COMPILED CIRCULARS, No. 10 UC-NRLF U B C3A4 *^ ^°* ^'^■'' THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CONCERNING SELECTIVE SERVICE LAW Sacramento, California, July 2, 1918 CAUFOBNIA STATE PRINTINQ OPFICB SACRAMENTO 1»1S ,> 1 1 3 ' • • • «• • Circular Letter No. 322. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. , ,>V'>', '>.' THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-20 June 15, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: Classification of Recent Marriage Cases. The following telegram received from the office of the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned : Washington, D. C, June 13, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number B fourteen seventy-five. Please promulgate at once to Local Boards the following important amend- ments to the Selective Service Regulations: Rule Five, Section Seventy-two, is amended to read as follows : ''Rule Five. The fact of dependency resulting from the marriage of registrant who has become twenty- one years of age since June 5, 1917, and who has married since the date of the introduction of the joint resolution in Congress requiring his registration, to-wit, January 15, 1918, will be disregarded as a ground for deferred classi- fication. B. If a registrant w^ho has attained the age of twenty-one since June 5, 1917, and who has contracted marriage subsequent to the date of the enactment of the Selective Service Law, to-wit, May 18, 1917, but on or prior to January 15, 1918, claims deferred classification on the ground of dependency resulting from his marriage, the fact of dependency resulting from his marriage will be disregarded as ground for deferred classification, unless the dependency is a child of the marriage, born or unborn on or prior to June 9, 1918, in which case such a regis- trant upon satisfactory proof being made shall be classified in Class Two. C. If a registrant, other than one who has attained the age of twenty-one years since June 5, 1917, who has contracted marriage since May 18, 39359 • • • ^» • • • • . • • -^ 2 — « '• .'If)??,'* eijfiittft/Tli'C/^rcd classification on the «iroimd of depoiidcncy resulting from his marriage, the fact of dependency resulting from his marriage will be disre- garded as a ground for deferred classification, unless the dependent is a child of the marriage, born or unborn on or before June 9, 1918, in which case such a registrant upon satisfactory proof being made shall be placed in Class Two. D. Nothing contained in this amendment to Rule Five shall be construed as requiring the transfer to Class Two of any registrant who has been finally classified in Class One on the affirmative finding that his marriage since May 18, 1917, was made with the primary view of evading military service." Instruct all Local Boards forthwith to classify all cases involving marriage since May 18, 1917, in accordance with the above. Crowder. J. J. BORREE, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 323. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 June 17, 1918. To all Local Boards: The following letter from the office of the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned : From : Office of the Provost IMarshal General. To: Draft Executives in All States. Subject: INIeal Tickets'. 1. Numerous requests are being received from various Department Quartermasters through the Quartermaster — 3 — General for desig-nations of Local Boards that issue cer- tain meal tickets. To overcome this difficulty to a large extent, it is requested that you give directtions to Local Boards to hereafter phice their Local Board stamp at the bottom of the meal ticket, or if tlic blank space at the bottom of the meal ticket is not large enough for this stamp, it may be placed diagonally across the face of same. This should also be put on the triplicate copy before forwarding to the Department Quartermaster. E. H. Crowder, Provost Marshal General. By WiNPiELD S Price, Major, National Army, Chief Disbursing Officer. By direction of the Governor. J. J. BORREE, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 324. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 June 17, 1918. To all Local and District Boards: The following letter from the office of the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned : From : Office of the Provost Marshal General. To: Draft Executives in All States. Subject: Frx\udulent Communications. 1. Referring to our General Telegram No. B 1239 of June 1st, and as an example of fraudulent methods which are being resorted to, there is enclosed herewith a copy of — 4 — a fraudulent form letter never authorized by the Navy Department. Some of the eopies bear the signature "L. W. Overstreet" in typewriting; othei-s bear no sig- nature. Its evident purpose is to enable persons subject to draft to escape military service by presenting what purports to be an official determination of the fact that the holder of the letter is outside of the draft age. Such letters should not be accepted as evidence of age. 2, The Navy Department is endeavoring to discover the guilty party or parties and it is requested that you ascertain whether or not any such letters have been sub- mitted to any boards in your State and instruct boards to take prompt measures to apprehend persons who present such letters and secure all possible proof in connection w^ith the same. 3. At the same time it might be well to advise boards to be upon the alert to discover similar fraudulent prac- tices. It is suggested that your communication of the foregoing be made to the Local and District Boards in the strictest confidential manner in order that the informa- tion may not be publicly disseminated. E. H. Crowder, Provost Marshal General. Navy Department Bureau of Navigation Washington, D. C. Sir: The Bureau acknowledges receipt of your offer to reenlist in the Navy and regrets that as you are over the maximum age limit j^our reenlistment at this time can not be authorized. The Bureau wishes to thank you for the offer of your services. Respectfully, Division of Enlisted Personnel, Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. Q. C, The Adjutant General. — 5 — Circular Letter No. 325. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 June 17, 1918. To all Local Boards: The following letter from the office of the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned : From : Office of the Provost Marshal General. To : Draft Executives in All States. Subject : Amendment to Section 151, S. S. R. 1. Section 151, S. S. R., is hereby amended by the addition of the following: ''(h) Except in the following cases, no person regis- tered or subject to registration under the Selective Service Act may enlist or be recruited in the military forces of co-belligerents of the United States : (1) Upon presentation by a registrant to a recruiting officer of a co-belligerent of the United States, of a certifi- cate of final classification of his Local Board (Form 1007, P. M. G. 0.) showing that he has been placed in Class V (e) on the ground that he is an alien enemy or in Class V (f ) on the ground that he is a resident alien who has not declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States, he may enlist in the military forces of a co-belligerent of the United States. (2) Upon presentation by a registrant to a recruiting officer of a co-belligerent of the United States, of a certifi- cate of his Local Board that he has been found by the Local Board not to be a citizen of the United States and not to have declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States, that he has expressly waived classi- fication in Class V on the ground of alienage, and that the Local Board has placed him in Class II, III or IV, he may enlist in the Military forces of a co-belligerent of the United States; Form 1007, P. M. G. 0., may not be used in this case, but the Local Board shall prepare a special certificate. — 6 — (3) Immediately upon the enlistment of a registrant under the exceptions above noted, the recruiting officer shall forward to the local board a certificate that the registrant has enlisted in the military service of the country which the recruiting officer represents. The local board shall, upon receipt of such certificate of the recruiting officer, place in Class (5f) any registrant who has enlisted under the provisions of the sub-paragraph immediately preceding." 2. If Local Boards or State Headquarters learn that recruiting officers, of foreign countries have enlisted registrants in violation of the above regulation, it is requested that they immediately forward to this office affidavits showing the fact and circumstances of the enlistment and citizenship and classification of the regis- trant, in order that steps may be taken to obtain his discharge from such military service and return to the place of enlistment. E. H. Crow^der, Provost Marshal General. By C. A. Hope, Capt. National Army ; Acting Chief Administrative Division. By direction op the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 326. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5_12 June 18, 1918. To all Lijcal (ukI Mfdical Adrisorii Hoanh: Subject: New Physical Examination Manual. Herewith Form 75 which is a new and complete manual for standards of physical examinations. This will be used by all — 7 — Arodical Examining Officers of Local Boards, Medical Examin- ing Boards and at the mobilization camps. Please distribute these to your examining ph^^sicians. If you need additional copies order them immediately. The Provost Marshal General instructs that ALL OF YOUR FORMS 64 ARE TO BE IMMEDIATELY DESTROYED. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 327. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-12 June 18, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: Transportation. The attention of Local Boards is again called to the fact that men who are to be sent to camp on tourist sleepers must have transportation requests for excess fare. The fare on regular day coaches is three cents a mile. When a man travels on a tourist sleeper, an additional charge of one quarter cent per mile is made for transportation. This is in addition to the regular charge for a tourist berth. Therefore, the Local Boards must furnish the man, 1st, with his regular ticket, 2d, with liis ticket for a berth and, 3d, if the man pur- chases his berth at a place other than the point of entraining, the Local Board must give him a transportation request for the excess fare. — 8 — If you do not understand this system, call on the Local Railroad Agent and get him to show you the little red slip that he has to attach to the tickets for the excess fare and explain the sy.stem to you. During the last week, since the excess fare regulations went into effect, this office has been called upon almost every day to issue additional transportation requests to men from Local Boards within this and adjacent states. In some cases as many as six or eight contingents have been held up at Sacra- mento for some hours because of lack of proper transportation requests. AVhile this office is always glad to help out men from con- tingents in this way, it should be unnecessary and it frequently causes the men inconvenience and delay en route. By DIRECTION OP THE GOVERNOR. J. J. BORREE, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 328. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1_12 June 18, 1918. To all Local Boards: The following letter from the office of the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned : From: Office of the Provost Marshal General. To: Draft Executives in All States. Subject: Transportation. 1. The following letter from the Quartermaster at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, has been received in this — 9 -^ office through the Quartermaster General's Office, and is quoted for your information, and with the request that it be communicated to all Local Boards in your next bul- letin : ''Considerable confusion has arisen recently due to the fact that enlisted men under orders to report at this station have been furnished by Local Draft Boards trans- portation reading- to Indianapolis onl.y. Inasmuch as Fort Benjamin Harrison is located eleven miles east of Indianapolis on the C.C.C. & St. L. Ry. and the Union Traction Company of Indiana, the above arrangement has resulted in a large number of men arriving at Indian- apolis within the last few weeks without transportation between Indianapolis and Fort Benjamin Harrison. It is suggested that in order to insure transportation being furnished to destination instructions be issued to the various local draft boards that all transportation requests covering travel to this station be issued through to Fort Benjamin Harrison showing C.C.C. & St. L. Ry. as the last carrier." E. H. Crowder, Provost Marshal General. By WiNFiELD S. Price, IMajor, N. A., Chief Disbursing Officer. By direction op the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. 2—39359 — 10 — Circular Letter No. 329. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 June 18, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: Reclassification of Recent Marriage Cases. The following telegram received from the office of the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, June 17, 1918. Governor of California, Sacramento, California. Number B fifteen thirty-eight. Our telegram No. four- teen seventy-five amending Rule 5, Section 72, S. S. R., provides that certain registrants married since May 18, 1917, shall be placed in Class 1 or 2. These registrants shall be designated on questionnaire and cover sheet as being in subdivision X, Class 1 or 2, as the case may be. Crowder. By direction op the Governor. J. J. BORREE; Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 11 — Circular Letter No. 330. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 June 18, 1918. To all Loc'B 48C65 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY