A VOLUME RELATING TO THE EAELY HISTOKY OF BOSTON CONTAINING THE ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS TO 1651. BOSTON MUNICIPAL PRINTING OFFICE 1903 ASPINWALL NOTAKIAL EECOEDS, THIS volume contains the notarial records of William Aspinwall, Recorder of the Suffolk County Court from November 13, 1644, until October f> 1651. He was the second to hold the office, the first being Stephen Winthrop, the fourth son of Gov. John Winthrop, who was Recorder from September 9, 1639 (being appointed by order of the General Court), until the choice of William Aspinwall, November 13, 1644, at a General Court of Election. The following account of William Aspinwall was compiled by the late John T. Hassam, and forms part of the introduction to Liber X. of Suffolk Deeds, and by whose kind permission it is here republished. It should be borne in mind that, according to the Julian calendar, which was in use at the time, the legal year began on the 25th of March, so that the date of the first entry in the records is November 20, 1644. WILLIAM ASPINWALL. 1644-1651. William Aspinwall probably came in the fleet with Governor Winthrop. He was of Charlestown 1 in 1630, and of Boston after 1633. His name is the tenth in the list of original members of the First Church in Boston 2 the covenant being dated Charlestown, iWyman's Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, I. 25. 2 Memorial History of Boston, I. 666. ii INTRODUCTION. August 27, 1630. His wife Elizabeth was the six- teenth in that list. He was the second in the list of thirteen who remained inhabitants in Charlestown in 1630. September 28, 1630, he was one of the jury impanelled to inquire concerning the death at " M r Cradocks plantacon " of Austin Bratcher. 1 He took the oath of freeman 2 April 3, 1632. He was one of the Selectmen of Boston 3 in 1636 and 1637, and was chosen deputy to the General Court 4 in 1637 in place of Sir Henry Yane; but as he was a supporter of Wheelwright in the " Antino- mian Controversy," 5 and had signed a remonstrance in his favor, the Court deposed him from member- ship by the following order, 6 passed November 2, 1637: - " M r William Aspinwall being questioned in regard his hand was to a petition or remonstrance, & he iustified the same, maintaining it to bee lawfull ; the Court did discharge him from being a member thereof." By the following order 7 of the same date he was disfranchised and banished : "M r Willi: Aspinwall being con vented for haveing his hand to a petition or remonstrance, being a seditious libell, & iustifiing the same, for w ch , & for his insolent & turbulent carriage, hee is disfranchized & banished, puting in sureties for his departure before the end of the first month next ensuing. " M r John Glover & M r Aspinwall are each of them bound in a 100* a peece for M r Aspinwals depture by the time limited." With others, "seduced & led into dangerous 1 Mass. Col. Records, I. 77. Ibid., I. 367. 8 Boston Town Records, I. 6, 15. Mass. Col. Records, I. 200 ; Boston Town Records, I. 15. 6 Memorial History of Boston, I. 173-176 ; Drake's History of Boston, 218-230. 8 Mass. Col. Records, I. 205. ' Ibid., I. 207. INTRODUCTION. in errors " by the " opinions & revelations of M r Wheele- wright & M rs Hutchinson," he was disarmed by an order 1 of the General Court of November 20, 1637. With others of " y e opinionists," thus disarmed, disfranchised, and banished, he joined in the move- ment to found a new colony in Rhode Island, and he was one of those who, on the 7th day of the 1st month, 1638, " solemnly in the presence of Jehovah," incorporated themselves "into a Bodie Politick" 2 signing the compact at Portsmouth, Rhode Island. He was the first Secretary of the infant Colony. But his life in Rhode Island was not destined to be a peaceful one, as the following order, 3 passed 7 th 12 mo 1638-9, shows: "Mr. Aspinwall being a suspected person for sedition against the State, it was thought meet that a stay of the building of his Bote should be made ; whereupon y e work- man was forbidden to proceed any further." And on the 28 th 2 mo 1639, his shallop was attached for debt. 4 He was in Connecticut in 1642, and was a witness in the case of George Spencer 5 at a General Court held at New Haven, March 2, 1641-2. At a General Court held at Boston, October 7, 1641, the following order 6 was passed : "Willi: Aspinwall hath a safe conduct granted him to come & satisfy the counsell, &, if they thinke nieete, to stay till the Generall Court; if not, hee is to depart till the General] Court, & then hee hath liberty to come to the G-en r all Court." 1 Mass. Col. Records, 1. 211. 2 R. I. Col. Records, I. 52, 53. * Ibid., I. 66. * Ibid., I. 69. 5 New Haven Col. Records, I. 67. 6 Mass. Col. Records, I. 338. iv INTRODUCTION. At a General Court held at Boston May 20, 1642, the following order x was passed : " William Aspinwall, upon his petition & cirtifficat of his good carriage, is restored againe to his former liberty & freedome." Governor Winthrop, 2 under date of March 27, 1642, gives this account of it: "Mr. William Aspen wall, who had been banished, as is before declared, for joining with Mr. Wheelwright, being licensed by the general court to come and tender his sub- mission, &c was this day reconciled to the church of Boston. He made a very free and full acknowledgment of his errour and seducement, and that with much detestation of his sin. The like he did after, before the magistrates, who were appointed by the court to take his submission, and upon their certificate thereof at the next general court, his sentence of banishment was released." Having made his peace with the Massachusetts authorities, his advancement was rapid. At a General Court of Election held in Boston, September 7, 1643, "M r Willi: Aspinwall is appointed clarke of the writtsfor Boston." 3 At a General Court of Election held in Boston, November 13, 1644, " M r . Aspinwall is chosen Eecorder till y e next Co r t of Election ; " * and on the same day "It is ordered, y l M r Willi: Aspinwall shalbe a publique notary for this iurisdiction." 5 1 Mass. Col. Records, II. 3 (2d ed.) ; Whitmore's Colonial Laws, Boston, 1889, Preface, xvi. * Gov. John Winthrop's Journal, II. 62. 8 Mass. Col. Records, II. 45. In the Introduction to Lib. I. (Suffolk Deeds, Lib. I., Introduction, p. 10, Note) I gave some account of the origin of the Boston Book of Possessions and I there stated that the book is, in the main, in the handwriting of William Aspinwall. See also 2 Proc. Mass. Hist. Soc., XII. 359. Mass. Col. Records, II. 84. Ibid., II. 86. INTRODUCTION. v He joined the Artillery Company 1 in 1643. The merchants of Boston, attempting to secure a monopoly of the Indian trade, procured a charter from the General Court. 2 This was granted March 7, 1643-4, in answer to the petition of William Aspin- wall and six others. Governor Winthrop's account is as follows : " Divers of the merchants of Boston being desirous to dis- cover the great lake, supposing it to lie in the north west part of our patent, and finding that the great trade of beaver which came to all the eastern and southern parts, came from thence, petitioned the court to be a company for that design, and to have the trade which they should discover, to them- selves for twenty-one years. The court was very unwilling to grant any monopoly, but perceiving that without it they would not proceed, granted their desire ; whereupon, having also commission granted them under the public seal, and let- ters from the governour to the Dutch and Swedish gover- nours, they sent out a pinnace well manned and furnished with provisions and trading stuff, which was to sail up Delaware river so high as they could go, and then some of the com- pany, under the conduct of Mr. William Aspenwall, a good artist, and one who had been in those parts, to pass by small skiffs or canoes up the river so far as they could." 3 But Aspinwall and his party were not allowed to penetrate to the beaver country, the 1 Swedes firing upon them and the Dutch higher up the river refusing to allow them to pass. 4 But more troubles were in store for him, for at the second session of the General Court held at Boston October 14, 1651, the following order 5 was passed: " In answer to the peticon of John Butten, Benja Ward, Thomas Matson, Willjam Ludkin, and others of a jury appointed to serve in the last County Court held at Boston, 1 Roberts' History of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, I. 125. 2 Mass. Col. Records, II. 60. 8 Gov. John Winthrop's Journal, II. 160. 4 Ibid., H. 178, 179, 187; N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, XXVIII. 42-50. * Mass. Col. Records, IV. Part I. 68. Of. Ibid., III. 257. vi INTRODUCTION. in an accon betweene M r W m Aspinwall and John Witherden, the Courte doth order that M r Aspinwall be convented before the whole Courte on the morrow, being 23 8m, 1651, to give answer to such things as are chardged vppon him in this and Witherdens peticon. The partjes appeared at the time appointed, and after the Court had fully heard the cawse, and what both partjes could say, the Court proceeded to judgm nt . Itt is ordered, that henceforth M r W m Aspinwall shall be suspended from excercising the office of recorder or clarke in any County Courte, for chardging the Courte and jury to goe against la we and conscience, making the landlord to pay rent to the tennant, and shall pay the some of thirty shillings for the jurjes attendance and entring the peticon, w th fower shillings for two wittnesses attendance. " Itt is ordered, that M r Edward Rawson, present secretary to the Generall Courte, shall henceforth be recorder for the county of Suffolke, and that M r Aspinwall deliuer him all the records belonging to the sajd county. " Itt is ordered, that Jonathan Negus, at the request of the tonne of Boston, shall henceforth be clarke of the writts for the toune of Boston, in M r Aspin walls roome, who is to give him the records of deaths, births, and marrjages, in his hands, y 4 belongs to that office." At the second session of the General Court l held at Boston October 26, 1652, " M r Nathaniell Souther is appointed publicke notary for this jurisdiccon, in the roome of M r W m Aspinwall, and tooke the oath suiteable to the place in open Courte." He addressed the following letter, dated 24: 5 mo 1652, to the General Court : 2 " May it please yo w to consider, that manifould haue beene the afflictions I haue suffered since I came into this Country, & it adds vnto them the late order you made that I should deliver vp my bookes vnto the secretary, but most of all afflictiue is, that my late troubles haue sprung from brethren. As for others they doe but theire kind. I justify not my selfe, but condemne my folly. Yo w know it, that Nemo 1 Mass. Col. Records, FV. Part I. 118. . * Mass. Archives, LXXXVIII. 384, 385. The Notarial Record kept by "William Aspinwall from Dec. 20, 1644, to July 4, 1651, has recently been discovered (2 Proc. Mass. Hist. Soc.. XI. 184). It will shortly be published by the Record Commissioners. INTRODUCTION. vii mortalium omnibus horis sapit.\^~\ And though it be my portion to suffer the more, for that I haue beene yo r officer (most vnworthy I confesse) yet if ever occasion should be ; be pleased to be tender of yo r officers especially of their names & creditt & suffer them not to be objects of publick scorne & reproach. If they be godly or ingenuous an admonition or checke may suffice to redresse any thing weakly & foolishly done, but if they grow corrupt through bribes or otherwise vnfaithfull to theire trust, justice will require it to make them exemplary, ffor my selfe I haue little to say (being conscious of many weake & feeble pas- sadges) only this, I haue desired to be faithfull, & my aime hath beene the Hono r of God & his vice-gerents, the publick good of the Country, & private of pticular psons. In refer- ence to yo r late order giue me leave I beseech yo w w Ul out offence to giue yo w an Account why I haue not delivered the bookes vnto the Secretary, but rather voluntarily chosen to leave them w th M r Cotton. " 1. They are no publick Records, as I take it, nor can be ; but privat Records of my owne Acts, of w ch I could not otherwise be able at any time to giue Account, nor be able to discerne any corruption or adulteration that possibly might be foisted in after the writeings passe my hand, f [or] w ch ends I thought it necessary to keepe such a Register. And I wanted not the advice of him herein, whom yo w all will owne as a Nursing father to this Colonie whilst he lived. " 2 ndly Vnles it were the practise of other Nations so to doe, w ch I believe it is not, according to that intelligence I haue had, it will reflect some imputation or suspition of vnfaithfulnes vppon me to take them away by an order ; & that will weaken the Credit of the bookes themselves or any thins; to be taken out of them, ffor such as is the Credit of 3 the pson, such wilbe the creditt of his acts & bookes, & that is the Reason why the State & Goverment doe putt credit vppon the pson, by designeing him to such a Coinon service, & therefore as they are carefull to choose such psons for that purpose as are qualifyed, & have variety of tongues (at least the Latin tongue) so specially they doe take care (or should) that they be faithfull, in whose truth men may confide. "3 ly- It would be prejudiciall both to my selfe, & all therein concerned to take them away, ffor no man can safely & effectually attest any thing out of my privat write- ings but my selfe, nor shall I be able to attest any thing when my bookes are taken away. " 4 ly . Very many things therein, for brevity sake, are 1<( Quid quod nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit ? " Plinius major, Nat. Hist., VII. 41. 2. viii INTRODUCTION. registred in such a method, w ch none but my selfe or by instructions from me can make vse of ; they being intended for my privat vse, & my owne voluntary act w'hout instruc- tions or injunctions from the Generall Court. " 5 ly The most of the things therein conteined relate to England whither I am going, & hope may be of more use there, both to the Country & any pticular therein concerned ; intending the Lord pmitting to make my residence in or about London ; where any may haue easie Recourse for my attest. " 6 ly - The bookes are mine owne, bought at my owne chardge, & the Register therein my owne voluntary & handy worke, and as proply mine as any thing I possesse is mine. These things considered I did resolve (before yo r order) & not w th out advice of some that knew the practise & custome of other places to take my bookes w th mee, concluding this w th my selfe, that as I haue beene & am, so through the help of Christ I shall remaine cordially affected & tenderly carefull of the good & welfare of his Israel as any opportunity of Providence shall present. But lest I should be grievous or offensiue to yo w whom I loue and honour, I haue determined to leave them in the hands of M r Cotton, vppon promise of the Speciall Court, & confidence of yo r approbation, that there they shall remaine vntill yo w may vnderstand from M r Winslow what is vsuall to be done in such cases of death or removal of Notary into another Country. By this Accomodation yo r ends are attained, that any who haue occasion may haue copies of any writeing by M r Rawson, if he please hither to repaire, or if yo w judge it vseful and necessary, yo w may ap- point them to be transscribed & returne me mine if advise so guide. "Let yo r gent[le]nes excuse these vnpolished lines & vouchsafe I pray yo w to gratify my desire, & I shal remaine doubly engadged & devoted to yo r service in the other Eng- land as wel as this, & Account it to be mine honour to be " Yo r humble faithful servant " WILLIAM ASPINWALL. " postsc : However I concluded at the last Speciall Court, as aboue, w th promise to deliver them as is s d Yet the Mag- istrates being mett at the Lecture, & M r Hibbins moveing me to condiscend to deliver them to him who said he would intrust them w th M r Rawson, as of him selfe ; & fearing lest some others who wish not well to the Court or Country might make ill vse of my Act, to a farre worse end ; I could not neglect his motion, much lesse could I haue had the hart to deny yo r selves, had yo w but in the least intimated yo r will or pleasure in such a matter (when I was w th yo w ) w th out INTRODUCTION. ix any order or injunction at all ; Pray yo w let not my comply- ance to yo r minds, prejudice me in a due consideration of what might be meete to doe in or about them : neither im- pute it to the Stifnes of my Will (as some are too apt to doe) that I haue demurred herevppon. Yo w will find it necessary to deale tenderly w th yo r Officers, & not admitt of any discour- agment or disparagments vnnecessarily. As for my selfe I confesse my owne weaknes & vnworthines to be improved by yo w . Yo w haue store of others much more apt & fitt, & many more may yo w haue. Only be pleased to accept of what poore service God hath helped me to doe, covering my weaknesses, & if God giue strength & opportunity I shall rejoyce to be serviceable to yo w whilst life lasts, & as in duty I am bound ; pray for yo r peace & prosperity, still subscrib- ing my selfe " Yo r Servant to his power " WILLIAM ASPINWALL. " BOSTON 24 th of the 5 th mo. 1652. " To the Honoured Generall Court these present." He was living in England as late as 1662, as ap- pears by a letter from him dated Chester 13 th (2), 1662, in the Massachusetts Archives : l " EIGHT Won pa , May it please yo w to looke on me as a friend, & one of yo w , though farre Remote, not Willingly but of necessity, & mediat for me to the Gen 11 . Court, that that smale parcel of land in Boston whereon the Mill stood w ch was mine owne purchase (& never aliened as I suppose the Court Records will evince, w ch land I gaue to my Son) may not be aliened by an Act of the Court from the true Owner hereof & his Sonne who is a Native & ffreeborne. sub- ject vnto yo r Government. In so doeing yo w shall oblige me to acknowledg both yo r Justice & favo r . S r : I may not in- large to speak how affaires goe w th vs, yo w heare it from bet- ter hands. I can only assure yo w that Cap*. Breedon & M r Maverick are yo r back friends, & wanted not to doe yo w all the disservice they could, as a pson of quality informed me, who once & againe laid a stopper vppon their proceedings. I doubt not, but yo w heare as much & a great deale more then I can informe yo w But whilst yo w make Christ yo r friend yo w need not much to care who are yo r foes ; he both can & will protect his owne plantation, w ch is the prayer of " Yo r humble servant "WILLIAM ASPINWALL. " CHESTER 13 th (2) 1662." 1 Mass. Archives, B. XV. 163. x INTRODUCTION. By his wife Elizabeth he had six children born in Boston, as appears by the Boston Records. He was the author of the following works : A Brief Description of the Fifth Monarchy, or Kingdome that shortly is to come into the World the Monarch, Sub- jects, Officers and Lawes thereof. By W. Aspinwall. Lon- don, Printed by M. Simmons for Livewell Chapman, 1653. An Explication and Application of the seventh chapter of Daniel; with a correction of the translation. Wherein is briefly shewed the state and downfall of the Four Mon- archies . . . and the ten horns or kingdomes ; and in particular, the beheading of Charles Stuart, who is proved to be the little horn, etc. London, 1653. The Work of the Age ; or the sealed prophecies of Daniel opened and applied . . . Amending sundry places in our common translation, etc. London, 1655. An Abstract of Laws and Government, Wherein as in a Mirrour may be seen the Wisdome & perfection of the Gov- ernment of Christ's Kingdome. Accommodable to any state or form of Government in the World, that is not Antichris- tian or Tyrannicall. Collected and digested into the ensu- ing Method, by that Godly, Grave and Judicious Divine, Mr. John Cotton, of Boston in New England, in his Life- time, and presented to the Generall Court of the Massachu- setts. And now published after his death by William As- pinwall. London. Printed by M. S. for Livewel Chap- man, and are to be sold at the Crown in Popes-head Alley. 1655. 1 A Premonition of sundry Sad Calamities yet to Come ; grounded upon an Explication of the 24 th Chapter of Isaiah. London, 1655. The Legislative Power is Christ's peculiar prerogative. Proved from the 9 th of Isaiah vers. 6, 7. By W. A. Lon- don. Livewell Chapman. 1656. Abrogation of the Christian Sabbath. By William Aspinwall. London. 1657. An Abstract or [sic] the Lawes of New-England, as they are now established. London. Printed for F. Coules and W. Ley at Paules Chain, 1641. 1 See Whitmore's Colonial Laws, 1660-1672. Boston, 1889. Introd. pp. 1-14. [DOCUMENT 100 1903.] REGISTRY DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF BOSTON EECOEDS EELATING TO THE EAELT HISTOEY or BOSTON (Formerly called Record Commissioners' Reports) This volume, which is the thirty-second in the series of Bos- ton Records, contains the notarial records of William Aspinwall from 1644 to 1651 inclusive. The work was commenced by William H. Whitmore, Esq., late Registrar of Boston, and com- pleted with the valuable assistance of Mr. Walter K. WatMns, the well-known genealogist. EDWARD W. McGLENEN, City Registrar. OLD COURT HOUSE, BOSTON. LlBBARY OF THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM, BOSTON, February, 3, 1903. MY DEAR MK. McGLENEX : On November 13, 1854, the Trustees of the Athenaeum passed a vote of thanks to E. Price Greenleaf, Esq., for his gift to the Library of twenty-nine valuable historical manuscripts. No list of these can be found, but the collection probably included the A spin wall Notarial Book, which was given by him, as shown by the book-plate, the notarial records of Samuel Tyley (April 2, 1731, to February 28, 1743-4), of Ezekiel Goldthwait (Decem- ber 2, 1748, to March 11, 1754), and of Goldthwait's cousin Ezekiel Price (June 1, 1754, to April 25, 1775, and irregularly to August 22, 1780). They were inherited by Mr. Greenleaf from his grandfather, Hon. Ezekiel Price. 1 Price was a patriotic public man, a shipping and insurance broker, and notary, whose office afforded a meeting place for the prominent men of Boston for half a century. Public and private records, brought together in those unsettled times, would there find a convenient resting place either for tem- porary use or for permanent preservation ; in days past officials upon their retirement not infrequently carried their manuscript records with them. 2 Price acquired many papers while notary public, a justice of the peace, and a selectman of Boston, but especially as confidential secretary to Governors Shirley, Pow- nal, and Bernard, as deputy for the Vice- Admiralty Court, and as Clerk of the Courts of Sessions and of Common Pleas for Suffolk County. From time to time he gave manuscripts to the Massachusetts Historical Society, of which he was a member; he also republished a sermon on his great grandfather, Ezekiel Cheever, the schoolmaster, and in other ways showed an interest in antiquarian matters. At his death, in 1802, his " small library of books " was left by will to be divided equally between his grandsons, Thomas and Ezekiel Price Greenleaf. ( Suffolk Wills, 1 For notice of Price see Publications Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Decem- ber, 1897, pages 61, 62. 1 " I did resolve & not w th out advice of some that knew the practise & custome of other places to take my bookes w* mee." Aspinwall's letter, 1652. Proceedings Massachusetts Historical Society, May, 1898, page 216. 4 AspnsrwALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Lib. C., 331). His manuscripts probably fell to Price Greenleaf upon the fulfilment of this provision of the will. It is at present impossible to trace the history of the Aspin- wall Notarial Book before it came into Price's hands. Aspinwall himself referred to it in 1650 (Book of Possessions, p. 54) as " my notaries booke." In a letter addressed to the General Court in 1652, Aspinwall said that he intended to leave his records with Mr. Cotton, " vntill yo w may vnderstand from M r Winslow what is vsuall to be done in such cases of death or removal of Notary into another Country." In a postscript he stated his willingness to turn over his records (although "no publick Records, as I take it, nor can be, but privat Records of my owne Acts") to be kept by Mr. Rawson, then Recorder for the County of Suffolk. A spin wall's Book of Possessions was described as in the Secretary's office in 1670 (Suffolk Deeds, Lib. VII., 156), and in the Recorder's office in 1672 (Boston Record Comm. Reports, II., 161), but no mention is made of this First Notary's Book in the early Suffolk deeds; a third volume (see Suffolk Deeds, Lib. VIII., 187) and what appears to be a second volume (ibid., Lib. III., 45a) are there referred to. It would seem, therefore, that this record kept by Aspinwall remained in private keeping, and passed from hand to hand until Piice received it. 1 The book itself, by an outside measurement, is lOf inches high, 8 inches wide, and 2 inches in thickness. The leather covers have three tooled lines near the edges and a diamond shaped ornament of gilt in the centre. Near the top in black are the letters " The Notaries first book Of Records." On the first page the autograph " Willm Aspinwall " occurs three times, twice followed by "Notr Publ." The paper has a watermark, 2 and if the design becomes a subject of study, we may at some future time learn whence came the sheets on which Aspinwall kept his records. Very truly yours, CHARLES KNOWLES BOLTON. Edward "Webster JfcGlenen, Esq. 1 If Tyley obtained it in 1731 from some earlier notary, it may have passed to Goldth- wait and from him to Price. Price's great uncle, Rev. Samuel Cheever, married Ruth Angier, and William Aspinwall's daughter Hannah married John Angler, but these facts throw no light on the history of the book. *The watermark, which is armorial, may be thus described: On a shield sur- mounted by a crown, quarterly 1st and 4th, three antique crowns, 2 and 1; 2d and 3d, a lion rampant ; and over all an escutcheon charged with what appears to be a quiver. xi/'fc *^*** ^f a Je-'* Av-ravy /. , J^-*- *r* r*&&*i* &***&&#<'&*' ***?"* -*^ p rt >. ^?^ IP jjv f^i "? >. / 1 Jj^,^f- of- J&/*i*-*^/t&* i & f *~~vr?y ft*"*** 1 *' < f^ > "^ i .-.^.fc ,4; **/&% ti r^.af v.-JB**: Z3?t"'& & *$<#> *y. **$+**. '****;, ; * -^ ^ ^w r^'f^c4 Z 7 /'/. / *.fli>v rionocoQi'ioo nnfn Viia cnnno ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. to re- mittee The use of t in "tre" " [let] tre of Atturney," to instead of 1 with the horizontal line to indicate abbreviation fire "I. was authorized by Mr. Whitmore fctested to avoid the expense of a special type-letter. tre should read tre. O f ^_ prove 1645. 27. (1) To a tre of Atturney from Robert Nichols of watertowne to Rufus Barton to recover a debt of George Roome of Roade Hand. 7. (3) A Copie of Robert Moones Account w th W m Gibones together with a tre of Atturney to Joseph Howe by Robert Moone. (3) A tre Atturney from M r Tho : ffowle to Isaac Aller- ton to Account with peter Johnson & him to sue & c for the value of 200 14. (3) A Copie of a bill from Tho : purchase to Val : Hill for f of the Blessing w ch Bill was dated 29 (8) -*j ,/lX ' . ^ * rffa* f^.\ ?, , g ^CJ^^ r ^>^ r *. ASPIWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. [Page 1.] 1644. A Table of such Acts or Writeinges as have beene Attested by me William A.spinwall Notarie & Tabellion pub : under my hand. 20. (10) A letter of Atturney from Nathaniel Spar- hawke to Thomas Adams Alderman of London to recover a debt of 16 ? 2 ? 10 * of M r Owen Roe for clothes, dyet, book - & other necessaries unto his sonne. 23. (10) A tre of Atturney to Malachie Browne to re- ceive an annuity of 8 *? a year to be pay d by the Comittee for Chelmsford. 23. (10) A tre atturn. fro Hugh Gunison to to receive twenty pound of M r John Bewford. 23. (10) A tre Atturney from John Hurd to Samuel Oliver to receive 40 8 of M r John Beauford. also I attested two Copies of M r Beaufords Bills to each of them 23. (10) ffrom M r John Gore of Roxbury a tre of At- turney to Joseph Browne of Southhampton Malster to prove the will of John Gores ffath & to execute for him. 1645. 27. (1) To a tre of Atturney from Robert Nichols of watertowne to Rufus Barton to recover a debt of George Roome of Roade Hand. 7. (3) A Copie of Robert Moones Account w th W m Gibones together with a tre of Atturney to Joseph Howe by Robert Moone. (3) A tre Atturney from M r Tho : ffowle to Isaac Aller- ton to Account with peter Johnson & him to sue & c for the value of 200 14. (3) A Copie of a bill from Tho : purchase to Val : Hill for f- of the Blessing w ch Bill was dated 29 (8) i 6 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 20. (3) my hand to a deed of sale of parcel of land from Valent : Hill : to Sam. Cole. Also to a deed of sale from Sam. Cole to George Halsall of house & garden. Also to a deed of sale of house & garden from Valentine Hill to Willm Davies Apothecary. 26. (3) A Copie of an Ace* betweene John Manning & Nicholas Treroise amountinge to 128 f 6 s . 11 d . Dated 28 Aprill. 1. Sworne the 26 (3) 1645 before the Dept Governor : 29. (3) A Copie of the protest of John ffish & Jona- than Irishes Bill of exchang of 20 lb charged uppon theire ffather but returned ptested under the hand of John Marius Notary Pubb the 17 th of May 1643. 31. (3) A tre Atturney from Tho : ffowle of Boston to Henry Abley of Bristoll in England to take accounts of Phillip Gibbs of Biddiford or North am in Devon : or An- thony Swimmer of Bristoll for 84 lb Bever & to give acquit- tance. 12. (4) A protest made by M r Tho: Graves against the Damadges that might be pretended in the voyage by reason of a Sore storme in the Downes : & this protest was made this 12 (4) before the breaking of the Bulke w ch storme happened the 11 of March 1^4-4. 1. (5) A Copie of John Sparks Affidavit touching the Dartmouth busines : as also another Affidavit of Edward Evans touching the same & a Copie of the account of the Saylors Wages. Evans was sworne ll-(ll) 1644 Sparks 13 (11) 1644. 5. (5) A Certificate of the measure of 3 peeces linnen cloth N 14 P 78i ells (English) : N 15 M 71 ells Eng h : N. 15 D 78 Elles English witnes Robert Scott & 23. (6) A Copie of Willm Browne of Salems Affidavit touching my : Lor. Brookes Sayes & Sf Richard Saltonstall's fishing busines, the valew of part 37 1L that this was comitted to M r Ballard & had no relation at all to the vessel whereof M r White was m r: 23. (6) A tre Atturney from John Hodges to Vincent Rainer to take Account of M r Anthonie Joyner of Bermudas for goods comitted to him ; ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 7 [Page 2.] 1645. 27. (6) A letter of Atturney from Thomas James of Salem to Thomas Burges of Charlstowne to recover a debt of 5 U of ffrancis Spicer of Eckton in Northamptonshire : & to make sale of pcell of land in Earles Barton in the said County & in the hyde called Boone Hyde being a quarter of a yard according to the Use of that Country. 1. (7) A tre of Credit to Vincent Rener from Edward Gibones Robt Keayne, Valentine Hill, & Edward Tyng for the value of foure hundred pounds or thereabouts, binding them selvs heires execut administrators & assignes to make good his Bills under his hand sent. 3. (7) To tre of Atturney to to recover a debt in Spaine of 100 U due by John painter. 2. (7) A protest made in the behalf of John Taylo* of Lond. merch* against the shipp called the Endevof of Boston at the request of ffrancis willoughbie, for that the shipp was not readie to set saile according to Chart 6 partie wthin thirty days after her arrivall at Boston w** was the 22 (5) last past. Also a Copie of the same under mine hand. 6. (7) An answer to the s d protest by John Bourne as followeth, that the shipp might have beene readie : and that in those dayes limited by Charter partie divers dayes were neglected wherein the said ffrancis willoughbie brought no goods abord : & after the dayes were fully expired, yet all all the goods w ch the said John Bourne by Chart' party was to take in, were not all laded aboard but the said ffrancis laded goods abaord the said shipp after the expiration of the dayes appointed as part of his Carga zoone. Neither did these protesto r tender his bills of lading w th in the dayes limited by Charter partie, whereby the said John Bourne might have his discharge. Moreover the said ffrancis did not protest while about eight dayes after the limited terme expired, thereby to advance him selfe in put- ting these goods abord w ch he shipped after the dayes were out. The next day after the said ffrancis had protested : the ship Endevo 1 set saile for Nantasket, where the usuall place is for cutting wood & filling water. The next day after being a publ day of Thanksgiveing appointed by the Country to be kept, he the said John Bourne could not dis- patch that busines : But when the forty eight houres after- wards was expired (w ch is the usuall time granted for filling 8 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. water & cutting woode) the ship was ready to set saile, but God crossed them by contrary winds. The said John Bourne waiteinge every opportunity for the merch 18 advantage. [Page 3.] 8. (7) A Coppie of Edward Evans Oath & John Sparks Oath & a Note of the wages due to the Master & Companie for seven Months in the shipp Gilbert as also of those that served but part of that time. 5. (7) A protest against Robt Sedgwick by Thomas ffowle for non payment of a bill of Exchange from Robert Houghton & under written by the said Ro bt Sedgwicke, whose answer being demanded, was; that Thomas ffowle owed him 60 U by bill w ch he would discount, & the rest he would pay in merchantable fish to content. Thomas ffowles reply was that if any such were due it was to be paid in Corne & cattle & he was readie to satisfy it accordingly ; & therefore did ptest for Non payment of the said Bill in presence of Richard Bartholomew. 12. (7) John Bournes protest against ffrancis Wil- loughby see afterwards in the 1 (P month. 13. (7) M r Thomas ffowle of Boston in N E : bound in 300 U to Hugh Browne of Bristoll merch* to pay 172 11 in merch* ffish at Current price to Rich: Russell of Charles- towne to be paid at marble head the 3 of June next fol- lowing. 15. (7) An Attest unto a Copie of a mutuall deed of William Ridige and Garret Trout whereby they bequeath each to other in case of death theire pillage & share either p r sently due or after to be due unto either of them & this was by a deed dated 28 July 1644, & witnessed uppon oath by W m Hargrave before m r John winthrop D: Go v : & M r W m Hibbins. 15. (7) Also an Attest unto the testimonie of Cap* ffrancis Rawsterne Capt of the Content, who testifyeth that W m Ridge souldier to Capt W m Jackson Dyed the 25 of October 1643. & that he was mate unto Garret Trout. 16. (7) Granted a Copie of John Bournes Answer unto ffrancis willoughbie. 20. (7) Capt ffrancis Rawsterne made a tre of Atturney to Ensigne John Dixon to ask leave & c : all debts or siimes of AsPINWAli, NOTAEIAL RECORDS. 9 money due to the said ffr: Rawsterne from anypson whomso- ever and this was done in presence of [Page 4.1 8. (8) John Wall of Reddriff in y e county of Surr. Mar- riner in his owne name & John Oldfield of Lo: m c h protested ag l M r Stephen winthrop Agent for Roger Kilvert Ed. Parks & david davison for Dimorrag 6 this day being the fourtie sixth day since the Arrivall of the said ship Dolphin in this harbour. 8. (8) John Wall of Reddriff Attorney to Roger Kilvert & David davison did protest against M r Stephen winthrop Edward Gibons & Thomas ffowle of Boston for Non-Comply- ance w th theire Creditors Roger Kilvert & David Davison & the damage they may susteine thereby for theire severall pportions viz' Roger Kilvert & David Davison i. 9. (8) M r Stephen winthrop protested (by me Pubb Notarie) against Edward Gibones for Non-Complyance w th Roger Kilvert, E d : Parks & David Davison according to con- tract made w th them by comission fro himselfe & Tho. ffowle. Also I did in the name of the said Stephen win- throp protest against Thomas ffowle at his house for all Damages that might accre w by Reason of his non complyance w ht the merch* 8 aforesaid according to comission granted by himself & Edw. Gibones to Stephen winthrop aforesaid. Whereunto the said ffowle replyed that Stephen Winthrop neither pceeded according to his Order, & if he did (w ch is not granted) yet the said Stephen winthropp did release him be- fore witness, as he said. 9. (8) At the request & in the name of M* Steph. Winthrop of Bost: I the Pub: Not. Protested against Valentine Hill m e ch* in the heareing of Philemon Por- mort his serv* for not Delivery of two thousand bush" 8 wheate, & two hundred & h'fty bush us pease & fyve hundred Kintalls ffish according to contract, & therefore should be answerable for the damages Stephen Winthrop shall susteine thereby. 9. (8) At the request of Thomas ffowJe I Will m Aspiu- wall protested against John Wall of Redriffe in the County of Surrey mariner Master of the Dolphin of London for illegall ptesting against him the said Tho: ffowle in regard M r Steph. Winthrop had not observed his Comission & also had released the said Thomas ffowle. This was done in presence of Rich: ffairbanke, Thomas Bell. 10 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. [Page 5.] 8. (8) At the request of Tho: ffowle, W m Aspinwall Notary protested against Stephen Winthrop for protesting against the said Thomas ffowle, whereas he the said Stephen had not observed his commission & also had since released the said Thomas ffowle & this was done in presence of Rich- ard ffairebanks & Thomas Bell. 22. (8) I W m Aspinwall Notary attested a Copie of a Deed or Conveyance of M r Richard Vines unto Robt Child wherein he granted by an absolute deed of sale his patent of that land (Dated 12 ffeb. 1629) together w th the Land & all the Rights, privileges, titles, tenements, Rents interests, & all & singular pertinences thereto belonging. 22. (8) Major Edward Gibones & Richard Russell have- ing received power from the Owners of the ship Gilbert, in- habiting at Dover to demand the said shipp seized at Boston (by the Court) as a malignant shipp, with proviso, that shee should be restored if the owners w th in 13 months after did cleere it that shee did not belong to any psons or place at enmity against the K. & Parliament at the time of the eeisure, w ch they say they have duly pformed under the hand and scale of the Major of Dover ; & therefore the ship being denyed them, they professe themselves against the Court so farr as they conceive the said Order is not fulfilled toward them, and the Cause being transmitted hence they professe theire dislike & protest they shall waite for further remedy to recover of the Court the said shipp with all just damages that hath befallen them by theire denyall of the said shipp. Whereto the Court gave this Answer (after I had with their leave made the same) That the testimony given did not sat- isfy the Court & therefore they referred the Cause to the High Court of Admiralty in England. 18. (9) Richard Betscomb of Hingham Haberdasher acknowledged before mee the Notary publ the receipt of sixe pounds for the use of Leonell Browne of Bredport in Dorset- shire woollen Draper & impoured him selfe to pcure a release from him. 18. (9) A tre of atturney by Samuel Howse of Barn- staple in the Massachusetts unto Hezekiah Usher of Boston to receive twenty pounds of the execut of Thomas given him by the last will of the said Thomas with full power to give acquittances, & to pesecute law uppon refusall. Sealed & Delivered in presence of ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 11 [Page 6.] 20. (9) A tre of Atturney from Edw : Preston to Hugh williams of Boston ffeltmaker to demand & receive all debts duties gifts & legacies of & from all manner of pson or psons whatsoever within the realme of England, w th power to psecute & also to substitute one Atturney or more under him. Signed & Delivered in presence of John Tailor. 21. (9) Capt Peter Strong of Limehouse in the County of Middlesex marriner did bind himself in 120 11 for the pay- men* of sixty pounds unto Rich: Russell of Charlestowne in the Massachusetts merch* to pay the said sume to him or his Assignes w th in 20. dayes after the Arrivall of the ship Peter of London at London, that is to say from hence to Canaries, thence to Barbados & thence to London perill of sea ex- cepted. witnes Adam winthrop & 25. (9) A tre Atturney from William Haynes to Thomas Haynes Col merch 4 liveing at the white beare in Basin lane in London to receive a debt of 28 11 of Thomas Perkins of Dunstable in Bedfordshire chandler, with power to substi- tute another Atturney. witnes, John Newton Thomas Liskume. 27. (9) A tre of Atturney generall from John Reade of Braintree & Sarah his wife the daughter of Will Lessie of Blyborough in Suffolke to Receive all deb ts duties gifts Legacie due to either of them from any pson or psons: w ho tre of Atturney was made to m r W m Tyng of Boston Resi- dent in London w 01 power to substitute one Atturney or more w th like or limited power & pticulerly was expressed a gift given by William Lessie aforesaid to his Daughter Sarah. Witnesses Thomas Deighton & Thomas wilmot. 29. (9) A tre of Atturney from Henry Bridham & Elizabeth his wife the daughter of John Harding of Bore- ham in Essex yeoman deceased to ffrancis Lyle of Boston in New England Chirurgeon for fifty sixe pounds part of a Legacie given the said Elizabeth by the said John Hardinge deceased, witness Robert Harding Thomas Buttolph. 3. (10) A Copie of Major Gibones tre M r ffloyd & love- ing sir. I am bould to trouble you w 01 these few lines : being ingaged some moneys to M r ffogg: he standing ingaged to yo r selfe : who is very desirous to make yo u returnes : Now Bever being out of my hands : & hard for him to pcure at this time, therefore I thought meete to tender you a sixteenth part of the good shipp called the tryall of Boston with what 12 ASPDTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. belongs to hers he is with you & in good imployment: a godly man hath the charge of her his name is M r Thomas Graves : if you please to accept of this profer [Page 7.] 1645. what price shal be agreed uppon by M r . Graves & yo r selfe shall content me : & he shall give you a bill of Sale : & in part of payment I shall allow to you for M r Raph Fogge thirty pounds: & the remainder you shall give to m r Thomas Graves In so doing I shalbe yo r friend as God inables, in whose bosome I leave you & remaine by his fao r Yo" Boston 29. (9) 1645 Edward Gibones 5. (10) l--i-. A tre Atturney from Edward Poole of Waymouth Sawyer unto William Pardon to receive a Legacie given unto Sarah wife of the said Edward by the last will of Edmund Pinney of Broadway in Somersetshire & also another Legacie given to Sarah aforesaid by Elizabeth Standerwick of Broadway aforesaid. 8. (10) 1645 M r Willoughbyes answer to M r Bourne as followeth. Whereas Francis Willoughby made a ptest against John Bourne & the Owners of the shipp Indevo* for not being ready to set sayle by dayes limited & whereas the said John Bourne made a protest against the said Francis Willoughby he not being ready, The said Willoughby as the grounds of his protest & in answer to the said Bournes pro- test saith as followeth That whereas the ship Indeavo* ought to have beene ready to take in goods by Charter party twelve dayes after her arrivall here, w ch should have beene on the day of July, the said shipp was not Delivered of those goods she brought from England in that time : & when the said Willoughby uppon the same day sent goods aboard as by Charter party he was bound, the goods would not be taken in but were sent on shoare againe, to the damadge of M r John Taylo r the merch*, there being neither M r nor M rs mate nor any officer to cause them to be taken in, & at that time there not belonging to the said shipp sixe men ; & when & afterwards there was goods brought aboard, they were faine to lye at the shipp syde for want of men to take them in, & when taken in, they were faine to lye for men to stowe them, there not belonging to the shipp above ten or fourteene men at most: sometime the master professing to me he had not fy ve men; so that besides the length of time in stoweing the ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 13 goods, there was not a spare man to doe anything to her rigging till she was neere laden, so that the ground of the shipps not being laden in time limited was no fault of the said willoughbyes but for want of men according to Charter party : And whereas the said Bourne in his answer said, that the shipp set sail the next day after the Protest, the said willoughby, doth acknowledge the same : but the said wil- loughby saith the said Bourne did it on purpose thinking to save himselfe cleare : when that he had not all his Pvision on board of beere and bread and fish till the sixth of Septem- ber, and when it was done he lay till the nienth before he set saile, his Owners goeing downe either to feast or reckon and make over their Accounts on the eighth day. And whereas he saith, shipps use to have fourty eight houres to wood and water, the said willoughby saith, the shipp was laden com- pleatly before the said willoughby protested : And whereas he saith, the Bills of lading were not Psented till the Dayes were out, the said Willoughby could not take the bills till the shipp was laden, and the shipp was not laden till the dayes were out, but the ground was not in the said willoughby as the reasons above make it evident. This is the true answer which the said willoughby Psented to me in writeing with his owne hand the day and yeare above written. / 13. (10) M r Bourne had also a Copie of this Answer. [Page 8.] 10. (10) An account of the partable estate betweene Robert Saunders and Hezekiah Usher the sume whereof was (theire debts being discharged) one hundred thirty one pounds eighteene shillings, partable betwixt them ; of which he gave oath before M r John winthrop D: Gov: 10 (10) 1645. 10. (10) A tre of Atturney fro Henry Bridgham of Boston and Elizabeth his wife (the daughter of John Hard- ing of Boreham in Essex yeoman deceased) to M r W m Bren- ton of Aquednick in the Narrowganset for ffifteene pounds ten shillings part of a Legacie or gift of the said John Hard- ing with power generall. witness 11. (10) A bond of 1000 11 wherein Adam Winthrop & Benjamin gillom are bound to Emanuel Downeing Joshua ffoote Stephen Winthrop & Thomas Bell to prepare 100 Masts of white pine or spruise merchantable by the last of June next at Kennebunck or some other place as convenient for the ship rideing at Cape Porpus or some other place as 14 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. safe for the ship & fitt for ladeing. The masts fro 16 to 36 inches Diameter & 12 or 14 foote from the stubb. 12. (7) At the request of John Bourne of Bemondsey M r of the Indeve r of Cambridge, I W m Aspinwall Notary & c went unto the house of ffrancis willoughby of Charls- towne shipwright & inquired for him, the maide answered that he was not w^in, then did I in the presence of Ben- jamin Gillom & John Parker protest against the said ffrancis willoughby & his merch 4 , that they should be responsall unto the said John Bourne & the rest of the owners for De- murage from the two & twenty of August unto the second day of September for that the ship was not laded according to Charter party : & this I willed the Maide to signifie to her Master. 13. (10) A tre Atturney by virtue of a former tre At- turney made to him by Henry Bridgham dat 29 (9) from ffrancis Loyvell to Joseph Rudson in s* mary axe for fifty sixe pounds part of a Legacie given by John Harding of Boreham in Essex Yeoman to Elizabeth his daughter, witnes 23. (10) A tre Atturney from Abraham Page of Boston Massachusetts Tailor to Ro b Scott of Boston mer in gen- erall for all Legacies rents dues duties sume or sumes of money from any Pson or Psons whatsoever within the Realme of England, but w th out power to substitute another Atturney. witnes. 15. (10) A tre Atturney of Christopher Collins of Braintre shoomaker the husband of Jane Greepe (as by the register appeares) unto W m Pardon of Waymouth labourer to receive certaine sumes of money due from Justinian Pearce of Plimouth in Devonshire merch* unto the said Jane, with- out power to substitute another atturney. Witnes John Rogers. 17 (10) A tre of Atturney from Thomas Mayhew & Jane his wife Guardians of Tho: Paine son of Tho: Paine late of London merch' deceased to receive the rents & arrieradges due unto the s d Thomas Paine & to sue &? with power of substitution. [Page 9.] 16. (10) A tre Atturney from John Rogers of Water- towne N E: clothier son of Thomas Rogers of Moulsham in the Parish of Chelmsford in Essex shoomaker deceased, unto Robert Scot of Boston in N E: me r for all debts duties ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 15 gifts legacies by will gift, bill bond or otherwise, revoking all former power & granting Authority to his Att or his substitutes to take an Account of his former Atturneys & to give them a dischardge. witnes Robt Scott & Thomas Mahew. 17. (10) John ffogg hath chosen M r Richard Gibbs gent Refiner in ffoster lane his Guardian & Attureny to acknowledge satisfaction in the Prerogative Court for 50 U for w ch M r Pococke & Raph ffogg stand bound. 17. (10) A tre Atturney from Hen Bridgham of Bos- ton N: E: unto M r Allexander Pollington Haberdasher of hatts in Lombard streete neere the white horse Taverne to receive 8 U 10 s Pt of a Legacie given by John Harding of Boreham in Essex yeoman unto Elizabeth his daughter the wife of the said Henry Bridgham w th power to substitute another Atturney. witnes. Thomas Grubb. 18. (10) A tre Atturney from George Kesar of Linne to John With of Londo Citizen to Receive a certaine Legacie given by his ffather Georg Kesar of Leight on Bussard in Bed- fordshire Tanner. w th power to substitute another Atturney. witnes Richard Hogge. 20. (10) A tre of Atturney from John Compton of Boston in New England Clothier unto Robert Scott of Bos- ton Merch* to Recover his title unto certaine lands (w 01 power to rent the said lands) to him descending to gether w th the rents & issues thereof, w th power to substitute one Atturney or more w th like or limited power, witnes Jacob Sheafe. 20. (10) To a Copie a Bill of Sale of the seventh part of the ship Seabridge from James Brock unto Henry Webb. Dated 9 (8) 1642. 20. (10) A Copie of M r Emanuels Downing Deed of sale of his share in the Iron worke to Thomas Vincent of Londo for sixty pounds sterl by him received of John Win- throp Junior Esq: 20. (10) A Copy of a Bill of Sale of a ^ of the Defence from Majo r Bourne to M r John Leverit & Anthony Stod- dard. Also a Copy of a tre of John Emmons to John Milom. 20. (10) A Copy of a Bill sale of ^ of the Tryall to Theodore Atkinson & a tre Atturney from him to Edward Shrimpton in London Merch*: 16 ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 20. (10) A tre of power to Edward Shrimpton of Londo merch* from Theod 6 Atkinson of Boston feltmaker to sell his sixteenth part of the ship Try all, together w th a Copie of the originall Bill of Sale from Edward Gibones to the said Theodor. [Page 10.] 22. (10) An Account of Disbursements & Receipts given by Henry Rashley Atturney to Capt Hawkins. s d viz* for an execution 2. 6 marshalls fees 8. Tryal act: w th Dan Clark 15. Attach: for non apper 7. 9 1. 13. 9 Juddgmt of Court ) 2 (7) 1645 j 155. 1. 8 Sum 156. 15. 5 Rec d by the s d H: Rashley since the tryall at Boston 2 (7) 1645 w 01 M r Edw Pay ne 17 li I 8 w ch Deducted from 156.' 15 5. Rest due 139. 14. 5. 23. (10) A tre Atturney from Henry vvebb to Jacob Sheafe to call to Account James Brooke & to sue & recover one seventh part of the Cargo & produce there of & of one seventh part of the Hyre of the ship Seabridge since Octob. 1. 1643. And also a deed of Gift of ^ of the Seabridge unto Jacob Sheafe. 23. (10) A certificate of foure Judgements of Court in the yeares 1640. 1643. 1644. 1645, in a case betweene Capt Bridges & Robert Saltonstall about the fishing Designe be- twixt s r Richard my Lor d Brookes & others. 24. (10) A Copie of M r Roger Harlackendens will: : 25. (10) A Copie of an Order of Court made betweene M r Ed: Park & Cap' Georg Cooke the 22 (10) 1645. by Joh. Winthrop, D. Gover. Herbert Pelham Richard Bellingham & Increase Novvell. That Capt Cooke shall make a sure Conveyance of the house & 32 Acres of marsh meddow & ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 17 2 Acres upland unto M r Parks & pay him l u . 16? 1? w 011 is remaineing due uppon Account. & M r Parks to give Capt Cooke a discharge. 25. (10) A tre Atturney from M r Herbert Pelhum to Godfrey Bosevill Geo r : ffenwick & Henry Pelham Esq r to Demand & receive whatsoever lands revenues rent ar- rieradges goods & chattels or other estate that are or shalbe due to him by or after the Decease of Thomas waldegrave of Buers in the County of Essex Esqr deceased. 25. (10) Also another to the same men to receive what- soever is due unto his wife from the Executors of M r Roger Harlackenden, together w th maintenance for the two daugh- ters Elisabeth & margaret : 25. (10) A Copie of the Order of CourKbetweene M r Edward Parks & Capt Cooke, wherein it is ordered that Capt Cooke shall make him a firme Conveyance of the house & 32 Acres of land & 2 Acres of upland, & Mf Parks to give him a discharge. 25. (10) 1644 a Ptest made by M? Tho: Clarke in be- halfe of the owners of the ship Gilbert called the Exchange, against Major Edward Gibones. [Page 11.] 1645. 26. (10) A Copie of M r Parks tre of Atturney to Em- manuel Downing Anthony Stoddard Edward Gibones Stephen & Adam Winthrop & Henry Parks. Dated the 10 th of June XXII Carol 1 . 29. (10) A tre Atturney generall for all debts sumes accounts of all Psons in England granted to Major Nehe- miah Bourne from Raph whorey w th out power of substitu- tion. 30. (10) A tre Atturney fro Raph Whorey of Charls- towne mer to Edmund Ellis lether seller at London stone to receive all debts sumes accounts of all maner Psons in England to him belonging, w th out power of substitution. 30. (10) A Copie of a tre of Credit from Samuel Maverick Edward Gibones Robt Sedgwick thomas ffowle John Man- ning David Yale Valentine Hill John Parriz unto Major Nehemiah Bourne for 400 U to be paid in New Eng 1 the 1. (9) 1646. in money, bever or Currant Bills of Exchange. 18 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 1. (11) A Copie of a bond wherein John Purse sonne of John Purse of Pamington in Gloceste r shire yeoman is bound in ten pounds unto William Blantaine & John Parke r of Boston for the paym* of fy ve pound sterl uppon demand at or before the 1 of June next ensueing. viz* 4 U to W m Blan- taine & l u to John Parker. Dated 1 J Me 1645. witnes John Langdon Thomas Smith. 2. (11) A tre Atturney gener 11 for debts rents landes from Tho: ffarrar of Boston husbandman (son of Thomas ffarrar of or neere Burnley in Lan ce husbandman) unto Henry Farrar his brother Mariner, wth power to sett lett Lease or make sale of any such house or lands to him due by inheritance gift or otherwise, witnes Joseph Wilson. 7. (11) A Copie of a bond of Handsard Knollys of fyve pound for the paym* of fyve pounds unto Valentine Hill. Dat the sixth of Oct: 1641. witnes Rich, smith Nathaniell Heaton. 7. (11) A Copie of a bill of John Humphrey Esquire unto Valentine Hill for paym* of sixe pound sterl to Richard Hutchinson at the Angell & starre in Cheapside. Dated 6 th Octob: 1641. 7. (11) A Copy of a Bill of Hansard Knollys to Valen- tine Hill for forty shillings in case it be not payd by Edw: Calcord. Dated. 21. Octob. 7. (11) A Copie of a Bill of twenty pounds from John Bewford of Middlesex gent unto Arthur Clarke of Boston for the use of Hugh Gunnison. Dated 7 ber 11 th 1644. witnes John Hurd, Thomas Davison. [Page 12.] 7. (11) A tre Att from Arthur Clark of Boston to Edw. Bendall of Boston to Recover a Bill of twenty pounds of John Bewford of Middlesex gent: w* h out power of substi- tution. witnes 8. (11) A tre Atturney generall from Rich: Parker of Boston Merch* to William Brenton of Roade Hand w th out power of substitution, witnes Hugh Williams &. 8. (11) A Copie of a Bill of sale of | of the seabridge from James Brooke to Valentine Hill w th all the appurtenances, & warranty. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 19 13. (12) A tre of Atturney from John Jordan of Medford m r cht unto John Jolliff & John wickens of London merch 18 , to recover & receive all debts & require & take account of any psons in the Kingdome of England, w th power to Sub- stitute one Atturney or more w th like or limited power. And this power is granted unto them Joyntly & Severally. witnes Jolliff Ruddocke. 18. (12) An Attest unto a Copie of a Bill of Thomas Bushrode to Valentine Hill for 24C w.* of pork & sixty bar- rells of Indian corne the last of January next ensueing the date thereof w ch was the 17. July Dated 1643. 18. (12) An Attest unto an Account of Thomas Bush- rodes of 1850 lb of Tobacco: for 15 barrells of Sturgeon. Dated the 10 th June 1643. / 24. (12) A Certificate of An Account wherein George Waltum stands Debitor to John Severne 2^19". 6 d . And a substitution of Henry Robie his Advocate to Psecute the said George Waltum. 26. (12) An Attest unto a Copie of a Bill of David Off- leys unto Valentine Hill to pay him foureteene pounds sterling at Barbados by the tenth of June next or before in Tobacco Indico or sugar if he sell his goods before & the ship Albion returne from thence before. Dated 1 March witnes Thomas Burton Robert Harding. [Page 13.] 9. (1) 1645 A copie of a Deed of Sale of the shipp Rainbowe from James Smith unto Thomas ffowle & Robert Hardinge of Boston Merch* 8 for the sume of sixe hundred & fourty pounds in hand payd, w cb deed was dated the 7 th of ffebruary anno Regis Caroli XXI Anno Christi: 1645 James Smith & a seale. witnes Valentine Hill John Milom W m Goose Samuel Scarlet. 1645. 9. (1) ffor M r Yale. A Copie of a Judgment of Court in a case betweene Joshua ffoote plaintiff & George ffoxcroft defendant both of London Merchants, wherein the Jury found according to the forfeiture of 3 bills 14C pounds damadges, but the Court moderating it in way of Chancery gave Judg- ment only for 492"* 16". 9* damadges & 20! costs. & ordered 20 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. that M r Yale Agent to M r ffoxcroft should either satisfy the same w th in 6 dayes after demand or give in uppon oath what estate he had of M r ffoxcrofts in his hand at the serving of the Attachment Uppon w ch the Tryall was made; or if he re- fuse oath then the execution to be laid uppon such estate as he possesses either in M r ffoxcrofts Right or his owne. And that M r Hues Agent for M r ffoote should give security for what he received to save M r ffoxcrofte & his executors harmles. 9. (1) 1645 Two copies of the same Judgment to M r Hues for the use of M r ffoote. 9. (1) Two tres of Atturney w th generall power for all debts & in pticular for a Legacie graunted to ffrancis ffoster by the last will of Allice Stevens of Ewill in Surrey, her mother deceased. w ch tre Atturney was graunted by Christo- pher ffoster unto Daniell King of Linne Woollen Draper w 01 power of substitution w th like or limited power. 10. (1) 1646 A Copie of a Judgm* of Court betweene M r ffoote & M r Foxcrofte as above, ffor M r Yale. 5. (2) 1646 A tre atturney from Henry Sandis to Jeremy Gould to sue for 5 U 3 s . 6 d of Samuel Martin for 2 doz & 2 p r of shoes at 31 9 d a p r & 4 yards Canvass at 18 d a y rd . Due by bill 21 June 1645. & damadges for default of payment. 8* (2) 1646 A Copie of Bill wherein Valentine Hill & Robert Harding do bind themselves &c to pay unto Robt Saltonstall 105H 8 sterling in August next in 'merchantable corne & cattle pipe staves & west Indy tobacco at price Cur- rant in each Comodity equal! Pportions. Dated. 11. feb: 1645. [Page 14.] Robert Saltonstall of the above named Bill assigned twenty pounds to David Selleck to be payd in Corne or Cattle. Dated indorsed 8 (2) 1646. 8. (2) 1646. A Copie also of a Bill wherein Robert Harding of Boston obligeth him self to pay unto Robert Saltonstall 39" sterl in good merchantable sound west Indie Tobacco at 5 d the pound to be delivered in June next. Dated m ffeb. 1645. of w<* bill Robert Saltonstall as- signed 20 U unto David Selleck Indorsed 8. (2) 1646. 21. (2) 1646. Lett r Atturney fro Joseph Wilson to W m Harvee to receive his part of the goods of his brother Benja- min Deceased. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 21 24. (2) 1646. A Copie of the Order of Court made in M r ffoxcrofts case at the Court 3 (1) HLi. 6. (3) 1646. A copie of a generall tre of Att: from Rich: & Rebecca Glover unto John Jorden & Edward Col- lins to tak account of Rich. Stileman & to recover theire debts w th power of substitution. Attested by Joshua Maniet, & after by Jo: Aurelius & Jo: Marius publick notaries. 7. (3) 1646 An Attest unto a Generall Release from David Selleck unto Lewis Davies from the beginning of the world unto this day. 7. (3) 1646 An Attest unto a Gener u Release from Lewis Davies unto David Selleck. 7. (3) 1646 An Attest unto an Assignment of an eighth part of the Shipp Greyhound w th the appurtenances from Lewis Davies to David Sellecke. 12. (3) 1646 Isaac Allerton for himself his heires ex- ecut & administr: did Ratine whatsoever M r W m Bradford Edw winslow 6 & Capt Miles Standish Agents for M r Sherley M r Andrews & Mr Beecham have done or hereafter shalbe done about the sale of any lands or goods & Cattle formerly his in propriety : provided they do cleerly acquitt him fro all debts & demands due from the said Isaac Allerton to the said M r Sherley, Andrewes & Beecham & this was by him done the xii th (3) 1646. 29. (3) 1646 A tre of Atturney from M r Robert Salton- stall unto Richard Collecot of Dorchester to Recover & re- ceive all debts due to him from any Psons inhabiting at Con- necticut by vertue of a procuration from his Slather Dated the 30 march 1639. And a certificate that he was allowed uppon Record Atturney irrevocable to his ffather before John Winthrop Governof Thomas Dudley Thomas fflint. [Page 15.] 9. (4) 1646. A certificate of a tre of Atturney made by Henry Walton of Portsmouth in the Isle of Rodes unto Richard Bulger of Boston to Receive of John Smith at Saco Mill under the Goverment of M r Cleaves the summe of thirty pounds w m all costs & Damages he hath susteined through his absence, w th power to psecute him Legally & uppon receipt to give a full discharge to the said John Smith, & this was dated & signed the xi th of May 1646. witnes Adam Mott & William James. 22 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 13. (4) 1646. Samuel Harvey Mariner belonging to Captaine Cromwel made Giles Ricket of Plimouth weaver his Attumey (revokeing a former tre of Atturney to Na- thaniel Souter of Plimouth in N: E:) to recover of Andrew Hallet of Yarmouth schoolmaster fyve pounds Spanish or xxv. Ryalls of Eight lent the said Andrew. w th power of substitution. Dated the 13. (4) 1646. 19. (4) 1646 Edmund Jackson of Boston Shoemaker granted unto William Cooly mariner a tre of Atturney to recover a debt due to him for shooes from James Till dwell- ing at or neere Newhaven. w th out power of substitution. / A true copie of Capt Hardings bond to Capt Cromwell. 27 (4) 1646 Noverint universi p presentes me Robertii Harding de Boston in Nova Anglia Mercatorum teneri et firmiter obligari Thorn 6 Cromwell Capit hered. execut et administ suis in Mille libr. sterlingum. Solvend u eidem Thorn 8 aut suo certo Atturnat. Ad quam quidem solutione bene et fidedlit 1 faciend obligo me hered execut et adminstr meos firmiter per p r sentes. Dat Sigillat viges Septimo die Junii Anno Dni 1646 . The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden Robert Harding do pay or cause to be payd unto the said Thomas Cromwel or to his certaine Atturney the full & just summe of two hundred & fifty pound sterling to be payd in London by Bills of exchang at f ourty dayes sight, & two hundred & fifty pound sterling to be payd in New Eng- land uppon demand that then this present obligation shalbe voyd & of none effect otherwise to remaine in full force & strength. A true Copie of the Bill of Sale of the Separation. / Be it known by these presents that I Capt Thomas Cromwell owner of the good ship called the Separation of the Burden of Seventy Tonns or thereabouts for good & valuable consideration by mee in hand received have clearly bargained & sould, & by these presents do cleerly bargaine & sell unto Capt Robert Harding of Boston in the Massa- chusetts Merch* the said shipp called the Separation together w th all her masts, sayles, saylyards, Ropes, Cords, Guns Gunpowder, shot, artillery, tackle, munition, boate & furni- ture to the said ship belonging or in any wise appertaining as when she was by me lawfully taken prize : As also all & singular the goods & Comodities by ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 23 [Page 16.] me taken prize in the said Shipp, To have & to hould the said Shipp & furniture together w th all the said goods to him & his assignes as his & theire proper goods forever. And I the said Capt Cromwell mine heires executors & adminis- trators the said ship w th her appurtenances & all the goods foremencioned to be bargained & sould unto the said Capt Robert Harding & his Assignes shal & will warrant & defend by these presents perill of fire enemies & seas only excepted, according to the La we of Oleron. In witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand & seale the 26. (4) 1646. Sealed & delivered by the said Capt Thomas Crom- well in the presence of me William Aspinwall Not pubb 9. (5) 1646 A part of a tre from M r Humphrey Hooke to his son William Hooke. I have promised payment to M r Powel of 15" yo n owe him : / ffor what is lost in New England by debts Mortgages or other wayes of mine, I do hereby freely Assigne over unto you. to Receive & imploy to yo r owne proper use. Though I cannot at present help yo u as I, would, yet remember me sometimes w th a letter. And I shall ever be yo r lo: father Humphrey Hooke. Bristoll 6 th March 1645. / 11. (5) 1646 Phillip Hinckson did constitute Arthur Gill his Atturney to take possession of a certaine house & lands fallen to him by inheritance lying in Coskrum in the parish of Houlberton in the County of Devon, late in the tenure & occupation of George Wadye Deceased ; granting power to sell lett or lease the said house & lands for lives or for yeares as to him shall seeme best, & to require the arrier of the rent & of the same to give acquittance, but w th out power of substitution. Dat 11 (5) 164 $. 20 (5) 1646 A Copie of a Receipt as followeth. Rec aboard the shipp Hoope of Rotterdam from the hands of Thomas ffowle of Boston Merch* thirty-three skins of Beaver to be Delivered to M r ffrancis Archer uppon the Ac- count of the said Thomas ffowle witnes my hand the eight of August 1645. subscr: pieter Jansle Maer [Page 17.] 20 (5) Before me W m Aspinwall Not &c. appeared Nicholas Batson mariner of late belonging unto Capt Crom- well, w ch Appearer required mee the said Notary w th him to 24 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. goe unto the house of Christopher Lawson in Boston Cooper, w ch accordingly I did betwixt eight & nine of the clocke at Night & inquireing for him, his wife answered he was not w tl 'in, neither could she tell what time he would come. Then I the said Notary tould her that at the request & in the name of Nicholas Batson I did ptest against her husband Christopher Lawson for deteineing the possession of a cer- taine vessell sould by her husband to the said Nicholas, as he affirmeth he was able to prove, & for w ch he hath alreadie payd part : that if he carry or suffer the said vessel to be carry ed away or any longer deteined from him, that the said Christopher shalbe responsall therefore, & for all damadges w ch he the said Nicholas hath or may susteine by reason thereof. This protest thus made was published & reade at the house of the said Christopher Lawson this xxii th of July, his wife being present. / 21. (5) Before me W m Aspinwal Notar: &c: appeared Giles Lawrence M r of the ship Mary of London & Richard Russell of Charlstowne merch* Agent for Benjamin Whet- comb & Georg Giffard of London Merchants w th a Copie of an Indent 6 beareing date the 20 th day of ffebr: An* Dm 1645. wherein Robert Houghton of S t- Olaves in Southwark merch* doth Covenent w th Georg Gifford & Benjam. whet- comb afores d that Robert Sedgwick of Charlstowne theire ffactors Agent or Assignes or some or one of them shall deliv r a bord the s d shipp Mary unto the s d merchts or theire ffactors 15C Kintalls of merch tt)le ffish w th in 20 days next after the first arrivall of the s d shipp in the Massachusetts Bay as "by the s d Inden 6 more at large doth appeare. As also instructions from the s d Geo. Giffard & Benj Whetcomb under their hands beareing date the 30 th of March !-!. requireing to protest uppon the non pformance of Covenant accordin to the s* Covents. Wherefore at the request of the said Giles Lawrence & Richard Russell I the s d Notar did protest against Major Robt Sedgwick Robt Houghton or whom soever else it may concerne that they & every of them shalbe lyable to make Reparations of all damages w ch the s d Merch ts have or shall susteine through uon pformance of Covenant in due season. And the same protest did pnounce as above to the s d Major Robt Sedgwick the day & yeare first above written. / 22 (5) An Attest unto a Copie of Lewis Morris procu- ration unto John milam in N: E: to Attach &c: & arrest the pson of Thomas Cromwell for the satisffaction of 550 U p d by Lewis Morris wherein they were mutually ingaged. AspmwALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 25 [Page 18.] 25 (5) 1646. I John Shawe of Boston in the Massa- chusetts Butcher do acknowledg my selfe indebted unto Thomas Hunt of wapping Shipp Carpenter in the full & just sume of twelve pounds sterling to be payd unto the said Thomas Hunt his executors adminstr or assignes at the dwelling house of the said Thomas Hunt in Wapping ; unto the true pformance whereof (my first & third bills beareing the same date not being payd) I do oblige my selfe mine execut & administr firmly by these pntes. witnes my hand & seale this xxv th of the v th month called July Anno Dmi 1646. And of the same teno r he firmed two other bills one being payd the other to be voyd. 3. (6) 1646. ffurther I the said Notary do certifye that the w 01 in named John Milom according to the power above given hath compounded & agreed w th Capt Thomas Crom- well & received satisfaction & thereuppon hath given a generall Release unto the said Capt Cromwel. In witnes of the truth whereof I have hereunto put my hand this 3 d day of August -LSJL6.. This was adjoyned unto the Copie of the tre of Atturney mencioned in the former page. 4. (6) 1646 Henry Bridgham of Boston N: E: Tanner did constitute Thomas Chapleine & Jasper Shephard of S* Edmunds Bury in Suffolk linen drapers to aske levie recover & receive of Robert Bridgham of ffeltam in Suffolke the sume of xx u sterl. & to acquit ; also to pursue impleade arrest &c : & substitute w lh like or limited power, ratifying what by them shall be done. 4. (6) 1646. Henry Bridgham of Boston in N:E: tan- ner did Constitute Tho: Chapleine & Jasper Shephard of S* Edm Bury in Suff* linen Drapers to call in question & by all wayes & means in lawe pvided to disprove disanull & overthrowe the pretended will of Henry Bridgham his ffather late of ffeltam in Suff: deceased, & to call to Account his brother Robert Bridgham who by virtue of that pretend will hath entred uppon & possessed the lands & other estate of his said ffather : w th power to pursue implead &c : & power of substitution, ut ante r [Page 19.] 5 (6) 1646. Silvester Ladimore Assigned (ffor value- able consideration received) a Bill of vii" x 8 - (due from M r John Beanes M r of the ship Recovery unto Silvester Ladi- more aforesaid) 1 Unto Thomas Hawkins of Boston in the 26 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Massachusetts Baker in the presence of me the Publick Notary : the same was assigned, by Tho: Hawkins to Thomas Turner 12 (6) & by Thomas Turner to Thomas Savage 20 (6) 1AA. 5. (6) Silvester Ladimore did constitute Thomas Haw- kins of Boston in the Massachusetts Baker his lawfull At- turney granting him power to aske leavie recover & reteine a certaine bill of vii 11 x 8 of John Beanes M r of the Shipp Re- covery of London & of the Receipt to give acquittance also to appeare before all Lords Judges & Justices there to re- quire law ayde favo r & Justice to doe say & c : w th power of substion cf Atturney w th like or limited power. / 7. (6) Sampson Lane did constitute Richard Cutt his At- turney, to buy sell bargaine & Act in all things whatsoever, also to answer pleade sue arest seize sequester attach im- prison & condemne & out of prison to deliver to receive, pay, acquit & release act & conclud in any matter or thing concerning the P r mises as effectually as the said Lane could doe if present. 7. (6) Sampson Lane Psonally appeare before me the s d Notary requireing me in his name to protest against M r Na- thaniel Duncan, James Everill, Nicholas Willis, Samuel Bid- field & William Ludkin for openening the doore of his cellar, takeing away divers pipes of wine w cl1 were marked & sould, & removeing or takeing away a gould ring & cer- taine money w ch were there layd. Accordingly therefore I doe protest against yo u all & every of yo u before named, that whatsoever damage & losse the said Sampson Lane hath susteined by any one or all of yo" either by the opening of his Cellar, takeing of his wines w th out Apprizmeiit or Ac- count (& that also of such as were marked & sould, or by takeing away or removeing the ring & money, uppon due proofe & Loyall Tryall yo u shalbe justly lyable to make Reparation thereof. This Protest thus made, was by mee the said Notary thus published & read unto the parties aforesaid; unto w ch M r Nathaniel Duncan made his answer, that he tooke no wines but what was according to the order of the Generall Court the Supreme Court of this [Page 20.] Colonie, being for Impost & forfeiture against order, he be- ing an Officer appointed for the doeing of it, Nor did he any Act contrary to the Order. All the rest gave this answer ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 27 that what they did in assistance of M r Duncan, it was by vertue of an Order of the Generall Court, & for the Ring & money w ch they found layd on the floore & in the way where they should rowle out the wine (after they had acquainted some of the Magistrates therew th ) they wil one of the con- stables to Keepe it in safety & returne the same unto the true Owner ; & the said Constable viz* James Everill saith, he tendred the said ring & silver unto the said Sampson Lane & he refused the same. And this is briefly the Answers w ch were given to the aforesaid Protest.l / 10. (6) 1 - 646 Be it knowne unto all men by these pres- ents : that we Joseph Jackson & Hugh Browne of the Citty of Bristoll Merch* 8 have, & either of us hath made assigned ordained authorised appointed & Deputed, & by these pntes do & either of us doth make assigne ordaine authorise ap- point & Depute & in o r place & steed doe put & constitute o r Trustie & welbeloved freind William Stratton of .the said Citty mariner o r true & Lawful Atturney for us & in o r names & steeds & to or use to aske leavie demand recover & receive of any pson or psons whatsoever inhabiting reside- ing or abideing in New England or any place thereof or thereunto belonging, All such summe or summes of Money Debts duties goods wares Merchandises & Demands whatso- ever w ch are or shalbe due unto us or either of us, or deteined from us or either of us or w ch doe any way belong unto us or either of us or to Phillip Jackson now resident in Bilboa by any of the pson or psons before mencioned either by Bill bond booke or account or by any other wayes or meanes howsoever or for any matter or cause whatsoever. And also to demand, require receive & take up into his custody & possession, All bonds bills & other specialties whatsoever belonging unto us or either of us or to the said Phillip Jack- son & left in New England aforesaid by Joseph Dorney Humphrey Southcott & Henry Abley Merch* 8 or either of them for our use, & to recover & receive all such debts sume & sumes of money & demands whatsoever w ch [Page 21] are or shalbe due or oweing unto us or either of us or to the said Phillip Jackson uppon or by any of the said Bonds bills or specialties. Giveing & by these presents granting unto o r said Atturney o r full power good right & lawful Authority for us & in o r names & steeds to sue arrest impleade condemne & imprison the said pson & psons or any of them And them or any of them out of prison againe to deliver or cause to be delivered. And also to compound w th them or any of them concerninge the prem- isses, & after the receipt thereof or composition made acquit- 28 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL, RECORDS. tances or other lawfull discharges for the same for us & in o r names & steeds to make scale & deliver as o r Acts & deeds. Atturney also one or more under him to make & substitute & at his pleasure the same to Revoke. And gen- erally to doe execute performe fulfill & finish all & eveiy other thing & things whatsoever w ch shalbe needful or neces- sary to be done in or about the said premises in as large ample & beneficiall manner & form as we o r selvs or either of us may or might doe if we were there psonally present Rati- fying confirming & allowing all & whatsoever o r said Attur- ney shall doe or cause to be done in the premisses to be as good & effectual in lawe as if we had done the same in o r owne psons. In witnes whereof we the said Joseph Jackson & Hugh Browne have hereunto sett o r hands & scales the therd day of March Anno Regis Caroli nunc Angle &c: vicefimo Primo Annoque Dfii: Subscr : Sealed & Delivered & the Joseph Jackson name (Humphrey Southcot) & a scale was interlined before then seal ing thereof : in the presence of Hugh Browne & Thomas Browne a scale John Hughes & John Hartwell 10. (6) 1646 By vertue of this tre of Atturney the w tb in named w m Stratton constituted Ri : Russell of Charls- towne his Atturney or Substitute w th the like power. [Page 22] 11 (6) 1646 I W m Aspinwali Notary uppon the Affi- davit of James Gary & Henry Way that were appointed to cull the ffish & see it weighed abord the Mary of London, that there was no more ffish weighed & delivered uppon the Account of Benjamin Whetcomb & George Gifford merch* 8 save xiijC & seventy seven Kin tails of fish: Did protest against Major Robert Sedgwick & Robert Houghtou or who- soever also was therein concerned for all Damadges w ch the said merch" have or shall susteine for not Delivering the quantity of xvC Kintalls according to Covenant, and in the protest was interlined (no) & (Sedgwick). 14 (6) 164 S Jeremy Norcrosse of Watertowne assigned over unto Raph woory of Chalstowne a Bill of eight ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 29 pounds fyve shillings to be payd in Merch tble Beaver at price Current or in a good bill of Exchang for England uppon the 1 0- of I 1 * 1 next ensueing or before in case any shipp goe for England. Dat. 31. Jan. 1645. Assigned: 14 (6) 1*A. 18 (6) 1646. Edward Tyng granted unto Thomas Lake a tre of Atturney to aske leavie recover & receive of Samuel Martin eight poundes fourteene shillings due for sixe cases of strong water at 29 s a piece to be pd in money or Bever & of the receipt to give acquittance in due forme, also to sue &c : w th power to substitute one Atturney or more w* 11 like or limited power, witnes his hand. 18. (6) J-S-i-S.. A certificat of the Measure of 5 pieces of ffrench linnen marked 60* 60. 61. 62. 63. Received fro Joshua Woolnow of London by Robert Scot of Boston w ch coteined 353 English Ells. 18 (6) 1 6 4-6 Mary Hawkins the wife of Capt Thomas Hawkins did Constitute Thomas Lake of Boston her lawfull Atturney to Recover a bond of 50 11 due from Thomas Skinner unto Edward Paine of wapping Mariner w ch bond wth others was by her recovered in due course of lawe at a Court held at Boston 2 (7) 1645. w th power to make acquittance & to prosecute &c : & to substitute one Atturney or more w" 1 like or limited power./ [Page 23] 12. (7) 1646 An Attest unto a Copie of a bond wherein Majo r Rob: Sedgwick bindes himselfe in seven hundred pounds unto M r Tho: ffowle uppon condition to pay him sixe hundred Kintalls of Merch tble dry Cod fish the 23 (4) of w ch M r ffowle acknowledgeth the receipt of 350 Kintalls the 6 Augut 1646. 19. (7) 1646 Hugh Burt of Linue granted a tre of Atturney unto James Everill of Boston Shoomaker to Ask & receive of Susan Burt the widdow Relict of Thomas Burt of Darkin in the County of Surrey Deceased & sole executrix of his last Will & testament the sume of twenty pounds the Annuities of the two yeares last past granted him by the last will & testament of the said Thomas Burt deceased & of the receipt to give acquittance in due forme Also to sue impleade &c : w 01 power to substitute others w th like or 30 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. limited power, & promis to Ratify the same. Sealed in the presence of the Notary: 29. (7) 16.4.6 A tre of Atturney from Dav: Selleck to Edmund Leach of Newhaven merch* to aske leavie recover & receive of Nathaniell Duncan Junior of Boston Merch* the sume of Ixij 11 x 8 ' due to him for part of his Catch called the Adventure sould by the said Nathaniell in Virginia & of the receipt to give acquittance & to doe say pursue implead arrest &c: & power to substitute one Atturney or more w tb like or limited power : 3. (8) 1646. Thomas Coleman granted power by tre of Atturney unto Capt Robert Harding of Boston to aske &c : all writeinges touching his house in Esstum in the County of Worcester w ch are in the hands of John Albright or any other, & the said house to lett or sell & make scale & Deliver deeds or writeings of the same, & to receive the rent for the time past due ; Also to receive the Remainder of a Legacie in the hands of John Norton of Cotherstock Esq r granted by the will of John Coleman of Cotherstock in the County of Northampton Carpenter deceased & to give acquittance in due forme, & to appeare in any Court or Courts there to require law ayde favo r & Justice to doe &c : all such pson or psons upon the premises shall any way concerne, w th power to substitute one Att: or more &c: 10. (8) iS-A-i A Copie of M* Berckleyes acquittance. Know all men whom it may concerne that I William Barkley of Summer Islands do firmly by these pntes cleare & acquitt Capt Thomas Cromwell of London & his Assignes from all debts & demands either from the ship Anne due to mee the said William Barkely. or any other account what- soever from the beginning of the world to the date hereof, to w ch acquittance I the aforesaid W m doe binde my selfe & my assignes [Page 24] firmly by this presents subscribed & sealed this fifth day of October in the yeare of o r Lord Anno. i^-i^.. Subscribed and delivered subscr: William Barkeley & a seale. in the presence of. Robt. Harding. John Winthrop. Adam Winthrop. William Vassall. 30 (7) 1646 David Selleck of Boston soapeboyler acknowledge to have received for the Account of M r Henry ASPINWALL NOTAEIAL RECORDS. 31 Ashurst woolen Drap. at the signe of the 3 kings in Watling Streete in London the sum of ffifty pounds sterling & doth hereby bind himselfe his execut. & administrators unto the said M r Henry Ashurst in double summe uppon this Con- dition that if the s d David pay or cause to be pd unto the said Henry Ashurst his execut. administr. or assignes or any of them the aforesaid sume of ffifty pounds sterl w th in ten dayes after his arrivall at London or uppon the last of July next ensueing the date hereof w ch soever shall first happen at the signe of the 3 kings in watliug street in london afore- said, thai then this present Obligacon shalbe utterly voyd or other wise to remaine in full force & strength In witnes whereof the said Appearer hath put to his hand & scale. Thus don & passed in the towne of Boston & in the presence of the s d Notary. 10. (8) li. A tre of Atturney from Henry Barthol w Executor of Richard Bartholmew unto Thomas Bell of Rox- bury to receive for the use of Joseph Weld of Roxbury 25 8 U . & to give acquittance or, sue for the same; 13. 8 1646 A tre Atturney from John Manning of Boston Merch 4 unto Isaac Allerton of Newhaven Merch* to aske lea vie recover & receive of Thomas Bushrode in Vir- ginia merch* his exer. adminst: goods effects actions creditts where ever they may be found the valew of 16804 pounds tobacco due to him vppon Accounts, & certaine other moneys pd for him uppo his Bills of Exchange & to com- pound agree &c : & to substitute other under hi m w th like or limited power : &c : [Page 25.] 16. (8) 1646 : Capt e Robert Harding doth Covenant w th John Milom that the Shipp Supplie shall goe no neerer London than Margaret Rode, & if she doe then doth he release John Milom from his securitie added to the sale of the eight part of the said shipp witnes his hand, the 16. (8)1646. Robart Hardinge 20. (8) 1646. A tre of Atturney from Christopher Lawson unto Barnabas ffawer to recover & receive certaine Legacies due unto his wife by the last wills & testaments of Henry James & Thomas James of ffilton in Glostershire .... as by the said wills may appeare & of the receipt to give acquittance in due forme, also to compound & agree & 32 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 10 to appeare before all Lords &c ; w th power of Substitution w th like or limited power : 20. (8) 1646. An Attest of certaine Copies as follow- eth : Capt wells is Debtor as folleth 1645. 3 q r C is 8 11 4 of ould thin is C hag ) " .. * Chag att 37" 4 d p C- \ w m Crofts. Rec the 16 th of Aprill 1646 2 of M r Richard Bartholmew the some of thirty shillings & sixe pence by the appointment of M r Joseph Wells & is for the use of my M r w m Crofts p me Joseph Stupley Received the 19 Aprill 1646 of M r Richard' Bartholmew by the appointment of M r Joseph weld in full payment fyve pounds ten shillings for the use of Ste: Beale & my M r Na: Lacey p John Howell Rec d the 18 th of Aprill 1646 of M r Richard Bartholmew by the appointment of M r Joseph Wells in full payment of all i u g d reckonings the sume of twenty foure ' 24 = 04 = 06 pounds foure shillings & sixe pence for M r John Humfrey. p me Samuel Crosse [Page 26.] I Daniel Gookin do acknowledge myself indebted to Capt Joseph weld the sume of sixe pounds seventeene shillings & sixe pence, whereof fyve pound is to be payd in England to M r Thomas Bell this returne & the other one pound eighteene & 6 d in Country pay here at demand : both theise somes are leadry: [sic.] included in a bill obligatory of twenty fyve pounds : witnes my hand this 7 th of October. Afi.* 9. p me Daniell Gookin. Bought & Rec of Richard Bartholomew 1646 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 33 -20 ^ 1 3 1 v of bever barke (this was yo r owne Bever 1 _3 8 S 5 _ 2 1 617 lb L u for Cords 1 nett weight at 8 8 2 d p u 251 06 07 It m 1.2.22 d 190 (this was M r Bartholmewes bever) for Cords & bags ) T ^ nett at 8 s Bever agreed to be h d for \ p h is whereof had to his owne Hand Then he had by appointment Rest due to pay Rich Coysh I tm ten shillings in the whole 077 03 06 328 10 01 050 00 00 050 12 00 100 12 00 227 18 1 000 10 00 228-- 8- 1 40? 10" Received Aprill 19. i^ 6 of M r Richard Bartholmew the sume of fourty pounds by the appointment & in part of the Debt of MF Joseph weld of Roxbury in New England for the use of my M r Thomas Player I say rec p me Tho: Eastland Received the 15. of Aprill 1646 of Richard Bartholmew the sume of ten pounds by the appointment & for the use of M r Joseph Weld of Roxbury in New England. I say Received A nn Carter. [Page 27.] Be it knowne unto all men by these presents, that I Edward ward of Ipswich in the County of Suffolk hosier, have remised, released, & altogether for mee, my exer^, & administ 1 ?, quite, claimed, & discharged unto Joseph weld of Roxbury in New England merch* All & all manner of actions, suites, debts, dutys, summe & sumes of money, bills, bonds, obligatons, accounts, reckonings, trespasses claimes, & demands whatsoever w ch against the said Joseph Weld I doe had, might have had, now have or at any time hereafter 34 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. shall, or may have, for, or by reason col or or meanes of any act, matter, cause, or thing whatsoever from the beginning of the world, untill the day of the 'date hereof witnes my hand & scale Dated the 29 th day of march Ano din 1645. And in the one & twentieth yeare of the Reigne of o r Sover- eigne Lord King Charles &c : Edward Ward & a seale. Sealed & delivered in the presence of Richard Bartholmew & Jn Byrd serv* to Chr: Townsend S c r: 21. (8) 1A Richard Williams of Taunton in N. E: Tanner sonne of w m Williams late of wootton under edge ffuller deceased hath made ordained &c : his brother Samuell Williams of Essington in Glocester shire ffuller his true & lawfull Atturney granting his s d Atturney full power &c : to alien & sell all his right title claime & interest in & unto a Tucke mill & certaine lands thereto belonging scituate & being in the Tything of Sinwell adjoyning to wootton in Glocester shire aforesaid & deeds or evidences of the same to write seale & deliver in his name according to lawe & the custome of the place. Promising to hould for firme &c : 21. (8) ULlfi. An Attest unto a Bill of Nathaniell Ax- tells of 4 U 10 s to Giles Elbridg to be p d unto willm Eliot M r of the white Angell. & w m Eliots receipt of the same. Also a note of the Surgeons Charges & receipt of fourty shillings by the surgeon in full payment. Also a bill of 3 1 ! 9" payd amongst the Companie in the ship. 21. (8) lA6. An Attest to two Copies of affidavits the one Will m Walderne the other darbie ffield. see the booke of Affidavits, p. 28. 22 (8) l4-& A tre of Atturney from Samuel Adams of Braintre in N: E: yeoman & Mary his wife the daughter of Manuel Eglessfield late of London Haberdasher unto John Doe salter at the Tonne in woodstreete in London to aske leavie &c : of the Executo' 8 of Mannuell Eglessfield & the executo r8 of his mother Deceased certaine Legacies granted by the last will of the s d Manuel & his mother unto marie the daught r of the said manuel & wife of the said Samuel Adams, & of the receipt &c : also to compound & agree & to appeare before all Lords &c : but w th out power of substitu- tion./ ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 35 [Page 28.] 23. (8) 1646 Novemb' the 4 th Rec the day & yeare above written of Dan- iell Cole of Plimouth to the valew of Eight- teene pounds three shillings & ten pence sterling in the severall accounts vizt = one steere six pounds seventeene sixe pence p the acco te of Major Sedgwick thirty shillings & foure pence p the acco* of M r Waker twenty fyve shillings p a Cow foure pound & ten shillings p the acco* of Corne for barley & pease foure pounds one shilling all the severall accounts amounting to the first summe above written being for the use of M r Pollington of London, I say Rec - Attested under Thomas Hawkins. my hand. 23(8)46. li 18 : s d 3: 10 24. (8) iSAS. A tre Attorney from William Colton unto Robert Codman of Connecticot to aske leavie &c of John Edwards of Connecticot twenty two bushells of Indian Corne due unto Sibill his wife late wife of Thomas Wyat. & to appeare before the Governo 6 & Assistants there to require law ayd & c : w^out power of substitution. 23 (8) ULUL A tre Att e : from Th: Mayhew & Jane his wife (formerly the wife of Thomas Paine of London Merch*) unto Capt Robert Harding of Boston to enter uppon & make lease of lease of [sic] any the lands & tenements of Thomas Paine the sonne of the said Jane & Tho: Paine deceased w ch lands are scituat in Whittlebury in Northamptonshire so that the said lease exceede not two years & so as no such lease be made in Reversion. Also to place or displace any of the tenants that now be or hereafter shalbe and to receive All Arriearageges Rents Issues pfitts that either are or shalbe due unto the said Tho: paine the younger or them his Guar- dians for his use. & of the Receipt to give acquittance in due forme & to appeare before all Lords &c : to sue im- pleade &c : w th out power of substitution : &c Revoking all former letters of Atturney. Signed by them both & sealed. [Page 29.] 27. (6) 1646. I W m Hudson of Boston Junior doe hereby bind & ingage my selfe mine heires & executors to satisfy unto M r Roe or otherwise as the Court shall see good so 36 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. much rent as is due from Henry Dawson for his part w cb amounts unto seven pound : Witnes my hand this 27 (8) 1646. Subscrib: William Hudson. Teste William Aspinwall Notarius pub: 30. (8) 1646. A protest of a bill of seven teene firkins of Sope directed to goodman Gibson by David Selleck to be payd to M r Edward Tyng. 2 (9) 1646 Thomas Hawkins appointed Capt Robert Harding his Atturney to aske leavie recover & Receive of John Beanes M r & part Owner of the good ship called the Recovery of London the sume of seven pounds ten shillings due by bill to Silvester Ladimore & assigned to the s d Tho: .Hawkins & of the receipt to give acquittance in due forme also to compound & agree & to appeare before all Lords & c : w th out power of substitution. 3 (9) 1646 An attest unto a Copie of a Bill wherin John Thompson doth promise Stephen winthrop not to take advantage nor ptest against his Bill of Exch: for fifty for non paym* according to time limited because he knew & was tould by the said Stephen winthrop that the money was not due of a long time after & yet he accepted of it. Dat. 20 (10) 1643. Also unto a Lett 1 Atturney irrevocable to Benjam. Gillom & Edw: Hutchinson to enter & take possession of the Hand called Thomsons Island in his name but to theire p. use, & after such seisin the same to hould to them & theire heires forever. w th power to sue & implead any that shall oppose the same. Dat. 22 (10) 1643. Also to a bond of an hundred pounds wherein Sam. Maverick & John Thomson do bind them selves to Stephen Winthrop that Ben Gillom & Edw. Hutchinson Att : of the said John Thomson shall recover quiet & peaceable posses- sion of Thomsons Hand before December next, or else that he will Repay the fifty pound w ch he was to receive of Stephen winthrop w th just forbeareance, unto the said Stephen. Dat. 25 (10) 1**. Also a bond of fourty pound wherein John Thomson & Samuel Maverick do bind themselvs to Stephen Winthrop that John Thomson should send or pcure to be sent the Originall grant of Thomsons Hand or a Copie thereof to be extant in the Court by September next. Dat. 25 (10) l ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 37 [Page 30.] 4 (9) 1646. John & Anne ffloyd of Scituate merch* granted a tre Atturney to M r Chr : Rogers head of New Inne hall in Oxford & M r . John ffreeman of London merch* to take all Legacies w ch are or shalbe due unto his wife by the decease of any of her brethren or f rends, Also to receive a debt of six pounds due from Samuel Greaves & to compound &c : & to appeare before al Lords &c. to doe say pursue implead pesecute &c : 4. (9) 1646. A letter of Atturney from Bridget Bland of charlestowne widdow relict of W m Bland late of Oxford glover unto M r Chr: Rogers head of New Inne hall in Oxford & John ffreeman of London Merch* to receive all such Legacies as are or shalbe due to her by the decease of any of her brethren or frends & to compound &c: & to do say pursue implead &c : 11 (9) 1646. A tre of Atturney from John Sheene late of Hampton Poyle unto Thomas Sheene of Wallingford in Berkshire yeoman to Receive of Thomas Paine of the same Yeoman or his execute 18 all sume or sumes of money due unto the said John by a Contract of Mariage, & of the Receipt to give acquittance &c : & to compound &c : & to appeare before all &c : to doe say pursue implead prosecute arrest &c: & to substitute one Att r : or more w tb like or limited power, signed & sealed. 14 (9) 1646 Bee it knowne unto all men by these pntes that I Abraham Shurt of the Citty of Bristoll Merch* have remised released & for mee my exe r admins* & assignes & every of them forever quite claimed unto Giles Elbridge of the same Citty merch* (execu* of the last will & testa- ment of Robert Aldworth late of the same Citty merch* deceased) his heires ex er & adminst & every of them All & all manner of accounts suites plaints debts debates quarrells accounts reckonings books bills bonds obligacons Judgments executions & demands whatsoever w ch I now have or may have against him the said Giles Elbridge his heires exrc" or administrators for any matter thing or cause whatsoever from the beginning of the world till the date hereof. Witnes my hand & scale the Eleventh day of November Anno R Caroli Ang 1 &c : undecimo 1635. Abraham Shurt & a Scale. Sealed & Dd in the p r sence of William Cock William Wallweynd H Weaver Scr 6 : 38 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. This is a true Copie of the Original! as it was presented to mee by Robert Knight : [Page 31.] 14 (9) 1646 This Indent 6 made the eleventh day of November Anno R Caroli nunc Angl &c: undecimo 1635. Witnesseth that Abraham Shurt of the Citty of Bristoll Merch* hath putt & bound him self a Covenant servant w" 1 Giles Elbridge of the Citty aforesaid Merch* to serve dwell & abide in New England in America after the manner of a Covenant servant for & dureing the terme of fy ve yeares, to be accounted from the day that the said Abraham Shurt shall happen to arrive at New England aforesaid & fullie to be compleate & ended. Dureing all w ch said terme of fyve yeares he the said Abraham Shurt doth Covenant by these pntes to serve dwell & abide w th the said Giles Elbridge in manner & forme aforesaid And that in all things accord- ing as a true diligent obedient & faithfull Covenant servant ought to doe shall use & behave himself as well in words as in deeds And bee ready to depart w th the good shipp called the white Angell of Bristoll now bound for New- England aforesaid And that hee the said Abraham Shurt shall not at any time or times hereafter dureing the said terme barter or exchang or buy any goods wares or mer- chandises w th or for any pson or psons whatsoever but only to & for the only use & behoofe of the said Giles Elbridge & his heires. In consideracon whereof the said Giles Elbridge doth for him his heires exec & administr 8 Covenant by these presents to find and pvide unto the said Abraham Shurt dureing all the said terme competent & convenient meate drinck & lodging according to the custome of New England aforesaid And also shall and will well & truly content & pay unto the said Abraham Shurt or his Assignes for & in respect of his service aforesaid yeerly & every yeere for & dureing the said terme of fyve yeares the yeerly Annuity of three score pounds of lawful! money of England p. ann. And lastly shall & will pay for the pass- age & dyet of the said Abraham Shurt to & from New V England aforesaid. In witnes whereof the parties to these pntes Indentures interchangably have put theire hands & scales the day & yeare first above Abraham Shurt & a scale written Sealed & dd in p e sence of William Cocke William Wallweynd H Weaver Scr : NOTARIAL RECORDS. 39 This is a true Copie of the Originall as it was psented to mee the Publ Notary by Robert Knight. [Page 32.] 14. (9) 1646 These are to certify whomsoev r it may concerne, that I Samuel Cooke of Dublin in the Kingdom of Ireland mere 1 : have appointed my welbeloved f rend Edw : Allen of Dedham in New England gent to be my good & lawfull assignes, to take & receive to my use all my part of the freight & goods shipped in the good ship called the Guift of Barnstable, to be dd at Boston in New England (If god pmit) All w ch said goods I doe hereby Authorize the said Edw : Allen to sell & dispose (to my use) at New England aforesaid, according to certain tres of Advise to him directed, & whatsoever my said Assignes shall do herein, shalbe as effectual! to all intents & purposes, as if I my selfe were psonally present at the doeing thereof, or did the same, In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale the tenth day of March Ann Dni 1639 . Samuel Cooke & a seale. John Stile witnes hereunto Thomas Marven John Bennet his marke. And in a tre of advise bearing Date March 1639 & written & signed w 01 the same hand as to mee it did clearly appeare, it is thus written as followeth. I have made bould at this time to send unto yo u the ship called the Guift of Barnstable w th a Copie of the Charter parte, she being freighted by my selfe & some others whom I accepted to Joyne w th mee therein, chiefly of one M r John Smith, the marke uppon the goods standing for my name & his, wee being partners therein, I for my part consigneing myne to your selfe, desireing yo u in my behalfe to take care thereof. &c : And after direction to lett John Stile & Thomas Marvin have some stock according to Covenant, it followes : The rest of the stock I desire yo u to dispose thereof to my best advantage as yo u see fitt. 16. (9) 1646 James Carr bound himselfe a Covenant servant unto John Bayes of Barbados & Anne his wife for 2 yeares after his arrivall at Barbados : they to find him meate drink lodging washing & 3 paire drawers 3 shirts & 3 paire of shoes yearly during his terme & at the end thereof 9 U to be pd in Cotton woll Indico or sugar at price there current. 40 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 19. (9) 1646. John Crabtree appointed Joseph Wilson of Boston in N: E: his Att? to aske leavie &c. of Thomas Gray of Barbados Joyner 20 U due by Bill & 40 U due by another bill both beareing the same date & for 2 yeares ser- vice. & to acquit & to compound & to sue &c: w th out power of substitution. 2 (10). 1647. This same letter Atturney was againe renewed only the pson changed & (in steed of Joseph Wil- son) Joliff Ruddock was made Atturney w 01 the like power. w ch procuration was Dat. 2 (10) - 164 7 [Page 33.] 23 (9) 1646 Whereas about fyve yeares since there came to the house of Richard Russell of Charlestowne in New England (by the Consignement of M r Samuel Holbroke deceased) a quantity of glasse of the goods of John Leding- ham Citizen & Silkman of London: & Henry Pate gent had then some interest in the same: And sy thence that the said John Ledingham hath released & made over to the said Henry Pate all his right & interest in & to the said quan- tity of glasse & the whole Account pceed & pvenue thereof Now Know all men by these pntes that the said John Led- ingham & Henry Pate have joyntly & severally Authorised & by these prtes doe Authorise & in theire place & steed put M r Robert Knight of the Citty Bristoll merch! theire true & lawful! Atturney irrevocable in their names joyntly or either of them severally but to the only pper use & behoofe of the said Henry Pate his Execut. & admins. To aske receive take leavie & recover from the said Richard Russell his execute 1 " 8 & Adminstr an Accountt of & cover- ing the said quantitie of glasse and of the produce & pvenue thereof, together w" 1 the same pvenue & pcedue And also all debts duties sumes of money goods mer- chandises & demands whatsoever to the said John Led- ingham & Henry Pate or either of them due oweing & belonging, or from them or either of them detained by the said Richard Russell or any other person or psons whatso- ever resident in New England aforesaid : Giveing & hereby granting to the said Robt Knight their Atturney theire & either of theire full power good right & lawfull Authority in & concerning the p r misses, to Take comence & psecute w a effect in their & either of their names & steeds all such all such accons suites of lawe & other courses whatsoever for & concerning the p r misses or any part thereof As to him shall seeme good. And also to make composition, compound & AsrarwALL NOTABIAL RECORDS. 41 conclude for & concerning the p r misses & every or any part thereof as he shall see fitt. Acquittances & other discharges for & in the names & steeds of the said John Ledingham & Henry Pate or either of them to make scale & deliver Al>- torneys or Substitutes one or more under him to depute & sett & the same to revoke at his will & pleasure And further to doe & execute generally all & every other Acts & things whatsoever touching & concerning the premisses as to him shall seeme good & that as fully & effectually in every respect as the said John Ledingham & Henry Pate or either of them may or might doe if psonally p e sent Ratifying & allowing all whatsoever their said Attorney shall doe or cause to be done in & about the premisses by these pntes. In witnes whereof the said John Ledingham & Henry Pate have hereunto put theire hands & scales this 27 th of June. Ano Dni 1645. Annoque Regis Carol Aug &c vicesimo primo i ( John Ledingham & scale sn i)sr* ( Henry Pate & scale Sealed & dd in psence of Fra Yeaman No ry publ: p me William Stratton. Matthew Wolfe This was the originall p r sented to me the Notary as above is written, by Robert Knight above said. [Page 34.] 24 (9) 1646 Know all men by these pntes that I Eliza- beth Poole of the Citty of westm r widow the Relict & Executrix of the last will & testament of Henry Poole late Cittizen & Girdler of London deceased have assigned ordained made deputed Authorized & in my place & steed by these ptntes doe put & constitute Edward Collins of Cambridge in New England merch*, Edward Okes of Cambridge afore- said merch* & Will Emerson Citizen & ffounder of London (now on a voyage to New England) my true and lawful Atturneys joyntly or any two of them severally for mee & in my name & for my use to demand require & take a just & true Account & invoyce of & from Nehemiah Bourne of Boston in New England aforesaid Shipwright, Robert Cooke of Charlestowne in New England aforesaid Apothecary Will- iam Davies of Boston aforesaid Apothecary & Thomas Deigh- ton of Boston aforesaid Merch* & every or any. of them theire & every or any of theire execut & administr of & for all such goods wares merchandize & other estate whatsoever be- longing to me the said Elizabeth & w ch they or any of them 42 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. shall consigne or send unto mee. And also if need require to sue & compell the said Nehemiah Bourne Robert Cooke William Davis & Thomas Deighton their execut & adminst & every or any of them according to the lawes & customes in New England aforesaid to lade ship consigne & send over to mee the said Elizabeth all or any of the goods wares mer- chandize & other estate whatsoever of me the said Elisabeth in theire or any of theire custodie & possession, as my said At- turnes or any two of them shall thinke meete & convenient And also for mee & in my name to survey p r use & see that all & every the goods wares merchandise or other estate whatsoever w ch shalbe consigned or sent unto me from the psons aforesaid or any of them be good & merchantable wares & commodities And for mee & in my name to make & give to the said Nehemiah Bourne Robert Cooke William Davis & Thomas Deighton theire agents execut & adminis- trate 68 sufficient & lawfull acquittance & acquittances dis- charge & discharges for such goods wares & merchandize only w ch they or any of them shall so consigne or send unto mee. Giveing & hereby granting full power to my said At- turneyes joyntly or any two of them severally my full power & lawfull Authority touching the premisses And I doe & will at all times hereafter ratine allow & confirme all & whatsoever my said Atturneyes joyntly or any two of them severally shall lawfully doe or cause to be done needfull in or about the premises or any part thereof by these presents. In witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Poole have here- unto sett my hand & scale upon the 2 day of June Ano Dni 1645 & in the one & twenty th yeare of the Reigne of King Charles of England. &c. Elizabeth Poole & a scale Sealed & delivered in the presence of us. Nicholas Clagett Henry Eden Urian Okes ffrancis Nelmes scr. This above written is a true Copie of the Originall as it was presented to mee the pubb Not. by the said Edward Collins./ [Page 35.] 24. (9) 1646. An Attest unto a writeinge beareing Date 20 (9) 1646. whereby Mary Chickering of Dedham did re- signe & deliver up her whole right & interest in a parcel! of land belonging to the Mano r of Ben e car Hall in the County of Suffolke, unto John Chickering her Cosin the sonne of ASPINWALL NOTARIAL, RECORDS. 43 Henry Chickering of Dedham in New England, witness Eleazar Lusher. 26. (9) 1A1A Cozen Seth my love remembered unto yo u & yo r wife & children & all the rest of o r friends w th yo u hopeing of yo r wel- fare as wee are at present blessed be the Lord for it. This to let yo u understand that yo r frends have sent yo n a Butt of leather. Yo r Cozen Crane & ffather Lake & Aunt Hoton & my selfe. yo r frends are all well yo r brothers are well & sister Elis. I received yo r tre wherein yo u mention yo r Cowes & the valew of them what they are worth when yo u wrote that tre w ch was about 12 U as I remember. If yo u can returne to Thomas Welch or goodman ffowler 10 U w th that lether I sent yo n the last yeare, I will pay the rest to Henry ffield whose money it was that bought them. Hee is lately mar- ryed to a neere kinswoman of my wives. I meane if yo u can make up that 10" I pray you let me heare from yo u what yo u have or can conveniently doe & I will make up the rest, for he calls on mee for the money. This w th my love unto yo u and W m Phillips & his wife. I rest yo r loving Cousen Daniell ffield. Tring May the 10 th . 1642. In the Margent it follows. I writ a former tre how you should find the leather by the marke w ch was this SS: Sup scribed To my very loving Cousin Seth Sweetser of Charlestowne in New England these dd w th trust : This is a true Copie of the Originall tre as it was pre- sented to mee by Seth Sweetser. 26. (9) 1646 An Attestation unto an Acquittance from Hopestill ffoster Thomas Stow Nathaniel Stow & Samuel Stowe unto Elisabeth Ayerst of Maidstone widdow for 60 U by them Received by a deed dated 8? May : 1646. As also to a Release from the said psons unto John Marshall of Speildherst in the County of Kent Clarke & Sibill his wife late the wife of John Bigg late of maidstone gent & to John Ayerst sonne & heire of W m Ayerst late of maidstone de- ceased [Page 36] Salter for & concerning certaine Messuages &c: given by the said John Bigg : & this was by deed dated 8. May - 1 6 4 6 . 28 (9) 1646 Be it knowne unto all men by these pres- ents that we Richard Glover of London Merch 1 & Rebecca Glover wife to the said Rich: Glover & Executrix of the last will & testam* of Matthew Cradock of London Merch* deceased have constituted & in o r place sett & ordeined 44 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. o r trusty & loveing frend Nicholas Davison Merch*. o r true & lawfull Atturney, revoking all former Orders & tres of At- turney whatsoever & to whom soever, hereby giveing & granting unto the aforesaid Nicholas Davison o r full & abso- lute power to aske require leavie recove 1 & receive in o r name for us and for o r use all & singular sume & sumes of money merchandise debts goods & Chatties whatsoever of Richard Stileman William Tyng of New England merch* 8 , & William Collins or any other Agents ffactors what soever, & all & singular persons howsoever imployed formerly by the aforesaid Matthew Craddock deceased, & by us or by o r appointment since, being any wayes indebted to the state of the foresaid Matthew Craddocke in New England or else where by any act or account Indebted to the New England Account of the abovenamed Matthew Craddocke deceased. As also to require leavie and recover of the Treasurer (or State) of New England all such summes of moneys as the afore said Matthew Craddock deceased hath at severall times disbursed for them as p Account formerly sent over ap- peares : Giveing & granting to o r said Atturney o r full & whole power & Authorite in the premises to plaint arrest sue declare Implead imprison cause to be condemned & release the said Debitors, recover & receive & thereuppon finally accord & acquitt, tres of acquittance & all other discharges for us & in o r name to compound seale & Deliver : Atturney or Atturneyes one or more under him to ordeine & sett & at his pleasure againe to revoke : & moreover to doe execute pf orme conclude & finish for us & in o r place as is mentioned afore, all & singular things that shalbe expedient lawfull & necessary concerneinge the premisses, as thorowly wholely & surely as we o'selves should doe, if wee were there in o r owne psons present. And all that ever o r said Atturney shall happen lawfully to doe or cause to be done in & for the premisses we promise to allow ratify pf orme & establish : & thereunto we bind o r selves heires execut & Administrat firmly by these presents. In witness of [Page 37] the truth wee have hereunto sett o r hands & seales. Dated in London the twelfth day of ffebruary in the yeare of o r Lord God one thousand six hundred fourty & fyve. ano l-i Signed sealed & de- subsc: Richard Glover & a seale. livered in the p e sence Rebecca Glover & a seale of us Sam: Downes Ellis Smyth ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 45 This is a true Copie of the Originall as it was p'sented to me the pubb Notary the 28 (9) 14*. Civitas To all Christian people to whom these p e sents Bristoll & shall come to be scene or reade We the Major a scale & Aldermen of the Citty of Bristoll in the Kingdome of England send greeting in o r Lord God everlasting. Know yee that on the day of the date hereof Joseph Perry of the Citty aforesaid Mercer aged twenty two yeares or therabouts came and psonally appeared before us the said Major & Aldermen in the Comon place of Audience called the Tolzey of Bristoll & did depose & affirme uppon his corporall oath voluntarily taken uppon the holy Evangelists of God, that he this Deponent on or about the nienth day of Aprill Anno Dni 1639 was p r sent & did see one John Oliver then of this Citty Linnen Draper but sithence deceased in New England (as is informed) scale & Deliver as his act & deed in due forme of lawe one penall or obligatory Bill Beareing date the said nienth day of Aprill 1639 by w ch the said John Oliver standeth Bound in the summe of sixty pounds of lawfull monie of England for the payment of the sume of thirty fyve pounds three shillings & sixe pence of like lawfull money to Richard Aldworth & John Yong of the said Citty Mercers at or uppon the niene & twentieth day of September in the yeare one thousand sixe hundred fourty & one Now past, as by the same Bill to w ch this Deponent & one John Stone then subscribed theire names as witnesses to the sealing & delivery thereof, may appeare, w 011 Bill being now pduced & shewen forth & this Deponent haveing scene the same doth p r cisely know to be the same bill so sealed & Delivered as aforesaid, the Copie whereof agreeable word for word w th the originall & now compared by us, is hereunto annexed. In testimonie of all w ch , wee the said Major & Aldermen have caused the Comon scale of this Cittie in like cases used to be hereunto affixed, & I the said Major have subscribed my name. Yeoven this sixteenth day of January Anno R Carol &c : Decimo octavo - 1642 Thes Ri : Aldworth Major: This Bill bindeth me John Oliver [Page 38.] 30. (9) 1646. An Attest unto a Copie of a Certificate of the Major of Bristoll under his hand & the seale of the Cittv wherein Joseph Perry testifieth uppo oath that he was 46 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. p e sent & a witnes when John Oliver late of Bristoll now of Newberry (9 th April 1639) did seale & dd unto Richard Aldworth & John Yong a bill obi of 60 U sterl for the paym* of 35 U 3 s 6 d cur* English money uppon the 29 th of Sept 1641. next ensueing. Also a Copie of the said Bill. Also a Copie of Richard Aldworth & John Yongs tre to M r Brewster to Receive the said Bill of the widdow of John Oliver. Also ffrancis Brewsters tre to M r Gerish that married the said widdow for the payment of it to M r ffrancis Norton. Also ffrancis Brewsters tre to Mr ffrancis Norton to receive what was due of the said Bill & to acquitt M r Gerish, w th a receipt uppon the back side of 25 U Rec d by Robert Sedgwicke. Also an Affidavit of John Oliver & another of Thomas Millard wherin they testify that they demanded a part of goods from the ship mary Rose ere she was blowne up & it was denyed them because M r Benet was not then present. 30 (9) 16jjL London 21 th Aprill 1A 20 04 09 of M r Edmund Dennies the summe ) 340508 p me An: Swimmer. eiTors excepted. [Page 58.] May 6 th p Contra M r Samuel Mavericke is Creditor by 9 hhs & part a hhd w ch filled the rest of whale oyle sould unto Richard Warner & Henry Mills li for the summe of ..... 41- Rest due to me An: Swimmer for Ballance of this Acco:* w ch I carry to Acc under neath is the summe of s d -1000 071011 490011 li s d 340508 li s d p Contra is Creditor by 34.5:8 due to you for the neate Ballance of M r W m Lewis his Acc of Clapbord from Malago being 192 peces fruite & 500 Rialls quar* 8 , Sould Edmund Demis at 22 s p C & due the 25 th July next, y e part all charges deducted is 22. (12) 1646. I Tho: Brownell, do acknowledg my selfe indebted to Robt Keaine in the just summe of 6H 12? 4* w ch I pmise to pay to the said Robert or his Assignes in his now dwelling house in Boston at or before 1 (7) 1640. In witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand. I say there is due to Robt Kaine the just sume of 6H 121 4* witnes my hand teste Joseph Harrington. The marke of X Thomas Brownell. Also he acknowledged to have received a note to receive 7 s of of Quednicke. 1 (1) 1646. John Jacob constituted Ambrose Gibbins of Pascataque his Atturney to aske &c of Derbie ffield fyve hundred pound due by bond dat. 20 (10) 1645. & of the receipt to give acquittance also to compound & agree & to appeare in any Court there to require la we ayd &c. to doe say pursue &c: & generally to do what he him selfe could doe if he were present &c: ratifying & c : 22 (1) 1646. Thomas Roode of Boston Atturney irre A SPIN WALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 73 vocable of Nicholas Roe of Glasten in Somersetshire yeoman (as by tre Attuf Dat, 3. Apr: 1646 doth appeare) doth make ordaine &c: Willet of his true & lawfull Attf to aske &c: of Edward Browse all sume or sumes of money or other goods due unto John Roe deceased the sonne of the said Nicholas Roe, & of the receipt to give, &c: also to compound & agree &c: & to appeare before any Lords Judges & Justices, Governo 18 or other magistrates in New Netherland there &c: & generally to do all things &c. rati- fying what by him shalbe so doe according to Law. [Page 59.] 27. (1) 1647. An attest unto a Copie of a Bill wherein Robt Mason of London Merch acknowledgeth to have Re- ceived of Nicholas Davison of Lond: merch* two watches viz 1 one Germaine & another English. 1 piece of cypres. 1 paire of sheetes, & bindeth himselfe heires execut admin: & assignes in xx 1 ^ sterl to Deliver or. cause to be Dd at or before the xxv th of March next ensueing the date thereof, unto the afores d Nicholas Davison his execut 18 or assignes: 10 paire of good & large silke stockings for men. 1 new silke & silver wastcoate knit, w th a silke & silver knit girdle & purse sutable to the same. & 10 faire large stones cutt & fitted to be sett into Rings, viz* 3 Amethists of purple colour, & 7 more of other Colour as good as the three afore- named. Dated. 18? July 1644. Signed sealed & Dd in p r sence of Samuel Moore. Zachary Ashwell. 27. (1) 1647 An attest unto a Copie of a bill wherein Robt Mason of London mercht acknowledgeth himselfe indebted to Nich: Davison of London Merch 4 for 448 Ryalls of plate, & in consideration thereof doth bind himselfe heires execut administ. to pay or cause to be p d to the said Nicholas Davison his heires exer. admist r or assignes at all demands, or to ship or cause to be shipped the true value thereof aboard the Elias at Zaphie Genoa or Leghorne &c where the sd ship Elias of London may or shall discharge, in such goods as by former order Uppon another contract beareing date 9 th of this present month August. Dated the 20 th of August. 1644. Signed sealed & Dd in p r sence of Matthew Woodhouse. W m Wharton. 27. (1) 1647 An Attest unto a Copie of a Bill wherein Robt. Mason of London Merch* acknowledgeth to have Rec of Nicholas Davison of London merch a bill of ladding for 13 Rowles of Tobacco weighing 988 pound nett shipped by the s d Nicholas Davison for his pp account abord the Elias 74 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. of London Capt John Severne Master the w ch bills of lading I accept of the s d Davison, at the signing & sealing hereof for my pper account & am to dischardge the same according to the teno r thereof. And I further acknowldg to have Rec of the s d Davison a bill of two hundred pound of tobacco payable by Matt: Backhouse merch* uppon demand, & another bill of 50* sterl payable by Robt Herne mariner at all demands. In consideration whereof the s d Rob: Mason doth bind himself e heires. execut: adminstr to pay or cause to be p d unto the above s d Davison his heires execut. admin or assignes at Zaphie Genoa or Leghorne 1288 Ryalls of plate or to ship the true value thereof abord the aforesaid ship Elias at some one of the said ports Zaphie Genoa or Leghorne & to take bills of ladeing for the same assigned to David Davison of Lond. merch? for the pp account of the said Nicholas Davison: & in case he should not returne to Lon- don in the said ship Elias, then to DD the aforesaid sume of 1288 Ryalls of plate or the true value thereof unto Matthew Barnes merch of the ship Elias. Dated. 19 th of August 1644. Signed sealed & Delivered in presence of Richard Leighton. George Millar. [Page 60.] 30. (1) 13A1. Know all men by these pntes that I Ancher Ains worth, of Boston Shipwright belonging to the Indevo 1 Bound for Malago &c have Authorised & appointed & do by these presents Authorise & appoint my very loveing brother in law Henry Rashley of the aforesaid Boston my true & lawfull Atturney for mee & in my name to aske demand require recover & receive all such debts &c [& in the conclusion] ffurther I give to my said Atturney full power to sell that piece of ground w ch I bought of Edward Bendall scituat betweene Capt Hawkins & Lieftenant Savage. Dated 8 (7) 1645. Ancher Ainsworth Sealed & Dd in p'sence of & a scale. George Hudson Thomas wyat. Thomas Hudson. Know yee that I Robert Nash of Boston doe acknowledge my selfe to be indebted unto Thomas Joy of the same the just & full summe of fifteene pounds & fifteene shillinges to be payd in Cloth lining & woollen shooes & stockings at Current price due uppon all demands: to the w cb payment I bind my selfe heires executors & administrators, & uppon the discharge hereof all accounts debts & agreements what- ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 75 soever from the worlds beginning to this very day to be utterly quasht, betwixt us two, witnes my hand this- 21 of 2- 47. & what the said Robert hath paid to Hugh Gunnison uppon Thomas Joyes account as can be made appeare by Gunnison or Joy that is due for the said Robert to pay to Gunnison for Joy, I the said Robert pmise to make good & to returne the writeings unto the said Joy now in my cus- tody for such an one as occasion serves, & againe the write- ings to be returned to the said Robert uppon Demand. Witnes Philemon sub: Robert Nash Pormort This is a true Copie of a writeinge p r sented to me Willm: Aspinwall publ Notary : so subscribed & witnessed Ita tester 26 (2) 1647. William Aspinwall Notarius pubb : [Page 61.] 28 (2) 1647. Shipped in good order & well conditioned by mee Nicholas Davison of Charlestowne in New England Merch 6 in & uppon the good ship called the Planter whereof is Master under God for this present voyage Robert Risby & now at Anchor in the Rode of Boston in New England & by Gods grace bound for the Island of Maderas to say, fif- teene thousand three hundred of good sound & merchantable white Oke pipestaves & sixteene tunnes of shaken Caske, to say, in thirty two pieces strongly hooped & nailed & two hundred bushells of good & merchantable Rye Corne for the Account of M rs Rebecca Glover of London widdow of M r Thomas Andrewes of London Merch*, all w ch goods are to be Deliverd in like good order & well conditioned at the afore- said Port of Maderas the danger of the Seas only excepted unto M r Richard Pickford Merchant or in his absence to M r William Bruin Merch* or to theire Assignes, he or they paying freight for the said goods twenty one pounds ten shillings, to say, one third in Moneyes, the other in Sugar & other goods at the prices Currant, the rest of the freight w ch is for the whole purcell of pipe staves being ninty & one pound sixteene shillings, I Thomas Ganier do acknowledge to have Received here according to agreement for liberty to shipp them w th primage & Average accustomed. In witnes whereof I the said Thomas Gainer being both Purser & Mer- chant of the said ship hath affirmed to three Bills of ladeing of this teno r & Date, the one of w h being ackomplished the other two to stand voyd & so God send the good sKip to her Desired Port in safty. Dat in Charstowne the 12 th of Aprill U 76 AspiJstwALL NOTARIAL RECOEDS. The twenty one pounds ten shillings to be payd for freight as above is to be payd the one halfe in Moneys the other in wines at the price Current by agreement of M r Thomas Gainer & Nicholas Davison. Subscr: p Thomas Gainer- [Page 62.] 1 (3) -LS.4-I Know all men by these presents that I Capt Thomas Cromwell do acknowledge my selfe Accountable to Lewis Morrice or his Assignes in the summe of foure hun- dred pounds sterling, w ch said summe I do oblige my selfe to pay unto John Milom Atturney unto the said Lewis Morrice in manner & forme following, vizt one hundred & fifty pound in the good ship called the Expectation whereof John Turner is Mercht. & fifty pounds by Major Robert Sedgwick, one hundred pounds by Cap* Harding & the re- mainder in Copper & other Comodities, unto w ch payments well and truly to be made I do firmly bind my selfe mine execut & administrators by these presents, witnes my hand this xx th of July 1646. subsc: Thomas Cromwell & Signed & Delivered a seale. in the presence of William Aspinwell Notarius publ 10 (3) l~iX Richard Gridley granted a tre of Atturney to Jasper Rawlins to sue Robert Parks of Hartford for breach of Covenant about his daughter Annie Gridley & to recover her out of his hands. 13: (3) 1647. Rich: Russell of Charlstowne Merch* for val two hundred & xxx u alreadie received hath sould unto John Bodington merch* one smale barke about fourty tunnes called the Hope well of New England w th all the mast cables sailes Anchors &c: warranting the sale thereof accord- ing to the lawe of Oleron. as appeared by a deed dated 10 th of Novemb: 1646 p r sented to me by John Bodington. Subscribed Richard Russell Wit: John Mills & a seale Peter Mudd: Richard Russell of Charlstowne Merch* for the value of Iv 11 receaved or to be received hath sould unto John Boding- ton Merch* one catch about twenty fyve Tonns now called by the name of the Judith of New England w th all her Masts sailes &c: & warrantie according to the lawe of Oleron. as appeare by a writeing Dated 10 th Novemb r : 1646 presented to mee by the said John Bodington & subscrib: Wit: John Mills Richard Russell & a seale & Peter Mudd. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 77 13. (3) 1647 I subscribed a Copie of an Order from S r David Kirke unto John Bodington to drawe bills of Ex- change to vallue I 11 uppon M r John & James Kirke & to sell 400 Kintatls of dry fish in New England. Dat. fferneland .3 (7) 46: Sub: Dav: Kirke: This was for acount of M r John Kirk: [Page 63.] Memorandus & Orders to John Bodington. Dat. 1. (8) &-. When he arrives in N: E: to dispose of his goods, & to buy or build a Catch of 40 or 50" or thereabout, & to take advise w th M r Shapley therein, & to let him have the order- ing of all. Also that he & M r Shapley freight a Ship or Catch or other vessell not exceeding 100 tuns for 8. 16 or 24 months at most. This was for the Account of M r John & James Kirke Merch ts in London. Dat. ffer: 1 Octob. 46. Subscr: David Kirke. 13. (3) 1647. A tre of Atturney from Richard Gridley of Boston unto Jasper Rawlins of Roxbury to sue & psecute Robert Parks of Hartford for breach of Covenant touching his daughter Hannah Gridley, and to recover her out of his hands, signed & dated 10 th (3) l 28- (3) ULUL Provircef A * a rt ^l^f e the Maine/ 12'* of August. 1 Whereas Henry Lin late of Pascataquacke in this province goeing from thence to Virginia, & carrieing w th him the greatest part of his estate there dyed, leaveing his wife & foure young children at Pascataquack in a very meane condi- tion & hardly able to subsist, All his goods in this Country amounteth to 14" 18? 10? as by an Inventory exhibited to this Court appeareth, And his estate in Virginia amounteth to 528 l lb of Tobacco as by an Inventory sent from thence appeareth, but what he owes there or elsewhere we know not, but are informed that he was ingaged to divers persons beyond his estate It is therefore ordered by this Court that his house & lott in Gorgiana & all his estate in Virginia shall goe towards the payment of his debts, & that any one or more of his Creditors Repaireing to this Court or to the Recorder shall have tres of Administration for seizing on & recovering the said house lott & estate in behalfe of the said creditors, & the same or any part thereof being recovered to be payd pportionably to them all, the Charge in Recovering the 78 ASPDTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. same being first deducted, & that the remainder of his goods in this Country amounting to 4! 1 18f 10? shall goe towards the bringing up of the children of the said Henry Lin, & theire Mother to have the disposeing thereof for their use, & for confirmation hereof we have hereunto set o r hands the Day & yeare above written./ Rich: Vines r t: gene : Henry Jocelyn Robert Gard Recorded Richard Bonythor Nich: Shapley ffrancis Robinson. This writeing was p r sented to mee by the Widow Relict of Henry Lin aforesaid the 28 (3) 1647 & desired to be entred uppon Record. The originall being so Attested as aforesaid. [Page 64.] 21. (4) . 164 ? Henry Pawning granted a tre Atturney to W m ffurber of Pascataque to Receive all debts due to him from any pson uppon the river of Pascataque : & to make acquittances, or to sue & psecute in due course of lawe. 29 (4) 1647. Whereas Val: Hill stood bound in 2000 U to Edw: Wetheridge & company for Deliverie of a certaine quantity of fish by the last of May or middle of June last w ch quantitie is not yet dd. Know yo u therefore that I W m Aspinwall Notary & Tabellion publ by Authority &c: at the request of the said Edw: Wetheridge and in his name & the name of the Company by vertue of mine office do here ptest against yo n Valentine for not complying w 01 the said Edw: ' Wetheridg & companie neither in respect of the quantity of fish, nor of the time, & that therefore yo u shalbe lyable & yo r estate (wheresoever the said Merch* 8 shall think best to seeke relief e against yo u ) to make good all Damadges w ch the said Edward Wetheridge & the rest of the Merch te either doe or shall susteine for not complying w 01 them. This protest thus written was read & publeshed by me the said Notary unto the aforesaid V: Hill Merch? 29 th of June. 1647. wHereto the said V: Hil replyed that, Course should be taken ere night to satissfy his ingagement. Ita attestor &c: 3 (5) 1647 Whereas yo n Major Rob: Sedgwick &c as in M r Hills: Knowe yo a therefore that I William Aspinwall Not &c as above, protest against major Robt Sedgwick for not complying w th the said Edward Wetheridge & company ASPIXWALL NOTARIAL .RECORDS. 79 That whatsoever Damadge the said Ed: & company doe or shall susteine through defect of theire just quantity of fish or want of complyance at the season appointed yo r selfe & yo r estate shalbe lyable to make it good in what place or Country soever the s d Merch te shall see good to seeke reliefe against yoY This protest thus written was published by me the s d Not. unto the s d Major R: Sedg: the 3 d (5) 1647. whereto he answer : that he had punctually pformed for his part, & that m r Hill pmised also to pforme for his part. Ita attestor &c: [Page 65.] Noverint universi p pntes nos Rob: Sedgwick de Charls- towne et val Hill de Boston in Massach: Mercat. teneri et firmiter oblig. Edwo Wetheridge de Boston p r dict Nanclero fferdinando Body, et Davidi Stephens Mercat. de Teneriff et Thome Tucker de Londino mere, in societate In duobq rnill; libris sterling. Solvend seisd: (2d: fferdinand David et Thorn, predict suo eos alieni aut suo certo Attur : Execut : vel administ. suis Ad quam quidem solucione bene et fid el fafcendu obligacun nos et utrunque uram pse & toto et in solido, hered. exec, et admin, ^s p p r sentes : Sig: Dat. dio primo July 1646. The Cond: of this Obi: is such that if the above named R: Sed: & Val. Hill or either of them do well & truly pay or cause to be pay d unto the said Ed: Wetheridg, fferdinand Body David Stephens or Thomas Tucker or to any of them or to theire certaine Attur. the full & just sume of 11 hun- dred pound sterl in good & merchantable fish at 30 Ryalls p Kintall to be dd at or uppon the last of May w ch shalbe in the yeare 1647. in case theire ship be so soone arrived there or by the middle of June at furdest, that then this obi. shalbe utterly void or else to remaine in full force. The place of paym* agreed on by both parties is at the Isle of Shoales. Sealed & dd in Rob: Sedg: & a scale presence of Valent. Hill & a scale. Rich: Blinman Edw: Mellowes: 27 (5) JAil A Copie of the Originall Bill of sale of the ffrigott Called the Content (of the burden of fourty Tunns) ffrom Capt ffrancis Rawstorne of London unto David Selleck of Boston Merch* for 112" w ch he acknowl- edged the receipt of : w th warrantie against all men from all suites troubles incumbrances claimes & demands perill of 80 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. sea fyre & enemies only excepted. Dat. 2. (7) 1645. & by me attested 27 (5) 47. 3 (6) 1647 Peter Mudd presented to me to be entred certaine Agreements betwixt him & Raph Woory as folloeth. The 29 th of the (5 th ) 1647 It is agreed & Covenanted betwixt M r Raph Woory & Peter Mudd as followeth. Imprimmis Petter Mudd hath ingaged himselfe to become a servante unto Raph Woory for one yeare next ensueing the Date hereof ; to attend the lawf ull occasions of the said Worry as well in the shipp as in the Barbados, or in any other place, at Ireland or England or Holland where the said Woorey shall goe. Itm the said Woory is to pay unto the said Peter the full summe of twenty pounds in such good & Convenient pay as may answer ready [Page 66.] money, w ch is to be paid the said Peter, one third part before he goes from New England & one third part in Barbados & one third part at the expiration of the tenure of one yeares faithfull service. Itm the said Woory is to find the said Peter dyet & all lawfull expences w ch the said Peter shall be at in the carry- ing along of the said Raph Woorys occations where he shalbe imployed about his busines. Itm the said Raph Woory is to allow unto the said Peter the freight of one Tonne of goods unto the Barbados to be Delivered there free of all charges ashore. Provided it be the goods of the said Peter & unto his owne pper Account. Subsc: Raph Woory Peter Mudd 1 (6) 1&A1 Joseph Dorney Atturney to Margaret Car- withen (as by a procuration dated the 2 Aprill 1647 under the teste of Henry Mills Notary Publicke doth appeare) did constitute William Parke of Roxbury his Atturney w th full power to aske receive acquitt & psecute Charles Tainter & George Hull of Connecticot & to substitute one Atturney or more under him witnes my hand. 17 (6) 1647 Be it knowne unto all men by these pntes that I Glaus Cornelious of Rye in North Holland do acknowledge to owe & stand Justly indebted unto Robert Knight Thomas Breedon & Wrath Batherne the summe of thirty & one pounds & ten shillings the w ch I the aforesaid ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 81 Glaus doe bind my selfe my execut & assignes to pay the aforesaid summe at all Demands & for truth I doe here sett my hand & scale Dat in Boston th 13 th of June 1646. Witnes hereunto Glaus Cornelius & John Vellacot a seale. Robert Saltonstall 20 (6) 14_1 A tre of Att e ffrom Thomas Bell of Rox- bury to Joshua Hues of Roxbury & Samuell Jackson of Scituate to receve 28 U of * [Page 67.] 20 (6) 4.1 A tre of Atturney from James Oliver to Jonathan Brewster to attach sue implead &c: James Smith for all debts due from him according to the ordinary fforme. / 21. (6) 1647. Isaac Walker constituted Isaac Allerton his Atturney to aske leavie &c: of Clawse Cornelius & Peter Claws the sume of seven pounds due by Bill & of the receipt &c: & to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to sue &c: & generally to doe &c: Ratifying &c: Also a Copie of the originall Bill of 7 U due from Cloyse Cornelius & Peter Cloise to John Cowdall payable the 3 (4) 1647 in Bev e , Otter skins or money. w tb an Assignment of the said Bill by John Cowdall to Isaac Walker the same day. 21 (6) 164 7 I Thomas Broughton of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Merch* have made ordained constituted & appointed & by these presents doe make ordaine consti- tute & appoint W m Paddy of New Plimouth in New Eng- land Merch* my true and lawfull Atturney & assigne for mee & in my name to aske leavie demand recover & receive of the several! psons here under named the summes of moneys hereafter mentioned viz of Jacob Woolversen brewer fyve hundred guilders due by bill bearing date June the 17 th stilo novo & payable for time & manner of pay as in the s d Bill expressed: Of W m de Key Merch* of New Amsterdam twelve hun- dred fifty & two guilders twelve stivers due to be pay d for time & manner of payment as is expressed in his Bill beare- ing date July the 9 th 1647 as also the bill of Jacob Wool- versen before mencioned June 17 th for the yeare beares date 1647, both w ch said summes are to be received in the New Netherlands at New Amsterdam of the psons who inhabit there. Giveing & by these presents granting unto my said Attl my full power strength & authority the psons before [* This entry seems imcomplete.j 82 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. mentioned (if need require) to sue arrest attach impleade imprison & condemne & out of prison againe to deliver. And alsoe to doe & execute all & every other lawful! act & acts thing & things deed & deeds devise & devises (accord- ing to the manner & custom used & practises in that plan- tation) as well for & about the obtaineing recovery & receipt of the s d severall summes of moneys, as for & about the re- lease & discharge thereof & of every p* & parcell thereof as fully & wholly & in as large & ample manner & forme to all intents & purposes as I myselfe may might or could doe if I were personally present, & what soever my said At- turney shall lawfully doe or pcure to be done in & about the p r misses I the s d Tho: Broughton doe & will ratine & con- firme & allowe by these presents. In witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale Aug. the 21 th 1647. Stilo vet. In presence of Thomas Broughton & a seale Elias Parkman & attested by myselfe. [Page 68.] 21 (6) 164T. Tho. BeU constituted W m Parke & Tho. ffoord Atturney to aske & receive of Tho: Thorneton 4 1 ? 7f due to W m Vsborne & 9." 4 s due to Tho: Watts, by a pro- curation dated .29 (2) 47 from ffrancis Watts execut. of Thomas Watts & William Vsborne made unto Tho: Bell aforesaid. 23. (6) 1647. Robert Knight of Bristoll Merch* consti- tuted ffran: Smith of Boston Cardmaker his lawfull Att r irrevocable to aske & receive &c: of Tho: ffowle late of Boston in N. E: the summe of 12 1 . 1 due by Bill Dated 21 Aug. in the 22 th yeare of o r Sov: Cha: &c: & of the receite &c: Also to compound & agree, & to appeare &c: to doe say &c: w th power to substitute one Att r or more w th like or limited power & generally to do all that himselfe could doe. 28. (6) 1647 fflorence Chapman late of Acominticus constituted W m Hooke late of Salisbury her lawfull Att r : &c: to aske leavie &c: of W m Dixon of Acominticus foure pounds ten shillings due by Bill; & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to sue implead &c: & generally to doe all things &c: 23. (6) 1647. M r Adam Winthrop constituted Isaac Allerton of New haven his Attn r to aske &c: a debt of twelve pounds sterl payable in Bever to himselfe & Benja- ASPINWALL NOTAHLAJL RECORDS. 83 min Gillom. & of receite &c: also to compound &c & to appeare in any Court or Courts in New Netherland or else- where to sue implead & pcute, to attach imprison & con- demne &c: &c. generally & w th power to substitute one Attf or more w th like or limited power. 25 (6) 1647. Articles of Agrement made concluded & agreed uppon by & betwixt Capt. Jelmer Thompson Com- ander of the ship called the greate Garret now rideing at Anchor in Charls river nigh unto Boston in the Massach: Bay, & Cat John Clawson Smale Comand r of the ship called the Bev r now rideing at Anchor in the s d River on the one pt, & M r Raph Woory of Charlstowne Merch* on the other part, this 28 th of July. 1647. Imprimis the s d Jalmer Thomson & John Smale have & doe by these presents absolutely hyre & let theire above said two shipps unto the s d M r Raph Woory, for himself the s d Raph to transport & lade what merchantable goods or Cattle he please from this place to the Barbados: always pvided the s d Jelmer & John shall continue theire Comands over the s d ships & theire Companies. It is likewise agreed that the s d Jelmer & John shall con- tinue twenty dayes from the date hereof in the aboves d River or nigh thereunto & be assistant w th theire men to re- ceive such goods or Cattle as the said Raph Woory shal require to be shipped & likewise to be assistant to the said Ra: Woory w th theire Carpent'. 8 in makeing what shalbe con- venient for the transport of the goods & Cattle the said Ra: Woory shall shipp aboard for the transport to the said Island, the s d Ra: Woory to be at all the Charges for the timber or workmanship what he shall thinck convenient. It is likewise agreed the said Raph shall pay or cause to be pd in manner & forme following 4.C & xxv u sterl for the freight of the s d shipps that is to say twenty pound sterl in ready money, and one hundred pound sterl in present Com- odities & at price as for ready money, the s d Jelmer & John to give a specification of what they shall require, & the said Raph to furnish them therew th as above sf & for 2.C pound sterl thereof to be p d unto the hono red Peter Steveusant. [Page 69.] Governo 1 generall of the new Netherlands, by M r Isaac Allerton uppon Certificate of the Arrivall & delivery of the s d freight at Barbados. & for the other hundred pounds sterl to be pay d . by Assignment upon M r Rich: Smith either in Bev r according to Coven* between M r Woory & the s d Smith, 84 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. or in the same comodities at the same price dd. the s d M r Smith by the s d M r Woory, the other fyve pound sterl. to be p d here in such paym* as the s d Jelmer & John shall require. In consideration whereof the s d Jelmer & John do coven* & agree to Deliv* or cause to be dd. such Cattle and goods as the said Ra. Woory shall shipp aboard the above s d shipps, uppon the s d Island of Barbados, the danger of the seas excepted. It is likewise agreed that in case the s d M r Ri: Smith shall not pay the above s d summe of one hundred pounds sterl. according to time appointed, then M r Isaac Allerton to pay it as afores d to the Gener 11 Peter Steveusant. It is likewise agreed that the s d Jelmer & John shall carry what pvisions & Commodities they have formerly intended to carry. Always pvided it is agreed that of the above s d 30 O u sterl. one huad. & twenty thereof to be p d unto the s d . John Smale or his Assignes at & according as above written w ch is in full paym* for his part w th what he now at present doth receive as may appeare by Specialty under the hand of M r Isaac Allerton. It is likewise agreed that in case either of the s d shipps should miscarry in theire s d voyage, then the other to receive the paym* remaineing Ratum pro Rato, to wit, for the greate Garrett 240? sterl. & the Bever ISO 1 . 1 sterl in the whole. Unto the pformance of all w ch Coven 1 . 8 the sd parties above written do oblige them selves the one to the other in one thousand pounds sterling, to be payd by him that shall defaile in pformance. In witnes whereof the parties to these p r sents interchangably have sett theire hands the day & yeare above written witnes hereunto Jelma Thomas. Richard Russell Raph Woory ffra : Norton. Jan Clawson Smale. In the originall the last section is thus written. The s d parties above written doe oblige themselves the one to the other in one thousand pounds sterling for the performance of them to be payd by him that shall defaile in pformance In witnes whereof they have interchangably sett theire hands the day & yeare above written. But all the 3 Copies have the words above. 4 (7) 1647 Noverint universi : p p r sentes me Rodolphu Woory de Charlestowne apud Novang los teneri et firmiter obligari Tho: Bell de Roxbury in Quadringuit vigint duob q libris sterlinge p solvends eidem Thome sue, certo suo ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 85 Atturnat execut vel. administrat suis ad qua quidem solucio- nem bene et fidelit" faciend oblige me hered 68 execut et adminst r meos firmiter p p r sentes. Dat sigill die 30 mo. Augusti Anno Dni JLSJLI. The Condicon of this obligacon is such that if the above bounden Raph Woory shall pay or cause to be payd unto the above named Thomas or his certaine Att r . exec, or administr. at the house of m r W m Peak Woollen Drap. in Canon streete in London the full & just sume of two hun- dred & eleven pounds sterl (the other bond of the same date not being paid) at or uppon the last day of 7 ^ r w ch shalbe in the yeare of o r Lord 1648. that then this oblig. shalbe voyd & of none effect, otherwise to remaine in full force & strength Seal & dd in p r sence of Raph Woory & a scale Richard Russell : William Aspinwall Nots publ teste mee Peter Mudd [Page 70.] 6 (7) lAAi Strong ffurnell showed me a bill the 6 (7) 47. the contents as followeth. Know all men that I Joseph Godfrey of Newhaven doe acknowledge my selfe indebted to Strong ffurnell soape- boyler at Boston foureteene pounds sixe shillings to be paid in 9 weekes to me in beefe at 3 d a pound & pork at 3 d ob as it is put up fresh he beareing hafe adventure & freight & I the said Joseph the other hafe for the true payment of the above mencioned summe I the said Joseph doe bind my selfe & Administrators in witnes to deliver at Bosto. whereof I have set my hand the 22 th of August. 1647 Witnes Godfre /\ Armitage subscr: Joseph Godfrey. 10 (7) 1647. The Att r : from Tho: Hett of Hull, Coop, late of Stockingham in Lincolnshire unto Ephraime Child of Water- to wne. to receive all rents & arreirages of rents for a certaine house of his in Stockingham Leased unto Henry Taylor as also his writeings and evidences left in the hands of Henry Searsey or any else also to acquitt or compound, also to sue implead pursue &c & generally to doe all things concerning the premisses w th power to substitute. & power allso to sell the said house & land & seale evidences. 14 (7) 164 7 Richard Pierce of Prudence Island in the Narrowgansett Bay did acknowledge the receite of twenty pounds of Elizabeth Dell Executrix of the last will & Testa- ment of Raph Dell of Bow in Middlesex due as a Legacie 86 ASPDTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. unto his wife Susanna daughter of John Wrighte of Walton Abbey parish in Essex yeoman: & doth acquitt & discharge the said Elisabeth of the said Legacie & every part thereof. Signed & sealed the 14 (7) before me the Not. publ. 1647. 15 (7) 1647 Thomas Joye: my love remembered to you yo r wife & children these are to Certify yo u that wee had a very leake ship, that we have beene forced to pump every glasse since we came from thence by reason thereof wee have had greate Damadges, o r beere leakt out our bread mouldy o r fish rotten, all things have gone very contrary against mee, and since I came to the Barbados my companie have been very unruly so that I have little comfort in this voyage, here is no freight to be had, all things are scarce. I hope to set sail w tb in 10 dayes after the date hereof I pray yo u pvide the boards for sheathings & foure hundred foote of pine plank of 2 purches & some 3 purches pray yo u [Page 71.] pvide them for wee Doe intend god willing to be w th yo u very shortly so w th my love to o r partner Shaw & his wife & showe him this letter so 1 rest yo r loving friend* Barbados this 23 of Clement Campion July: Al. This is a true copie of such a writeing showed me by Tho: Hawkins. 20 (7) 1647. Edw. Gilman of Hingham in the Massa- chusetts did constitute Major Nehemiah Bourne, & Rich. Smith late of Ipswich, his true & lawfull Attyf irrevocable Granting &c full power &c. jointly & severally for him & in his name to aske &c: of Capt: Tho: Hawkins late of Bos- ton in New Eng. certaine summes of money due by bond dated 2 (10) 1646. as by the same will more fully appeare, & of receipt to give acquitt: &c. also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c. in any Court or Courts w th in the Kingdom of Eng. or elsewhere to sue implead psecute arrest seize sequester attach imprison &c: & out of prison &c: & generally to do all things concerning the pmises w ch the Appearer him self &c: & what soever his said Att e . 8 or either of them shall doe or pcure &c: the s d Appearer doth hereby ratify &c: In witnes whereof the s d Const? hath hereunto &c: 20 (7) 1647. Isaac Walker of Boston appointed David Evans his Att to aske &c: of Edw: Harrison all such summe or summes of money Debts or merchandise as are due unto ASPINWALL NOTARIAL, RECORDS. 87 him the said Isaac unto his pp account or in partnership w th John Shawe, & to acquitt &c: & to fine implead &c: & gen- erally &c: ratifieing &c: 20 (7) 1647 Hugh Burt of Linne yoeman the elder & Hugh & Thomas Burt his sonns granted a tre of Atturney irrevocable unto James Everill of Boston to receive &c of the execute 8 of Tho: Burt late of Dorkin in the County of Surrey deceased the summe of 30 1 . 1 viz 1 20 1 ? for 2 years an- nuity due by the s d will to Hugh Burt senior. & ten pound a legacie to Hugh Burt Junior & Thomas Burt. & of the re- ceipt &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare &c: to sue &c: & generally to doe &c: & to substitute one Att r or more w th like or limited power. &c: 22 (7) 1647 George Crispe of Plimouth in N. E: planter ordained Robt Crispe of S* Talwins in South wark mariner his true & lawfull Att*. irrevocable granting him power &c: for him & in his name & to his use to aske &c: all rents & arrieradges of rents due to him for certain e lands lying in Sandwich in Kent given to him by the last will & Testam* of George Crispe late of Blac"kwall in Middlesex Shipwright deceased & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to alien &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c: to require law &c: to doe say &c: & generally to doe &c: w th power to substitute one Att r or more w th like or limited power ratifying &c: in p r esence sealed & Deliv- ered of Matt: Smith of Cbarlestowne Cord winder: 22 (7) [Page 72.] 20 (7) i&^l James Everill Att r Irrevocable of Hugh Burt senior & Hugh Burt Junior & Thomas Burt ordained Michael Rainer of ffriday streete, skinner, dwelling over ag* M r Ed: Parks, his Att r irrevocable to aske &c: of the Exe- cute 18 of Thomas Burt late of Dorkin in the County of Sur- rey cordwinder deceased the summe of 30 U whereof 20 U is an annuity for 2 yeares, due to Hugh Burt senior, & 10 U an an- nuity due to Hugh Burt Junior & Thomas Burt & of the receipt to give acquitt: in due forme also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c: to do say pursue &c: & generally to doe &c: w th power to substitute one Att r . or more &c: w th like or limited power. Sealed & Delivered. Dat. 20. (7) 1647. 25 (7) 164 ? Majo r N: Bourne of Boston Commd r of the ship Merchant ordained John Allen of Charlestowne in N: E: Merchant his true & lawfull Att r . irrevocable to aske &c. of MF James Parker, Clerke, now resident in the Isle of Barbados 88 ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. the sume of 45 1 . 1 5 ? 6? as by his ace* will more fully appeare: & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Ministers of Justice in any Court &c: to require la we ayd &c to doe say pursue &c: & to re- ceive an account of 3 great Howies of Tobacco dd him. & generally to doe &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifying whatsoever '&c: Know by these p r sents that I Avis fflemon (now bound for Bilbor in the ship Defence) doe owe unto Henry Rash- leigyh of Boston in New England the sume of six pound six shillings w ch I oblige myselfe to pay uppon demand in Eng- land to the said Henry or Assignes witness my hand. Bos- ton. 9 th Aug. mA. witnes The mark A E of Avis Tho Lake. fflemon 4 (8) 1A1 John Chapfill of Linn in N. E: Collier granted power of Att r to True Chapfill his wife of Bromley in Kent to aske &: of John Waters Tailor of Chittingston in Kent an annuity of 3 11 passed due by deed of gift of the sd True before marriage unto the children of her former husband. & to acquitt &c: & to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: & generally &c: w* 11 power to substitute &c: & ratifying &c: [Page 73.] 6. (8) 1&1 James Wyton of Hingham marriner granted a tre of Att r : irrevocable to Richard Betscomb of Hingham to aske &c: of the execut ra of the last will &c: of Thomas Wyton of Hooke norton in Oxfordshire yoeman deceased a certaine Legacie or Legacies given him by the said last will & of the receipt to give acquittance &c. 7 (8) 1647. At the request of M* Russell I have here entred this ensueing tre of Atturney though it came not at- tested under any publ officers hand. Be it knowne unto all men by these pntes that I W m Jones of or neere the City of Cant 1 in the County of Kent, have constituted ordeined & appointed my beloved friend M r fTrancis Norton of Charls towne in New England my true & lawfull Atturney for me & in my name to aske & demand & to take into his possession all my lands & houses w th moveables now in the possession of Raph Mousall of Charls towne or whomsoever else, & them to sell & convert to my use either in money or Comoditie & one or more At- turneys to make or cause to be made either to gather in the debts or by way of factorage to sell those Comodities w** ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 89 shall come into the hands of my atturney & I doe ratify & confirme establish & allow whatsoever my said Atturney shall doe or cfcuse to be done in the premisses. In witnes whereof I the said William Jones have hereunto set my hand & scale dated the thirteenth day of March in the yeare of the Reigne of o r Soveraigne Lo: King Charles by the Grace of God of Eng: Scot: ffr: & Ire: king defender &c: the 22th & in the yeare of o r Lo: God. 1646./ Sealed & Delivered W m Jones & a scale, in the presence of./ Josias Nichols Ambrose Drayner. 7 (8) 164 7. Bee it knowne unto all men by those pres- ents that I Daniell King of Uxbridge in the County of Mid- dlesex Drap. doe owne & am indebted unto Edward ffirth of Sow'bie in the County of York clothier the Just sume of fiftie nine pounds seventeene shillings & six pence of currant English money to be paid to the said Edward ffirth or to his Execute 18 or assignes at or before the first day of November next unto the w ch payment well & truly to be made & payd at the day above said I the said Daniell King do bind mee my heires Execut: & administ r in the penall summe of one hundred & nineteene pounds fifteene shillings to be payd to the said Edward ffirth uppon default of paym* of the above- said summe of 59 U 17" 06 d at the day above said. In wit- nes whereof to this Bill obligatory I have hereunto set my hand & scale. Dat the 6 ffi day of Aprill. 1639, in the xv th yeare of the Reigne of o r soveraigne Lord King Charles &c: Sealed & Delivered in p r sence Daniell King & a scale of us hereafter named Thomas Bishop ffrancis Wrey This is a true Copie of such a writeing p r sented to mee by Richard Bourne Atturney to the said ffirth & so signed sealed & witnessed as aforesaid. [Page 74.] 9 (8) 1 -^4-I. Noverint universi p p r sentes me Wil- helmus Berry de Boston teneri et firmiter obligari Wilhelmo Hudson Juniori de Boston predict in Quinquagint lib. sterl: Solvend eidem Wilhelmo Hudson sine certo suo At- turnat Execut vel Administ suis Ad quam quidem solucione bene et fidelit r faciend 6 obligo me heredes execut et admin- istrat meos firmiter p p r sentes. Sigillat Dat die octavo Octobris Anno Dni 1&A1. 90 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. The Condicon of this obligacon is such that if the above bounden W m Bury shall pay or cause to be payd unto W m Hudson aforesaid or his certaine Atturney the full & just sume of twenty fyve pounds w tb in two months after the Ar- rivall of the Paragon in England or the 1 s of Aprill w ch shall first happen at the white Hart in Holeborne, that then this present Obligation shalbe voyd & of none effect other- wise to remaine in full force & strength./ Sealed & Delivered W m Bury & a scale in the presence of William Aspinwall Nots publicus Quad virtute officij mei This was made void Rogatus usitato signo attestor by consent & a Bill 9 die Octobris predict. 1647 sealed the 14 th of October. Willm Aspinwall Not publ 11. (8) 1647. John Watson of Camb: N E: yeoman constituted Georg Hutchin of Cambridge afores d wheel wright his true & lawfull Att r for him & in his name to aske &c: of the Execut or Executrixes of the last will of Ric Walters late of Whickam in County of Durham Smith deceased all Legacies sume or sumes of money due to the s d App r : by vertue of the said will, or any other right or title whatsoever legally descending to him from his s d grand- father or otherwise to take receive & dispose of to his use as his said Att r shall think best: w th power to Compound acquit sue implead psecute arrest &c: & generally to doe all thinges &c: 30 (7) li Samuel Cole of Boston in N E: yeoman & Margaret his wife daughter of Isaac Greene late of Mersey in the Count of Essex deceased, constituted Jo: Greene of Hat- field Brodoake in the Count of Essex theire true & lawfull Att r irrevocable granting him power in theire names & steads to Ratifie & confirme unto Edw Joslin of Colchester the sale of certaine Lands lyeing in Mersey aforesaid wherein the said Margar. had interest dureing her life. And deed or deeds of sale to make seale & dd, & to nominate or ap- point two or 4 of the tenants in the said Lordship according to the custome of the Mano r to appeare in the person of the s d Margaret to say doe acknowledge resigne, or any other Act ordered to doe in Court or out of Court according to the usage of the place in the name & behalfe of the said Samuel Cole & Margaret his wife whose psents they repre- sent for the confirmation of the alienation of her right & in- ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 91 erest to the lands aforesaid unto the said Edw: Joslin. Al- lowing what theire said Atturney or any of those two or foure of the Tenants so nominated shall doe concerning the p e misses. [Page 75.] 11 (8) 1647 Major Edward Gibones, Valentine Hill, Thomas Clarke & David Yale merch* 8 appointed Thomas ffowle late of Boston gent & Rob: Harding of the same merch* theire true & lawfull Atturneys irrevocable lnt by & severally for them &e: to aske &c: of the Lo. Byron Baron of Rochdale, S r John Mennes Robt Jones or any other that had hand in the seizure of the Ship Adventu r of Boston whereof J: Cutting was M* as also of the Cargo, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c & to appeare before all Lords Judges & Justices there to require &c: to doe say &c: & generally &c: Ratifying whatsoever theire said Att r : or either of them shall doe in or about the Recovery of the s d ship & Cargo (seized by Author: or warr* from the said Lord Byron in the yeare 1644 as by the s d Lords tre & otherwise will appeare) or concerning the Composittion acquittances suites or other pceedings in Lawe, as fully & effectually to all intents & purposes as if them- selves had beene there present & acted & done the same. In witnes &c: 9. (8) 1647. W m Hudson, Juni, of Boston constituted W m Hudson his ffather his lawfull Attf irrevocable to ask &c: of all & singular pson or psons in the Realme of Eng: all & singular debts summe or sum 8 of money or other Ac- counts due to the s d W m Hudson, Juni, or from any pson or psons w th in the Realme of Engl. & of the receipt to give acquittance or acquittances &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to doe say &c: & generally &c: one Att r or more &c: ratifyeinge &c: In witnes &c: Boston this 9 th of Octob: 1647 9. (8) JJLUL I Wil: Aspinw. Not: & Tabell: pub. by Authorit: &c: att the request of Henry Shrimpton of Bost. in N: E: Att r to M r Jo. Bland of Lond. merch* w l ? him did goe & demand of M r W: Tyng of Boston the sum of 2C & fifty pound due by bond Dat. 4 Apr. 1646. to be p d in Bever, according to a Copie of the s d Bond sent attested under the hand of Ralph Hartley Not: publ. w ch being by me demanded M r Tyng answered as followeth ; 1, he executed his originall bond for that the paym* was here to be made in N E: 2 ly he conceives the pcuration insufficient to secure 92 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. him, because the s d H: Shrimpton is not made Attu r irrevoc- able, neither had he brought him the Originall but a Copie: & for that the s d Attur doth refuse to give him bond to save him harmles. 3 1 ? M r Tyng answ r that after his agreem* w tb John Bland, Edward Bland being principall) sent over Comission & received in N E in p* of his Account the suine of 131 1 2? 5 d whereof he demanded a Discount, but the Attur. said he had no advise thereabouts, whereupon the s d W: Tyng refused to make paym* untill sufficient power might come both to discount w^ him & to give him a full discharge or till his bond be returned him & given in. W ch answer being received, I the said Not r at the request of the s d Attu r according to the order given by the s d Joh: Bland, did in his name ptest against the s d W. Tyng for non paym* of the said Bond & for all Damages w ch the s d Jo: Bland doth or shall suffer by reason thereof. Quod virtute officij &c. [Page 76.] 12 (8) lli Ro: Keayne of Bost: N E: merc ht : did con- stitute Ben. Keayne his sonne & W m Gray at the Cross keyes in Burchen lane Lond. his true & lawfull Attu 1 ? granting them po 1 &c: to aske &c: of all & singula r &c: & in pticl r of W m Willoughby of Wapping mariner, Tho Trowbridge late of N. Haven gent. & Stephen Wilk of Bristol! his execut. heires & admin: or any other (w ch reed & had the 5 bl of oyle consigned to M r James Powell of Bristoll for the use of the Apper es ) all & singula r debt or debts summe &c: & of the receipt to give acquit: also to compound &c: & to appeare before al Lords &c: to doe say pursue &c: & generally &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifyeinge &c* In witnes &c. 13. (8) l&i-I Bee it knowne unto all men by these presents that I Richard Russell of Charlstowne in N: E: Woollen Drap. doe bind mee my heires Execut 8 or Assignes to pay unto M r John Miller of London Merch* or to his Executo rs or Assignes the summe of forty & twoe pounds twelv shillings for a parcell of goods sould mee by M r Thomas Bell of Roxbury in N: E: for his use in the yeare 16-4.6.. w ch payment is to be made by me Richard Russell or Assignes att or uppon the first day of May in the yeare 1648 in Currant Money of England. In witness whereof I have made firmed & sealed this my bill this 13 th of October 1&4-I (ffor his use) was interlyned before sealing & delivery hereof. By me Richard Russell Sealed dd in the & a scale, presence of Henry Shrimpton. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 93 Be it knowne unto all men by these presents that I Richard Russell of Charlstowne in N: E: Woollen Drap doe owe & stand indebted unto Thomas Bell of Roxbury in the summe of ninety six pounds one shilling in currant money of England, ffor the true payment of w ch summe in Eng- land unto him or his Execute 18 Att or uppon the first day of May next ensueing the date hereof I doe bind me heires Execute 18 Administrat 6 . 8 firmly by these presents. Dat. the 13 th day of Octob. Anno Sealed & dd in By me Richard Russell the presence of & a seale. Henry Shrimpton These two Bills are true Copies of the like writeings pre- sented to mee by Tho. Bell aforesaid so firmed & attested, 13. (8) 1JJ. An Attest unto a Realease sealed & dd by Susan ffogg of Salem to Richard Gibb of London Refiner in generall for all Accounts excepting fifty pounds: [Page 77.] 13. (8) 1647 Be it knowne by these pntes that I Will: Willoughby of Wapping in the Count of Midd. mariner do acknowledge my selfe indebted unto ffrancis Smith of Boston in the sume of eight pounds sterl to pe pd unto the s d ffra: Smith or his Assignes uppon the ould Exchang in London at or uppon the last of January uppon Demand. Unto the performance whereof I do oblige my selfe mine heires Execu rs & Administrat rs in double summe witnes my hand & seale this 9 (8) lill. Sealed & dd Will: Willoughbie & a seale. in pntes of William Aspinwall Notarius publ The aboves d ffra: Smith hath assigned the bill aforesaid unto Capt Robt Keine of Boston in N E: for valueable con- sideration by him acknowledged to be received & doth hereby Authorise constitute & ordeine the s d Rob: Keaine his lawfull AttF w 411 full power to aske leavie recover & re- ceive acquitt compound sue implead arrest, condemne &c: & generally to doe all things concerning the p r misses as effect- ually as if himself were present. Thus acted & done in the 94 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. towne of Boston the 9 th of Octob: 1647 w th power to substi- tute one Attu r or more w th like or limited power. FS ffrancis Smith. marke. Quod virtute officij mei Rogatus signo solito attestor. 9'8, 1647. &c. 13. (8.) - 1 6 4 7 Malachi Browning late of Watertowne N E: gent, constituted Capt Robt Harding of Boston his true and lawfull Atturney granting him power to compound & agree w th M r Tho: Browning of Mauldon in Essex Clerke for his title in reversion unto all those lands in Ratchford hundred in Essex wherein the sd Malachie hath an estate in Reversion & the said Composition to take & receive & there uppon to Deliver unto the said Thomas Browning a Release of the said Lands made & sealed by the s d Malachie bearing date w th the s d presents. 14. (8) 1647. Bee it knowne unto all men by these presents that I Thomas ffowle & Valentine Hill of Boston in N: England merchants doe bind o r selves heires Execute 1 " 8 & Administrat unto John Glover of Dorchester tanner in the sume of fifty pounds currant English money w th this Con- dition that the said Thomas ffowle his heirs & assignes shall well & faithfully pay or cause to be payed the sume of therty pounds currant English money unto m r Henry Ashurst or his Assignes at the signe of the 3 Kings in Wat- linge streete Drap. in or before the first of April next ensue- ing the date hereof w tb out delay, then the former obligation of fifty pound to be voyd otherwise to stand in force. In witness whereof wee have sett to o v r hands 23 octob: 1646. Witnesses. Tho: ffowle William Tilly. Val. Hill. Matthew Chasse. This is a true Copie of such a writeinge presented to mee by John Glover aforesaid 14 (8) 1647 so signed. & attested. I granted a Copie 11 (10) 1649. [Written in margin] This was testifyed by the s d wit- nesses to be the deed of Tho. ffowle & Val: Hill, uppon oath taken at Boston 16. (8) 1647 before M r John Winthrop Governo r :/ [Page 78.] 14. (8) 14I John Glover of Dorchester N. E: Tanner constituted M r H: Ashurst of London at the 3 Kings in Watl- ing street Drap. his lawfull .Atturney to ask &c: of M r Tho: ASPLNWALL NOTARIAL RECOEDS. 95 ffowle late of Boston N E: a certaine Bond of fifty pounds Dat. the 23 th of October 1&4-S-. & of the receipt &c: also to com- pound &c. & to appeare before all Lords &c: to doe say persue &c: & generally &c. w 01 power to substitute &c: ratifying &c: 14. (8) lAil An attest unto a tre of Creditt. wherein M r John Whittingham M r W m Paine & M r Robt Paine & M r Jonathan Wade give him Commission to take up goods for them to the value of two thousand pounds & bind them- selves to be responsall for all such goods as their Agent M r William Bartholmew shall take up for theire use. And further M r Whittingham M r W m Paine & M r Robert Paine did transferr the former credit uppon the like bond unto M r Jonathan Wade in case of M r Bartholmews Mor- tality or sicknes: 15. (8) 1647 Rich: Stowers of Charlestowne & Hannah his wife the daughter of Henry ffrost late of Ipswich in the Count of Suff Mariner deceased did constitute Henry Rob- inson of Ipswich aforesaid theire true & lawfull Att r irrevo- cable, granting him power to aske &c. all such rents as are or shall be due to them for a certaine house & garden in Ipswich w ch was the pp inheritance of the said Hen. ffrost father to the s d Hannah scituate neere the tower Church in Ipswich afores d , & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c: & generally to doe all things &c: ffurther granting theire said Atu r . full power to sett lett alien & sell the said house & Deed or deeds of sale or other Assurances to make seale & Deliver according to advise of men learned in lawe. Rati- fieing whatsoever shalbe by him done &c: 16. (8) 1647 Loving S r : I kindly salute : I was informed by this bearer Capt Shap- ley that yo r sonne past by o r Islands, if he had touched here assure yo r selfe he should have beene heartily welcome for the good report I have heard of yo u , though otherwise a stranger unto yo u , Sir this bearer haveing touched here by the appointment of M r Berkly & some men of qualitie in your countrey who had consigned a bill of exchange, & charged it uppon one M r Renner, who ref useing the same, the bearer lost his expectation wherefore I suppose a great deale of Damadg will fall uppon the non pformance, the s d Bill being ptested against, S r if there be ought in this place that may pleasure yo u , make use of April. 18 th . yo r assured loving friend Tho: Tumor 96 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Page [79.] Indorsed To my much respected frend M r Samuel Maver- icke in New England, these. This is a true Copie of such a writeing p r sented to mee the publ Notary by M r W m Berkley the 16 tu . October. 1647 & desired by him to be entr d . 18. (8) 164T. These p r sents witnes that I W m Bury of Boston in New England gent, doe bind my selfe & exe- cute 18 to pay unto Joseph Godferrey of Newhaven the full summe of three & twenty pounds good & lawfull money of England two months after the arrivall of the aforesaid W m in England. Unto the w ch paymt well & truly to be made unto the s d Joseph or his Assignes I have hereto put my hand Dat: the 21 th of Aug: 1647. Witnes Stephen Nowell p me William Bury John Partridge 18. (8) 1647. Md. that I Thomas Trowbridge Merch* do acknowledge that I have received of Henry Webb, Drap. of Boston the sume of ten pound sterl to be laid out for him according to his direction for his advantage for the paymt of w ch I bind my selfe & execute 1 " 8 w ch goods to be sent by the first opportunity whereunto I set my hand the 20 th day of the 7 th month 1639. Boston, the 20 th ) p me Tho"? Trowbridge of the 7 th mo. 1639. j 1636 This was p r sented to me the 18(8)1647 by m r Webbs man to be entred. 19. (8) * 6 4 ? . Henry Withington of Dorchester con- stituted Thomas Smith of London at the Meremaid in Wat- ling streete his true & lawfull atturney irrevocable to aske leavie recover &c: the sume of ten pounds due to him by bond from Henry Sands & Thomas Broughton of Boston & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to sue arrest &c: & generally to doe all things: w 01 power to substitute one Atturney &c: 19. (8) 1647. Noverint universi p p'sentes me Hen- ricus Sands de Boston apud Novang: et Thorn Broughton de Watertowne Colon p diet teneri et firmiter oblig. Hen Withington de Dorchesf. colon. p r dict in viginti libr: sterl- ing. Sol vend eid. Hen r sive certo suo Atturnat. Ad quam quidem solucion bene et fidelit r faciendu obligamus nos et utru'que urum p se toto et in solido hered execut. et Ad- minis t nostros firmiter p p r sentes. Dat. Sigillat. die decimo- nono. Octob. ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 97 The condicon of this obligacon is such that if the above bounden Henry Sands & Thomas Broughton or either of them shall pay or cause to be p d unto M r Tho: Smith at the signe of the mermaid in Watling streete in London for the use of the above named H. Withington the full & just sume of ten pound sterl at or uppon the 24 th of June next ensueing the Date hereof, that then this obligation shalbe utterly void & of none effect, otherwise to remaine in full force or strength. [Page 80.] 19. (8) iiil. Sarah Barnes of Boston the wife of W m Barnes late of Gloucester in N E: being credibly in- formed of her husbands miscarriage of himselfe w th another woman by whom it is reported he hath had a Bastard, but haveing not yet rec d testimonie under any Magistrats hand & he still deserting her as hath done about 3 yeares w th out shewing any reasonable cause, hath therefore constituted & ordeined & by these p r sents doth authorise & constitute m r W m Tory of Waymouth in N E: her true & lawfull Att r : giveing him full power & Authority for her & in her name to make diligent inquiry after her said husband, & whether such reports as goe abroad of his unlawfull & adulterous fellowship w th another woman be true, & if uppon certaine intelligence he find it so to be then doth she hereby Au- thorise her s d Att r for her & in her name & behalfe to sue out a Divorce for her there against her husband. Allowing & confirming whatsoever shalbe so acted & done by her s d Att r : by vertue hereof. And in case there be no cause setled in the Kingdom concerning Divorces or that they cannot be procured: then to bring over such Authentick testimonie of the truth of all things as may be pcured. & also to aske demand receive of & from her husband such Competent allowance as may be judged meete for her main- tenance & for her children: & if need be to sue impleade & psecute by all dues wayes & courses her said husband & to arrest seize sequest r attach &c: & generally to doe all things concerning the p r mises as effectually as if she herselfe were actuall present in her owne pson. In witness whereof the s d constituant &c: 19. (8) i- 6 -A^ Wo r S 1 ! fforty dayes after sight of this my 3 Bill of Exchang my first & second not pd pay or cause to be pd unto M r Nathaniell Eldred or his Assignes the sume of eighty pounds sterling & is in value of Tenn Traine oyle of M r John Manning for yo r Account: & shipped abord the Swallow. I pray yo u make good paym* at the 98 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. day so god keep yo u . Dated in Carbonere this 16 th 7tem- ber. UlAl. Yo r Wo r s^ at Comand Antho: Belbiny To the Wo r Capt Rich Cranely Commission 1 " Navy Mrke lane London./ [Page 81.] 19 (8) 1M1 Majo r Edward Gibones, Val. HiU, Tho: Clarke, & David Yale of Boston in Massachusetts Mercht* constituted Tho: ffowle late of Boston in N E. gent & Capt Robt Harding of the same Merch* theire Attur: irrevocable, granting theire s d Att rs : full power joyntly & severally for them & in theire names & to theire use to aske &c: of the Lo: Byron Baron of Rochdale S* John Mennes Robt Jones or any other that had hand in the seizure of the Ship called the Advent r of Boston whereof John Cutting was Mast r as also of the Cargo, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lo s : Judges &c to doe say pursue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: Ratifying whatsoev r their s d Att r s or either of them shall doe in & about the Ship & Cargo (seized by Authority or warrant from the s d Lo: Byron in the yeare 1644 as by the s d Lor 1 ! Lett r & otherwise will appeare) or concerning the Composition acquittances suites or other pceedings in Law, as fully and effectually to all intents & purposes as if them- selves had beene there p r sent & acted & done the same: In witnes whereof &c. Dat. 15 (8) 1A1 20 (8) iS-4-I Noverint universi p p r sentes nos Edvard Gibones et Valentine Hill de Boston Mercator 8 et Thomas Broughton de Watertowne Mercat: teneri et firmiter obligari Johanni Phillips de Dorchester Yeoma in trecent et trigint. libris sterling: Solvend eidem Johanni Phillips sive certo suo Attur: execut vel Administrat suis. Ad quam quidem solucionem bene et fideliter faciend obligamus nos et utrumque nostrum p pse p toto et in solido heredes execut et Administ meos firmit r p r sentes. Dat. sigillat decimo sept: Octob: Anno Dni $.1 The Condicon of this obligation is such that if the above bounden Edw. Gibones Valentine Hill & Thomas Brough- ton or any of them shall pay or cause to be p d unto the aforesaid John Phillips or his Assignes the full and just sume of one hundred sixty & fyve pounds sterl at or before the last day of July next ensueing the date hereof at the signe of the Meremaid in Watling streete in London, that ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 99 then tiiis present Obligacon shalbe voyd & of none effect otherwise to reraaine in full force & strength. Sealed & dd in presence Edward Gibones & scale, of Willm Aspinwall Val: Hill & seale. Nots publ Tho: Broughton & seale. 20. (8) 1647 Know all men by these presents that I John Whittingham of Ipswich in New England doe make ordeine & constitute my good friend m r W m Bartholmew of the same towne of Ipswich my true & lawfull Atturney to demand recover & receive all such summe or summes of money as are due to rnee from M rs Sarah Paine or any other whom it may concerne for a sixteenth part of the good ship called Sarah to demand recover & receive what moneyes are due to mee for the hyre of the said sixteenth part of the said ship at any time or times, giveing & by these psents granting unto my said Att r : full power & Authority for me & in my name & to my only use to arrest im- [Page 82.] plead imprison & all lawfull wayes & meanes to use for the recovery of the said summe or summes of the said Sarah Paine or whomsoever else it may concerne & being so received recovered & compounded to give or seale acquit- tances or releases as the case shall require, also to make one Atturney or more under him & the same to revoke again at his pleasure, houlding for firme & stable whatsoever act or acts my said Atturney shall lawfully doe or cause to be done in & about the p r misses as if my selfe were psonally p r sent to doe the same, in witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale this 13 th October in the yeare of o r Lord 1 6 * 7- Sealed & Delivered John Whittingham & a seale. in presence of acknowledg- ing the same to be his act & deede before me William Aspinwall Notary publ. the 20 (8) 1AA1. 20 (8) 1647 Noverint Universi p presentes me Val. Hill de Boston apud Novang: Merc teneri et firmiter obligari Johanni Chickley de Bost: p r dic* in ducent trigint quat r libr sterl. Solvend. eid. Johann Chickley sive certe suo Att r execut vel administr suis Ad quam quiden solucionem bene et fideliter faciend obligo me heredes execut. et administ: meos firmit r p p r sentes. Dat. sigill: Die. 16 Octob: 16 *7. The Condicon of this Obligaco n is such that if the above bounden Val. Hill doe pay or cause to be pd to the above 100 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. named John Chickley or Richard Oilman his Assigne Grosser at the Princes arms on fish street hill in Lond. the full & just summe of one hundred & seventeene pounds sterl. at or uppon the twentieth day of July next ensueing the date hereof, that then this obligation shalbe utterly voyd & of none effect otherwise to remaine in full force & strength: Sealed & dd in p r sence p m Vail. Hill. & a scale. of mee William Aspinwall Not 8 publ: 20. (8) 164T. John Chickley of Boston in N: E: mer, constituted M r Hugh Corren & M r Ri: Gilman of Lond. Grocers his true & lawfull Att r . s irrevocable granting them full power &c: to aske &c: of all & singul r debt 1 ' or debt 68 of theirs w th in the King* of Eng: all debts & Acco n . t8 summe or summes of money goods or Merchandise, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c. also to comp: &c: & to appeare before all Lo: Judges & Just: &c: in any Court &c: to doe say &c. & generally &c: w th power to substitute one Att r or more &c: Ratifying &c: 20. (8) 1647 Peregrine White constituted Capt Robt. Harding Att r irrevocable to aske &c: of Judge Prother (who was a principall Actor in the seisure of the ship Advent r & pmised a legall hearing but did not pforme it) or any other pson who may be concerned hereby as assistant in the seisure of 800 weight of Tobacco his owne pp adventur & ten mooseskins of his, & for his Commission for 5 months after the rate of 3 U p month: & of the receipt to give &c: also to [Page 83.] compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c: in any Court &cr to doe say &c: & generally to doe &c: w th power to substitute &c: Ratifyeing &c: 20 (8) i-S-^l At the request of M r Hawkins & Nath. Long Att r or Agent for Capt Thomas Hawkins late of Bost: I W m Asp: Not & Tabel: publ by Authoritie &c: (together w th the s d Nath. Long & James Neale Merch ts ) did goe unto Ed: Gilman of Hingham, w th a Copie of an agreem* betwixt the s d Tho: & the said Gilman in my hands, w ch I did show unto him & read so much of the same unto him in p r sence of the s d witnesses as did concerne himselfe to performe. And did in the name of the s d Tho: Hawkins protest against the said Gilman, and further by these presents do ptest that whatsoever Damages the s d Capt Hawkins hath or hereafter may susteine by his breach of covenant & want of the Masts w ch by Covenant said Gilman was to deliver the last of [blank] ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 101 &c (as further in the s d Covenants beareing date [blank] may more at large be scene) he the s d Oilman or whomsoever also it concerned in the said Covenants or the pformance thereof, shal be lyable unto, and responsall for in time and place convenient. Thus acted & done in the towne of Boston, in the p r sence of the witnesses aforenamed the 20 th of Octob. 1647. The answ r given at the same time by the s d Gilman is as followeth. I 8 . 1 that all the masts were readie before the day, but by providence were burned. 2 1 ? that they are all now readie. 3 1 ? that none came in Capt Hawkins name to demand them at the day appointed. 4 1 ? that he is readie to make good all damages w ch may be charged uppon him for any neglect of his. w h answer being wel heard & understood I have here truly related. Quod &c: 25 (8) 1647 M r Thomas Alcocke, Loueing and kind brother my love remembered unto yo u & my sister & all yo r children hoping in God that yo u are in good health as I & my children are at this present time now praised be the Lord for it. Brother the cause of my writeing to yo u is this, I heard not from yo u a greate while until m r Richard Wright brought me newes that yo u were well, but he could tell me nothing concerning my children w ch is a great grief e unto mee. The parting from them was a great griefe unto mee w ch brought me nee re unto death but the Lord in mercy raised me up againe, blessed be the Lord for his mercie unto mee, But since m r Wright came over & can tell me no newes from them, w ch is a great griefe unto mee, & I am afraid that they are not well because it pleased God to take away my Brother out of this world before they were able to helpe themselves. w ch makes mee the more fearefull that that they be not so looked unto as if it had pleased Almighty God that hee had lived, for then he would have beene a father to them by his pmise unto mee. Yet if they be w th any of his friends I hope they will use them well for his sake. Brother my love remembered unto M rs Alcock & her children hoping in God that they are in good health the Lord revive his mercie unto them. And brother my earnest desire is that yo u would be pleased to doe so much for mee as to send mee a tre from yo u of them, & who they be w th , & what trade they be, I should be very glad to see yo u or them if it might please God that it might be soe; if not, I must be content as well as God will give mee leave. The Lord in mercie to blesse us all & give us all grace to serve him as we ought to doe, 102 ASPINWALL NOTABIAL RECORDS. [Page 84.] And so I rest yo r loveinge sister Elizabeth Whitehead of Lemintun priors. Anno Dni X&4JL Dated the 10 day of March. M r Francis Hall had my children over w th him, he did live in Buckingtun parish where my Uncle Darbie lives before he came over, but I doe not know whereabout he is planted, whether neere unto yo u or far of. He sent a tre or two unto his ffather since he came over, but nothing of my children w ch makes the more doubtfull of them. This is a true copie of such a tre presented to mee by Thomas Alcock aforesaid. 25 (8) 1647 W ch Thomas Alcock constituted John Thompson his Atturney to aske demand recover & receive of ffrancis Hall of New haven the two sonns of the said Elizabeth to witt John Whithead & Thomas Whithead & them hither to send unto him theire uncle to be disposed of, & to sue implead & psecute the s d ffrancis Hall for detaining them contrary to the trust reposed in him, & to recover just damages, allowing what he shall do therein./ 25 (8) 1647 Bee it knowne by these pntes that I W m Bury of Boston in N E: gent, doe acknowledge my selfe in- debted unto W m Hudson of Boston aforesaid the younger in the summe of twenty-five pounds due unto him for dyet & clothing w ch I doe Covenant to pay unto the said W m Hudson or his Assignes at the signe of the Cock at M r Joshua ffoots shopp at or uppon the first of March next ensueing the date hereof. Unto the true payment whereof I do bind my selfe my heires execut. & Administrat in double sume. witnes my hand & seale this 14 th of Octob: Anno D ni 1AA1 Sealed & d d in William Bury presence of & a seale William Aspinwall pub Notary Malago the 9 th of Aprill l^O. 4 (9) 1647 M r Roger Bathorne. These are only to intreate yo u to hono r the Acceptance of what Bills of Exchange M r Robert Knight shall have occasion to passe on yo u to the value of two hundred & fifty pounds that he may declare from N: England or N: foundland for the furnishing ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 103 his occasions in these pts. the p r sent not offring els doe Comitt yo u to God & rest Yo r loveing brother to Comand Wrath Bathorne Deposed in Court 29 (8) 1647 to be a true Lett r of Credit by Robt Knight: 11 (21) I granted a Copie hereof under mine hand. [Page 85.] 4 (9) ULAX Val: Hill of Boston Merch* constit. Isaac Allerton of N. Haven Merch* his lawfull Att r : granting him full power &c: to aske &c: of Thomas Bushrode of Kikatm in Virginia Merch* 24 C of Porke & 60 barr 118 Indian Corne due by bill, & 1850 lb w* of Tobacco uppon Account under hand of the s d Bushrode, & of the receit to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c. there to require &c: to arrest &c: & generally &c. Ratifye- ing &c: 11. (9) 1647 Samuell Adams & Mary his wife daughter of E man ell Eglesfield late of London haberdash. doe make or ordaine &c: Peter Bracket of Braintre in N: E. Yeoman theire true & lawfull Att r : granting him power &c: to ask &c of & from the Execute 18 of the last will & Testam* of Elizabeth Eglesfield her grandmother a certaine Legacie due to the s d Mary. & also to demand & receive of the exec: of Emanuel Eglesfield what soever is due or comeing to the s d Mary by the death of her sister Hannah Egglesfield or her brother Samuel Eglesfield, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: and to appeare before all Lords &c: in any court &c to sue impleade &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute one Att r &c: Ratifying what sover shalbe by them done &c: revoking all former trs of Atturney. 15 (9) 16*7 Mr. James Carie brought a token in a bagg closed up from Oliver Callow Mariner from Newfoundland to Henry Messinger, w 011 he Delivered to Sarah the wife of Henry Messinger in presence of me W m Aspinwall publ Notary, in whose presence it was by her opened, & at her request by me the said Notary tould, and was found to be the just summe of seven pounds sterl: Quod attestor virtute officij mei. 15 (9) J- 6 -X 11 (9) 16 4 7 Josias Stanborrough of Southampton on Long Island granted a tre of Att r to Hesekiah Usher of Bos- 104 ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. ton bookseller granting him pow r in his name & in his wives name the daughter of H: Gransden of Turnbridge in the County of Kent gent, deceased to aske &c: all Rents &c: w ch are due or comeing to his said wife ffrancis by vertue of the last will &c. of H. Gransden aforesaid & of the receipt to give acquittance in due forme, granting him power to capitulate & agree w 01 Capt Henry Hatcher or any other for the sale of his wives right & interest in the lands of the s d H. Gransden lyeinge in Stansteed Rotham & Ash in the County of Kent, promiseing & granting his s d Atturney that whatsoever Contract or Composition his s d Atturney shall make w th the aforenamed H: Hatcher or any other concern- ing the right of his wife ffrancis in or unto the Lands afore said, he the s d Appearer & his wife shall ratifie & make good, & that such Assurance as by advise of Counsell shalbe devised for confirmation of the said sale, the s d Appearer & his wife shall firme scale & deliver uppon reasonable demand at any time hereafter : also power to sue for all such rents as are due if neede shalbe. [Page 86.] 15 (9) ISJJL Josias Stanborrough granted unto Heze- kiah Usher of Boston bookseller a tre Att r irrevocable grant- ing him full power &c: to aske &c: the rents of a house & garden in Banbury & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to doe say pursue implead &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute one atturney &c: also to set lett alien & sell the said house: & garden in Banbury given & bequeathed to him by the last will &c of W m Stanborrough his ffather late of Cannons Ashbie in Northamptonshire deceased & deeds of sale to make seale & deliver. 16. (9) 1&A1 Mary Branden the widdowe of W m Bran- den late of Aston Clinton in the Count of Buckingham doth constitute Richard Baldwin of Milford in N: E: her true & lawfull Atturney granting him power to aske & receive an account of W m Branden & Th: Branden sonns of Th: Bran- den of Putnam in the Count, of Hertford yeoman of & for a certaine Messuage & lands in Aston Clinton aforesaid due & comeing to her & her son by vertue of her husbands last will & testament, & of the receipt to give acquitance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c: in any Court &c: to doe say &c: & generally to doe all things &c: ratifyeinge what shalbe by him done. 17 (9) I-S-i-l John Holman of Dorch: gent, hath made ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 105 &c: M r Tho: Bishop of Bredport in the Count Dorset merch* his true & lawfull Att r : to aske & receive all such Rents as are or shalbe due unto him out of Bar wick fferme in the parish of Swyer in Dorsetshire by vertue of the last will &c of Morgan Holman his ffather deceased & of the receipt to give acquitt: &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords Judges &c: to doe say sue &c: & generally to doe &c: ffurther granting his s d Att r : power to alien & sell all his right & interest in & to the said Barwick fferme or any part thereof. & deed or deeds of sale to make scale & deliver in his name, and to doe all act or acts thing or things necessary & behoofefull. Ratifying hereby & con- firming irrevocably whatsoever &c: 19. (9) 1647 A Certificat that Major Edw. Gibones hath payed 354 13? 6 d for Capt Combs he being arrested by ffrancis Willoughby at the suite of M r John Hayes, being bailed by M rs Gibones in her husbands absence 30 (8) 40. & acknowledged payd by M r Willoughby. 22 (8) 47. [Page 87.] 19. (9) *647 Peter George of Braintre Oatmeale maker & Mary his wife the daughter of John Rowneing of Hunden in the Count of Suff: Deceased, did constitute Peter Bracket of Braintree in N: England theire true & lawfull Att r : &c: to aske: of the Executo of the last will & testament of the said John Rowneing or any others from whom the same may be due or comeing to them, a certaine Legacie granted unto the sd Mary after the Decease of her former husband Symon Ray, & of the receipt to give acquittance in due forme, also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c: in any Court &c: to doe say sue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: ratifyeing &c irrevocably whatsoever theire said Att 1 : or his substitutes (w ch by these presents they doe Authorize him to make) shalbe done or pcured to be done &c: 19. (9) 1-JJ. Nathaniell Wilson of Roxbury constituted John Wilson of Halifaxe in Yorkshire cloth-worker his true & lawfull Atturney granting him power &c: to aske &c: of the Exer: of Nathaniel Holgate of Halifax deceased or the Exer of them a certaine Legacie given him &c: & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords Judges &c: to doe say &c: & generally to doe &c: wi th power to substitute &c: Ratifyeing & confirming irrevocable whatsoever shalbe done by his s d Att r or Subst &c: 19. (9) 1647. Henry Sandis constituted Tho: Bell of Roxbury his true & lawfull Att r : granting him power &c: to 106 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL aske &c: of Capt Robt Harding the sume of one hundred fifty sixe pound xviii 9 due to him for a parcell of Moose skins, sould unto the s d Capt Harding, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c: in any Court &c: to doe say pursue &c: & generally to doe all things &: confirmeing and ratifying irrevocably &c: 20. (9) 1647. Whereas there be certaine lands lying in the parish of Rickmans worth in the Count. Buck, now or late in the possession of Henry Lane or of John Lane to the use of the s d H: Lane, w ch lands after the decease of the s d Henry doth rightly descend to Job the sonne of James Lane of great Missenden in Bucking: Now Job Lane of Dorchester N: E: doth constitute M r Lenthall minister of little Hamden in Bucking: his lawful Att r : w th power to appeare for the said Job in Court & there to doe all acts &c; according to the custome of the place, & all duties to pay & all w ch he shall doe by vertue hereof he doth ratifie &c: [Page 88.] 22 (9) lii Boston y fl 24' of Aug: !A1 Know all men by these p r sents that I Joseph Godfrey of Newhaven in New England gent: do acknowledg my selfe to owe and stand indebted unto James Astwood of Roxbury in New England yeoman the full & just summe of twenty one pound seventen shillings of good & lawfull money w ch I promise & ingage my selfe to pay or cause to be paid to him or his assignes at or before the 29 th of September next ensueing at the dwelling house of Hezekiah Usher in Bos- ton, To the w ch payment well & truly to be made viz*: in money bever moose or otter skins I bind my selfe my heires Execute Administrat firmly by these p'sents to doe & pforme the same, in witnes whereof I have sett to my hand & seale the day above written namely the 24 of August. 16.11 witnes Hesekiah Usher Joseph Godfrey Thomas Thorowgood. & a marke. I granted a Copie the 11 (4) 1648. Boston y e 24 of August 1&1 22 (9) 1647. Know aU men by these p r sents that I Joseph Godfrey haveing received of James Astwood of Rox- bury a pcell of goods amounting to twenty one pounds seventeene shillings & having bound myself to pay it by. the 29 th of September next ensueing the w ch if I faile to doe I doe ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 107 by this ingage & bind my selfe to pay the said James Ast- wood in England at or before the first of June next ensueing w ch wilbe in Anno Dni 1648 & to pay three shillings & foure pence on the pound more w ch will amount to twenty fyve pounds ten shillings, the w ch this last payment if I faile to doe, I pmise to pay unto the s d James Astwood or his Assignes not only the principall but all the damage that shall fall on him by reason of the non payment all w ch ex- pressed in this Bill I bind my selfe heires executo & Ad- ministrat by these presents & also to pay him in current money of England, in witnes whereof I sett my hand & seale the day above written namely the 24 of August J-fi-*-l. witnes Joseph Godfrey Hezekiah Usher & a marke Thomas Thorowgood. These are true copies of the like writeings presented to mee W m Aspinwall publ Notary the 20 th (9) 1647 by the above said James Astwood. 22. (9) 1647. Bee it knowne by these p r sents that I Abraham Shurt of Pemmaquid doe constitute & appoint Robert Knight of Bristoll Merch* now residing at Boston in N: England my true & lawfull Atturney, granting him full power & Authoritie for mee & in my name to aske leavie re- cover & receive of John Manning of Boston merch* & Nicholas Treroise of Charlstowne mariner the summe of Seventy pounds ten shillings sterl due by bill dated the 13 th May 1643 & all damages due for forbearance, & of the [Page 89.] receipt to give acquittance in due forme, also to sue implead arrest imprison & psecute in due course of lawe, and gener- ally to doe all things concerning the premises w ch I my selfe might do if I were personally p r sent w th power to substitute one Atturney or more under him, ratifyeing hereby whatso- ever shalbe done by them by vertue hereof, witness my hand this 27(7) J^il. Seald & dd Abraham Shurt in psence of & a seale William Aspinwall Notarius publicus./ 22. (9) 1647. Bee it knowne by this p r sent obliga- tion, that John Manning Merch* & Nicholas Treroise both living at Mathusetts bay in New England. At p r sent being in the Hand of fyall & bound for the said port in New Eng- land in the Rebecca, that we doe owe & acknowledge 108 ASPLN T WALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. o'selves to be indebted unto William Pennicott resident in the Hand of fyall the full & lawfull sum of seventeene pounds & tenn shillings sterl the w ch we above named John Man- ning & Nicholas Treroise doe oblige o r selves to pay unto W m Penicott or to his assignes w^in the time or space of sixe months after the date of this, in the Island of fayall the value of the said summe of money in good dry fish traine oyle pipestaves & hoopes of each sorte the quantity that I William Penicot shall think good allowing for the s d goods as the price current shalbe at that time in this Island for ready money. And if that in case the said M r John Manninge or Nicholas Treroise should any wise miscary the w ch God forbid, that then the full summe of seventeene pounds & ten shillings sterl shalbe satisfyed or paid to the above W m Penicot or twoe his Assignes in New England by theire Executo r8 administrate or assignes in good & lawfull money of England, And further it is agreed that in case either of the aforenamed parties after theire arrivall to New England shall neglect to send the said goods to the value of the said summe in the space of two months after theire arrivall that then they shall pay the said summe to Abraham Shurt Merch* & in his absence to M r Roger Gard & in the absence of them both to M r . Samuel Maverick all liveing in New England, ffor the prformance of w ch we do oblige o r psons goods & the said Shipp the Rebecca. In witnes whereof we have affirmed to two of this date w^ o r hand & scales one of w ch being satissfyed the other to be voyd, this in fayall the 13 of May 1643. Signed sealed & dd John Manning & a seale in the p r sence of us Nicholas Trerise & a seale Abraham Y"ee John Risdon. Endorsed./ 22. (9) 1A4JL I Robert Knight Atturney unto Abraham Shurt & W m Penicot doe acknowledge to have received of John Manning & Nicholas Treroise of Boston in New Eng- land a bond of sixty pounds payable the first day of June 1648 in merchantable dry cod fish as the price Current shall govern [Page 90.] then when it shalbe due, w h is in full of this w ffi in specifyed obligation. And therefore I doe fully release acquitt & dis- charge the fore said John Manning & Nicholas Treroise from ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 109 this w th in specifyed & all others of the same nature, & for truth I doe sett my hand & scale, Boston the 20 th 9 ber : ll witness hereunto p r Robert Knight Robert Nash & a scale James Neale William Aspinwall Notarius publ. 22 (9) 1647 Nove r int unive r si p p r sentes nos Nicolau Trerise de Charlstowne in Nova Anglia Nauce er et Johanne Manning de Noddles Island in nova Anglia Mercat teneri et firmiter obligari Samuel An[drews]et Johannem Gard insule de faiall in regno Portugallia mercator executor 68 administr: vel assignatis nostris in Quingnites Coronatis bene et legalis moneto Portugali, ad quam quidem solucionem bene et fideliter faciendu. obligamus nos et utrumque nostrum p se et p toto heredes et executores nostros sigillo nostrorum sigillat. Dat May 1643. anno, i:/ The Condition of this obligation is such that if the w^in bounden Nicholas Trerice & John Manning pay or cause to be paid in this Hand of fayall unto Samuel Andrews & John Gard or either of them or theire assignes at or before the end of November this p r sent yeare one thousand six hundred fourty & three the just sume of one hundred thousand Reis portugall Monie that then this p r esent obligation to void & of none effect, or if in case the above s d Nicholas Trerice & John Manning pay or cause to be paid in New England unto Roger Gard the above s d summe or value of one hundred thousand Reis w th fourty p cent pfit takeing a discharge of the s d Roger Gard that then this obligation to be void & of none effect or else to stand & remaine in full force power & vertue Dated ut supra & witnessed w th o r hands & scales Signed sealed & dd Nicholas Treriese in presence of us John Manning John Townesend Thomas Totnell John Wilson Wee whose names are here under written doe certify that the above is the true Copie of an obligation w^ wee have seen uncancelled in the hands of Samuell Andrewes & John Gard in witnes whereof we have sett o r hands in the Hand of ffayall the 28 th of March 15-il Nathaniell Long Augustine Walker John Hanneford Endorsed. 110 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. [Page 91.] I James Neale Atturney of John Gard & Samuell Andrews doe acknowledge to have received of John Manning & Nicholas Treroise the summe of one hundred thousand Reis in full of this w th in specifyed Bill & do hereby acquitt & discharge the said Manning & Trerice of & from the same, & hereby oblige my self & the said Gard & Andrews to cancell the said Originall Bill at my arrivall at fyall or send it to the said Manning or Trerice w th acquittance from the said Gard & Andrewes witness my hand this 10 th day of November 1647. I say hand & scale the day & yeare aforesaid Witnes hereunto James Neale & a scale. Robert Knight William Phillipps William Aspinwall Notarius publ. 22 (9.) 1 6 4 ? Bee it knowne unto all men by these p r sents that wee Samuel Andrewes & John Gard Moron* now Resident in the Island of fayall in the Kingdom of Portugall have made constituted ordained & appointed & by these presents doe make constitute ordaine & appoint James Neale of this Island of fayall Merch* o r true & lawfull atturney for us & in o r names steed & place & to o r use & behoofe to aske demand leavie recover & receive of & from John Manning & Nicholas Trerice of New England or either of them all & singular such summe & summes of money due & oweing unto us by & from the said John Manning & Nicholas Trerice by virtue of one or more several! bills obli- gacons or writeings obligatory under the hands & scales of the said John Manning & Nicholas Trerice as by the same more at large may appeare Giveing & by these p r granting o r said Atturney James Neale o r full and whole power & Authority the said John Manning Nicholas Trerice uppon every or any of the said Bills obligations or writeings obliga- tory (if need require) to sue arrest implead & psecute by all lawfull ways & meanes in any parts places or Kingdomes before all & every or any Judge Justice Minister or Minis- ters of the Lawe whatsoever, and uppon receipt of such summe & summes of money the said Bills obligations or writeings obligatory & every or any of the same to Cancell & Deliver up to the said John Manning & Nicholas Trerice & theire assignes, or tres of Acquittance or other sufficient discharges & releases to make scale & as o r act & deed to Deliver to the said John Manning & Nicholas Trerice, & also Atturney or Atturneys one or more under him the said James Neale (if need be) to make substitute & appoint, and at his will ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Ill & pleasure againe to revoke & recall, & generally to act doe compound conclude agree pforme & finish all & every act & acts thing & things necessary to be done & performed touch- ing the premises as fully & amply as if we our selves were psonally present at the effecting thereof. In witnes [Page 92.] whereof we have hereunto put o r hands & scales in the island of ffyall this eighteenth day of March Ann Dni l $ 4 1. Sealed & dd in the presence of us Nathaniell Long John Gard & a seale. Augustine Walker Samuel Andrewes John Hanneford. & a seale. 23 (9) 1647 Thomas May hew of Martins Vineyard Mercht (Guardian to Tho: Paine son of Thomas Paine of London Merch* by the voluntary choice of the said Tho: Paine made before sufficient witnesses the 14 th of October last as further is certifyed under the seale of the Country) did constitute Capt. Robt. Harding of Boston in N: England & M r Samuel Shepheard of Cambridge in N: England his true & lawfull Att r grant- ing them power jointly & severally for & in the name of the said Appearer but to the use of the said Thomas Paine to enter & take possession of the lands & Tenements of the said Thomas Paine scituate & being in Whittlebury in Northamptonshire & lease or leases of the said lands to make for the space of two yeares provided no such lease be made in reversion, also to aske leavie recover &c: all rents arrierages of rents Issues or other pfitts of the said lands w ch are or shalbe due to the said Thomas Paine the heire or unto his Guardians for his use, & of the receite to give acquittance & c also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c: to doe say &c: & generally to doe all act or acts thing or things needfull & c : w th power to substi- tute &c: Ratefying what soever shalbe by his s d Att r or Sub- stit done &c: revoking all former tres of Att r : 22. (9) 1647 Anthonie Low granted a lett r Att r to John Prick Tallow chandler in Alderman Bury to receive a Legacie given him by the last will & testament of Mary Smith late of Cheapside or Aldermanbury deceased, of & from the Executo of the said Mary Smith or the Execute 18 of them, w lh all pfitt due for the same, & of the receipt &c: & to compound & agree &c & to appeare before all Lords &c: to doe say & c : & generally to doe &c: ratifieing &c: 112 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 22 (9) 1647 John Phillips granted a tre Att r to Tho: Smith of London dwelling at Meremaid in Watling streete generall for all debts & all psons: 22. (9) 1647 W m Hamond granted a tre Att r unto Thomas Hamond his sonne to aske & demand of the Lord of the manor the possession of certaine lands in Lavenham in Suffolke w ch were the possession of Rose Steward his mother, & composition for the same to make w m the Lord : Avouching & Ratifying &c [Page 93.] I Edward Wells of Boston in N: E: doe ingage my selfe to deliver to Capt Gibbins for the Account of Valentine Hill of the same the just half e pte of what I receive of Edw. Harrison in Virginia uppon a Bill of fourty eight pound three shillings & 6 d> w cb is due to the said Valentine & Edward, witness his hand this 13 th Sept. 4_I the said Valentine to stand to halfe the charge of Recovering it. witness Edward Wells. .John Hill. This is a true Copie of such a writeing p r sented to mee the 30 (9) by Valentine Hills man. [Page 94 blank.] [Page 95.] 23. (9) 1647. I testifyed unto a Copie of a first Bill of Exchange for ten pound Drawne by Rich: Denny uppon M r Robert Keyes of Newbery in N: England, beareing date 7 th May 1647 to be paid to M r Rich: Scott at 20 dayes sight. w ch Rich: Scott assigned the same to Edw: Hutchinson of Boston the 10 th August 1647. Under w ch was an Answer from Sarah Kyes widdow w ch I did believe to be her hand./ 23. (9) 1647. ffrancis Wainewright & Phillip his wife of Ipswich in N: England, did constitute W m Norton Merch* theire lawfull Att r to recover & receive for them a Legacie given the said Phillip by the last will & testamt of Georg Sewell of Hasted in the County of Essex deceased w th power to compound sue acquit & generally all acts con- cerning the p r misses. also to receive Rents & sell or alien such lands as are given to the s d Phillip by her said father Georg Sewell. Ratifying irrevocably whatsoever shalbe by him so done. Unto w eh (bearing date 20 th November ASPINWALL NOTARIAL. RECORDS. 113 .1647. I gave a pbable attest uppon the witnes of M r John Norton. 23. (9) 1647. Also I made another tre of Att e ur- ney to John Tuttle of Ipswich. Dat. 25 (5) according to the former teno r . & 23. (9) $-1. Edw. Bendall of Boston in N E: consti- tuted M r Hen Hoop upholster at the Sun & Globe in Cornewall his Att r to recover 20 U of M r John Bewford w th due damages, granting him power of substitution. 23 (9) 1&I. Benjamin Gillam ordered Thomas BeU to pay his Bills of Exchange to John Parke or his assigues out of the pduce of his pt of the Cargo, & if that ffall short yet to satisfy & ingaged his body & goods to make him satisfac- tion. 25. (9) li. ffrancis Smith granted a tre of Att r w th full power to sue & psente Capt ffrancis Champ'noone & Conveying a mare & coult he bought of the said & Capt Champ'noone recovered a judgment for the same agt ffrancis Smith wherein he gives him power of substitution. 23 (9) iL. Boston in New England 23. (9) Bee it knowne by these pntes that I William Hudson of Boston Junior do acknowledge my selfe indebted to Lewis Kidbie of London mariner in the just summe of twenty fy ve pounds sterl to be paid unto him or his Assignes at M r Joshua ffootes shopp at the Cocke in gracious streete in London by fyve pounds a yeare, yearly uppon the 28 th of ffeb: The first payment to be made the s d 28 th of ffeb: one thousand six hundred fourty & nine. & so successively each 28 th of ffeb: in the yeares ff olio wing Untill the same be paid. Unto the true pformance whereof I doe bind my self mine Execute 18 & administrate 1 ' firmly by these presents. [Page 96.] Witnes my hand &seale this 23 th of Novemb r 1647. Sealed &d d William Hudson in presence of & a scale. William Aspinwall Notarius publ. Christopher Lawson 11 (10) 1*4-1. Agnes the wife of W m Edwardes of Hartford uppon Connecticot by vertue of a procuration from her said husband dated 4 (9) 1647 signed W m Ed- wards & sealed, witnessed John Talcott & John Steele, or- dained Timothie Prout of Boston mariner her lawful! 114 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Atturney, granting him power in her & her husbands name to aske &c: all such money plate househould goods or chat- tells of & from the Executors of the last will of Jeelian late wife of Henry Mumter of Buttalls Algate parish in London deceased. & to acquitt, sue &c: arrest: & power to substitute one Attur. or more. Also to receive six pounds of M r W m Hoare due from Thomas Olcott. 17 (10) 1647 This Indent 6 made the 12 th of Septembe* An Dno one thousand six hundred fourty & fyve, witness- eth that I Edw: Collins of Cambridge in N:E: merch* have received of & by the appointm* of M r Rich. Glover of London gen*, and Rebecca his wife (late the wife & Executrix of the last will & Testam* of Matthew Craddock of London merch*) & Thomas Andrews of London Citizen & Lether seller & Damaris his wife, the true & reall value of three hundred pounds sterl. in severall sorts of Cattle, delivered me at Medford ffarme in New England, as hereunder in the pticulars appeares, by theire severall apprizments ; as they were apprized by the appointment of me Edw: Collins for my selfe, & by John Jorden Assign e & Atturney of the aforesaid Rich: & Rebecca Glover, & Thomas & Damaris Andrewes, by Thomas Bridges & Richard Jackson of Cam- bridge, Thomas Pierce & Edw: Converse of Charlstowne in N: England aforesaid, being apprizors indifferently chosen by us as aforesaid, the pticulars followeth, viz* seven heifers one yeare ould at thirty foure shillings each, is eleven pounds eighteene shillings, Twoe Bulls of the same yeare, at three pounds foure shillings, niene steeres of the same yeare thirteene pounds ten shillings: six Cow Calvs six pounds eighteene shillings: two 'Bull Calves, one pound six- teene shillings: nine steere Calvs, nine pounds: six heifers of two yeere ould fifteene pounds twelve shillings: foure steeres & one Bull, twelve pounds: fifteene Cowes, seventy pounds fifteene shillings: fyve Cowes more, at twenty one pounds ten shillings: eight oxen for worke, ffiftie seven pounds Is 74 head of Cattle am 223 1 . 1 3? 0* more one yong bay mare, nine pounds: one bay mare filly two yeare ould, foure pounds ten shillings: one gray mare, six pounds ten shillings: one black mare, three pounds ten shillings: one mare filly, at [Page 97.] thirty fyve shillings Is fyve mares yong & ould am? unto 25" 5? 0? More seventeene greate hoggs at thirty pounds twelve shillings: seventeene lesser hoggs at seventeene A SPIN WALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 115 pounds: eight smale hoggs at foure pound Is in all 42 swine 51V 12f 00? All w ch Cattle mares & swine amount unto three hundred pound sterl. w ch I the aforesaid Edward Col- lins doe acknowledg to have received by vertue of a tri- partite Indent 6 made the first day of March 1644. & in the twentieth yeare of the reigne of o r soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God, King of England Scotland ffrance & Ireland defend" of the ffaith &c. Betweene Rich: Glover & Rebecca his wife of the first part, Thomas Andrewes & Damaris his wife of the second part, and Edward [Col- lins of] Cambridge in N: England aforesaid of the third part, The w ch summe of three hundred pounds sterl, or the value in theire severall kinds as above expressed, is by me the s d Edw. Collins to be made good, according as therein -is mencioned at large, in the aforesaid tripartite Indenture: & I acknowledge to have by mee an Inventory of the pticulars aforesaid. In witnes of the truth I have hereunto sett my hand & scale. Signed sealed dd in presence Edward Collins of us the 12 th of October 1SA3. & a scale. John Jorden & Nicholas Davison. This is a true Copie of such a writing p e sented to me W m Aspinwall Not. publ by the aforesaid Nicholas Davison. 17 (10) 1A4_1 These Articles of Agreem! covenanted. & agreed uppon betwixt George Ludlow of N: England Merch*, & John Jolliff agent for m r Matthew Craddock of London merchant, witnesseth 1. That whereas the s d George Ludlow hath shipped aboard the good ship called the New Supply John Cutting Mf for London fourty & one hogsheads of Virginia leafe Tobacco q*: marked as in the margent, w^ by G. L. 36 hhs vertue of his order indorsed on the A. G. 5 hhs back side of the bill of ladeing are to - be dd unto the s d Matthew Craddock 41 hhs in London merch 1 : the s d John Jolliff doe pmise, & bind himselfe his Exe- cute & Administrato that the s d Matthew Craddock shall indevo 1 to land and receive the said fourty & one hogsheads of Tobacco, & according to his best Judgm* make sale of the same, as the times will afford, and out of pduct, have- ing first paid himselfe, all such freight custome & other charges as the said Matthew shall have disbursed uppon the f ores d pcell, as also having p d himselfe the summe of 116 ASPINWALL NOTAKIAL RECORDS. three hundred & three score pounds disbursed here in N: England by the Agents of the s d Matthew Craddock, unto the s d George Ludlow, the remainder & surplus of the pduct of the s d fourty & one hogsheads shalbe well & truly paid by the s d Matthew Craddock unto the said Georg Ludlow or his assignes. 2. That the said Matthew Craddock shall on this pcell of Tobacco, in this p r sent voyage where it is now laden, beare the sea adventu r of the three hundred & sixty pounds already paid in N: England according te the ordinary course of assurances. 3. Also the s d Georg Ludlow doth hereby bind himselfe his heires Executo 18 & Administrate 18 to pay unto Matthew Craddock of London mercM or his assignes, whatsoever the s d fourty & one hogsheads of Tobacco being sould [Page 98] & the pduct shall want, of paying unto the s d Matthew Crad- dock the summe of three hundred & three score pounds afore mentioned w 01 freight and custome & all other charges, needfull, uppon intelligence & certificate from the s d Matthew Craddock of the same, in witnes whereof both the parties to these presents have hereunto put theire hands & scales this 27: September 1637 There being foure Agreements of this tenure & date. Signed sealed & dd George Ludlow & a scale in the presence of us John Jolliff & a scale Joh: Harrison Nicholas Davison: This is a true copie of the like writing p e sented to me W m Aspinwall Notary publ by the abovesaid Nicholas Davison. 21 th day of the 10 th month l*li 21. (10) i&l M r W m Berkeley wee doe in o r owne names severally & Jointly make demand of yo a to shipp uppon the Ship Expectation two hundred Kintalls of fish at ten Ryalls a Kintall freight according to agreemt first made by me John Hatly w th John Turner hereunto subscribed, & sithence by Agreement conveyed to yo n by mee the said Hatly, the said ship being now readie w tb all Requisitts to receive the s d fish according to Custome, & wee doe hereby pfesse to recover all such dead freights as shalbe by law recovered for default thereof, hereby manifesting o r selves to ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 117 have beene readie these twoe dayes & are still to receive the said fish aboard the aforesaid Shipp. So we rest yo es as yo u deale w" 1 us John Hatley. John Turner. This writeing was p r sented to the above d Mr. Berkley by M r John Hatley & read unto him by me W m Aspinwall Notar y and Tabellion publ by Authoritie of the Generall Court of the Massachusetts admitted & sworne, in the presence of Benjamin Gillom a witnes thereunto required. Benjamin Gillom. Quod virtute officij mei rogatus attesto 1 : 21 die Decemb: 23 (10) 1647. Noverint universi p p r sentes nos Johan Hatley de Lond: Juiniore, John Checkley et Thorn Clerke de Boston apud Nova Anglia mercat. et Sam. Maverick de Noddles Iland mere teneri et firmiter obligari Johanni Cog- gan de Boston p r dic* in Quingint libr sterl Solvend eidem Joh: Coggan sive cert Atturnat suo, Execut vel administr. suis Ad qua quidem Solucionem bene et fideliter faciend nos et utrumque nostrorum p se p toto et in solido heredes execut et Administr nostros firmiter p p r sentes. Dat. sigillat. die 23 (10) mi. The condicon of this obligcon is such that whereas John Hatley senior of Lond: groc r hath obtained a judgm* of Court & & Execution for two hundred seventy fy ve pounds nine shil- lings & fours pence, against John John [szc] Coggan aforesaid at a Court held at Boston the 7 th of this instant Decemb r , w ch was due uppon Account (w th damages) an Abstract whereof is indorsed : If the above bounden John Hatley the younger [Page 99.] John Checkley Thomas Clark & Samuell Maverick or any of them shall w th in the space of two years next ensueing pcure a sufficient discharge for the aboues d John Coggan under the hand scale of John Hatley senio r (for all Ac- counts) if he be liveing, or other wise from his heires or execut 1 ? or otherwise he shall save harmless the s d Jo Cogga his heires Execut" & c Administrato 18 of & from the afores d Accounts : And if they or any of them shall repay or cause to be repayd whatsoever the s d Jo: Coggan his heires or Executo re shall w th in the space of twoe yeares make proofe to have beene pd unto the aboves d John Hatley senio r or by his order & appointing more then what did appeare unto the 118 A SPIN WALT, NOTARIAL. RECORDS. Court af ores'? that then this obligation shalbe utterly void & of none effect, otherwise to remaine in full force & strength. / Sealed & dd in pnce of John Hatley senior & a seale. William Aspinwall Samuel Maverick. & a seale. Thomas Rucke. Thomas Clerk & a seale. & Sealed and Delivered by John Checkley & a seale. Thomas Clerke & John Checkley in presence of Ed: Michelson William Aspinwall Indorsed M r John Coggan Dr by severall summes li s d due for wares ..... 454 . 13 . 07. Rec d by m r Hatley or his Assignes in } severall payments as by Account uppon > 310 . 08 . 05. Record appeares } Rest due of the principall debt . . 144 . 05 . 02. Given by the Court for forbearance . . 109. 10. 00. Costs allowed . 21 . 14 . 02 A Breviat of the Accounts p William Aspinwall v: Record & j 275 . 09 . 04 23 (10) .* 6 4 7 Noverint universi p. p r sentes me Johanne Hatley Junior de London teneri et firmiter obligari Johanne Checkley et Thome Clark de Bosto mercat et Sam Maver ick de Noddles Island mere in Mille libr sterl. Solvend eidem Johani Checkley, Tho: Clerk, et Sam Maverick seu eorum alicui sive cert Atturnat eorum Execut vel administrat, suis Ad quam quidem solucione bene et fidelit 6 faciendj oblige me heredes Execut et administrators meos firmitf p. p r sentes. Dat. sigillat : die vicesim. tertio Decemb. An . Dni 11 The Condicon of this obligacon is such that if the above bounden John Hatley (of London) the younger shall w th in the space of two yeares next ensueing the date hereof, shall pcure from his ffather (if liveing) or else from his heires or Execut 18 a sufficient discharg for John Coggan of Bost: in N: Engl: of & from all Accounts, uppon w eh the s d John Hatley hath obtained a Judgment & Execution, at a Court held at Boston the 7 th of this instant December. And further if the above bounden John Hatley shall repay or cause to be repayd w th in the space of two yeares next ensueing the Date hereof, unto the afores d John Coggin his Execute 1 * or Administrate 18 whatsoever the s d John Coggan shall make ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 119 proofe to be paid unto his ffather or by his order, more than did appeare at the Court aforesaid, And if the s d John Hatley Junior shall save harmles & indenmifyed the afore- said John Checkley Thomas Clarke & Sam Maverick of & from a bond of fyve hundred pounds beareing date w th the s d presents, wherein they stand bound w th him unto the s d John Coggan, that then this obligation shalbe utterly void & of none effect otherwise to remaine in full force & strength. Sealed & dd in pnce of John Hatley Junio e William Aspinwall & a seale. Thomas Rucke [Page 100] 28 (10) 14_I Peter Disborough constituted Jonathan Pope of Roxbury his Atturney to receive fourty shillings of Griffith Bowen due for wages: xl u . 30 (10) iAl. Received the xv th day of May 1632. of Margaret Jordan of London widdow late the wife & Executrix of the last will & testam? of Henry Jordan late Citizen and Cutler of London deceased the summe of fourty pounds of lawfull money of England for the use of Henry the son & Orphan of the said Henry Jordan: I say reed - p me Edwd Hodgson Cler Roberti Bateman Camerar Civit. Lond: u 30. (10) li. Received the viij th day of October 1633 of Thomas Lynd of Dunstable in the Count of Bedford yeoman & Margaret his wife late the wife & Executrix of the last will and testam* of Henry Jordan late Citizen & Cutler of London deceased the summe of foure- I xm J* x x teene pounds ten shillings & ten pence farthing of lawfull money of England for the use of Henry the sonne and orphan of the said Henry Jordan. I say rec d the sume of - p me Edwd Hodgson Cler : Roberti Bateman Camerar. Civit, Lond. These are true Copies of such writeings shewed me W m Aspinwall publ Not: by the above s d Thomas Lynd. 30 (10) 1647. I testifyed under my hand a Copie of a Bill of sale of so much as comes to two hund rd & fifty pounds of the Ship Expectation & her Cargo, from John Turner & Benjamin Gillom to Stephen & Adam Winthrop. 120 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 30. (10) l&Al. Tho: Lynde of Charlstowne Guardian of Henry son of Henry Jordan constituted Job: Allen of Charlstowne his Atturney to aske &c: of the Chamberlaine of the City of London the spending money due for xl u . payd into the Chamber by Margaret Jordan the 15 th May. 1632. & xiiij u . x s . x d payd into the Chamber the viij th of Octob: 1633: by Thomas Lynd husband of the s d Margaret for the use of Henry the sonne & Orphan of Henry Jordan late Citizen & Cutler of London, & of the receipt to give acquit- tance &c: also to compound &c: also to sue etcettera. also to substitute one Att r : or more: 4 (11) 16 * 7 . Alexander Beck of Boston assigned unto Thomas Harlowe a bill of John Mannifords of two hun- dred w* of Tobacco or the value thereof in Barbados out of Daniel Owles wages as it shalbe due. & granted him power as Atturney to aske & receive the same, also to acquit, sue implead arrest &c: & to substitute one Atturney or more &c: Ratifyeing &c: [Page 101.] 3 (11) JJLAI. John Milom did constitute M Elisabeth Poole of Westminster Widdow his Atturney to recover & re- ceive &c: of m r Tho: Burton Master of the Expectation the sumes of 20 U . & 30 U . due by two severall Bills, dated 27 (10) is 4 7. granting her power to substitute others. w th power irrevocable. 3 (11) 1647. Know all men by these p e sents that I Tho: Burton of London Master of the good shipp called the Expectation do acknowledge to owe unto John Milom of Boston in New England Coop the sume of twenty pounds sterl to be paid unto the said John Milom his execut Ad- ministr or Assignes uppon the 30 th day of Novemb r next en- sueing the date hereof. To w ch paymt well & truly to be made I do bind mee my heires Execut & Adminst: firmly by these p e sents. In witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand & scale the xxvii th day of Decembe. An. Dni. 1647. Thomas Burton & a scale Sealed & dd in the p e sence of John Dane John Turner Indorsed I John Milom of, Boston in New Engl. Coop do assigne this bill of twenty pounds to M re Elizab: Poole of Westminster or to her assignes to her or theire pp. use witnes my hand, this 28 th Dec: liAl witness hereunto Anthony Stoddard John Milom William Aspinwall not. publ. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 121 3. (11) 1647 Know all men by these pntes that I Thorn: Burton of London m r of the good ship called the Expecta- tion do acknowledge to owe unto John Milom of Boston in New Eng) Coop the sum of thirty pounds sterl to be pd unto the said John Milom his executr Administr or assignes w th in the space of thirty days next after the s d ship her first arrivall at the port of the Citty of London, or uppon the last day of May next ensueing the date hereof w ch shall first happen, To w ch paym* well and truly to be made I do bind me my heires exer. & Administ firmly by these presents In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & scale the xxvij th day of Decemb. Anno Dni 164T. Sealed and dd in the p r sence of Thorn: Burton & a scale. John Dane John Turner Indorsed I John Milom of Boston in N: Eng: Coop do assigne this Bill of thirty pounds to M rl Elis: Poole of West- minster or to her Assignes to her or theire pp use. witnes my hand this 28 th Dec. ifi-il witnes hereunto Anthony Stoddard John Milom. William Aspinwall Not. publ. 5 (11) l 64 ? Strong ffurnell granted a tre of Atturney unto Thomas ffaulkner to receive of Joseph Godfrey some- time of Newhaven fourteene pounds six shillings w" 1 the pduce. w th power to substitute one Att? or more under him w th like or limited power. Page [102.]- 5 (11) 1647 ' Thomas Painter did constitute Miles Ward of Salem Mariner his Atturney to take up of W m Withing- ton of Rhode Hand the sume of twelve pounds twelve shillings due by Bills of Exchange. & power to substitute one Attl or more w th like or limited power. 5. (11) 16 *7 An attest unto a Copie of a tre of Attur- ney from Martha Hacker widdow late wife & Executrix of Thomas Hacker of London Silkman unto Emanuell Dowing of Salem in New Eng 1 to aske demand &c: of Robt Keaine of Boston in N: E: all sume or sumes of money debts &c: due from the s d Robt. Keaine to the s d Tho: Hacker: & to sue impleade &c: & to acquitt &c: Ratifyeing &c: 7. (11) 1&UL Robert Walker of Boston did constitute Tho: Wiborne of Scituat his lawfull Att e : to aske receive &c: a debt of six pounds six shillings also to acquit, & to 122 ASPINWALL NOTABIAL RECORDS. sue implead arrest &c: & generally to do all things necessary touching the p e misses. Ratifying what soever shalbe by him done about the p'mises. 10. (11) lill An attest unto a Copie of a Bill of Sale from Majo r Bourne to Major Gibons of a sixteenth part of the shipp Margaret, w ch also Major Gibons assigned unto Major Robert Sedgwick. 11 (11) lfil Dav: Selleck constituted Owen Toder his Att! to aske levie &c: of John Thomas of Newhaven a debt of j u xv" due to him by assignement fro Edw: Wells ; also a bill of Robert Hawards. Dat. 23. (2) 1647. & of Robt Loudnams of Wethersffield dat 26 (2) 1647. assigned also by Ed: Wells. & Also iiij u xvijl remainder of a Bill of John Tailers dat. 2 th August. 1645. assigned to him by W m South- made. 15 (12) 1647. To all Christian people to whom this p e sent writeing shall come I John Turner Merch* send greet- ing: Know yee that I John Turner for good causes mee thereunto moveinge & for a valuable Consideration by me received in hand of Nathaniel Lorig of Boston in New Eng- land merch* doe by these p e sents fully freely & absolutely give grant bargaine sell & confirme unto the said Nathaniell Long his heires Executo ra or assigns one fourth part of the Charles late of London a french bottome of the burden of sixty Tunnes or thereabouts together w th one fourth part of her goods & one fourth part of her rigging gunnes ammuni- tion : G: shott sailes Saileyards masts cables Anchors w 01 a boate & all other things belonging to the said shipp to the pper use & behoofe of the said Nathaniell Long his heires Execute & assignes. And I the said John Turner doe for my selfe my heires Execute 18 or assignes hereby warrant to make good this sale & [Page 103.] bargaine of the above said p* of the ship against all & every person or psons whatsoever that shall lay any claime unto the above said part of the shipp by vertue or p e tence of any sale or any other claime whatsoever & this warrant to stand in force for one whole yeare & a day casualties of the seas & Imbargoes of princes only excepted according to the la we of Oleron. In witnes whereof I the said John Turner have s e tt to my hand & seale this 11 th ffebruary. 1647. Sealed & dd in p r sence> John Turner & a seale. of us. Robert Turner. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 123 This writeing was p r sented to mee W m Aspinwall publ Notary by the hands of Nathaniell Long above said the 15 (12) 1647. being sealed signed & witnessed as aforesaid. To all Christian people to whom this p r sent writeing shall come I John Milom of Boston in New England Coop send greeting. Know yee that I the said John Milom for good causes mee moveing & for a valuable consideration by mee received of Nathaniell Long of Boston Merch* doe by these p'sents fully freely & absolutely give grant bargaine sell & confirme unto the said Nathaniell Long his heires Execute 18 or assignes one eight part of the good ship called the John of Boston of the burden of seventy Tunns or thereabouts together w th one eight part of her goods powder shott sailes rigging masts cables Anchors boate & all other things belonging unto her the said shipp or freight, to have & to hould the said shipp w th all things belonging to her to the pper use & behoofe of the said Nathaniell Long his heires Execute 18 administrate or assignes for ever. And I the above said John Milom doe for my selfe my heires Execu* 018 administrate 18 & assignes hereby warrant & make good this sale & bargaine of the above said Ship against all & every pson or psons whatsoever that shall lay any claime unto the above said ship by vertue or p r tence of any former sale or any other claime whatsoever & this warrant to stand in force for one whole yeare & a day according to the lawe of Oleron : fyre water enemies casualties of the seas & imbar- goes of princes only excepted. In witnes whereof I the said John Milom have hereunto sett my hand & scale Deceml/ 16 th 1646. Signed & dd in p r sence John Milom & a scale, of us. Thomas Clarke James Lake John Checkley This writeing above was also by the said Nathaniell Long presented to me the said Notary the day & yeare above written, so signed sealed & attested. [Page 104.] 23. (12) 1647 William Pen of Braintree gave unto Richard [sic] of Boston a generall acquittance Dated 22. (12) & a bill obligatory of xx? Dat. 23. (12) 1647 unto both w^ I am a witnes. & the said Richard sealed & dd a Deed of sale to the said W m of 120 Acres of land at Braintre. 1 (1) 1647 ' Tho. Broughton sealed & dd a bill of sale of a quarter pt of the Ship Welcome to Hen: Sandis of Bos- 124 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. ton. Dat. 7 (11) ^^- & another to Valentine Hill of another quart r pt beareing the same date. 1. (1) 1647 M r W m Tyng & M r Valent. Hill of Boston constituted M r Henry Barton & M r Richard Hutchinson Draps & Citizens of London theire true & lawfull Atturneyes granting them power jointly & severally to ask levie &c: of Robt Risbie Thomas Gainer Robt ffen & all & every of the Companie belonging to the ship Planter whereof the said Robt Risbie is or lately was master, all such sume or sumes of money debts or other accounts w ch shall appeare due to them or either of them, also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords Judges &c: to doe say sue &c: & jointly or severally to constitute one Atturney or more under them &c: Ratifying irrevocably &c: 5. (2) l&iJL. John Hurd granted unto Christopher Law- son a tre of Atturney to aske leavie &c of Thomas ffootman of Gorgiana a debt of sixteene pounds sterl due by bill w th all just damages, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court or Courts there to require lawe &c: to doe say sue &c: & generally to doe all things concerning the premises : w th power to substi- tute one Att &c Ratifyeing &c: A Copie of the bill presented to me by John Hurd afore- said. Know all men by these p r sents that I Thomas ffootman of Gorgiana doe owe & am indebted unto John Hurd of Boston Tailor the full & Just summe of sixteene pounds of current English money due to be paid to the said John Hurd or his Assignes at or uppon the last of July w ch shalbe in the yeare of o r Lord God 1646. for the w ch payment I bind me mine heires executors & administrators firmly by these pres- ents. witnes my hand the 29 th day of May 1645. Witnes W m : Walderne. The marke of Thomas Edw. Calcord. ffootman. 14. (2) J 6 *3. Christopher Lawson assigned unto Tho: Turner of Hingham a Covenant w th Lance Baker about a boate. Also Thomas Turner sealed & Delivered unto Christopher Lawson a bill obligatory of fifteene pound, whereof v 11 to be paid in boards w th in x days & the rest in freightage by his boate & men. [Page 105.] 14. (2) -L64J.; Also the said Thomas uppon Account w th Christopher Lawson did acknowledge himselfe debtor ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 125 only for seventeene pounds seven shillings & nine pence ex- cepting against Paine iiii 11 iiij 8 vj d James Everill. ij u xiiij 8 vj d & ten shillings in the cordage, unto w ch I did witness. 14. (2) 1&4..S.: Know all men by these presents that whereas wee Hatee-evill Nutter Edward Starbuck William Bellew & Joseph Armitag Arbitrators indifferently chosen betwixt Christopher Lawson & Thomas Beard to end Arbitrate & decide all actions debts & demands betweene them from the begining of the world to the Day of the date hereof. Imprimis we find Tho: Beard to have pd ) 11 a A Christopher Lawson by 4 thousand of bolts \ 31 O 1 by two thousand pipestaves . . . 06 00 00 a rest of a Judgment of M r Waldernes . 03 00 00 By hogshead staves to Darby ffield . . 13 06 03 By M r Hills hands 120000 by Andrew Harwood 15 U 14* except Christo- ^ pher Lawson w th in one month make it >15 14 00 appeare to the contrary ) 810003 Wee find due to Christopher Lawson from Thomas Beard be- fore the payment of this sume above written seventy six pounds & also fyve pound ten shillings Damadges to Chris- topher Lawson from Thomas Beard so that if Christopher Lawson Disprove not the 15 U 14 s of Harwood w th in a month then the said Thomas Beard is to pay to Christopher Law- son the summe of ten shillings in full of all Accounts be- tweene them. But if Christopher Lawson do disprove it w^in a months time then the said Thomas Beard is to pay to the said Christopher Lawson sixteene pounds & foure shillings. In testimony that this is o r award arbitrement & Judgment wee have sett to o r hands the 20 th day of the 7 th month 1645. Hattevill Nutter Edw. Starbucke the marke of Joseph Armitage William Bellew The s d Hattevill Nutter testified uppon his oath that this writeinge is the Award w ch he intended in his testimony given uppon oath before m r George Smith 21(8) last & now shewed him in writeing under the hand of the said m r Smith, taken this 26. (8) 1647. Before me John Winthrop Governo*: 126 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. This is a true Copie of such a writeing presented to mee by Christopher Lawson so subscribed & Attested before the Governo*: William Aspinwall Not: publ: 24. (2) 1648 The 24 th of the second month 1648 I attested a Copie of the Tre of Atturney sent to mee from Edward Hitchin Dat. 10 th Aprill. 1A1. [Page 106] The 26 (2) 1648 I attested a Copie of an order from M r Wrath Bathorne to M r George Hewes to deliver to M r Thomas Bridon fourty fyve Cargnes of Lixia Reisins & three Barrells of Reasons sol of foure Rooves. w ch order was Dated in Malago 28 th January 1A1. 8 (3) 1648 I testifyed to an agreement made betweene M r Robert Saltonstall for 3 hundred & 50 trees in any place w th in the patent of Swamscot pvided he come not w^in a mile of Capt Wigans now dwelling house & doe carry the said trees felled & Cutt to the waterside w tb in sixteene months. (& bargaines) being interlined. 12 (3) W m King constituted Benjamin Gillom his Attur- ney to receive his wages due from M r Robt Risby & M r Tho: Gainer from 28 (11) last & one months wage due before w 01 generall power to sue & c : & to substitute another Attur: whereunto I W m Aspinwall Not. am witnes: 17 (3) 1648. I granted under my hand a Copie of M r Joseph Godfreys bill to James Astwood entred p. 88. 23 (3) 1648 Bee it knowne unto all men by this presents that I William Davies of fferri land in Newfoundland doe acknowledg my selfe to owe & stand indebted unto Charles Dobson the just sume of three pounds sixe shillings 8 pence & is for 80 pounds of Tobacco & is for the use of John Shawe & is to be paid the first day of August next ensueinge in sterling moneys or merchantable New found land drie fish & the above said William Davies doth bind mee my heires & Assignes in the penalty of six pounds sterl: monies or fish for the pformance of the above said sume & is to be paid to the foresaid Charls Dobson or his Assignes where- unto I have set my hand & scale this 26 Day of September 1647 Sealed signed in the the marke of presence of us W D James Warranie William Davies & a seale Trustram Longe ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 127 This above written is a true Copie of such a writeing pre- sented to mee W m Aspinwall Notary by John Shawe the 23 (3) 1648 : [Page 107] London the 9 th March 1647 23. (3) 1AM. M r Richard Russell & Lovinge ffrend these are only to certifye yo u that the last yeare did receive a tre from yo n w th 2 bills of Exchange payable by m r W m Bundock Chardged by W m Roberts the one of 50* the other of 18 U w ch money very currently was paid unto mee for the use of m rt Elisabeth Dittie. ffor w ch money have given a discharge, so that you may rest assured of the payment of it & satisfy the said W m Roberts. (And after another receipt of his brothers he concludes) this I thought good to write that yo u may perceive that I had authority to receive her money & so to give yo u further satissfaction as touching the said W m Roberts, so rest Yo r Lo: freind & Country man Thomas Gary. This is a true Copie of such a writeing presented to mee W m Aspinwall Not. publ by the said William Roberts the 23 (3) 1648 so Dated & Subscribed./ 23 (3) 1648. I attested a Copie of Major Robert Sedg- wicks & Valentine Hills bond unto Edward Wetheridge & John Mills of f oure hundred pounds : & also to an acknowl- edgment of the Rest due unto them indorsed uppon the same bond subscribed p me Valentine Hill in the behalfe of Major Sedgwick & my selfe. The rest is there 298 Kint: to be pd for every 2. three & i : 23 (3) 1648 This day was I witnes unto a Deed of sale Betweene W m Roberts & John Thompson & to Bond of 140 11 & a Bill of 10 U . Also to another Bill or covenant for to pay halfe chardge expected by W: Robts from this day: also to two Covenants mutually each to other to tender each other the Ref useall of theire halfes if they either sell or let: unto all w cb my hand as Not is witnes: 24. (3) *S 48 I subscribed a Copie of a Bill of Trustrain Dodge, another of William Woolcots & another of William Davies. 24. (3) 1648. Valentine Hill granted a tre of Att r to Joseph Graf ton to recover & receive the Bills of Trustrain 128 ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Doge, William & William Woolcot & William Davies or any other in Newfoundland w th absolute power & c : Dat. 24. (3) 1648. 25. (3) lg48 I did testifie unto a Lre of Atturney made from Eliz: Needam to John Scarlet to receive all such goods as were due or belonging to her husband in Virginia, she being credibly informed of his death./ [Page 108.] 26. (3) 1648 This Indentu 1 made the first day of Aprill in the yeare of o r soveraigne Lord James by the grace of God King of England ffrance & Ireland the thirteenth. And of Scotland the eight & fourtieth defender of the ffaith &c: Betweene W m Cole of Plymouth in the County of Devon Shipwright of the one party And David Thompson of Plym- outh aforesaid Apothecary. & Ems his now wife of thother party witnesseth, that the said W m Cole as well for & in con- sideration of a marriage already had & solemnised betweene the said David Thomson & Ems the daughter of the said W m , as also for divers other good causes & considerations him thereunto especially moveinge hath demised leased granted & to ferme letten, & by these pnts doth demise lease grant & to. ferme lett & confirme, unto the said David Thomson & Ems his wife All theise severall roomes hereafter following, To wit, one Kitchin one shopp, one Courtlage, one hall & two chambers over the same hall, late in the tenure of one Michael Prior, all w ch said premisses are scituate lye- ing & beeing w th in the Burrough of Plymouth aforesaid, neere the ould conduit there & are parcells of the tenement wherein the said W m Cole now dwclleth, & w cl1 lately here- tofore were newly erected & builded at the costs of the said W m being the lands of the heires of Bryant, To have and to hould the said Kitchin shopp Curtlage hall & twoe chambers over the same hall before by these pntes demised & granted & every pt & parcell thereof unto the sd David Thompson & Ems, theire execute Adminst: & Assignes from the feast of Thanunnciation of the blessed Virgin Mary last past before the date of the s d pnts for & dureing the full end & terme of threescore yeares then next & imediately following fully to be compleate & ended If so that the said W m Cole & the said Ems the now wife of the s d David Thomson shall happen so long to live. Yielding & paying therefore unto the said Willm Cole & his Assignes ten shillings of lawfull money of England at the foure most usuall feasts in the yeare, to wit the feasts of the Nativity of S* John Baptist, ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 129 S* Michael the Archangells the birth of o e Lord God, & the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary by even portions, dureing the said terme. Repaireing also & maintaining all & singular the said Demissed p r misses in all & every needful & necessary reparation thereunto belonging when & as often as need shall require, at & w th the pper costs charges & ex- penses of the sd David Thompson & Ems their Execut: & Assignes, & the same so well & sufficiently repayred & maintained in the end of the terme shall leave & yeeld up. And if it happen the said yearly rent of ten shillings to be behind & unpaid in part or in all by the space of one whole yeare next after any feast of the feasts aforesaid wherein the same as aforesaid ought to be paid, being lawfully demanded, & not payd & no sufficient distresse in or uppon the s d granted p r misses or some part thereof in the meane tyme can or may be found: whereof or [Page 109.] w th the said rent so being behind w" 1 tharrerages thereof (if any be) may be levyed & p d or if the s d David Thomson his execut 18 or assignes doe, doe or consent to be done any act, thing or things, devise or devises whatsoever whereby the s d Ernes his wife may not have hould & enjoy the s d granted p r misses dureing the terme afores d in manner as afores d That then & from thenceforth it shall & may be lawfull for the s d W m Cole & his Assignes, for either of the s d causes, into the before Demised p r misses w th thappur- tenances to reenter, & the same to have againe & repossesse as in his or theire former estate (these Indentures or any thing therein conteined to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding) And the s d W m Cole for himselfe his Execute 18 & Administrate & for every of them doth covenant promise & grant to & w to the s d David Thomson & Ems theire Exect and Assignes by these pnts, That they the s d David Thomson & Ems theire Executo 18 & Assignes & every of them, shall or lawfully may from tyme to time dureing the s d terme, by vertue of these pnts, peaceably & quietly have hould use occupy & enjoy the before demised p r mises & every pt thereof according to the teno r forme effect & trew meaneing of theise pnts, for by & under the rents covenants & conditions before expressed & reserved, w th out any lawfull lett suite trouble, impleading, eviction, or expulsion of the said W m his Assigne or Assignes or any other pson or psons whatsoever claimeing or conveying any lawfull right estate title terme claime or demand of in or to the same or any part thereof by or from the s d W m Cole his Assigne or 130 ASPDTWALL NOTABIAL RECORDS. Assign es or any of them, or by or under his or theire means assent or pcurement. In witnes whereof the parties afors d to these present Indenture interchangably have sett theire hands & scales, geoven the day & yeare above written. 1615 Signed sealed & Delivered in Signd pi the presence of us./ William Cole. Teste Waltero Glubb & a scale John Glubb I W m Cole of Plimouth Shipwright have had & received of my daughter Amies Thomson, the sume of fifty pounds w ch money I was to have to wards the buying of my land up- pon condition that I should make my land over to my daughter & her children, w ch I have done as by my will ap- peareth, now I have received of her above in writeing of the sume of thirty pounds, w ch I am to give an account for to her husband David Thomson his heires Execute 18 Adminis- trate 18 or Assignes. In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand this 3 th day of January. Anno. Dni * 6 2 5 . the AN signe of W m Cole. Signed in the pnts of me Nathaniell Clarke: These twoe writeings above written were p r sented to me W m Aspinwall publ Notary by the said Amies or Ernes the 26 (3) 1648 so signed sealed & witnessed as is afore ex- pressed. [Page 110] 28 (3) 16-A8. J hn Shawe of Boston did constitute & Authorise Robert Loue [or Lone] late of ferriland in New- foundland Planter his true & lawfull Att r n: granting his s d Attf full power &c: to aske &c: of James Davies of fferri- land in Newfoundland the sume of three pounds six shil- lings eight pence due by bill obligat: to Charls Dobson for the use of the sd. John Shawe, & of the receipt to give acquit- tance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before the Governo r &c: to sue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w* 11 power to substitute one Att r : &c: Ratifyeing &c: 31. (3) 16LA8. I did this day testifie to two Bills of ladeing of certaine goods of M r Henry Webb & Jacob Sheafe, signed John ffollet. Dated the one of them 9 (10) 1647. the other 7 (10) 1411. Also I put my name as Not: for witnesses to two agreem 18 betweene m r Savage & m r Hatley. 31 (3) !- ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 131 31. (3) 1648 I witnessed to one gener 11 acquittance of Clem* Campion to John Shawe: And another unto Clem* Cam- pion from John Shawe only one assigmt of a quarter part of the John & Sarah excepted. 31 (3) 48. I witnessed to a Mortgage of house & 2 Acres land from Henry ffreeman to M r John Newgate & m r W m Baber. 31. (3) 1648. M r Tho: Gainer constituted M r Nath: Long his atturney in gener u to receive all debts money mer- chandise goods & accounts from any pson or psons uppon Barbados & to sue arrest &c: & to acquitt. &c: 3. (4) 1648 At the request of Edw: Shrimpton Attur- ney unto M r John Bland, I W m Aspinwall Notary & Tabel- lion publ did uppon the 3 May goe w th him the said Edw. Shrimpton to the house of M r W Tyng & there demanded in the behalfe of M r John [Bland] the paym* of two severall bonds of 25 O u apiece payable in Bever together w th such Damages as the s d M r John Bland by his Atturney doth Demand Whereunto m r W m Tyng gave answer in writeing as. folio we th : M r H: Shrimpton in answer to yo r demands uppon my two bonds due to M r Jn Bland, my reply is, I acknowledge the bonds due, But find that Beaver is not nor of long time hath not beene pcurable for such a value, w ch foreseeing, & remembering M r Bland desired (at sealinge bonds) rather fish then Beaver If I had apprehended that more Facile : I writ him that if he pleased he might now have halfe his pay in fish & accordingly am pvided, & the other halfe I hope well to pcure in Beaver to pay so as may be sent in Octob r or Novembe r the usuall time of shipps departure hence for London, [Page 111.] w ch to performe I am ready & very willing ; if it may stand w 01 yo u pleasure to accept ; if not, then whereas my bonds are to be paid in Beaver at money price, or as is usually bought w 01 goods at money price, I doe here tender yo u in good woollen & linnen cloth & Stuffs &c fresh & merchant- able to the value of a thousand pounds out whereof yo n may please to take where yo u will to the value of fyve hundred pounds at mony price, & for Damadges such further satis- faction as is reasonable. W ch if you think meet to accept it pleaseth mee well : If not, I shall indevo r to pcure of fish & goods, Beaver to give content, assoone as possibly it may be. see more page 183. 132 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 7. (4) 164 8 I witnessed as Notary to a deed of sale of a certaine pcell of marsh 40 foote in breath from the Mill creeke in Boston on the North side sould by John Milom to James Nash ; & also to a bill obligatorie of James Nash to John Milom of 20" to be pd \ in September & halfe in March : 10. (4) 1648 Georg Crispe of Plimouth sealed a bond of lxxxvj u unto Thorn: Wheeler of Sandwich in Kent, for the quiet possession of a certaine pcell of land sould to the said Wheeler : Dat. 30 March. 1647. Also he did seal & dd an Indenture of the sale thereof beareing Date 30 th of March 1648. Also he did scale a Release unto Thorn: Wheeler aforesaid the Date being 24 Aprill i 648 . 10 (4) 1648 Georg Crisp of Plimouth planter granted a tre of Atturney to Robt Crisp of London Mariner to aske leavie recover &c: of Tho: Wheeler of Sandwitch in the County of Kent the sume of ten pounds ster. the residue of 43 U in consideration of a bargain e & sale of certaine land in Sandwich. & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before al Lords Judges &c: to desire law aid &c: to doe say pursue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifying whatso- ever his s d Attur: or his substitutes &c: Also another Lre of Atturney from the s d George to the s d Robert to recover six pounds six shillings of John Gar- land tailo 1 & all summe or summs of money from all & singular persons whatsoever w th power to acquitt sue &c, & to substitute one Att r or more: 22. (4) 1648. I put my hand as Notary unto a tre of Atturney made by W m Hailsborne to Edw: ffletcher, to receive &c: 13 U from W m Hudson of Boston Junior. [Page 112.] 22 (4) -liJLS.. W m Godfrey of Watertowne in N: England Guardian unto John his sonne & Sarah his late wife, did make &c: M r Antonie Lawience of London linnen Drap. at the boares head in gracious streete his true & lawfull Att r : &c: to aske &c: of the Execute 18 of the last will & testament of M r8 Key of Wooborne in Bedfordshire deceased a certaine legacie of ten pounds bequeathed unto John his sonne, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: to appeare in any Court &c: there to require law aide &c: to doe say pursue implead &c: w th power to substitute one At- turney or more &c: Ratifyeing &c: 22. (4) 1648 Robert Crispe assigned over his interest ASPUTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 133 (by Indenture) in Anne Winchurst his Apprentis for ten yeares. according to the said identure. 24. (4) 1648. I witnessed unto a bill of 25 U . 13". 8 d . from Thomas Makepeace to Raph Mason, whereof 20 U . 10 s . ll d to be p d in pieces of eight at 5 s a piece 28 (6) next ensueinge. & the rest in pege: 24 (4) i-SJLi Ambrose Rutland of Tarmond mariner did constitute &c. Nicholas Butland of Tarmond afores d in the County of Devon in the Kingdome of England his true & lawfull atturney, granting his s d Att r full power &c: to aske lea vie &c: of W m Woolcot of Stoke neare Tingworth in Devonshire sometime m r of the ship called the Goodwill & Prospers of London the full & just sume of ten pounds sterl comitted to him of trust by the s d Appearer in fferry lands in Newfound land about f of yeare since. & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before any Lord or Lords &c: to desire law &c: to doe say pursue &c & generally to do all things &c: w 01 power to substitute &c: Ratifying &c: 24 (4) 1648 This witnesseth the 26 th ffeb: that I Richard Comins fisherman have Rc d of M r Nash a caske of Liquor and other things to the value of 55 8 . 8 d . w ch . I doe pmise to pay in fish or money in May next ensueing witnes my hand R: C: Richard Comins ...... 2.15. 8J more 2 quts sac at . - . . . . . 0. 2. 6. more 2 gall 1 liquor . . . . . . 1. 1. 0. 3.19. 2i more. 2 Knievs 2 p r Cysers 0. 3.10 (Copia vera:) Sum: 4. 3. 0| [Page 113.] 27. (4) 1648: Robert Nash of Boston in the massachu- sett Butcher did ordeine &c: John Thompson M r of Eliza- beth Mariner his true &c: Atturney, granting his s d Att r . full power &c to aske &c of Richard Comins Mariner the full sume of 4 U . 3 8 . O d ^ due to him by booke & of the receipt to give acquittance, also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c: in any Court or Courts wheresoever to desire law ayd &c. to doe say pursue &c: & generally to doe all things w 01 power to substitute one Att r &c. Ratify- ing &c: 134 ASPEJWALL NOTAEIAL RECORDS. 28. (4) 1648 Uppon the 28 (4) An Dni 1648 accord- ing to the Accounts of England John Thomson m r of the Elisabeth came before mee W m Aspinwall Not & Tab: pubb by Authority &c: & protested that he came of purpose from the Isle of Sholes to Boston to seeke after John Anne, feare- ing his fidelity to the Owners, averring that his ship had beene readie laden sixteene dayes agoe. In regard whereof the s d John Thompson did protest in my hearing, that what soever Damage it may appeare the Owners either have or shall suffer by the said Ane's wilfull stay & neglect to come aboard having no business for his owners, the s d John Anne shalbe responsall for the same in time & place convenient. And whereas the said Anne hath given it out that he will not goe along in the s d shipp Elis: I thought it not meete to publish his protest to himselfe, but in case the s d Anne shall through any evill councell desert the ship & his attendance uppon the owners occasions then I doe here further before you the pub: Not: prot. that the said Anne shall be lyable to be responsall to the Owners for such his neglect & all Damages that may ensue there uppon to shipp or goods, requireing yo n the said Notary to enter my protest & make certificate thereof according to yo r place. Thus ptested & done in the Towne of Boston in N: E: in mine office there. Quod attester &c: 28 (4) 1648. John Thompson granted unto Benjamin Gillom a tre Att r : to Sett lett or hyre Thomsons Hand or any pt thereof for 3 yeares. 30 (4) 1648: I witnessed a Copie of M r Wrath Bath- ornes Orders to Capt George Hewghs: [Page 114.] 28 (4) 16_il To all people to whom this p r sent writeing shall come We Thomas ffrere Citizen & Skinner of London & George ffrere Citizen & Dyar of London do send Greeting Know yee that we the s d Tho: ffrere & Georg ffrere in con- sideration of the sume of two hundred three score & two pounds & ten shillings already received in N: England by Tho: Babe of Wapping in the Countie of Middlesex mariner of Sam: Maverick merch* now resident there the receipt whereof the s d Tho Babe hath acknowledged by a note under his hand dated at Boston in N: England the 29 th of July now last past, have granted bargained & sould & by these pntes doe fully & absolutely grant bargaine & sell unto the s d Samuel Maverick in dischardge of the undertak- ing of the said Thomas Babe as aforesaid, one full & equall ASPINAVALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 135 sixteenth part of all that new ship or vessell called the W m & George of London of the burthen of 300 Tunns or there- abouts lately pceeded forth on a voyage for N: England Newfound land & other ports & places in the straits of Giblater, whereof Thomas Babe Mariner was & is m r under God, & one full & equall sixtenth part of all & every the Anchors Cables ropes Cords masts sailes sailyards boats ordinances tackle apparell amunition furniture necessaries appurtenances & things whatsoever to the s d shipp belonging or appertaineing, w th s d sixteenth pt of the s d ship & furni- ture the s d Tho: Babe did before his Departure from hence bargaine & sell unto us the s d Tho: ffrere & George ffrere by bill of sale under his hand & seale Dat the 15 th day of April now last past, to have & to hould the s d one full equall sixteenth part of the ship or vessell & all other theire above bargained premisses & every of them unto the s d Samuell Mavericke his Execut Administr & assignes to his & theire use & uses as his & theire owne pp goods & Chatties from henceforth freely & absolutely forevermore In witues whereof wee have hereunto put o r hands & scales the 24 th day of March 164 . & in the xvi th yeare of the reigne of o r Soveraigne Lord King Charles. Sealed & dd in the subscribed by Thomas ffrere presence of Robert Earle scr & George ffrere w th Rich Minors serv* scales. to the s d scrivener: I attested a Copie. 24 (10) ^SAS.. [Page 115.] 30. (4) 1648. This witnesseth that whereas there is a difference betweene Alderman Hooke of Bristol mercht & Tho: Dexter of Linn in N: England touching a debt of fower hundred forty & odd pounds due unto the s d Alder- man Hooke: It is agreed uppon by m r W m Hooke & m r Robt Knight the Assigns of the s d Alderman Hooke & Thomas Dextf, that Capt Jennison, M r Samuel Dudley Lietenant Walker & Thomas Mayhew shall valew lands towards or in satisfaction of the s d debt & other damages that have justly arisen thereuppon for nonpaym 1 of the same, & the s d pties aforesaid doe hereby bind themselves in the penalty of one thousand pound sterl to stand to the Answer of the formencioned men chosen to that purpose, witness hereunto theire hands this 10 th of September lA3.. W m Hooke Robert Knight Thomas Dexter. 136 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. li s d agreed uppon 100 Acres upland at 20 s is . . 100.00 00 530 Acres of pasture at 5 s pacre is . . . 130.10-00 70 Acres of meddow at 20 s p Acre is . . 70.00.00 302.10.00 Thomas Mayhew. Samuel Dudley. William Jennison. Richard Walker. li s d Wee allow for forbearance the summe of . . 38.00.00 the Debt is . 450.00.00 488.00.00 pd as by Indorsment . . . 50.00.00 352.10.00 pd by land as aboves d . . . 302.10.00 352.10.00 Rest=135.10.00 of Watertowne Thomas Mayhew of Salsbury Samuel Dudley of Watertowne William Jennison of Linne Richard Walker This above written I entred de bene Esse at the request of Samuel Bennett. 30 (4) HLa. Whereas Tho. Mayhew Samuel Dudley W m Jennison & Rich: Walker by a writeing under theire hands Dat. 10 Sept 1643, prized certaine lands in Lin bound at the request of M r Rob* Knight m r W m Hooke & Tho: Dexter to satissfy a debt due from Tho: Dext r to Al- derman Hooke of Bristoll, according to w ch apprisement I Tho: Dexter late of Lin & now of Sandwich doe for mee mine heires Execute & Administrate 1 " 8 alien assigne & sett over unto Sam: Bennet of Linne his heires & assignes for ever all that plow land & pasture land w ch is in the Arbitra- tion w ch is one hundred Acres of plow land & fyve hudd & thirty Acres of pasture land all w ch lyeth as followeth the North side bounded next M r Leaders land, the East bounds to M r Willis his lands, the south side to M r Cobbetts land & the west side next to Charlestowne line, all w ch lands above written I alien assigne & sett over unto Samuel Bennett by the order of m r W m Hooke w ch appeareth by a deed under ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 137 m r W m Hookes hand & doe hereby pmise to mainteine the title thereof unto Samuell Bennett his heires & Assignes forever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale Dat. in Boston, this 7 th day of June 1648. Signed sealed Tho: Dexter senior & dd in presence & a seale. of us. Rich: Walker & Rich: Stilman Scr: [Page 116.] 30. (4) 1648. This bindeth mee Thomas Breedon to take abord the Shipp Thomas Bonadventure M r George Hewghes the value of six thousand twenty six Rialls in wheate fish or Tobacco for the Account of M r Wrath Bathrne & is for so much he hath laden aboard Dito ship in Malaga for New England for my Account in witnes whereof I doe hereunto sett my hand Dated in Malaga, the 18 th of January l&i-i. p me Thomas Breedon. 30 (4) 1*4 I was witnes to a bond of 2000 U from Capt George Hewghes to Capt Tho: Breedon to save him harmles from a bond of 1000 U given at Barbados that they would not transport any from the Island w th out license. 1. (5) 1 6 4 8 -. Bee it knowne by these pntes that I John Thompson mariner m r of the Elisabeth of N: England do acknowledge myselfe indebted unto W m Roberts of Charls- towne Wine coop alias Mariner in the full & just sume of one hundred & fourty pounds sterl to be paid unto him the g d ^rm Roberts or his Assignes at or uppon the 25 th of November next ensueing the date hereof, at the house of the g d ^ym Roberts in Wapping neere the ould staires w^out any trouble or interruption; Unto the true pformance whereof I the s d John Thompson do bind my selfe mine heires execute & Administrate & in pticular my Island lyeing in the Massachusetts Bay neere Dorchester called by the name of Thompsons Island: And in case of Non payment at time & place appointed it shalbe lawfull for the s d W m Roberts his heires or Asignes to enter & take possession of the s d Island to his or theire pper use, except the s d John Thompson shall in the meane season pay or cause to be paid unto the s d Roberts the summe of twenty fyve pounds p Cent during his non payment, or sufficient security to the s d Roberts or his Assignes for the same, witnes my hand & seale 23 (3) 1648 Sealed & dd in p r sence of John Thompson Robert Dennis & a seale. Rich: Thurston W m Aspinwall Not: Publ. 138 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECOBDS. 4. (5) 1648 I witnessed a Copie of Capt Thomas Breedons protest. [Page 117.] 1 (5) 1648 g ee it knowne by these presents that I John Thompson mariner doe acknowledge my selfe indebted unto W m Roberts of Charlestowne wine Coop alias Mariner in the Just summe of ten pound of lawfull Money of England to be paid unto the s d W m Roberts or his Assignes at or uppon the 25 th of Sept. next ensueing the date hereof at the now dwelling house of the s d W m Roberts in Wapping neere the ould staires. Unto the true pformance whereof I doe bind myselfe mine heires Execut & Administr firmly by these p r sents. In witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand & seale this 23 (3) J-SJ-S-. in the month called May. Sealed & dd in p r sence of John Thompson. Robert Dennis & a seale. Richard Thurston William Aspinwall Not: publ 1 (5) UUJL Whereas W m Roberts of Charlstowne hath sould unto John Thompson one halfe of his house & land in Charlstowne. Bee it hereby knowne that in case the s d John Thompson shall at any time hereafter resolve to sell or lett the same, then the s d John Thompson doth covenant & grant to & w th the s d W m Roberts that he shall have the refusall of the same he paying therefore as it shall then be worth or as another bona fide will give. In witnes whereof the s d John Thompson hath hereunto put his hand & seale this 23 (3)JJLiL Sealed & dd in presence of John Thompson & a seale Robert Dennis Richard Thurston William Aspinwall Not. publ: 1 (5) -i-i Bee it knowne by these pntes that John Thompson of Charlstowne Mariner doth covenant & grant to & w th W m Roberts of Charlstowne afores d Wine Coop alias Mariner, to pay unto the s d W m Roberts or his Assignes the full one halfe of all the Charges the s d W m Roberts hath beene at about the repaire of the house & ground in Charles- towue, whereof the s d Roberts hath sould the one halfe unto the s d Thompson as may more at large appeare by a deed beareing date w 01 these p r sents: the s d W m Roberts tendring a just & true Account thereof unto the s d John Thompson. In witnes whereof the s d John Thompson hath hereunto put his hand & seale this 23 (3) 1648. It is to be understood ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 139 that no chardges is to be accounted that hath beene laide out before this present 23 (3) 48. but only such as shall here after be expended witnes my hand & seale. Sealed & dd in presence of John Thompson & a seale. Robert Dennis Richard Thurston William Aspinwall Not: publ. 11. (5) 1648 I witnessed a tre Att r : from Rice Jones to George Grigs to recov r of Phillip Hatch 3 n due by Bill Dated 25 (1) 1648 [Page 118.] 1 (5) i^- Indorsed: Remembrance for M r George Hewghes Comander of the Thomas Bonaventure for my pticular. Malaga 28 th Jan. l&A-S. Brother George Hewghs Malagath the 18 th Januar. 1648 . This serves to Company yo u desireing yo n god sending yo a safety &c: as followeth in the tre. subscribed, yo r loveing brother lawe Wrath Bathorne. post: Here goes a note firme under M r Briddon hands for the paym* unto yo u of 6 d. 026 R Vallew in wheate fish or Tobacco, w ch yo u shall please to demand of him for it being for the like value I here have Loaden for his Acc. in goods in yo r shipp p the w ch pray Recover of him for mee & make it me good to Account. The afores d Georg Hewghes uppon his Oath did affirme that his writinge w th the postscript was delivered to him by the said Wrath Bathorne as his owne order, taken at Boston in N: England. 1 (5) 1648 before us John Winthrop Governo r Increase Nowell sec: 3 (4) 1648 I was witnes to a bond of an hundd pound wherein Thomas Breedon is bound to Georg Lues to save him harmles from a Receipt or else to restore the same. Also I witnessed a Copie of Capt Breedons Protest against Capt Hewges Dat. 30. (4) & Capt Hewghes answer Dat. 4 (5) 1648: 1. (5) 1648. George Hewghes of Debptford in the County of Kent Mariner did constitute &c: Isaac Addington of Boston in N: E: his true & lawfull Atturney, grant his s d Att r full power &c: to aske &c: of all & singular person or persons in the Island of Barbados, all & singular sume or sumes of money goods merchandise Debts or Accounts due to the s d Appearer, & of the Receipt to give acquittance &c: 140 ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. also to compound & agree & to appeare before any Minister of Justice in any Court or Courts there to require law &c: to doe say pursue implead &c: & generally to doe &c: Ratify- ing whatsoever his s d Att r shall doe or pcure to be done &c: The like tre of Atturney did Georg Hewghes afores d make to John Manning, & Nicholas Davison of Charlstowne for all & singular sume or sums of money debt or debts wares goods or merchandise what soever from all & singular pson or psons whatsoever in N: E: w th power also to substi- tute one Attu r : or more under them. [Page 119.] 1 (5) 1648. Account of John Huntley wherein John Pease of Boston is Cred: in Decemb r : 1647 - p Dry fish 12 Kintalls at 5 skore to the weight 1344. Rec d & shipped aboard the ship Welcome at Boston, for the Barbados in M r John Allen Mr: Itm of this 12 Kintalls of fish there was due to mee 2 Kintalls & i the rest w ch is 9 Kintalls & |- I give Account of as followeth: This 9 Kintalls & i when it was received abord the shipp weighed 106 4 U . When this fish came to the Barbados it proved wast by sea wett in the voyage: w ch Damage and waste John Pease was to stand to: so that it weighed there 620 U . for which he is Creditor. Acc of John Huntly as he sold the fish "") in Barbados is for fish a lb of Tobacco p lb w cb | , . , is in tobacco 620 lb : w ch is being changed in [> ft i n q A; Cotton 2 lb of Tobacco for a lb of Cotten: in Gotten 310 lb w cb at 4 d p lb is J Itm out of this 310 lb is paid for the freight ) i- 3 of the fish to the Barbados 77 lb A of Cotton V * n s ~ 1 n at4 d p lb p d thereis ) ffor storehouse roome for the fish for 2 months at 50 lb tobacco p month is 50 lb cotton. acc ) at4 d J 001608 ffor a storehouse for the Cotton as accustomed at 3 lb Cotton p C is 5 lb cotton . . . 000108 ffor steeving the Cotton at 3 lb p C is 5 lb cotton . 000108 ffor factoradge at 10 lb p C is of Cotton 31 lb . 001004 So there was shipped abord for John Pease in the Barbados of Cotton 141 lb & J w ch John Pease is C r for at 8 d p lb 041404 John Pease is D r : for the freight of 141 lb i of \ Cotton home ward bound at l d p lb w cb is in V 00 11 9 Cotton at 8 d p lb . lT lb J . . . ) ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 141 Itm for a p r shooes to his wife . . . 00 03 6. ffor a shirt to her 00 07 00 ffor 2 y ds Canves at 2 s p y d . 000409 ffor i lighter load of wood p d to goodman ffane. 00 10 00 ffor bringing the wood to her house to good- man Bosworth 00 0206 ffor wharfage to goodman Bendall . . . 00 00 07i ffor a day my selfe about the wood . . 00 01 00 ffor a lb : & i sugar 000106 ffor warehouse roome to M r Allen . . . 00 00 08 ffor cariadge from Charlestowne to Boston of the Cotton . . 000102 Totall disbursed is in Ace 02 04 06 Cotton 66 lb f Rest to John Pease is of Cotton .74 lb f The s d John Huntley delivered this as a true Acc. betweene him & John Pease for all matters (errours ex- cepted) uppon his oath taken at Boston in New England. 1 (5) 1648. before us John Winthrop Governo r William Hibbins. [Page 120.] 4. (5) 1648 I testified unto the Copies of fyve tres unto Edmund Angier - 3 tres from John Talcot & John Pratt one Dat. 22 May 1640. another August 10 th 1640. & another 15 th June 1641. a fourth from Anne Spenser Dat. 2 May. 1642. and the fifth from W m . Edw. no Dat: Also unto a Copie of .a writeing under W m Spencers name Dat. 3 July 1639. Also to a Letr Atturney fro Ed. Angier to Joseph Mayet Dat. 5 (5) 1648: 30 (4) 1648: Whereas on the last day of June Anno Dni 1648. According to the Account of England, before me W m Aspinwall Not & Tabellion publick by Authoritie of the Gener 11 Court of the Massachusetts admitted & sworne, appeared Capt Tho: Breedon showing Commissions on trs w th Articles & Agreem* 8 made for pformance of Divers Nego- ciations concerning the Merch* 8 ffreighters of the good ship called the Thomas Bonaventure of London, in w ch himselfe is concerned as Assistant unto Capt George Hewghes, alledg- ing sundry breaches of Covenant to be made by the said Capt Hewghes Comand r of the s d shipp, to the prejudice of the s d Merch te freight thereof, & in pticular to the p r judice the s d Tho: Breedon, for as much as the s d George Hewghes hath disposed of the whole Comissions w th out the Assist- 142 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. ance of the s d Thomas Breedon, & contrary to the directions of Wrath Bathorne, & contrary also to the advise of the s d Thomas Breedon. Uppon w ch Allegations made by the s d Thomas Breedon and at his request, I the s d Notary did repaire to the s d George Hewghes & in the name of the s d Thomas Breedon did protest against the s d Georg Hewghes, that what soever Damages shall happen through breach of such orders formerly alleged, the s d Georg Hewghes is the cause thereof through his unadvised pceed- ings & excluding the s d Thomas Breedon from acting such things as was agreed uppon at Malaga. And that the s d George Hewghes shalbe lyable to make reparation of all such Damages losses & interests w ch thereuppon may accrew either to himselfe for his pticular proportion, or to the rest of the Merch** freighters of the shipp aforesaid for theire pportions & parts : ffor all w ch the s d Georg Hewghes shalbe responsall in time & place convenient. This done & pro- tested in the Towne of Boston in N: England by mee the s d Notary at the request & in the name of Thomas Breedon aforesaid. Quod virtute &c: Uppon the fourth of July Capt Georg Hewghes came unto mee the s d Notary & gave this answer to the protest of Capt Thomas Breedon & required mee to enter the same, ffirst he saith that his Allegations are Generall & therefore a pticular answer cannot be given. ^ ly . In [There are no pages 121 and 122.] [Page 123 evidently begins with an entirely different document.] 10 (5) 1648 Know all men by these p r sents that 1 John Anderson Shipp Carpent r for good & valueable consideration by mee in hand received have bargained & sould unto M r Robert Allen of Norwich in the County of Norfolke in the Kingdom of England Mercht one halfe of the Shipp called the John & Sarah of the burden of thirty nine tuns, & unto Mf Nicholas Davison of London Merch* the other halfe of the s d Shipp. To have & to hould theire so severall halfe parts in the s d shipp to them theire Execute & Adminis- trators & Assignes severally & respectively as theire pper goods, to theire pp use & behoofe forever. And I the s d John Anderson mine Execute & Administrators unto the s d Robt Allen & Nicholas Davison & theire Execut & Ad- minist & Assignes the s d ship aforementioned to be bar- gained & sould, will warrant & Defend by these presents against all men for one twelve month & a day according to ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 143 the law of Oleron, perill of sea fire & enemyes only ex- cepted. In witnes whereof I the s d . John Anderson have hereunto putt my hand & scale this 26 (3) 164-8. Signed sealed & dd John Anderson in presence of & scale. Clement Campion Thos: Lake: 11 (5) i&Al I copied out foure testimonies & a certifi- cate all attested by John Vaughans hand Secretory & Pub- lick Notary at Bermuthas: 16 (4) i-S-4-8. Uppon the sixteenth day of June Anno Dni 1648 according to the Account of England, at the re- quest of Nicholas Trerice M r of the shipp Chapman of London, I W m Aspinwall No* & Tabellion publ by Authority of the General! Court of the Massachusetts admitted & sworn w th him did goe unto M r Em: Downing & Benjamin Gillom Shipwright, of whom the s d Nich Trerice by mee the s d No- tary did Demand two hundred thousand of Treenailes sould unto the s d Nich: Trerice Joshua Hues & Thomas Kemble by Robert Rich & Joshua ffoote of London Merch* 8 w th reference to a former bargaine & sale made to the afore s d merch* 8 by the said Joshua ffoote Emanuell Downing Stephen Winthrop & Thomas Bell in behalf e of themselves & Adam Winthrop & Ben: Gillom theire p'tions, of a certaine pcell of Mast & Treenailes. And the s d Emanuell Downing & Benjamin Gil- lom answered, accordingly as they did the last yeare & ac- cording to agreement w th the s d Merchants by the s d Eman- uell, they would now Deliver so many Masts & Treenailes as his Shipp can take in, & the rest shallbe delivered [Page 124.] abord such other Shipp or Shipps as shall have order to receive the same. And that the s d masts & Treenailes are readie to bee dd part here & part at the Eastward according to agreement. But further they answer that the s d Tree- nailes & Masts are to be dd together. W ch answer being thus made, I the said Notary at the request of the s d Nicholas did protest, & by these presents doe ptest as well against the s d Robt Rich & Joshua ffoote, as against Emanuel Downe- ing Stephen Winthrop Thomas Bell Adam Winthrop & Benjamin Gillom, that whatsoever Damages or losses the said Nich: Trerice, Josh: ffoote, & Tho: Kemble alreadie have or hereafter may susteine by reason of the Non Deliv- ery of the s d two hundred thousand Treenailes Demanded 144 A SPIN WALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. uppon the foremencioned bargaine of sale made by the s d witnes ffrancis Mayew. [Page 125.] 14. (5) UL48.. Received the 22 th of Decemb r 1640. of M r Thomas Dexter of Linne in New England in full payrn* of all reckonings debts li s dues & demands what soever from the begining ^ 32 02 of the world to the day of the date hereof the summe of thirty two pounds two shillings for the use of M r Thomas Santley I say received. witnes John Edes p me Samuel Peerse. Robert Longe. I also attested a Copie hereof to M r Vincent : 15. (5) 1648. I attested a Copie of the Governo 18 Award betwixt Majo r Nehemiah Bourne & M r Richard Hutchinson of London. Also I witnessed to a bill of John Webb to Henry Shrimp- ton of 20": 17 (5) 1648. I attested a Copie of W m Cutters affidavit: & a Copie of a note of Amos ffoords to M r ffoote about a Kilderkin of Indigo marke BA: Also 31 (11) 1648. I at- tested another copy of them both. 17 (5) 1648. Noverint universi p p'sentes me Georgius Hewghes de Deptford in Comitatu Kent mariner teneri et firmiter obligari Richardo Cooke de Boston apud Novangles Tailor in trigint libros Sterlingorum Solvend eidem Richardo Cooke sive certo suo Atturnat Executor vel Administr: suis Ad quam quidem soluc one bene et fideliter faciend obligo me heiredes Executores et Administrat meos firmiter p r sentes. Dat. sigillat die quinto mensis quinti (vulgo July) Anno Dni 1648. The Condicon of this obligacon is such that if the above bounden George Hewghes shall pay or cause to be paid unto the s d Richard Cooke or his certaine Atturney the full & juste sume of fifteene pounds currant money of England at or uppon the fifteenth day of October next ensueing the date hereof at M r W m Peakes Woolen Drap. at the signe of the Key in Cannon Streete in London that then this p r sent obligation shalbe voyd & of none effect otherwise to remaine in full force & strength Sealed & dd in p r sence of George Hewges John Manning & a scale. William A spin wall. also I attested a Copie 8 (12) 1648 : ASPUSTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 145 17 (5) 164-5- Sain: Adams of Braintre granted a tre of Nich: Trerice of Charlstowne mariner to aske &c of the Execut. of the last will & Test: of Elisabeth Eglesfield gradmother to Mary his wife a certaine legacie bequeated to her and also to ask &c: of the Exec: of the last will of Emanuell Eglesfield late of London haberdasher ffather to Mary the wife of the said Sam: all that is due or coming to her by the death of her sister Hanna Eglesfield or her brother Sam Eglesfield & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: as in his former tre Atturney to Peter Bracket, p. 85. 22 (10) 16 This tre Att r was renewed 22 (10) 49 to John Adams. [Page 126.] 17 (5) 16-^8. I attested the Copies of two Bills, one from James Oliv r to M r Nathl Eldred of 100 1 ! Dat. 15 (5) 1648 & the other of Nath: Long to M r Nath: Eldred for 100 U Dat. 1 (4) 1648 Also I witnessed to a tre Att r from Georg Smith to W m Hudson Junior for receiving his wages : 18 (5) 1648. I attested a Copie of the Charter partie betwixt M r Gainer M r W m Tyng & Valentine Hill ; & also a release from M r Gainer of a third pt freight. 19 (5) 1648. Isaac Cullimor of Boston constituted James Griffon of Ratcleffe over ag* y e Red Lyon & Henry Greed of Shad well neere the Dock Carriadg maker his true & lawfull Atturneyes granting them full power &c to jointly & severally ask &c: of the Execut: of the last will & test: of M rs Alice Ricket late of Ratcliff Deceased a cert. Legacie bequeathed to his wife Margaret Cullimor of the sume of 10. u & of the receipt &c: also to doe say &c: & gen- erally to do all things &c: Ratifying &c: 17 (5) 1648. Michael Powell of Boston Mer. appeared. showing mee aworde from Henry Sealy merch* (w ch as he saith was inclosed in a tre from the s d Hen-Sealy Dat. 17 th March 1647) to receive of Capt Robt Hardings partner the value of an hund. & fifty pounds sterl in good Virginia sweet sented leaf Tobacco at 4 d p pound, requireing me the s d Notary to goe w th him to M r Robert Scott partner unto the s d Robert Harding & in the name of the s d Henry Sealy & Daniel Tannor merch ts to demand pay according to agreem* or (being the day was past the 20 th day of June) present payment of the s d Tobacco that the s d Appearer might returne it according to his Order. Accordingly I the 146 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. s d Notary went w th the s d Michael Powell unto M r Robert Scott & in the name of the s d H: Sealie & Daniel Tannor did demand payment. Whereunto the s d Robert Scott answered, that he daily expected a pcell of Tobacco, but had not at p r esent to pay : w oh answer being heard & by mee the s d Notary understood, I did in the name of the said Henry Sealy & Daniel Tannor protest & by these presents doe protest against the said Capt Robert Harding & yo m M r Robert Scott, that whatsoever damadge shall accrew unto the s d merch ts H. Sealy & Daniel Tannor for default of pay- ment the s d Robert Harding & Robert Scot shalbe justly lyable to & responsell for to be recovered in time & place convenient. Thus done & passed in the towne of Boston the day & year first above written. [Page 127.] 20 (5) 1A8. Know all men by thesse p nt8 that I Ed- ward Bendall of Boston in New England for divers Consider- ations moveing mee thereunto doo make Constitute & or- deine my trusty & welbeloved ffrends M r Thomas Berry neere Allgate in London, Ironmonger M r Thomes Wilken- son in East Smithfield London Mealm, & M rs Hannah Rud- son in London afores d or either of them my true & lawfull Atturneyes for mee & and in my name to aske Demand gather & receive all & singular such Bills Bonds or Debts of what kind soever as are of Right belonging unto mee the said Edw: Bendall from any pson or psons whatsoever w th in the Citty of London or any other parts of England & in case of non payment or due satisfaction made by any such partie or parties uppon a Just & lawfull Demand I do hereby give my s d Atturneyes or either of them full power lycense & Authoritie in my name to sue Arrest implead imprisson &c: any the s d parties & uppon due satisfaction or recovery made to acquitt Discharge release & out of prison to sett free as fully & absolutely as I myselfe could Doe if I were there psonally present in Witnesse whereof I have here- unto put my hand & seale this Twentieth day of July In the yeare of o r Lord one Thousand Six hundred forty & eight Edw: Bendall & a seale Sealed & dd in the p nte of us Thomas Browne John Tinker I William Aspinwall Not: &c doe testify that Ed: Bendall aforesd psonally appeared before mee & acknowledged the writing aforesaid to be his owne Act & Deed Quod &c: ASPINWALL NOTARIAL, RECORDS. 147 21 (5). Robert Scott granted tre Att r to Capt. Robert Harding to receive 60 U Legacie of the Execute 18 of M rs Mary Hussey of London deceased grand mother to his wife Elisa- beth. And also sent a Release or acquittance for the said sixty pounds unto John Hussey the payment of the same to Capt. Robert Harding : 22. 5 : 1648. Edw: Bendall & Jane his wife Executrix of Capt. John Gower of London her late husband, granted a tre Att r to Thomas Berry neere Allgate Ironmonger Thomas Wilkenson in East Smithfield meale man. & M re Hannah Rudson of London jointly and severally to receive & recov r all debts due to Capt John Gower late husband of the s d Jane Bendall. also all other debts due to either of them : & all rights of inheritance purchased by the s d Jane in the tune of her widowhood. & of the Receipt to give acquittance also to sue implead prosecute &c: 18 .(11) 1648. [Page 128.] 1. (6) 1648 In nomine dei Amen : p hoc p r sens publiced Instrumentum cunctis evidentes appareat et sit notu, Quod An Dni (juxta computatione ecclesia Anglicane) Milles- imo sexcentesimo quadragesimo septimo mensis vero ffebruari die vicesimo septo, Coram me Henrico Linscott Civitatis Exonie, sacra regia authoritate Notaria et Tabellione publico admisso et jurato intra Civitate Exon psonalite constitute, compparuit psonaliter p bus viz Stephanus Oliviero Civitatis Exonie p r dicte mercator, Qui Sponte et sua certa scientia omnibus quibus de jure melioribus potuit aut potest via, modo, et juris forma necnon ad omnem juris effectu ex inde quovismodo sequi Valentem nominavit fecit creavit constituit et soleminter ordinavit, ac p r sentis publici Instrument! tenor nominat facit constituit creat et ordinat honestum virum Johannem Kelly de civitate Exoni mercatorem presentum et omnes hujusmodi in se acceptantem ejus veru certu legitimem et indubitatu procuratorem, actorem, f actorem, negotiorumque suorum gestorem acumcium generalem et speciale ita tamen quod generalitas specialitati deroget nee e contra, videlicet, et expresse ad (ipsius Constituentis nomine et p ejususu) petendum exigendum levandu et recupandu de Thoma Allen nup de Braunton in Anglia et nunc apud Angliam noviter invemtam seu alibi in partibus ultramarinis residente, com- morante, de Johanne Treworthy nup de Kingsweare prope Dartmouth in Regno Angl, et nunc apud Angl noviter in- ventam seu alibi residente, ac otiam de Thoma Purchase nup de Dorchester in Regne Angl p r dict et nunc apud Angl 148 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. noviter inventam seu alibi in partib 8 ultra marinis degentre et comorante velde et in bonis et rebus suis cujuscumque sint generis sive qualitatis et inquorumvis manibus inveni poterint quorumque nomine sive quibuscumque nominibus lidem Thomas Allen Johannes Treworthy et Thomas Purchase vocanter sive appellantur, omnes et singulas pecuniarum summas sequentes, vizt de p r facto Thoma Allen summar xv. libraas legalis monete Anglie de Johanne Treworthie Suman Trigintocto libr. duorum solidorum octo denariorum et unius obuli, de Thoma Purchase suman centum vigint ; et unius librum quatuor solidorum et decem denariorum eidem Constituent! notaraie debitas et insolutas ; Dictosque Thoma Allen Johanne Treworthy et Thoma Purchase (propter nonsolutionem) tarn p corporis quam bonorum arresta- tionem sequestrationem et seisamenta ad solutione et satis- factione faciendum compellendum et constringendum, ac cum tempus fuerit remittandum et relapandum, ac remitti et relapari mandandum ac de receptis recupatis et habitis quietandum liberandum et absolvendum, cum pacto solem et expresse remsemel habitam in ppetund non petendi: et si esse [?] fuerit p fmissis omnibusque et singalis coram qubus- cumque Dominis Indicibus Majoribus Burgimastris Scabimis, Consulariobq ac aliis Comissaris tarn ordinarijs quam extra- ordinarijs ac ceteris Justitia ministris tarn ecclsiasticis quam secularibus quarumque Authoritate fungentibus et funcluris comparendu agendu et opperiddum, dictumque Constituen- tem et ejus jura in omnibus defendendum : [Page 129.] Quascumque p'visiones et juris auxilia arresti, sequestri, de- tentiones p'suarum et bonorum et quq'vis alia impetrandum et obtinendum: Libellos positiones et capitula dandum, datisque respondendum, Domicilin eligendu, litem et lites con- testandu, de calumnia, et quodvis alterius generis licitu jura- mentu in animam ipsius Constituentis p r standum et &c adverso prestari videndu : Sententias et acta quelibet fieri faciondem et exequendu expenses damna et interest petend et tapari faciendu pte standu sententiandu apellaudum et apellationes p sequendu Denique, cum eis concordemdu concludende et parisrendu. et istu p. omnia alia acta judicialia et extrajudici- alia faciendu que morita comseru juris ordo et facti qualitas exigunt et requirunt, Unum quo vel plures procurator vel procuratores loco ejus cum simili aut limltapotestate substitu- endu eumque velors revocando prout ipsi procuratori melius videbitur et placebit ; et generaliter omnia et singula alia faci- endu quo ipse Constituens facere posset si presens psonaliter ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 149 interesset etiam si talia ferent quo mandatum exigerent magis speciale quam sup'ius est expressum. Promittens dictus Constituens mihi dicto Notario ac publico persue stipulanti et recipient! se ratu gratu validu et firmu perpetuo habitum, quicquid p dictu procuratore ejusque substitu in p r messis actu gestu procuratumve fuerit, sub hypoca et obligatione omnium et singulorum bonorum stuorum mobilium et immo- bium p r sentium et futurorum et sub omni juris et facti re- nunuciatione ad se necessaria pariterer et cautela, Dictusque constituents in majorem evidentiam approbatione et consensus sui potestati predictse (sic vt p r sertu) facto et date has p r sentes nomines sui subscriptione et sigilli sui appostitione confirmavit: Acta Exonise die Annse et mense predictis, p'sentibus tune et ibidem Gulielmo Lane Clerico et Guliemo Harris literate, testibus &c: W m Lane Steven Oliver et sigillum W m Harris. Henr: Linscotts: Et ego Henricus Linscot Civitatis Exonia sacra regia authoritato Notarius publicus atque Tabellio admissus atque Juratus, Quia premissis omnibus et singulis dum sic (ut p r mittitur) agebantur et fiebant, presens in terfin, Igitur hoc Instramente exinde manum mea propria exaravi, nonneaque meum pprium et cognomen subscrips. signumque meum tabellionale Solitu et consuetu apposui, ab hoc Rogatus et requisitus. Ita est. Henricus Linscot Notarius publicus testatur. 1 (6) 16.48 John Manning of Boston did constitute &c James Oliver of the same his true & lawfull atturney grant- ing him full power &c: to aske &c: of all & singular psons in N: Engl: all & singular debt or debts sume or summes of money, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to com- pound &c: & to sue &c: & generally to doe all tilings &c: Also granting him power by vertue of a procuration to him made from Capt George Hewghes to appeare & answer in his action or actions & to implead & psecute against Capt Thomas Breedon. Ratifying &c: ffurther granting him power to stopp by Attachment or otherwise the estate of M r John Painter in the hands of M r Samuel Maverick or any other to the value of a thousand pounds Witnes Richard Parker John Maning & a scale William Aspinwall. [Page 130.] 1 (6) l&i-i Know all men by these pntes that whereas I John Allen of Charlstowne hi N: E: Mercht. have acknowl- 150 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. edged ray selfe to be indebted unto M r Daniel King of Lin in New Engl. mercer the sume of sixteene pounds fyve shil- lings current English money by a bill under my hand beare- ing date w th these pnts, I doe hereby pmise & ingage my selfe to pay or cause to be paid this sixteene pounds & fyve shillings unto M r Tho. Broughton at his brother M r W m Broughton his house behind the Royal Exchange in London, or hi case he should not be liveing or be absent at the due time of paym* then to pay it to M r Samuel King woollen drap. at the upper end of Cheapeside neere Saint Martins in London or his assignes for the use & behoofe of the s d Daniel King his brother, w ch shalbe fourteene dayes next after my arivall next in England or by the first day of December next after these pntes witnes my hand this first of August one thousa: six hund. forty & eight. Witnes thereto is p me John Allen Jollif Ridocke. This is a true Copie of the like writeing shewed mee by Jolliff Ruddock & desired to be entered. 1 (6) -LS-i.2. Jonas Wood of Hempsted uppon Long Isl- and in N. E: ordeined Capt Robt Harding of Boston in N: Engl. Merch* & M r Joshua ffoote of London yronmonger at the Goulden Cock in Gracious streete his true & lawfull Attu e f granting his s d Att es full power &c jointly & sev- erally to ask &c: of the Executo rs of the last will & Testam* of Prudence Wood late of London (sometime of Halifax in Yorkshire) widdow deceased, A certaine Legacie or Legacies bequeathed to him by the will of his s d mother Prudence Wood, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c: to doe say pursue &c: & generally to doe althings, w th power to substi- tute &c: Ratifying whatsoever his s d Att rs : or either of them or either of theire substitutes &c: 1 (6) 1648. Jonas Wood of Hampsteed (ut supra) uppon the payment of a Legacie or Legacies bequeathed to him by the last will & testam* of Prudence Wood late of London (sometimes of Halifax in Yorkshire) his mother deceased, by the Execut 1 of the s d will or by either of them unto Capt Ro: Harding of Bost: N: E Merch*. or to Joshua ffoote of Lond. yron'ger at the Goulden Cock in Gracious streete or to either of them or either of theire subst: doth ac- knowledge himself fully satisfyed &c: & doth by these p r sents acquit & dischardge the s d Execute 18 of the same and from any suits actions & demands in or about the same for ever. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 151 [Page 131.] 4 (6) 1648. Bee it knowne unto all men by these p e sents that I Edward Gibones of Boston in the Massachu- setts Bay in New England Merch*, have for & in considera- tion of a valueable summe already rec d of Major Nehemiah Bourne of Boston in N: England afores d mercht. bargained sould granted assigned delivered & confirmed, & by these pntes do bargaine sell grant assigne deliver & confirme unto the aboves d Nehemiah Bourne his heires Execute Adminis- trat rs & Assignes one sixteenth part of the ship Welcome of Boston of Burden three hundred & fifty Tonns or thereabouts & one sixteenth part of all & singular the Masts sailes saile- yards Anchors cables Guns Ropes Coarda boat tackle muni- tion furniture & apparell & all whatsoever unto the s d shipp belonging, or in any wise appertaineing, to have & to hould the s d bargained & Assigned premisses unto the s d Nehemiah Bourne his heires Executors Administrators & Assigns to his & theire pp use & as his & theire ppr goods. And I the s d Edward Gibons for me my heires Execute Adminis- trato rs & Assignes do covenant to & w th the s d Nathaniel Bourne his heires Execute 18 Administra* & Assignes that they shall & may according to the true intent & meaning of these pntes peaceably & quietly have hold & enjoy the s d bargained & assigned p r misses w th out any lawfull lett sute molestation or interruption of or by any pson or psons what- soever. In witnes whereof I the s d Ed. Gibons have caused this Bill of sale to be made & have hereunto sett my hand & scale this 6 th January 1 ^ 4 - 8 . Sealed & dd in p r sence of Edw: Gibons & a seale Valentine Hill : David Yale : This was p r sented to mee by M r W m Davies to be re- corded de bene esse. 7 (6) ' -LS.4-8. Henry Shrimpton of Boston did constitute W m Gibbins of Hartford his true & lawfull Atturney to re- cover & receive of John Daves of Hartford all such sume or summes of money as are due to him & to sue impleade &c: 9 (6) 1648 I witnessed to 2 Coven ts about the hyre of the Pretty from Xper Lawson to Geo: Dod, for six months at 40 s p month : 7 (6) 1648 David Selleck a Bill to pay for vessell Susan 3 U 5 s per hund. & Cov* of Lanclet Baker to finish it & mast it & do the joyners worke & to beare halfe the vessells chardge till cleared belowe the bridge at Mistick. 152 AsprtsrwALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Also a Bill of sale of the said vessell from Lanclet Baker to David Selleck: [Page 132.] 8 (6) 1648 Noverint Universi p p r sentes me Christopher Lawson de Boston in nova Anglia wine Coop teneri et firmiter obligari Thome Kemble de Charlstowne in Nova Anglia p r dicta ff actor, in trecentis libris bene et legalis mone- tes Anglise, Solvend eidem Thome Kemble aut suo certo Atturnat Executoribq Administrat veil Assignat suis, Ad- quam quidem solutionem bene et fideliter faciend oblige me heredes, Executores ac administratores nieos firmiter p p r sentes. Sigillo meo Sigillat Dat secundo die Augusti. Anno Dni 1&4-8. The Condition of this p e sent obligation is such that if the above bounden Christopher his heires Executo rs & Adminis- trators or either of them doe well & truly observe pforme fulfill & keepe all & singular the articles covenants & agree- ments conteined in a certaine schedule beareing Date w th these p r sents made betweene the above bounden Christopher Law- son on the one pt, & the above named Thomas Kemble on the other part, w ch on the part & behalfe of the said Christo- pher Lawson ought to be observed pformed & fulfilled & kept unto him the said Thomas Kemble, then present obli- gation to be void otherwise to remaine full of force & vertue. Sealed & delivered. Christopher Lawson in the presence of & a seale. The said Christopher Lawson ingageth also his howse in Boston for farther securitie, this was added before the en- sealeinge & delivery, acknowledged also before mee In- crease Nowell Joseph Armitage his marke. John Perry, W m Hudson Atturney to Georg Smith, Bar- tholomew Barlow Atturney to John Carman, Abraham Knight, Richard Croucher, W m King, Richard Haselwood sealed to a Release unto Major Edward Gibons of theire in- terest in the Shipp Planter. [Page 133.] 12 (6) 1AA& By W m Kieft Derecture generall of New Netherlands &c: To all Christian people whom these pntes shall concerne greetinge these may certify yo u that the first of Aprill last past John Richbell & John Dolling Merchants did as Joynt partners buy covenant & receive of & from us twenty & one ASPINWALL NOTABIAL RECORDS. 153 Negros at two hundred guilders the Neger w ch amounted to the sume of foure thousand two hundred guilders the w ch said summe they covenanted praised & conditioned to pay by the last of August following in pease & wheate & for the pformance the s d John Dolling was left here ingaged to us & the said Richbell had nineteene of the s d Negroes w th him into New England, the tenth of June following the s d John Richbel brought & Delivered us one hundred ninety & one I say 191 bushells of wheate at 52 Stivers the buchell w ch amounted to 496 guilders & the remainder the s d John Dolling hath paid satisfyed and given caution for to the value above said w ch is 4200 guilders given under o r hand in o r fort Amsterdam in New Netherland 8 this 26? Novemb r : Anno 1646 . Subsci Willm Kieft: Know all men that I John Dolling do acknowledge my selfe fully satisfyed from John Richbell the aforesaid summe of foure thousand two hundred guilders witnes my hand this 12 (6) 16-AJL Jn Dolling Teste Willm Aspinwall Not a publ 19 (6) 4_i i se t my hand as witnes to a Release from John Perry to Major Edw: Gibons about the Ship Planter. 19. (6) 1648 John Kelly Atturney to Stephen Olivier of Exeter merch* substituted John Holland of Dorchester in N: E: his atturney w th power to aske leavie &c: of all & singular pson or psons in N: E: all & singular debt or debts &c: Due unto the s d Stephen Olivier. & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to sue impleade &c: & generally to doe all things: & to substitute one or more &c: Ratifying &c: 19 (6) 1^-4-8- Nathaniel Wilson of Roxbury granted unto Joseph Wood of Ovenden in Yorkshire his right & title unto a certain Messuage in Ovenden w th all the lands unto the same belonging. & This was by an absolute deed of sale Dat. 19 (6) 1648. [Page 134.] In the name of God Amen. Gilbert Carpenter M r and part owner of the good shipp called the Gilbert of Dartmouth Burden one hundred & ten tonne or thereabout, eleven peeces of Ordinance Twenty men & a boy. hath letten to freight his s d ship or vessell w ch is now rideing at Anchor in 154 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Orotava in the Hand of Teneriff, unto Gowen Painter & Samuel Dashwood English Merch ts now resident in the s d Island of Teneriffe in manner following, ffirst it is agreed that the said Merch* 8 shall have twelve days to loade & put abord of the shipp what goods & Merchandises they shall think fitting to begin from the day of the date hereof : & being dispatched from this Island w* h what goods & Mer- chandises shalbe laden abord by the s d Merch* 8 . It is agreed by the pties above mentioned that the s d Master shall directly saile unto the Isle of May & take into his ship what salt shee can conveniently carry the cost & chardges of putting aboard the s d salt is to be defraid & borne by the s d Master to be loden for the Acc of the s d merch ts & have- ing taken in what salt the s d shipp can conveniently carry the s d Master is directly to saile unto the port of S*: James in Virginia where shee is to stay ten days at an Anchor to dischardg what part of her ladeing shalbe thought fitting by the s d merch ts or theire assignes & likewise shall take into his said shipp what goods & Merchandise the s d merch* 8 or theire Assignes shall loade & put aboard the s d shipp, & if in case the said Merch ts doe find sale for theire whole lade- ing of wine & salt, then & in such a case it shalbe at the pleasure of the s d Merch ts to keepe the s d ship in the afore- said Port of S* James in Virginia sixty dayes for her dis- charge & reladeing : & if in case the s d merchants doe not find sale for the goods and merchandises according to theire content in the aforesaid Port of St James in Virginia, then the s d master is to pceed w th what goods & Merchandise are aboard him directly for the Port of Boston in N: E: w ch shalbe his port of dischardg & relading of the s d shipp. for w ch discharg & relading the s d merch ts are to have sixty dayes : & if more than sixty shall be needfull for discharge & relading then the s d merch ts are to have twenty dayes of demorag 68 at the rate of three pounds p day. & the s d shipp being dispatched by the s d merch ts or theire assignes, the s d M r is to pceed directly unto the Island of Teneriff & Port of [Page 135.] Orotava & there to discharge all the goods & merchandises brought in the s d ship for the Acc of the s d Merch* 8 for the w ch discharge the Merch* 8 are to have twenty fyve dayes, & if more dayes shalbe spent in discharge of the s d ships lading, the merch* 8 are to allow three pounds steii p day for every day so spent. & for accomplishm* of the s d voyage the s d M r doth oblige himselfe & his shipp in penalty of one thousand pounds & the aboves d voyage being by the s d M r pformed ASPINWALL NOTAKIAL RECOEDS. 155 the s d merch* 8 are to pay freight to the s d master after the rate of six pound sterl p Ton to be paid in manner following, w ch is to say one hundred pounds in money w th in ten dayes of the arrivall of the s d ship in Orotava roade & the rest in good & merchantable wines at the price Current as shalbe laden by other merch ts of this Island for the pformance and payrn* of the s d freight the s d merch* 8 doe oblige themselvs & goods in penalty of one thousand pound sterling the tonnage of the s d ship to be accounted as shee shall stowe in wines in her hould. In witness of the truth the parties above men- tioned have here unto putt theire hands & scales Dated in Oratava this 23 day of May. Ann Dni. 1644. Wee whose names are here written do certify that the afore written is the true Copie of a Charter party made be- tweene Gowen Painter & Samuel Dashwood mercht resident in the Island of Teneriff of the one partie & Gilbert Carpenter mariner & m r of the s d shipp called the Gilbert of Dartmouth of the other partie witnes o r firmes. Dat. in Tenneriff the 14 th of June 1647. We that doe here subscribe Doe certify that the foregoing Copie we have perused & find to agree w th a Charter partie w ch was p e sented unto us by M r Goyen Painter subscribed by Gilbert Carpenter as m r , & witnessed by John Hitchcooke Phillip Ward & John Paydge the w ch we conceive to be the true charter partie made by the aforementioned therein. & although wee did not see the parties signe it yet for what Correspondence & tres.we have had from said parties wee conceive it to be theire firmes Dat the 14 th June 1647. David Stevens John ffowler John Sampson Marmaduke Raudon John Campion. Raph Lambert. [Page 136.] 11. (7) 1648 Samuell & Margaret Cole sealed a tre of Atturney unto Samuel Keyes, John Smith & W m Lokar to surrender theire lands in the manor of East hall into the hands of the Lord for the use of Stephen King of Col- chester. Also they sealed an acquittance unto John Greene of Broad oa ke for sixteene pounds foure shillings, both of them Dated 11 (7) 1648. I atttested a certif: of his wives health. 10 (12) 1648. 31th ^ 16.1.8 Uppon the 31 th day of the sixth month called August in the yeare 1648. At the request & in the behalfe & name of M r W m Paine of Ipswich in N: England 156 A SPIN WALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. I William Aspinwall Notary & Tabellion publ by Authority of the Generall Court of the Massachusetts admitted & sworne did goe unto M r Sampson Lane & presented unto him a Bill of Exchange the tenor whereof here followeth July 5th. 5 : mo: !/ At twenty dayes sight of this my first bill of Exchange I pray you pay or cause to be p d unto M r W m Paine the just summe of fifty pounds in moneys at foure shillings & sixpence the doller u g d or in goods at the said rate or value, at day make ^ 50.00.00 good paym* being for like value here rec d & place it to my Account, so God keepe yo u And rest yo u loveing frend John Thompson To his loveing frend m r Samp- son Lane at his house at Straw- berry bancke in Paskatq River. This Bill did I the said Notary : present to the s d Samp- son Lane & demanded payment : his answer was that he re- ceived tres of advise from John Thompson of the same date, but no advice about the s d Bill & therefore would not accept thereof, whereuppon I the s d Not. did then in the name of the s d W m Paine protest against the s d John Thompson who drew the s d Bill, as also against, the said Sampson Lane for not accepting thereof, for all damages & losses w ch the s d W m Paine shall suffer by reason thereof, that the s d John Thompson or Sampson Lane or both or either of them shal be lyable & responsall for the same. Thus done & passed in the towne of Boston hi the presence of Nicholas Davison. Quod virtute &c: [Page 137.] 12. (7) 2. Thomas Hawkins gave John Pierce of Bos- ton a bill of ten pound to be p d in Shop Comodities the 10 th June next. Dat. 12. (7) 1AA*. 16 (7) 1648 Walter Merry did ordine Robert ffen of Boston his true & lawfull Att r granting him power &c: to aske leavie &c: of Richard Chadwell late of Sandwich now of New haven a certaine Bill obligatory of fourty eight pound, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to com- pound &c: & to appeare in any Court or Courts there to sue &c: & generally to doe &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifyinge what soev r &c: ASPLNWALL NOTARIAL RECOKDS. 157 16 (7) 48 : I attested a Copie of an agreem* w th an obligation for paym* of 24 li. 10 s 18. (7) -l~64 Know all whom these may concerne that on the 10 th day of this eighth month it was mutually cove- nanted & contracted betwixt W m Roberts of London wine coop on the one pt & M r Richard Russell of Charlestowne in New England wollen Drap on the other party : that uppon causes & considerations leading them: that whereas Rich: Russell hath disbursed on a house (w h was formerly M r Averies) certaine summes towards the purchase thereof, It is now henceforth determined & mutually agreed uppon, that in case W m Roberts shall punctually pay two Bills o Exchange for the use & by the appointm* of Rich Russell, the one of fifty pounds fourty dayes after sight, the other of eighteene pounds at or uppon the first of Aprill next in Cur- rent money of England: & shall moreover lett the s d Rich: Russell peaceably enjoy the whole house & warehouse w th the garden rent free untill the 29 th of Sept. next ensueing w ch wilbe in the yeare 1647 : then the s d Rich: Russell is to Deliver up to the s d W m Roberts the s d house warehouse garden & all the immovables thereunto belonging : as like- wise all the land belonging to the same, excepting one meddow w ch was sould to W m Stilson, w ch meadow if the s d Roberts doe desire to possesse then the s d Rich: Russell is to purchase the same againe for the s d W m Roberts, the s d W m Roberts paying to the s d Rich: Russell as much as it was sould for to W m Chilson. The s d W m Roberts is to have the house & warehouse in as good condition as it is at this day ordinary usage excepted : It is further covenanted & agreed uppon, that in case the two bills or either of them shall not be p d as p Bills of Exchang, that the s d W m Roberts is to give to the s d Rich: Russell w th tres of advice ; that the s d Rich: Russell is to enjoy the said houseing & appurtenances until the s d W m Roberts shall pay the s d Richard Russell in New Englan done hundred pounds of current money: the s d house & land being the said [Page 138] Richard Russells security for pformance hereof, this 10 tk of October. Anno li& Sealed & dd in the presence William Robb: of us Richard R [us sell] John Hodges Edward Mellowes. 158 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 18 (7) 1&4-.8. Theodore Atkinson of Boston granted unto Anthony Waters late of Marshfield a tre of Atturney to aske leavie &c: of Capt. Howe of the Isle of Wight alias Lieft: Gardiners Hand neere Long Island the sume of eleven pounds due to him & of the receipt to give acquit- tance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court or Courtes there to require lawe &c: And generally to doe all things concerning the p r misses &c: ratifyeinge &c: 21 (7) 1648 : I attested a tre of Atturney from Paul Allistree to M r Nicholas Davison for recovery of all debts due to M r Ri: Pickford & M r Edw: Selmans of Maderas : 23. (7) 1648 I attested a Copie of a tre Att r from Anne Willis of Chettel in the County of Dorset Widdow & Zachary Willis of West woorth in the s d County gent unto Anne Willis Widdow formerly the wife of Nathanaell Willis to take all their right & interest w th all the writeings thereto belonging in England & Virginia &c: 23 (7) 1648: I also attested the Copies of sundrie the pceedings of the tryall had about the Shipp Gilbert, w oh M r James Lake had for the use of his Merch 48 : 25. (7) 1648. I witnessed unto a Will made by Richard Straine of Boston & sealed by him the 25 (7) 1648: 2 (8) 1648: Bee it knowne unto all men by these p r sents that I Thomas Santley of London merch* have or- dained made constituted & appointed & in my place & steed put my trustie & welbeloved frend W m Vincent of London Merch*. to be my true & lawfull Atturney & Assigne for mee & in my name & to my use to demand recover & re- ceive by all lawfull wayes & meaines what soever of Hum- phrey Higginson now resident in Virginia, & all other psons whom it doth or shall concerne, all such Goods Merchandizes debts summe & summes of money, estate, & demand, what- soever, as are to [Page 139.] mee the s d Tho. Santley payable or belonging in N: Eng- land or Virginia afores d by any waies or meanes whatso- ever, or in whose hands or custodie soever the same are or shall be remaineing intrusted & left by my ff actor Samuel Pierce Deceased, for my Account, according to a true Acco'. under my s d ffacto rs hand sent mee over from Virginia a long since, & to Demand & receive Accounts & reckonings of & from the said Humphrey Higginson & all other psons whom it doth or may concerne of & for all such goods & ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 159 merchandizes & other things w ch heretofore came to his or theire hands or disposition for the use of mee the s d Thomas Santley in as large & ample manner as by tre of Atturney under my hand & scale made the 12 th day of March An Dni 1637 in the thirteenth yeare of the reigne of o r Soveraign Lord Charles by the Grace of God Kinge of Eng- land &c: I did Authorise my s d tractor Samuel Pierce in my behalfe & for my use & Account to doe & pforme & to sell barter & dispose of such goods & merchandizes as my s d Attu r : W m Vincent shall receive & recover as afores d , or any part thereof to the use of mee the s d Thomas Santley, in such manner as my s d Att7: shall think best & fitting, makeing no debts except for such moneys as my s d Atturney shall receive bills of Exchang for payable to mee or my As- signes in London together w th security by bond for accept- ing & payinge of the sume accordingly, & for non Accounting, paying or Delivering moneys wares or merchandize, by any of my Debt rs in N: England or Virginia, to my s d Att r : W m Vincent according to my ffactor Samuel Pierce his list & true Account, w ch my s d Atturney carryeth along w th him, to sue arrest impleade & condemne them in any Court of Judicature w^in the s d Colonies of N: England & Virginia, & them to imprison & out of prison uppon satisfaction or good security given to remise release & dischardge & to scale acquittances releases or other lawfull dischardges to them in my name or in the name of Edward Pierce of Lon- don Merch* Administrate 1 " of the goods & Chatties of my ffactor Samuel Pierce deceased, but as my act & Deed as my said Atturney shalbe thereunto advised by councell learned in the lawe: Giveing unto my said Atturney W m Vincent further power & Authoritie to depute & sett under him W m Hill now resident in Virginia [Page 140.] to bee an Atturney for him to Actuate herein or more Credible Atturneys likewise to transact the Authority of this my tre of Atturney on my behalfe & to my use & account & whatsoever my s d Atturney W m Vincent or his Deputed Atturneys shall doe or cause to be done in the p r misses I doe ratifye confirme & allowe the same to all intents & purposes to be reall & substantiall done by vertue of these presents as if I myselfe were then & there psonally p r sent at the doe ing thereof. In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & scale the 4 th day of Septemb r in the three & twentieth yeare of the reigne of o r Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God King of England Scotland 160 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. ffrance & Ireland defend 1 of the faith &c: AfiAI An Dni. Sealed & Delivered Thomas Santley & a seale in the p r sence of John Rogers Thomas Elzey notar: publ: This is a true Copie of such a writeing p r sented unto me W m Asp: publ Not by the s d w m Vincent to record this 2 (8) 1648: 3. (8) 1648: I testifyed to a Copie of Bill of Exchange from M r Stephen Goodyeare to M r Malbone to pay 43 U to M r Grey at the Crosse keys in Birchin lane for the use of M r Keanie. Also I did Attest a Copie of an Account betwixt Zepha- niah Smith. & W m Hanberry to the value of 50V 15 8 . Also I attested another Copie of the same Dat. 18 (10) i-S-iJL 3 (8) 1648. W m Hanberry of Boston did make &c: Edward Stebbing of Hartford uppou Connecticot his true & lawfull Att r , granting his said Att r : full power &c: to aske &c: of Zephaniah Smith of Hartford, the sume of fifty pounds 15 s ? due to him, as by account under the hand of the 3 d Zeph: may more fully appeare ; & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: there to require leave &c: to doe say &c: & gene- rally to doe all things concerninge the premisses &c: w th power to substitute &c ratifying irrevocably &c: [Page 141.] 31 (7) 1648 Nicholas Rice of Boston constituted Peter Gardiner of Roxbury & Nicholas Gamage of London book- binder his true & lawfull Att rs : granting them power joyntly & severally to aske &e : of the Execto 1 " 8 of Tho: Rice of Walden deceased all such Legacie or Legacies as were given or bequeathed to the said Appearer or otherwise due to him by the death of his brethren & sisters ; als.o to Aske &c: all such bond or bonds or other writeings concerning himselfe or his said brethren & sisters deceased left in trust in the hands of M r W m Saunders of Walden in the County of Essex or in the hands of any other, & of the receipt to give acquit- tance &c: w th power to substitute &c: - 17 (8) 1648 Nicholas Rice of Boston planter consti- tuted Pet r Gardiner of Roxbury & Nicholas Gamage of Lond. bookseller his true & lawfull Atturneyes: granting them power to aske leavie recover &c of the Execut of ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 161 Rich: Rice of Ketton in Suffolke shoemaker a certaine Leg- acie of ten pounds, & of & from all & singular pson or psons whatsoever all debt or debts summe or summes of money due to the s d appearer & of the receipt to give acquit- tance &c: as in the former. 23. (8) 1648 Samuell Martin of Conecticott oweth the 28 th of 5*? 1646 . li s d One dozen of Kersey stockings 38" . . . 01 : 18 : 00 One doz of Gotten at 21 8 . . . . 01 : 01 : 00 One doz ditto, at 15 8 00 : 15 : 00 11 y dB % of Adaretto at 4 s . . . . 02 : 06 : 00 to pay in good beaver w^in three weekes 06 : 00 : 00 Witnes my hand the day & date above mentioned Samuell Martyn. 1 (9) 1648 David Selleck of Boston did constitute Capt Richard Malbone of New Haven his true & lawfull Atturney granting him power to aske leavie &c: of Tho: pell of New haven Chirurgeon the summe of three hundred pounds w cb he stopped or detained & due damages, & of the receipt to give acquittance, also to compound & agree & to sue impleade &c : Also an Assigment was made by Dav : Selleck unto Edmund Leach to receive the said summe & whatsoever Capt Malbone shall recover & to give him a dischardge : Also I attested a Copie of the Oath of Dorothie Tilson taken before 27 th Apr: l41 the 2. Novemb. 1648. 2 (9) 1648 Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Joy doe quitt Thomas Turner of all suites debts dues & demands from the beginning of the world till this day. witnes Edw: Tailor The marke of X Tho: Joy Ambrose Leech This is a true Copie of the like writeing p r sented to mee by Thomas Turner so subscribed & witnessed. [Page 142.] 4 (9) 1648 Thomas Turner acknowledged that he had sould to ffrancis Smith & Ambrose Leach halfe the new barke the Jonathan Baulston is a building according to the deed now in M r Pormorts hand. 162 ASPLNWALL NOTAKIAL RECORDS. 4 (9) 1648 To all men whom these p r sents shall come John Sibly of Salem in N: E: in America sendeth greeting. Whereas at a Court Leete w th veiw of ffranc Pledge together w th the Court of the Manor of Brad pole in the County of Dorset there held the 2^ day of Septemb: in the fifteenth yeare of the Reigne of o r late Soveraigne Lord King James of Engl: &c: S r Nicholas Salter Knight late Lord of the said Manor, did grant unto Nicholas Hallet & unto the said John Sibly & unto W m Sibly now deceased sonnes of W m Sibly then deceased one tenement w th the Appur- tenances two close of land arable, & pasture called Longley conteining nine Acres & a halfe & one close of pasture called ffragott containeing two Acres, one close of land arable & pasture, conteineing one Acre, one close of land arable called Greenclose conteining twoe Acres, & one close of Medow called the Moore conteineing foure Acres & a halfe, one close of Medow called South meade conteineing three yards, & one close of land arable & pasture called Redcrosse conteineing six Acres w th thappurtenances, to have & to hould the tenement aforesaid, w 111 all & every theire appurtenances to the said Nicholas Hallet John Sibly & W m Sibly for tearme of theire lives, & the life of every of them longest liveing successively according to the Custome of the said Manor, under the yearly rent of thirty & five shil- lings: Now know yee, that the said John Sibly for & in consideration of the summe of threescore pounds of lawfull money of England to him in hand payd & secured to be payd to the said Nicholas Hallet, hath constituted made & ordained, & by these pntes he the said John Sibly doth con- stitute make & ordeine & in his place put John Browne William Way & John Hearne all of them tenants of the said Manor of Bradpole his true & lawfull Atturneyes joyntly & severally for him the said John Sibly & in his name to sur- render into the hand of the said Lord or Lords of the said Mano r or the Steward of the said Mano r for the time being, the said tenement w th the appurtenances, & all the said closes w th the appurtenances & all the estate right title & interest of him the said [Page 143.] John Sibly therein, or thereunto ratifying confirmeinge & allowing all & whatsoever his said Atturneyes or any of them shall lawfully doe or pcure to be done in or about the premisses. In witnes whereof of the said John Sibly hath hereunto put his hand & seale the thirteenth of September in the eighteenth yeare of o r soveraigne Lord Charles by the ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 163 grace of God of England Scotland ffrance & Ireland King Defend* of the faith &c. Annoq Dni 1642. Sealed & dd in pnte of John Sibly. & a scale Increase Nowel Secret. William Aspinwall Recordr Edw: Mellowes Raph Sprage fforington David Phippeni of Waymouth Nicholas Upsall of Dorchester. 7 (9) 164-S- Robert Nash of Boston did constitute Thomas Widhouse of Pascatqs his true & lawfull Att r : granting him power to aske &c: all & singular debt or debts &c: of all & singular pson or psons due to him, & of the re- ceipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound & agree &c: & to sue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute one Att r or more under him w th like or limited power ratifying irrevocably &c: T. (9) 16^-- W m Peperell of Slappen in Devonshire as- signed ove r to John Sparks of Dartmouth all his wages due from W m Stimson M r of the Eagle of Colchester vizt. 36 s p month for eight months from the 10 th of ffeb: to the 14 th of October, last past. w th power to sue &c: & to substitute Att rs under him w th generall power. Ratifying &c: 8 (9) 16S. I attested a Copie of the Govern award betweene Major B ourne & M r Richard Hufchinson. 9 (9) 1648. At the request of John Wall Capt of the Dolphin of London I did ptest against Edw: Collins for de- fault of payment of eleven thousand of clapbord according to a Covenant. & published the same to the s d Edw: Collins at the house of Robert Turner. 9 (9) 1648 At the request of Edw: Collins I protested against Thomas Lake for non paym* of eleven thousand of bolts according to agreement: [Page 144.] A pticular of all such Tobaccoes Cotton Suger or Indigo as are due in this Hand of Barbados unto James Neale & Companie. this 18 th day of June l^-O- Tobacco Ib M r Edward Dennian & Robert Camble their bill for 1000 Thomas Reed & Edw: Goodale their bill for . 250 Carried forward . . . . . 1250 164 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Brought forward . . . . . 1250 Jasper Culpert & Giles delagnarr their bills for . . . . . . 2700 Richard Mousey his bill for .... 2000 M r Edw: Grov'vnst his bill p Receipt of wine one pipe . . . . 1100 M r Sam: Holmes his bill for . . . . 2000 M r Walter Powel his Bill for . . . 1729 M r John Morrice his Bill for .... 1600 M r John Reade his Bill for . . . . 17765 M r Lewis Morris for two bar 113 of wine . 500 30644 Received by mee Nathaniel Long the abovesaid Bills & Accounts being the summe of thirty thousand six hundred forty & foure pounds of tobacco w ch I doe promise to indev or to receive & bind my selfe to be accountable for the value unto James Neale & Companie. Witnes my hand this 25 th of June 1^-4-t p me Nathaniel Long. This is a true Copie of the like writeing p r sented to mee by M r James Neale aboue written the 4 (9) i 648 6 (9) 1648 This Bill bindeth mee Will m Durand my heires Execute 18 & Administrat. to pay or cause to be paid unto W m ffrancklin of Boston in N: England Black smith the full quantity of eighteene hundred thirty twoe pounds of good & Merchantable tobacco in leafe to be dd to the said William ffrancklin or his Assignes in Virginia w th in two months after the arrivall of the said William Durand in Virginia. Witnes my hand the fourth of the nienth month 1644. In presence of William Durand Cornelius LLoyd./ [Page 145.] 6 (9) 1648 This Bill bindeth mee William Durand my heires execut & Administr to pay or cause to be paid unto William ffrancklin or his Assignes the full summe of eight pounds thirteene shillings & niene pence according to a con- clusion of Account betweene them at this time, to be De- livered in Virginia this next Cropp at three pence the pound & Caske. Witnes my hand, the 18 th of May 1646. William Durand. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 165 11 (9) 16i Thomas Bayes of Boston in N: E: Carpen- ter did constitute Joseph Wilson of Boston aforesaid mariner his true & lawfull Atturney granting his s d Atfj full power &c: to aske &c: of all & singular pson or psons in Barbados Christophers or any of the Caribee Hands, all & singular debt or debts summe or summes of money or other Comodi- ties due unto him & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court or Courts &c: w th power to substitute one Att r : or more &c: Ratifye- ing irrevocably &c: ffurther granting his Att r power to call to Account W m Plumer of S l Christophers for all writeings specialties & goods thereuppon received according to a write- ing under the s d Plumers hand. Dat. 6 th May. 1648. 13 (9) -i- 6 4 8 - I attested 2 Copies of Accounts made up betweene major Edw. Gibons & Capt John Leverit 29 (6) 1648. wherein Capt Leverit rest indebted uppon all accounts to that day. I 1 . 1 4? 8 d 13 (9) 1648 Josiah Stanborough of South hampton on Long Iland constituted W m ffrancklin of Boston his Attu r irrevocable granting him power to ask &c all rents due unto him for a messuage or house in Ban bury in Oxfordshire now or late in the occupation of W m Savage a maker of stuffs, & of the receipt to give acquittance also to compound &c: ffurther granting his s d Att r : power to alien & sell the said house deed or deeds of sale to make &c: Ratifyeing &c whatsoever his Att r or substitutes shall doe in any the premisses, ffurther covenanting to make seale & deliver any deed or deeds release or releases w ch shalbe advised by Counsel learned for Confirmation of the s d sale uppon just & reasonable demand thereof./ Date. 7 (8) 1648. 13 (9) 1648. Josias Stanborough bound himselfe in foure score pounds (for & in consideration of fourty foure pounds sterling received & a procuration made unto W m Francklin) that in case [Page 146.] the s d W m Francklin cannot by himselfe or his substitutes recover the s d rent & make sale of the s d house w th in the space of twoe years next ensueing, that then uppon the Re- delivery of the s d Procuration the said Josiah thall pay or cause to be p d unto the s d W m or his Assignes the full summe of 44 1 . 1 sterl w th equall allowance & all just charges at law, to be p d in beefe porke bacon butter cheese wheate or pease or all or any of them at money price, to be p d in Boston. Dat. 7 (8) 1648. 166 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 14 (9) 1648. John Robinson made a bill for paym* of 3 C 60 lb sugar to W m Park or his Assignes at Barbados to be p d when any of the freight is p d . in case the said 360 weight be not formerly pd to John Holgrane. And W m Parke assigned the same to Tho: Webber. 14. (9) 1648. Humphrey Damirall constituted James Oliver & Thomas Hawkins his Att* s to sue & recover all debts of all & singular psons in N: England./ 14. (9) 168: This bill bindeth mee Cornelius Lloyd my heires Execu rs & Administrat r8 to pay unto David Sel- leck mercht his heires or assignes the full & just summe of nine hundd pounds of good merchantable [tobacco] in leafe & caske at or before the tenth day of Novemb r next, witnes my hand this 24 th of September 1648. witnes Thomas Marsh: Cornelius Lloyd 2. This bill bindeth me W m Rabnet my heires Execut rs or Administrate 18 to pay unto M r David Seleck his heires Administrat 1 " 8 or Assignes the full & just summe of two thousand fyve hundd pounds of good sound merchantable tobacco in leafe & Caske to be p d at my now dwelling house, at or uppon the last day of October next ensueing as witnes my hand this 9 th of Sept: Anno. 1648. As also I doe further oblige my heires or Administrate 1 " 8 to pay unto the s d M r David Selleck his heires or Adminis- trate 1 " 8 the summe of foure hundd pounds of good merchant- able tob: & Caske at the time & place above said as witnes my hand this 9 th of Septemb: l&UL William Rabnett witnes Robert Pyland W m : Posgaite Supscribed M r Rabnetts bill for 290 O lb of tobacco. 3. This bill bindeth me Thomas Owen my heires Executo rs & Adminstr to pay unto David Selleck of Boston in New : England merch*. the full & compleate quantity of twoe thousand pounds of merchantable Virginia leafe tobacco [Page 147.] w" 1 sufficient Caske payable uppon demand conveniently in Warwick River. In witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand this 18 th of Sept. 1&. Tho: Owen. Test John Bennet Roger Grosse. Supscribed M r Owen his bill of 2000 of Tobacco 1648 ASPLNWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 167 4. This Bill bindeth me Roger Grosse of upper Norfolke in Virginia my heires Exec: & Administ to pay unto David Selleck of Boston in New: England Merch*. or to his Assignee the full quantity six hundred & fiftie pounds of Merch*able Virginia leafe Tobacco w* 11 sufficient caske in some convenient place in Nansamme River payable uppo demand, witnes my hand this 18 th of Septemb: 1648 Test John Bennet Roger Grosse Tho: Owen. Supscribed Roger Grosse his bill for 650 lb of Tobacco. 1 6 4 8 . 5. Bee it knowne unto all men by these p r sents that I Edward Prince of James Citty do bind my selfe my heires Execut & Administ: to pay unto David Selleck of New Eng- land Merch* or his Assignes the x th day of Novemb r next in good Merchantable tobacco the just summe of foure hundred & fifty pounds. In witnes of the truth I have hereunto put my hand this 8 th day of Sept. 1^^. Testis Edward Prince, to David Selleck this bill belongs William Posgaite. Supscr: Edward Prince his Bill to M r Selleck for 450 lb of tobacco the x th Novemb: 1648. 6. These pnts witnes that I Robert Ewens do acknowl edg to stand & bee indebted unto David Selleck Merch* of Boston in New England the full & just summe of six hun- dred pounds of sound Merchantable Virginia Tobacco & caske due to be paid unto the said David Selleck or his As- signes at all demands, as witnes my hand this 16. of Sept. 1648. Witnes John Sutton. Robert Ewen. 7. This bindeth me John Stringer my heires Exec & Administ. to pay unto David Selleck Merch* or to his As- signes the full & compleate quantity of one hundd pounds of Merchantable tob. payable uppon demand witnes my hand this 28 th of August. 1648. Teste John Bennet John Stringer Tho: Owen. 8. This shall oblige mee Tho: Burbage my Exec or As- signes to pay unto David Selleck Merch* or his Assignes the sume of eight hundd & seven pounds of good Tobacco in leafe w th Caske at Demand witnes my hand this 14* 11 of July. An 1648. Witnes George Lobb- Thomas Burbage. Supscribed Capt Burbage bill for --S_I//. 168 A SPIN WALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. [Page 148.] 9. This bill bindeth Thomas Davies of Chuckatucke in Virginia gent, my heires Exec & administr to pay unto David Selleck of Boston in New England merch* or to his Assignes, the summe of three hundred & thirty pounds of Merchantable Virginia leafe tobacco & a sufficient hogshead to containe the s d tob. at or before the tenth of octob: next at my dwelling house at chuckatucke aforesaid. In witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand this 29 th of June Teste Thorn: Owen Thomas Davis Supscribed 1648 M r Thomas Davies to pay 330 lb : tob: & caske 10? 8 bris . 10. This Bill bindeth mee Henry Peat gent my heires Exec or Assignes to pay or cause to be pd unto David Selleck Merch* of New England the full & just summe of one thousand seven hundd & fyve pounds of sound merchantable Virginia tobacco in leafe & caske, due to be paid att or the first of Novemb r next ensueing the date hereof, as witnes my hand this 11 th of July. Ifi^flL. Witnes John Button Henry Pitt. David Ewenes Supscrip: one the one side M r Henry Pitt bill for 1705 pounds of tobacoe & caske. on the other side M r Henry Pitt for 1705 11 tob. 11. This Bill bindeth us John King Lawrence Ward & Thomas Hinson of the Isle of Wight County in Virginia & either of us jointly & severally o r heires Exer & Admin- istrate 1 " 8 to pay unto David Selleck of Boston in New Eng- land Merch* or to his Assignes the full & compleate quantity of one thousand & fiftie of merchantable Virginia leafe tobacco & caske in some convenient place in the Isle of wight County aforesaid at on or before the tenth day of October next. Witnes o r hands this 4 th July. 1648. Test after the interlineing Jo: King of these words (& Cask) Law: Ward in the presence of Tho: Hinson Tho: Ward Tho: Owen Superscribed 1646 * M r John King Law: Ward & Tho. Hinsons biU for 1050" tob: & caske: 10 s 8 bris. 12. Theise presents bindeth me Tho: Burbage my heires & Assignes to pay unto David Selleck of New England ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 169 Merch* or his Assignes the summe of one hundd seventy fyve pounds of good tobacco in leafe at demand. Witnes my hand this 15 th of 7 ber . 1S-4LB. Tho: Burbage. 13. Dated in Virginia the 14 th of July 1648. This Bill bindeth mee Robert Ewins my heires Executo 18 & Ad- ministrat 018 to pay unto David Selleck of Boston in New England merch* or to his Assignes the full & compleate quantity of [Page 149.] three thousand two hundd eighty fyve pounds of Merchant- able Virginia leafe Tobacco w th sufficient Caske in some con- venient place in Nansammd in one entire paym* at or before the tenth day of October next. Witnes my hand the day & yeare first above written. Test Thos: Owen Robert Ewen. Robert Wickles. Supscribed Robt Ewins bill for 3285 U & caske. Dated in Virginia 14 July iOJ." 14. This bill bindeth mee Thomas Owen my heires Execut & Administrate 1 " 8 to pay unto David Selleck of Bos- ton in New England Merch* or to his Assignes the full & compleate quantity of nine hundd seventy seaven pounds of Merchantable tobacco & caske, at or before the first of Novemb r next in some convenient place in Warwick County, witnes my hand the day & yeare ferst above written. p me Tho: Owen. Test: william Posgaite. sup e rscribed Tho? Owen bill for 977 1 . 1 Dated in Virginia the 1* of July 1648." 15. This bill bindeth mee Cornelius LLoyd of lower Norfolke gent my heires Execut 6 & administrators to pay unto David Selleck of Boston in New England Merch* or to his Assignes the full & compleate quantity of seventeene hundd & fyve pounds of Merchantable Virginia leafe tobacco & sufficient caske payable at or before the tenth day of October next Witnes my hand this day & yeare above written. Witnes after the interlineing Cornelius LLoyd of these words (pay unto) in the presents of us Tho: Marsh Tho: Owen. Supscribed. M r Cornelius LLoyd for 1705 1 * 170 ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 15. (9) 1648. I attested a bill of Anthonie Wilson John Burre & Andrew Ward to Barnab 1 " ffawer to pay to him or his Assignes at ffairefield 146 11 . 5 s : in wheate at 4? 4 d p b: & pease at 3? 4? p bush: & porke at 3 d i p n the s d ffawer pviding salt & caske to be p d at the waterside the 16 th Aprill next. Dat. 30 (7) 1648. Also I attested an Assignment of the said wheate pease & porke from Barnabus ffawer to Shepheard M r of the vessell called granting him power uppon the receipt to give acquittance. [Page 150.] 15 (9) UJLS.. I attested a tre of Att r - from Richard Shearman to Edward Harrison to receive & recover of W m Eley the summe of fyve pound. & to substitute one Att r or more under him. Dat. 18 th October -L&4-S.. & by him ac- knowledged before me this 15 (9) 1648 . 15. (9) Dav: Selleck of Boston constituted Edw: Har- rison of Virginia his Att r to recover all debts &c: from all & singular psons in Viginia w th power to substitute one Att r or more &c: 15. (9) Edw: Harrison gave Dav: Selleck a bill acknowledging the receit of the 15 bills mentioned p. JL4. lAi. IJLS. & 1JL9L of this booke & one ton Mackrell & one Hun Cur fish rec d & bond himselfe to be responsall as also for the freight to be rec d of some passengers. 15. (9) Noverint universi p p sentes me Thomas ffowle de Boston nova Anglia, tenori et fermiter obligari Hugoni Browne de Bristol Mercat. trecent libr bone et legalis monete Angl. Solven d eidem Hugoni aut suo certo Attur: vel Execut r suis quart die Juij primo futu r post I dat pre- sentiar. Ad quam quidem solutionem bene et fidelites faciend obligo me heredes Execut et Administr. meos firmiter p p r sentes. sigillo meo sigillat, Dat die decimo tertio Sept: 1645. The Condicon of this Obligacon is such that if the above named Tho: ffowle do pay or cause to be p d unto Rich: Russell of Charltowne Merch* or his Assignes uppoii the Acc of Hugh Browne afores d of Bristol Merch* the full & just summe of one hundred seventy two pounds ster 1 in good & merchantable fish at price Current, to be dd at Marble head at or before the third day of June next following (vizt anno M. D. C x Ivj.) that then this obligation shalbe utterly A SPIN WALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 171 roid & of none effect, otherwise to remaine in full force & vertue. Sealed signed & dd Tho: ffowle & a scale in the presence of Nehemiah Bourne Raph Woory Quod eliam attestor Rogatus W m Aspinwall Not. publ 15 (9) 1648. M r Phillip Gibbs, these are to Order yo u uppon twenty dayes sight hereof to pay unto M r Hugh Browne of the Citty of Bristow or his Assignes all such summes of money as are due to me Tho: ffowle of Boston in New Eng- land for eighty two pounds of Bever w ch yo u received here for my use as appeares by yo r Noate under yo r hand. I pray you faile not but make him current payment & [Page 151.] put it uppon my Account as by advise so I rest yo r loveing frend. Boston, in New England Tho: ffowle. the 3 day of June 1645 To M r Phillip Gibbs of Northam in the Countie of Devon these 15 (9) 1648. 20 th Sept. 1645. This witnesseth that whereas I Tho: ffowle did give unto M r Henry Abley a bill for M r Phillip Gibbs of Northam in the County of Devon to receive the pduce of eightie two pounds & a halfe of Beaver, w ch I the said Tho: ffowle val- ued at the summe of forty pounds sterl. Now this wit- nesseth that if the s d Beaver doth not amount unto the summe of fourty pounds as aforesaid or in case the s d Bill be not payd, then this presents binds me the said Tho: ffowle to pay the same Bill or any part thereof unpayed w th forbear- ance after the rate of ten p Cent in or before the third day of June next in Merchantable ffish at price Currant w th out delay. Witness my hand the 20 th Septemb. &-. Tho: ffowle. 17. (9) 1648: Uppon the request of Ensigne Roger Grice of Mountserat Merch 1 who appeared before me W m Aspinwall No* &c: shewing mee certaine Artecles betweene him selfe & the s d Augustine Walker & above for pform- ance of the same. I the s d Not at his request as afores d did repaire to the s d Aug. Walker & in the name of the s d Roger Grice did protest & by those p r sents doe protest against yo u 172 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. the s d Aug: Walker for breach of Charter Party because yo r ship hath not set saile according to Covenant, that whatso- ever Damages the s d Rog r Grice hath suffered or here after shall suffer through yo r Default yo u shalbe responsall to make good the same in time & place convenient. This pro- test was thus published & read to the s d Augustine Walker in the p r esence of Capt John Leveritt by mee the s d Notary unto w ch the s d Augustine replyed that his shipp was readie at the day & stayed for the goods of the said Robert [sic] Grice. some of whose goods were put aboard this very day as he said. 18 (9) 1648 I witnessed a bill of sale of the Bride of Enchusen from Isaac Abrahams to Robert Scott & John Cooke. [Page 152.] 18 (9) 1648 I attested to a certiff: that the Bride of Bos- ton belonged to some Merch ts in the bay being bound for trade to N: Haven. N. nethland Virginia & else where in America & Caribee Islands & Barmudas. 21 (9) 1648 Bee it knowne by these p r sents that wee Christop r Lawson & Elizabeth my wife the daughter of John James doe acknowledge the receipt of ten pounds due unto mee the s d Elisabeth by the last will & testament of Thomas James late of ffilton in the county of Glocester deceased & doe hereby acquitt & discharge the Executo r s of the last will & testam* of the s d Thomas James of & from the s d summe or Legacie of ten pounds In witnes whereof we have hereunto put o r hands & scales this two & twentieth day of November 1647 Sealed & dd, Christopher Lawson in the presence of & the marke of Elisabeth Thomas Tarte Lawson & a scale. John Spoore. 21. (9) 1648 I attested a Copie of an Account betwixt Ensigne Roger Grice & the Merch ts for goods Shipped in the John w ch Amounts to 314 1 . 1 3. 06. w ch together w th 78 U of M r Clarke w h makes 392. Dat. 21 (9) 1648. & signed Roger Grice. 24 (9) 1648: Nicholas Phillips of Waymouth in N: E: sealed a receipt of 16 1 ? from Hezekiah Usher & Henry Shrimpton by order of M r Tho: Boylston merch* for the use of Tho: Boylston late of Waymouth his wife & children. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 173 24. (9) 1648: I attested a bill of sale of i the Hull of the Susanna fro Edw: Johnson to David Sellock: & a bill from each of them to other for paym* uppon the psenting of Accounts about the s d ship. w ch is to be at Boston. 1 (10) UL. 25 (9) 16M I attetesd certaine Copies of witnesses brought by m r Tilly against m r8 Phillips in the Church. Barbados 23 march 1647 27 (9) 1648. I attested a Copie of a bill of Exch: drawne by James Drax on M r Allexander Jackson & M r Nicholas Enos or either of them, for 33 1 . 1 2 s payable at ten dayes sight to M r John Allen or his Assignes: & Assigned by John Allen 15 July 1648 unto Tho: Ruck haberdash: on london bridg or his assignes. [Page 153.] 27 (9) 1AAS-. I attested a Copie of a Bill of Clem* Cam- pion or agreem* w th Josh: Hues Atty to Michael Charlton of Lond: grocer for paym* of 80 1 . 1 in full for two executions, the one of 62" 16? 7* & the other of 24 1 . 1 8? ll d to be pd 12 C. weight Cotton at 8 d p pound, one thousand weight tob: at 4 d p pound, and the rest in Cordage. 18 (9) 1648: I attested a bill of health for W m Steven- son m r of the Egle of Colchester of 120 11 : & a Certificat that Sarah the wife of W m Serg 11 .* of Charlstowne (sometime wife of W m Minshall of whitchurch in Shropshire) appeared before the Govern r the 16 (9) & was in health. 27. (9) 1&3- I attested a Copie of the ffreight of the Shipp Planter Divided by Tho: Savage, Dav: Selleck & James Oliver appointed by the Gener 11 Court: w ch here followeth: Wee whose names are by the Court Appointed a Comitte to set out the freight of the Shipp Planter they not accounted for betweene M r Tyng & M r Hill f & for M r Gainer all the s d freights being p r sented to be as followeth. 11 s d ffrom M r Richbell .... 91.00.00 ffrom M r Tinge . . . 21.00.00 ffrom Paul Allistre .... 42.00.00 ffrom M r Clarke .... 11.15.00 ffrom M r Rashley .... 10.10.00 174 A SPIN WALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. M r Yeo 10.12.00 M r Russell . . . . 17.10.00 M r Hill 01.10.00 M r Gainer .... 03.00.00 208.17.06 Wee the Comitte do sett out the said freight as followeth. II a d li. s. d. M r Richbell to M r Hill 60.00.00 To M r Gainer .31.00.00 M r Tyng to Ditto . . 17.13.04 To ditto i out . 03.06.08 Paul To ditto . . 42.00.00 To ditto .... 00.00.00 M r Clarke to ditto . . 00.00.00 11.15.00 M r Russell 00.00.00 . . . . 17.10.00 M r Yeo 07.11.08 .... 03.00.10 M r Rashley 10.10.00 .... 00.00.00 M r Hill to 01.10.00 .... 00.00.00 M r Gainer to 00.00.00 .... 03.00.00 139.05.00 69.12.06 p Thomas Savage p David Sellecke p James Oliver. 28. (9) 1648. I attested a tre Att r from Nicholas Lob- dell of Hingham to Richard Shelton Mariner to recover & receive of Nathaniel Peck of Barbados or S l Christophers late of Hingham all debt or debts &c: due to him & to com- pound sue &c: & one Att r or more to substitute. Also I attested a bill of Nathaniel Pecks unto Nicholas Lobdell of thirty four pounds Dat. 4 th ffeb. 1636. [Page 154.] I attested an Indentu 1 " betwix Lieft* Savage & Thomas Mower & also betwixt Tho: Mower & him for 6 yeares servic. 7 (10) l4-i. Know all men whom these p r sents shall concerne that I Robt. Nash of Boston doe acquitt release & discharge m r ffrancis Knight of Pemaquid of all debts dues & Demands Accounts bills bonds that either now are or here- tofore have beene betweene us from the begining of the world to this day witnes my hand this 6 th day Decemb r Witnes Robert Nash Robert Keayne Joshua Hues David Yale Henry Walton. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 175 18 (10) 1648. This bill bindeth mee George Grace merch* my heires Executors & Administrators to pay unto M r Jona- than Brewster merch* his heires & assignes the summe of two hundd & ten pounds of good & merchantable leafe tobacco at Boston in New England at or before the 10 th June next ensueing, the s d M r Brewster standing to the Adventure of the sea, as also to pay the freight of the s d tobacco, & in case M r Brewster be not there himselfe, then I pmise to Deliver the said tobacco to his assignes, witnes my hand 19 th Aprill 1648 Teste./ p me George Grace 2 Memorand. that I John Cromwell doe by these pres- ents acknowledge my selfe indebted to Jonathan Brewster the just summe of 45 1 . 1 0. 8 d for goods bought of him at Manhatas, w ch summe of 45M & 8 A . I bind my selfe my heires Executo rs & Administrators to pay in the last of Aprill next ensueing after the date hereof in Bever mooskins & some deere skins at the price as comonly it goes at Manhatas. In witnes whereof I have sett to my hand this 28 th of October in the yeare of o r Lord God 1647 Witnes hereof John Cromwell. P E Peter Ebel his marke. 3 Bee it knowne unto all men by these pnts that I George Grace of Kikatan mercht acknowledge to owe & stand indebted unto John Cromwell or his assignes the just siim of Eleven hundd pounds tobacco & caske to be paid at or uppon the 10 th November next ensueing the date hereof, in witnes of the truth I have made this Bill & sett thereunto my hand 26 th Aprill 1648 p me Georg Grace [Page 155.] 4 A list of Bills & Accounts left w^ mee & belonging to M r Jonathan Brewster w ch I doe acknowledge to have re- ceived & doe oblige my selfe to be Accountable to the afore- said Brewster or his Assignes this 20 th of June 1648. viz: It i biU of M rs Luce purfies .... 709 lb - It John Compton p Bill & Acc. . . . 363 lb - It John Bradshaw p bille .... 910 lb - It John Byram p bille & Acco: . . . 160 lb - It John Cromwell p Bille .... 504 lb - It M r Thomas Lambert p bill . . . 652 lb - Teste Tho: Eaton Chyr: peter Ashton more rec. M r Houes Bill for 160 lb - Peter Ashton. 176 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 5. A list of Bills made over to M r Brewster by John Cromwell this 20 th of June vizt. It one bill of M rs Luce purifie . . . 709^ It John Compton p Bill & Acco. . . . 363 1 ? It John Bradshawe p Bill .... 510 11 ? It John By ram p Bill & Acco . . . 160^ It M r George Grace p Bille .... 110 Q lb . 2842 these presents shall witnes that I John Cromwell doe assigne & make over all my right & title of these above written bills & Accounts unto M r Jonathan Brewster his heires Execute Administrators or Assignes as witnes my hand this 20 th of June Teste John Taylor John Cromwell the W marke of John Coop. 6. Be it knowne to all men by these presents that I Jonathan Brewster of Plymouth, having beene partners w th M r John Holland & M r Hopestill ffoster both of Dorchester & have for goods sould in partnership tooke bills of severall psons here under mentioned, do hereby fully & whollely as- signe the severall Bills according to the tenor of them wholely & solely to the above said M r Holland & M r ffoster or any of theire Assignes to theire pper use being part of the returne, that I the said Jonathan made of the goods in partnershipp in the yeare of the o r Lord God 1647 & 1648. And hereby doe give full power & Authoritie to them theire heires Execut ors Administrato rs & Assignes to demand & receive, sue & implead all the severall psons to whom the severall bills doe [Page 156.] belong, and to give acquittances for full & free dischardge being paid. In witness hereof I hereto sett my hand this 7 th of October J^ 8 -. Witnesses James Bate Jonathan Brewster. Roger Clap. A list of the Bills above mentioned, ffirst of them in Virginia to be payd in Tobacco. 'M rs Luce Purifie ...... 709 lb . John Compton p bill & Account . . . 363. John Bradshaw . 510. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 177 John Bryam . . . . . . 160. John Cromwell ...... 504. M r Thomas Lambert 600. M r Howe of Kighatan . . . . 160. M r Georg Grace, w ch John Cromwell is to see satisfyed 1100. Also M r Georg Grace his Bill of 20 11 sterling to be paid Boston. more his bill of 210 lb tobacco to be paid in Boston. M r Roger W m s his bill of 36 lb in peage. John Mynor bill 12 1 ! 4 a . 6 d . All w ch bills I here ratify & confirme wholely to belong unto my partners abovesaid, for the end & use above said. I haveing nothing to doe w th them, witnes my hand the day & yeare above said. Jonathan Brewster 18. (10) 1648. I witnessed a bill of sale of T \ of the Speedwell from Nathaniel Patten to David Selleck. & a bill & also- a bond of David Selleck to Nathaniele Patten, the bond is 80 U for paym* of 40" and the bill for paym* of 8 1 . 1 10 8 p anm for 5 yeares. 18 (10) 1648. John Holland constituted Dav: Selleck his true & lawfull Att r : granting him power to aske &c of all & singular psons in Virginia or els where all such sume or sumes of money tobacco or other goods as are due to him by assignemt from Jonathan Brewster. & of the receipt &c: as in other tr 8 of Att r w th power to substi- tute one Att r or more w th like or limited power &c: 21. (10) 1648. John Crabtre of Boston Joyner consti- tuted David ffaulconer of Boston & W m Vassall of Barbados Merch fc his lawfull Atturneys &c: to aske receive sue &c: Thomas Gray for one bill of 20" & another bill of 40 U both beareing date 11 (8) 42. & for two yeares service, w* 11 power of substitution jointly or severally. [Page 157.] 21 (10) 48. Shipped by the Grace of God in good order & well conditioned by mee Walter Price in New England on the good shipp called the True dealing alias the Supply of Salem in N: England, whereof is M r for this p e sent voyadge M r John ffollett & now rideing at Anchor in the har- bour of Salem & by Gods grace bound for the Barbados, to say sixteene Kintalls of fish w ch is for M r Sheafe & two doz of 178 ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. shovells for my selfe, & a smale bundle being marked as (WP) in the Margent, & to be Delivered in the like order & well conditioned at the foresaid port of Barbados the danger of the seas excepted only unto M r . John Herber or his Assignes the freight being alreadie paid w th Averidg accustomed. In witness whereof the M r of the said Ship hath affirmed to three bills of ladeing of this teno r & date, the one of w ch three bills being accomplished the other to stand voyd, & so God send the good ship to her desired port in safety. Dated the 16 th of the 10 th mo: 16^1 John ffollett. I also attested a Copie of the same. 21 (10) 1648. 23. (10) 48. I Raph woory of Charlestowne doe ac- knowledge to have rec d of M r Robert Knight of Bristoll mercht now in Boston the summe of seventeene pounds one shilling & six pence (being attached by him in my hands) & is for so much due to mee from his brother ffrancis Knight of Pemaquid as may appeare under his hand I say Received as above written this 18 th of Decemb: 1646. & ffrancis Knight bill shalbe dd unto Robert Knight for the use of his brother ffrancis Knight in six or eight after this Date. & for truth I doe scale & firme to this Sealed & dd in the p me Raph Woory & a scale presence of John Owin Richard Russell John Vellacot This is a true Copie of the like writeing presented to me by ffrancis Knight. 23 (10) i^JL [Page 158.] 21. (10) 48 Uppon the twentie first day of Decemb: 1648 according to the Account of England Before me W m Aspinwall Not & Tabellion publ by Authoritie of the Gen- erall Court of the Massachusetts admitted & sworne psonally appeared W m Priam M r of the Peter & Paule of Dover & Thomas Pacie pilot, Henry Wilds mate & W m Butland quart r master, who did avouch that in theire late voyag from Madera they had extreame tempestuous wether, especially about the beginning of this present month whereby twoe pipes (the one of wine the other of strong water) though they were well & sufficiently stowed were through the extremitie of the labouring of the Shipp throwne out of theire places & the pipe of wine staved & all run out & A SPIN WALL NOTARIAL RECOBDS. 179 what other damage hath thereby beene done they doe not knowe, unto w ch the said psons have also testifyed uppon oath before the Governo 1 ". Wherefore the said master Pylot, mate, & quarter master did in p r sence of mee the s d Notary protest against all damages w ch the merchants doe suffer or may p'tend to suffer in theire wines by reason of the long & tedious voyage & many stormes they mett w th in the said voyage. w ch being the immediate hand of God & not by any providence of theirs to be p r vented or avoided, neither shipp nor companie are answerable for the same. This protest was reade by the psons aforesaid the 21 (10) before me the s d Notary ere the bulke of the shipp was broken up: 21 (10) -13 4 3 I attested a Copie of an Account out of M r Venners booke wherein John ffollett is debitor f U: !j s: $j d: w ch the s d M r Venner uppon oath before the Governor testi- fyed to be a true debt & unsatisfyed. 25 (10) J--t-S- I witnessed a bond of 30 U from Georg Griggs & Rich: Gridley unto Richard Woodward: & another of George Griggs unto Richard Gridley of 40 n to save him harmles. 27 (10) 1648. I Thomas Turner doe acknowledge to have Rec d of W m Cotton for the use of M r John Mills nine thousand of pipestaves & no more, w ch if it appeares to be more or lesse the said Thomas Turner doth pmise to satisfy at all Demands witnes my hand the 4 th day of Novemb. Witnes John Kelly. Thomas Turner This is a true Copie of the like writeing presented to mee by M r John Mills so signed & witnessed the 27 (10) 1648. [Two folios are cut out here.] [Page 163.] against all men shall & will warrant & defend by these presents. In witnes whereof I the s d Val- entine Hill have hereunto put my hand & scale this 3 day of January 1648 - Sealed & Delivered p me Val: Hill & a seale. in the presence of us David Yale. W m Davis. 3 (11) 1648. John Pierpont of Roxbury & Thanckfull his wife the daughter of John Stowe of Roxbury did consti- tute & ordeine Robt Swinock of Maidstone in the Countie of Kent gent theire true & lawful Att r . granting him full power &c: for them & in theire names to aske &c: of the 180 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Execute 1 " 9 of the last will & testament of John Bigg late of Maidstone in Kent aforesaid gent deceased a certaine Legacie of one hundd pound bequeathed unto the s d Thankfull Pierpont daughter of John Stowe of Roxbury & of the re- ceipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to ap- peare before all Lords &c in any court &c to doe say pursue &c: & generally to doe &c: w th power to substitute one Att r &c: ratifying what soever shalbe by them done &c: grant- ing power to theire said Att r to call in a bond given by Henry Archer & Hopestill fibster unto M r Andrew ffoster for securitie to discharge him of the s d Legacie. Sealed & dd in p r sence of Jacob Sheafe & Hezekiah Usher. 3 (11) 48 Also I attested a tre of Acquittance from the s d Pierpont & Thankfull his wife unto Andrew Broughton of Maidstone in Kent gent exect of the last will & testam* of Smalehope Bigg of Cranebrooke in the County of Kent Clothier de- ceased for an hundred pound bequeathed to the said Thank- full. Dat. 3 (11) 1648. 6 (11) 1648 Bee it knowne by these p r sents that I John Mills Agent for fferd Bodie & David Steevens of the Canaries Merch ts for good & valueable consideration by mee in hand rec d for the use of the s d Merch ts part owners of the good Shipp Merch*. of the burden of three hundd tuns or thereabouts have absolutely bargained & sould & by these p r sents doe absolutely bargaine & sell unto Nehemiah Bourne of Lond. mereh t , one sixteenth pt as well of s d shipp Merch*, as of all & singular her masts sailes saileyards anchors cables ropes cords guns gunpowder shott artillery tackle munition apparell boate skiffe & furniture to the same belonging, as also one sixteenth part of all the freights & profitte made of the same, unto the day of the Date here of, to have & to hold the s d sixteenth part as well of the s d shipp as of all & singular the p'misses forementioned to be bargain- [Page 164.] ed & sould unto the s d Neh. Bourne his exer Administ & Assignes as his & theire pper goods to his & theire pper use for ever. And I the s d John Mills agent for the s d Merch ts & the s d fferdinando Body & David Steevens o r Execute 1 " 8 & Administ 1 " unto the s d Neh. Bourne his Execut Administr & Assignes the s d sixteenth p* as well of the s d shipp as of all other the premisses freights & profitts unto the day of the ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 181 date hereof forementioned to be bargained & sould against all men shall & will warrant & defend by these presents. In witness whereof I the said John Mills agent for the s d fferdinan Bodie & David Stevens & in theire names have hereunto put my hand & scale this 5 th of Jan 1648. Witnes ffrancis Knight John Mills & a scale W m Davis. 8 (11) i-S-^-S- I attested a bill health for the Peregrine, a certifficate of one puncheon 2 hhds of Bever marked NN. 1. 2. 3. & 2 mooseskins numbr: 1. 2. shipped in the Pere- grine for England. Also a Certificate that Thankfull Pier- pont is liveing. 8: (11) 1648. Shipped by the grace of God in good order & well conditioned by mee Henry Srimton of Boston in N: England in & upon the good shipp called the Chap- man of London whereof is M r under god for this present voyadge Nicholas Trerice & now rideing at Anchor in the River of Charlestowne & by Gods grace bound for London to say three puncheons & two hogs- u H.S. 2. 5. 7 heads & i hogsheade being marked puncheons & numbered as in the margent & are u. 8. 13 hogsheads to be dd in the like good order & u. 3. half hogsheads well conditioned at the foresaid Port of London the danger of the seas only excepted unto M r Edward Shrimpton of London or to his Assignes hee or they paying freight for the s d goods the summe of fyve pounds twoe shillings & six pence as by agreement w th primage & averadge accustomed. In witnes whereof the Master or pursur of the s d shipp hath affirmed to three bills of ladeing of this teno r & date, the one of w ch three bills being accomplished the other twoe to stand void, & so God send the good ship to her desired port in safety. Amen. Dat at Boston in New England the 17 th July. 1648. outwardly well conditioned the contents I know not. Nicholas Trerice. I attested 2 copies one of this & one of the next ensuing, the 7 (12) 1648. [Page 165.] 8 (11) 1648. Shipped by the Grace of God in good order & well conditioned by mee Henry Shrimpton of Boston in N: England in & uppon the good shipp called the Chapman 182 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. of London whereof is m r under God for this present voyadge Nicholas Trerice & now rideing at Anchor in the river of Charlestowne & by Gods grace bound for London, to say two hogsheads and half hogshead and twoe Virginia hogsheads being marked and numbered as in T Bell 1. 2. 3. the Margent, & are to bee delivered in the TB: S. like good order & well conditioned at the two hogshed foresaid port of London, the danger of the no number seas only excepted, unto M r Thomas Bell of London or to his Assignes, he or they paying freight for the said goods three pounds seventeene shillings & sixe pence as by agreement w th primage & averidge accus- tomed. In witness whereof the Master or purser of the a d shippe hath affirmed to three bills of Ladeing all of this teno r & date, the one of w ch three bills being accomplished the other twoe to stand void: & so God send the good ship to her desired port in safety. Amen. Dated in Boston. 17 th July. 164 9 outwardly well conditioned the contents I know not. Nich: Trerice. 8 (11) l&AS. I attested 2 Copies of the deed of Aqued- nick from Canonicus & Miantinomu to M r Coddington & his frends. 8 (11) 1648. Garrard Spencer did constitute: &c Thomas Broughton of Watertowne in New England Merch 1 & Samuel King of London Woollen Drap his true & lawfull atturneyes, granting his s d Atturney full power &c: jointly & severally to aske leavie recover &c of the Executo rs of the last will & testament of Richard Spencer late of London linnen Drap deceased a certaine Legacie bequeath unto him the s d Gerrard Spencer & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to doe say &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w* 11 power to substitute one Att r or more &c: Ratify- inge &c This was revoked the 11 (2) 1650 & made to M r . Isaac Allen at the Greene Dragon in Lumbard streete London 10 (11) 1 3* 8 I attested an assignment of a legacie of 50 U from Garrard Spencer to M r Daniel King. Dat. 10 (11). & a bill of Daniel Kings to pay Gerrard Spencer fifty pound. vizt. 4 U to John Hawkins in England. 3 11 pounds in corne at p r sent ten bush: rye. 2 b wheate & 2 b : malt, & 7 11 in Comodities & the rest uppon receipt of the legacie: Also I attested a bond of 20 U from Garrard Spencer to M r Daniel ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 183 King, to pay back the ten pounds he hath reed (in case the legacie assigned be not p d ) w th just damages for forbear- ance Dat 9. (11) 1648: [Page 166.] 4 (11) JJLAI i attested a Copie of a bill of ladeing of Robert Knights on the Elias & Elisabeth for Malaga. Dat. 26 July 1647. & another of Wrath Bathornes from Malaga Dat 9 Aprill. $-3-. & A copie of Wrath Bathornes Account. Dat. 4 April. 1647. And a Copie of Wrath Bathorns tre Dat. 18 January. 1&4-2. And a Copie of M r Mavericks & Majo r Sedgwicks bond of 350". to Wrath Bathorne Dat. 14 (6) 1648. & Copie of Wrath Bathornes tre of Credit to Robert Knight Dat. Apr. 9. 1647. 9 (11) 1648 Bee it knowne by these p r sents that on the twentie fourth day of November iS-A-S. before me W m Aspinwall Notary & Tabellion publ by Authoritie of the Generall Court of the Massachusetts admitted & sworne, psonally appeared Nicholas Phillips of Waymouth in N: England, w ch Appearer doth acknowledge to have received ffrom Hezekiah Usher & Henry Shrimpton both of Boston in New England the sume of sixteene pounds sterl by the order of M r Thomas Boilson of London merch* for the use of Tho: Boilson late of Waymouth his wife & children, & in testimonie thereof hath hereunto sett his hand & seale in presence of me the said Notary. NP Nicholas Phillips Quod virtute officij &c: his marke & a seale. 9 (11) 1&4JL. Neverint universi p p r sentes me Zephan. Smith de Windsor in Nov Anglia Tanner teneri et firmiter obli- gari. Thome Bell de London Mercat Octagint libris ster- ling orum Solvend eidem Thome sive certo suo Atturnat execut vel administr suis Ad quam quidem solutione bene et fideliter faciend oblige me heredes execut et administrat meos firmiter p p r sentes. Dat sigillat". die duodecimo Sep- temb: Anno Dni -l&U.. The Condicon of this obligacon is such that if the above bounden Zephanie Smith shall pay or cause to be paid unto the above named Thomas Bell or his Assignes at the goulden Cock in Gracious Streete the full & just sumne of fourtie pounds of good & lawfull money of England at or before the 5 tb day of May next ensueing according to agreement made w th Hezekiah Usher of Boston, that then this present 184 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. obligation shalbe utterly voide & of none effect otherwise to remaine in full force & strength Sealed & Delivered Zephanie Smith in presence of (these words & a scale (at or before the 5 th of may next ensueinge) being interlined before the sealing & deliverie hereof in presence of. James Astwood Hezekiah Usher. [Page 167.] 10 (11) 1648 . Noverint universi p r sentes me Henricu Parks et Henricum Bright de Watertowne in Novanglia teneri et firmiter obligari Hezekia Usher de Bosto apud Novanlos in cent libr sterl. Solvend eidem Hezekia Usher sive certo suo AttF execut vel administr. suis. Ad quam- quidem solutione bene et fidelit r faciend obligamus nos et utruq urum p se p toto et in solido heredes execut et administr ur 8 firmiter p p r sentes. Dat. Sigill die vndecimo novemb: Anno Dni 1648. This condicon of this obligacon is such that if the above bounden Henry Parks & Henry Bright or either of them shall pay or cause to be p d unto M r Edward Parks of Lon- don for the use of the aboves d Hezekiah Usher the sumne of fifty pounds sterl at or before the first of March next, or otherwise if they shall pcure a Release or discharge for the s d sumne of fifty pounds from M r Edw. Parkes unto Heze- kiah Usher by the returne of the Shipps the next Sumer before September, that then this p r sent. obligation shalbe utterly void & of none effect, otherwise to remain in full force & strength. Sealed & dd in Henry Parks & a seale. presence of Henry Bright & a seale. William Aspinwall Joseph Wilson. 10 (11) 1&A8-. This p r sent writeing witnesseth that wee W m - Tyng of Boston in N: Engl. merch* & Jane my wife, Executrix of the last will & Testament of Capt Richard Hunt late of London Skinner deceased her late husband, doe hereby make constitute & appoint o r faithfull & welbeloved friend M r John Dod Citizen & Salter of London o r true & lawfull Atturney for us & in o r names to petition the High Court of Parliam* or the Hono r able house of Comons as occasion shall require, & to attend such Comittee or Com- ittes Officer or Officers as are or shalbe appointed for the ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 185 ordering & satisfaction of such sumnes of money &c as have beene lent uppon publ ffaith, & to receive all such sumnes of money due to us, or to the s d Jane as Executrix of her s d late husband, or to her husband in his life time disbursed by him to the use of the s d high Court of Parliam* uppon publick ffaith for repayment according to an Ordinance or Ordinances of Parliam* in that case made & published. & uppon receipt of the same or any part thereof to give such lawfull discharge for the same as shalbe reasonably required of him. Ratifyeing & confirminge by these pntes what soever o r s d Att r . shall lawfully doe in these presents. 10 (11) 1411. W m Ting & Jane his wife Executrix of the last will & testam* of Ri: Hunt late of London Skiner deceased did constitute &c: M r John Dod Citizen & Salter of London theire true & lawf u'l att r granting him power to aske &c: all & singular debts &c of all & singular psons whatsoever & of the receipt &c: w th power of substitution &c: [Page 168.] 11 (11) 18-LS.. Know all men by these p r sents that we John Turner merch* & Benjamin Gellom Shipwright both of Boston in the County of Suffolke in tbe Massachusetts bay in America doe acknowledge o r selves to be indebted to owe unto John Woody of Roxbury in the County & bay aforesaid Bisket maker the summe of twenty nine pound of good & lawfull money of England to be paid unto M r W m Peake at the signe of the Goulden Key in Canon streete in London woollen Drap in & uppon the 20 th day of June next ensue- ing the date hereof for the use & behalfe of the s d John Woodie or his Assignes, to w ch payment well & truly to be made as aforesaid wee the s d John Turner & Benjamin Gil- lorn doe bind o r selves & either of us o r heires Execute' 8 & Administrate 18 jointly & severally firmly by these presents in witnes whereof we have caused this Bill to be made & have hereunto sett our hands. Dat the 29 th of Decemb r . 1648 in in letters. Read subscribed & John Turner delivered in pre Benjamin Gillom. sence of. Jolliff Ruddock William Milles. 11 (11) 1648 Worthy & much respected friends M r James Holden M r Thomas Lamb & M r Thomas Bigge haveinge pvsed a tre from two of yo u dated the 8 th of Aprill 1648. we cannot but returne yo u many thanks for yo r paines 186 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. in what yo u have done for us & for yo r good advise unto us to compose the difference amongst o r selvs, w cb wee thus farre agree unto, that we are willing to lay downe o r owne wills & ref err o r selves unto yo r determination or reso- lution as yo u in yo r best judgm ts & and consciences shall pceave to be according to God & the mind & meaning of o r deceased Uncles, & therefore doe desire yo u would be pleased to put forth yo r trust & power to the utmost in the decide- ing of the difference amongst us concerning the lands & rents of the said lands so that things may be in a settled way that every one may know what is his owne & dispose of it as he pleaseth & wee doe by these presents bind o r selvs as we are bound in will to stand unto yo r full determination & resolution. In witnes whereof wee have sett to o r hands & scales to this Comon tre from us all. Dat. the tenth day of the eleventh month 1648. witnes hereunto of the thre Tho: Stow & a scale last subscriptions by Thomas Nathaniel Stow & a seale Nath & Samuel Stow: Thomas Samuel Stow & seale Dudley Dep* Gov: John Eliot James Astwoode: [In margin was written the following:] The like tre being renewed & sealed by the s d 3 brethren 22 (8) 1649. I did also attest. [Page 169.] this writeing being tendered unto Hopestill ffoster to put to his hand he refused so to do. w ch refusall wee witnes this 11 day of the 11 th mo: anno. 1648. John Eliot W m Park. Jacob Sheafe. 11 (11) 1648. ffrancis Chickering of Dedham in the Countie of Suffk in N: E: did make ordeine &c: M r ffrancis Morse of Wrentham in the Count, of Suffolke Junior, & m r John Morse of Beckles in the same Count his true & lawfull Att ra . granting them power jointly or severally for him & in his name to aske &c: of Edm. Thomson late of Salem in N: E: a certaine debt of fyve pound due by Bill (unto w ch Jo: Jolliff is one witnes, w ch Jolliffe uppon his oath did affirme before the Gov r : that he saw such a Bill signed &c by the s d Thomson ; & Joseph Wise of Roxb: did also uppon oath testifie that he hath seene such a bill of fyve pounds & that the s d Thomson did acknowledge to him that he was so much indebted to Chickering) & of the receipt to give ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 187 acquittance &c: as in other trs of Att r w th power of substi- tution. 12. (11) 1648 Nover* universi p p r sentes me Henr. Sandis de Boston apud Novanglis teneri et Firmiter obligari Hezekie Usher de Boston p r dictin sepagint et quatnor libris sterl. Sol- vend eidem Hezekie sive certo suo Att r Exec, veil' Adminst suis Ad quam quidem solutione bene et fideliter f aciend obligo nie heredes executores et Administr nieos firmiter p p r sentes. Dat. sigillat. 12 die mensis 11 vulgo January. 1648: The Condico 8 of this obligacon is such that if the above bounden Hen. Sandis shall pay or cause to be pd unto the above said Hezekia Usher or his assignes the summe of thirtie twoe pounds of lawfull money of England at or before the the 5 (3) next (called May) at the signe of the goulden Cock in Gracious streete in London, that then this obligation shalbe utterly void & of none effect, otherwise to remaine in full force & strength. Provided that if the said Henry or any other by order from him, have alreadie paid in London to the use of the s d Hezekiah any pt of the s d sume, it shalbe discounted in part of the s d sume. Sealed & dd. Hen. Sandis & a seale. in presence of. W m Aspinwall Not publ 15 (11) 1648 Know all men by these pnts that I Henry Sandis of Bosto in N: Engl: merch* doe hereby pmise & oblige my selfe to make paym* of the full pduce of foure hogsheads of tobacco, two hogsheads n 4 T -w-o Q 4. being in leafe & twoe in rowle, to M r n't.' Ninion Butcher of London in case Divine providence so dispose as that falling short of o r intended voyage to London accord- ing to bills of ladeing to that intent signed, I shall make sale of my goods in the west of England or in any other port, [Page 170.] the said foure hh 8 of tobacco being shipped aboard by M r Hezekiah Usher of Boston, for the paym* of the said paym* according to what is above expressed to the s d Ninion or his Assignes, T doe hereby bind my selfe heires Execut rs & Ad- ministrators In witnes hereof I have hereunto sett my hand, made at Boston, this 15 th day of the (11) month called January. 1648 witnessed by us Henry Sandys. Thomas Makepeace Joshua Scotto. 188 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 15. (11) 1648 Uppon the 23 d day of December 1648. According to the Acc of Engl: before me W m Asp.: Not & Tabellion publ by Authoritie of the Geuerall Court of the Massa: admitted & sworne psonally appeared M r Robt Scott Agent for Capt Robert Harding of N: E: mercht, & required mee the s d Notary in the name of the s d Robt Harding & his partners m r Nathaniel Eldred & W m Bartholmew of N: E: merch ts to ptest as well against M r Hugh Wood & M r Rich- ard Bodilowe of Lond. mercht, as M r John Wood Agent or ffactor for them, for not receiveing & shipping aboard the quantity of wheate here readie pvided in Boston according to Covenant, & for takeing out a protest against them unduly. Accordingly I the Not aforesaid at request as afores d , unto John Wood aforesaid for the Merchts of Lon- don aforesaid in & upon the 25 th of December, did ptest & by these p r sents doe ptest against the s d John Wood & the merchts of London afores d or whomsoever els is concerned in the Articles of Agreem* made betweene the s d Robert Harding & his partners on the one pt, & M r Hugh Wood & Ri: Bodilow on the other p*, that what soever damage the merch* 8 of N. E: afores d , shall or may happen to suffer through any p r tence of Demorge mentioned in the protest, unduely taken forth by John Wood afores d hee the s d John Wood or the Shipps companie are the cause thereof because they did not receive & carry aboard such quantities of wheate as were ready pvided in Boston, & readie to be shipped aboard according to agreem*; & therefore shalbe re- sponsall in time & place convenient for all unjust incum- brances molestations & damages w ch the s d merch ts of N: England shall or may happen to suffer uppon any pretences in [Page 171.] that protest expressed. And further I the Notary aforesaid at the request aforesd did againe repaire unto the s d John Wood in & uppon the 15 th day of January 1648. & in the names of the Merch ts of N: E : aforesaid, did ptest & by these presents doe ptest, against the s d John Wood Agent or ffactor for the s d merch ts of London or whomsoever els it may concerne, that whatsover incumbrance molestation or damage the s d merch ts of N. E: shal or may happen to suffer by reason of the forementioned ptest unduely taken forth (as by the Bills of ladeing & of Exchange signed by John Stone M r of the Peregrine and the said John Wood, may appeare) the s d John Wood & the aforesaid merch ts of London shalbe reasponsall & lyable to make just & due reparations in time & place convenient. Thus done & passed in the ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 189 towne of Boston in N: E: 15 th January Quod vertute &c: 15 (11) I attested a Copie of the Certificate followinge. The Current price of wheate at Boston since the shipp Peregrine arrived here & sometime before was fyve shiil: p bush: And accordingly the gener 11 Court ordered it should be received at that rate for the Assessmentt to be levyed uppon the Country. It is true that some few sould for 4 8 . 8 d . at theire ffermes farre of, but ere it came to Boston it stood them in 5 s at least. 15 (11) &. John Winthrop Governo r 16. (11) 48 Henry Sandis & Isaac Grosse sould unto Richard Cutts one halfe part of the barke Hope & halfe of all the masts sailes &c: to have & to hould unto him his Execut. Administ & Assignes forever. Dat. 1. (8) 48. Sealed & dd in pnce of Henry Sandys & a scale. Charls Dobson Isaac Grosse & a seale. William Aspinwall. And on the backside Richard Cutts assigned all his interest in the said barke Hope unto Thomas Venner & Leonard Buttles. Dat. 8 th of January 1648. p me Richard Cutts. 16. (11) 48. Charls Dobson granted unto Thomas Ven- ner & Leonard Buttles of Boston one halfe part of the barke Hope of Boston w th halfe of all the appurtenances &c: to have & to hould to them & theirs Execut Admin & assignes forever. Dat. 16 (11) l&&. witnes Charles Dobson & a seale. W m Aspinwall Notarius publ: [Page 172.] 15 (11) 1648 Hugh Burt of Linn son of Jo: Burt some- times of Dorkinge in the Count Surrey deceased & Elder brother of Thomas Burt late of Dorking afores d deceased did constitute Edward Burt his sonne his true & lawfull Att r generall: w th power of substitution for recovery of all debts. Also se" lett alien or sell all or any the houses & lands (at Cowcrosse neere London or else where) descending unto him from John Burt late of S* Clements neere London lock- smith deceased or from any other pson or psons what soever, & deed or deeds of sale or other assureance sufficient in la we to make seale & deliver & generally to doe all Act or Acts 190 AspnsrwALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. thing or things necessary & behooffull concerning the prem- isses. Ratifying irrevocably &c: 15. (11) W m Mullings & John Cuddington did uppon oath testifie that Hugh Burt of Linne was sonne of John Burt some times of Dorking in Surrey deceased & Elder Brother of Tho: Burt late of Dorking afores d deceased, taken uppon oath before John Winthrop Governo r : 18 (11) 1648. M r Rich: Parker of Boston constituted W m Phillips his true & lawf ull Atturney w th power to aske &c: of W m Cole of Barbodos all such debt or debts summe or summes of money or Comodities as are due to the s d Ri: Parker & of the receipt to give acquittance, also to com- pound &c; & to sue implead &c: w th power to substitute one Att r or more &c: 18. (11) 1648. John Holman of Dorchester did grant assigne & sett over unto John Squibb of Berwicke yeoman all his right title & interest w ch he the s d John Holman now hath or of right ought to have in & unto the fferme & De- measnes of Berwicke granted by the Earle of Bedford about the 1 (9) in the fourth yeare of King James of England &c: unto Morgan Holma for the terme of ninety nine yeares if the s d Morgan Holman Alice his wife or Robert his son should so long live. This assignment was sealed & dd in presence of W m Aspinwall Not publ & John Glover & Richard Colle- cot. 17 (11) 48. [Page 173.] 19 (11) 1648: Michaell Spencer of Linne did constitute M r Thomas Broughton of Watertowne in N: E: merch* & M r Samuel King of London woollen Drap his true & lawfull Att rs granting them power joyntly & severally for him &c: to aske leavie &c: of the Execute 1 " 8 of the last will & testam* of Richard Spencer late of London linnen Drap or the Execut of them, a certaine Legacie bequeathed to the said Michael & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c. to desire lawe aid &c: to doe say pursue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifying whatsoever shalbe lawfully done by them &c: 22 (11) M r Gainer dd uppon oath 21 (7) 1648 before the Governo 1 Major Gener 11 M r Bellingham & M r Nowell these pticular accounts in a booke as followeth: w ch he chal- lenged as due from the seamen belonging to the planter : the summes follow: ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 191 1. 3. 6 8. 5. 5. 5. 8 1. 0. 3. 2. 5 0. 5. 3. 9. 6 44. 18. 6 the pticulars of Richard Holts came to ten Shillings more then the summe Richard Holt Thomas ffoster John Sparks Rich Haselwood W m Joice John Burr John: Maid Leonard Serg nt 31 (11) 1648. Hugh Burt son of Hugh Burt of Linne doth make ordeine &c: Edw: Burt of Linne his true & law- full Att r . to grant lett sett alien & sell all his right title in- terest or claime unto to certaine lands bequeathed to him by Thomas Burt late of Dorkin in the County of Surrey shoo- maker deceased. & deed or deeds lease or leases of the same to make seale & Deliver. & generally to doe any Act or Acts &c: Ratifying irrevocably: 2 (12) 1648. Know all men by these p r sents that we John Turner of Boston New England merch* & Benjamin Gillom of the same Shipwright doe owe & are indebted unto ffrancis Norton of Charlertowne New England Haberdasher the full & just sume of one hundd pounds current money of England due to be paid unto M r James Russell of London Mercht. at the signe of the goulden fleece in Watling streete (for the use of the said ffrancis Norton) at or before the tenth day of August next ensuing the date hereof, ffor the w ch payment to be well & truly payd we do bind o r selvs o r heires execut & administrators joyntly & severally firmly by these presents in the sume of one hundred & fifty pounds of like Current money of England: In witnes whereof wee have hereunto sett o r hands & scales the 5 th day of January Anno Dni. 1648 : Sealed & dd John Turner & a seale in the p r sence of us Benjamin Gillom & a seale. Samuel Hutchinson Robert Turner. 2 (12) 1648. Know all men by these p r sents that we John Turner of Boston New England merch* & Benjamin Gillom of the same Shipwright doe owe & are indebted unto ffrancis Norton of Charlestowne New England Haberdasher the full & just sumne of Two hundd pounds current money of England due to be paid unto M r Henry Phillips of London Haberdasher at the signe of the goulden Anchor uppon the bridge (for the use of the s d ffrancis Norton) at or before the tenth of August next ensueing the date hereof, ffor the 192 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. w ch paym 11 to be well & truly pay d , wee do bind o r selves o r heires execut rs & Administrat. jointly & severally firmly by these p r sents in the sumne of three hundred pounds of like current money of England. In witness whereof wee have hereunto sett o r hands & scales the 5 th day of January Anno Dni 1648. Sealed & dd in John Turner & a seale the p r sence of us Benjamin Gil lorn & a seale Robert Turner Samuel Hutchinson 2 (12) &. I attested a Copie of a Receipt of a hhd of Virginia Rowle Tobacco by Diekeye Coruethen of M r Glover of Boston for the use of M r Thomas Waterhouse. 3 (12) 1648. Shipped by the Grace of God in good order & well conditioned by W m Paine in & uppon the good Shipp called the Chapman of London whereof is Master under God for this present Voyage Nicholas Trerice & now rideing at Anchor in the port of Boston & by Gods grace bound for London to say three hundred Moose skins & one smale pack of Bever cont halfe a hh. being WB marked as in the Margent, & are to be dd in the packe the like good order & well conditioned at the of bever aforesaid Port of London (the danger of the N. 3. seas only excepted) unto W m Bartholmew or to his assignes he or they paying freight for the said goods the sume of fifteene ten shillings. w th primage & avarage accustomed. In witness whereof the Master or pur- ser of the s d shipp hath affirmed to three Bills of Ladeing all of this tenor, the one of w ch three Bills being accomplished the other two to stand voide, & so god send the good shipp to her desired port in safety Amen. Dat. in Boston the ii July 1648 The contents I know not Nicholas Trerice. [Page 175.] 3 (12) 1648. I attested a Copie of a discharge of cer- taine Bills betweene George Mosse &c: & W m Paine & com- panie uppon condition that W m Paine & companie pay unto the s d Mosse 10 2 11 ten shillings in merchantable dry fish to be dd at velez Malago. 8 (12) ma.. I attested a Copie of deed from Robt Salstonstall to Christopher Lawson of twelve shares of Swamscott & Dover. ASPINWAU, NOTARIAL RECORDS. 193 3. (12) 1648. I attested a Copie of a biU of 9 U 11? 9 d from Henry Sandys to Caleb ffoote to be pd to Joshua ffoote at the goulden cock at or before the 20 (3) next. 3. (12) 4J.. I attested a Copie of John Woods bond of 400 11 - to Thomas Lake for paym* of 219 11 - 5 s - And 10 (11) I attested the originall. 3. (12) AS.. I attested a Copie of M r Wood protest against M r Eldred &c: & of M r Scott's protest against M r Wood. & a copie of M r Woods bond to M r Lake of 400 11 - 5. (12) 1648 . Thomas Rood by vertue of a tre of Att r : irrevokable from Nich: Roe of Glaston in Somersetshire yeo- man Dat. 3 Apr. 1646. granted a tre Att r to George Ben- nett to aske sue recover & receive of Edw: Browse all such goods as remaine in his hands of John Roe son of the s d Nicholas to wit 1 New Bible. 1 fetherbed w th all things there- unto belonging. 1 pott & a kettle, 1 musket & a fowling piece w th power also to acquitt & discharge. 5 (12) 1648. Rich: Waite granted a tre Att r to James Oliver to aske &c. a certaine debt of 4 U in Corne due unto him by assignment of John Browning from Edw: Elmer of Hartford. w th full pow r . &c: 5 (12). I~i8- Bee it knowne unto all men by these pntes that I W m Tanner of Coggeshall in the Countie of Essex clothier have assigned ordained & made & in my steed & place by these pntes putt & constituted my loving frend Tho: Lake of Boston in N: England Merch* & Joseph Magot of Hartford in N. England afores d Merch* my true and law- full deputies & Atturneys joyntly & severally for mee & in my name & to my use, to aske demand leavie sue for, recov r & receive of Edmund Leach & Thomas Pell of New Haven in N: E. merch* 8 . & David Selleck of Boston aforesaid or els where in N: E: mercht. and of all other psons in N: E: aforesaid as well the effects & pceeds of all goods wares & merchandises of and belonging to me the s d W m Tanner, in theire or any of theire hands, as also all other summe & summes of money debts duties & demands whatsoever to mee due & oweing by any bond bill booke account contract way or meanes what soever, giveing & by these pnts granting unto my s d Att r8 my full & whole power interest & Authoritie to & in the pnnisses, therein to doe say sue pursue arrest attach implead imprison & condemne & out of prison to deliver, & to receive, compound & agree, & thereuppon acquittances or other discharges for mee & in my name to make enseale & 194 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. deliver, & generally to doe execute & pforme all & whattso- ever further or other lawfull and reasonable [Page 176.] acts & things w ch shalbe meete & requisit to be done to & in the premisses in as large ample & effectuall manner & forme to all intents & purposes as I my selfe might or could doe were I then & there present & did the same psonally, ratify- ing & by these p r sents confirming all & what soever my said Att re shall lawfully doe or cause to be done to in & for the recovery & receipt of the p r misses by these pnts. In wit- nes whereof I the s d W m Tanner have hereunto sett my hand & scale. Dat. the 17 th day of March An . Dni 1647. & in the 23 th yeare of the reigne of o r soveraigne Lord Charls by the grace of God King of England Scotland ffrance & Ireland defender of the faith &c : Sealed & dd in pnce of me W m Tanner & a seale. Chr: Townsend Noty publ. 1647 John Burt his secret: 5. (12) 1648. I attested a Copie of Edmund Leaches bond to M r W m Tanner. And also a copie of his Account. 5. (12) 16A8. : Tho: Lake constituted M r Thomas Alden of London merch* his true & lawfull Att r w tb power to aske &c: of John Wood of London mariner a certaine bond of foure hun dd pounds beareing date 10 (11) 1648. & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c: in any Cou r t &c to doe say sue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substi- tute one Att r &c: ratifyeing irrevocably &c: 5. (12) 1&4.&. James Oliver constituted Rich. Hogg of Boston in N: E: tailor his true & lawfull Att r w th power to aske demand &c: of John Pease & Nich: Treworgie all such debt or debts &c as are due to the s d appearer from them or either of them. & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c: in anyCourt there to require law &c: to do say sue &c: & gener- ally to doe all things &c w th power to substitute &c: ratify- ing &c: 6. (12) 1648. I attested a copie of M rs Mary Hawkins invoice of goods laden aboard the peregrine for the Accounts of M r . Thomas Radbourd M r Daniell ffairefax & M r Richard Tyler in all amounting to 561". 5 8 . O d . 6. (12) 1648. I John Thompson in the County of Mid- dlesex marriner doe acknowledg to have Rec d of Edw: Bullock ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 195 mariner the summe of thirty three pounds sterl w ch I oblige my selfe or assignes to pay to the said Bullock or his Assign- ees the said Summe of thirty-three pounds & for the rate of thirty p cent or according as I shall make of my goods in the said shipp to New England w ch the s d Bullock shall accept [Page 177.] of. Witness my hand this 22 th of ffeb: li John Thompson. 6 (12) 1648 I John Thompson doe acknowledge to have rec d of M r Edward Bullock the just summe of ten pounds & is in good merchantable dry Cod fish for his Account to be sould at Bilboa by mee for his best advantage & to con- signe the true pceed unto his brother Wilm Bullock and to this I bind my selfe or my Assignes. Witness my this 5 th of July JLS-ti John Thompson. 6. (12) 1648 Left unpaid . 1 80 Lent Georg Nus . . 120 pdCariagof planck . . 5 Lent at London . . 3 Salters horse his . . 1 p d horse Minyard . . 2 p d labourers at Minyord to help weigh Anchor . 13 paid for hire . . . 2 pd John Horell . .0 26 pd Carpenter henry Smith . 11 6 for a Coate to Carpenter . 8 Horse to Minyard . . 16 Short Harry . . .040 yo expenses . . . 1 8_ 50 23 red capps . . . 1 90 10 p r stockings . . . 2 00 10 p r gloves . 0150 12090 2 p r worsted Stockings . 0070 3 peeces eight % the bay . 17 6 1 Pascatway . . .050 3 M r Lake , 15 196 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. p d M r Johnson . . . 17 Alehouse . 02 3^-056 I am debt r . . . 12 96 3 50 9 46 Wages 12 Decemb: to 12 July .... 21 00 30046 Memorandum at Boston in New England 6 (12) 1648 there came before mee John Winthrop Governo r there Edward Bullocke mariner & uppon his oath did affirme that the writeing in the [Page 178.] othe part of this paper was Delivered to him t)y John Thompson as a true account betweene him & this Attestant, & he doth beleeve that it is soe. Taken uppon oath before mee John Winthrop Governo r : 6 (12) 1648 Bee it knowne by these p r sents that I John Thompson of Boston in the Massachusetts mariner doe constitute & appoint Edw: Bullocke of Bristoll mariner my true & lawf ull Att r : for mee and in my name to aske leavy recover & receive of M r Richard Cutt of Pascataq & of all other pson or psons whatsoever inhabiting in N: England all such sumnes of mony as are due unto the aforesd John Thompson & of the receipt to give acquittance in due forme, farther granting my s d AttT full power & Authority to pur- sue implead arrest imprison & condemne & out of prison to deliver & generally to doe all things concerning the p r misses in as full & effectuall manner as if I my selfe were there psonally present accounting for firme & of value whatsoever my Att r shall doe or pcure to be done in & about the p r misses. In witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand & scale this 7 th of JulylAAl. John Thompson & a scale Sealed & dd in pnce of John Kelly John Bush ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 197 6 (12) 1648. John Maryon of Boston in N: Engl. shoo- mak r sonne of Isaac Maryon late of Stebbin in the Count of Essex deceased did constitute John Maryon (of Braintre) the Elder his true & lawfull Atturney granting him full power &c: to aske leavy &c: all such rent or rents as are due to the s d Appearer for a house & Orchyard ever since it was due according to the will of the s d Isaac his ffather deceased, & of the recpt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c: to desire lawe &c: to doe say pursue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: ffurther granting his s d Att r : full power & Authorite for him & in his name to alien & sell the s d house & orchyard w th the appurtenances scituat lying & being in Stebbin aforesd, & deed or deeds of sale to mak seale & Deliver, Ratifyeing irrevocably whatsoever his s d Att r shall doe in the premises. This tre Atturney was renewed 31 (8) 1 ^ 48 . [Page 179.] 7. (12) 1648. I Joseph Armitage of Linnedoe acknowl- edge my selfe indebted unto M r Samuel Wade or to his Assignes uppon all Accounts the sumne of ten pounds six shillings eleven pence halfe penny witnes my hand: sixth of ffebr: 1&A3-. the marke A of Joseph Armitage. The Deposition of Joseph Armitage, who saith that M r Samuel Wade bought of the said Joseph Armitage two houses & severall parcells of land for w ch the said Samuel payd unto the said Joseph Armitage the summe of six score pounds to my best remembrance. Taken uppon oath at Boston in New England. 6 (12) 1648. Before me John Winthrop Governo r . 7 (12) 16.11. At thirtie dayes sight after the first of ffebruary next I pray pay this my first Bill of Exchang my second & third not being p d unto M r Peter Oliver of Boston in New England or to his Assignes the just summe of thirty-six pound sterl w ch is for so much here received. I pray faile not to make good paym* & put it to my Account Boston in New England Yo r loveing brother 17 th of July HL4JL. Vail : Hill. Indorsed, to his loveing brother M r John Hill Merch* at the Angell & Starre in Cheapside. dd: 7. (12) -1 - 6 * s Know all men by these pnts That whereas I John Allen of Charlestowne in N: England Merch? have acknowledged my selfe to bee indebted unto M r Daniel King 198 ASPDSTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. of Linn in New England Mercer the summe of sixteene pounds fy ve shillings current English money by a bill under my hand beareing date w th these pntes. I doe hereby p r mise & ingage my selfe to pay or cause to be payd this said sixteene pounds & fyve shillings unto M r Thomas Broughton at his brother M r W m Broughton his house behind the Royall exchange in London or in case he should not be liveing or be absent at the due time of paym* then to pay it to M r Samuel King woollen drap at the upper end of Cheapside neere S* Martins in London, or his assignes for the use & behoof e of the s d Daniel! King his brother, w ch shalbe fourteene dayes next after my arrivall next in England or by the first day of December next after these pnts, Witnes my hand this first of August i&i-i. Witnes hereto is p me John Allen. Jolliff Ridocke. Indorsed. M r Allin I pray pay to M r Thomas Broughton or M r Samuel King the summe mentioned in this Bill, so shall I rest yo r loveing friend Daniel King: [Page 180.] 6 (12) 1648. I attested 2 Copies of M r John Wood against Capt Harding & M r Scot against M r wood. Also a Copie of M r John Woods bond of 400 U to Tho: Lake for paym* of 219 1 .* 51 . Also a Copie of M r Leaches bond to M r W m Tanner of London. & a Copie of his Account. & two Judgm* 8 of Court for M r Tanner against M r Leach. & an Invoice of M re Mary Hawkins of goods shipped uppon the peregrine uppon the Ace? of severall men. 6. (12) 1648. I attested a Copie of Baker Cutts bill to M r Thomson, M r Thompsons tre to M r Ri: Cutt, M r Lanes Bill of Exchange. 8 (12) 1648. Boston in New England the 17 th octob: 1648 for 150 lb Sterl at 40 dayes sight. ffourty dayes after sight of this my third of Exchange my first nor second not being paid pray pay unto w m Peake or to Daniel Hoare or theire Assignes the sume of one hundred & fifty pounds sterling & is for so much value received here of Richard Cooke here at the time make good payment so god Keepe yo? Rest yo to Comand To M r Samuell Wilson John Manning. Merch* in London. Boston in New England the 21 th of November 1648 for 30 U Sterling at 40 dayes sight, ffourty dayes after sight ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 199 of this my third Bill of Exchang my fir nor second not being paid pray pay unto W m Peake or unto Daniel Hoare or unto theire Assignes the summe of thirty pounds sterling & is for so much value received hereof Richard Cooke at the time pray make good payment & so the Lord keepe yo u . & I rest yo r obedient Henry Parkes To M r Edward Parkes silkman at the signe of the Ship in ffriday Streete in London 8 (12) 1648. I attested a Copie of a BiU of Major Ed: Gibons to ffra: Norton of 85 1 . 1 & a Receit of goods from ffra: Norton to value of 97.5.6 aboard the Peregrine by M r John Wood. I attested a copie bill of Ladeing for M r Kerie signed Nich: Trerice & a Bill Exchange to M r Malbon signed Stephen good yeare [Page 181.] 9 (12) 1648 Noverint Universi p p r sentes me Thomas Boylson de Watertowne in Nova Angl Planter teneri et firmiter obligari: Willimo Phillips de Boston in Nova Anglia vintner in quinquaguit libris sterling orum Solvend eidem Willo Phillips Executoribus Administr veil assignat suis Ad quad qui de solucone bene et fideliter faciend ob- ligo me he heraedes executf et administrat meos firm- iter p p r sentes. Sigillo meo sigillat Dat quinto die ffeb: Ann Dni. 1648. The Condicon of this obligacon is such that whereas the above bounden Thomas Boylson hath the day of the date of these pnts made & signed unto three Bills of Exchange for the payment uppon any one of them the full summe of twenty & fyve pounds sterl to W m Phillips of London Shoo- maker or his Assignes by M r Tho: Boylson Clothworker dwelling at the signe of the golde balle in ffenchurch streete London to whom the said Bills are directed w th in the space of twenty dayes next after any of them are p r sented to the s d Tho: Boylson Clothworker, as by the s d Bills doth more fully appeare, If therefore the s d Thomas Boylson Cloth- worker his Execut Administr or Assignes or any of them do pay or cause to be pd unto the s d W m Phillips of London shoemaker or his Assignes the s d summe of twenty & fyve pounds sterl w th in the space of twenty dayes next after any of the s d Bills of Exchang shalbe presented as aforesaid, 200 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Then this obligacon to be voyd & of none effect or els to stand remaine & be in full force strength & vertue. Sealed & dd in the Thomas Boylson presence of & a seale. John Dane James Lake Georg Manning. 10 (12) 1648. W m Phillips of Boston vintu r constituted W m Phillips of Bedlam Shoemaker his true & lawfull Att 1 ': to aske &c: of Thomas Boylson late of Watertown in N E: or any other all sume &c: due unto the s d W m Phillips by bill bond or otherwise & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords &c in any Court, there to require lawe &c: to doe, say sue &c: & generall to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute one Attr r &c: ratifying &c: 12 (12) 1648. This Covenant bindeth me John Thomp- son unto Edward Bullocke to pay or cause to be p d after the rate of three pounds p month from the day & date hereof unto the 1 day of October next, & to pay his dyet, And likewise I Covenant that in case Sampson Lane doth not at or before the s d time entertaine him to his content that then the s d Bullock shalbe justly p d all such summes of money as shalbe due to him, from mee & the s d Bullock to be free for his owne [Page 182.] account. But if the afores d M r Lane shall build a shipp & he to pceed in the s d shipp, then the s d Bullocke is to attend his best service & helpe therein, likewise if M r Benjamin Gellorn doe buy a new ship at the south ward & shall re- quire the service of the s d Bullocke, to pceed as Master then the s d Bullock is not to refuse, Likewise I engage my selfe to the foresai d Edward Bullock that if the afores d Lane & Gillom shall not pforme any of the afores d Covenant, that then I John Thompson doe pmise to give unto Edward Bullock fyve pounds toward his expences. & for the true pformance hereof I have here sett my hand this 5 th of July 1648. Isles of Shoales. John Thompson, witnes to this John Kelly. 14 (12) 1648: M d that wee Capt ffrancis Champnoone & John Mills & James Lake merch* 8 doe acknowledge to ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECOEDS. 201 have received of M r Henry Sandis of Boston in N: England merch* the summe of two hundd & ten pounds & nine shil- lings w ch is sixty pounds & nine shillinge more than by charter p tie hee is bound to disburse for his p* uppon the ship Jane of Pascataqs in New England for this p r sent voyage to ould England, & therefore wee doe hereby bind o r selvs heires Execut & Administrators or either of us or them to make full satisfaction to him the s d Henry Sandis his heires or assignes at the arrivall of the s d shipp in Engl. this p r sent voyadge or to ensure it to him in case the shipp should miscarry, witnes o r hands this 13th of ffeb: 1648. witnes here to is ffrancis Champnoone Samuel Maverick James Lake. George Parkhurst. John Mills. 14. (12) 1648: I attested a Copie of M r Gainers Charter partie. IT (12) 1648. M r John Mills & loveing friend I doe by these presents constitute ordeine & make yo u my true & lawfull Atturney to sue arrest imprison & impleade the bodie or goods of Robert Skinner for the summe of fourteene pounds w ch I disbursed for him pt in cloathes & the rest hi ten pounds p d for him to M r Paule White w ch was uppon con- sideration of a yeares service w ch he was to pforme in the ship Jane, & to psecute the law to the utmost against him not only for the said Debt but also for all damages in run- ning away from the said shipp. Witness my hand & scale this [Page 183.] fourteenth day of ffebruary. -LS-iJL Signed sealed & dd in ffrancis Champernoone pnce of & a scale Henry Walton John Dane. 17 (12) 1648. I hope I shall not be put to the charge of the suite considering this tender; & my pfer to acknowledge a judgmt for the fyve hundd pounds & such Damages as the bench of Magistrats should order w ch pfer was before the magistrats. W m Tynge. This hath relation to the Answer p. 110. & was indorsed uppon his answer tendred in the Court. 17 (1) lejLl. Know all men by these p r sents that I John Shawe of Boston in New England Butcher do remise 202 ASPINWALL NOTABIAL RECORDS. release & for ever quite claime unto Robt nash of Boston aforesaid Butcher all & all maner of actions debts duties accounts suittes & demands whatsoever w ch I now have or hereafter may have against the said Robt Nash his heires Executors Administrat or assignes or any of them, for any matter or thing from the begining of the world untill the day of the date hereof. In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand the 7 (1) 1648. witnes hereunto John Shawe. John ffoulsham Thomas Joy. Barth. Barlow. 22. (1) 1&A.S.. I attested a Copie of an Account betweene M r Greenleafe & Henry Sandis of 18 U 27 (1) 1649. This witnesseth that I whose name is underwritten for & in consideration of one hundd. pounds received in English goods in Boston doe pmise to deliver aboard some vessell that the said John Woody may send in March next, three hundred bushells of wheate & as much pease as make upp the full summe above mentioned, wheate at foure shillings, pease at three & foure pence, but if wheate be fyve shillings at Boston then the said John is to give foure shillings three pence p bushell, & if pease be foure shillings at that time when this corne is due, then to have it at three shillings & sixe pence, the corne to be good & merchantable, witnes my hand 24 th of Septemb. 14_8 witnes hereunto Ri: Ludlowe John Coggan. [Page 184.] 31. (1) 1649. Bee it knowne by these pntes that I W m Tilly of Boston doe hereby make & ordeine my welbeloved frend Hugh Gullison of Boston my true & lawfull Atturney for mee & in my name to implead & arrest & psecute & re- cover of W m Phillips of Boston & his wife or either or both of them or any pson or psons that hath or shall hereafter de- fame or slander my welbeloved wife Alice Tilly in respect of her calling or otherwise, hereby inabling my said Atturney to make & ordeine one or more atturneyes under him to pleade the case of my said wife in any lawfull Court w th in this jurisdiction, & also to compound or agree & release at his pleasure any pson or psons so impleaded & whatsoever my said Atturney shall doe herein I do ratify & confirme as if I were psonally present, & also in case my said Atturney shall at any time be wanting or disabled to prosecute the ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 203 said parties, then I doe also hereby authorise my frend John Sherman to psecute the said parties & shall have the same power that my first named Atturney hath hereby. Witnes my hand & scale this 17 th day of the 9 th month -l^AS Witnes us. John Collins William Tilly. William Shattock. 4 (2) 1648, Bee it knowne by these p r sents that I Robert ffen of New Haven mariner by vertue of a tre of At- turney made to mee by Walter Merry of Boston have de- manded & received of Richard Chadwell three pounds ten shillings by a barrell of Beefe for the Account of the said Walter Merry & doe hereby acquit & release the said Ri:: Chadwell from all accounts & debts due to the said Walter Merry to this present day. In witness whereof I have here- unto sett my hand this 22 th day of December: 1648. the abovesaid summe being allowed the s d Walter by an award given by John Evance & Joshua Atwater chosen arbitrat es in the s d busines. Robert ffen Richard Johnsons marke. Tho. Lambe. Joshua Griffiths. [Page 185.] 7 (2) JLS-A^. Whereas I Nicholas Shapley of Pascataqs Merct am now by Gods pmission bound for England, know all men therefore by these presents that I the s d Nicholas Shapley doe hereby in my absence depute & ordeine my loveing Kinsman John Treworgy mercht my Deputy & law- full Atturney in my place & steed to manage all my affaires in New England of what kind or nature whatsoever, & what soever my said Deputy & Atturney shall lawfully doe or cause to be done in or about my affaires I doe hereby ratifye & confirme in as ample manner to all intents & pur- poses as if I were psonally present, witness my hand & seale the 6 th of November lA. Sealed & dd in the Nich: Shapleigh [L S] presence of Roger Gard Edward Godfrey. vera copia ita testatur Sigilla provinc. p me Edw. Godfrey, secret 16 (2) 49. I attested a bill of 8 U due from Ri: fellowes to Nathaniel W ms and by Nf w m s assigned to Capt. John Leveret. 204 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 22 (2) 1649. To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come to bee scene read heard or understood, I John Langley Esqr major & chiefe officer of the Antient towne of Colchester in the County of Essex in the famous Kingdome of greate Brittaine for o r most gracious Sover- eigne Lord King Charls, doe by these pnts certify, that on the one & twentieth day of Aprill in the yeare of o r Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ one thousand six hundred fourty & seaven, before mee did appeare Anthonie Whiteing of little Bently in the s d County of Essex Clerk & uppon his oath did affirme & say that John Loveron late of Ardley in the Countie of Essex aforesaid Yeoman (& who since dyed in New England) in consideration of the marriage had & sol- elmized betweene the said John Loveron & Anne late his wife (and now the wife of Edmund Browne of New England) did pmise that what lands he the said John Loveron should purchase after the s d marriage between them solemnized, should be for the use of the s d Anne dureing her naturall life: And after the s d marriage solemnized, the s d John Loveron did purchase in Langham in the said County of Essex a tenement w th some lands & the appurtenances to the value of ten pounds p annum, w ch tenement & lands afterwards & before the s d John Loveron went into New England he sould to him the s d Anthony Whiteing for one hundred & twenty pounds. And the said Anne uppon the sale of the same did give and yield up her interest therein and the said John Loveron in consideration thereof did pmise & say to the said Anne, that all his estate (except his lands in Ardley aforesaid) should be hirs. In witness whereof I the said [Page 186.] John Langley have hereunto sett the seale of the towne of Colchester comonly & ordinarily used in such business & affaires. John Langley Major & the towne seale. 24 (2) 1649. This note binds mee m r w m Berkeley of Barmudas to Deliver to James Oliver or his Assignes the full summe of thirty two shillings w ch wilbe eight pieces of eight & this I pmise to pay to the Assignes of the above s d James Oliver or his Assignes witnes my hand this 23 (5) 1648 William Barkeley. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 205 M r George Ludlow of Virginia Merch* is Debtor unto M r Alexander Shapley of Dartmouth Merch* 230 11 for his i of the freight due on the Susan on the New found land voyage. = 230 11 :00:00: Unto him S3" 6 8 . 8 d for his of 100 U drawne ) on him from the Newfoundland towards > 33:06:08: her lodeing ......) Unto him 33? 4 d for his J of passage money > rec d by M r Ludlow in Virginia . . 01:13:04: Unto him 2 1 ! 10? for his of 7 U 10 s for ) freight of 5 hogsheads of Tobacco M r Lud- [ 02:10:00: low rec d in Virginia ) Unto him 7 s . 6 d . for his | of pilotage . 00:07:06 Unto him 10072" of Tobacco w ch is for M r Shapley his ^ of the pduct of the fish recd out of the Susan, 267:17:06: ^ 100 72" of Tobacco. as by the Account of Sales former sent M r Shapley appeareth Omitted ^ of twoe firkins of butter bought in Newfoundland, part of the Cargason, w ch rest 3" ster. w ch M r Eliot kept for the shipps pvisions for M r Ludlowes 1 part is . . 01:00:00: So the net Ballance is . 48:10:04 49.10:04. M r Georg Ludlow p Cont is Credit 1 By M r Alex- ander Shapley .85" & is for of 255" freight made on the Susan as by his Acc. sent in unto M r Ludlow appeareth 85:00:00: By him 6" 13 s 8 d for J of 20 U 1 s he re cd of ) passengers for their passages, as by the > 06:13:08: Acc of freight, ) By 85" pd by M r Samuel Lang ish in Lond. as by his tre of advise & Acc. dated the 20 th of 9*T i63 9> a pp ers 85:00:00 By him 10" for his ^ of the pduce of strong waters 10:00:00 By him 51 8 8 d to rebate for his 1 of pilotage . 02:11:08 By him 10" for his 1 of freight over charged . 10:00:00 206 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. By him 55 s for } of 83 U of Tobac: John Tre- worthy Rec d at the Newfound land . . 02:15 0: By him 16 11 6 s 10 d sent for J of the Rebates on the 230 11 p Cont: for putting into Ireland . 16:06:10 By ballance 49 1 / 10? 4 d restdue from M r Lud- > An -, n A/1 i u n \LV * > 49:10:04 lowe to ballance this Account, $ 267:17:06 By ball, of the tob: acc. p Cont 10072 ) rest due from M r Ludlow to ball. ( 10072 11 of Tobocco. that Account ) Drawne up the 18 th of March 1647 by mee Thomas Bushrode. [Page 187.] Bee it knowne by these p r sents that on the 19 th day of the 2 d month called Aprill in the yeare of our Lord 1649. according to the Acc of England, before mee W m Aspin- wall Not & Tabell; publ by Authority of the Generall Court of the Massachusetts admitted & sworne psonally appeared M r Henry Stephens of Southampton merch* of the Ship called the S* Mary of Hamborough whereof Henry Katt is Master, & did ptest against the s d Henry Katt for the leakines & insufficiencie of his s d Shipp, & for all damages w cb he doth or may susteine thereby since his voyadg from Cadiz, in the Kingdome of Spaine unto New England, for all w ch the s d Henry Katt shalbe responsall & liable to make him just & due repairations in time & place conveneint, & in testimonie hereo[f] the said Henry Stephens hath here- unto sett his hand in presence of mee the said Notary: w th all ordering me by Notaiy aforesaid to publish this said protest unto the said Henry Katt w ch accordingly was done. Quod virtute ofncij &c: Henry Stephens. Bee it knowne by these p r sents, that on the third day of the third month commonly called May in the yeare of o r Lord 1649 according to the Account of England, at the request of Henry Stevens of Southampton in Hampshire Merch* of the Shipp called the S* Mary of Hamborough whereof Henry Katt is master, I W m Aspinwall Not & Tabellion publick by Authorite of the Gener 11 Court of .the Massachusetts admitted & sworne did repaire uno the said Henry Katt, & in the name of the s d Hen Stephens I did ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 207 protest & by these p r sents do ptest against the said Henry Katt M r of the ship afores d , for all Damages w ch the s d merch* already hath or hereafter shall sustaine since the time that he hailed up his shipp to wash or trim unto the day shee shall take in her ladeing sett saile from hence & pceed in her voyadge according to Charter partie drawne betwixt them: the s d Henry Stephens pfessing he hath no occasion to stay the s d shipp from pceeding in her voyage. This protest thus made, was published & reade by mee the Notary aforesaid unto the Master, Henry Katt aforesaid the day & yeare above written. Quod virtute &c: Uppon the fourth day of the third month comonly called May in the yeare of o r Lord one thousand six hundred fourty & nine according to the Acc of England, I W m Aspinwall Notary & Tabellion publick by Authoritie of the Generall Court of the Massa: admitted & sworne, at the re- quest of Henry Stephens merch* of the shipp called the S* Mary of Hamborough, w th him did goe unto Henry Katt master of the s d Ship, & in the name of the said Merch did demand of the said master Henry Katt that he would sett saile w th the first faire wind & wether for the harbour of Pascataqs in New England there to take in such freight as the said Merch* had provided & so to sett saile for such port in Spaine as the s d Merch* should appoint. Whereunto the said Henry Katt made a Dilatory answer, that he would follow his Charter partie & he would do no more, w ch was all the answe r I could understand from him. Where uppon at the request of the s d merchVI the s d Notary did ptest & by these p r sents do protest against the s d Henry Katt for all damages w ch the said merch* doth or shall susteine through his default, whether by hyre of another ship to pf orine the [Page 188.] voyage or otherwise: that the s d Henry Katt shalbe respon- salL in time and place convenient. In witnes that this pro- test was thus made as aforesad, I the Notary aforesaid Doe hereunto attest by vertue of mine office. As I was writeing this protest the s d Henry Katt presented mee a writeing signed Hijndrich Catt: thus expressed in English. I Henry Catt master of the good shipp called the S* Mary, do give for answ r to Henry Stevens merch* of the said shipp, that I am ready to pforme all conditions on my part men- tioned in o r Charter party, & am ready to goe to Pastcataqs, provided the said Henry can make it appeare that I am 208 ASPINIVALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. bound thereto by Charter partie: pvided that the s d Henry Stephens pay mee forthw* 11 such moneyes as I stand in need of to trimme & victuall my s d shipp for the more speedy pformance of the voyage in hand, w ch by Charter partie the foresaid merch* is to doe. My demand being three score pounds in money w ch I shall allow in part of my freight witnes my hand this 4 th day of may. 1&4-9.. Quod attestor vt supra. , , , . At a Court of Assistants hold en at Bos- Massachusetts in , , . ,, , e ,-, ,. ,, ^ ... ton the sixth day or the fourth month A W called June in the yeare of o r Lord i-S-^-S. according to the Account of England. The Companie of the Seaman belonging to the Shipp Planter of London, being therein the harbour at Boston aforesaid, brought an action as well against Robert Risbie Master of the s d Ship, & Thomas Gainer Merch* of the same, as against the shipp itselfe, for wages due to them for theire service done in the s d shipp, for divers months then past: w ch being matter of Account the Court appointed Auditors, viz*, M r Duncan Auditor Generall, M r Allen & M r Addington to examine the Ships accounts &c., & to cer- tifie the Court. The returne accordingly was made as followeth, viz*, that there was due to the s d Master Robert Risbie one hundred & eight pounds; To M r Robert ffen one of his mates ninety one pounds: To Joshua Maid another of his mates fourty two pounds eight shillings: To Richard Holt Boatswaine fourty six pounds eight shillings: To John Carman Gunner fifty two pounds seven shillings: To Leonard Sergeant Chirurgeon fifty foure pounds & to the rest of the seamen according to theire severall pportions, amounting in all to seven hundred & eight pounds seven shillings & a penny. W cb being given in evidence to the Jury, they found for the plaintiffs theire severall & respective wages, & costs of Court, & Judgment was entred accordingly, & Execution granted against the said Risbie & Gainer & the said [Page 189.] Shipp Planter. But because the said Risbie & Gainer had no visible estate in this jurisdiction w ch might answer the Judgment, the Execution was laid uppon the said Shipp, w ch by apprizall of three able & indifferent men, chosen ac- cording to lawe, was valued at seven hundred & thirty six pounds fourteene shillings, & at that rate shee was publikly offred to sale by the space of fourteene days or thereabouts ASPINWALL NOTABIAL RECORDS. 209 But none appearing to by her at that price, a motion was made by the s d Shipps Companie at the Court held at Boston the 27 th of the fifth month called July 1648. that the said ship might be putt uppon a new apprizall or delivered to the s d plaintiefs in satisfaction of theire wages; w ch was ordered accordingly; & being apprized by able & indifferent men the first of the sixth month called August 1648 at six hundred pounds, was sould by the Under marshall to Major Edward Gibons for fyve hundred & fifty pounds, because no man would give so much, supposeing her to be over valued. Where uppon by Authority of this Court the s d sale of the s d Ship Planter is allowed & ratifyed to be good & effectuall in Lawe, to the said major Gibons & his Assign es, & to his & theire pper use & behoof e, & the s d fyve hundred & fifty pounds the pceed thereof, to be distributed to the s d shipps companie, according to theire severall ppor- I attested tions, every of them giveing a receipt & a Copie acquittance for the same according to Lawe. hereof for In testimonie of the truth whereof I John M r Gainer winthrop Gov. of the Colonie aforesaid have 10 (3) . 1 .6,4.a t hereunto sett my hand this 2. of the 11 th month called January I- 6 -!!. John winthrop Governo r . Robert Resby against Tho: Gainer is 108 .0.0 granted one hundred & eight pounds. Robert 91 . . Sen is granted ninety one pounds. Joshua maide is granted fourty twoe pounds 42 . 8 . eight shillings. Ri ch Holt is granted fourty six pounds eight shillings. John Carman is granted fifty two pounds 52 . 7 . 8 seven shillings eight pence. John Barre is granted eighteen pounds 18 . 18 . eighteen shillings. W m Joyce is granted thirty one pound seven 31 . 7 . 10 shillings ten pence. W m Croucher is granted seventeene pounds 17 . 2 . two shillings. Tho: ffoster is granted twenty eight pounds 28 . 16 . sixteene shillings. 27 . . John Perry is granted twenty seven pounds W m King is granted nineteen e pounds six- 19 . 16 . teene shillings. Leonard Sergeant is granted fifty foure 54 . . pounds. 210 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Abraham Knight is granted nienteene 19 . 16 . pounds sixteene shillings. John Sparke is granted fourty two pounds 42 . 5 . fyve shillings. W m Berry is granted twenty two pound 22 . 15 . fifteene shillings. Richard Haselwood is granted thirty one 31 . 3 . 9 pound three shillings nine pence & ten shil- 00 . 10 . lings to be added to the whole. 653 . 13 . 3 [Page 190.] To the Marshall or his Deput : By vertue hereof yo u are required to levy of the goods & chatties of M r Robt Risby, M r Thomas Gainer, & the shipp planter to the value of six hundred fifty three pound thir- teene shillings & three pence w 01 2? for the execution to satisfy each pticular as above for a verdict & Judgment granted to the quarter Court held at Boston the 6 th present, hereof not to faile. Dated the 12 th of the 4 th month 1A1J.. By the quart 1 " Court Increase Nowell secret. Richard Burges granted twenty one pounds. Georg Smith granted twenty one pounds twelve shillings. Raph Cox granted twelve pounds twelve shillings. By the Court Increase Nowell secret. [Page 191.] 10 (3) 1649. Bee it knowne &c: that on the tenth day of the 3 d mo. 1649. I W m Aspinwall Not &c: at the request of Tho. Severne, Rich: Turner, Tho. Crowdy & John Good- win ffreighters of the Shipp called the Mary of London, did w to them repaire unto John Dennis pt owner of the s d ship, & in theire names and behalfe did protest & by these p r sents Doe' p* against the s d John Denis for delay of time (these eight dayes) to fitt & furnish her out uppon her voyage to ffyall Maderas or else where & so to Virginia, & for all Damages w ch they have or shall susteine by such neglect, contrary to an agreem* made by him beareing date the 16 th of March 1648. ffor all w ch the s d Jo: Dennis shalbe respon- sall, & lyable to make due reparation unto the s d ffreighters in time & place convenient. This pro 1 being thus made unto the s d Jo: Dennis, he returned this Answer. That he had done his indev r to gett workmen, but they were, not at p r sent to be had : & that he had desired these ffreighters to seeke ASPTNTWAT/L NOTAKIAL RECORDS. 211 out for Carpenters, alledging that they also were to assist him herein. Thus done & passed in the towne of Boston in N: Eng- land. 15 (3) 14A1 Whereas John Winthrop of Boston in the Massachusetts beareing date for satisfaction of his Creditors did give and grant unto W m Tyng the then Treasurer for the Country Valentine Hill of Boston Mercht & divers other of his s d Creditors All that his mansion house in Boston w 111 the yards gardens & orchyards thereunto belong- ing: & all that his fferme called Tenhills in Charlstowne w th the lands &c: thereunto belonging (as by the s d deed doth more fully appeare) to the use of the s d valentine Hill & the rest of his s d Creditors & theire heires, for satisfaction of such summes of money as were due unto them: And whereas there is due unto the s d Valentine from the s d John Winthrop the summe of fyve hundred pounds w ch is more then a. third parte of all that is due to all the Creditors: In consideration hereof the rest of the s d Creditors whose names are hereunder written have agreed and consented that the s d Valentine shall have & enjoy the s d mansion house in Boston w th the Appurtenances at the rate it hath beene apprized by indifferent men viz* to him & his heires. & wee whose names are here under written doe for us & o r heires release & confirme to the s d Valentine & his heires all o r right title & interest in & to the s d man- sion house w th the Appurtenances. In testimony whereof we have hereunto subscribed o r names. Dated (12) 6 1644. Rich: Dumer. Anthonie Stoddard. Tho: Allen. Timothie Hatherley. Rich: Truesdale. Susan Hudsons marke Benjamin Gillom. Edw. Bendall. Richard Russell. Robt Long for M r Axtel Robert Sedgwick. Henry Webb. I the s d John Winthrop do earnestly entreate the rest of my Creditors to give theire consent hereunto, w ch they may doe w th out wrong to them selves, in regard that the fferme w ch is left to them is more than twice so much worth as the said house, & the s d Valentine w th the rest of Boston have pvided mee a more convenient house for my use. John Winthrop. [Page 192.] M r Richard Webb, M r Anthonie Stoddard, Benjamin Gil- lom, Richard Truesdale, Edward Bendale, did acknowledge 212 ASPINWALL NOTABIAL RECORDS. before me W m Aspinwall Notary pubb. this 24 (1) 1648 that the subscription of theire names on the other side was theire owne act. So also did M r Richard Russell, major Robert Sedgwick Robert Long & Susan Hudson. 5 (2) 1648. Quod attestor &c: 20 (3) 1&4-8. Know all men by these p r sents that I Nicholas Liscen of Glocester In & uppon consideration of two houses w th the lands belonging to them bought of Georg Barlow of Exeter: do acknowledg my selfe to be indebted unto the s d Georg Barlow the summe of nienteene pounds sterling to be p d unto him the s d George or his Assignes as followeth, viz 4 , nine pounds ten shillings to be paid in linnen & woollen cloth & shoes & stockings & other good English comodities in Boston at price current uppon the 30 th day of June next ensuing; & the other nine pound ten shillings in the like pay uppon the 29 lh day of September next ensueing the date hereof : In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 10 th of the 8 th mo (48) Witnes Christopher Lawson Nicholas Liscen John Legat. the 25 th of March HAi I the s d John Busly doe pay unto the s d George Barlow of Exeter for the lands & houses w ch I have lately bought of him in Exeter, 3 Cowes in part of pay, w ch Cowes I the s d John Busly do Deliver to the s d George Barlow 1 browne Cow w ch I had of my brother Jones, 1 black Cow w th Crump Horns, & 1 brindle Cow w ch is at goodman Crams at this p r sent date hereof witnes my hand John Busly. Witnes my hand Abell Canon. Witnes my hand Anne Wife. I attested a Copie of this bill & a tre of Att r from Luce Wight unto George Barlow. 25. (3) l I attested a bill of Health for Symon Kempthorne m r of the Hopewell of Barbados bound for Maderas, Barbados & the Hands of Cape de vird. 4 (3) liiji Uppon the fourth day of the third month called May in the year of o r Lord 1649 According to the ac- count of England I W m Aspinwall Notary & Tabellion publ by Authority of the Generall Court of the Massachusetts ad- mitted & sworne, at the request of Henry Catt M r of the S 4 Mary of Hambourgh, did repaire unto Henry Stephens merch* of the s d shipp, & in the name of the s d Henry Catt did demand of the s d Henry Stephens the summe of three ASPLNWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 213 [Page 193.] score pounds in money to trimme and victuall out the said shipp for the voyage: Whereunto the s d Henry Stephens made Answer, that the s d shipp was ready trimmed and the sailes at the yard; & if the said Master will go to Pascataqs w ch is a good Harbo r & about eleven leagues w th out the Bay, & if he want any pvisions he shall have them aboard this night; & at Pascataqs whither hee also will goe w th the s d Master and where he shall stay 20 or 30 dayes, he shall there receive what moneyes he shall have need of for the voy- adge, so farre as the s d merch* is bound by Charter partie. W ch answer being given, I the Notary aforesaid at request of the said Henry Catt did ptest & by these p r sents doe ptest against the s d Henry Stephens for all damages w ch the s d Henry Catt doth or shall susteine for want of the s d three score pounds. This done & passed in the towne of Boston in New England by mee the Notary afforesaid. 25. (3) 1&L&. Boston the 22 th of May 1649. a invoice of what goods is saved of the ship Peter & Paule of Dover and prised by Matthew Chafy & Arthur Gill as followeth. li ss d Inprimis the wreck w th boate .... 04 00 a sheate Cable 30 00 half a smale Bower & almost | a best Bower . 10 00 a quantity of Rigging being saved as stayes shrewds, runing rigg: ..... 12 00 a certaine quantity of Junk being broke at the Cable & hawsers 10000 a suite of sailes halfe worne w th two ould Compes 40 000 fifty blocks 01100 3 yron gunns cont 3600. more one brasse gun cont. 180 at 5 U 26120 1000. of yron work & shott together . . 09000 a Kettle "..:.. . 01050 a sinale hawser of ynch & halfe . . . 02 00 2200 weight of Anchors being foure . . 33000 10 carriages broke & whole .... 05 00 mast yards & Capps 08 00 192070 Matthew Chaflie. Arthur Gill. 29 (3) 16JJ) Uppon the 29 th day of the 3 d month called May 1649 according to the Account of Engrl. I W m 214 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Aspinwall Not & Tabel. publick by Authority of the Gener 11 Court of the Massachusetts admitted & sworne, at the re- quest of W m Stretton of Bristoll Mercht. did repaire unto major Robert Sedgwick, Thomas Lake, Thomas Venner & John Trumble w th a Charter ptie made betwixt them and the s d w m Stretton beareing date 26 (8) 1648. and the same did shew unto the s d Ro: Sedgw. Tho. Lake, Tho. Venner & Jo: Trumble, and in the name of the s d W m Stretton did prot & by these p r sents doe protest against them and every of them for that theire shipp called the Content (w ch by Charter ptie ought to have beene ready to sett saile the 10 th of Aprill) did not set saile for marblehead untill the 18 th of this instant, and for that the said Shipp is not yet sufficient but leaky above water, [Page 194.J and for the losse of his market, & Damage in his fish that by this neglect of theires is exposed unto harme both by weather, doggs, & stealing, for all w ch the s d owners of the s d vessell shalbe responsall & lyable to make him due repara- tions in time & place convenient. This protest was thus published unto the s d Robt Sedgwick & his part owners by mee the No* aforesaid. Having read this protest to M r Tho: Lake and shewed him the Charter ptie, he owned the Charter partie & acknowl- edged the breach of it, and that M r Stretton had just ground to doe what hee did. & w th all gave me his further Answer under his owne hand as followeth. Whereas m r W m Aspin- wall in the name of M r W m Stretton made protest against mee Thomas Lake as part owner of the Shipp Content, ffor that the s d Shipp is not fitted p the Owners according to Charter ptie made w th M r W m Stretton, Now Know all men that I Thomas Lake being Undertaker & p* owner of the s d shipp for | pts have from time to time given all diligence to pay the Carpenter for my part of paymt to him due, & also to pvide | pts of all such pvisions & furniture for the s d shipp according as the m r gave notice of his want or neede thereof, the same was done in my absence when I was at Newhaven p my frend & Agent M r Joshua Scotto, so as I am in no wayes wanting for my |- pts of the said shipp fitting for sea. p me Tho: Lake. May. 29 th 1649 . M Tho: Venner answered that the ship was not fitted ac- cording to Charter partie, & that the protest was just, but that for his part he was not wanting to pforme his part. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 215 31 (3) 1649. These p r sents witnesseth that whereas John Parish and John Hill of Barbados Merch to hyred the good shipp called the Hope of Roterdam, Master Gerrard Lawler so in as appeares 14 (7.) ULAA. I attested one tre Att r from Giles Paulet to Richard Waite for all debts and dues to him for his 3| shares in the two prises & the sugar prize & the prize at Barbados w th other debts from Capt Preston m rs Cromwell Thomas Turner &c: w th full power. Also another fro Aaron Cornelius to Ri: Waite for all debts &c: from all psons &c: w th generall power to acquit sue arrest &c: [Page 195.] 19 (8) 16.5-0 i attested a Copie of a Bill of Exch? of 200 U from John Wadlow to Rob* Be rce M r and John Pen- muel London merch* 8 . payable at 3 months sight. Dat. 3 (4) JJL51. [Page 196.] 1 (4) l&A-S. John Cogan of Boston in the Massa: mercht. constituted m r Humphrey Cogan of Exeter in the County of Devon his true and lawful Att r : granting him full pow r &c : to recover & receive the possession of certaine house & lands scituat lying & being in Hunington in the County of Devon (the Appearer being the last life in the Lease now liveing) & the same to set lett & dispose of dureing the terme in the s d lease expressed, & in gener 11 to doe all act or acts thing or things needfull & requisite concerning the premisses: ratifying irrevocably what soev r his s d Att r shall doe or pcure to be done by him self or his Atturney or Atturneyes (whom by these presents the Appearer doth give him power ,to substitute) in or about the premisses. 1 (4) lA- I attested a Copie of M r Isaac Allertons oath touching the freightm* of yelmer Thomson in the great Garrat. 1 (4) JJLLBL- Charlestowne 3 of Sept. iSAz. M r Hallet after my love remembred unto yo u , the last yea-re when yo u went for England I spake unto yo u to pay mee the rest of the mony that was Due unto mee, w ch was the summe of Six pounds : you would have pawned stony land to mee for it, I was content to stay for it, untill yo r returne. And for as much as I heare God hath inlarged yo r estate, my request is that yo u would pay it unto M r 216 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Rich: Russell of Charlestowne. I hopt yo u will not faile to pay it him in money or that w ch may answer money. Con- sider my kindness to yo u in yo r low estate almost 7 years, the goods I had back againe w tu the goates and the 2 U yo u did pay mee makes up the summe unto 6 11 . I pray yo u make him good payment, so I rest yo r friend. W m Whiteing. I Rich: Russell of Charlestowne doe hereby testify that M r Whiteing did by his deed order mee to receive this debt of six pounds, w ch M r Hallet hath pay d partt unto mee this 1 (4th) JLJLL4- By mee Richard Russell. I heard M r Whiteing & M r Hallett speakhig together in Boston streete & M r Whiting called mee to him & spake to mee to receive a hogshead of Mackrell of him that is of M r Hallett, w ch M r Hallett pmised to doe, but as yet he hath not done, & as I remember it was the last time or the last time but one that M r Whiteing was in the Bay. P me Robert Long. 1 (4) 1649. i attested a Copie of Leonard Sergeant & Bartholmew Barlow theire affidavit concerning the Mate of m r Saunders shipp. [Page 197.] 2. (4) lA In Boston in New England, the 24 th 3. m. J 649 This bill bindeth mee Isaac Allerton of Newhaven merch* to purchase the frigot that was taken out of the Harbo r of Newhaven when she shall arrive at the manhatas, for Capt Theo. Crumwell, And whatsoever the said vessel! shall Cost according unto the direction of the s d Thomas given unto the s d Isaac, the s d Capt doth hereby pmise to make payment of unto the s d Isaac Allerton or his Assignes uppon the Delivery of the s d frigott here in the Bay at Bos- ton, unto the s d Capt or his Assignes : And towards the pur- chasing of the s d frigot the afores d Capt hath the yeare & day above written Delivered to the s d Isaac the summe of two hundred pounds Sterl. & if the s d vessell should not come in, then the s d Isaac Allerton is to repay the s d two hundred pounds unto Capt Cromwell or his Assignes witnes o r hands. Witness Edw. Gibons. Isaac Allerton. This bill bindeth mee Issac Allerton of Newhaven merch* to be accountable unto Capt Cromwell of Boston gent, for the summe of two hundred pounds sterl. the w ch I doe ac- ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 217 knowledge to have received, & to be disposed of according to the order & agreem* as above said, witnes my hand this 24 th May 1649. witnes Edward Gibons. Isaac Allerton 2 (4) Ifcll M r Isaac Allerton Yo u are to doe nothing concerning the purchaseing of the ffrigot that was taken from Newhaven but what Nicholas Shapley shall advise w th yo u , & if yo u buy not the ffrigott then yo u to Deliver unto the s d Nicholas Shaply the two hun- dred pounds sterl yo u received of mee, either in money or merchantable Bever at price Current before the end of August next ensueing the Date hereof & in so doeing this shall be yo r discharge witnes my hand the 29 th of May l Boston witnes Edward Gibons. Isaac Allerton. 6 (4) i&O.- This p r sent writeing witnesseth, that where- as W m Bartholmew of Ipswich in New England merch* & Nathaniel Eldred of London Merch* doe stand bound by one Indentu r beareing Date the 20 th day of ffeb: 1648 unto Elias Roberts, Richard Westcome, Richard Ryalls & Robert Hamond for the Delivery of sixteene hundd Kint of merch tble dry cod fish & that uppon good considerations in the s d Cov*. expressed w ch s d quantitie of fish according to the s d Indent 1 should have beene dd aboard the shipp Swallow of London whereof W m Greene of London Master w tb in twenty working dayes after the arrivall of the s d shipp at the port of Cape Anne in New England afore s d . Now wee whose names are here under written uppon seri- ous consideration of the p r misses finding a necessity to p r sent for the p r sent expedition & advance of the voyage, together w th the consent of the s d M r W m Greene that the s d shipp Swallow shall take in the s d quantity of 26. hundd Kint of fish at the port of Marblehead & the Isle of Shoales & for the true & good pformance & Delivery of the s d quantity of fish in the s d twenty working dayes & for the beareing harm- less of the s d master in all cases of Damage that may fall by reason of his so altering her port concerning the s d shipp or goods that shalbe any wayes. [Page 198.] damnifyed for so altering his port, wee therefore whose names are hereunto subscribed for the true & good pformance of all the p'misses doe bind o r selves o r heires execute 18 and As- signes jointly and severally unto the s d Master W m Greene in the behalf of his imployers theire severall execut 8 & As- 218 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. signes in the full & just summe of ten thousand pound sterl. In witness whereof wee have hereunto sett o r hands & scales. Dated in Boston New England this 5 th day of June 1649 . Testifyed John Corbet W m Bartholmew & a scale Tho: Cromwell Tho: Lake form 1 W m Geerish Nath. Eldred** & scale Marke Harrison. W m Paine & a scale. Q (4) 1649 Know all men by these p r sents that whereas M r Robt Houghton of S* Olaves in Southwauke is by cov- en* bearing Date 3 d of march 1648 bound & engaged unto M r Elias Roberts Richard westcombe Richard Keyes & Robert Hammond for the Delivery of three hundd Kin tails of dry and Merchantable codfish aboard the shipp swallow unto M r W m Greene m r of the s d shipp as may more at large appeare by the s d Cov*. Dat. the 3 d of March 1649. & whereas the s d 3 hundd Kint of merch tble Codfish was to be dd by Cov*. at Cape Anne harbo r twentie dayes after the s d shipps at the s d harbo r . Wee whose names are here under written doe in- gage o r selves in a bond of foure hund: pounds sterl. to dd or cause to be dd w th in the s d twenty dayes of the shipps ar- rivall in Marblehead those 3 hundd kint of merch* codfish either at marblehead or at the Isle of shoales Cleare of ail Charges as witness o r hands and seales this 5 th day of June JJL1A. Marke Harrison Robert Sedgwick & a scale Robert Turner ffrancis Norton & a scale. 11 (4) i 6 -*! Know all men whom it may concerne that I W m Barkley of sumer Hands do firmly by these presents cleare & acquitt Capt Thomas Crumwell of London & his assignes from all debts & demands either from the ship Anne due to mee the s d W m Barkeley or any other Acc. whatsoever from the begining of the world to the date hereof, to w ch acquit- tance I the aforesaid William doe bind myselfe & my Assignes firmely by these presents, subscribed & sealed this fifth day of October in the yeare of o r Lord Ann -ilL-iJL. Subscribed sealed & dd William Barkeley & in p r sence of Robert Harding, a scale. Adam Winthrop, John Winthrop, W m Vassall. 11 (4) JJSJLS. I certified peter Clawsons arrest in 1000 U at the suite of Raph Woory returnable 5 (4) & no action entred. [Page 199.] 11 (4) i-S-L M r John Treworgie did acknowledge to have received foure thousand w* of Tobacco by Isaac Allerto for NOTARIAL RECORDS. 219 the Account of M r Georg Ludlow of Virginia & doth hereby acquitt & discharge the said George of & from all actions debts accounts covenants agreem* 8 & demands whatsoever from the beginning of the world to the day of the date hereof, onely a bill of fyve thousand & odd w* of tobacco & fourty nine pounds odd money sterling excepted. 22 (3) IAAA. Bee it knowne &c: that on the 22 (3) 1649. according to the Acc- of England I W m Aspinwall &c: at the request of Raph Woory of Charlestowne in N. E. merch* did repaire unto Peter Clawson M r of the shipp called the Ganatree of Home & in the name of the s d Raph Woory & by appointment from him protest as well against the s d M r Peter Clawson as against Jacob Peterson merch* of the s d Ship for breach of charter party & for all Damage w ch the s d Raph Woory all ready hath or hereafter shall susteine by meanes thereof, for all w ch I the Not r afores d do ptest that the s d Jacob Peterson & Peter Clawson shalbe responsall & lyable to make him just & due reparations in time & place convenient. This ptest was thus published unto the s d Peter Clawson the day & yeare above written by me the Not r afores d . 11 (4) iSAS.. In Boston in N. England the 24 th 3 m 1649 . This bill bindeth me Isaac Allerton of Newhaven merch*, to purchase the frigot that was taken out of the harbo r of Newhaven when shee shall arrive at the manhatas, for Capt Thomas Cromwell, & whatsoever the s d vessell shall cost, according unto the direction of the s d Thomas given unto the s d Isaac, the s d Capt doth hereby pmise to make payment of unto the s d Isaac Allerton or his Assignes uppon the Delivery of the s d ffrigot here in the Bay at Boston, unto the s d Cap* or his assignes : And towards the pur- chaseing of the s d ffrigot the abovesaid Cap* hath the yeare & day above written, Delivered to the s d Isaac the summe of two hundd pounds sterl. & if the s d vessell should not come in, then the s d Isaac Allerton is to repay the s d two hund pounds unto Cap* Cromwell or his assignes witnes o r hands. Witness Edw: Gibons. Issac Allerton. This bill bindeth mee Isaac Allerton of Newhaven merch*. to be accountable unto Cap* Cromwell of Boston gent for the summe of two hundd pounds Sterl. the w ch I doe acknowl- edg to have received, & to be disposed of, according to the order & agreement as aboves d . witnes my hand this 24 th May ijL9. Witnes Edw: Gibons. Isaac Allerton M r Isaac Allerton 220 AsprtsrwALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. You are to doe nothing concerning the purchaseing of the frigot that was taken from Newhaven but what Nicholas Shapley shall advise w th you & if you buy not the frigot then you to [Page 200.] deliver unto the s d Nicholas Shapley the two hundd pounds sterl: yo u received of mee either in money or merchantable Bever at Price Current before the one of August next ensue- ing the Date hereof & in so doing this shalbe yo r discharge, witnes my hand the 29 th of May is^Lfi. Boston Witnes Edw. Gibons. Isaac Allerton 11 (4) i6_L9 Henry Parkes master & owner of the Shipp Begining of Boston of the burden of fourty Tunns doth hyre halfe the said Shipp viz* 20 tun unto W m With- ington of Road Island merch* for a voyage to be made from Road Island (1 (8) next) unto Barbados & Ginney: & backe to Barbados Antego & Boston her port of discharge: to be strong staunch & well & sufficiently victualled tackled & apparelled w th sailes &c: for such a shipp for such a voy- age: & to have eleven men & a boy outward bound & to be readie to sett saile w th the first faire wind & wether after 1 (8) next for the afores d voyage. W m Withington covenanting w th the s d Henry Parks to pay him 18 1L p month for halfe freight of his s d ship, & if his 12 Cattle & one tun amount to more then halfe, then to pay p Rate proportionably, w ch paym* is to be three quarters in such goods as they Import, & one quarter in silver to be p d w th in a month after the shipps arrivall at Boston: also the s d W m is to pvide Come & hay sufficient for his s d Cat- tle: And for pformance mutually bind them selves exec administ shippe & goods each to other for pformance. 12 (4) iSJJ. James ffinch granted unto Robt Turner of Boston in N: E: Shoomaker a tre Atturney to take & receive all such merchandise goods debts dues & shares w ch the s d James hath in or unto any of the prises alreadie brought in or any other & to sue implead &c: w th power to substi- tute one Attr: &c: 12 (4) -Lfi^L* Charls Dobson did constitute John Pick- ering his true & lawfull Atturney to demand & receive of John Wootton all such goods as were left in trust w th the s d Wootton. w th power to sue, compound, acquitt, & to sub- titute atturneys under him. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 221 13 (4) 16.19.. I attested a Copie of a Charter partie betweene Garret Lamberdson, & David Selleck Valentine Hill & James Oliver. Also a Bill of William Davies of feriiland unto Phillip Allee & Charls Dobson & by them Assigned to Valentine Hill [Page 201.] 15 (4) 1649 . Know all men by these p r sents that I Edmund White of London merch*. have assigned ordeined made deputed authorised & in my place & steed by these presents doe put & constitute David Yale of London Merch* my true & lawfull Atturney for mee & in my name & to my use to aske, levy, sue for, recover & receive & to take into his hands & custody all such debts duties & summes of money, plantations goods, cattle, merchandise, wares & comodities whatsoever as are due oweing or belonging unto mee by or from John Woolcot of New towne als Cambridg in New England his Execute 18 or Adminis- trate", or by any other pson or psons in New England aforesaid. And to vend sell and dispose of all & every or any the said Plantations goods wares merchandise & comodities at the will & pleasure of my said Atturney. And to com- pound release & discharge the said debts also at his will & pleasure, And to make one or more substitute or sub- stutes under him & at his pleasure to revoke the same againe. And to doe & execute all & every other act & acts, thing & things in or about the premises or any pt thereof as fully & effectually to all intents & purposes as I might doe if I were psonally present. And I doe hereby give & grant unto my said Atturney my full power & law- full Authority touching the premises. & I doe & will at all times hereafter ratify allowe & confirme all & whatsoever my said Atturney shall doe or cause to be done in or about the premises or any part thereof by these presents. In witnes whereof hereunto I the s d Edmund White have sett my hand & scale, yeoven the thirtieth day of January Anno Dni 1639. & in the fifteenth yeare of the reigne of o r Soveraigne Lord King Charles of England &c: Sealed & Delivered Edmund White & a scale. in presence of us. James White, ffrancis Archer. 15 (4) 1S-4-- 9 - Know all men whom it doth concerne that I John Treworgy beeing Agent for my Uncle Nicholas 222 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Shapleigh did receive of Thomas Hell agent for M r Joseph Carter of London in the yeare 1646. the summe of fourty one pounds sterl w ch I received of him in corne & beefe & porke pease & malt, & was converted to the use of my uncle Nicholas Shapley. witness my hand this 12 th of June -LSJJL Teste W m Aspinwall p me John Treworgy Notarius publ : Know all men by these p r sents that I John Treworgy doe acknowledge to have received of Daniel Pearce of Newberry the summe of thirty pounds in Corne & malt in the yeare 1646. & and the yeare 1647. for the use of my uncle Nicholas Shapleigh for whom I was Agent as it appeareth by his order. Witnes. my hand this 12 th of June -L&A1L- Teste William Aspinwall p me John Treworgy. Notarius publ [Page 202.] I attested a Copie of a bill from M r Antipas Mavericke to Richard. Straine or W m Davies of Boston for 7 11 . 4 s to be p d to them or assignes in may next ensueing the date in merch tble fish in case m r Hill refuse to pay it in money or wheate. Dat 23 (10) 1648 subsc : Antipas witnes John Ridgway. Michael Endee 24 (4) lAUL Nathaniel Patten executo r of the last will of W m Brinsmeade constituted John Richards of Boston in N. E: his true & law full Att r : granting him power to aske &c of all pson or psons in the Caribee Islands Also a copie all debt accounts bookes of Accounts goods of M r Brins- wares & merchandise belonging to W m Brins- meads will. mead & of the receipt to give acquittance also to sue &c: 26 (4) 1&. Bee it knowne &c: that I William Aspin- wall No* &c: at the request of M r Richard Clerke Atturney to M r Thomas Tucker (& company) of Lond. Merch*. did repaire unto the house of Major Robt Sedgwick & inquired for him. His sister M rs Norton answered that he was at the Eastward: & also I did repaire to the house of Val: Hill of Boston & inquired for him, whereunto M rs Hill answered that he was gone to the Eastward to pvide fish for M r Edw. Wetheridge & M r Tucker according to agreern* w th them, w cb answers being made, I did prot. & by these pnts do ptest as well against the s d Majo r Robt Sedgw: as against the s d Vail. Hill, for that theire quantity of fish in the s d bond ex- pressed, to wit 635 Kint of fish: & 139i Kint. for forbear- ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 223 ance, in all 774| Kintalls was not pd according to bond, & for all Damages w ch the s d merch* 8 doe or shall suffer through theire Default, that they & either of them shalbe responsall, & lyable to make the s d merch* 8 due reparations in time & place convenient, Thus done and passed in the towne of Boston in N: England by mee the s d Notary. The bond above mentioned doth beare Date 6 th of July 1&4.1. 4 (5) JJLAJL I attested a Certificate that Elizabeth the wife of John Blackliedge of Boston (the daughter of M r Robert Bacon mariner deceased, who sometime lived in Wap- ping & afterward near Cree Church in London) is now live- ing & in health. 6 (5) ifiJUL John Roberts did constitute M r John Mills of Boston merch* his true & lawful! Att r : granting him full power &c: for him & in his name to aske &c: of Cap*. Tho: Cromwell all his right & interest, to wit, six shares & halfe in the sugar prize taken by Cap*. [Page 203.] Tho: Cromwell. & foure shares & |- of the shipp w ch putt in- to the Caribee Hands w th Trecle, greene hyds, raw fish, & salt & 10 peeces of ordinance, & of the receipt to give ac- quittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court or Courts there to require law aide favo r &c: to doe say pursue implead &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute one Atturney or more &c. ratifying &c. 6 (5) 1^9. I attested a bill of health for M r John Brookes m r of the Peter & John. 16 (5) ial. Uppon the 16 th day of the 5 th mon: called July An D 1649 before mee W m . Aspinwall Not & Tabellion publ by Authoritie of the Gener 11 Court of the Massachusetts admitted & sworne, psonally appeared m r Rich: Clarke w th a Bill of Exchang in his hand the contents as followeth, Lond. this 16th of March stilo Angl lfti At 16 dayes sight of this my onely bill Deliver to M r Benjamin Whet- comb of Lond. rnerch* or his Assignes two hundd Kint of good & merch'uble N: England fish I pray faile not to make full & punctual Delivery & put it to account as p advice from Yo r loveing brother Robt Houghton To his very loveing broth r Major Robt Sedgwick at Charls- towne in N: England. Indorsed, praye the contents of this Bill of Exchang to M r Rich. Clark or order Lond. this 17 th March 16 Jf Benjamin Whetcombe. 224 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. This Bill was p r sented unto mee this 5th of June 1649. p me Robt Sedgwicke. Accordingly at the - request of s d Rich: Clarke Assignee of M r Benjamin Whetcombe I the Not. afores d did repaire unto major Robt Sedgwick and in the name of the s d Rich: Clarke & Benjamin Whetcombe his principal!, did protest against the said Robt Sedgwick & Robt Houghton for non paym* & Delivery of the s d quantity of fish according to Bill, and for all Damages w ch the s d Rich: Clarke & Benjamin Whetcombe or either of them doe or shall suffer by reason thereof, for all w ch I the Not. afores d do by these p r sents ptest that the s d Robt Sedgwick & Robt Houghton or theire estates shalbe responsall, & lyable to make just & due reparations in time & place con- venient. Thus done & passed in the towne called Charles- towne in New Engl the day & yeare first above written. Quod virtute officij &c: Major Sedgwick's Answer. In answ r to a protest made by M r Clarke for non performance of a bill of Exchange w ch was for 200 Kint fish charged p M r Robt Houghton uppon mee, I answer thus. When I came to the He of Shoales about the 12 th of June 1649 I tould M r Clarke I would sat- isfy & pay the 200 Kint of fish according to the contents thereof. And also knowing that there was fish due to him from others that I was jointly ingaged for, I tould him, what ever came of it, the first fish I put on board should bee in consideration of this bill, w ch he pmised to accept of in that consideration. Now I haveing laded fish uppon severall accounts uppon the shipp M r Clark was in, when I came to account, I first demanded up the s d bill of 200 Kint, w ch hee denyed, and would not let me have it, but forced me to dis- count the s d 200 Kintalls upon another Account volens nolens, at that place, there being no power to compell. I also attested a Copie of the protest. [Page 204.] 17 (5) 1649 I attested a Copie of an Account & Dis- bursements uppon the Shipp Planter for a voyage to Bar- bados by major Gibons &c. 20 (5) J- 6 -A9- Samuel Howse of Scituat Shipwright did constitut &c: Tho: Tarte of the same Merch*. his true and lawfull Att r , granting him full power &c: to aske &c: of the Exec &c of the last will & test of Thomas House late of Lond: Watchmaker, all such legacies as due unto the childr of the said Appearr by vertue of the s d last will, & of the receipt to give acquittance, also to compound & agree, & to ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 225 appeare before all Lords &c: in any Court &c: there to doe say sue &c: & generally to doe &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifying irrevocably &c: 21 (5) 1^9- M r Adam Winthrop husband of Elizabeth late wife of Nathaniell Longe late of Bost. did constitute John Tuttle of Ipsw: his true and lawfull Att r . granting him full power &c to aske leavie recov r &c: all goodes wares Merchandise debts & Accounts of or belonging to the said Nathaniell long & of the receipt to give acquitt. &c. also to call to Account all psons whatsoever in Barbados by what names or titles distinguished whether Agents ffacto rs Admin- istrat 18 or Debitors in whose hands any the said goodes wares &c now bee remaineing. also to compound & agree & to appeare before all Governo 18 Magista or other officers of Justice in any Court &c to sue implead &c: w th power to substitute &c: This was renewed 17 (8) & to the s d John Tuttle & Edw. Hutchinson jointly and severally Also I granted a certificate that M r Adam Winthrop & M rs Elisab. the late wife of Nath: Long were lawfully mar- ry ed the 7 (3) J-6JL9. 21 (5) J^Li This writeing made the 7 th day of June in 49. Witnesseth an agreem* and Cov* betweene M r Ralph Woory of Charlstowne, & James Oliver of Boston on the other party, viz* M r Woory hath bought of James Oliver 5 thousand of bread to be shipped aboard the Planter at the pper costs & charge of the s d Oliver w th Cask to put it in & uppon receept of Bills of ladeing for it from M r James Gar- rett or the purser of the Planter & tender of this bill to M r Woory at the Barbados or where ever then the s d Woory is bound to give bills of Exchang to London w tb in thirty day after sight of bills of ladeing for the bread and this bill to be charged to be payable at London at M r W m Peakes in Canon Streete in london w th in thirty dayes after sight, & these bills so given are to be for fifty fyve pounds sterl. & for the true pforme of all above written I M r Raph Woory by my selfe my Executo rs Administr Assignes in the summe [Page 205.] of one hundred pounds sterl firmely by my hand this 7th June a. Witnes to this is p me Ralph Woory. Thomas Dexter Henry Wyllys 226 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 23 (5) -LS-4-2. Witnes these p r sents that I ffrancis Knight doe acknowledge my selfe to be indebted unto James Oliver of Boston the summe of six pounds one shilling & ten pence, to be paid upon the 25 th of July next ensueing. In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my firme 23th of June 1649 Witnes hereunto ffrancis Knight. Nathaniel Drap Matthew Aldworth. To Roger Spencer 1C of bread 24 8 . 01 : 04: 00. 23 (5) - 1649 To all Christian people to whom these p r sents shall come, knowe yee that wee viz* John Leaske of the Citty of Bristoll gent & John Wentworth of the Island of Bermoodas alijs Somer Islands mariner by these p r sents jointly & severally binde o r selves o r heires execute 18 & Assignes in a bond of twenty thousand pounds sterl of good & Currant moneys of England, unto Capt Thomas Crom- well of the Citty of London Mariner his heires executo r8 & Assignes to Deliver or cause to be Delivered unto the above named Capt Thomas Cromwell or his assignes the good shipp called the Supply w th all her loading or Cargo at the Port of Boston in New Engl: or any other port, to w ch by instruc- tions given by the aforesaid Capt Thorn: Cromwell wee are bound. In witnes whereof we the parties above mentioned have hereunto interchangably sett o r hands & scales this 14 tb of October l-4_. Signed sealed & Delivered John Leask & a scale in the presence of John Wentworth & a seale Bartholmew Preston GodP: Wigfall John Savage. 24 (5) ifi^s.. I attested a Copie of a bill of Exchang drawne uppon Capt Cromwell by Daniell Pierce for 100 peeces Eight payable at Barbados. & a tre of advice. Also a tre of Attfney from Capt Cromwell to Capt Greg- ory Butler to sue Leaske & Emanuel of Bar- bados mariner of 20 thousand pounds. & a Copie of that Bond under theire hands. [Page 206.] 25 (5) 15JL9.. Gregory Butler of New castle uppon Tyne gent, did ordeine &c: m r w m Brenton of Boston in N. E: merch*. his true & lawfull Att r : granting his s d Att r : full power &c: for him & in his name &c: to aske &c: of all & ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 227 singular pson or psons whatsoever residein in any the Coasts of America, all such summe or sums of money debts dues & demands whatsoever unto him due, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to doe say sue &c: & generally to doe all things. w th power to substitute &c: Ratifying irrevocably &c- 25 (5) I? 49 . M r W m Westerhouse did constitute John Richards his lawfull Att r : granting him full power &c. to aske leavy &c: of Daniel Peerse the summe of one hundred thirty eight pounds fyve shillings due by bill Dat. 30 th May 1 6 * 9. & o f the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to com- pound &c: & to sue impead &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute &c: Ratifying all things whatsoever &c: 26 (5) -LS4JL. I attested a Copie of a bill of Daniell Peerse to M r W m Westerhouse of one hundd thirty eight pounds fyve shillings due to be pd at Barbados 1 (11) next Dat. 30 May. JJJJ.. . 26 (5) l& I attested a certificate of Elisabeth Clements testifyedon oath the Edw: Bullock of Dorchester is the sonne of M r W m Bullock late of Barkham in Berkeshirre. where- unto shee made oth before M e Th: Dudley. Dep: Gov: 26 (5) JJUL9 27 (5) l-S.i-2.. James Oliver Assigned unto Joshua Hues a Bill of M r Rich: Bennets of 6 thousand, 5 hund: 55 pound tobacco in the hands of Leo: Stronge to be p d to him the s d Joshua or Assignes w th power as Attorney. [Page 207.] 27 (5) 1649 James Oliver constituted John Tuttle of Ipswitch his true & lawfull Att r : to aske &c: of Raph Woorey. all summe or summes of money &c: & of the re- ceipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to doe pay sue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute &c: Ratifying irrevocably &c: 26 (5) 16*9. Before mee appeared Major Nehemiah Bourne Thomas Lake & Michael Powell, & the s d Major Bourne showed an agreem* betwixt him selfe & Henry Sealy for shipping. 800. Kint of fish aboard the ship called the Malago merch*. And the s d Th. Lake & Mich. Powell con- fessed * they had order from M r Sealy to lade each foure hundd: Kint: But Mich. Powell confessed he had only laded abord, the summe of 150 Kint. & Tho: Lake confessed that 228 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. he had laded never a fish. w ch acknowedgment being well heard & understood by mee the Not afores d , I doe by these p r sents certify to all such as are therein concerned *And they both confessed y* Majo r Ne Bourne had severall times w tu in y r space of 24 dayes demanded of them the s d quantity of fish: &c 28 (5) * 6 * 9 A certificat or bill of health for Major Bourne bound for Malago: 28 (5) 1&JL&. A Bill of health for M r Gainer bound for Barbary & the Islands. Received by me Ensigne Roger Gryce upon adventure in the shipp John for the westindias from m rs Joane Swane these pticulers vizt li ss d Imprimis three barrels of mackrell cost . 03 15 00 It one hhd containing 400 11 waight or theire abouts in suger valeud .... 18 00 00 It of maior Segwick in comodityes . . 09 00 00 It two payer of shooes ..... 00 05 00 It two payer of gloves ..... 00 04 06 It two firkins of butter Containing 132 11 at 6d p 11 . 030600 It twelve dofs of wooden dishes Cost . . 02 05 00 It eight bushels of unions Cost 5 U p bushell . 02 00 00 It six kentells of fish at 10 s p kentell refust . 030000 This pcell of goods above s d - - Totall is . 41 1506 I Roger Gryce doe ingage my selfe to give a just acco* of at the returne of the shipp John to Boston again unto m rs Joane Swane with an acct of the pduct theirof either in tobbacco suger or other commoditys according to the contents in weight as I thabovesd Roger Gryce shall receave the s d tobbaco suger or other comodityes in the westindias the s d Joane swane running the adventure of the danger of the seas and all other casualties that may happen as wittnes my hand November 12 th , 1&4-8. Roger Gryce. I attested a Copie 24 (10) 1649. another 12 (5) 1650. [Page 208.] Received by me Ensigne Roger Gryce upon adventure in the shipp John of Boston for the Westindias from M r Tho : Ruck these Pticulers of goods vizt ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 229 11 88 d Imprimis five hhds of mackrill at 2 U 10 8 p hhd 121000 It ffouer ban-ills of mackrill at 26 s p barill 050400 It two halfe barrills of mackrill at 14 s p barill is 010800 It one hogshead of trains oyle Cost . . 03 05 00 It six firkins of elles at 8 s p firkine is . . 02 08 00 It two Kentills of refust fish at 10" p kentill . 010000 It one hogshead of unions Cost . . . 01 16 00 It eight barrells of unions at 18 s p barill . 0704 00 It two bushells and halfe of nuts at 4 s p bush 00 10 00 Totall is 350500 This pcell of goods above s d I. Roger Gryce doe by these presence ingage my selfe to give ajust acc of at the returne of the s d shipp John to Boston unto M r Tho : Ruck or his assignes w th an acco* of the pduce thereof either in tobacco, sugar or other comodities according to the contents in weight as I the aboues d Roger Grice shall receive the s d tobacco, sugar or other comodities in the west Indies, the said Tho : Ruck running the adventure of the danger of the seas & all other casualties that may happen. Untill the returne of the s d Vessell as witness my hand. Nov : 12 th -l-S-iJ. & also I do acknowledge my self indebted unto M r Tho: Ruck seven- teene pounds ten shillings to be p d to the s d Tho: Ruck upon the returne of the Shipp above s d to Boston as above s d in tobacco or other west Indie comodities at such prices as the s d Roger Grice shall sell to other men uppon conion trade As witness my hand the day & month & year above said. Roger Gryce. I attested a Copie 24 (10) 1649. also another 12 (4) 1650. 30 (5) 1649 Tho: Rucke constituted M r Seim ar of Mevis Mercht. his true & lawfull Atturney, granting his s d Att r full power &c: to aske &c: of M r Roger Grice merch* all summe or summes of money bill bonds debts assignments or other accounts due to the s d Appearer, & of the receipt to give acquittance as in ffolloweth in other trs of Att r : w th power of substitution. [Page 209.] Bee it knowne &c: that on the 28 (5) 1649. called July, before me W m Asp: Not & Tabell: &c: psonally appeared 230 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. M r Thomas Clarke of Boston in N: E: Merch* w ch appearer p r sented to mee a Bill of Exchang contents as followeth & required mee to Demand the Paym* thereof. Pemmaquid this 20 th of June 1649 At sight hereof I pray yo u pay unto m r Charles Saunders resident in Boston the summe of nine pounds fyve shillings & is for so much received from Georg Newman Agent unto the s d Charles Saunders, I pray yo u make him good paym* in money sterl or good merchtable Cod fish at thirty Ryalls p Kintall & charge it to the Acc of yo r loving friend. Nathaniel Drap merch*. To M r W m ffoster at Boston uppon request as aforesaid I the Notary afores d did repaire to the s d W m ffoster & in the name of the s d Charls Saunders did require paym* according to the tenor of the s d bill, whereunto the s d W m ffoster did reply, that he did owe M r Drap nothing nor would he pay it. W ch answ r being made I the Notary afores d in the name of the s d Charls Saunders did ptest & by these p r sents do ptest as well against the s d W m ffoster for Nonacceptance of the s d Bill, as against the s d Nathaniel Drap that drew the Bill, for Exchange & Rechang & all damages w ch the s d Charls Saunders doth or shall suffer hereby. This done and passed in the towne of Boston by mee the Notary afore said. Quod &c: 30 (5) 1649. Major Neh. Bourne of Lond. merch* doth constitute James Garret of Charls towne mariner & John Richards of Boston merch* his true &c Atturneys. granting his s d Att rs full power &c: jointly & seveally, for him &c to aske leavie recover &c: of all and singular pson &c in Bar- bados, all manner goods wares merchandise bills bonds spe- cialties or other Accounts due to the s d App r , and of the receipt to give &c: as in other tre Att r but w th out power of substitution. 30 (5) 1649. Richard Shatswell of Ipswitch constituted John Tuttle of Ipswitch his Atturney to sue &c: Thomas wandale for the value of a horse lent to him & deteined by him &c: w th power of substitution: &c as in other trs of Attr: [Page 210.] 31 (5) l&Al. M r Gainer haveing rec d of M r James Oliver the value of therteene pounds thirteene shillings an Adventu r in the Indevo r of Boston doth bind himselfe in twenty seven pound to give him a true Account & appor- tionable pfitt as the rest have uppon there returne. Dat. 31 (5) ASPINWALL NOTAKIAL RECOUDS. 231 3 (6) 14UL. John Sawin constituted Thorn: Parish of Nailon in the Count of Suffolke Chirurgeon & John Bel- shaw of Netherston Crowhile Clerk to Justice Brand, to ask &c: of the Administ. of the goods &c. or margaret Sawin late of Boxford in the s d Count of Suff: mother of the s d Appe r : all such p* & share in the s d goods as doth of right to him appertaine ; also to demand &c: all such rent as is or shallbe due for his house in Boxford fro any pson: also to sett lett or hyre the s d house according to advise given, also to acquit compound sue arrest imprison & out of prison to deliver, to scale leases & generally to doe al things &c: rati- fying irrevocably &c: 9 (3) 1649 This indentu r made the eighteenth day of Sept 1647 by & betweene Robert Saltonstall of Boston in the Massachusetts on the one p*, & Edw: Hopkins Esq r & mary Willis widow both of Hartford on Connecticot on the other part, witness eth that the said Robt Saltonstall for & in consideration of an hundred and ten pounds acknowledged to be due unto the s d Edward & Mary to be p d fifty fiyve pounds in June next ensueing the date hereof, to be dd in merch tble Comodities pipe staves excepted at the comon land- ing place at Hartford on Connecticot at the Current prices in the Country, pvided also he is not to pay above one third of thes pticular paym fc in any one kind of Comoditie. The other fifty fyve pounds to be paid in June in the yeare of o r lord 1649 to be dd in merch table Comoditie as aforesaid at the place afores d , paying also unto the s d Edward & Mary for the forbearance of the last paym* of fifty fyve pounds after the rate of 8 U p Cent, for w eh said causes & considera- tions moveing, the s d Robt hath given granted bargained & sold & by these p r sents doth give & grant bargaine sell & confirme unto the s d Edward Hopkins Esq. & mary Willis theire heires & assignes for ever, the dwelling house, out- houses orchyard & other lands, viz* the thirteene Acres of upland adjoyneing to the house also the foure Acres of meadow adjoyneing, as also on the East side of the great River all the land from the river back sixteenscore rodd pur- chased by the s d Robert, of ffrancis Styles in the plantation of Windsor, w th all theire appurtenances to the s d premisses in any wise belonging or appertaining, To have & to hold [Page 211.] unto the s d Edward & Mary theire heires & assignes for ever, against all and every pson & psons will forever war- rant & defend by these presents. Provided alwayes that if 232 ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. the s d Robert his heires or assignes shall pay or cause to be p d unto the s d Edward & Mary theire heires or Assignes the full summe of a hundred & ten pounds at the abovesaid times & termes in forme & manner as abovesaid that then this p r sent Indenture to be void & of none effect, otherwise to bee in full force & vertue. In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this p r sent eighteenth day of Sept in the year of o r Lord 1&4-I-. Signed sealed & dd Robert Saltonstall in p r sence & witnes of & a seale. william Phelps matthew Allyn. Indorsed. This was assigned over to M r Nich: Davison by Edw: Hopkins in behalfe of himself & m rs mary willis & to his (sic) his heires forever, they haveing received satisfaction of him for the w th in mentioned debt the 28 th of July 1&4..2. witnes Richard Parker Edward Hopkins Robt Saltonstall. M r Hopkins above s d acknowledged to mee W m Asp: Not. publ that this assignment indorsed was his act and deed. 4 (6) i&o. 31 (6) 1&4-2. Bee it knowne unto all men that I Thomas ffoster of London mariner, have constituted ordeined & in my roome & steed sett & appointed George Harwood of Bos- ton in New England Carpenter my true & lawfull A ttr : for mee in my name & to my use to'aske receive & take of M r Tho : Gainer & Robt Risby of the shipp Planter of London or either of them ten pound due uppon two bills, & nine & twenty shillings & nine pence uppon another bill, w ch bills are now in the hands of m r Aspinwall as appeares under his hand on the other side & moreover I give Authoritie unto this my Atturney to reseive the s d . bills fro M r Aspinwall, Also I give authority unto my s d Atturney to aske receive & take of the s d Gain r & Risby or either of them my wages due to me from the 29 th of January 46. untill the 11 th day of may. 48. w ch is 30 s p month giveing & granting unto my s d Atturney all my full & whole power interest & Authority right & title in the premisses both in p* & in whole, for n payment to use all such helps as the lawe in that case pvided requires to acquitt & discharge Page [212.] as fully as if I my selfe were psonally p r sent & what my s d Att r shall doe in this busines I promise to allow ratify ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 233 pforme & establish witnes my hand this 11 th day of May 16.A1 Witnes Philemon Permort Thomas ffoster Ed: Harison Jonathan Webb: When I entred this tre of Att r 29 (6) in the presence of Georg Harwood John Huntley & Job Hawkins I desired them to take notice that uppon the said originall tre of Att r there was no acknowlegm*. under the hands of the s d M r Aspinwall indorsed as in the s d tre of Atturney is avouched. 31 (6) ms. M r Mollings I shall desire yo u when the Cause betweene Thomas Savage & selfe shalbe called in Court to acknowledge a Judgm*. the debyt belonging to Richard Cutt I must recover it againe as occasion shall pferre, & in what yo u please Comand yo r loving friend Sampson Lane 3 (7) -L6J.9-. I testifyed the pceedings & Judgm* of Court w th affidavits wherein m r Lindsey was pit against Gabriel Pears & companie 27 [6] 1649. for a mutinie made in the shipp. 7 (7) ifijJL. Bee it knowne &c: that on the 7 th day of Sep t : Ann D ni 1649. I W m Aspinwall Notary &c: at the request of John Tepot m r of the ship called the Virgin of Rochell, did repaire unto John Reatt mate or Boatswaine of the same, & by an Interpreter did declare unto him that I was sent unto him by John Tepott to protest against him for neglecting his dutie & absenting him self from the Shipp, whereunto the s d John Reatt replyed that the Master had done him wrong & he would not goe in the Ship w th him. W ch answ r being well understood, I the s d Notary did in the name of the s d John Tepot prot & by these pnts doe ptest against the s d John Reatt for damages w ch the s d John Tepot & his Companie, merch* 8 or owners of the s d shipp shall or may susteine by his deserting the s d shipp & neglecting his duty & place, for all w ch the s d John Reatt shalbe responsall & accountable in time & place convenient, & lyable to make the master Company Merch ts & owners due reparations ac- cording to Justice. This done & passed in the towne of Boston in New England by mee the s d Notary. [Page 213.] 14 (7) l-i& Know all men whom these p'sents shall concerne that we Daniel Lincollne of Higham & Tho: Collier of Hull have covenanted bargained & sould & do by these p r sents coven*, bargaine & sell, the one halfe as also one 234 A SPIN WALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. eighth p* of the good barke called the Sea flowre together w th all the masts sailes yards rigging cables & Anchors together w 1 * all her appurtenances to her belonging, as also one boate & oares, all w ch barke and appurtenances wee sell unto Capt Jeremiah Clarke of Road Hand, to enjoy the same to him & his heires forever, & her quietly & peaceably to enjoy w th out trouble or molestation from us or any other in o r names avouching & confirming this said bargaine of sale against any pson or psons that shall lay claime unto any of the s d p ts , all the w ch wee do for ffull value received of him in hand. In witnes here Wee have hereunto sett o r hands & scales this 27 th day of August l.S-i-2 it is to be understood that Daniel Lmcolne hath sould one halfe & Thomas Collier one eighth. Signed sealed & dd The marke of Daniel Lincolne in presence of & a seale. Henry Walton Tho: Collier & a seale. John Thaxter 14 (7) 1&A. Know all men whom these pntes shall con- cerne that I Samuel Ward of Hull have bargained & sould unto Jeremiah Clark of Roade Hand one eighth p* of the barke called the sea flowre w th all the appurtenances thereto belonging for full in hand received witnes my hand & seale this 23 d day of August Anno Dni 1649 Sealed & dd d in p r sence of Samuel Ward & Henry Walton a seale. Humphrey Damirell. 15 (7) lejLl I attested a bill of one hundd & ninety pounds to be p d by James Astwood to Tho: Kemble. viz* 100". 1 (8) 1646 & ninety pounds 1 (3) 1652. in inerch tble comodities. 19 (7) 1649. Know all men whom these pntes shall con- cerne, that I Thomas Cromwell of Boston have granted & given & doe by these pnts give & grant unto Bartholmew Preston & John Howseing my shipp called the Anne w th all her appurtenances thereunto belonging, they being to enjoy the said Shipp to them & their heires forever witnes my hand & seale this 27 th August 1649 Sealed and signed in pnce of Thomas Cromwell & Henry Walton a seale. the mark of E S Elizabeth Sherman. [Page 214.] 19 (7) iA I attested a Copie of tre Att r Dat. 28 (12) 47 from John ffish of Wroxall in the County of Warwicke ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 235 unto Edmund Leach of London Merch*, to sue for such debts due to him for any psons in New England or els where in America. Also a Copie of a bond of eighty pounds from Tho: Dexter to John ffish. Dat. 7 Nov: 1640. Also a bond of Tho: Dexter to John ffish of sixty pounds. Dat. 26 (10) 1640. 22 (7) liA. Know all men &c: that I Christoph r Law- son of Boston doe constitute &c: my loving frend Jos: Annitage my true & lawfull Att r : To answ r & defend according to lawe any action &c: w b may be brought &c: at the next Court at Boston by any pson &c: & in ptcllr to answ r a suite of W m ffrancklins & what soever my s d Att r or one Att r more under him shall doe or cause to be done, or by the s d Court shalbe sentenced to do or suffer. I the s d Xper doe ratify & confirme. And further I the s d Xper doe by these pnts give full power to my s d Att r to compound arbitrate or agree any action that shallbe brought as aforesd. & whatsoev r agreement my s d Att r or his substitute shall make in my behalfe, I doe by these p r sents ratine &c: Witnes my hand this 21 th day of the 8 th mo. 1648. Witnes Tho: Lake. Christopher Lawson. John Legat. 22 (7) JL6JL9. W m Hudson Sen r is Dr. unto Lewes Kidby. viz*. 11 M d ffor severall debts rec d amounting to . . . 18:02:06 ffor his share of the boats work . . . 01:06:00 for his p* of the Shallop w ch was sould for 20 U . 06:13:04 for his frame built by John Tucker of Hingham . 06:05:00 32:06:10 W m Hudson is Creditor for Chardges about the Shallop whereof he did owe i . . . . 04:07:11 for money rec d of M r Beamon for my use . . 01:15:00 p d to M r Joh: Oliver for surveying land . . 00:05:00 for a debt of his Brother John .... 00:18:04 for cost given by the Court against his uncle Edey 00:03:00 pd to Nathaniel Bosworth for bringing his frame from Hingham to Boston .... 00:14:00 pd for laying of it at high water mark . . 00:03:00 32.06.10 08:06:03 08.06.03 24.00.07 bal: 236 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Bee it knowne by these p r sents that I Lewis Kidby of London Mariner doe hereby release acquitt & discharge W m Hudson senior late of Boston in N: England, of & from all actions debts suits & demands whatsoever w ch I formerly have had or might have had for any cause or pretence what- soever from the beginning of the world unto the day of the date hereof Witnes my hand & scale this 23 th of November 1647. Sealed & dd Lewis Kidbee in pnce of & seale. William Aspinwall Noty publ. [Page 215.] 22 (7)i^L9. Know all men by these pnts That I Michael Charletoh of Lond. groc r doe by these pnts nominate make depute & designe & in my steed & place put my loving & trusty f rends Joshua Hues & Caleb foote both of Roxb: in N: Engl: Merch* 8 my lawf ull Att rs - for mee & in my name & to my owne pp use and behoofe severally & Jointly to ask levy demand recov r & receive all such summe & summes of money debts dues claimes & demands what soeve r in any wise due oweing & payable unto mee & the s d Michael Charleton at anie time before the Date hereof of & from Clement Campion late m r of the Constance & now liveing in Boston or els where in N: Engl. giveing & by these pnts granting unto my said Att rs my full power & lawful Authority as concerning the p r mises sev rly & joyntly to sue arrest attach implead imprison acquit release psecut follow execute & finish all & every lawfull act & acts thing & things what- soev r , wch in for or about the p r misses, my s d Att rs or either of them shall think needfull to bee done as fully & and effect- ually in all respects as I myselfe may might or could doe in the p r misses I were psonally p r sent & all & whatsoever my s d Att or either of them shall lawfully doe or pcure to bee done in or about the premisses, I allow ratife & confirme forever by these p r sents. In witnes my hand & seale this eight day of May 1648. Annoq Regn. Reg. Carol! Angl &c: xxiiij . Sealed & dd Michael Charleton in pnce of & a seale. Paul Bush the m rk of Steven Stagge And Edmund Stephenson Scr: liveing at the southend of London bridge. ASP1NWALL NOTAKIAL RECORDS. 237 22 (7) i&AS.. Tho: Jauncy Citizen & groc r of London aged about 30 yeares sworne this 6 th day of May 1648, before me Robt Aylet D r . of Law & one of the Masters of the Chauncery niaketh oath & Deposeth as followeth, viz*, that the s d Tho: Jauncy being at the time specif yed in the two Schedules hereunto annexed, servant & apprentice unto Michael Charlton of Lond. grocer, did know one Clement Campion then m r of the good ship the Constance of London bound for Virginia w ch s d Clement Campion did come to the shop & dwelling house of the s d Michael Charleton & did there at that time aforesd, buy bargaine and agree of & w th the s d Charleton the severall & respective pcells of wares & goods nominated & specifyed in the first annexed Schedule marked w th the tre A w cb s d goods & wares hee this Depo- nent by the order and comand of his then Master did De- liv r into the hands custodie and possession of the s d Clement Campion, who upon the receipt of the s d wares did then give a note under his hand to this Deponent for the use of the s d Charleton, testifying & acknoledging the receipt of the s d goods & wares as aforesaid, & pmiseing in the s d note to pay and be accountable unto the s d Charleton for the same, the w ch note is now remaineing in the handes of the s d Michael Charl- ton; all w b wares & Goods he this Depont. entred pticuiarly & severally in his then Masters Debt booke, & did also give a bill of pcells of the same unto the s d Campion w ch wares & goods amounted in all unto the sume of fourty & two pounds fyve [Page 216.] shillings & foure pence sterling w ch the s d Campion pmised to pay & to Account for as aforesaid. And ffurthe the s d Thomas Jauncy maketh oath that the afores d Clem* Campion did at the same time receive from the s d Mich: Charlton severall other pcells of wares & goods consigned by him the s d Charleton unto Thomas Wilkenson then liveing in Virginia, w ch he the s d Clement Campion (being master of the ship aforesaid) undertooke & promised either to Deliv r unto the s d M r Tho: Wilkinson, or to pay and make returne of the same unto the s d Micha: Charleton (the danger of the seas excepted) w ch s d last severall pcells of wares (specifyed pticuiarly) in the second annexed Sched- ule (marked w th the tre B) amount unto the summe of three & twenty pounds seventeene shillins eight pence w ch he the s d Campion pmised to pay or make returne thereof as afore- said. Tho: Jauncy. Jurat sexto May 1648. coram me lepis Doctore Magistre in Cancellenia Anglie. Robt Aylett. 238 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Wee here underwritten do testify that the Worpf 1 Robt Aylett who hath subscribed the affidavit written on the other side hereof is one of the Masters of the high Court of Chancery of England dwelling in London, & that unto the Affidavits in writeings so by him subscribed hath beene & is given full faith & credit in Judm* Court & w* h out, & to the end the same may appeare we do give these presents in Lon- don the 6 th day of May, Ann . is^LS. Jossarius Noty publ Abraham Dew Knider Noty publ Johannes Aurelius Noty publ. A pctre note of the severall goods & wares dd to Clem* Cam- pion Master of the good ship the Constance bound for Vir- ginia, and by him to be dd to Tho: Wilkinson in Virginia. 16.3JL 27. October. Imprimis 6 Runlets q* 33 u S8 d gallons & one pint of Aquavite at 4 s p gall . 06:13:00 It for the Runletts 00:06:06 It 4 doz. Stockings at xx 8 p doz . . . . 04:00:00 It one piece of broad branched hollands cloth . 01:17:00 It one piece of birdsey fustian cont. 20 yds . . 01:06:00 It 4 yds i of bag Holland at 4 s p yard . . 00:18:00 It 2 piece of narrow holland cont 24 yards at 25 s p piece 02:12:00 It 23 yds f of holland at 2 s 4 d p y d . . . 02:14:09 It 32 yds of norther canvas at 16 d 02:02:08 It 3 ells of canvas 00:03:09 It 6 pounds sealing wax at 4 s p pound . . 01:04:00 6 May 15.A4 (B) sum total .... 23:17:08 Robt Ayelett Tho: Jauncie [Page 217.] 27 October l&l A pticular note of the severall goods & wares sould & dd unto Clement Campion M r of the good ship the Constance of London bound for Virginia Imprimis one butt of sack in xv Rundlets cont ) " ** d in all 114 gallons and a pint at 3 s 6 d p gallon ) It for the runletts . ... 01:02:00 It 1 Hamp q*. 4 Doz n Hatts and hat bands at 5" p hatt ........ 12:00:00 It 1 barrell q 1 severall sorts of Iron wares, viz* 2000 of x d nailes 00:17:00 It 1 thousand of viijd nailes .... 00:06:10 It one thousand of xx d nailes .... 00:16:06 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 239 It 2 p r of crosse yar netts 00:02:04 It 2 p r of crosse yar netts ..... 00:01:10 It 4 stock locks 00:06:06 It 4 ordinary axes ...... 00:07:00 It 8 hatchetts 00:10:00 It 12 best axes 01:02:00 It 10 thousand of best vi d nailes .... 02:16:06 It 3 broad howe 00:06:06 It 3 narrow howes .^ 04:04:06 It 3 doz of tufted hinges 00:05:06 It 6 staples for stocklocks . . . . 00:01:00 It 4 doz of steele peers 00:08:00 It 1 doz hasps and 2 doz staples . . . . 00:03:00 It 4 thousand of iiij d nayles . . . .00:10:10 It for the barreU 00:01:04 6 May SJL$. (A:) Sume total . . 42:05:04 Robt Aylet Tho: Jauncie 28. (7) 1&4-2. I doe by these acknowledg to have rec d of Edmund Leach of Newhaven in Waompam and tradeing cloth to the value of one hundd & eighty pounds sterl to be paid in Boston in New Engl. in Merchantable bever at, price current, at or before the first day of June next, unto the s d Edmund Leach or his Assignes, & in case I put of any of the goods to the value of the one halfe of s d sum I doe pmise to pay the one halfe at my next coming to Boston, for pformance of w ch I bind mee my heires Exec- ut re administrat r8 or assignes. Witnes my hand this 23 th of August J^iA Witnes hereunto. Isaac Allerton. Thorn: Willett Nich. Hart. 28. (7) iSAS.. This bill bindeth mee Adam Mott of Manhatoes to pay or cause to be p d unto Edm. Leach or his assignes the sum of fyve hundd thirty & fyve guilders at or before the first day of July next in good merchantable bever in skin at foure guilders the pound, or coate at six guilders ten stivers the pound, for pformance of w ch I bind me my heires Execut andministrat rs or assignes to the s d Edmund Leach his heires execute 18 administrat 18 or assignes : in witnes whereof I have here unto set my hand this 15 th day of Sep- tember 1 Witnes hereunto Adam Mott. Edward Preston John Duncan. [Page 218.] 240 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 28 (7) J^La This bill bindeth me Jacob Haey now of Monhatoes in the new Netherlands to pay or cause to be p d unto Edmund Leach Now of new haven in New-England the summe of foure hundd & fourty guilders in good mer- chantable bever in coate at six guilders the pound, or skin at four guilders the pound, at or before the sixth of June next, for pformance of w ch I bind rnee my heires execute" administr or assignes to the s d Edm Leach his Execute 1 " 8 Administr or assignes. Witness my hand this 19th day of August J-4 witness hereunto Jacob Haey. Adam Mott Georg. Baxter. 28 (7) 1^-4-2. I Peter Anderson alias Scoftepheger doe acknowledge my selfe to be indebted unto Edmund Leach of Newhaven for two pipes of wine the summe of fyve hundd & fifty guilders to be p d in good merchantable Bevers at eight guilders the skin at or before the 15 th day of May next, or also fyve hundd guilders for the said wine in pound bever, in skin bever at foure guilders the pound, or els in Coate bever at six guilders the pound by the afores d time, all to be p d at the Manhatas. in witnes whereof I bind my heirs execute 18 administr or assignes to the s d Edm. Leach. Wit- nes my hand this 24 th of July J^Lfi. Witnes hereunto the mark of Joseph Alsop Peter Anderson John Duncan. alias Scoftepheger 28 (T)i&SL This bill bindeth mee Ephraim Wheeler of ffairefield to pay or cause to be p d unto Edm. Leach late of Newhaven the summe of foure score pounds in manner & forme as followeth, that is to say forty pounds sterl in beefe or pork good & merchantable & at current price at or before the last day of Sept next, & the other forty pounds sterl to be p d in wheat & pease (halfe of it at least to be wheate) at or before the first day of March next after the beefe and porke is to be p d . w ch wilbe in the yeare, 1^-5-^. the s d pease & wheate to be dd also at price current at ffairefield above s d for pformance of w ch I bind mee my heires execute Administrat or assignes, unto the s d Edmund Leach his heires Execuf 8 administrato rs or Assignes. In witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 17 th day of Septemb r 1&& Witness hereunto Ephraim Wheeler Tho: Wheler Edw: Preston. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 241 28. (7) 1649 This bill bindeth mee Jonathan Brewster of Plymouth in New England to pay or cause to be p d unto Edin. Leach of Newhaven in New England his Executo rs administrat or assignes the summe of threescore pounds sterl. in bever at eight shillings the pound good & merchantable at or before the 20 th day of Aprill next at Boston in New England, for the performance of w cu I bind mee my heires Execute 18 Administrat or assigns witnes my hand & scale this sixth day of Sept 1 6 4S witnes hereunto Thomas Pell Jonathan Brewster John Duncan [Page 219.] 27 (7) 1&L2. Rec d of Edm. Leach the summe "I of twenty shillings in full satisfaction of all actions I OA debts bills or bonds until this 22 th day of August f 1649 p me Alex Bryan 28. (7) - 1649 I doe by these wholely release & acquitt Edmn d Leach from all bonds bills debts & dues whatsoever from the beginning of the world unto this day of the date hereof. In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand. Dat. this 25 th day of August. 1649 . Witnes hereunto Thomas Pell Joshua Attwaters Samuel Eaton. 28 (7) Ifi-ia This is to testily that I Adam Mott do acknowledg to have made even w th Edmund Leach con- cerning all bills bonds depts reckonings accounts or dues whatsoever from the begining of the world until this day. Witnes my hand this first of Sept. 1JL Adam Mott. Also I attested a Copie of these 3 acquittances & the six bills aforegoing. 28 (7) 1649. 1 (8) 1649 Thirty dayes after sight of this my onely bill of exchang pay unto M r firancis Brewster or assignees nineteene pounds ten shillings sterl. value here rend, make him good payin* & put it to Acc- as by advise Vale. Kiquotan 20 th march 1643. Yo r loving friend Tho: Bushrode. Rec d on the other side p me ffrancis Brewster. Indorsed. 242 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Accepted to pay in any Country pay I can procure uppon my owne or M r Mannings acc. p Tho. Lake 16. 4 d , 161 Also indorsed To my loving friend m r John manning dd. Nodles Hand Rec d in full of this Bill as followeth in money . . . 08: 0: 00: ByM r Rusell . . 09: 0: 00 I say Rec* By M r Norton . . 02 : 10 : 00 19. 10. 00 1. (8) 1649 . John Manning of Boston in N. E: mer- chant did constitute m r James Neale of ffayal merch* his true and lawfull Att r : to aske leavie recov r &c of Tho: Bushrode all and singular bills bonds specialties debts & accounts due unto the s d Appearer & of the receipt to give acquitt. also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Co r t &c to sue impleade & prsecute &c: & generally to doe all things, w th power to substitute one Att r or more under him &c. ratifying irrevocably &c: 1. (8) l. This biU bindeth mee Georg Ludlow of Yorke County in Virginia Esqr: my heires Executo rs Ad- ministrat or Assignes to pay or cause to be p d to M r Nicholas Davison Att r Gener 1 for M rs Rebecca Glover late wife of M r Matthew Cradock deceased the full and just summe of thirteene thousand foure hundd twenty one pounds of good & m r chantable sweete sented Tobacco in sufficient Caske to containe the same (& is for the full ball of an Accountt de- pending betweene the s d Matthew Craddock & my selfe (erro re being excepted) to be paid the one halfe at or before the 20 th day of November next en [Page 220.] sueing the date hereof, and the other halfe upon the 20 th of Novemb r following, to say, in the yeare of o r Lord one thou- sand six hundd forty & seven. Memorand that the s d Tobacco is to be dd to the s d Davison or his Assignes, as above in the River of Yorke in Virginia. Signed in presence of George Ludlowe Isaac Allerton Tho: Bushrode. Also I attested a Copie. 1 (8) 1 2 (8) 14AA Robt Willington did constitute James Mattock of Boston Coop his true & lawfull Att r . to take & ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 248 receive all share or shares due to him or that may hereafter grow due out of the Sugar priz or any other & to receive all debts dues & accounts from any pson or psons what soev r w th power to compound sue implead arrest acquitt, & power to substitute one Att r or more. 4 (g) ISA*. I attested a Copie of a tre of Att r from W m Reade to M r James Neale Merch* being 27 ffeb: 1*A. 5 (8) JJO_a. I Christopher Johnson Master of the good shipp called the Orangetree of Amsterdam doe hereby dis- ingage all the parties mentioned & obliged in this Charter parte from the pforming of my freight w ch shalbe dew for the hyre of my shipp Orangtree except James Neale Merchant who hath undertaken the whole & given mee security for pformance as by a new Charter parte may appeare, I being to goe w th the said Neale or by his order to Virginia & there to lade in regard here was not to be had in N: England any goods to freight my said shipp. for to returne to Lisbone ac- cording to this Charter parte. in Witnes whereof I have here- unto putt my hand this 6 th day of Octob. 1649. Christopher Johnson. This was indorsed on the back of a Copie of Charter parte written in portiugall & Dated 12 th of June 1&4-2.. being be- twixt the s d Christopher Johnson M r . & M r Robert Cock & M r John Bushell of Lisbone Merch ts & M r James Neale of the Island of ffayall merch* & Alexander Clemens of London Mercht. & this writeing the s d Christopher Johnson did ac- knowledge to be his act & deed before me W m Aspinwall Notary publ. [Page 221.] 3 (8) 1649 Nicholas Davison of Charlstowne in N: E: merch* Att r . generall to M rs Rebbecca Glover late wife of M r Matthew Craddock deceased, granted unto Dav: Selleck of Boston in New England merch 1 a tre of Att r : granting his s d Att r full power &c for him & in his name as Att r generall to the s d Rebecca & for her use to aske &c: of George Lud- low of Virginia Esqr. all such summe or summes of money debts bill bonds & accounts whatsoever as are due & oweing or belonging to the s d Rebecca Glover late wife of Matt: Craddock aforesaid, & of the receipt to give acquit- tance &c: also to compound &c: & to appear in any Court &c there to require lawe &c. to doe say sue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w tu power to substitute &c: ratifying &c: 244 ASPISTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. ffunchall 10 th March a M r John Birke. My loveing friend I trust that this may meete w th you in N: Engl: I have requested my worthy friend majo r Gibons to assist you in what needfull & to further yo r dispath w th what speed possible & that he bee a ineanes unto M r Thomas Mayhew who is my Debt r . of the twenty thousand of pipe staves that they bee in readines against yo r arrivall wch I hope wilbe accordingly effected, & I shall pray yo n to stirr in the busines that if possible I may recover that debt. I have written said Major Gibons that in case said M r Mayhew be not furnished wherew th for the p r sent to give satisfaction & pformance of the s d twenty thousand pipestaves that hee would be pleased to accept of that debt to his owne account as being there resident, & as himselfe shall value the debt to lade staves in discount thereof, & further I thought good to write yo u that in case the former effects faile my expec- tation, that then yo u be pleased to doe mee the favo r to apply yo r diligence to put of the debt in Truck of pipestaves for the most you can, be it for more or lesse, as you shall in- forme yo r selfe of the state thereof, w ch I wholely leave unto yo r discretion, said Majo r Gibons & other friends will ac- quaint yo u what prformance may be in the man. & accord- ingly yo u may pceed as you r discretion shall direct yo u , & when said M r Mayhew shall not comply, neither that yo u can put of the debt, nor paym* immediately from s d M r May- hew, then if the s d major Gibons will supply yo u or M r Nich: Davison or M r Stuard w th the twenty thousand or w th what quantity more then what yo n may have effects of mine to make up the s d twenty thousand of staves if yo n please to receive of them in any kind w ch yo u shall think best of then to accomodate my full Complement of twenty thousand, to each of them I have written to the same effect but reserving the power & managing of all to yo r selfe for the ladeing of my s d Copplem*. of staves as you shall find most comodious & for my best advantage, & for that purpose I have here inclosed remitted to yo r hands what I have written s d M r Davison & M r Stuard w ch trs yo u may Deliver if yo n see occasion or if yo n like the pposition that I have made unto them & will lade the staves yo r selfe on the same termes then yo u may excuse to deliver them theire tres & not likeing the conditions then pray seale the trs & Deliver them. I have beene the longer in writeing because I know not how things may happen desireing to p r vent in- conveniences hopeing that all things will answ r expectation, desireing the Lord to give us a good meeting I leave yo u to ASPDTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 245 his ptection & w th my Kindest respect crave leave, & [love- ing frend the former is a Coppie w ch went by a form 1 occa- sion inclosed unto majo r Gibons & for the more securitie I [Page 222.] thought good to send this being a second Via, adjureing yo u w th all of the ppositions that I have made unto Major Gibons & M r Nicholas Davison vizt. that in case M r Mayhew doe not comply w th the staves nor that they will accept of the debt that then they pleasing to lade such staves as shall want for my Complem*. I have undertaken to give them eighteene pounds p thousand Delivered here Cleane ashoare in good wines at the price Current. w ch pposition if yo u like of yo u may pf orme yo r self e] unto yo u I shalbe God willing account- able & thus w th my Kindest respects unto yo r selfe & mate I crave leave & rest Yo rs at Comand M: Bruen. md. that all thatt is inclosed [ ] was written in the margent of the tre. 6 (8) i4_2. Joshua Hues granted a tre Att r generall for all debts from all psons in Virginia unto David Selleck w th power of substitution. 6 (8) 1649 John Manning of Bost. merch* constituted James Neale of ffayall merch* his true & lawfull Att r : grant- ing him full power &c: to ask &c: all & singular debts bills bonds & Accounts due unto him from any pson or psons whatsoever in Virginia. & in speciall of Tho: Bushrode Merch*. & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to doe say sue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: with power to substitute one Att r &c: ratifying &c: 6 (8) 1^ I attested a bond of M r Selleck of 50 O u to Edmund Leach & Thomas Pell. 11 (8) lS-4_a Noverint universi p presentes me Johanne Cadle de Civitate Bristoll Pewterer teneri et firmiter obli- gari Ambrose Adlam dcte Civitatis Bristoll pewterer in cent vigint & octo libr bene et legalis monet Angl Solvend Am- brose Adlam aut suo certo Att r exec sine Administr suit Ad qua quidem solucone bene et fideliter faciend oblige me heredes execut et administrat meos firmiter p p r sentes Sigillo: meo sigillat Dat tertio die Octobris Anno Regni dni nri Caroli dei grat Angl. Scot ffranc et Hibernie Regis fidei defensor &c: decimo quinto. 1639 . The Condicone of this obligacon is such that if the above .bounden John Cadle his exor Administr or Assignes doe & 246 ASPDSTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. shall well & truly pay or cause to be p d unto the above named Ambrose Adlam his ex- [Page 223.] ecuto 18 Administr or Assignes the full sums of three-score and foure pounds of lawfull money of England on the first day of Octob. w eh shalbe in the yeare of o r Lord God one thousand six hundd & forty w th out Covine or ffraud that then this obligacon to be void or els to stand in full force & vertue. Sigillat et deliberat in pntia John Cadell. & a seale Thomas Shewell. Abel Keli & Robt Deane Juin r To all Xian people to whom this pnte writeing shall come I Ambrose Adlam of the City of Bristoll pewterer send greeting in o' Lord God everlasting. Know yee now that I the s d Ambrose Adlam have consti- tuted ordeined & appointed & by these pnts do hereby con- stitute ordeine and appoint & in my place and steed put my assured loveing and trustie frend Thomas Shewell of the Citty of Bristoll Woollen Drap my true & lawfull Att r (irrevocable) to aske levy reccon recov r & receive in name but to the only pp use & behoofe of one ffrancis Brewster of Newhaven in the New Engl. Chirurgeon his Exec & Administ for ever of John Cadle of the Citty of Bristoll pewterer the full summe of one hundred twenty & eight pounds of good & lawfull money of Engl w ch he the s d John Cadle doth now owe unto mee by reason of the breach of Oblicacon under his hand & seale by him to mee made bearing Date the third day of Octob r in the fifteenth yeare of the reigne of o r sovaigne Lord the Kings ma te that now is as may appeare &c: Giveing and hereby granting unto my s d Att r full power & Authority in the p r misses the s d John Cadle his heires Exec & Administr goods & chatties & every or any of them to plaint sue arrest attach declare implead imprison, cause to be condemned and out of prison to De- liver And trs of acquittance & other good & lawfull dis- charge for mee & in my name to make seale & Deliver & to putt Attu rs one or more under him & them to revoke at his will & pleasure & further to doe pforme & execute for mee & in my name all & every other thing & things w ch shalbe expedient & necessary to be done in or about the s d premises by these pntes as effectually as I myselfe might or could doe the same if I were psonally p r sent, ratifying confirming ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 247 & allowing all & whatsoever my s d Att r irrevocable shall doe or cause to be done in or about the s d p r raisses by these pnts. And I the s d Ambrose Adlam for my selfe mine heires Exer & Administr & for every of them doe hereby covent pmise grant to & w th the s d Tho: Shewell his Exec Administ & Assignes & to & w th every of them by these pnts, that I the s d Ambrose Adlam have not at any time heretofore released or discharged the s d recyted obligacon, & also that neither I the s d Ambrose Adlam mine Exec Adminst or any of them nor any other pson or psons to be thereunto Authorized by mee us or any of us shall not any time hereafter w th out the consent or agreem* of the s d Tho: Shewel his Execut or Adminstr in writeing under his or their hand & seale or hands & seales in that behalfe first had or obtained release or discharge the s d recyted obligacon or any penalty or sume of money in the same or the Condi- tion thereof contained, nor receive the same or any p* thereof nor revoke this pnte tre of Att r . irrevocable or any power or Authoritie hereby [Page 224.] granted but shall w th effect justify maintaine confirme & allowe (at the prop costs & charges in the law of the s d Thomas Shewel his Exec Administr or Assignes) all such lawful accons suits or plaints w ch he the s d Tho. Shewel his Exec Administer or Assignes shall att any time hereafter comence psecute or followe in the name or names of me us or any of us against the s d John Cadle his heires Execut or Administr or any of them for or concerning this s d recited obligacon or any penalty or summe of money in the same or the condicon thereof contained, And lastly that it shall & may be lawful to & for the s d Tho: Shewell his Execut Administr or Assignes to recover receive & take to the use of the s d ffrancis Brewster his Execut or Administ as well the benefit & pfitt of the s d recyted obligacon & of every Agreem* & composition thereuppon to be had gotten or ob- tained w th out yielding any account to mee mine execut or Administrat therefore, In witnes whereof I the s d Ambrose Adlam have hereunto put my hand & seale Dated the third day of March in the sixteenth yeare of the reigne of o r sover Lor: K: Charles of England &c. Annq Dni 1640 Sealed & dd in the pnce of us Ambrose Adlam & Tobye Goodyeare a seale Peter Web et mei Wilhelmi Combi 248 ASPDTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 12 (8) iJSJLa Jon Cagan of Boston N: E. mercht granted unto Humfrey Cogan of Exet r in the Countie of Devon merch* tre of Att r to aske levie recover & receive for him & in his name & to his use the possession of certain house & lands scituat lying & being in Hhuington in the County of Devon (the Appearer being the last life in the lease now liveing) & the same to sett lett & dispose of dureing the terme in the s d lease expressed & in general to doe all things &c: ratifying irrevocably &c: 6 (8) 1649. Tho Pell of Newhave Chirurg: who married Lucie late wife of ffrancis Brewster of Newhaven did con- stitute Nathaniel Brewster of Walderswick in the Count of Suffolke in the Domin. of Eng. his true & lawful Att r grant- ing him power to aske &c: of John Cadle of the City of Bristoll pewterer his Exer or Administ a certaine bond of 128 U dat. 3 (8) 1639. due to Ambrose Adlam & by him assigned to the s d ffrancis Brewster (this Appearers p r de- cessor) as by a pcuration under the hand of the s d Ambrose Adlam dat: 3 Mar. 1640. may appeare & of the receipt to give acquittance also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to doe say &c: w th power to substitute &c. [Page 225.] 19 (8) 1S.AJL. I attested a Copie of a Charter partie be- twixt M r W m Brenton & David Selleck on the one pt & James Neale on the other p*. Also of another Charter ptie betwixt Christopher Johnson & James Neale. Also an Invoyce of goods shipped by James Neale aboard the shipp Orangetree w th the Masters receipt for the said goods being to the val of 702 U 03 8 00 d . Also an account between Christopher Johnson & James Neale w th Christopher Johnsons hand to it wherein the s d Johnson stands indebted unto the s d James Neale fourty fyve pounds foureteene shillings. Also a Condition betwixt James Neals & Alexand r Cle- ments wherein the s d Clements stands obliged for pformance of all such Covenants as are made betwixt Ja: Neale on the one ptie & M r W m Brenton, David Selleck, & Christopher Johnson of the other pties concerning the freightment of the shipp Orange tree 16 (8) 1 ^ 49 Edward Bendall of Boston granted unto M r W ra Bruen of Maderas mercht his Att r : full power &c: ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 249 to aske &c: all & singular summe or summes &c: bills bonds or other Acc due to him from all & singular pson or psons in Maderas, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to sue &c: & generally to doe all things &c. w th power to substitute &c: ratifyinge &c: Also I attested a Copie of a bond of twenty pounds wherein Christopher Warren binds himself to Edw: Bendall to pay ten pounds to ffree Grace Bendall by Bills of Exchange. 19 (8) lA9. Received of John Woodmansey of Boston in N: England two firkins of soape & foureteene pounds of sugar to the value of fifty shillings sterl to be improved for his use and payable to the s d John Woodmansey or his Assignes at all demands. I say received this 16 th of T 1 **. 1648 Samuel B enem 23 (8) 1649 John Sawin of Watertowne in N: E: shoe- maker constituted M r Thomas Parish of Nailon in Suffolke & John Belshar Clarke to M r Joseph Brand of Etherston in Suffolk his true & lawfull Att rs : granting them power jointly & severally for him & in his name & to his use to aske levie recover & receive the possession of a certaine house in Box- ford in Suffolke, the possession & inheritance of Robert Sawin his father deceased, & by right descending to him the eldest sonne liveing as also all such pt & portion of goods & chatties of his s d ffather as by law doth to him apptaine & belong, w tb power to acquitt compound sue implead pros- ecute arrest &c: and generally to doe all things &c: further granting them power jointly & severally to lease lett or sell all his right title & interest in the same & deed or deeds of sale to make seale & Deliver ratifying irrevocably &c: [Page 226.] 26 (8) iSAS. Matthew Keene Josias Keene, John Shaw husband of Martha the daughf of Matthew Keene, & Nathaniel Hunne husband of Sarah the daughter of Matt Keene afores d did constitute Capt Robert Harding of Boston in N. E: merch* theire true & lawful Att r . granting him full power &c: for them & each of them & in theire & each of theire names & to their uses severally & distinctly, to aske levie recover &c: of & from the Execut of the last Will &c: of Walter Keene late of Checkenden Parish in the Count of Oxford certaine Legacies given to the said Appearers to wit 250 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. fourty pounds to the s d Matt: Keene, & ten pounds to the s d Josias Keene, & ten pounds to Martha the wife of the s d John Shaw, & ten pounds to Sarah the wife of the s d Nath. Hunne, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to doe say sue &c: each of themselves and theire several Legacies respectively ratifying irrevocably whatsoe r their s d Att r or his Substitutes shall doe in the premisses. Signed in pres- ence of 27 (8) 1SJUL Rec d the 14 th day of Sept. 1649 of M r Henry Shrimp ton p the appointm* of M r Tho: Bell of London the summe of eighteen pounds being for the acc & use of M r Rich: B roomer of London I say rec d p me W m Bartholmew- 18 U 29 (8) ljL9. Edw. fforrest sonne of W m fforrest late of london grocer constituted his mother Judith fforest & Tho: L (?) his true & lawfull Att r . s jointly & severally grant- ing them power to aske levie recover & receive of the Exe- cut rs of M r Jesson of late London Grocer deceased a certaine Legacie of twenty fyve pounds given him by the last will & Testa mt of the s d Jesson deceased & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: there to desire lawe &c: to doe say sue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifying &c: 27 (8) 1^- I attested an acquittance of Robt & Elisa- beth Scott to John Hussey. Also I attested a tre Att r . from malachie Browning to Joseph Collier. [Page 227.] 29 (8) l4- Whereas Edw: Hopkins by vertue of a tre of Atturney, from John Woodcock of London mercht dec, did recover of ffra: Styles of Windsor upon Connecticot in N: Engl: Carpenter the summe of three hundred pounds sterl. And whereas Robt Saltonstall sonne of S r Ri: Salton- stall now of Chelsey in the Count of Middlesex Knight, as Att r of & for the s d S r . Rich: Saltonstall hath attached the summe of two hundd pounds of the moneys recovered as afores d , Now know all men by these p n tes that I the s d S r Richard Saltonstall have since agreed w th James Herbert the Administrat of the s d John Woodcock for & concerning the matter for w h the Attachment was brought, And therefore ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 251 I the s d S r Richard am willing & desireous, & doe hereby give my consent & allowance to all whom it may concerne that the afores d attachm* shall or may forw th uppon sight hereof be lett fallen, taken of, & made void. And for so doeing these pntes shalbe sufficient warrant, given under my hand & scale this fourth day of May, 1642. & in the 18 th yeare of the reigne of o r soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God King of England Scotland ffrance & Ireland Defend' of the faith &c: Signed sealed acknowledged & Rich: Saltonstall dd in presence of & a scale John Aurelius Notary & of Joseph Alport James Pennington Sen An abstract of a deed made by w m Woodcock Citizen & grocer of London unto John Woodcock of London merch*. Dated the 9 th day of Octob r Anno Dni 1638. wherein is con- teined amongst divers other things these words following. Viz*. And also I the s d W m Woodcock (for the consideration aforesaid) have given granted bargained sould & confirmed & by these pntes do give grant bargaine sell & confirme unto the s d John Woodcocke his Execute 18 Administ r & Assignes all my plantation in N: Engl. now in the possession of ffrancis Styles his Assignee or Assignes & lying uppon or neere the River of Connecticot w th all the Cattle houses & appurtenances thereunto belonging to have & to hould all the s d p r misses unto him the s d John Woodcock his Execut Administ r & Assignes for ever This Abstract agreeth w th the Originall deed w h is under the hand & scale of the s d W m Woodcock being by him sealed & dd in the p r sence of Mary Washborne W m Wood- cock Junio r & W m Jesopp. Ex tr : p me Martini Dallison. Scr: [Page 228.] 29 (8) iejL^ I attested a Copie of an Order of Court, dat. 6 (4) 1648 concerning the Divorce of Sarah the wife of W m Barnes from her s d husband. Also a certificat of the Marriage of the said Sarah Barnes unto John Tincker the Also a tre of Att r : in the usuall forme from the s d John Tincker unto his trusty & welbeloved brother Gregory willshere of B roads treet in London Ironmonger to recover 252 AspcsrwALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. all debts from all psons in England whether due to his s d wife Sarah or to himselfe. w th power to substitute one Att r or more &c: 30 (8) 1 ^ 49 I attested a Copie a bond of sixty pounds from Anthony ffoster to ffra: Smith for paym* of thirty uppon demand after the depture of the s d Anthonie from Boston in N: E: 30 (8) .l. 6 . 49 . I certifyed the day & yeare of the marriage of Anchor Ainsworth & Sarah Hudson 30 (8) 1649. Ace , of Tobacco. 9 rolles Virginia tobacco, w* . . 149 11 at 8<\ 04.19.04 5 rolls providence w 4 . ' . . 121 at 4 02.00.04 N 67 304 ) -JOG ott/i I ^ hhds Cont. Groce. 568 1.JO. iU*i \ ts 112 nett 456~ 456 at 4. 07.12.00 14.11.08 9. the Rolls w* 149. at 8 d ) , ,, , c . , c n -j -lo-i i. A ' t left at Sidon. 5. rolls provid. 121. at 4: \ 2 hhs Virginia net. 456 the Ace? is to make in Roll, viz*: 456 nett stalks at 25 p C. is . . 114 in Rowle is .342 the * p* is . . 171 Sould at Livorne at 1. July w ch makes in Dol. at 9 p Dol 19. J to add Cambio to Spaine at 15 p C . . .2. for Cambio hence 25 p C . . . . . . 5. f *- W 27. 3. li ss d The 27 Dol f at 4 s 4 d p is moneys sterl . . 5.18.10. p me Tho Babb Errors excepted May the 19 l&i-5 . . Also I attested a Copie of this Acc : [Page 229.] March 1644 . M r Samuel Maverick Dr. To | of 2189-Liver-2 soils. 11 D r . for his p* of p visions Disburst by M r Edw. Keene w ch is in Doi mails Dol f 215.5* To yL p fc wages y e Antho Belsary .... 001.6 To -jL wages p (l Georg Dawber .... 002.0 NOTARIAL RECORDS. 253 To moneys he owed mee on Acc made n s d in N: England 24.10.00 To my brother Keene for pvisions . 05.08.00 To money then oweing for butter . 03.06.00 33.04.00 33 11 4 s reduced into Dol at 4 8 3 d is . . . 156.1* to -Jg pt wages on Scanderone voyage . . . 127.0 to yL p* Charge vittle to brother Keene . . 126.4 to 1. pt charge from 12 th May to Aug. 16. . . 242.0 To Cambio for 112 Dol to Bro. Keene . . . 023.4* 964.5* Ballance 116. 1080.5* li s d To Jg of 400 11 New Eng 1 voyage . . 25.00.00 T To 10" p d M r Geo: ffreere in") a P* for 200U 6 months as j-10.00.00 Bottomre p* of 25 11 . .) To moneys Rec d of Rawlins . 06.10.00 To setting out the Virginia voyage . 37.14.08 To moneys p d his sonne as p order . 11.06.10 To moneys disburst to him p m r ffowle . 40.00.00 To moneys p d since the last arrivall . 11.10.01 142.01.07 p Cont. Cred ts Dol Rialls By Jg- pt of 950 Dol prise money . . . 059.3 By freight of 91 Kent of M r ffowles ffish . . 064.0 By freight 35* Kent of Capt Andrewes fish . . 022.1* By freight & Denioris Scanderone voyage . . 445.2* By Jg p* freight for Malto 007.0 By Jg pt freight 46. Chests To- bacco 013.4 This ought to By -L pt o f the Malago voyage, 468.6 be placed before By -^ p fc of Antonies & Hills the Tobacco. passage . . . . .000.4* 1080.5* Had By Ballance of 116 Dol at 4 s 4 d . . 25.02 08 By Dividend of Streites voyage . . 35.10.00 By Dividend of 700 11 Virginia . . 43.15.08 By T L of I 11 . 4 8 . 7 d rec d . in Virginia . 00.01.04 254 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. By Sale of 52 kent fish at Marselia . . . 112.8 By Cambio of the same at 15 p Cent . . . 016.6 Dol. 129.1 27.19.6. at 4 s 4 d p me Tho: Babb Errors Excepted: Also I attested a Copie of this Account. Also I attested 2 Copies of these foregoing Accounts 24 (10) 16JL9. [Page 230.] 31 (8) iSASL. I attested a Copie of M r Tho: Nelson's will. 31 (8) mi M rB Martha Winthrop constituted Capt John Leveret her lawfull Att r to receive of the execute 1 ' 8 of her ffather - Rainsborow all that remainder of a Lega- cie due to her & to give acquittance. 1 (9) !6jL9 Uppon the 27 th 8 ber . 1649. at the request of Hen. Shrimpton of Bosto brassier, I W m Aspinwall Notary & Tabellion publ by Authoritie of the Generll Court of the Massachusetts admitted & sworne, together w tb the s d H. Shr: repaired unto the Castle in Boston where we found M r Samp. Lane, to whom the s d Henry p r sented an Acc of wines shipped aboard M r Lanes ship by M r John Turner Ann 1646. & a tre of Atte r : requireing satisfaction for fourtee pipes of wine laden aboard his ship more then were put to account. w ch the s d M r Lane not acknowleding, I the s d Notary in behalfe of M r John Turner did protest against the s d Samps. Lane for the aforesaid foureteene pipes of wine & all Damadges w ch the s d John Turner shall suffer thereby, that the s d Lane shalbe responsible, & lyable to make him due reparation therefore, in time and place convenient. After w ch protest thus made, the s d Samp. Lane gave unto me the s d Notary under his hand this Answ r following viz*. Whereas M r Shrimpton demands of inee a certaine sumne of money by order of M r John Turner, w ch the s d John p r tend- eth to be due unto him from mee. I answ r that I nev r had any dealings w th the s d John Turner but once in my life, w ch which was some foure yeares since, being a pcell of goods w ch he bought of mee & moneys due to mee for goods De- livered him, for the w h he p d mee in wines in the Hand of the Canaries & justed the Acc betweene us there, since w ch time I never had any dealing w th him. So my Answ r to M r Shrimpton is that I owe the s d Turner nothing, witnes my ASPDTWALL NOTARIAL RECOBDS. 255 hand this 30 (8) 1649. Boston. Sampson Lane. This is verbatin the answ r w ch M r Lane gave me in writing under his hand to be returned. 1 (9) JJLAA I attested a Copie of a bill of Edw: Ben- dalls of 13 11 . 10 s payable to Tho: Gilbert or Assignes at 10 dayes demand after arrivall of M r John Aliens ship at Lon- don or for default to be p d w th damages here. [Page 231] 1 (9) ISASL. I attested a certif: that Hugh Burt senior of Lin in N E: is liveing & required mee the pub. Not: to testify the same. 1 (9) lAi I attested a Lre of Att me y of Joseph Ar- mitages. 1. (9) l&Al. I attested a Copie of a writeing wherein M r Alexander Lindsey Agent for M r Maurice Thompson & M r W m Penayer doth bind their estate in his hand & his owne pson & estate reall & psonall in two thousand 5 C 11 for paym* of Bills of Exchang of 146 8 11 . sterl. the value whereof he acknowledgeth to have here received of Major Robt Sedgwick & M r ffrancis Norten. 1 (9) iSAS.. M r Peter Jones & M r Henry Quinty ne This is to give yo u notice that according to yo r order I have re- ceived of M r Henry Shrimpton M r Bells Agent in Cattle & provisions w ch by yo r order I have shipped to Barbados as p Acc sent yo u appeareth, to the value of one hundd & threescore pounds, & is according to yo r agreem*. w th M r Bell in England. In testimony whereof I have given unto M r Shrimpton three Notes or Certificates beareing date the 25 th of October & all of one Tenor lAA. witnes my hand. David Yale 2 (9) 1649 Bee it knowne by these presents that I David Selleck of Boston in New England merch* do acknowl- edge my selfe indebted unto W m Hudson of Boston afore- said Inkeep in the just summe of thirty fyve pounds sterl, w ch j p roln i se to pay unto the s d W m Hudson Junio r or his Assignes in London w th in ten dayes after my arrivall in England whither I am now bound by way of Verginia. And in case of non paym* in England as aforesaid I the s d David do oblige my selfe Execute" & Administra 18 in double summe to pay or cause to be p d unto the s d W m Hudson or Assignes the s d summe of thirty fyve pounds here in New England w^ all such Damage as the s d W m Hudson shall 256 ASPINWALL NOTAKIAL RECORDS. suffer for Default of payment as aforesaid witnes my hand & scale this 10 th of October liiJL Sealed & Delivered David Selleck in presence of & a seale. Samuel Bellingham William Aspinwall. 2 (9) lfi^ Brother Kekew ch the mo: w ch John Par- rish remained to pay unto yo u for Dieo Rell his debt being sixty milrey little more or lesse Cossen Pickford hath carried it mee herein ace" so that hee is disobliged & I shalbe ac- countable for it unto yo u : w th the rest of the ould debts p Pickfords ac tt; recovered vje ffunchall. 8. June 1643. Phillip Kekew ch [Page 232.] Plyrn . the 1th Aprill. 1642. Jn. Parish I am little behoulding to yo u that could not afford mee a word in 3 weekes after yo r arrivall at London, neither send mee my brothers tre w ch yo u brought w th yo u . Yo u may do me right in writeing mee the verity of the passages betweene Phillip & Thomas, one writes M r S* Jn that Phillip is in Thomas debt, & Phillip writes me Cannot drawe Thomas to Account, by w ch Delayes I am kept w th out my moneyes. the like M r Richbel, he deteineth from mee Diego for B r : Debt & whether it bee recovered or not I know not, If yo u have in yo r hands of his pray yo u doe mee right, for I must be satesfyed out of the goods yo u have of his before yo u goe for M a . I marvaile I have not a word from Phillip by Cossen Bennet of the goods hath of mine in his hands. I expect to heare from yo u how I granted a the case standeth w th him. for if M r S* Jn os copie of informations be true he is much to be blamed, this & the & so are yo u likewise, as I shall write yo u former. more at large hereafter. Thus w th my love 8 (5) ifiifi. to m r Stone & his wife tell him M r S* Jn. will pay him for the Chaires. I desire to have acnte w th the cost put into the Barke thus in hast I rest. Yo r quondam m r Peter Kehew ch Pray yo u pay M r ffarell for his paines & for the insurance./ Boston the 6 th of the 6 th month JJLii 3 (9) JLSJJL Know all men by these presents that I Ri: Wright of Boston do acknowledge my selfe heires Execut administrat or assignes indebted to M r Edw. Bendall, the summe of fifty pounds sterl. & and is for two thousand ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 257 waight of tobacco, w ch aforesaid summe I Rich: Wright do bind my selfe heires Execut administrat or assignes to pay unto M r Henry Hooper upholster at the Suune & Globe in Cornwell London, for the use of Edw. Bendall, twenty dayes after the first shipps arrivall from Boston in N. England to London, after the date hereof in witnes hereof I the afore- said Richard Wright have sett to my hand & scale the day & yeare above written. Witnes John ffirneside Richard Wright & a seale 3 (9) 1649. I attested an order of majo r Robt Sedgwicks & M r ffrancis Nortons to Captffra: Sedgwick in case M r Lind- seyes Bills of Exchange be not payd to take upp the like summe of 1468 1 * for theire use, obliging them selvs & estates for paym*. &secureing the said ffrancis Sedgwick indemnifyed [Page 233.] 3 (9) 16-4JL David Nichols of Boston in N. E: Shoo- maker constituted Tho: Roberts of Boston afores d feltmaker his true & lawfull Att r : granting his s d Att r full power &c: to aske &c: of the Exec of the last will &c: of his ffather David Nichols of Cowbridge in Glamorganshire deceased carryer. a certaine Legacie of ten pounds given him by the s d wil. & of the receipt to give acquittance in due forme &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare before all Lords Judges &c: in any Court &c: there to desire lawe aid &c: to doe say sue &c: & generally to do all things &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifyinge irrevocably &c: 3 (9) I6jL9 i attested a Copie of Capt Thomas Crom- wells will. & of her tre Atturney to Ed: Hutchinson to recover all debts due from any pson in Barbados or any of the Caribee Islands. 5 (9) 1649. Know all men by these pntes that I W m Willoughby of Wapping Mariner do acknowledge my selfe to owe & to be indebted unto ffrancis Smith of Boston Cardmaker the summe of Eleven pound of good & currant mony of England to be p d to the s d ffrancis Smith or his Assignes at or before the first day of March w ch shalbe 1640. for the wel & true pformance whereof the afores d W m Wil- loughby doe bind my selfe my heires Executo r & assignes firmly by these presents in the summe of twenty two pounds, the money to be p d at the Rammes head Tav- erne in Southwarke neere to London Bridge. In witnes 258 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this 4 th of March 1648. Sealed & Delivered William Willoughby in presence of Samuel Cole The marke of Abraham Hagborne. 8 (9) il^a This witnesseth that I Humphrey Damirell shipp master & mariner have rec d of W m ffranklin foure pipes of wine at sixty pound sterl the price agreed on betweene us the s d parties, & I the said Humphrey to put of this wine this p'sent voyage at the best advantage, and what the s d foure pipes of wine are sould for more then the afores d summe of sixty pounds, halfe of the pfit of that that the overplus doth amount to above the sixty pounds sterl is to be due to the s d Humphrey the other halfe to the s d W m ffranklin & the s d Humphrey in consideration of halfe the pfitt afores d is to be at all charges of freight & factoridge of the s d goods & the pduce of them backe to new England, & to make the re- turne in the goods the wine was sould for pvided that pvidence should so dispose that the s d Humph, should not returne yet an account of the wines & the pduce of them is to be made to the s d W m his heires Execute 18 & Assignes by the s d Humphrey. [Page 234.] his heires Execute 18 & assignes & to the pformance of this I the s d Humphrey do bind my selfe heires Executo & As- signes & that that in case w m ffranklin shall see it convenient to have an account of the goods in Virginia for to send the pduce of the wines to England, the s d Humphrey is to give acc thereof & to dd according to the afores d p r misses & in witnes hereof I the s d Humphrey have hereunto set my hand & seale. this 8 th of sept r 1&. Witnes hereunto also Humphrey Damirail Thomas Sheffield & a seale. Samuel Cole. Depose the 7 th of the 9 th mo. 1649 by Samuel Cole before the Court Increase Nowell sec: Attested also by me W m Aspinwall Not. publ. 9 (9) 1JL! Know all men by these present writeing that I Symon Kempthorne doe acknowledg my selfe to be indebted & doe owe unto W m Hudson of Boston the summe ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 259 of fyve pounds to be p d at the arrivall of Symon Kempthorne at Barbados or in England in Current money unto W m Hudson or unto his Atturney Execut Administrate* 8 or assignes. In witnes hereof I Symon Kempthorne have here unto set my hand the first of the fourth mo: called June. JJLil. Testes John Hudson Symon Kempthorne Gab: Aldworth. 12 (9) $-2- Edw. Denis of Boston did constitute Tho: Waite of Road Island his true & lawfull Att r granting his s d Att r full power &c: to aske &c: a certaine debt of 40 s of Rich: Hawkins of Road Island. & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c. there to require lawe, &c: to doe say sue &c: & generrally to doe all things &c: ratifying &c: 13 (9) 1649 Agreed on this 2 d of June 1648. in & betweene Nath. Maverick of the one pty & Peter Talmo of the other pty as followeth. Imprs the afores d Nathaniel Maverick doth covenant to transport the afores d Peter Talmon his goods for New Engl. in the shipp golden Dolphin he pay- ing for the fores d goods 3 U . sterl p tonne for all cask, & for Cotton 5 farthings p pound & for Tobacco one penny p pound in consideration whereof the fore said Talmo [Page 235.] doth covenant to shipp uppon the fores d ship to the value of ten tonns at or before the fifteenth day of this instant June, & in case any more of the afores d Talmon his goods shall be ready by this time specifyed I doe ingage my selfe to take them aboard it is further agreed that the afores d Talmon shall have the passage of one Englishman & three negros he putt- ing in pvisions for them. Witnes o r hands testi Peter Talmon John Ewin Nathaniel Mavericke. Walter Hanbery. 13. (9) 1649. I attested a Copie of a Charter pty betwixt James Grollier & W m Paine & companie. 16 (9) 1649 Be it knowne &c: that on the 16 (9) 49. I W m Aspinwall Not &c: at the request of Ed. Tyng of Boston merch 1 & in his name did require Tho: Webbar of Boston mariner whom he had shipped M r of the ship Content for a voyadge to the Westerne Islands & the Islands of Cape de Verd, to proceed in the s d voyage according to his Charge, 260 ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. where unto the s d Th. Webbar made denyall. Where uppon I the Notary afores d did ptest & by these presents do ptest against the s d Tho: Webbar M r of the ship Content for deserting his charge, that whatsoever damage the s d Edw. Tyng alreadie hath or hereafter shall susteine by reason thereof, the s d Th. Webbar shalbe responsall & lyable to to make him due reparations for the same in time con- venient. This ptest thus made was by me the s d Notary pub- lished & reade unto the s d Tho: Webbar the day and yeare above written when I had read this protest unto the s d Th. Webbar he gave me this reason of his Denial to pceed in the voyadg & required to have the same added to the pro- test. His Answ r was this, that on the 14 th day of this month when he made tryall of the s ship d Content for her saileing & steering, he judged her insufficient for such a voy- adg, at this time of the yeare & said he would notw th standing submit to the judgm* of Knowing men uppon farther tryall of her either to goe or to stay. 19 (9) 1649. I attested a Certificat of M r Veners hand for 473 i gallons of oyle in twenty casks brought by M r Neale from Maderas. 20 (9) lfi-0. I attested a Copie of Acc. Dat Barbados 13 (9) 1649. signed John Maniford. It. a tre to M r Maniford. Dat. Boston 12 June signed: Thomas Cromwell. It another tre of Capt Crornwells as to mee it did appeare witnessed by Henry Walton. It a Copie of Symon Kempthornes Acco*. for M r maniford for 145 11 . 4 s . under Capt Crornwells hand as to mee it ap- peared. It a receipt of Symo Kempthorne for 145 U from Capt Cromwell for the use of M r Maniford. Attested by H: Walton. It a Copie of a piece of a tre of M r Manifords Dat. 13. July. 27 (9) l&iA Shipped by the Grace of god in good order & well conditioned by M r Jeremie Houtchin To M r Joshua in & uppon the good Ship called the Chapman Woolnough of London whereof is m r under God for this p r sent voyage Nicholas Trerice & now ride- ing at Anchor in the harbo r of Boston & by Gods grace bound for London, to say, one trusse of Bever being marked & numbred as in the Margent, & are to be dd in the like good order ASPINWALL NOTARIAL, RECORDS. 261 [Page 236] & well conditioned at the afores d Port of London the danger of the seas only excepted unto M r Joshua Wool- nough in Gratious streete or to his Assignes hee or they pay- ing freight for the said goods foure shillings eight pence in money w th primage & Average accustomed, in witness whereof the m r or purser of the s d ship hath affirmed to three bills of ladeing all of this teno r & date the one of w ch three bills being accomplished the other two to stand void, & so God send the good shipp to her desired port in safety. Amen. Dated in Boston in New England. 19 th of July 1648. Nich: Trerice. 27 (9) 1649 2 of Nov: 1646. Loving father after twenty dayes sight of this my first bill of exchang my second & third not being p d , I pray yo u pay unto James Oliver of Boston in New England or his Assignes the full & just surnme of 28 U eighteene pound sterl received in full value here of M r James Oliver. I pray yo u faile not to make good payrn* & place it to account according to order Yo r ever Dutifull sonne Signed & DD in p r sence John ffish. of us James Johnson Jonathan ffish. I pray yo u pay this Bill to my brother Peter Oliver I pray yo u pay this bill or to his Assignes. yo rs of ten pounds to my James Oliver brother James Johnson or his Assignes. 27 (9) 1&A. Peter Oliver. I pray yo u pay this bill to Augustine Harper yo rs James Johnson. Indorsed. To his loveing & deere ffather rn r Thomas ffish at Warwick or els in Wegnock parke at good Rest house. 5 (10) JJLA I attested a Copie of a bill of John Wad- low & Raph Woory to John Allen of Charlstowne Dat 28 March 1648. for 6485. pound w* of tob to be p d in Musi cavado Sugar & Cotton at or before the 15 th August next. Also I attested a Copie a bill of 80 for Bomary uppon the ship Hopewell from Symon Kempthorne to Robt Long to be p d at the arrivall of the s d ship at Barbados. Dat. 4 th June 1649. Also a tre Att r from Robert Long to ffrancis 262 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Robinson for recovery of the same of the Owners of the s d shipp. Dat. 10 (10). 1649. [Page 237.] 5 (10) lfi-4-.s. John Allen of Charlstowne Mercht con- stituted Edward Hutchinson & ffrancis Robinson his Att rs . to receive of Raph Woory John Wadlow & John Bonner or any other in Barbados all debts summes of money goods wares merchandise due by Bil bond or otherwise, & to make acquittances, & sue &c: & generally to do all things jointly & severally w th power to substitute jointly & severally, rati- fyinge &c: 6 (10) ifi-Lft. Be it knowne by these p r sents that I John Hodges of Wapping Mariner do acknowledge my selfe indebted unto ffrancis Smith of Boston in New England Card maker in the full summe of thirty pounds of good and law- full money of England to be p d unto the s d ffrancis Smith or his Assignes at the arrivall of the shipp Welcom of Charls- towne at London or on the last day of march next, w ch shall first happen. The place of paym* to be at the rammes head taverne in Southwarke. Unto the w ch paym* well & truly to be made I the said John Hodges doe bind my selfe mine heires Executo rB & Administrate 1 " 8 in the summe of Sixty pounds of good & lawfull money of England. In witnes whereof I the s d John Hodges have hereunto sett my hand & scale this 24 th day of Novemb. &$- Sealed & dd in pnce of William Aspinwall John Hodges & scale. Richard Turton 5 (10) lA I attested a Copie of the originall of the Inventory of Edward Blacksley of Roxbury. 7 (6) 1&4.&. I attested the Copies of severall writeings p r sented to me by M r John Hutchinson viz*. Robert Slyes Bill of 26". 3 8 . Major Bournes receipt for 42 11 . O 8 . M r Lords note of 29 U . 17 s . 4 d . Capt. Leveritts bil for soape. M r Samuel Hutchinsons bill for 48 11 . 7 8 . 6 d . Capt Hardings bill for 20 U . John Smiths Bill. M r John Winthrops certifi- cate. M r Hills sale of the Dock. Cozen Edwards in- gagm* about M r Hills house. M r Hills sale of his house M r Edward Hutchinsons ingagem* about the Dock. M r Hills bill of 904 U . M r Hills bill of 410 U . 10". 5 d . M r Hills bill for W m Letherlands rent. M r Hills bill for Pege. 159 U . 10 8 . l d . M r Hills securitie for his Debts. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECOKDS. 263 i [Page 238.] 10. (10)l Elias Pilgrim Procurato r Generallof Robt. Penuicot Citizen & Merch* Tailor of London (as by his procuration Date 14 (5) 1A. under the hand of Robert Minshall publ Notary may more fully appeare) did constitute Edw: Bendall of Boston his true & lawfull Att r : to aske &c: of Charls Dobson Mariner a bond of xxvj 11 conditioned for paym* of xiij 11 Due long since as by the obligation may more at large appeare. & of the receite to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: w^ power to substitute one Att r : or more &c: Ratifying irrevocably &c: To al to whom these pnts shall come I Robt Pennicot Citizen & M^h* Tailor of London doe send greeting: Knowe ye that I the s d Rob: Pennicot have revoked & counter- manded & do by these pnts revoke & Countermand & de- clare & make void & Null all & every procurations & trs of Att r . power & Authoritie by mee made & given unto John Sutton of the Barbados & Henry Colbourne mariner & George Fashion & every or any of them before the Date of these pnts. & Know ye furthermore that I the s d Robert Penicot have constituted & Authorized & do by these pnts constitute & Authorize Pilgrim of London Mariner my generall Procurat r Attorney & Assignee for me in my name & to my use to call to Account the s d John Sutton & Henry Colbourne theire Execu" & Administrate 18 & either of them, & the Exec & Admin- ist or Curators of the estate of Georg Pashion of & for all & every such debt & debts goods & merchandises w ch they or any of them theire or any of theire Execut rs . or Ad- minist or Curators have had or received by occasion of the p r misses, & uppon receipt thereof to make & give such re- spective allowances as is usual amongst Merch 48 in the like kind, & for those p t8 , & also to demand levy recov r & receive the same goods & Merchandizes or the pceeds thereof for my Account & for my use, & to returne the same for London in such goods & merchandizes for my account & use as to my s d procurato 1 Att r : & Assigne shall seeme good, & also to Demand levie recover & receive of the s d Henry Colborne & of the Execut r8 & Administr of the s d George Pashion & either of them theire & either of theire Exec & Administrat 018 the value of threescore pounds lawfull English money in goods & merchandises by vertue of an obligation Dat. the 1 st . day of Apr. 1647. wherein the s d Henry Colborne & Georg Pashion stand bound to me the s d Robt Pennicot in threescore pounds of 264 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. [Page 239.] lawfull Eng 1 money conditioned for the paym* of the summe of therty three pound of like money at a day long since past, & also of Charls Dobson mariner Joseph Parker seaman & John Ascott the value of twenty six pounds lawfull Eng 1 . money in goods & merchandizes by vertue of an obligation Dat 12 th of ffeb: Anno Dni 1638. wherein the s d Charl 3 Dobson & John Ascott stand bound to me the s d Rob* Pennicot in twenty six pounds lawful Eng . money, con- ditioned for payment of thirteene pounds of like money at a day long since past, as by the s d obligations & conditions (relations being thereunto had) may at large appeare, & also of all & every other pson or psons what soever as wel resident in the Barbados as in any other place beyond the seas, all & every other debts & dues whatsoever, w ch are any wayes due, comeing or belonging to mee the s d Rob* Pennicot by any way or meanes whatsoever, giveing & by the pnts grant- ing unto my s d procurator Att r & Assigne my full & whole power & lawful Authority in the p r emisses, as well to sue & implead & to take such legal Course & order for recovery & satisfaction in the premisses, as also uppon the receipt thereof or uppon composition conclusion or agreem* in the p r emisses to be taken, to acquitt & discharge the same by vertue of these pnts, & Att r : & Atturneys one or more under my s d Att r . Procur: & Ass*: to make & substitue for the better effecting of the p r meisses & at his pleasure to re- voke, & all & whatsoev r my s d Procurt & Assigne shall lawfully doe or cause to be done in or about the premises I pmise & bind my selfe to ratify allow & confirme & that in as full & ample manner in every respect as if I my selfe were psonally p r sent. In witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand & seale. Dated at London the 14 th day of July in the yeare of o r Lord God !&*-&. Sigillat et Deliberat Robt Pennicot & a seale. pp r dict Robertus Pennicot pncia signed Johannis Chambers Roberti Minchard Notarij Public, habiteritis sub insigni Globi in nova platea istraria prope pentem Londinensem Radolphi Minchard. Ifi-iA. 10 (10) iS-ta Robt. Long constituted ffrancis Robinson his Att r : to recover eighty pounds sterl of the owners of the Ship Hopewel, for so much by him p d to Symon Kempthorne m r of the s d shipp uppon Bottomarie. & granted him power of Substitution of an Atturney. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 265 13 (10) i Robt nash by virtue of a tre Att r from Raph Clarke Dat. 1 (8) l4-3. did constitute Jeremie Clarke of Road Hand his lawfull Att r . to aske &c: all such share & shares as are due or any wayes apptaining to the s d Raph Clarke by or from the prizes brought in w th Capt Blewfield. & of the receipt to give acquittance, also to sue arrest implead imprison condemne & out of prison to deliver, [Page 240.] & generally to doe all tilings &c: w th power to substitute &c: Ratifying &c: 13 (10) 13-13. Joseph Armitage of Lin did constitute Raph Blazdale of Lin in N: E: & John Herbert of Salem his true & lawfull Att r . 8 jointly & severally, granting them power to aske &c of Ed. Butler & Roger Duhurst all such goods as are or shalbe due from them or either of them or other satis- faction in lieu thereof according to the tenor of theire severall Bills beareing Date 10 (10) 1649. & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: there to require law &c: to doe say sue &c: & gen- erally to do all things &c: w th power to substitute one Att r of more under them or either of them, ffurther to dispose or Rachel Keine his Coven* serv*. for & dureing her terme. Ratifying &c: 15 (10) 1649. Anthonie Low (son of Elisabeth Low) of Boston granted unto John Prick of Aldermanbury in London tallow chandler his tre of Atturney for him &c: to aske &c: of the Execut of the last will & testam* of Mary Smith deceased a certaine legacie of ten pounds sterl. together w th such use & interest for the same as shall grow due, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to sue implead &c: ratifying irre- vocably what soever his s d Att r shall doe or pcure to be done in the premisses. Also I attested an acquittance in case of paym* of 15 U to John Pricke for the use of the s d Anthonie 18 (10) 1&A-& I attested a Copie of Arbit. made by Sam Maverick & Nich. Davison betweene Robert Knight & W m Paine. Also a tre of m r Wrath Bathorne to Roger Bath: Dat. 19 ffeb. 1A4J. Also an Affidavit of Georg Muning that he arrested M r Bathorns goods 266 ASPINWALL NOTAHIAL RECORDS. Also W m Paines note that Rog* Bathorne refused to pay M r Knights bil of Exchang. Also Wrath Bathorns tre Credit to Robt. Knight. 9 Apr. 1647. Also protest for non accept of M r Knights Bill. Dat. 29 Oct. 47 Also a prot. for non paym* of 221 11 . 14 s . Dat. 20 Oct. 1647. Also a Copie of M r Paines bill of charges. Also Phillip Ewers Affidav. Dat. last of ffeb. 1647. Also Copie of Judgm* of Court betweene R: Knight. & Geo: Hewghs 5. (4) m&. 21 (10) i^A Thomas Collier of Hull husband of Jane the daughter of Curtes late of Reading in Berkshire did con- stitute John Curtes his brother in lawe his true & lawfull Atturney granting him power &c: to aske &c: of the Execute of Jane Alexander late of Reading aforesaid all such Legacie &c: as was bequeathed to the s d Jane his wife by the last will of the s d Jane her grandmother, & of the [Page 241.] receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: there to doe say sue &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifying &c: 24 (10) 1649. Nicholas Browne of Reading husbandman granted tre. Att r to Tho. Ardy gent. & Richard Woodward both of Benjoth in Worcestershere jointly & severally to aske Recover & Receive for him & in his name & to his use the possession of certain lands & tenem ts . his pp inheritance (as by ancient deed dat. 1 Jan. an aegni Hen. 7. (15.) may appeare) scituat & being in Morton Underbill in Worcest 1 - shire, also to comence & psecute to effect one action or more for recovery of the same: also to compound & agree acquitt discharge, sett or lett the s d houses & lands fro yeare to yeare. w th power to substitute one Att r : or more &c: ratify- ing &c: 24 (10) 1^. Know all men by these pntes that I Capt Charls Dobson of Boston in N: E: for Divers good causes & Considerations me hereunto move ing have assigned & sett over my quarter p* of my barke w ch is my owne pp goods called by the name of the Charls of Boston about the burden of twenty Tonns be it more or lesse unto Rob* Nash of Bos- ASPDSTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 267 ton aforesaid my welbeloved frend unto him his heires ex- ecuto rs Adminst & assignes & to theire pp use & behoofe to have & to hould the s d quarter p* of the barke afore men- tioned according to the true intent & meaning of this write- ing, & to the pformance hereof I bind mee my heires Exec Adm & ass: to pforme what hath beene mentioned aforesaid. & do give the s d Robt. Nash full possession of the p r misses afore mentioned Witnes my hand & scale the 22. of October 1649. Sealed & dd in the presence of Charls Dobson & a scale us. Thomas Browne John Groome. 25 (10) JLHUL I certify ed that John Stone of Hull in N: E: sometime of Chideock in Dorsetshire) mariner & Joan his wife is now liveing, John & Nathaniell Gallop being witnesses of her life. 25 (10) 1649. John Shepheard of Braintre in N. E: car- penter husband of Margaret the daughter of Henry Squire late of Kinweston neere Somerton in Somersetshire granted a tre of Atturney to John Adams of Concord to receive &c all rents due for lands now or late in the tenure & occupation of Jonathan Adams liveing neere Ballsberry in Somersetshire & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c. there to require law &c: to do say sue &c. & generally to doe &c: w th power to substitute &c: granting him further power to alien & sell the reversion of the lives in the s d lands & deed or deeds to make scale & deliver, promiseing & binding himselfe to ratify the same or other sufficient conveyance to scale & Deliver at the reason- able request of the Vendee: &c: [Page 242.] 25 (10) i 649 . Know all men by these p r sents that on the twenty fifth of December i 6 ^ 9 - before me W m Aspinwall Notorij & Tabellion publ &c: psonally appeared W m ffoster w th a bill of Exchang in his hand the tenor whereof fol- loweth M r Hill I pray yo u pay unto o r carpenter William ffoster fyve pounds. My agreem* w th him was for one halfe fish & i money, @ J p* English goods. I pray yo u satisfy him & put it to account So I rest May. 8 day. iJBJJ*. Yo rs Thomas Graves W th w ch note or bill drawne uppon M r Hill as aforesaid, I the s d Notarij together w th Robt Gutch & John Porter wit- 268 ASPINWALL NOTAKIAL RECOEDS. nessed thereunto required, & at the request of the s d W m ffoster, did repaire unto the s d M r Hill (Scilicet Valentine Hill) & in the name of the s d W m ffoster in presence of the witnesses aforesaid, I demanded of the s d M r Hill whether he would accept the said Bill, whereunto he answered that he would not accept it according to the tenor of it nor make paym* thereof. W ch answ r being by him made, I the s d Notary in presence of the s d witnesses did ptest & by these p r sents doe ptest as well against the s d Th. Graves who drew the bill as against the s d M r Val: Hill who would not accept it or any other that may be therein concerned for Exch: & rechang & all other Damages losses or interests w ch the s d W m ffoster doth or may suffer for non acceptance & non payment of the s d Bill, to be recovered in time & place convenient against theire psons or estates. Thus done & passed by mee the s d notarij in the Towne of Boston in the presence of the said witnesses 25 (10) 16JJL. 25 (1 0) 1649 Henry Bridgham constituted W m Houtchin of Rickin gale in Count Suffolke Tanner his true & lawfull Att r : to aske leavie recov r & receive of & from the Execute 18 or Administr of the last will & testam* of Henry Bridgham of ffeltam his ffather, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c to sue implead &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifying &c: 26 (10) 1649. I witnessed a bill of 88". from James Nash to Raph Mason. 27 (10) 1649. I attested an Assigment of a Bill of thirty pounds by ffrancis Smith to Marke Hanns. 27 (10) J-fi^a. & also a bill obligatory of Marke Hanns of fyve pounds to be p d to M r Josh: ffoote for the use of ffr. Smith. Dated. 27 (10) l^AJL. [Page 243.] 25 (10) ifULa. Tho: Ruck of Boston constituted John Ruck his sonne his lawfull Att r : to aske &c of all & singular pson or psons in the Dominion of England or els where all debts dues accounts & demands, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to sue implead &c. & generally to doe &c: w th pow r to substitute &c: ratifying &c: 27 (10) 1649. I attested a bil of sale of A- of the Shipp Recovery sould by Marke Hannes to Daniel Turell. NOTARIAL RECORDS. 269 27 (10) 1649 I attested a certificate the Hugh Burt senior of Linn appeared before me 1 (9) last past: 27 (10) 1649. I attested a Copie of a bill from John Turner to Jolliff Ruddock Dat. 3 January: 1648. about a house. 28 (10) 1649. John newgate of Boston in N. E: haber- dash of hatts constituted his sonne Nath Newgate his true & lawfull Att r : to seize & take possession of certaine houses & lands in S* Edm. Bury in Suffolke possession of John New- gate his brother late of S* Edm. bury deceased & action or actions at lawe to comence & psecute to effect. Also to aske leavie &c: all debts &c of all & singular psons in the Dominion of Eng 1 . & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to sue implead &c: & generally to doe &c w th power to substitute &c: ratifying &c: 28 (10) 1649 Edw. Bendall of Boston constituted Tho: Gilbert of Tanton his true & lawfull Att r . granting him full power &c: to aske &c: all debts &c: of Edw: Skinner of Bristoll mariner, & of the receipt &c: & to compound &c: & to appeare &c: to sue implead &c: & generally to doe &c: w^ power to substitute &c: 28 (10) 1649 Be it knowne by these p r sents that I Edw: Skinner of Bristol mariner do acknowledg my selfe to owe & to be indebted unto Edward Bendall of Boston in New Eng- land in the summe of thirty pound sterl for w ch I charged three Bills of Exchang uppon the worp 11 Robert Challenor & M r Thomas Challeno* & doe hereby bind myselfe heires Execut & Administrators in double summe & also one eight pt of the good ship called the Concord of Bristoll of the bur- den of seventy odd Tonns or thereabout w th an eight p* of all the appurtenances to the s d shipp belonging for pformance of the same. Provided that if the afore mentioned bill shall well & truly be satissfyed & paid according to the tenor thereof, that then this obligation shalbe utterly void & of none effect, otherwise to remaine in full force & strength. Witnes my hand & seale this 21 (7) ifiJJL. Signed sealed & dd Edw. Skinner & a seale. in presence of Henry Walton Georg Munning 28 (10) -L&4.2. I am ingaged to acknowldge a Judgm* of six pounds fyve shillings in behalf e of Capt Dobson for 270 ASPHTWALL NOTAKIAL RECORDS. Roger Knight, w ch I bind my selfe to doe at all Demands in penaltie of double summe. Witnes my hand. 25 (8) 49. Ambrose Leach Test. Nicholas Davison. his marke 28 (10) 1649. I certifyed the returne of the Shipp John of Boston whereof M r Walker was master is returned from Barbados [Page 244.] 29 (10) 1649 Noverint universi p p r sentes me Johanne Pococke Civem et Mercator scisser London teneri et firmiter obligari Radulpho ffogg Civi et Pellipar London in cert libr legalis monete Angl Solvend eidem Radulpho ffogg aut suo cert Atturnat Executor Administ vel Assign at suis. Ad quam quidem solucond bene et fideliter farciend oblige me hered Executores et Administrat meos firmiter p p r sentes Sigillo meo sigillat Dat Vicessimo quinto die Januarij Anno Dni (stylo Anglie) 1632. Annq Regni dom ni nostri Caroli Dei gratia Anglie Scotia ffr: et Hibernie regis fidei defen- soris &c: Octavo Sigillavit et Deliberavit John Pocock: in pncia John Aijlewaij et Thome Plaijfere. The Condicon of this Obligacon is such that if the w th in bound John Pocock his heires Exer Administ or Assignes doe well & truly pay or cause to be p d to the w th in named Raph ffogg his Exec Administr or Assignes (for & to the use of his sonne John ffogg) the summe of fifty pounds of lawfull money of England at or in the tendring house or usuall place of payments & receipts scituat on the west part of the Royall Exchang in London on the 25 th day of January w h shalbe in the yeare of o r Lord God (according to the computaco of the Church of England) one thousand six hundd fourty & foure so as the s d John Pocock his heires Execut & Administr shall & may in the mearie time be well & sufficiently saved & kept harmles by the s d Raph ffogg his Execat or Administr. of & from an obligacon entered into by him the s d John w th the s d Raph & one Georg Lister in the Court of Arches touching the paym* of the s d fifty pounds (being a legacie given to the s d John ffogg by John Bancks mercer deceased) & shall or may be then discharged of the s d obligacon, & so as also that he the s d John Pocock his heires Execute 1 " 8 & Administr. shall & may in the meane time untill such time of paym* peaceably & quietly receive & keepe in his or theire hands & imploym* the summe of ASPESTWALL NOTAHIAL RECORDS. 271 fyve & twenty pounds being the moyety of the s d Legacie & Deposited into the hands of him the s d John Pocock w th agreern* to give fifty pounds then for it, w th out any lett suite denyall or interruption of or by the Exer or Administrat of the s d Raph ffogg or Curator or Curators unto his said son John ffogg, or of or by any other pson or psons wh*soever, w th out fraud or Covine, that then this obligacon shalbe void & of none effect, or els that shall stand & remaine in full force & vertue. [Page 245.] 29 (10) l-i. Shipped by the grace of God in good order & wel conditioned by Edw: Gibons in & uppon the good shipp called the Elizabeth of Bristow whereof is Master under God for this p r sent voyage Stephen Wilkie & now rideing at Anchor in the riv r of Charlstowne & by God's grace bound for Bristow in England to say 2 packs & 13 firkins being marked & numbered as in ffirkins nomb r the margent & are to be dd in the like good order & well conditioned (the danger 9 . 11 . 13 . 14 . 15 of the seas only excepted) unto M r James 16 . 17. Powel or to his Assignes he or they pay- Packs. nomb r ing freight for the s d : goods at fifty shil- 21 . 22. lings p Tonne, w th primage & Average Accustomed. It witnes whereof the Mas- ter or purser of the s d Shipp hath affirmed to three Bills of ladeing all of this tenor & date, the one of w ch three Bills being accomplished the other two to stand void, & so God send the good shipp to her desired port in safety. Amen. Dated in Boston this first of Aug: 1642. Received more of Edw. Gibons foure moose skins made up together Stephen Wilkee. 29 (10) i&Al. Shipped by the Grace of God in good order & wel conditoned by mee Edw. Gibons in & uppon the good shipp called the Elizabeth of Bristoll whereof is master under God for this p r sent voyage Stephen Wilkee now ride- ing at an Anchor in the river of Charlstowne & by Gods grace bound for Bristoll aforesaid, to say, twenty & two hogsheads of Tobacco, fourty hogsheads of oyle, the oyle is not marked, being Marked & Nombred as in the Margent, & are to be in like good order & well conditioned at the fore said port of Bristoll (the danger of the seas only excepted) unto m r James Powel or to his Assignes he or they paying freight for the s d goods fifty shillings p tun w th primage & 272 ASPINWALL NOTA.KIAL RECOEDS. average accustomed In witnes whereof the Master or purser of the s d shipp hath affirmed to three Bills of ladeing all of this tenor & date, the one of w ch three bills being accom- plished the other two to stand voyd, and so God send the good shipp to her desired port in safety. Amen. Dated in Boston this 27 th July 1642 Steven Wilkee. 31 (10) JJLLa. Blacke point 9 July 1647. These are to signify to whom it shall concerne that the bearer hereof Mary Allen being arrested of suspition of murther of a supposed child is freely & cleeiiy acquitted of the said supposed Crime by the Generall Assembly holden the day & yeare above written. Given under my hand under the provinciall seale subscribed p me Peiton Cooke Clerk of the Assembly & a seale. [Page 246.] 31 (10) l&ta. The Deposition of Mary Allen taken the 26 th of January 1645. This Deponent sworne & examined saith that in the yeare 47. M r Georg Cleve being in England came to her desireing to tell him where he might put of some money, & this Deponent sent him to one m r Siddon a Scrivener, but he mistrusting of him to one m r Danell a Gouldsmith in ffoster lane, who finding it to be Counterfett, had him apprehended & sent to Newgate, not long after he sent a woman to the Deponent to intreat her to come to Newgate to him, where he tould her that if shee stood not his freind he was undone, & she tould him shee would doe what she could for him in an honest way, then he intreated her to goe to her sister, who was m r Danells mother in law, that shee would speak to her sonne that he should not come in against him that Ses- sions, w ch was done : where uppon he gott out uppon baile, & come away & never answered it. This Deponent further saith, that she being in the Oompanie of one M rs Carr where M r Cleve did sometime lodge, & the s d Carre tould the Deponent that M r Cleves would have hyred a roome of her to for one to make bodkins & thimbles in, & further saith the Deponent that there were divers warrants out against him to apprehend him (w ch he escaped) because he came not in according to his bale. The Deponent further saith that one M r Scott one of his Confederates being in Newgate for the same thing sent M r . Cleve word to be gone or els he should tast of the same cup as he did. all this the Deponent ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RBCOBDS. 273 tould her sister & brother Tucker so soone as shee came into New England. y* marke of Mary Taken before us Jan. 26. 1645. W Allen Henry Jocelyn. Arthur Mack worth ffran : Robinson. 2 (11) -LS.4--2.. M r Thomas Richards granted a generalltre of Att r to Welthian his wife to act in all matters, to receive acquit : sue implead & generally to doe all things, w th power to substitute &c. : 2 (11) 1649 . Bee it knowne unto all men by these p r sents that I John Jarvis now resident in Boston in N: Engl. doe acknowledge my selfe to be indebted unto M r John Miles merch* the full & just summe of ninety three pound sterl. in consideration whereof I doe by these presents firmly bind my selfe my Executors. [Page 247.] & Assignes to pay unto the afores d John Miles his Execut & Assignes the aboves d summe ninety three pounds in good merchantable Cod fish here at Boston at the price Current seven months after the date hereof. In witness whereof I have caused this Bill to be made & delivered it as my act & deed. Dated in Boston the 9 th 8 th month 1646. Signed sealed & dd John Jarvis & scale. in the presence of Richard Harrison This Bill M r Mills said he was about to send into England by John Ruck together w th a tre Dat 15 March 1647. where- in he pmiseth he shall not loose anything of that Bill he had of his in his hand. 2 (11) 16.4-9. j^ Mills did constitute John Ruck his lawfull Att r : to aske &c: of John Jarvis a certaine debt of ninety three pounds, & of the receipte to give acquittance, also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to sue implead pscute &c & generally to doe &c: w th power to sub- stitute &c: ratifying &c: 2 (11) JJLAS. Be it knowne by these p r sents that I Vail: Hill of Boston in N: E: p* owner of the Welcomme of N: E: of the burden of 300 tuns or thereabouts for good & valueable consideration do bargaine, &c: unto Capt John Allen of Charlstown & M r Thorn. Broughton of Water- towne & of the Shipp Welcom & of all her appurtenances to 274 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. have & to hould to them their Execute 1 " 8 Administrate 1 " 8 & Assignes &c: w th warrantie according to the usuall forme. Sealed & dd in pnce of p me Val: Hill & a seale. Georg Muning Robt Turner Tho: Lake William Aspinwall Nots Publ. 2 (11) 1&4- 9 -. John Glover constituted John Hutchinson his lawfull Atturney to sue a bond of 50 U Dated 23 octob. 1646. according to the usuall forme. 2 (11) HL4. I attested a Bill of Richard Wright to Edw. Bendall for paym* of 50" to M r Henry Hoop: or if himselfe or Shipp miscarry to pay it w th 8 p cent. & if himselfe or greatest pt of Tobacco safely arrive & it be not p d , then to pay according to bills of Exchang. Dat. 6. (6) !&-*. 3 (11) l&A- 9 - W m Veasie of braintre constituted Henry Newbar of Calcot in the Count of Rutland & Eliz. Veasie his Att rs . to enter and take possession of certain house & land in Gumley in Count Leicester now in possession of Edward Wallis, & to sue implead [Page 248.] &c as also to recover his household goods rent &c of the s d Wallis Dat. 2 (11) l&&. 7 (11) 16-4- 9 -. M r ffr: Norton gave me Sampson Lane warrant for Cutting wood upon the greate house patent belonging to M rs Anne Mason & Mr Lane ingaged to save him indemnifyed. 7 (11) l*. John Thompson constituted Matthew w my8 his Atturney granting him generall power for all psons & all debts to aske sue attach &c: & po w er to substitute &c: 16 (11) 16-4.9. Sampson Lane Atturney to Ambrose Lane as by his pcuration dated 18 th July -i^Al ma y appeare did constitute W m Phillips Junior of Boston in new England his true & lawfull Atturney for him & in his name & in the name of the s d Ambrose to aske &c: of all &c: all debts &c: & of the receipt &c: w th power to substitute &c: 21 (11) JJL49. ff ra: Smith constituted M r Peter Butler his true & lawfull Att r : w th generall power, & power to sub- stitute one Att r or more. &c: Also I attested an assignment of a bill to M r Peter Butler. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL, RECORDS. 275 11 (11) 1649 I attested the copies of these writeings, M r Robt Knights Bill of Exch: to M r Roger Bathorne pro- tested for Non acceptance. The same ptested for non paym*. M r Roger Bathornes tre to his brother Wrath Bathorne 19 Feb: 1647. A copie of a Jugm* Court 6 (4) 1648 in a case betweene M r Robt Knight & M r Geo: Hewghs. The Affidavit of Phillip Ewers, a tre of M r W m Paine M r Wrath Bathornes tre Credit to Robert Knight. 9 Apr. 1647. M r Samuel Maverick & M r Nicholas Davisons arbitrem*. Georg Munnings affidavit 31 (11) ISJUl. Robert Nash & John Shawe constituted Augustine Walker & John Dunbar theire Att re . to aske &c. of Robert King Coop a certaine bill of sixteene pounds eigh- teene shillings & eight pence Date. 27 January l&! & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to doe say sue &c: w th power to substitute &c: 31 (11) tfr* 9 . It is agreed & concluded betweene Ben- jamin Gillom of Boston & Joseph Armitage of Linne that the s d Joseph presenting English goods, out of w ch there is to be chosen as much as shalbe valued at thirty pounds, w ch is to be referred to the Judgment & apprisement of Robt Keaine & John Hurd both of Boston, & what they two shall agree uppon for the prices of the goods, we Benjamin Gillom & Joseph Armitage [Page 249.] doe bind o r selves each to other in the penalty of twenty pounds to stand to & abide the same both to receive & p* w th the goods, at the prices that shalbe agreed on, & if they twoe should not agree they are to choose a third man & what he shall deter- mine in the case, the pties above said doe bind thernselvs in the penalty above said to stand to & abide the same. In witnes where of wee have hereto put o hands this mo: 5. 17. 16 A I. Benjamin Gillom the marke A of Joseph Armitage. I Joseph Armitage doe acknowledge my selfe indebted to Benjamin Gillom the full & just summe of fourty pounds to be paid in the Condition as followeth, that is to say, thirty pounds to be paid in some shopp at Boston in goods at price Current in foureteene dayes, & the other ten pounds to be 276 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. paid this day twelve month in the Condition as above written expresseth, & the s d Joseph Arrnitage is to cloath Benjamin Gillom from the knee upward w th a convenient suite of apparell & a Bever hatt in one month ensueing the date here- of, & for any defect in any pticlre above expressed, I Joseph Armitage doe acknowledge Capt Hawkins Judgm* given him in Court of fyve hundd pounds to be in full force against him the s d Joseph, but in case the s d Joseph keepe the con- ditions afore expressed then I the said Benjamin Gillom doe acquit & release & discharge the said Joseph Armitage his Execute 18 & Assignes from Capt Thomas Hawkins his heires Execute" & Assignes from all debts dues & demands except a Bill of M r Edward Paines of ten pounds ; But if the con- dition above named be kept by the said Joseph Armitage, then I Benjamin Gillom doth cleare him of all the ingage- ments above named, to w ch agreement wee interchangably setto r hands 3 d 5 th mo: &. witness W m Phillips Benjamin Gillom Nicholas Phillips the m r ke of A: Joseph Armitage. Indorsed. Whereas there is a mention in this covenant of a bill of ten pounds to M r Edw. Paine, this wee doe testify that Benjamin Gillom did pmise in our heareing, to acquitt the said Joseph Armitage of that ten pounds as well as of the debt of Capt Hawkins, if the said Joseph doth pforme the conditions w th in mentioned, & wee doe testify further that the s d Joseph did pay to Benjamin Gillom fourty pounds in goods & p a bill of fyve pounds uppon Lieftenant Savage to the s d Ben- jamins acquittnce, & all this was done uppon the 17 th day of month 5 th 1&4-&. witnes o r hands. Robert Keaine John Hurd. F S the marke of ffrancis Smith John Hore. [Page 250.] 31 (11) JJLtl. I attested a bill of 16". 18". 8 d . fro Robt King to Robt Nash & John Shaw. Dat. 27 January. 1&4JL. 8 (12) 1AA1. Rob. Nash att r to Raph Clarke w th plenary power as by his peer: Dat. 1 (8) 49. may appeare, doth make ordeine & constitute Edm. Grosse & Edward Ellis his true & lawful! Att 68 & Subst: giveing them power jointly & sev- erally to ask &c of Capt Blewfield &c: all such share & shares as are due to the s d Ra: Clarke out of the prizes ASPLNWALL NOTAEIAL RECORDS. 277 brought in w th Cap* Blewfield & all other debts of all other psons. & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: 13 (12) 16JL9. I attested a Copie of tre fro the Court about an Indian Squaw. 5 (12) 14~9- W m Tilly did before mee professe that the deed of sale made of his house by Alice his wife to An- thony Stoddard he did approve & ratify as if it had beene his owne act. 28 (12) 1649. I attested a bill of 7 U - 5 s - fro waiter Ab- bit to Thomas Jay, & Thomas Jay his assignment to W m Phillips. 1 (1) 15-i-S-- Whereas I Elias Pilgram bought of Robert Nash of Boston severall Comodities & pvision of w ch were eight barrills of butter being delivered unto mee conteined grosse fyve hundd & two pounds & made out neate foure hundred twenty & two pounds, w ch eight firkins of butter he tould mee he had bought of m r W m Hedge & said unto him did containe sixty weight neate a firkin, all w cb I shall testify uppon oath, witnes my hand Boston the 25. 9 b f r 1648. Elias Pilgram. 4 (2) -LS-5.0. \ym Goodwin son of Augustine Goodwin late of London Apothecary granted tres of Att r : to Joh: Ruck of Boston in N. E: & Tho: Ruck of London haberdasher of smale wares jointly & severally to aske &c: of the execute or if coffees of his s d father or any other by what name soever distinguished whom it may concerne, all that Legacie given him by his s d ffather, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c. & to appeare in any Court &c: to sue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to sub- stitute &c: ratifying &c. 4 (2) IAO.. Tho: Broughton of Watertowne Merch* granted power to Cap* Tho: Willett of Plymouth in N: E: to aske &c: of Mijn Heere Peter Stuijvesant Governo r of the New Netherlands the summe of 47 U . 3 8 . 6 d . [Page 251.] sterl. or 470 guild. 15 styv 18 . w ch the s d . Pet Stuijvesant hath received more than due upon the Account of the the Shipp Tamandare, & of the receipt to give acquittance in due forme & for default of paymen*. to pceed in Law according to the usuall course of Justice in like case, Ratifying irrevocably &c: 5 (2) 1AAA Whereas I Edw: Hutchinson in the behalfe of my uncle Ri: Hutchinson have bought of Val: Hill of 278 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Boston merch*. all the houses & grounds w ch was M r Win- throps w th the building since erected w ch is more pticulaiiy bounded in the Records of the Court, I doe in the behalfe of my said Uncle Ri: Hutchinson, bind my selfe that uppon the paym*. of six hundred pounds any time w th in three yeares after the date hereof by the s d . Valentine or his assignes to the s d . Rich: Hutchinson of London or his Assignes that then the said houses & lands shall againe returne into the hands of Valentine Hill, he paying for the s d . houses & lands the summe of fourty eight pounds p yeare, yearly, & in case that either the s d . fourty pounds or any pt there of be at any time unpaid w th in the yeare or a month after, or the said six hundd pounds be not paid w th in three yeares that then this writeing shalbe void & he the said Rich, or his Assignes to take the said houses & ground into his possession & is to have the s d rent due then, paid to him by the said Valentine & the rent & principall to be p d in Bever merchantable fish wheate pease beefe, porke, in equall pportions witnes my hand this 25 May. liLM. Edw. Hutchinson. Witness William Hibbins Whereas I Edw. Hutchinson in the behalfe of my Unckle Ri Hutchinson have bought of Val: Hill of Boston merch*. three quarters of the Docke comonly knowne by the name of Bendels Dock w th the wharfs & waste ground thereto now belonging, I doe in the behalfe of my said uncle Rich: Hutchinson bind my selfe that uppon paym* of two hundd pounds at any time w th in three years after date hereof by the said Valentine or his Assignes to the said Richard Hutchinson or his Assignes that then the said Dock shall againe returne into the hands of the said Valentine Hill, he paying for the s d Dock the summe of sixteene pounds p yeare, yearley, & in case that either the s d sixteene pounds or any p* thereof be at anytime unpaid w th in the yeare or a month after, or the said two hundd pounds be not paid w th in three yeares, that then this writeing shalbe voyd, & he the s d Richard or his Assignes to take the s d grounds & Dock into his possession, & is to have the s d rent due then paid to him by the said Valentine, the rent & principall to be p d in Bever merchantable fish wheate pease beefe porke in equall pportions, Always pvided the s d Val. hath not liberty to redeeme the s d docke, nor the s d Richard is not hereby bound to sell it to him, notw th standing anything what ever is ex- pressed in this writeing, except he have before, or shall at that A SPIN WALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 279 [Page 252.] time also, pay the summe of six hundd pounds together w th what rent shalbe due for the house w ch was M r Winthrops w ch is engaged in the like way this is by another writeinge, & that being first satisfyed then he hath liberty to redeeme this, but not otherwise. In witness whereof I have set to my hand, this 25 May. lS-i-. Edward Hutchinson. Witnes W m Hibbins. 13 (2) iSA^.. This Charter pty of freightm*. made the XXV th day of October i&i-S : betweene James Grollier m r of the good Shipp called the Mary of London of burthens one hundd & ten tunns or thereabouts of the one ptie, And W m Paine W m Bartholmew & James Neale of the other pties witnesseth. Imp 18 , the s d James Grollier doth coven* pmise & agree to & w th the Merch* 8 aboves d for to receive on board the Shipp Mary of London, at or w th in fifteene dayes after the date of these pnts at this Port of Boston in Newe England the quantity of fyve or six hundd Kint of fish if the s d Merch t8 doe present it at the Shipp side, to be freighted w th in the time afores d , & at the terme of fifteene dayes the s d James Grollier shall saile w th his afores d shipp Mary, wind & wether pmitting from this port of Boston directly for the Isle of Shoales where he is to finish & compleate his ladeing w th fish not staying there above ten dayes of faire wether & fitting time to lade the s d fish, & from thence the s d Grollier shall saile w th the first apportunity of wind & wether for the port Lisbone in portugall where he shall Deliver all his freight as afores d the danger of the seas only excepted unto the s d W m Paine W m Bartholmew & James Neale, or unto his or theire Assignes. Moreover the s d Grollier doth coven*, pmise & agree to & w th the Merch* 8 afores d , that his shipp Mary of London shall, at her depture from this Port of Boston in New England, be wel & sufficiently victualled w th twelve men & one boy, & to be strong staunch & well conditioned w th masts sailes saileyards rigging anchors cables & all manner of apparell & furniture fitting for such a ship & such a voyage, w th six peeces of ordinance & powder & shott sufficient. Jtm the s d W m Paine W m Bartholmew & James Neale Merch ts doe for theire p ts coven* pmise & agree to & w th the s d James Grollier for to deliver or cause to be Delivered on board the s d ship Mary of London all the first fyve or six hundd Kint of fish at this port of Boston w th in the time of 280 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. fifteene dayes as afores d . wind & wether pmitting, & w th in ten dayes after the arrival of the s d shipp Mary at the Isles of shoales, shall deliver on board or cause to be dd on board the remainder of her full ladeing of fish if wind & wether permitt, & if in case the s d James Grollier shall stay at the Port of Boston above fifteene dayes of faire wether & fitting to loade fish, or at the Isles of Shoales above ten dayes of like faire wethe & fitting to loade fish or at the port of Lisbone for the unlade- [Page 253.] ing of his s d Shipp above eight dayes of faire wether & fitting to unlade fish & that this s d stay be poured by the fault or neglect of W m Paine W m Bartholmew & James Neale or theire Assignes, that then they shall pay or cause to be p d unto James Grollier or his Assignes for every such day above the time afores d . the just summe of one hundd & twenty Ryalls currant silver of Portugal! for & in considera- tion of his Demurrage or stay, & the s d Paine Bartholmew & Neale doe pmise & bind themselvs to pay or cause to be p d unto the s d James Grollier or his Assignes in considera- tion of the freight & hire of the s d Shipp the full value & just summe of seven Ryalls & one halfe in silver according to the Rate of Portugall, for every Kintall of fish that shalbe delivered at the Port of Lisbone sound & well conditioned, the dangers of the seas onely excepted, & to satisfy & pay or cause to be satisfyed & paid the full freight as afores d w th hi ten dayes after the unladeing & discharging of the s d shipp Mary at the Port of Lisbone. Jtm the s d Paine Bartholmew & Neale doe promise to supply the s d James Grollier w th fifty pounds in pvisions at the price current of this country, w ch the s d Grollier shall discount & diduct out of his freight at the Port of Lisbone, & the s d Paine Bartholmew & Neale doe coven* pmise & agree to & w th the s d James Grollier to satisfy & pay or cause to be p d & satisfyed one halfe of the Port Charges of the s d shipp Mary untill such time as shee be cleare & dis- charged of her said imployment. In witnes whereof the pties aboves d have hereto interchangably put to theire hands & scales. James Grollier & a scale. This above written agreeth verbatim w th a true Copie of the Originall by mee the Publ Notarij examined 13 Nov. 1649. The originall being witnessed by Edw. Bendall, W m Phillips, John Dennis. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 281 15 (^2) 1A&H. I attested a Copie of a Bill wherein W m Westerhouse binds himselfe in double summe for the paymt of 18 th 19 s . 4 d sterl to Tho: Savage in Bever by the 17 (8) next. 15 (2) 1650. Whereas M r John Milom of Boston have assigned over unto Capt Elias Pilgrim his right of John Coneyes Indenture for the terme of six months beginning from the day of the Date hereof, Now know all whom these presents shall or may concerne, that I Elias Pilgrim doe here- by ingage myselfe my heires Executo r8 & Administrate 18 to pay in London unto the abovsaid John Milom his heires Administrate 1 * or Assignes for the s d six months service in case the fores aid John Coney live so long the summe of ten pounds ten shillings sterl but in case it please God to deale otherwise w th by taking away the life of the abovesd John Coney ere the full & whole terme of six months be com- pleated & ended, then the afores d Elias Pilgrim is only to pay for his just time truly & duely served after the rates of xxxv 8 p mo: respectively, In witnes hereof have caused these presents to be made & have unto sett my hand in Boston this 12 th day December 16j_9. Witnesses. pme Elias Pilgrim. W ra Morton. Robert Nash. Richard Matthewes. [Page 254.] I Joseph Armitage do acknowledge my selfe indebted to Benjamin Gillom the full & just surame of 40 pounds. To be p d in the condicon as followeth that is to say. 30 U to be p d in some shop at Boston in goods at price current in 14 dayes & the other 10 U to be p d this day 12 month in the condition as above written expressed. & the said Joseph Armitage is to cloth Benjamin Gillom from the knee upward w th a con- venient suite of apparell & a Bever hatt w th in one month in- sueing the date hereof. & for any defect in any pticuler above expressed I Joseph Armitage doe acknowledge Capt Hawkins Judgm* given him in Court of 500 pound to be in full force against him the s d Joseph: but in case the s d Joseph keepe the Conditions afore expressed then I the s d Benjamin Gillom doe acquitt & release & dyscharge the s d Joseph Armitage his Executor 8 & Assignes from Capt Thomas Hawkins from his heires execute 18 & Assignes from all debts dues & demands, except a bill of M r Edward Paines of ten pounds and if the condition above named be kept by the s d Joseph Armitage, then I Benjamin Gillom doth cleare 282 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. him of all the ingagements above named, to w ch payment wee interchangeably sett o 1 hands 3 d 5 mo T 49 Witnes W m Phillips Benjamin Gillom Nicholas Phillips. the mai'ke of Joseph Armitage. Whereas here is a mention in this Covenant of a Bill of ten pounds to M r Edward Paine, this we doe testify, that Benjamin Gillom did pmise in o r heareing to acquitt the s d Joseph Armitage of that ten pounds, as well as of the debt of Capt Hawkins, if the s d Joseph doth pforme the conditions w^in mentioned. & we do testify further, that the s d Joseph did pay to Benjamin Gillom fourty pounds in goods & p a bill of fyve pounds uppon Lieften* Savage, to the s d Benja- mins acceptance, & all this was done the 17 day of M. 5. 1649. witnes o r hands. Robert Keaine The marke of ffra: Smith John Hore. 29 (2) leso, j attested the sealing of a bond of James Mattock & John Synderland of 40 U for paym* of 20 U to Nich- olas Meredith 31 (3). next in Bristoll or 25 U to Rich. Russell 31(3) 1651. in mercht. dry cod fish price current. Dat 29. (2) IS- 5 -- -. [Page 255.] 7 (3) 16.61 R b t Willis constituted Georg Ladd his true & lawfull Att r : to aske of Robt Jones &c a certaine debt of 24 hundd pounds Sugar due by bill Dat. 18 Oct. 1649. being obligatory for pay mt of 1213 pounds Muscavados Sugar. w ib power to acquit compound sue &c: & to substitute one At- turney or more w th like or limited power, ratifying irrevocably what is by him so due. Also I attested a Copie of the Bill of Robt Jones to Robt Willis of 2400 pounds sugar for paymt of 1213 pound Mus- cavados sugar at Boston freight free. w ch bill beares Dat. 28. (8) 1649. Also I attested another Copie 26 (4) 1650. & another tre Att r . to M r John Turner. 26 (4) 1650. 7 (3) leso. Noverint univ r si p pntes me Jacoba B lorn- field de Boston infra Nova Angl in America planters teneri et firmiter obligari Jacobo Everill de Boston p r d shoemaker in Sexde 06 " librio bone et legalis monet Aug d sol vend eidem A SPIN WALL, NOTARIAL RECORDS. 283 Jacobo Everill aut suo certo Atturnat Exec Administ vel Assignatis suis Ad qua quide solucone bene et fideliter faciend oblige me heredes exec et Administ meos firmiter p psentes. Sigillo meo Sigillat Dat vicesimo die martij Anno Dni milesimo sexcent quadragesim onono i^_9 . The condicon of this Obligacon is such that if the above bounden James Blomfield his Exor Administ or Assignes or any of them doe well & truly satisfy & pay or cause to be satisfyed & payd unto the above named James Everel his Exor Administ or certaine Assignes the full & just summe of Eight pounds of good & lawfull money of England (for so much p d for him to M r Gilford Leake for phisick & his passage to New England) at or uppon the tenth day of May now next ensueing the Date hereof w th out fraud or farther delay that then the above written oblegacon to be voyd & of none effect or els to remaine in full force strength & vertue. Sigillat Deliberat in pntia ura Edw. Bendall James Blomfield & a scale. Nathaniel Sowther Thomas Painter W m Blanchard. A true bill of Account of the Disbursments of M r James Everill of Boston for James Blomfield. 11. s. d. Imprimis p d M r Gilford Leake for phisick for him & for his passage fro Barbados to New England 08.00.00 It for 24 weekes dyet 06.10.00 It for 2 p r of stockings 00.03.04 It for a wastcoate . . . . . . 00.08.08 It for a suite & coate ...... 01.00.00 It for a shirt 00.05.10 It for a suite & short coate of broad cloth . . 03.03.11 It for steele white wine sugar strong water cur- rens & licorish 00.06.08 It one paire of shoes 00.04.06 It p so much paid M r Starr for phisick . . 00.18.00 21.00.11 Subscribed by James Blomfield in presence of James Blomfield Edw. Bendall Thomas Painter Nathaniel Sowther W m Blanchard. 284 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. [Page 256.] To all people whom these pnts shall come James Blom- field of Boston in N: England planter sendeth greeting &c: whereas James Everill of Boston afores d shoomaker for my reliefe in my greate distresse & weakness hath disbursed divers summes of money for my redemption & passage from Barbados to N. England & for Dyet phisick & apparell after my comeing there for the recovery of my health, to the value of twenty one pounds & upwards the w ch I am not able to make payment for here, And whereas my loveing father Alexander Blomfield late of London Inholder deceased by his last Will & Testam*. did give & bequeath unto mee the said James Blomfield his naturall sonne a certaine Legacie or be- quest to a good value out of which I desire satisfaction may be made unto the s d James Everill for his Disbursments for me in my great Extremity. Now know yee that I the s d James Blomfield for the true payment & satisfaction of the s d James Everill or his certaine Assignes his s d Disburs- ments for me as afores d , have given granted assigned made & set over & by these pnts doe give grant make assigne & set over unto the s d James Everill his heires Executo 18 Ad- mistrat or certaine Assignes the full summe of twenty one pounds & eleven shillings of lawfull money of England to be truly p d him or them or any of them out of my s d Legacy or bequest (in case my loveing mother doe not satisfy the same uppon Demand or w th in some short time after. And I the s d James Blomfield doe like- wise by these pntes constitute ordeine & appoint the s d James Everill or his certaine Attorney for him to aske demand & receive the s d summe of twenty one pounds & eleven shillings of my s d ffathers Executo re or Ad- minis trato rs or whomsoever els it is or shalbe payable from, to the use of the s d James Everill. Giving & by these pnts granting unto the s d James Everill or his cer- taine Atturney my full power & lawfull Authority by suite of Lawe or any other legall & lawfull way or course to recover & receive the same, tres of Acquittance or other law- full discharge for the same for mee & in my name to make seale & Deliver, And to doe what soever thing or things w h shalbe needfull & expedient in & about the premisses as effectually in lawe as if I had done the same my selfe in my owne pson, And thereunto I bind my selfe my heires execut & Administrate 81 firmly by these pntes in the summe of forty pounds of like current money to be forfeited & paid. In witnes I the s d James Blomfield have hereunto set my hand & seale the twenty first ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 285 day of March nine. An Dni one thousand six hundred fourty James Blomfield & a scale. Sealed & dd in psnce of Nathaniell Sowther Edw. Bendall Thomas Painter W m Blanchard. Memorand that whereas I have rec d of Alex. Monro of Boston N. Engl. a butt of wine at 12 11 price : w** I pmise to make a true & faithfull Acc to him of the sale thereof & to send him returnes thereof by the first con- veyance in merchantable Tobaco or other vendble goods at price currant : in witnes whereof I have hereunton set my hand this 14 th of the (4) th month liAA. Witnes Benjamin Negus. W m Righton. [Page 257.] 14 (3) lo_o M r John Parris Cap* Henry Gay & Capt. Aaron 10 th . a. To money to Capt W ys . To money & goods to yo r men To goodman Hart To Cordage to M r Allin To 1775 foote of Boards To goodman Cotton for meate To 3698 U of Beefe To 10 : bushells salt . To the Joyners .... To Cormont the mason . To M r Gillom . To a pound of twine To 2C : 47 U of Cordage . To Henry Belford To nailes ..... To 310 y*. Canvas To M r parris his man To 20 gallon oyle To 4200i u of bread To 100 bushells of pease To 1 Barrell powder To match To Ludkins the Smith . To Davis the Smith M r Richard Spans wick Williams D re . 8**. the 05 12 6 00 00 17 06 10 12 4 14 9 05 00 15 13 01 6 08 10 08 14 3 10 00 05 00 00 02 6 09 12 1 286 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. To 10: Tunns Caske . To M r Rashley To a butt of Sack To 56. gall : strong water To 2 : Sheepe skins To 6 : Doz: 1. pound Candles To 3. Kintalls Basse To 9. Kintalls Codfish . To M r Davis the Apothecary To Capt Dobson . To a Cable .... To Arnold for Beefe To M r Venno 1 : . To Clarke the Smith . To Garret the Smith . To the Saile maker To M r Shrimpton To a firkin of butter To phippeni for blocks . To Brother Hudson To Ensigne Manning To goodman Gillom To a barrell of flowre To M r Rashley . To pump leather . To Peter Daughton To Disbursments p me . To W m Billing . To Michael Calender To a fine for Richard Mustthin To a fine for Henry Belford . To a fine for Peter Daton To wood .... To 1. hhd Salt To 20. doz. knives To Lines H 38 10 : 15 02 : 06 15 : 00 14 :00 00 : 05 02 : 06 01 : 19 06: 15 05:05 02 : 05 18 : 00 00 : 14 10 : 05 04 : 03 03 : 02 07 : 00 06 : 16 01 : 10 03 : 06 43 : 00 27 : 01 01 : 05 01 :15 10 :10 00 : 14 02 :00 21 :04 02 : 00 01 : 10 00 : 13 00: 10 00 : 10 00 : 10 00 : 16 03 : 10 01 : 01 547 : 00 [Page 258.] P Contra Cr: To two hundd sixty fyve pounds elephants tooth ....... To 21: ounces@ q e ter of Gold li. 15 : 00 : 00 42 : 02 : 00 ASPINWAUL, NOTARIAL RECORDS. 287 II. 88. d. To freight for M r Lake 09 : 00 : 00 66 : 02 : 00 Rest to Ballance . 481 : 00 : 03 Erro rs excepted p me Aaron Williams : see more p 277. more w ch we allow the Major for provision for his money 50"- sterl. John Parris Aaron Williams 14 (3) 165.0. Boston this 4 th Jan. 1649 Loveing friends & gent. Capt Henry Gay & M r Richard Spanswick: haveing rec d a letter of credit from yo u unto New England for the getting out of yo r vessell for Guiney, & at my arrivall here Major Generall Gibons have accepted it, p w ch power I have formerly charged three Bills of Ex c : of two hundd pounds uppon yo u w ch I hope you have made good paym*. & now at the Ballancing of o r Accounts w th the Major there comes to yo r ptes to pay for yo r halfe the summe of seventy pounds ten shillings & fyve pence, for w ch somme have charged three Bills of Ex c : uppon yo u , w eh I hope yo u will make good paym 1 : to soe doeing I rest Yo rs to Com and as God enableth Aaron Williams. 15 (3) 1650. Shipped by the grace of God in good order & well conditioned by Theodore Atkinson of Boston in & uppon the good Catch called the Remember, whereof is M r under God for his p r sent Voyage John Browne & now ride- ing at Anchor in the harbo r of Boston & by Gods grace bound for the Island of Bar bathos, to say, fourty Kin tails of Basse fish for the Account of M r John Wilkins of London haberdasher of hatts being marked & numbered as in the Margent. & are to be dd in the like good order & well con- ditioned at the afores d port of Barbados (the danger of the seas only excepted) unto me Peter Mudd or to his Assignes he or they paying freight for the s d goods at three pounds p Tunne in Sugar at price current w th primage & averadge accustomed. In witnes whereof the Master or purser of the s d ship hath affirmed to three Bills of ladeing all of this tenor & date, the one of w ch three Bills being accomplished, the 288 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. other to stand void. & so God send the good Ship to her desired port in safety. Amen. Dated in Boston in New England this 13. of May. 166 . By me John Browne. 16 (3) -15.-S--&. Know all men whom these p r sents shall concerne that I Edward ffilpot Guner of the Peregrine doe make constitute & ordeine my trusty & welbeloved friend & in my place & steed putt my trustie & welbeloved friend W m Cotton of Boston to aske, demand leavie recover & receive the summe or summes of six pounds twelve shil- lings & eight pence, w h s d summe or summes are in cattle upon apprisall as two or three men shall prise them [Page 259.] in the hand of Martin Saunders of Braintree, & in case of refuseall of Delivery of the s d goods my s d Atturney hath by these presents full power to sue accept, imprison or impleade the body or goods of the s d Martin Saunders psecuting the law to the utmost, & in case of receipt of the s d summe or summes I give him power to give the said Martin Saunders as full & free a discharge as if I my selfe were psonally p r sent, Witnes my hand & scale this 25 th of Decem- ber. Anno Dni l^-il . Signed and dd in Edward Philpott & a scale, presence of Henry Walton Roger Williams. 28 (3) 1&&3-. By these p r sents I John Thompson Mariner acknowledge to owe & bee indebted to ffrances Willoughby of Charlstowne for sailes & cordage had of the shipp provi- dence that was : in the full & just summe of twenty eight pounds ten shillings, & doe hereby bind & ingage my selfe heires & assignes to pay the same unto the s d Willoughby in good merchantable dry cod fish to be Delivered at Charls- towne by the tenth of June next at price current witnes my hand this 25 th of Aprill, l&JLQ.. Witnes John Thompson. Robert Longe Robert Hale. 10 (4) -LS-5-2- Know all men whom these p r sents shall concerne that I Thomas Turner of Hingham doe release acquit & discharge Elias Parkman of Boston of all Covenants Bills bonds reckonings dues & demands from the begining of the world to this day, & whereas I am informed that ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 289 Joseph Armitage hath served the s d Elias Parkman w th a warrant in reference to a Covenant about the barke Supply I haveing assigned it over to the s d Joseph, I doe now find uppon further examination of the Account that the s d Elias had fully satisfyed & pay d his full due for three quarter pts of the barke Supply before that I assigned over the Covenant to the s d Joseph Armitage, & that this is the reall truth I have hereunto sett my hand this 4 th day of June Anno Dni. 166 . Signed & dd in pnce of Thomas Turner. Tho: Clarke Edw: Colcord Rich: Waite Henry Walton. [Page 259.] Articles of Agreem* indented & made the 23 th of the 4 th month 1643 betweene Edw. Bendall of Boston & Tho: Joyes of the same in maner & forme following. Imprimis the s d Edw. hath bargained & sould unto the s d Thomas sixty two foote of ground be it more or lesse as it is now market & sett forth lying on the north side of the Con- duit Creeke over against W m Hudsons the yong r . & so north & northwest as farr as the highway will admitt, pvided he come not w th in twenty foote of the corner post towards the southeast & so to range w th in sixteene foote of the other poste & so on to the northeast corner of the ground to the highway : The s d Edward filling up the hollow ground next the creeke, so as it may be fitt to receive goods that shall land, betweene the makeing hereof & six weekes following, the s d Thomas haveing liberty of bringing any vessell thither w th his owne goods : yet so as not to hinder the harbouring of other vessells through his neglect or long continuance there, pvided that the s d Edward remove all the pipe staves & bolts w th in two months next after the makeing hereof, & in case they lye longer then to allow the s d Thomas after fyve shillings p month for so long as they shall lye there, To have & to hould the s d ground w th these liberties unto the s d Thomas his heires & Assignes from henceforth & for ever so long as the s d Edward his heires & assignes is to have it of the towne of Boston. Itm it is further covenanted bargained & agreed uppon be- tweene the s d pties, that for & in consideration of the above s d premisses, the s d Thomas shall pay unto the s d Edward & his Assignes, the summe of thirty pound, viz* 20 U in good 290 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. merchantable fish at the price current, & in shooes & linnen & wollen cloth & 40". in moneys w th in six weekes next after the date hereof, & ten pounds to be pd in worke as reason- ably as other men will worke w th in thirteene weekes next en- sueing, the s d Thomas keeping in repaires at his owne cost & charges all the water worke of the s d sixty two foote, so long as he or his heires or assignes enjoy it & That the s d Thomas shall erect & sett up w th in two yeares space next after the Date hereof one house uppon the s d ground, of one hundred pounds price for ornament to the place, And further what goods shalbe laid either in the house so built, or ground (excepting his owne) shalbe lyable to pay the accustomed wharfage unto the s d Edward & his Assignes. In witnes o r hands the day & yeare aboves d Signed & dd in the pnce of Thomas Joy his marke. Philemon Pormort James Ripper [Page 260.] 13 (4) 16.5.0. Whereas there are divers differences de- pending betweene John Peters M r of the shippe ffortune & John P arris merch* about the s d Shipp & Iron bought by the s d Parris of the s d Peters we the s d John Peters & John Parris by o r free & mutuall consent have referred all differ- ences betweene us from the begining of the world unto this psent sixteenth day of May one thousand six hundd & fifty unto major Generall Gibons as umpire Nicholas Davison & George Lad Arbitrators indiffently chosen betweene us to determine & finally to conclude the same & do p these presents bind o r selves each to other in the penall summe of one thousand pounds sterl to stand to theire award & finall determination, as witnes o r hands the day & yeare above written. signed H diet John Peters John Parris We whose names are here under written being Arbitrators chosen by John Peters & John Parris as in the writeing above expressed to conclude of the differences betweene them, have heard both theire Allegations & seriously weighed the same doe hereby finally determine & award the same as followeth. 1. Concerning the Iron being seventeene Tunns three hundred w ch the s d John Parris bought of the s d John Peters, we award that the s d John Parris shall pay for the same ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 291 after the rate of fourteene pounds the Tunne, & if the s d John Peters can make it appeare it cost more in Holland sterl money that then the s d Parris is to allow so much more, all w ch is to be allowed after the shipp ffortunes arrival! at Barbados from Guiney. 2. Whereas there were Charter pties drawne betweene the s d parties at the Barbados for the hire of the s d shipp ffor- tune it is agreed betweene them that the s d Charter parties shalbe void & of none effect, & the later agreem* made betweene them in New England to stand in force, to w ch we cannot but consent & award. 3. We award, being p the s d Peters agreed unto, that what money the s d John Parris have paid unto the s d John Peters, w ch is two hundred & fifty pounds sterl, that the s d Peters is to allow the s d Parris, for the forbearance & adventure of the same as two indifferent men shall judge, w ch is according to Charter party. 4 We award that John Parris shall give unto the s d John Peters at the arrivall of the s d shipp ffortune from Guiney to the Island of Barbados one Negro boy cleare of all Charges, being lawfully demanded p the s d Peters or his assignes. Edward Gibons, Nicholas Davison, Georg Lad Acknowl- edged by John Peterson the 12 th of the 4 th m. 1650. before me Increase Nowell. Also I attested a Copie. 13. (4) JLfiJUL i n the name of God Amen. This Charter ptie of a freightment made betweene John Parris Merch* of New England of thone ptie, & John Peters of the same place afores d on thother ptie, Witnesseth that the s d John Peters being Owner of the good shipp called the ffortune of New England burthen one hundredd & twenty Tunns or thereabouts now rideing at Anchor in Charls River in New England aforesaid [Page 261.] hath granted & letten to freight unto the s d John Parris all the afores d shipp w th all her appurtenances what soever, to say masts yardes sailes anchors Cables uptackles ground tackles together w th foure Gunns & all other necessaries thereto belonging fitting for her intended voyage w ch is in manner & forme following, that is to say, so soone as wind & wether shall pmitt the s d Ship ffortune to saile p Gods grace for the coast of Guiney or any other lawfull port or place where the s d John Parris shall send her, And the s d John Peters doth covenant & agree that the s d shipp ffortune shall 292 ASPUSTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. continue in the s d John Parris his service eight months at the least or sixteene months at the most, & further the s d John Peters doth covenant & agree to & w th the s d John Parris that in case the s d ship ffortune happen to want in the interim of the voyage any appurtenances whatsoever, that he the s d John Parris is to furnish the s d shipp w th all, And he the s d John Peters doth covenant & agree to & w th the s d John Parris to allow him for what he shall so disburst, to- gether w th so much pvision for his money w ch shalbe laid out, as two men indifferently chosen between I also attested them shall judge of. And the s d John Par- a Copie. ris doth Covenant & agree to & w* h the s d John Peters to victuall the s d shipp ffortune & to find & allowe a competent Company of men to saile her & to pay all such wages as shall grow due to the men w th in the terme of the s d voyage. And further the s d John Parris doth Coven* & agree for himselfe & his Assignes to pay unto the s d John Peters or his Assignes the summe of thirty pound sterl p month after her arrivall at Barbados or any of the Leeward Hands w th in fourty dayes after her discharge in goods of the Country according to the price Current, as also to allow & give unto the s d John Peters sufficient security for what freight shall then grow due, before any goods be taken out of the afores d ship. In witnes whereof the pties above named have to this Charter- ptie put to theire hands & scales the 10 th day of Decemb. An . 1649 Annoq Rx: Sealed & dd in the presence of us Rob* Long the marke of the John Van hoegaerden s d John H Peters & a scale. John Richbell Acknowledged the 12 th of the 4 th m. 1650 before me Increase Nowell [Page 262.] 18 (4) 1-M-O Shipped by the grace of God in good order & wel conditioned by mee John Parris in & upon the good Ship called the S* Martine of Allickemore whereof is mast r under God for this present voyage Martine Jacobs & now riding at Anchor in the River of Charlestowne & by Gods grace bound for the He of Maderas to say one hundred sixty fyve kint of dry fish ten thousand two hundred thirty six pipe- staves eight hundd of hhd staves thirty Rowles of Barbados Tobacco, weighing one thousand nine hundd & fifty nine pounds being marked & numbered as in the margent, & are to ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 293 be Delivered in the like good order & wel conditioned at the af orses d port of Maderas (the danger of the seas only excepted) unto Edward Sommous & Richard Pickford or to theire Assignes, he or they paying freight for the s d goods according to Charter ptie w th primage & avarage accustomed. In wit- nes whereof the master or purser of the also I attested s d ship hath affirmed, to three bills of a Copie, lading all of this tenor and date, the one of w ch three bills being accomplished, the other two to stand void. And so God send the good ship to her desired port in safety. Amen. Dated in Charles towne this 10 th X ber 1649. Deese persecles out fourd die 26 icht on bebrent maerten Jacobson. Deposed 24 (4) 1650 by wil : Stanno that this is a true Copie of the bills of ladeing & of the goods shipped ^re me. Increase Nowell. 18 (4) 1650 Shipped p the grace of God in good order & well conditioned by mee John Parris & John Hill in & uppon the good Ship called the S* Martin of Allickmore whereof is M r under God for this present voyage Martin Jacobs & now riding at anchor in the River of Charls. and by Gods grace bound for the Isle of Maderas to say ninety seven and a half Kint of dry fish being for the acc of wee the s d John Parris & John Hill & are to be Delievered in the like good order & well conditioned at the afores d port of the Maderas the dangers of the seas only excepted unto M r Edward Sommans or to his assignes he or they paying freight for the s d goods six & a halfe Ryalls p Kent w th primage & & average accustomed. In witnes whereof also I attested the master or purser of the s d ship hath a copie, affirmed, to three bills of ladeing all of this tenor & date, the one of w ch three bills be- ing accomplished thother two made void, And so God send the good ship to the s d port Amen. Dated in Charles towne this 10 th of X 1 **. liLiJL. Deese perseels out fange die 26 icht out bebrent Maerten Jacopse. Taken uppon oath 20 (4) m. 1650 by W m Stanno before me William Hibbins. 18 (4) ifiJLfl. Barbados ffor as much as Martin Jacobson master of the good ship called the S* Martin of Alickmore was freighted by Edward Sommas & Richard Pickford Merch te in the Maderas & from thence to this Hand aboves d & from this Hand after freight- ing to saile for the Port of Hamborough or Lisbone as by 294 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Charter pty may appeare made between the s d master & the s d nierch* 8 but the s d Merchants Agents or faco rs could not in any manner pforme w th the s d master according to Charter pty (wherefore the s d John Parris & Robert Pickford in the behalfe of themselvs & their imployers in the Maderas doe coven* & agree to & w th the s d Master shall as soone as he shall have taken so much merchandiz as shall amount to three hundd pounds sterl w ch shalbe for security for the aboves d masters freight) then directly to set saile from this Island for the Port of Boston in New England & the s d shipp and goods arriveing at the port afores d the s d master is to Deliver all such goods & merchandise as the s d Parris & Pickford shall lade aboard the s d shipp (unto such merch ts there) as they shall consigne the same [Page 263.] provided the s d Merch* 8 shall give unto the s d master suffi- cient security to lade in the above shipp the above s d quan- tity of goods And after the Delivery or Unladeing of the afores d ship The s d Merch* 8 at Boston w th all convenient speed shall lade the s d shipp w th such merchandise as they shall have order from the s d Parris & Pickford (it being to the value above specifyed for the Masters security And the s d master there being laded shall directly saile God sending faire wind & wether for the Island of the Maderas & there to receive his freight to the full That is to say from the day of the Date hereof untill his s d ship shalbe discharged in the Maderas by the s d imployers for the freight foure hundred & seventy Holland guilders or two hundred thirty fyve Cru- sadoes Portingall money to be p d for every month as long as the s d ship shall continue in the s d Irnploy or service And further the s d ffactors doe for themselves & niercht 8 coven* w th the s d master that if he shall have ocas ion to vse the summe of thirty pounds sterl hi New England to buy him any kind of provision for the s d shipp he shall receive the same at Boston afores d , And according to the true intents & meaning of these presents the pties aboue said have put to theire hands & seales to all w ch the pties above specifyed doe interchangably doe bind themselvs each unto other in the full summe of foure hundd pounds sterl witnes o r hands & seales this first day of August ould stile Anno Dom. 16 49 Signed sealed & dd in presence of Maerton Jacopson Vanckerth B Mol Thorn Coy man. Also I attested a Copie. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 295 22. (4) lo. I attested an affidavit of John Partridge taken before M r W m Hibbins. That he was a Magistrate amongst us. 25. (4) 1&&SL. David Yale of Bosto in N. E: merch* did constitute M r Rob* Ingram of gratious streete London merch* his true & lawfull Att r : granting him power to aske &c of & from M r Peter Jones & M r Henry Quintyne all summe or summes &c: w th all damages for not accepting nor paying his Bills of Ex: drawne uppo them by theire order, or any other summes due fro any other pson whereof he hath formerly writ or shall write: & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: & generally to do all things &c: w tb power to substitute &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare &c: to sue implead &c: ratifying &c: 21. (4) 1650. I attested a Copie of M r Yales Acc. w th M r Jones & M r Quintyne. Also a Copie of M r Jones & M r Quintynes [Page 264.] tre Att r to M r Yale Dat. 15 (7) 1648. Also a Copie of M r Jones tre of the 15 th March 1649. & M r Jones & M r Quin- tynes tre of the 27 th March 1649. 27 (4) lA. Wee ffrancis Norton John AUen & Nich- olas Davison doe acknowledge o r selves to be indebted unto M r Marmaduke Randon & M r John Hart Resident in Bilboa the full summe of fyve hundred fourty & seven pounds ten shillings to be p d unto them or theire Assignes betweene the tenth & twentieth of June one thousand six hundred fifty & one in good merchantable dry Cod fish at the price Currant of the Country, & to be Delivered at the He of Shoales & to the pformance of w ch to be dd uppon the Rock we doe bind o r selves o r Executo rs Administrate 18 or assignes severally & jointly in a bond of a thousand pounds Sterlinge Witnes o r hands & scales Charletowne in New England the 14. of June. 1650. ffrancis Norton John Allen I promise to answ r for one third p* of fyve hundred forty & seven pounds ten shillings: w ch is one hundd eighty two pound ten shillings p me Nicholas Davison 29 (4) 1650 Uppon the request of M r Nich: Treryce I W m Aspinwall Not & Tabellion publ by Authority of the Generall Court of the Massachusetts admitted & sworne, doe 296 AspmwAiiL NOTABIAL RECORDS. in his name & his Imployers ptest against yo u Richard Thurstone for intertaineing his Boatswaine being not by him discharged, & for baileing the s d Boatswaine Robert Herrington being by the s d Nicholas Trerice arrested, & for all damages w* 11 he the s d Trerice or his Imployers Owners or Merch* 8 shall suffer thereby, for all w ch yo u shalbe re- sponsall in time & place convenient. This Protest was read & published unto the s d Richard Thurston the 29 th of June 1650^ 2 (5) 1650 I attested a bill of ladeing of Martin Jacobson to John Parris for one hh d beefe & one barrell: & a Copie of another writeing Dat. 25. (9) -L&-4J. subscribed James Neall 2 (5) 1650 Shipped by the Grace of God in good order & well conditioned by mee John Parris in & uppon the good shipp called the S* Martin of Allickmore whereof is Master under God for this p r sent voyage martin Jacobs & now ride- ing at Anchor in the river of Charls & by Gods grace bound for He Maderas, to say, one hhd beefe & one barrell being [Page 265.] for the Acc of Garret Lambertson being marked & numbred as in the margent & are to be dd in the like good order & well conditioned at the afores d port of Maderas the danger of the seas only excepted unto Garret Lambertson or to his Assignes he or they paying freight for the s d goods twenty shillings: w th primage & average accustomed. In witnes whereof the Master or purser of the s d shipp hath affirmed to three bills of ladeing all of this tenor & date, the one of w ch three bills being accomplished the other two to stand voyd & so God send the good shipp to her desired port in safty Amen. Dat in Charlestowne New England this 20 th of X***. 1649. Deese perseelles out fauge maerdiegredere out bebrent bij mijr maerte Jacopso 2 (5) AiUL(> I James Neale Merch 4 Att r . of M r W m Reade inhabitant in the Isle of Madera do acknowledg to have received of M r John Parris Merch* an ace of thirty & two pipes of Madera wine, w ch did pply belong onto M r W m Reade & received by the s d m r Parris for his Acc of Manoel Pradesavedo the nett pduce whereof & ballance of s d Ac- counts comes to the summe of six thousand fyve hundred thirty & six pounds of Barbados Tobacco w ch at 2 d p pound come to the sume of fifty foure pounds nine shillings & foure pence w h I doe acknowledge to have received of the ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 297 s d M r John Parris & doe hereby acquitt & discharge him for the like value as witnes my hand this 25 th of Novemb. An . Dni 1&. Witnes James Neale. James Grollier Mary Hawkins. 2. (5) 1650. Uppon the 2 (5) 1650. according to the Ace ' of Engl: Before me W m Aspinwall Not & Tab: pub. by Authoritie &c: M r Hen Shrimpton demanded of Capt John Cramp to take in a pcell of fish according to charter piy w tfc the Worp u Rowland Wilson & Martin Bradgate merch* 8 - The Cap* answered that his ship was not yet suffi- cient to take in his fish. W ch answ 61 being well heard & un- derstoode. I- the Not aforesaid at the request of tbe s d Hen Shrimpton & in his name & the name of his principalls did ptest & by these presents we p* against the s d Capt. John Cramp for all damages & demerage w ch the s d merch* 8 shall or may susteine through his shipps insufficiencie & neglect to take in theire [Page 266.] fish according to Charter pty, for all w** the s d Capt Cramp shal be lyable to make due reparations in time & place con- venient. This prot was thus published unto the s d Capt Cramp by me the s d Notary. 10 (5) 1 6 fro Uppon the request of M r Charls Saundera Master of the Shipp Charles, I W m Aspinwall Notarij & Tabellion publ by Authority of the Generall Court of the Massachusetts admitted & sworne uppon the 10 th day of the 5 th month called July, Anno Dni 1660 ' Doe ptest against yo u John Towne for opposing him & hindering him from takeing away his masts, that whatsoever demorage & Dam- age he shall suffer by such yo r opposition yo u shalbe respon- .sall & lyable to make him just & due reparations in time & place convenient. Quod virtute &c : 12 (5) ISiJOL. Uppon the 12 th day of July An Dni 1650. I W m Asp: Notary & Tabellion publ &c: at the request of Capt Barnaby Stanfast Comander of the W m & George of London, Doe ptest against yo u Symon Bo w yer, Thomas Hunt, Edmund Newton, Edmund Chapman, W m Johnson, Nathaniel Robertson, Charles say, Richard Webber, John Potter, John Ben net, & Edward Henman, for absent- ing from his shipp, for lyeing ashoare, for neglecting the duty of yo r places, and damages w 011 he & his princiaplls & own- 298 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. ers M r Michael Davison, M r Henry Day, M r Richard Nett- maker, M r Thomas Tailor &c. shall or may suffer thereby, & by yo r psecutions of him one Count after another whereby his voyage is hindered & like to be overthrowne, for all w ch yo u the s d Bower, Hunt, Newton, Chapman, Johnson, Robert- son, Say, Webbar, Potter, Bennet, & Henman, & each of yo u shalbe responsall, & lyable to make them just & due repara- tions in time & place convenient. Thus done & passed in the towne of Boston by mee the s d Notary: Quod virtute &c: 15. (5) I&AO. . Uppon the 13 th day of the 5 th month IAAA. according to the Acc of England before me W m Asp: Notary &c: psonally appeared Symon Boyer, Nathaniel Roberts Edward Henman, Edmund Newton, Charles Say, Richard Webber, Thomas Hunt, John Bennet, John Potter, W m Jones & Edmund Chapman, w ch Appearers required mee the s d Notary for them & in theire names to protest against Capt Barn, Stanfast. & against any voyage p'tended or intended by him (in the W m & George) except the Port of London, & also against that port except the ship be sufficiently manned & victualled & under another Comand r , & all this by reason of theire bad usage & his breach of Coven*. Accordingly I the s d Notarij at the request afores d & uppon the grounds alledged [Page 267.] by them, doe ptest against yo u Capt Stanfast & against any voyage p r tended or intended by yo u in the W m & George ex- cept for the Port of London, & against that also except Well victualled & manned & under another Comander, that what- ever casualty or Damage they have or further may suffer or that the Merch ts & owners shall or may suffer for the reasons above expressed or for any other Reason what soever, yo u Cap* Barnaby Stanfast are the Originall & cause thereof, & shalbe justly lyable to make due reparations therefore in time & place convenient. Thus done & passed in the towne of Boston, & published in p r sence of M r Georg Newman M r Roger Spencer. Quod virtute &c: Also I gave a Copie of this. 15 (5) 1AAQ. Uppon the 15 th day of July 1AJBJL Capt Barnaby Stanfast, required mee by Notary afors d to affix this his answer to the pticulars of the foregoing ptest, & to pub- lish the same to his men ; ffirst that he is Determined suffi- ciently to victuall his shipp ere shee dept the port, & that ehee shalbe sufficiently manned except they be the cause of ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 299 Default by falling of from the shipp : As for another Comand r if they have power to substitute one he will not hinder them; & whereas they ptest against all ports save London ; his Answer is he intends for London, though not directly, the pfitt of his Imployers not suffring. But if yo u absolutly resolve against all other ports : his answer is that if yo u will give him good security to the value of three thou- sand pounds (to be given him w th in two dayes next follow- ing) that the ship shall set saile hence by the 10 th of Sep- temb r next & from hence shall goe directly for London, & that yo u will deliver up the s d shipp to the Merch ts & owners w ch he shall direct (such danger of the seas excepted w ch human prudence & pvidence could not foresee nor prevent) together w th what freight may grow due homeward bound : & that all of yo u the aforesaid protesters will saile in the s d ship to the af ores' 1 port of London, then the s d Capt Barnaby Stanfast will deliver upp the s d ship into yo r hands & yo u may appoint such Comander as may seeme best. This answ r I the Not: afors d did read unto the s d Symon Boyer, Nathan- iell Roberts, Thomas Hunt, Richard Webber, Edmund Chapman, Edmund Newton. Quod &c: Also I read it Edw Henman. John Potter. [Page 268.] 17 (5) l&l-O Noverint universi p p r sentes we Johanne Parris de Charlestowne apud Novanglos Mer teneri et firmiter obligari Johani Maning de Boston Colonia p r diet Merc quadringent libr sterlingor solvend eidem Johanni Manning sine cert suo Atturnat Execut vel Administ suis, ad qua quide solucone bene et fideliter faciend oblige me heredes exec et Administr meos firmiter p p r sentes. Dat sigillat. die 3 mensis vulgo July -!. The Condicon of this obligacon is such that if the above bounden John Parris shall well & truly pay or cause to be p d to M r W m Peake Woollen Drap or Daniel Hoare or to theire Assignes at the signe of the Key in Canning streete in London, the full & just summe of two hundd pounds sterl for the use of the aboves d John Manning at or before the last of ffebruary next insueing that then this present obligacon shalbe utterly void & of none effect, otherwise to remaine in full force & strength Sealed & dd in pnce of John Parris & a scale William Aspinwall John Manning Jr. Richard Cooke I have cancelled this bond witnes my hand 26 (5) 1650. 300 ASPDTWALL NOTABIAL RECORDS. 17 (5) 156 In the name of God Ame This p r sent writeing of Charterpty indented made concluded & agreed uppon this sixteenth of July An Dni 1650. betweene John Parris Merch* of N. E: of the one pty, & John Thompson of Lime house in the Count of Middlesex mariner of the other pty, Witnesseth that the s d John Comand r of the good ship called the gift of God of London, burthen one hundd & twenty tonns or thereabouts now rideing at Anchor in Pascataqs river in N. E. afores d . hath granted & letten to freight unto the s d John Parris all the afores d Shepp w th all her apperte- nances whatsoever, to say, masts yards sailes anchors cables uptackles ground tackles, boates thereto belonging, together w th ten pcs of ordinances & all other necessaries thereto be- longing fitting for her intended voyage, w th eighteene seamen, w cb is in manner & forme following, that is to say the shipp the Guift of God shall saile p Gods grace from hence to the Barbados at or before the last day of August next ensueing the Date hereof, & there to take aboard such a Cargazoone of goods fitting for a voyage for Guiney if in case the s d Jo: Parris can there pcure it, & from thence w th as much conven- ient speed as may be shall take her Course for Cape de Vird & so from thence to Cape Lopuz & to stay so long & unlade such goods & merchandizes as is or shalbe appointed by the s d John Parris or his Assignes: & also to lade such goods and merchandizes as the s d Parris or his Assignes shall lade aboard the s d shipp, & the s d Jo: Parris doth Coven* & grant p these p r sents that he his facto 18 Deputies or Assignes or some of them shall & will well & truly pay or cause to be p d unto the s d Jo. Thompson the summe of ninety & fyve pounds sterl p month for eight months certaine or twelve months uncertaine hi goods of the Barbados according to the price there cur- rant, w tt in one month after the s d shipps arrivall there, & it is also covenanted & agreed p & betweene the s d pties to these psents that at the s d shipps arrivall at Barbados shall enter then into pay: Provided shee bee then ready to saile on her intended voyage w ch is in manner & forme afores d . & the s d John Thompson doth covenant pmise & grant that the s d shipp shalbe stanch & strong, as also well & sufficiently victualled tackled & [Page 269.] appaprelled w th eighteene seamen as afores d w th theire wages & all other necessaries at the s d J: Thompsons costs & charges, w ch is needf ull & necessary in such a shipp & such a voyage. It is also covenanted & agreed by & betweene the s d pties that the s d John Thompson is to have one quarter pt of ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 301 the s d shipp & cargo pro Rato, & it is likewise covenanted that the afores d men shalbe ready at all due times w th the boates of the s d shipp to serve the s d J. Parris his factors or Assignes to & from land dureing the s d voyage & also to dis- charge & Relade the s d shipp as opportunity shall serve, And it is also agreed by & betweene the s d pties to these presents that the s d M r or any of his men shall not receive aboard any goods or merchandizes from any man w th out first giveing notice to the s d John Parris his factors or Assignes to have one of theire consents, neither shall any of the sea- men of the s d shipp trade for any Negro or Negroes whatso- ever. And the s d J: Parris doth further Coven* to & w th the s d Jo: Thompson to buy the whole Cargo fitting for the in- tended Negro voyage if in case it may be pcured in the bar- bados, as also God sending the good shipp to her port in Guiney, the s d Thompson is to have foure Negroes freight free, provided he there buy them w th his owne goods. And it is further agreed by & betweene the s d pties to these pnts, that in case the s d Cargo cannot be pcured in the Barbados then the s d shipp being readie, to pceed on some other law- full designe until! a Cargo can be pcured & to have her freight as afores d . It is farther enacted & agreed that whereas it is afore expressed, No seaman shall take aboard any goods or merchandizes aboard the s d shipp, Wee do now agree they shall take aboard as much goods as shall amount to the summe of two hundd pounds sterl. to vend uppon the Coast, provided they buy no Negroes. In witnes whereof we the pties abovesaid have hereto sett o r hands & scales bind- ing o r selvs each to othar for the true pformance of all & singular the Coven td articles & agreem** in the penall summe of two thousand pounds sterl the day & yeare first above written. Sealed & dd in the pnce John Parris & a seale of us, Robert Sedgwick John Thompson & a seale. John Allen Acknowledged the 16 th of the 5 th month 1650. by M r John Parris & m r John Thompson before mee Increase Nowell I also attested a Copie the 18 (5) 1650. [Page 270.] 18. (5) !&. I attested a tre Att r from John Hart to Richard Jarrett for recovery of debts & sale of land, 18. (5) 1650. John Holgrave of Salem Constituted 302 ASPDTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. [Page 270.] John Parris of Charlestowne his true & lawful Att r . irrevo- cable for him & in his name but to his owne pper use to aske Memorand that I Thomas [sic] Clarke of New England doe assigne this bill due from Thomas Scranton in the summe of fourty two pounds to m r John Leveret & M r Robt Scot of Boston, or theire Assignes as witnes my hand. Jonas Clarke. Know all men by these p r sents that I Lionel Cooke of Witles bay in Newfoundland do pmise to pay to the s d Jonas Clarke seaman dwelling in N. Engl. or his assigns the full summe of fyve pounds of good lawfull English Money: & this do Lionel Cooke pmise to pay or my heires Executo rs admin or Assignes to the s d Jonas Clarke or his Assignes this debt formerly mentioned by the 12 th of Aug. next ensue- ing the date hereof, whereunto I set my hand & witnes L C. Lionell Cookes marke written in Aug. the 27 -LS-l^ 4. Octob. 1649 I assigne this bill to M r John Leveret & M r Rob* Scot of Boston merch* 8 as witness my hand Jonas Clarke. August. 27. 1649. Know all men by these presents that I W m Preston of Witlesbay in Newfoundland do acknowledge my selfe Debtor ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 309 to Jonas Clarke of N. Engl. seaman the full summe of foure- teene pounds sixteene shill. & six pence, to be p d in & by the 12 th of Aug. next ensueing the date hereof, & I W ra Preston doe pmise to pay my selfe or heires exec Administ or as- signes. this full summe good & lawfull English money to the s d Jonas Clarke or his Assignes. Witnes my hand H W m Prestons mark the signe of Phillip gore. 4 octob 1649> I assigne this bill to M r John Leveret & M r Rob* Scot of Boston as witnes my hand Jonas Clarke. Aug. 27. 1649. more to put to the Account of W m Preston foras much Tobacco as comes to foure pounds thirteene shillings sterl. to pay the 12 th of next Aug. after the date hereof, in ready money to pay to Jonas Clark or his Assignes witnes my hand H W m Prestons marke 4. octob 1649, I assigne this bill to M r John Leveret & M r Robert Scot of Boston as witnes my hand Jonas Clarke. [Page 277.] 27 (5) 1650. I also attested A copie of the foregoing bills & assignments. The Acc betwixt M r John Parris and M r Rich. Spanswick Capt Henry Gay, & Capt Aaron W ms is recorded before p. 257 & the teste here followeth 27 (5) 1650 Deposed by m r John Parris & W m Stanno the 14 th of the 3 d . mo. -I6_5_o t h at this is the Copie of the Acc. & this is Aaron W ms owne hand, before me Increase Nowell. Deposed by W m Stanno also the same time to a letter of Credit given by Capt Henry Guy & M r Richard Spanswick w ch he saw in Capt W m8 his hand, & uppon w ch Capt W ms charged bills of Exch. w th a tre of advise, but he saw them not subscribe it, only saw it in Capt W ms his hand w th theire names to it. Witnes my hand Increase Nowell Deposed by Major Generall Ed. Gibons that this Acc he & Capt W ms made & subscribed by Capt W ms as a true Acc errors excepted. the 25 th of the 5 th mo. !A2. before me Increase Nowell. 310 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 27 (5) l*A M r Parris & m r Spanswick Dr for the Ship John Imprimis To money p d for wages . . . . 14 : 06 : 11 To 25 gall of oyle at 6 s p gall . . . 07 : 10 : 00 To 27 U . of bread ..... 25 : 16 : 00 To 2 barr 118 of tarre 28 s p piece . . . 02 : 16 : 00 To the Brassier ..... 06 : 04 : 06 To 10 Kent merch* fish 15 s . . . 07 : 10 : 00 To goodman ffranklin for nailes . . 00 : 14 : 06 To 10. doz. & halfe of Candles . . . 03 : 18 : 09 To one tun of Iron ..... 26 : 00 : 00 To two bush: of charcoale . . . 00 : 02 : 00 To. 66. bush, of pease at 4 8 . . . 13 : 04 : 00 To goodman ffarnam for worke . . . 01 : 10 : 06 To. 2 Cord of wood ..... 00 : 13 : 00 To. 16. bush, of salt ..... 02 : 01 : 06 To Tho. Bartloe ..... 00 : 06 : 06 To. goodman Ludkin bills . . . 04 : 12 : 04 To M r Venners bill ..... 06 : 09 : 08 To M r Blacklidges bill . . . . 01 : 16 : 10 To hookes ...... 00 : 05 : 06 To 1. barrell of powder . . . . 06 : 00 : 00 To a grapnel for the boate . . . 01 : 05 : 00 To Jonathan for a suite & bed & c . . 05 : 03 : 02 To beefe at 28 8 . p Cto . . . . 39 : 09 : 06 To Carpenters worke . . . . 03 : 04 : 00 To goodman Clarks bill . . . . 09 : 04 : 02 To 21i yds canvas ..... 01 : 15 : 10 To goodman Cotton for meate . . . 01 : 03 : 07 To goodman Nash for mutton . . . 00 : 04 : 06 To 17 i tuns of Caske . . . . 14 : 15 : 00 To goodman Ward for a boate &c . . 05 : 05 : 00 [Page 278.] brought from the other side . . . 213 : 08 : 03 To 1216. foote of boards . . . . 003 : 01 : 08 To an anchor & chesill . . . . 002 : 12 : 01 To 3 bush, of flowre . . . . 001 : 04 : 00 To water & other things . . . . 000 : 17 : 10 To Junck ...... 000 : 15 : 00 To good. Grosse for beere . . . 002 : 02 : 00 To wine vinegar & strong water . . 030 : 15 : 00 To the Augmenting Doctors chest . . 002 : 00 : 00 To 4. Coile of ropes ..... 002 : 00 : 00 To pump lether ..... 001 : 00 : 00 To 15 bush, of haire ..... 000 : 15 : 00 To the shipp to M r Allen . . . 350 : 00 : 00 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 311 To the Docto r to goodman Hudson . To Capt W m8 to Hudson .... To M r Joslin the mate .... To match ...... To goodman Barlow for caske . To money to the Capt .... To pump boxes ..... To ruff & clench To M r Shrimpton for the Docto r To goodman Ludkin one pestle & other To one frying pan ..... To the saile maker ..... To one paire of gould scales To 117" of reson a 2 d p lb . To severalls more is . To one hhd beefe & 1 pipe of beveridg wine ....... To 91 U tobacco To tobacco rotten w ch give yo u credit for . To 80: pp: for forbearance of my mony & pvision is ...... Summe tot: p Contra Credito r viz*. By a ffrigot is Somme .... By. 9C 2<* r . 7 U . of sugar at 4 U p Cto . By 42 rolls tobacco good & bad By 4 baggs of Cotton weight 1195 11 pounds at 7 8 p pound ..... Due to ballance as appears is the Errors excepted Edw. Gibons Aaron Williams. 001 10 00 001 10 00 002 10 00 000 11 00 000 09 06 006 07 06 000 06 06 000 06 06 000 09 00 000 02 00 000 04 06 000 11 00 000 08 02 000 19 06 013 13 00 013 02 00 001 03 00 005 00 00 080 00 00 739 14 00 080 :00 : 00 038 00 :00 036 :16 06 034 : 00 00 550 :07 :06 00 Teste wee 8 th ISA*. W m Hudson. John Spoore. Deposed by W m Hudson & John Spurre that this was ac- knowledged & subscribed by the Major Generall Edward Gibones & Capt Williams, before me the 25 th of the 5 th mo. 1650 ' Increase NoweU. I also attested that M r Nowell is one of o r Magistrates [Page 279.] 29 (5) isi-fi.. Noverint universi p p r sentes me Johanne Parris de Charlestowne apud Novangles teneri et firmiter 312 ASPINTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. obligari Johanni Maning de Boston mercatori in quadringent libr sterlinges Solverid eidem Johanni Manning sive certo suo Atturnat Execut vel Administr suis Ad quam quide so- lutionem bene et fideliter facienden obligo me heredes Exe- cut et Administ meos firmiter per p r sentes. Dat sigillat vi- gesimo sexto die Julij !. The Condicion of this obligacon is such that if the bills of Exchang for two hundd pounds drawne by the above bounden John Parris on M r John Wadlow in Barbados, w ch be ac- cepted of the s d m r Jo: Wadlow, to be p d in London accord- ing to order, if the s d two hundd pounds be accordingly p d in Engl. for the use of the above s d John Manning then this present obligacon shalbe void & of none effect, otherwise to remaine in full force & strength. Sealed & dd in pnce of ) John Parris & a seale. Arnold Elzey William Aspinwall ) M r Arnold Elzey came before me this 18 th ol the 8 th mo: 1653 and testyfyed upon his oath that the said John Parris signed & sealed this bill obligatory to w h he is a witnes to the use of the pties or ptie w* 11 in menconed the deposicon is ctyfyed by me Willm: Hibens Nth South nots pub: 2 (6) -i&AA. Be it knowne by these presents that we John Gudevers & John Parris Merch ts . doe acknowledg o r selvs indebted unto Capt Peter Marinson Comand r of the ship Salamand r of Trevire in the summe of six hundd pounds sterl to be p d unto the s d Peter Marinson or his assignes w th in foure weekes after the arrivall of the s d ship in the port of Barbados or where els she shall deliver her ladeing. But in case the s d ship or goods miscary before she <3ome to her first port (w ch God forbid) then we the s d John Gudevers & John Parris doe Covenant only to pay unto the s d Peter Marinson or his Assignes the summe of twoe hund & fifty pounds sterl. The payments aforesaid to be made in fruites of 'the Country Tobacco only excepted. Unto the true pforme [Page 280.] ance whereof we the s d John Goodevers & John Parris have hereunto sett o r hands & scales this second day of Aug. 1650. And they covenant to make these payments at price current in the Country. Sealed & dd in pnce of. John Gudevers & a seale John Parris & a seale. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 313 22 (5) 1650. Upon the two & twentieth day of July An Dni 1650. Before me William Aspinwall Notary &c: psonally appeared Capt Barnaby Stanfast, & required mee to accompanie him to publish & declare unto his men his Re- joynder to his mens reply. Accordingly I the Notary afores d accompanied the s d Appearer to the Castle where he mett w th many of his men, to whom I published his ensueing An- swer in the name of s d Captaine, ffirst that his shipp shall goe for London directly as wind & wether will pmitt. Secondly that if they will nominate whom they desire to be Master & Comander over them, the s d Captaine will invest him w 411 power. And what soever is desecline in the ship to take in merchts goods, uppon notice by them given he will take order it shalbe made sufficient, ffurther the s d Capt Stanfast in my heareing did tender to m e Symon Boyer his mate to make him Master for the voyage back to London, w ch he the s d Boyer did then accept for himself e, but an- swered, that if the Capt will Authorise a Comander & will engage for paym* of wages, he will goe the voyage to London. The rest of the Companie of Seamen would give mee no ex- presse answer. And the Capt requireing them to repaire aboard & attend uppon theire places (they being satisfyed for their wages according to the Judgm* of the Court, as he did affirme, & they did not deny:) they generally refused. Thus done & passed in the towne of Boston in N. E: Quod 5. (6) 11 5.0. i attested a Copie of a bill for 50 11 from Symon Kempthorne to Thomas Kemble. Dat. 1 (4) 1649. 5 (6) ie_61. I attested a Copie of a Bill of John Turners & Benjamin Gilloms to M r Stephen & Adam Winthrope of two hundred & fifty pounds adventure in the ship Expecta- tion & Cargo. Also M r Adam constituted ffrancis Robinson of Barbados merch* his Att r : granting him power to aske leavie &c of John Turner his Credits & effects the afores d Bill, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to sue implead & psecute & generally to doe all things w ch himself e could doe if present [Page 281.] Mr. Adam Winthrop did constitute his hono red frend Mr George Cleves his lawfull Atturney w 01 full power to aske &c: all those cattle morgaged by John Lee. & debts due by Thomas Merser & Tho: Miles. & to compound &c: according to the usual forme. 314 ASPINWALL NOTAKIAL RECORDS. 17 (6) 165 I attested a Copie of a procuration fro Sampson Salter to Rich: waiters to receive fourteene pounds fourteene shillings of M r Isaac Addington for wages. w th full power &c: Also another from Susanna Nodder to Rich: Walters of Ratclif to receive all such moneys as were due to her husband W m Nodder from M r Isaac Addington Comand r of the ship Unicorne. Also another from Edm. Higgs unto Rich: Walter to receive of Capt Isaac Addington of N. E: Master of the shipp Unicorne for wages due to his serv* Zaccheus Reade. 17. (6.) l&.io.. Be it knowne by these p'sentsthat on the 17 tb day of the 6 h month called Aug. An . Dni iSAS. Before me W m Aspinwall Notarij &c: psonally appeared Steven Greensmith of London Merch*. w eh Appearer of his owne will required me the s Notarij for him & in his name to aske & demand of M r Th. Broughton certaine writeings of his, to wit, a bond from M r John Allen for foure hundd pounds & an arbitration concerning the same. Accordingly I the s d Notarij did repaire f orthw th to the s d Tho. Broughton & in the name of the s d Appearer did demand the s d write- ings, w ch he then refusing to deliver mee, I the Not afores d according to the s d Appearers order did ptest & by these presents doe ptest against the said Tho Broughton, that what soever Damage he already hath or further may suffer by such deteineing of his Evidences the s d Tho. Broughton shalbe responsall for the same & lyable to make him just & due reparations in time & place convenient. Thus done & passed in the towne of Boston in presence of W m Pierce & W m Da vies witnesses hereunto required. W m Pierce Quod virtute officii &c: [Page 282] 27 (6) 1A4A Edmund ffaulconer of Andov r in N. E. planter did constitute m r W m Twisse of Andover afores d his true & lawfull Attu r : granting him full power & Authority for him & in his name & to his use to aske &c: of the Exec, of the last will & Testam* of Richard ffaulconer late of Kings cleare in Hampshire yeoman, or of Joane ffaulconer his mother, wife of the s d Richard all Legacies due unto the s d Appearer by vertue of the s d will, and of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound & agree, & to appeare in any Court &c. there to require law &c: to doe say sue &c: & generally to doe &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifying &c: ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 315 28 (6) 1^-5-SL. To all Christian people to whom this pres- ent writeing shall come, Especially to o r welbeloved brethren & friends in New England or any there unto related, that whereas we whose names subscribed being by the good hand of Providence brought unto an Island where we have discov- ered cut & prepared a certaine quantity of rich wood for tinckture, called Brasiletto, but wante ships or shipping to convey & transport the same, for England, Holland, or els where ; whereby it may become a Comoditie to us, Doe by these Authorise o r welbeloved friends, M r Stephen Painter, M r Phillip Chaddock & M r John Pierce, or any twoe of them, to acte, doe, bargaine & hyre a shipp or shipping, w ch shalbe thought (by them) convenient & comodious for o r use & behalfe before mentioned, but according to such instruc- tions as are given under o r hands to that purpose. And what soever o r s d friends shall doe accordingly, we doe pmis & in- gage o r selves to pforme & make good. To w ch end, we have in another schedule or writeing obliged o r selves. In witnes of this Truth, we have here unto put o r hands this present 14. of July lfi-5-fi. Anthony Jenour W m Rener Horatio mallory Joseph moore Solomon middleton Vincent Rener W m Righton ffloren: Seymor. Sagnatea. July. 17. 1A. Instructions for o r dearly beloved friends M r Stephen Painter, M r Phillip Chaddocke, & M r John Pearce for the pcureing & hyreing a ship, to come unto us, unto Sagnatea, to transport & carry o r psons & goods thence. 1. Our request is to yo u , (and we whose names subscribed, doe ordeine & authorise) o r welbeloved friends M r Stephen Painter, M r Phillip Chaddock & M r Jn Pierce or any two of yo u to aske & enquire after a shipp of 200. tuns or there abouts, sound & able to undertake a winter voyage for Eng- land Hollond ffrance or els where, as incouragement inviteth. 2. When mett w th such a shipp, then to endevo r to bar- gaine for & hyre that s d shipp, to undertake & sett saile for Sagnatea, that Island whereon we now reside. [Page 283.] 3. That, shall indevo r to arrive w th us, in the harbo r of Sagnatea by the last of November next. 4. That shall further bargaine & agree w th the Owners of that said shipp to take in a freight of wood ; only from freighters or undertakers, (mentioned in the bond of pform- 316 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. ance made & Delivered for the security of o r friends above mentioned,) & from none els w^out the approbation of the s d freighters & undertakers. 5. The s d shipp to be agreed w th to carry & transport any such freighter as shalbe occasioned to goe in the ship w th his freight, unto the Port of Deliverance of the s d ship. & uppon as easie termes as yo u can agree. 6. If any of the freighters shalbe occasioned to goe to Bermudas, or to remove theire families hence, thither, that yo u agree w^ 1 the owners of the shipp to that end, uppon so easie rates as yo u conveniently can. 7. That yo u shall not exceed to give ten pound p tun freight for England Holland or ffrance, nor fyve pound p head for passage. 8. That yo u would be careful! to condition w th the Owners of the ship, that we the freighters may have all possible assist- ance of shipps Companie & boate for quick dispatch of the shipp uppon her voyage & the rather because of o r want of boates to further the Designe. Antho: Jenour W m Rener Joseph Moore fflorent : Seymor Solomon middleton Vincent Rener. W m Righton Horatio mallorye 2 (7) i_5_o Robert Nash did constitute M r Charls Bridge his true & lawfull Att r . w th power to aske leavie &c: of & from John Throckmorton all such summe or summes of money due to him by bill bond or otherwise & of the receipt to give acquittance in due forme also to compound & agree &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to sue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute &c: M r John Thompson Nants 21 th March. 1AAA 2 (7) 1650 Lo: frend I hope these will find yo a in N: England, where I am advised yo u are, & makeing of a fishing voyage, God give yo u a good one & a market to all content, I hope Bilboa will be the place where yo u resolve to returne, If so pray yo u repaire to M r George Spry. If yo u will follow my advise, yo u will do well [Page 284.] not to goe for the streites for the times are very dangerous & there is many ffrench men of warre gone & goeing thither who doth daily take English. I should be glad to see yo u or heare from yo n , that yo u ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 317 may make yo r enemies lyars, for here are many reports of yo u , but I give no credit to any of them. Iff yo u intend to pceed for Naples, or any other place w th in the streites, & that yo u have more fish then yo r shipp can carry, I desire yo u in the name of the rest of the owners as also for my selfe to send that fish for Bilboa takeing freight there for it consigning it to M r Spry aboves d . & write us by all conveyance what yo u doe & where yo u goe for o r Govern- ment in ordering yo u how to pceed, from the place where yo u shalbe, I could say more to yo u , but will refer all till yo r comeing into Europe, consider the money we are out of purse & never got one Denier, & yet let yo r words be true & yo r pmises pformed & so God will give a blessing to all yo r undertakeings, not els remaine Yo r affecte ti : frend John Holle M r John Hallet of Naples is in London the rest of M r chants yeild yo u for losse, I have given them notice of yo r pceedings. Pray faile not to receive the debts due on yo r last voyage ffrom M r John Stoddier for a farthell of pap . . . . 11 : sterl ffor 12 hatts sould M r Ed Johnson . . 06. M r Valentine Hill for a pcell of salt , . 22 : 10 M r Stoddier, 42 n threed at 3 8 . p u is . . 06 : 06 46 : 16 str: John Holle. Indorsed To M r John Thompson Comand r of the shipp Guift of God. in N. England. 2 (7) l- 6 -&-. Memoriall for John Thompson Comand r of the ship Guift of God bound for Ourij & from thence for Superdevecha. When yo u arrive at Ourij yo u are to repaire to mons r Jn Oilier for whom M r Rozee gives you a tre In s d place yo u are to remaine fifteene dayes for yo r loading. & being there laden yo u are to sett saile for Supedevecha where yo u are to stay fifteene days more for yo r unladeing, & the same day yo u are unladen demand yo r money for the freight w ch is fifty livers p toune Ourij Missure therefore looke well unto it that yo u are not wronged at Ourij in yo r missure. Now in case yo u should lade at Ourij & so be forced to goe for Rochell yo u must observe that the Missure there be 318 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. not greater then Ourij, & in this case yo u are to have sixty livers p tonne. If you should not lade at Rochell then you are to goe for Burdeux & there take in yo r ladeing of such goods as he shall put aboard yo u [Page 285.] signeing bills for one hundd & twenty tonns at sixty livers p tonne. If yo u goe for Bassillonia w th yo r goods he is to give yo u the same freight as though yo u went to Supdevecha & there to be cleared. Have Speciall care to observe the days yo u enter into yo r ports & ptest assoone as the time is expired. yo u are to have thirty lyyers p day demorage. Now when yo 11 have received yo r freight make it us home by Exchang at the best rates the breakers will advise yo n , yo u are to receive the piece of eight at fifty eight souls & the Spanish pistoll for ten livers, but if in case yo n trade to & fro w 01 the shipp & that yo u put o r moneys on the Grosse adventure then be sure allwayes what men yo u deale w th & let insurance be made on the shipp from Port to Port, in as much as the shipp shalbe worth. & give us notice p every poste via Parris. If yo u take no freight then give us notice of it from the place where yo u unlade that we may insure homeward on the shipp. be carefull of whom yo u take yo r bills that they be good, so that no dispute happen hereafter. & if in case yo u lade salt to come home saile directly for the westcountry, but not for Plymouth if possible. We doe expect an acc from yo u of all things Yo r men are paid the most pte of them to this day, be carefull to agree w th them, & feare God as becometh Christians. & thus pray- ing the lord to protect yo u we remain e If good freight p r sent Yo r lo: frends for London or Amsterdam George Rozee imbrace it, but still re- John Holle member Insurance. Nants le 28 th 9*". 16 *9 Rozee Holle 6 (7) ! We whose names are here underwritten be- ing chosen to value or prize a pcell of ground & house of Ri: Straines w th the Marshall Deput levyed p Execution from ASPINWALL NOTABIAL RECORDS. 319 the Court for Paul Allistree, And haveing diligently viewed the same we do judge as followeth. Imprimis the ground being thirty one foote breadth in front & in length about eleven rodd & so extending to good- man Wings & so to the sea w th the wharfe 11. at 20 s . p foote is 31.00.00 One frame much decayed w th the cellar 11 broken and much decayed also at . . . 14.00.00 45.00.00 [Page 286.] In all for the land house wharfe & cellar as aboves d w th all immunities & preveledges there unto belonging at fourty fyve pounds. Witnes o r hands the 5 th 7 th mo. Tho: Marshall Barnabas ffawer Tho: Lake. 6 (7) 1M. Know all men that I ffrancis Smith Card- maker now inhabitant in Boston do by this present give bargaine sell assure & confirme the one halfe of the barke Prettie w 01 all furniture thereto belonging now bought from John Thompson to have & to hould the said halfe from all men that shall or may lay claime unto the s d barke as Ancho r Cable sailes riggin the halfe of all being due unto the s d James Pew his heires Execute 1 " 8 Admimstrat 1 " 9 or Assignes I ffrancis Smith acknowledge full paym* for the s d halfe bark Witnes my hand this 4 th 6 th M. -^ Witnes Thomas Lun ffrancis Smiths marke John Webster. 7 (7) -LS.&-2. Know all men that I John Thompson master of the ship Guift of God Doe by these pnts give grant bargaine sell assure & confirme unto ffrancis Smith of Boston in N: Engl. Cardmaker that barke or vessel of the burden of twelve tonns or thereabouts, w ch is called the Pritty & now lyeing in the Dock at Boston w th all the furni- ture belonging to the s d barke as masts sailes yards anchors rode & all & every other materiall & furniture belonging unto her or that is now abord her : to have & to hould to him the s d ffrancis Smith or his Assignes w 411 all the furni- ture belonging to her : notwithstanding & against the claime or p r tended interest of any pson or psons that may lay any claime to the e d vessell by any p r tended debt bargaine or other relation belonging unto me : And for the pformance 320 ASPINWALL NOTAHIAL RECORDS. hereof, & the security of the s d ffrancis Smith that he may- enjoy the s d vessell quietly notw^tanding any claime I doe bind myselfe in the penalty of thirty pound sterl: Witnes my hand this 5 th of Sept: ->-$. 5 .P. Witnes Henry Wills John Thompson. Thorn Lund Indorsed. Rec d in full of this bark pretty of ffrancis Smith Witnes my hand. John Thompson. witnes Thomas Lund John Webster [Page 287.] 7 (7) 1650 Know all men by these pntes that I W m Sayle of Segnatea als Eleutheria Esq. have made & or- deined, & by these pnts doe institute set & appoint John Pierce of Charls towne in New England mariner, my true & law- full Atturnie for me & in my name & for my use to aske & demand levy recover & receive all & singular the debts dues & demands that are due owing or belonging to mee of from or by any pson or psons in N: England afores d , giveing & granting to my s d Atturney by these pnts my fnll & whole lawfull power & authority for mee & in my name to sue ar- rest implead & imprison all or any the detainers or w th holders of any the premisses, & them againe out of prison to release, acquittance or other lawfull discharge (uppon satisfaction or other composition in my name to make Seale & Deliver, one Attu r . or more under him to set & substitute & at his pleas- ure the same againe to revoke, & also to doe execute & pforme for me & in my name every other Act or Acts thing or things necessary & expedient to be done in & concerning the p'misses as fully & effectually as I my selfe might ought or should doe if I were there psonally present & whatever my s d Atturney shall doe or cause to be done therein law- fully I doe binding my selfe to ratify & conforme by these pnts. In witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand & scale the 23 of the 11 month An . Dni 1649. Signed sealed & dd in pnce of William Sayle & a seale John Edwards his mark $ Phillip Wharton his marke. p. Henry Smith Scriv r . - 9 (7) 1AAA. This bill bindeth me Thomas Yoe of Bos- ton my heires Exec. & Administrate 18 topay unto W m Hud- son senior of the same towne his heires execut administr or ASPINWALL NOTAKIAL RECORDS. 321 Assignes the full & just summe of two hundd pounds sterl in manner & forme following, viz*, fifty pounds sterl in hand twenty fyve pounds in money & bever Merchantable at price current & twenty fyve pounds in beefe & porke at price cur- rent, as also fifty fifty pounds in fish that is merchantable dry & good & beefe & pease & porke at price current at or before the first day of July next ensue [Page .288.] ing the date hereof, & fifty pounds sterl more in the same kind at price current at or before the first day of July 1652. & fifty pounds sterl more in the same manner & kind at or before the first day of July 1653. & for more sure pfor- mance of the promises I the s d Thomas Yoe doe bind & make over a house bought of the s d W m Hudson unto the s d Hudson for security : In testimony of all w ch p r misses I have hereunto set my hand this 6 th day of Septemb r Anno Dui lJ_o. Signed & dd in the pnce of The marke of T Henry Walton Thomas Yoe W m Aspinwall. 14 (7) lfi-5-fi.. W m Parks assigned to Barnabas ffawer a a bill of thirtie pounds from from Robt Ashman of Stratford for paym* of fifteene 1 th of May 1649 in wheate & porke. Dat. 30 Sept. 1648. & Assigned 14 (7) ifi-tfi. 16. (7) i- 6 - 5 - - I attested a Copie of Elizabeth Merrick her will & her Inventory. 17. (7) l&JLS.. I attested a Bill of M r Thurstons to Majo r Generall, M r W m Bren [sic] Brenton & Benjamin Gillom to M r Thurston. 23 (7) 1650. I ffrancis Knight of Pemmaquid doe oblige my selfe my heires execut rs & Administrate to pay or cause to be p d unto John Bushnell of Boston or his Assignes the full & just summe of foure pounds fifteene shillings & three pence to be p d unto the s d John Bushnell upon demand in Merchantable Bever at price current as witnes my hand this first day of ffebruary. 1648. Teste. Georg Newman. ffrancis Knight. 25 (7) 1650. Know all men by these p'sents that I M r John Hudson & M ra Anne Elton both of Roade Hand have sould unto Edw. Burt of Charlstowne one Roane horse for the price of twelve pound & one young Cow for the summe of foure pound fyve shillings w cb I John Hudson 322 ASPINWALL NOTAEIAL RECORDS. & Anne Elton doe bind o r selvs to warrant the fores d horse & cowe unto the s d Edw Burt, & doe acknowledg to have rec d the summe of sixteene pounds fyve shillings, only fifteene shillings remaines unpaid & so witnes o r hands to warrant this in a lawfull way of justice from opposers con- cerning Cow or horse Witnes here of John Hudson Samuel Bellingham Anne Elton her m r ke W m Blantaine his marke. [Page 289.] 26 (7) 1AM. John Bible of Hull in N: E: constituted John Tincknell of Wedmore in Somersetshire his wives brother to aske leavie &c: a certaine rent due to his wife for lands in wedmore afores d (being daught of John Tinck- nell late of wedmore afores d deceased) also to acquitt sue implead &c: also to sett lett alien & sell the s d pcell of lands for & dureing the residue of her terme therein dureing her life. w th power to substitute one Att r : or more &c: ratifying &c: 27 (7) 14AA. I certifyed that Hugh Burt the elder of Lin in New England is liveing & in health. 27 (7) 1650. 30. (7) 1SJ-.2. Know all men whom these p'sents shall concerne that I John Throckmorton of Providence bind my selfe my heires Exer. & Administrators unto Robert Nash or his Assignes in the full & just summe of one hundred & twenty pounds to save him harmles in respect of a bill wherein he standeth ingaged unto Isaac Walker & Francis Smith in the summe of one hundd & twenty pounds for me the s d John Throckmorton. In witnes hereof I have hereunto set my hand this 14 th day of November l-S.i-8. Signed in the pnce of Jo: Throckmorton. Henry Walton Charls Saunders. 30 (7.) IfcM Robert Nash granted a tre Att r to George Munning w th power to aske leavie &c: of John Throckmorton a certaine Bill of one hundd & twenty pounds dat. 14 (9) 1648. & of the receipt to give acquittance, also to compound &c: & to sue implead &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifying &c: 1 (8) iSAS. January the 12 th Ann Dni 1647. These p r sents witnesseth that I Tho: Bayes of New Engl: Carpenter for divers good causes & considerations me there- unto moveing have constituted & made & by these presents ASPINWALL NOTABIAL RECORDS. 323 have constitute & made my trusty & welbeloved wife Anne Bayes my lawfull Atturney to aske demand & receive to ar- rest to sue implead & to cast in prison any pson or psons that is known to owe me any debts [Page 290.] or debts whatsoever either by bill booke or witnes & uppon lawfull satisfaction out of prison to deliver. Also I give my lawfull Atturney full power to make one Atturney or more as occasion shall serve in my absence as if I my selfe were psonally present as witnes my hand the day & yeare first above written. Signed & dd in presence of Thomas Bayes Robt Wings marke John Huntley. These p r sents witnesseth that I Lieftent W m Plummer my selfe or my Assignes or either of us to be accountable for certaine specialties Carpenter: the one Bill of three thousand nine hundd & another bill of tob of two hundd lb . of Tobacco. & ninety two pounds of Cotton wooll, & another bill of foure & fifty pounds of tob: All these specialties I the s d W m Plumer or my Assignes are lyable to be accountable to Thomas Bayes him selfe or his Assignes uppon all demands witnes my hand this 6 th day of May l^-il. Signed & dd in the pnce of us Will: Plumer Arth: Mackworth a coppy of this next above taken by me R. Howard Not publ Anne Bayes the wife of Tho: Bayes constituted M r Rich: Shelton her lawfull Atturney to aske &c of Lieften nt W m Plumer of Christophers Hand certaine specialties mentioned in a bill of his hand Dated 6 May. 1648. or the value of them. w th power to acquitt & to sue &c: w* power to substitute one Atturney &c: Ratifying &c. & all this was by vertue of his tre Att r : Dat. 12. January, l&il 2 (8) 1650. Every of us whose names are here under written Generally by & for him selfe doe covenant pmise & agree to & w th Richard Thurston of Boston in New England Mariner to hould the p* by oath of us severally here under written of such a shipp as the s d Richard Thurston shall build for o r uses not exceeding the burden of eight score Tonns or thereabouts, & likewise from time to time as we shalbe thereunto required to satisfy & pay a pportionable 324 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. part according to each of o r ptes so subscribed of all such summe or summes of money & goods as shall growe due for the building or [Page 291.] rigging or fitting pviding or setting to sea of the s d shipp in witnes whereof wee have hereunto subscribed o r hands this 28. of June. HL1A. John Rainsford for an eight. John Pemel for one eight, pt. Edw. Gibons one sixteenth because there is no more for mee. John Allen for one eight. Daniel Hoare for one sixteenth William Phillips for one eighth. Isaac Allerton for one eight. Richard Lord one two & thirtieth pt. 2 (8) 1AAH. Nicholas Hodgsden & Eliz: his wife (for- merly wife of John Needam) did make ordeine &c: Peter Bracket of Braintre in N: E: theire true & lawfull Att r to aske &c: of Capt Varvell or any other in whose hands may be certaine goods of her former husbands John Needam, shipped aboard the shipp of the s d Capt Varvell to carry to Virginia, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court or Courts &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifying &c: 9 (8) -L0-JL2. These shall ingage me John Parris to give unto M r John Thompson or his Order two hundd pounds sterl currant Bills for England at his Arrivall in Barbados for w ch I have rec d alreadie in p* one hundd Kint of fish at 33 Ryalls p Kint. w ch comes to eighty two pounds ten shillings & the remainder the s d John Thompson is to pay unto mee in Barbados unto w* pformance I put my hand this 16 th July 1A54. Teste me John Parris W m Stayno Robt Longe. Deposed by Robt Long that M r Parris did deliver this Bill hi his p'sence the 11 th 8 th mo. 1650. before me Increase No well. 10 (8) 1650 Know all men that I ffrancis Champnoone doe confesse to owe unto John Mills of Boston the summe of thirtie eight pounds eighteene shillings & 7 d i payable to him ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 825 or his assignes in the month of July or some time in the mo. of October next ensueing the date hereof in merchant- able Codfish at the Isle of Sholes at the price current, and for pforrnance bind my selfe my heires Exec. Administrators & Assignes firmly . [Page 292.] by these p r sents. Witnes my hand this 13 tu of ffeb. 1648. Witnes John Manning ffrancis Champnoone. Samuel Mavericke. 10 (8) 1650. Whereas John Mills of Boston in N: Engl. merch* hath the nynth day of this present ffeb. bargained & sould unto Capt ffrancis Champnoone one third pt of the good shipp called the Jane of the burden of one hundred tuns or thereabouts w th one third p* of all & singular the masts sailes saileyards anchors cables ropes cords guns shott artillery tackle yronworke apparell boate & furniture whatsoever to the s d ship belonging & appertaineing. To have hould pos- sesse & enjoy the s d third pt as wel of the s d ship as of all & singular the s d masts sailes saileyards & all other the p r misses unto the s d Capt ffrancis Champnoone his Exec. Administr & Assignes for ever as by the s d bargaine & sale doth more fully appeare. Now know all men, that it is fully covenanted & agreed by these p r sents between the s d Capt ffrancis Champ- noone & John Mills (notw th standing the before meucioned bargaine & sale) that the s d Capt ffrancis Champnoone shalbe accountable to the s d John Mills or his Assignes, for the freight of the s d third pt of the s d ship, for the voyage she is now to take to England, & also for so long time as the s d Capt ffrancis Champnoone shall hereafter sett or let out the s d shipp to ffreight, all charges pportionably for the same being first deducted. It is further covenanted & agreed be- tweene the s d pties, that if the s d Capt ffrancis Champnoone do make sale of the s d shipp to any pson or psons, then the s d Capt shall pay or cause to be p d unto the s d John Mills or his Assignes the full third p* of what he shal receive or con- tract for the s d shipp w th all the furniture belonging to the same uppon law full demand made thereof by the s d John Mills or his Assignes. It is likewise further covenanted & agreed betweene the s d pties that if the s d Capt ffrancis Champnoone do not make sale of the s d ship as aforesaid, then the s d Capt is to deliver the possession of the s d third p* of the s d shipp w th the third p* of all the premisses above men- tioned uppon lawf ull demand, to the s d John Mills or his As- 326 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. signes, & also the bargaine & sale before specifyed. And for true pformance of all the s d Coven* 8 . & agreements the s d Capt ffran. Champnoone doth bind himselfe his heires Execut & Administrators in the summe of three hundd pound sterl firmely by these p r sents. In witnes whereof the s d Capt ffrancis Champnoone hath hereunto set his hand & scale the twelfth of ffeb. An . Dni 1648. Sealed & dd in the pnce of John Dane George Munning. ffran. Champnoone & a scale. [Page 293.] 12 (8) lAfiJL. John Thompson p 30 U received in Lisbone .. p 5500 of staves aboard the Sarah p Jg pte of the ship W m & George by him to M r Hounsell .... p ballance of an Account past June 25 th . 1648 ...... p 6 months Dyet for Edw. Bullock . p 2 oxen received of Thomas Withers , 199 : 05 : 04 Dr to Sam Maverick sould 30 00 00 27 00 00 110 00 00 004 15 04 009 00 00 018 00 00 John Thompson is to make it appeare p M r Vennar that there was 162 gal of aquavite Delivered Nathaniel pte of the 60 U - I s p Contra. Nathaniell owneing the receipt but of 90 gallons, or els to deduct Will Fame p Contra p money p d m r Canson of London for me . pd m r Abley for me ..... Credit p an erro r on cloth stockings, & ) l u - 19 s to W m Hudson w ch he since paid j a Debt of Nathaniells by a subscribed Ac- count beareing Date the 21 th of Sept. 49 2 yeards of Currell ..... 2 paire of silk stockings .... 2 y d8 taffeta & a peece of stuffe . 6 pound of soape ..... 90 00 00 09 00 00 04 19 00 060 01 00 00 12 00 01 12 00 05 15 00 00 05 00 ASPLNWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 327 177 : 04 : 00 17: Su is 189 : 04 : 00 p 4 m of staves to be delivered to the As- ) signs of Samuel Maverick forth with ) 17 : 00 : 00 This Account passed betweene Samuel Mavericke & John Thomp- son the 8 th of July Ig 6. Samuel Mavericke. I Samuel Maverick do acknowledg to have received sat- isfaction from John Thompson for Jg pt of the shipp Will- iam & George, & doe hereby relinquish all claime or title to the s d p* of the shipp. witnes my hand hereunto sett this 10 th of July 1650. Samuel Mavericke. M r Bodily & M r Hancock I doe hereby give yo u to under- stand that M r John Thompson hath given me satisfaction for my pt of the shipp W m & George, & therefore desire yo u not to molest any that by order from him shall demand the s d part. Witnes my hand this 8 th of July 1650. Samuel Mavericke. [Page 294.] 12 (8) 1A4A. David Sellecke of Boston granted unto Peter Butler of the same a tre Att r : to aske lea vie recover & receive of all & singular psons in Virginia all & singular debt or debts summe or summes of money &c: & of the receipt to give acquittance &c. also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c to sue implead &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute one Att r : or more &c: ratifying &c: 14 (8) 13-5-2. Christopher Clarke &c: granted unto Peter Butler of Boston a tre Atturney &c: according to the former tre of Att r : 14. (8) iSASL I attested a bill of John Thompson to Adam Wright for Delivery of 10 H hogshed staves shaken fitt for the Coop to put together at 55 s p hun 15 (8) 13-5-2. Henry ffreeman did constitute H: Bright of Watertown in N: Engl: his Atturn r . to aske. &c: of John ffreeman gent, dwelling in blackfriers all the rents issues & pfitts of a certaine house in Blackffryers in London granted by priscilla ffreeman & not yet received & of the receipt to give acquitt: &c: according to the usuall forme w* 11 power of substitution &c. 328 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 15 (8) 13-2-Q.. Moses & Aaron Pengry of Ipswich consti- tuted Theo: Pengry senior of Glocester theire Att r : to re- ceive all such money or rents as are or shalbe due to them from tune to time, & acquittances for the same to make, also to sett or lett the ffennes in Upton Bishop in County of Hereford called the thornes & Testwood now or late in pos- session of Thomas Nurden, & granted by will of Isabell Red- verne late of Ipswich in N: E: unto the s d Moses Aaron & Thomas Pengry. 16 (8) im. Peter Watson constituted Rich: Walter his true & lawfull Attu r : granting him power to aske &c: of M r Isaac Addington all such money as are due to him for wages. w th power to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court to sue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifying &c: 17. (8) JUL5_o tfatjj. Byam of Boston, constituted Capt Pet: Andrews his true and lawfull Atturney. granting him full power &c: to aske &c: of all &c: all legacies give him & debts due to him. and of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifying &c: 17. (8) 1650. John Robinson of Haverhil in N. E. granted a tre Attu r to Robt Pike Salisbury in N: E: to receive a certaine le [Page 295.] gacie given him by John Robinson of Mapursall in Countie of Bedford Blacksmith his father, and of the receipt to give acquittance &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifying &c: 18 (8) 1&-6A Know all men whom these p'sents shall concerne that I John Turner mercht doe bind my selfe Ad- ministrato' 8 or Assignes to pay unto John Milom of Boston Coop or his Assignes the summe of twenty shillings p month for every month that Samuel Lamb servant to the s d John Milom shalbe in my service. As also to find the s d Samuel Lamb meat drink apparell & convenient washing & lodging dureing the time of his residence w th me. in testimonie hereof I have hereunto set my hand this 6 day of January. l&AJL John Turner. I also attested a Copie. 18 (8) ! I ff r a: Smith doe acquitt and discharge James Pew of & from all actions suites debts & demands whatsoever from the beginmg of the world to this day, only A SPIN WALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 329 six pounds ten shillings to be p d at M r Stoddards shopp excepted. Witnes my hand this 18 (8) 1&&1. Test. ffrancis Smiths marke. William Aspinwall. 18. (8) 1650. Georg Scoles of Lin granted unto m r Thaddeus Reading of Lin in N. E: a tre Atturney to receive of his tenant rent for a Yard of land & a barne, lying & being in Hawton in Sussex neere Arundell. Also to sett or lett the same for seven ye'ares. 18 (8) J-SJ.O. John Pierpon did acknowledg to have reed of M r Andrew Broughton of Maidstone in Kent or by his order an hundd pound in full satisfaction of a legacie given unto Thanckfull his wife by the last will of M r John Biggs of Maidstone afores d . & hereby doth acquitt the s d And. Broughton his Ex: & Adm. of the sume & of & from all actions suites & demands concerning the same. Dat. 18 (8) 1650. John Pierpont & a scale John Harwood. Thanckfull Pierpont. 19 (8) l-S.5-2. I attested a Copie of a deed of sale of a pcell of land at Kinnibeck from Abegadusett & Kenebes to Christopher Lawson. Dated 10 th October Uta.. Also another deed sale of the same from Christopher Lawson to Tho: Lake Dated 2 (5) 1650. Also [Page 296.] a lease of a pt the same from Tho: Lake to Alexander Thwaite for his life & wives life & first borne sonne lawfully begotten, dated 3. (5) HAJL. 19 (8) 1&S.& I attested a receipt or acknowledgm* of satisfaction to Thomas Lun from John Shaw in behalfe of a debt of thirty three pounds six shillings w ch he acknowledged was satisfyed in the yeare 1648. 19. (8) 16.5J1. Robt Darvell of Sudbury granted a tre Att r . to M r Henry Rice of London to receive all rents due to him for certaine lands called the Harrotts end lying in the parish of Norchurch alais West Barkamsted in Herefordshire, now or late in the tenure or occupation of James Benning, also granting power to sett & lett the same for three yeares compleate. 21 (8) 1SJ-0. John Milom of Boston did constitute M r Stephen Painter his true & lawful! Att r . to aske &c: of all & singular &c: all & singular debt or debts suinnie or 330 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. summes of money goods wares & merchandise whatsoever, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c. & to appeare in any Court &c: to sue implead &c: & generally doe &c: w m power to substitute &c: ratifying &c: 22 (8) l-2. ffrancis Mayow of Charles towne constituted M r John Smith of great Dunmow in Essex minister of the Gospell his true & lawfull Atturney granting his s d Atturney full power &c: to aske &c: of the Executors of the Execute 18 of M r John Chaire late of " London " deceased a certaine Legacie given to the s d Appearer, & of the receipt to give acquittance &c: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to doe saye &c: & generally to doe &c: w th power to substitute &c: ratifying &c: London the 10 th of Apr. 18*& & j"; d M r . Nicholas Davison 17 (7) 15J.O. teene dayes after sight of this my first of Exc a : my second nor third not being pd, I pray pay or cause to be pd unto M r Henry Shrimpton the summe of thirty foure pounds seven shillings & ten pence being for the like summe here received of M r Richard Wilkes at the time I pray you make him good payment & charge to my account So God Keepe yo u . Yo rs at Comand. Abraham Child. Indorsed To M r Nicholas Davison merch* in Charlstowne these dd in New England. Uppon the request of M r Henry Shrimpton who presented the bill of Exch. above written unto me W m Aspinwall Notary & Tabellion publ by Authoritie of the General! Court of the Massa [Paging 295, 296 repeated.] [Page 295.] chusetts admitted & sworne. I the s d Notary uppon the seventeenth of September one thousand six hundd & fifty did repaire to the s d Nicholas Davison & presented the aforesaid Bill demanding acceptance & payment according to the tenor thereof. M r Nicholas Davison answered that he had alreadie taken order for payment of the s d summe by way of Barbados to M r Childs. Yet if M r Shrimpton will accept of fish in this later season, he is willing & ready to pay it. This answ r being made by the s d M r Davison & not accepted by the s d M r Shrimpton, I the Notary aforesaid by ASPESTWALL NOTAHIAL RECORDS. 331 order as afores d from Henry Shrirapton did ptest, & by these p r sents doe ptest against the afores d Abraham Child, as also against any other that may be concerned thereby, for all ex- changes, Rechanges, & all other damages losse & interests w ch the s d Henry Shrimpton alreadie hath or hereafter may suffer for non acceptance & non payment of the abovesaid summe. Thus done & passed in the towne of Boston in New England & published by niee the said Notary in the presence of Henry Walton & John Mills witnesses there- unto desired. 22 (8) 1650 Noverint universi p p r sentes nos Henricu Parkes et Henricu Bright teneri et firmiter obligari Richardo Cooke de Boston octagint libr sterl: Solvend eidem Richardo Cooke sine certo suo Atturnato Execut vel Administrat suis, ad quad quide solutione bene et fideliter faciend obligamus. nos et vtrumqs urum heredes Execut et Administraturos p tote et in solido, firmiter p p r sentes. Dat sigillat die decimo tertio Sptembris Anno Dni 1649. The condicon of this obligacon is such that if the above bounden Henry Parks & Henry Bright or either of them do take such effectuall order that the Bills of Exc a . of fourty pounds drawne by the s d Henry Parks uppon his ffather Edw: Parks according to the teno r of the s d Bills beareing date w th these p r sents be p d to M r W m Peake or Daniel Hoare or theire or either of theire Assignes, w h being done this p r sent obligacon to be utterly void & of none effect, other- wise to remaine in full force & strength. Sealed & dd Henry Parks & a scale, in presence of Henry Bright & a scale. William Aspinwall Notarius publ: [Page 296.] 22. (8) 165. M r Raph Smith of Ipswich in N: Eng: constituted M r Hugh Goodyeare of Leidon in Holland his true & lawfull Att r : granting him full power &c: to aske levie &c: for him & in his name & to his use & to the use of Mary his wife (sometime formerly wife of Rich: Masterson of Leidon) all rents arrearages due unto the afores d Mary Smith for a certaine house or tenem*. Scituat uppon the uppermost graft neere the quackle brigg in leiden afores d & of the receipt to give acquitt: also to compound &c: & to appeare in any Court &c: to doe say sue &c: & generally to doe all things &c: ffurther granting him power to sett lett &c: the s d house dureing the naturall of the s d Mary: w th 332 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. power to substitute &c: ratifying &c: in presence of W m Worcester Richard Cooke. 22 (8) l& I attested Copie of a p* of a tre from M r Georg Pasemer to M r W m Westerhouse. Dat. 15. ffeb. 1650 from ffunchall Also of another from Georg ffryer to M r W m Westerhouse of the same [erased] Dated ffeb 18.1650 both attested by Tho: Johnson Steven Woodroofe & Christo. Wallis 1 (7) l&*. 23. (8) l&AA Richard Cooke uppon 23 d October. 1650. Substituted M r W m Peake of Lond. mercht & m r Daniel Hoare his lawfull Att r : jointly & severally, w* h like ample power as himselfe hath reed from John Manning to psecute m r John Parris for a bond of six hundred pound. 23 (8) 1650. Be it knowne &c: that I Ri: Thurston m r of the good ship called the Johns Advent 1 of the burden of of 180 te . or thereabouts, for valueable consideration sould unto Daniel Hoare & Ri: Cooke three two & thirty pts of the s d shipp & appurtenances as in bills of sale, w th warrantie according to the custome of Oleron Dat: 31 (7) 3JL5 o. RJ CD< Thurston & a scale. Test. W m AspinwaU W m Mills. 23 (8) 13-5 o. I attested a Copie of a Lre atturney from Jane Blake of Andover to m r W m Twisse to recover what is due from major Robt Sedgwick. Dat. 27 March. !. [Page 297.] 23 (8) 14A. Know all men by these p r sents that I Tho: Beaumont of London mariner do acknowledg to owe unto Charls Saunders of London mariner the summe of one hundd & six pounds & foureteene shillings of lawfull money of England to be pd unto the s d Charls Saunders his Execut Administr & Assignes uppon the twentieth day of May next ensueing the date hereof at the dwelling house of the s d Charls Saunders in Horsey Downe To w ch paym* well & truly to be made I do bind my selfe heires Executo rs & Administrate 18 in the summe of two hundd pounds of lawfull money of England firmly by these p r sents. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & scale the eighteenth day of October An Dni I 650 . Sealed & dd in the price of Thomas Beaumont & John Dand a seale. Deckeren Carwethen A SPIN WALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 333 24 (8) 1650. I attested a Certificat under the scale that Shubaell Dumer of the age of 15 yeares or thereabouts is son & heire of M r Rich: Dumer of Newberry by Jane his wife daughter of M r Tho: Mason minister sometime at Odjam in Hampshire & that the s d Shubael did choose his father Guar- dian. 24 (8) 1650. W m Partridge of Salisbury in N. E: did constitute M r Ri: Dummer of Newbury his true & lawfull Att r : granting him full power &c. to aske levie &c: of the Execu* of the last will and test: of John Partridge late of Olney in Buckinghamshire a certaine Legacie bequeathed to the children of the s d W m . & of the receipt to give acquit- tance &c: also to compound agree & hi any Court or courts to sue implead &c: & generally to doe all things &c: w th power to substitute &c: 24. (8) 1A I attested a Copie of Account of David Yales w th M r Jones & M r Henry Quintyne. Also a Copie of a tre of Lewis Morice Dated. Barbados 17 th Octob. 24. (8) l&~2. Shipped by the grace of God in good order & well conditioned by mee W m Davis of Boston in & uppon the good shipp called the George Bonaventure whereof is m r under God for this present voyage John Crampe & now rideing at anchor at Marble head & by Gods grace bound for Bilboa, to say, three hundd seventy six (Kint (dry cod fish) of dry & merchantable New Engl. cod fish. & nine kint of refuse fish & is by the order & for the Acc of M r Samuel Wilson of London mercht, being marked & numbred as in the Margent. & are to [Page 298] be dd in the like good order & well conditioned at the afores d port of Bilboa (the danger of the seas only excepted) unto M r Joseph Throckmorton or to his Assignes, he or they paying freight for the s d goods w th primage & average accus- tomed. In witnes whereof the Master or purser of the s d shipp hath affirmed to three Bills of ladeing all of this tenor & date, the one of w ch three bills being accomplished, the other two to stand void. And so God send the good shipp to her desired port in safety. Amen. Dated at the Isle of Shoales 23 August -LS-5JL. John Crampe 24 (8) 165 A Copie of a receipt of ten pound by Tho: Savage from Edw. Burt for M r Garrard London. 24. (8} JJLJ&JL 834 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 25. (8) 1650. Capt. W m Tyng did constitute M r Tho: Walmesly his true & lawfull Att r : irrevocable to recover & receive an Account of & for the shipp Welcome from the 1 ifi-il the Date of his bill of sale from Edw Gibons. (w ch by these p'sents he doth assigne unto the s d Tho: Wal- mesly) also to acquit &c: according to my usual! forme, w 01 power to substitute &c: 25. (8) 1&&-2-. John Pickering of Salem did constitute M r Thomas Potter of Childsmore his Atturney for him & in his name & to his use to enter & take possession of a certaine house neere the Newgate in Coventry & the same to possesse & enjoy for the use of the s d John Pickering (being his pper possession) untill further order taken thereabout. Giveing him power to comence & psecut any action at law against any that shall hinder or interrupt him in the possession of the s d house. Dat. 25 (8) iej_o. 26 (8) l^-S-2- Noverint universi p p r sentes me Johanne Thompson teneri et firmiter obligari Jacobo Oliver de Boston in cent libr Sterl. Solvend eidem Jacobo suis certo suo At- turnat Exec, vel Administra suis, Ad quam quidem solu- tione bene et fideliter faciend oblige me heredes execut et Adrninistrat meos firmiter p presentes Dat. Sigillat die 26. Octob. ms-. The Condition of this obligacon is such that if the above bounden John Thompson shall pay or cause to be paid unto Paul Allistre for the use of James Oliver the just summe of foureteene hundred & fourty pound of good dry merchantable Muscavados sugar at Barbados w^in ten dayes after the ar- rivall of the shipp Guif t of God, on or the first day of January next, w ch shall first happen, that then this present obligation shalbe void & of none effect, otherwise to remaine in full force & strength. Sealed & dd in pnce of John Thompson & a seale. Sam. Oliver Anthonie Jenkins W m Aspinwall [Page 299.] 28 (8) 1S--5-A Know all men by these presents that we Capt John Littlebury of hatfield Woodpark in the County of Hartford in the Realme of Engl. & Tho. Lake of Boston in N: England merch ts . doe hereby acknowledg o r selvs to owe & to be indebted unto John Glover of Dorchester in N. Eng- land afores d tanner the full & just summe of fourty pounds ASPINWALL NOTARIAL, RECORDS. 335 sterl to be p d unto M r Henry Ashurst woollen Drap at the three kings in Watling streete in London his heires Execut Administrate" or Assignes in good & current money of Eng- land at or uppon the 10 th day of ffebr. next after the date hereof at the dwelling house of the s d Henry Ashurst for the use of the s d John Glover, unto w th paymen* fully & com- pleatly to be made & done we the s d John Littlebury & Tho: Lake do bind o r selves & either of us o r heires Execut & Ad- ministrate in the summe of eighty pounds of like currant money firmly by these p r sents. In witnes whereof we the s d John & Thomas have hereunto set o r hands & scales this 5 day of October. 165 . Sealed & dd in the pnce of John Littlebury & a seale Thomas Broughton Thomas Lake & a seale. Habacucke Glover. This is a true Copie of a bill of John Littlebury & M r Thomas Lake's to the use of M r John Glover of Dorchester in New Engl : witnes my hand William Hibbins This also I compared & examined w th the original! bill, the 28 th of Octo. 28 (8) l--Q. Noverint universi p p r sentes me Johanne Thompson teneri et firmiter obligari Jacobo Oliver de Boston in Novanglia in cent libris sterl. solvend eidem Jacobo sine certo suo Atturnat Execut vel administrat suis, ad quam quidem soluconem bene et fideliter faciend oblige me heredos Execut et Administrat meos firmiter p p r sentes. Dat. sigillat. 26. die octobris. JJU&Jl. The condicon of this obligacon is such that if the above bounden John Thompson shall pay or cause to be p d unto Paul Allistre for the use of James Oliver the just summe of foureteene hundred & fourty pounds of good dry merchant- able JVIuscavados sugar at Barbados w th in ten dayes after the arrivall of the shipp Guift of God or on the first day of January next, w ch shall first happen, that then this obligacon shalbe utterly void & of none effect, otherwise to remaine in full force & strength. Sealed & dd in pnce of John Thompson & a seale. Samuel Oliver Anthonie Jenkens William Aspinwall. [Page 300.] 5 (9) 1650 Whereas I Georg Yong of Ratcliffe in the County of Middlesex in Engl. mariner did about two 336 AsriNWATJi NOTARIAL RECORDS. yeares since Deliver to Hugh Gunnison of Boston in N: England Vintuer one box of writeings to keepe for mee, w ch writeings the s d Hugh Gunnison because of a rumor spread up & downe that there should be a thousand pound in gould in it delivered it sealed up to the Court at Boston in the yeare 1649. who opened it & delivered the same to M r Nathaniel Duncan Auditor Generall witnes now these p r sents that I the s d Georg Yongs doe hereby acknowledg to have received all my s d writeings & box w ch I delivered to the s d Hugh Gunnison of the s d Nathaniel Duncan, & there- fore doe acquit the s d Hugh Gunnison therefrom his heires & Assignes acknowledging also that the s d above mencioned rumor was false that I never dd him the s d Hugh Gunnison any Gould. In witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 4th of Novemb. l&OL Witnesse Edw. Rawson Geo: Yonge. John Sanford Nath : Duncan. 5 (9) 1650. Boston New England this 17th Apr. At fifteene dayes sight of this my first bill of Exc a . my second & third not p d pay unto John Hull or his As- Copia signes at twenty pounds sterl for the value here re- ceived of him, time make good paym* & place it to the Acc. as p advice. Subscribed Yo r friend John Parris. Directed To Capt James Cranedg dd in London. On the back side is written. Sir I pray yo tt pay this summe of twenty pounds unto my loving Cozen unto whom I assign it namely M r Daniel Hoare, p me John Hull. By this publ instrument of ptest be it knowne & manifest unto all people, that on the 28 th day of the month June A. Dni. 1650 stilo Angl: At the request of M r Daniel Hoare now being in the Citty of London I John Marius notary & Tabellion publ admitted & sworne dwelling w th in the same Citty (have- ing in my hands the original! bill of Exch a : whereof the Copie is here above written) did goe to the dwelling house of Capt James Cranedge unto whom the same is directed scituat at Lirnehouse neere this Citty of London to the end to pcure acceptance of the s d bill of Ex a . but being come to the s d house & haveing knockt at the Doore, the neighbo 18 s d unto me that the s d Captaine James Cranedge was gone to sea, & that there was not any body at home (his wife being then gone to London) & that they did not know of any order concerning the s d bill of Ex a . but that at her returne home they would ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 337 deliver unto her two letters of advice w ch I then left w th them, & acquaint her of my being there concerning the p r misses. w ch being by me Notary related unto the s d Daniel Hoare [Page 301.] he declared that in regard he hath caused the s d bill to be shewn unto the wife of the s d Capt James Cranedge & that shee had refused to accept the same, Therefore he did solemnly ptest & doth ptest by these pnts as wel against John Parris who hath Subscribed the s d bill of Ex a . as all others that it doth concerne of Exch: & rechange & of all costs damages & interests for want of acceptation of the s d bill of Ex a . suffered and susteined & hereafter to be suffered & susteined to be all recoued in time & place con- venient. This was thus ptested in the p r sence of Lucas Emons & John Gregory witnesses Ita attestor Rogatus et requisitus Jo: Marius Noth Pub cus 1650 Received for makeing of this ptest fyve shillings p J: Marius Boston New Engl. this 17 th Apr. At fifteene dayes sight of this my first bill of Exchange my second & third not p d pay unto John Hull or his Assignes twenty pounds sterl for the value here rec d of him, at time make good paym*. & place it to acc. as p advice. Sub- scribed thus, Yo r friend John Parris. Directed to Copia Capt James Cranedge dd in London; on the back- side is written, S r pray Yo u pay this summe of twenty pounds, unto my loving Cozin unto whom I assigne it, namely M r Daniel Hoare p me John Hull - By this publ Instrum* of ptes* be it knowne & manifest to all people that on the sixt day of the mo: of July A. Dni. 1J. 1 stilo Angl: At the request of M r Daniel Hoare now being in this Citty of London I John Marius Notary & Tabellion publ admitted & sworne dwelling w th in the same Citty (haveing in my hands the Original Bill of Ex a . whereof the Copie is here above written) did goe to the dwelling house of Capt James Cranedge unto whom the same is directed scituat at Lime house neere this Citty of London, & there speaking unto his wife (M re Cranedge) I the s d Notary did shew unto her the s d bill of Ex a . asking her if she would pay unto the s d Daniel Hoare the summe of 338 ASPLNWALL NOTARIAL RECOBDS. twenty pounds sterl. therein mentioned in regard the s d bill is due, Whereuppon the s d M rs Cranedge answered & s d that the s d Capt Cranedge her husband was gone to the Barbados, & that her husband did not owe any thing unto the drawer M r John Parris, but what he had now carryed w* 11 him to satisfy him, & that therefore she would not pay the s d summe for want of pvision, W ch being by me Notary heard, I did solemnly ptest & doe ptest by these p r sents (at the request aforesaid) as [Page 302.] well against John Parris who hath subscribed the s d bill of Ex a ; as all others that it doth or may concerne of Ex a & Rechange & of all costs damages & interests for want & refuseall of pam* of the s d summe suffered & susteined & hereafter to be suffered & susteined to be all recovered in time & place convenient. This was ptested in the pnce of Lucas Emons & Roger Clarke witnesses. Ita attestor Rogatus et requisitus Jo: Marius Nots pub cu8 : 1650 Rec d for goeing to Lime house & making this ptest fyve shillings p J: Marius. Barbados Mar: 10 th I5_ti. 5 (9) 16_6JL Nathaneel Vtie is Dr as foUoweth u Sugar To M r Goodman p d him for 2 bridles 100. To so much he is to pay mee . 036. To James Meade p d for Dyet & Drincke 3 times . . . 021 i 14 To so much p d by Mr. Holland that yo u Excepted . . . 1673 April To James Meade for 1 ordinary & drink 008 i To sugar p d in Mr. Ursells store house ..... 687 To Cotton Recp te 22 9 U p d you is . 229 To so much to be p d by Cap*. Higgin botom that yo n Excepted is 511. To 1 receipt of Sugar to receive of Captffrey r .... 190 To 146" Sugar I p d M r Herbert for yo u 146 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 339 To Sug 1 jo a rec d of him for me . 256 To Sug r to receive of M r Starkey that yo u accepted & had his mare bound for .... 1320 To Sug 1 yo u rec d of Major By am by my appointm*. it was 1600", but I abated 40 U for Storadge . 1560 67371 p. Cont: Cr ^~~ By one bill of Ex a drawne by my u Sngar m r payable to him for the Ac of M r Hewes . . . .3000 By 1 Bill of Ditto Ex a drawne by my M r & M r Oliv r & M r Selleck payable for the Acc. of Ditto M r Hewes .... 2000 By 1 bill of Exc a of 43 U 8 SS ll d drawne by my m r payable to him for the Acc of M r Caleb ffoote w ch amounts to in Sug 17 at 6 d p u the the sume of 1738 6738 11 This six thousand seven hundred thirty seven pounds & of sugar I p d unto m r Nathaniel Vtie as appears p d the Acc above, for the Acc. use of M r Joshua Hues & M r Caleb ffoote of Boston & Roxbury merch ts . in New England as witnes my hand the 15 th Octob r . 1650. p me Paul Allistree. This Account was affirmed uppon oath by M r Paule Allistree to be a true Account before me this 15 th of the 8 th mo. ifi-5-2- William Hibbins. [Page 303.] 27 (9) l* Boston in New Engl: the 6 th 9 ber i*? 50 I underwritten acknowledge to have rec d of Paul Allistre for the Acc of M r Tho: Holland of the Barbados full satisfac- tion for the summe of twenty six pounds sterl that was given me by a Court houlden in Boston the 29 th of 8 ter . last w ch is in full of a bill of debt dew from the afores d Holland unto the afores d Paul Allistre afterward assigned by the s d Allis- tre unto mee. I say Rec d full satisfaction as witnes my hand the day & yeare above written. Edward Hutchinson. 340 ASPINWALL NOTABIAL RECORDS. 7 (9) IMJO I John Thompson M r of the ship Guift doe hereby pmise to pay unto M r W m Paine of Ipswich in N: Eng. or to his Assignes the summe of seventeene pounds thirteene shillings & six pence Sterl: in good merchantable Muscavados Sugar in Barbados at or w th in ten dayes after the arrivall of the shipp Guift into Barbados afores d at fyve pence p pound, for the pformance whereof I doe hereby bind myselfe in the penalty of fourty pounds sterl. witnes my hand 1 st of Novembr. l^-O. Teste John Thompson. Theodore Atkinson Walter Allen. It is to be understoode that if the ship miscary w ch God forbid that then I shall pay this bill unto m r W m Paine. Jeremiah Belchar. John Thompson. 11 (9) l&i-O I Michaell Cawston oblige my selfe to De- liver ten dayes after the shipp Guift of Gods arrivall at Bar- bados: & delivery of my goods to pay unto M r Russell or his Order the just weight of eighteene hundd of good dry Mus- cavados sugar & of the best sort, witnes my hand this 7 th . 8 th . mo: Understand Merchantable Muscavados sugar Witnes by us Georg Raymond. Miles Cawston, Hugh Stone. Charles to wne 30 th (8) AA I John Thompson acknowedge to have received of M r Rich- ard Russell the summe of thirty seven pounds ten shillings. sterl of the Account of New England the w ch the s d m r Rus- sell is to have pd at the Isle of Barbados in good [Page 304.] merchantable dry muscavados sugar, at the price of four pence p pound by mee or my order or Assignes 30 U . 7. out of the freight of Capt Cawstons goods aboard the ship Guift of God: also I oblige my selfe that if the ship Guift should by any Accidense or pvidence miscarry w cl1 God forbid then to make good the afores d 37 U . 10 s . to M r Russell, in witness hereof I have here set my hand the day & Date above mentioned. Test by Barnaby Stanfast John Thompson. Richard Bowne. 11 (9) J-AL Know all men by these presents, that I Paul Allistree late of Boston now bound for the Island of Bar- bados doe owe & am indebted unto M r . James Astwood of Boston afores d merch* the full summe of eighty sixe pounds ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 341 sterl w** summe I the s d Paul doe bind my selfe Execute & Administrators to pay or cause to be p d unto the s d James or to his Assignes at the Barbados in good Muscavado sugar at fyve pence p pound as doth amount to the s d summe of eighty six pounds at some convenient storehouse, but in case of non paym* at Barbados then I the s d Paul doe bind my selfe as afores d to pay or cause to be paid unto the s d James or to his Assignes the afores d summe of eighty six pounds in London at the Cock in Gracious streete at or before the first of October next ensueing the Date hereof or w th in fourty dayes after the arrivall of I the said Paul in London w ch shall first happen, only it is to be alwayes understoode that the s d James is to stand to the adventure of the goods shipte to make this s d somme to the Island of Barbados that if in case they doe not arive there then this obligacon is to be void & of none effect, & so likewise if the s d some of eighty six pounds be not paid in Barbados then the s d James is to stand to the Adventure of so much sugar as I the s d Paul shall shipp to pay the s d summe in London that if it doe not arrive there according to teno r of bill of ladeing that then 1 the s d Paul is to be quitt & cleere of this Ingagment & so I have hereunto set my hand & scale the day & yeare above written, goods was interlined before subscribed. Dated in Boston in New Engl. the 9 th of Novemb. i& Signed sealed & dd in the presence of us Paul Allistree & a scale John Dudley Nicholas Phillips. [Page 305.] 11 (9) i-5_o. I Raph Woory of Charlstowne doe pmise ingage my selfe to pay unto W m Phillips for valueable consideration by me received the just quantity of sevenscore weight of white sug 1 to be dd at Boston by the first returne. Witnes my hand this 12 th of the 4 th iaa. Witnes Willm Aspinwall Raph Woorey. Notarius publ. M r Phellipps Assigned this to Paul Allistre. 12 (9) 16.5.0. 11 (9) ISA Received the I 8t . of Aug: !*. of M r W m Phillipps three Kintalls of fish shipped aboard the W m & John bound for the Barbados & now rideing at Anchor before Boston the s d fish being to be disposed of for the Acc. of the s d M r Phillips he runing the Adventure & paying all 342 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. charges to the Barbados. More three gallons of sacke amounting to fifteene shillings. I say rec d p George Marsh. M r Phillips assigned this to Paul Allistree. 11 (9) l 19 (9) JJULO. 24 th of the first m. 14. It was voted by the whole Court that Mistick bridge should be made, & maintained by the Country, at the pub- lick chardge. By the General! Court Increase Nowell sec: Be it knowne by these presents that I Robert Nash of Boston for good & valueable consideration by mee in hand received have given granted bargained & sould & by these p r sents doe give grant bargaine & sell unto John Thompson of London mariner all that my house & garden lately by me purchased of Nicholas Davison of Charlstowne merch*. scituat & being in Charls towne & fenced in, to have & to hould the s d house & land to him the s d John Thompson his heires & assignes for ever. In witnes whereof I the s d Robert have here unto sett my hand & scale this 11 (5) 1650 Sealed & dd in pnce of Robt Nash & a seale W m Aspinwall Rich: Waite. Indorsed. Know all men by these pnts that I John Thompson of London mariner have bargained & sould unto Nicholas Davison of Charles towne merch* the house & garden w h I bought of [Page 306.] Robert Nash mentioned in the deed on the other side of this paper to him his heires Execute 18 & Administrators to have & to hould for ever. & doe acknowledge to have recd of him full satisfaction to me in hand p d for the same; yet always pvided that in case I the s d John Thompson pay or cause to be p d unto Nicholas Davi- son his heires Execute 18 administrato 18 or assignes the full & just summe of seventy & fyve pounds sterl. in mer- chantable dry cod fish, the twentieth day of June next en- sueing, that then this deed of sale to be voyd otherwise to be in full force for ever. In witnes of the truth I have hereunto set my hand & seale Dated in Charlstowne this 15 th of July i^_54. Witnes hereunto John Thompson, ffrancis Norton. John Allen. ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 343 M r John Thompson acknowledged this as his act & deed the first of Novemb. $-3-. before me. ffran. Willoughby. 20 (9) 1650. I Nathaniell Long of Boston merch* doe acknowledge that I have rec d of Nicholas Davison three deeds or rather Copies of deeds under the Notary publ hand for sixty three pounds eight shillings, due from Robt Mason of Barbados unto the fores d Davison, & also have rec d full power by tre of Atturney to recov r the s d debts. I doe by these p r sents pmise to use my best indevo r to receive the same, & whatever I shall receive pt or all doe oblige my selfe heires Execute 18 admmistrato rs to be accountable for the same unto Nicholas Davison, his heires execut administrate" or assignes. In witnes of the truth I have hereunto sett my hand Dated the 30 th of May. &A* I acknowledge to have rec d the originall Bills the copies being left behind for wh ch I will be accountable as above s d . Signed & Delivered hi the p r sence of us p me Nathaniel Long. Tho. Gainer George Smith. 21 (9) -Li&o. As heretofore I have done I doe now by these p r sents Authorise M r Nicholas Davison to take an Acc. of M r George Ludlow in Virginia or els where of all reckonings whatsoever depending betwixt himselfe & me Executrix of M r Matthew Craddock deceased & to receive all dues any way comeing to mee by such an account & to make returne of the same to me in London, & to give a discharge to the s d M r Ludlow for what soever he shall so pay. in witnes hereof my hand & seale June 17 th . 1650. Witnes hereto Rob: Burgrte Rebecca Whitchcot & a Thomas Kidgell. seale [Page 307.] Know all men by these p r sents that I John Milom of Boston Coop for & in consideration of the summe of twenty & seven pounds ten shillings sterl to me in hand pd by Nich: Davison of Charlstowne inN: England merch* have bargained & sould & doe by these p'sents bargaine & sell unto the s d Nicholas Davison, two thousand acres of ground or land lying at the falls uppon Connecticot river, & one hundd & twenty acres, of meddow upon a rivevelet or riverett not far from the s d two thousand acres, w* h ground was sometime M r Robert Saltonstalls & laid out by M r Willis & Capt 344 ASPINWALT, NOTARIAL RECORDS. Mason granted by the Generall Court of Connecticot, the w ch land the aboves d Robt Saltonstall sould unto M r Val: Hill & Capt Robt Harding of Boston the w ch I the s d John Mylom have bought & purchased of them & now have sould the p r misses aboves d , to say two thousand Acres of land & one hundd & twenty Acres of Meadow, unto the s d Nicholas Davison to him his heires Executo rs administrate 18 or Assignes to enjoy for ever. & doe acknowledg to hare received of the aboves d Davison full satisfaction to my content for the same : & doe hereby oblige my selfe my heires Execute 18 Adminis- trators & assigns firmly by these p r sents to make good ratify & confirme, & establish the s d Davison his heires in quiet & peaceable possession to enjoy the same for ever, & to pcure such writings at all times as shalbe needfull for the same. In witnes of the truth I the s d John Milom have hereunto set my hand & seale Dated the fifth day of October. 1650. Signed sealed & dd John Milom & a seale. in the presence of us Henry Wilkey. Acknowledged the 5 th of the 8 th mo. 16 ^ before me Increase No well. 15 (9) 1650 Uppon the 15 (9) 1650. Before me W m Asp: Not & Tab: publ by Authority of the Generall Court of the Massach: admitted & sworne, psonally appeared m r Joseph Barton & M r Daniel Bradley Att rs . to M r W m Stanley & M r Peter le Gay merch ts of Southampton as by their pcura- tion dated 5 th June -L&&A under the hand of Rich: Stanley Notary publ doth at large appeare, w ch Appearers required me the Not afores d to ptest against M r John Tuttle of Boston merch* for non-pformance of certaine covenants betwixt him & the s d Merch t8 beareing Date the 16 th ffeb. l*l. the s d M r Tuttle being present & confessing he had not pvided the full complement of goods according to agreement. Where uppon I the s d Notary at the instance [Page 308.] of the s d Appearers & in theire names & in the names of the s d merch* 8 of Southampton did ptest & by these p r sents doe ptest against the said John Tuttle for his breach of Cove- nant, & for all damages lossess & interests w ch the merchants afores d have susteined or further may susteine by reason thereof. This ptest was thus made in the psence of M r Thomas Broughton & M r Edw: Tyng. Quod &c. AsprtsrwALL NOTARIAL, RECORDS. 345 26 (9) 1650 To all Christian people to whom this p'sent writeing shall come W m Stanley & Peter le Gay inhabitants & merch* 8 of the towne & County Southton in England send greeting. Know yee that we the s d W m Stanley & Peter le Gay for o r selves & Company ioyntly & severally have & by these p r sents doe nominate ordeine constitute & appoint & in o r steed & place putt James ffauntleroy & Joseph Barton of the s d towne & County of Southton merch 18 & Daniel Bradley mariner & M r of the shipp called the Adventure of Southton & every of them jointly & either of them severally o r true & lawfull pcurato 18 actors factors & Att rs as wel generall as speciall for us & Companie & every & either of us & s d Companie & every of us jointly & severally to aske demand leavie recover & receive all & singular such summe & summes of money goods wares & merchandises & the pceeds & pvenue of all such goods wares & merchandises or the true & full value thereof & all other pfitts advantages gains & increase of gaines debts due & demands whatsoever issueing arriseing or growing due & payable unto us & s d Companie or any or either of us by vertue of & according to the tenor of certaine Articles of Covenants beareing date the 16 th day of ffeb: An . Dni 1649. made betweene John Tuttle of N. England in the pts of America, & Peter le Gay & Companie of the other ptie, or for any other cause or thing or by any other wayes or meanes what soever as well of & from the s d John Tuttle & Joan his wife & John Gore of Roxb: in N. E: afores d or any or either of them there or any or either of theire heires Exor. Administr Actors facto 18 or Assignes as of & from all & every such pson & psons w th in any the pts of America as are & shall appeare to be so indebted unto us & s d Company or any or either of us as afores d , & the s d John Tuttle & Joane his wife & the s d John Gore or any or either of them theire or any or either of theire heires Execut Adm. agents facto rs Assignes & all & every such other Exec. Adm. agents facto 18 or assignes & all & every such other pson & psons so indebted unto u 8 & s d Comp a . or any or either of us as afores d , by whatsoever name or names they or any of them shalbe called & knowne, either by attachm* of goods or im- prisonm* of body to sue arrest implead & Answer & con- demne, & out of prison againe to Deliver, & all & every the s d summe or summes of money goods wares merchandises & the pceed & pvenue of all such goods ware merchan- dises or the full & true value thereof & all other pfits ad- vantages gaines & increase of gaines debts dues & demands whatsoever so due as afores d of & from the s d John Tuttle & 346 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. [Page 309.] Joane his wife & the s d John Gore or any of them theire or any or either of theire heires Exec. Adm. agents facto or assignes or any other pson or psons whatsoever so indebted as afores d , for us & s d Comp a . & every & either of us & in the name steed & place of us & to & for the use & the Acc. of us & s d Comp a . & every & either of us by any lawfull wayes or meanes what soever, to leavie recover & receive & uppon payru* satisfaction or other lawfull Composition of & for all or any of the summe & summes of money goods wares & merchandises debts dues & demands or any p* thereof so due as afores d , any lawfull acquittance or discharge for us & s d Comp a . & in o r names to give, also only or more pcurato 18 act 18 facto 18 or Atturneyes under them or any or either of them w th the like or limitted power to depute substitute & appoint & him or them at theire wills & pleasures when & so often as they or either or any of them shall see expedient againe to revoake, giveing & by these p r sents granting unto o r s d pcurato 13 acto facto 18 & Atturneys & every of them jointly & either of them severally full & free power & lawful authority for us & s d Comp a . & every & either of us & in the name steed & place & to & for the use & acc of us & every & either of us to doe & Execute the p r misses in as large & ample manner as wee & s d Comp a . & every or any of us might or could doe if wee & every or any of us were then & there psonally p r sent, ratifying confirming & allowing all & what- soever o r s d pcurato 18 acto rs factors & Att r8 : theire^substitutes. & Deputies or any or either of them shall lawfully doe or cause to be done in or about the p'misses. In witnes whereof we the s d W m Stanley & Peter le Gay have here- unto sett o r hands & seales the 5 th day of June. An . Dni Signed sealed & dd in pnce of us W m Stanley & a scale Ric: Stanley Nots publ Peter le Gay & a seale. Rich: Singleton Int. 12 Sept: 1650. Ita attester ego Johannes Jennings seer 1 " 8 Depu tus We whose names are here under written being the rest of the Comp a . above mentioned doe consent unto & ratify & confirme the tre of Attur: or pcuration above mentioned witnes o r hands the day & yeare above s d Joseph de la Motte D Kersent Jacob Legay 26 (9) J-O-2. These p r sents witnesseth that I Edw. Daycr seamen doe hereby discharge John Web of Connecticot brasier A SPIN WALL NOTAEIAL RECORDS. 347 of one bill of reed the 11 th October 4-2.. w ch was for peeces of stuffe rec d by the s d John Web of me Edw. Dayer & I have- ing rec d the s d peecs of stuffe afores d I Edward Dayer do hereby give a full discharge for the s d bill [Page 310.] of 17 th Witnes my hand this 27. of Octob. 1649. Witnes John Sanford p me Edware Dare liveing at the Kings armes at Boston. 26 (9) I&AO. Know all men by these p r sents that I Edw. Dayre doe hereby bind my heires Exe r . & Administ. to pay or cause to be p d unto Henry Modsley or his Assignes the full & just summe of fifteene pounds seventeene shillings & two pence sterl to be p d at the arrivall of the s d Henry or any Assignes for him. Witnes my hand this 21 th of August. 1650. Edw. Dare. It is agreed uppon by & betweene the pties above written that if the above s d Edw. Dayre shall Deliver unto Hen: Modsley or his Assignes one bill or specialty of M r John Parris conteining twenty fyve pounds sixteene shillings & two pence that then the above written specialty to be voyd & of none effect, otherwise shall stand in full force & vertue. Witness his hand this 21 th of Aug. 1 ^ 50 Edw. Dare. Signed & dd in the pnce of Nath: Juijce 13 : Octob. -ULUL 26 (9) -l-SAo.. These presents witnes to whom it doth con- cerne that I John Web of Connecticot brasier doe acknowl- edge my selfe to be indebted unto Edw. Dare the full & just summe of seventeene pounds sterling to be p d in beefe porke pease & floure w th in fyve weekes after the date hereof uppon paine of forfeiting the double summe unles either wind or wether shall hinder, in witnes whereof I have set to my hand the day above written. Witnes John Sanford John I W Webb marke James Rainstorpe I under written doe assigne & sett over unto Henry Mods- ley all my right claime & interest of this bill & the moneys therein specifyed & doe hereby give power to the s d Henry to aske receive recover the same as amply & fully as I my selfe. Witnes my hand this 21 th of Aug: 1650. Test. Nath: Juijce. Edw. Dare 348 ASPTNWAT/T. NOTABLE RECORDS. [Page 311.] 26 (9) -Lfi-fi-fi. i Edw. Dayre do by these p r sents bind me my heires Exec. & Administ. to pay & Deliver unto Henry Modsley or his Assignes the full & just summe of one thou- sand & twenty pound of good muscavado Suga r at the next arrivall of the s d Hen: Modsley in this Hand of Barbados witnes my hand this 21 th of Aug: 1 6 -^ ft. Edw. Dare It is further agreed uppon by & betweene Edw. Dayre & Hen: Modsley that if the s d Henry shall receive seventeene pounds sterl by a bill assigned over unto him. of John Web liveing in N: England that then the former bill is to be voide & of none effect otherwise to stand in full force & vertue. Signed hi the pnce of Edw. Dare. Nath. Juijce. Samuel Lamb, Deb: SUGAR Januar. 10. To 3 pints sack 007 11. To 2 bott Sack 010 To 1 bott Sack 005 12. To 1 bott Sack 005 To 1 p* Sack 005 14. To 2 bott Sack 010 16. To 1 bott Sack . . ... .005 To 1 bott Sack 005 17. To halfe A pype . . . . .005 19. To 2 bott. Sack 010 To 1 bott. Sack 005 21. To 2 bott Sack 010 22. To 1 bott Sack 005 To 20" Sugar 020 To one bott Sack .... 005 To one bott beere . . . 001 26. To 2 bott beere 003 To 2 bott beere 003 ffeb. 13. To 1 gal beere 006 23. To 1 p r Shooes 040 Mar. 5. To 3 bott. 1 p* Sack .... 017i To 4 bott. beere 006 6 To 2 bott beere 003 7. To 2 bott. beere 003. To 2 bott beere 003 8. To one bott beere .... 001$ 10. To 3 gall, beere 018 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECOBDS. 349 Apr. 30. To 2 gall, beere 012 3. To 1 paire stockings . . . .033. Nich: Dawson. 263. I have rec d of Henry Modsley full satisfaction of this Account w ch is two hundred sixty three pound of sugar. Witnes my hand this ll tb day of August 1650. Witnes Nicholas Dawson. John Bloer. [Page 312.] 6 (10) 16 - 60 Know all men by these p r sents that on the eleventh day of the month of July Ann Dni 165 before me Joshua Maynet Not & Tabellion publ dwelling in London admitted & sworne & in the p r sence of the witnesses here after named, psonally appeared W m Chalke Master of the ship the W m & Sarah of London of the burden of one hundd & twenty tunns or thereabouts & Anthonie Lemande Car- vacal & Nathaniel Townsend Merch* 8 & p* owners of the s d shipp & goods therein laden, the w ch Appearers as well far themselves as for the rest of the owners of the s d ship & goods for whom they make themselves strong undertake & promise ratification, have made & ordeined & by these pres- ents in theire steed & place doe put & constitute George Reimond m r of the ship the Eagle of London his true & law- full Atturney giveing & grantinge to the s d Atturney full power comission & lawful Authority for & in the names & to the use of them Constituants to aske demand leavie sue for recover & receive of whatsoever pson or psons as of right shall appteine the s d ship the W m & Sarah of London & all goods laden thereui where soever the s d ship or goods are or shalbe found w h said ship on the 10 th day of Octob r last past were taken by Capt Plunket & by him caryed to S** Cruz adjoineing to Teneriffe in the Island of the Canaries & of the receipte to give acquittance in due forme, & if need be to appeare in all Courts of Judicature there to sue implead arrest seize sequester attach imprison & to condemne & out of prison to deliver & generally to doe all things w ch they the s d Constituents themselves might or could doe being psonally p r sent w th power to substitute other Att rs . w th like or limitted power, promiseing to hould firme stable & valid all & whatsoever theire s d Att r and his substitutes shall law- fully doe or pcure to be done hi & about the p r misses by ver- tue of these pnts In witnes whereof the s d Constituants have signed sealed & dd these pnts. Thus done & passed 350 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. w th in this Citty of London in the p r sence of John Daniel & Richard Clay witnesses hereunto required. John Daniel W m Chalk & a seale Richard Clay Ant: Lemand 1 Carvacal & a seale. Nath: Towsend & a seale I nod attester rogatus et requisitus. Joshua Mainet Not8 P ubl . verte foil, [There is no page 318.] [Page 314.] Wee underwritten certify that Joshua Mainet who hath signed the aforegoeing Instrum*: is a Notary & Tabellion publ admitted & sworne dwelling in London & that the acts & Instrum ts so by him signed full faith & credit is given in Judgm* Court & w th out the same. Dated in London the eleventh of July Ann Dni 1^-5-2- John Daniel Nots pub cus Jo Notstock nos pub This Bill bindeth me Peter downing my heires Exer. Administrato rs & Assignes in the penalty of foure thousand pound of sugar to pay or cause to pay unto Henry Moussley or his Assignes the full & just summe of two thousand pound of good dry Muscabaids suger at or before the fif- teenth day of ffebr: next ensueing the date here of at some convenient store house neere the sea side wites my hand this 24 th of July. JJiiL. Witnes The marke of P Nich: Dawson Peter Downing. Rich: South. 10 (10) ifiiflL March the 12 th This witnesseth that I Tho: Peeke of Colchester in the County of Essex linnen Drap doe assigne & by these p r sents give full pow r & Authority unto Tho: ffirmin to Arbitrate w th James Browne of Charls towne in N: England concerning an Account betweene the s d James Browne & my selfe, & also to use all such just & lawfull meanes for recov- ery of what is my Just due (in case the s d James doe not come willingly to a just & faire account) & also doe give full power unto the s d Tho: ffirmin as my lawfull Atturney to agree conclude & make an end w th the s d James, & uppon conclusion to give a receipt in full to the s d James Browne in my behalfe, witnes my hand the day & yeare above written. Tho: Peeke. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 351 Whereas there is an account depending betwixt Josias ffinnin Thomas Peeke of Colchester & James Browne of Charls towne in N. England Thomas ffirmin being Atturney to the s d Peeke & likewise intrusted by the aboves d ffirmin to issue the same. Know whom this writeing may concerne [Page 315.] That we James Browne & Tho ffirmin do mutually agree to refer this busines unto Rich. Russell & John Webb to Compmise & arbitrate the same : & doe hereby bind s r selvs in the penalty of fifty pounds to stand to the award of the afores d arbitrate 18 . Witnes hereunto o r hands this 30 th of July 1650. Tho. ffirmin James Browne. Wee uppon o r best Considerations doe determin that James Browne shall pay unto Tho. ffirmin as a full determination of this Acc. twenty three pounds & to make payrn* thereof in wheate pease or Bever in three months & on payment thereof the s d Tho: ffirmin is to give the s d Browne a full acquittance for the Acc of Thomas Peeke & Josias ffirmin, so far as concernes this bill conteining nine pticulars on the Debitor side & nine on the Credit 1 side, the s d Thomas ffirmin being to record M r Peeks tre of Atturney. to show this to be o r determination we have set hereunto o r hands this 30 th of July liULQ.. By me Richard Russell John Evered alias Webb. 10 (10) ^SL&JBL. Be it knowne by these pnts that I Robt Nash of Boston in N: E. Butcher doe acknowledg my selfe to be indebted unto Jo. Milom of Boston afores d Coop in the just summe of sixty pounds sterl to be p d in pvisions for dyet at or before the 29 (7) next ensueing the date hereof (the necessary charge to finish the wharfe according as it is begun being first deducted & abated) And unto the true pformance hereof I the s d Robt Nash doe bind myselfe mine exer & administr: & in pctre the house I lately bought of him neere unto the water millne in Boston. In witnes whereof I the s d Robt Nash have hereunto set my hand & seale this 2 (8) l^sji. Sealed & dd in pnce of Robt Nash & a seale John Bushnel Rich: Waite William Aspinwall. 16 (10) 165 Whereas John Jarvis saith that in the month of October in the yeare of o r Lord 1645. (p Major Gen 1 . Edw Gibons) he was possessed of a third pt of the Shipp Unicorne, of the burden of one hundd and fourtie tuns 352 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. or thereabouts, w ch pt of the s d ship (the s d John Jarvis doth say) he did peaceably & quietly enjoy certaine months w* 11 out any Molestation, Isaac Addington being appointed m r of the aboves d ship in the M of July 164 6 as the s d John Jarvis saith, & was to pforme a voyage fro Boston in N. Eng: to Virginia, as he saith, & from there to London being the port of his discharge & to give Account of his trust unto each owner. And whereas the s d Jo: Jarvis alledgeth that the s d M r hath not rendred unto him a just & true Account, & did in the month of August in the yeare [Page 316.] 1647 at London undertake a second designe w th the above s d ship unicorne, unto the Port of Malaga & so made his re- turne to the Port of London, & since hath imployed the aboves d ship Unicorne uppon severall other Designes & made severall other Voyages w th the aboves d ship unto severall other Ports w th out the knowledg consent or privity of the sf John Jarvis thereunto, as he saith. And whereas the s d John Jarvis did in the month of July one thousand six hundd & fifty at Boston in N. Eng. in a peaceable way (as he saith) require the aboves d Isaac Addington that he would give him a true & just Account of his J pt of the ship abovementioned in w ch the s d John Jarvis claimeth ppriety, as also of her imployments & improvements thereof from Port to Port, then three yeares compleat imployed p him the aboves d Isaac Addington as M r , of all w eh time of her imploy- ment, as likewise the improvements as afore expressed (the s d John Jarvis saith) he hath not as yet given him a full & true Account. And whereas the s d John Jarvis alledgeth, that he was (in the M. of Aug. - 1 6 5 otie .) constrained to psecute a suit against the afores d Isaac Addington at the Court then held at Boston in N: Engl. for the recovering of what (he saith) is most jusly due unto him, either for the imploy- ments & improvements of his i pt of the ship afores d , as also what soev r els due unto him uppon any other Acc. or Ac- counts, w ch by no other way or means he could have, nor can yet attaine, as he am'rmeth. Now whereas the s d Jo: Jarvis alledgeth, that Isaac Addington & Capt John Leveret uppo above & ungrounded p r tence alledged in the Court held at Boston afore expressed, and now uppon the same ground & like p r tence alledgeth that the s d Jo: Jarvis hath sould his pt of the s d ship, whereas (the s d John Jarvis saith) there is no such thing, nor that it can any wayes be made by them so to appeare. By meanes whereof the said John Jarvis (as he saith) hath beene long & now is dayly kept fro an estate ASPINWALL NOTABIAL RECORDS. 353 by the afores d Isaac Addington & Capt John Leveret, & put of from one Court to another, by all w ch (he affirm- eth) he hath suffered & susteined very much, & likely infinitely more to what he hath alreadie susteined suffered & lost. Be it knowne by these p r sents that uppon the aforesaid al- [Page 317.] legations, & at the instance of the afores d John Jarvis merch* (now prisoner in Boston in N. Engl. at the suite of Capt. John Leveret) I W m . Asp: Not. & Tabell. publ by Authority of the Gen r Court of the Massachusetts admitted & sworne uppon the twelfth day of g cmb - * 6 5 did protest & (by ex- presse direction from the s d John Jarvis & in his owne words in manner following) doe by these p r sents ptest against Isaac Addington & Capt John Leveret theires heires Exec. Ad- ministr. & Assignes & every of them, for all sufferings losses & damages whatsoever, either by estate or credit, that the s d John Jarvis have heretofore heretofore susteined or shall any way hereafter suffer, loose, or be damnifyed in by being kept as is afore expressed from either the one third pt of the shipp afores d her imployment & all improvements pfitts & gaines whatsoever w ch the s d John Jarvis might or could any wayes have made thereof or hath beene any wayes made by her im- ployments, as also of what soever is any wayes due or shalbe made to appeare to be due from any of them, as likewise from any casualty whatsoever els the afores d shipp Unicorne may come or shall hereafter happen unto her, either by ship- wreck, robbery, fyre, pyrats, & all dangers whatsoever els, & specially since her late depture from Boston in New England w th out his consent or privity thereunto, in the M. of August jjLJLQty. j? or a jj w ch U ppo n to Command merch* dd London John Sampson 30 (2) l- 6 -^l Boston in N: Engl: y e 13 th of Decemb 1 -LS-5-2. Att or before the twentie fifth of June next insueing the date of this o r first bill of Exchang o r second & third not being p d , of the same tenor & Date, wee pray you pay or cause to be p d the just sume of fifty pounds sterl. Unto Hezekia Usher or his Assignes for the value received, at his day faile not to make punctual payment hereof & place it to o r Acc. To M r Thomas Bell merch*. Yo r loveing friends these in London. John Allen ffrancis Norton. Indorsed. M r Tho: Bell This Bill of fifty pounds I assigned over to bee placed to the Joint account of yo r selfe & mee, Witnes my hand this 26 th Decemb. ifi-M.. p me Hezekiah Usher January the 10 th 1650. 30 (2) 16~51. Rec d of M r John Browne aboard the John & Thomas eighteene skins & two peeces of Bever containeing in weight thirty foure pound marked w th ISE N. 1. to be dd to Edward Shrimpto at the Goulden Key in Cannon Streete. I say rec d . Thomas Pott: [Page 342.] 1 (3) 16.4J, B e it knowne unto all men by these pnts that I John Allin of Charlstowne in N: England & now Comander of the good shipp called the W m & George of the afores d towne, doe bind my selfe my heires Execto rs & Admrs for to pay or cause truly to be p d unto John Hull gould smith of Boston in N: Engl. afores d the full & just summe of thirty pounds sterl in good & lawfull moneys of England to be p d unto the s d John Hull or to his heires Exec Administr or assignes w th in ten dayes after the arrivall of the afores d shipp at Boston afores d or at London in England w ch the s d Johu Hull shall make choise of. & for the true 382 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. pformance hereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale Dated in the Island of Barbados the 26 th of March 1AA1 Signed sealed & dd I promise to satisfy this bill thirty in pnce of us dayes after arrivall w th o r shipp in Synion Lynd safety in London, pme Tho: Nevinson. John Allen & a seale. Indorsed M r John Allen pray pay the w th in written bill to Tymothy Proute So I shall remaine yo rs 1 (3) 161. John Hull: 5 (3) 1&.5JL Bee it knowne unto all men by these pnts that I Sampson Lane of Strawberry banck in the river of Pas- cataqs N: Engl: mercht have constituted deputed apointed & in my place & steed put my trustie & welbeloved brother Ambrose Lane, at p r sent of the same place & Country mercht my true & lawfull Atturney, for mee & in my name to sue ar- rest declare implead imprison & condemne Rich: Cutts & John Cutt of the place af ores d or any other pson or psons what- soever & in what Country soever or any of theire Exec. Ad- minist or assignes uppon any bonds bills or any other specialty or specialties notes accounts reckonings dues debts demands what soever & out of prison againe to deliver, Atturney or Atturneys for the doing thereof under him to ordein & ap- point & att his pleasure againe to revoke acquittance or acquittances for mee & in my name to make seale & Deliv r . & moreover to doe execute & pforme for mee & in my name all & what soever my s d Atturneyes shall thinck convenient. & what soever my s d Atturneyes shall doe or cause to be done herein, I doe pmise to ratify allow & confirme by these pnts. In witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale Ydover the twentie fourth day of March. Anno Dni 1648. Sealed signed & dd in pnce Sampson Lane & a seale of us Thomas Kelland ffrancis Ball. [Page 343.] A copie of the 5 th Article betwixt John Tuttle of Boston in N: Engl: & W m Stanley Peter Legay on the other p* of the towne of Hampton. 1 Mar. -i._o. 22 (3) 1~6-1 Itm for the further secureing of the s d summe of foure hundd foure score & seven pounds fyve shillings six pence & the due payment & satisfaction thereof w th interest for the same in such manner & forme & at such ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 333 time & place as is before mentioned & expressed [scilicet two hundd pounds in money sterl w th in thirty dayes after demand at the house of the s d John Tuttle as Article. (1) & two hundd foure score & seven pounds fyve shillings six pence in merchandise & pvisions such as the s d Stanley & Legay shall demand w th in thirty dayes after demand as afores d , as in the (2) article, or els in money as in the (3) article : w ch allowance of 8 p cent both for the money & goods from the 15 (9) last untill the day of paym 4 ] & for the further & better secureing the pformance of the s d first recited Articles of covenants & these present articles covenants & agreem t8 afores d . the s d John Tuttle doth by these p r sents demise grant bargaine & sell to the s d W m Stanley & Peter Legay theire heires Executo rs Administ. & Assignes all that his messuage or house & lands containing one hundd & fourty Acres more or lesse scituat & being in Ipswich in N: England, now in the occupation of the s d Jo: Tuttle John Gage & John Pittis or theire Assignes w th all Barnes stables buildings woods & appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging, w th all other his lands & tenements w th the appurtenances in N: Engl. afores d . for the full terme & time of fourescore & nineteene yeares from the day of the date of these presents w th out im- peachm* of waste, at the yearly, rent of one pepper corne payable uppon the 25 th day of March yearly if it be lawfully demanded. And the s d John Tuttle doth by these pnts Coven* & pniise for himselfe his heires Execut & Administr that they the s d W m Stanley & Peter Legay theire Execut Administr ffacto 18 or Assignes shall & may peaceably hould & enjoy the s d house & lands w" 1 the Appurtenances free from all incum- brances w th out the lett or denyall of any pson or psons what- soever dureing the s d terme : & that he the s d John Tuttle his Exec Administ or Assignes shall & will w th all Conven- ient speed cause & pcure this p'sent grant of the s d house & lands to be duly registred & enrolled according to the use & custome of that Country & shall & will at all times here- after whensoever he or they shalbe thereunto required by the s d w m Stanley & Peter Legay theire Execut Administrat ffacto 18 or Assignes doe & execute all other acts requisit or necessary for the better confirmation & conveying of the s d house & lands w th appurtenances unto the s d W m Stanley & Peter Legay theire heires Execut Administrat 18 ffactors & Assignes for the terme & time afores d . Provided that in case the above s d payments be made as in the 1. 2. & 3 Articles then the s d bargaine & sale to be void otherwise to stand in force, as Article. -2- . These M r 384 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Tuttle in a tre from Southampton 6 th March 1650. unto M r John Gore of Roxbury he did desire might be recorded. 24 (3) 1 ^ 51 Be it knowne unto all men by these pnst that Samuel Garnet of the Parish of S* Olaves in Southwarke in the Count of Surrey, wooll Cardmaker doe hereby assigne authorise make depute appoint & constitute W m Humpreys, of Lond. barber Chirurgeon my true & lawfull Att r for me & in my name & steed & to my use to aske demand sue for recover & receive of & [Page 344.] from ffrancis Smith of Boston in N. England wooll card maker his Execut r & Administr all that summe of fourty pounds of lawfull money of Engl. w ch is due & forfeited unto mee by vertue of one bill obligatory bearing date the last day of Aprill 1646. made & entred into by the s d ffrancis Smith unto mee the s d Samuel Garnett & Uppon receite of the p r misses or any pt thereof to make & give sufficient acquittance for the same giveing & by these presents granting unto my s d Att r my true & lawfull Authority to sue implead psente pursue seize sequester arrest attach imprison & to compound agree release acquitt & dis- charge & one Atturney or more under him to susbtitute & at his pleasure to revoke. & further to doe & pforme such further act & acts thing & things whatsoever as shalbe meete needfull & expedient to be done & pformed in or about the premisses, to the use afores d & what soever my s d Att r or any his substitutes shall lawfully doe or pcure to be done in or about the p r misses to the use afores d . I doe & will ratify confirme & allow the same for good & effectuall in law at all times hereafter by these pnts. In witnes whereof I have hereunto putt my hand & scale. Dat. 14 th day of ffeb: Ann Dni 1^-^: Signed sealed & dd in y r presence of . Samuel Garnett John Browne & a scale. Sam: Doggard serv te to ffra : Manesley. scr: 26 (3) lAfcl. Gravesend the 13 th March 1AA At ten dayes sight of this my first Bill of Exchang the second & third not being p d , pray pay unto M r Robt New- man M r of the Teneriff Merch*. the value of sixty pounds in good wheate as the price is Curret in the Country of N: Engl. pray faile not to make him good paym* & place it to Acc as p Advice & I shall rest To M r Valentine Hill at Yo rs Giles Barrowe. Boston in N. Engl. dd. ASPINWALL, NOTARIAL RECORDS. 385 Uppon the 26 th day of May 1651 according to the Acc. of England Before mee W m Aspinwall Notary & Tabellion publ by Authority of the General! Court of the Massa: admitted & sworne, psonally* appeared M r Robt Newman & p r sented a ' bill of Exch: the Co'pie whereof is above written & required mee to ptest the same. Accordingly I the s d Notary did re- paire to M r Valentine Hill & demanded paym* of the s d bill, whereto the s d M r Hill answered that he could not pay in kind as the bill requires neither did he give order to M r Giles Barrow to draw uppon him for wheate, but had formerly ex- pressed to the s d Giles Barrow in what kind he could pforme, to witt in pipe staves or bolts, & M r Barrow accepted of such tender w th reference to M r . Caleb ffoote what he should doe therin. W ch answ r being given I the s d Notarij did ptest & by these presents do ptest against the s d M r Giles Barrow the drawer of the s d bill or any that are therein concerned, for Exchang & Rechange & all damages losses & interests w ch . the s d M r Robt Newman, hath suffred or yet further may suffer for non acceptance of the s d bill for all w ch the s d Giles Barrow shalbe responsall in time & place convenient. Thus done & passed in the towne of Boston in New England by mee the Notary afores d . Quod virtute officij &c: [Page 345.] 3 (4) 1651 Be it knowne unto all men by these pntes that I Henry Parks of London mariner have made ordeined & constituted & by these pnts do make ordeine & constitute & in my steed & place putt my welbeloved wife Johan Parks now in N. England & my very loveing friend Rowland Bevan of Boston in N. England afores d mariner my true and lawfull Atturneyes & Assignes in this behalfe, that is to say, for me & in my name & to my only prop use & behoofe to have take receive use possesse & enjoy the benefit use & posses- sion of all that the good shipp of mine w th the tacklings thereunto belonging called the Begining. At any port place or harbours as my said Atturneyes shall first light of the same according as they shall seeme good, & to dispose of the same shipp w th the tacklings as to my s d Atturneyes shall think most convenient & fitting: And also to aske demand leavie sue for recover & receive of all and every pson & psons whatsoever all debts dues summe & summes of money now due or w ch at any time or times hereafter is shall or may be due or oweing unto me for or in respect of the shipp afores d or by any wayes in any manner of wise. And I doe by these p r sents revoke all & every former other Assignments 386 ASPIITWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. or trs of Atturney by mee at any time heretofore made & granted & doe hereby declare the same to be void & of none effect, Giveing & by these presents granting unto my s d Atturneyes my full whole power & lawfully Authoritie in the p r misses to doe say sue psecute attach arrest distrein implead imprison condemne & out againe to release acquitt & discharg And one Atturney or more under them to con- stitute & at theire pleasure to revoke And uppon the receipt of any summe or summes of money afores d an acquittance or some other lawfull & sufficient discharge for me & in my name & as my act & deed to give make seale & deliver & generally all & every other lawfull act & thing whatsoever requisit or necessary to be done in or about the premisses to doe execute accomplish & finish for me & in my name & to the use afores d in as large & ample manner in all respects as I my selfe might or could doe the same in pper pson, holding ratifying & confirmeing for firme & irrevocable all & whatso- ever my s d Atturnys or either of them shall lawfully doe or cause to be done in the premisses by vertue of these presents In witnes whereof I the s d Henry Parks have hereunto sett mv hand & seale. Dated the 12 th day of ffeb. in the yeare of"o r Lord JLfi Sealed & dd in the p r sence of Henry Parks & a seale. Edw. Parks Junior J S B H Aerston Tho: Moone scr: 5 (4) lfi-^1. Shipped in good order & wel conditioned by me Edmund Leech of London in & uppo the good shipp called the Swallow of London whereof N. A. one dry fatt is M r for this p r sent voyage W m Greene, now at Anchor in the river of Thames & bound for the Port of Boston in N. England, to say, one dry fatt twoe bundles of Sythes fourty 2 bundle Syths. nine firkins two kilderkins, & a fagot N. 57. 58 of steele in all rated at three Tunne. E Q Being numbered & marked as in the 49 firkins N. from: margent w ch are to be dd in the like 1: to 34: & from order & Condition at the port afores d 40: to 57. the danger of the seas excepted unto 1: fagot of steele John Duncombe or his Assignes he or N. 35 they paying freight for the said X [Page 346.] goods the summe of nine pounds w th primage & average accustomed. In witnes whereof the M r or purser hath affirmed to three bills ASPENTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 387 of ladeing of this tenor, one whereof being accomplished the other are voyd. so god send you a psperous arrival!. Dat in London 20 th ffeb. i&fiJL. William Greene. The pcells rec d the contents I know not. M r Greene I pray yo u Deliver the Contents hereof to M r Thomas Pell of ffairefield or els where in N: England. The marke J D of John Duncombe witnes W m Humfrey John Cole. Shipped in good order & well conditioned by me John Duncombe in & uppon the good ship called the Swallow of London whereof is M r for this p r sent voyage W m Greene now at Anchor in the River of Thames & bound for Boston in New Engl. to say, two bales, in tunnage one hogshead & kilderkin being numbered & marked as in the E D Margent, w ch are to be Delivered in like order & N. 1 & 2: condition at the port aforesa d the danger of the seas excepted unto the s d John Duncombe or his Assigns he or they paying freight for the s d goods the summe of twenty shillings w th primage & average accus- tomed. In witnes whereof the M r or purser hath affirmed to three bills of ladeing of this teno r one whereof being ac- complished the other are voide so God send her a psperous arrivall. Dated, in Lond. 20 th ffebr: - 1 6 - 5 -. The pcells received the contents I Know not William Greene. M r Greene I pray Deliver the Contents hereof to M r Tho: Pell of ffairefield or else where in N: England. The marke J D: of John Duncombe. Witnes W m Humfrey John Cole. 5 (4) 1M.1. Be it knowne hereby that I Edward Bendall of Boston doe acknowledg to have rec d of m r W m Greene goods shipped by Edmund Leech & John Duncornb aboard the Swallow according to theire severall bills of ladeing Dated 20 th ffeb: 1650. & doe hereby ingage my selfe to keepe them safely as also one boxe of store, for & in consideration of two shillings p weeke warehouse roome, dureing theire stay, & to deliver the s d goods unto M r Pell of ffairfield when they shalbe demanded, or to such as M r Leech & M r Duncombs Administrate 1 " 8 shall appoint, they paying the warehouse roome & giveing a sufficient discharge to M r Greene before the P" bl notarij. witnes my hand this 5 (4) 1651. Teste Will: Aspinwall Edw. Bendall Note: publ: 388 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL, RECORDS. This was againe discharged by M r Pell hee haveing rec d the goods for M r Leech. 10 (4) 1A&1. This biU bindeth me Henry Parks to pay to W m Withington or his Assign es in London the summe of fourty pounds sterl. to be p d in Linnen or Woollen cloth there to whom he shall assigne it to receive, or in case the s d Henry Parks come over hi the first shipp to bring it a long w** him, & then the s d W m is to abate fourty shillings there [Page 347.] either if his Assignes receive it, or in case Henry Parks bring it over to abate it here, And if the goods be dd there then the s d W m doth acquitt him of the debt, & in case that the s d Henry brings it over then the s d W m is to pay freight for it. In true pformance whereof I bind mee my heires Execut & Administrat firmly by these p r sents Witnes my hand this 22 (8) 1AM. Witnes Henry Parkes. George Bennet Anthonie Low. I W m Withington doe Assigne this Bil over to James Everill this 2 (10) 1650. In witnes whereof I have sett to my hand. Witnes hereof W m Withington. Jacob Sheafe. Thomas Stanbury. 13 (4) -L6-5.1. At fourty dayes sight of this my first bill of Exchang my second & third not beiag paid, pay unto M r David Yale or his Assignes the summe of fifty pounds sterl. & is for the value received here, make good payni* & place it to my Account. fferiland the 13 th September !. subscribed thus yo r loveing brother David Kirk. Copia. To M r James Kirk merch* in London these present. On the back side is written I pray yo u pay unto M r Thomas Bell in Seething Lane or to his Assignes being for the Acc c of M r Hezekiah usher & M r Henry Shrimpton, I say X 50 U sterl fferry land 13 th Sept. lAil. David Yale./ By this publick Instrument of Protest be it knowne & manifest unto all people, that on the eight day of the month of November Ann Dni one thousand six hundd & fifty ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 389 Stylo Angliq, At the request of M r Thomas Bell Citizen of this Citty of London I John Marius Notary & Tabellion publick admitted & sworne dwelling w tb in the same Citty, did shew & exhibit the originall bill of Exchang, whereof the Copie is here above written, Unto M r James Kirke unto whom the same is directed in pson requesting him to accept the same, w ch the s d James Kirk refused to doe, & gave me his reason in writeing, w ch is word for word as f olloweth. The reason I accepted not this bill is, That M r David Yale uppon the receipt of this Bill, did pmise to give satisfaction unto s d David Kirk of an Acc of goods w ch Capt Chaplye dd him in N: England, & also Sugars & other goods dd him by S d- David Kirk in the New found land, w ch he faileing to doe is the Cause S* 1 - David gave no order for acceptance of s d Bill. James Kirke. And therefore I the s d Notary did Solemnly ptest & doe ptest by these p r sents (at the request afores d ) as well against 13 d - David Kirk who hath subscribed the s d bill of Exchang, as all other that it doth or may concerne of Exchang & Rechang of all costs Damages & interests for want & refuseall of ac- ceptation of the s d Bill suffered & susteined & hereafter to be suffered & susteined to be all recovered in time & place con- venient. This was thus ptested in this Citty of London in the pnce of M r W m Peake & Joseph Caron Witnesses, Quod attestor Rogatus et requisitus Jo: Marius Nots pub lus : [Page 348.] 13 (4) 16.5-1 j^t, fourty dayes sight of this my first bill of Exc a . my second & third not being p d , pay unto M r David Yale or his Assignes the summe of fifty pounds sterl & is for the value received here, make good paym* & Copia place it to my Acc. fferriland the 13 th Sept. 1650 Subscribed, Yo r loveing brother David Kirke. Di- rected to M r James Kirke merchant in London these p r sent. On the back side is written, The contents hereof I pray yo u pay unto m r Thomas Bell in Seething lane or to his Assignes being for Acc of Mr. Hezekia Usher & M r Henry Shrimpton I say 50. sterl. fferry land 13 th Sept. l&O.. Yo ra to Comand David Yale. By this publ Instrum* of ptest be it knowne & manifest unto all people that on the fourth day of the month of January A Dni lesoty Stily Anglio. At the request of M r Thomas Bell Citizen of this Citty of London, I John Marius Notary & Tabellion publ admitted & sworne dwell- ing w th in the same Citty did show & Exhibit the Originall 390 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. bill of Exc. whereof the Copie is here above written unto M r James Kirke unto whom the same is directed in pson, asking him if he would pay unto the s a Thomas Bell the summe of fifty pound sterl therein mentioned in regard the said Bill is due, whereuppon the s d James Kirk answered & s d , That he would not pay the s d summe for the same reason that is mentioned in the ptest for non-acceptance, And there- fore I the s d Notary did solemnly ptest & doe ptest by these p r sents (at the request afores d ) as well against S d David Kirke who hath subscribed the s d Bill of Exchang, as all others that it doth or may concerne, of Exc & rechange & of all costs damages & interests for want & refusall of pay- in* of the s d summe suffered & susteined & hereafter to be suffered & susteined to be all recovered in time & place con- venient. This was thus ptested in this Citty of London in the p r sence of Lucas Evans & W m Smith witnesses. Quod attesor rogatus &c requisitus Jo. Marius Nott Pub cms . London this 6 th of ffeb: i^- 5 A 30 (4) 1651 . At or before the first of June next ensue- ing or sooner the fishing season pmitting, my second or third bills of this Date not being discharged, I pray Deliver or cause to be dd to M r Benjamin Whetcomb & Phillip Jack- son or theire Assignes free of all chardges aboard such Shipp or shipps as the s d Benjamin Whetcomb & Phillip Jackson or theire Assignes shall send to receive the same, the full quantity of three hundd & eight Kintalls of good sound merchantable & well conditioned new England fish account- ing one hundd & twelve pounds weight to every Kintall. I pray faile not to make good Delivery according to this con- tents & put it to my Account as p advice. subscribed yo r loveing brother Robert Houghton. And Directed, to his loving brothers M r ffrancis Norton at Charls towne & M r John Leveret of Boston in New England, or to either of them theis. Indorsed, pray pay the Contents of this bill of Exchange unto m r W m Stratton or his order. London the 11 th . ffeb. 1^. Benjamin Whetcomb. Phillip Jackson. Uppon the 30 th day of June -L&_L. at the request of M r W m Stratton Assignee of M r Benjamin Whetcomb & M r Phillip Jackson, I W m Aspinwall Notary & Tabellion publ by Authority of the General Court of the Massachusetts admitted & sworne did shew & exhibit the originall Bill of Exchang the Copie whereof is above written ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 391 [Page 349.] unto Capt John Leveret of Boston declaring unto him in the name of the afores d W m Stratton that the Bill aboves d was not paid, & there fore at request as afores d did ptest & by these p r sents do ptest as well against the s d Robert Houghton subscriber of the s d Bill as any other in the s d Bill bound for Exchang & Rechange & for all costs damages & interests w cl1 the s d W m Stratton alreadie hath susteined or further may hereafter susteine through the Non Delivery of the s d quantity of fish according to Bill, to be all re- covered in time & place convenient. In answ r of w ch pro- test, the s d John Leveret gave me this returne under his hand Verbatim as followeth. M r W m Aspinwall comeing to me w th a bill of Exchange uppon M r ffrancis Norton of Charles towne & John Leveret of Boston for one hundd fifty f oure Kint of fish for each to pay, charged by M r Robert Houghton ; My answer is, that for one hundd fourty nine Kintalls I charged bills uppon severall & sent to M r W m Stratton to whom the Bill was eon- signed, who acknowledgeth the receipt of the Bills, & p* of the fish by them, & hath not returned mee the Bills for that w ch is wanting. Also I answ r a readiness & desire in mee to Comply w th M r Stratton about the bills w ch he wholely refuseth, & himselfe knoweth, that fish hath not beene to be poured for money, This is my answ r witnes my hand this 30 th : June 1651. John Leveret. Whereunto M r W m Stratton replyed as followeth. ffor the bills I Delivered them to M r Norton. & have no order to comply. 30 th June 1SA1. p me W m . Stratton. Thus done & passed in the towne of Boston this 30 th day of June l-5-l. by me the Notary afores d . Quod virtute ofnicij mei &c: ffurthermore at request afores d I the Notary afores d did re- paire to Charls towne to the house of M r ffrancis Norton & demanded whether M r Norton was at home: M rs Norton said he was to the Eastward. Then I shewed & read the originall bill & desired the payment thereof. M rB Norton answered that M r Houghton had taken of her husband & charged it wholy on Capt. Leveret, yet if her husband could have poured fish he would have done it to his utmost. w ch answ r being given, I the Notary afores d at request afores d did ptest & by these pnts doe ptest as well against the afores d M r Houghton who subscribed the s d Bill of Exchange as 392 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. against all others Concerned therein for Exchang rechange & all costs damadges & interests w ch the s d W m Stratton hath or further may suffer for not delivering the s d quantity of fish according to bill, to be recovered in time & place con- venient. Thus done & passed in the towne called Charls towne in N: Engl. by me the s d Notarij. Quod virtute oflficy mei rogatus attestor - 2 '(5) i&Al. Boston in N. England this 2 d of July At fourty dayes after the sight of this my first Bill of Ex- change (my second & third of the same tenor & date not paid) pay onto M r George Monck or his Assignes the summe of one hundd & seven pounds sterl. & is for the like value here received in good merchantable dry cod fish & pyled up for yo r use. At day pray yo u make good payment accord- ing to the advice of yo r servant. Henry Shrimpton. To the Worp u Rowland Wilson & Martin Bradgate of Lon- don Merchants these. [Page 350.] 2 (5) JLflLtl. Boston in N: England this 2 d of July HULL At fourty dayes after the sight of this my first bill of Exch: (my second & third of the same tenor & date not being paid) May unto M r Richard Seely or his Assignes the summe of three hundd. pounds sterl. & is for the like value here received in good merchantable dry cod fish & pyled up ffor yo r use. At day pray make good payment according to the advice of yo r servant Henry Shrimpton. To the Worp 11 Rowland Wilson & Martin Bradgate of London merchants these 2 (5) 16 $i. These presents witnes that I John Seely of Kingstanton in the County of Devon mariner doe acknowledg my selfe to be indebted unto my brothers Richard & George Seely the summe of thirty pound sterl money of England to be p d unto the s d Richard or Georg at or before the first day of December next ensueing the date hereof & for the true pformance hereof I doe bind my selfe my heires Executo rs & Administrate 18 & Assignes firmly by these presents. In wit- nes, hereof I have sett my hand the 27 tu of 27 th of June Sealed signed & dd John Seely & a seale. in the presence of us whose names are here under written p me Georg Moncke. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 393 4 (5) l- 6 -i. These presents witnes that I John Seely of Kingstanton mariner doe acknowledge my selfe indebted unto George Monck of Stockingtynhee in the same County mariner the full summe of twelve pound sixteene eight pence of sterling money of England, to be p d unto the s d George Monk or his Assignes at or before the first of November next en- sueing the date hereof & for the true pformance hereof I doe bind my selfe my heires Executo 1 " 8 Administrate or Assignes firmly by these presents. In witnes hereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this 27 th of June 1AA1 Sealed signed & dd John Seely & a seale. in the presence of us witnesses Richard Seely witnes Robert Gotam. [On Outside Back Cover.] THE NOTARIES FIRST BOOK OF RECORDS. [On Fly Leaf.] Know all men by these pntes that the 23 of Septmb r : Ann Dni. 1643 Before mee W: A: Notary & Tabellion pub- licke dwellinge in the towne of Boston by Authority of the generall Court of the Massachusets admitted & sworne & in pnce of the Wittnesses. hereafter named personally appeared [T K: merch* of Boston w tb in the County of Suff: the Attur- ney of P: L: of Lon. Merch* w ch P. L is Atturney irrevocable of J: B: tyler as by the s d J B his lett r Atturney Dated 9 (10) last past & by the said P L his procuration dated the 14. of this instant month doth & may appeare.] [or M r P L of Lond. merch* Atturney irrevocable of Jeremie Browne tyler of London as by his lett of Attur. beareing date the 9 (10-) last past doth & may appeare] [or J B tyler of London] the w 011 Appearer of his free & voluntary will hath made or- dained & by these pntes in his steed & place doth Authorise & constitute G K. inhabitant of his true & lawfull At- turney Giveing & granting to his s d Atturney full power strength & lawfull Authority for & in the name & to the use of to aske lea vie recover & receive of or of his heires executors administrators, or goods effects actions & credits wheresoever they shalbe found the sume of w ch he is oweinge & indebted to the said for what cause & reason soever the same bee. And of the receipt to give acquittance in due forme, also to compound conclude & agree & to appeare before all Lords Judges & Justices in any Cour f or Courts there to require lawe ayde favo r & justice to doe say pursue 394 AsprsrwALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. impleade arrest seize sequester attach imprison & condemne, & out of prison to deliver, & generally to doe all things that the appearer himselfe could doe if he should be therre pson- ally pnte: w tb power to substitute one or more Atturneys under him w th like or limited power, promiseing to hould for firme & of value [or that P L: or J B shall hould for firme 6 of value] what soever his said Atturney or his substitutes shall lawfully doe or procure to be done in & about the prem- ises. In witnes whereof the said Constituant hath signed sealed & Delivered these pnts. Thus done & passed in this towne of Boston in the presence of J. N: & M. M. Witnesses hereunto required. Quod attestor Rogatus et requisitus W: A: N P: 1643. J: N: M.M. I or wee underwritten do certify. & testify to all to whom it shall appertains that J M who hath subscribed the afore- goinge Instrument is a Notary & Tabell, pub: dwellings : in by Authority of admitted & sworne, & that to all Acts Instruments & other writeings so by him subscribed full faith & credit is given in Judgment Court & w th out Ackd vsante. [Page 1 Back of the Book.] Cocquetts & Certificates of goods imported & exported : r f * Q /7 -\ 1 6 4 5 t Goods dd by the Dolphin of Lon- ,11: y. (j.) -. d John Wall magter for Mr Stephen WINTHKOP Trr-il. OUl, TT U J l,r Wmthropp 2 hhs Haberdasn r cast wares one hundred, sixe bar 11 nayles. 200 goads Cottons. 100 yards Bayes silk ware cost l u two chests of window glasse cont 400 foote. one tunn yron. 400 wh* pewt r . 400 wh* Brasseware. 60 doz hatts. 20 doz shooes. Also another Cocquet. viz* bearing date xix may. 10 Bales cont 6 Span- ish cloths drest. 40 Northerne kersies. Licensed as appeare by 2 Cocquetts xxix th . & xxx th May. Carol, xxi: /~i j.- i a sn ^ i ft A K Dolphin of London John Wall mas- Certif: 12. (7.) iS-iA * .. ter, Delivered for Roger Kilvert, 10 lts KILVERT one chest cont 40 pcs. Northerne cot- tons. 128 doz mens woollen hose. 30 Damasellod. 4 sayes. 7 Chenies. 30 pees Callicoes. 50 pees course Canvas. 20 tunnes Cordge. Also Jan vii 6 balls cont 1000 ells Nor- mandie Canvas. 16 pees Lockrams. 700 Ells nar Germalne linnen. Licensed by 2 Cocq: Dat. vii th June. Carol xxi & vii Carol. xxi. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 395 n ffi OA /^7-\ 1645 Imported by Richard Vicarige & Ben- jamin Whetcomb in the Alice of Lon- don Thomas Chivers master, 73 doz woollen stockings. 2 pees frize. 4 ppetnaes 60 11 . 2 Sayes cont 30 11 . 4 pees Callicoes. 120 pound of Woollen yarne. hony Combs 40 U 10 Ells Taffaty. 200 doz shooes. 10 doz brushes. 9 doz bodies. 8 pound silke: 5 barr nayles. 5 pees lanes. haberdash r ware cost 60 11 . 200 yards blew linnen. 5 bales cont 45 pees lockrams. 17 bale cont 4700 ells Can- vas, ly censed by 2 Cocq: Dat xi th . Apriil. Carol xxi. .... th Exported by Robt Loveland me r . in the \ Boston Xlllf n Sept: Tsj r JPTI T J T i. r^ ! 6 4 5 Edmond & John of London John Dan- ' iel Master, 1800 kintalls Codfish. 3000 bush us corne viz* pease wheate, & wheate of this Country for Bilboa. under scale. TJ on ("I \ Exported by Robt Loveland me r . in the 1646 ^ ) Edmond & John of London, John Daniel master sixe butts 3 hogshds & 23 Rowles of Tobacco of the English plantations for the account of Roger Bathorne. for Bilboa & thence to London. under scale. B t 22 C7^ Exported by Joseph Dorney mer in the 1645 ^ ' Alice of London Thomas Chivers master, 2000 Kintalls fish, a smale quantity English graine, a boxe cont 10 Doz brushes, & a Caske cont 30 Castors for Bilboa. under scale. 00 ,-, Exported by Joseph Dorney mer in the Boston 22. (7) .,. j- T J TA-1 i. j J T> Account of Roger Kilvert Edward Parks & David Davison seven thousand bushells of graine, viz*, wheat rye pease: one thousand Kintalls of fish: 12 thousand pipe staves: 40 hhd beefe & porke: & 40 hhs. makrell & red her- ringe for Canaries. The Master gave mee this Account of the pticulars. Exported by the Dolphin of London for the Account of the same merch t8 seven thousand weight of Tobacco to be transported to the Canaries & so to London all of the English Plantations. This quantity was given mee by y r M r . Imported in the Tryall of New England Thomas Graves M r . for the Acco* of Daniel Butler mer, three cask cont. seventy doz shoes, fourty paire bootes. ffive fardles cont twenty peeces freeze, twenty nine Manchest 1 " single bayes. seventy foure doz mens woollen stockings Cocq* Dat. x. ffebr. Carol. xx. XX CR^i Imported in the Tryall' of New England M r v ) Thomas Graves, for the account of Daniel But- ler M er . sixe & a halfe Kentish clothes drest & thirty foure Northerne Kersies. Coqu*. Dat. x th ifeb. Carol. xxo. XXIII '8^ Exported by the Defence of Boston M r Edw: V ) Wetheridge, from Henry Webb uppon the Ac- count of Martin Holman & to him consigned, vizt. one hun- dred bush, wheate & seventy foure Kintalls three quarters of fish. [Page 3.] 1 n 0^ 1645 Imported by Indevo r of New England Tho: SHRIMPTON Andrewes M r for Ed. Shrimpton mere: one tonn of yron potts. 4 C wht Brasse. 4 C wht pewter. 2 C wht of wrought yron. 4 C wht of nayles 5 bar" 398 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. gunpowder, IOC wht of shott. 15 Doz of shooes. 1 Doz of bootes. sixty doz of felt hatts. 10 Doz of stockings, sixe cask cont grocery saltery haberdashr apparell & other necessaries. 2 q 8 of mault. 4 grosse of Sheffield blades. Cocq* Dat. 1. Apr. 1645. Carol. xx. Imported by the Tryall of New England Thomas Graves M r . for Edw: Shrimpto mere, fyve caske of seven hundred wht pewter, eight C. wht brasse. two C wht wrought yron. fyve C wht Iron in barrs. three quarters mault. 2 Caske of halfe a tonne wine lees. Lycensed by Cocq*. Dated xiiij ffeb. Carol. xx. 1 (~\ O^v Imported by the Tryall of New England Tho: Graves ^ ' M r for W m Peake nierch*. twenty doz shooes. twenty doz stockings. haberdash r ware cost xxx u . two duf- fles cont twenty yards bayes, fyve doz. felt hatts. 4 doz sythes. one C & fifty ells canvas, ten doz belts. 10 doz bandi- liers. 2 grosse Sheffield knives. 3 grosse scissors: 10 doz bodies one saddle & bridle, lycensed by Cocq* Dated. xix th . ffeb. Carol. xx. 17 r~lf^ Imported by the Tryall of N. E: Thomas Graves 'pV M r for Richard Vicars mer r . at Charlestowne to be spent & verted one Trunk cont certaine stuffs cost 45 U three Balls cont 23 peecs Lockrams Juxt coqu* Dat. xix. ffeb Carol. xx. ..-. rl() . Imported by the Tryall of N: E: Tho. Graves M r ^ ' for Raph Whorey at Charlsto to be spent & verted, 40 peecs cottons, 3 peecs shagg bayes, 4 peecs frize in 2 packs cw alijs. 16 chests con 32 C w ut hard soape. 3 barrlls 2 hogshds cont 7 C weight starch, 5 C wht Allome, spices val fifty five pound. 4 barlls nails 2 C weight steele. 2 doz bellowes. one hundred drest sheepskins. 5 doz drest calveskins. 4 doz shooes. 15 peecs Kentish linnen. 2 C & ten Ruggs. Juxt. cocq*. Dat xix. ffeb. Carol. xx. Dat. Boston N: E: xvij. Decemb r . 1645. 17 1() . Imported by the Tryall of N E: Tho. Graves M r for Raph Whorey at Chaiitowne to be spent & verted one tunne cont sixe long Kentish cloths Drest. 25 Northerne Kersies. 17 (\\ Imported by the Tryall N E: Tho. Graves M r for ' Joseph Wells at Boston. 15 C ells canvas. 3 pees lockram haberdash ware val xxx u mercery ware cost xxx u . 3 pees blew linen, two C fifty goades cot- tons. 3 pees frize 12 doz cotton stockings. 20 doz shooes. one doz bootes. 2 C wh* wrought yron. one trunk of hab- ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECOKDS. 399 erdashry ware cost xv u Juxt coqut. Dat xix. ffeb. Carol xx. 1 Q f\ to\ I m P OI> t e< i by the Dolphin John Wall m r for Peter ' ' Goulding Merch* 2 Tonns con* nine & halfe long Kentish cloths drest. Jux Cocqu*. Dat xxix May Carol xxj. 1 Q n (\\ Imported by the Dolphin John Wall M r for John v ' Pocock & Henry Ashurst merch* 8 fifty fyve Northerne Kersies. fyve Spanish cloths drest. two long Kentish cloths. Drest. Juxt Coqu*. Dat xxiiij th May Carol xxj. 1Q fiO\ Imported by the Indevo r of New England W m Andrewes M r for John Pocock & W m Kendall to "POOOOK" be spent & verted three touns cont twenty Ker- sies. twenty long Kentish cloths Drest Juxt Cocqut. Dat. xxj. Apr. Carol xxj. 19 /'K^ Imported by the Indevo r of New England W m Andrewes M r . three packs one sack cont eight welch Cotton sixe peeces frizes, ninety doz woollen stockings twenty two peecs Northerne Cottons, mercers & haberdash ware Val sixty pounds Juxt Coqut. Dat. xxj. Apr. Caroll. xxj. 19 f"1fn Imported by the Tryall of N E: Thomas Graves ' M r for John Pocock Merch*. two balls of twenty sixe Northerne Kersies. three Spanish cloths Drest. Juxt. Cocqu* Dat. xjiij th ffebr. Carol xx. [Page 4.] jjijj Imported by the Tryall of N E: Thomas Graves M r 19 rlO^ twenty seven Duffies, three single B ayes, one pee ' of frize. two Chests one barrell foure firkins cont Druggs potts plants Roots Allom Candles hony Turpentine & sarve. cost thirty pounds, two fether bedds w th Coverletts & blanketts cost vi 11 Juxt Cocqut Dated xv th . ffeb. Carol xx. oo /-i AN Imported by the Tryall of N: E Thomas Graves M r ^ ^ for John Gwin mere one hogshead of nine doz shoes. 3 doz white cotten stockings, one doz of Bootes, one smale fardle of two pcs of Browne Canvas of 45 Ells. 3 doz Cotten stockings, one Rulet strong water 6 gall, one Runlet sack 6 gall, two smale bales of 500 Ells Can- vas. Juxt Cocqu*. Dat xx th ffeb. 1644. o ^-j -t ^ Imported by the Tryall of Boston Thomas Graves LEVERET "^ r ^ or ^ e ^ ccount f Capt John Leveritt a par- 1 ^ . ~ cell of blewlinnen Canvas Remnants of stuffe & fine linnen to the valew of one hundred pounds. 400 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 2 A certificates that Edw. Wetheridge M r of the Defence of Boston arrived here' at Boston w th his ladeing of wines from Teneriffe & the same here Delivered. 2 Certificats that John Beanes Master of the Recov- ery of London here arrived in good safety at Boston w th his lading of wines from Teneriff & the same here Deliv- ered. 2 Certificats of goods Imported in the Tryall of New England Thomas Graves Master 10 pieces Northerne Kersies, 8 peecs westerrie Kersie 13 U of Haberdashry wares & 13 doz shooes. Dat. 9. (5). o f n^ One Certificat of wines imported in the Neptune of Dartmouth whereof M r Sampson Lane is M r & Capt. that here the ffreight was delivered ashore, ffrom Teneriff: o f n.-. Imported in the Beaver of London Edward BEAVR 3. ^) c Mr ffor wm j p eake mercnt> gits Q f T > "FA"K"F* one C northerne Kersies & 3 long Kentish cloths Drest, Juxt. Cocq*: xxviij Aprill ano Dni 1646. Imported in the Beav r of London Edw: Coyte M r o ^ fi x ' for William peake merch*: 3 packs. 4 Caske of 18 ' hundred goads Cottons. V. pieces of sayes. groc ware ad val xx 11 . haberdash ware ad val xx u . one hundred groce Tobacco pipes, eighty nine gall Aquavite. xxviij Apr. 1646 r ,. Exported by the Recovery of London John Beanes Master, for John Mills Merch*. 12 Chests of earthen ware. 3 Chests glasses. 3 bailes Indian Matts. one boxe of belts & girdles. 200 bush, pease, 23 thousand pipe staves. n x^x Exported by the William of Boston Thomas Patie ' Master for the Island of Palme uppon the Account of W m Braddick merch*. 8 thousand 7 hundred pipe staves. 2 Tonns of oyle & one thousand & halfe of Tobacco all made & bought in this Country. [Page 5.] 1646 Rainebow of Bristoll w m Stratton M r hath EAINEBOWE Delivered here for the use of the Country xx Irish hydes for the Account of Joseph Jackson Juxt Cocqu*. Dat. xj th march 1645 witnes my hand vij August. 1646.X STRATTON Rainebow of Bristoll W m Stratton M r hath de- livered for the use of the Country uppon the Account of w m Stratten Merch*. 8 caske q*. 11 hh 8 Aquavitz iiij hhs of wine, v piecs primes cont xxv C w tt neate. & xx ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 401 Caks pitch. Jux* Cocq** Dat x th ffeb. 1645. witnes my hand vij* h Aug. l&. Rainbow of Bristoll W m Stratton M r hath De- livered for the use of the Country uppon the Ac- count of W m Stratton merch*. j hhd. haberdash. wares, j Butt shoes. 8 packs & 2 trusses cloth. 3 bales canvas. 11 Caske shott. 6 Cask strong water. 22 doz. siths. 4 hh dd lines. 1 dry fatt of woollen Cards. 4 pcs of sackcloth 2 bundle Reapehooks xxx wayes of Coales. j hh d shooes. 3 C w* of soape in 12 Caske. Juxt Cocq* Dat. vj th march. 1645. Witnes my hand. Vij th August IfiJ-S-. HT Rainebow of Bristoll W m Stratton M r hath De- livered &c: for the Account of Robert Knight Mercht. 5 Tonns Aquavite, one Tonne Vinegar, one Toune Yron Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. 9 ffeb: 1645. witnes my hand. vij August 1.SJL6.. Rainebow of Bristoll W m Stratton M r hath de- livered &c: Uppon the Account of Robert Knight Merch*. 1 pack cont. 6 prest plaines. 5 Elmester Kersies. 1 penniston. 5 doz Stockings. 1 welsh frize N. 1: 5 Remnants of broad cloath. 4 Elmester kersies. 5 doz Stockings. 1 Shagg bayes. 1 pennistone. 1 welsh frize N. 3: 7 pennistones. 1 plaine red. 2 red broad cloaths. 1 Kersie Cotton. 1 piece linsey wolsey N. 4: 2 Manchester frizes. 8 gray welsh frizes. 2 Kersey Cottons N. 5. 1 piece broad whit cloth. 1. bayes. 1 piece linsey wolsey. 10 peecs carpetting N. 1. 1 butt of 13 doz shooes. 1 hhd of 7 doz shoos. 1 butt of 20 doz fishing lines. 1 bar 11 cont 160 doz knives. 1 barrll Allom. 16 Cribbs of glasses. 6 Butts of Malago wine. 5 chests steele. 3 fardlls Ruggs. 1 chest cont 300 p r stockings. 4 chests stockings cont 40 doz. 4 barr 118 & one hhd of nayles. 100 frying pans. 1 Tonn Spanish yron. 1 bar 11 of threed & spice 1 hhd of shooes. 1 chest of Canvas. 5 Tunns Aquavite. 1 Tonn Vinegar. 4 Trusses of Carpeting. Jux* Cocq*. Dat. 6 March. 1645 witnes my hand. 7 August. 1646. ELBRIDGE Rain ebowe of Bristoll W m Stratton M r hath here Delivered &c uppon the Account of John Elbridge merch*. 5 packs of Cloth. 3 butts of sack. 1 chest of stockings. 1 chest of linnen. 3 fardells of Ruggs. one pack of Carpetting. one barrell of Allom. & one bar 11 gro- cery. & 15 chests glasse Jux*. cocq*. Excise office Dat. 16 ffeb: 1645. witnes my hand. 7. August. !-&. Know yee that the Dolphin of London Capt John Wall mast r is freight w th wheate pease pipestaves 6 Fish all of this Country & bound for Teneriffe. Dat. Bost. xv Octobris. 1646. 402 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Beaver of Lond Ed. Coyt m r for account of WOOLNOUGH. T , ,, T i t n i ix Joshua Woolnough mere*. 2 packs 4 Its cont. xxv C. ells Canvas, v C. ells Ozenbriggs. iij C & fifty ells East Country linnen. 19 piecs lockrams. Ivj. Calli- coes. iiij C ells holland. foure Sayes cost 48 U . Juxt cocq*. xxj Apr Car. xxij. Witnes my hand, xxviij . Nov. 1646. Beav r of Lond Edw: Coyte M r for Aco 1 of Joshua ffoote Merch* hath dd to be spent & vert 2 C. Northerne Kersies. xx Spanish cloths. & 20 long Reading & Kentish clothes. Jux* obi. 17 Ap 1 : Ano Dni 1646. Wittnes my hand xxviij Nov: ISJ^. [Page 6.] Dolphin of London John Wall M r hath here dd "FOOTF to be spent & verted for the Account of Joshua ffoote merch*. one hundred & fifty northerne Kersies fifteene long Kentish clothes & fifteene Spanish clothes Jux* obi: dat. xxij Maij An . Dni 1646. witnes my hand xxviij Nov: 1646. Charles of London Thomas Hawkins M r hath dd DE ' to be spent & verted for the Acco*. of Joshua ffoote Merch*. 30 long Kentish clothes & 80 northerne Kersies Jux* obi. dat. iiij die Augusti. An Dni 1646. witnes my hand. 28 (9) l&Ai. Charles of London Thomas Hawkins M r hath dd CE ' to be spent & verted for the account of Joshua ffoote merch* 52 peecs Northerne Kersies. 13 Kentish broad clothes & 8 Spanish broad clothes. Jux* obi: dat. August: 1646. witnes my hand. 28 (9) l&AH. 1&46 Bever of London Edw. Coyte M r hath dd &c: uppon the account of Edward Shrimpton Merch* 5 U . of pewter to value of 145 11 . 7 Kersies. 4 Cottons. 1. Bayes. 1 broadcloth, linnen val 30 U . Brasse ware 80 U . Dat. 15 (10) 1646. Capt Jackson hath dd for the Account of Edw. Shrimpton of London Merch 1 1000 weight of Brasse Kettles & stockings to val 30 11 . Dat. 15. (10) lA. Defence of London Edward Witheridge Master 1647 hath dd for the Acc t: of Wm Stratton merch*: 2 tun uncast leade. 30 doz of Irish Stocking. & fyve Dunster Doz: Juxt. Cocq*: Dat last Decemb: 1647: also 2 Certificats more Dat. 13. (9) 1648. 8 (*>} 1648 2 Certiff: that the Rose of Bristoll Jo: Griffin M r dd for the Acc of Hugh Browne & Joseph BROWNE. T , , A ^, , . { TT Jackson. 40 (Jhawder coales. 4 Hun uncnst leade Juxt. Cocquet. Dat. 4 th Jan: 1647. also 2 certif: more. Dat. 13 (9) 1648. 2 Certif: tnat tne Dove of Bristoll W m Hale TTAKT PK "^ r na ^ Q ^ ^ or * ne Account of Tho: Hancock merch*. 2 packs woollen cloth. 1 pack of Irish stockings. 2 chests Castile soape. one chest tobacco pipes. 2 408 ASPESTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. tun of leade cast. Juxt. Cocqu*. Dat. last ffeb: 1647. Also 2 certif: of the same. Dat. 13 (9) 1648. Certiffic: that the Dove of Bristo11 Wm Hale m r hath dd for the Account of Joseph Jackson & Hugh Browne merch* 8 . 80 caske of castleade. 2 smale fardells of stockings & 20 Tunne Salt Quod virt: officii attest: 10 (5) 1648, also certif: more. Dat. 13 (9) UL1A. 11 f^ 1648 ^ Certiff: that the Unicorne London Isaac ^ ' Addington M r hath dd for Account Rich: Hutchinson 4 packs cont 4 Duffles 4 pcs lockram. 40 ells holland 10 piecs Callicoes 250 ells ham- borough. 560 ells Canvas. 4 pcs buckram, mercery & smale wares val. 20 U Quod attestor. 11. (5) 1&4.. 8 -. for Account of Rich: Hutchinson. 11 (^\ 1648 ^ Certiff: that the Swallow of London W m Greene M r for account Rich: Hutchinson merch* hath dd 2 truncks. 3 packs cont. 1860 ells vittry Canvas. 510 ells holland. 62 pcs Callicoes. 940 ells ham- borough cloth. 360 ells east country linnen. 6 piecs \ lock- rams. 8 pcs tufted holland. 2 pcs Cambrick. 4 piecs launes. 40 half pcs Jeines ffustians. 100 pares pistolls. Quod attestor. 11 (5) 1648 . 12 (^ 1648 ^ Certif: that the Tryall of Lond. Tho: Gravs M r & merch* of London Nehem. Bourne M r hath here dd uppon the Accounte of Richard Hutchinson merch*. 1000 ells canvas. 500 ells holland. 40 Calicoes. 900 ells Hamboroughs. 300 ells East country cloth. 6 pcs lockram. 6 pcs tuft holland. 10 pcs Jeines fustian. 4 pcs launes. 2 pcs Cambrik. 20 pcs Duffles : Quod &c: -tftAQ 2 certiff: that the Swallow of Lond. W m Greene m r : hath here dd for the Acc of Jo: Leveret Merch*. 30 Kersies. 10 Spanish drest clothes. 30 Duffles. 70 Ruggs. 800 Goades Cottons. 40 Norwich Stuffs w* h 500. one Butt 2 Bales cont. 20 pcs lockrams. 300 y* 3 blew linen. 400 wh* Match. 12 caske Nailes. 60 serges 500 wh*: 5 doz worsted stockings : 15 doz woollen stocking. 10 hundd wh* Shott. 3 Caske haber- dash 8 . ware cost 80 U . 2 bundles yron ware cost 10 U . one Trunck Mercerie ware 60 U . Quod, etc: Certif: that the Swallow of London W m 1648 DREW Greene M r hath here dd. for the Account of Joseph Drew Merch*. 2 bales ffrench cloth val. 100 U . Quod &c: ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 409 I Certiff: that the Chapman of London Nicholas Trerice M r hath dd here uppon the Acc. of Phillip Allen merch* three trusses N: 1. 2. 3. also one chest N. 4 : also 2 trusses N: A. & B : all w ch were here dd to Nich: Davison of Charlestowne merch*: Dat. Bost. 18 th . July J^L4&. [Page 11.] 14 r6^ 1648 4 Certif: that the Comfort of Lond: W m Garnet M r hath here dd for Account of T4TTT TCT "FY" W m Bulkley merch* one baile grey woolen stockings cont 45 doz : & one baile cont fyve cloth Rashes. Quod attestor. 14 (6) J^LS. & 23 (7) 1648. 93 fl\ 1fU8 2 Certif: that the Comfort of Lond: W m Garnet M r hath here dd for Acco* of W m Bulkley m r ch*. one baile cont. 4 Devonshire Kerseyes. 2 pics browne linnen. 2 piecs hampton serges : 1 piece Northerne cotton. & one baile cont. 4 pieces Devonshire Kerseyes. 2 pieces browne linnen Quod attestor. 23 (7) 1648. IftAQ Hez: Usher of Boston in N: Engl: booke- seller hath shipped in & uppon the good shipp called the Peregrine of London, three hogsh: of Bev r marked NB. & numb. 1. 2. 3. one hhd of beaver marked N: B: & numbred W. a runlet of Indigo marked NB. N. 4. one box marked NB N. 5. & one barrell of bever marked NB. N. 6. also fourty moose skins marked NB- N. 1. 2. 3. 4. A. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. IV. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 &c: unto the No: 49. Allw 011 goods are shipped for England by the way of Malaga & consigned unto M r Ninion Boutcher of Lond. merch*. In testimonie &c: 10 n 1 ^ 1648 ^ Certifficats that the Peregrine of London whereof was M r Thomas Hawkins hath here HUTCHTNSON , , A i-ra-i.JTT.Li.- dd uppon Account of Richard Hutcmnson of London Merch*. 10 pcs Duffles. 4 peces Taunton serges, 5 ends broad cloth. 3 kersies w th a pcell bustians. dimittes blew linnens hollnds. & other smale pcells of goods to the value of 120 U . Quod attest: &c: 10 (11) ii. 10 f\~\\ ~\ fi48 Henry Webb & Jacob Sheafe of Boston in N: E. merchants have shipped in & uppon the good ship Peregrine of London to be conveyed by the way of Malaga for England these goods following, to say, one hogshead of Bever marked NB. N. S. & fifty one mooskins marked HW. & numbred from 1. to 51. all w ch goods are consigned to M r Ninion Boutcher of London Merch*. In testimonie &c. 410 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL, RECORDS. 2 Certif: that the Providence of Dartmouth x-, -, -. < George Sparke M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Robert Matthew & comp. mercht 8 . Unto John Manning of Boston merch* two packs N. 1. 2. each q*. 5 pcs devon doz. one pack N. 3. q* si~s.e pees ditto. one pack no. 4. q*. foure pees Taunton cottons, one pack N. 5. q*. foure halfe pees Barn bayes. N. 6. 7. each q*. ten pees Devon doz. N. 8. 9. q* in both twenty halfe pees of sin- gle Barn bayes. more 2 boxes of linen & one hhd of yrori wares. Also six packets No. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 each q*. one pee of Course broads. Juxt cocqu*. Dat 30 Octobris. - 1 6 4 8 . Quod virtute officij &c: ,<-|o\ -IRAQ. Henry Sandys of Bosto in N E: merch* Ship- ped aboard the Jane of Bost 13 hhs. : 85 smale caske : 22 hhs F: 5 hhs H^F: 4 hhs R 4 C : 8 hhs pease 8 hhs tobacco RIS: 2 Smale caske IB : 14 hhs IR : 7 hhs WP: 1 hh. RW: 2 hhs. WT: 4 hhs 2 ff: 5 hhs PN: 3 smale barrells 4SXX: 1. hh. RG: 2 bags Cotton wool &: 1 hh pease NV: 2 Smale barrells N. 1. 2. VI: 14 Smale barrells WB : 2 Smale vessells IB : 1 Butt RIS : in all, one butt 2 Baggs. 108 Smale caske & 95 hogsheads. w th seale of the country. 9Q C4.\ 1649 I signed a bill of health for Capt W m Hale of Bristoll bound for Bilboa. [Page 12.] , ,r, 1 649 Hen. Shrimpton of Boston in the Massach. merch* hath shipped in & uppon the Shipp Merch* of London whereof Nehemiah Bourne in Comder, to say. 1 punch, hh. N. M. B : & 1 puncheon N. M. 3. all Bevever. consigned unto Ed. Shrimpt of London merch*. o-j xrx -, f.AQ Henry Webb & Jacob Sheafe in & uppon the Malago MW. shipped 1. hhd. bever N. NB. ^: & one hhd N. NB: IS: consigned to M r Ninion Butcher. o-i XJ-N i 6 49 Laden by severall M r ch ts of Boston in & uppon the Malago Merch* Nehemiah Bourne M r . j hhd. 2 puncheons m r ked M: 2 hhds m r ked ^: 1 puncheon m r ked ^ : j hhd m r ked I s ! MP : one hhd m r ked IW MP : & are consigned to severall merch ts London. 31 /"^i649 Laden on the ship Merch* by Major Nehemiah Bourne 3 hhs bever m r ked 4NBXX: 1 hh: m r ked 4WD : 1 hh m r ked 14LXX: -o /-/>x -I^^Q -A- Certif. that the John & Joane M r John Wilkinson is bound to the Coast of New Brit- taine for a ladeing of Coales. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECOEDS. 411 A certif. that Peter Gardiner & Tho: Tart 18 f8^ shipped aboard the Supply of Lond. Giles Fount M r : to say. 4 butts. 8 hhs. 1 bar 11 tobacco w cb grew at Roade Hand as M r Coddington & M r Baulston do certify under theire hands. & is to be dd at London. oq /-Q\ 1649 Michael Powel laded on the Ship Supply of London m r Giles Fount Master, j hh. tob: marked EN. N. 2. w ch did grow at long Island in N. E: Certif: that the Welcome of N. E: John Allen M r hath here dd ashore at Boston for the vse of the Country uppon the Account of Charls ffox of London Merch*. 2 bundles N. 9. 6. 4SXX : foure hhds N. 2. 4 7.8 4SXX : one barell N. 3. 4SXX : two packs N. 5. 14. 4SXX: two packs N. 1. 13 4IWSXX: three boxes N. 10. 11. 12. 4SXX: fi X-IAN 1649 This is to certify all whom it may concerne that she Shipp called the ffortune whereof Thomas Willoughby is master together w th her Cargo, be- longeth to John Parrish of Charlestowne in New England merch* & is now bound for the coast of Ginney, thence to Barbados & so for New England. In testimony of the truth whereof the merch ts under written have hereunto sett theire hands this 6 (10) IMi. Robert Sedgwick. William Aspinwall Nicholas Davison. Nott 2s". ffrancis Norton. [Page 13.] I attested a bill of health for the speedwell Bezaleel Paiton M r : 6 n 2^ 1649 I attested a bill of health for the Unity Au- gustine Walker Master. 4 (*>} ififio ^ m Alford ^ Boston laded aboard the shipp Trades Increase of Charls towne James Garret M r , three barrells of Tobacco marked W & all the tobacco was planted at Road Island. Quod attestor. 4 (2) 1650. weight net is 4 C 3 s ." IS f2^ Ifi'SO ^ cer tify e( i that the ship Malago Merch* Ne- hemiah Bourne M r dd at Boston for the Ac- SHEIMPTON. ,. -n, , O i count of Edw. Shrimpton & Companie. to say 2000 goads cotton. 30 Duffles. 50 bayes. 90 sergs. 50 sayes. 50 norwich stuffs. 100 doz stockings. 100 doz. hatts. 50 doz shooes. 3000 ells can vis. 412 ASPDTWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. T f f -.p j 50 pcs lockra. 2000 ells ham. linen 50 fus- ... ~ tians. 1000 ells holland. 10 C. w* pewter. 10 C 1 in two W *' braSSe * 4 Tun lead - * T n Whie lee8 ' 10 C ' * .. w* soape. Grocery cost 100 U C mercery coste 1/r5\ i65o 100 11 . haberdashery cost 100 11 . upholstery 50 U Cutlers ware 50. Crooked lane ware. 50 U . Stationers ware 50 U . Iron ware 200 U . one tun shott. 20 bar 118 powder /50 cases strong water. 13 Mar. 1647/70 lo y Kentish cloths. 30 Spanish clothes & 100 pees Kersies. Dat. 14. Mar. 1647. i o xox i CCA Peter Gardiner of Roxbury Shipped aboard the lO ( Z ) 1650. , T /-. j. A*r j. 1 trades increase James Garret M r two butts, 1 puncheon, one dry fatt & seven hogsheades of Tob: planted at Roade Island as two of theire magistrates testify. The marke is P G: oo x \ -i CCA I certifyed the Delivery of 3 packs cont 14 pcs zd (2)1650. j p OA T> i course broades & 20 Reames of pap. one chest cont 5 pcs course broades & one kersey, one pack 4 pcs course broads & 1 pee of stuffe. one pack cont. one pee Kersey & some other course cloth, all w ch was laden uppon the Dorothie of Dartmouth Nicholas Redwood m r by Christopher Wheeler & Ambrose Mudd. Merch t8 . 25 f2M650 ^ Certif: that the John of Bristoll Cornelius ' ^ ' ' Peterson M r hath here dd for the Acc. of John Peterson merch* 12 bar nailes. 1 ton of shott q* twelv caske. 4 bar powder. 1 pack canvas cont one hund & sixty ells. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. 14 ffeb. l&&. 25. (2) i860. 2 Cert, that the John of Bristol Cornel. Peter- son M r hath here dd for the Acc of John Stebbins merch*. & hundd w* shot. 40 thou- sand shoo nailes. 2000 nd . six penny nailes. 6 doz Knives 2000 wd sparrow bills. & 6 pound of Spice Juxt Cocq. Dat. 18 ffeb. 1 ? 4 9 -. 9 r sc)^ IAC.A 2 Cert, that the John of Bristoll Cornelius KELLY Peterson Mr - hatn here dd for the ACC. Of Eliz. Kelly wid. six doz cords. 1 piece linsey wolsey. 1 pel carpetting. 1 pee lockram. 1 pee Kersey. 2 baggs nailes. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. 18 ffeb. 16 * 9 . oc ^ox-ificA 2 Certif. that the John of Bristoll Cornelius Peterson M r . hath here dd for the Acc. of JONES Mathias Jones M er . 12 doz. knives. 3 yds Car- pet. \ doz cushions. 3 doz worsted stockings. 12 yds & % of Sarsenet. 1 pcell greene say. 3 pounds of all sorts spice in two paps. 20 pound pewter. 20 yds dowlas 20 yds Kersey. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 413 1 fardle doulas cont 4 pees, one trusse cont. 2 pees. 1 bar 11 nailes. 3 bar 11 Shott. Juxt Cocq. Dat. 12 th ffeb. 1649. ~r ,ON -I fic A 2 Cert: that the John of Bristoll Corn. Peter- son M r . hath here dd uppon the Acc of W m >N * Stratton Merch*. 2 p r . of milstones. 3 bar 11 & 1 C of nailes. 4 doz Sythes. 1 doz shooes. 1 doz monmouth caps. 50 pound twine. 4 doz linen napkins. 2 doz bellowes. 2 doz. & | of frying panns. one hhd cont one pee narrow cloth & a remnant of Canvas, six plow shares, a pcell nailes. 1 doz stockings. 40 pound pewter. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. 11 th ffeb. 1649. [Page 14.] that the John of Bristoll Cornelius 25 (2} j.ucv ^ ) j.uov. p e t erson ]\/[r h a th here dd for the Acc of ,, Stratton merch*. 50 weighs of Coales. 18 bar 11 nailes. 6 doz sythes. 3 tun shott. 1 Ton barr leade. 7 coyles Cordage. 2 hhd s w th lines & hookes. 22 pees Saile canvas. 2 pees bedtick. 4 balletts Canvas. 8 fardell doulas. 10 packs woolen cloth. 3 bar 11 powder. 4 Smale Anchors. 4 firkins Soape. 1 chest & box of Tobacco pipes. 4 tannd hyds. 1 dry fatt cont. 41 doz woolen stockings, 24 doz yrish stockings. 12 pees Kerseys. 7 mixt serges. 4 Ruggs. 2 pees silk, one pee Cambrick Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. 4 ffeb. -L&4-2.. , , ON leso -"- Cert, that the Judith of Londo Richard * Smith M r hath here dd for his pp Acc. 8 doz OT\ rTrpTT IT J. shooes. 7 doz stockings. 1 Cable ha user cont twenty C. w*. two bed Ruggs. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. 15 ffeb. 1649. 1 Cert, that the Judith of London Richard Smith M 1 ' hath here dd for his pp Account 6 cases strong waters. 1 hhd fishing lines, fyve firkins nailes. 3 peeces et dead lockrams. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. 20 ffeb. 1649. 4 (V\ 16^0 ^ Certif. that the Judith of London Ri: Smith M r . hath here dd for the Account of John Hoyle Mer. No. 1. 2. 3. three ends q* in all. twenty & seven pcs of barn bayes. N. 4. one chest of Cloathes. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. 6 th March. 16jL9. A ( c \\ 1650 1 Certif that the Judith of Lond. Ri: Smith ^ M r . hath here dd for the Acc of Lawrence Wheeler Me r . six butts secke. 60 way of Span- ish & ffrench salt. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. 9 March 1&4.1. 25 (^\ leso 2 - Certif tnat tne Swallow of Lond. W m { ' Greene M r . hath here dd for the Acc. of Rob* Harnond Merch. 4 bales cont. 10 serges. 10 ppetnanaes. 30 pcs cottons. 16 pcs stript stuffe ; one hhd 414 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. cont haberdashers ware cost 79 11 2 hhs 20 bar 118 : cont crooked lane ware & yron Mongers ware cost 78 U . fifty hundd w* cordage. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. 20 March ISAS.. 2. Certif. that the Swallow of London. W m 25 r4^ .16 s o Greene M. T hath here dd for the Account of Rich: Hutchins : Merch*. 4 packs 1 Trunck cont. 11 C 90 ells canvas, 6 pcs lockrams. 257 ells holland. 1187 ells hamborow linnen. 19 pcs lanes & halfe, 73 pcs calicos, 7 pcs sleasie linnen, 240 ells East Country linen, 19 half peecs Jeines fustians, six pcs tufted holland, 14 pcs Norwich stuffe, 30 Russia Hydes, one bar u cont. 150 pound pepper. 600 weight allome. 11 pcs frize. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. ix . JMar. . 9 - ,, 150 2 Cert: that the Swallow of Lond. W m Greene REENE" M *' hath here dd for the Acc * Wm Greene Merch*. 2000. foote window glasse. Saddlers ware cost 150 11 . ten hundd w* pewter. 100. doz. houre glasses. 100 pcs Calicoes. 150 pcs lawnes. 100. doz Mon- mouth capps. 200. p r plaine gloves, horse bells cost 10 U . fyve hundd doz Knives, red & white oker cost 10 11 : nine- teene hund ells Dowlas. 1500 ells french linnen. 100 p r whalebone bodies, brasiers ware cost. 200 U . two hundd p r bellowes. 40 doz shovells & spades. Juxt. Cocq*: Dat. xii. Mar. [Page 15.] Cert: ^ at *he Swallow of Lond. W 26 C^ 1650 ' ' ' Greene M r hath here dd for the Acc. of rpTTrprpy T^ John Tuttle mer two bales cont thirty pcs broad cloth drest. Juxt Cocqu*. Dat. xvi die Mar. 16_il o SA.\ ic;n ^ Cert. tliat *k Swallow of Lond. W m SAUNDERS Greene Mr hath here dd f r the ACC ' f Charles Saunders mer two tunnes Spanish yron. 500 weight of shott. 12 barrell powder. 30 hundd w* cordage, one suite of sailes for a ship. 20 hundd nailes Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. xv. ffeb. 1649. 2 Cert: that the Swallow of Lon. W m Greene 26. (4) 1650 M r hath here dd for the Ac o of W m Greene GREENE mer< 2000 ells Gernsey linen. 2000 ells FOOTE East country linnen. 200 pcs. calico. 1000 ells holland. 60 bar 11 powder. 5 tuns shot & lead. 50 armes. 2000 y^ bayes. 100 pcs pemistone. 30 pcs Duffles. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. xviij mar. 1 6 - 4 - 9 -. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 415 i e 5 o 2 Cert - tnat tlle Swall. of Lond. W m Greene ^ C 4 ) *- m r hath here dd for the Acc. of Nath. Gard- ner merch* foure bales cont ninety one Nor- wich stuffs, twelv serges. 12 doz mens worsted stockings. 1 box cont 96 pounds yron ware. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. xviij . mar. 1649. f\ i e 5 o 2 Cert - that tne $ wal - of Lond. W m Greene ' M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Elias Rob- T> f"JT5"K'T?''pCi erts mere, two truncks cont. twenty foure pcs holland four hundd eighty seven ells twenty two pcs Bermillions. one pee callico. twenty pound white threed. one Turkic paragon. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. xv. Mar. 1649 . 97 f\ i65o 2 Certf - that the Swallow of Lond. W m M ^) Greene M r hath here dd for the Acc of Daniell Demetrius one barrells cont six hundd three quarters of Battry. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. xviij . Mar: 1649. 97 SA.\ ificifi 2 Cert, that the Swal. of Lond. W m Greene (*) lt>0 M r hath here dd for the account of Henry Seely mer three bales cont fourty three Nor- wich Stuffes. twenty serges, six pcs Turkie grograine. thirty ells Taffeties. twelve ends of Jeines ffustians. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. xvi Mar. 97 f4\ 1650 2 Cert, that the Swal. of Lond. W m Greene M r ^ ) hath here dd for the Acc of Anthony Salberch one fatt cont foure grs fyles. six pounds brasse cocks. 12 doz nest boxes. 7 grs. tob. boxes. Juxt Cocq*. Dat xviij Mar. 1649 97 (\ 165Q 2 Cert: that the Swal - of Lond - Wm Greene MF hath here dd for the Acc. of John Brewer, mer. one butt cont. foureteene hundd & halfe Currans nett. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. xij. March. 1649. 7 (4^ 1650 2 Certif . that the Swal. of Lond. W m Greene M r ^ ^ hath here dd for the Acc of Ed. Salter mer. one pack cont three hundd & twenty goads welch Cottons. Juxt. coq* : Dat. jx Mar. 29. (4) 165 . 2 Certif. that the Swallow of Lond. W m Greene M r hath here dd for the Acc of Tho : Under- wood mer. two trusses cont 2 pcs frize. 1 double bayes. 1 pee & \ pennistone. 350 goads cottons. 3 pcs Jeines fustians. 300 ells, canvas. 4 p r blankett. 3 red ruggs. 17 doz \ Cotton stockings. 12 doz mens woollen stockings. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. vj. Mar. 416 ASPLNWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 29 ^4^1650 2 Cert, that the Swal. of Lon. W m Greene M r ' ^ ' ' hath here dd for the Acc. of Peter Colema. 6 packets cont 664 ells net of linnen. Juxt Coc : dat. 26 ffeb. 1SL. 2 Cert, that the Swal : of Lond. W m Greene M r hath here dd for the Acc of Richard Bryan mer. two bales cont. 12 pcs lockrams nett. Juxt cocq*. Dat. xxv. ffeb. !.-!. [Page 16.] 2 Cert, that the Swall. of 29 f&} 1650 ' ^ ' hath here dd for the Acc: of Rob* Hamon mer. eleven mixt & 16 dyed yorkeshire Kersies. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat xx. Mar. 1&. 1650 ' of Lon< W hath here dd for the Acc. of Robt Roberts mer. 2 bales cont. 18 Devon Kersies Juxt. coc. Dat jx Mar. lfi4.. Cert, that the Swall. of Lond W m Greene i ' M r hath here' dd for the Acc of Tho. Under- UNDBRWOOD , oo Jr . , n t wood mer. 23 Kersies drest. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. v. Mar. 2 Cert, that the Swall. of Lon. W m Greene M r hath here dd for the Acc of Peter Cole Mer. one bale cont. 24 pcs northerne Kersies. Jux Cocq*. Dat xxvif ffeb. m&. 1650 ^ Certif. that the Speedwel of Lond. Benjamin miNDAY~~ Carwithy M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Tho. Munday me. one bagg cont 320 U pp nett Juxt. cocq*. Dat. xvj mar. ffor the Acc of Daniel ffarieraw mer. thirteene bales two casks cont fifty three pcs lockrams 1600 ells noyalls & vittry canvas, halfe a tun Genoa oyle nett Juxt cocq* Dat. xvj Mar. ffor the Acc of Robt Rich me: two fardles two packs cont. 19 pcs lockrams, 350 ells linnen nett Juxt. cocq*. Dat. xviij March, ffor the Acc of Thomas Lunne mer. one butt cont 1600 & quarter wh* currans nett. Juxt cocq* Dat xviij Mar. ffor the Acc of Tho. Lacock mer. 8 pcs stript stuffs, 36 coverletts, 20 ruggs. 20 paire of blankets. 20 bed ticks. 12 russia lether chaires Juxt cocq*. Dat. vj march late entred in the Swallow W m Greene m r & now in the Speedwell. Juxt cocq* Dat. xxviij* March ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 417 9 r^ 1 6 so ^ Cert: that the Speedwell of Lond. Digery ^ ' ~ ' Carwithin M r have here dd for the Acc. of Daniel ffanax mer. Two bales cont. 10 broad clothes direct, ten Northerne & ten Devonshire kersies. Juxt Cocq*. Dat xxviij mar. 1^---. 9 s^\ ifif;n ^' Cert, that the Speedwell of Lon. Dickery THORTON Carwithen M ' hath here dd for the Acc - of Sam. Thorneton mer. 1500 wh* nett currans Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. 27. Mar. oxrx 1fi r n 2 Cert, that the Speedwell of Lon. Dickery FAIRFAX Carwithen MI hath here dd for the Acc of Daniel ffairnaxe rner. three bales cont sixty three ppetnanaes one packet cont one hundd & fourty pound whalebone. Juxt Cocq* Dat xxviij Mar. 1 6 - 5 -. o sr^ -ice A 2 Cert, that the Speedwell of Lond. Dickery ^ ) *" Carwithen M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Robt Rich mer. 3 butts cont sixty hundd wht. & half currans. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. xxvj of Mar. l^_o. _ 1650 2 Cert, that the Speedwell of Lond. Dickery " ' Carwithen M r hath here Delivered, for the Acc. of Robt Rich mer. 15000 ells vittry canvas. 600 pcs lockrams. seven thousand ells linnen. 6000 ells broad Ger- many linnen. 6000 ells narrow Germany linnen. 300 pcs Norwich stuffes. 100 pcs broad cloth. Mercery ware grocery ware silke ware haberdash ware yronmongers ware cost all two thousand pounds, twelve butts currans. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. xxj Mar. J^a. 9 f^\ 1650 ^ Cert, that the Speedwell of Lond. Digory Car- withen M r hath here dd for the Acc of Thomas UNDERWOOD TT , TT , ., ( Underwood mer one Hs cont 14 pcs kersies & 6 pcs pennistone cotton. Juxt Cocq*. Dat xxvj Mar. ^s 50 . o sr^ 1650 2 Cert, that the Speedwell of Lond. Dick ' Carw th en M r hath here dd for the Acc. of HUTCHINSON -L J TT * v ui I-Q/-I Richard Hutcnmson mer. one bale cont. o. C. three quarters ells nett Normandy Canvas. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat xxiij Mar. JJL4JL. o sz\ 1 6 5 p ^ Cert: that the Speedwell of Lond. Diggins Carthwthen M r hath here dd for the Acc. of WOOLXOUGH. T , w -, ,, j a i Joshua Woolnough Mer. .100. yd 8 , kersies packt ca alijs Juxt Cocq. Dat. 23. Mar. o sr-. 1 6 5 2 Cert, that the Speedwell of Lon. Dickery /r Carwithen M r hath here dd for the Account of Tho. Hilder mer. one trusse cont. two halfe cloths being one short cloth, two kersies cont. two thirds of 418 ASPLNWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. a short cloth. & 50 goads of welch cottons. Juxt Cocq* Dat. 9 Apr. 1SJLS. [Page 17.] o .rv 1650 2 Cert, that the Speedwell of Lon. Dickery ' Carw th in M r hath here dd for the Acc. of fTITT T)~FT? Hopestill Tilden rner. one hhd. cont 3 rem- nants being one short cloth, i C wrought yron. 1 doz \ woollen stockings for men. & 6 p r new shooes. Juxt Coq*. Dat. 8 Apr. leAfi.. Cert. ^at tfie Providence of Illford Comb fi /""\ l.g 5 0- ^ ' Henry Abley m r . hath here dd for the Acc. of Henry Crestwick & Comp: mer: 6 packs woollen cloth, 12 caske of shott. 2 hli** & 1 barrell of nailes. 10 r'T* If 50 ^ Cert: that the Georg Bonaventure of Lond. " > ' ' John Cramp M r hath here dd for the Acc. of John Leveret & Edw : Shrimpton merch* 8 - thirty hundd w ht of gunpowder. Quod attestor. in /f^if;n ^ Cert ^at tne Geor. Bonav: of Lon. John )U ' Cramp M r hath here dd for the Acc: of Tho. Bell. & Cornp a . 2000 goades Cottons. 30 pcs Dufles. 40 pcs baies. 50 pcs Sayes. 100 pcs norwich stuffes. 100 doz cotton stockings. 100 doz knitt stockings. 50 doz shooes. 50 doz hatts. 3000 ells canvas. 30 pcs lockrams. 2000 ells hamb. linnen. 50 ends fustian. 50 pcs dimities. 100 pcs calicoes. 40 pcs lawne. 20 pcs Cambricks. 1000 ells hoi- land. 1500^. wrought pewt. 1500 wt . brasse. 3 tun lead. 1 tun wine lees, yron mong r ware cost 300 11 . grocery ware cost 100". mercery ware cost 200". haberdashry cost 100 U . uphoulstry ware cost 50 U . cutlers ware cost 30 11 . Sadlers ware cost 30 U . Crooked lane ware cost 30 11 . Turners ware cost 20 U . Station- ers ware cost 50 U . Saile cloaths cost 30". sale suites cost 50 11 . 300 y d8 flannell. 5 doz bootes. 100 gall strong water. Quod &c. 92 f^ 1650 ^ Cert, that Georg Dell M r of the ship Recovery arrived here 22 Apr 1650. & here landed 47 pipes wine & 6 pipes Beveridge w** he rec d aboard in Palme Roade in March last. ^ Certif. that Stephen Greensmith of Lond. merch* hath here shipped for London aboard the Artillery of Boston Robt Henfield M r . to say, twoe bundles mooskins cont in number 45. skins, one bundle cont 36 deere skins. 200^*. bever, skin & Coate. one bar 11 Indigo cont 145 U . wt . 2 hhs l bar : sugar. Quod attestor. ASPLNWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 419 25 f 5^ i6so ! Cert, that Cap*. Jo. Cramp here dd his ship the Geo. Bonadvent 6 of all her goods whereof he called me to take notice & to certify the truth thereof. .jo ,~, leso ! Certif that the Edw. of London John Yong M r arrived here at Boston from the Canaries & hath here dd or discharged her ladeing of wines. Quod. &c: 14 /'fr* IfttO ^ Certif. that the Speedwel of Lond. Dickery Carwithen then M r hath here dd her whole Cargo, as by the severall certificates of the pcles may appeare, 6 also the powder shipped for severall Merchts for the Countries use, to wit, M r Newgate, sailes, Paddy, Barthol- inewe, fibster & Kimball. Quod: 1 Q Cfi~\ 1650 "" Certif. ^ na * John Yong M r of the Edward of London received here of W m Brenton of Boston merch'. a packet of Bever cont. 300 w*. of the Bever of this Country. Quod &c. [Page 18.] 07 fr\ 1650 2 Certif. that the Speedwell of Lon. Dickeren Carwith M r & the Swallow of Lond. W m WOOLNOUGH -, ,,. , ,, ,. ,. A -. Greene M r have here dd for the Acco. of Joshua Woolnough mer c . 3000 ells canvas. 2000 ells ham- borow linnen. 2000 ells holland. 500 ells east country cloth. 100 pcs. callicoes. 10 pcs lockrams. 5 pcs. Spruce canvas. 22 pcs uorwich stuffs. 8 pcs Sayes. 170 y ds ticking. 100 y* 8 Kersey. Quod &c: 27 C7^\ 1fi50 ^ ^ er *' *^ a * M r Henry Shrimpton of Boston appeared before the notary W m Asp: &c: & acknowledged to have rec d of the Assignes of W ra Geerish 110 Kint. of fish for the Acc. of the Worp u Rowland Wilson & Martin Bradgate. ~_ ,_. -iflcn 2 Cert, that the Bonaventure John Cramp M r hath here dd for the Acc of Joshua Wool- WOOLNOUGH , ut OAAA I/^AA n nough merch*. 8000 ells canvas. 1600 ells hamborough linnen. 1500 ells holland. 40 pcs lockrams. 180 peecs callicoes. 10 pcs Sayes. 9 peeces serges. 15 pcs cam- bricks Juxt. Cocq*. Dat viij Martij: 1649. Also 2750 ells vittry canvas. & 41 peecs lockrams. 22 ffiMfi'iO ^ Certif: that the Swallow of London W m '<*ATTNT> f\ /^Q\ 1 A^ft 1 Cert, that the Eagle of Lond. Geo: Raymond ' OU M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Cornelius Barrowes mer. 60 grs tob. pipes. 15 felt hatts & 15 Castors lined in the head. 2 doz mens worsted stockings. 2 doz mens woollen stockings & 2 doz childrens woollen stockings Juxt Cocqu*. Dat. ssJuni: 1650. Quod &c: 90 /Q\ ifif;n 1- Cert, that the Eagle of Lon. Geo. Raymond M r hath here dd for the Acc of John Stracey mer. 24 doz 8 Juggs Juxt Cocqu* 26- June 1650. w ch men- tions 30 doz: ^ Cert, that the Welcom of New England John Cutting M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Tho. Underwood mer one Hs cont. 6 2 pcs peninstons. 70 ells canvis. 60 ells linnen. 15 doz 5 of mens & child 18 wooll stockings. 13. grs. silk buttons. H 10 doz silk points, one pound sewing & stitching silke, o one end of greene cotton & a wrapper. Jux. Cocq*. Dat. xx. Apr. 1650 Quod &c: 2 Cert, that the Welcome of N. Eng. John Cutting M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Tho: Underwood mer. 2 halfe pcs of Kentish cloths drest. & foure pcs of Kersies and alijs. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. xx. Apr. 1650. Quod &c: or ,-|AN i 6 5o ! Cert, that the ffellowship Robt ffen M r hath here dd for the Acc of Joshua ffoote Merch*. Turners ware, lattin wares & silk wares, cost 15 O 11 . 30 pes fflannell 20 doz flannel wastcoates. 50 pcs saile-cloth. 10 pcs sackloth. 10. C.wht steele. 20 chauldron seacoales. 300 gall strong waters. Upholsters ware cost 100 U . two hundd ells sletia lawnes. 20 pcs pennistones. 40 doz. hatts w 01 househould stuffe apparell & other necessaries. Juxt Cocq* Dat. vij. Aug. 1650. Quod &c: 1. Certif: that the ffelowship Robt ffen M r hath here dd for the Acc of Joshua ffoote mer: 5 H birding shott. Dyars ware cost 30 U . Druggs cost 40". potters ware cost 20". 10 c . wh* Battry. 30 pcs buckrams. 30 ffustians. 10 pcs ticking. 20 pcs tufted holland. 30 doz monmouth caps. 5 pcs linsey wolsey. 200 goads cottons. 30 pcs bayes. 20 doz shooes. 50 pcs lockrams. 30 pcs flannell. Upholsters ware & lattin ware cost. 140 U . Dat. xvif Aug. 1650. Quod 422 ASPESTVVALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 1 Cert, that the ffellowship Robt ffen M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Joshua ffoote mer. 150. Kersies. 30 pennistones. 10 Spanish, & 10 Kentish clouths drest & 40 pcs of Breck- nocks. Jux*. Cocc)*. Dat. x. Aug. IfiJJ. Quod &c: 1. Certif. that the ffellowship Robt ffen M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Joshua ffoote mer. 30 barr 118 powd r 5 H Shott & powd r . 50 doz hatts 50 doz shooes. 5 doz bootes. 10 grs Knives, silk ware cost 100 11 . ten hund goads cottons. 40 pcs bayes. upholster ware cost 200 11 . 50 grosse tobacco pipes. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. xxvij . Aug. 1650. Quod &c: 9 r s-ift^ ift 1* Cert, that the ffellowship Robt ffen M r . hath here dd for the Acc. of Tho: Under- wood merch: one Hs cont. 4 Northerne Kersies Juxt Cocq*. Dat. xxj. Aug. ifiAfl.. Quod &c: [Page 20.] 2*) /iO^ Ifi^O ^' ^ er *' *^ a * *^ e fellowship Robt ffen m r . have here dd for the Acc. of Tho: Under- wood mer. 1 Trusse cont. 10 pcs northerne Kersies. 2 halfe pcs bayes. 9 doz mens & childrens woollen hose. 2 doz black & browne threed. 14 U & i woollen yerne. 14 thousand pins. & halfe a peece cotton wrapper. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. vj. Aug. 1650. Quod &c: 1 Cert, that the ffellowship Robt. ffen M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Tho: Underwood mer. 20 goods cottons. 80 yds fpyeze. 20 yds bayes. 28 y ds cotton Rowle. & 4 pees, north- erne Kersies Jux* Cocq*. Dat. xxvj Aug. 1&S-2-. Quod &c: 1 Cert, that the ffellowship Robt ffen M r hath here dd for the Acc of Tho. Underwood mer. 1 Trusse con* 20 north- erne Kersies Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. vj Aug. 1650. Quod &c: 27 no ^ 1650 ! Cert that Rob. Paine acknowledgeth to have rec d what goods Tho. Laicock mer shipped aboard Capt John Cramp, Digery Carwithen & John Cutting this yeare, w ch goods were marked R-)-P & amounted in val to 400 U , being haberdashry grocery & opholsters wares. Quod &c: 98 rlfh leso 1 Cert, that the Trades Increase James Gar- ret M r hath here dd for the Acc. of James Garret mer: 20 chawldron seacoales London measure. Jux*. Cocq*. Dat. primo Julij 165 Quod. 1. Cert, that the Trades Increase James Gar- 98 ^in\ ie;n ' ret M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Ri: Hutchinson mer. 428 ells nett linnen Juxt Cocq*. Dat. xiij. Aug. i 660 Quod &c: ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 423 Cert, that the Trades Increase James Garret M r hath her dd. for the Acc of Rich: Hutchinson mer. 2 bales cont. 700 ells vittry canvis Juxt. Coc. Dat xvj Aug. 1( ? 50 . Quod &c: 9ft , 1 ft , 1 6 5 1 Cert, that the ffellowship of Lon. Robt. ffen M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Rich. Hutchinson mer. 234 ells nett of linnen. Juxt. cocq* Dat. xiij Aug: 1650. Quod &c: 1 Cert, that the ffellowship of Loud. Robt ffen M r hath here for the Acc of Ri: Hutchinson mer. 7 pees & I lockram net. Juxt Cocqut. Dat. xiij Aug. 1 fi 60 . Quod &c: 1 Cert, that the ffellowship Robt ffen M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Ri: Hutchinson mer. 12 C ells hambor linnen. 200 ells holland. silke wares haberdashers wares mercery & yronmongers wares cost 60 U . eight hundd ells can vis. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. xiiij . Aug. J^A Quod &e: 1 Certif. that the ffellowship of Lond. Robert ffen M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Ri: Hutchinson mer. 16 C. ells broad Ger linnen. Jux* Cocq*. Dat. xxx July. 1650. Quod &c: 1 Cert, that the ffellowship of London. Robt ffen M r hath here dd for the Acc of Ri: Hutchinson mer: 4 bales cont. 600 one quarter ells Noyell Canvis. 9 peecs lockrams nett. Juxt Cocq*. Dat xv. Aug. 1650. Quod &c: [Page 21.] 28 C\ 0^ 1650 1 Cert, that the ffellowship Robt ffen M r hath ~ here dd for the Account of Rich. Hutchinson mer. 26 pcs lawnes. 126 pcs callicoes. 8 pcs linsey wolsey. 1800 & 17 ells canvas. 22 pcs lockrams. 168 ells hollands linnen. 6 pcs sayes. 857 ells hambor linnen. 4 pcs tufted hol- land. 30 cases strong waters, haberdash. wares yronmonger & mercery wares cost 60". Juxt Cocq*. Dat. xxix July. Quod &c. 1 Cert, that John Tuttle of Bosto mer. shewed unto me W m Asp: Not. & Tab: publ &c. his booke & bills of ladeing by wh oh it did appeare that he the s d Jo: Tuttle hath laden abord the Adventure Daniel Bradley M r 6 hhs mackrell. 1 hhd beefe. 23 barr 11 beefe. 22 barr u mackrel. & 40 keggs sturgeon. & are consigned to M r W m Eastchurch in Barbados for the use of M r John Woodward & Company. Quod, to value 174". 10 s . 00 1. Certif. that Jo: Tuttle of Boston mer. showed unto me W m Asp: Not. & Tab. pub: &c: his booke of Acc & bills of ladeing by wh oh it did appeare that he had laden abord the 424 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Dolphin. Nick Shapley M r 31 barr 1 *. 18 hhs w th goods 30 smale bar 118 oysters. 64 Kint basse. 5 tunn shaken caske. & 5 bundles hoopes in all amounting to 167 U . 20 s . 00 d Quod &c. o/j /--I AX 1650 1. Cert, that Georg Bonadventu r of Lond. John Cramp M r hath here dd for the Acco of Ric: Hutchinson mer: 3 bales cont. 500 ells Noyalls can- vis & 8 peecs nett lockrams. Juxt Cocq*. Dat xiiij Mar. J^4. Quod &c: 1. Certif : that the Geo: Bonadvent 1 Jo: Cramp M r hath here dd for the Acc of Rich. Hutchinso men 2 truncks. 4 packs cont 1465 ells canves. 16 pcs lockrams. 1198 ells hoi- land 18 a Den. pcs lawnes. 282 pcs Calicoes. 990 ells hambor linnen. 14 ends Jeines fustians. 10. pceslinsey woolsey. 6 pcs tufted holland. 4 pcs Bermillions. mercery & silk wares cost 60 U . Juxt Cocq*. Dat. xv. mar. 1649. Quod &c: 1. Certif. that the Welcome of Lond. Jo: Cut- ting m r hath here dd for the Acc. of Richard Hutch- inson mer two bales cont. 342 ells nett Noyalls canvis. Juxt Cocq*. Dat xxvf Apr. i^-2-. Quod &c: 1 Cert, that the Welcome of Lond. Jo: Cut- luting M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Richard Hutch- i inson mer: one chest six Hs two hundd 96 ells hambor Q linnen. 628 ells holland 40. Calicoes. 5 pcs linsey wool- sey. 40 y^: woollen cloth: 5 ends Jeines fustians. 14 pcs lockrams. 500 ells Canves. Haberdashr mercery & yromgers ware cost 10 U . 20 chauldron sea coale. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. vj th . Apr. 1650. Quod &c: 6 [_ 1 Cert that the Welcorn of London. Jo: Cutting M r hath here dd for the Acc of Rich. Hutchinson mer. two bales cont. 18 pcs lockrams nett. Juxt. Coq*. Dat. xv: Apr. 1650 Quod &c: q X-.-.X -ificn 1 Cert, that the ffellowship of Lond. Robt ffen. M r hath here dd for the Acc. of James Cooke mer. one Hs cont. 17 Spanish clothes drest. & 10 pcs Kersies Jux*. Cocqt. Dat. 17. Aug. 1650. Quod &c: 1. Cert, that the ffellowshipp of Lond. Robt ffen M r hath here dd for the Acc. of James Cooke mer. 300 & a half ells nett broad sletias. & half hundd wh* shaven latten. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. xvij Aug. 1650. Quod. [Page 22.] q s-i-\\ 1660 1 Cert, that the ffellowship of London Robt ffen M r hath here dd for the Acc : of James Cooke mer: one pack six chests cont. 5 manchester bayes. ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 425 one taby cont r . 15 pounds silke, & buttons cost 8 U . ten paire of mens worsted hose. 8 doz shooes. 9 doz paire plaine bodies. & stomachers. 400 foote windowe glasse. 100 wht lead. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. xvif. Aug. 1650. Quod &c: -14,9x1661 3 Certif. that the Goulden Lyon of Bristoll W m Stretton M r . hath here dd for his pp acc. fyve firkins shott. 2 doz. hay peekes. 2 doz frying panns. 1 H & halfe of Shott. 1 doz pewter dishes. 5 doz alchimie spoones. 5 doz stockings. 1 doz pewter plates, a pcell of Netts & lines in a Virginia hhd. one pee stuffe. & 2 bar m . nailes. Juxt. Cocq. Dat. xixth ffeb. 1650. 14 fl\ i 6 5i 3 Cert, that the Goulden Lyon of Bristoll W m * Stretton M r . hath here dd for the Acc of Joseph Jackson mer. one trusse cont. 9 peeces course Tiv- erton eloaths. 20 doz of sythes. 1 butt cont 12 doz lines. 4 baggs nailes. 3 baggs shott. Juxt Cocq*. dat. xiij ffeb. 1650. more 3 ballets canvas. & 1 butt of sack. 1~ fV\ iesi 3 Cert - tnat tne Gould. Lyon of Bristol. W m * Stratton M r . hath here dd for Acc. of Robt Gutch. mer 38 peels of silke & mercery ware according to the bill of pticulars. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. xix ffeb. 1AM 3 Cert that the Gold: Lyon of Bristol. W m Stratton M r . hath here dd for the Acc of Robt Read mer. 4 peecs eloaths. 2 Caske nailes. halfe a ttun of Shott. & 6 doz woollen stockings. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. xix. ffeb. 1650. 3 Cert, the the Gould: Lyon of Bristol W m Stratton m r . hath here dd for the Acc of Edw. Perry mer. 1 broads cloth. 1 peece Kersey. 1 C of shott. 1. fowling peece. 12 pound powder. 3 barr 118 nailes. 10 grs tob. pipes & 1 doz frying panns. Jux*. Cocq*: Dat. xx. ffeb. 1650. 16 C2^ i65i 3. Cert, that the Goul. Lyon of Bristol W m Stratton m r hath here dd for Acc of John White mer. 2 packs & halfe cont 21 pcs kersies. 1 peece shagg. 1 peece blue Cotton. 1 peece white cloth. 2 pcs sad coloured cloth. 20 y^ Dowlas. 1 rugg. 1 Coverlet. 1 Sack cont 2 doz hones. 6 axes. 6 reape hookes. 1 Sack cont one doz & i of bodies. 1 peece holland cont 7 y 38 . 3 Spades. 1 yron chaine. 1 Coulter. 1 sheeps bell. 2 pound pepp. 2 pound mace Jux* Cocq*. Dat. xxvj ffeb. JL 6 - 5 - . 16 (%} lesi ^ Cert t nat tae gould. Lyon of Bristol W m Stratton M r hath here dd for Acc of Joseph Jackson mer. 40 Chalders coales. a smal trusse cont. 200 wh* 426 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. neate. 1 hamp cont 22 doz frying panns. Jux* Cocq*. Dat. xiiif. ffeb. i- 6 -^. Ifi f1\ lesi ^ Cert, that the Goulden Lyon of Bristoll W m Stratton M r hath here dd for his pp Acc. 42 quarters malt. Jux* Cocq* Dat. 8. ffeb. 14AO. 1fi f9\ 1661 3 Cert, that the Goulden Lyon of Bristou W m Stratton mer: hath here dd for Acc. of Joseph Jackson mer. 6 packs cont. 64 pcs woolen cloth. & 26 ruggs. 5 pcs linsey wolsey. 2 pcs bed tick. 40 p r . worsted stockings. 1 dry fatt cont. 88 doz hose. 10 Taunton serges. 8 prest planes. 6. proofe Kersies. 1 vizy. hhd cont. 15 doz shooes. 1 p r boots. 18 doz knives. 1 doz lines. 4 chests hard soape. 3 Cask bristol Soape. 6 pcs saile canvas. 5 smale anchors. 2 Cables. 4. Coyles cordage. 2 smale chests tob. pipes, cont 20 grs. 6 Hs halfe Shott. 1H barr leade. 2 butts one hhd malago wines. 4 ballets canves 4 bales doulas. 30 Smale caske of nailes & yronmong 18 wares. 10 doz bellowes. 1 doz whip- shaves 16 doz Spades & shovells. 6 p r slyce & tongues. 1 dry fatt cont three doz shooes. 11 doz lines. 30 doz cod hookes. 3000 makrel hooks. 1 peece linsey woolsey. 1 pee Taunton Serge. 1 rugg. & 18 pewter dishes. & 2 mill stones. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. xj ffeb. iiiQ-. Ifi f9\ 1651 ^ Certif:. that the gouldn Lyon Bristoll W m Stratton M r hath here dd for Acc. of John White mer 7 pcs Kersey. 1 pee cotton. 1 peece barn- staple red. 1 pee Serge. 1 pee red Kersey. 1 pee say., 6 p r . bodies. 6 pewter dishes & 1 brasse panne. 1 warming pan. & 3 brasse kettles. 1 bagg nailes. 1 doz knives all these in a pack. 1 trunck cont. 6 pewter putting 18 1 pewter flagon. 2 pewter trenchers. 2 pewter candlesticks. 3 doz Knives. 2 doz Cysors. 2 p r plaine gloves. 1 p r Tailors sheers. 6 bunchs knitting needles. 2 doz laces. 4 doz pinns. & a grs of points. 1 doz. tob. boxes. 12 pound black & browne threed. one bundle w*. & blew Juckle. & 1 bundle tape. 1 grs threed buttons: 1 thousand needles. & some awle blades. 6 bundles knitting needles. 1 little barrell cont. 4 Summs Sparrow bills. 2 summes of breeds. 1 summe more of Sparrow bills & one yron chaffing dish. Jux* Cocq*. Dat. xx. ffeb. !&. 1 ff)\ 1R^1 ^ Cert, that the Gould Lyon of Bristol W m * Stratton M r hath here dd for Acc of Rich Trott mer. 16 hones. 7 axes. 3 plow chaines & tackle be- longing to plows. 8. [Page 23.] reapehookes. 1 yron capp. 1 waine rope. 1 Sett of Joyners ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 427 tooles. 4. Spades. 1 Dung fork & garden rake, one brasse pott. 1 posuett 2 brasse Kettles. 2 brasse pans. 20000 nailes & sparrow bills. 6 sheeps bells. 3 doz Syths. 2 bar & runlet strong water. 3 fowling pcs. 3 pistolls. 2 muskets. 1 bird- ing pee. 2 doz & 7 spades. 4 packs linnen & woollen drapy ware. 1. frying pan. 1 gridyron. 6 p r tongues. 7 Slyces. 2 packs sorts of nailes. 2 doz boriers & chesells. 3 doz locks. \ grs. awle blades. 1 doz bitts bosses. 1 doz axes. 16 ells holland. 26 yds say. 30 yds tay. 74 doz severall sorts lace. 15 ouncs colo r ed silke. 8 doz silke & silver buttons. 5 smale grs & i of buttons. 4 yds colord taffety 20 pcs severall sorts riband. 6 doz. 3 yd pointing ribband. 40 black & colo ed hatts w th bands. 10 hatts w th bands in a box. 2 Sadies w th furniture. 2300 of shott. 2 C. of bullet. 5 C wh* barr lead. 7 wedges & 3 beetle rings. 1 chest of pvisions & wearing apparell. 1 Trunck of pvision & wearing apparell. I case of Strong waters. 5 doz Shott. Jux* Cocq*. Dat. xx. ffeb. i*3. 19 f^\ i65i ^ Cert, that the Charls. Charls Saund re M r hath here dd for his pp Acc. 20 pcs duff ells. 20 C goods cottons. 20 pcs double bayes. 30 pcs frizes. 20 pcs Sayes. 50 pound felt wooll. 40 serges. 100 norwich stuffes. 100. doz mens woollen hose. 100 doz cotton stock- ings. 100 doz mens worsted stockings. 50 doz kersey stock- ings. 60 doz shooes. 10 doz. bootes. 100 doz hatts. SOOy* 18 flannell. 20 C ells canves. 20 Cells hamborough linnen. 10 C ells holland, 20 pcs lockrams. 50 pcs fustians. 50 pcs dimit- tees. 20 pcs lawnes. 20 pcs Cambricks. 50 Callicoes. 50 doz wastcoates. 3 tun cordage. 20 C wh* brass & copper. 20 C wh* pewter & tin. 4 tunne brimstone. 1 tunne plaster. 1 Tunne wine lees. 200 gall strong waters, yron mong 18 wares cost 200 11 grocery ware cost 200 U . mercery ware cost 1 OO 11 haberdash r ware cost 100 U . uphoulst r ware cost 50 U . Sadlers ware cost 20 11 . Cutlers ware cost 30 U . crooked lane ware cost 30 11 . turners ware cost 50 U . Sale wares suites & stopps cost 50 11 . Stationers ware cost 50 n . potts & glasses cost 20 h . 20 chauldron coales. Salters ware cost 50 U . Jux*. Cocq*. Dat. 7 ffeb. 1.&. 2 Certif. that the Charls. Charls Saund rs M r 19 f3^ hath here dd for his pp Acc. 50 barr 113 powder. 1 tun lead & shott. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. xx. ffeb. 1SA&. 1 Q c\\ 1A6.1 ^ Cert, that the Charls. Charls Saunders M r . hath here dd for his pp Acc. 100 quart- ers malt. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. 17 ffeb JLfi.41. 1Q (^ 1&51 ^ Cert, that the Charls. Charls Saunders M r hath here dd for Acc of Robt Neat mere ; 83 hun dd wh* of yron nett. Juxt Cocq*. Dat. 10 Jan. 428 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Certif: that the Swallow of Lond. W 19 (&} 1651 Greene M r hath here dd for the Account of W m Savage mer. 1 bar 11 , cont. 30 pounds nutmegs & ten pound of cloves nett. Jux* Cocq* Dat. xxv. ffeb: 1650. 1 Q s^ 1 fi^t ^ Cert. that the Swallow of Lon. W m Greene M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Peter Mackwell mer. 1 fat. 1 pack cont. 6 single bales. 20 doz mens wollen hose 12 doz plane whalebone bodies. 12 pcs blew linnen cont 200 y^ yron wares cost 10 U . Juxt Cocq 1 . Dat xxv. ffeb. 1650. .1 ^ Cocq*. that the Swallow of Lond: W m Greene M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Peter Mark- well mer. 4 pcs Kersies cud aliis. iuxta cocq*. Dat. xxv. 1 9 f^ 1651 ^ Cert, that the Swallow of Lon. W m Greene M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Samuel Thornton mer. 1 ball, cont 12 pcs Kersies & 3 pcs broad cloth. Juxt. Cocq*. Dat. xx. ffeb. 1650. 19 f^ 1651 ^ Cert, that the Swallow of Lon. W m Greene master hath here dd for the Acc of Samuel Thornton mer. one bagg cont 50 pounds nutmeggs. Juxt. Cocq. Dat. xx ffeb: 3A&. Cert, that the Swallow of Lond. W m Greene 1Q f%\ 1651 ' M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Samuel Thornton mer. 1 bale cont 10. C. ells Russia linnen. 19 doz mens woolen stockings. 8 doz plaine bodies. 4 caske 2 boxes cont. grocery ware val. 20 U . 7 s . Jux*. cocq*. Dat xx. ffeb. 16.5.0.. [Page 24.] 1 Q r^ 16.5-1 ^ Cert, that the Swallow of Lon. W m Greene M r hath here dd for the Acc of W m Berkley mer: 2 bales cont. 11 C & 60 ells nett Normandy Canvas. Jux*. cocq*. Dat. xx. ffeb. ^SAS.. 20 CS^ -16.5.1 ^ Cert, that the Swal. of Lond. hath here dd for the Acc. of Isaac Gardner mer. 2 bales cont. 8 C ells normandy canves. 9 bales cont. 19 C. ells vittry Canves nett. Jux* coqu*. Dat. 19 ffeb. lA. 20 (3} 1651 ^ ^ ert - that tne Swal: of Lon. W m Greene M r . hath here dd for the Acc. of Charls ffox mer. 1 bale cont. 70 ells of holland. 3 pcs of lockrams. 360 ells of Canves. 50 ells of hamborrow linnen. Juxt. Cocq*. Da.t xx. ffeb. 1650. ASPLNWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 429 20 rt~\ 16*51 ^ Cert, that the Swall. of Lon. W m Greene mer hath here dd for Acc. of Joshua Wool- nough mer: 1 Hs. 1 pack cont. 9 C. & 30 ells Normandy Can- ves. 330 ells Germaine linnen. 15 pcs calicoes. 2 pcs & i lockrams. Jux*. Cocq*. Dat: 18 ffeb: l-S&Q.. 90 f%\ i&5i ^ Cert that the Swall. of Lon. W m Graene ' ~" m r hath here dd for the Acc of Hugh Lau- ton mer. one Caratall cont: 6. 0. wh*. Currens nett. Jux* Cocq*. Dat. 18 ffeb: 20 f%^\ 1661 2 Cert, that the Swal. of Lond. W m Greene m r hath here dd on his owne Acc. 100 pcs kersies. 100 pcs broadcloth. Jux*. Cocq*. Dat. xv. ffebr: 1650. Cert, that the Swal. of Lon. W m Greene 20 f^ i65_n M r hath here dd on his pp Acc. 20 pcs duffles. 20 C goades cottons. 20 pcs bayes. 30 pcs frizes. 20 pcs Sayes. 50 pound felt wooll. 40 pcs serges. 100 pcs Nor- wich Stuffes. 100 doz mens woollen Stockings. 100 doz cotton Stockings. 100 doz mens worsted Stockings. 50 doz kersey stockings. 60 doz shooes. 10 doz bootes. 100 doz hatts. 5 C. yds flannell. 20 hundd ells canves. 20 C. ells hamborow lin- nen. 10 C ells hollond. 20 pcs lockrams. 50 pcs fustians. 50 pcs dimittes. 20 pcs lawns. 20 pcs cambricks. 50 pcs callicoes. 50 doz wastcoates. 3 tun cordage. 20 C wh* brasse & Copper. 20 C w* pewter & tin. 4 tun brimstone. 1 Tun plaister. 1 tun wine lees. 2 C gall, strong waters, yron mongers wares cost 200 11 . grocery ware cost 200 11 . Mercery ware cost one hundd pounds, haberdashers ware cost one hund pounds Upholster ware cost 50". sadlers ware cost 20 U . Cutlers ware cost 30 U . crooked lane ware cost 30 11 . turners ware cost 50 U Salters ware cost 50 U . Sale wares suites & stopps cost 50 11 . station" 8 ware cost 50 U Juxt Cocqt. Dat. 7 ffeb. !* 90 r^\ i65i ^ Cert, that the Swal. of Lond. W m Greene M r hath here dd for the Acc. of Rich: Hutch- inson mer. 12 C & f ells broad Germany linnen nett. Juxt. Coq*. Dat. 14 ffeb. ISJA. 9n f*\ 1651 ^ Cert, that the Swal. of Lon. W m Greene ' M r . hath here dd for the Acc. of Tho. Doo- little mer. 30 Turnall Ticks. Jux 4 Cocq*. Dat. 14 ffeb. 16.5.0.. 90 f^ 1661 ^ Cert, that the Swal. of Lon. W m Greene M r hath here dd for Acc. of Nicholas Skin- ner mer. 2 bales cont. 3 C I ells nett vittry canves. 10 pcs lockrams. Jux*. Cocq*. Dat. 13 430 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. 9n s*\ iAi ^ Cert, that the Swall. of Lon. W m Greene ~~' M r . hath here dd for Acc of John Carlton mer. one caske cont 8 C wh*. Battry nett. Jux*. Cocq*. Dat. 12 ffeb. 9n f n x 1661 ^ Cert, that the Swal. of Lon. W m Greene M r . hath here dd. for Acc. of Raph Wing- field mer: 1 box cont 22 doz threed bone lace. 8 doz tape. 2 doz cotton ribon. Jux* Cocq*. Dat. 12. ffeb. !&. Cert, that the Swal. of Lon. W m Greene 90 f*\\ i65i Master, hath here dd for Acc of Ri: Russell mer. 1 Hs. cont 10 Spanish cloths drest. Jux*. Cocq*. Dat. 18 ffeb: 1650. 26 f^ i65i ^ Cert that the Swall: of Lond. hath here dd for the Account of W m the powder shipped by licence from the right honourable the Councel of State to say. 76 bar: powder. 4 tun lead : & 30 birding pees. 24 f%^ 1651 ^ Cert, that the Mary of Bristoll hath here dd the goods of Peter James mer licenced by Cocq*. as followeth. three tuns of shott. In the Mary of Bristoll Henry Abley M r . Dat. 12 th ffeb. ms.. 94. /^ i e 5 1 2 Cert, that the Mary of Bristoll hath here dd the goods of M r Creswick & Company lycenced by Cocq*. as followeth. 4 balletts vittry Canves. 2 bales dowlas. 2 Coulters & plow shaires. 1 tun of pitch. 3 butts netts. 12 pcs holland. 20 doz of shooes. 1 hhd shoes. 4 doz calve skins in a hhd. 3 C wh*. cheese. 1 chest w th , points & pins 16 bar 118 2 pipes of wine. 20 halfe hundds black sope. 1 doz threed. 1 doz shooes. 20 thousand hob- nailes & Sparrow bills : 3 ruggs. halfe a hundd of cheese one bar 11 tobacco pipes. 1 grs. knives. 2 grs pointes & laces, 1 bar 11 shoes. 1 bar 11 cheese. 3 caske nailes : 7 Caske metheglin. 4 pcs carpetting. 6 doz edge tools. 1 doz slyces & tongs. 20 augers. 92 bar 11 , shott cont eight tun & 62 barrs of lead cont one Tun. In the Mary of Bristoll Matthew Williams M r . Dat. 13 ffeb. 24 x q\ 1651 2 Cert, that the Mary of Bristoll hath here dd the goods of W m Dale &. Comp a . mer licenced by Cocq*. as followeth. 5 pypes 2 chests & 3 fatts cont N. 1, foure pcs carpetting. 2 bed ticks: 12 pcs Stuff es, 12 pcs bindings. N. 2 [Incomplete, leaf cut out.] INDEX. (431) INDEX OF NAMES. Abblt, Walter, 277. Abbot, Edward, 860. Abegadusett, 329. Abley, Henry, 6, 27, 171, 326, 418, 430. Abrahams, Isaac, 172. Acominticus (Agamenticus), 82. Adam, Mr., 313. Adams, Alexander, 369, 373. John, 145, 267. Jonathan, 267. Mary, 34, 103, 145. Samuel, 34, 103, 145. Thomas, 5. Addington, Isaac, 139, 208, 314, 328, 352, 353, 354, 363, 364, 365, 407, 408. Adlam, Ambrose, 245, 246, 247. 248. Adventure of Boston, ship, 91, 98, 100. Adventure of Southton, ship, 345, 423. Aerston, 386. Agmondsham (Amersham, Bucks), 50. Aijlewaij, John, 270. AInsworth, Ancher, 74, 252. Albion, ship, 19. Albright, John, 30. Alcock (Olcott), Mrs. (Abigail). 101. Alcocke (Olcott), Thomas, 101, 102, 114. Alden, (or Alderne) , Thomas, 194, 396, 397. Aldermanbury, London, Bug., Ill, 265. Aldersey, widow, 53. Aid worth, Gabriel, 259. Matthew, 226. . Richard, 45, 46. Robert, 37. Alexander, Jane, 49, 266. Alford, William, 411. Alice of London (ves.), 395. Allee, Philip, 221. Allen (Allin), Bozoone, 373. Edward, 39. Isaac, 182. John, Capt., 87, 120, 140, 141, 149, 150, 173, 197, 198, 208, 255, 261,262, 273, 295, 301, 314, 324, 342, 358, 359, 365,366, 381, 382, 411. Mary, 272, 273. Mr., 285, 310. Philip, 409. Robert, 142. Thomas, 147, 148, 211. Walter, 340. AUerton, Isaac, 5, 21,31, 81, 82, 83, 84, 103, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 239, 242, 324. Allistree, Paul, 158, 173, 174, 319, 834, 335, 339, 340, 341, 342, 354. Allyn, Matthew, 232. Almond, Joseph, 378. Aluastock, Southampton, Eng., 366. Alport, Joseph, 251. Alsop, Josepn, 240. America, 38, 59, 63, 162, 172, 185, 227, 235, 282, 345, 360. Amsburv, Gloucester, Eng., 68. Amsterdam, Holland, 243, 318. Anderson, John, 142, 143. Peter, alias Scoftepheger, 240. Andover, Maes., 314, 332, 371. Andrewes, John, 373. Joseph, 373. Andrews, Darnaris, 114, 115. Peter, 328. Rebecca, 75. Richard, 21. Samuel, 109, 110, 111, 253. Thomas, 75, 114, 115, 396, 397. William, 396, 397, 399. Angler, Edmund, 141. Anne (Ane), John, 134. ship, 30, 218, 234. Anne & Margrett, catch, 302. Ansteley, Warwick, Eng., 57. Antigua, W. I. (Antego), 220. Antonies (Anthony's), 253. Aquednick (Quednick), 13, 72, 182. Archer, Francis, 23, 221. Henry, 180. Ardley, Essex, Eng., 204. Ardy, Thomas, 266. Armitage, Godfry, 85. Joseph, 125, 152, 197, 235, 255, 265, 275, 276, 281, 282, 289. Arnold, , 286. Artillery of Boston (vee.), 418. Arundell, Sussex, Eng., 329. Ascott, John, 264. Ash, Kent, Eng., 104. Ashman, Robert, 321. Ashton, Peter, 175. Ashurst, Henry, SI, 94, 335, 399. Ashwell, Zachary, 73. Aspinwall, William, 5, 9, 10, 14, 23, 24, 28, 36, 50, 63, 64, 66, 75, 76, 78, 85, 90, 91, 93, 99, 100, 102, 103, 107, 109, 110, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 126, 127, 130, 131, 134, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 149, 153, 156, 160,163, 171, 178, 183, 184, 187, 188, 189, 190, 206, 207, 210, 212, 214, 219, 222, 223, 229, 232, 233, 236, 243, 254, 256, 258, 259, 262, 267, 274, 295, 297, 298, 299, 302, 304, 305, 306, 307, 312, 313, 314, 321, 329,330, 331,332, 334, 335, 341, 342, 344, 351, 353, 354, 355, 357, 358, 360, 362, 363, 365, 366, 367,369, 373, 385, 387, 390, 391, 393, 411, 419, 423. Assborne, William, 55. Aston Clinton, Buckingham, Eng., 104. Astwood (Astwoode), James, 106, 107, 126, 184, 186, 234, 340, 341, 354, 355. Atkins, Samuel, 53, 57, 59. Atkinson, Theodore, 15, 16, 158, 287, 340. Atwater (Attwaters), Joshua, 203, 241. Atwood, John, 51, 52, 53, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65. Anrelius, John, 21, 238, 251. Avery, Mr., 157. Axmouth, Devon, Eng., 48. Axtells, Nathaniel, 34, 211. Ayerst, Elisabeth, 43. John, 43. William, 43: Aylett (Aylet, Ayelett), Robert, 237, 238, 239. Babb, Mr., 70. (433) 434 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Babb, Thomas, 252, 254. Babe, Thomas, 134, 135. Baber, William. 131. Backhouse, Matthew, 74. Bacon, Elizabeth, 223. Robert, 223. Badiley, Richard, 47. Baggett, George, 53. Baker, Lanclet (or Launcelot), 124, 161, 152. Michael, 372. Baldwin, Richard, 104. Ball, Francis, 382. Ballard, Mr., 6. Ballsberry, Somerset, Eng., 267. Banbury, Oxford, Eng., 104, 165. Bancks, John, 270. Bannaster, Thomas, 56. Barbadoes, 11, 19, 39, 40, 80, 83, 84, 86, 87, 120, 131, 137, 139, 140, 163, 165, 166, 173, 174, 177, 178, 190, 212, 215, 220, 224, 225, 226, 227, 230, 255, 257, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 270, 283, 284, 287, 291, 292, 293, 296, 300, 301, 305, 312, 313, 324, 330, 333, 334, 335, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 348, 354, 356, 359, 362, 382, 411, 423. Barbary, 228. Barcelona, Spain, 318. Barkham, Berkshire, Eng., 227. Barlow, Bartholomew, 152, 202, 216, 311. George, 212. Barnes, Matthew, 74. Sarah, 97, 251. William, 97, 251. Barnsfleld, Coventry, Eng., 58. Barnstable, Mass., 10. Barnstaple, Eng., 70, 71. Barre, John, 209. Barret, Richard, 53, Ban-owe (Barrow), Giles, 384, 385. Barrow Apton, Norfolk, Eng., 69. Barrowes, Cornelius, 421. Bartholomew, Henry, 31. Richard, 8, 31, 32, 33, 34. Bartholmew, William, 95, 99, 188, 192, 217, 218, 250, 279, 280. Bartholmewe, Mr., 419. Bartloe, Thomas, 310. Barton, Henry, 124, Joseph, 344, 345, 362, 366. Rufus, 5. Barwick Ferine, Dorset, Eng., 105. Bassillonia (Barcelona), Spain, 318. Basnet, Thomas, 54. Bate, James, 176. Bateman, Edward, 369. Robert, 119. Bathorne (Batherne, Bathrue), Roger, 102, 265, 266, 275, 395. Wrath, 80, 103, 126, 134, 137, 139, 142, 183, 265, 266, 275. Batson, Nicholas, 23, 24, Baulston, Jonathan, 161, 411. Baxter, George, 240. Peter, 54. Bayes, Annie, 39, 323. John, 39. Thomas, 69, 165, 322, 323. Beacham (Beauchamp) , John, 21. Beaconsfleld, Bucks, Eng., 50. Beale, Stephen, 32. Beamon, Mr., 235. Beanes, John, 25, 26, 36, 400. Beard, Thomas, 125. Beaumont, Thomas, 332. Beaver (Bevr.), ship, 83, 84. of London (ves.), 400, 402. Beck, Alexander.120. Beckles. Suffolk, Eng., 186. Bedford, Earl of, 190. Margaret, 53. Bedlam (Bethlam), London, Eng., 200. Begining of Boston, bark, 220, r Belbiny, Anthony, 98. Belchar, Jeremiah ( Jeremie), 305, 340. Belford, Henry, 285, 286. Bell, Thomas, 9, 10, 13, 81, 32, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 81, 82, 84, 85, 92, 93, 105, 113, 143, 182, 183, 250, 255, 381, 588, 389, 390, 396, 418. Bellew, William. 125. Bellingham, Richard, 16, 190. Samuel, 256, 322. Belsary, Anth., 252. Belshaw (Belshar), John, 231, 249. Bendall (Bendale), Edward, 18, 74, 113, 141, 146, 147, 211, 248, 249,255, 256,257, 263, 269, 274, 280, 283, 285, 289, 290, 353, 354, 361, 363, 364, 365, 387. Freegrace, 249, 375. Jane, 147. Bender s Dock, Boston, Mass. , 278. Benecar Hall, Suffolk, Eng., 42. Benem, Samuel, 249. Benjoth (Benge worth), Worcestershire, Eng., 266. Bennett (Benet, Bennet), Mr., 46, 256. George, 193, 388. John, 39, 166, 167, 297, 298, 304, 306. Richard, 227. Samuel, 136, 137. Benning, James, 329. Berce, Robert, 215. Berckleye ( Barkiey, Barkeley) , Mr. Will- iam, 30, 95, 96, 116, 117, 204, 218, 428. Bermondsey, Surrey, Eng., 14. Bermudas (Bermuthas, Barmudas), 6, 143, 172,204,218,226,316. Berry, Thomas, 146, 147. William, 210. Berwick, Swyre, Dorset, Eng., 190. Betscomb, Richard, 10, 88. Bevan, Rowland, 385. Bewford (Beauford), John, 5,18,113. Bible, John, 322. Biddiford (Bideford), Devon, Eng., 6. Bidfleld, Samuel, 26. Bigg (Bigge, Biggs), John, 43, 180, 329. Sibill, 43. Smalehope, 180. Thomas, 185. Bilboa, Spain, 27, 88, 195, 295, 316, 317, 333, 361, 395, 410. Billing, William, 286. Birke, John, 244. Bishop, Nathaniel, 355. Thomas, 89, 105. Bissaker. , 53. Blackfryers, London, Eng., 68, 327. Blackliedge (Blackleach), Elizabeth, 223. John, 223, 310. Blacksley, Edward, 262. Blackwall, Middlesex, Eng., 87. Blake, Dorothie, Mrs., 371. Jane, 332, 371. Martha, Mrs., 371. Richard, 371. William, 371. Blanchard, William, 283, 285. Bland, Bridget, 37. Edward, 92. John, 91, 92, 131. William, 37. Blantaine, William, 18, 322. Blazdale, Raph, 265. Blewfleld, Capt., 265, 276, 277. Blinman, Richard, 79. Bloer, John, 349. Blomfleld, Alexander, 284. James, 282, 283. 284, 285, 360, 361. Blyborough, Suffolk, Eng., 11. Bodilowe, Richard, 188. Bodily, Mr., 327. Bodington, John, 69, 76, 77. Body (Bodie), Ferd, 180. Ferdinan, 181. Ferdinando, 79. Bomer, Joseph, 367. INDEX OF NAMES. 435 Bonaventnre (ves.), 419. Bonner, John, -262. Bonythor, Richard, 78. Booiie, Hyde, Northamptonshire, Eng., 7. Booth, Umphrey, 366. Bpreham, Essex, Eng., 11, 13, 14, 15. Bbsevill, Godfrey, 17. Boston, ship, 375. Boston, Suffolk, Mass., 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 35, 39, 40, 49, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 79, 81, 8-2, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 130, 132, 133, 134, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 149, 150, 151, 152, 154, 156, 158, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 177, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 239, 241, 242, 243, 245, 248, 249, 250, 252, 254, 255, 256, 257, 259, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 268, 269, 273, 274, 275, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 284, 285, 288, 289, 294, 295, 298, 299, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 313, 314, 319, 320, 321,323, 324, 325, 327, 328, 329, 331, 333, 334, 336, 337, 339. 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 347, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 357, 358, 360, 361, 362, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 373, 374, 376, 377, 379, 380, 381, 382, 384, 385, 386, 387, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 398, 400,401, 404, 405, 409, 410, 411, 419, 423. Boston Harbor, Mass., 260, 287. Boston roads, Boston, Mass., 75. Bosworth, Goodman (Zachary), 141. Nathaniel, 235. Bourdeaux, 318. Bourne (Bowrne), John, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 47. Neiiemiah, Major, 15, 17, 41, 42, 46, 47, 86, 87, 122, 144, 151, 163, 171, 180, 227, 228, 230, 262, 367, 368, 403, 404, 405, 408, 410, 411. Richard, 89. Boutcher (Butcher), Ninlon, 409, 410. Bow, Middlesex, Eng., 85. Bowen. Griffith, 119. Bowne, Richard, 340. Boxe, Henry, 420. Boxford, Suffolk, Eng., 231, 249. Boyer (Bowyer), Symon, 297, 298, 299, 304, 306, 313. Boylston (Boilson, Boylson), Thomas, 172, 183, 199, 200. Bracket, Peter, 103, 105, 145, 324. Braddick, William, 400. Bradford, William, 21. Bradgate, Martin, 297, 361, 392, 419. Bradley, Daniel, 344, 345, 362, 366, 423. Bradpole Manor, Dorset, Eng., 162. Bradshaw, John, 175, 176. Braintree, Eng., 197. Braintree, Mass., 11, 14, 34, 49, 103, 105, 123, 145, 197, 267, 274, 288, 324. Brand, Justice Joseph, 231, 249. Branden, Mary, 104. Thomas, 104. William, 104. Braeiletto, 315. Braunton, Devon, Eng., 147. Bredport, Dorset, Eng., 10, 105. Breedon (Bridon), Thomas, Capt., 80, 126, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 149. Brenton, William, 13, 18, 226, 248, 321, 419. Brewer, John, 415. Brewster, Francis, 46, 241, 246, 247, 248. Jonathan, 81, 175, 176, 177, 241. Lucie, 248. Nathaniel, 248. Bride of Boston (ves.), 172. Bride of Enchusen (ves.), 172. Bridge (Bridges), Capt., 16. Charles, 316. Bridges, Thomas, 114. Bridgham (Bridham), Elizabeth, 11. 13. 14, 15. Robert, 25. Bridham (Bridgham), Henry, 11, 13, 14, 15, 25, 268. Bright, Henry, 184, 327, 331. Brinclowe, , 65. Brinsmeade, William, 222. Briscoe, Nathaniel, 377. Bristol (Bristow). Eng., 6, 8, 23, 27, 37, 38, 40, 45, 46, 67, 71, 82, 92, 107, 135, 170, 171, 178, 196, 214, 226, 245, 246, 248, 269 271, 282, 380, 402, 403, 410. Broadoake, Essex, Eng., 155. Broadway, Somerset, Eng., 12. Brock (Brocke), James, 16, 16, 18. Bromley, Kent, Eng., 88. Brookes, John, 223. Lord, Robert Treville, 6, 16. Brooner (Broomer), Richard, 68, 250. Broughton, Andrew, 180, 329. Thomas, 81, 82, 96, 97, 98, 99, 123, 150, 182, 190, 198, 273, 277, 314, 335, 344, 358, 366, 376, 377. William, 150, 198. Brown (Browne), Anne, 204 Jeremie, 393, 394. Browne, Edmund, 204. Hugh, 8, 27, 28, 170, 171, 379, 380, 407, 408. James, 350, 351, 363. Joseph, 5. John, 162, 287, 288, 381, 384. Leonell, 10. Malachie, see Browning, 6. Nicholas, 47, 48, 266. Thomas, 28, 146, 267. William, 6, 420. Brownell, Joan, 59. Joane, 58. Johan, 51. John, 58. Thomas, 72. Browning, John, 193. Malachi, 5, 94, 250. Thomas, 94. Browse, Edward, 73, 193. Bruen (Bruin), M., 245. Bruin (Bruen), William, 75, 248. Bryan, Alex., 241. Bryan, Richard, 416. Bryant, Lewis, 128. Buckington, Eng., 102. Buckley, William, 409. Buers, Essex, Eng., 17. Bulger, Richard, 21. Bullock (Bullocke), Edward, 194, 196, 196, 200, 227, 326. William, 195, 227. Bundock, William, 127. Burbage, Thomas, Capt., 167, 168, 169. Burdeux (Bordeaux), France, 318. Burges, Richard, 210. Thomas, 7. Burgrte, Robert, 343. Burnley, Lancaster, Eng., 18. Burr (Burre), John, 170, 191. Burt, Edward, 189, 191, 321, 322, 383. Hugh, 29, 68, 87, 189, 190, 191, ^55, 269, 322. Hugh, Jr., 87, 191. John, 189, 190, 194. Susan, 29, 68. Thomas, 29, 68, 87, 189, 190, 191. Burton, Thomas, 19, 120, 121, 405. Bury, St. Edmunds, Suffolk, Eng., 25, 269. William, 89, 90, 96, 102. Bush, John, 196. Paul, 236. Bushell, John, 243. Bushnell, John, 321, 351. 436 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Buehrode, Thomas, 19, 31, 103,206, 241, 242, 245. Busly, John, 232. Butland, Ambrose, 133. Nicholas, 133. William, 178. Butler, Daniel, 397. Ed., 265. Capt. Gregory, 226. Peter, 274, 327. Buttals, Algate (St. Botolphs, Aldgate), London, Eng., 114. Buttles, Leonard, 189. Buttolph, Thomas, 11. Byam (Byham), Major William, 339. Nathaniel, 328. Byram, John, 175, 176, 177. Byron, Lord John, Baron of .Rochdale, 91, 98. Byrt (Byrd), John, 34. Cad, Captain, 71. Cadell (Cadle), John, 245, 246, 247, 248. Cadiz, Spain, 206. Calcord (Colcord), Edward, 18, 124, 289. Calcot, Rutland, Eng., 274. Calender, Michael, 286. Callow, Oliver, 103. Cambio (Cambaya), 252, 253, 254. Gamble, Robert, 163. Cambridge, Mass., 41, 90, 111, 114, 116, 221, Campion, Clement, 86, 131, 143, 173, 236, 237, 238. John, 155. Canarie, Islands of, 11, 180, 254, 349, 353, 363, 364, 397, 419. Cannons Ashbie, Northampton. Eng., 104. Canon, Abell, 212. Canonicus, 182. Canson, Mr., 326. Canterbury, Kent, Eng., 88. Cape Ann, N. E., 217, 218. Cape Lopue (Lopez), Africa, 300. Cape Porpoise, 13. Cape Verd Islands, 212, 259, 300. Carbonere, 98. Caribee Islands, 165, 172, 222, 223, 257. Carlton, John, 430. Carman, John, 152, 208, 209. Carol (Charles I.), 17, 19, 28, 57, 38, 41, 45, 68, 236, 394, 397, 398, 399, 404, 407. Caron, Joseph, 389. Carpenter, Gilbert, 153, 165. Carr, James, 39. (Carre), Mrs., 272. Carter, Ann, 33. Carter, Joseph, 222. Carvacal, Anthonie Lemande, 349, 350. Carwitham (Carwethen, Carwithen, Car- within, Carthwthen, Cornethen), Decker, 404. Dick, 417. Dickeren, 332, 405, 419. Dickery, 417, 418, 419. Dickeye, 192. Digery, 417, 422. Digging, 417. Carwithen, Margaret, 80. Carwithie, Samuel, 374. Carwithy, Benjamin, 416. Cary (Carie,) James, 28, 103, 363, 370. Thomas, 127. Castle Island, Boston, Mass., 254, 313. Cavendish, Suffolk, Eng., 49. Cawston, Michael (Miles), Capt., 340. Miles, 340. Chaddock, Philip, 315. Chadwell, Richard, 156, 203. Chafy (Chaffle), Matthew, 213. Chaire, John, 330. Chalke (Chalk), William, 349, 350. Challemor, Robert, 269. Challenor, Thomas, 26*9. Chambers, John, 264. Champ'noone (Champernoone), CapU Francis, 113, 200, 201, 324, 325, 326. Chapflll, John, 88. True, 88. Chapleine, Thomas, 25. Chaplye. (See Shapley.) Chapman, Edmund, 297, 298, 299, 304. Florence, 82. Chapman of London (ship), 143, 181, 192, 260, 405, 406, 407, 409. Charles (ship), 297, 362, 420, 427. Charls of Boston, (bark), 266. Charles of London (ves.), 122, 402. Charles River, Mass., 83, 291, 293. Charlestown, Mass., 7, 8, 11, 14, 17, 24, 28, 37, 40, 41, 43, 68, 69, 75, 76, 79, 83, 84, 87, 88, 92, 93, 95, 107, 109, 114, 120, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 145, 149, 152, 157, 170, 173, 178, 191, 197, 211,215, 216,219, 223, 224, 225, 230, 243, 261, 262, 273, 288, 293, 295, 296, 299, 302, 307, 311, 320, 321, 330, 340, 341, 342, 343, 350, 351, 356, 358, 359, 361, 363, 365, 381, 390,391, 392, 398, 409, 411. Charlestowne River, 181, 182, 271, 292, 293, 296 376 Charlton (Charleton), Michael, 173, 236, 237. Chasse, Matthew, 94. Checkenden, Oxford, Eng., 249. Chelmsford, Eng., 5, 14. Chelsam, Edward, 377. Mary, 377, 378. Thomas, 378. Chelsey (Chelsea), Middlesex, Eng., 250. Chettel, Dorset, Eng., 158. Chlckering, Francis, 186. Henry, 43. John, 42. Mary, 42. Chickley (Checkley;, John, 99, 100, 117, 118, 119, 123. Chideock, Dorset, Eng., 267. Child, Abraham, 330, 331. Ephraim, 85. Robert, 10. Childsmore (Cheylesmore), Coventry, Eng., 334. Chilson, William, 157. Chittingston, Kent, Eng., 88. Chivers, Thcanas, 395. Christopher's Island, 165, 323. Chuckatucke, Virginia, 168. Clagett, Nicholas, 42. Clap, Roger, 176. Clark (Clarke, Clerk, Clerke), Arthur, 18. Christopher, 327. Dan, 16. Capt. Jeremiah, 234. Jeremie, 266. Jeremy, 379. John, 379. Jonas, 308, 309. Mr., 172, 173, 174. Nathaniel, 130. Ralph, -265, 276. Richard, 54, 56, 222, 223, 224. Roger, 54, 338. Thomas, 17, 91, 98, 117, 118, 119, 123, 230, 289. Thomas, (Smith), 286, 310. Claws (Cloise, Clawson. See Cornelius), Peter, 80, 81, 218, 219. Clay, Richard, 350. Cleaver, Randall, 64. Cleaves (Cleve) , George, 21, 272, 313. Clemens (Clements), Alexander, 243, 248. Clements, Elizabeth, 227. Cobbet.Mr., 136. Cock (Cocke,) Oliver, 50. Robert, 243. William, 37, 38. Coddington (Cuddington), John, 182, 190, INDEX OF NAMES. 437 Codman, Robert, 35. Coffin, Tristram, 371. Cogan (Coggan, Coggln), Humprey, 215, 248. Coggan (Coggin, Cogan, Cagan), John (Jon) 117, 118, 119, 202, 215, 248, 420. Coggeshall, Eseex, Eng., 193. Colane, Matthew, 374. Colbourne (Colborne), Henry, 263. Colchester, Essex, Eng., 90, 155, 163, 204, 350, 351. Colcord, Edward, 289. Cole, Daniel, 35. Ems (or Amieb, Amyes), 128, 129, 130. John, 387. Margaret, 90, 155. Peter, 416. Samuel, 6, 90, 155, 258. William, 128, 129, 130, 190. Colema, Peter, 416. Coleman, Thomas, 30. Collecot, Richard, 21, 190. Collier, Jane, 266. Joseph, 250. Thomas, 233, 234, 266. Collins, Christopher, 14. Edward, 21, 41, 42, 114, 115, 163. Jane, 14. John, 203. William, 44. Colton, Sybil, 36. William, 35. Combi, Wilhelmi, 247. Combs, Capt., 105. Comfort of London (ves.), 409. Comins, Richard, 133. Compton, John, 15, 175, 176. Concord, Mass., 267. Concord of Bristol (ship) , 269. Conduit Creek, Boston, Mass., 289. Coney, John, 281. Connecticut, 21, 35, 80, 161, 344, 346, 347. Connecticut River, 261, 243. Connigsgrave, Brian, 53. Constance of London (ship), 236, 237, 238. Content (frigate), 79; Content (ship), 214, 259, 260. Converse, Edward, 114. Cooke, , 54 George (Capt.), 16, 17. James, 424. John, 172. Lionel, 308. Pel ton, 272. Richard, 144, 198, 199, 299, 307, 308, 331, 332. Robert, 41, 42. Samuel, 39. Cooly, William, 22. Coop, John, 176. Copps, William, 377. Corbet, John, 218. Corley, Warwick, Eng., 55. Connont, , 285. Cornelius (Cornelious), Aaron, 215. Claus, 80, 81. Clawse, 81. Cloyse, 81. Cornwall (Cornwell), London, Eng., 113, 257. Corren, Hugh, 100. Coskrum, Devon, Eng., 23. Cotherstock, Northampton, Eng., 30. Cotton, Thomas, 285, 310. William, 179, 288. Coventry, Warwick, Eng., 51, 53, 64, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 334. Coventry and Litchfleld, Bishop of, 56. Cowbridge, Glamorganshire, Eng., 257. Cowcross, London, Eng., 189. Cowdall, John, 81. Cowling, John, 360. Thomas, 360. Cox, Ralph, 210. Coyman, Thomas, 294. Coysh, Richard, 33. Coyte, Edward, 400, 402. Crabtree, John, 40, 177. Craddock (Craddocke, Cradock), Mat- thew, 43, 44, 114, 116, 116, 242, 243, 343. Rebecca, 114, 242, 243. Cramp (Crampe, Crump), John, Capt., 297, 306, 333, 361, 418, 419, 420, 422, 424. Crams, Goodman, 212. Crane, , 43. Cranebrooke, Kent, Eng., 180. Cranedge, James, Capt., 336, 337, 338. Mrs., 337, 338. Cranely, Richard, Capt., 98. Cransden, Francis (Frances), 104. Henry, 104. Crestwick (Creswick), Henry, 418, 430. Crispe, George, 87, 132. Robert, 87, 132. Crofts, William, 32. Cromwell (Crumwell), Ann, 257. John, 175, 176, 177. Capt. Thomas (Theo.), 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 76, 215, 216, 218, 219, 223, 226, 234, 257,260. Crooke, Rebecca, 68. Roger, 68. Crosse, Samuel, 32. Croucher, Richard, 152. William, 209. Crowdy, Thos., 210. Cullimor (Colimer), Isaac, 145. Margaret, 145. Culpeper, Alexander, 51, 57, 60, 63,64, 65. Culpert, Jasper, 164. Cortes, , 266. Elizabeth, 49. Jane, 49, 266. John, 266. Cutts, Baker, 198. Cutt (Cutts), John, 382. Richard, 26, 189, 196, 198, 233, 374, 375, 382. Cutter, William, 144. Cutting, John, 91, 98, 116, 361, 362, 420, 421, 422, 424. Dale, William, 430. Dallison, Martini, 251. Damirall, Humphrey, 166, 234, 258, 379. Dand, John, 332. Dane, John, 120, 121, 200, 201, 326, 355, 356. Danell, Mr., 272. Daniel. John, 350, 395, 405. Darbie, Uncle, 102. Dare. (See Dayer.) Dartmouth, Eng., Devon, 6, 147, 163, 205. Darvell, Robert, 329. Dashwood, Samuel, 154, 155. Daton (Daughton), Peter, 286. Daves, John, 151. Davies, George, 367, 368. James, 130. Lewis, 21. Thomas, 168. (See Davis.) William, of Ferriland. (See Davis.) 126, 127, 128, 130, 221. William (Apothecary), 6, 14, 42, 151, 286, 420. William, 222, 314, 333. Davis, Thomas, 168. (See Davies.) William (Gunsmith & Merchant), 285. William, of Ferriland, 126, 221. (See Davies.) William, 179, 181. Davison, David, 9, 74, 397. Michael, 298. Nicholas, 44, 73, 74, 75, 76, 115. 116, 140, 142, 156, 158, 232, 242, 243, 244, 245, 285, 270, 275, 290, 291, 295, 330, 342, 343, 344, 409, 411. Thomas, 18. Dawber, George, 252. 438 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Dawson, Henry, 36. Nicholas, 349,350. Day, Henry, 298. Dayer (Dare, Dayre), Edward, 346, 347, 348. Deane, Robert, 246. Dedham, Mass., 3!>, 42, 43, 67, 68, 69, 186. Defence (ship), 15,88. Defence of Boston (ves.), 397, 400. Defence of London (ves.), 402. Delghton, Thomas, 11, 41, 42, 420. De Key, William, 81. Delagnarr, Giles, 164. De la Motte, Joseph, 346. Dell, Elizabeth, 85, 86. George, 418. Ralph, 85. Demetrius, Daniel, 415. Demis, Edmund, 72. Denioris, , 253. Den man, Edward, 163. Dennies, Edmund, 72. Dennis (Denis), Edward, 259. John, 210, 280. Robert, 137, 138, 139. Denny, Richard, 112. Deptford (Debptford), Kent, Eng., 139, 144. Devonshire, Eng., 6, 409, 410, 416, 417, 419. Dexter, Thomas, 135, 136, 137, 144, 225, 235. Dickinson, John, 305. Diego, , 256. Disborough, Feter, 119. Dittie, Elisabeth, Mrs., 127. Dixon, John, 8. William, 82. Dobson (Dobsone), Charles, Capt., 126, 130, 189, 220, 221, 263, 264, 266, 267, 269, 286. Daniel, 57. Dod, George, 151. John, 184, 185. Dodge (Doge), Trustram, 127, 128. Doe, John, 34. Doggard, Samuel, 384. Dolling, John, 152, 153. Dolphin (ves.), 124. Dolphin of London (vea.), 9, 47, 163, 394, 397, 399, 401, 402. Doolittle, Thomas, 429. Dorchester, Eng., Dorset, 147, 163. Dorchester, Mass., 21, 94, 96, 98, 104, 106, 137, 153, 176, 190, 227, 334, 335. Dore, John, 48. Dorking (Darkin, Dorkin), Surrey. Eng., 29,87, 189,190, 191. Dorney, Joseph, 27, 80, 395. Dorothie of Dartmouth, 412. Dove, Matthew, 374. Dove of Bristol (ves.), 407, 408. Dover Eng., 10, 178, 213. Dover, New Hampshire, 192. Downes (Downs), Eng., 6. Samuel, 44. Downing (Downeing, Dowlng), Eman- nef, 13, 15, 17, 121, 143. Peter, 350 Drap, Nathaniel, 226, 230. Drax, James, 173. Drayner Ambrose, 89. Drew, Joseph, 408. Dublin, Ireland, 39. Dudley, John, 341. Richard, 67. Samuel, 135, 136. Thomas, 21, 186, 227. Duhurst, Roger, 265. Dumer (Dummer), Jane, 61, 383. Richard, 211, 333. Shubaell, 333. Steven, 59, 61, 62. Dunbar, John, 275, 370. Duncan, John, 239, 240, 241, Nanthaniel, 26, 27, 30, 208, 336. Duncombe, John, 386, 387. Dunstable, Bedford, Eng., 11, 119. Durand, William, 1(54. Dyar, William, 379. Eagle of Colchester (ves.), 163, 173, 304. Eagle of London (ship), 349, 420, 421. Earle, Robert, 135. Earles Barton, Northamptonshire, Eng.,7. Eastchurch, William, 423. Eastland, Thomas, 33. East Smithfleld, London, Eng., 146, 147. Eaton, Samuel, 241. Thomas, 175. Ebel, Peter, 175. Eckton, Northamptonshire, Eng., 7. Eden, Henry, 42. Edes, John, 144. Edey, , 235. Edmond & John of London (ves.), 395, 404, 405. Edw., William, 141. Edward of London (ves.), 419. Edwards, , 262. Agnes, 113. John, 35, 320. William, 113. Eglesfleld (Egglessfleld, Eglessfleld, Eaglesfleld), Elizabeth, 103, 145. Hannah (Hanna), 103, 145. Manuel (Emanuel), 34, 103, 145. Mary, 34, 103, 145. Samuel, 103, 145. Elbridge, Giles, 34, 37, 38, 357. John, 401. Thomas, 357. Eldred, Nathaniel, 97, 145, 188, 193. 217, 218, 405. Eleuthera Island. (See Sagnatea), 315, 320. Eley, William, 170. Elias & Elizabeth (ves.), 183. Elias of London (ves.), 73, 74. Eliot, John, 186. Mr., 205. William, 34. Elizabeth, , 43. ship, 133, 134, 137. Elizabeth of Bristow (ship), 271. Ellis, Edmund, 17. Edward, 276. (Elis), sister, 43. Richard, 71. Elmer, Edward, 193. Elton, Anne, Mrs., 321, 322. John, 370, 378, 379. Elzey, Arnold, 307, 312. Thomas, 160. Emanuel, 226. Emerson, William, 41. Emmons(Emons), John, 15. Emons, Lucas, 337, 338. Endee, Michael, 222. Endevor (ship),?, 12. England, 6, 12, 14, 17, 19, 29, 32, 38, 42, 45, 46, 51, 53, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 6C, 67, 80, 86, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 96, 100, 107, 108, 115, 119, 128, 133, 134, 138, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 150, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163, 178, 181, 182, 183, 185, 187, 190, 191, 12, 194, 201, 203, 206, 207, 208, 212,215, 219, 221, 226, 238, 246, 248, 251, 252, 255, 257, 259, 262, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 283, 284, 297, 302, 306, 312, 315, 316, 324, 325, 334 335, 345, 361, 373, 384 ,385, 392, 393, 395 409. Enos, Nicholas, 173. Ensam, Robert, 48. Essington, Gloucester, Eng,, 34, Esstum, Worcester, Eng., 30. Etherston. (5eeNetherston),249. Europe, 317. Evance, John, 203. Evans, David, 86. Edward, 6, 8. Lucas, 390. INDEX OP NAMES. 439 Everat, Thomas, 55. Evered, John, alias Webb, 351. Everill (Everel), James, 26, 27, 29, 68, 87, 125, 282, 283, 284, 360, 361, 379, 388. Ewen (Ewenes, Ewens, Ewln, Ewlns), David, 168. John, 259. Robert, 167, 169. Ewers, Philip, 266, 275. Ewlll, Surrey, Eng., 20. Ewln. (See Ewen.) Exchange (ship), 17. Exeter, Devon, Eng., 147, 149, 153, 215, 248. Exeter, N. H., 212. Expectation (ship), 76, 116, 119, 120, 121, 313, 356. Eyre, Edward, 55. Fairbanke, Richard, 9, 10. Fairefax, Daniel, 194. Fairfleld, Conn., 240, 387. Fairnaxe (Fanax), Daniel, 417. Falkner, Richard, 54. Fanax. (See Fairnaxe.) Fane, Goodman, 141. Farell, Mr., 256. Farieraw, Daniel, 416. Farnam, John, 310. Farrar, Henry, 18. Thomas, 18. Faulconer, David, 177. Edmund, 314. Joane, 314. Richard, 314. Faulkner, Thomas, 121. Fauntleroy, James, 345. Fawer (Fower), Barnabas, 31, 63, 64, 66, 170, 319, 321, 379, 380, 404. Fayal (Fyall) Island, 107, 108, 109, 110,210, 242, 243, 245. Fellowes, Richard, 203. Fellowship of London (ves.), 421, 422, 423, 424. Felsham (Feltam, Foltam), Suffolk, Eng., 25, 268. Fen, Robert, 124, 156, 203, 208, 209, 421, 422, 423, 424. Fen wick, George, 17. Ferriland, N. F., 77, 126, 130, 133, 221, 388, 389. Field, Daniel, 43. Darbie (Derble), 34, 72, 125. Henry, 43. Fiennes,William,ViscountSayandSele,6. Filpot (Philpott), Edward, 288. Filton, Gloucestershire, Eng., 81, 172. Finch, James, 220. Firmin, Josias, 351. Thomas, 350, 351. Firneside, John, 257. Firth, Edward, 89. Fish, John, 6, 234, 235, 261. Jonathan, 6, 261. Thomas, 261. Fitting, John, 49, Flemon, Avis, 88. Fletcher, Edward, 132. Flint, Thomas, 21. Floyd, Anne, 37. John, 11, 37. Fogg, John, 15, 270, 271. Ralph, 11, 12, 15, 270, 271. Susan, 93. Follet, John, 130, 177, 178, 179. Folsom. (See Foulsham.) Foote (Foot), Caleb, 193, 236, 339, 385. Joshua, 13, 19, 20, 102, 113, 143, 144, 150, 193, 268, 402, 403, 404, 406, 407,421,422. Footman, Thomas, 124. Ford (Foord), Amos, 144. Thomas, 82. Forington (Fordington), 163. Forrest, Edward, 250. Judith, 250. William, 250. Fort Amsterdam, 153. Fortune (ship), 411. Fortune of N. E. (ship), 290, 291, 292. Foster, Andrew, 180. Anthony, 252. Christopher, 20, 68. Francis, 20, 68. Hopestill, 43, 176, 180, 186. Mr., 419. Thomas, 191, 209, 232, 233. William, 230, 267, 268, 353. Foulsham (Folsom), John, 202. Fowle, Thomas, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 17, 19, 23, 29, 70, 71, 82, 91, 94, 95, 98, 170, 171, 253. Fowler, Goodman, 43. John, 155. Fox, Charles, 411, 428. Foxcroft (Foxcrofte), George, 19, 20,21, 51, 52, 53, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65. Framlingham, Suffolk, Eng., 50. France, 51, 53, 58, 59, 63, 66, 89, 115, 128, 160, 163, 194, 245, 251, 315, 316. Francklln, William, 164, 165, 235, 258, 310. Freeman, Henry, 68, 131, 327. John, 37, 327. Priscilla, 68, 327. Samuel, 68. Frere (Fryer), George, 134, 135, 253, 332. Thomas, 134, 135. Freyer, Capt., 338. Frost, Hannah, 95. Henry, 95. Fryer. (See Frere.) Funchall, Island of, 244, 256, 332. Furber, William, 78. Furnell, Strong, 85, 121. Gage, John, 383. Gainer (Ganier), Thomas, 75, 76, 124, 126, 131, 145, 173, 174, 190, 201, 208, 209, 210, 228, 230, 232, 343, 372. Gallop, John, 267. Nathaniel, 267. Gamage, Nicholas, 160. Gamon, Robert, 308. Ganatree of Home (ves.l, 219. Gard, John, 109, 110, 111. Robert, 78. Roger, 78, 108, 109, 203, 374. Gardiner, Lieut. Lion, 168. Peter, 68, 160, 411, 412. Rebecca, 68. Gardiner's Island, L. I. Sound, 158. Gardner, Isaac, 428. Nathaniel, 415. Garland, John, 132. Garnett (Garnet), Samuel, 384. William, 409. Garrard, Mr., 333. Garret, Herman (Smith), 286. Garrett, James, 225,230, 411,412, 422, 423. Gay, Henry, Capt., 285, 287, 309. Richard, 305. Robert, 305. Genoa, Italy, 73, 74, 416. George, Ma'ry, 105. Peter, 105. George Bonaventure, of London (ves.), 333, 361, 418, 419, 420, 424. Germany, 407, 417, 429. Gerrish (Gerish, Geerish), William, 46, 218, 419. Gibbins (Gibbones, Gibbons, Gibones, Gibons), Ambrose, 72. Capt., 112. Edward, Major-General, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 49, 50, 91, 98, 99, 105, 122, 151, 152, 153, 165, 199, 209, 216, 217, 219, 220, 224, 244, 245, 271, 287, 290, 291, 309, 311, 324, 334, 351, 357, 358. William, 5, 161. Glbbs, Phillip, 6, 171. Richard, 15, 93. Gibraltar (Giblater), Straits of, 135. 440 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Gibson, Christopher, 369, 373. Goodman, 36. Gifford (Giffard), George, 24, 28. Gift (Guift) of Barnstable (ship), 39. Gift (Guift) of God, of London (ship), 300, 317, 319, 334, 335, 340. Gilbert, Thomas, 255, 269. Gilbert (ship), 8, 10, 17, 158. Gilbert of Dartmouth (ves.), 153, 155. Gill, Arthur, 23, 213, 306. Gllloin (Gillam, Gellom), Benjamin, 13, 14, 36, 49, 83, 113, 117, 119, 126, 134, 143, 185, 191, 192, 200, 211, 275, 276, 281, 282, 285, 386, 306, 313, 321, 356. Gilman, Edward, 86, 100, 101. Richard, 100. Ginney (Guinea), 220, 287, 291, 300, 301, Glaston (Glastonbury), Somerset, Eng., 73, 193. Gloucester, Eng., 328. Gloucester, Mass., 97, 212. Glover, Habacucke, 335. John, 94, 190, 192, 274, 334, 335. Rebecca, 21, 43, 44, 75, 114, 115, 242, 243. Richard, 21, 43, 44, 114, 115. Glubb, John, 130. Walter, 130. Goade, Abraham, 303. Godfrey (.Godferry), Edward, 203, 374. John, 132. Joseph, 85, 96, 106, 107, 121, 126. Sarah, 132. William, 132. Golden Dolphin (ship), 259. Goodale, Edward, 163. Goodman, Nicholas, 338. Goodridge, James, 375. Goodwill and Prospers of London (ship), 133. Goodwin, Augustine, 277. John, 210, 354. William, 277. Goodyeare, Hugh, 331. Stepheh, 160, 199. Tobye, 247. Gookin, Daniel, 32. Goose, William, 19. Gore, John, 6, 345; 346, 384. Philip, 309. Gorgiana,77, 124. Gosport, Southampton, Eng., 366. Gotam, Robert, 393. Gould, Jeremy, 20. Thomas, 371. Goulden Lyon of Bristol (ves.), 425, 426. Goulding, Peter, 399. Gower, Jane, 147. John, 147. Grace, George, 175, 176, 177. Grafton, Joseph, 127. Graves, Thomas, 6, 12, 267, 268, 395, 397, 398, 399, 400, 403, 408. Gravesend, 302, 384. Gray (Grey), Thomas, 40, 177. William, 92, 160. Great Brittain, 204. Great Dunmow, Essex, Eng., 330. Great Garret (ship), 83, 84, 215. Great Missenden, Bucks., Eng., 106. Greaves, Samuel, 37. Greed, Henry, 145. Greene (Greane), Isaac, 90. Jane, 48. John, 48, 90, 155. Margaret, 90. William, 217, 218, 302, 305, 306, 336,387, 406, 408, 413, 414, 415, 416, 419, 428, 429, 430. Greenleafe, Mr., 202. Greensmith, Steven, 314, 418. Greepe, Jane, 14. Gregory, John, 337. Greville, Robert, Lord Brooke, 616. Greyhound (ship), 21. Grlce (Gryce), Roger. Ensign, 171, 172, 228, 229. Grldley, Annie (Hannah), 76, 77. Richard, 76, 77, 179. Griffem, James, 145. Griffin, Jos., 407. Griffiths, Joshua, 203. Griggs, George, 139, 179. Humphrey, 49. Thomas, 49. William, 49. Grollier, James, 259, 279, 280, 297. Groome, John, 267. Grosse, Clement, 310. Edmund, 276. Isaac, 189. Roger, 166, 167. Grov'vust, Edward, 164. Grubb, Thomas, 15. Gudevers, John, 312. Guinea. (See Ginny.) Gullison (Gulleson). (See Gunison.) Gumley, Leicester, Eng., 274. Gunison (Gunnison, Gullison, Gulleson), Hugh, 5, 18, 75, 202, 336, 367. Gutch, Robert, 267, 425. Gwin, John, 68, 399. Hacker, Martha, 121. Thomas, 121. Haey, Jacob, 240. Hagborne, Abraham, 258. Hailsborne, William, 132. Hale, Robert, 288. William, Capt., 407, 408, 410. Halifaxe, Yorkshire, Eng., 105, 150. Hall, Edward, 68. Ellenor, 68. Francis, 102. Samuel, 377, 378. Hallet, Andrew, 22. John, 317. Nicholas, 162. William, 215, 216. Halsall, George, 6. Hamborough (Hamburgh), 293, 407, 408, Hammersmith, London, Eng., 68. Hamond (Hammond, Hamon), John, 54. Robert, 217, 218, 305, 413, 416. Thomas, 112. William, 112. Hampton (Southampton, Eng.), 382. Hampton Poyle, Oxford, Eng., 37. Hanbery (Hanberry), Walter, 259. William. 160. Hancock, Mr., 327. Thomas, 407. Hanneford, John, 109, 111. Hauns, Mark, 268. Harding (Hardinge.Hardeng), Elizabeth, 11, 13, 14, 15. John, 11, 13, 14, 15. Robert, Capt., 11, 19, 20, 22, 23, 30, 31, 35, 36, 76, 91, 94, 98, 100, 106, 111, 145, 146, 147, 150, 188, 198, 218, 249, 262, 344, 405. Hargrave, William, 8. Harlackenden, Elizabeth, 17. Margaret, 17. Roger, 16, 17. Harlowe, Thomas, 120. Harper, Augustine, 261. Harrington, Joseph, 72. Harris, William, 149.. Harrison (Harison), Edward, 86, 112, 170, 233 John, 116. Mark, 218. Richard, 273. Harrotts (Harrats) End, Hereford (Hert- ford) , Eng., 329. Hart, , 54. INDEX OF NAMES. 441 Hart, Goodman, 285. John, -295, 301. Nicholas, 239. Hartford, Conn., 76, 77, 113, 151, 160, 193, 231. Hartley, Ralph, 91. Hartwell, George, 68, 380. John (Johannis), 28, 68, 380. Harvey (Harvee), Samuel, 22. William, 20. Harwood, Andrew, 125. George, 232, 233, 355. Jane, 355. John, 329. Haselwood, Richard, 152, 191, 210. Hasted, Essex, Eng., 112. Hatch, Phillip, 139. Hatcher, Capt. Henry, 104. Hatfleld Brodoake, Essex, Eng., 90. Woodpark, Hartford, Eng., 334. Hatherly, Timothy, 211. Hatley (Hatly), John, junior, 116, 117, 118, 119. John , senior, 117, 118. Mr., 130 Haverhill, Mass., 328. Hawards, Robert, 122. Hawkins, James, 379. Job, 233, 378. John, 182. Mary, Mrs., 29, 194, 198, 297. Richard, 259. Thomas (baker), 25, 26, 36, 156, 166. Capt. Thomas, 16, 29, 35, 47, 74, 86, 100, 101, 276, 281, 282, 306, 402, 409. Hawton, Sussex, Eng., 329. Hayes, John, 105. Haynes, Thomas, 11. William, 11. Hearne, John, 162. Heaton, Nathaniel, 18. Hedge, William, 277. Hell, Thomas, 222. Hempstead, L. I., N. Y., 150. Henfleld, Robert, 418. Henman, Edward, 297, 298, 299, 304, 800. Herbert ( Berber), James, 250. John, 51, 58, 59, 178, 265. Mr., 338. Herd. (SeeHurd.) Herne, Robert, 74. Herrington, Robert, 296. Hett, Thomas, 85. Hewes(Hewghs,Hewghes,Hues), George, Capt., 126, 134, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 149, 266, 275. Mr., 20. Heyes, Richard, 54. Hibbins (Hibens), William, 8, 141, 278, 279, 293, 295, 307, 312, 335, 339, 355, 374. Hickes (Hicks), Richard, 367. Higginbotom, Capt., 338. Higs^inson, Humphrey, 158. Higgs, Edmund, 314. Hilder, Thomas, 417. Hill, Gloucester, Eng., 68. Hill, John, 56, 112, 197, 215, 293. Mr., 125. Mrs., 222. Valentine, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 19.20,47, 78, 79, 91, 94, 98, 99, 100, 103, 112, 124, 127, 145, 151, 173, 174, 179, 197, 211, 221, 222, 262, 267, 268, 273, 274, 277, 278, 317, 344, 375, 376, 384, 385. William, 159. Hills, 253. Hinckson, Philip, 23. Hingham (Higham), Mass., 10, 48, 49, 69, 86, 88, 100 124, 174, 233, 235, 288, 37& Hingham, Norfolk, Eng., 49. Hlnaon, Thomas, 168. Hitehcooke, John, 155. Hitchin, Edward, 126. Hoare, Daniel, 198, 199, 299, 307, 324, 331, 332, 336, 337. William, 114. Hodges, Humphrey, 305. John, 6, 157,262. Hodgsden, Elizabeth, 324. Nicholas, 324. Hodgson, Edward, 119. Hogge (Hogg), Richard, 15, 194. Holberton (Houlberton), Devon, Eng., 23. Holbrooke, Samuel, 40. Holden, James, 185. Holgate, Nathaniel, 105. Holgrane, John, 166, 801. Holland, 80, 291, 294, 315, 316, 331. Holland, Thomas, 338, 339. (Holmer), John, 153, 176, 177, 369. Holle, John, 317, 318. Holllngsworth, William, 376. Holman, Alice, 190. John, 104, 190. Martin, 397. Morgan, 105, 190. Robert, 190. Holmes, Samuel, 164. Holt, Riehard, 191, 208, 209. Hooke, Humphrey, Alderman, 23, 135, 136. William, 23, 62, 135, 136, 137. Hooke Norton, Oxford, Eng., 88. Hoop (Hooper), Henry, 113, 257, 274. Hope, of Boston (bark), 189. Hope, of Roterdam (Hoope, of Rotter- dam), (ship), 23, 215. Hopkins, Edward, 231, 232, 250. Hopewell, of Barbados (ves.), 212, 261, 264. Hopewell, of New England (ves.), 76. Hore, John, 276, 282. Horell, John, 195. Horsey Downe (Horsley Down, South- wark), 332. Hoton, Aunt, 43. Houghton, Robert, 8, 24, 28, 218, 223, 224, 390, 391. Hounsell, Mr., 326. Houtchin, Jeremy, 49, 260. William, 268. Howard, R., 323. Howe, Capt., 158. Joseph, 5. Mr., 177. Howell, John, 32. Howse (House), Samuel, 10, 224. Thomas, 10, 224. Howseing, John, 234. Hoyle, John, 413. Hudson, , 286, 311. George, 74. John, 235, 259, 321, 322. Sarah, 252. Susan, 211, 212. Thomas, 74. William, 35, 36, 89, 90, 91, 102, 152, 235, 236, 255, 258, 259, 307, 311, 320, 321, 326, 355, 378. William, junior, 35, 91, 113, 132, 145, 255, 289 Hues, Joshua, 81, 143, 173, 174, 175, 227, 236, 245, 339, 406, 407. Hughes, John, 28. Hughson, John, 377. Hugo, Mr., 71. Hull, George, 80. John, 336, 337, 381, 382. Hull, Mass., 85, 233, 234, 266, 267, 822. Humphrey (Humfrey, Humpreys), John, 18, 32. William, 384, 387. Hunden, Suffolk, Eng., 106. Hunington (Honiton), Devon, Eng., 115, 248. Hunne, Nathaniel, 249, 250. Sarah, 249, 250. 442 ASPLNWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Hunt, Ephraim, 50. Jane, 184, 185. John, 50. Richard, Capt., 184, 185. Thomas, 25, 297, 298, 299, 304, 306. Huntley, John, 140, 141, 233, 323. Hutchins, Richard. (See Hutchinson.) Hurd (Herd), John, 5, 18, 124, 275, 276, 282. Hussey, John, 147, 250. Mary, Mrs., 147. Hutchln, George, 90. Hutchinson, Edward, 36, 71, 112, 225, 257, 262, 277, 278, 279, 339, 353. John, 262, 274, 368. Richard, 18, 124, 144, 163, 277, 278, 408, 409, 414, 417, 420, 423, 423, 424, 429. Hutchinson, Samuel, 191, 192, 262, 420. Hynde, Thomas, 55. Illedge, Nicholas, 66. Indevor of Boston (ves.), 230. Indevor of Cambridge (ves.), 14, 74. Indevor of London (ves.), 396, 397. Indevor of New England (ves.), 396, 397, 399. Indian Bridge, Barbadoes, 359. Ingram, Robert, 295. Ipswich, New England, 86, 99, 112, 113, 155, 217, 225, 227, 230, 305, 308, 328, 331, 340,375,383. Ipswich, Suffolk, Eng., 33, 95. Ireland, 61, 63, 68, 59, 63, 66, 80, 89, 116, 128, 160, 163. 194, 206, 245, 251. Island of Palme, 400. Island of Teneriffe, 154, 155, 349, 400/401. Isle of May, 154. Isle of Sho'als, N. H., 79,;i34, 200, 217, 218, 224, 279, 280, 295, 306", 325, 333, 361. Isle (He.), Spars, N. F., 308. Isle of Wight, L. I. Sound, 168. Isle of Wight, Virginia, 168. Jackson, Alexander, 173. Capt., 402. Edmund, 22, 369, 373. Joseph, 27, 28, 379, 380, 400, 402, 407, 408, 425, 426. Philip, 27, 390. Richard, 114. Samuel, 81. William, 8. Jacob, John, 72. Nicholas, 373. (Jacobson, Jacopson), Martin (Maer. ton), 292, 293, 294, 296. James, Elizabeth, 172. Henry, 31. John, 172. Peter, 430. Thomas, 7, 31, 172. William, 21. James City (Jamestown), Virginia, 167. Jane of Boston (ves.), 410. Jane of Pascataqs (ship), 201, 325. Jansle, Peter, 23. Jarrett, Richard, 301. Jarvis, John, 273, 351, 352, 353, 354, 363, 364, 365. Jauncy (Jauncie), Thomas, 237, 238, 239. Jay, Thomas, 86, 277. Jenkins, Anthony, 334, 335, 381. Jenner, Thomas, 69. Jennings, John, 346. Jennison, Capt. William, 135, 136. Jenour, Anthony, 315, 316, Jesopp, William, 251. Jessarius, 238. Jesson, Thomas, 250. William, 55. Jocelyn, Henry, 78, 273. John (ship), 172, 228, 229, 310. John of Boston (ship), J23, 270. John of Bristol (ves), 412, 413. John & Joane (ves.), 410. John & Sarah (ship), 131, 142. John & Thomas (ship), 381. Johns Adventur ( ves., , 332. Johnson, Christopher, 243, 248. Edward, 173, 317. James, 261. Mr., 196. Peter, 6. Richard, 203. Thomas, 332. William, 297, 298. Jolliff, Ann (Cromwell), 257. John, 19, 115, 116, 186. Jonathan, , 310. Jones, , 212. Mathias, 412. Mrs., 306. Peter, 255, 295, 306, 333. Rice, 139. Robert, 49, 91, 98, 282. William, 88, 89, 298, 304, 367. Jordan, Henry, 119, 120, (Jorden), John, 19, 21, 114, 115. Josarius, 238. Margaret, 119, 120. Joslin, , 311. Edward, 90, 91. Joy (Joyes), Thomas, 74, 75, 86, 161, 202, 277, 289, 290, 367, 369, 373. Joyce (Joice), William, 191, 209. Joyner, Anthonie, 6. Judith of London (ves.), 413. Judith of New England (ves.), 76. Juijce, Nathaniel, 347, 348. K G of , 393. K T of Boston, 393. Katt (Catt), Henry (Hijndrich), 206, 207, 212, 213. Keayne (Keaine, Kaine, Keine, Keanle), Benjamin, 92, Robert, 7, 72, 92, 93, 121, 160, 174, 275, 276, 282. Keene, Edward, 252, 253. Josias, 249, 250. Martha, 249, 250. Matthew, 249, 250. Sarah, 249, 250. Walter, 249. Kehewch (Kehewich, Kekewlch, Kekewch), Peter, 266. Philip, 256. Thomas, 256. Keine, Rachel, 265. Keli, Abel, 246. Kelland, Thomas, 382. Kelly, Elizabeth, 412. John, 147, 153, 179, 196, 200. KemBle, Thomas, 143, 152, 234, 313. Kempthorne, Symon, 212, 258, 259, 260, 261, 264, 313. Kendall, William, 399. Kenebes, 329. Kennebec, Maine. (See Kinnibeck.) Kennebunk, Maine, 13. Kerle, Mr., 199. Kersent, D., 346. Kesar, George, 15. Ketton, Suffolk, Eng., 161. Key, Mrs., 132. Keyes, Richard, 218. Robert, 112. Samuel, 155. (Kyes), Sarah, 112. Kldbie (Kidby, Kidbee), Lewis (Lewes), 133, 235, 236. Kidgell, Thomas, 343. Kieft, William, 152, 153. Kighatan (Kikatan, Kiquotaw), Virginia. 103, 175, 177, 241. Kilbie, Henry, 66. Kilvert, Roger, 9, 394, 397 Kimball, Mr., 419. Charles, 34, 42, 61, 63, 58, 59, 63, 66, 82, 89, 115, 136, 159, 162, 194, 204, 221, 245, 247, 251. INDEX OF NAMES. 443 King, Daniel, 20, 68, 89, 150, 182, 183, 197, 198. James, 128, 162, 190. John, 168. Robert, 275, 276. Samuel, 68, 150, 182, 190, 198. Stephen, 155. William, 126, 152, 209. Kings Arms, Boston, 347. Kingscleare (Kingsclere), Hampshire, Eng., 314. Kingstanton, Devon, Eng., 392, 393. Kingsweare, Devon, Eng., 147. Kinnibeck (Kennebec), Maine, 329. Kinweston, or Kenwardston, Somerset, Eng., 267. Kirk (Kirke), Sir David, 77,388, 389, 390. James, 69, 77, 388, 389,390. John, 77. Knibb, William, 53. Knider, Abraham Dew, 238. Knight (Knights), Abraham, 152,^210. Ann (Cromwell), 257. Francis, 174, 178, 181, 226, 321. (Knights). Robert, 38, 39, 40, 41, 67, 80, 82, 102, 103, 107, 108, 109, 110, 135, 136, 178, 183, 265, 266, 275, 377, 401. Roger, 270. Knollys, Handsard, 18. Kunbertie, - , 54. L - P - of London, 393, 394. L - Thomas, 250. Lacey, Nathaniel, 32. Ladd (Lad), George, 282, 290, 291. Ladimore, Silvester, 25, 26, 36. Laicock, Thomas, 416, 422. , Mr., 43, 195. James, 123, 158, 200, 201. Thomas, 29, 88, 143, 163, 193, 194, 198, 214, 218, 227, 235, 242, 274, 287, 319, 329, 334, 335, 365, 366, 367. Lamb, Samuel, 328, 348. Thomas, 185, 203. Lamberdson (Lambertson), Garret, 221, 296. Lambert, Ralph, 155. Thomas, 175, 177. Lane, Ambrose, 274, 382. Henry, 106. James, 106. Job, 106. John, 106. Sampson, 26, 27, 156, 198, 200, 233, 254, 255, 274, 375, 382, 400. William, 149. Langdon, John, 18. Langham, Essex, Eng., 204. Langish, Samuel, 205, Langley, John, Major, 204. Langton, William, 64. Lap, John, 66. Larimore, - ,68. Lauton, Hugh, 429. Lavenham, Suffolk, Eng., 112. Lawler, Gerrard, 215. Lawrence, Antonie, 132. Giles, 24. Lawson, Christopher, 24, 31, 113, 124, 125, 126, 151, 152, 172, 192, 212, 235,329, 375. Elizabeth, 172. Leach (Leeach, Leech), Ambrose, 161, 270, 367. (Leech), Ldmund, 30, 161, 193, 194, 198, 235, 239, 240, 241, 245, 386, 387, 388. Leader, Mr., 69, 136, 367. Leake, Gilford, 283, Leamington Priors, (Lemintun), War- wick, Eng., 102. Leaske ( Leask), John, 226. Ledingham, John, 40, 41. Lee, John, 313. Leeward Islands, W. I., 292. Legat, John, 212, 235. Legay, Jacob, 346. Le Gay, Peter, 344, 345, 346, 382 383 Leghorn, Italy, 73, 74. Leicester, Eng., 51, 57, 60. 63, 64 65 Leigh ton, Richard, 74. Leighton Buzzard, Bedford, Eng. 15 Lenthall, Mr., 106. Kl Lessie, Sarah, 11. William, 11. Letters of Attorney : Adams, Mr.. 313. Mary, 34, 103. Samuel, 34, 103, 145. Addington, Isaac, 353, 363. Adlam, Ambrose, 246. Alnsworth, Ancher, 74. Alcocke, Thomas, 102. Aid worth, Richard, 46. Allen, John, Capt., 22, 365, 366. Allistree, Paul, 158. Andrews, Samuel, 110. Angler, Edmund, 141. Armitage, Joseph, 255, 265. Atkinson, Theodore, 15, 16, 158. Barnes, Sarah, 97. Bartholomew, Henry, 31. Bateman, Edward, 369. Bathorne, Wrath, 265, 275. Bayes, Anne, 323. Thomas, 69, 165, 322. Beck, Alexander, 120. Bell, Thomas, 81, 82. Bendall, Edward, 113, 146, 147, 248. Jane, 147. Bible, John, 322. Blake, Jane, Mrs., 332, 371. Bland, Bridget, 37. John, 91. Bourne, Major Nehemiah, 230. Brandon, Mary, 104. Brewster, Francis, 46. Bridgham, Henry, 11, 13, 14, 15, 25, 268. Brooner, Richard, 68. Broughton, Thomas, 81, 277. Browne, Hugh, 27. Jeremie, 393. Nicholas, 266. Browning, Malachi, 94, 250. Burt, Thomas, 87. Hugh, 29, 87, 189, 191. Butland, Ambrose, 133. Butler, Gregory, 226. Byam, Nathaniel, 328. Canon, Anne, 212. Carvacal, Anthonie Lemande, 349. Chalke, William, 349. Champernoone, Francis, 201. Chapflll, John, 88. Chapman, Florence, 82. Charlton (Cliarleton), Michael, 173, 236. Chelsam, Mary, 377. Chickering, Francis, 186. Chickley, John, 100. Clarke, Arthur, 18. Christopher, 327. Ralph, 265, 276. Thomas, 91, 98. Cocke, Oliver, 50, Cogan, (Cagan Jon), John, 215, 248. Cole, Margaret, 90, 155. Samuel, 90, 155. Coleman, Thomas, 30. Collier, Thomas, '266. Collins, Christopher, 14. Colton, William, 35 Compton, John, 15. Cooke, Richard, 332 Samuel, 239. Cornelius, Aaron, 215. Crabtree, John, 40, 177. Crispe, George, 87, 132. Cromwell, Anq, 257. Capt., Thomas, 226. Cullimor, Isaac, 145. 444 ASPINWALL NOTABIAL RECOBDS. Letters of Attorney : Curtes, Elizabeth, 49. Jane, 49. Damirall, Humphrey, 166. Darvell, Robert, 329. Davison, Nicholas, 243, 343. Denis, Edward, 259, Disborough, Peter, 119. Dobson Charles, 220. Dorney, Joseph, 80. Dunbar, John, 370. Edwards, Agnes, 113. Eglessfleld (Eglesfleld), Mary, 34, 103. Everill, James, 68, 87. Parrar, Thomas, 18. Faulconer, Edmund, 314. Fawer, Barnabas, 380. Filpot, Edward, 288. Finch, James, 220. Fish, John, 234. Floyd, Anne, 37. John, 37. Fogg, John, 15, Forrest, Edward, 250. Foster, Christopher, 20, 68. Thomas, 232. Fowle, Thomas, 5, 6. Freeman, Henry, 68, 327. Frost, Hannah, 95. Fryer, George, 332. Furnell, Strong, 121. Gard, John, 110. Gardiner, Peter, 68. Rebecca, 68. Garnet, Samuel, 384. George, Mary, 105. Peter, 105. Gibones, Major, Edward, 91, 98. Oilman, Edward, 86. Glover, John, 94, 274. Rebecca, 21, 43. Richard, 21, 43. Godfrey, William, 132. Goodwin, William, 277. Gore, John, 6. Gower, Jane, 147. Greensmith, Steven, 364. Gridley, Richard, 76, 77. Griggs, Humphrey, 49. Gunison, Hugh, 6. Hacker, Martha, 12. Hailsborne, William, 132. Hall, Edward, 68. Hanberry, William, 160. Hart, John, 301. Harvey, Samuel, 22. Harwood, George, 355. Hawkins, Mary, 29. Thomas, 36, 47. Haynes, William, 11. Hett, Thomas, 85. Hewghes, George, 139, 140. Higgs, Edmund, 314. Hill, Valentine, 91, 98, 103, 124, 127. Hinckson, Philip, 23. Hitchin, Edward, 126. Hodges, John, 6. Hodgsden, Elizabeth, 324. Nicholas, 324. Holgrave, John, 301. Holland, John, 177. Holman, John, 104. Howse, Samuel, 10, 224. Hudson, William, Jr., 91. Hues, Joshua, 245. Hunne, Nathaniel, 249. Sarah, 249. Hunt, Ephraim, 50. Jane, 184, 185. Hard, John, 5, 124. Jackson, Edmund, 22. Joseph, 27. Jacob, John, 72. James, Thomas, 7. Letters of Attorney: Joliff, Ann, 257. Jordan, John, 19. Jones, Mrs., 306. Peter, 295. Rice, 139. William, 88. Keayne, Robert, 92. Keene, Josias, 249. Martha, 249. Matthew, 249. Sarah, 249. Kelly, John, 153, Kesar, George, 15. King, Daniel, 68. William, 126. L P London, 393. Ladimore, Sylvester, 26. Lake, Thomas, 194. Lane, Ambrose, 274. Sampson, 26, 274, 382. Job, 106. Lawson, Christopher, 31, 235. Ledingham, John, 40. Le Gay, Peter, 344, 345. Lobdell, Nicholas, 174. Long, Robert, 261, 264. Low (Anthonie), Anthony, 111, 265. Loyvell, Francis, 14. Lynde, Thomas, 120. Manning John, 31, 149, 242, 245, 308. Maryon, John, 197. Mattock, James, 380. Mayew (Mayow), Francis, 330. Mayhew, Jane, 14, 35. Thomas, 14, 35, 111. May net, Joshua, 349. Merry, Walter, 156, 203. Micklethwaite, Nathaniel, 375. Mills, John, 273. Milom, John, 120, 329. Moone, Robert, 5. Morrice (Morris), Lewis, 76, 333. Nash, Robert, 133, 163, 265, 275, 276,316,322. Needam, Elizabeth, 128, 324. Newgate, John, 269. Nichols, Robert, 5. David, 257. Nodder, Susanna, 314. Oliver, James, 81, 194, 227. (Olivier), Stephen, 153. Page, Abraham, 14. Paine, William, 275, 305. Painter, Thomas, 121. Parker, Richard, 18, 190. Parks, Edward, 17. Henry, 385. Partridge, John, 369. William, 383. Pasemer, George, 332. Pate, Henry, 40. Patten, Nathaniel, 222. Paulet, Giles, 215. Pawning, Henry, 78. Peeke, Thomas, 350, 351. Pell, Thomas, 248. Pelham, Herbert, 17. Pengry, Aaron, 328. Moses, 328. Pennicot, Robert, 263. Phillips, William, 200. John, 112. Pickering, John, 334. Pierpont, John, 179. ThanLfull, 179. Pilgrim, Elias, 263. Pitts, Edmund, 48. Pole, William, 48. Poole, Edward, 12. Elizabeth, 41. Pope, Thomasin, 67. Preston, Edward, 11. Quintine (Quintyne, Quinty), Henry, 295. 306. INDEX OF NAMES. 445 Letters of Attorney : Ralnsborrow, Martha, 254. Rawsterne, Capt., Francis, 8. Reade, John, 11. William, 243, 296. Rice, Nicholas, 160. Richards. Thomas, 273. Roberts, Elias, 305. John, 223. Robinson, John, 328. Roe, Nicholas, 73, 193. Rogers, John, 14. Rood, Thomas, 23, 193. Rowneing, Mary, 105. Rozee, George, 317. Ruck (Rucke), Thomas, 229, 268. Baiter, Sampson, 314. Saltoustall Robert, 21. Sir Richard, 250. Sandis, Henry, 20. Santley, Thomas, 158. Sawin, John, 231, 249. Sayle, William, 320. Scoles, George, 329. Scott, Robert, 147,, Selleck, David, 30, 122, 161, 170, 327. Sewall, Henry, senior, 64, 66. Sewell, Phillip, 112. Shapley, Nicholas, Capt., 203, 374. Shatswell, Richard, 230. Shawe, John, 130, 249, 275. Shaw, Martha, 249. Shearman, Richard, 170. Sheene, John, 37. Shepheard, John, 267. Shrimpton, Henry, 151, 254. Shurt, Abraham, 107. Sibly, John, 162. Smith, Francis, 93, 113, 274. George, 145. Ralph, 331. Sparhawk, Nathaniel, 5. Spencer, Garrard, 182. Michael, 190. Spoore, John, 380. Stanborrough (Stauborough), Josias (JosiaTi),103, 104, 165. Stanley, William, 344, 345. Stowers, Hannah, 95. Richard, 95. Stratton, William, 27, 28. Stowe, Thankfull, 179. Talman (Talmo), Peter, 370. Tanner, William, 193. Thompson, John, 36, 134, 196, 274. Tilly, William, 202. Tlncker, John, 251. Townsend, Nathaniel, 349. Trumble, John, 363. Turner, John, 254. Tuttle, John, 384. Tyng, Edward, 29. (Ting), Jane, 184, 185. (Ting), William, Capt., 124, 184, 185, 334. Veasie, William, 274, Wainewright, Francis, 112. Phillip, 112. Waite, Richard, 193. Walker, Isaac, 81, 86. Robert, 121. Wall, John, 9. Walton, Henry, 21. Watson, John, 90. Peter, 328. Webb, Henry, 16. Webbar (Webber), Sarah, 372. Weld, Barbara, 66. Westcomb, Richard, 305. Westerhouse, William, 227. Whitchcott, Rebecca, 343. White, Edmund, 221. Peregrine, 100. Whittingham, John, 99. Letters of Attorney : Wight, Luce, 212. Williams, Richard, 34. Willington, Robert, 242. Willis, Anne, 158. Willis, Robert, 282. Wilson, Joseph, 20. Nathaniel, 105. Winthrop, Adam, 82, 225, 313. Martha, Mrs., 254. Withington, Henry, 96. Wood, Jonas, 150. Woodcock, John, 250. Woorey, Ralph, 17. Wyton, James, 88. Yale, David, 91, 98, 295. Yong, John, 46. Letherland, William, 262. Leverit (Leveritt, Leveret), John, Capt., 6, 15, 49, 165, 172, 203, 254, 262, 308, 309, 352, 353, 354, 363, 365, 390, 391, 399, 408, 418. Leyden (Leiden), Holland, 331. Lewis, William, 72. Lillie, William, 56. Llmehouse, Stepney, Middlesex, Eng., 11, 300, 336, 337, 338, 372. Lin, Henry, 77, 78. Lincollne (Lincolne), Daniel, 233, 234. Lindsey, Alexander, 255, 356, 357. Mr., 233, 257. Linscott, Henry, 147, 149. Lisbon (Lisbone), Portugal, 243, 279,280 293, 326. Liscen, Nicholas, 212. Liskum, Thomas, 11. Lister, George, 270. Little Bentley, Essex, Eng., 204. Littlebury, John, Capt., 334, 335. Little Hamden, Bucks, Eng., 106. Livorne (Livourne, or Leghorn), 252. Lloyd, Cornelius, 164, 166, 169. Lobb, George, 167, Lobdell, Nicholas, 174. Lokar, William, 155. London, Eng., 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 37, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 51, 53, 55, 58, 59, 65, 68, 73, 74, 75, 77, 79, 85, 91, 92, 93, 96, 100, 103, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118,119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 127, 131, 132, 133, 134, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 146, 147, 150, 157, 158, 159, 160, 173, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 194, 198, 199, 205, 210, 217, 218, 221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 230, 232, 235, 236, 237, 238, 243, 250, 251, 255, 256, 257, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 270, 277, 278, 279, 281, 284, 287, 295, 298, 299, 302, 304, 305, 307, 312, 313, 314, 317, 318, 327, 329, 330, 332, 333, 335, 336, 337, 341, 342, 343, 349, 350, 352, 354, 355, 356, 357, 361, 362, 363, 364, 375, 377, 381, 382,384,385, 388, 389, 390, 392, 393, 395, 397, 400, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 418, 420, 422. London Streets, etc. : Alderman bury, 265. Aldgate, 145, 147. Axe St. Mary, 14. Basing Lane, 11. Birchm Lane, 92, 160. Blackfriars, 327. Broad St., 251. 1 Buttolph Aldgate, 114. ! Cannon St., 144, 185, 225, 299, 307, 381. Cheapside, 18, 150, 197, 198. 1 Cornwall, 113, 257. Court of Arches, 270. Crechurch, St. Mary, 223. Exchange, 198, 270. Fenchurch St., 199. Fish-St. Hill, 100. Foster Lane, 15, 272. Friday St., 87, 199. 446 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. London Streets, etc. : Gracious St., 113, 132, 150, 183, 137, 193, 261, 295, 341. Holborn, 90. Lombard St., 15, 182. London Bridge, 173, 191, 236, 257. London Stone, 17. Mark Lane, 98. Newgate, 272. St. Clements, 189. St. Mary Axe, 14. St. Mary Crechurch, 223. Seething Lane, 388, 389. Watling St., 31, 94, 96, 97, 98, 112, 191, 335. Wood St., 34. Longe (Long), Elizabeth, 225. John, 363. Nathaniel, 100, 109, 111, 122, 123, 131, 145, 164, 225, 343. Robert, 144, 211, 212, 216, 261, 264, 288, 292, 324. Trustram, 126. Long Island, N. Y., 158, 411. Lord, Mr., 262. Richard, 324. Loudwams, Robert, 122. Loue (or Lone) Robert, 130. Loveland, Robert, 395. Loveron (Levering), Anne, 204. John, 204. Low, Anthonie, 111, 265, 388. Elizabeth, 265. Lower Norfolk, Virginia, 169. Loyvell (Lovell), Francis, 14. Ludkin, William, 26, 285, 310, 311. Ludlow, George, 115, 116, 205, 206, 219, 242, 243,343. Ludlowe, Richard, 202. Lues, George, 139. Lun (Lunne, Lund), Thomas, 302, 306, 319, 320, 329, 416. Lusher, Eleazer, 43. Luxson, George, 70. Lyle, Francis, 11. Lynd(Lynde), Margaret, 119, 120. Symon, 382. Thomas, 119, 120. Lynn (Linne), Mass., 15, 20, 29, 68, 87, 88, 135, 136, 144, 150, 189, 190, 191, 197, 198, 255, 265, 269, 275, 322, 329. M M., 394. Mackwell (Markwell), Peter,' 428. Mackworth, Arthur, 273, 323. Madeira (Maderas), Island, 75, 158, 178, 210, 212, 248, 249, 260, 292, 293, 294, 296, 375. Maget (Magot), Joseph, 141, 193. Mahoone (Magoone), Dermin, 374. Maid, John, 191. Joshua, 208, 209. Maidstone, Kent, Eng., 43, 179, 180, 329. Makepeace, Thomas, 133, 187. Malago (Malaga, Malagath), 72, 74, 102, 126, 137, 139, 142, 183, 192, 228, 253, 352, 354, 363, 364, 365, 409. Malago Merchant (ves.), 227, 410, 411. Malbone, Capt. Richard, 160, 161, 199. Maldon. (See Mauldon.) Mallory, Horatio, 315, 316. Malta, 253. Manchester, Eng., 397. Manesley, Francis, 384. Manhatas (Manhattan, Monhatoes) (see New York), 175, 216, 219, 239, 240. Maniet, Joshua, 21. Mannifords (Maniford), John, 120, 260. Manning, George, 200. John, 6, 17, 1, 97, 107, 108, 109, 110, 140, 144, 149, 198, 242, 245, 286, 299, 302, 303, 304, 307, 308, 312, 325, 332, 366, 410. John, junior, 299. Mansfield, Arthur, 397. Mapursall (Meppershall), Bedford, Eng., 328. Marblehead, Mass., 170, 214, 217, 218,333. Margaret (Margate), Rode (Roads, Eng.), Margaret (ship), 122. Marmson, Peter, Capt., 312. Marius, John, 6, 21, 336, 337, 338, 389, 390, 394. Marselia (Marsala), Sicily, 254. Marsh, George, 342. Thomas, 166, 169. Marshall, John, 43. Sibill, 43. Thomas, 319. Marshfleld, Mass., 158. Martin (Martyn), Isaac, 49, 69. Richard, 305, Samuel, 20, 29, 161. Martin's Vineyard (Martha's Vineyard), Mass., 111. Marven (Marvin), Thomas, 39. Mary of Bristol (ves.), 430. Mary of London (ship) , 24, 28, 210, 279, 280. Mary Rose (ship), 46. Maryon, Isaac, 197. John, 197. Mason, Anne, Mrs., 274. Capt., 344. Jane, 333. Ralph, 133, 268. Robert, 73, 74, 343. Thomas, 333. Massachusetts, 10, 11, 25, 26, 79, 83, 86, 98, 117, 133, 141, 143, 156, 178, 183, 188, 196, 206. 207, 208, 211, 212, 214, 215, 223, 231, 254, 295, 297, 330, 344, 353, 358, 363, 370, 371, 385, 390, 393, 410. Massachusetts Bay, N. E., 24, 81, 107, 137, 151, 185, 216, 219. Masterton, Mary, 331. Richard, 331. Matthew, Robert, 410. Matthewes, Richard, 281. Mattock (Mattocke), James, 68, 242, 282, 379, 380. Maulden, Essex, 94. Maverick (Mavericke), Antipas, 222. Nathaniel, 259, 326, 327. Samuel, 17, 36, 48, 70, 71, 72, 96, 108, 117, 118, 119, 134, 135, 149, 183, 201, 252, 265, 275, 325, 326,327, 355, 356, 370, 371, 378. Mayew (Mayow), Francis, 144,330. Mayflower (ship), 363, 368. Mayhew (Mahew), Jane, 14, 35. Thomas, 14, 15, 35, 111, 135, 136, 137, 244, 245. Maynet (Mainet), Joshua, 349,350. Meade, James, 338. Medford, Mass., 19, 114, 151. Mekin, , 53. Mellowes, Edward, 79, 157, 163. Mennes, Sir John, 91, 98. Merchant (ship), 87, 180, 403, 404, 405, 408, 410. Merchant of London (frigate), 302. Meredith, Nicholas, 282. Merkant, Robert, 50. Merrick, Elizabeth, 321. Merry, Walter, 156, 203. Merser, Thomas, 313. Mersey, Essex, Eng., 90. Merwar's Hope. (See St. Christopher's.) Messinger, Henry, 103. Sarah, 103. Mevis, 229. Miantinomu, 182. Michelson, Edward, 118, 375. Micklethwaite, Nathaniel, 375, 376. Middlesex, Eng., 11, 18, 93, 134, 194, 300. Middleton, Solomon, 315, 316. Milburne, , 54. Miles, John, 273. Thomas, 313. Milford, Mass., 104. Mill Creek, Boston, Mass., 132. INDEX OP NAMES. 447 Mill Pond, Boston, 376. Millar, George, 74. Millard, Thomas, 46. Miller, John, 92. Milles, William, 186. Mills, Henry, 72, 80. John, 69, 76, 127, 179, 180, 181, 200, 201, 223, 273, 324, 325, 331, 372, 373, 400. William, 332. Milom (Milam, Mylon, Mylam), John, 15, 19, 24, 25, 31, 76, 120, 121, 123, 132, 281, 328, 329, 343, 344, 351, 373, 376, 377. Milton, Somerset, Eng., 48. Minchard, Ralph, 264. Robert, 264. Mingoe (uegro),371. Minors, Richard, 135. Minshall, Robert, 263. Sarah, 173. William, 173. Mlnterne, John, 372. Minyard, 195. Modsley (Moussley), Henry, 347,348, 349, 350. Mol Vanckerth, 294. Mollings, Mr., 233. Monck, George, 392, 393. Monmouth, 414. . Monro, Alexander, 285. Moone, Robert, 5. Thomas, 386. Moore, John, 68. Joseph, 315, 316. Samuel, 73. Moretteld, Stoke, Coventry, Eng., 66. Morris (Morrice, Morice), John, 164. Lewis, 24, 76, 164, 333. Morse, Francis, 186. John, 186. Morton, William, 281. Underbill, Worcester, Eng., 266. Mosse, George, 192. Mott, Adam, of Manhattan, 21, 239, 240, 241. Moulsham, Essex, Eng., 14. Mount serat, West Indies, 171. Mousall, Ralph, 88. Mousey, Richard, .164. Mower, Thomas, 174. Mudd, Ambrose, 412. Peter, 69, 76, 80, 85, 287, 302. Mullings, William, 190. Mumter, Henry, 114. Jeelian, 114. Munday, Thomas, 416. Muning (Manning, Munnings), George, 200, 265, 269, 274, 275, 304, 322, 326, 357, 875. Muscavado (Muscobaids) , 261, 282, 334, 335, 340, 341, 348, 350, 359. Mustthin, Richard, 286. Mynor, John, 177. Mystic (Mistick) bridge, Mass., 342. Mystic (Medford), Mass., 151. N J , 394. Nailon (Nayland), Suffolk, Eng., 231, 249. Kansamme (Nansemond) River, 167, 169. Nantasket, Mass., 7. Hants (Nantes), 316. 318. Naples, Italy, 317. Narragansett, 13, 85. Nash, James, 132, 268. Robert, 74, 75, 109, 133, 163, 174, 202, 265, 266, 267, 275, 276, 277, 281, 310, 316, 322, 342,351,360,369,373. Neale (Neall), James, 100, 109, 110, 163, 164, 242, 243, 245, 248, 260, 279, 280, 296, 297. Neat, Robert, 427. Needam, Elizabeth, 128, 324. John, 324. Negus, Benjamin, 285. Jonathan, 379. Nelmes, Francis, 42. Nelson, Thomas, 254. Neptune of Dartmouth (ves.) , 400. Nethermlll, John, 56. Netherston Crowhile, 231, 249. Nettmaker, Richard, 298. Nevinson, Thomas, 382. New Amsterdam, 81. Newbar, Henry, 274. Newberry (Newbury), 'Essex, Mass., 46, 60, 59, 63, 64, 112, 222, 333. Newberry Falls River, Mass., 50. New Brittaine (Cape Breton), 410. Newby, , 54. Newcastle-upon Tyne, England, 226. New England, 11, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 33, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 69, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, .98, 100, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 146, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159,162, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 175, 177, 181, 182, 183, 184, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 211, 213, 216, 217, 218, 219,220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 230, 232, 233, 235, 236, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 246, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 255, 257, 258,259, 261, 2!>2, 265, 266, 267, 269, 273, 274,277, 279, 282, 283, 284, 285, 287, 288, 291,294, 295, 296, 300, 302, 303, 304, 305,308, 309, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 319, 320, 322,323, 324, 325, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 339, 340, 341, 343, 345,348, 350, 351, 352, 3f>3, 354, 355, 356, 358,360, 361, 363, 365, 366, 368, 370, 372, 374, 375, 377, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 389, 390, 392, 396, 403, 405, 409, 410, 411. Newfoundland, 102, 103, 126, 128, 133, 135, 205, 206, 303, 308, 389. Newgate, Coventry, Eng., 51, 58, 59, 334. Newgate, John, 68, 131, 269, 419. Nathaniel, 269. Newhaven, Conn., 22, 30, 31, 82, 85, 92, 96, 102, 103, 106, 121, 122, 156, 161, 172, 193, 203, 214, 216, 217, 219, 220, 239, 240, 241, 246, 248. New Inne Hall, Oxford, Eng., 37. Newman, George, 230, 298, 321. Robert, 384, 385. New Netherland (New York), 73, 81, 83, 152, 153, 172, 240, 277. New Plymouth, N. E., 81. Newport, R. I., 370, 371. New Supply (ship), 116. Newton, Edmund, 297, 298, 299, 304, 306. John, 11. Newtowne, see Cambridge, Mass., 221. New York, 175, 216, 219. Nichols, David, 257. Josias, 89. Robert, 5. Klclin, , widow, 53. Ninion, Mr., 187, 409, 410. Nodder, Susanna, 314. Wiliiam, 314. Noddle's Island (Nodles Island), Boston, Mass., 48, 70, 71, 109, 117, 118, 242, 335, 370. Norchurch (North Church), alias Bark- amsted (Berkhamsted) , St. Mary, Eng., 329. alias West Barkamsted (Berkamsted), Hertford, Eng., 329. Norcrosse, Jeremy, 28. Norfolk, Virginia, 167, 169. Normandy, France, 417, 428, 429. Northam, Devon., Eng., 6, 171. Norton, Francis, 46, 84, 88, 191, 199, 218, 255, 257, 274, 295, 342, 356, 365, 366, 381,390,391,411. Mrs. Francis, 222, 391. 448 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Norton, John, 30, 113. Mr., 242. William, 112, 375. Norwich (Norwitch) , Norfolk, Eng., 142, 404, 406, 407, 408, 414, 415, 417, 418. Notstock, John, 350. Newell, Increase, 16, 139, 152, 163, 190, 210, 258, 291, 292, 293, 301, 309, 311, 324, 342, 344, 356, 357, 375. Stephen, 96. Nurden, Thomas, 328. Nus, George, 195. Nutter, Hate-evill, 125. Oakes (Okes), Edward, 41. Urian, 42. Odjam (Odiham), Hampshire, Eng., 333. Offleys, David, 19. Olcott, Mrs. Abigail (see Alcocke), 101. Thomas (see Alcocke), 114. Oldfleld, John, 9. Oleron, France, 23, 76, 122, 123, 143, 332, 358, 366, 368. Oliver (Olivier), James, 81, 145, 149, 166, 173, 174, 193, 194, 204, 221, 225, 226, 227, 230, 261, 334, 335, 339. John, 45, 46, 235. Peter, 197, 261. Samuel, 5, 334, 335. (Olivier), Stephen, 147, 149, 153. Thomas, 304. Oilier, John, 317. Olney, Buckinghamshire, Eng., 333. Orangetree of Amsterdam (ship) , 243, 348. Orchard, Richard, 68, 380. Orotava, Island of Teneriife, 154, 155. Osborne. (See Usborne.) Otis. John, 373. Ourij, 317. Ovenden, Yorkshire, Eng., 153. Owen, Thomas, 166, 167, 168, 169. Owin, John, 178. Owles, Daniel, 120. Oxenbridge, John, 57. Oxford, Eng., 37. Pacie, Thomas, 178. Paddy, William, 81, 419. Page, Abraham, 14. Paine, , 125. Edward, 16, 29, 276, 281, 282. Jane, 35. Robert, 95, 422. Mrs. Sarah, 99. Thomas, 14, 35, 37, 111. William, 95, 156, 156, 192, 218, 259, 265, 266, 275, 279, 280, 305, 326, 340. Painter, Gowen (Gayen), 154,156. John, 7, 149. Stephen, 316, 329. Thomas, 121, 283, 285, 361. Paiton, Bozaleel, 411. Palme Road, 418. Palmer, Abraham, 366. Jane, 68. Pamington, Gloucester, Eng., 18. Pardon, William, 12, 14. Paris, France, 318. Parish (Parrish), John, 215, 256, 411. Thomas, 231, 249. Park (Parke, Parkes, Parks), Edward, 9, 16, 17, 87, 184, 199, 331, 397. Edward, junior, 386. Henry, 17, 184, 199, 220, 331, 385, 386, 388. Joanna (Johan), 367, 385. John, 113. Robert, 76, 77. William, 80, 82, 166, 186, 321. Parker, James, 87. John, 14, 18. Joseph, 264. Richard, 18, 149, 190, 232. Parkhurst, George, 201. Parkman, Ellas, 82, 288, 289. Parris (Paris, Parriz), France, 318. George, 357. Parriz (Parris), John, 17, 285, 287, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 296, 297, 299, 300, 301, 302 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 324, 332, 336, 337, 338, 347, 357. Partridge, John, 96, 295, 333, 369. 370. William, 333. Pascataque (Piscataque, Pascataqtiacke, Paskatq), River, N. H., 72, 77, 78, 156, 163, 195, 196, 201,203, 207, 213, 300, 373, 382. Pasemer, George, 332. Fashion, George, 263. Pate, Henry, 40, 41. Patie, Thomas, 400. Patten, Nathaniel 177, 222. Paulet, Giles, 215. Pawning, Henry, 78. Paydge, John, 155. Peak (Peake), William, 85, 144, 185, 198, 199, 225, 299, 307, 331, 332, 389, 398, 400, 404. Pearce. (See Pierce.) Pears, Gabriel, 233. Pease, John, 140, 141, 194. Peat (Pitt), Henry, 168. Peck, Nathaniel, 174. Peeke, Thomas, 350, 351. Peerse, Samuel. (See Pierce). Pelham (Pelhum), Henry, 17. Herbert, 16, 17. Pell, Lucie, 248. Thomas, 161, 193, 241, 245, 248. 387, 388 Pemaquid (Pemmaquid), 107, 174, 178. 230. 321. Pemel, John, 324. Pen, William, 123. Penayer, William, 255, 356, 357. Pengry, Aaron, 328. Moses, 328. Theo., 328. Thomas, 328. Penmuel, John, 215. Pennicot (Pennicott, Penicot), Robert, 263, 264. William, 108. Pennington, James, 251. Peperell, William, 163. Peregrine of -London (ves.),409. Peregrine, of N. E. (ves.), 181, 188, 189, 194, 198, 199, 288, 404, 405. Perkins, Thomas, 11. Perry, Edward, 426. John, 152, 153, 209. Joseph, 45. Peter, Hugh, 69. Peter (ship), 11. Peter and John (ves.), 223. Peter and Paul of Dover (ves.), 178, 213. Peters, John, 290, 291, 292. Peterson, Cornelius, 412,413. Jacob, 219. John (see Peters), 291, 412. Pew, James, 319, 328. Phelps, William, 232. Phillips (Phellipps), Henry, 191. John, 98, 112, 369, 373. Mrs., 173. Nicholas, 172, 183, 276, 282, 341. Capt., Nicholas, 302. William, 43, 110, 190, 199, 200, 202, 276, 277, 280, 282, 324, 341, 342, 360, 376, 377. William, Jr., 274. William (London), 199, 200. Philpot. (See Filpot.) Phippeni (Phippen), Benjamin, 286. David, 163. Pickering, John, 220, 334. Pickford, , 256. Richard, 75, 158, 293. Robert (see Richard), 294. Pierce (Pearce, Peerse), Daniel, 222, 226, 227. Edward, 159. John, 156, 315, 320. INDEX OF NAMES. 449 Pierce (Pearce, Peerse), Justinian, 14. Richard, 85. Samuel (see Peerse), 144, 158, 159. Susanna, 86. Thomas, 114. William, 314. Pierpont (Pierpon), John, 179, 329. Thankfull (Thanckfull), 179, 180,181, 329 Pike, Robert, 328. Pilgrim (Pilgram), Elias, 203,277, 281. Pinney, Edmund, 12. Pitt, Elizabeth, 56. Henry, 168. (See Peat.) Pittis, John, 383. Pitts, Edmund, 48. Leonard, 48, 49. Piwall, Thomas, 65. William, 55. Plaijfere, Thome, 270. Planter, of London (ship), 75, 124, 152, 153, 173, 190, 208, 209, 210, 224, 225, 232. Player, Thomas, 33. Plumer (Plummer), William, Lt., 165, 323. Plunket, Capt., 349. Plymouth, Devon., Eng., 14, 128, 130, 256, 318, 370. Plymouth, N. E., 22, 35, 87, 132, 176, 241, 277. Pococke (Pocock), John, 15, 270, 271, 399. Pole (Poole), Jane (Joan), 48. William, 48. Pollington, Alexander, 15, 35. Poole, Edward, 12. Elizabeth, Mrs., 41, 42, 120, 121. Henry, 41. Jane. (See Pole.) Sarah, 12. William. (See Pole.) Pope, Andrew, 358. Jonathan, 119. Thomasin (Tomzen)) 67, 68. Pormort (Permort), Philemon, 9, 75, 161, 233, 290. Porter, John, 267. Portsmouth, R. I., 21. Portugal (Portiugall), 109, 110, 243, 279, 280, 294. Posgaite, William, 166, 167, 169. Pott, Thomas, 381. Potter, John, 55, 58, 297, 298, 299, 304, 306. Thomas, 334. Vincent, 70, 71. Fount, Giles, 411. Powell (Powel), James, 92, 271. Michael, 23, 50, 67, 68, 145, 146, 227, 303, 304, 366, 368, 404, 411. Walter, 164. Pradesavedo, Manuel, 296. Pratt, John, 141. Preston, Bartholmew, 215, 226, 234. Edward, 11, 239, 240. William, 308, 309. Prettie (bark), 319. Pretty (Ves.), 151. Priam, William, 178. Price, Walter, 177. Prick (Pricke), John, 111, 265. Prince, Edward, 167. Prior, Michael, 128. Profltt, Joseph, 302, 303. Prother, Judge, 100. Prout (Proute), Timothy (Tymothy), 113, 3S2. Providence, R. I., 322, 373. Providence (ship), 356. Providence of Dartmouth (ves.), 410. Providence of Illford (ves.), 418. Prudence Hand, Narragansett Bay, 85. Purchase, Thomas, 5, 147, 148. Purfles (Purifle), Luce, Mrs., 175, 176. Purse, John, 18. Putnam, Hertford,, Eng., 104. Pyland, Robert, 166. Quinty (Quintyne, Qulntine), Henry, 255, 295, 306, 333. Rabnet (Rabnett), William, 166. Radbound, Thomas, 194. Radford, Coventry, Eng., 61, 58, 60. Rainbowe (ship), 19. Rainebow of Bristol (ves.), 400, 401. Rainer, Michael, 87. Rainsborrow, William, 254. Martha, 254. Rainsford, John, 324. Rainstorpe, James, 347. Randall, , 53. Abraham, 55, 56. Randon, Marmaduke, 166, 295. Rashley (Rashleigh), Henry, 16, 47, 74, 88, 173, 174, 286. Ratchford hundred, Essex, Eng., 94. Ratcliffe, Leicester, Eng., 67. Middlesex, Eng., 145, 314, 335, 372. Rawlins, , 253. Jasper, 76, 77. Rawson, Edward, 336. Rawsterne, Francis, 8, 9, 79. Ray, Mary, 105. Symon, 105. Raymond (see Reimond), George, 340, 420, 421. Read, Robert, 425. Reade, John, 11, 164. Sarah 11. William, 243, 296. Zaccheus, 314. Reading, Berkshire, Eng., 49, 266. Thaddeus, 329. Reatt, John, 233. Rebecca (ship), 107, 108. Recovery (ship), 268, 418. Recovery of London (ship), 25, 26, 86, 400. Reddriff, Surrey, Eng., 9. Redman, Richard, 57. Redverne, Isabell, 328. Redwood, Nicholas, 412. Reed, Thomas, 163. Reimond (Raymond), George, 349, 420, 421. Bell, Dieo, 256. Remember (Catch), 287. Rener, Vincent, 6, 7, 315, 316. William, 315, 316. Renner, Mr., 95. Rhode Island, (Roade Hand, Road I'land, Rode Hand), 6, 18, 121, 220, 234, 259, 265, 321, 370, 378, 411, 412. Rice, Henry, 329. Nicholas, 160. Richard, 161. Thomas, 160. Robert, 143, 416, 417. : , Richard, 123. Richards, John, 222, 227, 230. Thomas, 50, 273, 403. Welthian, 273. Richardson, Amoz, 369. Richbel, Mr., 256. Richbell, John, 152, 153, 173, 174, 292. William, Jr., 46. Ricket, Alice, Mrs. 145. Giles, 22. Rickingale, Suffolk, Eng., 268. Rickmansworth, Buck., Eng., 106. Ridge (Ridige) William, 8. Ridgway, John, 222. Righton, William, 285, 315, 316. Ripper, James, 290. Risby (Resbie, Resby), Robert, 75, 124, 126, 208, 209, 210, 232. Risdon, John, 108. Robb, William, 157. Roberts, Ellas, 217, 218, 305, 306, 415. John, 223. (See Robertson), Nathaniel, 298, 299. Robert, 416. Thomas, 257. - William, 127, 137, 138, 157. 450 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Robertson, Nathaniel, 237, 298, 299, 304, 306. Kobie, Henry, 19. Robinson, Francis, 58, 78, 262, 264, 273, 313. Henry, 95. John, 166, 328. Nathaniel, 306. Rochdale, Baron, Lord John Byron, 91, 98. Rochell (Rochelle), France, 317, 318. Roe, John, 73, 193. Mr., 35. Nicholas, 73, 193. Owen, 5. Rogers, Christopher, 37. John, 14. Thomas, 14, 160. Roode (Rood), Thomas, 72, 193. Roome, George, 5. Rose of Bristol (ves.), 407. Rotterdam, 23. Rowley Hill, Morefleld, Stoke, Coventry, Eng., 56. Rowneing, John, 105. Mary, 105. Roxbury, Mass., 5, 31, 33, 66, 68, 77, 80, 81, 84, 92, 93, 105, 106, 119, 153, 160, 179, 180, 185, 186, 236, 262, 339, 345, 384, 412. Royal Exchange, London, Eng., 150. Rozee, George, 317, 318. Ruck (Rucke), John, 268, 273, 277. Thomas, 118, 119, 173, 228, 229, 268, 277. Ruddocke (Ruddock, Ridocke), Jolliff, 19, 40, 150, 185, 198, 269. Rudson, Hannah, Mrs., 146, 147. Joseph, 14. Russell (Rusell), James, 191. Richard, 8, 10, 11, 24, 28, 40, 67, 69, 76, 84, 85, 88, 92, 93, 127, 157, 170, 174, 178, 211, 212, 216, 242, 282, 340, 351, 369, 380, 430. William, Earl of Bedford, 190. Russia, 414. Rust, Henry, 373. Ryalls, Richard, 217. Rye, North Holland, 80. Saco Mill, Maine, 21. Sagnatea (Eleuthera) Island, 815, 320. Sailes, 419. St. Christopher Island, Merwar's Hope, 165, 174. St. Edmunds Bury, Suffolk, Eng., 25, 269. St. James, Virginia, 154. St. John, Mr., 256. St. Martin of Allickemore (Allckmore), (ship), 292, 293, 296. St. Martin's, London, Eng., 68, 150. St. Mary Axe, 14. St. Mary of Hamborough (ves.), 206, 207, 212. St. Michael, Coventry, Eng., 56. St. Olaves, Southwark (Southwarke) , London, Eng., 24, 218, 384. St. Talwins, Southwark, London, Eng., 87. Salamander of Trevire (ship), 312. Salberch, Anthony, 415. Salem, Mass., 6, 7, 93, 121, 162, 177, 186, 265, 301, 334. Salisbury. Mass., 50, 82, 136, 328, 333. Salter, Edward, 415. Sir Nicholas, 162. Sampson, 314. Saltonstall, Sir Richard, 6, 16, 250, 251. Robert, 16, 20, 21, 81, 126, 192, 231, 232, 250, 343, 344. Sampson, John, 155, 360, 381. Sandis (Sands, Sandys), Henry, 20, 96, 97, 105, 123, 187, 189, 193, 201, 202, 410. Sandwich, Kent, Eng., 87, 132, 156. Sandwich, Mass., 136. San ford, John, 386, 347. Richard, 374. Sta Cruz (Santa Cruz), 349. Santley, Thomas, 144, 158, 159, 160. Sarah (ship), 99, 326, 381. Sargent. (See Sergent.) Saunders, Charles, .230, 297, 322, 332, 362, 373, 414, 419, 420, 427. Martin, 288. Mr., 216. Robert, 13, 49. William, 160. Savage, John, 226. Mr., 130. Thomas, Lieut., 26, 74, 173, 174, 233, 276, 281, 282, 333, 367, 375, 376. William, 165, 428. Sawin, John, 231, 249. Margaret, 231. Robert, 249. Say, Charles, 297, 298. 304, 306. Say and Sele, William Fiennes, Vis- count, 6. Sayle, Roger, 355. William, 320. Scanderoon (Scanderone), 253. Scarlet, John, 128. Samuel, 19. Scituate, Mass., 37, 81, 121, 224. Scoftephezer (see Anderson), 240. Scoles, George, 329. Scotland, 51, 53, 58, 59, 63, 66, 89, 115, 128, 159, 163, 194, 245, 251. Scott, Elizabeth, 147, 250. Joshua, 187, 214, Mr., 272. Richard, 112. Robert, 6, 14, 15, 29, 145, 146, 147, 172, 188, 193, 198, 250, 308, 309, 405. Scranton, Thomas, 308. Seabridge (ship), 15, 16, 18. Seaflowre (bark), 234. Sealy (Sealie, Sealij, Seely), (see Seely). Henry, 145, 146, 227, 404, 415. Searchfield, Rowland, 68. Searsey, Henry, 85. Sedgwick. Francis, 257. Mrs., 371. Robert, Major, 8, 17, 24, 28, 29, 35, 46, 76, 78, 79, 122, 127, 183, 211, 212, 214, 218, 222, 223, 224, 228, 255, 257, 301, 332, 356, 367, 371, 411. Seely (see Sealy), George, 392. John, 392, 393. Richard, 392, 393. Seimar, Mr., 229. Selleck (Sellecke, Seleck, Sellock) , David, 20, 21, 30, 36, 79, 122, 151, 152, 161, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 173, 174, 177, 193, 221, 243, 245, 248, 255, 256, 327, 339. Selmans, Edward, 158. Separation (ship), 22. Sergent (Sergeant, Sargent) Leonard, 191, 208, 209, 216, 306. Sarah, 173. William, 173. Severne, John, Capt., 19, 74. Thomas, 210. Sewell (Sewall, Shewall), George, 112. Sewall, Henry, Jr., 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66. (Shewall), Henry, Sr., 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66. Jane, 61, 62, 65. Phillip, 112. Richard, 65. Seymor, Florence, 315, 316. Shadwell, 145. Shapley (Chaplye, Shapleigh), Alex- ander, 205. Capt., 95. Mr., 77. (Chaplye), Nicholas, Capt., 78, 203, 217, 220, 222, 359, 373, 374, 424. Shatswell, Richard, 230. Shattock, William, 203. Shaw (Shawe), , 86. INDEX OF NAMES. 451 Shaw (Shawe), John, 25, 87, 126, 127, 130, 131, 201, 202, 249, 250, 275, 276, 329, 355. Martha, 249, 250. Sheafe, Jacob, 15, 16, 130, 177, 180, 186, 368, 388, 405, 409, 410. Shearman, Richard, 170. Sheene, John, 37. Thomas, 37. Sheffield, Thomas, 258. Shelton, Richard, 174, 323. Shephard, Jasper, 25. Shepheard, John, 267. Mr., 170. Margaret, 267. Samuel, 111. Sherborne, Coventry, Eng., 5S. Sherman, Elizabeth, 234. John, 203. Richard, 355. Shewell, Thomas, 246, 247. Shirley (Sherley), James, 21. Short, Harry, 196. Sbrimpton (Shrlmpto, Srimpton), Ed- ward, 15, 16, 131, 181, 862, 381, 397, 398, 402, 404, 406, 410, 411, 418. (Srimpton), Henry, 91, 92, 93, 144, 151, 172, 181, 183, 250, 254, 255, 286, 297, 311, 330, 331, 360, 361, 362, 388, 389, 392, 410, 419. Shurt, Abraham, 37, 38, 107, 108, 357. Sibly, John, 162, 163. William, 162. Siddon, Mr., 272. Sidou, 252. Silvester, Nathaniel, 356, 359. Singleton, Richard, 346. Sinwell, Gloucester, Eng., 34. Skinner, Edward, 269. Nicholas, 429. Robert, 201. Thomas, 29. Slappen, Devon., Eng., 163. Slye, Robert, 262. finale, Jan Clawson, 84. John, 83. Smith (Smyth), Dorothie, Mre., 371. Ellis, 44. Francis, 82, 93, 94, 113, 161, 252, 257, 262, 268, 274, 276, 282, 319, 320, 322, 328, 329, 373. 384. George, 125, 145, 152, 210, 343. Henry, 195, 320. James, 19, 81. John, 21, 39, 155, 262, 330. Mary, 111, 265, 331. Matthew, 87. Ralph, 331. Richard, 18, 83, 84, 86, 413. Samuel, 376. Thomas, 18, 96, 97, 112. William, 390. Zephaniah (Zephanie), 160, 183, 184. Somersetshire, Eng., 12. Sommons (Sommans, Sommas), Edward, 293. South, Richard, 350. Southampton, L. I., 103, 165. Southampton, Eng., 5, 206, 344, 345, 382, 384. Southcott (Southcot), Humphrey, 27, 28. Souther (Sowther, Souter), Nathaniel, 22, 283, 285, 307, 312, 361, 380. Southmade, William, 122. Southwarke, London, Eng., 24, 257, 262, 384. Sowerbie, York., Eng., 89. Spain, 7, 207, 252. Spanswick, Richard, 285, 287, 309, 310. Sparhawke, Nathaniel, 5. Sparks (Sparke), John, 6, 8, 163, 191, 210, 410. Speedwell (ves.), 177, 411. Speedwell of London (ves.), 416, 417, 418, 419. Speildherst, Kent, Eng., 43. Spencer (Spenser), Anne, 141. Garrard, 182. Michael, 190. Richard, 182, 190. Roger, 226, 298. William, 141. Splcer, Francis, 7. Spoore (Spurre), John, 172, 311, 379, 380. Sprague (Sprage), Ralph, 163. Richard, 367. Spring, William, 367. $pry, George, 316, 317. Spurre. (See Spoore.) Squibb, John, 190. Squire, Henry, 267. Margaret, 267. Stagge, Steven, 236. Stanborrough (Stanborough), Joiiah, 165. JoBias, 103, 104, 165. William, 104. Stanbury, Thomas, 388. Standerwick, Elizabeth, 12. Standish, Miles, Capt., 21. Stanfast (Standast), Barnaby, Capt., 297. 298, 299, 304, 306, 313, 340, 357, 358. Stanley, Richard, 344, 346. William, 344, 345, 346, 382, 383. Stanno (Stay no), William, 293, 309, 324. Stansteed Rotham, Kent, Eng., 104. Stapleton, Gloucester, Eng., 68. Starbuck, Edward, 125. Starkey, Mr., 339. Starr, Mr., 283. Stebbin, Essex, Eng., 197. Stebbing, Edward, 160. Stebbins, John, 412. Steele, John, 113. Stephens, David, 79. Henry, 206, 207, 208, 212, 213. Stephenson, Edmund, 236. Stevens (Steevens), Alice, 20, 68. David, 155, 180, 181. Stevensant (Stuijvesant), Peter, 83, 84, 277. Stevenson, William, 173, 304. Steward, Rose, 112. Stile, John, 39. Stileman (Stilman), Richard, 21, 44, 137. Stilson, William, 157. Stimaon, William, 163. Stirke, George, 304. Stockingham, Lincoln., Eng., 85. Stockingtynhee, Devon., Eng., 393. Stoddard, Anthony, 15, 17, ^20, 121, 211, 277, 329, 373. Stoddier, John, 317. Stoke, Coventry, Eng., 56. Stoke, neare Tingworth, Devon., Eng., 133. Stone, Hugh, 340. Joan, 267. John, 45, 188, 267. Mr., 256. Stowe (Stow), John, 179, 180. Nathaniel, 43, 186. Samuel, 43, 186. Thankfull, 179, 180. Thomas, 43, 186. Stowers, Hannah, 95, Richard, 95. Stracey, John, 421. Straine, Richard, 158, 222. 318. Straits of Gibraltar (Giblater), 135. Stratford, Eng., 321. Stratton (Stretton), William, 27, 28, 41, 214, 380, 390, 391, 392, 400, 401, 407, 413, 425, 426. Strawberry banck (Portsmouth), N. II.. 156, 382. Streites, 253. Stringer, John, 167. Strong (Stronge), Leo, 227. Peter, 11. Stuard, Mr., 244. Stupley, Joseph, 32. 452 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Stuyvesant. (See Steven sant.) Styles, Francis, 231, 250, 251. Sudbury, Mass., 329. Sudbury, Suffolk, Eng., 49. Summer Island (see Bermudas), 30,218, 226. Superdevecha, 317, 318. Supply (bark), 289. Supply (Supplie) (ship), 31, 226. Supply of London (ves.), 411. Supply of Salem (see True, ship), 177. Surrey, Eng., 9, 68, 384. Susan (ves.), 151, 205. Susanna (ves.), 173. Sutton, John, 167, 168, 263. Swallow of London (ship), 97, 217, 218, 302, 305, 386, 387, 406, 408, 413, 414, 415, 416, 419, 428, 429, 430. Swamscot, 126. Swane, Joane, Mrs., 228. Sweete, Henry, 407. Sweetser, Seth, 43. Swimmer (Swymmer), Anthony, 6, 71, 72. Swinock, Robert, 179. Swyer, Dorset., Eng., 105. Synderland, John, 282. Tadley, , 53. Tailor (see Taylor), Edward, 161. Thomas, 298. Tainter, Charles, 80. Talbot, William, 304. Talcott (Talcot), John, 113, 141. Talmo (Talmon, Talman), Peter, 259, 370, 371. Tamandare (ship), 277. Tanner (Tannor), Daniel, 145, 146. "William, 193, 194, 198. Tannond, Devon, Eng., 133. Tarte (Tart), Thomas, 172, 224, 411. Tatum, , 54. Tannton, Eng., 409, 410, 426. Taunton (Tanton), Mass., 34, 48, 269. Taverner, Henry, Capt., 356. Taylor (Tailor) (see Tailor) , Henry, 85. John, 7, 11, 12, 122, 176. Teneriff (ves.), 384. Ten Hills Farm, 211. Tepot, John, 233. Thames Elver, London, Eng., 305,886, 387. Thaxter, John, 234. Thomas, Evan, 367. John, 122. Thomas Bonadventure (ship), 137, 139, 141. Thompson (Thomson, Amies), Ems (or Amyes), 128, 129, 130. David, 128, 129, 130. Edmund, 186. Capt. Jelmer, 83, 84, 215. John, 36, 70, 102, 127, 133, 134, 137, 138, 139, 156, 194, 195, 196, 198, 200, 274, 288, 300, 301, 316, 317, 319, 320, 24, 326, 327, 334, 335, 340, 342, 343, 355, 358, 371. Maurice, 255, 356, 357. Thomson's Island, Boston, Mass., 36, 83, 134, 137. Thorneton (Thornton), Samuel, 417, 428. Thomas, 82. , widow, 54. Thorowgood, Thomas, 106, 107. Throckmorton, John, 316, 322, 373. Joseph, 333, 361. Thurston, Richard, 137, 138, 139, 296, 321, 323, 332. Thwaite, Alexander, 829. Tilden, Hopestill, 418. Till, James, 22. Tilly, Alice, 202, 277. Mr., 173. William, 94, 202, 203, 277. Tilson, Dorothie, 161. Tinker (Tincker), Alice, 370. Tinker (Tincker), John, 146, 251, 370. Sarah, 251, 252. Tincknell, John, 322. Tingworth, Devon., Eng., 133. Tiverton, Eng., 425. Toder, Owen, 122. Tolzey, The, Bristol, Eng., 45. Tomlinson, , 53. Tonks, William, 56. Tory, William, 97. Totnell, Thomas, 109. Towne, John, 297. Townsend (Townesend.Towsend), Chris. topher, 34, 194. John, 109. Nathaniel, 349, 350. Toylsus, Samuel, 46. Trades Increase of Charlestowne (ves.), 411, 412, 422, 423. Treroise (Trerise, Treriee, Treriese, Tre- ryce), Nicholas, 6, 107, 108, 109, 110, 143, 145, 181, 182, 192, 199, 260, 261, 295, 296, 405, 406, 407, 409. Treworgle (Treworgy) , John, 203, 218, 221, 222, 374. Nicholas, 194. Treworthy (Trueworthy), John, 147, 148, 206. Trott, Richard, 426. Trout, Garret, 8. Trowbridge, Thomas, 92, 96. True (ship), (see Supply of Salem), 177. Truesdale, Richard, 211. Trumblo, John, 214, 363. Tryall of New England (ship), 11, 15, 16, 395, 397, 398, 399, 400, 403, 408. Tucker, John, 235. Richard, 273. Thomas, 79, 222. Turnbridge, Kent, Eng., 104. Turner, , 54. John, 76, 116, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 185, 191, 192, 254, 269, 282, 313, 328, 356. Richard, 210, 405. Robert, 122, 163, 191, 192, 218, 220, 274, 366. Thomas, 26, 95, 124, 161, 179, 215, 288, 289. Turrell, Daniel, 268. Turton, Richard, 262. Tuttle, Joane, 345, 346. John, 113, 225, 227, 230,344, 345, 362, 382, 383, 384, 414, 423. Twisse, William, 314, 332, 371. Tyler, Richard, 194. Tyng, Edward, 7, 29, 36, 259, 260, 344. Jane, 184, 185. William, Capt., 11, 44, 91, 92, 124, 131, 145, 173, 174, 184, 185, 201, 211, 334. Underwood, Thomas, 415, 416, 417,421, 422. Unicorne of Boston (ves.), 49, 314, 351, 352, 353, 364, 407, 408. Unity of Boston (ves.), 49, 411. Upper Norfolk, Virginia, 167. Upsall, Nicholas, 163, Upton Bishop, Hereford, Eng., 328. Lirsell.Mr., 338. Usborne (Osborne), William, 82. Usher, Hezekiah, 10, 13, 49, 103, 104, 106, 107, 172, 180, 183, 184, 187, 381, 3?8, 389, 409. Uxbridg'e, Middlesex, Eng., 89. Vale, 241. Van hoegaerden, John, 292. Varvell, Capt., 324. Vassal!, William, 30, 71, 177, 218. Vauprhan, John, 143. Veasie, Elizabeth, 274. William, 274. Vellacot, John, 81, 178. Venner (Vennar), Thomas, 179, 189, 214, 260, 286, 310, 326. Vessels : Adventure of Boston (ship), 91, 98, 100. Adventure of Southton (Southampton), (ship), 345, 423. INDEX OF NAMES. 453 Vessels : Albion (ship), 19. 'Alice of London, 395. Anne (ship), 30, 218, 234. Anne & Margrett (catch) , 302. Artillery of Boston, 418. Beaver (Bevr.) (ship), 83, 84. Beaver of London, 400, 402. Beginning of Boston (bark), 220, 367, 385. Bonaventure, 418, 419. Boston (ship), 375. Bride of Boston, 172. Bride of Bnchusen, 172. Chapman of London (ship), 143, 181, 192, 260, 405, 406, 407, 409. Charles (ship), 297, 362, 420, 427. Charles of Boston (bark) , 266. Charles of London, 122, 402. Comfort of London, 409. Concord of Bristol (ship), 269. Constance of London (ship), 236, 237, 238. Content (frigate), 79. Content (ship), 8, 214, 259, 260. Defence (ship) , 15, 88. Defence of Boston, 397, 400. Defence of London, 402. Dolphin, 424. Dolphin of London, 9, 47, 163, 394, 397, , 399, 401, 402. Dorothie of Dartmouth, 412. Dove of Bristol, 407, 408. Eagle of Colchester, 163, 173, 304. Eagle of London (ship), 349, 420, 421. Edmond & John of London, 395, 404, 405. Edward of London, 419. Ellas & Elizabeth, 183. Ellas of London, 73, 74. Elizabeth (ship), 133, 134, 137. Elizabeth of Bristow (ship), 271. Endevor (ship), (see Indevor), 7, 12, 14. Exchange (ship), 17. Expectation (ship), 76, 116, 119, 120, 121, 313, 356. Fellowship of London, 421, 422, 433, 424. Fortune (ship), 411. Fortune of New England (ship). 290, 291, 292. Gauatree of Home, 219. George Bonaventxire of London (ship), 333, 361, 418, 419, 420, 424. Golden Dolphin (ship), 259. Goodwill & Prospers of London (ship), 133. Greyhound (ship), 21. Guift of Barnstable (ship), 39. Gulf t (Gift) of God, of London (ship), 300, 317, 319, 334, 335, 340. Gilbert (ship), 8, 10, 17, 158. Gilbert of Dartmouth, 153, 156. Goulden Lyon of Bristol, 425, 426. Great Garret (ship), 83, 84, 215. Hope of Boston (bark), 189. Hope of Roterdam (Hoope of Rotter- dam) (ship) ,23, 215. Hopewell of Barbados, 212, 261, 264. Hopewell of New England, 76. Indevor of Boston, 230. Indevor of Cambridge, 14, 74. Indevor of London, 396, 397. Indevor of New England, 396, 397, 399. Jane of Boston, 410. Jane of Pascataqs (ship), 201, 326. John (ship), 172, 228, 229, 310. John of Boston (ship), 123, 270. John of Bristol, 412, 413. John & Joane, 410. John & Sarah (ship), 131, 142. John & Thomas (ship), 381. Johns Adventur, 332. Judith of London, 413. Judith of New England,76. Vessels : Malago Merchant, 227, 410, 411. Margaret (ship) , 122. Mary of Bristol, 430. Mary of London (ship), 24, 28, 210, 279, 280. Mary Rose (ship), 46. Mayflower (ship), 363, 368. Merchant (ship), 87, 180, 403, 404, 405, 408, 410. Merchant of London (frigate), 302. Neptune of Dartmouth, 400. New Supply (ship), 115. Orangetree of Amsterdam (ship), 243, 248. Paragon, 90. Peregrine of London, 409. Peregrine of New England, 181, 188, 189, 194, 198, 199, 288, 404, 405. Peter (ship), 11. Peter and John, 223. Peter and Paul of Dover, 178, 213. Planter of London (ship), 75, 124, 152, 153, 173, 190, 208, 209, 210, 224, 225, 232. Prettie (bark), 319. Pretty, 161. Providence (ship), 356. Providence of Dartmouth, 410. Providence of Illford Comb. (Ilfra- combe) , 418. Rainbowe (ship), 19. Rainebow of Bristol, 400, 401. Rebecca (ship), 107, 108. Recovery (ship), 268, 418. Recovery of London (ship), 25, 26, 36, 400. Remember (catch), 287. Rose of Bristol, 407. St. Martin of Allickemore (Alickmore), (Ship), 292, 293, 296. St. Mary of Hamborough, 206, 207, 212. Salamander of Trevire (ship), 312. Sarah (ship), 99, 326, 381. Seabridge (ship), 15, 16, 18. Sea Flowre (bark), 234. Separation (ship), 22. Speedwell, 177, 411. Speedwell of London, 416, 417, 418, 419. Supply (bark), 289. Supply (Supplle) (ship), 31,226. Supply of London, 411. Supply of Salem (see True) (ship), 177. Susan,. vessel, 151, 205. Susanna, 173. Swallow of London (ship), 97, 217, 218, 302, 305,386, 387, 406, 408, 413, 414, 415, 416, 419, 428, 429, 430. Tamandare, (ship), 277. Teneriff, 384. Thomas Bonadventure (ship), 137, 139, Trades Increase of Charlestowne, 411, 412, 422, 423. True Dealing (ship) (see Supply) of Salem, 177. Tryall of New England (ship), 11, 15, 16, 395, 397, 398, 399. 400, 403, 408. Unicorne of Boston, 49, 314, 351, 352, 353, 364,407,408. Unity of Boston, 49, 411, Virgin of Rochell (ship), 233. Welcome of Boston (ship), 123, 140, 151, 334. Welcome of Charlestowne (ship), 262, 365. Welcomme of New England, 273, 358, 361, 411,420,421,424. White Angell of Bristol (ship), 34, 88. William of Boston, 400. William & George, of Charlestown (ship), 381. William & George of London (ship), 135, 297, 298, 326, 327, 357, 363. William & John, 341. 454 ASPINWALL NOTARIAL RECORDS. Vessels : William & John of Bristol, 71. William & Sarah of London (ship), 349. Vicarige (Vicars), Richard, 395, 398. Vincent, Thomas, 15, 144. William, 158, 159, 160. Vines, Richard, 10, 78. Virgin of Rochell (ship), 233. Virginia, Verginia, 30, 31, 77, 103, 112, 115, 128, 145, 154, 158, 159, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 176, 177, 182, 192, 205, 210, 219, 237, 238, 242, 243, 245, 252, 253, 255, 258, 324, 343, 352, 327, 343, 354, 364, 425. Vtie, or Utie, Nathaniel, 338, 339. Wade ( Wadye) , George, 23. Jonathan, 95. Samuel, 197. Wadlow, John, 315, 261, 262, 312. Wainewright, Francis, 112. Phillip, 112. Waite, Richard, 193, 215, 289, 342, 351. Thomas, 259. Waker, Mr., 35. Waldegrave, Thomas, 17. Walden, Essex, Eng., 160. Walderne, Mr., 12-5. William 34, 124. Walderswick, Suffolk, Eng., 248. Walker (Waker), Augustine, 109, 111, 171, 172, 275, 411. Isaac, 69, 81, 86, 87, 322, 367, 373. Lieut., Richard, 135, 136, 137. Mr., 270. Robert, 121. Wall, John, Capt., 9, 47, 163, 394, 397, 399, 401, 402. Wallingford, Berkshire, Eng., 37. Wallis, Christopher, 332. Edward, 274. Wallweynd, William, 37, 38. Walmesly, Thomas, 334. Walters (Walter), Richard, 90, 314, 328. Walthan, George, 372. Walton Abbey, Essex, Eng., 86. Walton, Henry, 21, 174, 201, 234, 260, 269, 288, 289, 321, 322, 331, 373. Waltune, George, 19. Wandale, Thomas, 230. Wapping, London, Eng., 25, 29, 92, 93, 134, 137, 138, 223, 257, 262. Ward (Warde), Andrew, 170. Benjamin, 310. Edward, 33, 34. Hamond (Hammond), 360, 381. Lawrence, 168. Miles, 121. Phillip, 155, 360. Samuel, 234. Thomas, 168. Warner, Richard, 72. Warranie, James, 126. Warren, Christopher, 56, 249. Warwick, Eng., 51, 57, 60, 63, 64, 65, 261. Warwick County, Virginia, 169. Warwick River, Virginia, 166. Washburne, Mary, 251. Waterhouse, Thomas, 192. Waters, Anthony, 158, John, 88. Watertown, Mass., 5, 14, 28, 68, 85, 94, 96, 98, 132, 136, 182, 184, 190, 199, 200, 249, 273, 277, 327. Watson, John, 90. Peter, 328. Watts, Francis, 82. Thomas, 82. Way. Henry, 28. William, 162. Waybread, Eng., 50. Weaver, H.,37,38. Webb, Henry, 15, 16, 96, 130, 211, 370, 397, 409, 410. (Web), John (eEveraerd), 144, 346, 347, 348, 351. Webb, Jonathan, 233. (Web), Peter, 247. Richard, 211. Webbar (Webber), John, 372. Richard, 297, 298, 299, 304, 306. Sarah, 372. Thomas, 166, 259, 260, 3(>3, 368. Webster, John, 319, 320. Wedmore, Somerset, Eng., 322. Wegnock Park, Warwick, Eng., 261. Welch, Thomas, 43. Welcome of Boston (ship), 123, 140, 151, 334. Welcomof Charlestown (ship), 262, 365. Welcomme of New England (ves.), 273, 358, 361, 411, 420, 421, 424. Weld, Barbara, 66. Joseph, Capt., 31, 32, 33. Thomas, 69. Wells, Edward, 112, 122. Joseph, 32, 398. Wen, Christopher, 375. Wentworth, John, 226. West, , 54. Westcomb (Westcome), Richard, 217, 218 r 305. Westerhouse, William, 227, 281, 332. Western Islands, 259. Westminister, London, Eng., 41, 120, 121. West Indies, 20, 228, 229. Westworth, Dorset, Eng., 158. Wetheridge (Witheridge), Edward, 78, 79, 127, 222, 397, 400, 402. Wethersfleld, Conn., 122. Weymouth, Dorset, Eng., 163. Weymouth, Mass., 12, 14, 50, 97, 172, 183. Wharton, Philip, 320. William. 73. Wheate, William, 51, 58, 60. Wheeler (Wheler), Christopher, 412. Ephraim, 240. Lawrence, 413. Thomas, 132, 240. Whetcomb, Benjamin, 24, 28,223, 224, 390, 395, 405. Whickam, Durham, Eng., 90. Whitchcot, Rebecca, 343. Whitchurch, Shropshire, Eng., 173. White, Edmund, 221. James, 221. John, 404, 425, 426. Mr., 6. Paul, 201. Peregrine, 100. Angell of Bristol (ship), 38. Whitehead (Whithead), Elizabeth, 102. John, 102. Thomas, 102. Whiteing, Anthonle, 204. William, 216. Whittingham, John, 95, 99. Whittlebury, Northampton, Eng., 35, 111. Whorey, Ralph. (See Woory.) Wiborne, Thomas, 121. Wickens, John, 19. Wickles, Robert, 169. Widhouse, Thomas, 163. Wigans, Capt., 126. Wigfall, Godfrey, 226. Wiggins, William, 54. Wight, Luce, 212. Wilds, Henry, 178. Wiles, Robert, 53, 57. 59. Wilkee (Wilkie, Wilk), Stephen (Steven), 92, 271. 272. Wilkes, Richard, 330. Wilkey, Henry, 344. Wilkins, John, 287. Wilkinson (Wilkenson), John, 410. Thomas, 146, 147, 237, 238. Willet, , 73. Willett, Thomas, Capt., 239, 277. , William, 128. William of Boston (ves.), 400. INDEX OF NAMES. 455 William & George, of Charlestown (ship), 381. William & George, of London (ship), 135, 297, 298, 3 6, 327, 357, 363. Wiliam & John (ves.). 341. William & John, of Bristol (ves.), 71. William & Sarah, of London (ship), 349. Williams, Aaron, Capt., 285, 287, 309, 311. Hugh, 11, 18. Matthew, 430. Nathaniel, 203. Richard, 34. Roger, 177, -288. Samuel, 34. William, 34. Willington, Robert, 242. Willis, Anne, 158. Mary, 231, 232. Mr., 136, 343. Nathaniel (Nathanaell), 158. Nicholas, 26. Robert, 282. Zachary, 158. Willoughby (Willoughbie), Francis, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 105, 288, 306, 343. Thomas, 411. William, 92, 93, 257, 258. Wills, Henry, 320. Willshepe, Gregory, 251. Wilmot, Thomas, 11. Wilson, Anthony, 170. Benjamin, 20. John, 105, 109. Joseph, 18, 20, 40, 165, 184. Nathaniel, 105, 153. Rowland, 297, 361, 392, 419. Samuel, 46, 198, 333. Winchmore Hill, Agmondsham, Eng., 50. Winch urst, Anne, 133. Windsor, Conn., 183, 231, 250. Wing, Robert, 319, 323. Wingfleld, Ralph, 430. Winslow, Edward, 21. Winthrop (Winthrope), Adam, 11, 13, 17, 30, 82, 119, 143, 218, 225, 313. Elizabeth, 225. John, Governor, 8, 13, 16, 21, 30, 94, 125, 139, 141, 189, 190, 196, 197, 209, 211, 218, 262, 278, 279, 304. John, jr., 15. Martha, Mrs., 254. Stephen, 9, 10, 13, 17, 36, 69, 119, 143, 313, 394, 397. Wise, Joseph, 186. Wiseman, , 69. With, John, 15. Witherley Anesley, als Ansteley, War- wick, Eng., 67. Withers, Thomas, 326. Withington, Henry, 96, 97. William, 121, 220, 388. Wltles Bay, Newfoundland, 308. Wmys, Matthew, 274. Woburu (Wooborne), Bedford, Eng., 132. Wolfe, Matthew, 41, 380. Wood, Hugh, 188. John, 188, 193, 194, 198, 199. Joseph, 153. Jonas, 150. Prudence, 150. Woodcock, John, 250, 251. William, 251. William, jr., 251. Woodhouse, Matthew, 73. Woodie. (See Woody.) Woodmansey, John, 249, 370. Woodroofe, Steven, 332. Woodward, John, 423. Richard, 179, 266. Woody (Woodie), John, 185, 202. Woolcot, John, 221. William, 127, 128, 133. Woolnow, Joshua, 29, 260, 261, 402, 417, 419, 429. Woolversen, Jacob, 81. Woory (Woorey, Whorey), Ralph, 17, 28, 69, SO, 83, 84, 85, 171, 178, 218, 219, 225, 227, 261, 262, 305, 341, 398. Wootton, under Edge, Gloucester, Eng.. 34. Henry, 54. John, 54, 56, 220. Worcester, William, 332. Eng., 266. Wrentham, Suffolk, Eng., 186. Wrey, Francis, 89. Wright (Wrighte), Adam, 327. John, Coventry, 56. John, Essex, 86. Richard, 101, 266, 257, 274, 371. Robert, Bishop of Coventry and Litch- field, 56. Susanna, 86. Wroxall, Warwick, Eng., 234. Wyat, Sibill, 35. Thomas, 35, 74. Wyllys, Henry, 225. Wys, Capt., 285. Wyton, James, 88. Thomas, 88. Tale, David, 17, 19, 20, 91, 98, 151, 174, 179, 221, 255, 295, 306, 333, 388. 389. Yarmouth, Mass., 22. Teaman (Yeamans), Francis, 41, 380. Yee, Abraham, 108. Yeo (Yoe), Thomas, 174, 320, 321. Yong, George, 335, 336. John, 45, 46, 419. Thomas, 306. Yorke County, Va., 242. York River, Va., 242. Yorkshire, 416. from which it was borrowed , OtC 2QJ993 IOCJ1 00 Sff