nBRARV .mVEKSXTVOPCAU.O«.t DAVIS ^i«^t■4fe«^::^^^:^^^.•i^/>■;,^ '^^.^ ' : : v.-'-. - ;.. ^ " STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES CONSOLIDATED INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS DIVISION OF MINES AND STATE MINING BUREAU 1880 - 1943 BULLETIN 131 DIVISION OF WINES FERKY BUILDING. SAN FRANOSCO 0y STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES WARREN T. HANNIIM. Director DIVISION OF MINES FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO WALTER W. BRADLEY State Mineralogist San Francisco] BULLETIN 131 [September 1945 CONSOLIDATED INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF MINES AND PREDECESSOR STATE MINING BUREAU 1880-1943 inclusive printed in califoknia state printing office 49587 LIBRARY ONIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS a. 2^7; I- -I d OQ- Q T.^nii'oA H ^o o g.vell, a Sunday bath at. photo of, XV, 38. Gold Placers, San Bernardino County (see also Sharps Diggings), XXXIX, 439. Group, Los Angeles County, B 76, 38, 93; XVII, 320; XXIII, 317; XXXIII, 199; B 125, 129. of Talc Mines, San Bernardino County, XVII, 367; XXVI, 323; XXVII, 399. Range, geology of, XXVIII, 335. River, B 24, 55, 102. 120, 126, 143, 153; B 99, 88. Inyo County, gravel bluffs, photo of, B 24, 31. niter beds, photo of, B 24, 149. waterfall, photo of, B 24, 77. San Bernardino County, canon of, photo of, B 24, 27. Juratrias salines, photo of, B 24, 47. Valley, XV, 39. Valley, Inyo County, "The Desert Rat" or prospector crossing the, photo of, XV, 28. view eastward from Shoshone, across, XV, 47. Amargosan series, B 118, 673. Amargosite, analysis of, XXII, 514. Amarillo Mine (Occident Mine), Mendocino County, B 78, 71; XXXV, 401. Amazon claim, Calaveras County (see Purin- ton Mining Co.), XXXII, 350. Consolidated Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 356. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 15. El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4. San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernar- dino), 11; XII, 60; XIII, 60; XV, 784; XXVI, 205; XXVII, 265. Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 4, 22; XIII, 386; XXXI, 314. Sonoma County (see Kissack, Squaw and Big Chief), XXXV, 467. Oil Co. (Kern River District), RM (Kern), 20. Star Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 356. Stone, B 67, 105; B 91, 150. Amback Mine, Siskiyou County, XXXI, 314. Amber, B 37, 110; B 113, 221. Amblygonite (see also Hthia), B 37, 55, 59, 62, 86, 87, 122, 133; B 67, 161; B 91, 234; B 113, 211. bismuth associated with, XIV, 670. in San Bernardino County, XXXVI, 106. in San Diego County, XIV, 706-708. Amboy, bentonite at, San Bernardino County, B 99, 97. Dry Lake gypsum deposits, San Bernardino County (see also Consolidated Pacific Cement & Plaster Co.), XV, 567, 869; XVII, 352. Mine, San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernardino) 6. Ambrose Antimony Mine, San Benito County, X 517; XII, 22. Mine, San Benito County (see also Rip Van Winkle), XV, 623. Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 16. Mineral Patent (see also Collins Ranch), XXXI, 277, 316. Ambrosia Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4. Amedee Hot Springs, Lassen County, XXV, 9; XXXII, 443. Ameil Group, Mono County, XXXVI, 147; XXXVIII, 339. Amelia and Amelia Extension, Mariposa County, XXIV, 129. Mine, El Dorado County, RM (EI Dorado), 10; XXXIV, 251. Amended location of mine, B 75, 99; B 98, 408; B 123, Sec. 735-739, incl. Amendment, "Division of Mines," XXV, 392. of location or record, B 106 (1st ed.), 14, (2d ed.) 14, (3d ed.) 16, (4th ed.) 16; B 120, 16; B 127, 23. Amerada area, Coalinga oil field, B 118, 486, 488, 489, 490. Coalinga oil field index map, B 118, 490. Americ Empire Corporation (see also Allison Ranch Mine, Nevada County), XXVI, 101. America and Gladstone Mines, Shasta County, X, 637. claim, San Diego County, XIV, 660. Excelsior Consolidated Mine, Sierra County, B 38, 263. Group, Kern County, RM (Kern), 8. Mill, Shasta County, VIII, 694. Mine, Amador County, RM (Amador), 8. Shasta County, VIII, 564. American and English Encyclopedia of Law cited, B 123, Preface, Sees. 415, 559, 709, 902, 1170. South Yuba, profile of the Tertiary, map of, B 92, 142. Asbestos and Manufacturing Co. (see also Pacific Asbestos Corp.), XXI, 164; XXXII, 226. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 AMERICAN 29 Products Co., XXI, 164; XXXII, 226. Asphalt Association, bitumen quarry, Kern County. RM (Kern), 19. Association of Petroleum Geologists, cited, XXVIII, 59, 61. Bar Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 270. Placer County, RM (Placer), 4. 11; XII, 204; XIII, 273, 546; XV, 332; XVIII, 261, 738; XIV, 141; XX, 13, 81, 179; XXIII, 254, 278; XXXI, 484; XXXII, 11, 42. Quartz Mining Co., XXII, 423; XXXII, 12. Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 12; XII, 276; XIII, 386. Beet Sugar Co., lime, San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernardino), 17. Bleaching Clay Co., XXVI, 335. Borax Companj-, III, Part 2, 45. Camp mine, Tuolumne County (see Barley Ranch), XXIV, 44. Canadian Corporation, XIX, 32. Oil Products Co., XVIII, 424. Ceramic Society, laboratory tests, B 99, 238, 244, 252. Chemical Society, cited, XXVII, 394. China Co., Los Angeles County, XXIII, 319; B 99, 94. chrome prospect. Placer County, B 76, 161. claim, Calaveras County, XXXII, 246. Tuolumne County (see Starr King Mine), XXIV, 20, 135. Clay-Working Machinery Co., photo of Auger stiff-mud brick machine, B 38, 235. rotary automatic wire cutter, photo of, B 38, 236. Crude Burner, air injecting, B 32, 77. Oil Co.'s well, Los Angeles County, XIII, 573; B 11, 11. Cyanamid Co., cited, XXXVIII, 188, 189. Development Co.'s grinding plant, Alameda County, photo of, XXVI, 336. mill, San Francisco County, XXVI, 335. Dredge, No. 1 and No. 2, Butte County, RM (Butte), 11; B 57, 151. Dredging Co. field, Amador County, photo of, XXIII, 198. Dry Concentrating Co., XXV, 95; XXVIII, 118. concentrator, photo of, XXV, 95, 96; XXVIII, 118. Eagle Gold and Copper Co., XV, 784. prospect. Placer County (see also Suckers Revenge), XXIII, 249; XXXI, 18. Group, Inyo County, XXXIV, 468. San Bernardino County, XV, 784; XXVI, 206; XXVII, 266; XXXIX, 430. Mine. Butte County, X, 128; XI, 164; XV, 211. Calaveras County, XIV, 68; XXXII, 296. Mariposa County, RM (Mariposa), 10; XXIV, 124. Placer County (see also Belvlt), XXIII, 249, 270; XXXII, 42. San Bernardino County, XXXIX, 430. Encaustic Tiling Co., San Diego County (see also Dehesa Cornwall stone deposit, and West Coast Tile Co.), XVII, 375; XVIII, 557; XXI, 358, 375; B 99, 95; XXV, 502; XXVII, 421, 427, 442, 445, 448. Exchange and Buffalo Group, Sierra County, RM (Sierra), 4; Xlil, 371; XVI (Sierra), 76; XXV, 174; XXXVIII, 50, Exploration Co., B 76, 126. Flag Mine, Inyo County, XII, 135; XIII, 179. Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 77; XXV, 174; XXXVIII, 50. Mining and Milling Co., Riverside County, XV, 541. Flat Mine, Amador County, XIII, 68; XIV, 16. Flats Gold Mining Co., XX, 3. Foundation Co., Nevada County (see also Murchie Mine). XIII, 250; XXVI, 118. Gasoline Co., XV, 745. Geographical Society, reference, B 72, 23. Geologist reference, XIV, 676; B 72, 21, 22, 23, 28, 32. Girl Mine, Imperial County, XIV, 725, 728; XXII, 255; XXXIV, 9; XXXVI, 10, 15; XXXVIII, 111, 113. Imperial county, map of, XXXVIII, facing 196. photograph of, XXXVIII, 170. photograph of shaft and flotation plant, XXXVI, 15. sketch of longitudinal section of, XXXVI, 16. San Diego County, RM (San Diego), 6, 9; XIII, 331. Gold and Tungsten Corp., XXXVII, 284. Dredging Co., B 36, 78; B 57, 149; XV, 190, 192; B 85, 22, 37; XVII, 166; XVIII, 6, 43; XIX, 9; XXI, 162, 191; XXII, 189; XXXV, 176. Golden Eagle Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 8; XIV, 486; XXV, 25; XXIX, 272, 287. Graphite Co., Los Angeles County, XVil, 318. Group, Inyo County, XXXIV, 468. Kern County, RM (Kern), 8. Hearth Process, illustration of, X 820. Hellenic Gold Mining Co., San Bernardino County (see Wanderer Mine), XXVII, 320. Hill Channel, diggings, Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 38-39; B 92, 127. Gold Mining Company, Sierra County (see also Pilgrim Mine), XXV, 168. Mine, Placer County, XV, 352; XXIII, 269; XXXI, 19; XXXII, 51, S6. Sierra County, RM (Sierra), 9; XVI (Sierra), 66; XXV, 200; XXXI, 4; XXXVIII, 50. Mining District, Sierra County, biblioff- raphy of, XVI (Sierra), 5. geology of, XVI (Sierra), 5. topography of, XVI (Sierra), 5. House District, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 27. 30 AMERICAN California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Institute of Electrical Engineers, cited, XII, 443. & Metallurgical Engineers, cited, XXXVII, 344. Engineers bulletin of, XII, 452; XIV, 639, 70S; XXIII, 301; XXX, 353; B 86, 40, 58; B 108, 147. quotation from transactions on stamp mills and chlorination works of Plymouth Consolidated Gold Mining Company, VIII, 45. Italian Hydraulic Co., XVIII, 97, 207, 257; XIX, 10, 139. Journal of Science, references, B 72, 23, 25, 27, 33; XV, 547, 589. Liithia and Chemical Co., San Diego County, B 38, SOS; XIV, 696, 708; XXI, 374. Magnesite Co., Santa Clara County, B 38, 327. 330; B 74, 69; B 79, 81, 103, 106, 124, 130; B 83, 60. Magnesium Co., XVIII, 742; B 79, 21; XIX, 31; XXVI, 316; XXVII, 392; XXXIX, 536. Manganese INIanufacturing Co., B 76, 98. Mining and Smelting Co., B 125, 182. mine. Placer County, B 125, 150, 294. Nos. 1 and 2 deposits. Trinity County, B 125, 194. Producers Association, XXV, 93. Products Co., San Mateo County, XVIII, 46, 385; XIX, 24. Marble and Granite Co., B 38, 376. IMetal Co. limestone quarry, Calaveras County, XIV, 62. Metals Co., Ltd., of New York, XXXI 1 1, 178. Inc., XXII, 482, 483, 486, 487, 489, 503; XXXIV, 436. 442, 444. Mine, El Dorado County, B 108, 45. Inyo County. XV, 71; XXII, 476; XXXIV, 427, 468. Lake County (see also Helen and also Dead Broke Pine Tree Mines), XII, 360; XIII, 595; B 78, 59; XXV, 355; XXXV, 391. Mariposa County, XXIV, 129. Nevada County, II, Part 2, 170. No. 1, and No. 2, Hutte County, RM (Butte), 11. Placer County, XXXII, 10, 56, 86. San Bernardino County, XXXIV, 15; XXXVI, 54; XXXIX, 440. Shasta County, RM (Shasta), 4, 13: VIII, 564; XII, 245; Xlll, 349, 357; XIV, 778; XIX, 135; XX, 15; XXII, 1C9, 181; XXIX, 5; XXX, 305; XXXV, 130, 135, 176. Mineral Products, XXVI, 337. Mineralogist, cited, XXVIII, 82, 84; XXXIX, 330, 340, 342, 345, 346, 348. Minerals Co., XXXVIII, 139. Inc., XXXIII, 207. Mines, Inc.. XXXIV, 15. Mining and Development Co., XVI (Sierra), 134; XXV, 200; XXXVIII, 50. Co., RM (Kern), 8, 17. Congress, Chicago, California's gold ex- hibit, photo of, XVIII, 55, 58; XX, 416. cited, XXXV, 80, 89. Convention at Sacramento, mineral ex- hibit. XX, 417. statement on mining assessment, XVIII, 236. Exposition, Chicago, California Exhibit at, XVIII, 54. Law. B 98, B 123. laws, customs and regulations, XI, 523. 542. Monarch Mine, Placer County. XXXII, 42. Museum of Natural History, tourmaline specimens in, XV, 575. Oil and Refining Company. B 19, 156. Petroleum Co., B 63, 224. Institute, cited, B 96, 33; B 100, 27; B 114, 25; B 11'5, 25; B 121, 23; B 122, 24; B 126, 23. supply and demand, B 96, 33. Portland Cement Co., San Diego County, B 99, 85. Potash and Chemical Co., XXVI, 316; XXVII, 392; XXXVI, 14; XXXIX, 537. borax storage, Searles Lake, San Bernar- dino County, photo of. B 117, 103. coring a new well, Searles Lake, San Ber- nardino County, photo of, B 121, 117. lithium phosphate, Searles Lake. San Bernardino County, photo of, B 117, 90. photograph of, XXXVI, 14. photograph of plant, XXXVI, 15. photograph of well at San Bernardino County, XXXIX, 536. plant, Searles Lake. San Bernardino County, photo of. B 117, 108; B 119, 115; B 122, 76. section of soda plant, photo of, B 126, 115. Trona plant, photo of, B 105, 122. Inc.. XV, 509. Pottery Co.. XXI, 354; B 99, 201. Products Co., XV, 509, 510. at Long Beach, kelp storage and furnaces in the plant of, photo of, XV, 510. potash plant of, photo of, XV, 510. Prospecting Club. Mono County, XVII, 151. Queen Mine, San Diego County, RM (San Diego), 0. Quicksilver Co. (see Wall Street Mine, Lake County), XXV, 363. Refractories Co., B 76, 136; B 79, 106, 123, 130; B 99, 96. Amreco fire clay tests of, B 99, 292. Arc fire clay tests of, B 99, 282. River above Rattlesnake Bridge, gravel bars along the. photo of, XV, 381. at Folsom State Prison, dam across the, photo of, XV, 417. below Rattlesnake Bridge, gravels in the. photo of, XV, 381. Canyon. Noric stage, B 118, 104. concrete highway bridge at Folsom, photo of, B 93, 73. District, dredging in, B 57, 177. 199; B 85, 27. gold placers in, XVIII, 226; B 92, 117; XXX, 243. production in. B 57, 177. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 AME-AMR 31 ratio of platinum to gold in, B 85, 28, 29. sketch map showing gravel beds and formations, B 57, facing 176. Gold Mining Co., XXXI, 19; XXXII, 86. hydraulic mining on, XXXI, 350. Land and Lumber Company, Sacramento County. X, 513. map of ridge between North and Middle Forks, IX, op. 102. Mines Co.. XXXII, 15, 21. North Fork, diving outfit used for the recovery of gold from the deep pools, photo of, XV, 383. sluicing bench gravels on the south side, photo of, XV, 382. photo of, B 57, 176; XV, 418. Sand and Gravel Co., Sacramento County, XXI, 16. plant, Sacramento County, photo of, XXI, 17. Sierra Nevada, geology of, XXVIII, 297. System, B 92, 143. Tertiary, profile of, B 92, 142. Rutile Co., XXIII, 310. Salt Company, Alameda County (see also Leslie-Cahfornia Salt Co.), VIII, 32; B 24, 110; XVI i, 33; XXV, 443. Seam mine, El Dorado County, B 108, 45, 48; XXXIV, 258. Silica Company, B 99, 140. Death Valley, clay tests of, B 99, 316. Hunter Ranch clay, Orange County, B 99, 140. Robinson Ranch clay, Orange County, B 99, 140. Smelting & Refining Co., XXXIV, 431. Sulphates Co., XXXVIII, 142. photograph of, XXXVIII, 142. Tin Corp. (see also South Black Rock tin deposit, and Temescal Tin Mine), XXV, 495, 497; XXXI, 517; XXXVII, 543, 551. Temescal Tin Mine, Riverside County, photo of, XXV, 497. Trona Co., XV, 511, 854, 894; XVII, 357; XVIII, 222; XIX, 31, 32. Co.'s camp, San Bernardino County, photo of, XV, 895. Corporation's new million-dollar plant at Trona, San Bernardino County, photo of, XV, 896. Corp., production and costs, B 93, 143. production of potash by, B 74, 112. Trust Review of the Pacific cited, B 102, 129. Valley District, placers in, B 92, 111. Vermillion, IV, 133. Vitrified China Co., Santa Clara County (see also Piatt's Premier Porcelain, Inc.), XXVI, 6; B 99, 220. Zinc Lead and Smelting Co. (see also Uncle Sam Mine and Colma Copper Group), XIX, 57, 90; XX, 432; XXXV, 176. Americus Mine, Shasta County, RM (Shasta), 4. Ames copper prospect, Siskiyou County, XXI, 427; XXXI, 271. Mine, Siskiyou County, XXI, 431; XXXI, 314. Amethiste Basaltine, B 37, 48, 86. Amethyst, as a mineral gem, IV, 319; B 37, 64, 67; B 67, 64; B 91, 84; XXXIV, 45; B 113, 92. Mine, Sierra County, XXXVIII, 50. Amianthus, IV, 68. Amick, John, iron deposit, Inyo County, XV, 87; XVII, 282; XXII, 475. W. D., silica property, Amador County, XIX, 95; XXIII, 143; B 99, 63; XXVII, 433. white sand deposit, Amador County, photo of, XXIII, 143. Amigo Gold Channel Plumas County, RM (Plumas), 8. Mine, San Bernardino County, RM (San Ber- nardino), 11. Amity, Acalay, Attila, Churchill, Flat Iron, Goldstone, Mahood, Par, Papoose, Potato Patch, Rainatorm, Spanish Paradox Nos. 1 and 2 and Union Mines, San Bernar- dino County, XXXVIII, 346. Mine, San Bernardino County, B 95, 126. Ammeter on bucket line controller circuit, B 57, 64. Ammiolite, IV, 330; B 78, 27. Ammodiscus cf., turbinatus, B 118, 195. Ammonia alum, B 113, 100. in hot waters of Manzanita Mine, B 78, 39. mineral water, XIV, 1S3, 1S5, 187, 217. process, borates, B 24, 85. Ammonium alum, B 67, 190; B 91, 278. sulphate from lone lignite, B 85, 23. Amnicola, B 118, 543. Amoeboceras dubius, B 118, 166. Amorphous black sulphide of mercury, B 78, 208. cinnabar, B 78, 25. graphite, PR 5, 14. Amortization charges, B 78, 352. Amoskeag Mine, Butte County, XI, 153. Amount of cyanide solution used for tailings, B 5, 25. of water required for proper working of battery, B 6, 36. Anipback Mine, Siskiyou County (see also Portuguese, also Fagundez), XI, 432; XII, 276; XIII, 386. Amphibole (see also asbestos), IV, 68; XIV, 752, 754; B 67, 115; B 87, 17; B 91, 163; B 113, 258. group, B 113, 257. Amphibolite schists, B 18, 8. Sierra Nevada, XXVI II, 285. Amphimorphina calif ornica, B 118, 194, 195. zone, B 118, 193. ignota, B 118, 195. Amphissa versicolor, B 118, 176. Amphistegina calif ornica assemblage, B 118, 595. Amphitheater in Inyo Mountains, east of Big Pine, Inyo County, VIII, 246, 274, 275. Amreco fire clay, tests of, B 99, 292. Amrillo Mine, Mendocino County (Occident- Amarillo), B 78, 71. 32 AMY-ANA California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Amy Balch Mine, Trinity County, RM (Trin- ity), 4. 22; XIII, 437; XIV, 884; XXII, 28; XXIX, 6; XXXVII, 24, 74. Group (Gold State), Kern County, XXIX, 272, 287. Ana -Isabel Mine, Kern County (see Pennsyl- vania Sunrise Group). XXIX, 322. Anacapa, Arched Passage, illustration of, IX, op. 174. distant view, illustration of, IX, op. 180. Island, citations, B 118, 424. Islands, IX, 155, 171. Anacapas, map of, IX, op. 172. channel between middle and east, illustra- tion of, IX, op. 176. eastern extremity, illustration of, IX, op. 178. Anacapia, during lower !^aleogene, B 118, 113. Neogene, B 118, 117. upper Paleogene, B 118, 115. map showing, B 118, 96. Anaco Mine, San Bernardino County (see also Red Raven Mine), XXVI, 267; XXVII, 340; XXXIX, 474. Anaconda and Grand View Mines, Inyo County, XII, 373. asbestos deposit, Shasta County, RM (Shasta), 15; XIV, 755; XXII, 128; XXXV, 113. Claim, Shasta County (see Sybil Mine), XXIX, 50. Copper Mining Co. (see also Walker Mine), B 76, 12; XX, 14; XXXIV, 238. setthng-flue experiments by, B 78, 268, Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV, 468. Kern County, RM (Kern), 8. San Bernardino County, XVII, 344; XVI 11, 265, 344; XXVI, 222; XXVII, 281. San Diego County, RM (San Diego), 6. Shasta County, RM (Shasta), 4; XXXV, 176. Oil Co., B 63, 101. Anaha Mine, Nevada County, table of average yield of gold, II, Part 1, 175. Anaheim, clay resources of, B 99, 144. Dome, Coyote Hills oil field, B 118, PI. V, 349, 351. citations, B 118, 354. Exploration and Development Co., Imperial County, XXII, 264. Group of claims. Riverside County, XXV, 472. -Hualde area, Coyote Hills oil field, citations, B 118, 354. oil wells, B 63, 274, 277. zones, Coyote Hills oil field, B 118, 231, PL V, 673. Analcime, B 113, 233. in Tuolumne County, XXXIX, 565. Analcite, B 67, 139; B 91, 208; B 113, 233. Analyses, Adams Canon crude oil, B 63, 65. and refining methods of petroleum, mainly from the southern counties of California, resume of original researches, XIII, 656. chemical of California petroleum, B 31. common brick clays, B 70, 38. of alumina-silicate rock by C. W. Hill Co., Los Angeles, XXIII, 322; XXVII, 417. amargosite from Inyo County, XXII, 514. amphibolite schist from Calaveras County, XXI, 169. aragonite, Suisun, Solano County, I, 17. asphalt from Punta Gorda Mine, Santa Barbara County, B 11, 50. beltane clay, XIV, 318. bentonite from Balch deposit, San Ber- nardino County, XXVI, 305; XXVII, 379. bentonite from deposit of Carew-Norton deposit, XXVII, 380. bituminous rock, XV, 678. black sand, I, 40; XXVIII, 193; XXX, 228. black sand from near Aptos, XXII, 75. borates, B 24, 51, 52, 63, 87, 88, 89. borax. III, Part 2, 49, 50. from San Bernardino County, II, Part 1, 11. Lake, III, Part 2, 26; B 24, 51, 88; XXXII, 102. brick clays, B 71, 43; B 74, 57. brine from Searles Lake, XV, 894. caliche, B 24, 165. California coals, XII, 64; B 3, 88. bibliography of, XVIII, 155. Castalian mineral water, XV, 113. cements, VIII, 867, 876, 877; XV, 557, Chili niter, B 24, 144. chrome, Seiad Creek deposit, Siskiyou County, XXXI, 268. chromite, B 76, 133, 192. clay, chemical tables of, B 99, 353, 356. from Cook's deposit, Placer County, I, 37. El Cajon kaolin deposit, XXI, 354. Pull Moon deposit, Imperial County, XXII, 269. Gladding McBean and Co., XX 1 11, 241. Le Feure clay deposit, San Bernardino County, XXVI, 300; XXVII, 374. Loofbourrow deposit, Humboldt County, XXI, 302. Los Angeles County, XIX, 165. Sonoma County, XXII, 332. 336. value of, B 99, 252. clays, various high-grade, PR 7, 27, 28. coal, XIX, 147, 149, 153, 210. from Amador County, XVIII, 185. Humboldt County, XXI, 303, 304. Mendocino County, XIV, 417. 418. San Benito County, I, 17; XVIII, 146; XXII, 231. Stone Caiion, Monterey County, XV, 598. gas, B 32, 163. Coalinga crude oil, Fresno County, B 32, 192, 193, 194. colemanite, B 24, 87. Colusa County crude oil, B 32, 194. concentrate from Sliger Mine. El Dorado County, B 108, 39. Confidence niter, B 24, 165. copper from Powell Mine, Tulare County, XXVI, 438. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 ANALYSES 33 -nickel, San Diego County, XIV, 666. ore, Mariposa County, XXIV, 78. ores, XIV, 59, 761, 762, 818. Cornwall stone from Dehesa deposit, XXVII, 427. crude oil, B 32. 167. cyanite from Ogilby deposits, XXVII, 457. Danby salt, B 24, 128. Death Valley niter, B 24, 164. diatomaceous earth from Mount Shasta Silica Co., XXII, 166. diatomite (Insulator Property), Fresno County, XXV, 310. dolomite, A. J. Pazzi, XV, 635. from Aumaier and Roderjuez deposit, XXI, 513. dumortierite in San Diego County, XXVII, 452. earth's crust, B 24, 25. electric pig iron, XIV, 806. enriched water gas, B 32, 165. Eureka black slate, XXII, 450. Fairmount raw tufa, XXV, 328. feldspar, Jens quarry, XV, 602. from Nine-Mile Canyon deposit, XXVII, 416. Pacific Mine, XXVII, 430. ferro-manganese smelted at Heroult, Shasta County, B 76, 21. fluorspar from Afton deposit, San Bernar- dino County. XXVI, 302; XXVII, 376. fossiliferous lime of Torrance Lime and Fertilizer Co., XXIII, 328. fullers earth deposit, Kern County, XXV, 66. gas and steam from wells at The Geysers, XXII, 352, 353. at Skaggs hot springs, XXII, 342. Coalinga, B 69, 163. distillate, B 32, 165. from The Geysers, Sonoma County, XVIII, 549. Midway field, B 69, 250. gold production, Amador County, B 108, 58. production, Calaveras County, B 108, 126. of Nevada County, XXVI, 100. granite from McKoon silver-gray granite quarry, XXI, 367. graphite schist from Los Angeles County, XV, 503. gj'psum in Avawatz Mountains, XVIII, 115. in Imperial County, XIV, 739. in Kern County (Mojave Desert), XXV, 70. deposit, Palmdale, XV, 506. Savage, Riverside County, XXV, •513. hot borate springs. Mono Lake, B 24, 54, 98. Humboldt Bay cement, XIV, 393. hydraulic limestone, I, 17. indurated clay, San Francisco, I, 17. iron ore from McKinney iron mines, XXI, 521. from the Minarets, XIV, 558. of Eagle Mountains, Riverside County, XV, 545. kelp, Los Angeles County, XV, 511. lignite in lone Valley, Amador County, I, 17. lignites from Amador County, XXIII, 148. lime from Gillibrand limestone deposit, Ventura County, XX, 97; XXVIII, 267. from Mission lime marl deposit, Alameda County, XX, 185. limestone from Argila Group of claims, Ventura County, XXVIII, 266. from Bond deposit, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 9. Britten deposit, Tulare County, XXVI, 445. Guiberson deposit. Riverside County, XXV, 516; XXVIII, 7. Imperial County, XXII, 277. Jacoby Creek, Humboldt County, XIV, 394; XXI, 318. McCloud River deposit, Shasta County, XIX, 70. Pyramidal Placer Mine, XVI (Plumas), 179; XXIV, 310. Riverside Portland Cement Co., River- side County, XXV, 517, 518. Shasta County, XXII, 194, 195, 197. Sonoma County, XXII, 336. Tassajero Group, XXI, 522. Ventura County, XXI, 239, 240; XXVIII, 267. Ventura Cement Co.'s deposit, Ven- tura County, XXVIII, 268. Winship properties, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 11. near Clipper Gap, Placer County, I, 16. limonite, Clipper Gap, Placer County, I, 16. lithia minerals, B 71, 75; B 74, 100. Lo Kern Artesian well, Kern County, XIII, 535. Lost clay, XVIII, 555. Lower Canon niter, B 24, 165, 182. magnesite, B 79, 15, 49, 56, 62, 68, 74, 95, 99, 102, 113, 126, 139. deposit (Bissell), Kern County, XXV, 73. from Afton deposit, San Bernardino County, XXVI, 314; XXVII, 390. Sampson lode, XV, 644. Sonoma County, XIV, 331, 332. magnetite from Placer County, I, 16. Potter's iron mine, Shasta County, I, 15. manganese ore, XIV, 421, 807; B 76, 57, 73, 86. marl deposit. Mission, Alameda County, XXV, 434. materials used in making Portland cement, VIII, 8, 75. matte from Mountain Copper Mine, B 23, 65. McKittrick crude oil, Kern County, B 32, 195. medical springs of Santa Barbara County, XV, 744. 2 — 49587 34 ANALYSES California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 mercurial soot, B 78, 272. meteoric iron, X, 947. mineral paint, XIV, G90. mineral water, XIV, 409, 423, 717; XV, 113, 114, 116, 236, 237, 265, 395, 398, 580, 581. from Agua Caliente, San Diego County, XII, 343. Agua Rica springs, Sonoma County, XII, 347. Allen springs, Lake County, XII, 334. Alum Rock springs, Santa Clara County, XII, 345. Anderson springs, Lake County, XII, 335. Bartlett springs, Lake County, XII, 335. Bundy Hot springs, Riverside County, XXV, 523. California Seltzer Springs, Mendo- cino County, XII, 338. Coalinga Mineral springs, Fresno County, XXV, 320. Coalinga sulpliur baths, Fresno County, XXV, 321. Coronado springs, San Diego County, XII, 343. Crystal spring, Mendocino County, XII, 339. Democrat hot springs, Kern County, XXV, 74. El Paso de Robles, San Luis Obispo County, XII, 344. Encino springs, Los Angeles County, XII, 338. Fulton wells, Los Angeles County, XII, 338. Glen Alpine, El Dorado County, XII, 333. Harbin springs, Lake County, XII, 336. Howard springs, Lassen County, XII, 337. Humboldt Artesian Mineral Water Co., Humboldt County, XII, 333. Iron spring, Lake County, XII, 335, 336. Lake County, RM (Lake), 5. Lakeview Inn hot springs, Riverside County, XXV, 521, 523. Liver and Kidney spring. Contra Costa County, XII, 332. Magnesia spring. Lake County, XII, 336. Mercey hot springs, Fresno County, XXV, 322. Millerton spring, XIV, 458. Mok-Hill springs, XIV, 130. Mono Lake, Mono County, XII, 340. Murrietta hot springs. Riverside County, XXV, 523. Musante spring, Napa County, XXV, 222. Myrtledale hot springs, Napa County, XXV, 222. Napa Soda springs, Napa County, XXV, 224. Pacific Congress, Santa Clara County, XII, 345. Piedmont White sulphur springs, Alameda County, XII, 331. Samuels' soda springs, Napa County, XII, 341; XXV, 225. San Juan Capistrano, San Bernar- dino County, XII, 343. San Luis Obispo County, XV, 691. Santa Barbara County, springs, XXI, 554. Santa Tsabel, San Luis Obispo County, XII, 344. Sulphur Baths well, XIV, 459. Summit soda spring, Placer County, XII, 342. Tolenas, Solano County, XII, 346. Vichy spring, Mendocino County, XII, 339. Volcanic mineral, Inyo County, XII, 334. Walter springs, Napa County, XXV, 225. White Sulphur spring. Contra Costa County, XII, 332. Wilbur springs, Colusa County, XII, 331. Witter Mineral spring, Lake County, XII, 337. molding sand from Ventura Velvet de- posit, XXVIII, 269. Mono Lake, B 24, 64, 65, 99. Moody's Gulch crude oil, B 32, 192. natural cement, Ventura County, XV, 762. natural gas, B 3, 81, 82. gas at Stockton, San Joaquin County, XIV, 611, 614, 618. 'Nipicuro' water, XIV, 922. niter, B 24, 164. nitrate beds, XV, 118. ocean water, B 24, 26, 105. oil. Aloha Oil crude, B 63, 120, 121. Amalgamated Oil Co., Anaheim, B 63, 278. Arcturus Oil Co., B 63, 237, 239. Bard Oil and Asphalt Co., B 63, 48, 82. Bardsdale Crude Oil Co., B 63, 128. Bastanchury crude, B 63, 278. Big Sespe Oil Co., of California, B 63, 105. Birch Oil Co., B 63, 311, 319. Brea Canon Oil Co., B 63, 315, 317. Brooks Oil Co., B 63, 392, 395. Brownstone Oil and Refining Co., B 63, 114. Burrows, C. A., B 63, 58, 59. • California Oil Co., B 63, 109. Canadian Queen Oil Co., Tapo, B 63, 151. Capital Crude Oil Co., B 63, SO, 81, 84, 85. Castaic crude, B 63, 182. Cat Canon crude, B 63, 392. Central claim, Sespe, B 63, 110. Clampitt Bros., Sespe, B 63, 110. E., B 63, 209. Clark and Sherman Land Co., B 63, 244, 245. Clark Oil Co., B 63, 245. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 ANALYSES 3 5 Columbia Oil Products Co., B 63, 312. Connell, D. A., B 63, 192. Cons. Crude Oil Co., B 63, 211. Cosmopolitan Oil Co., B 6'3, 115. Coyote crude, B 63, 278, 279. Davis and Harrison, B 63, 212, 215. Delaware Union Oil Co., B 63, 310. De Witt Canon crude, B 63, 188. Dome Oil Co., Blochman, B 63, 392. Santa Maria, B 63, 373. Doran, Brouse and Price, B 63, 211. Duquesne Oil Co., B 63, 414. East Field crudes, B 63, 214. Elsmere Canon crudes, B 63, 190, 193. Empire Oil Co., B 63, 417. Eureka Caiion crudes, B 63, 147, 149. Ex-Mission crudes, B 63, 58. Fidelity Oil Co., B 63, 265. Four Forks crude, B 63, 115. Pullerton Cons. Oil Co., B 63, 309, 314. Oil Co., B 63, 320, 321. gas, B 32, 165. Gilmore Oil Co., B 63, 242. Graham-Loftus Oil Co., B 63, 310, 316. Grimes tract crudes, B 63, 130. Hall and Hall Oil Co., B 63, 368. Harris, C. C. Oil Co., B 63, 122, 212. Hawkswing crudes, B 63, 112. Hill tract crude, B 63, 351. Home Oil Co., B 63, 262, 266, 267. Hopper Caiion crudes, B 63, 119. Humboldt County, B 69, 452. Industrial Oil Co., B 63, 309, 314. Kentuck crude. B 63, 108. Kern River, B 32, 196, 197. Lewis and Jones Oil Co., B 63, 89. Loma Oil Co., B 63, 417. Los Angeles (Sespe), crude, B 63, 113. city crudes, B 63, 207, Railway Co., B 63, 207. methods of, B 63, 9. Midway Petroleum Co., B 63, 61. Modelo Oil Co., B 63, 143, 144. Mud Springs Caiion crudes, B 63, 192, 194. Murphy Oil Co., Coyote, B 63, 279. Whittier, B 63, 267, 271. Nettlemen and Kellerman Oil Co., B 63, 194. New Penn Petroleum Co., B 63, 369, 371. Newhall Canon crudes, B 63, 189, 191. Ojai Oil Co.. B 63, 48. Pacific Petroleum Co., B 63, 240. Palmer Oil Co., B 63, 393, 394. Park Crude Oil Co., B 63, 210. Parker Oil Co., B 63, 208. Paula Oil Co., B 63, 89. Pear Oil Co., B 63, 191, 192. Petroleum Development Co., B 63, 311, 313, 314, 316, 322, 323, 324, 325. Pico Cafion crudes, B 63, 183, 188. Oil Co., B 63, 318. Pinal Oil Co., B 63. 369, 370, 372. Pirie tract crude, B 63, 33. Pitcher and Garbutt Oil Co., B 63, 242, 244. Potomac Oil Co., B 63, 415. Proudfit and Parker. B 63, 213. Puente Oil Co., B 63, 287, 293, 320, 322, 323. Pyramid Oil Co., B 63, 82, 83. Rancho La Brea Oil Co., B 63, 235. Razzle Dazzle wells, B 63, 109, 110. Rice Ranch Oil Co., B 63, 371. Robertson, B 63, 129. tract crude, B 63, 129. Rose Oil Co., B 63, 182. Rosedale Cemetery crude, B 63, 243. Salt Lake crudes, B 63, 235. Oil Co., B 63, 236, 240, 241. Saltmarsh, B 63, 60. Canon Oil Co., B 63, 62. 63, 64. sands, XVIII, 275. Sansinena crude, B 63, 309, 310, 318. Santa Ana Oil Co., B 63, 189. Santa Maria crude, B 63, 368. Sea Cliff Oil Co., B 63, 413. Sespe crudes, B 63, 107, 121. shale and by-products, XIX, 213, 214, 215. Shirley, L W., B 63, 210. Slocum Oil Co., B 63, 71, 74. South Pacific Oil Co., B 63, 147, 148. Standard Oil Co., Elsmere, B 63, 190, 193. Pico, B 63, 183, 188. Wiley, B 63, 189. Star oil claim, crude, B 63, 111. Sulphur Mountain Petroleum Co., B 63, 39. Summerland crudes, B 63, 413, 415. Sunset Oil Co., B 63, 119. Tapo, B 63, 150. Canon crudes, B 63, 150, 151. Tar Creek, B 63, 105. Creek crudes, B 63, 105, 107. Flat, B 63, 68. crudes, B 63, 68, 70. Timber Canon crudes, B 63, 416. Torrey, B 63, 145, 146. crudes, B 63, 145, 146. Treasure Realty Co., B 63, 368. Tunnel oils. B 63, 66, 72. Turner Oil Co.. B 63, 263. 264. Udall claim crude, B 63, 115. Union Oil Co., Adams, B 63, 65. Bastanchury, B 63, 278. Central, B 63, 110. Four Folks, B 63, 115. Grimes, B 63, 130. Hawkswing, B 63, 112. Hill, B 63, 351. Kentuck, B 63, 108. Warner Oil Co.. B 63, 266. Western Union Oil Co., B 63, 373, 378. Westlake Oil Co., B 63, 207. Whidden Double Oil Co., B 63, 47. White Star Oil Co., B 63, 116. Whittier Crude Oil, B 63, 269, 270, 272, 273. Filmore Oil Co., B 63, 263. Wiley Canon Crude, B 63, 189. Zenith Oil Co., B 63, 191. orbicular gabbro, XIV, 675. ore from Friday Mine, XXI, 352. 36 ANALYSES California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 ores of Nassau Mine, XIV, 59. Owens Lake. Inyo County, B 24, 95. Owl niter, B 24, 130, 165. Pacific Coast coals, B 3, 86, 88. petroleum, chemical, B 31. placer gold production, partial, Butte County. XXIV, 192; XXVI, 385. platinum from Michigan-Salmon Mine, B 85, 79. Ten Eyck Mine, B 85, 67. metals from California, table of, B 85, 109. potash rock from Olive springs, XXII, 89. salts, XV, 120. producer gas, B 3, 84. Providence Mountain iron ore, XV, 821. pumicite, Fresno County, XXV, 324. quartz from Hammonds Property, XXI, 217. Machado deposit, XXVII, 443. red earth near Clipper Gap, Placer County, I, 16. Riverside blue marble, XV, 557. Round Mountain niter, B 24, 165. salines available at Soda Lake, XV, 721. salt crusts, XV, 123. from Monterey Bay Salt Co., XIX, 60. Salt Springs niter, B 24, 165. Wells Valley borax, B 24, 49. Salton salt, B 24, 124. salts from Owens Lake water, XXII, 528. Soda Lake, XXI, 536. sand from Barber (Shepard) pit, XXVII, 434. Crystal Silica Sand Co., XXVII, 447. San Mateo crude oil, B 32, 192. Santa Cruz cement, VIII, 881. screen of ores tested, B 78, 292, 293. Searles Borax Lake, B 24, 64, 65. shale from Shasta County deposit, XIX, 71. from Sonoma County, XXII, 336. silica and feldspar from Flynt Silica and Spar Co.'s deposit, XXVII, 429. and clay from Hill Bros. Chemical Co. deposit, XXVII, 391. from Burroughs deposit, XXVII, 446. Fish Mountain deposit, XXVII, 438. Hammonds deposit, XXVII, 450. Imperial Co., XXII, 281. Muroc deposit, XXVII, 438. Penny deposit. XXVII, 444. Quartz Mountain deposit, XXVII, 439. Temescal Canyon deposit, XXVII, 444. silver gray granite from Eucalyptus Ranch quarry, XXI, 365. lead ore from near Plcacho. XIV, 733. slags. VIII, 831. slate. Pyramidal lime deposit. XXIV, 311. Sloan feldspar, XV, 863. Soda Lake, B 24, 130. sodium sulphate from Bertram, Imperial County, XX, 91; XXII, 282. soils in Placer County, X, 412. Spencevllle ores, Nevada County, X, 393. strata, B 24, 165. Summerland crude oil, B 32, 194. Sunset Crude oil, B 32, 195, table of, crude oils of California, B 32, 198. talc from Ganim Gold Mines Co., XXII, 211. Wall Property, XXIII, 286, Yosemite Talc Mine, XXIV, 152. tuff from Shoshone, XXII, 521. ulexite. III, Part 2, 81, 84. Upper Caiion niter, B 24, 165, 181. Valencia Heights shale, XV, 906, Valley niter, B 24, 165. springs salt. B 24, 133. Ventura County crude oil, B 32, 193. Velvet molding sand, XX, 98; XXI, 241, volcanic ash from Weatherby Ranch. XXI, 324, water, chemical. B 84, 139. from Aetna Springs, Napa County, II, Part 1, 10. Alliambra springs, XXIII, 17. Alum Rock springs, Santa Clara County. XXVI, 17. Arrowhead and Waterman hot springs, San Bernardino County. XV, 886. Azule mineral spring and Congress spring, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 18. Bakersfield well, Kern County, XIII, 535. Blodgett Magic Spring and Blodgett Mineral spring, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 19. Buckman springs, XXI, 381. Byron hot springs, XXIII, 18. Calaveras mountain spring, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 20. California hot springs, Tulare County, XXVI, 455. Casa Diablo hot springs. Mono County, XXX, 88. Coalinga, B 69, 160. Coso hot springs. XV, 114; XXII, 519. Deer Park springs, XV, 395. El Granito mineral springs, XXI, 381. El Toro spring, XI, 251. Gilman hot springs, XXVIII, 9. Gilroy hot springs, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 20. Hillydale sulphur spring, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 21. Keough hot springs, XXII, 520, Kern City artesian well. Kern County, XIII, 535. Lake Hachinhama. B 24, 52. Lake Tahoe, XV, 396. Lo Kern Artesian well, Kern County, XIII, 535. Madrone and Coes springs, Santa Clara County. XXVI, 22. Matilija hot springs, XXVIII, 276. Merry Hill mineral well, XXI, 525. Mono Lake, XV, 169. Nuvida mineral spring, XXI, 382. oil wells, B 3, 90, 91, 92. Olive Springs, XXII, 88. Owens Lake, XV, 124. Palm springs, XXVIII, 9. Index of Publications, IS 80-1 943 ANA-AND 37 San Benito mineral springs, XXII, 239. Santa Teresa springs, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 23. Soboba hot springs, XXVII, 10. Summit soda springs, XV, 398. Valley View Products Property, XVIII, 603. Vickers hot springs, XXVIII, 277. Warm Spring near Little Lake, XV, 116. "Warner's hot springs, XXI, 382. gas, ''blue," B 32, 165. white metal rock, XVIII, 87; XXII, 103. yellow shale from property of Steiger Brick and Tile Co., XXIII, 204. Anamesite in Siskiyou County, VIII, 619. Anapaite, B 91, 238; B 113, 213. occurrence of, in Tulare County, XVIII, 720. Anastie Mine, Trinity County, RM (Trinity), 4. Anatase, B 67, 83; B 91, 113; B 113, 125. Anatomy of human races compared, B 1, 16. Anatrosa Mine, Kern County, XIV, 486. Anauxite, B 113, 235. Anavina Mine, Shasta County (see also Peer- less Group, XII, 245; XIII, 349; XVIII, 598; XXII, 181, 184; XXXV, 176. Ancha Vista spring, Marin County, XIV, 249; XXII, 321. Ancho Mine, Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 116; XX, 9; XXVI, 101; XXXI, 11; XXXVII, 383, 444. San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernar- dino), 14. Anchor claim, San Diego County, XXXV, 54. limestone member, B 118, 673. Mining Co., XXXII, 42, 82. Petroleum Co., B 63, 254. Ancient beach placers, XXX, 125. Channel System between San Andreas and Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras County, XXXII, facing 324. of Calaveras County, XII, 482; XXXII, 325. System map, Calaveras County, XXXII, facing 324. channels, B 57, 15, 16; XXXII, 325. gravel channels of Calaveras County, XIV, 114. Lake Borate Mine, Inyo County, XXIV (see map). Lakes of Interment Basins, XXIX, 195. river beds of California, geologic chart of, B 92, in pocket, the Forest Hill Divide, X, 435. channels, characteristics of, B 92, 50. map of, XXI, 276. mines of, XXI, 276. of the Duncan Canyon Region, Placer County, XXI, 275. Siskiyou County, XIV, 812, 822, 824, 843, 850, 874. topography and geology of, XXI, 276. Corp., XIV, 121; XXXII, 334. terraces of Canyon Creek, photograph of, XXXI, 154. rivers, theories of genesis of, IX, 107. shore line deposits, Calaveras County, XXXII, 324. Andalusite (see also feldspar), IV, 70; B 37, 34, 98; B 67, 128; B 91, 182; B 99, 19; B 113, 306; XXXIV, 64; B 124, 5; XXXIX, 385. crystal, illustration of, XX, 150. cyanite, dumortierite and sillimanite, XXVII, 450. directory of producers (see annual statis- tical bulletins), from California, note on, XX, 149. in Fresno County, XXVII, 452. Kern County, XXVII, 452. Madera County, XIV, 539; XXIV, 324. Mariposa County, XXVII, 452. Mono County, XXIII, 400; XXVII, 453, 459, 464; XXXVI, 13, 149. geology of, XXVII, 459. mining methods of, XXVII, 461. plant processes, XXVII, 462. technical importance, XXVII, 464. Nevada County, XXVII, 455. Riverside County, XXVII, 455. San Bernardino County, XXXVIII, 214. Mine of Champion Porcelain Co., Mono County, photo of, B 94, 106, 107. production statistics (see annual statistical bulletins), properties, occurrence, preparation, uses, tests, markets, possible buyers, and bib- liography, B 124, 5. -sillimanite-dumortierite in San Diego County, XXXV, 52. uses of, XXVII, 451. Anderson, Alden, Gold Supply, Our Decreas- ing, XXVI, 495. and Gist claims, Fresno County, B 23, 233. Hardison Pressed Brick Co., XXI, 237; B 99, 234; XXVIII, 264. Pressed Brick Co., clay tests of, B 99, 339. Pack, cited, B 78, 94; B 89, 61, 62, 70, 93; XV, 648. Sandquist Pottery Co., B 38, 213. Ann, Travis, C, cited, B 125, 44. C. A., cited, XXIX, 117. Canal, Kern County, XIII, 534. Chas. A., and R. Dana Russell, Tertiary Formations of Northern Sacramento Valley, XXXV, 219. cited, XXXIII, 15, 27, 95; XXXV, 228, 232, 248. Chris Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 352. claim, Madera County (see also Mingus), XXIV, 340, 343. claims, Riverside County, B 23, 257; XV, 525. clay, Shasta County, B 99, 223. copper prospect, Del Norte County, XXIX, 139, 147. F. M., cited, B 19, 161; B 69, 195; B 72, 5, 6, 22, 23, 24, 34, 36, 38; XXVII, 11, 150, 153, 170, 178; XXVIII, 278, 311; XXIX, 111, 112, 353; XXXVII, 21. Flat Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 297. 38 AND-ANG California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Frank M., Berryessa Valley, B 118, 616. cited, XXXII, 142; XXXIII, 15; XXXV, 64, 226; XXXVI, 356. Juras.sic and Cretaceous Divisions in the ICnoxville- Shasta succession of Cali- fornia, XXVIII, 311. Synopsis of the Later Mesozoic in Cali- fornia, B 118, 183. Geo. H., cited, XXXIII, 16, 324; XXXVI, 353; XXXVIII, 157. Gold Mining Co., XXIV, 22. gravel mining claim, Siskiyou County, VIII, 617. Group, Riverside County (see also Mammoth Copper Mining Co.), XX, 434; XXV, 469. IT. G. S., B 78, 206, 244, 325, 326. H. P. Ranch, clay deposit, Lassen County, 3 99, 92. Iliff, XXXV, 257, 258. magnesite property. Fresno County, B 79, 44. Mine, Amador County (see also New York), B 13, 4J; XIII, 75: XIV, 39: XXIII, 186. Calaveras County. XXXII, 297. Humboldt County, XIII, 172. Lake County, B 27, 48; XXXV, 384. Mariposa County (see also Cro-mi Lead and Original Mine), RM (Mariposa), 10; X, 38; XIV, 575; XVII, 106; XXIV, 107. Monterey County, XXXI, 462. Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 12; XIII, 387; XIV, 858; XXI, 462, 474; XXXI, 314, 320. Trinity County, RM (Trinity), 13; XIII, 437. Oscar, granite quarry. Placer County, XV, 387; XXIII, 280. quarry, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 35. quicksilver prospect. Lake County, B 78, 55; XIV, 230; XVII, 81; XXV, 351. R., B 72, 5, 21. 25. Ranch volcanic ash deposit, Lassen County, XVII, 511. Robert, cited, XV, 621, 648. 748; B 78, 94; B 89, 75, 173; XXVII, 152, 156, 158, 159, 162, 175; XXXIII, 16; XXXV, 423. Springs, Lake County, RM (Lake), 6; VI, Part 1, 62; VIII, 327; XII, 335; XIII, 511; B 24, 70; XIV, 212; XVII, 79; XXV, 344. Winslow, description of some desiccated human remains, B 1. cited, XIV, 208; XV, 398; XXV, 344. Anderson's limestone kiln, Kern County, VIII, 311. mineral springs, San Benito County, XIII, 516. Andes Mine, San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernardino), 6. Andesine, B 67, 106; B 91, 152; B 113, 223, 224. diabase in northeastern Madera County, XXX, 33. photo of. XXX, 34. Andesite. IV, 180; XXIX, 89, 96, 102. breccia, photograph of, XXXI, 165. cobble wash, photograph of, XXXI, 165. diorite porphyry and dacite in Shasta Quad- rangle, XXVII, 23. flows, description of, B 95, 55. in Sierra Nevada, XXVIII, 285. Andesites, Upper Miocene, in Mojave Desert, XXX, 420. Andradite (see also garnet), IV, 71, 181; B 37, 50, 51; B 67, 120; B 91, 172; B 113, 290. Andrews and Kettlewood Mine, Siskiyou County, XII, 276. Miner No. 2 Mine, Siskiyou County, XII, 276. chromite claims, Shasta County, B 76, 181, 222. Mine, Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 16; XII, 276; Xm, 387. Philip, cited, XXXIII, 16. -Quinn quarry. Placer County, XV, 387. River Mine, Siskiyou County, XI, 442. Andy Farrier Diggings, Placer County, PR 8, 32; XXXII, 42. Fitz Mine, Nevada County (see also Fruit- vale Mine), XVI (Nevada), 169. Fitz Mining and Milling Co., XVI (Sierra), 77; XXV, 174; XXXVII, 383; XXXVIII, 50. Johnson and Fourth of July Mines (see also Flint and Clear Creek), San Benito County, B 27, 138; B 78, 98; XV, 654; XXII, 241; XXXV, 419. Mine, Trinity County. XXII, 50; XXXVII, 74. Aneta Mine, Amador County, RM (Amador), 8. Angel Island quarry, Marin County (see also Fort McDowell), XIV, 254; XXII, 324. Myron, Kern County Mines and Minerals, X, 219. Monterey County Mines and Minerals, X, 345. San Benito County Mines and Minerals, X, 515. San Luis Obispo County Mines and Minerals, X, 567. Santa Barbara County Mines and Min- erals, X, 595. Tulare County Mines and Minerals, X 728. Angela claim, Del Norte County, XXXVII, 119. Angelica Innocente Mine and Last Chance Consolidated Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 310. Angelina Heights well, B 11, 14; B 63, 329. Mine, San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernardino), 6. Angels Camp and Sonora. aerial map of, XXVIII, 294. branching of Mother Lode at. Illustration of, X, 61. Calaveras County, geology of, B 99, 68. table of production of the precious metals, II, Part 1, 176. Deep Mining Co., RM (Calaveras), 15; XVII, 420; XVIII, 97; PR 8, 25; XXXII. 297. Mine, Calaveras County (see also Turner). XIII, 97. Mines, Calaveras County. XI, 171; XIV, 65. Section of Mother Lode, Calaveras County, claim map, XXXII, facing 236. Chlorlnation Works, Calaveras County. VIII. 149. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 ANG-ANN 39 Deep Mine, Calaveras County (see also Brown - Smyth - Ryland Consolidated), XXXII, 239. Greenstone Co., XXI, 168; XXVI, 338; XXXII, 235. Property, Calaveras County, XXXII, 235. Iron Works, mill construction by, B 108, 192. marble quarry, Calaveras County, XIV, 129; XXI, 168. Mill, Calaveras County, VIII, 692. and Liightner Mill, Calaveras County, photo of, XIV, 89. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4, 23; VI, Part 2, 29; VIII, 141; X, 60, 61, 150; XII, 89; XIII, 97; B 18, 109; XIV, 54, 65, 66, 68; XVII, 420; B 108, 127; XXXII, 297. Mining Co., VIII, 141; XIX, 17; XXXII, 254. structural cross-section of Calaveras County through, XIV, 67. Angle bobs, B 9, 58. braces in square sets, B 2, 58. Angles, taking in shafts, B 2, 34. Anglesite, IV, 71; B 67, 181; B 87, 54; B 91, 265; B 113, 175. in Calaveras County, XXXVIII, 97. Anglo American Mine, Placer County, XXXII, 86. Mining Corp., XXX, 317; XXXI, 443; XXXII, 247; XXXIV, 11; XXXVI, 11, 38. California Oil Syndicate, B 63, 349. -Saxon and Tiger Mines, Calaveras County (see Hex Mine). VIII, 135; XXXII, 264, 309. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4. Angora Group, Sierra County (see also Morris- town and Angora). XVI (Sierra), 50; XXV, 206. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 297. Angulo sandstone quari-y, Santa Barbara County, B 38, 133. Tile Co., clay deposits, Santa Barbara County, B 99, 218. Los Angeles County, Plant No. 2, B 99, 97. Anhydrite, IV, 72; B 24, 64; B 37, 102; B 67, 181; B 91, 265; B 113, 176. in Los Angeles County, VIII, 339. Anhydrous borax, IV, 81. bromides, B 113, 86. carbonates, B 91, 126; B 113, 136; XXXIV, 53. chlorides, B 113, 86. fluorides, B 113, 86. oxides, B 91, 97; B 113, 92; XXXIV, 51. silicates, B 67, 104; B 91, 149; XXXIV, 55. sulphate of soda, IV, 72; B 113, 170. Animal life, Inyo County, XV, 44. Animals, amount of work capable of being done by, B 9, 181. bailing, by, B 9, 177, 178, 186. centrifugal pumps operated by, B 9, 180. method of applying the work, B 9, 177. operation of water-raising machines by men and, B 9, 180, 181. Anisic stage, B 118, 103, 104, 105. Anita May tungsten claim, Tulare County, XXVI, 465; XXXVII, 318; XXXVIII, 357. Mine, Amador County, XIII, 68; XIV, 16; XXIII, 186; B 108, 62. Calaveras County, XXXII, 297. Ankerite, B 67, 92; B 91, 131; B 113, 147. alterations of, to talc, B 18, 21. characteristics of, Tuolumne County, B 108, 154. probable origin of, B 18, 13. vein, general features of, B 18, 20. Ankeritization of greenstone, B 108, 11, 55, 63, 84, 94. Ann. L'Inst. Oceon, cited, XXVIII, 62. Ann Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 8. Anna Bell cinnabar mine. Trinity County, XXII, 66; XXXV, 476. claim, San Diego County, XXXV, 19. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4; XXXII, 296. Valley Springs, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4. Moore Mine, Santa Barbara County, XIII, 348; XV, 736. Annabergite, B 67, 167; B 91, 243; B 113, 215. Annapolis or Wilson Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 240. Annayoung, El Portal No. 10 Extension Mines, Mariposa County, XXIV, 129. Anne Pellaton Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 15. Annealing glassware by oil, B 32, 157. Annex Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 15. Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 8. zone, Potrero oil field, B 118, PI. V, 673. Annie and Nellie Mine, Shasta County, XXXV, 185. and Russell Ravine lodes, Nevada County, XXXVII, 444. Bell Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4, 11. Fox Group, Tulare County, prospect shaft, photo of, XXVI, 434. Mine, Tulare County, XV, 908; XXVI, 434. J. Nash and Camp Nelson claims, Tulare County, XXVI, 439. Laurie Mine, Placer Coimty, RM (Placer), 4; XV, 332; XXXII, 11, 13, 42. San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernar- dino), 14. Lee Mine, Siskiyou County, RM (Si-skiyou), 9. McGrew Mine, Trinity County (see also Star of the East Mine), XIV, 898; XXII, 28; XXXVII, 74. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4. Nevada County, XIII, 245. Shasta County, XIII, 349; XXII, 181; XXXV, 176. Tuolumne County, RM (Tuolumne), 8. Rooney Mine, San Bernardino County, XI, 369. Annies Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. Annual assessment work on mining claims within withdrawn areas, XXX, 440. assessments, B 70, 128, 130, 148; B 71, 137, 156. charges on oil land, B 75, 20. copper production in California (see also annual statistical bulletins), B 23, 17. 40 ANN-ANT California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 expenditure or "assessment work," XI, 543; B 98, 277; XXX, 255; B 106 (1st ed.) 14, (2d ed.) 15, (3d ed.) 16, (4th ed), 16; B 120, 17; B 123, Sec. 428, 430, 472-520; B 127, 23. report by owners of oil wells, B 75, 20. of State Oil and Gas Supervisor, B 73; B 75, 25; B 82; B 84. value of mineral production of California, chart showing gold, petroleum, and total of all minerals, 1887-1933, B 110, 15; B 111, 14. Anodonta, B 118, 543. Anomalina dorri, B 118, 194. Anoria lodensis, B 118, 166. Anorthite (see also feldspar), IV, 180; B 67, 107; B 91, 152; B 113, 223, 225. Anorthoclase, B 67, 106; B 91, 151. Anorthosite described in article on Western San Gabriel Mountains, XXXIII, 226. Ant Hill Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4; XIII, 97; XXXII, 285, 297. Antelope Canon, Kern County, VIII, 311. claim, San Diego County, RM (San Diego), 6; XIV, 656; XXXV, 22. Copper Mine, San Benito County, VIII, 489; XI, 371; XXII, 231. photo of, XXII, 232. San Diego County, X, 544; XI, 380; XII, 238; XIII, 331; XXXIX, 266. Creek Dredging Co., XXXII, 80. Crystal Salt Co., B 24, 114; XIV, 191. Inyo County, VIII, 235. Mine, Inyo County (see also Black Warrier, Fitz), XII, 23. Nevada County, table of average yield of gold, II, Part 1, 175. Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 95; XXXIII, 126. San Diego County, estimated production of, XXX, 352. history of discovery of gold at, XXX, 350. Tuolumne County (see also Alta Mine), XIII, 473; XXIV, 22. Mud Co.. XXXI, 416. Neck claim. Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 30; B 23, .161. shale, San Joaquin Valley, west side, B 118, 248, 249, 251, 252, 673. Tungsten Mine, San Bernardino County, XXXIX, 499. Valley district. Mono County, XVIII, 414. Kern County, citations, B 118, 504. marble quarry, Kern County, B 38, 100; XIV, 520; XXV, 73. Los Angeles County, XIII, 629. region, cliaracter of rocks in, XV, 139. minerals of, XV, 139. Mojave Desert and Basin Ranges, cita- tions, B 118, 369. Mono County, XV, 138. Ante Up claim. Sierra County, RM (Sierra), 4; XVI (Sierra) 77. Gold Mining Co. (see also Plumbago Mine), XXV, 169. Mine, Tulare County, XII, 295; XIII, 469. Mining Co., XXXVIII, 21, 50. Anthony, Arthur H., photo by, B 107, 64, 79. C. C, cited, XXXVIII, 204. House district, Nevada County, XVI (Ne- vada), 54. Mine, Inyo County (see also Gold Bug Mine), XXVIII, 368; XXXIV, 381, 468. stone quarry, Monterey County, photo of, XXVIII, 25. Anthophyllite, IV, 69; B 67, 115; B 91, 163; B 113, 257. in Mariposa County, XXXVI, 311. Anthracite, IV, 72, 267; B 37, 104. Anthraconite, IV, 104. Anti-Chinese Mine, Tuolumne County, XIII, 473; XXIV, 22; B 108, 174. Anticlinal theory of oil accumulation, B 89, 14. vein, B 98, 116; B 123, Sec. 141. Anticline, definition of, B 69, 22. Anti-debris Association, B 92, 11, 15. Antidote to cyanide poisoning, B 5, 46. Anti-fat springs, San Bernardino County, VI, Part 1, 70. -friction metals, PR 5, 9. Antigona-anomia-Pecten miguelensis zone, B 118, 254. Antigorite, B 91, 214. Anti-Hitler manganese deposit, Tehama County, B 125, 193. Antimonates, B 67, 1G6; B 91, 244; B 113, 205. Antimonial ores and cyanide, B 5, 15. galena, IV, 248. minerals, associated with cinnabar ores, B 78, 28, 29, 121. Antimonite, B 67, 24; B 91, 28; B 113, 37. Antimony, IV, 72; V, 107; B 38, 260; B 67, 11; PR 5, 8; XV, 904; B 87, 14; B 91, 11; XXXVI, 339; B 113, 21; B 124, 10. alloys, PR 5, 8, 9, buyers, PR 5, 12; B 124, 12. concentration, PR 5, 10. Consolidated Mines, Kern County, XIV, 475; XXV, 21. consumers, PR 5, 12; B 124, 12. contracts and specifications, PR 5, 12, 13. demand, PR 5, 8, 12, 13. deposits, PR 5, 11. directory of producers of (see annual statis- tical bulletins). Glance, IV, 372. Hill, San Benito County, XI, 371. imports, PR 5, 8. in Calaveras County, B 38, 359. Inyo County, XII, 2; B 38, 359, 374; XV, 60; XVII, 273; XXII, 462; XXXIV, 378; XXXIX, 58. Kern County, X, 225; XI, 237; XII, 21; XIII, 31; XIV, 475; XVII, 306; XX, 367; XXV, 21; B 38, 359, 374; XXXIX, 61. Kornville Quadrangle, XXXVI, 322. Los Angeles County, B 38, 359; XV, 470; XXIII, 288; XXXIII, 174. Merced County, XXI, 175. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 ANT-APO 41 Mono County, B 38, 359. Monterey County, XI, 261. Mother Lode ores, B 108, 94, 213. Napa County, B 38, 359. Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), G7; XXVI, 91. Panamint Range, XXVIII, 331, 358. Riverside County, XIII, 31; B 38, 359; XV, 524; XVII, 324; XXV, 4G8; XXXIX, 65. San Benito County, VIII, 483; X, 515; XI, 371; XII, 22; XV, 622; B 38, 260, 359; XVIII, 214; XXII, 222. San Bernardino County, XXVI, 204; XXVII, 264; XXXIX, 429. San Diego County, XIV, 670. San Luis Obispo County, X, 579; XII, 23; XV, 676; B 38, 359; XXI, 504; XXXI, 410. Santa Clara County, B 38, 359. Sierra County, B 38, 359. Siskiyou County, VIII, 584. Tulare County, B 38, 359; XVII, 257; XVIM, 523; XXVI, 431. Ventura County, VIII, 680. zinc bullion, B 5, 35. market, PR 5, 10, 12, 13; B 124, 11. Mine, Kern County, XIII, 31. Mountain, San Benito County, X. 516. occurrence, PR 5, 9. ochre, IV, 72, 371; B 67, 71; B 91, 95. ores, PR 5, 8. prices, PR 5, 10. producers (see also annual statistical bulle- tins), PR 5, 11. production, statistics for (see also annual statistical bulletins), PR 5, 8, 14, 17, 19, 33, 35; XVIII, 240; XIX, 112; XXV, 267. properties, occurrence, preparation, uses, tests, bibliography, PR 5, 11; B 124, 10. sulphide, IV, 72; PR 5, 9. tests, PR 5, 8. uses, PR 5, 9, 12, 13; B 124, 12. value, PR 5, 8, 10. with copper ores, XIV, 758. Anti-Mussolina manganese deposit, Tehama County, B 125, 193. Antinomium Group, Inyo County, XXXIV, 468. Antioch clay resources, B 99, 75. quarry. Contra Costa County, B 38, 316. region, citations, B 118, 481. Sand Co., XXIII, 29, 31. photograph of sandpit of, XXIII, 29. Plant, Contra Costa County, XVII, 61. photo of, B 103, 87. Antiquities (Indian), Ventura County, VIM, 690. Antisell, Thos., cited, XV, 468; B 72, 18; XXX, 349; XXXIV, 134; XXXV, 257. photo of, B 104, following 20. Antler Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 129. Antlered Crest Mine, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas). 64; XXIV, 312;. XXXIII, 126. Crest Mine, Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 134; XXXVIII, 50. Antofagasta, Chili, niter in, B 24, 140. Anton and Pabst Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4; B 23, 248; XV, 71; B 50, 306; XXII, 463. Mine, Calaveras County, table of average yield of gold, II, I'art 1, 173. Inyo County, XXXIV, see map. Antone Mine, Trinity County, XIII, 437. quarry, Siskiyou County, XIV, 870; XXI, 497; XXXI, 337. Antone Rihn Mine, Mariposa County, RM (Mariposa), 16; B 50, 268. Antonia manganese deposit, Santa Clara County, B 125, 174. Mine, Madera County, XII, 164. Antrim claim, Kern County (see also Long Tom Mine), XIII, 192; XXIX, 316. Any-Port-In Storm Mine, Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 4; XXXVII, 444. Any Such Mine, San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernardino), 14. Anzar phase. Santa Lucia series, B 118, 673. Apache manganese deposit, Kern County, B 125, 63, 66. 78, 123. Mine, Fresno County, XIV, 440; XXV, 313. two stamp mill, photo of, XIV, 440. Imperial County (see also Picacho Basin Co.), XIV, 730. Placer County (see also Mad Canyon), XXIII, 275. San Diego County, XIII, 343. Apapha Magnesite Mine, Tulare County, XVIII, 531. Apatite, B 37, 102; B 67, 160; B 87, 73; PR 7, 18; B 91, 233; XXXIV, 71; B 113, 207. group, B 113, 207. in Kennedy Mine, Amador County, B 108, 90. Mariposa County, XXXVII, 491, 602. San Diego County, XIV, 705, 717. Apex and Pensotti claims, Plumas County, XVII, 455; XXXIII, 126. Siskiyou County, XXXI, 288. Consolidated Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV, 468.. Copper Mine, Madera County, XVII, 83. Mine, Calaveras County (see also Ford), XIX, 18; XX, 4, 76; XXI, 144; XXXII, 297; B 108, 128. San Bernardino County, XXVI, 222; XXVII, 281; XXXVII, 551. San Diego County, XVII, 377. Shasta County, RM (Shasta), 4. of vein or lode (see also intrahmital and extralateral rights, dip), XI, 554, 556, 557; B 75, 104; B 98, 131, 132, 236, 390; B 123, Sec. 521-558, incl. Oil Co., B 63, 179. Aphrizite, B 37, 54. Aphthitalite, B 91, 261; B 113, 171. Aplite in Julian District, San Diego County, XXX, 342. in Panamint Range, Inyo County, XXVIII, 337, 340, 355. Aplome, B 113, 290. Apolinaris Mine, Mariposa County, table showing output, XXIV, facing 98. 42 APO-ARC California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Apollo Oil Co., RM (Kern), 20. Apophyllite, B 37, 97; B 67, 137; B 91, 211; B 113, 244. Aposozein Manufacturing Co., XIV, 602. App and Heslep Mine. Tuolumne County, XII, 299; XIII, 473; B 18, 131; XXIV, 14; XXVIII, 297. production of, XXIV, 9. Mine, Tuolumne County (see also Dutch- App Group), RM (Tuolumne), S, 13, 15; VIII, G60; XIV, 133, 136; XIX, 144; XXIV, 22; B 108, 156, 174. co-sts at, B 108, 157. geology of, B 108, 157. table of average yield of gold, II, Part 1, 175. Appalachian Range, chromite in, B 76, 101. Apparatus for crystalizing borax, III, Part 2, 12. making borax from boracic acid. III, Part 2, 11. obtaining green flame from boracic acid, 111, Part 2. 59, 60. quicksilver assay, B 78, 278, 281, 283, 284. laboratory for flotation tests, B 78, 300. Appeal Mine, San Benito County, X, 516; XII, 22; XV, 622. Apple and Grant Mine, Sierra County, XXXVIII, 50. Flat manganese deposit, Trinity County, B 125, 194. Tree and Monte Christo Mine, Trinity County, XXXVII, 83. Mine, Trinity County (see also Monte Christo), XXII, 56. Applegate and McCulley Mine, Trinity County, XIII, 437. Application for patent, XI, 545; B 75, 100. for permit to appropriate water, B 75, 87. to lease mineral land, B 75, 55. Appropriation of non-mineral land, XI, 562. recommended for the support of the State Mining Bureau, VI, Part 2, 12; VIII, 7; XIII, 20; XXVII, 467. Approved mineral names, XXX II I, 145. Approximate production of Tuolumne County mines, table of, XXIV, 9. April Fool claim, San Diego County, XXXV, 54. manganese deposit, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4: B 125, 121. Mine, Tuolumne County (see also Reward), XXIV, 37. Apron, gold-mill, movable, photo of, B 6, 76. -plates and aprons, B 6, 28, 36, 80. Apropos Mine, Amador County, RM (A>mador), 8. Aptian, XXVIII, 321; B 118, 108, 671. AQuamarine, B 37, 48, 137; XVIII, 332; B 91, 169; B 113, 284. in San Dlogo County, XIV, 692. Aqueduct routes, location of, XXIX, 167. Aquilonian, XXVIII, 317, 318, 320; B 118, 107, 671. Arab Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV (see map). mineral spring, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 12. Arabia deserts, B 24, 10. Arachnoidiscus, photograph of, XXXII, 144. Aradi Mine, Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 22. Aragonite (see also onyx), IV, 72; B 37, 110, 111, 112, 114; B 67, 96; B 91, 13C; XIV, 188, 310, 311; B 113, 148. analyses, Suisun, Solano County, I, 17. group, B 113, 148. in Colusa County, VIM, 159; XXV, 288. San Bernardino County, VIII, 504. Solano County (see also onyx marble), VIII, 631; XIV, 311. Quarry (Kesseler's Onyx Marble), San Luis Obispo County, photo of, B 33, 113. Aragotite, IV, 75, 289; B 67, 195; B 91, 284; XXXIV, 293; B 113, 220. Arambide and Aurecoechea claiins, Fresno County (see also Pacific and Mercey Mines), B 27, 119; B 78, 44. Aramenta Mine, Tuolumne County, XIII, 473, 478; XXIV, 22. Arando Group, Inyo County, XXXIV, 381. 468. underground workings of, XXXIV, 380. Arastra Flat Group, Ventura County, XXI, 229. Arbona Mine, Tuolumne County, RM (Tuo- lumne), 8, 13; XIII, 473; B 18, 129; XIV, 137; XXIV, 22; B 108, 158, 174. Aibucco Mine, Yuba County, RM (Yuba), 6; XV, 443. Arbuckle Mine, Shasta County (see also Bell Cow Mine), XVIII, 493; XXII, 169, 181; XXXV, 176. Mine, Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 9. water wells, Colusa County, XI, 180. Area (anadara) trilineata, B 118, 369. devincta zone, B 118, 190. Joe, clay tests of, B 99, 324. Roofing Tile Plant, Monterey County, B 99, 130. trilineata, B 118, 176, 562. Arcade Mine, Sierra County, XXXVIII, 50. Ai-cadia claim, Plumas County (see also New York), XVIII, 736: PR 8, 36. claim well, B 63, 96, 167. Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 8. Arcadian Mine, Plumas County (see also Round Valley), RM (Plumas), 4; XIII, 305; XVI (Plumas), 96; XXIV, 285, 312; XXXIII, 126. Arcanite, B 67, 179; B 91, 261; B 113, 171. Areata brickyard, B 38, 374. Clay Co., PR 7, 47. deposits, B 99, 79, 80. coal near, XIV, 399. Arch, composite, built of California structural matoiials, photo of, B 38, frontispiece. Arvhean, XXXI, 114. age, description of, B 95, 21. rocks of, B 95, 21, 32. Newberry and Ord Mountains, XXXVI, 262. period, system, B 118, 670. Archer Lime Co., XV, 640. Mine, Fresno County. XIV, 462; B 78, 43; XXV, 329; XXXV, 376. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 ARC-ARG 43 silica deposit, Shasta County, XXVII, 450. tract copper prospect, Sonoma County, B 23, 141; XIV, 319; XXII, 333. Archie Campbell Placer Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 342. Archimedes placer. Tuba County, XV, 441. screw windmill, Alameda County, photo of, B 24, 113. Ar^'hitectural design, B 99, 29. marble, B 37, 111. stones, Carmel, XXVI 11, 15, 16, 17, 29, 39. terra cotta in Capital National Bank Build- ing, Sacramento, photo of, B 74, 91. on Court House, Ventura County, photo of, B 93, 104. Sacramento City Library, photo of, B 90, 118. tile and porcelain from California clays at Agua Caliente, Lower California, Mexico, photo of, B 111, 83. Architecture and Allied Arts, photo by, B 105, 68, 76. Arcolo Cons. Oil Co., Sunset District, RM (Kern), 22. Arctic Group, Inyo County, XXXIV, 468. Nevada County, map of, XXVI, 111. Mine. El Dorado County. XXII, 422; XXXIV, 258. Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 4; XVI (Nevada), 117; XXXVII, 384, 444. Mining Co., XX, 9. Oil Co., B 19, 42, 76, 104; B 6'3, 26, 333, 403. or Ibex Mine, Inyo County, XV, 96; XVII, 287. Placer Mine, Sierra County, XXXI, 4. Arcturas Mine, Mariposa County (see also B.V.D. Mining Co.), XXIV, 82. Oil Co. (see also Amalgamated Oil Co.), B 63, 223, 237, 239. or Ibex Mine, San Bernardino County, XV, 821; XXVI, 277; XXVII, 350; XXXIX, 481. zones, Salt Lake Oil field, B 118, 285, 673. Ardanelle, The, Mine, Riverside County, XXV, 472. Arden Salt Co., XXV, 442. Arditto Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 271. Ardoin Mine, Sonoma County, B 76, 203, 223. Area of California, B 72, 7. counties and total value of mineral products for the three years ending December, 1899, B 20, 2L counties (see annual statistical bulletins), dredge gravel, B 36, 14. dredging ground in Oroville district, B 85, 20. in Yuba River District, B S5, 23. Monterey County, XV, 596. Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 1. Placer County, XV, 311. Sacramento County, XV, 400. San Benito County, XV, 616. Santa Barbara County, XV, 727. Ventura County, XV, 751. Yuba County, XV, 419. Areal geology and locations of principal mines, map of Plumas County, XXXIII, in back envelope, of Shasta Quadrangle, XXVII, 6. Areas adapted to small-scale mechanical placer mining, XXXII, 373. ' being dredged in Shasta, Siskiyou and Trin- ity Counties, XXXIV, 98. Arellanes quarry, Santa Barbara County, RM (Santa Barbara), 8. Arena Blanca syncline, Chino area, B 118, 362. Arenaceous limestone (see calcite), IV, 104, 115. rocks, Panamint Range, XXVI II, 347, 351. Areud Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV (see map). Arents, A., cited, XXXVI, 192. and Keyes Automatic Lead "Well, illustra- tion of, VIII, 813. Mr., furnace used at Eureka, Nevada, im- proved by, illustration of, VIII, 811. -Perkins manganese deposit. Riverside County, B 125, 15G. Argall Mines, Tuolumne County, XIII, 473 XXIV, 22. Argenta Group, Inj^o County, XXXIV, 468 XXXIX, 59. Argentiferous galena in Inyo County, XII, 23 XIII, 32. Los Angeles County, XII, 25. northeastern Madera County, XXX, 68. Orange County, XII, 25; XIII, 33. San Bernardino County, XII, 25; XIII, 33. Siskiyou County, XIII, 34. gray copper, Tuolumne County, B 108, 171. ores, California, IX, 25. Argentine and Heath Mine, Plumas County (see also Gold Leaf Consolidated Mines Co.), RM (Plumas), 4; XVI (Plumas), 119. Group, San Bernardino Co., XXXVI, 242. Mine, Sierra County (see also Wide Awake Mine), RM (Sierra), 9; XIII, 15; XVI (Sierra), 63; XXV, 200. Tuolumne County (see also Argentum Mine), XII, 299; XIII, 473; XIV, 137; XXIV, 22. Never Sweat and Germania Mine, Sierra County (see also "Wide Awake Mine), XVI (Sierra), 63; XXV, 200, 210 XXXVIII, 50. Republic, petroleum deposits in the, VII, 16 Argentite, IV, 75; B 67, 27; B 91, 32; B 113, 47 Argentum Mine, Tuolumne County (see also Argentine Mine), XII, 299; XIII, 473 XIV, 137; XXIV, 22. Argilla claims, Ventura County, XV, 762; XXI, 239; XXVIII, 266. Argillaceous, bituminous shale and sandstone in carion near Newhall, section of, IX, 206. slate which outcrops northeast of Agnew Meadows, photo of, XXX, 28. Argillite in Mariposa County, XII, 170. in Panamint Range, XXVIII, 337, 351. Argo Mine, Mariposa County. XXIV, 136; XXXI, 46. Argonaut and Sunset Mine, Placer County, XXIII, 269; XXXII, 86. incline, Jackson, Amador County, B 2, 22, 33. -Kennedy vein, geology of. B 18, 56. vertical cross-section of, B 18, 59. 44 ARG-ARL California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 mill, Amador County, experiments in, B 18, 50. Mine. Amador County, RM (Amador), 8, 12; XII, 71; XIII, G8; B 18, 50; XIV, 4, 17; PR 8, 21, 23; XVIII, 298; XIX, 13, 143; XX, 2; XXIII, 153, 186; XXVIII, 297; B 108, 11, 117. cyanidation tests at, B 108, 195. dividends from, B 108, 63. Eimco mucking machines in, B 108, 66. geology of, B 108, 63. headframe, plioto of XIV, 18. history of, B 108, 62." mining methods in, B 108, 67, ore of, B 108, 67. photo of, XVII, 406. production of, B 108, 62. screen analysis of mill pulp in, B 108, 193. surface plant of, B 108, 64. and mill, Amador County, photo of, XXI II, 152. El Dorado County, X,176; RM (El Dorado), 4; XV, 280; PR 8, 29; XVIII, 209; XXII, 413, 422; B 108, 17, 48; XXXIV, 258. Mariposa County, XXIV, 136. San Bernardino County, XIII, 608. Mining Co. (see also Plymouth Con. Mine), XXIII, 195; B 108, 107. rocker, XXX, 138. The, photo by, XXX, 262. vein, vertical cross-section of, XIV, 17. Argonite claim, Colusa County (see also War- wick Group), XXV, 292. Argosy Group, Mono County, XXXVI, 128. Tungsten Mine, San Bernardino County, XV, 844; XXVI, 291; XXVII, 364; XXXVII, 305; XXXIX, 499. Argus Canon Gold Mines, Inyo County, XII, 136. Gold Mining Co., XXXIV, 418. Mines, Inyo County, XIII, 179. Group, Inyo County, XXXIV, 468. Mines, Inyo County, XXXIV, 468. Mining Co., XXXVI, 22. Range, Inyo County, X, 209; XXVIII, 335. iron in east slope of, XII, 326. Sterling Mine, Inyo County, XVII, 283; XVIII, 740; XXII, 476; XXXIV, 426, 427, 468. photo of, XXII, 476. "A" Rhomboid. Carmel Valley, XXVIII, 27, 29, 35, 36. 40, Arica mountain district, Riverside County, XV, 535, 541. Ariel Mine. Calaveras County, XIV, 69; XXXII, 297. Mine, Sierra County, XXV, 200; XXXVIII, 50. Aries Consolidated Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV, 468. Arlngton and Putnam Sand and Gravel Co. plant, San Joaquin County, photo of, XXI, 196. Arlol and Daneri Croup, Sierra County, XXV, 174; XXXVIIl, 50. Arionta-traskil, Orange County, X, 405. -tudlculata. Orange County, X, 405. Arizona, bibliography of manganese in, B 125, 35. cinnabar ore, solution tests on, B 5, 87; B 78, 326. copper product of, B 23, 21. prospect. El Dorado County, B 23, 180; XXII, 408; XXXIV, 213. Drift Mine, Sierra County, XXV, 186, 200. et al Mine, Sierra County, XXXVIIl, 50. Group, Kern County, XIV, 487. Mexican Mining and Smelting Co., XV, 788. Mine, Calaveras County (see Dragone Lode Mine), XXXII, 251. Sierra County, XVII, 476. Oil Co., B 6'3, 93. Paleozoic section, B 118, 99. Territory, V, 207. gold in, V, 207. minerals at exposition, V, 207, in, V, 207. precious metals, yield of, V, 207. silver in, V, 207. Arkansas Bar, Trinity County, table of prod- uction of gold, hydraulic, placer, drift and river mines, II, Part 1, 189. bibliography of manganese in, B 125, 35. Black Bull and Arrastra claims, Fresno County, XIV, 441. claim, Lassen County, XXXII, 425. Flat Mine, Mariposa County, table showing output, XXIV, facing 98. Geological Survey,. publications, cited, B 76, 64. hot springs of, V, 132. Industrial University of, V, 132. manganese in, B 76, 12. mineral exhibit of, V, 133. minerals of, V, 132. Property, et al, Fresno County, XXV, 313. Traveler Mine, Madera County (see also Gambetta and Josephine), X, 197; XII, 159; XIII, 208. Traveler Mine, Nevada County, B 23, 167; B 50, 197; XVI (Nevada), 81; XXXVII, 444. Arkansite, B 37, 106. Arkell Group, Mariposa County (see also Hite Gold Mine), XXIV, 90, 129. Arkose (see also sandstone), B 27, 121. Arline Mine, El Dorado County, RM (EI Do- rado), 4. Arlington and Putnam gravel pit, San Joaquin County, XXI, 196, cherts, B 125, 289. deposit. Riverside County, B 125, map in pocket, 61, 62, 66, 83, 154. claim, Plumas County, XXXIX, 87. formation. B 118, 102, 673, Heights, claim, Plumas County, XXXIX, 87. Manganese Co., B 125, 43. Mine, Riverside County, XXV, 492. Mines, San Bernardino County (see also Santa Fe Mine), RM (San Bernardino), 6; XVIII, 742; XIX, 30; XXVI, 222; XXVII, 282; XXXIX, 440. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 ARL-ARR 45 Mining Corp., XXXIX, 516. Black Hawk lode, San Bernardino County, photo of. XXVI, 223; XXVII, 282. mill, photo of, XXVII, 284. Cliff Mine, San Bernardino County, photo of, XXVI, 224; XXVII, 2S3. limestone deposits of, XXVI, 308; XXVII, 382. 25-ton amalgamation and cyanide plant, photo of, XXVI, 225. 200-ton cyanide plant, San Bernardino County, XXVII, 2S6. Plumas County, mineral springs in, XIII, 515. sand, Buttonwillow gas field. B 118, 544, 673. zone, Buttonwillow gas field, B 118, 544. Armature, illustration of, XII, 437. under construction at Power House No. 2, Southern California Edison Co., photo of, XXV, 303. Armaugh Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4; XXXIV, 468. Armbruster Mine, Placer County, XXXII, 86. Armistice claim, San Bernardino County, XXVI, 226; XXVII, 286. Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV, 438. Armstrong all-steel drill, used for advance prospecting and deep-hole blasting, Cowell Portland Cement Co., photo of, XXIII, 11. and Doran Iron Mine, San Bernardino County, PR 8, 46. Roberts Mine, El Dorado County, XII, 101; XIII, 132; XV, 301; XXII, 422; XXXIV, 258. claim, Mono County, XXXVI, 127. Elizabeth, cited, XXXIX, 151. Mine, Butte County, XI, 153. El Dorado County, XVII, 425. Trinity County, RM (Trinity). 4: XII!, 437; XIV, 8S4; XXII, 28; XXXVII, 74. Mining Co. (see also Sidewinder Mine, San Bernardino County), XXVI, 252; XXVII, 313. Nos. 1-3 manganese deposits. Trinity County, B 125, 194. Ranch volcanic ash deposit, Madera County, XXIV, 345. Arndt-Haschke Mine, Shasta County, XVII, 519; XXXV, 176. Arness, Wm. B., cited, XXXVIII, 78. Arnol gold prospect, Tehama County, XXIV, 213. photo of, XXIV, 214. Arnold and Anderson, Robert, cited, XV, 47, 48, 469, 520: B 89, 102, 175, 176. and Johnson, Harry, cited, B 89, 98, 167, 171, 172. R., cited, XIV, 639, 643, 708; XV, 469, 520, 748; B 72, 5. 6, 20, 21, 22, 25, 35, 36, 37, 38. 41; B 89, 61, 109; XXIII, 20; B 99, 222; XXVII, 152, 154, 155, 156. 498, 517; XXXIII, 16, 17, 22. 28; XXXV, 257. Ralph: Branner, J. C, and Xewsom, J. F., cited, XXXIX, 13, 16, 49. Arnstein lease, Santa Clara County, B 79, 79. Arondo Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV, 380; XXXVI, 10, 22. Aros Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 15; XXXII, 356. Arps Manganese Group, Shasta County, RM (Shasta), 9; B 23, 96; XIV, 761; XIX, 89; XX, 427; XXII, 145; XXIX, 7; XXXV, 176; B 125, 182. Arquerite, IV, 12; B 78, 26. Arrangement of cyanide plants, B 5, 55. Arrastra and plant at Providence Mine, Fresno County, photo of, XIV, 448. at South Fork district, Shasta County. XI, 53. Flat Group, Ventura County, XXVIII, 253. horse-power, Kern County, photo of, Xfl, op. 128. Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4; XIII, 181. of Blue Bell Group, Lassen County, photo of, XXV, 6. Commodore Mine, double, illustration of, XIII, op. 394. Georgia Mine, photo of, XIII, op. 180. pan and rocker, primitive gold recovery methods, photo of, XXX, 262. photos of, XXX, 268. process of milling, Nevada County, XI, 315. steam-power, Kern County, photo of, XII, op. 128. water-power, Kern County, photo of, XII, op. 128. Arrastras, B 6, 58. patent mills, dry-washers, etc., in Amador County, XIII, SI. Butte County, XIII, 95. Calaveras County, XIII, 125. Colusa County, XIII, 126. El Dorado County, XIII, 165. Fresno County, XIII, 171. Inyo County, XIII, 185. Kern County, VIII, 314; XIII, 199. Lassen County, XIII, 202. Madera County, XIII, 215. Mariposa County, XIII, 225. Mono County, XIII, 233. Monterey County, XIII, 234. Nevada County, XIII, 271. Placer County, XIII, 287. Plumas County, XIII, 310. Riverside County, XIII, 315. San Bernardino County, XIII, 330. San Diego County, XIII, 347. Shasta County, XIII, 370. Sierra County, XIII, 385. Siskiyou County, XIII, 435. Trinity County, XIII, 468. Tulare County, XIII, 472. Tuolumne County, XIII, 495. Ventura County, XIII, 498. Arrastraville Mine, Plumas County, RM (Plumas), 12. Arrastre, The, XXX, 266. quartzite, B 118, 99, 673. Arrastres, Mexican, early use of, B 108, 8, 9. Arrellanes, tract well, B 63, 365. Arrieta, C. D., photo by, XXIV, 282. 46 ARR-ART California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Arrow Mining district, San Bernardino County, VI, Part 1, 77. Point Chrome Mine, Trinity County, XXXVII, 16, 74. Arrowhead at Arrowhead Hot Springs, San Bernardino County, photo of, XV, 884. claim, Lassen County (see also McDow Property), XXXII, 437. Development Co. (see also Supply Mine, San Bernardino County), XXVI, 254; XXVII, 314. district, San Bernardino County, X, 532; XV, 800. Gold Mining Co. (see also C. H. and P. A. Group, San Bernardino County, also Gold Pin Group and Prince and Utah Group), XXVI, 213, 326; XXVII, 325, 331, 332. Hot Springs, San Bernardino County, VI, Part 1, 70; VIII, 505; XII, 342; XV, 883, SSG; RM (San Bernardino), 20; XXVI, 315; B 93, 127. bath house at steam caves, photo of, B 102, 114. manganese deposit, Trinity County, B 125, 64, 67, 91, 194. Reservoir, XXIX, 229. air view of, XXIX, 228. tunnel, Lassen County, geologic sketch of, XXXII, 439. Arroyo Burro well, B 63, 401. Ciervo, XXVII, 203; E 118, PI. in. de la Rodilla clajm, San Luis Obispo County, XIII, 49. de las Palomas, Los Angeles County, VIII, 341. del Puerto canyon, chromite on, B 76, 203, 204. manganese on, B 76, 84. Grande district, geology of, B 69, 430. oil field, B 73, 194, 204; B 82, 208, 229; B 84, 361, 391; B 89, 32, 95; XXVI, 433; B 118, 238. 450, 452. statistics of, B 69, 433, 434. stratigraphy, B 118, 238. tar sands, B 118, 450. San Luis Obispo County, mineral springs in, XII, 343. warm springs, San Luis Obispo County, VI, Part 1, 71. Hondo, Marin County, B 118, 78. formation, B 118, 595, 673. Coalinga oil field, B 118, 487. Rio Vista gas field, B 118, 592. San Joaquin Valley west side, B 118, 247, 248, 250. member, foraminlferal zones, B 118, 196, 673. shale, B 118, 188, 189, 673. La Cruz chromite deposit, San Luis Obispo County (see also San Carpojaro Creek deposit), XII, 37; B 76, 177; XXI, 510; XXXI, 415. Lobo manganese deposit. Lake County, B 125, 124. Mocho district, B 125, map in pocket. Valley region, manganese in, B 125, 74. ,Seco, California, mining low ground without fall at, illustration, VI, Part 2, op. 24. Grant, Amador County, clay in, B 99, 51. clay tests of, B 99, 261, 272, 273, 274, 279, 281, 282, 291, 292, 300, 301, 302, 305, 313, 327, 328, 330, 335. core drill samples, B 99, 52. sand and clay deposits, XXVII, 434. gravel, B 118, 673. Mine, Amador County, formations passed through by, illustration, VIII, iJS. Mine, Amador County, VI, Part 2, 23; VIII. 97; XIII, 68; XIV, 19, Arsenates, B 67, 166; B 91, 242; B 113, 205. Arseniate of cobalt, IV, 179. Arsenic, IV, 75; B 67, 11; B 87, 16; B 91, 12; B 113, 20; B 124, 13. and "Ems" Springs, Highland Spring, Lake County, photo of, XIV, 219. in Elizabeth Lake Quadrangle, XXX, 415. Kern County, XXV, 22. Monterey County, XXI, 28. Mother Lode ores, B 108, 197, 213. Riverside County, XXV, 468. San Diego County, XXI, 329; XXXV, 12. zinc bullion, B 5, 35. native, fi'om Grass Valley, Nevada County, XXXIII, 326. Products and Refining Co. (see also Chip- man Chemical Engineering Co.), XX, 84. production statistics for (see also annual statistical bulletins). XVIII, 240; XIX, 112. properties, occurrence, preparation, uses, tests, markets, possible buyers and bibli- ography, B 124, 13. spring, Santa Clara County, XIII, 518. lead-zinc claims, Tulare County, XXVI, 471. with copper ore, XIV, 768. Arsenical nickel, PR 5, 18. pyrites (see also arsenopyrite), IV, 75; B 67, 45; B 91, 60. Arsenides, B 5, 15; B 67, 45; B 91, 60. of the metals, B 113, 43. Arseniosiderite, B 113, 213. Arsenolite, IV, 75; B 67, 70; B 91, 93; B 113, 102. Arsenopyrite (see also ar.«enic and arsenical pyrites), B 67, 4."; B 87, 16; B 91, 60; XXV, 468; B 108, 34, 35, 39, 58, 60, 61, 83, 94, 97, 189; B 113, 73. in Alleghany district, Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 4; XVIII, 501. Big Blue Mines, XXXVI, 412. Grass Valley ores. XVI (Nevada), 30. Kern County, VIII, 315, 321. Art pottery, manufacture of, in California, B 99, 30. ware (clay), B 99, 38, 39, 45. Artcraft Ony.\ Co., XXXIV, 482. Artery Consolidated Mines, San Diego County, RM (San Diego), 9; XIII, 331. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 ART-ASB 47 Artesia area. Los Angeles County, citations, B 118, 346. Artesian area of Tulare County, XI, 485. belt, Fresno County, XIII, 531. Kern County, XIV, 472. Merced County. XIII, 53'). Upper Lake, Lake County, XI, 62. soda well, RM (Lake). 6. springs. Mono County, XXIII, 401; XXXVI, 154. well, Heminghaus", Fresno County, photo of, XIII, op. 532. in Borax Lake, III, Part 2, 25. Death Valley, III, Part 2, 36. Miramonte Colony's, Kern County, photo of, XIII, op. 532. wells, canals, etc., mining and irrigating, XIII, 525. in Inyo County, VIII, 232. Kings County, natural gas from, XIV, 527. Los Angeles County, VIII, 338. Merced County, X, 324. San Bernardino County, III, Part 2, 27; VIII, 505. San Diego County, VIII, 518, 525. of Upper Lake, Lake County, XIV, 225. section of, VI, Part 1, 56. Arthur and Small Hope claim, Placer County, XXXII, 78. Anthony Stone Quarry, Monterey County, photo of, XXVIII, 25. Mine, Calaveras County, XIV, 69; XXXII, 297, 356. Placer County (see also Small Hope), XXXJ, 21. Articles in incorporation, filing of, B 75, 47. Artificial borax, III, Part 2, 10. borax, Sautter's process for making, III, Part 2, 12. head for hydraulic engines, B 9, 133, 134, 135. pressure in hydraulic mining, B 92, 38. reservoirs, XXIX, 187. stones (see also cement products), IV, 103, 256; B 38, 165. in Los Angeles County, XV, 488. sump, B 9, 144, 151, 160, 175. Artist Drive formation, B 118, 673. Artru Mine, Mariposa County (see also Cons. Gold Fields of Mariposa, Inc., and Moun- tain Belle Group), RM (Mariposa), 10; XIV, 576; XVII, 106; XXIV, 79, 84, 101, 102. Artward, et al, chromite claims, Mendocino County, B 76, 156. Arvin area (see also Mountain View Exten- sion), B 118, 25, 565, 570. Mountain View oil field, citations and index map, B 118, 564. Asbeferrite, B 67, 116; B 91, 164. Asbestos, IV, 69, B 67, 115, 149; XIV, 5, 55; B 87, 17; XVII, IS; PR 8, 53, 55, 57; B 91, 163, 214; XXXVI, 338; B 113, 258; B 124, 16. and Reynolds Ferry Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 356. Canadian chart showing prices f.o.b. Quebec, B 97, 92. chrysotile, B 76, 190; B 124, 17. claims, Plumas County, XXXIX, 85. classification and characteristics, XVIII, 180; B 124, 16. cut where mined, Riverside County, photo of, XV, 552. directory of producers of (see annual statis- tical bulletins), fiberizing mill of San Benito Asbestos Co., photo of, XXII, 224; B 97, 91. grades of, B 90, 115. grading of, XVIII, 181. Group, Siskiyou County, XIX, 138. in Alameda County, XXV, 430. Amador County, B 38, 261, 360; XXIII, 134. Auburn Field Division, XIX, 20. Butte County, B 38, 261, 360; B 64, 12; XV, 185. Calaveras County, XXI, 163; XXXII, 226. Contra Costa County, XXIII, 6. El Dorado County, VIII, 200; B 38, 262, 360, 374; XXII, 404; XXXIV, 207. Fresno County, B 38, 262, 360; XIV, 432; XVII, 68; XXV, 306. Kern County, XIV, 476; XVII, 306; XXV, 63. Lake County, Vlll, 324; XXV, 340. Madera County, B 38, 360; XIV, 538; XVII, 83; XXIV, 321. Mariposa County, B 38, 360; XIV, 571; XVII, 102; XXIV, 144. Merced County, X, 331; XVII, 149; XXI, 175. Monterey County, XXI, 28. Napa County, XVIII, 419; XXV, 216. Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 63, 67; XVII, 434; XXVI, 91; XXXVII, 378. Perris Block, Riverside County, XXXI, 518. Placer County, B 38, 262, 360; XV, 320; XXIII, 237. Plumas County, XXXIX, 85. Riverside County, B 38, 263; XIII, 642; XV, 550; XVII, 324; XXV, 499. cut where mined, photo of, XV, 552. San Benito Coimty, B 38, 360; XVIII, 46, 214; XXII, 223. San Bernardino County, IX, 236; B 38, 263, 360; XV, 852; XVII, 334; XXVI, 296; XXVII, 370; XXXIX, 508. San Diego County. Vlll, 526; IX, 148; XI, 383; B 38, 263, 360; XIV, 688. San Luis Obispo County, XXI, 504; XXXI, 410. Shasta County, B 38, 360; XIV, 752; XIX, 7; XXII, 128; XXXV, 112; XXXIX, 81. quadrangle, XXVII, 26. Sierra County, XII, 406; B 33, 263, 360 XXV, 154; XXXVIII, 14. Siskiyou County, B 38, 264, 360; XIX, 7, 13S XXI, 420; XXXI, 264. Trinity County, B 38, 264, 360; XIV, 876 B 78, 200; XIX, 7; XXII, 12; XXXVII, 16. Tulare County, B 38, 360; XV, 905; XVII, 257; XVIII, 523; XXVI, 431. 48 ASB-ASP California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Tuolunme County, XXIV, 6. Yolo County, B 38, 264, 360. Yuba County, B 38, 264; XV, 423. milling of, Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 67. Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4; XXII, 412. mines in Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 67. Pix)ducing Co. of California (see also Pacific Asbestos Corp.), PR 8, 55; XVIII, 98; XXI, 164; XXXII, 226. production of in Nevada County, XVI (Ne- vada), 3. statistics for (see also annual statistical bulletins), XVIII, 179; XXI, 259. properties, occurrence, preparation, uses, tests, markets, possible buyers, and bibliography, B 124, 16. quarry, Stock and Stevens', chrysotile crop- pings, photo of, XIV, 753. deposit, photo of, XIV, 75*. tests on, XIV, 754. veins in serpentine from Nelson prospect, Del Norte County, photo of, XXIX, 146. Asbil and Guthrie Chrome Claims, Mendocino County, photo of, B 76, 153. et al chromite claims, Mendocino County, B 76, 152. Asbill, Kindred and, manganese deposit. Trin- ity County, B 125, 205. Asbolite, B 67, 89; B 91, 123; B 113, 132. Ascondry Mine, Siskiyou County, XIV, 861; XXXI, 314. Asgood Group, Siskiyou County (see also Lucky Strike Group), XXVII, 44. Ash, fringe, flowered, II, Part 2, 87. Hill Mine, San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernardino), 6. Hollow manganese deposit, Mendocino County, B 125, 133. Oregon, II, Part 2. 88. S. H., cited, XXXVII, 409. volcanic, in Trinity County, XVII, 544. Ashburner report of Sulphur Bank Quicksilver Mining Co., B 78, 358. Wm., cited, IV, 23; B 108, 93. photo of, B 104, following 20. Ashburton dredge, B 36, 95; B 57, 178. Mining Co., B 36, 95; B 57, 178; B 85, 27. dredge, photo of, B 36, 94. No. 1 Dredge, photo of, B 57, 179. Asher lead prospect, Shasta County (see also Jacksonian), XXII, 192; XXXV, 162, 176. Ashford Mine. Inyo County (see also Golden Treasure), XV, 78; XXII, 469; XXXIV, 383, 468; XXXVI, 22. Mines, Kern County, RM (Kern), 8; XIII, 186. Ashton zones, Huntington Beach oil field, B 118, 20, 220, 230, PI. V, 329, 673. Ashurst Oil Co.'s wells, San Benito County, B 19, 148. Asia, localities and production of gold In, II, Part 1, 166. Minor, chromite in, B 76, 101. Asparagus stone, B 37, 102. Aspen, American, II, Part 2, 115. Mine, San Diego County, RM (San Diego), 6. Asper claim, San Diego County, XXXV, 54. Asphalt, B 67, 196; B 87, 19; B 91, 285. and bituminous rock in Kern County, XII, 26; XIII, 35. Marin County, XIII, 36; XXII, 316. San Benito County, XV, 624; XVIII, 214; XXII, 224. San Luis Obispo County, XIII, 37; XV, 676; XXXI, 410. Santa Barbara County, XIII, 38; XV, 730; XVII, 387; XXI, 545. Santa Clara County, IX, 55; XIII, 43; XVII, 182; XXVI, 4. Ventura County, VIII, 686; XV, 754; XXI, 232. and bituminous sand deposits of California, memoranda on. XVI II, 228. by calculation from choke, B 63, 16. open evaporation, B 63, 18. vacuum distillation. B 63, IS. California and foreign, analysis of, B 3, 52. cost of working crude, B 3, 52. distillation for, B 32, 203. from Ventura Mine, assays, X, 766. in Fresno County, XIV, 432. Kern County, XIV, 474, 476; XVII, 306. Marin County, XIV, 241, 243, 244. San Benito County, XV, 624; XVI 1 1, 214. San Diego County, XIV, 709. San Mateo County, XVII, 169. Santa Cruz County, XVII, 230. Mine, Carpinteria, photo of, B 32, 183. McKittrick, photo of, B 32, 183. Ventura Asphalt Co., map of, X, op. 772. Mines, Las Conchas, B 11, 51. Punta Gorda, B 11, 50. Rincon, B 11, 51. Ventura, B 11, 48. Weldon, B 11, 48. oil, B 32, 204. packing in barrels, photo of, B 32, 209. paper pipe, machine for making, photo of, B 32, 209. paving with, B 32, 208. production statistics for (see also annual statistical bulletins), XVIII, 327. refineries, Alcatraz, B 11, 51. photo of, B 63, facing 345. refinery at Carpinteria, photo of, B 11, 50. veins at Santa Maria, piano-section show- ing, B 16, 45. sketch of, B 16, 41. volatile and fixed carbon in, B 3, 53. Asphaltene, B 16, 17; B 6'3, 14. in oil, B 32, 224. Asphaltic-base petroleum for flotation, B 78, 305, 314, 317. residue from oil seepage at base of sea- cliff from Bolinas, Marin County, photo of, XIV, 243. Asphalto lake beds, B 118, 673. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 ASP-ASS 49 Asphaltum, IV, 27S, 2S5. analyses of California, VII, 51. and bituminous rock, XII, 26; XIII, 35. in Marin County, XIII, 36. Mendocino County, XIII, 36. Monterey County. XII, 29; XIII, 36. San Luis Obispo County, XII, 29; XIII, 37. Santa Barbara County, XII, 30; XIII, 38. Santa Clara County, XIII, 43. Santa Cruz County, XII, 28; Xlll, 43. Ventura County, XI I, 33; XIII, 44. its uses, VII, 50. oil refinery at Los Angeles, B 11, 61. Refining Co., Xlll, 576. refinery, Los Angeles, photo of, B 32, 211. petroleum deposits in Humboldt County, VII, 195. deposits, Kern County, map of, VII, 69. in California, genesis of, B 16. Mendocino County, VII, 200. at Carpinteria, IV, 2S7. La Brea Rancho, IV, 287. Sargent's Ranch, IV, 288. Sulphur Mountain, IV, 288. beds at Asphalto, B 3, 44. blocks, a California invention in New Or- leans exhibit, V, 103. citations, B 118, 280. cost of mining and landing at San Francisco of Santa Cruz deposit. VII, 51. producing refined, at Sunset Works, B 3, 27. deposit, locating of, under U. S. laws, VII, 54. deposits used by Indians (see also tar), B 118, 74. Duxbury Point Region (see also tar), B 118, 621. foundations for machinery, IV, 291. in California, IV, 287, 293. foreign countries, IV, 293. Los Angeles County, VIII, 341. Monterey County, XV, 596; XXI, 28. San Benito County, XV, 624. Santa Barbara County, XV, 730; XXI, 545. Santa Clara County, IX, 55. Sunset District, B 3, 26. the United States, IV, 293; IX, 334. laying of, on public thoroughfares in San Francisco, VII, 51. McKittrick district (see also tar), B 118, 510. Mine, Ventura County. X, 763. of Adams and Nicholas claim (Rancho El Pismo), San Luis Obispo County, analy- sis of, VII, 52. Higgins, P. C. claim, Santa Barbara County, analysis of, VII, 53. Johnson and "Warden's (Rancho Corral de la Piedra), San Luis Obispo County, analysis of, VII, 53. Mendocino County, analysis of, VII, 51. Moore's Landing, Santa Barbara County, analysis of, VII, 53. Santa Cruz County, analysis of, VII, 52. pavement, cost of, VII, 51. laid in St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, V, 103. San Francisco, analysis of, VII, 53. petroleum, and natural gas in California, VII, 65. prices and uses, IV, 290. refinery at Asphalto, B 3, 45, 50, 51, 52. at Sunset Oil Wells, B 3, 26, 27, 28. sidewalks and pavements, IV, 290. veins in Buena Vista District, B 3, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. water pipes, IV, 291. Aspinwall Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4. Assay laboratory of Stanford University, photo of, B 99, 242. methods for quicksilver, B 78, 277. of borax. III, Part 2, 97; IV, 84. chrome ores, IV, 134, 135. coal, IV, 272. copper ores, IV, 154. crude petroleum, VII, 38. gold, IV, 193, 196, 198, 200, 201, 214. bullion, II, Part 1, 122. lead, IV, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250. Lillian Francis gold ore, XV, 450. mercury, IV, 332. petroleum, IV, 283. placer gold. XIV, 388, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 903, 905, 907, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 917. platinum from Mendocino County, B 85, 47. Rising Sun dump, XV, 349. sand residue from Rosalina Mine, B 85, 67. sea beach concentrates, B 85, 42. silver, IV, 356. slag for silver, VIII, 821. tin, IV, 116. values of copper ores, XIV, 761, 762, 818. Assaying and sampling gold, II, Part 2, 197; B 6, 47. of platinum metals, B 85, 105. quicksilver, lack of, B 78, 210. Assays of black sand concentrates, Cosumnes River, B 85, 31. of quicksilver, bibliography on, B 78, 354. slag, for silver, VIII, 821, .\ssembly, concurrent resolution relative to sending minerals to New Orleans Expo- sition, V, 11. .Assessed value of California, by counties, VIII, 24. mineral property in California, VIII, 15. Assessment, annual, B 70, 128, 130, 148; B 71. 137, 156. charges, B 75, 20. collection of, B 75, 20. levying, B 75, 20. of oil lands, board of review and correction on oil proceedings, B 75, 21. 50 ASS-ATL California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 delinquent charges, B 75, 23. disposal of funds from assessment charges, B 75, 24. protest of charges, B 75, 23. publication of assessment notices, B 75, 22. rate of, B 84, 23. collection of oil funds by, B 73, 33; B 82, 91; B 84, 22. work (see also annual expenditure), legislation affecting, XXXIX, 391. on mining claims, B 66, 41; B 75, 28, 58; B 106 (1st ed.) 14, (2d ed.) 15, (3d ed.) 16, (4th ed.) 16; XXXV, 334; B 123, Sees. 472-520. failure to perform, B 75, 61. location of, B 75, 58. recording of affidavit, B 75, 59. soldiers and sailors temporarily relieved from, B 75, 107. suspension of, B 75, 108; XXIX, 243. within withdrawn areas, XXV, 378; XXVI, 161; XXXll, 378. suspended on claims within withdrawn areas, XXXVIII, 206. year, change in mine, XVIII, 77, 234. Assets Realizing Co. (see also Gray Mine, Riverside County), XXV, 481, 541. Assistant State Oil and Gas Supervisor, B 75, 11. Assistants in geological work, VIII, 20. Associated and amalgamated oil companies, technical methods adopted by, B 82, 9. and gangue minerals In quicksilver ores, B 78, 28. Development Co., XX, 83; XXI, 10. Gravel Co. (see Pacific Coast Aggregates, Inc.), XXVI, 37. gravel plant, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 37. photo of, XXVI, 36. washing and screening plant, Santa Clara County, photo of, XXVI, 38. Mine, Sierra County, XXV, 200; XXXVIII, 50. Mines, Inc. (see Blue Gravel Mines Cons.), XXV, 187; XXXVIII, 50. Oil Co., RM (Kern), 20; B 63, 343, 345, 350, 365, 381, 386, 400; XIV, 432, 460, 525; B 69, 14, 16, 29, 30, 40, 41, 42, 293, 484; XXII, 514; XXV, 226; XXVIII, 263; XXXIV, 484. (Kern River District), RM (Kern), 20. (McKittrick District), Kern County, RM (Kern), 21. operation In Berryessa Valley, XVIII, 609. production and development, B 84, 12, 18, 19, 21. Pipe Line Co., B 69, 93, 484. Sulphur Mines, Inyo County, XXII, 523. .Assurance Mine, Kern County. RM (Kern), 8. .Astarte wells, Ojai oil field, citations, B 118, '393. wells, Ventura County, B 19, 99. Aster Mine, Panamint Range (see also Pana- mint Mines Co.), XVIII, 371. Asteria, B 37, 45. Asteriated quartz, B 37, 64. Asti Colony land, Sonoma County, chromite on, B 76, 201. Astor Mint Group, Inyo County, XXXIV, 468. Astorg spring. Lake County, RM (Lake), 6; XIV, 224. Astoria Mine, Amador County (see also New Albany), RM (Amador), 8; XII, 78; XIII, 69; XIV, 39. 'A-structural,' Carmel Valley, XXVIII, 27, 28, 29, 36, 40. Astrodapsis, B 118, 165, 172, 190, 191, 453. Astute Chrome Mine, Napa County, XXV, 216. Asuncion group, B 118, 130, 134, 152, 153, 673. Bradley-San Miguel district, B 118, 458. central Coast Ranges, B 118, 132. Huasna area, B 118, 443. Asylum wells No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, San Joaquin County, natural gas in, XII, 350, 351. wells, San Joaquin County, B 3, 18; X, 559; XIII, 567. Atacamite, IV, 77; B 67, 60; B 91, 79; B 113, 91. in Kings County, XXXVI, 456. Atascadero Copper Co. (see also Greenhorn Mine), XVII, 518; XXXV, 176. formation, B 118, 673. Mining Co. (see also Vanderbilt Mines, San Bernardino County; also Greenhorn Mine, Shasta County), XVII, 518; PR 8, 12, 15; XIX, 8; XX, 433; XXII, 149; XXIX, 30. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, B 76, 58; XIV, 432, 467, 485, 685, 739. methods adopted by, technical, B 82, 10. production and development, B 84, 12, 18, 19, 21. wells of, B 63, 303. Athens area (see also Rosecrans oil field), B 118, 21, PI. V. Rosecrans oil field citations and index map, B 118, 324. Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4, 14. San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernar- dino), 6, 11. -Rosecrans oil field, B 118, PI. V. citations, B 118, 324. zone, Rosecrans oU field, B 118, PI. V, 673. Atilla Mine, Randsburg Quadrangle, descrip- tion of, B 95, 126. Atkins, J. F., sand and gi-avel pit. Riverside County, XV, 588. Atkinson Mine, Kern County (see also Bully Boy). RM (Ivern), 17 Atlanta et al Mine, Los Angeles County (see also Big Horn), XXXIII, 194. Mine, El Dorado County RM (El Dorado), 4; XXXIV, 258. Madera County, XII, 163. Riverside County, XXV, 472. San Bernardino County, XVII, 347. Mines, Inc., XXXll, 73. Oil Co., B 63, 35, 45. Atlantic Mine, Amador County, RM (Amador), 8; XXIII. 187; B 108. 117. Index of Publications, IS 80-1943 ATL- AUB 5 1 Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4; XXII, 422; XXXIV, 258. Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 4; XIII, 235; XVI (Nevada), 118; XXXVII, 444. Shasta County, XIV, 779; XXII, 181: XXXV, 176. Quartz Mine, Amador County, B 108, 81. sand, Long Beach Oil field, B 118, PI. V, 673. Atlas and Soldiers Gulch Mine, Tuolumne County, XXIV, 22; B 108, 174. Fire Brick Co., deposit of g-anister, B 99, 194. formation, B 118, 673. Gold Dredging Corp., XXXII, 326. dragline and washing equipment, Cala- veras County, photo of, B 114, 33. dredge, Calaveras County, photo of, XXXII, 326. Mine, Tuolumne County, XIII, 473; XI V, 137; B 108, 15S. or Kennedy Fire Brick Co., XXVI, 303; XXVII, 445. Rock Co. plant, Stanislaus County, photo of, XXI, 218. portion of stock piles, Stanislaus County, photo of, XXI, 220. Atmore Canal, Ventura County, XIII, 563. Atolia, California, scheelite deposits, largest known, B 74, 51. District, San Bernardino County, XV, S30. tungsten deposits In, XXXVII, 283. dry concentration of scheelite at, B 86, 76. flotation plant, XXXVII, 277. Mining Co., XV, 835; XX, 96; XXVI, 291; XXVII, 365; XXXIV, IS; XXXVI, 55; XXXVII, 284; XXXIX, 126, 499. eight-ton mill, San Bernardino County, photo of, XVII, 373. mill, San Bernardino County, flow sheet of, XVII, 371. photograph of, XXXVII, 252; XXXIX, 126, 500. No. 1 shaft, San Bernardino County, photo of, XVII, 372. photograph of leaching plant, XXXVII, 252. showing shaft, XVII, 372; XXXVII, 256, 257. production of, B 95, 127. properties of, B 95, 125, 128. property, San Bernardino County, photo of steel head-frame and Union Shaft at, XXVI, 291; XXVII, 364. Mining District, claim map of, B 95, in pocket, placer plant, XXXVII, 276. quartz monzonite, B 118, 673. Rand Placers, Inc. (see also Nieto Placer Group), XXX, 323; XXXVI, 55, 56; XXXVII, 285; XXXVIII, 348. San Bernardino County, map of mining claims, XVII, op. 372. panoramic view of, XV, 831. principal tungsten groups, map of, XV, 832. scheelite deposits, San Bernardino County, XXXVII, 264. "spud patch." B 95, 145. Tungsten Mine, San Bernardino County, XV, 11, 370; XXXVI, 12. Tung-Sun Placer Mining Co., XXXIX, 500. Atom Gold Mine, Sierra County, RM (Sierra), 4; XII, 261; XVI (Sierra), 77; XXV, 174; XXXVIII, 50. Atresius sp., B 118, 616. Attilla, Acaley, Amity, Churchill, Flat Iron, Goldstone, Mahood, Par, Papoose, Potato Patch, Rainstorm, Spanish, Paradox Nos. 1 and 3, and Union Mines, San Bernardino County, XXXVIII, 346. Attorney, application for transmission of notices and communications to, B 123, Appendix B, Form 70. in Fact, appointment of, B 123, Appendix B, Form 69. letter of, B 123, Appendix B, Form 67. Attulas Mine, Placer County, XXIII, 269; XXXII, 86. Attwood, M., map of Grass Valley Mining Dis- trict, Nevada County, compiled by, VIII, op. 780. mechanical assay of gold, V, 78. Melville, gold quartz, milling of, II, 193. wall rocks, Hthology of, VIII, 771. Atwater, A. L., Property, Santa Clara County, diatomaceous earth on, XX Vi, 8. Atwell's sawmill, Tulare County, VIII, 645. Atwill, E. R., Cantua-Vallecitos Area, B 118, 471. McKittrick Front and Cymric Areas of the McKittrick Oil Field, B 118, 507. Atwood Placer Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 256. R. H., kaolin deposit, San Bernardino County, B 38, 226; XV, 861; PR 7, 92. lime quarry, San Bernardino County, B 38, 376. "A" type or Santa Lucia Stone, Carmel, XXVIII, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35, 36, 40, 41. Aubery Mine Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 16; VIl'l, 603; XII, 277; XIII, 387. Auburn and Bear River Canal Co., length, capacity and cost of ditches, II, Part 2, 16L Chemical Lime Co., XXXIV, 273. plant of, XXXIV, 273. Chicago Mine, Placer County, XXXII, 42. headframe, photo of, B 114, 34; XXXII, 16. Mining Co., XXXI, 17; XXXII, 16. District, PR 8, 9, 21, 49, 55. 61; XV, 319; B 92, 144. by counties, XVII, 397. Field Division, XVII, 391; XVIII, 6, 44, 97. 139. 208, 258. 298, 355. 413. 499, 602, 736: XIX, 13, 59, 94, 140. condition of metal mining in, XVIII, 736. structural and industrial minerals of, XIX, 19. manganese deposits near, B 125, 81. marble quarry, Placer County, B 38, 101. Mine, Placer County, XXXII, 42. table of average yield of gold, II, Part 1. 175. Mining District. Placer County, VIII, 460. 52 AUB-AUS California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Aubury Lake. B 24, 12, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 29, 30. 55, 92, 156. L. E., cited, XXIX, 126; XXXIX, 68. Lewis E., State Mineralogist, 1901-1911 (see B 21 to 62, incl.), XXXIV, 509. Marion, Register of mines and minei'als of Kern County. Aucella, B 118, 165, 166, 168, 616. wholly unaltered and well-preserved speci- mens of, illustration of, XII, 68. Aiuction Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 297. Augelite, B 113, 218. Augen-structure developed from a volcanic lithic tuff, photo of, XXX, 19. Auger stiff-mud brick machine of American Clay Working Machinery Co., photo of, B 38, 235. Augite, B 67, 111; B 91, 158; B 113, 269. picrite, B 76, 180. Augostini Mine, Calaveras County, XIII, 97; XXXII, 356. Augua Fyia Canyon Mine, Mariposa County, table showing output of, XXIV, 98. Augur, Irving, V., Report on Ventura County, B 84, 314. cited, B 84, 73; B 89, 10, 131, 136, 151. August Belmont claim, Mariposa County (see also Virginia Mine), XXIV, 128. Flower Group, Siskiyou County, B 23, 105. Group, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4; XXXIV, 468. Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 128. Aul and Anderson Mine, Mariposa County, table showing output from 1900 to 1915, XXIV, facing 98. Auliscus californicus, B 118, 178. Aultman Mine, El Dorado County, XII, 102; XIII, 133; XXXIV, 258. Aumaier and Roderjuez dolomite deposit, San Luis Obispo County, XXI, 513; XXXI, 420. Auraria, Georgia, gold mines at, V, 145. Aurecoechea claim, Fresno County (see also Mercey Mining and Development Co.), B 78, 44. Aurelia Mine, San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernardino), 6. Aurichalcite, B 67, 99; B 91, 143; B 113, 155. Auriferous beach sand, San Francisco Ocean Placer, X. 545. beach sands of California, IX, 35. belt of Amador County, VI, Part 2, 15. black sands, approximate values, B 45, 9. in Santa Cruz County, XVII, 236. industrial aspect, B 45, 7. of California, B 45. origin and physical characteristics, B 45, 7. outline of treatment, B 45, 8. conglomerate deposit, Siskiyou County, map of, XII, op. 464. in California, XII, 459. deposits, Si.skiyou County, VIII, 620. gravel, XIV, 373; B 72, -35; XXIX, 140, 144. and the basaltic table in the vicinity of Auberoy Post Office, map of, X, 192. in Del Norte County, XI, 195. Los Angeles County, VIII, 340. Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 4, 9, 12, 14, 30, 38, 45, 53, 56, 61, 99. Placer County, geology of, XXIII, 262. Plumas County, XVI (Plumas). 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 13, 15. 17, 21, 25, 30, 34, 40, 45. San Diego County, XI, 91; XIV, 652. Shasta County, XIV, 776. Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 1, 3, 17, 21. Sierra Nevada, IV, 25; XXVIII, 299. Sutter County, XI, 471, Trinity County, XIV, 883. gravels, B 118, 673. genesis of, II, Part 1, 96. of California, IX, 105. Casteca, Palomas and Santa Feliciana Canons, Los Angeles County, XV, 473. San Gabriel Range, San Bernardino County, IX, 236. lodes or deposits of California and their in- closing rocks, VIII, 774. material, cost of working, V, 143. how worked in Georgia, V, 142. ores, mineralogical character of, VIII, 696; X, 854. quartz veins in limestone, XIV, 822. rock belts, Siskiyou County, XI, 421. sand on the seashore near Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, washing, photo of, X, op. 624. sands, Santa Cruz County, VIII, 552; X, 622. slate series, B 118, 673. slates, B 118, 673. Tertiary streams, XXVIII, 279. Trap, Siskiyou County (see also Jordan Mine and Low Hill). XIII, 409, 413. veins and mountain peaks, Siskiyou County, XI, 422. relation of, to peaks, XIV, 821. veinstone, VIII, 778. Aurora claim, Shasta County, XXXV, 135. Siskiyou County, XXXI, 2S8. Extension Mine, Del Norte County, XIII, 58. Group, San Benito County (see also Morning Star), XV, 651; B 78, 99; XXII, 241; XXXV, 417. rotary furnace at, B 78, 100. 247. hydraulic Mine, Del Norte County, XIV, 387; XXI, 292. Mine, Amador County (see also .lose Gulch and Princess), XIII, 91; XIV, 30; XV, 207; XXIII, 191. Butte County, VIII, 119; X, 146; XV, 207. Del Norte County, B 23, 114; XIII, 58. Madera County, XII, 154: XIII, 206. Placer County, XXXII, 79. San Benito County (see Aurora Group). Quicksilver Co., B 76, 145. Mine, San Benito County, rotary furnace, photo of, XV, 652; B 78, 100. Auroral Star Mine, Nevada County, RM (Ne- vada), 4; XXXVII, 444. Austin and Campbell Placer Mine, Siskiyou County, VIM, 587. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 AUS-AVE 53 Bros, barytes deposit, Shasta County, PR 8, 53. Creek ledge, Sonoma County, XI, 460. Group, Mariposa County (see also Golden Key Mine), XIV, 576; XVII, 106; XXIV, 79; XXXI, 33, 129. H. C, quarry, barite deposit, Shasta County, XVIII, 43; XXII, 129. Mine, Amador County (see also White), XI, 140. El Dorado County, B 76, 131, 217. Shasta County, XXXV, 176. Ranch spring, Sonoma County, XIV, 341. Australasia, cyanide process in, B 5, 69. Australia Hydraulic Mine, Plumas County, pit and sluice, photo of, XVII, 453. localities and production of gold in, II, Part 1, 190. Mine, gravel bank, photo of, B 92, 109. Placer County, XXIII, 254. Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 65; XVII, 455; XXXIII, 126. Shasta County, RM (Shasta), 4; XIV, 779; XXII, 181; XXXV, 176. Sierra County, XXV, 174; XXXVIII, 18, 50. occurrence of ilmenite in, XXIII, 311. Placer Mine, Plumas County (see Australia Mine). Mining Co., XVI (Plumas), 65, 67; XXIV, 312. Australian and New Tear Mine, Shasta County, XXXV, 185. dry blowers and jiggers, XXVIII, 118; XXX, 138. Gold Recovery Co., B 5, 81. Mine, Amador County (see White), X, 110. gravel bank at the, B 92, 109. Placer County, XXXII, 12, 42. Shasta County (see also New Year and Australian), RM (Shasta), 4; XIII, 362; XXII, 183. ores, cyanide experiments with, B 5, 11. pump dredge, B 92, 35. River, placer dredge operating on, photo of, B 57, 85. Austrea and Dalmazia and Dubovonich Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 303. Austrian Eagle Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 8. Hill Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 356. Hydraulic Mine, Siskiyou County, XI, 425. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4. Plumas County, XXXIII, 126. Tuolumne County (see also Bald Moun- tain Mine), RM (Tuolumne), 8; X, 737; XIII, 474. Syndicate Mine, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 97; XXIV, 285, 312. Author's experimental investigations (quick- silver). B 78, 206. experiments on alkaline sulphide solution, B 78, 322. on concentrating flotation, B 78, 300. concentration of quicksilver, B 78, 286. Auto Mine, Trinity County, XXII, 50; XXXVII, 74. Automatic charging of Scott furnace, B 78, 235. tap, Kees and Arents, X, 826. trucks, used for hauling oil, B 69, 158. Autunite, B 91, 238; B 113, 218. in San Bernardino County, XXXVII, 491. Avala, Servia, minerals associated with quick- silver in, B 78, 29. Avalanche Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 15; XIV, 114; XXXII, 356. Avalon Co. Mine, Placer County (see also Schipman), RM (Placer), 7; XIII, 273; XV, 352; XXIII, 269; XXXII, 86. Avansino Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 216. Avarite Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 129. Avawatz celestite deposits, San Bernardino County, XXXIX, 543. Crown Mine, San Bernardino County, XVII, 359; XXVI, 268; XXVII, 341; XXXIX, 474. formation, B 118, 202, 673. gypsum deposits, San Bernardino County, XXXIX, 515. Mountain celestite deposits. San Bernar- dino County, XVII, 367. gypsum deposits, San Bernardino County, XVII, 352. Mountains, economic minerals of, XVIII, 114. manganese in, B 76, 61. saline deposits of. B.24, 17, 63, 156. region, manganese deposits in, B 125, 84. Salt and Gypsum Co., XV, 892, 898; XVII, 356, 366; PR 8, 63; XVIII, 232, 323; XXVI, 319, 323; XXVII, 395, 400. photograph of deposits in San Bernardino County, XXXIX, 544. salt deposits, San Bernardino County, XXXIX, 538. Avenal area, citations, B 118, 493. Land and Oil Co., B 19, 134. sandstone foraminiferal zones, B 118, 193, 197. formation, sand, B 118, PI. Ill, 483, 488, 673. in Kettleman Hills, B 118, 492, 493. San Joaquin Valley, west side, B 118, 248, 250. Spiroglyphus tejonensis, B 118, 168, 170. Aventurine, IV, 319; B 37, 64, 78, 79; B 67, 64; B 91, 84. glass, IV, 128. Averill, Chas. V., XXV, 283; XXVI, 1, 89, 185, 359; XXVII, 245, 487; XXVIII, 1, 107, 245; XXIX, 269; XXX, 1, 115; XXXI, 1, 111, 401; XXXII, 7, 125; XXXIII, 7, 173, 263; XXXIV, 7, 205, 367; XXXV, 7, 215, 349; XXXVI, 7, 115, 231, 321; XXXVII, 201. and Homer D. Erwin, Lassen County Mines and Minerals, XXXII, 405. Chromium, XXXVIII, 70. cited, XXV, 110; XXVI, 57; XXVIII, 144; XXIX, 3, 8; XXXI, 256, 261, 274, 276, 286; XXXIII, 16, 79, 173; XXXIV, 98, 99, 118, 312; XXXV, 116, 121, 129, 130, 136, 138, 145, 146, 148, 169; XXXVI, 208: XXXVII, 10, 11, 12, 36, 328, 587; XXXIX, 76, 80, 551, 656. Cyanide Treatment of Gossan, Mountain Copper Co., XXVII, 129; XXXIV, 312. 54 AVE-BAC California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Dragline Dredging in Siskiyou County, XXXVII, 328, Glenn County Mines and Minerals, XXV, 418. Gold Dredging in Sliasta, Siskiyou, and Trinity Counties, XXXIV, 96. Humboldt County Mines and Minerals, XXXVII, 499. Lake County Mines and Minerals, XXV, 337. Lassen County Mines and Minerals, XXV, 2. Mendocino County Mines and Minerals, XXV, 456. Modoc County Mines and Minerals, XXV, 10; XXXII, 445. Napa County Mines and Minerals, XXV, 213. Northern California Current Mining Devel- opments, XXX, 303. photo by, B 102, 41; B 104, following 20; B 114, 31; B 116, 35; XXIX, facing 40. Plumas County Mines and Minerals, XXIV, 261; XXXIII, 79. Redding and 'Weaverville Quadrangle Gold Deposits, XXIX, 3. Shasta County Mines and Minerals, XXXV, 108. Quadrangle Geology, XXVII, 3. Sierra County Mines and Minerals, XXXVII I, 7. Siskiyou County Mines and Minerals, XXXI, 255. Strategic Minerals, Current Activity in, XXXIX, 71, 139, 311, 551. Tehama County Mines and Minerals, XXIV, 211. Trinity County Mines and Minerals, XXXVII, 8. Averitt, Paul G. ; Eberlein, Donald, and Eckel, E. B., cited, XXXIX, 322. Avery Magnesite Mine, Tulare County, XV, 923; B 79, 124. Manganese Property, Fresno County, B 76, 32, 92; B 125, 112. deposit, Santa Clara County, B 125, 174. Avicula, XIV, 642. contorta, B 118, 103. Avoirdupois ounces to troy ounces (table), VI, Part 2, 180. pounds to troy ounces, table for calculating, IV, 205. to troy pounds (table), VI, Part 2, 181. Awards to California exhibitors, V, 31. Awaruite, B 67, 23; B 91, 26; B 113, 35. mistaken for platinum, B 85, 102. Axinite. Ill, Part 2, 91; B 24, 25, 90; B 37, 13, 96; B 67, 132; B 91, 188; B 113, 305. as a gem mineral, XXXIV, 65. in El Dorado County, XXXIV, 213. Kern County, XXXVI, 311. Madera County, XXXVI, 311. San Diego County, XIV, 704. Ayer Mine, Yuba County, XV, 424. Ayers. W. C, analyses by, B 24, 51, 52. Dr. Wm. O., cited, XXXII, 101. Borax in America, III, Part 2, 20. .\ylos and Dunn Mine, Siskiyou County (see also Indian Bar), XII, 277; XIII, 407; XIV, 859. Azalea Mine. Placer County. XV, 352; RM (Placer), 7; XXIII, 269; XXXII, 51, 86. Aztec Mine, San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernardino), 11. .\2ule mineral springs, Santa Clara County, VIII, 549; XIII, 518; B 24, 136; XVII, 200; XXVI, 18. Mine, Amador County, B 18, 86; XXIII, 187. Azure copper ore, IV, 77. Azurite, IV, 77; B 37, 53. 106; B 67, 99; B 87, 34; B 91, 142; B 113, 154; XXXIV, 54. in El Dorado County.XXXIV, 214. Ventura County, XXVIII, 258. specimen, photo of, B 50, frontispiece. Azusa Land and Water Co., XIII, 537. oil wells, B 19, 78; B 63, 334. B. A. C. Mines, Yuba County, XV, 443; XVIII, 606. view northward of the mill, and cyanide plant, XV, 444. i^.. and M. Mine, Fresno County, XIII, 165. B. and M. Mine, Mariposa County, XXXI, 28, 38. B. and M. Mining Syndicate, Inc., Mariposa County, mill of, photo of, XXXI, 28. B. and S. Group, Shasta County, B 76, 222. B. B., Clover Patch, Gold Lode and Old Glory Groups, Mono County, XXIII, 378; XXXVI, 122. B. B. Mine, Mariposa County (see also Bogan and Baitelle Mine), XIV, 577; XVII, 107; XXIV, 81, 124. B. C. M. Mine, Kern County, XXXIX, 62. B. S. No. 1 manganese deposit, Glenn County, B 125, 59, 113. B. V. D. Mining Co., XVIII, 364; XIX, 22; XXIV, 82. 'B' type or 'Carmel Stone,' Carmel, XXVIII, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40. Babbitt, PR 5, S. Babcock granite quarry, San Diego County, B 38, 52. Mine, Amador County, XXIII, 187. Siskiyou County (see also Santa Ana), XII, 277. Bablew Mining Co., XVIII, 97. Baby Consolidated Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 444. .lack Mine, Sonoma County, B 23, 142. King Oil Co's wells, Fresno and Kings County, B 19, 134. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4. San Bernardino County. RM (San Bernar- dino), 6. Bacchi Mine, El Dorado County (see also Col- lins), XXXIV, 260. Bacchus Mine, Shasta County, RM (Shasta), 4, 13. Bach Property, Madera County, XXIV, 322. Bachelder quarry, Napa County, XIV, 293; XXV, 238. Bachelor Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 15; XXXII, 356. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BAC-BAG 5 5 No. 2 Mine. Inyo County (see also Sunrise), XXVm, 359. Bachelors Oil Co.'s wells, B 19, 116, 123. Bachler Mine, Fresno County (see also Fresno Magnesite), B 79, 44. Bachman Mine, Calaveras County, XIV, 69; XXI, 144; B 108, 143; XXXll, 297. U. S. Patent, cited, XXI 11, 307. Bacigalupi paving-blocks quarry, B 38, 343; XIV, 353. Back Action claim. Placer County, XIII, 278. Channel ]\Iine, Siskiyou County, RM (Siski- you), 9. Backbone Creek, Shasta County, limestone and lime in, XII, 395. District, Shasta County, XI, 46. Gold Mining Co., XXXV, 124, 131. smelter, photograph of, XXXV, 124. Mine, Shasta County, XIII, 350; XXII, 181; XXXV, 176. Back-knee battery frame, B 6, 8. Backman Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4. Backus and Craven's wells, Santa Barbara County, XIII, 583; B 11, 54. Backwood Mine, Inyo County (see also New Enterprise), RM (Inyo), 7; XII, 182; XIII, 230. Bacon and Bacon Property, Amador County, XIX, 95; XXm, 135; B 99, 51, 56. clay tests of, B 99, 266, 280, 298, 335. and Kenney manganese prospect, Napa County, B 76, 51, 93; XXV, 219; B 125, 145. clay pit, Amador County, PR 7, 38. Consolidated Group, Sonoma County, B 27, 97; XIV, 343; B 78, 182. Mine, LaRe County, RM (Lake), 3; XIV, 230; XXV, 351; B 78, 55; XXXV, 385. Red pit, Amador County, clay in, B 99, 57. Baculites chicoensis, B 118, 168. Badders and Co., B 23, 233. Baden Brick Co., B 38, 255; B 99, 215. Bader Bros. Mine, Butte County (formerly Mat Bader), XV, 199; XVIII, 258; XXIV, 193; XXVI, 385. Gold Mining Co., RM (Butte), 10; XII, 80. XIII, 82; XV, 198. Mine, Butte County, RM (Butte), 10; XII, 80; XIII, 82. BadgeJy Mine, Trinity County, RM (Trinity), 4, 22; XIII, 437. Badger Cafion, El Dorado County, XI, 203. claim, Amador County (see also Amador Cons, and Eureka Mines), XII, 71; XIII, 67; B 108, 101. Butte County, XI, 162. Mariposa County (see also Oaks and Reese Mine), XXIV, 106, 125. Placer County, XXXll, 57. Group, Lassen County (see also Honey Lake Gold Mines), XXV, 5; XXXll, 425. 435. cabin at, photo of, XXV, 5. Hill and North Columbia placers, B 92, 132. claim, Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 118. ditch, Nevada County, XIII, 543. Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 270. Kern County, RM (Kern), 8. Nevada County (see also English Co.'s Mine), RM (Nevada), 4; XII, 185; XIII, 235, 242. Plumas County, RM (Plumas), 14; XIII, 15. Sierra County, RM (Sierra), 7; XVI (Sierra), 31; XXV, 200; XXXVIII, 50. Placer Mine, El Dorado County, XV, 301. Mine, Mariposa County (see also Prescott), XXIV, 80, 136; XXXI, 29. Nevada County, XXXVII, 444. Shasta County, permit to hydraulic by U. S. Debris Commission, XII, 14. Tuolumne County, XI, 508; XIII, 474; XXIV, 23. State Co., RM (Siskiyou), 4. Group, Riverside County, B 23, 258; XV, 524; XXV, 469. Oil Co.'s wells, B 19, 141. Badgette - Lafayette Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV, 468. Badgley quarry, Inyo County, XV, 74; XVII, 278. Baer Mine, Tuolumne County, XXIV, 23. Baffle-type furnaces, B 78, 226. Baffles, use of in condensers, B 78, 267. Bagby district, Mariposa County, XVII, 91. Bagdad Chase and Roosevelt Consolidated Co., XV, 790, 815. Chase and Roosevelt Mines, San Bernar- dino County (see also Pacific Mines Corp.), XV, 790, 815; XVII, 341; XXVI, 218; XXVII, 278; XXXIV, 15; XXXVI, 56, 232; XXXIX, 126, 440. Copper Co., XXXVII, 391. Gold Mining Co. (see also Soulsby Mines), XIV, 162. Mining Co. (see also Barstow Metals Ex- traction Co.), XXX, 323. Silver Mines Co., XX, 95. Baggert No. 1 dredge, photo of, B 57, 127. Baggina californica, B 118, 441. foraminiferal division, B 118, 210, 218, 221, 223, 224, PI. V. zone, B 118, 236, 454. robusta, B 118, 573. Baghouse and mammoth smelter, photo of, XIV, 768. at Mammoth Mine, Shasta County, XIV, 768. zone, B 118, 248, 249, 453, 454. Bag-house filtration, B 78, 267. Bagley and Nagle brickyard, Sonoma County, XII, 384. andesite. XXIX, 102; B 118, 673. Mine, Del Norte County, description of, B 50, 138. Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 118; XXXVII, 444. 56 BAG-BAK California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Bagration, Prince Pierre, cited, B 5, C, 9. Baher Ranch, Mariposa County, XXXI, 46. Bahten Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 17. Bahwell's, Tulare County, VIII, 644, 645. Bailey Bros.' Mine, Kings County (see also Ready Relief Mine), engravings of folds in, VI, Part 1, 88. claim, Trinity County, XXXVII, 25, 74. clay pits, Tulare County (see also Murphy), B 38, 375. Drake Co., XVI (Nevada), 111. Ernest A., photo by, XXIII, 66, 81. F. B., ranch, tin ore on, Tulare County, XVIII, 9. G. E.. cited, B 72, 20; XIV, 720, 741; XV, 134, 512, 583, 885. G. E., saline deposits of California, B 24. lease, Los Angeles County (see also Allen), XXXIII, 178. manganese deposit, Alameda County, B 125, 100. Mine, Alameda County (see also Newhall manganese lease), XVII, 27. Calaveras County, XIII, 97; XXXII, 356. Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 9; VIII, 624; XII, 277; XIII, 387; XIV, 826; XXI, 431; XXXI, 314. Trinity County, RM (Trinity), 4; XIII, 438. Nelson and, Alameda County, B 125, 74. P., cited, XXIX, 87. Thos., cited, XXVII, 179, 181; XXXIII, 17. Wm. C, and Thoms, C. C, Ventura Avenue Oil Field, B 118, 391. "Will C, niter, analysis of, B 24, 181. Bailing, B 9, 94, 182. by animals (see also animals), B 9, 177, 178, 181. efficiency of, B 9, 150. plants, B 9, 182. Susquehanna Coal Co., B 9, 147. tanks, B 9, 3, 143. artificial sump for, B 9, 144, 151. as relay during repair of pumps, B 9, 147. capacities of, B 9, 147. conditions for employment of, B 9, 147, 150. discharge of B 9, 145, 146. dumping, B 9, 146. in inclines, B 9, 150. in vertical shafts, B 9, 150. pumps for, B 9, 144, 151. stations for charging, B 9, 145. tandem, B 9, 147. vacuum, B 9, 145. test for water shut-off, B 84, 111. Bain, H. Foster, XVIII, 25. H. Foster, cited, XXXVII, 321. G. W., cited, XXXVII, 347. Bainbridge Law of Mines, cited, B 123, Sec. 881. Mine, Plumas County (see also Golden Gate Mine), RM (Plumas), 14; XVI (Plumas), 91. Bains Mine, Siskiyou County, XIV, 858. Balrd formation, B 72, 18, 28; XXIX, 92. shale, B 118, 102. 673. Schizndus deparcus, B 118, 166. Baited Mine, Trinity County, RM (Trinity), 4. Baja (Lower) California, geology of, XXXI, 117. Bajada placers, XXXI, 145, 161. Bajocian, B 118, 107, 671. Bake Oven Placer Mine, Placer County, XXXII, 51, 86. Baker, A. L., cited, B 78, 354. and Coyote Mine, Siskiyou County, XIII, 387. area, Mount Poso oil field, B 118, 25. Bros, manganese deposit, Siskiyou County, B 125, 183. Ranch manganese deposit, Sonoma County, B 125, 186. C. L., cited, B 72, 20, 37; XXIX, 216; XXXIII, 17; XXXVI, 347. Canyon member, B 118, 364, 366, 673. clay, Amador County, tests of, B 99, 279. Divide Co., XXXI, 19. Mine, Placer County, RM (Placer), 7; VIII, 466; IX, 29; XIII, 273; XV, 352; XXIII, 269; XXXII, 51, 86. Dry-Land Dredge, Shasta County, XXXIV, 114. flue (quicksilver), section of, B 27, 251. limestone deposit, San Bernardino County, XXVII, 383; XXXIX, 516. Mine, Lake County, RM (Lake), 4; XI, 67; XII, 360; XIII, 595; B 27, 49; XIV, 230; B78, 55, 230; XVII, 81; XXV, 351; XXXV, 385. concentration at, B 78, 56, 337. Madera County, XIV, 5.'?S, 539; XVII, 81, 83; XVIll, 303. San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernar- dino), 17. Shasta County, XXIX, 7; XXXV, 176. Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 16; VIII, 625; XII, 277; XIII, 387; XIV, 826; XXI, 431; XXXI, 314. prospect (gold), Mariposa County, table showing output, XXIV, facing 98. (chrome), Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 71; XXXVII, 444. Ranch gold prospect. Placer County, XV, 353; XXIII, 269; XXXII, 86. soda spring. Lake County, XIV, 225. Baker's Bar Mine, Trinity County, RM (Trin- ity), 15. R., wells, Shasta County, XIII, 557. Bakerite, B 67, 173; B 91, 252; XXXIV, 293, 296; B 113, 162. Bakersfleld-California Oil Co., RM (Kern), 20. -Calif ornian, cited, XXVIII, 193. clay resources of, B 99, 89. oil claims, B 3, 26. district, B 32, 35. region, citations, B 118, 564. Rock and Gravel Co., XXV, 64; B 99, 89. Sandstone Brick Co., RM (Kern), 19; B 38, 167; XIV, 477; PR 7, 48; B 99, 89; XXV, 64. temperature of, B 3, 93. water well, Kern County, XI, 235. well, analyses of, Kern County, XIII, 535. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BAL-BAL 57 Balaam Bros. Quai'ry, Santa Barbara County, photo of, B 38, 295. infusorial earth mine, Santa Barbara County, B 38, 293. Balaklala and Shasta King- Mines, Shasta County, sketch showing orebodies, B 23, 64; B 50, 67. • Consolidated Copper Co.'s Property, Shasta County, map of, B 50, facing 88. smelter, Shasta County, photo of, B 50, 89. Copper Mine, Consolidated, Shasta County, (see also U. S. Smlt. & Ref. Co.), XII, 245; RM (Shasta), 9; B 23, 84; XIV, 758, 761, 771; PR 8, 12; XVII, 516; XVIII, 138, 296; XIX, 8; XX, 164, 427; XXII, 145; XXIX, 7; XXX, 305; XXXV, 126, 131, 177. Copper Mine, Shasta County, costs at, XIV, 762. geological section of, B 23, 59. gossan croppings of, photo of, B 23, 85; B 50, 91. ore values at, XIV, 762. rhyolite, B 118, 673. Balaklava Mine, Calaveras County (see also Meinecker and Sanguinette), RM (Cal- averas), 15; XII, 89; XIII, 121; XXXII, 326, 356. Mining Co., XX, 6. No. 2 placer mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 327, 356. Balance bobs, B 9, 57. Mine, Mariposa County, RM (Mariposa), 10. pocket, illustration, V, 84. Balbach and Faber du Faur, Messrs., dezinci- fication process by, illustration of, X, 851. and Faber du Faur's method of lead de- zincification, X, 851. Balboa Oil Co., XIV, 642, 709, 710, 711; B 63, 335. oil well, San Diego County, XIV, 642, 711. well, San Diego County, log of, XIV, 711. Balch bentonite deposit, San Bernardino County, XXVI, 305; XXVII, 379; XXXIX, 509. Mary, cited, XXIX, facing 160. Bald Eagle magnesite claim, Stanislaus County, B 79, 98; XXI, 208. Eagle Mine, El Dorado County (see also Crown Point Mine), XII, 107; XIII, 138. Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4; XXXII, 297, 356. Kern County, RM (Kern), 8; XII, 141; XIII, 186; XXXVIII, 327. Mariposa County (see also Sultana, Tom- boy Mine), XXIV, 137. Shasta County, RM (Shasta), 9; XIV, 762; XXXV, 177. Mining Co.. XXVI, 226; XXVII, 287. No. 1 and Bald Eagle No. 2 claims, Kern County (see also Goler Dist.), XIII, 190. Hill Mine, Calaveras Co. (see also Grahm Big Spring Gold Res.), RM (Calaveras), 4, 15; X, 150; XI, 174; B 108, 128; XXXII, 297. Del Norte County, XI, 196; XII, 100. placers, Del Norte County, XXX, 243. Mountain barite deposit, Tulare County, XXVI, 431. channel, B 92, 126. claims, Plumas County, XXXVII, 135. Extension Drift Mine, Plumas County, IX, 28. Mine, Sierra County, RM (Sierra), 7; VIII, 580; XI, 408; XII, 261; XIII, 371; XVI (Sierra). 33; XXV, 200; XXXVIII, 51. Gold Mine, San Bernardino County, IX, 237. Group, Kern County, XVII, 315; XXV, 62. Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 10. Mariposa County (see also Pine Cone Mine), XXIV, 110. nugget, II, Part 1, 150. Placer County, RM (Placer), 7; X, 426; XIII, 273; XV, 353; XXI, 276; XXIII, 269; XXXII, 52, 86. Plumas County, RM (Plumas), 8. Sierra County, II, Part 2, 176; IX, 120; XI, 406; XVI (Sierra), 31; B 92, 58; XXV, 200; XXXVIII, 19, 50. Tulare County (see also Guthrie claims), XII, 295; XIII, 469; XV, 912; XVIII, 524; XIX, 23; XXVI, 440. Tuolumne County (see also Austrian), RM (Tuolumne), 8; XIII, 474; XXIV, 23. workings on Keys Claim, illustration of, XVIII, 525. pocket mines, Tuolumne County, XIV, 134. Plumas County, elevation of, XVI (Plu- mas), 28. Sierra County, elevation of, XI, 400. photo of, XVI (Sierra), op. 2. Peak basalt, lavas, B 118, 189, 201, 673. Point Mine, Trinity County (see also Paul- sen and Hughes), RM (Trinity), 15; XIII, 459; XIV, 901; XXII, 50; XXXVII, 74. Rock Canon Mine, Butte County, XV, 210. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 356. Steer manganese deposit. Trinity County, B 125, 194. Top Hydraulic Mine, Sierra County, XXV, 186, 200; XXXVIII, 51. Baldi and Rothschild, dolomite deposit, San Benito County, XV, 633. Baldwin Construction Co., XV, 485. Group, Calaveras County (see also Dollar), XXXII, 356. Siskiyou County, XXI, 431; XXXI, 314. Hills oil field (see also Inglewood oil field), citations, B 118, 309. Hotel well, San Francisco County, XIII, 550. Mine, Calaveras County (see also Western Mine), XXXII, 339, 356. El Dorado County (see also Briarcliffe or Nashville). XII, 102; XIII, 133; XV, 280; XXII, 422; XXXIV, 226, 258. 58 BAL-BAN California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Nevada County, XXXVII, 444. Santa Cruz County, XII, 28; XIII, 43. Park plant, Los Angeles County, XXIII, 333, 342. photographs of, XXIII, 341. Pool, Montebello oil field, B 118, 20. Property, Calaveras County, XXXII, 332. Ranch -weW, B 63, 258. well No. 4, legal action, B 84, 208. zone. Montebello oil field, B 118, 233, PI. V. 673. Baldy Mine, Inyo County, XIII, 179. Balfrey Mines, Siskiyou County, XXXI, 274, 314. Balfron Group, Madera County, XIV, 540; XVIII, 303. Baliol Mine, Amador 'County, RM (Amador), 8, 12; B 18, 75; XXIII, 187. Balk, R., cited, XXXIII, 230. Balkalala, Windy Camp and Stowell Group, plan of, XIII, 62. Ball and Goforth gold prospect, Siskiyou County, XXI, 431; XXXI, 314. barite deposit, San Bernardino County, XXXIX, 508. Bros. Drift Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 217. clay, analyses of, PR 7, 26. definition of, B 99, 15. resources of in California, B 99, 19. formation, Siskiyou County, XXXVII, 129. Magnesite Mine, San Bernardino County, XXXIX, 67, 532. deposit, Sonoma County, XIV, 325. Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 10. Siskiyou County (see also Ida May Quartz Mine), RM (Siskiyou), 4; XVIII, 496; XXI, 445. Ranch chromite deposit, Siskiyou County. B 76, 190, 222; XXXI, 269. S. H., cited, B 72, 19, 20, 27; XV, 134; B 89, 155; XXII, 505; XXVIII, 331, 335; XXXIil, 17, 324. Ballantyne, Richard S., Jr., and Willis, Robin, Potrero Oil Field, B 118, 310. Ballarat. XXVIII, 331, 353, 354. claim, Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 94. mineral spring, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 12. Mining Co., XXXIV, 468. Corp. (see World Beater Mine), XXVIII, 376. saline deposits, B 24, 17. Ballard and Martin Mine, Amador County, B 108, 70, 117. Mine, Amador County, VIII, 50; XXIII, 187; B 108, 70, 117. Kern County, XII, 141. -Plymouth Gold Mines Co., B 108, 70. Ballardie and Baxter quarry, San Bernardino County, XXXIX, 516. Ballast loader of Southern Pacific Co. at Wyo gravel pit, Glenn County, photo of, XIV, 200. Ballena channel, San Diego County, B 92, 156. district, San Diego County, gold in, XIV, 647, 652. Tertiary auriferous gravel in, XIV, 652. gravel, B 118, 673. Mine. San Diego County, XXXV, 16. placer, San Diego County, XXI, 3^.2; XXX, 369; XXXI, 153. Ballingal Placer Mine, Siskiyou County, XX, > ISO; XXI, 464; XXXI, 314. 1 Ballinger's Codes, cited, B 123, Sec. 907. Ballon's, J. Q. A., well, Santa Clara County, XIII, 554. Ballou Mine, Shasta County (see also Man- zanita or Falls Mine), PR 8, 21; RM (Shasta), 13; XXII, 206; XXIX, 8; XXXV, 131, 177. Ballyclioop, Trinity County, table of produc- tion of gold, hydraulic, placer, drift and river mines, II, Part 1, 189. table of production of the precious metals, II, Part 1, 1S4, 185. Balmaceda Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4; XV, 280; XXII, 422; XXXIV, 258. Balsam Flat claim. Sierra County, RM (Sierra), 7; XVI (Sierra), 34; XXV, 200; XXXVIII, 51. Grove springs, Fresno County, XIV, 456; XXV, 319. Baltic Gravel Mine, Nevada County, XVII, 438. Group, San Bernardino County (see also Calico-Odessa Group), XXVI, 271; XXVII, 343; XXXVI, 243; XXXIX, 477. Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4, 14; XIII, 133; XV, 280; XXII, 422; XXXIV, 258. Inyo County, XII, 23. Kern County, RM (Kern), 8, 17, 10; B 95, 128; XIV, 487; XIX, 30; XXV, 25; XXIX, 272, 287. Los Angeles County, XIII, 204. Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 9, 10; VIII, 451; XII, 185; XIII, 235; XVI (Nevada), 119; XXXVII, 444. Tungsten Mining Co., B 38, 378. Baltimore and Mayflower Mine, Nevada County, XXXVI 1, 457. and Ohio Railroad, exhibit by, V, 163. claim. Sierra County (see also Cleveland Hydraulic Mine), XXV, 188. Copper Co., exliibit by, V, 163. Drift Mine, Sierra County, RM (Sierra), 9; XVIII, 739. Group, Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 80. Keystone and Mother Lode Mine, Plumas County, XXXIII, 134. Mine, Madera County, XII, 154: XIII, 200. Placer County, XX, 13; XXIII, 269; XXXII, 86. San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernar- dino), 11. Balzari, R. A., et al., cited, B 88, IS. Banana chrome claim, San Luis Obispo County, XXXI, 412. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BAN-BAN 59 Banco de Oro claim, San Diego County, XIV, 665. Bancroft, Geo., cited, XVIII, 314. H. H., cited, XXXI V, 600; B 100, 49; B 123, Preface. Ranch, Placer County, mineral paint on, XXIll, 283; XXVI, 155. Bandarita Mine, Madera County, XII, 154; XIII, 206. Mariposa County (see also Gulch Consoli- dated and Bandaretta), RM (Mariposa), 10; XII, 167; XIII, 216; XXXI, 46. Banded schists, B 18, 12. Bandini area, Coalinga oil field, B 118, 250, 489. Bane's soda springs, Monterey County, XII, 340; XIII, 513; XXI, 45. Banghart Mine, Shasta County (see also Mad Mule), XI, 397; XII, 252; XXII, 175, 183; XXXV, 177. Shasta County, nugget from, II, Part 1, 149. Bangor Gold Mining Co. (see also Blue Lead Mining Co.), XXVI, 387. Mine, Butte County, XI, 164; XII, 80; XIII, 82; XV, 199. Bank blasting, II, Part 1, 89. Mine, San Luis Obispo County (see also Cambria Mine), B 27, 154; B 78, 128; XXI, 530; XXXI, 435; XXXV, 431. Mining and Promotion Co. (see also Red Ledge Mine), RM (Sierra), 4; XVI (Si- erra), 77, 114; XXV, 174. Co., XXXVIII, 51. of California quartz claim, Mariposa County, XIV, 576; XVII, 107. of Lompoc infusorial earth deposit, Santa Barbara County, B 38, 295. Roll and Green Gold Groups, San Bernar- dino County, XX, 92; XXVI, 268; XXVII, 341. Banka and Empire drills, B 92, 76. Bankers Group, Riverside County, XV, 540; XXV, 473. Banket, B 5, 46. Banks and Maginnis, Inc., Mines, Siskiyou County, XXXI, 314. Banner and Jefferson Cons. Mine, Siskiyou County, XIX, 10. Blue Gravel Mine, Calaveras County (see also Big Bend Mine), RM (Calaveras), 15; XIII, 97; XXXII, 356. Consolidated Mines, Nevada County, XVIII, 7; XX, 9; XXVI, 10; XXXVII, 445. Development Co. (see also Palisade Mine), XXV, 237. mill at Palisade Mine, Napa County, photo of, B 103, 59. district, San Diego County, polished speci- mens of ore from, XXX, 362. photo of, XXX, 362. et al. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 297. fault, San Diego County, XXX, 344. Gold claim, San Diego County, XXXV, 25. Group, Imperial County, XIV, 729; XXIll, 249. Mariposa County, XXIV, 139. Hill district, Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 37. Horseshoe claim, San Diego County, XXXV, 54. lode, Mono County, VIII, 378. Mine, Butte County, XI, 153; XIII, 82; XV, 211; XXVI, 369. Calaveras County (see also Mayflower, also North Star), RM (Calaveras), 4; XII, 95; XIII, 112; XIV, 69, 93; XXXII, 240, 241, 297. Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. Kern County, RM (Kern), 8; XII, 142. Mariposa County, XXIV, 129. Mono County (see also Old Glory Group), XXIII, 393; XXXVI, 141. Nevada County, VIII, 420; XXXVII, 421, 423. Placer County, RM (Placer), 7; XV, 353; XXIII, 269; XXXII, 86. Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 4, 22; XII, 277; XIII, 387; XXXI, 283, 314. Tuolumne County, XIV, 138; XXIV, 23. Mines, Nevada County, XXXI, 13, 17. San Diego County, VIII, 513, 520; Xlll, 331. Mining Co. (see also Brown and George), XIV, 845. district, VI, Part 1, 86. Mountain, Grass Valley and Nevada City, gold quartz mines in the vicinity of, map of, X, op. 372. Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 445. road, Nevada County, clay tests of, B 99, 315. Oil Co., B 63, 175. ■well, Los Angeles County, XII, 354. Peak, Madera County, elevation and photo of, XIV, 531; XXII, 538. Quartz Mine, hoist and transformers, Butte County, photo of, XV, 211. San Diego County, table of production of the precious metals, II, Part 1, 181. spring, Mono County, XXIII, 401; XXXVI, 154, Banning Co., infusorial earth deposit, Los Angeles County, Xlll, 643; B 38, 291; XV, 507. serpentine quarry, Los Angeles County, B 38, 147; Xlll, 639. soapstone quarry, Los Angeles County, B 38, 351. quarry, Los Angeles County, French chalk in, XIII, 642. Riverside County, gypsum in, XII, 325. Bannister claim. Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 78; XXV, 174; XXXVIII, 51. William, and Dowling, John, gravel deposit, Siskiyou County, XVIII, 600. Bannock, Montana, gold dredging in, B 57, 4. Banon and Red Bank Mine, Trinity County, XXXVII, 85. 60 BAN-BAR California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Banquet Mine, Sierra County (see also Moun- tain Mine), XXV, 180; XXXVIII, 51. gold prospect, Fresno County, XIV, 441; XXV, 313. Bantam Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Do- rado), 4. Bar and bench deposits of present rivers and the ancient river formation of the Ter- tiary, illustration of, X, op. 416. claims, Siskiyou County, XI, 424. Island, Feather River, view of, VI, Part 2, 27. mining by drifting, IX, 278. elevators, deep, IX, 278. Baranca Mine, Inyo County, XII, 136; XIII, 179. Barandun Mine, Siskiyou County, XXVII, 29; XXXI, 314. Barasca Mine, Mono County, XII, 374. Baratini Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 297. Barbara claim, San Luis Obispo County, XXXI, 417. Mine, El Dorado County (see also Sierra Rica Mine), XXII, 422; XXIV, 116, 127; XXXIV, 258. Worth Mine, San Diego County, XXXV, 16. Barbarian claim, Plumas County, XXXIX, 87. Barbarossa Group, Kern County, XIV, 487; XXV, 25; XXIX, 272, 288. Barbat, W. F., cited, XXXIII, 17. Barbe's lime quarry, San Benito County, B 38, 76. Barber Asphalt Co., macadam and paving blocks, Los Angeles County, B 38, 377. bentonite deposit, San Bernardino County, XXVI, 305; XXVII, 380; XXXIX, 509. photo of, XXVI, 304; XXVII, 378. Edwin Atlee, cited, XVIII, 555. Mine, Tulare County, B 23, 236; XV, 908. Mountain Mining and Milling Co., XIV, 665. or Shepard sand pit, Amador County, photo of, B 99, 55. sand pit, Amador County (see also Shepard), XXIII, 135, 136; XXVII, 434. photo of, XXIII, 136. V. S., photo by, XXIV, 308. W. B., cited, B 72, 23. Barbera quarry, Sonoma County, XIV, 353. Barbero mill, San Bernardino County, VIII, 694. Barber's mill, San Bernardino County, VIII, 495. Barbour Chemical Co., XIV, 571; XVII, 40. manganese deposit, Tulare County, XV, 940; B 76, 91, 97; B 125, 91, 206. Barca Oil Co., B 63, 346. Barcal spring, Sonoma County, XIV, 335; XXII, 340. Barcenite, B 78, 27. Barcroft, Joseph, claim, Madera County (see also Bliss and Barcroft Properties), XXII, 557; XXIV, 338. Bard, Hardison and Stewart oil well, Ventura County, X, 760; B 63, 138. Hill Gravel Mine, Calaveras County, XVIII, 99; XXXII, 356. Oil and Asphalt Co., B 63, 44, 46, 78; B 69, 490. T. R., wells, B 63, 138. wells, Ojai oil field, citations, B 118, 393. Ventura County, XIII, 588. table showing life of, B 11, 34; B 19, 98. Barden's. Charles, well, Monterey County, XIII, 543. Bardiglio, B 37, 111, 112. Bardin Bros, ranch, barite deposit, San Benito County, XV, 624; XVIII, 214. feldspar deposit, Monterey County, XXVII, 420. Bardsdale area, Bardsdale oil field, B 118, 406. Canon Oil Co., B 63, 126. Crude Oil Co., B 63, 125. Dome, Bardsdale oil field, citations, B 118, 406. field, development, geology, water condi- tions, B 84, 322. Oil Co., B 63, 126. field, B 82, 179, 183; B 118, 23. 406, 407. wells, Ventura County, XIII, 588; B 11, 46; B 19, 97; B 63, 123. Barenda Tract, water well, Tehama County, XI, 478. Baretta Mine, INIariposa County, RM (Mari- posa), 16; B 50, 267. Barfield Mine, Mariposa County, B 50, 267. Barge "San Pablo" of San Francisco Quarries Co., at pier, Marin County, photo of, XIV, 258, 259. Barges and loading pier at San Pedro Point, Marin County, Daniel Contracting Co., photo of, XIV, 252. for rock transportation, XIV, 252, 253, 258, 259. Barham, W. W., manganese deposit, Siskiyou County, B 76', 81, 96; B 125, 183. Barite (barytes), IV, 77; B 38, 264, 360; B 67, 179; B 78, 28, 29; B 87, 20; PR 8, 53, 58; XV, 853; XVII, 156; XVIII, 183; B 91, 262; XIX, 113; XXIII, 224; XXIV, 160; XXVII, 224; B 113, 172. directory of mineral producers of (see annual statistical bulletins), from Fremont's (Gabilan) Peak, Monterey County, B 74, S9. in Alameda County, XXVI, 49. Auburn Field District, XIX, 20. Avawatz Mountains, XVIII, 115. Big Blue Mines, XXXVI, 412. Butte County, B 38, 264; B 64, 13. Calaveras County. B 38, 360; XXI, 164. California, XXVI, 45. Contra Costa County, B 38, 360. copper ore, XIV, 761. El Dorado County, B 38, 360. Humboldt County, XXI, 300; XXVI, 50; XXXVII, 504. Inyo County, B 38, 360; XXII, 512; XXVI, 50; XXXIV, 19, 48L Lake County, B 38, 360; XIV, 204; XXV, 340; XXVI, 50, Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BAR-BAR 61 Los Angeles County, B 38, 360; XV, 480; XVII, 317; XXIII, 318; XXVI, 50; XXXIII, 200. Mariposa County, B 64, 13; XI V, 571; XVII, 102; XXIV, 144; XXVI, 51; XXXI, 46. Merced County, XXI, 175. Mono County, B 38, 360; XXXVI, 150. Monterey County, XVII, 156; XXI, 28; XXVI, 52. Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 71; XVII, 434; XX, 12; XXVI, 53, 54, 91, 94; XXXVII, 378. Orange County, B 38, 360; XXVI, 54. Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 36; XXXIIl, 92. San Benito County, XV 624; XVIII, 214; XXII, 225; XXVI, 52. San Bernardino County, B 38, 264, 360; XV, 853; XVII, 334; XXVI, 54, 297; XXVII, 371; XXXIV, 19; XXXVI, 249. San Luis Obispo County, XXXI, 410. Santa Barbara County, B 38, 360; XV, 734; XXI, 545; XXVI, 55. Shasta County, B 38, 360; B 64, 13; XVII, 515; XVIII, 43; XIX, 7; XX, 16; XXII, 129; XXVI, 56; XXVII, 26; XXXV, 114. Shasta quadrangle, XXVII, 26. Siskiyou County, B 38, 360. Stanislaus County, XXI, 204; XXVI, 57. Trinity County, B 38, 360; XXXVll, 16. Tulare County, XXVI, 431. United States, IX, 333. Mines, Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 71. No. 1 and No. 3 claims, Shasta County (see also Glidden Co. of Calif.), XXVII, 26; XXXV, 114. No. 1 and No. 2 claims, Shasta County (see also Noble barite prospect), XXII, 129; XXXV, 114, 177. No. 1 claim, San Bernardino County, XXXVI, 237. No. 2 claim, San Bernardino County, XXXVI, 237. occurrence of, XXVI, 46, 165. with hausmannite, B 125, 268, 269. production statistics for (see also annual statistical bulletins), XVIII, 183; XIX, 113; XX, 156; XXIII, 224; XXIV, 160; XXVI, 45; XXVIII, 226; XXX, 291; XXXI, 221. uses of, XXVI, 47. Barium, IV, 77; B 87, 20; B 124, 20. disilicate mineral (sanbornite) from Mari- posa County, XXVIII, 84. No. 1 Mine, Mariposa County (see also East Barytes). XXIV, 125. Products, Inc., XXVI, 57. in Stanislaus County, XXI, 204. properties, occurrence, preparation, uses, tests, markets, possible buyers, and bibliography, B 124, 20. Queen Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 129. , San Bernardino County, XVII, 334; XXVI, 54, 297; XXVII, 371; XXXVI, 249; XXXIX, 509. Bark House Creek Mine, Siskiyou County, XIV, 844; XXI, 464; XXXI, 314. Barker claim, Calaveras County (see Central Hill Mine), XXXII, 335. Corp. Mine, Santa Clara County, B 125, 87, 177, 180. Hill claim, Plumas County, RM (Plumas), 8; XVI (Plumas), 65; XXIV, 298, 312; XXXIIl, 126. Mine, Plumas County, photo of old hydrau- lic workings at, XXIV, 298. Mine, Riverside County, XII, 221; XIII, 310. Ranch Development Co.'s wells, B 19, 115. Union Shaft and Union Shaft Extension Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 356. Barkevikite, B 113, 263. Barkhouse and Wliiskey Boy claim, Siskiyou County, XXXIX, 328. Creek, Siskiyou County, VIII, 629. Mine, Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 16. Barklege and Miller Mine, El Dorado County, B 23, 178. Barley field, Huntington Beach Oil Field, B 118, 329. Mine, Mariposa County, RM (Mariposa), 16; XII, 167; XIII, 216. Trinity County, RM (Trinity), 15. Ranch, American Camp Mines, Tuolumne County, XXIV, 44. Barlow Ranch beds, B 118, 204, 205, 206, 673. Barlu Enterprise Mining Co., XXXIV, 12. Barmen ditch, Trinity County, XIII, 560. Barn Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 327. Barnard fault, Ventura Avenue oil field, B 118, 391. Barneberg Mine, San Luis Obispo County, B 125, 168, map in pocket. Barnes coal prospect, Shasta County, XXII, 134. copper prospect, Plumas County, XXIV, 270. Eureka Mine, El Dorado County (see also Barnes and Greenstone), RM (El Do- rado), 4; XII, 102; XIII, 144; XV, 281; XXII, 422; XXXIV, 217, 25S. Geo. E., Meteorological, IX, 312. Group, Plumas County, XXIV, 312; XXXIIl, 126. Mine, Fresno County, XII, 127; XIII, 165. Shasta County, XXXV, 177. Siskiyou County, XII, 277. quarry, Sonoma County (see also Craig), XII, 396; XIII, 634; XIV, 355. Roy M.. Wasco oil field, B 118, 553. Barnet sandstone quarry, Amador County (see also O'neal), B 38, 117; XIV, 53. Barnett Mine, Kern County, XXIX, 272, 288. Barney Gulch Mine, Trinity County, X, 711. Kane gold prospect, Mariposa County, XXXI, 29. Mine, El Dorado County (see also Ivanhoe, Willimantic), RM (El Dorado), 4; XXII, 428; B 108, 51; XXXIV, 258. Barnhardt Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 356. 62 BAR-BAR California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Barnum Bros, copper prospect, Siskiyou County (see also Copper Mountain Group), PR 8, li; XXI, 427; XXXI, 211. Quartz Mine, Siskiyou County, XXI, 431. Barnyard Mine, Calaveras County, XXXI I, 297. Barona Mine. San Diego County (see also Daley Copper Mine), S 23, 260; XIV, 667; B 50, 345; XXI, 330; RM (San Diego), 6; XXXV, 13. Tuolumne County, RM (Tuolumne), 8. Barr Scam Mine, El Dorado County, B 108, 47. iJurranca Mine, Inyo County, XII, 136; XIII, 179. Barrel amalgamation, II, Part 2, 197. clean-up for gold mill, photo of, B 6, 29. condensers at New Idria Mine, B 78, 258. spring formation, B 118, 673. springs, San Bernardino County, B 24, 62, 78. Mine, Mariposa County, table showing output, XXIV, facing 98. Earrelian series, B 118, 673. Barrels for agitation, B 5, 21. Barremian, B 118, 108, 671. Barren Mountains, manganese deposits in, B 125, 77. Barrett Co., South Africa, B 5, 47. E. P., cited, B 125, 49. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 15. Mariposa County, XIII, 216; XXXI, 29. San Bernardino County, XXVI, 226; XXVII, 287. Oil Co., Kern County, RM (Kern)-, 22. Co.'s wells, B 19, 123. well, XIV, 741. reservoir, XXIX, 229. Barretta Mine, Mariposa County, RM (Mari- posa), 16; B 23, 215; XVII, 102, 107; B 50, 267. Barringer and Adams Mines and Mining, cited, B 123, 1, CXXXIV, Sec. 647. Barrington and Crabtree Mine, Benner, Plumas County, B 125, map in pocl^:et, 151. .1. A., Property, Tulare County, XXXVIII, 356; XXXIX, 174. Barron and Co., B 78, 139. Mine, Kern County (see also Radamacher), RM (Kern), 8. Nevada County, XXXVII, 445. Barrows and Howe Canal, Ventura County, XIII, 563. Barry and Co., XIII, 431. Mine, Siskiyou County (see also Whistle- hear Mine), XII, 277; XIII, 431. and Woodfill Placer Mine, Siskiyou County, XXI, 489. cited, B 5, 71. Bars, illustration showing accumulation, B 57, 18. Barstow crushing plant of Pacific Mineral Co., Ltd., XXVI, 338. formation, B 118, 673. region, manganese deposits in, B 116, 84. San Bernardino County, clay resources of, B 99, 19. lime and marble quarry, San Bernardino County, B 38, 102. Metals E.xtraction Co., XXX, 323. flow sheet of 150-ton mill at, sketch of, XXX, 322. Mine, San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernardino), fi. Mining and Milling Co., XVIII, 148. Parafflne Oil Co. well, XV, 892. saline deposits, B 24, 16, 60. Bartel, Jacobs Mine, Trinity County (see also Barthol), RM (Trinity), 15; XIV, 901; XXII, 50. Bartelow's oil well, Los Angeles County, B 19, 78. Bartels Bros., mineral paint deposit. Lake County, XIV, 207; XXVI, 153. Barth, W. C, gypsum deposit, Riverside County, XV, 579. Barthol, Jacob Mine, Trinity County (see also Bartel;, XXII, 50; XXXVII, 74. Bartliolf and Veach Manganese Mine, Nevada County, B 76, 51; XVI (Nevada), 262; XXXVII, 441; B 125, 148. Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 445. Bartle claim, Siskiyou County, XIII, 55. Bartlet Mine, Amador County (see also Reeves), RM (Amador), 8, 12. Bartlett and Whipple Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 467. claim, Amador County, B 108, 80. magnesite lease, Tulare County, XV, 923; B 79, 135. Manganese Mine. Alameda County, B 38, 335; XI, 121; XII, 329; XIII, 506; B 125, map in pocket, 74, 97. Mine, Del Norte County, XIII, 127. Ranch, Stanislaus County, ochre on, XVII, 255. Springs, Lake County, RM (Lake), 6; VI, Part 1, 62; VIII, 327; X, 254; XII, 335; B 24, 70; XIV, 203, 207, 212; XVII, 79; XXV, 345. photo of, XIV, 214; B 88, 123; B 90, 135. Bartlett's Borax Works, San Bernardino County, photo of, B 24, 35. Boric Acid Works, San Bernardino County, boiling tanks, photo of, B 24, 57. Bartley Consolidated Mine Placer County, RM (Placer), 7; XV, 353; XXIII, 269; XXXII, 57, 86. Bartolet Mine, Trinity County, XIV, 915. Bartolo Annex, Bartolo, Excelsior Mine, Cala- veras County. XXXII, 297. area, Montebello oil field, citations, B 118, 339. Whittier oil field, B 118, 21, 291. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4; XIV, 69. Barton and Barham limestone deposit, Siski- you County, XXXI, 332. and Barham quarry, Siskiyou County, XIV, 867. Horak, cited, XXIII, 305. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BAR-BAS 63 Lange Mine, Siskiyou County (see also Horse Creek and Minnehaha), RIVl (Sis- kiyou), 26; XIII, 602; XIV, 870; B 78, 169; XXXV, 459. Lichen Mine, Siskiyou County, XIII, 387. claims, Siskiyou County, XII, 278, 280; XIII, 406; XXI, 427; XXXI, 271. Drift Mine, Placer County, RM (Placer), 7; XII, 204; XIII, 273; XXXII, 81. et al. chromite claims, Del Norte County, B 76, 130, 217. H. J., limestone and marble, Siskiyou County, XIX, 93. Land and Water Co., XIII, 537. Siskiyou County, XIII, 387. concentration at, B 78, 338. Tulare County, XI, 491; XII, 295; XIII, 469; XV, 913; XVIII, 527; XXVI, 441. Yuba County, XV, 438. Mines, Kern County, XIII, 186. Barton's works, Alameda County, XIII, 644. Bartred Mine, Trinity County, VIM, 638; X, 713; XIII, 438. Barundum Mine, Siskiyou County (see also Barandon), XXVII, 29; XXXI, 314. Barylite, XXXVI, 88. Baryta in San Bernardino County, VI i I, 509. in Santa Barbara County, XII, 406. Barytes, production statistics for (see also annual Statistical Bulletins), XVIII, 183; XXXII, 206. quarry of the El Portal Mining- Co., Mari- posa County, photo of, XIV, 571. (see also barite), IV, 77; B 38, 264, 360; B 67, 179; B 78, 28, 29; B 87, 20; PR 8, 53, 58; XVII, 156; XVIII, 183; B 91, 262; XIX, 113; XXIII, 224; XXIV, 160; XXVII, 224. Barytocalcite, and witherite, PR 7, 18. Basal conglomerate (Paskenta beds of Shasta Group), photo of, XXVIII, 327. Basalt, IV, 96, 101; XIII, 612; XXIX, 91. blocks, Sonoma County, XIV, 352. (columnar) at Dunsmuir, Siskiyou County, photo of, B 86, 103; B 90, 110. near head of Kern River, Kern County, photo of, XII, facing 142. on Klamath River, photo of, XXVII, 25. description of, B 95, 53, 60. exfoliation of, B 78, 65. formation in Western San Gabriel Moun- tains, XXXIII, 235. in Fresno County, B 38, 360. Marin County. XI, 252. Mono County, B 38, 360. Napa County, XIII, 612; B 38, 158; XIV, 299. San Bernardino County, B 38, 360. Santa Barbara County, B 38, 360. Santa Clara County, IX, 51. Sierra Nevada, XXVIII, 284, 285. Siskiyou County, B 38, 360. Solano County, XIV, 313. Sonoma County, VIII, 635; XI, 463; B 38, 360; XIV, 352. Ventura Coimty, VIII, 688. Yolo County, B 38, 360. intrusions at Port Wine, Sierra County. photo of, B 92, 124. northwest of Tehecuchipa, Kern County, VIII, 312. photo of, XXVII, 25. of the Randsburg quadrangle, photo of, B 95, facing 50. quarry, Sonoma County, X, 676. Rock Co., crushing and screening plant of, photo of. XXV, 239. gravel plant at Healdsburg, Sonoma County, photo of, B 116, 65. quarry and tramway of, XXV, 239. Rock Co., Inc., XXV, 239. volcanic ash of, XXV, 242. roofing material in Elizabeth Lake quad- rangle, XXX, 411. sheets in gravel bank, old hydraulic work- ings of the Port Wine channel. Sierra County, photo of, XVI (Sierra), 20, 22. Silver Mine, Fresno County, XI, 214. Basaltic columns, Fresno County, XI, 219, 220. columns, Madera County, XXII, 542. near summit of Mount St. Helena, photo of, Vi, Part 1, op. 79. Soda Springs Meadows, Fresno County, illustration of, XI, 220. on Kern River, Kern County, photo of, XII, op. 142. dikes, Inyo County, VIII, 229. table and map of auriferous gravel in vicin- ity of Auberoy Post Office, X, 192. Basanite, B 37, 64. in San Francisco County, XXXIV, 60S. Basco Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4; XIV, 70; XXXII, 297. Base Bonanza Mine, El Dorado County, XII, 102. bullion, V, 101. treatment of, VIII, 818. metal thermo-couple, B 78, 239. metals and platinum, table No. 3, B 20, 7. ores in Shasta County, XIV, 751. Basement complex, B118, 121, 673. central Coast Range (see also Santa Lucia granodiorite, Sur series), B 118, 121. San Joaquin Valley, east side (see also Santa Lucia granodiorite, Sur series), B 118, 239. Basic intrusives. Sierra Nevada, XXVIII, 285, 287. sulphates, B 113, 178. Basin Beauty Mine, Plumas County (see also Homestake Mine), XIII, 297. formation, Inyo County, VIM, 246, 274, 275. Mine, Tuolumne County, RM (Tuolumne), 8; XIII, 474; XVIII, 101. Ranges, B 24, 13; XXVIII, 331, 336, 355. geomorphic province, B 118, 88. Pliocene formation, B 118, 202. Slope claims, Tuolumne County, RM (Tuo- lumne), 8; XIII, 474; XVIII, 101. 64 BAS-BAU California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Basis of amendment, B 123, Sec. 736. Basler Mining and Development Co., XV, 259. Ba.-'ovitch Mine, Tuolumne County (see Colin and Basovitch), XII, 301. Bass Mine, Madera County, XII, 154. xMountain, ba.salt, XXIX, 91. basalt, diabase, B 118, 673. diabase, XXIX, 91. Basset Mine, Mono County, XII, 177. Bassett hot spring, Lassen County, XV, 237; XXV, 9; XXXII, 443. Bassett's Pride claim, Sierra County, B 23, 161; XVI (Sierra), 30. Bastanchury wells, B 63, 276. Bastin, E. S., cited, XV, 501, 503; XXVII, 92; XXXVIII, 250. Batchelder Tile Co. (see also Batchelder- Wilson Co.), B 99, 42, 97. Batchelor Mine, Placer County (see also Wil- ley), XXIII, 279. Batea, II, Part 1, 30; V, 83; B 6, 81; XXVIll, 205; XXX, 126. for 40-stamp gold mill, illustration of, VIII, op. 732. sketch of, XXVIll, 205; XXX, 126. The, a wooden bowl or vessel used for wash- ing gold, illustration, V, 83. use of, IV, 195. Bateman, Alan M., cited, XXXVII, 321; B 125, 27, 28. and Co. Mine, El Dorado County, B 108, 40. Mauldin gold prospect, Trinity County, XXIX, 9; XXXVII, 74. Bates, A. C, Mine, Yuba County, XVIII, 606. and Borland Co. (see also Central Con- struction Co.), XXIII, 23. and Celina Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 447. Tourtellote's Mine, Trinity County, XIII, 438. Van Matre Mine, Trinity County, XIV, 901; XXII, 50; XXXVII, 74. Boreland and Ayer quarry. Contra Costa County, XVII, 61, 62. detail of construction at the, photo of, XVII, 62. Mine, Trinity County, XIII, 438. on partnership, cited, B 123. Sec. 899. Bateson, Chas. E. W., cited, XIX, 158. Bath district. Placer County, production of gold in, XXIII, 262. House beach beds, Santa Barbara region. B 118, 388. Placer County, table showing production of gold, hydraulic, placer, drift and river mines, II, Part 1, 188. Bathen, John, photos by, B 109, 64; XXVIll, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41. Batholithic invasion, after effects of, B 95, 38. invasion, mechanics of, B 95, 39. Bathonian. B 118, 107, 671. Bathurst claim. El Dorado County (see also Coe Hill and Gold Star), XXII, 417, 422; B 108, 22; XXXIV, 258. Bathymetry, definition of, XXVIll, 45, 49, 50. Bathysiphon taurinensis zone, B 118, 587. Batten Bros., and Dashaway and Reed and Shannon Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 362. Ranch Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 327. Battenburg Refractory Magnesite Mine, So- noma County, B 79, 89; XXII, 337. Battery details, gold mill, photo of, B 6, 12, 22. discharge, milling gold ores, VIII, 714. formation, XXIX, 136; B 118, 673. frame, back-knee, photo of, B 6, 8. cuts, B 6, facing 8. front-knee, B 6, 8. illustration of, VIII, op. 708. in 40-stamp mill, illustration of, VIM, op. 732. horizontal section of, VIII, op. 732. -grade manganese deposits in California, B 125, 45, 54. ores, definition of, B 125, 33. production of, B 125, 43. line shafting and pulleys, B 6, 80. posts, cuts of, B 6, 10, 11. pulley and sleeve flanges, illustration of VIII, op. 708. screen, adjustable, illustration of, VIII, 707. frame, illustration of, VIII, 706. screens, gold mill, photo of, B 6, 25. stem, illustration of, VIII, op. 708. the hydraulic, II, Part 1, 92. wheel frame, B 6, S3. Battle Creek mineral springs. Dr. Soupan's, Plumas County, XIII, 515. Mountain Mine, Amador County, RM (Ama- dor), 13; XIV, 20. Peak Mine, Trinity County. XVII, 543; XXII, 50; XXXVII, 74. Baty Mine, Tulare County, XXXIX, 179. Bauer, J. A., Pottery Co.. PR 7, 50, 76; XV, 496; B 99, 98. Roy M., and Dodge, John F., natural gas fields of California, B 118, 33. Baughart Mine, Shasta County, IX. 38. Baughman dolomite depo.=it, Los Angeles County, XXIII, 322; XXXIII, 202. Group, Los Angeles County, XXIII, 296; XXXIII, 196. process, XXIII, 308. Will, cited, XXIII, 299. Baum, Chas., well, San Francisco County, XIII, 550. K. W., B 99, 252. Baumann Ranch barite prospect, Tulare County, XXVI, 431. Baumberger's, J., Works, Alameda County, salt in, XIII, 644; B 24, 112. Baumgarten Mine, Del Norte County, XIII. 127. Baumhogger Mine, Calaveras County, XIII, 97; XXXII, 297, 352. Baurach, III, Part 2, 8. Baushey Mine, Inyo County. XXXIV, 468. Bautista beds, B 118, 673. sediments exposure, Soboba area, photo o'- XXVII, 524. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BAU-BEA 65 Bauxite (see also aluminum), B 38, 265, 361; B 67, 88; B 87, 12; B 91, 121; B 99, 20; B 113, 131. in Riverside County, B 38, 361; XVIII, 198. Yuba County, B 38, 26.5, 361; XV, 424. test for. XVIII, 198. Bavaria claim, Nevada County, XI, 286; XXXVII, 445. Bavenite, B 113, 280. Baverstock, R. S., B 78, 354, 358. Bawman chromite lease, Sonoma County, B 76, 203. Baxter and Ballaride limestone quarries, San Bernardino County, XV, 872, 880; XXVI, 308; XXVII, 383; XXXIX, 516. White Marble Claim No. 1, photo of, XV, 874, 877. White Marble Claim No. 2, photo of, XV, 875. clay near, B 99, 159. fluorspar deposit, San Bernardino County, XXVI, 302; XXVII, 376. marble quarry, Tuolumne County, XIV, 169; XVII, 489. Mine, Inyo County, XV, 88; XVII, 283; XXII, 477; XXXIV, 427, 468. Lake County, XXXV, 386. quicksilver prospect. Lake County, XXV, 352. Winthrop Group, Shasta County (see also Copper City Mine), XX, 428; B 50, 107; XXII, 146; XXXV, 177. Bay Cities Water Co., B 79, 79. City Brick Co., PR 7, 94; B 38, 254. Oil Co., RM (Kern), 21; B 19, 130. Development Co. (see also Lapis Sand Plant), XX!, 55. Plant, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 37. Edgar Mine, Mendocino County, XII, 176; XIII, 226. Field Iron Mine, Fresno County, XI, 214. Horse and WTiite Horse Mine, Calaveras County, XXXVIII, 312. Horse claim, Imperial County, XIV, 731. Point formation, B 118, 367, 673. Queen Mine, Mono County, XII, 177; XIII, 266. Shell Co., XXVI, 8. Bay Shell Co.'s plant, Santa Clara County, photo of, XXVI, 8. State Mine, Amador County (see also Rhetta), RM (Amador), 11; XI, 146; XII, 71; XIII, 69; B 18, 85; XIV, 19; XXIII, 187; B 108, 71, 117. Butte County, VIM, 116; IX, 28; XV, 199. Shasta County, XIII, 359. Tract wells, B 63, 43, 44. Tree or California Laurel, II, Part 2, 110. View Mine, San Diego County, IX, 142; XII, 238; XIII, 342; XIV, 663; XXXV, 23. Bayard Taylor Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 445. Bayer and Bentz well, Los Angeles County, XII, 354; B 11, 11. last well, Los Angeles County, B 11, 11. Bayha Land Co.'s limestone deposit, Shasta County (see also Lime Mountain Con- solidated), XXII, 194; XXXV, 164, 177. Bayles Mine, Trinity County (see King), XIV, 908. Bayley on Mineral and Rock, cited, B 123, Sec. 11. Bayside Lumber Co., limestone deposit, Hum- boldt County, XIV, 393. mineral spring, Humboldt County, XIV, 408. Bazacoo Mine, Placer County, XV, 332; XXIII, 254; XXXII, 42. Bazet Mine, Trinity County (see also Beau- dry), XXXVII, 25, 74. Bazinet Group, Madera County (see also Morrow), XII, 154; XIII, 211; XIV, 540. Baziuk Mine, Fresno County, XXXVII, 565. Bazoo Mine, Butte County, XI, 164. Beach claims, laws relating to, B 98, 140; XXX, 253; B 123, Sec. 191. mining, Humboldt County, XI, 227, 230, 231, 232; XIII, 172. placer, diagram of cross-section of, XXXI, Fig. 15-B, 164. placers, XXX, 125; XXXI, 163. in Alaska, diagrammatic cross-section of formation of, XXXI, Fig. 15-A, 164. platinum deposits, B 85, 41. sand, auriferous, X, 545. concentrator, XXV, 95; XXVIII, 118; XXX, 140. Marin County, VIII, 342. sands, gold and platinum in, XIV, 375, 377, 391. photograph of placer mining in, XXXI, 163. stones for gems, XV, 500. Beaches of California, gold bluffs and, IX, 35. Beacon Tungsten Group and Bonanza Dome, San Bernardino County, XXXVI, 59; XXXVIII, 351; XXXIX, 501. Beaker claim, Calaveras County, B 108, 148. Beal, C. H., cited, B 72, 22; XXVII, 498; XXVIII, 16, 20; XXXIII, 17. -McClellan manganese deposit. Riverside County, B 125, map in pocket, 65, 83, 154. zone, B 118, 673. Beam pumping, B 32, 16. Bean Boys Hydraulic Mine, Tuba County, XV, 439; XXVI, 197; XXVII, 258. Canyon series, formation, B 118, 673. -Darby manganese lease, Butte County, B 76, 30. Hill Mine, Plumas County, RM (Plumas), 14. manganese deposit, Yuba County, B 125, 65, 208. Mine, Tuolumne County (see also Godfrey), XIII, 479. Bear Bar Mine, Siskiyou County (see also Lee Han Mine), XIII, 388, 412. Barytes Co. (see also Democrat Barytes Mine), XVIII, 146; XXVI, 53, 91, 94. Cafion Manganese Mine, Butte County, XV, 224; B 76, 30, 92; XXIV, 208; XXVI, 408; B 125, map in pocket, 75, 104. Mine, Lake County (see also Thorn), B 78, 68; XXXV, 400. 3—49587 66 BEA-BEA California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 quartz exposure, illuKtratiou of, IX, 200. well, Los Angeles County, B 63, 178. Canyon Placer Mine, IjOS Angeles County, XXXIII, i:>4. sandstone member, San Benito Quad- rangle, XXXIX, 211. Cat shovel at Kelly No. 1 ]Mine, San Diego County, photo of, B 99, 204. claim, Plumas County. XXXVII, 135. Creek, Colusa County, oil at, B 3, 6. Gold Mine, Mariposa County (see also Malone Mine), RM (Mariposa), 10, 14, 15; XVII, 122; XXIV, 97. Group, Mariposa County, XXIV, 124. Sierra County (see also Yellow Jacket), XVI (Sierra), 64. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 15; XXXII, 356. Plumas County, RM (I'lumas), 12. Nomlaki tuff, XXXV, 247. Oil and Mining Co., 3 63, 344. Placer Mine, Santa Barijara County, XV, 736; XXI, 541. placers, Mariposa County, XXX, 244. region, Colusa County, B 118, 78, 618. Humboldt County, citations, B 118, 632. oil indications, B 118, 634. Shasta County, photomicrograph of Nom- laki tuff, XXXV, 245. Spine, Fresno County, XIV, 430. Tungsten Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIX, 318. Valley, Tehama County, geology of, XXVIII, 323. Den Mine, Siskiyou County (see also Snow- flake and Little Gem Mine), XXI, 457; XXXI, 327. Flag raising, the, illu.stration of, IX, 300. Lake, San Bernardino County, XXIX, 210, 229. manganese deposit, Hart and. Trinity County, B 125, 199. Mine, Plumas County, XII, 213; XIII, 288. Mountain and Mount Bullion, cross-section through, X, 35. claims, Siskiyou County, XXIX, 139, 146. Development Co., Calaveras County, B 103, 138. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 297. prospect (tungsten), Tulare County, XXXIX, 175. Paw, Billy Boy, Buckeye, Gray Fox, Gun Barrel, Pinto Ledge, Silver King, Lost Dutchman, Top Grade, Lone Pine, Tanny May, Busy Bee Mines, Tulare County, XXXVIII, 357. Ridge manganese claims, Humboldt County. XXXIX, 326. deposit. Trinity County. B 125, 59, 195. River and Texas Hill Kxtension Mine, Placer County, XXIII, 269. Bluffs on the Coast, south of, sketch, VII, 199. Consolidated Mine, Nevada County, RM (Nevada). 12. costs of dredging in, B 85, 39. District, map showing Oroville Dredging, Jjtd.. Holding Co.'s lands, B 57, facing 102. Dredge. No. 2, B 57, 163. dredging in, B 85, 39. District, B 36, 91. Exploration Co., B 36, 92; B 57, 163. Extension. Placer County, RM (Placer), 11; XV, 379; XXIII, 269; XXXII, 86. gold gravels of, XVIII, 226. Hill, Queen City and Dutch Flat Canyon Mines, Placer County, XXIII, 269; XXXII, 86. hydraulic gravels of, XXIII, 93. Mine, Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 12. mining on, XXXI, 350. manganese deposits on, B 125, map in pocket, 81. marble, Nevada County, B 38, 100. Mine, Placer County, RM (Placer), 11; XV, 379; XXIII, 209; XXXII, 86. Mining Co., RM (Placer), 11; B 36, 92; B 57, 163. oil wells, Humboldt County, XIV, 412. placers, Nevada County, XXX, 243. Placer County, XXX, 243. Yuba County, B 92, 117; XXX, 243. region, Humboldt County, citations, B 118, 632. oil indications, B 118, 634. series, B 118, 673. tailings, B 92, 128. Texas Hill Extension, Placer County, XXXII, 86. Tunnel Co., XV, 379; XXIII, 270. Mine, Placer County (see also North Fork Mine), RM (Placer), 11; XXIII, 270, 276; XXXII, 86, 87. Tooth Mine, Trinity County, XIV, 878; XXXVII, 25, 74; B 50, 114. Track Flat Mine, Kern County, XIII, 186. Valley, Colusa County, petroleum in, B 89, 52. District, San Bernardino County, X, 522; XV, 794. fault, San Benito Quadrangle, XXXIX, 251. Kern County, VIII, 310. Mining Co., XVI (Nevada), 260. Mountain Mine, Mariposa County, table showing output, XXIV, facing, 98. Oil and Development Co., XIV, 188. or Malone Mine, Mariposa County, X, 300. region, San Bernardino County, XII, 229; XIII, 320. marble, limestone and lime in, XII, 394. Beard Bros.' Mine, Siskiyou County. XIII, 388. Beardsley Canal, Kern County. XIII, 534. copper prospect, Plumas County, XVII, 462; XVIII, 605; XX, 14; XXIV, 270, 312. Mine (see also Iron Dike), XXXIII, 126. Bearhive claim, Tulare County, XXVI, 431. Bear's Nest Group, Del Norte County, B 23, 115; B 50, 138. Beaser Ranch Mine, Nevada County. XXXVII, 445. Nevada County, clay on, E 99, 136. tests of clay on, B 99, 313. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BEA-BED 67 Beason Quan-y, Sonoma County (see also Lichau), B 38, 344; XIV, 357. Beasore claim, Madera County, XXII, 547, 550, 551, 552; XXX, 77; XXXVII, 313; XXXVIII, 333. open cut, photo of, XXII, 552. Beasworrick gravel pit, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 39. Beat chrome claim. Placer County,XXXlX, 75. Beatrice claim, et al., Amador County, XXIII, 175; B 108, 99. Mine, Calaveras County (see also May- flower Mine), RM (Calaveras), 4. 23; XII, 95; XIV, 70; XXXII, 297. Beattie and Parsons Consolidated Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4, 8; XI, 203; XII, 102; XIII, 133; XV, 281; XXII, 422, 437; B 108, 48; XXXIV, 258. Beatty claim. El Dorado County (see also Beattie), XI, 203; B IDS, 46. claims. Riverside County, XXXVIIl, 343. Mine, Plumas County, RM (Plumas), 12. Beaudry Mine, Siskiyou County, RM (Siski- you), 16; XIV, 844; XXI, 464; B 92, 99; XXXI, 314. Trinity County (see also Bazet), RM (Trin- ity), 15; XIV, 901; XXII, 34, 50. Beaumont Mine, Madera County, XIII, 206. Beauregard Extension Mine, Kern County, XXXVI, 324. Mine, Inyo County, XIII, 32. Kern County (see also North Summer Gold Mines, Inc.), RM (Kern), 8; VIII, 321; XII, 142; XIII, 186; XX, 38; XXV, 27. 42; XXIX, 272, 289, 320; XXXVI, 28, 323. photo showing-, XXV, 26. Beautiful Bells Mine, Mono County (see also Sunshine Mines), XIII, 232. Beauty Mine, Inyo County (see also Keynote Mine), XII, 138; XIII, 181. Placer County, XV, 332; XXIII, 249, 254; XXXI, 17; XXXll, 12, 42. Mountain Tungsten Mines, San Diego County, XXXV, 32; XXXVIIl, 353. "Beauty" nugget, Sandhurst, Victoria, II, Part 1, 147. Beauty Placer Mine, Butte County, XVII, 415. View Butte, Tehama County, manganese in, XV, 262; B 76, 88. Beaver Creek District, Siskiyou County, XIV, 814. Mine, Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 15; XIV, 859. Mine. Kern County, XII, 142. Shasta County, XXIX, 9; XXXV, 177. Yuba County, XV, 445. Oil Co., RM (Kern), 22; B 19, 116. Becher, Alhin K., photo by, XXV, 114. Bechilite, III, Part 2, 87; B 24, 89. Bechtel-Kaiser Rock Co., XXIV, 209; XXVI, 409. Mine, Mono County, VIII, 387; XIII, 226. Beck and Williamson Property, Placer County, chromite on, B 76, 164. Fanny H., and Louise K. Knapp, place i claims, San Mateo County, XVIII, 9. K.. cited, B 78, 358. spring dolomite, B 118, 673. Becker, G. F., cited, XIV, 219, 236, 238, 347; XV, 648, 664; B 72, 22, 23, 32, 37; B 7fc, 7, 14, IS, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 39. 42. 66, 67. 77, 86, 94, 112, 154, 155, 162, 163, 188, 204, 291, 316, 321, 354, 358; B 125, 271; XXV, 360; XXVI, 27, 28; XXVIII, 315: XXXI!, 102, 103, 107; XXXIII. 17; XXXV, 3C4, 388, 424, 453, 455. Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 445. Becket, J. F., bituminous rock deposit, San Luis Obispo County, XXI, 505. Beckett Mine, San Luis Obispo County, XIII, 371. r.i.'ikett's infusorial earth deposit, San lAii? Obispo County, B 38, 293. Bf ckley and Buckeye Mine, Calaveras County, XXXn, 297. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4. Beckman Ditch, Ventura County, XIII, 563. Linden Engineering Corp., B 76, 22; XVII, 22; B 99, 42; XXV, 433. map by, B 99, 43, 44. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXll, 297. Nevada County (see also Mayflower Mine), VIII, 453; XI!, 192; XIII, 252; XVI (Nevada), 119, 1S6; XXXVII, 445. Beckman's Mine, Calaveras County, table of average yield of gold, II, Part 1. 175. Beckwith and Saunders Mines, Tuolumne County, XIII, 474; XXIV, 23. Consolidated Gold Mine, Pluma.s County, RM (Plumas), 8; XII, 213: XII!, 288; XVI (Plumas), 65; XXXIII, 126. H. T., Tracy Gas Field, B 118, 586. Mine, Plumas County (see also Gladiator Mine), XIII, 295. Property, Tuolumne County, chromite on, B 76, 215, 225. Bed Rock Tunnel Mine. Trinity County, RM (Trinity), 10; XXXVII, 74. veins, definition, XI, 535. Beda Blood Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 356. Bedded deposits of manganese, miscellaneous, B 125, 61, 122. Bedding bins, crushing plant and roasters, Campo Seco smelter of Penn Mining Co., Calaveras County, photo of, XIV, 60. Bedell Group, Inyo County, XXXIV, 408, 468. L. E., copper prospects, Monterey County, XV, 598; XXI, 31. L. E., magnesite deposit, Monterey County, XV, 607; B 79, 53. Mine, Inyo County (see also Daisy Bell). XXXIV, 427, 468. Placer Mines, Inyo County, XXXVI, 22. Bedford Mine, San Bernardino Countv, VIII, 499. Bedrock, B 57, 16. Blue Gravel Mine, Tuolumne County, XXIV, 44. 68 BED-BEL California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 claim, San Diego County. XIV, 656, 657. complex of Sierra Nevada, .structure of, B 125, 28r,. series, B 118, 67.3. cut and .'^luice, Orleans Bar Hydraulic Mine, Humboldt County, photo of, B 85, 53. false, in placer deposit, illustration show- ing, B 57, 17. flumes, II, Part 1, 36. mining, IX, 114. release of gold from, XXXI, 169. springs, San Bernardino County, B 24, 78. tunnel, II, Part 1, 77. Bedrocks and gravel, II, Part 1, 93. Beds of gravel, working low, VI, Part 2, 23. stratified 'heavy,' XXXII, 147. Bee-Gum Mine, Shasta County, XIII, 359: XXXV, 177. Bee Lee Mine, Siskiyou County (see also Black Lead), XIII, 389. Beebe Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 217, 218, 258; B 108, 17. 'cyaniding' flotation concentrate at, B 108, 211. flow sheet of, B 108, 209. Hadsell mill at, B 108, 16, 207. mill of, B 108, 207. open cut at, B 108, IS. Beebee Bar Mine, Siskiyou County, RM (Sis- kiyou), 16; XII, 277; XIII, 388. claims. Trinity County, B 85, 92. Beech, Young and Cochran wells, B 11, 11. Beechnut claim, Madera County, XXXIX, 55. Beede, J. W., cited, XXIX, 95. Beegum Creek coal deposit, Shasta County, XVII, 515; XXII, 137. Creek, platinum in, B 85, 48. results of pannings on, B 85, 49. Shasta County, XXVIII, 320; XXX, 243. Beehive Mine, Kern County, XVII, 315; XXV, 25, 57; B 95, 128; XXIX, 272, 288. Mine, Yuba County (see also Mount Hope), XII, 317; XV, 444; XXVI, 188; XXVII, 249. Beeman silica deposit, San Diego County, XXI, 375; XXVII, 445. Beet sugar, manufacture of, XV, 871. Beetle Group, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas). 98; XVII, 470; XXXIII, 126. Beetles, swarm of, Los Angeles County, VIII, 341. Beever Mine, Yuba County, RM (Yuba), 0. Begel and Day Placer Mine, Trinity County, XII, 307; XIII, 438. Beggar Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4. Begole Mines Syndicate, XXXII, 11. Behr soda spring. Lake County, RM (Lake), 5; XIV, 215; XXV, 345. Behrend, Fritz, cited, B 125, 274. Beidelllte, B 113, 237. Beik gold prospect, Yuba County, XVIII, 007. Belater Mine, Plumas County, RM (Plumas), 12. Belces Mine, Mariposa County, RM (Mari- posa), 10. IJolcher, Baughman, American Eleo. Chem. Soc, cited. XXIII, 308. Con.solidated Mine. Tuolumne County, VIII, 672; XII, 299; XIII, 424. Extension Consolidated Mines Co., XXII, 487. Mining Co., XXVI, 268; XXVII, 341. Mining Property, San Bernardino County, description of, B 95, 128. Mine, Calaveras County, XIII, 97; XXXII, 297. Nevada County, XXXVII, 445. Shasta County, RM (Shasta), 4. Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 16. Tuolumne County, XXIV, 23. Belden Mine, Amador County, RM (Ama- dor), 8. Placer Mine, Plumas County, XXIV, 298, 312; XXXIII, 126. Belding Mine, Amador County (see also Con- tention), XIII, 70; XIV, 26. Belemnites (Acroteuthis), B 118, 610. (Cylindroteuthis), B 118, 616. Belfast Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 1. Belfry of old Spanish church at Pala, San Diego County, photo of, B 37, 57. Belgian sand, economic factors, B 99, 20, 51. Oil Co., RM (Kern), 21. Belgium-Bohemian Mining Co., XIV, 834. claim, San Bernardino County (see also Ord Mountain Mine), XXVI, 217; XXVII, 276; XXXVI, 239. Belknap mill, B 76, 199. Bell and Dorsey Mine, El Dorado County, XXII, 423. Boy Mine, Tuolumne County (see also Clio), XXIV, 11; B 108, 159. claim, Kern County (see also Long Tom), XXIX, 316. Columbia Marble Co., XXIV, 50. Cow Mine, Shasta County, XVIII, 296, 493; XXII, 109, ISl; XXIX, 10; XXXV, 177. Gilroy Mine, San Bernardino County, XVII, 360; XXVI, 268; XXVII, 341; XXXIX, 475. Gulch platinum deposits, Trinity County, B 85, 94. Mine, Trinity County, XXII, 50; XXXVII, 74. H. W., cited, B 84, 74, 359; B 89, 103. Iowa, Leavitt E.xt., Plumas County, XXIV, 312; XXXIII, 126. John tract wells, Santa Barbara County, B 63, 343. manganese deposit, Lake County, B 125, 124. Marble Co., XVII, 488; XX, 22. quarry, Tuolunme County, photo of, B 88, 89. Mine, Amador County, RM (Amador), S. El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4; XXXIV, 258, 270. Lake County (see also Lucky Strike Mine and Fuqua), photo of, B 76, 150. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BEL-BEL 69 Mariposa County (see also Buffalo Bill), XXIV, 130. Plumas County (see also Dubuque), RM (Plumas), 4. 14; X, 478; XII, 215; XIII, 292; XVI (Plumas), 98. Shasta County, XII, 245; XXII, 181; XXXV, 177. Tuolumne County, Xlll, 474; XIV, 138; . XXIV, 23, 44; B 108, 15S, 174. Mountain Group, San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernardino), 6. No. 1 oil well, Los Angeles County, PR 8, 11. Oil Co., B 63, 125. well, Los Angeles County, PR S, 65. Placer Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 10. pool, Santa Fe Springs oil field, B 118, 21. Point Mine, Sierra County (see also Hawk- eye Cons. Gravel Co.), XII, 267; XVI (Sierra), 38. Prince Mine, Calaveras County, XIV, 56. .signals, B 18, 40; XII, 532; B 70, 145. California code of, B 18, 40. station wells, Los Angeles County, B 19, 77. Theresa, tract wells, B 63, 386. L'nion Mine, Mother Lode, X, 48. Valley Mine, Mendocino County, XXV, 464. zone sand, Elwood oil field, B IIS, 380, 383, 673. Santa Fe Springs oil field, B 118, 21, PL V, 343, 344, 346. Bella claim, Nevada County (.see also Sylvan- ite No. 1 and No. 2), XX, 360; XXXVII, 445. Oaks Mines Co. (Bella Union), XXV, 228. Mine, Napa County (see also Bella Union), XXXV, 407. photo showing Thompson Condensing system at, XXV, 229. Rufin Mine, Kern County (see also Berry), RM (Kern), 8; XI, 238; XII, 142; Xlll, 186; XIV, 488; XXV, 27; XXIX, 272, 289. Union Consolidated Mine, Sierra County (see also Poor Boy, Bella Union Group and Blue Gravel Mines Cons.), XVI (Sierra), 55, 78; XX, 365; XXV, 200; XXXVIII, 51. La Joya Group, Napa County, B 78, 30. Mine, Napa County (see Bella Oaks), B 27, 76; B 78, 80, 292, 297, 298, 312, 315, 316, 322; XIV, 286; XVIII, 395; XXXV, 407. concentration at, B 78, 80, 337. flotation at, B 78, 337. Neate furnace at, B 73, 223. ore flotation tests on, B 78, 315, 316. samples from, B 78, 289. solution tests on, B 78, 322. photo of Neate Coarse-ore furnaces at, B 78, 223. Placer Counly, RM (Placer), 4; Xlll, 273. Quicksilver Co., XIV, 286. Vista Mine, El Donido County. XXXIV, 2tS. Vue Cons., Placer County, RM (Placer), 4. Bellavlsta stage, formation, B 118, 109, 185, 67-?. Belle claim. El Dorado County, Xlll, 141. Kern County, Xlll, 192. Fontaine Mine. Nevada County, RM (Ne- vada), 4; XII, 185; Xlll, 235; XVI (Ne- vada), 119; XXXVII, 445. Francis Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 445. Josephine Mine, Siskiyou County, XIV, 844; XXI, 464; XXXI, 314. McGilroy Mine, San Bernardino County, X, 532. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4; XII, 90; Xlll, 97; XXXII, 297. Madera County, XIV, 540. San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernar- dino), 6. Tuolumne County, RM (Tuolumne), 18; Xlll, 474. of France claim, Nevada County, XXXVII, 385, 445. Union Mine, Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 120; XXXVII, 445. Placer County, XV, 332; XXIII, 254; XXXII, 42. Verne Mine, Placer County, XV, 353; XX I II, 270; XXXII, 87. Vernon Oil Co., B 63, 333. View Extension Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 139. Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 129. Tuolumne County (.=:ee al.so Bellevue), RM (Tuolumne), 8, 13; X, 755; XII, 299; Xlll, 474; XIV, 138; XXIV, 30. Bellefontaine Mine, Nevada County (see also Ebaugh), XXXVII, 385. Mining Co., XXVI, 136. Bellemin, G. J., cited, XXXIX, 151. Belleview Mine, Madera County, XII, 154; Xlll, 206. Mining and Agricultural Co., XI, 501. Bellevue and Oro Fina Mine, Placer County, production of, XXXII, 29. district, LaPorte. gold placers of, B 92, 122. Group, Sierra County, RM (Sierra), 7; XVI (Sierra), 34; XXV, 200. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 297. Placer County (see also Oro Fina Mine), XIII, 274; XV, 345; XVII, 445; XXIII, 245; XXXII, 29, 30, 42. Plumas County. XXVIII, 298; XXXIII, 126. Sierra County, XXV, 200; XXXVIII, 51. Tuolumne County (see also Belle View, Hyde, Golden Treasure), RM (Tuo- lumne), 8, 13; X, 755; XII, 299; Xlll, 474; XIV, 138; XXIV, 30. Mining Co., XVI (Plumas), 66; XXIV, 298. 312. Bellota Gravel Pit Co.. San Joaquin County, XXI, 196. San Joaquin County, clay resources of, B 99, 207. Bells mill. Placer County, VIII, 694. Bellwether Mine, Amador County, RM (Ama- dor). 8; X, 104; XI, 140; XII, 71; XIII, 69; XXm, 187; B 108, 71, 117. r.elmotit claim, San Diego County, XIV, 656; XXXV, 26. claim wells. Los Angeles County, B 63, 159. 70 BEL-BEN California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Mine, Amadnr County (see also Sutter Creek), RM (Amador), 8; XI, H3; XII, 71; XIII, 69; XIV, 20; XXIII, 187; B 108, 95. Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4. Inyo County, VIII, 250; XII, 23; XIII, 33; XVII, 283; XXII, 477; XXXIV, 428, 408. Kern County, XXIX, 272. Mariposa County, RM (Mariposa), 10; XXIV, 128. San Bernardino County, XX, 46; XXVI, 227; XXVII, 287; XXXVI, 57; XXXIX, 441. Sierra County, XVII, 474; XVIII, 502; XXV, 174; XXXVIII, 51. Trinity County, RM (Trinity), 4. Tuolumne County, XIV, 138; XXIV, 23. Mining Co., XX, 4C. Osborn Gold Mining Co., XXXII, 241. Osborne Mining Co., B 108, 146; XXXII, 241. Shawmut Mine, Tuolumne County, PR 8, 39; XVII, 479; XVIII, 99; XIX, 19; XX, 19; XXIV, 14, 23; B 108, 162, 174. carlion deactivated in mills of, B 108, 202. flotation at, B 108, 193. flow sheet of mill at, XVIII, 750; B 108, 201. mill of, B 108, 199. mill at, photo of, XVII, 479. milling cost of, B 108, 202. ore treatment at, XVIII, 748. Belridge diatomite, Belridge oil field, B 118, 503, 673. Midway-Sunset oil field, B 118, 522, 523. Field, Kern County, B 69, 302; B 73, 79; B 82, 239; B 84, 76, 450, 461; B 89, 32, 168; B 118, 24, 248, 250, 251, 483, 502-501, 513, 523, 525, 673. Oil Field, diagram showing rate of develop- ment and production, B 69, 304. sand, B 118, 248, 250. Belrock claim, San Diego County, XXXV, 28. Belshaw shaft of the Cerro Gordo Mines, Inyo County, photo of, XX, 186. Belt-driven crank pumps, B 9, 139. Mine, San Luis Obispo County (see also Jacks or La Libertad Mine), B 27, 159; B 78, 126, 138; XXI, 532; XXXI, 437. Quicksilver Mining Co., XV, 700; B 78, 138; XXI, 532; XXXI, 437. series, B 18, 674. Beltane clay, PR 7, 99; B 99, 227. clay, tests of. B 99, 291. Belted Mountains, III, Part 2, 35; XXVIII, 335. Belvedere and North Star Mine, Inyo County, XII, 373. Belvit and American Eagle Mine, Placer County, XXIII, 249, 270; XXXII, 87. Belvoir Extension Mine, Placer County (see also Bowlder), RM (Placer), 4; XII, 205; XIII, 274; XV, 332; XXIII, 254. Mine, Placer County, XV, 332; XXIll, 254; XXXII, 42. llumentito, B 91, 226; B 113, 244. as ore of manganese, B 125, 24, 55, 57, 58, 327. deposits of, B 125, 87, 89, 90, 91. 107, 139, 151, 152, 153, 158, 193. 194, 195, 197, 198, 200, 203. description of, B 125, 26, 59, 70. 71. formula of, B 125, 26. identification of, B 125, 59, 70, 71, 259, 267. occurrence in California, B 125, 68. Ben All, Sacramento County, clay resources of, B 99, 183. plant of Cannon and Co., photo of, XXI, 6; B 99, 184. Bull Mine, Siskiyou County, XIX, 11. Franklin Group, Nevada County (see al.so Ben Hur Divide Mining Co.), RM (Ne- vada), 4; X, 383; XVI (Nevada), 120; XX 9; XXVI, 102; XXXVII, 385, 445. Franklin Mine, Placer County, XII, 205; XIII, 274; XV, 353; XXIII, 270; XXXII, 87. ITur Divide Mining Co. (see also Ben Frank- lin Group), XX, 9; XXVI, 102; XXXVI!, 385. Fxtension, description of. B 95, 129. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4. Mine, Kern County (see also Sailor Boy), XXIX, 276, 326. Mine, San Bernardino County, XVIII, 309, 539; XXVI, 269; XXVII, 342. Ben Lomond claim, Sierra County, XXXVIII, 21. extension claim, Sierra County, XXXVIII, 21. Neil Mine, Si-skiyou County, XIV, 826. Bence Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4; XIII, 97; XXI, 145; XXXII, 243. Tellurium and Minnie Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 297. I5ench and bar deposits of present rivers and the ancient river formation of the Ter- tiary, illustration of, X, op. 416. valley placers, section showing, B 57, 17. placers, XXX, 125. pLacers, Siskiyou County, XI, 428. Benches, disposing of, the high gravel banks in II, Part 2, 168. Bend formation, B 118, 674. Bendelari diaphragm jig, XXX, 140. photo of, XXX, 140. Bender Mine, Siskiyou County, RM (Siski- you), 22; XII, 277; XIII, 388, 435; XIV, 826; XXI, 431; XXXI, 314. Bendigo district, Riverside County, XV, 535, 542. Benedict Ranch wells, Lo.s Angeles County, B 11, 17. P.eneflcial effect of silt, B 92, 17. Benefit derived from dredge mining, B 57, 12. Benell, J. A., photos by. XXVII, 446, 447. lioufelt (or Beiifeldt) Mine, Fl Dorado County, (see also lli>i;(>rs), XII, 102; XIII, 133; XV, 301; XXXIV, 270. Bengal No. 1 and No. 2 claim.s, San Diego County, XXXV, 54. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BEN-BER 71 Benicia Mine, Inyo County, XIII, 179. Rock Crushing: Co.'s quarry, Solano County, XII, 390; XIII, 627; B 38, 325. Solano County, cement work.s at XII, 380; XIII, 612; XIV, 302. clay resources of, B 99, 225. natural hydraulic cement at, XIV, 300. Works, Solano County, XIII, 612. Benitoite, B 67, 157; XV, 636; B 87, 44; XVIII, 322; B 91, 229; XXII, 235; B 113, 280; XXXIV, 69, 293, 295. colored photo of, XV, op. G36. crystal in natrolite matrix, photo of, XXXIV, 69. Mine, San Benito County, photo of, XV, 637. Benjamin and Keno Bar Mine, Trinity County, RM (Trinity), 15. Harrison Mine, Tuolumne County, XIII, 474. Benti and Smith claims, Monterey County, XXXI, 463. Benner, Barrington and Crabtree Mines, Plu- mas County, B 125, map in pocket, 151. Bennet River Mine, current wheels, photo of, XIII, op. 388. Bennet's claim, Sonoma County, coal in, XII, 61. Mine, Plumas County (see also Brown Bear), RM (Plumas), 14. Bennett Air Gold Saver, XXV, 96; XXVIII, 119; XXX, 140. Chas., platinum deposit. Trinity County, PR 8, 20. Co., PR 8, 17; XIV, 844, 849, 856; XXI, 467, 470, 479, 480. Mine, EI Doi-ado County (see also Swift), XXXIV, 268. Siskiyou County (see also Horn), XI, 426; XII, 277; XIII, 406. -Pate Ranch, Mariposa County, dredging on, XXXI, 46. Valley, Sonoma County, oil seepages in, XIV, 342. Bennett's wells, Inyo County, III, Part 2, 31, 35; RM (Inyo), 12; B 24, 20, 45, 72. Benny Martin Mine, San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernardino), 6. Benson Bros. Gravel Mine (see Latimer Gulch Mine), Calaveras County, X, 152. Fresno County, XXXVIII, 315. Mine, Calaveras County, XIII, 97; XXXII, 11, 247. Shasta County, XXIX, 10; XXXV, 177. Bent Bros., Inc., gravel pit, Merced County, XXI, 182. pit, Merced County, crushed rock and gravel plant at, photo of, XXI, 183. Ranch wells, Tulare Crunty, gas in, XVIII, 536; XXVI, 458. Benta Group, San Benito County, XV, 052; B 78, 100. Benton Gulch Mine, Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 12. hot springs. Mono County, XII, 339; XXIII, 401; XXXVI, 154, 161, 163, mill, Mariposa County, XIV, 594; XVII, 107; XVIII, 365; XXIV, SO. Mining and Development Co. (see also Pat Reddy Mine), XX, 81; XXIII, 397. District, Mono County. VIII, 376; XVIII, 418. ranch quicksilver deposit, San Luis Obispo County (see also Lehman and Fitzhugh Ranch deposit), B 78, 127; XXI, 530; XXXI, 437; XXXV, 432. silica deposit, San Diego County, XXI, 375; XXVII, 445. Bentonite, XXXVII, 594; B 113, 238; B 124, 24. at Amboy, San Bernardino County, B 99, 97. bedded deposit of at Shoshone, Inyo County, photo of, XXII, 515. deposits in San Bernardino County, XXXVI, 253. directory of producers of (see annual statis- tical bulletins). In Inyo County (see Fullers earth), XXXVI, 12. Kern County, XXXVI, 212. San Benito County. XVIII, 217; XXII, 235. Quadrangle, XXXIX, 267. San Bernardino County (see also P^ullers earth), XXVII, 379; B 99, 97; XXXI, 222; XXXIV, 19; XXXV!, 12, 81, 212, 250; XXXIX, 509. production of, XXXVI, 212. statistics of (see also annual statistical bulletins), XXXI, 222; XXXIX, 410. properties, occurrence, preparation, uses, tests, markets, possible buyers, and bib- liography, B 124, 24. refining plant, Los Angeles County, XVIII, 9. uses of, S 100, 101. P.entz and Bayer Avell, Los Angeles County, XII, 354. Bar Mine, Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 12. Beraudiere, John, Manganese Mine, Alameda County (see also Berendiere Mine), B 76, 25, 92; XVII, 24; XXV, 436; B 125, map in pocket, 97. Berberich gravel pit, San Benito County, XV, 671; XXII, 245. Berdan Pan, XXV, 96; XXX, 141. small, photo of, XXX, 142. Berendiei-e Mine, Alameda County, B 76, 25, 92; XVII, 24; XXV, 436. Berette Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 80. Berg and Blue Gouge Mines, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 224. Loyne's brickj'ard, Los Angeles County, XIII, 614. Oxby Brick Co., B 38, 243. clay pit, Los Angeles County, photo of, B 38, 245. Cion., copper deposit, Merced County, XVII, 149; XXI, 179. I'.ergeat, A., cited, B 125, 301. Jicrger claim. Trinity County, XII, 307; XIII, 438. Gravel Washing and Gold Saving Machine, XXX, 141. 71 BER-BER California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Bergin Hydraulic Mine, Trinity County, XXXVII, 25, 26, 74. Photo of, XXXVII, 26. placer property, Humboldt County, XXXVII, 508. Berkeley, Alameda County, clay plants in, B 99, 38, 39, 40, 42, 45, 49. and Live Oak Soutii Extension, Calaveras County, XXXII, 311. Chas. P., cited, XXXI, 173. copper prospect, Nevada County, XVI (Ne- vada), 82; XXXVII, 445. Group, B 118, 201, 674. Hills, Alameda County, cinnabar in, B 78, 35. citation, B 118, 481. tertiary formations, B 118, 189. Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 139. Oil Co., B 19, 99; B 63, 136. Rock Co., quarry, Alameda County, B 38, 311. Steamship beam pumping, B 32, 138. water well, A'lameda County, XI, 133. Berlin Consolidated Mine, Nevada County, RM (Nevada). 4; XXXVII, 445. Berman, Harry, cited, XXXV, 488. Bernal Marl Fertilizer Co., XVII, 185; XVIII, 102; XIX, 24; XXVI, 9. Mine. Santa Clara County, B 27, 171; B 78, 155, 157; XVII, 209; XXVI, 29; XXXV, 476. Bernal's calcareous marl deposit, Edenvale, Santa Clara County, photo of, XVIII, 343. California Marl Fertilizer Co.'s quarry, Santa Clara County, photo of, XVII, 186. Bernard Cinnabar Mine, El Dorado County (see also Amador), B 27, 190; XV, 306; B 78, 30, 42; XXII, 445; XXXV, 376. Bernard's diggings, Plumas County, RM (Plumas), 14. Bernard! Mine, Calaveras County, XIX, 18; XXXII, 298. Bernardinite, IV, 78; B 67, 195; B 91, 284. Bernardis Mine, Amador County, XIII, 69. Bernardo granite quarries, San Diego County, XXI, 363. Bernice Group and Maynard Tine Mine, San Bernardino County, XXXVIII, 349; XXXIX, 130. Bernon Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4; XXXIV, 469. Bernstine Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 18. Berriasella crassiplicata, B 118, 168. Berriasian stage, B 118, 671. Berriman Consolidated Mine, Nevada County (see also Golden Center Group). RM (Nevada). 4; XIII, 235; XVI (Nevada), 177; XXXVII, 445. Berry and Thompson Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 466. congIake, XXIX, 223. Lodge Mine, San Bernardino County, RM (San Bernardino), 6, 11. Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 4; XII, 277; XIII, 388; XIV, 826; XXI, 431; XXXI, 314. Yuba. County (see Kingbird Mine), XXVII, 250. Tjittle Bear manganese depo.sit, Calaveras County, B 125, 60, 65, 76, 106. Tjode Mine, Kern County, XXXVIII, 327. Mariposa County, RM (Mariposa), 10; XXIV, 124. Maria Mountains, Riverside County, copper in, XV, 527. Meadow region, topography, XXXVI, 367, 368. Medicine barite deposit, San Bernardino County. XXVI, 297; XXVII, 371; XXXVI, 249; XXXIX, 509. Moses well, Santa Barbara County, B 63, 348. Nugget Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. Placer Mine, Siskiyou County, XXI, 462. Oak, Del Monte, Thelmas, Sandy Bar Mines, Mariposa County, XXIV, 129. Flat District, Tuolumne County, XIV, 136; XXIV, 42. Mine, Tuolumne County, XIII, 474. No. 1 Mine, Tuolumne County, XXIV, 23. platinum deposit, B 85, 88. region, Tuolumne County, gold in, XII, 299. shale and sandstone member, San Be- nito Quadrangle, XXXIX, 203. Mine, Fresno County, XXXVIII, 315. Mariposa County, table showing produc- tion of, XXIV, facing 98. Placer County, XX, 179. Tree Mine, Placer County, RM (Placer), 4; VIII, 463; XIII, 274; XV, 333; XXIII, 254; XXXII, 33, 42. Panoche Co.'s wells, B 19, 150. district, citations, B 118, 471. Pine copper prospect. Placer County (see al.'-o T. W. A.), B 23, 174; XV, 327; XXIII, 247; XXXII, 13, 39, 298. limestone deposit, San Bernardino County. XXVI, 308; XXVII, 383. Pines Lime and Transportation Co., XV, 879. Ravine Mine, Nevada County, XIII, 236. Red Mountain, Mendocino County, chromite on, B 76, 107, 152, 219. Reef manganese deposit, San Bernardino County, B 125, map in pocket, 62, 66, 84, 85, 160. Rock chrome claim, Humboldt County, XXXIX, 325. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BIG-BIL 79 manganese deposit, Trinity County, B 125, 195. Placer Mine, Siskiyou County, XXXI, 314. Sage reservoir. XXIX, 227. Sampson :Mine, Fresno County (see also Delilah), XII, 127; XIII, 165; XIV, 44n Sandy Mine. El Dorado County, RM (Kl Dorado), 4. 14; X, 173; XII, 104; XIII, 134, 163; XV, 281; XXII, 423; B 108, 19, 4S; XXXIV, 259. crystallized gold from, B 108, 19. .Alining Co.. XXII, 423. Scspe Canyon area, Sespe oil field, B 118, 396. citations, and index map, B 118, 396. Oil Co. of Ai-izona, B 63, 92. of California, B 63, 102. wells. B 19, 97. Seven Mine, Calaveras County. RM (Cala- veras). 4; XXXII, 242. 298. Shady Group, Placer County, XXXII, 13. Shot and Big Shot Extension Mine. Cala- veras County, XXXII, 298. Nos. 1 and 2 Mine, Kern County (see also Sure Go, Scheelite King Nos. 1, 3. 4, and Starlite). XXXVIII, 326. Silver Mine, Inyo County (see also Essex). XXII, 477; XXXIV, 428, 469; XXXVI, 25. Mining Co., XXXIV, 428. Sister Group, Inyo County. XXXIV, 469. Six Mine, San Bernardino County, B 95, 130; XXVI, 269; XXVII, 342. Slide Mine. Siskiyou County. XIV, S59; XXI, 465; XXXI, 314. Spring, Big Spring Extension and Home- stead Mine, Calaveras County, XXXI I, 308. Mine, Calaveras County (see also Graham Marble Springs and Bald Hill). RM (Calaveras). 4; XI 1 1^98; XI V, 70; B 108, 128; XXXII, 298. Placer County, XXXII, 53. 87. Stake Mine, Trinity County. XXXVII, 74. Stick Mine, Madera County. XIV, 540. Stony Creek manganese deposit, Glenn County, B 125, 113. Sulphur Spring, San Luis Obispo County, VI, Part 1, 71. Three Mine, Kern County. RM (Kern), 8. Mining Co., RM (Kern). 8; XVII, 310. "Trancas" bridge, Napa County, stone from Wing Quarry, photo of, XIV, 294. Tree Iron Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 27; B 38, 297; XXI, 162; XXXII, 297. Mine. Imperial County, XXXVIII, 114. Kern County (se<^ Tropico), XIV, 512. Placer County. XXXII, 42. Trees. Tulare County. VIII, 645. Tujunga Plant, Los Angeles County. XXIII, 333. 335. Tungsten Mine, Kern County, XXXVIII, 330. Tunnel Mine, Calaveras County. XXXII, 298. El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado). 4; XIII. 141. slate quarry. El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 17, Wedge Miiie, Inyo County, XXXIV, 469. Mining Co. (see also Mt. Whitney-Union Mine), XXX, 311; XXXIV, 457. plant, Inyo County, flow sheet of 150-ton flotation plant, sketch of. XXX, 312. Digelow claim, Placer County (see also Wil- ley), XV, 354; XXIII, 279. I'himas County. RM (Plumas). 4; XVI (Plumas), 99; XXXIII, 126. Mine. Sierra County. RM (Sierra). 4; XI, 413: XII, 262; XIII, 371; XVI (Sierra), 78; XVIII, 737; XXV, 15'.i, 174; XXXVIll, 20, 51. Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou). 12; XIII, 388. Trinity County, RM (Trinity), 4; XIV, 884; XXII, 28; XXXVll, 74. Ranch placer, Trinity County. XXIX, 58. Biggro's sandstone quarry, San Francisco Co. (See also Lewis). B 38, 321. Biggs and Sims Group, Nevada County. XVI (Nevada), 92; XXXVll, 445. Butte County, clay resources of. B 99, 66. chromite prospect, Tuolumne County, B 76, 225. dredge No. 1, Butte County, RM (Butte), 11; B 57, 142. 143. No. 2, Butte County. B 57, 143, 144. Biglo Mine, Placer County, XXI 1 1, 270; XXXII, 87. Bigney Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4. Biladeau Property, Madera County (see also Bradford Group), XXIV, 335. Biledo. Thomas, iron claims. Madera County, XIV, 554. Bilgers Property Co. (see also Oakland Prop- erty Co.), B 38, 312; XXV, 447. Bilharz, O., cited. X, 808. Bill and Lee Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV (see map). Hills Mine, San Diego County, XXXV, 17. Jones Mine. Mariposa County (see also McCall). XXIV, 126. Waley Allotment, Tulare County, XXXIX, 172. BiUie Burke Mine. Kern County, XXIX, 272. Billings Buckeye Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 129, 139. Mine. Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4; XXXII. 208. Billingslej% Paul, cited, XXXVI, 347. Billups Mine, Siskiyou County (see also Cle- land Brown and Billups), XIII, 388; XXXI, 314. Billy Boy. Bear Paw, Buckeye, Gray Fox. Gun Barrel, Pinto Ledge. Silver King, Lost Dutchman, Top Grade, Lone Pine, Tanny May, Busy Bee Mine, Tulare County, XXXVIll, 357. Brown Mine, Tulare County, XIII, 469, 472. Goat Mine, Santa Clara County, B 125, map in pocket. 174. McCormick Mine, Shasta County (see also Jackson), XIII, 350; XXII, 181; XXXV, 177. 80 BIL-BIS California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Sunday manganese deposit, Trinity County, B 125, 200. Williams Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4: XIV, 70; XVIII, 21; XXXII, 298. Bilrowe Alloys Co., B 76, 98. Bilstead, Geo., mineral paint deposit, El Do- rado County, XXII, 444. Bi-Metallsm, XI, Part 1, 14. Bimetallic Mine, Philip.sburg, Mont., B 2, 41. Bimeni Spring's, Los Angeles County, XV, 508; XXIII, 328; XXXIII, 206. Bind and Co.'s marble quarry, Rl Dorado County, XII, 391; XIII, 628; RM (El Do- rado), 17; XV, 304; XXII, 444. Binder, G. A., B 78, 3:>i. Blndheimite, IV, 78; B 67, IGS; B 91, 244; B 113, 218. Binct manganese pro.spect, Butte County, XV, 224; B 125, 65, 60, 75, 104. Binger's Ranch, Nevada County, copper on, B 23, 170. Bingham and Alta Consolidated Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 444. Group, Siskiyou County (see also The Chrome Mine), photo of, B 76, 200. Valley Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 15. Bingham's Chrome Mine, Siskiyou County. B 76, 199. Bingo claim, Trinity County, XXXVII, 54. Binney, Amos, M. D., B 4, 7. and Smith, B 76, 9S, 226. W. G., B 4, 7. Bins and crusher at Napa County Rock plant, photo of, XIV, 296. Binum Mine, Calaveras County, XIII, 98; XXXII, 298. Biotite, IV, 79, 263; B 67, 142; B 87, 61; B 113, 254. -albite schist of the Randsburg Quadrangle, photo of, B 95, facing 24. hornblende-albite .schist of the California Rand Silver Mine, photo of, B 95, fol- lowing 24. Birch, The Far Western Pacific, II, Part 2, 102. Oil Co., B 63, 207, 311, 319. Birchville Mine, Nevada Ctnuity, RM (Ne- vada), 10; XVI (Nevada), 121; XXXVII, 386, 445. Bird Mine, EI Dorado County. XXXIV, 259. mineral spring, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 12; B 24, 74. Springs formation, B 118, 99, 100, 674. in the Nopah and Resting Springs Mountains, XXXIII, 323. Bird's Eye Mine, Nevada County, RM (Ne- vada), 12. Birds Flat Mine, Placer County, XXIII, 270; XXXII, 87. Birdsall. Chas. G., cited, B 125, 46. Blrdseye Creek ditch, Nevada County, XIII, 544. Gold Mining C(). Mine, Nevada County. XIII, 236. Mining Co., XVI (Nevada), 99. Birkhauser, Max, Coalinga oil field, B 118, 484. I'.irkmyre, cited, II, Part 1, 173. Birmingham, Alabama, iron works at, V, 129. Birney and Gold Slipper INIino, Calaveras County, XXXII, 298. Mine, Calaveras County. RM (Calaveras). 4, 23; XII, 90; XIII, 98. Tuolumne County (see also Tlniiimilfield and Ham and Birney), XIII, 480; XXIV, 29. Birthday Group, Inyo County, XXXIV, 469. Bisbee Mine, Calaveras County (see also El Dorado), XIII, 98; XXXII, 298. Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. Placer County, XXXII, 42. Bishop and Wells Mine. Butte County, XIII, 83; XV, 212. Antimony Mine, Inyo County, XXXIX, 58. C. R., Oil Co., RM (Kern), 22. Canyon, Los Angeles County, clay resources of, B 99, 104. Community Gold Producers Mining Co. (see also Casa Biablo Mine). XVIII, 418; XIX, 23; XXIII, 377. Creek Milling Co., XVIII, 419. Mine, Inyo County (see also Wilshire), XV, 85. Mono County, table of production of the precious metals, II, Part 1, ISO, 182. district tungsten, XV, 129; XXXVII, 292. Estate Co., XIX, 18; XX, 6, 178: XXXII, 357. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. hot springs, Inyo County, XV, 115. Inyo County, glacier deposits. XXVIII, 306, 309. marble quarry, Calaveras County, XIV, 129. Mine, El Dorado County (see also Daily), XXXIV, 260. Mono County (see also New Enterprise), XII, 182; XIII, 230. Placer County, RM (Placer), 11; XIII, 274; XXXII, 42. Silver-Cobalt Mines, Inyo County, XXXIV, 378, 469. Thos. B. Co. (see Bishop Estate), XXXII, 343, 353. tuff, B 118, 674. Tungsten Co., XXXIV, 462, 469; XXXVI, 10; XXXVII, 292; XXXIX, 118. Mine, Inyo County, XXXVI, 27. Bishop's, H. B., well, San Joaquin County. XIII, 551. Peak quarry, San Luis Obispo County, B 38, 158; XV, 722; XXI, 537; XXXI, 459. Bismarck Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4. Trinity County, XXII, 28; XXXVII. 3* Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BIS-BIT 81 Bismark grold prospect, Yuba County, RM (Yuba), 6; XV, 445. Mine, San Bernardino County (see also Occidental and Calico-Odessa Group), XI, 33S, 344; Xlll, 60S: XVII, 360: XXVI, 271; XXVII, 343; XXXVI, 213, 301; XXXIX, 477. Shasta County, RM (Shasta), 4. Bismite. B 67, 70; B 87, 23; B 91, •14: B 113, 103. Bismuth. IV, 7P; B 67, U: B 87. 22: B 91, 12; B 113, 22; B 124, 32. alloys containing, IV, 80. carbonate of, Inyo County, VIII, 236. from blister copper, B 74, 28. gold, B 67, 15; B 91, 17: B 113, 2fi. in San Diego County, XIV, 670; XXI, 330; XXXV, 13. ocher, B 67, 70; B 91, 94; B 113, 103. production statistics for (see also annu.il statistical bulletins), XVIII, 240; XIX, 114. properties, occurrence, preparation, uses, tests, markets, possible buyers, and bib- liography, B 124, 32. Bismuthinite, B 67, 26; B 87, 23; B 91, 30; B 113, 39. Bismutite, IV, 79: B 24, 102; B 67, 102; B 87, 23; B 91, 148; B 113. 160. Bismutosphaerite, B 67, 97; B 91, 139: B 113, 151. Bisque doll heads. Alameda County, B 99. 38. Bissell magnesite deposit, Kern County, XIV, 519; XVII, 312; B 71, 49; B 74, 69; B 79, 47; B 83, 69; XXV, 73. analysis of magnesite from, B 79, 49. section of, B 79, 48. Mine, Kern County, open cut at, photo of, XVII, 311. photo of, B 79, 47, 48. showing stratification and dip south, photo of, B 79, 49. quarry, Kern County, section of, B 79, 48. Bistel Mine, Humboldt County (see also Clover Gulch), XII, 132; XIII, 174. Bisulphate of potash, preparation of, 111, Part 2. 60. Bitner Group, Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 82; XXXVII, 445. Bitter Creek, Kern County, Oligocene, B 118, PL ni. Spring, San Bernardino County, XII, 342; B 24, 78; XV, 887. Water Creek, San Benito County (see Bitter Water Mine), XXXV, 418. Water Mine, San Benito County (see also Bitter Water Creek), XXXV, 418. Bittern?, production of magnesium chloride from, B 74, 110. Bitters claim. El Dorado County (see also Two Channel), XII, 104; XXXIV, 270. Bitterwater and Peachtree Valley, geology of, B 89, 78. gypsum deposit, San Benito County, XIII, 504. manganese deposits near, B 125, S3. San Benito County, analysis of crude oil of, B 32, 191. clay deposits of, B 99, 192. spring, San Luis Obispo County, VI, Part 1, 71; XXI, 524; XXXI, 428. Valley, citations, B 118, 471. Bittium asperum, B 118, 174. Bittner Mine, Nevada County, B 50, 199. Bitumen, IV, 278; B 67, 196; B 91, 285. aboriginal use by California Indians, B IIS, 74. and coal, Colusa County, VIII, 158. in cinnabar ore deposits, B 27, 25, 41, 47, 161; B 78, 189. Colusa County, VIII, 158. quicksilver mines, Sonoma County, XIV, 348. Santa Clara County, VIII, 54S; X, 607. Bitumenized Brick and Tile Co., PR 7, 50. sand showing joints, sketch of, B 16, 50. shale and sandstone, Ventura Coimty, B 63, facing 25. shales, Ventura County, photo of, B 63, facing 41. Bitumens, B 78, 29. Bituminous coal and lignite in Fresno County, X, 186. deposits and oil sands, Sisquoc Rancho, map of, XIII, 41. in San Luis Obispo County, VIII, 533. formation in Fresno County, B 3, 55. in Kings County, B 3, 53. rock (see also asphaltum), XII, 26; B 87, 19; PR 8, 51; XXIII, 224; XXVII, 224. analyses of. XV, 678. citations, B 118, 280. directory of producers of (see annual sta- tistical bulletins), in Kern County, XIII, 35. Marin County, XIII, 36. Mendocino County, XI, 255; XIII, 36. Monterey County, XI, 259; XIII, 36. San Benito County, XV, 626; XVIII, 215; XXII, 224. San Luis Obispo County. X, 571: XIII, 32; XV, 677; XVII, 384: XXI, 504; XXXI, 411. San Mateo County, XVII, 169; XXV, 247. Santa Barbara County, VIII, 538; XIII, 38; XV, 730; XVII, 387; XXI, 545. Santa Clara County (see also asphalt), XIII, 43; XVII, 182; XXVI, 4. Santa Cruz County, VIII, 554; X, 620; XIII, 43; XVII, 230; XXII, 72; XXXIX, 16. Ventura County, VIII, 688; X, 760; XIII, 44; XV, 754; XXI, 232. on the Pismo Grant, San Luis Obispo County, XII, 29. production statistics for (see also annual statistical bulletins), XVIII, 183; XX, 156; XXI, 259: XXIV, 161; XXV, 267; XXVI, 165: XXXVI, 212. quarries at Corral De Pledra, cross section of, X, op. 572. 82 BIT-BLA California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 San Luis Obispo County, illustration of, X, op. 572. Quarry of City Improvement Co., photo of, XIII, op. 44. sand at Las Conchas Mine, Santa Barbara County, B 11, .51. rtfiposits of California (see asplialt), XVIII, 228. dipping towards the sea, sketch of, B 16, 61. .-pes of, B 92, 69. mineral content of, XXII, 75. platinum in, XIV, 375, 391. Process, XXVIII, 120. production of iron from, XXII, S2. recovery, XXVIII, 193. tests on, at Valdor dredge, B 85, S5. treatment and process, XXX, 143, 22S. sands, auriferous, of California, B 45. from hydraulic and iihiccr mines, I, 39. gold in, XIV, 374, 375, 391. recovery of platinum from. 3 35, 91. silver, B 67, 54; B 91, 72. Spanisli and Dolores Mine, Placer County, XXXII, 44. No. 2 Mine, Placer County. XV, 334: XXI II, 254; XXXII, 43. Spider Mine, Shasta County (see also Jones Property). XII, 246; RM (Shasta), 4: XIII, 350; XIV, 779: XXII, ISl: XXIX, 32; XXXV, 177. Spring, San Bernardino County, B 24, 78. Mine. Mariposa County, table showing out- put. XXIV, facing 98. Squirrel manganese deposit, Nevada County, B 125, 147. Star Mine, Orange County, X, 403. 86 BLA-BLA California Division of -Mines [Bull. 131 stone manganese deposit, San Bernardino County, XVII, 354; XXVI, 264; XXVII, S37; B 125, 62, 66, 84, 160. sulphide of mercury, B 78, 208. Sulphur claims, Inyo County, XXXIV, 564. spring', San Luis Obispo County, VI, Part 1, 71. Yellow Sulphur and Sulphur Groups, Inyo County, map of, XXXIV, 566. and Zerolene Groups, Inyo County, map showing proposed amended location of, XXXIV, 567. Susan manganese deposit, Trinity County, B 125, 194. Tiger claim, San Bernardino County, XXXIX, 67, 493. Tom Mine, Shasta County (see also Ni- agara), XIV, 795; XXXV, 177. Walnut Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 298. Warrior, Fitz and Antelope Mines, Injo County, XII, 23. Mine, Inyo County (see also Red Chief), XIII, 183. Riverside County (see also Steece Mine), XXV, 476, 4S7. San Bernardino County, XVII, 348. Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 78; XXV, 174; XXXVIII, 51. Tuolumne County (see also I^aura and North Star), XXIV, 31; B 108, 177. Trinity County, RM (Trinity), 4. Water Mine, San Bernardino County (see also Silver Lode and Black Water), XXVII, 357. Wolf Placer Mine, Siskiyou County, XXXI, 315. Wonder district, B 125, map in pocket. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4; XIII, 98; X!V, 70; XVII, 421; XVIII, 18; XXI, 145; XXXII, 244, 298. Properties, Santa Clara County (see also Jones), B 76, 75, 76, 95; XVII, 193; XXVI, 14; B 125, 87, 177. Blackbird Mine, Colusa County, B 23, 132. Blackburn, C. P., clay deposit, San Bernar- dino County, B 38, 226; XV, 861; PR 7, 92. Mine, Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 16; XIII, 389. Blackfoot Mine, Kern County. XIII, 187. San Bernardino County, XI, 344; XXXVI, 242. Shasta County, XII, 245; XIII, 350; XXII, 181; XXXV, 177. Tuolumne County, XXIV, 23; B 103, 174. Blackhawk breccia, B 118, 674. claim, San Bernardino County, open cut on, photo of, XXVI, 223; XXVII, 282. Mine, Kern County, XIII, 187. San Bernardino County, XIII, 320. Mount, San Bernardino County, marble in, B 38, 102. Blackie Mine, Plumas County (see also Belle- vue Mining Co.), XVI (Plumas), 66. P.Iackjack claim, Del Norte County, XXXVII, 119. claims, Tulare County (see also King Solo- mon claims), XXVI, 471. Blacklock Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 10; XIII, 134; XV, 301; XXXIV, 270. Blackmore Mine (see also Trinity Gold Dredge), XIV, 919. Blackrock Mine, Mono County (see also New Enterprise Mine), XII, 182; XIII, 230. Black's ranch water well, Tulare County, XI, 488. Supreme Court Reporter, cited, XXVI, 27. talc claim, Calaveras County, B 38, 351. Blacksmith Canyon, southwest of Bridgeport, photo of, XXVIII, 304. shop near Folsom, repairs to buckets and tumblers, photo showing, B 57, 202. Blackstone Mine, Shasta County, RM (Shasta), 4. Blackwater spring, San Bernardino County, B 24, 78. Blackwelder, Eliot, cited, XXVIII, 278, 281, 309, 335; XXIX, 203, 211, 221; XXX, 60; XXXI, 161, 162, 185, 191; XXXIII, 17; XXXVI, 360. glacial and associated stream deposits of the Sierra Nevada, XXVIII, 303. photo by, XXIX, 210. Elackv/ells Corner, Kern County, B 118, 25. Blagrave Mine, Trinity County, XXII, 28; XXXVII, 75. Blaine, P. W., property, Tulare County, XXVI, 462. Mine, Plumas County (see also Wardlow Mine), XVI (Plumas), 169. Blair Consolidated Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4, 23; XI, 172; XII, 90; XIII, 98, 124; B 108, 148. French Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 10. macadam quarries, Alameda County, B 38, 311. Mine, Calaveras County (see also Triple Lode Mine), XIV, 70; PR 8, 28; XIX, 184; XXXII, 298. El Dorado County, X, 179; XXII, 423; XXXIV, 259. Quarry No. 1, Alameda County, photo of, B 38, 311. Blairsville, Georgia, gold mines near, V, 146. Blaisdell alluvial fan, photo showing, XXVI!, 514. Blake and Bilger Quarries, Alameda County (see also Oakland Paving Co.), XXV, 447; B 38, 312. photo of, B 38, 312. and Caldwell Mine, Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 12. Bros, quarry, Contra Costa County (see also San Pablo quarry), XVII, 63; XXIII, 21. or San Pablo Quarry, Contra Costa County, photo of, XVII, 64. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BLA-BLI 87 ciuany, Contra Costa County, loading crushed rock on barge at, photo show- ing, B 96, 87. photo showing, XXIII. 22. Mine, Siskiyou Countj' (see also Whistle Bar), RM (Siskiyou), 12; XIV, 864. mining ground, Nevada County (see also Selby Hill), XXXVII, 445. Pattern, rock-breaker, photo of, B 6, 14. W. P., IV, 21, 22; V, 18; B 72, 18, 20, 36. M'. P., cited, II, Part 1, S; II, Part 2, 205; HI, 61; IV, 21, 22; V, 18; B 72, 18, 20, 36; XIV, 539, 638, 724; XV, 523, 776, 922; B 78, 359; B 79, 110; XXII, 249; XXVII, 452; XXIX, 224; XXX, 349; B 99, 84; XXXI, 117, 4S9; XXXlll, 17; XXXiV, 74, 134; XXXV, 61; XXXVI, 192; XXXVIII, 108, 149, 162. Wm. P., Gold production data by, B 70, 24. Wm. Phipps, photo of, B 104, PI. II, follow- ing p. 20. rare minerals recently found in the State, II, Part 2, 205. Blakeley Mine, Amador County, RM (Ama- dor), 8. Blakemore, L. G., cited, XXXVI, 134. Lydia, B 125, 103. Mine, Trinity County, XIII, 439. Blake's Mine, Siskiyou County, XIII, 389. Blakiston Crystal Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4. Blanc, F. L., gypsum deposit, Imperial County, XXII, 275. gypsum deposit, San Diego County, XXXV, 44. Blanca tuff, B 118, 674. of Santa Cruz Island, Santa Barbara County, XXVII, 217. 'Blanch Barkly' nugget, Kingowa, Victoria, II, Part 1, 147. Blanchard and Davison's quarry, Mono County, XIII, 629. canon wells, B 63, 135. Ranch, Tuolumne County, copper on, B 23, 202. Blanck's hot sulphur springs, Colusa County, XXV, 291. flow cut off by Wide Awake shaft, B 78, 32. Franco Mine, Napa County (see also Maltby No. 2, Snowflake and Tulare Mining Co.), XIV, 275; XX, 20; B 79, IC, 54, 55; XXV, 218. sandstone, B 118, 363, 670. Bland, Thomas, B 4, 8. Blands Cove District, B 125, map in pocket, manganese deposit, Mendocino County, B 76', 40, 93; B 125, 138, 239. Bland's wells, Los Angeles County, B 19, 73: B 63, 197. Blaney Meadows hot springs, Fiesno County, XIV, 456; XXV, 319. Ranch well, Tulare County, gas in, XVIII, 536. Blanket vein, description of, B 98, 122; B 123, Sec. 145. veins in Harker Mine, Tulare County, B 79, 110, 112, 114. magnesite, near rorterviilo, Tulare County, photo of, B 96, 75. stopes, in B 2, 36. Blank's sulphur spring, Colusa County, XIII, 509; XIV, 181. Blasdel Mine, El Dorado County, B 108, 44: XXXIV, 259. Blast, firing the, 1 1, Part 2, 166. furnace at Engels Mine, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 57. charge at Penn Mine. XIV, 61. reverberatory furnaces and McDougall roasting furnace plants, Campo Seco smelter, Penn Mining Co., Calaveras County, photo of, XIV, 61. smelting, used in Germany, illustration of, VIII, 805, 806, 807. Blasting gravel banks, B 92, 48. system, Knox, B 38, 24. Blay, M. V., cited, XXI, 170. Blaylock and Schon placer, Siskiyou County, XXI, 465; XXXI, 315. Blazing Star and Water Lily Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4, 23; VIII, 141, 692; XII, 90: XIII, 98, 124; XIV, 71; XVIII, 18, 21. Star Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 298. Bleached shales, B 11, 31. Bleaching oils by fuller's earth, XIV, 308, 309. Bleininger, Dr. A. V., cited, PR 7, 13; B 99, 240. Blende, IV, 370; E 67, 31; B 91, 39. Blind Lead Mine, Plumas County, XXXlll, 120. or Lode Gold Mine, Plumas County, X, 475; XII, 213, 288. Lode Mine, Siskiyou County, XII, 278; XIII, 390; XIV, 827; XXI, 432; XXXI, 315. Orphan Mine, Madera County, XII, 154; XIII, 206. Spring District, Mono County, X, 338. Hill Mining Co., XVII, 151. District, Mono County, general geology and ores of the (illustrated). XXXVI, 159, 165. 197. history of, XXXVI, 161. illustrations for report, XXXVI, n."!, 178. metamorphism, XXXVI, 171. ore deposits of, XXXVI, 171. structure of. XXXVI, 170. INIono County, general geology and ores of the, XXXVI, 159. geologic map of area surrounding. XXXVi, 174. partzite occurrence of, at, XXXVI, 192, 196. photo of, XXIII, 390; XXXVI, 177. physiography of, XXXVI, 162. silver, occurrence of, at, XXXVI, 171, 176. stromeyerite at, XXXVI, 172, 196. 88 BLI-BLU Calif ortiia Division of Mines [Bull. 131 vein system map of mineralized zone, XXXVI, 175. pumice deposits, Mono County, XXXVI, 152. Mono County, table of production of the precious metals, II, Part 1, ISO, 182. Valley, Mono County, photo of, XXXVI, 177. Spring-s Hill, Mono County, photo of, XXIII, 390. pumice deposits. Mono County, XXIII, 403. Mining District, VIII, 376. vein, B 98, 125; B 123, Sec. 150. Bliss and Barcroft Properties, Madera County, XXIV, 338. and Morton Mine, Shasta County, XIV, 794; XXII, 183; XXXV, 185. Riley Mine, Shasta County, XXXV, 187. Eleanora P., cited, XXXVII, 321. Ferry, on Kings River, to Deer Creek, Tulare County, VIII, 648. Group, Madera County, XXII, 557; XXX, 77. outcrop of lead silver ore on, photo of, XXIV, 338. H. M., photo by. XXIV, 337, 338. Lead-Silver Group, Madera County, plioto of. XXIV, 337. Ranch wells, Madera County, XIII, 539. Blister copper, XIV, 754; B 87, 35. copper from the Bully Hill smelter, awaiting shipment, photo of, B 23, 33. platinum in, B 85, 93. Blizzard and Mohawk No. 1 Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 298. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4; XXXII, 244. Mining Co., XXXII, 244. Blochman tract wells, B 63, 384, 385. Block diagram at New Idria Mine, San Benito County, XXXIX, 369, 372-376. showing topography of the Dry Canyon Quadrangle, XXXIV, 139. Las Plores Quadrangle, XXXIV, 138. riffles, XXX, 135. Blockman marble claims, San Diego County, XIV, 674. Blocks for paving sluices, II, Part 1, 84. inside and plates, B 6, 81. Blocksburg, Humboldt County, manganese near, B 76, 34. 'Blocky ground,' B 2, 19. Blodgett magic spring, Santa Clara County, XVII, 201; XXVI, 19. mineral spring, Santa Clara County (see also Blodgett magic spring), VIII, 550; B 24, 136; XVII, 201; XXVI, 19. P. L., cited, XXXV, 381. Blodlte, B 67, 189; B 91, 27G; B 113, 188. Bloemer sand, Belridge oil field, B 118, 250, 502. 503, 674. Blom Patent Roaster and Fume Condenser, XIV, 446. Blood or Collier Mine. Calaveras County, XXXII, 249. Pudding Mine, San Diego County (see also Black Eagle), XII, 238. Bloodstone, IV, 320; B 37, 64; B 67, 66; B 91, 87; B 113, 95. and jasper in San Bernardino County, XV, 864. Mine, San Diego County, XIII, 332; XIV, 649. Bloody Mountain tungsten deposits. Mono County, XXXVIII, 339. Bloomer Hill Mine, Butte County (see also Chambers), RM (Butte), 8, 9; XXIV, 179; XXVI, 370. Mine, Siskiyou County, VIII, 612; XI, 426; XII, 278; XIII, 390, 434; XIV, 844; B 85, 75; XXI, 465; XXXI, 315. bank of pay gravel and overburden, plioto of, B 85, 75. Bloomfield claim, San Diego County. XIV, 656. 658. Hydraulic Mine, gravel available in, XXIII, 107. Mine, hydraulic elevator at, photo of, IX, op. 108. or Malakoff Mine, Nevada County, photo of, XXIII, 108. Bloomingdale Mine, Butte County, XI, 164. Bloss and McClary claims,. Trinity County, X, 699; XII, 307; XIII, 439; XIV, 902; XXII. 50; XXXVII, 75. ditches. Trinity County, XIII, 560. I'.lossom Mine, Impeiial County. XIV, 729; XXII, 255; XXXVI, 17; XXXVIII, 114. photo of, XXXVIII, 171. San Diego County, XII, 238, 239; XIII, 332, 347. Blovens Chemistry, cited, B 123, Sec. 11. Blower and stack from fine-ore furnace, New Idria Quicksilver Mine, San Benito County, photo of, XV, 669. Blowing up the high banks and the hard gravel with powder, II, Part 2, 164. Blowpipe assay of gold dust or gold bullion, II, Part 1, 136; IV, 198. of silver, IV, 360. reactions, III, Part 2, 101. Blue and White Star Mine, Tuolumne County, XIV, 140; XXIV, 23. . Bank Mine, El Dorado County. XIII, 134. 163; XV, 281; XXII, 423; XXXIV, 259. Bar Placer Mine, Siskiyou County, RM (Sis- kiyou), 12; XXXI, 274, 315. Beard Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 15. Bell Bonanza Mines, Mariposa County. XXIV, 124. claim, San Diego County, XXXV, 20. of Harris and Musgrove, Lassen County, Boyd vein, photo of, XXXII, 429. Siskiyou County, XXXI, 283. Group. Inyo County, XXXIV, 469. Lassen County (see also Hayden Hill Gold Corp., also (Blue Bell Mine), XXV, 6; XXX, 3t;4; XXXII, 431. photo of arrastra on, XXV, 0. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BLUE 89 Mine, stamp mill at, illustration of, VIII, 438. l\Iocloc County, XXXII, 451. Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 10: VIII, 437; XVI (Nevada), 123; XXXVII, 445- Ventura County, XXI, 229; XXVIII, 254. mill. Nevada County, VIII, 693; XIII, 269. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 15; XIII, 99; XIV, 71; XXXII, 298, 357. Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4; XIII, 179. Lassen County (see also Harris and Musgrove), IX, 213; XII, 148; XIII, 200, 202; XV, 231, 234; PR 8, 15; XVII, 508: XXV, 6; XXXII, 429. Mariposa County (see also Jumbo), XIV, 577; XVII, 107; XXIV, SO. Placer County, XV, 334; XXIII, 254; XXXII, 43. Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 100; XXXIII, 126. San Diego County, XXXV, 40. Mining Co., B 23, 155. IMontezuma and Cui'ly Jim Property (see also Ruby Mining Co.), Kern County, XXIX, 324. Belle Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV, 385, 469. Bird and Grey Eagle ^line, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. claim, Lassen County, XXXII, 426. Madera County, XXII, 556. San Diego County, XXXV, 54. Consolidated Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 445. Gold Mine, Shasta County, XXXV, 132. Group, Mono County, XXI 1 1, 377. manganese deposit, San Luis Obispo County, B 125, 86, 168, map in pocket. Trinity County, B 125, 196. Mine, Butte County, XIII, 83; XV, 212. Calaveras County, XXXII, 298, 357. El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4, 14. Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4, 11, 12. Mariposa County, XXIV, 130, 134. San Bernardino County, RM (San Ber- nardino), 6. Shasta County (see also Lost Channel Mine), XII, 246; XIV, 791; XXXV, 177. Sierra County, XXV, 174; XXXVIII, 51. Siskiyou County, XII, 278. Tulare County, XII, 296; XIII, 611. No. 1-4 Mine, Black King No. 1-7, Hi-Girl, No. 1-3 and Hi-Peak No. 1-2 Mine, Kern County, XXXVIII, 327. Quarry, Imperial County, photo of, XXVII, 456. Bluff Mine, Placer County (see also Wild Yankee Mine), XIII, 286. Bluffs Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Do- rado), 4. Boy and Black Mountain Group, Riverside County, XXXVII, 582; XXXVIII, 343. Cannon Mine, Placer County (see also Azalea Mine), XII, 275; XV, 352; XXIII, 269. Canon District, Placer County, XV, 316. Canyon formation, B 118, 674. Mine, Placer County, XIII, 275: XV, 352; XXXII, 87. Mining and Development Co., XXXII, 51. Tehama County, XXVIII, 316. (•;irbon.-\te of copper, B 37, 100. Channel Mine, Placer County, XXIII, 270; XXXII, 87. Siskiyou County, XXVII, 56; XXXI, 315. Mining Co., XVI (Sierra), 34; XXV, 200; XXXVIII, 51. chert series, B 118, 674. Cloud Cons. Mine, Nevada County, XXX Vi I. 445. copper, B 67, 36; B 91, 47. Crystal Magnesite Group, Tulare County, XV, 924; XVIII, 531; B 79, 106; XXVI, 454. Mine, Tulare County, open cut at, photo of, XV, 924. Cut claim, Placer County, XXXII, 57. Danube gold prospect, Shasta County, XXIX, 11; XXXV, 177. Diamond Co. (.see also Temescal Rock quarry), XXV, 524; XXXIII, 209. Co.'s Temescal Rock quarry. Riverside County, photo of, XXV, 524. Materials Co., XXIII, 334. Temescal quarry of, near Corona, photo of, B 93, 95. Dick Mine, Inyo County, XV, 89; XVII, 283; XXII, 479; XXXIII, 264; XXXIV, 429, 469. Eagle and Black Dike Groups, Siskiyou County, XXXI, 274, 315. Eagle-Cactus Queen, Kern County, develop- ment of vein system, XXXI, 467, 469. claim, Siskiyou County, XXXVII. 124. Group, Inyo County, XXXIV, 385, 469. Kern County, XXXIV, 11; XXXVI, 29, 58. Mine, Placer County (see also June Bug), XXXII, 14. San Bermrdino County, XXXIX, 443. Tuolumne County, XXIV, 23. Eyes gold prospect. Placer County (see also Gold Dollar Mining Co.), XV, 354; PR 8, 33; XVII, 447; XVIII, 211; XIX, 141; XX, 13; XXI, 277; XXIII, 264, 270; XXXll, 53, 67. Fox Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 445. Goose Oil Co.'s wells, Fresno County, B 19, 140. well, Fresno County, B 32, 10. Gorge Mine, profile of, XIII, 135. Gouge and Berg Mines, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 224. Group, Kern County (see also Big Blue and Sumner Group), XIV, 489; XX, 40; XXV, 27, 30; XXIX, 272. Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4; XIII, 135; XXII, 423; XXXIV, 259. gravel channel, XXIX, 244. 90 BLUE Calif oruia Division of Mines [Bull. 131 BonanzH chnm, Sierra County (see also Blue Gravel Mines Cons.), XX, 3fi4; XXV, 187. 200. claim, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 89. claims, Siskiyou County, XXXI, 275. Consolidated Mine, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 67. Mine, Amador County, XIII, 15. Butte County, RM (Butte), 10. Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 15; XXXII, 327, 357. Mariposa County (see also Gold Cen- tral), XXIV, 133. Nevada County, VIII, 458. Plumas County, RM (Plumas), 14; XXXIII, 126. Sha.sta Cotmty, XVIII, 731; XXIX, 50; XXXV, 133. 177. l)hoto of, XXXV, 133. Sierra County, XXXVIII, 51. Siskiyou County (see al?o Black Lead), RM (Siskiyou), 9; XIII, 300; XIV, 844; XX!, 465; XXXI, 258, 275, 315. Trinity County, XIV, 902; XXII, 50; XXXVII, 75. Yuba County, II, Part 2, 170; RM (Tuba), 11; XII, 14. Mines, Consolidated, XXV, 187, 200; XXXVIII, 51. Mining Co., VIII, 586; XI, 448. Range Co., XXXII, 75. gravels, Santa Maria Valley oil field, B 118, 235, 441, 674. Gray granite quarry. Riverside County, XXV, 508. Gulch Mine, Trinity County (see also Paul- sen and Hughes Mine), XIII, 459. Hill Mine, San Diego County, RM (San Diego), G; XXX, 355. Siskiyou County, XIV, 845; XXI, 465; XXXI, 315. or Gardiner Mine, San Diego County, esti- mated production of, XXX, 352. Hog Mine, Butte County, XV, 200; XVII, 416; XVIII, 258; XXIV, 194; XXVI, 386. Horn Mine, Siskiyou County, XXXI, 275, 315. hornblende, B 67, 118; B 91, 167. Jacket and Last Chance Mine, Inyo County, XXIV (see map), gold prospect. Trinity County, XXVII, 29. Group, Inyo County, XXXIV, 469. Mine, Amador County, XXIII, 184; B 10S, 117. San Bernardino County (see also Her- mit and Red Cloud), VIII, 500; IX, 230; XIII, 327, 606; XXVII, 273. Shasta County, XII, 69; XIII, 61. Trinity County, RM (Trinity), 4; XIII, 439; XIV, 881; XXII, 28; XXXVII, 75. Jay and Dry Hill Mine, Placer County, XXXII, 44. Yellow Hammer Mines, Calaveras County, B 18, 123; XXXII, 299. Chrome Mine, Plumas County, XXX IX, 326. claim, Amador County, RM (Amador), 8. San Diego County, XIV, 056. Group, Nevada County, XXXVII, 445. Manganese Mine, Trinity County, photo of, B 122, 47. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4; XIV, 71; XXI, 145; XXXII, 298, 299. Inyo County, RM (Tnyo), 4; B 23, 248; XV, 71; XXII, 463; XXXIV (see map), Kern County, RM (Kern), 8. Mariposa County (see also Gray Eagle Mine), XXIV, 89, 135. Monterey County (see also Manchester), XV, 605; XXI, 40: XXXI, 4f>3. Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 10; VIII, 452; XIII, 236, 269; XVI (Nevada), 124; XXXVII, 446. Placer County (see also Garbe and DeMaria Mine), XXIII, 254; XXXII, 43. San Bernardino County (see also Coran- dum), RM (San Bernardino), 17. Shasta County, XIII, 349. Siskiyou County, XIV, 827; XXI, 433; XXXI, 261, 315. Trinity County, RM (Trinity), 4; XIV, 885; XVII, 539, 541; XXII, 28; XXVII, 29; XXXVII, 75; B 125, map in pocket, 57, 59, 65, 70, 90, 91, 196, 269. or Homestake Mine, San Bernardino County, IX, 230. Jeans Mine, Siskiyou County (see also Cub Bear), XIV, 830; XXI, 438; XXXI, 317. Jib Mine, Trinity County, RM (Trinity), 13, 15; XIV, 916; XXII, 50; XXXVII, 75. Lake District, Alpine County, VIII, 40; XV, 7. Lassen County, XXIX, 200. photo of. XXIX, 198. Lakes, Lake County, XI, 62; XXIX, 199, 223. springs at, RM (Lake), 6; XIV, 215; XXV, 345. Mine, Amador County, XXIII, 187. Water Co., VIII, 97.. Lead claims. El Dorado County, B 108, 21, 48. Extension Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. Mine, El Dorado County, XXII, 423; XXXIV, 259. Mariposa County, XXIV, 124. Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 9; XIII, 236; XVI (Nevada), 92. Placer County, XXXII, 57. Siskiyou County, RM (Siskiyou), 12; XIV, 828; XXXI, 315. Trinity County. RM (Trinity), 15; XIV, 902; XXII, 50; XXXVII, 75. Tuolumne County, RM (Tuolumne), 8; XIV, 140. Mining Co.. XXVI, 387; XXXI, 6. Sierra County, VI, Part 2. 52. the, II, Part 2, 140. Ledge group of copper mines, Siskiyou County, map of. B 23, 108. Mine, El Dorado County. RM (El Dorado). 4. Nevada County, XXXVII, 446. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BLU-BLY 91 Siskiyou Pounty, B 23, lOS; XIV, 817; XVII, 530; PR 8, 12, 14; XIX, 8; XXI, 427; XXXI, 261, 271. vein, S'skiyou County (see also Schroedcr and Warner Property), VIII, 626. Lodger Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 250. Light Mine, Orange County, XIII, 33; XX, 43; XXI, 63; XXXIX, 122. San Bernardino County, XI, 115. Mining Co., XIX, 165. Silver Mines Co. (see also Blue Light Mine), XX, 43, 44; XXI, 63. limestone, Shasta County, XIII, 626. Lizard manganese deposit, Trinity County, B 125, 196. malachite (see also azurite), IV, 77; B 67, 99; B 91, 142. Mine, Sierra County, RM (Sierra), 7. Siskiyou County, XIII, 424. mineral spring. Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 12. iNTonday manganese deposit, Napa County, B 125, 64, 67. 145. Monster Mine, Inyo County, XXX IV (see map). Moon Group, Inyo County, XXXIV, 469. Mountain Mine, Calaveras County, XXXI I, 357. Kern County, XIII, 187; XVII, 309; XXV, 31; XXIX, 272, 293. Tulare County, XII, 296; XIII, 469. Mining Co., XIV, 492. Nose Mine, Plumas County (see also Morn- ing Star Consolidated), RM (Plumas), 14; XVI (Plumas), 79. Siskiyou County, B 85, 68; XIX, 10; XXX I, 315. Point claim. El Dorado County, XI, 203; XXXIV, 259. Mine, Plumas County, XIII, 288. Yuba County, II, Part 2, 170; X, 795; XIM, 499; XXXI, 7. tungsten deposit, Kern County, XXXVII, 312; XXXVIII, 330. Points Gravel Mine, Yuba County, XII, 317. Quartz claims, Mariposa County (see also Alena Belle and Mountain Belle Group), XXIV, 101, 139. Ravine Mine, Sacramento County, XIII, 316. Ribbon and Chaparral claims, Calaveras County, XXXII, 24S. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 299. Ridge Petroleum Co., XVII, 47. rock, definition, XXVIII, 26. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 299. El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4; XII, 104; XV, 282; XXII, 423; B 103, 46, 48; XXXIV, 259. Fresno County (see also Midnight Star). XII, 127; XIII, 166. Inyo County, XXXIV, 385, 469. Nevada County, XXXVII, 446. Quarry, San Francisco Cuuiity, XII, 389: XIII, G26; B 38, 320. Springs, Solano County, XXIII, 209. shale, Santa Maria. B 73, 207. Sky chrome claim, Tehinna County, XXXIX, 329. law, B 75, 72. penalties for violation of, B 75, 76. Slate Mine, Tuolumne County, RM (Tuo- lumne), 8. SLar Mines, Ltd., Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV, 492. Tent district, B 85, 20. ditch, Nevada County, XIII, 544. gold placers, E 92, 133. hydraulic gravels at, XXIII, 110. length, capacity and cost of ditches at, II, Part 2, 161. Mine, Nevada Counts, II, Part 2, 170; XVI (Nevada), 93. System, photo of, IX, op. 122. Vase Group, San Bernardino County, XXXVII, 584; XXXVIII, 352; XXXIX, 500. vitriol, IV, 124; B 67, ISS; B 91, 276; B 113, 188. Wing and Devi^ey claim.'^, Placer County, XI, 321; XXIII, 237. Claim or Ostrom Quartz Mine. Placer County, outcrop of a.sbestos on, photo showing, XV, 321. Mine, Calaveras County, B 78, 35. Placer County (see also Ostrom), VIII, 475; IX, 29; XV, 334; XXIII, 254; XXXII, 43. Bluebell claim. Riverside County (see also Steece Mine), XXV, 488. Mine, Sierra County (see also Scott and Manxman and Bluebell), XVI (Sierra), 57; XXV, 208. Bluchead Mine. Tuolumne County, XXIV, 23. Bluejay in Alleghany district, Sierra County, ores of, XVIII, 501. Mine, Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 4, 10. Trinity County, XXIX, 11; XXXVII, 27, 75. Bluestone, B 67, 188; B 91, 276. Bluett and McCoddle Mine, Tuolumne County, X, 737. and Mullen's well'', Los Angeles County, B 19, 77. Bluff Group, Inyo County. XXXIV, 469. on the north side of Point Arena Harbor, showing bituminous sandstone, illus- tration, VII, 200. Bluffs on coast, south of Bear River, sketch of, VII, 199. Blumenberg Mine, San Bernardino County, B 24, 59. Blunt's well, Los Angeles County, B 11, 11. Bly Bros, and McGilliard Stone Co., XV, 585; XXV, 508. granite quarry, Riverside County, B 38, 43. Stone Co., photos of, B 38, 25, 42, 43. (see also Round Valley tuff quarry), XXII, 522; XXXVI, 153. Blythe, manganese depo.sits near, B 125, 82. Mine, Trinity County (see Abrams, Blythe, Nash and Trinity Gold Placer Syndicate Mine), XXII, 43. 92 BLY-BOH California Division of Mines LBull. 131 property and ditches, Trinity County, X, 698. Boa Mine, Yuba County, Xlll, 490: XV, 445. r.oalich, E. S., XVII, .';; PR 8, ,">; XVIII, 363, 413. and Castello, W. O., cited, XXXVII, 28^, 286, 287, 289, 290, 291, 29.5, 297, 298, 299, 306, 307, 310, 315, 316, 317, 321. cited, XXXIV, 287, 291. coal in California, bibliography of, XVIII, 152. iron ore occurrences in California, XVI II, 110. San Benito County mines and mineral.s, XVIII, 211. ijoalt's Hill, Trinity County, table of produc- tion of gold, hydraulic, placer, drift and river mine.^, II, Part 1, 189. Hoard Mine, El Dorado County, XII, 104; Xlll, 135; XXXIV, 259. of Tru.stees, V, 6. Tru.'^teo.s, bill cicatinK, V, .">. Hoarding House Mine, Trinity County, XXII, 28; XXXVII, 75. House Vein, Mariposa County, taT)le show- ing output, XXIV, facing 98. Bi)b Allen Mine, Tulare County (see also Gen- eral Grant), Xlll, 469. and Lank Mine, Mariposa County (see also Elsie Mine), XXIV, 132. IngersoU claim, Los Angeles County, Xlll, 204. Lee and Hattie Groups, San Bernardino County. XV, 826; XXVI, 269; XXVII, 342. Mine, Kern County, XII, 142; Xlll, 187. Lewis and Damascus channels, map of, IX, op. 102, PI. 4. channel, cross-section of, IX, 115. Mine, Placer County, Xlll, 275; XV, 363; XXIII, 270; XXXII, 53, 71, 87. Mine, El Dorado County, B 23, 181; XV, 276; XXII, 408; B 50, 219; XXXIV, 213. Tail Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 8; XXIX, 272. Bobbie Burns Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV (see map). Mining Co., XVIII, 364; XIX, 22; XXIV, 81. Bobby Burns Mine, El Dorado County, Xlll, 15; XXII, 423; XXXIV, 259. Bobs Farm Mining Co., XIV, 895. Bobtail Mine, Placer County, XV, 334; XXXII. 43. Plumas County (see also Bonanza), XXXIII, 126. San Diego County (see also Noble's Mine), Xlll, 342. Boca quarry, Sonoma County, Xlll, 634; B 33. 343: XIV. aiia. Bochianltes, sp. B 118, 1G8. Boddecker, John, gold iii-uspf'ct, Trlnily County, XXII, 23. Bode, Francis D.. cited, XXXIII, 34. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 299. Bodecker Mine, Trinity County, Xlll, 439. Bodega Bay deposits, B 118, 674. Sonoma County, XXIX, 233. diorite, B 118, 674. Petaluma region, B 118, 622. Head, B 118, 622. Bodfish Canon, Kern County. VIII, 316. Kernville series, east of, XXXVI, 350. Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 18. Bodie Consolidated Mining Co., VIII, 399; X, 336. district. Mono County, VIII, 382, 393; X, 336; XV, 149; XVIII, 417. activities in, XXVII, 543. geology of, XV, 143, 149. Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. Mono County (see also Standard), VIM, 385; Xlll, 226, 233; XXIII, 389; XXXVI, 46. Gildea and Fortuna faults in, map of, VIII, 391. map of, VIII, 386. vertical cross section through Fortuna stopes, VIII, op. 3SS. Shasta County, XIV, 779; XXII, 181; XXXV, 177. Miner, cited, VIII, 393. mines. Mono County, table of gold and silver percentages in bullion from, VIII, 398. total bullion shipments, VIII, 396. Mono County, panoramic view of, XV, op. 150. (new-old "Syndicate") mill and tailings ponds near, photo of, XV, 159. saline deposits at, B 24, 98. table of production of the precious metals, II, Part 1, 180, 182. showing the production of gold, hy- draulic, placer, drift and river mines, II, Part 1, 188. region. Mono County, XV, 143. Tunnel and Bechtel Mines, Mono County, Xlll, 226, 233. Bodinson Mfg. Co., photos and sketches through the courtesy of, XXXIV, 102, 103. 104. 115. Boeddecker, John, Mine. Trinity County, XXXVII, 75. Boer Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. Boericke, Wm. F., cited, XXIX, 368; XXX, 234; XXXII, 182. Boeseke, O. "W., concentration by, B 78, 337. Bogan and Bataille Mine, Mariposa County, RM (Mariposa). 10; XIV, 577; XVII, 107; XXIV, 81, 124. Boger gravel pit, Fresno County, XIV, 465. Boggs JIagneslte Property, Tulare County, B 79, 107. T^ogus gold dust, II, Part 1, 138. Thunder Mine, Placer County, XV, 380 XXIII, 270; XXXII, 87. Boliannon Ranch clay, Butte County, B 38, 211 PR 7, 43: B 99, 66. Bohematosh Mine, Shasta County, B 23, 88 B 50, 97. Index of Publications, 1S80-1943 BOH-BON 93 Bohlen, Francis H.. Prof., cited, B 123, Sec. 648. Bohni proces.'^. B 5, 76. Boiler plants, B 9, 95, 182. room plan, steamer "Berkeley," drawing of, B 32, 13S. settings, Santa Fe shops, San Bernardino County, sketch of, B 32, 66. scale, magnesite used as preventive of, B 79, 19. tests, Santa Fe Railroad, B 32, 66. trials, horizontal tubular, B 32, 66. water, treatment of, B 69, 160. Boilers, firebox settings, drawings of, B 32, 146, 147, 148. sketch showing course of draft for oil and for coal, B 32, 63. water-tube, B 32, 146, 148. Boiling Lakes, Plumas County, XII, 342; XIII, 515. "out" with Ruble elevator, photo of. B 92, 45. point of mercury, B 78, 208. springs, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 12; XII, 333; B 24, 74. Lake, XXIX, 219. sulphur springs. Mono County, XII, 339. tank and goose neck for production of borax, used by Smith Brothers, illustration, III, Part 2, 48. tanks. III, Part 2, 27. covers for. III, Part 2, 28. Boire Bros. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras). 15. Placer Mine. Calaveras County, XIV, 114: XXXII, 327, 357. Boitano INIine, Tuolumne County, XIV, 140; XVII, 485; XXIV, 23. Bojo Mining Co., XVIII, 104. Bokay Bonanza claims, Nevada County, XX, 357; XXXVII, 446. Bolam and Pinger lease, Tulare Countj-, XV, 925. Bolander, H. N., joined Geological Survey, IV, 24. Boles Mine, Placer County, XXIII, 264, 270; XXXII, 49, 87. Siskiyou County, XII, 278; XIII, 390. Trinity County, XIII, 439. placer claim. El Dorado County, XXII, 438. Mine, Placer County, photo of, XXI 11, 265. Bolinas Bay, Marin County, B 99, 124; XXIX, 233. Copper Co.. B 23, 143; B 50, IGS; XIV, 248; XXII, 320. Mine, Marin County, XIII, 59. region. B 118, 78, 621. sandstone. B 118, 674. Bolitha Mining and Milling Co.. XXXII, 299. or Hardy Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 299. Bolitho Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4. Bolivia claim. Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 79; XXV, 174. localities and production of gold, II, Part 1, 168. :\Iine. Sierra County, XXXVI M, 51. Bolivina applini zone, B 118, 193. fossils, B 118, 180, 182, 194, 195, 236, 246, 252, 403, 441. hughesi foraminiferal division, B 118, 210, 218, 222, PI. V. zone, B 118, PI. IV, 236, 429, 454. marginata zone, B 118, 240, 248, 249, 454, 529. modeloensis zone, B 118, PI. IV. obliqua zone, B 118, PI. IV, 247, 248, 249. robusta zone, B 118, 215. seminuda zone, B 118, 454. vaughani zone, B 118, 248, 249, 251. zone, B 118, 525. Bolivinita zone, B 118, 307. Bolivinoides, sp., B 118, 195. Bollhalter quariz prospect. El Dorado County, XXXIV, 225. Bollivar Mine, Trinity County, XVIII, 355. Bolney Mine, Los Angeles County, XIII, 204. Bolsa zones, Huntington Beach oil field. B 118, 230, PI. V, 329, 674. Bolton, B. R., property, Tuolumne County, XXIV, 12. H. E., cited, XXXVIII, 152. Bolts and washers for battery frame. B 6, 79. Bolvina sp., B 118, 180, 246. Bolytho Mine, Calaveras County (see also Hardy). XIII, 99; B 18, 120; XIV, 71. Bona Fide purchaser, B 98, 85, 100, 103; B 123, Sees. 62, 107, 340, 380, 390, 563, 565. Bona Forsa Mine, El Dorado County, X, 177; XXII, 423; XXXIV, 259. Bona Fortuna Mine, Amador County, XXIII, 187; B 108, 117. Bona Sorta Mine, El Dorado County (.'^ee also Gentle Annie Mine), RM (El Dorado), 4; XII!, 141; XXXIV, 259. Bonaly Mine, Siskiyou County (see also Shum- way), XXI, 485; XXXI, 327. Bonanza and Bobtail claims, Plumas County, XVII, 463. Contact Mines, Siskiyou County, XXXI, 317. Bug claim, Mariposa County (see also Bull Dog and Quail Mine), XXIV, 112, 139. claim, Calaveras County, XXXII, 258, 350. Del Norte County, XXXIX, 77. Mariposa County (see also Quail Mine), XXIV, 112; XXXI, 42. Mono County, XXXVI, 131. San Luis Obispo County, XXXI, 417. Sierra County (see also Blue Gravel Mines), XVI (Sierra), 79; XX, 304; XXXVIII, 51. creek, Alaska, placer mining on, B 57, 274. Dome and Beacon Group, San Bernardino County. XXXVIII, 351; XXXIX, 501. Drift Mine, Plumas County, XI, 327. Dry Gold Concentrator, XXX, 143. Gold Dollar Mine, Shasta County (.see also Shasta View Mine), XX, 15; XXII, 184. 94 BON-BON California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Greenwater Copper Co., B 50, 316. Group. Inyo County, XXXIV, 460. Kern County, XIII, 195. Mono County, XXIII, 377. San Benito County, XV, 653; B 78, 100; XXII, 211; XXXV, 476. Siskiyou County, XXI, 433; XXXI, 315. Trinity County, XVIII, 207, 271. iron deposit, Calaveras County, XXI, 162. Jim Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. King Consolidated Mine, Trinity County, XIII, 440. formation, B 113, 99, 100, 674. (Middle Cambrian) in the Nopah and Resting Springs Mountains, XXXIII, 300. Mine, Mariposa County, RM (Mariposa), 10. San Bernardino County, VIM, 500; X, 532; XIII, 330, C06; XV, 827; XVII, ?60; XX, 198; XXVI, 270; XXVII, 342; XXXIX, 475. photo of, XX, 198; XXVI, 270; XXVII, 343. Trinity County (see also Trinity Bon- anza King), XIII, 467; XIV, 876; XVII, 539; PR 8, 18; XVIII, 355; XXII, 25, 28; XXVll, 29; XXXVII, 75. Oil Co., B 19, 140. quarry, San Bernardino County, B 38, 102. silver prospect, Butte County, XXVI, 409. lead prospect, Butte County, XXIV, 209; XXVI, 367. manganese deposit. Trinity County, B 125, 196. Matting, XXX, 143. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4; XIII, 99; XXXII, 244, 299. El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4; XVIII, 44; XXII, 423; B 108, 48; XXXIV, 259. Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4; XII, 136; XIII, 180, 185; XXXIV, 385, 469. Kern County (see also Crystal Mine), XIII, 195; XIV, 491. Martposa County, RM (Mariposa), 10; XXIV, 124, 136. 137, 139. Placer County, XV, 334; XXIII, 255; XXXII, 43. Plumas County (see also Bobtail), XXXIII, 126. Shasta County, XII, 256; XIII, 364; XIV, 780; XXII, 181; XXXV, 177. Sierra County (see also Mountain Mine), XIII, 371, 385; XXV, 180; XXXVIII, 51. Siskiyou County. VIII, 624; XII, 278; XIII, 390, 434; B 23, 105, 107; XIV, 828; XXI, 433; B 50, 123, 126; XXXI, 315. Trinity County, XI, 483; XII, 307; XIII, 439, 446, 462; XIV, 885; XDC, 11; XXII, 28; XXXVII, 75. Tuolumne County, VIII, 652; IX, 37; X, 736; XII, 299; XIII, 475. 495; XIV, 141; PR 8, 39; XVIII, 99; XXIV, 10, 24. production of, XXIV, 9. .'■ection on course of vein showing Bon- ;;nza octuiVence, illusti'atioii of, VIII, 653. No. 1 Mine, Inyo Coimty, RM (Inyo), 4. Xo. 2 Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. Pocket Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 299. Quartz JVIine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 139. Queen Mine, Mariposa County, RM (Mari- posa), 10. Quicksilver Mine, San Benito County, B 79, 66. Springs, Lake County, RM (Lake), 6; VI, Part 1, 62; VIII, 327; XIII, 511; XIV, 215; XVII, 79; XXV, 345. San Bernardino County, B 24, 78. Boncher and Brackett Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 15. Bond Buyer Group, Kern County (see also Voss Consolidated), XXV, 51; XXIX, 293. Frank, XXII, 543. limestone deposit, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 9. Bonding strength of clay. B 99, 241. Bondo Mine, Humboldt County (see also Croton Bar, Markeson), E 85, 66; XIV, 401; XXI, 309; XXXVII, 508. Bondurant East Extension and Bondurant West Extension Mines, Mariposa County (see also Garfield Mine), RM (Mariposa), 10; XXIV, 132. Mine, Mariposa County, VIII, 347; XII, 167 RM (Mariposa), 10, 14; XIII, 216, 225 XIV, 577; XVII, 108; XXIV, 81. 124 XXXI, 46. Bondshu, et al., marble deposit, Mariposa County, XIV, 601. Bone cavern, Calaveras County, II, Part 1, 8. clay. B 99, 20, 29. nonplastic, photomicrograph of, XXXI, 69. specimen from Alberliill, Riverside County, photo of, XXXI, 68. Bonehard Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4. Boneset Mine, El Dorado County, XII, 104; XIII, 135; XV, 282; XXII, 423; XXXIV, 259. Bonetti Property, El Dorado County, chrome on. B 76, 132, 217. Boneyard Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4. Bonham limestone quarry, Amador County, RM (Amador), 13; XIV, 52. Bonita Mine, Mariposa County (see also Optimo Mine), XXIV. 135. Mines, Tuolumne County, XIII, 475; XXIV, 24. .sandstone, B 118, 674. lionne Terre or Mitchell Mine, Tuolumne County, B 50, 251; XIV, 135. Bonnor, .Judge, cited, V, 148. Bonneville Lake, B 24, 10. Bonncy Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 15. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BON-BOR 95 Bonneyville Quartz Mine, Humboldt County, XIV, 400: XXI, 308. Uonnie Bee Mine, Pl;icer County, XV, 335; XXm, 255; XXXII, 15, 43. Bell Mine, Placer County, XXlll, 255; XXXIl, 44. San Diego County, XIII, 332. Brae claim, Sierra County, XXXVIII, 21. Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 9. No. 2 claim. Sierra County, XXXVIII, 21. Mine, Plumas County (see also Eclipse), XVI (Plumas), 172; XXIV, 312; XXXIII, 126. L'.ononian substage, B 118, 671. P.onsall tonalite, B 118, 674. t'onshey Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV (see map). Ronslette, Jacob, and Robert Easley sand de- posit. Contra Costa County, XXlll, 31. Bonstell, F. E., sand pit. Kings County, XXVI, 423. Bon Ton claim. Sierra County (see Monitor), XX, 365. Consolidated Group, Sierra County (see also Blue Gi'avel Mines Cons, and Monitor), XVI (Sierra), 134; XXV, 187, 200; XXXVIII, 51. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4: XIV, 71; XXXIl, 245, 299. Riverside County (see also Gold Crown Mine), XXV, 47S. San Bernardino County, XV, 802. Mining Co., XXXIl, 245. Bonton Mine, Trinity County, XXII, 50: XXXVII, 75. Bonville Mine, Shasta County, XXXV, 177. mineral springs, Shasta County, XXXV, 167. Booker Flat Tailings, Mono County, XIII, 226. Bookhout tract v.ell, B 63, 124. Boomer Mine, Madera County, XIV, 540. Trinity County, XIII, 440, 467; XXXVII, 75. Boomerang Mine, Calaveras County, XXXIl, 357. Inyo County, VIII, 237; XXXIV, 469. San Bernardino County, XII, 230; XIII, 320, 324, 329, 330. Booming. II, Part 1, 35; V, 77: XXIX, 368. Eoorak. Baurach, IV, SO. Booster claim. El Dorado County, XXII, 423. Boot Bros, gas -vvell. Kings County (see also E. Workman). XIV, 528. .lack, Hill and Emma Mine, Calaveras County, XXXIl, 299. Placer Mine. Siskiyou County, XXXI, 315. Booth, E. H.. cited, XII, 415. Garrett and Blair, cited, B 79, 95. Mine. Placer County. XVII, 442; XXII, 255; XXXIl, 43. San Bernardino County, XXXIX, 546. quartz claim, Mariposa County, XIV, 577. river claim. Placer County, XV, 380; XXlll, 270; XXXIl, 87. Boothite, B 67, 188; B 91, 275; XXXIV, 293; B 113, 187. Bootjack Group, Butte County, XV, 212. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 15. Osgood or Channel iMine, Butte County. XXXI, 6. Boots', Wm., wells. Santa Clara County. XIII, 554. Bopesta formation, B 118, 674. Boquet Canyon Talc Mine, Los Angeles County, XVII, 321. Boracic acid. III, Part 2, 55; IV, 352; B 67, 89; B 91, 122. anhydrous. Ill, Part 2, 96. apparatus for observing the green color of burniiag, illustration of, III, Part 2, 60; IV, 87. chemical equivalent, III, Part 2, 58. chemistry, III, Part 2. 91. color test, spectroscope made by Brown- ing of London, illustration. Ill, Part 2, 58; IV, 85. crude, Italian, analysis of. III, Part 2. 68, 72. crystallized. III, Part 2, 96. from solution, illustration, III, Part 2, 57. discovered by Homburg, III, Part 2, 55. efflorescence of, III, Part 2, 16. in Clear Lake, III, Part 2, 61. Italy, III, Part 2, 62, 70. lago di Monte Rotundo, ill. Part 2, 70. lagoons, Larderello, Province of Pisa, Italy, view of. III, Part 2, op. 7. Mono Lake, III, Part 2, 44. Pj-ramid Lake, ill. Part 2, 54. salt. III, Part 2, 61. microscopic appearance of. Ill, Part 2, 57. native. III, Part 2, 61. obtained by sublimation, III, Part 2, 55, 57. percentage, composition of. Ill, Part 2, 58. production of Italian, III, Part 2, 72. ravine. Ill, Part 2. 16. solubility of in water (table). III, Part 2. 62. spectrum of. Ill, Part 2. 58. illustration. III, Part 2, 58; IV, 85. table of fluctuation in prices, III, Part 2, 80. United States duties, III, Part 2. 73. imports and duties, III, Part 2, 73. Boracite, B 24, 20. 87. Borasca Mine. Mono County. VIII, 379, 381; XVII, 151; XXXVI, 141. 162. Borate of alumina. III, Part 2, 92. ammonia. III, Part 2, 92. baryta. III, Part 2, 92. bismuth, III, Part 2, 92. cadmium. III, Part 2, 92. chpomium. III, Part 2, 93. cobalt. III, Part 2. 93. copper. III, Part 2, 93. lead. Ill, Part 2, 93. lime (see also colemanite). Ill, Part 2, 36, 93; IV, 391; B 24, 87. 96 BOR-BOR California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Formhals' process, III, Part 2, 40. Gutzkow's process, III, Part 2, 41. mechanical analysi.s of, III, Part 2, 30. Robertson's process, III, Part 2, 41. shipped to Liverpool, III, Part 2, 40. treatment in England, III, Part 2, 40. magnesia, III, Part 2, 93; B 24, 25, 90. manganese, III, Part 2, 94. mercury. III, Part 2, 94. nickel. III, Part 2, 94. potassium, III, Part 2, 94. silver, III, Part 2, 95. soda. III, Part 2, 9. strontia. III, Part 2, 20, 95; IV, 80. tin. III, Part 2, 95. uranium. III, Part 2, 95. zinc. 111, Part 2, 95. zirconia. III, Part 2, 95. Borates, B 67, 169; B 91, 246; XXXVII, 350; B 113, 161; B 124, 34. beds, origin of, B 24, 21, 48. directory of producers of (see annual sta- tistical bulletins). in San Bernardino County, XV, 853. production of, XXXIV, 189; XXXV, 200; XXXVI, 213; XXXIX, 272. properties, occurrence, preparation, uses, tests, markets, possible buyers, and bib- liography, B 124, 34. statistics of (see also annual statistical bulletins), XX, J57; XXI, 260; XXII, 299; XXVI, 166; XXVII, 225; XXVIM, 227; XXX, 291; XXXI, 222; XXXII, 206; XXXIII, 157. Borax, III, Part 2, 9, 51; IV, 80; XII, 34; XIII, 46; B 24, 20, 42, 46, 88, 140, 145; B 67, 170; B 87, 24; PR 8, 62; B 91, 247; XXXIV, 293; B 113, 165. analyses of, II, Part 1, 11. and boracic acid, uses of, IV, 87, 88, 89, 90. anhydrous. III, Part 2, 96. artificial, III, Part 2. 10. as a cosmetic, III, Part 2, 101. an insecticide. III, Part 2, 102. a mordant, III, Part 2, 102. mouthwash, III, Part 2, 101. shampoo. III, Part 2, 101. substitute for oil in painting, III, Part 2, 102. varnish, III, Part 2, 102. assay of. III, Part 2, 97. associated with quicksilver ores, B 78, 29. at Sulphur Bank Mine, B 78, 63. beds at Biddy McCarty Mine, Inyo County, photo of, XV, 48. boiling tank and goose neck for production of, used by Smith Bros., illustration of, III, Part 2, 48. Chinese, III, Part 2, 9. companies in California and Nevada, III, Part 2, 55. concentrated. III, Part 2, 27, 46, 47. Consolidatecl, Ltd., B 24, 38, 41, 48, 85. consumption of. III, Part 2, 77. crude, III, Part 2, 7, 9, 10, 46, 49, 62. in Inyo County, III, Part 2, 29. refining of, Ml, Part 2, 38. rofiuii-ed to make a ton of borax, in San Bernardino County, III, Part 2, 27. (tincal), United Slates imports and duties, III, Part 2, 73. crust, Inyo County, photo of, B 24, 11. crystal of native, from Borax Lake, illus- tration, III, Part 2, 22; IV, 82. crystals. III, Part 2. 18. 37, 53; IV, 81, 82. described, III, Part 2, 22. photos of, XXXII, 104. deposit, Rhodes' Marsh, map of. III, Part 2, 52. determination, IV, 84, 87. difficulties in refining. III, Part 2, 37, 38. discovery in California, III, Part 2, 14; IV, 81; B 91, 247. Nevada, III, Part 2, 45. San Bernardino County, III, Part 2, 26. District, San Bernardino County, geology of, XI, 345. Dutch, III, Part 2, 9. early writers on, III, Part 2, 8. fatty substance in. III, Part 2, 9. fields, California and Nevada map of. III, Part 2, title page, first analysis of, III, Part 2, 7. Flat, San Bernardino County, photo of, B 24, 47. formation at Biddy McCarty Mine and lava capping at Ryan, photo of, XV, 65. from boracic acid. III, Part 2, 10; B 24, 85. borate of lime. III, Part 2, 38. San Bernardino County, analysis of, II, Part 1, 11. glass, IV, 89. hauling with gasoline train from Lizzie V. Oakley Mine to Ryan for shipment, photo of, XV, 66. history of. III, Part 2, 8; IV, 83. in assaying, III, Part 2, 102. blowpipe chemistry. III, Part 2, 100. California, III, Part 2, 26; V, 105. Colusa County, XIV, 175. enameling, III, Part 2, 100. glass making. III, Part 2, 100. glazing pottery, III, Part 2, 99. hot waters of Manzanita Mine, B 78, 39. Inyo County, XII, 34; XIII, 46; XV, 62 XVII, 274; XXII, 524; XXXIV, 496. Kern County, XIV, 475, 477; XVII, 307 XXV, 77; XXXVI, 14. Lake County, RIVl (Lake), 6; VIII, 324, 326 X, 237, 238, 243; XII, 34; XIII, 4G; XIV, 203, 204, 215, 234, 240; XXV, 340. laundry, III, Part 2, 101. Los Angeles County, XV, 48; XVII, 317; XXIII, 318; XXXIII, 200. medicine. III, Part 2, 101, 102. metallurgy of ores, III, Part 2, 102. mineral water, XIV, 175, 187, 204, 215, 221. museum of California Academy of Science, ill, Part 2, 15. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BOR-BOR 97 Nevada, III, i'ait 2, 43, 45. Owens Lake, XVIII, 420. preserving meat. III, Part 2, 102. Riverside County, XV, 581. San Bernardino County, IX, 215, 225; XII, 34; XIII, 46; XVII, 335; XXVI, 316; XXVII, 392; XXXVI, 14; XXXIX, 536. soap, III, Part 2, 102. Ventura County, XV, 755; XXI, 233; XXVIII, 259. vitrifiable pigments. III, Part 2, 100. welding iron, III, Part 2, 100. Lake, California, calculation of borax in, III, Part 2, 25, 26. crystals from. III, Part 2, 20. described. III, Part 2, 23. discovered. III, Part 2, 16. first worked. III, Part 2, 20. water analysis of. III, Part 2, 20. from south side, photo of, XIV, 205. Lake Countj% RM (Lake), 6; III, Part 2, 18; XII, 34; XIV, 203, 204, 205; XXIX, 219; XXXII, 99. analyses of, XXXII, 102. calcareous tufa, photo of, XXXII, 106. geology of, XXXII, 99. minerals of, XXXII, 102. photo of, XXXII, 101. saline deposits at, B 24, 51, 88. San Bernardino County (see also Searles), B 24, 36, 37. lakes, B 24, 17, 39, 51, 83, 88. of Thibet, III, Part 2, 7. lands, location of, III, Part 2, 54. Marsh, San Bernardino County, Searles, X, 534; B 24, 63. Mine, San Bernardino County, XI, 345, 346, 347, 348. longitudinal section of, XI, 348. vertical cross section through the, XI, 347. minerals. III, Part 2, 81. shown at New Orleans Exposition, V, 105. newly discovered mineral of, B 100, 122; B 101, 118. octahedral. III, Part 2, 10, 96. illustration. III, Part 2, 13. of soda. III, Part 2, 8. ore of. III, Part 2, 8. origin of name, III, Part 2, 7. principal producers on Pacific Coast, III, Part 2, 79. prismatic. III, Part 2, 96. crj-stals-Hauy's Traite de Mineralogue, illustration. III, Part 2, 11; IV, 81. lead-lined vat for manufacturing of, Eng- land, illustration of, III, Part 2, 11. patented by Sautter, illustration, III, Part 2, 12. production of. III, Part 2, 77, 78; IV, 91; VIII, 15; IX, 333, 338. receipts of, II, Part 1, 20. refined, III, Part 2, 12, 27, 49. United States imports and duties. III. Part 2, 74. refining of. III, Part 2, 9. in New York, III, Part 2, 38. San Francisco, III, Part 2, 37. sales of in California, III, Part 2, 79. solubility of in water, table. III. Part 2. 14. spring, Mendocino County, B 24, 72. springs. Lake County, VIII, 327; XIV, 215; XXV, 346. iodine in waters of. III, Part 2, 19. San Bernardino County, B 24, 62, 78. statistics of (see also annual statistical bulletins), III, Part 2, 77, 78; IV, 91; VIII, 15; IX, 333, 338; XIII, 12; B 24, 39, 40, 41, 42; XVIII, 281. storage, American Potash and Chemical Co., Searles Lake, San Bernardino County, photo of, B 117, 103. vein, section of, XI, 347, 348. works, cost of labor and supplies in, IV, 93. described. III, Part 2, 37, 49. Hearn's steam, III, Part 2, 53. San Bernardino County, photo of, B 24, 61. Teel's Marsh, III, Part 2, 46. Boraxo Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV (see map). Borchsenius claims, Stanislaus County, B 79, 98. Borden, Granville S., taxation and its rela- tion to development and production, S 118, 15. Mine, Plumas County, XVII, 468. silica deposit, San Diego County, XXI, 375; XXVII, 446. Bordenheim Brickyard, Butte County, B 38, 242. Bordoli and Bros., G., marble quarry, Tuol- umne County, XXIV, 51. Bordt Mine, El Dorado County, XV, 282; XXII, 423; XXXIV, 259. Borealis Consolidated Mines Co., XV, 339, 341. Borego Mountain, B 99, S3, 84. Spring, San Diego County, B 24, 82. Boreham Mine, Nevada County (see Grass Valley Boreham Gold Mining Co.), XXVI, 113; XXXVII, 446. Borel generating plant, Pacific Light and Power Co., photo of, XIV, 473. Power Plant, Kern County, XIV, 473. Boreotrophon stuarti, B 118, 166. Borg quarry, Sonoma County (see also Hutch- inson Ranch quarries), XII, 396; XIII, 634; XIV, 356. Borger Copper Mine, Calaveras County, Q IS, 125. Borghese and Silvino quarry. Placer County, XIII, 621. Boric acid (see sassolite), B 24. boiling tanks for at Bartlett's Works, San Bernardino County, photo of, B 24, 57. crystallizing vats at Bartlett's "Works, photo of, B 24, 67. crystallizing vats, brush racks for, photo of, B 24, 57. 4—49587 98 BOR-BOT California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 ■Hiiniphrus WmUs, S;ui IJcriiardiuo C()nnt>', photo of, B 24, 53. Lioriiigs in C'arquinez Straits, Oontnv Costa County, XI, ]!)3. Searles Lake for borates, B 24, 63. Borneo, cyanide jirocess used in, B 5, 95. quiclvsilver in, B 78, 29. Bornite, II, Part 2, 208; IV, 'Ji; B 67, 38; B 87, 34; B 91, 51; B 113, 65. in El Dorado County, XXXIV, 214. specimen, photo of, B 50, facing 64. Boro Mine, Amador County, XXIII, 187; B 108, 117. Borosolvay Plant, San Bernardino County, PR 8, 62; XXVI, 318; XXVII, 394. liorrego Spring, San Diego County, XIV, 720; XXI, 380; XXXV, 47. Bort, B 67, 7; B 91, 7; B 113, 15. Boruff Group, Los Angeles County (see also Needham), XXIII, 298. Bose, E., and Wittich, E., cited, XXXI, 131. Bosley well, Los Angeles County, B 11, 11. BosQUit Group, El Dorado County (see also General Lee). XXII, 420; XXXIV, 2G2. Boss Consolidated Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 446. Mine, Nevada County (see also North San Juan), XIII, 257; B 50, 201; XVI (Ne- vada), S3; XXXVII, 386. Riverside County, XXV, 476. San Bernardino County, IX, 229; XVII, 347. Siskiyou County, XXI, 433; XXXI, 801, 31.S. Process, X, 532. Bosses, stamp -heads or sockets, B 6', 21. Bostetter Mine, Siskiyou County, XIII, 390. Boston and California Dredging Co., B 36, 83; B 57, 6, 137, 138; XV, 188, 192. dredging Co.'s California No. 3 dredge, photo of, B 36, 86. Homestead and Wilbur Womble Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 323. Idaho Gold Dredging Co., B 57, 265. Oroville Mining Co.. B 36, 20, 82; B 57, 137, 139; XV, 188, 192. "Continental Dredge." gold saving tables on, photo of, B 36, 39. Co.'s dredge "Continental" Bucyrus type, photo of, B 36, 85. Oroville, Risdom type, photo of, B 36, 84. hull in course of construction, photo of, B 36, 20. showing spuds, B 36, 31. Teaff claims, J'lacer County, XXXII, 57. Bar Mine. E\ Dorado County. XXXIV, 271. Jiell Mine, Kern County (see also Minnie E). RM (Kern), 13. Belle Claim. Kern County (see also Bull Run and Lady Belle Group), XXV, 30; XXXVI, 329. Co. (see also Watts claim), XVI (Sierra), 62. Consolidated Group, Yuba County. XV, 442. Mine, Calaveras County, XXI, 145; XXXII, 299. or Jj:speranza Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 245. copper prospect, El Dorado County, XXII, 408; XXXIV, 213. Cut claim. Placer County, XXXII, 68. Fraction Mine, Kern County (see also Inter- national Mining and Milling Co.), XXIX, 310. Gear Works, cited, XXXIV, 323. Group, Sonoma County, B 27, 97; XIV, 343; B 78, 182; XXXV, 476. Hill Mine. Yuba County, XV, 438. mill, Butte County, RM (Butte), 9. Mine, Calaveras County (see also Esper- anza), XII, 90; XIII, 103; XIV, 71; XXI, 145; XXXII, 245. El Dorado County, B 23, 180; B 50, 216; XXII, 423; XXXIV, 259. Kern County, RM (Kern). 9. Los Angeles County, XIII, 204. Mariposa County, RM (Mariposa), 10. Napa County (see also Knoxville, Excel- sior and Redington Mine), B 27, 76; XIV, 287; B 78, 22, 33, 82; XXV, 230; XXXV, 409. Scott Furnace at, B 78, 234. soot retort, section of, B 27, 202. San Benito County, (see also Flint Group), B 27, 137; XV, 654; B 78, 99. Sierra County (see also Manchester Mine). XVI (Sierra), 48; XXXVIII, 51. Trinity County. XXII, 28; XXXVII, 75. Tuolumne County, VIII, 674; X,73S; XXIV, 35. 44. No. 4 dredge. Butte County, B 57, 142; XV, 197. No. 1 and No. 2 dredges, Butte County. RM (Butte). 11; B 57, 140. No. 1 dredge, photo of. B 57, 140. Petroleum Co., B 63, 180. Quicksilver Mine, Napa County, furnace, photo of. B 27, 242. Napa County, photo of. B 27, 77. section of. B 27, 78. Ravine Mine, Nevada County (see also Massachusetts Hill), XIII, 251; XXXVII, 446. Soc. Civil Bng. Journal, cited, XXXII, 470. Bostrom, Herbert, placer gold recovery proc- es.s, XXX, 225. Bdswell gold prospect, Shasta County, XIX, 11 ; XXIX, 11; XXXV, 133, 177. Boiaiiy of California, first and second vol- vunes published, IV, 25. Botella, F. de, B 78, 355. Bothing Home Pottery, Marin County, XIV, 244. Botryogen, B 67, 193; B 91, 281; B 113, 195. r.otryoidal and shrinkage cracks in small vein of magnesite from Kolling deposit, So- noma County, photo of. XIV, 324. Bottle Peak Mine, San Diego County, XIII, 332; XIV, 649. Spring, Modoc County, XV, 253. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BOT-BOW 99 Bottom discharge for tailings, 8 5, 59. keys, B 6, 78. water, B 73, G3, 85. analyses, Casmalia field, B 84, 36S. definition of, B 69, 23; B 73, 11; B 82, 17. in Belridge Field, B 82, 240. where term is used, B 84, 243. Bouchard and Son granite quarry, Nevada County, B 38, 34. Bouck Mine, Placer County, XXXII, 87. property, Placer County, gold on, XXXI, 17. Boueiy, Pierre, cited, XXXI, 362, 363. Boulder and Gopher Mine, El Dorado County, VIII, 17&; XIII, 135, 163; XV, 282; XXII, 435; XXXI, 22; B 108, 21. Bar Mine, Sierra County, XXV, 201; XXXVIII, 51. claim, Kern County (see also Elbow claim), XXIX, 300. Mariposa County, XXIV, 110, 130. Co. well. Riverside County, B 24, 76. Consolidated Gold Mines Co., XXII, 28; XXXVII, 75. Creek Consolidated Gold Mining and Mill- ing Co., XIV, 662; XXI, 334. district, gold in, San Diego County, XIV, 647, 662. Land and Oil Co., B 63, 118. Mines, San Diego Count j-, XXI, 334; XXXV, 17. Mining district, San Diego County, XXI, 331. Placer Mine, Siskiyou County (see also Fippen and Hayden), XX, ISO; XXI, 465; XXXI, 315. Dam, XXX!, 173. area, inining claims within, B 123, Sec. 596, 650. Hill Group, Alpine County, XVIII, 360; XXVII, 489. Mine, El Dorado County (see also Kaeser), XXXIV, 234, 259. Placer County (see also Julian and Bowl- der), XII, 205; XIII, 275; XV, 335; XXIII, 255; XXXII, 43. Riverside County (see also Bowlder), XIII, 310; XV, 540. Siskiyou County, XVII, 532; XXI, 434; XXXI, 315. Mining Co.. XXII, 423. Nos. 2, 3, 4, Black Oak et al. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 299. Park. XXXI, 130. Permit Mines, Mariposa County, XXIV, 130. Placer Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 243. Point Mine, Siskiyou County, XXI, 466; XXXI, 315. West Mine, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 173. Boulders, definition of, B 69, 23. method of handling used by Neocene Placer Mining Co., XVI (Sierra), 72. rotary, B 84, 116. Boulevard, geologic formations near, XXXI, 129, 133. 134. Boundaries, laws relating to, B 98, 303; B 106 (1 ed) 8, (2 ed) 8, (3 ed) 9, (4 ed) 9; B 120, 9; B 123, Sees. 521-558; B 127, 16. marking of, B 75, 97, 99, 104. Boundary Cone Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 328. :Mine, Nevada County (see also Grass Valley Boundary Mine), XXXVII, 387, 446. Peak granite, B 118, 674. placer claim, Calaveras County. XXXII, 258. Bouquet Cafion breccia, B 118, 674. Canyon chromite deposits, Los Angeles County, XXIII, 288. fault, photo of, XXX, 406. l)lacer deposits, Los Angeles County (see also San Francisquito), XXVIII, 251; XXX, 247. quarry, Los Angeles County, XXIII, 331. Bour molybdenum deposit, San Diego County, XIV, 669; XVII, 379; XXI, 351; XXXV, 30. Bourier Group, Trinity County, XXII, 50; XXXVII, 75. Bourne Mine, Tuolumne County, XXIV, 24. W. B. Jr., XVI (Nevada), 16, 157, 212. Bournonite, B 67, 52; B 91, 69; B 113, SO. Boushey Mines, Kern County (see also Bous- by), X, 225; XII, 21; XIII, 31. Boussingaultite, B 67, 189; B 91, 277; B 113, 189. Bouton Water Co., XIII, 537. Boutwell, J. M., B 78, 354, 359. Bouvier Mine, Mariposa County (see also Car- son), XVII, 108; XXIV, 82. Bovee Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 299. Sultana Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras). 4, 23; B 18, 119; XIV, 65; B 108, 147. PJow gantry construction, photo of, B 57, 70, 71. Isabel dredge of Isabel dredging Co., Cala- veras County, photo of, XIV, 127. Ridge Development Co. (see also Honolulu Lady Mine), XXIII, 191. Bowden Mine, Calaveras County, XIV, 72; XXXII, 299. Bowen and Cady, B 125, 162. Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 9. Mine, Placer County, XIII, 275; XV, 354; XXIII, 270; XXXII, 87. N. L., cited, XXXIII, 230, 234. Bower and Matlock Mine, Trinity County, XIV, 902; XXII, 50; XXXVII, 75. Cave, Tuolumne County, IV, 114. Mine, El Dorado County, XI, 204; XIII, 136; XV, 282; XXII, 423; XXXIV, 259. Tuolumne County, B 108, 175. Bowerbank gas field, citations, B 118, 545. Bowerman ochre deposit. Trinity County, XIV, 921; B 38, 342. Bowers Creek Mine, Tehama County, XV, 201. 100 BOW-BOY California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Mine, Los Angeles County, XXXIII, 194. springs, San Diego County. B 24, 82. Stephen. Dr., B 72, 20. cited, B 72, 20; VIII, 679; IX, 57: XV, 515, 516, 518, 519; B 99, 140; XXI, 59, 67. Orange County mines and minerals, X, 399. San Nicolas Island mines and minerals, IX, 57. Ventura County mines and minerals, VIII, 679; X, 758. Bowersmith, Tuttle and John, crushed rock property, Alameda County, XXV, 449. portal of tunnel under glory holes, photo of, XXV, 448. stone quarry, Alameda County, crusher plant at, photo of, XXV, 448. Bowersox Mine, Siskiyou County, XII, 278; XIII, 390; XIV, 845; XXI, 466; XXXI, 315. Bowery Bell Mine, Shasta County, XIII, 350; XXII, 181; XXXV, 178. Lodge Mine, Nevada County. XVI (Nevada), 124; XXXVII, 446. Mine, Nevada County (see also Alcalde Mine), RM (Nevada), 4; XVI (Nevada), 111; XVIII, 139. Bowes, Glenn H., Seal Beach Oil Field, B 118, 325. Bowie, A. J., Jr., cited, II, Part 1, 36; B 92, 48; XXXI, 351, 356. ' J. H., XXXII, 226. quicksilver prospect, Santa Clara County, B 78, 157; XVII, 209; XXVI, 32; XXXV, 476. Bowl type gold saver, XXX, 143. Bowlder blasting, II, Part 1, 88. Extension Mine, Placer County (see also Belvoir), XII, 205; XIII, 274. Mine, Madera County, XII, 154; XIII, 206. Placer County (see also Boulder), XII, 205; XIII, 275, 287; XV, 335; XXIII, 255. Mines, Riverside County (see also Boulder), XIII, 310; XV, .'-i40. Bowlders from roof, B 2, 19. Bowles, Edgar, B 125, map in pocket, 11, 52. C, cited, XVIII, 464; B 93, 89, 124; B 97, 82. Bowlin Chrome Mine, Tulare County, XV, 907. Bowling Green Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 15. Bowman, Amos, cited, II, Part 1, 48; Part 2, 138. claim, Mariposa County, XIV, 577; XVII, 108. dam, II, Part 1, 36. North Bloomfield Hydraulic Mine, Ne- vada County, photo of, II, Part 1. op. 36. Co., photo of, IX, op. 122. J. F., Shasta County, XIII, 557. Mine, Kern County (see also Trestle Mine), XXIX, 272, 276, 293. Bowman's, Cylas, wells, Merced County, XIII, 540. Bown Mine, Tuolumne County, B 18, 129; XXIV, 24; B 108, 159, 175. Bowser Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 446. Mine, Siskiyou County, XXXI, 275, 315. Box Canyon manganese deposit. Riverside County, B 125, 154. Elder, II, Part 2, 113. for measuring miner's inches of water, illus- tration of, VIII, 726. measuring, II, Part 1, 48. Nuttall's Pacific, II, Part 2, 90. pressure, II, Part 1, 49. sand, II, Part 1, 49. spring, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 12. Boxer Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. Boxes, corner, B 6, 79. drain, and tailing sluices, B 6, 85. Boy, Edgar, Mine, Mendocino County, XII, 176; XIV, 420. Boycott Mine, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 89. Boyd and Slater claim, Fresno County, XII, 127; XIII, 166. and Welch Mine, Inyo County, XXXVIII, 320. claim, Lassen County (see also McDow property), XXXII, 437. fullers earth deposit. Kings County, B 38, 375; XIV, 527. gypsum deposit, Kings County, XIV, 527. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 101; XXXIII, 126. Trinity County, XIII, 440; XIV, 916; XXII, 50; XXXVII, 75. mineral paint deposit, Kings County, XIV, 527. Placer Mine, Calaveras County, XIV, 115. Springs, Modoc County, XII, 339; XV, 253; XXV, 16; XXXII, 456. Boyden, W. P., Mine, Plumas County, B 23, 158. Boydston Bros, quarry, Tulare County, XXVI, 444. Boye Mine, Siskiyou County, XII, 278; XIII, 425. Royer Mine, Sonoma County, B 125, map in pocket, 89, 186. R. M., well, B 63, 54. Boyes Hot Springs, Sonoma County, XIV, 335; XXII, 340. Boyeson Mine, Amador County, RM (Ama- dor), 8. Boyle, A. C, Jr., cited, XXXIII, 17. and Thompson well, Los Angeles Count> B 63, 167. Heights terrace formation, B 99, 107. well, B 11, 14; B 63, 197. Mine, Siskiyou County (see also North Star), X, 656; XI, 444; XII, 278; XIII, 390, 434, 435; XIV, 828; XXI, 434, 453; XXXI, 258, 315. Tuolumne County (see also Knox and Santa Ysabel Mine), X, 51; XIV, 161: XXIV, 37; B 108. 169. Index of Publicatiotts, 1880-1943 BOY-BRA 101 Boyson Mine. Amador County, XXIII, 175; B 108, 99, 114. Bozeman Mine, Mariposa County, RM (Mari- posa), 10. Bozza Mine, Siskiyou County, XII, 27S. Brachidonates ornatus lawsoni, B 118, 595. Brachiopods, Inyo County, VIII, 269. Brachysphingus grabbi, B 118, 16S. Bracket flume, Miocene Co.'s, illustration uf, IX, op. 138. and trestle, Miocene Co.. illustration of, IX, op. 138. Brackett Lode Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 387, 446. Mine, Shasta County (see also Minneshasta), XVII, 523; XXXV, 178. Bradbury, Capt., well, San Francisco County, XIII, 550. and Johnson Mine, Tuolumne County (see also Soulsby Mine), XIV, 163; XXIV, 38. Property, San Diego County, XXXV, 29. Bradbury's ranch, water well, Tulare County, XI, 488. Bradford and Treadwell INIine, Santa Clara County, XII, 367; XIII, 600. fault, San Benito Quadrangle, XXXIX, 255. Group, Madera County, XXIV, 335. manganese lease. Riverside County, B 76, 55. Mine, Lake County (see also Mirabel Mine), VIII, 325, 326; XI, 64; XIV, 202, 233; B 78, 62; XXV, 357. (quicksilver), map of. B 27, 132. San Benito County (see also Cerro Gordo), B 27, 131; XV, 653; 8 78, 93, 95, 101; XXII, 241; XXXV, 419; XXXIX, 264. Ranch magnesite deposit, Santa Clara County, B 79, 16, 78; XVII, 187; XXVI, 13. Bradley and Gardner Mine, Placer County, XIII, 272; XXIII, 270; XXXII, 57, 87. Hutton, Ventura County, B 19, 88, 89. "Welch Placer Mine, Siskiyou County, XXI, 489. Cafion Oil Co., B 63, 382. Consolidated Group, Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 134; XXV, 201; XXXVIII, 51. District, geology of, B 69, 435. F. W., B 125, 9. Barite Property, Nevada County, XX, 12; XXXVII, 446. field, B 82, 209. decisions, B 84, 392. -Haley Co. (see also Pride Hydraulic and "Willow Mine), XXV, 197, 207, 210. Mine, Sierra County, XXXVIII, 51. Mining Co., XXXII, 337. OU Co., B 63, 118. Quadrangle, B 118, 456, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462. San Miguel anticline, B 118, 461. district, B 118, 456, 458. 459, 460, 461, 462. citations. B 118, 462. Oil Co., B 89, 90. Spring, San Diego County, XIV, 71 S: XXI. 381; XXXV, 47, Walter "W., XIV, 173, 427; XV, 485; XVIII 31, 54, 83, 128, 179, 220, 239, 275, 281, 327 382, 429, 5G0, 633, 757; B 89, 10; XIX 43, 79, 108, 111, 227, 229; XX, 26, 58 59, 155, 156, 323, 324, 417, 448, 449; XXI 122, 123, 258, 397, 573; XXII, 108, 109, 298 299, 558, 559; XXIII, 118, 223, 357, 358, 414 B 99, 13; XXIV, 60, 61, 159, 242, 354, 361 XXV, 136, 266, 393, 533; XXVI, 72, 164 346, 489, 498; XXVI I, 112, 223, 467, 546 XXVIII, 88, 225, 385, 395; XXIX, 251, 378 XXX, 100, 290, 431, 446; XXXI, 100, 220 385, 526; XXXII, 114, 205, 391, 481 XXXIV, 79, 188, 349; XXXV, 96, 199, 338 490; XXXVI, 101, 434; XXXVII, 190, 348 486; XXXIX, 116, 299, 426; B 125, map in pocket, 3. barite in California, XXVI, 45. California Graphite Co., tramway and graphite claims of, photo of, XV, 502. mineral production (annual .statistical bulletins), B 71; B 74; B 83; B 86; B 88; B 90; B 93; B 94; B 96; B 97; B 100. Carnegie Brick and Pottery plant, San Joaquin County, photo of floor con- struction of a brick kiln at, XIV, 608. photo of plant, XIV, 607. Carson Hill Gold Mines, Inc., at Melones, Calaveras County, photo of mill of, B 108, 132. Central Eureka Mine, Sutter Creek, Ama- dor County, tailing disposal from mill of, B 108, 203. cited, B 69, 459; XV, 648, 699, 830; XVIII 220; XX, 526; B 78, 9, 213, 247, 287 330, 332, 336, 338, 339, 350, 354, 359 B 79, 44, 51, 95; B 94, 69; B 100, 29; XXI 212, 495; XXII, 66, 337, 343, 344, 355 XXIII, 211; XXIV, 337; XXV, 218, 227 228, 290, 295, 319, 344, 354, 356, 361, 433 XXVI, 26, 447; XXX, 11; B 108, 130, 132 136, 203; XXXI, 336; XXXIII, 6, 88, 142 XXXIV, 23, 24, 69, 70, 112, 287, 290 XXXV, 110, 116, 311, 358, 364, 383, 388, 402 409, 416, 425, 440, 441, 463, 464, 468, 471 XXXVI, 14, 15, 31, 40, 42, 116, 152, 337 XXXVII, 14, 16, 70, 229, 232, 309, 310, 313 318, 319, 321, 344, 347, 407, 572, 573, 574 XXXVIIl 42, 231; B 125, 53, 93, 279 XXXIX, 426, 467, 472, 498, 500, 527, 536, 542. Colusa County mines and minerals, XIV, 175. dams for hydraulic mining debris, XXXI, 345. Division of Mines, organization and serv- ice of the, XXXIX, 7. Fireman's Fund Ins. Co., San Francisco, photo of headquarters faced with archi- tectural terra cotta manufactured by Gladding, McBean & Co. plant at Lin- coln, Placer County, XV, 324. Fresno County mines and minerals, XIV, 429. 102 BRA-BRA California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Glenn County mines and minerals, XIV, 197. Hobart Building, San Francisco, faced with architectural terra cotta manufac- tured by Gladding:, McBean & Co. plant at Lincoln, Placer County, photo of, XV, .323. Huguenin, Emile, Logan, C. A., Tucker, "W. B., Waring, C. A., manganese and chromium in California, B 76. kelp storage and furnaces in the plant of the American Products Co. at Long Beach, photo of, XV, 510. Kings County mines and minerals, XIV, 525. Lake County mines and minerals, XIV, 202. Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank Bldg., architectural terra cotta by Independent Sewer Pipe Co., photo of, XV, 495. magnesite in California, B 79. manganese and chromium in California, B 76. prospect owned by Winship Estate, photo of, XIV, 622. ]\Iarin County mines and minerals, XIV, 241. Marysville Buttes, Sutter County, from the southeast, photograph of, XV, 254. Melones Mining Co., Melones, Calaveras County, photo of main power shaft in mill of, XIV, 96. Dam on Stanislaus River and portion of flume, XIV, 93. of Penstock and 6-foot redwood pipe line, XIV, 94. photo of 100-stamp mill, XIV, 95. Minarets District, the, Madera County, XXII, 539. mineral high-lights of California, XXXIV, 292. Morgan Claim of Carson Hill Co., photo of open cut or glory hole on, B 108, 130. Napa County mines and minerals, XIV, 262. Newman Clay Pit No. 4, photo of, show- ing clay strata and overburden, Norman Clay Co., lone, Amador County, XIV. 7. photos by, XIV, 7, 93, 94, 95, 96, 111, 607, 608, 622; XV, 148, op. 150, 153, 155, 156. 159, 169, 170, 254, 323, 324, 485, 495, 501, 510, 777, 779, 831. 835, 836, 837, 838, 884, 885, 916, 920, 921, 928, 930, 932, 937, 938; XVII, 168, 190, 211, 217. 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223; XX,' 23, 27, 28, 29; XXI, 53; B 101, 35. 56; XXIII, op. 376, 406; B 102, 26, 49, 73, 87, 88, 101, 109. 114; B 103, 41, 42, 106; XXV, 89, 00; XXVI, 364, 365. 477, 481; B 105, 44, 56; B 107, 34, 43, 55, 56, 95, 108; B 109, 35, 37, 45, 77, 84; XXX, 14, 16, 49, 50, 122, 226; B 110, 24, 28, 42, 86, 131; B 111, 23, 49, 60, 62, 65. 83, 84; B 112, 35, 38; XXXI, 2, 7. 8. 9, 12. 14. 15. 22, 159, 287, 292. 293, 365, 450, 473, 475. 476, 477. 480; XXXII. 152. 157, 160; B 116, 34, 44, 65, 74, 86; B 117, 36, 47, 48, 60, 90, 103, 108; B 119, 21, 63, 115; B 121, 39, 42, 52, 56, 63, 74, 87, 104, 109, 112, 117, 120; B 122, 57, 76, 110. 118. 121; B 126, 36, 46, 115, 123, 134. potash plant of the American Products Co. at Long Beach, photo of, XV, 510. Prince No. 1 claim of California Graphite Co., photo of outcrop of graphite vein on, XV, 501. quicksilver resources of California, B 78. radioactivity in thermal gases at The Geysers, Sonoma County, XVIII, 545. Russell-Greene-Foell Co. in the San Ga- briel River wash near Baldwin Park, photo of rock crushing plant of, XV, 485. Sanbornite, a newly described mineral from California, XXVIII, 82. Santa Cruz claim of Calaveras Group of Carson Hill Gold Mines, Inc., photo of open cut on, B 108, 136. Solano County mines and minerals, XIV, 300. Sonoma County mines and minerals, XIV, 316. Utica Mining Co., Angels Camp, Calaveras County, photo of headframe at cross shaft, XIV, 111. Yolo County mines and minerals, XIV, 367. and C. A. Logan, San Benito County mines and minerals, XV, 616. McLaughlin, R. P., cited, XXXVII, 314, 324. Madera County mines and minerals, XIV, 531. Waring, Clarence A., Monterey County mines and minerals, XV, 595. Worthen, cited, XXXIII, 41; XXXV, 399. Bradshaw and Beville oil well, Los Angeles County. B 63, 169. lease. Los Angeles County, XXXIII, 179. Brady and Mott Group, Siena County. XVI (Sierra). 51; XXV, 206. Mine, current wheels, Scott River, photo of, XIII, op. 3S8. Siskiyou County, XIII, 390. quarry. Placer County, XII, 384; XIII, 621. Ranch Mine, Yuba County, B 23, 172; B 50, 205. Braganza Diamond, II, Part 1, 250. Bragdon formation, B 72, 18, 28; XXIX, 91; B 118, 674. in Shasta Quadrangle, XXVII, 9. Brainard quicksilver prospect, Santa Clara Countj-. B 78, 157; XVII, 209; XXVI, 32; XXXV, 476. Braito Mine, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 179; B 76, 53, 94; XXXIII. 127, 142; XXXIX, 87; B 125, map in pocket, 62, 71, 82, 151. Bramlett manganese deposit. Trinity County (see also Murphy). B 125, 201. Bramlette. M. N., cited, XXX II I, 37. Bran Campbell, claim. Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 79. Branch Mint Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. Mountain Quadrangle. Franciscan -Knoxville Group in. B 125, 226. geologic mapping, B 118. 443. Index of Publications, 1880-194} BRA-BRE 103 Brand and Stevens pumice deposit. Imperial ("ounty, XXII, 2S0. Imperial County, photo of, B 86, 133: B 88, 126; B 90, 13T. Brandon chrome deposit, El Dorado County, B 76, 132, 217; XXII, 405. silica deposit. El Dorado County, XXII, 445; XXVII, 437. soapstone depo.sit, El Dorado County, XVII, 432; XXII, 451. Brandt Cold Mine, Plumas County (see also Centennial Mine), XII, 213; XIII, 200. Brandy City District, Sierra County, B 92, 121; XVI (Sierra), 6. City Hydraulic Mine, Sierra County, photo of, XVI (Sierra), 65, 67. Mine, Sierra County, II, Part 2, 170; XII, 262; XIII, 15, 50, 372; XVI (Sierra), 66; XVIII, 737; XXV, 201; XXXVIII, 51. ISTining Co., XIII, 372; XVI (Sierra), 7. District, Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 6. bililiography of, XVI (Sierra), 7. geology of, XVI (Sierra). 7. history of mining in, XVI (Sierra), 6. topography of, XVI (Sierra), 7. Sierra County, chromic iron in, XII, 38. elevation of, XVI (Sierra), 6. emery in, XII, 406. length, capacity and cost of ditches, II, Part 2. 161. Creek Mine, Tuba County, XII, 318; XIII, 499. Flat Mine. Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 9; XIII, 237. Branner, J. C, B 125, 9. cited. B 72, 5, 22, 36; B 89, 62, 63, 66; B 99, 222; XXVI, 23; XXXIII, 17, 28. Newsom, J. P., and Arnold, Ralph, cited, XXXIX, 13, 16, 49. photo of, B 104, PI. XII. following 20. Brannigan Mine, San Bernardino County, XXVII, 289, 324. Brandsford, Jas. C, Imperial carbon dioxide gas field, XXXVIII, 198. Brant Point Mine, Plumas County (see also Keyston), XIII, 288. Brashear tract wells, B 63, 231. Brass, B 87, 33. Mine, El Dorado County (see also Mutzo Mine), XII, 119; XIII, 151. Wire Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Do- rado), 10. Siskiyou County, XII, 278; XIII, 390. Braubeck's springs, Lassen County, XV, 237. Braunite, B 67, 84; PR 3, 7; B 87, 58; B 91, 115; B 113, 123. as ore of manganese, B 125, 24, 54, 55, 269. description of, B 125, 26. formation, B 125, 218. formula of, B 125, 25. 26. identification of, B 125, 71. manganese deposits containing, B 125, 59, 62, 65, 82, 90, 115, 151. occurrence in California counties, B 125, 68. Bray and Bisbee Mine, San Bernardino County (see also Rand Silver King Min- ing Co.), B 95, 131: XXVI, 270; XXVII, 343. P. H., manganese deposit. Riverside County, B 76, 56, 94; XXV, 493; B 125, 83, 154. Straight Line Placer Machine, XXX, 143. Brazil, bibliography of manganese in, B 125, 38. Co.'s Mine, Siskiyou County, VIII, 612; XIII, 391. ilmenite produced in, XXIII, 311. localities and production of gold in, II, Part 1, 168. manganese in, B 76, 11. Mine, Siskiyou County, VIII, 612; XIII, 391; XIV, 859; XXI, 466; XXXI, 315. Brazilian emerald, B 37, 54. pebble, IV, 320. sapphire, 3 37, 54. Brazza Mine, Calaveras County. XIII, 99; XXXII, 299. Brca asphalt and bituminous rock deposit, Santa Barbara County, XIII, 40. Canon (see also Pullerton), B 11, 19; B 19, 25; B 32, 22. area, Brea-Olinda oil field citations and index map, B 118, 291. Simi oil field, citations, B 118, 416. vicinity of, B 89, 123. complex structure near mouth of, B 19, 33. cross-fold at, B 19, 31. dissimilarity in formations shown on the north and south sides of fold in. B 19, 33. dominant fold at, B 19, 31. Field, B 73, 175; B 82, 145; B 89, 136; B 118, 20. decisions, B 84, 308. operations in, B 84, 219. records received, B 73, 190. formations exposed in, B 19, -TS. geology of, B 69, 359. Los Angeles County, brea beds in, B 11, 21. Mine, Ventura County, XIII, 44; XV, 754; XXI, 232; XXVIII, 259. Oil Co., B 19, 79; B 63, 298. complaint of, B 84, 212. decisions of, B 82, 147. Oil Field (see also Fullerton), B-63, G, 294, 296; B 82, 145. photo of, B 32, 21. springs in, B 19, 31. mark the axis of fold ZZ in, B 19, 34. structure west of, B 19, 22. wells in, Orange County, B 19, 24. Ventura County, Oligocene, B 118, PI. III. Clay Products Co., B 99, 140. tests of, B 99, 322. in Orange County, X, 404. 104 BRE-BRI California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Brea-Olinda oil fields, B 118, 20. Brea Canyon area, B 118, 291. citations and index map, B 118, 291. Fullerton area, citations. B 118, 291. Fulton oil field, citations, B 118, 291. Olinda area, citations and index map, B 118, 291. field, B 118, 20. Petrolia area, citations, B 118, 291. Puente area, citations and index map, B 118, 291. Tonner Canyon area, citations and in- dex map, B 118, 291. field. B 118, 20. ranch wells, T-ios Angeles County, B 19, 70. Break, definition of, B 69, 22. Breaker, rock, illustration of, VIII, 697. jaws, rock, illustration of, VIII, 698. Breala copper prospect, Kl Dorado County, XXII, 407; XXXIV, 213. Breast-boards, method of using, B 2, 17, 18, 28, 30. timbering, illustration of, X, 452. Breasting caps, B 2, 7, 9, 16. gravel, illustration of, X, 454. Breccia, photo of andesite, XXXI, 165. Sierra Nevada, XXVIII, 284, 290, 293. Breckenridge Mountain, Kern County, VIII, 313. Bree Mine, Placer County, XVIII, 301; XXIII. 255; XXXII, 43. Breece and Wheeler channel, B 92, 130. ditch. Placer County, XIII, 546. Mine, Placer County, VIM, 467, 694; IX, 29; XII, 20G; XIII, 275, 287; XV, 370; XXIII, 91; XXXII, 87. Breen Mine, Mariposa County, X, 305. Breknell Mine, Tuolumne County, XXIV, 24. Bremner, Carl St. J., cited. XXXIII, 18. Brenan nugget, Merco Creek Turon River, New South Wales, II, Part 1, 147. Brenardis Mine, Amador County, XIII, 69; XXIII, 187. Brendeck's boiling springs, Lassen County, XII, 337; XIII, 512. Brentner, L. L., clay deposit, Santa Barbara County, tests of, B 99, 218, 348. Brentwood Coal Mine, Contra Costa County, VIII, 161. Brereton, Chas., B 125, 138. Mine, Mendocino County, B 125, map in pockQt, 80, 133, 238, 239. Breslin greenstone quarry, Los A>ngeles County. XXIII, 332. Bret Harte Mine. El Dorado County. XXXIV, 225. Lacy and Barton Mine, Siskiyou County, XII, 278; XIII, 406. Bretz Mine (quicksilver), Oregon, photo of, XXXIII, 42. Brewer Dry Washer, XXV, 97, 98; XXVIII, 120. photo of, XXV, 97; XXVIII, 120. Wm. Henry. IV, 23; B 104, PI. XIV, fol- lowing 20. Brewery Gulch Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. Mine, Monterey County, VIII, 409; XV, 603; XXI, 38; XXXI, 463. Briarcliffe Mine, Ltd., El Dorado County (see also Baldwin or Nashville Mine), XXXI V, 226, 259. Briceland Estate gas well, Humboldt County, XIV, 407, 408; XXI, 320. photo of, XIV, 407. -Ettersburg area, Humboldt County, B 118, 633. Humboldt County, oil near, XIV, 410. Oil and Land Co. wells, Humboldt County, XIV, 412. region, Humboldt County, B 118, 79. oil indications, B 118, 634, 635. well, Humboldt County, XXXVII, 520. Brichetto Bros, gravel pit, Stanislaus County, XIV, 627. Brick, IV, 145; XIII, 612; B 87, 31; PR 8, 49, 50, 51. analyses of common, B 70, 38. and clay in Alameda County, XI, 126; XII, 381; XIII, 612; B 38, 242, 374; XXV, 430. Amador County, XIII. 613. Butte County, RM (Butte), 12; VIII, 116; XIII, 614; XV, 184; B 38, 242. 374. Colusa County, B 38, 242; XIV, 175, 178. Contra Costa County, XII, 381; XIII, 614; B 38, 166, 242. 359, 374; XVII, 49. Fresno County, B 38, 242; XIV, 433; XVII, 68; XXV, 306. Glenn County, B 38, 243: XXV, 420. Humboldt County, B 38, 374; XXI, 301. Imperial County, XIV, 737; XXII, 268. Kern County, XIII, 614; B 38, 167, 374; XIV, 475, 477; XVII, 307. Kings County, B 38, 243, 374; XIV, 526, 527. Los Angeles County, XII, 381; XIII, 614; B 38, 168, 243, 374; XV, 488, 493. Madera County. B 38, 249. Marin County, VIII, 342; XI, 253; XII, 382; XIII, 615; B 38, 249; XIV, 242, 244, 248; XXII, 317. Mendocino County, B 38, 375; XXV, 460. Merced County, X, 331; B 38, 250; XXI, 175. Mono County, XIII, 616. Monterey County, B 38, 169, 250. Napa County, XII, 382. Nevada County, B 38, 250. Orange County, B 38, 251; XV, 519. Placer County, XII, 382; XIII, 616; B 38, 359; XV, 322. Riverside County. XIII, 616; B 38, 252, 375; XV, 559, 574. Sacramento County, X, 506; XII, 383; XIII, 617; B 38, 253; XV, 402. San Benito County, XV, 626. San Bernardino County, B 38, 253. San Diego County, B 38, 254, 375; XIV, 685; XXI, 355. San Francisco County, B 38, 254. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BRI-BRI 105 San Joaquin County, VIII, 561; XIII, 617; B 38, 254; XIV, 607; XXI, 188. San Luis Obispo County. XIII, 618; B 38, 255; XV, 679; XXI, 505. San Mateo County. B 38, 255; XVII, 169 Santa Barbara County, B 38, 256; XV 735; XVII, 387. Santa Clara County, XI, 375; XIII, 618 B 38, 359, 375; XVII, 182. Santa Cruz County, X, 625; XII, 383 XIII, 619; B 38, 359. Shasta County, XIII, 619; B 38, 256; XIV, 756. Siskiyou County. B 38, 257; XIV, 816. Solano County, XIII, 619; B 38, 258, 375; XIV, 300; XVII, 242; XXIII, 204. Sonoma County, XI, 462; XII, 384; B 38, 170, 258; XIV, 316; XXII, 332. Stanislaus County, X, 682; XII, 384; XIV, 627. Tehama County. B 38, 258; XV, 259. Tulare County, XIII, 620; B 38, 259. Ventura County, B 38, 259; XV, 759; XXI, 237. Yolo County. X, 791; B 38, 259; XIV, 367. Yuba County. XII, 384; B 38, 259, 375. hollow building tile, statistics, 1942, XXXIX, 410. terra cotta, V, 226. tile in Amador County, XIX, 19. Contra Costa County, XXIII, 7, 9. Humboldt County, XIV, 391; XXI, 301; XXXVII, 505. Mendocino County, XIV, 415. Merced County, XXI, 175. San Diego County, XXI, 355. San Joaquin County, XXI, 188. Ventura County, XXI, 237; XXVIII, 264. manufacture in San Diego County, XX, 368. production statistics of (see also annual statistical bulletins), IX, 332; PR 7, 10; XVIII, 454; XXI, 578. burning. B 38, 240. by oil, B32, 158. classification of, B 38, 241. clay, analyses of, B 38, 232. common, occurrence of in California, B 99, 17. in Los Angeles County, XV, 488. Orange County, XV, 519. Riverside County, XV, 559. San Bernardino County, XV, 860. San Diego County, XIV, 685. industry, B 38, 232. mixing of, B 38, 233. weathering of, B 38, 233. common, clays suitable for, B 99, 255. manufacture of in California, B 99, 26. condensers for Scott Furnace, B 78, 263. cutting machine, XIV, 435. on diatomite deposit, photo of, XXXII, 157. of Johns-Manville Co., Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, photo of. B 111. 84. drying of, 3 38, 239. elevator, XIV, 433. hand-made, B 38, 234. handling machines, B 99, 26. House Mine. Siskiyou County, XII, 278. kilns, B 38, 240. construction of, XIV, 608. continuous, Hoffman type, photo of, B 38, 240. crude oil burners in, XIV, 434. field, photo of, B 38, 239. oil-burning, plan of, B 32, 158. machine-molded, B 38, 234. made from clay in Sacramento County, VIII, 557. making from Solano clay. VIII, 631. manufacture of, B 38, 233; PR 7, 76; XXIII, 319; B 99, 26, 97. Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV, 469. San Bernardino County, XIII, 320. natural, XXXII, 157. drying, XXXII, 159. photograph of, XXXII, 140. sizing and packing, XXXII, 159. operations, pressed, XXXII, 159. plant of lone Brick Co., Amador County, photo of, B 100, 69. Los Angeles Pressed Brick Co., at Alber- hill. Riverside County, photo of, B 86, 82; B 93. 71. Peterson-Kartschoke Co., San Jose, photo of, B 88, 71. photograph of, XXXII, 156. plants, B 99, 21. pressed, XXXII, 159. press of Chisholm, Boyd and White Co., photo of, B 38, 238. sand-lime, B 38, 166. in Contra Costa County, B 38, 166. Kern County, B 3S, 167. Los Angeles County, B 38. 168. Monterey County, B 38, 169. Sonoma County, B 38, 170. statistics of Csee also annual statistical bulletins), PR 7, 11; B 99, 31. Brickbat, analysis of, V, 141. Brickyard Lot Mine, Nevada County (see also Pratt and Dubuque), XXXVII, 446. Brickyards in Sacramento County, X, 506. Bridal Bower Bush, II, Part 2, 84. Chamber, Lepidolite Mine, tourmaline crys- tals, photo showing, B 37, 22. Bridalveil granite, B 118, 674. Bridge. B 82, 23. A. T. and S. F. (Santa Fe) railway bridge over the Colorado River, San Bernar- dino County, photo of, XV, 782. and pipe-line across Trinity River of the ■^ Cie Francaise des Placers Hydrauliques, Trinity County, photo of, XII, op. 308. at Vacaville, Solano County, photo of, XIV, 306. 106 BRI-BRO California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 "Big Trancas," Napa County, stone from Wing Quarry, photo of, XIV, 294. concrete State highway, over I'it River near Kennett, Shasta County, photo of, XVIII, 283. House, Sacramento County, clay near, B 99, 185. "Little Trancas," Napa County, stone from Wing Quarry, photo of, XIV, 293. piers, foundation sites, XXIX, 168. Placer Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 139. truss, photo of, IX, op. 106. under construction over Stony Creek, near Orland, Glenn County, photo of, XIV, 201. Bridgeport district, Mono County, XVIII, 417. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 15. travertine deposits. Mono County, XX 1 11, 405. Bridger Mine, Siskiyou County (see also Roff Mine), XXXI, 306, 326. Bridges, material made of, B 84, 146. purposes of, B 84, 145. quarry, Nevada County, B 38, 34. stone in, Napa County, XIV, 292, 293. Bridgeville region, Humboldt County, B 118, 635. Brier Mining district, San Bornaidino County. IX, 222. Briggs Brickyard, Mendocino County, PR 7, 64; B 38, 375: B 99, 126; XXV, 460. manganese deposit, Trinity County, B 125, 196. San Benito County, photo of. B 7G, 49, 50. Mine, Merced County, B 38, 335; XIV, 600; B 76, 15, 49, 93; XXI, 181; B 125, 142. Briggsville limestone quarry, Shasta County (see also Moorestown), XX! I, 197; XXXV, 164, 178. Bright Angel shale, B 118, 99. Gravel Co., XXVI, 35. Hope Mine, 101 Dorado County, RM (FA ]>o- rado), 4; X, 177; XII, 105; XIII, 130; XV, 282; XXII, 423; XXXIV, 259. Mariposa County, XXIV, 139. Sonoma County (see also Esperanzu), XIV, 343; B 78, 186; XXXV, 406. Mine, Amador County (sec :ilso Anita), X, 70; XXIII, 187; B 108, 02, 117. Star Gold Mining Co., XXXII, 246. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4; XIV, 72; XXXII, 245, 299. Kern County, RM (Kern), 9, 17: B 5, 88; XII, 142; XIII, 187; XIV, 490; XXV, 30; XXIX, 272; XXXVI, 323, 325. Shasta County (see also Evening Star and Iron Mask), XIV, 780; XXII, 181; XXIX, 23; XXXV, 178. Yuba County, XV, 442. Brighton Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4. Brights Valley, Kern County, VIII, 310. Brilliant claim, San Bernardino County (see also Ord Mountain Mine), XXV!, 217; XXVII, 276. Brindle and Co., E. S., XVI (Sierra), 113. Brine and Weiss silica deposit, San Bernar- dino County, XXVII, 444. springs, Glenn County, XI, 225. Brinkerhoffer Mine, Stanislaus County, B 125, map in pocket, 189. Briones sandstone formation, B 118, 189, 190, 454, 674. Briquetting of California coals, bibliography of, XVIII, 155. Bristol Lake, XXIX, 194. celestite deposit, San Bernardino County, XXXIX, 544. Britannia Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. Brite claim, Kern County, XXXI, 467. lease, Los Angeles County, XXX, 318; XXXIII, 177, 179. photo of, XXX, 318; XXXIII, 180. British-California Oil Co., RM (Kern), 20. and Porter Mine, Inyo County, XII, 136; XIII, 179. Columbia, localities and production of gold, II, Part 1, 169. Lion Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 9. Brittan Ranch, San Mateo County, sandstone in, XII, 400. P.ritten copper prospect, Del Norte County, XXIX, 139, 147. Brittle micas, B 91, 202; B 113, 249. silver ore, IV, 371; B 67, 54; B 91, 72; B 113, 83. Britton and Murphy Placer Mine, Kern County, XXVIII, 246. No. 1 and No. 2 claims, Del Norte County, XIV, 385. Ranch feldspar deposit, Tulare County, XV, 911; XXVI, 439; XXVII, 432. limestone deposit, Tulare County, XV, 918; XXVI, 445. Reservoir, XXIX, 227. Brizard Mine, Trinity County, Xlll, 440, 407; XXII, 35. Brizzard Ranch Mine, Trinity County, XXXVII, 75. Broad lode, B 98, 120, 127. Bioadway Quarry, Alameda County, B 38, 312. Brochantite. B 67, 183; B 91, 267; B 113, 178. Brock Mountain, Noric and Karnic stages, B 118, 104. shale, B 72, 29, 30; XXIX, 100; B 118, 105, 674. Brockington Consolidated Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 446. Brookway hot springs and bathing pool on the northern shore of Lake Tahoe, Placer County, photo of, XV, 393. Placer County, XV, 393. Broderick, T. M., cited, XXXIII, 43. Broderip, W. J., and Sowerby, G. B., B 4, 8. Brogan, Jas. S., and Norton, R. R., asbestos deposit, Napa County, XiX, 26. Mine, Kern County, XII, 142; Xlll, 187. Index of Publications, 1880-194) BRO-BRO 107 Brogilio and Starve Out Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 363. Brokaw, A. C, operations, B 36, 108. A. L... and Ricliards, Arthur, cited. XXXIX, 478. Broken Axel Group, Kern County, XXIX, 272, 294. Back Mine, Plumas County, XXIV, 285, 312; XXXIII, 127. Hammer manganese deposit, Trinity County, B 125, 196. Hills g-old prospect, Shasta County, XXIX, 12; XXXV, 178. Silver Corp., XXIX, 13. Brokeoff andesite, B 118, 674. Broker, definition of, B 75, 73. mining license required of, XX, 321. Bromellite, XXXVI, 88. Bromides, B 67, 57; B 91, 80. Bromine, B 24, 52; XV^VII, 352. directory of producers of (see annual sta- tistical bulletins), production of in U. S., IX, 333. Bromite, statistics of (see annual statistical bulletins). Bromoboracic acid, III, Part 2, 95. Bronco Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4, 11; XII, 136. Bronson on Fixtures, cited, B 123, Sec. 565. Bronze, PR 5, 36; B 87, 33. Bronzite, IV, 178; B 37, 80, 114; B 67, 109; B 91, 156; B 113, 267. Brook well, Los Angeles County, B 63, 197. Brookdale Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 299. Brooke Molybdenite and Tungsten Mine, San Bernardino County (see also Big Hunch), XXXVII, 584; XXXVIII, 349; XXXIX, 501. Brookite, XI, 207; B 37, 106; B 67, 83; B 91, 114; B 113, 125. and octahedrite in El Dorado County, XXXIV, 214. Brooklyn and Los Angeles Mines, Riverside County, XXX, 321. San Bernardino County (see also Bran- nigan Mine), XXVI, 227; XXVII, 289. and Olympia Mine, Placer County, XV, 331; XXIII, 270; XXXII, 87. gold claim. Riverside County, XVIII, 221. Group, San Bernardino County, XV, 802. Iowa and East Lode Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 259. Mine, Monterey County, XV, 603; XXI, 38; XXXI, 463. San Bernardino County, mine and camp of, photo of, XXVI, 228; XXVII, 288. Mining Co. (see Brooklyn and Los Angeles Mines), XXV, 227. Brooks, Alfred H., cited, XXXI, 156, 169, 171. Island quarry. Contra Costa County, XXIII, 23. Lode Mine, Trinity County, XXII, 28; XXXVII, 75. Max, clay deposit, Butte County, PR 7, 43; B 99, 66. Mine, Mariposa County (see also Doss Mine), XIII, 218. Plumas County (see also Duncan Mine), XIII, 292; XVI (Plumas), 115. Oil Co., B 63, 380. Brookshire lease, photo of, B 63, facing 353. Oil Co., B 63, 355. Broom's Legal Maxims, cited, B 123, I-CI, Sec. 822. Bn)phy Coal Mine, Los Angeles County, XV, 499. Forest, Tabor, Morris, and Blaisdell wells, B 11, 11. Brother Jonathan Mine, Kern County, XIV, 481. Brothers Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 9. Broughton, R. H., B 78, 206, 290. Brower's brickyard, Mendocino County, B 38, 375. Brown, A. G., and W. L. Tickner, hydraulic claim, Siskiyou County, XVIII, 97. and Billhaps Mine, Siskiyou County, XII, 279; XIII, 388; XXXI, 315. Black Bear Mine, Shasta County, XXXV, 177. black muds, formation, XXVIII, 59. Egan Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 299. George Mine, Siskiyou County, XIII, 391; XIV, 845; XXI, 466; XXXI, 314, 315. Knowles oil well, Humboldt County, XIV, 411. Lord Mine, Humboldt County, VIII, 223. Low claim, Humboldt County, VIII, 218. Mabery manganese deposit, Riverside County, B 76, 59, 94; XXV, 494. Moore manganese deposit, Glenn County, B 125, 113. Rhodes tungsten deposit, Fresno County, XXXVII, 309. Scriver Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 299. Smith Cons. Mine, Napa County, XIII, 234; XIV, 269. Stewart operations in Shasta County, XXXV, 156. Tucker Mine, Plumas County, XIII, 308. Arthur B., cited, XXXIII, 18. B., soapstone deposit, Tuolumne County, XXIV, 53. Bear Group, Inyo County, XXXIV, 469. Mariposa County, XXIV, 130. mill. Trinity County, VIII, 695. Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4; VIII, 181, 182; XIII, 153; XXXIV, 259. Plumas County (see also Mountain King Mine), XIII, 302; XVI (Plumas), 89; XXIV, 312; XXXIII, 127. Shasta County, XIII, 350; XVIII, 256. Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 34; XVII, 476; XXV, 201; XXXVIII, 51. Siskiyou County (see also Eveleth and Golden Mine). XII, 279; XIII, 402; XIV, 828; XXI, 436; XXXI, 316. 108 BRO-BRO California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Trinity County, VIII, 639, 695; X, 713; XI, 483; XII, 308; XIII, 440, 467; XIV, 874, 882, 885; XIX, 11; XXII, 15, 28; XXIX, 13; XXX, 308; XXXVII, 27, 75. photo of, XXXVII, 27. section of, sketch showing, XXIX, 13. Mining Co., XVI (Plumas), 69. -Bevis Co., placer gold recovery process, XXX, 225. Bird Mine, Tuolumne County, XXIV, 24: B 108, 175. -Bray-Sinioyne Group, Riverside County, B 76, 56. C. C, cited, B 97, 17. Cement Works, Tulare County, XXVI, 463. C. F., B 78, 354. coal, B 37, 104. crust, analysis of, III, Part 2, 50. Dog manganese claim, Trinity County, XXXVII, 17, 75; B 125, 196. Dyke Mine, Tulare County, XXXVI, 325. Eagle Group, Monterey County, XXI, 41. Edgar A., cited, XXIV, 266. Electric Pyrometer, use of, B 78, 180, 342. G. Chester, cited, XIV, 427; B 78, 8, 359: XXII, 23; XXXVII, 286, 287, 290, 291, 321. Kern County mine.s and minerals, XIV, 471. Shasta County mines and minerals, XIV, 747. Siskiyou County mines and minerals, XIV, 810. Trinity County mines and minerals, XIV. 873. George, Mine, Siskiyou County, XII, 2?H. Group, San Diego County, XXI, 334. H. P., cited, XXIX, 365. hematite, B 67, 87; B 91, 119; B 113, 129. Horse Mine, Mono County. XXXVIII, 338. Howard, property, small dredge under con- struction on, photo showing, XXVII, 56. Irvine, Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4, 23. J. A., Amador Co. mines and minerals, X, 9S. Calaveras County mine.'-- and minerals, X, 147. J. Ross, cited, B 100, 45: XXXVIII, 152. J. S., cited, B 99, ,S4; XXVII, l'.t8, 520; XXIX, 227: XXXlll, IS; XXXVIII, 149. 151. Jura, B 118, 1^7. Lee, platinum depo.sit, Shasta County, PR 8, 20. manganese deposit, Humlioldt Counl\ . B 125, 05, 77, 110. Siskiyou County. B 125, 183. Stanislaus County, B 125, 1S9. marble deposit. Glenn County, B 38, 99; XIV, 198; XXV, 421. Milton J., asltestos claims, Trinity County, XXII, 12; XXXVII, 75. Mine. Amador County (see also Jose Gulch Mine), XIV, 30; XXIII, IIH. Butte County, XI, 153. Calaveras County, B 108, 149; XXXII, 299. El Dorado County, XXXIV, 270. Riverside County, XV, 542; XXV, 476. Shasta County (see also Little Castle Creek Mine), B 76, 183; XIV, 755. Trinity County, XIII, 440. Tuolumne County, XIV, 141. Ventura County, VIII, 681. Monster Mine, Inyo County (see also Reward and Eclipse), RM (Inyo), 4; X, 214; XII, 130; XIII, ISO; XV, 83; XXXIV, 387, 469; XXXVI, 23. vein, Brown Monster Mine, Inyo County, photo of, XXXIV, 387. Ochre Mine, Sonoma County (see also Meeker), XIII, 643; B 38, 340; XIV, 334. or Defiance Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 246. Tullock Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 291. I'roperty, Glenn County, XXXIX, 557. Lassen County, XXXII, 425. prospect, gold (see also Lynch prospect), XV, 203. * quarry, Napa County, B 38, 155; XIV, 293. Ranch feldspar and silica deposit. Riverside County, XXVII, 421; XXXI, 521. Ravine Tunnel Co., X, 146. Recording Pyrometer, B 78, 118, 250. Robinsons Ferry, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 4, 23. Sandstone, Sespe Canyon, Ventura County, photo of, XXI, 242, 243. .shale, B 73, 63, 207. top of, Casmalia formational markers. B 84, 115, 196. zones. Long Beach oil field, B 118, 230, PL V, 322, 674. Smyth and Ryland Consolidated Mine, Cala- veras County (see also Deep Mine), RM (Calaveras), 4, 23; XIII, 99, 124; B 108, 128; XXXII, 239, 299. talc deposit, Glenn County, B 38, 351. Thomas, Capt., B 4, 8. Browne, J. Ross, XXXII, 99. cited, IV, 26; IX, 45; B 23, 24; B 78, 359; XVI (Nevada), 15; XXIII, 169, 170, 180; XXIV, 98, 111; B 108, 95, 111, 129. 184, 186, 189; XXVIII, 281; XXXI, 146, 352, 353, 361; XXXII, 198. Gold production data by, B 70, 24. Paint Mine, Napa County, XIV, 276. Ross E., IX, 46. cited, XXVIII, 281; XXXI, 146, 352. 353, 301. channel system of the Harmony Ridge. Nevada County, map of, XII, op. 202. river beds of the Forest Hill Divide, the ancient, X, 435. Bi'Dwnie Group, Mono County, XVIII, 41ti; XIX, 23. Browning, John Wiley and Sons, cited, XXIII, 302. 304. of London, spectroscope for color test for boracic acid, illustration. Ill, Part 2, 58; IV, 85. Browning's. P. well, Fresno County, XIII, 531. Rrfiwnlte Group, Mono County, XXIII. 377. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BRO-BRY 109 Brownlie Mine, Solano County, B 78, ITl; XXIII, 211; XXXV, 476. Brown's Bar Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 270. Trinity County, XIV, 903: XXII, 50; XXXVII, 75. Creek ditch, Trinity County, XIII, 560. Hill Mines, Plumas County, XXXIII, lO:;, 127. Mountain limestone, Trinity County, XIV, 920; XXXVII, 75. San Bernardino County, saline deposits at, B 24. 62. soapstone, Trinity County. XIV, 924. Report, cited, B 123, Sec. 299. Valley District, Yuba County, X 79S; XV, 422. fault, San Benito Quadrangle, XXXIX, 255. Irrigation Canal, Yuba County, XIII, 565. district, Yuba County, XI, 516. District's pipe-line suspension bridge, photo of, XII, op. 316. well. Riverside County, B 24, 76. Brownstone formation in Sespe District, B 11, 25. Group of wells, B 11, 28. in Ventura County, VIII, 676, 677, 678, 6S7. Nos. 1 and 2 Mines, Inyo County, XXXVIII, 318. Oil and Refining Co., B 63, 103. quarry, San Bernardino County, B 38, 50. wells. Old Los Angeles, Ventura County, XIII, 588. Brownsville district, Yuba County, XV, 422. Bruce Group, Inyo County, XXXVIII, 323. Madera County (see also Galena King Group), XXIV, 340. Mine, Amador County, RM (Amador), 8; XXIII, 187; B 108, 117. Calaveras County, XIV, 72. vein. Standard Mine, Mono County, VIII, 388. Brucite, B 67, 88; B 91, 121; B 113, 131. Bruckermann Mine, Sierra County, XIII, 372; XVI (Sierra), 34; XXV, 201; XXXVIII, 51. Bruclarkia barkeriana, B 118, 174. Brugger Tract Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 349. Bruguiere, M. De, B 4, 8. Brum and Newport claims. Riverside County, B 76, 56, 94; XXV, 493. Brundage and Smith Group, Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 58. Bruner Mine, Calaveras County (see also Gold Reserve Consolidated), XI, 174; XII, 90; XIII, 106; XIV, 72; B 108, 128; XXXII, 299. Brunner, C, cited, B 78, 354. Bruno Mine. Calaveras County, X, 59. Brun's, P., wells, San Benito County, XIII, 549. Brunson and Carter brickyard, Ventura County, B 38, 259. Brunswick mill, Nevada County, VIII, 693. Mine and new plant, Nevada County, photo of, XVI (Nevada), 125. Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 4, 10; VIII, 431, 693; X, 381; XI, 268, 274; XII, 186; XIII, 237, 269; XVI (Nevada), 124; XX, 9; XXXI, 11; XXXVII, 446. Nevada County, costs at, XVI (Nevada), 127. photo of core sections, XXXVII, 407. photo of headframe, XXXVII, 406. Shasta County (see also Miners' Group), XIII, 351; XIV, 773, 780; XXII, 181; XXXV, 134, 178. Sierra County, XVIII, 738. Brunt, Schorb and Co.'s Mine, Siskiyou County, XII, 279; Xlll, 391. Bruschi Mine. Mariposa County, B 23, 215. Brush Canyon plant, Los Angeles County, XXIII, 333, 342. quarry of Union Rock Co., photo of, XXIII, 342. Creek Mine, Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 79; XVIII, 502; XX, 17; XXV, 160, 175; XXVfll, 298; XXXVIII, 21, 52. dam of North Bloomfield Co., photo of, IX, op. 132. G. J., cited, B 78, 359. Hill claims, Nos. 1 and 2, Las.sen County, IX, 212. INIine, Lassen County (see also Hayden Hill), XII, 148; XIII, 200; XV, 230, 231. Lassen County, production of, XV, 234. magnesite deposit, Sonoma County, XIV, 325; B 38, 331. Placer Mine, Shasta County (see also Blue Gravel Mine), XVIII, 731. Brushy Canyon copper deposit, Shasta County, XXII, 146. Group, Shasta County, B 50, 102; XIV, 763; XX, 428; XXII, 146; XXXV, 178. Ridge Mining Co., XIV, 441; XXV, 313. Brusse gem stone deposit, Siskiyou County, XIV, 869. Brust Mine, El Dorado County, XXII, 412, 423; XXXIV, 259. Bruzza Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 4. Bryan, Everett N., topographic mapping pro- gram for California, XXVIII, 85. Kirk, cited,XXVIII,281; XXIX, 227; XXXIII, 18; XXXV, 228, 251; XXXVIII, 151, 182. Mine, Amador County, RM (Amador), 8; B 108, 117. Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 5. Kern County, XXIX, 272, 294. Mariposa County (see also Silver Mine and Silver Bar Mine), XVII, 138; XXIV, 123. Riverside County, XV, 539; XXV, 477. Roller mill, B 6, 62. W. J., Group, Kern County. RM (Kern), 9. Bryant and Co., wells, Los Angeles County, B 11, 14; B 63, 330. and Griffith Consolidated Mine, El Dorado County, X, 80; XII, 112. 110 BRY-BUC California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 chromite prospect, El Dorado County, B 76, 217. claim, El Dorado County, B 108, 25. Group, Los Angeles County, XXIII, 297; XXXIII, 197. Harrison and Olcott Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 453. Mine. Humboldt County. B 76, S3, 34. Mono County, VIII, 371; XII, 177; XIII, 227. property mang-anese ore deposit, photo of, B 76, 34. Ranch, El Dorado County, copper on, B 23, 180. Bryman, San Bernardino County, clay re- sources of, B 99, 195. tests of, B 99, 314. Bryon brickyard, Santa Clara County, B 33, 375. Bryson Quadrangle, B 118, 461. Buchanan and Lookout Mine, Tuolumne County, XXIV, 24. Copper Mine, Madera County, photo of, B 23, 219; B 50, 271. mill, Tuolumne County, VIII, 695. Mine, Madera County, B 23, 217; B 50, 270; XIV, 538. Placer County, XXXII, 87. section through Incline, XI, 405. Tuolumne County, VI, Part 2, 60; VMI, r.66, 695; X, 752; XI, 494; XII, 168, 300; XIII, 475, 495; XIV, 141; XXIV, 9. Silica Property, Madera County, XXIV, 344; XXVII, 439. tunnel. Table Mountain, Tuolumne County, XXVIII, 299. Buchler, A. E., clay deposit, Lassen County, PR 7, 49; B 99, 92. Buchon Range, San Luis Obispo County, X, 570. Buck and Stock Placer Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 434. Brothers Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 328. Deer claim, Madera County, XXII, 554. Mine, Kern County, XXXVIII, 326. Mariposa County (see also Reina de Los Mariposas), XXIV, 136. Trinity County, VIII, 643; XIV, 886; XXII, 28; XXXVII, 75. Mountain Creek, Humboldt County, coal in, XII, 54. quarry, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 365. Ranch quarry, Napa County, XIV, 293. Ridge manganese deposit, Mendocino County. B 125, 133. Shot Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 130. Slate quarry. El Dorado County, VIII, 200; XXII, 448. Buckbee pool, B 118, 21. zone, Santa Fe Springs oil field, B 118, PI. V, 343, 344, 346. 674. Buckboard Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 9; XXIX, 272, 294; XXXIV, 11. plan of. XXIX, 295. Bucket chain, gold dredge, photo of, B 36, 22. conveyor for stacking dredge tailings, Risdon type, photo of, B 57, 56. excavator in quarry of Pacific Portland Cement Co., Solano County, photo of, XIV, 302. -Ladder dredges for gold dredging, XXXIV, 111. -line and ladder, photo of, B 57, 87. Calaveras Dredge No. 1, Calaveras Gold Dredging Co., photo of, XIV, 125. Hammonton Dredge No. 14, photo of, B 85, 23. Isabel Dredge of Isabel Dredging Co., Cala- veras County, photo of, XIV, 126. of Dredger No. 9 of the Natomas Cons, of California, photo of, XV, 414. Risdon type dredge, photo of, B 57, 41, 43. plungers, B 9, 113. valves, lift-pump, B 9, 60. wheels, B 9, 186, 191, 192. Buckets, B 36, 26; B 57, 40. bottom, B 57, 43, 259. close connected, B 57, 41, 259. dredging, photo of, B 57, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48. hood, B 57, 42, 43. kinds of, for gold dredging, XXXIV, 101. lift-pump, B 9, 3, 66. lips, B 57, 43. loaded with gravel, photo of, B 57, 40. open-connected, B 57, 41. pin, B 57, 44. three-eye, B 57, 42, 43, 193. two-eye, B 57, 42, 43. weight of. B 57, 41. Buckeye and Beckley Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 297. Buckeye No. 2 Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. Hill Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Do- rado), 10. Bar Mine, Placer County, XXXII, 87. Siskiyou County, XII, 279; XIII, 391; XIV, 859. Placer Mining Co., Vlll, 592. Billy Boy, Bear Paw, Gray Fox, Gun Barrel, Pinto Ledge, Silver King, Lost Dutch- man, Top Grade, Lone Pine, Tanny May, Busy Bee Mine, Tulare County, XXXVIII, 357. -Buena Vista Mine, Kern County, XXXVIII, 327. Cliannel Mine, Tuolumne County, XIV, 166. claim, Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 128. San Luis Obispo County, Vlll, 531. Sonoma County, XIV, 344; B 78, 181, 183. Co., length, capacity and cost of ditches, II, Part 2, 161. Consolidated Mine, Sierra County, XXV, 175; XXXVIII, 52. District, B 125, map in pocket. Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 18. elevation of town of, XVI (Plumas), 19. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BUC-BUC 1 1 1 Extension INIinc, Nevada t'ounty (see also Cold Springs Mine), RM (Nevada), 4; XVI (Nevada), 93. Flat, Nevada County, XXVIII, 300. Mine, Sacramento County, XIII, 31R. Mining Co., XXI, 15. Garfield and Crown Point Properties, Cala- veras County, XXXII, 250. (Jravel Mine, Tuolumne County, X 737; XXIV, 41. Group, Nevada County, XXXVII, 440. San Diego County, XIV, 648. Gulch and Vallencia Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. Hill Gold Mine, El Dorado County (.see also Flora Mine), XII, 105; XIII, 136; XV, 301; XXXIV, 227, 270. hydraulic gravels at, XXIII, 100. North Extension Mine. El Dorado County, XXXIV, 270. Placer Mine, El Dorado County (see Buck- eye Hill Gold Mine). Hot Spring-s, Mono County, XIII, 513; XXIII, 402; XXXVI, 154. Manganese Mine, Stanislaus County, B 76, 24, 86; XXI, 212. deposit, Stanislaus County, photo of, B 76, 86; B 88, 47. mill, Yuba County, gas at, B 3, 8. IMine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 5. Colusa County (see also Wide Awake Cons.), X, 162; XI, 187; XIII, 594; XIV, 190; B 78, 39; XXV, 299; XXXV, 373. El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4; XXXIV, 270. Inyo County, XVII, 279; XXII, 466; XXXIV, (see map). Mariposa County (see also Billings Mine), XXIV, 129. table of average yield of gold, II, Part 1, 175. table showing output, XXIV, 98. Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 4; XIII, 237. Placer County, XXXII, 30, 5G. table of average yield of gold, II, Part 1, 175. San Benito County, X, 516; XII, 23. Shasta County, PR 8, IS. Sierra County, XI, 408; XVI (Sierra), 34; XXV, 201; XXXVIII, 52. Sonoma County (.see also Mt. Vernon), XXII, 356; XXXV, 462. Stanislaus County, B 125, 59, 69, 70, 89, 189, 239, 248, 251, 252, 264, map in pocket, open-cut stope of, photo of, B 88, 48; B 90, 64. Trinity County (see also Majestic Mines Co.), XIV, 917; XXII, 50; XXIX, 67; XXXVIf, 47. 75. Tuolumne County (see also Seminole Min- ing Co.), X, 737; XIII, 491; XXIV, 37, 44. Mining and Smelting Co., XXII, 466. Co., XXXVII, 29, 75. Mountain, Trinity County, table of produc- tion of gold, hydraulic, placer, drift and river mines, II, Part 1, 189. Shasta County, table showing the produc- tion of gold, hydraulic, placer drift and river mines, II, Part 1, 188. 'I'ungsten Mine, San Bernardino County, XVII, 373; XXVI, 294; XXVII, 367; XXXVII, 286; XXXVIII, 345. Buckhorn and Last Chance Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 299. Boys' claim. Siskiyou County, XII, 293. claim, Alameda County, XVII, 25; B 76, 25, 92; XXV, 436. Kei-n County (see al.so Why Not claim), XXXVIII, 325. Consolidated Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 299. Gravel Mine. Plumas County, XXIV, 299, 312, XXXIII, 127. Humboldt Mining Co. (see also LeMoigne Mine), XXII, 488; XXXIV, 443. manganese deposit, Alameda County, B 125, 97. Mine, Calaveras County (see also Red Gold Mine), RM (Calaveras), 5, 23; XII, 90; XIII, 99; XIV, 102. Kern County, XII, 143. Siskiyou County (see also Kellner, Doescher, Mahe), XII, 293; XIII, 391, 410. Tuolumne County, XVII, 485; PR 8, 39; XXIV, 24. Oil and Mining Co., B 63, 119. Transportation Co., B 63, 117. springs, Kern County, RM (Kern), 18; B 24, 50, 76, 122; XIV, 477. Wedge and Gem, Nevada County, XXXVII, 446. Bucking Camp Nos. 1 and 2 manganese de- posits. Trinity County, B 125, 197. of pipes, II, Part 1, 56. Buckingham Mine, Sierra County, XVI (Si- erra), 84; XXV, 176; XXXVIII, 52. Buckland, .T. M., cited, B 5, 5, 35, 46. Buckley, C. F., ditch, Tulare County, XIII, 562. Buckling of cement, B 79, 26. Buckman and Pritchard, Pablo Beach, Flor- ida, rutile deposit of, XXIII, 310. Springs, Mineral Water Co., XIV, 719. San Diego County, IX, 140; XI, 81; XXI. 381; XXXI, 116, 118, 123, 124, 125, 133, 135, 141; XXXV 47. Buckminster Mine, Calaveras County (see also Uptograph), XII, 99; XIII, 121; XXXII, 357. Bucks Bar Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 227, 363. Peak Mine, Fresno County, B 23, 232; B 50, 287. Ranch Mine, Trinity County, XIII, 441, 468. Buckshot tungsten prospect, Inyo County, XV, 131; XXXVIII, 321. 112 BUC-BUF California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Buckskin Mine, Lassen County, XVlll, 595; XIX, 10. Buckthorn Mine, San Diego County, XXXV, 34. Buclimo Mining Co., XV, 603; XXI, 39; XXXI, 463. Bucyrus and Risdon dredges, early operation.*?, B 57, 116. Co., B 57, 5, 40. dredge. B 36, 22, 24, 25, 27, 52. .sketch showing side elevation of electric- driven placer mining elevator dredge, B 57, facing 50. dredger of the Pacific Gold Dredging Co., working near Mammoth Bar on the Middle Fork of the American River, photo of, XV, 386. -type gold dredge buckets, photo of, B 57, 46. drawing of, B 36, 43. photo of, B 36, 22, 24, 27, 28, 53, 75, 76, 79, 83, 85, 90, 97; B 57, 179, 183, 191. Budan Spi-ings, San Luis Obispo County (see also Ontario Springs), XV, 691; XXI, 526; XXXI, 430. photo of, XV, 692. Buddie, VI, Part 2, 97. illustration, VI, Part 2, 99. Buehler and Rovve celestite deposit, San Ber- nardino County, XXXVI, 254; XXXIX, 545. Buell, Joseph W., motive power, the coming,- is compressed air destined to become the rival of electrictiy?, XIII, 721. Ranch Oil Co., B 63, 344. well, Santa Barbara County, B 19, 104. Buena Esperanza Mine, Los Angeles County, XIII, 203. Fortuna, Buena Vista and Los Gatos Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 299. Park field. Orange County, citations, B 118, 361. Piedra Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 9, 17. Ventura Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV (see map). Madera County, XII, 154; XIII, 206. Vista, Amador County, clay deposit near, B 99, 50, 58. Buena Fortuna, Los Gatos Mine, Cala- veras County, XXXII, 299. canal, Kern County, XIII, 534. claim, Fresno County (see also Hollister Group), XXV, 329. Mono County (see also Lyford), XXIII, 397. Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 128; XXXVII, 387, 446. San Bernardino County, X, 524. San Luis Obispo County, XXXI, 412. Coal Mine, Amador County, XIV, 11; XVII, 413; XXIII, 146. photo of, B 100, 18; XXIII, 146. Copper Mining Co. (see also Bull Run Mine), B 23, 186. Front, Midway-Sunset oil field, B 118, 24, 517. gold prospect, Shasta County, XXIX, 15. Group, San Bernardino County, XX, 199. Hills area, citations and index map, B 118, 521. Midway-Sunset oil field, B 118, 24, 249, 483, 517. natural gas, B 118, 33. petroleum in, B 69, 219, 231, 248. I.,ake gas area, citations, B 118, 545. methane gas, B 118, 551. Paloma oil and gas field, B 118, 551. Kern County, XIV, 471; XXIX, 224. Oil District, Kern County, natural asphalt in, XIV, 476. water well, Kern County, XI, 235, 236. Mine, Calaveras County, VIII, 146; RM (Calaveras), 5; XIII, 125, 692; XIV, 72; XVlll, 21; XXXII, 299. El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4, 14; B 18, 91; XXXIV, 227, 259. Mariposa County (see also Consolidated Gold Fields of Mariposa), RM (Mari- posa), 16; XIII, 216; XVII, 109; XXIV, 133. Placer County (see al.so Tiger, Buena Vista and Ruby), X, 426; XV, 335; XXIII, 255, 260; XXXII, 43. San Diego County, XIII, 332. San Luis Obispo County (see also Gould and Mahoney Mine), B 27, 161; B 78, 140; XXI, 533; XXXI, 442. map of, XXXI, facing 442. Santa Clara County, XIII, 601. Shasta County, XXXV, 134, 178. Tuolumne County (see also Lead, Tam O'Shanter, Toledo Consolidated), XXIV, 24, 31; B 108, 175, 177. Oil and Asphaltum District, Kern County, B 3, 41; XII, 26; XIII, 35. McKittrick oil field citations, B 118,509. Co., B 3, 41, 44, 45; XM, 28, 353; XIII, 35; B 63, 286. district, rocky formations of, B 3, 42, 43. topography of, B 3, 42. spring, Kern County, sketch of, B 16, 38. Peak, Inyo County, VIII, 228. Tiger and Ruby Mines, Placer County, XXXII, 48. Buenos Ayres, localities and production of gold. II, Part 1, 168. Buff-burning clays, test of, B 99, 277. Buffalo and American Exchange Group, Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 76; XXXVIII, 50. Bill, Florence, Dorothy, Bell, Margarita, Thelrna Mines, Mariposa County, XXIV, 130. claim. Trinity County, XXXVII, 54. Hill manganese deposit. El Dorado County, B 125, 111. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 15, 23; XIV, 115; XXXII, 329, 357. Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. Kern County, RM (Kern), 18, 19. Mariposa County (see also San Domingo), XVII, 136; XXIV, H5: XXXI, 29. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BUF-BUL 1 1 3 Sierra County (see also American Ex- change), VIII, 5S0; XXV, 174; XXXVIII, 52. Mines, Cobalt, Canada, application of alka- line solution method at, B 78, 324. What-Cheer Mines, Ltd., XXXII, 329. BufRngton Mine, Nevada County (see also Queen Lil Mine), XXVI, 128. Bugg Property, Placer County, chromite on, B 76', 220. Buhlert and Wickham Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 322. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 300. Buhr mills, fine grinding in, B 79, 133, 136. millstone, I, 38. stone, IV, 320. in Inyo County, VIII, 267. stones, product of United States, IX, 333. Buhre dry blower (see also Australian drj' blowers and jiggers), XXVIII, 118; XXX, 138. Builders Crushed Rock Products Co., XXIII, 334. Building and erection of mill, etc., B 6, 82. and monumental stones, San Luis Obispo County, XV, 722. ornamental stone in the Central Santa Monica Mountains, XXXIV, ISO. useful stone in Amador County, VIII, 104. at Long Beach, Class A structure not dam- aged by the earthquake of March 10, 1933, XXXIV, 24. blocks (see cement products), B 38, 165. construction geology, XXIX, 168. in Long Beach, showing damage done by earthquake of March 10, 1933, XXXIV, 23. materials, I, 32. in Del Norte County, X, 167; XIV, 379. Humboldt County, XIV, 391. Imperial County, XIV, 736. Los Angeles County, XV, 481. Mendocino County, X, 314; XIV, 415. Riverside County, XV, 583. San Diego County, XIV, 671. permits in California and production of structural materials, chart of, B 105, 67. stone, IV, 94; VII, 205; VIII, 885. and materials, VI, Part 1, 16; X, 906. at Seigler springs, Lake County, XIV, 223. Carmel, abrasive resistance, XXVIII, 21, 29, 32, 39. classification of, XXVIII, 16. color of, XXVI 1 1, 21, 27. 28, 29, 30, 37, 39. composition of, XXVIII, 21, 27, 29, 30, 33, 36, 37, 39. compression tests of, XXVIII, 21, 28, 29, 31. 37. 39. density, XXVIII, 21, 28, 29, 30, 33, 39. durability, XXVIII, 21, 29, 30. 31, 33, 37, 39, 41. frost and heat resistance. XXVIII, 21, 29, 30, 31, 37. geology and physical properties of, XXVIII, 14. porosity, XXVIII, 21. 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 38, 40. ratio of absorption, XXVIII, 21, 28, 29, 30, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40. specific gravity, XXVIII, 21, 28. 33, 38, 39, 40. strength, XXVIII, 21, 29, 31, 37, 39. structure, XXVIII, 21, 27, 29, 30, 33, 36, 37, 39. texture, XXVIII, 21, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33. 36, 37, 39. in Alameda County, VIII, 34. Contra Costa County, VIII, 162. Elizabeth Lake Quadrangle, XXX, 410. Los Angeles County, IX, 209. Marin County. VIII, 342. Napa County. VIII, 415. San Bernardino County, IX, 224. San Luis Obispo County, VIII, 533; XXI, 537. San Mateo County, VIII, 534; X, 588. Santa Clara County, VIII, 546; IX, 53; X, 618. Santa Cruz County, VIII, 555; X, 626. Sespe District, B 11, 26. Shasta Quadrangle, XXVII, 65. State Museum, VI, Part 1, 27. Ventura County, VIII, 676, 677, 687; X, 761. Yolo County, X, 791. law regarding use in California public buildings, B 70, 139; B 71, 147. statistics of (see also statistical bulle- tins), IX, 332. Tertiary formations of Northern Sacra- mento Valley, XXXV, 251. Buildings, foundation sites for, XXIX, 168. in Helena, Montana, showing damage caused by earthquake, 1935, XXXIV, 21, 22. office, where located, B 84, 9. Bulah and Sunnyside Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 465. Bulgarian Troubles Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 9. Bulger Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 5; VIM, 148. Mine, Tulare County (see also Pincher), XII, 297. Bulimina faunal division, B 118, PI. V. fossil sp., B 118, 180, 194, 195, 328, 388, 441. -Gyroidina rotundimargo foraminiferal divi- sion, B 118, 210, 218. prolixa zone, B 118, 587. subacuminata, foraminiferal division, B 118, 210, 213, 215, PI. V. uvigerinaformis, foraminiferal division, B 118, 210, 218, 221, 223, PI. V. zone, B 118, PI. IV, 236. zone, B 118, 307. Bulimenella brevoir, B 118, 180. Bulk sampling. XXX, 98. Bulkheads and cribs for support of roofs, B 2, 61. watertight, B 2, 61. 62. 114 BUL-BUL California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Bull Canyon area, Aliso Canyon oil field, cita- tions. B 118, 416. claim, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 68. Creek District (see also Gentry Gulch Con- solidated Mines Co. and Carrie Todd Mine), XXIV, 88. Dog, Bonanza Bug, Mammoth, Bonanza, Jumper, Sunset, Columbia, Eureka Mines, Mariposa County, XXIV, 139. claim, Mariposa County (see also Quail and Permit Mine), RM (Mariposa), 10; XIV, 578; XVII, 109; XXIV, 110; XXXI, 40, 112. I'lacer Mine, Siskiyou County, XXXI, 315. Domingo Mine, Inyo County (see also Galena Group), XXX, 311; XXXIV, 429, 469. -dozer, mining gold ore with, at King Solo- mon Mine, Siskiyou County, photo of, B 110, 131. Frog or Hardscrabble Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 262, 307. Quartz Mine, Mariposa County (see also Mexican Quartz), XXIV, 141. Mine, Plumas County, XXXIII, 127. of the Woods Mine, Plumas County, XXIV, 270, 312; XXXIII, 127. Sierra County, XI, 401; XIII, 373, 385; XXV. 175; XXXVIII, 52. Nos. 1, 2, 3, Mine. Madera County, XXXVIII, 333. Pine Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. Pup and Bull Dog Mines, Mariposa County, XIII, 216. claim. Mariposa County, XIV, 578; XVII, 109. quarry. Marin County (see also Davie Con- tracting Co.). XIV, 250; XXII, 323; B 38, 318. "quartz" vein, B 108, 129, 137. 139. 140. 144, 148. 153, 150. 161, 165, 170, 171, 182. Run and Lady Belle Group, Kern County. XX, 40; XXV, 30; XXXVI, 329. Mine, Amador County, B 23, 186; XIV, 14; XXIII, 149. Inyo County, RM (Inyo). 4. Kern County, RM (Kern), 9; VIM, 321; XII, 143; XIII, 186; XIV, 490; XX, 40; XXIX, 272. Nevada County. XXXVII, 446. North Fork and Bear River Minos, Placer County, XXIII, 271; XXXII, 87. vein, Kern County. VIII, 321. wheels, B 3, 94. Bulla tract well, B 63, 256. Bullard and Vandever Mine, Shasta County, XII. 259; XIII, 351. 370; XXII, 181; XXXV, 178. Mine, El Dorado County (see also Golden Trace Mine). RM (El Dorado), 4. 14; XIII, 143. Bullard's Bar dam, photograph of, XXIII. 46; XXXI, 365. (jold-quartz prospect. Tuba County, XV, 446. Bulldozer mill, Nevada County, VIII, 693; XIII, 269. Bulletin, American Institute of Mining Engi- neers, cited, XIV, 639. National Research Council, cited, XXVIII, 58. **Bulletin No. 1. A Description of Some Desic- cated Human Remains. **2, Methods of Mine Timbering. **3, Gas and Petroleum Yielding Formations of Central Valley of California. **4, Catalog of Californian Fossils. **5, The Cyanide Process. **6, California Gold Mill Practices. **7, Mineral Production of California by Counties for the Year 1894. ♦*-8, Mineral Production of California by Counties for the Year 1895. **9, Mine Drainage, Pumps, etc. **10, A Bibliography Relating to the Geology, Paleontology and Mineral Resources of California. **11, Oil and Gas Yielding Formations of Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. **12, Mineral Production of California by Counties for 1896. **13, Mineral Production of California by Counties for 1897. **14, Mineral Production of California by Counties for 1898. **15, Map of Oil City Fields. Fresno County. **16, The Genesis of Petroleum and Asphal- tum in California. **17. Mineral Production of California by Counties for 1899. **18, Mother Lode Region of California. **19, Oil and Gas Yielding Formations of Ca^lifornia. **20, Synopsis of General Report of State Mining Bureau. **21. Mineral Production of Cahfornia by Counties for 1900. **22, Mineral Production of California for Fourteen Years. **23, Copper Resources of California. **24. The Saline Deposits of California. **25, Mineral Production of California by Counties. 1901. ♦*26, Mineral Production of California for the Past Fifteen Years. **27, The Quicksilver Resources of Cali- fornia. **28, Mineral Production of California for 1902. **29, Mineral Production of California for Sixteen Years. **30, Bibliography Relating to the Geology. Paleontology, and Mineral Resources of California. **31, Chemical Analyses of California Petro- leum. **32, Production and Use of Petroleum in California. **33. Mineral Production of California by Counties, 1903. '•Out of print. Index of P7{blications, 1880-1943 BULLETIN 1 1 5 **34, Mineral Froduction of California for Seventeen Years. •*35. Mines and Minerals of California. **36, Gold Dredging in California. •*37, Gems, Jewelers' Material, and Orna- mental Stones of California. **3S, Structural and Industrial Materials of California. **39, Mineral Production of California by Counties, 1904. **40, INIineral Production of California for eighteen years. **41, Mines and Minerals of California for 1904. **42, Mineral Production of California by Counties, 1905. •*43. Mineral Production of California for Nineteen Years. **44, California Mines and Minerals for 1905. **45, Auriferous Black Sands of California. **46, General Index of Publications of the California State Mining Bureau. **47, Mineral Production of California by Counties, 1906. **48, Mineral Production of California for twenty years. **49 Mines and Minerals of California for 1906. 50, The Copper Resources of California. **51, Mineral Production of California by Counties, 1907. **52, Mineral Production of California for Twenty-one years. **53, Mineral Production of California for 1907 with County Maps. **54, Mineral Production of California by Counties, 1908. **55, Mineral Production of California for Twenty-two Years, 1908. »*56, Mineral Production for 1908 with County Maps and Mining Laws of Cali- fornia. **57, Gold Dredging in California. **58, Mineral Production of California by Counties, 1909. **59, Mineral Production of California for Twenty-three Years. •*60, Mineral Production for 1909, County Maps and Mining Laws of California. **61, Mineral Production of California by Counties for 1910. **62, Mineral Production of California for Twenty-four Years. •*63, Petroleum in Southern Calif irnia. **64, Mineral Production for 1911. •*65, Mineral Production for 1912. •*66, Mining Laws of the United States and California, 1914. **67, Minerals of California. **C8, Mineral Production for 1913 with County Maps and Mining Laws. **69, Petroleum Industry of California with Folio of Maps. •*70, Mineral Production for 1914 with County Maps and Mining Laws. **71, Mineral Production for 1915 with County Maps and Mining Laws. **72, Geologic Formations of California. **73, First Annual Report of the State Oil and Gas Supervisor of California for the Fiscal Year 1915-16. **74, Mineral Production of California in 1916 with County Maps. **75, United States and California Mining Laws, 1917. 76, Manganese and Chromium in Califor- nia. 77, Catalog of Publications of Cahfornia State Mining Bureau, 1880-1917. **78, Quicksilver Resources of California with a section on Metallurgy and Ore- Dressing. 79, Magnesite in California. *80, Tungsten, Molybdenum and Vanadium in California. *81, Foothill Copper Belt of California. **82, Second Annual Report of the State Oil and Gas Supervisor for the Fiscal Year 1916-17. **83, California Mineral Production for 1917 with County Maps. **R4, Third Annual Report of the State Oil and Gas Supervisor for the Fiscal Year 1917-18. **85, Platinum and Allied Metals in Cali- fornia. **86, California Mineral Production for 1918. **87, Commercial Minerals of California with notes on their uses, distribution, properties, ores, field tests, and prep- aration for market. **8S, California Mineral Production for 1919 with County Maps. **89, Petroleum Resources of California with Special Reference to Unproved Areas. **90, California Mineral Production for 1920 with County Maps. **91, Minerals of California. **92, Gold Placers of California, 1923. **93, I!:ineral Production of California for 1922. **94, Mineral Production of California for 1923. **95. Geology and Ore Deposits of the Randsburg Quadrangle. **9G, Mineral Production of California for 1924. **97, Mineral Production of California for 1925. 98, American Mining Law. 99, Clay Resources and Ceramic Industry of California. •*100, Mineral Production of California for 1926. **101, California Mineral Production for 1927. **102, California Mineral Production for 1928. •Never printed. ♦•Out of print. 116 BUL-BUL California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 **103, California Mineral ProductiDn for 1929. 104, Bibliography of the Geology and Min- eral Resources of California to the End of 1930. **105, Mineral Production in California for lOnO and Directory of Producers. **10R, Manner of I^ocating and Holding Mineral Claims in California (super- seded by 120 and 127). **107, Mineral Production in California for 1931 and Directory of Producers. IDS, Mother Lode Gold Belt of California. **109, California Mineral Production and Di- rectory of Mineral Producers for 1532. **110, Mineral Production of California for 1933 and Directory of Producers. **111, Mineral Production of California for 1934 and Directory of Producers. **112, California Mineral Production and Di- rectory of Mineral Producers for 1935. 113, Minerals of California. *»114, California Mineral Production and Di- rectory of Mineral Producers for 1936. 115, Bibliography of Geology and Mineral Resources of California, 1931 to 1936. **116, California Mineral Production and Di- rectory of Mineral Producers for 1937. **117, California Mineral Production and Di- rectory of Mineral Producers for 1938. 118. Geologic Formations and Economic Development of the Oil and Gas Fields of California, discussion of, XXXIX, 377. »*119, Mineral Production of California for 1939 and Directory of Producers. **120, Manner of Locating and Holding Min- eral Claims in California, with Forms (superseded by B 127). •*121, Mineral Production of California for 1940 and Directory of Producers. •*122, Mineral Production of California for 1941 and Directory of Producers. 123, American Mining Law. 124, Commercial Minei'als of California. 125, Manganese in California. 126, Mineral Production of California for 1942 and Directory of Producers. 127, Manner of Locating and Holding Min- eral Claims in California. San Francisco, cited, XXVIII, 192. Bullion, VI II, 828. and El Dorado Mine, Sierra County, XII, 262; XIII, 372; XXV, 175; XXXVIll, 52. assay. IV, 198. base, II, Part 1, 23. calcining process of, B 5, 36. claim, Calaveras County, XXXII, 276. Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 101. Consolidated Gold Mining Co., XVI (Ne- vada), 128, 151. Mine, Nevada County. XIII, 237, 271; XVI (Nevada), 128; XXXI, 11. dealers In. must take out licenses, XXI, 390. dolomite member, B 118, 674. niter in Utica Mine, B 5, 92. fineness at Texas Flat Mine, Madera County, XIV, 551. of, B 5, 55. fluxes, B 5, 37. Hill Mine, Calaveras County (see also Wash- ington Mine), XXI, 160. Mine, Mariposa County, XVII, 109. Mining Co., PR 8, 25; XVIII, '.(S; XIX, 17; XX, 4; XXXII, 294. Quartz Mine. Calaveras County, XXXII, 300. in Alpine County, annual production of. VIII, 37. ledge, Los Angeles County, IX, 194. left in slag, B 5, 54. melting, B 5, 37. Mine, Butte County. X, 128; XV, 212. Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 5; XIV, 72, 73; XXXII, 300. El Dorado County, XXXIV, 259. Fresno County, XI, 214. Inyo County. RM (Inyo), 4. Kern County, XII, 143; XIII, 187. Lake County (see al.so Mirabel), XII, 360; XIII, 595; B 27, 60, 61; XIV, 230; B 78, 57; XVII, 81; XXV, 354; XXXV, 387. concentration at, B 78, 57, 338. Madera County, XIII, 206. Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 4, 11; XXXVII, 380, 387, 446; XXXVIll, 341. Placer County, XIII, 275; XXIII, 255; XXXII, 30, 43. Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 101; XXXIII, 127. San Bernardino County, VIII, 499; XXVI, 270; XXVII, 343; XXXIX, 475. Sierra County (see also Colombo Mine), XII, 262: B 50, 189; XVI (Sierra), 79; XXV, 162, 175; XXXVIll, 52. (quicksilver), Lake County, section of, B 27, 61. Mountain District, Siskiyou County. XXXI, 261. No. 1 Mine. Placer County, XXXII, 30. 2 Mine, Placer County, XXXII, 30. precipitation by charcoal, B 5, 40. by lead, B 5, 38. zinc. B 5, 34. in Utica Mine, B 5, 91. production of mines in California, VI, Part 2, 63. pulverizer, B 5, 37. Range Co., Inc.. XXXIX, 443. Mine, San Bernardino County, XXXVI, 2.^3. refining by nitre, B 5, 54. by sulphuric acid, B 5, 36. table. B 36, 44. treatment of base, VIII, 818; XI, 189. Hullls, C. G., B 89, 10. Bullock tract well, B 63, 349. Bully Boy and Buckeye Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 20. Boy Group, Madera County. XXX!, 24. San Bernardino County, XIX, 171. •*Out of print. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BUL-BUN 117 Mine, Kern County (see also Atkinson), RM (Kern), 9; XXV, 30; XXIX, 272. Property, Kern County, description of, B 95, 132. Clioop District, Trinity County, XI, 51, 484. Mine, Trinity County, VIII, 640, 695; XII, 308; XIII, 441; XIV, 886; XX, 182; XXII, 29; XXIX, 15; XXXVII, 29, 75. Mountain, Shasta County, XI, 51. tlirough Horsetown, east from, map of, XI, 52. Hill and Rising- Star Mines, Shasta County, XIII, 61; XIV, 763; XX, 429; B 50, 106; XXII, 147; XXXV, 178. and Copper City districts, Shasta County, XX, 422. District, Shasta County, XXII, 141. Mine, Shasta County (see also Shasta Zinc and Copper Co.), B 23, 34, 60, 75; XI, 32; XII, 377; XIII, 61, 610; XIV, 758, 759, 763, 774, 806, 809; PR 8, 12; B 50, 78; XVII, 519; XVIII, 43. 410; XXII, 213; XXXV, 126, 174. base ores of, XIV, 763. copper oxides at, XIV, 763. cross-section of, B 50, 79. silver in, XIV, 764. smelter of, XIV, 764. zinc in, XIV, 764. oxide plant, photo of, XXXV, 175. Mines and smelter, Shasta County, photo of, B 23, 11; B 50, 13, 77, 83. chute between tunnels Nos. 2 and 3, power house and timber shed, B 23, 79; B 50, 83. (copper), photo of, B 23, 47; B 50, 55. Inc., XVII, 519. rhyolite and volcanics, B 118, 103. Shasta County, original tunnel opened in 1863, photo showing, B 23, 49; B 50, 56. smelter, Shasta County, blister copper from, photo of, B 23, 33; B 50, 40. photo of, B 23, 76, 77, 79. Bulwer and Virginia Mine, Shasta County, XIV, 780; XXII, 181; XXXV, 178. Mine, Mono County (see also Standard Mine). VIM, 387; XIII, 227; XXIII, 389. Bumble Bee Mine, Butte County, XV, 211, 213. Siskiyou County, XII, 279; XXXI, 315. Tuolumne County (see also Monday), XXIV, 45. Quartz Mine, Butte County, hoist and mill at, photo of. XV, 213. Buminella elegantissima, B 118, 178, 441. Bumper Group, San Bernardino County, XV, 785; XXVI, 206; XXVII, 266. Bumping tables, B 78, 335. Bumpus Canyon, Pete Justus Canyon. Placer County, XXXII, 87. Hell, Shasta County, XXIX, 219. hot springs, Shasta County, XIV, 747; XXII, 199; XXXV, 167. Bumstead or Twin Oaks Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 291. Bumsted Mining Co., XXXII, 384. Bunce Property, Mariposa County (see also Big Dick), XXXI, 46. Bund Copper Mine, Calaveras County, XIV, 56. Bundock, C. E., clay deposit, Sacramento County, B 99, 185. Stoneware Works, B 38, 225; PR 7, 91. Bundy Hot Springs, Riverside County, XV, 580, 581. analysis of water from, XV, 581. Bunker and Nihill Mine, Placer County, XV, 335; XXIII, 255; XXXII, 43. chroraite property, Placer County, XXIII, 238. Hill and Hirkimer Group, Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 42, barrel used in chlorination, end view, VIII, 60. front view, VIII, 61. claim, Mariposa County, RM (Mariposa), 10; XIV, 578; XVII, 109; XXIV, 82. Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 35. Consolidated Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 446. copper prospect, El Dorado County, B 50, 219; XXII, 408; XXXIV, 213. cost of working sulphurets at Amador Gold Mine, VIII, 89. elevation of, XVI (Plumas), 22. mill, Amador County, VIII, 692; PR 8, 24. Mine, Amador County, RM (Amador), 8, 12; VI, Part 2, 22; VIII, 57, 692; X, 41, 75, 114; B 18, 80; XIII, 77; XIV, 4, 20. 22; XVII, 408; XVIII, 298; XIX, 15; XX, 2; PR 8, 24; XXIII, 157, 187; XXVIII, 297; B 108, 56, 72, 117. concentration treatment at, XIV, 22. costs at, B 108, 74. 40-stamp mill at, photo of, XIV, 22. history and production of, B 108, 72. method of chlorination at, VIII, 60. mine workings and geology of, B 108, 72. mining and milling at, B 108, 74. ore and concentrates of, B 108, 73. photo of, B 18, 72; B 100, 47; XXIII, 150. slime and cyanide plant at, XIV, 22. steel headframe, also showing ma- chine shops and hoist, photo of, XIV, 21. table of average yield of gold, II, Part 1, 175. Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 20. Inyo County, XVII, 283; XXII, 479; XXXIV, 426, 429, 469. Nevada County, XXXVII, 446. Plumas County, XVI (Plumas). 68; XXIV, 312; XXX, 304; XXXIII, 103, 127. San Bernardino County, VIII, 499. Shasta County, XIV, 781; XXII, 181. Sierra County (see also Blue Channel and Lost River), XIII, 373; XVI (Si- erra), 34, 45; XXV, 201; XXXI, 3; XXXVIII, 52. 118 BUN-BUR California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Siskiyou County, VIII, 602; XII, 279; XIII, 391. Trinity County, XIII, 441. Ventura County, XII, 314; XIII, 497; XV, 759. Mining Co., XII, 263; XXXIV, 429. quartz prospect. Sierra County, XVI (Si- erra), 35. Hot Springs, Shasta County, XXXV, 178. property. Placer County, chromite on, B 76, 159. Bunko Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. Bunnell Group, Si.skiyou County, B 23, 107; B 50, 126. Buntsandstein, B 118, 103. Buona Speranza Mine, Tuolumne County, XXIV, 24. Burch, Albert, B 76, 227, 228; XVIII, 25, 377. cited, B 76, 102, 114; XVIII, 25, 227, 377; B 108, 107; XXXVI, 205. and Woody manganese prospect, XVI, (Plu- mas), 179; B 76, 53, 94; XXXIII, 127; B 125, map in pocket, 151. ditch, Tulare County, XIII, 562. Gold Concentrator, XXV, 98; XXVIII, 121. Burcham Group, San Bernardino County (see Total Wreck Mine), XXVI, 285; XXVII, 358; XXXVI, 59, 242, 302; XXXIX, 475. Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 9. San Bernardino County, sketch of under- ground workings of, XXXVI, 60. No. 1 and No. 2 Mines, Kern County, RM (Kern), 9; XIII, 194; XXIX, 272. -Waterloo mining area, Calico Mountains, XXXVI, 302. Burchard, Horatio C, cited, IV, 27; XXXIV, 509. E. F., cited, B 86, 120. Burchfield, B. M., cited, B 99, 13; XXXI, 53. Burckhalter, Chas., cited, XXXIII, 28. coal prospect, Shasta County, XXII, 137. Burden of proof, XI, 567, 568; B 98, 293; B 123, Sees. 70, 71, 338, 388, 389, 427, 465, 496, 559, 567, 635, 659, 682, 804, 806. Burdette and Herbert Ranch water well, Kern County, XI, 234. Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 9; XIII, 187. 193. Burdick, Chas. A., B 76, 98. Minerals Corp., XXIII, 298, 310; XXXIII, 197. Bureau of Fisheries, document cited, XXVIII, 47. of Mines, assay method, B 78, 278. State Mining, B 23, 263; B 50, 347. Act, XII, 529. fund of, XIII, 20. needs of, VI, Part 2, 10. object of, VI, Part 2, 11. U. S. of Mines, cited, B 73, 220, 228; XVI (Plumas), 54. Burgens Ranch magnesite deposit, Sonoma County, B 79, 91; XXII, 337. Burger Mine, Trinity County, XIV, 003; XXII, 50; XXXVII, 75. R. W., cited, XXXIII, 18. Burgess and Cummings lease, Mono County, XVIII, 416. Group et al. Mine, and Union Cordova, Cala- veras County, XXXII, 321. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 5, 23; X, 63; XXXII, 292. Inyo County (see also Iron Sides), XV, 75; XXXIV, 388. vein, Standard Mine, Mono County, VIII, 388. W. H., discovery of ulexite by, 111, Part 2, 45. Burgett manganese deposit, Colusa County, B 125, 109. Burgstrasser Mine, Butte County (see also Kickapoo Mine), XIII, 83; XV, 199. Burhardt tract well, B 63, 234. Burial shrouds, B 1, 15. Buried channel, XXXI, 166. -river channel deposits, traced by geomag- netic methods, XXIX, 244. trees, Forest Hill Divide, X, 441. Burk Mine, Siskiyou County, XIII, 391. Burke Mine, Sacramento County, XII, 226. Burkeite, XXXIV, 293, 296; B 113, 177. Burleson Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 15. Burks Oil Co., RM (Kern), 21. Burlin and Temple quarry, Placer County, XIII, 621. Burlington claim. Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 68; XXV, 201; XXXVlll, 52. gold prospect, Butte County, (see Burling- ton Group). Group, Butte County, XV, 213; XXIV, 180; XXVI, 371. Mine, Amador County, XXIII, 187; B 108, 117. Burmeister manganese lease, Merced County, B 76', 49. San Benito County, B 76, GO, Gl. Burna Creek Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 130. Burnap Mines, San Bernardino County, XII, 231; XIII, 320. Burner, air-injecting, B 32, 77. -operated, B 32, 7S. American crude, B 32, 77. Chamber mixing, B 32, 77. combination, B 32, 78. F. M. Reed, B 32, 78. for natural gas, B 3, 73. Grundell-Tucker, B 32, 78. Hammel, B 32, 75. inside mixing, B 32, 76. Mine, Placer County, XV, 335; XXIII, 255; XXXII, 43. Trinity County, XXII, 22; XXVII, 30. oil, B 32, 71. City Boiler Works, B 32, 75. pipe, B 32, 73. Reduction Works, XIII, 69, SI. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BUR-BUR 119 Selby, B 32, 154. Union Drop Forge, B 32, 7G. W. N., Best. B 32, 7G. Williams, B 32, 77. Burners, and furnaces used on steamer Pied- mont plying between San Francisco and Oakland, details of construction of burner, illustration, VII, 28. longitudinal section, illustration, VII, 26. vertical elevation of the fronts, illustra- tion, VII, 27. crude oil, in brick kiln, XIV, 434. Burnett chrome deposit. El Dorado County, B 76, 112, 137, 217; XXII, 405. Ranch magnesite deposit, Santa Clara County, XVII, 187; B 79, 78; XXVI, 13. Burnettizing Plant, portable, illustration of, XIII, 651. process for preservation of structural timber, XIII, 650. Burney Creek Spring, Shasta County, XXXV, 168. Mine, Madera County, XII, 154; XII I, 206. Burnham Chemical Co., XXVI, 318; XXVI 1, 394. chromite claim, Calaveras County, XXXII, 233. Consolidated Mine, Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 135; XXV, 201; XXXVIII, 52. Ranch chromite deposit, Calaveras County, B 76, 121, 216. Burning clay (see also firing), B 99, 17. effect of on magnesite, B 79, 15. magnesite, furnaces used in, B 79, 22. methods of, B 79, 22. Moscow Mine, Kern County, XXIX, 272, 295; XXXIV, 12. oil tank at Port San Luis, B 69, 420. Burnite Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 139. Burnon Mine, Inyo County, XII, 24. Burns and Coffey quarry, Placer County, XII, 384; XIII, 621. Stockman's limestone deposit, San Ber- nardino County, XV, 876; B 38, 77. Francis, at El Capitan Mine, B 2, 28. manganese deposit, Humboldt County, B 125, 115. Mine, Placer County, XMI, 276; XV, 354; XXIII, 271; XXXII, 53. Siskiyou County (see also Joubert Placer Mines), VIII, 617; XII, 279; XIII, 391; XIV, 858; XIX, 10; XXI, 474. Property, Sacramento County, XXI, 22. quartz prospect, Yuba County, XIII, 499; XV, 446. quarry. Placer County, XIII, 621. Ranch, Siskiyou County, asbestos on, XXI, 421; XXXI, 264. chromite on, B 76, 190, 222; XXXI, 269. springs, Sonoma County, XII, 347; XIV, 336; XXII, 340. well, Los Angeles County, B 11, 11. "Wm., Mine, Siskiyou County, XIV, 858. Burnslde Tungsten Group, Alpine County, XXXVIII, 311. Burnt shale, B 16, 27. areas, B 89, 22. Buro Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 130. P,urr Bros. Magnesite Mine, Tulare County, B 79, 107; XV, 926. showing an exposure of vertical magnesite veins, photo of, XV, 925. Burrel Point, geology of, B 69, 364. region, Orange County, citations, B 118, 364. Burrell's, E., wells, Santa Clara County, XIII, 554. Mrs., well, Fresno County, XIII, 531. Burris and Hibbert Mine, Yuba County, XII, 320; XV, 449. Group, Madera County, XXX, 77. lead claims, Madera County, XXIV, 340. Burro Asbestos Mine, Monterey County, XXI, 28. dead. Death Valley, photo of, B 24, 79. Mine, Inyo County (see also Protection Group), XVII, 281; XXII, 472; XXX, 311; XXXIV, 469. New Discovery and Gem Mines, Inyo County, XXVIII, 364; XXXIV, 388, 469. ti-ain at Wildrose Canon Antimony Mine, photo of, XV, 61. Burros area, Santa Paula oil field, citations, B 118, 394. Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV, 469. Mines, Monterey County (see also Los Burros), XI, 259. relative position, illustration of, XI, 260. Burroughs and Raker quarry, Lassen County, XXV, 9; XXXII, 443. photo of, XXV, 8. rhyolitic tuff from, photo of, XXXII, 444. district, San Bernardino County, X, 527. Silica Mine, San Diego County (see also Risley Mine), XXI, 375; XXVII, 446; XXXV, 51. Burrows and Peak Mine, Del Norte County, XIII, 127. and Son oil wells, Ventura County, photo of, B 32, 49. area, Santa Paula oil field, citations, B 118, 394. C. A., and Son, well, B 63, 51. chromite prospect, Glenn County, B 76, 219. oil well, Humboldt County, XIV, 411. Burson (see Helisma), B 99, 69. tract wells, B 63, 126. Burt Alley claim. El Dorado County, XII, 105; XIII, 136; XXXIV, 270. Bros. Ranch, Kings County, natural gas on, XVIII, 537; XXVI, 415. Mine, Placer County, XV, 338; XXXI!, 43. Ranch water well, Tehama County, XI, 475. Burton-Brite-Blank Property, Kern County, XXXI, 467, 469, 471. Bros., Inc., XXXIV, 10, 416; XXXVI, 11, 25, 37. cyanide mill, Troplco Mining and Milling Co., Rosamond, Kern County, photo of. XXXI, 483. 120 BUR-BUT California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 limestone deposit, Siskiyou County, XIV, 865; XXXI, 332. Mesa, B 118, 427. Mine, Siskiyou County. XXI, 431; XXXI, 315. Mound, sulpliur spring, Santa Barbara County. XIII, 517; XV, 741; XXI, 553. R. and J., Kesterman Placer, Fresno County, XIV, 441. Ranch chromite deposits, Sisltiyou County, XXXIX, 82. tract well, Santa Barbara County, B 63, 34G. Burts' well, San Bernardino County, B 24, 78. Busch and Bevins Manganese Mine, Mendo- cino County, B 76, 40, 93; XXV, 463; B 125, map in pocket, 80, 133. photo of, B 76, 40, 41. manganese deposits, Mendocino County, B 125, 135. Mine, Mariposa County, XIV, 578; XVII, 109. Buschow Lumber Co., XXXI, 275. Bush Hoff and Lombard well, Santa Barbara County, B 63, 345. R. D., B 73, 212; B 82, 121, 231, 239, 323; B 84, 79, 543; XX, 51, 99, 201, 375; XXI, 72, 246, 383, 563; XXII, 95, 286, 366; XXIII, 40, 214, 346, 407; XXIV, 53, 154, 217, 346; XXV, 82, 260, 366, 527; XXVI, 40, 145, 326. 483; XXVII, 78, 220, 404, 541; XXVIII, SO, 110, 377; XXIX, 237, 341; XXX, 89, 118, 427; XXXI, 88, 211, 340, 522; XXXII, 109, 367, 475; XXXIII, 51, 147. cited, B 84, 76; XXII, 91, 240; XXXIX, 50; B 94, 19; B 96, 21; B 97, 21; B 100, 23; B 102, 27; B 103, 23; B 105, 21; B 107, 24; B 109, 21; B 110, 22; B 111, 21. Bushey Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. Bushman and Orr claim, Plumas County (see also St. Nicolas Mine), XI, 328; XII, 214; XIII, 288; XVI (Plumas), 68, 163; XXIV, 312. Gulch, Plumas County, B 92, 112. Mine, Plumas County, XXXIII, 127. Bushman's crusher and amalgamator, XI, 328. Bushnell Mine, Monterey County, XXI, 39; XXXI, 463. Bushness Mine, Butte County, XV, 199. Monterey County, XV, 604. Bustamite, B 125, 325. Buster Brown claim, San Diego County, XIV, 697. Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV, 388, 469. claim, Siskiyou County, XXXI, 283. Group, Inyo County, XXXIV, 470. Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 102; XXXII, 127. Busy Bee, Billy Boy, Bear Paw, Buckeye, Gray Fox, Gun Barrel, Pinto Ledge, Silver King, Lost Dutchman, Top Grade, Lone Pine and Tanny May Mine-s, Tulare County, XXXVIII, 357. Butala gravel pit, Napa County (see also Thornsen gravel pit), XXV, 241. Butano sandstone formation, B 118, PI. Ill, 674. Butcher Hill chromite deposits, Siskiyou County, B 76, 190, 222. L. H., and Co., B 76, 98, 170, 171, 221. Mine, Stanislaus Co., B 79, 16. Ranch district. Placer County, XV, 316. Group, Sierra County. XIII, 373; XVI (Si- erra), 80; XXV, 160, 175; XXXVIII, 52. Siskiyou County, chromite deposit, XXXI, 269. Butler, B. S., cited, B 86, 15, 129. E. L., Ranch, Sacramento County, XXI, 15. G. M., cited, XXIX, 130, 134; XXXIII, 61. Mine, Del Norte County, XIII, 127. Butt Valley, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 1. Butte and Iron Lily Mines, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 102; XXXIII, 127. Bar Mine, Plumas County (see also jNIoun- tain King), XI, 326; XIII, 302; XVI (Plumas), 102; XXIV, 312; XXXIII, 127. Basin Gravel Mine, Amador County. VIII, 94. Belle Mine, Butte County, XII, 81; XV, 199. claim, San Diego County, XXXV, 54. Copper Group, Inyo County, XXXIV (see map). County, X, 124; XI, 150; B 6, G7; B 57, 10, 106; XV, 181; XVII, 415; XXIV, 173; B 99, 64; XXVI, 360. activities in, XVIII, 258. arrastras, patent mills, dry-washers, etc., in, XIII, 95. asbestos in, B 38, 261, 360; XV, 185. assessed value of, VIII, 24. barytes in, B 38, 264; B 64, 13. bibliography of coal resources of, XVtII, 155. on, XV, 225. brick clays in, B 38, 242, 374. brick in, RM (Butte), 12; XV, 184. Chico area, citations, B 118, 609. chrome in, B 38, 267, 362; XV, 184; B 76, 118, 216; XXIV, 175; XXVI, 364; XXXIX, 71. citations, B 118, 585. clay, briclvs, pottery, etc., XIII, 614. in, B 38, 211, 361; XV, 181; PR 7, 43; XXIV, 175; XXVI, 364. resources of, B 99, 64. undeveloped deposits, B 99, 66. coal in, RM (Butte), 12. copper and zinc in, XXXIX, 312. in, XV, 184; XXIV, 176; XXVI, 367. crushed rock in, XV, 186. description of, XV, 181. diamonds in, XV, 184, 187. dredge, RM (Butte), 11; B 57, 119. dredges operating in, table of, B 57, 113. Eastern, B 89, 48. farms, B 99, 67. fuels in, XXIV, 170; XXVI, 367. fuller's earth, B 38, 274. gas in, B 3, 8. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BUTTE 121 gems in, XXIV, 177; XXVI, 367. geography of, XXIV, 173; XXVI, 360. geology of, XV, 182; B 72, 31. 34. gold in, XII, 80; XIII, 82; XV, 184, 187; XXIV, 177. dredging, XV, 187; XXVI, 407. drift mines. XV, 198. hydraulic mines, XV, 209. placer mines in (surficial), XV, 210; XXIV, 191. quartz mines, XV, 211; XXIV, 177; XXVI, 36S. mining in, XXXI, 4. granite in, B 38, 26. gravels formation, B 118, 100, 674. Marysville Buttes gas field, B 118, 611. gypsum in. B 38, 283; B 64, 24. iron in, RM (Butte), 12; B 38, 297, 364; XXIV, 207. ore in, XVIII, llO; XXVI, 407. lead in, XV, 184. lignite in, XVII, 417. lime and limestone in, RM (Butte), 12; XI, 157; B 38, 65, 366, 376; XV, 184; XVIII, 751. limestone and marble In, XXI V, 207; XXVI, 407. list of productive manganese properties, B 125, inap in pocket, macadam in, XV, 184. manganese in, XV, 224; B 76, 18, 30, 92; XXIV, 208; XXVI, 408; B 125, 75, 93, 104. production statistics, B 125, 68, 75. map showing location of dredging land, B 57, facing 106. marble in, RM (Butte), 12; B 38, 98, 366. mica in. B 38, 337. mills in, XIII, 95. mineral paint in, B 38, 338. 377; XV, 184; XXIV, 208; XXVI, 152, 408. production of (see also annual statistical bulletins), XV, 183; XVIII, 562; XXIV, 174; XXVI, 362. products of, B 20, 11. resources of, XXIV, 174; XXVI, 360. springs in, XIII, 508; XV, 224; XXIV, 208. mines in, VI, Part 2, 24; VIII, 116; IX, 27, 28, 273; X, 125; XI, 150, 165. mining and irrigating canals, artesian wells, etc., XIII, 526. natural gas in (see fuels), XXIV, 177; XXVI, 367. ochre in. RM (Butte), 12. oil in. RM (^utte), 12. possibilities. B 69, 440. operations in. B 32, 19. Pine and Hardwood Co., XV, 424. placer mines in, XVII, 415; XXVI, 383. mining areas in, XXX, 243. platinum group metals in, B 38, 346, 347, 348, 369; XIV, 923; XV, 184; XXIV, 208; XXVI, 408. Portland cement in, B 38, 178. power in, XV, 181; XXIV, 174. quartz crystals in, B 38, 370. mines in, XXVI, 368. saline deposits, B 24, 70. silver and lead in, XXIV, 209; XXVI, 409. in, XV, 184. soapstone in, RM (Butte), 12; B 38, 350, 378. stage, B 118, 185, 674. stone industry in, XV, 1S4, 186; XXIV, 209; XXVI, 409. table of chromite properties in, XXIV, 175; XXVI, 364. of mineral production of (see also an- nual statistical bulletins), XVIII, 638; XXIV, 174; XXVI, 362. showing production of gold, hydraulic, placer, drift and river mines. II, Part 1, 188. tabular history of gold dredging in, XV, 188. 190, 192. talc and soapstone in, XXIV, 210; XXVI, 411. timber in, XXIV, 174. transportation in, XV, 182. tuff in, B 38, 154. valley lands, XI, 165. water in. XV, 184. power and timber in. XXIV, 174; XXVI, 360. western, B 89, 49. Creek Consolidated Dredging Co.. B 57, 159, 162; XV, 192, 194. dredge, photo of. B 57, 160. 161, 162. cost of dredging on, B 85, 39. District, B 57, 159. dredge, B 57, 160. on, B 85, 38. Mine, Butte County, XII, 81; XIII, 83; XV, 214. Dredge of Butte Dredging Co., Calaveras County, showing tailings stacker of Robins belt conveyor type, photo of. XIV, 126. Dredging Co.. B 36, 78; XIV, 123, 125, 126; B 85, 19, 33. Furnace Range Co., B 50, 323. Gold Dredging Co.. XV, 190. Mining Co., XV, 213. Group, Inyo County. XV, 71; XXII, 463. King and Butte Queen Consolidated Mine, Butte County, X, 145; XII, 81; XIII, 83. Mine, Butte County, XV, 199. Lake, B 24, 17; XXIX, 216. Lode Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 9; XIII, 187. Mining Co., XXXVI, 29. Meadows, manganese deposits near, B 125, 104. Mine. Amador County, B 18, 45. Kern County, RM (Kern), 9; XIII, 187; B 95, 132. descriptions of. B 95, 132. Mariposa County. RM (Mariposa), 10. Mining Co. (see also Black Diamond Drift Mine and Big Butte Mine), XXVI, 386; XXIX, 291; XXXII, 259. 122 BUT-BUY California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 No. 1 dredge, photo of, B 57, 120. 2 claim, San Diego County. XXXV, 54. Pine and Hardwood Lumber Co., B 76, 119. Quartz Mine, Kern County, XXIX, 272. Queen Mine, Butte County, XV, 199. Saddle Mine, Sierra County, XXXVIII, 32. Star Mine, Butte County, RM (Butte), 10; X, 144; XV, 200. Table Mountain, Cherokee, section through Waldeyer Incline under, XI, 156. Valley, Plumas County, elevation of town of. XVI (Plumas), 1. Mining District, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 1. bibliography of, XVI (Plumas), 2. geology of, XVI (Plumas), 2. history of mining in, XVI (Plumas), 1. mineral deposits of, XVI (Plumas), 3. topography of, XVI (Pluma.?), 1. "Wedge Mine. Kern County. RM (Kern), 9; XIII, 188; XXIX, 272. Butter Cup Consolidated Mine, Tuolumne County (see also Roosevelt), XXIV, 45. Butterfield and Paddock Mine, Plumas County, XXIV, 285. 312; XXXIII, 127. Butterfly and Big Blue Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 446. Group, Imperial County, XXII, 255; XXXVIII, 115. Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 103; XXXIII, 104, 127. Mine, Butte County (see also Morris Ra- vine), XV, 204; XVIII, 258. Madera County, XII, 155; XIII, 206; XIV, 540; XVIII, 303. San Diego County, XIV, 699. Mining Co.. XII, 214; XIII, 288. District, Plumas County, XI, 329. Buttermilk lease, Inyo County, XXXVIII, 319. Butters Electrolytic Zinc Syndicate, PR 6, 29; XVII, 65. Group (see also Mammoth Copper Mining Co.), XX, 434; XXII, 150. Buttes Mine, Placer County. VIII, 461, 694; XIII, 276. or Butts Mine, Placer County (see also Hathaway Mine), XXXII, 26. Saddle Mine, Sierra County (see al.so Cali- fornia Buttes Gold Mining Co.). X, 653; XI, 416; XIII, 373; XXV, 160. 175. Button beds member, B 118, 116, PI. IV, 674. San Joaquin' Valley west side. B 118, 248. Willow district. B 89, 178. Buttonwillow gas field, B 118, 35. 248, 483, 543. 551. Arlington zone, sand, B 118, 544. citations, B 118, 545. Etchegoln formation, B 118, 543. First Mya Zone, B 118, 543, 545. index map, B 118. 545. Kern zones, B 118, 544. methane gas, B 118, 545. 551. Mya zone, B 118, 543, 545. Mulinla beds, B 118, 543. North Buttonwillow dome, B 118, 543. San Joaquin clays, B 118, 543. Tulare formation, B 118, 543. Butt.s [Extension claim, Placer County, XXX II, 26. Mine, Placer County, XV, 335, 341; XXXII, 29, 43. San Benito County, B 27, 133; XV, 653; B 78, 101; XXII, 241; XXXV, 418; XXXIX, 264. Ranch shale member, San Benito Quad- rangle. XXXIX, 203. syncline, San Benito Quadrangle, XXXIX, 256. Butza Mine, Siskiyou County. XIII, 391. Buwalda, J. P., cited, XXVIII, 335; XXIX, 225; XXXIII, 18. photo by. XXVIII, 352. Buyer.s of aluminum, B 124, 4a. antimony, PR 5, 12; B 124, 12. arsenic, B 124, 14. asbestos. B 124, 19. barium, B 124, 23. bentonite, B 124, 26. beryl & beryllium, B 124, 31a. bi.smuth, B 124, 33. black sand concentrates, XXVIII, 203. borates, B 124, 35. cadmium, B 124, 38. carbon dioxide, B 124, 177. chromium, PR 3, 37; B 124, 42. clays, B 124, 190. cobalt. B 124, 45a. copper, B 124, 49. diatomite, B 124, 51. feldspar, B 124, 60. fluorspar. B 124, 63a. gold, XXVI II, 200; B 124, 67. graphite. PR 5, 16. gypsum, B 124, 70. iodine, B 124, 73. iron, B 124, 79. lead, B 124, 82a. limestone. B 124, 85a. magnesium, B 124, 93. manganese, PR 3, 13; B 124, 98. mica, XXXIV, 184; B 124, 102. molybdenum, PR 4, 23; B 124, 106. letters from, PR 4, 24. nickel, B 1\24, 110a. nitrates, B 124, 113. phosphates, B 124, 115. platinum, XXVIII, 202; B 124, 121b. potash, PR 5, 23. pyrite, B 124, 125a. quartz, B 124, 130. quicksilver, B 124, 134. sillimanite group of metals, B 124, 9a. silver, B 124. 138. strontium. PR 5, 34; B 124^ 141. sulphur. B 124, 125a. talc, B 124, 143. tin, B 124, 150. titanium, B 124, 12r>:x. tungsten, PR 4. 15; B 124, 156a. letters from. PR 4, 16. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 BUY-CAD 123 vanadium, PR 4, 27; B 124, 159. zirconium, B 124, 162. U. S. Geological Survey list, PR 3, 20. Buzzard Hill Mine, Inc., XXI, 434, 446; XXXI, 259, 276, 288, 316. Mine, Butte County (see also Edna M Mine), XII, 82; XIII, 85; XV, 215. El Dorado County, XVIil, 209; B 76, 132, 217. Mariposa County (see also New Discov- ery), XXIV, 135. Placer County, XXXIX, 318. Siskiyou County, XXI, 428; XXXI, 292. Roost Mine, Tuolumne County, XI, 506; XIII, 475; XIV, 141; XXIV, 24. Bj'ers Mine. Plumas County, XIII, 297. Bynum Spring, Lake County, RM (Lake), 6; XIV, 216; XVII, 79; XXV, 346. Byran Mine, Mariposa County (see also Silver Mine), XVII, 138. Byrds Flat Mine, Placer County (see also Iowa Hill), XXIII, 274. Byrne and O'Donnell manganese deposit, Santa Barbara County, B 125, 173. Bros., granite, Placer County, B 38, 376. Mine, Placer County (see also Irish), XXIII, 274. Byrnes stone quarry, San Mateo County, XVII, 177; XXV, 256. Byron, Contra Costa County, foraminifera of, XXVII, 203. Springs, Contra Costa County, VI, Part 1, 59; VIII, 163; XI, 193; XII, 331; XIII, 510; XVII, 56; XXIII, 17. analyses of water from, XXIII, 18. gas wells at, B 3, 19. natural gas, VIII, 161. Bythenia Springs, Santa Barbara County, XV, 741; XXI, 553. Bytownite, B 67, 107; B 91, 152. C. and C. Consolidated Mine, Riverside County, XIII, 310; XV, 532. C. and H. Mining & Milling Co., XXXVII, 575. C. and R. Mining Co., XXXIX, 330. C. B. and Q. Mine, Siskiyou County, XIII, 393; XXXI, 316. C. B. C. Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 447. C. C. C. Oil Co., XIII, 571. C. H. and P. A Group, San Bernardino County, XXVII, 325. C. S. I. Co.'s Mine (bituminous sandstone), Santa Cruz, sketch of, B 16, 48. C. S. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 302. C. Sargent Mining Co., Siskiyou Co., VIII, 626. 'C Type or 'Monterey Stone," Carmel, XXVIII, 27, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40. Cabalan claim, Plumas County (or Cahalan), (see also Prospect claim), X, 472; XIII, 289; XVI (Plumas), 159. Cabezon fangTomerate, B 118, 674. Cabin Flat Mine, Nevada County, RM (Ne- vada), 4; XVI (Nevada), 130; XXXVII, 446. Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 130. Cabinet Mine, Mariposa County, RM (Mari- posa), 10; XIII, 216. specimens, Tulare County, X, 731. Cable and rotary drilling, B 84, 112. Claim, Los Angeles County, IX, 198. San Diego County, X, 543. electric, supported on barrel pontoons, photo of, B 57, 68, 69. formation, B 118, 674. Gem Mine, San Diego County, XIV, 702. Group, San Diego County, XIII, 332; XIV, 654, 656. lake beds, B 118, 674. Mine, San Diego County, estimated produc- tion of, XXX, 352. used in drilling, B 69, 153. Cabochon cutting, XXXIV, 77. Cabode Mine, Trinity County, XIX, 58. Cabrillo, Juan Rodriguez, XIV, 637. Cache Creek region, B 118, 604. Sites formation, B 118, 606. Tolo County, XII, 316. formation, B 118, 201, 674. lake beds, B 72, 37; B 118, 201, 674. Rock, Placer County, B 57, 11. Slough, XXIX, 223. Cacholong, B 67, 68; B 91, 90. Cachuma District, Santa Barbara County, geo- logic features of, XXXV, 370. Mine, Santa Barbara County (see Red Rock Mine), XXXV, 450. Cactus Central Manganese Mine, San Bernar- dino County, XXXIX, 494. desert, photo of, B 24, 77. Flat Mine, San Bernardino County (see also Morongo Mine), XXXIX, 476. granite, B 118, 674. Newberry and Ord Mountains, XXXVI, 273. Mines, Inc., XXXIV, 11; XXXVI, 10, 29. Queen Mine, Kern County, XXXI, 471; XXXIV, 11; XXXVI, 29. Middle Buttes, Kern County, photo of headframe of, XXXI, 472. Cacy Mine, Trinity County (see also Casey), XIV, 903; XXII, 50; XXXVII, 75. Cadastral Engineer, B 98, 149; B 123, Sec. 223. certificates of, B 98, 165. jurisdiction of, B 98, 165. Cader Idra Mine, Mariposa County, RM (Mari- posa), 10. Cadillac claim, Kern County, XXXVII, 300; XXXVIII, 325. Eight Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 300. Cadiz Dry Lake salt deposits, San Bernardino County, XXVI, 320; XXVII, 396; XXXIX, 538. formation, Anoria lodensis, B 118, 166. formation, B 118, 99, 100, 674. (Middle Cambrian) in the Nopah and Resting Springs Mountains, XXXIII, 300. marble deposit, San Bernardino County, B 38, 102. 124 CAO-CAL California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Cadmium, B 124, 37. in Shasta County. XXII, J30; XXXV, 115. production statistics for (see also annual statistical bulletins), XVIII, 241. properties, occurrence, preparation, uses, tests, markets, possible buyers, and bibliography, B 124, 37. statistics, Inyo County, XIX, 114. Cadmus Mine, Nevada County (see also Cham- pion Group), (also Home Mine), RM (Nevada), 4, 10; XIII, 237; XVI (Nevada). 135; XXXVII, 446. Cadulus gabbi, B 118, 595. Cady, Bowen and, B 125, 162. Cady, C. C, asbestos prospect, Siskiyou County, XXI, 421; XXXI, 264. Caen Quarry, San Luis Obispo County, B 38, 159; XV, 722; XXI, 537; XXXI, 459. Caetani, Gelasio, cited, B 108, 197. Cahalan claim, Plumas County (or Cabalan), X, 472; XIII, 289; XVI (Plumas), 159; XXXIII, 127. Cahil sandstone, B 118, 674. Cahuenga Mine, Los Angeles County, XIII, 203; XV, 477. Cain Cyanide Plant, Mono County, XIII, 227; XVII, 151. Wm., cited, XXXII, 471. Cain's Mine, Butte County, XIII, 83; XV, 214. Caire, Justinian, B 125, 20. development of Ladd Mine by, B 76, 64. Cairngorm as a gem mineral, XXXIV, 46. stone, B 37, 64; B 67, 64; B 91, 84; B 113, 93. Caisson Dredge, B 36', 99, 101. of Huron Submarine Mining and Construc- tion Co., photo of, B 36, 101. Consolidated Mining and Dredging Co., photo of, B 36, 107. Caissons where used, B 2, 30. Cajalco Mines, Riverside County (see also Temescal), XV, 547; XXXI, 515. quartz monzonite, XXXI, 502; B 118, 674. Cajon limestone deposit, San Bernardino County, XXVII, 383; B 38, 227; XXXIX, 517. Mountain clay deposits. San Diego County. XIV, 687. Valley, San Diego County, VII, 519. Calabasas Oil Co.. B 63, 327. region, Los Angeles County, citations, B 118, 424. Caladonia Mine, San Bernardino County, XVII, 348. Calamine, B 67, 133; B 87, 102; B 91, 190; B 113, 285. Calarivada Mine, San Bernardino County, XX, 93; XXVI, 207; XXVII, 266. Calavada Mining Co., Inyo County, XXII, 495. Superior Oil Co., XXV, 294. Calavara Rock Co., XXXV, 50. Quarry, San Diego County, XXXV, 50. Calaveras Blue Gravel Mine, Calaveras County, VIII, 148. Cement Co., XXI, 165; XXXII, 227. plant near San Andreas, Calaveras County, photo of, B 112, 58; XXXII, 233. Central Gold Mining Co., Ltd., XXXII, 329, 351. Mine, Calaveras County. XXXII, 300, 329. photo of headframe at, XXXII, 330. Mining Corp., XXXII, 329. claim, Calaveras County, B 108, 135. -Columbus Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 246. Consolidated Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 5; XI, 169; XII, 91; XIII, 99; XIV, 73; XX, 5; B 108, 135; XXXII, 300. Cooperative Co., XIV, 81. Copper Co., RM (Calaveras), 27; XIV, 56, 62; XVIII, 98; XIX, 18; XX, 4, 76; XXI, 143; B 74, 29. flow sheet of, XX, 79, 80. use of chromite by, as a furnace liner, B 76, 121. County. II, Part 1, 8; Part 2, 188; VIII, 121; X, 147; XI, 167; B 6, 67; B 18, 100; B 57, 7, 205; XIV, 54; XVII, 419; B 89, 48; XX, 4, 76, 178; XXI, 135; B 99, 67; B 108, 125. activities in, XVIII, 7. 15, 97; XIX, 16, 143. alunite in, XXXIX, 565. ancient channel system of, XII, 482. gravel channels of, XIV, 114. anglesite in, XXXVII, 97. antimony in, B 38, 359. arrastras. patent mills, dry-washers, etc., in, XIII, 125. asbestos in, XIV, 55; PR 6, 19; XXXII, 226. assessed value of, VIII, 24. barytes in, B 38, 360. bibliography of coal resources of, XVIII, 155. publications on, XXI, 141. Calaveras manganese deposits in, B 125, 291. cement in, XXXII, 227. chrome in, B 38, 267, 362; XIV, 55; B 76, 111, 121, 216; PR 7, 43; XXXII, 233. chromic iron in, XIII, 48. cinnabar in, B 78, 35. clay in, B 38, 211, 212, 361; XIV, 54, 56; B 99, 68; XXXII, 234. cobalt in, XX, 4. 178. copper, and copper-zinc in, XXXIX, 313. in, XII, 66; XIII, 57; B 23, 187; XIV, 54, 56; XX, 4, 76; XXXIX, 72. -zinc in, XXXIX, 552. Copperopolis lode in, B 23, 189. deposits of manganese in, B, 125, 75, 91, 93, 106. desiription uf, B 23, ISS; B 50, 228. dredging in, B 36, 98; XIV, 123. East Belt niinintv districts in, XIV, 64. epidote in, XXXVII, 491. garnet in. XXXVII, 491. gems in, XIV, .-.4, US, Index of Publications, 1880-1943 CALAVERAS 125 geography, rliinate, water, power, timV)er in, B 108, 125. of, XXI, 135. geology of, XIV, 56, 64, 67; B 72, 31; XXI, 140; B 99, 68. Mother Lode in, B 108, 125. gold and silver production of, XIV, 54; B 108, 127. dredging in, B 36, 98; XIV, 123. in, XII, 89; XIII, 96. placer mines in, XIV, 114. production, analysis of, B 108, 126. quartz mines in, XIV, 66; XVII, 420; XXXII, 235. granodiorite in, B 38, 363. granite in, XII, 384; B 38, 364. gravel channels of, XIV, 114. greenstone in, XVII, 424. Ilex Gold Mines, Rich Gulch, map of, VIII, 136. infusorial earth in, B 38, 363. iron in, B 38, 297, 364; XIV, 128; XVIII, 110. jasper in, B 38, 365. lime and limestone in. B 38, 65, 366; XIV, 54, 128; XVIII, 751. manganese in, B 38, 368; B 76, 18, 31, 92. production statistics, B 125, 68. manganiferous iron deposits in, B 125, 64. map of ancient channel system, XII, 482, 486. showing location of dredging land, B 57, facing 204. marble in, XII, 391; XII!, 627; B 38, 98, 367; XIV, 129; XVII, 424. Mariposa slate in, B 108, 125. mills in, XIII, 124. mineral paint in, B 38, 338, 369, 377; XIV, 130; XXVI, 152. products of, B 20, 11; XIV, 54, 56. production of, XXXII, 228 (see also annual statistical bulletins). water in, XIV, 54, 130; XXXII, 234. mines and claims in, VI, Part 2, 27; VIII, 122; X, 147; XI, 167; B 23, 189; B 50, 229. mineral resources of, XXX II, 220. mining and irrigating canals, artesian wells, etc., XIII, 527. in, XX, 4. 76, 178. Mokelumne Hill System, XII, 486. Mother Lode in, XIV, 65; B 108, 125. Napoleon Mine. B 23, 196; B 50. 24J. ochre in. XIV, 130. placer mines in, XIV, 114. mining areas in, XXX, 244. platinum in, B 38, 347, 348; XIV, 55. production statistics (see also annual sta- tistical bulletins), XVIII, 563. quartz crystals in, B 38, 349, 370; XIV, 54, 118; XXXIX, 139, 315. in, XXXVII, 491. quicksilver resources of, XXXV, 371. railway facilities in, XIV, 54. resources (mineral) of, XXI, 136. rhodonite deposits in, B 125, 60. rhyolite in, B 38, 370. saline deposits in, B 24, 134. sandstone in, B 38, 117; XIV, 130. scheelite in, XXXVII, 491, 602. serpentine in, B 38, 371. silica in, XXVII, 435. silver in, XIV, 55. slate in, XIV, 131. soapstone and talc in, B 38, 351, 371; XIV, 131. in, XXXII, 235. stone in, XXXII, 235. structural cross-section through Copper- opolis, Angels and Murphy, XIV, 67. through Wallace, Campo Seco, Gwin Mine, Mokelumne Hill, Glencoe and Lockwood Mine, XIV, 67. sulphur in, B 38, 372. table of average yield of gold in, II, Part 1, 175. mineral production, XXI, 139 (see also annual statistical bulletins), production of the precious metals, II, Part 1, 176. showing production of gold, hydraulic, placer, drift and river mines, II, Part 1, 188. total mineral production (see also an- nual statistical bulletins), XVIII, 640. tabular statements of mills, VIII, 692. tellurides in, XIV, 93, 107. trachyte in, B 38, 372. transportation in, B 108, 126. tuff in, B 38, 154, 372. volcanic ash in, XII, 404. Willard Mine, map of, VI, Part 2, 36. map or diagram of chamber of, VI, Part 2, 38. Crystal Mine, Calaveras County, XXXIX, 315. Dredge No. 1, Calaveras Gold Dredging Co., Calaveras County, photo of, XIV, 123. photo showing large boulders that passed over tailing stacker, B 57, 56. showing bucket-line, upper timber and tailings stacker, XIV, 125. Dredging Co., B 85, 32. formation, B 18, 7; B 72, 28; B 99, 50, 68, 70; B 118, 674. formations in San Diego County, XIV, 654. manganese in, B 76, 18, 53. Gold Dredging Co., B 36, 'JS; B 57, 207; XIV, 123; XXXII, 326. 357. Grant, Calaveras County, XIV, 629. Stanislaus County, XIV, 629. Gravel Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. group, B 125, 285, 317, 318. Calaveras County (see also Carson Hill Gold Mines, Inc.), XIX, 16. description of, B 125, 280. manganese in, B 125, 281. meta-cherts in, B 125, 305. 126 CAL-CAL California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 serpentines in, B 125, 282. Sierra Nevada. XXVII, 285. 286, 343. Holding Trustees, Ltd., XXX II, 331. Holding Trustees, Ltd., Huelsdonk Concen- trator, photo of, XXXII, 332. Hydraulic Mining and Water Co., VIII, 148. iron deposit (see also Big Trees Deposit), XXI, 162. Manganese property, Calaveras County, B 125, 106. Mine, Calaveras County (see also Oromi- ento), RM (Calaveras), 20; XII, 91; B 18, 123; XIV, 100; XVII, 421; XXI, 150; B 108, 129; XXXII, 300. El Dorado County, XIII, 136; XXII, 423; XXXIV, 259. mountain springs, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 20. ocher, PR 7, 7. or Calaveras Consolidated Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 300. Queen, Goodhope and Sunrise Mine, Cala- veras County, XXXII, 307. Reservoir, XXIX, 229. River, area of, B 85, 32. Calaveras County, placers, XXX, 244. costs of dredging in, B 85, 32. dredging district, B 85, 32. gold gravels of, XVIII, 226; B 92, 145. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. production of, B 85, 33. San Joaquin County, XIV, 623. Sierra Nevada, XXVIII, 297. tenor of ground, B 85, 32. Rock Co., Inc., XXXII, 338. schist, B 125, 76. manganiferous iron deposits in, B 125, 64, 76. series, B 125, 65, 66. rhodenite deposits in, B 125, 60, 75, 76, 77, 80, 91. spessartite in, B 125, 60, 75, 80, 91. skull, Calaveras County, II, Part 1, 275. slate In Amador County, B 108, 57. Calaveras County, B 108, 125. Mariposa County, B 108, 181. Tuolumne County, B 108, 153. Calaverasite, B 91, 68. Calaveritas Hill Consolidated Jline, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. Hydraulic Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 332. photo of. XXXII, 332. Placer Mine, Calaveras County, XIV, 115. Calaverite, IV, 104; B 67, 51; B 91, 68; B 108, 133; XXXIV, 293; B 113, 77. Calc spar. B 67, 90; B 91, 126; XXXIV, 53. tufa, B 67, 90; B 91, 126. Calcareous rocks, Carmel, XXVIII, 17. Panamlnt Range, XXVIII, 351. spar, IV, 104. tufa, Kern County, VIII, 316. False Bay, San Diego County, XI, 97. photo of, at Borax Lake, XXXII, 106. San Luis Obispo County. B 38, 265. Tulare County, VIII, 645. C.-'lcaroni sulphur proce.ss, Colusa County, XI, 187. Calcining, effect of on niagnesite, B 79, 15. furnace, rotary, photograph of, XXXII, 161. furnaces. B 79, 22, 42, 45. 51, 54, 58, 68, 69, 70, 84, 85, 88. 90, 96, 116. 121, 130. of the Mountain Copper Co., Keswick, Shasta County, photo of, B 23, 13. methods of, B 79, 22. plant at Maltby No. 2 Mine, Napa County, photo of, B 79, 54; B 94, 72; XX, 27. of Sierra Magnesite Co., XXVI, 451. flow sheet of, XVIII, 533. Sampson Magnesite Mine, San Benito County, photo of. XX, 28; B 94, 72. White Rock Mine. Napa County, photo of, B 79, 58. time of, B 79, 133. Calcinodiscus, photo of, XXXII, 143. Calciovolborthite, B 113, 212. Calcite, IV, 104, 115; B 24, 64; B 37, 35, 98, 110, 111; B 67, 90; B 78, 29; B 91, 126; XXXIV, 53; B 113, 136. chemical relation of to magn^esite, B 79, 11. deposit of black, B 125, 160. Group, B 113, 136. in Big Blue Mines, Kern County, XXXVI, 411. Grass Valley ores, Nevada County, XVI, (Nevada), 29. Inyo County, XXXIV, 539. Kern County, VIII, 310. Merced County, XXI, 177. San Diego County, Julian District, XXX, 361. Calcium borate, B 24, 20, 38, 42, 45, 46, 56, 62, 83, 87, 145. carbonate, B 24, 26, 29, 30. chloride, XXXVII, 353. directory of producers of (see annual sta- tistical bulletins), production statistics for (see also annual statistical bulletins), XVIII, 482. uses of, B 96, 123. fluoride in San Bernardino County (see also fluorspar), B 91, 81. phosphate, B 24. 144, 145. silicate, commercial production of, B 122, 83. silicate, directory of producers of (see annual statistical bulletins), production statistics for (see annual sta- tistical bulletins), sulphate. B 24, 26, 29, 143, 145, 164, 172. Calcor Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 446. Calculation from the specific gravities of the minerals, XIII, 698. Calderon Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 130. Calderwood quarry. Placer County, XII, 385; XIII, 621. Caldonia Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 259. Caldri hydraulic ice press, photograph of, XXXIX, 306. Ice Corp., flow sheet of plant. XXXIX, 304. wells and plant, photograph of, XXXIX, 305. Index of Publications, 1S80-1943 CAL-CAL 127 plant and gasometer, photograph of, XXXIX, 305. Caldwell manganese deposit, Mariposa County, B 125, 65, SO, 132, map in pocket. Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 9; XIV, 490; XXIX, 273. ISIariposa County, XXIV, 130. Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 104, 137; XXIV, 312; XXXIII, 127. quarry, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 27; XIII, 627; B 38, 98. Calearth-fuller's earth deposit, Inyo County, XXXIV, 484. Caledonia claim. Sierra County, XX, 366; XXXVIII, 52. Development Co., XXXVIII, 21. Mine, Amador County, XIV, 23; XXIII, 187. El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4. Madera County, XII, 155; XIII, 206; XIV, 541; XVIII, 303; XXIV, 326. Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 4; XIII, 238; XXXVII, 446. Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 68; XXV, 201. Operating Co., photograph of, XXXVIII, 22. Caledonian Mine, Calaveras County, B 23, 198; B 50, 245. Caledonite, B 67, 183; B 91, 267; B 113, 179. Calera Hill, San Mateo County, Franciscan limestones and cherts projecting above Pleistocene level, photo of, XXIX, 363. limestone member, B 118, 674. Calf Pasture Mine, Placer County, XIII, 276; XV, 335; XXXII, 43. Cal-Gold Mining Co., Inc., XXXII, 247. Calhoun Pocket Mine, Tuolumne County (see also Hudson Mine), XX, 21. Caliche, B 24, 140, 143, 144, 146, 158. analyses of, B 24, 165. niter, B 24, 140, 143, 145, 158, 165. Calico borate deposits, San Bernardino County, XV, 853. District, geology of, XI, 337. ore deposits, XI, 338, 339, 343. saline deposits at, B 24, 24, 34, 38, 40, 41, 56, 83, 88, 89, 169, 180. San Bernardino County, VI 11^ 491, 492, 508, 512; X 530; XII, 376; XIII, 606; B 24, 56; XV, 823; PR 8, 48. Mines, San Bernardino County, X, 530. statistics of production, San Bernardino County, VIII, 491. Mining District, San Bernardino County, IX, 224; XI, 337, 343; PR 6, 37; XXXVI, 301. map of, XI, 342; XVII, op. 362; XXVII, op. 344. San Bernardino County, claim map of, XXVI, 271. Mountains, notes on the geology of a portion of, San Bernardino County, XXXVI, 293. -Odessa Group, San Bernardino County (see also Baltic, Bismark, etc.), XXVI, 271; XXVII, 343; XXXVI, 243; XXXIX, 477. mining area, Calico Mountains, XXXVI, 301. old camp of, San Bernardino County, photo of, XV, 825. I'rint, quotation from. III, Part 2, 28. process of manufacture, B 24, 83. San Bernardino County, clay beds exposed in Tertiary sediment on claim of M. Mul- cahy, et al., photo of, XV, 862. Calidon area, Midway-Sunset oil field, cita- tions, B 118, 521. Calief and Camou Mine, Calaveras County, XXXll, 357. Caliente Creek, Kern County, limestone, VIII, 318. Mines, Kern County, XI, 237. Mountain, geologic succession, B 118, 453. photo of, XXXV, 262. thrust fault, Caliente trough, XXXV, 272. Range citations, B 118, 452. correlation chart, Monterey and upper Temblor, XXXV, 270. Cuyama Valley, Carrizo Plain, B 118, 453. broad unities of, XXXV, 274. and Carrizo Plain, California, map of, XXXV, op. 274. oil possibilities and geology of, XXXV, 255. and southeastern Carrizo Plain, index map of, XXXV, 257. Monterey formation, B 118, 453. (Upper Miocene), XXXV, 266. nomenclature, stratigraphy, XXXV, 259. oil and gas in commercial amounts, pros- pects for the occurrence of, XXXV, 273. Oligocene (?), XXXV, 261. present structure, XXXV, 271. Sespe formation, B 118, 453. stratigraphy of, XXXV, 259. structural history of, XXXV, 258. Temblor formation, B 118, 453. Vaqueros formation, B 118, 453. (Lower Miocene), XXXV, 261. scarp, photo of, XXXV, 263, 264. to Kernville, Kern County, VIM, 313. trough, Caliente Mountain thrust fault, *XXXV, 272. structural history, Caliente Range, Cuy- ama Valley, Carrizo Plains, XXXV, 258. variations in thickness, XXXV, 260. Califorrtia. VIM, 12; B 5, 88. (A. C. Light's) Mines Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, Plumas County, XIII, 289. Academy of Sciences, borax in museum of, III, Part 2, 15. cited, XIV, 643; B 72, 21, 22, 23, 24, 34, 36; XXVIII, 18, 47, 58; XXXM, 142. admitted in the Union, VIM, 13. agricultural resources, V, 53. Alkali Co., XVII, 278, 298; PR 8, 63; XVIII, 420. (now known as Inyo Chemical Co.'s plant), Cartago, Owens Lake, Inyo County, photo of, XX, 190. 128 CALIF California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 soda plant, Cartago, Owens Lake, Inyo County, photo of, B 86, 147. of, B 86, 147. -American Marble Co., XIV, 129; XXI, 168. Mining Co. (see Barrett Mine), XXVI, 226; XXVII, 287. analyses (proximate) of crude petroleum in. VII, 38. and Calumet Mining Co., XXXVII, 447. Detroit Mining Co., XIV, 798. Massachusetts Copper Mining Co., B 50, 1.58; XV, 261; XXIV, 213. North Comstock Consolidatoil, Mono County, XII, 375. Oregon Mine, Shasta County, XIII, 351; XXII, 181; XXXV, 178. United States, mining laws of, B 66. Utah Mine, Shasta County, XXXV, 189. Virginia Mine, Placer County, XXXII, 88. area of, VIII, 18; B 72, 7. Art Tile Co., XXIII, 7; B 99, 72. Co.'s plant, Contra Costa County, photo of, B 99, 72; XXIII, 7. Asbestos Co. (see also Pacific Asbestos Corp.), XXI, 164; XXXII, 226. Mine, Calaveras County, XIV, 55. Mining Co., XVIII, 46, 214; XIX, 26. at New Orleans Exposition, V, 12. the Paris Exposition of 1878, V, 29. auriferous black sands of, B 45. conglomerate in, XII, 459. -Bangor slate quarry, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 17; XV, 306, XXII, 448; XXXIV, 365. Bar Mine. Siskiyou County, XIII, 391; XIV, 861, XXXI, 316. Barite Corp., Ltd., XXXI, 46. Barrett Gold Mining Co. (see Mayflower prospect), XXIV, 19. bell signal code, B 18, 40. bibliography of manganese in, B 125, 209. Bi-Metallic Corp., Shasta County, XIX, 13, 136. Bisque Doll Co., B 99, 38; XXV, 431. Bituminous Block Manufacturing Co., X, 575. Rock Co., X, 574; XIII, 37. Co.'s Mine (see also Oregon Co. Mine), San Luis Obispo County, X, 574; XII, 30; XIII, 37. Borax Co. (see also Sulphur Bank Mine), XIV, 204. 234; B .78, 63. borax sales by, III, Part 2, 79. Brick and Pottery Co., XIV, 316; PR 7, 99. Sonoma County, circular brick kilns of, photo of, XIV, 317. and Tile Co., B 99, 98. Co., Alameda County, PR 7, 35; XVII, 18; B 99, 40. Buckhorn Mining Co., XIV, 102. Building Materials Co., XVII, 36. Buttes Gold Mining Co. (see also Buttes Saddle Mine), XXV, 160. -Calaveras Mining Co. (see also Alto Gold Mine), XIV, 68. 629. cattle, V, 53. cement in, IX, 309. central and northern, photo of relief map showing physiographic subdivisions, XXXV, 225. map of a portion of, B 76, facing 24. Chemical Co., XVIII, 383; XXV, 442; XXVI, 453. Corp., photo of new plant under construc- tion, XXV, 442. Chief Development Co., XV, 361; XXXll, 88. China Co. (see also California Bisciue Doll Co.), B 99, 38. Products Co., XIV, 686, 687; XV, 567. Chrome Co., B 76, 147, 169, 183, 186, 191, :il9, 221, 222, 226, 228; XVIII, 2.5. (Coggins Mine), photo of loading bunker, B 76, 191. photo oi aerial tramway at Little Castle Creek Mine, Shasta County, B 76, 185. concentrating mill, San Luis Obispo County, B 76, 169. Ford-motor locomotive and train haul- ing ciiromite, B 76, 186. chromite in, B 76, 102; XXXVII, 101. citations to general subjects, B 118, 280. Claim, Amador County, B 108, 81, 118. Nevada County, XXXVII, 388. San Diego County, XIV, 656, 658. clay industry l>y counties, PR 7, 33. Mfg. Co., B 33, 213; XV, 560, 571, 572, 574; PR 7, 85. pits near Alberhill, Riverside County, photo of, XV, 571, 572. Products Co., XX, 91; XXI, 354; B 99, 99, 201. Refining Co.. XXI, 360. tests of, B 99, 311. use of tile, B 99, 95. climate, V, 53. Coal Mine, Fresno County, XI, 217; XII, 50. Coast Oil Co., B 63, 356, 360. Coeurd'alene Mining Co., XXVI, 272; XXVII, 345. Commercial Progress, IV, 36. Co. (see also Humbug Gravel Mine), XIV, 167. Comprehensive Exhibit, IV, 45. Comstock Gold Mines, Ltd., XXXVI, 70. Concrete Bldg., Block. Los Angeles County, B 38, 168. Products Co., XXVI, 35. Conservationist, XXXll, 113. Consolidated claim. Sierra County (see Table Rock Mining Co.). XXV, 209. Gold Mining Co., RM (Butte). 10. Group, El Dorado County, XXII, 412, 422; XXXIV, 227, 259. Nevada County (see also Gold Tunnel), XVI (Nevada), 131; XXXVII, 446. Iron Mines, Shasta County, XXII, 190. Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 388. Shasta County. XXXV, 178. Sierra County, XXXVIII, 52. Siskiyou County, XIV, 828; PR 8, 18; XXXI, 316. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 CALIF 129 Mining Co., Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 35. Oil Fields, Sunset Dist., Kern County, RM (Kern). 22. Construction Co., B 38, 317; XV, 483. Copper Co. (see also Daulton Mine), B 23, 21S; B 50, 272; XIV, 538. property, Daulton Ranch, Madera County, photo of, B 23, 221; B 50, 273. smelter at Madera, Madera County, photo of, B 23, 223; B 50, 275. Corp. (see also Engels Copper Mining Co.), XVIII, 605; XXIV, 271; XXXII, 241. ores of, B 23, 12. production, B 23, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20; B 50, 24. (see also annual statistical bulletins), resources of, B 23; B 50. counties in, VIII, 22. number of manganese deposits in, B 125, 93. Crude Oil Co., B 63, 88. petroleum as a flotation oil, B 78, 305, 314, 317. curing and canning, IV, 40. dairies and their products, IV, 42. dead rivers of, VI, Part 2, 53. Debris Commission, XII, 535; B 75, 34, 35; B 92, 13. an act to create, B 70, 151; B 71, 159. cited, XXXI, 345, 360. hydraulic mining regulation by, XII, 535; B 75, 35. diamonds in, II, Part 1, 241; VIII, 105; B 113, 15. domestic animals, IV, 41. dredge, Butte County, XV, 188, 191, 196. dredgers, tj-pe of, B 92, 34. dredging districts, B 36, 68; B 57, 106. dried and canned fruits, IV, 40. Dry Ore Concentrator Co., XXV, 98; XXVIII, 121; XXX, 143. earthquakes of the Mission Period, 1769 to 1838, XXXVII, 219. electric-power transmission plants in, XIII, 673. electricity in mining operations in, XII, 450. Enabling Act, B 123, Sec. TS, 545. -Engels Mining Co., XXXII, 241. Eocene correlations, B 118, 193. Erie Co., XVI (Nevada), 165. et al.. Mine, Amador County, XXIII, 187. exhibit at the American Mining Congress Exposition, Chicago, XVIII, 54. exhibitors at Paris Exposition of 1867, V, 19. "Vienna Exposition of 1873, V, 21 Exploration Co., XVIII, 98; B 108, 143; XXXII, 292. El Dorado County, XV, 292; B 108, 31. Extraction Co., XIV, 119. Faience Co., Alameda County, B 99, 39; XXV, 431. Fireproof Construction Co., B 38, 222; XV, 570. first geological survey of, XIV, 638. fisheries, IV, 56. forests, V, 52. and partly-wooded lands, IV, 33. Fortune Oil Co., Sunset District, RM (Kern), 22. fossils, B 118, 165. catalogue of, VII, 223; B 4. foundries, directory of, XXI, 568. foundry sands, XXI, 251. bibliography on, XXI, 254. core sand, XXI, 252. fire sand. XXI, 253. molding gravels, XXI, 252, sand, XXI, 252. parting sand, XXI, 253. steel sand, XXI, 253. tests of, table, XXI, 256. Fresno Oil Co., XIV, 433. fruit, V, 53. raising, IV, 40. Fuller's Earth Co., RM (Kern), 19; B 38, 274; XIV, 480; XVII, 309; XXV, 65. Gem Mine, Riverside County, XV, 575, 577. generalized geologic map of, showing major rock units, major structural lines, and oil and gas fields, XXXIX, 144. genesis of petroleum and asphaltum in, B 16. geographical position of, IV, 31. geogi-aphy, V, 51. geologic conditions in the gold provinces of, XXXI, 193. events and their relation to mineral dep- osition, B 118, 89. formations, B 72. map of, XXXIII, op. 36. units, glossary of, B 118, 667. geology, B 118, 81. and mineral resources of, 1937, bibli- ography of, XXXV, 275. historical, B 118, 98, 99. structural, B 118, 98. geomorphic provinces, B 118, 83. Geysers, Sonoma County, XIV, 212, 338, 339, 340. glacial stages, B 118, 671. Glass Insulator Co., XV, 514, 614. Gold and Copper Co., B 23, 167; B 50, 197; XV, 785; XVI (Nevada), 84; XXVI, 207; XXVII, 267. deposited in U. S. Mints, V, 78. dredging in, B 36; B 57. Fields Development Co., XXXIII, 104. King Mining Co., XIV, 730. mill practices, B 6. mills, typical, B 6, 64. Mines Co., XV, 216. Inc. (see also Marble Springs Mine), XXIV, 97. Mining and Investment Co. (see also Taylor Diggins), XIII, 289; XVI (Plu- mas), 94. nuggets of, II, Part 1, 148. Production Syndicates (Ltd.) Mine, Sierra County, XIII, 373. 5—49587 1 3 CALIF California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Goldfields Mine, Plumas County, XXXIII, 127. Granite Co. (see also McGilvray Raymond Corp.'s quarries), XV, 387; XVI!, 452; XVIII, 527; XIX, 26; XXIII, 280; XXVI, 442. Co.'s No. 1 Quarry, Tulare County, photo of, XV, 916. No. 2 Quarry, Tulare County, photo of, XV, 917. quarry, Porterville, Tulare County, photo of, XVIII, 526. at Rocklin, Placer County, photo of, XV, 387. quarry, Tulare County (see also McGilvray Raymond Corp.'s quarries), XXVI, 442. grapes and wine, V, 54. Graphite Co. (see also San Prancisquito Canyon), XV, 501, 502; XVII, 318; PR 8, 59; XVIII, 221; XIX, 31; B 79, 52; XXIII, 325. open-cut on graphite outcrop, photo of, B 88, 115; B 90, 126. outcrop of graphite vein on Prince claim of, photo of, XV, 501. tramway and graphite claims, photo of, XV, 502. greenstone, B 18, 8. Group, Nevada County (see also Great East- ern, Normandy, and Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh Extension), XXXI, 16; XXXVII, 446, 447. Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 105. Gypsum and Mineral Co., B 38, 284, 288; XIV, 515; XV, 917; XVII, 312. Corp., PR 8. 60; XVIII, 421; XIX, 154. harness and saddlery, IV, 58. -Hawaiian Development Co. (see also Ral- ston Mine), PR 8, 36; XXIII, 271, 277; XXXII, 76, 88. hay, IV, 39. -Hercules Mine, San Bernardino County, XXXIX, 477. Highway Commission (see also Templeton Sand Plant), XV, 725. Highways and Public Works, cited, XXVIII, 85. history, V, 54; B 118, 77. honey, V, 54. hose and belting, IV, 58. Hot Springs, Tulare County, XV, 941; XVIII, 535; XXVI, 455. hotel, Tulare County, photo of, XV, 942. No. 1 Spring, Tulare County, photo of, XV, 941. plunge, photo of, XVIII, 534. hydrocarbons shown at New Orleans Expo- sition, V, 103. hydrography, IV, 32. Imperial Co., pumice deposit, XXII, 280. Improvement Co.'s quarry, Alameda County, XII, 388; XIII, 624. Indian corn. IV, 39. Institute of Technology, cited, XXXII, 459. instructions to owners and ooerators of hydraulic mines in, B 66, 21. iris, B 91, 159; B 113, 271. Iron and Steel Co., II, Part 1, 196, 199; XV, 74, 390. deposits of. II, Part 1, 195. ores and iron industries of, II, Part 1, 193. in the State Museum, II, Part 1, 200. Jack Mine, EI Dorado County, RM (El Do- rado), 4, 14; XIII, 136; XV, 282; XXII, 424; B 108, 48; XXXIV, 259. jade (see also Calif ornite), B 37, 94, 95, 155; XIV, 439, 869; B 67, 125; B 91, 179; XVIII, 332; XXIV, 177; XXVI, 367. Kieselguhr Co., Inc., XXI, 32. at San Miguel, treatment plant of, photo of, XXI, 33. King Gold Co., XIV, 730. lakes, XXIX, 175. map of, XXIX, 176. Land and Mineral Co. (see also American Encaustic Tiling Co.), XXV, 502; XXVII, 421. law relating to misrepresentation of mines by any officer of a corporation trans- acting business in, B 45, 22. Lime and Cement Co., B 38, 79. Liquid Asphalt Co., XV, 677. refinery, Santa Barbara County, B 32, 211. refinery, Summei-land, photo of, B 32, 211. localities and production of gold, II, Part 1, 171. Magnesia Co., B 79, 37, 111. Magnesite Co., XV, 920, 926; XXI, 208; B 71, 48; B 79, 98, 106, 109. at Porterville, Tulare County, rotary magnesite calcining kiln, photo of, XV, 920, 921. Manganese Co., manganese croppings on the property of, photo of, XIV, 631. (see also Black Wonder and West Chrome Mine and Mineral Products; also Zenith), XIV, 630, 631; XV, 186, 326; B 76, 84. deposits, chart showing types of, B 125, map in pocket, classification of, B 125, 65. description of, B 125, 74. geology of, B 125, 56, 65, 66, 67. of, B 125, 51. in, B 125, 20, map in pocket, list of shippers of, B 125, 43. production chart, B 125, in pocket. Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries, IV, 50. map of oil districts, B 32, facing 14. portion, showing location of oil districts, B 19, appendix. Fig. M. showing area of granite outcroppings, B 38, 27. county areas, B 118, 94. dimensions, B 118, 94. distribution of quicksilver districts, B 78, 17. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 CALIF 1 3 1 economic minerals, B 118, S5. geomoi-phic provinces, B 118, 84, 85. locations of chromium and manganese deposits, B 76, facing 12. copper deposits, B 23, appendix, major rock units and their significance to exploration for manganese deposits, B 125, map in pocket, manganese deposits, B 125, map in pocket, oil districts, B 118, 38. fields, B 118, 38. gas fields and areas, B 118, PI. VI, pocket, possibilities of new oil fields, B 69, 12. precipitation, B 118, 8S. rock units and geomorphic provinces, B 125, 92. township and range system, B 118, 192; B 125, 94. %vildcat wells, B 118, pocket. Master Products Co., XVII, 338. materials in public buildings, B 66, 35; B 70, 139; B 71, 147. Mclntire Mining Co., XXIII, 175; B 108, 99. Medicinal Springs (see also Deer Lick springs), XIV, 921; XXII, 65. Mesozoic synopsis, B 118, 183. Metal and Minerals Producers Association, XVIII, 377. working, IV, 48. Mine, Amador County, RM (Amador), 8. bell signals, B 66, 54; B 70, 145; B 71, 153. Calaveras County, XIII, 99; XIV, 73; XXXII, 300. El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4; XXXIV, 270. Fresno County, XIII, 53. Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. Kern County, RM (Kern), 9; XIII, 194. Los Angeles County, XIII, 204. Nevada County (see also "West Point Mine), RM (Nevada), 4, 10; VIII, 448; XIII, 238, 247; B 50, 203; XVI (Nevada), 84, 130, 257; XVIII, 45; XXXVII, 446, 447. Nevada County, table of average yield of gold, II, Part 1, 175. Placer County, XIII, 276; XXXII, 30, 43. Plumas County, XXIV, 312; XXXIII, 127. Riverside County, XXV, 508. Shasta County (see also Utah), XII, 259; XIII, 368; XIV, 803. Yolo County (see also Reed Mine), XIV, 369; B 78, 205; XXXV, 475. Mineral Corp., XV, 126; XVII, 300; XXII, 523. exhibit in government building at New Orleans Exposition, V, 58. fuels, XVIII, 619. industrial materials, XVIII, 621. Leasing Act, XX, 381. metals, XVIII, 619. California minei'al production, B 7; B 13 B 28 B 41 B 51, B 59 B 70 B 93 B 102 B 111 B 121 B 14; B 17; B 21; B 22; B 29; B 33; B 34; B 35; B 42; B 43; B 44; B 47; B 52; B 53; B 54; B 55; B 60; B 61; B 62; B 64; B 65; B 71; B 74; B 83; B 86; B 88; B 94; B 96; B 97; B 100; B B 8; B 25; B 39; B 48; B 56; B 12 B 26 B 40 B 49 B 58 B 68 B 90 101 B 103; B 105; B 107; B 109; B 110 B 112; B 114; B 116; B 117; B 119 B 122; B 126; XXXIV, S3; XXXV 97; XXXVI, 102; XXXVII, 598; XXXIX 562. production chart, B 118, 19, 89, 93. value of, XVIII, 622. resources, XVIII, 618. salines, XVIII, 621. statistics (see also statistical bulletins), V 78; XIII, 12; B 23, 270, 272, 273; B 36, 116; B 37, 166; B 45, 18, 20; B 50, 353, 354; XVIII, 31. structural materials, XVIII, 620. summary of future outlook, XVIII, 622. minerals, B 23, 270, 272, 273; B 113; B 124. arranged alphabetically, VI, Part 1, 91. classified list of, V, 58. exlaibited during Shrine Convention, XVIII, 275. introduction, IV, 63. miscellaneous, V, 119. of, B 67; B 87; B 91; B 113; B 124. Miners' Association, cited, XIII, 28; B 108, 27. Mines, Inc., XXXII, 21. square sets in, B 2, 46. Mining Co., XVI (Nevada), 257. Journal, cited, XXVIII, 193. of gold ores in, X, 852. Miocene formations, B 118, 200. model cube representing total production, V, 78. Mohawk Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 270. Mining Co., XV, 301. Mother Lode Gold Mines, Inc., XXXII, 292. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 300. Yuba County, XV, 446; XXVI, 188; XXVII, 248. Region, B 18. Mullite, B 99, 122. brick being fired in tunnel kiln at Cone 28, photo of, B 99, 122. National Forest, B 76, 18. Natural Gas and Development Co., XXVI, 458. -Nevada Quicksilver Mining Co., XXVI, 29. Nitrate Development Co., XV, 118, 890. northern, citations, B 118, 632. history, B 118, 76, 77. Index map, XXXV, 222. northwestern most, economic geology of por- tions of Del Norte and Siskiyou Coun- ties, XXIX, 123. 132 CALIF California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 No. 1 and No. 2 dredges, Butte County, RM (Butte), 11; B 57, 138. No. 1 dredge, Butte County, B 57, 124. No. 3 dredge, Butte County, B 57, 138, 139. of Boston and California Dredging Co., photo of, B 36, 86. oats, IV, 38. occurrence of salt in, and its manufacture, II, Part 1, 217. Ochre Mining Co. (see also Voyle Ochre Mine), XIV, 630, 632; XXI, 213; XXVI, 158. Co.'s property, Knights Ferry, Stanislaus County, photo showing ochre on dump covered with sheet Iron, XXI, 214. Oil and Gas Co., B 19, 140. yielding formations of, B 19. Co. well, B 19, 75; B 63, 102, 170, 173. Co.'s Well, Ventura County, XIII, 588; B 11, 28. wells, B 19, 75. Corp., XVIII, 273; XIX, 32. fields, statistics, B 73, 240, 242. Oligocene formations, B 118, 199. onyx (see also aragonite), XIII, 640; B 37, III, 112. near Healdsburg, photo of, XIII, op. 642. -Ophir Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 5; XIV, 73; XXXII, 300. Ore Purchasing Co., B 76, 133. Oregon Metals Co., XXI, 301. Power Co.. XIV, 811, 816, 837, 865; B 76, 210. ores, utilization of, B 125, 41. organization of the State of, VIII, 12. origin of name, VI, Part 1, 8. Ornamental Brick Co., B 38, 168, 374. orogenies, B 118, 672. orographical map of, VII, Title Page. Oroville Dredging Co., Ltd., XV, 191. -Osborn Mining Co., XXXII, 241, 276. Paint Mining and Milling Co., Napa County, XIV, 276; XXVI, 155. paleontology, B 118, 164. Pastoral and Agricultural Co.'s wells, Ma- dera County, XIII, 539. petroleum fields of, VII, 11. industry of, B 69. physiographic map of, XXXI, 152. Picacho Mine, San Diego County, XII, 238; XIII, 333. Placer Mining Co., XVI (Nevada), 107. Pleistocene correlation, B 118, 203. Pliocene formations, B 118, 201. population, wages, and cost of living, IV, 35. portion of central, map of relative to natural gas possibilities, XXI, 194. Portland Cement Co., XIII, 612, 630; B 38, 77, 102, 103, 183, 226; XV, 857, 876, 8S0, 898; XXVI, 309; XXVII, 384; XXXIX, 517. Pottery and Brick Co., Sonoma County, B 38, 258. Terra Cotta Co., XIII, 012; B 38. 202. Co., XII, 381; PR 7, 36; XIV, 56; XVII, 19; XVIII, 8, 102; XIX, 25, 94; XXI, 175, 179; B 99, 39, 68, 128; XXV, 431; XXXII, 234. clay tests of, B 99, 299, 337. plant, Merced, photo of, XXI, 176. Valley Springs clay pit, photo of, B 99, 69. practical applications of concentration to quicksilver ores in, B 78, 329. preliminary legend of new geologic map of, XXXI, 113. Premier Mines Corp., XXXII, 13, 34. Pressed Brick Co., PR 7, 36; XVII, 19; B 99, 40. production of chromite in, B 76, 226 (see also annual statistical bulletins), of manganese by counties, chart showing, B 125, map in pocket, ore in, B 76, 100; B 125, 53, 67. Progressive Mine, Shasta County, XXXV, 178. Mining Co. (see Clipper and Snyder Group), XXIX, 19. properties, tabulated data on, B 125, 93. Q. M., Amador County, B 108, 81, 118. Quarries Co.'s pumice deposit. Mono County, XXIII, 403; XXXVI, 151. photo of, XXIII, 404. Quartz Mine, Placer County, XV, 335. Queen Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV (see map) Siskiyou County, VIII, 630; XII, 279. No. 4, Inyo County, XXXIV, 430, 470. Mining Co., XXII, 479. Quicksilver districts, B 78, 30. Program of the Federal Geological Survey, XXXVII, 558. resources of, B 27; B 78. Rand Mine, San Bernardino County, cyanide plant at, photo of, B 110, 54. No. 3 shaft of, photo of, B 110, 54. Silver Mine, Inc. (see also Wortley Cons. Mines Co.) PR 8, 49; XVII, 361; B 95, 110, 121; XVIII, 104, 222, 265, 310, 368, 422. 540, 611, 742; XIX, 30, 61, 98, 167, 170; XX, 48, 96; XXVI, 272; XXVII, 345. biotite-hornblende-alblte schist, photo of, B 95, following 24. costs of, B 95, 121. flow sheet of, B 95, 120. headframe of No. 2 shaft and mill of, photo of, B 95, 111. production of, B 95, 119. red shales in, B 16, 27. structure of, B 95, 95. vein matter, photo of, B 95, facing 96. veins of. B 95, 112, 119. as connected with the genesis of petroleum, B 16, 24. regulations for explosives, B 75, 38. relief map, B 23, frontispiece; B 37, frontis- piece; B 38, frontispiece; B 50, frontis- piece; B 57, frontispiece. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 CALIF 133 I map of, B 36, frontispiece; B 118, 84, 265; B 125, 241. model showing oil-producing districts, B 118, 265. Reserve Co. (see Lena Louise Garnet Group), XXVI 1, 382. resources of, agriculture, IV, 37. barley, IV, 38. buckwheat, IV, 39. cereal crops, IV, 37. cigars manufactured and consumed, IV, 55. climate, IV, 34. Road and Street Improvement Co., XV, 467; XVII, 70. Rock and Gravel Co., XV, 485. Products Co., XVIII, 221. Salt Co., XVIII, 613; XXVI, 320; XXVII, 396; XXXIX, 539. rocks and building stones, V, 107. shown at New Orleans Exposition, V, 108. rye, IV, 39. saline deposits of, B 24. Salt Co., B 24, 133; XVII, 34. Works, Alameda County, VIII, 32, 33. illustration of, VIII, 33. solar evaporation vats and salt stacks, photo of, XVII, 34. sandstone, B 118, 674. and Construction Co., XIII, 637; XIV, 808; XXXV, 178. scenery in, IV, 33; V, 52. second geological survey of, XIV, 639. Seltzer Springs, Mendocino County, VI, Part 1, 64; XII, 338; XIII, 512; XIV, 423; XXV, 463. Sewer-Pipe Co.'s Brickyard, Los Angeles County, XIII, 614. -Sierra Gold Mines, Inc., XXXI, 11. Silica Co., XIV, 633. Slate Manufacturing Co., RM (El Dorado), 17. quarry. El Dorado County, B 38, 150; XV, 306; XXII, 448; XXXIV, 365. Slimes Concentrating and Cyanide Plant, Amador County, XIV, 23; B 108, 84. treating the tailings from the Fremont mill, Drytown, Amador County, photo of, XIV, 23. smelters in, B 23, 29. Smelting & Refining Co., XXXIV, 430, 470. Co.'s Mill and Refinery, Inyo County, XXXIV (see map), southern, history, B 118, 77. manganese in, B 76, 19. map showing distribution of nitrogen, in sediments, B 118, 255. showing Tertiary paleogeography, B 118, 96. petroleum in, B 63. Railroad, B 76, 54, 58. Standard Oil Co.'s wells, 8 19, 129. Star Oil Co., B 63, 159. State aid to mining in, XVIII, 624. Chamber of Commerce, cited, B 103, 66; B 107, 65; B 111, 40. Council for Defense, B 125, 93, 96, map in pocket. Division of Mines, manganese investiga- tion, 1939, B 125, 10, 93. leases, B 123, Sees. 872, 874, 877, 878, 878a. county lands for mining, B 98, 471. Division of State Lands, B 123, Sec. 876. minerals from waters, B 98, 471. of known mineral lands, B 98, 469. petroleum oil, etc., B 98, 470. tidal and submerged lands, B 98, 470. Legislation, B 123, Appendix A, pp. 653- 668. Life Building, B 99, 185. Sacramento, rear walls faced with Can- non and Co.'s face brick, XXI, 7. Mining Bureau, B 23, 263; B 24, 195; B 36, 111; B 37, 159; B 45, 13; B 66, 5; B 75, 7; B 76, 185. cited, B 76, 9. 148, 166; B 78, 355, 359; B 85, 20, 38, 39, 41, 60, 61, 73, 89, 95, 102, 107. general index of the publications of, B 46. manganese investigations, 1917-1919, B 125, 10, 53, 93. No. 24 Fourth Street, photo of, XII, Title Page. Mining Law, B 123, Appendix A, 653-659. Oil and Gas Supervisor, Annual Report of, B73, B 82, B 84. statistical summary, IV, 45. statutes, B 66, 24; B 75, 44; B 123, Appen- dix A, 653-668. governing location of mining claims, B 127, 10. stratigraphy, B 118, 164. structural and industrial materials of, B 38. submarine canyons, XXXIV, 301. sugar production, manufacture, and refin- ing, IV, 54. Sulphur Co., XVII!, 481. sundries shown at New Orleans Exposition, V, 119. swine and poultry, IV, 42. Talc Co., XV, 127; XVIII, 539; XXXIII, 207; XXXIV, 19; XXXVI, 12, 250. Co.'s bentonite deposit, San Bernardino County (see also Horner Bentonite deposit), XXVI, 306; XXVII, 380; XXXVI, 81, 253; XXXIX, 509. deposit, San Bernardino County, analy- sis of, XXXVI, 82. Tertiary correlation, B 118, 187. textile fabrics and fibers, IV, 52. topographic map of sea floor, B 118, 254. topography and system of mountains, IV, 31. total production of magnesite in, B 79, 37, 38. Travertine Co., XV, 173. tungsten deposits. XXXVII, 282. type dredge, B 57, 86, 87. photo of, B 57, 61. 71, 86, 91, 114, 120, 132, 133, 150, 166, 167, 169, 171, 191, 196, 199, 267, 268, 269. 134 CAL-CAL California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 sketches of, B 57, facing 50, 66, 67, 270, 271. University, photo of crushing and sampling floor in mill of department of mining at, B 78, 286. use of electricity in mining operations in, XII, 450. valleys, IV, 32. Vanadium Co. (see also Lombard and Main), XV, 845. variety and distribution of mineral wealth, IX, 19. various agricultural and minor pursuits, IV, 46. vegetables, IV, 39. Vichy springs, Mendocino County, analysis of, XIV, 422, 423. viticulture-grapes, wines and raisins, IV, 43. Water and Mining Co. (see also Bower and French Mines), VIM, 199; XIII, 528; XV, 282, 286; XXII, 426. length, capacity and cost of ditches, II, Part 2, 161. wheat, IV, 38. Wire Works, IV, 56. wood working, IV, 47. woolen mills and goods, IV, 51. Zinc Co., XX, 430; XXII, 144, 148, 211, 214; XXXV, 174. concentrating plant at Winthrop, Shasta County, photo of, B 97, 61. plant at Winthrop, Shasta County, gen- eral view showing tram terminal and ore bins, concentrator and smelter, XXII, 214, 215. Californian lakes, location map of, XXIX, fac- ing 176. occurrences on geology, etc., bibliography on, B 78, 358. tile at Agua Caliente, Lower California, Mexico, photo of, B 107, 95; B 109, 77. California's mineral production for 1931, esti- mated, XXVIII, 89. resources of strategic minerals, XXXIV, 286. Californite, B 37, 12, 53, 93, 94, 95, 155; XIV, 439, 461, 869; B 67, 125; B 91, 179; B 113, 295. in Butte County, XVIII, 332; XXIV, 177; XXVI, 367. El Dorado County (see also idocrase), XXII, 409; XXXIV, 214. Fresno County, XIV, 439, 461; XVIII, 332; XXV, 311. not nickel bearing, XIV, 461. Si-skiyou County, XVIII, 332; XXI, 493; XXXI, 279, 291, 333. Caliproducts Co., Ravenna, 100-ton grinding plant, photo of, XXIII, 323; XXVII, 418. Co.'s feldspar-silica deposit, Los Angeles County, XXIII, 323; XXVII, 417; XXXIII, 204. Callstoga Hot Springs, Napa County, VIII, 416; X, 355; XII, 341; XIII, 514; XIV, 277; XVII, 159; XXV, 221, 229; B 78, 81; XXXV, 476. wells (Geysers) spouting hot water, photo of, XXV, 221. Mine, Napa County (see also Silverado), XIV, 270; XXV, 238. Napa County, B 99, 132. quicksilver in, Napa County, XIII, 597; XIV, 277; B 78, 81; XXV, 229. Silver Mines, Napa County, VI, Part 1, 76. springs, Napa County, B 24, 136. thermal springs, Napa County, VI, Part 1, 67. Calitroleum sand, B 118, 674. Calivada area, Midway Sunset oil field, cita- tions, B 118, 521. Calkins, Frank C, cited, XXXIII, 18. Call Group, Del Norte County, B 23, 115; B 50, 139. sandstone member, San Benito Quadrangle, XXXIX, 202. Callaghan, Eugene, cited, XXX III, 25. Callahan and Donner manganese deposit, Calaveras County, B 125, 315. District, Siskiyou County, XIV, 825. chromite in, B 76, 109. gold dredging in, B 57, 14. manganese deposit, Calaveras County, B 125, 60, 65, 76, 106. San Joaquin County, B 125, 166. Siskiyou County, B 125, 183. Callahan's Ranch, Siskiyou County, Vtll, 629; XI, 433. table showing the production of gold, hy- draulic, placer, drift and river mines, II, Part 1, 188. Calleaud quarry, Sonoma County, XIV, 353. Called Back Mine, Los Angeles County, XIII, 203; XV, 477. Calle de Oro vein, mine workings of, Santa Fe Mine, San Bernardino County, photo of, XXVII, 285. Calleguas field, Ventura County, citations, B 118, 424. wells, Ventura County, B 19, 99; B 63, 152. Callender shale, Dominguez oil field, B 118, 230. zones, Dominguez oil field, B 118, PI. V, 318, 319, 674. Calliope Mine, Plumas County, XIII, 289. Callizo manganese deposit, Mendocino County, B 125, 134. Callovian, B 118, 107, 671. Callow flotation cells, B 78, 343. Calloway Canal, Kern County, XIII, 534. Call's Ranch Coal Mine, Sonoma County, XI, 460. Callustro, Napa County, X, 363; XIV, 299. Calmas Mining Co., Tuolumne County, XIV, 137. r;iI-Mer Mine, Santa Barbara County (see T>ion Den), XXXV, 448. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 CAL-CAM 1 3 5 Calmlch Mine, Trinity County, XXIX, 17; XXXVII, 76. Calmo Mining and Milling Co., XXI, 161; XXXII, 351. Calmont Mine, San Bernardino County, XXVI, 229; XXVII, 290. Calnan Group, Plumas County, XVII, 463; XVIII, 6; XXXIII, 127. Calol flotation oils, B 78, 305, 317. Calomel, IV, 330; B 67, 57; B 78, 2G; B 91, 75; B 113, 86. Calorific value of crude oil, B 32, 54. gas. B 32, 163, 165, 167. Calorimetric tests in laboratory of State Min- ing Bureau, B 11, 65. Cal Oro Dredging Co. (see also Gardella Dredge), XXXI, 318; XXXIV, 114. Gardella Dredge, photo of, XXXI, 282. Calpella, platinum deposit at, B 85, 46. Calrock Asphalt Co., XXXIX, 33. plant, photograph of, XXXIX, 18. quarry, photograph of, XXXIX, 18. Calumet and California Mining Co., XVI (Ne- vada), 131, 168; XXXVII, 447. Hecla Mine, Inyo County, B 50, 324. claim, San Bernardino County, IX, 226. Consolidated Mine, Shasta County, XIV, 781; XXII, 181; XXXV, 146, 178. Gold Mining Co.'s mills, Shasta County, VIII, 694. -Michigan Mining Co., XIV, 894. Mine, Shasta County, VIII, 563; X, 631; XI, 43, 395; XXIX, 17. Oil Co., B 63, 127. Calyptraea diegoana, B 118, 595. Calzona Mines, Riverside County, XV, 542; XXV, 477; XXX, 321. Camanche and Camanche No. 2 Mine, Cala- veras County, XXXII, 357. Dredger Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. Gold Dredging Co., XXI, 162. Placers, Ltd., XXXII, 333. dredge, Calaveras County, photo of, XXXII, 333. dredge bucket line, Calaveras County, photo of, XXXII, 334. Camarillo anticline, Conejo oil field, B 118, 424. Oxnard and El Rio District, B 89, 126. quarry, Ventura County, B 38, 327; XV, 769. Cambell Group (copper), Imperial County, XXII, 252. Cambern, M. L., silica and feldspar deposit, )^VII, 331. Camborne - Hayle Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 447. Cambria Copper Co., Ltd.. XXXV, 144, 178. Mine, Butte County, XI, 164. San Bernardino County, X, 531; XV, 808. San Luis Obispo County (see also Bank), B 78, 128, 292, 293. 297, 322; XXI, 530; XXXI, 435; XXXV, 431. costs at, B 78, 131. description of, XV, 700. extractions at, B 78, 245. map of, B 78, 129. native mercury in, B 78, 288. operating costs at, B 78, 244. ore sample from, B 78, 288. solution tests on, B 78, 322. Red Hill Workings, plat of, XV, 703; B 78, 129. tramway and ore-bin, photo of, XV, 704; B 78, 130. Quicksilver Co. reduction works, San Luis Obispo County, photo of, XV, 701. Steel Co., B 76, 98. Cambrian, XXXI, 114; B 118, 99, 100, 670. Arrastre quartzite, B 118, 99, 673. Barrelian series, B 118, 673. Bonanza King formation, B 118, 99, 100, 674. Cadiz formation, B 118, 99, 100, 166, 674. Campito sandstone, B 118, 674. Chambless limestone, B 118, 675. copper prospect. El Dorado County, XXII, 408. Cornfield Springs formation, B 118, 99, 100, 675. formations, B 72, 26. in geologic time, B 118, 90. Inyo marble, B 118, 678. Johnnie formation, B 118, 100, 678. Kelso shale, B 118, 678. Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4, 14; B 23, 177; B 50, 213, 218; XV, 276. Mono series, B 118, 680. Noonday dolomite, B 118, 100, 681. Nopah formation, B 118, 99, 100, 681. Oro Grande series, B 118, 681. Panamintan series, B 118, 681. Pintoan series, B 118, 682. Panamint Range, XXVIII, 330, 337, 342. prospect, copper, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 213. Prospect Mountain quartzite, B 118, 682. (?) quartzite, Newberry and Ord Mountains, XXXVI, 264. rocks in Inyo County, XV, 53. see also Paleozoic, B 118. Sierra Nevada, XXVIII, 286. Silver King dolomite, B 118, 684. Peak group, B 118, 684. Stirling quartzite, B 118, 100. 684. System, in the Nopah and Resting Springs Mountains, Inyo County, XXXIII, 285. Tough Mountain quartzite, B 118, 685. Wood Canyon formation, B 118, 99, 100, 686. Zabriskie quartzite member, B 118, 687. Cambridge Mine, Nevada County (see also Union Hill Mine), RM (Nevada), 4; XVI (Nevada), 254: XXXVII, 447. Placer County, XV, 380; XXIII, 271; XXXII, 88. Camden claim, Fresno County, chrome, B 76, 145. Camel Back Mine, El Dorado County (see also Voss Mine), XVII, 430; XXII, 407; XXXIV, 213. 136 CAM-CAM California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Cameron Canon, Kern County, VIII, 312. claims, Plumas County (gold), XVII, 456. D. r., B 57, 116. Mine, Placer County, XIII, 281. Plumas County, XIII, 289; XVI (Plumas), 69; XXIV, 299, 312; XXXIII, 127. Valley, San Diego County, XXXI, 131, 136. "Walter, photo by, B 101, 22. Cameta Warm Springs, San Luis Obispo County, VI, Part 1, 71; XV, 693; XXI, 524; XXXI, 428. Camille Mine, Calaveras County (see also Cornmeal Mine), XIV, 75; XXXII, 300. Camin manganese deposit, Mebold and, Mari- posa County, B 125, 132. Caminetti Act, XII, 535; B 92, 12; XXIII, 55; XXXI, 154, 345; XXXIV, 348; B 123, Sec. 205. Camou and Calief Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. Camp Bessie manganese deposit, Santa Clara County, B 76, 77; XVII, 194; XXXVI, 14; B 125, 176. Bird Mine, Inyo County, plan map of, XXVIII, 360. buildings of Horse Mountain Copper Mining Co., Humboldt County, photo of, XIV, 395. Cady, San Bernardino County, gypsum de- posit, B 38, 287. Carbon Coal Mine, Mendocino County, XIX, 150; XX, S7. Carbon Coal Mine, Mendocino County, camp and surface works, photo of, XIX, 150, 152. main entry, photo of, XIX, 151. U'orkings, map of, XX, 86. Castle Mine, San Bernardino County, XXVI, 230; XXVII, 290. 8, Del Norte County, XXXVII, 122; XXXIX, 77. 9 manganese deposit, Alameda County, B 125, 74, 97, 98, 100, map in pocket. 7 claim, Del Norte County (chromite), XXXVII, 122. Nelson Mine, Tulare County (see also Annie J. Nash), XXVI, 439, 444. No. 9, Alameda County (see also Crocker Properties, IMerchant Mine), B 76, 26; XVII, 25; XXV, 436. Rock Placer Mine, San Bernardino County, XXVI, 230; XXVII, 291; XXVIII, 254; XXX, 350; XXXVI, 233; XXXIX, 443. Rose Spring, Sonoma County, XIV, 336. sites, land for, B 75, 32. "Vera Group, San Bernardino County, B 23, 252; B 50, 334; XV, 785; XXVI, 207; XXVII, 267. view westward from Cerro Gordo Mine, photo of, XV, 91. "Wlshon District, Tulare County, XXVI, 467. Campagnie Francalse de Placers Hydranl- iques, Trinity County. XII, 308. ('ampana, .T. V., B 24, IBn. Campnnian .•Tites, B 67, 37; B 91, 48. Capistrano embayment, lower Paleogene, B 118, 113. map showing, B 118, 96. formation, B 118, 202, 674. limestone, Oi-ange County, B 38, 73; XV, 520; XXI, 68. Neogene, B 118, 117. Valley, Orange County, section across, B 89, 144. Capital claim, San Bernardino County, X, 526. Crude Oil Co.'s wells, Ventura County, XIII, 589; B 19, 98; B 63, 78, 126. Dredging Co., Sacramento County, XXXI, 21. investment for gold dredging, XXXIV, 109. in furnace plants, B 78, 352. Mine, San Bernardino County, IX, 229. National Bank Building, Sacramento, fin- ished with architectural terra, photo of, B 74, 91. Sand and Gravel Co., XXI, 17. Scandalosa and Monitor claims, San Ber- nardino County, gold, XV, 800. Sewer Pipe Works, Sacramento County, X, 509; XII, 383; XIII, 617; B 38, 225; PR 7, 91. stock, companies, B 73, 245. Capitalization, oil companies, B 84, 576. industry, XVIII, 446. Capitan oil field, B 118, 22, 374. citations and index map, B 118, 376. Erburu zones, B 118, 376. Monterey formation, B 118, 374. Santa Margarita formation, B 118, 374. Sespe formation, B 118, 376. pool, B 118, 22. Tejon formation, B 118, 374. Temblor formation, B 118, 374. Vaqueros pool formation, B 118, 22, 374. National Bank Bldg., Sacramento, finished with architectural terra cotta, B 74, 91. Oil Co., XII, 358. Refining Co., refinery, B 32, 213. refinery, stockyards, photo of, B 32, 213. Steam Brick Works, XIII, 614. Capitola claim, San Luis Obispo County, quicksilver, XXXI, 437. Mine and Santa Monica claim, San Luis Obispo County, XXI, 530. Kern County, XXV, 62. San Bernardino County, XXXVII, 286. Luis Obispo County (see also Klau Mine), XV, 705; B 78, 131; XXXV, 431. Caplatzi quarry, Santa Cruz County, XVII, 237. W. A., limestone quarry and plant of, Santa Cruz County, photo of, B 88, 119. <';il)s and posts, in drift.«5, B 2, !). in square -sets, B 2, b*i. size of, B 2, 13. Captain Cook Mine, Sierra County, XVI (Si- erra), 35; XXV, 201; XXXVIII, 52. chromite claim, San Luis Obispo County, XXXVII, 143. Car Placer Mine, Butte County, X, 142. Carabon and Good Chance Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 300. Carbon Co. (see also Camp Carbon Coal Mine), XIX, 154; XXV, 460. coal mine, Mendocino County, sketch map of, XXV, 461. determination of, B 63, 14. dioxide, B 124, 50. at New Almaden, Santa Clara County, XII, 407. gas, directory of producers of (see annual statistical bulletins), in Imperial County, XXXVIII, 144. Santa Cruz County, XXXIX, 36. occurrences in Mendocino and northern Sonoma counties, XXXIX, 301. production statistics for (see annual statistical bulletins), seeps, in Mendocino and northern Sonoma counties, map showing, XXXIX, 302. uses for, XXXIX, 303. gaseous, XXXIX, 308. in Big Blue Mines, Kern County, XXXVI, 412. magnesite, B 79, 12, 15. production of in California, XXXIX, 273 (see also annual statistical bulletins), properties, occurrence, preparation, uses, tests, markets, possible buyers, and bibliography, B 124, 175. solid, XXXIX, 308. -free titanium, XXIII, 302. Hill Oil and Coal Co., XIII, 54; B 11, 11. in slate, re-precipitation or absorption of gold by, B 108, 193. Island Salt Co.'s works, XIII, 644. properties, occurrence, preparation, uses, tests, markets, possible buyers, and bib- liography, B 124, 167. ■ Carbona Quadrangle, radiolarian chert of, B 125, 242, 244, 246, 247. Carbonado, B 67, 7; B 91, 7; B 113, 15. Carbonate and Ibex Mines shipping point, Zabriskie, photo of, XV, 90. deposits, manganese, B 125, 115, 133, 134, 136, 141, 158, 177, 185, 187, 189, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 201. examples of, B 125, 29. Group, San Bernardino County, XV, 841; XXVI, 294; XXXVII, 306; XXXVIII, 349. Hill, Orange County, X, 403. Group, San Bernardino County, XVII, 362; XXVI, 274; XXVII, 347. King Mine, San Bernardino County, XXVI, ^74; XXVII, 347; XXXIX, 127, 478. 140 CAR-CAR California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Zinc Mine, San Bernardino County, plioto- grapli of head-frame and shaft of, XXXIX, 479. Manganese claim. I'lumas County, XXXIX, S7. Mine and ramp in Panamint Range, photo of, XV, 89. Inyo County (see also Queen of Sheba), RM (Inyo), 4; XV, 89; XVII, 283; XIX, 30; XXII, 480; XXVIII, 361; XXXIV, 17, 430, 470. San Bernardino County, IX, 230, 233; XI, 361; XII, 26; XIII, 33, 320, 607; XV, 811; XXVI, 274; XXVII, 346. tungsten ore at mouth of tunnel, photo of, XV, 843. of ammonia and cyanide, B 5, 11. copper, IV, 115. iron, IV, 115. lead, IV, 115, 124. lime, IV, 104; B 37, 110. manganese in Ladd Mine, B 76, 64. in Tesla district, B 76, 24. soda, III, Part 2, 51, 97; IV, 115. anhydrous, III, Part 2, 97. crystallized, III, Part 2, 97. zinc, IV, 368. Queen Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 9. strontium, PR 5, 33. tunnel on property of J. R. Commerford, et al., San Bernardino County, cutting 8- inch tungsten-bearing vein, photo of, XV, 842. Carbonated mineral springs in Siskiyou County, XII, 346. soda springs. Lake County, B 24, 52. spring in Fresno County, XXV, 319. Carbonates, B 24, 91; B 67, 90; B 91, 126; B 113, 136; XXXIV, 53. in the sediments, XXVIII, 62. Carbondale clay, Amador County, B 38, 206; XIV, 5. Coal Co., XI, 148. pottery, Amador County, XI, 149; XIII, 613. water well, Amador County, XI, 148. Sacramento County, XI, 335. Carbonic acid gas, utilization of, B 79, 19. Carboniferous (see also Mississippian, Paleo- zoic, Penns/jivanian Permian), B 99, 50, 68, 70, 84, 200; XXIX, 91; XXXI, 114; B 118, 99, 1110, 102, 166, 670, 673, 674, 676, 677, 680, 6S1, 683, 684, 685. formation, manganese in, B 76, 18. formations, B 72, 28. at Julian, San Diego County, XIV, 639. In Butte County, XV, 182. geologic time, B 118, 90. Shasta Quadrangle, XXVII, 9. rocks in Amador County, B 108, 57. Calaveras County, B 108, 125. Inyo County, XV, 54. Mariposa County, B 108, 181. Shasta County, XIV, 758. Trinity County, XIV, 920. Tuolumne County, B 108, 153. Sierra Nevada, XXVIII, 285. Carbonne and Clapp Canons, slate shale in, B 19, 35. character of sandstone in, B 19, 35. Carbuncle, B 37, 51. Cardiff-Carlsbad District, San Diego County, B 99, 19. Los Angeles County, use of, B 99, 99. San Diego County, clay resources of, B 99, 200, 205. clays, tests of, B 99, 287, 288, 311, 322. Cardinal Gold Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV, 389. photograph of, XXXIV, 389. Mining Co. (see also Wilshire-Bishop Creek Mine, Inyo County). XXX, 313; XXXIV, 389, 470. mill, Inyo County, flow sheet of, XXXIV, 390. Cardinelle Mine, Tuolumne County, XIII, 475. Cardita californica, B 118, 176. subtanta, B 118, 582. Cardium (Mexicardia) procerum, B 118, 174. (Schedocardia) brewerii, B 118, 168. Cardova et al. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXI 1, 300. Cardozo, A. S., sand and gravel, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 39. gold prospect, Mariposa County, XXIV, 83. Careaga formation, B 118, 201, 235, 237, 238, 431, 674. wells, B 19, 104. Carewe-Morton Enterprise Co., XXVII, 380. Carey Creek coal, Fresno County, XII, 51. E. P., cited, XXIX, 214. Elmer E., cited, B 78, 355. Mine, Placer County, XV, 354; XXIII, 271. Cargo Hill Mine, Calaveras County (see also Ferguson Mine), XXXII, 254, 304. Muchacho district. Imperial County, XXXIV, 9; XXXVI, 10. San Diego County, VI, Part 1, 81; XI, 385; XII, 238; XIII, 333; XXII, 255. Gold Mines, Imperial County, XII, 239; XIII, 333; XIV, 725, 729; XXII, 255. Mine, Imperial County, XXXIV, 9; XXXVIII, 117. Mines, San Diego County, XI, 385; XIII, 334. Mining District. Imperial County, XXXVIII, 153. gold production of, XXXVIII, 153. Mountains, Imperial County, B 99, 83, 84, 87. geologic map of, XXXVIII, facing 196. geology and mineral deposits of the, XXXVIII, 147. location of, XXXVIII, 163. photograph of, XXXVIII, 165, 166, 167. Range, Imperial County, gold mines in, XIV, 725. of Mountains, Imperial County, photo of, XXII, 257. Car-Gor-Van Co., B 125, 135. Cariboo Mine, Siskiyou County, VIII, 614, 695; XIII, 392; XXXI, 316. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 CAR-CAR 141 Caribou formation, B 118, 674. Gold Mining and Power Co., Shasta County (see also Maddox Mining Co.), XXIX, 35. Oil Co.'s wells, B 19, 140. Power House of Great Western Power Co., Plumas County, photo of, B 90, 12; XXIV, 265; XXXIII, 81. Carixian substage, B 118, 671. Carizzo Creek, San Diego County, B 24, 55. Carl and Shaw Mine, Siskiyou County, XII, 279; XIII, 392; XXXI, 316. Browne Paint Mine, Napa County, B 38, 339; XVII, 159; XXV, 220; XXVI, 154. Carlaw Bros.' quarry (granite). Placer County, XIII, 621. Carleton claim, Sierra County, XVI (Sierra),' 35; XXV, 201; XXXVIII, 52. Carley and Little Carley Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 300. Manganese Mine, Calaveras County (see also L Falcon Mine), XIII, 104; B 125, 66, 76, 106. 320. Carlile clay and sand deposit, Amador County, XXIII, 136; XXVII, 434. photograph of, XXIII, 137. I Mrs. Sarah E., B 99, 57. W*. W. Property, Amador County, clay and sand in, XIX, 96. Property, near Buena Vista, Amador County, plant being erected by E. E. Tremain for washing clay, photo of, XXIII, 137. Carlin Mine, Tuolumne County, XIV, 141; W XXIV, 24. Carlisle Claim, John G., Panamint Range (see Radcliff Mine), XXVIII, 373. I claims, Nevada County, B 50, 202; XVI (Ne- vada), 85. Group, San Bernardino County, XV, 803. Mine, Butte County, RM (Butte), 8, 9; XIII, 83; XV, 214; PR 8, 25; XXIV, ISO; XXVI, 371. Nevada County, XXXVII, 447. Carlock Mine, Siskiyou County (see also Mor- rison), XIV, 837; XXI, 450; XXVII, 44; XXXI, 258, 298, 323. Carlotta Consolidated Mine (see also Pennsyl- vania Mine), Tuolumne County, XI, 499; XII, 300; XIII, 475; XIV, 141; PR 8, 41; XXIV, 24. Mine, Tuolumne County, section of, XI, 500. Carlsbad District (see also under Cardiff), B 99, 200, 203. feldspar and silica deposit, San Diego County, open cut, photo of, XXVII, 427. Group, San Diego County, XXVII, 427, 446. Springs, Lake County, RM (Lake), 5; XIV, 216; XXV, 346. Carlson and Sandburg dragline dredge for 3- cubic yard shovel, photograph of, XXXIV, 115. dredging operators, XXXIV, 114. Mine, Shasta County, XXXV, 178. Trinity County, XXXVII, 76. Dry Blower (see Australian dry blowers and jiggers), XXVIII, 118; XXX, 138. Carlton area, Coyote Hills oil field, B 118, 231, 232. Mine. Calaveras County, XIII, 100; XIV, 73; PR 8, 26; XVIII, 18. 21; XXXII, 300. Carlyle Group, Nevada County, XXVI, 102; XXXVII, 447. Mine, San Bernardino County, XXXIV, 15; XXXVI, 61; XXXIX, 444. Carmack Placer Mine (see also Pacific Blue Lead), Placer County, XVII, 448; PR 8, 34; XVIII, 263, 603; XXIII, 265, 271; XXXII, 54. Carman area. Elk Hills oil field, citations, B 118, 516. Carmean quarry, San Diego County, XXXV, 50. Carmel, abrasive resistance of building stone, XXVIII, 21, 29, 32, 39. age of rocks, XXVIII, 17. architectural stones. XXVI 1 1, 15, 16, 17, 29, 39. calcareous rocks, XXVIII, 17. Canyon, photograph of small harbor of, XXXIV, 301. 'Carmel Stone,' or "B" Type, XXVIII, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40. Cenozoic era, XXVIII, 17. chalk-rock, XXVIII, 15, 16. clay resources, B 99, 131. Coal Mines, Monterey County, VIII, 404; XXI, 30. color of building stone, XXVIII, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 37, 39. composition, building stone, XXVIII, 21, 27, 29, 30. 33, 36, 37. 39. compression of building stone, XXVIII, 21, 28, 29, 31, 37, 39. density of building stone, XXVIII, 21, 28, 29, 30, 33, 39. Development Co., XV, 614; B 38, 278; XXI, 54. diatomaceous rocks, XXVIII, 18, 19, 33. durability of building stone, XXVIII, 21, 29, 30, 31, 33, 37, 39, 41. Eocene, XXVIII, 17. faulting, XXVIII, 20. frost and heat resistance of building stone, XXVIII, 21, 29, 30, 31, 37. granite, XXVIII, 20. Land and Coal Co., X, 347. Mine, Monterey County, XIII, 54. Miocene. XXVIII, 17, 18, 19. Mission, Carmel, XXVIII, 39, 41. Monterey County, photo of, XXVIII, 41. Monterey shale, XXVIII. 18, 20. stone, XXVIII, 15. or 'C type, XXVIII, 27, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40. Oligocene, XXVIII, 17. Placer Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 139. Pliocene, XXVIII, 17. porosity of building stone, XXVIII, 21, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 38, 40. quarries, Carmel Stone Quarries, XXVIII, 23, 25, 26, 27. Santa Lucia, XXVIII, 16, 21. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. 142 CAR-CAR California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Sierra quarry, XXVIII, 23, 26, 27. Quaternary, XXVIII, 17, 26. ratio of absorption of building stone, XXVIII, 21, 28, 29, 30, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40. River, Monterey County, B 99, 129. Santa Lucia stone, XXVIII, 15. or 'A' type, XXVIII, 27, 28, 30, 35, 36, 40, 41. silica, XXVIII, 17, 18, 19, 21, 30, 33, 36, 37. siliceous shale, XXVIII, 15, 18, 20, 30. soft 'Carmel Stone' or 'D' type, XXVIII, 27, 39, 40. specific gravity of building stone, XXVIII, 21, 28, 33, 38. 39, 40. stone, Carmel, XXVIII, 15, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41. from quarries of Arthur H. Anthony, Carmel, Monterey County, photo of, B 107, 64, 79. residence built of, Monterey County, photo of, B 109, 64. photomicrograph, XXVIII, 36, 37. quarries, Carmel, XXVIII, 23, 25, 26, 27. Tertiary, XXVIII, 17, 18. Valley, XXVIII, 18. 'A-lichen,' XXVIII, 27, 29. *A-rhomboid,' Carmel, XXVIII, 27, 29, 30, 35, 36, 40. 'A-structural,' XXVIII, 27, 28, 29, 36, 40. geologic map, XXVIII, facing 22. geology and physical properties of build- ing stone, XXVIII, 14. .stratigraphic section, XXVIII, 20. Temblor basin, XXVIII, 18. wall rock. XXVIII, 29, 30. Carmelita Mine, Tuolumne County, XIII, 475. Carmelo Bay, XXVIII, 20. series, age of, B 118, 135. 674. Carmen claim. Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 35. Island Salt Co., B 24, 112. Mine, Sierra County, XXV, 201; XXXVIII, 52. Carmencita Mine, Mariposa County (see also Optimo), XXIV, 135. Carmichael Canal, Ventura County, XIII, 563. Carnalite, B 24, 29. Carnation Gold Mining Co., Ltd. (see also Jamison Mine), XXXIII, 105, 112. Mine, Plumas County (see also Little Jami- son, Plumas-Eureka Annex), XXXIII, 127. Carnegie Brick and Pottery Co., B 38, 202; XIV, 607; PR 7, 94; B 99, 45, 208. Co.'s plant, San Joaquin County, floor construction of a brick kiln at, photo of, XIV, 607, 608. Terra Cotta Co., San Joaquin County, B 38, 227; XIV, 607; PR 7, 94. Group, Ltd., Shasta County, XIV, 781; XXII, 181. Institute of Washington, cited, XXVIII, 64. Library, Petaluma, built of trachyte tuff, photo of. B 38, 163; XIV, 365. Santa Cruz, built of Cassell, John, quarry sandstone, photo of, B 38, 134. Mine, Shasta County, XXXV, 178. pottery and limekilns. San Joaquin County, photo of. B 38, 201. shale pit. San Joaquin County. B 38, 228. Carnelian, IV, 321; B 37, 64; B 67, 66; B 91, 87; B 113, 95. Carneros sand, San Joaquin Valley west side, B 118, 248, 250. 251, 674. sandstone. Belridge oil field, B 118, 503, 504, 674. member, B 118, PI. IV, 674. Carnotite, PR 4, 27; B 87, 100; B 123, 7. Carolina Mine, Kern County, RM (Kern), 9. Madera County, XII, 155; XIII, 206. Carondale pottery, Amador County, XI, 149; XIII, 613. Carp claim, San Diego County, XIV, 656; XXXV, 26. Carpenter, A., atid Empire Trading Co., Inc. (see also Fabris-Carpenter Co., Ltd.), XXXI, 459. and Robertson Mine, Siskiyou County, XVIII, 97; XXI, 466; XXXI, 316. claim wells, B 63, 96. Mine, Butte County, RM (Butte), 8. Calaveras County, XIV, 115; XXXII, 357. El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 10. oil well, San Luis Obispo County, X, 576. property, B 85, 88. quarry, Sonoma County, XIV, 353. Volcanic Ash Mine. El Dorado County, XXII, 452. Carpinteria Clay Products Co., XXI, 546. formation, B 118, 675. Oil Co., B 63, 379, 407. region, Santa Barbara County, citations, B 118, 390. clay, tests of. B 99, 348. Santa Barbara County, B 89, 111; B 99, 218. well drill in bituminous shale at, photo of, XV, 733. Carquinez Brick and Tile Co., PR 7, 44; XVII, 49; XXIII, 9; B 99, 76. series. B 118, 675. Straits, water well. Contra Costa County, XI, 193. Carr and Dragon Mine, Placer County, XXXII, 89. and MefCord properties, Amador County, chromite in, B 76, 116, 216. Crushed Rock Co., XXVI, 463. gold prospect, Butte County, RM (Butte), 10; XV, 199. Joseph et al. Mine, Trinity County, XXII, 51; XXXVII, 76. Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 447. Plumas County. XXXIII, 127. Riverside County, XXXIX, 125. Trinity County, B 27, 193; XIV, 924; XXII, 51; XXXVII, 76; B 125, 59, 65, 91, 197. or Brown Bear Mine, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 69. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 CAR-CAR 143 I quicksilver prospect, Trinity County, B 78, 201; XXII, 66; XXXV, 476. Tungsten Mine, Riverside County, XXXVI, 48. Carr's Iron-Capped Dike, Trinity County, XXVII, 30. mining claim, Trinity County, X, 716. Carra Mine, Tuolumne County (see also Black Oak), XIV, 13S; XXIV, 23. Carrara marble quarry, Amador County. RM (Amador), 13; Xil, 391; XIII, 627; B 38, 96; XIV, 53; XXIII, 200. quarry, Amador County, marble columns from, photo of, B 93, 86. Carribo Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. Carriboo Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV, 470. Carrie Crouse Mine, Inyo County, XIII, 180. Hale Mine, El Dorado County, XII, 105; XIII, 136; XXXIV, 270. K. Mine. Mariposa County (see also Sunrise Placer), XXIV, 142. manganese deposit, Trinity County, B 125, 197. Mine, Trinity County, XIII, 441; XIV, 886; XXII, 29; XXXVII, 76. Tuolumne County, XIII, 475. Todd Mine, Mariposa County, RM (Mari- posa), 10; XVII, 109; XXIV, 82, 89, 124. Carrier Gulcii platinum deposits, Siskiyou County, B 85, 92. Carrington, Chillena et al.. Pocket Mines, Tuolumne County, XIV, 142. Mine, Tuolumne County (see also Wilson and Means, Rice, Stoker, Gillis and Carring- ton), X, 737; B 108, 159, 179. Carrisa Plain salt, San Luis Obispo County, VIII, 532. Plains, San Luis Obispo County, X, 568. Carrizo Creek, Imperial Valley, citations, B 118, 369. oyster beds, Colorado Desert, X, 915. San Diego County, XI, 88. saline deposits, B 24, 55. District, geology of, B 69, 429. formation, B 72, 38; B 118, 202, 675. gypsum deposit, Imperial County, XXII, 271; XXXVIII, 134. Mountain, San Diego County, XI, 90; B 99, 83, 84. Plain, B 118, 453. Caliente Range, and Cuyama Valley, map of, XXXV, opposite 274. District, geology, B 89, 100. oil wells, B 89, 100. Lake deposits (late Pleistocene), XXXV, 271. nomenclature, stratigraphy, XXXV, 259. oil and gas in commercial amounts, pros- pects for the occurrence of, XXXV, 273. Pliocene (?). XXXV, 271. present structure, XXXV, 271. Quaternary fans, XXXV, 271. San Luis Obispo County, Soda Lake in, photo of, XXXI, 455. southeastern, Cuyama Valley and Caliente Range, index map of, XXXV, 257. stratigraphy of, XXXV, 259. structural history of, XXXV, 258. Plains and San Juan Creek, B 89, 98. Cuyama Valley and Caliente Range, Calif., oil possibilities and geology of, XXXV, 255. Station Springs, San Diego County, XIV, 722. Carrol claim, El Dorado County, B 108, 45. Seam Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 259. Carroll gravel pit, Santa Clara County, XXVI, 35. Ranch magnesite deposit, Tulare County, B 79, 107. Carroll's Iron Mine, Los Angeles County, B 38, 297. Carrville and Trinity Center region, gold placers, B 92, 95. Gold Co., XXXVII, 30, 76. dredge. Trinity County, photograph of, XXXVII, 31. Carson and Carson Extension claims. Sierra County (see also City of Six Mining Co.), XXV, 161. Colorado Railroad, Inyo County, VIII, 224. Sweet prospects, Fresno County, chromite in, B 76, 144. coal claims, Sonoma County, XI, 460. Creek formation, B 118, 675. Mine, Calaveras County (see also San JustaMine), RM (Calaveras), 5, 23; XII, 91; XIII, 100; B 18, 123; XXXII, 300. E. W., B 78, 130, 134, 206, 244, 245, 288, 326. photos by, XV, 701, 704, 707, 708; B 78, 134. Hill, Calaveras County, XIV, 65; B 99, 68. panoramic view of, XXI, 148. table of production of the precious metals, II, Part 1, 176. Gold Mines (see also Morgan and Melones and Hardy Mines), XVIII, 98; XIX, 16; XX, 5; XXI, 146; B 108, 142, 207. Inc., Calaveras County, mill, photo of, XXI, 146. Mining Co., XXXII, 247, 300. Mining Corp. power shovel, photo of, XXXII, 248. Mine, Calaveras County, arrastres at, B 108, 9. flow sheet of, B 108, 208. geology of, B 108, 124, 132. mill of, B 108, 207. production of, B 108, 131. Mines, Calaveras County, XXXII, 247. Nugget, Calaveras County, II, Part 1, 148. Lake, B 24, 10. Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 300. San Luis Obispo County (see also Klau and Bouvier Property), XXI, 82, 531; XXXI, 437; XXXV, 433. Ranch claim, San Diego County, XXXV, 54. Carter, B. F., wells, Los Angeles County, B 63, 326. clay deposit. Riverside County, B 33, 222. 144 CAR-CAS California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 feldspar deposit, Tulare County, XV, 911; XXVI, 439; XXVII, 432. Gold Mining Co., XXXVI, 53. Group, Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 133; XXXVII, 447. Manganese Mine, Riverside County, B 38,336. Mine, Shasta County, X, 635. Siskiyou County, XIII, 392. tungsten prospect, Tulare County, tactite ore, XXXIX, 177. Wallace and Augustine Mine, Placer County, XXXII, 43. Carter's Code, cited, B 123, Sec. 90, 637. Carterest-Devaux Process, XXIII, 307. Cartridges, machine-loaded, XI, 191. Cartright, Adell Co.. Fresno County, sand in, XXVI, 422. Cartwright and Phillips Mine, Siskiyou County, XI, 445; XIII, 392; XXXI, 316. lead prospect, Shasta County, XXII, 193. Lou D., Jr., cited, XXXIll, 18. Mine, Shasta County, XXXV, 178. Caruthers Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 5; XIV, 73; XXXII, 258, 300. Cary Mine, Tuolumne County, X, 748. Casa Blanca quarries, Riverside County, B 38, 44; XV, 584. granite quarry, Riverside County, photos of, B 38, 45. Diablo district. Mono County, XVIII, 418. Hot Springs, Mono County, VIII, 356; XII, 339; XXIII, 402; XXX, 87, 88; XXXVI, 154. geyser at, photograph of, XXXVI, 155. steam vent, photo of, XXX, 86. Mine, Mono County, XV, 152; XVIII, 418; XIX, 23; XXill, 376, 377; XXXIV, 13; XXXVI, 121, 151. pliotograph of kaolin outcrop, XXXVI, 151. Grande Mines, Los Angeles County, IX, 195. Madera Gold Mines Syndicate, XX, 19; XXIV, 11. gold prospect, Tuolumne County, XIX, 144; XXIV, 24. Mine, Yuba County, XV, 445. Casady View Mine, Madera County, XXIV, 326. Casagrande, Arthur, cited, XXXII, 470. Cascade claims (zinc), Madera County, XXII, 548. Dredge, Shasta County, XXXV, 178. Dredging Co.. XXXIV, 114. Lake, Nevada County, XXIX, 212. Milling and Development Corporation (see Gracie Mine), XXVI, 113. Mine, Plumas County, XIII, 15, 290; XVI (Plumas), 90; XXXIll, 127. San Diego County, XIII, 332; XIV, 662. Mountains, B 72, 24. province, Pliocene formations, B 118, 201. Range, geomorphic province, B 118, 86. Cascadia, map showing, B 118, 101. Cascajo conglomerate member, B 118, 675. Cascaret Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 447. Casco Mine, Amador County (see also Har- denburg Mine), XI, 139; XXIII, 191; B 108, 119. Case and Myer property, Sierra County, XVI (Sierra), 29; XXXVIII, 52. flotation machine, B 78, 301. Laboratory flotation machine, photo of, B 78, 301, 302. Casella, A. M., sand pit. Kings County, XVII, 77; XXVI, 423. Casey and Bach claim, Calaveras County, XXI, 142. Mine, Del Norte County, XIII, 127. Inyo County, XIII, 180; XXXIV, 470. Siskiyou County (see also Klein), XIII, 393; XIV, 853; XIX, 10; XXXI, 322. Trinity County (see also Cacy et al. Mine), XIV, 903; XXII, 50. Quarry, San Mateo County, XVII, 177; XXV, 256. sluicing claim, Siskiyou County, VIII, 617. Tom, Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV, 423. Cash Entry Group, Plumas County, XVI (Plu- mas), 69. San Diego County, XXV, 54. Mine, Plumas County, XXXIll, 127. Cashier Mine, Harrisburg, photo of, XV, 76. Inyo County (see also Harrisburg Mine), XV, 75; XXII, 466; XXXIV, 10, 391, 470. Cash-in-Dump Group, Placer County, XV, 336; XXIII, 255; XXXII, 43. Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 447. Mine. Siskiyou County, XIII, 393. -on-Dump claim, Nevada County (see also Freeman Group), XX, 358. Register Group, Kern County (see aLso Bond Buyer and Voss Consolidated Mines), XXV, 51; XXIX, 293. Casinelli Mine, Calaveras County (see also Rising Star Mine), XIV, 121. Casing, B 9, 7. capacity of, B 73, 224. Coalinga, B 69, 151. collapsing strength, examples, B 69, 237; B 73, 222; B 82, 45, 46; B 84, 137, 138. corrosion of, B 73, 11, 196; B 84, 129. photo of, B 73, 11. cost of, B 69, 239; B 84, 440. definition of water string, B 84, 110. diameters in common use, B 84, 126. errors in measurement, B 84, 206. head gas (see also gas, gasoline and petro- leum), XXII, 370. production, chart showing, B 97, 18. gasoline plant, flow sheet of, B 69, 114. leak, B 84, 207. Union Oil Co., B 84, 545. leaks, water string, B 84, 136. Midway, records and drilling, B 69, 238. notice of intention to alter, B 82, 33. oil string, B 82, 43. perforate to find oil and sand, B 84, 544. perforated for testing water shut-off. B 84, 148. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 CAS-CAS 145 report on method of removing, Kern County, B 82, 85. rules for measuring depth, B 82, 59. SaJt Lalce Field, B 69, 348. Santa Maria Field, B 69, 415. tester, B 84, 136. used in Zone "C" wells, B 84, 440. water strings, Casmalia Field, B 84, 363. weight of, B 73, 223. worn out by sand, photo of, B 69, 120. Casinghead gas, B 71, 13; B 118, 33. Casings, diameter, weight and length, B 84, 120. Casitas Pass well, B 63, 26. Station well, B 63, 33. Casmalia Field, B 73, 204; B 82, 204, 224; B 84, 375. decisions, B 84, 398. development, water conditions, B 84, 361. drilling conditions, B 84, 375. drilling "dry," B 84, 364. geographic boundaries, B 82, 199. geology, B 84, 361. gravity of oil, B 84, 381. report on Soladino-Arrellanes, B 84, 372. subsurface contours, B 84, 363. use of mud fluid, B 84, 365, 366, 367. viscosity and gravity of oils, B 84, 107. water in, B 84, 9. Hills oil field, citations, B 118, 429. Gypsum Mines, Santa Barbara County, geo- logical formation, illustration of, X, op. 600. Oil Field, B 118, 22, 430. citations and index map, B 118, 429. contour map of, B 84, facing 362. Lospe formation, B 118, 237. Monterey formation, B 118, 237. Sisquoc formation, B 118, 237, 430. stratigraphy, B 118, 237, 238. Petroleum Co., B 63, 342. Ranch Oil and Development Co.. B 63, 341. red beds, B 118, 675. well, Santa Barbara County, B 19, 104. Casnelli Mine, Calaveras County, XIII, 100; XXXII, 301. Casperi granite quarry, Placer County, B 38, 376. Cassa Mine, Yuba County, XV, 445. Cassadoga Mine, Siskiyou County, XVII, 533; XXI, 435; XXXI, 316. Cassaretto, John (gi-avel), Sonoma County, XIV, 353. Cassell Quarry sandstone building (Carnegie Library), photo of, B 38, 134. Quartz Co.'s property, Siskiyou County, Vm, 624. Cassel's sandstone quarry, Santa Clara County, B 38, 133, 134. Casserly Asbestos Mine, Sierra County, B 38, 263; XXV, 154; XXXVIII, 14. Cassidulina, B 118, 440. cushmani, B 118, 388. zone, B 118, 307. Cassldy Consolidated Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 447. Mine (Linden), Nevada County, RM (Ne- vada), 4; XVI (Nevada), 133. Cassinelli or Rising Star Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 334, 357. Cassiterite. II, Part 2. 207; B 37, 105; B 67, 82; PR 5, 35; B 87, 96; B 91, 112; XXXIV, 295, 53; XXXVII, 544; B 113, 123. in San Bernardino County, XXXVII, 365. index map showing recorded occurrences of, XXXVII, 549. Castac Mine, Ventura County, VIII, 683; XII, 315; XIII, 497; XV, 759; XXI, 230; XXVIII, 254-A. wells, Los Angeles County, B 19, 77. Castaca Canon map, IX, 201. Placer Diggings, Los Angeles County, VIII, 333. Castagnetto Mine, Mariposa -County, XVII, 110; XXIV, S3, 130. Castaic Caiion, photo looking up, B 63, facing 159. Lake, XXIX, 223. Oil Association, B 63, 158. Co., B 63, 158. field, citations, B 118, 411. wells, Los Angeles County, B 63, 181. Castalian mineral water, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 12; XV, 112. analysis of, XV, 113. spring, Inyo County, B 24, 120. Castanite, B 113, 194. Casteca Canon, auriferous gravels of, XV, 473, 474. Lake, Kern County, B 24, 120. Castek, Franz, cited, B 78, 241, 355. Castello, W. O., XXXIV, 287, 291. and Boalieh, E. S., cited, XXXVII, 285, 286, 287, 289, 290, 291, 295, 297, 298, 299, 306, 307, 310, 315, 316, 317, 321. Huguenin, E., Alameda County Mines and Minerals, XVII, 17. Contra Costa County Mines and Min- erals, XVII, 48. Mariposa County Mines and Minerals, XVII, 86. San Mateo County Mines and Minerals, XVII, 167. San Francisco County Mines and Min- erals, XVII, 163. Santa Clara County Mines and Minerals, XVII, 180. Santa Cruz County Mines and Minerals, XVII, 228. Castignetto, Daniel, Mine, Mariposa County, B 23, 215; B 50, 267. Castile Seam Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 259. Castillero, Andreas, discovery of New Alma- den Mine by, B 78, 154. Castilian Blast Furnace, illustration of, X, 822. Castillo Mine, El Dorado County. XXXIV, 259. San Diego County, XIII, 342. 146 CAS-CAT California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Casting of clay ware, B 99, 16. Cast-iron condensers at Rinconada Quick- silver Mines, San Luis Obispo County, photo of, B 107, 55; B 109, 45. Castle Butte Mine, Kern County, XXIX, 273, 296. Crag Soda Springs, Siskiyou County, XIV, 868. Springs, Shasta County (see also Lower Soda Spring), XXII, 199; XXXV, 168, 178; XXXVII, 131. Crags, photo of, XXVII, 19, 22. Dome Mines, occurrence of vanadates of lead at the, II, Part 2, 214. Hill quarry, Sonoma County, XII, 390. hot springs, Lake County, XVII, 79. mill, Ventura County, photo of, XXVIII, 254. Mine, El Dorado County, B 108, 45. Mountain Range, defined, B IIS, 121. Rock Mine, Rlumas County, XVI (Plumas), 90; XXIV, 312; XXXIII, 127. Springs, Shasta County, XII, 346; XIV, 808; XXII, 199; XXXV, 168, 178. Springs, Lake County, XIV, 216; XXV, 346. Castlebury gas zone, Potrero oil field, B 118, 315, 675. Castro Canal, Kern County, XIII, 534. Chrome Associates' mill at Goldtree Siding, San Luis Obispo County, photo of, B 126, 36. Extension Mine, San Luis Obispo County, XXXI, 412; XXXVII, 144. mill, flow sheet of, PR 3, 32. Mine, San Luis Obispo County, VIII, 531; XV, 682; B 76, 103, 104, 167, 221; XXI, 507; XXXI, 412; XXXVII, 144; XXXIX, 97. concentrating mill, photo of, B 76, 169. prospecting chromite orebodies by panning drill cuttings, photo of, B 126, 134. No. 2, San Luis Obispo County, XXXVII, 161. Castroville, clay resources, B 99, 130. Station wells, Monterey County, XIII, 543. Cat Canyon Field, Santa Barbara County, B 63, 7, 379; B 73, 197, 203; B 82, 201, 210; B 84, 369, 386. geogrraphic boundaries, B 82, 199. operations and development, B 84, 369. Oil Co., B 63, 379. field, B 118, 22, 432, 435, 438. Careaga formation in, B 118, 237, 238, 434. 435. 437, 439. citations and index map, B 118, 432. Doheny Bell area, B 118, 237, 238. East Cat Canyon area, B 118, 22, 237, 238, 435. citations and index map, B 118, 432. Foxen formation, B 118, 434. Gato Ridge anticline, B 118, 434, 437, 439. area. B 118, 22, 238, 438. citations and index map, B 118, 432. geological cross section of, B 73, facing 208. Las Flores anticline, B 118, 434. area, B 118, 22. citations, B 118, 432. Los Alamos (Rancho) area, citations and index map. B 118, 432. Flores area. B 118, 236. 237, 238. Monterey formation, B 118, 237, 238, 435. 437, 439. Paso Robles formation, B 118, 237, 434, 435, 437, 439. photo of, B 63, facing 378. facing 385. Santa Margarita formation, B 118, 238. Sisquoc formation, B 118, 237, 238, 434, 435, 437, 439. Tognazzini pool, B 118, 22. typical sumps of oil, photo of, B 69, 84. West Cat Canyon area, B 118, 22, 237, 238, 432. citations and index map, B 118, 432. Yellow gravels, B 118, 237. Caialdo and Cataldo No. 2 Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 301. Catalina facies, B 118, 675. Island quarry, Los Angeles County, XIX, 98. schist breccia, B 118, 675. uplift, during lower Paleogene. B 118, 113. upper Paleogene, B 118, 115. map showing, B 118, 96. Catalinite, B 113, 96. Catalogue, VI, Part 1, 8. of books in library, V, 10. California Fossils. B 4. Cretaceous (and Eocene?) fossils of San Diego County, B 4, 60. Museum. II, Part 1, 6. Publications of the State Mining Bureau. B 77. Catalytic Chemical Co. (see Marine Chem- ical Co.), XXV, 251. Cataphorite, B 67, 119; B 91, 168. Cataract and Wide Awake Gravel Mine, Cala- veras County. XIV, 115; XXXII, 357. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 15. Caterina Mine, San Diego County, B 37, 133; B 38, 310. Caterpillar tractor and bulldozer at King Solomon Mine, Siskiyou County, photo of, XXXI, 292. Cates Group, Shasta County, XXXV, 134, 178. H. G., Estate wells, B 63, 118. Mine, Madera County, XIV, 546. Cathedral Peak granite, B 118, 675. Catron's Mine, Mariposa County, table of aver- age yield of gold, II, Part 1, 175. Cat's eye, IV, 321; B 37, 60, 64, 114. CatskiU Gravel Mining Co. (see also Blue Lead Mining Co.), Butte County, XXVI, 389. Mine. Butte County, XII, 82; XIII, S3; XV, 200; XXXI, 6. Cattle Springs Group, Plumas County. XXXIX, 326. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 CAU-CED 147 I Caucasian claim, Mother Lode, X, 78. Cons. Mine, Amador County, RM (Amador), 8; X, 78, 120; XXIII, 188; B 108, 118. Caucasus niter, B 24, 139. Caudwell manganese prospect, Trinity County, B 76, 17, 89, 96; XXII, 63; XXXVII, 76. Cauldwell manganese deposit. Trinity County, B 125, 203. Causes of unsatisfactory installations, B 79, 18. Caustic magnesite, B 79, 18. potash, PR 5, 20. uses and consumption, 1923, B 97, 76. soda, use of, in flotation, B 78, 314. Cavagnaro manganese prospect, Napa County, B 76, 51, 94; XXV, 219; B 125, 145. copper claim, Mariposa County, XXIV, 77. Cavaleri manganese deposit, Tehama County, B 125, 193. Cavan-San Jose Copper Group, Mariposa County, B 23, 206; B 50, 257; XIV, 573; XXIV, 77. Cavanaugh Mine, Humboldt County, XIV, 402; B 85, 65; XXI, 309. Cave Cafion Group, San Bernardino County, XV, 818. Canyon iron deposit, San Bernardino County, B 38, 299; XV, 818; XXVI, 261; XXVII, 333; XXXIX, 468. City Manganese Mine, RM (Calaveras), 5; B 125, 64, 67, 76, 106. Clough's, Tulare County, VIII, 647. Diggings Mines, Tuolumne County, XIII, 475; XXIV, 44. Man Group, Imperial County, XXII, 252; XXXVIII, 111. Mountain iron deposit, San Bernardino County, XXXIX, 469. of the Catacombs, IV, 113. Springs, San Bernardino County, VIII, 501; B 24, 60, 78; XV, 854. Mining Corporation, XXVI, 275 (see also Imperial Lode Lease and Imperial Lode Mines), XXVII, 347, 350; XXXIV, 15; XXXVI, 244. Valley Limestone Quarry, EI Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 17; XII, 391; XIII, 628; B 38, 68; XV, 304. Caved workings, timbering, B 2, 17, 18. Cavere Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 3. Cavern Mine, Sierra County, XI, 405. Caverns, ice of Idaho and the lost rivers, II, Part 2, 146. Caves, IV, 112, 113, 114. Cavin Mine, Siskiyou County, XII, 279. Caving blue shale, San Joaquin Valley west side, B 118, 252, 675. system used at Little Castle Creek Mine, B 76, 183, 186. used in Oceanic Mine, B 78, 143. Cawk, IV, 77. Cavot Mine, Plumas County, XII, 214; XIII, 290; XVI (Plumas), 105; XXXIII, 127. Cazadero, clay deposits, Sonoma County, B 99, 226. Sonoma County, limestone near, XIV, 323. Cecil and Clarence Pascoe Group, Kern County, XXXVII, 313. Mine, Los Angeles County (see also Graham), XXXIII, 194. R. Mine, Inyo County, XV, 76; XXVIII, 366; XXXIV, 391, 470. Cecilia Barrett placer property, Sacramento County, XXI, 15. claim, Sonoma Magnesite Co., Sonoma County, upper tunnel, photo of, XIV, 327. Cecilville (Sightman) Mine, Siskiyou County, XIV, 845; XXI, 466; XXXI, 316. Cedar and Baltimore Group, Sierra County (see also Rising Sun), XVI (Sierra), 80; XVIII, 513; XXV, 175^ XXXVIII, 52. Camp claim. Trinity County, XXXVII, 17, 76. claim, Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 134. Creek, Dutch Flat, length, capacity and cost of ditches, II, Part 2, 161. ditch. Placer County, XIII, 546. Mine, Placer County, XII, 206; XIII, 276; XV, 355; PR 7, 67; XXIII, 271; B 38, 219; XXXII, 88. Flat Mine, Trinity County, XIII, 442. White Pine and Spot claims, Plumas County, XXXIX, 85. formation, B 72, 30; B 118, 675. Gold Mine, Sierra County, XII, 263; XIII, 374. Grove Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Do- rado), 10. Mining District, Sierra County, XI, 412. Incense, II, Part 2, 17. Junction claim. Trinity County, XXXVII, 19. M Mine, Placer County, XXXII, 88. Mine, Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 4; XII, 186; XIII, 238; XXXVII, 447. Placer County, XXIII, 271. Mining District, Los Angeles County, IX, 191; XI, 246; XII, 15L Mountain, XXVIII, 335. Alameda County, magnesite produced from, B 83, 70. chromlte on, B 76, 115. claim, Alameda County, VIII, 32, 34. District, Alameda County, early produc- tion from, B 79, 37. Los Angeles County, XV, 476. Magnesite Mine, Alameda County, B 79, 16, 40, 41, 42; XVII, 23; XXV, 435. flat-hearth calcining furnace at, photo of, B 79, 42. open cut (glory hole), photo of, B 79, 40. photo of, B 79, 40. Rapids placer machine, XXX, 143. Springs manganese deposit. Trinity County, B 125, 197. The Great Washington, II, Part 2, 19. Tree manganese deposit, Santa Clara County, B 125, 59, 65, 175. 148 CED-CEM California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Cedarberg Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4; XII, 106; XIII, 137; XV, 282; XXII, 413, 424; B 108, 45, 49; XXXIV, 260. table of average yield of gold, II, Part 1, 175. Cedarville series, B 118, 675. Celadonite, B 67, 153; B 91, 220; B 113, 243. Celectite, B 24, 63. Celestine mill, Shasta County, VIM, 694. Mine, Shasta County (see also Double Header Mine), VIII, 567; XXII, 182; XXXV, 178. Celestite (see also strontium), B 67, 181; PR 5, 33; B 87, 91; B 91, 264; XVIll, 480; B 113, 175. in Avawatz Mountains, San Bernardino County, XVIll, 116. San Bernardind County (see strontium). Celia and Free Trade Mine, Nevada County. XXXVII, 447. Mine, Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 134. Celina and Bates Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 447. Celite deposit, photograph of, XXXII, 135. Santa Barbara County, first building at, photo of, XXXII, 135. Products Co., XVII, 388; PR 8, 60; XIX, 31; XXI, 548; B 99, 30. Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, B 93, 121. Celsian, B 113, 223. Cement (see also 'oxychloride'), II, Part 1, 112; IV, 123; XII, 380; XIV, 262, 302, 393; B 73, 217; B 87, 26; PR 8, 50; B 79, 17, 21; XXIII, 225. amount necessary in oil operations, B 73, 217; B 82, 41, 43. amounts used for shut-off, B 84, 130. analyses of, VIII, 867, 869, 876. 877; IX, 309; B 38, 177, 182, 185, 188; XV, 557. materials used in making Portland, VIII, 876. Santa Cruz, VIII, 881. and Mule Creek Mine, Trinity County, XIV, 903; XXII, 51; XXXVII, 76. blocks, XIV, 318. burning, B 38, 176. rock for, VIII, 871. California, IX, 309. composition, B 38, 171, 175. copper, San Diego County, XI, 314. Davenport Plant, Santa Cruz County, XIV, 263. definition of, XIV, 263. deposits of California, IX, 37. directory of producers of (see annual sta- tistical bulletins), early production at Benicia, B 94, 63. factories In California, B 38, 178. gravel, dredging cost high in, XIV, 124. grinding, B 38, 177. Hill Ditch, Nevada County, XIII, 544. Mine, El Dorado County, XII, 106; XIII, 137. hydraulic, in water shut-off, B 82, 39. produced at Benicia, 1860, B 71, 44. importations of, VIII, 884. in Alameda County, B 38, 361. Butte County, RM (Butte), 12; B 38, 178. Calaveras County, XXI, 165; XXXII, 227. California, V, 106; IX, 309; B 38, 171. Contra Costa County, XII, 380; B 38, 361; PR 6, 28; XVII, 51; XXIIi, 9. Humboldt County, B 38, 361. Kern County, B 38, 361; XIV, 478; XVII, 307. Lake County, B 38, 361. Los Angeles County, B 38, 178, 361; XV, 487. Merced County, XXI, 177. Napa County, XIV, 262; PR 6, 28; B 38, 178; XVII, 158. Orange County, B 38, 182. Riverside County, B 38, 361; XII, 380; XV, 553; XVII, 324. San Benito County, B 38, 184; XV, 626; PR 6, 28; XVIll, 215; XXII, 226. San Bernardino County, XIII, 612; B 38, 183; XVII, 335. San Diego County, IX, 309; XI, 383; B 38, 184. San Mateo County, XXV, 247. Santa Barbara County, B 38, 361. Santa Clara County, B 38, 361. Santa Cruz County, XII, 380; B 38, 184, 361; PR 6, 28; XVII, 233; XXII, 75; XXXIX, 36. Solano County, VIII, 632; XII, 380; Xlll, 612; B 38, 185, 361; XIV, 300; PR 6, 28; XVII, 243; XXIII, 205. Sutter County, XI, 471. industry in California, B 38, 171; B 99, 31. jacket, B 84, 129. kiln, VIII, 871; B 38, 176. type of furnace, B 78, 247, 250. limestone, marble and dolomite in San Ber- nardino County, XXXIX, 516. literature on, B 38, 178. making machinery at Santa Cruz Portland Cement Co., Davenport, sketch of, XXII, op. 76. manufacture of, B 38, 175; XV, 557. materials in California, VIII, 881. Imperial County, XIV, 736. San Diego County, XIV, 684. Sonoma County, XXII, 336. Mill and Quarry, cited, XXIV, 330. and Cottrell precipitation plant of River- side Cement Co., photo of, XXV, 518. mixing, B 38, 175. natural, VIII, 865; XV, 759, 856. and artificial, VIII, 865; XV, 759. hydraulic, at Benicia, XIV, 300. pipe, IV, 146. plant at Monolith, photo of, XIV, 478. of Old Mission Portland Cement Co., photo of, B 88, 74. Permanente Corp. near Los Altos, Santa Clara County, photo of, B 121, 63. Index of Publications, 1880-1945 CEM-CEN 149 Santa Cruz Portland Cement Co., Daven- port, Santa Cruz County, photo of, B 97, 66. Portland, VIII, 866, 869, 876, 877; B 38, 171; XIV, 263; XV, 856. potash as a by-product from, B 86', 84. prices, chart of, B 93, 74. process of manufacture of, XIV, 263. production of, B 38, 172; XXII, 299; XXVI, 166; XXXIV, 190; XXXV, 201; XXXVI, 213; XXXIX, 273. and crushed rock and gravel, chart show- ing parallelism, B 100, 73; B 110, 60. statistics (see also annual statistical bulle- tins), XVIII, 282; XX, 158; XXI, 260 XXIV, 161; XXV, 268; XXVII, 226 XXVIII, 228; XXX, 292; XXXI, 222 XXXII, 207; XXXIII, 158. products, IX, 333; B 38, 165. rock, XXVIII, 326. analysis of, IV, 12. in San Diego County, Jamul Grant, IX, 139. natural, in Ventura County, XXI, 240. Pit, Napa County, XIV, 294. Roman, VIII, 866. rotary driers for, XIV, 265. kilns for, XIV, 266, 304. shut-off, B 73, 213; B 84, 126, 129. definition of, B 84, 127. failures for various depths, B 84, 131. tanks, B 5, 22, 61. tests of, VIII, 877; B 38, 174, 188. tube mills for, XIV, 267, 303. uses of, B 38, 173, 174; XV, 554. use of lone sand in, B 99, 51. titanium oxide in manufacture of, XXIII, 305. what constitutes hydraulic, VIII, 865. white, use of kaolin in, XIV, 318. Cementing, bibliography, B 69, 498. depth of, B 84, 131. method, Perkins, B 84, 115. methods of, B 84, 131. operations and mudding, Rancho La Brea, Salt Lake fields, B 82, 162. percentages of failure, B 84, 134. percentage of use, B 84, 134. wells, B 69, 154. Cenomanian stage, B 118, 109, 671. Cenozoic (see also Quaternary, Tertiary), XXXI, 113; B 118. Brokeoff andesite, B 118, 674. correlation chart, B 118, 189. Crescent Crater dacites, B 118, 675. Divide Peak andesite, B 118, 676. divisions of, B 118, 670. Eastern basalts, B 118, 676. era, Carmel, XXVIII, 17. Flatiron andesites, B 118, 676. Huckleberry andesites, B 118, 678. Juniper andesites, B 118, 678. Lassen dacites, B 118, 679. Loomis Peak dacites, B 118, 679. Manzanita dacites, B 118, 679. Prospect Peak basalts, B 118, 6S2. Red Mountain pyroxene basalts, B 118, 682. rocks of the Southern Peninsular Range of California, XXXI, 137. Table Mountain andesite, B 118, 685. Tolenas marble, B 118, 685. Twin Lakes andesites, B 118, 686. volcanic rocks, Kernville Quadrangle, XXXVI, 359. West Prospect basalt, B 118, 686. Willow Lake basalts, B 118, 686. Centennial and Fairfax Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 304. Topaz Mine, Plumas County, XI, 325. claim, Calaveras County, B 108, 151. Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 134, 250. Mine, Amador County, RM (Amador), 8; X, 76; B 18, 82; XXIII, 188; B 108, 74, 118. Nevada County (see also Gold Point), RM (Nevada), 4; XI, 280; XII, 186; XIII, 238; XXXVII, 390, 447. Placer County, XV, 336; XVII, 443; XVIII, 263, 301; XXIII, 249; XXXII, 15, 30, 43. Plumas County, XII, 214; XIII, 290. Shasta County (see also Niagara), XII, 253. Siskiyou County, VIII, 589; XII, 279; XIII, 393; XIV, 843. Center, John, well, San Francisco County, XIII, 550. Mine, El Dorado County, B 18, 91. of exhibit at California State Mining Ex- hibit, Palace of Mines, Panama-Pacific Exposition, 1915, photo of, XV, XXXIV. San Bernardino County (see also Living- stone), XII, 231; XIII, 320. Centerville and Helltown, Butte County, table showing production of gold, hydraulic, placer, drift and river mines, II, Part 1, 188. Alameda County, saline deposits in, B 24, 110. Humboldt County, iron in, XII, 326; XIII, 504. iron deposit, Humboldt County, XXI, 317. placers, Shasta County, XI, 40. Sand and Gravel Co., XXV, 449. water well, Fresno County, XI, 212. Centinela gravels, B 118, 675. Central and Alpha Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. Empire Group, Colusa County, XXV, 295. Gray Eagle Mine, Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 4; XIII, 238; XVI (Nevada), 134; XXXVII, 447. Jim Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 447. California Electric Co., Auburn, Califor- nia, XIII, 678. map of, referred to, Inyo County, VIII, 236. Camp Mine, San Bernardino County, IX, 230. Claim, San Bernardino County (see also Ord Mountain Mine), XXVI, 217; XXVIII, 277. 150 CENTRAL California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Tuolumne County, XXIV, 24. wells, Ventura County, B 63, 9!>. Consolidated Humbug Mine, Placer County, XXXII, 43. Mines, Nevada County (see also Lava Cap Gold Mining Co.), XXXI, 13, 16; XXXVII, 447. Construction Co.'s quarries, Alameda County, XXIII, 23. quarry, Contra Costa County, foot of tram- way, crushing plant and bunkers, photo of, XXIII, 25. EI Dorado Gold Mining Co. (see also David- son Mine), XXII, 425. Empire Group, Colusa County, XXXV, 371. Eureka Mine, Amador County (see also Summit), RM (Amador), 8, 12; XIII, 69; B 18, 64; XIV, 4, 24, 25; XVII, 409; PR 8, 24; XX, 2; XXIII, 158, 188; XXVIII, 297; B 108, 74, 118. costs at, B 108, 204. cyanidation tests at, B 108, 195. dividends from, B 108, 75. flow sheet of, B 108, 202. geology and ore-shoots of, B 108, 77. head frame of, B 108, 76. history and production of, B 108, 74. mill of, B 108, 202. milling and ore characteristics of, B 108, 80. photo of, B 18, 60; XIV, 25; XVII, 410; XXIII, 158. Sutter Creek, from photo of, XIV, 24. tailing disposal at, B 108, 203. telluride in, B 108, 204. Mining Co. (see also Old Eureka and South Eureka Mines), XVIII, 299; XIX, 15; XXIII, 176, 189, 194; B 108, 100, 102, 103, 112. field, Los Angeles County, B 63, 201. production of, B 63, 203. gas well, San Joaquin County, natural gas in, XII, 350. Stockton, B 3, 19. Gold Belt, B 18, 15. Dredging Co., B 36, 73; XV, 190. Gravel Mining Co., Nevada County, gold in, XII, 186; XIII, 238. Hill Channel, Calaveras County, XII, 482. photograph of, XXXI, 146. Mine, Calaveras County (see also Barker, Union Shaft Mine), RM (Calaveras), 20; XII, 91; XIII, 15, 100; XiV, 115; XXXII, 335, 357. cross-section of, XII, 483 Mining Co., XXXII, 335. Iron and Coal Co., B 76, 98. Irrigation Co., XI, 226. District Canal, Colusa County, XIII, 528. Glenn County, XIII, 533. Land Co. (see Big Oak Flat No. 1, and Raw- hide), XXIV, 23, 36; B 108, 178. Lime Co., B 38, 376. Lode, Mariposa County, B 18, 14. mill, Shasta County, VIII, 694. Mine, Amador County, VIII, 50. Colusa County, XI, IS.-,; xil, .•^.59; XIII, 594; B 27, 43. El Dorado County (see also Inez), RM (Kl Dorado), 4; X, 171; XIII, 1.37; XII, 114; XV, 288. Mariposa County, RM (Mariposa), 10. Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 9; XXXVII, 421, 422. Placer County, XV, 336; XXXII, 15, 43. San Bernardino County, X, 528. Shasta County, VIII, 565; X, C31; XII, 246; XIII, 351; XIV, 781; PR 8, 18; XVIII, 494; XXII, 170, 181; XXIX, 17; XXXV, 146, 147, 178. Sierra County, XXXVIII, 52. Siskiyou County (see also Union), XIV, 829; XXI, 435, 458; XXVII, 30; XXXI, 276, 328. photo of, XXVII, 30. Tuolumne County, XXIV, 24. Motlier Lode Mining Co., XIV, 155. Natural Gas Co., XIV, 610. Co.'s well, San Joaquin County, XII, 350; XIII, 567. Stockton, San Joaquin County, photo of, XIV, 611. North Star Mine, Nevada County, XI, 277; XII, 187; XIII, 23S; XVI (Nevada), 134; XXXVII, 447. No. 2 Mine, Madera County, XII, 155; XIII, 206. No. 49 oil well, photo of, B 6'3, facing 253. Oil Co., B 63, 251, 255, 258. well, Los Angeles County, petroleum in, XIII, 576; B 69, 490. wells, B 19, 66. formations penetrated by, B 19, 29. geological structure at and near, B 19, 29. Los Angeles County, photo of, B 19, 24. Pacific chrome deposits. El Dorado County, XXII, 405. Mine, Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 4; XII, 187; XIII, 239; XXXVII, 447. Railroad, II, Part 1, 15. Petroleum Co., XXI, 11. Property, Siskiyou County, XXI, 435. Railroad Property, El Dorado County, XXXVII, 138. San Benito District, B 27, 125; B 78, 95. Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles County, geology of, XXXIV, 131. Shaft Mine, Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 4; XXXVII, 447. J South Yuba Mine, Nevada County, XVI (Ne- ■ vada), 135; XXXVII, 447. Supply Co. (see also Templeton sand plant), XXI, 535. Union Barsdale, B 63, 126. Co., Santa Maria, B 63, 356. Valley, B 3, 5; B 63, 1. of California, gas and petroleum yielding formations of, B 3. well, San Joaquin County, natural gas in, XII, 350. Index of Publications, 1880-194} CEN-CHA 151 C^enUallasite, B 113, 243. Centrifugal, agitator and separator, B 5, 21. and gravitational gold saver, photo of, XXVIII, 139; XXX, 167, 168. National Concentrator. XXV, 9S; XXV 111, 121: XXX, 143. pump prospecting. Placer County, photo of, XXX, 226. pumps, balancing, B 9, 157. compound, B 9, 159. for elevating, B 92, 65. formulas for speed and lift of, B 9, 152, 155, 157. in wells, B 9, 190. operated by animals, B 9, ISO. portable, B 9, 191. priming of, B 9, 157, 190. used for ground sluicing, XIV, 445. with vertical axis, B 9, 159, 190. Centriplus Machine, XXVIII, 121; XXX, 144. photo of. XXVIII, 122; XXX, 144. Centurion Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. Century Dictionary, cited, B 123, I-XV, I CLXXVII, Sec. 11. Mine, Mariposa County (see also Hasloe), RM (Mariposa), 10; XXIV, 126. Mining Co., B 78, 159; XXXIV, 251, 422. Ceramic Art, history of, IV, 144. in modern times, IV, 144. Industry and Clay Resources of California, B 99. use of manganese in, B 125, 48, 54. titanium in, XXIII, 305. laboratory, cabinet showing fired test pieces of, Stanford University, photo of, B 99, facing 256. Cerargyrite, IV, 123; B 24, 64; B 67, 59; B 91, 78; B 95, 98, 102; B 113, 88. Ceratites trinodosus, B 118, 103, 104. Cerise Gold Mining Co. (see also Manzanita Mine), B 78, 38, 331. Mine, Colusa County, XVII, 46. Cerium metals, occurrence of, XVIII, 345. Cermak-Spirek condenser, B 78, 256. quicksilver furnace tiling, section of, B 27, 221. Cerro Bonito Mine, San Benito County, B 27, 134; XV, 654; B 78, 93, 95, 102; XXII, 241; XXXV, 418. map of, B 27, 134. section of, B 27, 136. Colorado deposit, Tehama County, XXXIX, 94. de los Pozos District, San Diego County, XIV, 651. Gordo bullion, Inyo County, VIII, 255. District, Inyo County, XV, 87; XX, 33; XXXIV, 426. Extension Mine, Inyo County (see also Royal), XXXIV, 426, 433, 470. Mining Co., XXXIV, 16. Inyo County, photo of, XII, op. 374. table of production of the precious metals, II, Part 1, 176. Mine, Inyo County, VIII, 228, 248, 250; B 78, 46; XV, 90; XVII, 284; PR 8, 48; XVIII, 420; XIX, 30; XX, 33, 185; XXII, 480; XXX, 311; XXXIV, 426, 431, 459, 470. Belshaw shaft, photo of, XX, 186. camp, dump, head of tramway and old slag dump, photo of, XV, 91. hoisting plant and head of aerial tram, photo of, XV, 91. orebodies developed in, XXXIV, 432. photo of, XVII, 284. photograph of Belshaw Shaft, XXXIV, 433. San Benito County (see also Bradford), XXXV, 419. Mines Co., XXXIV, 431, 442. Mountains, salines in, B 24, 16. Peak, Inyo County, photograph of XXXIV, 432. Smelting Works, Inyo County, VIII, 228, 252, 253, 254. Soapstone Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV (see map). Cerros member, B 118, 595, 675. foraminiferal zones in, B 118, 193, 196. shale, B 118, 189, 675. Cerrusite Mine, Inyo County, XXXIV, 434, 470. Certificate, clerks, of final judgment, B 123, Appendix B, Form 73. Certificates of locations (see also location notices), XI, 543; B 98. of purchase are prima facie evidence of ownership, XI, 552. raise no guarantee of ownership, XI, 551. when equivalent to a patent, XI, 550, 553. Cerusite, IV, 124; B 67, 97; B 91, 138; B 113, 150. in Sonoma County, XXXIV, 608. Cervantite, IV, 124; B 67, 71; B 91, 95; B 113, 103. Cesapi claim wells, B 63, 97. Cesarolite, formula, B 125, 25. Ceylon, occurrence of ilmenite in, XXIII, 311. Chataazite, B 67, 139; B 91, 208; B 113, 231. Chabot Observatory, XXXV, 309. Reservoir, San Francisco County, XXIX, 229. Chaboya Mine, Santa Clara County (see also New Almaden, Hillsdale, Chaboy and Santa Clara mines), B 78, 160; XVII, 213; XXVI, 29, 32. Chadbourne slate property, Bl Dorado County (see also El Dorado Slate Products Co.), XX, 8; XXII, 448. Chain Hill and Swiss Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 357. Chaingang Mine, Siskiyou County, XIII, 393. Chaix chrome property. El Dorado County, B 76, 132, 217; XXII, 405; XXXIX, 140. iron prospect. El Dorado County, XXII, 441. Mine, El Dorado County, photograph of, XXXIX, 140. Chalcanthite, B 67, 188; B 91, 276; B 113, 188. in Alpine County, XXXV, 497. Mono County, XXXIV, 608. 152 CHA-CHA California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Chalcedony, IV, 321; B 37, 64. 70. 71, 73; XIV, 521: B 67, 66; B 78, 2S; B 87, 44; B 91, 87; B 113, 95; XXXIV, 47. Channel Islands, IX, 172. in El Dorado County, XXXIV, 214. Napa County, B 27, 85. San Bernardino County, XV, 863. Santa Cruz Island, IX, 158, 159. Chalcocite, IV, 125: B 67, 30; B 91, 36; B 87, 34; B 113, 49. Chalcodite, B 67, 147; B 91, 205; B 113, 249. Chalcophanite, formula, B 125, 25. Chalcopyrite, IV, 125; B 67, 39; B 78, 29; B 87, 34; B 91, 52; B 108, 67, 90, 133, 169; B 113, 66. -bearing quartz vein from Schofield copper prospect, Del Norte County, photo of, XXIX, 148. in Grass Valley ores, XVI (Nevada), 30. northeastern Madera County, XXX, 68. specimen, photo of, B 50, facing 176. Chalcotrichite, B 67, 73; B 91, 97: B 113, 104. Chalfant, W. A., cited. XXVIII, 357; XXX, 88. Chalk, B 67, 90; B 87, 28; B 91, 126. Bluffs, Nevada County, XXVI II, 300. in Shasta County, XIV, 805. Mountain dacite, B 118, 675. springs. Lake County, XIV, 224. -rock, Carmel, Monterey County, XXVIII, 15, 16. Challenge claim, Panamint Range (see Stew- art Wonder Mine), XXVIII, 363. Sierra County (see also Big Channel Min- ing Co.), XVI (Sierra), 36; XX, 366; XXV, 187, 201. improved suspending self-feeder, illustra- tion of, Vm, 701. Mine, Amador County, RM (Amador), 8. Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4; XXXIV, 470. Sierra County, XXXVIII, 52. Siskiyou County, XIII, 393; XXXI, 316. ore feeder, Hendy patter, photo of, B 6, 16. illustration of, VIII, 700. Pine Crest, Pine Crest Extension Mines, Mariposa County, XXIV, 139. Chalmers dolomite deposit, San Bernardino County, XXVI, 309; XXVII, 384; XXXIX, 517. Mine, Inyo County, XVII, 284; XXIJ, 482. wells, Santa Cruz County, XIII, 557. Chalone and Defiance Mines, San Benito County, XII, 227; XIII, 318; XV, 638; XXII, 235. Peaks, geologic section of, XII, 523. Chalybeate mineral springs, Shasta County, XII, 346. Chamber condensers, lar^e, B 78, 258. of Mines and Oil, XV, 465. WlUard Mines, Calaveras County, map or diagram of, VI, Part 2, 38. Chambered veins, B 78, 23. Chamberlain and Red Hill Mine, Trinity County, XXII, 51: XXXVII, 76. Co., XXVI, 341; XXXIU, 207; XXXV, 34. D. N., Mine, Trinity County, X, 708. magnesite deposit, Tulare County (see also Chamberlain Ranch magnesite deposit), XV, 926; B 79, 107; XXVI, 454. on Modern Evidence, cited, B 123, Sec. 1019. volcanic ash deposit. El Dorado County, XXII, 452. Chambers, A. A., cited, B 93. 12.7. and stopes, B 2, 34. G. H., cited, XXXVII, 344. great, B 2, 46. gypsum deposit. San Benito County, B 38. 287; XV, 639. L. S., Buttonwillow gas field, B 118, 543. Coalinga East Extension Area of the Coalinga Oil Field, B 118, 486. manganese deposit, San Benito County, B 125, 158. Mine, Butte County (see also Bloomer Hill Mine), XXIV, 179; XXVI, 370. Ranch springs, Lake County, XIV, 216; XXV, 346. Chambless limestone, B 118, 675. Champie's Mine, Arizona, B 5, 87. Champion Andalusite Mine, Mono County, photo of, B 94, 106. 107; XXVII, 453. claim, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 363. Consolidated Mine, Nevada County, VIII, 420, 441; X, 386; XI, 286; XII, 187; XIII, 239. Group, Inj'o County, XXII, 468; XXXIV, 392, 470. Los Angeles County, XXXIII, 179. Nevada County (see also Queen Lil Mine), XVI (Nevada). 39, 135; XX, 357; XXVI 103, 128; XXXVII, 447. Iron Mine, Fresno County, XI, 214. manganese deposit. Mono County, B 125, 143. mill, converted to a chrome concentrator, B 76, 113. Nevada County, VIII, 693; XVI (Nevada), 80. milling at, Nevada County. XVI (Nevada), 141. costs at, Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 143. Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Calaveras), 5, 23; XII, 91; Xlll, 100; XIV, 73: XVIII, 18, 21; XXXII, 301. El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 4. Fresno County, XII, 128; Xlll, 166. Inyo County, XXXIV, 470. Kern County, RM (Kern), 9, 17; Xlll, 188. Los Angeles County, XII, 152; XX, 42; XXIII, 292. Mariposa County. RM (Mariposa), 10; X, 302; XII, 168; Xlll, 216; XIV, 578; XVII, 110; XXIV, 83, 98. 124; B 108, 183. mills and furnace, Nevada County, photo of, Xlll, op. 238. Nevada County, RM (Nevada), 4, 10; VIII, 420, 441; X, 386; XI, 286; XII, 187; Xlll, 239; XVII, 435; XXVI, 96; XXVIII, 298; XXXVII, 447. production of, XVI (Nevada), 139. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 CHA-CHA 153 I Placer County, XII, 206; XIII, 276; XV, 336; XXIII, 255; XXXII, 43. Riverside County, XV, 539. San Diego County, X, 901. Siskiyou County, XIV, 829; XVII, 533; XXI, 435; XXXI, 316. Tuolumne County, XXIV, 24. Trinity County, XXII, 51; XVII, 543; XXXVII, 76. mining costs at, Nevada County, XVI (Ne- vada), 143. Porcelain Co.. XXXVI, 13. andalusite deposit. Mono County, XXIII, 400. Mine, Mono County, photo of, B 94, 106, 107; XXVII, 453, 454. -Providence Group, Nevada County, mill and cyanide plant, photo of, XVI (Nevada), 142. self-cleaning riffle, XXX, 145. shaft near Nevada City, Nevada County, headframe and plant, photo of, XVI (Nevada), 135. Sillimanite, Inc., XXVII, 453: XXXVI, 149. andalusite deposit, Mono County, photo of, XXVII, 460, 461. photograph of upper deposit workings, Mono County, XXXVI, 148. Champlain Mine, Trinity County, XXII, 51; XXXVII, 76. Chanac formation, B 118, 202, 483, 675. Edison oil field, B 118, 577. Fruitvale oil field, B 118, 562, 563. Greeley oil field, B 118, 559. Kern River oil field, B 118, 573, 574. Mountain View oil field, B 118, 565, 566, 568, 569, 570. San Joaquin Valley east side, B 118, 240, 241, 243, 244, 245. sands, oil zones, Fruitvale oil field, B 118, 564. Chance Mine, Mariposa County (see also Shallaly Mine), XXIV, 137. Shasta County, XIV, 764; XXXV, 178. Tuolumne County, XXIV, 25; B 108, 175. wells, Los Angeles County, B 11, 14; B 63, 330. Chanced Upon Mine, El Dorado County (see also Darling Mine). XV, 284. Chanchelulla formation, XXIX, 85; B 118, 675. Mountain, Shasta County, XI, 52. prospect. Trinity County. XXIX, IS; XXXVII, 76. Chandler, A. E., cited, XXIX, 199. John W., cited, XXXIX, 74. Lava Cap Gold Mining Corp., Nevada City, Mining Methods and Costs of the, XXXVII, 409. Mine, Yuba County, XII, 318; XIII, 499; XV, 447. Oil Mining Co., B 63, 256. wells, B 63, 197. Chandler's New Well, Second-Street Park, Los Angeles County, B 11, 11. old well, near Brea Cafion, B 11, 21. well, Contra Costa County, XIII, 571. east Los Angeles. B 11, 15. wells, Los Angeles County, B 19, 67, 78. Chaney Coal Mine, San Diego County, IX, 152. lease, Alameda County, B 125, 97. 98, map in pocket. Riverside County (see also Elsinore Coal Mine). XIII, 54. Ralph W.. Age of Fossil Plants Pound in the Auriferous Gravels of Sierra Nevada. Occurrence and, XXVIII, 299. cited. XXVI, 479; XXVIII, 278; XXXI, 178. Change in mine assessment year, XVIII, 77. personnel, XVIII, 30. 633; XIX, 110, 228. Channel Bend Mine, El Dorado County. RM (El Dorado). 10; XIII, 137; XV, 301; XXXIV, 270. City Oil Co., B 63, 406. connecting wells, B 84, 106. Islands, mollusca of, by Dr. Lorenzo G. Yates, IX, 175. stray notes on the geology of, IX, 171. Mine, Butte County (see also Bootjack), XXXI, 6. of gravel, San Diego County. XI, 91. Peak Mine. Plumas County. XXXII, 127. Mining Co., XVI (Plumas). 69. sampling and practices, XXX, 93. Sierra County, view showing width of an ancient, XVI (Sierra), op. 6. systems. Forest Hill Divide. X, 437. of Calaveras County, Ancient, map of. XII, op. 482. Channelling machine of Columbia Marble Co., photo of, XXIV, 52. Channels, buried (see also Placer Gold Investi- gation), XVIII, 373. engineering determination of. B 92, 53. provinces of, in California. XXXI, 152. Chanslor and Canfield Oil Co.. Midway District, RM (Kern), 21. -Canfleld-Midway Oil Co., technical methods (see also Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Co.), B 82, 10; PR 8, 65. Chantreau Mine. Tuolumne County, XXIV, 25; B 108, 175. Chaparral and Blue Ribbon claims, Calaveras County. XXXII, 248. claim San Diego County. XIV, 656. Hill. Calaveras County, XIV, 65. elevation of, Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 47. Gold Gravel Mine, Plumas County, XIII, 15. Group, Calaveras County. XIV, 73; XX I j 151; B 108, 137; XXXII, 301. Mine. Calaveras County. RM (Calaveras), 5; XIII, 100. Siskiyou County. B 125, 88, 183, map in pocket. Operating Co., XXI, 151, 154, 160; B 108, 142, 149. Mine, Amador County, B 23, 186; XIV, 14. El Dorado County, XV, 283; XXII, 424; B 108, 49; XXXIV, 260. 1 54 CHA-CHA California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 San Diego County, X, 544; XII, 239; XIII, 334. estimated production of, XXX, 352. histoi-y of discovery of gold at, XXX, 350. Tuolumne County, XI, 496; XII, 300; XIII, 475, XIV, 142; XXIV, 25. or Golden Queen claim, Kl Dorado County, XV, 283; XXII, 424; B 108, 21, 49. Chaplin, Bert R., gypsum deposit, Imperial County, XXII, 275. Chapman and Fisher Mine, Trinity County, X, 70S; XIII, 442; XIV, 903; XXII, 51; XXXVII, 76. Voluntine Mine, Shasta County, XIV, 782; XXII, 181; XXXV, 178. anticline, Richfield oil field, B 118, 361. Cloyd M., cited, XXX, 152. -DeWolf Building, photo of, B 105, 76. gold prospect, Siskiyou County, XX, 180; XXI, 436. Gravel Mine, Calaveras County, XIV, 115. -Kirby chromite claims. Trinity County, B 76, 210. Mine, Calaveras County (see also Buck Brothers, McGary Mine), XXI, 150; XXXII, 301, 328, 357. Santa Clara County (see also Hillsdale or San Juan Bautista Mine), B 78, 160; XVII, 213. Siskiyou County, PR 8, 17; XX, 180; XXI, 436; XXXI, 316. Trinity County, XIV, 886; B 85, 84; XXII, 29; XXXVII, 76. pool, sand, shales, zones, Richfield oil field, B 118, 21, 220, 231, 232, 233, PI. V, 357, 358, 359. 675. prospect, Siskiyou County, XX, 180; XXI, 436. Chapman's China claim, Siskiyou County, gold in, XII, 279. Mine, Siskiyou County (see also Scott River), XIII, 425. Chapparal and West Extension of Chapparal Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 301. Chappell, R. W., clay deposit, San Benito County, B 38, 226; XV, 6;;0; PR 7, 91. Chappelle, Harold, B 125, 121. Chapellet, Felix, cited, B 82, 195. Mine, Calaveras County, XII, 91. or El Encino Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 339. Chaptal's Chemistry, quoted. III, Part 2, 10, 55. Character of land, B 123, Sec. 33, 95, 99, 103, 105, 108-110, 152-156, 158. 160-162, 186, 190, 227, 228, 245-247, 281-288, 347, 373, 374, 378, 381, 464-465, 609, 610, 618, 761, 793-796, 798, 799, 800-808, 918, 923, 928, 938. minerals subject to location, B 75, 97. Characteristic hydraulicking gravels in Peru, photo of, B 92, 26. Characteristics of Ancient River Channels, B 92, 50. deposit at Rincon Asphaltum Mine, B 11, 51. drcdciiiii eround. B 92, 28. drift ground, B 92, 48. hydraulic ground, B 92, 37. magnesite, B 79, 11. shale, near Carpinteria, Ell, 49. Charcoal in Mendocino County, XVII, 147. Ranch claim, Sierra County, XIII, 15; XVI (Sierra), 68; XXV, 201; XXXVIII, 52. Chard, Mrs. Emma, copper claims, Mariposa County, XIV, 574. Charge, furnace, at Herould, B 76, 21. Charges for coinage at mints, IX, 91. Charging automatic, of Scott Furnace, B 78, 235. Chariot Mill and Mining Co. (see also Golden Chariot Mine), XIV, 656, 658. Mine, San Diego County, XVIII, 106. North claim, San Diego County, XIV, 054, 656; XXXV, 19. No. 4 claim, San Diego County, XXXV, 25. No. 5 claim, San Diego County, XXXV, 25. Charity Mine, Riverside County (see also Free Coinage Mine), XV, 541. Charles claim, Mariposa County (see also Washington-Buena Vista Group), XXIV, 120. L., gas wells. Kings County, XIV, 528. Mine, Humboldt County (see also Wood's Mine), B 125, 59, 65, 77, 115, 240 (map in pocket). Mountain District, B 125 (map in pocket). Pactricia, Mines, Mariposa County, XXIV, 131. vein. Mount Pleasant Mine, El Dorado County, XXXIV, 241. Charleston Group, Mono County (see also Charleston Mine), XXXVI, 121. Mine, Amador County, RM (Aniador), 8. Mono County, VIII, 385; XII, 177; XIII, 227; XV, 172; XVII, 152; XXIII, 378. Monterey County, XI, 260. Nevada County, XXXVII, 448. Charley Cafion, Los Angeles, anticlinal fold, photo of, B 63, facing 159. Haley Mine, Tuolumne County (see also Last Chance), B 108, 176. K. claim, San Diego County, XXXV, 54. Moore Cafion, Kern County, VIII, 311. Charlie Hoss prospect, Calaveras County, XXXII, 249. Charlotte Mine, Calaveras County, XXXII, 301. Rogers Mine, Amador County, RM (Ama- dor), 8. Charlton sandstone quarry. Los Angeles County, B 38, 130. Charmouthlan, B 118, 107. Charonatte claim. Nevada County (see also Canada Hill Consolidated Group), XIII, 238; XVI (Nevada), 132; XXXVII, 388. 448. Chart, administrative, XXX, 432. correlation, Kreyenhagen shale, XXVII. fac- ing 186. of copper data, B 86, 42. gold production, B 86, 45; XXXIV, 602. lead prices. B 74. 35. i I Index of Ptiblications , 1880-1943 CHA-CHE 155 magnesite production in California, B 79, 36; B 86, 94. quicksilver production and value, B 78, 11. quotations, B 78, 12. silver prices, B 74, 48. production, B 86, 71. tungsten prices, B 74, 52. Works Progress Administration Project, XXXII, 366. zinc prices, B 74, 54. organization, of State Division of Mines, XVIII, 630; XXVI, 490. showing California manganese production by counties, B 125 (map in pocket), diversity in uses of salt, B 126, 113. geologic events in Coast Ranges and Sierra Nevada, B 125 (map in pocket), gold production in California, B 114, 37. location by counties of California minerals of commercial importance, B 112, 108; B 119, 118. mineral production of California, B 125 (map in pocket), types of California manganese deposits, B 125 (map in pocket). United States production, and consump- tion, steel production, B 125 (map in pocket), world manganese production, B 125 (map in pocket). Charter Oak Mine, Siskiyou County, XII, 469; XIII, 393; XXXI, 316. Oil Co., Sunset District, RM (Kern), 22. Charter's Towers, Queensland, B 5, 81. forfeiture of, B 75, 48. Charts, B 123 (see diagrams); B 123, Form 46, Sees. 4, 112, 142, 143, 144, 147, 149, 172, 173. 194, 226, 540, 542, 553, 672, 676, 722, 728, 738. Chase chromite prospect, Napa County, B 76, 219. claim, Nevada County, VIII, 452; XXXVII, 448. concentrator, XXV, 98; XXVIII, 122. L. H., cited, XXXIX, 30, 31. Mine, San Bernardino County (see also Pa- cific Mines Corp.), XVII, 341. Chase's, Newton, well, San Benito County, XIII, 549. Chastain chromite deposit, Siskiyou County, B 76, 223; XXXI, 269. Jason, limestone deposit, Siskiyou County, XXI, 492. Chatard, T. M., B 24, 91, 99, 193. Chateau Mine, Mariposa County, RM (Mari- posa), 10. Chatsworth, mineral springs near, Los Angeles County, XV, 508. Park quarry, Los Angeles County, B 38, 128, 318. 378; XV, 482. Sandstone Quarry, Los Angeles County, photo of, B 38, 130. Chattadown Group, Shasta County, B 50, 107. Chavanne Mine, Calaveras County, RM (Cala- veras), 5. Chay-o-poo-ya-pah, Kern County, VIII, 313. Cheatham, M. J., chrome deposits, Tehama County, XV, 260. Checking gold content, XXV, 131. Checkmate Mine, Mariposa County (see also Shallaly Mine), XXIV, 137. Cheek and Last Chance Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 5. Cheerful Moments claim, San Diego County, XIV, 656, 659. Cheesborough claim, Riverside County (see also Hauser Martin), B 76, 58, 94; XXV, 493; B 125, 156. Chehalis Oil & Mining Co., XIV, 188. Chemical analyses of California petroleum, B 31. Chilian niter, B 24, 143. common brick clays, B 70, 38. niter, B 24, 164. tables of clay, B 99, 353, 356. value of clay, B 99, 252. water, B 73, 85; B 84, 139. in Coalinga, B 84, 544. waters, Casmalia field, B 84, 367. and physical tests for magnesium oxy- chloride, B 79, 21, 28. Pigments Co., Inc., XXVI, 49. Catalog Co., Inc., cited, XXVI, 318. constitutions and hydrocarbon series of Ventura and Los Angeles Counties, crude oUs, XIII, 657. deposits, B 72, 16. Mines Co., XXXVI, 63. Production Co., XVII, 299. reactions for sulphide solutions, B 78, 208, 209, 321, 324, 325. Refining Co., XVIII, 420. solution of limestones, XXIX, 364. uses of manganese, B 125, 48, 54. ware, B 99, 21. work, IV, 12, 13, 14; V, 7; VI, Part 1, 7. Works, Alameda County, XVII, 40. commercial plant.s. Contra Costa County XVII, 65. Chemistry, bibliography on, B 78, 354. of cyanide process, B 5, 6. gold, II, Part 1, 155. Great Basin, B 24, 25. petroleum, B 32, 220; VII, 37. Chemnitz, J. H. (Martini and Chemnitz), B 4, 9. Chemung Mine, Mono County (see also Ma- sonic Mines, Assoc), XVII, 153; XVIII, 415; XIX, 23; XXIII, 378; XXXIV, 13; XXXVI, 121. Cheney Coal Mine, Orange County, XI, 108. Cheney's well, B 11, 11. Cheng Song Mine, Siskiyou County, XIII, 393. Chenoweth dredger. Placer County, XXXI, 19. Mine, Mariposa County, table showing out- put, XXIV, 98. Chenu, J. C, B 4, 9. Cherokee and Feather River Exploration Co., XV, 192. channel, B 92, 103. 156 CHE-CHI California Division of Mines [Bull. 131 Development Co., B 108, 138. Discovery claim, Tulare County (see also Cherokee Mine), XXVI, 441. Ditch, Butte County (see also Spring Valley Hydraulic Co.), VIII, 116. Dredg-e, Butte County, RM (Butte), 11; B 57, 114, 145. photo of, B 57, 145. Drift Mine, Butte County, RM (Butte), 10. Flat, Butte County, table showing produc- tion of gold, hydraulic, placer, drift and river mines, II, Part 1, 188. photo of, IX, op. 130. Gravel Mine, Butte County, XI, 155. map of, XI, 155. Mine, El Dorado County, XXII, 424; B 108, 49; XXXIV, 260. Gold Dredging Co.. B 36, 78; B 57, 145; XV, 190. dredge, Oroville, photo of, B 36, 79. Group. Plumas County, XVI (Plumas), 106. Hydraulic Mine (see also Spring Valley), Butte County, hydraulic tailings from, photo of. XV, 210. photo of, XXVI, 388. mill, Butte County, RM (Butte), 9. Mine, Butte County (see also Spring Valley Mine), XV, 209; XVIII, 258; XXIV, 194; XXVI, 387. Butte County, diamonds in, XV, 187. Calaveras County, XIV, 74; XXXII, 301. Mariposa County (see also Lovely Rog- ers). RM (Mariposa), 16; XIII, 217; XVII, 122; B 99, 64. Nevada County, XVI (Nevada), 93. Placer County, XII, 206; XIII, 276; XV, 336; XXXII, 43. plan of, XII, 206. Plumas County, XXXIII, 105, 127. Tulare County, XVIII, 527; XXVI, 441. Tuolumne County, XIV, 166; XXIV, 44; XX, 20. section through Waldeyer Incline under Butte Table Mountain, XI, 156. Cherry Hill fault, Long Beach oil field, B 118, 320, 323. Mine, Colusa County (see also Cerise, Gold Mountain or Montezuma and other claims of Manzanita Group), XXV, 288. Siskiyou County. XIV, 829; XXI, 436; XXVII, 31; XXXI, 276, 316. Tree claim, Mariposa County (see also Re- corder Mine), XXIV, 112, 136. Chert and limestone, contact of, in syncline of Franciscan series at Calera Hill, photo of, XXIX, 352. beds and ore deposits. B 27, 54, 99. ferruginous, depo.sits of, B 125, 102. Franciscan, manganese ore in, B 76, 24. in Sierra Nevada Mountains, XXVIII, 286. manganifcrfius, deposits of, B 125, 104, 105, 106, 107, 110, 111, 113, 115. 123. 124, 125, 126, 127, 131, 133. 134, 136. 138. 142, 145, 158. 174, 182. 183, 184. 185, 187, 188. pre-Franciscan. deposits of manganese in, B 125, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200. 201. 202, 203, 204, 205. Cherts. Calaveras. B 125, 286. comparison of Franciscan-Knoxville with Sierra Nevada, B 125, 286. Hunter Valley, B 125, 283, 304. radiolarian, in Franciscan-Knoxville group. B 125, 225. in Sierra Nevada, B 125, 286, 321. Chesamac Mine, Inyo County, XXII, 482; XXVIII, 361; XXXIV, 434, 470. Chesapeake Mine, Nevada County, XXXVII, 448. Cheseborough and Goldner well, B 63, 88. Chesnau Mine, Stanislaus County, II, Part 2, 170. Chessy copper, IV, 77. Chester Butler prospect, Nevada County, XXXVII, 390. Mine, El Dorado County, RM (El Dorado), 5; VIII, 182; X, 173; XII, 106; XXII, 424; XXXIV, 260. Chesterfield and Old Gold Group, San Bernar- dino County, XXVII, 325. Quartz Mine, Mariposa County, XXIV, 139. Chesterman, Charles W., Twin Lakes Region, Fresno County, Contains Metamorphic Rocks of the. XXXVIII, 243. Chestnut, Golden-Leaf, II, Part 2, 76. Cheyenne Mine, Nevada County, XVIII, 143. Chiastolite (see also andalusite). B 37, 98; B 67, 128; B 91, 182; B 113, ,307. Chibas, E. J., cited, B 76, 12. Chicago and Silver Falls Groui>. Sliasta County, PR 8, 20; XVIII, 316, 354, 413. Cons. Mines, Shasta County, plan of, XXII, 208. -Barstow Oil Co.. well. San Bernardino County, XV, 892. Camp, Del Norte County, XXIX, 139, 147. claim, Amador County, B 108, SO. Consolidated Mine, Shasta County, XXXV, 179. plan of, XVIII, 318. Crude Oil Co.'s well, B 11, 11. exhibit of specimens, XI, 14. Ferndale Oil Co., B 63, 87. Mine, Lake County (see also Pittsburg, Ural Mine), RM (Lake), 3; XIII, 595; B 27, 51; XIV, 230; B 78, 58; XVII, 81; XXV, 354; XXXV, 387. concrete furnace at, XIV, 230. Nevada County, XXXVII, 448. Placer County, XV, 336; XXIII, 250; XXXI, 17; XXXII, 16, 43. (quicksilver). Lake County, plant, photo of, B 27, 51. section of, B 27, 52. Shasta County, XI, 53. Pacific feldspar and silica deposit, Los An- geles County, XXIII, 323; XXVII, 418; XIX, 164; XXXIII, 204. Park. Beaser Ranch. Nevada County, B 99, 136. Index of Publications, 1880-1943 CHI-CHI 157 Petroleum Co., B 63, 87. Chicken Plat Mine, Plumas County, XVI (IMu- mas). 106; XXXIII, 12S. grit, Sonoma County (see also Roblar Min- ing Co.), XIV, 363. Hawk Mine, San Bernardino County, de- scription of, B 95, 132. silver prospect, San Bernardino County, XXVI, 275; XXVII, 348. Chico, B 99, 200; XXVIII, 296. area, citations, B 118, 609. beds, XXVIII, 313, 324. Coast Ranges, B 118, 95. Consolidated Gold Mining Co. (see also Roeper & Midas property), XV, 221. Creek beds, B 118, 675. formation, B 69, 351, 382; B 72, 34; B 89, 27; B 99, 18, 64, 126, 139, 141, 215; XXIX, 113. Baculites chicoensis in, B 118, 168, 675. Marysville Buttes gas field, B 118, 611. Petaluma region, B 118, 622, 623, 624. photograph of Nomlaki tuff, Elder Creek, XXXV, 243. San Diego County, southwestern, B 118, 367. Shasta Quadrangle, XXVII, 10. Sierra Nevada, XXVIII, 285. Simi oil field, B 118, 417. Submortoniceras chicoensis in, B 118, 168. Group, Rumsey Hills area, B 118, .601, 602, 603, 604. Sites region, B 118, 606, 607, 608. -Knoxville-Shasta sedimentary series, pre- Tertiary rocks, XXXV, 225. Los Angeles Basin, B 118, 210. -Martinez Creek, B 118, 25. Miocene, B 118, PI. IV. Oligocene, B 118, PI. HI. Ocher and Metallic Co., B 38, 338, 351. Mineral Paint Co., XXIV, 208; XXVI, 152, 408. Paskenta region, B 118, 620. series, B 118, 129, 130, 183, 185, 186. columnar section, B 118, 185. Fairfield Knolls gas field, B 118, 599. Star Mine, Plumas County, XIII, 290; XVI (Plumas), 107; XXIV, 312; XXXIII, 128. -Tejon series, B 118, 675. V Flume, Butte County, XIII, 527. Water Co., XI, 165. Chief Assistant claim, Kern County (see Goler Canyon Placers), XXIX, 306. claim, Kern County (see also Gwynne and Jeannette Mines), XXIX, 307. Commander claim, Kern County (see also Goler Canyon Placers), XXIX, 306. et al. Mine, Amador County, XXIII, 188. Mine, Kern County, XIII, 188; XIV, 490; XXIX, 273. San Bernardino County, X, 529. of Hill Mine, Inyo County, RM (Inyo), 4. the Hills Group, Riverside County, XXXVII, 551. Mine, San Diego County, XII, 239; XIII, 334. Tin Group, Riverside County, XXV, 496; XXXI, 516. Chieftain claim, San Dicf;