THE PRINCETON POETS, COMPILED BY S. MILLER HAGEMAN. PUBLISHED AT PRINCETON, N. J PRINTED ON THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. WILLIAM S. SHARP, Trenton, N. J. 1879. TO THE MEMORY OF JOSEPH HENRY; THE POET OF SCIENCE, For he hath caused to be written on the water, and the wind, and every whither, the autograph of sound. 943279 PREFACE. I have gathered up on this old ground these literary relics which I have found about it, in memory of notable men and women who have derived their signal education at Princeton, and who must ever belong most to her by intellectual birthright. Such memorials of distinguished merit have had hitherto but a rude and casual keep- ing, like names cut carelessly on dark old forest trees, and read only in some stray gleam across them. It is time, now that long death hath dealt hardly with many of them, that they should be redeemed once more into each other's company in these choice affections of their gentliest hours. S. MILLER HAGEMAN. PRINCETON, May 8th, 1879. BLOOD-ROYAL. i. O fair art thou Princeton, by river and tower ! Thy wide-sounding bell, and thy dark-ivied bower; O brave are thy temples with book and with throng ! But to woman, fair woman, thy fame doth belong. II. There is not a Palace of Knowledge on earth That vies with the genius of blood-royal birth ; After all we have done when our life-dust is laid, We are but the men that our mothers have made. III. Thy glory, O Princeton, thy glory we sing, As thy fame o'er the world spreads her lore-laden wing But fairer for us as we crown her again, Stands woman, fair woman, the mother of men. CONTENTS. CHARLES GODFREY LELAND, 1 The Return of the Gods ; Fairy Mythology ; Woman's Will; Mine Own; Eyes; The Lore-lay ; Translations. L. J. SHIELDS, 27 " In the Hollow of his Hand ; " Translations. ANONYMOUS, - - 31 Silentio. -J . ~ t/t < // AARON BURR, 41 My Message Bird. MARY ISABEL ALLEN, 42 Knight's Templar ; Jairus' Daughter ; Translations. ANONYMOUS, . . 5| " Drink to me Only with Thine Eyes." <4> *& /H AMELIA VANDEVEER, 53 A Summer Idyl ; Stilled Voices ; Pictures ; Nothing Else To-night ; A Sabbath Dream. FITZ HUGH LUDLOW, 66 To the Home of all Living ; Niagara ; A La Dame a Voile Noire ; Ode To-night. PHILIP PENDLETON COOKE, 75 Florence Vane. ANONYMOUS, . ^. - 77 Many a Year Ago. -/ Jft* /V7 J. ADDISON ALEXANDER, 79 The Doomed Man ; To the Rhine. X CONTENTS. PAGE. ANONYMOUS, - - - .... . . - 85 Sea Birds, Wild Sea Birds ! -V- stt. /A MARY STACY WITHINGTON, --.... 88 Last Banquet of Antony and Cleopatra ; The Blooming of the Cereus; A Fantasy; The Physical Basis; Without and Within ; The Convent Sisters. E. P. T., 100 I'Giorni Che Passan. J. WADDELL ALEXANDER, ------ 101 O Sacred Head ! ANONYMOUS, ... .... - 105 The Porch and the Temple, -t/ /> -L ^ MARGARET E. BRECKINRIDGE, 108 Knitting for the Soldiers. HORACE BINNEY WALLACE, 110 On the Rhine Returning into Germany. ANONYMOUS, - - - - |i).,|f-' ' " H2 The Prayer of the Fallen ; 'From the Bark of an Old Tree ; Cri De Passion. JOHN MILLER, 118 She is not Dead ; What is His Name ? ; Strong Delusion ; Our Dead. ANONYMOUS, 133 As Children Fold their Sleepy Faces. ELIZABETH HENRY MILLER, - 136 O Distant Past! JAMES C. MOFFAT, - 137 Extracts from "Alwyn;" Without Christ, LUCIA D. PHYCHOWSKA, 148 Border of the Wilderness. HENRY J. VAN DYKE, 149 Wings of a Dove ; The After-echo. CONTENT?. XI PAGE. LYMAN WHITNEY ALLEN, 153 Art-Cycle Sonnets ; Song of the Hell-Spirit ; Alas ! CORNELIA PIERSON, - - - - - - - 159 Scene in a Studio. ELIZABETH THOMPSON SMITH, 161 A Parting Word. E. P. B., 162 The Veil of the Spirit. ANONYMOUS, - - 163 The Two Cities. ^. Wi- *H THE STUDENT-SONG, 168 Ho, Students ! Come Out ! CAROLINE HANNA PAXTON, 170 To- . E. A. K., 171 A Fragment. ALAMBY MILLER, __-._._ 173 To ; Only a Curl ; I am Free ; A Fragment ANONYMOUS, --------- 179 A Lost Soul. "RosA," 181 " We Were Friends Together." ANNIS STOCKTON HOWELL, - - - - - - 184 Recompense. GEORGE W. BETHUNE, ..---.. ig6 It is not Death to Die ; The Strife of the Angels ; Night Study ; Dr. Bethune's Last Hymn. ANNIS BOUDINOT STOCKTON, - 195 Ode to Washington. WELLIAM BAKER, .197 My Rock. Xll CONTENTS. PAGE. WILLIAM W. LORD, 199 A Rime. SALLY CAMPBELL PRESTON MILLER, 202 The Princess Louise : The Maiden All For-lorne. GEORGE II. BOKER, 203 The Black Regiment ; Dirge for a Soldier. CARRIE LOUISE HAGEMAN, 209 Beautiful Sunlight ; To a Lost Canary. GEORGE L. RAYMOND, - - 213 Notes from the Victory ; The Destiny Maker. ANONYMOUS, 217 The Rapids at Niagara. ALFRED D. WOODHULL, 219 The National Thanksgiving Hymn. FANNIE WOLCOTT RANKIN, 221 The Berg and the Bark. T. E. GREEN, - - - 225 Violets. THOMAS G. LYTLE, - - 227 Hope On ; Patriotism. RICHARD ARNOLD GREENE, 230 Pride and Humility. R. F. DUNN, 232 No, no, it is not Dying. E. SPENCER MILLER, - 233 Igdrasil ; The Dying Skeptic. MALCOLM MACDONALD, 239 Excerpts from Guatemozin. HENRY CLOW, 242 Ossian ; Lines on Leaving Home. ELBERT S. PORTER, 245 A Threnody. CONTENTS. Xlll PAGE. T. E. GREEN, - - 248 Hesperion ; Summer Time ; A Year Ago. EDITH COOKE, 252 A Thrush's Song. PHILIP FRENEAU, - 257 The Indian. JOHN T. DUFFIELD, 259 Psalm XC. CHARLES W. SHIELDS, 263 The Triumph of Liberty. STEPHEN ALEXANDER, 266 The Nation's Hope. HUMOROUS POETRY. C. G. LELAND, 273 Die Schoene Witt we ; O Mine Frack ist im Pfand- Haus ; Bolitics. ANONYMOUS. 277 Plain Language from the Irreconcilables Concerning a Recent Unpleasantness. R. E. A., - 279 What she said on the Way Home. D. M., - 281 Variations on the C String. J. ADDISON ALEXANDER, 283 Reconstruction of Society ; To the Spirit of Dreams. FITZ HUGH LUDLOAV, 289 To a Red-headed Girl ; The Jolly Fellow. CHAKLES GODFKEY LELAND, (CLASS OF " .") Author of "Meister Karl Sketch Book," "Sunshine fr