A.M. 1659 f-c p M 1594] L 1597-8] 1> E 1597] ]> E 16.58 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 s E 1629 p E 1573 A.B. 1576-7 (Matr. 'Samon') }) M 1588 A.B. 1592-3 p L 1625-6 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629; S.T.P. p M 1583 [1669 {Lit. Reg.) p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 ; A.M. 1629 ; S.T.B.'36 p E 1622 A.B. 1625; A.M. 1629 p M 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 V L 1618-9 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. 1626 ; M.L. '32 1^ E 1652] A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 V M 1564 ]) E 16.54 P M 1564 A.B. 1568-9, Salmon A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) V E 1544 A.B. 1546-7; A.M. 1549, *Pem. s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 [1555 V L 1579-80 A.B. (Cla.) 1582-3 f-c E 1633 (Matr. 'Batteston') P E 1603 1^ M 1617 A.B. 1619-20 f-c M 1627 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1544 A.B. 1546-7 p E 1641 A.B. (Jes.) 1619-20; A.M. 1023 p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 p E 1577 [(King's) 1595 p E 1581 A.B. 1.584-5; A.M. 1588; S.T.B. s E 1604 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. (Trin.) 1617-8; A.M. 1621, p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 [Slater s E 1634 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 11 E 1619 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. 1626 ; S.T.B. '33 f-c E 1646 M 1654 s s E 1612 s M 1612 s E 1659 A.B. 1663 s E 1608 Perhaps a mistake for Edward, of Trin. 74 586 Matricidations and Degrees 1544 Saltmarsh, John Mag. — Rich Chr. — Will Sid. Salvin, Jarrard [Sid. Salway, John Em. Sam, Rich Sid. Saman, Pet [Em. Samborne, Ja Trin. — Tho King's Same, Ralph C. C. Sammes, Anth Qu. — Anth Em. — Aylett Chr. Sams, Ed Pem. Sammes, Edw Em. — Gerard Cai. — Hen (im'p.) ^ ^ 13 ann.)\ — John Qu. — John Em. Sames, John (Sir)... Sams, Pet Pem. — Sam Em. — Sam Chr. — W Chr. Sammes, Will C. C. — Will Em. — Will *Pet. Sames, Will Cla. Sammes [Em. Sampford, John Samphord, John Pet. Sampford, Rob Pet. Samforth, Tho Cla. Samson, Geo Trin. — Hen Joh. Sampson, Hen *Pem. Samson, John Chr. Sampson, John Pet. — John Joh. — John Trin. — Rich Joh. — Rich Joh. — Rich Pet. Samson, Sam [Em. Sampson, Simon *King's — Will Jes. — Will Sid. Samson, Will Joh. Sampson, Will Chr. — Will Cla. — Will *Pem. Samuell, Art Trin. — Rich Trin. — AVill Trin. Sam way, Pet *Trin. Samweyes, Sam Em. Sam ways, Tho Cai. Sam well, Anth Sandcroft, Era Em. — Tho Em. 1659 p E 1627 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 p E 1639 A.B. 1641-2 Matr. 'Saltmarsly') 1-c E 1637 f-c E 1635] V E 1639 s E 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 V E 1590] s M 1609 s M 1659 A.B. 1663-4 s E 1579 A.B. 1582-3 A.M. 1586 p c. 1593 A.B. 1595-6 p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 f-c E 1656 A.B. 1657 p M 1565 V E 1642 A.B. 1642-3 ; A.M. (*Pet.) 1646 f-c E 1612 P M 1578 A.B. 1581-2 A.M. 1585 p E 1583 P E 1586 ii A.M 1606 {nob.) 1 P M 1565 P M 1621 A.B. 1627 s E 1622 p L 1584-5 p M 1582 A.B. 1585-6 A.M. 1589; LL.D. .p IP E 1621 E 1647' A.B. 1624-5 [(Trin. H.) 1595 A.B. 1650-1 , A.M. 1654 p M 1650 f-c E 1589] A.B. (Mag.) 1569-70 p E 1570 p E 1578 A.B. (Mag.) 1580-1 s E 1545 s M 1648 s E 1585 A.B. (Cath.) 1588-9 p E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 ; A.M. 1653 f-c E 1586 s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 | p E 1619 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. 1626 r« E 1645] A.B. 1648-9 p M 1548 c. 1601 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 f-c E 1607 ]> E 1645] p E 1648 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 p E 1552 L 1607-8 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 p E 1610 p M 1613 p M 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 1 p L 1653-4 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 p M 1559 A.B. 1562-3 p M 1566 p E 1573 [1660 (Lit. Beg.) p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 ; A.M. 1641; S.T.P. s c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1625 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1> E 1613 E 1634 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 587 Sanclcrofte, W .. Cla. s .^1 1568 Saucroft, iWill ..*Em. [P E 1596] Sandcroft, 2 Will ..*Em. P E 1634 Sanci'oft .. [Em. s E 1585] Saiulell, iieiij ''.".".'."!! .. Qu. s E 1634 SaiKlvl, Rich .. Pet. p c. 1595 Saiidell, Rich .. C'ai. f-c L 1620-1 Sandeiuaii, Rich .. J oh. s c. 1601 Sandemore Hugh .. Pet. p M 1609 Sanden, Tho .. Trin. p E 1628 Saunder, Fra Sander, Rich .".' Cai. p E 1640 Saunderlaiid, Rich Sandorlaiid Rich '.'. Trin. p E 1620 Saunders, Dan .. Em. s c. 1596 Sanders, Ed .. Pet. s L 1626-7 Sawnders, Edw .. Cai. p M 1571 Sanders, Edw . Sid. s E 1618 — Edw . [Qu. s E 1628] — Fortuuatus . Sid. s M 1602' Saunders, Fra . Chr. p M 1566 Sanders, Fra . Cla. p c. 1595 Saunders, Fra . Mac;. f-c c. 1596 Sanders, Fra . Chit s E 1602 — Fra . Pem. f-c E 1617 — Fra . Mag. s E 1652 Sawnders, Geo . Gonv. H p E 1544 Sanders, Geo . Trin.H s E 1631 — Hen . Cla. p c. 1595 Saunders, Ja , *King's p E 1641 — John .[Em. f-c E 1604] — John — John .* Sid. f-c E 1632 Sanders, John . Em. p E 1636 — John . Qu. E 1645 Sawnders, Laur . [King's schol. 1538] Sanders, Luke . Cath. 8 E 1634 Sawnders, Mark . Trin. p E 1565 Sanders, Matth . Trin. s E 1581 Saunders, Matth . Cai. f-c c. 1593 Matth . [Joh. . [King's s E 16321 Nich p M 15651 — Nich .*Cai. p c. 1597 Sanders, Pet . Cath. E 1635 — PhiHp . Sid. s M 1601 — Rich . Jes. s E 1639 Rob . *King's p c. 1591 Saunders, Sam . Chr. p E 1659 Sawnders, Saul {imp.) . Cla. p E 1550 Sanders, Tho . Jes. p E 1586 Saunders, Tho . Era. f-c E 1588 Sanders, Tho . Chr. s E 1602 Saunders, Tho . King's f-c E 1613 Sanders, Tho . Em. s E 1632 — Tho [Trin. p U 1648] Sawnders, Will Trin. p E 1550 Saunders, Will (Jath. p E 1579 — Will [Sid. s E 1601] [1611 ; S.T.P. 1629 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604; S.T.K A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641; S.T.13. [1648; S.T.P. 1662 {Lit. Beg.) A.B. 1640-1, Sandall (?A.B. as Sandon) A.B. (Chr.) 1579-80 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 A.B. (Cla.) 1582-3 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625, Sander A.B. (xMag.) 1605-6; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1605-6, Sander LL.B. 1636 A.B. 1644-5 ; A.M. 1648 ; S.T.P. '60 A.M. 1607 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1541-2; A.M. 1544 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. (Qu.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588; [S.T.B. (Pem.) 1595 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1605-6 A.B. 1642-3 A.B. [1595]; A.M. 1599 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 1 Master of Emmanuel, 1628. 2 Master of Emmanuel, 1662; Arcliliislioi) if Ciiiitcibiiry, 1678. 588 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Sanders, Will Sid. p Saunders, Zach Job. p — [C.C. Sanders [Cath. f-c Saunders [Cath. p Saundersberie, Ricb. v. Sanson Saunderson, Cbris Cbr. s Sanderson, Clem Trin. s — Edw Cla. s — Gabriel Em. s — Geo Job. s — Geo Cai. f-c E — Geo [Trin. Saunderson, Hen Sanderson, Isaac Jes. Sawnderson, Jobn *Trin. Sanderson, Jobn Cla. — Jos Job. Sawnderson, Laur Trin. Sanderson, Laur Cla. Saunderson, Nicb *Trin. Sanderson, Phil Job. — Raleigh — Ralph Cla. Saunderson, Rob Job. Sanderson, ^ Rob Saunderson, Rob Cla. Sanderson, Roger Mag. • — Sam Sid. — Stepb Mag. Saunderson, Tho Cai. Sanderson, Tho Sid. Saunderson, W Jes. Sawnderson, Will *Chr. Saunderson, Will Sanderson, Will Job. — Will Trin. Sanford, Era Sandford, Hen Trin. Sanford, Jobn Em. Sandford, Rob [Qu. Sanford, Tho *King's Sandford, Tho Qu. — Tho. [Qu. Sanford, Tobias Sandford, Will Em. — Will Cla. — Will Em. — [Trin. s Sandon, Edw Trin. p — John C. C. s — John [Cbr. p — Laur Qu. s Tho Cath. [p SandwcU, Geof [Sid. p — Geof C. C. p Sand with. Hen [Cai. p — Ricb Job. p Sandie, Rich A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 E 1615 M 1581 1554] 1644] E 1655] L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 L 1577-8 M 1609 E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 M 1640 1646 1658] 1639 1554 1647 1560 1622 M 1646 E 1659] M 1650 E 1570 A.B. 1531-2 ; A.M. 1536 ; S.T.B.'45 A.B. 1642-3 A.B. 1557-8; A.M. 1561 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1625-6 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1662 A.B. (Chr.) 1603-4 (in ordo) A.B. (Cai.) 1572-3; A.M. 1578 A.M. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) M 1618 [L 1645-6 fr. Oxf) A.B. 1645-6 E 1603 E 1659 M 1581 M 1628 E 1566 M 1549 E 1636 M 1641 E 1613 E 1645 M 1650] c. 1591 L 164 E 1650] 7-8 E 1618 E 1621 E 1642 E 1645] E 16.39 c. 1596 M 1646 ; M 1649 1630] E 1625] E 1651 M 1591] L 1626-7 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1555 A.M. 1629 (A7. nob.) A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1644-5 A.M. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. [1595]; A.M. 1606 A.M. 1578 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. 1621-2 ; A.M. 1625; S.T.B.'32 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 ? Saddon] A.B. 1651 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.M. 1587 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) 1 Bibliop of Liucobi, 10(50. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 589 Sandy, Tho Saudye, [Will.] Chr. Sandylands, And [*Chr. Sands v. also Sondes — Anth Cath. — Chauncey... Sid. Sandvs, Dav Job. — " 1 Edwin — Edwin Pet. — Edwin Job. Sands, (Jeo Sid. Sandes, Geo Sid. Sandys, Hen Job. — Ja Job. Sandes, Jobn [C'ai. Sandvs, I\iiles Job. Sandes, Miles *Pet. Sandys, Miles ('Mich.') Sid. Sandes, Rich Trin. Sandys, Rich Trin. Sandes, Rob Peni. Sandis, Rob Sid. Sandes, Tho Pern. — Walt Pern. Sankey, Clem. v. Zankey Sankye, Hamlet Jes. Sancbie (Sankey), Rich. . Sansom, John Chr. Sanson, Nich Mag. — Rich Pet. Sansome, Rich C. C. Sansum, Will Chr. Sanstrop, John Mag. Santratii {sic) Sapp, Tho C. C. Sare, Ady Jes. — Chris — Jobn Qu. — John Trin. — Tho Sares, Ja Trin. Sargen ('Sergeant'), Tho. Mag. Sargenson, Jobn Pet. — Laur Qu. Saring, Jobn v. Sharing Sarrat, Roger C. C. Saresoi), Geo C. C. Sarson, Laur *Em. — Oliver Jes. — Tho Jes. — Will Cai. Satcbill, Sim Job. Sattcrthwaites, Bishop ... Trin. Saterthwaite, Elijah Chr. Satterthwayte, Phil Sauchier, Will, {dominus) Saul, Edw Em. — Rob [Qu. — Rob Em. 1 Master of St Catliariiie's, 15 York, 1576. A.B. (Trin.) 1601-2 ]> E 1544 A.B. 1544-5 1624 (fr. Scotland)] V V E 1551 M 1621 p E 1611 A.B. (Trin.) 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1538-9; A.M. 1541; S.T.B. f-c M 1617 A.B. 1621-2 [1546; S.T.P. 1.549 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. (*Pet.) 1638 p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 f-c E 1649 [Sondes] s M 1569 p E 1566 p E 1611] p M 1544 p M 1578 A.B. 1.579-80; A.M. 1.583, *Qu. p p E 1624 M 1609 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 [1585 1' E 1634 p M 1606 p L 1615-6 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 p M 1584 p M 1606 p M 1572 A.M. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 p E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1662 p E 1579 A.B. (:\lag.) 1582-3 ('Saundera- p E 1611 A.B. 16M-5; A.M. 1619 [birie') s M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 [Sanson] s E 1639 A.B. ( ) ; A.M. (Jes.) 1619 (in p M 1627 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 [ordo) p c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4 LL.B. 1565-6 s E 1580 s E 1639 A.M. (Trin.) 1638 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1645 A.B. 1649-50, Sare s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1640 s M 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. (*King's) 1662 s M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579, Seriesen s M 1572 [Sarrot] s E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 f« L 1628-9 A.B. 1632-3 ; A.M. 1636 ; S.T.B. s M 1564 • [(Cath.) 1643 s M 1566 A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1574 s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 [Zachel s E 1618 A.B. (Cla.) 1621-2; A.M. 1626, s L 1656-7 A.B. (Pet.) 1663-4 s E 1637 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.M. 1637 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) s M 1659 A.B. 1663-4 s E 1622; ? same as next] 8 E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1634 7 ; Bishop of Worcester, 15.')9 ; London, 1570 ; Archbishop of 590 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Sauresby, Ja Job. s Sautinius, Pet Savacre, Edw Trin. s — Rob Trin. s Savidge, Art Jes. s Savage, Boniface ... Trin. p Savadge, Boniface ... Trin. p Savage, Edw — Era Cla. p — Era Em. — John Trin. s — John — John [Qu. s — John *Cath. p — Luke C. C. s — Repent Chr. p — Repent King's p — Rich King's s Savidge, Sam Cath. s Savage, Tho Savj'dge, W Jes. p Savage, W Chr. s — Will Qu. s Savery, Tho Cai. s Say veil, Edw Cla. p Sackvile, Edw Savell, Geo Joh. p Saville, Geo. {Sir) ... SaviU, Geo Trin. f-c — Hen Trin. f-c — [Hen.] Sid. f-c — Hen Chr. p — Hugh Em. p Savell, John Trin. f-c — John Pet. p — John Trin. p Savill, [John] Sid. f-c — John Trin. p — Nich Joh. s Sackvile, Sam *Trin. [schol. Savell, Sam *King'.s p — Tho Trin. f-c — Tho Joh. p Savyll, Tho Em. s Savile, Tho Pet. f-c Savell, Will Trin. s — Will — Will Joh. p — Will King's f-c Savill, Will Em. p — Will Joh. p Savile, Will Cla. f-c Sayvell Chr. p Sawbridge, Anth *Em. s Sawen, Tho Qu. s Sawer, John Sawkin, John *Qu. [p Sawkins, Ja C. C. f-c Sawrcy, Will. v. Sory Sawyei*, Edm Em. p E 1584 A.B. 1587-8 M.D. 1621-2 (Incorp. fr. Padua) E 1633 A.B. 1637-8 M 1638 M 1631 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1640 M 1579 A.B. (Cla.) 1584-5; A.M. (Trin.) E 1598 [1588 A.B. (Jes.) 1615-6; A.M. 1619 E 1573 A.B. (*Trin.) 1578-9; A.M. 1582; [S.T.B. 1589; S.T.P. 1608 [E 1631] A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 c. 1595 A.B. (Jes.) 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 L 1619-20] E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 M 1548 E 1581 A.B. 1584-5 ; LL.D. (Pem.) 1606 E 1622 A.B. (Qu.) 1627-8 L 1656-7 A.B. 1660-1 E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) L 1563-4 E 1570 E 1616 A.B. 1619-20 E 1559 M 1570 A.M. 1612 (fil nob.) E 1579 A.M. 1594 {spec, congr.) c. 1595 (?the above) M 1602 A.M. 1607 {fil. nob.) M 1616 E 1640 M 1586 E 1572 L 1580-1 c. 1597 M 1616 M 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 M 1622 A.B. (Mag.) 1628; A.M. 1636 E 1605] A.B. 1607-8 ; A.M. 1611 ; S.T.B. '19 L 1607-8 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615, Savill E 1561 M 1579 c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6, Savile; A.M. 1604 M 1608 M1569 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.M. 1571 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) c. 1591 A.B. 1595-6, Savile E 1617 L 1647-8 E 1658 E 1659 E 1544 c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604; S.T.B. M 1551 [1611, Sabridge A.B. (Pet.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600 L 1644-5 fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1644-5, A.M. 1648 E 1588 E 1632 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 591 lawyer, Fra .. Trin. P M 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 S.iwer, Ja .. [Em. s E 1633] S.iwver, John .. Chr. P E 1611 — ('Saycr'), ^iob. . ..*Mag. P M 1648 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 Saxbye, John .. Em P M 1632 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 Sax by, Will .. Joh. s E 1651 Saxon, Tho .. Mag. p M 1033 A.B. 1636-7, Saxton - Will .. Mag. p :\[ 1633 A.B. 1636-7, Saxton; A.M. 1640 Saxtou, Abr .. Trin. s M 1646 — Faithfull . .. Trin. s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Hen .. Qu. s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1607 Saxtone, Pet .. Trin. s c. 1595 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1603 Saxton, Will .. Sid. s E 1607 A.B. (Cath.) 1609; A.M. 1612 Save, Alex .. Em. p E 1631 Se>, Aug .. Em. p :\[ 1637 A.B. 1641-2 Sayo, Chris ..Clem.H. s E 1544 Kich .. Joh. p L 1645-6 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1660 Sev, Eob .. [Cai. L 1564-5 Say, Rob .. Cai. p E 1659 Saie, Tho .. Trin. [schol E 1619] A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623, Say Say, Will .. Cla. p E 1659 A.B. 1662-3 Sayer, Dan .. C. C. [1599] A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 Saires, Edm .. Chr. p e. 1595 A.B. (Mag.) 1596-7, Sayer Sayer, Edw .. Cath. s M 1547 Sayre, Fra ., Jes. p L 1645-6 [Adm. at Cai. E 1645] Sayer, C4eo .. Cai. p M 1578 — [Geo. J .... .. Em. p E 1607 Sayre, Geo .. Chr. f-c E 1631 Sayer, John .. Em. p E 1614 Sayre, John ..*King' 3 p E 1615 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623, Sayer Sayer, John .. Chr p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 — John .. C. C. p E 1658 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 - ('Sc iwyer'), Rich. . .. Jes. s E 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 Rich .. C. C. p E 1658 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 — ('Sawyer'), Rob. . ..*C. C. p M 1561 A.B.1564^5; A.M.1568; S.T.B.75 Sayre, Rob .. Cai. p M 1576 A.B. (Pet.) 1580-1 Sayer, Rob .. C. C. p M 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Rob ..*Qu. s E 1653 A.B. 1655-6 ; A.M. 1659 ; S.T.B. '67 — Tho ..*C. C. p M 1583 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 Sayen, Will .. C. C. s L 1620-1 A.B. 1623-4, Sayer Sayre .. Chr. p E 1609 Sayres .. Trin. s E 1645 Sayle, JIV'Z!!;! .. Chr. p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 (Matr. 'Sale') Sale, Rich .. Joh. p c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.xM. 1604 (in ordo) — Tho .. Pern. p M 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587, Salte Sayle, Tho .. Joh. p E 1610 A.B. 1613-4, 'Said'; A.M. 1617 Sayles (' Scale'), John . .. Joh. s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 Saywell, Gabriel ... .. Em. p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 — Rob. V. Sowell — Tho ..*King' ^ p M 1598 [A.B 1601-2, Sayvill] 2 Will ..*Joh. s M 1659 A.B. 1663-4 ; A.M". 1667 ; S.T.P.'79 Scabham John .. King' ■5 S M 1659 A.B. 1663-4, Skupholme Scadder, Rob .. Cath. P E 1640 A.B. 1643-4 ; A.M. 1647, Skudder Scaife ('Scape'), Chris. .. Hid. P E 1652 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 Scales, Laur A.B. (Joh.) 1582-3 Tho ;.' Qu. P L 1578-9 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 Scambler Adam .... .. Joh. P M 1581 A.B. (C. C.) 1585-6 [(Qu.) 1564 Skamler, 3Edm A.B. 1541-2; S.T.B. 1549; S.T.P. 1 M.P. for University, 1689, 1690. 2 Master of Jesus, 1679. 3 1 isbop of Petcrbo •(m^'li; 1561 ; Norwich, 1681. 592 Matrlcidatlom Scambler, Edw *Joh. — John Joh. — John Pern. -^ The Trin. — The Cai. Scampe, Hugh King's Scamp, The *King's Scampton, Will Trin. Scandrett, Steph Scarborevv, Cha *Cai. Scarborough, Edm Cai. Scarbrough , Gervase Cla. Scarborough, Hen Cai. Scaeborrough, Hen Cai. Scarborrough, John Cai. Scarburge, Sam Cai. Scarborough, The Trin. Scarfe, Phil Cla. Scargill, Era [Sid. — Era Trin. — Hen Cla. — John Chr. — The King's Skargell, Will Trin. Scarlett, Edw — Edw [Cai. Scarlet, Era Trin. Scarlett, Geo Skarlett, John Joh. Scarlote, John Scarlett, John — John Qu. — Phil Chr. — Phil Cai. Scarlet, Tho Trin. Scarlett, Tho Chr. Scarlet, Tho Trin. Scarlett, Will Trin. Scarlet, AVill Jes. Scarre, John Pet. Skar, Rob Trin. Scarth, Phil Cla. — ^ Joh. Scatho a Gocchinga v. Gocchinga Scatlin, Tho Cla. Scattergood, Anth Trin. Scharnburn, Era Qu. Schochy, Tho Joh. Scoles, Giles Chr. Scholes, Jerem Em. Scholey, Hen Cla. — Rich Trin. Scolye, Tho Cla. Schofield, Edw Skofyld, John Trin. Scofyld, Rich Chr. Scholfyld, Tho Chr. Schoulcroft, Aug Joh. — Rich Joh. Sclater v. Slater Rob Cai. ? a nd Deg) ^ees 1544 — 1659 V E 1575 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 ■ \ V E 1575 J s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 S V M 1581 V E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 ; A.M. 1640, Scampler | ^ V M 1615 A.B. 1619 \ [«chol. 1599] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 A.M. 1659 (Incorp. fr. Oxf. ) s E 1633 M 1602 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 s E 1589 A.B. (C. C.) 1593-4; S.T.B 1615 p M 1581 V M 1607 V M 1613 A.B. 1616-7 V E 1612 A.B. 1613-4 E 1619 A.B. 1622-3 V E 1647 (Matr. 'Scrafe') V E 1604] V E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 M 1640 A.B. 1644; A.M. 1648 p E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 s E 1604 s M 1654 A.B. 1657-8 A.B. (Trin.) 1603-4 ; A.M. (* Mag.) P E 1640] [1607; S.T.B 1616 P M 1645 A.B. (Joh.) 1598-9 P E 1549 A.B. 1560-1 A.B. (*Pem.) 1607-8; A.M 1611 s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 p E 1645 [f r. Qu.] A.B. 1646-7; A.M. (King's) | M 1568 [Migr. to Cai. M 1570] [1652 p E 1612 s M 1622 A.B. 1625-6 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 p M 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 E 1551 p M 1561 fp E 1647] A.B. 1650 p c. 1594 s E 1606 A.B. 1609-10 [1662 {Lit. Reg.) s M 1628 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636; S.T.P. f-c E 1588 (Matr. ' Shereburye ') s c. 1595 A.B. 1599-1600 s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 p E 1647 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 s M 1568 s L 1563-4 s E 1618 A.B. (Trin.) 1629-30 s M 1573 s L 1577-8 s E 1577 s E 1654 A.B. 1657-8 s E 1654 E 1628 A.B. 1632-3 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 593 Scoren, W . Chr. s M 1571 Scorer, Geo . (prob. the above) A.B. (Chr.) 1575-6 Scory, Edm A.M. 1615 (Oa King's visit) John • [Qn. f-c M 1592] Scothors, Geo . Chx. . Sid. s s E 1623 M 1614 Scotrecbe, Ramus A.B. 1618-9, Scortreth ; A.M. 1622 Scortreth, Geo . Chr. p E 1588 A.B. (? 1592-3) ; A.M. 1597 (Scort- — Geo . Sid. L« E 1628J A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 [wright) Scotson, Tho . Trin. s c. 1594 A.B. 1599-1600; M.L. 1604 Scot, Art . *Chr. p M 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M.1617 ; S.T.B.'24 Skott, ' Bal.' {imp. ) Trin.H s E 1544 Scott, Benedict .. . Qn. s E 1569 [Benjamin] — Cha . Cai. 1> E 1640 Skott, Chris . C. C. s M 1548 Scott, Chris . Chr. s E 1603 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 Chris . Chr. s M 1635 A.B. 1639-40 Scotte, Chris . Cai. p E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 Scott, iCuthb A.B. 1534-5; A.M. (*Chr.) 1538; [S.T.B. 1544; S.T.P. 1547 Edm . Pet. p M 159S A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 Scot, Edm . Cai. p E 1641 Skott, Edw . *Kinc?'s p M 1549 A.B. 1553-4; A.M. 1557 Scotte, Edw .*King's p E 1560 [off 1563] Skott, Edw . Chi. . Chr. s p E 1587 E 1623 Scott, Era A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1630 — Era . *King's p E 16.50 A.B. 1653-4 Scotte, Geo . King's p E 1575 A.B. (C. C.) 1578-9; A.M. 1582 Scott, Geo . Pern. p E 1602 — Geo . [Qu. f-c E 1608] Geo . Chr. . Cath. L M 1628 M 1638 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 Geo Scot, Geo . Chr. p E 1649 A.B. 1652; A.M. 1663 Skott, t^ieg . *King's p M 15.50 [off' 1554] (Matr. 'Geo.') Scot, Hen . Pet. s c. 1590 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 Scott, Hen . Trin. s E 1610 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 — Hen . Cai. s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 — Ja . Pern. s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 Skott, John . Cla. p E 1552 Scotte, John . *C. C. p M 1567 A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1574 Scott, John . [Qu. f-c M 1572] John . Qu. p E 1578 A.B. 1581-2 John . Pet. s E 1586 — John . C. C. p M 1589 Scotte, 2John .*Chr. s c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 ; S.T.P. '21 Scott, John . Em. s M 1598 John . Chi. s M 1617 John . Chr. f-c M 1635 A.B. 1638 Jos . C. C. p M 1608 A.B. 1611-2 Leon . Qu. p E 1579 A.B. (Chr.) 1581-2; A.M. 1585 ^latth . J oh. p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1(142 Scot, Munf(n-d .. . Trin.H. s M 1565 Scott, Nath . Cai. s E 1623 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Skott, Rich. (imp. Trin. H. s E 1544 Scott, Kich . Jes. p E 1583 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 Rich . Em. p E 1603 Rich . Em. p E 1627 Scotte, Rob . Trin. p E 1576 Scott, Rob .*Trin. p L 1584-5 A.B. 1588-9 ; A.M. 1592 ; S.T.B. '99 Master of Christ's, 1553; Bishop of Chester, l.')5G. Dean of York, 1635, 594 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Scott, iRob Pem. — Rob — Rob *Trin. Skott, Siria? C. C. Scotte, Tho Jes. Scott, Tho Mag. Scotte, Tho Trin. Scott, Tho Trill. — Tho C. C. Skott, Tho Cla. Scot, Tho Cla. Scott, Tho Trin. — Tho Pem. — Tho Em. — Tho — Tho Trin. — Tho Cai. Scotte, W Trin.H. — Will Trin. Scott, Will Trin. — Will Job. — Will Sid. — Will Pet. — Will Em. — [C. C. — Job. — [Em. Scotten, Edw Jes. Scottow, Miles C. C. Scottowe, Rich C. C. — Tho *Cai. Scranton, Tho Trin. Ski-ime, Edm Trin. Scrime, John Trin. Skryme, Tho C. C. Scrimshere v. Skrymsbire Scrivener, Earth Job. Scryvener, Matth *Trin.H. Scrivener, Matth Trin. — Matth Cath. — Ralph Cai. — Sam Trin. — Tho Pem. — Will. Job. Scroggs, Ed Trin. Scrogges, Rich Ti'in. Scroggs [King's Skrewby, Ja *Pet. Scrooby, Jos Scroui:)e, Adrian *King's Scroope, Adrian *Mag. — Adrian Job. Scrope, Era Sid. Scruppe, Hen Trin. Scroope, Hen Em. Scroupe, Rob *King's Skrynne, Tho [Cai. Scruton, Tho Job. Scrutton, Will Pem. M 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. (*Cla.) 1595 ; A.B. (Cath.) 1593-4 [S.T.P. 1613 p E 1644 A.B. 1647-8; A.M.1651 ; S.T.B.'GO s M 1547 s M 1564 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. (*Qu.) 1571 s M 1564 V M 1566 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 s E 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 p M 1582 s E 1587 s c. 1590 V c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M.1604; S.T.B.'ll p E 1607 P E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 S.T.B. 1620(Incorp. fr. St Andrews) s E 1634 p M 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647; M.L. p M 1561 [1655-6 s E 1576 A.B. (C. C.) 1580-1 ; AM. 1584 s L 1593-4 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1600 s E 1628 AB. 1630-1 p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 p E 1640 T> M 1644 [Migr. to Pet.] f-c 1583] c. 1591 f-c E 1624] s E 1637 s E 1606 A.B. 1609; A.M. 1613 p E 1639 p L 1597-8 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1605 s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p M 1615 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 p E 1617 A.B. 1620 p E 1583 (1 Skrynne of Cai.) 8 c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 P E 1573 LL.B. 1579 P c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. (*Pem.) P M 1639 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 [1603 P E 1611 P E 1631 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 f-c E 1629 p M 1608 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 s E 1606 p c. 1596 f-c L 1631-2 [S.T.B. 1582 s M 1568 A.B. 1571-2, Scrubye ; A.M. 1575 ; A.B. (Chr.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 p M 1548 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1556 p E 1614 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1621 f-c E 1632 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) p E 1623 p E 1566 f-c L 1584-5 A.M. 1588 {fil. nob.) p M 1551 A.B. 1555-6; A.M. 1559 1^ E 1583] s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 istci (if Claiv. l(;i-2. Matriculations aud Degrees 1544 — 1659 595 Scudamore, Hugh Pet. p M 1008 — Hugh Pet. p E 1609 John Khig's [1596-7" — John Cath. s M 1651 — Sam — Tho [Qu. p E 1646] — [Cath. p E 1658J Scudder, Hen Skudder, Rob. v. Skadder Sculthorp, Rob Joh, p M 1564 Scurtield, Godard Qu. s E 1626 Scurfeyld, John Triu. s M 1570 Scurr, Leon. v. Skur Scutt, John Seagrave, Cha Segrave, John Joh, s E 1622 — Rich Pern. p M 1566 — Rich Chr. p E 1637 Seale, John v. Sayles Seaman, Aug Cai. p E 1640 — Chris *Cai. p E 1619 — Edm C. C. p E 1626 Seman, Geo Pern. p L 1582-3 Seaman, Geo C. C. p M 1602 Seman, H Trin.H. p M 1561 — John *Kiiig's p M 1546 Seaman, John *Qu. p p] 1579 — John Cai. s E 1623 — John Qu. s E 1624 — Jos *Pet. p E 1652 — 1 Lazarus Em. s E 1623 — Nath Joh. s E 1639 — Paul Qu. p c. 1592 — Paul Em. p E 1646 Seman, Rob C. C. p E 1586 Seaman, Rob C. C. p E 1589 — Sam Jes. p L 1648-9 — Simon Joh. p E 1588 — Tho Cai. p c. 1590 — Will Cai. s E 1647 Seman [C. C. f-c 1562] Semer, Edw Trim f-c M 1564 Seymour, ^ jr j^ Seamore, Hen — John Mag. s M 1638 Seamer, Sam Qu. f-c M 1619 — Sam Em. p E 1631 Seymar, Tho Semar, Tho Cai. p M 1628 Seymore, Will Pet. [L 1645-6; Seiirank, John King's s M 1633 Searle, Alex — Edw *Trin. [schol. E 1605] — Edw Chr. p E 1629 — Hen Sid. s E 1633 Serle John Joh. a M 1544 Searle, John Trin.H. p E 1550 — John [Em. p E 1599] — John A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 (hi repetition) A.B. 1603-4 A.B. 1635 ( Oxf.;; A.M. [(King's) 1637 A.B. (n602-3); A.M. (Chr.) 1606 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633, Scour- A.B. (Chr.) 1575-G [feild A.B. 1562-3 A.M. 1615 (On King's vi.>iit) A.B. 1643-4 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 [? scholar, Trin. H. 1584] A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1550-1; A.M. 1554 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1655 ; A.M. 1659 [(Pet.) 1649 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631; S.T.P. A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. (n589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1652 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 M.D. 1676 {Lit. Reg.) A.M. 1567 A.M. 1571 A.M. 1641-2 (no6.) A.B. 1641-2 [Seaman] A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1571-2 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) fr. Oxf.] A.M. 1646 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 C.L. 1607 • Master of reterliouse, 1644. - Eail of Hertford, 155',1 596 Mat7nmdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Searle, Nich Trin. s E 1608 — Phil — Reg Chr. p L 1584- — Rich — Tho — Tho Trin. s E Searles, Will Cai. s E Season, John Joh. s M 1655 Seath, Tho Jes. p E 1548 Seton, ^ Geo Seaton, Geo Joh. s E Setton, John Cla. p c. Seton, John Em. s E — John Sid. p E Seaton, Zaeh Sebborn, Tho Chr. p Sedbrooke, Edm. v. Sherbrooke Sedon, Art Joh. s Seddon, John Mag. s — Reuben Pet. p — Rich Joh. s — ('Saddon'), Rob. ... Chr. s — Will Joh. s — Will Mag. s Sedon, Will Em. s Sedgwick v. also Sidgwick Sedgewycke, Edw *Joh. p Sedgwike, Geo Trin. p Sedgewicke, John Chr. p Sedgwick, John Sedgwicke, John Chr. p — Jos Pern. s Shedgwicke, Jos Cath. s Sedgwicke, Obadiah ...*Trin. p Sedgewick, Rich Pet. s Sedgwick, Rich Mag. s Sedgweeke, Rob Cla. s Sedgewicke, Steph Em. p Segiswycke, ^ Tho [Pet.] Sedgewycke, Tho Joh. p Sedgwick, Tho Chr. s — Tobias Qu. s Sedgwicke, Will *Cai. p Sedgewicke, Will Sedley, Edm Joh. f-c — John [Em. f-c — Will [Jes. f-c Seele, John Cai. s ■ — John Joh. p — Rob Chr. p Seeton, Rob Mag. s Sefton, Pet Joh. s Segens (?Segerus'), Tho... Joh. p Seger, Geo C. C. s Seildhouse, Will Mag. s Selbancke, John Pet. s Selby, Hen Pem. p 1612 1625 1627 1591 1620 1636 M 1620 M 1561 E 1622 c. 1591 M 1654 M 1646 M 1551 E 1622 E 1659 E 1570 E 1598 c. 1598 M 1649 M 1588 L 1647- E 1648 c. 1601 M 1634 E 1628 E 1637 E 1570 E 1640 E 1641 E 1631 M 1579 E 1644] E 1657] M 1580 E 1609 L 1577- E 1618 E 1574 M 1559 M 1626 M 1633 c. 1593 E 1619 A.B. 1611-2 ; A.M. 1615 ; S.T.B.'28 LL.B. (Cath.) 1641 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. (C. C.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 [Searson] S.T.B. (*Joh.) 1626 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. (Joh.) 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. (Em.) 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1660-1, Seddon A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1609 S.T.B. 1638 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 [(*Chr.) 1652 8 [fr. King's] A.B. 1648-9; A.M. A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655, Shed- [wick A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1529-30; A.M. 1533; S.T.B. [1545; S.T.P. (*Trin.) 155,3-4 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. (Cla.) 1577 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1648 A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 [Sell] A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.B. 1629^0. A.B. 1622-3;.. A.M. 1626 1 Fellow of St Jolm's, Ifi'iO, by lloyal MaiKlitc. 2 Lady Margaret Proi'erfsor of Divinity, 1551 ; Retains Professor, 1557. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 597 Selby, Hen Joh. Selbey, John Cla. — Mich Chr. Selby, Rob. v. Silby Selbe, Rob Qii. Selby, AVill Pet. Selbye, Will Chr. Selbey, Will Jcs. Selby, Will Em. — Will Chr. Sclbie, Will Chr. Selby, Will Chr. Selbey, Will Joh. Sell, Hen Joh. — Oliver C;ith. — ('Sill'), AVill Joh. Seller, John Selkr, AVill Sellers, Jerem Trin. Sellyn, Dan Chr. Sellinge, Rob C. C. SeUin [King's Selwyn, Edw Cla. — Geo Em. — Tho Cla. Sempler [not Semster, Tho Trin. Sendall, John Qu. — John Qu. — Rob Cla. — Rob Qu. — Rob Qu. Senhouse, Humph. ... Job. — Pet Trin. Senhowse, Pet *Joh. Senhouse, ^Rich Trin. — Simon Trin. — Tho King's — Will Joh. Seignior, Geo *Trin. Senior, Nich Joh. — Rob — Tho Cai. — Tho Joh. — Tho *Trin. Senter, John Mag. Seny (Seyney), Edw Sepherye, "Tho Joh. Sepijins, Rob Pet. Seredge, Isaac v. Surridge Seres, Will [Qu. Sergeant, John Cai. Sargiant, John Joh. Seriant, Peres Sergent, Pet Qu. Sergeant, Tho. v. Sargen Serjeant, AVill Chr. Sergeant, AA''ill *King's Serjeantson c. Sargcnson p E 1G51 A.B. 1054 p M 1614 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 p E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 p M 1572 A.B. 1576-7 f-c M 1573 s M 1578 A.B. (Cla.) 1582-3; A.M. (Chr.) s M 1614 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 [1586 V M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 f-c E 1620 s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1 f-c E 1651 s E 1652 (Mistake for GilP [S.T.B. 1656 s M 1642 A.B. (*Qu.) 1645-6; A.M. 1649; s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.M. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1618 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1587 f-c M 1576 A.B. (Mag.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583; p E 1633 [M.D. (Chr.) 1591 f-c L 1623-4] p M 1565 A.B. (Qu.) 1569-70 f-c M 1642 [Selvvyll] p M 1565 in Cai. reg.] A.M. (Cai.) 1595 (in ordo) s E 1607 r« E 1604] A.B. (C. C.) 1607-8 s M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 p L 1563-4 A.B. 1567-8 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1571 f« E 1604] A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 p M 1635 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 }) E 1637 p c. 1592 V M 1616 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 ; S.T.B. '32 V c. 1592 A.B. (11594-5) ; A.M. (*Joh.) 1598 ; P c. 1592 [S.T.B. 1606; S.T.P. 1622 p M 1550 (Matr. Synowes) p M 1634 A.B. 1637-8 p E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666; S.T.B. P M 1587 [1673; S.T.P. 1678 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1581 [Sonyer] s M 1634 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 [1660 p M 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653; S.T.B. p M 1564 M.L. 1566 A.B. ( ); A.M. (Qu.) 1603 s M 1568 A.B. (Cai.) 1574-5 s E 1625 A.B. (Chr.) 1628-9; A.M. 1632 E 1596] E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 A.B. (Jos.) 1577-) E 1625 E 1619 E 1658 A.B. 1661-2 ; A.M. 1665 ; S.T.B.'73 Bi-shop of Carlisle, 1G21. 598 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 [Sorocold] Serocold, Geo — Ja — John — Tho The Serton (Sartain), Ralph.. Servyngton, Fra Servington, Will — Will Setthell, Matth Setle, Tho Seton V. Seaton Cai. Cai. Pern. Em. p E p E p E Joh. Trill, Qu. Jes. Qu. 1645 1645 1620 1588 1549 1557 1614 1575 1575 1 Sevell, Severn e, Seaward, Seward, Sewell, Sewster, Sexby, Sexton, Sey V. Say Seyliard, Syliarde, Seyliard, Sylierd, Seilyard, Seyliard, Selliard, Silliard, Sylliard, Seliyard, Syliard, Seyliard, Syllyard, Seyliard, Silliard, Syliarde, Rob. Tho. Cha. Trin. f-c E 1562 Triu. John Trin.H. Dav. Edw. Geo. John Rich. Geo. John Rob. Sam. Sam. Will. John Cai. Trin. C. C. King's Qu. Pem. Qu. Qu. Trin. Qu. Saxby Edw Trin.H. Edw Pem. Fra *Sid. Hen Joh. Hen Trin. Hen Em. John Sid. Matth King's Rich. Sam. Tho. Tho. Tho. Tho. Tho. Will. Will. Trin. . Trin. . Cla. .*Sid. . Pem. . Qu. . Trin. . Joh. . Pem. Seymour v. Seamar Seyn, Shaa, Shae, Shakerlly, Shackerly, Shachaley Shacklock, Shadbolt, Matth. Edm. Rob. Tho. John Pet. Jes. [Jes. Mag. Jes. [Cai. Jes. Jes. Benj. .. 1 Rich, {imp.) *Trin. iRich Trin. John Pem. John King's s E s E s E s E p M M E E E M M E M c. E M E E E M s E p E f-c M p E p M p E p M f-c M p G. 1656 1622 1615 1574 1602 1570 1637] 1628 1641 1637 1572 1611 1555 1590 1644 1568 1605 1611 1631 1578 1618 1633 1564 1631 1642 1646 1649 1575 1590 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 (Matr. Suracold) A.M. 1597 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1569-70; A.M. (*Pem.; 1573 A.B. 1577-8, Settle; KM. 1581; [LL.D. (*C. C.) 1588 A.M. 1651 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1658-9, Seward LL.B. 1622 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 A.B. 1604-5 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1575-6 A.B. (Cath.) 1632-3 (Matr. Sulyarde) A.B. (? 1647-8) ; A.M. (*Cai.) 1651 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618; S.T.P. [1661 {Lit. Reg) A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 LL.B. 1556-7 16,32 1633] 1555 1613 A.B. 1615-6, 'Shaberlye' 1574-5] 1615 1637 A.B. 1640 1552) 1552^ 1573 1606 A.B. 1555-6; A.M. 1559 I Gracluatiou uncertain as between these, if reallj' two. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1<^59 599 Shattbolt, Phil King's — Ralph King's Shadbolt, Tho Juh. — Tho Pern. — Tho Trin.H. — Will Trin. Shadd, Rob Sid. Hhaddocke, Matth *King'3 Sluidlbrth, Geo Chr. Shadwell, John Peni. — [Tho.] Cai. Shafte, Matth Trin. Shafto, Anth Chr. Shaftoe, Hen Chr. Shafto, John Shafte (' Shafton '), Mark Job. Shafto, Mark Job. — Mark Mag. — Rob Job. Shafton (' Shefton '), John Cai. Shakespere Chr. Shakleton, Ja Trin. Shalcrosse, Edm Em. Shallcrosse, Will Trin. Shales, Hen C. C. Shanke, Rob. {imp).. C. C. Shapleigh, John Chr. Shartelowe, Anth C. C. Shardelowe, Anth Em. — Anth [Chr. — John Qu. — John Sid. — Rich [C. C. Sbardelow, Steven Chr. Shardelowe, Tho C. C. Share, Pet Pet. Sharinge, John Chr. Sharman, Edw Chr. Sharnborne, Hen Em. Sharpe, Abr Chr. — Alex Trin. — And King's — Edw Trin. — Edw *King'.s — Geo Trin. — Hugh Pem. — Isaac — Jasper Cai. — Jeftery Trin. — John VA\r. — John Cai. — Lionel *King's — Nath Km. — Nich *Trin. — Nich Sid. — Pet Job. — Phil Em. — Rich Cla. — Rich Sid. — Rob *King's — Rob Jos. E 1G02 E 1602 M 1544 E 1573 c. 1597 M 1547 E 1606 M 1551 f-c M f-c M p M s M 1650 1634 1656 1562 1655 1596 1616 1652 1653 1650 1623 1544 1576 1622 1631 1575 1560 1647 1570 1597-8 1637] 1588 1628 1619] 1611 1571 1546 1620 1585 1619 1581 1606 1583 1571 1576 1591 1641 E 1632 E 1629 E 1604 E 1606 M 1576 E 1635 M 1566 M 1634 M 1571 E 1644 M 1560 M 1641 M 1549 E 1567 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1555-6 (Matr. Saddock) A.B. 1637-8 A.B. (*Chr.) 1563-4, Shaftoe A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.M. 1637 (Incorp. fr. Edinb.) A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 [Migr. to Cai.] A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627, Saring A.B. 1584-5 A.B. (Catk) 1609; A.M. (Trin.) [1612 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584; S.T.B.'92 A.B. (?1594^); A.M. 1598 A.B. 1644-5 A.B. (Chr.) 1592-3; A.M. 1596 {{Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1632 ; A.M. 1636; S.T.P. 1660 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584; S.T.P.'97 A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1574 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1647 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1553-4 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 600 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Sharpe, Rob Chr. — Rob *King's — Rob Chr. — Rob Job. — Rob — Sam Mag. — Sam Cla. — Tho — Tho Trin. — Tho Chr. — Tho Job. — Tho *Cla. — Tho Joh. — Will *King's — Will Pem. — Will Em. Sharpen, Era Pem. Sharpharowe, John Joh. Sharpey, Nath Joh. Sharpie, Rob Chr. Sharpington, John Cai. Shari)les, Ja Joh. Sharrock, Reg King's Sharracke, Theoph Shaw, Amos C. C. Shawe, Anth Qu. — Chris Chr. . — Edm Joh. Shaw, Edw Em. Eusebius ... Mag. Shawe, Geo Cla. — Geo *Trin. Shaw, Geo Joh. Shawe, Geo Joh. Shaw, Geo Joh. — Gerard Joh. Shawe, Gilb Qu. Shaw, Godfrey Chr. _ Hen Chr. — Hugh Shawe, Hugh C. C. Shaw, Humph Joh. Shawe [Shore], John Cai. Shaw, John .^ Joh. Shawe, John [Em. Shaw, John Chr. Shawe, John Cath. — John [Joh. Shaw, Laur Joh. Shawe, Leon Trin. Shaw ('Shawey'), Pet. ...*Trin. — Pet Mag. _ Rich Job. Shawe, Rob *Pet. _ R«b Pet. _ Rob C. C. _ Rob Joh. Shaw, Rob C. C. _ Rob Cath. p M 1567 V M 1568 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 p M 1586 8 E 1626 A.B. 1628-9 I A.B. 1641 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) h A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 "^ P E 1622 s E 1655 A.B. (Joh.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610 s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 1' M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 p E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 « M 1649 A.B. 1653; A.M. 1657 1> E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1667 p M 1581 A.B. 1585-6 ; A.M. 1589; S.T.B. '97 p c. 1593 1661 {Lit. Reg.) s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638; S.T.B. A.M. (Cla.) 1595 (in ordo) s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 s E 1570 A.B. 1573-4 s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630, Slmrpe f-c M 1612 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. (Jes.) 1638 p E 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 P c. 1595 A.M. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1651 A.B. 1654-5 1> M 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 s M 1614 p M 1624 A.B. (Qu.) 1628 s E 1621 E 1656 E 1575 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1632 p M 1627 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 p E 1650 s M 1650 [Hawe in Coll. Reg.] b E 1658; fr. Qu. Coll. Oxf.] A.B. 1659-60 p E 1647 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 s E 1544 p M 1615 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 s M 1608 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616, *Pct. A.B. (Pet.) 1583-4 s M 1625 A.B. 1629-30 s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 s E 1581 A.B. 1588-9 [Adm. Qu. E 1581] s c. 1595 s E 1596] p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 p E 1639 p E 1652] L 1656-7 A.B. 1660-1 s M 1570 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 p E 1560 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567; S.T.B. [1574; Gr. for S.T.P. 1583 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1620-1; A.M. p E 1618 s M 1646 [(Mag.) 1624 p E 1544 A.B. 1547-8 ; A.M. 1551 ; S.T.B. '56 s M 1548 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. (*Chr.) 1555 s M 1570 s E 1622 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 p M 1629 p E 1649 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 601 Shaw, I Shawe, Shaw, Shawe, Shaw, Shawe, Shaw, Shawberry, Shawbery, Shawey, Shaxtoii, Sheffe, Sheaf e. Sheffe, Sheafe, Shears, Shiers, Sheares Sheather, Shedde, Shene, Sheene, Shene, Sheen, Sheene, Sheepseie, Shctlvlde, Sheffield, Sheffylde, Sheffyld, Shetfeild, Sheffylde, Sheffield, Slietfoild, Sheffield, Sheffilde, Slioffield, Shcftbild, Slieffyld, Shefyld, Sheffield, Sheffeild, Sam Tho Tho Tho Tho Tlmr.ston Will Will Will Will Will Edw. John Tho. Pet. \ John , Joh. Je.s. Pern. Chr. Pet. King'i Sid. Joh. Jes. Trin. [C. C. Em. Em. Em. E 1651 M 1559 E 1566 M 1614 M 1646 L 1557-8 A.B. A.B. 165.5- 1563- Shaw *Trin. Leon Gonv. Martin Cai. Will Cai. Edm King' Edm *King' Griudall ...*King' Herman *King' John King' Tho *Kin"' M 1633 E 1635 E 1635 M 1647 1560] E 1624 E 1624 E 1627 Tho. Will. Era. Geo. Rob. ... John ... Chris. Edw. ... Eleazer John ... Luke ... AVill. ... Pem. Trin. Trin. Joh. Joh. I\Iag. Cai. Cai. Cai. [Cai. Cai. Cai. s p e. s [schol. s p M p M p M [schol. E s M p c. John V. Shipsea Cha. Edm, Edw. Geo. Hen. Hen. Ja. .. 'John John John John Phil. Phil. Rich. Rob. Samson Chr. Sampson ... Em. Tho Sid. Chr. Pet. Cla. Trin. Joh. Mag. King' Pet. Joh. Cla. [Em. Mag. Chr. P P P s P P P s f-c p p p p f-c p p f-c p p p p p 1584 1.546 1626- 1631 1580 1614 1626-' 1590 1621] 1580 1621 1619 1601] 1618 1594 1619 1619 1599 1615 1639- 1640 1638 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1649 S.T.P. (Pet.) 1624 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1638; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1651-2 (in ordo) A.B. 1627-8 A.B. (Qu.) 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1587-8 ; A.M. 1591 ; S.T.B. '98 7 A.B. 1631-2 ■40] A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1630; A.M. 1634; S.T.B. [1641 ; S.T.P. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. (11594-5); A.M. 1598 [S.T.B. 1595; S.T.P. 1606 A.B. 1584-5, Sheafe; A.M. 1588; A.B. 1624-5 ; A.M. 1628; M.D. '36 A.B. 1604-5, Sheires; A.:\[. 1608 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626, Shires A.B. (Cla.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608, A.B. 1622 [Sheathey A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1625 A.B. [1602-3] ; A.M. 1606; S.T.B. A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 [1617 A.B. A.B, 1643-4, Shene 1642-3 E 1546 E 1584 E 1622 M 1551 E 1566 M 1585 M 1549 E 1618 E 1646 M 1572 E 1611] E 1637 M 1571 E 1575 E 1623 E 1636 ?A.M. 1594 {spec, congreg.) A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.M. 1636-7 {fil. nob.) A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.M. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [Migr. to Jes. M 1638] A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 Socoiifl Baron .'Id, 1540. 76 602 Matriculations and Degrees 1544— 1659 Sbefyld, Vincent Job. p Sheffield, AVill Chr. s — Will [Qu. f-c Sefteild, Will Pern. s Sheffold, Will Trin. s Sheffield, AViU Pem. p Sheft'yngton, Geo Pet. s Shefton, John v. Shaftou Sheidd, Rob Mag. p Sheild, Edw Cai. s — Pet Cai. s Shields, Rob Trin. s Sheires, Fra. v. Shears Shelbery, John Cla. p Sheldon, i Gilb — John Job. s — Tho Job. p Sheldrake, Rich *C. C. s — Will Cai. p — Will *Cai. s Sbelford, Rob Pet. s Shell, John Jes. s Shelley, Ja Trin. [schol. Shelly, Rich Em. p Sheley, Tho *Jes. p Shelley, Tho [Em. f-c Shelly, Tho Job. p Shelmerdin, Dan Chr. p Shelmardyn, Tho Chr. s Shelton v. also Skelton — Hugh Cla. p — John — John Pet, s — John Pem. p — Sam Cla. s — Sam Qu. p — Will Job. p — Will Qu. H — Will *Jes. s Shelwine, Anth Em. p Shemmeld, Geo Trin. s Shemeld, Ja Cla. p Shenton, Tho Em. p Shepheard, Abel Chr. p Shepherd, Ambr Cai. s Shepard, ]5arn *Jes. p Sheppard, Barney Cai. p Schepard, Benj Job. p Shepard, Chris Chr. p — Edm Trin. p Shepherd, Edm Sheapard, Edm Pet. s Sheaphard, Edw Jes. s Shepard, Geo Chr. p Sheppard, John Em. p — John Pet. p — John Job. s — John C. C. p M 1559 M 1586 [?A.B. 1589-90] L 1608-9] E 16-20 A.B. 1622-3 E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 L 1656-7 A.B. 1657-8 E 1550 E 1619 E 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 M 1613 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 E 1656 A.B. 1658 A.B. 1619 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) E 16.54 A.B. 1657-8 ; A.M. 1663 (Lii. Reg.) E 1656 A.B. 1659-60, Shaldin E 1654 A.B. 16.57-8; A.M. 1661 ; S.T.B.'69 E 1643 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 M 1648 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 E 1580 A.B. 1.583-4; A.M. 1587 M 1579 E 1590] A.B. 1590-] ; A.M. 1594 E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 c. 1592 A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. 1598 ; S.T.B. E 1614] [1605; S.T.P. 1619 E 1639 [Cai. 1640] E 1652 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 E 1648 A.B. 1651-2 A.B. (Cla.) 1584-5 E 1609 A.B. 1612-3, Skelton; A.M. 1616 E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1626 (Matr. [Shilton) E 1608 A.B. 1611-2, Skelton; A.M. 1615 E 1612 A.B. 1615-6, Skelton; A.M. 1619 E 1563 A.B. 1566-7, Skelton; A.M. (Cla.) L 1607-8 A.B. 1611-2 [1572 E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 E 1612 M 1646 M 1641 A.B. 1644-5 M 1645 E 1650 A.B. 1653 M 1614 M 1564 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 ; S.T.B.'78 E 1622 A.B. 162.5-6; A.M. 1629 c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 L 1580-1 M1566 A.B. 1569-70 A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) M 1658 E 1607 A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 M 1576 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 c. 1593 c. 1595 L 1.597-8 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 Jiisho]) of Loudon, IGGO ; Abp. of C.uiterlmry, 1GG3. Matriculations and Decfrees 1544 — 1659 603 Sheppard, John Triu. p Shepheard, John Em. p Sheppard, John C. C. p — Leon Joh. p — ' Xich Cath. s Shepherd, Nich King's Sheapheard, Ralph Mag. s Sheppard, Rich Qu. s Sheplierd, Rich C. C. s Shephard, Rich Joh. s Shepard, Rich King's p Shepherd, Rich Shepi)ard, Rob Joh. f-c Shei)er(l, Rob Chr. s Shepperd, Rob Cai. f-c Shepard, Rob C. C. p Sheppard, Sam Joh. p Shepard, Steph Joh. s Shepherd, Tho Cla. p Shepard, Tho Em. p — Tho Trin. s Shepperd, Tho [Adm. (as A. Shepparde, W Cla. f-c Sheppard, Will *King's p Shepard, Will Pet. s Sheppard, Will Cath. p Shephard, Will Trin.H. s Sheapheard, Will Qu. s Sheapheardson, John Cai. s Shepley, John [Joh. s Shepei, Sam Pern. p Sheppy, Tho Pern. s Shepshanck, John Joh. s Shepwright, Rob Pern. s Sherbrooke, Edm Joh. s Hen C. C. p Sherbroke, Mich C. C. a Sherbrooke, Rob Joh. s Shyrborne, John Pern. s Sherburne, Rob Sid. p — Roger Qu. p Sliirburne, Tho Qu. f-c Sherclift, Will Trin. s Shereburye, Era. v. Scharnburu Sheriffe, John C. C. p Sheringam, Jasper Trin. p Sheringham, John Cai. p — Rob *Cai. p Sherisew, Tho [Qu. s Sherland, Edw Chr. p — Edw Em. p — John Pem. p — Tho Pem. p Sherlock, Rich Sherlocke, Rob Cai. s — Will Chr. s Sherelocke, Will Chr. p Sherlock, 2 will Pet. p Sherman, Abr l(>23-4 1()29 lfi59 ir,73 1.^9 1037-8 M U)29 E 1.^)79 ]\I 1.-183 1588 1596 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1662-3 A.B. 1576-7 ; A.M. 1.580 A.B. (*Joh.) 1552-3 ; A.M. 15.59; A.B. 1640-1 [S.T.B. (*Trin.) 1568 A.B. 1586-7 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 E 1579 E 101 1 E 1613 M 1646 c. 1593 E 1571 E 1614 E 1620 E 1627 M.) Em. 1645] A M 1545 M 1582 E 1588 A.B. (Chr.) 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 1614-5 1650-1; A.M. 1654 1574-5; A.M. 1578 1616-7; A.M. 1620 1623-4; A.M. 1627 1631-2 M. 1657 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1586- A.M. 1590 1618-9 1625 1650 1629 1655 J 1646 M 1659 c. 1596 E 1575 M 1551 M 1610 E 1569 E 1644 M 1545 E 1649 c. 1596 M 1579 E 1625 E 1655 E 15.55 E 1657 L 1618-9 E 1590] E 1561 E 1588 M 1582 M 1582 E 1622 c. 1596 E 1629 E 1657 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. [S. A.B. A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 1628-9; A.M. 1632 1652-3; A.M. 1656 1632-3; A.M. 1636 1661-2 1600-1 , 155.5-6; A.M. (*Qu.) 1558; T.B. 1565 ; S.T.P. (*Jes.) 1579 1647-8 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1628-9, Sherclyftb ; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1657-8: A.M. 1661 (Matr. ['Shreior') A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. (Cla.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M. 1665 ; S.T.P. '8(1 A.M. 1651 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1 Master of St Joli: 1,J69. 2 Dean of St I'aur.s, lOltl. 604 Matnculations and Degrees Sherman, Alex C. C. — Cha Chr. — Edm [Qu. — Fra Gonv.H — Geo Pet. — John Joh. — John [Cai. Shereman, John [Cai. Sherman, John Cla. Shereman, John Qu. Sherman, John [Trin.H. — John [C. C. — John Chr. — John *Trin. — John Cath. — John Em. Shearman, John Qu. Sherman, Mark Cla. — Ralph Joh. — Ralph Cai. — Rich *Joh. — Rich [C. C. — Rob Joh. — Rob Trim — Sam *Qu. — Tho Jes. — Tho Cai. — Tho C. C. — Tho Pet. — Tho Pet. — Will Joh. — Will Trin. — Cath. Sherard, Edw Mag. Sherrard, Fra [King's — Hope [Em. Sherard, John Chr. Sherrad, John Cath. Sherard, Manoah Em. Sherrard, Rich [Sid. — Simon Cai. — Sperantius . . Em. Sherard, Will Chr. — Will Cai. — Will Chr. Sherrat, Hen Cath. — 0«.)[Cath. Sherston, John Qu. Sherwell, Humph. ... Joh. Sherwin, Herb Pet. Shcrwyn, John C. C. Sherwin, Will Joh. Sherwood, Adam v. Isherwood — Christian ... Em. — Fra Pet. — John Cath. — John Em. — John [Pem. — John Cai. 1544 — 1659 p L 1.557-8 p c. 1593 p E 1644; r. Cath.] A.B. (Cla.) 1647 p M 1554 p M 1620 LL.B. (*Trin. H.) 1626 p M 1554 f-c L 1 560-1 ■ \> M 1567] V M 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 a L 1584-5 P 1597] 1615] s E 1621 s M 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633; S.T.B. s E 1631 [1640; S.T.P. 1660 (Lit. Beg.) p M 1638 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645; S.T.P. [1661 {Lit. Reg.) 1649-50; A.M. (*Jes.) 1653; p E 1647 A.B. [S.T.P. 1665 {Lit. Reg.) p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. (*Qu.) 1625 8 M 1584 A.B. (Cai.) 1587-8; A.M. 1591 S M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 P M 1554 A.B. 1556-7; M.L. 1558; A.M. 1554] [1560 ; M.D. (*Cai.) 1567 s E 1565 p M 1575 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 ]) M 1644 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 f-c M 1573 p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 p E 1618 p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 p E 1651 A.B. 1654-5 ; A.M. 1658, Sheirman p E 1604 s E 1639 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 f-c 1646 p M 1647 f-c 1571] s L 1620-1 ? Sperantius, beluw] p M 1570 A.B. 1574-5 s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1632 f-c M 1634] p M 1573 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 [E 1629] A.B. 1631 p M 1570 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 p L 1615-6 p L 1653-4 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 (Matr. p E 1649 [Slierwood) p 1648] •s M 1573 A.B. (Chr.) 1577-8; A.M. 1581 p L 1580-1 A.B. 1584-5 s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 s M 1583 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 s M 1624 A.B. (Qu.) 1627-8; A.M. 1631 s M 1615 A.B. 1619-20 s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 p M 1587 A.B. (Triu.) 1588-9 p M 1612 1621] V M 1641 A.B. 1644-5 Matrlmdations and Degrees 1544—1659 605 Sherwood, John Jos. Nich. Nich. Paul Phil. Chr. Chr. Qu. [Joh. J oh. *Joh. Reuben *King's Shearwood, Sherwood, Shirwoode Shevillere, Shilbonie, Shiles, Shilleto, Shillitou, Siletto, Shyllyto, Shilling, Shine, Shyne. Shinktield, Shipdam, Shipden, Shipley, Shipnian, Eich Rob Samson.... Tho Will Will Will Will Sam. Rob. Tho. Tho. Rob Edw Jos Randolph . Tho Edm Cha Rob Rob [C; C. 0. C. C. Cai. Cla. Qu. Joh. Chr. Jes. Chr. Pet. Trin. Trin. King' Trin. Jes. Trin. Trin. Chr. *Joh. Cai. C. C. Alex C. C Israel Cai. Edw Cai. Abr [Ciii. Tho Trin — Tho Joh. Shippe, Isaac Cai. Shipsea ('Sheepseie'), John Joh. " " Sid. Shipton, Shipwark, Shipwith 1 Shyrley, Shearly, Sherley, Shirley, Shurlej', Sherley, Shirlev, Shei-ly, Shirley, Shurley, Sherly, Shurley Ja. [Skipton] John Em. San) Tho Will Hen Skipwith Ed Geo (ieo Hen Hen Ja John Ralph {imp.} 13 atin.)\ Rob. (domtnus) Rob Trin. Rob [C. C. Tho Qu. Tho *Trin. Walsingham *Trin. [Em. .. Em. .. Cla. .. Jes. .. Cla. .. Cla. .. Trin. .. [Joh. .. *Trin. .. Cath, Qu. Joh. P s c. Sherard 1) E P P P f-c P P P s P f-c p E i(;.')6 1(547] 1610 1033] 10:^0 15.^)4 1558 1.5.S1 16:22 1647 1.585 1569 1597 1607 1544 1579 1618 1568 1623 1629-30 1629 1632 1626-7 1628 1552 1644 1611 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. (*Pet.) 1663 A.B. 1650 A.B. 1613; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1623-4 A.B. 1557-8 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. 1566; M.D. '81 A.B. 1625-6 A.B. 1650-1 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 1622] 1618 1634 1631 1624] 1627 1651 M 1652 E 1610 E 1619 E 1604 E 1622 E 1657 E 1603 M 1566 M 1587 M 1623 E 163U M 1631 E 1615 M 1562 M 1576 E 1613 1645] M 1561 M 1611 E 1609 E 1613] A.B. 1637-8 [Sillito] A.B. 155.5-6, Shelyto; A.M. 1559 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1562-3 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1635 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1656-7 ; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617; S.T.P. A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 [1630 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Mag.) 1660-1 ; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1627-8 same as next] A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1617 A.B. (Chr.) 1579-80 A.M. 1612 A.B. 1615-6 A.B. 1615-6; A.B. 1612-3: A.M. A.M. 1619 1616 606 Matriculations and Degrees 1544- 16: Sherley [Em. Shirt, Matth Job. — Nath Em. Shirte, Raljjh Cla. Shoad, Will Em. Shockton, Tho Cai. Shoosmith, Ja C. C. Shore, John Chr. — John — Tho Cla. Shorley, W Job. Shorrock, Hen Joh. Short, Anth Pet. — Hen Chr. — Ja Joh. — John {imp.) Pern. — Peregrine ... Pern. — Rich Pern. — Rich Chr. — Sam Joh. — Sam Em. — Tho — Tho — Tho [Pern. — Tho Pem. — Tho Joh. — [Tho.] Joh. — Will Joh. — Will Pem. — Will *Jes. Shorthose, John Joh. Shorthowse, Tho Pem. Shortland, Rich Chr. — Tho Sid. Shotbolt, John , *King's Sbottbolt, Phil King's — Ralph King's Shotbolt, Tho Pem. Shotton, Will Chr. Shouldara, Cha Cai. — Era Cai. Shuldam, Lemuel Cai. — Nath Cai. — Tho Cai. Shove, Benj — Edw King's Shrcde, Rich Qu. Shreve, Tho Qu. Shreive, John v. Sheriite Shrewsbury, Gilb., Earl of Shrigley, John Em. Shrimpton, John Joh. — Tho Qu. Shryne [C. C. Shrubsall, Cha Em. Shuckborne, John Joh. Shugborow, Edw King's Shukbrugh, Euscby Chr. Shuckborrow (/««•) [King's p E 164r/ s E 1659 p E 1637 s E 1620 f-c M 1639 p E 1608 s M 1641 E 1646 A.B. 1662-3 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1611-2 ; A.M. 1615, Shoqueto A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 (Matr. ['Shopwith') A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 (A.B. Dublin) ; A.M. (Chr.) 1648 ; [M.L. 1648; M.D. 1656 s c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1 p M 1583 s M 1589 A.B. 1593-4 s M 1602 A.B. (Mag.) 1605-6; A.M. 1609; p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 [S.T.P. (Pet.) 1623 ^ p E 1612 1 t V E 1588 S V E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 V L 1618-9 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 ; M.D. '32 P E 1659 A.B. (Pem.) 1664 1 P c. 1594 P E 1631 A.B. (Pem.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592; A.B. (Pem.) 1604-5 [M.L. 1607 1618] P E 1634 s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4 ; M.D. 1668 {Lit. Reg.) f-c E 1651 p E 1612 A.B. ( ); A.M. 1627 p E 1625 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 p E 1650 [Migr. to Cath. 1651] : s M 1583 A.B. (Triu. H.) 1583-4 p E 1623 p E 1650 p E 1606 A.B. [1609-10]; A.M. 1613 [Shadbolt] p E 1602 p E 1602 p E 1632 A.B. 1640-1 s M 1623 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1632 p c. 1595 p M 1589 [?schol. Trin. H. 1592] p M 1642 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5 p c. 1591 A.B. (King's) 1633-4; A.]\[. 1637 j p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 ! p E 1584 p M 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.M. 1594 [p E 1600] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 p E 1614 s E 1577 1568] A.B. 1580-1 p M 1633 f-c E 1606 p M 1587 [Shuckburrow] f-c E 1614 p M 1587] Matricnlations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 607 5hvickford, Will [C. C. 1 653] Jhuckforth, John Cai. s M 1568 iShutte, Chris Pern. p M 1561 A.B. 1564-5 ; A.M. 1568; S.T.B. '80 IShute, Cliris Pet. p E 1582 Chris [Cai. f-c E1584] [1642 ; S.T.P. 1660 (ZtV. /Je^r.) Chris *Chr. p E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634; S.T.B. IShutte, Hen Pern. s E 1586 A.B. (Cath.) 1588-9, Shute Shute, Jos A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2 Jo.sias Trin. s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 Nath A.B. (Chr.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 Kixlph Qu. s E 1576 A.B. 1579-80 Rich A.B. (Cai.) 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); IShutte, Rob Pern. s E 1575 A.B. (Chr.) 1579-80 [A.M. 1658 I Shute, Rob Qu. [f-c M 1588] A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 Rob Chr. p 1598 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 Shutte, Tho Qu. f-c E 1588 Shoote, Tho Trin. s E 1605 A.B. (Pet.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 Shute, Tho Chr. s E 1641 A.B. 1644-5 Tim Pet. s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 (Matr. Walt Joh. p E 1642 [Shout) Shoot [C. C. 1558] Shut Trin. E 1606 {ahs.) Shuttlewood, John [Trin. s E 1650] Shutlewood, Tho Joh. s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Shuttlewood, Tho Em. p E 1655 Shittleworth, Edm Em. p E 1653 A.B. 1654, Shuttleworth Shuttleworth, Laur S.T.B. 1583 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) Lionel Joh. p M 1610 Shynglynton, Tho Cla. s M 1566 Shypshed, Geo Pem. s M 1544 Sibbald, Ja A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.?) SibbaU, Ja Trin. p M 1646 A.B. 1649-50 Sibballs, Ja (? A.M.) 1637 ( St Andrews) Sibb.s, John Cath. p M 1632 A.B. 1635-6 Sibbes, i Rich *Joh. s c. 1594 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602; S.T.B. [1610; S.T.P. (Cath.) 1627 Sibly, Jerera Em. p E 1631 A.B. 1634 Sibbley, Tho C. C. s E 1605 A.B. 1609; A.M. 1612 Sibley, Tho Era. p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 Sybley, Will Pet. s E 1544 A.B. 1545-6 Siberie, John Trin. [s E 1646; Sibrie] A.B. 1649-50 Sibsey, Hen C. C. s E 1619 Sibsy, Simon King's s L 1577-8 Sibson, 2 Hen Joh. p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 SyKsou, John A.B. (Chr.) 1578-9 Sil>son, John Joh. p M 1633 Rich (? Matr. 'Simpson') A.B. (Mag.) 1635-6 — Rob A.B. (Cath.) 1590-1 Sibthorpe, Chris Trin. s E 1578 Sipthorpe, Chris Qu. p M 1580 Sibthorpe, Gervase Jes. p M 1642 — John Chr. s E 1643 A.B. 1645-6 — Rob *Trin. s E 1571 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 — Rob *Trin. [schol. E 1614] A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619; S.T.B. '27 — Tho Pet. s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 — Will Trin. s E 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 Sichell, John v. Stichell Sickelmore, Ja Joh. s M 1622 A.B. 1625-6 Sicklemore, John Cla. p E 1628 A.B. 1631 — John Em. s L 1637-8 1 Master of St Catharine's, 1626. '^ ' Gibson,' wrongly, in Matr. Bk. 608 Matricnlatioufi and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Sicklemore, Jonat, Siclamoore, Rich. Sicklemore, Sam. — Tho. — Tho. Syddall, Adam Siddall, Hen — John Chr. Syddall, Mich Chr. Siddal, Will *Chr. Siddowu (?Snodowne), Abr. Chr. Sidey, Siday, Syday, Siday, Syday, [Cla. f-c Trin. H. p Cla. P *Qu. 1> Sid. P Joh. « Dan Em. John Cai. John Jes. Jos [Qu. Rob Qii. Will Trin. Seddon . also Sedgwick Joh. Siddon Sidgwick i Sidgidicke, CJeo. Sidgwick, Geo. — Hen. Sidgewicke, Rich Sidgwick, Rob. Sidley, Isaac Mag — ('Sedley'), Will Sydley Sidnor, Fra Sydnor, Hen. ... Sidnor, Paul ..., Sydnor, Will Sidnor, Will Siffon?, W Sigrave, Will. ... Sylbe, John ... Silby, Rob. ... Silke, John ... Silk, Simon . Sill, Edw — John ... Syll, Miles Joh. Sill, Rowland ... Cath _— Will. V. Sell Sillesby, Sam Em. — Tho Qu. Syllet, Chris Qu. Sillet, John v. Sillott .. Qu. ,. Joh. [Joh. Joh. Joh. Joh. [Em. Chr. Trin. Chr. Cai. Chr. Pet. [C. C. Mag. Cai. Qu. Joh. Joh. John . Tho. . Silliard v. Seyliard Sillott, Sills, Silsburry, Silverlock, Silverwood, Silvester v. Symkott, Symcotts, Simcotes, John Will Joh. Trin Tho. V. Salisbury Tho Tho Sylvester John .... Will (jOO John .... Joh. Trin. King's King'! *King'! Qu. 1645] 1549 1637 1560 1623 1589 1602 1631 1596 1575 1592 1620-1 1623 1612] 1577-8 1579 156'; p E 1619 s E 1631] s M 1624 c. 1594 p M 1621 f-c M 1635 schol. p E 8 E s E p M p E [P M p E 1591-2] 1595 1578 1595 1557-8 1595 1571 1552] 1564-5 1582-4 1591] 1658] 1629 1586 1596 1633 1644] 1584 1591 1597 1640 1653 1658 1633 1544 1545 1648 1610 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. (Matr. Skyiemore) A.B. 1592-3; A.M. (King's) 1596 A.B. (Pet.) 1639-40 (Sewell in ordo) A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604; S.T.B.'12 A.B. (Pet.) 1579-80, Syddon A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631, 'Seydah' A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584, Syda A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Re(j.) A.M. 1586 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Qu.) 1569-70, Silby A.B. (Pern.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592, ('janitor')] [Selby; S.T.B. 1607 A.B. 1631-2 A.B. 1590-1 (?Gill) A.M. 1635 A.M. 1594 ; S.T.B. [(*Cath.) 1601 [(*Qu.) 1647 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640; S.T.B. A.B. 1648 ; A.M. 1652 (Incorp. fr. A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 [Oxf) A.B. 1600-1 A.B. (Cai.) 1643-4; A.M. 1647 1656-7, Sill; A.M. 1662 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 1637; A.M. 1642 1651- 1611 A.M. 1655 A.M. 1615; M.D. [(King's) 1636 Matrlcidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 609 Sinicotos, Rob Qu. Simcots, Will Qu. Simcotts, Will Trin. Simkin, Cha Qu. Syuikyns, Tho Qu. yinikyn.s, Walt Trin. Synuu, John Sid. Symme, Uich Cla. Sym, Will Cla. Simms, Edw Em. Syniny.s, John Chr. Symme.-s, Rich Pet. Simnies, Will Em. — Will Mag. Symme.s, Zach Em. Simou, Martin Trin. — Pet Trin. — Pet Trin. — Rob [Qu. Syman, Rob Trin. Symond, Rob Chr. Simont, Simeon C. C. Simon, Tho Jcs. Simonds, Beuj C. (i — Benj [Qu. Symonds, Edm Cai. Simmons, Etlw Trin. Symonds, Edw Cai. Simons, Edw Pet. Symonds, Geo Simmons, Hen Cath. Simons, John C. C. Symons, John *Cai. Simonds, John Cai. — John *Joh. Symonds, John [Cai. Simonds, John Em. — John C. C. — John Joh. — Jos Em. Simons, Josiah [Qu. Simonds, Lee Pet. — Mich C. C. — Ralph Pet. Simons, Ricii Mag. — Rich Chr. Symonds, Rich Em. Symons, Rich Em. Symonds, Ro Trin. — ' Rob Joh. Symons, Rob Sid. Symonds, Sam Cath. — Tho Em. Simons, Tho Chr. — Tho Trin. — Will Conv. Symons, Will Cionv. Symonds, Will [Trin. Simonds, Will [Cai. Symonds loh. Symson, Cleop Joh. H. p H. p scho] V E IGIO M 1588 E 1650 E 1637 E 1570 E 1565 M 1645 E 1582 E 1577 E 1647 M 1545 M 1552 E 1619 E 1632 E 1617 M 1611 E 1577 E 1615 E 1580] M 1642 M 1615 M 1598 E 1619 E 1609 L 1613-4] M 1607 E 1646 L 1578-9 E 1621 M 1628 c. 1590 L 1600-1 E 1603 M 1606 E 1608] E 1629 E 1637 E 1648 E 1620 E 1601] M 1589 E 1587 M 1583 E 1615 E 1631 M 1632 E 1633 M 1559 M 1571 E 1623 E 1640 M 1607 E 1629 E 1633 E 1550 ]\I 1 . 1560] E 1655] E 1544 M 1567 A.B. 1611-2: A.M. 1615 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1647-8 A.B. 1585-6, Symras A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 ; S.T.B.'91 A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. (King's) 1654 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 1634; A.M. 1638 1620-1; A.M. 1624 1615-6; A.M. 1624 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1612-3 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. ( ); A.M. (Cla.) 1607 A.B. 1631-2, Symonds ; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. (? 1609-10); A.M. 1613 ; S.T.B. [1620 A.B. 1632-3 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. (Chr.) 1643-4 ; A.M. (*Pem.) A.B. 1611-2 [1647 [Simonides] )6 A.B. 1559-60, Simondes ; A.M. [1563 610 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Simson, Simpson, Simson, Simpson, Symson, Simpson, Simson, Simpson, Symson, Simpson, Simson, Simpson, Simson, Symson, Simpson, Symson, Simpson, Sympson, Symson, Simpson, Sympson, Simpson, Simson, Simpson, Simson, Symson, Simpson, Simson, Simpson, Synckler, Sinclore, Sincler, Sinclerton, Sinett, Edm Pet. s E1560 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. (*Pem.) 1568; Edm Job. s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3 [S.T.B. 1575 Edw Trim s M 1576 Edw *Trin. [schol. E 1597] A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604; S.T.B. Esdras Trin. p E 1576 [1611 ; S.T.P. 1624 Geo Pem. s E 1569 Geo Job. p M 1612 Geo Jes. p L 1645-6 A.B. 1648-9 Hen Chr. p E 1631 A.B. 1633-4 John Trin. p E 1576 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 John Pet. s M 1579 A.B. 1583-4 John Trin. s E 1584 A.B. 1587-8 John Qu. s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1606 Jolin Em. [p L 1599-1600] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1608 John Trin. s E 1615 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. (*Chr.) 1623 John Pem. p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 John Trin. s E 1631 A.B. 1634; A.M. 1638 John Qu. s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 John Job, p M 1641 A.B. (Mag.) 1644; A.M. 1648 John Trin. p M 1646 A.B. 1650-1 Lane Qu. s M 1568 Matth Qu. s M 1569 A.B. 1573-4 Nahariah ... Sid. p E 1647 A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654 Nath Sid. s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 Nich A.B. 1549-50; A.M. 15.53 Ohver Trin. s c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 Rich Chr. s M 1569 Rich Clir. s E 1584 Rich Mag. s E 1632 {v. Sibson) Rob *Trin. s E1552 A.B. 1558^9, Symson ; A.M. 1562 Rob Trin. p M 1571 Rob [Cai. s M 1603] Rob (prob. the above) A.B. (Trin.) 1608-9 Rob King's s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Sam *Triu. s E 1606 A.B. 1611-2; A.IVl. 1615 iSidrach Em. s M 1616 A.B. (Qu.) 1621-2; A.M. 1625 Sidrach [Chr. p E 1650] Simon Job. s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 Simon C. C. s M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 Tho Job. p E 1576 A.B. (Pem.) 1579-80 Tho Trin. p c. 1596 Tho Job. p M 1608 Tho A.B. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Tho A..M. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Edinb.) Will Qu. [s E 1580] A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1588 Will Chr. s M 1586 Will Cai. s c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9 ; A. M. 1602 ; S.T.B. '09 Will Qu. [s E 1601] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 Will Joh. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8 Will Em. p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8 Will A.M. 1627 (Incoq). fr. St Andrews) Will Pem. p E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 Will Cai. p M 1645 [Migr. to Trin. E 1646] Will Joh. [s E 1654] A.B. (Cai.) 1657-8 [Sinckbn) Henoch Joh. p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 (Matr. Sam Joh. s M 1621 A.B. 1623-4, Syncler; A.M. 1627 Tho A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Edinb.) Hen [King's s L 1570-1] Jerem Trin. s E 1631 of runihioki', 10.30. Matriculation ft and Degrees 1,-44 — 1659 611 Singe, Jos Singleton, Tho Trin. Sissoii, John Joh. Sysson, Perc Cai. Sissone, W *Trin. Sysson, "Will Chr. Siston, Tho, Pet. Sitternc, Hen. v. Syterne Sittison, John M M 1609 A.B. 161 3-4 ; A.M. 1617 ; S.T.B.'24 s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9 f-c E 1642 s M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 f-c E 1618 s E 1628 A.B. 1630-1 s E 1582 A.B. 1585-6 p M 1572 p M 1578 s M 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 s E 1639 s M 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 p E 1623 f-c M 1654 s L 1579-80 A.B. 1582-3 (Matr. Skyrrytt) s E 1586 s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 V c. 1597 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 s E 1631 f-c L 1564-5 f-c E 1552 f-c E 1603 p M 1649 f-c M 1615 f-c L 1564-5 1> E 1565 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572; LL.D.'79 f-c E 1578 [1539; S.T.P. 1544 [schol. 1524] A.B. 1528-9; A.M. 1532; S.T.B. ]) E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 s E 1(;14 A.B. 1617-8 s M 1568 s M 1641 A.B. 1644-5 B E 1636 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 P E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 s E 1647 1649 A.B. (Trin.) 1608-9 612 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Skinner, Chris Joh. s c. 1594 — Edw Jes. f-c E 1641 Skynner, Geo C. C. p M 1584 Skinner, Geo Incorp. fr. Oxf., 1598 — [Gervase] ... Trin. p M 1G40 — Hen [CO. 1597] Skynner, John Pet. p L 1579-80 A.B. 1583-4 — John C. C. p M 1584 Skinner, John [Em. s E 1600] Skynner, Jonat Qu. s M 1571 A.B. 1575-6 Skinner, Jonat Em. s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 Skynner, Jos Jes. s E 1644 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 — Nich Jes. p M 1552 Skinner, Rob Cai. s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 — iRob A.M.1615(;S.T.B. [1621 {do.) — Sam Em. s M 1617 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 — Steph Cla. p c. 1591 — The Joh. s L 1577-8 Skynner, Tho Pem. s L 1582-3 A.B. 1586-7 Skyner, Tho Cla. p M 1588 Skinner, Tho Joh. s E 1646 A.B. 1649 — Tho Cla. s M 1649 A.B. 1652 Skynner, Vincent *Trin. p E 1557 A.B. 1560-1; A.M. 1564 — Will Cla. f-c M 1579 Skinner, Will Em. s M 1635 A.B. 1639-40 — Will [Em. p E 1642] — A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. (Trin.) 1598 Skins, Hen A.B. (Trin. H.) 1646-7 — Tho. Trin.H. s E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1647, Skinner Skepp, John Pet. f-c E 1615 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 Skipp, Rich C. C. s M 1609 A.B. 1612-3 — Rich Pet. p E 1620 Skepp, Tho Pet. f-c E 1615 Skepper, Chris Joh. p E 1615 A.B. 1618-9 Skipper, John Joh. s E1612 A.B. 1615-6, Skepper ; A.M. 1619 — Roger C. C. s M 1644 A.B. 1647-8 Skepper, Will Sid. p M 1614 A.B. 1617-8 Skippon, Luke [Cai. p E 1585] — Luke *Pet. s M 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621; S.T.B. — Luke Trin. f-c E1656 [1634; S.T.P. 1660 (Z^■^. /%.) — Rol) Trin.H. p L 1557-8 Will Cai. p E 1584 Skypton, John Joh. p M 1579 Skipton, Rich Trin. s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 — Tho [Sid. p E 1635] Skipwith, Edm Chr. p M 1588 Skypwythe, Edw Joh. p M 1552 Skipwith, Edw Mag. f-c E 1571 Scipwith, Edw Sid. p M 1606 Skipwith, Edw Joh. p M 1628 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1641 p:dw Mag. p M 1629 — Edw Sid. p E 1635 Skypwith, Era Jes. f-c M 1584 Skipwith, (ieo [Qu. f-c L 1608-9] Sckipwithe, Hen Trin. f-c c. 1591 Skipwith, Hen [Qu. f-c E 1606] — Ralph [C. C. 1623] Scipwith, Tho Qu. p E 1612 1 BislK.p of Bristol, WM ; of Oxford, 1«41. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 613 Skiinvith, Tho Skvpwyth, AV Skipwith, Will — Willoughby Skopain, AVill Skryiushere, Garrard Scrymshire, John Skryinsher, Will Skui>liolme v. Scabliam Skur, Leon Skvcldve, And Skydimav, .la Skiduiore, Jt)hn Slcicke, Chris Slack, Ja Slacko, John — John Slack, Jonat Slacke, Will Slade, Vxoh — W Slador, Ja Slader, John — Tim Slanye, Edw Slany, Gile« — J asper Slayne ('Sleyny'), Steph. Sleyny, Tho Slater (Sclater), Chris. ... — Edw Sclater, Slater, Sclater, Slater, Sclater, Slator, Geo. , Hen. , Hen. , John , John , John , :\Iark , Rich. , Kich. , Roger. 'Sam. . ^ Sam. . Tho. . =^Tho. . Tho. . Will. . Will. . Will. . Sid. Jos. Joh. [Sid. [King's Trin. Trin. [Trin. Pet. Sid. Mag. Knig's Qu. Mag. Pern. Qu. Cai. Cai. Cla.. [Cath. *Cath. [Joh. Chr. Trin. Chr. Joh. Joh. Sid. *Trin. Trin. Qu. *King's Cai. I\Iag. Joh. gu. Trin. C. C. Em. Em. Chr. Sid. [Trin. *King'.s *Kin"'s Slatholme CSli.di- Sledd, thorne'), Will.^ Hen. Jolni i Pern E 1636 L 1579-80 M 1024 E 1631] 1582] E 15.52 E 1635 L 163(i- M 1547 E 1644 E 1548 E 1544 E 1618 c. 1.596 E 1585 E 1611 E 1598] M 1573 M 1.571 M 1658] 1648] E 1646] c. 1.595 E 1632 c. 1590 E 1579 E 1579 E 1629 M 1560 E 1634 E 1659 U 1598 irni. *Trin. 1625 16.53 1619 1590] 1592 1607 1644 E 1645 M 1602 M 1631 E 1648] L 1593-4 E 1626 E 1636 E 1632 M 1.579 .M 1.568 A.B. 1628-9 .l.B. 1638-9 ; M.D. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1647; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1544-5 A.B. (King's) 1603-4 (in ordo) A.B. (Cath.) 1598-9 A.B. 1.588-9; A.M. 1592, Slake A.B. (Pern.) 1608 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1017 A.B. 1001-2 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1653 A.B. 1635-6 A.B. 1582-3 A.M. 1612 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Qu.) 1632-3 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1.568; S.T.B. [1575 ; S.T.P. 1584 A.B. 1601-2 ; A.M. 1606 ; S.T.B.'14 A.B. (Pern.) 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1656-7, Sclater A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626, Slater A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.P, A.B 1647; A.M. 1658 1647-8 [(*Je9.) 1618, Scbiter 1605-6; A.M. 1609; S.T.B. (*Trin.) 1635-6; A.M. 1639; [M.D. 1649 (Incori). fr. Oxf.) 1.597-8; A.M. 1601, Slater; [S.T.B. 1608; S.'I'.P. 1617 1629-30; A.M. 16.33; S.T.B. [1640; S.T.P. 16;51 1639-40; S.T.P. 1669 {Lit. [Reg.) 1635-6; A.M. 16.39; M.L. [1642; M.D. 1660 158.3-4; 1573-4: A.M. 1.588 A.M. 1577 1 Uncprtain which was A.M. 2 M.P. for Univfrsity, ICa'J. 614 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Slee, And *Pet. Sleep, Anth *Tnn. Sleiford, Hen Em. Sleford, Rich Pet. Sleeford, [King's Slegge, Ed Jes. Slegg, Edw [C. C. — Edw — Era Chr. Siege, Hen Jes. Slegg, John Chr. Slegge, Tho Joh. Sleigh, Edw Chr. — Geo Chr. — Gervase Chr. — Gervase [Chr. — Rob Mag. — Sam Chr. — Sam Chr. Sleighton, Edw Qu. Sleyton, Rob Joh. Sleighton, Rob Qu. — Rob Qu. Slighthorne, Will. v. Slatholme Slingsbye, Cha — Hen Qu. Slingsbey, Hezechiah... Cla. Slingsbye, Tho. {imp.\ r^^.^^^ 12 ann.)\ — Walt Trin. Slipper, Sam Qu. Sluper, John *King's Slo.swick, Rich Pern. Sloswicke, Will Pern. Slough, Geo Qu. Slowe, John Pem. Slow, Rob Pem. Slowley, Joshua Pem. Sly, Edm Cla. Slie, Hen Slye, John Trin. — Tho Slyfeld, H Pet. Slyme, Edw Joh. Slyn, Rich C. C. Slynger, Steph Chr. Slyngar, Tho Chr. Small, John [Trin. Smalley, Adam Smally, Rob Cla. Smalpage, Tho *Pem. — Will Chr. Smalpeece, Era C. C. Smallepeece, Tho Chr. Smalewood, Allan Pet. Small wood, Geo Pem. Smalwood, Ja Pet. Smallwood, Matth *Qu. — Oliver [Pet. Smart, Adam Joh. P V f-c P P P P f-c /; f-c M 164G M 1601 c. 1595 E 1582 E 1587] M 1564 1618] p M 1615 p L 1581- p E 1617 E 1620 E 1655 E 1625 E 1623 M 1644] E 1653 E 1621 E 1655 E 1637 M 1569 E 1600] E 1634 A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1605-6 ; A.M. 1609 ; S.T.E. '17 A.B. 1585-6, Sleyford S.T.B. 1631 (Incorp. fr. St Andrews) A.B. 1581-2, Slegg ! A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 ; S.T.B. [1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1573-4 A.B. 1603-4 (in ordo) A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 [Slcidan' A.M. 1586 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c L 1618-9 s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1662-3 A.B. 1627 ; A.M. 1631 ; M.L. 1646 A.B. 1609 A.B. 1606-7 (Matr. 'Clough') A.B. 1588-9 A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. (Cla.) 1597-8 A.B. (Joh.) 1613 A.B. (Pem.) 1575-6, Slynne A.B. (Em.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 [1660 {Lit. Rey.) A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1632; S.T.P. A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. (Qu.) 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1661-2 ; A.M. 1665; S.T.B. '74 f-c E 1565 V L 1634-5 s E 1659 p M 1623 s E 1606 s E 1603 p L 1578-9 s M 1545 s E 1584 s E 1619 p M 1639 p E 1567 p E 1561 s E 1572 p L 1618-9 s M 1544 s E 1546 p E 1651] s E 1646 p E 1575 p E 1657 ]) E 1646 ]) E 1611 s M 1624 s E 1623 s E 1607 p E 1658 s E 1624] p L 1585-6 Mati 'leulatloi IS and Deg rces 1544 — 1659 (315 Smart, Adrian . loh. V I\[ 1587 — Dan Qu. s M 1616 — Dan Pern. s E 1650 A.P.. 1653-4; AM. 1657 Ezeehiel ... Em. V E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; -A.M. 1643 — Hon Trin. V E 1573 — Ithiel.... Em. E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 Itiiiel.... Joh. s E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 John A.M. 1655 (Incorp. tr. Oxf.) A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 Nath '.'.'.'. Em. s E 1608 — Nath Em. [« E 1633] A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 Pet Trin. p E 1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.U. 1582 — Kich Em. p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 — Kowland ... Joh. p ]\r 1567 — Tho Pern. p E 1611 Wil! Cath. s E 1546 A.B. 1551-2, *Chr. Smatliwaite i'. also Smorthwait — Tho Trin. s E 1586 Sniayles, Era Joh. p E 1614 Smelt, John .... Pet. V s M 1582 E 1628 A.B. 1585-6, Smaylas A.B. 1631-2 Ciiri.s. . Trin. — John .... .... [*Je8. 1573] Siuelte, John .... *Joh. p E 1639 A.B. 1644-5 ; A.M. 1648 ; S.T.B.'55 Smelt, Leon ....*Joh. p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 Smelte, Smelt, Leon Sid. 1> p E 1637 E 1610 Matth. . .... Cla. Smellt, Matth. . .... Joh. p E 1639 A.B. 1646; A.M. 1650 Smelt, Kich Pet. 1' E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 — Tho Mag. p c. 1589 — Tho ....[Sidf f-c M 1605] Tho .... Trin. s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 Smeltho, Will .... Trin. s M 1615 " A.B. 1618-9, Smelt; A.M. 1622 Smelt, AVill .... Joh. p E 1649 Smelter, Tho .... Joh. s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1669 Smethers, Ralph . .... C. C. s M 1578 [Smithers] Smith, Smyth, etc. . Abeley . A.B. 1563-4; A.M. (*Joh.) 1567; — . Abr '.'.'.'. Pet. p E 1582 A.B. 1585-6 [S.T.B. 1574 — Abr .... Joh. s c. 1596 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 . — Adam . Pet. s E 1555 (? Snythe) — Adam . .... Cath. s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7 Alban . .... Jes. s M 1550 — Alex ....*Joh. [schol. 15501 A.B. 1553-4 — Ambr. . A.B. 1585 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — And .... Trin. s M 1576 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 — And A.B. (Pern.) 1603-4 ; A.M. 1607 (in — Anth '.'.'.'. Pet. p M 1552 [ordo) — Art .... Em. s E 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 — Art .... Chr. f-c E 1658 — Earth. . .... Em. s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 Benj .... Joh. .s xM 1659 A.B. 1663-4; A.M. 1667 Bern A.B. (Chr.) 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; [A.M. 1632 — Brian .... (,)ii. s c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.:\I. 16(J4 — lirian.... loh. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 Biian.... .... yu. p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640; S.T.P. — Brian.... .... Mag. s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 [1660 {Lit. Reg.) — Brockett A.B. (King's) 1616-7 — Cha .... King's p E 1578 — Cha .... King's p L 1597-8 — Cha {\ the above) A.Ii. (? 1602-3); A.M. (Cla.) 1606 — Uha .... Mag. P E 1640 616 Smith, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 1 Cha Em. iCha Em. Cha *Qu. Chris Pet. Chris Chr. Chri.s Joh. Chris Em. Chris Em. Chris Joh. Clem *Qu. Dan Pet. Dan Em. Desiderius . . Sid. Edm Cai. Edm Cai. Edm Joh. Edm Joh. Edm *Cai. Edm Qu. Edm C. C. Edm Trin.H. Edw *Joh. Edw Cla. Edw Qu. Edw [*Jes. Edw Chr. Edw Edw Edw. Mag. Edw C. C. Edw Mag. Edw Jes. Edw Em. Edw Cath. Edw [Qu. Edw [Sid. Edwin Jes. Elias Pern. Emmanuel.. [Qu. Ephraim ... Trin. Everard Jes. Ezechias ... Trin. Era Qu. Era Joh. Era Trin. iFra Pet. iPra Trin. Era Trin. Era Chr. Era Era Cath. Gabriel Cla. Ge. {imp.)... Pem. Geo *King's Geo Cla. Geo Chr. Geo King's Geo Geo. (?) Em. f-c 1641] 1644 1659 1555 1568 1569 1591 1605 1626- 1572 1622 1649 1606 1577- 1580 1582 1585 1613 1632 1644 1650- 1568 1576 1579 1597; 1597 A.B. 1645-6 [fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1662; A.M. 1666 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. (*Joh.) 1563 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. (n594-5); A.M. 1598 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579; S.T.B. ii A.B. 1624-5 [1586; S.T.P. 1609 ^ A.B. (Jes.) 1652 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 I A.B. 1583-4; A.B. 1585-6 A.B. 1617-8: A.B. 1635-6; A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1588 [1623; M.D. 1627 ; A.M. 1621; M.L. A.M. 1639 A.M. 1651 ; M.D. '58 1622 1626 1627 1631 1642 1645 1654] 1657] 1589 1623 1614] 1647 1653- 1607 1544 1555 1559 1584) 1586f 1592 1592 1649 1647 1545 1553 1571 1579 1581 1591 A.B. 1572-3 ; A.M. 1576 ; S.T.B.'83 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 prob. the next below] A.B. 1598-9 ; A.M. 1602 ; S.T.B. '09 A.B. (Trin.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. ; A.M. (King's) 1625 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1633-4 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1657 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 4 A.B. 1657; A.M. 1661 A.B. (Qu.) 1587-8 A.B. (Joh.) 1595-6 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 A.B. 1635 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1649 A.B. 1557-8 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. (Trin.) 1586-7; A.M. 1590 UncL'i-taiu which i)f these, if two, graduutcd. Matriculations ami Degrees 1544 — 1659 ^17 Smith, Geo Trin. — Geo *Kiiig's — Geo [Qii. — Geo Em. — Geo *Cla. — Geo Qu. — Geo Pet. — Geo Mag. — Geo C. G. — Geo Trill. — Geo Jes. — Geo — Geo Oath. — Geo Mag. — Geo Em. — (Jeo — Ciervase — Gervase Trin. — Gilb Cai. — Gilb Qu. — Gilb Chr. — Griffin — Hen Joh. — Hen Cath. — Hen *Trin. [f — Hen *King-'s — Hen Trin. — Hen [Qu. — Hen Joh. — Hen Trin. — Hen Pet. — Hen C. C. — iHen Trin. — Hen Cai. — iHen Trin. — Hen — Hen Sid. — Hen Joh. — Hen *King's — Hen [Sid. — -Hen Mag. — Hen *Mag. — Hen Trin. — Hen Trin. — Hen Mag. Hugh Joh. — Hugh .Joh. — Humph. ... Sid. — Humph. ... Joh. — Hurd King's — Lsaac Cai. — Isaac C. C. — Ja *Joh. — Ja Joh. Ja Chr. Ja — Ja [Cai. — Ja Pet. — Ja Cai. Graduation nncertaiii, a^. hctwcen these. s E 1598 [schol. 1599] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607; S.T.B. '13 f-c E 1608] P E 1622 A.B. 162.5-6; A.M. 1629 P E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 s E 1625 P E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 16.35 i-c M 1628 P E 1629 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 s E 1632 A.M. 1632 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) p E 1637 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 s E 1637 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1640-1 LP E 1649] A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1652 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 16.33 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 p E 1563 s M 1579 A.B. 1582-3 s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. (Joh.) 1577-8 p M 1544 A.B. 1547-8 s E 1555 ,chol E 1562] A.B. 1564-5 p M 1570 A.B. 1574-5 ; A.M. 1578 ; M.D. '90 P M 1572 f-c E 1573] s M 1575 A.B. 1579-80 s L 1577-8 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 f-c M 1581 s M 1582 V M 1587 IP E 1589] A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 s c. 1591 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597; S.T.P. A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4 [1612 f-c M 1606 f-c M 1607 p E 1616 A.B. 1619-20 p E 1617] .s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 V E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 s E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1647 p M 1638 p E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 p 1> M 1544 L 156-1-5 .s E 1636 p E 1641 A.B. 1645-6 p M 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 p M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 s M 1567 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 p M 1.581 A.B. 1583-4 s c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. (Cla.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610 s L 1612-3 p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 ; M.L. '37 p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 these. 2 Master of Magdalene, 161-2. 78 618 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Smith, John Pern. f-c M 1546 — John Joh. p M 1550 Jo,,„(,»,p.j ^^ J, ^,,,, — John Joh. p E 1559 A.B. 1561 — John Jes. p M 1560 — John Pern. s E 1562 — John *Qii. s L 1564-5 A.B. 1567-8 ; A.M. 1571 ; S.T.B. '78 — John Joh. p M 1565 A.B. 1570-1 — John Chr. p M 1566 — Jolin Pem. p E 1568 [1588; S.T.P. 1.594 — John *Jes. s M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579; S.T.B. — John *King'3 p M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 — John Chr. s M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 — John Pet. p E 1572 A.B. (Qu.) 1575-6; A.M. 1579 — John *Qu. p M 1572 A.B. 1575-6 ; A.M. 1579; S.T.B. '90 — John C. C. s E 1577 — John [Qu. s E 1578; of Chesh.] — John Cla. p E 1578 — John Qu. p L 1578-9 (of Notts.) — John Joh. p M 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 — John *King's p M 1581 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 — John Joh. s E 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 — John *Chr. s E 1586 A.B. (? 1589-90) ; A.M. 1593 — John Pem. p M 1586 — John C. C. [1587] A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 — John Trin. s M 1587 — John Trin. s E 1587 — John Em. p E 1590 — John Chr. p c. 1591 A.B. 1593-4 — John Em. p c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9 — John Trin. s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 — John [Cai. s E 1602] — Uohn *King'.s [schol. E 1603] [A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611] — John [Em. p E 1604] — iJohn A.B. (Joh.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 — John Jes. f-c E 1609 — John S.T.B. 1612-3 (Incorp. fr. Pont-c\-Mousson "-) — John C. C. s E 1613 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1620 — John Jes. p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — John Joh. p E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 — John Em. p E 1616 — John Joh. p E 1620 — John Pet. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 — John Cai. p E 1623 — John Jes. p E 1627 — sjohn Joh. p E 1628( — 3 John Joh. s E 1628f — John *Mag. f-c E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 _ John Pet. p E 1629 — John King's s E 1631 — John Toh. s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 _ John Joh. p E 1632 A.B. (Em.) 1634; A.M. 1638 — John Sid. f-c E 1632 _ John A.B. (Triu.) 1633-4; A.M. 1637 _ John Trin. s E 1633 A.B. 1637; A.M. 1641 _ John Cai. p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 _ John A.B. (n634-5); A.M. (Triu.) 1638 1 Apparently distiiiet Ki'aihuitions. 2 ■ gx Acad. Mu.spol.' (? Moiitpulier). •i Uiiceitaiii <,'ia(Iuated. A.B. 1631-2 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 619 Smith, ijohu Job. John Cm. John Chr. Mohn Joh. John Em. John John Cla. John Cai. John *Kui E 1642 V c. 1597 A.B. 1601-2 ; A.M. 1605 ; LL.D. '30 s E 16.32 A.B. 1636-7 [1636] A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 1^ E 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 s E 1659 A.B. 1662; A.M. 1670 s M 1606 A.B. 1610 p M 1620 A.B. 1623-4 p M 1555 [?schol. Chr. 1557-8] p M 1556 s E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 p E 1640 A.B. 1643-4 p M 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 s E 1617 A.B. (Mag.) 1620; A.M. 1624 s M 1652 1570] A.B. 1659-60 s E 1625 A.B. (Chr.) 1629-30 ^ E 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1659; S.T.B. [1666; S.T.P. 1684 A.B. (Rem.) 1580-1 p L 1563-4 f-c 1572] p M 1641 A.B. 1645-6 f-c M 1607 f-c M 1640 p E 1580 s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.M. 1586 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5, Snapp A.M. 1636 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p M 1608 s E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 s E 1603 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 p E 1573 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. (Mag.) 1580 p c. 1591 p c. 1597 A.B. 1601-2, Snosdell; A.M. 1605 p c. 1593 f^c E 1636 f-c L 1656-7 [Sneyd] p M 1626 A.B. 1630-1 f-c M 1632 [Sneyd] L 1647-8 L 1642-3] c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 E 1642 A.B. 1644-5 M 1569 A.B. 1573-4 ; A.M. 1577 ; S.T.B. '84 M 1611 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 L 1599-1600] A.B. (*Joh.) 1603-4 ; A.M. 1607 E 1641 E 1568 M 1568 c. 1596 E 1626 M 1640 A.B. 1044-5 [S.T.B. 1612 A.B. (*Joh.) 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 ; A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 1 Commissary, 162.') 2 Professor of Moral Theology, 1683. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Snell, Koh Cai. s — Rob Cai. p — Sam King's s — Simon Pet. p — Tho J oh. p — Tho [King's s — Tobias Cai. p Snelling, Edw Cla. p — Ceo Trin. p John Cai. p Snellinge, Itich Jes. p SneUing, Kob Trin. s — Tho [Em. f-c Sneyd, Will v. Snead Snodliam, Kob Pem. s Snodie, Jolm Trin. [schol. Snobdell, Hugh v. Snawsdell Suowe, Dan King's f-c — Edw [Kings p — Nath Trin. Snow, Will Em. f-c Snowden, Penj Em. s Suodone, John Chr. s Snowden, John Snoden, Jos Sid. s — Rich Chr. s — Rich Chr. s — iRob *Chr. s — Rutland ... Chr. p Snowden, Sam C. C. s Snowing, Nath Trin. s Snydall, Tho King's s — [C. C. Soame, Benj Some, Hen *King's p — John C. C. p — John [Cath. f-c Soame, Leon Chr. p Some, Rich {v. Sonne Soame, ^Rob Joh. p Some, Rob C. C. s — Roger Joh. p Tho iimpt (-, (-, 11 ann.)\ ^ Soame, Tho *Pet. p — Will [C. C. — Will [Cath. f-c — Will [C. C. Soames, John Joh. p — Sam Joh. p — Steph Joh. 1-c Sobar [Cath. p Soddebye, Will Joh. p Sole, Mich Qu. s — Miles tju. p — Rob Joh. p Soule, Rob Jes. s Soole [Sole], Will Cla. s c. ir)96 A.B. M 1648 M 1633 A.B. L 1579-80 A.B. M 1568 E 1634] E 1650 E 1599-1600 1637-8; A.M. (Joh.) 1583-4 1641 A.-M. 625 1587 A.B. A.B. 1575 c. 1595 E 1631 E 1573 M 1647 E 1634] (Sid.) 1637-8; A.M. 1641 1652-3, 'Speir E 1612 E 1571] L 1557-1 M 1562] [1647J c. 1595 E 1642 M 1566 E 1640 E 1575 M 1587 E 1580 M 1615 M 1653 M 1647 E 1573 1573 M 1646 M 1639 1640] L 1563- below) E 1559 E 1575 c. 1595 E 1552 E 1604 1597 1637 1638 E 1654 E 1654 E 1633 E 1649] M 1548 E 1561 M 1567 M 1560 E 1614 L 1557- A.B. 1597-8 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. A.B. 1645-6 A.B. (Trin.) 1627-8 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. A.B.(n591-2); A.M. A.B. 1582-3; A.M. [1593 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1655 1582 1-595, Snoring 1586; S.T.B. ; S.T.P. 1598 (*Joh.) 1621 1660 ?the above] A.B. (Pet.) 1627-8; A.B. 1650-1; A.M. A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 4 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. A.B. (*Joh.) 1570-1 A.B. 1561-2; A.M. [S.T.B. 1571-2 A.M. 1654 1646 1632 (Jes.) 1570 ; A.M. 1574 (*Qu.) 1565; ; S.T.P. 1580 A.B. {1 1607-8) ; A.M. 161 1 ; S.T.P. [1627 [Soame] A,B. 1651 [Soame] A.B. 1563-4 A.B. 1617-8 A.B. 1561-2; A.M. (*Qu.) 1565 Bishop of Ciiilisk', IGIG. - Master of IV'terbouse, l.")89. 626 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Soly, Art Pom. Solley ('Sallye'), Benj. ... Qu. — Benj [C. C. — Benj. {imp.) Pern. Solly, Edw Cath, Solme, Will Pet. Solter, The. v. Salter Solyford, Rob Joh. Somersett, Cha Joh. Somerset, Edw Somersgall, John Mag. Somershall, Fra Jes. Sommershall, John Qu. Somershall, John Chr. Somerskales, Art Cath. — John Cla, Somerville v. Summerville Sommer, Edm Joh. — Phil Jes. Sonde, Jos Pet. Sondelin, Ja. {Sir) ... Sondes, Anth Qn. — Edw Qu. Sonds, Freeman ... Sid. Sondes, Geo Qu. — Rich Qu. — Rob Qu. — Will C. C. Sone, Geo Joh. — John *Joh. Soone, John Trin. Soane, John Em. Sone, Jos Em. Sonne, Rich Joh. Sone, iW^ill Mich. Ho. Soane, Will Soonyerd, W^ Trin. Soord, Edw [Jes. Sorbye, John Qu. Sore, Nich Joh. — [Cath. Sorocold V. Serocold Sorratt, Rob Cai. Sorrell, And Jes. — Chris Jes. Sorell, Rob Mag. Sorrell, Will Cai. Sorsbye, Hen Jes. Sorsbie, John Cla. Sorsby, Malin *Joh. Sorsebey, Rob *Em. Sory, Will Joh. Sothebye, Edia Joh. Sothebey, Hen Sid. Southbye, Ja Pern. Sothebey, John South by, John Em. Sothebye, Rob Joh. 1 liegiu!; s E 1640 p E 1587 1623] A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 s M 1657 A.B. 1660, Salley s L 1623-4 A.B. (Qu.) 1625-6; A.M. 1629 p E 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 p M 1571 f-c M 1548 A.M. 1627 {fil. noh.) p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8, Somerscale; A.M. p M 1567 A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1574 [1641 p L 1578-9 s M 1580 p M 1583 p M 1565 A.B. 1569-70 p M 1581 s M 1580 s L 1618-9 A.B. 1622-3, Soonde A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) f-c M 1620 A.B. 1624-5 Sands f-c M 1620 A.B. 1624-5 Sands f-c M 1649 f-c M 1615 f-c E 1587 (Matr. Sandes) f-c M 1615 f-c c. 1596 p E 1551 p M 1561 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567 p M 1571 p E 1625 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 p M 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. (Qu.) 1636 p M 1567 (?Some, above) [0. p E 1544 A.B. 1546-7; A.M. (*Cai.) 1549 A.B. (n589-90); A.M. (Joh.) 1593 s M 1566 p E 1620] p M 1564 A.B. 1567-8 p E 1650 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1662 p E 1651] s E 1558 p E 1649 p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 s s c. 1597 M 1571 A.B. 1600-1 s E 1544 s E 1571 p E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 ; A.M. 1662 ; S.T.B.'69 p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632; S.T.]^.. [1639; S.T.P. 1663 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. (Pet.) 1583-4, Soray; A.M. p E 1581 p L 1564-5 A.B. 1567-8 [1587, Sawray lp E 1632] A.B. 1635-6 p M 1617 A.B. (Joh.) 1620-1, Sothebey; A.B. (Joh.) 1609 [A.M. 1624 p E 1631 p M 1560 Trofcssor of Civil Law. 1561. Matrimilations and Degrees 1544- 16 59 627 Sotheby, Sotherbie, Southby, Sothebe, Southiby, Sothebye, Suthobev, Sotheby;; Sothell, Sotherne, Sothey, R(.b. Rob. Rob. Roger Sam. Tho. Tho. Tho. Job. Joh. Joh. Joh. Em. Joh. Joh. Em. Hen. V. Southwell Ambrose Hugh Rich Souldeu [Solden], Isaac... Sounde (Sond), Will South Sowthe, Sowth, Southe, South, Anth Era Era Ja John {imp.) 12 ann.)\ John John John John John Rob Tho Zacchaeus... Pet. Joh. Joh. Qu. Joh. Southe, South, Soutliampton, 1 Hen. {Earl) Southcott, Geo South coat, Southcott, Southden, Southen, Sotherton, Southerton, Sutterton, Sutherton, Sotherton, Sutterton, Sotherton, Sutherton, Sowtlies, Sowthill, Sowthous,, Suthis, Southhouse, Sowthake, Southwark, Sowthwell, Southwell, Sothell, Suthwell, Southewell, Southwell, Geo John Tho John Sam Aug Chris. ... Hen Hen -John Tho Valentine John Hen. Chris. Tho. Will. Will. Alex. Hen. Hen. Hen. Hen. Ja. ... John John E ir)95 E 1611) E 1647 M 1572 C-. 1591 M 1560 M 1601 E 1627 s E 1588 p M 1580 s M 1619 s L 1647-8 E 1629 [Sowtheby] A.B. 1605-6, Sothebey A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 (So- [thering) A.B. 1623-4 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. (Pem.) 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; [A.M. 1609 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1635 ; LL.D. 1661 [{Lit. Reg.) Joh. T> E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 Chr. f-c E 1655 Trin. 1> E 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 Joh. V M 1560 Qu. p M 1583 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 Chr. n E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 Trin. f-c M 1627 Mag. 1> M 1632 Mag. s M 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 Qu. f-c M 1573 (Mistake for Gooch) Joh. p L 1563-4 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. (Cla.) 1571 Joh. V c. 1597 Joh. f-o_M 1585^ A.M. 1589 Cai. f-c E 1612 Sid. V E 1631 Chr. V M 1638 A.B. (Pet.) 1603-4 (in ordo) Cla. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1627 Cla. s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 Joh. f-c M 1608 C. C. ]) L 1577-8 A.B. 1580-1, Sotherton C. C. V M 1555 C. C. P E 1571 A.B. 1573-4, Sutterton ; A.M. 1 577 A.B. 1583 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Qu. P E 1620 A.B. 1623, Sotherton ; A.M. (Chr.) S.T.B. 1631 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [1627 Trin. f-c E 1611 Pet. s M 1576 A.B. (*Joh.) 1579-80, Southowse; Trin. ]> M 1581 [A.M. 1583 Trin. H. ]) E 1552 [Qu. P E 1627] Cai. s L 1597-8 [Southowse] [Pet. *Trin. s E 1641] p E 1567 A.B. 1570-1 ; A.M. 1574 ; S.T.B.'81 A.B. (Joh.) 1613-4 Jes. f-c M 1568 [Qu. 1) L 1.582-3' Joh. I) M 1620 Trin. M 1598 A.B. ( ); A.M. 1614 Gonv. H ]> E 1554 Cai. p M 1638 Henry Wriotliesky, Earl of Southauiptou. Baron of the Exchequer, IGIO. 628 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Sothcwell, Rich C. C. — Rich C. C. — Rich Qu. Southwell, Rich Triu.H, Sowthwell, Rob Trin. — Rob Em. Southwell, Rob Trin. Sothewell, Tho Qu. Suthwell, Tho *Pem. Southwell, Tho Trin. Suthwell, Will Qu. Suthwood, Alex Mag. Southwood, Eenj *Joh. — Edm Cla. Sowthwort, Rob Joh. South worth, Rob [Mag. Sowthwoorth, Tho Qu. Southworth, Tho [Em. Sowdan, Abr Joh. Sowden, John Pet. — Roger Joh. Sowdey. Roger Qu. Sowell, Rob Chr. Sowerbie, Pet Joh. Sowerbutts, Will Chr. — Will Cai. Sowter, Tho Qu. Spackman, Cheney Mag. Cheney Mag. — Joshua Sid. — Norwich . . . Specman, Tho Chr. Spalato, Ahp. of^ v. De Dominis Spalding, Ezekiel Era. — Ja Em. — John — John Cai. Spaldinge, Mich Joh. — iRob *Joh. — (Spalden), Will. ... Joh. Sparey, Ambrose ... Cla. Sparcke, And King's Sparke, Archibald... Jes. — Edw Cla. — Edw Mag. — Nath — Nath Joh. — Nich Chr. — Rich *Qu. — Rob Joh. — Rob *King's — Rob *King's — Rob — Rob Cai. — Rob Cla. — Sam Em. — Tho Joh. ., — Tho Joh. f-c M p M f-c E [schol. f-c M p M p E f-c E p c. f-c M p ^i s E p E p E p E s E P E p E ]i M s M P :\i s E s L P M l.'S45 1545 1 561 1 1560 1587 1625 1561 1595 1609 1580 1607 1646 1637 1579 1658] 1582 1639] 1606 1654 1640 1562 1582-3 1572 1592 1620 1565 1618-9 1640 1621 p M 1568 p E 1636 p M 1651 ] LL.B. 1600 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602, Southill A.P>. 1649-50; A.M. 1653; S.T.B. A.B. 1640-1 [1660 A.B. 1582-3, Southwarke; A.M. [1586, Southworth A.B. 1585-6 [Southwell] A.B. 1657; A.M. 1664 [Soudon] A.B. 1586-7, Sunghwell; A.M. [1590, Sawell A.B. 1595-6 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 [1572 A.B. (Cai.) 1568-9; A.M. (Qu.) A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 A.M. 1604 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1572-3, Spakeman; A.^Nl. [1576; M.D. 1603 A.B. 1637-8 [f-c E 1628 1593 1585 1623-4 1631 1598 1634] E 1626 E 1640 E 1631 E 1598 M 1575 M 1551 L 1557-8 M 1581 M 1615 E 1644 c. 1593 E 1573 L 1015-6 A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4; A.M. A.B. 1631-2 1607 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592; S.T.B. A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 [1600 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. (*Pet.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Aberdeen) ; [S.T.B. 1637 A.B. 1629-30 : A.M. 1633 ; S.T.B. [1640; S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Req.) A.B. (Joh.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1578-9 ; A.M. 1582 ; S.T.B. '88 A.B. 1561-2 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589, 'Richard' S.T.B. 1585 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. (Mag.) 1576-7; A.:M. (Joh.) A.B. 1619-20 [1580 Hegius Profebsor of Hebrew, 1605. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1(^59 629 Sparke, Tim Em. p E IHBS Sparkes, Cha Qu. p E ir,47 _ E(lw *Joh. p E ir)84 A.B. 1587-8, Sparke; A.M. 1591 — John Trin. s E 1629 — Rich Trill. p E lf556 Spark.s Koger *Trin. [p E l(i53] A.B. 16.56-7; A.M. 1660 Sparpovnte, Tho Joh. p E 1561 A.B. 1564-5, Sperepoynte Sparrev, Hiiuh Joh. p M 1614 A.B. 1618-9 Sparrowc, i Anth *Qu. p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632; S.T.B. Sparrow, ^)ru^vo [Pet. f-c E1648] [1639 ; S.T.P. 1660 (/.?<. /iegr.) Sparowe, Hen C. C. s M 1575 A.B. 1578-9 — John Trin. s E 1562 [1597 Sparrowe, John Trin. p L 1584-5 A.B. (? 1589-90) ; A.M. 1593, *Pet. — John Trin. p E 1606 A.B. (n609-10) ; A.M. 1613 Sparrow, John Trin. p M 1631 Sparrowe, Matth Trin. p M 1601 Sparrow, Mich Trin. s M 1571 — Randolph ... Em. p E 1636 Sparowe, Rob Joh. p E 1576 Sparrowe, Roh Pern. .s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 ; S.T.B. '34 — Rob C.C. p M 1620 A.B. 1623; A.M. 1627 — Rob A.B. (Trin.) 1644 — Tho V. C. p M 1549 Sparrow, Tho Joh. p L 1629-30 A.B. 1632-3 — Will Qu. p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 — Will Cai. p E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 — Will Qu. p E 1646 A.B. 1649-50 ; A.M. 1653 (in o/-c/o) — [Cai. p E 1577] Sparhake, Edw Em. .s M 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 Sparrowhawke, Nath. ... Pern. p E 1582 Spavvson (?), John Cath. s E 1614 (Spawso?i (1 ford)) Speare, Rob A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.), 'Spen- S[)eccott, Edm Em. f-c M 1586 [cer'in^;-. — Roger Em. f-c M 1588 Speed, John A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; .M.D. — Matth Jes. s M 1651 A.B. 1654-5 [1629 {do.) Cswald Pem. s E 1572 A.B. 1575-6 Speere, Rich Peiu. p E 1582 [S.T.B. 1659; S.T. P. 1666 Speering, Ja *Qu. p E 1647 [fr. Cath.] A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651; — John Cai. p E 1640 A.B. 1643-4 Spyght, Ja Trin. s M 1549 Speight, Ja (No A.B. or A.M.); S.T.B. (Chr.) — John Trin. v. Spithe Speght, John Trin. p E 1604 A.B. 1608-9 [1596 ; S.T.P. 1623 Speighte, John Chr. s M 1621 — Nath A.B. (Chr.) 1621-2 Spieght, Tho Pet. s E 1566 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 Speghte, Will Cla. p E 1563 A.B. 1566-7, Speight Spight, Will Cla. p E 1577 LL.B. 1583, Speght Speke, Mich Chr. s M 1608 A.B. 1611-2 — Will King'.s f-c E 1646 Spell, Rich Joh. p M 1629 A.B. 1632-3 — Tho A.B. (?1602-3);A.M.(*Joh.) 1606; Spilman, Ale.x Trin. p E 1588 [S.T.B. 1614 Spehnan, Cha Cai. p E 1645 — Clem Cla. p L 1579-80 — H'lem Qu. p :\I 1616 Si)ilman, Era Trin. p E 1571 — Era Trin. p c. 1592 » President of Queens', 1662; Bishop of Exeter, 1667; Norwich, 1G76. - Baron of the Exchequer, 1G63. 630 Spelman, Spilman, Spelman, Spilman, Spillmau, Spelman, Spylman, Spilman, Si)ellman, S[)ence, Spans, Spence, Spenceley, Spensly, Spensley, Spenceley, Spensar, Spenser, Sijencer, Spenser, Spencer, Spensar, Spencer, Spenser, Spencer, Spenser, Spencer, Spenser, Spencer, Spensar, Spenser, Spencer, S[)cnser, Spencer, Matricnlations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Hen Trin. Jerem Qu. John Trin. John [Em. John Cai. Roger Cai. Sam Em. Tho Em. Will Cla. Will Pem. Will Trin. Will Trin. Ja Pem. John Pet. John Sid. Rob Chr. Rob Joh. Will Chr. Will Sid. Geo Mag. Greg Qu. Ralph Trin. Roger Cai. Tho Cai. Alex *Chr. And *Kiug'i Arnold Cath. Aug [Cai. Bonj Em. Broket Sid. Cha [Em. Devereux ...*Trin. Edm Pem. Edm Jes. Edw [Cai. Edw Pem. Edw Trin. Edw [Em. Ethelbert ... King'i Exuperius... Mag. Era Joh. GeoflF. {imp.) Trin. Hen Em. Jerem [Joh. Jerome Qu. John {imp.) ^^j^_ 12 ann.)) John Qu. John Trin. John Jes. John Pem. John Chr. John John Em. John Jes. John Chr. John Qu. John Sid. John Trin. iJohn *C. C. 1 Master of f-c f-c f-c f-c p s p p L 1580- M 1616] M 1609 E 1622] A.B. A.B. (Trin. H.) 1.582-3 1618: A.M. 1622 80 P Corpuy 1652 E 1645 E 1659 c. 1596 L 1579- E 1585 E 1585 E 1616 M 1614 E 1602 E 1640 E 1545 M 1567 E 1545 E 1637 M 1586 E 1634 E 1621 M 1659 E 1649 E 1.569 M 1645 E 1645 M 1569] E 1614 E 1623 E 1649] E 1646 E 1569 E 1612 M 1575] M 1621 M 1649 E 1651] E 1582 E 1633 M 1583 E 1555 E 1635 E 1639] E 1583 M 1561 E 1570 M 1571 E 1575 E 1575 M 1578 E 1605 E 1609 E 1618 E 1629 E 1634 E 1644 L 1645-6 A.B. (n589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1624-5 (Matr. Spensler) A.B. 1652-3 A.B. 1572-3 ;A.M. 1576; S.T.B. '83 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1653 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. A.B. A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 1572-3; A.M. 1576 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1624-5 [M.D. 1598 A.B. (Jes.) 1585-6; A.M. 1589; A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. (Jes.) 1587-8; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1575-6, Spenser A.B. 1577-8 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. (Pet.) 1600- 1608-9 1; A.M. 1604 1637-8 ; M.B. 1640 ; M.D. '50 [1659; S.T.P. 1665 1648-9; A.M. 1652; S.T.B. 1G67 ; Dean of Ely, 1677. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 16 59 631 Spenoer, John . C. C. p E 1659 Spenser, Leon .. C. C. s M 1546 — Leon .. Trin. s M 1576 Spencer, Luke .. Cath. P E 1636 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 — Miles .. Cai. [P M 1590] A.B. [1594-5]; A.M. 1598 — Nath . [Joh. s L 1648-9] A.B. (Cla.) 1652-3; A.M. 1656 S})enber, Nich .. Mag. f-c E 1589 Spencer, Nich .. Qu. f-c E 1628 Spenser, Kich .. Mich.H. p M 1546 — Rich . Cai. p E 1563 Spencer, Rich . Cai. [p M 1575] A.M. 1575 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Rich . Cla. s E 1583 A.B. 1587-8, Spenser; A.M. 1592 Si)enser, Kob ..*Cai. p M 1559 A.B. 1562-3 — Rob A.B. (Jes.) 1581-2 Spencer, Rob '. Joh. p M 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 — Rob .. [King^s f-c 1646] — Roger . Cai. s M 1568 A.B. 1573-4 — Koger . Trin. s E 1575 — Roger . C. C. p E 1655 — Rowland . . Chr. s L 1584-5 Spenser, Sampson . . [Qu. p E 1636] — Tho . Trin. f-c M 1561 — Tho . [King's p M 1566] Spencer, Tho (A.M. Oxf.); S.T.P. 1567 A.B. 1582-3, Spenser; A.M. 1586 ^Tho iTbo . Trin. . Trin. p p M 1576) E 1578 — Tho . Cath. s E 1642 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 — Walt . [Trin. schol E 1560] Spenser, Will . Joh. p U 1560 A.B. 1563-4, Spencer — Will . Trin. s c. 1592 Spencer, Will A.B. (Chr.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 Will '. Qu. p M 1618 — WMU . Cai. f-c M 1623 A.B. (Cla.) 1625-6 — Will . Em. p E 1628 A.B. 1631 — Will . Em. p L 1629-30 — Will . *Cai. p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 — Will . *Trin. s M 1646 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654; S.T.B. [1661 ; S.T.P. 1666 — AVill . Cla. p E 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 ■ — Will . King's f-c E 1651 A.M. 1653 — Will . Mag. p E 1657 A.B. 1659-60 — . [Sid. p E 1600] Spendlove, Chris . *C. C. p E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 Spandlovc, Chris . Cai. s E 1643 A.B. 1646-7, Spendlove Spendlove, Hon . Cai. [p E 1631] A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 — John . Cai. p M 1602 A. 13. 1605-6, Spenlowe ; A.M. 1609 — J(jhn . Cai. p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 — Tho . C. C. s M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 Si^enley, John A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. (*Mag.) 1606 A.B. (xMag.) 1568-9 Rich .' Cla. s L 1564-5 Bpejisefyld, Tho . Cla. f-c E 1563 Spice, Rich . Mag. s M 1580 A.B. (Chr.) 1583-4 Spicer, Alex A.M. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Benj . Em. p E 1644 — Cha. {imp.) Pet. s E 1658 — FaIw ... . Trin. s E 1608 — Fra . Cai. p E 1602 [Spice] — Rich . Joh. s e. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 — Tho . Pet. p E 1617 Uncertain wliicb of thebe graduated. 632 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Spicer, Spillwater, Spilly, Spilnian v. Spinke, Spynks, Spinckes, Spinster, Spithe, Spitty, Spyway, Spievie, Spofiford, Spofforth, Spong, Sponge, Spooncr, Spoiler, Spooner, Sponer, Spooner, Spoore, Spottiswood Spotsworth, Spracklinge, Spraikling, Sprackling, Spranger, Sprat, Spratford, Spreat, Sprigg, Sprignell, Sprynge, Springe, Spring, Sprynge, Springe, Spring, Springall, SpringoU, Springer, Springct, Will Trin. f-c E 1568 Will Trin. s M 1589 A.B. (? 1594-5) ; A.M. 1598 Will [Cai. f-c M 1004; fr. Oxf.] John Trin. H. s E 1637 Will [Qu. s 1590] Speliuan Jerome Em. p E 1641 Rich Joh. p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Silvester ... Chr. p E 1632 Tho Sid. s E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 Edm Chr. s M 1575 Edm Em. s M 1627 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 Will Joh. p E 1620 Nath Joh. s E 1649 [Spenser] John (?matr. as Ja. Spyght) A.B. 1552-3; A.M. (*Trin.) 1556, Rich Cath. p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 [Spryght Tho C. C. p M 1621 [SpivyJ Will Trin. s c. 1591 John A.B. (Cath.) 1616-7 Rich Cla. s M 1606 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 Joshua Qu. s E 1606 Laur Qu. [s E 1612] A.B. 1615-6 Cha Joh. s E 1633 (? Mistake for Geo.) Edw *King's p M 1567 A.B. 1571-2 ; A.M. 1575 Era *King's p L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2, Sponner Geo *Joh. [s M 1633] A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 Greg [Trin. schol. E 1561] John Trin.H. p E 1629 Jolm Joh. p E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 Nich A.M. 1613 (Incorp. fr. Edinb.) Roger Cai. p E 1631 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 Simon Chr. s c. 1601 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 Rob Chr. s E 1023 (Matr. Spurre) , John {Abp of Glasgow) S.T.P. 1615 John Mag. f-c E 1632 Adam Sid. f-c M 1622 Leon C. C. f-c E 1632 Rob C. C. f-c E 1649 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. (*Pet.) 1655 Edw Qu. p L 1607-8 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 Edw Cath. p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 John Chr. p M 1642 M.B. (Cai.) 1649 Rich Cla. f-c E 1659 John Qu. p c. 1594 John Cai. s E 1658 Tristram ... Trin. s E 1620 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1623-4 Rich [Chr. L 1645-6] Will A.M. 1659 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Rob [Trin. f-c E 1646] Hen Edm. Ho. p M 1544 Jerome Trin. s E 1584 John Em. p c. 1595 [S.T.B. 1614 Sam A.B. (Chr.) 1603; A.M. 1607; Sam Chr. s E 1036 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 Tho Joh. p M 1506 Will, {imp.) Em. f-c E 1603 Will [Em. f-c L 1630-1] Greg *Cai. s E 1625 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 John Cai. p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 Rob Cai. s M 1628 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1036 Will [Cath. f-c 1636] Herbert Chr. f-c E 1629 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 633 Springett, Spnngitt, ingett, spryngatt Spnnt, Sprot, Spl^;tt, bprought, Spurdance, ISpiirfurth, lS[miiur Si.urlyng, IS[)urlynge, Spiu'linge, S|>urlin, Spui-ling, IS[)urliiige, ISpuiTe, Spun-, iSpiuTet, Spurstoe, iSpurstoue, iSpurstowe, Harbert Oath. Ja Em. W Cath. Job. Sam Trill. Koger Job. Tbo. Tlio. Tbo. Tho. John Job. C. C. [Qu. Em. Kiiig'i [<^-^- Ja Trin. John Trin. John John John Phil. Hen. Tho. Will. Trin. [Trin. *Pet. Trin. Trin. Jes. Trin. Anth Joh. Hugh Trin. Jos *(Jatb. opurway, Squibb, Squire v. Squire, Squyre, Squier, Squire, Squirei', Sipiire, Squier, Squire, Em. [Sid. Sid. Mag. Em. Qu. Jes. Trin. Squier, Squyre, Squire, Will. ... Will. ... Rich.... also Swire Art. ... Dion. ... Edw. ... Era. ... Era. ... Gains Chr. Ja Trin. John Cai. John John Jes. Jos Loftus Mag. Phil Mag. Rich Jes. Sampson ... Chr. Theodore ...*Mag. ('Swire'), Tbo Pet. Tho. — Tho. ... — Will. ... — Will. ... — Will Stable, John ... Rich. ... — Sam. ... — Sam. ... — Tho. ... Staco (? Stare), John — Will. ..., Stackhowse, Anth Stackhouse, Chris. , Chr. INIag. [Em. [Cai. Trin. Chr. Sid. Trin. C. C. Em. Joh. Jes. M 1639 E 1637 M 1637 M 1544 M 1647 M 1559 M 1559 L 1588-9 M 1589; /same as above] M 1628 M 1578 1578] E 1582 E 1560 c. 1596 E 1644] E 1655 c. 1596 E 1579 M 1550 L 1580-1 M 1565 E 1589 L 1634-5 M 1623 E 1637] M 1656 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1593-4 A.B. 1637-8 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. (Mag.) 1641 A.B. 1660-1 A.M. (*Cath.) 1630; [S.T.P. 1649 E 1650 M 1613 E 1544 E 1589 E 1635 E 1624 E 1632 E 1582 E 1639 E 1659 E 1659 E 1640 c. 1593 E 1610 M 1598 E 1605 E 1659 E 1600] M 1601] E 1639 E 1640 E 1648 E 1632 c. 1594 E 1637 E 1579 M 1618 A.B. 1653; A.M. 1657 A.B. 1617-8 ; A.M. 1621 ; S.T.B. '28 A.B. 1546-7; A.M. (*Joh.) 1549 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. (Trin.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. (*Jes.) 1604-5; A.M. 16u8 A.B. 1641-2 A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1662-3 A.B. 1662-3 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1602 A.B. 1613-4 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605; S.T.B. A.B. 16U8-9; A.M. 1612 [1614 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1650 A.B. {i. 1602-3) ; A.M. (Trin.) I(i06 A.B. 1643 A.B. 1643-4 (Matr. Stablev) A.B. 1651-2 A.B. (Chr.) 1635-6, Stables; A.M. [Stare] [1639 A.B. (C. C.) 1582-3 A.B. 1621-2 1 Master of St Catbarinu's, lOl.j. 80 634 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Stakehouse, Gershoin ... Chr., Ja Jes. Stackhowse, Rich Mag. Stackhouse, Rich Chr. — Rob Chr. — Roger Qu. — Tho Chr. Staghouse, Tho Em. Stacy, Hen Trin. Stacye, Ja Pet. ^ — Ja Chr. Stacey, John *Trin. Stacy, John Trin. Stacye, Rich Trin. — Rich Mag. Stacey, Rich... Era. Stacye, Tho Trin.H. Stacie, Tho Qu. Stacy, Tho C. C. Stacye, Tho Pern. — Will. {i7Hp.) Trin.H. — Will Qu. Stadler, John Cai. Staii'erton, Tho. v. "Staverton Stafford, Ed. {vnjx)... Joh. — John C. C. — John — Matth Pet. — Rich Cla. — Rich Qu. — Rob Cai. — Steph Pern. — Tho Joh. — [C. C. Stainforth, Pet Pet. — Rich Joh. Stallam, John Joh. — John Chr. — John C. C. — Sam King's Stallard, John *Cai. Staller, Tho *C. C. Stallibrasse, Geo Cai. Stallon, Adam Chr. — John Jes. — John King's Stolion, Rich Joh. Stalon, Rob Jes. Stallon, Sam *Trin. Stolion, Tho Joh. Stalman, Leon Chr. — Leon [Cath. — Rich Chr. Stamford, John Cla. Stampe, John Stamp, Will Stamper, Rich Joh. — Rich (Uhe Stanbanke, Rich Cath. s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 jt; s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 ; » s E 1551 A.B. 1554-5, *Joh. 1557 Ji s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Si s E 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1683 s L 1557-8 (Matr. Stockhouse) jt s E 1645 A.B. 1647-8 s E 1655 81 p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 p M 1568 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 St V M 1571 S s E 1631 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 Si p M 1646 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 p E 1578 s M 1585 p E 1631 A.B. (Mag.) 1634-5, Stace p M 1544 p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 s M 1544 s E 1578 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 s M 1631 f-c M 1559 f-c M 1569 S.T.B. (*Sid.) 1604 8 s M 1608 A.B. (Cai.) 1612-3 ^ p L 1577-8 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 ^ M 1581 A.B. 1585-6 s p E 1619 A.B. (Em.) 1622-3; A.M. 1626 ^ p E 1637 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 s E 1571 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 f-c 1582] S.T.B. 1592 (in ordo) s E 1635 s M 1585 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 p E 1616 A.B. 1618-9; A.AL 1623, Stalham s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624, Stalham p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625; M.L. [1627; M.L). 1632 p E 1621 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627, Stallon \ s M 1561 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1568, Staller ' s E 1562 A.B. 1565-6 ; A.M. 1569 ; S.T. P. '85 s M 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 p c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4 ; A.M. 1597 ; M.L. '99 1 s M 1646 1 f-c c. 1594 (? Stallion) p M 1558 s M 1567 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 f-c c. 1594 s E 1604 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 (Matr. 1> 1637] [ : s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 p L 1581-2 A.B. 1585-6 A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1570 above) A.B. (Mag.) 1579-80 P E 1605 Matri ciilatio) IS a m I Deg rees 1544 — 1659 635 St;xnl)ridg, Hugh .. Mag. s E 1581 A.B. 1583-4 Statibridge, The .. Pet. [s L 1630-1 A.B. 1634 Stanbury, Roger . . Em. P I\I 1633 Stiiuclylie, Edw .. Trin. s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.:M. 1625 — Sam .. J oh. p E 1648 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 Standard, Hen A.M. 1659 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Will Standeven, John '.'. Cla. f-c M 15G2 LL.B. 1563 — Tho .. Cla. P U 1576 LL.B. 1582 Standfest, Rich .. Sid. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Standford, Mich ..*Chr. s L 1653-4 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 Standish, Alex .. Qvi. p E 1584 — Alex .. Qu. p L 1620-1 A.B. 1624 — Dav ..*Pet. .. Pet. s U 1656 [1644] A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 Fra A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 Gilb .. Joh. p E 1640 Hugh .. Pern. p M 1567 A.B. 1571-2 John .. Trin. s c. 1591 A.B. (Chr.) 1596-7 _ John .. [Em. p E 1614] — John ..*Pet. s E 1650 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656; S.T.B. — Leon.] .... .. Qu. s c. 1592 [1664; S.T.P. 1680 Ralph .... ..Nich.Ho • p M 1544 A.B. 1542-3; A.M. 1547; M.I). Tho ..Nich.Hc • p M 1545 [(*TriiL) 1553 — Tho .. [Qu. f-c L 1607-8] — Tho .. Joh. s .AI 1640 Tho ..*Chr. p E 1648 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 Standyche .. Chr. p E 1544 Stane, Rich''.'.'.'.'.'" . [Em. f-c E 1649" 1659' iStaine, Rob .. Em. [p E M.B. 1665; M.D. 1702 Stane, Will .. Em. p M 1629" M.B. 1635 Staneforth, Jonat .. Chr. s M 1645 [f r. Mag.] A.B. 1649; A.M. 1654 Jos .. Mag. s E 1633 A.B. 1634-5 Staniforth, Rich. V. Stainforth Stanford, Tho A.B.(? 1602-3); A.M. (King's)1606 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 St an forth. Tho .. Pet. s E 1621 Staniforth, Tim .. Chr. s E 1648 A.B. 1651-2 (Matr. Stannifer) Stanenovigh Ja ..*Qu. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Stanger, Tho. V. Stranger Stan haw. Edm .. C.C. p E 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 Stanhope, Art A.B. (Trin. H.) 1648-9; A.M. 1652 A.M.' 1612 {fil. nob.) iCha .: [Qii. f-c E 1608]' Cha Cromwell . A.M. 1635 {fil. nob.) Stannopc, .'. Joh. f-c L 1645-6 Stanhope, Edw .. Joh. p E 1.554 (?same as next) Edw ..*Trin. [f-chol. 1560] A.B. 1562-3 ; A.M. 15(;6 ; LL.D. '75 Edw A.M. 1563 {fil. nob.) Edw .. King's f-c E 1624 Stauliop, Edw .. Mag. p E 1625 A.B. 1628 Stanliopc, Ferdinand. . Sid. [f-c E 1635] 1002" A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Req.) Geo .*Trin. [schol. E A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607; S.T.B. [1614; S.T.P. 1620 Geo . Qu. p M 1631 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 (Incorp. StaiHioppe, John . Trin. p M 1556 [fr. Dublin) Stanhope, Jolin . Trin. p E 1628 Stanidiope, John . Joh. f-c L 1645-6 Stanliopc, John . Mag. p M 1654 Mich . Trin. p M 1561 Mich . Chr. p c. 1597 Stanhopp, Mich . Trin. p E 1637 1 Second Baron Stanhope of Ilanington 636 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Stanope, Mich Cai. Stanhope, Tho Trin. — Tho Joh. Staniere, Rob Pem. Stanhe, Edw Joh. Stanley, Fra Joh. — Ge Joh. Stanlye, Geo Qu. Stanley, Hen Tnn. Stanly, Ja *Jes. Stanley, John Pet. Standely, John C. C. Stanly, John Joh. — Tho Joh. Stanley, Tho Pem. Standley, Washington Stanley, Will Joh. — Will Jes. — Will Qu. — Chr. Stanmer, John Stanai'd, John Stan nerd, Rob Em. Stannard, Will [Cai. — Will Stanniland, Nich Joh. Stannowe, Ed C. C. — John Joh. — John Stanhow, Roger [King's Stanny, Rich Cla. Stansby, Rob Stansfeild, Ja Stantlond?, Nich Trin. Stanton, Abr C. C. Anth [C. C. — Brian Joh. — Edm Joh. Staunton, Edm — Edw *King'5 Stanton, Fra Cath. — Fra [Qu. — Fra Cath. — Geo — Hen Chr. — John Em. — John C. C. Staunton, John [Trin. Stanton, Lane Joh. — ^Laur *Joh. — Laur _ Math Qu. — Nich C. C. — Rich Trin. _ Rob Em. _ Rob Trin. — Tho [Jes. _ Will Pet. M 1641 E 1611 E 1653 E 1619 M 158,3 M 1544 M 1544 c. 1591 E 1612 E 1655 [fr E 1620 E 1623 E 1659 M 1624 M 1639 M 1544 M 1589 E 1627 E 1544 E 1586 M 1630] c. 1594 M 1561 E 1557 E 1591] c. 1596 E 1560 M 1565 1603] M 1580 E 1573 E 1645 c. 1597 M 1620] M 1641 E 1646 M 1618 E 1624 E 1649] c. 1595 M 1566 E 1619 L 1618-9 M 1586 c. 1596 E 1625 L 1641-2] M 1561 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1622 [Standley] , Oxf.] A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.M. 1641-2 A.B. (Joh.) 1584-5 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 [A.M. 1605 A.B. (*Jes.) 1601-2, Stanmore; A.B. (Joh.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.M. 1631 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 A.B. (Em.) 1613-4 A.B. (11602-3); A.M. (Cla.) 1606 A.B. 1628 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.^ ; A.M. [1633 {do.) A.B. 1583-4 A.M. 1624 (Incorp. fr. 0.xf.) A.B. 1648-9, Stanton ; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1597-8 A.B. (Trin.) 1613-4; A.M. 1C17 A.B. 1621-2 ; A.M. 1625 ; S.T.B.'32 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573; S.T.B. [1579-80; S.T.P. 1591 A.B. (Joh.) 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. 1626, Stainton A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 [Steinton] A.B. 1628-9 [S.T.B. (*Catli.) 1574-5 A.B. (C. C.) 1564-5; A.M. 1568; 1 Deau of Liucolu, lOUl. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 637 Stanton, IStanwell iStapers, (Staple, Staples, Sta[)elton, Staploton, IStapelton, Stapleton, ! Stapilton, Stapleton, Stapeley, Stapley, btaresmore, Starsmore, Staresniore, Staseniore, Starke, Starkey, Starkchie, Starkie, Starch ie, Starkchie, Starkey, Starling v. Starlinge, Starlynge, Starlinge, Starnell, Stiir, Starre, Starr, Star, Starr, Stare Sta^seinore Staters, W Will. .. W[ni.] liich. . John . Sam. . Rob. . Brian Cai. Brian Sid. [Hen.] Joh. Jer Edm. H. Cath. Pet. Joh. [Trin. Pet. Jcs. Chr. Pern. John Phil. Rich. Rich. Rich. Rob. Rob. Rob. Will. Will. Anth. Anth. John Tho. Tho. Edw. Hen. Rob. Tho. John Alex. Geo. Hen. Ja. ... Ja John , John , John Jos. Laur. , Will. , Will. [Chr. Qu. Cai. Cai. Cla. Qu. [Pem. Trin. Trin. Joh. [Trin. Chr. Em. "Em. Trin. ] Jes. Jes. Chr. [Chr. Trin. C. C. Qu. Joh. Em. Joh. Cla. Trin. Joh. Pet. [Em. Joh. *C. C. C. C. [Sid. Iso Sterling Isaac Trin. Rich Joh. Rob Era. Rob Em. Sam *Em. Sam. ... Geoft'.... John ... Tho. ... Tho. ... John Em. Joh. Joh. Trin. Em. Em. [Km. Cla. P P P f-c P P P f-c E f-c E f-c E f-c E s E f-c E P E s E s ]M f-c E 1569 b584 1591 1645; 1595 1628 1649 1544 1588 1634 1650 1545 1647] 1617 1578 1580 1587 1617 1655; 1656 1619 1650 1645] 1606- 1645] 164.5] 1546 1579 1557-J 1617 p c. p c. p E s E 1644 1645 1572 1647 1634 1584 1618 1581 1584 1645-( 1599] 1594 1593 1634 1599] E 1621 E 1569 M 1602 E 1624 c. 1.590 !•: 1639 M 1565 M 1567 M 1588 M 1585 E 1633 f-c E 1628] s E 1576 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591; S.T.B. [1600 fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1630 1 [Staples] A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. (Joh.) 1590-1 ?Migr. to Trin.] A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 S.T.B. 1661 {Lit. Beg.) ; S.T.P. 1673 A.B. 1620-1 A.B. 1647-8, Staresmore; A.M. A.B. 1649-50 [(King's) 1653 A.B. 1575-6, Starchye (Matr. 'Archey') A.B. 1588-9, Starkye ; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1621-2 A.B. (Em.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. (11588-9); A.M. 1592? A.B. 1648-9; A.M. (*Joh.) 1652 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1637-8 ; A.M. 1641; S.T.B. '62 A.B. 1629-30 [Adra. at Cai. M 1608] A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597; S.T.B. A.B. 1642-3 [1603-4 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. (Cla.) 1599 688 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Stauton, Jos Cai. s L 1620-1 A.B. 1624-5 Staughton, Tho. v. Stoughton Staull, Nich Joh. s M 1564 A.B. 1567-8 ; A.M. 1571, Stowell Staveley, Ambrose ... Jes. p M 1641 A.B. (*Pcm.) 1644-5 — Eusebius ... Sid. p M 1609 Stavely, Tho Em. p E 1644 Staveley, Will [Sid. p E 1607] Stavely, Will Qu. p L 1615-6 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 Staveley, M^ill *Pet. p M 1649 A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654 Staver, Tho Jes. s E 1571 Staverton, Tho Pet. s E 1639 [Stafferton] Stawkar A.B. 1541-2; A.M. 1545 Stawley, Sam Mich.H. p E 1544 Staines, Ja King's s E 1628 A.B. 1632-3 Steins, John Pern. s E 1604 Staynes, Nich C. C. p E 1586 — Nich Cai. p M 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 Staens, Rich Jes. p M 1578 A.B. (C. C.) 1581-2, Stavnes; A.i[. [1585; LL.D. 1611 Stanes, Rich Sid. p M 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1634; M.L. Staynes, Rob Jes. s E 1551 [1637 ; M.D. 1645 — Tho Joh. p M 1544 Stanes. Tho Chr. s E 1574 Staynyngs, Phil, {imp.) Trin.H. p E 1545 Stayninges, Rob LL.B. 1585 Stayr [Chr. schol. 1551] Stebbinge, Fra Cla. s E 1555 Stibbing, Fra [Chr. schol. 1557-8 ;? Migr. fr. Cla.] Stebbing, Geo Cath. p E 1613 — Hen Cath. p E 1614 A.B. 1614-5 — Hen [Cath. p M 1658] — Will Cath. p E 1613 A.B. 1614-5 Steedman, Edm Jes. p E 1613 A.B. 1616; A.M. 1620 Stedman, Rich *Trin. [s E 1645] A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1650; S.T.B. ^60 Steed, Edm Joh. p E 1659 [Stede] — John Chr. f-c M 1598 Stead, John Em. p E 1634 A.B. 16.37-8; A.M. 1641 Steade, Sam Cath. p M 1627 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 Stead, Will Cla. p M 1571 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 Steed, Will Joh. s E 1631 A.B. 1633-4, Stead Stele, John Cla. s M 1552 Steele, John Joh. s E 1640 — Rich Joh. s E 1642 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. ]656 — • Rob Chr. s E 1640 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. (C. C.) 164!) — iWill Cai. p M 1627 Stere, Chris A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Re .Matth. Cai. Cai. [Cai. Cla. ,Mag. [C. C'. Mag. [Em. John .. Jolni .. Tho. .. Will Alhan Chr. Joh. Sterne, Stearne, Sterne, Stern, Sterne, Sternewheat. Stc^rry, Steven, Stephen, Stephens, Stevens, Stephens, Stevens, Stefens, Stevens, John also Starling Geo Hen Pet Rob Alex Edw. {imp.^ 12 ann.y Edw *Pem Geo *Jes. Ja Sid. John Ghr. iJohn Trin Gath. Cai. *Trin. C. C. Chr. Joh. John John John John John Nath. Joh. Chr. Jes. Sid. Chr. Nath King's Nath •Rich Rob Tho Will Will Rich C. C. Trin. Chr. Trin. Pern. Trin. Trin. Nath Em. Pet *Em. Isaac Jes. Rich Cai. Simon Cla. Art Joh. Dav Hen Cath. Hen. .. Hen. ., Hvinif. John . John ., John . Jolin Chr. John Cai. John Joh. Em. [Chr. Cai. I'et. Em. E 1G3G E lfi34 M 1585] M IGU L 1564-f 1552] E 1569 E 1600] A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1639-40 1637-8 ; 1614- 1547- A.M. 1641 A.M. A.M. 1618 1551 A.M. 1612-3 (On King's visit) A.B. (Pet.) 1607-8 :\[ 1552 E 1585 E 1629 E 1625 M 1561 E 1567 M 1582 E 1584 A.B. 1588-9 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1565-6: A.M. 1569, Starlinr E 1635 E 1627 M 1645 M 1554 M 1560 c. 1595 E 1608 E 1631 E 1642 E 1606 E 1640 E 1647 E 1611 E 1575 M 1582 M 1554 E 1608 M 1567 M 1647 L 1629-30 M 1571 E 1576 c. 1592 E 1657 M 1579 E 1627 E 1657] M 1562 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 [Migr. to Joh. E 1646] A.B. [Chr.] 1564-5; A.M. 1568; [S.T.B. (Pet.) 1575 ; gr. for S.T.P. A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 [1600 A.B. (Jes.) 1617-8 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1609-10, Stearne ; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 [(*C. C.) 1625 ; S.T.P. (Jes.) 1635 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618; S.T.B A.B. 1578-9 A.B. (Catb.) 1588-9 A.B. 1561-2 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 E 1578 E 1609 E 1613 L 1618-9 E 1629 A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1579-80, Stevens; A.:M. 1583 A.B. 1595-6 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 A.M. 1622 (Incorp. fr. 0.\f.) A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.M. 1606 (Incorp. fr. O-xf.) A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. (Mag.) 1632; A.M. 1636 1 Suffragan Bishop of Colchester, 1592. ■i Master of Jesus, 1G31 ; Bishop of Carlisle, 1('>G0 ; Archbishop of York, lOtil. 640 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Stephens, John King's Stevens, John Qu. Steevens, John Em. Stevens, Matth Stivans, Nich King's Stevens, Phil — Sam — Solomon ... Cath. — Tho Pet. — Tho Trin. Steevens, Tho Stephens, Tho Chr. Stevens, Tho Jes. — Will Qu. — Will Mag. — Will *King's Stephenson, Alex Qu. Stevenson, Anth Chr. — Anth Trin. — Chris C. C. Stevynson, Florence ... Joh. Stevenson, Ja Pet. — Ja [C. C. Stevinson, John Stevenson, John Cath. Stephenson, John Trin. H. Stevenson, John Chr. Stephenson, Nich Chr. Steevenson, Nich Chr. Stevenson, Nich Trin. — Ralph Chr. Stevynson, Rich, {wip.) Qu. — Rob Joh. Stevenson, Rob Jes. Stephenson, Rob Mag. — Sam Trin. Stevenson, Steph Chr. Stevynson, Tho Clem.H. Stevenson, Tho Pet. — Tho Chr. — Tho C. C. — Tho Stephenson, Tho Joh. Stevynson, Will *Chr. Stevenson, W Pem. Stephenson, Will Pet. Stevenson, Will Jes. Stephanson, Will Joh. Stephenson, Will Sid. Sfce[)heu(sori), Will Sid. Stephenson C. C. Stevson, Rob. Joh. Steward, Aug. Trin. Styward, Aug. Pem. Steward, Bern Stewaivie, Edw Joh. Steward, Edw Chr. — Edw — Hoo Sid. s M 1638 p L 1645-6 p E 1657 A.B. 1661 A.B. (Pet.) 1570-1 p L 1645-6 [Stevens] A.B. (Trin.) 1645 (Incurp. fr. Oxf.); A.B. (Pet.) 1610 [A.M. 1645 p M 1579 A.B. 1582-3 p E 1566 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1575 P M 1608 [S.T.B. 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. (Trin.) 1621-2; A.M. 1625; p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 (Matr. ['Sheurus') s M 1629 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637; S.T.P. [1661 (Lit. Reg.) lp E 1600] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 s L 1650-1 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 M 1569 c. 1597 E 1620 M 1578 M 1556 M 1614 1617] E 1573 M 1610 E 1620 M 1562 c. 1591 M 1629 E 1613 M 1548 E 1555 M 1608 E 1655 M 1649 E 1586 E 1545 E 1575 M 1582 E 1603 L 1645-6 M 1546 M 1558 L 1577-8 M 1580 M 1598 E 1609 E 1614 M 1602 L 1557-8 L 1557-8 L 1579-80 M 1546 E 1573 M 1638 A.B. (Cath.) 1597-8 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. [Chr.] 1561-2; A.M. 1565 A.B. 1618-9 (?A.B. 1527-8; A.M. 1544\ *Joh. [1554 LL.B. 1617 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1633-4; A.IM. 1637 A.B. 1557-8; A.M. (*Chr.) 1561, [Migr. to Qu.] [*Jes. 1561 A.B. 1611-2 A.B. 1658; A.M. 1662 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655, Steven- [son A.B. 1578-9; ?A.M. 1589 A.B. (Cath.) 1585-6 A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1549-50; A.M. 1553; S.T.B. [1560 A.B. 1617; A.]M. 1620 A.B. 1617-8; AM. 1621 ; S.T.B. '31 (?Tho. above) A.B. 1561-2 [Steward] AM. 1637 {fil. nob.) A.B. (Pet.) 1601-2 Matri culatio) .S C md Beg rees 1544 — 1659 641 Steward, Humph. .. Cath. P E 10.^1 A.B. 1654 — Ja .. [(^i. f-c E 1584] Stuarde, John M.L. 1550-1 — [Jolm] .... .'.'Nirh. Ho P E 1551 ■jtuerde, John .. Trin. s E 1552 "a Steward, Jolm .. Sid. P E 1632 li; : — John A.M. 1637 {fil. nob.) — Jonas .'." Qu. s M 1582 A.B. 1585-6 Stuart, Lewis .... A.M. 1638 {fil. nob.) "■: Stuarde, ]\lar. (imp. Trin.H s M 1544 A.B. 1547-8; A.M. 1551, *Trin. Ifc Steward, iXich .. Trin. p E 1560 LL.B. 1568; LL.D. (Trin. H.) 1574 k - Rich .. C. C. s E 1584 r* Stuarde, Rob .. Trin.H. p E 1544 .li - Rob .. Trin. s M 1550 A.B. [C. C] 1554-5, Stewanl k Steward, Rob .. Trin.H f-c E 1615 Stewart, Rob .. Sid. p E 1634 A.B. 1637; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1641 Steward, Rob .. Rem. p M 1659 A.B. (*Pet.) 1661-2; A.M. 1665 — Rowland . A.B. (*Cath.) 1608; A.M. 1612 — Simeon .... .'." Cai. p M 1588 Stuard, Tho .. C. 0. s M 1547 Steward, Tho .. Jes. p M 1587 — Tho .. Pet. f-c M 1589 lii — Tho .. Chr. p c. 1593 Stewart, Tho .. C. C. f-c E 1604 Steward, Tho .. c. c. f-c E 1626 Stuart, Tho . [Cla. f-c L 1640-1^ Steward, Tho .. [J oh. f-c E 1658] — Walt, (son ■ Lord Blantire) A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) — Will .. C. C. f-c E 1612 Stuart, [Will.] .... Ztxch .. Qu. p E 1618 Steward, .*Qu. p L 1577-8 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584; S.T.B. Stewarde „ J oh. p E 1544 [1591 ; S.T.P. 1609 Stibbing v. Stebbing Stichell, John . Qu. s M 1591 (Matr. Sichell) Sticknell v. Stycknell Stiestou, Rich . Chr. p M 1582 Stilman, John .. C. C. p E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 Stileman, Nich .. Cai. p M 1632 — Sam .. Cath. [s E 1643] A.B. 1646; A.M. 1652 Sty 11 i\ also Style — Edw .. Chr. s E 1568 [1571; S.T.B. 1578 — Geo .. Chr. p L 1563-4 A.B. 1567-8, Style ; A.M. (*Joh.) — 2John ..*Chr. p M 1559 A.B. 1561-2, Style; A.M. 1565; [S.T.B. 1570; S.T.P. 1575 Still, John A.B. (Trin.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605 — John .. Trin. p E 1604 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 Nath ..*Trin. p c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 StillingHeete, Edw .*Joh. p M 1648 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656; S.T.B. — Geo . [Trin. s E 1646] [1663; S.T.P. 1668 Stillingfleet John . *Joh. p M 1647 A.B. 1651-2 ; A.M. 1655 ; S.T.P. '68 Stillings, AVill . Cla. s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 Stiuet, Chris .. Chr. s M 1640 A.B. 1644-5 Stiiiiiet, John .. Chr. p E 1648 A.B. 1651 — Sam .. Chr. s E 1643 A.B. 1646; A.M. 1650 — Will .. Chr. s E 1603 A.B. 1606-7 ; A.M. 1610 ; S.T.i;. '31 Stirke, Hen .. J oh. s E 1639 Styrropp, Laur . CJath. p E 1618 A.B. 1620 Siirroi), Nath . Trin. p M 1652 A.B. 1655 1 M.P. for University, 1604. 2 Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, 1570; Master of St John's, 1574; Master of Trinity, 77; Bishop of Bath ami Wells, 15'J3. 642 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Stirrop, Ralph Em. \v E 1614] A.B. 1617-8, 'Rob.'; A.M. 1621 Stirroppe, iTho. .. Joh. P M 1615 A.M. (Cath.) 1618 Stock, Alex... Em. s M 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 — Ja [Em. V E 1646] Stocke, John .. Qu. V E 1569 John .. Cai. P c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1618 Stock, John .. [C. C. 1642] — Jos. .. A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Nath... Em. s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.^[. 1623 - Rich. .. A.B. (Joh.) 1590-1; A.M. 1594 Stocke, Steven Joh. s c. 1590 Stock, Tho. .. Em. s E 1621 A.B. 1624; A.M. 1628 Stocke, Will. .. Qu. p E 1569 Stockdall, Geo. .. Pet. p E 1573 Stockdale, Gilb. .. Trin. p c. 1596 A.B. (Cai.) 1600-1 Stockdall, Jerem. Trin. p M 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 Stockdaile, John ... Cla. s E 1606 [M.L. 1571 Stockdale, Pet. .. Chr. s M 1554 A.B. (*Jes.) 1559-60; A.M. 1563; Stocdayle, Rich. .. Cla. s E 1577 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584; S.T.B. [(*Cai.) 1591 Stocdell, Rob. .. Cla. s M 1637 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1647 Stockdale, Will. ... [C. c. [Joh. 1601] E 1652] Will. ... f-c Stocden, John .. Trin. s E 1615 Stockdeii, lllO. V. Stouc;hton Stockell, John .. C. C. s M 1641 Stocket, John .. Trin. f-c E 1573 Stockham, Tho. .. Cath. p E 1573 A.B. (Trin.) 1576-7 Stoakham, Will. .. Qu. p L 1653-4 [Stokeham] Stockton, Eliezar Joh. M 1659 A.B. 1661-2 . Ja Mag. s E 1652 A.B. 165.5-6 John .. A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) John .. Qu. P E 1641 A.B. (Cai.) 1644-5 Owen.. *Pem. p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 — Owen... Chr. s E 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. (*Cai.) 1653 — Sam. ... A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. 1617 — Tho. ... Joh. P M 1572 A.B. 1576-7, *Qu. 1579 Stockwaye, Tho. ... Pet. s E 1546 Stockewell, Rich. ... Jes. s M 1558 Rob. ... Jes. s M 1558 Stockwood, John ... Joh. p M 1564 Stockewood John . A.M. 1580 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 Stockwood, Jonat. Joh. s M 1602 Stodarde, Edw. ... Chr. s c. 1590 A.B. 1595-6 Stodart, Geo. ,. Joh. p E 1659 A.B. 1662-3 Stodard, John ... Jes. s M 1573 Stoddart, John ... Trin. s M 1623 Studdert, John ... Pern. [1655] A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 Stodard, AVill. ... Chr. s c. 1596 Stoddard, Will. .. [Cla. f-c E 1657] Stoker, Tho. .. Trin. s E 1563 Stokes, Dav. ... Trin. p E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. (*Pet.) 1618; Stokys, Edw. ... Trin. s E 1576 A.B. 1580-1 [S.T.R 1630 Stoakes, Ed[w.] Pem. s M 1657 Stokis, Stokes, Gilb. .. A.M. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1642-3 Hen. ... Pem. s E 1639 2 John .. A.B. 1540-1; A.M. (*Qu.) 1544; 1 Signs as A.M.; perhaps mistake for A.B. 2 President of Queens', 1560. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 643 stokes, Stok^'s, Stokes, St.iky.s, Stookas [Sti Stokes, Stokys, Stocks, Stokis, Stokes, Stokys Stolye (?), Stone, John , *Kin2'.s John Jes. John Sid. Matth Chx. Matth *Cai. Nich Xich. H. Stonelye, Stones, Phil ik(;s], Phil Rich Kifh Rich Rob Rob Tho Tho W Will . Qu. Qu. Qu. Pern. *King's Jes. Joh. Qu. ... Joh. ... [Em. : [C.C. Chalice Joh. Benj *C. C. Cha C. C. Ja John Joh. John King's John Joh. John John John John John Em. Qu. Sid. Chr. Trin. John *Pem. Mich. Rich. Eich. Rich. Rich. Rob. Rob. Rob. Sam. Sam. Sam. Tho. Tho. Will. Will. Will. Will. , , Trin. , Cai. Joh. , Joh. C. C. '. C.C. , Em. '. C.C. ' C.C. *c. c. , Chr. Ja. ..., Chris. Chris. Rich. , Rob. . W [Era. Qu. Trin. Trin. Catli. Trin. Joh. P P f-c P P P P P f-c [P M ir)44 c. 1590 L 1626-: U ir)09 E 1585 M 1544 M 1575 E 1605 M 1613 M 1638 M 1650 E 1566 E 1.570 E 1608] M 1567 A.B. 1548 9; A.M. 15.54; M.L. [(Cla.) 1558 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 ■ - LL.B. 1545-6 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1654 ; A.M. 1658 ; M.L. 1658 ; [M.D. 1663 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615, Stokes A.M. 1617-8 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1599] 1560] 1618-9 1597-8 1597 A.B. A.B. (? 1602-3) 1600-1 A.M. 1606 L 1557-i M 1584 1621 1622 1631 1631 1644 1647] [1654] E 1570 E 1575 M 1614 M 1634 E 1575 E 1649 E 1620 A.B. (C. C.) 1606-7 A.B. 1633; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1650-1 A.B. 1655 (Incorp. fr. Camb., New [England); A.M. 1657 A.B. (Chr.) 1613-4 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. A.M. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) s M 1656 s E 1659 [1566] p M 1567 Stonestratt, Hen Pem. P 1 Publi A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. (Cath.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1659; A.M. 1663 A.M. 1581 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1667 A.B. (?); A.M. 1569 A.B. (*Qu.) 1571-2; A.M. 1575; [S.T.B. 1682; S.T.P. 1589 LL.B. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Em.) 1649-50; A.M. 1653 L 1623-4] M 1567 E 1602 A.B. 1606-7 E 1631 [prev. at Chr. 1629] A.B. 1633-4, [Stone ; A.M. 1637 ; S.T.P. 1661 {Lit. Reg.) E 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 E 1636 A.B. 1639-40, Stone E 1561 E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 Orator, 1557. 644 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Stonham, Abr Cai. p — Benj Cath. s — John *Cai. j) — John Mag. p — Matth Cai. p — Matth Cai. p — Nich Cai. p — Sam Cath. p Stonehouse, Edw Pern. p — Tho Pem. p — Walt Stoner, W Trin. s Stonerd, Edw Chr. p — Era Chr. (or Joh.) Stonniford, Jos. v. Staneibrth Stonyar, Will Jes. p Stonyng, John Joh. s Stopes, John Storar, Anth Cath. s Storer, Art Chr. s — John Em. s Storke, John Pet. s — Rich Joh. p Storkcr, Anth Storll, Tho Mag. p Storr, Benj Storre, John Joh. s Stor, John Joh. s Storr, John Cla. s — John Cla. s Stor, Will Storre, Will Jes. p Storres, Will Chr. s Storthe, W Chr. p Store}^ Brian Storye, Edw Qu. p Story, Edw Em. p — Fergus ('Pharges') Chr. s Storye, Geo *Joh. f-c Storey, Geo Cath. p Story, John — John [Cath. p — Phil Trin. p Storey, Rob Cath. p Story, Shelly Chr. p Storye, Tho Chr. p — Tho Trin. [schol. Storey, Tho Em. p — Will Storye Cla. f-c — Joh. p Stote, Cuthb Mag. p — Nich Chr. p Stot, Rich Mag. p Stoughton, John — John *Em. s — John Pem. p — John Cai. s — Nich — Tho Trin. p c. 1596 M 1633 A.B. 1636-7 ; A.M. 1640 c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 M 1587 A.B.[1591-2]; A.M. 1595, 'Staiiian' E 1624 A.B. 1630-1 E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 L 1629-30 A.B. 1633; A.M. 1638 M 1567 A.B. 1571-2 M 1567 A.B. 1571-2 A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) E 1586 A.B. 1592-3, Stonnard L 1637-8 p E 1606 E 1658 E 1573 A.B. (Pem.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 E 1544 A.B. 1545-6 M 1586 A.B. (n.589-90); A.M. 1593 E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 (Matr. M 1580 [Storey) M 1586 A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) E 1644 A.B. 1647-8, Storr; A.M. 1651 A.B. (Joh.) 1608-9; KM. 1612 c. 1595 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1003 (ni E 1603 A.B. 1607-8 [ M 15r>5 Qu. 1> E 1549 Chr. 1> E 1579 [Tancred] Mag. V E 1625 Sid. P E 1656 A.B. 1659 Qu. P M 1547 gu. P E 1550 Cai. P E 1579 Job. V E 1579 Gonv. H P E 1557 Cla. 1> E 1582 A.B. 1585-6 Pem. P E 1646 Em. 1> E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Em. V M 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 ; M.D. '53 Pem. P E 1646 A.B. 1649 [Trin. f-c M 1647] Cai. s M 1568 Qu. p c. 1591 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 Em. s M 1655 [prev. at Pet.] A.B. 1658-9 ; A.M. 1662 Em. p E 1585 [King'.s s M 1562] Em. s E 1650 (?same as next) [Job. s E 1651] Chr. p M 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 *Joh. s M 1644 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 Chr. f-c E 1626 |Tay sbrough] Chr. f-c E 1626 Pem. p E 1588 lor C. C. p E 1619 A.B. 1628 Qu. s E 1610 [DarcetJ Trin. p E 1651 King's s E 1640 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. (Mag.) 1649 Cla. s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 *Joh. p E 1544 A.B. 1546-7; A.M. 1550 Chr. s E 1654 A.B. 1657; A.M. 1661 Cath. s E 1551 A.B. 1553-4, Tatem Job. s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 Cla. s L 1650-1 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 Job. s ]\1 1565 Trin. s E 1586 A.B. (Catb.) 1590-1 Chr. s M 1645 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1654 Trin. s L 1564-5 Trin. ]) M 1641 C. C. p E 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 *Trin. ]> M 1651 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 Job. s M 1658 Trin. s E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2) ; A.M. (Qu.) 1595 [C. C. 1576] 1624] Qu. fs E A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 Trin. M 1578 A.B. (Jes.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588 Trin. p c 1597 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 Qu. s E 1603 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 King's s M 1602 c. a p M 1554 King's s M 1602 1 Mandate for S.T.P. IfitJ.S ; refused by Univ( QdQ Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1651-2 A.B. (Joh.) 1637-8 Taverner, Will Mag. p E Tawke, Art (fr. Oxf.) Tawyer, John *Sid. s L — Walt Chr. p M — Will Sid. s M Taylebutt, Tho Pem. s M Taylecote, Tho *Pem. p M Tayleworth, Nich. v. Tayler Taylor, Adam Chr. p M 1566 Tayler, An Trin.H. s M 1545 Taylor, And *King's p M 1654 — Anth Chr. p E 1648 Art. — Austin"!!.!!. C. C. s E 1639 Tailor, Benj Chr. p E 1623 Taylor, Brian *Joh. p E 1576 Tayler, Caleb *King's p c. 1597 — Chris Em. s E 1606 Taylor, Dan Em. p E 1632 — Ed Pem. s M 1569 — Edm Em. p E 1644 Tayler, Edw Pet. p E 1546 Taylor, Edw Cla. s M 1573 — Edw [C. C. 1579; — Edw Chr. s M 1579 Talor, Edw Qu. s M1601; Tayler, Edw King's s M 1601 Taylor, Edw Joh. s E 1622 — Edw Joh. p E 1624 — Edw Em. p E 1632 — Edw Mag. s L 1645- — Ezechiel v. Harlowe — Era Trin. s E 1563 — Era [Em. s E 1599; — Era Chr. s E 1605 — Era Cai. s L 1629- — Era C. C. p E 1639 Tayler, Geo Trin. p M 1550 Taylor, Geo Qu. p L 1582- Taler, Geo *Qu. p c. 1593 Taylor, Geo (? mistake for next) — Geo — Geo Trin. s E 1604 — Geo King's p E 1647 — Guy Cai. p L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2 Tayler, Hen Pet. p L 1557-8 Taylor, Hen Joh. p E 1585 — Hen Em. s E 1586 Tayler, Hen *Joh. s c. 1595 Taylor, Hen Joh. p E 1609 — Hen — Hen Joh. s E 1639 — Hen Trin. p E 1640 — Hen Cai. [s E 1653] Tayler, Humph. ... Joh. s E 1550 Taylor, Isaac [Trin. s E 1653] Tayler, Israel Chr. p c. 1593 Taylor, Ja *Cath. s E1544 — Ja *Joh. p M 1562 — Ja Trin. s L 1593- — Ja Em. p E 1619 1627 A.B. (Joh.) 1630-1 ; A.M. (Mag.) A.B. (Trin.) 1646-7 [1635 1648-9 A.B. 1652-3 ; A.M. 1656, 'Sawyer' 1546 1641 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 1545 1588 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1569-70, Teler; A.M. 1573 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. A.B. 1579-80; A.M A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 [1590 A.B. 1609-10 A.M. 1641; [M.D. 1657 1630 1583; S.T.B. A.B. 1647; A.M. 1651 A.B. (*Trin.) 1547-8; A.M. 1551 ?same as next] A.B. 1582-3; A.M. (C. C.) 1586, ?same as next] ['Tasler' A.B. (Cath.) 1604-5 A.B. 1625-6 A.B. 1627-8; AM 1631 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 6 A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570 migr. to Cai.] A.B. 1609 ; A.M. 1612 ; S.T.B. 1636 30 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. (Pet.) 1603-4 (in ordo) A.B. (Cath.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1611-2: A.M. 1615 A.B. (Jes.) 1612-3; A.M. 1616; A.B. 1642-3 [S.T.B. 1623 A.B. 1656- A.M. 1660 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1549-50; A.M. 1553 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569; S.T.B. 4 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 [1576 Matriculations and Degrees i,->44 — 1659 657 Tayler, Ja C. C. [) K 1G21 A.B. 1624-.-); A.M. I6^f< Taylor, ' .Tcrcm *Cai. s L 1626-7 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 Tayler, John loh. .s M 1544 John Peni. s M 1544 John *King^s p M 1,552 A.H. 1550-7; A.M. 1560 John Cla. p E 1553 •lor, John Joh. s M 1559 -John Joh. 1) E 1570J » ,-, ,,, , , ^ ,.„. _ ^'John Trin. s M 157ol ^•^- ^^""^^'^ ^^^'^-'^ John Joh. .s E 1575 John Joh. p M 1583 Tayler, John Trin. .s M 1589 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 John Joh. p c. 1591 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 Taylor, .John *U. C. p E 1607 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1614 John Jes. p E 1611 A.B. 1614 John Mag. p M 1614 A.B. (Chr.) 1618-9; A.M. 1622 John [Em. p E 1615] John Pet. p E 1617 (Matr. Taylard) John Trin. s M 1620 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 John Sid. s E 1623 John Joh. p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 .John [Pet. p L 1625-6] John Joh. p E 1628 A.B. (Mag.) 1630-1 Tailer, John *Jes. p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 Taylor, John Trin. p E 1639 John C. C. p E 1639 A.B. 1640; A.M. 1644 John Chr. p E 1640 John Chr. s E 1647 John Mag. a E 1652 John Mag. p E 1655 Tayleur, John Joh. p E 1656 A.B. 16.58-9 Taylor, John Trin. p E 1658 A.B. 1661-2 John [Joh. p L 1658-9 ; fr. Oxf.] Taler, Jonas (.imp.) Chr. p E 1560 Taylor, .Tonas Trin. s M 1.588 A.B. (? 1593-4); A.M. 1.597 Jos Joh. s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 •Jos [Qu. p M 1644] Laur " A.B. 1537-8; A.M. 1546, *Pem. Tayler, Laur ('. C. s E 1556 Tavlor, Laur Trin. s M 1587 Matthias ... Chr. p E 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. (Pet.) 1653 Tayler, Mich Trin. H. M 1623 A.B. 1626-7, Miles; A.M. 1631 Taylor, Mich Sid. p E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 Moses Qu. s E 1615 A.B. 1617-8 Tailor, Nath *Triu. s c. 1595 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 ; S.T.B. Taylor, Nath Em. p E 1637 [1617 — Nath Cath. p M 1654 A.B. 1657; A.M. 1662 — Nich Trin. p M 1.581 A.B. (Qu.) 1584-5, Tayleworth Tayler, Nich A.B. (Jes.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 Taylor, Nich Joh. p E 1606 A.B. (Cai.) 1609-10; A.M. 1613 — Nich [Chr. s E 1644] — Oliver King's p M 1619 — Paul Trin. s M 1580 Tayler, Pet loh. p M 1549 Taylor, Pet Qu. s E 1567 — Phil Em. p E 1622 A.B. (Cai.) 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Tailor, Phil (Jhr. i> E 1634 Taylor, Phil Sid. p E 1634 1 Bishop of Down and Connor, 1661. ■^ Uncertain which of these graduated. 658 Matricidations and Degrees 1544— 1659 Tayler, Ralph Chr. p M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; (No A.M.); S.T.P Taylor, Ralph Pet. s E 1632 [1.594 — Ralph *King'« p M 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1648 Tayler, Ralph Em. p M 1651 A.B. 1655 Taylor, i Rich Joh. p M 1564) a r. /nu,. n i =fio q — iRich Joh. p M 1565( A.B. ^Lhi.) 1568-9 — Rich Trin. s M 1567 — Rich C. C. p E 1573 A.B. 1576-7 — Rich Cla. p E 1576 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 Tayler, Rich Joh. .s L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2 Taylor, Rich *Joh. s c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597; S.T.B. — Rich [Qu. p E 1596] [1605 Taylour, Rich Chr. p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600 Tayler, Rich [Cai. p M 1600 ?same as next] Taylor, Rich Joh. p M 1601 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. (*Je.s.) 1608 — Rich Pet. s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 — Rich Trin. s E 1608 A.B. 1610-1 Tailour, Rich Trin. s M 1623 A.B. 1627-8 ; A.M. 1633 Taylor, Rich [Cai. p M 1624] — Rich Qu. s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 Tayler, Rich Sid. p E 1631 — Rich : Joh. p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1649 Taylor, Rich Mag. s E 1654 A.B. 1657-8 Tayler, Rob *Pem. s E 1546 A.B. 1555-6 Rob. i^imp.) . Cla. s M 1546 Taylor, Rob Pet. s E 1579 — Rob Pern. s L 1607-8 A.B. 1611-2 — Rob Chr. [E 1614] A.B. 1617-8; A.M. r*Cath.) 1621 — Rob King's s M 1619 — Rob C. C. s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 — Rob Era. s E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 — Rob Em. s E 1642 — Rob Cla. s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 — Rowland ... Jes. s E 1571 — Sam Chr. s E 1603 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 — Sam Sid. p M 1638 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 — Sam Mag. p E 1645 A.B. 1648-9 — Sam Trin. s E 1654 A.B. (Em.) 1656-7; A.M. 1660 — Sam Joh. s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 Tayleure, Silvamis ... A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. 0.\f.) Taylor, Steph Pet. p E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 — Theoph Chr. s E 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 Tayler, Tho. (imp.) . C. C. p M 1551 — Tho Cla. s E 1555 Taylor, 2 Tho Chr. p E 1563 ) . p , . ^^ - *p p — -^Tho Chr. p L 1563-4 ' — Tho Joh. p L 1564-5 — Tho LL.B. (C. C.) 1579 — Tho Joh. p E 1580 — 'Tho Chr. p E 1584^ . ^ /n.,fV, ^ i^««q — 'Tho Joh. p Ml584i A.B. (Cath.) 1588-9 ^^ggS Tajder, Tho *Chr. p c. 1592 A.B. (?1594-5) ; A.M. 1598 ; S.T.P. Taylor, Tho *Kiug's [schol. lLAd92] A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 — Tho [C. C. 1594] — Tho Trin. H. p c. 1593 LL.B. 1600 Tayler, Tho Pet. p c. 1593 A.B. (Cla.) 1596-7 Taylor, Tho Cla. p c. 1597 A.B. 1600-1 — Tho [Em. f-c E 1599] 1 Uncertain which of these graduated. - One of these (if two) graduated A.B.. and was fell, of C.C. Mat ricalat ions and Degrees ir)44- 65 •; H59 Taylor, Tailor, Taylor, Tailor, Taylor, Tailer, Taylor. Taler, Taylei-, Taylor. Tayler, Taylor, Tavler, Taylor, Tayler, Taylor, Tailor, Taylor, Teate, Teball, Tebbes, Tedder, Teigh, Tele, Tempest, Tlu) Tho Tho Tho Tho Tho Tho Tho Tho Tho Tho Tho Tho Tho Tim Tim Tobias ... Tristram Valentine Pern. .Te.s. Mag. Chr. Cai. Pcm. V\n: [Pet. Trin. :Mag. Em. Cai. Cai. Cai. Jes. Chr. [C. C. Qu. ('Moh. Walt Job. Walt... Walt... Walt... Will. ., nviii. . Will. ., W W Will. ., w Will. . Will. ., Will. .. 2 Will. . 2 Will. ., [Will.] Will. . Will. ., Will. .. Will. ., Will. . Will. . Will Zach Faithfull ... Peni. Anth. V. Theobald Rich Chr. Rich. V. Theodore Lister [Trin. Tho Trin. Edw Trin. Geo Job. — John Trin. Temple, John C. C. — John Pern. — John Pet. — Jonat Em. — Paul Sid. — Pet *King'; — Rich Je.s. ' Master of Christ's, 15.56. Pet. Qu. Sid. Pet. Job. Qu. Chr. Trin. *King'i [Em. Em. Em. Pem. Chr. Sid. Chr. C. C. Trin. Chr. 1605 lfil2 Hi 13 1618 1626-7 1627 1627 1628; 1628 1629 1632 1642 1653 1658 1564 1598 1646] 1595 1544) 1546 1567 1616 1647 1549 1561 1566 1567 1577 1.595 1606] 1616 1616 1617 1623 1634 1637 1637 1639 1641 M 1646 M 1582 p E p M s M p M p p M p s E M p E L p M 1' E A.R 1609; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. (Cath.) 1621-2; A.M. 1625; A.B. 1629-30 [M.L. 1626-7 A.B. 1631; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 Tayleur] A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1632-3 A.B. 1635-6 A.B. 1645-6 A.B. 1601- Taylor A.B. (*Joh.) 1550-1; A.M. 1554 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1620; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1543-4; A.M. 1546, *Chr. A.B. 1544-5; A.M. (*Cbr.) 1548; [S.T.B. 15.54 [Migr. to Cai. 1571] A.B. 1599-1600 A.B. 1.597 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1619^ , ,j ..,3 A.B. 1620^ ^-^^^ '^--^ A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1637; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1639 40; A.M. 1644 A.B. (?at Oxf.); A.M. (Pet.) 1652 A.B. (Job.) 1600-1; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 A.B. 1660 1657] 1586 1.589 1582 1580 1573 1647 1655 1613 1607-8 (Matr. 'Tomple') 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 16.59 1575 - Uncertniii wiiicli of these Kiailnateil M..\. A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. 1657-8 660 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Temple, Rich [Em. f-c E 1648] — Rob " S.T.B. 1600 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.^ — Rob Chr. s L 1623-4 A.B. 1627-8 — Sam Em. s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 — Simon *King's p E 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 — The Jes. p M 1568 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. (*Cai.) 1576 — Tbo A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. DubHn) — Will *King's p M 1545 A.B. 1549-50; A.M. 1553 AVill *King's p M 1573 A.B. 1577-8; A.M. 1581 — 'Will TEm.^ f-c E 1644] — [C. C. 1579] Templer, Benj *Trin. p E 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 — Dudley [Em. p E1645] Templar, Humph. ... Chr. p M 1584 A.B. 1587-8, Templer Templer, John Em. p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5 ; A.M. (*Trin.) 1648; [S.T.B. 1655 ; S.T.P. 1666 — John Trin. p M 1651 A.B. 1654-5 ; A.M. 1658; S.T.B. '65 — Sam Em. p M 1638 — Tho Chr. p M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622, Timpler — Tho Em. s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 — Will Sid. s M 1641 Tenant, Edw Chr. p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 — Geo Chr. p L 1584-5 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 Tennant, Hen Chr. p E 1629 Tenant, Ja Cai. p E 1659 A.B. 1660-1 Tenante, John Pet. p M 1598 A.B. (Chr.) 1601-2; A.M. (Pet.) Tenant, John Job. s L 1620-1 A.B. 1623-4 [1605 Tennant, Marm Chr. s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 — Rich Cai. s M 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 — Tho Qu. 8 E 1579 A.B. 1582-3 Tenant, Tho Trin. p E 1608 — Tho Cai. [p L 1636-7] A.B. 1640-1 Tench, Ralph Job. s E 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 Tenneson, John *Pet. p E 1578 A.B. 1581-2 ; A.M. 1585 ; S.T.B. '94 Tenison, John *Pet. p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621; S.T.B, [1630 — Phil Trin. [schol. E 1631] A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635; S.T.P. Tennison, Rob Job. s E 1609 [1661 {Lit. Rea.) Tenison, ^Tho *C. C. p E 1653 A.B. 16.56-7; A.M. 1660; S.T.B. Tennyo, Ja [Em. p E 1612] [1667 ; S.T.P. 1680 Tenny, Rich Job. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 Terue, Chris Job. p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40, Tearne; A.M. 1643 Terold, "Edm Em. p E 1635 — -'John ......... [Em. p E 1635] — :^WilI A.B. (Em.) 1638-9 Terringbam, Rob Chr. p E 1629 A.B. (*Pet.) 1632-3; A.M. 1636, -^ Tho Job. p E 1573 [Tyringham Terrour, John A.B. (Chr.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 Terry, Edm Qu. [p L 1645-6] A.B. 1649 Terne, Edw Job. s E 1583 Terry, John Cla. s M 1573 — John C. C. ]i M 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 — Nath A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) Terrey, Rob ]\Iag. p E J 621 Terry ('Terrill'), Stepb. . Cai. p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 — Tbo King's s M 1623 A.B. (Cai.) 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Tesmonde, Era Trin. p M 1554 A.B. 1558-9 Tetlaw, .(ohn Chr. p M 1566 1 M.P. for Univei-isity, 1079. '^ Bisliop of Lincoln, 1691; Aicbbisboi) of Cauterbnry, 1691. '• Apparently three men. of wboiu two did not matriculate. Petlowe [King'j retrington r. Titerington reubley, Fra [Pet. revereil. Jervas Em. revershoni, Tho. revershani, Tho. fewer (Tuer), John Em. ^la?. Texeda, rey, Teytie, Feyze, Fhacker, Thakkar, Fhacker. Fhackorye, Fhackercy, Fhackerye, Fhackerey, Ihackham, Fhatcher, Ihaxter, rhackster, Thacster, Ihaniley, Ferdinand. Tho AVill ^Yill John Rob Rob Tho W Leon Leon Tho Will Tho Tho Dan John *a C. . Trin. .' Trin. . Mag. . [C. C. . *Trin. . C. C. . Cla. , C. C. , Trin. . Jes. Pern. C. ('. Joh. , C. C. iMmon Hush Tbarler (? Taylor), Edw. rhawTye, Miles Fhayne, Fhayre, Thayer, Theyer, Theball, Thedam, Theadam, Thed croft, Theede, Thelwell, Thelwall, Theloall, Thelwall, iThelhvell, Thelwell, Thelwall, Thelwell. Roger Tho. Edw. John Jo.s. C. (\ [Em. , Trin. Joh. Sid. C!ai. Pern. Joh. C. C. Bonaventura Pern. .. Em. ,. Qu. ,. King's^ .. King's .. Joh. Edw Edw Rob Rich Dan Eubulus Eubulus Eubulus Eubulus Ja John .... John .... Owen Themylthorpe. Tho. Theobald, Thebole, Theobald, Anth. l<^-a. Ja. . John Pet. Rich. Rob. Rob. Theodore (Tedder), Rich. Tlieodrick, Tho Therold, Oeo Trin. [Trin. Joh. Joh. Trin. Joh. Jes. Chr. Em. Em. Qu. *King'.^ Qu. Trin. King".- Chr. Trin. Jes. Em. Trin. P schol. P 1» P s f-c id Dei p-ees 1.544 — 1659 L 1589- 90] E 1651] c. 1591 E 1609 M 1611 A.B. A.B. 1612-3 1615-6 601 f-c f-c M 1559 M 1561 M 1631 1556; E 1560 M 1556 M 1564 M 1548 M 1580 E 1613 M 1567 M 1573 A.M. 1598 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) S.T.B. 1624 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Cath.) 1582-3 A.B. 1567-8, Tyes; A.M. i.-)7l A.B. 1634-5 ? mistake for Tho.] A.B. 1563-4, Thacker ; A.M. 1567 ; [S.T.B. 1576 A.B. 1615-6, Thackwor M 1581 M 1601 M 1569 L 1579-8( E 1589] c. 1597 L 1563-4 L 1637-8 E 1632 E 1639 E 1622 E 1627 E 1581 <: 1593 M 1619 E 1643 E 1611 E 1651 E 1584 E 1610] M 1637 M 1637 M 1573 E 1628 E 1634 E 1612 E 1587 M 1637 M 1572 M 1614 L 1607-8 E 1613 E 1617 r. 1591 c. 1601 E 1622 E 1639 c. 1593 A.M. 1652 (Incorp. fr. 0.\f.) A.B. 1604-5 [S.T.B. 1583 A.B. 1572-3, Thaxter ; A.M. 1576 : A.B. 1583-4, Thaxter A.B. 1634 5: A.M. 1638; M.D. '56 A.P,. 1630-] : A.M. 1634, Thaier A.B. (Cla.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. (Trin.) 1576-7 A.B. 1587-8, Thelwall A.B. 1640-1 A.B. 1640-1 A.P.. (Kincrs) 1630-1 : A.M. 1634 A.P.. 1590-1 (Matr. Tyball) AB. [1617-8]; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1616- A.M. 1620 A.B. 1.593-4, Theobald : A.M. 1597 A.B. 160.-)-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629. Tedder 662 Matriculation Therald, Rich. v. Thorold Therold, W Cla. Therolde, Will Em. Thetford, John C. C. — Jos Cai. — Rob Qu. — Tho a C. — Tho C. C. — Will Em. Thewles, Geo Em. — (Theulays), Will. ... Thexton, John Chr. — Lancelot ... Chr. — Rob *C. C. Theckston, Rob Chr. Thexton, Rob *Cath. — Tho C. C. Thicket v. Thyckett Thickpeny, Rob Trin. Thickston, Rob Mag Thymble, John Pern. Thimble, Will Em. Thimblebye, Rich Qu. Thymblebye, Steph Qu. Thymelthorpe, Chris. ... Jes. — Geo Jes. Thimblethorpe, Nich. ... Jes. Thymelthorpe, Rob Jes. Thistlewaite, Miles Chr. Thistlethwaite, Rich Job. Thistlewaite, Rich Joh. Thobie Thody, Hen Trin. Thodey, Jonas [Cai. — ' Rob Mag. — Tho Trin. Thomas, Dan. v. Daniel, Tho. — Dav Joh. — Edw Trin. — Geo Jes. — Habakkuk . . Mag. — Hugh Joh. — J [King's — John Jes. — John Joh. — John Cai. — John Cath. — Mark Em. — Mich Trin. — Nath [Cath. — Oliver — Rice *Pet. — Rich Chr. — Rob Cla. — Rowland (A.B. 1552- — Rowland ... Trin. — Sam Pet. — Sam *King's — Steph Cla. — Tho *King's ,s a nd Degrees 1544—1659 p M 1581 P L 1588-9 P E 1607 E 1603 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 f-c M 1638 f-c M 1564 Th f-c M 1601 Th s E 1650 Th « [E 1608] A.R 1611-2 Tl A.B. 1538-9; A.M. (*Trin.) 1547; p E 1655 A.B. 1658 [S.T.B. 1552-3 : V E 1544 A.B. (*Joh.) 1544-5; A.M. 1548; [S.T.B. 1569 ' P s E 1575 c. 1591 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 T T p M 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 T 1> M 1608 A.B. 1612-3, Thaxton ; A.M. 1616 T T s E 1584 T p c. 1595 p L 1579-80 |T 1> c. 1592 T f-c E 1550 p M 1554 1 ]) M 1570 1 p E 1584 s E 1573 p M 1570 p M 1626 A.B. (Joh.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 s L 1579-80 1 p M 1656 A.B. 1656-7 A.M. (Mag.) 1603 (in ordo) s M 1652 A.B. 1655-6 s M 1592] ]) M 1632 s E 1656 A.B. 1658-9 J^ E 1651 s E 1642 s E 1606 A.B. 1608-9 p E 1571 A.B. (Cla.) 1574-5 M 1551 p L 1578-9 E 1574 p M 1612 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 p L 1645-6 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1661 s M 1658 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 1> E 1633 A.B. (Trin.) 1635-6 p V E 1629 1634] A.B. 1632-3 A.B. ( ); A.M. (Jes.) 1616 s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1640 s L 1618-9 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 p E 1621 -3) V Rowland, Tho. s M 1639 p L 1645-6 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1663 (Incorp. 1^ M 1650 A.B. 1654; A.M. 1658 [fr. Oxf) p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 p M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 663 ["homas ^ W les. — Will C. C. — [Will.] Pern. Will Sid. — Will [Qvi. Job. horns, Rob [Qu. rhompsou, Ambrose ... .loh. Thomson, Anth Pem. rhompsou, Anth *J oh. Anth *Trin. Anth. {imp.) Em. Art Pet. Cha. Edgerton Joh. Chris *King's Chris Chr. Chris Joh. Chris Sid. Cuthb Chr. Dan Pern. Drugo Jes. Edm Trin. Edm Trin. Edw Joh. Edw loh. Edw Toh. Era Jes. Era [Cai. Era [Trin. Era *Cai. Geo Cath. Geo Joh. Geo Qu. Geo Mag. Geo Sid. iGiles Hen Pem. Hen C. C. Hen Chr. Hen Cai. Hen Cath. Hen Trin. Hen Cla. Humph. ... Cath. Ja Trin. Ja Ja Trin. Ja Joh. Ja Cla. )son, Ja C. C. John on, John *Cla. n, John {imp.) p, 12 ann.)\ *""'• John Trin. John Pet. John Joh. John Qu. .>^ M 1561 f-c M 1588 f-c E 1623 s M 1633 [ft s K 1645] s 1.594 1' 1. 1610-1] E 1616 .s E 1555 p r. 1596 p E 1612 p E 1657 p E 1624] f-c c. 1596 p M 1552 E 1566 V E 1622 V E 1635 1> E 1545 \i E 1610 s E 1652 s M 1580 s E 1622 p M 1552 .s c. 1594 f-c M 1637 p M 1552 f-c E 1612 p M 1640 s E 1656 s M 1580 p E 1583 s E 1605 ]} E 1627 s E 1641 s E 1579 p E 1602 f-c E 1605 s E 1617 s E 1632 p E 1651 p L 1653-4 s M 1581 p L 1577-8 p E 1624 s E 1631 .s L 1634-5 s E 1644 p E 1552 s M 1559 p E 1560 p E 1565 s M 1566 s M 1572 Oxf.] A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619; S.T.P."3r A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1556-7; A.:\l. 1.560 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1548-9 A.B. 1613-4 A.B. 16,55-6 A.B. 1583-4, Tomson; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1624 5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663; S.T.B. A.B. 1583-4 [1670; S.T.P. 1680 A.B. 1586-7 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.M. 1581 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1619-20; A.M. (C. C.) 1629 A.Vk 1654 A.B. (C. C.) 1585-6 A.B. (Pet.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.M. 1638-9 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1538-9; A.M. 1541; S.T.B. [(Joh.) 1.551 A.B. 1554-5; A.M. 15.58 Bishop of Gloucester, Kill. 664 Tomson, Thomson, Torupson, ThompsoD, Tompson, Thompson, Tompson, Thompson, Tompson, Thompson, Tompson, Thompson, Tompson, Thompson', Tomson, Thompson, Tomson, Tomsone, Thomson, Tomson, Thompson, Tompson, Thompson, Tomson, Tompson, Thompson, Tompson, Thompson, Tomson, Thompson, Tompson, Tomson, Tompson, Thomson, Tompson, Tomson, Thompson, Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 John Joh. John Cai. John Trin. John Trin. John ("hr. John Job. John gu. John Chr. John (Jhr. John *Joh. John Sid. Jolin Jes. John Joh. John Chr. John Tes. John Em. John [Joh. Jonas Sid. Jos Qu. Jos Joh. Laur Em. Leon Chr. Marm *Jes. Matth [Jes. Matth Sid. Paul *Tnn. Pet. .." Jes. Phil Qu. Rich Rich *Cai. Rich Joh. Rich (? Rich Cla. Rich Rich loh. Rich Rich Cath. Rob Rob Trin. Rob Toh. Rob Trin. Rob Joh. Rob C. C. Rob Chr. Rob Mag. Rob C. C. Rob [Qu. Roger Mag. Roger Chr. Roland Qu. St John ... Chr. Sam Chr. Seth Pem. Simon Steph *Joh. Steph Trin. Tho *Chr. Tho Pem. Tho Jes. Tho Joh. f-c s M p M the above) s E s M p M 1573 1584 1584 1595 1605 1607 1608] 1610 1612 1613 1615 1617 1619 1622 1639 1648-9 1653] 1637 1622 1636 1607 1619 1612 1632 ? 1632 1577 1609 1571 1567 1568 1583 1613 1628 A.B. (Jes.) 1598-9 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. (Cla.) 1(S14 A.B. 1611-2 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 A.B. (Trin.) 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1625-6: A..M. 1629 A.B. (Chr.) 1644-5; A.M. 1658 1561 1572 1584 1611 1619 1633 1633 1644 1652] 1585 1647 1549 f-c M 1627 p E 1612 P M 1589 A.B. (Joh.) 1625-6 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B.1614-5; A.M. 1618; S.T.B.'27 same as next] A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. 1586 ; S.T.B.'93 A.B. 1612-3 A.B. Moh.) 1541-2; A.M. 1545 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. (Mag.) 1575 A.B. (Cath.) 1574-5 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 A.B. (Trin.) 1587-8; A.M. 1591 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1631; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1538-9; A.M. 1541; S.T.B. [(Cla.) 1549 A.B. (Em.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. (Joh.) 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 1584 1621 1546 1582-3 1582 1596 A.B. (Trin.) 1603-4; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 A.B. 1548-9; A.M. 1552 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. (Mag.) 1585-6; no A.M.; [S.T.B. (Jes.) 1595 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 Matriculations and Degrees ir)44 — 16.-,9 M 1613 E 1651 1> E 1.567 L 1580-1 A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1574 A.B. (?); A.M. fJoh.) 1.595 {nrdo' S L 1.580-1 P L 1.557-8 s M 1601 f-c E 1581 [Thornhigh] A.M. 1587 (Incorp. fr. Oxf. ?) f-c M 1585 1.598-9] f-c L 1604-5 V E 1642 A.B. 1645 M 1588 s E 1631 A.B. 163.5-6 f« L 1.582-3] A.B. 1586-7, Thornell : A.M. 1590 E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 1> E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. (*Tnn. H.) p M 1.572 [1637 M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 s E 16.5S p M 1562 1> L 1620-1 [p E 1625] A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 p L 1564-5 p E 1631 p E 1578 A.B. 1.581-2; A.M. 1.585 s M 1641 A.B. 164.5-6; A.M. 1654 p E 1602 p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 s M 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 p E 1659 V E 1.557 A.B. 1560-1 \> M 1570 s E 1622 s L 1597-8 A.B. (n 602-3); A.M. 1606 s E 1621 p M 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. (Sid.) 1648 f'c M 1584 p E 1658] A.B. 1661 s c. 1601 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 f-c E 1619 f-c E 1659 p E 1618 I\l 1569 A.B. 1572-3 [S.T.P,. 1636 A.B. (*Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615; !> M 1619 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 P M 1.544 E 1615 s p E 16.36 E 1642 A.B. 1639-40 p p E 1651 E 1624] E 1586 p 1> L 1577-8 L 1.587-8] A.B. 1.581-2; A.M. 1585 1> E 1627 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634; S.T.B. 1> E 1614 [(*Joh.) 1642 • 1'^^ Mid rlc(il((( Ions and Deifrces i.-,44 — 1659 (> E 162!) A. 15. 1632-3: A.M. 1636 ]• E l.-iSS 1' I. 1629-30 E 1648 A.P. 1651-2, Tlnurold f-c E 1.579 V E 1.582 .■. 1 .594 1. 1610-1] A.B. 1585-(;; A.M. 1590 V V V V M 1575 K 1641 E 1586 E 1614 A. P.. 1580-1, Tlierold: A.M. 1.584 V L 1620 1 f-c M 1570 1> E 1583 A.B. 1586-7 s M 1611 A.B. 1614-5, Thurrald ; A.M. 161S 1> ^[ 1637] 1' M 1615 A.P,. 1618 9, Thorold ; A.M. 1622 ; T E 1576 [M.D. 1630 11 E 1576 1> E 1631 A.I',. 1634-5 f-c E 1637 1> E 1650 1' M 1576 LL.B. (*Trin. H.) 1583 A.B. (Joh.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 V xAI 1584 V M 1612 A.B. 1615-6, Thurgood ; A.:M. 1619 P M 1576] P E 1575 !> E 1576 p M 1576 V L 1579-8C A.B. 1,583 4; A.M. 1.587 V E 1621 1647] A.B. 1624 P E 1659 s M 1617 A.B. (Trin.) 1620-1 s p E 1566 E 1586 A.B. (C. C.) 1644-5 A.B. (Chr.) 1618-9; A.M. 1622 f-c E 1612-3] A.B. 1615-6 !> E 1579 A.B. 1582-3 s M 1580 s E 1605 A.B. 1608-9, Thurgood ; A.M. 1612 1> E 1611 A.B. 1613-4 ; A.M. 1617 ; S.T.B. '24 ]> M 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 16.30 V M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 s L 1573-4] f-c E 1607" p I6.39; „ M 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646; M.L. '46 f-c M 1638 s E 1549 p M 1622 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 s E 16.36 A.B. 16.39-40; A.M. 1645 s E 1617 A.B. 1619 p E 1610 A.B. 1613-4 s E 1641 A.B. 1645-6 s p E 1631 E 1637] A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 66^ Matriculations and Dc{/rees 1544 — 1659 Thorpe, (ieo *Cai. s E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660; S.T.B. — Gervase ... A.B. (Trin. H.) 1623 [(*Em.) 1667 Hen [Cai. p M 1624] — Jervis Trin. s M 1614 — John (sen.) . Chr. p li 1563-4 — John ijiin.). Chr. p L 1563-4 — John Job. p E 1571 A.ll (Qn.) 1574-5; A.M. 1578 — John Qu. s E 1576 — John Pet. p E 1581 — John [iS'Mss.j [Qu. p E 1611] — John [ror^s.]*Qu. j) E 1611 A.B. 1614-5 ; A.M. 1618 ; S.T.B.=27 — John Job. .s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1625 — John Qu. p E 1628 — John Qu. p M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1646 — Otho Pet. p E 1625 — Rich *Qu. [schol. 1547] A.B. 1549-50; A.M. 1553 Rich, (imp.) ,,, t a 11 ani)\ ^ h^"- V L 1563-4 — Rich Chr. « E 1574 Rich [Qu. p E 1600] — Rich Qu. s E 1622 A.B. 1623-4; A.M 1627 — Rich Sid. p E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 — Rob Job. p L 1563-4 — Rob Pet. p M 1572 — Rob Jes. ]) E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 — Sam Job. p E 1605 — Tho Pern. s M 1561 — Tho [Sid. s E 1616] — Tho Trin. p E 1616 — Tho Trin. s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 — W Chr. « E 1561 — Will Trin. s E 1623 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 Thorresbye, Edni Em. f-c c 1597 Thoursbey, Edw Job. p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Tborrisbie, Geo Cla. f-c E 1573 Tborisby, Rob Cai. p E 1656 Tboresby, Tho [Chr. f-c M 1653] Thorisby, Wingtield ... [Em. p E1599] Thorton, Lancelot ... Trin. s M 1553 Thorwell, Hugh Jes. s E 1625 Thory, John Mag. s E 1651 — Rob Sid^ [.s E 1628] A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 — Tho Em. p M 1615 A.B. 1618 Thrale, J oh n C. C. p c. 1 592 Thramsc [C. C. 1569] Threele, Kdw les. f-c E 1613 Threlcat, Humph. ... Job. p M 1560 — 'John Chr. s E 1568 Tbrelkeld, Edw ^King's p M 1544 A. B. 1 548-9, Threlkell ; A.M. 1552 ; Threlkell, John Chr. p M 1554 [LL.D. 1561-2 Tbrclkolde, John Chr. p M 1555 Tbrelkeld, John Te.s. s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 Tbrellfall, Tho Qu. s E 1616 [Thrilfall] Thremyngbam, .lohn Job. p E 1581 Threshaw, John Sid. s E1652 A.B. 1655-6, Thresher; A.^f. 1659 Throckmorton, Albion ... Cai. p M 1651 Throgmorton, Alc.x Fes. p E 1560 Throckmorton, Clem [Km. p E 1.596] Throgmorton, Gaiiric] ... Trin. p <-. 1594 I'n.lmblv s, Clirclcat. Matricvlatit (ukI Def frees 1544 — 1^.^< m\) hrockmartoii, ilob Cai. ]> hroughraorton, Rob. ... Pet. ji hrockmorton, Rob .los. l-c brogmorton, Rob [Pet. ]> Tho Tos. f-L- hrockniortoii, Tho [Job. s hrogmortoii, Will Triu. p hrower, John C. C. s hrown, John [('. C hrushews, John hruston, John Joh. \> hulace v. Thewles hurburne, Ja .. Cla. p hurgalle, W Em. p hurgar, Will hurgoland, Avereius ... hiirgood V. Thoi'owgood hurland, Edw Cla. p Tho — Tho Pcni. p hirlby, Cba [C. ('. hurleby, Hen Qu. hurlby, John C. C. hurlbev, John Pet. — ' Rob C. V. hirleby, Rob ('. C hixrlbie, W Cla. 'hurleby, Will (}\\. 'hurlin, Tho *Joli. 'hurloe, Edw Cai. Hen Qu. Tho [Qu. Tho C. C. Will C. C. hurlow, hurlo, ?hurlton, ^hurnall 'hursby, 'hiirsbye, 'hursby, hursbye, Tiursby (Thrisby — Will. hruscro8s, Hen. hurscrosse, Tim. Cha. . Chris. Era. . Hen. , Rich C. C. Jes. Sid. Jes. (.'hr. Trin. Cla. *i\Iao-. Tobias Mag. Phurske, Ralph Pem. l?hui*ston, Clem Cai. rhurstone, Edm C. C. rinirston, Edni Trin. Eivd Cai. rhur.stone, Hammond .. J<>li. rhii"ston, John ( 'ai. Thurston, John loh. Jos Joh. Malachi *Sid. rhirston, Natli Cai. Thurston, Tho Joli. Will Joh. W Pet. Thursewell, Tho Chr. Thwayts, Anth Cla. f-c M loH4 K 15fi9 L i:)77-8 E 1626] \\ 1584 M 1G52] <: iri97 E 1611 l()4:i] b 1583-4 E 1580 E ]58() K 1624 r. 1593 1641] E 1612 E 1609 M 1613 L 1597-8 E 1623 E 1583 E 1612 E 1651 E 1580 M 1569 L 1590-1] (,'. 1593 E 1611 ^I 1641 ]\I 1567 K 1627 -M 1567 K 1607 \\ 1646 VI 1584 L 1615-6 M 1614 xM 1585 E 1636 E 1571 M 1580 E 1645 E 1646 <: 1601 E 1646 M 1611 M 1645 E 1633 E 1621 M 1548 M 1576 M 1602 M 1570 bL.H. 1664 (Lit. Reg.) A.B. (Mag.) 1593-4 A.B. (Cla.) 1590-1; A.M. 1594 A.B. (Cla.) 1623-4 S.T.B. 1547-8 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1616-7 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1606 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 [1665; S.T.P. 1681 A.P.. 1654-5; A.M. 1658; S.T.B. A.B. 1583-4, Thm-low; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1610 [Thurston] A.M. (Cla.) 1595 {ordo) [Thurtby] A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 [Thwarsbv] A.B. 1610 1 : A.M. 1(;14 A.B. (Mag.) 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1618 : A.M. 1622 ; S.T.B. 1629 ; [S.T.P. 1669 {Lit. ll'C]. A. P.. 1617-8 A.i;. 163!) 40: A..M. (,)n.) 1643 A.B. 1584-5 A.B. 1648-9, Thrustnn A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 A.B. 1615-6 ; A.M. 1619; S.T.B. '27 A.B. 1 649 ; A.M. 1653 ; M. I). (*Cai.) [1665 {Lit. Ih-q.) 670 Mat lie ulal ions and Dufrees 1544 — 1659 Thwaytes, Edw Twhayts, Fra (,)u. Twayte.s, Ja [*Joh. Thwaytes, John Peru. — Lionel [C;ii. Thwayts, Mark Twaights, Rich Cai. Twaytes, Row! Foh. — Tho Je.s. Twait.s, Tho *Cai. Thwayts, Will Joh. Twaytes, Will Cai. Twhates Joh. Thwing, Anth Thwynge, Tho Nich. Thyckett, Rob *King'; Tibshall, Tim Triu. Tice, Isaac Cath. Tichburne, John Cla. Ticheborne, Sam Em. Tickhell, Edw Chr. Tickner, Sam Pet. Tidcombe, Tobi as Tidswell, Edw Trin. Tiffin, Benj Qu. — Tho [Qu. — Tho [Chr. Tyfiyn, Will Jes. Tifford, Edw Joh. — Tho Joh. Tyll, Chris Toli. Till, Jos Em. Tyll, Tho Qu. Till, Tho Cai. Tillie, Pet Tillingham, Edm Triu. — Edm Joh. TyUinghast, John Cla. — John Cai. — John [Qu. — Rob Chr. Tillotson, iJohn *Cla. Tillott, Hon Joh. Tyllot, John Chr. Tillet, Leon Joh. Tillett, Tho Pem. Tillott, Tho C. C. Tillot [C. C. Tills, John C. C. Tyls, Mich C. C. Tills, Rob C. C. Tilman, Abr *C. C. — Edw *Pem. Tilney, Cha Jes. Tylney, Firnun C. C. Tilney, Fra Cai. — Fra Cath. — Fred Cath. Tylney, Geo C. C. A. 15. 1542-3; A.M. 1540; S.T.B. p E 1544 [1552-3 - schol. 15571 A.B. ].-)60-l V E 1558 - V L 1617-8] A.B. (Trin.) 1603-4: A.M. 1607 * V E 1577 - M 1573 - V L 1.564-5 t c. 1590 A.B. (n594-5); A.M. 1598 ilt V E 1558 A.B. 1561-2, Twaytes \\ 1' M 1583 :ii8 P E 1544 A.B. (Joh.) 1592-3; A.M. 1596 - H. s M 1548 LL.B. 1554-5, Twhcnge ^ P E 1544 [off 1546] y E 1635 11 s E 1629 11 p E 1584 A.B. (*Trin.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592; [i p E 1607 [S.T.B. 1599; S.T.P. 1605 fi p E 1618 [v M 1644 A.B. 1645-6 ri A.M. 1650 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) fj 1 schol E 1599] A.B. 1599-1600 ; A.M. 1603 : S.T.B. \ s M 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 [1610 p L 1644-5" p p E 1645; M 1552 ^snme as above] s M 1576 A.B. 1580-1, Tifter; A.M. 1584 p E 1637 A.11 1640-1; A.M. 1644 p E 1.578 A.B. 1581-2 .AI 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 p M 1580 E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 A.B. (Pet.) 1603-4 H. |sc lol. 1606] LL.B. 1610 p E 1631 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 s E 1578 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 h> L 1620-1' A.B. 1624-5 E 1645] s L 1626-7 A.B. 1630-1 p E 1647 A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654 ; S.T.P. 1666 E 1621 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1623-4 p M 1555 p E 1588 p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.:\[. 1632 p E 1627 A.B. 1630-1 1556] s E 1585 s E 1576 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582, Tylles s E 1626 A.B. 1628-9 p M 1581 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 p M 1609 A.B.1612-3; A.M. 1616; S.T.B. '23 f-c E 1576 p L 1577-8 p E 1608 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 1> E 1658 A.B. 1659; A.M. 1663 p M 1635 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1644, *Jes. p .M 1573 [1644 Aichbisliop i>f Cuiitcrlnuy. 1091. MafrirHjnfioiis fnal Degrees -44 — 1659 671 Inev )^lney llncy ilney, ylney ilson, ylson, John . Xath.. Phil. . Phil. .. Phil. . Rich. . Rich. . Rob. . Tho. . Tho. . Edw, Geo. Rob. Tho. Will. imberlake, Hen. 'imble, 'imbs, 'inicok, 'yni, 'imni, 'ymparley, 'imperley, ■'imperon, 'ingcomb, 'inke. Tho. Rich. Anth Tho. Tho. Nioh.... John ... Thcoph. John 'incke ['Fincke'], Phi ingate v. Tynget 'inkier, Isaac 'inney "iplin, ( !eo Pliinge, Edw Tipping, Geo riningham v. Terringhara I'ltr. riti'iington. riili-rington Title, i'itl Titl..p. rixon, Tockyts, Tockets, Todd, ^Tod, Todd. Tod, Todd, John Rob. Rob. Dan. Edm. Pet. CTillow'), Pet. Pet. Rich. Will. Pet. Rich. ... Ja Rob. ... And. ... Anth.... Anth.... ( 'orn. . . . Edm. ... Kdw. ... Kra. .., Geo. . . . Jeremy ('. ('. |ir.7i] A. P. 1576-7; A..M. (.Mag.i 1580 Cai. V K 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 Trin. Cai. f';. M 15.-)0 M 1613 A.B. 1556-7 Cai. f-c M 1635 ( '. C. s E 1563 ( '. c. 1> L 1577-S A.B. (*Pem.) 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 Joh. K 1579 Trin. 1' M 1550 Trin. Joh. ( -hr. p p ;\I 1611 E 1544 M 1655 .\.l!. ('i'rin. 11.) 1614- 5; A.M. 1618 (,)u. p E 1628 Pet. [fr 0.\f. A.B. 16381 A.M. 1638 *Cath. s E 1658 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1665 Joh. .s M 1568 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 Joh. P M 1621 A.B. 1624-5 (Matr. Timberlooke) i\'m. r. 1.590 A.B. 1593-4 ^iag. P E 1652 A.B. 1 655-6 ( ". C. (•. 1596 (^Tuncock) Pem. P E 1562 Era. P E 1636 M.B. 1642; M.l). 1647 (lonv.H P E 1544 [Cai. P E 1602] Cai. s E 1580 A.B. 1582-3 Pem. [1654] A.B. 1658 Trin. s M 1620 A.B. 1624-5 Chr. P 1614 A.B. 1616-7; A.:M. 1620 Pet. ^ E 1637 [Adn 1. at Cai. E 1637] [C. C. f-c 1579] :\lag. s M 1657 A.B. 1657-8 ( 'ai. p E 1577 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 Em. 8 <: 1594 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1602 [Cath. S 1627 King's Em. S E 1631 E 1631J A.B. (Mag.) 1633; A.M. 1637 ( '. C. « M 1579 [Teti ington] ( 'hr. ^ r. 1594 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 Job. \) E 1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582, Titloe 'i'rin. \) M 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619; S.T.B. .Mag. p E 1641 A.B. 1641 [1626 Pet? E 1651 A.B. 1653-4 (Matr. 'Fetlev') Ti"in. P M 1615 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623"' C. C. P M 1606 A.B. 1609; A.M. 1613 Trin. P M 1609 J OS. s M 1568 A.B. 1571-2, Tickson Xich.ll. s E 1544 Joh. 1> M 1602 ( 'ai. L 1623-4 A.H. l()27: A.M. 1631 Trin. p .M 1572 .Mag. 1' E 162H Ola. E 1647 A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654 Joh. p M 1567 A.B. 1571 -2 Jes. E 1607 A.B. 1610-1 : A..M. 1614 Trin. s M 1638 Cai. s M 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 C. C. p E 1622 ' Uncertain which of 111 ni.luiitiMl. 672 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Todde, John . Chr. 1' E 1544 A.H. 1544-5 [*Trin. 1562 Todd, •loliii . Je.s. V M 1552 A.B. 1556-7; A.M. (*Chr.) 1.560, Tod, .lolm . Jes. E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 Todd, John . Joh. s E 1640 Tod, John {imp.) Peiii. s M 1657 A.B. 1660-1 Todde, Nich . Chr. I" L 1563- -4 A.B. 1566 7 Todd, Radcliftb .. . Qn. 1' M 1620 A.B. 1624-5 — Rich . Joh. .AI 1568 Tod, Rich . Sid. s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 Todd, Rob . Jes. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1627 Tod, Rob . Pet. .s E 1629 — Kob . Mag. s E 1656 A.B. 1659; A.M. 1663 Todd, Roger . Pet. s E 1622 Todde, Sam . *J()h. p M 1566 A.B. 1570-1 ; A.M. 1574 — Tho . Trin. p M 1566 A.B. 1570-1 ; A.M. (*Chr.i 1574 Todd, Tho . Joh. . Cai. p s M 1566 M 1583 A.B. Tho 1587-8, Tood — Tho . Cai. s L 1620- -1 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 — Tho . Qu. .s M 1631 A.B. 1634; A.M. 1638 — Will . Chr. p M 1564 — W . Chr. p M 1566 A.B. 1570-1 Todde, W . Trin. p E 1581 Todd . [C. C. f-c 1561] Tods, wii]'."'^!;;;;; . Mag. s r. 1590 A.B. 1595 6, Todde Tooes, Dan . Trin. s r. 1.595 A.B. 1598-9 Toft, Tho . C. C. p M 1628 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Toke, Nich . J..h. M 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 — Nich . [Joh. f-c E 1654] — Tho A.B. (Jes.) 1614-5 Tokefyld, Hen . Trin. s E 1577 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 Tockfyld, Tho . *Trin. p E 1572 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 Tolle, Ja . Cla. p M 1562 Toll, Ja . Cla. p E 1579 — Nich . Mag. E 1620 [Migr. t.. (Jai.l Tolle, Tho . Jes. p M 1564 — Will . Jes. p M 1569 A.B. (*Trin.) 1573-4; A.M. 1577 Tolemache, Lionel . Pet. f-c M 1576 Tollemache, Ptolemy . . . Pern. p M 1638 A.B. 1641-2 Toller (' Toiiler '), John.. . King' 5 S M 1611 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 Tolly, John . Chr. p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. (*Pet.) 1636 Tolner . [Em. F: 1629^ K 1610' Tolunsby, wiiir!!;;;!!! . Sid. [p A.B. (Chr.) 1615-6 Tombe, Anth . .b.h. . [C. C. p M 1568 1621] Tomes, Will Tomkins, Benj A.M. 1623 (Incorp. ir. Oxf.) — John Mus.Bac. (King's) 1608 Tompkins, John . Trin. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 Tomkyns, Rob . Em. p E 1640 Tomkins, Tho . [Em. 8 E 1645' Tomkys, Tho . *Trin. [schol E 1599' A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 Tompkinson ,Tho . Ti-hi. (^ M 1631' A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 Tomkinson, Tho . Trin. s E 1635 Tomkys, Bcnj A.B. (Trin.) 1597-8; A.M. 1601 Thoriilin, (iiles '. Jes. 1> E 1619 Tomlin, Ja . Sid. M 1598 A.B. (n604-5); A.M. 1608 Marm . Qu. p E 1631 Tomlyn. Ralph . Cla. s M 1566 Tomlins, 8am . Qu. s E 1622] M 1647" A.B. 1623-4; A.M. (Em.) 1627 — Sam . Trin. p A.B. 1651 ; A.M. (C. ().) 1655 Tomlynson, Chris . Pet. ]\[ 1582' Tomlinson, Chris . Cla. p K 1620 A.B. 1621-2 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 (373 rombliiison, Pomlinson, ronilvi rouilinsoii, rhonilynson, ronilinson. Gabriel John ... John ... Josias Laur. ... Nich.... Rali.h Rich. ... Rich Rob Rob Rob Tho Tobias , AVill WiU Will Tom worth, Foiige, Chris Anth Barn.(?). Hen Hen Ja Ja Ja John .... Rob Roger.... Cath. ^lag. *Joh. Clir. Cai. Joh. C"hr. Pet. Chr. Qu. Cai. Fcni. Trin. C. C. Trin. Trin. Joh. Joh. Chr. Trin. Chr. Chr. [Joh. Peni. [Joh. Tong, Will Joh. ronkingham, Nich Mag. lonson, Tho Joh. Tcogoode, Tho [King's rooke V. also Tuke and Toke ... Chr. Tooker, Toker, Tooker, Tookey, Tookyng, Toking, Tooley, Edw Hen John 'John ■John Ralph Tho. [Rob.] Walt Edm Hen John Nich Job Job Jonat Em. Jonat. V. Tuckney Trin. Pern. Pern. Chr. Cath. Chr. Trin. Joh. Em. Tooly, Tho. Clem. Pet. Fra. Hen. Rob. Rob. Trin. . Chr. , Mag. , Em. *Pet. Cath. , Mag. f-c E 1G31 L 1597-8 E 16;-)3 E 1606 M 1604] E 1581 E 1639 E 1582 E 1605 E 1584 c. 1591 c. 1596 M 1609 M 1589 f. 1596 ]\r 1632 M 1608 E 1609 E 1555 M 1615 E 1640 c. 1591 E 1642] [16171 E 1657 M 1637 E 1565 E 1545] p E 1639 E 1574 E 1633 ) L 1634-5 J E 1628 M 1639 E 1622 E 1646 E 1609 E 1631 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1656-7 ; A.M. 1660 ; S.T.B. '67 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613; S.T.B. A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 [1620 A.B. 1642 (Matr. Tomlins) A.B. 1586-7 A.B. 1593-4; A..M. 1597 A.B. (^ 1602-3) ; A.M. (Sid.) 1606 ; [M.L. 1620 A.B. 1636-7 A.B. (Chr.) 1576-7 A.B. (Mag.) 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1642-3 [Teonge] A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5; A.M. (Trin.) A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1625 A.B. (Trin.) 1609 A.B. 1532-3; A.M. 1537; S.T.B. [1542-3 ; S.T.P. 1546-7 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 A.B. (Joh.) 1612-3 A.B. 1635-6 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1612-3 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1612 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 L 1599-1600] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 M 1627 E 1584 M 1610 E 1617 M 1654 M 1638 E 1647 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 Uncertain which graduated. 85 674 Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Tooley, Tho .. c. c. 1> Towley, Tho .. Qu. P Totheby, Towthby, Edw Geo .. Mag. P Toothbye, Will .. Chr. 1> Toothesby, Geo .. Joh. P Topclyff; Aug .. Trin. s — Edm ..*Qu. |]> Topcliffe, John .. Cai. P Toplyfe, Rich. ('Jo. ') Mag. .. C. C. p TopcUflfe, Rich Topclife, Rich .. Qu. P TopdiflFe, Tim .. Cla. P To2jham, •Anth ..*Trin. Ischol — Edw .. [Sid. p Era .. Joh. s — Era .. Sid. s — John .. Pet. p — John .. Chr. p — John .. Sid. p , — Martin .... .. Trin. s — ' Rich .. Trin. H. f-c — Rob .. Joh. p — Sam .. C. C. p — Tho .. Pet. s — Tim .. Trin. s Will . Chr. s Toplieff; Will . Em. s Toplishe, Toppin, Tim Abr . Je«. p Toppyn, Hen . Joh. 8 Toppinge, John . *Joh. S Toppin, Rich . Trin. S — Tho . Chr. .S Topsell, Abel Topsill, Edw . Chr. s Torbocke, John . Chr. s Tore, Rob . Trin. s Torkeysey, Edw . Em. p Torxey, John . Joh. s Torksie ?, Nich . Pet. s Torksey, Rich . Mag. p — Sam . Em. p Torkyngton Era . Chr. s Turknigton, Hen . Qu. s — John . Chr. s Turkynt(;n, Law. (In) .. . Jes. p Turkington, Laur . Joh. p — Rob . [Qu. p Torkyngton Will . King's p Torrington, Stei)li . Joh. s Torshel, Sam . Chr. s Torte, H . Qu. s Tory, Rob . Em. p Tostock, Hen . [Qu. . [Cai. p — Hen p Tothall, Tho. 0. Tuthall Totnani, Humph. . . Trin. s — Will Qu. p E 1572 E 1586 ,;. 1596 M 1589 M 1654 L 1580-1 M 1604] E 1633 M 1565 [1604] E 1613 E 1579 E 1605] E 1648] M 1625 E 1648 L 1597-8 E 1628 E 16.52 M 1638 M 1649 A.B. (Cai.) 1575-6, Toley [Tooley] [Towthby A.B. (*Mag.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611, A.B. (Cai.) 1598-9, *Mag. 1602 [John] [(Trin.) 1586 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1582-3; A.M. A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1568-9, Topclifte ; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1615-6 [1616; S.T.P. 1624 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609; S.T.B. A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1635 A.B. A.B. E 1598 (fr. Qu.) A.R E 1637 1601-2 1631-2 ; A.B. 1655-6; A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1650 1600 A.M. A.M. 1635 (*Cai.) 1659 1; A.M. 1604 M 1602 M 1654 1652 1588 E 1621 E 1573 E 1631 M 1616 c. 1592 M 1587 E 1656 M 1556 E 1631 E 1578 E 1603 E 1612 E 1624 M 1576 c. 1593 E 1653 E 1571 E 1641 E 1593] M 1548 E 1655 L 1620-1 M 1567 E 1654 L 1612- L 1636- M 1583 E 1629 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1657-8 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. (Cla.) 1581-2 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. (Jes.) 1627 [Migr. to Qu.] LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1622 [?A.B. 1591-2; A.M. 1595] A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1634 A.B. (Qu.) 1581-2, Torksay ; A.M. [(Mag.) 1585 ; S.T.B. 1594 A.B. 1627-8; A.B. 1579-80; A.M. (Pet.) 1631 A.M. 1583 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 [Torkington] A.B. A.B. 1658-9; 1624-5 ; A.M. A.M. 1662 1628 ?1 A.B. 1657-8 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 [ham A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635, Totten- Dean of Lincoln, 1629. Mafricdlafioiis and Dcgreoi 1544 — "659 «7 Towlcarne, Devor [C. C. Toulcarne, Edw Sid. Toiilson, Rob Qu. — Will. V. Townson Tourney, Edw [^i'k^- Tournay, John CV. — ]{ob Qu. Tovey, Humph. ... — John — Nath Sid. — The Trin. Tour [Tower], Greg Ohr. Tower (Towers), 'John... King's — Rob *Qu. — Rob [C. C. Towers, Art Trin. — John Em. — John Cai. — Tho King's — Tho Qu. — Tho Sid. — Will Qu. Towerson, Ja Qu. Towes, W Chr. Towiugs, Rich Jes. Towle, John Towler, Chris Joh. Touler, John v. Toller Towler, Tho Pern. Towlye, Rich Triu.H, Towne, John Chr. — John Joh. Townende, Rich Jes. Townely, Bern Trin. Towneley, Hen. .. Trin. Townely, Hen Joh. Towiiley, Laur Trin. — Nich ^lag. — Rob Chr. — Tho Tounley, Will Qu. Towneroe, Edw Trin. Townerowe, Geo Em. — H Joh. Townerawe, Hen Pern. Townerowe, Ralph Trin. Townes, Tho Joh. Town.send, Geo Cai. — Horatio Joh. Townsende, John Gonv. H. Townsend, John Trin. Tounsend, John V,. C. Toushend, John ('uth. Townsend, Roger Trin. Toushend, Roger Cath. Townshend, Roger Joh. — Stanhope ... Cai. 1611] 1614 16-21 1648] 1655 16-22 1612 1646 1635 1595 1560] 1566] 1637 1622 1633 1616 1634 1648 1626 1577-? 1567 1614 E 1656 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 16-29, Turner A.B. (*Trin.) 1610-1; A.M. 1614; [S.T.B. 1626 A.M. 1607 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619; S.T.B. A.B. 1648-9 [(*Chr.) 1627 A.B. 1638 A.B. (*Qu.) 1601-2; A.M. 1606; [S.T.B. 1615; S.T.P.1624(ZiV./?e7.) A.B. 1560-1; A.M. 1564; S.T.B. '69 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 A.B. 1637-8 A.B. 1637-8 A.B. (Joh.) 1608-9; A.M. IGKJ A.B. 1659-60 p c. [schol. 1576 1556 1579-80 A.B. 1597- 1614 1617 1589 1627 1619 1596 1546] A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1582-3 1601-2 1617-8 (Matr. Towning) 1619-20 1593-4; A.xM. 1597 1629-30; A.M. 1633 1622-3; A.M. 1626 1543-4; A.M. 1547, *Pet. (Cath.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 p M 1620 p L 1582-3 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 p E 1606 s E 1567 s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 p E 1578 s E 1565 p E 1576 [f-c M 1644] [f-c M f-c M 4- 1559 1610 1627 1553 1627 1644] 1612 A.M. 1646 {fil. nob.) A.B. A.B. A.B. A.M. 1562-3, 'Thomas' 1614 5; A.M. 1618 1630-1; A.M. 1634 1646 (_fi.l. nob.) 1 Bishoi) of I'ltiilioioii-,'!), ir>:^9. 676 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Townsend, Tho Cla. Townshende, Tho Qu. Townsheud, Tho [C. C. Townsend, Tho [Qu. — Tho Mag. Townsheud [C. C. Tounson, Ralph Pern. Towu.sou ('Tolson'), i Rob. *Qu. — Rob Triu. — Rob (?matr. Touuson, Rob *Qu. Townson('Toulson'),Will. C. C. — Will [Pern. Towrie, Geo Mag. Towry, Rob Pet. Towtell, Pet. v. Twotell Towthby v. Tootheby Towtsam, Anth Job. Toye, Griffin Pern. — Humph. ... Qu. — John Qu. Toynton('Tainton'), Rob. Pern. Trace, Chris [C C — Edm C. C. Tracy, Giles [Em. — Ja C. C. Tracye, 2 John {sen.).. Pet. — 2 John (jun.). Pet. Tracy, John Chr. Trayford, Rich Pet. Traflford, Tho Job. Traford, Will Job. Traherne, Nath Chr. Transome, Tho Job. Tranter, Will Job. Trappos, Anth C. C. Tbrappes, Era Job. Traskborowe, Owen Pern. Travels, Emanuel ... Em. Travers, Ebas — Hen Mag. — Humph. ... Trin. — John Sid. — John Pern. — Pet Trin. Travars, Rob Chr. Travers, Sam Sid. — Tho Mag. Walt(.-^p[ Chr. 12 mm.)^ — Walt Sid. Travis (Travis), Ralph ... Qu. TravLs, Will ^Trin. Tray, John Joh. — Rich — Rich Trin. Treadcroft, Rol) King's Treasauror, Edm Peni. Tredway, Edm King's f-c M 1564 p c. 1592 IGll] f-c L 1623-4] s E 1651 1563] p E 1634 s E 1588 1^ c. 1596 Th ompson) 1> M 1620 s c. 1594 1634] p E 1647 p E 1629 p M 1580 p M 1567 s M 1551 s E 1570 p E 1588 1604] s E 1612 p E 1625] s M 1609 f-c M 1562) f-c M 1562( ]» E 1626 f-c E 1581 s E 1654 s M 1573 p M 1568 p M 1573 p M 1598 f-c E 1548 f-c M 1587 ]1 M 1587 P M 1619 s E 1637 s E 1567 p E 1610 p E 1647 p E 1618 s M 1561 !> E 1604 s E 1637 p M 1560 V E 1615 p L 1578-9 s M 1635 p E 1625 p E 1636 E 1643 s L 1557-8 s M 1609 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 165S A.B. 1637-8 A.B. 1591-2; A.M. 1595; S.T.B. [1602; S.T.P. 1612-3 A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1600-1 ['Gamal.'] A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. (Qu.) 1571-2 A.B. 1591-2; A.M. (*Jes.) 1595 A.B. 1615-6, Tracye A.B. (*Cai.) 1564-5; A.M. 1568; [M.U. 1580 A.B. 1657-8; A.M.1661 ; S.T.P.'79 A.B. 1577-8, Trayford ; A.M. 1583 A.B. (Joh.) 1572-3 A.B. (*Em.) 1604-5 ; A.M. 1608 ; [S.T.B. 1615; S.T.P. 1620 A.B. (C. C.) 1570-1 ; A.M. 1574 A.B. 1613-4 (Matr. Taverns) S.T.B. 1631-2 (Lit. Reg.) A.B. (*Trin.) 1565-6; A.M. 1569 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. (Mag.) 1610 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. (*Trin.) 1569 A.B. (Em.) 1618-9 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1638-9, Trevis; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. (Joh.) 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 (in A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 [ordo) A.V,. 1646-7 Bisliop of Bii]is))iny. ICSO. ■- Uncertain which of those praduatod. Matriculations and Degrees ir,44 — 16/ 677 Tredway, Hiuiiph. ...*Iving': Rol, King'; Trefusis, Xioh Tregan (Tregoine), Griffin Treisell, Nich. v. Twysell Trelawny, Fra Trelawney [Em. Tremlet, (leo '. Sid. Trenniel v. Trimnel Tremyll, Hen Pet. Tremel, Ja Pet. Tremell, J a [C. C. Trench, Edm Sid. - Edni Qu. Trensh, Nich Qu. Trench, Nich Mag. Trenchard, Fra [Em. Tho [C. C. — Tho. {imp.) . Joh. Trenchfeild, Tho Cath. Trendel, Tho [Cai. Trescott, Tho Tresham, Geo [Trin. Hen — Mauritius... Sid. - Maurice Tho Trin. Tho [Trin. Will Trin. Tresse, Fra Fra Fra Cla. Tho Em. Will C. C. Tres.set, Will Tressey [Em. Trevilan, Edm Joh. Trevilian, Walt [Cai. Trevilyvan [Pem. Trevis v. Travis Trevisa [Em. Trevisham, Nich Pem. Trevor, Edw Qu. — John — John Qu. — John [(}u. Trever, Rich Qu. Trevor, Rich [Qu. Trevour, Rich Jes. — Will [Qu. Treynam?, W Pet. Trice v. Tryce Trickett, Mark Mag. — Sam Ghr. Trickhey, John Trin. Trigg, Dan Cai. — tieo Cai. — Hen loh. — Matth Cai. — Reg loh. — Zach Em. V M 1584 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592; S.T.B. .s M 1609 [1601 A.M. 1598 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) LL.D. 1552, *Jes. 1562 A.B. (Mag.) 1601-2 f-c M 1584] « E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 p M 1580 p c. 1592-3 1593; Hhe above] ]) L 1626-7 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 V E 1658 V E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1626 V E 1648 A.B. 1651-2 f-c E 1627 1606' f-c M 1657 P E 1637 P E 1573] A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) P E 1646] A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2 P JM 1618 A.B. (Trin.) 1637 p E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. (*Pet.) 1647 ]> E 1646] 1642] |E A.B. 1646 A.B. (Cla.) 1604-5 A.M. 1614-5 (On King's visit) s E 1639 V E 1625 1> M 1554 A.B. (Cla.) 1574-5; A.M. 1578, f-c E 1626] [Tresse s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 f-c L 1561-2" 1654] 1^ M 1584] s M 1657 A.B. 1658, 'Trevithvan s M 1588 A.B. (Jes.) 1584-5 s c. 1591 f-c E 1612] s E 1577 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584; LL.D. f-c E 1607] ■[(Trin. H.) 1591 p J. 1645-6 A.M. 1652 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c M 1623] s M 1567 1' E 1654 A.B. 1657 .s E 1652 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 .s L 1626-7 s E 1626 A.B. 1630; A.M. 1634 s M 1633 s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 1» 1598 A.B. 1601-2 E 1623 A.B. 1628; A.M. 1632 678 Matriculations and Dcifrces i-,44 Trigg [King's Trimnell, Cha *Qu. Trioche, Dan Trin. Trion, Sam., Sir {hart.) [Joh. Triplett, Ralph Cath. Trippe, Hen Pern. Tripp, John C. C. Trippet(?), Era Trin. Tristrum, And Em. Trobridge, Geo [Em. TroUup, Ja Mag. Trollapp, Tho Mag. TroUoppe, Will Mag. Trollop, Will [Em. Trone Joh. Trosse, Chris Pet. — Chris Trin. — Hen Pet. — Tho Chr. Troste, Rich Pem. Trost [C. C. Trott, Bapt Trin. — Benj Jes. — Edw Trin. — Hugh *Trin. — John Joh. — John Cla. Trotte, Martin Trin. Trott, Martin Joh. Trot, Matth Trin. — Nich [Trin. Trott, Nich [Cai. Trotte, Nich Pet. Trott, Nich Joh. — Rich — Tho Cai. Trotter, Chris Pem. — Edw [Joh. — Emanuel ... Trin. — Geo Jes. — Hen Trin.H. — Tho Joh. Troughton, Ambrose ... Pet. Traughton, John ('. C. Troughton, Rich Chr. — Rob Pet. — Will Jes. Troutbeck, Geo Chr. — John Trin. Troutbecke, Will Chr. Trowe, Edw Jes. Trubshaw, Steph Trin. Trewe, Rob Trin. True, Tho Joh. Trewe, Will Trin. Trew, Will [Cai. Trueman, Hen Joh. Truman, Jos Cla. — Josiah — Rich — Sininii ('In-. s L 1588-9] p E 1651 [ft . Oxf ] A.B. 1651-2; A.M 165.-, s M 1639 [(Matr. Tremnell) f-c E 1634] [1661 p E 1649 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653; M.D. s p E Vod-l M 1640 A.B. 1565-6, Tripps; A.M. (Jes.) [1571 c. 1591 s E 1647 p E 1645] V E 1623 )) M 1609 A.B. 1612-3 f'c M 1639 f-c E 1655] p E 1544 ]) E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p L 1653-4 A.B. 1657-8 s c. 1597 p L 1653-4 p E 1580 [?Migr. to C.C. 1581] 1581] ?the above p M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579; M.D. s E 1659 A.B. 1663-4 [ 1587-8 s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 s e. 1596 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 f-c M 1632 s E 1560 p E 1603 s M 1555 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. (*Cai. ) 1563 schol. 1560] f-c E 1563] P M 1567 A.B. (Cla.) 1570-1 1> M 1634 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. (Trin.) 1608-9; A.M 1612 p E 1644 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 P L 1577-8 f-c E 1655] s M 1608 A.B. 1611-2 f-c E 1626 f-c M 1647 s M 1656 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 p L 1634-5 Traughton] 1> E 1619 Thoroton] p c. 1593 s E 1636 A.B. 1640-1, Traughton s M 1589 A.B. 1592-3 s M 1634 [f r. Joh .] A.B. 1637-8 s E 1631 M.l) 1661 {Lit. Reg.) s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; AM. 1635 [« E 1626] A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 s E 1640 A.B. 1645-6 s L 1582-3 p ]> E 1589 E 1576 1> L 1638-9 [man s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623, Trewe- p E 1647 A.B. 1650; A.M. 1654 (A.B . Oxf.); A.M. (Qu.) 1645 A.B. (Chr.) 1618-9; A.M. 1622 1-: 1654 Matriculations ami Degrees 544- 1659 fi79 Truman, Tho Chr. Trundle, Joel Km. Trusloo, Rol) *King's Tiuslove, Maine Pet. Trusse, Laur Chr. 'I'ry, Anth Cath. Trvce, John Sid. Rich Trin. Tivse (Trice), Rob V.C. Trice, Tho Joh. Trvse, Will I'eni. Ti\euian, Sam ^I^g- Trvmayne, John ('la. Trvmme, Rich *Pet. Tul.b, Hen Joh. 'I"ul)be.s, Edw Cai. Tul)bin, John Pem. 'i'ubbing, Tho King's Tubings, Will Toh. Tubman, John Trin. — Will Trin. Tiuhburne, W Pet. TuL-ke, Chris *C. C. Edw. V. Tooke Edw Pet. Tu.k, Geo Pet. Nich Trin. Tucke, Tho Jes. — Will Trin. — W Jes. Tucker, Geo Sid. — Hen Pem. — Isaac — John Pem. — John Chr. — Pet Em. Tuckers, Nich Trin.H. Tuckfield, Cha Tuckfyld, Tho. v. Tockfyld Tuckfield, Tho [Em. — Walt Tuckney, 1 Anth *Em. — Jonat. {imp.) Em. — Will Trin. — Will Trin. Tudor V. Tydder Tuer, Steph — Tho Tuhags (Thuages), Edw. . [Cai. Take, Dav Chr. — Davy Pem. — Edw Qu. — Edw Joh. — Edw Chr. — Cieo — Geo C. C. — Hugh Qu. — John Joh. — John Pem. 1 Master of Emmanuel, 1644; St .s 1^ E 1621 H 168:) 1' M l.vxi [off 1559' 1» E 162S A.B. 163 -2 (Matr. ' l< ruslovu ') 1> M 15:) 4 s M 1640 A.B. 1644; A.M. 1648 }• L 1650-1 p M 155ri 1> M 1601 A.IJ. (Jes.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 V E 1609 V M 1571 V E 1658 f-c E 1554 P M 1581 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 P E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.xM. 1636 p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 E 1621 A.B. (C. C.) 1624-5; A.M. 1628 ]) M 1657 [Tubbing] s E 1617 A.B. 1619 s E 1579 A.B. 1582-3 ; A.M. (*Pcm.) 1586 p M 1582 s E 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 1> E 1582 A.B. 1585-6, Tooke 1> c. 1596 !> M 1556 }) M 1611 A.B. 1614-5, Toke V M 1555 V M 1584 P M 1641 A.B. 1644-5 P E 1634 [?schol. Trin. H. 1635, 'Tooker'] A.M. 1653 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) P E 1617 P L 1645-6 P E 1603 A.B. 1606-7, Tooker; A.M. 1610, P L 1614-5 [Toker p E 1645] E 1613 M 1651 E 1576 E 1608 1569 1581 1582 1606 1615 1634 1601 1567 1612 1626 A.B. (Qu.) 1571-2 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620; S.T.B. [1627; S.T.P. 1649 A.B. (*Joh.) 1655-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1585 (Incorp. [fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1632 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); A.M. Prev. at Chr.] [1640 {do.) A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. (Pem.) 1580-1 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619, Toke A.B. 1627; A.M. 1631 John's, 1653; Regius Professor of Divinity, 1655. 680 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Tuke, Nath .. Trin. s c. 1598 A.B. (Em.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605; [S.T.B. 1612 — Tho A.B. (Chr.) 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 — Vincent.... ".. Chr. s M 1556 A.B. (Pem.) 1561-2; Cai. 1563 — Vincent.... .. Job. s c. 1595 — W .. Jes. p L 1581-2 Tullic, Tim A.B. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Tunbridgc, Tho ■.'. Pet. s E 1631 Tiincock, Art .. [C. C. 1596 ; ?Anth. Timcock] Tundeleefe, Rich . Chr. s M 1554 Tunobie, John . Chr. s E 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 Tuiine, Snnon .... . Chr. s E 1576 A.B. 1579-80 Tun.sley, Will . Job. p E 1614 Tonstall, Chris . Chr. p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1605 Tunstall, Cuthb .. Joh. p M 1546 A.B. 1549-50 — Dan .. Chr. p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6 ; A.M. 1641 ; M.L. '41 : — John . Trin. 1> M 1549 — John . Joh. s E 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 — Nich . Chr. s E 1586 [1569 — Ralph .... . *Trin. p M 1555 A.B. 1559-60; A.M. 1563; S.T.B. Tonstall, Ralph .... A.B. (Chr.) 1607-8; A.M. 1611 Tunstall, Ralph .... : [c. c. 1636] A.B. (Chr.) 1639-40; A.M. 1643 , — Rich . Chr. s E 1556 Tonstall, Rob . Joh. p M 1555 — Rob .*C. C. [1613] A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620; S.T.B. '28 \ Tunstall, Roger . Qu. s E 1586 — Tho . Trin. p M 1549 — Tho . Joh. s M 1579 — Tobias .... . Trin. p c. 1589 — Will . Chr. p M 1576 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 — Will . Pet. s E 1632 Tunstead, Tho . Chr. p E 1617 Tupholme, Will . Qu. p E 1545 Will . Qu. s E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1624 Turbervile, John . King's p E 1629 — Sam A.B. (Trin.) 1633-4; A.M. 1637 Turberville, Will. V. Turterville Turbryge, Rob . Jes. s M 1546 Turbridge, Roger . Joh. s J\[ 1655 A.B. 1658-9, 'John'; A.M. 1662 Turcock, [Tho.] .... . Em. s E 1607 Tiu-fett, Geo . Cai. p E 1641 Turges, Will A.M. 1657 (Incorii. fr. Oxf.) Turing, John A.M. 1620-1 (Incorp. fr. Aberdeen) Turkington V. Torkington Turland, Fra '. [Sid. s E 1599] A.B. (Sid.) 1603; A.M. 1607 John Turle, John . Em. s E 1628 Turnbull, Geo ; Joh. s M 1613 A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 Turnell, Laur Will . Pern. p E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 Turner, Abr . Cla. s E 1650 A.B. 1653; A.M. 1657 And . Pet. p L 1577-8 A.B. 1580-1; A.M. 1584 — And . [C. C. 1631] Anth . Jes. s M 1582 Anth . Joh. s M 1645 [f •. Pet.] A.B. 1647-8 Benj . Joh. p c. 1596 — Bryan .... . *Joh. s M 1650 A.B. 1654-5 ; A.M. 1658; S.T.B. '65 — Chris . Em. p M 1623 Chris . Trin. p M 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 Chris . Sid. p E 1658 — . Qu. 8 M 1562 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 16; 681 Edni [Jos. Edw Em. Edw Trill. Edw loh. Edw :Mag. Era Cla. Fra Qu. Geo loll. Greg Pern. Hen Job. Hen Chr. Ja Chr. Ja loll. John Jes. John *Kiiig' John Cla. John Pet. John [Trm.! John Em. John Em. John *Qii. John Joh. John Cla. John Chr. John Cla. John Qu. John Mag. John Cla. John Em. John Trin. John Trin. John John Sid. John Chr. John John King' John Trin. John [Qu. John [Joh. John [Pet. Lane Trin. Martin Trin. Pet Joh. Pet (? Rich Pet. Rob Cla. Rob Chr. Rob Cla. Rob Cla. Rob Chr. Rob Cath. Sam Pet. Steph Joh. Tho Peni. Tho Trin. Tho *Joh. Tho C. C. Tho Joh. Tho [Em. 'Tho Trin. 1> E 1636] A.B. 1639-40 1' K 1589 ^[ 1627 A.B. 1596-7 p 1-: 1646 A. P.. 1646-7 p E 1648 s K 1611 A.15. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 s E 1641 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1646 s M 1569 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 s E 1584 A.B. 1.585-6 s E 1576 .s E 1624 s c. 1595 s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 p E 1569 s p M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 p M 1579 A.B. 1582-3 « E 1582 H. schol. 1584] s E 1589 <: 1592 s L 1592-3 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599; S.T.B. p c. 1593 [1605 p c. 1596 p E 1603 A.B. 1604-5 p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 s E 1615 A.B. (Cath.) 1617-8 p E 1617 p E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 p E 1620 p M 1626 s E 1626 A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1631 f-c M 1633 A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 'h 8 E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. (Mag.) 1646; P E 1646 [S.T.B. 1654 P P E 1648] M 1649] P E 1654] M 1564 s E 1584 A.B. 1588-9 P L 1563-4 the above) M.D. 1575 (Incorp. fr. Heidelberg) P M 1569 « M 1564 P E 1567 E 1575 LL.B. (Trin. H.).1578 P c. 1596 p E 1636 A.B. 1639 p E 1658 A.B. 1661 s M 1642 P E 1613 p E 1549 A.B. 1551-2; A.M. 1555; S.T.P. P M 1550 [(*Pet.) 1583 P M 1587 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 8 L 1588-9 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 .S E 1589 f-C E 1591] [S.T.B. 1609; S.T.P. 1615 s c. 1592 A.B. (*Pet.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600; tfastei- of Peterhouse 1615. 682 Matriculatioiu and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Turner, Tho Triii. p c. 159.") A.B. (Cath.) 1598-9 — Tho Chr. p M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1623 (Incorp. — Tho Triu. s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 [fr. Oxf.) — Tho Mag. p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 — Tho Jes. s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 — Tho Trin. p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 — Tho Em. p E 1635 Tho Jcs. p E 1637 Tho Cai. p M 1647 — Tho Trill. s L 1647-8 A.B. 1647-8 — Tho [Pet. s E 1651] — Tho Chr. f-c E 1657 — Toby Jes. s E 1604 A.B. (Mag.) 1608; A.M. 1612 — Will Trill. 1) E 1557 A.B. 1560-1 — W Chr. s M 1561 — W Pet. p L 1579-80 — W Peni. p M 1585 — Will Em. s c. 1597 — Will M.D. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Will Em. f-c E 1616 — Will Chr. p E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 — Will Em. p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 — Will Joh. s E 1650 A.B. 1656-7 — Will Joh. p M 1657 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. (*Jes.) 1667 — {jun.) Chr. p E 1603 Turney, John Pern. s M 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 ; S.T.B. '34 — Tho Sid. p E 1604 — Tho *Cla. p M 1614 A.B. (? 1618-9) ; A.M. 1622, Tom-- — Will Mag. s M 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1620 [ney Turnpenny, Will Cla. s L 1623-4 A.B. 1627 Turpi 1 1, Edw Sid. p E 1636 — Geo [Qu. f-c E 1603] Turpyn, Hen Qu. p L 1581-2 Turpin. John Trin. p E 1612 [migr. to Cai. L 1615-6] — John [Em. « E 1652] Turpyn, Nich Joh. s M 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 — Rob Qu. p M 1576 A.B. 1579-80, Tirpyu Turrell, Will. v. Tyrrell Turret, (lodard Pet. f-c M 1570 Turrianus, John A.M. 1641 (Incorp. fr. St Andrews) Turrold, W Chr. p E 1559 Turswell, Elias les. s E 1618 — Rich *Qu. p M 1569 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 ; S.T.B. '82 — Tho *Iving's p M 1566 A.B. 1570-1; Pr. in Chir. 1572; Tursewcll, Tho Chr. v. Thurswell [A.M. 1574 ; M.L. 1578 ; M.D. '83 Turturvilc, Will Joh. p M 1617 A.B. 1620-1, Turbere ; A.M. 1624, Turvell, Ed Ie«. p L 1563-4 [Turbcrville Turvile, Edw Mag. p M 1633 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 Turvyll, Hen Pein. f-c L 1563-4 Turvill, Hen A.B. (Mag.) 1604-5 Turvile, John Mag. p M 1631 Turvillc, Tho (!hr. p c. 1595 Turvile, Will Mag. p M 1631 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 Turwyn, Geo Trin. s L 1580-1 A.B. 1584-5, Turvyn Tusher, 'Tho Trin. (Matr. as famulits, Dec. 5, 1573) Tusser, Tho King's s E 1583 — Will *King's p E 1544 [off 1547] Tutchin, John Cath. s M 1637 A.B. 1641 Tute, Jonat Joh. s E 1658 A.B. 1661-2 Tuttall, Tho Toh. p M 1606 A.B. 1610-1, Tothall ; A.M. 1614 1 'Informator choristarum ' at Trin. Coll. Matriculations and f)e(jrees 1544 — 16; «83 ittesham, ittey, itthill, aliil, .rthill, Tuthill. Zach. . Will. . Fra. . Fra. . Geoff. . John . Will. . Will. . Will. . Dan. . Rich. . Dan. . GodfV. John . John . 'Rob. . Rob. . John . Trin. Sid. Cla. [Cai. V. ( '. Cai. Sid. Cai. Cai. C. C. [Qu. Mag. *Trin.] Mag. Matr. Tho. V. Thwynge .' Em. ..*Jo.s. .. Kinir': Hen. John Geo. lien. Cha. John Phil. Em. Jes. Trin. Jonat [Trin. Jo.s Roger. Tho. . Tho. . Will. . Will. . Will. . Brian . Ja John . Ralph Rob. . Cha. . Geo. . Ja. ... Ja. ... Rob. Will. Twotell ('To\vtell'\ Pet. Twydell, John '{imp.) — Ralph — Sam. . vine, Antli.. vyn, Geo. . — Rich. . vyne, Tho. . — Will. . — Will. . ivynge, Antli.. Tr Em. Mag. Em. Mag. V\;x. Chr. Em. Pet. Chr. Chr. *'l'i-in. J oh. J oh. Pem. King'f Cla. [Trin. Trin. Joh. Pem. Cla. Qu. Cla. [Qu. Trin. Cla. L 1615-6 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 c. 1592 E 1598] A.B. (Cai.) 1603-4 T. 1(!29-30A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.M. 1625 (Incoip. fr. Oxf.) p <•. 1592 p E 1628 p M 1652 [s E 1598] E 1572 p E 1659 p M 1637 p E 1627] f-c E 1651 p E 1634 p E 1647 P M 1646 s M 1618 p E 1603 f-c M 1635 f-c c. 1593 s E 1653 f-c E 1635 p E 1603 s E 1656] s E 1656 f-c M 1614 p E 1586 f-c M 1614 p M 1580 s c. 1597 p E 1619 f-c E 1615 p M 1575 f-c M 1632 p E 1648 p E 1640 s E 1626 .s E 1639 s E 1569 s E 1607 ,s E 1636 schol. E 1600] p M 1587 s E 1623 s M 1546 •s L 1577-^ M 1628 E 1571 s E 1624] s E 1588 p E 1544 p E 1646 I. M 1588 V A.B. 1630-1 A.]'.. 1600-1; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1640-1 A.B. (Cath.) 1631-2, Twells ; A.M. [1635 LL.B. 1641 ; LL.D. 1671 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626; A.M.1610; S.T.P.'22 [Twedy] A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1( A.B. 1583-4 A.B. 1600-1 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. "(Ti-i'i.) 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1651 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647, 'Will'; A.B. 1630-1 [S.T.P. 1668 A.B. 1642-3 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.P,. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 A.B. 1626-7 A.P.. 1554 5; A.M. (*Qu.) 1559: [S.T.B. (*Joh.) 156-1 A.P.. 1574-5 [158(1 A.M. 1580(Incorp. fr. Oxf.); M.D. A.M. 1612 (On King's visit) A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653; S.T.B. [1660 684 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Twynyho, Will King'.s Twysell, Nich Joli. Tyas, Geo Job. — Rob Sid. Tyball, Ja. v. Tbeobald Tyboll, Steph Job. Tydde, John Job. Tidd, Rich Cai. Tydd, Tho Pern. Tydde, W Pem. Tydder, Dav Job. Tyddar (Tudor), Fulke... Job. Tiddar, Roger Job. Tye V. also Tey — Alex Qu. — Cbris — Will Tygar Tygh (Tighe), Rob Trin. Tykerydge, Edw C. CJ. Tilden, Freegift Em. Tylden, John ('. C. Tilding, Ricb Job. Tilden, Sam Tylden, Tbo Job. Tilding, Will Job. Tyler, Edw Tiler, Jobn Pem. — Nicb King's Tyler, Rob [Pet. — Will Cla. Tiler [C. C. Tylslay, Edw Cbr. Tylsley, Tbo Job. Tillesley, Tbo Trin. Tylslay, Thiu-. (««».) Cbr. Tylsley, Will Job. Tindall, Art Qu. Tindale, Bradwardine Cbr. Tyndall, Dcane Qu. — Edm Tindall, Feli.x Qu. Tendall, Fra Cai. Tindall, Fra Qu. — Geo Qu. Tyndall, H^n. (imp.) ^ ^^ 8 ann.)) Tindall, Hen Jes. Tyndall, iHumpb. ... Gonv. H. — Jobn Triu.H. John (Mn^)(. jj 10 ann.)) Tindall, John *C. C. Tyndal, Jobn [Qu. Tindall, Leon Jes. — Simon Tyndall, Tbo G. C. — Tbo [Qu. — Tbo Cbr. f-c M 1569 p E 1576 L 1577- V E 1622 V M 1569 V E 1551 s E 1617 s ^\ 1580 V E 1568 s E 1579 V M 1639 M 1589 A.B. (Pem.) 1572-3 A.B. (Chr.) 1579-80, Treisell A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1620-1: A.M. 1624 A.B. 1642-3: p M 1566 A.M. 1646; S.T.P.' [1661 {Lit. Reg.) 1544-5 Mus.B. 1537; Mu.s.D. A.B. (Cbr.) 1585-6 A.M. 1612 (On King's visit) A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585; S.T.B. [1603( ; S.T.P. 1603 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1623; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1655-6, Tylden A.B. (Mag.) 1636-7; A.M. 1640 . Oxf.] A.B. 1641-2 [Tylden] A.B. (? 1609-10) ; A.M. (Pet.) 1613 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 L 1577-8 M 1551 E 1618 E 1620 E 1652 E 1639 [fi E 1652 c. 1595 E 1575 E 1657] E 1586 1552] M 1544 E 1577 E 1640 M 1544 M 1573 E 1606 E 1656 M 1601 E 1607 M 1561 E 1631 E 1632 E 1553 E 1626] M 1555 E 1544 E 1553 E 1622 A.B.1625-6;A.M. 1629; S.T.B. '39 E 1632 ?matr. Geo.] E 1629 A.B. (*Qu.) 1596-7; A.M. 1600; M 1559 [S.T.B. 1608 L 1603-4] E 1654 A.B. 1541-2; A.B. 1612-3: A.B. 1562-3 A.M. A.M. 1545 1616 A.B. 1628-9 A.B. (Chr.) 1566-7; A.M. (*Pem.) [1570; S.T.B. 1577; S.T.P. 1582 l')'esiil('iit of Qiifc Dean of Ely, 1591. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 685 Tyridall, W. {imp.) ^ p 12 ann.)S ^" ^• Will (m^j^ jj 12 ann.)) — Will Trin. Tiiidall, Will Qu. Teudell [C. C. Tendall Tyngbeton, Cha Cla. Tvnget, Edw C. (J. Typler, Tho Pern. Typton, Edm Job. Tyrar, Ealpb *Trin. Tireman, John Tyreman, Jobii Mag. — Sam *Mag. Tyrling, Natb Tyrryugbam, Anth [King's Tvringham, Rob. i\ Terringbam Tyroe, Tbo Tirrill, Cha Job. Terryll, Ed Jes. — Edm Em. Tyrrell, Edw Trin. Tirrill, Geo Em. Tyrrell, Hen Cai. Tyrrill, Hen Cai. Terrell, Hen Pet. Tirell, Ja Em. Terrill, Ja Cai. Tvrrell, Ja C. C. Tirrill, John C. C. Tirill, John Qu. Tyrrill, Pet Pet. Tirrell, Rich [Cai. Terell, Rob Cbr. Tirrill, Rob Cai. TyiTell, Rob C. C. Tirrill, Steph Cai. Tyrell, Tbo Gonv.H. Tyrrell, Tho Qu. Tirrel, Tbo Sid. Tyrrell, Will Cai. — ('Turrell'), Will. ... C. C. Tirrell, Will Cai. — [Trin. Tyrwbyt v. also Terrut — Cecil Job. Tyrwby[t], Marm Job. Tyrwytte, Nicb Cla. Turwbyte, Phil Cla. Tirwhitt, Phil Cbr. Tbirwytt, Rob Job. Turwbyt, Tho Trin. Tirwhit, Tbo Turwbitt, Tiio *Joh. Terrut, Tho (Jhr. Tbirwytt, Tristram ... Job. Turwbitt, Will, {imp.) Cla. Terwit, Will Trin. Tvson, .lolm .lob. f-c M 154E E 1553 M 1572 c. 1595 1548] M 1566 M 1.586 E 1565 E 1572 M 1572 E 1651 E 1658 f-c II 1565] A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 A.B. (Pem.) 1613-4 {\n ordo) [Tingate] A.B. 1568-9 A.B. 1576-7 ; A.M. 1580 ; S.T.B.'8: A.B. 1621 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 LL.B. (Catb.) 1642 A.B. 1619 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) s M 1658 A.B. 1661-2 f-c E 1568 V E 1616 A.B. (*C. C.) 1619-20; A.M. 1623 f-c E 1573 E 1606 f-c E 1612 V E 1626 •s E 1659 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1662; A.M. 1666 p c. 1592 p E 1626 [Tirrell] 1> M 1627 p E 1613 V M 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 V E 1646 V P E 1636] E 1545 1> E 1626 s M 1627 ]) E 1618 f-c M 1546 p E 1569 A.B. (Pern.) 1573-4; A.M. (C. C.) f-c E 1615 [1577 p L 1557-8 11 E 1609 A.B. 1612-3 p E 1636 M 1645] 1> M 1640 A.M. 1641-2 {Lit. Reg.) p E 1605 f-c M 1566 f-c E 1569 f-c E 1614 f-c p M 1579 E 1549 r. 1591 [S.T.B. 1633 V M 1617 A.P,. 1621-2, Tirwhit; A.M. 1625; .s E 1635 A.B. 1639-40, Terwhit f-c M 1579 ^ s L 1557-8 f-c p c. 1595 M 1567 686 Matriculations atid Degrees 1544 — 1659 u Ubanke, Midi. r. Ewbank Udall, Ei)lir;uui ... Etu. — John (.'hr. Ufflett, John Cai. Ugden, Ja Job. Ullock, 'Hen Cbr. Ullocke, Will [oh. Ullythorne, Rich Sid. Ulster, Pet Cai. Umfrey v. also Humfrey — Laur Umfrie, Rich Pet. — Tho Pet. Umphreville, Tho Jes. Umfreville, Tho [Job. Umfrifeild, Will King's Uinfrevile, Will [Peni. Ummant, Edw Trin. — Tho Cla. Umperfeild, Edw King's Umpton, 'Hm.' (?«)... Cbr. — 'Pa.' Cbr. Umwell, Fel C. C. Undaye, Tho Trin. Underdowne, Tho Cla. Underbill, John Qu. — Rich King's Underne, Edw Pet. Underwood, Anth Cai. — Aug Cai. — Aug Cai. — Edm King's — Era Jes. — Geo [Qu. — Greg Cai — Hen Pet. — Hugh Cla. — Hugh Cai. — John Trin. H. — John (^ai. — [John] Sid. — John Era. — Rob Trin.H. — Rob Cai. — Tho Trin. — Tho [Trin.H. — Tho Qu. — Tho Cai. — Will Job. Undrell, John v. Underbill Unet, John *King's Unton, Paul [Cai. Uiiwin, Tbo Jes. Upcher, Edw Job. \v E 1606] A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1614 1 A.B. (Trin.) 1580-1, Ewdall ; A.M. I A.B. 1621-2 [1584 ^ V L 1577-8 f-c E 1620 s E 1605 p E 1658 A.B. 1661-2 ; A.M. 1665 ; S.T.P. '81 s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 s E 1639 A.B. 1647 s E 1584 [Adm. at Qu. M 1584] S.T.P. 1569 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ^ p M 1568 p M 1568 V E 1621 [Uuiberlield] ^ V E 1654] V M 1620 1626] A.B. 1624-5 y s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 y s E 1619 s M 1624 (Matr. Ilumphfields) p M 1545 V M 1545 s M 1544 s E 1618 p E 1561 A.B. (Cai.) 1564-5; A.M. 1568 1> E 1625 (Matr. Undrell) s E 1621 s M 1548 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 s E 1598 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1606 s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 s M 1637 A.B. 1641-2 s E 1626 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 f-c E 1654] p E 1603 ]> M 1564 p ]» M 1585 E 1651 M 1595 [« M 1600] A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 p M 1609 \v E 1642] A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 ' p L 1557-8 s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 ! s M 1579 A.B. (Cla.) 1582-3 scbol. 1581] V M 1628 s M 1637 A.B. 1641-2 p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 i p M 1560 [off 1564] f-c L 1571-2] s M 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 1> M 1573 A.B. 1577-8 (Usher in grace) 1 Dt-aii of lldi-litster, l«8y. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 687 I Upshare, I Upchcr, I Upsheerc, I Upcheare, Upsheero, Upshere, Upchurch, Upkoberts, Upton, Hen Isajxc Ja John Rich Stcph Tho John Ainbr Fra Ja John John John Nich Valentine ... Upwillam, Rowland («?!ju.( 12 ann.)) Rich Th.) Mann Ja Roger , John Dan Edm Tho John (^ha Chris ( Jco iHen Luke Mark Rich Will Tho Sam John Edw Hammond .. Hen John Rob Tho Emmanuel . . Uridge, Urlin, U rmestone, Urmstone, Urpitche, Urpith, Urring, Urry, Urves, Usher, Ussher, Usher, Ussher, Usher, Utber, Utley, Utteredge, Utting, Uttiiige, Utting, Utye, Uty, Uti, Uty, Uvedale, Uxenbridge, Job. Pet. Qu. Qu. Qu. Job. Chr. (lonv.H. [En>. Pet. Trin. Pet. [C. C. [C. c. Job. C. C. Jes. [Sid. Em. *Pem. Job. Sid. Chr. Chr. Pet. Chr. Job. Jes. Trin. *Em. Mag. Chr. Chr. Trin. Job. Cai. Jes. Qu. Cai. Cai. Qu. Cai. Cla. Cai. *Joh. 1585 1578 1612 1582 1605 1581 1578 1554 1644] 1578 1637 1578 1597] 1626] 1560 1605 Jonas . . Natb... Phib .. Tho. .. Will And. V. Oxenbrid";e Em. Job. Pern. Chr. M 1559 E 1613] M 1649 [1654] E 1619 E 1624 L 1581-2 E 1605 M 1632 E 1621 M 1589 E 1627 E 1579 M 1657 E 1567 c. 1593 c. 1593 E 1572 M 1575 M 1626 E 1578 M 1547 L 1603-4] M 1626 E 1645 L 1615-6 E 1583 y{ 1609 M 1602 M 1637 M 1602 L 1584-5 M 1571 A.R. fPet.) 1614-5 A. 15. 1608 A.B. (Trin.) 1585-6; A.M. 1589 A.B. 1641-2 A. P.. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 [Earlwiu] A.P.. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1608-9 A.B. 1635-6 A.B. 1624-5: A.M. 1628 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1635 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1582-3 ; LL.B. 1585 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663; S.T.B. A.B. 1569-70 [1670 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. 1581-2 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1618-9 [1620 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1616-7; A.M. (Cai.) A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610; S.T.B. [1618; S.T.P. 1628 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1654 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) > .\iTliI)islio]i of Aniingh. 159.".. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 V Vale, John Em. Valence, John Trin. Valenger, Stepli — Thu Cai. Valentine, Era Chr. — Hen Chr. — iJa *Trin. — Tho Cai. — Tho Chr. Valera, Cyprian P^I'ig-] Vandcliuv, Pet Pet. — Sam Em. Vandrun, Fred [Em. Vanham, John Qu. Vanhucke, Barth Trin. H. Vanvletering, Tim Mug. Vanwhylder, AV Clir. Vardon, Will Em. Vasin, Hugh Joh. — Jeremy Em. — John Em. Vassall, Sam Joh. — Steph Pern. Vathell, John Joh. Vaughan, Amias [Em. — Ijenj Mag. — Cha Em. — Dominic ... Pet. Vaghan, Edw Qu. — Era Trin.H. Vaughan, Era [Joh. Vaham, Hen Cai. Vaughan, Humph. ... Joh. Vachan, John Mag. Vaughan, John Pet. Vaugham, John Jes. Vahon, John Jes. Vougham, John Toh. Vaughan, John Joh. — John [Qu. — John *Pem. — John Joh. — John Je.s. — John Pem. — John Joh. — John Em. — Jonat [Em. — Jos [Qu. — Nich Chr. Vagham, Oliver Qu. Vahau, Phil Qu. Vauhan, Rich Chr. Vaghan, Rich Qu. Vaughan, Rich [E 1615] A.B. 1618-9; \ A.M. 1622 « E 1617 A.B. 1559-60 ; A.M. (*Cai.) 1563 ' p f. 1593 1> c. 1592 IJ M 1616 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 ; S.T.P.'36 M 1645 A.B. 1648-9 ; A.M. 1652 ; S.T.B. '62 : s M 1576 •s E 1603 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. 1559-60 (Incorp. fr. Seville) ; p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9 [A.M. 1563 ; p E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 1> E 1595] [1674 {Lit. Reg.) p E 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662; S.T.P. V E 1568 ('Fleming from Ghent') | V M 1647 A.B. 1650-1 f-c M 1568 s E 1631 s E 1595 s M 1623 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 s [E 1623] A.B. 1626-7 V L 1653-4 A.B. 1658 V E 1616 A.B. 1619-20 A.M. 1623, Wassail V c. 1592 P E 1656] K E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 P E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 P L 1557-8 P E 1645 P E 1549 f-C E 1641] P M 1580 [Vaughan] s M 1631 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 s E 1545 p L 1557-8 A.B. 1560-1 13 E 1570 s M 1589 p E 1604 V E 1605 A.B. 1608-9 A.M. 1612 f-c E 1605] p E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627; S.T.B. '35 s E 1627 s E 1632 p E 1633 [migr. to Joh. 1637] s E 1641 s M 1649 A.B. 1653-4 A.M. 1657 ]) E 1642- E 1648" p 1> E 1640 s E 1588 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 A.M. 1638 p p E 1559 M 1562 A.B. (Jes.) 1571-2, Wavvghan Regiu.s Professor of Greek, 1663. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 680 7ahan, iRich .. Joh. s M 1569 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577; S.T.P. — Rowland .. Cla. P M 1584 [1588-9 Vaghan, Steph. ... ..Gonv.H P E 1554 Vahani, Steph. ... .. Cai. P M 1580 Vaghan, Theoph.... ..*Joh. P M 1607 A.B. 1611-2 Vachan, Tho .. Mag. s M 1545 Vaughan, Tho .. Qu.° P c. 1596 — Tho .. Mag. p M 1631 — Tho .. Em. p E 1644 — Tho .. Chr. s E 1650 A.B. 1653 Tho .. Qu. .s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 NTaghan, W .. Mag. s M 1562 Vaughan, W .. Qu. s L 1563-4 Vachan, Will .. Qu. s E 1579 Vaugham, Vahan, Will A.B. 1583 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.^ 1619-20, Vaughan; A.M. AVill ".". Joh. s E 1616 A.B. [1623; S.T.B. 1633 Vaghan, Will .. Qu. p E 1623 A.B. 1626; A.M. 1630 Vaughan .. [Chr. schol. 1547-8' Vause, Geo. ...'.'... .. Chr. p E 1613 Vautroller, Simeon .... .. Pet. p E 1582 A.B. 1586-7 ('Gallus') Vaux, John A.B. (Joh.) 1604-5 — ('Vause'), John . .".■ Joh. s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 — John .. Sid. p E 1637 — Rob .. Joh. p E 1585 A.B. 1588-9 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1592 — Rob .. Trin. E 1610 A.B. 1613-4, Vause — Tho .. Joh. p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 Va\Hser, Edw .. Joh. p E 1558 Vaveser, Geo .. Cla. p M 1564 [Migr. to Cai. E 1566] Vavaser, Geo .. Trin. p c. 1592 — John .. Joh. p M 1553 Vavasour, John .. Cai. f-c E 1578 Vaveser, John .. Em. p M 1607 Vavasor, Major .. Trin. f-c E 1622 Vavaser, Pet .. Cla. P L 1564-5 Vavasour, Ralph .... .. [Cai. p E 1566] Vavisor, Rich .. Jes. p E 1566 Vaveser, Tho .. Cai. f-c E 1576 Vavesor, Will .. King's s E 1560 Vaviser, Will .. Cai. f-c M 1580 Vavasor, Will .. Trin. f-c 1595 Vavisor, Will .. Joh. s E 1614 Vavesar .. Mag. .. [C. C. s E 1544 Vavisher 1566] Vave, Brian .. Em. f-c c. 1595 — Eusebius . .. Em. f-c c. 1595 Vawse, Hen .. Mag. p M 1567 A.B. 1571-2, Vause; A.M. 1575 Veale ?, Edw .. Joh. c. 1592 Veal, Ephraim .. Em. s E 1606 Veale, ' John .. Trin. p E 1612 [A.M. 1649 Veal, Sam A.B. (Qu.) 1649 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; 1586 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Veale, Vear, Tho A.M John ''. Jes. p E 1568 Veare, Ralfe .. Cla. s c. 1593 Venables, Rich .. Pem. [1654] A.B. 1656-7 — Sion .. Joh. s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Tho .. Chr. p E 1650 Venn, Hen .. JCH. H E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 Ven, Rich A.B. (Joh.) 1624 (Incori). fr. Oxf.) ; [A.M. 1624 Venner, Humph. . :: [Cai. p E 1600] » Bishop of Bangor , 1595; Chester, 1597; London, 1604. 87 690 Matriculations a7id Degrees 1544 — 1659 Venner, Rob Cai. [p Venning, Ralph Em. [s Ventrisse, Cha Trin. f-c Ventris, Edw Cai. f-c — Era ♦King's [schol. Ventrisse, Era Trin. f-c — Era Cai. p — Hen Trin. f-c Ventris, John Cla. p — Tho C. C. p Vercorau, Ds. de Verdon, John Joh. p — Will Jes. p — (' Harden'), Will.... Em. s Vere, Edw. v. Oxford, Earl of — Will Jes. p Verner, Pet Joh. p Verny, Geo Trin. p Verney, Geo Jes. p — Greville Jes. f-c Verny, Rich Trin. p Verney, Rich Jes. p Vernier, John Vernon, Edw — Era Jes. p — Geo Trin. s — Humph. ...*Em. p — John Em. p — John Pern. p — Ralph Chr. s — Rich Em. p — Tho Pem. p — Walt Joh. p — Will Trin. p — Will Pem. p Vero, And Mag. s Veroo, Humph. ...*Mag. p Verselyn, Bapt Trin. p Vertue, Hen Chr. p Veysey, Art Joh. p Vasey, Hen Jes. p Vesey, Hen Cla. s Very, Hen Em. p Vesey, Hen Trin. s — Hen [Chr. — Isaac Joh. p Vasey, John {imp.) Jes. p Vesaj'e, John Cla. f-c Vesey, John Joh. p Very, Phil Em. p Vesey, Revell Joh. s — Rich — Rich Em. p Vasey, Rob Jes. p Veazy, Rob Em. p Veysy, Tho Trin. p Vesey, Tho Sid. p Vesaye, Will Trin. p Vessic, Genavin ... Trin. s Vescie Joh. p Vyall, John Cai. p E 1600] E 1643] A.B. 1603-4 (in ordo) A.B. 1646; A.M. 1650 L 1615-6 E 1636 E 1604] A.B. 1608 L 1615-6 \ ' E 1634 L 1615-6 ■ fice E 1643 A.B. 1646 fica E 1628 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.M. 1615 {Lit. Reg.) iTrP M 1625 c. 1596 E 1631 A.B. 1634-5, Vardon - E 1657 L 1582-3 E 1608 fic E 1640 M 1637 fj E 1608 fl E 1640 [Leyden:|fi Pr. in Med. 1633 (Incorp. frlr, S.T.B. 1612 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) \\ E 1624 M 1607 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 L 1637-8 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645 E 1620 A.B. 1623-4 E 1626 E 1614 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 E 1644 E 1639 M 1567 E 1581 E 1606 M 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 E 1604 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 M 1579 M 1608 A.B. (Em.) 1612-3; A.M. 1616 E 1575 A.B. (Trin.) 1578-9 M 1549 M 1585 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 \ M 1612 A.B. 1616-7, Vesy; A.M. 1620 L 1618-9 1620] M 1.564 A.B. 1568-9 M 1549 M 1566 M 1624 M 1612 A.B. 1616-7, Vesey; A.M . 1620 L 1626-7 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. (*Pem.) 1532-3; A.M . 1536; E 1650 [S.T.B. 1543-4 M 1549 E 1610 E 1551 E 1623 E 1579 E 1617 c. 1594 E 1623 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629, Viell - Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 691 Joiiat Em. s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 Era Joh. p c. 1591 A.B. (Pet.) 1595-6 Hen Joh. p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8 Rob Pom. p M 1571 Eeiw Joh. s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3 [1584 John Cai. s E 1577 A.B. (Trin.) 1580-1; A.M. (Cla.) John A.M. 1615 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) John Chr. p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 John Chr. p M 1638 Rich Trin. p E 1624 Rob Chr. s M 1556 Rob Trin. f-c M 1618 Rob [Trin. 1641] Sam Chr. s E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Sam Trin.H. .s E 1649 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 Tho Trin. p M 1558 Tho Trin. s E 1585 Tho Joh. p E 1604 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 Tho Qu. s M 1609 A.B. 1613-4 Will Trin. p M 1554 Will Cla. .s E 1604 Will Em. p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 Will Qu. s E 1645 [fr. Sid.] A.B. 1648-9 Lewis Cai. p E 1618 A.B. 1620-1 Claudius de, Baron A.M. 1624 (On King's visit) Rob King's s M 1571 Edm Qu. f-c M 1601 [Edw.] Fra A.M. 1641-2 {fil. nob.) Geo Pern. f-c M 1565 Geo Trin. f-c E 1633 iGeo A.M. 1641-2 (JiL nob.) John, Ds. ... A.M. 1620 {/il. nob.) John Trin. f-c E 1633 A.B. 1634-5 Will Trin. f-c E 1625 [1612 (c^o.) Rob A.M. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); M.D. Anth Pem. s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6, Aidonhius Steph Joh. p M 1575 A.B. 1579-80 Clem Cai. p M 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 Dan King's f-c E 1616 Edw A.B. (Trin.) 1631-2 [Isaac Isaiah Chr. p E 1624 A.B. (Mag.) 1627-8; A.M. 1631, John *Gonv.H. f-c M 1545 A.B. 1542-3 ; A.M. 1546; S.T.B. '56 John Trin. s L 1577-8 John A.B. (Chr.) 1590-1 John *Trin. p E 1620-1 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 John *Pem. p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 John Cai. s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 John [Em. p E 1642] John Cai. s E 1643 A.B. 1646-7 Nath ♦King's p M 1611 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 ; S.T.B. '29 Nath *Cla. s E 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660; S.T.P. Nich Jes. p E 1577 [1679 {Lit. Reg.) Pet Qu. s M 1618 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 Phil Pet. p M 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 Ralph Chr. p E 1569 Ralph Trin. p E 1620-1 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 Ralph Cla. p E 1621 A.B. (Mag.) 1624-5 Rich Qu. p L 1578-9 Rob C. C. p E 1567 1 Chancellor, 1G71; Duke of Buckiiighaiu, lG-28. 692 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — ^659 Vincent, Tho *King's — Tho *Trm. — Tho — Will Cai. — Will Chr. — Will King's — Will Pem. — Chr. Vincke, Pet C. C. Vine, John Qu. Viner, Geo Joh. — John [*Joh. — John Vyner, ^Tho Cath. Vinerole, Marquis of Vynes, Rich Joh. Vines, ^jjigj, ^l&g. — Tho Viney, John Joh. — Will Joh. Vynne, Rich [Em. Vinn, Rich Cath. Vinter, Rob Cath. — ('Winter'), Sam. ... Mag. Vintner, Edm *King's — Geo Mag. Vinctner, Hen *King's Vintener, John(mp.). Joh. Vinter, Will Em. Violet, Grave Qu. — Grave C. C. — (mwlet). Hen Joh. — Maptid C. C. Vilett, Nich Vipent, Gilb Cla. Vivian, John — Pet *Trin. Vossius, John [*Jes. Voulpe, John Cai. Vowe, Leon Mag. — Tho [Qu. Vowell, Geo Gonv.H. — Pet Jes. — Will, (mp.) Gonv.H. Vox (Vokes), John Joh. Voyce, Edw Qu. — Edw C. C. 1 Dean of Gloucester, 1671. 1> M 1584 p E 1618 p c. 1595 p E 1613 p E 1619 p M 1650 p E 1548 p M1641 p E 1647 f-c M 1656 1554] E 1646 p E 1586 s E 1619 s c. 1594 s E 1632 p L 1647-8] s M 1648 s M 1658 V M 1598 p M 1639 p M 1634 p M 1623 p E 1588 fe M 1635] c. 1594 13 E 1623 p M 1573 s E 1620 s M 1584 p M 1649 1629] f-c E 1562 V E 1621 V E 1648] p E 1555 s E 1622 p E 1555 s M 1653 p E 1619 s E 1651 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625; S.T.B. 32 A.M. 1656 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1598-9; A.M. (Cla.) 1605 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1653 A.B. 1643-4; A.M. (*Pem.) 1647; A.B. 1650-1 [S.T.B. 1654 A.B. 1658 A.M. 1638 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653; S.T.B, [1662; S.T.P. 1671 {Lit. RegJ A.M. 1624 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. 1627, Vine A.B. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1636; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605 A.B. [1644] ; A.M. 1648 ; M.D. 165f A.B. 1637-8, Winter; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1627; A.M. 1631; S.T.B [1638 ; S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg. A.B. (Trin.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1622 S.T.B. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) S.T.B. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 LL.B. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Leyden) M.D. 1569, Vulpe A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1657-8, Vokes; A.M. 166 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. (Em.) 1654-5; A.M. 1658 2 Master of Pembroke, 1644. Matriculations and Degreefi w 1659 693 Wabred, John C. C. Wace ('Wase'), Bud. ... King's Wase, Chris Pet. — Chris *King's Waise, Fra Chr. Wace, Hen C. C. — Ja Cai. — Rich C. C. — Rob *C. C. — Tho C. C. Waddelow, Rich *CIa. Wadelow, Tho C. C. Waddiugham, John Trin. Waddington, Edw Joh. Wadyngton, Hen Cla. Waddington, John Joh. — Ralph *King's — Sam Trin. Waddon, Nath [Trin. Wade, And Qu. — Anth — Benj Em. — Cha Em. — Chris Joh. — Cuthb [Trin. — Dan Joh. — Gabriel Joh. — Ja Joh. — John Qu. — (Waad), John Trin. — John Pem. — Rich Em. — Rob Jes. — Tho Chr. — Tho Sid. — Tho [Jes. — Tim — Will Pet. — Will Pet. Wadeson, Geof. — Ja Joh. — Leon Wadson, Pet — Ralph Qu. Wadeson, Rob *J()h. — Tho Joh. Wadison Joh. Wadhouse, Fra [^''^°- ^• Wadsley, John *Trin. Wadsworth, Elias v. Wordsworth — Ja Em. — John Mag. — Lionel — Nath Em. — Rich Chr. s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 f-c M 1649 f-c M 1606 p 1> M 1645 M 1579 A.B. 1649; A.M. 1655 l> c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 p E 1635 A.B. 1638-9 p c. 1594 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1601 p c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 p E 1642 A.B. 1644-5 s E 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 (Matr. p E 1631 A.B. 1634-5 ['Radlowe') s E 1573 p E 1606 A.B. 1609-10 s E 1569 A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 p M 1548 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1566 s E 1635 p E 1652] s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. (Chr.) 1577-8 p E 1611 s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1 p M 1657 M 1635] s E 1659 A.B. 1662 s c. 1594 s M 1613 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 p E 1584 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 p E 1607 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 [1646] A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 1> E 1625 p E 1657 V M 1571 s E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1629 s M 1637] [fr. Oxf.] A.B. (Qu.) 1644-5, *Pem. 1653 1578; V. Wady s M 1658 A.B. 1660-1 ; A.M. 1668 M 1578 s M 1561 V E 1628 s E 1582 s c. 1594 .sch ol. 1609] p E 1656 s E 1586 p M1583 \- E 1600] s E 1565 A.B. (Cath.) 1597-8 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. ('n594-5); A.M. (Joh.) 1598 A.B. (Joh.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1564-5 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1639 ; M.D. '47 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. (Cath.) 1589 (V Peter, above) A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593; S.T.B. A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 [1600 A.B. (Joh.) 1630-1; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 694 Matricnlati07is and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Wadsworth, Tho *Chr. p — Will Trill. p Waddy, John Cai. s Wady ('Wade'), Will. ...*Pet. p Wadye, Will Pet. p Wafer, Tho Em. p Waferer, 'Era.' {imp.) Qu. s — John Jes. p — Myrth — Tho Cai. p Wager, Edw Mag. p Waggett, Ralph Joh. s Wagmer, Frider Mag. s Wagstaff, John Chr. p WagstafFe, Will Jes. p Wainde, Will Trin. s Waindwright, Sam. v. Waynwright Waite, Geo Trin. s — Hen Jes. s Wayte, John Chr. p — John Chr. s Wate, John Trin. s Wayte, John Trin. s Waight, Jos *Cath. s Wayt, Rob Qu. s Waite, Tho Pet. s Wakaringe, Dionisiiis ... Chr. f-c Wake, Chris Joh. p — Tho *Cai. [p — Will Em. s Wakefield, Edw Trin. s Wakfylde, Hen. (imp.) C. C. p Wakefeild, Ja Qu. s — John Joh. p Wakefyeld, Joshua Joh. p — Nath Trin. [p Wakefeild, Rich C. C. p Wakefield, Rich Cla. s — Roger Chr. s Wakefylde, Steph. (imp.) C. C. p Wakfyld, Tho Chr. p Wakefyld, Tho Trin. s Wakefeild, Tho Trin. [schol. — Tho C. C. p — Will C. C. p Wakelin, John Chr. s — Ralph Wakeling, Rich Joh. s Wakelynn, Tho Em. p Wakeling, Will Wakelynn, Will Em. p Wakeman, Greg Pet. p — Rob — Tho *Cai. p Waker, John Em. p — Nath Joh. s — Nath Em. p Wakar, Rich. v. Walker Walbanke, Chris P<^h. s Walbankes, Ja *Em. s Wallbye, Tho Cla. p L 1647-8 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 E 1608 A.B. 1611-2 E 1580 M 1578 A.B. 1582-3 A.M. 1586; S.T.B. j M 1612 [1595 1 j M 1619 E 1551 A.B. 1554-5, 'Arden' M 1569 E 1569 A.M. 1637 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) M 1581 A.B. 1584-5 A.M. 1588 : E 1619 E 1627 E 1617 E 1656 A.B. 1657-8 A.M. 1661 E 1625 A.B. 1628-9 E 1576 E 1619 A.B. 1622-3 A.M. 1626 E 1608 A.B. 1610-1 A.M. 1614 E 1615 A.B. 1619-20 ; A.M. 1623; S.T.B. E 1636 E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 [1632 A.M. 1666 L 1637-8 A.B. 1641-2 A.M. 1645 E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 A.M. 1633 E 1632 A.B. 1634-5 A.M. 1638 E 1633 [Dennis] L 1563-4 A.B. 1566-7 A.M. (Mag.) 1570 E 1599] M 1617 A.B. [1602-3]; A.M. 1606 1 A.B. 1621-2 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1625 | E 1634 A.B. 1638-9 M 1552 L 1607-8 A.B. 1611-2 A.M. 1615 E 1544 A.B. 1545-6 M 1587 E 1652] A.B. 1655-6 A.M. 1659 E 1626 A.B. 1628-9 A.M. 1632 E 1644 E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 M 1549 M 1556 E 1576 A.B. 1580-1 A.M. 1584; S.T.B. E 1619] A.B. 1620-1 A.M. 1624 [1600 E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 A.M. 1631 E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 A.M. 1631 E 1581 E 1631 A.B. 1585-6 A.M. 1641-2 A.B. 1634-5 (Matr. Wlieklyne) (Lit. Reg.) A.M. 1638 E 1619 A.B. 1532-3 A.M. 1537 ; S.T.B. E 1619 [1546-7 E 1607 E 1632 A.M. 1598 ( A.B. 1635-6 ncorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1639 E 1648 A.B. 1651-2 A.M. 1655 E 1614 A.B. (Mag.) 1617-8; A.M. 1621 E 1648 A.B. 1651-2 ; A.M. 1655 E 1649] c. 1596 A.B. 1596-7 A.M. 1600; S.T.B. M 1564 [1607 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — »659 695 Walbye, Tho Trin. Walcott, Barnard Cla. — Edw Sid. Walkott, Godft-ey Trin. Walcott, Humph. ... Cla. Walcot, Humph. ... Pet. Walcott, John *Trin. — John [Pet. AVallcott, Kich Em. Walcott, Tho Trin. — Tho [Trin. Walden, Geo Qu. — ('Walkden'), Gill).... Chr. — John C. C. — Lionel Sid. — Maur J oh. — Will Qu. — Chr. Waldo, Brian Joh. Waldram(?), Rich Chr. Weldram, Roger Qu. Waldram, Tho Joh. — Tho Chr. Weldram, Will Qu. Waldron ('Wardren '), John Qu. Whale, Edw Trin. Wale, John Trin. — John Chr. — Rob Pem. — Rob C. C. — Rob King's — Tho Chr. — Tho King's — Will Pet. Wales, Elkanah ... Trin. — Sam Trin. Wailes, Tim Cla. Walfall V. Wolfall Walford, Giles Walforde, Mich Cai. Waulforde, Rich Jes. Walford, Rob Trin. — Sam Pem. — Tho Em. — Tho Em. Walfurde, Will Trin. Walford [C. C. Walgrave, Cha [Cai. — Edm Qu. Ed Pet. — Era Em. ~ Tho Chr. — Tho Em. — Tho C. C. Will Chr. Waldgrave, Will Em. Walgrewe, Will Trin. Walhed, John Walhowse, Rob C. C. Walkden, Gilb. v. Walden — Ja Cla. f-c P s P P P s f-c p p [i; M 1567 L 1623-4 M 1606 E 1556 E 1604 M 1614 M 1609 L 1645-6] M 1637 M 1616 E 1646] M 1569 E 1627] [16.35] E 1613 E 1648 E 1570 E 1544 M 1565 E 1581 M 1612 M 1555 M 1615 M 1612 M 1657 E 1625 c. 1589 E 1640 E 1571 M 1624 1635 1614 1635 1626 1605 1607 E 164' E 1620 M 1579 E 1579 E 1613 [E 1619] E 1635 M 1.561 1581] E 1598] L 1564-5 M 1567 E 1591 L 1579-80 E 1588 E 1626 L 1579-80 E 1619 E 1.569 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1616-7 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616; S.T.B. [1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1651- A.B. 1574- A.M. 1634 A.B. 1661; A.M. 1668 A.B. 1629-30 (?Grad. as Wall) A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1637-8 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. (Pet.) 1583-4 (Warford in A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1622-3 M.B. 1640 A.B. 1565-6 \ordo) p E 1586 [Woolhouse] s E 1659 A.B. 1531-2; A.M. 1.535; S.T.B [1544-5 696 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Walkden, John — Rob Joh. s Walker, Adrian Jes. s — Anth — Anth Toh. p — Cha Joh. p — Chris — Chris King's p — Edw Cla. s — Fra. Joh. s — Geo King's p — Geo — Geo Em. p — Geo Trin. f-c — Gervase Cai. s — Greg C. C. p — Hen Gonv.H. s — Hen Joh. s — Hen Em. p — Hen [Qu. p — Ja Joh. p — Ja Jes. s — Ja [Qu. p — Ja Em. [p — John — John *King's p — John Sid. p — John Cai. s — John C. C. p — John Mag. s — John Chr. s — John Chr. p — John Jes. s — Jonat Joh. s — Nath Jes. s — Nath Em. p — Nath Trin.H. s — Nich — Phil C. C. s — Ralph Chr. p — Ralph Era. s — Ralph Jes. p — Rich [Chr. schol. — ('Wakar'), Rich. ... C. C. p — Rich — Rich Trin. s — Rich Trin. s — Rich Chr. p — Rob Chr. s — Ro [Qu. schol. — Rob Trin. s — Rob C. C. s — ('Walter'), Rob. ... Trin. p — Rowland ... Chr. s — Sam — Tho Jes. s — Tho Cath. p — Tho Joh. s — Tho Trin. p A.B (Chr.) 1617-8; A.M. 1621 E 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 A.B (Chr.) 1592-3; A.M. 1601 E 1639 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645; S.T.P. E 1658 [1663 (Lit. Ren.) A.B. 1547-8 M 1552 M 1571 c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8 [M.D. 1563-4 1553-4 ; A.M. (*Cath.) 1557 ; M 1549 A.B. A.B. (Joh.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612; [S.T.B. 1619 E 1645 A.B. 1645-6 (Matr. 'Baker') E 1656 L 1584-5 A.B. 1588-9 (Matr. 'James') E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. (*Jes.) 1639 M 1546 M 1576 E 1637 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 M 1639] M 1576 M 1582 E 1585] L 1596-7 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1547-8 ; A.M. (*Pet.) 1551 ; [S.T.B. 1562; S.T.P. 1568 M 1552 [oft' 1556] (Joh.) 1625-6; A.M. 1629 , E 1621 A.B. E 1624 E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 ; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1638 M 1634 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 E 1646 E 1656 E 1656 A.B. 1657-8 E 1613 A.B. 1615-6 E 1617 M 1651 M 1655 [1589; S.T.B. 1596; S.T.P. 1610 | A.B. (Pet.) 1583-4; A.M. (Chr.) M 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586, 'Watker' M 1567 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1577 E 1591 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 E 1658 c. 1548] A.B. 1549-50 M 1551 A.B. 1555-6 A.B. (Cla.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608; E 1628 A.B. 1631-2 [S.T.B. 1616 E 1633 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 E 1637 E 1553 1554-5^ M 1564 E 1606 A.B. 1609-10, Warner (in ordo) E 1629 A.B. 1632 M 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 A.B. (Trin.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610 M 1549 E 1573 M 1589 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 c. 1595 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 697 talker, Tho Joh. s E 1606 Tho Chr. s E 1607 Tho Cla. s E 1612 Tho Joh. s E 1620 Tho Trin. s E 1623 Tho Em. s E 1624 Tho Joh. s E 1626 Tho Chr. s E 1633 Tho *Trin. s E 1642 Walt Chr. [fr. Oxf.] W Joh. p M 1584 W Em. p E 1586 Will Joh. s M 1589 Will Mag. s c. 1596 Will Pet. s E 1607 Will Joh. p M 1610 Will Mag. s E 1621 Will Joh. s E 1622 Will C. C. s E 1624 Will Trin. s E 1640 Will Pet. s E 1640 Will Chr. s E 1645 Will Joh. p E 1656 Will Jes. s E 1658 Joh. s E 1544 Joh. s E 1609 Tho Mag. s E 1569 Tho *Joh. p c. 1593 Anth Joh. p E 1563 Nath Trill. p E 1584 Rich Jes. p M 1547 Tobias Trin. [schol. E 1570] Will Trin. s E 1608 John Joh. s M 1554 Dan Em. p M 1645 Geo *Trin. .s L 1563-4 John (?Matr. 'Wale') John Em. p E 1615 Moses Em. p E 1629 Rob. V. Wale Tho Cai. [s M 1600] Tho Will Pem. p M 1586 Will [Em. p E 1599] — Will King's f-c E 1659 — [Pem. 1618] Waller, Apollo — Edm King's f-c E 1621 Whaller, Geo Trin. s M 1579 Waller, Griffon King's f-c E 1623 — Hen King's f-c M 1618 — Ja Joh. s E 1617 — Ja C. C. p E 1654 — John Joh. s E 1563 — John Pem. p M 1608 — John King's f-c M 1611 — John Joh. s M 1621 — John *King's p M 1631 — Josh [Qu. p E 1621] — Nath Pem. p M 1618 Walkjngton, Walkington, Walkwood, Walkewyde, Wall, Whall, Wall, Whalle, Wall, A.B. 1610-1 A.B. 1615-6 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1629-30 ; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1636-7 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 LL.B. 1627-8 LL.D.1640(Iucorp. [fr. O.xf.) A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597; S.T.B. A.B. (Cath.) 1598-9 [1612 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1627-8 A.B. 1643-4 S.T.B. 1666 {Lit. A.B. 1643-4; A.M. 1647 [Reg.) A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1650 A.B. 1661-2 (? Chris, or John) [1608; S.T.P. 1613 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600; S.T.B. (No A.B.); A.M. 1568 A.B. 1588-9 A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1574 A.B. 1611 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571, Whall A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. (Qu.) 1598; [S.T.B. (Cla.) 1608 A.B. 1618-9 ; A.M. 1622 ; S.T.B. '29 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 (A.B. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. (Pem.) 1639 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. (Pet.) 1593 A.B. (Jes.) 1593-4 A.B. 1584-5, Waller; A.M. 1588 (xMatr. 'Walter') A.B. 1620-1 A.B. 165.5-6; A.M. 1659 A.B. 1612 (Matr. 'Waler') A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. (Trin.) 1624-5; A.M. 1629 A.B. (Qu.) 1622-3; A.M. 1626 698 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Waller, Nich Sid. — Ralph ♦King's — Rich Mich. Ho. — Rob Qu. — Rob King's — Rob [Qu. — . Rob Cai. — Walt *Kiug's _ Walt Sid. — Walt Qu. — Will Qu. — Will -^ Will Sid. _ Will Joh. — Will Qu. — Will Qu. Wallett, Tho Joh. Wallet, Tho [Mag. Wallfield, Tho Trin. Wallingar, Hen Trin. Wallis V. also Walls — Chris Mag. — Edw Pem. — Garret Qu. — Geo Trin. Wallys, Hen Joh. — John [King's — John Em. Wallice, John Joh. Wallis, Lancelot ... — Mark Joh. — Mich Qu. — Rob Joh. — Rob Cai. — Rob Sid. (fr. — Tho Sid. — Tim Mag. Wallace, Will *Sid. Wallis, Will Joh. — [King's Wallop, Hen [Em. Wallplate, Sam [Trin. Wallplat, Will Pet. Walls V. also Wallis — Geo Trin. Walles, Hen Joh. Whalles, Hen Trin. — John Trin. Walles, John Trin. Whalleys, Nich Walles, Nich Cla. Whallys, Tho Jes. Walles, Tho Mag. — Tim Trin. — W Cla. Walmer, Matth. v. Woolmer Walmesly, And Qu. Walpoole, Ale.x Chr. Walpole, Art Pet. Walpoole, Art *Qu. — Bacon Chr. 1629 1544 1544 1564 1578 1623] 1637 1606 1614 1647- 1548 p E 1615 s E 1627 [p L 1647- f-c M 1650 p E 1636 p E 1646] s E 1617 s E 1607 [off 1546] [fr. Padua) A.B. 1641-2 ; M.D. 1652 (Incorp. A.B. [1609-10] ; A.M. 1613 ; S.T.B. [1623 •8] A.B. 1651 A.B. 1612-3 (On King's visit) A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1630-1 8] A.B. 1650-1 (Matr. Weller) A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643 M 1621 M 1626 E 1575 c. 1595 E 1572 M 1548] E 1633 E 1637 A.B. 1624-5; A.B. 1630-1; A.B. 1577-8, A.M. 1628 A.M. 1634 Walles M 1611 L 1597- M 1613 E 1617 A.B. (Chr.) 1575-6, Walles [S.T.P. 1656 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640,*Qu. 1644; A.B. 1640-1 (Matr. 'Willice') A.B. 1540-1; A.M. 1544, Walles A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 trin. Coll., Dublin) A.B. 1620; A.M. 1624 s L 1623-4 A.B. 1627; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1653; A.M. 1657 A.B. 1627-8 ; A.M. 1631 ; S.T.B. '38 f-c E 1650 E 1624 E 1646 E 1599] E 1644] 1642] c. 1593 M 1553 M 1575 M 1581 E 1586 E 1588 M 1581 E 1565 E 1647 E 1613 M 1564 M 1602 E 1555 E 1548 E 1629 E 1615 A.M. 1646 {fil. nob.) A.B. 1598-9 A.B. 1584-5, Wals A.B. 1590-1, Wallis; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1592-3, Wallis; A.M. 1596 A.B. 1567-8 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1592, Wallys A.B. 1605-6; A.M. (Matr. Wapoole) 1609 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636; M.D. (Matr. Wapoole) [1661 {Lit. Reg.) MafrtrKk(fio)}. M 1550 A.B. 1554-5 ; A.M. 1558 ; M.I). '67 s M 1578 |> E 1582 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 ]> E 1589 P E 1603 E 1604 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 [1605] A.B. 1608-9 P E 1608' A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1616 s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 s E 1610 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6 (?in 1 0I6) S.T.B. (Jes.) 1623 A.B. (Joh.) 1632-3; A.M. 1636 P E 1633 1565] 1652' A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 P P E 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1649 P M 1546 P E 16571 P M 1572 s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616; S.T.B. '23 p E 1573 P M 1612 A.B. 1615-6 ; A.M. 1619 ; S.T.B. '26 s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1 s E 1556 p E 1622 s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6 p E 1626 [1576; S.T.P. 1581 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569; S.T.B. p E 1562 p E 1575 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. (Mes.) 1582; [S.T.B. 1588 s M 1611 A.B. (Jes.) 1614-5; A.M. 1618 s L 1634-5 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 s M 1656] s M 1602 A.B. 1605-6, Warren ; S.T.B. 1621 p E 1572 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 p E 1620 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 s E 1637 A.B. (Pet.) 1641, Warren s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 [s E 1658] A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 p E 1578 [p E 1653] A.B. 1656-7; M.B. 1660, Worman A.M. 1612 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1641 (Matr. 'Ward') s M 1571 s E 1632 A.B. 1638-9 s L 1620-1 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 1636] A.B. 1639-40, 'Wrant' p M 1582 LL.B. (Trin. H.) 1589 p M 1579 f-c E 1561 f-c M 1602 Regius Professor of Physic, 1596. 704 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Warner, Edw Em. . — Edw Cai. — Fra C. C. — Era Sid. — Era Em. — ■ H Pet. — Hen Jes. — Hen Trin. — John C. C. — John Chr. — ' John — Eob Trin.H. — Rob Em. Steph *Cai. — Tho [Qu. — Tho [Cai. — Tho Em. — Tho Cla. — Tho [Chr. — Tho Chr. — Will Joh. — Will Cai. — Will Em. — Will Pern. — [C. C. Warnes, Edw C. C. Warnet, Edw Sid. — John Cla. Warr, Edw Trin. Warr, De La, ^Hen. {Lord) [Pet. — Will *Trin. AVan-en, Abr — Ananias ... Sid. — Arnold Trin. — Barth Jes. • — Dan *King's — Dav Qu. — Desired Em. — Edw Pem. — Edw Trin. — Erasmus ... Chr. Waren, Fra Joh. Warren, Fra Joh. Warrin, Fra Trin. Warren, Geo Jes. Waryn, Hen Pet. Warren, Hen Qu. — Ja Edm.H. — Jasper Chr. Warreyn, John Joh. Warcn, John Joh. Warren, John Em. — John Cai. — John Trin. — John Em. Warrin, John Em. Warren, John Cai. — John Qu. p E 1631 p L 1637- 1> M 1588 p E 1604 L L 1620- f-c M 1567 s c. 1595 p M 1629 p M 1559 p E 1569 p L 1614- p M 1629 p L 1557- p L 1585- p E 1597 E 1600" s s E 1620 p E 1623; p E 1647 s E 1548 !> M 1582 s M 1587 p E 1631 1581- [1630' p E 1635 p E 1580 V E 1631 f-c L 1619- s E 1606 s M 1602 V c. 1592 p M 1564 p M 1651 s E 1579 s E 1621 s M 1638 s M 1649 s L 1656- p M 1553 s M 1601 s E 1629 p E 1631 p E 1550 8 E 1607 P M 1544 V E 1612 s E 1571 p E 1587 V e. 1592 s c. 1594 P c. 1596 1> E 1622 P M 1623 P M 1624 s E 1632 7-8 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 [Warnet] A.B. 1598-9 A.B. 1633 LL.B. (*Trin. H.) 1570 S.T.P. 1620 (Incorp. fr. Osf.) A.B. 1560-1; A.M. 1564 [1624 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608; S.T.P. A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 t-e-adm. 1632] A.B. 1650-1, 'Wardner' A.B. 1633; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638, *Pet. 20] [1641 A.B, 1609-10: A.M. 1613; S.T.P. A.B. (Cla.) 1605-6 [1632 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 7 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1605-6, Warrell ; A.M. 1609 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634, Waring A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1553-4; A.M. (*Joh.)1557; [S.T.B. (Trin.) 1569 A.B. (n609-10); A.M. 1613 A.B. (1594-5); A.M. 1598 A.P,. (Qu.) 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1626-7 A.B. 1627-8 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 Bishop of Rocliester, 1638. 2 Fourth Baron De La Warr. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 70:^ Warren, John .... Sid. [P E 164r 1650' A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 — Jolin .... [J..h. f-c E — Jos .... ("ai. s E 1628 A.B. 1630-1 — Lucke .. .... Cla. s E 1609 — Martin .. .... Job. P c. 1591 A.B. (?1.594-5) ; A.M. 1598 ; S.T.IJ — Martin .. .... Cai. ,. 1601 [1605 A.B. 1622-3; A.:\1.1626: S.T.B.'33 — Martin .. .... Jes. P E 1619 — Martin .. Jes. !> E 1640 Warreyn, Rich .... Trin. E 1571 Warren, Rich .... Trin. p M 1622 A.B. 1626-7 — Rob .... Cai. P .Al 1581 A.B. 1584-5 ; A.M. 1588 ; S.T.B.'96 Warjn, Rob .... Pet. s M 1588 Warren, Rob .... Y.m. s E 1598 A.B. (Cath.) 1601-2; A.M. 1606; — Rob ... Je.s. p E 1658 [S.T.P. 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) Warreyti, Roger ... Trin. p E 1570 Warren, Sam ... Chr. p E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 — Simon . . ... Pem. s E 1627 Warreyne, Tho ... Pet. p ]\I 1570 A. P.. 1573-4 Waren, Tho ... Trin. p E 1577 Warren, Tho ... Mag. p M 1623 A.B. 1626-7, AVaryn — Tho ... Joh. p E 1625 A.B. 1628-9 Tho ... Em. p E 1625 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 — Tho ... Em. s M 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 16.39 — Tho ... Cath. s E 16.34 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 — Tho ... King's s ]M 1658 A.B. 1661-2 — Will ... Chr. s c. 1596 A.B. (Pet.) 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 — Will A.B. (*Jes.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610 A.B. (Pem.) 1629-30; A.M. 16.33 Will Will .".".' Jes. p M 16.37 A.B. 1640-1 — Will ... Qu. s E 1641 — ... [Cath. ... [Pem. p 1646 — s 1649 "Waryner, Chris".'"'.'.' ... Joh. s E 1571 Warrener, Tho ...[Qu. p L 1576-7 ] — Tho A.B. (Cath.) 1600-1 ; A.M. (Trin.) Warriner, Tho .'.".' Joh. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1625 [1605 Warrener, Will ... [Pet. 1641] A.B. (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1641 ; A.M. Warron, Tho ... Pem. s E 1607 [1641 Warter, Edm ... Chr. p M 1568 — John ... Trin. s E 1657 A.B. 1660 — Theo ... Chr. p c. 1598 Tho ... Joh. p E 1573 A.B. (Chr.) 1576-7 Wartei-s, Matth. .. ... Cla. p E 1658 [Walters] — Will ... Joh. s IM 1634 A.B. 1638-9 WarwcU, Ja ... Pet. s M 1613 A.B. 1617-8; A.I\I. 1621 Warwick, L ad of Phil. A.M. 1564 (On Queen's vi.sit) — ... [Pem. c. 16301 Warwycke, Rich ... Joh. p M 1576" Warwicke, Tho ... Qu. p E 1627 A.B. 16,30-1 '\\'ar\vick. Tho ... Joh. p E 1631 Waslynge, Rich ... Jes. p L 1563-4 ■W'a.selyng, W ... Jes. p E 1.567 Washbournc , Edw ... Trin. p E 1565 Washington Alan ... Joh. p M 1.581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 Wasshingtoi 1, Earth. .. ... Qu. p E 1.586 A.B. (? 1.589-90); A.M. 1593 Washington Era ...*Joh. [p M 1658] A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 — Ja ... Joh. p K 1.548 A.B. 1550-1, *Qu. 1.551 Wayshington, Lam-. .. ...*J(.h. p M ir).59 A.B. 1.563-4 ; A.M. 1567 ; S.T.B.'74 Washington Martin .. ... Qu. p M 1580 Wasshington, Phil ... Qu. p E 1586 A.B. (11589-90); A.M. 1593 Weshington Rich ... Qu. p M 1580 A.B. 1583-4, Washington 706 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Wasse, Rob Pern. — Rob Trill. Wastay, Hen Trin. Waste, Rob Job. Waistell, John Sid. Wastel, John Cath. Wastell, Leon Trin. — [Cath. Wastenj-es, Hardolpb ... Trin. Wastnes, Hardolph ... Joh. — Nath Wateman, Will [Trin. Water, Mich Joh. Waterhousn, Edw — Edw Trin. — Edw [Em. — Geo Qu. — Jerem *Trin. — John *Trin. — John Joh. — John Chr. — John Joh. — Jonas Trin. — Jonas *Joh. — (Wathouse), Matth. Em. — Maximilian Trin. — Mich Cla. — Ralph Trin. — Rich Ti'in. — Rob Cla. — Rob Trin. — Rob Trin. — Sam Trin. — Simon Cai. — Tho Em. — Tho Em. -^ Tobias *Trin. Waterland, Hen Mag. — John Mag. Waterman, Tho Chr. — Will Gonv.H. Waters, Chris Joh. — John Qu. — John Qu. — John Em. Waiters, Oliver Trin. Waters, Rob Trin. — Sam — Solomon ... Job. — Tho Mag. — Will Chr. Waterson, John Pem. — John Qu. Waterton, Rich, (imp.) rp .• 12 aim.)] ^"^' Wathe, John Cla. — Nich Ula. — Nich — Twiford [Qu. Wathows, Geo. v. Waterhouse A.B. 1605-6;, A.M. 1612 A.B. 1641-2, Waste [AVastell] A.B. 1650-1 A.B. (Trin.) 1627-8 A.B. (Trin.) 1598-9 A.B. 1638-9 (1A.M.); LL.D. 1668 {Lit. Reg.) (Matr. 'Wathows') [1605 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597; S.T.B. A.B. 1568-9 ; A.M. 1572 ; S.T.B. '80 A.B. (Cath.) L583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1645-6 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. A.B. 1648-9; A.M. A.B. 1616-7 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1642-3 1588 1652 1589 E 1602 L 1641-2 M 1650 M 1561 E 1611 L 16.53-4 E 1647] M 1651] M 1633 c. 1595 M 1656] M 1565 E 1634 1635] E 1545 c. 1591 L 1564-5 E 1581 E 1628 E 1642 L 1580-1 E 1645 E 1613 c. 1592 E 1582 E 1625 E 1640 E 1566 L 1580-1 E 1629 E 1572 M 1622 E 1622 M 1631 c. 1594 E 1656 M 1627 M 1568 E 1549 c. 1591 E 1562 E 1570 M 1614 E 1566 E 1636 E 1648 E 1639 E 1621 E 1603 E 1636 M 1560 M 1570 M 1566 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 A.B. (Mag.) 1596-7; M.D. L 1595-6] A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1634-5 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600; S.T.B. [1607, Waterson; S.T.P. 1612 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1572-3 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1566-7; A.M. (*Joh.) 1570 1573-4; A.M. 1577 1617-8 (Matr. Walters) 1570-1, Waters; A.M. 1574 1639-40 (? 1609-10) ; A.M. (Pet.) 1613 1651-2 1642-3 1624-5 1605-6 1639-40, Widtci'son 1597 Matriadations and Degrees i^^aa — 16.59 707 Vatker, Vatkin, ;\^itkjii, (Vatkin, rVatkiiis, Watkinson, Phil. V John .. Xich... Steph. Tho. .. Ja Rich. .. Rob. .. C'hri.s. Edw. .. Edw. .. Edw. .. Hen. .. Hen. .. Hen John Tiin. Pet Trin. Rich Rich Cai. AValker Chr. Toh. Trin. Trin. [Trin. '''.''. Joh. C. C. *Joh. Em. Trin. Joh. Joh. Tho. W. ... Watmough, John , Watson, lAnth. Anth. Anth. Anth. Anth Anth Chris Chris Chris Cuthb Edm Edm Fra Era Fra Fra Goo Gilb Ja John John {sen.) John (juu.) ^John 2John ^John John John John John John John John John John John Trin. Cla. [Chr. *Chr. Chr. Peni. Trin. Pern. Qu. Joh. Chr. Sid. Chr. Joh. Joh. King's Joh. Cla. Joh. Peni. Joh. Qu. C. C. C. C. Joh. Joh. Joh. C. C. Pern. Peni. Trin. Trin. Chr. Em. Cai. 1602 1508 1G32 1G08 1629] 1636 1583 1544 1614 1646 1645 1657 1608 1625 L 1602-3 1598 1571 1627J 1567 1573 1.584 1588 1607 1637 1562 1570 1610 1565 1573 1.595 1544 1562 1571 1642 1585 1571 1587 1550 1.550 1556 15.57-8 1559 . 1565 1579 1581 1582 1586 1593 1609 1613 A.B. 1571-2 I(i36 7; A.M. 1640 A.M. 1650. (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1547-8; A.M. 1552 A.B. 1617; A.M. (Pet.) 1621 A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1660-1 LL.D. 1659 (Incorp. fr. Padua) A.B. (Sid.) 1611-2; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1628-9 A.B. (Pem.) 1601-2; A.M. 1605 prev. at King's] A.B. 1603-4 ; [A.M. 1607 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1576-7 A.B. 1586-7 A.B. 1592-3; A.B. 1610-1 A.B. 1640-1 [1582 A.M. 1575; S.T.B. A.M. (*Pem.) 15); A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. (? 1607-8) ; A.M. (C. C.) 1611 A.B. 1634-5 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.M. 1634 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1657 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 16.56 A.B. 1605-6 [1569-70 A.B. 1552-3; A.M. 1.560; S.T.P. A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B.1610 1; A.M. 1614; S.T.P. '39 1624; A.M. 1627 A. P.. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 ' Signs, apimii'iitly, as Caiiib. M.A. 710 Matriculations and Decfrees 1544 — 1659 Waw, Rob King's p c. 1595 Wawen, Brian .Sid. f-c E 1604 — Tho Mag. p E 1641 Way, Rich *Cai. p E1627 Waycock, Tho Joh. p M 1609 Wayham, Rob Chr. s M 156:^ Wayland, Hen Pet. p E 1566 Waynman, Fra Trin. f-c M 1615 — Rich C. C. s c. 1594 Wayntford, Chris Joh. p L 1564-5 Wayn Wright, Auth Joh. p E 1607 Waindwright, Sam *Joh. s E 1648 Wayth, Rob Em. p E 1639 Weadly, Hen Qu. s E 1623 Weale, Cha King's s M 1602 — John (A.M. at Oxford) — John — Sam *King's p M 1616 Weavell, Rob Em. p c. 1596 Weaver, (iabriel Jes. p E 1620 Wever, Ja Weever, John Qu. s c. 1593 Weaver, Rich Trin. s c. 1591 — Tho *King's [schol. 1592] — Westerne v. Eastwick Weazy, Rob Em. p E 1610 Webb, Adam Qu. s E 1625 — Benedict ... Webbe, Chris *Joh. p E 1562 — Edw *Joh. p M 1547 Webb, Edw Trhi. p 1601 — Edw — Fra Pet. s E 1615 Webbe, Gardiner ... Joh. p E 1620 — Gardiner ... [Trin. p E 1647] — Geo Cla. p M 1562 — Geo Trin. s L 1582-3 Webb, Hen — Ja Cai. p M 1655 — John Jes. p M 1564 — John Pet. p M 1581 Webbe, John Pem. p E 1583 Webb, John *Cai. [p E 1601] Webbe, John Jes. f-c M 1606 Webb, John Trin. p M 1612 — John Cla. p E 1614 Web, John Qu. f-c M 1624 Webbe, John [Cai. p E 1641] Webb, John Pem. s M 1648 — John Pet. s M 1658 Webbe, Lambert (m^j j ^ ^r^Q^_r^ 12 ann.)) * — Laur Cath. s M 1547 Webb, Noah Webbe, Rich *King's p E1544 — Rich Qu. p M 1616 Webb, Rob King's s E 1612 — Rob — Theoph Webbe, Tho Joh. p L 1563-4 Webb, Tho A.B. (Sid.) 1598-9 A.B. 1643-4 A.B. 1630; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1613-4, Weycoe [nVagliam, Vaghan] A.B. (*Trin.) 1569-70 ; A.M. 1573 ; [S.T.B. 1584, Vaylond A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1651-2, Wain vright A.]\r. [165.-J A.B. 1626-7 ;. A.M. 1630 S.T.B. 1554 . A.B. (Chr.) 1607-8 A.M. 1611 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1599-1600 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Mus.Bac. 1610 A.B. 1597-8 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1597 [1607 A.B. [1596-7]; A.M 1600; S.T.B. A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.M. 1627 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1566- 7 ; A. M. 1570 ; S.T.B. '77 A.B. 1550-1 A.M. 1637 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Trin.) 1618-9; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1564-5 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1591 A.B. (Joh.) 1600-1; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1574-5 A.B. 1586-7 A.B. 1604-5 ; A.M. 1608 ; S.T.P. '26 ' A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 [' son of John Hog '] A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1551-2; A.M. 1555 A.M. 1637 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) - A.B. 1545-6 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 M.L. (Pet.) 1632 A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr Oxf.) ,." A.B. (Chr.) 1595-6; A.M. 1599 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 711 ,Vel,l., Tho . Trin. s E 1613 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620, Webbes Tho . gu. V E 1631 Tho A.M. 1641-2 (On King's visit) Tho . Jos. 1> M 1658 _ Will . Trin. s M 1569 A.B. (Joh.) 1572-3 kVebbo, Will . Jes. 1> M 1576 — Will . Cath. L 1578-9 A.B. 1581-2 Will . Chr. p E 1584 A.B. (Pern.) 1587-8; A.M. 1591 iVebb, Will . Em. l> E 1606 — Will . Cai. f-c E 1609 Weh, i\^ebb Will . Gath. V E 1629 A.B. ( ); A.M. 1563 '. Em. f-c E 1605 Wehhov, John . Gla. s c. 1596 Rob . Cai. s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 Wehhevly, Webberv, John A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 Rob .' Mag. s E 1609 Webster, Bartrani . . . Pern. s M 1627 A.B. 1628-9 — Chris . Chr. s E 1586 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 Edw . *Joh. s E 1651 A.B. 1654-5 ; A.M. 1658 ; S.T.B. '65 Fra A.B. (Pet.) 1603-4 A.B. (Cla.) 1605-6 _ Gabriel '. Joh. s M 1602 _ Geo . Joh. s E 1583 _ llamlet . Em. s c. 1591 Hen . Joh. s M 1569 A.B. 1572-3 Ja .*Trin.H. s c. 1593 LL.B. 1600 Ja . Qu. s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 Ja . Cai. p E 1645 — Jegon . C. C. p M 1614 A.B. 1617.-8; A.M. 1621 John . Joh. s E 1585 John . Pet. p E 1616 A.B. (Joh.) 1619-20 ; S.T.B. 1631-2 — Mordant .. . Pet. s M 1652 [(Lit. Reg.) Pet . Trin. s E 1634 — Rich .*Joh. p E 1572 A.B. 1575-6 ; A.M. 1579 ; S.T.B. '86 Rich . C. C. s L 1623-4 A.B. 1626; A.M. 1630 Rob . Qu. s E 1588 A.B. 1592-3 Sam . Em. [p E 1631] A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 Sinionidess.. . Joh. s E 1647 A.B. 1650-1 — Tho. (imp.) .Mich. Ho. p E 1545 — W ... . Cla. .s M 1566 \V . Joh. s M 1571 — Will . Em. p M 1634 A.B. (Cla.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 Will A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1643 Wedd, Rob . Trin. s E 1636 Wedell, Leon . [Joh. p E 1655] Weddell, Rich . Joh. E 1622 A.B. 1625-6 Wfddale, Tho . Joh. s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3, Wcddcll A\'eddall, Will . Chr. f-c E 1650 [Weddell] \\'eddell . Joh. p E 1612 WedderViurne, J a S.T.P. 1627 (Incorp. fr. St Andrews) Weed<)n('\^ 'eedinge'),Tho '.*Pem. s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633; S.T.B. Weeke, John . Jes. -s E 1571 [1660 {Lit. Reg.) Weke, Tho . King's s M 1589 W<-ekes V. also Wicks John . Qu. s M 1589 (Matr. Wickes) \\\^rks. John A.B. (*Joh.) 1612-3; A.M. 1616; Rich '. Joh. p E 1609 [S.T.B. 1623 \\>.:k0S, Simeon . Chr. L 1579-80 Tho . Qu. p M 1589 A.B. 1592-3 (Matr. Wickes) Weeks, Will . Cla. s c. 1597 A.B. (Pet.) 1600-1 ; A.M. 1605 Weekely, Hen . Joh. p E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 712 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Weekely, Hen Mag. Weekley, Hen Joh. Weeme.s, Tho Joh. Weetwoode, Anth. {imp.) Joh. Weild, Hen. v. Wild — John Trin. Welbank v. also Walbank — • John Cath. AVelberye, John Joh. Welbore, Matth Qu. — Phil Joh. Welborne, John Trin. AVelbourne, Tho Joh. Welbye, Hen Joh. — Humph. ... Cai. — John Chr. — John Joh. — John Chr. Welbee, John Em. AVclbey, John Chr. Welby, Jonas v. Wilby Welbie, Jonat Cath. Welby, [Phil.] Qu. — Rich Trin. Welbie, Rich Em. Welby, Rob Welbye, Tho Cai. AVelbie, Tho Jes. We%, Tho Trin. Welbey, Tho Mag. — Vincent Em. Welby, Will Cai. — vV Chr. Wellbie, Will *Trin. Welbey, Will Em. Welby, Will Joh. Welche, Abel King's Welch, Hen Mag. Wolche, John *Chr. — John Cla. — Mich Chr. — Nath — (Walsh), iNich. ... — Ro Mag. — Rob Qu. — Tho *King's Welch, Will Jes. Welchman, Will Em. Welcome, Edw [Sid. Weld, Alex [Sid. Welde, Edm C. C. Weld, Edm C. C. — Gascoigne... Chr. — Geo [C. C. Welde, Humph. ... Trin. — John C. C. — John Chr. Weld, John Chr. — John Trin. E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 E 1651 M.B. (C. C.) 1655 E 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 M 1546 f-c E 1598 1654 15.56 1.595 1656 1653 1586 L558 1559 1565 1581- 1587 1621 1625 E 1631 E 1616 E 1574 E 1651 M 1559 E 1575 c. 1593 E 1627 E 1603 M 1560 E 1577 c. 1591 E 1603 E 1658 M 1589 E 1624 M 1564 E 1571 M 1569 A.B. 1657-8 [?migr. to Chr.] A.B. 1657-8, Welbore A.B. 1569-70 A.B. (Chr.) 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. (Chr.) 1578-9 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.xM. 1598 A.B. 1627-8, Welshe A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1575 M 1562 M 1571 M 1559 c. 1596 M 1G47 E 1635] E 1642] L 1618-9 E 1632 E 1634 1637] E 1629 E 1579 E 1607 E 1622 E 1633 A.B. (Em.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 A.B. 1562-3; A.M. (Mag.) 1567 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1650-1 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626, Wild A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1625-6: A.M. 1629 Bishop of Ossory, 1577. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 1:3 Weld, John Em. p — Matth Chr. p — Natli Em. s Welde ('Well'), Tho. ... Trin. p Weld, Tho C. C. p — Tho [C. C. — Tim C. C. p — Wickstead v. Wells Weldale, Roger King's f-c Weldeu, Anth [Em. f-c AVeld M 1552 P M 1548 A.B. 1553-4 p M 1550 p M 1583 P L 1G19- 20] s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 p E 1546 f-c E 1588 f-c M 1598 f-c M 1612 p M 1621 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 .s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 p E 1640 p E 1628 p M 1619 p M 1580 f-c M 1618 f-c E 1640 V E 1560 A.B. 1623 (Incorp. fr Oxf.) p M 1582 p E 1548 f-c M 1566 p E 1573 f-c E 1609 f-c E 1636 p E 1571 p M 1576 A.B. (Pet.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 f-c E 1609 M.L. 1610 p E 1637 13 E 1544 p M 1568 s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 s E 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M . 1663 [l' L 1603- 4] A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.M. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) f-c M 1646] p E 1548 p E 1582 A.B. 1585-6 .s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 .s E 1580 A.B. 1583-4 s M 1569 A.B. (C. C.) 1572 3 ; A.M. 1579 s M 1571 s c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 p c. 1598 s M 1608 A.B. 1611 2; A.M. 161.-) s M 1613 A.B. 1617; A..M. 1 521 p E 1618 f-c M 1619 p E 1621 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 716 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 AVest, John Trin. ^s — John Trill. s — John Cath. p — John C. C. p — Lewis Joh. s — Nich Cla. s — Ralph Trin. s — Rich C. C. s — Rich — Rich — Rob Joh. p — Rob Qu. p — Rob Chr. [s — Rob *Trin. s — Steph Cla. s — Tho — Tho Pem. s — Tho Em. p — Tho Sid. s — Tho Cai. [s — Will Joh. s — W Em. p — Will Je,s. s ^^"^IV""^;[ King's . 12 ann.)\ * — Will Mag. p — Will *Trin. [schol. — Will Pem. s ^ Willoughby . *Trin. s Westall, Alex Joh. s — Gervase Joh. s Westell, Rob Joh. s Westall, Will Joh. s Westawe, Rob Trin. p Westbrooke [Cath. s Westbroome, Rob Em. p Westbje, Geo Trin. p — John Joh. f-c Westbee, John [Cai. p Tho Joh. \i Westcombe, I'ra [Pet. p Wescombe, Martin Westcott, Tho Qu. s We-sterer, Rob Joh. p Westerman, John Trin. s — Will Westfcild, Geo Trin. p Westfield, Matth Jes. s — Matth [Jes. p — Mich Westfeild, Tho Cla. s — ' Tho *Jes. s ,We.stfeilde, Tho Jes. s Westfeild, Tho Jes. s — W Cla. s Westhawe v. Westawe Westhorpe, Ambrose ... Westlake, Hen Sid. s Westland, John Pem. p M 1626 E 1632 E 1649 E 1654 E 1623 L 1580-1 M 1615 E 1571 M 1547 E 1586 L 1635-6 M 1639 E 1587 M 1578 c. 1595 E 1620 E 1637] M 1571 E 1586 c. 1590 c. 1598 E 1617 E 1631] L 1634 E 1650 M 1582 L 1579 M 1627 L 1577- E 1577 1630] E 1629 M 1649 c. 1596 E 1627] E 1579 L 1621 -: c. 1591 c. 1592 E 1611 E 1631 E 1606 E 1638] E 1580 E 1589 E 1609 E 1634 E 1583 A.B. 1630-1 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.P.. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. (Pem.) 1587-8 A.M. 1641 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) A.B. 1557-8; A.M. (*Trin.) 1561 ; [S.T.B. 1568; S.T.P. 1586-7 fr. Trin.] A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 A.B. 1590-1 ; A.M. (Jes.) 1594 A.B. (Joh.) 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1586 A.B. A.B. 1623-4 : 1641 A.M. 1627 A.B. (n594-5); A.M. 1598 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 5 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 A.B. (C. C.) 1585-6 (Matr. Westole) 80 8 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1580-1 A.B. (Qu.) 1632-3 A.B. (? 1598-9) ; A.M. 1602, Wes- [toby A.M. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 S.T.B. 1609 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. (Jes.) 1606 [1604; S.T.P. 1615 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596; S.T.B. A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1637 M 1632 E 1568 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. (Sid.) 1606 Bishop of Bristol, 1642. Matriculation ii and Derfrees 1544 — i6r,9 717 Westland, . Westledd, Westlid, Westley, Westlye, Westly, Westley, Westly, Weslye, Westley, Westmore, Westoby, Westobe, Weston, Westropp, Westrop, Westropp Westwood, Westwrey, Weteiihall, Wethered, "Wethcrhed, Wetherad, Wetherall, Weatherell, Wetherell, Whetherall, Wctherald, Wetherell, Wethemll, John Harpham ... IMiil Tho. . Will. . John . John . John .. John . Rich. . Rob. ., Rob. . Rouke Tho. . Tho. . Will. ., John . Sam. .. Will. .. And. .. Edm. ., Edm. ., Edw. .. Hen. .. Herb... 'Hugh.. Ja Jerome Ti John .... Nich Reginald Rich Rich Rich Roger,... Tho Tho Will [Trin. Sid. Sid. Jes. [Sid. King'; Em. ("ath. Pern. Cla. Chr. Em. Cla. Chr. Jes. Trin. Joh. Sid. [Qu. Cai. Joh. Pem. [Chr. Qu. Trin. [Jes. Trin. . Mag. . Joh. . [King's . [Sid. . Em. . Trin. John Trin. Jonat Cai. Tho King's H. Edw. r. Withnell John Ralph Edw. , Rich. Tho. Anth. Greg. , Hen. Ja Ja John , Rob. , Rob. , Rob. , Roi^er, Pem. Cai. Chr. [Cai. Trin. Cai. Pem. Pet. Mag. Chr. Cai. Cai. Trin. f-c f-c E E M E M E M E E E E E E ^[ E c. E c. E 15 1 (JaHj 1633 1033 1641 1607J 1573 1617 1644 1637 1566 1579 1621 1573 1579 1571 1629 1594 1656 1545] 1580 1569 1619 1624] 1623 M 1569 1615 1641 ; fr 1577-8 1634 1558 1615-6] 1599] 1613 1595 1634 1632 1544 LL.P. (Trin. H.) 1639 [Westlid] A.R. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 A.M. 1654 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) A. P.. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. (Chr.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1659-60 A.B. 1583-4 A.B. (Trin.) 1604-5 ; A.M. (Pem.) [1608 A.B. 1622-3 S.T.P. 1554-5 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) A.M. 1626 {fil. nob.) A.M. 1580 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1629 (//. nob.) A.B. 1572-3 A.B. (Trin.) 1593-4 . C. C] A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.M. 1629 {/l. nob.) A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1641 [migr. to Joh.] A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 1619 1612 1621 1586] 1616 1611 1.556 1607 1617 1552 1614 1645- 1549 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1615-6, Wetherhird A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1611-2 A.B. 1620-1, Wetherall ; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1616-7 6 A.B. 1646-7, Withcrell ' Dean of Westminster, 1553. 718 Matriculations and Deqrees 1544 — 1659 Weatherall, Thu *Cai. Wetherell, Will C. C. Wetheridge, Roger Cai. Wetherington, Rob Trin. Wetherley, Ralph *Joh. Wethers, Geo. v. Withers Weycoe, Elias Joh. — Tho. V. Waycock Whale, Hen Pet. — Johu Trin. — Jonas Pem. — Miles — Philemon ... Joh. Whaley, Chris [Cai. — Edw Em. Walley, Geo Cla. Whaley, Hen Cai. Whalley, Hen Trin.H. Walley, Hugh Chr. Whaley, Ja Cai. — John Joh. Whalley, John Trin. — John Trin. Walley, John Cla. Whalley, Markam ... Joh. Whalie, Peneston ... Trin. Whaley, Pet Qu. Whalley, Ralph Joh. Whallie, Rich Trin. Walley, Rob *Trin. Whalley, Rob Trin. — Tho *Trin. Whaley, Tho C. C. Whalley, Walt Trin. Whaly, Walt C. C. Whaley, Walt Trin. Whalley, Will, {imp.) Joh. — Will Joh. Whalye, Will Joh. Whalley [King's Wharam, Rich Joh. Wharfe, Allin [Joh. — Tho Qu. Wharton, Cha Joh. — Cha Cai. — Ed.? Trin. — Edm *Cai. — Geo [Cai. — Geo C. C. — Hen Trin. — Humph. ... Pet. — Jerem Trin. — Josias Trin. — Law. (?/0 ... Trin. _ Mich Joh. — Mich Joh. — Mich [Joh. — Pet Joh. — Phil. {Baro) Jes. s M 1602 A.B. 1604-5 ; A.M. 1608 ; S.T.B.'IS s E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 p E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 [Witheridge] p c. 1591 p E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 p L 1618-9 p E 1575 A.B. 1578-9 s L 1563-4 s L 1597-8 A.B. (Chr.) 1576-7 p M 1565 s M 1601] E 1614' [p A.B. 1617-8 p M 1554 p E 1618 A.B. 1620-1, Whale s E 1636 LL.B. 1642, Whalie p M 1646 A.B. 1650-1 p L 1581-2 s E 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 p L 1584-5 p M 1649 s E 1658 p M 1576 f-c M 1642 [p L 1649-50] A.B. 1653 p M 1547 f-c E 1577 s M 1552 A.B. 1557-8; A.M. 1561, Whalley p L 1580-1 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. (*Qu.) 1588 p L 1584-5 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592; S.T.B. [1599; S.T.P. \m% {Lit. Reg.) p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 p L 1580-1 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588; S.T.B. [(*Pem.) 1595 ; S.T.P. 1615 p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 p E 1633 p M 1546 p M 1581 A.B. (Cath.) 1583-4 s M 1606 A.B. 1610-1 s E 1599] s M 1656 A.B. 1660-1 (xMatr. Whawom) p M 1648] s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 p M 1546 p E 1606 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 p c. 1591 E 1653 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659 f-c L 1595-6" A.M. 1607 {fil. nob.) f-c E 1626 p E 1586 p E 1639 s M 1621 A.B. 1625; A.M. 1633 s E 1653 p c. 1591 p ]\[ 1565 A.B. 1567-8 p M 1610 f-c M 1639] p M 1567 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 f-c E 1573 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 719 Wliarton, Phil Pet. p M l(i24 lUli)h Job. s E 1579 A.B. 1582-3 Kich Sid. p E 1615 — Sam Joh. .s E 1605 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 — Tho [C'ai. f-o E 1602] A.M. 1607 ifil. nob.) — Tho Cla. p E 1606 — Tho Sid. p E 1606 Tho Pem. s E 1637 M.D. 1652 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Tho Joh. s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4 — Vincent A.B. (Chr.) 1592-3; A.M. 1.596 — AVill Trill. p E 1602 — Will Sid. p :\[ 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. (*Pet.) 1621 Whately, Cresswell ... Em. s M 1635 A.B. 1639-40 (Matr. Wheatley) Whattafte, Brian v. Whottottb Whatton, Geof. King'.s s L 1579-80 — John Pet. f-c E 1658 — Tho Mag. s E 1614 — Tho Qu. s E 1636 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1662 — Tho Trin. s M 1637 Wheat, Jerem Chr. s E 1659 A.B. 1662-3 Whctecrofte, Heu Cla. p M 1567 LL.P.. (*l>in. H.) 1575-6; LL.D. Wheatcroft, Tho Joh. p E 1653 [1586 Whetley, Chris C. C. s E 1549 Wheatley, Edw A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Humph. ... Trin. s L 1578-9 A.B. 1582-3 — Humph. ... Sid. p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5 Wheatly, John Em. s M 1625 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Whetly, Rob Trin. s c. 1593 Whetley, Tho Joh. p M 1569 Wheatly, Tho Em. s E 1624 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 Tho Trin. p M 1651 Whetley, W Cla. f-c M 1566 Wheatly [Whately], Will. Chr. p 1597 A.B. 1600-1 Wheelehowse, Geo Chr. s M 1578 Wheelhowse, Ja Je.s. s E 1577 A.B. 1.580-1 Whelhowse, Tho Cla. s E 1585 Wheeler, ^Cha *Trin. p E 1636 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 Wheler, Ja Sid. s E 1644 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. (*Ccii.) 1651 Whevler, Rich Trin. p M 1562 A.B. (1565-6); A.M. 1569 Wheler, Rich Qu. s M 1562 Rich Trin. p E 1563 A.B. 1.566-7 Whei'lcr, Rich loh. s E 1637 Whealer, Will Qu. s M 1582 Wheelock, -Abr Trin. s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618; S.T.B. AVhillock, Abr King's s M 1650 [(*Cla.) 1624 Wlicelocke, Greg King's s E1649 A.B. (Cla.) 1653-4; A.M. 1657 Ralph Chx. s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1631 W hoelewright, John Trin. .s M 1571 Willi Wright, John Sid. s E 1611 A.B. 1614 5; A.M. 1618 W hwlewright, John Jes. p E 1643 W holewright, Rich Qu. s E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1634 Wheelwright, Steph Pem. s c. 1596 A.B. (Trin.) 1599-1600 Wheklyne, John v. Wakelin Wheldale, Aug Mag. p L 1645-6 - Will Mag. p M 1618 Whelpdale, Nath [Cai. p E 1601] Whelpedalo, Will Pem. s E 1585 A.B. 1588-9 Whelpedayle, Will A.B. (Pem.) 1609 Whelson, John Trin. s K 1.587 1 M.P. for University, 1667. ^ Librarian, 1629; Professor of Arabic, 16.S2. 720 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Wheiywas, Hen *Qu. }> K 1586 A.B. (/ 1589-90); A.M. 1593 Whetcombe, John S.T.B. 1610 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Whetnall, Fra [Pet. p L 1617-8] — Hen Pet. p M 1580 A.B. 1.583-4 ; A.M. 1587, Whitnall Whetenhall, Tho Pet. f-c M 1615 — Qu. f-c E 1544 Whetstone, Fra Joh. p E 1573 Whetstones, Ja A.M. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Whichcoate, iBenj *Eni. p M 1626 A.B. 1629-30 ; A.M. 1633; S.T.B. Whichcotte, Edw Em. p E 1617 [1640; S.T. P. (King's) 1649 Whichcote, Edw [Chr. f-c E 1623] Whichcott, Hamond ... Cai. f-c c. 1593 [Whichcots] Wychcotte. John Cath. s E 1574 Whichcote,' John [Chr. f-c E 1623] Whichcot, John King's p M 1654 Whitchcot, Rob Chr. f-c E 1620 Whichcot, Rob Em. p E 1645 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 16.52 (Incorp. Whitchcote, Tho Chr. p M 1.569 [fr. Oxf.) Whichcott, Tho Chr. p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 — Will [Em. p L 1633-4] Whichcocke, Joshua C. C. p c. 1593 [Whitcott] — Will C. C. p c. 1.593 Whiddon, Rowland ... Pet. p E 1655 Whihell, John {imp.). Joh. p E 15.50 Whillock v. also Wheelock Whilocke, Ralph King's s E 1645 Wincupe, Edm Cai. p E1633 A.B. 1636-7, Whincop ; A.M. 1640 Wyncoppe, John Trin. s M 1572 Wyncope, John Chr. s E 1579 A.B. 1581-2 Whincopp, John *Trin. s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625; S.T.B. [1632; S.T.P. 1637 [Lit. Reg.) Whincop, Sam Sid. s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1 ; A.M. (*Joh.) 1614; [S.T.B. 1621; S.T.P. 1631-2 {Lit. [Reg.) (Matr. Whincocke) Wincopp, Tho Trin. [schol. E 1578] A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 Whincopp, Tho *Trin. s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619; S.T.B. Whinke V. Winke [1626 ; S.T.P. 1635 Whinyats, Rob Qu. s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 Whipp, Will C. C. s E 1620 AVhipple, Hen C. C. f-c c. 1594 Whypple, Tho Joh. p M 1549 Whipple, Tho [C. C. 1599] Whyple, Will Joh. p M 1548 A.B. 1551-2, Whipley ; A.M. 1555 Whis, Tho Joh. p E 1585 Whisking, And Cla. s E 1613 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 Whiskin, John King's s E 1613 — Rob Cai. p E 1589 A.] 5. 1592-3 Whyskyn, Will Qu. s E 1544 Whisler, Will A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) Whisson, John Jes. s E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M.'l635 Whiston, Edw A.B. (Trin.) 1634-5; A.M. 1638; [M.L. 1639 — Edw Em. ]) M 1659 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 — Hen *King's p M 1628 A.B. 1632; A.M. 1636 — John Qu. s E 1623 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 — Jonat Chr. s E 16.53 A.B. 16.56-7; A.M. 1660 — Nich Pet. s L 1597-8 A.B. (n6()2-3); A.M. 1606 Whitakar, Alex Trin. [schol. E 1602] A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608 Whitaker, Baber [Em. s E 1613] 1 Provost of King's, 1645. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 16; 21 (iVhitacres, SVhi taker, Whitakers, Whitakar, Whitacres, Whitaker, ^Vhitakers, Whitaker, Whiticars, Whitycars, Whitaker, Whittaker, Whitaker, Edw. C4amaliel . . (Jeo. Joh. s Hen. Em. s Ja. ... Joh. p Ja. ... Trin. Sid. Jereni s J ere ID *Joh. p John Joh. p John Jes. )Qu. s John URuts p John [{Hertb .) Qu. p Laur. {sen.) . Joh. p Laur. { jun. Joh. 1> Laur. Joh. s Miles . Qu. s Pvob. . Qu. p Eob. ]\Iag. Rob. . Joh. r« Sam *King'i Tlio Tobias 'Will *Trin. Whitakers, 2 Will. Joh. nVill Joh. Whitaker, Wli it takers, Whittaker, W'liitamore, Whitby, Wlutbye, Whitby, ^\■llitcombe, AVlntc, AVhight, Whitte, White, Whvte, Wliitc, Whight, White, Whvte, White, Whvte, Wliite, Wliyte, ^\■llito, - ('Wr Will. . Will. . Will. . Abr. . Oliver Tho. . Tho. . Will. . Rich. . Adam And. . And. . Anth Chr Anth Blase . Cha. . Cha. . Dan. . Ed Edw. . Edw Trin. 3 Era Cai. Fra *Tnn Pet. Em. Jes. Chr. King'.' Cai. C. C. [Joh. Joh. Trin. , Trin. M M M L [schol. p M 1564 s M 1609) p E 1610^ s E 1618 s E 1639 s E 1642 p c. 1592 M 1615 M 1644 [16021 E 1657] E 1579 M 1572 L 1580-1 E 1566 A.B. (Cla.) 1571-2; A.M. 1575 1659 1585 A.B. (Joh.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 1566 1580-1 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 1616 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1619 1636 1648" 1648" A.B. 1639-40 1567 A.B. 1570-1, Whitacres 1567 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 1618 1647 A.B. 1647-8; A.M. 1651 1658 A.B. 1661 1658-9" A.B. 1662-3 1604] A.B. 1608; A.M. 1612 Qu. Trin. Sid. Em. Gonv.H. C. C. Fra Fra Geo Geo Gilb Harimus ght'), Hen. Ja Joh. Jes. ♦King's , Cai. V. C. C. \ Cai. , Chr. M 1570 M 1620 E 1624 E 1620 E 1544 E 1605 L 1634- E 1579 E 1607 E 1613 E 1635 M 1545 hiter M 1554 E 1611 E 1575 A.B. (Trin.) 1597-8 M.D. 1637 (Incorp. fr. Levden) A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571;'S.T.B. [1578; S.T.P. 1587 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1621-2 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. (*Qu.) 1646 A.B. 1645; A.M. 1650 A.B. 1595-6 A.B. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1648-9 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1574-5; A.M. (Pet.) 1578 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 A.B. 1625-6, Wight; A.M. 1629 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 [1593; S.T.P. 1618 A.B. 1.582-3; A.M. 1586; S.T.H. A.B. 1611-2 ; A.M. 1615 ; S.T.B. '22 A.B. 1549-50 S.T.B. (Cath.) 1610 A.P.. l(n4-5 ; A.M. 1618 ; S.T.B.'25 A.l'.. (Mag.) 1577-8; A.M. (Chr.) [1581 1 Kugius Professor of Divinity, 1.>S L 1637-8" P E 1640 s E 1645 A.B. 1648-9 P E 1649 f-c E 1651 A.M. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) P E 1653] P E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 s M 1608 A.B. (Em.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. (Joh.) 1611-2; A.M. 1615 > s c. 1595 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1606 s M 1656 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1668 V E 1566 s M 1586 A.B. (? 1589-90) ; A.M. (Cai.) 1592 1> E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 p M 1544 A.B. 1547-8 p E 1571 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 p M 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 f-c E 1611 A.M. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1623 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) M 1646 A.B. 1649 Mus.Bac. 1560 s M 1580 [p E 1599] A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M 1606;S.T.r. s U 1619 [(Cla.) 1609 ; S.T.P. 161.^ s 1' E 1640 M 1569] p s E 1607 E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 s E 1610 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 p E 1646 p E 1652] f-c M 1554 A.B. 1554-5; A.M. 1558 s E 1589 A.B. 1592-3 s E 1615 A.B. (Cai.) 1618-9 « E 1554 1554] A.B. 1557-8; A.M. 1563, Wight f-c E 1577 p E 1577 p [E 1596] A.B. (Cla.) 1595-6; A.M. 1599 A.B. 1600-1: A.M. 1604 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 72:1 Vhite, Tho Jes. s M 1(;14 Tho Km. s K 1G24 A.l}. 1G27-8 ; A.M. 1(131 IThyte, Tlio loh. .s M 1(528 A.l'>. W.Vl \l Tho Trill. .s E 1632 A.B. 1034-5 VTiite, Tho Sid. p E 1633 Vhyte, Tho Joh. .s E 1G39 A.B. 1G42-3; A.M. 1047 Vhite, ^Tlio Joh. p M 1042 A.B. 1040-7 Tho Em. p E 1049 1(552-3; A.M. (*Pet.) 1650 Tho ("hi. p !*: 1(558 A.B. (Pern.) 1(561-2; A.M. 1(571 Tim Cla. p E 1028 A.B. 1028-9; A.M. 1032 "Walt Mag. p M 1649 A.B. 1052-3; A.M. 1(356 Will Cai. .s M 1506 Vhight, Will Chr. p M 1567 A.B. 1571-2 Vhyte, Will Cla. p M 1568 A.B. (Qu.) 1571-2; A.M. 1575; Vhite, Will Joh. f-c E 1585 [S.T.B. 1584 Will V. C. p c. 1592 Will Mag. p E 10'35 AVill S.T.B. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Will A.M. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Will Pet. p E 1632 A.B. 1635-6 Will Cla. p M 1641 Will Em. s E 1642 A.B. (Qu.) 1645-6 Will Sid. [p E 1046] A.B. 1649-50 [Cath. s 1623] ^Vhitchurche, Mich Chr. s E 1605 rt'hitechurch. Rich Em. s E 1620 ^Vhitchui-ch [C. C. 1509] ^Vhitcroft, Rich Mag. p M 1571 VVhitefoote, John Em. p L 1626-7 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 Whitfoot, Phil Em. [p E 1635] A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 Whitefooto, Will Em. p E 1638 Whitehaud, Tho Cla. .s E 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 Whithand, Tho (la. p E 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 Whitehaud, Tho *C. C. p E 1646 A.B. 1049-50; A.M. 1053 Wvtehead, Anth Trin. p L 1503-4 A.B. 1576-7 Whithead, Hen Trin. « E 1575 Hen C. C. s E 1620 A.B. (Mag.) 1623-4; A.M. 1627 — Jasper *Qu. s E 1630 A.B. 1639-40 — John A.B. (Joh.) 1606-7; A.M. 1610 — John Cath. p E 1049 A.B. 1651-2 — John C. C. p E 1653 A.B. 1656-7 — John A.M. 1655 (Incoii). fr. Oxf.) — John Chr. .s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 — Rich Cath. [p E 1645] A.B. 1648-9 — Roger Joh. p E 1620 A.B. (Trin.) 1625-6 Wvtehead, Sam Trin. p M 1568 A.B. 1575-6 Whvthed, Tho [King's E 1546] Whitehead, Tho Chr. s r-. 1598 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1607 . — Tho Joh. .s M 1614 — Tho Jcs. s E 1028 A.B. (Joh.) 1031-2; A.M. 1635 — Tho Mag. s E 1035 A.B. 1638-9 — Tho Chr. a L 1658-9 A.B. 1662-3 — Chr. p E 1603 — [Cath. f-c 1644] Wbiteman, Gill. Joh. p M 1578 A.B. 1582 3; A.M. 1586 Whightraan, John Joh. p E 1582 LL.B. 1588 Mich loh. p E 1582 Wyghtmau, Tho Trin. s M 1571 Whitepane, John [Sid. p E 1600] 1 Bishop of Pcterborougli, 1(58;-. (S.T.P. Oxf.). 724 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Whiter ('White'), Geo.... Cai. p E 1624 Whitereasyng, H Chr. s M 1558 Whiter.s, Rich Trin. p M 1581 Whitesede, Will [Qu. s E 1590] Whitestones, Barnard ... Joh. f-c E 1563 Whitestone, Era Cla. p E 1624 Whitestones, Walt Witfeld, Geo Trin. s M 1562 Whitfield, Hen — Hen [C. C. 1635] Whytfyld, Herb Jes. p E 1576 Whitfield, Herb [C. C. 1635] Wytfyld, John Trin. p E 1573 Whitfeld, John Jes. s E 1648 Witfyld, Nich Trin. s E 1560 Whitfield, Phil Cla. s E 1586 — Ralph C. C. f-c E 1637 — Reg Chr. p M 1564 Whitfyld, Rob Pet. p E 1573 Whitefyld, Tho Qu. p E 1562 W^hitfyld, Tho Pet. p E 1573 Whitfield, Tho Em. p E 1602 Whitfeilde, Tho King's s M 1614 Whitfield, Will Whitfeild, Will Era. p E 1636 — Will C. C. p E 1640 Whitfield [C. C. f-c 1565] Whitgift, Geoff. [Trin. schol. E 1570] Whytgyft, iJohn Pem. p E 1550 Whightegift, John Trin. p M 1589 Whitguyfte, John Jes. f-c M 1619 Whitgrave, Nevil Trin. p E 1616 — Tho Mag. s E 1587 — Walt *Trin. s L 1593-4 — Walt Trin. p E 1615 Whithers, Geo Cla. f-c E 1612 Whithorne, Aug Chr. p M 1561 — Edw Em. s M 1601 Whitehorne, Tho Whithorne, Will Trin. [schol. E 1627] Whiting, Anth Em. p M 1616 Whytyng, Aug Mich.Ho. s E 1545 Whitinge, Edm C. C. p E 1584 Whytynge, Era Jes. p E 1572 Whiting, Era Mag. s E 1639 — Giles Trin. s M 1569 Whytinge, John Trin.H. p E 1556 Whitinge, John Qu. p M 1572 Whiting, John Em. p c. 1592 — John Joh. s E 1619 Whitinge, John Cai. p M 1619 Whiteinge, John Cla. p E Why ting, John Pem. p E Whiteing, John Em. p E — John Joh. p E Whiting, Jonat Em. p E Whiteinge, Nath Qu. p E 1627 1632 1647 1654 1634 1629 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631, *Cla. A.B. 1593-4 A.B. 1627-8 (Matr. Whetstone) A.B. (Pet.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612 S.T.B. 1631-2 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1590-1 A.B. 1 567-8, 'Robert'; A. M. (*Pet A.B. 1576-7 [157 A.B. 1565-6 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.M. 1584 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1643, *Je [164 A.B. 1553-4; A.M. (*Pet.) 1557 [S.T.B. 1563 ; S.T.P. 1566- A.B. 1619-20 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600; S.T.l [16C [1615; S.T.P. 16i A.B. 1604-5 ; A.M. 1608 ; S.T.l A.M. 1651 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1573-4 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599; S.T.l, A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 [16r A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. (Cath.) 166 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1631; A.M. 1635 1 Bishop of Ely, 1560; Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, 1563; Eegius Professor, 156' Master of Pembroke, 1567; Master of Trhiity, 1567; Bishop of Worcester, 1577; Aichbish* of Canterbury, 1583. Matriculations ((ml Def/ires 1544- 1659 IVhiting, ^V hi tinge, Whiting, Wliitynge, Whiting, Wliiteing, W'liitinge, Wiiytynge, Whitinge, Whiting, Whitlam, Whitley, Rich. ... Sam. ... Sam. ... Tho. ... Tho. ... Tho. ... Tim. ... AVill. ... W Will. ... Will. ... Ralph Jcrem [Joh. John Tiin John Joh. Matth Em. Em. Em. Em. King's Trin. Joh. Chr. Qvi. Mag. Em. C. C. Cai. E 1037 J E 1G13 E 1G47 M loTl c. 159") E 1054 c. 1595 M 1552 E 1562 c. 1596 [16241 M 1565 M 1635] M 1571 M 1577 E 1628 Whitlocke, Edm. ('Edw.') C Whitlock, Whytlocke, A\'ljitlowe, Whitlow, Em. [Kint Chr. Whitmore Whitmoore, Whitmore, Whitnall V. Wliitnell, Whitnie, Whitney, John Win. ... Edw. ... Ja Nath Era Humph. Tho. ... Will "King's Will Trin. Trin. Kiug^ :dso Whetnall and Witnell Whytney, A\'hitney, Whytney, Whitney, *Trin. Cai. Cai. Cla. Joh. Cai. Pet. [Cai. Tho Era Era Geo Hen Ja Nich Rob. (imp) Tho WhittatteCWhotoffe'XWill.-Qu. Will. [Qu. Whitter, Ju.stinian ... Em. Whitthius, Era Trin. Whittingham, Dan Chr. Humph. ... Joh. John Jes. Rich Cla. Rob Em. Tho Trin. Tho Sid. Tim Chr. Tim ' Sid. Zach Chr. Whittiugton, Oswald Qu. Oswald [Qu. Rich Era. . Whittle, Whittell, Whittle, Rob. Rob. Rob. Tho. Mag. Joh. ♦King's Chr. Mag. Mag. 1581 1642] 1537] 1633 1636 1602 1639 1657] 1588 1629-30 A.B. A.R A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1640-1 1616-7; A.M. 1650-1; A.M. (Cai.) 1574-5 1600-1 1659 (Em.) 1598-9; 1620 1654 A.M. 1602 1573 1606 A.B. A.B. A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 1627; A.M. 1631 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584,Wheatley 1631-2; A.M. (Joh.) 1635 [(Matr. ' William Whettell') 1584-5 1645-6; A.M. 1649 1541-2; A.M. 1545; S.T.B. 1636-7 ; A.M. 1640 [1552-3 1639-40; A.M. 1643 (Em.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 1577-8 ; A.M. 1581 ; S.T.B.'89 1608-9; A.M. (Cla.) 1612 ( ); A.M. (Cla.) 1626 1610 1550 1557 1607 1549 1601] 1568 A.B. 1572-3 ; A.M. 1576 ; S.T.B. '84 1580] 1618 1582 1586 1637 1632 1579-80 1644 1596 1615-6 1572 1631 1572 1573 1577] A.B A.B. A.B. 1621-2,'Whilter'; A.M. 1625 ; [S.T.B. 1633 1641-2 (*Joh.) 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 A.B. 1576- 1623 1569 1582 1592 1613 1584 A.B. (Joh.) 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1586-7, Whitle; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 A.B. (Em.) 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 726 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Whittle, Tho Mag. p L — Thurston ... Mag. s E Whittell, Will *Trin. p E — Will Mag. s M Whittle, Will [Qu. p E — Will Qu. p M Whitton, Edw Cai. s c. — Will Whiteway, Sam Cath. p E — [Cath. f-c Whitwell, Chris King's p E — Will *King's p E Whitworth, Abr Em. p M — John Pet. s E Rob Qu. p E Whottoffe, Bryan Qu. s E Wyborowe, John Pet. p E Wiborow, Tho Pet. s E Wiborrow, Tho Qu. s E Wyborowe, Will Trin. s E Wiborrow, Will Trin. s M Wicham, Barlow *Trin. p E Wickham, Barlow Trin. [p E — Edw — Hen *King's p M Wickam, Hen *Triu. p M Wyckham, John [King's E Wickham, Mich [Trin. s E — Rob Cla. s M Wickam, i Tobias *Trin.H. [schol. Wycham (WickhamX^^^^ I *j^.^g,^ ^^ ^^ Wickham, Will ".. Trin. [schol. E Wickham [King's f-c E Wickingham, Rob. v. Witchingham Wickins, Will Cath. p E Wyclyfife, Anth Trin. p E Wickliffc, Edw Chr. p E Wyclvfte, John Joh. f-c M Wickiiffe, John Jes. f-c M Wyclyfie, Pet C. C. f-c E Wickiiffe, Ralph Sid. s E Wyclyfie, ^Tho Trin. p E — 3Tho Trin. s E Wyckclyffe, W Trin. s E Wikes [Wykes], Edw. ... Chr. p E Wykes, Geo Cai. [p L Wicks [Weeks], John ... Qu. s M — John Em. s E Wickes, Nath Cla. s E Wicks (' Weekes '), Phil. . Jes. s Wickes, Rich Em. p E Wicks, Rob Em. [s E Wickes, Sam Cai. [s E Wicks ('Weekes'), Sam.. Em. p M Wickes, Tho Qu. v. Weeks Wikes, Tho Pem. s M 1618-9 1619 1578 1613 1646] 1650 1596 1631 1645] 1633 1637 1659 1636 1575 1606 1579 1623 1626 1584 1623 1610 1652] 1608 1647 ■ 1545; 1644] 1580 1639] 1556 1602] 1616] 1631 1573 1623 1575 1587 1568 1650 1567) 1568^ 1568 1631 1566-' 1589 1617 1607 1597 1634 1614] 1600] 1619 1645 A.B. 1622-3 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1653; A.M. 1657 A.M. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1634-5 A.B. 1640-1 ; M.D. 1660 (Zi^ Reg.) A.B. 1662-3 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. (Chr.) 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.B. (*Cath.) 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 A.B. (Cath.) 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1588-9 A.B. 1627-8 A.B. 1613-4 A.B. 1655-6 ; A.M. (*Trin. H.) 1659 A.M. 1585 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 Lay clerk] A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1645; S.T.P. [1671 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1560-1 ; A.M. 1564 ; S.T.P. '69 A.B. 1604-5 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1626 A.B. (Cai.) 1654 A.B. 1571-2 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 i Wicks] A.B. (Joh.) 1592-3 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 A.B. 1610-1 A.B. (n601-2); A.M. 1605 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 Dean of York, 167/ Bishoi) of Lincoln, 1584; Winchester, 1595. Uncertain which of these, if two, graduated. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 72: Wickes, Tim Cai. Wicks, Will [Trin.H. - ('Weekes'), Will.... Em. Wid.ler, Will Chr. Widdowes, Dan Km. AViildows, Hen Qu. Widdowes, John loh. Wydows, Tho Chr. Widowes, Will Qu. Wyddowson, Rob Chr. Widdrington, Edw Chr. Hen [Chr. 1 Ralph *Chr. Ralph [Chr. 2 Tho Chr. Tho Chr. Will Chr. Will Chr. Wydlaye, Nich Chr. Widley, Tho Cai. Widnoll, Sam [Qu. Wiresdal, Dav C. C. Wiersdale, Gabriel Mag. Wier.sdale, John Qu. Wyersdale, Mark Trin. Wigan, Nich Job. Wigfall, Geo Cai. — Godfrey Job. — Godfrey Trin. — Hen [Cai. — John Trin. — Rich [Em. Will Job. — Zach Trin. Wiggen, Atherton ... Trin. — John Trin. Wigghan, Will Joh. Wiggom, John Mag. Wiggs, Alex Jes. Wyggynton, Fi*a Trin. Wiggy nton, Giles *Trin. AVightman, Oliver [Alford] C. C. — Edw Pet. — Edw Joh. — Gilb. V. Whiteman — John Jes. Wigtman, Rich Cath. Wiglitnian, Sam Cath. Wyghtman, Tho Trin. Wvghtmann, Tho Trin. Wightman, Will [Cath. Wightwick, John [Em. Wigley, Edw Joh. — Hen Toh. Wigly, John Job. Wigley, John Mag. Wigmore, Dan Qu. scbol. V M IGOK 1606] E 1624 M 1606 c. l-)n3 c. 1590 E 1563 E 1545 M 1624 L 1564-5 L 1653-4 E 16.541 E 1632" A.B. 1611 A.M. 1615 1657] 1617 1654 1651 1653 1564-5 M 1570 E 1590] E 1612 E 1612 E 1617 E 1576 M 1619 c. 1593 c. 1596 E 1624 E 1.599] M 1651 E 1654] c. 1593 E 1621 M 1601 L 1597-8 E 1.579 E 1631 M 1617 M 1572 M 1.564 E 1610 E 1561 M 1609 E 1634 M 1572 M 1.568 E 1.550 M 1.552 1631 1 E 1646] E l(i39 E Kill E 1611 M 1634 r. 1592 A.r.. 1627-8; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.P.. 1.597-8; A.M. 1601 (Matr. A.B. 1627-8 A.B. 1567-8; AM. (C. C.) 1579 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639; S.T.P. [1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1620-1 A.M. 1657 {Jil. nob.) A.B. 1567-8 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1615 6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1620-1 ; A.M. 1624 A.B. 1596-7 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1654-5 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1625 A.B. 1633-4, AVigham A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1.568-9; A.M. 1572 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 A.B. 1646-7; A.M. 1652 [migr. to Em.] [1609 A.B. 1.595-6; A.M. 1599; S.T.B. • Public Orator, 1650; Re^nus Professor of Greek, lii.M: Lii.lj MuiKiiret Professor of Divinity, 1672. ^ Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 1658. 728 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 "Wigmore, Gilb *Qu. — Hen Qu. — Rich Pet. — Rich Qu. — Rich. {Sir) . — Steph Qu. Wignall, a/ias Martin, John Peni. — Rich Wigston, W Chr. Wilblud, Sam Hid. Wilbore v. Wildbore \Yilborne, Geo Jes. Wylbrara, Ralph Chr. Wilbraham, Ralph Joh. — Rich Joh. — Rich [Em. Wylbraham, Rob Trin. — Roger Joh. AVilbraham, Roger Oath. — Tho Pet. Wilbram, Tho Joh. Wilbraham, Tho Joh. — Tho Cath. — Tho [Em. Wilby, John — ('Welby'), Jonas ...*C. C. Wilby e, Matth Cai. — Matth Trin. Wilbey, Rob Em. Wilby, Tho Sid. Wilkocke, Hen Cla. Wylcocke, Hen Trin. Wilkocke, Ja Clir. Wilcock, Ja Mag. Wilcoke, John Cla. Wilcock, John C. C. Wilcocke, John Mag. — John Joh. — Jos Chr. Wilocke, Tho Trin. Wilcocke, Tho — Tho Joh. — Will Jes. Wylcocks, Anth Joh. Wilcocks, Dan Trin. — Dion [Em. Era Wilcox, Era [Em. Wylkocks, Tho Chr. Wilcoks, Tho Trin. Wilcox, Will King's Wylkocks, Zach Mich. Ho. Wilcockson, Will Wyld, Edw C. C. AVylde, Edw Chr. Wild, Florence ... King's Wylde, Geo Cai. Wild, iGeo Wylde ('Weild'), Hen. ...*Cai. f-c M 1625 E 1634 E 1568 E 1603J E 1634 M 1645 M 1560 E 1600J E 1617 E 1579 E 1618 M 1570 E 1640] M 1572 E 1573 E 1640 M 1548 E 1576 M 1634 E 1640 E 1640 E 1604 E 1577 E 1608 c. 1595 M 1620 E 1555 M 1567 E 1554 E 1625 M 1581 E 1618 E 1632 M 1646 [ft L 1656-7 E 1627 M 1642 E 1620 L 1557-8 M 1619 E 1644] A.R. 1628-9; A.M. 1632; S.T.B [1639; S.T.P. \mO {Lit. Reg: A.B. (Cla.) 1571-2 A.B. 1607; A.M. 1611 A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1648-9 A.M. 1584 (Incorp. h\ Oxf.) A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 (?sarae as above)] [B.A. of Oxf.] M.B. (Cla.) 1638 A.B. 1607; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1611- A.M. 1615 1645] 1545 p E 1588 1637- 1544 M 1601 E 1608 E 1611 M 1569 c. 1593 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. 1628; A.M. 1632, Wilcock] A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 A.B. 1635-6 [1652, ?*Mag. KM'. : Em.] A.B. 1647-8 ; A.M. (*Pein. A.B. (Pern.) 1660-1; A.M. 1664 A.B. 1630-1, Wilcocke A.M. 1633 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) [Wilcockes] A.B. (Cai.) 1622-3 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1632 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1620-1; A.M. IC:^ A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf) A.B. 1604 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 LL.B. 1635 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1596-7 ; A.M. 1600 ; S.T.B. Bishop of Deny, 1661. Matriculations and Degrees io44 — 1659 729 Hen Pom. John Triu. John Chr. John Marm Chr. Rich *Ku»g'i Rich Chr. Rich Chr. Rich Rob Chr. Rob Joh. Rob Joh. also "Welbore Aug Trin. Gilb Sid. Godfrey [C. C. Godfrey Joh. Ja Sid. John *Jes. John Trin. John Sid. John Sid. John Sid. John Joh. John Sid. John Sid. Rob [Cai. Tho Joh. Zach Joh. Zach Chr. Rob Qu. Benj Joh. Ja Chr. Tho *Chr. Will Fra C. C. John C. C. Will Cla. Will Will Chr. '. Wilmer Hen Qu. Edw gu. Edw Cla. Fra Joh. ^ Fra *Trin. Ja *Joh. Ja Job. John Chr. John Chr. John Pern. John Trin. Roger Trin. Tho Cla. Will Joh. W Chr. Will Trin. f-c E 1623 E 1570 1597 E 1509 M 15()1 E 1608 E 1653 E 1623 E 1628 M 1632 E 1607 M 1628] 1628] E 1636 E 1625 L 1563-4 1598 E 1620 E 1623 M 1628 E 1639 L 1647-8 E 1650 L 1638-9] E 1580 M 1571 E 1623 E 1631 E 1657 c. 1597 E 1632 L 1634-5 E 1637 E 1574 E 1625 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 A.B. lfX)8 (Incori). fr. 0.\f.) A.B. 1565-6; A.M. 1569 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.M. 1656 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1625-6 A,B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639; S.T.P. [1661 {Lit. Hi-().) A.B. (Sid.) 1610-1; A.M. 1614; [S.T.B. 1621 ; S.T.P. 1633 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1567-8; A.M. 1571 A.B. (? 1602-3) ; A.M. 1606 ; S.T.B. [(*Sid.) 1613 1623-4; A.M. 1627 E 1583 c. 1591 E 1628 E 1571 E 1629 M 1567 E 1605 E 1560 E 1565 M 1571 E 1654 E 1629 E 1628 M 1544 E 1565 c. 1595 A.B, r?G ilbcrtj A.B. A.B. 1651 ; A.M. (*Cla.) 1655 1653-4 A.B. 1626-7 (Matr. 'Wildose') A.B. 1660-1 A.B. 1600-1; A.M. 1604 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. (Trin.) 1624-5 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 A.B. 1576-7; A.M. 1580 A.B. (Pet.) 1592-3 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 [(*Pet.) 1660 {Lit. Retj.) A.15. 1631-2; A.M. 1635; S.T.P [S.T.P. 1660 (Z/V. li>'g.) A.B. 1632-3, Wilsford ; A.M. 1636; A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 A.B. A.B. 1656- 1632- A.M. 1660 A.M. 1636; S.T.P. [1662 (Z/^ /%.) > Master of Cori>us, l(i61 ; Dean of Ely, l«6-2. 92 730 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Wilgrace, Wilkes, Wylkes, Wilkes, Wilkin, Wylkyns, AVilkins, Wilkinson, Sam Cath. Edw Jes. John Trin. John *Trin. Jos Jes. Rich Cla. Rob Pern. Tho *Trin. Will Cai. Will Cla. Dan Em. Ja Mag. Rich Em. Will Jes. Will Em. Cha Cai. ^ John Auth C. C. Anth Joh. Caleb Trin. Chris Trin. Chris Cath. Edm Pet. Edw Edw Joh. Edw Joh. Edw King'} Era Qu. Geo King's Hen *Trin. Hen [King's Hen Hugh Joh. Ja Ja [Pet. John Jes. John Trin. John Joh. John C. C. John Jes. John Joh. John Qu. Laur Joh. Mich Jes. Mich C. C. Nich. {imp.) Trin. Paul Pem. Ralph *Trin. Ralph Trin. Rich Trin. Rich Joh. Rich Chr. Rob Pem. Rob Joh. Rob Rob King's Rob (!ath. Rob Chr. Tho. {imp.) C. C. M 1638 E 1584 E 1606 E 1652 E 1653 M 1570 E 1605 M 1558 E 1577 E 1637 E 1642] E 1631 L 1648-9 M 1621 L 1647-8 M 1563 M 1602 E 1604 M 1638 L 1577-8 E 1655 E 1626 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. (Cath.) 1608-9 1654-5 ; 1656 A.M. 1658 1562-3; A.M. 1566 A.B. (Jes.) 1580-1 A.B. 1641-2 A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1672 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 [{do.) 1658 A.M. 1639(Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; S.T.F A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 A.B. (Cath.) 1606-7 A.B. 1641; A.M. 1646 A.B. A.B. 1628-9 1553-4, *Cai. 1554 c. 1596 M 1601 E 1635 A.B. 1638-9 L 1579-80 P schol. 1637 1565 1604] 1594 [schol, P E 1657] E 1565 M 1576 c. 1593 E 1624 M 1626 E 1652 E 1652 c. 1592 M 1568 E 1579 M 1554 E 1585 E 1560] M 1579 M 1564 M 1571 M 1633 E 1581 M 1582 E 1606 E 1626 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. (Pem.) 1641 A.B. 1568-9; A.M. 1572 A.B. (Trin.) 1608-9; A.M. 161: S.T.P. 1656 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1.598 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1619-20 ; A.M. 162: A.B. 1596-7; A.B. 1627-8; A.B. 1655-6 A.B. 1595-6; A.B. 1582-3 A.B. 1588-9; A.B. 1562-3; A.M. 1600 A.M. 1634 A.M. 1600 A.M. 1592 A.M. 1566; M.D. A.B. 1636 A.B. 1584 A.B, A.B. A.M. 1588 (Trin.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588 (Qu.) 1592-3 [Ralpl [S.T.P. 1663 {Lit. R M 1637 [fr. Pet.] A.B. 1641-2; A.M. 1646 xM 1549 A.B. 1559-60 ; A.M. (*Trin.) 156: Master of Trinity, 1659; Bishop of Chester, 1668. Matricnlationa and Decirees ir)44 — '650 •:]1 Vilkinson, Tho loli. p M i:)7(i Tho Trill. s IGOl A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 Tho Pet. p K 1619 A.D. 1622 Tho Cla. s M 1619 A.B. 1623 Will Qu. .s M ir)6S A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575; S.T.B. '82 MVill *J<,h. p M 1570) ,„ ,_. . , ,, ,, , •Will Joh. p E 1571 ^■^^- ^'^'■^-^= ^•^^- 15'8; LL.1). Will [Cai. f-c L 1603-4] [1588-9 Will *C. C. .s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639; S.T.B. '47 [Chr. schol. 1554-6] Pern. s E 1617 [Cath. p 1623] S.T.P. (Chr.) 1641 (Lit. liea.) N\\\-M\, Edm Cai. [p M 1598] A.B. 1601-2 — Edw C. C. p c. 1593 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 — Edw C. C. p E 1631 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 — Hen C. C. [1609] A.B. 1612-3 — Laur Cai. [p M 1599] A.B. [1602-3]; A.M. 1606 — Mich *Tnn. p M 1587 A.B. (? 1591-2) ; A.M. 1.59.5, Wil- — Miles C. C. s M 1601 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 [land — ('Wolland'), Rich.... Jes. s E 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 — Rich Qii. s L 1620-1 — Rich [C. C. 1621] [S.T.B. 1574 — [Willou], Rob *C. C. p E 1560 A.B 1563-4, Wolland; A.M. 1567 ; — Rob *C. C. p E 1588 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 — Rob C. C. p c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603, Wil- [land; S.T.P. 1615 — Rob Trin. p M 1656 A.B. 16.59-60; A.M. 1663 ; LL.D. — ('Willion'), Sam. ... C. C. s E 1627 A.B. 1630-1 [1671 — Sam Pet. p M 1642 A.B. 1645-6; A.M. 1664 Willand, Edw [Chr. p L 1622-3] Wvllande, Tho Qu. .s E 1544 A.B. 1548-9, Willan ; A.M. 1552, Willard, Geo Trin. s c. 1596 [*.Toh. 1554 Willerton, Hen Pet. s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Willarton, Sam [Trin. s M 1642] Willerton, W Joh. s L 1577-8 Will [Em. p E 1648] Wille.sbey, Tho Em. p M 1634 A.B. 1638-9; A.:M. 1642 ' — Will Em. p E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 Willet (Wylliat), And. ... Pet. p E 1577 A.B. (*Chr.) 1580-1; A.M. 1584; [S.T.B. 1591 ; S.T.P. 1601 — And Chr. p E 1606 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 Willett, Edm C. C. [1603] A.B. 1606-7, Williate; A.M. 1610 Willet, Ja *King's p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — Paul Cath. p E 1615 A.B. 1617-8, Willott; A.M. 1621 — Rich Chr. p E 1578 A.B. 1580-1 Willett, Rob King's s M 1626 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 William.s, Art Qu. p E 1568 A.B. (C. C.) 1571-2; A.M. 1576 — Art Joh. p M 1634 — Art [Trin. .s E 1655; ?same as next] — Art Joh. p E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 — Dav Jcs. s M 1573 — Dudley [Trin. E 1635] — Edm Joli. p E 1628 — Edw Chr. s E 1585 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 — Edw Em. s c. 1591 A.B. (?1594-5); A.M. 1598 — Edw Joh. s E 1620 — Edw King's s E 1633 A.B. (Em.) 1635-6; A.M. 1640 — Edw [Joh. s E 1635] 1 Uncertain wliicli of these fjraduatcd. 732 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Williams, Geoft". J oh. s E 1641 — Geo Pern. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8 — Griffin A.B. ( ); A.M. (Mag.) 1610 — ^Griffith A.B. (Jes.) 1605-6; A.M. 1609; — Griffith Joh. p M 1622 [S.T.B. 1616; S.T.P. 1621 — Griffith Trin. s M 1658 A.B. (King's) 1661-2; A.M. 1G65 — Hen Joh. s L 1615-6 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 — Hugh A.B. (Jes.) 1601-2 — Humph. ... Qu. s E 1557 — Ja Joh. s c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 — Ja CO. s M 1649 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 — John Joh. p M 1571 — John Trin. s E 1574 — John Chr. p E 1583 [1613; S.T.P. 1616 — 2john *Joh. s E 1598 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1605; S.T.B. — John A.B. ( ); A.M. (Pem.) 1610 — John Joh. p M 1610 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 — John Joh. s E 1612 A.B. 1615-6 — John Joh. p E 1616 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 — John A.B. (Joh.) 1631-2; A.M. 1635 — John Joh. s E 1632 — John *King's [schol. 1633] A.B. 1636-7 ; A.M. 1640 — John [Joh. p M 1640] — John Mag. p E 1640 — John Chr. p M 1641 — John Joh. p M 1654 — Lewis *Joh. p E 1559 A.B. 1561-2 ; A.M. 1565 ; S.T.B. '70 — Lewis Qu. s L 1597-8 A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 — Lewis Jes. s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 — Martin *Trin. p M 1565 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573 ; S.T.B, — Maur Cla. p E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 [1580 — Morris Chr. s c. 1593 A.B. (Jes.) 1595-6; A.M. 1599 — Nath A.B. (Joh.) 1619-20 — Nich Joh. s E 1566 — Pet King's p M 1558 — Pet Em. p L 1645-6 — Rich Jes. s M 1564 — Rich *King's [schol. 1624] A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 — Rich Em. s E 1627 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 — Rob Mag. p E 1588 — Rob King's s M 1631 A.B. 1633-4 — Roger A.B. (*Qu.) 1571-2; A.M. 1375 — Roger Pem. p E 1625 A.B. 1626-7 [S.T.B. 158: — Roger [Joh. p E 1632] — Roger Joh. s M 1654 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 — Rowland ... Joh. p E 1572 — Rowland ... Qu. s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 — Tho Cla. p U 1568 A.B. 1575-6 — Tho Joh. s E 1569 — Tho Jes. s E 1583 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1591 — Tho [Qu. p L 1591-2] — Tho [Em. p L 1592-3] — Tho Joh. s 1594 A.B. 1596-7 — Tho Jes. s M 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 — Tho Mag. s E 1637 — Tho [Trin. f-c E 1646] — Tho Em. p M 1649 — Walt Jes. s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 — W Jes. p M 1560 1 Bisliop of Ossory, 1641. 2 Bishop of Lincoln, 1621; Archbishop of York, 1641. Matrl('}flafl(mfi avd Dcqrees )44- \^9 700 i^illiuins, Will (,,)u. — Will [C'la. — Will Tiin. — Will Pern. — ('Williamson'), AVill. Sid. — Will J,.li. — Will Trill. — Will Em. Williamson, Art Chr. Barn - Caesar *lVin. Cuthb Qu. Dove *King's Edm Em. Edw Cath. Edw Pern. iFra [Qu. ipra Trin. Fra Trin. Fra [Chr. Geo C. C. Giles Cath. Hen Chr. Hen King's Ja Cath. Ja Chr. Ja Sid. John Trin. John Pem. John Joh. John Chr. John Joh. John Cath. John Joh. [John] Em. Jos Pet [C. C. Ralph Randolph ... Jes. Rich, {imp.) Pet. Rob Trin. Rob Chr. Rob King's Roger Joh. Simeon Qu. Tho Trin. Tho *Joh. Tho Jes. Tho Chr. Tho Qu. Tho ♦King's Tho Chr. Tho. {imp:) . Chr. W Pet. Will [King's Will Joh. Will Trin. Will Ciir. Will Chr. 1> [i; s f-c p s p P E 1571 L lG04-i M 1(52-) E 1626 E 1626 E 1641 E 1642 E 1646] M \m\ c. 1594 M 1627 E 1577 M 1624 1612 1587 1641 1595]| 1597 \ 1619 1642] 1544 1573 1587 [1626-7] M 1568 E 1612 E 1635 M 1555 M 1568 E 1575 M 1575 M 1585 E 1587 c. 1591 E 1623 1544] M 1554 M 1555 L 1557-8 M 1570 E 1624 E 1569 E 1639 M 1555 E 1562 E 1576 L 1581-2 L 1582-3 M 1609 E 1655 M 1657 E 1584 E 154.5] E 1607 yi 1617 L 1 644-5] E 1656 A.B. 1575^6 [S.T.B. 1622 A.B. (Cai.) 1608-9; A.M. 1612; A.B. 1629-30; A.M. (Em.) 1633 A.B. 1629-30, Guilliams; A.M. A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 [1633 A.B. 1647-8 ; A.M. 1657 ; M.L. '57 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 16:i5 A.B. 1580-1 A.B. 1628; A.M. 1632 A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. (C. C.) 1599-1600 A.B. 1622-3 [1594; S.T.B. 1601 A.B. (Pem.) 1590-1 ; A.M. (King's) A.B. 1626 ( Oxf.); A.M. A.B. (Trin.) 1575-6 [1627 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1562-3 A.B. 1577-8 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1593 A.B. 1626; A.M. 1632 A.M. 1659 (Incorp. fr. 0.\f.) A.B. 1544-5 A.B. (King's) 1601-2 [1585; S.T.P. 1598 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578; S.T.B. A.B. (Trin.) 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1641-2, 'Sam.son' A.B. 1564-5 A.B. 1579-80; A,M. 1583 A.B. 1581-2 (Matr. Williams) A.B. 1613; A.M. 1617; S.T.B. [1626; S.T.P. 1636 [Wilkin.son in Prelector's list] A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 (fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1644-5 A.B. 1659-60 rnccrtain which of tliesc, if two, padiiatcil. 784 Matricidations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Williamson, Will (,'ai. — [Em. Willimore, And Trin. Willimott V. also Wilmott Willymott, Ja Chr. Willimott, Ja Chr. Willimett, Jo.shua Mag. Willimat, [Rich.] Em. Willimot, Rob [Em. Willimett, Will Mag. Wyllyngham, Sam Joh. Willingham, Sam Joh. Willingson, Anth Joh. Willington, John *Joh. "Willion, Sam. v. Willan Willis, Fulke Sid. — Hen Sid. — Hen Qu. — (Wylles), John — John — John [Jes. — John — John [Trin. — John [Chr. — Nath *Trin. — Rich Chr. — Rich Trin.H. — Roger Joh. — Sam Pem. Wyllis, Tho Trin. Willi.s, Tho Willys, Tho Chr. Willis, Tho [Chr. — Valentine ... [Trin. — Will Cla. Wills, Anth Em. Wils, Hen King's Willes, Hen Sid. Wills, Rich — Rich — Rich Em. — Rob Chr. Willes, Sam Chr. — Tho Pem. Wills, Tho Chr. Wylles, Will Qu. Willon, Leon Chr. Willons, Ja Pet. Wyllobye, Cha. {imp.) . Joh. Willobie, Cha — Era Joh. Willoughby, Geo Joh. Willowbe, Oilb Cai. Willoughby, Jonat Willowbye, Rich Chr. Willabey, Rich Pem. Willobye, Rob Trin. Wyllobye, Tho. {sic. ?for) ,, Cha.) {imp.)] ^^''°- Willoughbye,Tho C. C. E 1659 1647] E 1636 E 1635 [schol. Trin. H. 1638] E 1639 E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 ; A.M. 1640, 'Joseph' c. 1596 L 1652-3] E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 M 1568 A.B. 1574-5 E 1655 A.B. 1658-9; A.M. 1662 M 1553 M 1623 A.B. 1626-7 ; A.M. 1630 ; S.T.B. '37 L 1615-6 L 1615-6 E 1646 p E 1624] 1^ E 1647] E 1651] f-c p E 1627 f-c E 1631 p M 1653 s c. 1593 p M 1659 s L 1578-9 f-c E 1629 f-c p s E 1648" E 1648^ E 1624 s E 1587 s E 1611 P E 1637 p M 1614 s M 1642 p E 1627 s [1645] E 1650 s E 1584 f-c E 1623 p L 1588-9 f-c E 1549 V E 1651 f-c E 1647 p M 1578 p M 1564 p L 1653-4 s E 1576 p E 1551 f-c L 1577-8 A.B. (*Jes.) 1619-20; A.M. 1623; (Matr. 'Ellis') [S.T.B. 1630 A.B. (Jes.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588; [S.T.B. (Chr.) 1603 A.B. (Chr.) 1592-3 A.M. 1626 (Incorp. fr. Oxf ) A.B. 1629; A.M. 1633; S.T.B. [1640; S.T.P. 1660 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1596-7, Willas A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1582-3, Wylles A.M. 1619 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1627-8 (Matr. 'Hills') A.B. 1614-5, Wilce; A.M. 1618 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1644 [Maintz) A.M. 1579 (Incorp. fr. Oxf. and M.D. 1580 (?same as above) A.B. (Sid.) 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1648-9; A.M. 1652 A.B. 1653-4 A.M. 1655 flncorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Trin.y 1655-6; A.M. 1659, [Willughby A.M. 1659 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1567-8; A.M. (*C. C.) 15711 Matriculations and Di (frees 1544 — 16 59 /oo Willoughby, Tho Pern. n Wyllabic, W Joh. p Willoughby Trin. f-c Willowes, John Pern. s Rich Trin. p Rich [C. C. Rich Mag. s Wy Howes, Rob Trin. s Willowes, Tho Em. p Tho Cla. s Willows [Em. f-c Willy, Ralph [Sid. f-c Wilmore, Abr [Sid. f-c Wilmer, Auth Trin. s Chris [Sid. p Geo Trin. f-c Willmcr, Geo Wilmer, Isaac Trin. s Wyhuer, John Gonv. H. p Wilmer, John [Sid. s John Trin. [schol. Willmer, John Sid. p Wilmer, John *Trin. s Rob [Sid. f-c Sam [Em. f-c Wilmore, Sam Trin. s Wilmoore, Tho Qu. p Wilmott V. also Willimott Wylmott, Ja Chr. p Willmott, John Em. p Wilmot, Paul Joh. s Wylmot, Rob Qu. s Wilmot, Rob *King's p Willmott, Tho C. C. p Wilsby, Rich Whilshaw, Greg Pet. p Wilshaw, Hen WyLshawe, Hen Chr. p Wylsha, John Pet. p Wilshaw, John Pet. p — Laur Pet. s Wylsha w, Ralph Qu. s Wiltshire v. Wiltshire Wilshow, Tho *Jes. p Wilsmore, Rich Cla. p Wilson, Anth — Anth [Trin. s — Brian Mag. p — Cha Pem. p — Cha [Em. p — Cha *Joh. p — Chris Joh. s — Chris Chr. p — Chri.s Chr. p — Dan Em. s — Dan Joh. .s — Ed Trin. s — Edm *King"s p — Jidm Qu. s — Edm Em. [p — Edw Cai. p M 1659 A.B. 1659-60 E 1559 E 1608 ?A.M. 1612-3 (On King'.s visit) L 1618- -9 A.]}. (Cai.) 1622-3; A.M. 1626 c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8 1617 E 1648 A.B. 1651-2 L 1580- -1 c. 1596 E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614, WiUi.s E 1590 E 1623 E 1634 E 1631 A.B. 1639; A.M. 1643, 'Andr.' M 1598 'Wilmore or Wilmer '1 E 1598 A.B. 1600-1 (Matr. Wildmore) A.B. (Trin.) 1622-3 E 1654 M 1544 E 1600 ? same as next] E 1605' A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 E 1621 E 1631 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 E 1623 E 1611' E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 E 1641 A.B. 1641-2; A.M. (Pem.) 1645 M 1568 E 1617 M 1598 M 1572 A.B. 1576-7 E 1612 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 E 1619 A.B. 1622-3 ; A.M. 1626 ; S.T.B.'37 A.B. (Trin.) 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 E 1585 [S.T.B. (*Triu.) 1546-7 A.B. 1536-7; A.M. (*Qu.) 15.39; M 1561 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. (Cla.) 1570; E 1577 [M.L. (*Pet.) 1578 M 1617 A.B. 1620-1 M 1556 E 1546 [S.T.B. 1586 E 1569 A.B. 1572-3, Wilsha; A.M. 1576; E 1576 A.B. 1578-9; A.M. 1582 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. (Jes.) 1606 E 1657] E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 M 1578 A.B. 1581-2; A.M. 1586 E 1635] M 1648 A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 M 1560 [1575 M 1565 A.B. 1569-70; A.M. 1573, *Mag. 1597 A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 (in onto) M 1585 E 1656 A.B. 1659-60 M 1571 M 1598 A.i!. 1(;(J(J 1; A.M. i()(Mi; M.D. '13 M 161)8 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 E 1631 ; fr. 0.\f.] M.B. 1638 M 1576 736 Matriculations ami Degrees 1544 — 1659 Wilson, Edw Cla. — Edw Joh. — Edw Trin. — Geo Pem. — Geo [Qu. — Geo Trin. — Geo — Geo Joh. — Geo Trin. — Geo Mag. — Geo Cai. — Hen Pet. — Hen Chr. — Hen Cath. — Hen Joh. — Hen Chr. — Ja Chr. — Ja Trin. — Ja Trin. — Ja Chr. — Ja Qu. — John Qu. — John Cla. — John King's — John Pem. — John Pem. — John Trin. — John Qu. — John Pem. — John Trin. — John Chr. — .John *King's — John *Trin. — John Pet. — John Qu. — John Mag. — John Qu. — John Trin. — John Chr. — John C. C. — John Joh. — John [C. C. — John Cath. — John Cath. — John *Cai. — John Joh. — John *Pet. — John Cai. — John *Qu. — John Joh. — John [Pem. — John Pet. — Jos wSid. — Joshua Em. — Leon Sid. — Mann Trin. — Mich Pem. — Miles — Nath Qu. — Nich Trin. p E 1588 s c. 1593 A.B 1596-7 s E 1598 p s M 1587 M 1598] s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2 A.M. 1615 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1620 s M 1617 A.B. 1621-2 A.M. 1625 p E 1637 s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 s E 1640 A.B. 1643-4 s M 1579 A.B. 1583-4 s E 1617 A.B. (Cath.) 1620-1; A.M. 1624 s M 1622 A.B. 1623-4; A.M.1627;S.T.B.'34 s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7 V E 1639 A.B. 1642 s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1 p M 1629 A.B. 1633-4 A.M. 1637 [E 1637] A.B. 1640-1 s E 1641 s E 1657 A.B. 1660-1 A.M. 1664 s M 1544 s E 1566 A.B. 1570-1 s L 1579-80 s L 1580-1 p E 1581 A.B. 1584-5 A.M. 1588 p L 1581-2 A.B. 1584-5 ; A.M. (Pem.) 1588 s L 1582-3 A.B. 1586-7 s M 1585 s E 1586 A.B. (Jes.) 1592-3 s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6 ; A.M. 1609 p E 1606. A.B. 1609-10 ; A.M. 1613 1> E 1609 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 s E 1611 A.B. 1614-5; A.M. 1618 s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 s E 1617 s E 1620 A.B. (Pem.) 1623-4; A.M. 1627 p M 1621 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 p E 1625 [1628] A.B. 1631-2 (?Matr. 'Wolson') s E 1629 1630] A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7 ; A.M. 1640 s E 1634 A.B. 1637-8 ; A.M. 1641 !S L 1634-5 A.B. 1638-9 ; A.M. (Qu.) 1646 . 1> L 1634-5 A.B. 1636-7 ; A.M. 1640 [1650 s E 1643 A.B. 1646-7 ; A.M. 1650, *Pet. p L 1644-5 ; fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1644-5 ; A.M. 1648 ; [S.T.B. 1657 p M 1645 1647] A.B. 1645-6 ; A.M. 1649 s E 1655 A.B. 1658-9 s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3 ; A.M. 1636 s M 1617 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p M 1625 A.B. 1629-30 ; A.M. 1633 !> M 1602 1' M 1645 A.B. 1647-8 [S.T.B. 1550-1 A.B. 1541-2; A.M. (*Joh.) 1545; s p E 1655 M 1585 A.B. 1658-9 Matr. 'Johnson') Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 737 Nich Trill. « E 1586 Oliver Chr. p M 1548 Peregrine ... Chr. p E 1602 Pet Trin. s M 1584 Rich Joh. s E 1549 Rich Joh. p M 1565 Rich Trin. s M 1571 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 Rich Joh. s E 1582 Rich Em. s M 1585 A.B. (Cath.) 1588-9 Rob King's s M 1548 Rob Joh. p L 1557-8 Rob Joh. s E 1580 Rob Chr. s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 Rob Em. f-c E 1641 A.B. 1644 [Pet. E 1645] Rob Chr. s E 1650 A.B. (Je.s.) 1653-4 Rob Pet. p E 1651 A.B. 165,3-4; A.M. 1657 Rob [Joh. s E 1655] Roger Joh. p M 1587 Roger Cai. s E 1614 Rowland ... C. C. s E 1588 Sam C. C. p M 1567 Sam Trin. [schol. E 1581] Sam Em. p M 1612 Sam Em. p M 1631 Sam (?the above) Sam Sam *Chr. s M 1645 Steph (?Chr. p E 1544) Steph Joh. s L 1598-9 Tho iTho *King's p E 1544 -Tho *Joh. p E 1544 Tho. (imp.) r^u Arir^n [S.T.P. 1575 11 ann.)\ ^^r. p M 1560 Tho [King's p L 1565-6] Tho Joh. s M 1569 Tho Chr. s M 1572 Tho Qu. s M 1572 Tho King's p E 1575 Tho Joh. s M 1575 Tho [King's f-c E 1577] Tho Joh. p E 1581 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. (Trin. H.) 1587 Tho Chr. s c. 1596 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 ; S.T.B. [1610; S.T.P. 1623 Tho Trin. p L 1597-8 A.B. 1604-5; A.M. (*Cath.) 1608; [S.T.B. 1615; S.T.P. 1623 Tho Qu. [s E 1601] A.B. 1604-5 Tho Sid. p E 1604 Tho A.M. 1615 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) Tho Chr. s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 Tho *Cai. f-c E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629; S.T.B. '38 Tho Pern. ,s E 1624 A.B. 1627-8 Tho Trin. s M 1627 A.B. 1631-2 Tho A.M.I 633 ( I ncorp. fr. St Andrews) Tho *Cla. p E 1616 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 Tho Cai. s M 1646 A.B. 1651-2 Tho Job. p M 1648 A.B. 1649 Dean of Durham, 1580. ^ Dean of Worcester, 1571. A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1590-1 ; A.M. 1595 A.B. 1570-1 A.B. 1584-5 A.B. 1615-6 ; A.M. 1619 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 M.L. 1638 LL.E . (Joh.) 1638 (Incorp. fr.Oxf) A.B. 1646-7 A.B. (Pom.) 1546-7 A.B. 1601-2 A.M. 1605 A.B. 1539-40 ; A.M 1543 ; S.T.B. [(Trin.^ 1551-2 A.B. 1546-7 ; LL.D '1571 [fr. 1 (*Trin Incorp. ''errara) A.B. 1546-7; A.M. .) 1549 ; 738 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Wilson, Tho Joh. s E — Tim Trin. p E — Tim Joh. s E Townsend ... C C. s E — Will Mich. Ho. s E — Will Trin. s M — W Joh. s M — Will Trin. s M — Will — W Cla. p M — Will King's p M — Will Joh. s E — Will King's p M — W Pet. s M — Will Trin. s E — Will Chr. s E — Will King's p E — Will Joh. s E — Will Cath. s E — Will [Jes. p M — Will Pet. [s E — Will (fr. Oxf. — Trin. p M — [King's f-c E Wiltom, Hen C. C. p M Wylton, Edm Cla. p M — Moses Trin. p M Wilton, Rob Chr. p M — Tho Sid. p E Wiltshire, Geo Job. p E Willshire, John Qu. p E Wiltshire, Laur Em. p M — Rob [Joh. s E Wilshire, Tho Cla. p c. Wimberley, Bevil Pern. p E — Gilb *Trin. p E Wemberley, John Trin. p E Wimberley, Will [Job. p M Wimensold, Dawes Trin. p E Wimpew, John Chr. p M Wimshurst v. Wymbeburst Winall, Hugh Trin. p c. Wynche, Humph. ... Joh. p E Winch, John Em. [p L — Onslow [Em. s ]\I — Patrick [Trin. E — [Em. f-c E Winchelsea, Earl of [Qu. f-c E Winchester, Rob Trin. s E Wincles, Rich Em. s E AVyncold, Isaac Joh. f-c E Wincoll, Isaac Qu. [p L Wynkall, John Jes. f-c E — John Job. p E Wyncoll, John Mag. p M Wiucoll, John Trin. [schol. E — John Pet. p M Wyncoll, Rob Mag. p M Wincol, Roger Trin. s E Wincoll. Tho [Em. p E Wynd,. Rich, {imp.) Cla. p M 1656 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 1607 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 1659 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1673 1622 A.B. 1624-5; A.M. 1628 1544 1554 1568 1572 S.T.B. 1578 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) 1578 1579 1582 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589 1584 1584 1587 1587 1603 1639 1648 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 1648' 1652' A.B. 1655 ) A.B. (Chr.) 1654 1611 1613] 1609 (?for Willan) 1576 1570 A.B. 1574^5; A.M. 1578 1614 A.B. 1616-7 1621 A.B. 1624-5 1633 A.B. 1636-7, Wilshere ; A.M. 164C 1621 1633 1657] 1596 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 1606 A.B. 1609 1612 A.B. 1615-6 ; A.M. 1619 ; S.T.P.'3C 1612 1644] 1651 ■ 1629 A.B. 1637 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.); A.M [(Jes.) \QZi 1591 1570 1599-1600] A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 1604] 1635] 1636] 1644] 1631 A.B. 1634-5 ('A.M.' in grace) 1622 1574 1608-9] A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1612 1551 1569 A.B. 1572-3, Wincoll; A.M. 157f 1571 1578] 1586 1571 1622 1641] 1558 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Matricidatioiis and DexjreeH 1659 7:39 nde, mis, mlate, lulebank. Winder, iVyndam, iVindham, W^yndham Windham Windle, Windell, Rich. . Rob. . Tho. . Fra. . John , Pet. . John . Edni. . Edw. . Hen. . Hugh, John . Chris. Jonas Windle [Winde], Jonas... Rob Windresse, Wiiidutt, \A'ynge, Win gate, Wyngate, Wingat, Wingate Wvnkfvld, Wyngefyld, Wvngefylld, W'inckfeld, Wingfeild, Wingfield, Wingfeilde, Wingfeild, Winkfylde, Wynkefyld, Wynkfylde, Wingfeld, Wingfield, Wynkfyld, Wingfield, Wingfeld, Wingfield, Wyngfelde, Wyngefyld, Wingfield, Wiii-feild, Wingfield, Wingfeild, Winkefelde, Wynckfeld, Wyngefyld, Sam. ., Tho. .. Ja Simon Edw. ., Edw. ., Nich. .. Ralph Anth Anth 'Anth Anth Anth Bodenham . . Cha Cha Edw Edw Hen. {imp.) 12 ann.y^ Hen Humph. ... Humph. . . . John John John John Paul Paul Rich. (,SV/-)... Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Roger Tho Tho Tho. {imp.) 8 ami.)) Em. Pet. Trin. Cla. Mag. Joh. Qu. Cai. Trin. Cath. fC. C. Trin. Joh. [Qu. C. C. Joh. Trin. Joh. Qu. Joh. Jes. Trin. Trin. Trin. [Cath. Trin. Pet. *Trin. Chr. Trin. Sid. [Sid. Sid. Sid. Sid. Trin. Trin. Gonv. H. Cla. [Sid. Pem. Trui. Chr. [Qu. Cla. Trin. [Trin. Pern. Pet. [Sid. Em. [Mag. s Em. p Gonv. H. f-c [schol. P f-c P P f-c f-c f-c f-c s P p s s f-c p p s f-c p f-c p p p f-c f-c f-c f-c f-c p p p f-c f-c p p f-c p f!'c f-c f-c f-c f-c ;hol. U>'r2 1633 1650 1605] 1640 1632 1564 1629 1617 1646" 1638 1569 1645 1634 1580- 1610 1627 1639 1656 1640 1570 1614 1623 1608 1582 1644] 1566 1566 1569 1598 1608 1633 1602] 1608 1602 1631 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 A.B. 1653-4, Windett; A.M. 1661 A.M. 1641-2 (On King'.s visit) A.B. 1606-7 A.B. 1644-5 A.B. 1632-3 A.B. 1638- A.B. 1613-4 A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1659-60 A.B. 1642-3, Windett; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1570-1, Wyngfyld A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 A.B. 1611-2 A.B. 1604-5 [Edw. Maria] p M 1561 M 1566 E 1551 E 1579 E 1599] E 1552 M 1578 E 1608 L 1608-9] E 1579 M 1617 E 1647] E 1549 M 1566 M 1599] M 1602 E 1640] E 1609 E 1554 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 A.B. (Trin.) 1612-3; A.M. 1616 (No A.B.); A.M. 1561 Pet. f-c M 1566 ' Publif Orator, 1580. 740 Matricidafions and Degreefi 1544 — ^659 Wingfvld, Tho Triii. p E 1578 Wingefield, Tho Trin. p E 1587 Winkfield, Tho [C. C. 1613] Wingfield, Tho Joh. s E 1614 — Tho C. C. f-c M 1624 Wingfeld, Tho Tnn. p M 1625 Wynkfyld, Will Chr. p M 1567 Wingfyld, W Cai. s M 1575 Wingfeild, W Trin. p E 1577 Wingfield, Will Joh. p E 1648 VVinkfeild Joh. f-c E 1605 Wiugworth, John {imp.) Cla. p M 1650 Whynke, Will [King's schol. 1536] Whinke, Will [Cai. p L 1560- Wynke, W Cai. s M 1565 Winney, Sam Chr. s E 1645 Winnington, Benj Chr. p E 1627 Winstondley, Geo Chr. p c. 1595 Winstauley!i Geo Chr. p E 1626 — John Chr. p M 1629 Winstanly, Rich Chr. s M 1627 Winster, John Joh. p M 1607 Winston, John Qu. [p L 1646- Winstone, Sam Qu. [p M 1644; — Tho Cla. s c. 1593 Winston, Tho (Uhe above) Wynter, Geo. (imp.). Pet. p E 1555 Winter, Godfrey. [Chr. p L 1630- — Hen Joh. s c. 1595 Wynter, John Chr. p M 1553 Winter, John Trin. p E 1609 — John Cai. p E 1636 — Nath Trin. s E 1623 Wynter, Rich Trin. p E 1588 — Rich Joh. s E 1588 Winter, Rich Sid. s E 1625 — Sam Mag. p E 1622 — Sam Em. [s L 1622- — Sam Trin. p E 1646 — Tho Cai. s E 1611 — Will Joh. s E 1631 Winterburne, Nich Joh. s L 1653- — Will *Joh. s E 1635 Winteringham, Geo Pet. s M 1646 Wintringhain, John Pet. f-c M 1585 Winterton, John King's s M 1628 — 1 Ralph *King's p E 1617 Wyntrope, Adam Mag. f-c M 1567 Wintropp, Forth Em. p E 1626 Wintrope, John Trin. p E 1603 Wirdnam, John Qu. s c. 1595 Wisby(Whysbey), Will.... C. C. p E1603 Wiscard, Will [Cai. f-c L 1636- Wisdome, John Em. p M 1633 Wysdome, Pet Pem. p E 1561 Wise, John Pet. p E 1577 — Tho Chr. p M 1628 — Tho Joh. p M 1639 — Will Trin. s E 1621 A.R. 1617-8 A.B. 1571-2, Wynfvld ; A.M. [(*Joh.) 1575, A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 \ [Winkworth] A.B. 1540-1; A.M. 1544; S.T.B.;' 1] [1554-5; A.B. (Em.) 1630-1; A.M. 1634 A.B. 1598-9, Winstandeus A.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1632-3 7 ; fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1646-7 fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1644-5 A.B. 1598-9; A.M. 1602 M.D. 1608 (Incorp. fr. Padua) 1 ; fr. Cai.] A.B. (Cai.) 1630-1 A.B. 1557-8; A.M. (*Joh.) 1561 A.B. 1612-3 A.B. 1639-40 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1633 A.B. (? 1591-2); A.M. 1595 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 3] A.B. 1632 A.B. 1649-50 A.B. 1614-5 A.B. 1634-5 4 A.B. 1657 A.B. 1636-7 ; A.M. 1640 ; S.T.B. '48 A.B. 1649 M.B. (Chr.) 1636 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624; M.L. [1631; M.D. 163-1 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1637-8 A.B. 1631-2 A.B. (Mag.) 1627; A.M. 1631 Regius Professor of Physic, c. 162.5. Matriculationfi and Dfffrees ir)44 — ^d^o •41 • Capel. Cha. . Dan. . Fra. . Fra. . Geo. . John . John . John . -John . [John] John . John . John . Will loll. C'uth. Trill. J oh. Chr. ( \ C. Jcs. Joh. Pet. Gonv. Joh. Cla. Jes. Joh. Joh. Jes. Joh. Mark Em. Rich Pern. Rich Pet. Rich *Joh. Rich Sid. Rob Gonv. Rob Pet. Rob *Trin. Rob Sid. Simon Chr. Steph Joh. Steph Trin. Theoph Ch: p M p E p E s L p E f-c M p E H. Tho. Tho. Tho. Tho. Tho. W. .. Will. Will. Will. Will. Will. Wisse ('Wishe'), Tho. .. Wister, John [ Witcherley, Dan ; Witchingham, Rob I Wyth, Edra Withe ('Whyte'), Rich. — Rich Pet. Pem. Pem. Cla. [Mag. Pet. Pet. Joh. Pet. Cath. Trin. King' Cath. Cai. Chr. *Qu. Joh. C. C. Cai. Pet. Joh. Joh. Jes. Trin. Pet. [Ein. Trin. Sid. Bishop of Dromore, 1G83. •' Uncertain 3Tho 3Tho Anth Cuthb. .. Gilb Ja John John John A.M. 1(JG2 (Incorp. fr. O.Kf.) A.R. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. l.'i63-4; A.M. (*Cai.) 1567 A.ll 1631-2; A.M. (Cath.) 1635; [M.L. 1638; MD. 1642 f-c E f-c E p E f-c E A.B. A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599 1614 p c. H. p M f-c E p E P s P P P P P schol. L p M p E p E s E p M E s f-c L f-c [p M P V. s E s L E M E E E M l(i3i) 1628] 1655] 1654] 1551 1658 1 557-8 1629 1561 1544 1556 1567 1592 1612 1620 1624 1652 1631 1579-80 1589 1624 1648 1544 1593 1628 1642 1568 1552 1596 1617 1572 1584- 1639 1639 1641 1564 1572 1614 1621 1644 1648] 1612-3] 1646] 158.5] A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 1584 [1636; S.T.P. 1670 (Lit. Reg.) 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629; S.T.B. 1629-30 A.B. 1633-4, Wic-kin^ham ; A.M A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 A.B. 1634 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 LL.B. 1634; LL.D. 1639 A.B. (Jes.) 1571-2 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1575-6 -21 A.B. 1643-4 A.B. A.B. 1575-6 1617-8: A.M. 1621 A.B. 1624-5 A.B. 1644-5 [adm. Jes. E 1645] 1622 1613 1622 1605) 1606| 1571 E 1631 M E E E 1644 [fr. Oxf 1 632] A.B. 1624-5; A.iyi. 1628 [163-. A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612; S.T.P. '30 [niigr. to Cai. E 1573] LL.B. 1544-5 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. A.B. 1644-5 1638 1639 1649 wbieh of tliese, if 1642-3; A.M. 1646 A.B. 1652-3 2 Esquire Bedell, c. 1605. two, Rrailimted. 742 Matriculations and Derjrees 1544 — 1659 Wittam, Pet Sid. p Witham ('Whitwham'), Rob. *Joh. s — Tho Sid. [p — Tho Trin. p Wytham, W Mag. f-c — Nicli. Ho. p Wither, Rob Witherly, Tho Cai. s Witheman, John [Pet. s Wytheryngtoii Pet. p Withers, Edw Cai. s Wythars, Fabian Chr. p Wythers (Wethers), Geo. Job. p Withers, Geo Pet. p Wythers, Hen Job. p Withers, Ja Job. p Wythers, John Pet. p Withers, John Cai. s — John C. C. p — Mich Em. p — Nich Sid. s — Rich Pet. p — Rob Qu. s — Sam Chr. p — Steph — Tho Chr. p — Tho Job. s — ('Widders'), Will.... C. C. p — Will C. C. p — Will C. C. p Whytbers Witherstone, Edw Witherwick, Mich Chr. s Withes, Rich Jes. f-c Wythes, Rob — Sampson ... Chr. p Witbington, Fra Mag. p Withins, John *King's !> — Rob Qu. [f-c Witbnell(Wetenball),iEdw. Trin. p Witbring, Will [Qu. p Witsey, Will Sid. s Witton, Chris — Hen Sid. s — John C. C. s — John Qu. s — Will *Pet. s Wittye, John Job. s Witty, Ralph Job. p — Rob King's p Wogan, Hen Job. f-c Wolfe, Hen Trin. p — Matth Pet. p Woulfe, Mich Cai. s Wolfe, Mich Cai. p — Payler Sid. p — Sam Qu. s E 161.") E 1587 E 1601] M 1633 E L567 M 1.544 A.B. 1618-9, Witham; A.M. 1622 A.B. 1590-1 ; A.M. 1594; S.T.B.'Ol A.B. 1604-5; A.M. 1608; S.T.B. '15 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 LL.B. 1656 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1637-8 ; A.M. 1641 ; M.D. '55 A.B. (*Em.) 1598-9; A.M. 1602 E 1634 E 1595' M 1560 L 1629-30 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 M 1544 M 1556 M 1617 M 1560 E 1631 M 1554 E 1619 E 1629 c. 1597 E 1625 M 1554 c. 1596 E 1582 E 1582 M 1658 E 1587 E 1619 E 1648 E 1653 E 1655 M 1608 E 1635 M 1639 E 1612] E 1658 E 1648] E 1634 E 1621 E 1604 E 1631 M 1613 E 1631 E 1659 E 1629 M 1655 E 1569 c. 1597 E 1561 E 1622 E 1640 c. 1593 A.B. 1558-9; A.M. (*Qu.) 1562 [? migr. to C. C. 1618] A.B. 1564-5; A.M. (*Trin.) 1568; [S.T.B. 1587 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) M.B. 1637 A.B. 1628- A.B. 1585-6 A.B. (Trin.) 1603-4; A.M. 1607 A.B. 1585-6; A.M. 1589; S.T.B. [1596; S.T.P. 1602 A.B. 1662-3, Wither; A.M. 1666 A.B. 1.590-1; A.M. 1594 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1650-1 S.T.P. 1572 ( Heidelberg) A.M. 1629 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1661 [Wythe] A.B. (Chr.) 1584-5; A.M. 1588 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 A.B. 1638-9 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1647 A.B. 1612-3 (On King's visit) A.B. 1658; S.T.B. 1670 (Incorp. [fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 1641 A.B. (Cath.) 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1607-8; A.M. 1611 A.B. 1634-5, Wootton ; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. (*Pet.) 1666 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636; M.L [1641; M.D. 1647 A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. 1606 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 Bisboi) of Cork and Ross, 1679; Kilmore iiiul Ardagh, 1699. Matricidatious and Degrees 1544 — 1O59 Wolf. Tho Cla. Wolfe, Tho Cai. Wowlfe, AVill Chr. Wolfendale, Ja Job. W..ulfyndale,John *Joh. Woflindell, John Chr. Wolfendon, Ja Trin. Woolvei-stone, Edm I'eni. Woolverston, Hasting Joh. Wolverstone, Hersey Joh. Wolverston, Humph. ... Pet. AVoulverstone, Ro Chr. Woolverston, Rob Pern. Woidverston, Stanley Joh. Wolverton, Mich [Cath. Wolgate, Ralph Mag. Woliastone, Edw *Joh. Woolaston, Edw Trin. — Geo [Trin. Wooleston, Hen Trin. AVoleston, Rich Qu. Wollerston, Tho Joh. Wolston, Will Mag. Woolby, Edw Sid. Wolley, Cha Qu. AVoolley, Edw Joh. Wolley, Edw Cath. Wolly, Jerem Qu. Wolley, John Wolly, Nath C. C. Wolley, Rich Jes. Wolie, Rich Joh. Woolley, Rich [C. C. Wollaye, Rob Jes. Wolley, Rob Jes. Wooley, Rob [Cai. Wolly, Tho Pet. AVoley, Will Toh. Wolly, Will Joh. Wohnan, Tho Cai. Wolryche, Era [Trin. Woolriche, Geo Chr. 1 Wolrych, Geo [Chr. i Wolrige, Hugh Woldridge, John Joh. '\\'ollridge, John *King's Wolrich, John Chr. Wolriche, Rich Era. Wolryche, Roger [Trin. Wolrich, Tho Chr. Wooldridge, Tobias v. Worlege Wolrich, Will *Chr. Woulsey, John C. C. Woolsey (' Wallsey '), Tho. Cai. Woolsy, Tho *Joh. Wolson, John C. C. — Will C. C. Wolstenholnie, Hon Sid. Wostenliohue, Hen Em. Wolstenholme, John Sid. Woolstenholm, Jos Em. ]• V. 1590 V c. 1597 A.B. 160() 1; A.M. 1604 s E 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 [1584 V L 1577-8 A.B. 1580-1, Wolfenden; A.M. .s M 1561 A.B. 1.565-6, Wolfenden; A.M. s M 1616 A.B. 1621 [1569 ]> M 1570 c. 1590 1> E 1584 A.B. 1587-8 1> L 1577-8 p E 1577 p M 1559 f!c i\I 1586 P M 1581 A.B. 1584-5, Wolfr.'ston P E 1636] p E 1635 }) E 1573 A.B. 1576-7 ; A.M. 1580 ; S.T.B. '87 p ]\I 1637 E 1638] 1> M 1614 s L 1577-8 p E 1603 [Wollaston] s E 1619 p E 1621 [Wolby] p M 1639 p E 1622 s E 1623 A.B. 1625; A.M. (Joh.) 1629 p E 1628 A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) s M 1601 [Woller] p M 1578 A.B. 1581-2, Woolly; A.M. 1585 s E 1589 1609] A.B. 1592-3; A.M. 1596 p E 1575 ]) c. 1590 p E 1637] p p M 1613 E 1627 A.B. 1615-6; A.M. 1619 ]) E 1654 p M 1559 f-c E 1646] p E 1616 p E 1655] A.B. (Trin.) 1646-7 V E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 V M 1614 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1623 V E 1653 A.B. 1656-7 P P E 1632 E 1646] LP L 1646-7] A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654, Wolryche ri> L 1646-7] A.B. 1650-1 ; A.M. 1654 p E 1577 A.B. 1.580-1 p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2. WoLscy; A.M. 1625 s M 1651 A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659; S.T.B. s E 1628 {v. Wilson) [1666; S.T.P. 1675 s E 1622 A.B. 162.5-6; A.M. 1629, *Pet. f-u E 1015 [1638 f-<- .M 1639 f-c E 1613 ' Whotstenholme") 1' c. 1591 A.B. (Mag.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597 744 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Wolstenhohne, Tho [Trin. L 1G41-2] AVolster, Sam Em. \) E 1632 Wolterton, Roger Cai. s E 1603 A.]!. 1605-6; A.M. 1609 AVoolton, W Trill. p M 1.^)80 Wouiocke, Art Cai. [p E 1571 ; prev. atCla.] A.B. 1572-3; A.M. 1576 Wounicke, Art C. C. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1632 p M 1582 A.r>. 1586-7; A.M. 1600 Womocke ('Hamocke'), ) n ■ TT > '^ai. p nx lijnz. I\..l>. lUOO-/ ; A.iVi. IDUU rifiAQ Womack, Laur C. C. p c. 1593 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 ; S.T.B. "Womock, 'Laur C. C. p M 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636; S.T.P. [1660 {Lit. Reg.) Womacke, Hob C. C. p L 1615-6 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1632 Womansoulde, Ed Chr. p ^I 1559 AV^ombwell, Foljambe ... Joh. p M 1637 Woinwell, John Qu. p M 1589 [Womboyle] — Tho *Joh. p M 1626 A.B. 1630-1 ; A.M. 1634; S.T.B. '41 Wombwcll, Tho Joh. f-c E 1648 Woiiibell, Will Joh. f-c E 1626 Woueccer, Paul [Qu. .s M 1621] Wood V. also Woods — Ambrose ... Em. p M 1587 — And Em. p M 1642 — Anth Joh. p M 1568 — Anth Triu. p E 1606 — Aug Peiu. p L 1584-5 — Barneye Triti. p M 1570 — Caleb A.B. 1623 (Iiicorp. fr. Oxf.) — 'Curtopus'.. [Qu. p E 1645] — Dan Pern. p E 1635 — Edm Qu. [p E 1616] A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1624 — Edw C. C. p M 1570 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 — Edw Pem. p L 1581-2 A.B. (Mag.) 1582-3 — Edw Cla. p E 1587 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594; S.T.B, — Edw Trin. s M 1602 A.B. 1606-7 [1602 — Edw Sid. p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 — Ellas Em. p E 1603 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 — Fra [Sid. p M 1618] — GeoflF. Em. [s E 1600] A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 — Geo Jes. p E 1567 A.B. 1571-2 — Geo Chr. p E 1568 — Geo A.B. (Jes.) 1595-6; A.M. 1599 — Geo A.B. (Em.) 1599-1600; A.M. 1602 — Geo Joh. p E 1646 [1610; S.T.P. 161£ — Gerard *King's p c. 1595 A.B. 1599-1600 ; A.M. 1603; S.T.B. — Gerard *Chr. p M 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642; S.T.P. — Giles Jes. s E 1569 A.B. 1572-3 [1660 (Lit. Reg. — Hen King's p E 1572 A.B. (Chr.) 1576-7 — Hen Mag. p M 1646 — Isaac Em. p E 1602 A.B. (Cla.) 1606 — Isaac (.'hr. s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 — Ja A.B.(n594-5); A.M. (Mag.)1598 — Ja A.M. (Joh.) 1621 [S.T.P. 160f — Ja Sid. p M 1628 LL.B.(*Trin. H.) 1634 ; LL.D. 1641 — Ja Chr. p M 1633 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1638 ; A.M. — Ja Joh. s E 1635 A.B. 16.38-9; A.M. 1642 — Ja M.L. 1646 — Ja Chr. s E 1653 A.B. 1656-7 — John Qu. p E 1552 A.B. 1555-6 — John Trin. p E 1568 A.B. 1574-5 1 Bishop of St David's, 1683. Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 '45 Wood, John Chr. John Qu. John King's John Joh. John {imp) p 13 ann.)S John Trin. John Trin. John Joh. John ]\Iag. John Joh. John Trin. John [Qu. John Qu. John Joh. John Jes. John Joh. John Joh. John Em. John Sid. John Em. John *Mag. John [Em. John *Joh. Jonas [Em. Jos Sid. Jos Jes. ('Woods'), Laur. Chr. Laur [C. C. Laur Marm Mich. Ho. Matth Trin. Michaiah {imp.) King's Moses Qu. (Woods), Nath C. C. is^ath Jes. Xich Jes. Nich Qu. Norris Trin. Obadiah ... King's Pet Jes. Pet Mag. R Jes. Ralph Mag. Ralph Jes. Rich [C. C. (W codes). Rich. ... Cai. Rich *Trin. Rich Pet. Rich Chr. Rich Joh. Rich [Joh. Rich Mag. Rob Gonv.H. Rob C. C. Rob Pet. Rob C. C. Rob Joh. (Woods), R..b Cai. Rob Jes. Rob Qu. 1' -M 1569 p M 1571 f-c E 1572 p M 1576 A.B. 1580-1 p M 1576 A.B. 1579-80 s E 1578 A.B. 1584-5 f-c M 1580 p E 1581 p E 1584 A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590; S.T.B. p c. 1595 [1597; S.T.I'. 1605 s c. 1597 p E 1598] s E 1605 A.B. (King's) 1610-1 s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3, *Trin. 1614 s M 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 p L 1615-6 p M 1616 s E 1625 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 s L 1626-7 A.B. 1630-1 p E 1637 p xM 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646; S.T.P. f-c E 1644] 1666 {Lit. Reg.) p E 1651 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658 p E 1634] s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 p M 1580 1583] A.B. 1584-5; A.M. (Mag.) 1588 A.B. (Chr.) 1604-5; A.M. 1608 p M 1546 p E 1654 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1671 s M 1602 A.B. 1606-7 ; A.M. 1610 ; S.T.B.'l? s E 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1589 s M 1567 A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1574 p E 1586 A.B. (? 1589-90) ; A.M. (Em.) 1593 p M 1583 A.B. 1586-7 p c. 1591 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 p E 1636 A.B. 1639-40 s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1 {in ordo); A.M. 1614 p M 1567 .s E 1580 p M 1559 s c. 1589 A.B. (? 1594-5); A.M. 1598 p c. 1596 1554] s M 1561 A.B. 1.565-6; A.M. (C. C.) 1569 p M 1562 A.B. 1566-7; A.M. 1570; S.T.B. s E 1573 A.B. 1576-7 [1577; S.T.P. 1583 s M 1588 s c. 1594 f-c M 1646] p M 1646 p E 1544 s E 1571 s E 1575 A.B. 1.577-8, A.M. (Mag.) 1581 p L 1577-8 p c. 1595 A.B. 1598-9 p E 159S A.B. 1600-1 ; A.M. 1604 p E 1614 A.B. 1617 S; A.M. 1621 p E 1620 A.B. \i\i:\: A.M. (Cath.) 1627 94 746 Matriculatimis and Degrees 1544 — 1659 p f-c E 1632] E 1641 E 1644 L 1579-80 c. 1593 E 1594] L 1626-7 M 1589 E 1645] E 1648 E 1650] E 1626 c. 1593 E 1561 M 1573 L 1578 E 1580 M 1582 E 1583 c. 1591 c. 1593 1597 E 1597] 1597 M 1600] E 1605 E 1610] E 1613 578-9 Wood, Rob [Sid. f-c — Rob Cai. p — Rob C. C. p — Roger Job. p — Roger Job. p — Roger [Cai. p — Roger Sid. p — Samson Qu. s — Sam [Cai. s — Sam Cbr. s — Sam [Trill. s — (Woods), Seth Mag. p — Tempest ... Chr. p — Tho Trin. s — Tbo Cla. s — Tho Qu. p — Tho Job. s — Tho. Jes. s — Tbo Cla. s — Tho Em. p — Tho Jes. p — Tho Chr. .s — Tho Em. [s — Tho Chr. — Tho Cai. — Tho Sid. — Tho [Qu. — Tho *Sid. — Tho — (Woods), iTho — Tho C. C. — Tho Job. — Tbo [Joh. — Tim Trin. — Tobias Chr. — Tobias Qu. — Valentine . . . *Joh. — W Cla. — W Qu. — Whittiugham C. C. — Will Qu. — Will Trin. — Will Joh. — (Woodes), Will — Will Chr. s E 1588 — Will C. C. s — Will *Joh. p — Will Pern. p — Will Em. s — Will Pem. p _ Will Sid. 8 — Will Chr. s — Will Mag. s — {jun.) [C. C. — {idt.)\C.C. — [King's s — Cbr. s — [Catb. f-c E 1645 E 1648 M 1656] E 1635 M 1569 E 1583 E 1587 E 1563 M 1565 E 1632 E 1546 M 1570 M 1578 E 1613 E 1615 E 1621 M 1625 E 1632 M 1633 M 1646 E 1654 1570] 1570] M 1581] E 1623 1648] A.B. 1644-5 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1592-3; A.M. (Em.) 1596 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 A.B. 1564-5; A.M. 1568; M.L, [(*Jes.) 1575 ; M.D. 1576 A.B. (Chr.) 1581-2; A.M. 1585 A.B. 1585-6 ; A.M. 1589 ; S.T.B. '9( A.B. 1586-7; A.M. 1590 A.B. 1601-2, Woods A.B. 1603-4 A.B. 1609 A.B. 1616-7 ; A.M. 1620 ; S.T.B. '27 A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.M. 1638 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1646 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594 A.B. 1581-2 LL.B. 1585 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (? 1591-2) ; A.M. 1595 ; S.T.B. [(*Sid.) 1602-3 A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622, WoodS A.B. 1634-5; A.B. 1639 A.B. 1649 A.M. 1639 Bishop of Lichfield, 1671. Matriculations and Deforces 1544 — 1659 74: Woodhall, Eani *King's VVoodall, Edw Cath. — Fred C. C. Wooddall, Jii Trin. Woodhall, John Qu. - John *King's Woddale, Oliver Cai. Woddall, Rich Jes. Woodall, Rich Qu. Woodhall, Tho [Cath. Woodall, Tho Qu. Woddall, W Joh. Woodall, W Trin. Woddborue, Ja Em. Wo.Hlburne, Rob Sid. WMM.lcock, Dan [Sid. WMidcocke, Edm *Kiug'.s \\'n,.dcock, Geo Trin. Wuodcocke, John Qu. — John C. C. — John Joh. — John King's John Pern. — John Em. W'MMdcock, Matth Qu. Wdodcoke, Nich Mag. Woodcocke, Ralph *Joh. Woodcoke, Randall Joh. — Rich *King's Woodcocke, Rob C. C. — Rob Joh. Wodcocke, Tho Joh. Woodcock, Tho Jes.(?) — Tho Cath. Wodcock, Tim Joh. Woodcocke, W Chr. Woodcock [Sid. Woodden, Edw Cla. Woder, Isaac Joh. — John Cla. Woodfenn, Tho Em. Wodford, John Woodforde, Will *King's Wood gate, John Joh. — John C. C. Woodhead, Will Joh. Woodhouse, Cha Qu. — Edw Pem. Woodehowse, Fra Trin. H. Woodhowse, Hen. {imp.) C. C. — Hen. ; — Horatio Qu. Woodhouse, John [Cai. Woodhowse, Phil Trin. — Phil Em. Woodhows, Tho. {imp.) Pet. Woodhouse, Tho Qu. Woodhowse, Tho Qu. Woodhouse, Tho Cai. — {sen.) [Trin. — (JM?i.) [Trin. f-c P P P s P P f-c p s p p p s p 1597 1U;34 1632 1587 1631 1636 1581 1584 1639 1633] 1634 1559 1563 1613 16;i3 1644; 1629 1619 1579 1588 1594 1606 1619 1633 1591 1608 1581-i 1586 1575 1581 1581-i 1578 1595 1641 1640 1588 1600] 1587 1593 1569 1656 A.B. 1601-2 A.B. 1636-7; A..M. 1640 A.B. 1634; A.M. 1638 A.B. 1639-40; A.M. 1642 A.B. 1587-8; A.M. 1591 A.B. 1588-9, Woodhall (in „nlo) A.B. 1642 M.B. 1641-2 (On King's visit) A.B. 1640 (Matr. ' Woodhurst ') niigr. to Joh. M 1644] A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 [1601 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1593; S.T.B A.B. (? 1589-90); A.M. 1593 A.B. 1579-80; A.M. 1583; S.T.B. A.B. 1585-6 [1.590 A.B. 1584-5 [schol P 1599] c. 1594 E 1646 E 1603 E 1616 L 1623-4 L 1607-8 E 1556 M 1627 E 1601] E 1577 E 1625 E 1545 M 1565 M 1572 c. 1598 1655] 16551 A.B. 1644- A.B. 1590-1 A.M. (*Je.s.) 1648; [S.T.B. 1655 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 A.B. 1625 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1603-4; A.M. 1607 ; S.T.B. '14 A.B. 1619-20; A.B. 1626-7 A.M. 1623 A.B. (♦Trin. H.) 1583-4 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 748 Matriculation AVoodie, Rich [King's Wodleffe, Gilb Joh. Woodlese, John Mag. Woodley, Sam Trin. — Tho Cla. Woodliff, John"!'.".".'.".'.'. Qu. Woodman, Geo Cla. — John Cla. — Cla. Woodmansey, Rob Joh. Woodnet, Tho *King's Wodnoth, Ralph Chr. Woodnote, Theoph. ...*King's Woodnorth, Will King's Woodroffe, Chris Joh. — Fra Trin. Woderoffe, Gervase Trin. WoodroflF, Isaac {imp.) . Joh. Woodroffe, John Joh. Woodroufe,Percival(m/5.) j , 10 ann.)] ° ^" Woodroffe, Rob Trin. Woodrooffe, Rob Joh. Woodruffe, Tho Trin. Woodroufe, W. (imp. ) ^ , 12 ann.)} J«^^- Woodroofe, Will C. C. Woods, And *Joh. — Anth *Joh. — Dan Joh. — Howell Joh. Woodes, John Qu. — John Trin. Wood ('Woods'), John ... Chr. Woods, John Joh. — Nath Chr. — Rich Joh. Woodes, Rob Cai. Woods, Tho Em. — Tho C. C. — Will Cai. Woodside, Rob Cai. Woodson, John [Cai. Woodeson, Will Job. Woodthorpe, Nich Chr. Wood wall, Anth Pet. Woodward, Anth — Cha Sid. — [Edm.] Pet. Woodwarde, Edw Em, Woodward, Edw Em. — Enoch Joh. Woodwoorde, Gaudy Chr. Woodward, Hen Sid. — John Jes. Wodward, Mich Woodward, Phil Cla. — Rich Pet. — Sam Mag. Wood wart, Tho Cai. a nd Degrees 1544 — t659 V L 1613-4" s E 1568 s M 1562 p c. 1595 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 !| s E 1579 A.B. 1582-3 A.B. (King's) 1610-1 (in ordo) s E 1582 p E 1609 A.B. 1612; A.M. 1617 I p E 1615 A.B. 1619-20 p E 1609 E 1609 A.B. (^lag.) 1612-3; A.M. 1616" p M 1561 A.B. 1565-6 p E 1633 p M 1606 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614; S.T.BJ p M 1622 [Woodnotes] [1623; S.T.P. 163G f-c E 1584 p E 1571 p M 1578 p M 1657 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665 p E 1566 p E 1559 f-c M 1564 p M 1572 s E 1633 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 p E 1559 p E 1612 [1616; S.T.P. 163J s E 1602 A.B. 1605-6; A.M. 1609; S.T.B p E 1632 M 1627 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 s L 1634-5 (prev. at Jes.) A.B. 1636-7; A.M*| p E 1623 164:} 1545 1609 1617 1595 1593- 1641 1657 1619 1640] 1612 1639 A.B. 1612-3 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603,Woodie A.B. 1597-8; A.M. 1601 A.B. 1645 6; A.M. 1649, Wolfall A.B. 1660-1, Wdlfall A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1027 E 1616 L 1504- E 1032 M 1044 E 1037 E 1016 A.B. 1015-0 A.B. 1041-2; [Walmer] A.M. 1645 A.B. 1624 ; ? A.M. 1603 {Lit. Reg.) M 1550 A.B. 1560-1 ; A.M. 1564 L 1590-1 A.B. (Qu.) 1593-4; A.M. 1597 E 1582 A.B. 1585-6, Wooll ; A.M. 1589 M 1041 A.B. 1045-6; A.M. 1064 E 1020 E 1651 A.B. 1654-5 (Matr. Wadsworth) 1554; ? schol. Qu. 1557] E 1636 A.B. 1640; A.M. 1044 M 1551 E 1505 M 1558 M 1565 M 1558 c. 1591 E 1574 M 1559 E 1572 c. 1591 E 1624 A.B. 1027-8; A.M. (*Trin. H.) 1570 E 1611' [1631 ; LL.D. 1639 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1610 M 1548 A.B. 1552-3, Woorley ; A.M. (*Jes.) M 1566 [1550; LL.D. 1568 E 1549 A.B. 1.554-5; A.M. 1564 M 1562 1600] 1551 I Henry, above] M 1551 M 1576 A.B. (Mag.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 M 1629 A.B. 1632-3 E 1580 M 1547 A.B. 1550-1 ; A.M. 1554, *Jes. 1586 A.B. (Jes.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583 E 1631 E 1639 A.B. 1642-3; A.M. 1646 .M 1556 750 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Wormewell, Bartli Job. — Walt Trill. Woral, Edw Trin. Warrell, Fra Worrell, Fra Trin. Worroll, Gervase Job. Woral, Hugh Trin. Worrall, Isaac Jes. Worrell, John King's Worsaui, John Job. Wourship, Ja Cla. — John Chr. Woorsbip, Matth Job. Worsbipp, Will *Job. Worsley, Anth Job. Worslay, Fra Jes. Worsley, John Trin. — John Job. — Rich Qu. Woursley, Rob Job. Worsley, Sam Trin. Worson, John [Trin. Worsoppe, Rich Job. Worster [C. C. Worth, Clem. v. Worts — Rich Em. — Will Em. Wortbam, Rich [Qu. Woi-thinton, Hen Qu. Wortbington, iJobn *Em. — John Catb. Nath Em. — Nicb Sid. — Sam [Em. _ Will Cla. — Will Job. Wortle, John Job. Rich Job. Wortley, Ambrose ... Em. Wortly, Fra. {Sir)... Wortley, Rich *Joh. Wortly, Tho Trin. Worts (' Woortb '), Clem. *Job. — John [Em. Woorts, Rich Cai. — Rich Cai. Wortes, Will *Cai. Woorts, -Will *Cai. Wostropp, John Cath. Wotton, Anth *King's Wooton, Edw. {Sir)... Wootton, Edw Cai. Wotton, H Trin. Wootton, Hen C. C. Wotton, John *King's Woton, John Sid. Wooton, Nicb Cla. — Pickering ... C. C. Wotton, Rob Trin. V M 1653 A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 s E 1579 1589 A.B. ( ) ; A.M. (Catb.) 1609 ! s E 1620 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 s E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 1589 [S.T.B. 1648 • s E 1633 A.B. (*Job.) 1636-7; A.M. 1640; s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 p E 1627 [f. •. Pem.] s E 1570 A.B. 1573-4; A.M. 1577 p E 1571 p E 1579 s c. 1592 A.B. 1595-6; A.M. 1599; S.T.R . c. 1594 A.B. 1597-8 [1606; S.T.P. 1613 f-c E 1551 f-c E 1606 A.B. (? 1609-10) ; A.M. 1612-3 s E 1653 (Matr. Wortley) f-c E 1641 p M 1562 [« L 1652-3' A.B. 1656-7; A.M. 1660 p E 1651] L 1645-6 1579] [fr. Oxf.] A.B. (Cla.) 1647-8 s M 1616 A.B. 1619-20 8 M 1616 A.B. 1619-20 p E 1645] s E 1612 [1646; S.T.P. (Jes.) 1655 s E 1632 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639; S.T.B. ■ p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5 [p E 1646] A.B. 1646-7 p E 1640 p E 1644] 1> E 1558 s E 1611 A.B. 1613-4; A.M. 1617 p M 1578 p M 1578 f-c c. 1595 A.M. 1635-6 {Lit. Reg.) p E 1618 A.B. 1621-2 ; A.M. 1631 ; S.T.B. '30 p E 1659 A.B. 1659-60; A.M. 1663 s E 1615 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 s E 1613] p E 1613 p E 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1648 p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1637 [p L 1658-9] A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 p E 1637 [1594, Watton p M 1579 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587; S.T.P.. A.M. 1594 {sp. congreg.) \> E 1618 p M 1561 s E 1644 A-B. 1647-8 p E 1626 A.B. 1629-30; A.M. 1633 p I\I 1648 A.B. 1649 ]) M 1627 A.B. (Trin. H.) 1631-2 f-c 6". 1596 p E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 1 Master of Jesus, 1650. Esquire Bodell, 1670. Matrimtkitions and Degrees 1544 — '^>o9 751 Wotton, Sam *King's [schol. 1621] A.H. 102.") ; A.M. 1029; S.T.P. 1650 Steph *King's p M 1561 A.B. 1565-6 Tho Chr. p E 1549 Wooton, Tho [C. C. 1597] VVotton, Tho Chr. .s M 1602 Tho A.M. 1007 {Jil. nob.) Walt [King's f-c L 1565-6] VVotten, Will *Trin. p E 1629 A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 Wourton, Tho Ola. s M 1576 Wowen, John Trin. p E 1652 A.B. 1654; A.M. 1658 \yragge, Chris Joh. p c. 1597 A.B. 1601-2; A.M. 1005 Wragg, Chris Joh. s .M 1633 A.B. 1630-7; A.M. 104O Isaac Triu. s E 1028 A.B. 1031-2; A.M. 1635 Nich Qu. p M 1647 A.B. 1650-1; M.B. 1652; M.D. Tho C. C. p E 1016 [1658 Tho Trin. s E 1628 A.B. 1632 Tho Qu. s E 1641 Wraoge [Ragg], Will. ... Joh. s E 1650 A.B. 1058-9; A.M. 1602 Wrothe, Geo *King's p M 1583 A.B. 1587-8, Wrathe Wrath, Gerson King's p E 1575 Wroathe, Jerome A.B. (Pern.) 1607-8 Wrathe, John Chr. p M 1567 A.B. (Pet.) 1571-2 Wrath, John Jes. f-c E 1633 [Wroth] Pet King's p E 1575 A.B. 1577-8, Wrothe Wrnth, Rich LL.B. 1562-3 W'nith, Rich Chr. p M 1570 iWrothe, Rob. {imp.) Joh. p M 1552 ! — Tho *Joh. p E 1562 A.B. 1502-3 'Wrath, Will Chr. p M 1570 Wroth [King's f-c E 1580] Wrath Trin. s e. 1595 Wrathall, Rich Joh. s M 1571 A.B. 1575-6 ; A.M. 1579 Wrathband v. Rathband Wray v. also Ray — Chris Sid. f-c M 1598 — Edw Sid. f-c M 1602 Wraye, Geo Trin. p M 1575 Wray, John Mag. f-c E 1635 A.M. 1035-6 {Lit. Reg.) — John *Trin. s E 1047 [fr. Cath.] A.B. 1047-8; A.M. 1051 Wraye, Nath *Mag. f-c E 1007 A.B. 1611 — Tho Mag. s E 1588 Wray, Tho Triu. s E 1634 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 — Will Sid. f-c M 1602 Wrenn, Cha Cla. f-c E 1617 [raigr. to Sid.] Wren, Chris S.T.B.1620(;S.T.P. — Fra Sid. p E 1615 [(Pet.) 1630 Wrenn, Lindlcy Cla. f-c E 1617 [?migr. to Sid.] — iMatth A.B. (*Peni.) 1004-5; A.M. 1608; Wren, Matth Pet. f-c M 1642 [S.T.B. 1015; S.T.P. 1623 Wrenche, Eha.s Trin. s E 1578 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1.580 Wrench, Rich *Joh. s M 1627 A.B. 1631 -2 ; A.M. 1035 ; S.T.B. '42 — Rob Em. [p E 16.50] M.B. 1002 (/-iV. /fe^.) ; M.D. 1671 — Sam loh. p E 1639 A.B. 1042-3; A.M. 1049 [{do.) — Simeon Joh. s M 1580 A.B. 1.583-4; A.M. 1.587 Wrest, Sam Qu. s M 1573 A.B. 1.570-7; A.M. 1.580 — Tho [Cai. s L 1012-3; ? migr. to Trin.] — Tho Trin. s M 1013 A.B. 1010 Wrestle, Nich Mag. s M 1045 A.B. 1048 9, Kc.s.>,ell; A.M. !<;.". I Wright, Abr (Jath. s E 1628 A.B. 1031-2; A.M. 1635 1 Master of Peterhouse, lfi-25 ; Bishop of Hereford, W.V\; Norwiih, WV.Mi; Ely, KvW. 752 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Wright, And Jes. s E 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 — Aiith [C. C, 1548] — Anth Jes. p M 1558 — Anth (? the above) A.B. (C. C.) 1568-9 — Anth Ck. s E 1607 A.B. 1610-1; A.M. 1614 — Anth Mag. .s E 1617 A.B. (Trm.) 1619-20 — Barth Pern. s c. 1596 A.B. (Jes.) 1600-1; A.M. 1604 — Barth A.B. (Trm.) 1616-7 — Barth Trin. s E 1619 A.B. (Trm. H.) 1622 — Cha *Joh. p E 1550 A.B. 15.53-4; A.M. 1557 — Cha *Trin. p E 1652 A.B. 1654-5; A.M. 1658; S.T.P. — Chris Jes. p M 1554 [1671 {Lit. Reg.) — Chris Joh. s M 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 — Chris Chr. s M 1635 A.B. 1639 — Dan A.B. (? 1602-3); A.M. (Cla.) 1606 — Ed Qu. s M 1564 — Edw *Cai. s M 1576 A.B. 1580-1 ; A.M. 1584 — Edw Trin. s c. 1598 — Edw Sid. [s xM 1599] A.B. 1603 — Edw Pern. p E 1603 AB. (C. C.) 1605-6; A.M. 1610 — Edw Pem. p E 1609 — Edw Cla. s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3 — Edw Joh. p E 1611 — Eiisebius ... Em. p c. 1597 Ezechiel ...*Em. p E 1619 A.B. 1622-3; A.M. 1626 ; S.T.B. '33 — Era Cla. p E 1585 A.B. (Jes.) 1588-9; A.M. 1592 — Era Joh. p c. 1592 A.B. (Pern.) 1595-6 — Era Joh. p E 1612 — Era Qu. p M 1616 A.B. 1618-9; A.M. 1622 — Era King's p M 1646 M.B. (Cla.) 1654 — Era [Joh. f-c E 1647] — Gabr Joh. s E 1650 A.B. 1653-4; A.M. 1657 — Geo Trin. s E 1571 — Geo Chr. p E 1578 — Geo Cath. p E 1604 A.B. 1606-7; A.M. 1610 — Geo Mag. p E 1631 — Geo *Joh. p E 1647 A.B. 1650-1; A.M. 1654 — Hen Chr. p M 1547 A.B. (*Joh.) 1549-50 — Hen Mag. s M 1582 — Hen Trin. s M 1589 A.B. 1592-3 — Hen Em. s E 1609 A.B. 1612-3; A.M. 1616 — Hen Pem. s E 1614 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 — Hen Cla. s M 1617 A.B. 1620-1; A.M. 1624 — Hen Cai. s M 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 — Hen (?one of the above) S.T.P. 1631-2 (On King's visit) — Hen [Em. s E 1651] — Hen [Trin. f-c L 1652-3] — Hen *Qu. p E 1657 A.B. 1660-1; A.M. 1664 [Hugh] Pet. p E 1637 — Hustwaite... Mag. s E 1631 — Isaac Qu. s E 1611 A.B. 1615; A.M. 1618 — Isaac Mag. f-c E 1631 — Isaac [Trin. p E1649] — Isaac Qu. s L 1653-4 A.B. 1656 — Isaac A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) — Ja C. C. 8 c. 1597 — Ja Jes. s E 1635 A.B. 1638-9; A.M. 1642 — Ja Pet. [p E 1645] A.B 1648 — Jermin Cai. p E 1624 — John Chr. s E 1544 A.B. 1544-5 — John Cath. s M 1547 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 753 i^i't, John .... .... Cla. s E 1566 A.B. 1569-70, Write; A.M. 1573 John .... .... Cla. s M 1570 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 John .... Cla. .s M 1572 A.B. 1575-6; A.M. 1579 John .... Cla. s E 1582 John .... .... Em. 1> E 1585 John .... .... Cai. 1> r. 1596 John .... .... [Qu. 1> L 1599-16001 A.]^. (Mag.) 1603-4 ; A.M. 1608 John .... .... Pet. 1> E 1608 A.B. 1611-2; A.M. 1615 John .... .... Sid. p :\[ 1609 A.B. 1613-4 John .... .... Em. f-c E 1613 John .... .... [Qu. 1> M 1614] John .... .... Chr. s E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 John .... .... C. C. p E 1623 John .... .... Jes. s E 1639 A.B. 1642 John .... .... Mag. p M 1646 John .... .... Trin.H. p E 1647 A.B. (Qu.) 1650-1 John .... .... [Sid. .... ;Trin. s E 1650" E 165i; John .... s Jos .... A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. 0.\f.) Laur .... Em. p E 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613; M.D. [1618 (Incorp. fr. Padua) Laur. .... .... Em. p M 1607 [? repetition] Laur ....*Trin. [p E 1652] A.B. 1655-6; A.M. 1659; M.D. '66 Leon .... Joh. p M 1572 [migr. to Cai. E 1574] IMatth. . .... Trin. s E 1629 A.B. 1630-1; A.M. 1634 Mich .... [Pet. p E 1657] Miles.... .... Joh. s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 Nath .... Em. p M 1619 A.B. 1623-4; A.M. 1627 Nich .... Joh. p M 1562 A.B. 1567-8, Mich.; A.M. 1571 Nich .... Cai. s M 1609 A.B. ( ); A.M. (Sid.) 1617; [S.T.R 1631-2 {Lit. Beg.) Phil .... Cla. s M 1582 A.B. 1585-6 Ralph . .... C. C. s L 1577-8 Rich .... Jes. p E 1566 Rich ....*Trin. M 1573 A.B. 1578-9 ; A.M. 1582 ; S.T.B. '89 Rich ....*Pem. s E 1585 A.B. 1588-9; A.M. 1592 Rich .... Em. p E 1587 A.B. 1590-1 Rich .... Qu. s M 1652 A.B. 1655-6 Rich A.M. 1659 (Incoi-i). fr. Oxf.) Rob ''.'.'. Cla. p E 1561 Rob .... Chr. p E 1565 A.B. 1568-9 ; A.M. 1572 ; S.T.B.'85 Rob .... Qu. s M 1565 Rob ....*Trin. fS E 1567 A.B. 1570-1; A.M. 1574 Rob .... Trin. p E 1571 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 Rob .... Cla. p E 1579 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1586 Rob A.B. (Mag.) 1586-7 Rob '.'.'.'. Chr. p c. 1591 Rob .... Em. s e. 1591 Rob .... Trin. p c. 1594 Rob .... Trin. s E 1608 A.B. 1611-2 Rob .... Cai. p E 1631 Rob .... [Cath. f-c L 1634-f )] Rob M.D. 1642-3 (Incorp. fr. Leyden) Rob .... King's p M 1645 Rob .... Sid. s E 1650 I Rob .... Cai. p E 1651 Rob ....*Pet. p E 1655 A.B. 1657-8; A.M. 1661 Roger.... .... Cla. M 1641 A.B. 1644-5; A.M. 1649 Sam .... C. C. p E 1577 A.B. (Mag.) 1579-80; A.M. 1583; 1 Chief Justice, K.B., 1687. 95 754 Mat7'iculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Wright, Sam Em. — Sam Cai. — Sam Em. — Sam Job. — Sam Chr. — Sara [Pem. — Sam Em. — Sam Em. — Sam Chr. — Sam Cla. — Tho Joh. — Tho Chr. — Tho Trm. -^ Tho Joh. — Tho Cai. — Tho Joh. — Tho Cla. — (Write), Tho C. C. — Tho Chr. — Tho Joh. — Tho Trin. — Tho Jes. — Tho Trin. — Tho Pet. — Tho C. C. — Tho Pet. — Tho Trin. — Tho [Cai. — Tho Chr. — Tobias Em. — Vincent Em. — Will, (imp.) -r, — iWiU Mag. — iW Trin. — Will Cath. — Will Chr. — Will Joh. — Will — Will — Will Em. — Will Chr. — Will Joh. — Will Cla. — Will Sid. — Will Chr. — Will Trin. — King's — Joh. — [Em. Wryghtyngton, John Job. Wrigbtson, Ambr Job. Wriglewood, Will Jes. Wrigley, Hen Joh. Wriothsley, Hen. v. Southampton, Wroe V. also Rows — Rich *Jes. — Rob Pet. Wrongery, John {!ath. 1588 1613 1624 1624 1624 1627] 1628 1631 1644 1645 1551 1.562 1563-4 1567 1574 1579 1.584 1585 1588 1598 1602 1607 1610 1619 1623 1634 1636 1648-9] 1655 1618 1613 A.B. 1590-1; A.M. 1594; S.T.B. [(*Sid.) 1601 A.B. 1627-8 M 1555 E 1561) E 1563( M 1572 E 1577 E 1580 E 1611 L 1620-1 E 1624 E 1625 E 1636 E 1649 E 1650 E 1544 E 1544 E 1590] [) E 1562 s E 1639 p E 1649 -c E 1617 Earl of A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1631-2; A.M. 1635 1633-4 1645-6 1648-9; A.M. (Pet.) 1652 1567-8; A.M. 1571 (Cla.) 1573-4; A.M. 1578 1577-8 1582-3; A.M. 1586 (Cai.) 1587-8 1592-3; A.M. 1596 1601-2 1610-1; A.M. 1614, 'John' 1613-4 1622-3; A.M. 1626 1637-8 ; A.M. 1641 ; M.D. '56 1638-9; A.M. 1642 1566-7; A.M. (*Job.) 1570 (Chr.) 1576-7 1583-4 ( ); A.M. (Cla.) 1608 (? 1609-10); A.M. (*Job.) 1614-5 [1613; S.T.B. 1621 1624-5 1628- 1652 A.M. 1634 p E 1658 s M 1584 [P 1644] A.B. 1652-3; A.M. 1656 A.B. 1661-2; A.M. 1665; S.T.B. [1672; S.T.P. 1686 M.B. 1649 1 Uncertain which of these graduated. Matriculation} s and Degrees 1544 — 1659 755 Wrote, Rob. {imp.) . Jes. Wroth V. Wrath Wiillet, Dan Trin. Wyaxd, John C. C. Wyat, Art, Job. — Dudley *Trin. — Edw Pcni. Wyate, Edwin King's Wyatt, Era *Kiug's Wyat, Isaac Job. Weyatt, Rich Wiat, Roger Mag. Wvat. Tho Mag. WVatt, Tho Wybarre[?Wybarue],Sam. C. C. Wy borne, Hen Joh. Wibdurne, John Wybarne, John Trin. Wyborne, Jos Trin. — Nath *Joh. — Perc. (imp.) .* J oh. Wiborue, Petly Cla. Wvbunbury, John [Joh. WVcb, Hen Em. WVcho, Pet Qu. WVeket, Will wVclirtb r. Wiclyfie Wyddall, Rob Peni. Wydon, AV Mag. Wy, >Tho Joh. — iTho Joh. Wye, Will [Trin. Wyer, Rich *King's — Rich — Tho ("ath. Wyes, Edw Sid. — Tho Sid. Wygmer, Tho Pet. Wylborowe, John v. Wildbore Wyldon, Rich Joh. Wyles, Ed Joh. Wylloce, Edm Peni. Wyinan, Paul Pet. Wyniarke, John Trin. — John Em. Wymbeburst (AVimshiirst), John Winne, Cha Chr. — Cha Em. Winn, Edm Chr. Wvnn, Edw les. Winn, Ellis Trin. Wliynn, Htn Pern. Wynne, Humph. ... Trin. Winn, John Pet. Wynn, John les. Winn, John Job. Wynne, John Job. Wynn, John Joh. Wynne, John [Joh. L 1557-8 p M 1561 s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 f-c E 1561 ]) M 1627 A.I5. 1G31-2; A.M. 1635 f-c M 1578 p E 1647 p M 1640 [off 1644] p L 1563-4 A.M. 1655 (lucorp. fr. Oxf.) p E 1583 A.B. 1585-6, Wyatt [1583 A.B. (Chr.) 1579-80; A.M. (Mag.) s xM 1575 A.M. 1658 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) p M 1587 s M 1545 S.T.B. 1598 (Incorp. fr. O.xf.) s M 1623 A.B. 1627-8 p M 1598 A.B. 1602-3, Wybarne ; A.M. 1606 p M 1589 A.B. 1593-4 ; A.M. 1597 ; S.T.P. '05 p M 1546 A.B. 1551-2, Wiburne ; A.M. 1559 s c. 1590 A.B. 1593-4; A.M. 1600 p E 1650] p E 1624 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 [1648 p E 1644 (fr. O.Kf.) A.B. 1645; A.M. (Trin. H.) A.B. 1561-2 p M 1570 V M 1567 p s E 1613) E I6I3J A.B. 1616-7; A.M. 1620 f-c E 1649; : tnigr. to Cai.] p M 1549 off 1553] LL.B. 1552-3 s E 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 f-c E 1619 f-c E 1619 A.B. 1622 p M 1564 p c. 1596 s E 1551 p E 1560 f-c E 1572 s E 1618 A.B. 1621-2; A.M. 1625 p E 1618 [Wiraacke] A.M. 1581 (Incori). fr. Oxf.) p E 1606 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1; A.M. 1644 f-c E 1657 s E 1637 A.B. 1640-1 ; A.M. 1647 ; S.T.P. p M 1622 [1662 {Lit. Reg.) s M 1628 A.B. 1629-30 p E 1631 p E 1624 A.B. 162.5-6; A.^[. 1629 ]) E 1637 p M 1647 A.B. 1650-1 f-c E 1649 p E 1649 (? mistake for Thoma.s) p L 1655-6' 1 Separate entries; one graduation. 756 Matriculations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Whinn, i Matth Joh. s Wynn, Maur Joh. p Wynne, Maur [Joh. p Winne, IM organ Wyn, Owen Joh. p Winne, Pet Joh. s Whynn, Rich Trin. p Win, Rich Joh. f-c Wynne, Rob Joh. f-c Wyn, Tho Qu. s Whin, Tho Wynne, Tho *Joh. [p Wynn, Will Trin. p — Will [Qu. s Winn, Will Joh. s Wynnyffe, Geo Cai. p Winneve, Geo [Trin. Wynnyffe, Tho Joh. p Winniffe, 2 Tho Wy thypool, Barth Gonv. H. p Witherpool, Benj Trin. p Wythypool, Dan. {imp.) Gonv. H. p — Edw. {imp.) Gonv.H. p Paul Gonv.H. p WythipooUe, Pet Mag. s Wivell, Chris Wyvill, Chris Trin. f-c Wivell, Fra *King's p Whivell, Geo Trin. p Wyvell (' Wivall '), Hen. . *Chr. p — Marm Pein. p — Marm King's f-c — Marm Trin. f-c Wyvill, Marm [Chr. f-c Wyvell, Rich Trin. p — Rob Trin. p — Sam Mich. Ho. p Wyvill, Solomon ... Joh. p Wivell, Tho Trin.H. p — Tho Em. p Wyvell, Will *King's p Registrary, 1645. L 1629-30 M 1624 M 1636] M 1654 E 1659 E 1631 E 1647 E 1633 M 1581 E 1649] E 1583 E 1584] M 1659 E 1563 E 1644] M 1567 E 1554 E 1575 E 1554 E 1554 E 1554 M 1564 M 1631 1597 E 1586 L 1647-8 M 1556 E 1607 E 1626 E 1653] L 1564-5 L 1564-5 M 1544 M 1601 c. 1593 E 1628 M 1598 A.B. 1633-4; A.M. 1637 A.B. 1628-9 A.M. 1641-2 {Lit. Reg.) A.M. 1614 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1584-5 A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) A.B. 1652-3 A.B. 1662-3; A.M. 1666 A.B. 1565-6, Wenyffe S.T.P. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1559-60; A.M. (*Joh.) 1563 [poll LL.B. (*Trin. H.) 1572-3, Wythi- LL.B. (*Trin. H.) 1589; LL.D. [1615 A.B. 1601-2 ; A.M. 1605; S.T.B. '15 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655; M.D. [(King's) 1662 A.B. 1631 A.B. 1601-2 2 Dean of Gloucester, 1624; of St Paul's, 1631. Matriculations and Defirees 1544 — i6r,9 T)7 ale, Dav *Qu. — Geo Qu. — Hugh — Tho — Tho Jes. yanson v. Janson Yerbiirgh, Edm Ein. harbor ough, Fra Chr. Vaibrough, Geo Sid. Y'arluirgh, John Jes. Yarborough, John Cai. Yarbrough, Nich Sid. — Nich Jes. Yerborough, Tho Pem. Yerburgb, Tho [Em. Yard burgh, Tho Jes. — [Sid. Yard, Edw King's Yarde, John Qu. Yard, Will Pet. Yardlye, And Jes. Yard ley, And Trin. Y'eardlie, Edw Cla. Yardley, John Trin. — John Trin. — ('Yearlie'), Randall *Chr. — Rob Cai. Yardly, Tho *Trin. Yarker, Tho Yarner (Yerner), Tho. ...*Qu. Yerowe, Tho *Joh. Yarwaye, Will Chr. Yates, Benj J oh. — Edw Trin. — Geo C. C. — Geo Mag. — Hen Em. — Job *Em. — John Jes. Yate, John *Em. Yates, John Em. — John — John Em. Yate, John C. C. — (Yates), John Yates, John Cla. — Jonas Em. — Jos [Cath. — Laur Joh. — Oswald Chr. — Pet Chr. Yats, Rich Trin. Yate, Rob C. C. Yates, R„l, [Em. — Tho Pet. f-c P P P f-c f-c p p M 15r)5 M 1606 E 1572 M 1644 M 1564 E 1629 E 1647 E 1657 E 1629 E 1656 E 1568 E 1640] M 1654 E 1603] E 1656 M 1602 M 1649 E 1616 E 1659 E 1587 E 1629 E 1656 E 1580 E 1605] E 1636 M 1560 M 1552 E 1619 E 1607 M 1634 M 1649 E 16571 E 1614] E 1610 E 1568 E 1604 E 1623 M 1632 [1648] M 1650 E 1633 M 1633] L 1564-5 M 1581 L 1634-5 E 1606 M 1611 L 1620-1] E 1579 A.B. 1563-4; A.M. 1567; LL.D.'79 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 A.M. 1621 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1543-4; A.M. (♦Qu.) 1546; [LL.D. 1556-7 [M.D. 1665 {Lit. Reg.) A.B. 1644-5; A.M. (*Jes.) 1648; (Matr. ' Yarbrowts ') A.B. 1632-3; A.M. 1636 M.B. 1663 A.B. 1605-6 A.B. 1651-2 A.B. 1619-20 A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. 1590-1; 1632-3; 1658-9 1583-4 ; 1608-9; 1639-40 (Chr.) 1571- 1562-3 1555-6, Yeare 1623-4 A.M. 1594 A.M. 1636 [1595, Eardley A.M. 1587; S.T.B. A.M. 1612 A.M. 1643 A.B. 1636-7; A.M. 1640 A.B. 1661 A.B. 1617-8; A.M. 1621 A.B. 1613-4, Yate; A.M. 1617; [S.T.B. 1624 A.B. 1607-8, Yates; A.M. 1611;, [S.T.B. 1618 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 A.M. 1625 (Incoi-]!. fr. Oxf.) A.B. (Cath.) 1635-6; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1652 A.M. 1650 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) A.B. 1653 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1039 A.B. 1567-8 A. 15. 1637 (Matr. 'Gates') A.I3. 1614 ; A.M. 1618; S.T.B. 1625 A.B. 1582-3; A.M. 1580 758 Matricidatioiis and Degrees 1544 — 1659 Yates, Tho .... [Trin. — Tho .... Trin.H P W .... Cath. s Will .... Em. p Yakesly, John .... Chr. Yaxley, Rich .... Cai. P W .... Trin. f-c Yeanes, Will .... Joh. p Yeardner, Rob .... [Qu. p Yearwood, Rali)h .. .... [Em. p Yearworth, ja.: .... Jes. p Yeavelye, Anth .... Joh. p Geo .... Joh. s Yeaveley, Rob .... Joh. p — Tho .... Joh. p Yeldert, Art .... Cla. s Yelderton, Hen .... Qu. p Yelland, John .... Jes. s Yellyton, Lewis .... Cla. s Yelverton, Cha .... Cai. lp Cha .... Pet. f-c Chris. .. .... Qu. p — Chris. , . .... Qu. f-c Edw ^Hen .... Chr. f-c — Hen .... Cai. p Lane .... Pet. s Rob .... Qu. f-c — Roger .... Qu. p — Simon . . .... [Qu. V — Tho .... Chr. f-c — Will .... C. C. V Will .... Trin. f-c Yemes, Hen ....*C. C. s Hen .... [C. C. Rob .... c. c. s Yemons, Simon . . .... Qu. p Yeo, Roger .... Cai. s Will .... [Em.] Yeomanson Tho .... Pem. s Yerley, Ralph .. .... Qu. p Yetswarte, Ja .... Joh. p Yeward, John .... Trin. p Yorke, Ed .... Pet. p — Geo .... Joh. p Hen .... Em. s York, Hen .... Qu. p John .... [Qu. f-c Yorke, Nath .... Chr. p Pet .... Pet. f-c York, Rich .... Trin. p Yorke, Rich .... Trin. s Rob .... C. C. s Steph. .. .... Jes. s Tho .... Trin. p York, Tho .... Qu. s Yorke, Tho .... Mag. V Will .... Pet. f-c Young, And .... Joh. p E 1637] M 1640 E 1559 M 1644 E 1632 M 1601 M 1561 L 1653-4 E 1599] E 1645] M 1568 E 1605 c. 1594 E 1614 E 1589 E 1544 E 1544 L 1580-1 E 1561 E 1590] c. 1590 M 1550 L 1618-9 E 1581 M 1611 L 1557-8 L 1618-9 E 1580 M 1622] E 1581 M 1569 E 1606 M 1566 1575; ? M 1575 E 1623 M 1627 E 1629 E 1576 1556 1598 1568 1560 1625 1659 1615] c. 1595 E 1555 M 1549 M 1565 M 1602 M 1550 E 1549 M 1561 E 1588 E 1555 E 1607 Justice C. P., 1625. A.B. 1646-7 A.B. 1635-6, Yaxley; A.M. 1639 A.B. 1657-8, Yannes ; A.M. 1661 A.B. 1608-9; A.M. 1612 A.B. 1598-9 A.B. 1547-8 ; A.M. (*Pem.) 1552 A.B. (Cai.) 1564-5, Yeoloton A.B. 1593-4 A.B. (Pet.) 1579-80 A.B. (Pet.) 1584-5 [Roger] A.B. 1583-4 A.B. (Pem.) 1573-4 A.B. 1571-2, Yms; A.M. 1575 re-admission] A.B. 1578-9 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1631 [1641 A.B. 1639 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) ; A.M. A.B. (Trin.) 1632-3; A.M. 1636 A.B. 1627-8; A.M. 1633 A.B. 1662-3 A.B. 1599-1600; A.M. 1603 A.B. 1571-2; A.M. 1575 Matrictdations and Degrees 1544 — 1659 759 And Trill. f-c M 1G18 Cha Peru. .s L lo57-8 Chris Em. s c. 1596 A.?.. loOG-T; A.M. 1000 Chris Mag. p E 16M M.B. 1659 Edm Trin. p M 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1630 Edw (Trill.) 1583 -4; A.M. 1587 'Edw *Joh. p E 1606 A.B. 1609-10; A.M. 1613 ; S.T.IJ. [1620; S.T.i'. 1639 Edw Qu. p L 1615-6 A.B. 1619-20; A.M. 1623 Era Joh. p M 1581 A.B. 1584-5; A.M. 1588 Era Sid. s E 1623 A.B. 1626-7; A.M. 1632 Era Jes. s E 1639 A.B. 1642-3 Geo C. C. s M 1606 A.B. 1610 Geo Trill. [E 1636] A.B. 1639-40 Hen M.l). 1620 {Lit. Jie(/.) Hen *Joh. p E 1623 A.B. 1625-6; A.M.' 1629 Hen [Joh. s E 1642] Hen Jes. p E 1648 A.B. 1651-2 Ja Pet. p E 1639 [1545-6 ; S.T.P. (*Trin.) 1552-3 2John A.B. 1535-6 ; A.M. (*Joh.) 1539 ; S.T.B. John C. C. p M 1550 A.B. 1553-4 3 John A.B. 1551 -2 ; A. M. (♦Pern.) 1 555 ; [S.T.B. 1563; S.T.P. 1569 John C. C. s L 1577-8 A.B. 1581-2 John Pern. p M 1580 A.B. 1583-4; A.M. 1587 John [Qu. p M 1592] [S.T.B. 1611 John A.B. (Sid.) 1600-1; A.M. 1604; ^John A.M. (*Sid.) 1606 (Incorp. fr. St John [Cai. f-c E 1616] [Andrew.s) John [Em. s E 1620] A.B. (Cath.) 1623 John *Trin. p E 1622 A.B. 1625-6; A.M. 1629 John *King's p M 1625 A.B. 1629; A.M. 1633 John Em. p M 1631 A.B. 1634-5; A.M. 1638 John Sid. f-c E 1641 A.M. 1641-2 (Lit. Reg.) John Sid. s E 1649 A.B. 1651-2; A.M. 1655 Jos Em. s E 1631 A.B. 1633-4 Nath Em. p M 1623 A.B. 1626-7 Nich Mag. s E 1561 Patrick A.M. 1620 (Incori.. fr. Oxf.) Pet A.M. 1615 (On King's visit) Ralph Chr. s M 1634 A.B. 1638-9 Rich Trin. s L 1563-4 A.B. 1565-6; A.M. (Mag.) 1.569 Rich *King's p M 1631 A.B. 1635-6; A.M. 1639 Rich [Cath. p 16.38] Rob Qu. s E 1583 A.B. (Trin.) 1586-7 Rob A.M. 1612-3 (On King's vi.sit) Rob Chr. s E 1647 Roger Jes. p E 1646 A.B. 1649-50; A.M. 1653 Sam Trin. T I. p M 1611 Stei.h Trin. [p E 1647, fr. Oxf.] A.B. 1647 Tho Pet. p E 1565 A. ]i.( Pern.) 1569-70; A.M. ('John') Tho King's p M 1582 [1573; S.T.B. 1580 Tho Cla. s E 1609 Tho Trin. p E 1612 Tho C. C. p E 16.34 A.B. 1637-8; A.M. 164! 6 Tho A.M. 1644 (Incorp. fr. St Andrews) ; Walt. ".'.".'.'.'.'.'.'. Pem. p M 1580 [S.T.P. (Jes.) 1649 1 Dean of Exeter, 1662. 2 Master of Pembroke, 15.>1; HeKius Professor of Divinity, l...>». 8 Master of Pembroke, 1567; Bisbop of R M 1559 s c. 1596 A.B. 1596-7; A.M. 1600 s E 1627 A.B. 1628-9; A.M. 1632 s E 1581 ]) E 1560 s M 1637 A.B. 1641-2 s E 1587 A.B. (Mag.) 1592-3 r« M 1634] A.B. 1638-9 11 s E 1628 s E 1647 il z Zachel v. Satcbell Zacheverell v. also Sacbeverall — John Job. — Will Trin Zankey (Sankey), Clem. .*Mag — Jeremy Trin Zastrisal, Geo. Sigismund h, Zoeckell, John Zomere, Ja Trin.H Zowche, Edw Trin, Zouch (Souch), Fra Zouche, Hen Cbr. Zowche, John Job. — John Trin, Zouch, Rich Zowche, Rob — Sid Cbr. Zouche, Tho Cbr. V M 1567 p E 1571 [S.T.P. 166f p L 1647-8 A.B. 1651-2 ; A.M. 1655, Sankey s M 1637 A.B. (Cla.) 1640-1; A.M. 1644 A.M. 1599 [M.B. 164( A.B. 1640 (Incorp. fr. Leipzic) H. p E 1568 ' Fleming from Ghent ' f-c E 1570 A.M. 1571 LL.B. 1628 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) P M 1570 f-c E 1549 f-c M 1578 A.M. 1654 (Incorp. fr. Oxf.) M.L. (Cla.) 1607 p E 1575 A.B. 1578-9 1> M 1570 A.B. 1574-5; A.M. 1578 CAMBBIDQE : PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE DNrVERSITY PBESS. I KETORN TO JeI FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. Renewe-fbookste subjec. .o immeiate recall. ___rec:dj-d ■mrzsiWA RK'D CIRC DEPT APR10J981 API' 2 S'MSt REC CIR HJR KCCiRc FEB2fi 1986 m \ 1 1981 LD 21A-40m-4,'6;i (D6471sl0)476B General Library . University of California Berkeley w «EW«ALUBB.By.u.C.BEBK£Uy asaogs UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY