ITS 725 .07 :-NRLF K K PQ H-H 3 K O O (X w b PRIVATE BOOK GOLDSMITHS, JEWELLERS, ETC. THE PRIVATE BOOK tatfful JlUogs untr Jtiemonmba FOR GOLDSMITHS, JEWELLERS, ETC. BY JAMES E. COLLINS, */ Civn, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER. OF THE I UNIVERSITY ) W OF J 'SSiiESSi^NBW YORK : P. V A N N O S T RAN 7 ]), PUBUSHKR, 23 Mi RKAV ST. AND 27 WARRKN ST. 1872. / NEW VOKK : JOHN Ross & Co., PRINTERS, 27 ROSE STKEET. f CONTENTS. PA OR Standard Gold ....... 13 Assay Weight . . . . . . .13 Table of different Qualities of Gold ... 14 Carat of Gold . . . . . . .15 Sterling Gold Alloy 15 Dry-Colored Gold Alloys. 17 Carat Gold 15 18 Carat do. . . . . . . .16 Another do. ....... 16 Another do. ....... 16 Another do. ....... 17 19 Carat Gold . . . . . . .17 20 Carat do. , . . , . . . . 17 22 Carat do 18 Dry-Colored Solder 18 Alloy for Rings ...... 19 Solder for do. ....... 19 142674 vi. Contents. PACK Dry-Colored Gold Alloys. Dry-Colored Alloy . . . . . . 19 Scrap reduced to 35 j. Gold .... 20 Dry-Coloring, Directions for .... 20 Wet-Colored Gold Alloys. Alloys Nos. i and 2 ..... 22 Alloys Nos. 3 and 4 ..... 23 Green Gold Alloy, for Fancy Work . . 23 Another do. ....... 24 Another do 24 Red Gold Alloy . . . . . .24 Another do. ....... 25 Solder for do. ....... 25 Another do. ....... 25 Colored Flowers, Note on . ... 26 Wet-Colored Solder 26 15 Carat Gold 26 Alloys Nos. 5 and 6 . " 1 . -27 Solder for do. ....... 27 6o.f. Gold ; Good Color 28 Wet Colored Solder 28 22 Carat reduced to Wet-Colored ... 28 Table of Alloy for Ordinary Wet-Colored Gold 29 Coins reduced to Wet-Colored : with Scrap. Alloys Nos. i and 2 ..... 30 Alloys Nos. 3, 4, and 5 . . . .31 Contents. vii. PAG a Coins reduced to Wet-Colored : without Scrap. Alloy Nos. i and 2 32 Alloys Nos. 3, 4, and 5 . . . . -33 Alloy No. 6 34 Melting and Refining, Note on . . . -34 To insure Gold Rolling well .... 34 Wet-Coloring, Directions for 35 Ditto by German Process ..... 37 To Collect Gold lost in Coloring ... 39 Alloys of Gold for Enamelling. Pale Gold for Enamelling, etc. ... 42 Another do. ....... 42 Another do. ....... 42 Enamelling Gold No. i . . . . -43 Ditto from Sterling 43 Enamelling Gold Solder ..... 43 Another do, 44 Enamelling Gold Nos. 2 and 3 ... 44 Ditto Nos. 4 and 5. 45 Ditto, for Transparent Enamelling . . 45 Gold Solder for Enamelling . . . .46 Pale Gold Alloys for Polishing, etc. Alloys Nos. i and 2 ..... 46 18 Carat, Pale ....... 47 Another do . -47 Pale Gold Solder ...... 47 Table of Alloy for Ordinary Bright Gold. . 48 viii. Contents. PAGE Composition for do. . . . . . .48 Table of Alloy for Bright Gold Wire . . 49 Alloys for Gold Pens. Alloy for Best Pens 50 Solder for do. ....... 50 Alloy for Medium Quality Pens . . . 50 Composition for do. . . . . 51 Solder for do. . . . . . 51 Alloy for Common Pens . . . .51 Solder for do. ....... 52 Alloys of Gold with Brass. Alloys Nos. i, 2, and 3 . . . . -53 Directions for Melting do. .... 54 Alloy No. 4 54 Alloy No. 5 55 Composition for do. ..... 55 Solder for do. . ' . . . . -55 Miscellaneous Gold Alloys. 45J. Gold ........ 56 Solder for do. ....... 56 12 Carat Gold 56 Another do. 57 Table of Alloys with Composition . . 57 Composition for do. ..... 58 Alloy for Gold Chains 58 Another do 58 35.?. Gold for Pins ...... 59 Contents. ix. I'AGE Miscellaneous Gold Alloys. 35J-. Gold from Dry-Colored Scrap . . 59 Bright Gold Alloy . . . . . -59 Common Gold No. i ..... 60 Do. No. 2 Go Medium Gold . . . . . . .60 ''California" 61 Composition for do. ... . .61 Common Gold, from do. 61 35 j. Gold reduced to Common Gold . . 62 2(>f. Gold . 62 To Clean Tarnished Work .... 62 To Remove Soft Solder 63 Silver Alloys. Sterling Silver ...... 63 Equal to do. ... . . . . .64 Another do. ....... 64 Alloy for Plating 64 Silver Solder ....... 65 Another do. ....... 65 Silver Filigree Work . . . . .65 Copper Solder, for Plating . . 66 Common Silver, for Chains . . . .66 Solder for do. ....... 66 4s. Silver Solder, for Enamelling ... 67 Common Silver Solder 67 Common Silver Solder for Filling ... 67 x. Contents. PAGE Silver Alloys. Quick Silver-Solder 68 Solder for Gold Plating . . . . .68 Bismuth Solder ...... 68 Imitations. Imitation Silver ...... 69 Imitation Gold ...... 69 OF THE UNIVERSITY PREFACE, THIS little book is compiled from notes made by the Author from the papers of one of the largest and most eminent Manufactur- ing Goldsmiths and Jewellers in this country ; and as this Firm is now no longer in existence, and the Author is at present engaged in some other undertaking, he now offers to the pub- lic the benefit of his experience, and, in so doing, he begs to state that all the Alloys, etc., given in these pages may be confidently relied on as being thoroughly practicable. xii. Preface. The Memoranda and Receipts throughout this book are also compiled from practice, and will, no doubt, be found equally useful to the practical Jeweller. SIIIRLKV, July, 1871. ffioott GOLDSMITHS, ETC Gold. STANDARD gold is compounded of 440 grains of fine gold, and 40 grains (Troy weight) to the oz. alloy; therefore, when you judge how much gold a piece of work will take, com- pound it to the standard weight by the follow- ing Tible : Assay Weight. The weight of gold is a pound, which is divided into 12 oz. ; each oz. into 24 carats; each carat * into 4 grains ; and, lastly, each grain into 4 quarters : then you see the Assay quarter-grain, in reality one grain and a quarter Troy. * The carat is an Abyssinian weight. 14 QUANTITY OF STANDARD GOLD TO COMPOUND AN Oz. OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ALLOYS, CALCULATED TO THE J^th OF A GRAIN, IS AS FOLLOWS : Carat. Dwts. Grs. Qrs. \ Dwts. Grs. Ors. I 2 O 21 9 i 19 7 19 2 2 18* 4 4 3 2 17 5 17 6 6 4 3 15 3 16 8 8 5 4 13 i 15 10 10 6 5 10 10 14 13 i 7 688 13 15 3 8 9 IO 766 8 4 4 922 ADDED. 12 17 5 ii 19 7 IO 21 9 ii 10 w pa 10 12 IO 21 9 ii 19 7 h 922 844 14 12 17 5 766 15 13 15 3 < 688 16 14 13 i 5 10 10 f7 15 10 10 4 13 i 18 16 8 8 3 15 3 19 17 6 6 2 17 5 20 18 4 4 i 19 7 21 22 19 2 2 20 21 9 15 Carat of Gold. Dwts. Grs. Of a Pound ..... 10 o Grain of do 2 12 Quarter-grain of do. . . . o 15 Of an Oz. . ' . . . o 20 Grain of do o 5 Quarter-grain of do. o i Sterling Gold Alloy 775. ioi//. per Oz. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . . . . o 18 12 Fine Silver o I o Swedish Copper o o 12 i o o Dry -Colored Gold Alloys. 17 Carat. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold .... o 15 o Fine Silver o i 10 Swedish Copper o 4 17 i6 Dry-Colored Gold Alloys (continued). 18 Carat. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver o 4 10 Swedish Copper ..025 Another 18 Carat. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . o 15 o Fine Silver 024 Swedish Copper 2 K) o 19 23 Another 18 Carat. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold o 18. o Fine Silver o 2 18 Swedish Copper . . o 3 18 1412 Dry -Colored Gold Alloys (continued). Another 18 Carat. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold I i 6 Fine Silver . . . o 3 10 Swedish Copper o 4 12 i o 4 19 Carat. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver ...026 Swedish Copper o 3 12 i 5 18 20 Carat. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver ...020 Swedish Copper ..024 i8 Dry- Colored Gold Alloys (continued). 22 Carat. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . o 18 o Fine Silver 12 Swedish Copper o i 3 o 19 15 In making Gold Solder for the foregoing alloys, take of the alloyed gold you are using Oz. Dwts. Grs. Gold Alloyed o i o Fine Silver 006 or, Oz. Dwts. Grs. Gold Alloyed o i o Fine Silver ...005 Swedish Copper . . o o i o i 6 B R A or THE ( UNIVERSITY j Dry -Colored Gold Alloys (continued). Alloy for Dry-Colored Rings. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold I o o Fine Silver ...046 Swedish Copper ..046 12 Solder for the Above. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Scrap Gold , . . 2 o o Fine Silver . . . o 3 o Swedish Copper ..030 Another Dry-Colored Alloy. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . . . . 5 o o Fine Silver . . i o o Swedish Copper i 7 12 12 20 Dry -Colored Gold Alloys (continued). Dry-Colored Scrap, reduced to 355. Gold. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Colored Scrap ... I 9 12 Fine Silver . . o 2 o Swedish Copper . . o 17 12 Spelter . . . . o 4 o Of Dry- Coloring the foregoing Alloys. This is done as follows : Having your work well polished/ take of Saltpetre, Alum, and Salt in proportion to the work to be colored ; say, for 2 oz. of work, as under, viz. : Saltpetre .... 8 oz. Alum . . . . 4 oz. Salt 4 oz. Procure also a black-lead pot, four or five inches high, or an iron pot cast from a black-lead pot one or two sizes will be useful. To per- form the process of Dry-Coloring, you must 21 have a thin iron bar to stir your "color " when dissolving. Your work cannot be too well polished; it is then cleaned with soda, soap, and hot water, and dried in box-sawdust. It must be afterwards covered with a thin layer of Borax; annealed and boiled out, and again dried in box-sawdust ; and finally hung on platinum, or fine silver wire. When the " color " is in the pot, it is placed in the fire on a forge, and blown with bellows ; it soon boils up, The heat cannot be too strong. When it assumes a brown-yellow flame, the work is dipped in for two or three seconds, and quenched in hot water diluted with Mu- riatic Acid, which removes any " color " that may adhere to the work. This ought to produce the color required ; if it does not come, the same process must be followed again ; but the work must be well dried before going into the " color," otherwise it will fly about, the burn or scald from which is very severe. Indeed, it is recommended to wear an old glove, to save the hand. The color-pot must 22 be emptied immediately upon the forge, so that it may be ready if required again. In this process of coloring it is necessary to be very quick, whereas in wet-coloring it takes time. The waste " color " may be thrown into the sweep, as the gold lost is trifling. Wet- Colored Gold Alloys. Alloy No. i. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . . . . i o o Fine Silver ... o 3 12 Swedish Copper ..090 i 12 12 Alloy No. 2. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver ...040 Swedish Copper o 9 12 i 13 12 23 Wet- Colored Gold Alloys (continued}. Alloy No. 3. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver . . . o 4 12 Swedish Copper o 10 o 14 12 Alloy No. 4. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver . . . o 4 12 Swedish Copper . . o 10 12 15 Green Gold for Fancy Work. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver o 6 16 i 6 16 2 4 Wet- Colored Gold Alloys (continued}. Another Green Gold. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . . . o 10 o Fine Silver 022 12 Another Green Gold. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold ....050 Fine Silver o i 12 o 6 12 Red Gold for Fancy Work. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold ....050 Swedish Copper o 2 12 Wet- Colored Gold Alloys (continued}. Another Red Gold. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . . . . o 5 o Swedish Copper o i 6 To make Gold Solder for the foregoing alloys, take of the alloyed gold you are using Oz. Dwts. Grs. Gold Alloyed o I o Fine Silver .006 Or 5 grains of silver and i grain of copper may be used. Another Solder. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Gold Alloyed o i o Fine Silver ...005 Pin-Brass . o o i i 26 NOTE. This solder is good for repairing, and will not disturb the solder first mentioned. It will color well. In fancy-work, platinum is used for grey or white flowers, as also fine silver, and fine gold for yellow flowers ; but it remains with work- men to please themselves ; if they desire to have good red or green gold, the fine gold must not be overpowered. Wet-Colored Solder., Oz. Dwts. Grs. Wet-Colored Scrap ..300 Fine Silver . . o 10 o Swedish Copper ..050 15 Carat Gold. Cost 565. per Oz. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . . . . i 18 o Fine Silver . . . o 12 12 Swedish Copper o 10 o 27 Wet- Colored Gold Alloys (continued]. Alloy No. 5. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . . . . i o o Fine Silver ...080 Swedish Copper ..040 i 12 o Alloy No. 6. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver ...060 Swedish Copper ..080 o Gold Solder for the Above. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Gold Scrap i o o Fine Silver ...050 28 Wet- Colored Gold Alloys (continued}. 6os. Gold. Good Color. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver ...060 Swedish Copper ..040 10 Another Wet-Colored Solder. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Scrap Gold ...400 Fine Silver ... o 13 8 Swedish Copper o 6 16 5 To Reduce 22 Carat into Wet-Colored Gold. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Gold Coins ...480 Fine Silver . . o 13 o Swedish Copper i 13 o 6, 14 o M A O O CO ^j O"> en > Oi to M j~ "fl O D CD ooooooooooj O o OOOOOOOOOO^ EL tOtOMMMMOOOO N 1 I? o 3 O K r 1 in oi4^4^O3C>itOtOMMO N o CL M M M M M ? [L F M M M M M C o O.ootootootooup CD M M M M M Q ~4(-n4^tOOCO-vjcn(^jM J^ MM? H o O OOOOOOOOOO 3 o H ^ w g 525 H O o N 2 3 > O ^ o " S. Different Methods of reducing 22 Carat to Ordinary Wet- Colored Gold. With Scrap. No. i. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Coins ..... i o Fine Gold .... 3 O Fine Silver 17 12 Swedish Copper 2 I 12 Scrap . . . 3 I 10 O No. 2. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Coins ..... I o Fine Gold .... 4 o Fine Silver i 2 o Swedish Copper 2 12 o Scrap ... I 6 o No. 3. Ox. Dwts. Grs. Coins . . . . 2 o o Fine Gold .... 3 3 8 Fine Silver i I 4 Swedish Copper 2 IO 12 Scrap ..... I 5 IO No. 4. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Coins ..... 3 I 6 Fine Gold .... 2 O Fine Silver I I Swedish Copper 2 II o Scrap '..... I 6 18 10 o o No. 5. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Coins I O Fine Gold .... 4 O Fine Silver . I I 12 Swedish Copper 2 II 12 Scrap 6 7 Different Methods of reducing 22 Carat to Ordinary Wet-Colored Gold. Without Scrap. No. i. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Coins 100 Fine Gold ....800 Fine Silver ...200 Swedish Copper 4 14 o 15 14 No. 2. O/. Dwts. Grs. Coins ..... i o o Fine Gold ....200 Fine Silver o 13 o Swedish Copper . . i n o 5 33 No. 3. Oz. Dvvts. Grs. Coins 200 Fine Gold ....500 Fine Silver . . . i 9 12 Swedish Copper . . 3 n 12 12 i o No. 4. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Coins 200 Fine Gold ....600 Fine Silver . . . i 14 o Swedish Copper ..420 13 16 o No. 5- Oz. Dwts. Grs. Coins .....200 Fine Gold . . . . 8 o o Fine Silver ...230 Swedish Copper 5 3 o 1760 34 No. 6. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Coins . 4 O Fine Gold 6 Fine Silver 2 2 O Swedish Copper 5 2 17 4 Melting and Refining. In melting gold it will sometimes happen that steel or iron filings get into the gold ; this may be removed by throwing in a piece of Sandiver about the size of a common nut. It will draw the iron or steel into the flux, and leave the gold ; or Sublimate of Mercury will destroy the iron or steel. To insure Gold Rolling well. Melt until a good heat ; then take a tea- spoonful of half Sal Ammoniac and half pow- 35 dered Charcoal. Stir it up well; then put on the cover for one minute, and pour. Of Wet- Coloring the foregoing Alloys. This is performed in the following manner : Having annealed your work, and boiled it out so as to get it perfectly clean, take of Saltpetre 15 oz., of Alum 7 oz., and of Salt 7 oz. ; pound them all fine, and mix well together; then provide a blacklead pot about 12 inches high, put your ingredients into it, and dissolve grad- ually. It must be on no account hurried, for, if it burns, the "' color" will be spoiled. As the heat increases it will boil up; then add 2 oz. of Muriatic Acid, when the " color " will sink in the pot. Take a wooden spoon and stir it well, when it will again boil up. Take your work, which you have made clean, and tied in small, parcels .with platinum or fine silver wire, and immerse it in the "color" for -four 36 minutes, keeping it on the move, so that the " color " may act upon all parts alike. At the end of that time take it out and rinse it well in boiling water, which you have ready in a kettle, with pint or quart basins, according to the quantity or size of your work. Next, place your work in the " color " for one minute and a half; take it out and rinse well in fresh hot water. Two fluid oz. of hot water must then be added, when the " color" will sink in the pot, but will rise again ; put in your work for one minute, again rinsing it in fresh hot water, when you will find it begin to brighten. Last- ly, put your work in the " color " for half a minute longer, rinsing it for the last time in clean hot water, after which you will find it a beautiful color. This process, by a little atten- tion, never fails. NOTE. The mixture of " coloring " should be according to the weight of work. If a small quantity, say 2 oz., the proportions should be ..' -. 37 Saltpetre .... 8 oz. Alum . . . . . 4 oz. Common Salt . . . 4 oz. Muriatic Acid . . . I oz. If 5 oz. of work, double the quantities, and so in proportion to the weight ; but practice will make perfect. Of Wet- Coloring by the German Process. Tie up your work in small bunches with fine silver or platinum wire; then, for 3 oz. of work, take a blacklead pot, 6 or 7 inches high, and, having previously placed your work in hot water, put it on the fire ; when thoroughly dry, put into it of Saltpetre 6 oz., and of Common Salt 3 oz. ; stir them well with a wooden spoon, and when thoroughly dried fine and hot, put into it 5 fluid oz. of Muriatic Acid. When boiling up, put in your bunch of work, having previously shaken the water from it, and keep it on the move for three minutes, care being 38 taken to keep it well covered all this time. At the end of this time, take it out and plunge it into a vessel of clean hot water, and finally into a second vessel of the same. Add then to your u color " in the pot 6 fluid oz. of hot water, and when it boils up again, after being thus diluted, put in your work for one minute longer, and 'again rinse it as before directed, when it will be found to be a beautiful color. Too much clean hot water cannot be used for plunging the work in each time through the u color." If the work is hollow- work and bulky, not quite so much as 3 oz. should be put, as it is not so effectually covered in the pot. Jn Wet-Coloring it sometimes happens that the color is rather dead ; or it may happen that the " color " burns, which causes the work to look brown : this is a precipitation which may be removed by scratching at the lathe with stale beer or ale, with a fine brass wire brush, similar to the round hair-brushes used for polishing. In Coloring, a large stone jar should be pro- 39 vided, into which should be emptied your " color " when done with, for the pot should be washed out each time, so as to be ready when required again. Into this stone jar should also be emptied the water in which you rinse your work, as it all contains gold to a great extent. All things connected with the process should be kept clean and free from grease of any kind. No iron ought to be near this Wet- Col or in the pot, as it is most injurious. To Collect the Gold lost in Coloring. Where there is a large amount of work made and colored, the loss is estimated at i dwt. or more per oz. ; this in time becomes a serious matter. To collect that loss the following me- thod is used. Take one of the basins you use? and put into it a handful of Sulphate of Iron, and pour boiling water upon it to dissolve it. When dissolved, pour it into your stone jar in which you keep your " color "-wata* ; this pre- cipitates the small particles of gold, and must be done each time you color. It should be collected every six months, if the amount of work colored be much, in the following manner : With a syphon draw off the water from your jar, but in doing so be careful not to disturb the sediment which is at the bottom, for it con- tains the gold. After you have got off what water you can, it must be washed with three or four kettlefuls of boiling water, each kettleful being done separately, and allowed to cool each time and the water carefully got off: this is to clear the sediment of any acid. It is known to be sufficiently done by touching the water with the finger and tasting it. When freed from acid, put it into an iron pan and dry gradually by the fire. When dried, put it into an iron ladle and make it red hot, stirring it carefully with a tobacco-pipe, care being taken not to spill it. It will turn red in annealing. -'Having proceeded 'thus far, take -of the- se'di- 41 ment thus prepared i oz., of Borax pounded fine 15 dvvts., of common bottle-glass pounded fine 5 dwts., and of Pearlash pounded fine 4 dvvts. ; mix all well together. Put this into a skitile-pot, which should have a cover, and in placing "it in the furnace there should be a small pot reversed for the skittle-pot to stand on. You then lay your fire, which must be lighted at the top, so that the light particles of gold may be carried downwards. After the fire is at its height it is continued for forty minutes, then allowed to burn out, when the metal will be found at the bottom of the pot. This you refine with Saltpetre. Even if jewellers did not wish to collect for themselves, they would find the benefit of tak- ing care of this sediment, and selling it to the refiners. Too much care cannot be taken in pro- curing pure Spirits of Salts, or Muriatic Acid. Alloys of Gold for Enamelling. Pale Gold for Coloring, Enamelling, or Lapping. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver ...090 Swedish Copper o 2 12 Another Ditto. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver ...090 Swedish Copper . . o 3 12 i 12 12 Another Ditto. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . . . . i o o Fine Silver . . . o 10 o Swedish Copper . . o 3 12 i 13 12 43 Alloys of Gold for Enamelling (continued). Enamelling Gold No. i. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver o I 12 Swedish Copper o 2 12 Enamelling Gold from Sterling. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Sterling Gold i o o Fine Silver o o 18 Swedish Copper ..020 18 Enamelling Gold Solder. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Gold Alloyed . . . o i o Fine Silver ...004 44 Alloys of Gold for Enamelling (continued}. Another Ditto, 435. per Oz. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold .... o 12 o Fine Silver . . . o 73 Swedish Copper . . o 60 Enamelling Gold No. 2 Cost 505. per Oz. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold ....TOO Fine Silver . . . o 9 12 Swedish Copper . . o 7 12 i 17 o Enamelling Gold No. 3. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold '. . . . i o o Fine -Silver . ... o 14 ' o Swedish Copper . . 08 o 45 Alloys of Gold for Enamelling (continued). Enamelling Gold No. 4. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold ....250 Fine Silver . . . i 6 o Swedish Copper . . i o o Pin-Brass ....050 16 Enamelling Gold No. 5. Oz. Dwts Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver .... o 12 o Swedish Copper . o 6 o 18 Enamelling Gold No. 6. For Transparent Enamelling. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver . . . o 14 o Swedish Copper ..060 46 Alloys of Gold for Enamelling (continued}. Gold Solder for Enamelled Work. Oz. Dvvts. Grs. Fine Gold .... i o o Fine Silver ... i o o Swedish Copper . . o 10 o Silver Solder 088 18 gar Pale Gold Alloys for Polishing, Etc. No. i. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . . . . i o o Fine Silver ...080 Swedish Copper . . o 3 12 No. 2. Oz. Dvvts. Grs. Fine Gold . . . . i o o Fine Silver o i 20 Swedish Copper . . o i 4 47 Pale Gold Alloys (continued}. 18 Carat, Pale. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold I o o Fine Silver ...040 Swedish Copper o 2 15 Another 18 Carat. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold .... i o 12 Fine Silver ...038 Swedish Copper ..038 Pale Gold Solder. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Gold Alloyed o i 6 Fine Silver o i o o 4 8 Ordinary Bright Gold. TABLE SHOWING THE PROPORTION OF ALLOY WITH FROM I Oz. UP TO 6 OZ. OF FlNK GOLD. FINE GOLD. FINE SILVER. COMPOSITION. TOTAL. Oz. Dwt. Grs. Oz. Dwt. Grs. Oz. Dwt. Grs. Oz. Dwt. Grs. I O O 050 I 3 O 2 13 200 10 2 16 o 560 300 o 15 04 4 o 7 19 o 400 I O O S 12 IO 12 O 500 i 5 o 700 13 5 o 600 I IO O 880 15 iS o Composition for the Above. Fine Copper Spelter Oz. Dwts. Grs. 44 O o 800 49 >-< HH W CO CO ~f r Jj Cl O O CO O '/; ir> to j^ C O O M c So Alloys for Gold Pens. Alloy for Best Pens. 525. Oz. D\vts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver ..'.050 Swedish Copper o 7 18 Spelter o i 6 Solder for the Above. 435. Oz. Dvvts. Grs. Fine Gold .... o 12 o Fine Silver ...073 Swedish Copper ..060 5 Medium Quality Pens. Oz. D\vts. Grs. Fine Gold . . . . i o o Composition . . i 13 o Alloys for Gold Pens (continued}. Composition for the Above. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver i 17 o Swedish Copper . . 5 15 o Spelter . . . . o 18 20 Solder for the Foregoing. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver . . . i o o Pin Brass . . i o o Gold for Common Pens. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . . . i o o Fine Silver ...200 Swedish Copper i o o 52 A /If TVS for Gold Pens (continued}* Solder for the Foregoing. ()/ Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold ....TOO Fine Silver . . 2 o o Pin-Brass i o o 400 S3 Alloys of Gold with Brass. Alloy No. i. Oz . Dvvts . Grs. Fine Gold .... i Fine Silver o 5 6 Swedish Copper o 3 12 Pin-Brass 18 O o 6 18 Alloy No. 2. Oz. Dvvts. Grs. Fine Gold .... I o O Fine Silver o 4 Swedish Copper ... o 4 o Pin-Brass .... o 16 o 2 4 Alloy No. 3. Oz. D\vts. Grs. Fine Gold . I O o Fine ^Silver 5 12 Swedish Copper O 3 12 Pin-Brass o 19 6 2 8 6 54 Alloys of Gold with Brass (continued}. in melting the Brass-Gold it often hap- pens the gold, to the naked eye, seems all right, yet, when it comes to be flattened at the mill, it is full of air and not fit for use ; this may be avoided by having a tobacco-pipe to stir the metal when in fusion. The nature of the alloys, and the quantity of Borax used as flux, are the cause ; but acting on the advice given, and by applying sufficient heat, this may be avoided. Alloy No. 4. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . . . . i o o Fine Silver . . . o 3 21 Swedish Copper ..093 Composition ...056 i 18 6 55 Alloys of Gold with Brass (continued}. Alloy No. 5. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . o 15 9 Fine Silver o 5 19 Swedish Copper o 3 21 Composition o 15 o 20 I Composition for the Above. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Swedish Copper ..TOO Spelter ....050 In making solder for the foregoing alloys, take of the alloyed gold you are using Oz. Dwts. Grs. Gold Alloyed o i o Fine Silver o o 12 12 56 Miscellaneous Gold Alloys. 455. Gold. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Composition * . . . i o o Solder for the Above. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver . . . o 15 o Swedish Copper o 15 o 12 Carat Gold. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . . . . i o o Fine Silver . . . o 10 o Swedish Copper ..096 * For Composition for the nbove, see page 51. 57 Miscellaneous Gold Alloys (continueif). Another 12 Carat. Fine Gold Fine Silver Swedish Copper Spelter Oz. Dwts. Grs. t o 12 o 6 12 o II 12 O I 12 o o Table of Alloys. FOR DIFFERENT QUALITIES OF GOLI>. QUALITY-. FINK GOLD. COMPOSITION. TOTAL. Oz Dwt Grs. O/. Dwt. Grs. Oz. Dwt. Grs. 9 Carat 7 12 O 12 12 I O 12 " o 10 o o' 10 o i i o o 15 " 12 12 o 7 12 i oo 18 " o 15 o o 5 oi o o 22 o 18 iS 016100 58 Miscellaneous Gold Alloys (continued]. Composition for the Above. Oz. Dvvts. Grs. Fine Silver ... 3 5 12 Swedish Copper . . 8 12 12 Spelter i 18 6 13 16 Alloy for Gold Chains. Oz. Dvvts. Grs. Fine Gold o n 6 Fine Silver ...025 Swedish Copper o 6 13 Another Ditto. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver . . . o g o Swedish Copper ..080 1170 59 Miscellaneous Gold Alloys (continued}. 355. Gold for Pins. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold ....TOO Fine Silver ...050 Swedish Copper I o o Spelter ....050 2 10 o Dry-Colored Scrap reduced to 355. Gold. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Colored Scrap . . . i 9 12 Fine Silver ...020 Swedish Copper . . o 17 12 Spelter ....040 2 13 o Bright Gold. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold . . . . i o o Fine Silver ...070 Composition *.'... . i 6 o * For Composition for the above, see page 48. 6o Miscellaneous Gold Alloys (continued}. Common Gold No. i. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver . .080 Composition* . . . i 12 o Common Gold No. 2. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold ....050 Fine Silver ...036 Swedish Copper . *o 6 12 o 14 18 Medium Gold. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold i o o Fine Silver o 12 o Swedish Copper . . o 13 o 5 * For Composition for the above, see page 48. 6i Miscellaneous Gold Alloys (continued}. " California." Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Gold n o o Composition . . . 15 10 o 26 10 o Composition for " California." Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver . . 15 12 o Swedish Copper . -67 o o Spelter n o o 93 12 o Common Gold, from " California." Oz. Dwts. Grs. " California " . ..800 Fine Silver . . 13 16 o Swedish Copper . . 6 16 o 28 2 o 62 Miscellaneous Gold Alloys (continued}. To reduce 355. Scrap to Common Gold. Oz. Dvvts. Grs. Scrap . . . . 9 18 o Composition * ... 2 2 o 12 o o 295. Gold. Ox. Dvvts. Grs. Fine Gold .... i 13 6 Fine Silver . . . i 12 12 Swedish Copper . . I 16 6 Spelter . ...040 o Will stand the Aquafortis very well. To Clean Old Work that is Tarnished. This is done by heating the articles gently with a blow-pipe, and boiling out in rather strong pickle of Muriatic Acid; it may be re- * For Composition for the above, see page 58. 63 moved by boiling in Chloride of Lime and water in a pipkin, and touching the work at a lathe with a scratch-brush. To Remove Soft- Solder from Work to be Mended or Colored. Remove what you can by the scraper, or otherwise gently heating it, so that you may shake all off that you can. Place it in Spirits of Salts for some time. This receipt is useful where hard-soldering is required, whether in colored or bright work. Silver Alloys. Sterling Silver. ()z. Dvvts. Grs. Fine Silver . . .11 20 Swedish Copper o 18 o 12 o o 6 4 Silver Alloys (continued}. Equal to Sterling. Oz. D\vts. Grs. Fine Silver I o o Swedish Copper . . o I 12 I I 12 Another Ditto. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver I o o Swedish Copper ..050 Alloy for Plating. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver i o o Swedish Copper o 10 o T 10 o 65 Silver Alloys (continued}. Silver Solder. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver . . . i o o Pin Brass . o 10 o 10 Another Ditto. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver I o o Pin-Brass o 10 o Pure Spelter ...020 12 o Jn fine silver filigree-work, fine silver is always used for the filigree. The Frame-work is generally made of sterling silver. The sol- der for such work is as follows : Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver ...046 Pin-Brass o I o 66 Silver Alloys (continued}. Copper Solder, for Plating. Ox. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver o 10 o Swedish Copper . . o 10 o This is a useful solder for plating or soldering silver work; it never eats as does silver solder. Common Silver, for Chains. Ox. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver . . . 6 o o Swedish Copper ..400 Solder for the above. O/. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver . . . o 16 o Swedish Copper . . o o 12 Pin-Brass . . . o 3 12 6; Alloys (continued}. Silver Solder, for Enamelling, 45. per Oz. Oz. Dwts. Gr & . Fine Silver o 14 o Swedish Copper ..080 Common Silver Solder. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver . . . 20 o o Pin-Brass .... 13 o o Spelter i o o 34 Ditto, for filling Signet Rings. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver . . .20 o o Swedish Copper ..380 Pin-Brass . . . . 13 o o Spelter . . . . i o o 37 68 Silver Alloys (continued}. Quick Silver-Solder. ()/. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver i o o Pin-Brass o 10 o Bar Tin o 2 o 12 Silver Solder, for Gold Plating. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver - . . . I o o Swedish Copper ..050 Pin Brass . . . o 5 o Bismuth Solder. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Bismuth .... 12 o o Lead . . . . .15 Tin 21 oo 48 o o Imitations. Imitation Silver. Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver i o o Nickel . . . i ii o Swedish Copper ..290 o Oz. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver ...300 Nickel .... i ii o Swedish Copper ..290 Spelter o 10 o 7 10 o Imitation Gold. Ox. Dwts. Grs. Fine Silver ...250 Swedish Copper i o o Composition * . . . I o o The above costs $s. 6d. per oz.. and will keep its color very well. * For Composition, see page 48 UNIVERSITY or FOR CLOCK, wf A Rudimentary Treatise on Clocks and Watches, and Bells. With a full account of the Westminster Clock and Bells. New edition, rewritten and enlarged, with an appendix. By E. B. DENISON, M. A. 121110, flex, cloth $i 40 Watch Repairer's Hand Book. By F. KKMLO. 121110, cloth $i 25 A Treatise on Clonk and Watch mak- incr Theoretical and Practical". By THOMAS RETP. Svo, cloth (scarce). Diamonds and Precious Stones. Their Value, History, and Distinguishing Characteristics ; with simple tests for their identification. By HARRY KMANUKL, F.R.G.S. Second edition, with a new table of the present value of diamonds. Syo, cloth, illustrated $3 oo The Natural History, Ancient and Modern, of Precious Stones and Gems, and of the Precious Metals. By C. W. KING, M. A. 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