*c 176 M^ft STURTEVANT It symbolizes Growth. The branches cover much of this old Earth. The roots transmit, from great factories, streams of Sturtevarit genius to limbs bearing that which can nowhere else be produced. It is truly a Live OaK. y HARRISON Sq. BOSTON, MASS. -r ^s. hadowed by this Royal Oak ^J ^^* King James I +***- bestowed British Letters Patent for improvements in treating Iron, on Simon Sturtevant. If the life -chain of either the King or Simon, straining into the misty ages of creation, had lacked one link this meeting could not have taken place, but the fortunes of Simon now reach to the Sturtevant Mill Company and they have left here and there Inventors to receive distinction and reward. I STURTEVANT MILL Copyright 1921 by Sturtevant Mill Co. - : Mr. Charles H. Macdowell, President of the Armour Fertilizer Works, in his Presidential address before the National Fertilizer Associ- ation at White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, June 22nd, 1921, stated: "There are other hidden losses in manufacturing, such as low yields in sulphuric acid, high insolubles in acid phosphates from uneven grind- ing and poor mixing, from excess iron and alumina, or improper handling of acid phosphate after it has been made. A chemical control of plant manufacture and manipulation is essential in avoiding these losses. Excessive shrinkages in high cost materials can easily occur if a super- intendent is in a hurry to get out a large tonnage. Bad weighing of bags can lose the industry hundreds of thousands of dollars a year." Mr. Fred S. Lodge, Assistant Director of Manufacturing, Armour Fertilizer Works, stated: ******************* "A large sum of money is lost annually by the fertilizer manufacturer through insoluble phosphoric acid. The average insoluble phosphoric acid found by the state chemist of one of our middle west states in 16 per cent, acid phosphate was 1.2 per cent. This represents 169 samples collected from some 56 manufacturers shipping 48,000 tons of 16 per cent, acid phosphate into the state. It is entirely practical to manu- facture acid phosphate in good mechanical condition with 0.5 per cent, insoluble phosphoric acid or even less. On the average every one of the 48,000 tons of acid phosphate carried a loss of 0.7 of a unit of phosphoric acid or 33,600 units equivalent to over 1000 tons of 72 per cent, rock worth say $12 a ton delivered or $12,000. The only extra expense to convert this 1000 tons of rock into available acid phosphate would be the cost of extra sulphuric acid necessary to acidulate and it is reasonable to assume in the majority of cases sufficient acid was used to correctly acidulate if proper chemical control had been exercised. Furthermore these 48,000 tons carried also an average overrun of 0.8 per cent, available phosphoric acid." CHEMICAL CONTROL "Good chemical control will ship acid phosphate with not over 0.25 per cent, overrun. This excess overrun of 0.55 per cent, available Page Three phosphoric acid on the 48,000 tons is equivalent to 26,400 units or 1650 tons of 1 6 per cent, acid phosphate. At a factory cost of say $12 per ton this amounts to $19,800. In this one state (not a particularly large user of fertilizer by the way) in one brand alone $3 1 ,800 was lost to the fertilizer manufacturer. This loss is over and above that necessary to insure guarantees, and is due solely to inefficiency and lack of factory chemical control. Like conditions prevail in all states." "Consider the number of fertilizer consuming states. Think of the number of brands sold in each. Similar losses can be shown for the other elements of plant food. In one of our largest fertilizer consuming states the average overrun in commercial valuation of the 16 largest shippers was found by the state chemist to be $1.39 per ton. Over a million tons were shipped into this state. The two states mentioned above are particularly noted for the accuracy of their control work and these results are accepted as authentic." LABOR "The third item of cost is the one of labor. Efficiency has become almost a slogan in American factory practice, yet it is just in its infancy in the fertilizer industry. Too many fertilizer superintendents are rule of thumb operators, loathe to try labor saving devices, content to use men where machines could be utilized to better advantage. Thirty-five men was a standard gang for a mixing unit, often fifty were employed. Ten pickers and ten shovelers were often used on an acid phosphate pile to keep one mixing machine in operation." "Three men with five pounds of dynamite and a loading machine or one or two men with a power shovel can now do the same work with more ease. Furthermore, the hopper on the loader or the dipper on the shovel permits the cart man to obtain a full load at once without waiting for the shovelers to load him. The electric dump truck with one operator takes the place of three one-man carts. More efficient screens and tailings mills eliminate the necessity for men constantly whipping the screens." "Better mechanical condition of goods also helps and prevents blocking of elevators, bridging in hoppers, etc., all of which require labor as well as loss of tonnage. Automatic Scales and Bag Sewing machines speed up output and eliminate men. Conveyors and Electric Platform trucks simplify and expedite removal of bags to cars and replace men." Page four POWER COST "Naturally the substitution of machinery for men would be sup- posed to increase our fourth item of cost, power. However, the improve- ment in machinery may be used to offset this largely. The use of dust proof roller and ball bearing equipment has greatly reduced the friction load on modern fertilizer machinery so that the power costs on a modern crane type plant are little in excess of those in older type plants. The power necessary to operate an electric truck in ordinary service should not be more than fifty to seventy-five cents a day." HIDDEN LOSSES "The seventh item of cost, Hidden Losses, has been touched on in each of the others. Few executives have a true conception of the magni- tude of the summation of these items. Lack of proper chemical control is the most common and probably the greatest of all hidden losses. The work should start with the purchase of the proper raw materials, follow their receipt into the factory to assure the billed weights and analyses are actually received, supervise their storage for accessible location and proper segregation, economically formulate the brands to be shipped, check the mixing weights, oversee the mixing operation and check the bag weights when filled." CONCLUSION "The shipping department of a factory essentially strives for tonnage. Unless they are under strict supervision for chemical control accuracy is very likely to be sacrificed for speed. Proper chemical control in the acidulating department assures acid phosphate of good mechanical condition and satisfactory analysis, so no direct analytical loss is suffered, nor is there untold hidden loss due to rehandling sticky goods, digging out blocked elevators, etc., and eventually satisfying just complaints of rotten bags and undrillable goods." "If factory accounting is based on units instead of pounds, the question of moisture shrinkage will be eliminated by chemical control, for materials will be analyzed just before use and figured on actual analysis and not on an analysis on which they were purchased months before. In fact, chemical control properly carried out assures goods of satis- factory condition and of the guaranteed analysis reaching the consumer. State analyses consequently will not demand underrun settlements and the sales department will have a satisfied customer to approach for repeat orders "******************* Page fine Acid Phosphate made by the Sturtevant Process being bagged and shipped without milling or screening Note absence of lumps (see page 26) Page six INTRODUCTORY For thirty-nine years the Sturtevant Mill Company has built Fertilizer Machinery, therefore it is fair to assume its experience has value. Until twelve years ago its efforts were principally confined to the United States, but since that time it has been in close touch with European practice through its Asso- ciates, the Sturtevant Engineering Company of London and Paris, who have specialized in complete fertilizer equipment with the result that Sturtevant Machinery is as well known abroad as it is in the "States." In most respects the American Manufacturer is far ahead of his foreign cousins, but conditions are not the same, and the processes are dissimilar except as applied to the manufacture of Acid Phosphate (Super) in which respect Great Britain and Europe have progressed much farther than America. The development in this process abroad will be a revelation to the uninitiated, and as The Sturtevant Mill Company, through its Associates, has designed and supplied the machinery largely used in Great Britain and Europe, for the manufacture of Acid Phosphate during the past seven years, facts can be stated and proven, by many suc- cessful installations. The Sturtevant Mills Co.'s reason for delay in introducing these methods into the United States was to avoid costly experiments to American friends, and to thoroughly convince itself that foreign systems were not only suitable, but superior, to American methods. The Manager of its Engineering Department, who is well versed in American and Foreign Fertilizer manufacture, has made extensive trips throughout England, Scot- land, Spain, Belgium and Holland, inspecting not only the various Sturtevant installa- tions, but those of other designs, resulting in the purchase of the American Patents of the Beskow System, which is second only to the Sturtevant-English Process. The Sturtevant Mill Company is now in a position to use the best features of each of these proven methods for the benefit of American users. No fertilizer manufacturer can fail to be interested in such radical improvements in the making of Acid Phosphate, which, combined with other Sturtevant Devices, are the last word in Fertilizer Plants. This book, therefore, is devoted to Sturtevant Fertilizer Machinery and Equipment, the result of brains, initiative, and world-wide experience, which, coupled with Sturtevant Engineering and Service, places this Company in a position to give the Fertilizer Manufacturer the best at reasonable cost. First, your attention is called to a complete Fertilizer Installation, (shown on large folder at back of book) of all steel, Crane Type construction; then the individual Units and Machines, which are incorporated in this plant. As a great variety of Units and Equipment is used to suit various conditions, only a few will be illustrated, but a sufficient number to give an idea of the scope of Sturte- vant practice. The Sturtevant Mill Company not only build Fertilizer Machinery, but are experts in Plant design, and supply Engineering Service entirely separate from its manufacturing business. They design complete Plants, or any part thereof. Page seven STURTEVANT FERTILIZER PLANT DESCRIPTION (Open folder at back of book when reading this description) The Phosphate Rock is received in Box Cars, from which it is removed with a Power Shovel (1) directly into a Swing Sledge Mill (2) which crushes the rock to one inch size and smaller. If Florida Rock is used no crushing is needed and the Mill is not operated, the rock simply by-passing to the Elevator (3) which delivers it to the Silo (4). The Silo may be of any size, the one shown holding 1200 tons. A tunnel is built under the Silo, the roof of which carries the weight of the rock in storage. This rock is drawn off through the sides of the tunnel in several places by Gates (5) and deposited on a Belt Conveyor (6) which takes it to the Elevator (7) that fills the Bin (8) (holding approximately 40 tons), over the Ring-Roll Mill (9). Rock from this Bin is fed by gravity, controlled by a Gate, to the Ring- Roll Mill (9), where it is pulverized and discharged into Elevator (10) leading to the Air Separator (11). The Separator removes the fines and returns the oversize through a Chute (13) to the Mill for regrinding. The fines drop into a Screw Conveyor (12) and are carried to a dust Storage Bin (14) holding 70 tons. A Dust Collecting System with Filter (15), Exhaust Fan (16), Piping (17) removes the fine dust and creates a suction, where needed, to keep the plant clean, the dust from the Filter being discharged into the dust bin. A Screw Conveyor (18) runs under this Dust BLn taking the dust to small Elevator (19) which discharges into Screw Conveyor (20) which keeps the Scale Hoppers (21) full of dust. Small hoppers are used over the automatic scales (22) so that no bridging or clogging can occur to prevent the even flow necessary to accurate automatic weigh- ing. To maintain a constant "head" above the scales these hoppers are constantly kept full, the surplus dust being carried over and returned to the dust bin by another Screw Conveyor (23) and Chute. A one-half day's supply of tempered acid is kept in a tank (24) above the auto- matic Acid Scales (25) so the Mixer operator's whole attention is confined to weighing, mixing and operating the Dens. Now the operator simply moves two levers, one for acid and one for dust, the weights are secured automatically and both charges are passed into the Mixer (26). The Mixer is then started, the mix completed and the charge dumped into the Den (27). The Mixer is then ready for the next batch. When the Den is filled the material therein is allowed to set for about fifteen minutes before the sides (28) are loosened, the door (28A) raised, and the cutting and aerating mechanism (29) started. This machinery is Automatic and discharges the finely flaked shavings of aerated acid phosphate onto the Pan Conveyors (30) which parallel the Den sides, and deposit the finished Phosphate, without mulling, into a Pit (31) ready for the Crane. When two Dens are used the operator is free to go to the second Den after the last charge is dumped from the Mixer into the first Den, because a helper is the only man necessary to cut out, or ex-den, each machine. The helper is not needed for the weighing, mixing or Den filling operations. Therefore three men, the operator and two helpers, are all the labor required to run two machines. Page eight ALL STURTEVANT FERTILIZER PLANT ... . ..:. . Fumes, generated by the chemical re-action in Den, pass through the duct (32) into a dry fume chamber (33) where much of the solids are deposited, the remainder passing through the special wood constructed Exhauster Fan (34) which blows these gases into a series of water sprayed compartments in Chamber (35), the cleaned and scrubbed air passing out of flue (36), the water discharging through pipe (37). The finished, sliced and aerated Phosphate is picked up by the Grab Bucket (38), operated by the Crane (39), and deposited in storage piles. Acid Phosphate, when bag shipments are desired, is placed by the Crane in Hopper (40), Filler in Hopper (41) and Scales (42) beneath these Hoppers control the weights of the materials. The Shipping Unit (43) is used for Milling, Screening and Sacking this Acid Phos- phate. It can also be used for Shipping conditioned complete goods. Unit (44) on the opposite side of the building is used for bulk shipments and is similar in operation to (43). Hoppers (45) are for the various ingredients used in making either base or complete goods. Each Hopper is filled by the Crane with the materials desired. Unit (46) is a Basing Unit, or a Mixing and Shipping Unit for Complete Goods. When used for basing, the materials are returned to the main bay by Belt Conveyor (47) for the Crane to pile. When used for Shipping, the sacking arrangements shown, suffice. Unit (48) is a Shipping Machine, in all respects similar to (43) and is used for sack- ing and shipping Complete Goods. Crane (49) is employed to assist in filling the various Hoppers and to carry away and pile the base goods when made. Space reserved for Foreman's office (50). Page nine RECEIVING, UNLOADING, CRUSHING AND STORING OF ROCK Phosphate Rock, being used in large quantities, is handled mechanically to reduce labor costs, and its storage concentrated to economize space. UNLOADING POWER SHOVEL Any grade of Phosphate Rock, with the exception of the very large pieces of Tenne- see Blue, is economically unloaded from Box Cars by means of a Power Shovel. By this method, one man can unload a car in less than one hour. If hopper bottom cars are used a slight change in the unloading arrangements can be effected to serve equally well. When rock is received in boats, grab buckets and electric overhead cars are employed to advantage. When the rock is removed from the Car or Boat it must be stored, (also crushed, if lump rock is used). Rock storage is arranged, therefore, to allow for economy in crushing, if this is required, placing in storage, also for mechanically removing from storage and delivering to the Grinding Unit. CRUSHING A Sturtevant Swing Sledge Mill, hoppered to receive the rock directly from the Power Shovel, is used for crushing lump rock. This Mill is of the Open Door, accessible type, heavily lined, and carrying coarse grate bars which form the bottom and act as a rough sizing Screen, (to !") Operated at one half the usual speed, this machine is peculiarly well adapted to this preliminary work owing to its reliability, low head room, large capacity, free dis- charge, difficulty in clogging, even product, quick and easy accessibility, low power and small upkeep. The Mill discharges into an Elevator of equal capacity to that of the Power Shovel and Mill. The unloading arrangements embody provision for by-passing the Mill, when rock requiring no crushing, such as Florida Pebble, is used. SILO STORAGE Several methods may be employed for storing the rock. When possible, the Silo type is preferred, because less ground area is occupied than when storing the same quantity on the ground floor of a building. Further, a Belt Conveyor placed in a tunnel under the Silo, easily reclaims the major portion of stored rock and requires little labor. Rock piled on the ground, by means of an overhead Conveyor or Car, which inexpensively places it in storage, cannot be readily or cheaply reclaimed. If a Conveyor of any kind is placed under such a pile, the ground area is so great that only a small percentage is automatically reclaimed, and the balance requires hand labor for trimming. Storing rock in piles around the building is both expensive to place and to reclaim, as much labor is necessary for both operations. The Silo is the cheapest form of bin for its capacity, and can be duplicated when increased storage is needed. Page ten Sturtevant Power Shovel For Unloading Rock from Cars Sturtevant Swing Sledge Mill For the Preliminary Crushing and Sizing of Lump Rock Page eleven Unloading, Crushing, Sizing and Storage Unit Page twelve Sturtevant Ring-Roll Mill and Air Separator Rock Grinding Unit with Dust Collecting Syste Page thirteen PHOSPHATE ROCK GRINDING The grinding of Phosphate Rock is an important item in the manufacture of Fer- tilizer, therefore has led to the development of many types of grinding mills, more or less successfully used, for this purpose. As the rock must be screened or separated after grinding, to produce the required fine, uniform dust, this feature is equally important to that of grinding. The necessarily insufficient screen area of internal screen mills does not permit of the free discharge of finished dust as fast as made. In consequence much effort is wasted and action cushioned by the grinding members working upon material already of the proper fineness, but which cannot escape. Therefore small capacity, large Horse Power per ton of rock ground, excessive upkeep and clogging, due to damp rock blinding the meshes of the fine screens, have resulted in the practical elimination of such machines. To overcome these objections other mills were developed, using large independent screens, entirely separate from the grinding mill. This system consists of a Pulverizer, a Circulating Elevator and a Screen. The rock passes through the Mill, up the Elevator and over the Screen, where the fines are removed, and the oversize is returned to the mill for further reduction. The maintenance of Screens, however, proved expensive, as frequent renewals of the screen cloth were necessary to prevent leakage. The moisture element was also objectionable, as the best of fine screens coat over and require constant brushing to main- tain capacities. Grinding Mills have not been materially changed, but Air Separators have been developed to overcome screen troubles. . The Sturtevant Ring-Roll Mill Air Separator Grinding Unit stands pre-eminent for producing uniformly fine Phosphate Rock at minimum expense. OPEN DOOR RING-ROLL MILL The Sturtevant Ring-Roll Mill is extensively used wherever Phosphate Rock is ground. It is a machine of the vertical ring and roll type, slow speed, durable, of rug- ged construction, and cannot be equalled for dependability, accessibility, large ca- pacity, small power and low upkeep. It grinds by enormous pressures exerted by powerful spring-pressed rolls against a layer of rock fed to the inner surface of a revolving ring and held thereon by the centrifugal force generated by the ring's rotations. The material crushes and grinds upon itself and, as there is no slip or rub to either ring or rolls, durability is assured. Ring-Roll Mills run smoothly, quietly and almost without vibration. They are built on the "Open Door" principle for accessibility. Opening this door, the work of a few minutes, exposes the whole interior for inspection or replacement of ring or rolls, its only wearing parts of importance, which last several years. The drive is by single belt or, if preferred, by motor, direct connected to the mill, with a silent chain running in oil. For Specifications see page 79 Page fourteen Open Door Ring-Roll Mill for Pulverizing Phosphate Rock Patented Page fifteen PHOSPHATE ROCK GRINDING OPEN DOOR ELEVATORS The product discharged from the mill falls into an All Steel Sturtevant Elevator of the chain and bucket type, designed for this installation. These Elevators are built with steel casings, well re-enforced, and with large clean- outs, or inspection doors, conveniently located for quick accessibility, and being self contained permit prompt, easy and cheap installation. Steel encased Elevators, care- fully made, prevent the escape of dust, are fire-proof, more durable and much more satisfactory than those of wooden construction. Built with split head casings, self-cleaning boots, geared heads, self-aligning ball and socket bearings, they are fool proof and power savers. Automatic spring ten- sion take-ups act as a relief to prevent chain breakage, and automatically keep the chain taut. For specifications see page 58 STURTEVANT AIR SEPARATOR From the Elevator the ground rock is discharged into a Sturtevant Air Separator. This machine has been developed to produce a fine, uniform grade of Phosphate Rock Dust and to eliminate the usual difficulties inherent to Screens. The principle of air separation is the passing of a current of air through a thin, falling stream of material, at the required velocity to obtain the degree of fineness wanted and to then separate the dust from the air. In the Sturtevant Air Separator centrifugal force is also employed to retard the coarser material, causing re-action against the air velocity and thereby insuring cleaner separation. The material is fed onto a revolving plate which centrifugally distributes it in a thin stream, through which a strong air current is passed, removing all of the fine material and thus a partial separation is accomplished. This product is whirled spirally upward by the Fan suction: the coarser particles, being more strongly acted upon by centrifugal force, are held within an inverted conical chamber, thus being prevented from following the fines, or dust, which pass upward and out with the air, through a large slow-speed fan, which carries them into a second Cylindrical compartment. The dust is herein again rapidly whirled by the Fan blast and the increased centrifugal force thus created is sufficient to cause the fine particles to cling to the exterior walls of this chamber, gradually working spirally downward by gravity. A series of adjustable, tangentially arranged vanes surround the inner cylinder in the path of the return air current, and accelerate the already strong centrifugal effect, allowing the air to enter, but repelling the dust particles, which settle into a cone-shaped discharge hopper. The same air is used indefinitely, the volume remains constant, and the desired fineness of product is obtained by regulating the Fan speed and adjusting the openings between the vanes. From 6 to 10 Horse Power is all that is required to operate any size Separator. For specifications see page 79 Page sixteen Sturtevant Open Door Elevator Patented Patents Pending Page scccnlcen PHOSPHATE ROCK GRINDING The separated dust, now of required fineness, and deposited or settled in the dis- charge cone is carried away to storage. The coarse, or rejected, particles are returned to the Ring-Roll Mill for regrinding. The air current is of low velocity, consequently little power is used and the upkeep is small. The use of an Air current for separating tends to dry the material, therefore, rock of higher moisture content can be ground with less trouble than when screens are used. The No. 1 Ring-Roll Mill and Air Separator Unit requires from 35 to 40 H.P. CAPACITY Tennessee Rock Florida Pebble 60 mesh 4-5 tons per hour 3-4 tons per hour 80 mesh 3-4 tons per hour 2^-3 tons per hour The No. 2 Ring-Roll Mill and Air Separator Unit requires from 60 to 70 H.P. CAPACITY Tennessee Rock Florida Pebble 60 mesh 8-10 tons per hour 6-8 tons per hour 80 mesh 6-8 tons per hour 5-6 tons per hour The No. 2 Duplex Ring-Roll Mill and Air Separator Unit requires from 120-130 H. P. CAPACITY Tennessee Rock Florida Pebble 60 mesh 16-20 tons per hour 12-16 tons per hour 80 mesh 12-16 tons per hour 10-12 tons per hour The capacities will vary according to the grade of rock ground, its size and moisture content and are therefore averages only. Phosphate Rock should be ground to a sufficient fineness lo allow the acid to quickly penetrate to the center of the particles and to eliminate the small black specks sometimes found, as they delay re-action. A fineness of 90 per cent through an 80 mesh screen as produced by an Air Separator, gives a uniform grade, free from black specks, and requires a minimum amount of acid. Finer grinding is sometimes advocated as a means of saving acid, but this is done at greatly added expense of power, maintenance and capacity. Sturtevant methods of mixing ground dust, of the above fineness, with acid, produce as much saving in acid and make a better conditioned phosphate than when finer grinding and less efficient methods are employed and do it at a lower cost per ton. Here is where the first real saving occurs in the Sturtevant Process of acidulating. It costs approximately twice as much to grind to 90% 100 mesh as it does 90% 80 mesh, as the output of the mill is only one-half when grinding to this fineness, and the power, and wear and tear is the same. With the Sturtevant Acidulating System there is no advantage in using dust finer than 90-92% 80 mesh. Page eighteen !! ...,. Sturtevant Air Separator Patented Patents Pending Page nineteen ' . ^ . -_ . - PHOSPHATE ROCK GRINDING The Phosphate dust should now be conveyed to a storage bin, preferably placed on the ground. The bin should be of sufficient capacity to contain one day's supply of dust so that in case of a shut-down in the grinding department the acidulating unit can continue working. The handling of the dust to the Acidulating Unit is described elsewhere in this book. DUST COLLECTING SYSTEM Preventing the escape of dust in a Grinding Plant has obvious advantages: Saving of dust, which has a money value, cleanliness, better working conditions, elimination of bearing troubles and wear, and reduction of moisture in rock being ground, due to the drying effect of air suction. The Sturtevant Dust Collecting System is simple and comparatively inexpensive. By tapping and piping the heads of three Elevators, connecting these pipes with a Filter, and using an Exhaust Fan, a sufficient suction is created throughout the system to collect the fine dust, which would otherwise escape, and place it in the ground rock bin. Sturtevant Dust Filter Patented Page twenty ACID PHOSPHATE The steel plate Fan, especially designed for this service, discharges horizontally, at either right or left, or vertically, at either top or bottom, as desired; the pulley can also be arranged for either right or left hand drive to suit conditions. The dust passes into an Automatic Bag Filter wherein the air is cleansed, the dust being deposited on the bags, the air passing through the cloth texture of these bags and out by way of a duct through a Fan which exhausts it into the atmosphere. Nothing passes through the Fan but clean air. At frequent and alternating intervals each section of bag filters is closed, the air current reversed, and the bags shaken to remove the adhering dust, which falls into the hopper below. These actions are accomplished simultaneously and automatically, by a single, simple mechanism and require no labor. The accumulated dust is deposited by gravity in the rock dust bin. Only three Horse Power is required to operate this Unit. SULPHURIC ACID The acid used, if obtained from the plant's own chambers, should be sent to the Acidulating Unit Supply Tank of correct Be. and temperature. If obtained from Tank Cars it should be drawn off into a Storage Tank to prevent delay in unloading. An open tempering tank, holding a sufficient amount for at least y a g 5 irty-ficc STURTEVANT ACIDULATING UNIT AUTOMATIC MECHANICAL DEN AND EXCAVATOR The Mixer is placed on a floor directly above the Automatic Mechanical Den and Excavator. In shape the Den resembles the familiar type of Box Den. The floor and rear end wall are made of concrete. The sides and top are supported on a metal, movable wheel carriage or chassis, mounted on overhead tracks. The sides are hinged at the top and locked at the bottom against the concrete block which forms the base or floor. The front end is a sliding door which is raised when Den is ready to empty. The carriage is operated by a motor and moves in either direction at various pre-deter- mined speeds, like the bed of a metal planer. A large vertical cutter is mounted on this carriage opposite the end door, and is composed of eight large scoops, or fans, on the blades of which cutting knives are fastened. This Cutter is revolved by the same motor at an approximate speed of ll}^ r. p. m. It resembles the paddle wheel of a river steamboat, only it is set vertically. It is 15' 9" in diameter, while the block of acid phosphate being cut is only 8' wide; therefore the cutter overhangs the block on each side (See illustration, page 39) and the shavings are deposited easily on the conveyor below, paralleling the side of Den. When filling the Den the side and end doors are rigidly fastened together, and the charge is placed in the Den as fast as it is mixed. In the mixing of 30 tons, one hour and fifteen minutes is required. At the expiration of this period about fifteen minutes is allowed for the phosphate to set before removing the locks, holding the side doors to the concrete base. The counter balanced sliding door is then raised, and a large block of acid phosphate is found resting upon the concrete floor. The carriage motor is now started, which advances the carriage, with the Cutters, towards the block of acid phos- phate, at a speed of about four inches per minute. The Cutters are then started, which revolve and horizontally cut off small thin Shavings of Acid Phosphate from the mass, as the cutter advances, the air draught, created by the Fan's rotation, blows these thin particles onto a Pan Conveyor traveling parallel to the side of Den. These knives, 3^" wide x ^/i" thick x 12" long, slice off thin pieces (11/32 of an inch thick) of the Acid Phosphate, but only one set of knives cut at the same time, at the same place, and, being staggered, the same set of knives makes a complete revolution before cutting again in the same place, and as there are eight fans and eight sets of cutting knives it will be seen that eight blasts of air. are blown against the exposed cut before another slice is removed from the same place. These knives are self-sharpening, last about one year and can be re- placed by any blacksmith. Cutters also are placed upon the bottom of the fans to shave off any of the Acid Phosphate that might otherwise remain on the concrete base. While this Cutter only turns at ll/^ R.P.M. and is a slow speed de- vice, yet it is fifteen feet nine inches in diameter and the curved Fan blades are two feet wide, (therefore the peripheral Fans are moving at a speed of 560 ft. per minute) thus a strong draught results which is thrown against the block of Acid Phosphate as the knives cut. Page thirly-six I il it / -0 D. Page thirly-sectn STURTEVANT ACIDULATING UNIT AUTOMATIC MECHANICAL DEN AND EXCAVATOR This air blast carries off the steam, liberated by the cutting action, which rises in clouds, but is only water and has no acidity. A large ventilating tower on the roof carries this steam to the outer air. This Cutter is the only type that slices in the open air, and employs an air blast, which aerates as it cuts and therein lies the secret of aeration. It is not enough to simply cut the phosphate, the steam must also be liberated to produce a higher soluble, by eliminating a large proportion of the water. Care is taken, however, that the pro- duct is not cooled too much, as it is necessary to retain a sufficient amount of heat to carry on and complete the re-action in the pile, and thus further eliminate moisture, and reduce the free acid and insoluble. Results clearly indicate that the Acid Phosphate is not cooled too much, as the reaction is continued in the pile (See analysis, page 29). As the flakes of Phosphate fall they are carried around by the air current, and sufficient moisture is driven off to prevent their being plastic or sticky as they drop di- rectly on the Pan Conveyor like damp corn flakes, and immediately break up, owing to their thinness and porosity, and then resemble damp sand rather than sticky clay. No scraping nor mulling occurs as they are carried to an elevator for filling overhead cars, or into a pit for Crane handling. If the Den is at an elevation, the Pan Conveyor can discharge directly into overhead cars for carrying it into the storage building. This operation of ex-dening, or excavating, simply requires the starting of the machin- ery, which is usually done by the Mixer operator when he has finished mixing. He generally has one helper to properly care for the equipment and to see that the Acid Phosphate is traversed and properly cut out; the machine is then reversed and quickly brought back to its original position (in five minutes), the doors are again rapidly secured, and it is ready for another charge. A 30 ton batch can be prepared, that is, weighed, mixed, allowed to set, excavated, and the machine brought back to position in approximately 3^ hours' time. This entire Excavating Unit requires only seven Horse Power to operate. The Den sides and end door are made of heavy steel frames to which are bolted 2" pitch-pine planks, tongued and grooved and treated with preservative. A skin lining 1" thick, also tongued and grooved and similarly treated, is blind- nailed diagonally to the 2" planks. Tar paper between the two assists in preventing leaks. This is a very durable construction, especially as the thin film of acid phosphate adhering to the sides acts as a further preservative and is never scraped off. Leather-scrap, shoddy, wool-waste, hair and other low grade Ammoniates can be acidulated in this Den, and cut out. These require a longer time to set, due to the increased moisture which they contain. They will set, however, but must be cut out more slowly than Acid Phosphate, and provision is made for driving the carriage at slower speed for this purpose. An inspection door in the roof of the Den is provided, so that the charge may be inspected to ascertain if a "set" has taken place. If, through wide variation in the grade of rock used, or incorrect formula, an acid phosphate is produced which does not set up readily, the Den can be emptied by hand. Any charge that is set sufficiently to prevent flow can be excavated by the Cutter. Approximately one inch of Acid Phosphate remains on the concrete floor of the Den after excavation is completed. This is left to seal the cracks between the floor and doors, making the Den tight. Page thirty-eitht t/1 n 3 n' 0> II If 3 < !_."__",._.__ Page thirty-nine STURTEVANT AUTOMATIC DEN AND EXCAVATOR APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS, WEIGHTS, SPEED, ETC., OF AUTOMATIC DEN AND ELEVATOR UNIT Ground Area 18' wide by 53 '-6" long Area of Mixer Floor 18' x 19' Height of Mixer Floor 22'-$ " Area of Scale Floor 18' x 19' Height of Scale Floor 30'-$" Total overall height to top of Scales 3 7 '-7" Size of Cutting and Aerating Fan 15 '-6" diameter by 9' high Speed 1 1 1/6 R.P.M. Peripheral speed 560 ft. per minute Cutting speed, average, 4" per minute, adjustable for speeds, 3' Time of cutting out at speed of 4" per minute, one hour Weight of Den and Excavator, approximately 24,000 Ibs. Motor for operating Den and Excavator lYl H.P. Weight of Mixer alone 15,000 Ibs. Speed of Beaters 35 R.P.M. Speed of Drum 2 R.P.M. Motor to operate Mixer 7^ R.P.M. 4" or 5" per minute. Concrete Base, End Wall, Conveyor Pit and Footings Page forty DOOR 2, rtSME tj VCT Plv-V. ;':' ''': ' $V-- .-V'. -.- ' ' ;; v:' . ;',' : BLOCH of /?c/o WKz i*i; - - " &t r .-'- J \ : ^^- . SB^. '."' .' ' m& \^ -. ' .- f//O~S/='/-f/f TE ; ?*3 ,',.,.-.; :-.;':.'% -v:*^ 1 "*f$fe ;t'' ~oooa CLOSED - WEDGE: Sturtevant Mechanical Den and Excavator Front View Patented Patents Pending Page forty-one STURTEVANT ACIDULATING UNIT To assist in reducing the free acid content of the Phosphate, also to increase availability, three per cent of dry rock dust is often discharged through the Mixer into the Den just before the "cutting out" operation. This rock is spread over the block of acid phosphate and the cutters thoroughly work it into the mass while cutting, thus making it available and increasing solubility. FUME CONDENSING CHAMBERS The fumes emanating from the Mixer and from the Dens are successfully treated by dry and wet condensing chambers with the aid of a slow speed, especially constructed wooden Fan (to withstand the corrosive action of acid) of large dimensions, (48") which runs at 400 R.P.M. and requires 3 to 4 Horse Power, thus the objectionable odors in the surrounding atmosphere and the pollution of water in rivers and streams is avoided. It will be seen that acid fumes are not allowed to come in contact with the operators, nor with the metal work, which, therefore, is not exposed to the deteriorating effect of the acid. The dry and wet method consists of a large dry chamber with baffle walls placed between the fan and den. This chamber, owing to its size, reduces the velocity of the gases and causes the solid matter, held in suspension, to separate and fall to the floor, thus relieving the Fan of this burden. The Fan blows the partially cleaned gas from this chamber into another chamber, filled with partitions and water sprays. The gas follows an up and down course through these sprayed compartments, pre- cipitating the remaining solids, or powder (hydrofluosilicic acid), and allows only pure air to escape. As the dry chamber has separated most of the hydrofluosilicic acid, the acidity of the condensing water discharged is much less than if no dry chamber had been used. This hydrofluosilicic acid can be converted into silico-fluoride of sodium, the selling price of which often covers the cost of condensation. Special Wood Constructed Fume Fan Page forly-lulo I' o Past jorty-lkfte STURTEVANT ACIDULATING UNIT BASIC PRINCIPLES AND RESULTS The basic principles involved in the manufacture of Acid Phosphate, and on which the Sturtevant Acidulating Unit and methods have been worked out are as follows: Fast and accurate automatic weighing of dust and acid in small batches of the correct temperature and strength; quick and intimate mixing and discharging; efficient ventila- tion of the Den and Mixer; cutting and aerating the phosphate as it is removed from the Den; avoiding any mulling action in so doing; delivering the acid phosphate into storage with as little handling as possible. In carrying out these principles it was found that the Sturtevant Acidulating Unit was the only one embodying all of these factors, and as the finished acid phosphate speaks for itself it is evident that all are required. From figures obtained abroad, the cost of weighing, charging, excavating and conveying to storage, including labor, oil, maintenance, etc., is from 6 to 8 cents per ton of acid phosphate. This Acidulating Unit was submitted to more than 60 Fertilizer Manufacturers, Chemists, Engineers and Mechanical experts at the Convention of the National Fer- tilizer Association held at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., during the week of June 19th, 1921, and not a single constructive criticism was made. Fourteen other American experts had passed upon it, prior to that meeting, with the same results. From information obtained abroad, it is understood that of the last 20 plants erected, 18 were equipped with the Sturtevant-English Process and two with the Beskow System, to the exclusion of all others; both of these patents are controlled by Sturtevant Mill Co. Of the 18 Sturtevant plants, Sturtevant Engineers have visited 12 and have actually seen the proof of these astonishing results. No other processes were seen in plants built in the last few years. FROM H. G. McCREATH & SONS, BERWICK-ON-TWEED, ENGLAND "I am in receipt of your letter of the 14th inst., and note contents. "I am glad to say the Mechanical Den is doing remarkably well. It has worked without a hitch since the start and everything is very satisfactory. In fact, it has done everything we have asked it to do. The superphosphates are in first-class condition, and the solubility is rather better than we were getting from our old plant. "I shall be pleased to show the plant to any one you may wish to send through any time, if you will let me know so that we may have it working. "The fact is, we can put through more than 100 tons per day, so we don't need to have it working continuously." A partial list of users of Sturtevant Automatic Den and Excavator: The Aberdeen Lime Co., Ltd., Blaikie's Quay, Aberdeen, Scotland. Johnson & Darlings, Ltd., Berwick-on-Tweed, England. Edward Webb & Sons, Stour-bridge, Ltd. Saltney, England. Nr. Chester (two plants) Thomas Vickers & Sons, Ltd., Widnes Phosphate Works, Widnes, Lancashire, England (two plants) Doughty, Son & Richardson, Ltd., Lincoln, England (two plants) Spooner & Bailey, Ltd., Eling, Nr. Southampton, England. Ste. Ane. de Produits Chimiques de 1'Ouest, Ste. Marc, Pres Brest, France. Kynoch, Limited, South Africa. H. G. McCreath & Sons, Berwick-on-Tweed, England. Charles Norrington & Co., Ltd., Chemical Works, Cattedown, Plymouth, England. Briton-Ferry Chemical Co., Ltd. Briton-Ferry (two plants), England. National Smelting Co., Ltd., Avonmouth (two plants), England. Page forty-four Acid Phosphate, Actual Size, 15 Minutes after Last Mix was Dumped into Den Note its porosity and "set" Acid Phosphate, Actual Size, as Cut Out of Den 15 Minutes after the Last Mix was Dumped into Den Note its granular form and absence of lumps 95 per cent passed a 6-mesh screen Page forty-fee STORAGE BUILDINGS The Acid Phosphate is now manufactured, cut out, aerated and is in a fine, dry, mechanical condition for storage. In designing a storage building for the various materials used in the manufacture of Complete Fertilizer it is highly important that handling costs into, within and out of the building be as low as possible. Many plants cover a large area but are not designed for the high piling of materials to increase capacity. The "A" frame building, used for many years, gives a large storage area free from posts which, by the use of overhead cars, can be practically and economically filled with almost no waste space. I There is, however, no practical means of emptying same except by diggers with push carts or electric trucks, neither of which are economical and therefore this type of building is now used mostly for the smaller plants. The use of steel construction in place of wood, for fire protection, and to allow the use of Cranes, is responsible for the adaption of the Crane Type building. Further, a Crane is a very efficient means of filling and emptying the building, as all of the ground area can be reached by the Crane Bucket and large hourly tonnages can be handled very cheaply by one man. The height of the storage pile can also be increased by this equipment, and thus more tonnage per square foot of ground area is obtained. As Cranes are expensive and require strong steel buildings, their use is limited to plants of sufficient capacity to carry the burden of the initial investment and therefore are not universally used. < For smaller plants, cither a combination building of the "A" Type with a square posted wing or a straight square-posted building having 16' to 20' bays can be used. In either case overhead push or electric cars, at a uniform level, should be used. (See pages 82, 83, 84.) As the plant illustrated (see folder at back of book) is of sufficient size to econom- ically use Cranes, a typical Crane Type Storage Building is shown. An 80' span is used for the two Cranes. A wing or leanto, on one side, forty feet wide provides room for the shipping and mixing machines, materials in bags, bag room and office, and storage of bagged goods ready for shipment. Double tracks on this side give good car facilities. On the opposite side a bulk shipping machine is utilized for shipments of this nature, and a wide platform allows for the unloading of cars without spotting same. Page forty-lit Section of Building Showing Storage Pile Section of Building Showing Storage Piles, Basing and Shipping Unit and Bulk Shipping Unit Page forty-seven UNITS IN STORAGE BUILDING PORTABLE CONVEYORS Through doors in the side of the building, short portable Belt Conveyors can be used to advantage to carry incoming materials within reach of the Crane. This is the receiving side of the structure and rock is also unloaded from cars on the same track. O O O Portable Car Loader The Sturtevant method of manufacturing Acid Phosphate delivers the product by Pan Conveyors from the Dens (both being on the ground) into a pit, from which it is picked up by the Crane and piled in the Storage Building. Acid Phosphate is stored in the section of the building nearest the acidulating department. 'It can then be shipped out in bags through the Bagging Unit or through the Bulk Shipping Unit. Each Unit is equipped with receiving hoppers for both Acid Phosphate and Filler, also with weigh hoppers beneath, for proportioning. BASING, MIXING AND SHIPPING UNIT HOPPER SYSTEM The center Unit is a formulating or Base Mixing Unit. The ingredients to be used are placed in their respective Hoppers by the Cranes. Eight Hoppers are shown, each of which may contain a separate material such as acid- phosphate, filler, tankage, etc., or if an extra large amount of any one ingredient is used, then more than one hopper may be utilized for this particular material. Ar- ranged as shown, these Hoppers do not interfere with the maximum storage capacity of the Crane Bay. They occupy what is open or waste air space along the pile, as the natural slope of the pile reaches only to the supporting columns. If these bins were placed across the Crane Bay, in a position at right angle to those shown, a large Storage space would be wasted. Not only the ground area but the pile would have to be divided in two parts, each sloping to the top and both ways from the bins. As every square foot of storage space covered by the Crane is very valuable, this design permits the use of more area, therefore maximum storage in the Crane Bay. Considering only the Crane Bay, hoppers placed across the building absolutely eliminate approximately 100,000 cu. ft. of storage space under the Crane, where it is ,the most valuable, which, figuring at 50 Ibs. per cubic foot, equals a storage loss of 2500 tons of material, all of which is saved by the Sturtevant method, without interfering in any way with the Crane operations. Page forty-eight >: Portable Conveyors for Piling Material or Bagged Goods Page forty-nine UNITS IN STORAGE BUILDING BASING, MIXING AND SHIPPING UNIT HOPPER SYSTEM Underneath each bin a Scale is placed, with a small Hopper. The correct weight of each ingredient is drawn off as determined by formula. A gate in the bottom of this Scale Hopper is then opened and the contents discharged onto a Belt Conveyor directly below. One man can handle several Scales and, as the weights remain the same until the formula is changed, accuracy is assured. This bin or hopper system permits the assembling of materials very quickly and saves much labor. The supply overhead is maintained by the Cranes therefore if the batching machine is of the correct size, for the tonnage desired, there is no delay in producing the daily output. Using one ton batches the hourly capacity of approxi- mately thirty tons is averaged. The method of collecting the various materials, weighing and placing them on a Conveyor Belt for delivering to the Basing Unit having been described, the next operation is that of Basing. The Conveyor Belt discharges its batch into an Assembly Hopper, holding one ton, at the boot of the Unit Elevator. Here all the materials are collected so that they may be admitted together into the Elevator. A man stationed at this assembly hopper, when signalled that the Mixer is free, opens the shutters or gates, allowing the materials to enter the Elevator, and when hopper is empty closes same and signals the weighing man to send along another charge. The basing machine or Unit is a standard Sturtevant Single Elevator Mixing Unit. The materials delivered into the Elevator are lifted sufficiently high to discharge onto a "BB" Screen. The fines are collected in the Mixer Hopper beneath the Screen, and the oversize passes to the Pulverizer for further reduction. The now finely ground oversize from the pulverizer is discharged into the same Elevator, passes through the same Screen, and rejoins the batch from which it was previously extracted, before any of the material enters the Mixer. The original one ton batch now properly ground and sized is in the Mixer Hopper underneath the Screen. A discharge gate in the bottom of this Hopper is opened and the material enters the Mixer. The mixing operation is completed in one half minute. This Unit may be used for either Basing or Shipping: Basing. In case it is employed as a Basing Unit the mixed goods are discharged from the Mixer through a spout, onto a Belt Conveyor, which delivers it to a Pit, from which it can be removed by the Crane Bucket and stored wherever desired. Shipping. When used as a Shipping Unit the mixed goods are discharged into a Double Weighing and Sacking Hopper, equipped with Scales and Bag Holders so that quick and accurate weights may be secured. The filled and weighed sacks are dropped onto a Slat Conveyor which carries them forward out of the way of the operators. The Page fifty ' I 1 W sr Page fifty-one UNITS IN STORAGE BUILDING sewers ride on this Conveyor with the Sacks, sewing as they move. When finished they walk back, threading their needles on the way, and repeat the operation. The object of placing the Conveyor and weighing arrangements at an elevation from the track platform, is to permit the Conveyor to discharge the filled, weighed and sewed bags down a chute either to electric or hand trucks on which they are easily piled. This method eliminates the usual truckers employed to take the bags from the Scales to the sewers, and relieves the congestion at the Scales, as it is necessary, for efficient work, to allow plenty of free working space around these machines. The above Unit when handling thirty one-ton batches per hour requires the fol- lowing men: Three weighers at storage hoppers One assembly hopper man One Mixer man Two weighers and sackers Four sewers One helper or handy man. The number of truckers removing bags from Conveyor Chute depends on the distance to the car being loaded. Usually two truckers with one man to assist in piling the bags on the trucks are sufficient. This Unit can also be used between Seasons for grinding and sizing tankage, cotton seed meal, etc., which can sometimes be advantageously purchased raw or unground if pulverizing equipment is available. This ground and sized material is discharged by the Belt into the Crane Bay for piling. SHIPPING UNITS In addition to the Basing Unit, which can be used for bagging and shipping, two other Units are provided. These are placed adjacent to the materials they will handle, such as Acid Phosphate and Complete Goods. They are provided with Scale equipped Hoppers in event of reformulation being required. An Elevator, "BB" Screen, Pulverizer, Sacking Hoppers with Scales and Sewing Conveyor make a complete labor saving and highly efficient Shipping Unit. The bulk Shipping Unit for Acid Phosphate, or other materials, differs from the above Unit, only in that the sacking arrangements are eliminated, and by the use of a spout and Portable Belt Car Loader large tonnages can be shipped quickly and cheaply. EQUIPMENT USED IN UNITS The equipment used in the various Mixing, Basing. Grinding and Shipping Units is of special design and construction, built for this particular service, and will be appre- ciated by every Superintendent, as all are painfully aware of the cost resulting from breakage, clogging, insufficient capacity, and the deplorable lack of accessibility of most fertilizer machinery. Simple, durable, rugged, reliable equipment of instant and complete "Open Door" accessibility is an asset to any plant, for if trouble comes, as it does in the best of fac- tories, the cost of making repairs and clean-outs is minimized by Sturtevant Equipment, and a few minutes only are necessary to locate and remedy the trouble, at low cost. Page fifty-two Sturtevant Single Elevator Mixing and Shipping Unit with Sewing Conveyor and Chute Patented . Pagefijty-thrcc Sturtevant Shipping Unit Page fifty-four Sturtevant Combination Basing, Mixing, Shipping and Unloading Unit Patented Page fifty-fee Sturtevant Single Elevator Mixing and Shipping Unit Patented Page fifty-six Page fijiy-secen OPEN DOOR ELEVATORS These are simple machines, largely used, but when of poor design and construction are a source of much trouble and expense. The Sturtevant Elevator, however, need cause no worry. These Elevators are made for service every part is designed for continuous operation and to give no trouble. But if, by abuse, clogging or breakage occurs, their accessibility will prove a time and labor saver, for it makes replacements and clean outs quick and easy. Being all steel, of "Open Door" construction one man in one minute can open any door, without the use of tools and immediately get at all important parts. Self-contained, complete, ready to set up when received; big accessible discharge with fixed spill board; split head, heavy gears and pinions, ample shafts, with self-aligning ball and socket bearings, together with automatic spring relief take-ups for quick, accu- rate and fool-proof adjustment, make the Sturtevant "Open Door" one-man, one minute Elevators unequalled. All parts are made to jig and replacements fit. Chain or Belt: Centrifugal, Continuous or Perfect Discharge Types, with steel or wood casings. Sturtevant Open Door Elevators DIMENSIONS NO. SIZE A B c D E F G H J K L M N V R Q T u V w X Y K*C 2-3 \i x 42 12" 4-?" ?' 1" 3 '-8" l'-9" ?-?_" 5-0' l'6>4 3JV !' 6" ia" IS" J" 8" 1'- 6" 3-10" I 1 - 6" 14" life" 2-4& 2'- 4" 3'-3}4' 4-5,& 4- \f X 44 15" 44-" a'- 3" 4'- Of I'-IO" z: 3" S'-3" l'-9" 3V8" l'-8" 12, 18" a- 1-3" 4'-/" l'-7- li> J /T !3'/4 H-0'4 2.'- 8" 3-'8'/4 4-J/4 V-f. 18 x 54 18- .V4-" 2.'-4'/t f a^V 16" 27 ' Ib ' IO' r-ir S'-'O' 2,'. a" 21" I8V4- 1 6^ 3:4" 4'.|0'/< 4 J/ 4 OPENINGS NO Q b d e P Q h m n r t U V or X y 2 2-5 4-'/SL" E S /S " 3 '/2. " 3 '/a." 3 -5/8" 7 //6" 4'/4." 7 '/2 " 15"' '-I0'/i 78' 1 7s" 5"' 5"" S" 4- S'li" 2. "/It" 3 '/a" 3 '/a. " 5 V(6" r/2." 7 /l6" 5"' 9" 15" O '-\\ s /& 7 /&" 4-3/16" 4.3/ l6 " 5" 5" 5-6 6" 3 '/i*" 4" 5V4- 6 S /I6" 2'/2." 7 /l6" 7X2" IO'/2 14" 7" 2-4- s /B '/e 4 P5 /i6- 4- PS /I6 6^8 6" 7 578" 3V 1* 4" 5V4" 7 IS /I6 2 I3 /I6 7/|6" 9" 13" 14" 7" 2-4% 6 3/8 " 6/4" 7 S /B" 7" ELV. NO SHAFTS GEAR PINION RATIO HEAD SPROCKET TAIL SPROCKET OR TRACTION HEAD DRWE BOOT P D FACE PITCH TYPE MAT'L PD. FACE ' TCM rypt MAT'L p.D. NO. TEETH TYPE P.D. NO. TEETH TYPE 2 27l6" I 15 /,; | >% 2 3. 2 a '/. 1" CAST c :. 5-73 3" 1" :AST c 1. 4h> 1 4/4. 188 E9 SPLIT 18/2 ' 188 22 SPLIT 3 2 7 /i6' i'y/6" 1 '^16 2J.ZZ 2'/a 1" 5-73 3 r . , 24 U' 188 2.9 .. 1 8 '/2. " IRS 22 4 2'fi6 1 '^16 I'^lt" ajat 3^~ - 573 4" i" .. 24 V* 102. 19 . 18 " 102. 14- H 5" 2'%6 2?I6" Z7lt" 29.12 4 1 '/i 721 ' 4'/ '/a" .. 30'/4 Ill 20 .. 2 1 '/4 " Ill 14 6 2 '^16 i 7 /lk 2. 7 /l<" 29.12." 4 " I/a" 721 4/2 I'/a .. 30/4. ' III 20 - 2 1 '/4 " Ml 14- 7 3 7 /l6~ 2. 7 /IA~ 2 7 /l6" 34 ' S ' 1^4" 8.4 5/2 ! 3 /4 29'/2 ' 132. 15 |9 3 /4" 132 IO - B 37/ 6 " 2 7 /,6 2 ^li" 34. 1 f " I 3 A 8.4 m ) 3 /4 ,. 30 '/4 102. 24 > 20 '/a" IO2 16 ELV NO. BUCKETS SPACING CHAIN UNDER 30- 60' CTRS. SHAFT K.p.n. SPEED FT. ptr MiN CAPACITY IN TONS PER HOUR AT LISTED SPE.ED HP to 3O'CTRS. SO LB. MAT tf* fo*60'CTRS. SOLE MAT. WElfrHT 24-'CT(?'S WEIOHT PER FOOT 4O LB. MAT. roLB MA- r 9QLO. MAT. p 6X4- 16" *IS8Ke -6fh 4"x 4" 2*x6 150 232. 4/2 S'li 10 .7 | 4 2.700 60 ,1 8x5' 16" M 24-"x4" 24 x 6 150 as 2 8V2. 10/2. 19 1.0 2 O 800 65 4- IO"X6" 16" IO2K.Z 4 Th. 24x6" 24x6 I5O 232 16 '/a. 20/2. 37 .8 3.6 J6OO 75 g I2~x7' 19" III K.2. - 36"x6" 36x8 |4 274 26/2- 33 60 3. a 6 4 4900 98 6 I4-"X7" 19" - M v36~6' 36x8 142 274 31 38 70 3.6 7.2 4950 100 7 I8"x 8" 18' I32K.2. 2 J 36"x 6 " 36* a 142. 274 56 70 125 6. a 12 .4 5850 130 8 I8"x8" ao- >.4* aV" 36xS 142. 274 50 63 1 10 6.2. 12.4 5900 IS? Page fifty-eight Sturtevant Open Door Elevators Patented Patents Pending ..---...-.....-..- -u- .. Page fifty-nine BUCKING BRONCHO (BB) SCREENS Fertilizer Screens need the "kick of a Broncho" to successfully handle poorly con- ditioned fertilizer ingredients. If the Screen fails to function, the whole Unit becomes inefficient and a tax on production and accuracy. The Screen surface in "BB" Separators is 5' wide by 8' long, of 2, 2j/, 3 or 4 mesh cloth, set at a 35 degree angle in a tightly sealed steel box of "Open Door" quick accessibility. Its clothing needs no frame. It is oblong, the corners cut square, and is flatly laid on an inclined, open-rodded table-top, through which any screenable substance will drop. The clothing is secured between two opposite Sturtevant Pincher grips that never let go, nor tear; and the clothing is released quickly for removal. This table-top saddle, which carries the screen cloth and its load, and shakes both, is formed of parallel, inclined, longitudinal rods, between which any substance passing the fine clothing, freely flows. Upon this table-top saddle the screen clothing is laid, without tensioning. The table, and its clothing, and its load of material, is vibrated by the cams below the Broncho Saddle; every moving part is composed of springy steel, hot riveted to this pony's elastic ribs. The channels that shelter the cams are of bent elastic steel, of ample size, and are actuated by the hard, sturdy, simple cams. These cams produce sharp and violent jars and slams, in numerous directions, that clean the meshes. The name "Broncho" indicates that few things can stick to this Arizona "Bucker." The table-top with its clothing receives its load to be screened, shakes its load, slaps and slams the wire clothing, which is untouched by other parts. Therefore this screen's meshes last, because this table-top does all the work. Observe that screen meshes on the Broncho can never sag, because they are slammed flat on the table-top against closely spaced supporting wires, and can go no farther down. The Screen's clothing is here, always supported, and is stronger than any unsupported screen clothing can be. There are no screen frames to bother with. The clothing is simply cut to proper length and rolled for quick transport. All repairs are small, and wire clothing is made less expensive than in any other screen, because no frames are fitted or attached. Frames in this screen have no use- fulness whatever. Every part is made of Steel, as elastic as a bow and as strong as a beam, its cams protected, its heavy wire clothing supported, in fact it has proven a revelation to fer- tilizer manufacturers for durability, efficiency and capacity. SPECIFICATIONS No. of Mach. Style of Feeder Approx. Depth with Cover Closed Approx. Depth with Cover Raised Approx. Width Approx. Height Driving Pulley Driving Pulley Speed Screen Surface Approx. Weight (Ibs.) Approx. Weight Crated for Export (Ibs.) Conveyor Chute Spout Feed Box 7'~00" 9'-6" 6'-ll" 8'-8" 9'-6" 8'-00" 5'-9" 4'-9" 4'-9" 6'-4" 12'-6" 5'-2" - 18"-4" 24"x4" 24"x4" 110 r.p.m. 35 ' 35 ' 18 sq. ft. 18 ' 18 ' 1200 1500 1000 1600 2000 1200 1 Conveyor Chute Spout Feed Box 6'-ll" 9'-6" 6' -11" 8'-8" 9'-6" 8'-00" 7'-7" 6'- 10" <;' 10" 6'-4" 12'-8" 5'-2" 18"x4"t 30" xO" 30"x6" 110 ' 35 ' 35 ' 30 ' 30 ' 30 ' 2000 2200 1600 2500 2800 1900 2 Conveyor Chute Spout Feed Box 8'-5" ll'-OO" 8'-5" 10'-6" 11 '-0" 9'-8" 7'-7" 6'-10" C,' 1(1" -' 'A" 14'-7" 6'-2" 18"x4"t 30"x6" 30" xU" 110 35 ' 35 ' 40 " 40 " 40 " 2400 2500 2000 2900 3100 2300 *Also requires 24"x4" Pulley on Cam Shaft at 35 r.p.m. tAlso requires 30"x6" Pulley on Cam Shaft at 35 r.p.m. Page sixty Sturtevant Open Door "Bucking Broncho" (BB) Screen Patents Ponding Page sixty-one OPEN DOOR MIXER This Mixer differs from all others in several important features: - It has only one opening for receiving and discharging its batch; therefore only one opening to seal against the escape of dust instead of two, as in other Mixers. A large, man sized "Open Door" in the other end allows quick and easy accessibility for cleaning, inspection or replacement of parts. The material being mixed has no fixed line of travel (in one end and out of the other) allowing the fine, light ingredients to remain on top and unmixed. The narrow, large diameter drum, with its paddles and deflectors, forces quick and intimate mixing, and allows no separation of the ingredients. The steel drum is supported on roller wheels, fixed to the steel channel bed. A gear on each end driven by pinions revolves it in perfect alignment. The intake and discharge spouts or scoops are attached to the same slide. When filling the Mixer a lever places the intake spout into the receiving position; reversing this lever brings the exit scoop in place for completely discharging the machine. One half minute is sufficient time for mixing. This is the only Mixer which can be cleaned easily, thus preventing material from caking within the drum while the machine is idle, and this, if allowed to remain in the machine, will be discharged with the first batch when starting again, and if this entire batch is not thrown away or remilled these hard cakes will get into the bags, break the farmers' drills, and often cause the loss of a good customer. Every Mixer should be thoroughly cleaned at noon and at night, thus eliminating this source of trouble. Ten minutes is ample to clean out the Sturtevant Mixer. SPECIFICATIONS Size Batch Drum Mixing Capacity Drum Capacity Height with Hopper Length with Hopper Height without Hopper Length without Hopper Width Pulley Speed Power Capacity Tons per Hr Weight Code Word with Hopper without Hopper \i ton 13 cu. ft. 25 cu. ft. 8'0" 7' 6" 5'0" 5' W &' OH" 24 i 4 120 3 to 5 4 to 5 2900 2660 Quarton TurftT^" )^ ton 27 cu. ft. 54 cu. ft. 12' 0" 10' 5" 5' 8" 6' 6" 6' 9" 30x6 100 4 to 7 10 to 12 4100 3500 1 ton 60 cu. ft. 116 cu. ft. 12' 0" 12' 0" 7' 1" 8' 10" 7' 11" 36x8 75 5 to 10 20 to 30 6265 5700 Ton mix 2 ton 125 cu. ft. 246 cu. ft. 9' 3" 10' 3" 10' 7" 36x8 100 10 to 12 50 to 60 11500 Twoton Page sixty-two Sturtevant Open Door Mixer Patented Page sixty-three OPEN DOOR HINGED HAMMER PULVERIZER Pulverizing Dry Fertilizer materials is not difficult, but when damp or green goods are encountered or when tramp iron enters the machine every one expects trouble. To minimize these irritating and expensive delays and for ease in replacing wearing parts, the Sturtevant Pulverizer was invented. Its "Open Door" does not prevent trouble, but such complete accessibility allows instant cleaning and the removal of uncrushable substances, also quick and easy replace- ment of parts. Its flexibly mounted hammers are hard to break because they give back in relief when iron is encountered, thus preventing serious breaks or expensive repairs. Its big receiving and discharge openings do not invite clogging, in fact it is a difficult material indeed that causes trouble with this Pulverizer. Five Horse Power is usually sufficient to operate it on the easy running, self aligning Hyatt Roller Bearings, yet the terrific blows of the hammers shatter and reduce to atoms any grindable substance. When unground tankage or similar materials are being pulverized, sizing grates are placed around the bottom of the casing, but when used as a tailings grinder only, no grates are necessary or desirable. SPECIFICATIONS No. of Mill Length Over All Door Closed Length Over All Door Open Width Over All Height Over All Inside Feed Opening * Driving Pulley Pulley Speed Approx. H. P. Approx. Weight Net Approx. Weight Gross Code Word Dia. Width 3', 7" 4', 4" 4', 2" 2', 0" 24" 9" 12K"*12" 12" x 8" 1000 to 1200 5 to 15 1700 2000 Oliinge 1 3', 7" 4', 8" 4', 10" 2', 0" 24" 18" 12H"il8" 12" x 8" 1000 to IL'DII 10 to 20 -':(( HJ 2600 Wihinge * Does not mean size material machine will take Page sixty-jour Sturtevant Open Door Hinged Hammer Pulverizer Patented Page sixty-five FERTILIZER SACKING SCALES Automatic Scales when used on Acid Phosphate and Complete Fertilizer, in some cases, work efficiently, but in most plants are a constant source of trouble, owing to the difficulty in securing an even flow of material into the Scale, upon which its accuracy absolutely depends; therefore the manually operated and simple Scales are shown and recommended. Automatic Scales are particularly well adapted to weighing Rock Dust, if small, steep sided bins are used, with a constant head of dust, thus preventing bridging and clogging and insuring an even, constant flow of dust into the Scale. Acid may also be accurately weighed automatically. The Sacking Scales used on Sturtevant Units combine a Bag Holder and Valve, which, being self contained, are bolted directly to the hopper. With no legs or floor supports the space around the bag is free from obstructions which hinder the truckers. The Scale is made on the steelyard principle, the Bag Holder on one end of the single lever and a counterweight on the other end. The bag holder chutes the discharged material from the Hopper Valve directly into the bags. The bag-holding mechanism has a powerful grip to prevent slip, yet will not tear the bags, and releases quickly. The valve is a single undercut gate, easily operated by a lever, which has proven the most efficient type for fertilizer. The Scale will weigh accurately when different sizes of bags are used, by adjusting the counterweight. The shape of the Bag Holder permits an open space in front of the operator, at the -top of the bag, through which he can trim the filled bag, if necessary. Five to six bags per minute can be accurately weighed. Page sixty-six UP sixly-scten STURTEVANT NEWAYGO S U P E R - S C R E E N S Under the heading of Phosphate Rock Grinding we have advocated the use of Air Separators instead of Screens, but we are in a position to supply the best of either at the customer's option, and herein illustrate the Open Door Super Screen of Unit construction, which has a range of output from y' to 100 mesh. Screens are generally recommended for products coarser than 60 mesh, and are very efficient up to that point; finer than 60 mesh we frankly prefer Air Separators for most materials. Sturtevant Super-Screens are built on the Newaygo principle, and are largely used throughout the world as standard equipment. The Screen wire is stretched taut on small Unit frames, set at an angle of between 35 and 45, therefore a comparatively coarse mesh delivers a fine product and greatly increases the life of Screen Clothing. The frames (not the wire) are tapped by hundreds of hammer blows, which transmit the vibration to the screen wire, thus keeping the meshes open and producing maximum capacity. The feed is either by Screw Conveyor ?nd adjustable feed board, or by baffled chute. The discharge is arranged for Screw or Belt Conveyor, gravity, or a combination of both. Small, accessible Units are bolted together to make a Screen of any practical size, yet all parts are comparatively small and easily handled. The Open Door construction gives instant accessibility, and it is the work of a few minutes only to replace screen frames, brush clothing or to inspect. No Screen com- pares with it for effectiveness, simplicity, durability or convenience. One, two or three accurately sized products may be screened at the same time by one separator. Approximate Capacities, Etc., to Various Finenesses *To ascertain the capacity of any number, or combination of units, multiply the capacity of a one-unit screen by the number of units in battery. Cloth Mesh Diameter of Wire Opening Approximate Mesh of Product Capacity Approx. Ibs. per hour 1 Unit* Cloth Mesh Diameter of Wire Opening Approximate Mesh of Product Capacity Approx. ibs. per hour Separator 1 Unit* 2 .120 .380 4 14000 22 .017 .0285 45 6000 3 .092 .241 6 13000 24 .015 .0267 50 5500 4 .080 .170 8 12000 26 .015 .0235 55 5(100 5 .072 .128 10 11250 30 .0135 .0198 60 4000 6 .047 .120 12 10500 35 .013 .0156 70 3500 7 .054 .089 14 9500 40 .011 .0140 80 2500 8 .047 .078 16 9000 50 .009 .0110 90 1400 10 .035 .065 20 8750 60 .008 .0087 100 1000 12 .032 .051 24 8500 70 .007 .0073 120 800 14 .028 .043 28 8000 80 .00575 .OOB8 140 700 18 .023 .0395 30 7500 90 .00525 .0059 160 675 18 020 .0356 35 7000 100 .0045 .0055 180 550 20 .nis .032 40 ! fioOO SPECIFICATIONS STYLE M. "SUPER-SCREEN No. of Units Approx. Depth Over All Approx. Width Over All Approx. Height Over All Driv'g Pulley Driv'g Pulley Speed Screen- ing Surface sq. ft. Approx. Weight Ibs. Net Approx. Weight Ibs. Gross for Export Code Word with one Screening Surface No Scalper Code Word with one Screening Surface and Scalper Code Word with two Screening Surfaces No Scalper Code Word with two Screening Surface? and Scalper 1 70' 5' 10" 80" 18 4 110 18 1000 1400 Superone Twoperone Twovribone Threperone 2 70' 9' 2' 80" 18 4 110 36 1850 2600 Supertwo Twopertwo Twovribtwo Threpertwo 3 70' 12' 7' 80" 18 4 110 54 2700 3050 Superthree Twoperthre Twovribthe Threperthe 4 70' 17' 0' 80" 24 4 110 72 3775 4500 Superfour Twoperfor Twovribfor Threperfor 5 70' 20' 2' 80" 24 4 110 90 4625 5525 Superfive Twoperfive Twovribfiv Threperfiv 6 70' 23' 9' 80" 30 4 110 108 5475 '6125 Supersix Twopersix Twovribsix Threpersix Page sixty-eight Sturtevant-Newaygo Super-Screens Patented Page sixty-nine OPEN DOOR ROTARY CRUSHERS With the exception of Florida Pebble Rock most other Phosphates require prelim- inary crushing to reduce the material to from one inch to one-half inch for the pulverizer. We have shown the Swing Sledge Mill for this purpose, at the beginning of this book, on account of its low head room and almost unlimited capacity, but, if preferred, the Rotary Crusher may be used with equal efficiency, in fact a great many are in use both in this country and abroad. The Rotary Crusher is a slow speed, durable machine of Open Door, one man, one minute accessibility. It will reduce large pieces of phosphate rock to any size between 1" and Y", requires small power, has large capacity, is easily repaired, difficult to clog and makes an excellent preliminary machine. It is really a massive Coffee Mill, crushing by gradual reduction between the heavy chilled iron nuts (revolving on a large vertical square shaft, at slow speed), and the durable liners which are bolted onto the inside casing. Raising or lowering the shaft regulates the size of product. Its open door construction gives immediate access to the machine's interior, for replacements, inspection and the removal of tramp iron which often enters and stops the crusher. SPECIFICATIONS Code Word No. t Hopper Opening Approx. Cap. Tons per Hour %" Setting Approx. 1 Iol>[- Power Speed Rev. Pulley Diam. Face Length Width Height Approx. Weight Netlbs. Approx. Weight Gross Ibs. Bial 00 6" -a 18" l toiH 1 to 2 300 12x4 3' 9" 2' 5" 3' 5" 900 1050 Bion .... 9" x 18" 1 to 2 3 to 4 250 18x6 4' 7" 2' 4" 3' 7" 1300 1600 Biacchi. . 1 6" i 19" 2 to 4 6 to 10 300 24x8 6' 4" 3' 6" 5' 4000 4700 Biante . . 1H 10" x 28" 5 to 7 15 200 30x10 7' 3" 3' 6" 6' 6000 7000 Bistro. . . 2 19" x 30" 8 to 10 15 to 20 250 30 T 12 8' 8" 3' 10" T 1" 9000 10500 Subject to change without notice. ^Smallest dimension given means largest CUBES the crusher will take. {These approximate dimensions do not mean the size rock the machine can grip. The capacities are based on J^" setting and will necessarily vary according to the material being crushed, its friability, specific gravity, moisture content and size of feed. , Page seventy Patented Pat.rnti-cl Sturtevant Open Door Rotary Crusher Page secenty-one OPEN DOOR SWING SLEDGE MILL This machine has been briefly illustrated and described, in the first part of the book, as a preliminary Crusher for Phosphate Rock; also a similar though lighter machine has been shown as a Tailings Mill, and known as the Hinged Hammer Pulverizer. In both cases the machines have easy work to perform, one doing coarse preliminary crush- ing, the other simply regrinding material which has already been pulverized, but which has become caked or lumpy, and has failed to pass the screen. The Swing Sledge Mill, however, is strictly a heavy duty machine, carefully designed and massively constructed to operate at high speed and grind hard, tough, fibrous sub- stances to a sufficient fineness to pass through a drill. Bones, Tankage, Fish Scrap, Meat Cake, Cottonseed Cake, Shells, Limestone, etc., are some of the materials successfully pulverized in this machine. As much tramp iron is encountered in most of these materials, the machine must have quick accessibility for removing same, as it cannot be ground and soon causes disaster if left in the system. The Open Door leaves little to be desired, for one man, in one minute, can open the door of the largest Mill, exposing its entire interior for the easy removal of tramp materials, for cleaning out, replacements, adjustments and inspection. Many types of hammers are used for different work; they are flexibly mounted to give back in relief when uncrushable substances are encountered, thus eliminating much danger of breakage. The mill runs easily on Hyatt Roller Bearings; the grate spacings at the bottom regulate the size of its product, but in some instances it is desirable to remove some of these bars to allow free discharge, and use an outside Screen for sizing, returning the oversize for further pulverizing. An illustration is shown on page 57 of a typical Bone Grinding Unit, incorporating this Swing Sledge Mill, Open Door Elevator, "BB" Screen and Dust Collecting System. RENDERING PLANTS Swing Sledge Mills can be very effectively employed in Rendering Plants. When equipped with hatchet hammers (that is, hammers sharpened on the edges like a hatchet) the mills can be used on butchers' refuse, green bone, meat, etc., to shred same into small pieces before cooking. Shredding before cooking increases recovery, also allows the bones to be made into meat cake. When equipped with plain bar hammers they can be used for grinding meat cake into meal, or for pulverizing tankage. An Elevator and Screen are used in connection with the Mill for sizing the meal, or tankage. I^B^HB^HMPMBBiHBl^^*^*"*"*^"****^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" " ' Page seventy-two No. With Tool-Steel Bar Hammers Sturtevant Swing Sledge Mill For the Preliminary Crushing and Sizing of Lump Rock SPECIFICATIONS WITHOUT FEEDER Length LuiL'th \Vidth VV id til Approx. No. Over All Over All ver All Over All Height Inside Feed Driving Pulley Approx. Capacity Approx. Approx. Code Closed Open Closed Open Dia. Width * i ey Speed 10 Mesh Net Gross 00 I'-ll" 2'- 3H" 2'-6" 2'- 6" l'-6" 12" 5" B" x4%" 6" x 6H" (2000 ( 3000 6 2SO Ibs. 425 500 Oosledge 4'-OM" 4'-llJ$" *'-!" 4'-3H" 3'-6" 24" 10" 125i" x 11" 12" x lO^i" j 1000 12 1 to 2 3350 3700 Oswing ( 1200 1 o'-l" 6'- 7M" 5'-5M" 6'- OH" 3'-8K" 30" 20" 17"x20K" 15" x 12)^" j 1200 40 3 to 7 6300 7000 Oneswing i 1500 2 6'-OH" 8'- 3" 7'-0" 8'-HH" 4'-5" 36" 30" 14?i"x2'6H" 20" i 16^" ( 1000 80 8 to 15 12000 14000 Twoswing 1 1200 Does not mean size material machine will take Page seventy-three CRUSHING PYRITES HAND FURNACES For crushing Pyrites for either hand-charged or mechanical furnaces, the machines illustrated on the following page are especially adapted. The Jaw Crusher is adjustable for \y' or finer crushing, and delivers a product remarkably free from fines and dust. It will take large, hard rocks of any size that the jaw opening permits, and will reduce them economically and rapidly to the required fineness for hand furnaces, or act as a preliminary crusher to be followed by Rolls, when a finer product is desired for mechan- ical furnaces. These Crushers are made in several sizes to suit conditions, are of strong, rigid con- struction, the side castings are of steel, the jaw plates of Manganese Steel, the cam and roll of high carbon forgings, in fact they are strictly high grade in every respect and give excellent satisfaction. Many of the largest mines in Spain are equipped with these machines and a large number are used in this country and abroad. MECHANICAL FURNACES Mechanical Furnaces require finer rock than do Hand Furnaces, it being necessary to reduce the Pyrites to approximately $i" . Therefore the Crusher, previously described, is used for the preliminary work, reducing the large rock to approximately i%" size, which is then of the proper fineness to feed to the Balanced Crushing Rolls, which complete the reduction to }i", finer or coarser as may be desired. This makes a truly rugged plant of unusual reliability, rarely injured, even if tramp iron or other uncrushable substances enter the machines through error, and lasts many years. Strong springs are placed back of both shafts against car-box bearings giving the required amount of crushing pressure, and at the same time act as a spring safety valve to prevent breakage, should uncrushable material get between the roll tires. It is seen in these rolls, having equal spring pressure back of each bearing, that when one gives back in relief, all four are similarly affected, so that a perfect balance results, and the crushing shocks are only l / as great as in other mechanisms having springs back of two bearings only. These machines are noted for their ability to withstand hard usage under trying conditions, and operate smoothly at small cost. For Specifications gee page 79 Page ictcnty-four Sturtevant Jaw Crusher Patented Sturtevant Balanced Crushing Rolls Patented Page secenty-fcc BASIC SLAG GRINDING PLANT Comparatively few Basic Slag Grinding Plants are operated in this Country, although in Europe they are quite common in the Fertilizer industry. We are prepared to design and equip such plants, and as this Slag contains much iron , particularly disastrous to ordinary machinery, it is essential to have a plant of proper design and construction, incorporating equipment that has proved economical and practical for such severe service. A Slag grinding plant is herein illustrated and it will be noticed that the preliminary breaking is accomplished in a Jaw Crusher (reducing to 3 to 4 inch). This material is then elevated to a bin over a Ball Mill, fitted with a coarse screen (M")> which is too fine for tramp iron to pass through and this is therefore retained in the Ball Mill until its accumulation requires removal. The M" slag passes to an Elevator, which discharges on a Newaygo Screen, where the fines are removed, and the oversize goes into a Ring- Roll Mill for further reduction. This Mill discharges into the same Elevator, carry- ing the material in a closed circuit, back to the same screen. This process continues until all the Slag is reduced to the proper fineness, and the finished product is removed by conveyor to the Bagging Hopper for sacking and shipment. A dust Collecting System with filter is incorporated for cleanliness, and to prevent the abrasive dust from getting into the bearings ot the machines. Page seventy-six C/5 3 ef a TO O I Page seventy-seven LIMESTONE GRINDING While this material is not exactly a Fertilizer, but a soil sweetner, it is closely allied to the Fertilizer business, and a few words regarding the machinery employed for producing it may prove of interest. There are two types of plants largely used for the purpose: ist: The plant of large capacity and cheap production, using a Jaw Crusher, Ring- Roll Mill and Super Screens. Such a plant is very similar to that used for pulverizing Phosphate Rock, illustrated in the first part of this Book, but Screens are substituted in place of Air Separators, as the product, as a rule, need not be as fine. Such a plant is the best and cheapest for large tonnages. and : For small or medium size plants, where the investment is limited, a Jaw Crusher and Swing Sledge Mill, without other auxiliaries, give excellent results. Elevators, Bins, and Conveyors greatly add to plant efficiency, and are employed to advantage, should the capital available be sufficiently large to allow of such refinements. Either of these plants may be of any capacity desired. This is a subject that deserves especial attention, and should be treated at length to do it justice. The Sturtevant Mill Company is in position to give details and quote figures for complete equipment, for any tonnage of ground limestone. OUTPUTS OF SINGLE UNITS Ring-Roll Mill Plant No. o Ring Roll Mill to 20 mesh No. I No. 2 " No. 2 (Duplex)" 20 20 20 Swing-Sledge Mill Plant No. oo Swing Sledge Mill to 10 mesh .... No. o " " " " 10 " .... No. i " " " " 10 " .... No. 2 " " " " 10 " 2 to 3 tons per hour - (( - l( II (( 7 " 10 " U " 20 " " " to I ton per hour 8 15 Sturtevant Ring-Roll Mill Swing-Sledge Mill Patented Page seceniy-eight SPECIFICATIONS AND APPROXIMATE CAPACITIES, HORSE POWER AND WEIGHTS Air Separators Dia. Appro*. Capacity 95%, 100M Approx. Horse Power Pulley Pulley Speed Approx. Height Over All Approx. Width ()1,T All Approx. Weight 4' 1 to 2 tons Per Hour 2 to 4 12"x4" 25O-350 350-400 7'-7" 5'-0" 1500 Ibs. 10' 6 to 8 tons Per Hour 5 to 8 24 "16" 14'-8M" 1 1 ' C>" 6100 Ibs. 12' 8 to 12 tons Per Hour 8 to 10 24"x6" 400-500 16'-2^" 13'-6" 9000 Ibs. Ring-Roll Mills Size Code Word Ring inch Dia. & Face Rolls inch Dia.Sc Face Pulley inch Dia.& Face Pulley Speed Rev. per M. Ring Speed Rev. per M. Horse Power Approx. Dimensions Over All Approximate Approx. Net Weight Ibs. Approx. Gross Weight Ibs. Approx. Capacity tons per hour Width Length Height capacities, stating ndnnenessdesired. luirements vary so impossible to give e. See next page. No. Ringbe 24 x 7 14 x 7 36 x 10 125 125 8 to 15 ft. in. 4 *6 4 (t. in. 10 1M *11 3 ft. in. 4 6 7,000 8,000 No. 1 Ringo 33 x 7 14 x 7 30x 8 320 80 18 to 25 5 3H *8 10H 11 *12 7 5 11 13,000 14,000 No. 2 Ringal 44 x 12 18x10 36x12 300 63 40 to 45 6 11 *10 6 13 5 *15 6 7 4 27,000 29,000 No. 1 Duplex Ringdu 33x 7 14 x 7 30x12 375 80 35 to 50 6 t!3 12 10 *15 8 6 2 21,000 24,000 .: S'- S *Sps! No. 2 Duplex Ring- del 44x12 18 x 10 42x20 325 64 80 to 90 7 8 t!5 3 16 4 20 2H 7 6 45,000 50,000 * With door open to 120 f " doors " " " Jaw Crushers Jaw Opening Capacit per Jaws Y, Ions Hr.. Bet to Horse Power Speed R P. M Pulley, Inches Length Over All tt idth Over All Height Over All Weight Heaviest Piece Net Weight Gross Weight Code Word 2x 6 'a inch 250 to 350 Ibs. ^ inch 350 to 600 Ibs. 1 350 18x3^6 2' gy 2 " 1' 10" V 10" 300 Ibs. 900 Ibs. 1,000 Ibs Baer 4x8 H inch H to 1 1 A inch 1 to 1H 2 to 3 250 30 x 4 3' 10" :V 2W 2' 11" 1,200 " 2,700 " 3,000 " Bareto ox 10 l /2 inch 1 to Hi % inch 2 to 3 3 to 4 170 30x6H 4' 10" 3' 0" 3' 4" 375 ' 3,600 " 4,000 " Beno 6x15 K inch 2 to 3 H inch 3 to 4 8 to 10 160 36 x 8 6' 0" 4' 7" 3' 9" 800 " 7,600 " 8,400 " Botox 8x 10 H inch 3 2 inches 6 to 10 8 to 10 160 30x 6 5' 1" 3' 3" 3' 4" 1,370 " 3,500 " 4,000 " Bligo 10x15 1 inch 8 to 10 2 inches 12 to 18 15 155 48x10 T 6" 5' 0" 4' 4" 1,500 " 11,000 " 12,000 " Bligoten 6x20 % inch 5 to 7 2 inches 16 to 20 20 160 4S x 1(1 5' 8" 5' 3" 3' 5" 2,600 " 8,750 " 9,500 " Bligosix 12x26 \Y, inch 12 to 15 2 inches 20 to 30 25 140 60x10 9' 9" 7' 0" 6' 2" 2,660 " 22,500 " J.I.OOO " Blartant Balanced Rolls Code Word Size (Inches) Pulley (Inches) Approx. Horse Power Speed R. P. M. * Approx. Length Approx. Width Approx. Height With Fly Wheel Approx. Weight Net Lbs. Approx. Weight Gross Lbs. Bonnie Ceatry 16x10 36 x 16 48x4 72 x 10 3 to 4 14 to 18 200 to 270 60 to 85 5'-9" 9'-8" o'-4" 9' 4'-6" 6'-6" 6.000 34.000 7,000 37,500 Plem Flip Ceadar Ceamot Ceasel Ceagot Ceafto 20x14 22x14 24x15 30 x 16 32 i 16 36x20 38x20 48 x 6 48x6 60xH 66 x 10 66x10 72xl2H 72xl2H 7 to 10 7 to 10 8 to 12 12 to 15 12 to 15 16 to 20 16 to 20 150 to 215 150 to 215 115 to 160 80 to 100 80 to 100 60 to 85 60 to 85 7; 7'-10" 8'-6" 8'-6" 10'-5" 10'-5" 6'-8" 6'-8" 7'-3H" 8'-6" 8'-6" 10'-2H" 10'-2M" 5' 5' o'-6^' 6'-2" 6'-2" 6'-0" 6'-0" 10.000 10,600 13,350 20,000 20,750 32,400 33.700 11.200 11.800 14,750 21,500 22,250 35,000 36,300 Plain Balanced Rolls *** Plyd Ploss 36 x 16 38 x 16 66 x 10 68x10 14 to 18 14 to 18 60 to 85 60 to 85 8'-6" 8'-6" 8' 8' 6'-o" 6'-5" 22.000 22,700 23,500 24,200 Laboratory Rolls ** Billey 1 8x5 Flag 1 12 x 12 18x4 36x6 1 3 to 4 150 150 33" 4' 2fl" 4'-S" 22" 3'-2" 650 3.000 700 3.500 *The speed of Rolls varies according to size and kind of material. '!i:? l ? or " r >' Ro!ls have s P" n K s t>ck f w bearings only. '"Plain Balanced Rolls have shim^adjustments. Page sectnly-nine LABORATORY MACHINERY This book would not be complete if Laboratory Machinery was omitted, and we herein illustrate a very complete line of Equipment for Sampling purposes. AUTOMATIC CRUSHER AND SAMPLER This machine is a miniature Open Doer Rotary Fine Crusher, yet it is capable of crushing Phosphate Rock from 2" to 3" in size to J4" at the rate of approximately one ton per hour, at the same time extracting a representative sample of 5, 10 or 15% of the whole, for analysis. Should this resulting sample be too large, say 100 to 200 Ibs., then this sample may again be passed through the machine, in which case the amount from the sample spout will be only a few pounds. Three sizes of sample spouts are supplied with each machine. This Sampler saves much labor, and gives far more accuracy than hand methods. LABORATORY JAW CRUSHER For crushing hard rocks to y inch and finer this little machine has no equal, and will produce approximately 300 to 600 Ibs., per hou r . It is very similar to our regular Crushers, and will stand up under hard work and give satisfaction for yeais. Hundreds are used all over the woild in Mines, Colleges, Assay Laboratories, etc. LABORATORY ROLLS This machine is very similar to our large Rolls, and is capable of hard, continuous work. It will crush hard or soft rocks from 1^" size to J/g" or from %" to 10 mesh, etc. A. 3 to i reduction is about the limit of Roll work although on some materials 4 to I is practical. SAMPLE GRINDER The Sample Grinder has a wide field of usefulness. It can be used for grinding tankage, cotton seed meal, rock, etc. It is capable of grinding Phosphate Rock to 100 mesh without screening, or to any degree coarser. For Cotton Seed Meal, and other tough, fibrous materials special grinding discs are supplied. It is built in three sizes. LABORATORY HAMMER MILL Built in a very similar manner to our Swing Sledge Mills, this little machine will do anything that the larger ones can do, but with reduced capacities. For Bone, Tankage, Meat, Cottonseed Meal, Shells, Fish Scrap, Rock, etc., it has no equal for producing products from %" to 20 mesh. LABORATORY SCREEN A small Screen is built for sampling work having a range of output from J4 inch to 1 20 mesh. Page eighty Automatic Crusher and Sampler Patented Sample Grinder Page eighty-one cxass sfcr/e^ or s Combination A Frame and Square-posted Building Page cig/ily-ltco o o tr 5' r* 5' I a c s I 03 5J 5' Page cighty-lhrcc f; be 03 T3 s & 1 I a I j Page eighty-four C/l r: X* - I i ILK Co i i .Page eighty five Page eighty-six Page eighty-seven Patented Valve Bag and Holder Weighing Hopper and Scale Hopper or Cut-Off Valves These illustrations show a few auxiliary devices of Sturtevant design and manufacture Page eighty-eight Page eighty-nine Page ninety GENERAL INFORMATION We are indebted to Dr. Samuel W. Wiley, President and General Manager of Wiley & Company, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, for the following information, which it is be- lieved will prove valuable to the Fertilizer Manufacturer. Dr. Wiley is too well known to the Fertilizer trade in general to need introduction, but to those who have not had the pleasure of his acquaintance it may not be out of place to say that he enjoys an enviable reputation as one of the leading Fertilizer Chem- ists in this Country, and his friends are legion. He operates a fully-equipped Modern Laboratory in Baltimore, and has a large business among Fertilizer Manufacturers. CONVERSION FACTORS Multiply by A B A to B B to A Nitrogen Ammonia 1-2158 .8225 Nitrate of Soda 6.0678 .164.8 Nitrate of Potash 7.2170 .1386 Protein 6.2500 .1600 Ammonia Nitrate of Soda 4.9906 .2004. Nitrate of Potash 5-9358 .1685 Protein 5.1404 I 94$ Sulphate of Ammonia 3-8791 -2578 Nitrate of Soda Nitrate of Potash 1.1894 .8408 Actual Potash Muriate of Potash 1.5830 -6317 Sulphate of Potash 1.8500 .5405 Nitrate of Potash 2.1467 .4658 Carbonate of Potash 1.4671 .6816 Muriate of Potash -Sulphate of Potash 1.1687 - 8 5S7 Carbonate of Potash .9268 1 .0790 Phosphoric Acid Bone Phos. of Lime 2.1850 -4-577 Carbonic Acid Carbonate of Lime 2.2748 .4396 CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN SUPERPHOSPHATE MANUFACTURE Superphospahte C Reversion CaH 4 (PO 4 ) 2 +H 2 O+Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 = 2Ca 2 H 2 (PO 4 ) 2 4H 2 O. Fluorides CaF 2 +H 2 SO 4 = 2HF+CaSO 4 4 HF+SiO 2 = 2H 2 O+SiF 4 (100 Ibs. CaF 2 = 125.6 Ibs. H 2 SO 4 ) 3 SiF 4 +2H 2 O = SiO 2 +2H 2 SiF (1 Carbonates CaCO 3 +H 2 SO 4 = CaSO 4 +H 2 O+CO 2 (100 Ibs. CaCO 3 =i25 Ibs. 60 acid) Page ninety-one GENERAL INFORMATION MIXING GUIDE FLORIDA PEBBLE The exact amounts to be used, however, can be found only by trial 1090 Ibs. rock (60 mesh). 1090 Ibs. 50 Be acid or its equivalent as 52 acid. 2180 Ibs. minus loss of moisture (8 - 9%) equals 2000 Ibs. net. 1118 Ibs. rock (80 mesh). 1062 Ibs. 50 Be acid or its equivalent as 52 acid. 2180 Ibs. minus loss of moisture equals 2000 Ibs. net. MATERIALS NOT TO BE MIXED Nitrate of soda should not be mixed with Acid Phosphate containing large excess of acid, as the free sulphuric and phosphoric acids drive off nitric acid and cause a loss. Pyrites Cinder should not be used to reduce your acid phosphate as the free acid unites with the iron to form an insoluble phosphate of iron. Certain ammoniates contain iron, and if mixed with acid phosphate you will lose a considerable portion of your available phosphoric acid. Lime should not be mixed with Sulphate of Ammonia and materials containing lime should not be used in this connection without advice from an experienced fertilizer chemist. Excessive quantities of lime should not be mixed with Superphosphate, Barnyard Manure or Bone Meal. Sulphate of Ammonia should not be mixed with Thomas Slag and Norwegian Nitrate. Basic Slag should not be mixed with Sulphate of Ammonia, Blood or Tankage as the lime affects these materials and releases ammonia. Cyanamidc must not be mixed directly with Sulphate of Ammonia, but if mixed according to directions given by the cyanamide manufacturer will give good results. It is better to consult a good firm of fertilizer chemists, giving full information as to materials desired to be used, before trying experiments which may prove unsatisfac- tory and costly. Page ninely-lmo GENERAL INFORMATION The subjoined tables on this and the following page have been approved and adopted as standard (June 23, 1904) by the Manufacturing Chem- ists* Association of the United States. Acknowledgment is made to the Manufacturing Chemists* Association for permission to use these tables, which have been prepared by and are the property of that Association. The Manufacturing Chemists' Association has a supply of the tables made up in card form for laboratory use, which may be procured from the Secretary of the Association, Mr. John I. Ticrney, 540 Woodward Building, Washington, D. C. . The Chemical authorities in the work were W. C. Ferguson and H. P. Talbot. The freezing points assigned were calculated from Pickering's results. Journal of the London Cliem. Society, vol. 57, p. 363. Specific gravity determinations were made at 00 Fahr., compared with water at 60 Fahr. From the specific gravities, the corresponding de- grees Baume were calculated by the following formula: 145 Baume = 145 ~ Sp. Gr. Baume hydrometers for use with this table must be graduated by the preceding formula, which formula should always be printed en the scale. 66 Baumc Sp. Gr. 1.8354. One cubic foot of water at 60 Fahr. weighs 02.37 pounds avoirdupois. Atomic weights from F. W. Clark's table of 1901, standard. O= 16. HaSO* = 100 per cent. HaSCU O.V. 60 Be O.V. 93.19 100.00 119.08 60 77.67 83.35 100.00 50 62.18 66.72 80.06 Acids stronger than 60 Be should have their percentage compositions determined by chemical analysis. Be O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 U 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Page ninety-three Sp. Gr. I .OOOO 1 .0069 I.OI4O I.O2II I.O284 0357 .0432 .0507 .0584 .0662 .0741 I.082I I .O9O2 1.0985 I.I069 I.II54 I . I 24O 1328 1417 1508 I6OO 1694 1789 1885 1983 2083 I.2I85 1.2288 1-2393 I.25OO 1.2609 I.27I9 1.2832 SULPHURIC ACID TABLES Per Cent Weight of 1 cu. ft. Tw. H.,SO 4 in Ibs. Av. 0.0 O.OO 62.37 1.4 1. 02 62.80 2.8 2.08 63.24 4.2 3.13 63.69 5-7 4.21 64.14 7.1 5-28 64.60 8.6 6-37 65.06 IO.I 7-45 6S-53 11.7 8-55 66. 01 13.2 9.66 66.50 14.8 10.77 66.99 16.4 11.89 67.49 18.0 13.01 68.00 19.7 14.13 68.51 21.4 15-25 69.04 23.1 16.38 69-57 24-8 17-53 70.10 26.6 18.71 70.65 28.3 19.89 71.21 30.2 21.07 71.78 32.O 22.25 72.35 33-9 23.43 72.94 35-8 24.61 73-53 37-7 25.81 74.13 39-7 27.03 74-74 d.i.7 28.28 75.36 43-7 29-53 76.00 45-8 30.79 76.64 47-9 32.05 77-30 50.0 33-33 77.96 52.2 34.63 78.64 54-4 35-93 79-33 56.6 37.26 80.03 eights from F. W. Clark's table Per Cent Pounds O. V. O.V. in 1 cu. ft. o.oo O.OO 1.09 .68 2.23 1.4.1 3-36 2.14 4.52 2.90 5.67 3.66 6.84. 4-4-5 7-99 5.24 9.17 6.06 10.37 6.89 1 1.56 7-74- 12.76 8.61 13.96 9.49 15.16 10.39 16.36 11.30 17.58 12.23 18.81 13-19 20.08 14.18 21.34 15.20 22.61 16.23 23.87 17.27 25.14 18.34 26.41 19.42 27.69 20.53 29.00 21.68 30.34 22.87 3 i -69 24.08 33.04 25-32 34-39 26.58 3S.76 27.88 37.16 29.22 38.55 30.58 39.98 32.00 te^MA'^M GENERAL INFORMATION SULPHURIC ACID TABLES (Continued) 33 .2946 58.9 38.58 80.74 41.40 33-4-2 34- 3063 61.3 39-92 81.47 42.83 34.90 35 .3182 63.6 41.27 82.22 44.28 36.41 36 .3303 66.1 42.63 82.97 45-74 37-95 37 .3426 68.5 43-99 83-74 47.20 39-53 38 3551 71.0 45-35 84.52 48.66 41.13 39 1.3679 73-6 46.72 85-32 50.13 42.77 40 1.3810 76.2 48.10 86.13 5I.6l 44-45 4-1 f -394-2 78.8 49-47 86.96 53-08 46.16 42 [.4078 81.6 50.87 87.80 54-58 47-92 4-3 [.4216 84-3 52.26 88.67 56.07 49.72 44 [.4356 87.1 53-66 89.54 57-58 51.46 4-5 [.4500 90.0 55-07 90.44 59-09 53-44 46 [ .4646 92.9 56.48 91-35 60.60 55-36 4-7 [ .4796 95-9 57-90 92.28 62.13 57-33 48 [.4948 99.0 59-32 93-23 63-65 59-34 49 [.5104 102. 1 60.75 94.20 65.18 61.4.0 50 5263 105-3 62.18 95-20 66.72 63-52 51 .5426 108.5 63.66 96.21 68.31 65-72 52 5591 in. 8 65-13 97.24 69.89 67.96 53 5761 115.2 66.63 98.30 71-50 70.28 54- 5934 118.7 68.13 99.38 73-n 72.66 55 .6111 122.2 69-65 100.48 74-74 75-io 56 .6292 125.8 71.17 101.61 76.37 77.60 57 .6477 129.5 72-75 102.77 78.07 80.23 58 .6667 133-3 74.36 103.95 79-79 82.95 59 .6860 137.2 75-99 105.16 81.54 85-75 60 7059 I4I.2 77.67 106.40 83-35 88.68 61 .7262 145-2 79-43 107.66 85-23 91.76 .62 .7470 149-4 81.30 108.96 87.24 95.06 63 .7683 153-7 83-34- 110.29 89.43 98.63 64 .7901 158.0 85.66 111.65 91.92 102.63 64^ 7957 I59-I 86.33 112.00 92.64 103.75 64M .8012 l6o.2 87.04 112.34 93-40 104.93 64% ] 1.8068 l6l.4 87.81 112.69 94.23 106.19 65 ] 1-8125 162.5 88.65 II3-05 95-13 107.54 65^ 1 1.8182 163.6 89.55 113.40 96.10 108.97 65^ ] 1.8239 164.8 90.60 113.76 97.22 1 1 0.60 65M i 1.8297 165.9 91.80 I 14.12 98.51 112.42 66 [-8354 167.1 93-19 114.47 100.00 114.47 ALLOWANCE FOR TEMPERATURE 10" Be, .029" B< 3 or .00023 S] D. (jr. =i 20 " -036 .00034 11 30 " -035 .00039 = i 40 " -031 .00041 i i 50 " .028 .00045 = i 6o " .026 .00053 = i 63 " .026 " .00057 it 66 " -0235 .00054 = i O II O II O II Page ninety-four GENERAL INFORMATION YIELD OF SULPHURIC ACID Theory is 4.92 Ibs. of 50% 50 Be acid from i Ib. of sulphur burned. In practice the yield of 4.7 Ibs. is considered satisfactory. CONVERSION OF CENTIGRADE AND FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS To convert C. to F., multiply by 9, divide by 5, then add 32. F. to C., first subtract 32, then multiply by 5, and divide by 9. To change one result at a given moisture, to another moisture basis: Divide the per cent, of *dry matter in the original sample into the per cent, of dry matter in the sample at required moisture, and use this as a factor by which to multiply the original result. To change to dry basis: Divide 100 by the per cent, of *dry matter in sample and use this as a factor by which to multiply. *(Dry matter equals 100 less the per cent, of Moisture.) CAPACITY OF PIPES AND CYLINDRICAL TANKS Of various diameters in gallons per foot of length Feet o i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 0408 .1632 .3672 .6528 i. 020 1.469 1.999 2.61 1 3.305 4.080 4-937 i 5-875 6.895 8.000 9.18 10.44 11.79 13.22 U-73 16.32 17.99 19-75 21.58 2 23.50 25.50 27.58 29.74 31-99 34-31 36.72 39-21 41.78 44-43 47.16 49.98 3 52.88 55.86 58.92 62.06 65.28 68.58 71.97 75-4.4 78.99 82.6"2 86.33 90.13 4 94.OO 97.96 IO2.O xoi.i 110.3 114.6 119.0 123.4 128.0 132.6 137.3 142.0 5 146.9 I5I.8 156.8 169.9 167.1 172.4 177.7 183.2 188.7 194.3 199-9 205.7 6 2II.5 217.6 223.4 229.5 235.7 242.0 248.2 254.7 261.1 267.7 274.3 28I.I Feet o 3 6 9 Feet o 3 6 9 7 287.9 308.8 330.5 352.9 21 2591 2653 2716 2779 8 376.0 399-9 4.24.5 449.8 22 2844 2909 2974 3041 9 4-75-9 502.7 530.2 558.5 23 3108 3176 3245 33U 10 587.5 617.7 647.7 679.0 24 3384 34-55 3527 3599 1 1 710.9 743-6 777.0 811.1 25 3672 374-6 3820 3896 12 846.0 881.7 918.0 955-1 26 3972 4048 4126 4204 13 992.9 1032 1071 mi 27 4283 4363 4-443 4524 14 1 152 H93 1235 1278 28 4.606 4689 4772 4856 15 1322 1366 1412 U57 29 494-1 5027 5H3 5200 16 1504 I55i 1600 1648 30 5285 5376 5465 5555 17 1698 1748 1799 1851 31 5646 5738 5830 5923 18 1904 1957 2OII 2066 32 6016 6m 6206 6302 19 2121 2177 2234 2292 33 6398 6496 6594 6692 20 2350 2409 2469 2530 Page nincty-ficc i cm. 2.540 30.480 91.440 I. liter 28.317 0.0164 3.785 GENERAL INFORMATION 10,000. 929.036 8,361.27 1 ,000. Q07,i8o. EQUIVALENTS Linear 0.3937 mc h 0.03280 i. 0.08333 foot 0.01093 yard 0.02778 12. 36. I. 3- 0-33333 i. Volume 1,000 cu. cm. 28,317 16 16.388 3,785. 0.03531 cu. ft. I. O.OOO58 0.13367 61.022 1,728. I. 231. cu. in. 0.2642 gal. 7.4815 0.0043 3 i. I liquid oz. 29.57 cc - i liquid qt. 0.9463 liter i dry qt. i.ioi liters Surface . cm. o.oooi sq. meter 0.15500 sq. in. i. 1,550. 1 6 0.000645 ! 0.00108 sq. ft. 0.000119 10.7638 1.1960 0.00694 0.00077 6 0.09290 0.83613 144- 1,296. I. 9- O.I I II I i. Gravimetric ?r. o.ooi kg. i. 50 0.028350 o 0.45360 907.18 0.03527 oz. 35.2736 I. 16. 32,000. 0.0022046 2.2046 0.0625 i. 2,000. Ibs. o.ooooon 0.0011023 O.OOOO3 1 2 C 0.0005 I. One dry qt. = 1.164 liquid qt. (U.S.) = 67.2 cu. in. One liquid qt. = .859 dry qt. (U.S.) == 57.75 cu. in. One gallon water (U.S.) weighs 8.323 Ibs. and contains 231 cu. in. A cubic foot of water contains 7^/2 gallons = 1728 cu. in. and weighs 62^/2 Ibs. To find diameter of a circle, multiply the circumference by .31831. To find the circumference of a circle, multiply diameter by 3.1416. To find area of a circle, multiply square of diameter by .7854. Doubling the diameter of a pipe increases its capacity four times. One cubic foot of Anthracite coal weighs about fifty-three pounds. One cubic foot of Bituminous Coal weighs about forty-seven to fifty pounds. To find the number of tons of coal in a bin, find the number of cubic feet it occupies and multiply by the weight of a cubic foot of coal and divide by 2000. Page ninety-six 57259! UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. JAN 5 1948 LD 21-100m-9,'47(A5702sl6)476