wi uiMumuiaMui i ima sBessvf awtuim tm mnmmmti'^^^ / j! 5y A c drfJw^-^'it.AUiAyi(,>A/^ ix,^. A*:C'' -V -.4 ■^ f PacAA."^ W--7 THE HI8T0RY OP BALLARAT. TH K History oe Ballarat KKOM TIIK FIRST 1V48TORAL SETTLEMENT PRESENT TIME. BY WILLIAM BRAMWELL WITHEES JOURNALIST. WITH PLANS, ILLUSTRATIONS, AND ORKilNAL DOCUMENTS. liallarat : Printed by F. VV. Niven and Co., 40 Stdrt Street. mdccclxxxvii. L. N. TO YOUR MEMORY, ^y H S E FRAGRANCE "NO TIME CAN CHANGE," I REVERENTLY DEDICATE THIS RECORD OF CHANGE. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. This little History, in eight chapters, only touches a few of the more prominent incidents connected with pastoral settlement and the gold discovery in the Ballarat district. The compiler has seen the growth of the town from a mere collection of canvas tents among the trees and on the grassy slopes and tlats of the wild bush to its present condition. Less than 20 years ago there was not a house where now stands this wealthy mine and farm- girdled city, whose population is nearly equal to the united popu- lations of Oxford and Cambridge, and exceeding by several thousands the united populations of the cities of Winchester, Canterbury, Salisbury, and Lichfield at the time of the gold dis- covery. This is one .of the truths which are magnificently stranger than fiction. Some of the first workers in this mighty creation are still here. Of the pastoral pioneers there are still with us the Messrs. Learmonth, Pettett, Waldie, Winter, Fisken, Coghill, and Bacchus ; and the Rev. Thomas Hastie is still living at the Manse at Buninyong. Down the valley of the Leigh, where the Sebastopol streets and fences run over the eastern escarpment of the table land, may still be seen the sandstone foundations of a station begun by the Messrs. Yuille, whom the coming of the first hosts of gold-hunters scared away from a place no longer fit, in their opinion, for pastoral occupation. Those unfinished walls are in a paddock overlooking a little carse of some four or five acres by the creek side, owned by an Italian farmer, and close to the junction of the Woolshed Creek with the main stream in the valley. On the other side of the larger stream rise basaltic mounds, marked with the pits and banks of the earlier miners. Like the trenches of an old battle-field, these works of the digging armies of the past are now grass-grown and spotted with wild flowers. All around, the open lands of fifteen years ago are turned into streets and fields and gardens. A little way lower down the valley, where the ground VUl PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. has a broad slope up from the left bank of the Leigh to the foot of the ranges, was the Magpie rush of 1855-6. For a mile nearly every inch of frontage was fought for then, and a town of over four thousand inhabitants sprang up. Gold was found plenti- fully, and warehouse, hotel, and saloon crowded close with dwelling and church along the thoroughfare. A summer flood surprised the dwellers on the lowland and carried oft" lives as well as property, mingling a tragic sorrow with the losses of the un- successful. Time, less sudden than the midsummer freshet, but more sAveeping, has cleared the ground of almost every vestige of the busy but fragile life of fifteen years ago. But the eternal sense of the Infinite survives " our little lives" and all their fitful pulsations of varying passion. Yonder, where, by the bush track side, the rounding slope swells upon the south, stands a church, sombre, lonely, and silent as the Roman sentinel at Pompeii when all around him had fled or fallen. This is all, save here and there heaps of broken bottles and sardine tins half hidden by the grass, and a few faint trench and building lines, softened by the rains, and bright at this time with the young verdure of the turning seasoji. Tlie most curious eye could now discover no other traces of the rush if it were not for the broader and deeper marks left where the first miners fought their industrial way, and where, for years, their followers retraced the golden trail. On going up the Yarrowee banks northward a space, as one looks up the valley he sees, beyond the city, the bare top, the white artificial chasms and banks and mounds, where Black Hill raised its dark dense liead of forest trees before the digger rent the hill in twain, and half disembowelled the swelling lieadland. Besides the pastoral settlers already mentioned, tliere are yet with us some of the first discoverers. Esmond is still here. Woodward and Turner, of the Golden Point discoverers, are still l)ere in Ballarat, and Merrick and some others of that band remain in the district. Others who followed tliem witliin the first week or two are also amongst our busy townsfolk of to-day. While these remained it was thouglit desirable to gather sonio of the honey of fact from fugitive opportunity, th.it it might bo garnered for tlie historian of the future. Nearly all the per- PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. IX sons whose names have been mentioned above have assisted in the preparation of this narrative by furnishing valuable contri- butions from their own recollections, and the compiler takes this occasion to thank them and others, including legal managers of mines, whose ready courtesy has enabled him to do what he has done to rescue from forgetfulness the brief details here chronicled touching the history of this gold-field. He has borrowed some facts and figures, too, from Mr. Harrie Wood's ably compiled notes, published in Mr. Brough Smyth's " Gold-fields and Mineral Districts of Victoria." To the oflicers of most of the public in- stitutions referred to he also owes the acknowledgment of much courtesy ; and to Mr. Huyghue, a gentleman still holding office in Ballarat, and who was in the public service here at the time of the Eureka Stockade, thanks are due, both by the publislier and compiler, for notes of that period, and for the extremely interest- ing illustrations of the Stockade, the Camp, and other spots copied from original drawings. The publisher also acknowledges the courtesy of Mr. Ferres, the Government printer, in supplying original documents, and of Mr, Noone in giving valuable assist- ance in connection with their reproduction by the photo-litho- graphic process. The contributions of newspaper correspondents during the Eureka Stockade troubles have also assisted the com- piler, and notably the letters of the correspondent of the Gcelong Advertiser in 1854-5. But to Mr. John Noble Wilson, the com- mercial manager of the Ballarat Star, is due, on the part of all concerned, the recognition of his suggesting the narrative, of his constant cordial co-operation, and his untiring ingenuity in making suggestions and collecting materials both for the text and the illustrations. The reproduced proclamations by the Govern- ment, which the reader will find at intervals, as well as many of the original documents, are the fruit of that gentleman's assiduity in collecting materials of interest and pertinence. It has been necessary to record the fact that the tragic issue of the license agitation was mainly due to the mistakes of the governing authorities, even as the unrighteous rigors of the digger-hunting processes were made more poignant by the haughty indiscretions and brutal excesses of commissioners and X PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. troopers. But it is equally incumbent on the recorder to recog- nise the more agreeable fact that there were officers in both grades who did their harsh duties difterently. Some of these are still in the service, and retain the respect they won in the more troublous times by their judicious and humane administration of an obnoxious law, for the existence of whicli they were in no way responsible. In the matter of gold statistics there has been found great difficulty, for the early records were imperfect, and the latter ones are little, if in anywise, superior ; while searches for the first newspaper accounts of the gold discovery have shown that, both in Melbourne and Geelong, the public files have been rifled of in- valuable portions by the miserable meanness of some unknown thieves. The future we have not essayed to divine. What the past and the present of our local history may do to enable the reader to speculate upon the future, each one must for himself determine, though the faith of the Ballarat of to-day in the Ballarat of the future may, we think, be more accurately inferred from tlie stable monuments of civic enterprise, and the many signs of mining, manufacturing, and rural industry around, than from the oc- casional forebodings of fear in seasons of depression. In less than two decades we have created a large city, built up gi-eat fortunes, laid the foundations of many commercial successes, and sown the seeds of yet undeveloped industries ; and those who have seen so much should not readily think that we are near the exhaustion of our resources, either in the precious minerals, or the still more precious spirit of enterprise and industry necessary for the development of the wealth of nature around us. For the good done, and for the doers of the good, we may all be thankful, if not proud ; and, in proportion as we are thus moved, we may look with confident hope towards the future, who.se uncertain years are lit up with the radiance of the past, and shaped to our vision by the promise of the present. Among modest writers it is the fashion not only to write pre- faces, but to excite attention to wonderful merit by apologies for defects. The present writer burns to be in tlie fashion. He PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. XI craves the indulgence of the reader in informing that important personage that the ordinary duties of a reporter on a daily morn- ing paper are not luxuriously light, and that tlie compilation of the following narrative has been a refreshing appendage to the daily discharge of sucli ordinary duties, plus a bracing exercise of sub-editorial function. He has, no doubt, amply vindicated Bolingbroke's accurate apothegm, and especially in tliis preface. Both preface and narrative may be regarded as a verbose exaggeration of the importance of the subject. The answer to that is, that the writer has written mainly for those who know the place, and, knowing it, are proud of it ; for those who believe in the future in reserve for it, for the colony to which it belongs to-day, and for the empire of which it some day may be a not altogetlier unimportant portion. In the City of York, where memory and fancy, busy with the records and the remains of the past, make of the softened lights and shadows and many-colored figures of mediaeval English history an inexpressible charm, the glorious Minster rises over all supreme in its solemn and saintly beauty. Whatever pilgrim there has studiously perused that marvellous " poem in stone" may have seen over one of the doorways the work of some loving and pious egotist in the following inscription : — " Ut rosa flos florum, sic tu es domus domorum." Let us be permitted, with similar egotism, if not with equal piety, to inscribe here, as over one of the portals of approach to one of the golden fields and cities of Victoria : — Ut aurum metallorum pretiosissimum, sic tu es cam- porum aureorum princeps, urbiumque opulentissima. W. B. W. Ballarat, 22nd June, 1870. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. This second edition was called for as the first was out of print, and this new issue and all the autlior's interest in the His- tory are the sole property of the publisliers. In transferring my rights to the publishers, I undertook to write what was deemed necessary to bring the narrative "up to date." To do this and supply some omissions from the first edition were, both, desirable, and the attempt has been carried out as far as the publishers' views as to space have permitted. How inadequate the realisa- tion is, my repeated wails in the text admit as frankly as possible. Independently of the omissions from the first edition, the de- velopments of the city and suburbs during the 17 years since 1870 involved so much matter that it was found impossible to deal with it all in a satisfactory mannei- within the space avail- able ; but it is hoped that the leading events of the period liave, at least, been in some way recognised. And e^en that could not have been done had it not been that the author, with some few exceptions, met everywhere the readiest will to assist him by supplying the ofiicial information required. In the body of the work these courtesies have been generally acknowledged^ and I desire to repeat liere my sense of indebtedness in that respect to very many citizens. It is not for me to judge how ill or well my part of the work has been done, but it may be permitted to me to say tliat the publishers and printers have finished their work in a manner that does credit to them and to the arts tliey repre- sent. Mr. Niven has enriched the edition with many illustra- tions from his own pencil, and the photo-litliographs of official and other documents which give Jac siiidliS of tliose papers, bespeak the resources of the publishers' establishment. The appo- site; d(!signs on the cover, and their engraving and pi'inting, are all the product of the pul>lish('rs' own office, and compare creditably witli the work of old-world linns. Tin; map of the; mines, at page 2i^)2, has been prepared from survc^ys .specially made by Mr. IlobcTt Allan, mining surveyor, and is a document of PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. XUl interest and value. To Mr. Anderson, the head printer, I owe my thanks for many intelligent suggestions in the course of the revisal of proofs, and his vigilant eye detected some errors in Appendix A which had lain unnoticed ever since the issue of the edition of 1870. It is hoped that the present edition is nearly free from literal errors, but two or three have been noticed since the matter passed througli the press. In the bottom line, page 61, the date 18.5.5 should be 1854 ; in the lieading to Chapter VI. " representative charges" should be " representative changes ;" and in the bottom line, page 28.5, the date 1857 should be 185G. A word to scholars, that they may not believe a lie. I am no Latinist. As a poor pavior on the high road of letters, I picked up some Roman tesserce by the way side, and, to please my fancy and give bits of color and tone of reminiscence and mean- ing not else handy, inserted them here and there in the ruder work. Only that, my learned brothers of the great republic. The writer of even so small a history as this, is but as the voice of one crying in a wilderness of facts and dates, in hope of reducing them in some soi't to cosmic order. Like the life it essays to depict, history is only a drama, and the historian merely sets the scenes, and lifts the curtain, where else had been uncertainty or oblivion. Our revels now are ended. Tlie actors here, too, were all spirits. Many, as squatters Pettett, Waldie, Winter Bacchus, one of the Learmonth's, besides a host of mining and civic pioneers, have melted into air since the fii'st edition was issued. The veteran Thomas Hastie still lives at the Buninyoii"' manse, and others still grace, or disgrace, with their corporal pre- sence, the scenes of their exj)loits. There remain Humtiray and Lalor, and, with other of Lalor's Stockade subalterns, the fold- finder Esmond. Humfiray and Esmond are in the shallows, but Lalor, on whose " rebel" head a price was once set, floats proudly as the able and well-salaried Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. His political friends are not ashamed to plead for a retirin"' pension for him, after he has, for many years, been liberally paid for his services in a nominally pension-hating democracy ; whilst XIV PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. Esmond, but for whose discovery Lalor might never have been here, has failed to get leave to earn State wages enough to keep the wolf from the door. The fingers of change move swiftly. Whilst facts and figures have been shaping for the printers of this edition, the funerals of some of those who furnished the matter have passed by. Since the last chapter has been in type, the old mess-room of the civil and military ofiicers of the Camp has been sold, and its materials have been removed piece-meal. Thirty years ago, the present Premier of Victoria stood in his blue serge shirt on the verandah of the house, and unsuccessfully tried to persuade his brother blue-shirts to return him, at that time, to the court then sitting there. " Rebel" bullets fell about the house during the ante-Stockade trouble, and then the vanquished victors of the Stockade sent representatives to sit in the mess-room as a Local Court, with Warden Sherard as first chairman, and thereafter, as long as the coui't lived, with the merry, brown-eyed Daly, and with the merrier and caustic Miskelly as the clerk for awhile. Ex-Chairman Sherard is still here, as Savings Bank actuary, but Daly and many others, who sat there a generation agone, are dead. The old historic house itself is now gone, too, and a free public library is to be built upon the site. For myself, I now vanish for ever from this stage, to write editions of this History no more — if this be history. But though I now retire behind the scenes, so far as this work is concerned, I shall not forget the play nor the leading players. The largest portion of my life has been spent here, and if there be any possiljility of the realisation of such a sad conceit as that of the Tudor Mary, who said Calais would be found written upon her heart, the name of this beautiful city of Bal- larat may he found written upon miiie. W. B. W. Ballarat, 3rd August, 1887. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, PLANS, etc. General View of Ballarat, 1887 ... King Billy and Ballarat Tribe, 1850 Ballarat in 1852 from Mount Buninyong ... Drays on the Road to the Diggings Creswick Creek from Spring Hill, 1855 ... Ballarat Flat, 1855, from Black Hill The "Township" from Bath's hotel, 1855... John AUoo's Restaurant, Main road, 1853 Deep Sinking, Bakery Hill, 1855 First Quartz Mill, Black Hill ... Arrival of the Geelong Mail Coach Gold -digging License ... Business License Arrival of Troops Site of the Eureka Stockade Government Notices Proclamations Soldiers' and Diggers' Graves The Stockade Memorial Golden Point and Yarrowee Creek First Horse Puddler Band and Albion Consols Mine, 1887 Madame Berry Mine, 1 887 Mining Plan of Ballarat Mining Registrar's Old Office View of Sturt street Lake Wendouree TO FACE PAGE. ( Frontispiece), 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 ... 80 88 96 .. 104 ... 112 ... 120 ... 128 ... 152 160 176 ... 200 208 224 ... 232 ... 240 248 ... 256 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. BALLARAT BEFORE THE GOLD DISCOVERY. First Exploring Parties. — Mount Buninyong. — Mount Aitkin. — Ercildoun. — Ballarat. — Lake Burrumbeet Dry. — .Settling Throughout the Dis- trict. — First Wheat Grown. — First Flour Mill. — Founding of liuninyong. — A Wide Diocese. — Appearance of Ballarat. — The Natives. — Aboriginal Names. — The Squatters. — Premonitions of the Gold Discovery. 1 — 16 CHAPTER n. THE GOLD DISCOVERY. California and tJie Ural. — Predictions of Australian Gold. — Discoveries of Old Bushmen. — Hargreaves and others in New South Wales. — Effects of Discovery at Bathurst. — Sir C. A. Fitz Roy's Despatches. — First Assay. — Esmond and Hargreaves. — Esmond's Discovery at Clunes. — Previous Victorian Discoveries. — Esmond's the First Made Effectively Public. — Hiscock. — Golden Point, Ballarat.— Claims of Discoverers as to Priority. —Effects of the Discovery. — Mr. Latrobe's Despatches. — His Visit to Ballarat. — The Licenses. — Change of Scene at Ballarat. — Mount Alexander Rush. — Fresh Excitements. — Rise in Prices. ... 17 — 45 CHAPTER III. FROM THE GOLD DISCOVERY TO THE YEAR OF THE EUREKA STOCKADE. Great Aggregations of Population. — Opening up of Golden Grounds. — A Digger's Adventures. — Character of the Population. — Dates of Local Dis- coveries. — Ballarat Township Proclaimed. — First Sales of Land. — Bath's Hotel.— First Public Clock.— Tatham's and Brooksbank's Recollections.— Primitive Stores, Offices, and Conveyances. — Woman a Phenomenon. — First Women at Ballarat. — Curious Monetary Devices. — First Religious XVlll TABLE OF CONTENTS. Services. — Churches. — Newspapers. — Theatres. — Lawyers. — First Courts. — Capture of Roberts, the Nelson Robber. — Nuggets. — Golden Gutters. — Thirty or Forty Thousand Persons Located. ... 46 — 71 CHAPTER IV. DIGGER HUNTING. The Gold License. — Taxation Without Representation. — Unequal Inci dence of the Tax. — Episodes of Digger Hunting. — Irritating Method of Enforcing the Tax. — Suspicions of Corruption among the Magistrates and Police. — Visit of Sir Charles and Lady Hotham. — Big Larry.— Roff s Recollections. — Reform League. — Murder of Scobie. — Acquittal of Bentley. — Dewes Suspected. — Mass Meetings. — Burning of Bentley's Hotel. — Irwin's Narrative. — Arrest of Fletcher, M'Intyre, and Westerby. — Re-arrest of Bentley. — Conviction of Bentley. — Rich's Experiences. — Conviction of Fletcher, M'Intyre, and Westerby. — Demand for their Liberation. — Increased Excitement. — Fete to the American Consul. — Foster. — Sir Charles Hotham. — Arrival of Troops. — Troops As- saulted. — Bakery Hill Meeting. — Southern Cross Flag. — Burning the Licenses. ... ... ... ... ... ... 72 — 96 CHAPTER V. THE EUREKA STOCKADE. The Last Digger Hunt. — Collision between the Diggers and Military and Police. — Southern Cross Flag again.- — Lalor and his Companioais Armed, kneel, and swear Mutual Defence. — Irwin's Account. — Carboni Raffaello. — His Pictures of the Times and the Men. — More Troops Arrive. — The Diggers Extend their Organisation Under Arms. — Lalor "Commander- in-Chief." — Forage and Impressment Parties. — Original Documents. — Shots Fii-ed from the Camp. — The Stockade Formed. — Narrative of a Government Officer in the Camp.— Attack by tlie Military and Taking of the Stockade. — Various Accounts of the Time. — Raffaello's Description, — Other Tragic Pictures. — First Stone House. — Bank of Victoria Fortitied. — A Soldier's Story. — List of the Killed. — Burials. — Rewards Otlcredfor the Insurgent Leaders. — Their Hiding and Escape. — Charge Against A. P. Akehurst. — Proclamation of Martial Law. — Feeling in Melbourne. — Foster's Resignation. — Deputation of Diggers. — Humffray Arrested. — Vote of Thanks to the 'i'roops. — Legislative Council's Address to the Governor. — Hia Reply. — Prisoners at the IJallarat Police Court. — Royal Commission of En of the Ijoddon, passed over wjiat lias since l)een proved to l)e a licli auriferous country, and l)ore down on a prominent peak, wiiich the explorers subsecjuently called Ercildoun, from the old keep on the .Scottish bordei", with which the name of the Lear- month's ancestoi', Tiiomas the llhyniei-, was associated. Tlieii- course l)rought them to the lake district of l>urrund)eet and its jicli natural pastures. The days were hot but the nights cold, and the party, camping at night on an eminence near Ercildoun, suffered so much from cold that they gave the camping place the name Mount Misery. There was water then in P.urrumbeet, but it was inten.sely salt and very shallow. Next year, 1839, Lake Burrumbeet was (juite diy, and it i-eniained dry for several succeeding summei-s. It was covered with rnnk vegetation, and EARLY SETTLEMENT. .5 tlie j4'roun(l aJlbrded excellent pastui-e after tlie ranker i^'rowtli liad been burnt ort". The country thus discovered was occupied during the year 1838, and other settlers, pushing on in the same direction, in a couple of years completed the occupation of all the fine pastoral country Jis far westward as the Hopkins ]|i\'er. The bi'others Learnionth, Mr. Henry Anderson, Messrs. Archiljald and W. C Yuille, and Mr. Waldie settled on the sul)se([uently revealed gold-fields of Ballarat, Buninyong, Sebastopol, and their immediate vicinities. Some memliers of the Clyde Company, of Tasmania, visited the Western disti'ict in 1838, that company giving the name to the Clyde Inn, of the old Geelong coach road. Tliey settled upon the Mooraljool and the Leigh, Mi-. Ceorge Russell being the manager. Major Mercer, who ga\'e the name to Mount Mercer, and Mr. D. Fisher, were of that company. The Narmbool run, near Meredith, was taken by Mr. Ne\ille in 1839. Ross' Creek was named from Capt. Ross, who in those early days used to perform the feat of walking in Highland costume all the way to Melbourne. But in those times travelling was a more serious matter than in these days of railroads, coaches, cabs, and other vehicles, with good roads and a generally settled country. Then there were no roads, few people, and a thick forest, encumbered about Ballarat, too, wltli the nnti\e hop. Mr. Archibald Fisken, of Lai Lai, was the Hrst person to di'i\e a vehicle through the then roadless forest of Warrenhei}) and Bullarook. In 1846 lie drove a dog-cart tandem with Mr. W. Taylor through the bush to Longerenong, on the Wimrnera. Messrs. T. L. and S. L. Learinonth, whose father was then ill Hobarton, settled their homestead on what became known as the Buninyong Gold Mining Company's ground at Buninyong. Mr. Henry Anderson, who was the earliest ^^'ioneer in what is now known as Winter's Flat, planted his homestead near the delta formed by the confluence of the Woolshed Creek and the Yarrowee, Messrs. Yuille subsequently taking that homestead and all the country now known as Ballarat West and East and Sebastopol. These settlers gave the name to Yuille's 8wamp, more recently called Lake Wendouree. The Bonshaw run was taken up by IVlr. Anderson, 'who named it Waverley Pai'k, and 4 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. ]\Ir. John Winter coming into possession shortly afterwards gave to it the present name, after his wife's home in Scotland. Messrs. Pettett and Francis, in 1838 (as managers for Mr. W. H. T. Clarke), took up the country at Dowling Forest, so called after Mrs. Clai'ke's maiden name. Sliortly after they had settled there Mr. Francis was killed by one of his own men with a shear-blade, at one of the stations on the run. Before Mr. Pettett took up the Dowling Forest run he was living at the Little Rivei', and a native chief named Balliang offered to show him the countiy about Lai Lai. The chief in speaking of it distinguished between it and the Little River by describing the water as La-al La-al — the a long — and by gesture indicating the water-fall now so well known, the name signifying falling water. Mr. Waldie sub- sequently took up country north-west of Ballarat, and called liis place Wyndholm, where he resided till his decease. Messrs. Yuille had settled originally on the Barwon, near Inverleigh, but finding tlie natives troublesome they retired to Ballarat. Mr. Smytlie, who with Mr. Prentice held the run, gave tlie name to Smythe's Creek, as Messrs. Baillie had to the creek at Carngham their run there being aftei'wards transferred to Messrs. Russell and Simson. Mr. Darlot also occupied a run there. Creswick Creek has its name from Henry Creswick, wlio settled upon a small run there. Two brotliers Creswick had previously held country close to Warrenheip. The Messrs. Baillie were sons of Sir William Baillie, Bart., of Polkemmet, Scotland. Mi-. Andrew Scott settled witli his family at the foot of Mount Buninyong, where he had a snug run in which the mount and its rich sur- rouiidiiig soil wei-e included. Mrs. Andrew Scott was tlie first lady who travelled through this district. She drove across tlie dry bed of Lake Burrumbeet in the year 1840. The country about Smeaton and Coghill's Creek was takt'ii ii]) in the year 1838 by Captain Hepburn and Mr. David Coghill wlio canu^ overland from New Soutli AV^ales with sheep and cattle, following the route of Sir Tliomas Mitchell in his expedition of ex])loration in Port Phillip in 183G. AVith tliem came Mr. I>owni;in, who also brouglit stock. H(! took iij) a run on the Campaspe, while his comj)anions canie on further south. Tlie Murray was veiy low when they THE FIRST FARM. 5 crossed, and tlie stock was easily passed over. At the Ovens they found a dry river-bed ; Lake Buri-uniljeet was also dry that year. When Messrs. Hepljui'n and Coghill had left sheep at the Campaspe and Brown's Creek on their way, they pushed on, and from Mount Alexander they descried the Smeaton Hills, and, continuing their journey, found and took up the unoccupied country there. Smeaton Hill was called Quaratwong l)y the natives, and the hill Ijetween the Glenlyon road and Smeaton Hill was called Moorakoil. Captain Hepburn, a seafaring man originally, was one of the Hepburns of East Lothian, Scotland, and Smeaton was named by him after the East Lotliian estate held by his I'elative, Sir Thomas Hepburn. Mr. Coghill was the first to plough land at the creek which bears his name, and in wliich locality there now is found one of the broadest and richest tracts of farming land in Victoria. He brought with him over- land a plough, a harrow, and the parts of a hand steel flour-mill. In 1839 he ploughed and sowed wheat, and thus grew and ground the first corn grown there. In 1841 Captain Hepburn erected a water-mill for corn on Birch's Creek ; that was the first mill of that kind. Birch's Creek was named after the brothers Arthur and Cecil Birch, who, with the Rev. Mr. Irvine, came overland soon after Messrs. Hepburn and Coghill, and settled at the Seven Hills. Besides the run at Coghill's Creek, taken up by Mr. Coghill for some others of his family. Cattle Station Hill was also taken by him. This run lay between Glendaruel and the Seven Hills, and was part of the purchased estate belonging to the Hepburns. The late Captain Hepburn long acted as a justice of the peace, and he was one of the squatters whom M'Combie mentions as having taken part in a meeting held on the 4th of June, 1844, in front of the Mechanics' Institute, Melbourne, to protest against Sir G. Gipps' squatting policy, and to urge forward the movement for the separation of Port Phillip from New South AVales. The squatters mustered on horseback that day on Bat- man's Hill, and thence rode to the meeting in Collins street, the " equestrian order" thus giving an eai'ly example of the right freemen have, even in a Crown colony, to air public grievances publicly and fearlessly. 6 HISTORY OF 13ALLAKAT. Lai Lai was taken up in tlie year 1840 by Messrs. Blakeuey and George Airey, the latter a brother of the Crimean officer so often and so flatteringly mentioned in Kinglake's " History of the Crimean War." In the same year, Messrs. Le Vet (or Levitt) and another took up Warrenheip as a pig-growing station, but the venture failed, and some of the pigs ran wild in the forest there for years, and preyed on each other. After Messrs. Le Vet and Co. had been there awhile, the run was taken up on Ijehalf of Messrs. Verner, Welsh, and Holloway, of the Gingellac run, on the Hume, by Mr. Havertield (at present the editor of the Bjndigo Advertiser), Le Vet and partner selling their improvements for about .£30. Shortly after Mr. Havertield came to Warrenheip, Bullarook Forest was occupied by Mr. John Peerman, for Mr. Lyon Campbell. The Mr. Verner mentioned above was the tirst Commissioner of the Melbourne Insolvency Court. He was related to Sir William Verner, a member in the House of Commons for Armagh. Mr. Verner took j)art, as chairman, at a Separation meeting held in Melbourne on the 30th December, 1840, and soon after that he left tlie colony. JNIr. Welsh was the late Mr. Patricius Welsh, of Lallarat ; and Mr. Holloway liecame a gold-broker, and died at tlie Camp at Bendigo. In the year 1843, Mr. Peter Inglis, who had a station at Ijallan, took up the Warrenheip run, and shortly after that purchased tlie Lai Lai station, and throwing tliem botli together, grazed on the united runs one of the largest jierds in the colony. The western boundary of Mr. Inglis' WaiTenlicip luu iiiarclicd with the eastern boundary of Mi\ YuiHes run, the line being struck Ijy marked trees running from Mount liuninyong across Brown Hill to Slaty Creek. Mr. Donald Stewart, now of IJuninyong, was stock-rider for Mr. Inglis, on the Wancnheijj and Lai Lai .station.s, and superin- tendent duiiiig the minority of the present owner of Lai Lai. In 1^=39 Mr. W. II. I Jacchus brought cattle from Melbourne and graz(Hl tliiiin on his lun of Buri'umbeetup, the centre of which run is now occiipiid liy tlit; Ballan pound. There is a waterfall on the Moorabool tht^rc, which, for its picturestjuc heauty, is well worth \isitinu'. The run e.vteiided on the Ballarat side of the UUNINYONfJ. < Mooivibnol to about midway to tlie Lai Lai (Jreek. Mr. Ijafclius still resides in the same locality, his pi'eseut station bein.ijj known as Pei'ewui', or Peerewurr, a native na-me, meaning waterfall and opossums. It was originally held by Messrs. Fairl)aii-n and Gardner. Buninyong was a village, or township, long before Ballarat had any existence as a settlement. The tirst huts were built at Buuinyong in the year 1841, by sawyers, splitters, and others, Mr. George Junes being then called the " King of the Splitters." George Gab, George Coleman, and others, were the pioneers in the Buninyoug settlement. Gab had a wife who used to ride Anrizouian fashion on a tine horse called Petrel, and both husband and wife were energetic people. Gab opened a house of accommodation for travellers on the spot where Jamison's hotel was afterwards built. The tirst store in the neighborhood was opened at the Round Water Holes, near Bonshaw, by Messrs. D. S. Campbell and Woolley, of Melbourne, who almost immediately afterwards removed to a site next Gab's, at Buninyong, whose place they took for a kitchen. Gab tlien removed and built another hut opposite to the present police-court, and he opened his new hut also as a hotel. A blacksmith named M'Lachlan, with a partner, opened a smithy opposite to Campbell and Wooley's store. This was the nucleus of the principal iidaud town then in the colony. In t!ie year 1844 Dr. Power settled there, and built a hut behind what was afterwards the Buninyong hotel. He was the tirst medical man in the locality, and for years the settlers had no other doctor nearer than Geelong. The young township became a favorite place with bullock teamsters, who were glad to build huts there where they could leave their wives and children in some degree safe from aboriginal or other marauders. In the year 1847, the Rev. Thomas Hastie, the tirst clergyman in the district, came to Buninyong. His house, and the church in which he performed service, were built entirely by the residents in Buninyong, both pecuniary gifts and manual labor being contributed. Then, as afterwards, the Messrs. Learmonth were among tlie foremost movers in the promotion of the mental and moral, as well as material welfare of the people about tliem. Mr. Hastie, in a letter to us, says : — Before I came in 1847, the Messrs. Learmonth had made several efforts 8 IlISTOKY OF BALLARAT. to procure the settlement of a clergyman at Buninyong, but had failed, partly from want of support, but chiefly from their inability to procure one likely to be suitable. Overtures had been made to Mr. Beazely, a Con- gregational minister then in Tasmania, and afterwards in New South Wales, but he declined them. The Messrs. Learmonth were willing to take a minister from any denomination, and the cii'cumstance that a Presbyterian clergyman was settled here arose from the fact that no other was available. Until after the gold discovery thei'e was no minister in the interior, tliat is out of Melbourne, (ieelong, Belfast, and Portland, but Mr. Hamilton of Mortlake, Mr. Gow of Campbellfield, and myself. For many years my diocese, as it may be called, extended from Batesford, on the Barwon, to Glenlogie, in the Pyrenees, and included all the country for miles on either side, my duties taking me from home more than half my time. Before I came the Messrs. Learmonth had contemplated the establishment of a cheap boai'ding-school for the children of shepherds and others in the bush, but for prudential reasons they deferred the matter till the settlement of a minister offered the means of supervision. Im- mediately after I came the project was carried out, and subscriptions were received from most of the settlers in the Western district. The school was opened in 1848 by Mr. Bedwell, £10 a year being charged for board and education. Tlie gold discovery carried away the teachers, raised the prices of everything, and Mr. Hastie had to see to the school and its GO boarders himself ; but through all the difficulties the school Avas maintained with varying fortunes, until at length it became the Connnon-school near the Presbyterian Manse, with an average attendance of some 180 children. What is now the boroughs of Ballarat, Ballarat East, and )Sebastopol, was then a pleasantly picturesque pastoi-al country. Mount and range, and table land, gullies and creeks and grassy slopes, lu^re black and dense forest, there only sprinkled with trees, and yonder showing clear n^aches of grass, made up the general landscape. A pastoral (juiet reigned everywhere. Over tlie whole expanse there was notiiing of civilisation but a few- pastoral settlers and their retinue — the occasional flock of nibbling sheep, or groups of cattle browsing in the broad herbage. There were three permanent waterholes in those days wliere tlu; Sfjuatters used to tind water for their flocks in the driest tiiiK^s of summer. One was at the junction of the Gong (Jong cind the Yarrowec, or iJIakcney's Creek, as it was then 00 z: PRIMEVAL RALLARAP. 9 callod, after the settler of tliat name thcie. Another was wlieie the Yarrowee bends under the ranges by the- Urown Hill liotel, and tlie otlier was near Golden Point. A])origines built their mia-mias about Wendouree, the kang;iroo lea]!('(l uidiarnied dorigiual name for a species of parrot ; Burrumljeet means muddy water, and Woady Yaloak standing water. Mount Pisgah, in the lake country, was first known as Pettett's Look-Out, and Mount Rowan as Shuter's Hill. l^Iount Blowhavd had no name among the settlers until one of li lllSTOUY OF BALLAKAT. Pettett's slK'plierd-boys g■a^■c it tliat nniiu', from having often proved the appropriateness of such a designation, since his ex- pei'iences of windy days there had been frequent. As a race the Australian squatters were brave and adventurous. Many of them were men of liberal education and broad and generous culture, and .some were men bearing old historic names, as well as possessing the instincts and the discipline of gentlemen. Others Avere vulgar boors, whose only genius lay in adding Hock to flock, run to run, and swelling annually the balance at tlieir bankers. The tirst squatters took tlieir lives in their hands, for they liad to tiglit with various enemies — a treacherous native population, drought, hungei', and on all sides difficulties. Says Mr. Coghill, in a viva voce comnuinication to us : — Every day, I may say for ten years, I have been many lioui's in the saddle. I never had much trouble with the natives, only that they would sometimes thie\e a little ; but I used always to make a point of going to them and talking to them as well as I could, and explaining to them that if they behaved themselves they woiild not be molested. I remember the bother we had with our first wool. We did not know how to get it down to ship, and we thought wc would send it by way of Morrison's station, on the Campaspe. We had to eioss the Jim Crow ranges, and we were a week among the gullies and creeks tliere before we could get a passage with our wool across the ranges. Tlie squatters were es.sentially exjilorers, and encountered all the risks of exjiloi'.ition. ()\er mountain and valley, tlirough forest and across phiin, tliey went where everything was new to ci'.ilisation. Passing l)y arid, treeless, grassless wastes, mere hfjuliiig wildci-ncsscs of desolation, tliey jiursucd thcii' way to tracts of l)oundle.ss fertility, lands thnving, ])i-ospecti\('ly, with milk and honey, })()tentially ricli in corn, and wine, and oil. Ever ;inioiig tlic \irgiii newness of an unsubdued country, they steeivd tlieir couise l)y (hiy guided by the sun or tlie conq)ass ; at niglit, led l)y the skies, as, to (|uote the great New ICngland poet's melodious, rjiild like conceit. Silently, one l)y one, in the inlinitc meadows of heaven, Hlo.ssonied tiic lovely staim, tiie foiget-nie uots of the angels. Tills may seem to l)e a romantic \ie\v of the S([uatt<'r, l)ut it is a real one. It is as real as tlie cutty pi])es, the spirit ilasks, the night rugs, the camj) lircs, the ri\alries, ambitions, generous •IlIK COLIJKN HEOKET. 15 hospitalities, and occasioiuil incanncsscs of the rac-r. houljtless tliey sought their own good, hut, ho\ve\ev unwittingly, they actually became the beneticial oT;cupiei'S of the laud for othei's. The teeming hosts drawn hither afterwards by the moi'e dazzling hopes of fortune, and becoming eventually, and not without reason, hostile to the S(iuatter, wei'e in great part fed by the countless flocks and herds which the jiastoral pioneers had spread over the wide pastures of this fair and fertile honu; of all the nations. AVith what to the squatter must have seemed like rash and boisterous violence, the sudden tide of population dashed its confluent waves upon oui- shores, and the serried raids;s of the new army of industry mai'ched boldly in upon the domains of the squattei-, rudely disturl)ed his quiet dreams of perpetual occupation, and added at once a hundredfold to the market value of all his possessions. From the first pastoral settlement to the discovery of gold there was a wool-growing, cattle-breeding period of something more than one decade. In that period the courage and the enterprise of the stjuatters, the real pioneers of all our settlement, had achieved no little in the direction of the development of the value of the main source of all national wealth — the land. Mr. M'Combie, in his " History of Victoria," remarks of the early years of settlement : — During tlie ten years that the province of Port I'liillip luul been settled, it liad been daily progressing in population and wealth. Vast interests had been silently growing up, and new classes were beginning to emerge into importance. All depended upon tlie land. The first wealth of Port Phillip was acquired from pastoral pursuits, and nearly every person was either directly or indirectly engaged in squatting. But while those " vast interests had been silently growing up," there had been occasional premonitions of a rapid and turbulent change. While the shepherds fed their flocks by night and by day, other voices than those of angels in the air were heard in some places. In some of the more picturesque nooks of the district traversed by the Pyrenees and their oti'-shoots, the solitai'y shepherd, or S(|uatter, on one or two occasions, or oftener still, saw sudden visions of easily won and boundless immediate IG niSTOKY OF BALLARAT. wealtli. Where the broad belts of purple forest spread out, and fair green glades and glens and ravines stretched over the swell- ing ranses of the district, the bushman wandered from silence to silence that only tlie elements or the birds of the native woods ever disturbed. Then it was that the hrst whisperings were heard of the rich secrets of the unmeasured geologic ages, and the lirst gleams were caught of the visions that had in them, liowever dim and formless then, the promise of a more brilliant epoch. But it may be well supposed that those hardy pioneers recked not then, even as they knew not, of the troubles that would fall to the s(i[uatter with the sturdy democracy of tlie then coming time. They were lords of all they surveyed. Of all earth- hungerers, they were, assuredly, among the hungriest, for, as AVestgarth says, they had " a cormorant capacity for land." Over tens of thousands of acres of broad lands they roamed in the jocund spirit of undisputed occupation, and the still broader future lay unexplored, though even then tlie democratic invasion was innninent. The visions we wot of had been seen, but if seen were not all revealed. They were not at once blazoned forth to the public ear, but stealthily treasured or stealthily told, for instinct of change, of hope, of fear, more or less held back all who had seen the bright spectacle. The governing authorities heard of the things seen, and were ottered proofs of the reality of the fateful discovery ; but the sainc instinct and honor of change I'estraiued them also from giving the re\elations to the woi'ld. But the sc^cret had escaped for ever when tlu; tirst glittei'ing speck glai'<'d as a luiid omen of e\il, or lit up l)right lio])es that fell like a burst of sudden sunshine upon the silent, solitary settler. The new thing might be feared, oi- \vorslii])ped, fought against or clierislied by the (iniid ui' scliish jiossessors of oHice and settle- ments, l)ut it was to master all their purposes. Thus was foreshadowed the ([uicker entry of Australia nniong the peoples and tlie n.ilions, the coming of |Hi])iil;ition tVom ;tll (he eoi-iiei's of the e.irUi Lo overnin the (|iii(t haunts of the, stjuaLler and the sIk jiheiil, (he lM;^iiiiiin;4 "' n''^^ I'tV, new interests, and a grander dentiny foi' the v, hoh'. continent. '. Ja o r J CO CM id CO I- < < < < m CHAPTER II. THE GOLD DISCOVERY, California ;iii(l the Ural. — I'l-edictioiis of Australian (Jold. — Discoveries of Old Bushmen. — nargrea\es and others in New South Wales. — Effects of Discovery at Bathurst. — Sir C. A. Kitz Ko\ 's Despatches. — First Assay. — Esmond and Har^reaves. — Esmond's Discoxery at Chines.— Previous Victorian Discoveries. — Esmond's the First Made Effectively Puhlic. — Hiscoek.— Golden Point, Ballarat. — Claims of Discoverers as to Priority. — Effects of the Discovery. — Mr. Latrobe's Despatches. — His Visit to Ballarat. — The Licenses. — Change of Scene at Ballarat. —Mount Alexander Rush. — Fresh Excitements. — Rise in Prices. ?<>rv O TENT us was the wonderful lamp of Aladdin, and magniticent as were its successes, tlie power of gold has equalled in its marvel- lous etlects all that the warm orient fancy has pictured for us in the Arabian Nights. Gold has done even more than ever mere magician achieved. It certainly has operated magically in Australia, and in no part of the country has it created greater marvels than in Ballarat. Everywhere the resistless charm operates similarly, but it is not everywhere that its material results are alike notable. California and Australia have caught the more gorgeous lights and colors, and tliough some dark shadows mingle with the magniiicence of the general results, the gold discovery in both countries has worked prodigies, and many of its creations remain. They not only remain, but are in themselves seminal powers forecasting greater wonders in the future. All that lies in tlie unknown future of this continent must be connected with the past and the present, and these, in their grander features, take their form from the matrix in which they were born — the gold discovery of the year 1851. California electrified Europe and the United feitates by its gold discoveries in the years 1818-9, and that event was soon •18 IIISTOKY OF BALLAKAT. followed by the discovery of gold in Australia. Geologists who had studied maps and noted the auriferous mountain lines of the Ural and California, no sooner heard of Australian sti'ata and the bearings of the mountains and ranges, than the existence of gold in this island continent was predicted. In the older settlements, too, of New South A\^ales, the aboriginies and the whites had oc- casionally stumbled upon glittering metals, as afterwards they did also in Victoria ; but it was the Californian pi'ospector, Har- greaves, who first publicly demonstrated the existence of gold in Australia. Actually, the discovery by others seems to have occurred both in New South Wales and Victoria about the time of the Californian rush in the year 1849. From a despatch dated 11th June, 1851, to Earl Grey from Sir C. A. Fitz Roy, then Governor of New South Wales, we learn that some two years before then a Mr. Smith announced to Sir Charles' Government the discovery of gold. A dispatch from Mr. Latrobe, the Governor of Victoria at the time of Esmond's discovei'ies, mentions the discovery of gold some two or three years previously in the Victorian Pyrenees. Smith was attached to some ironworks at Berrima. He showed a lump of golden quartz to the Chief Secretary in Sydney, and offered, upon terms, to reveal the locality of his discovery. The Sydney Government, if we may take the Go\ernor's d(>spatch as a guide, had some doubts both as to the veracity of the applicant and the propriety of making known his discoveiy even if a reality. Apart (says 8ir C. A. Fitz Koy) from my suspicions that the piece of gold might have come from CaHfornia, tlicre was tlie opinion that any open investigation Ijy tlic Government would only tend to agitate tlie public mind, and divert persons from their proper and more certain avocations. Then, on the 3rd April, 1851, Mr Hargreaves aj)peaied upon the scene, Smith having vanished in refusing to "trust to the liberality" of the Sydney (loveniincid. Mr. Hargreaves was a man of greater faith than Smith, and lir disclosed the localities in which lie iiad discovei'ed the pi-ecious inctjil. The localities were near JJatliui'st. Tlic news spi-c.id ;dl over t In- colonics, nnd tin' ]5atluirst and adjacent districts were iiislicd, lo (lie great terror of (juiet pastoral S(!ttlers, and (lie ;iniioy;ince of (he resj)ectable Government of Sydney. From the Governors despatches to THK FIKST GOLD DISCOVEKKKS. 19 Downing Sti'cet, it appe;irs that the official mind was niucli agitated Avliat to do. Settlers ad \ised absolute prohibition of gold digging, and the authoiities wei'e in doubt as to whether it might Ije safe to impose regulations and a tax. Counsel's opinion was obtained as to the property of the Crown in the precious mineral, and ultimately a license tax of thirty shillings per month was levied upon the Bathurst diggers. The Rev. W. B. Clark, the geologist, gave excellent geological and political advice at the time, in the columns of the >iydney Morning Herald. He sagaciously remarked that " the momentary effect of the gold mania may be to upset existing relations ; but the effect will be a rapid inci^ease of population, and the colony must prepare herself for an important growth in her influence upon the destinies of the world." The police despatches to the Sydney authorities described the miners as " quiet and peaceable, but almost to a man armed," wlierefore the officer advised, " that no police power could enforce the collection of dues against the feeling of the majority." Hargreaves came to the aid of the authorities as a man strong in counsel and Californian experience. A minute of Hargreaves' is worth noting — " There existed (he says) no difficulty in obtaining the fees in California." But this was no marvel, as will be seen by the following revelation. " All the people (he continues) at the mines are honest and orderly. I was alcadi there. If a complaint be made the alcadi suunuonses a jury, and the decision is submitted to. A man found guilty of stealing is hung im- mediately." This was not less direct as a system of jurisprudence than that practised, as Dixon and Dilke tell us, by the sheriff of Denver, on the buffalo plains of America, where criminals had a very brief shrift and a (juick nocturnal " escape" up the gallows tree. Yet we do not learn tlirit in Denver, or anywhere else in that part of America, " all the people" were either honest or orderly, as Alcadi Hargreaves says they were in California. But then the Sydney prospector left his alcadiship in the early days, when the Arcadian simplicity of mining society liad not yet lost the fresh bloom of what we will take to have been its eai'ly and honest youth. The Batliui'st diggers appear to have behaved pretty well on the whole. 20 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. In July, 1S51, occurred what tlie Sydney Morning Herald called " a most marvellous event," namely, the discovery of a mass of gold 106 lbs. vk^eight imbedded in quartz. Tliis made every- body wild with excitement. The Batlmrst Free Press, of IGth July, said — "Men meet together, stare stupidly at each other, talk incoherent nonsense, and wonder what will happen next." Some blacks in the employment of a Dr. Kerr found this prize, their master appropriated it, and gave the tinders two flocks of sheep, besides some bullocks and horses. Possibly this was the basis of Charles Reade's great nugget incident in his " Never Too Late to Mend." It may be noted here that last November the discovery of a similar mass took place at Braidwood, in New South Wales. The weight of the sj^ecimen was given at 350 lbs., of which two- thirds were estimated to be pure gold. We may conclude this notice of the discovery of gold in New South Wales by quoting the tirst assay of gold as given in the Crovernment despatches from Sydney, under date 24tli May, 1851. This assay was as follows : — HUMID PROCESS. DRY PROCESS. Gold .. 91-150 Gold .. 1)1-100 8-33;) Iron .... Base metal . O-.WT , luu-uuu 100 000 Or 22 carats, £3 17s. lO^d. per oz., plus 1 dwt. 16 gr. silver, value Sjd. Victoria was not long behind New Soutli Wakss in iinding a gold-tield, and it soon caused the elder colony to pale its ineHectual tires in the greater brilliance of the Victorian dis- coveries. James William Esmond was to Victoria what Hargreaves was to New South Wales. Esmond, like Hargreaves, had been at the Californian gold-tields, and had an impression that the Australian soil was also aui-if(;i-oiis. He left Port Pliillip for California in June, 1841), observed that there were similarities in soil and general featur(;s between Clun(!S and California, and decided to rcdirn and cxplnrc his Australian home for gold. It chanced that I'jsniond and Hargreaves were fellow pass<'ngers on their return from Califoinia to Sydney. Esmond found gold on the nortliern side of the hill opposite to Cameron's, subsequently Esmond's discovkry, 1851, 21 M'Donald's pre-emptive ri^lit, at Clunes, on Tuesday, the 1st of July, 1851, and (fold was found about the same time at Andei-son's Cfeek, neai* Melbourne. According to a letter written by Esmond to the Ballarat Courier on the 4th November, 1884, it appears that the above dates may be shifted a little. Esmoiid says in his Courier letter :— On tlie 2flth of June, 18")], I discovered gold in quartz and alhivial at Clunes, and brouglit it to Geelong. I showed the same to William Patterson, then watclimaker, afterwards assayer for the Bank of Australia, who tested the samples in the presence of Mr. Alfred Clarke, of the Geelong Advertiser, who reported my discovery on the following Monday, the 8th July, 1851. During that week I never heard of any gold discovery having been made or spoken of, except the discovery at Clunes. Previous to the discovery of gold in California, it was reported that a shepherd on McNeil and Hall's station at the Pyrenees discovered a lump of gold, and that he sold it to a person name>:l Brentani, a jeweller in Melbourne. Captain Dana and his black troopers were sent iip to ascertain if there was any truth in the reported discovery. A few people assembled on the ground to seek for the precious metal, but they all failed. I was living in the locality at the time, but did not go to the rush, believing it to be a hoax ; but I thought differently after returning from the Californian diggings, wliich I visited in 1849. Anderson's Creek was the first diggings I heard of after Clunes was opened, Mr. Mitchell being the discoverer, and Buninyong was the next, by Mr. Hiscocks. * * * In a few weeks afterwards I returned to Clunes, and collected a sample of gold, some 8 oz. or 9 oz., which I sent to Mr. Patterson, of Cleelong. This was the first sample of gold sold or produced in the Victorian market. My object in writing this letter, sir, is to inform the public where the first payable gold-field in the colony of Victoria was opened, and what I state I don't think any person will dispute. Esmond published his discovery in Geelong on tlie 6th of July, Hargreaves having preceded him in the sister colony by some two months. But we have seen that before Hargreaves there was a Smith, who would not accept the terms of the Sydney Government, and so disappeared. There was yet another dis- coverer earlier than the man of the Berrima ironworks. Mr. John Phillips, late Government mineralogical surveyor, and then mining surveyor for the Victorian Government at St. Arnaud, discovered gold in South Australia before any of the explorers previously mentioned. He announced his discoveries to the authoritiesin South Tl HISTORY OP BALLARAT. Australia and Port Phillip, and to Sir Roderick Murehison, but neither of the local Govei'nments acted upon his discovery. The discovery by Mr. Phillips was about synchronous with discovei'ies made by the Rev. W. B. Clarke, and had been foreshadowed in the geological predictions of Sir Roderick Murehison and Count Strzelecki. Mr. Phillips got nothing for liis pains, and Esmond was less fortunate than Hargreaves in the matter of public recognition and reward. To Hargreaves were voted £10,000 by the Government of New Soutli Wales, and subsequently .£2381 by the Victorian Parliament, Esmond, after a hard light, receiving a vote of £1000 from the Parliament of Victoria, and some small public, quasi-public, and private rewards besides. But he did not receive the amount all at once, though early proposed. On the 5th October, 1854, Dr. Gi'eeves proposed, in the Legislative Council, a vote of £5000 to Hargreaves, and in his speech lie admitted that Esmond was " the tii'st actual producer of allu^"ial gold for the market." The motion was carried. Mr. Straehan moved, supported Ijy the late Mr. Haines, and only seven others, an amendment for giving £1000 each to Hargreaves, Esmond, Hiscock, Mitchell, and Clarke, and £500 to a Dr. Bruhn, who was said by Dr. (xreeves to have advised Esmond as to the existence of gold in Victoria. There was an earlier discovery than Esmond's in Victoria, asserted ])y Mr. J. Wood Beilby, as the repository of a secret from the person wlio was said to have l)eon the actual discoverer. But Beilby does not claim for pul)lic revelation, but only 'i-s the revealer to tlie Govei'nment of the day. In a pampldet published by Dwight, of Melbourne, in Bcilby's interests as a claimant for State reward, tlie following statement is found : — Mr. J. Wood Beilby establishes, Ity the production (from the Chief Secretary's office) of his correspondence with Mr. LaTrobc, and concurring documentary evidence, the fact that, so early as 7tli June, 1851, or some weeks earlier than Mr. Wm. (/anipbell, he informed the (Jovernment of the existence of gold in workable deposits at the locality now known as Navarre, and in the ranges of tlie Amherst di.strict. Mr. IJ. does not claim to have been the original discoverer, but to have placed the information before Government, for the benefit of the public, at the critical period when its value in arresting th(! threatened exodus of our population to Bathurst was immense. Mr. l^a Trobe was at hrst very incredulous, eviilently not hav- GOLD AT NAVAREE, 1848. 23 ing been made aware previously, of the existence of gold as one of the mineral ijroducts of Victoria, as his reply, by letter of lltli June, 1851, demonstrates. Mr. B., however, supplied further details of infoimation, and, waiting upon him personally, so urged investigation, offering to share expenses, that Mr. La Trobe organised a prospecting party, including Mi'. David Armstrong, then a returned Californian digger, afterwards gold commissioner, and the late Capt. If. E. P. Dana, attended by a party of native police ; Mr. Connnissioner Wright, resident at the Pyrenees, bein^ nominated to act with the gentlemen of the party as a board of enquiry. Fi'om variolas causes the expedition was delayed starting from the Aborigi- nal Police Depot, Narree Worran, until a few days before the publication of Mr. Campbell's letter. But the news was made public. Although Mr. La Trobe had requested Mr. Beilby to abstain from further publication of the fact until the result of his investigations, the officials named to accompany the expedition, and their subordinates and outfitters, were not tongue-tied or bound to secrecy. It is, therefore, no matter of surprise that their intended prospecting trip to the Pyrenees was bruited far and wide ; and, as a sequence, their investigations forestalled by the discoveries at Chines. In or about 1847-8, ^Mlliam Riclifould, the author of the discovery piiblished by Mr. Beilby, Avas a shepherd in the employment of Mr. W. J. T. Clarke, at his upper outstation on the Heifer Station Creek, Navarre. He was an intelligent and observant man, and always looking for and pre- serving natural curiosities. He discovered water-worn gold in the crevices of a brownish slate rock, in the bed and sides of the creek close to the ranges, and also found a few specimens of gold in quartz upon the surround- ing ranges. These specimens he from time to time disposed of. In 1848, finding himself followed and watched by his fellow servants too closely, and being at the time desirous of selling some valuable specimens, he journeyed westward, and meeting Mr. Armstrong, an employe of S. G. Henty, Esq., at the Grange, he was induced to visit Portland, and dis- posed of his gold to merchants there, by whom it was sent to Tasmania as Californian gold ; being probably represented to them as such, the then current popular belief being that all gold deposits belong to the Queen, and that its appropriation by an unauthorised person was 2Junishable. Rich- fould then engaged as shepherd with Mr. Beilby at Mount Gambler, and shortly after showed Mr. B. some small .specimens of gold he had retained, refusing, however, at that period, to give any information as to the locality of his discovery. Subsequently, in July, 1849, he divulged his secret to Mr. B. on his pledge to keep it, unless its publication was required by public emergency, or the discoverer died. Richfould after this left Mr. B.'s service, professedely to return to the scene of his discoveries. Noth- ing certain is now known of his subsequent history, but his death was shortly afterwards reported in the Mount Gambler district. 24 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. Some two yenrs before either Esmond's or Beilby's dates there was a discovery of gold at the Pyi'enees asserted by one Chapman, who sold gold to a jeweller in Melbourne, named Brentani. Chapman was at that time shepherd at Mr. Hall's station near the Pyrenees, the locality of the subsequently opened Daisy Hill diggings. Brentani and his ti'ade hands made up a secret party witli Chapman to go to the Pyrenees and get " a dray-load of gold." They went, but did not get the dray-load of gold, and Chapman mysteriously disappeared and was not heard much of again. Brentani and his men do not seem to have pushed their search or disclosed what they had heard, or seen, or done. M'Combie also mentions the finding of gold in quartz by W. Campbell, of Strathlodden (M.L.C.), in March, 1849, at Burnbank, and also at Clunes, near where Esmond subsequently made his more fertile discovery. Clunes was named by Mr. Donald Cameron after a farm at Inverness in Scotland. Mr. Bacchus, of Perewur, in wliose service Chapman had once been, chanced to meet Chapman in Sydney. Mr. Bacchus wrote a letter on the 1st July, 1851, which was published in the Argus, and copied into the Sydney Morning Herald of the 23rd July, 1851, and in that letter he says : — Chapman is an old servant of mine, and I have every reason to believe his story. He says he left Melbourne for Sydney because he felt himself watched, and was regularly hunted for information as to where he had found the gold. He says he never took Brentani and Duchesne within miles' of the place, and gives an excellent reason for not doing so. His story is plain and straiglitforward, and from his description of the place I think he might be able to put any one in the way of claiming the reward. He offers to show the exact place at which he picked up the piece of gold, for the sum of £50 and his passage from Sydney. Mr. Bacchus, writing to us with tlie alcove enclosure, states :— About the same time I wrote to another person in Victoria : — " From what I have lieard and seen of the description of country where gold is found in this Colony (N.S.VV.) I have no douljt that it can be obtained in Lerderdcrg aiul other creeks running from Mount Blackwood and Bullon- crook towards Bacchus Marsli." And so it was a few weeks after. I give another extract of a letter to me from a friend in Victoria, dated in July, ]851 ; — " Coming from one so wcll-Unown as youiaelf your letter in th(! < a: < < < CO o f- Q < O cc > < o UJ o H CO KKWARDS TO DISCOVERERS. 25 Araiis attracted great attention, and has been the means of preventing numbers from leaving here for Sydney. No end of 2>eople have set out in the direction indicated by you." The rewai'cl referred to by Mr. Bacchus was advertised by the Port Phillip Government, the disclosure of Hargreaves' dis- covery having compelled the Government here to abandon its previous policy of fear as to the possible consequences of such a discovery, as it vv^as expected there would be a wholesale exodus to New Houth Wales. The Lerderderg locality has been proved, as Mr. Bacchus states, to be auriferous, but the country there has not been very rich in the precious metal. The recommendation of the Committee of Parliament, prior to the year 1857, was that £10,000 be divided amongst certain claimants, and that Hargreaves should have £5000 and Esmond £1000, but the Parliament reduced Hargreaves' vote to £2500 and Esmond's to £500; tlie £10,000 recommended to the batch of claimants selected being reduced one-half. There appears to have been a motion carried by Dr. Greeves for a vote of £5000 to Har- greaves, but that must have been a conditional vote or elseareversal took place, as the final award was only half the sum recommended by the Committee. Humffray, in July, 1857, enquired in the Assembly why Esmond had not had the £1000 ; and subsequently the Parliament did the tardy justice to the Clunes discoverer of voting him the balance of the £1000 originally recommended. Ten years after Humffray's question as to Esmond, namely — in July, 1857, Frazer moved in Hargreaves' interest and asked the Assembly to vote him £2619, the balance of the sum recommended by the Committee of Parliament. The motion was refused by the House, but by a narrow majority, nineteen voting for and twenty-one against the motion. Most people, probably, will be of opinion that Hargreaves was amply rewarded, whatever may be thought of the official recognition of Victorian discoverers. To them the Governments and Parliaments appear to have shown a rather wayward disposition, and to have distributed votes upon principles not always very obvious. The persistent refusal of recognition of Beilby's claim seems to be an instance in point, for though he could not claim as a producer of gold he gives evidence 26 HISTORY OP BALLAUAT of priority as a revealer of its existence, and it is reasonable to presume that his revehition was one of the impulses that led to explorations whose results are now before the world. The rewai'd paid to Hiscock for the discovery of a locality which scarcely paid the miner as a gold-Held, contrasts also with the non-recognition of Connor's and Merrick's parties who discovered Ballarat itself. If any principle should be held to have guided the Govern- ments of the day, it may be assumed that valuable disco^■ery, not barren discovery, lirst claimed attention. Yet Hargreaves, who discovered nothing in Victoria, got more than Esmond, and Beilby, who lirst announced discovery, and Connor's and Merrick's parties, who actually discovered Ballarat, have received nothing. It must be felt that if Hargreaves merited what he received some of the Victorian discoverers and revealers met with scant acknowledgment, and that amongst these last the unfortunate J. Wood Beilby, and the Golden Point discovei-ers, may be in- cluded. As soon as Esmond's discovery was known prospecting parties set out from the seaboard, and early in August the late Mr. Hiscock found gold in the gully near Buninyong which now Ixjars his name. The ground was poor and was al)andoned as riclier liekls were soon disco\ered. The Ballarat gold-held was disco\eied by other prospectors, two only of whom were in Ballarat in 1870, namely — Wm. Woodward, a French polisher, living in Chancery lane (late Eureka street), Ballarat West ; and Rd. Turner, a house decorator, living in Raglan street soutli, Ballarat West. Of these two, Turner only survives, and is still here. Woodward was in Connor's party of six persons, namely — Connor, Woodward, Brown, Jeanes, 8mith, and Tliornton. Turner was with four otiiers, namely— Dunn, Merrick, Wilson, and a man iiaiued Charlie, tlie party having, from Alfred Clarke, tlie name of the Geelong Mutual Mining Association. Merrick, some years since, was mining at Dolly's Creek, Connor and Brown are d(!ad, Thornton was lately at Miners' Rest, and Dunn, Jeanes, and Smith in Geelong. Both parties left Geelong for Clunes, but on the way met Alfred Clarke, who informed tliem of Hiscock's discovery, anrl tlicy tiicrcforu began digging at Hiscock's, Gully, GOLDEN POINT DISCOVEliEKS. 27 but the gi'ound did not pay. Preserving the tenses of the tirst edition, when the author Iiad personal interviews with the discoverers, we must say that Woodward and Turner ditier a little in some of their dates and facts, and appear in some sort to be rival claimants for the honor of tlie discovery of Golden Point. Woodward asserts for his party the exclusive right to whatever honor belongs to the discovery, while Turner claims for his party equal credit as being discoverers simultaneously with Connor's party. Woodward says the discovery was made by Brown on Monday, the 25th of August ; Turner says it was made by himself and Merrick on Sunday, the 24th, and that Brown made his discovery on the same day. Woodward says that on the 25th Brown was sent out to prospect and returned the same day, saying he had found gold in eveiy dishful of dirt, and wanted men and tlie cradle to go with him. 0]i the 26th three others of the party went with Brown and the cradle, and got 4| oz. of gold for the tirst two hours' work. That day they first used the cradle, and for the lirst day's full work obtained 30 oz. of gold. Woodward also says that Turner and Merrick's party reached the Point on the Tuesday, but not earlier. Turner avers, on the contrary, tliat on the Sunday he and Merrick went out to look — as ad^dsed by some diggers in Geelong returned from California — for hills with quartz gravel and boulders. They went by Wciy of Winter's Flat, ascended the ranges, found a ^ oz. of gold in a tin dishful of dirt, carefully concealed the traces of their prospecting, returned to Buninyong, and told the news to their partners. He states that on the Monday both his party and Connor's party left Buninyong for the Point, his own party being bogged in Winter's Plat by the way, and part only reach- ing the Point that night, the remainder arriving next day. Merrick, as Turner avers, commenced cradling on the Tuesday morning, for the purpose of being able to say they were the lirst to do so. They obtained 9 oz. or 10 oz. of gold during the tirst week, being less fortunate in that respect than Connor's party. Tui'ner admits that Connor's party were the lirst to arrive at the Point, but he says it was on Monday, and that a few hours later on the same day some of Turner and Meri'ick's party were also 28 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. there. Both parties agree that they were there together on the Tuesday, and that all the men on the field then were only about half a score. Dunn, writing from memory at Chilwell, Geelong, on the 9th of February, 1870, sent the following letter to Turner : — Dear Sir, — In answer to yours of the Sth inst. , I shall give you a full and true account of our gold prospecting, and the first discovery of Golden Point, as follows : — 1st. Richard Turner, James Merrick, Thomas Dunn, George ^^ilson, Charles Gerrard, James Batty. 2nd. Started from town on Tuesday, Sth August, 1851 ; met with an accident on Batesford Hill, the loaded dray passing over the driver's stomach, left him at Mrs. Primrose's with the Chinese Doctor, proceeding on jouniey (for the Clunes) but stopped at Buninyong near a fortnight. The party getting dissatisfied, Wilson and I agreed to go in search of better diggings, so we started from Buninyong on the Sunda}' morning 24th August, 1S51, between 10 and 11 o'clock, with tin dish and shovel to find the Black Hill ; reached there about 2 o'clock, saw Greenwood's party with a few specks of the color, left the Black Hill about half-past three. In coming over Winter's Flat, I says to George — " There is a likely little quartz hill, let us try it before we go home." It was pouring of rain at the time. So with that I cut a square tui"f, then partly filled the dish and went to the creek to wash it. Oh, wliat joy ! there was about ten or twelve grains of fine gold. So we left off, covered up with turf, and made for home as fast as possible through the rain ; reached home like two drowned rats ; started next morning early for our new discovery ; reached there in the afternoon ; had the cradle at work next morning. I firmly believe that I, Tliomas Dunn, and (ieorge Wilson were tlie first men, and got the first gold, on the little quartz hill now known as Golden Pomt. If there is any one that can dispute this letter let them come for- ward publicly like men. I remain, yours, &c., THOMAS DUNN. From memory in Ballarat, since giving us an oral statement, Woodward writes the following as to the discovery : — Connor, Woodward, Jeanes, Thornton, and Brown left Geelong, Wed- nesday, 20th August, 1851. Smith arrived on Sunday, 24th August. Brown started (for new ground) Monday morning, 25th. Meeting on Monday evening to petition against paying license-fee for the month of September on account of gold not being sufiicient to pay expenses. On the 2Gth Brown came back for tliree more men, iiorse and curt and cradle, and tiictwo first Iiours' work gave 44 oz. Commissioners arrived on Friday, I'Jth September, asking for Connor's party ; taking tiic pannikin up with the gold remarking — " This is a proof it will pay the license-fee." On the 20th Commissioner sends for Connor to pay the license-fee for the remainder of the month. After Connor had paid the liccnae he was pelted with clay aud FIRST LICENSES. 29 bonnetted. A public meeting was iield outside tlie bark liut in the hearing of the Commissioners, Herbert Swindells on the stump. Resolutions passed tliat no one pay the license for September, as we had petitioned against it. The meeting no sooner over than the (Commissioners') hut was rushed to pay the license, as them that did not pay would loose their ground — ■ Conner's party receiving IG feet square each, double the ground to what others had. Herbert Swindells was refused a license to dig on account of taking the stump at the meeting. A collection was made for him of 12 oz. of gold which he lost the same night. This is a correct list of facts. W. WOODWARD. Merrick, writing from Morrison's Diggings, on the 24t]i February, 1870, to Mr. James Oddie, says : — As to the time or date of our arrival on Golden Point I do not re- member, but as to the day and circumstances they are simply as follows : — I formed the party at first with the intention of proceeding to Esmond's Diggings, and on the road we tried Hiscock's Hill, found it would not pay, so we agreed at the end of the week to send George Wilson, one of our party, to the Brown Hill to see if Lindsay and party had found gold. H they had not we were to start for the Clunes on the Monday morning. (Jeorge went up on Saturday or Sunday returning over Golden Point, the flat being flooded. He tried a dishful of gravel and got a nice prospect — some of the bits like small shots flattened. When we had seen the prospect we determined to start for the place next morning early, so that we should not be noticed leaving. On our arrival at Yuille's Flat our cart got bogged, so three of our party, the carter, and horse, started for the Point, taking with them as many things as they could, leaving two of the party to mind the cart. When they got to the Point to their surprise they found Connor's party just ar- rived. The cart was soon got up and tlie tents commenced putting up. Most of our party were for finishing tent and other odd jobs, and commence washing the next week, but I said, "No for I intend to be the first that ever worked a cradle in this ijlace." It was agreed I should, and I cradled the remainder of the week, but no other party began till next Monday or Tuesday following, except they tin-dished it. My party consisted of six men, but Mr. Batty did not come up with us. Their names are as follows : — T. Batty, R. Turner, Dunn, G. Wilson, C. Fitzgerald, J. F. C. Merrick. Tlius was opened the gold-field of Ballarat, and the honor of discovery seems to be tolerably evenly balanced between the two claiming parties. Turner does not, though Dunn does, assert priority of discovery for his party, and he admits that Connor's party were first on the Point on the first working day, Woodward making Tuesday and Turner making Monday to be that day. Merx'ick does npt assert priority either, save as to the use of , the 30 HISTORY OP GALLARAT. cradle. It may, perliaps, l>e held that the balance of prioi'ity inclines to the side of Connor's party, and it is said in support of Connor's claim that he was always regarded as leader of the diggers at tlie meetings held in those tii'st days when the authorities made their first demand of license fees. Then it is seen from Woodwai-d's statement tliat the Commissioner recog- nised Coniior's claim to piiority, and gave the party a double area. Swindells fcired worse tlian our modern men of tlie stump, and appears to have been less mindful of No. 1 tlian his less scrupulous descendants. It is worthy remark, as ali-eady shown, that none of these actual discoverers and openers of the Ballarat gold-field evei" received any reward from the Government, though Hiscock had, and Esmond also, Hargreaves, however, as already stated, having the lion's share. So far, it must be said, Victoria lias acted with less liberality to lier own cliildren tlian to the stranger's. As to Hiscock's gold cup, lately (1870) exliibited here as the product of gold got in Hiscock's Crully, Woodwai'd affirms that the cup was not made of gold discovered there. Writing to Mr. James Oddie, fiom Tarnagulla, under date 29th May, 1884, William Brownbill, the discoverer of gold at wliat is now known as Brown Hill, on tlie road to tlie (Jong Gong, says : — In the early portion of IS.ll, having doiiiied tlie blue sliirt, I resolved to .swim witii the tide and take the first job that presented itself. * * Took a job rebuilding Mr. Cray's station, whieh had suffered by the fire on lilaek Thursday, and while there very exciting stories were told of the Sydney gold-fields, and several hands left the station for that new enterprise. Not long after the Sydney fields had been noised abroad it was stated that there had been gold found at Buninyong by a blacksmith named Hiscoek. Jf caring that a great many people had gone there in search of gold I decided to goto liuninyong and see for myself what could be done. Judge, then, my disappointment to find that this diggings of Hiscock's was just about being deserted, parties chopfallen and discoui'aged selling their outfit, con- sisting of a tarjiaulin, spade, pick, tin ilish, for the merest trifle. During the evening, however, at the iiotel I fraternised with a gentleman, a reporter for one of the Geclong papers, who had come up to take stock, and from him I learned that some new place had been discovered some miles out in the bush. He and I made our way to the place and found Dunlop and Regan, tiie discoverers, with about six or seven other parties on a small hill WILLIAM I3H0WXRILL. 31 (Golden Point) scratching up dirt and washing it in a tin dish, where specks of gold became visible. Upon my attempting to follow their example I was informed that that side of the hill belonged to them and that I had better look for a place for myself. Under these circumstances I was con- strained to take my stand on the other side which was afterwards called Poverty Point. Not many days elapsed before feeling discouraged, and I struck out across the bush in search of fresh fields, trying bits of dirt here and there as I went along. In this way, then, I came to the place which in honor of my discovery the diggers called " Brownbill's Diggings" and which afterwards degenerated into " The Brown Hill." We commenced work and must have been some considerable time there when Governor LaTrobe, accompanied by Captain Dana and some black police, came up to see the place, Brownbill's diggings being the first visited. Upon my show- ing the (iovernor the manner in which gold was obtained he remarked to me — " Your mother did not think when you came to Australia that you were going to dig gold out of the ground in that manner." "•■ " I have never received so much as a shilling in theshapeof reward from the Government, my repeated applications being rejected on the plea that my discovery was too near another diggings. Other parties from the seaboard were quickly on the trail of the Golden Point prospectors, and Hiscock's Gully-workers soon i;epaired to the richer locality. Hannington, whom we left revisit- ing pre-auriferous Ballarat, so to speak, in 1845, turns up again as we pursue his story. He goes on thus : — After tiiat I went exploring, and did not visit Ballarat again till 185], where I arrived •2Sth August, and sunk several shallow holes about Poveity Point. There Avas not much gold getting then on Golden Point. Found a few specks in the grass, and put down a hole five feet deep. The gold was a\\ over the bottom like a jeweller's shop. There were some rows commencing over the claims then. I was about the fourth claim on the Point, and people coming every hour. We carried the dirt down to the creek in bags and washed it in dishes, and after that we got cradles. Some of the men that came washed with gloves on their hands. There was doctors and lawyers. Mr. Ocock, from Geelong, was one. Then the flat below the Point started, and I got another hole there about 10 feet deep, and could see gold all over the bottom. Worked it out, and went off in the night, as there was sticking up beginning then. Made for William Ritchie's hotel, on the Geelong road, and got there by daylight, and came back after placing our gold safe. This time we pitched our tent on the very spot where the School of Mines is now, to be in sight of our claim. Cleared off a large heap of earth, and sunk 12 feet, and it seemed to be a little gutter. It was like looking into a ginger bread basket, it looked so yellow with gold. We were doing well, but was near being stuck up 32 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. one night, only I happened to be about, as I lieard steps, and sang out to them to retreat or I should fire. They stuck up two others that night. We soon worked out that hole, for we were surrounded by claims, the next to us being James Pugh, mate of Esmond's. We sold the claim for two ounces of gold, and went up to Mount Alexander. Came back again in 1852, six months after, and found one man only on Golden Point, and that was the same man we sold our claim to, as the others all left. He said to me that he had averaged six ounces a day since we left. I did not do well at Mount Alexander, and went to Big Bendigo. Did well at Eaglehawk, but speculated in property at Melbourne, and got into the money-lenders' hands, and lost all, so came back to Ballai-at again after trying other diggings unsuccessfully, and remained up to the present time (September, 1886.) Teddy Shannahan, wliose .story about the Eureka Stockade will be found further on, gives some touclies of the times when the first rushes had set tlie colony ablaze. From notes furnislied by gentlemen on the stafi' of the Ballarat Courier, after an interview with Shannahan, the author culls the following : — My party arrived at Buninyong in 1851, just after Esmond and Dunlop, and we went on Golden Point a few days afterwards, where we got 8 oz from a bucketful of stufiF. I saw one poor fellow killed by the fall of a ti'ee which he had undermined recklessly, so anxious was he to get the gold. One day a commissioner and a trooper demanded my license, and, as I had not one, they took me, with a lot of others, to the camp, where we were guarded by eight or nine blackfellows, and they, with their polished boots, were looking as proud as possible. I got my license, after telling them my mind, and had to pay £10 ini all. We went to Mount Alexander and Fryers' Creek and on to Bondigo, where we had our pick of a squatter's flock of sheep for 9s. a head. We were tlie first to smk in Long Gully. At Eaglehawk you could see the gold shining in the heap of dirt, and every man sat on his heap all night with pistol or some weapon in his hand ; I thouglit they would be making picks and shovels of the gold, it was so plentiful. It was there the first nugget was found, one 9 lbs. in weight. We only got £.3 an ounce for our gold. In a week or two we started for Geelong, where my family was, and "home, home," was the cry. Each of our party took al)Out 8 lbs. weight of gold to Geelong. We spent Christmas of 1851 there, and soon after tliat decided to go again to Hallarat, taking our wives — Glenn and I — ^and families with us— seventeen in all. Tlu"ee inches of snow fell in Ballarat on our arrival, and we were hardly landed on the Eureka when up came a connnissioner and a trooper and demanded our grog ; we liad ten gallons of brandy, and liad to give it up, and we had got it at the post office below, but we did not tell wlierc we got it, though the commissioner il FIRST EFFECTS OF THE GOLD DISCOVERY. 33 knew, for the bullock driver, we believed, had told him. The trooper wanted a digger to assist him with the grog ; "if you do," said I, "I'll smash your head," so the digger gave no assistance. Next day tlie commissioner came back to my mate, and got him to take the keg to the camp. We paid the post office man £1 a gallon for the grog, and he gave us back the £10. We started digging on tiie Eureka, near where the stockade was afterwards. One day, when the troopers were license hunting, I saw Thomas Maher get into a hollow log to escape the troopers ; when he got in he found a snake there four feet long ; it went to one end of the log, and Maher remained till the troopers went awaj'. The diggers were wearied out of their lives by the troopers. They were tormented every- where. Our party from first to last on the diggings must have paid about £500 in license fees. Shannahan, who is now 86 years of age, may be pardoned if his memory is not exact as to the number of pounds. His notion of the "tormenting" troopers is honestly Hibernian, and was thoroughly characteristic in one who began his narration to the Courier interviewer with the words : — No, it was not the gold discovery tliat brought me out. In Corrigeen, Barony of Kilmarney, where I lived, seventeen houses were burnt in one day by way of eviction. I at once made up my mind to be under Parker, our landlord, no longer, and I came out here. The ever recurring wail of the Saxon-hating Irish Celt was thus most naturally echoed by Shannahan as soon as he found the inconvenient officers of the law crossing his path in this new land. Shannahan had a store within the Stockade, and there the declaration of independence, mentioned in a subsequent chapter, was drawn up. On the 28th of August, among others who arrived at Bunin- yong, were Messrs. James Oddie, Thomas Bath, Francis Herring, and George Howe, and they reached Golden Point on Monday, the 1st September. The news quickly got to Geelong, and on tlie 9th a good many people, including ministers of religion, doctors, mer- chants, and others, arrived. On the day following, the Clunes prospectors having heard of the richer discoveries, Esmond, Cavenagh, and others arrived from Clunes, and Esmond and Cavenagh found fifty pounds weight of gold in two days, that being the first sent down by escort, and Cavenagh being the fii'st to send goid to England, where it realised £4 per oz. The sketch map of 34 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. Golden Point, by A. C. M'Donalcl, as tlie place was when the first rush was just reaching there, gives us a fairly accurate picture of the ground as it was then occupied. M 'Donald was one of the diggers there, and Mr. Oddie vouches for the validity of the plan. He informs us that his tent was close to Cavanagh's claim, and his claim was down the slope towards the creek. Seeing how rich Cavanagh's claim was, and that Oddie's tent was not on the claim held by Oddie's party, Howe and Herring — probably the first practitioners in a line of business that in after years became an art — jumped Oddie's tent ground, a space twelve feet by fourteen, or thereabout, and took 37 lbs. weight of gold out of the ground. The following extracts from Mr. JNI'Donald's diary of the time throw additional light upon the aspect of affairs then, and prove that snow in summer was near being a fact in this elevated region that year. 6/IO/0I. Left Geelong in company with A. V. Suter (now residing at Yambuck Station, near Portland, Victoria), William Fisher, (then of Barrabool Hills, farmer) ; Percy E. Champion (of Geelong, now deceased). 9/10/51. Arrived at Golden Point, Ballarat. 11/10/51. A considerable fall of snow to-day. Snow-balling freely indulged in. Population estimated at about 1000 to 1200. Sly grog-selling carried on openly, several prominent Melbourne and Geelong storekeepers subse(|ucntly fined. Meetings were held and two orderly and respectable diggers did their best to put down Bly grog-selling and jjartially succeeded in doing so. 26/10/51. The jiostal arrangements at this time were very insufficient; a bi-weekly mail from Melbourne and Geelong served for a population of about 10,000 diggers. I f retiuently walked to Buninyong and received letters there that should have been sent on to Ballarat. 2/11/51. About this time a stamfiedc set in for Mount Alexander and in less than a week Golden Point was almost deserted; many diggers returned to Geelong and reported that the field was worked out. Weather bitterly cold and wet, hail and sleet and a little snow fell to-day. The Yarrowee and Gnarr Creek were, when I arrived on the field, clear running streams, the former 3 to 4 yards wide, with wide grassy black alluvial flats. Black Hill heavily timbered to its summit and not a pick had been put in anywhere on the western side of the Yarrowee stream. The diggers worked their claims very carelessly and accidents resulted by the caving in of the sides ; a few deaths also resulted. One party took up a claim at the foot of a large tree, and found a considerable quantity of gold amongst its roots; the tree was under-mined and fell, killing one of the party and injuring another. The police hunted the diggers, and any miner found aoarching for gold without a license was taken to the coipniiasioucra' FIRST DKiGlNG LICENSE tSSUKB. 35 •, camp. I have secnrthree'men chained to a treeall niglit because they could not, or would not, pay the SOs. per month. AI)out the end of October, two men were shot at for stealing gold, or rather washdirt. They were not mortally wounded, however, and were allowed to escape. On tlie 19tli of September Mr. Commissioner Doveton, and Assistant-Commissioner Armstrong arrived witli troopers, and on tlic 20th the first license was issued, Connor's party being the first licensees, and paying 15s. eacli for the remainder of tlie month. The diggers did not relisli tlie demand of license fees, and at a meeting held — Connor on the stump — the division was against paying the fees. But the decision was not adhered to in practice, for the licenses were taken out immediately. Turner, for his party, followed Connor's example quickly, for by that time jealousies of each other had arisen, the Clunes contingent being regarded with especial disfavor. Swindells, one of the Geelong diggers, mounted the stump in tliose early days and on one occasion he got the diggers to divide — Clunes v. Geelong — and the balance of power being seen to be on the side of the latter, and the presence of the authorities aiding also, peace was kept. For the attitude of the Commissionei's was firm. When Swindells and Oddie, as the chosen delegates of the diggers, waited on the Commissioners to oppose the issue of the licenses. Commissioner Doveton said to them : — " I am not come to make the law, but to administer it, and if you don't pay the license fee I'll damned soon make you pay it." This was nervously epigrammatic, and being fortified by a very contiguous group of black troopers, was practically irresistible. No wonder, then, that tlie peace, in that direction also, was kept. But that little drama in the tent of the Commissioners was a kind of prophetic rehearsal. The dialogue had in it pent-up elements which, not many years after, exploded in tragical fashion. But we must not here forestall the evolution of events. The diggings were shallow and very productive, the rains were heavy, and two rude bridges erected, tlie first probably, over the Yarrowee by Connor's party, were washed away. By the time the first week was over there had gathered near 100 diggers at the Point, the riches unearthed there quickly attracting not only all 36 .HISTORY OF BALLARAT. the otlier prospectors, but setting the coloi\y on fire with ex- citement from end to end. The cjuiet Balhirat sheep run, with its grassy slopes and shadowy ghides, and its green -galley where the Yarrowee poured its limpid waters, became suddenly transformed as by the wand of an enchanter. The Black Hill then looked upon the valley with a densely tindjered head and face, whence its name was taken. The valley was thinly sprinkled with trees, and the ranges, with the spurs subsequently known as Golden Point, Bakery, Specimen, and Sinclair's Hills, were well timbered, while the western basaltic table land, where Western Ballarat is now, was moderately sprinkled with the usual variety of forest growth. In a brief time all this was changed. Soon the solitary blue columns of smoke that rose fi'om the first prospecting parties' camping places were but undis- tinguishable items amidst a host. The one or two white tents of the prospectors were soon lost in crowded irregular lines and groups of tents that dotted the slopes and flats, or spread out along tlie tortuous tracks made by the bullock teams of the squatter. The ajce of the digger quickly made inroads upon the forest all round ; the green banks of the Yarrowee were lined with tubs and cradles, its clear waters were changed to liquid, yellow as the yellowest Tiber flood, and its banks grew to be long shoals of Wlings. Everywhere little hillocks of red, yellow, and wdiite earth were visible as the diggers got to work, and in a few weeks the green slopes, where the prospectors found the gold of Golden Point, changed from their aboriginal condition to the appearance of a fresh and rudely made burial ground. At first the upturned colored earth-heaps were but as isolated pustules upon the fair face of the primeval hills and valley, but they rapidly multiplied until they ran together, so to speak, and made the forest swards but so many l)lotchcd reaches of industrious disorder, the very feculence of golden fever everywhere in colored splotches with shadowed pits between. Mr. LatrolK', in a despatch at this date to I'Lirl (!rey, says : — It is , for ho was sagacious and the ti)nes were ([uickening. He and his Ministers had only just begun to draw breath again after the Ballarat rush, had begun to discuss the pi-opriety of raising the salai'ies of civil servants to iiicct llu- new state; of allairs, had noted "business Ix'giniiiiig to ry this conveyance are to take care tliat it is forwarded to Boninyong not later than four o'clock p.m. of tlie Monday. Escort charge of 1 per cent, on washed gold, to lie estimated at the rate of £'-^ per ounce, and on gold mixed with a larger portion of stone at the rate of £2 lOs. the ounce." The Governiiient authorities undei'took no I'esponsibility. Like PRICES CURREXT, 1852. 43 the squatters, or small settlers, they advertised a sort of accom- modation paddock on wheels, but took no responsil)ility. They had to take gold-dust in payment for licenses, for coin was scai'ce, and in tlie same month we find the Treasurer in jVIelbourne advertising for tenders for the purcliase of 1500 oz. of gold. In December the Government doubled the license fee, making it £3 per month, or £1 10s. if the license was taken out after tlie 15th of the month. And this for a claim eight feet square for one man, or eight feet by sixteen for a party, and with a prohibition against digging witliin half-a-mile of every side of a homestead. Even these i-egulations were luxuries to be denied to civil servants unless they could show that their resignation of office had " not only been authorised, but was unattended with embarrassment to the Government." To work this machinery on the Ballarat, or " Boninyong," diggings there were gazetted in October : — William Mair, commissioner, salary £300 a-year ; D. Armstrong, assistant-commissioner, salary £250 ; John Bell, clerk, salary £100 ; Henry Smith, ins2:)ector of jjolice, salary £150 ; mounted and foot constables at 3s. and 2s. 9d. per diem respectively ; and native police at the magnificent pay of lid. per diem. For the Mount Alexander diggings tliere were Messrs. Doveton, Lydiard, Dana, and Eyre as commissio]iers, or police officers ; and, as clerk, Mr. AV. Hogarth, afterwards for sometime clerk of petty sessions in Ballarat. The following table, showing the prices current at Ballarat, has been compiled from official returns, and will sliow the influence of the gold discovery on the value of the necessaries of life :— ARTICLKS. QUANTITY. DATES. Jan. 1852. May, 1852. June, 1852. Oct., 1852. s. d. s. (1. s. d. s. d. Flour pound G (i 10 1 3 Tea jj 2 U 2 G 2 G 3 G Sugar J, G G S 1 Meat ,, 3i U :! a 5 Milk quart 2 (1 4 . Bread pound 4'. G 9 1(1.'. Bacon ,j V, 2 6 3 3 d" Butter jj 3 2 G 3 G 3 G Potatoes . ,, n 3 5 S Washing dozen 7 u G G G 8 44 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. The returns for the Mount Alexander diggings were more elaborate, as at the dates given that locality was the more im- portant. It is, however, presumable that similar rates ruled in Ballarat for goods not included in the Ballarat table. The prices at Mount Alexander in October, 1852, were similar where both tables recite the same articles. We find that at Mount Alexander some handicraftsmen got as much as 25s. per diem, oats were £3 per bushel, tobacco 10s. per lb. ; while in Melbourne Wellington boots were quoted at from 50s. to 60s. per pair for imported, and from 75s. to 90s. for those made to order. The price of cartage from Melbourne to the diggings was from £100 to £120 per ton ; hotel charges were from 50s. to 140s. per week, and a horse at livery cost 15s. a day, or 105s. a week. And it must be re- membered that these prices were paid for the roughest and rudest accommodation and service, while the qualities of goods could never in those days be very closely or, at least, profitably scrutinised. From some accounts and papers placed by Mr. Thomas Bath in the author's hands, the proofs are given that up to the end of 1854 and the beginning of 1855, there had not been any great reduction in prices. The coach fare from Geelong was still £3 ; " Mrs. Lynn and nine children" paying £20. At that time Mr. Bath had some men sawing for him the native timber then grow- ing contiguous to a sawpit in the Gnarr Creek gully, between Doveton and Armstrong streets, where the railway reserve and wood merchants now are. For flooring boards, the price was 38s. per 100 feet; and quartering, or 4 inches by 3 inclies, 33s. per 100 feet. Flour was £6 10s. per bag ; potatoes, 4|d. per lb. ; eggs, 6s. per dozen; milk, 3s. per quart; peas, in husk. Is. 3d. per quart ; ginger beer, 4s. per dozen ; lemonade and soda water, 5s. per dozen; oats, 16s. 3d. per bushel ; hay, £25 per ton. A blacksmith's bill charges 24s. for shoeing a horse, a single shoe being paid for at the same rate. For a crowbar weigliing 26 lbs., the price was 32s., and 30s. for tireing Avheels, Ijut how many is not stated, tliough 2s. is tlie price for one linch pin, 3s. for a maul ring, and 5s. for " one new axe ; " not very exorbitant charges these last, surely, for the times. From the same heap of THE FIRST WEIGHBRIDGE. 45 old papers it is found^that £1 was the rent for two sittings from 1st January to 31st March, 1856, in the little wooden building in Armstrong street, which served then for Anglican church purposes. Some weighbridge notes for August, 1856, also are evidence of Mr. Bath's priority in that way ; the first bridge in Ballarat having been erected by him in what is now Bath street, and about midway between Lydiard and Armstrong streets. One of the best-kept documents in the series now before the author carries us back to the days immediately after the Eureka Stockade affair, — mentioned further on — and to the days preceding the foundation of the District Hospital. It is as follows : — Government Ccamp, Ballaarat, 16th December, 1854. Mr. T. Bath will please to send the undermentioned Wine, &c., to the Camp Hospital, with the least possible delay. Application for the pay- ment of the above to be made to my office. Twelve (12) bottles Porter. Six (6) bottles Sherry Wine. ROBT. REDE, Resident Commissioner, CHAPTER III. FROM THE GOLD DISCOVEKY TO THE YEAR OF THE EUREKA STOCKADE. Gruat Aygrejjatioiisof Population.— Opening- up of Golden Grounds.— A Digger's Adven- tures. — Character of the Population. — Dates of Local Discoveries. — Ballarat Township Proclaimed.— First Sales of Land.- Bath's Hotel.— First Public Clock. — Tathani's and Brookshank's recollections — Primitive Stores, Offices and Convejances. — Woman a Phenomenon. — First Women at Ballarat. — Curious Monetary Devices. — First Religious Services. — Churches. — Newspapers. — Theatres.— Lawyers. — First Courts. — Capture of Roberts the Nelson Robber.— Nuggets.— Golden Gutters.— Thirty or Forty Thousand Persons Located. U R I N G the three years which passed be- tween the December, 1851, — when the license fee was raised from thirty shillings to sixty shillings a month, — and the December, 1854, when a rebel flag was hoisted at the Stockade, tlie changes here had been A-ast and various. There had been ebbings and flowings of population between Ballarat and Mount Alexander and other more newly opened goldtields, and the golden note which Hargreaves had struck in New South Wales and Esmond in Victoria had been heard all over the world. Eroni e\ei'y country under hea^•en there flocked to these shores men — young and wifeless men for tin; most part — eager to engjige in tlie hunt for gold and fortune. Thousands upon thousands cmiiic fi'om Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, a mingled motley host that s'warmed upon the greater centres of gold-digging enterprise, prospected for new grounds, or lingered upon the seaside to swell the urban populations. These gathering hosts rapidly pushed forward the work of exploration. Slope and THE FIliST SLAliliED SHAFT. 47 flat and gully and hill-top were successively invested by the army of old-comers and new-comers, before whose I'esistless march the forest gradually fell, streets of canvas and shingles sprang into being, and thus, where but a little time before the forest was thick, and bird and Ijeast were undisturbed, gold-seeking became a Avide-spread and permanent industry. In Februaiy, 1853, the White Flat was rushed, and before that time the upper part of Canadian Gully was opened. iSailors' Gully was opened early in 1853, and Mr. James Vallins, one of the oldest of the Ballarat diggers, writes to us as follows, on the part of John Sawyer, who prospected Sailors' Gully : — About the middle of 1853 myself and seven others commenced pros- pecting. We were six sailors out of eight, and were called " the sailors.'' The gully was called Sailors' Gully after us. Swift and party, Americans, commenced prospecting Prince Regent's Gully about the same time. We obtained a double claim, 48 ft. by 24 ft., as a prospecting claim. We were the first I could discover to slab the shaft from surface to the bottom, the practice being to sink a round shaft as far as the ground would stand, then square and slab the rest. Our first shaft was lost in the drift at about 70 feet from the surface. This was the first drift with heavy water touched on Ballarat. The second sliaft was lost in the drift at 90 feet from tlie surface. This caused the whole ground to be rushed both above and below our ground. Our third shaft we succeeded in bottoming at 107 feet — then the deepest hole on Ballarat — dead on the gutter. The water was very heavy, and we were obliged to use two buckets, one up and the other down, for the first time on Ballarat. We had to send to Geelong and get made to order two water-buckets. The first gold got was a nugget weigh- ing 2h oz. weight, sent up in the water-bucket. The largest piece of gold got from the claim w as 100 oz. Hundreds of people came to see us every day, and as we were very hard worked we had to post a notice for them to read, instead of asking questions : — " Notice. — Bottomed at 107 feet. Large quantity of water. Got a nugget." The Black Hill was, early in 1853, busily occupied, and the ground between that and Rotten Gully — the head of the Eureka Lead — was being taken wp, the Eureka, so named by a medical man, being opened in August, 1852. During the next year or two the shallow grounds declined in importance, occasional discoveries of new reaches of such ground not sufhcing to keep back the gradually growing importance of the deeper sinking on the Canadian, Gravel Pits, Eureka, and other ^oideu gutters. Creswick was rushed in 48 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. December, 1852, and ground down the Leigh and at Smythesdale was gradually opened thereafter. In Ballarat the population was located principally, indeed almost entirely, on the ground now traversed by the present streets of the eastern borough and along the lines of leads now built over, covered with gardens and yards, crossed by streets, or still lying outside the clustering houses and on the edges of the mingling boundaries of borough aud bush. The new chum digger of 1852 writes to the author of 1886 as follows : — I and my mate, whose very name I have forgotten, pitched oiu' tent on the slope near the Black Hill, where Humffray street is now. Tlv-t was in November, 1S52. We had come up from Melbourne with near a score of shipmates just landed from South Africa. One of them, a Londoner, had an umbrella-shaped tent, the rigging of which was a work of dexterity, and was watched with interest. Close by, a party of four or five Scotch- men settled down with more resolute intent, for they built sod walls for their tent cover to sprawl over, and a sod lum, as they called their chimney. Some of our shipmates had no money nor any inclination to hard work, so they accepted billets as policemen at the Camp. They and others of the force then were a ragged ununiformed FalstafRan sort of crowd, with arms to match. I well remember climbing the green moimd to the group of tents called the Camp, where I paid for my license, and whei'e Camp street and its close packed neighbourhood is now. There were not many diggers at Golden Point. The Canadian we did not visit, but on a Sunday we explored Rotten Gully, at the head of what became the Eureka, and found the gully well occupied and well deserving its name, for it was very rotten sinking. We dug shallow holes in the Black Hill flat, but got " the color " only, and early in December the rush to Creswick broke out and we went there. Pitched our tent on the sward among the trees not far from a creek, but what creek it was or is I do not now know and could not find again if my life depended upon it. We were again luilucky, fell out, separated, and I returned to Ballarat on my way to Melbourne, disgusted with gold-hunting and bush-life, and determined to rush back to civilisation, as fur as the thing was reachable then in Melbourne. I found and left " Creswicks," as it was called then, a mere collection of tents in the bush, and never saw it again till it had grown into a little town, had been nearly all burnt down and I'cbuilt. Ballarat was also a mere collection of tents, and a few slightly more substantial dwellings, and all was on the eastern side of the Yarrowee, save a few diggers' tents to the west and the Camp group on the edge of the table land. I found Bomo of our shipmates employed making a dam across tlic Guarr Creek, near where the buried culvert now winds round beneath the hill on which 1^' ; — in 00 5 < 03 < < < —I —I < 03 5 o )- A NEW chum's experiences. 49 the locomotive engine-sheds are. On the slope from what is now Hill street to what is now the artificially raised Mair street, our old ship's *' Doctor " luid his shed and stoves and what not, where, as Camp coolv, he prepared the liberal meals required by the healthy digestions of the people of all grades at the Camp. It was a torrid day towards the end of Decem- ber when I humped my swag from " Creswicks " to Ballarat, and it was absolute luxury to have a bunk allotted to me in the police quarters amongst my old South African schooner mates. Next morning early I rose to start for Melbourne, the old "doctor" (long since laid in the old cemetery in Ballarat) was making a damper about four feet in circumference, and he had coffee bubbling in a big boiler, and mutton chops sputtering in an enormous fryingpan with a handle some three or four feet long. He hos- pitably commended to my lips the chalice of boiling coffee and heaps of chops and damper at pleasure. I ate, as a fool eats, who has an appetite and does not know how the midsummer heats of the day before and the day then dawning were to affect him in conjunction with hot coffee, hot chops, hot damper, and the tax of unwonted exertion upon the energies and endurance of the body. Another Melbourne-bound swagsman passed as I bade the Camp cook farewell, and we marched on together. There was a rapid kind of freemasonry extant in those days between some chance acquaintances, and so this passing swagman and I trudged on in company, but I had not reached Warrenheip before I found the pains and prostration of incipient dysentery were upon me. I could only drag along slowly, and never having been ill in my life before — nor since for that matter — I was frightened. Seeing an empty woolshed, or something, before we reached Ballan I said to my companion : ' ' Go on, and leave me here, for I can't go any further now." In sooth I thought I was going to die. Perhaps he did too, and thought also that he had better not be hindered, so, prudent man as he was, he vanished for ever. I never knew his name, nor whence he came, nor whither he went. Crawled on by nightfall to Ballan and got a bed at the hotel there, but the landlord was also a prudent man. I lay in agony all night, and in the morning he came to me and said : " Get out o' this — we don't want any sick men here." There was no answer to so masterful and, indeed, irresistible a command as that, and I got out. Just able to walk, and my light swag a burden, I was glad to see a dray with some diggers, apparently returning to Melbourne, and I asked for a lift. This they refused, but offered to carry my swag for me and leave it at the hotel at Bacchus Marsh. I confidingly, and gladly, and gratefully gave them the swag, and they were soon out of sight round a bend in the road. By the time I had reached round the bend they were invisible, but on the road I found the bag in which I had carried my belongings, a change of clothes, some papers and other trifles. Evei-ything of the least usable value had been stolen, and I sadly gathered up the poor remainder and went on to 50 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. Bacchus Marsh. But I had by this time got out of the golclfields region by a good distance, and what after that befell me does not belong to this motley history. Mr. Latrobe, writing to Earl Grey on the 2ncl March, 1852, said the population at Golden Point and " the outworks at Brown Hill" had "dwindled rapidly down to 200 steady licensed workers," averaging not more " than eight or ten ounces per man monthly." In the same despatch, however, his Excellency is pleased to express a belief — strengthened by the fact that the population had just then begun to increase and reached " 500 and upwards" — that when rain should come moi'e people also would come, " and that it will be found that the ' Ballarat Goldtield ' is far from being exhausted." His Excellency was, as we know, a good px'ophet. He was not always as accurate in his geography, for in a despatch dated 8th July, 1852, he informs Earl Grey that " a new working, called the ' Eureka,' nine miles from Ballarat proper, as well as two or three others, were discovered in the month of May." In the Governor's view of the gold- field population there seems to have been not only a spirit of faith in the people, but, as l^ecame the son of the old Moravian missioner, of devotion towards God. In the despatch last cited, his Excellency says : — On all hands it must be considered that the population at the workings, taken as a whole, are as orderly and well disposed as can be met with in any part of the colony. The comparative rarity of instances of grave outrage or of capital crime is a subject of great gratitude to God. On the same day, in another despatch, the Governor adverts to the state of the Go^'ernment and the exigencies of the new order of things, and again says his feeling is " that of thankful- ness to God that so much has been achieved " in the way of preserving order. His Excellency over and over again bears testimony to the general good order maintained by the mining population, and that, too, " notwithstanding the extraordinary circumstances under whicli the multitude finds itself brought together, the passions and temptations of the lioui-, and the acknowledged insufficiency of tlie police to op])ose physical force to any really serious outbreak or general disturbance." And when that which the Governor hinted at as possible had really CHARACTER OP THE DIGGERS. 51 become a fact, the Argus correspondent, writing from Ballarat on the 13th November, 1854, bears tlie following testimony to the good manners of the diggers on Sundays even in those exciting times : — These Ballarat diggers are most extraordinary rebels. It struck nie to remark particularly, and to enquire as to their conduct and observance of the Sabbath. Truly they have few advantages, precious little of the gospel oflered to them, little either of education given ; no wonder, indeed, if they were vagabonds. But, as far as I could hear or see, the greatest possible order and sobriety, the utmost observance possible, I may say, of the Sabbath, has characterised their proceedings. Clean and neat in their diggers' best costume, they promenade over these vast gold-helds, their wives and children in their best frocks too ; but anything more calm or becoming or regardful of tlie day could hardly be witnessed m the best towns of even Christian Britain. How delightful would it not be to rule such men well ? True, most truly, indeed ! But the writer need not have wondered if he had known that the great bulk of the population were of the best men of *' the best towns of Christian Britain," men of invincible spirit, as well as of moral and law-abiding principles. His Excellency's next despatch, dated the 31st July, 1852, enclosed a petition from the Legislative Council to the Queen, praying the establishment of a mint in Victoria, as "one of the richest gold-helds in the world." We have now, but when this history first appeared, had not yet got a mint any more than a law to legalise mining on private property, also petitioned for a year or two after the date last given. The Corporation of Melbourne backed up the Legislative Council's petition for a mint, but the Ballarat petition of 1855, for a private property law, fell then, as through many succeeding years, upon an unsympathising Parliament and a careless metropolis. It is a coincidence worth noting, that the Melbourne corporation's petition for a mint was signed by Mr. J. T. Smith, who had about that time begun his long series of mayorships of Melbourne, and who subsequently became Minister of Mines. The following table, compiled from various sources, including the compiler's own knowledge of several items, will give, as it 52 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. were, a bird's-eye view of the opening of the several portions of the Ballarat field during the period ending December, 1854 : — LOCALITY. DATK. LOCALITY. DATE. Clunes 1st July - 1S51 Dead Horse Gullies Early in - - 1853 Hiseock's Gully - August - 1851 Prince Regent - February - - 1853 Golden Point ' - August - 1851 Sailors' Gully - Early in - - 1853 Canadian Gully - September 1851 White Flat Ea)ly in - - 1853 Brown Hill September 1851 Scotchman's Gully Early in - - 1853 Black Hill October - Ibol New Chum Gully End of - - Iti53 Little Bendigo Gullies - End of - 1851 Black Hill Lead Early in - - 1854 Eureka Lead August - 1852 Gravel Pits Lead Early in - - 1854 Red Hill Lead - November 1852 Bakery Hill Lead Early in - - 1854 Black Hill Flat - November 1852 Gum Tree Flat End of - 1854 Creswlck End of - 1852 Excepting the Dead Horse Gullies all the Ballarat proper leads mentioned in the table above came from the eastern side of the ranges into the Ballarat basin. In the year 1855 the western side gave out the Golden Point, Nightingale, Malakoff, Redan, Whitehorse, Frenchman's, and Cobbler's leads, all of which flowed under the basaltic plateau of western Ballarat and Sebastopol. The Golden Point was the name given to the earlier confluent streams as they issued from Eastern Ballarat in one lead and passed under the plateau, and into that lead all the others flowed that had come down from the western side of the range. The Ballarat township, now the City of Ballarat, was proclaimed towards the middle of the year 1852, the first sales of land being held in Geelong, Thomas Bath, now of Ceres Farm, Learmonth, being the first purchaser for business occupation. This was in November, 1852. The land obtained by Mr. Bath was bought at the second sale, and consisted of portions of sections 1 and 2. Cobb's corner and the present town-hall site were sold at the same time, and were bouglit by Robt. Reeves, on which, subsequently, he forfeited his deposit. In the following year the land was put up again, and the corner was bought by Mr. Bath for £250. The next lot, that now occupied by the Town-liall and District Court, was bought on the same day by P. W. Welsh, for £202, and the deposit on that lot was again forfeited. In the Appendix A will be found reports of the first land sales in Ballarat West and East. FIRST HOTEL IN BALLARAT. 53 Mr. Bath built the first hotel in Ballarat, when all the Government dwellings were of canvas, or of slabs with bark roofs. It was erected in May, 1853, and licensed in the following month. At that time there was no other hotel between Bunin- yong and Lexton. But near the corner of Dana and Lydiard streets, now occupied by Holmes and Salter's law offices, a tent or hut was kept by one Meek, who wrote pen-and-ink sketches of "Victoria. Meek, as became his name, did not make his business very prominent from a licensing point of view, and his establish- ment, by way of irony upon it or the police, used to be called " The Trooper's Arms." The hotel built by Mr. Bath in May, 1853, was of wood, in one storey, and is now a private dwelling on Soldiers' Hill, the site of the original hotel being now occupied by the permanent portion of the hotel now known as Craig's Royal hotel. The wood for the first hotel was all brought from Geelong. The two-storey portion yet remaining was begun at the end of 1853, and finished in 1854. The clock now (1870) in the wooden tower was then placed there, and was the first public clock in Ballarat. Mr. Biddle, of Biddle's Saw-mills, supplied the hardwood for the building, the longer timbers having been cut in the hollow called the Crater on the western slope of Mount Buninyong. He says he also suggested the placing of the public clock in the tower. Mr Bath tells us that the cost of both buildings was enormous, for prices alike of material and transit were then excessive. He paid £80 per ton carriage from Geelong, 40s. to 45s. per hundred feet at the pit for hardwood, as the indigenous forest timber is called, and £1 per hundred feet cartage from the saw-pits to Ballarat. Mr. Bath, in a letter to us, gives the following additional recollections : — The roads in those days were frightful. I have had goods on the road from Geelong above five weeks. Mrs. Bath came from Geelong by, I suppose, the first coach, and was three days and two nights on the road. Watt ran a conveyance from Ballarat to Melbourne via Bacchus Marsh, stopping there one night, fare £7. When I built in Ballarat there were not many hotels between Geelong and this — two at Batesford, then the Separation Inn, then Watson's, at Meredith, and Jamieson's and Sellick's, at Buninyong. I have often ridden from Ballarat to Geelong without seeing a fence or meeting any person, but at those times I kept off the 54 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. track. I purchased a stack of hay in 1853 from Mr. Darlot at the station at Sebastopol at £60 per ton, and I liad to truss and cart it in the bargain, and this was hay of a self-sown crop and about half of it silver grass [While we copy this, (1870) oaten hay in truss is sold in the Ballarat market at £2 10s. per ton.] I purchased oats in Geelong in 1850 at 2s. per bushel, and at Bendigo in 1852 at £3 per bushel. Some of the farming land in this district was sold in June, 1854, and I then commenced farming, cropping about fifty aci-es the first season. On the 8th December, 1856, the first sale of frontages in Ballarat East commenced. The sale had been preceded by much excitement relative to an absurd proclamation prohibiting the issue of licenses, or the carrying on of business within one mile of sold lands. After some agitation that ukase was withdrawn by the Government. The sales of the Main road frontages were continued for four consecutive days, and land now of little value then realised enormous prices. To return to 1852, we note that Mr. Adams, late of Buninyong, had a store at the head of Golden Point, and he used to act as postmaster and convey letters from the diggings to the township of Buninyong, his store giving the name to the hill now known as Old Post-office Hill, where also the first Government Camp was situated, whence it was removed to the pre.sent locality. Mr. Alfred Clarke, late of the Geelong Advertiser, acted as letter-carrier between Geelong and Buninyong in 1851. The first supply of stores to tlie early diggers was afforded by one Stirling's hawking dray, in October, 1851, and the first regular store was shortly after that opened by Mr. Robin- son, subsequently a member of the first town council of Geelong. Stirling and Sons' drays were the only conveyances at that time for either passengers or goods between Ballarat and Geelong. Stoi-es, like dwellings, were rude, and often the storekeeper, like the digger, was surly. From his tent of calico or canvas, with its furniture of blankets, frying-pan, cradle, puddling-tub, pick and shovel, tlie digger went to the store where mutton, floui', boots, serge-shirts, moleskin trousers, tobacco, sardines, sugar, picks, shovels, billies, and other things were all found in one grand miscellany. Coin was rare, and the digger generally bartered liis gold-dust for goods. Change there was none, and reckonings partook of the largeness of view whicli ignored minute calcula- WOMEN' SCARCE, GROG PLE^rTI^UL. 55 tions. Paper was scarce, and often the digger had to carry liis groceries to his tent in box, billy, handkerchief, or shirt. The life was rough but eventful, not to say jolly, and as long as gold was got the digger was generally happy. If his pocket grew liglit and the authorities demanded license fees, he had to wash dirt enough to supply the required gold ; but if he failed in his search, or, worst of all, if health failed, he was of all men most miserable. There were no hospitals or asylums in that early day, and a woman was an absolute phenomenon ; so the sick man often died with nothing civilised about him but the awkward, if gentle, tending of his digging partners in the gold-hunting wilderness. And some fell in utter loneliness, their bones when found being buried beneath some drooping spray of peppermint about the slopes or gullies of the gold-tield. In those first days of digging life, when womanless crowds wrestled with the earth and the forest amid much weariness and solitude of heart, the arrival of a woman was the signal for a cry and a gathering. The shout, " There's a woman ! " emptied many a tent of besoiled and hardy diggers, for the strange sight e^'oked instant memories of far-aAvay homes : of motliers, wives, and sweethearts, and all the sweet affections and courtesies they I'epresented, and never with such eloquent emphasis as then. There was no man, having the heart of a man, who did not bless the vision, while many an eye was moistened with the sudden tear as love, hope, disappointment, fear, struggled all at once in the homeless digger's bosom. But recklessness often marked the life of the time, and the brandy bottle of the grog-shanty killed some victims then as it does in this later day. Unlicensed at first, the grog-sellers got licensed afterwards, and did heavy trade with the heavy drinkei', the more moderate drinkers helping to swell tlie business to a large and highly profitable aggregate. Pi'ices of all kinds of goods and all kinds of labor were enormously high. One publican in 1853, when cartage from Geelong was £80 per ton, paid £1500 a week for cartage for seven months running. This one man had at one time no fewer than 122 public-houses or slianties either mortgaged to him or in his own actual possession. 56 HISTORY OF BALLARAT » Mr. F. W. Tatham, manager of the Prince of Wales Company from 1862 to its winding up in 1875, gives an episode or two illustrative of the times and the men of the fifties. He says, referring to the mad, early, womanless days, that Brandy was the great panacea for too many. But civilisation gradually dawned, and some congenial spirits now and then met to discuss politics, theology, or other serious matters in the tent on Sundays or evenings. There was one party consisting of three doctors, a captain in the army, some sea captains, and some American colonels and majors. Some of them are dead, others scattered over the world, but some of them became victims of alcohol. Joe N , our next tent neighbour, a merry, bibulous sawmaker from Sheffield, had a young \vife. About a year after marriage she had to prepare for a serious emergency, but had no means, for Joe swallowed everything. My wife and other women promised to help her, and I tried to get hold of Joe, but there was no getting him then into a serious mood. At last, one Sunday morning, as the wife's time uas drawing near, and things were dear and scarce, I got Joe to look at the position. As soon as he realised it, he said he knew where he could get some gold, and would soon set things right. Next day he brought home a few pennyweights — enough to make a start with. The next day he got several ounces, too late for the intended service, as the young stranger had made an appearance ; but the ladies had cut up some of their own clothes, and so the exigency was met. That was a year before the Eureka affair. At another time Joe came to my tent one Sunday morning, and we went exploring up by Black Hill, Dead Horse, and Rotten Oully, afterwards called Little Bendigo. He was hard up. as usual, and I had no money, for I did not expect to want any. After an hour's travelling, Joe wanted to drink ; I said we could get a drink of tea at some tent. "Tea be blowed," said Joe. "Butwehaveno money, and the shanties don't give grog on credit. " "Oh, if you'll help," i-eplied Joe, "that's all right." We looked round among the shallow holes for some likely looking headings, found a tin dish planted among some rubbish, scooped up half a dish of dirt, and washed it off, getting a few grains. After repeating the experiment three or four times, he succeeded in getting nearly a pennyweight of gold, and, tying it up in a bit of rag, he persuaded a German grog seller to let him have about a quarter pint of brandy. That was in the mad times when men would not wash dirt for less than an ounce to tiie tub, and nobody took much notice of a man washing a bit of headings, even on a Sunday. Poor Joe is long since dead. Some of the other and better educated mob of professionals and naval and military men tliought of little else than where they could got brandy. They knew something of chemistry, and I have heard them boast how, when all tlieir money and credit was gone, nml, living far into the night in a drug store, they, witli the help of some pain- tatiiam's and brooksbank's stories. 57 killer, manufactui-ecl a palatable drink. One of the ladies who hel^ied Joe's wife was Mrs. Pincott, whose husband subsequently gave his name to Pincott's dam. They lived close by our tent, and Mrs. Pincott gave birth to a son, the first born on these diggings. This was close to Brown Hill, and Pincott's mates were so pleased that they took the hat round, and collected bits of gold from some of the wash-dirt paddocks ; some gave them small nuggets, some gave wash-dirt, some money, altogether amounting to about £80, and the lad was named Eureka. He lived and throve three or four years, and then fell into a water hole. His mother found him before he was dead, but, though she made frantic eflbrts to get him out of the shallow hole, she could not reach him. Digging her toes into the sides of the shaft, she kept the boy for a time out of the water, but could not make her cries for help heard until too late to save her child's life. Mr. John Brooksbank, a hardworking Yorkshireman from Bradford, who landed in Melbourne on the 20th June, 1848, and came to Ballai-at in September, 18-51, favors the author with some autobiographical notes — simple, graphic, almost reminiscent of old Pepys in quaintness. He says : — After a long and severe passage, and my money being a little scarce, I had to be pretty smart and get work as soon as possible. Got work in (Government employ, and soon after was taking contracts, and during this time I bought a farm of the Hon. John Pascoe Fawkner, near Melbourne. Went to Geelong in right good times, everything going on first rate until the news of the discovery of the gold. Then everything was upside down, men would not work at any price, contracts broke, men and masters going to the diggings. Jack was as good as his master. Never got a penny for my work in Geelong, so I had to make my way to BaJlarat, which was in the month of September. Pitched my tent on the Brown Hill road, now called Humffray street, and started to sink ; got a little, and at the end of November we left for Mount Alexander, and was not long before we got gold. So I was there on Xmas day and had a jolly fine plum pudding. My mate's wife used to cook for us and rock the cradle, and got half share, and the two seemed to keep their own purses separate * * * Qn our way to Melbourne I was gathering sticks to boil the billy and picked up a roll of notes tied with a string. Not near our dray at all, so I put them in my pocket and said nothing about them, thinking they would say " we Avill divide them"; as I intended to advertise them in Melbourne. But when wc were on our way the woman, to my surprise, said she had lost a roll of notes, so I asked what the parcel was like. She said it was rolled up tight and tied with a string so I knew at once it was the one I had found, so 1 took it out of my pocket and showed it to her. The husband said she ought to give me half. She got the notes and we went on our 58 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. way rejoiciDg. Got to Melbourne on Sunday, next day started for Geelong, and at night was in the bosom of my family. So I soon looked out and bought a horse and dray and took my family to Ballarat, where we arrived after seven days with a good horse, and we fixed our tent about the same place where I first fixed when first I came up. Built one of the first restaurants on Ballarat near where the Red Bull now stands. Meals were 4s. and Sunday dinners 5s. and regular boarders £2 2s. per week. Was obliged to keep a little grog, and soon after that a man came up from Geelong, a friend of one of the boarders, so he asked him to have a feed at his expense. So after having this feed he asked my wife to let him have drink, as he was a friend of his it was all right. So accordingly he got the drink, but to my horror and surprise this noble Geelong friend of our boarder went straight to the police camp and joined the force and came down and stuck me up for grog selling, and I was fined £50. He was soon hooted from pillow to post, and his effigy was burnt, and he was soon banished from Ballarat * * * The little gingerbeer man shot at the stockade was a boarder of mine. He was supposed to have shot Captain Wise on that memorable occasion. * * * About 7 o'clock on next evening a boy came running to tell me the bushrangers were in their store, and were tieing the master and mistress down. So myself and Mr. Smith and one or two others were fully prepared with our shooting irons in good order, so over we went and divided ourselves, some to the back and some to the front. I took the back, and Cane, an old man-o'-war's man, was with me, a wild sort of a man. So we got to the door pretty quietly, and could see over the door how all things stood inside ; the pistols and the carving knives and cash box on the table, and the ringleader was putting the money in his pockets while the others were helping liim. I had my horse jjistol in my hand, and my mate came with his revolver keeping them covered, and by this time there was a double-barrelled gun there. So I dragged open the door and took charge of the fire arms, and the other men coming in at the front the bushrangers were secured without the slightest show of escape. So we released the missus and master and tied the would-be robbers in their place. When they were tried they pleaded guilty and had 14 years on the roads, the first tliree in irons. They were escapees froni Pentridge. I had a great trouble at this time, as one of my cliildren died very suddenly, and these trials were trials in those times. No one to make a colIin, as one man volunteered to make one but when I looked for tlie cofiin lie said he had clean forgot it ; and two men went to dig the grave and got buslied, so I had to go and dig it myself. 'J"his is not very pleasant jobs lo do for your own children. Tlie ground was not fenced in at this time, as this was amongst the first that was buried in the old bury- ing ground (cemetery by the Creswick road). Mr. Brooksb;iiik t(!lls otlier of liis experiences, such ;is building tins old JJ.uik of Victoria — referred to further on, THE FIRST WOMEN ON THE DIGGINGS. 59 diddling a party wlio had obtained a " wrongful" order for restitu- tion of wash dirt, erecting a pump on Yuille's Creek between Webster street and Creswick road at which to sell water, going two or three times to New Zealand, building a public house at the corner of Lyons and Urquhart streets, then going mining again with no luck and "the results of foul air and old age creeping on I have determined as far as possible to leave the mining on one side." From Mr. Irwin's contributions to the Ballurat Star, more expressly referred to in a subsequent chapter, we take the following as confirmatory of some foregoing remarks : — Durmg the earlier days of the rush to Golden Point a monetary arrangement existed which would scarcely be long tolerated now-a-days. It was this, when the purchaser went to a store for supplies he got as change either a Burnbank, Colac or other " note." Tliese notes were simply rudely lithogi'aphed promises "to pay one day after sight," in Mel- bourne or Geelong, where the principal store of issuer was, the amounts specified in the "notes," which were of various amounts, from 5s. upwards. Suppose a purcliaser of goods had got some of the notes from the Burnbank store and on tlie next occasion for purchasing went to the Cohic or Robin- son's store, the persons in charge of the latter would not accept of the notes of the rival establishment, to which the holder of them must go unless he was willing to lose their value. The system was an intolei'able nuisance while it lasted, but it had soon to be abolished, change for purchases being I'educed to a minimum by the sale of so many ounces or pennyweights of gold to the storekeeper, the balance, if any, being made good by boxes of matches and the like, to the satisfaction generally of both parties to the transaction. It is on record that very small potatoes, reckoned at the rate of threepence each, served as small change to a storekeeper who is now one of the wealthiest of Victorian colonists. The first woman who arrived among the diggers was a bullock-driver's wife, whose husband had left his bullocks and turned to gold seeking. Next came Mrs. Thomas Bath, who was in fact, either the first woman, or among the first half dozen or so of women, who settled on the gold-field. After her others came at wide and dreary intervals in angelic similitude ; but when the first two years had passed, and the gold-field had acquired some elements of permanency women joined their husbands, sons, and brothers already here, or came with new- 60 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. comers, and thus gradually the diggers' social life assumed a greater similarity to that of older settlements. The tirst meetings for the celebration of divine worship in public were held by a few Wesleyans, who assembled in a mia-mia, or tent of boughs, as for a Christian feast of Tabernacles, in the AYhite Flat, where the smithie belonging to Mr. John James, late 3I.L.A., then stood, near the intersection of Grant street and the Yarrowee. For greater privacy these Wesleyans used to go from the tent of boughs to the denser bush then adjacent, and, seated on fallen logs, hold there the "class-meeting," — that private service which is peculiar to tlie "Wesleyan family of Christians. T-liey were after that held in a hut on "Winter's Flat, and in a tent at the White Flat, when the Golden Point rush was at its height. One of those early "Wesleyan worshippers "writes as follows : — The lirst service was held on Sunday morning, the 2Sth Sept., 1851, on the flat, preacher (local) Mr. J. Sanderson, about one hundi-ed present, text Cormthians II, " Ye are bought with a price." Class meeting at two o'clock in Sanderson's tent on Golden Point. Mr. Hastie came, attracted by the singing, and requested the aid of the singers, and waited half-an- hour, and took them to his serWce at the Commissioners' Camp. Sunday following, 5th October, Rev. Mr. Lewis, Wesleyan minister, from Geelong, preached on the flat at eleven o'clock and at the Black Hill in the evening. Subscriptions for a chapel rolled in and on the r2th November, in the after- noon, Mr. Sanderson opened the new chapel ; text 12th Chap. Isaiah, "Behold, God is my salvation." The chapel was of saplins and boughs with tarpaidin over it, no pulpit. James Oddie was at the opening service. The day was a very stormy one. Mr. William Howell was the treasurer. A Mr. Jones of Tasmania, gave the first pound, and nuggets rolled in fast and furious. No other service was held in the building. The rush to Forest Creek took away the population tlic next week. The social, if not aggressive, missionary spirit of Wesleyanism had earlier proof in Victoria than even in tliose services at Golden Point. M'Combie, in his "History of Victoria," lias tlie follow- ing passage : — In April, 1836, before the city of Melbourne existed, the Rev. Mr. Orton, a ^Vesleyan minister of Van Diemcn's Land, wlio had accompanied Mr. IJatinan when that gentleman brought his family across Bass' Straits, celebrated divine service beneath tlic beautiful cusuariua trees which adored the crest of Batman's Hill. Tliose who assembled to worsliip upon this interesting occasion belonged to many races and countries ; tliey were a pretty fair average from the adjoining colonies and tlie islands of Great DIVINK WOUSIIIP, 61 Britain. Mr. Batman's Sydney Ijlacks also attended, while not a few of the aborigines, who had been attracted by tlie preparations, had crowded in. The Church of England service was read, and an excellent discourse preached from the text, " Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God ;" and we have lieard from one who was present that the first sermon delivered by a regularly ordained clergyman on the site of the great metropolis was striking and orthodox. The Wesleyans discovered similar activity when, in 1852, the crowding hosts of gold-seeking immigrants could not tind houses to enter in Melbourne, not even at the enormous rents then demanded. The Government was at its wits' end and did its slow and cumbrous best to procure shelter for the crowd, but Mr. Latrobe thus refers to the Wesleyans in a despatch on 28th October, 1852, to Earl Grey : — ■ The Wesleyan body have the credit of taking the lead, by a very large collection, amounting, as I am informed, to near £2000, and the immediate commencement of a " Refuge for the Houseless," primarily for those in connection with their particular community, but in effect as far as their means will allow, for any who might be found to require it. Some who joined in those tent oi' hut services, in the midst of the hot fever of the lirst rush to the marvellous riches of Golden Point, became active honorable men in our public life, and some are at this day filling positions more or less prominent in both ecclesiastical and secular life. The Rev. Thomas Hastie, of Buninyong, and the Roman Catholic Father Dunne, of Geelong, used to visit the diggings also and minister to their several flocks at irregular intervals. Father Dunne's first church was a tent near Brown Hill wliere the worshippers, or some of them, had to kneel upon quartz gravel as the mysteries of the mass were celebrated. The Wesleyans built the first place of worship, the site being on a knoll near Sinclair's Hill, and named l)y them Wesley Hill. They then built a weatherboard church where the Eastern Town-hall now stands. The Roman Catholics, Anglicans, and Presbyterians, were close upon the heels of the Wesleyans, and other denominations followed, the first church building in permanent materials being erected by the Wesleyans where their present school-house now (1870) stands at the corner of Lydiard and Dana streets. The first church there was built towards the end of the year 1855, some stray bullets from the insurgent 62 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. diggers on the flat falling among tlie workmen wliile the building was being built. The Rev. Theophilus Taylor was then superin- tendent minister of the Wesleyan Church here. After holding services in what was then the police-court, in Ballarat West, the Church of England people built a small wooden church in Arm- strong street, where worship was held till Christ Church was built in Lydiard street. The wooden church was afterwards a billiard saloon, and then it became Pinkerton and Co.'s printing office. The first Anglican Church in Eastern Ballarat was a tent on the site of St. Paul's reserve. It was improved into a weather- board building and after that came the brick edifice of to-day. When the diggings first commenced, Mr. Hastie, of Buninyong, was accustomed to go to Ballarat and hold service in the afternoon, when the greatest number of hearers could be obtained. The service for some time was held in the open air, and at different localities. Other ministers subsequently came, and each chose the situation which seemed most suitable. When tlie Eureka rush took place, a tent for worship was erected by the Presby- terians on the Eureka Flat, and then a wooden church was erected on Specimen Hill. The congregation became settled, Mr. Hastie urged them to call a minister, and in 1855 the Rev. James Baird was called and ordained. A service in Gaelic was Iftld every Sunday afternoon for some time there. During tlie time Mr. Baird was minister Ballarat AVest was gradually rising into importance, and for a time, service was held between both places, but ultimately, it was entirely removed to the West and held in the council chamber, near the corner of Sturt and Lydiard streets. During this period tlic SoldicT's' Hill site was obtained, and a church built ; the union, how(^ver, now took place, and as the Sturt street site, was reckoned most convenient, a church was erected there and the Soldiers' Hill church was converted into a school. In 1858 Mr. Baii-d resigned and returned to Britain, wlien tlie Rev. Wm. Henderson was calh'd and inducted. Schools and newspapers sprang up, too, during tliese first three yeai's, and tlie j)Opulation iiicreas(!d from CJovenior Latrobe's hypothetical cen.sus of GOOO to over four times that number. The bills of newspaper mortality showed a strong tendency in CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, AXD NEWSPAPERS. 63 tlie early papers to early cleatli. Mr. Alfred Clarke, as the representative of Mr. Harrison (then proprietor of the Geelong Advertiser), attempted to bring a printing press here in October, 1851, for the purpose of bringing out a paper to be called the Boninyong Gazette and Mining Journal — for it must be remembered that Buninyong was then the only recognised settlement. It was a township of some antiquity, and Ballarat was but an aboriginal name in the aboriginal bush, or in the hardly less barbarous diggings. Clarke's dray with the pi^ess got bogged on the way up from Geelong, and in the meantime Clarke had a little feud with the commissioner of the day about the site selected on Old Post-office Hill, the press was packed off to Geelong again, and thus ended tlie tirst essay in the direction of newspaper literature here. The Ballarat Tiines and Southern Cross was the first paper actually published in Ballarat, the first number being published on the 4th March, 18.54, at an office in Mair street, opposite the Market Square. Subsequently the Times office was removed to Bakery Hill, near the intersection of the present Victoria and Humfi'ray streets, by the proprietor and editor, Henry Seekamp, The paper lived for several years, and died on the 5th of October, 1861. The Leader was the next adventui'e. It was a joint-stock affiiir, and only made six appearances. The Cresivick Chronicle was next brought out by Mr. J. J. Ham, an old colonist and experienced journalist. It died in the bloom of early youth, after two or three issues only. In July, 1855, appeared the Ballarat Trumpeter, a gratuitous sheet, which in 1856 was pub- lished as a tri-weekly, under the joint ownership of Messrs. Wheeler, Fletcher, and Evans. It lived about twelve months, and was the nucleus of the Ballarat Standard. Then came the Star. It appeared as a tri-weekly journal on the 22nd Septeniber, 1855, under a joint-stock proprietary, with Messrs. Samuel Irwin and J. J. Ham as editors. After some four months it was discontinued for a week, and then it re-appeared, having passed into pi'ivate hands in the interval, and in December, 1856, appeared daily as at p.resent. On the 10th November, 1856, the Ballarat Standard appeared, and some time previously the Nation. The Standard, owned by Messrs. D. D. Wheeler and W. Cooper, 61 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. was a tri-weekly, edited by Mr. "VV. Cooper (subsequently of the Portland Guardian). It made its last aj^pearance on the 26th of the month in Avhich it was born. JNIr. Denovan, afterwards M.L.A. for Sandhurst, edited the Nation, which peacefully expired after less than a dozen issues. In 1857 an attempt at the facetious was made, and a BaUarat Punch appeared, and laughed at some of our follies, and chided some of our sins. Mr, Hasleham, then correspondent of the Melbourne Herald, conducted the new comer through a portion of its short and merry career, and Mr. C. E. Moore designed a capital title page for it that never appeared for want of the necessary wood or stone gravers. The comic little paper had several owners and editors, but none of them could make it live. In August, 1857, appeared the Cojn Stalk, a monthly quarto of 4 pages, "printed and published for the proprietors, J. and T. Oddie." It was edited by Mr. J. N. Wilson, now the chairman of the Ballarat Water Commission; and it is noticeable that the ninth number now before us (April, 1858) has for its leading article an essay declaring that "a plentiful supply of good water for domestic and commercial purposes is, above all things, what Ballarat wants." The article is backed up by extracts from letters from Messrs. J. Learmonth and T. Waldie, showing that not only Burrunibeet and Yuille's, but even the rivers Moorabool, Leigh, and Barwon had, within their memory, been dry. Newspaper enterprise then flagged for a while, until, on the 24tli March, 1859, a little company of adventurers brought out the North Gr'envitle iMercuri/, Mr. M. G. Byrne, afterwards a Ijan-ister, being editor. It was 2)luckily maintained, first as a tri-weekly and then as a daily, in all for some twenty weeks, when, after a hundred ;i])i)earances, it was also welcomed l)y the journalistic Capulets to their tomb. The Tribune came next, aj)])earing on the 21st of ]S'o\ember, 1861, and ending on the 11th July, 186."3, Mr. Harrison, ])r('viously of the Uallarat 2'iincs, l)cing tlio manager and edito)-, and at last sole propri(!tor. The Ballarat Sun arose on tin; 2(ilh Se])tember 1864, and appeared daily under the aus})iL'es of a joint-stock proprietary. After a troublous lift; and eliang(( of ownershi}), it sank below the Jiorizon during the following year. Advertising [iw i i--^ — """* S p NEWSPAPER VICISSITUDES. 65 sheets, distributed gratuitously, appeared and disappeared at intervals all the years after 1854, and on some Saturday in August, 1856 — the date missing from tlie copy before us — • appeared The Chinese Advertiser, a medley of Chinese and English, but mostly Chinese, which was to be a "pioneer of Christianity and Christian civilisation among the Chinese in Australia," and was printed from stone, by Eobert Bell, Main Road, Ballarat. Mr. Bell remains, and so do a good many of the Chinese, but the Advertiser has long since disappeared. On the 25th of May, 1863, appeared the Evening Post, at once our first evening and first penny paper. It has liad several changes of ownership. The Ballai'at Courier, Messrs. Bateman and Clark, proprietors, first appeared on the 10th of June, 1867, and the Evening Mail, the last-born of the newspapers, on the 6th of April, 1869. It was started by a band of printers, then, in the hands of the same company, was registered with an increased capital under tlie Trading Companies Statute, and, eventually, was incorporated with the Evening Post. Ballarat Punch revived also, and struggled against fate till February, 1870, when it disappeared. It was started by the late C. A. Abbot, who was both artist and editor, as well as proprietor. Buninyong, Creswick, Clunes, and Smythesdale all had papers of their own; and e^•en Sebastopol, the most juvenile of boroughs, has had its local newspaper. In recording this list of publications, we have travelled beyond the period set down at the head of the chapter, but have done so as being more convenient than otherwise. The physical difficulties in the way of printing were great in the early days of the gold- fields, as in the beginning of all new settlements. Some of these difficulties have been referred to in the text. Mr. D. D. "Wheeler, who was one of the founders of the Standard and Trvnipeter and a shareholder in the first Star co-partnership, writes of the latter journal : — " Its first number was printed and published in the middle of a hurricane and inundation, with the printers nearly up to their middle in water." This was in what is now Bridge street before tlie levels were raised there. Mr. Wheeler hazards the opinion that the Nation appeared more times than is stated in the text. He may be literally correct, but the facts are not 66 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. materially different. As to the Tivmpeter, Mr. "Wheeler says : — " It was revived by its original proprietor early in January, 1856, and continued for about twelve months, when it lost its ground in competition with the Star and Times." The competitive fates fell afterwards iipon the Times, which succumbed to the Star ; and the Star, though still alive and holding a high position, has had to see the Courier outstrip it in the race and take the place of local journalistic leadership. The Star had many owners. From the original proprietary it passed to Messrs. "VVanliss and Belford ; then to Wanliss alone ; then to J. Noble "Wilson ; then to H. I\. Nicholls and Co. ; then to a joint stock proprietary ; then to the Courier proprietors ; then to the present owners, Messrs. Martin and Gi'ose, who are also proprietors of the Crrstvick Advertiser. The Commonwealth, a monthly publication, appeared for the first time in March, 1870. It was edited by Mr. W, Clarke, Grand Master of the Orange Lodges in Victoria, but it has long since vanished. The caterers for the amusement of the early diggers had ample patronage in those days. The first theatrical venture was in December, 1853, when a canvas house was set up in the Gravel Pits, the leading actress afterwards becoming tlie wife of the editor and proprietor of the BaJlai at Times. A person named Clarke opened a similar theatre on the Eureka in February, 1854, and soon after that Mrs. Hanmer opened a weatherboard theatre called the Adelj)!)], where the Tontine, and more recently calk-d the Windsor hotel, afterwards stood in Esmond, now Durliani, street east. Tlie Charlie Napier, Montezuma, and Victoria theatres in Main street, all long since l)urnt down, speedily followed with larger accommodations and better performances. There cnme afterwards, drawn by the fame of tlie golden colony, some of the most accomj)]ished histrionic artistes of the time. Catherine ]Iayes, Anna Bishop, Lola Montes, Brooke, Kean, Ellen Tree, Sir Willi.ini and Lady Don, Jefferson, Celeste, Montgomery, were among the brighter stars that have risen upon our auiiferous horizon. Lucy Chambers, an Australian by l)iitli and a singer of I>ur(>])can fame, appeared in opera ; Charles Mathews, the comedian, ]\radanic Bistori, and THE FIRST LAWYER. 67 nearly every artist of high rank who came to Victoria also appeared in this city. Fui'ther details of dramatic business will be found in a future chapter. The first magistrate sat of course at Buninyong. Mr. Eyre was the officer, and he used to visit the diggings at intervals. The finding of the first monster nugget at Canadian Gully in February, 1853, caused a new rush thither, and in that rush came Mr. Adam Loftus Lynn, Avho was the first attorney that practised here. After spending the months of February, March, and April in digging, he began to practise his profession on tlie 1st of May, his office being then opposite to the BctUarat Times office of that day. About six months after Mr. Lynn had commenced practice, he was joined by Mr. Ocock. After them came, in time, a forensic deluge. The first local County Court and Court of General Sessions were opened by the late Judge Wrixon, with Mr. Francis Greene as clerk of the peace, in January, 185.3, at Buninyong, the original style of the County Coui't being " The County Court of Buninyong and Ballarat." It retained this style till the sixties. The court style, the judge, the clerk, all are dead and buried, but Mr. W. Tweedie, the first bailift' is still (1887)bailiff'; and as County Courts in Victoria may soon bemerged in some other court, the first bailifi' may also be the last of the old order. The courts presided over by Judge Wrixon first sat at Ballarat near the end of the year 1853. Mr. Justice Williams opened the first Circuit Coui^t in Ballarat on the 12th December, 1856, in what was then the police court-house, the county court-house, and the place Avhere the English Church service was performed. The building stood in what is now Camp street, on the western side, where the street bends round near the Freemasons Hall. In respect of the courts of law we have gone beyond the period set down at the head of this chapter, but we have done so by way of convenience to the reader. One of the Victorian sensations of 1852 was the robbery of several thousand ounces of gold from the ship Nelson in Hobson's Bay, on 2nd April, by a band, of whom one Roberts was a conspicuous confederate. He was sentenced with others but proved an alihi and was released. • He then fell into the hands 68 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. of the police in the Ballarat district and early in 1853 was in custody for horse stealing. He and others were at the Separation inn, at Leigh Road, on the way to the seaboard for trial, examina- tion, or sentence. Handcuffed as he was, Roberts managed to slip them off, and he tlien jumped clean through one of the hotel windows, and bolted. He was at large for some time, but still in the first half of the same year he was known to be hiding some- where near Beaufort. Mr. G. G. Morton, of Labona, who had landed in the colony in October, 1852, and obtained from Mr. Latrobe a cadetship in the police force, was sent with the cadets to Ballarat, wliere they arrived on the 29th September of that year, Morton being subsequently appointed to the charge of the "Wimmera district. When Roberts was known to be lurking about Beaufort, Morton, accompanied by a stalwart trooper named Worsley, and an aboriginal who was supposed to know where Roberts was, set forth to attempt the capture of the horse stealer. The aboriginal pointed out as the robber's lair a bark hut in the ranges, known on the run as the Waterloo hut, the site being that afterwards opened up as the Waterloo diggings. Morton arranged with Worsley the modus belli whereby Morton was to burst in the hut door and fall down in the hut, Worsley to be close at his heels and cover the robber witli firearms. This was done to the letter, Roberts being there with another man, a vagrant unconnected with the horse stealing. The police had only to do with Roberts, the other man being harm- less, and being told to take no part if he valued his own life or liberty. Roberts, being covered by Worsley, began to show fight ; Morton sprang to his feet and felled the robber with the butt end of a pistol as the ruftian was exclaiming : " Yes, I'm Roberts, you , and you shan't take me alive." The oflicers soon had tlie handcuUs upon liim, and strapped liini to Worsley's stirrup, Morton being ready to prod him w ith a sal)re if he did not marcli peaceably to his fate. Roberts used much emphatic but unrecordable language, and still made show of resistance at first, but soon submitted to the march, and was safely lodged in gaol, and eventually sentenced. SOME RICH GROUND. 69 This Roberts was an old convict who had come out in 1844, and when lie obtained his freedom he took to the roads and was for a time associated with the notorious Captain Melville, who strangled himself in the Melbourne gaol. He was only 37 when arrested at "Waterloo, and by the time he was sentenced thereafter he had a total of 32 yeai's imprisonment imposed for three charges of highway robbery and assault, including five years in irons. The ruffian began a life of crime very early, and his frequent imprisonments liad afforded leisure, as does the sequestered life of the sailor, for the indulgence of that strange fancy for tattooing which seems to fascinate convict and sailor alike. Here is the gaol record of " particular marks" : — Sun, heart, and dart; foul anchor, soldier and woman R.D.A.B. ; launch, cross flags and crown on left arm. Crucifix, maltose cross, flags, skull and bones, sword and pistol on right arm. By the end of the year 1852 the diggers on the gutters had begun to reach what was then called deep ground, and their vocation soon after that began, though rudely and tentatively, to assume more of the character of regular mining. The year 1853 was rich in new discoveries, and a large number of gullies were then opened. The Canadian, opened early in 1851, was named from a man called Canadian Swift. The gully and issuing gutter were very rich, the first large nugget ever found being unearthed there about February, 1853. It weighed 1620 oz., and has never been surpassed in weight by any discoveries since, except by the Welcome nugget, found on the reef in some old ground on Bakery Hill on the 9th of June, 1858 (weight, 2217 oz.), and the Wel- come Stranger, found at Mount Moliagul on the 5th of February, 1869 (weight, 2280 oz). A rich bend in the gutter known as the Jewellers' Shops, was about two hundred yards from where the nugget was found. The ground there was prodigiously rich in gold, heavy, lumpy, bright gold in profusion, and hence the name given to the spot. The gutter ran down the valley, and mingled with the other golden streams that met in the area formerly known as the Gum Tree Flat, into which also the Red Hill, Red Streak, Eureka, Bakery Hill, Gravel Pits, and their tributaries poured their golden wealth. Dr. Gibson, Muir, and others of the 70 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. Gravel Pits gutter near the Prince Albert hotel (afterwards St. John's Presbyterian Church), opposite to the present Hebrew Synagogue, and Rowland and Party in Sailor's Gully, appear to have been among the earlier miners who slabbed their shafts throughout. Gibson's first essay was with frame and piles ; but before that, in 1852, Mr. Beilby and others used saplings to secure unsafe shafts, and others lined the shafts with slabs of bark placed vertically and fastened with sapling frames. The claims known as the Italians', where the Gravel Pits entered the Gum Tree Flat, were famous for their heavy deposits of gold. The Eureka, the Canadian, and the Gravel Pits leads, all opened just after the first rush to Golden Point, were the famous golden trinity that made Ballarat world-renowned. The Eureka ran from Little Bendigo southwards beneath the Yarrowee and the present Railway, Humfiray, Victoria and Eureka streets, into Pennyweight Flat, where it was joined, near the old Charlie Napier, or a hundred yards or so south-east from the intersection of Main and Eureka streets, by the Canadian, both flowing with other leads into the Gum Tree Flat, where they were joined by the Gravel Pits and Bakery Hill, which ran from the foot of Black Hill accross the present Humfi"ray street and Victoria street to the general place of confluence in the Gum Tree Flat — that area of ground the eastern edge of which Main street now traverses. The combined lead, whicli was in fact the main ancient stream flowing o\"er the primeval bed rocks, ran westward, and entered beneath the basaltic plateau of Ballarat West, just below the intersection of Sturt and Lydiard streets, where it took a soutliern bend, and received a tributary from Golden Point. This tributai'y, being the first registered gutter, gave the name to the main stream wliich flowed on westward and southward, receiving many tributaries in its course. This is, however, anticipatory in point of time. The year 1853 was marked by a vigorous prospecting. In that year, the whole range north and south of tlie Ballarat Flat was opened uj). Prince Regent's, Sailor's, Scotchman's, and New Ciium Gullies on the eastern slope of the Golden Point range, and Terrible, White Horse, Frenchman's, Chinamen's, and Cubbler's Gullies on the western FIRST QUARTZ MIXING, 71 slope, were in that year entered upon in their shallower portions. On the Black Hill side, besides that hill and the adjacent gullies and Little Bendigo, Dead Horse, Sulky, and other gullies on the way to Creswick were opened. Apropos of Frenchman's Gully, it may here be noted that Esmond, the Clunes gold discoverer, found a 70-oz. nugget in the shallow ground in 1853. In the following year, while Sir Charles and Lady Hotham were on a visit here, a nugget weighing 98|^ lbs. was found in Dalton's Flat, and called the Lady Hotham after the wife of the Governor. By that time the quartz lodes at the Black Hill had been tested. Dr. Otway, with whom was Mr. Osborne, was the first adventurer there, and he erected a windmill as a motive power for reducing the stone. After that he procured Chilian mills, but neither process Avas successful. Mr. George Milner Stephen followed Dr. Otway, and with similar results. The Port Phillip Company then came upon the scene, operating both at Black Hill and on the ranges at Dead Horse, but with small success. That company soon found better fortune at the Clunes reefs, from which it drew for many years a large annual revenue. Thus the three first years after the gold discovery saw some of the richest of the Ballarat gutters, opened up, most of the rich shallow grounds once or twice dug over, a population of from 30,000 to 40,000 assembled, lines of streets thickly inhabited by dwellers in canvas or wood, churches, theatres, hotels, bowling alleys, dancing saloons, stores in plenty and all the elements present of a rough, prosperous, young gold-fields settlement ; while enterprising prospectors were still pushing out on every side, and adding fresh discoveries to those that had already made Ballarat famous in every part of the civilised world. CHAPTER IV. DIGGER HUNTING. The Gold License. — Taxation Without Representation. — Unequal Incidence of the Tax. — r.pisodes of Digger Hunting. — Irritating Method of Enforcing; the Tax.— Suspicions of Corruption among the Magistrates and Police. — Visit of Sir Charles and Lady Hotham. — Big Larry. — Roff's Recollections. — Reform League. — Murder of Scobie. — Acquittal of Bentley. — Dewes Suspected. — Mass Meetings. — Burning of Bentley's Hotel. — Irwin's Narrative. — Arrest of Fletcher, M'Intyre, and Westerljy. — Re-arrest of Bentley. — Con- viction of Bentley. — Rich's Experiences.— Conviction of Fletcher, M'Intyre, and Westerby. — Demand for their Liberation. — Increased Excitement. — Fete to the American Consul. — Foster.^Sir Charles Hotham.— Arrival of Troops. — Troops Assaulted. — Bakery Hill Meeting. — Southern Cross Flag. — Burning the Licenses. OWN the swift stream of the brief years we now come to troublous times. At the root of all the troubles that led to the Eureka Stockade, lay the old tyranny of taxation without representation. When the gold discovery occurred, Victoria had not long been created an in- dependent colony. It liad become in- dependent then only in the sense of separation from New South Wales, and in having a Lieutenant- Governor and a Parliament of its own. But that Parliament was not representative in more than a small degree. It was a single IIouBe, and largely composed of nominees of the Crown, the balance of members representing constituencies in wliich the masses, gathered and increasing on the gold-fields, had, not simply not a voice potential, but absolutely no voice at all. This was an injustice that was attended with more than tlie usual dangers that accompany wrong. TIk; gold-fields inhabitants being outside the mystic circle of governing power were placed, i1 00 h < < < -I < CQ o < -J a: O N I- X < I- THE GOLD LICENSE. 73 ah initio, in an attitude of hostility to tlie constituted authorities. An unnatural sepaivition was, so to speak, created by the law between the majority of the people and the Crown ; and to give intensity to the danger, the people here were for the most part superior in mental and bodily capacities to tlie average capacities of their fellow countrymen whom they had left in their father- lands. The courage and adventure which had made them emigrants, and the physical strength which had enabled them to weather the rude elements of early gold-fields life, were qualities which made them valuable as freemen, but dangerous as slaves. They were not the men tamely to brook the voiceless poverty of political power which marked the ante-Eureka Stockade era; and when to the absence of representation were added the insolence of gold-fields olficials, the indignities of quasi-martial regulations, and dark suspicions of corruption, the elements of disorder rapidly grew more and more menacing to the public peace, until, at last, it needed only the proverbial want of tact in official routine to permit the recurrence of irritations that fell like sparks upon prepared combustibles. Then a flame burst out that was partially quenched in blood, the black disorder of the conflagration being cleared away only by that reform of grievances which has given to us what we now possess. "When the Eui'opean gold hunter arrived in Victoria, just after the gold discovery, he no sooner found himself upon the gold-fields than he was, as we have seen, brought into contact with a Government in the construction of which, and in the direction of whose policy, he had no more voice than the naked aborigine he saw prowling about the bush. Before he could legally put pick or shovel into the ground, the digger had to pay a heavy monthly tax, levied upon liim by a Government and Parliament in which he was not represented. At first for thirty shillings, then for sixty shillings, and then again for thirty shillings per month, the digger obtained a license in this or some nearly identical form : — GOLD LICENSE. No. 185 The bearer , having paid to me the sum of on account of the territorial revenue, I hereby license him to dig, search for, and remove gold on and from any such Crown lands within ths 74 HISTORY OF UALLARAT as I shall assign to him for that purpose during the month of 185 , not within half-a-mile of any head station. This license is not transferable and must be produced whenever demanded by me or any other person acting under tlie authority of tlie Government. (Signed) A. B., Commissioner. In this we have the symbol of the grievances that roused the gold-lields population. There was a heavy tax levied monthly by a non-representative executive ; that tax was often oppressive in itself and unequal in its incidence, and it was often collected in so insolent a manner, that its unpopularity became a thousand- fold greater. Here, illustrative of the sport of license or digger-hunting, is an episode from a lecture by the late Mr. William Benson, once an escort-trooper in South Australia, then a rejjorter on the BaUarat limes, and subsequently a mining surveyor. The lecture was delivered at a Working INIen's Temperance Meeting, in the Alfred Hall, on Saturday, the 19th February, 1870 : — I had been for some short time in 1853 occupied at the store of Messrs. Hilfiing and Greig, on the township, where the drapery establishment of David Jones and Co. now is. Not very well liking my employment, I was on my way to tlie labor oliice on Bakery Hill to oii'or for a stoek-ridor's billet. Being dressed in somewhat digger costume, and talking near where the Yarro\\ce bridge now is, I heard bcliind me a stentorian voice — "Hallo 1 you fellow." I turned round. Speechless liorror 1 There, at full galop, at the head of fifteen or twenty mounted troopers, with scabbards clattering and stirrups jingling, rode a stalwart black-looking chief of tlie digger hunters. "Hallo! I say, you, sir," thundered forth he, with a mighty flourish of his sword glittering in the beautiful sunlight, " have you got a license." Worse luck to me 1 never was a digger, even when gold could be got by pounds weight. Well, there flourished the sword of a mighty hunter, and there stammered I forth " No." At that moment up came the mounted and foot police. " Take this man into custody," shouts out the leader of the troop and oil' he gallops. I, in my simplicity, said the mighty hunter did not recognise me, he was a sergeant in the foot police at Adelaide when I was a government escort trooper there. " Well," says my custodian, " all I know is that I am going to take you to quod." This was the "logs," but all this time 1 was being taken away from the " logs" (or Camp lock- up), and near where tlie cDrncr of Barkly street now is wc there found another guardian of the spoil of the hunters, holding in terror of his foiuiidablo weapon a real digger whoac cloLhca bespoke him to be a DIGGEU IIUXTIXG. 75 sojourner amongst the holes on the Red Hill. We were marched up the slope of Golden Point, the troopers and foot police far in advance ; but I refused to go further and sat down. One of the diggers near, espying my bespattered comrade in distress, calls out "Hallo! mate, what's the row?" "Got no license," grumbles out the Red Hill digger. "Can't you give bail ?" sings out the charitable-minded questioner. "Not I," returns the other, " or I should'nt be without a license." No more ado, but into his tent walks he of the charitable mind, and out he shortly comes and walking straight up to my fellow captive, thrusts into his brawny hands five £1 notes, saying " There's thy bail money," and ofi'he walked. " Know you that man ?" said I to my astonished mate in misfortune. " Never saw him before in my life," he replied, " but he is a good fellow and one of the right sort." Benson and his companion were both bailed, and, after the examination before the bench, the digger was lined in the amount of his bail. Benson escaped fine, and after some delay recovered his bail. Such episodes abounded, wdth variations in detail. From an unpublished manuscript by Mr, R. M. Serjeant, descriptive of the times under discussion, the following comic picture is taken : — We marked out a couj^le of claims on the Eureka, and one or two more at Prince Regent's Gully. On I'eturning home one afternoon we found our gully (Specimen Gully) surrounded by the force on the hunt for licenses. I noticed our sod chimney smoking, and the hut door — an old flour sack stretched on a frame of wattle saplins— wide open, so I concluded Joe, our cooking mate, was about, and could not very well escape two of the police who were inarching straight into the doorway. I had approached to within a few yards of the scene, license paper in hand, when the traps stepped back, as I thought, rather hastily, and, to my surprise, were con- fronted on the threshhold by a smart, genteel-looking female, who politely enquired their business, and the next moment esjiying me close in the rear, said — " Perhaps my brother can answer your enquiries, gentlemen!" The gentlemen, however, were not among the rudest of their class, begged par- , don, and turned on their heels in search of more easy prey, while I proceeded to introduce myself to my newly-found sister, whom I then saw throwing up her heels and cutting most unladylike capers round the dining table. In the course of the evening Joe intimated that as he had resolved never to take out a license, he should, if we had no objection, continue to wear his new style of attire, and that in future his name was to be Josephine. Mr. Serjeant gives us another lively view of the digger hunting process : — 76 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. " Traps ! Traps ! ! Joe ! Joe ! !" were the well-known signals which annoiinced that the police were out on a license raid, now becoming almost of daily occurrence. The liasty abandonment of tubs and cradles by fossickers and outsiders, and the great rush of shepherds to the deep holes on the flat as the police hove in view, readily told that there were not a few among them who believed in the doctrine that " base is the slave who pays." Hunting the digger was evidently regarded by Mr. Commissioner Sleuth and his hounds as a source of delightful recreation, and one of such paramount importance to the State that the sport was reduced to an exact science. Thus, given a couple of dirty constables, in diggers' guise, jumping a claim, gentle shepherd approaches with delapidated shovel on shoulder and proceeds to dispossess intruders in summary manner. A great barney ensues : Constable Derwent and his mate talk big, a crowd gathers round, and " a ring ! a ring ! ! " is the cry. The combatants have just commenced to shape, when the signal referred to at the head of this paragraph rings through the flat. On come the traps in skirmishing order, driving in the stragglers as they advance, and supported by mounted troopers in the rear, who occupy commanding positions on the ranges. A great haul is made, and some sixty prisoners are marched off in triumph to the Camp, hand-cuffed together like a gang of felons, there to be dealt with according to the caprice or cupidity of their oppressors. Irwin, in liis letters to the Geelong Advertiser, corroborates Benson's account of the hunting mode, and gives, under date 23rd October, 1854, the following statement in explanation of resolu- tions adopted at a meeting in the Roman Catholic Chapel on Bakery Hill, expressive of sympathy with Father Smyth, and of indignation against Commissioner Johnstone : — Some time since Mr. Johnstone was in command of a lioense-hunting perty, one of whom, named Lord, came up to a tent in which was John Gregory, a foreigner, on a visit of charity to some other foreigners whose language he knew. The trooper Lord ordered the " wretches" to come out of the tent that he might sec their licenses. Gregory, the servant of the Rev. Mr. Smyth, had no such document ; on seeing which the trooper, damning him and the priest, ordered him to come along. As Gregory is not very strong-limbed, he requested to be allowed to go to the Camp himself, as he was not able to follow the force while visiting the various diggings looking for unlicensed miners. So far right ; but on Gregory's appearing unwilling or unable to follow, the trooper ill-used him, and only let him ofT on Mr. Smytli depositing £5 bail for his appear- ance. At the Police-office, after being fined £5 for not having a license, Gregory was going away, but was recalled. On re-appearing, the charge of wanting a license was withdrawn by Mr, Johnstone, and one of assault' SIR CHARLES AND LADY HOTHAM. 77 ing a trooper put instead. For this he, the cripple, was fined the original £5 bail. In the whole affair the Rev. Mr. Smyth was certainly treated with but little courtesy ; and the trumpery story of a cripple assaulting an able-bodied mounted trooper is too ridiculous to warrant serious attention. Englishmen, free from crime, were at the mercy in those days of many demoralised and ruffianly policemen, w^ho treated the diggei's like felons, and were too often abetted by their superiors in this treatment of men thus practically deprived of two centuries of political progress. To these causes of irritation were added suspicions of corruption in the administration of the common law on the Ballarat gold-field, and this it was, as will presently appear, that precipitated the events which ended in the collision between the Queen's troops and the armed insurgents. Begun at Bendigo in 1853, the agitation against the gold-fields license tax, and for representation in Parliament, was quickly taken up in Ballarat, and was there pushed forward witli more eventful incident to a more tragic conclusion. The outbreak was not that of a stupid, stolid, ignorant peasantry in arms against hay stacks and threshing machines, but of free-spirited, intelligent, people, goaded to resistance by intolerable wrong, and guided — at all events during a portion of the period — by men of education and character among themselves, aided by a provincial Press created and sustained for the most part by men also from among their own ranks. When commissioners, magistrates, and troopers, had got used to treating the diggers as people to be taxed and harried at pleasure, the offensive method of carrying out the obnoxious license law had grown so irksome that a reform of the whole system was irresistibly pressed upon the population. A Reform League was formed for the redress of grievances, and all the gold-fields supported the organisation. Towards the middle of 1854, Mr. Latrobe's successor. Sir Charles Hotham, and Lady Ilotham, visited Ballarat, and, in sj^ite of the existing gi'ievances, they were loyally i-eceived. In connection with the visit there was some pi-ominence acquired by a gigantic Irish digger, called Big Lany, who, with a rougher Raleigh-like politeness, not only assiduously planked over muddy spots for the dainty feet of the Governor's wife, but sometimes carried that 78 HISTORY OP BALLARAT, representative lady bodily over portions of the ground, and generally cleared a way for the ^^sitors through the crowd of spectators. It may be that his Excellency and his Melbourne advisers were led, by the welcome given by the diggers, to misconstrue the mind of the gold-fields population, and to think that all the Camp officials, instead of a very small minority only, were proper men properly enforcing the law. Be tliat as it may, the Government not onl}^ maintained the law, but sought to enforce it with greater rigor. In October, 1854, the Government sent up an order that the police should go out two days a week Jiunting for unlicensed diggers. At that time there were four commissioners at Ballarat, between whom the field was parcelled out in four divisions ; but the boundaries being ill-defined, the police often hunted over the same ground twice, and thus the rudeness which too often marked the process of license-fee collection was often repeated over and over again upon the same man in the same day. Mr. Joseph Roff, clothier, at present a memlier of the Town Council, writing to the author respecting the early days, says : — The storekeepers were cmhittcrcd against the Government, not only from a natural sympathy witli their customers, the diggers, but also from a want of protection from laMlcss vagabonds let loose from the various colonies, and who were ever ready to rob or murder law-abiding citizens. To remedj' this a meeting was called, asking the authorities for a night patrol, and the citizens meanwhile formed themselves into a body for the protection of life and property. As the .stores were mostly of canvas at that time, a knife was all that was needed, for the most part, to enter a store, the only protection being a revolver kept close at hand for instant use. I well remember the early morning drills in the ranges for revolver practice, with a sheet of paper pinned to a tree for a target, and fired at from a distance of ten or twenty paces. One Minter morning, between one and two o'clock— the night being divided into watclics — my watch had come. An adjoining store had been stuck up the night before, and, stung by the recollection of sleepless nights and constant anxiety, I had sworn to shoot the first thief who dared to attack my place. At that very moment of my watch I heard footsteps coming nearer and nearer, and, as it seemed to mo, with stealthy tread. A stop was made just where I had been sleep- ing. Immediate and silent as a cat I sprang from my blankets to the floor, placing the muzzle of my shooter in a line wilh the foe, wlio, in tlie coolest nOPF's RECOLLECTIONS 79 manner possible, struck a matth, lit a candle, placed it in a bottle, and was apparently searching for the weakest part of the canvas before cutting a hole. "Villain," I ninttered to mj'self in my thoughts, "I'll make an example of you ; if you dare to enter, I'll fire, let the consequences be what they may." Minutes, which seemed like hours, passed ; the damp earth chilled my bare feet ; not a sign was made ; what is the burglar up to? Peeping through an opening at the doorway, I saw a digger holding up a light to the side of the tent, and quietly and intently staring at it- " What the deuce are you up to there at this hour of the night ? " I roared out. "Me?" said the digger : "why, I've jnst come off my night shift, and wanted to read the latest news from the Roosian war." My heai't sank within me, and I thanked God I did not fire ; but this man was certainly nigh being murdered. Going outside, I found that Alfred Black, brother of the editor of the Digger^s Advocate, who lodged with me and slept on the counter, had pasted up the latest number of the Advocate on the tent side, headed " Latest news from the Russian war." So ended that little episode. Shortly after that I had the satisfaction of winging a burglar who had cut the canvas from floor to ceiling, and was in the act of walking off with a bundle labelled with neither his name or address. The tragical was intimately associated with the comical in those days ; the latter was sometimes born of tlie former. If the woes of the diggers and the insults and injuries of the troopers were tragical, they produced Thatcher's comical metrical gibes at tlie authorities, and occasional theatrical farces with a similai'ly caustic anti-police humour in them. Thatcher sang nightly at the Charlie Napier, and amongst the farces of tlie day was one produced at the Red Hill theati'e, partly to suit the requirements of a popular actor, and partly to have a fling at the officials of the camp. It contained a scene laid at the Black Hill, in which the authorities were pilloried as oppressors of the diggers, and license hunting was ridiculed and denounced. The audiences were not nicely critical, and every joke and every hit were applauded with all the force of exceptionally sound lungs. The more furious the fun, the better the diggers, as a rule, liked the entertainment. Sometimes there were episodes of exciting mirth not included in the bill of fare, and Mr. Rolf, whose recollections of the old days seem to be very graphic, tells of one or two of those extra programme performances : — I had the honor, he writes, of being costumier to the first theatre in Ballarat. I Avas staying at the Criterion Hotel. Red Hill, at that time the 80 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. best on the Flat ; it was of canvas, and resembled a circus ; beds were fitted up round the sides like bunks in a ship, but hidden from view by calico hangings. The tables and seats were permanent fixtures made of boards. The theatre was made of wood and canvas, and was nearly opposite to the hotel, A large and magnificent company were specially engaged, with a complete and splendid orchestra. The pieces for the opening night were, I think, Maritana, as a play, and the Irish Tutor. The night was fine and warm, and the place was crowded with diggers in every variety of costume. There were the blue and red serge shirt, the tall Yankee hat, Hessian knee boots, the long scarlet sashes, and all the audience ruddy with health, and as jolly as sand boys. Tlie curtain had descended on the first piece, brandied peaches, sherry cobblers and spiders, cocktails, and what not, had been consumed between the acts, and the leading star had been encored, recalled, and shouted for in champagne at least a dozen times. The curtain rose for the after-piece, and the re-appearance of the star was greeted with enthusiasm, although it was apparent that stellar demoralisation had set in. As the piece proceeded, something was seen to have gone wrong, and the face of the star reddened with rage. Turning upon a subordinate actor who was leaving tlie stage, lie severely kicked the super., who turned round upon his leader and said : *' You may get as drunk as you like, but you don't kick me again, if you do, I'm dashed." The star, approaching tlie footlights as tlie curtain fell, said : "Ladies and gentlemen, the fellow says I'm drunk. (Shouts from the audience.) If I did kick him he knows he deserved it. (Go it old man.) Am I drunk, ladies and gentlemen ? (No, yes, pitch into him. ) I'd rather be drunk any time than a fool. Isn't it enough to make anybody drunk to have to play with sucli idiots ? Haven't I played before the Governor of New South Wales — but am I drunk, gentlemen?" At this moment some person from behind the curtain pitchforkeil the star forward riglit over the foot- lights into the orchestra, and as he lay astride the double bass, clutcliing the neck of it as for very life, tlie wliolc audience rt)se and roared witli laughter, the rapid fun of the affair tickling them more than a dozen screaming farces of the best low comedians, Mr. Roff, after telling how a gold buyer secreted £1000 worth of bank notes in his stove chimney overnight, and in the morning, hearing his boy lighting a tire, rushed to the rescue of tlie notes, but only in time to save a half-charred heap of paper that, luckily, still showed most of the numbers, goes on to detail the pains of a tailor with a cork leg. This tailor lived in the first brick house built in Ballarat East, and had for next room neighbours a band of Bohemians who made night hideous with what they called harmony. The tailor lived like a martyr for a oo I- < cc < < < < o a: < 5 o z o o < > a: < MORE OF ROFf's REMINISCENCES. 81 wliile, thougli lie had to rise early in those ante-eight-hours-of- lal)or clays ; but his camel back was broken one night by the harmonists striking up " The Cork Leg." As this seemed to be adding brutal insult to much provoking injury, the tailor resolved on revenge. Rising from bed, he pulled a big zinc case into his room, and belabored it lustily with cork leg and a stick. The Bohemians were vanquished. In fierce response to their shouts of remonstrance, the tailor roared : " I've stood this little game long enough. You'll have enough 'cork leg' before you're done, so here goes for another hour, to see how you like my harmony." Away banged the tailor with leg and arm upon the sonorous metal, until the enemy, tired and beaten, retreated from the field, and left the aiigry tailor to sleep thenceforth in peace. Another of Mr. Rofi^'s illustrations of the early times in Ballarat refers to the period when that part of the city about Drummond street was bush : — Adventuring beyond as far as what is now Pleasant street one day with a companion sportsman, Mr. Rolf lost his friend, and then himself ; The native "cooey" failed to bring any answering sound. I moved onwards, he sa3's, and at last thought — "Where am I?" Looking upwards and on all sides, I replied — "Lost in the bush." Everywhere trees, openings, bits of sky, but everywhere the same bush. I walked till I was tired and bewildered. I sat down to rest, thirsty and perplexed ; then looking up again at the sun, I saw he was sinking in the sky ; westward, of course. Eureka ! I have it ; I will turn my back to the sun, go forward, and that will take me eastward towards my home. I rose and ran, often looking back to see how the sun lay, and in less than two hours I saw a house ; soon after that I reached Winter's paddock, but it was getting dark. Before me, right away on the hills and down in the valleys, shone the illuminated stores and tents of the diggings, and I soon reached my home. I had been for hours lost in the bush, and had travelled some thirty miles or so ; but I had not, probably, been at any time more than three or four miles from the Ballarat post office. While reform leagues and committees were organising during the years 1853 and 1854, the population educated itself to a certain degree in the discussion of grievances, and men came to the front as popular leaders, some of whom remain to this day in public life, as Mr. Lalor, at pi^esent (January, 1887) speaker of the Legis- lative Assembly. Others there were who, more gifted in com- mittee tlian upon the public platform, quietly and effectively 82 HISIORY OP BALLARAT. aided the reform movement, but never rose or sought to rise to the more prominent elevation of public celebrity. Many of these, also, remain -with us to this day. " Digger hunting," as the col- lection of the license fee was called by tlie men on the gold-fields, continued incessantly, accompanied with frequent instances of official tyranny. Informers were employed by the authorities, and some of those men were mere creatures of the higher officials, and had histories that helped from the first to forbid confidence. The tide of irritation and discontent I'ose higher and higher, and tlie more excited of the population began to collect arms, to form leagues of their different nationalities, and to discuss the probabilities of open insurrection and a declaration of revolt from British rule. At length, in the latter half of the year 1854, a digger named James Scobie was killed in a scuffle at the Eureka hotel, on Specimen Hill (now Eureka street), kept by one Bentley, who was considered by the diggers to be a participator in Scobie's murdei'. Tlie house was one of very Ijad fame, and Bentley was arrested and brought before a bench presided over by Mr. Dewes, the police magistrate, who acquitted him. There were a few thouglitful men sitting in tlie court at tlie time, who saw the gravity of what they felt to be a glaring miscarriage of justice. One of them — Mr. J. Bussell Thomson — narrowly escaped com- mittal for daring to urge that ]>entley's was a case which should be sent to a jury. This acquittal aroused the population more than any single official act since tlie gold discovery, for the general belief was that Bentley was guilty, and that the police magistrate corruptly ui-god th(> ac(iuittal because he was under pecuniary obligations to the prisoner. This opinion as to Dewes' embarrass- ments with lientley is still held. Dewes fell before the popular Ktonii, went to British Colunibi;i, where he justified Victori.an condemnation by committing embezzlement, and he ended his life by suicide in Paris. The exasperation causrd by Bentley's acquittal gave a vigorous impetus to the agitations for reform. At an indignation meeting held on, or close to, the spot where Scobie was killed, Messrs. J. B. Tlionison, T. D. Wanliss, Peter Lalor, J. "NV. Cray, W. Corkliiil, vMcx. INI 'P. Orant, and Arcliibald Carmichael were appointed a committee to take steps for the col IXDIGNATION MUETING. 83 lection of money to defray the cost of a further prosecution of Bentley, and so warmly did the public respond that £200 were gathered in a very short time in Ballarat alone, when the collec- tions were stopped, as the Government, in the meantime, moved in the business and offered rewards for the apprehension of Scobie's murderers. The collector of the moneys, Mr. John W. Gray, i-eturned the subscriptions, after payment of some charges, and thus that expression of indignation at wrong done was ended The other gold-fields ardently joined in the feeling prevalent here In Ballarat meetings were held on Sundays as well as on other days, and on Saturday, 11th November, 1854, thousands of men gathered, and flags and bands of music lent ominous life to the assemblage. The leaders were in favor of moral force and a pui-ely constitutional agitation ; but tliere were more fiery spirits than they. One of these — a compatriot of Scobie — on another occasion harangued the crowd, and said the spirit of the murdered Scobie was hovering over them and yearning for revenge. The occasion referred to was a meeting held near Bentley's hotel on the 17th of October, when the arrival of the police and military, and some injudicious acts by a few bystanders, led to a collision with the police, the reading of the Riot Act, and the burning of the hotel. Some of the diggers were arrested, and one was rescued on the way to the Camp. Milne, Sergeant-Major of police, a man held in general execration as an unprincipled informer, was regarded as the right hand of the ofiicials in that business. The subjoined extracts are from contributions to the Ballarat Star, by Mr Samuel Irwin, a gentleman who was an eye-witness of the time and a daily recorder for the Press of what transpired. His letters to the Geelong Advertiser of those days gave very full and, in the main, very accurate descriptions of the occurrences of the time. So far may their reliableness be assumed that not only have no material contradictions been made, but, as the English Blue Books demonstrate, Sir Charles Hotham adopted some of Irwin's letters as portions of his despatches to the English Secretary for the Colonies : — As a matter of course, those Avho take an mterest in the past of Ballarat have in a great measure to fall back on personal reminisccuceg, as 84 HISTORY OF BALLAKAT. l)ut fuw of them Iiave easy access to Jocumcntarj' evidence, so tliat most of -what can be said or written under the circumstances partakes of the egotistical. A good deal has been said of the means and persons by and througli whomBentley got into the good graces of some of the leading officials at the Camp. Little is positively known of the matter beyond those immediately concerned, but any one who had heard the tone in which Bentley asked a person standing one cold early winter's day in the verandah of the Pohce-court, after the court had closed, "Where is Mr. Dewes?" could hardly have failed to note a more than usually free and easy manner on the part of the equestrian questioner. The reply was civil — " In the magistrate's room " — to Avhich Bentlej', dismounting, lietook himself with all the coniidcnce of one who knew the locality well. In a few minutes jMr. Dewes and his visitor, then an applicant for a publican's license, appeared, and went into the large tent, just opposite the Police-court where the former resided. The license was in due time granted, the hotel was usually crowded, the bowling-alley and the free use of cards contributing among other inducements to attract a large number of customers, almost in a continuous stream by night as well as by day. Knowing the fact that the hotel was nearly always open, Scobie made for it, found it closed, created a disturb- ance to gain admission, was assaulted in consequence and died. The coroner's incpiest which followed was far from partaking of that strict scrutiny and judicial aspect which on tlic whole are so characteristic of such proceedings, and so the suspicion already existent as to the purity of some of the camp officials became stronger. At length the supposed participators in the death of Scobie were brought befoi'c the Police-court, composed of Messrs. Dewes, P.M., Retle, resident commissioner, and Jolmston, commissioner. The prisoners, in the opinion of the majority of the Ijcnch, were free from blame, and were discharged, though Mr, Johnston, the junior, dissented from the opinion of his seniors. lie even was so decided in opinion as to the guilt of the prisoners that he took a copy of the depositions, forwarding them to Melbourne for the consideration of the Attorney-General. It was decided to hold a public indignation meeting on the spot where Scobie had met his dcatli, to protest against the miscarriage of justice, and to devise the ways and means for l)ringing the delinquents to a fair trial. Tlie meeting was licld and passed ofl' quietly, thougli pretty strong language had Ijcen used. Tlic camp autliorities, dreai ,o !-l C . ^' I « ■<♦< 10 W '-- ^ ^ O -« o3 EXEtrXT DEWES AND BEXTLEY. 89 addressed by him to the editor, in which he denied the allegations of corrupt connection with any of the diggers, though he pleaded guilty of " having mixed more with the intelligent classes on the diggings than my predecessoi's, or many of my contemporaries, were in the habit of doing. * * * As on most occasions, affability of manner is a good substitute for unmeaning hauteur, and were it not for the unfortunate allair of ' Bentley, etc.', no outcry would have been raised against myself in my official capacity." Dewes also shot Parthian arrows at his late colleagues in office. I cannot say, he writes, how far land speculations, which often involve a complexity of interests, are compatible with the purity of the bench (which, indeed, comprises the greater part of the Camp oflBcials, from the boy Gold Commissioner to the more mature Police Magistrate), and most of whom are land speculators. I can only assert that two out of the three geaitlemen -who formed the board of investigation were such, and that one of them had contracted a short time previously at Ballarat precisely the same description of obligation as that so severely commented on in my own case in the report of the Board. " Read this, ye diggers," wrote the editor in a foot note, " and judge for yourselves what justice you may expect." The " boy commissioner" referred to was W. H. Foster, a young officer who afterwards became a warden and police magistrate. Both he and C Forster, governor of the gaol here for a time, claimed to be re- lated to the Latrobe family, both forms of the name coming presumably, from the original vocational name Forrester. On the 10th April, 1873, Bentley ended his career by laudanum in Ballarat street, Carlton, the poor wretch even in death having, as it would seem, chosen a place that had about it a reminder of his goldtield's exploits. Ife was about 54 years old, and left a wife and five children. The coroner's jury found that he poisoned himself whilst of unsound mind, and the Argus report of the inquest says he had bouts of drinking, poisoned himself six months before, and had " never been quite right since he lost his property at the Ballarat riots, and for the last two years had never ceased to talk about it." Let us hope that Scobie's ghost, so romantically referred to by one of the Eureka orators one day, is at rest with his revenge now. 90 niSTORY OP RALLARAT. Mr. Charles Rich, an old digger of the fifties, gives some re- collections of those days. He emerged some years ago from canvas tents, shingled cottages, and the res angusicv dvfftroriim — ah mercy ! ye double firsts — and took a voyage to his native cocaigne, return- ing thence with some goodly thousands sterling and what is, perhaps, the best private library of miscellaneous literature extant to-day in Ballurat. He built one of the handsomest mansions in Drummond street nortli, as became a descendant of a branch of the Cardinal Rich family of the Tudor times, and one entitled to exhibit that interesting specimen of heraldic ornithology — a wyvern. jNIr. Rich was educated partly in France, partly in England, and has read a little law without being able, the author fears, to say whether a beast — or a wyvern — "taken in withernam can be replevied," but he is a quiet, shrewd observer. He v/rites: — Mr. Scobie, the prima causa uf the burning of Bentley's hotel, arriveil in this colony with a brother from Scotland, via London, in a barque called the "Moselle," at Melbourne, towards the end of 1852 (Mr. EUery, A.R. came by the same ship). Jle took up liis residence at Ballarat soon after, and opened up the gully in the Buninyong road, now called .Scotchman's after them. The brother was afterwards a contractor at Ararat, where he died. On the day of his nuirder he had met an old friend. In the course of their peregrinations they called at Mr. Watkin's " Victoria"' hotel, Armstrong street, and was there recognised by Mrs. R., housekeeper to Mrs. Watkins, as her shipmate. He was usually a very steady man, but carried away by the excitement of "auld lang syne," he went beyond his usual abstemiousness, and returning home to his tent, just beyoiul Bentley's on the " Eureka," called there for "just ane wee drappie mair." The house was closed. The landlord, being annoyed l^y his persistent knocking, came out and dealt him an unlucky blow with some weapon too ready to his hand, which was said to have quietened him for ever, but was to be the cause afterwards of such evil results to Mr. Bentley. In consc(iuencc of the apathy and parti- ality of the authorities the Scotch residents of Ballarat, considering there had been a miscarriage of justice, resolved to avenge the foul murder of their countryman. Notices were placarded about the diggings calling a meeting of Scotchmen on the site of Bentley's hotel, which resulted in its destruction and preluded the catastrophe of the Stockade. One afternoon, as I returned from work at White Horse, when I arrived at the township, now Ballarat West, seeing a fresh notice posted on a tree, I naturally stopped to read it, (it was a caution to the public against carrying firearms anil concealed wcajKjns) when one of the troopers parading the township jumped off his horse, and without speaking a word thrust his hands into my pockets, down tlie waist-ltand of my trousers, and inside the breast of rich's reminiscences. 91 my shirt, tearing off the buttons and totally disarranging my dress. I attempted to remonstrate, but all in vain. I was peremptorily ordered to move on. So, discomfited and upset, I had to yield to tlie Jori-.e majeure ; and with curses not loud but deep got within doors as quick as I could, pondering on this treatment of a free-born Briton. One day, whilst crossing the diggings at (Jolden Point to get to the Township to renew my license, which had only just expired, I was stuck up by the troopers who were then scouring the diggings for unlicensed miners. Being quite taken by surprise I pretended to search my pockets for the license and produced the old one, but luckily for me I was accompanied by two mates who had licenses which were en rtrjle. They represented to the trooper that through an oversight I had omitted to renew, but that I was then going to the Camp to get a fresh one. He let me pass, but we had not gone above one hundred yards when we encountered ^Yarden Webster. " Hillo, my men, show your licenses ! " I endeavoured to gain time as before, by pretending to search for my license and showed the old one but folded, and had just been called on to show it when the trooper who had stopped me first rode up and called out " I have seen his license, sir ! " and thereby saved me from the fine and the logs. 1 afterwards heard that if it had been dis- covered he had passed me he would have been fined himself. 'W'e had invited him to meet us down the road in the evening, but never saw him more. While sitting at dinner one lovely Sunday afternoon I received notice from Mr Watkiiis, the Government contractor, to join another young Welshman in sinking an excavation to make a grave for the diggers slain at the Stockade in the morning. We commenced digging the grave and had been at it some three or four hours. As it was a very large one we worked very hard, but before we had nearly finished the mournful cavalcade arrived. In consequence of the coffins being placed in two tiers, one above the other, they reached to within a foot of the surface, four at bottom and three at top, but we managed to cover them up by well banking the earth above them. Whether they were afterwards displaced I never heard. The coffins were very rudely m;i,de of \ inch weatherboards, the covers roughly nailed on, so that the bodies were plainly discernible through the joints in the lids, and the limbs appeared contracted and quite discolored by smoke and fire, for the tents were burnt by the military who, when they captured the Stockade, fired the encampments with hand grenades. Whilst interring these unfortunates another pi'ocession entered the cemetery con- veying the body of a digger, a Welshman named Rowlands, who had been shot by a trooper whilst entering his tent after returning from work. The trooper called on him to stand, and as he paid no attention shot him dead in his tracks. The body was buried at no great distance from those of the insurgents. The trial of the alleged incendiaries ended in a conviction, and M'Intyre was senteiiced to three, Fletclier to foui-, and 92 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. Westerby to six months' imprisonment. The jury had recom- mended them to mercy, and, amid the appLiuse of the bystanders in the crowded court, declared their belief that the outrage had been provoked by the improper conduct of the Ballarat officials. As to those officials, however, it must be remembered that, besides Dewes, there were Messrs. Johnston and Rede on the bench when Bentley was examined, but Johnston not only voted for the committal of the prisoner, but forwarded copies of the depositions to the Attorney-General. As soon as the conviction of Fletcher, M'Intyre, and "Westerby was known in Ballarat, tlie Reform League sent Messrs. Kennedy and George Black to Melbourne to " demand"' tlie release of the prisoners. Black was then editor of tlio Diggers Advocate, and wrote vigorously for the popvdar cause. Kennedy was a man of rough, but moving eloquence. It was he who, at the meeting that ended iu the burning of Bentley's hotel, declared that the murdered man's ghost was there yearning for revenge. As Saint Buonaparte, with pious fervor, proclaimed an alliance between Divine Providence and heavy battalions, so Kennedy, at one of the meetings of diggers, declared his prefer- ence of jjliysical over moral force ])y reciting the rugged but vigorous couplet — " Moral persuasion is all a luniibug, Nothing convinces like a lick in the lug I" They reached Melbourne on tlie 25th November, HumfFray, the secretary of the League, having on the 23rd, been introduced by Mr. Fawkner, M.L.C., to the Governor, w lio liad intimated that if a proper memorial were sent to the Government, the prisoners miglit be released. The League secretary disapproved of the intemperate " demand" brought down by the delegates. The Sunday was at hand and tlie secretary and the delegates, and Mr. Ebenezer Syme, tlien of tlie Argus, uiid afterwards of the Age, spent part of tlie day discussing tlie position. Meanwhih', rumors of an ari-est of the delegates got current, tlie diggers at Ballarat resolved on a iiionst(!r meeting, and tlie camp oHicials sent desj)atclies for more troops. On Monday, the 27tli Novcnihci', (lie dch-gatcs and IfumllVay waited on Sir ('liarlcs Jlotliam, to i>resent the re- SULDIEUS FIliHD LTOX. 93 inonstvant petition. His Excellency "\v;is attcMuled l)y the Attorney-General, INIr. (now Sir "\Mlliarn) Stawell, and tlic Colonial Secretary, Mr. Foster. Tlie " demand" was refused, but reforms were promised, and were said to be already begun. It is worthy of record that in the course of the interview the delegates spoke of the mode of alienating the Crown lands as being inimical to the interests of the poor man. Thus early had begun our not yet ended troubles in land administration. The excitement in Ballarat now grew intenser, and the towns on the seaboard were alarmed with rumors of insurrection. On the eve of the 28th, Mr. Tarleton, the American consul, was feted at a banquet in Ballarat, and while the dinner was going on soldiers were arriving from Melbourne, and a collision had taken place between the soldiers, troopers, and diggers. All that night the diggers were busy preparing arms and ammunition, the committee of the League sat night and day, the Camp bristled Avith sentries, and an eventful morrow was looked for. In the Legislative Council, the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Foster, in reply to a question from j\Ir. FaAvkner, did not appear to have realised the gravity of the crisis, and the Argvs of that day compared the Secretary to ISTero fiddling wjiile Rome was burning. Yet, while the Argus was hounding Foster down as the one " black-sheep," the diggers were hooting and groaning at the Argus as a "turncoat," because that journal had condemned some of the wild doings of the outraged population. Foster was about the best abused man of the day, and he had eventually to leave office before the storm of popular indignation. Reinforcements of horse and foot police were concentrated about this time at the Camp from the neighbouring diggings, together with detachments of the 12th and 40th Regiments of the Line. On the 28th November the police were pelted, and the military, enteringfromMelbourneby the Eureka, were attacked by the diggers. The party in charge of the baggage was for a time cut off, and some of the waggons were overturned and rifled by the diggers in hope of finding fire-arms. In this, however, they were disappointed. Several soldiers were wounded and a drummey di HISTORY OF BALLARAT. boy was shot in the thigh. The diggers followed the troops to the vicinity of the Camp, when the mounted police made a sortie, wounded several men, and drove back the crowd, the troops entering quarters in a panic-stricken and exhausted state at eleven o'clock at night. All night long the diggers kept fires burning, and made the night hideous with discharges of fire-arms and other noises. The military encampment was on the slope afterwards known as Soldiers' Hill, now forming part of the north ward of the City of Ballarat. The attack upon the troops took place in the "NVarrenheip gully, within a few hundred yards of the spot where, a day or two later, the insurgent diggers erected their Stockade. The onslaught ujDon the troops appears to have been unpro\oked and savage, and it excited general disgust in the minds of the colonists everywhere out of Ballarat. At Ballarat, also, the larger portion of the inhabitants regarded the aft'air as alike inopportune and disgraceful. Indeed, the recognised leaders of the reform movement up to that time appear to have known nothing of the collision until it was actually over. Rafiaello, a writer whom we shall refer to again, calls it a " cowardly attack." In illustration of the fact that the general body of the diggers sought only the rights of freemen, and were not marauders or revolutionists, it may be stated that when the Government Camp at Creswick was almost emptied of both oflficers and men for the support of the authorities at Ballarat, hundreds of the diggers offered their services to Mr. Commissioner Taylor for the pro- tection of the gold deposited at the Camp. A monster meeting was called by the League for the 29th of November, on Bakery Hill, at which some thousands were expected from Creswick, besides delegates from all the other gold-fields. For the movement had now become general, and emissaries had been sent all over the colony to enlist sympathy, procure lielp, and, in fact, make the rising national if not revolutioiiaiy. Jleiiry Holyoake, brother of the notable English Secularist, had been sent to Bendigo to raise the diggers there, but lie learned at Creswick of the discomfiture of Lalor's force at the Stockade, and liis martial occupation being thereby gone, ho retired till moiu ti-antiuil times arrived. At the meeting of MONSTER MEETIXG BAKERY HILL. 95 the 29tl), Humffniy and the delegates Bhick and Keinicdy gave ill their report of the conference with the Governor. Kati'aello says Lalor never addressed a meeting before that held on Bakery Hill on tlie 29th November, when he made his first speech in moving the calling of a meeting of the League for the next Sunday to choose a central committee, — the Sunday when the attack on the Stockade caused the collapse of all the physical force schemes then afloat. Some 12,000 men, it is said, were present at the meeting on Bakery Hill. A platform was erected, and on a flagstaff' was hung the insurgent flag — the Southern Cross. The flag had a blue ground, on which, in silver, the four principal stars of the constellation of the Southern Cross were shown. Hayes was again the chairman, and the site of the meeting was on and adjoining the area now occupied by Victoria street, between East and Humffray streets. Besides the Com- mittee of the League and the delegates, there were reporters on the platform, and two Roman Catholic priests — the Rev. Fathers Downing and Smyth. The Catholic Bishop of Melbourne, Dr. Goold, had also come to Ballarat to help to maintain peace. The delegates spoke, and Humflray, who still counselled moral force only, was denounced as a trimmer. He was also denounced for having waited upon the Government without authority from the League. A person named Fraser, among the crowd, also advised constitutional action, " and," says the Ballarat Times, "were it not for the influence of the chairman and his numerous supporters, the man would have been torn limb from limb by the infuriated people." How the people felt, and what they did and resolved to do, will best be gathered from the following resolutions, which were adopted unanimously, although the Rev. Mr. Downing proposed an amendment against the burning of the licenses : — Proposed by Mr. Reynolds, seconded by Mr. Weekes— 1. "That this meeting views with the hottest indignation the daring calumny of his honor the Acting Chief Justice, wliile on the bench, of the brave and struggling sufferers of Clare, Tipperary, Bristol, and other districts, on their endeavors to assert their legitimate rights ; and do hereby give the most unmitigated and the most emphatic denial to the assertions of his honor in stigmatising as riots the persevering and indomitable struggles 96 HISTORY OF IJALLAHAT. for freedom of the brave people of England and Ireland for the last eighty years." Proposed by Mr. Lalor, seconded by Mr. Brady— 2. "That a meeting of the members of the Reform League be called at the Adelphi Theatre next Sunday, at 2 p.m., to elect a central committee, and that each fifty members of the League have power to elect one niendjer for the central committee." Proposed by Mr. Frederick Vern, seconded Ijy Mr. Quinn — 3. "That this meeting, being convinced that the obnoxious license-fee is an imposition and an unjustifiable tax on free labor, pledges itself to take immediate steps to abolish tlie same, by at once burning all their licenses. That in the event of any party being arrested for having no licenses, the united people will, under all circumstances, defend and protect them." Proposed by Mr. G. Black, seconded by Mr. Wliatley — -i. "That as the diggers have determined to pay no more licenses, it is necessary for them to be prepared for the contingency ; as it would be utterly in- consistent, after refusing to pay a license, to call in a Commissioner for the adjustment of such disputes, and this meeting resolves whenever any party or parties have a dispute, the parties so disputing shall each appoint one man. The two men thus appointed to call in a third, and these three to decide the case finally." Proposed by Mr. Murnane, seconded ]>y Mr. Ross — 5. "That this meeting will not feel bound to protect any man after the lotli December who shall not be a member of the League by that day. " Proposed by Mr. Humffray, seconded by Mr. Kennedy — G. "That this meeting protests against the common pi-actice of bodies of military marching into a peaceable district with fixed bayonets, and also any force, police or otherwise, firing on the people, under any circumstances, without the previous reading of the Riot Act, and that if Government officials continue to act thus unconstitutionally, we cannot l)e responsible for similar or worse deeds from the people." Bonfires were made of licenses, guns and revolvers were dis- charged, and League-tickets of mcm])crship were issued to the crowd. Troops were under arms in the gully beneath the Camp all the time in readiness for an outbreak. 0500 ft>Bau.l ;a»ijia»i06 am i« iwjjej nqof iq pwiuud CHAPTER V. THE E i: U E K A STOCKADE. The Last Digger Hunt. — Collision between the Diggers and Militar}- and Police. — Southern Cross Flag again. — Lalor and his Companions Armed, kneel, and swear Mutual Defence. — Irwin's Account. — Carboni Raffaello. — His Pictures of the Times and the Men. — More Troops Arrive. — The Diggers Extend their Organisation Under Arms. — Lalor " Com- mander-in-Chief." — Forage and Impressment Parties. — Original Documents. — Shots Fired from the Camp.— The Stockade Formed. — Narrative of a Government Officer in the Camp. — Attack by the Military and Taking of the Stockade. — Various Accounts of the Time.— Raffaello's Description.— Other Tragic Pictures.— First Stone House.— Bank of Victoria Fortified.— A Soldier's Story.— List of the Killed.— Burials.— Rewards Offered for the Insurgent Leaders. — Their Hiding and Escape. — Charge Against A. P. Akehurst. — Proclamation of Martial Law. — Feeling in Melbourne.^ -Foster's Resignation. - Deputation of Diggers. — Humflfray Arrested. — ^'ote of Thanks to the Troops. — Legislative Council's Address to the Governor. — His Reply. — Prisoners at the Ballarat Police Court. — Royal Commission of Enquiry. — Trial and Acquittal of the State Prisoners. — Humfliray. — Lalor and his Captain's Hiding Place and Peculiarities. — Cost of the Struggle. — Compensa- tion Meeting at the Stockade. — Raffaello there Selling his Book. — Subsequent Celebra- tions. — Soldiers' and Diggers' Moiuuiients. — The Burial Places. — The Insurgent Flag. — Death of Sir Charles Hotham. — Hothani and Foster ^'indicated. A L L A R A T has not been famous alone for its golden wealtli. It has historical fame also, as tlie site of the collision, in the year 1854, between the Queen's troops and armed diggers at the Eureka Stockade. All the gold-fields of Victoria were moved by dis- content under grievances, both legislative and administrative, during the period anterior to the affair at the Eureka ; but the resist- ance to the authorities culminated at Ballarat. The general grievances were heightened there by some particular^incidents. These were, in effect, but the occasion under the impulse of which 98 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. a section of the mining popvilation sought violently to enforce complaints which derived their gravity from other causes. All the grievances afterwards redressed would have been redressed without the bloodshed at the Eureka Stockade ; but that tragical event intensified the momentum of the crisis. It exemplified the rashness of a few diggers, and the greater blunders of the Government, but it also expedited the reforms which were eagerly desired by the wliole population. If the armed insurgents who were attacked by the soldiers on the memorable Sunday morning in December, 1854, were wanting in the calm sagacity which has always won reform under British rule, they were for the most part not Avanting in personal courage, and the result of their policy, as we have intimated, did certainly hasten the coming of those reforms whose fruits the whole colony now enjoys. For all this, then, let the gold-fields men who fell at the Stockade be honored. They stood up, with their lives in their hands, for freedom ; and in that we may well forgive the mistakes they com- mitted, and tlie follies they purposed. Of the soldiers who fell, their record is in the roll of the army whose traditions are a history of which the race is proud. With incredible want of prudence the authorities chose the juncture, marked by the meeting of tlie 29th November, for a more irritating display than usual of the so-long condemned practice of " digger hunting." On the 30th November the last raid of this kind in Victoria occurred, under the direction of Commissioners Rede and Johnston, and the authorities by that act destroyed the remaining infiuence of the friends of moral force action among the diggers. The police, supported by the wliole military force available, witli skiiinisliers in advance and cavalry on the Hanks, formed on tlie Hat south of the Camp and advanced upon the Gravel Pits, as the Bakery Hill diggings were called. This cleared the swarming crowd of diggers collected there, the diggers retiring as the troops advanced. At certain parts of the Main road, however, the diggers made a stand, and received the troops with a running fire of stones and occasional gun-shots. The troops took acmw j)rison('rs and I'ctunied to C;inip, and soon after that the S(jutlieni Cross Hag was again hoisted on I.AT.OR SWKARS IX IllS MEN. 99 Bakery Hill ; the diggers knelt around the flag, swore mutual defence, implored the help of God, and then began to drill. New leaders came to the front, as the advocates of moral force were discomfited by the authorities and the more turbulent insurgents. Peter Lalor, a native of Queen's County, Ireland, a son of the one time member of the House of Commons for the same county, was chosen " commander-in-chief " of the insurgents, and issued warrants and manifestos. A fiery-spirited Italian, named Carboni Raffaello, was another who then acquired prominence. He after- wards wrote a quaint polyglottic book, entitled " The Eureka Stockade : The Consequence of some Pirates Wanting on Quarter- deck a Rebellion." We shall meet with him presently. Irwin, in his communications to the BuUarat Star, says with respect to this last digger-hunt, — and he speaks nearly always as an eye- witness and often as an actor in the business : — By the time that the camp authorities had retired, the men from the Eureka arrived, a good many of them. Lalor among the rest, being armed. A short consultation took place, all woik was suspended, and the Southern Cross flag was hoisted on Bakery Hill. The popular indignation was intense. A mass meeting Mas held on Bakery Hill, where Lalor, gun in hand, mounted the stump and swore in his followers. The method of swearing-in was by uplifting the right hand, and was very impressive as taken by the hundreds who encircled their leader. Immediately after the swearing-in the names were taken down, and the men formed into squads for drill. The drilling was kept up with but little intermission to a late hour, and was now and then renewed up to the capture of tlie Stockade. As might naturally be anticipated, the Government had its emissaries among the insurgents, and but little was said or done which was not soon reported to the authorities. Inmiediately after the soldiers, &c. , had retired to the Camp on 30th November, two or three members of the com- mittee met in the committee-room at the Star hotel, and wrote a letter to the delegates who had gone that day to Creswick. The letter detailed the occurrences of the day, and solicited the aid of the miners of Creswick, and was directed to the delegates by name " or any man on Creswick." When the messenger arrived at Creswick he gave the letter to Black, and he read it to a large meeting he was addressing. It was immediately determined to render the required assistance, and a large body of men, headed by Kennedy, started for Ballarat, taking the direct way through the ranges. Kennedy was armed with a sword, and some of those who accompanied him from Creswick give an extraordinary account of hoM' he flourished the sword about his head and speechified to his followers during 100 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. a violent thunderstorri? that happened that night. The Creswick con- tingent gradually dwindled away as they had but iudiflfereut accommodation, and the majority of those who still remained left for home on the evening before the capture of the Stockade. The Melbourne Herald correspondent states that the Creswick men marched out with a band, or singing the song " The Marseillaise." It was but a straw, but it showed how tlie current of men's thoughts and feelings was flowing. Carboni Raffaello, in his book, shows that he had had a liberal education, and was gifted with a warm poetic tem- perament, with considerable shrewdness of observation and faculty for description. But he lacked discretion sometimes, and he seemed to be always perplexed with svTspicions and mysteries, besides being oddly egotistical. He is sometimes a mystery himself, and, in his style, often amusingly incoherent, but his narrative has color and tire and incisiveness, and will make itself read. He hits off a man with a few sharp touches tliat live in the mind's eye. Here is one, a portrait of Kennedy : — Thomas Kennedy was, naturally enough, the lion of the day. A thick head, bold, but l)ald, the consequence perhaps not of his dissipation, but of his worry in bygone days. His merit consists in the possession of the chartist slang ; hence bis cleverness in spinning a yarn, never to the purpose, but blathered with long phrases and bubbling with cant. He took up the cause of the diggers, not so much for the evaporation of his gaseous heroism, as eternally to hammer on the unfortunate death of his countryman Scobie, for the sake of " auld lang .syne." RafTaello calls Irwin "a rattling correspondent, who helped to hasten the movement fast enough."' He gives the following picture of the Catholic priest : — Father Patricius Smytli, a native of Mayo, looks some thirty-five years old, and belongs to the unadulterated Irish caste, half-curled hair, not abundant, atixious Bemicircular forehead, keen and fiery eyes, altogether a lively interesting head. T\iO'_B(ill(irlack was subsequently killed while working as a quartz miner. Lalor having been, to Ycrn's disgust, elected Commander-in-Chief, " ordei'S of war " were issued hy liim for arms, amnnmition, and impressment, and he sent out pi(juets to enforce them, and prevent their being made a cover for robbery. It appears, however, tliat ammunition was not abundant in tlic Stockade, the foraging parties of the insurgents to tlie contraiy not- withstanding. A pistol w;is jiickcd iiji in 1 lie Stockade loaded with powder and quart/, jx'bbles, in lieu of hall or smaller shot, showing, as may be assumed, that the diggfi's were not rich in the usual m.itcrials of destruction. One of the; foragers' receipts for H military levy read as follows : — INSURGENT FORAGERS AROUT. 103 Received from the Eallarat Store 1 Pistol, for the Comtee X. Hugh M'Carty — Hurra for the people. Another : — 1"he Reform Lege Gamete — 4 Drenks, fouer chillings ; 4 Pies for fower of thee Height watch patriots. — X. P. The night watch patriots were some of the insurgents told off to patrol the diggings, for now there was, de facto, civil war. The Government authorities were in a fortified camp on the western plateau, and the insurgents were organising and fortifying on the eastern grounds. Before us lies the tattered remnant of a triple receipt given by the subscribers to the firm of Bradshaw and Salmon, then carrying on business in the Main road, Ballarat East. It will be seen that Esmond, the gold discoverer, was one of the foragers for ammunition, the time being imminent when a deadly use was to be made of the materials collected. Mr. Leake, from whom we receive the document, and who, later, had joined Bradshaw's firm, writes : — " I cannot call to mind much about the matter, only I have a distinct recollection of Mr. Moran threatening to shoot me if I did not 'hand over quick,' and I have very little doubt my life would have been taken that night only for Esmond." The " patriots" were getting stern and peremptory as the times got bracing. But Esmond was not one of the most fiery of the insurgent officers, and he appears to have had a memory for friends as well as a sense of what was judicious. He once rescued Irwin, the correspondent of the Geehmg Adveitiser, who, writing of Esmond and himself in the following passage says : — • One night, that of Friday, 1st of December, a gentleman who had occasion to go down the Main road, when he came in front of the old Charlie Napier hotel, found some hundred men drawn up two deep there. Passing down the one side of the men, he sought to discover if he had any acquaintance among them. Not having found one he passed up the other side, until he arrived where the person, a lieutenant, who was in charge stood. The gentleman being unknown to any of the party, was asked his business there, and his account of himself not being deemed satisfactory he was arrested, to be subsequently conveyed to head quarters to be dealt with. It soon transpired that the captain of the detachment, with a few men, was in the hotel searching for arms, and that he was momentarily expected to come out. When he did come out he spoke to the prisoner, who was an old and intimate friend, and, not knowing that he was under arrest, asked him to go into the hotel and have a drink. The lieutenant began to fidget. The explanation was soon made, the misunderstanding lot HISTORY OP BALLARAT. being got over by the lieutenant, under a threat from the captain of having him arrested, going into the hotel when he, the captain, the late prisoner, and one or two more came to a l)etter understanding while drinking a few glasses of champagne. Hei'e is the triple receipt : — SO Novr. 1854. cved from Bradshaw, n 12 lbs Powder, @ 0/ lb. £3 12 to pay. 1 ri.stol flask, 7/6. J. W. Esmond. John C. Murnane. 1 Box Revolver Caps, 6/ JNIORAN. Comitte. Murnane fell down dead one day while working at a shaft on Esmond's Lead, and Moran either fell or threw himself over- board when on his w^ay hence to India. On the 1st December — says, in 1870, a Government officer who was in the Camp at the time of the Stockade affair — the Government took final measures to meet assault. Every Government employ^ was armed and told off to liis post, and sentinels and videttcs were placed at several points. The principal Iniildings of the Camp, including the present Mining Board- room, in Camp street, were fortified with breastworks of fircM'ood, trusses of hay, and bags of corn from the commissariat stores, and the women and children were sent for security into the store, which was walled with thick slabs, and accounted bullet-proof. A violent storm of rain, with thunder, commenced as these arrangements were completed, and the mounted police, soaked through with the rain, spent the night standing or lying by their horses, armed, and liorses saddled ready for instant action. At 4 a.m. on Saturday, 2nd December, the whole garrison was under arms, and soon after daylight a demonstration in force was made towards Bukcry Hill without ojjposition. We heard to-day that the insurgents were visiting the outlying storcR and demamling uvms. Bodies of men are seen drilling near the Bed Jiill. No work is now carried on throughout the entire digging.s, and every phvcc of business is closed. [Taken, evidently, from a diary.] A mounted trooper from Melbourne with despatches was fired at near the ICureka line, where, through IJie information of spies, it is known that a stockade is Ijeing erected. To this pass had tlie gold discovery, ** digger hunting," and irresponsible government brought tlie place where less than four years Vjcfore tliero was nothing but pastoral silence and solitude. INSIDE TIIK STOCKADE. 105 The Eureka stockade was at first intended more as a screen behind which the diggers might drill than as a fortification. It was an area of about an acre, rudely enclosed witli slabs, and situated at the point where the Eureka Lead took its bend by the old Melbourne road, now called Eureka street. In the picture published at the Ballarat Star office, near twenty years ago, the middle of a line drawn from Mount Warrenheip, in the centre back ground, to the chimney from which smoke is issuing on the right of Sturt street, would indicate very nearly the site of the Stockade. The site, as is shown on the map herewith, lay about midway between what are now Stawell and Queen streets on the east and west, and close to Eureka street on the south. At the time of the fight the lead had not then been traced so far, but the "shepherds" were there with their shallow pits, and one or two claims were sinking. The Stockade included some of those heles, as well as some diggers' tents, where the staflf and other officers and men of the insurgent force had their quarters. Pikes were forged in the Stockade, and arms and ammunition had been largely collected. Several companies of riflemen and pikemen were formed, and a military insurgency established. The mass of the diggers did not support this armed resistance, but friends, and, it is said, enemies also, dropped into the Stockade at all hours of the day and night of Saturday the 2nd of December. Friendly butchers brought cart-loads of beef to the rendezvous, and Lalor's men lay about the fires cooking, burnishing arms, or engaged in other warlike business. Lalor, it is said, gave "Vinegar Hill" as the night's pass-word, but neither he nor his adherents expected that the fatal action of Sunday was coming, and some of his followers, incited by the sinister omen of the pass-word, abandoned that night what they saw was a badly organised and not very hopeful movement. Fatlier Smyth and Messrs. Kennedy and George Black were in the Stockade during the Saturday, and heard a project made to assault the Camp, it being declared that 2000 diggers could be got for the pui^pose, and the Camp easily taken. The three persons just mentioned did what they could to dissuade from the proposed attack on the Camp, and so left the Stockade. Mr, 106 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. Budden, J.P., a Canadian, and a school-fellow of Ross, heard of the approach of the troops and jDolice on the Sunday morning, and hastened from his tent near tlie Stockade to advise Ross to withdraw from the hopeless struggle. Challenged by the insurgent sentries, Budden succeeded at length in getting within the Stockade and endeavored to prevail on Ross to leave the place, warning him that the Government force was approaching and that resistance would be useless and fatal. Ross, however, refused to desert his comrades. The firing soon began, Budden escaped by precipitate flight to his tent, and Ross was fatally injured. All the day, on Saturday, Lessmann was out, by Lalor's orders, in quest of a liorde of vagabonds who were using the name of Lalor's "minister of war" as a cover to thievish raids upon storekeepers and others. Lessmann's and other outposts of night videttes were off duty just before daybreak on the 3rd, no attack being anticipated, but Lalor, Ross, Yern, M'Gill, and other leaders were there. We will now let the Government oflicer speak again from the Government Camp. Before daylight on the 3nl December a force, consisting of 27G men of all arms, including a strong body of cavalry, mustered quietly and left camp with the purpose of attacking the Stockade. At early dawn they reached the neighborhood of the position sought, and the advanced files were fired at by a sentinel posted within the Stockade. The order of attack was now given, and the detachment of the 40th Regiment, led by Captain 'JMiomas, the chief oilicer in command, niiide a (piick advance upon tlie double breast- work which formed tiie stronghold of the insurgents. After several vollies had been iired on both sides, the barrier of ropes, slabs, and overturned carts was crossed, and the defenders driven out, or into the shallow holes with which the place was spotted, and in wiiicli many were put to death in the first heat of the conflict, either by bullets or liy bayonet tlnnists. The foot police were first over the bai-ricade, and one, clindiing tlie flag- staff under a heavy fire, secured the rebel flag. After burning all the tents within the enclosure, and in the immediate vicinity, the troops returned to camp, and carts were sent out for tlic dead and wounded. 'I'lie latter tluis obtained immoiliate metlical aid. 'J'hey were covered witli blood, and were mostly sliot in tiie Ijreast. 'J'he number of insurgents killed is estimated ttt from thirty-five to forty, and many of those brouglit in wovuided after- wards died. Of the troops, three privates were killed, and several wounded, one of wliom died. Two oliiccrs were wounded, and one, liUKIAL OF THE DEAD. 107 Captain Wise, died. Among the arms taken in the fight were pikes of a rude construction, made on the spot, and furnished with a sort of hooked knife to cut tlae bridles of the cavahy. The dead were buried the same day in the cemetery. The bodies of the insurgents, placed in rough coliins made hui'riedly, were laid in a separate grave, the burial service being perfoi'med by the clergyman to whose congregation they 1)elonged. At night we were again under arms, as constant I'umours of an intended attack kept us on the alert. This is exhausting work, and a severe trial, especially for the military, as the men have had no rest for several nights. Indeed, no one within the lines has undressed for the last four nights at the very least. 4th December. — The funerals of several of those who fell at the iStockade and were removed by their fi'iends, took place to-day. They Avere attended by several hundred men, who marched three abreast up the Main road and past the Camp, during which the garrison was under arms. 7 p.m. — A number of insurgents, favored by a clouded moon, crept up under cover of the nearest tents beyond the palisade, and fired fiom several points upon the sentinels. This caused a sudden alarm, everyone flew to his post, and a general discharge took place, resulting, as was believed, though erroneously as to the deaths, in the death of a woman and a child in one of the tents, and in the wounding of three men on the road adjoin- ing, who unfortunately happened to be passing at the time. One of these was brought in from the road in front of the mess-house (now jNIining Board-room), and died a few days after. 5th December. — This afternoon, to our great joy, the advance guard of the relief from Melljourne, commanded by Major-General Sir Robert Nickle was seen defiling from the ranges, and soon after, the whole body, escorted by squadrons of cavalry, and accompanied by a seemingly endless string of baggage -waggons traversed the diggings, and piled arms within the lines. This force consists of 800 men, together with a large party of sailors from H. M S. Electra, and four field pieces. 6th December. — Tlie district is placed under martial law, and in obedience to a General Order, the inhabitants have brought in a large quantity of fire-arms. 9tli December. — The General attended to-day at a tent specially erected on the fiat below the Camp, to swear in special constables ; but with, as I believe, one solitary exception, no one came forward to support the Government, and the object failed. Nevertheless, the handful of persons assembled heartily cheered for the British army. This was the period of the siege of Sebastopol, the false rumor of the capture of which had just arrived. 22nd December.— Captain Wise was buried tins day with military honors. Since the time when his death became known, many flags throughout the diggings were lowered half-mast out of respect to this 108 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. officer, who had been stationed here previously, in command of the enrolled pensioners, and was a general favorite with the people. 2nd January. — A soldier, who was shot in the face, died this morning. All further apprehension of an outbreak having ceased, the Major-General and staff, with a portion of the field train and the navy, have returned to ^Melbourne, leaving about 800 men in garrison to await eventualities. Con- fidence is being now generally restored. The gold-field again presents its usual thronged and lively aspect, and the streets of the township are no longer deserted, or traversed by grim patrols of mounted troopers. 1st April. — The prisoners taken at the Stockade, and tried in Mel- bourne, were acquitted on the charge of high treason, which is considered a triumpli to tlie popular cause. And thus terminated the agitation which caused such loss of life and property to those prosecuting mining and commercial operations on the Ballarat gold-workings. Thus far goes tlie narrative of an intelligent eye-witness within the Government Camp. He is evidently in error as to the liour when shots were fired into the Camp on the night after the affair at the Stockade. At 7 p.m. it w^ould be daylight. The statement as to the firing upon the Government Camp on the evening of the 4th is traversed altogether by one who was here then and long afterwards. He says : — • The soldiers were not fired upon, though they miglit report so to save themselves. The soldiers on guard on Soldiers' Hill, being eitlier in drink or strongly excited, wantonly and savagely, witliout orders and without provocation, fired into the Flat. Ihcy came rushing out of tlie large tent like madmen, firing and re-loading, and firing again irregularly at the tents, not even a corj^oral commanding tliem. Tlicy turned round and fired at me two or three shots tliough tliey saw me in a dilfcrcnt direction from that wlience the insurgents are said to liave fired. Some allowance must be made for the opinions foinied by men in sudden (nncrgoncics like this when general alarm prevailed. That shots were exchanged between the Flat and the Government Camp appears unquestionable. As has been seen, Uw. attack by the authorities was un- expected, and tlius ])otli men of war and men of peace were found witliin the Stockade, while insurgents were absent who would otherwise have Ijoen present. There were over a hundred armed men in the Stockade, including Lalor, the chief, and a company of pikemen, and a company of musketeers, under lloss, Vern, Lynch, and Esmond. James H. M'Gill, another loader, AX INSURGENT CAPTAIN's STORY. 109 liad been previously aLsent on tlie ranges with some riflemen, ostensibly for the purpose of opposing tlie troops expected from Melbourne. There were diggers working at tlieir claims also witliin the Stockade. One of the captains under Lalor thus describes the affair : — I was on giiai'd and saw the military at the same time that the alarm was given by a digger woiking on a brace hard by. They were then at the point where the gully, running down from the Stockade, joins the head of Specimen Gully. I called out to Vern, and Vern called Lalor. We got under arms immediately, some 200 about. The first shot was fired from our party, and the military answered by a volley at 100 paces distance. Then tliere was a volley from the Stockade. The military sent out scouts on foot, and the troopers surrounded the Stockade, the party on foot being covered by tlie fire from the force posted on the high ground in the rear of tlie Free Trade Iiotel. Captain Wise led the scouts on foot, wlio broke into the Stockade where Lalor was, on the side fronting to Specimen Gully. They got in, and the firing, and piking, and bayonetting went on, and the " rebels" got into disorder and rushed into some tents and a blacksmith's shop on one side of the Stockade. The troopers fired the tents, and the rest of the military now came up. The sun had now risen, and about twenty minutes had passed since the first shot was fired. Then two soldiers appeared on the other, side with bayonets fixed. Warden Amos' horse, which we had taken with the warden before, was between me and them, and I fired my revolver. One fell, and tlie other drew back. I then fired a second shot at the soldiers, my men in the tent cheering at the time. I tlien said, " I'm off," and wheeled roimd to go out of tlie Stockade, but met some troopers and retreated, and lan into a butclier's shop close by. The military had now taken the Stockade, and they took away tlie prisoners they had. I was in the chimney, and so escaped, as they did not search. Most of our men were Irishmen . The soldiers now went off with their prisoners, and the Stockade, slabs, tents, and all were on fire. The correspondent of tlie Melbonrne Herald saw the retreat of the military with their dead, wounded, and prisoners. He says further : — I was attracted by the smoke of the tents burnt by the soldiers, and there a most appalling sight presented itself. Many more are said to have been killed and wounded, but I myself saw eleven dead bodies of diggers lying within a very small space of ground, and the earth was bespiinkled with blood, and covered with the smtking mass of tents recently occupied. Could the Government but have seen the awful sight presented at Ballarat on this Sabbath moi'ning — the women in tears, moui'ning over their dead relations, and the blood-bespattered countenances of many men in tlie 110 HISTORY OF nALLARAT. diggers' camp— it might have occurred to His Excellency that '^prevention is better than cure." M'Combie, in his "History of Victoria," gives the following account of the attack on the Stockade. On the night of the 1st December lights were observed in the tents of the diggers ; and signals were repeatedly exchanged, and &hots fired at the sentries, who were driven in. The officer in command found a large number of insurgents oi-ganising, drilling, and equipping themselves. The spies had seen their leaders telling them off in companies, and heard one of the conimanders say to tlie people that those who had no other arms should get an iron spike placed on a pole, as "that would find the tyrants' hearts I" The officer in charge issued a public notice that no light would be allowed after eight o'clock ; that no discharge of fire-arms would be tolerated upon any pretence ; and that persons disobeying these orders would be fired at. On the same day Mr. Commissioner Amos arrived at the Camp at Ballarat, with information that the diggers were occupying an entrenched camp at the Eureka, in considerable force, with the avowed intention of intercepting the troops under the Major-General, then hourly expected to arrive from ^lelbourne. During the whole of that day the insurgents had possession of the diggings, and were busy levying contribu- tions on all classes, giving the ordcis of their " miwister of war" in payment. The officer in command prudently refrained from molesting any of their detached parties. He was unable to attack the insurgents during the day, as he could not leave a force behind to protect the Camp, and resolved upon a night surprise. Circumstances favored this bold attempt. The insur- gents had not contemplated any active measures on the side of the authori- ties until the main body of troops and the commanding-officer had arrived. It was Sunday morning, and a very great portion of them were away, and those who remained had dined late, and some, no doubt, had drank deep. They were surprised by the gallant commander of the Queen's troops, Captain Tliomas, who resolved to seize the favorable opportmiity of delivering a most effective blow against them. The insurgents were posted in a very advantageous position, in a fortified camp, or rather stockade, at the Eureka. It rested on a gentle eminence, and was of considerable strength. The leaders were, liowever, not very deeply skilled in military engineering, for it was much too large, and was not protected by proper liastiona or outworks to aid tlie defenders in a general assault. Under all disadvantagcH, the diggers would have repulsed the military had the attack not l;een made at a time wlien it was totally unexpected, and when the great body were a1>sent. 'J'lie olliccr upon wlioni the responsibility of this enterprise r^ LO o u o ?i »- < < < < CD m'combie's mistakes. 113 while disapproving of tlic pliysical resistance offered by the diggers, the meeting could not, without betraying the interests of liberty, lend its aid to the Executive until the coercive measures they were attempting to introduce should be abandoned. The result of this meeting had very con- siderable weight with the Executive, and the same afternoon a Government Oazette extraordinary appeared, in which was a proclamation revoking martial law on Ballarat. The repulse at the Stockade did not depress the diggers, and a body of about 1000 armed men was, at this time, collected together on the Cres- wick road. It was very fortunate that Sir Robert Nickle, who had now assumed the command, was an old and experienced officer. He imme- diately restrained the violence of the police and military, and held several . parleys with the disaffected diggers, in which he strongly urged them to return to their duty. Some literal errors in M'Conibie's narrative we have corrected in brackets. His phrase " 30 men of Her Majesty's force " should be 30 men of the mounted 40th. They were picked men of that regiment. Raffiiello, a little further on, calls them " Indian dragoons." M'Combie is wrong also as to the diggers not being depressed by the affair at the Stockade. The action of Sunday entirely demolished the schemes of the insurgents. There was no such gathering either on the Creswick road as that mentioned by M'Combie. Archdeacon Stretch, of the English Church, bore witness to the peaceable aspect of affairs at Creswick. The Geelong Advertiser, of the 11th December, states that the Arch- deacon had l)een on "a conciliatory tour in the district, and reports the 25,000 diggers of Creswick Creek to be under tlie physical charge of tliree policemen." The three constables were enough, and no clearer evidence seems necessary to show how little disposed the general population there was to armed resistance to the authorities. Here is Raflaello's description of the attack on the Stockade : — Remember this Sabbath Day (3rd December) to Keep it Hohj.—l awoke. Sunday morning. It was full dawn, not daylight. A discharge of musketi-y — then a round from the bugle — the command " forward " — and another discharge of musketry was sharply kept on by the red-coats (some 300 strong) advancing on the gully west of the Stockade, for a couple of minutes. The shots wliizzed by my tent. I jumped out off the stretcher and rushed to my chimney facing the Stockade. The 114 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. forces within could not muster above 150 diggers. The shepherd's holes inside the lower part of the Stockade had been turned into rifle- pits, and wei-e now occupied by Californians of the I.C. Rangers' Brigade, some twenty or thirty in all, who had kept watch at the " outposts" during the night. Ross and his division northward, Thonen and his division southward, and both in front of the gully, under cover of the slabs, answered with such a smart fire, that the military who were now fully within range, did unmistakably appear to me to swerve from their ground ; anyhow the command " forward" from Sergeant Harris was put a stop to. Here a lad was really courageous with his bugle. He took up boldly his stand to the left of the gully and in front : the red-coats "fell in" in their ranks to the right of this lad. The wounded on the groixnd behind must have numbered a dozen. Another scene was going on east of the Stockade. Vem floundered across the Stockade eastward, and 1 lost sight of him. Curtahi whilst making coolly for the holes, appeared to me to give direc- tions to shoot at Vern ; but a rush was instantly made in the same direction (Vern's) and a whole pack cut for Warrenheip. There was, liowever, a brave American officer, who had the conunand of the rifle-pit men ; he fought like a tiger ; was shot in his thigh at the very onset, and yet, though hopping all the while, stuck to Captain Ross like a man. Should this notice be the means to ascertain liis name, it should be written down in the margin at once. The dragoons from south, the troopers from north, were trotting in full speed towards tlie Stockade. Peter Lalor was now on the top of the first logged-up hole within the Stockade, and by his decided gestures pointed to the men to retire among the holes. He was shot down in his left shoulder at this identical moment ; it was a chance shot, I recollect it well. A full discharge of musketry from the military now mowed down all who had their heads above the barricades. Ross was shot in the groin. Another shot struck "J'honen exactly in the mouth, and felled him on the spot. Those who suffered the most were the score of pikemen, who stood their ground from the time the whole division had been posted at the top, facing tlie Moll)()urnc road from Ballai'at, in double file under tlie slabs, to stick the cavalry with their pikes. The old com- mand, "Cliargcl" was distinctly heard, and the red-coats rushed with fixed bayonets to storm tlie Stockade. A few cuts, kicks, and pulling down, and the job was done too quickly for their wonted ardor, for they actually thrust their Ijayonets on the body of the dead and wounded strewed about on tlie ground. A wild " htniali !" ))uist out, mid the " Soutliern CjVohh" was torn down, I siiould say, among theii- hmgiiter, Hucli as if it liad l»eena prize from a May-pole. Of the armed diggers, some made off the best way tliey couhl, others surrcndeied themselves prisoners and were collected in groiijjs and marched down tlic gully. The Indian dragoons, sword in haml, rille-pistols cocked, took cliarge of them all, and brought tliciii in chains to the loi:k-up. 'I'lic red-coats were now (ird( nil to " falljii ;" lln'ir bloody wuik was over, and were marched off', dragging TRAGIC SCENES. 115 with them the " Soutlieni Cross." Their dead, as far as I did see, were four, and a dozen wounded, inchiding Captain Wise, the identical one, I think whom I speak of in relating the events of Tuesday evening, Novem- ber 28. Dead and wounded had been fetched up in carts, waiting on the road, and all red-things hastened to Ballarat. I hastened, and what a horrible sight ! Old acquaintances crippled with shots, the gore protruding from the bayonet wounds, thair clothes and ilesh ])unung all the while. Poor Thonen had his mouth literally choked with l)ullets ; my neighbor and mate Teddy More, stretched on the ground, both his tliighs sliot, asked me for a drop of water. Peter Lalor, who had been concealed under a heap of slabs, was in the agony of death, a stream of blood from under tlie slabs heavily forcing its way down liill. Raffaello piles up too much agony here. He is riglitin wounding liis hero in tlie left arm, M'Combie Ijeing in error in saying Lalor lost the right arm. A correspondent of the Gcelong Advertiser, not Irwin, gives the following tragic picture of what he saw^ : — The first thing that I saw was a number of diggers enclosed in a sort of hollow square, many of them were wounded, the blood dripping from them as they walked ; some were walking lame, pricked on by tlie bayonets of the soldiers bringing up the rear. 'Jlie soldiers were much excited, and the troopers madly so, flourishing their sM'ords, and shouting out — " We have waked up Joe 1" and others replied, " And sent Joe to sleep again !" The diggers' Standard was carried by in tiiiimpli to the Camp, waved about in the air, then pitched from one to another, thrown down and trampled on. The scene was awful — twos and tlu'ees carried together, and all felt stupefied. I went with R to the barricade, the tents all around Avere in a blaze ; I was about to go inside, when a cry was raised that the troopers weie coming again. 1'hey did come witli carts to take away the bodies. I counted fifteen dead, one G , a fine well-educated man, and a great favorite. I recognised two others, but the spectacle was so ghastly tliat I feel a loathing at the remembrance. They all lay in a small space, with their faces upwards, looking like lead ; sexcral of them were still heaving, and at every rise of their breasts, the ))lood spouted out of their woimds, or just bubbled out and trickled away. One man, a stout-chested fine fellow, apparently about forty years old, lay with a pike beside him ; he had three contusions in the head, three strokes across the brow, a bayonet wound in the throat under the ear, and other wounds in the body — I counted fifteen wounds in that single carcase. Some were bringing handkerchiefs, others bed furniture, and matting to cover up the faces of the dead. God ! sir, it was a sight for a Sa,bbath morn that, I humbly implore Heaven, may never be seen again. Poor women crying for absent husbands, and children frightened into qiiietness. I, sir, write disinterestedly, and I hope my feelings arose from a true principle ; but when I looked at that scene, my soul revolted at sucli means being so 116 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. cruelly used by a Government to sustain the law. A little terrier sat on the breast of the man I spoke of, and kept up a continuous howl ; it was removed, but always returned to the same spot ; and when his master's body was huddled with the other corpses, into the cart, the little dog jumped in after him, and lying again on his dead master's breast, began howling again. ■ was dead there also, and , who escaped, had said, that when he offered his sword, he was shot in the side by a trooper, as he was lying on the ground wounded. He expired almost immediately. Another was lying dead just inside the barricade, where he seemed to have crawled. Some of the bodies might have been removed — I counted fifteen. A poor woman and her cliildren were standing outside a tent ; she said that the troopers had surrounded tlie tent, and pierced it with their swords. She, her husband, and her children, were ordered out by the troopers, and were inspected in "their night-clothes outside, whilst the troopers searched the tent. Mr. Hasleham was roused from sleep by a volley of bullets fired througli his tent ; he rushed out, and was shot down l)y a trooper, and handcufl'ed. Ho lay there bleeding fi'om a wound in his breast, until his friends sent for a blacksmith, who forced off the handcuffs with a hammer and cold chisel. When I last heard of Mr. Hasleham, a surgeon was attending him, and probing for the ball. Shanahan, in whose store the dream of anti-British freedom ■was sketched out by tlie red-hot insurgents of the tiery period between the burning of Bentley's hotel and the military attack of the 3rd December, tells the following story : — The diggers were granted no redress, and tlieir complaints gradually grew louder until a climax was reached in October, when the murder was committed (Scobie's) near Bentley's hotel. I was at ]>entley's just before it was burnt, lientlcy I'an out and got off, or the diggers would have lynched liim. I know who set fire to the hotel. The poor fellow is dead now, and I am not going to mention his name. On the Saturday afternoon before the attack on the Stockade a deputation, consisting of Captain Ross, Black, Manning, Hayes, Curtain, and myself, and about five others, went up to the Camp to see if any redress would be given to the diggers. Tliose in charge at the Camp promised everything to tlie deputation, who then left. On the way back to the ]*iUreka we met the Creswick contingent of diggers, several hundred strong, and when they were told that a fair settlement had been promised, they laughed at it, and aaid the promises were only given to catch the diggers in a trap. Their words came true. On Saturday night there was a large number of diggers in the Stockade. I kept a store within the Stockade. Lalor was m charge, but largo iiumbcra of the men were constantly going out of the Stockade, and as the majority got drujik, they never came back. Esmond, like a gentleman as he was, got powder and shot from a shop down the Main Road, and paid for it out of iiis own pocket. The 500 or UOO from TEDDY SIIANAHAN's STORY. 117 Creswick had nothing to eat, and they, too, went down the Main Road that night. The men constantly going out — it was dry work in the Stockade — [now some long thirsty months away from the days of ten gallon grog kegs at £1 a gallon] — and Lalor seeing that none would be left if tilings went on, he gave orders to shoot any man who left. Vern cleared out immediately, and order was given to shoot him, but he got away. It was about two or three o'clock on Sunday morning when Vern went away. Those in the Stockade had anything but a pleasant time of it, as the accommodation was not sufficient even for the small number of men that remained. Any- way, after the promises received in the afternoon from the Commissioners, it was thought that there was no danger, and the diggers did not know whether to go on with the armed resistance or stop. About three o'clock in the morning thei'e wei'e about 150 pikemen inside the Stockade, and some others. M'Cullagh and Glenn, two diggers, were seen prowling about the Stockade, and they were taken jirisoners as spies. They roared for their liberty, and were let go, it being too much trouble to keep tliem. My wife and one or two other women were in the Stockade, and I was in bed, when I heard shots, crack, ci'ack, in quick succession. Got up and seized my gun, and went to the door. The soldiers were about a hundred yards away, and I could see some of our poor fellows lying dead, nine being killed by the first volley. The diggers were up, and a lot of them had evidently made up their minds to figlit to the death. When Captain Wise and his regiment saw that the diggers were awake and meant resis- tance, he sang out, " Fortieth ! are you going to retreat?" I am sure he said that. Orders had been given to pick otf the leaders of the soldiers, and Captain Wise was shortly afterwards shot. The shooting on both sides then went on, and it was only the bags of flour that kept my wife and me from being shot. A lot of the diggers commenced to run away, and after the shooting was done I saw Ned Flynn run into an old chimnej', and a soldier ran up to him and stuck him in the neck with a bayonet. Everyone they caught they slaughtered. It was not in the Stockade that they killed the majority of the diggers, but in the running away. I took refuge in an outhouse, and the troopers and soldiers did not see me. They commenced setting fire to every tent on the ground, using a pot of burning tar. Our tent was set on fire, but my wife put it out before it m as all burnt. Mrs. Shanahan was much interested at this part of her husband's narrative, and took up the story herself, saying : — I heard the firing first. ]\Iy husband was not long gone to bed, and I pulled him out and told him the firing was on. He got up, and, said I to liim, take out your gun. Tlicre is the little gun (pointing to an ancient fire arm against the wall). He went out, and must have hid him- self in a small outhouse. There was a knock at our tent door, and a trooper and a soldier came in. " Shoot that woman," said the trooper, 118 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. Tlic foot solilicr saiil, " .Spare the woman," and the trooper Kiiil, "Well, get out of this, the place is going to be burnt down." They set fire to the place, but before it M'as much burnt I managed to put it out. " The soldiers did not staj' long," continued Shanahan, " and galloped away at once. I went out and had a look i-ound. [The cautiously valiant man of big words yonder at the non- military camp in the far off Golden Point days !] There were dead bodies here and there. I would never like to see such a sight again. The poor fellows who had fought for their liberty I If all the people saw what I saw, there would soon be a grand monument up to those poor fellows. [The old man, say the interviewers, was here much moved.] We found Peter Lalor down a hole with his arm broken. We got him out, and he was taken away on Father Smyth's horse. I counted twenty-two dead. The pikemen suffered most." Mr. R. Lorimer, who was boarding at Skarrett's Victoria Restaurant, near the Stockade, in a paper he gives to us, tells how Mrs. Skarrett, by drawing a revolver from her bosom and threatening to shoot, saved her horse from being carried off on the Satui'day morning by three men who claimed to be sent by the " commander in chief." He then narrates what he saw and heard on the Sunday morning : — On the morning of the 3rd of December, immediately before daybreak, I was awoke by the sound of a bugle. My mate, Tom Green, a rifleman, who had been in active service in India, under Lord Gough, was sleeping on the table beside me. He said, "Ah ! that sound is only too well known to me ; the military are there, the bugle call means ' extend into skirmish- ing order.'" Immediately afterwards a solitary shot was fired. Another bugle call was given, and rapid firing was heard. We were all soon out of bed, or rather off tiic tables — we all slept on the tables. 'J'om (4rcen, with rifle in hand, guarded the back door, and I, with rifle in hand, mounted on the frame work of the canvas structure, looked out of the opening over the door and guarded the front. The M'omcn and children were all out of their beds, and were lying flat on the floor. By this time the firing was rapid and general, 'i'lic bullets were wliizzing about like mosquitoes, and at times were ratlicr near to be pleasant. Still, only two struck the tent. When the fight was going on, I s;iw Mr. Gaynor and two others hurrying down the luircka lead v ith ret«r Lalor. They lifted iiim up and phiced him inside of a i)i!e of slabs, which was stacked immediately opposite to my " look-out opening. " Sliortiy after l''ather Smytlic, mounted on his grey horse, rode up to the pile and spoke to Mr. Lalor. I conjectured that ho was wounded. The stores and tents in tlic Stockade were then burning. The bugle had sounded the " general assembly," and tiic soldiers were pre- paring to niiirch back to the Camp, taking with them in the ambulance carta their dead and wounded, \\ hen I f^w thorn clear away, I went out LORIMEU'S NAURATIVE. 119 with my companions and made for the pile of shi1)s. One of tlie boarders came with us in his drawers and night shirt, and had a pair of slippers on his feet. A trooper came galloping down towards us. We retired again to the tent, but our half dressed friend stood. The trooper stopped in front of him, raised his sword over his head, and called out, "Oh ! you b b , you was one of tliem. C'ome along with me, and if you look back I will cut you down." In this state, half di'cssed as he was, he was driven before the trooper to tlie logs in the Camp reserve. We then made again for the pile of slaljs. We climbed up and spoke to Lalor, who said, "For God's sake, boys, go and leave me." I replied, " If you wish to escape, now is your time ; the soldiers are gone, and the troopers have cleared away also." "Down with the pile of slabs, boys." The woi'k was done in a few seconds. Taking Lalor's coloured handkerchief, we bound it tightly over the top wound, making it a very good ligature, and giving him in charge of Billy Smythe, or Smith, to take to some place of safety, we bid him good-bye. Our half-naked friend was liberated in about a week after. Mrs. Skarrat, and one or two others, proved that he was in bed at the time of the riot ; but the trooper persisted that he was "one of them — he knew him too well." "New Zealand Jamie," or James Powell, occupied the same cell with him. Powell was very badly wounded, and his wounds got no attention from the authorities. Hundreds of maggots were crawling in and out of the festering sores, which were disgusting to behold ; but the puppets of the Camp had no pity. Death put an end to his misery and sufTering, and his body now rests in the Old Cemetery with the other victims of the misgovernment of that day. All honour to the brave fellows who fell, however misguided they may have been. Gaynor, who placed Lalor in the pile of slabs, is now a respectable farmer at Ross's Creek ; but of the others who removed him from the slab pile I know nothing, save and except myself. Mr. James M'Dowall writes : — This muster obstructed business of every description. Plunder and daylight robberies were very prevalent for a time. Stores robbed, and the contents carted into the Stockade, surrounded by guns and old rusty bayonets, the storekeepers not daring to say — what doest thou. A short time prior to this date I had gone into business in the timber trade. Finding that one of my valuable horses had been taken from one of my men when on his way home with a load of timber, I marched straight to the Stockade, and had an interview with the Commander in Chief, Frederick Vern. I endeavoured to regain possession of my horse, but without success. The Commander informed me that his men should require horses ; but pressing my claim still further, I secured a written guarantee that should any damage be done to the horse, it should be made good. This document described the horse correctly, and was signed — A. A. Black, Secretary of W^r. By order of the Commauj^or in Chief, Frederick 120 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. Vern, On the following daj-, after the battle was over, the horse was found with a very severe wound on his stern, thereby proving that he and his rider (if any) were clearing out while the battle was raging. Soon after that date the government sent up a Commission of Enquiry, and advertise- ments appeared, inviting anyone who had suffered any loss to present their claims. I, amongst others, attended, gave evidence, and presented my written guarantee, which was looked on as a great curiosity. The Com- mission impounded the document, but never paid one penny, whilst some others were paid handsomely for their losses, or supposed losses. On my return from the Stockade I paid a visit to the Commissioners' Camp, and demanded protection from the authorities, but was told that the proper time had not arrived. When looking over this Camp, according to the description given by me before the Commission, a ring being formed round the Camp and guarded by the police, the authorities were concealed behind a fortification made of bales of hay and other horse feed in bags, and I was only allowed to speak to the said authorities through a small space near to the roof of a verandah of the house wherein they were fortified. The following day presented a sad spectacle on the same spot, where the wounded and dying were congregated, and were under the hands of the medical men. Mr. Arthur Croft, an old digger, who arrived in Ballarat early in No^■enlbcr, 18.52, as one of a party of seven, writes as follows : — " AVe paid £84 to bring us up, a dray with only one horse in the shafts." An incredibly higli price to pay for the luxury of " liolding on to a rope going down hill to keep the dray from going too f;ust," and then having to submit to being bogged and capsized, witli accompanying smashes of " nearly all our cooking materials," etc. The old digger's next experience was witli liis mates sinking a shallow hole at Little Bendigo, where they got no gold, for the diggers in tlie adjoining hole advised them to drive away from the gold, whilst the advisers " were taking out the gold all the time — artful old dogs." Other failures caused the party to break up, and our friend says his brother took tlie TJalligiioy liotcl in the lilack ]iill flat, "where a J'Vccmasons' lodge was hrld." Tlie lodge was at the Bal- laguj hotel. !RIeanwhil(^ Croft was in a claim on the Gravel Pits, and while at tlie windlass one day " a lady stranger came up to me and asked how it was looking ; so I told lier. We talked together for some time, and she explained the mode of digging in California. Wc;!!, the mi'iTs time below was up, and she gave me a hand at th(; windlass, and when the men came up ■ OTICE ?? Recent eventis at the Mines at Ballaarat render it iieeeiisapy for all trui'^ HuhJ^eetH of the Qneen, and all iiitning:eri$ wh€> have reeelved hoj^pitality and protection under Her ttatin to assist in preserving Social Order Al^tt Maintaiiiiiig the Snpromacy of the Law. The question new agitated by the disaffeeted i» not v^hcther sm enact> ment cao be amended or oni^t to be repealed, but whether the Law is, or Is uot, to be administered in tlie name of Heb Majestt. Anarehy and iMfufaoion must ensue unless those who eling to the Institutions and the soil of their adopted Cauntrj step prominentlj forward. His Excellency relies upoa the loyalty nnd sound feeling of the Colooicto. 411 faithAil subjects, and all strangers who have had equal rights extended te them. »»« therefore callea «pon to EXROL. THElII§ii:L.TEIi places as maj be appointed b>' the Civic At le Magistrates in the several Towns of the < CHAii. HOTHAM. and be prepared to assemble at sdch places as maj be appointed b>' the Civic Anthoriti M In Melbourne and Geelong, and hy the Magistrates in the several Tovrns of the Coloay. LTHctjTi oas miitBi. oovnmniT raanK. »iCito>:!u.?- nfoncE! (iut».R!%HS9iT Camp. B/iLL«itAT, liiK(, Sao, 1864. n»r Mi^Mt/V Forcrs wcrv Ibia Morning flred upon bj « large body «r r>il-diipiiid the pt'naitjr of Ibt^r crime, and a large number are io Custody. All weUHli8;>08«d persons are earuectly requeoted to return t» thtir ttrdinary tiertu. psitt«)Ki, and to abstatitj^om nfrmbiing in lm-g» gr0upt, and e^ery protection will be i*fk*v4*^ to thcni bv the Autboritie*. Re«iDEIVT i'OUMIK^IONEM COD SAVE THE QUEEN Iff ■ * • PRIHTO* »^i irHK"TIMt:S' OlfnCE, B«KF.HY IIIH, B«LL«iiiAT. ARTHUR croft's FORTUNES. 121 sho Avcnt away, Ijut left a pound to spend amongst us. She was tlie renowned Lola IMontes, the splendid dancer and man-killer — ■ I mean for her beauty. So we named the claim the Lola Montes, and wrote it in charcoal on the canvas of the tent. The very day after that she horsewhipped Seekamp, the editor of the paper at that time." After this adventure, our hero turns up " in the Township," where he sold his share for £10, and "the very next day they shared about £10 a man, and upwards for several months afterwards — in all about £200 a man," The narrative is incoherent as to dates and other things, but the consummation in the shape of " £200 a man" is intelligible. After that, this not very lucky digger opened the "Blue and White Flag" store, close to where the diggers subsequently built their Stockade. On the fatal Sunday morning he ventured into the Stockade, when the little battle was all over, having first hoisted the blue and white flag half-mast high. " The poor fellows lay covered with bullet wounds. There was a little dog close to one of them, and he would not allow anyone to touch him." Whether the " him" refers to the dog " or one of them," we do not know, so we will say, in the words of the old digger, "no more on that miserable aftair — it was all brought about regarding the 30s. license." The narrator, after passing through a very hazy thereafter, emerges in a few years upon the Corner. " Another spec," he senten- tiously proceeds. " Tried sharebroking. Went as clerk to one of them. Regarding the inse of shares, the greatest took place in a claim called Waterloo. They were worth £70 in the morning, and went up to £500 or more before the day was out. I was making sale notes out all the time for Mr. Croyle, the broker." Fortune never smiled benignly upon this Protean adventurer, and his modesty sums up all the subsequent course, so far, of his pilgrimage here in the words — " I am still li\'ing in Ballarat." He is one of the " Old Identities," or " Old Colonists," mentioned elsewhere, and we may well take our leave of him in wishing him a happy issue out of all his troubles. The fortunes of the Ballarat branch of the Bank of Victoria during the troubles between the diggers and the authorities, that is just as the troubles were aljout to culminate at the Stockade, 122 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. tlirow some light on tlie state of things at that time. In tlie October of 1 854, just before the collision at the Stockade, the bank was an " iron pot," that is, a frame of wood lined and covered with galvanised iron. It was on the south side of Sturt street, just east of the Survey office of that time, and about 150 feet west of the corner of Doveton street. One Saturday, about noon, tliree or four armed bushrangers walked into the bank, tied and gagged John Buckley, the manager, and the accountant, one Marshall, took notes and cash to the amount of =£18,000, and vanished. In the following November a new manager was sent up, Mr. "William Robertson, who has been here ever since. He has lately surrendered his charge, but till then (close of 1886) was the oldest banker in Ballarat. The iron pot Avas abandoned after the rol >bery, and a stone building, set up where the present bank is in Lydiard street, was purchased by the bank proprietary. It was a poor ailair, though the first stone liouse erected in Bal- larat, and may, in part, now be seen doing service as a shabby little one-story cottage in Holmes street, two doors from Grenville College. Still it was, for 1854, a great architectural achieve- ment, and at one time attracted military notice. This was tlie week preceding the attack upon the insurgent diggers at the Stockade. At that time patrols of troopers and mounted infantry of the 40th Begimcnt were told ofl" to draw a cordon round the Camp, and so great was the apprehension that masses of diggers would come into Ballarat from Creswick, Mount Alexander, and other places, that the military patrols prohibited any persons not resident within the streets adjacent to the Camp from passing along those thoroughfares. Fear had fallen upon all sides, and one day a >)anker seriously suggested to Mr. Robertson the pro- priety of their concealing their treasures somewhere in the bush. He rejected this advice, and though the banks took their treasure chests to the Camp every evening, he also rejected advice from the Camp authorities to abandon the bank and come into Camp till tin- trouble was over. Now, as (he Imnk was f)f stone, and the Camp of canvas or wood, Mr. J{obertson waited upon Cajitain Thomas, the olliix'r in command, and rej)resented to him the possi- bility of the diggers seizing an empty stone building thus facing the BANK OF VICTORIA FORTIFIED. 123 Camp, and making it a point (Vappin for attack. Tlie captain saw the danger, and instead of getting the banker to desei't his bank, sent men to fortify it. Tliis was a few days before tlie Stockade affair, and until the fatal Sunday was over, all business at the bank was suspended. The doors and windows were boarded over thickly, and bags of chaff, bran, hay, sand, or what not, were heaped up behind the boards to make the place bullet proof. Thirty-six civilians from the Camp, armed with muskets, were sent over to the bank every night. They were divided into three squads, officered by Commissioners Webster, Johnstone, and another, and anxious watch was kept up at a sky light at the rear, and commanding the then near bush, so that the approach of the expected insurgent reinforcements that way might be detected in time. At dawn of Sunday, the 3rd December, a trooper came from the Camp to the bank garrison to put them on their guard, as something was going to happen. Soon after that the discharge of fire arms in the distance was heard, and in a short time another trooper came to the bank to say all the trouble was over, and the garrison could sally forth in safety or stand at ease within the fort. Mr. Robertson says he and others went out, and he saw the military and troopers returning into Camp with from a hundred to a hundred and fifty prisoners, and dying Captain Wise borne by soldiers on a litter into Camp. With regard to the attack on the Stockade, the author has a letter signed " John Neill, late of the 40th Regiment," and dated from Devil's Gully on the 7th of February, 1870. Neill thus describes the approach of the troops and what followed, his grammar only being amended and redundant matter omitted : — As a military man, and one who took a most prominent part in all the military movements of that day, I beg leave to offer a remark upon the statement made by the Government officer of the Camp. The small force consisted of detachments of the 12th and -lOth Regiments, and a few troopers and foot police, the whole under the command of Captains Thomas and Wise, and a Lieutenant of the ]2th — I forget his name. The order to fall-in and be silent was given, and when Captain Thomas had spoken a few words we were put in motion, led by Captain Wise. The party had not advanced three hundred yards before we were seen by the rebel sentry, who fired, not at our party, but to warn his party in the Stockade. He was on Black Hill. Captain Thomas turned his head in the direction of the shot, 124 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. and said — " We are seen. Forward, and steady men ! Don't fire ; let the insu-gents fire first. You wait for the sound of the bugle." [More credible this than Teddy Shanahan's version.] When M'ithin a short dis- tance of the Stockade, the insurgents fired. Captain Wise fell, wounded mortally. The same volley wounded the lieutenant of the l'2th, already spoken of, and three of his men ; two killed, one wounded of the 40th— Privates Michael Roony, Joseph Wall, killed ; William Juniper, badly wounded. The Camp officer says the police were the first to enter the Stockade. He is wrong. There was not one j)oliceman killed or wounded during the whole affair. When Captain Wise fell the men cheered, and were over in the Stockade in a second, and then bayonet and pike went to work. The diggers fought well and fierce, not a word spoken on either side until all was over. The blacksmith who made the pikes was killed by Lieut. Richards, 40th R,egiment. Honor to his name : he fought well and died gloriously. It was rumored that at that time the police were cruel to the Mounded and prisoners. No such thing. The police did nothing but their duty, and they did it well for men that were not accus- tomed to scenes of blood or violence. To my knowledge there was only one wounded man despatched, and he kept swinging his pike about his head as he sat on the ground. His two legs were broken, and he had a musket ball in his body. He could not live, and it was best to despatch him. His name was O'Neill, a native of Kilkenny, Ireland. I heard this statement from a sergeant of police, and I know it was correct. It is but just that it should be stated that, in reply to RafFaello's statement tliat Kennedy took up the cause of the diggers out of mere regard for Scobie, Kennedy avers, in a letter in the Dallarat Star of the 22nd December, 1856, addressed to llaffaello : — If sulTering and loss be a proof that I have something jnorc than talking heroism, or a prejudicial love for my country or countrymen, lam the man that can give that proof. Last year the same Thomas Kennedy sacrificed £1800 for the cause of tlic diggers alone ; but that is not all. I have some- times wrought ten hours a day for three days running on bread and water on account of these rows. Kennedy generally defends himself in liis letters against RafFaello's criticisms, and says, as to the license-burning meeting, tliat he refused to join that movement unless 4000 came forward to join th(! League. He tlien .says : — Hut, R.ipliacllo, I well remember on that day tliat wlicn you came for- ward and addressed the public (to use your own phraseology towards other people in liagn fifl), " such suicidal rant" was used l)y you that day that I was compelled to take you by the arm and conduct you from the front of KENNEDY AND RAFFAELLO, 125 the platform to nearly the middle of it, and I believe from that moment your Italian blood was aroused, and in some measure interprets some part of your work. Most people who knew Raffaello will be ready to say tliat Kennedy's story is not very improbable. Raffaello speaks in fierce language of his treatment in the " lousy logs." He was taken with the other State prisoners to Melbourne : — On passing through tlie Eureka I got a glance of my snug little tent, where I had passed so many happy hours, and was sacred to me on a Sunday. There it lay deserted, uncared for. My eyes were choked with tears, and at forty years of age a man does not cry for little. In his 77th chapter he gives the following account of tlie killed and wounded at the Stockade : — Requiescat in Pace. — Lalor's Report of the Killed and Wounded at the Eureka Massacre, on the morning of the memorable Third of December, 1854 : — The following lists are as complete as I can make them. The numbers are well known, but there is a want of names. I trust that the friends or acquaintances of these parties may forward particulars to The Times office, Ballaarat, to be made available in a more lengthened narra- tive. Killed : — 1, John Hynes, County Clare, Ireland ; 2, Patrick Gittins, Kilkenny, Ireland ; 3, — MuUins, Kilkenny, Limerick, Ireland ; 4, Samuel Green, England ; 5, John Robertson, Scotland ; G, Edward Thonen (lemonade man), Elbertfeldt, Prussia ; 7, John Hafele, Wurtem- berg ; 8, John Diamond, County Clare, Ireland ; 9, Thomas O'Neil, Kil- kenny, Ireland ; 10, George Donaghey, Muff, County Donegal, Ireland ; 11, Edward Quin, County Cavan, Ireland ; 12, William Quinlan, Goulbourn, N.S. W. ; 13 and 14, names unknown, one was usually known on Eureka as "Happy Jack." Wodnded and Sikce Dead: — 1, Lieutenant Ross, Canada ; 2, Thaddeus Moore, County Clare, Ireland ; 3, James Brown, Newry, Ireland ; 4, Robert Julien, Nova Scotia ; 5, — Crowe, unknown ; 6, — Fenton, unknown ; 7, Edward M'Glyn, Ireland ; 8, no particulars. Wounded and Since Recovered : — 1, Peter Lalor, Queen's County, Ire- land ; 2, name unknown, England ; 3, Patrick Hanafin, County Kerry, Ireland ; 4, Michael Hanly, County Tipperary, Ireland ; 5, Michael O'Xeil, County Clare, Ireland ; 6, Thomas Callanan, County Clare, Ireland ; 7, Patrick Callanan, County Clare, Ireland ; 8, Frank Symmons, England ; 9, James Warner, County Cork, Ireland ; 10, Luke Sheehan, County Galway, Ireland; 11, Miclmel Morrison, County Galway, Ireland; 12, Dennis Dynan, County Clare, Ireland. (Signed) Peter Lalor, Commander-in-Chief. 126 HISTORY OF BALLARAT How many others owed their death to the Stockade attack can hardly be stated. Some lingered long, and died of wounds received there. The jNIelbourne Herald of the 12th May, 1856, reported : — Amongst the deaths of recent occurrence at the Benevolent Asj'lum is that of Frederick Coxhead, native of London, lawyer's clerk, and 24 years of age. He sided with the insurgents at the memorable battle of the Eureka Stockade at Ballarat, and received a gun-shot wound. Compression of the brain ensued, and an abscess then set in, which terminated fatally on Sunday. The authorities were under the impression that Yern was the insurgent leader, and as Yern, and Lalor, and Black, the " minister of war," escaped the grip of the assaulting force, re- wards were oftered for their apprehension. For Yern, as the presumed chief, £500 were offered, and for Lalor and Black £200 each None of them were ever arrested. Black was not present at the affair of the 3rd. Lalor had been severely wounded, and was supposed at first to be dead. He was covered up by a pike- man with slabs, till the soldiers retreated with their prisoners, when he left his hiding place, weary and faint with pain and loss of blood. Having made good his escape, he was, after divers troubles, secreted at a friendly hut on the ranges, where friends ministered to his necessities. On the night of the 4th he was conveyed to Father Smyth's house, where his arm was amputated by Dr. Doyle. Women may live nojirer to the invisible than men, and be more rich in gifts of K})iiitual vision. Dreams and pre- sentiments ai-e sometimes theirs when the strongf^r sex see and hear nothing. It was said tliat Laloi's betrothed in (Sieelong — whom lie aftciwai'ds married — saw liim "in a vision of the night" or early morning of the 3rd J)eceml)er, wounded and bleeding before lu-r. Tt was further said that her vision was a tolerably arcnrate picture of his actual condition. In an age of vote by ballot and much hard iron machinery Puck's declaration has been realised in the electric tclcgi-aph, and, still, " there are more things in heaven and eaitli than arc dreamt of in our philosophy." To leave the sp(!culative for the known, it will suffice here to record that searcli for the fugitive chiefs was made, and Lalor, who had many narrow escapes, was hiddni in various places l)y liis fi'iends now m'cill escaped. 127 till the storm liad blown over, when he was removed to Geelong, and underwent further surgical operations, the authorities appear- ing to have given over the pursuit. Ross had died from wounds received on the Sunday morning, and Vern escaped, and hid in various phices till danger passed away with tlie subsequent acquittal of the State prisoners. M 'Gill's story is that he and some others, not tliinking all was over when they fled, repaired to Creswick with a view to get out of harm's immediate way, and to secure two field-pieces that were said to be on Captain Hep- burn's property at Smeaton. Tliat project was soon abandoned, and M'Gill had to disguise himself and fly. He was met at the Springs by Mrs. Hanmer and anothoi', who furnished him witli woman's attire, in which he travelled Ijy coach to INIelbourne on the 5th, passing Sir Robert Nickle and his troops on their way up near the Moorabool. By advice of the since notorious G. F. Train, then Melbourne agent for the White Star Company's line of ships, IVI'Gill, disguised afresh in man's attire, went on board the " Arabian" as an oflicer of the ship. In tlie meantime Train and other Ameiican citizens interposed on behalf of their com- patriot, whose youth — he was then about twenty-one years old — they pleaded in bar of grave punishment. Train sent to M'Gill one day, got him ashore, took liim to Sir Charles Hotham's at Toorak, and after a brief interview the Governor, who expressed surprise at M'Gill's youth, bow^ed them out hopefully. Train next informed bis client that the Government would not interfere to prevent his escape if he left the colony forthwith. M'Gill, however, still by the ever-vigilant Train's agency, was passed on as an invalid to the health oflficer's quarters at Port Phillip Heads, where he remained until the acquittal of the State priso- ners practically proclaimed liberty to all the compromised. It was rumored at one time that M'Gill shot Captain Wise, then that he was pardoned because he saved Captain Wise's life in the Stockade, then that he was let off because he was an American. What happened to him because of his nationality cannot be pre. cisely known. He avers that he neither shot Captain Wise nor saved him from any threatened harm. As to his Americanism, it is certain that a strong feeling existed at the time airainst what 128 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. was considered a fear of American influence on the part of the Government. It is equally certain that the Government attri- buted the outbreak in a great measure to the treasonable schemes of concerting foreigners then in Ballarat and active in the agita- tions of the time. That intelligent witness of most of the incidents during the whole agitation, upon Avhose papers in the Ballarat Star we have so freely drawn, makes the following statement relative to the later scenes in tlie drama : — After the captiu-c of the Stockade, it may well be imagined that there was a good deal of flight and hiding indulged in, and some singuhir mcidents could be narrated in reference thereto. Lalor, Esmond, and others, some of them immediately, and others from time to time, found their way to (leelong, where they were secreted by various friends. The local police knew where most of the Geelong fugitives were, but as most of tliem had influential friends they were not molested, the more so as the Government said they had quite enough of the insurgents in their clutches. Messrs. Black and Kennedy started in company to make for Geelong. The latter, in his usual self-opinionated way, assured his companion that he knew all about tlie road to Geelong by way of the Mount Misery Ranges. How the fugitives took a pair of scissors and " barberised" each other, exchang- ing clothes, and generally disguising themselves, need not be minutely detailed. At last, towards evening, Kennedy acknowledged he was lost, tliough after a time a smoke was seen, and was soon found to be from an encampment, a sort of out-station depot or rural retreat for some of the rowdy boys of IJallarat. Kennedy was for being very mysterious, but Black frankly told the men that lie and his companion were in some trouble — what he did not say — with the Government. He also let tlicm see that he had plenty of money, and gave them i'o to get some stores. The messengers who went for the stores returned on the Monday evening, 1)ringing a bottle of wine. How a decent fellow of the party took Black's side when some of his mates would have ill-treated him— how IMack and Kennedy separated, the latter going bullock-driving — and how Black, meeting with other fugitives, at last got up to Melbourne, where liis friends secreted him — would fill columns ; but these things are more of a private or personal than a public interest. Mr. Scekamp was arrested on the Monday after tiie capture of the Stockade, he luiving .€105 on liim, and about to go to Bendigo. An extraordinary issue of tlic Ballarat Times was in course of publication wlien Mr. Seekamp was arrested. Hearing of his arrest, a friend called at the Timi'H office and found a quiet cnougli account of tlie capture of tho Stockade, wound up l)y about a " stickful" commencing thus, " This foul uud Idoody murder calls to liigli Heaven for vengeance, terrible and im- mediate," &c., &c. The copies that had been already printed were taken li-illlll*!'. lit I IHlli Mil aii^i II M U Hl^ 1^^ 1 I hi ^li!ifUi ^l|l?s|t=-tll!||^| •W " 'e 2 £) 1 'jr •29— c>J»-=5 a Mi -. o 4" S dj V ? a as S 5 • 1 - - -^I| si** c so « = 7 .a • lil « 5 J £.2,5 i = 1. ?e * - 5 r- = -CBS SA » * - 3 e S > £ »■ a 3 * . J ~ o -S as "C 2 •< s S 2 5 < «; « . b s « ■- 2 * = "2 tS > *^ ^ y. ^ b S ^ "^ H O (ID € S Sin 8 * s J' ^ B W ^ ^■ S a > a, ^ S 4 » 3 H ! ^ § ^ & 1 ^ £ © i ^ 9 Wher«as Two Persons of the Namejs of LATE OF BAt.I>.4ARAT Did on or about the 13th day of November last, at that place, use certain TREASONABLE AND SEDITIOUS LANGUAGE, And incite Men to take up Arms, with a Tiew to make war against Our Sovereign Lady the CtUEEN : NOTICi: Il§ HEREBY OITEIN That-a Reward of £2f00 will be paid to any person or persons giving such information as may lead to the Apprehension of either of the abovenamed parties. DESCRIPTIONS. lAVfJJiii. — Hel|i,''<>t S ft. i> in., a^^e 36, bair dark broviu, nbkkcrs dark brown and shared under the • iln, do - £aua oovtamiuir i-wiihb. meisoi'ms REHTARD FOR THi: APPREHEIMNIOBf OF Pr eder ick ITem WSEREAS A Man known by the name of TERN, han nnla>vfullly. reboilinusly, and traitorously Jevied and arrayed Armed Ulen at BaUaarat, in the Colony of Victoria, with the view of ntakinj^ war against Our Sovereign Lady the dCEEN : J^OTICJE IS HEREBY' GIVEN- That whoever will give sueh information as may lead to the Apprehension of the said VERK, nball receive A REWiIRD OF £S00 being the Reward ottered by SiH RoBEnx I^ickle. By His E.tceU«'ttcy''» Command, JfOHW F OSTER. DrscnrpTroN or vern. TnIK about 6 f^ct lOJ mv\\e>., lone light hair falling heavily on th< side or hi« b(« whisSiPr. a lar<:« flat face. e,Yr8 light grev or green and very wis?^' asunder. Speah- with a stroug rorci<;ii ac4>eni. A 'Hanoverian "by birth, about 26 year^ of age. filS > M s s 9 a i ■_ a2 9 ti s nss 9 -p4 i4 ^ 9C 'B> % SS B ^ B S« 2Fr 2.* «^B ^ •? ^-^ SB t, ,« f r" ;s ■ B'S-S^S 4^ s • .« "3 f^ S 'S S ^ ^ ^ r © "S 2 1^^ * S £ ssa ^-sj S « g je S S>9 M A « (ii 5r ^ s w ^ =! "i 5fc $ ± A WOUNDED PRESSMAN. 129 away and burned, all save one, which probably by this time has shared the same fate. After the acquittal of some of the State prisoners and the release of the remainder of them, those who had not been apprehended, and for whom large rewards had been offered, were in a somewhat anomalous position. Virtually they were as free from blame and as little hindered as others from going about, but actually they had the reward hanging over them, and some of them, at least, might tempt a needy man to assassinate them, as the reward was for them " dead or alive." Well, a land sale was advertised to be held in the old Police-court on the Camp. Some of the allotments were at Glendaruel, and Lalor had decided to pur- chase some of them. Of course, he could do so by an agent, but he pre- ferred a bolder course, for, to the astonishment of his friends, all of whom by this time knew where he was, he appeared publicly on the day of the land sale, went to the Police-court to bid for the allotments, and when asked who's the purchaser, gave his name in the usual way. There was no more secrecy after this ; the matter was reported to head-quarbers, and the rewards were withdrawn in an early number of the Government Gazette. Very barbarous excesses were charged against some of the troopers and other members of the civil arm, and one Powell was declared to have been murdered in cold blood, by Arthur Purcell Akehurst, a Government officer, but the oliicer was acquitted by the jury at the trial. Raffaello and the journals of the day give particulars of this very ugly episode. Akehurst is now a magis- trate, and chairman of the Central Board of Health. Wanton wounding of mere spectators or unresisting insurgents was al- leged to have been perpetrated, and it was gravely suspected that some wounded men were burned alive when the troopers fired the tents. One of the wounded spectators was Frank Arthur Ilasle- liani, tlien acting for the coi'respondent of the Geelong Advertiser. Hasleham, in a memorial for compensation, describes himself as " a native of the good town of Bedford, and son of a military officer, to wit, William Gale Hasleham, who bore His Majesty's commission in the 48th Foot at Talavera." He was compensated by the Government subsequently, and after some years' sojourn here he went home to England. Some twenty-three who fell were buried by their friends, and the anniversary of the day was kept up with gradually decreasing demonstration. It may be stated here that the news of the attack on the Stockade reached Melbourne on the same day, and while Governor Hotham aud Secretary Foster were attending divine service at St. James' 130 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. Church, ill Melbourne. Attorney-General Stawell and others Avere seen earnestly talking near tlie church, waiting for the Governor, and when his Excellency came out Foster went his way home, the Attorney-General and other of the Ministers accom- panied the Governor to the Government printer, Mr. John Ferres, and urged him at once to issue a placard. This placard was printed and posted about the city on the Sunday, although dated as on the previous day. This placard was the one in which the Governor calls on " all British subjects to abstain, not only from identifying themselves" with " evil disposed persons," but " to render support and assistance to the authorities." The placard by the French consul was printed also on the Sunday. At the Governor's special and personal request also, on the 6th of December, a placard was issued with tlie words in large letters " Sevastopol is taken." This was declared to be a stratagem to divert public attention from the meeting to be held on that day in Melbourne for expression of sympathy with the Ballarat diggers. ]\Iany of those who were officially close to Sir Charles Hotham in those days were warm in liis praise. They spoke of him as " a splendid fellow," and asserted boldly that he was misled by bad advisers. On Monday, the 4tli December, 1854, the Government issued a procL-uiiation placing the "district of l^uninyoiig" — for the old name with slightly chaiig(;d s])elliiig still prevailed over that of Ballarat — under martial law. On the same day, in the after- noon, an extraordinaiy Gazette was issued, calling on " all true subjects of the Qu(!en, and all strangers who have received hospi- tality and prot(!ction under her Hag to enrol themselves, and be pi(^pared to assemble at such places as may be appointed by the civic authorities in Melbourne and G(!clong, and by the magis- trates in the several towns of the colony." Simultaneously a re- ward of £500 for Vern's appreliension, was oU'ered, as the authorities not only thought he was tli(^ coniinand(U' of the insur- gents, but were haunted by another delusion, l)()in of rumor, that Vern and some associates v/{\n\ (M-ecting anotlxu- stockade; in tiie Warrenheip forest. The metropolis was frightened from its propriety liy the aspect of aHairs at liallarat. Tlie Herald re- ALARM IN MELBOURNE. 131 ported on the 4th that " One time it was said that an invading army of diggers was marching upon Melbourne, intending a general sack and pillage ; next, that portions of the road were beset with guerilla parties anxious to have a shy at any detached troops and police who might happen to pass. * * * Through- out the day there was almost a constant swearing-in of special constables at the police-office." Deputations waited upon the Governor, declaring their loyalty. Meetings were convened in the metropolis, some to sympathise with the diggers, others to rally round the law and the authorities. Thus were the distant places shaken by the collision of that early Sunday morning at Ballarat. The poor diggers, in truth, wanted neither " sack nor pillage," but only to be treated as freemen, and to be governed by laws made by parliaments in which they had free representation, and not by laws enacted by a nominee legislature, and insolently, and sometimes corruptly, administered by men irresponsible to the people. Yet, as has been said before, there were rash and foolish and disloyal men among the insurgents. To them, and them alone, may be fairly applied the words of Sir C. Hotham in reply to one of the deputations to whom he spoke of " designing men who had ulterior views, and who hoped to profit by anarchy and confusion." But such men are found in all uprisings, and their presence in this one neither justified the wrongs of the times nor deprived the resistance of freemen of its inherent virtue. The Melbourne alarm, however, was not without fruit. The sympathy meetings were attended by large masses, ajid men of all classes united in condemning tlie misrule wliicli had caused the outl)reak. It chanced that just about this time the members of the Mel- bourne bar were roused by an attack by the Geelong Advertiser upon one of their brotherhood, who was accused of conduct un- becoming a prudent lawyer and a true gentleman. Then the barristers rushed to arms and fought on platforms in their brother's behalf, and while their weapons were yet keen-edged and bright the lawyers gathered also to the larger battle then waging between the gold-fields population and the Government. At a mass meeting held on the 13th January, 1855, in Swanston street — where the Anglican Cathedral is now slowly rising in its 132 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. fair proportions — the State prisoners being yet untried, a petition for a general amnesty was adopted. In that petition the true cause of the rising, in so far as its moral force phases had gone, Avas set forth as follows : — Tlie recent uuhappy outbreak at Ballarat was induced by no feeling of disaffection to the person of her Majesty, and by no traitorous designs against the institutions of the monarchy, but purely by a sense of political ■Nsi'ong, a loss of confidence in the local administration of law, and an ir- ritation engendered by the injudicious and offensive enforcement of an obnoxious and invidious tax, which, though legal, has since been con- demned by the Goldlields Commission. Thousands of people in Ballarat subscribed a similar petition, but the Government refused the amnesty. The whole colony felt the rising to be serious. The Executive was certainly alarmed, and on the 7th December Mr. Foster, the Chief Secretary, gave way before the popular storm and resigned office. Foster was a member of the Vesey family in the Irish peerage. To him, as the prime spirit in the Legislative Council and Cabinet, great odium attached, for he was regarded as the mainstay of the system of misrule and nomineeism, and his resignation was, therefore, judicious if not necessary. It is probable that Sir Charles Hothani, however, was more directly responsible for the policy of tlie time tlian, to judge from the general feeling against Foster, was supposed by the population generally. Mr. Samuel Irwin furnishes some evidence, or liints of evidence, in suppoi't of tliis probability. He says, in his contri1)utions to tlie BaUarat Star on the ]^jUi'oka Stockade afVair : — Those who take an interest in tliese matters and have the reiiuisite leisure might, among other documents, refer to the evidence given before a select committee of Parliament in the case of Mr. Foster when lie sought to gain his pension. From the evidence in this case they will find that a very unwilling witness .says Sir Charles llotham had made up his mind before he left lM)gland what course he would pursue, and that he had even in sight of the English coast, said that the unruly gold-finders wanted " IJood letting." 'J'he expression may not be literally correct, but at all events it signified that lie would adojit repressive measures on Ills arrival. The same evidence— dragged from an unwilling witneas— also went to show that Sir Charles Jlotham used to corrcspoiul with the Resident Com- nuHfiioiier on the gold-fields in cypher and without the advice or even the knowledge of Mr. Fobter. This much in justice to the reputation of one of FOSTER SUCCRKDED BY HAINES. 133 the best abused men of the time referred to, who, whatever other sins he was guilty of, was not so of one-half of those then laid to his charge. The burning of Bentley's hotel, as may be imagined, created no small consterna- tion in the official mind. With the now well ascertained opinions of Sir Charles Hotham on subordination, it may be readily imagined that he was furious at this open revolt against the law and fully bent on avenging the outrage, Mr. Haines succeeded Foster, and the Legislative Council a day or two afterwards passed an Act of Indemnity for the declaration of martial law. The Act of Indemnity was passed on the 15th December, and on the 11th and 18th the Government offered rewards for the apprehension of Vern, Lalor, and Black, Judge Wrixon and some barristers were at Bath's hotel on the 4th December, in readiness to open the General Sessions, but though the gaol was full of prisoners the sessions could not be held, because the Court-house had been turned into a guard- room, and jurymen could hardly be got together in that time of disturbance. The Melbourne Herald had sent up a special cor- respondent, and on the 4th December he described his view of the position of affairs. He discovers a solemn sense of the im- portance of his office, asserts anxiety to preserve a just neutrality, but feels bound to declare " it would appear that the Government officials here are determined to lose no opportunity of prolonging that animosity which it should be their duty to obliterate for ever." That it was their duty is certain, and it would have been well had they quickened duty with honest endeavor. The HeralcVs ordinary, or "own," correspondent also, on the 8th December, while the martial law recently proclaimed was still in force, takes occasion to denounce the civil officers of the Govern- ment Camp by contrasting their rule with that of the military regime. He says : — The martial law administered by Sir R, Nickle is about as far superior to the Commissioners' law, under which we have been so long laboring, as it is possible for anything human to be. Had Sir R. Nickle arrived here a few days before, the bloodshed of last Sunday would have been avoided. There is ample reason for adopting this writer's view of the situation. If the military rule was strong and odious because of its nature, and the reflection of wrong which it tlirew upon the 134 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. diggers, it was also free from the still more odious and exasperat- ing insults of the rule of civilians enforcing an irksome law with cruel impertinence and harassing personal injuries. The procla- mation of martial law was objected to at the time as unconstitu- tional, and some protests were made. Whether the proclamation was right or wrong, it is a notable fact that it did not cover the attack of the military upon the diggers in the Stockade That tragedy was enacted without the reading of the Riot Act or the sanction of the existence of martial law, the proclamation being made on the day after the Stockade action. Another anomaly was the Iiolding a coroner's inquest on one body only. The time was, it seems, out of joint in many particulars. On the 6th December a large meeting of diggers was held on Bakery Hill, Mr. Thomas Williams in the chair. Humfiray was there and Dr. Wills, father of the brave explorer who perished with Burke. Coleman and Mosterd were there, who afterwards were elected members of the Local Court. Resolutions were adopted whose tone showed the influence of the fiery blast of Sunday morning, and the rigor of maitial law. They were mildly drawn, but with a double meaning, apparently, being ap- plicaljle to either the authorities or the insurgents according to the mind of the interpreter. Here are the resolutions : — Moved by Mr. Donald, seconded by Mr. W. Levy — "That this meeting views with regret the proceedings of the last week, rendering it necessary to assert the sovereignty of law and order by the sacrifice of so many lives and the proclamation of martial law." Moved by Mr. Mosterd, seconded by Dr. Wills^" That this meeting considers the late appeal to arms to have been uncalled for, and pledges itself to use every constitiitional means to restore tranquility and good feeling on the Ballarat gold-fields." Moved by Mr. .J. F. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Ingram — "That this meeting liopes that the officer in command of lier Majesty's forces at Ral- larat will act witli as much forbearance and humanity as the circumstances may admit of : otherwise the lives of many innocent persons may be sacri- ficed." Moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Douglass — " That when the presciat excitement shall have ceased, we will pledge ourselves in a consti- tutional manner to have our acknowledged grievances brought before the Legislative Council of the colony." HUMFFRAY ARRESTED. 135 Moved by Mr. J. B. HumflFray, seconded by Mr. W. B. Robinson — " That a copy of the resolutions passed at this meeting, signed by the chairman, be forwarded to his Excellency Sir Charles Hotham immediately. That a deputation be appointed to wait on his representative at Ballarat, and present him with a copy of the same." Moved by Mr. Dyte, seconded by Mr. Willern — " That the following gentlemen be the deputation to the Camp : Mr. Thos. Williams, chairman ; Rev. P. Smyth ; Messrs. Homffrays (Humffray), Donald, Mosterd." The deputies were not very flatteringly received, for the Herald correspondent says HumfTray was arrested, and the others were told by Mr. Commissioner Rede and Captain Pasley " that they could not receive such resolutions as they were not suf- ficiently eulogistic of the Government." This is probably rather a comment by the correspondent than a statement in terms of a naked fact. It is not probable that the Camp officials were so far demented as to make so very silly a speech ; but the resolu- tions appear at any rate to have been rejpcted. As to Humffray, though he thus fell among the Camp Phillistines, peace-advocate though he was, he had been received at the meeting " with loud and protracted cheering." He conjured the diggers to refrain from further violence, and declared that he had put his life in jeopardy during his moral-force campaign against the insurgents and the authorities. He was liberated on the following day. It is worth noting that on the same day as this Bakery Hill meeting was held, a " monster meeting" was held on St. Paul's Church Reserve, Melbourne, Mr. Langlands in the chair, when the follow- ing motion, moved by Mr. David Blair, was seconded by Mr. Fawkner and adopted : — "That the constitutional agitation at Ballarat has assumed its present unconstitutional form in consequence of the coercion of military force, and that matters would not have been precipitated to their present issue but for the harsh and imprudent re-commencement of digger-hunting during the period of excitement." It is impossible to avoid concurrence in the latter portion of the resolution. The later digger-hunts were ordered by Sir Charles Hotham, and were his cardinal blunder. His excellent intentions, and his lucid and unanswerable expositions of the duties of a Government in relation to the maintenance of law and order, are all as idle judgments of sagacity after the event, Ho 136 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. was not a great politician nor politic, and his military instincts knew nothing of concession or compromise with a people clamor- ing against both law and administration. This must be re- membered, as well as the equally obvious fact that his Excellency had difficulties of many kinds to overcome, when we come pre- sently to one of the Governor's special deliverances upon the Eureka collision. Reverting to the meeting in Melbourne, it may be stated that one resolution by Mr. J. M. Grant, once Minister of Lands, pro- posed that Messrs. Fawkner, Strachan, O'Shanassy, Cooke, Fulton, Dr. Owens, and Westgarth, be a body of delegates to act as a commission of arbitration and adjustment between the authorities and the diggers. The meeting objected for awhile to Mr. Fawkner. Possibly this was because on the previous day, in the Legislative Council, that vigorous old " conscript father" had carried tlie following resolution, so entirely true in its eulogies and censures, if a little loose in construction : — That the thanks of this House are due to the oflfieers and men of her Majesty's 12th and 40th Regiments, sent last week on duty to Ballarat, for their truly soldierlike and highly commendable forbearance in receiving the hootings and violent assaults of a mob of worthless idlers, whom no man can class as true diggers : the merits of the forbearance and the steady patience of men bearing arm.s in their hands wherewith to repel assaults, stamps those troops and their commanders as truly British troops. After some discussion the meeting consented to Mr. Fawkner being one of the delegates, but added to the list the name of Mr. Cathie, who afterwards became member for Ballarat East in the Legislative Assembly. The Government declined to entertain the proposition, but the Commission of Enquiry appointed by the Government to report on gold-fields' grievances comprised several of the gentlfMiien nominated at the meeting. On the Gth December the following resolution was carried in the Legislative Council, on the motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by the Colonial Secretary (Foster), who had resigned, but still held office : — ' ' That the Lieut. ■('• ovemor, having been placed in a painfully embarrass- ing position since his arrival in Victoria, is entitled to the sympathy and support of this Council, and it pledges itself by (jvery means in its power to aid him in icstoring and maintaining law and order." LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ADDRESS. 137 Mr. Miller, in moving the resolution, regretted the injuries suffered by innocent men in the trouble, but said it was " patent that all this disaster had been Ijrought about mainly by the off- scourings of the foreigners collected on the gold-fields from every nation." The Colonial Secretary agreed with this, but Mr. Myles, a member for Grant, opposed the motion, and, says the re- porter of the Herald, " attacked the policy of the Government in a speech in which he had not the sympathy of a single member of the House." Mr. Haines said " the time selected for the out- break was exceedingly bad — a time when the Government pro- posed to look into all grievances." Unhappily for the reputation of the Government, there will always stand out in bold relief the steady pursuit of a policy of irritation and non-compromise until the latest moment. The authorities were too late in their " pro- posals to look into all grievances." They over-estimated the force of the insurgents, and under-estimated the weight of the moral- force movement, failing to see the expediency of a frank and earnest entertainment of the complaints made so long and so constitutionally. Small at the best, ill-organised, and ill-pro- vided, the armed diggers' party would have never had heart to take the position it did take had not the authorities disarmed the larger body of peaceful agitators, and provoked liostilities by the peculiarly despotic action taken in the last license-collecting I'aid. The Legislative Council, on the 6th December, presented an address to his Excellency embodying the motion submitted by Mr. Miller, and adopted almost unanimously by the House. Sir Cliarles received the Council at Government House, himself and the chief officers of State attired in the Windsor uniform. To the address of the Council his Excellency read the following reply :— Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen, — It is with no small pride and satisfac- tion that at a moment of unusual difficulty the Legislative Council of Victoria have assembled themselves around the Governor, and enabled liim to proclaim to the world that with one voice, and one mind, and one heart, we are resolved to maintain the law. I assure you, gentlemen, that my utmost endeavors have been used to stave off and prevent tlie difficulty which has arisen, but is now, I am thankful to say, rapidly disappearing. 138 V HISTORY OP BALLARAT I am desirous, if you will grant me time, to touch upon these points lightly, in order to show to you that my words are not lightly uttered, not spoken without some consideration. Before the deputation came from the gold-fields, the Eureka riots broke out, and the burning of Bentley's hotel ensued. Immediately the discharge of Bentley and the other men was sent to the Attorney -General [now ex Chief Justice Stawell], he saw that the authorities had taken the wrong course, and he came out post haste to Toorak, and recommended most strongly that the men who had been prisoners should be again brought to trial. We had then received no representative of any sort or kind from the diggers of Ballarat. Immediately instruc- tions were sent down to bring Bentley and his associates to trial, and shortly after that we heard that the fire had taken place at the Eureka hotel. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen, — I wish to establish the fact, that the Government had given orders to enquire into the manner in which the former trial had been conducted before any representative from the diggers of Ballarat had been received, and before any violence had ensued. Of the trial of the men engaged in the burning of the hotel I shall say but little, excepting to observe that th,e sentence was most lenient. There were reasons which indiiced us to imagine that the conduct of the authorities at Ballarat had not been entirely what it ought to have been, and a commission was sent down with very stringent instructions to enquire into the whole case, and bring the offenders, of whatever degree they might be, prominently to notice. The result of that enquiry was, the magistrate [Dewes] was dismissed, the sergeant-major [Milne] was also dismissed (or rather will be placed under punishment and then dismissed), and that the coroner was most severely reprimanded for some injudicious expressions which he made use of. Now, Mr. Speaker and gentlemen, I do not think that that shows there was a Government in power which was un- willing to listen to the voice of the people. The commission returned, the military were withdrawn, and there was every probable appearance of order and tranquility at those diggings, when suddenly we found it necessary to send down an overwhelming force in consequence of the reports we received from Ballarat. The Camp was threatened, and reports reached us that the Camp was not safe an hour, and then the time arrived when it became absolutely necessary that some vigorous steps should be taken and a decisive lilow be struck. With regard to the opinion which I formed of the manner in which the authorities acted, I shall allow my own despatches to speak for themselves. His Excellency then read copies of his dispatches to the Resident-Commissioner at Ballarat, in which ho approved the action taken on the morning of the 3rd December, ordered secure holding of the prisoners, announced the proclamation of martial law, directed the apprehension of all the speakers at the license- THE governor's REPLY. 139 burning meeting, and enjoined "the propriety of forbearance, caution, and temper towards the mining population," He con- tinued : — I was anxious to have those dispatches read, to show that whilst we have on the one hand endeavored to the utmost of our power to uphohl law and order, yet, the very moment it was feasible, we revert to the original state of things ; and martial law, which is repugnant to every Englishman, and especially so to every colonist, will cease as soon as possible, and I most anxiously hope that there may not be again occasion to revert to it. * * * I am satisfied that the time for military law and rule by violence has gone, never more to be recovered, and it ought not to be re- covered. But, gentlemen, the moment there is an outbreak, and that caused, not by Englishmen, but by foreigners — men who are not suffered to remain in their own countries in consequence of the violence of their characters and the deeds they have done — I, for one, say that whenever that happens, the Englishmen of Victoria must rally round the Government, and must to a man sink their private differ- ences, and forget the causes of difference which to Englishmen are inherent, and which, to a certain extent, are the l)lessings of our Constitution, and must rally round the authorities, liking or disliking them, and put that outbreak down. As long as I am at tlie head of the Government I will endeavoi' to prevent these foreigners agitating to disturb the good order which genei'ally exists in Victoria, and preventing the honest and indus- trious portion of the population from continuing at their work. * * * We will redress all grievances, if possible, maintain order, and keep prominently before us the fact that our endeavors will meet with their reward in the way that the Legislative Council and the Speaker at their head have shown. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen, — I most cordially thank you for your expressions of feeling, and I hope from the bottom of my heart that what- ever circumstances may arise, I may not be found wanting. Good Yorkshire pluck at the bottom of the Yorkshire sailor's heart, no doubt, but a terrible buzzing bee in his bonnet as to " these foreigners." A seeming slip of the pen, too, about the time for rule by violence being gone " never to be recovered," and the slip is instantly corrected, for the time " ought not to be recovered." Excellent sentiment ! Had it been practised as well as preached there had been no need of slaughtering men in the early Sunday morning light, nor of the " overwhelming force," the martial law, and all the abortive show of arrests, examina- tions, and tibials for high treason and sedition. 140 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. Sir Charles was energetic in the business of the time. Some of the Government proclamations were written from end to end by his own hand. He was also brave and honest, but it would seem there never entered the head of that naval officer the con- ception that he was dealing with a different body of men from those that formed the laboring or even yeoman class upon his native wolds. It is likely that he had been, like many English gentlemen of rank and estates, accustomed to regard the masses as so much rent-producing material. But he had to learn that Victorian diggers were of quite different mettle. They were well described in a letter of the Bendigo correspondent of the Herald on the 30th November, who wrote of the Government officials and diggers : — They have to meet hardy men, whose open-air occupations, thorough independence, and well-trained sinews give them a noble daring and a generous impetuosity. Free of all masters, with a knowledge that they can obtain gold whenever they choose to work, they possess all the self- reliance of the mountaineers. Governor Hotham had learned nothing of the spirit of larger freedom which was abroad here, and was soon to be begotten afresh in the fatherland as we have seen it there since tliose days. He appeared not to have divined the presence here of the germs of a bold democracy, germs even then fast approaching the burst- ing point under the united influence of a fertile soil and a freedom-inspiring atmosphere, bursting into fruit, to be garnered here and shared, through the sympathy of race and the quicken- ing of constant inter-communication, by the still struggling and ever enfranchising p(!ople of the mother country. One open declaration of a willingness to hear and enquire through the medium of men in the confidence of the gold-fields population, would have sufficed to prevent all the bloodshed and all the heart- burnings that outlived the Eureka tragedy itself. But the Go- vernment would not stoop to such a method of conquering its few enemies and of assisting its multitudinous friends. Old country liauteur, with new exasperations, were persevered in, blood was shed, and then the Government gave all tlie diggers wanted, and Sir Charles Hotham died, a victim to the anxieties caused by the troubU's tliat might have l)een avoided but for official blindness, INSURGENTS IN COURT. 141 blindness that was fatal to life and peace for a time, but power- less to hold back those rights which greater wisdom would have earlier conceded. The newspaper's of the day present to us a sorry procession to the Ballarat Police-court on the 8th December and following days, before Messrs. 8turt and Webster. The prisoners taken in and about the Stockade were brought up, while their wounded comrades still lay bleeding hard by in the rude Camp-hospital. There came Timothy Hayes, large, portly, jovial, humorous, way- ward, egoiste, the Irish chairman of the Bakery Hill meetings, whom the military arrested on their march back from the Stockade. He was not much of a fighter, but he had a wife of spirit. Lieutenant Richards, who ordered liis arrest, deposed : — " After the arrest, the prisoner's wife came up and saidif slie had been a man she would not have allowed herself to have been taken. Then, addressing witness, she said, ' why did you not come yesterday when the men were ready for you.' " There came the little red-haired, fire-eyed Italian, Rattaello to confi-ont the " spy" Goodenough, his accuser. Defeated, but not cowed, Raffaello shot lightnings of indignation at the Crown witness, and afterwards wept tears of manly agony as he was taken past his little tent on his way to trial at Melbourne. No saintly shape, " robed in white samite," or radiant with heavenly glory, ever appeared more pure than did the diggers' cause to Rafiaello's vision. Whatever else may be said of him he was true to it, as " he saw it, and to the last, even wlion a tragical and inglorious end seemed a not. improbable fate. Tliere came; also Manning, the Ballarat 'Times repoi'ter, who had tliought the sword could better serve than the pen to right the wrongs of the time. There came, too, another, the little editor of big words, Seekamp. " (7'e un'uonio ardito senza prudenza" Raffaello would have said. He was accused of sedition. Editorial lunacy might have been as appropriate an accusation. At least so it seems to the calmer reason of later days. Some of Seekamp's wonderful deliverances were read in court from the Ballarat Tiincs of tlie IStli and 25th November. Here is one — ex pede Herculein. It is not for us to say how much we have been instrumental in rousing up the people to a sense of their wrongs ; we leave that to the pubhc and 142 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. the world. * * * The coming Christmas is pregnant of change, for on next Wednesday will be held such a meeting for a fixed determinate pur pose as was never before held in Australia. The Australian flag shall triumphantly wave in the sunshine of its own blue and peerless sky over thousands of Australia's adopted sons. * * * And when the loud poean of Now's the day and now's the hour, See the front of battle lour, shall have pierced the blue vaults of Australia's matchless sky, from the brave men of Ballarat on next Wednesday at Bakery Hill, there will not be one discordant voice in the sublime and heroic chorus. * * * Go forth indomitable people ! gain your rights, and may the God of creation smile down propitiously upon your glorious cause ! Forward People, Forward 1 Though such appeals as these serve now to provoke a smile, they did not seem so ludicrous to the men whose blood was up in those hot days of agitation. A wild feeling of poetry as well as of anger fired the breasts of many then, and that which now reads like fustian was at that time perused with tierce delight and accelerated emotion. To judge from the Herald report the deal- inf' with Seekamp's exalted language lifted reporter and printers above the common prose of^ business. The reporter calls the pre- siding magistrate " his Lordship," and the printers mixed up with the report two or three dreary paragraphs from the painfully dry details of debate in the Legislative Council of the previous day. llumliray, too, the cautious peace-advocate, may have been in- spired by the ardent plirases of the " seditious" editor, for we shall see by-and-bye tliat even he infused some of the music of soundinf phr.isos into his lirst political .address to the Ballarat electors of the coming days. Lalor, the real chief, and Vern, the supposed chief, of the insurgents, were still lying under cover, with the Government rewards over their heads. Of these some- thin'^ mor(! auoii. The magistrates committed the prisoners for trial on tlie cliargcs of treason and sedition. Four days after tlie liistoric Sunday, a Royal Commission of Encjuiry, consisting of William Westgarth, chairman ; John Pascoe Fawkner, Jolm Jlodgsoii, John O'Shanassy, and James Ford Strachan, members of tlie Legislative Council ; and William 11. Wright, Chief Commi.ssioner of Gold-liclds, was appointed to investigate the whole grounds of the agitation which had been ACQUITTAL OP THE PRISONERS. 143 thus tragical in its results. On the 14th December the com- missioners met at the Imprest OHice in Melbourne, and four days afterwards they opened their commission at Bath's (now Craig's) hotel, Ballarat. The evidence taken by the commissioners com- prised a vast mass of important information touching the wrongs and the requirements of the diggers ; and the report of the com- missioners, while it demonstrated the brutality of some of the subordinates, and the folly of the authorities generally, and chid the excesses of the insurgents, led to a speedy amelioration of the social and political condition of the gold-fields population. On All-Fool's Day, 1855 — so grim, sometimes, is the irony of the fates — the men arrested by the authorities and indicted for high treason were acquitted, a fitting day on which to record such a verdict upon the bloody business which had all along been marked by much folly on both sides. There were thirteen men arraigned by the Attorney-General's indictment of treason. First named was Timothy Hayes, the bland chairman of the Bakery Hill meetings. To him succeeded Carboni Raffaello, John Manning, John Josephs, Jan Vennik, James Beattie, Henry Reed, Michael Tuohy, James Macfie Campbell, William Molloy, Jacob Soranson, Thomas Dignam, and John Phelan. Sixty-four witnesses were set down in the Crown brief, and three panels of jurymen numbering 178 men in all were summoned for the trial. Henry Beekamp, the editor and proprietor of the Ballarat Times, had been previously tried for sedition, and being found guilty, " with a very strong recommendation to mercy," he was released on his own recognisances. Seekamp was a little man, but a pug- nacious writer, and was often in trouble. He was said to write occasionally under inspiration from the source whence tradition tells us Dutchmen have drawn courage. He had some more judicious editorial coadjutors later in his journalistic career, but at the time of Westgarth's visit as chairman of the Royal Com- mission, it was no wonder he could find cause to write after- wards — " We found here a local newspaper — of course at war with the authorities, local and general — and we amused ourselves with the violent style of the ' leaders.' " We shall have some further glimpses of Seekamp by-and-bye. 144 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. The State prisoners were defended gratuitously by Mr. B. C. Aspinall, who thus earned an honorable celebrity. With him in the defence were several of our foremost barristers. A general amnesty, in efi'ect, followed the acquittal, and the Government even compensated both friends and foes who had sufl'ered. Lalor, the chief man of wai', and Humtlray, the leading man of peace, on the popular side, were returned to the first Parliament held under the new Constitution which, with all their follies and ex- cesses, the lighting men of the insurgents had done so much to obtain, and which the men of peace have done so much more to consolidate and improve. Humtfray was the tirst Minister of Mines, a new department of the State for the control of the chief industrial industry of the colony. The department has not proved so useful as was expected, and public opinion, which had seen the actual power to lie mainly in the hands of Mr. Brough Smyth, at that time the Secretary for Mines, has here and there, grown in favor of an abolition of the department, and its inclusion in the lands department, Mr. Dow, the present Minister of Lands, advocating that policy when in Ballarat last March. Lalor has held a seat in Parliament from the date of his lirst election until the present day, and for a long period held salaried office as Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Assembly, lie lilled that office with credit to himself and the House, as he has since tlien the higher office of Speaker, and whatever may be said against him it will be admitted that he has shown practical and suggestive, if not coustiuctivc, faculty as a legislator. He became, with occasional vacillations, one of tlui most consci'vative, that is, constitutional, members of Parliament ; as if, so to speak, justifying his resolute rebellion under arms by his general steady maintenance in peace of that constitutional freedom which he and his colleagues of the Stockade fought to obtain. The next chapter, liowever, will refer more in detail to political affiiirs. The insurgent commander at the time of the Stockade collision was in the priiiii! of early manhood, and his brown hair, blu(!-gr(!y eyes, broad fact;, and rather heavy brows wei'e those of a handsome prestjnce. Not more than about twenty-iivc years old, full six feet in stature, broad-chested, and generally well-pro- RAFFAELLO, LALOR, HDMFFRAY, VERN. 145 portioned, and possessing a rather impulsive temperament, he was just the man to embody the pliysical-force-spirit of the move- ment. Raffaello was a shrewd restless little man, nearly forty years old, under the middle height, with reddish hair and red beard cut short, and small hazel eyes that had ever a fiery twinkle beneath a broad forehead and rather shaggy eyebrows. An Italian, a Catholic, possessing others besides his mother tongue, his sanguine temperament pushed him into the thickest of the struggle, and his political sympathies being democratic and unmixed with English leanings, he was one of the readiest to carry the rising to the extreme limit of revolution. Humffray was then a young man, too, possessing the patriotism and more than usual of the caution of Welshmen. Darker in complexion than either Lalor or Raffaello, he also differed from them in stature. He was about the middle height, moderately stout in frame, and had a well poised head and a comely face. His voice was musical, and he possessed a readiness of utterance which made him one of the foremost of the advocates of peaceable reform. To that phase of the struggle he adhered, but his caution at times led him to cross the more ardent purposes of others, who used to accuse him of trimming — an ancient and easy method of de- nouncing, and often of no worth. In this case there seems no ground for supposing Humffray ever to have been disposed either to abandon a legitimate, or to sanction an illegitimate agitation for a redress of grievances. Vern was a Hanoverian, warm, rough, uncertain, without the discretion, weight, and tact that Lalor possessed. John Fraser, an early gold-hunter, whom we shall meet again by-and-bye, in more pacific and more civilised times, gives the following revelation about Vern's movements : — One of the foremost to incite the diggers to use physical force was Frederick Vern. I first saw him at a meeting on Bakery Hill. Mounting the stump, he soon attracted attention by the bitterness of his invectives against the Government as "tyrants" and "oppressors," vowing that he would never become the slave of despotism. Shortly afterwards I saw him again, when the soldiers and police were skirmishing among the holes on Gum Tree Flat, in search of unlicensed diggers : then he appeared among the crowd with a long sword by his side. There were grave doubts 146 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. of the sincerity and pluck of this foreigner, who could so glibly talk about " despotism," as if he had only discovered its existence on his arrival in a British colony. It appeared to me that, if anything, there was more bluster than genuine courage in the man ; and my subsequent experience of him did not alter that opinion. For several months prior to the Stockade encounter, our party, consisting of Edmund Strange, Joseph Butler, George Norgate, Walter Parling, Peter, the bakei', and myself, had been camping together on Dalton's Flat. We were shepherding, and oc- casionally working at a claim we owned on the Gum Tree Flat, at the same time doing a little fossicking on Dalton's Flat to keep up supplies. Only one of our party, Walter Parling, took an active part in the insurgent pro- ceedings. More ardent than the rest, he enrolled himself in one of the companies formed to bear arms, and was frequently absent of a night attending to his drill. On Saturday evening, the 2nd December, he left, as usual, after supper, to go to the Stockade. About one o'clock a.m. he came home to bed, telling us, as he was imdressing, that he had been put on sentry duty somewhere on the Melbourne Road ; that he had stayed there two or three hours, and, finding himself very lonely and sleepy, he had made tracks for home. He felt confident he would not be wanted that night. He was mistaken. At early dawn we were all awakened by the sound of firing in the direction of the Stockade. Hastily dressing, we went to the summit of the rise north of Pennyweight Flat. Columns of smoke could be seen in the vicinity of the Stockade, as if a number of the tents were on fire. Troopers could also be seen rushing about in various directions in the distance ; but what alarmed us the most was the peculiar sound of bullets whizzing over our heads, or on either side of us. Had we gone on, we would doubtless have shared the fate of other passive specta- tors, who were so ruthlessly shot down by the infuriated troopers. Shortly after returning to our tent, stragglers from the neighborhood of the Stockade, some of them in a state of the greatest terror and excitement, came hurrying along close to the tents. Au Irishman stopped a few minutes to be supjilied with a drink of water. He had his wife and three little children with him. The poor woman, crying bitterly, presented to our mind a picture of distress, as, nursing her infant in her arms, she be- wailed in heartrending tones the loss of all their little possessions — tent, clothes, everything — burnt and destroyed by the troopers. On the following day I decided to accompany my mate Strange and his brother toGeelong, and remain there a few days. We found the people tlicre greatly excited over the news of the fight. On the third day, hearing that matters had settled down (juietly on Ballarat, we went back, and were met outside the tent by our mates, who mysteriously whispered to us tliat one of the insurgent leaders was concealed in our tent. On entering we were surprised to see, reclining on my bed, which he had occupied during my absence, the man whose name was in nearly everybody's mouth, the man for whose arrest the VERN IN HIDING. 147 authoritiea were offering £500, dead or alive — Frederick Vern 1 At his re- quest, we pledged ourselves, as the others had done, to shelter and provide for him, and keep his concealment a profound secret until he could regain his freedom, or escape. Every morning on leaving to go to work we care- fully closed the entrance to the tent, so that even our acquaintances in the neighborhood would not attempt to enter during our absence. At one of our evening meetings it was suggested that a letter to the Press should be written by Vern, or in his name, announcing his departure from Australia. It was argued that such a letter would have the effect of misleading the authorities, and probably cause them to abandon their search for him. This idea was at once carried out, with the result that " Vern's Farewell to Victoria" was concocted and forthwith despatched to one of the papers — I forget which. [It appeared in the A[/e, and was dated from "Port Phillip Heads. "] I was his amanuensis, and he graciously permitted me to do a little of the composing. In due time, I procured for him a copy of the paper in which this precious epistle appeared, and his delight in reading it in print was unqualified. He declared, with his usual emphasis, "that he was certain he would now be able to elude the tyrants' vigilance, and return at some future time to fight for the glorious cause of Liberty and Equality," An incident occurred a day or two afterwards which severely tested the strength of his nerves. The day being very hot, we were sitting together in the shade of the entrance to the tent, when four troopers were observed by one of us to be leaving the track over in the flat and making direct for our tent. Not a moment could be lost. A^ern plunged under one of the bunks, a rug or two was hastily throAvn on the edge to hide him from view, and just as these arrangements were completed the troopers rode up to the tent. Our agitation increased when we saw two of them dismount and enter the tent for a drink and a smoke. We were all immensely relieved when at last they bade us good day. As soon as we reported them out of sight, Vern emerged from his hiding place. His face was ashy pale ; he trembled in every limb, and it was some time before he could manage to articulate. When his terror had partially subsided, he told us, in broken accents, " that he really thought it was all up with him." Having no money, Vern decided to apply to a lady friend for a loan, and sent me with a letter to Mrs. Spanhake, of the Duchess of Kent hotel. Main Roadi As soon as that lady learnt that her friend and countryman was still on Ballarat, and not as she and others supposed on his way to Europe, she evinced the greatest anxiety on his account. She gave me three sovereigns to deliver to Vern, with strict injunctions to him not to venture from his place of concealment on any account until all danger was gone. On re- ceiving this message, its effect on Vern was just the reverse of what she intended. It appeared to awaken an irresistible desire to pay her a visit ; so a few nights afterwards a scheme was adopted to enable him to gratify his wish. A female neighbor, a tall bony Scotch woman, who had been let 148 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. into our confidence, supplied us with a dress, bonnet, and shawl, and a few accessories to complete Vem'a disguise. Thus attired, he went do^vn town, accompanied by Butler. They returned safely about midnight, and several other trips to the same place were made afterwai-ds, but under another disguise. About the end of February, Vern began to express impatience at being kept so long a prisoner, as he termed it, and announced his inten- tion of trying to find his way to Melbourne, where, he said, he had faithful friends who would gladly shelter him. Having borrowed a pound from me — nearly all I had at the time — and five pounds from Parling, he took his departure one bright moonlight Sunday night, to make his way by the most unfrequented tracks to Melbourne. He solemnly promised to refund the money he had borrowed at the earliest opportunity, and when he was once more a free man he would handsomely reward those who had with so much fidelity screened him for so long. The old Scotch woman who had lent him her clothes shed tears copiously, and so we parted. We had no tidings of him for several months. At last we heard he was on Ballarat ; that he ap- peared to have plenty of money, and was doing the grand among his friends. As he had not considered it necessary to pay us a visit, our mate Parling resolved to demand his five pounds. A day or two afterwards Vern called on us, but made no mention of his indebtedness, until re- minded by Strange. Assuming an air of being offended, he pulled out a roll of notes from his pocltet, and, flinging one on the ground, haughtily exclaimed, " There, Fraser, take your pound ; I am out of your debt now." Seeing that I declined to pick up the money, Strange, whose temper was getting ruffled, sternly asked Vern if that was the way he had received the money, and demanded that he should pick the note up and pay his debt in a proper manner. Knowing that Strange was not a man to be trifled with, Vern awkwardly complied, at the same time muttering an apology when handing me the note, and haughtily strode away without another word. Parling happened to be away at work, and so missed that chance of getting his money also. Seeing Vern some time afterwards, Parling asked him for payment, but was met by a flat refusal. Parling then informed him that he would take it out of him at the rate of £1 at a time, and proceeded at once to take out the first instalment. He succeeded in getting the second asid third in satisfaction, and doubtless would have insisted on taking out the other two instalments, but poor Parling was killed shortly afterwards in a claim at Buninyong, and so Vern escaped the finishing chastisement he so richly deserved. Such are a few of my recollections of that strangely diversified character — Frederick Vern. Vern had a large ambition for cheap military glory, and, like the great Napoleon, liad a stern unconquerable scorn of facts. Emerson says, somewhere, that Napoleon's genius was boundless in that direction, and before us lie letters in Vern's MOKE OF VERN. 149 hand which demonstrate his great ability and daring in that peculiar walk of life. And this, too, while he declares in one of the letters that his motto had " always been fiat justitia et si pereat mundus." But Vern may be credible sometimes, neverthe- less. In a letter to the Star, dated 2nd October, 1856, he defends Humffray from charges of " treason" against the diggers, and says he was one of the first to attend on Ross when wounded, besides having kept Yern's hiding place secret when he could have had £500 for revealing it. To those who were intimate with the men and the time, the following letter — a literal copy — will be regarded as characteristic of the writer's general frame of mind : — Mr. Lalor. My dearest friend ! Once more enjoying the blessings of freedom, and having returned to the colony free from danger, I hasten to address you. I hear that you was seriously wounded and maimed for life. We are taking steps to subscribe in Melbourne for a man who has so bravely risked his life in defence of the miner's rights. My friend, would to Heaven you had taken my advice on Friday, or would to Heaven we would have had men more true and honor- able in our ranks. I have positive information, and hold a correspondence in my hands now, from an officer in the insurgent army, and Mr. Furnell, late of H.M.A. — as soon as I can fathem the infamous plot, I shall avenge the murder of Ross and Capt. Potts, late of our ranks, and the world will be to hot to hold me and Lieut. Col. M. Did you read my letter dated Albury, signed E. W. and S, F., it was a reply to Capt. Thomas' despatch. I am sorry that it should have cost 22 lives, or 23 including Capt. Pott's, to convince the diggers of the ridiculous absurds of such a foolish outbreak as the late Ballarat affair. Do you re- member the delegates fi'om Slaty Creek and their letter, as also M 'Gill's reply to that letter, I have it from the best authority, that that was a plot. We was sold to the government for £800. Would to God I had seceded from the movement, or that you had taken my advice, and been discreet in your trust to strangers. I charge M'Gill with treason before God and men, and woe to him if we meet again. I wish I had never accepted the command after your resignation on Saturday morning, and then Sir Toorak could never have offred £500 for my apprehension. The affair has produced good, but what a cruel, useless, wantan sacrifice of humane life did it involve. You have seen now that my advice was good, and that it was to permature a period for such a movement as you unfortunately provoked. Vengeance is now 150 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. the only thing that is left to me, and I shall do my duty cooly but not foolishly. Your Melbourne, 7 | 4 | 55. sincere friend, F. Vern, late of Ballarat. This letter shows a little of what Raffaello calls " sky- blathering," for Vern was one of the wildest and least reliable of the physical force party. Lalor did not surrender, nor Vern accept the command. The letter is a raving symptom of Vern's delight in illusions. When peace returned Vern took to mining, and in 1856 he was tried in Ballarat for "rioting at Black Lead on the 7th April," and sentenced to three months' imprisonment. The so-called riot was a combination, actively exerted, to fill up the holes sunk by "jumpers" upon claims held under the frontage regulations, then just become law. One of the witnesses at the trial said — " I heard Vern say, ' If any man stops us from tilling up the claims, I shall make a dead cock of him, by my God !' At the same time he pulled out a revolver." They were out-spoken men in those days here. Vern was a voluminous writer to the newspapers of the times, and in a letter to the Sta7- he explains how Humffray, while pleading for Vern and others with the Government, was summoned as a Crown witness. He says : — Allow me also to say tliat tliis incident never caused Vern the least un- easiness, inasmuch as Humffray had proved himself his best and truest friend. I think the strongest proof of this is, that Mr. Humffray knew Vtrn's retreat, came daily to sec him, and pei'formed for him all those little offices of friemlship which his unfortunate situation required, and that at a time when he could have made £500 by betraying Vern. This constitutes Mr. Humffray's treason ! Wluit a serious offence ! Surely, after this, Mr. Humflray will be deemed anything but a traitor 1 Humffray, indeed, loas live rebel's best and IrueM friend. Jfumfrray, also, was tlie first man that came to the assistance of our lamented friend Ross. He also wrote as a friend to Mi-. Tliomas Loader, when Loader was a candidate for Grant. Loader, seeing a letter by Vern in the papers in wliicli anotlier character was assumed, wrote to the Star, enclosing Vern's note to him, and the Star editor sums up the matter thus : — HAYES IN A NEW CHARACTER. 151 Some men are badly used. Mr. Vern is so. He sends us a letter re- ferring to Mr. Humtfray ; we publish that letter knowing it to be genuine. Mr. Loader hands us another which had been sent to him. This we also believe and know to be genuine and publish it. Again Mr. Vern sends us a letter — the present one — disavowing the authorship of the one to Mr. Loader. We believe and know it to be genuine and publish it. The public can judge for themselves — the three letters are from the same pen. We have shown the letters (which are still in our possession and open to the inspection of the curious) to friends of both Mr. Humffray and Mr. Loader, and they agree with us that either all the letters are genuine or they are forgeries — take your choice, Mr. Vern, of either alternative. Mr. Vern's courage has become proverbial, his truthfulness is now deserving of an equally honorable distinction. Vern does not seem to have made any response to this revelation. As has been said, he was intrepid. But too much has already been said respecting this singular actor in the Bal- larat rising. Black had a light complexion, was tall, thin, sanguine, gentlemanly, irresolute ; but, the occasional perturbations of some " sin of fear" apart, was true and faithful as became a gentleman, and one having, in the Raffaello dialect, " a belief in the resurrection of life." M'Gill was a young American, fuller of ardor than of trusty courage and sagacity. Ross was of another stamp ; he was a Canadian, bold, brave, and trusty : about twenty-eight years old, of middle height, true as the steel of the axe that felled his native forests, he was one of the best loved men of those that fell. He was shot in the attack on the Sunday morning, and was removed by friends to the Star hotel that then stood in Main street, where he soon died. Esmond was another who, with a few others, took the more prominent positions in the struggle. His prominence was only comparative, and was essentially local. Hayes had a genius for exploration, and the airy flights of change were more seductive to him than the " demnition grind" of dull prosaic life in the whim-round of humdrum methodical duty. After the tragic comedy of the Stockade time, he declined upon the less romantic occupation of town inspector for Ballarat East, but private urgencies projected him upon the quest of fresh woods and new pastures, and he threw up his municipal prose for the poetry of life in the lands 152 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. of Chili or Brazil. He took with him an honorable discharge from office, duly attested by the big seal of the municipality, and it seems that he bore with him also some mystic military charm as from the post Bakery Hill meeting days, when oratory had got translated into pikes and revolvers and muskets. For the town inspector of Ballarat East blossomed forth in Chili or Brazil as an authority upon military engineering, and he was employed by the bellicose people of those latitudes as an inspector of fortifications, on which he was to report forthwith, since trouble on the frontier was expected as a result of the war be- tween the Southern and Northern States of America. How our hero came out of that exploit does not transpire, but he appeared after a while in San Francisco, where he sought to coalesce with Sweeney, once an auctioneer and municipal man in Ballarat East. Sweeney, it was said, had made a pile of dollars by buying horses and selling them to the Unionists or Confederates, or both ; but instead of a coalition, there was a collision between the whilom Ballarat chums, and Tim, around whom his brother Freemasons liad helpfully rallied within the Golden Gate, returned with larger experience to Victoria. He figured for a while as a railway hand in some capacity in Melbourne, his portly presence adorning the metropolitan halls and thoroughfares in his hours of leisure. And there he died, and so we will hope that he, too, sleeps well after his life's fitful fever. In March, 185G, a return of the cost of the strife between the insurgents and the Government was laid before Parliament. The Deputy-Commissary General's figures showed the military ex- penditure to be £26,733 18s. 6d., which, by deducting the cost of the military in Melbourne on their oi'dinary footing, was re- duced to £12,050. To this were added extra police charges, and the sum of £4689 4s. voted in compensation to sufferers. With regard to the compensation voted, it is to be remarked that Lalor and Humffray both interposed on behalf of the claimants. Lalor was specially active. The Star on the 22nd and 25th March, 1856, had the following reference to the part taken by the insurgent chief, then become a representative of the gold-field in Parliament : — GO TWO STOCKADE ANNIVERSARIES. 153 To Mr. Lalor's exertions we must attribute this successful result. * * * We can only consider as an additional grace to the triumph, that he who was the foremost to defend our rights, has also been the principal instrument in recovering compensation for wrongs inflicted. On the 22nd November, 1855, a meeting was held on the site of the Stockade, Daniel Sweeney in the chair, " to consider the subject of compensation to the sufferers for the losses sus- tained by those who had their tents burned down and their stores and dwellings wantonly and ruthlessly destroyed by the military and police on the memorable 3rd December." And on the first anniversary of that day the fiery, lachrymose, faithful Raffaello was again on the spot offering for sale the first pages of his work, " The Eureka Stockade," which he had just brought up from Melbourne. He sat there till the sun went down, a modern Marius, with an eye to literary business. " He says (vide Star) he will receive from Melbourne 1000 copies more, and as the price is only 5s., all will have it in their power to purchase an interest- ing account of the Ballarat disturbances." " Great works," as he was called, from one of his favorite exclamations, sat there selling his writing and wailing his " perdidi spem" not perceiving that a splendid social and political victory had been won in that sorry military defeat at the Stockade twelve months before. On the 3rd December, 1856, there was a small procession to the site of the Stockade, about two hundred people assembling. Mr. John Lynch, who was a mining surveyor, a native of Ireland, and one of Lalor's captains in the Stockade, mounted a tree- stump and read an oration, the opening sentence of which was as follows : — Sensible of the debt of gratitude we owe to the memories of the brave men who fell victims on the fatal 3rd December, 1854, in their efforts to resist the oppression and tyranny of the then existing Government, we meet here to-day, the second anniversary of that disastrous day, in solemn procession, to pay to their manes the only tribute in our power, the cele- brating with due solemnity the sad commemoration of their martyrdom. When Lynch's oration was finished, a march was made to the cemetery. The Star of that day reads thus : — The persons present formed in procession, two and two, headed by Mr. Esmond, carrying a pole draped in sable, with black crape streamers. Next came Messrs. Seekamp and Lessmann, bearing garlands of flowers, 154 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. and followed by the committee and the general procession. Nearly all the persons present wore crape on the left arm, and many more also wore crape on their hats. As the procession proceeded along the Eureka and Main road its numbers swelled to nearly three hundred, the line reaching from the Colonial Bank to the bridge, while numerous outsiders accompanied the processionists. Arrived at the cemetery, the procession walked round the spot where the bodies of the men who fell on the fatal Sunday morning are interred, and, returning to the monument erected to their memory, the apex of the monument was crowned with the garlands borne in procession. An oration by Dr. Hanibrook followed, every person standing with head uncovered. At this time the enthusiasm of the days of agitation had not all disappeared. There were left swelling bosoms and big words that the least opportunity brought into play. An emotional writer in the Star of the 9th February, 1856, drawing attention to a meeting, to be held that day on Bakery Hill, to discuss measures for the erection of a monument to the men who fell at the Stockade, ended his appeal with the following burst of fervor : — The man on Ballarat who fails to swell to-day's meeting should be, in its most perfect reality of chains, dungeons, and degredation, a victim of slavery ! It does not appear that the enthusiasm of the time was very practical, for the only monument ever erected was a gift by the man who constructed it and undertook its erection. Oratory, however, was cheap, and at that time most of it was, no doubt, as sincere at the moment as it was plentiful. In a despatch by Deputy Adjutant-General Macarthur we read of Captain Wise that " his remains are to be buried with the honors due to his rank, in the graveyard at Ballarat gold-lield, beside those of the three other meritorious soldiers which lie there interred." Alas ! for years the honors were not very gratefujly echoed by survivors. Mr. Westgartli was in Ballarat on that day. He says : — The day was hot and dusty as the cortege moved along to the place of burial, a slightly rising ground nearly a mile from the township. This rural cemetery was still wild and open, no fence having as yet been placed around it, for even this is an expensive process at a gold-ticld. But some excuse appeared for this apparent negligence, for the ground had evidently been but recently devoted to its present purpose, as the small number of graves amongst a large population indicated. soldiers' and diggers' monuments. 155 Since that time the city has spread out its arms all around the " rural cemetery." The place has been enclosed ; it has well- kept paths, flower borders, handsome monuments, and it is crowded to overflowing with those who have fallen in this part of The world's broad field of battle. There is, too, a new and larger cemetery now, enclosed, orna- mented, and already in part peopled with the silent ones. The place in the old cemetery where the military were buried was long like a neglected wilderness, a disgrace to the place, and all around spoke of neglect and ruin. In 1879, when Mr. William Collard Smith, then major, now a retired colonel, in the Victorian volunteer service, was a member of the Victorian Government, the burial place of the soldiers, after many appeals and remon- strances from old pioneers of the gold-field, was enclosed with a stone dwarf wall and iron fence. The ground was planted, the graves adorned with flowers, and the decaying original head- stones and tablets alone spoke then of the passage of the inter- vening years. In the middle of the ground a freestone obelisk was erected upon a pedestal, and on the east and west faces of the obelisk two marble slabs were inserted, scrolls on each face of the freestone carrying the word " Victoria," and on the north and south sides the word "Duty" was carved beneath. Upon the marble slab facing east, as if looking towards the spot where the buried soldiers did their "duty," and fell in doing it, is the fol- lowing inscription from the pen of this author : — " In this place, with other soldiers and civilians of the military camp then in Ballarat, were buried the remains of the British soldiers, Henry Christopher Wise, captain, Michael Roney, and Joseph Wall, privates of the 40th Regt., and William Webb, Felix Boyle, and John Wall, privates of the 12th Regt., who fell dead or fatally wounded at the Eureka Stockade, in brave devotion to duty, on Sunday, the 3rd day of December, 1854, whilst attack- ing a band of aggrieved diggers in arms against what they re- garded as a tyrannous administration." The original draft read " insurgent" instead of " aggrieved," but the Minister in ofiice rejected the original word as a reflection upon the diggers whose survivors' suflfrages helped to make members of Parliament, and. 156 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. potentially, Ministers of the Crown. Upon the same marble slab, beneath the inscription just quoted, and from the same pen, are the following memorial words : — " Not far west from this spot lie the remains of some of the diggers who fell in the courageous but misdi- rected endeavor to secure the freedom which soon after came in the form of manhood suffrage and constitutional government." Upon the slab facing west are the following words : — " This monument and the enclosing fence were erected Anno Domini mdccclxxix. by the Government of Victoria at the request of the citizens of Bal- larat." The sexton takes care of the enclosure now, and the smaller one where the bodies of the diggers lie was not long since repaired by private subscription. As long as men of the Fifties survive, the memory of the dead Stockaders will be kept green, and the little burial place and its monument will, let us hope, be preserved from shameful neglect. But the old pioneers are fast passing away to the same silences as the sturdy insurgents of the fatal Sunday long ago reached, and who will keep the place of graves when all are gone 1 Let the men of the future do their duty as the buried soldiers and diggers did theirs, and both of these mortuary memorials will be preserved to be at once a tribute to heroic dutifulness and heroic resistance, and an incen- tive for all time to emulation of the same virtues in similar cir- cumstances if, which Heaven forfend, they should ever arise. The diggers' monument is a grey sandstone obelisk, surmounted by a draped urn, and resting on a bluestone base. The west face bears the following inscription : — " Sacred to the memory of those who fell on the memorable 3rd of December, 1854, in resisting the unconstitutional proceedings of the Victorian Government. This monument was presented by James Leggatt, Geelong, to the people of Ballarat, and by them erected on the 22nd March, 1856." The otlier three faces have the following inscriptions : — " John Ilaynes, Co. Clare, Ireland ; Patrick Gittings, Co. Kil- kenny, Ireland ; Thos. Mullin, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland ; Samuel Green, England ; John Robertson, Scotland ; Edward Thonen, Elbertfeltdt, Prussia ; John Dimand, Co. Clare, Ireland ; Thos. O'Neill, Co. Kilk(!nny, Ireland ; John Donaghey, Co. Donegal, Ireland ; William Clifton, age 30, native of Bristol ; Ed. Quinn, THE STOCKADE MEMORIAL 157 Co. Cavan, Ireland ; Wm. Quinlan, Goulbourn, N.S. Wales ; Wm. Emmerman, Hanover ; Lt. Ross, Canada ; Thaddeus Moore, Co. Clare, Ireland ; James Brown, Newry, Ireland ; Robert Jullien, Nova Scotia ; — Crowe, Scotland ; — Fenton, England ; Edward McGlynn, Ireland." Between the two monu- ments, but close on the west side of the soldiers' memorial, is a plain truncated column of bluestone on a bluestone pedestal, en- closed by a chain fixed to four low bluestone posts. The pedestal has inserted on the east side a marble slab with this inscrip- tion : — " In memory of James Scobie, who met with a premature death on ' Eureka,' October 7th, 18.54. Erected by his brother George." On the 16th April, 1884, a meeting was held at Craig's hotel to consider how best to ei^ect a permanent monument to mark the site of the Eureka Stockade. A committee was ap- pointed, with Mr. A. T. Morrison honorary secretary and trea- surer. The Eastern Council concurring, a design by Mr. H. A. King, C.E., was chosen. The monument is an octagonal body of bluestone ashlar work in two tiers, with a flight of stone steps leading to the top, where, upon a massive bed of ashlar bluestone, is a cube of the same material, surmounted by a blue- stone monolith twelve feet high. At the angles of the lower platform are to be placed four 64-pounder guns, contributed to the memorial by the Victorian Defence Department. The bluestone cube bears the inscription : — " Eureka Stockade, Sunday morn- ing, December 3rd, 1854." On the 3rd December, 1884, the committee visited the then partially erected memorial as a mark of respect to the dead, and on Friday, 27th August, 1886, the still unfinished monument was formally handed over to the Town Council of Ballarat East, that body recording its acceptance in the following resolution : — " That the council recognise the eftbrts of these gentlemen in a public manner, and accept the work so well begun as a gift to the corporation, and that this corporation will finish and maintain it for all time." The council has not yet performed its contract, but a fence has been erected round the monument, and the enclosure is to be further ornamented by the planting of trees and shrubs. After the lapse of thirty years, some 158 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. difficulty was at first met with in identifying the exact site of the Stockade, and the spot on which the monument is placed was chosen by the general agreement of many of the diggers and others who were either present at the encounter between the troops and the insurgents, or were at that time familiar with the Stockade and its surroundings. The builders of the monument were Rowsell and Son, the cost of stone and earthworks being £286 4s., raised by public subscriptions, organised and in part contributed by the honorary secretary and treasurer, and the committee — Messrs. Hickman, Ferguson, Salter, Lewis, Roff, "Williams, Bechervaise, Spain, Josephs, Wilson, Dyte, and Hall. In the Legislative Assembly, on the 31st of May, 1870, while the House was discussing a vote for the Nelson, ship, Mr. Frazer said " he had been informed that the flag unfurled on board the Nelson was the identical flag that was flying over the Eureka Stockade at the time of the riot. (Laughter.) The flag in question was subsequently stolen from the court, and had never since been found." This is possible, perhaps, but hardly probable. The flag was hauled down by trooper, or policeman, John King, who, in 1870, was Living in or near Warrnambool. King was a native of Mayo, Ireland, and he gave the flag, or what was left of it — for it was much torn, and was also lessened by relic-hunters taking bits of it — to Inspector P. H. Smith, who also was a Mayo man. Smith died in Melbourne, but where the flag is the author has not been able to learn. Mr. Blanchard, who was at that time a compositor on the Ballarat Times, informs the autlior tliat after the fight on the Sunday, the soldiers had the diggers' flag lioisted on a pole at the Soldiers' Hill camp, and were dancing round it as if wild with joy ajid grog. On the last day of the year 1855, at lialf-past twelve o'clock of the day, Sir Charles Hotham died at Toorak. His disease was dysentery, and his death was attributed to the harassing anxieties which accompanied the crisis. He is the only Victorian Governor who has yet died while in oflice hero. His remains were buried in Melbourne. Governor Hotham failed, no doubt, to understand the gold-digging population. His mistakes were due to a want DEATH OP SIR C. HOTHAM. 159 of sympathy with the democratic instinct inherent in all aggrega- tions of free British colonists. His intentions, we may well believe, were to do his duty dutifully. That duty he conceived to be to rule with a high hand a people whom, though compli- mented by him upon occasion as peaceable and law-abiding, he practically regarded as a froward race of vagabond gold-hunters, mixed with demagogues and escaped and liberated convicts from the adjacent penal settlements. What wonder, then, that he, an aristocrat, a naval officer used to peremptory command, with such views heightened, too, by occasional excesses of language and action amongst the miners, should fail to comprehend all at once the policy required for the redress of wrongs which some of his own subordinates on the gold-fields had first intensified and then misrepresented. Divining only a part of the truth. Sir Charles Hotham was betrayed into a misconception of the crisis. As his predecessor had discovered " designing" men in the journalists of his day, so Governor Hotham found the gold-fields troubles to be the product of the schemes of " disafiected" men, and that idea whelmed all other conceptions of the causes of the outbreak. The Governor was partially right. There were among the insurgents men wlio hated British rule with a hereditary hatred. There were Irishmen who felt that feeling, and there were foreigners who had no special sympathy, if any at all, with British government ; but even those men never desired or aimed at rebellion until they were maddened witli the excitement of the agitation which sought, at least in its earlier stages, nothing but the clear and rational redress of plain and insulting wrongs. Here, even those who elsewhere may have been tlie least loyal were disposed to peace and submission, no matter whence they came, and it was nothing but the haughty folly of officials that precipitated what has been called rebellion ; for it was clear to demonstration that it was not so much the law, or the want of law, as the unwise administration of law that provoked the rising of the gold-fields population. Since the first edition of this History was published, the author has had opportunity for fuller examination of the evi- dence touching the parts borne by Sir Charles Hotham and Mr. 160 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. Secretary Foster, and the irresistible conclusion is that the Gover- nor, and not the Secretary, was the person directly responsible for the later severity of the enforcing of the hateful license law. The testimony of witnesses examined before tlie Select Committee, re- ferred to by Irwin, is overwlielming in that direction. That committee sat in 1867 to consider Mr. Foster's — by that time he liad assumed Fitzgerald as the ultimate one of several names — claims to a pension or compensation for his resignation of office at the time of the Eureka Stockade, and on the 11th July of that year the committee agreed upon its report, finding that Foster resigned on the 9th December, 1854, that he resigned voluntarily because " a prejudice, which he alleged to be without foundation, had arisen against him on the part of the miners," and that the evidence " did not warrant the conclusion that the discontent then existing on the gold-fields resulted from a policy for which he was responsible." The committee might liave gone further than that, and included most of the gold-fields' com- missioners in the same bill of acquittal. Foster shows that the Governor ignored him and his officers generally, took outside advice, issued peremptory orders on his own mere motion, and both Foster and other witnesses show that just before the attack upon the Eureka Stockade, the Governor held direct correspon- dence in cypher with some of the commissioners, passing by not only the Colonial Secretary Foster, but the Chief Commissioner "Wright. Foster and Wright both held the licence to be a blunder, and advised an export duty on gold instead, and this was the view almost universally held by the commissioners on the gold-fields, than wliom none should liave been better able to judge of the merit of the law they had to enforce. The notable order of the 13th September, 1854, instructing the commissioners to go out twice a week in quest of unlicensed diggers, was the Governor's own work, given without consultation with any of his officers, and was the outcome of his persuasion that an export duty meant smuggling, and that the enforcing of the law had not been as dutifully done as it sliould have been. The Royal Commission appointed to enquire into the Ballarat disturbances, reported of that order that "previous experience should have dictated < <■ an CO < < CO < FOSTER A SCAPEGOAT. 161 rather a change of the law ; a fire is kindling from the use of some combustible material, and the official mode of extinguishing tlie flames is to increase this material." No condemnation by digger, journalist, or historian is stronger or more direct than that, and it is to be remembered that the direct author of " the official mode" was Sir Charles Hotham, and not Colonial Secretary Foster, nor Chief Commissioner Wright, nor Commissioner Rede, nor Acting-Chief Commissioner of Police M'Mahon. But the diggers, as was natural, and, indeed, in a sense, proper, regarded Foster as practically the source of trouble. They had come from constitutional England, where the Minister, and not the Crown, was responsible, and they had not learnt that Sir Charles Hotham was both Crown and Minister in one. They could not conceive that he who was less than the Queen was more than the Queen, and that he was despotically breaking the law — the law of official routine and of official courtesy — and that, not for the public good, however excellent the motive. They therefore threw on Foster, and secondarily upon the gold-fields commissioners, the odium of a policy for whose increased vigor the Governor alone was responsible. Foster resigned office to placate the people and ease the Governor's position, and it seems probable, by the im- plied consent, if not desire of the Governor, not, as is easy to infer, from a wish on the Governor's part to escape personal re- sponsibility, but as a concession to an irritated and misjudging public opinion. It was only when before the Select Committee of a Constitutional Parliament, thirteen years afterwards, that Foster and the other officers of the Government under Sir Charles Hotham — till then silent under the seal of official duty and personal honor — revealed the fact that they had all denounced the licence and the licence-hunting policy, and that its main- tenance and odious application were made compulsory by the fact, as declared in evidence by Foster, corroborated by the other witnesses, " that Sir Charles Hotham was so self-willed that he was indisposed to take counsel." But Sir Charles Hotham is more to be pitied than blamed, more to be honored than condemned. There is no doubt that he died a martyr to a high and chivalrous sense of duty. He was a 162 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. victim of error even before he reached his post in Victoria. The evi dence of Captain Kay, R.A., his private secretary, declares that Sir Charles Hotham disliked the licence fee ; and I know in Downing street he was told before he came here that in consequence of what had already taken place in regard to this licence fee, the question was not very likely to be settled without a fight. He told me that more than once on board the ship coming out ; and in conversation together he formed his plan of action in the event of such an emergency arising. I have often heard Ifim say he found the law imposing a licence fee in force by Act of the Legislative Council when he came here, and it was his duty to carry it c,i\t — that he did not make the law, but that he would use every means in his power to get it altered as soon as he could. * * * Sir Charles Hotham was far too high-minded and honorable a man to be able to make a scapegoat of anyone ; he did not sacrifice Mr. Fitzgerald — Mr. Fitzgerald sacrified himself. Sir Charles Hotham sacrificed himself also, but it was in the performance of an onerous and thankless public duty, and he fell in the discharge of it, as fully as any man ever did in the field of battle. This is absolutely indisputable. It is borne out by the evidence of Mr. Rusden, clerk of the Legislative Council, as is also Captain Kay's opinion of the Governor's having abstained from formally requesting Foster to resign. Sir Charles Hotham arrived only at the end of June, 1854, hot from the stupid orders of Downing street, himself a naval officer accustomed to com- mand, untrammelled by the restrictions of constitutional go- vernment, and impelled by the instincts of his profession and his sense of duty. He had little time, perhaps as little inclination, to acquaint himself with the temper of tlie people, or to take de- liberate counsel with his officers in the Government, before the troubles at the diggings had got beyond pacific solution. If Foster ever gave advice, as is supposable, or if he did not advise af^ainst the maintenance of the licence law, the Governor, with the Downing street monitions ever about him, would naturally go to his Attorney-General for counsel. Indeed, it is said that Sir Charles did ask Mr. Stawell, now Sir William Stawell, the Attorney General of 1854, wliat powers he had as Governor in regard to the enforcing of the law, and that Mr. Stawell's advice was that the Governor's powers were full and clear. There came about, at any rate, a strong feelii»g at the time of the Stockade and afterwards, that two martinets, a naval one and a forensic A MARTYR TO DUTY. 163 one, had come together, and that the conjunction had boded ill for tlie diggers. But, besides these digging troubles, anterior to them in some sort, the Grovernor suffered irritation from what seemed neglect and imposition in connection with his household furnishings at Toorak, and he was also anxious because of a de- cline in the revenue. Captain Kay says his own idea was " that one-fourth of the money charged as expended upon Toorak never was expended on the place at all." Such a belief was, no doubt, sliared by Sir Charles Hotham, and it is easy to conclude that the result upon a man of ardent temperament and of high principles of honor would be to dispose him to a want of confidence in the officials whom he was bound to connect with the business. He probably shrank proudly within himself, and Captain Kay says before the Select Committee that the Governor " attempted to do what no man alive could do, which was to take all the papers connected with the Government of this colony and read them for himself." "And did read for himself?" asks the committee. " And did read for himself, and killed himself," is Captain Kay's emphatic rejoinder. Mr. Rusden is equally convinced. " I think," he says, " he overworked himself, and being subject to internal disorder for a period of years after he was on the coast of Africa, no doubt the weakness to which he was reduced made him fall a prey to the illness that had overtaken him : he worked very hard, very often till one or two o'clock in the morning." There is something pathetic in the whole picture of this misguided, mistak- ing. Governor's martyrdom to duty. He fell a courageous and devoted victim to duty and to political errors, as before him had fallen the equally brave diggers and soldiers at the Eureka Stockade Soon after the Stockade trouble was over, the officer in charge held a parade of all the military force on the space now covered by the gas works. It was a symbolic display of the supremacy of law and, military though it was, of peace also, for tliere had already come an earnest of the better things for which most of the diggers had risen, pacifically or otherwise. It may be mentioned here that the plate showing the march of the troops to the Camp is historical — ^not imaginary. The artist, Mr. Huyghue saw what he has depicted. CHAPTER VI. POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT. Ballar&t Politically Active and Influential.— New Constitution.— Humffray and Lalor Elected— Their Addresses.- Huniffray in Trouble.— Lalor on Democracy.- Lalor on the Slnj:—The Grand Trunk Affair.— Petition for a Private Property Mining Law.— Neglect by the Parliaments of Mining- Interests.- Probable Causes.- New Political Demands.— Votes of Lalor and Humffray. — Burial Expenses of Governor Hotham.— O'Shanassy Chief Secretary. — Haines Succeeds, with M'Cullochas Commissioner of Customs.— O'Shanassy in Power Again.— Nicholson Cabinet.— Succeeded by Heales, with Humffray as First Minister of Mines —O'Shanassy in Power Again.— Succeeded by M'CuUoch— The Tariff —Re-call of Governor Darling.— Darling Grant Crisis.— Death of Governor Darling.— Grant to his Widow and Family.— Sladen Ministry.— M'Culloch in Power Again. — Representative Charges.— Jones Declared Corrupt.— Defeats Vale. —The Macpherson Ministry.— Its Resignation.- Macgregor's Failure.— M'Culloch and Macpherson in Office Together —Michie Elected for Ballarat West — First Berry Government.— M'Culloch in Power Again.— Joseph Jones, Minister of Railways.-Major Smith in the Second and Third Berry Governments.- His " Merry Millions."- His Breach with Berry.— Ballarat Sticks to him. -C. E. Jones Returned Again.— He and his Tribune. — R. T. Vale and Jones beat Bell and Fincham.— Ballarat East Candidates : their Ups and Downs.— James, Minister of Mines, Loses his Seat, and Leaves Political Life.— Council Elections.- Wanliss Petitions Against Gore's Return. — A Local Self-Government Paroxysm. — Local Court— Mining Board. — Court of Mines.— Local Courts Wrongly Con- stituted. -Mining Boards.- Judge Rogers and Black Wednesday. -One Code of Mining Law Reciuired. — Valuable Services of the Earlier Courts and Boards. HE acquittal of tlie State prisoners was an earnest of a fuller fruition of the reform struggle. It was not merely an acquittal of the insurgent diggers, but a justification of the basis of the whole reform movement, and a condemnation of the system of tyranny whose stupid and insulting administration had provoked such bloody reprisals. The report of the Commission of Enquiry averred that the diggers had been " governed three times over," and de- clared tliat if the insurgents ha► TOT »Uk ' _ 5^ ^''^ I -tr^ jjkI _ i-s' t Mount rieasant Lead Autfust .1856 White HorHe Leafl .lime Ih-lf. Miners Ri),dit Lead September .1856 Aselies Lead .lime lSf.fi Cobblers Lead October... .1856 fJiitn Tree Flat .. .lulv 18.% Milkmaids Load . . November. . .1856 Teriil>le Lead August IS,'-..'-. lU'dan Lead Knd of ... . .1856 <)rie-i;ve .') feet for 7") men. Frontage claim, I'rince of Wales Lead, 3000 feet for 41 men. A (juartz lilock claim, Cobblers Reef, 3000 feet by 500 feet for (i4 men. An alluvial lilock claim, S. C. Mobeck and ()3 others, 2000 by 040 feet. An alluvial Block claim, Augustus Sheppard and party, — men, I. 320 \)y 700 feet, tlOa.OOO. One (juartz battery of 16 head of stamps. One aO Honse power steam engine, winding engine, 25 Horse power engine and three puddling machines, OlHce houses, out- SOME COSTLY PARCHMENTS. 205 houses, machine house, P^ngine house, Battery house. Blacksmith's shop, Storeroom, Firewood 2000 Cord, Rails, Ropes, Chain Ropes, Large pump and small surface pump. Long Tom, Cradle £10,200. Total, £115,200. Then follows the usual array of signatures and seals to this new departure, and after that we come to a fresh set of folios under date 15th November, 1866, setting forth that " at two of the clock P.M. a majority in number and value of the share- holders being present" at an extraordinary meeting, the capital was increased to £208,575, in 8343 shares of £25 each; the same to be " increased" by giving to the Albion Company 3223 shares of £25 each in settlement of that company's claim for ground taken by the Prince of Wales Company. This was the last and biggest burst of the company in the matter of parchment dis- play. There is twice as much space covered with signatures and share details this time as ever before, and the absence from some folios of previous columns of tiny seals is compensated for by two great crimson ones of nearly the dimensions of the Cope-muffin type. But there was also a new feature in the form of a photo- graph of a weird-looking, scratchy, pen and ink sketch of intricate claim-boundaries, showing the involved lines of the manifold frontage systems, a memorandum of apportionment of scrip, the signatures of the contracting directors, and two little black seals as symbols of the two companies, in settlement of what was too often a business too dark for satisfactory apprehension. Another extraordinary meeting followed on the 30th July, 1869, reducing the number of directors from nine to seven, and at another on the 2nd December, 1870, as set forth in several folios, the directors were empowered to forfeit and sell shares on which calls had remained unpaid seven days. This regulation is signed by "John Embling, chairman of the meeting," and underneath, and ending this strange eventful history of corporate and regulational change, we have the following relatively brief finial, but still in big black Grerman and other text : — At a meeting of the company duly held, it was moved by Mr. George Coleman Robinson, seconded by Mr. James Slater and carried, That the minutes of Resolutions passed on the 2nd day of December one thousand eight hundred and seventy be confirmed. John Dane, Chairman of the meeting, F. W. Tatham, Manager of the Company. 206 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. Although there is no date to this last bit, it was probably a record of what took place at an ordinary or special meeting as soon as the other was over, and as legally necessary as a sequence to what went before. Amid all the paroxysms of change, in all the exits and entrances of signatories set out in this waste of sheepskin, there is one constant person. He is like Tennyson's brook. " F. W. Tatham, manager," goes on from start to finish. The first agony in 1864 was that of passing from the primitive condition of co-operation to that of incorpora- tion under Statute, with the original shares converted into scrip. In this process there had to be a larger number of scrip given to the holders of sleeping shares, halves, quarters, eighths, or what not, than to the holders of working interests, as these last had to work or pay for substitutes, while the holder of the sleeping interest had no labor liability. Thus, in the first issue of scrip by the Prince of Wales Company, a full original share was made into 40 scrip, of which the sleeping half had 24, and the working half 16. So the Great Extended Company, Redan, turned its shares into 60 scrip, and gave 34 to the sleeping and 26 to the working holder. The apportionment of interests in the Nelson and Wellington Com- pany, under the Limited Liability Act, in 5570 scrip, on the 4th August, 1864, was 40 scrip to each of 139| twelfth shares. But some holders had lOths in the original partition, and received 50 scrip ; others originally had 8ths, and received 60 scrip ; whilst 58 scrip were allotted to each original share in the Bullock Horn claim, absorbed in the Nelson and Wellington. The dillerence in market value of working and sleeping interests will be seen in the following prices advertised on the lOtli August, 1862, by S. Goujon, sharebroker : — One full Nelson 10th, £2100 ; a stiuarc lialf Nelson, £1050; a sleephig quarter 8th Nelson, £675. On the same date Micliacl Walsh advertised : — One Albion, £18.")0 ; ^ working All)ion, £67.5 ; \ sleeping (ireat Extended, £1700 ; A working ditto, £1400 ; 1 Cosmopolitan, £1900 ; ^ sleeping ditto, £1150; h working ditto, £760; quarter 12th Nelson, £.350; 1 Prince of Wales, £2000; k working ditto, £800 ; 1 (ireat Republic, £900 ; ^ sleeping ditto, £600. The year 1864 was tlie (irst year in which these transforma- tions took place. Then, too, began tin; larger and more complex A OREAT TRIANGULAR SUIT. 207 and more costly disputes, weary equity suits bristling with attorneys and barristers, and with costs incurred in coursing from court to court. Titles became more involved as local re- gulations and statutory law gave opportunities to " jumpers" who discovered that somebody's miner's right had expired, or some- body never had one, or found flaws in the mode in which a claim had been measured, or pegged out, or registered, or worked. The Prince of Wales Company paid large sums for clerical labor alone in connection with such difficulties, and that was but the poor fringe to an aggregate of over £13,000 costs for encroachment and other disputes. If an old Golden Point digger of 1851, looking into his little shallow hole, rich as a jeweller's shop, or, as bullock-driver Hannington says, like a ginger-bread basket, had seen below, in the uprising future, the long law suits and the monstrous bills of costs, the worry, the waste of time and energy, he would have recoiled in horror. Affrighted by the vision he would, surely, have fled with foot as fleet as fabled Mercury's, and left all the gilded promises of the unknown for the more sober certainties of a less fascinating, but more certain, industry. The sacred thirst broke out very early in claim disputes, and it is only within the last few years that mining has come to be less heavily weighted with law and lawyers. The period of Local Court and Mining Board regulations was the halcyon time of the attorneys and barristers and their prompters the jumpers, but as frontages gave way to blocks, and as the leads reached private property and leaseholds came into vogue, litigation grew less and less, and the exhausting journeys from Court of Mines, to the Supreme Court, and from there to the Privy Council were almost mere matters of history. Nothing but the great richness of the mines saved the litigant period from being one of general ruin. The Prince of Wales Company obtained its first gold in 1860, some 63 ozs. being won up to 20th September of that year. Altogether the company obtained 164,874 ozs. of alluvial gold and 44,196 ozs. of quartz gold, and, after surviving all its costly transformations and disputes, paid £250,894 in dividends to its long suftering share- holders. 208 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. More famous suits were those of the United Hand-in-Hand and Band of Hope, the Great Extended Redan, and the Kohi- noor Companies, a kind of triangular battle over registration rights to gutters which raged for years, rolled from court to court and, after an outlay of £60,000 in law, ended, as such disputes often did, in a compromise. For a time the combat was, generally, a outrance, and even the mathematics ceased in such conditions to be an exact science. Surveyors, theodolites, calculations, the very properties of the angle and the circle seemed to dissolve into thin air in the heat of those conflicts, and distance, number, weight, color depended, it would often seem, on the side for which the witness was called. The arena was one in which the builder up of bills of costs found his vocation abnormally easy, and the mining disputants bled with alacrity. But sometimes the victim turned upon the operator and criticised the demands made. Before us lies a printed address of James Cotter, the manager of the Hand and Band Company, with regard to a suit by Hardy and Madden, solicitors, " for recovery of £288 claimed by them as a refund due in respect of their 1,152 shares." The solicitors won their case. Cotter was a tall, spare. Irishman, with a quaint solemn mediieval-like face liable to sudden lights of intelligent humor. His face reminded one of those dull, saintly, effigies in old church windows, sadly serene in shadow, almost severe in their immobile expression, then suddenly a glint of sunlight comes and the figure is brighter with radiant aureoles of a new and vivid and almost articulate life. Him, the Court of Mines judge, Rogers, used to regard as a witness conspicuous for veracity, and Cotter held that the appellate judge, Molesworth, " failed to grasp the actual merits" of his (Cotter's) evidence on the bill of costs, and thus " thi'ough some error or mistake, quite inexplicable, arrived at an erroneous, though no doubt a conscien- tious, judgment." The dispute is cited merely to show how far the uncertainties of law in mining matters could extend, and specially, how the bills of costs arose. To that one firm of hiwyors the compaTiy paid £5,551 7s. .'kl. for a suit that dangled from January 1875 to August 1879 between the Ballarat Court of Mines and the London Privy Council. From Trinity Term to THK EGERTON CASE. 209 Michaelmas, to Hillary, to Easter, to Trinity again, the game was kept up in that particular suit in which the solicitors in question acted for the company in the Victorian Courts and by their London agent in the Privy Council appeal, and Cotter publishes the items charged by the London solicitor and by the Ballarat firm, the auditors finding a difterence of ,£124 18s. 6d. between the two accounts. Bat the £5000 odd was only an item in the general sum of costs in one of tliese long-winded suits, as from .£40,000 to £50,000 was sometimes the price paid for the luxury of a good stand-up fight in equity. Of all the celebrated mining suits here, the most celebrated was that known as the Egerton case, in which Messrs. A. J. L., T. L., and S. L. Learmonth, the Ercildoun squatters, who had purchased the Egerton mine in 1863, and in 1873 sold it by their S. L. Learmonth to Martin Loughlin for £13,500, sued said Loughlin, William Bailey, James "Williamson, Owen Edward Edwards, and an unnamed contingent called the Egerton Com- pany. Bailey had been the plaintiffs' mine manager, and sold, as their agent, to Loughlin, joining Loughlin, Williamson, and Edwards thereupon as equal partner. The plaintiffs' case in effect was that these four defendants had played a comedy of fraud, in which Bailey, the confidential adviser and agent of the plaintiffs, who was said to have wept under pressure of ante- cedent gratitude for Learmonth favors, and Loughlin, the purchaser, were star actors, and Williamson, manager of the Union Bank, Ballarat, where the purchasing cheques were honored, and Edwards, a broker at the Corner, performed the parts of general utility men, whilst at the back of the stage was a chorus of nondescripts who held 1000 of the 25,000 scrip into which the chief actors had converted their original shares. But if the chief plaintiff felt the logically dramatic significance of his case, how the iron must have entered his soul. For there had been that tender and touching prologue to the play in the form of an interview between the confidential manager and his employer, in which the former softening, as it would seem, and almost Enamoured more, as more remembrance swells With many a proof of recollected love, became, for one short, soft moment, " like Niobe, all tears." 210 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. The plaintiffs brought their suit in equity before Mr. Justice Molesworth, and it subsequently took the form, before Chief Justice Stawell and a special jury of twelve, of the live following issues to be tried as an interlocutory proceeding : — I. That the quartz contained in the mine, the subject matter of this suit, before or on the 15th clay of September, 1873, was richer in gold than the defendant William Bailey represented to the plaintiff Sommei-ville Livingstone Learmonth. II. That the defendant William Bailey did make a representation to the plaintiff, S. L. Learmonth, of the value of the quartz in the said mine, or of the value of the said mine false and to the knowledge of the said defendant, and with the intention of inducing the plaintiff to sell the said mine at an under value. III. That the plaintiff, S. L. Learmonth, was induced by the representations of the defendant, W. Bailey, as to the value of the said mine or quartz therein to sell the mine to the defendant, M. Loughlin, for the sum of £13,500. IV. That there was on or previously to the 15th day of September, 1873, an agreement or arrangement between the defendant, M. Loughlin, and W. Bailey that the defendant, W. Bailey, should have a share of the said mine after the sale thereof by the plaintiffs to the defendant, M. Loughlin. V. That both the defendants, J. Williamson, and 0. E. Edwards, or one of them knew of the existence of such agreement or arrangement at the time of their or liis entering into a bargain for the purchase of the mine. The four chief defendants represented the four quarters of the Imperial flag, and were all then in prime middle age. Bailey was a tallish, light-coniplexioned, stoop-shouldered Saxon English- man. Loughlin was over six feet high, a dark complexioned Irishman, with, perhaps, a strain of Hispano-Galway blood in him. Williamson was a Scotchman, of broad make and middle height, and fair complexion, one of Green's north of Tweed English. Edwards was a light, mobile, middle-height Welshman, who spoke good English with a Cambrian accent. Their answer to the plaintiffs' suit was, in effect, tliat they were all as innocent as new born babes. Tlie poverty of the mine before the sale, and its richness after the sale, were not coincidences of the type so delicately liinted at by Mr. Weller, senior, but were events honest and true, irrefragable as tlie postulated innocence of in- fancy. And so, in sooth, they may liave been. Mining luck is full of such sudden changes. S. L. Learmonth deposed that Loughlin had written on 1st September, asking if the mine was for sale, and Learmonth, THE EGERTON CASE. 211 remembering some former advice of Bailey's, replied that he would sell for £50,000. Then, communicating with Bailey, Learmonth was advised to sell for £12,000, as the mine had been yielding poorly, and was only worth three years' purchase, Bailey saying that he would not give more if he had a cart load of gold. Upon this Bailey was authorised to sell, and did sell to Loughlin for £13,500, receiving froni Learmontli 5 per cent, commission on the sale. Then the quadrilateral partnership was formed, the company floated in 25,000 scrip, the quad holding nearly all the scrip, and the output from the mine began to improve almost im- mediately, Bailey admitting in the witness-box that up to the date of the suit (1-ith March, 1876), he had received as his share of the gold " about £30,000." The defence set forth a denial of the allegations in the five cited issues, and an averment that " the rich stone after the sale was owing to the discovering of the new reef in the Rose (shaft)." Each side employed four barristers, and the case was opened on the 14th March, 187G, before Chief Justice Stawell and a special jury of twelve. Witnesses of all classes f I'om all parts of the colony gave evidence ; plans and models were used in profusion, and the public interest excited was great, as the allegations and denials were often very strongly opposed, and in the popular mind the unpopularity of tlie rich squatter plaintiffs was pretty well balanced by the fact of the sudden change in the mine's value after the mine had gone from their possession. On the 3rd April the judge sumraeduptothe jury ; the jury could not agree, not even a majority of three-fourths, and they were discharged. Mr. Dovan, one of the jurymen, said at the close of the iudge's charge that he wished to make a statement which he con- sidered a duty to himself and his fellow jurymen. " Last Wed- nesday evening a fellow came up to him in the interest of the defendants and offered hiiii £250 to stand out and give a verdict on their side, and told him at the same time that they only wanted one to complete the number to form a disagreement." When the jury had announced their final failure to agree the judge said to Dovan : — " Can you recognise the person you said spoke to you f Dovan replied : — " Yes, I can give his name." His Honor then discharged the jury. 212 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. The defendants won the battle along the whole line, in- iunction motions, issues, everything, for when the plaintiffs' made another essay to get back the mine they fared worse, the jury finding for the defendants on all the issues. Disconcerted, but not yet vanquished, the plaintiffs obtained leave to appeal to the Privy Council, but after a while began to treat with the defend- ants. This sent the defendant company's shares up 5s. and, as it was calculated that an absolute settlement would enhance their value 200 or 300 per cent., the defendants agreed to forego all claim for costs, which were estimated at =£26,000. The dispute was settled on these terms, the plaintiffs' costs being about £50,000 or £60,000 of which, if rumor were not a liar, not less than £15,000 was paid to one man to act as general overseer of the tight for them. This was the heaviest single suit in all Ballarat Mining liti- gation. It seemed to close the belligerent period that followed upon the advent of large companies and frontage complications — the halcyon time of the unscrupulous jumper and the fruitful source of disputes ; just as the largest and most disastrous of the Ballarat conflagrations closed the specially igneous period of old Ballarat. Cotter, who had large experience in law-tights, argues in favor of the union of the two branches of the profession as a mode of cheapening law. He says that when Barrister M'Dermott returned to Victoria from New Zealand he consulted with clients without the attorney go-between, and he was boycotted by the attoi-neys for a while. But liis action, according to Cotter's statement, reduced the cost of counsel's opinion from £12 to £2 13s. 4d., or in the case of Mr. Webb (now Mr. Justice Webb) to £3 13s. 4d. The Honorable Thomas Livingstone Learmonth, M.L.C., had been taken away, by Providence or a desire to settle for his latter days in the old lajid, from the evil days of litigation which had come upon his brother Somerville in person as the remaining representative of the firm. Thomas was a public man, and a religious and charitable man, in a more prominent sense than any of his brothers, and when he left the colony for Britain tliere was a public recognition of his personal worth as an old colonist and THOMAS LIVINGSTONE LEARMONTH. 213 dutiful citizen. On the 6th October, 1868, a soiree was given in his honor in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute, the late Robert Lewis presiding, and addresses expressive of remembrance of his many public services, his large enterprise, and his much appreci- ated philanthropy, were presented to the guest. One was on behalf of " the inhabitants of Ballarat and the surrounding districts," and another was from the Agricultui'al and Pastoral Society. The former referred to the changes Mr. Learmonth had seen since he first settled in the district, and in reply he said : — " You have alluded to the wonderful changes I have seen. They are indeed wonderful, for within twenty years I have seen a flock of sheep, tended by its solitary shepherd, feeding on the very spot on which this stately hall is built, and where this busy city, with its golden treasures, is carrying on the business and bustle of life." The Browns leases dispute was a turbulent instance of the conflict of claims arising out of conflicting mine boundaries, and the costly uncertainty of mining law. Within four years after the Eureka Stockade the leasing disputes occurred, and revived for a time the excitemeut which had glared up over the frontage regulations issue at the Mining Board election on the 14th July, 1856. The dispute at Browns was caused by the granting, under leasing regulations gazetted on the 23rd December, 1S58, of a lease to Duncan and party, known as the Great Britain Com- pany. The lease was of an area 1200 feet square, or 33 acres, on the Contest Lead, in the Smythesdale Division of the district, and it was opposed by 96 miners forming the Washington, Banner of War, Better Late than Never, and Victoria Com- panies. The lead was proclaimed in November, 1857, under the frontage bylaws, and claims were duly registered ; but many were soon abandoned, and then they were taken up with ex- tended areas under regulations existing for that purpose, the sub- sequently leased area being one of the areas so taken up on the 1st September, 1858, taken up with the increased area as a pro- tection under the plea of prospecting for the lead ahead of the last known place of the gutter. We have no space for all desirable particulars, and it must sutiice to say that after great excitement, questionings of bylaws by the warden, Lowther, 214 HISTORY OF RALLARAT. costly suits in the courts, incipient riots, the lessees were forcibly put in possession by Crown Lands Commissioner Sherard and sixty foot and twenty-five mounted troopers on the 25th May, 1859. A Select Committee of Parliament sat on the business afterwards, and found that all the facts in the lease affair had not been officially presented to the Government, and that though the bylaws of the Mining Board were of doubtful legality, still, " if Mr. Warden Lowther had duly and properly carried out the bylaws, no dispute would have arisen ; and if he had reported all the facts to the Government, the Government would not have deemed it just or politic to grant the leases." The anti-lessees claimed compensation for losses to the extent of £12,256, and the Select Committee recommended compensation to the ninety- six miners interested, but Parliament declined to adopt the advice thus given, and all the compensation obtained by the miners was .£30 a man paid by the lessees in settlement of the dispute. There were a few Chinese gold digging in Ballarat as early as 1852, but there was no rising of the "yellow agony" in the dis- trict till the year 1873, when a dispute at Clunes led to a disturb- ance of the peace on the 9th December. There had been a strike of the miners employed in the Lothair mine, as the directors refused to give a Saturday afternoon holiday shift as was generally the custom. The directors pleaded that the miners had no right to demand a holiday sliift without a rateable reduction of the two guineas a week wage, and, moreover, that as the Lothair mine was in wet and swelling alluvial country the works could not be safely left idle as if it were a dry quartz mine. There was a long series of palavers between the disputants and finally the miners struck work, supported therein by the Assocation then formed there. The directors of the mine, including Mr. Francis (tlien Preini(!r), and Mr. Lalor, the whilom hero of freedom, ttc, at the Eureka Stockade, decided to counter-plot against the strikers by employing Chinese labor, of whicli Creswick and Ballarat offered an amj)l(! supply. The Chinese were detested as an inferior race, as the harl)ing(irs of degrading pagan immorality, and as alien competitors for the bread which the miners required THE CLUNES RIOT. 215 for themselves and families. By Monday, the 8t1i December, the miners had information respecting the employment of Chinese, and at once made a demonstration in force. About 500 men of the Miners Association, headed by the Clunes Brass Band, and armed with pick-handles, battens, and waddies marched about the town, many women accompanying them. At midnight the fire bell was rung, and the crowd went to the Lothair mine, ordered up the few men who were still below, and when they re- fused and could not be found in the mine the shaft was covered over and cages lowered upon the covering. The crowd then put ropes round a building prepared for the Chinese and pulled it down. Daylight of the 9th soon dawned, the bells were rung again, and over a thousand men, womea, and children moved to the toll-gate on the Creswick road, and took possession of it and the contiguous fences. Lothair directors were approaching with a caravan of Chinese and police, but hearing of the hostile crowd turned off by the T<)urella road to enter Clunes by the Ballarat road, and the miners at once rushed across to the new line of march and erected a barricade of timber, stones, ploughs, harrows, ropes and other obstructions. The caravan, headed by a coach driven by McPhee, its owner, by whoie side sat Sergeant Larner, of the police, rapidly approached the bd,rricade. A storm of missiles from the defenders of the barricade poured upon the caravan, and so heavy was the onslaught upon the Chinese that the police had to abandon their attempt to carry the barri- cade and return to the beleagured caravan. An order to retreat was given, and the caravan turned back on the way it caine. The Sandhurst miners caught the excitement, aud threatened to march to the aid of their brethren at Clunes. Mr. Blanchard, the mayor of Clunes, who was also president of the Miners' Associa- tion, and Mr. Phillips, M.L.A. es^joused the action of the miners, the more emotional of the commentators in the Press championed their doings, and some were silly enough to compare the riot to the stand made at the Eureka Stockade. This was not wonderful if not very wise, for the business was a medley of conflicting legal and moral rights. The Lothair directors were within the law, and the rioters were violating the law. But 216 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. the miners had the whole moral weight of the argument on their side, and if the Lothair directors had shown more tact they would, probably, have found it as easy to carry on the mine as other Clunes managements had carried on theirs. The refusal of concession was a blunder, the employment of Chinese was a blunder, and the sending an armed police escort was a blunder. This M^as felt by the authorities, and so it was that nobody was prosecuted, and even the anomaly of the mayor being also a rioter, or an apologist of the rioters, was passed over. Tlie jumper — so called from the primitive digger who jumped into an unoccupied shallow hole — has always been one of the troubles of mining life. He sometimes was honest and did good work, and sometimes was a rogue and did great wrong. The Pleasant Creek jumps of 1872-3 were famous for the excite- ment they created all over Victoria. Ballarat men were the jumpers, and they sought to get possession of quartz ground at Stawell, on the plea that it had been shepherded for ten years. The shepherds were rich, and there was a great fight in the courts, besides threats of physical force disturbances. Public meetings were held in Ballarat and elsewhere, a " Pleasant Creek Jumps Company" was formed, and after a long struggle the wealthy shepherds made terms with the chief jumpers, paid their costs, and got back the ground, to the great disgust of the general body of shareholders in the J umps Company. One of the uglier forms of mining dispute was the physical force tactics sometimes adopted by tlie disputants and the men in their employment. These methods were, in underground encroach- ment cases, sometimes dangerous to health and life. Drives were Ijarricaded and defended vi et armis. Hometimes water was let out to overwhelm the enemy, and sometimes stink pots were used. The encroachment dispute between the Prince of "Wales and Albion Companies in 1866 was made infamous by the use of stink pots. Tlie legal manager of the Prince of Wales Com- pany writes : — On account of its bciii|4 hucIi a serious ciiinc, and hard to bring home to tiic real offenders, tlic prosecution was abandoned. I believe we could have proved wiio it was tliat purchased the deleterious drugs which were placed in our drives to prevent tlie men working, and which, if not dis PRIVATE PROPERTY LEASES. 217 covered in time, would most certainly have destroyed more lives than one. The modus operandi was simple enough, though I cannot say what drug was used ; probably acetic acid, such as the plumbers use. I did not see it, but I can imagine a quantity poured into a vessel with copper scraps. The latest jumping essay of special significance was an attempt in December, 1886, by near a hundred men to get possession " of that portion of the Band and Albion Consols claim, known as the No. 9 lease, and on which is the No. 9 shaft." Consols stock fell a few shillings in the market at once, but revived next day, and nothing more was heard of the business, save a plea by the jumpers that they only applied for some private property lots. The attempt and not the deed confounded them. Three decades had gone, after the gold discovery, before a law was passed to legalise mining on private property, but scarce one had passed when mining leases on private property were in vogue. The first in the Ballarat district was for the Learmonth pre-emptive at Buninyong, applied for by Messrs. D. FitzPatrick, S. Irwin, and J. Victor, who also were the earliest appointed justices of the peace in Ballarat. That application fell through, and a lease of the ground was obtained by H. Cuthbert, solicitor, since then a member of the Legislative Council and a member of several Cabinets. In 1860 D. and P. FitzPatrick obtained a lease of Egan's Corinella Estate, near Daylesford, and after that mining leases became common both on private and on Crown lands. But the agitation for a private property law went on, and for the course of some thirty years Ballarat fought hard at intervals in mining boards, and committees, and in the press^ but tlie question was shelved by the Parliament. For the people who voted and paid were " mostly fools," and the game went on till the political state of the country was so rank and corrupt that even manhood suftrage began to stir itself and call for reform. Then came the era of railway and civil service boards to restrict political patronage, and with these things there also came a law to legalise mining on private property. Some of the Australian mining ventures were floated wholly or in part upon capital obtained in Great Britain. Excepting the Port Phillip Quartz Mining Company, of which mention is made 218 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. hereafter, the only notable local instance of that kind was the Winter's Freehold Company which Mr. (now Colonel) W, C, Smith went to London, in 1868, to launch. A f ar-ewell banquet was given to him on the 9th September of that year, in the Alfred Hall, Mayor Davey, of Ballarat West, presiding, and the occasion was made the vehicle for conveying to Mr, Smith very hearty recognitions of his many and valuable services to Ballarat as municipal councillor, mining promoter, and parlia- mentary representative. With Mr. Smith, went to London Mr. Ligar, ex-surveyor general of Victoria, and Mr. Thomas Carpenter, a mining engineer, but the embassy was in tlie main a failure. The ambassadors were nobodies in London, and their bait was not attractive enough to the London Exchange. All that was done was to leave the project in the hands of broker Thomas Dicker, of the Mining Record, who placed 1,455 of the 12,960 shares composing the company's stock. This was, in fact, the third and final company. First, there was a company for boring for the lead, and that began to bore in October, 1866. Then a company to purchase the land was formed, an area of 1,360 acres being bouglit from Mr. John Winter for £50,000 cash, near £40 an acre being paid for land whose intrinsic value was about £3 an acre only. The company ceased mining in September, 1877, after spending £390,000, and having at the close of operations a debit balance of £33,000 at tlie Bank of Victoria. The bank, in fact, foreclosed, took possession, carried on the mine for eighteen montlis, and then tlie mine was abandoned. Dui'ing its operations the company raised £89,518 14s. 8d. worth of gold. The bank raised very little comparatively, and only partially re- couped itself by the sale of plant and freehold. The only other venture of any importance launched in the Ballarat district with foreign capital is the Port Phillip and Colonial G. M. Co., at Clunes. This company was established in London, at the end of 1851, with a capital of £500,000, afterwards reduced to £125,000, tlu; aiuount paid up being £100,000 in £1 shares. A staff, with a number of miners, stores, implements, tkc, was sent out early in 1S52, and a f(!w months afttM- that the present manager, Mr. II. II. IMand, was placed on the board of THE PORT PHILLIP COMPANY. 219 directors in London, and was appointed to take charge of the company in the colony. Mr. Bland arrived in Melbourne in August of that year. After some ventures in and around Ballarat, the company took up its present mine at Clunes under lease from the owner in 1857, work being commenced in March of that year. As there was at that time a difficulty in working the mine by the London company alone, an arrangement was made with a party of local miners, who formed themselves into the Clunes Quartz Mining Company, and have from that time till the present worked in conjunction with the Port Phillip and Colonial Company. The amount of capital expended in opening up the mine and erecting machinery was £19,500, of which the Clunes Company contributed <£1,500, and since then a large amount from the profits of the mine has been expended in additions to the plant. Of the £100,000 capital called up in the Port Phillip and Colonial Company, only £27,000 was called after Mr. Bland's appointment to the control of the company's opera- tions in Victoria. By courtesy of the manager we have the following statement : — The following is the return of quartz raised and crushed at the mine from 1857 to 29th September, 1885 : — Quartz raised and crushed, 1,307,727 tons; amount of gold obtained, 512,881 oz. 18 dwt. ; value of the same, £2,056,552 6s. lOd. Profit obtained and divided as follows :— The Port Phillip Company, £225,028 19s. 4d. ; Clunes Q.M.C., £118,415 2s. lid. ; proprietors' royalty, £138,877 lis. 7d.— total, £482,.321 13s. lOd. The highest yield of gold in any one year was 1 oz. 9 dwt. per ton. The lowest yield was 3 dwt. 23 gr. : and the total average was 7 dwt. 9 gr. The largest quantity of quartz crushed in any one year was 70,222 tons. The total quantity of pyrites saved and treated was 7496 tons ; gold obtained, 28,705 oz. 15 dwt. ; value, £116,319 4s. 2d. ; profit on the same, £88,899 15s. 9d. The plant consists of : — At the north shaft — (driven by steam supplied by three boilers) : 1 winding engine, 24-inch cylinder ; 1 pumping engine, 24-inch cylinder; 1 capstan engine, 10 inch cylinder; I Root's blower, driven by a 6-inch engine. South shaft : 1 engine and 1 boiler. Reducter works : 1 engine, 24-inch cylinder, driving 80 head of stamps, 2 stone-breaking machines, 6 buddies, 2 Chilian mills, 4 amalgamating barrels ; 1 12-inch engine (supplied with steam from five multitubular boilers). A movement was made in 18S6 to drain the Sebastopol plateau, two plans being suggested, one by an adit tunnel starting 220 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. near the Napoleons Lead, the other by a powerful pumping plant on the plateau. It was proposed to obtain State aid in both cases, either in the form of a cash subsidy or by statutory right to levy royalties or other contributions Nothing has yet been done towards realising either scheme. In response to a louder call than usual for State aid in the shape of a larger prospecting grant, .£80,000 was voted by Parliament in 1886, and local Prospecting Boards were created to receive applications for aid and report thereon to the Minister of Mines. The Ballarat board was elected on the 1st December last and consisted of Messrs. T. Richards, for the Mining Board ; the Hon. H. Gore, M.L.C., for the Mine Owners ; G. "Williams, for the Miners' Association ; City Mayor Tliompson, for the Local Bodies ; and Mr. J. Lynch, surveyor, for the Government ; Mr. J. M. Bickett being appointed secretary. Each of the seven mining districts of the colony claimed an equal share of the vote, applications poured in with torrential plenitude, the boards sifted them, made their reports to the Minister, and then it was dis- covered that the Government included the cost of diamond drill work in the charges upon the vote which was thus reduced to less than half the £80,000. Thereupon arose a violent storm of gold- fields indignation, and threats of dire political vengeance hurtled through the air both inside and outside Parliament. The Kohinoor Company, on the Golden Point Lead, com- menced operations early in tlie year 1857, began driving in the latter half of 1858, and paid the tirst dividend on the 25th June, 1859. The area of the claim was 170 acres. There were 4 shafts, 8000 feet of drives, 2 steam engines, 3 boilers, 4 puddling machines, and the usual other belongings to a first-class company's plant, value £22,000. Tlie company had expended £286,845 19s. 6d. up to November, 1869 ; had won 147,570 oz. 15 dwt. 7 gr. of gold, value at £4 per oz., £590,283 ; and had paid £304,460 in dividends. It must be noted that Ballarat gold has realised generally more than £4 per oz., but we have adopted that as a sufficiently accurate basis of calculation. The company was one of the very best ventures ever launched upon the alluvium of this gold-iield. BAND AND ALBION CONSOLS. 221 The Band of Hope and Albion Consols Company is a cor- poration formed by two companies, the Albion Company on the Frenchman's Lead, and the Band of Hope Company on the Golden Point Lead. The Albion Company was the first which tested ground in Victoria by boring operations before sinking. The first bore was commenced under the auspices of Messrs. Elder, Campbell, and others, on the 21st June, 1856, when what is now the borough of Sebastopol, and the greater portion of the borough of Ballarat West, were still unreclaimed bush country. The company began its shaft on the 4th of June, 1858, sinking through clays, drifts, and basaltic and schistose rocks to a depth of 475 feet. By the year 1868 the company had obtained gold realising £254,144, had paid £117,995 in calls, and £90,921 in dividends. The Band of Hope Company began sinking in March, 1858, after previous boring. Unusual difficulties were encountered in heavy flows of drift and rock-water, for it took the company five years to sink the No. 1 shaft 340 feet, and put in a drive 180 feet, the shaft not being sunk 400 feet till April, 1866. In Sep- tember of that year the company united with the Hand-in-Hand Company to work certain portion of the two companies' claims. The company procured the heaviest engines obtainable, lighted its mine witli gas, and carried on operations upon the grandest scale then known here. It raised 700 tons of washdirt a day, and ob- tained as mucli as 1637 oz. of gold from one day's washing. Having bought and expensively altered the shaft of the extinct Golden Gate Company on the Redan Lead, it began, after boring, to sink a third shaft south of the Smythesdale road in November, 1865, and on the 26th September, 1866, a fourth shaft was begun in the centre of the Redan Racecourse. Up to the date of union with the Hand-in-Hand Company the Band of Hope Company had spent £29,565 on the No. 1 shaft, and £101,955 on alterations in and driving from the No. 2 shaft. The No. 3 shaft cost £11,859 in sinking, and the No. 4 shaft a nearly similar sura, and in all over £3000 were spent by the company in boring operations. Up to a date a few months pre- vious to joining the Albion Company, the company had excavated and washed two and a half millions of cubic feet of auriferous 222 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. alluvium and schist, from which 161,943 oz. of gold were ob- tained, value £656,869, yielding in dividends £388,000. On the 7th March, 1869, the United Hand-in-Hand and Band of Hope Company united with the Albion Company, forming the incorporated Band of Hope and Albion Consols Company ; capi- tal £449,000, in 22,450 shares of £20 paid up ; area held, about 400 acres. The company's plant then included 11 engines, 14 boilers, and 16 puddling machines, besides buddies. In Septem- ber, 1869, nineteen horses were employed in the underground works of the mine ; 900 men, exclusive of splitters and others in the bush, were employed by the company, and the monthly expenditure of the company in working the mine was £10,600. By the courtesy of Mr. Serjeant, the manager, the author is able to append the following later details of this mine, which is now a quartz mine only, and is still the premier mine of Bal- larat : — Up to the date of amalgamation, the gold won by the Albion Com- pany was 84,324 oz. ; by the United Extended Band of Hope Company, 188,490 oz. ; and by the present company from the date of amalgamation to March, 1879, 246,737 oz. 6 dwt. 3 gr.— total 519,551 oz. 6 dwt. 3 gr., all from alluvial, and of the value of £2,078,235 9s. 2d. Early in 1879 quartz of a payable character was discovered at the company's No. 6 shaft at a deptli of 268 feet, and up to tlie .30th of December, 1886, we raised and cruslied 190,970 tons of stone, wliicli produced 123,480 oz. 8 dwt. 14 gr., including 3283oz. 13dvvt. 12gr., from 1807 tons pyrites, value £509,355 19s. 9d. ; total value of gold from all sources being £2,566,752 8s. 8d. The dividends paid amounted, at the close of 1886, to £1,134,101 li)s., showing that shareholders have received £44 3s. 8d. per cent, of the gross value of the gold obtained. The above total is made up as follows : — United Ex- tended Band of Hope, £446,400 ; Albion, £153,391 15s. ; Band of Hope and Albion Consols, £314,861 5s. ; do., do. (from quartz), £219,448 153. The plant consists of 13 engines, equal to 393 horse power nominal, 12 boilers, 70 heads of stamps, 1 steam hammer, 2 lathes, 1 slotting nuichine, 1 shaping macliinc, 1 Denny's concentrator, 2 Wheeler and Wilson's pans, 10 Halley's shaking tal)les, 6 amalgamating barrels, 1 stone cruslier, 1 air compressor— valueil at £15,000 7s. During 1881, after repeated trials, coul was introduced as an article of fuel, the results sliowing 1 ton of coal to he equal to 5 tons (50 feet to tlie ton) firewood. The present consump- tion is 60 tons coal and 100 tons of wood weekly. The former at 28s. per ton shows a considerable saving compared with the latter at 6s. 6d. per ton. The consumption of fuel in the stamp-house is estimated at the rate of 1 BAND AND ALBION CONSOLS. 223 ton of wood to 5 tons of quartz. The st;unpcrs, with sliank and disc com- plete, weigh S cwt., and have a drop of 8 inches. They strike from 70 to 75 blows per minute, and require 8 gallons of water per minute for each head of stampers. Each stamper is capable of reducing daily (24 hours) from 2| to .3 tons of hard stone, to pass through 160 holes to the square inch. Various samples of material have been used for permanent heads, and for shoes and false bottoms. For heads we find they are less liable to split when about 10 per cent, of wrought iron scrap is mixed with the cast metal. For shoes, the Lai Lai is the best we get. It is quite as hard as hematite, and possesses a toughness which hematite does not. We have also tried cast steel, which is far more durable than iron ; but this is an imported article, and the charges at the Customs house is greater than the total cost of iron. The concentrated sulphides collected by means of Halley's tables are roasted before being treated for the gold they contain. The bye products are sulphur, arsenic, and sesqui oxide of iron. The latter we grind with oil for paint, which finds ready sale among boiler- makers, bridge-builders, and ship-owners. Of arsenic, we have a surplus, and the sulphur is not collected. The cost connected with mining and crushing the quartz is estimated at 5 dwt. per ton, and the cost of treating the pyrites at f2 per ton. No. 7 is 1.300 feet, and No. 10 shaft is 1200 deep, and have been opened out at l'{ levels. The greatest depth from which quartz has yet been raised is 1200 feet. The claim covers 193 acres of ground, chiefly held under lease. We employ 2.30 hands, and our fort- nightly pay sheet, including wood and timber, carters and trade accounts, amount to an average of £1200. We pay captains 7s. lid. per shift, face- men 7s., truckers 5s., 5s. 6d., bracemen, platmen, and laborers 6s., engine- men 7s. 6d. In 1870, when the first edition of this work appeared, the Consols Company had let some of its shafts on tribute, and in giving that information Mr. Serjeant added the subjoined state- ment, which is of interest, as showing the difference in the scale of operations : — The company, therefore, has only two shafts now at work in its own hands. At these about 500 men are employed, and the rate of wages has been altered as compared with the rate in November, 1869 : — Captains, from £3 5s. per week to £2 10s. ; facemen, from £2 5s. to £2 2s. ; truckers, bracemen, platmen, puddling-men, laborer's, from £2 2s to £2 ; sluicemen, from £3 to £2 10s. ; engine-drivers, 8s. 4d. and 7s 6d. per day — " Sunday gratis" -when required. There are eight boilers now in use, eight puddliug- machines, nine horses, and the monthly expenditure now is £5000. The wage is, as shown before, now paid per shift of eight hours, and there is now no " Sunday gratis." Evidence of the 224 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. magnitude of the alluvial and quartz operations in the area held by this company is found in the fact that thirty-two miles of al- luvial driving were excavated, and four miles of quartz driving, exclusive of stoping strips. The Llanberris Q.M. Company is the oldest quartz company in Ballarat, the claim having been taken up by sixteen men in September, 1858, and the first crushing had in the next Septem- ber, the produce of the mine to the end of 1863 being 6391 oz. of gold, value £25,469, from which £9,052 were paid in dividends. In October, 1864, the co-operative company was made a registered one in 2,000 shares in which £13,400 have been paid in dividends from a total output value £76,896. The company's present claim includes the New Enterprise mine, which in one year gave to the original (sixteen) holders 16,000 ozs. of gold from quartz and a profit of £750 per man. The Learmonth Brothers, of subsequent Egerton fame, bought the New Enterprise, erected a new plant, and then sold to the Llanberris company. The Llanberris mine, taken in its entirety now, occupies the site of the confluence of the Red Streak, Canadian, and Red Hill alluvial gutters in the Gum Tree Flat, and in working the alluvial the eastern quartz lode presented at one place a perpendicular wall 18 feet high. This was known to Thomas Jones, of Llanberis, in Wales ; he helped to form the Llanberris company, but tlie registrar spelled the name with two r's and hence the present style of the company. The mine is not a rich mine, but the company worked so economically that on a less than 3 dwt. average per ton debts were discharged and dividends paid. A rich tliin golden strike of slates, known as tlie Indicator, traverses the Ballarat East belt of lodes, and it has lately lielped to enrich the Llanberris workings. The Black Hill Quartz Company is another example of suc- cess upon small average returns. Tlie registrar, reporting in 1870, says of tliat company : — The Black Hill Conijiany began work in January, 1862, and from that time to the end of December, 1809, embracing a period of eight years, they have obtained the quantities of (|uartz and gold set down hereunder : — Quartz crushed, 250, .575 tons ; gold got therefrom, 30,185 o/. 15 dwt. lOgr. ; average per ton, 2 dwt. 21 31 gr. ; total value, tHSiSll Cs, 3d. ; total divi- i CO uJ o O >- < < NEW NORTH CLUNES COMPANY. 225 dends, £21,730, being 10 per cent, per annum on the capital. The last dividend was paid in 1868. In 1880 the company altered its constitution to that of a no liability company, m 14,880 shares, dividends amounting to <£4,088 being paid under the new organisation, and in all, from the beginning to the present date, £31,130. The old mine has not been very productive for the last year or two, and tribute parties have been working parts of the ground with but moderate results. The New North Clunes Company was started in 1859, Esmond, the gold discoverer, being one of the shareholders, and the company's mine has been one of the best in the district. The first gold was obtained on the 5th October, 1867, and up to the end of May, 1887, there had been crushed 424,461 tons of quartz for 241,802 ozs. of gold ; value, at £4 per ounce, £967,208. The total amount of dividends paid to the same date was £516,056, or £251 per 2,056th share. Among the many alluvial projects in Ballarat which never grew to fruition was the Grand Trunk Leads or Great River Com- pany. This was a magnificent venture, on paper, in 6,000 shares of £5 each, for working " the continuation of the four rich trunk gutters of Ballarat, namely, the Golden Point, Inkermann, Redan, and Frenchman's * * * or nearly five miles of gutters held under the frontage system." This was at the end of the fifties or beginning of the sixties, and the area taken up lay where the Royal Park and Alfredton now are. Other interests militated against the success of the project, and the area was subsequently absorbed in the territories held by other companies. For many years the alluvial deposits in Ballarat Proper have been exhausted, and the bulk of gold won in the Central Division has been quartz gold. This was foreseen in 1870, when the first edition of this History appeared ; but a great revival of alluvial mining began in the Creswick Division in the early seventies. This was caused by the success of Graham, Brawn, and others at Broomfield Gully, in shallow ground. Their success led to the starting of the Lewer's Freehold Company on the 22nd July, 1872, the first party comprising Messrs. W. P. Jones, S. Fyson, 226 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. H. Gore, T. Rossell, W. Curten, E. and G. Daws, Rev. J. Wagg, W. J. Gillard, R. Henden, J. Riordan, J. M. Davies, G. West- cott, Alex. Stewart, W. Saville, and Alex. Rogers. The first washing was on the 8th April, 1873, when 28 oz. of gold were obtained. This led to a great rush ; the shallow ground was traced till the famous De Murska, Ristori, Lone Hand, and Madame Berry gutters were discovered, and nearly the whole of the country between Creswick and the Loddon taken up for mining. The rich deposits and the deep ground recalled the old days of Ballarat itself, and the locality is now the only largely productive alluvial field in Victoria. Fortunately, or unfortu- nately, the whole of the territory was private property, the Birches and the Hepburns, of the pastoral epoch, or their suc- cessors, vendees or assigns, being lords of the soil. The fortunate element was the freedom from the jumper and the other risks of Crown land regulations ; the unfortunate element was the royalty tax imposed upon the miner by the land-owners. Early in 1875, by which time the shallow rush had reached the edge of deep deposits and given expectation of a large and profitable field, a band of Ballarat capitalists bought 6000 acres of Birch's estate, at £Q an acre, from Alexander Wilson, the owner at that time. This band consisted of Messrs. M. Loughlin, W. Bailey, E. C. Moore, J. A. Chalk, R. Orr, D. Ham, E. Morey, and H. Gore, who called their company the Seven Hills Estate Company. The company was registered under the Trading Companies' Statute, in 200 shares of £250 each, and their land was taken up by the famous Ristori, West Ristori, Louglilin, West Louglilin, Lone Hand, Lord Harry, Berry Consols, and Madame Berry G.M. Companies, upon whom a royalty of seven and a-half per cent, of the gold won was levied, with one per cent, extra when an ex- tension of leases was required. In May, 1881, the Seven Hills Estate Company was registered in 10,000 shares of £20 each, but very few of the original company's shares changed hands, and the new company has never numbered more tlian fifteen share- holders. The company under its first organisation received £28,600 in dividends, and up to the 18th April last £138,885 under the new organisation, including £18,834 received as KINGSTON ALLUVIAL FIELD. 227 srazine rents from surface lessees. Thus we have an instance of a large sum (£148,651) being taken from the miner which, upon the theory that the gold belongs to the Crown, ought not to have been taken from him, and an instance of a very successful specu- lation which has already paid for the land more than four times over, and leaves still the estate intact, barring, indeed, some sur- face damage here and there, and the certainty of other mining royalties yet to accrue. But the ability to pay such a large aggregate of royalty proves the richness of the alluvium and the success of the mining investors. Thus the dead Ristori Company (12,000 shares of £1) obtained 104,224 oz. 10 dwt. 12 gr. of gold, value £430,918 16s. 4d. ; paid £32,153 14s. 2d. in royalty, and divided £16 14s. 5|d. per share. The dead Ristori West Company (20,000 shares of £1) obtained 38,491 oz. 5 dwt. of gold, value £158,409 15s. Id. ; paid £12,707 9s. 8d. in royalty, and £3 14s. 5Jd. per 20,000th share in dividends. The dead De Murska Company (8000 £2 shares) obtained £76,600 Is. 2d. worth of gold, paid £5743 9s. lOd. in royalty, and £28,200 in dividends upon £8800 called up. The dead Lone Hand Company (12,000 shares of £1 10s.) obtained 126,146 oz. 3 dwt. 3 gr. of gold, value £522,162 17s. 3d.; paid in royalty £39,163 Is. 3d., and in dividends £242,700, the paid up capital being £15,300. But the still live and flourishing Madame Berry Company (18,000 shares of £1 10s.) puts all the others into shadow, for it has obtained already 160,592 oz, 11 dwt. of gold, value £656,464 18s. 5d. ; has paid in royalty £49,177 13s. lid., and £21 8s. per share, or an aggregate of £385,200 in dividends, with only 17s. odd paid up per share. This was up to the 18th April last, and the company has apparently a long and prosperous life still before it. This is the richest of all the Kingston mines, and its works are extensive, as already (June 1887) there have been over nine miles of drives excavated in auriferous wash, a mile and a-half excavated in reef, or bed rock, and forty rises put up from six to 157 feet in height, or an average of 30 feet each. The West Loughlin and Berry Consols have not yet become productive mines. The Hepburn Estate is in gold, the Berry No. 1 is 228 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. beginning to open up wash, and it and the Consols will soon, ap- parently, be productive, the Hepburn Estate and Berry No. 1 being liable to the same royalty rate as that in the claims before catalogued, though outside the Seven Hills Estate. The Lord Harry and Earl Beaconsfield mines are likely to be producing gold before long, and a host of progressive companies stretch out the line of ventures to the borders of the Loddon Valley. Among the unpleasant mysteries of mining adventure the discovery by the Hepburn Estate Company in the week ending the 12th February, 1887, that the officially reported details of work done by the No. 4 diamond drill bore were a delusion was one of the most unwelcome. As the drill was Government property and the drill managers Government officers, the reports officially made were regarded as trustworthy, and these reports declared that the drill had drift at 414 fret, rising over 150 feet in the bore, at 417 feet was in quartz boulders, and reached bed rock at 420i feet. This depth was enough to admit of the passage there of the proved deep leads adjacent, and trusting in the re- port the company spent £20,000 in the erection of powerful pumping and winding plant and in sinking a large well-appointed shaft. The shaft bottomed on gold, the company's future was regarded as assured, and shares on the 27th January, 1886, sold as high as £9 10s., but when the drive for the supposed gutter, where the bore was, reached the bore, and hard rock was found over head for 66 feet instead of deep gutter ground there was a panic, and on the 15th February 1887, shares fell to sales at£l 3s. 6d.,a fall of £199,800, rallying very little after that. A deputation from the company to the Mining Department led to the nomina- tion of Messrs. C. W. Carr, P.M. ; R. M. Serjeant, manager of the Band and Albion Consols Company ; and Stuart Murray, C.E., as a board to enquire whether the reports of tlie bore operations were true or false, and who, if anybody, was to blame for the company having been deceived. The board began to sit in Ballarat on the 10th March last, counsel assisting, and on the 12th the board found that the evidence e.xonerated Harrison, the drill director, from all blame of fraud, and ventured the opinion that it did not tend to lessen public confidence in the drills, but DOWLING FOREST ESTATE. 229 the board reserved its opinion on alleged errors in the drill re- ports. Directors, miners, all sorts of people, lay under suspicion of fraudulently dealing with the drill debris and drill reports for sharemarket purposes, but there was no proof of anything of that kind, and the material fact seemed to be that the haste and high pressure with which the drill was worked converted the indurated sandstone bed rock into its original drift constituents instead of drawing up a proper core. In their final report to the Government the board added to its previous findings the opinion that " in all cases the cores representing the strata passed through should be submitted to technical examination by skilled mineralo- gists, and reported upon, before mining operations are commenced, and that samples, with description of strata passed through, should be preserved for reference." Encouraged by the brilliant success on the Creswick side of the Dividing Range, adventure was afresh stimulated on the western side, where the old Sulky Gully leads sprawled out into private property and were abandoned in the early sixties. A year or two ago a company called the Dowling Forest Estate Company leased from Sir W. J. Clarke 5,000 acres of his Dowling Forest Estate for mining purposes, and a portion of the leasehold between Mount Hollowback and the Dividing Range was sub-let to the Dowling Forest No. 1 Company. This company has sunk a shaft, opened up a considerable area of reef and gutter ground, and done some puddling, by way of testing the value of the deposits, but up to the present time no remunerative wash has been discovered there. Mr. George Cornwell, of Melbourne, was chairman of the original leasehold company, and his daughter, Alice, a lady of much spirit and keen commercial enterprise, took great interest in the fortunes of the newly opened field. Under her auspices the Midas Company was formed, whicli took up ground a mile or two south of the Dowling Forest No. 1 where some of the best known of the Sulky Gully leads had been left. The Midas was in shallower ground, by the end of 1886 had opened up rich wash, and up to the present time (end of May) has won close oil 2,000 ozs. of gold. This success led to the floating of a host of other ventures round about, from the ranees westward 230 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. ®ut among the rich basaltic hills and plains of the Dowling Forest Estate. The diamond drill was brought into play as an auxiliary, the work of prospecting is going on vigorously, and it is hoped that a valuable new gold field will be opened up to balance the rich discovery on the Kingston side of the range. Whilst these pages are going through the press the tide of a revival of quartz mining on the Sebastopol plateau is flowing Strong. This revival is due to the success of the Star of the East Company, a relatively new venture, and the continued good fortune of the Band and Albion Consols Company. Ten or a dozen years ago, or more, the Guiding Star Company, in working alluvial, had struck quartz that gave 1,300 ozs. of gold from 1,600 tons of quartz, but the company had to succumb to water and other difliculties. Some good results thereafter obtained by the Band and Albion Consols and Washington companies caused a rush, and several claims were taken up south and north of those companies, as there had been also as the outcome of the almost synchronous Hurdslield alluvial rush upon some rich alluvial wash to the north-east of the Washington and east of the Kohi- noor claims. The Star of tlie East claim was taken up and the company registered in June, 187S), capital £34,000 of which £19,000 was paid up. Gold was first obtained in September, 1886, and up to the 3rd May last there had been 5,966 ozs. of gold won from 3,749 tons of quartz, and £4,800 paid in dividends. The claim is next south of the Band and Albion Consols claim, and there are several auriferous lodes in the area held by the com- pany, including the Consols and the Guiding Star lodes. This marked success, and the prospect of equal luck north and south of the Star and tlie Consols along the strike of the proved belt of lodes, led to a fresh rush of adventurers, and claims were taken up for over a mile both north and south, and companies floated to work them. The favorite names for the new ventures were Star and Plateau, and on these two notes a peal of changes was rung, and the Stock Exchange share-list was much swollen by the added novelties. There is thus i)romise of a good testing of the quaru resourc(!S of the wlioh; reach of country from beyond Lake Wendouree, on the nortli, to the Durham on the south — a tract OLD BALLARAT SUPERIORITY. 231 of country that was rich in alluvial deposits — and the reasonable inference is that the quartz lodes traversing the same country, and which were the matrices whence the stream gold was in large part drawn, will prove remunerative in the working. Upon the success or failure of this large experiment upon the Sebas- topol plateau depends, in great measure, the immediate future of mining in the central division of the district In attempting to show the aggregate produce of gold of this or any other district in the colony, great difficulty is at once encountered, and it is found that all figures must be merely approximate. For several years nothing like statistics of gold yields were attempted by the Government, and up to the present day it is impossible to arrive at more than probable aggregates and comparisons. The Mining Department has, all the years past, been busy with letter writing and the receipt of gold statistics, but has never found time or brains for distilUng out district totals. Amplitude of details, a very waste of figures, but no informing or well diflerentiated total results. One thing, however, at the date of the first edition of this work (1870), amid all the dubiety of gold-fields statistics, had been irrefragably established, namely, the superior auriferous wealth of the Ballarat district over all the other mining districts of Victoria. A few figures will illustrate this. The return for 1868 of the value of mining plant in the several districts gave the following comparisons: — Ballarat, .£706,393; Sandhurst, £418,738; Beechworth, £283,4-15; Castlemaine, £277,248; Maryborough, £227,348. The subjoined table of companies registered in the Court of Mines up to the end of 1868 illustrated the metropolitan character of Ballarat in another fashion : — Districts. No. of Companies. No. of Shares. Nom. Capital. Ballarat Beechworth . . Sandhurst Castlemaine . . Maryborough Ararat Gipps Land . . 90S 641 188 431 195 94 14 .1,347,924 1,240,731 3,057.433 771,524 873,048^ 105,687 25,165 £10,579,711 5,935,419 3,100,350 2,270,176 1,805,410 662,429 77,710 Subjoined is the tabular summary for 1869, issued by the Mining Department, from which it will be seen that the mining 232 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. collapse in the late sixties told heavily upon the returns, but, that up to the end of that decade, Ballarat maintained its position as the leading field : — • Districts. No. of Companies. No. of Shares. Norn. Capital. Ballarat Maryborougrh . . Beechworth . . Ararat Sandhurst Castlemaine .. Gipps Land . . 135 87 53 45 44 39 20 402,492 332,554 240,086 153,060 643,636 131,686 80,746 £1,555,300 1,157,656 772,875 606,160 583,686 298,414 261,136 The returns for the quarter ending 31st March, 1870, give the subjoined comparative table relative to the steam machi- nery at work on the Victorian gold-fields, this return also demonstrating the pre-eminence of the Ballarat field, while show- ing also the decline caused by the depression in mining affairs : — ALLUVIAL MINING. QUARTZ MINING. Approximate Districts. No. of Horse No. of Horse No. of Value Engines Power. Engines. Power. Stampheads of all Plant. Ballarat 214 6,374 144 3,455 1,256 £695,513 Sandhurst 35 518 151 2,724 1,431 427,867 Beechworth . . 47 752 69 939 1,099 302,257 Maryhorouffh . . 63 1,235 109 1,991 720 279,211 Castlemaine .. 31 552 134 2,291 995 262,070 Gipps Land . . 2 12 39 659 489 134,199 Ararat . . 16 224 36 879 397 124,110 The Victorian gold returns show that the year 1856 was the culminating one, with a yield of 2,985,991 oz. From that year to the year 1867 inclusive the?e was an annual decrease in the gold yield, the product in 1866 being 1,479,194 oz., or less than lialf the 1856 return. There was a recovery in 1868 of over 200,000 oz., or an increased produce worth nearly a million sterling. But the tables for 1869 show a return to the decreas- ing scale. What the whole colony did iii the first ten years was shown by a pyramid of gilded wood sent to tlie London Exhibi- tion of 1862 by Mr. J. G. Knight. This pyramid showed the size in mass of the Victorian gold exported from the 1st October, 1851, to the 1st October, 1861. It measured 1492^ cubic feet, and represented 26,162,432 oz., or 800 tons 17 cwt. 3 qr. 7 lb. of gold ; value, £104,649,728 sterling. In Hayter's Year Book the BALLARAT AND SANDHURST. 233 total export of Victorian gold up to the end of 1885 is set down at 53,727,986 oz., value at £4 per ounce, £213,911,944. This shows the singular rapidity with which the diggers discovered and worked the richer deposits everywhere, since nearly as much gold was won in the first ten years as in near a quarter century follow- ing thereafter. For the last few years the returns have been falling. Hayter gives the Victorian average from 1851 to 1885 inclusive at 1,535,000 oz. per year, or more than twice the 1885 total, 735,218 oz., as given by him. But the returns of the mining registrars enable him to show that though the output has been falling, there has been a rise in the proportion won to the number of miners employed. His estimate of gold per miner is £104 4s. 4d. for the year 1883, £106 14s. 6id. for 1884, £108 15s. 9Jd. for 1885. But it has always been difficult to get at the district yields very accurately. So long as the escorts were maintained, district returns of more or less accuracy were possible, and we now cite them as fol- lows, comparing with those of Ballarat the Sandhurst or Bendigo returns, that district being the only one that ever claimed rivalry with Ballarat : — BALI/ARA.T. SAKDHURST. ozs. ozs. 1853 . 319,099 1853 .. . 609,728 1854 . 584,967 1854 . . . 661,749 1855 . 769,429 1855 . . 429,933 1856 . 920,351 1856 . . . 451,588 1857 . 686,263 1857 1858 . 502,948 to 1859 . 467,223 1860 . 556,207 1860 . 2,152,998 Total .. . 4,806,477 Total . . . 4,305,996 In this table we have, in the absence of returns at hand, assumed that Bendigo produced as much during the last four years tabled as during the first four years, though it is known that that field did not produce in equal ratio. Yet, after assum- ing in her favor what is not true, we find that Ballarat stood half a million ounces, or two millions of pounds sterling, a-head of the northern field. With the after years there came a change in the relations of the two districts. The alluvial field in the Creswick division has 234 HISTORY OP BALLABAT. saved the Ballarat district from an ignominious decadence beneath the position of its ancient rival, whose title to the name of the Victorian Quartzopolis is unquestioned. The positions of the two fields during the last few years is seen in the following table, made up from the annual summaries of the gold-fields corres- pondents of the Melbourne Age : — BALbARAT. SANDHURST. OZS. OZS. 1882 216,565 1882 202,268 1883 210,009 1883 220,157 1884 220,000 1884 218,009 1885 211,242 1885 216,772 1886 159,886 1886 156,772 The foregoing Ballarat totals are ascertained by the addition of 10,000 oz. each year, for unreported gold, to the weekly ofiicial returns of managers of companies. The Sandhurst totals are taken from the Age correspondent's returns, but the 1886 total is, in the absence of a direct statement, made up by taking 60,000 oz. from the previous year's return, the correspondent saying " the returns for 1886 are from 50,000 to 70,000 oz. less than those of 1882-3-4-5." But to show how Ballarat owes its relative position to the discovery in the Creswick division, the following table of ascertained Ballarat district alluvial and quartz returns may be glanced at, it being remembered that the bulk of the alluvial gold is from the Creswick-Kingston field : — Years. Alluvial. Dividends. Quartz. Dividends. 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887, to end of May OZS. 122,332 109,271 131,305 125,446 84,718 24,135 £ 225,650 158,900 240,566 311,810 162,737 32,610 OZS. 84,234 55,860 63,332 60,101 54,041 28,667 £ 140,583 34,002 66,663 45,216 31,626 22,171 Totals .. 597,206 1,141,273 356,135 340,261 This table shows the recent decline in the general output from the mines, and for the first time in local mining history, exhibits an excess of quartz over alluvial gold. As in 1870, it may now he said more emphatically, the future of the gold- fields is, no doubt, to be one chiefly of quartz mining. Mr. Westgarth, in his " Victoria in 1857," bears testimony to PURITY OP BALLARAT GOLD. 235 the superior quality and yield of this field, and to the enterprise of its miners. He says at page 182 : — ■ Ballarat gold for its purity excels the gold from any other Australian field. Ballarat, indeed, takes the position alike of the oldest gold-lield of any note, and that which has yielded the largest quantity of the precious metal. From the month of September, 1851 — when the Government first established the armed escorts — to the end of 1856, there was sent down from Ballarat by these conveyances no lessthan 2,801,729 ounces of gold, of the value, in consideration of its purity, of upwards of £4 per ounce. It was at Balla)i-a>t where the spirit of enterprise was most prevalent. The great purity of the Ballarat alluvial gold was early dis- covered. It has always commanded the highest rates in the bullion market. The assay of gold won from the Band of Hope and Albion Consols mine for the half-year ending June, 1869, was 23 carats 2^ carat grains fine, and for the half-year ending December, 1869, 23 carats 2| carat grains fine. Some assays of nuggets show similar purity. The Welcome Nugget assay was 99*20 pure gold = 23 carats 3^ carat grains fine. The Nil Desperandum gave an assay 98*80 pure gold = 23 carats 2| carat grains fine. Thus, whether in large lumps or small particles, the gold found in the alluvium or drift of the ancient water-courses, or on the banks of those water-courses, is ascertained to be nearly free from all impurity, while gold in the matrix, quartz, is always charged more heavily with the baser elements. As the origin of gold is still a mystery, unsolved by science or experiment, each student has his own theory. Some hold that gold is the product of electric action, some of vaporific sublima- tion, others of precipitation. The modes of its occurrence, the principle which governs its purity in and out of the matrix, and other items in the arcana, remain nearly as they were to the un- lettered digger of the first days. Our most erudite savans, indeed, can say but little more about gold than was expressed by the old diggers, who pretended to no very clear vision of the subject, and said — " All we can say is, that where it is, there it is!" In Smyth's " Gold-fields of Victoria," from which we have taken some of the above assays, we find nearly all the particulars tabulated below in relation to large Ballarat nuggets. We have 236 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. had to supply omissions and correct some errors in dates in Smyth's tables : — LOCALITV. When Found Gross Wght. Troy. lb. oz. d\vt. gr. Black Hill.. 14th October 1851 7 6 Canadian Gully 20th January 1853 93 1 11 Canadian Gully 22nd January 1853 84 3 15 Canadian Gully 31st January 1853 134 11 Canadian Gully February 1853 30 8 Canadian Gully Canadian Gully 1853 1853 30 11 2 February 11 11 15 Eureka 7th February 1854 52 1 Dalton's Flat, Canadian, " Lady Hotham " 8th September 1854 98 1 17 Bakery Hill 6th March 1855 47 7 Bakery Hill March 1855 40 (1 Union Jack Gully, Buninj'ong . . 2Sth February 1857 23 5 10 "Nil Desperandum," near Black Hill Lead 29th November 1857 45 " Welcome," Bakery Hill 9th June 1858 184 9 16 Kohi-Noor Claim 27th July 1860 69 e Koh-i-Noor, " Sir Dominick Daly" February 1862 26 Koh-i-Noor, other nuggets Feb. 1862 to May 1869 62 8 VVebbville, Buninyong 1st August 1869 12 " The Corner" is the name given to the place where the sharebrokers and share jobbers assemble. For many years the gathering has been in front of the Unicorn hotel, on the south side of Sturt street, the brokers' offices being in the Unicorn passage, or right-of-way, and in Bones' Buildings, next east from the hotel. Bones' Building was originally a draper's shop, then a mining exchange, and Bones has added to it a second story, made one end into a billiard room, and retained most of the brokers' offices. The name " Corner" arose from the fact that in the early sixties, when the previously unorganised business of share deal- ing began to assume regular form — Messrs. Stallard and S. Goujon being of the earliest — share dealing offices were opened at the south-east corner of Sturt and Lydiard streets, where the London Chartered Bank now stands. The Corner at that time was covered by a wooden building on posts, an ironmonger's store occupied by A. R. Reid, now the actuary of the Geelong Savings Biunk. Micliac^ Walsh was one of the earliest brokers to open an office in the corner building, and he took in a partner named Were, and E. C. Moore, who had been hospital secretary, subse- quently joined the firm. Otlior y)rokers followed, a daily muster was established, and the foundation of the Ballarat Stock Ex- change was thus laid ; the first Exchange, with M. Walsh president, meeting in a wooden building erected over an old shaft THE CORNER AND STOCKS. 237 on the site now occupied by the Academy of Music. This was in the sixties. After that the Mechanics' Institute and the Unicorn hotel became the homes of the Exchange, and to Walsh succeeded F. C. Downes, and to Downes succeeded W. Nixon, the several secretaries being Messrs. Main, Slater, and Woolcott. On the 6th July, 1881, a rival, called the Royal Exchange, with Edwin Millard president, and S. W. Smythe secretary, was opened, the members having seceded from the original Ballarat Exchange because they declined to refuse to give individual quotations to the press. On the 5th December, 1885, the Royal was merged in the Ballarat, with Millard presi- dent and "Woolcott secretary, both still (June, 1887) holding their respective offices. There were then 98 members on the roll, and the entrance fee by that time had been raised from £5 5s. to <£25, and the stock list including 108 mines, the bulk of which are in the Ballarat district. Whilst this chapter is going through the press, the foundations of a new stock exchange building are being laid in Lydiard street. The Ballarat alluvial stocks were large and costly things in the days of the origin of the share market. In the Melbourne stock and share list of 23rd June, 1863, Great Extended shares (80) were quoted at £2850, Kohinoor (40) at £2800, Albion (72) at £1800, Prince of Wales (64) at £1750, Defiance (52) at £1250, Working Miners (57) at £1100, Band of Hope (1600) £34. Thus we have the Great Extended with an aggregate value of £225,000, whilst at the time of this writing, May, 1887, the Band and Albion Consols, whose stock is a purely quartz stock, covering most of the areas held by the old Albion, Great Ex- tended, and Band of Hope alluvials, is quoted at 76s., giving an aggregate value of £85,310. When the rich gutters were nearly worked out, and the large original shares had got reduced to scrip, share dealing became a larger and livelier business, and brokers and jobbers multiplied, nearly all of them being, for the first few years, men who had been actually engaged in mines as working or sleeping shareholders. The business was accom- panied by projection of new ventures, and the occasionally 238 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. violent alternations of activity and depression which usually mark the course of share dealing, for promoters of new schemes have to live, if they can, by their craft, and the passion for scrip gambling provided an ample arena for their exploits. We have now ended our sketch of mining development, and the instances cited show what a vast transition has taken place in the miner's vocation since the days of tlie early shallow digging, and even the deeper and richer digging of the days when the Eureka, Canadian, and Gravel Pits were in their glory. The immense outlay in labor and plant before gold is reached now contrasts strangely with the easily won fortunes of the earlier days. If the classical digger of the Eureka were here now he might exclaim, " Oh ! mihi prneteritos referat si Jupiter annos ;" interpreting it auriferously to mean, " Oh ! that the gods would give us back the Jeweller's Shops and the Italians' holes of the bygone days." And some yearn for even an earlier time than that. For to an old goldfields man, weary with the hope deferred, and the many losses of deep sinking, the memory of the first diggings, or the sight of a little shallow-ground " rush" now, is like a sweet vision of childhood coming back to bless the world- worn old man in his desolateness and sadness of heart. The shallow-ground days were blythe with rapid golden successes, the joyous energy of independence and hope, and a continuous and hilarious change ; but now the mines are tilled with men who have to plod on at their dull and ever dangerous routine year after year upon a small wage, while capitalists win or lose upon their market speculations or by the labors of the men who, in the primitive days, would liave scorned to call any man master. CHAPTER VIII. THE TOWN OF BALLARAT. Area and Population of Ballarat. — Slunieipal Statistics of Ballarat West, Ballarat East, and Sebastopol. — Water Supply. — Lake Wendouree. — Yacht and Rowing Clubs. — Hospi- tal. — Benevolent Asylum. — Orphan Asylum. — Female Refuge. — Ladies' Benevolent Society. — Roman Catholic and Anglican Dioceses. — Churches.— State and Church Schools. — School of Mines.- -Museum. — Observatory. — Public Art Gallery. — The Stoddart Gift. — The Russell Thompson Bequest. — The Burns Statue. — Other Statues Projected. — Typo- graphy. — Photography. — Lithography. — Public Libraries. — Mechanics' Institute. — Academy of Music. — Eisteddfod. — Cambrian Society.— Musical Societies. — Agricultural and Horticultural Societies. — Iron Foundries. — Implement Factories. — Woollen Mills. — Flour Mills. — Bone Mills. — Breweries. — Distilleries. — Cordial Factories. — Bacon Fac- tories. — Tanneries. — Boot Factories. —Juvenile Industrial Exhibition. — Old Pioneers. — Fire Brigades. -Volunteers and Militia. — Gas Company. — Banks. — Recreation Reserves — Cricket and Football Clubs. — Hunt and Race Clubs. —Electric Telegraph and Telephone. — Public Offices.- Public Halls. — Gaol and Court House. — Camp. — Last of the Military. — Railways. — Tramways. — ShireCouncils. — Local Journalism. — Royal and Other Visitors. — Queen's Jubilee.— Reminiscences. — Past and Present Contrasts. [HE town or city of Ballarat must be said to comprise the borough of Sebastopol, as there is no break in the continuity of streets actually built upon and inhabited. The latest municipal baptisms have made Bal- larat East to be the Town of Ballarat, and Ballarat West to be the City of Ballarat. This ridiculous nomenclature is a perpetual puzzle to strangers at a distance, and well beseems the moicellement of local self-government, and the local jealousies and ambitions which tax citizens for the maintenance of distinct halls, offices, and officers, where one staff might better ful- fil all necessary municipal functions. This state of things is a sur- vival from the early days, when the western part of Ballarat was nothing, and the eastern part was everything, save in municipal matters, and the local interests that grew up on both sides of the muddy little Yarrowee were kept alive in a more or less absurdly belligerent form through all the foundation years of the two Ballarats. 240 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. From the northern boundary of Ballarat "West to the southern boundary of Sebastopol borough the distance is five miles and a quarter, and from the western boundary of Ballarat West to the eastern boundary of Ballarat East the distance is four miles. These distances are measured along the central thoroughfares, where the whole alignment, with immaterial ex- ceptions, is built upon. Thus, starting from the eastern boundary at the Canadian and going to the western boundary at Alfredton, the traveller passes along Main, Bridge, and Stui't streets, and performs a journey of a few hundred yards over four miles. This is a distance as great, if not greater, than that in London from Hyde Park Corner to the Bank, that from Westminster Bridge by water to the Tower, or that from the Elephant and Castle, south of the Thames, to Highbury Park in the north. It is as great as the distance in Melbourne from the University to the Junction at St. Kilda, or from the Spencer street railway ter- minus by way of the streets to the junction of the Merri Creek with the Yarra Yarra on the eastern boundary of Richmond. In starting from the noi'thern boundary of Lydiard street, and passing to the southern boundary at Bonshaw, the traveller per- forms a journey of five miles and a quarter, and traverses Lydiard, part of Armstrong, Skipton, and Albert streets. This long stretch of street is represented in London by the distance from Hyde Park Corner past the Bank and Whitechapel to the Mile End road, from the Elepliant and Castle to the New River reservoirs, or from Westminster Bridge by water, to Limehouse Reach. In Melbourne it is etjual to a walk from Flemington to St. Kilda, or by water from the mouth of the Yarra Yarra to Richmond. When the first edition of this work appeared in 1870, the traveller, while traversing the Ballarat thoroughfares mentioned, passed along the two central lines of streets of a city with over ■10,000 inhabitants, 50 churches, 3 town-halls, 477 hotels, many other large public edifices, over 10,000 dwellings, 84 miles of made streets, 164 miles of footpaths, 15 miles of pitched channel- ling, property of tlic rateable value of a quarter million sterling, and yielding a yearly niunicipal revenue of £50,COO, exclusive GREAT MINING COLLAPSE. 241 of a water supply revenue of £15,000. He passed over the two centres of a city comprising an area of 9400 acres in extent, where lay 60 miles of water mains, 50 miles of gas mains, and over 3000 lineal yards of stone flagging. He saw about him long reaching lines of stately buildings, and elegant shops, and large manufactories, including 11 banks, 8 iron foundries, 13 breweries and distilleries, 3 flour-mills, and other manufactories, all within the town boundaries ; while everywhere around him, where less than twenty years before there was only the wild soli- tude of the primeval forest, the works of mining companies, the fertile farms, and the hum of commerce revealed at once the secret of the power which had created this great prosperity. Owing to the migration caused by mining changes, Ballarat has not increased its population, though it has otherwise made large progress. When this History first appeared, in 1870, the town and district were suffering from a depression caused by the reckless spirit of gambling at the Corner, by the responsive tastes of a hopeful public, and by the natural operation of the progress of mining, by which last the alluvial grounds had been in great part exhausted. The large sums lavished upon mere paper claims, and the heavy demands upon capital caused by a too great extension of adventfure, had so far prostrated the ability of the district that a general collapse ensued, to the partial or total pecuniary ruin of scores of families, and a very general depreciation of property of all kinds, and notably of mining stock. In 28 mining com- panies whose offices were in Ballarat, and whose mines were in or near the town, the depi'eciation in the market value of stock — comparing prices in Jvily, 18C9, with those in May, 1870, reached the sum of £1,042,000. At least another million sterling must be added for depreciation in other stocks besides the companies specified These calculations were furnished by a gentleman familiar with the market, and they do not include the losses in call-paying. In April, 1870, the Melbourne Leader estimated the depreciation in -io given companies' stocks to be ,£1,016,000 in March, 1870 — as compared to March, 1869. The depreciation in mining stock, as cited above, amounted to £2,042,000 sterling — a sum equal to two-thirds of the annual public revenue of 242 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. Victoria at that time. The gravity of this fact, and the relation of mining to what is called real property, will be seen from a comparison with some estimates of municipal revenue and town property. The mining depreciation was very nearly equal to fifty years purchase of the total revenue of the boroughs of Bal- larat West, Ballarat East, and Sebastopol, and more than equal to eight years purchase of the whole real property in the city at that date. This was a notable example of the ups and downs which the city, as the centre of a mining district, has been subject to. Similar conditions still exist and operate, though in a less marked degree ; and the tables of yearly assessments may be taken, in some sort, as indications of the ebbing and flowing of civic fortunes. In the interval since 1870, great urban and industrial developments have taken place ; new social and ecclesiastical crea- tions have added distinguishing features to the city ; arts and manufactures have grown in importance, albeit there may not have been additions to the number of business firms. There are fewer flour mills, breweries, distilleries, and hotels now than at the eailier date ; no additions have been made to the number of churches in permanent materials, and some of the wooden ones have disappeared ; but additions have been made here and there to churches existing in 18!) ; pnpuhition, fi754. FINANCE AND MARKETS. 247 Under the new licensing policy of the Legislature, the number of hotels has been lessened. The number stated in these pages are from the sub-treasury record of licenses issued up to the end of May, 1887. Taking the city treasurer's figures for the year ending 30th September, 1886, we have the city's financial condition thus set down : — Indebtedness— Loan, 1875, £47,500; do., 1884, £10,000; total, £57,500. Process of liquidation : — The whole of the principal of the loan of £47,500 is repayable on 1st May, 1903. In the meantime, interest of 6 per cent, is payable half-yearly, viz., on 1st May and 1st November ; and 2 per cent, of the loan is invested yearly towards the establishment of a sinking fund for the liquidation of the original debt. The principal of the £10,000 loan of 1884 is repayable at the rate of £800 on 1st June in every year until 1893 ; the balance, £2,800, becomes due on 1st June, 1894. In the meantime, interest of 5 per cent, is payable half-yearly, viz., on 1st June and 1st December ; and 2 per cent, is invested yearly towards the establishment of a sinking fund for the h([uidation of the balance. Amount of sinking fund to date, £12,(:)2S Os. Id. ; debentures redeemed, loan 1884, £1,600 ; last assessment, £143,091 ; value in fee simple, £1,787,910. The market inspectors supply the following returns : — The live stock that passed through the Corporation Sale-yards for the year ending 31st July, 1886, were : — Cattle, 18,9.50 ; calves, 2,252 ; sheep, 503,971 ; lambs, 62,045. Sales in the private yards for the same period were :— Horses, 3,028; cattle, 7,420; sheep, 2,151; pigs, 14,077. The market returns for agricultural produce exhibit a lively increase, notwith- standing the large quantity now taken past by railway ; but it is difficult to say whether the increase is due to climate causes or increased lo(;al demand ; in either case it is satisfactory. The returns are : — Oats, 215,179 bushels ; pease, 72,649 bushels ; barley, 18,304 bushels ; hay, 18,405 tons ; straw, 1,251 tons ; potatoes, 9,629 tons. The death-rate of the city for the ten years ending 1886 was 422 7-lOths per year, but this included hospital deaths of patients from the whole district, and raised the average 25 per cent. Ballarat East was proclaimed a municipality on the 5th May, 1857, and on the 1st June, 1857, the first council was elected, consisting of Messrs. Daniel Sweeney, John Gibbs, William M'Crea, Richard Belford, William Bramwell Robinson, William Bickham Rodier, and Geo. Clendinning, M.D. Mr. Rodier was chosen chairman, and Mr. Jno. Campbell was appointed town 2i8 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. clerk. The municipality became a borough in October, 1863, and in August, 1872, a town. Following Mr. Rodier as chairman of the municipality, there were Messrs. Richard Belford, 1858 ; William Scott, 1859; George Clendinning, M.D., 1860 ; William Scott, 1861; Charles Dyte, 1862; and Frederick Young, 1863. As in Ballarat West, so here, the last chairman became the first mayor of the borough. His successors were John Fussell, 1864 ; George Clendinning, M.D., 1865; Emanuel Steinfeld, 1866 to 1869. Then followed in order Edward Eastwood, 1870 ; James Ivey, 1871 ; J. K. Baird, 1872 ; Henry Josephs, 1873 ; James Russell, 1874 and 1886-7 ; James Long, 1875-6-8 ; David Turpie, 1877 ; William Scott, 1879 and 1885 ; William Robertson, 1880 ; Theophilus Williams, 1881 ; John Ferguson, 1882-3 ; Thomas Walker, 1884. The municipal council held its meetings in several rented houses during the earlier years of its existence ; but on the 26th December, 1861, the foundation stone of the present town hall was laid by Mr. Charles Dyte, the incoming mayor, with Masonic ceremonies. The architect was Mr. C. D. Cuthbert, long since a resident in Fiji, and the builders were Irving, Glover, and Co., the total cost being about ,£4,500. The town includes an area of 4320 acres, and has rateable property valued at ,£62,900. The first assessment on the books was in 1860, when the number of dwellings was 2470, amount of assess- ment not obtainable. The returns for the subsequent years are as follow : — There are within the town 40 miles of streets made and formed, of wliich 20 miles ai'e kerbed and channelled, and over '■•■^* s «? BALLARAT EAST AND SEBASTOPOL. 249 50 miles of footpaths, of which 5 miles are asphalted, 17 churches, 7 State schools, 79 hotels, over 3,000 dwellings, a town hall, a tire brigade, candle, soap, clog, and other manu- factories, a police court, and a public library. Bridge, Main, and Humffray streets are what in the tirst days were bullock tracks ; the former street is one of the busiest and handsomest in the city, and Victoria street is as wide as Sturt street, and, like it, planted with trees. Estimating the population of the borough at 4^ to each tenement, the total population is about 15,000. The following statement by the town treasurer gives the financial state of aftairs at the dates mentioned : — • Revenue for year ended 30th September, 1886, £10,901 14s. lOd. ; ex- penditure for year ended 30th September, 1886, £8,941 8s Id. ; indebted- ness and process of liquidation (overdraft to be liquidated under the pro- visions of " Municipal Indemnity Act" before 30th September, 1888), £3,708 15s. lid. ; less amount to credit of general account at 30th September, 1886, £330 8s. 7d. ; leaving debt, £3,375 7s. 4d. Outstanding Loan— 100 debentures, of £100 each, due in 1903, total, £10,000 ; bearing 5 per cent, interest per annum. To liquidate the said loan £300 is yearly placed to a "sinking fund in liquidation of debentures," bearing 6 per cent, interest. The death-rate of the town for the ten years ending 1886 was 212 3-lOths per cent. This average, and that for the city, are calculated by Mr. Walker, the registrar. The borough of Sebastopol was proclaimed in October, 1864, and the first election of councillors took place on the 12th December, 1864, when Messrs. F. F. Beverin, Thomas Dickinson, John Edwards, Ricd. Miles, Ellis Richards, John C. Rowlands, Geo. C. Robinson, Geo. Tait, and Isaac Vickers were elected. Mr. John Wall, formerly of the Local Court, and a mining sur- veyor, was appointed town clerk and surveyor, and still holds those ofiices. The mayors of the borough have been Frederick F. Beverin, 1865-6 ; Isaac Vickers, 1867 ; Thomas Dickinson, 1868-71; John Whittaker, 1869; John Edwards, 1870; John Morris, 1872 ; Thomas Bray, 1873 ; Nicholas Kent, 1874 ; Peter Alroe, 1875; James Barrie, 1876; Joseph H. Ellsworth, 1877-84-5; David Hughes, 1878-9; Thomas H. Gray, 1880-1; James Leckie, 1882-3; William Hicks, 1886; Henry Mathes, 1887. The first council sat on the 4th January, 1865. At that 250 HISTORY OF BALLARAT time the population was 1800, and by 1870 had risen to 8200, but has fallen to 2300 in 1887. The municipal census is taken by the valuers under the Local Government Act, and Mr. Wall claims to have been the suggester of the process. The average death-rate of the borough, taking a term of 21 years, is given at only 10-5 per 1000. There are 40 miles of surveyed and 15 miles of made streets, 2 miles of kerbed and channelled paths, and ^ mile of asphalted paths. The area of the borough is 1800 acres. The financial state of the borough is easy. Last year's £900 of revenue was expended, but the council's indebted- ness is only £300, being balance of 10 debentures of £100 each unredeemed. There are 8 licensed hotels in the borough. The following are the assessments for the several years since the formation of the borough : — Year. Tenements. Rateable Value. Year. Tenements. Rateable Value. 1865 .. 449 £6,028 1876 .. 1017 £9,600 1866 .. 751 9,040 1877 .. 9911 7,010 1867 .. 1030 14,231 1878 .. 870 5,900 186S .. 1245 16,680 1879 .. 680 4,848 1869 .. 1661 22,352 1880 .. 545 4,690 1870 .. 1730 15,400 1881 .. 631 5,036 1871 .. 1740 15,306 18S2 .. 524 5,195 1872 .. 1665 13,512 1883 .. 502 5,410 1873 .. 1.570 12,825 1884 .. 500 5,314 1874 .. 1404 12,(104 18S5 .. 506 5,155 1875 .. 1185 10,400 1886 . 496 5,095 The salaries of municipal officers are as follows : — City : Town clerk and treasurer, £500 ; assistant clerk, £150 ; his assistant, £26 ; rate collector, £220 ; ditto and revenue officers (2), £200 and £150 ; produce market and weights and measures inspector, £250 ; assistant, £39 ; cattle yards inspector and pound-keeper, £225 ; assistant, £130 ; dog inspector, ranger, and bailiff, £100; hall-keeper, £104; health officer, £50; cab and nuisance inspector, £37 10s. ; curator of gardens, £200. Town : Town clerk and treasurer, £250 ; assistant, £156 ; rate collector, £235; weights and measures inspector, £156; town inspector, £156 ; health officer, £25. Sebastopol : Town clerk, £75 ; rate collector, £65 ; health officer, £10. Allowances for mayors 1886 were — For the city, £300 ; for the town, £175. In 1886, Sandhurst, the next large.st inland city after Ballarat, had an assessment of £167,908, revenue £23,453, 7137 WATER SUPPLY. 251 tenements, H4 miles of kerbed and cliannelled streets, 100 miles planted with trees, 97 miles of road maintained and in use, and a population, at 4^ per tenement, of 30,332. Geelong, which ranks next after Sandhurst, had at the same date an assessment of £73,242, 2398 tenements, and 40 miles of kerbed and channelled streets, and a population of about 10,200. But this does not include theadjoining boroughs of Newtown and Chilwell, and Geelong West, from which the author has been unable to obtain a return in detail, but whose population nearly equals that of Geelong pr'oper. In December, 1852, the first attempt was made at water supply. The Government Camp authorities then here employed men to build a small dam across the Gnarr Creek, at the spot where the creek then ran, and where the buried culvert now hugs the hill on which are the locomotive sheds. The little dam intercepted the overflow from Yuille's Swamp and the Gnarr Creek drainage, and served mainly for the Camp use. Yuille's Swamp, or, as it is now called, Wendouree Lake, was for some years the only source of supply ; but, as the town grew, that reservoir was found to be insufficient, and steps were taken to secure water reserves in the Bullarook Forest, on which to con- struct reservoirs for the permanent supply of the town. The boroughs of Ballarat West and East united in a scheme of water supply, whose magnitude and excellent organisation were un- equalled in the colony, save by the metropolitan supply. Mr. Richard Belford, when chairman of the municipal council of Bal- larat East, was one of the first proposers of a supply of water from the forest, and owing to the steps taken then, the question was at intervals agitated, until the supply was carried out to its present limit. When Mr. J. B. Humffray was Minister of Mines in 1861, Mr. Kirk, who owned the first reservoir made in the forest for mining purposes, offered the reservoir to the Govern- ment for the use of Ballarat, and Mr. Humfiray eventually pro- moted the purchase, and sent Mr. Engineer Bagge to report on the repairs necessary. Subsequently, Mr. Engineer Palmer, who became the first engineer for water supply, was employed to survey the forest, with a view to the construction of additional reservoirs for a more liberal supply. 252 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. Before this, a commission for the whole town had been pro- posed in a circular by the Eastern Council, but the proposition was not then entertained, and when Mr. Palmer made his survey there were grave doubts entertained as to the wisdom of adven- turing upon the larger scheme. Mr. Palmer held that the scheme was practicable, and would pay, and he conferred with Mr. H. R. Nicholls, of the Ballarat Stai; who urged the adoption of the larger supply upon the attention of Mr. C. Dyte, then chairman of the Eastern Council. Mr. Dyte did not fall in with the re- presentations made, and Mr. W. C. Smith, of the Western Council, was then appealed to. He was convinced by the argu- ments used, and he became one of the earliest and ablest muni- cipal advocates of the scheme of water supply. Every year helps now to confirm the wisdom of those who sought betimes to pro- vide a good supply of this essential element in urban health, wealth, and comfort. The borough councils having had joint possession of Kirk's dam given to them in June, 1862, pushed the business of supply with energy, procured loans of money and grants of water-shed reserves from the Government, until at length there were reserves secured to the extent of near 3000 acres, and when the first edition of this work appeared there were three dams — Beale's, Pincott's, and Kirk's — with an aggre- gate storage capacity of 294,000,000 gallons, 60 miles of mains, serving 5000 houses, 40 manufactories, and 16 mines, and producing an annual revenue of .£15,000. Then came a project for a fourth reservoir on the Gong Gong Creek. At first it was proposed to erect a dam across the narrow gorge where the granite outcrops a quarter mile or so below the site of the present Gong Gong, but after a severe fight in local councils and local journals, the present site was adopted. At tliat time Mr. C. H. O. Bagge was the engineer, and Mr. W. Thompson tlie secre- tary, for water supply, the borough councils of East and West ]3allarat being the committee or commission of control, with a chairman chosen from one or other of the councils, Mr. Andrew Anderson being for a long time chairman. He acted with great energy and sagacity, and was one of the foremost to promote the planting of tlie reserves with exotic and indigenous trees. The LAKE WENDOURRE. 253 Gong Gong reservoir, having a storage capacity of 420,000,000 gallons, was constructed by Messrs. Young and M'Guigan, from plans by Engineer Bagge, and a second line of 24 and 18-inch mains was laid to convey the water to Ballarat and Lake Wen- douree. Between the town boundary and the Gong Gong, there is beside the roadway, where the mains are laid, a " connecting house," where, by working a series of valves, either the Gong Gong or the Kirk's line of mains can be shut off', or the pressure in the Kirk's line be increased by turning into it the water from the Gong Gong line. The first sod of the new reser- voir was turned on the 12th May, 1874, by Councillor M'Dowall, chairman of the commission, and by October, 1877, the works were so far completed that water was turned into the new mains. The whole work was carried out under Mr. Bagge's supervision, assisted by Mr. R. M. Gale, A.I.C.E., with Mr. W. Seeley as clerk of works, the total cost of the new reservoir and valve house being about £105,000, including costs of settlement of a law suit between the contractors and the commissioners. The whole cost of the water works was .£362,000, and the revenue about £16,500 a year, most of which is absorbed by interest on Government loans, and in outlay for maintenance and manage- ment. At the end of 1886 there was due to the Government £313,457 10s. lOd , including principal money £281,438 15s. lOd., bearing interest at 4i per cent., and arrears of interest, not bearing interest, £32,018 15s. The arrears had been £43,405, but when the present chairman of commission (Mr. Wilson) took office, he obtained a remission of the difference between the two amounts. The annual interest now payable is £12,664 15s. 2d., and the sum of £86,808 17s. 3d. has been paid in interest since the reorganisation of the commission in 1880. The commission was then created by statute as the Ballarat Water Commission, consisting of seven members, of whom three, including the chair- man, Mr. John Noble Wilson, represent the Government, and are appointed every four years by the Governor-in-Council, and two members are elected by and from the City Council, and two by and from the Town Council, their term of office being two years. The first meeting of the new commission was held on the 254 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. 21st July, 1880, the members being J. N. Wilson, chairman. Councillors W. Scott and R. Lewis with him representing the Government, and Councillors F. M. Claxton and J. W. Gray from the City Council, and Councillors H. Josephs and J. Phillips from the Town Council ; Mr. J. B. Cathcart, who had some time previously been appointed in place of Mr. Thompson, being the secretary and treasurer. The commission has no engi- neer now, but Mr. Cameron is the foreman of works. To Mr. Secretary Cathcart the author is indebted for many of the fore- going details, and for much information besides, unusable here for want of space. Lake Wendouree, the modern name of Yuille's Swamp, very truly indicates by its name the transformation which has come over that scene of one time alternate swamp and mud or dust hollow. By conserving the water and pouring in additions from catchwater drains and overflow from the forest reservoirs, a per- manent lake has been created, which has for some years now been the great home of local aquatic sports and pleasure taking. It is the only inland water resorted to for aquatic contests of any note, and the beauty of its shores, the safe depths of its water, and the large fleet of steam, sailing, and rowing boats at all times available, have made the lake the favorite trysting place not only of boating people but, during the summer season, of pic-nic parties from nearly all parts of the colony. Since the early sixties, when Bob McLaren and Ned Williams led the way in boating, or Town- clerk Combe and Town-surveyor Baird pushed out in a flat bottomed punt through the masses of reeds that then covered the *' swamp," the changes effected there have been many and great. To-day the visitor sees a nearly cleared sheet of some 300 acres of water, jetties, boathouses, yachts, and boats in profusion, and a fine fleet of steam pleasure boats plying from sliore to shore at fares within tlio reach of all kinds of pleasure seekers. The City Council, with wise sagacity, has done much to improve the shores, and tlui walks round the well-planted borders are now among the ploasantest resorts of the ped(^strian, who always has, as a permanent, strong attraction to healthful exercise, the botanic gardens as the western margin of the lak(^, and on the lake THE BALLARAT ROWING CLUB. 255 itself a host of vessels going hither and thither as may suit the fancy of private parties or the routine of the steam companies and others plying for regular traffic. The Ballarat Rowing Club was the first club formed in Ballarat for regular aquatic exercises, some contests on Lake Burrumbeet with both sailing and rowing craft having been the harbingers of the safer and more convenient boating settlement and exercises at Wendouree. We have not space here in which to detail the origins of aquatic sports, but may say that Messrs. Cooper and Dobson, at Burrumbeet, and the McLarens, Ned "Williams, Ben. Oxlade, and others in Ballarat, were the pioneers, closely followed by Ward, Taylor, and others, still to be found about the shores of Wendouree. From their initial doings have come the well appointed clubs of to-day, the many well fought contests on local and other waters, and the respectable position occupied by both the sailing and rowing fraternities of Wendouree. The club was born on the 20th November, 1861, at McLaren's hotel. Bridge street, when it was resolved to form a regatta club, under whose auspices a regatta came off at Burrumbeet on the 31st January, 1862. The club had for its first officers S. T. Clissold, president ; J. W. Pringle and C. W. Sherard, vice- presidents ; W. Clarke, honorary secretary ; R. McLaren, starter and treasurer ; and E. Williams, E. Scrase, J. H. Harris, J. Ahrens, R. Davidson, H. Golightly, J. Calder, J. Cummins, A. C. Kerr, and Cochrane, committeemen. The club afterwards changed its name to the Ballarat Rowing Club, and it now numbers about 100 members, and its present officers are F. M, Claxton, president ; R. W. Holmes and J. Shiels, vice-presidents ; F. W. Commons, captain ; G. Read, vice-captain ; J. P. Moran, treasurer ; C. J. Aikens, secretary ; and E. Williams, G. Tonner, P. Marxsen, L. Cutter, J. Pobjoy, J. Lonie, and R. Ditchburn, committeemen. After the Ballarat club came the Alabama in 1864. It lived for a year or two only, and after that came the Wendouree, the Lebentia, the Ariel, and they all died after a short existence. The City club was formed in 1871 and has a members' roll of close on 100, its officers in February last being D. Brophy, president ; C. Salter, M. Cahill, and W. P. Bt^cher- 256 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. vaise, vice-presidents ; E. Bailey, secretary ; J. Fitzgerald, treasurer ; A. McNaughton, captain ; J. Barnes, vice-captain ; and R. Toy, J. Byrne, W. Robertson, W. Trahar, A. Kortlang, M. B. Jenkins, J. Aikens, J. J. Dobson, and R. A. Strachan committeemen. In 1884 was formed the last of the rowing clubs so far, and it revived the old name Wendouree. Its officers are J. Hickman, president ; Colonel W. C. Smith, and Messrs. McDonald and Hartley, vice-presidents ; J. Whitelaw, captain ; C. Leggo, vice-captain ; G. Male, secretary ; G. Miller, treasurer ; and D. Hare, J. McDonald, F. McGarey, J. Leggo, W. Archi- bald, 0. Liddiard, and E. Cutter, committeemen. The Wendouree also numbers near 100 members. The Ballarat Yacht Club was formed at a meeting held at Gill's Lake View Hotel, on the 29th May, 1877. Mr. O. E. Edwards in the chair. The following officers were elected for the first year : — President, R. Le Poer (afterwards Judge) Trench ; commodore, 0. E. Edwards ; captain, G. Hathorn ; treasurer, A. Brown ; secretary, A. T. Seal ; judge, H. R. Caselli. The first regatta under the auspices of the club was held on 30th November, of that year, when prizes to the amount of <£150 were given. The principal yachts in commission at that time were — Victoria, 5 tons ; Vagabond, 3 J tons ; Endeavor, 3 tons ; Telegraph, 3 tons ; Daphne, 5 tons ; Kathleen, 3 tons ; Leader, G tons ; Flying Scud, 6 tons. On the 22nd October, 1878, A. T. Seal liaving resigned, W. Downie was elected honorary secretary, in which office he still (1887) remains. In 1881 E. Morey was elected commodore, which position he still (1887) retains — the officers at this last named period being — President, Hon. P. Russell ; vice-presidents, B. Hepburn and T. Bath and the Hons. D. Ham and H. Gore ; commodore, E. Morey ; vice-commodore, W. Bailey ; captain, T. Bailey ; treasurer, J. Murray, as successor to T. Mann on that gentleman's retirement, after being in olHce for eight years ; secretary, W. Downie ; judge, W. Gale (vice H. R. Caselli, deceased) ; starter, W. P. Bechervaise, who has occupied the position nearly ever since the formation of the club ; timekeeper, R. W. Holmes (vice Lieut.-Colonel Sleep). The yaclits in commission (1887) are — Commodore E. Moray's Bal- ■y^/H > ^'j'J^^^^i'i V^ft 4i '%^^^l|i!i.^'; ^. ^% ■:^iii if'i . Ja»jJbr^3faA.ar^ ■* fn Vtt- YACHTS AND STEAM BOATS. 257 larat, 6 tons ; Vice-Commodore W. Bailey's Viola, 7 tons ; E. Millard's Darlie Bay, 7 tons ; Messrs. Gill and Mann's Flying Scud, 6 tons ; Alex. Monsbourgh's Wendouree, 6 tons ; T. Stoddart's Pinafore, 4 tons ; R. Orr's Reporter, 4 tons ; R. Taylor's Victoria, 5 tons. There are besides those named several other yachts on Lake Wendouree, which are usually kept for cruising purposes, amongst them being the Kathleen, Daphne, Endeavor, Idea, Coquette, Miranda, together with a number of other sailing craft. The yachting season usually commences in September and closes about April, during which period, in addi- tion to the annual regatta, club contests are held almost every Saturday for trophies given by a number of liberal patrons, on which occasions a steamboat is always provided by the club for members, ladies, and guests. During the series of years the club has been in existence, one or more of the Wendouree fleet have represented the club on Lake Colac, Corio Bay, and once on Hobson's Bay, and on every occasion with success, even to the carrying off the first prize in each instance but one, thus establish- ing a name and fame unequalled by any yachts of their class in the colony. The members' roll at the commencement of the season 1886-7 numbered 120, and this is expected to be largely increased as the season progresses. For this concise summary of the Wendouree sailing fleet the author is indebtedto Mr. Downie, the honorary secretary of the Yacht Club, and it is almost ex- clusively given in his own words. As regards the fleet of steam-boats on the lake, enterprise in that direction began in 1865, when the Victoria, built by Messrs. Bishop and Co., of the Soho Works of that day, was launched. The Victoria has disappeared, and now there are six elegantly appointed steamers plying upon the lake, the owners being Mr. James Ivey and Mr. Gill. That is to say, Mr. Gill owns one, and Mr. Ivey, who was the largest original owner, is now part proprietor in, and is manager for, the Garden City Steam Boat Company, whose blazon on the wharf notifies the reader of the carrying capacity (690 souls) of the fleet. Ballarat is rich in charitable and other public institutions. The District Hospital, in Drummond street, corner of Sturt 258 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. street, an edifice in the classic style, is the earliest of the public charities, sick and injured people having at first been housed in huts at the Government Camp. The wounded men at the Eureka Stockade could not be provided with proper accommoda- tion, and that led to the taking of steps for building a hospital. Messrs. Lynn, Henry Foster (Superintendent of Police), W. B. Rodier, J. Daly (Warden), R. Lewis, and others, mentioned as among the first officers of the hospital, started the movement. When the building was begun the site was in the bush, and some people lost their way in returning to their homes in what is now Ballarat East and the parts adjacent to Lydiard street. The foundation stone of the first portion of the hospital was laid on Christmas Day, 1855, by Mr. James Daly, police magistrate and warden, the architect being Mr. J. Robertson. The foundation stone of the remainder of the south wing was laid on New Year's Day, 1866, by Mr. Henry Cuthbert, with Masonic honors, Mr. Charles D. Cuthbert being the architect. The foundation of what is intended to be the centre, or Alfred Memorial, was laid on Queen Victoria's birthday, 1869, by Mr. Robert Lewis, and was opened on the next anniversary of the day ; Mr. J. H. Jones being the architect, and of the completing north wing, not yet erected. The edifice stands on a reserve of five acres on the highest part of the western table-land. The names of the first committee of management and of the first staff' of officers are as follow : — Messrs. J. A. Douglas, president ; W. B. Robin- son and J. Oddio, vice-presidents ; M. Elliott, J. Oddie, H. Foster, J. Dixie, and A. B. Rankin, trustees ; J. Dixie, treasurer ; R. Muir, R. B. Gibbs, W. C. Smith, C. H. Edwards, S. Irwin, J. Cummins, G. Butchart, W. Moore, J. Daly, D. Oliver, J. M'Dowall, A. B. Rankin, and M. Elliot, committeemen ; T. Doyle, J. Stewart, R. J. Hobson, and C. J. Kenworthy, honorary medical officers ; H. Foster, hon. secretary ; T. Hillas, resident surgeon ; J. Garrard, dispenser and house steward ; Mrs. Garrard, matron. The presi- dents sincehavebeen Messrs. W. B. liobinson, 1857-8; A. L. Lynn, 1859-60; A. Drury, 1861-2-3-4; W. H. Foster, 1865; J. M. Strongman, 1866; R. Lewis, 1867-8-9; J. O'Meara, 1870; W. Cameron, 1871[; J. Permewan, 1872; F. C. Downes, 1873; G. THE DISTRICT HOSPITAL. 259 Smith, 1874-5; A. H. King, 1876; D. Brophy, 1877; F. M. Claxton, 1878 ; T. Clegg, 1879 ; A. Anderson, 1880 ; J. J. Fitz- gerald, 1881 ; J. J. Goller, 1882 ; J. Hickman, 1883 ; C. Salter, 1884; P. Papenhagen, 1885; A. Hunter, 1886. The resident surgeons have been T. Hillas, 1856 to 1859 ; W. P. Whitcombe, 1860 to 1866; R. J. Owen, 1867 to 1884 ; J. E. Moffatt, 1885 to 1886; W. Morrison to end of 1886; R. Scott, 1887. The paid secretaries and collectors conjointly have been E. C. Moore to 1863, and C. I. Burrows from 1864 to the present time. G. Moore was at one time employed as collector only. Omitting those already mentioned, the following is the official list for 1886 : — Vice-presidents, D. Brophy, Alex. White ; honorary treasurer, W. Eyres ; honorary solicitor, C Salter ; com- mittee of management, F. M. Claxton, P. Papenhagen, T. Clegg, J. J. Goller, G. Smith, A. Anderson, S. L. Bailey, D. Cameron, O. E. Edwards, J. Phillips, C. Salter, J. Hickman, J. Permewan, W. J. Higgans, J. J. Fitzgerald ; honorary surgeons, E. G. Ochiltree, W. A. Bradford, W. P. Whitcombe ; honorary physi- cians, F. H. Eastwood, J. F. Usher, S. E. A. Zichy-Woinarski ; honorary consulting physician, H. H. Radclitfe ; honorary con- sulting surgeon, R. F. Hudson, M.D. ; honorary surgeon dentist, J. M'Burney ; auditors, J. A. Chalk, J. F. Spillman ; dispenser, F. F. Shelly ; matron, Mrs. A. Neilson ; clerk, J. A. Richmond ; galvanist, H. Weeks. The house contained, in 1870, 185 bed- spaces, the last report then returning 1033 as the number of patients admitted in the year 1869, and 5372 as the number of out-patients. Mr. Burrows, to whose courtesy the author is indebted for the statement, gives the present bed accommoda- tion as 105 for males and 43 for females; the male in-patients during 1886 as 634, females 252, in all 886, and the out-patients as 1351 males, 1777 females, in all 3128. There are nine wards, including one for convalescents. The total cost of buildings has been £25,022, and the average cost per annum per patient .£51 7 s. llfd. The Benevolent Asylum, on a five-acre reserve fronting Ascot street, was the next of the public charities. It is a palace in the Elizabethan style, with well-kept grounds, a magnificent 260 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. home such as the English poor, we may suppose, have never dreamt of in their wildest flights of fancy. The foundation stone of the first portion was laid on St. Patrick's Day, 1859, by F. Gell, D.P.G.M., with Masonic honors, the architect being Mr. Christopher Porter ; builders, Messrs. Evans and Barker ; cost, £3765 4s. 2d. The first building was opened on the 20th February, 1860. The foundation stones of the subsequent por- tions appear to have been laid without ceremony. Mr. J. A. Doane has been the architect of all those portions of the asylum which have been built since the first, save the chronic ward now building from designs by James and Piper. The second portion was built by Mr. J. Francis at a cost of .£2907 15s., and was opened on the 10th June, 1862. The third, or north centre portion, was built by Mr. J. Hope, at a cost of £2016 8s., and was opened on the 26th August, 1863. The fourth, or north wing portion, was built by Mr. F. Nicholls, at a cost of £2127 Is. 5d., and was opened on the 19th March, 1867. The fifth, or southern wing — a lying-in hospital — was built by Messrs. Irving, Glover, and Co., at a cost of £2712 10s. 2d., and was opened on the 27th of July, 1869. On the 29th April last. President Phillips and Treasurer Shoppee laid the foundation stone of the chronic ward now in course of erection. The total outlay forbuildingsand repairs up to the 30th October, 1886, was £22,216 8s. lid. The first com- mittee sat in 1857 as the almoners of tlie " Ballarat Visiting and Benevolent Association," and consisted of Mr. R. Smith, presi- dent ; the llevs. P. Madden, J. Bickford, J. Potter, J. Strong- man, G. Mackie, and Niquet ; Messrs. W. C. Smith, R. Belford, W. Fraser, R. Ocock, J. H. Dunne, J. Oddie, M. J. Cummins, M'lvor, A. Dimant, D. Morris, Martin, S. Donnelly, Tristram, A. Dewar, W. Dimsey, J. Dodds, Crane, H. Wood, I. Wheeldon, R. Davidson, R. Lewis, Brannon, A. Davies, Lockhart, Gripe, and Talbot, committeemen ; A. S. Park, hon. treasurer ; A. A. Tarte, hon. secretary. The presidents of the asylum since then have been:— R. Lewis, 1860-4; W. Scott, 1865; J. O'Meara, 1866; G. Lovitt, 1867; J. A. Doane, 1868; G. Lovitt, 1869; J. Oddie, 1870; R. Wrigley, 1873-4; C. C. Shoppee, 1875-6; J. Long, 1877-8; J. J. Fitzgerald, 1879-80; H. Josephs, 1881 ; J. BENEVOLENT AND ORPHAN ASYLUMS. 261 T.Phillips, 1882-3; J. Oddie, 1884-5; J. Phillips, 1886. Mr. and Mrs. Boughen were the first master and matron, and Mr. Boughen is still in office, but Mrs. Boughen is dead, and the pre- sent matron is Mrs. M. H. Phayer. Peter Cazaly was the first paid secretary, and Dr. M'Farlane the first medical oflicer, and to them have succeeded T. C. Coates as secretary, and Dr. Holthouse as medical officer. The office-bearers for the year ending July, 1887, were: — J. Phillips, president; J. Hickman and J. Ferguson, vice-presidents ; J. T. Phillips, J. Oddie, D. Brophy, W. Dimsey, and A. Anderson, trustees ; C C. Shoppee, treasurer ; Drs. Whitcombe, Usher, and Radclifie, honorary medical officers ; H. Josephs, J. Showman, J. Russell, Rev. Father Doyle, Hon. D. Ham, J. J. Fitzgerald, T. Taylor, S. Cohen, J. Curtis, D. Lessels, J. M'Cafierty, M. C. Carey, W. Scott, G. K. Coutts, J. Murray, O. E. Edwards, committeemen. The charity is a home for old age and chronic invalids, and pro- vides rations also for out-door patients, the committee under- taking to visit out-door claimants for i^elief, and generally to supervise the administration of the funds. On the 6tli December, 1869, there were 195 patients in the house, and 816 patients were receiving out-door relief, the outlay for the ten years from 1859 to 1868 having been £68,202 10s. 2d. At that time beds were made for 274 in-patients. On the 31st December, 1886, there were in the asylum 251 inmates — 196 males and 55 females, the total admissions during the year being 290 males and 114 females, exclusive of 14 males and 23 females born during the year in the Lying-in Hospital. During that year there were issued 21,490 adult rations and 13,836 children's rations to out-patients, or a weekly average of 413 to adults and 266 to children ; and the medical officer treated 1690 cases — 1373 males and 317 females. The weekly average of in-patients for the year was 248, and the average cost, calculated over the last eight years, per patient per annum, was £17 15s. lOid. The District Orphan Asylum is in Victoria street, and is a plain edifice, designed by Architect H. R. Caselli. It was estab- lished in 1865, the licensed victuallers of Ballarat, with Mr. W. R. Watson at their head, having been foremost in its promotion, 262 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. assisted very nobly from the first by the friendly societies of the town and district. The foundation stone was laid on the 8th December, 1865, by Mr. (now Sir James) M'Culloch, the Chief Secretary of the colony, and the building, as far as then erected, was opened on 8th July, 1866, the cost up to 1870 being £7500. Since then large additions have been made to the asylum, at once increasing the accommodation and completing the harmony of the architectural design, the total cost to date being £18,538 3s. lid. In December, 1869, there were 80 children in the asylum, the building then having accommodation for 200. The asylum can now house 300 orphans, the number on the roll at the end of 1886 being 72 males, 49 females, in all 121. The asylum grounds comprise an area of 40 acres, and the gardens supply the asylum with a large amount of edibles, besides adding beauty to the sur- roundings. In this later respect, the gardens of the hospital and the Benevolent Asylum even excel those of the Orphan Asylum. The following are the names of the first committee and office- bearers : — President, W. R. Watson ; vice-presidents, E. Stein- feld, H. H. Peake ; trustees of land, G. Lovitt, W. R. Watson, R. B. Gibbs, E. Steinfeld, H. H. Peake ; trustees of funds, W. Jones, G. Lovitt, R. B. Gibbs, W. P. Martin, E. Drake ; com- mitteemen, W Scott, W. Dunn, James Walker, J. Craddock, W. M. Brown, Jas. Hall, T. J. Mitchell, R. Kent, H. Cuthbert, J. Eddy, R. Jones, Gilbert Duncan, P. C. Parry, Jas. Goujon, W. Jack, E. Larkiii ; secretary and collector, AVm. Webster ; superin- tendent, John Finlay ; matron, Catherine Finlay. After Mr. and Mrs. Finlay came Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sadlier, then Mr. R. Wreford and Mrs. Wheeldon, and then the present Mr. and Mrs. A. Kenny. The names of the present committee and otfice- bearers are as follow : — President, J. Richards ; vice-presidents, H. Josephs, W. P. Martin ; treasurer, W. Scott ; hon. con- sulting medical adviser. Dr. Hudson ; hon. medical olHcers, Dr. Usher, Dr. Woinarski, Dr. Salmon ; hon. solicitor, Hon. H. Cuthbert ; committee, D. Brophy, E. W. G. Chamberlain, Jas. Curtis, C. Dyte, J. Ferguson, D. I'^itzpatrick, Wm. Gale, W. T. Glenn, J. Jlickman, W. Lakeland, W. D. M'Kee, J. C. Moiloy, J. Nicol, H. R(;id, T. H. Thompson ; secretary and collector, Robert ROMAN AND ANGLICAN BISHOPRICS. 263 Wreford. The presidents have been : — ^W. R. Watson, 1865-6-7-70; R. B. Gibbs, 1868; Wm. Scott, 1869; R. Lewis, 1871; E. Chamberlain, 1872; J. Long, 1873; D. Brophy, 1874; J. W. Gray, 1875; H. Levinson, 1876; R. Wreford, 1877-8; J. C. Molloy, 1879; W. Lakeland, 1880; D. Fitz-Patrick, 1881; D. B. Macaw, 1882 ; W. D. M'Kee, 1883 ; J. Ferguson, 18b4 ; J. Richards, 1885-6. For both Orphan and Benevolent statistics, the author is largely indebted to the present secretaries of those charities. The Female Refuge was originally in Grant street, but is now in Dyte's parade, and is devoted to the shelter of several classes of women in distress. There are now 12 inmates in the house, and accommodation for 20 in all. The Refuge is under the management of a committee of ladies. The present matron is Mrs. Munro. The Grant Street Refuge was started some 20 years ago, Mesdames Clendinning, Swift, Henderson, and Cummins being of the first committee. The present committee are Mesdames Swift (president), Thornton, Inglis, Clarke, Glenn (secretary), J. Jones, Towl, W. T. Thompson, Corbould, R. and G. Thompson, Williams, Thomas, W. H. Jones, and Trevor. The site in Dyte's parade is the gift of Mr. James Oddie. The Ladies' Benevolent Clothing Society is an auxiliary to the larger charities, the main form of its benefactions being the distribution of clothing to necessitous people who do not come directly under the provisions of the Benevolent Asylum. Ballarat is the See of two bishops, the Churches of Rome and England having, in 1873, created each a Ballarat Diocese in what had previously been the Diocese of Victoria. Although the Sees were created at about the same time the Roman Catholic bishop was first consecrated, the Right Rev. Michael O'Connor, D.D., having been consecrated in Rome in May, 1874. He arrived in Bal- larat on the 18th December, 1874, and was installed in St. Patrick's Cathedral on Sunday, the 20th, by Archbishop Gould, a sermon being preached on the occasion by the Rev. W. Kelly, S.J. Bishop O'Connor died on the 14th February, 1882, aged 52 years, and his remains were buried in the north transept of the cathedral, A mortuary chapel in his memory is to be built adjacent to the 264 HISTORY OP BALLARAT, cathedral. Dr. James Moore, who was dean and vicar-general under Bishop O'Connor, had been entitled monsignor by the Pope, and had previously been the senior clergyman in charge of the mission, was appointed bishop in his place, and was consecrated by the archbishop in St. Patrick's Cathedral on the 27th April, 1884, the bishops of Hobart (Murphy), Adelaide (Reynolds), Goul- burn (Lanigan), and Armidale (Torregiani), assisting, and the Yery Rev. T. Cahill, S.J., preaching on the occasion. The Right Rev. Samuel Thornton, D.D. (and M.A., of Mel- bourne), and late Michal Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, was consecrated first Anglican bishop of Ballarat by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the bishops of London, Melbourne, and Goul- burn, in Westminster Abbey on the 1st May, 1875, S. S. Phillip, and James' Day. Bishop Thornton arrived in Ballarat on the 10th August, 1875, attended a thanksgiving service on the same day at Christ Church pro-Cathedral, and was next day there installed by the Ven. T. B. C. Stretch, archdeacon of Ballarat and Hamil- ton, the bishop preaching the sermon. In the evening of the same day there was a public reception in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute, where attended the clergy. Chief Justice Stawell, and other leading laymen of the church. On following days addresses of welcome were presented to the bishop from the Ballarrit Presbytery and by a number of Birmingham men, from whose town the bishop hailed. The Ijoundaries of the Anglican Diocese are officially described to be those of the colony " except on the east where the boundary is irregular, but adjoins rouglily the 144th meridian." Tlie author lias not succeeded in oljtaining a dctiiiition of tlie Roman Catholic Diocesan l)ouiidaries. Of the many churclies in Ballarat, those in permanent ma- terials, as V)rick and stone are called, may be particularised. Evei'y comniunioh li.icl ('■•irlicr ( liurclios of wood, and at the present time most coninumions h;i\(' chui'cihes both of wood and of brick or stone ; l)ut llic n)orc jx-cishable buiklings are gradually disappearing as cliurclics, and this record only refers in detail to the more durable; edifices. ANGLICAN CHURCHES. 265 The Anglican communion lias six cliurches in permanent ma- terials, of which Christ Church, in Lydiard street, is the oldest of all existing permanent ecclesiastical edifices here. It is a Gothic structure, built of basaltic stone, the nave designed by Backhouse and Reynolds, and the transepts by Mr. E. James, and was begun in 1854 during the incumbency of the Rev. J. R. Thackeray, the foundation stone being laid by Archdeacon Stretch. At that time the building was not carried on. In the year 1857 the nave was built, the Rev. John Potter being then the minister. It was opened on the 13th September, 1857, by the Revs. P. Homan and J. Gr. Russell. The transepts and chancel were added in 1868, and were opened on the 6th May of that year. The transepts and chancel cost £1,792, and the earlier portion over £2,000. A wooden annex to the north transept has since been added for the accommodation of the increasing congregation. The Church Assembly having resolved upon the erection of a cathedral, arrangements were made that the site should be that occupied by Christ Church, which had already become the pro- Cathedral, but by a later decision that scheme has been abandoned, and a site chosen at the Dana street corner of the reserve, now occupied by the vicar's residence. Designs for a cathedral were accepted from Messrs. Tappin, Gilbert, and Denehy, and at a meet- ing in the Alfred Hall, on the 10th September, 1886, presided over by his Excellency Sir Henry Loch, the sum of £4,850 was promised in aid of the erection. The style of the proposed edifice is to some extent early English at a transition period, plan cruci- form, with nave, side aisles, transepts, side chapels for organ, choir, sacrarium and vestry, accommodation for other church pur- poses to be made in the basement. Nave length, 1 30 feet ; width of nave and aisles, 64 feet ; length of transepts, 120 feet ; height of nave walls, 52 feet. The choir is an apse, and the bold west front rises sheer from the street footpath, flanked by two towers, whose altitude is about 200 feet. The nave roof is continued in an unbroken line over the choir, and at the junction of the nave and transepts a richly decorated fleche rises some 120 feet. The competition was open to all Australia, and it is a matter of satis- faction that a firm whose members are native born, cue of them 266 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. Ballarat born, have carried ofi' the honors. Altogether, the cathedral promises to be one of the most beautiful of sacred edifices in any of the^colonies. The school-house of brick, which stands north of the church, was opened on the 1st of October, 1868. St. Paul's, in Humtiray street, a Gothic design, built of brick, has been re-built, in part, and was opened in its present state in April, 1864 ; architect, Mr. L. Terry. The original body of the church was built for a school, the foundation stone being laid on the 17th of May, 1858, by Mr. J. B. Humfiray, who then said it was "the first stone foundation laid for educational purposes in Ballarat East." The tower was built and the church enlarged in 1862, but in 1864 the site of the church subsided in consequence of mining operations beneath and the building was taken down. The present church was then erected, the Rev. R. T. Cummins incum- bent, the old tower remaining, and the church built west of the tower instead of east as before. St. John's, a Gothic design, in Armstrong street north, built of brick, and designed by Mr. L. Terry, was begun on the 15th of March, 1864, the Dean of Mel- bourne laying the foundation stone. It was opened on the 29th of February, 1865, by the Rev. C. T. Perks. On the 16th of November, 1869, Archdeacon Stretch laid the foundation stone of additions to the church, which were opened on the 11th March, 1870, the Rev. G. W. Watson being the incumbent. On the 16th May, 1884, Bishop Thornton laid the memorial stone of a side aisle and organ chamber, and the church was re-opened on the 2nd October of that year, by Archdeacon Julius. The additions were designed by Terry and Oakdeii, and cost .£773 6s. St. Peter's, in Sturt street west, Gothic design, built of basaltic stone, was begun on the 16tli November, 1864, Mr. B. H. Hassell laying the foundation stone. Mr. C. D. Cuthbert was the architect, and the nave was opened on the 11th of June, 1865, the Rev. W. H. Adeney being the incuml)ent. St. James', Little Bendigo, Gothic, built of brick, and designed V)y H. R. Caselli, was opened by the Dean of Melbourne on the 17th of July, 1864, the Rev. G. C. Allanby being the incumbent. Holy Trinity, Albert street, Sebastopol, ))uilt of l)rick, and designed by If. R. Caselli, was begun in September, 1867, Archdeacon Stretch laying the founda- CATHOLIC AND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. 267 tion stone. Since then two bays and a chancel have been added, a memorial stone being laid by Miss Kate Bray in January, 1870; the Rev. Gualter Soares, minister. The Koman Catholics have two churches — St. Patrick's, Sturt street, now the Cathedral Church, and St. Alipius', in Vic- toria street. The first is in Flamboyant Gotliic style, and is at present the largest and most beautiful Gothic edifice in the town. The materials are basaltic stone, with freestone enrichments. Bishop Gould laid the foundation stone of the nave and side- aisles on the 7th of February, 1858, the Revs. P. Madden and R. F. X. Fennelly being the resident ministers ; architects, Messrs. Shaw and Dowden. The pillars of the nave were erected in 1861, and the building, as far as the point now intersected by the transepts, was opened by the same bishop on the 8th of Novem- ber, 1863, Dr. Shiel, Archdeacon of Ballarat (afterwards Bishop of Adelaide) being then resident here. The ti-ansepts, side chapels, chancel, and sacristy were built after drawings by Mr. Denney, Dean Moore, now the bishop, being the clergyman in charge. The erection of the tower and spire is reserved for the future. The nave and aisles cost £12,000 ; the after contracts amounted to a larger sum, and <£1.500 were spent on the iron fence round the reserve, the total outlay to date being near £40,000. Steps were taken in 1872 for the erection of St. Alipius', in place of a weatherboard building previously in use on the site, and the present edifice was opened in 1874. Archbishop Gould laid the foundation stone early in 1873. The Scottish Presbyterians have three churches. St. Andrew's, in Sturt street, is a Norman design by C. D. Cuthbert, built in basaltic stone, with an ornate freestone doorway. The foundation stone was laid on 1st of December, 1862, by tlie Rev. W. Henderson, the minister. While being built a portion of the walls was blown down in a gale on the 3rd of August, 1863. The church cost £3150, and was opened on the 15th of August, 1864. The tower and spire were built in 1884 from designs by Architect C. D. Figgis, at a cost of £2133, the height of the spire being 148 feet. The spire is named the Henderson Memorial Spire, the minister having died during the building of 368 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. it, and the dark layers of stone in the pinnacles show the height to which the work had reached on the 22 nd July, when the pastor died. Two small congregations had existed before the original St. Andrew's one, which latter worshipped in a wooden building adjoining. The two earlier ones belonged respectively to the Synod of Victoria and the Free Presbyterian Church of Victoria. The remnants of these two joined in one, making the St. Andrew's congregation under the charge of the Rev. W. Hender- son, the wooden church being opened on the first Sunday in May, 1858. Soon after that nearly all Presbyterian bodies in Victoria united as the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, and the congregation of St. Andrew's joined that union. Ebenezer, United Presbyterian, in Armstrong street south, built of basaltic stone, and designed by H. R. Caselli, was begun on the 10th of December, 1862, the minister of the congregation at that time, the Rev. R. T. Walker, laying the foundation stone. The church was opened on the 21st of June, 1863. Some cliurch additions and a manse have since then been erected. Doveton Street Church, United Presbyterian, built of brick in 1866, and opened in June of that year, was then a Welsh Cjugregational Church, designed by Carpenters T. Lewis and J. Thomas. It became tlie property of United Presbyterians, under the pastoral charge of the Rev. R. T. Walker, who opened his pastorate there on the 15th of August, 1869. The building has long ceased to be a church, and is now a liall for secular uses. The congregation of St. Jolin's, Presbyterian Church of Victoria, at first worshipping nearly opposite to the Synagogue, in Princes street, and then in the Alfred Hall, accepted a design by Mr. Oakden for the present large wooden church in Peel street, the site not being suitable for heavier materials. This course was taken on the advice of the architect, Mr. Percy Oakden, and the present church, wiiich holds over 1000 persons, and is said to be the largest wooden church in Victoria, was built by Irving and Clover, the site and building costing £3500. The edifice was opened on Sunday, 13th August, 1871, when tlie llev. Dr. Cameron, and the resident minister, the Rev. J. \V. Iii'^lis, oHioiatiMl. On thi^ 9tli Octoljor, 1881, a Sunday school and liictun; hall, at the roar, was opened l)y WELSH AND METHODIST CHURCHES. 269 the Rev. T. Hastie. The architects were Caselli and Figgis ; builder, W. Robertson ; cost, about .£1500 ; holding capacity, from 900 to 1000. The Free Church of England had one building, dedicated to St. Thomas, built of brick, in Macarthur street west, designed by J. R. Burns. It was opened on the 19tli of July, 1869 ; minister, the Rev. C. W. Collins, and is now a Wesleyan church. The Catholic Apostolic Church has recently purchased, and now occupies, the church in Sturt street west, originally known as Holy Trinity Congregational Church. The Welsh Presbyterians have one church. It is in Albert street, Sebastopol, is built of basaltic stone, and was designed by H. R. Caselli, the foundation stone being laid on the 3rd of March, 1865, by Mary, wife of Ellis Richards, a deacon of the church. The church was opened on the second Sunday in April, 1866, by the Revs. R. T. Walker and W. Henderson in the English language, and on the next Sunday by the Revs. Messrs. W. M. Evans, Farr, Roberts, and J. Evans in the Welsh lan- guage. The United Welsh Protestant Church has a church of brick in the reserve at the corner of Lydiard and Armstrong streets. It was built in 1858 for the use of Welsh Protestants of all denominations. The Revs. J. Farr and L. Llewellyn were the first ordained ministers. The Primitive Metliodists have four churches — one of brick, in HumfFray street, the foundation stone of which was laid by Mr. J. Richardson on the 9th of April, 1860. The church was designed by J. Buckle, and was opened on the 8th of July, 1860. One of brick, in Burnbank street, designed by W. Benson. Mr. J. Richardson laid the foundation stone on the 6th of June, 1864, and the building was opened on the 5th of August of the same year. One at the south-east corner of Eyre and Lyons streets, designed by J. A. Doane, and built of basaltic stone. Mrs. M. D. Morgan laid the foundation stone on the 10th of May, 1868, and the church was opened on the 23rd of October of that year. One of brick, in Beverin street, Sebastopol, designed by J. A. Doane. The foundation stone was laid on the 23rd of June, 270 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. 1868, by the Rev. S. Bracewell, and the church was opened on the 27th of the following September. The Wesleyans have eleven churches. Wesley Church, in Lydiard stieet, built of basaltic stone, was designed by Backhouse and Reynolds ; cost, £5000. The foundation stone was laid by his Excellency Sir Henry Barkly on the 17th January, 1858, and the church was opened on the 18th of July of the same year, the lirst sermon being preached by the Rev. D. J. Draper, who was drowned in the " London" steamer, that foundered in the Bay of Biscay on the 11th January, 1866. The change of prices between 1854 and 1870 is shown in the fact that .£2500 was the cost of the original school-house at the corner of Lydiard and Dana streets, a small, plain, low-walled building of rotten sandstone from the Black Hill, and basaltic boulders. A similar building could now be erected for a fifth or sixth of the cost. The blue- stone church was sold a year or two ago to the School of Mines, and is now the School Museum. The present handsome edifice, of brick and stone, in pointed Gothic, at the corner of Dana street, is from designs by Messrs. Terry and Oakden, of Mel- bourne, and was built by Messrs. Irving and Glover, cost over £10,000, and will seat 1100 persons. The works were begun on the 5tli October, 1883 ; tlie memorial stone was laid by the Hon. J. Campbell on the 11th December, 1883, and the church was opened on the 14th December, 1884, by the Rev. H. Bath, a former superintendent of the circuit. Barkly Street Church, of brick, cost £1933, was completed on the 5tli of May, 1860 ; J. A. Doane, architect. There was no ceremonial laying of the foundation stone. Neil Street Church, of biick, cost £1400, was completed on the 16th of March, 1867 ; J. A. Doane, architect. The foundation stone was laid by the Rev. W. L. Binks. Wen- douree Church, of brick, cost £475, was finislied on the 16th of June, 1860; J. A. Doane, architect; the Rev. J. Bickford the officiating minister. Tliis building has recently been closed, as suVjsidence of the site has made the place unfit for use. Sebastopol Church, of stone, in Cheshunt street ; first part opened in March, 1864, completed on the I'L'nd May, 1869 ; founda- tion stone laid in August, 1863, l^y the Rev. W. Taylor, WESLEYAN AND OTHER CHURCHES. 271 of California; J. A. Doane, arcliitect ; the Rev. J. S. Waugh officiating minister. Little Bendigo Church, of bjick, cost £611 ; J. A. Doane, architect; foundation stone laid by Mrs. D. Morgan; completed on the :2.'^th of June, 1865. Mount Pleasant Church, of stone, cost £980 ; foundation stone laid by the Rev. J. S. Waugh ; completed 16th September, 1865 ; J. A. Doane, architect. Pleasant Street Church, of bi'ick, cost .£1700 ; officiating minister. Rev. W. L. Binks ; architect, J. A. Doane ; completed on the 24th of June, 1867. In 1886, additions for choir purposes were made to this church, after designs by Mr. C. D. Figgis. A handsome new parsonage has also been erected close by the church. Golden Point Church, of brick, cost £850 ; foundation stone laid by the Rev. W. L. Binks ; architect, J. A. Doane; completed on the 29th of June, 1867. Brown Hill Church, of brick, cost £714 ; foundation stone laid by George Smith ; architect, J. A. Doane ; completed on the 22nd of March, 1869. The eleventh church is that in Macarthur street, already mentioned. The Bible Christians have four churches. Armstrong Street Church, of brick; foundation stone laid in December, 1860, by Mrs. Fi'ederick Baker ; opened on the 3rd of March, 1861 ; F. O. Korn, architect. Skipton Street Church, of stone ; founda- tion stone laid on tlie 8th of August, 1865, by the Rev. John Orchard ; opened on the 25th of March, 1866 ; H. R. Caselli, architect. Grant Street Churcli, of brick ; foundation stone laid on the 19th of December, 1865, by the Rev. W. H. Hooker; opened on the 18th of Marcli, 1866 ; designed by carpenter S. H. Lugg. Humffray Street Church, of bi'ick ; foundation stone laid on the 30th of October, 1866, by the Rev. James Lowe ; opened on the 20th of January, 1867 ; designed by carpenter S. H. Lugg. The Hebrew Synagogue, in Princes street, of brick, cost £900, was designed by T. B. Cameron. The foundation stone was laid on the 25th of January, 1861, by Mr. C. Dyte, M.L.A., and the opening service was celebrated on the 18th of the follow- ing March, the Rev. Mr. Isaacs, minister, 272 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. The Baptist Church, of stone, in Dawson street, opposite to St. Patrick's, a substantial edifice, with Grecian fiont, was de- signed by J. A, Doane, and cost .£3591. The foundation stone was laid on the 23rd of October, 1866, by the Eev. Isaac New ; pastor, the Rev. W. Sutton, and the building was opened on the 6th of November, 1867. Since then the building has been much beautified both inside and out, and at considerable cost. The old Congregational Church, of brick, near the corner of Dawson and Mair streets, was designed for a school by J. A. Doane, and cost £800, the site adjoining being reserved for a church. The old building was opened on the 21st of March, 1862 ; the Rev. Mr. Gosman, minister ; after him the Rev. J. J. Halley. The first church was of wood, in Sturt street, and opened on the 6th of June, 18.57. It was sold in September, 1861, to Mr. Boyd, the printer, who still occupies all of the premises. In 1881, on the Queen's Birthday, the memorial stone of the present church, at the corner of Mair and Dawson streets, was laid by the Rev. Joseph Walker, the pastor, to whom has succeeded Dr. Roseby, whose pastorate began in December, 1885. The church is of brick, in Gothic, with novel treatment in some details, tlie architects being Caselli and Figgis, and the cost £3550. The present accommodation is for 500 persons, site space being reserved for future extension if necessaiy. The par- sonage adjacent was designed by C. D. Figgis, and cost £1400. The Dawson Street Church is the only one belonging to this denomination in Ballarat. The Disciples of Christ have a brick churcli in Dawson street, built from a design by J. A. Doane ; cost of l)uilding, £500 ; fittings, vestry, and extras, £185 ; land, £75 ; total, £800 ; opened in June, 1865. They have a wooden chuich also at the corner of Peel and Eastwood streets. The Friends have a small wooden meeting-house in Grant street. The Wroeites once had a meeting-place in Dyte's parade, and tlio Unitarians one in East street, but neitlier sect has one in Ballarat at present. The Lutherans have erected a brick cliuich in place of an earlier woodt.'n one on tlieir reseivcMii Doveton street south. The TOWN MISSION AND SALVATION ARMY. 273 architect was C. D. Figgis; builders, Taylor and Ellis; cost, £1100 says Pastor Herlitz, but £995 2s., says the architect. The chuiuh was opened on the 19th March, 1870, by Pastor Herlitz, the head of the Lutheran Synod of Victoria. The Town Mission was begun in an organised form in March, 1870, by Messrs. M. Morgan, Cortlet, Etchells, Jones, Nash, and Costain, and Mesdames Kitchen, Whitrick, and Burton. In Feb- ruary, 1872, the present missioner, Martin Hosking, was engaged. Tliere is now a mission hall in Eureka sti'eet, and a Chinese school and meeting-house in Main street, and the work done by the missioner and his assistants in caring for the bodies as well as the souls of the poor is veritably practical religion of a very Christian type. Mr. W. Little, who, with Mrs. Little, gives valuable help in the musical pox'tion of the mission work, has furnished the author with much interesting detail in connection with the establishment and operations of the mission, but there is no space available here for moi*e than this bare and ineffectual record. The author has only that poor but pressing apology to offer to the churches generally for his meagre notices in these pages. That modern invention, the Salvation Army, opened its cam- paign in Ballarat in April, 1882, the commanding officers being Major (now Colonel) and Mrs. Barker, Captain (now Adjutant) Hodges, Lieut. Hayes, Happy Dinah, and others; and a branch of the Prison Gate Brigade was opened in August, 1885. An iron roofed wooden barracks, measuring 90 x 50 x 12 feet, and accom- modating 1,700 people, is erected in Little Bridge street, the memorial blocks having been laid on the 2nd April, 1884, by the Hon. J. Campbell, M.L.C., and Mr. Jas. Russell, M.L.A. The passing of the Education Act of 1872 revolutionised the primary school systems of the colony and annihilated at a stix)ke all the denominational schools save some of the Roman Catholic ones. That church has fought and still fights against the State schools, and lias opened new schools of its own in all directions, but as the denomination is in a minority, and the great bulk of the children of Ballarat are sent to State schools, these have become a notable feature in civic architecture, as they are neces- sarily numerous, and they mark the advent of a new school of 274 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. architecture in the Public Works Department. In the older days the State buildings of all kinds were, as a rule, hideous to the sight. The new State schools are sightly, and lend some really welcome aspects to the landscape. There are eighteen State schools in Ballarat, and there was an aggregate average attendance during 1886 of 5,342 children. The aggregate cost of the school buildings was £48,230, not including some outlay for yards, and tree planting here and there. The following table gives some details of interest, the names of head teachers, where changes have occurred, being given in the order of their appointment. Locality. Dana street Pleasant street A If red ton Wendouree Macarthur street Urquhart street Huniffray street Brown Hill Eureka street Orphaiiatre Mount Pleasant Golden Point St. Paul's Queen street black Hill Redan Sebastopol Nerrina Building Completed. State No. 29th Feb., 1875 33 25th Aug., 1877 695 30th June, 1880 1091 5th May, 1877 1813 21st Aug., 1878 2022 2nd .Tan., 1879 10th March, 1876 7th Dec, 1877 2103 34 35 22nd June, 1880 1071 Leased 7th Aug., 1874 1256 1436 9th Jan., 1875 1493 27th June, 1877 6th March, 1878 25th June, 1878 1919 1998 2043 13th Feb., 1875 1289 25th Jan., 1875 1167 16th Sep., 1878 2093 / R. A. Armstrong \J. Oldham J. Holding /J. Howarth \ G. H. Scarse R. Williams ,^W. M. Cox I J. Oldham ; W. M. Cox 1 J. Bartley V J. L. Willox J. Lowther E. I. Rosenblum T . Potter / H. Young \ W. Ryan E. P. 'Date W. H. Nicholls / R. Kent \ J. Blythe J.C.Molloy L. H. Kildahl G. Duck / J.Dennant \ L. Whyte E. JL Whalley J. L Clark J. Oldham H. Young J. Elvins W. T. Dimsey P.Eva School No. 34 was the first Associated Training School in the district. It was thus created in 1874, with Mr. Rosenblum as associate. Seventy-one students have been trained there, of which number sixty are now State school teachers. From school No. 1436 seventy two pupils have passed the matriculation examination of the Melbourne University, and eleven have obtained from the Education Dc^partment exhibitions of the yearly value of £'.\f), tenable for six years. On the 8th April, 1884, Mr. Nicholls, the head teache«j was elected by the teachers Average Attendance. Cost. 808 £6504 282 2758 58 736 85 950 6S8 5064 712 407 114 6369 4097 1894 193 1648 1(17 351 2831 362 3188 341 243 217 2246 1093 1393 320 2955 251 33411 53 564 Head Teachers. STATE AND OTHER SCHOOLS. 275 of the colony as their first representative on the Committee of Classifiers. This committee was created by the Public Service Act of 1883, for the purpose of classifying all State schools and teachers, and for dealing with the transfer of teachers. On the 4th May, 1887, Mr. NichoUs was declared re-elected to the office by a majority of 462 over Mr. John Sergeant, the other candidate. School No. 2103 is the successor to the Denominational school in Errard street, over which Mr. Lowther also presided, and to which between 5000 and 6000 scholars had been admitted. The number admitted to the State school has been close on 4000. Under Mr. Lowther's management many teachers have been trained, and " about sixteen" have passed the matriculation examination, two have obtained exhibitions, and four have won scholarships. Church schools amongst Protestants now are Sunday schools only, and as such do not seem to come within our purview here. The private day schools are many, and their successes at Uni- versity examinations indicate a fair average of teaching ability. The largest school is the Ballarat College, which is in some sort attached to the Presbyterian Kirk of St. Andrew's. Its first principal was R. O. M'Coy, and the present one is J. Garbutt. A. A. Buley is now principal of Grenville College, which was founded by John Victor. Victor has left Ballarat, and the school has migrated to Sturt street. Bain's High School, in Camp street, Queen's College, in Dana street, Mrs. Kennedy's School, on Soldiers' Hill, both for girls, and Kearney's Ballarat Grammar School, in Eyre street, are the other main private schools. The Catholics have several primary and other educa- tional establishments. There are the Loretto Convent, Mary's Mount (quaint misnomer for the flat marge of Wendouree), founded in 1875 by sisters from the parent house, Loretto Abbey, Rathfarnham, County Dublin ; the Loretto preparatory schools and Ladies' College, Dawson street, conducted by the same sisterhood ; the training college, in the same gi'ounds ; the primary schools, Sfc. Josephs', Lyons street ; St. Aloysius', Redan ; the Sisters of Mercy Convent schools, Victoria street ; the Christian Brothers' School, in Skipton street ; and three primary 276 HISTORY OP BALLaRAT schools for boys at St. Alipius', Victoria street, Eedan, and Palmer's Gully, under lay teachers. The Ballarat School of Mines, which has recently been affiliated to the Melbourne University, was begotten in some discussions between Messrs. J. M. Bickett, Harrie Wood, J. Lynch, and a few others connected with the mining interest of tke district, Mr. Bickett at the first (1869) suggesting what has only now been accomplished—to wit, the connection with the University. Early in 1870 the project took shape, Judge Rogers having drawn up a draft constitution for the School, and Mr. Justice (Sir Redmond) Barry taking a lively interest in the business. The Government gave for the use of the School the old Court-house, in Lydiard Street, next north from the gaol, and all the land and buildings between the gaol and the Wesley Church of that day. On the 26th October, 1870, Mr. Justice Barry opened the School with an inaugural address, and as the School developed, more buildings were erected, including class- rooms, laboratory, lecture-hall, steam-gauge testing tower. On the 8th October, 1885, the Wesley Church of 1870, which had in the interim been purchased by the School authorities, was opened by his Excellency Sir H. B. Loch as a museum free to the public. The whole property of tlie School is valued at about £15,000, including the site, an insurance for £10,350 covering the buildings and their contents. An annual vote in aid of Schools of Mines is passed by tlie Legislature, the Ballarat School receiving half, as since 1880, inclusive, the ordinary annual vote has been £4,000, and has been equally divided between the Ballarat and Sandhurst Schools. The School is governed by a council meeting (juartorly, and an administrative council me(!ting monthly. The first president of the School was Mr. Justice Barry. The other members of the first council were — Judge Rogers (vice-president), Sir J. M'Culloch, J, A. M'Pherson, J). Gillies and W. M'Lellan, M's.L.A., Professor M'Coy, Messrs. II. Wood, J. M. Bickett, H. B. de la Poer Wall, Dr. Usher, T. Gray, U. W. Newman, R. Lewis, J. M'Dowall, H. R. Caselli, VI. Trennery, L. S. Cliristie, C. S. Reeves, R. M. Sergeant, T. D. Wunliss, and the chairmen of the mining boards SCHOOL OF MINES. 277 of the colony ab that date. The first secretary was James Baker, of frontage regulations fame ; then J. Croker, then W. H. Barnard, as a methodically enthusiastic first registrar, then the present registrar. The museum, which is open free to the public, is a growing attraction, and very rich in mineralogical exhibits. In February last, Mr. R. M. Sergeant deposited £'26Q in the City of Melbourne Bank as a premium for the best method, other than the smelting mode, of treating auriferous ores. The offer was to remain open for two years, and if not then won, the money was to be applied to the founding of a School of Mines scholarship for engineering ; the mayors of Ballarat, the vice- president of the School of Mines, and the chairman of the Band and Albion Consols Company are the trustees. This offer has greater moment from the fact that from several colonies, even as far off as the Kimberley gold fields, in South Africa, applications have been sent to the School for help in the supply of mine managers, engineers, and persons skilled in the treatment of refractory ores. Want of space shuts out a mass of details of interest relative to the School and Museum, and this notice must close with list of council and ofl&cers at the close of 1886 : — President, Sir Wm. Foster Stawell ; vice-president, James Oddie ; trustees. Sir W. J. Clarke, Bart., M.L.C., R. H. Bland, J. W. Rogers, Q.C.; council, the president, the vice president, D. Gillies, M.L.A., W. M'Lellan, M.L.A., F. M'Coy, F.G.S., Prof. Univ. of Melbourne, J. W. Rogers, Q.C., the Anglican Bishop of Ballarat, C. R. Blackett (the president of the Pharmacy Board, Victoria), A. Anderson, .1. M. Bickett, I. J . Jones, Archdeacon Churchill Julius, J. Lonie, J. F. Martell, W. H. Nicholls, H. Reid, E. I. Rosenblum, R. T. Vale, M.L.A., Theos. Williams, A. Wynne, the Mayor of the City of Ballarat, the Mayor of the Town of Ballarat East, and the chairman, for the time being, of each of the seven mining boards of Victoria ; honorary solicitor, H. Cuthbert ; honorary treasurer, I. J. Jones ; curator of museum, F. M. Krause, F.G.S.; botanical reserve, hon. curator, W. Longley ; auditor, Chas. Kent ; registrar, Andw. Berry. The School of Mines Observatory, which was begun on the 16th December, 1885, is situated near the south boundary of 278 HISTORY OF BALLAKAT. the Town of Ballarat East, on a moderately elevated spur of the White Horse Ranges, known as Mount Pleasant. In 1885 the Government reserved three acres on this site, selected by Mr. J. Wall, for observatory purposes, and in March, 1886, the Anglican Bishop of Ballarat, Mr. Ellery, Mr. James Oddie, Mr. Isaac J. Jones, Mr. Theophilus Williams, Mr. Rosenblum, and Mr. Agar Wynne were appointed a committee under the provisions of the Land Act 1884 for the care, protection, and management of the reserve. Mr. James Oddie, with a generous zeal for the promo- tion of astronomical science, supplied the means by which the Observatory buildings have been erected and equipped. The first telescope placed in position was a 12^-inch Newtonian reflector, made by Captain H. E. Baker, late of Goldsborough, now residing at the Observatory. This instrument was turned to the heavens for the first time on the 13th January, 1886. On the 1 1th May, 1 886, the formal opening took place, when Mr. D. M. Davies, M.L.A., occupied the chair. The Hon. W. C. Smith, M.L.A., introduced Master M'Hutchinson, who, on behalf of the students of the astronomical class, read an address to Mr. Oddie, the conclusion of which was a request that he would permit the "lighthouse of the sky to be named the Oddie Observatory." Mr. Oddie, in reply, expressed the hope that the Observatory would prove a valuable adjunct to the School of Mines, and that the establishment would ultimately be taken over by the council of that institution. This is probably the destiny of the Observatory. Ballarat is tlie first provincial city in Australia to possess an art gallery open free to the public. The gallery is the outcome of an exhibition in June, 1884, of local and other pictures in the city hall. The expenses of that display, £200, were borne by Mr. James Oddie, and he and Messrs. T. Price, J. Oldham, E. Turnbull, C. N. Gilbert, and H. J. Hall were the original pro- moters of the exliibition. A meeting of citizens decided that a permanent galleiy of art .should be established ; the front floor of the Academy of Music was rented at a nominal rate from Sir W. J. Clarke, and his Excellency the Governor opened the gallery on the lltli of September of the same year, his Excel- lency and Lady Loch being then on their first visit to Ballarat. THE ART GALLERY. 279 Mr. Turnbull acted as secretary. The gallery was nearly filled "with loaned pictures, and in course of time many presentations of works by Australian and other artists were made, Mr. Oddie being specially liberal in his donations both of money and pic- tures. To Mr. Turnbull succeeded the present secretary, Mr, J. A. Powell. In August, 1886, the Government sanctioned a vote of £2000 for the purchase of pictures, and granted a site of 21 perches in Lydiard street for a gallery, designs for which, by Tappin, Gilbert, and Denehy, were adopted by the gallery com- mittee, who decided on erecting the front part of the building. Last May the patrons of the gallery were incorporated as the Ballarat Fine Art Public Gallery Association — President, J. Oddie ; vice-presidents, Right Rev. Dr. Thornton, Right Rev. Monsignor Moore, Sir W. J. Clarke, Bart., T. Stoddart, J. Shiels; executive committee, the vice-presidents, and Archdeacon Julius, Father Rogers, J. Oldham, E. Morey, F. Martell, J. Robson, G. Perry, T. Bath, C B. Retallack ; council, members of tlie execu- tive, and Rev. Dr. Roseby, Dr. Maconnochie, A. Anderson, D. Brophy, J. Coghlan, J. Hickman, H. J. Hall, J. Holland, F. W, Niven, W. H. Nicholls, T. Price, J. Sommers, C Schutze, A. Wynne, R. Wrigley, T. Uthwatt ; hon. treasurer, J. Oddie ; hon. solicitor, A. Wynne ; Melbourne selection committee, G. F. Follingsby, J. Smith, L. Patterson, J. Reed ; local selection and hanging committee, H. J. Hall, J. Oldham, J. Sommers, T. Price. On the 21st June, the Queen's Jubilee Day, the memorial stone of the gallery was laid by Sir W. J. Clarke. The architects' description of the building is as follows : — The Art Gallery has a frontage of 58 feet, with a depth of 100 feet. At present it is intended to only build a portion, viz. , the facade complete, with a depth of 77 feet. The ground plan is divided into two large shops, placed one on each side of a grand eta trance 13 feet wide, which leads to a double flight of stone steps, each 6 feet 6 inches wide. Behind the stair- case is the secretary's office and students' rooms. The first floor is merely two large rooms, lit from the ceilings, the main gallery being 55 feet long, 35 feet wide, and 24 feet high ; the back or water color gallery being 55 x 20 X 20. The whole of the building is fire proof, and ventilated in accordance with the Tobin principle. The front, which is 50 feet high, is divided into three bays by three-quarters rouiad Corinthian columns, relieved by pedi- ments, and crowned by the figure of Britannia, supported by figures repre- 280 HISTORY OF BALLARAT, senting arts and science. The basement will be in the Doric order, the columns being rusticated. jSlaterial of basement, bluestone ; rest of front, brick and cement. The shops may at future date be converted into stu- dents' rooms. Total cost of present ^lortion. £500. Mr. Thomas 8toddart, a wealthy mining speculator of relined tastes and liberal ideas, has given to Ballarat possession of an art gift unique in all Australasia. None of the public grounds of even the metropolitan cities of Australia are graced with marble statues in such profusion as are the Botanic Gardens of Ballarat, and this distinction is due to the large liberality of Mr. Stoddart. When in Italy a few years since, he remembered Ballarat, and resolved to embellish it with no fewer than twelve statues in Carrara marble from divers studios in that place, and on the Queen's Birthday, 1884, he formally handed over his splendid present to the mayor and council of the city, as custodians for the city for all time, the statues being at that time set up in the Gardens. A procession of boats across the lake, a large con- course of spectators, the presence of the Ballarat Rangers with their band, all lent interest to the occasion, and the spontaneous applause of the people who witnessed the ceremony of the transfer betokened the public appreciation of the generosity of the giver. The statues represent Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Hercules, Mercury, Leda, a Bacchante, the Farnese, and another Flora, Hebe, and Pomona. James Russell Thompson's name occurs in the early passages of this book. He was a very true gentleman, well informed, studious, generous, modest. From the early fifties to tlie early eighties he was, with brief exceptional absence, a citizen bearing a (juiet retired part in tlie building up of this city and its in- terests. He died on the 2Gth May, 188G, and by his will he bequeathed a landscape, a portrait, and a study of dogs' heads, all in oil, to the Ballarat Art Gallery, besid(^s a residuary bequest amounting to £3000 in trust to his executors, Messrs. J. Noble Wilson and 11. A. Nevett, for the purchase of statuary for the Botanic Gardens, Mr. Stoddart being requested by the testator to assist the executors in selecting tlie works of art to be chosen. These gentlemen have been in comnumication with the Hon. James Service, who is travelling in Europe, and he has pro- LIBERAL ART PATRONS. 281 visionally advised the purchase; of a marble group in Rome, re- presenting the flight of a man, woman, and child from Pompeii. The executors and Mr. Stoddart have also under consideration the selection of another work, probably either a statue of Wallace, the Scottish hero, or the symbolical group Britannia unveiling Australia ; but at the time of this writing (June, 1887), no selection has been made absolutely. The statue of Robert Burns, erected in Sturt street opposite to the General Post-olfice, is the gift of a body of citizen subscribers, and this ornament to the city may fairly be regarded as a first fruit of the example given in the Stoddart presentation to the city. The statue is by Giovanni Udney, of Carrara, from a design by Mr. Tliomas Thompson, of Ballarat, and a portrait of the poet sent to the artist for his inspiration. The work was unveiled on the Eight Hours Anniversary Day, 1887, by the Hon. J. Nimmo, Minister of Public Works, who made an oration on the occasion in the presence of ten or fifteen thousand holiday sight-seers. Mr. Stoddart was one of the more active of the committee, and a banquet was given to him on the 10th June, 1887, on which occasion a gold watch was presented to Mr. J. M. Bickett, who had acted as secretary to the committee. The cost of the statue and its belongings was over £800. The seminal influence of good deeds is seen again in a movement already forward for the erection of a statue of Tom Moore. As was the case with the Burns statue, so now, as these words are being written, all sorts of people are joining in the endeavor for the honor of Moore of the " Melodies." The com- mitteemen have applied to the City Council for leave to erect the statue in Sturt street, immediately west of Armstrong street, where the Queen's Birthday Oak at present stands, and the council has referred the matter to the Lake and Gardens Com- mittee. The council itself has also under consideration a project of its own for the city, namely the erection of a statue of the Queen in Sturt street, opposite to the city hall, and in commemora- tion of Her Majesty's Jubilee. Typography was almost as early an art in Ballarat as was that of the blacksmith, for the diggers had not been long here 282 HISTORY OP BALLARAT, before the printers were at work. The first attempt, as we have seen in an earlier chapter, to get a press conveyed to Ballarat failed, and the first office actually opened appears to have been Seekamp's Ballarat Times office, in Mair street, Ballarat West. He afterwards migrated to Bakery Hill in the East. After him came Fletcher and Evans, in the old Main road, now called Bridge street, but before the old levels were raised to what they are now, with some of the shop floors in the present street eleven feet above the original surface. Fletcher was one of those arrested for the burning of Bentley's hotel. His office was the first jobbing office apart from the newspaper press, and Wheeler's Trumpeter was printed there. This office became the printing and book- binding establishment for some years of Armstrong, who, in 1853, introduced at Golden Point the first Ballarat circulating library. Charles Boyd, who is still here, began business as a printer in the Main road, near the United States hotel in 1857, and he claims to have first introduced Greek letter type in Ballarat. That was in 1862, the type being specially imported from England for his use. It was employed for some years by Mr. J. H. Pope, then head teacher of the Soldiers' Hill Presbyterian school, for print- ing examination papers. The letter is seldom used now here, and, indeed, is not kept in any other office but Boyd's. Like gold digging and the several sports, printing was first started in the east — if Clarke's foiled essay in 1851 may be called a start — but it has long since made the west its head quarters. Excepting M'Kee's printing office in Bridge street, all the offices now are in the west, namely, the newspaper offices, and the jobbing offices, large and small — to wit, Boyd's, in Sturt street ; J. Curtis' and J. Anderson and Co.'s, in Armstrong street ; F. Pinkerton's, E. Campbell's, J. M 'Hutchison's, Rider and Mercer's, in Lydiard street; and the publishers of this book, in Sturt street. F. W. Niven and Co.'s business is the largest in Ballarat, and the largest in the colony outside the metropolis. A Courier report of a visit to the establishment on the 10th of November last states that " during tlio past few years the firm has brought into use £1500 worth of tli(! n(!west machinery, and their excellent work in printing and chromo-lithography has enabled them to largely increase their LOCAL TYPOGRAPHY. 283 business." The visit was made to view exhibits prepared for the exhibition then about to be opened at Sandhurst, and the scene presented by the busy working of sixty-five hands, with engines, presses, and so forth, and the prolific output of pictures, posters, cards, labels, scrip, crests, monograms, almanacs, and what not, be- sides engravers and lithographers at their nicer and noiseless work, was a display to remember. The magnitude of the firm's opera- tions is reflected in the average weekly wage sheet of £111, the £5000 worth of machinery in use, and the annual consumption for the year of £6500 worth of paper and printing, book- binding, and stationery materials. This edition of the History of Ballarat, comprising 10,200 copies, when bound complete, will have absorbed 256 reams of paper, and will weigh no less than 6| tons. Inspired by the Cornier reporter, the author notes that at a banquet on the same day, at Craig's hotel, Mr. Niven, the senior partner, referred to Seekamp and the first printers, and the improvements now in vogue whereby " millions of bills, tfec, could be turned out in the same time as about 100 were printed with the old hand arrangement." The Star reporter lets in the following ray of light upon the development of the firm's business : — " Four and a half years ago, we understand, the firm employed 20 hands. At that time they devoted their attention almost solely to mining and ordinary letter-press print- ing. Since Mr. H. W. H. Irvine joined the firm, however, and relieved Mr. Niven of the management of the commercial part of the business, enabling him to devote his attention more fully to the artistic work, the firm's trade has increased by leaps and bounds, until now there are 65 or 67 hands employed." This firm supplies orders all over Victoria, and in parts of adjacent colonies, and for its exhibits at the Sandhurst Exhibition a silver medal was awarded. Photography was a very early form of localised pictorial art in Ballarat, that is if photography be an art, a question which is left for experts to discuss. William Ellis was the first Ballarat photographer. He was a bricklayer, who had emigrated from Liverpool to Port Natal, crossed over to Victoria in 1853, worked at his trade in Melbourne, picked up the rudiments of photo- 284 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. graphy there, and settled on the Red Hill, Ballarat, in 1855. In December, 1855, a daguerreotypist named Rochlitz had a " studio" near the Golden Fleece hotel, Lydiard street. His place was a two storied wooden house on the site now occupied by offices of the Ballarat Banking Company. Messrs. Cowley and J. Noble Wilson subsequently practised photography there, with Rochlitz as assistant. About that time, or a few months later, when Lola Montes was in Ballarat, an American daguerreotypist practised a little while, and issued some rather free and easy photographs of the famous strolling player of so many experiences. Cowley and Wilson also had on view daguerreotypes of Lola, A. M. Quinn, and other celebrities of the day. Madame Charpiot daguerreotyped also in Bridge street, and Fenton, Coldrey, and Co. practised in collodion near what was then the horse bazaar, in the Main road. Ellis sold his business to the late A. V. Smith. After that came Solomon and Bardwell, then Roberts Brothers, then Wright, then Glenny, then Silverlock, then Willetts, then Richards and Co., then Chuck, then Williams. The last four practise here now, and an amateur society has its home at the School of Mines. Lithography, or the art of printing from stone, was intro- duced in Ballarat by the late Mr. Ronalds, of the Wendouree Nursery Gardens, in 1853, but his little hand presses were rather cherished old companions than active workers in those days. In August, 1856, as mentioned in chapter iii., Robert Bell printed his Chinese Advertiser from stone, and about the same tinie Henry Harris, E. C. Moore, C. Abbott, and others started the first Ballarat Puncli,¥. W. Niven assisting in the illustrations with one of Ronalds' hand presses. In 1857 Niven purchased Ronalds' presses and l)egan lithographing regularly, subsecjuently joining H. Deutsch, in Bridge street. Deutsch was famous in those days for his lithographic views of old Ballarat, and here and there exist valuable collections of the street and other views issued from his office. In 1858 the first steam lithographing machine in Ballarat and in the colony was started by Niven, at 19 Lydiard street, and was a great success. About the same time another was got to work in Melbourne, by il. de Grouchy. These ma- LOCAL LITHOGRAPHY. 285 chines were looked upon with great distrust by trade critics, as altliough such machines had worked well in France, England, and other relatively cold climates, they were considered unfit for Aus- tralia. But Mr. Niven says that was the very reason which induced him to order one through Detmold, of Melbourne, as he thought the speed of the machine would counteract the tendency of the stone to dry as the slower hand rollers did. The result proved the accuracy of the reasoning, for it was found that the heat here scarcely affected the stone at all, and very soon Troedel, of Melbourne, found his way to Ballarat to see Niven's success, and he then followed in Niven's wake. In a short time machines almost entirely superseded the old hand presses, and instead of injury to the trade, as had been predicted, their general use soon increased the amount of lithographic work tenfold, and where formerly small orders of 100 or so were done by the hand press at a high cost, the continuous machine turned out impressions by the million at a cheap rate. This, as in the case of other ma- chinery, created demand, and employment was made for establish- ments with 50 or GO hands, as at F. W. Niven and Co.'s works, instead of smaller shops with hand presses and relatively few employes. As we have said, Deutsch was once a name here. He sold to F. W. Niven. J. Gellatly and J. Curtis did litho- graphic work at one time, but at present Rider and Mercer, in Lydiard street, and F. W. Niven and Co., in Sturt street, are the only lithographers in Ballarat. These firms, and notably F. W . Niven and Co., have made mining plans and similar works obtainable at small cost, and have thus facilitated the extension of the mining industry. Lithographic views of Ballarat, Sandhurst, Warrnam- bool, and other places, and views of Lake Wendouree and other scenes in the district have been issued in abundance from these gas driven lithographic presses, F. W. Niven and Co. alone being able at present to execute the larger pictures. Curtis, in Armstrong street, and M'Kee, in Bridge street, have turbines as a press motive power, Curtis having gas in addition to the water power. Xylography, or wood engraving and printing, was introduced with color printing by Charles Boyd, who brought it from Phila- delphia to Melbourne in 1854, and to Ballarat in 1857. Boyd 286 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. cut his own blocks, and is still practising the art at his office in Sturt street. The Melbourne firm was Walker, Boyd, and Co., now Walker, May, and Co., Boyd going alone as a printer in Bal- larat. He claims, in fact, to have, in the elegant language of America, " licked" all local creation in the printing line, having won "three medals and five certificates for excellence in printing — a record not achieved by any other printer in Victoria," But Boyd does not afi'ect the finer class of woodcuts ; for that he, like other printers in Ballarat, has recourse to Mr. William Gooch, of the Argus agency, Ballarat, a past pupil of M. Jenny, a Swiss artist in Melbourne. The initial letters of the chapters in this book were engraved in M. Jenny's office, and Mr. Gooch sustains to-day the prestige of his teacher's studio. The Public Library, in Barkly street, was established in 1862, and is open free to the public. The building is handsome outside, and the interior library hall very elegant. The founda- tion stone was laid by Sir Redmond Barry on the 21st of January, 1867, and the cost of the building and fittings was about £3500. A hall has since been added at a cost of £1200. There are 12,000 vols, in the library, the number of reference books in history and science being probably the largest and best of any provincial library in Victoria. The first president was Mr. Emanuel Steinfeld, and the first librarian Mr. Miller, Mr. Frederick Young having been the first chairman of committee. To Mr. Miller succeeded Mr. J. Fitzherbert, and to him Mr. S. E. Mendoza, the present librarian. A small public library has been opened also in the old Warden's Court-house in Sturt street, and a project is on foot for the erection of a suitable building for the purpose of the library. The officers now (June) are — R. Baker, M.L.A., president ; J. R. Matthews and W. Evans, vice- presidents ; J. Vallins, librarian ; E. H. L. Swifte, secretary. The Mechanics' Institute, in Sturt street, was born in April, 1859, in a little wooden house between Humffray and Bai'kly streets, in Main street, and its first reading-room was opened, as was afterwards the Ballarat East Public Library, in the engine- house of the Ballarat Fire Brigade. On the 20th of April, 1859, the first committee was chosen as follows : — Messrs, J. B, Humf- THE mechanics' INSTITUTE. 287 fray, president ; A. Anderson and R. Belford, vice-presidents ; J. Stewart, M.D., T. S. Learmonth, H. R. Caselli, F. Young, and W. C. Smith, trustees ; G. G. Mackay, treasurer ; C. Dyte, W. H Batten, R. Lewis, J. Cathie, D. O'Connor, J. M'Dowall, R. Mitchell, "W. Frazer, J. Dodds, W. B. Withers, W. Cooper, and D. Oliver, committeemen. Mr. W. H. Batten was subsequently elected secretary, and has held office ever since. The presidents up to 1870 inclusive were — J. B. HumfFray (two years), A. Anderson and T. Lang (two years), C. Lister, F. C. Downes (two years), and Joseph Jones (three years). Since then F. M. Claxton, 1872-3-4-5 ; A. Marshall and I. J. Jones, 1875-6 ; T. H. Thompson, 1877-8; E. W. Stephens, 1879-80; E. James, 1881 ; L. Stansfield, 1882 ; J. R. Marshall, 1883 ; J. M. Bickett, 1884 ; A. Brown, 1885 ; A. Jack, 1886 ; H. Wheeler, 1887 ; E. P. Date being in office for the current official year. The first stone of the first part of the Sturt street building was laid with Masonic honors by Mr. H.Cuthbert on the28-thof September, 1860, and on the 19 th of December the reading-room was opened. The room has been since then enlarged, and is now the most spacious of the kind in the colony. The completed building, designed by J. H. Jones, isone of the largest and handsomest in the town. It was opened for a fine arts exhibition by his Excellency the Governor on the 21st of July, 1869. There are 1200 members on the roll, and near 14,000 vols, in the library. A billiard room is now part of the Institute. It was opened in February, 1879. The Institute is now free of debt. In May, 1870, while Haydon's " Aristides" yet hung in the hall of the Institute in the exhibition then on view there. General Tom Thumb and his companion dwarfs were also exhibit- ing themselves to large crowds. A writer to the Ballarat Star, himself an artist, remembered Haydon's wail of despair in his diary, and pointed out the coincidence that 24 years afterwards, and 16,000 miles away from the Egyptian Hall, the picture and the dwarf were again in contact, and again the dwarf the more popular. The Academy of Music, in Lydiard street, is the successor of the old Theatre Royal, in Sturt street, and of tlie last of the Charlie Napiers, in Ballarat East. G. V. Brooke laid the founda- 200 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. tion stone of the Royal on the 20th January, 1858, and in 1873 Thespis was deposed in favor of commerce, whose servants reign there now. In tlie meantime Mr. C. Dyte had, on the 26tli December, 1861, laid the foundation stone of the last of the Charlie Napiers, and the first in permanent materials, but that also has disappeared, after having for some time served as a brewery for Messrs. Scrase and Ainley. Madame Arabella Goddard laid the foundation stone of the Academy on the 24th September, 1874, and the house was opened on the 7th June, 1875. The site belongs to Sir W. J. Clarke, Bart., and the building was erected at his cost (.£12,000) from designs by archi- tect George Brown. The Academy has a more beautiful interior than had any of the other theatres, but it is less cosy than the Royal was, and its long shape is less adapted to the convenience of spectators of the drama. The Alfred Hall, in Grenville street, built for the reception of the Duke of Edinburgh when he visited Ballarat, has been often used for dramatic performances, and is the largest hall in the city. The Welsh Eisteddfod has become an established institution in Ballarat, and it is tlie only one of the kind extant in Victoria. These festivals in Ballarat date from the year 1855, and they have done much to foster and evoke musical talent, not only amongst the nativesof the principality and theirchildren, butamong all classes of citizens. The Eisteddfod is held every St. David's Day, or on some day as near thereto as is convenient. Vocal and instrumental music, poetry, oratory, are all subjects within the programmes, and the best masters are employed as the awarders of the prizes ofiered for success. The more prominent of the originators and promoters of these local festivals were Messrs. J. B. Humfiray, Theophilus Williams, 11. B. Williams, R. Lewis, H. Davies, Ellis Richards, Timothy Thomas, John Morgan, John Morris, and others. The Cambrian Society in Ballarat is founded on similar lines to those of the Melbourne Society, that is for the promotion of greater unity and a better organisation of mutual help amongst Welsh colonists, and the keeping alive the fires of Welsh patriotism. The society was projected on tlie 30th April last. MUSICAL SOCIETIES. 289 and the officers chosen on the 7th May as follow : — Rev. W. Thomas, president; Joseph Josephs and Philip Lewis, vice-presi- dents ; H. Lewis, treasurer; Theos. Williams, secretary, and W. L. Roberts, assistant secretary ; Theos. Rhys, D. W. Davies, D. Davies, P. L. Jones, J. Harris, P. L. Roberts, J. Lewis, D. Prosser, committeemen. There are (June) 50 members enrolled. Musical societies have been many in Ballarat, commencing with the Philharmonic, which was formed on the 5th of March, 1858, Mr. D. Oliver in the chair. He was chosen secretary; A. T. Turner, conductor; A. Fleury, leader; A. Oliver, treasurer; and E. Towl, Dr. Kupperberg, L. Bruun, C. Franz, J. Lake, J. A. Doane, Stoddart, E. Gates, Sayers, and J. Stower, committeemen. The society died in 1863, and was succeeded by the Musical Union, which also soon died. The Harmonic Society was formed in 1863, with J, Robson, G. O. Rutter, J. Robson, A. T. Turner, R. Wrigley, and A. T. Turner as conductors, in order, till the society was wound up at the end of 1875. The secre- taries were R. Wicking, Holmes, A. Brown, J. R. Pascoe, and then Wicking saw the close of the society. Then came, in 1866, the Glee and Madrigal Union, with W. Rees (father of Alice Rees), A. Gray, S. Nightingale, E. T. Whitten, P. Cazaly, S. Lamble, and J. Knox as its main elements. It was a quiet quasi private organisation, and broke in pieces in 1870. The Choral Society was a creation of the year 1866, with Carl Schmitt as conductor, but did not long survive its first appearance. Another Choral Society was started in July, 1873, with Mr. Bucke as leader, succeeded by A. T. Turner. This society was also short- lived. There was also the German Leider Krantz, which merged in the Liedertafel of May, 1881, whose first officers were the Hon. H, Cuthbert, president ; C. B. Finlayson and A. T. Morrison, vice-presidents ; A. Bruun, treasurer ; J. Bunting, libi'arian ; J. Dunn, secretary ; Carl Hartmann, conductor. The officers at the close of 1886 were — H. Cuthbert, president ; A. Anderson and H. Brind, vice-presidents ; C. Eyres, treasurer ; R. L. Nicholl, librarian ; J. Robson, conductor ; W. D, Hill, secretary. In 1884 another Musical Union was born. Its first officers were — W, S. Matthews, conductor ; J. Ware, tres^- 290 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. surer ; "W. King, secretary ; and the officers now are — Arch- deacon Julius, president ; J. M'Leod and G. K. Coutts, vice-pre- sidents ; G. Herbert, R.A.M., conductor; F. Herbert, pianist; D. J. Coutts, organist ; A. Bruun, leader ; J. Ware, treasurer ; Bryant, librarian ; L. R. Llewelyn, secretary ; and Messrs. Gray, Radley, Hardie, Roberts, Whitten, and Chalmers, commit- teemen. The Maennerchor is the latest organisation, a small band of singers who do not attempt the more ambitious programmes of the larger societies. There is a great and interesting local musical, as well as dramatical, history, but there is no room for it in these pages. The Ballarat Agricultural and Pastoral Society assumed that style on the 3rd May, 1865. Previously it was called the Ballarat Agricultural Society merely. The first record we find of it is a report of a meeting held at the George hotel on the 14th of June, 1856, Mr. Robert Muir in the chair, when arrangements were made for the first ploughing match, which was held on Mr. Baird's farm on the 10th of July, 1856. The records of the society show that on the 15th August, 1856, a meeting was held in the old Council Chambers, in Sturt street, when Messrs. R. Muir, J. M'Dowall, T. Bath, R. Dickson, Butchart, J. Stewart, M. D. Haydon, J. Baird, W. Sim, and Bilton, were appointed a committee with R. Dickson secretary, and Messrs. Fisken, Morton, Dalgleish, and M'Intosh represented the society at the Victorian Board of Agriculture. The society held its first exhibition of produce on the 12tli March, 1859, in the old brick building called the Corn Exchange in the Market square. Learmonth and Burrumbeet had a certain localisation of the society there until the 2nd of April, 1860, when a unification took place and the society was known as the Ballarat Society. The first National drain Show was held in the Ballarat Society's yards on the 22nd and 23rd of October, 1868. The first Grand Champion Sheep Sliow was held at Ballarat on the 13t}i and 14tli of September, 1876. Tlie total value of the prizes awarded at the (eleven sheep shows which liave now been held at Ballarat amounts to tlie very handsome sum of .£6501. The largest aiiiouiit received at any on(! sliow was at the J^ationaJ AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETIES. 291 Show in 1881, wlien over £600 were taken at the gates. During the past 26 years the society has expended no less than £31,852 in prizes for the encouragement of rearing and breeding good live stock, and fostering the manufacture of first-class agricultural implements and machinery. It has also laid out about £8000 upon show yard improvements. Its annual exhibitions are at- tended by large crowds of visitors from all parts of this colony. The Hon. Philip Russell, of Carngham, is now the president of the society, an office which he has held for six years. The secre- tary, Mr. Simon Morrison, has held his position in connection with the society for upwards of 22 years, and Mr. Thomas Bath has been honorary treasurer for the society for nearly 20 years. The vice-presidents last elected were Messrs. G. G. Morton, Jas. Baird (since dead), and W. Anderson, M.L.A. Both the pastoral and agricultural interests are represented on the committee. The secretary, Mr. Morrison, states that he learns that the first ground broken in the Burrumbeet district was by Messrs. Robertson and Ross, after whom came Messrs. Strachan and Beaton. On the Learmonth side Messrs. J. Medwell, G. G. Morton, J. Baird, J. M'Intosh, and Moore were the first. Medwell is said to have put the first post in the ground at Learmonth, and turned over the first acre of ground for a crop of potatoes. The magnitude of the pastoi-al and agricultural interest of the district is reflected from that of the demands of the town markets. The author has no room for many other details of interest in regard to these im- portant industries. The Ballarat Horticultural Society was formed in 1859. On the 11th October of that year there was a meeting at Bath's hotel ; present — Messrs. Ocock (in the chair), T. Lang, W. Elliott, R. U. Nicholls, C. Tunbridge, B. Hepburn, and G. Binsted, when preliminaries were discussed. On the 18th of the same month another meeting was held, at which Dr. Kenworthy (of Eureka Stockade fame) presided. The society was then for- mally constituted, with Dr. Kenworthy president, Dr. Richardson vice-president, T. Lang treasurer, G. Binsted secretary, and W. Elliott, G. Smith, W. Appleby, R. U. Nicholls, R. Ocock, J. Tugwell, and W. H. Foster committeemen. The society held its 292 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. first exhibition on the 25th of JSTovember, 1859, in W. C. Smith's sales-room in Sturt street, near the south-east corner of Doveton street. The Alfred Hall is now the place of exhibition. The present officers are Messrs. A. Anderson, pi-esident ; J. Nicholls, J. C. Chalmers, vice-presidents ; A. Fraser, treasurer ; J. Ware, secretary and librai'ian ; N. D'Angri, D. Laidlaw, W. Rattray, S. Rennie, J. Ross, G. Smith, J. Williams, professional com- mittee ; A. Engeler, A. Gray, H. Hunt, S. D. Partridge, G. Periy, R. W. Phillips, R. Stringer, amateur committee ; F. C. Wain- wright, hon. auditor. There were in June of this year 320 mem- bers on the roll. The iron, woollen, and other industries of Ballarat demand a volume for their proper record, but we can only insert here the more prominent names and doings. The Victoria, Soho, and some minor iron foundries have lived and died, and to the Vic- toria belongs the honor of making the first locomotive in Bal- larat. That was the Lady Barkly, so named by his Excellency Sir H. Barkly, about the year 1860. The engine was made for Mr. Davies, an engineer on the Geelong to Ballarat railway. Other engines were made soon after for New Zealand and West Aus- tralia ; but a new and important era arose when the Pha-nix Foundry Company, started in Fobiuai-y, 1856, by Messrs. Carter, Oldham, and Shaw, became an incorporated company on the 12th November, 1870, with Mr. W. H. Shaw as managei-, and the manufacture of locomotives for the Victorian railways was begun. The new departure was a complete success, and the company has established the largest locomotive factory in Victoria, securing against all competition the making of nearly the whole of the colonially manufactured engines. The company delivered the first locomotive to the Government on the 4th March, 1873, the next day'.s Cornier saying : — " At five o'clock to the minute yes- terday morniiig, locomotive No. 88 left the Pluiniix Company's works, ill AiiMstroiig street, on the steam hiiry specially made for the conveyance of the engines and tenders to the lailway station." By the 2nd Apiil the engine had comjileted its 1000 miles test, and the feat was celebrated by liiinging uji a special tiain of Cabinet Ministers and others from Melhounir, liy Ihigs all over the city, FOUNDRIES AND FACTORIES. 293 by pealing of the Alfred Bells, and by a banquet in the city hall. The completion of the 100th locomotive was celebrated on the 13tli April, 1883, when there were still greater rejoicings. Mr. Service (the Premier), other Ministers, and Parliamentary repre- sentatives were present, and the locomotive was decked with liags, and boughs, and flowers. Speeches, cheers, pealing of bells, banquets, a whole city keeping holiday, and the Tubal Cains of the great locomotive workshop of Victoria as the applauded heroes of the day, made up a series of sensations long to be remembered. By the end of 1886 the company had delivered 203 complete engines with tenders ; and the company's immense plant is so complete, its workmen so skilled, its management so able, that practically the Phoenix Foundry seems to have made successful competition out of the question at present. The trustees of the company are Messrs. D. Brophy, chairman ; W. H. Sliaw, manager ; R. Gr. Middleton, secretary ; G. Perry, Thos. Body- comb. The value of the industry locally is seen in the distribu- tion of near ,£2000 monthly in wages, and the creation of a school where hosts of youths learn one of the most valuable of all the mechanical arts. The Union Foundry, started in March, 1865, by Messrs. J. Walker, J. F. Woods, T. Bradcock, and W. Sandry, changed its tirm status by losing Mr. Sandry and gaining Mr. W. F. Harrington, a branch having been in the meantime opened at Maryborough, in Queensland. Then in October, 1872, Mr. John Hickman bought half of the Ballarat business, and the local firm became Walker, Hickman, and Co., and since November, 1879, Mr. Hickman has been sole proprietor. The tirm's work i? mainly the manufacture of heavy mining engines and machinery the most ponderous pumping, hauling, and other plant being sup plied to mining companies all over the colonies, details of which there is no space here to narrate. The company's wage-sheet is about £1000 per month, and the importance of the manufacture is second only to that of the Phoenix works. Bromley and Co., in Windermere street ; Trahar and Sons, Yarrowee ; Abraham, Little Bridge street, of patent windmill and pump fame, have each some special casting work as their leading trade features. The agricultural implement factories comprise the works of Kelly 294 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. and Preston, and Dingle, Laverick, and Co., in the Creswick road, and Munro's, at Alfredton, and the products of these factories win prizes all over the colonies, and find their inarket eA'en as far as India. John Tynan's plough factory, in Mair street, is the suc- cessor to older ones under the same direction, and his fame is as great in that special work as any man's in Australia. The Lai Lai Iron Company has ceased to be for the time a practically operative venture, but the company has great resources in valuable ore lodes, which some day, doubtless, will receive due attention from capitalists. The School of Mines analysis of the lode shows it to be haematite brown ore, yielding 50 per cent, of iron, besides yellow ochre and brown umber pigments. There are two woollen factories in Ballai-at — the Ballarat Company's, at Sunny Corner, and Messrs. Dennison, Wynne, and Hepburn's, in Doveton street north. This last was previously held by Wilson and Co., and was originally a flour mill owned by a Mr. Hayes. This factory is mainly employed in the manufacture of coarse tweeds, and is a private property. The Ballarat Com- pany is an incorporated venture, and was started in October, 1871, work commencing in June, 1873, with one set of machines. Im- provements wei-e made from time to time, until the whole of the capital (£40,000) had been called up, and by the end of 1886 the company had 40 looms at woi'k and 130 hands employed. Flannels and blankets were iirst made, and then tine clotlis and tweeds. The greater part of tlie clothing for the Victorian militia lias been made by the company, and now the company has built larger rooms and obtained additional plant with which to manu- facture worsted and compete for the £5000 bonus offered by the Government for the iirst production of that class of goods. Up to the end of 1886 tlie company had paid tinee dividends of 7^ per cent, on tlie capital, tlie net pi'oiit for the lialf-year ending Slst December, 1886, being set down at £1194 2s. lid. Mr. David Melvin is the manager, Mr. J. T. Williams the secretary, and Messrs. Alex. Jjcll ((chairman), Robert Bell, and J. C. Smith, directors. CoachVjuilding Ix^gan very early in Jiallarat, and the various exhibitions in the district have shown that tiie local factories can BREWERS, DISTILLERS, AND CORDIAL MAKERS. 295 produce vehicles which may rival the elegancies of Long Acre. The leading firms to-day are Jones and Trembath, in Mair street; Cutter, in Chancery lane ; and Dickson, in Armstrong street. There are two steam flour mills at work now in Ballarat — that of Fry and Co., Limited, Wendouree, and that of Mr. Nicholson, in Armstrong street. There are two bone mills — Jopling's, on the Creswick road, and Elsworth's, at the upper end of Pennyweight Gully. Tlie breweries comprise Leggo and Sons' Barley Sheaf, Creswick road ; Magill and Coghlan's, Warrenheip^ Tulloch and M'Laren's Royal Standard, Armstrong street, all large and long established properties, and of growing value, besides the more recent Black Horse Brewery, Ascot street, G. T. Lee, proprietor The Warrenheip Distillery Company, famous for its spirits, has about 1.50acres of land at Dunnstown, an unfailing supply of spring water, and turns out about 80,000 gallons of whiskey, geneva, and rectified spirits of wine per annum, which could be increased, if need were, to 100,000 gallons. The proprietors are Messrs. Goller, Brind, and Walker. Cordial factories in Ballarat are three in number, namely, E. Rowlands {late Rowlands and Lewis), in Dana street ; O'Hehir and Co., in Errard street ; and T. A. Hawkins and Co., in Lydiard street. They all manufacture jerated waters and cordials; but Rowlands' factory, as being the first in Ballarat, and as being one whose fame and extent are quite unique in the colony, demands special notice. In 1854 the original firm started making lemonade, soda water, and ginger beer on the shores of what is now Lake Wendouree, when eight hands were employed. To-day the firm has five depots — Ballarat, Melbourne, Sydney, Creswick, and Smythesdale — the first three being manufacturing places, at each of which an eight horse-power steam engine is used, and in all 300 hands are employed, receiving an aggregate weekly wage of £330, the 1854 Ballarat output of 300 dozen bottles a day having grown to a daily manufacture in 1886 of between 3000 and 4000 dozen, whilst the first day's Melboui-ne make of 6 dozen in July, 1873, had grown to an output of 3547 dozen in one day of last year. A big stride this, surely, and one to note. Meanwhile the simple triad of beverages which sufiiced for 296 HISTORY OF BALLABAT, the diggers of 1854 has been followed by waters and cordials galore. The factories of the firm now produce, besides the ori- ginal three comforts, seltzer, potass, lithia, magnesia, apollinai-is, Carlsbad, and tonic waters ; ginger ale, sarsaparilla, Ballan seltzer, A'igoi'ine, noyau, maraschino, curacoa, rhatang bitters, orange bitters, aromatic bitters, quinine bitters, sarsaparilla extract, hop bitters, alkine bitters, aerated bitterade, ginger brandy, pine apple syrup, ginger wine, raspberry vinegar, lime juice syrup, lemon syrup, peppermint, cloves, milk punch. This list symbolises the develop- ment of the firm's trade, which is spread all over the colonies. A commercial ^\dtness, of some travel himself, writes to the author ; — Mr. Rowlands, by the introduction of his manufactures all over the colonies, does more to advertise Ballarat than does any other manufacturer ; for, as one gentleman said to me at Deniliquin once, " When you get beyond the reach of Rowlands' soda water, you are beyond the pale of civilised society," and though I do not agree absolutely with that, still I recognise the fact that in all the colonies, and in the leading towns in Victoria, Bal- larat drinks, through the agency of Rowlands, are obtainable. Even the fiery teetotaller may well exclaim- — " More power to this earnest solacer of thirsty souls , and may his unintoxicating shadow never grow less." The Australasian Trade Ecvicw, of a year or two ago, was full of interesting details of the firm's doings, for which we have no space in these pages ; but the writer there gives us a glimpse of the inner works when he says the Dana street works can turn out over 3000 dozen bottles a day, and that at the vigorine counter alone in the Collins street factory " half a score of men and boys are kept labelling and gold foiling the bottles, of which thousands of dozens are sent out monthly, and the sale steadily increasing." The Ballarat factory has, as general manager and foreman respectively, Messrs. A. Attwood and Joseph Franklin, the Melbourne factory Messrs. D. Jones and Thos. Ferguson, and the Sydney factory Messrs. J. Jones and W. Moxom. Franklin is the iiestor of the firm's employes, for he has breathed tlie efiervescing atmosphere of the factories for 32 years now gone. On retoiunc Umjuurs a ses premieres amours, and Mr. Rowlands, though living in Melbourne, gives most of his trade patronage to Ballarat iirms. INDUSTUIAL EXHIBITION FIRE BRIGADES. 297 Ballarat possesses three bacon factories — to wit, Farmer's, Day's, and Foord's, whose hams, flitches, and sausages have gone out to the ends of Australia, and made the makers baconically famous. Of tanneries, Anderson's, by Wendouree, is the oldest, and belonged originally to Messrs. Burrington, Anstis, and Baker. At Fellmongers and at Buninyong there are tanning works, Messrs. Davies and Graham's, at the latter place, being one of the larger works. Boot factories have multiplied of late years in Ballarat, the latest outcome being a co-operative factory born in a strike a year or two ago. It is not paying dividends, or none are publicly announced. There is a clog factory in Humft'ray street ; and of the boot factories those of Whitten and Cairns, in Dana street. Book and Sons, in Main street, and Davies and Graham, in Armstrong street, are the larger. The first Juvenile Industrial Exhibition in Victoria was opened in Ballarat on the 15th February, 1878, by his Excellency Sir G. Bowen, in the Alfred Hall and in the market hall then adjacent. It was projected and managed by Mr. R. D. Bannister, and was very successful. A credit balance of £758 17s. 2d. re- mained at the close, and was vested in the following trustees — A. Hunter, H. R. Caselli, J. Buley, G. 0. Preshaw, and H. Reid. Subsequently J. Hickman and E. Curtis were appointed in place of Buley and Caselli, deceased, and J. C. Smith in place of Preshaw, removed. With £500 of the money entrusted the trust purchased the frontage in Lydiard street, on which the Com- mercial Club building and other offices stand. The site was let on a 40 years' building lease to the club, at a rental of £91 a year, with the right of purchase for £3000 at any time within 15 years from the date of the lease. A commemorative banquet was given in the city hall on the 1st of last month (June) by Mr. Hickman to the committee and representative citizens, when Mr. H. Brad- bury, the exhibition secretary, read a report showing that there was £725 in bank at interest. The banquetters resolved infor- mally that another exhibition should be held as soon as possible. There are three volunteer fire brigades in Ballarat — the Bal- larat, the City, and the Soldiers' Hill brigades. The Ballarat was established in 1856, and has its engine station at the corner of 298 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. Barkly and East streets. It has 40 members, was the first in Victoria to procure a steam fire engine, and to its generally com- plete outfit is now adding a set of Bright's electric fire alarms. The City Brigade was established in 18-59, a previous organisation ha\ang disbanded because the municipal authorities refused a subsidy. The brigade's engine station is at the corner of Sturt and Raglan streets, and it has a steam engine as part of its large equipage. There used to be a Sebastopol Brigade, but the City Brigade has taken over that body's duties, and now has a member roll of 40. A Soldiers' Hill Juvenile Brigade was formed in 1879, and disbanded in 1881, and the present brigade was formed. It has no engine, but has a look-out station, and hose, hose carriages, hydrants, branches, and couplings. The fire fighters of Ballarat have won much fame alike in their intrepid battles with the igneous disasters of the past in Ballarat, and in the competitions which since then have been held in all the colonies. The brigades are at present officered as follow : — Bal- larat Brigade — W. Trotman, captain ; C. H. Craiinage, lieu- tenant; G. A. Beyer, secretary ; J. B. Johns, treasurer ; J. Coward, hose officer ; J. W. Dark, apparatus officer ; A. Anderson, F. H. Drew, T. H. Lawn, trustees ; Rudolf Miiller, caretaker. City Brigade — J. M 'Donald, captain ; Gr. Palmer, lieutenant ; A. M'Garey, hose officer; J. C. Fraser, apparatus officer; J. M'Kenzie, engineer ; J. H. Leggo, treasurer ; T. Curnow, secretary ; W. Perry, caretaker. Soldiers' Hill — H. Carlyon, captain ; W. Rooney, lieutenant ; J. Burke, hose officer ; R. Henderson, ap- paratus officer ; H. Fern, secretary ; S. Selman, treasurer. The volunteer corps of Ballarat Rangers was tlu^ out- come of a movement in the year 18.57. On the 23rd of October, 1857, a meeting, convened by Mr. Ocock, was lield at Bath's, now Craig's, hotel, Ballarat West, " to consider the propriety of establishing a rifle corps in this district." Mr. A. Davies pre- sided, Mr. Cooper acted as secretary, and Messrs. Davies, Wilkes, Coleman, Cooper, Daly, Ocock, and Major Wallace (tlien sheriff), were appointed a committee to prepare a memorial to the Government. On 21st of July, 1858, the consent of the Govern- ment to the enrolment of a corps was received, and on the 26th RANGERS CAVALRY MILITIA. 299 of July a meeting was held in the ShakspearBj^notel, Main street, Ballarat East, Mr. W. B. Rodier in the chair, when the name " Rangers" was rejected, and it was agreed that the name should be the " Ballarat Volunteer Rifle Regiment." The regiment was to consist of four divisions of infantry and two of cavalry. On the 9th August the first meeting of enrolled members was held at the Shakspeare hotel. At this meeting Mr. Richard Belford, who had been then, or was soon afterwards, elected Lieut. -Colonel, presided, and it was reported that there were 65 members on the rolh The rules were referred to the committee for revision, and on the 24th of August Mr. Belford presided at another meeting, held at Bath's hotel, when Major Wallace, who was a half-pay officer of the line, was elected adjutant, C. Forster captain, J. Daly first lieutenant, and D. Sweeney second lieutenant of in- fantry ; and Alley captain, and A. Kelly and A. Davies first and second lieutenants of cavalry ; Mr. Rodier acting as treasurer, and Mr, Just as secretary. Mr. Belford subsequently resigned office, and Major Wallace became the chief. The name of the corps also was changed to " Ballarat Rangers." The corps after that consisted of three companies of infantry ; Nos. 1 and 3 being manned in Ballarat West and East respectively, and No. 2 in Clunes and Creswick. The cavalry force of the colony, called the Prince of Wales Light Horse, was a distinct arm of the ser- vice then also, and a troop existed for some time in Ballarat. Of the Ballarat Rangers the commissioned officers, when this History was issued in 1870, were : — 1st Company- — W. C. Smith, major; J. Johnston, W. Henderson, and R. W. Musgrove, captains ; W. P. Whitcombe, assistant-surgeon. 2nd Company — P. Keatch, captain, Creswick detachment ; B. Jessup, captain, and L. Le Gould, lieutenant, Clunes detachment. 3rd Company — J. T. Sleep, captain commandant ; A. M. Greenfield, captain and adjutant ; J. Ivey, captain ; T. Hillas, assistant-surgeon ; A. J. Boulton, lieutenant. Of the Ballarat troop of cavalry E. C. Moore was captain, J. H. Mount lieutenant, and G. Nicholson assistant-surgeon. Mr. Ocock, whose tall gaunt figure had a military look, and whose nose bore a striking resemblance to that prominent feature in the face of the Hero of Waterloo, was one 300 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. of the first, if not the first, to drill the beginnings of the cavalry force here, and James M'Dowall, one of the troop of that day (1857) says they were frequently taken out as far as Miners' Rest on drilling excursions. The troop had C. W. Sherard as captain after that, then E. C. Moore, Julius Mount, D. Madden, the last captain being James A. Wilson, the troop being dis- banded in December, 1883. Attached to the troop was a Rifle Club, whose first meeting was held at the old Orderly-room on the 5th of January, 1873, the foundation members being Lieut.- Colonel Rede, patron ; Surgeon Nicholson, president ; Lieutenants Madden and Carty, vice-presidents ; Lieut. -Colonel Rede and Troopers Purdue and Beck, handicappers ; Sergeant Wilson, treasurer ; Trooper Deeble, secretary ; Sergeant Tannock, and Troopers Lynch, Quinan, Lynch, Brown, Cummins, Skoglund, Walden, Snowball, Horwood, Rayreux, Russell, Young, Lynch, and Farming being also members. In 1883, the year of the dis- banding of the cavalry troop, the Rifle Club also was broken up, and new defence legislation by Parliament h^d to the formation of a militia in place of the old volunteer infantry. There was an earlier civilian Rifle Club in 1860, whose practice; butts were on the Golden Point range. Messrs. Clissold (president), Mumby, C. Boyd, Wanliss, M'lvor, and others wei'o of that club, and matches were a regular addition to the ordinary practice pastime of tlie members. The Rangers were disbanded when the Militia Bill was passed, and the first militia battalion for Ballarat was started in November, 1883.. The flrst name was taken on 24th November, 1883, and the first batch of recruits sworn in on the 21st January, 1884. The orticers of the battalion when flrst formed were the senior oflicers of the disbanded Ballarat Rangers^Lieut.-Colonel J. T. Sleep, Major A. M. Greenfleld, Major L. H. Kildahl, Cap- tain and Adjutant Thos. Maun. Surgeon R. D. Pinnook, Majors Greenfleld and Kildahl, were gazettcnl to thini- majoi'ities after the formation of tlu; militia. The establishment provided for 326 oflicers and mcui, the former including, besides those already named, 3 captains and 8 lieutenants. For these vacancies 10 recruits were selected, and at the examinations held the following THE GAS COMPANY. 301 passed, and on 30th June, 1884, were posted lieutenants to the battalion : — R. E. Williams, J. Garbutt, H. A. King, T. Holding, W. Laidlaw, J. M'Whae, H. D. Longden, E. Hayes, D. Madden, and F. W. Claxton. Subsequently Lieutenant Holding retired to the unattached list, and Lieutenants Williams, Garbutt, King, Laidlaw, M'Whae, and Hayes were promoted to be captains as vacancies occurred. Other changes and promotions followed, in- cluding Captain Williams' elevation to a majority on the retire- ment of Major Kildahl ; but, much to the author's regret, there is not space for further details. The battalion has well held its place in all respects, and is now in possession of one of the finest orderly rooms in Victoria, with a spacious parade ground adjacent. The Gas Company is a private corporation, dating from 1858, with a capital of £35,000, and a freehold of 3-^- acres, bounded on the west by Albert street, on the south by Dana street, on the east and north by Grenville street and the back of allotments in Lewis street. The first directors were Messrs. J. Hepburn, M. J, Cummins, R. Belford, J. Gibb, R. B. Gibbs, E. A. Wynne, and Dr. Stewart. The engineers have been Messrs. Jones, father and son, and the present Mr. S. E. Figgis; and the secretaries Mr. G. Binsted,and Messrs. S. and W. H. Figgis, father and son. Exactly 100 days after the turning of the first sod for the erection of the works, gaswas first turned on at the main for the supply of the town. This opening of the works was performed by Mr. J. B, Humffray on Saturday evening, 17th July, 1858, and the newspapers speak of the " brilliant devices" illuminating the gas works and other parts of the town. Wesley Church was the first public building lit by the company ; but gas made by a Mr. Courtis from gvim leaves and oil had before then been used in Christ Church, Bath's hotel, and other places, and the old Charlie ISTapier was lighted about the same time with gas of a similar kind made by Mr. John Gibbs. The Ballarat company's revenue for the first year of supply was £12,000, and at the close of 1868 it was £24,600, with 1200 consumers, and at the close of 1886 the revenue was £27,497, with 2720 consumers, the total expenditure having been £98,626. At first the price of gas was 40s., and has since been reduced to 8s. 4d. per 1000 feet, less discounts of from 5 to 302 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. 10 per cent, to large consumers, the rate of dividends paid being 10 per cent, per annum. The best appliances in manufacture have been added from time to time, and the gas -making powei- at the close of last year was 2,000,000 cubic feet per week, and the storage room 400,000 feet, the quality of the gas being set down at 18 candle power. There are five gas-holders, the latest being a telescopic one of 200,000 cubic feet capacity. The author regrets to be compelled, by want of space, to suppress divers details anent this and suburban companies. The Banks are nearly all clustered in Lydiard street, between Dana and Mair streets. The Bank of Australasia, Union, London Chartered, National, Colonial, New South Wales, Victoria, City of Melbourne, and Ballarat Banking Company are there, and all have buildings more or less elegant and costly, whose architectural prominence attracts the notice of every visitor to the town. The designs for these edifices are generally some phase of Italian. The Commercial Bank is at the city hall, corner of Sturt and Armstrong streets, occupying the whole of the Armstrong street ground floor of the hall, and part of the Sturt street front also. The Mercantile Bank has taken over Mr. Oddie's premises at the corner of Dana and Armstrong streets, and the London Chartered Bank has a branch in Post office place Ballarat East. The Ballarat Savings Bank completed its thirtieth year on 15th of last November, and during the thirty years £2,075,023 7s. 5d. was paid in, £100,048 13s. lOd. was credited in interest to depositors, £1,948,577 7s. Id. was paid out to depositors, 40,663 accounts were opened and 32,188 closed, leaving on the 15th of November last 8,475 depositors with £226,494 14s. 2d. to their credit. William Tliomas Pooley was the first actuary, and to him Charles Wale Sherard, the present actuary, succeeded in 1870. Australians love out of door sports, and Ballarat has its share of recreation reserves, as the Eastern Oval, the Western Oval, Russell Square, Miners' Racecourse, Mount Pleasant Re- serve, Sebastopol Oval, whilst the Saxon Paddock, private pro CRICKET AND FOOTBALL CLUBS. 303 perty by Wendouree, is rented by the Ballarat Football Club, and has a stand erected for spectators. The Eastern Oval is the oldest and most popular place of resort for cricket. The Ballarat Cricket Club was founded in 1856, when Daniel Sweeney (captain), Henry Davies, and some others were active promoters of the club. On the 29th of October, 1856, the club had its first practice on the then open flat near the present Oval. To secure the present reserve the club and the borough council have worked together generally, the club spending large sums in making the Oval what it now is — one of the finest cricket grounds in Australia. The oflB.cers of the club now are — Messrs. C. B. Finlayson, president ; H. Brind, J. Shiels, vice-presidents ; Alex. Miller, treasurer ; E. J. Wollaston, secre- tary ; Bain, Williams, O'Connor, Dunn, Hunt, Ferguson, Martyr, Pearson, committeemen. At the pavilion was for some time treasured a rude lightwood bat, one of the first played with by the club. In the Cricket Reserve the Ballarat Bowling Club has a green. The first president of this club was Donald Macrae. There is also a tennis court there, and during the winter season the Oval is used for football exploits. A new grandstand and pavilion are projected, as well as a union of the cricket and one of the football clubs ; but nothing in that respect is yet settled. There is a book of local sports yet to be written, and it must sufiice us here to say that, besides a second bowling club, the Central, in Mair street, cricket and football clubs are now as plentiful in Ballarat as yellow leaves in autumn. The Ballarat is, as of old, the leading cricket club ; and the Ballarat, the Imperial (born Galatea), and the South Ballarat are the leading football clubs. All of these have had first class players, and they have generally been drawn away to the metropolis to strengthen the several clubs there. Those three clubs are at present oflicered as follow : — Ballarat — T. Bath, president ; S. L. Bailey, J. Shiels, and C. Welch, vice-presidents ; R. M. Duthie, treasurer ; A. B. Berry, secretary ; E. Williams, J. S. Reid, D. Davies, A. Reynolds, A. Bodycomb, W. Palmer, F. Mann, Graham, J. Brown, W. M'Millan, J. Manderson, W. Christie, committeemen. Imperial — J, M, M'Kenzie, senior, president j 304 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. R. Chinnery, W. Peach, J. Leggo, W. H. Hennah, J. M'Donald, G. Williams, J. Reed, D. Cameron, Manning, J. T. Sleep, J. C. Chambers, and E. Catherall, vice-pi*esidents ; G. Williams, trea- surer \ J. Cunningham, secretary ; Douglass, delegate ; W. Robertson, G. M'Kenzie, J. Young, A. Gough, T. Thomas, com- mitteemen. Soutli Ballarat — President, Dr. E. G. Ochiltree ; vice-presidents, C. Stewart, H. L. Pobjoy, W. Barton, J. T. Wil- liams, H. O'Connor ; P. O'Neil, delegate ; J. Finnegan, D. Mont- gomery, J. Lyons, C. Vaughan, J. Caldwell, W. Perkins, H. Watson, committeemen ; H. F. Elliott, treasurer ; J. G. Rennie, secretary. The Ballarat Hunt Club was formed in 1881 at the instance of Mr. A. Chirnside, of Werribee, who acted as master, with Mr. A. Wynne as treasurer, and Mr. R. Macrae as secretary. It hunts deer, foxes, and sometimes bits of kerosened rag. Saturdays are the days, and the " fields" are generally numerous, and made up of more or less valorous people of both sexes. The Ballarat Turf Club is the successor of the Ballarat and Creswick Race Club, which began racing in 1853, and it has a reserve of 486 acres in Dowling Forest properly laid out as a course, with grandstand and other belongings. Mr. A. M. Greenfield is the secretai-y, and Messrs. II. Walsh, C. W. Slierard, H. Cuthbert, A. M. Greenfield, M. Loughlin, A. Wynne, and R. Orr are the trustees of the freehold. The Minei-s' Racecourse is on the Sebastopol plateau, where racing began in 1863, was dis- continued in 1883, after a race on the 6th April of that year, and was revived this year. In i\w interim the course was fenced, and a grandstand erected, the last race meeting being on Jubilee Day, 21st June just past. The trustees of the course are Messrs. B. Hepburn, M. Loughlin, J. King, R. Stewart, and R. Walsh, and J. A. I'light is the club secretary. The Lai Lai Club has its course near the Lai Lai Falls, and its great trysting time is New Year's Day, when holiday folk gather there in thousands. The officers last New Yeai-'s Day were — R. Ifiiger, president ; D. Fitzpatrick, vice-president ; J. Taniiock, judge ; T. Cahir, starter ; G. Vowles, Imndicapper ; Colonel Sleep, timekeeper ; H. Way, clerk of the course ; R. Vickers, weigher ; J, A. Blight, secretary. COURSING AND GUN CLUBS. 305 The Ballarat Coursing Club was formed at a meeting in the George hotel on the 22nd May, 1873, Dr. Whitcombe in the chair, when the chairman, and Messrs. R. U. Nicholls, J. Hughan, F. Parker, Wood, A. Clarke, D. Bantock, J. Johnstone, T. Creighton, and J. Ward were appointed a provisional com- mittee. Subscription was fixed at two guineas, the rules of the Victoria Club were adopted, and Mr. J. Johnstone was appointed secretary. The first registration of dogs was by B. Hepburn and J. Hughan on the 15th September, 1873. The first coursing meeting was at the Pentland Hills on the 7th August, 1873, but there had been coursing before the club was formed. Some years anterior to the date of the formation of the club Messrs. B. Hep- burn and others had coursed wallaby on Struan Robertson's run at Narracoorte, on the South Australian frontier, and soon after that Messrs. Hepburn, J. Leonard, and David Jones, obtained hares from the Government dep6t in Phillip Island. Since that time there has been regular coursing, the plumpton at Ercildoune being now the club's ordinary trysting place. The present officers of the club are Sir S. Wilson, president ; Messrs. R. Chirnside and B. Hepburn, vice-presidents ; J. Lombard, treasurer ; S. Cadden, secretary. The present Gun Club is the successor to the Pigeon Shoot- ing Club established in 1861, with G. C. Tuckett, president ; R. U. Nicholls, secretary and treasurer ; and W. Bignell, J. White- house, C. Winsor, J. R. Torbitt, W. H. Ford, T. R. Hewet, and J. White, committeemen. In 1864 the club reported that it "attained the object for which it was established, viz., sport, recreation, and the scientific use of the gun." A year or two after that it died, and from its ashes sprang up in 1872 the present Gun Club, whose aim, amongst other things, was and is "to demonstrate the shooting qualities of guns with various methods of charging, such trials to be registered." The club's " amended rules" of 1879 do not recite that scientific aim ; but the secretary assures the author that the club pursues its original purpose in tliat regard. In 1872 the club started with Colonel Rede president, F. Peyton secretary, and T. Eyres, E. Rowlands, R. U. Nicholls, and H. D. Cave committeemen. The present oflicers are — Norman Wilson, 306 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. president ; "W. D. Clarke, vice-president ; C. H. F. Walker, trea- surer ; T. W. Purdue, secretary : and J. Allender, D. M'Donald, J. (Jr. Robertson, J. Stout, junior, T. Tindale, C. Whitpaine, and R. MofFatt, committeemen. The club has its own freehold of eight acres, and a pavilion near the old Essex mine, between the Creswick road and the Learmonth road, tlie cost of which was £700. Large prizes are given annually, the amount last year being £325, including a <£17o handicap, open to all the colonies. The Ballarat Acclimatisation Society, formed in 1870, has done good work in stocking lakes and streams in the district with fish ; ova of trout, perch, carp, and other fish having been pro- cured for the purpose, and the society has been the means of distributing fish over many parts of the colony. One importa- tion of American white fish did not succeed, and since then one of grayling ova proved to be a failure, but the society does not on that account lose heart, and fresh efforts will be made, amply warranted by the laige successes which have made earlier experiments fruitful. Sonu; .Vmerican brook trout ova \\ii\e very recently been received. Tlie society's officers are Messrs. Dr. W. P. Whitcombe, president ; C. Taylor, secretary ; G. Periy, treasurer; Alex. White, W. T. Thompson, C. Salter, F. M. Claxton, J. N. Wilson, J. Hickman, committeemen. Other ac- climatisers, nota])ly Mr. C H. J. Walker, gave us the blackbird, thrush, and other welcome singing birds. Still there were others, who, moved by less happy inspiration, introduced the stag, hare, rabbit, fox, and sparrow, and the last three have become general pests. I'iSpecially is it thus with the rabbit. He has multiplied and subdued the country. He has devastated millions of acres of grass and grain lands, robbed the farmers of their harvests, lowered tlu; value of land, and the Legislature has in- tervened with special laws for the lessening of the plague, wliich still prevails, however, to an alarming extent in some parts of the colony. Rolkn' skating lias been practised in Ballarat on several occasions, notal)ly for a time on the ffoor of the Academy of Music, but tlie first place devoted specially to the pastime was the link in Dawson stniet, which was op(Mied on tjie 13th of last CALEDONIAN AND IIIBKRNIAN SOCIETIES. 307 April. That rink occupies a quartfr acre, less a surrounding platform some live or six feet wide. It was built for Mr. A. W. Ridgley, the lessee, at a cost of about £1,500, the site being leased for five years from Mr. Robert Sim. American and other modes of skating are taught in Kidgley's arena. Rinks have since been opened in Grenville and Skipton streets by local pro- prietors. The Caledonian Society was formed in November, 1858, and the first sports were held on New- Year's Day, 1859, on what is now known as the Eastern Oval. Mr. Hugh Gray was the first president, and with him as judges on that day were Charles Roy, Donald M'Donald, and Donald Gunn, the pipers being Andrew Wattie and Donald Rowan. There had been two annual gather- ings before this, the first being held on the ground between the sites now occupied by the villas of Mr. E. W. Stephens and Mr. F. W. Niven, in Webster street. At this first gather- ing Edward Dufi'erin Allison, M.D., pi-esided. The Bunin- yong Highland Society was formed about this time also. The Copenhagen Grounds, near the Royal Park, were for some years the Rallarat Society's trysting place, and then the gather- ings were held in the Recreation Reserve in Eyre street, but they have been discontinued for some years. A wrestling club was formed in 1850, and some accomplished athletes exhibited feats in the Cumberland and Westmorland styles, as well as in the Devon and Cornish kinds of wrestling. These feats wei^e first performed in the Chai'lie Napier Theatre, and they afterwards formed a portion of the programme of events at several of the Caledonian Society's New- Year gatherings. The Hibernian Society, formed in Ballarat on the 7th July, 1868, is now called the Hibernian Australian Catholic Benefit Society. The first president was Mark Young ; vice-president, Michael O'Grady ; secretary, Michael Deegan ; treasurer, John Berry. In November last there were 137 members. St. Patrick's Day is the society's great festival time ; sports are held under its auspices annually, and since their conmiencement some £600 have been divided by the society between the Hospital, and the Benevolent and Orphan Asylums of Ballarat. The present 308 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. officers are : — President, Martin Ryan ; vice-president, J. H. Knight ; treasurer, Charles Fitzgerald ; secretary, D. J. Doyle. The place of ordinary meeting is the belfry-house in the Cathe- dral reserve of St. Patrick, and the society is under the patronage of the resident Catholic clergy. There are branches now all over Australia, and the members wear green scarves and other decora- tions. On the north-west of the Botanic Gardens is the Reforma- tory for boys, originally an Industrial School, for neglected boys not convicted of crime. During 1886 there were 87 boys ad- mitted to the Reformatory, of whom 58 have been newly com- mitted. The superintendent was Captain Evans, an expert of some repute, to whom succeeded Mr. E. Charles Connor, and under his care the tendency to abscond seems to be notably declining. In 1884 the percentage of absconders was 13-06, but in 1885 only 2-81, and in 1886 2-56. The Rev. Lockhart Morton, of the Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, established, in June, 1886, a "Hope Lodge," where drunkards have found a refuge from themselves and their temptations. The Lodge is supported by voluntary aid, takes no note of creed or nationality, and has been a blessing to many a poor wretch unable to say "no" to the tempter from witliin or without. Ballarat history includes a record of the foundation of the road boards and their successors, the shire councils of Ballarat, Buninyong, Bungaree, Creswick, and Grenville, wliich have local jurisdiction in the rural territories surrounding the city and its sul)urbs, but there is no space liere for notice of their origins and internal liistories. The same remark applies to the local origins and developments of the originals or branches of the several banking establishments, the Australian Natives' Associa- tion, Miners' Association, Amalgamated Miners' Association, Mine Managers' Association, Mine Owners' Association, Master Tradesmen's Association, Ironworkers' Association, Young Men's Christian Association, the Mutual Iniproveuient Associations, the dead Eclectic and the not yet dead Psychological Associations, the Medical, Medical Benefit, Debuting, Building, Temperance, RAILWA\S AND TKAMWAYS. 309 and St. Andrew's Societies, divers Trades' Unions, the Field Club, the Friendly Societies, their lodges and dispensary, the potteries and bricklields, and other things, in respect of which the author has, sorrowfully, to be content with their mere enumeration here. The railway from Geelong to Ballarat was opened on the 11th April, 1862, and since then extensions have been made from Ballarat through Creswick to the lines northward ; through the Learmonth country to Ararat, Stawell, and the Wimmera dis- trict, to the South Australian frontier, joining with the line to Adelaide ; through Haddon to Smythesdale and Scarsdale ; and through Warrenheip to Ballan as part of the direct line to Mel- bourne. Short lines have also been run off to the Dowling Forest Racecourse, to the City Cattle-yards, and to the City Pro- duce Market. In 1885 the City Council obtained leave to construct tram- ways, but the Goveriiraent took ample time in making the concession, as the council's application was the first outside the metropolis, and the concession involved, in fact, the determina- tion of the basis for future concessions or " orders" to provincial bodies. Having obtained leave, the council leased to Mr. Edward Thompson, of Adelaide, for a term of 30 years, the right to construct and work the tramways, the conditions being as follow : — 1. Commencing at the bottom of Stnrt street, near CJrenville street, or at Lydiai'd street (at option), and thence with a line on each side of the central plantation as far as Ripon street ; thence by a single line on south side of Start street, as far as the street by tlie Convent ground to Wendouree parade and the Botanic Gardens, to a point near the rotunda. 2. Com- mencing at junction of Lydiard and Stiirt streets, and going north along Lydiard street to Macarthur street ; thence to Wendouree parade and round the north part thereof to Botanic Gardens to the point before men- tioned, near the rotunda. 3. Commencing at a point in Sturt street, at junction with Ripon street, and thence north along Ripon and Fra«er streets to Wendouree parade, going north as far as Macartliur street. 4. Commencing at junction of Armstrong street south and Sturt street; thence along Armstrong street and Sliipton street to the city boundary. 5. (And when deemed necessary). From intersection of Skipton and Drummond streets, along the latter to Sturt street. Horse traction. 310 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. Routes — As required by the council. Conditions — As published by the council. Time for construction — Nine months to the lake ; one year for the whole, with right to complete earlier and start running the cars. Option of purchase by council — During the first 10 years, £70,000, exclusive of freeholds (if any). At expiration of 30 years the whole concern, plant, &c., to be given over to the council without cost. Terms offered — £1.375 per annum when lines are laid down, or £150 per mile per annum directly cars are allowed to run on any finished portion, such terms to be irrespective of profit on investment. The fares to be charged shall not exceed 3d. for three miles, and for shorter distances at the basis of Id. per mile between certain points to be tabulated and agreed on between the council and the promoter. The tram cars shall commence running not later than 8 o'clock a.m., and shall continue running until 11 o'clock p.m., at intervals of 15 and 30 minutes. Cars may I'un earlier or later than above at such times and fares as may from time to time be ar- ranged between the council and the promoter. Early in 1887 the contractor let his contract to a company floated in Melbourne. This company was in 32,000 shares of £2 each, of which 17,000 were at once given out for allottal to the public, and were taken up. Wliilst this chapter is going through the press, the company is laying down materials and taking steps for the erection of the houses necessary for stables and workmen in connection with the formation of the works. Tlie iii-st part of the jiresent Post Office, erected in 1863, at th(! north-east corner of Hturt and Lydiard streets, was the sixth one erected since Ballarat became the resort of the gold-seeker. At tii'st tliere was a tent near what is now tlie corner of Sturt and Camp streets ; then tliere were " shanties" on Old Post Office Hill, as the top of Golden Point was named, and at Brown Hill ; then a wooden building at the south-west corner of Lydiard and Mair streets, where the Royal George hotel now stands. No street delivei-y of letters was granted till 18.')6, and old residents remember still the crowding and quarrelling to get at the old post-office window, the |)()lifc li;i,\ing sometimes to interfere for the maintenance of the peace. In 1 '^r)8 the pi'esent site was .selected, and an ugly office erected, wliidi was opened on the lOtli of SeptcMiibei", 1858, the first night niail to Mrlljouiiic having been despatched from Ballarat on tiu; 1st of July in tiic piovious year. In November, 1859, the post-office, opened in September, 1858, was taken down and another l)uilt, wliicli in its turn was removed GAOL — CAMP — EXPLORERS. 311 Offices, in continuation of the post-office, have been built in Lydiard street for the Treasury, Electric Telegraph, Lands, Public "Works, Police, Mining, and Vital Statistics Registry depart- ments of the Government hei'e. The Gaol, at the southern end of Lydiard street, was com- menced in 1856 by Gray, a builder, whose conti'act was for .£9000. In 1857 a wooden stockade, surrounding the site, was blown down during a gale ; another was erected and then removed as useless. New extended plans for the gaol were prepared in 1858, and a second contract was begun in December of that year by Evans and Barker, builders, the contract being for ,£4000. Then, such is the genius of Government architects for blundering, the plan was condemned, and Evans and Bai-ker contracted for £9000 more to alter what had been done, so as to make the gaol plan radiating. Then there was a contract let to Williams and Young at £9000 for the erection of boundary walls and certain offices, the establishment as it now stands being completed early in 1862, at a total cost of between £40,000 and £50,000. The present Court-house, south of the gaol, was opened in 1868 ; the older Court-house, injured by subsidence of the site, being now the School of Mines. The Police quarters are, as they have been ever since the re- moval from Old Post Office Hill, on the Camp Hill, now no longer a green mound, but cut up by streets and neai-ly covered with buildings. The pi-esent warden is Mr. Thomson, who is also the police magistrate. The old wooden military barracks — where a remnant of the 40th Regiment remained until October, 1857, when that symbol of empire vanished from Ballarat, as it did soon thereafter from Melbourne — has disappeared, and the site is now occupied by more sightly and more permanent buildings. At the intersection of Sturt and Lydiard streets is a monu- ment commemorative of the tragical exploration expedition of Burke and Wills in 1861. Plans for a monument were prepared as early as February, 1862, by Canute Andersen, at the instance of a committee of townsfolk, but the project slept till February, 1863, on the 7th of which month the foundation stone was laid by his Excellency Governor Barkly, with accompaniment of much 312 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. display of processions of public bodies, benefit societies, parading of volunteers, flags, music, and addresses. The commemoration was a special duty for this city, for Wills, the ardent and chivalrous youth who was brave Burke's second, had lived in Bal- larat, where his father practised medicine for some years. To do this duty well had been honorable, but with the picturesque cele- bration of the foundation-laying the enthusiasm of the committee and the public died. The money collected only sufliced to raise a sombre block of bluestone as the base of the pi'ojected monu- ment, and the unsightly mass lay there, a mark for the gibes of visitors, until March, 1866, when another committee was formed, and the work of discussing ways and means of finishing the structure re-commenced. Money could not be collected to carry out the first and better design, and after more than a year's delay the present monument was decided on, the borough council voting money in aid of the work. Mr. Andersen again prepared plans, and again gratuitously. The bottle with coins and documents deposited by Governor Barkly was exhumed, the original stone- work having been removed, and on the 26th August, 1867, Thomas Davey, mayor of the borough, re-laid the bottle, and the present structure was thereafter erected. The monument now con- sists of an octangular stone reservoir, with a square pier in the centre, surmounted l)y a cast-iron basin and a lluted column of iron bearing four gas lamps, and an urn as a finial. An iron railing round the top of the octagon has recently been erected. Water used to be laid on from jets above the iron basin whence it flowed, as from a huge inverted umbrella, into the stone recep- tacle beneath. In the masonry rising from the stone basin and supporting the iron superstructure, marble slabs are inlaid, on which are the following inscriptions : — North side : In memory of tlic explorers wlio perished while crossing the Avi.stralian continent in tlie year 1861. East side: Robert O'Hara Burke, leader, died 3Utii June, ItJGl ; W'illiam John Wills, second, died 30tli June, 1861 ; Ludwig liecker, naturalist, died 29th April, 1861 ; Charles (jrey, assistant, died ITtii April, 1861. South side: Erected by the inhabitants of liallarat. The Queen's Jul)ih;(! was celebrated right royally in Ballarat on the l!lst of June, and from tliirty to forty thousand people THE queen's jubilee. 313 heroically paced for hours through the mud in 8turt street and Bridge street to witness the illuminations. New Testaments, bearing each a fac-simile of the Queen's autograph of the text, " Peace on earth — good will to men," followed by Her Majesty's signature, were given to large numbers of State scholars. Jubilee medals were distributed in some places, half-crowns were given by the Hon. P. Russell to the children in his district, and many people gave gifts to the poor instead of spending money in gas, A worthy method this last, surely, of celebrating the Jubilee, save where the method was motived less by sympathy for the poor than by antipathy to the British connection, and by dis- loyalty to the Queen as the Imperial symbol and centre of that connection. Among the moi'e notable events of the day in Ballarat were a great procession of friendly societies, tire brigades, old colonists, and others ; and the ceremonial laying of foundation-stones; that of the Art Gallery by Sir W.J. Clarke, that of the new Stock Exchange by Mr. Thomas Stoddart,and that of the Old Colonists' Hall by President John Murray. A banquet was given to those three gentlemen in the afternoon. Apropos of the Old Colonists, there is only space to say here that they repre- sent the Old Pioneers who hobnobbed with Old Bendigonians a decade or more ago, and are some of the remains of the gallant host of gold discoverers and gold-hunters of the early fifties. Their secretary is the Mr. Prazer, whose graphic story of Vern's hiding in the stockade days is given in a former chapter of this work. Mr. C. D. Figgis, the architect of the Mining Exchange, gives the following description of the building that is to be com- pleted early in 1888 : — The site has a frontage of 66 feet to Lydiard street, by a depth of 180 feet towe.rds Camp street, and being irregular in plan will have a I'ear frontage of 99 feet. The building will be two story in height to Lydiard street for a depth of 35 feet, behind which portion the building is one story, and consists of a main exchange hall surrounded by offices, branching off which is a large room for meetings of the exchange. The Lydiard street fa9ade upon the ground floor has four shops or office fronts, and a broad central entrance under semicii'cular and elliptic arches. A plain Tuscan cornice divides the ground from the first floor which is pierced by nine windows in three compartments separated with plam brick pilasters. 314 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. The architrave, cornice, and window moulds will be in stucco, and between the balustrading of the windows and the top of the pilasters black polished bricks will be used, tuckpointed with white joints. The style is adapted modern Italian, and the upper portion of the fa9ade is simple in character and surmounted with a bold cornice and open balustrading. A paved vestibule leads from Lydiard street to the Exchange, which measures 126 by 31 7s feet. There will also be an entrance from Camp street, and another from the Police Camp lane. The roof will be of iron, elliptical, and there will be semi-circular cleristory liglits on three sides. The floor will be of asphalt. Mr. W. Robertson is the contractor, and the tender for £4007 does not include lime and other things, whose cost will probably bring the total near £5000. Mr. Trembatli is clerk of works. Some of the members of the Stock Exchange have helped to make history in the Ballarat district. The fancies of dealers in scrip are lively, and it may be pleasant to them to be reminded that their new home now building will cover historical ground. The Exchange site includes that of RafFaello's " lousy logs," and also the yard where Captain Thomas mustered his little army soon after midnight for the march upon the Eureka Stockade at the following dawn. Meditations among the tombs of the dead past, however, will not be so fascinating to the mercurial manipu- lators of scrip as the golden light about a spot in the heart of oldest Ballarat, midway between their new home now building and the Stockade site. For, at the bright spot in question, the Sulieman Pasha Company has just (1th July) proved a new lode to be worth near 3oz. to the ton, and the stock has " boomed" the market for an aggregate advance of over £30,000 in one week. Electric telegraph communication was first had between Bal- hirat and Melbourne on the second anniversary of the Eureka Stockade action. Tlie Ballarat Star of Tuesday, tlu> 4th of December, 1856, contained tlie following announcement :— The first telegraphic communication l)ctween Ballarat and Melbourne, and vice veraa, took place yesterday afternoon at twenty minutes past three o'clock, l^ast evening, about ciglit <>'cloi:k, the representatives of tlie Press on Ballarat were invited by Mr. M'Gowan to witness the working of the telegraph. "^Pherc being no office accommodation ready at present, the spot selected was tlic last post near the Unicorn hotel on tlie Townsliip. A wire was carried from the post to a small testing machine placed on a stump at its Ijase, and thence, to secure moisture, carried to the stream adjoining, whicli runs from Batli's claim [now (Jolib's corncrj. Mr. HumllVay, who POST — TELEGRAPH — TELEPHONE. 315 was at the Melbourne station, transmitted the following remarks to Mr. IM'Ciowan — "The establishment of electric telegraph communication be- tween Ballarat and Melbourne is a far more pleasing event to celebrate on the anniversary of the 3rd of December than stockades and massacres. " Intelligence of the bestowal of knighthood upon Mr. Ronalds, the in- ventor of the telegraph in England, led to the pulilication of the fact that the Mr. Ronalds referred to was the In-other of Mr. Ronalds, who once had the ^^'endouree Nursery, in Ballarat, and who was also a man of consider- able attainments. Several nephews of the inventor were lately in the colony. The following table will show how post and telegraph office money matters stood as between the three leading inland towns of Victoria, for the year 1885, and the letters, etc., passed in 1886 : — ■ Orders Issued. Savings Bk. Deposits. Telegrams. Letters. Packets. Papers. Ballarat Sandhurst Geelong- £23,162 17,040 11,931 £33,113 19,377 53,644 £4,030 2,788 1,979 3,102,023 3,204,992 2,136,621 488,647 335,261 181,891 1,157,823 844,114 708,319 The number of officers employed in 1885 was, for Ballarat and Sandhurst, 48 each, and for Geelong 42. The decennial march of business in Ballarat, supplied, like the above, by the courtesy of the department, was as below, only that as regards letters, packets, and papers, the three decades end a year later than for the other items of the table : — Year. Savings Bk. Deposits. Moiiej- 0. Issued. TELEGRAPH BUSINESS. Letters. Packets. Newspapers. Messages. Cash. 1865 1875 1885 £791 22,308 33,113 £19,461 19,856 23,162 25,079 £3006 41,487 2572 82,708 4036 1,330,250 1,742,370 3,102,023 39,298 169,772 488,647 337,144 464,671 1,157,823 The official records of the Ballarat Lands Office give 26 '66 inches as the average local rainfall for the 26 years, 1857-1884. The mean temperature, calculated over the same period, was, for January, 65-3; February, 64-4; March, 61-8; April, 55-1; May, 49-2 ; June, 45-5 ; July, 43-1 ; August, 46-3 ; KSeptember, 48-7 ; October, 55-7 ; November, 57'9 ; December, 61-6. The telephone was introduced in Ballarat by the Victorian Telephone Exchange Company, Limited, in February, 1883. The office is in Lydiard street, and there was at the end of June, 1887, a subscription roll of 176, Mr. James Oddie having been the first subscriber enrolled. This roll involves an apparatus of 200 316 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. lines, each subscriber paying £10 a year for a service extending within a radius of one mile from the Post-office. The company was at first known as the Melbourne Company, and began work in Melbourne in 1880, a branch having been opened in Sand- hurst soon after the BaUarat one was started. In the realm of science Ballarat has become of world-wide fame through the inventions by Mr. Henry Sutton, a native of the place. His skill and acquirements in electricity, telegraphy, telephony, photography, and also in astronomical and microscopical studies have won for him a high position as a practical scientist, and the credit is the greater as he is a self-taught student. But, doubt- less, the scientist is born as well as made, and if Mr. Sutton did not in the succulent days of infancy actually lisp in occult phrases of science, it is clear that his genius for experiment developed early, and that it was fostered by still earlier and persistent study. Gifted with a good memory, and the stimulus of the fervid spirit of science, Mr. Sutton, before he was 14 years old, had read every book on science to be found in tlie library of the Ballarat Mechanics' Institute, and since then he has kept up the perusal of all the prominent scientific journals, and all tlie patent records in Engineer and Engineering. Besides tliis, he won a silver medal and 30 other prizes for drawing in the School of Design. At the ago of 14 lie designed completely what is now known as the Gramme dynamo electric machine. That machine caused the first revolution in the generation of electricity, and if Mr. Sutton had then had the means he would have forestalled Gramme in the publication of the invention. When Bell an- nounced the invention of the telephone, Mr. Sutton devised in the first year tlu^reafter no fewer than 20 odd different telephones, 16 of which were patented by other people after the date of his in- ventions ; and there was only a space of 1(5 days between Sutton's discovery of carton filament, as used in the present electric lamps, and the discovery by Edison, as Mr. Ellery, the Victoiian Astronomer Royal, can testify. Then, tiu; Sutton air pump is thus referred to by the English Mccluinic of the 21st July, 1882 : — On page 3i will hu foiunl one of Liu' .simplest tuul hust of mercurial air pumps, not only for tliu purpo.sc.s of the electrical lamp maker, ))ut also for all HENRY SUTTON. 317 purposes where a high degree of vaciuim is required to be produced. A re- ference to page ;U, No. SSO, will give the jeader a good idea of the principle of all mercurial air pumps, and will introduce him to one of the simplest, and, we l)elieve, the most efficient. In Mr. Sutton's air pump, there illus- trated, the mercury is caused to rise into the globe by the action of a force pump, and it is obvious that the operations can be performed very rapidly. Mr. Sutton devised also a vacuum pump, worked by a water jet, and it is in daily use now at the Ballarat School of Mines for chemical purposes. In 1877, at the invitation of the secretary of ^ronautical Society of Great Britain, he wrote two papers on the flight of birds, detailing experiments and deductions in that branch of study, and the secretary acknowledged that Mr. Sutton had discovered the true theory. Some 70 pages of the society's report for 1878 are occupied with the Sutton papers and drawings as designed by the writer of the papers. INIr. Sutton has contri- buted articles to the Royal Societies of London and Victoria, and has several times been invited to write papers for the Society of Telegraph Engineers and Electricians of London. He is an associate of that society, and a member of the Royal Society of Victoria, and he has been invited by M. Clocheary, a member of the French Government, to become a member of the Socicte Internationalle, whose roll of members includes the most dis- tinguished electricians in the world. But that which has been, perhaps, more gratifying than anything else to this gifted and indefatigable young Ballarat scientist, is the appreciatory recep- tion given by the Royal Society of England to his new electrical storage battery. The proceedings of that body, No. 217, for the year 1881, contains a paper by Mr. Sutton, describing his inven- tion as a mode of storing electric force so that " it may be drawn off equally and regularly, and this whether the generator be on or off." The description is too elaborate and too abstruse for a place in these pages, but we may make the following brief extract : — The cell, having a negative electrode of copper, a positive electrode of lead amalgamated with mercury, and a solution of cupric sulphate, I have adopted as a thoroughly economical, lasting, and practical form of storage reservoir. The chemical changes in this cell are exceedingly interesting and beautiful. * * * xhe power of this cell is very great and very con- stant ; it can be made to last for hours, the time being dependent on the 318 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. quantity of cupi'ic sulphate decomposed. * * * It will be seen from the foregoing that this method of conserving energy has a wide field before it, and as it will Itenefit fellow workers in science, placing in their hands a means of experimenting with powerful electric currents, I give it without reservation, freely and untrammelled by patent rights, for their use. This is large liberality, and bespeaks the disinterested en- thusiast in science. The president of the Royal Society, Mr. W. Spottiswoode, writing to Mr. Sutton on the 4th January, 1882, acknowledges a second paper with diagram of the cell, and says, " Your former communication created much interest among our fellows. I hope soon to send you printed copies of it." The Mechanic says, " The methods named as those of Monsieur J Rousse are all embraced in Mr. Sutton's, but the great advantage in Mr. Sutton's storage battery is that the speed of the discharge can be regulated at will, a quality which none other known possesses. Mr. Sutton's inventions are appreciated in the very home of scientists, and this is proof positive of their value." Iivn, another English journal, says, " Mr. Sutton's invention is pronounced invaluable, and on no less an authority than Mr. J. W. Swan, of electric lighting fame." Ij-on thus cites Mr. Swan in evidence as follows : — " I can fully confirm Mr. Sutton's state- ment as to the facility with which a thick crust of peroxide formed on the mercurialised lead in his cell, giving it a greater capacity for storage. The discovery of this means of rapidly forming a thick coating of peroxide is invalual)le." This Ballarat scientist, then, born in Ballarat on the 3rd September, 185G, has, by his own unaided studies, won the re- cognition of the first men of science in the world. But, nihil sine labore. It is the enthusiast who wins — if he have the necessary otlier gifts. And tliis is no celibate ascetic, scorning social delights, for, though a tireless worker, Mr. Sutton is a benedict, and it is to be devoutly hoped that his wife shares adequately in the entliusiasm of scientific researcli. lie is to-day working in original paths as zealously as ever, and seldom retires before '1 o'clock a.m., very often not till 3 o'clock, daylight sometimes sur- prising him cvciry morning for a week Ix'forc Ik* can cry, " Hold, enough ! " and he therefore! proclaims tlu^ theory that " eight hours' work won't lift a man in this world." ll(! has lately been HENRY SUTTON. 319 engaged in perfecting wliat promises to l)e a very valuable process of engraving by the aid of photograpliy, l)ut the results will not be published until the process is perfected. Another series of ex- periments is in course of making for the production of photo- graphs in colors. But, gi-eater marvel still, in some sense, Mr_ Sutton has designed, but not yet constructed, an apparatus by which he hopes to be able to see here in Ballarat, by the aid of electricity, the race for the Melbourne Cup. The author con- gratulates Mr. Sutton on his being a native of Ballarat in these years of grace, for such startling commerce with the occult arts as the things done and doing reveal would, surely, have won for the worker a very different fame " in the ages of faith." That a young man, who left school at 12, should, before he was 30, have won such fame as a student and inventor, and mirabile dictii, be acknowledged here in his own home by such men as Professor Andrews and Mr. Ellery as one of the best lecturers at the School of Mines, is a proof that genius is above the restrictions of relatively narrow circumstances, and does not wait upon universities or professional chairs for leave to conquer the re- condite secrets of science and make a place for itself in the fore- most ranks of the scientifically illustrious. Such a worker as Henry Sutton is, may plead on virtue's side against a vicious mass of base and brutal " larrikin" lust and indolence — against a city full of vain inanities and the growing passion for endless amusement, and strident, unmannerly irreverence and display. This reverent student of nature is so quiet and so modest, as well as so laborious and so gifted, that he will be almost angry with the author for thus setting him out in these pages as a reproach to the idle, the ignorant, and the rude ; and as an example to encourage other of our native youth to rise to similar levels of serene and lofty pleasures, pregnant with practical blessing to the world. Ballarat journalism, through all the changes of the place, has borne its full share in the expression and direction of public opinion in the colony, and in that respect has been representa- tive of the political activity of the local electorates. If the common editorial omniscience in attacking all questions, earthly 320 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. and heavenly, has not been gifted with the creative and evolvino; touch of genius, and if recent editorials have lacked some of the scholarly touches of earlier days, they have also been free from the incoherent hysterics which were, sometimes, the wonder of the early fifties, and they have had none of the approaches to Eatanswill personalities which marked, upon occasion, the sixties and seventies. The acuter and better reasoned criticisms of things, dramatic and literary, which now and then adorned the columns of the late fifties and sixties, have now no equal. Such essays are not now attempted. In their place have come benevolent or merely formal notices, and, for the most part, they are of mono- tonous pattern. There are also depressing copies of paragraphed American humor, and, l)y way of corruption of pure English, the regular use of the slang of police lockups and other places. The old order gives place to the new, and new readers and new writers have entered the arena|]of affairs. They are, or will be, for the most part Australian born, racy or rancid of the soil, and, no doubt, reciprocally interpretative. But, for the present, whether it be that editorial writers have grown mellower, wiser, or more care- less, it is certain that Mr. Westgarth would not now find his old entertainment in local editorials ; and though the quondam lecturer, now Sir Archibald Michie, Q.C., might still find in local press work proofs of his tlieory that press writers are generally gentlemen of defective education, the Swinburnian verdict on some other offenders, that their pi'oducts are examples of the " blatant audacity of immedicable ignorance," will seldom be applicable to Ballarat journalists. Since Prince Alfred, then captain of the Galatea, made his joyous entry on the 9th of December, 1 867, and had three days of levees, f(;asts, dances, visits, processions, addresses, and what not, there came in July, 1881, tlic royal lads, Albert Victor and George of Wales, midshipmen under the care of Admiral Earl Clanwilliam, his Excellency the Marquis of Normanby being also of the party. The visitors were duly banqueted by Mayor Robert Lewis, of tlie city, and Mayor William Robertson, of the town, and saw the more notable sights. Besides these Royal and Vice-royal people, there have come peers and commoners, more or DISTINGUISHED VISITORS. 321 less illustrious, from the old world. To wit, Anthony Trollopo, the novelist ; Froude, the historian ; Proctor, tlie astronomer ; Gerald Massey, the poet ; one of the American generals Sheri- dan ; Forbes, Sala, and Phil. Robinson, the war correspondents ; and Dr. Cameron Lees, with his Balmoral order of the Thistle, as a I'oyal chaplain and a representative Scottish Presbyterian. Proctor, Massey, Sheridan, Forbes, Sala and Robinson all delivered lectures in Ballarat, on the several matters in which they had won fame. Of peers there were many. Lord and Lady Brassey, of the " Sunbeam," who came with their children in June last, being the latest of that order. The Duke of IVLanchester was one of the first. After him, in June, 188-5, came Lord Lymington, eldest son of the Earl of Portsmouth, and on the 30th March last the Earl and Countess Aberdeen and Lord Sandhurst, and with Lord Sandhurst came Sir Henry Wren- fordsly, ex-Chief Justice of "West Australia and Fiji. On the 1st April last he was admitted to practise at the Victorian bar. These last two came as guests of Sir W. J. Clarke, on a visit to his Dowling Forest Estate, where they were all entertained by Mr. G. G. Morton, of Labona, and very complimentary things were exchanged between landlord, visitors, and tenants. For the latter, the spokesman was James M'Intosh, of Myrtle Grove Farm, who propounded as a cure for Irish disorder the giving of an estate in Tipperary to Sir W. J. Clarke, who should deal with tenants there as at Dowling Forest, and that the Government should deport all disloyal prelates, priests, and laymen to Siberia " to learn moderation and toleration." Whilst these happy inter- changes were going on at Dowling Forest amid plentiful hospi- talities, some leading Home Rule Irishmen were presenting an address of welcome to Lord and Lady Aberdeen at Craig's hotel, after the Earl and Countess had been to see the mine and works of the Band and Albion Consols Company. The address ex- pressed gratitude for the manner in which the Earl and Countess had shown their interest in the welfare of Ireland during the Earl's Lord-Lieutenancy, and asked the Countess to accept a 4oz. nugget of Ballarat (Carngham alluvial) gold. One of the peculiarities of the presentation was that Father Rogers 322 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. (who took a leading part in the welcome, and hoped for Home Rule for Ireland and a second term of office for the Earl), and W. M. Acheson, who read the address, as well as some others of the welcomers, came within the category of those of whom Michael Davitt said last year, according to a statement in the Pall Mall Gazette — "They are not Irish, they are only English and Scotch who are settled among us." But Davitt referred specially to Ulster Orangemen, and Father Rogers and some co-" settlers" were hardly of that clan at any rate. The Earl's reception was very cordial, and his responses to the honors paid to him and his Countess were at once manly and modest. It is rememberable that though this Scotch Earl, as one of Mr. Gladstone's subal- terns, received these courtesies, the English Lord Lymington, whose papers in one of the London fortnightly reviews a year or two before on " Tlie Portsmouth System" in Ireland, showed that the M'Intosh theory of cure had in part been successfully antici- pated and applied there, came and went without any recognition by either Irishmen or Davitt "settlers." But then the English- man had held no office, and was here but a private visitor. He was only a Wallop, whose ancestors before the Heptarchy, mayhap, " drank potent waes haels at Celtic Caergwent, killed and ate boars in the beech and oak forests about Upper and Nether Wallop, and took speckled trout from the little streamsof theHurstbournes, Tarrant and Priors, whose head waters run among the chalk slopes towards the Vale of White Horse on the one hand, while on the other the sister rivulet took its way down the fat vales, chalk-bounded, of north-eastern Hants. His, and his ancestors' home, was in old Wessex. An Englishman of the English he, with his tall, gaunt form, and his Saxon hair. As were English- men, too — pace Michael Davitt — Wolesley, Wesley — Wellesley — Wellington, this last a very typical Englislnnan even, as was liis great or greater namesake, John Wesley. As were, and are also, perchance, the Wasleys, who discovered the Al lead here in Bal- larat, and the younger Australian born one who, the other day, son of a mining manager liere, won the top and final honor in laws at the Melbourne University, coming o(i" witli his B.A. and his LL.B., and a scholarship of .£75. How the links of race, DIGGING UP THE BURIED PAST, 323 geography, history, development, touch us as we go along, and how- small the globe seems. Doubtless Davitt, from an aboriginal Irish point of view, was theoretically and racially right in marking the bar immigrant in the Irish escutcheons he pointed at. Here, too, at the antipodes we are brought face to face with the facts of difference and commixture. Here we mix more and more into one indivisible people; but the process began ages ago on the other side of the world. Those Wallops touched, territorially, on the west the Celtic and prehistoric Stonehenge and the Vale of White Horse. On the east they hunted towards the Strathfield- saye won by Wellington from the grateful empire he had served or saved, and his domain hedged the vanished Romans' buried Silchester. The centuries with their changes have been weaving us all together — Celt, Roman, Dane, Saxon, Norman — have woven us in part together, and which is warp and which woof who will say ? Surely it is better to respect the web thus woven and weaving than to rip it in pieces with our paltry Popkins questions of dividing peoples. In the fragments of hours which the writer has spent amongst old newspaper files he has felt as if making a pilgrimage, after a long absence, through an old burial ground. " The years that are fled knock at the door and enter." The local dead have been continually before him, but speaking or acting in some of the many affairs of life. The vehemence of speech and intense in- terest and vitality of action over what, seen in the present dis- tance, seem to be matters narrow and trivial, contrast strangely and instructively with the silence of the now departed actors and talkers. Names forgotten — names even of acquaintances and friends — are recorded on these yellowing and fragile sheets, and as they re-appear, one by one, they almost startle sometimes by the rush of many memories which they produce. To a newspaper writer it is similar, but more solemn, less merely curious, than the sudden meeting, in some strange journal printed, it may be, thousands of miles away, a paragraph from his own pen, and quoted from paper to paper till it has reached the far distance and comes back again upon him by some chance of affairs as an old but forgotten face, with features sometimes distorted by 324 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. violent handling or worn by attrition of time and change. This is like a sudden note of music or odor of a flower recalling a past hour : the other is like the loud re echoing of thunder among the hills when the listener had thought the last far-oft' reverberation had for ever died away. The first sonorous burst which awed him by its grandeur seems then to be heard again, and the first emo- tions are re-awakened. Such is the power that lies in these dry records which the printer's art has preserved, and such the seem- ing remoteness of the yet near past in the swift evolutions of events in a young and growing and active colonial settlement. The great spectacle presented to the eye of the visitor in these days is marked, to the inner eye of the old resident, with many deeply graved lines of toil and trouble. Many a man has fought on bravely, year after year, against rocks, drifts, floodings, poverty, and almost despair. Not quite despair, however, for else all had been lost. There was still hope that at last gold would be reached, and that hope and his own native courage and independence have made to the miner the dry crust, the drink from the often-watered tea-leaves, the narrow cheerless tent, general privations, and sometimes sickness, the experience of long periods. Such were some of the men, such the pluck that created this city. Many of them obtained industrial victory, but many more only had " the consciousness of battle, and the re- solve to persevere therein while life or faculty is left." And many fell, as is the miner's too frequent lot, victims to foul air, treacherous earth-slips, water-burst?, personal recklessness, and mine-engendered diseases. Any one of the diggers of 1851 or 1852 who looks now upon this city cannot fail to reflect on the contrast of the present and the past. To those who liave remained hei'e dui'ing all the inter- vening years the growtli and transformation of the place have seemed less magical than to others, for they have been like tliose who witness the progn^ss of their children from infancy to youth and manhood. The progr(!SS has been seen, but it has been only at special mojnents that the mind has grasped the fact that the child has disappeared and a man has taken the vacated place. There lias come a day when the mind has, by some quick process THE OLD AND THE NEW, 325 of projection upon the past, brought it into line with the present, and then the little child looks out from the larger, soberer, countenance of the man. It is only for a moment, and then the younger vision disappears, save to the peering sight of memory that follows sadly, and clings lovingly to the fairer and fresher form that will not stay but retreats, with ever increasing velocity, as the new realities and duller cares of the present crowd in upon the mind. So with the old digger now as he walks about these spacious gas-lit streets, where he no longer needs the candle in the broken bottle as a lantern after dark, but where every thorough- fare is adorned with crowding edifices, and is glittering with the blaze of a more artificial life, and the results of accumulated wealth. As he looks, there come moments when all the scene dis- solves into its original elements. Through all the rattle of street strife, over all the display of churches, towers, halls, and noisy warehouses, his eyes see something and his ears hear something invisible and inaudible to others. Over all the array of aggre- gated civic opulence and beauty, and its dark shadows of want and haggard strife for bread, there steal to him the silence of the beginning, a few white tents among the forest trees that are no more, the half-dozen columns of curling smoke from the camp fires, the round, oval, and square pits of the shallow-ground digger, the scanty patches of newly turned up golden soil. The fresh breeze, that came over the old silent odorous bush and its reaches of grass-land, breathes upon him again instead of the noisome exhalations from the gutters and sewers and by-ways of the thickly peopled town. In another moment that scene, too, glides past. He is in an absorbing series of mutations. The past moves along before him like a panorama in which every scene quickens the vision with the light of familiar sights and the warmth of pleasant memories. Streets of tents and shingle houses now stretch out in sinuous lines. They wind among hillocks of dirt and scant bush, upon the slopes and the flats and the hill-tops. Merry crowds of men work briskly at windlass and cradle and puddling-tub, and others ply the many trades and callings which the increased multitude have demanded with their gold, their fancies, and their necessities. Then night comes with 326 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. its glittering camp tires, the crashing of felled trees, the dis- charges of multitudinous firearms, the song from tent and windlass the laughter of the lucky or the careless, the music from the dancing saloon, the oath of the profane, the ribaldry of the drunken, the solemn, or jubilant, but sacred hymn of those who in that way worship God. As he sits by the lessening light of his fire, witli the pungent aroma of the grass-tree and the peppermint in the air about him, the gazer sees still other visions. In such moments, as our Australian Kendall has said — The phantom of his youth is apt to come, And flit before him as he sits alone, And float about him hke a fitful dream, A sweet sad light amidst the gathering gloom. He wearies at last and enters his tent. By the flickering light of the decaying embers of the open-air fire he fastens his canvas door, lies down upon his mattrass of gum-leaves, or grass, or straw, and is soon in dreamland. He awakes to find it was, indeed, but a passing vision of what once was where this wide-reaching city now spreads out its arms and rears its " tower-encircled head." All is changed, save the " everlasting hills" by day and the eternal procession of the stars by night, and all has come about by the enterprising industry evoked by the unconquerable love of gold. The same power operates now as in tl»e earlier days. The working minei', with his pinched, weary, wan visage, his little bundle of food, and his billy of tea, going along the paved streets at midnight, past stately houses of business and luxury, to his dreary dirty labor below ground, and the jovial cigar-smoking well-fed speculator at the Corner in the broad noon-time are aim- ing at similar ends, though both, by sore stress of changed con- ditions, are now forced to indulge in less brilliant expectations. Botli men aim at tliat which eveiy shaft, every engine, every pile of stones or waste of mullock and sludge, as well as every office and shop and tiehl r(!V(!als — tlie desire of domestic comfort, the means of personal gratification, or the ability to give happi- ness to others. Amidst all the mutations of the outward and visible the inward and invisi])le impulse remains the same. THE gold-finders' WORK. 327 Everything indicates one resistless force and points to one humble pioneer. It is not our purpose to enquire what might have been the future of this locality, or of the colony, had the quiet and com- parative solitude of pastoral settlement not been broken in upon by the gold discovery with its sequent hordes of population, and all their busy and creative industry. To those who come after us we shall appear as pioneers. We, looking back to that which, in the swift evolution of events in this place, seems to us a distant past, think of the still earlier pioneers whom we followed hither. And as we look we connect what they did with the yet unrevealed future of the colony. The gold-digger's work must ever be a factor in the great sum of Australian history. It is not all, certainly, and its relative value must decline. But, across the many-threaded tissue of our young national life, the wealth, and enterprise, and influence of the gold-tields run in a bright broad band of gold ; and, in the far-ofl[" future, the historical student, when he searches among the foundation-stones of empire here, will hud the base of one of the strongest columns of national greatness inscribed with the names of the golden cities of Victoria, and, first of all, the name of the first and the richest — Ballarat. In looking at these wide-spreading streets and thickly cluster- ing dwellings, at these green and beautiful oases of flowers and trees, at the far-reaching, well-tilled fertile lands, that lend their ornamen- tation to the general landscape, the thoughtful spectator naturally asks what it all signifies. Truly it is the outcome of the plodding thought of Esmond as he walked among the sierras of California and remembered the home he had left in Victoria. This three- boroughed city means, reflectively, a reminiscence and a hope lighting up the mind of that quiet gold hunter, and, more remotely, of alcadi Hargreaves also, as he sat in judgment upon delinquent diggers, or peered with questioning eye through the Golden Gate of the Pacific, Australia ward, and saw as in a ^^sion the golden glory of his late home insing like Aurora, radiant with light and beauty. It is but true that every field of yellow grain, every tree in our orchards that bends beneath its golden fruitage, every flower that waves its odorous beauty 328 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. in our gardens, every line of grace and elegance in our stately piles of architecture, speaks of one pioneer. Every demonstration of our civilisation, from the tall temples of religion to the costly shrines of literature and art and the richly stored houses of commerce, from the glittering carriages and the rustling silks of the luxurious rich to the crowding hosts that figlit the daily battle of life's hard labor for bread, all is but a homage to the enterprise of Esmond, of Clunes, and his immediate followers, the discoverers of tliis the first and the richest of the gold-fields, and the battle ground of the political freedom of Victoria. APPENDIX A REPRESENTATIVES IN PARLIAMENT FOR BALLARAT FROM THE FIRST ELECTION IN 1855 TO THE YEAR 1886. 1855. BALLARAT. November 10. Peter Lalor, John Basson Humffray, nominated to a seat in the old Legislative Council before the Constitution Act came into force. BALLARAT WEST, INCLUDED IN NORTH GRENVILLE UNDER THE CONSTITUTION ACT OF 16TH JULY 1856. 1855, ONE MEMBER. October 3. Peter Lalor returned unopposed. BALLARAT WEST, proclaimed an electoral district in 1859, with two members to represent it in the legislative as.sembly. General Election. John Robinson Bailey ... ... ... 1502 Robert Malachy Serjeant ... ... ... 1341 Duncan Gillies ... ... ... ... 963 William Frazer ... ... ... ... 878 1859. August 26. 1859. November 5. J. R. Bailey returned unopposed, having accepted office as Postmaster-General in the Nicholson Ministry. 1860. November 12. J. R. Bailey 1402 D. Gillies Mr. Bailey had changed the office of Postmaster- General for that of Commissioner of Trade and Customs, and was again elected. 1138 1861. General Election. August 2. D. Gillies 1209 Wm. Collard Smith 969 John Phillips 790 1864. February 4. Robert Lewis 1092 Wm. M. K. Vale... 952 This was to fill the vacancy created by the retire- ment of Mr, W. C. Smith, January 18, 1864. 330 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. 1864. November 3. 1865. September 11. 1866. January 29. 1866. August 6. 1868. February 20. 1868. May 7. 1868. July 30. 1869. March 27. General Election. D. Gillies W. M. K. Vale Geo. G. Moj'ton ... W. M. K. Vale ... James Service Mr. Vale resigned his seat with a view of testing the feeling of the constituency on what was known as "The Constitutional Question," or "The Tack," and was re-elected. General Election. W. M. K. D. Gillies T. Cooper Vale C. E. Jonos J. A. Doanc Mr. Jones resigned liis seat and his oHicc of Com- niissioncr of Railways, and presentctl himself for re-election to test the feeling of the constituency on certain public charges which seriously affected his character as a member of Parliament. He waa re-elected. 1443 1435 929 1450 1070 W. M. K. Vale Thos. Carpenter ... Mr. Vale, having accepted office in the M'CuUoch MinistryasCommissionerof Roads, was re-elected. General Election. W. M. K. Vale ... D. Gillies H. B. Chalmers ... Chas. Edwin Jones D. Gillies Mr. Gillies accepted office as Minister of Lands and Survey in the Sladen Ministry, and was defeated on presenting himself for re-election. C.E.Jones ... ... ... ... 2383 VV. M. K. Vale 2325 Joseph Att wood Doane ... ... ... 1750 Messrs. Jones and Vale had accepted office in the second M'CulIoch Ministry, and were re-elected. 1443 1383 1316 1099 558 2251 2217 2021 2663 2363 2442 1082 REPRESENTATIVES IN PARLIAMENT. 331 1869. May 10. 1869. May 22. 1870. April 25. 1875. 1875. November 6. 1877. May 11. C. E. Jones W. M. K. Vale ... Mr. Jones had been expelled the House of Assembly for " corrupt i)ractices." Mr. Vale resigned his office as Commissioner of Customs and his seat in the Assembly, to contest the election with Mr. Jones, " in the interests of political honesty," and was defeated. John James D. Gillies James Eddy This was a contest for the seat vacated by Mr. Vale. Archibald Michie elected without opposition. Mr. James resigned to give Mr. Michie the chance of a seat in the Assembly, Mr. Michie having accepted office as Attorney-General in the third M'Culloch Ministry without having a seat in Parliament. ±OI 1. March 16. W. C. Smith Joseph Jones C. E. Jones J. W. Gray H. B. Chalmers 1874. April 22. W. C. Smith Joseph Jones Henry Bell R. M. Serjeant ... W. C. Smith was returned unopposed on his accepting office in the first Berry Ministry. W. C. Smith G. R. Fincham Henry Bell James Campbell 2605 2046 2368 2201 97 2418 2262 2179 2108 395 2526 2064 1487 1020 G. R. Fincham ... ... ... ... 2678 Joseph Jones ... ... ... ... 1703 An Act to amend the Electoral Act 1865 was passed on the 2nd November, 1876, and gave a third member to Ballarat West. 2431 2304 1979 1864 332 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. 1877. June 1. W. C. Smith was returned unopposed on taking office as Minister of Mines and Edu- cation in the second Berry Ministry. 1880. February 28. W. C. Smith Henry Bell G. R. Finch am ... James Campbell ... C. B. Finlayson ... 3014 2698 2685 1801 1649 1880. July 14. W. C. Smith Henry Bell G. R. Fincham ... R. M. Serjeant 2644 2531 2518 1460 1880. August. W. C. Smith was returned unopposed on taking office as Minister of Education in the third Berry Ministry. 188.3. February 22. W. C. Smith Henry Bell G. R. Fincham ... C. E. Jones Charles Salter R. T. Vale W. T.C.Kelly ... This was C. E. Jones' first appearance as a candi- 2770 2565 1743 1742 1689 1113 569 date on his return from a purgatorial sojourn of several years in the United States. Fincham and he polled equally, and the returning officer gave the seat to Fincham. 1886. March 5. W. C. Smith ... 3164 C. E. Jones ... 2478 R. T. Vale ... 2066 G. R. Fincham ... ... 1927 Henry Bell ... 1814 BALLARAT EAST, 1856, INCLUDKD IN NORTH (!RANT. October 10. J. B. Humffray (elected) ... ... 690 Thos. Loader ... 255 George Black 24 REPRESENTATIVES IN PARLIAMENT. 333 BALLARAT EAST, PROCLAIM KJi AN ELECTORAL DISTRICT IN 1859, WITH TWO MEIV REPRESENT IT IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. BKRS TO 1859, General Election. August 26. John Cathie ... 1136 J. B. Humffray ... .. 1112 Richd. Belford ... .. 556 1860. December 7. J. B. Humffray returned unopposed. Mr. Humffray had accepted office as Minister of Mines in the Heales Ministry. 1861. General Election. August 2. J. B. Humffray ... .. 1245 Jno. Cathie .. 851 Andrew Semple ... .. 706 J. Christian Lyon 20 1864. General Election. November 3. C. E. Jones .. 702 Charles Dyte .. 521 T. Corcoran .. 437 J. B. Humffray ... .. 332 A. Semple .. 242 Samuel Deeble .. 107 1866. General Election. January 29. C. E. Jones .. 954 C. Dyte .. .. 939 T. Corcoran .. 670 1868. General Election. February 29. C. Dyte... .. 1042 J. B. Humffray ... 836 C. E. Jones .. 826 James Eddy .-. 777 1871. March 16. John James .. 607 Robert Walsh .. 582 E. Steinfeld .. 551 , G. R. Fincham ... .. 482 T. M'Dermott ... .. 352 C. Dyte ... 348 W. B. Rodier .. 338 S. Deeble 147 1874. April 22. Townsend M'Dermott .. 1046 John James .. 742 E. Steinfeld .. 586 334 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. J. B. Humffray C. Dyte ... 1877. May 11. D. Brophy J. James J. Russell T. M'Dermott VV. T. C. Kelly 1880. February 28. J. James... J, Russell D. Brophy 1880. July 14. D. Brophy J. James J. Russell 188.3. February 22. J. Russell J. James D. Brophy 1886. March 5. J. Russell 1882. November G. 1883. April 10. 1884. August 20. E. Murphy J, James C. Dyte ... Mr. James had accepted office as Minister of Mines in the Gillies-Deakin Coalition Cabinet, but his manner of taking office, and the Coalition he joined, were both unpopular in Ballarat East, and hence his rejection. 238 174 1328 1325 1019 505 221 1795 1756 1742 1817 1644 1631 1981 1826 1724 2068 1728 1694 1.^ LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. WELLINGTON PROVINCE. James Campl)ell. Returned luiopposcd in place of the Hon. V. Ormond, assigned to the Wellington Province by Act 702. James Campbell. Returned unopposed on iii-s acceptance of office as Postii iaster-( ! eneral in the Service-Berry M iniatry. Henry Cuthbert ... ... ... ... 25.35 Jamea Long ... ... ... ... 2126 Mr. Cutlibert had retired by rotation when thus re- elected. REPRESENTATIVES IN PARLIAMENT. 335 1886. February 22. 1886. June 30. 1886. August 17. Henry Cuthbert. Returned unopposed on acceptance of office as Minister of Justice in the Gillies-Deakin Ministry. David Ham ... ... ... ... 2832 Thomas Drummond \Vanliss ... ... 1958 This election was caused by the retirement of the Hon. J. Campbell. Henry Gore ... ... ... ... 2512 Thomas Drummond Wanliss ... ... 2511 This election ensued on the Hon. G. F. BelcJier's retirement by rotation. Mr. Wanliss petitioned against Mr. Gore's return. F. W. NIVEN AND CO., PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS, BALLARAT. APPENDIX B. In tlie last chapter of tliis book reference is made to a " boom " in the share market with regard to tlie Sulieman Pasha Co.'s stock. Since the printers worked off that chapter, and whilst the engravers have been busily putting finishing touches to the illustrations of the volume, a general revival in mining business has arisen, which promises much good for this city and district. Mr. Allan's map, which is, really, one of the most striking illus- trations of the book, is also a very opportune pictorial record of the present physical aspect of mining here. It is the completest map of the Ballarat mines ever prepared. Close upon forty-five square miles of ground are there depicted, ground industrially famous in the annals of Australian mining ; for it includes the first and richest of all great alluvial centres on this continent, and the site of the younger and now important quartz mines of the Ballarat and Buninyong divisions of the district. The inap is, also, a proof of the complete revolution which has taken place in local mining. More than a hundred claims are shown by Mr. Allan, spread over the very centre and borders of the famous alluvial territory of the Ballarat basin and its contiguous valleys, but there is not a single alluvial claim in all this carefully measured and recorded series of mines. Thus completely has vanished the original form of Ballarat mining, and the one which roused the whole of these colonies from their antecedent dullness to a new life, and drew from all parts of the world the sturdy gold-hunters whose doings have in part been noted in the body of this book. The Ballarat basin, into which and out of which flowed the ancient auriferous gutters, is a hollow in the Great Divide, which stretches irregularly west by north across the colony from the greater Coi'dillera, which is the backbone of the continent, and reaches from the Gulf of Carpentaria to Cape Howe. The schistose rocks of the Divide are interlaced with lodes of gold-bearing quartz, and the alluvial gutters and reef- 338 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. washes which the earlier diggers worked were parts of the debris of the denuded rocks that once towered high above the highest of existing levels on the ranges of to-day. Successive denudations and successive volcanic overflows during incalculable ages have respectively created and covered the various alluvial deposits during what geologists tell us were the pliocene and miocene periods ; and the peculiarity of the Ballarat basin and its con- tiguous deposits is the fact that they occur where the forces of those geologic times broke down a portion of the western face of the ranges, and made a clean gap in the mountain spur. The volume of golden detritus was thus immense, and the deposits of the precious metal answerably large and rich. But all these auriferous deposits were the product of the quartz lodes which lay in the silurian rocks of the ranges, and thereby hangs the golden and industrial tale of to-day's quartz mining in this gold- field. A glance at the map will discover a multiplicity of short red lines, black-edged, and all running in a similar direction, namely, from north to south. Those lines indicate the known quartz lodes, and the strike of them all is, roughly stated, from a little west of north to a little east of south. That is the feature of the main lodes, and their underlie is to the west, but spurs, shoots, droppers, and so forth, occur in all directions ; those of them which are found on the east side of the lode-walls being in- variably the richer in tlie precious metal, the bulk of the gold in many cases being obtained from relatively small masses of quartz. A width of country four or five miles broad is thus gridironed with lodes, the matrices of the gold wliich filled our gutters, spread nuggets and reef-waslies over the sides of the ancient valleys, or still awaits tlie extracting arts of the modern quartz miner. Very early after the gold discovery in 1851, there were rude and isolated essays in quartz mining, but it was not till the bulk of the alluvial deposits had been exhausted that any- thing like systematic quartz mining set in. The alluvial digger had now and then broken through gold-bearing quartz lodes whilst following or searching after the gutters, but the first FIRST QUARTZ VENTURES. 339 attempts at quartz mining were made where the quartz out- cropped in tlie ranges, and thus Dr. Otway and the Port Phillip Co. at the Black Hill, some others about the Little Bendigo and adjacent gullies, and Kaulbach on Old Post Office Hill, began to demonstrate the important fact that the cataclysms or the slower action of the geologic ages had not robbed the rocks of all their gold. The author well remembers seeing, some thirty years ago, Kaulbach's little party knocking out bright specimens of virgin gold in quartz as the men were opening their first shaft. They were only down about three feet then where now there is a great chasm formed by the subsidences of the mining of the after years. The recent brilliant finds along the deeper depths of the Indicator line were more valuable, but n( t purer or brighter than those all but surface specimens from Kaulbach's shaft. The deeper discoveries of the more modern workers have been in larger bulk, hundreds of ounces of virgin gold being found in bunches of quartz hinged together, as it were, by the pure, precious metal. There were discouraging theories set about by some of the geological savants at first, to the efi'ect that most, if not all, the gold was in the upper portions of the lodes, that the rich alluvial gutters were an indication of that fact, and that it would not pay to go to the expense of seeking profitable results in deep quartz mining. But that theory is now pretty well ex- ploded. The splendid discoveries made at Sandhurst at deeper levels than the deepest yet reached in Ballarat, as well as some finds at Stawell, have proved that the lodes do pay at great depths, and have raised the question whether or not still deeper levels will yield still richer results. Ballarat, whose larger and richer alluvial deposits took a longer time to exhaust than those of other fields, is only a young beginner, so to speak, in quartz mining as a systematised industry, Clunes, Sandhurst, Stawell, were all earlier at work in that sense, but this centre is now a quartz centre, and it is steadily testing the issue — will deep quartz mining pay, or will it not pay 1 For some years quartz mines have been paying along the belt of lodes which traverse the eastern portion of Ballai-at, and more recently the western belt beneath the plateau of West Ballarat 340 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. and Sebastopol has been invested, and with gratifying success. This later success is the more notable, as deeper levels have been reached there than in the east, and the richest quartz has, in some instances, been found at the lowest depths. But this success on the western plateau is also an incentive to renewed enterprise in the east, or might have been, had there not occurred along the eastern belt of lodes successes enough to stimulate to fresh exertions and create a stronger faith in the value and perma- nency of the lodes there. The mining revival here is, doubtless, due to a variety of concurring causes, in which the reduction of the bank rates of interest on deposits may count for one, and may help to prolong the renewed output of mining energy ; but the substantial discoveries along the strike of the Indicator, the better fortunes of the Sulieman Pasha in discovering good gold in the Pasha or Danish lode, and the excellent promise in the mines on the plateau, must be taken to be the more positive causes in operation. The rise of £36,000 in the aggregate value of the Sulieman Pasha stock in a space of 14 days in August has not, indeed, been sustained, but a substantial advance has been maintained, and in the same period some nine or ten stocks in Ballarat rose near £70,000 in aggregate value ; whilst a host of other stocks in this and adjacent districts, but mostly held and managed here, have par- taken in tlie general advance. It is always the case in the his- tory of our mining revivals, that the rush of speculators to the sliare market prompts to a rush of promoters of new ventures, and the market soon gets flooded with new stocks, good, bad, and indifferent, till the supply exceeds the demand, and a lull ensues. This has already come in the current revival, and that it has come thus early is a matter of satisfaction, inasmuch as it will tend to arrest the launching of new claims, prevent the accumula- tion of merely bogus prospectuses, hold the fervor of speculation within safer limits, and so far save the district from a recurrence of those disastrous collapses which haves too oft(!n been tlie bane of mining revivals on the goklfields. In the meantime good is done. The revival itself is not without solid cause at the start, for the actual discovery of fresh gold, or the immediate prospect THE TWO LODE BELTS. 341 of it, gives the initial impulse ; and thougli, as the movement gathers force, excesses may be committed, there is bound to be some solid residuum of profit in the development of mines already in existence, and in the opening of fresh ground to the pick of the miner. The accompanying map of the Ballarat mines gives at a glance a view of a large field already in active work, and the work done is but as the mere scratching of the surface compared with what remains to be achieved. For although on the western belt of lodes the Band and Albion Consols Company has reached a level of 1400 feet below the surface, and the Star of the East Company a level of 1280 feet, both in paying ground, the bulk of the mines on the eastern belt of lodes have not reached a depth of 500 feet, and this in spite of the greater nearness of that belt to the centre of the auriferous formation, and of the sources of the grand alluvial gutters of the early days of mining in Ballarat. True, as to levels, the difierence between the eastern and western mines is not so great in relation to sea level as appears in the figures stated, since a large number of the eastern mines have their surface below that of the western ones ] but after making allowance for that, the fact remains that the eastern mines generally liave only reached shallower depths, and have, in all probability, as have also the western ones, golden re- sources whose profitable exploration will be the work of many generations of miners. No fewer than between 30 and 40 lodes strike through the two belts — as many as that have already been discovered — and the diamond drill has proved gold in Ballarat East at more than double the depth yet reached in any mine on that belt of lodes. The more famous, because most proved, of the eastern lodes are the Indicator 1 and 2, Majestic, Scandi- navian, Western Slates, Rothschild, Danish, Ribbon Slates, Sulieman Pasha, Pug, Fire Brigade, Oregon, Yorkshire, Old Post Ofiice, Llanberris, Promised Land, Temperance, Monte Christo. The Temperance, at Little Bendigo, is said to be probably the most true and pei'fect lode in Victoria, as to its solid regularity and continuity of strike and underlie, barring, of course, the occurrence of ci'osscourses. But even they only shift the site of 342 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. the lode ; they do not change its quality of permanence and regularity. Looking, then, at the fact that the relatively deep mines of the western plateau are proving good gold-bearing lodes, that the older and shallower mines on the eastern belt are now paying better as they go deeper, and that the diamond drill has brought gold from depths below the deepest yet reached by the miner with his pick on either belt of lodes, it is clear that good warrant exists for a revival of enterprise that shall be not a mere spurt of transient market speculation, but a steady, and lasting, and increasingly profitable development of local resources. This is how the author regards the present revival, in spite of its share in the customary alloy of febrile speculation, and its occasional symptoms of bogus enterprise. And there is this great consolation to local observers of the movement, that the revival is mainly one of purely local application. In past times Ballarat adventure has too often spent its capital like rain upon distant places, and met with no adequate I'eturn, and often with only disastrous loss ; but now we have a revival at our own doors, open to local criticism and, best thing of all, inspired by local suc- cesses. Happily, too, this has come about whilst there remains most of the well-proven band of enterprising capitalists and mining experts, to whose spirit of adventure and plucky disdain of large risks this and other mining centres owe so much of their successful development. This current revival will see prospecting work done here where all, or the great bulk, of the fertilising capital is found for the enterprise. The wage-fund will be dis- tributed at our own doors, will employ our own people, give cus- tomers to our own tradesmen, create a multiplicity of wholesome demands, and, let us be permitted to hope, furnish resultant demonstration of practically inexhaustible resources in auriferous lodes on both sides of the Yarrowee. We will now make some brief reference to the several lines of claims shown on the map before us, individualising their his- tory and prospects, and mentioning the more prominent of the promoters of the various mining operations extant to-day. Com. paring what follows here with the text of tho mining chapter in this book, one or two seeming discrepancies in dates may be THE LLANBERRIS COMPANY. 343 noticed, but they are in reality consistent with each other for the most part, as referring to different stages of organic development. Looking along the eastern belt of lodes, where local quartz mining had its beginning, we see the Llanberris claim. It is on the southern edge of the alluvial basin, whose opening through the gap in the Divide stretches from Golden Point to the Black Hill, and we make it our starting point, because the Llanberris Company is the oldest living quartz company on the whole line. As we have said. Dr. Otway, the Port Phillip Company, and others were the first essayists in quartz mining on the Ballarat East lodes, and it was Mr. Thompson, an officer of the Port Phillip Company, who first, in a report to his directors, propounded the, at that time, incredible theory that the alluvial leads would flow from the eastern basin out westward beneath the basaltic plateau of Bal- larat and Sebastopol. But all those earlier ventures died out, and the Llanberris Company, formed in 1857, is now the oldest ex- isting organisation. Thomas Jones, of Llanbei'is, in old Wales, had worked the alluvial where the quartz claim is now, and he and others had noticed that the gutter encountered a thick high wall of quartz there, so when the alluvial was worked out the quartz claim was taken up. The New Enterpi'ise Company took up the ground next south, and won 4000oz. of gold the first year, or £16,000 worth — not 16,000oz. as is inadvertently stated in the chapter on mining. That company then failed, the Messrs. Lear- month taking the claim and erectinga battery and other plant. They failed, and sold to the Llanberris Company, who removed theirwork- ing staff" to the Enterprise shaft. Jones, whose native place, plus an extra r inserted by some official blunderer, gave the name to the claim, had six shares for furnishing an engine and other plant. Messrs. Rowlands and Lewis long held shares in the mine, and the management was famous for its economy. The winnings were not brilliant for years, and yet on averages of from Idwt. to 4dwt. per ton paid expenses, cleared off" debts, and even paid occasional dividends. But lately the company has shared in the richer stone of that comparatively modern discovery, the Indicator, and has been able to pay regular monthly dividends. The company's capital is £24,000, in 2000 shares. Mr. Theophilus Williams is 344 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. the manager, Mr. W. Gale is chairman, and liis co-directors are Messrs. T. Humphrys, H. Jones, T. Osborne, J. Hicks, O. Thomas, and the Hon. D. Ham, M.L.C. The new impetus born of the re\dval has touched this company also, and larger opera- tions have been decided on, involving a partition of the claim with a view to its being more thoroughly explored. These parti- tions, as West Llanberris and Llanberris No. 1, but, yesterday, inchoate formations, are now duly organised, and will, no doubt, be soon in active operation. The Indicator is a black pyritous vertical line in the slate x'ock, striking, like the other lodes, north and south, thin as the edge of a knife at times, at others thickening to some inches ; sometimes lost by crosscourse throws east or west, as all the lodes are, but always rich in itself in gold or indicating golden riches in the contiguous quartz, and always keeping, as do the lodes as a whole, the north and south strike. Other lines rich in pyrites and of similar features indicative of the presence of gold, exist both in the eastern and western belt of lodes, but the one specially known as The Indicator passes through the eastern half of the Llanberris mine, and thence north and south through the spur of the Divide to as yet unknown distances. It has been traced in many claims on either hand, is specially rich in nuggety virgin gold, and to its denudation in the vanished portions of the rocks is attributed much of the richness of the alluvial gutters of the basin. The Last Chance Company, manager Mr. J. M'Whae, chair- man L. L. Meanowski, co-directors Hon. H. Gore, M.L.C, E. Morey, Hon. D. Ham, M.L.C, and W. Irwin, was organised on the 2nd May, 1882, capital 20,000 shares of 10s., as the suc- cessor of the older Endeavor Company, wliose venture was in the hands of Messrs. Balhausen and Goller. They sold to a band of tributors, and with them the existing company was formed. The Britannia United Company, manager Mr. J. M. Bickett, capital £12,000, in 24,000 shares, was organised on the 7th March, 1887, and is the old Britannia and Major combined. The direc- tors are Messrs. W. H. Batten (chairman), J. Wittkowski, C M. THE DKEPE8T EASTERN SHAFT. 345 Watson, R. Tliurling, and L. L. Roberts. The company is adding to its plant, and is preparing to sink deeper and generally to enter upon a completer style of operations. The Victoria United is the nucleus of a newly-formed mining combination of ventures, all the interests in which belong to a company in whose projection Miss Alice Cornwell had a leading part. This lady's name has been mentioned in the body of this book, and reference will be made further on to her enter- prise in connection with this and other mining undertakings in and around Ballarat. The Sulieman and Indicator Company, capital £10,000, in 20,000 shares, is a new organisation for working the Black Hill United mine. The manager is Mr. G. Ruffle, and the directors are Messrs. Alex. Gilpin, W. H. Batten, J. Hardy, J. Mager, and P. M'Whae. The Queen's Jubilee Company, capital £20,000, in £1 shares, manager Mr. E. H. L. Swifte, directors the Hon. Colonel Smith, M.L.A. (chairman), and Messrs. Alex. Gilpin, E. Morey, T. Stocldart, Hon. J. Williamson, M.L.C., C. Seal, and D. M'Phail, was organised on the 1st November, 1886. This com- pany has the deepest shaft yet sunk on the belt. It is down 782 feet now, and the company proposes to carry it down to a depth of 1250 feet, pent-houses and other proper safety arrange- ments being in use, so as to allow of shaft sinking below the 782 feet level, whilst stoping operations are in progi-ess in the levels above. The company's resolve to sink so deep is due in part to the revelations made by the diamond drill in adjacent ground, the No. 1 bore having proved likely rock at 1000 feet, and the No. 2 bore having cut gold-bearing quartz at over 1500 feet. The Black Hill Company is the prolific parent of a large family of claims, for that company's original territory and its sub- sequent accretions have at various dates been parcelled out in divers new ventures. The Sulieman and Indicator, born Black Hill United, is one ; Queen's Jubilee another. North and South Sulieman, Nos. 2 and 3 Queen others. All these are not the off- spring of the present revival, but most of them share in its advantages, and owe to it a fresh accession of energy, if uot of 346 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. solid capital. The Black Hill Company, after some preliminary operations, decided to register in 1862, with a capital of £37,200, in £15 shares, and on the 21st January, 1881, the present No Liability Company was completed, with a capital of £44,640, in 14,880 shares of £3 each, of which £1 was paid-up. The manager is Mr. J. F. Smith, and the directors are Messrs. C. Seal (chairman), J, Hardy, E. A. and A. Wynne, and D. Cameron. This company did most of the work in rending the Black Hill in two, and in tunnelling its deeper levels, and its large works and its fine battery of 60 heads made it for years the model as well as show quartz mine of this centre. Some statistics in connection with the company will be found in the chapter on local mining development. The claims mentioned so far all lie on the strike of the In- dicator, and the same line is presumed to exist in the Garden Gully claim on the furthest north of the map, or, if not in it, then the brood of new ventures mapped immediately west may have it, though all that is conjecture at present. Turning back southward and westward through the brood of new things, still callow, but promising to be soon well feathered, we come to The Sulieman Pasha Company's claim, within whose ground, on the bank of the alluvial lead there, was discovered the famous Welcome Nugget tabled in the mining chapter of this book. That enormous mass of gold, and the rich gutter and reef-washes which were found there, were all so many proofs of the auriferous value of the denuded quartz lodes that once existed in the neigh- bourhood, and the company's success has shown that the lodes remaining are worth working. The Sulieman Pasha and the Danish are the main lodes of the claim, and tlie recent " boom" in the company's stock was caused by the striking of stone at a low level in the Danish lode that produced from two to three ounces of gold to the ton. This discovery was doubly encouraging, inasmuch as it was at a deeper level than usual in the company's workings, and as it showed that Ijesides the Indicator there existed a valuable line of lode whose future working would in all likelihood be a permanently profitable industry. The result, so far, has been a great change in the status of the company. In SULIEMAN PASHA COMPANY. 347 the opening week of this year the company's stock was in 12,000 shares, and was offered at 6s. 3d. per share, without business, but by the middle of August, after the latest of several new hauls of gold, the company's stock, doubled to 24,000 shares, sold as high as 60s. per share, or 120s. per original 12,000th share. This highest rate of 60s. per share has not been sustained, for the phenomenal output of 707oz. for the week at the time of the highest "boom" has not been maintained, and at the time of this writing the stock is sold at 45s., or over 80s. for the share exist- ing at the opening of the year. Still, the altered position of the company is remarkable, even looking at the weekly output of smaller sums since then, namely, 285oz., 306oz., 324oz., as con- trasted with the fortnightly yields of from 37oz. to 83|oz. during the early part of the year. It is not that the mining revival is to be attributed to the revolution in this company's prospects, for the causes of the revival are manifold, and there is always a some- thing in the air, so to speak, in revival times, by means of which speculators are drawn from the four winds of heaven, and the force of the movement is accelerated. The fact is that the Sulie- man Pasha Company's success is but one of many similar suc- cesses ; but it is certain that its good fortune has had a special effect for good upon the whole of the Ballarat East mine prospects, coupled, as it has been, with the heavy nuggetings along the Indicator strike in the Llanberris, Prince Regent, and North Woah Hawp mines. The Sulieman Pasha Company has a good plant, and a new shaft on the edge of Main street, near Humffray street, is being sunk with good speed, and will enable the company to carry on mine operations very effectively. The company's stock is in 24,000 shares of £1 each, and the first dividend this year (Is.) has lately been declared. The first incorporation was on the 3rd January, 1878, with 4000 shares of £1. That capital was in a year or two increased to £12,000, and this year the further increase was made as already stated. The manager is Mr. J. Curthoys, and the directors are Messrs. Isaac Jonas /chairman), E. Murphy, M.L.A, J. Hardy, and J. and M- Wasley. It should be recorded in this company's honor that it repaid a £500 loan from the Government prospecting vote some 348 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. few years ago. The loan was an instance of aid fruitfully ap- plied, and repayment was a phenomenon of corporate honesty. A perfect cloud of Suliemans and other ventures has been created within the last few weeks, stretching away north of the Black Hill and away south of the parent company, but we have not space here to refer to them in detail. The map shows their chances in relation to the crack lodes, and the men who are directing the undertakings are generally men at once of means and expert knowledge. A promising discovery in the North Sulieman, one of the Black Hill Company's offshoots, occurs at the time of this writing, to illustrate the probabilities of ultimate success, less or more. So we take, also, as a sample of promoting names in these newer claims, and of public mining confidence, the board of the South Sulieman Company, of which Mr. J. M'Whae is the manager, and the directors Messrs. Isaac Jonas, Alex. Gilpin, J. Murray, M. Butterly, and E. J. Carroll. Reverting to the leading mines south of the Llanberris claim, we have before us the Speedwell on the slope of the range between the sources of the Red Hill and Canadian alluvial leads. The ground was taken up for quartz a quarter century ago, and a good deal of gold has been obtained thence at intervals. Not long since the mine fell into the hands of the late Henry Costin, and at his death it was sold to a company — syndicate is the modern phrase — in which Miss Alice Cornwell is a shareholder. The original claim has been added to by the purcliase of adjoining ground, and as the new proprietary will have means to work the mine properly, and as the Indicator line is included in the ground, there is good reason to anticipate for the new adventurers a liberal share of tlie success to wliich their enterprise will entitle them. The southern boundary of the Speedwell mine brings us to the Sovereign Hill, so named from a company that 15 or 20 years ago was subsidised by local subscription for the purpose of sink- ing a shaft 1000 feet to test the value of our lodes at that depth. At that time the experiment was regarded as an almost wonderful efTort, and it certainly was a plucky conception, not to say sagacious withal, for miners hero had not then learnt the profit- BRILLIANT FINDS ON THE INDICATOR. 349 ableness of our lodes at even greater depths than that. Financial and other difficulties arrested the Sovereign shaft works after a few hundred feet of sinking had been done, and the project was abandoned, as were a host of other ventures about the same date along the White Horse and Canadian ranges. Meanwhile less ambitious enterprise attacked the lines of lodes in the ranges thereabouts, whence the Canadian, with its " Jewellers Shops," and the Prince Regent and Sailors' Gully leads on the east, and the Nightingale, Milkmaids, Malakoff, Redan, White Horse, Frenchman's, and Cobblers leads on the west, had given to the alluvial miners of the fifties and the sixties such splendid harvests of gold. From 20 years since till now quartz mining has been going on there, both small co-operative parties and public incor- porated companies engaging in the work, and fortunes have been made by the luckier of the adventurers. Some of the largest hauls of gold have been made by co-operative parties, whose winnings have never been disclosed to the public, and it is now known that a very large share of those successes have been along the southern strike of the Indicator line. Pearse's Lease is the name of a bundle of areas on the northern side of the Canadian Gully, and several parties are working on the leasehold, Pearse, the lessor, having a battery there for his own and their service. As a rule, the results of operations there are not publicly disclosed, but it is pretty well- known that both the lessor and his sub-tenants have done fairly well. The North Woah Hawp claim adjoins Pearse's Lease on the south, the map showing us that the rich Canadian gutter ran be- tween the two areas. This claim, no doubt, owes its dividend- paying power to the gold on the Indicator line, which traverses the ground. The company's stock is in 22,000 shares of 5s. Mr. J. M'Whae is the manager, and the directors are Messrs. J. H. Williams (chairman), W. Irwin, R. T. Blackwell, T. Bailey, H. G. Williams, J. Johnson, and J. Bellinden. The Prince Regent Company is one of the lucky ones, for, like the North Woah Hawp, it has come upon some brilliant specimens of rich stone lately on the strike of the Indicator. 350 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. Hundreds of ounces of bright gold in small portions of dazzling white stone have been exhibited at the Corner by those two com- panies lately. The Prince Regent stock is in 20,000 shares of 10s. each, the manager is Mr. C. Barker, and the directors are Messrs. T. Lyons (chairman), J. M. Davie, J. Lawrie, R. Don, and Jas. Curtis. The southern extension line stretches out with a host of claims, but with only two or three that have any great hold yet on public notice. Midway between the Prince Regent and the Desoza and Buninyong Estate is the Rothschild. A mine near there earlier had that historic name, but did not justify its title. With the favoring gales of the revival, more advancement towards fortune may be made by the new one. Mr. A. J. E. Morey is the manager, and the directors are Messrs. R. M. Serjeant (chairman), B. J. Fink, E. Morey, P. Matthews, and J. F. Levien. Capital £24,000, in 24,000 shares. The Desoza is now less famous than it was a few years ago, when its principal proprietor, after whom the mine and one of the lodes in it are named, signalised some rare golden results by taking a trip to Europe, bearing with him a large circlet made of gold from the mine, and destined to be a grateful votive ottering to a venerated friend in the old world. There were preliminary rites of picturesque celebration at the mine, where Desoza's gene- rosity and philanthropy worked other marvels of some note at the time. Unhappily the Desoza lode did not preserve its fame for richness, and the mine has been for a time in shadow. The Buninyong Estate Company has the Desoza lode, as well as others, including one called the Estate, and some ex- cellent results have been obtained there, although the returns for some time past have not been satisfactory. Deeper levels are, however, being reached and worked, and it is not unreasonable to liope that before long the mine will be again very protitably worked. Rich alluvial deposits were found in the vicinity, and the lodes which fed them liave their remainders tliere, as have in Ballarat those which made the leads of this held so celebrated all the world over. The Estate stock is in 20,000 £1 shares. Mr. J. A. Chalk is the manager, and the directors are Messrs. P. THE WESTERN LODE BELT. 351 Hedrick (chairman), A. M'Donald, D. M'Phail, D. Brophy, and J. Whelan. Away in the north-east corner of Mr. Allan's picture are the Temperance and Monte Christo claims. We have mentioned some qualities in the Temperance lode, and may add here that the brave old company which worked it for so many years were only deterred by the want of adequate capital from pursuing the work below the deeper water levels. Now, however, fresh ad- venture there is mooted, and the name of E. Morey on areas on either side is a significant hint that capital is not far off, and will, in all probability, be soon brought to bear in the renewal of larger operations upon one of the most perfect lodes in the colony. The Monte Christo lodes have in times past yielded well, and the present operations are a resumption of work by men who know the ground as a spot of fair promise. It is time now to look at the western belt of lodes. That belt traverses an auriferous alluvial tract hardly less notable than that in the eastern basin. The history of the Koh-i-noor, Band and Albion Consols, Prince of Wales, and other companies sup- plies proof of the alluvial wealth of the past, and the lodes which strike through the territory have since become prolific sources of profit to a few companies. That the same field is likely to be equally profitable to other companies cannot be reasonably doubted, and that this is the general belief is shown in the large number of new ventures already organised on the plateau ex- tending southward from Lake Wendouree. The immense amount of gold taken out of the alluvial washes of the plateau supplies the same argument as to the lodes there as was deducible from the relation of the lodes of the eastern belt to the richness of the alluvial gutters on that side, and the validity of the logic has been demonstrated by actual results on both sides. We are now, in fact, seeing a mining revival which is the direct product of the proof of the argument that the remainders of the lodes which fed the gutters and reef-washes will pay for working. As has been said, the lodes of the plateau have been worked here and there for many years past, but it was not till the continuing success of the Band and Albion Consols Company at low levels and, more 352 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. notably still, the discoveries made by the Star of the East Com- pany had struck the general attention of the public that the actual possibilities of quartz raining on the western belt of lodes were practically realised. The Band and Albion lode and the Guiding Star or Star of the East lode are but two of the western belt, but they are the richer so far as discovery has yet gone, and they are eastward — that is, on the source side of the main body of the alluvial deposits of the plateau — so that the inference is natural that the great richness of those deposits was mainly due to the lodes in question. Nearly six millions sterling worth of gold was obtained from the alluvial fed in part by the detritus from the lodes in question, and now the actual explorations of those lodes hundreds of feet beneath the site of the alluvial bear out the assumption that the continuations of the original matrices of the gold are also rich in the precious metal. The successes of the two leading companies already mentioned have made the drainage of the plateau a more pressing public question, and have led to the taking up the whole available country along the belt. British capital is being sought as a help to development, but, as Mr. William Luplau, in his pamphlet, " The Sebastopol Plateau," reminds us, we have ourselves given evidence of our faith in the legitimacy of the field by organisations actually extant to the tune of a million of capital sterling. Certainly, nowhere else should there be greater faith in the future of local quartz mining than here, where the prodigious alluvial products of the lodes have been raised, and hence the local undertakings to ex- plore the remainders of the lodes themselves. Mr. Luplau gives the following table in his pamphlet, but it in- cludes only the larger portion of the ventures actually existing : — Companiea. Capital. No. of Shares. Northern Star New Koh-i-Noor Hand and Albion ConsolH (uncalled caiiital) .. Star of tlio Kast South Star .. North l^lateau Central Plateau .Sebastoiiol I'lateau South I'lateau Prince of Wales and Bonshaw .. .£ 48,000 24,000 11,225 34,000 12,000 24,000 25,000 24,000 24,000 48,000 24,000 24,000 22,450 24,000 24,000 24,000 25,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 FAMOUS MIXING GROUNDS. ?)f)S It is not necessary that we should deal with these tabled mines in detail, and tlie two leading ones have been mentioned already ii\ our chapter on mining. The present Band and Albion Consols directors are Messrs. D. Bi'ophy (chairman), J. H. Williams, W. H. Sewell, W. Canning, and J. Whelan. The Star of the East manager is Mr. E. W. Spain, and the office is in Melbourne. The directors are Messrs. G. J. Carroll (chairman), Alex. Gilpin, R. T. Vale, J. Spence, and J. H. Miller. The New Koh-i-Noor manager is Mr. J. H. Dill, and the directors are Messrs. J. Embling (chairman), C. Seal, E. Morey, Alex. Gilpin, J. Hicks, G. J. Carroll, and A. Wynne. This is a quartz company, whose mine includes a large portion of the ground held by the alluvial company whose name is revived in the present company, and whose successes are noted in the mining chapter. The new company holds a veiy large area, and it is tra- versed by several lodes, but no large successes have yet been achieved. Some dead and some small live ventures are pictured on the map between the Koh-i-Noor and Band and Albion claims, whilst to the west and north are new projects yet to be tested. The Band and Barton mine is one of the smaller areas from which good gold has been taken, and whose resources are not yet fully opened up. Mr. J. A. Chalk is the manager, and the directors are Messrs. M. Butterly (chairman), R. Tolhurst, W. E. Watts, D. Brophy, F. Hamilton, W. Murrell, G. G. Morton, and M. Griffiths, the stock being in 24,667 .£1 shares. Mr. Barton, the mine manager, who has given his name to the mine as well as much shrewd practical energy, laid before the public some little time ago a scheme for raising gigantic sums for pro- specting and drainage purposes, but his financial proposals have not received general support, and so have fallen fruit- less for the present. Of the other companies, one, the Don Company, has its site adjacent to the wonderfully rich reef- washes worked by the dead Sir William Don Alluvial Company, whose heavy gold was, no doubt, the product of the denuded lodes whose remainders exist in the yet untested depths below. Gjiy's Freehold Company has a capital of £24,000, in 24,000 shares. 354 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. The manager is Mr. E. W. Spain, and the directors are Messrs. Gr. J. Carroll (chairman), Alex. Gilpin, R. T. Vale, A. Ramsay, and D. Thompson. Mr. Spain is also the manager of the Carroll Company, whose capital is £52,000, in 26,000 shares. The direc- tors are Messrs. G. J. Carroll (chairman), J. B. Dean, Alex. Gilpin, R. T. Vale, and W. Hicks. The North Plateau Company is managed by Mr. C. W^ilson, and the directors are Messrs. R. Tolhurst (chairman), the Hon. H. Gore, M.L.C., W. Murrell, W. Luplau, Alex. Gilpin, H. Parkin, and G. J. Carroll. The South Plateau Company's manager is Mr. J. P. Roberts, and the direc- tors are Messrs. Alex. Gilpin (chairman), T. Stoddart, W. Luplau, G. King, and W. Irwin. The Northern Star Company's manager is Mr. C. Barker, and the directors are Messrs. Alex. Gilpin (chairman), E. Morey, the Hon. D. Ham, M.L.O., G. J. Carroll, and J. Robb. The South Star Company's manager is Mr. E. W, Stephens, and the directors are Messrs. R. T. Vale (chairman), Alex. Gilpin, G. J. Carroll, J. Mager, and T. Stoddart. The Sebastopol Star Company has a capital of £6000, in 24,000 shares. Mr. J. P. Roberts is the manager, and the directors are Messrs. J. Wall (chairman), Alex. Gilpin, L. S. Blair, W. Irwin, and W. Murrell. The Don Company is in the managerial care of Mr. C. Barker, and the capital and the direc- tory are the same as in the Southern Star Company. The capital of companies mentioned in Mr. Luplau's tciblc is not repeated here. The Sir Henry Loch Company, next north from the Band and Albion Consols, has a capital of £24,000, in 24,000 shares, is just getting its tirst gold, and has fair promise of success. Mr. W. M. Acheson is tlie manager, and the directors are Messrs. J. Coghlan (chairman), Alex. M'Vitty, J. J. Giiller, J. Donaghy, and W. G. VVilliMms. The Sebastopol Plateau manager is M r. J. A. Chalk, and the directors are Messrs. W. H. Barnard (chairman), Alex. Gilpin, R. Wrigley, W. Luplau, D. Fern, J . Curtis, and E. Jefirey. The Central Plateau manager is Mr. W, M. Acheson, and the directors nro. Messrs. Vj. O. Withorden (chairmaw), Alex. Gilpin, T. Stoddart, J. Cotter, and H. Goddard. SOME LAllGE VENTUUES. 355 The Prince of Wales and Bonshaw Company has an enormous territory, comprising the areas once held liy the alluvial companies of those names, and one or more of the champion lodes of the plateau strike through the claim, besides several others yet to be proved. The manager is Mr. J. A. Chalk, and the directors are Messrs. "W. Bailey (chairman), E. Morey, O. E. Edwards, M. Griffiths, and P. Matthews. The Owen's and Band of Hope Freehold and Leasehold manager is Mr. E. W. Spain, and the directors are Messrs. G. J. Carroll, Alex. Gilpin, R. T. Vale, J. B. Dean, and J. Jenkins. The Leviathan Syndicate is in Mr. J. A. Chalk's managerial hands, and the tei'ritory, as the map indicates, is the largest of the whole series of mines mapped. The ground includes the once famous alluvial mines held by the Leviathan, Great Gulf, and other companies, which won large amounts of gold. As yet the new venture is waiting registration, and it is probable that its vast possibilities, both for alluvial and quartz exploration of a pro- fitable character, will be undertaken by a mixed English and Australian proprietary. The provisional directors are Messrs. the Hon. H. Gore, M.L.C., Hon. D. Ham, M.L.C., T. Dibdin, Alex. Gilpin, S. Solomon, and P. O'Connor. The wide field and large promise existing here for the exercise of either home or foreign capital are tolerably evident facts to anyone who takes the trouble to study the history of local mining development during the last 30 years, and to com- pare its outcome with the actual prospects of to-day and the indefinite future. The great amount of gold taken out of the gutters and reef-washes has not exhausted the resources of the field even in alluvial deposits, although it is next to certain that the best portions of them have been discovered and lifted. But it is generally admitted by practical miners here that in the Sebastopol plateau there still exist reaches of alluvial wash, in high and dry levels as well as in lower levels, that will pay for lifting, and this has always been one urgent ground on which the more perfect drainage of the area has been demanded. The alluvial remains, however, are now to be regarded as only accessory to the more important quartz resources now just opening up on the 356 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. plateau, though it is held by some experienced miners that the abandoned Winter's Freehold ground will pay handsomely in its yet unexplored alluvial reaches, if once a shaft were sunk in a situation where the wash could be brought to grass with reason- able economy. It has always been the belief of experts that one cause of the Winter's Freehold failure was the enormous distance whi(^ the wash had to be conveyed from the faces to the shaft, and hence the conclusion as to the probability that a shaft sunk further out would give success instead of failure. If, however, this project needed additional incentive, it may be found in the fact that, as Mr. Allan's map indicates, prodigious masses of quartz exist within the area. One line of reef discovered in the course of the alluvial workings is marked on the map as having a thickness of 60 feet, and it is not likely that that is the only lode existing there. Stretching across, then, from that present western outpost of quartz discovery to the eastern lodes working in the Monte Christo mines, we have, in this mapped area alone, four or five miles of country literally striped with quartz lodes and in- numerable interlacing veins, and traversed by alluvial gutters whose realised wealth is a part of the world's history. The great facts of the ascertained past warrant the recognition of the proba- bilities of tlie future, which point to the promise of golden wealth in the lodes remaining equal to, or greater than, all that which existed in the gutters and gutter banks where the alluvial miners of the last three decades discovered such vast deposits of the pre- cious metal. This fact is so important that wc may be pardoned for reiteration in the matter. And we may also be permitted to point to the reasonable further conclusion that, rich as were those alluvial deposits, it is fair to assume that our miners had not be- fore them all the detritus of the abraded and vanished portions of the ancient matrices. Some, we know not how much, of the gold has, unquestionably, been swept away in the hurly burly of the elements during the periods of denudation. But in the re- maining lodes, still, as Ijefore, tlie only known prolific matrices of gold, we possess all the gold tliat remains in them, possess it, that is, pot(;ntial]y, if we have capital enough and energy enough for its discovery. GENERALS OF THE ARMY. 357 And this consideration brings us to consider the debt which the district owes to the spirit of enterprise shown by the more or less wealthy promoters of mining development. It is not our business here to discuss the motives, or the methods, or the mysteries of mining promotion, but simply to point to the fact that the district owes much of its prosperity to the pluck, the calculating intelligence, and the large risks of capital by a com- paratively small number of men, men who, for the most part, have risen from the ranks of practical mining industry. There is a sense, of course, in which every shareholder is a promoter of mining enterprise, but it is the relatively few who take the initiative in large speculations, and are the more conspicuous as the founders of new adventures, the prosecution of which means the opening up of large new fields of mining. The directors of companies, and not a few of the legal and mining managers, are generally men of note as sagacious projectors or wise counsellors, and a host of such names is given in these pages ; but nothing less than a list of the members of the Stock Exchange, and of the shareholders in the several companies on the Exchange list, would be at all exhaustive of the tale of men who have given or are giving valuable assistance in the local development of our auriferous resources. Still, there are always certain names which occur to every local resident when mining undertakings, and especially new ventures of magnitude, are discussed. The Baileys, the Barnards, the Brophys, the Carrolls, the Cornwells, the Emblings, the Edwardses, the Forshaws, the Glores, the Gilpins, the Hams, the Hardys, the Joneses, the Loughlins, the Leish- mans, theMoreys, the Magers, the Millards, the Randalls, the Robbs, the Stoddarts, the Seals, the Smiths, the Vales, the Witherdens, the Williamsons, the Wynnes, are as household words in regard to mining adventure, but they are only samples after all, picked for their special prominence, samples of a larger bulk of energetic enterprise. The interest such leading men hold, and the risks run by them in the conduct of the various undertakings for the opening up of new mines, or the carrying on of mines already in operation, are very large. A striking example of this, and of what one plucky man can do, is before the author now in a com- 358 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. munication he has received in the course of the preparation of these pages. This correspondent says, in reference to the current stir in mining : — I may say of my own knowledge that when Mr. A. Gilpin bought into the Sulieman Pasha and owned, I believe, more than a fourth of the company, mining public attention was practically directed to not only this mine, but many others in the east. I also consider that the system he advocated — coming here with a practical and successful Sandhurst reefing experience — has helped largely to the present mining revival in Ballarat, as it was, to a very great extent, his capital and experience that helped the Star of the East Company to surmount its difficulties, and on the success of that mine many others were floated, with every prospect of achieving the same suc- cess. I think most of the practical mining men here will bear me out in these remarks. I do not know how many companies he is interested in, but I should think in at least 30 or 40, and that he is one of the largest share- holders in Ballarat. Without adopting this correspondent's views absolutely, the author is bound to say that in the main the above quotation is correct. The promoters of mining make it largely or entirely their business, and to natural shrewdness add long, varied, and expert acquaintance with the practice and theory of mining. They thus possess a special value as advisers, and as they are generally ready to back their own opinions with their own money, their lead is followed, as a rule, by the general body of speculators. Their influence and guidance are always in request for directoral boards, and thus it comes about, as these pages show, that the same names occur over and over again in the list of managing boards. We have taken a look at the quartz belts on both sides of the YaiTowee, and have given some details of the ventures there, but the same adventurers who have helped to produce the success which lias led to the revival of mining in ]?allarat proper, have not confined their attention to local mines. In tlie adjoining districts of Maryborough and Ararat there are mines whose starting and working were either entirely or very largely of Bal- larat origin. Many of them have their seat of management here, and others, like them, are largely held by Ballarat investors. The Chalks, the Kong Mcngs, the Napicrs, the Dukes, the Shaws are names of as many series of mincis in Majorca, Carisbrook, Maryborough, and other places in that direction, from so*ne of THE MIDAS CLAIMS. , 359 which gold and dividends are being drawn, and for the working of others large monthly sums in calls go out from this centre. Those stocks, whether good or bad time alone can determine, enter largely into the daily business of the Ballarat Stock Ex- change, and make liberal drafts upon local capital. The Beaufort mines on the Ballarat side of the Ararat district are of less im- portance at present, and only one or two are now in the hands of Ballarat directors and managers. The alluvial fields of the Ballarat district are now mainly restricted to the Creswick division, and one of the accompanying sensations of the revival has been the discovery of large nuggets in the Midas mine on the western side of the Divide. As has been indicated in the body of this book, the prosecution of mining on that side has been largely due to the energy and enterprise of Miss Cornwell, whose father, Mr. George Corn well, was chairman of the original Dowling Forest Estate Company in the Midas locality. To that lady is also due in part the creation of syndicates for mining the Speedwell and other grounds in Ballarat East, the Speedwell mine yielding from 80oz. to lOOoz. per fortnight to the new owners. The Midas mine, however, is the chief source alike of fame and profit to the Cornwell promoters and their allies. Geological prophecies and bore indications tell of a large area of probably profitable alluvium in the Sulky Gully and Dowling Forest country, and a large number of shafts and bores are at work there, but up to date the Midas is the only mine that is a demonstrated success. The directors, in their report to the July meeting of the company, say " the Midas mine has renewed the exciting era of nuggets," but they little knew that in a week or two thereafter a nugget was to be unearthed that would fairly arouse the public attention of the colony as in the glorious days of the big lumps of gold tabled in Chapter VII. of this work. When Lord and Lady Brassey were here, they visited the mine on the 10th June, and on the 11th a nugget weighing 167oz. was discovered on the gutter banks, and it was named the " Lady Brassey," in honor of that lady. In July smaller lumps weighing 39oz., 32oz., and 28oz., besides many still smaller ones, were dis- covered, and on the 23rd August the largest nugget found since 360 HISTORY OP BALLARAT. the year 1869 was brought to light. This was a lump of pure gold weighing 617oz., and it was found at a spot about 50 feet distant from the place where the " Lady Brassey" was discovered. When it was brought into Ballarat next day by Manager Robert Bryant and his men, and exhibited in Stoddart and Binnie's window at the Corner, the excitement was a moving reminder of the " good old days." Hundreds of sight-seers flocked to the Corner, and thus the ordinary hundreds of stock dealers were swollen for the time by the rush of as many hundreds more. Next day the nugget was sent to Melbourne, was exliibited at Government House, and there it was named the " Lady Loch," in honor of His Excellency's wife. Miss Cornwell had sailed some days before for London on a financial mission there, and it is un- derstood at the ' ' Lady Loch" nugget will be forwarded intact to London to serve as an illustration of the value of the mining grounds of the Ballarat goldfield. The INIidas claim is an area of close on 1000 acres ; the company has never made a call, has won over 7300oz. of gold, and has two shafts and two well- appointed steam plants, on which £9670 has been spent up to date. It will be easily imagined that the splendid fortunes of the Midas Company have given heart to the swarm of ventures around, as the Dowling Forest No. 1, Midas Consols, Midas Ex- tended, Midas East, Midas North, Midas South, Midas King, Midas No. 1, Midas Revival, Midas Mount Cavern, and Madame Midas, and if but half of the mines turn out to be profitable, a great new alluvial field will be added to the wealth of the district and of the colony. On the Creswick side of the Divide the mines of Kingston and Smeaton and their vicinities occupy a high place in public estimation, and at the time of this writing tlie market is enlivened by the news of heavy gold from the famous Madame Berry mine's No. 2 shaft, where the first wash- ings have just taken place. It is hardly necessary to state tliat all the mines shown on Mr. Allan's map are not actually now producing gold. Some are only in the initial stage of operations, and, whether on old ground or new, their future is all unknown. In a sense, as much may be GOLD PRODUCING MINES. 361 said, of course, of all mines, even gold-producing ones, so great is the uncertainty of mining. But, after all, that is only a relative term. Actual discoveries, and the probabilities based on the known, do make future successes in many cases reasonably cer- tain, although their actual measure is not ascertainable before hand. Of the mines on the eastern belt of lodes, the Monte Christo, Temperance, most of the Black Hill series, Sulieman Pasha, Britannia United, Last Chance, Llanberris, Speedwell, Nortli Woah Hawp, Woah Hawp Canton, Woah Hawp Hong Kong, Prince Regent, Pearse's, and several unnamed co-operative ventures have reached gold. Of the public companies on that belt, the Sulieman Pasha, Llanberris, and North Woah Hawp are paying dividends, and others are approaching, through what miners call dead work, to that happy condition. Large dividends have been secured by co-operative parties, but they do not dis- close actual results. On the western belt of lodes, the Band and Albion Consols, Star of the East, Band and Barton, Koh-i-noor, Serjeant's, Band of Hope, and Sir Henry Loch have been or are producing mines, and the first two are large producers and pay dividends. All of them, indeed, save the Loch, have paid divi- dends, and all may fairly be expected to do so again. All mines \vAve their barren stages of dead work, as well after as before reaching gold, and the more or less near future will probably see at least a score of dividend-paying mines added to the present list of fortunate ventures. The current mining revival is not local merely. There is a " boom" over the whole colony, and in all kinds of stock, the aggregate appreciation in which has been estimated by a writer in the Melbourne Argus at some ten millions sterling, including stocks in the silver mines of South Australia. As has been remarked, this greater interest in mining matters is largely due to the reduction of bank interest on deposits from six to four per cent, for yearly, and to three and two per cent, for half-yearly and quarterly terms, thus throwing heavy sums upon the stock and shai"e market for investment. Imported capital, in the shape of public loans and private investments, has also swelled the amount of available money, and its relative cheapness gives 362 HISTORY OF BALLARAT. new vigor to all kinds of share market business. There are over a hundred members in the Ballarat Stock Exchange, and the press of business there lately has given them two sittings daily of over an hour's duration each for the most part, whereas in times of duller enterprise half that time has served for the transaction of business. Some surprise was caused a few days ago by an announcement in a Melbourne paper that Mr. Thomas Stoddart, of the Ballarat Exchange, had paid £800 for a seat in the Mel- bourne Exchange, but enquiry proved that the statement was true, and that the purchase was probably a highly beneficial one for the purchaser. Mr. Stoddart's theory is, that the Melbourne Exchange is to be the gi-eat exchange of the Australian colonies, and that it may some day, not far off, rival the San Francisco Exchange, where he saw a seat sold for 40,000 dollars. He paid £600 to Mr. Melhado for the Melbourne seat, and £200 as an entrance fee, but since then the Melbourne Exchange has decided to Hmit its roll to 100 members, and to charge £1000 each for the 25 new seats to make up the hundred, the capital thus ac- cumulating to be used in the erection of a new exchange building worthy of the times and the metropolis. This is mentioned as an illustration of the magnitude of the sharebroking and share- dealing interests, and because they are indications of the large amount of attention and capital devoted to the exploration of our gold mines. The Ballarat Exchange bears a prominent pai't in the general sum of mining business, and though, as we write, the local " boom" is not so high in its swing as it was a week or two ago, the impetus given by it to local enterprise is bound to be productive of good, in the greater life imparted to an industry with whose fortunes the prosperity of this city and district must, for generations to come, be intimately connected. 9- '• ♦ '? Sni,}H!,!li',,!l''^''''^'^'i'liHAHy fACKirV AA 000 905 224