LIBRARY University of California. Class ist^ l^JO CASE ^ B ^ Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER (l[ambgs£0 ^tng of ^zvBia By Thomas Preston [c. 1584] OF Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMX PR 275 XTbe XTubor ifacsfmde Ueyts By Thomas Preston Entered on Stationers' Register 1569-70 Date of earliest known edition c. 1570 [B.M., C. 34, d, 56] Date of this edition c. 1584 [B.M., C. 34, i. 57] Reproduced in Facsimile .igio Of THE UNIVERSITY OF 216523 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation OF THE UNIVERSITY Of Camb^ses Ikino of Persia By Thomas Preston [c. 1584] This play was licensed to John A llde (the father of the printer of this edition) between July, 1569, and July, 1570, and Sir J. A. H. Murray, in the " Oxford English Dictionary,'^ assigns the date of writing to "c. 1560." The first edition probably appeared in 1570, shortly after its entry on the books of the Stationers' Register. As far as at present known, this impression cannot be dated earlier than 1 584, when Edward A llde succeeded his father in business. For what little is known of Preston consult " The Dictionary of National Biography.'' Mr. J. A. Herbert (of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum), after comparing this facsimile with the original, says that it is " very excellently reproduced, hardly the minutest fault to be found." JOHN S. FARMER. OF THC UNIVERSITY Of A lamentable Tragedie^mixed full of flefant mirth ^containing the life o/'Cam- bifeskingofPcrcia,fromthe beginning of his king- dome, vnto his dcathjbis one good dcedc of execu- tion, ffter that many 'kicked deedes and tyrannous ntur- ders,coinmittcd by and through hini,and laft v^ ofall, his odious death by Gods lufticc f' appointed.Done in fuch order as folio wcth« ' ByThffmasPrefior?. The diuifion of die parts. Councell. r^, Huf. Praxafpes. Murder. Lob. The thirdLord. Lord;^ r Kuf. li Commons cry. Comons complaint Lord Smirdis, Venus, 'cr one man. Prologue, SiCimaes Diligence Crueltir* Hob prcparatio the I. Lord ,For$fieman, Knight. Snut. Small hability Proof. Execution. Attendance. Second Lor d. Cambifes^ Epifogus. i 1 ForonetvAfi Ambidexter Jp^-^„^^^; Merctrix. Shame. Orian, Mother, fP^froHeman, Lady. Qucene. trix. The Pfologuccntrcth. AGathon }^t tDl^ofe coanfail toife to piincts toe^U ertenbeb, 15^ goU aootce tnto a prince 3 ttitnga be tiatti commenoct: If irftia ttiat be batb eouemtnent and raletb ouer mem ^;conD(|?,to rule UiUt) latoes, ehe JuUke (faitb be) ibcn. £CbtrDlT!,tbat be mnS tDeUoncetae,be map not alteaies raijsnc: LO;tbo0 tbe role tnto a p;Iike Icarus tt^e. eia aa tbe 8(b tobicb oft ban tabe t^t pteafant bait ft'omboibe: 3n fafc hih rp;ing 1 pearce tbe ffreama toben Giber fa0bio lobe Si;o boiQ tp from tbe toatrv toaoea bnto tbe ^iit^ lanb - SHben fbapte at laft bp futtle bait come to tbe fifbers banb. c^oen fo tbi0 bing Cambifes bft re^foben be bao b);ongbt bis foil ^^ SLabins ACome^fe SEJaktng beKg^t t^ fmottntMB gailf Icffe himn to fptl JCtjcn migt)tp louc umoIb not permit, to pjocccutc offence, 5i5at to!] It mcftire tf)c king DiD meat .§ Came eiD louctcmmcnct iC^o b^ng to cnu toit^j Qj.iine l)i« raa.i. rcarcB \ff tjn^u raiaa 1)16 crueitp Uic U)tl Delate sno m&tt tf)c matter piatne- Craumgtl)attljifl maip fuffice notorour patience to lim: 3 taii£ mp iDa^jbct^io^ 3 fa ,t!)e piareri; ccmmtrg tn. FINIS. Fiifl enter Cambifes the King Knight and Councellor, Canibifcs, Ti ^4 ja CTonafailc graoci fapicnl toitt) IL0J^fi of IcgafI (rafjpicntlL>o;D£ SfapperpfHOauCfoii^oQrfiaificUite, ^aa hnolDtM Mors tanqui(l)ibtat|)Onis flat Mng«f daft* Sinn 5b?Daein^ertfancepoCrcirett)atp;inrciFcroipnc, HuUng b^i'tDo;o ormigbtpf02ce in place of great renotimc. ^00 bnotceanD often baae leardteJI m^tuttsx§ tx>oit^^fa€$t SLmanl^ MorHs t)eart ^ bare appearing bp b^ afii . $lnD U)l)a(<'(^all HI to groond let faUntp fatter? golDcti p;ai&f j9o,no, I tneane fo; to attemp(.t|if fame moiz large to raift* 9n tdat tbat | bi^fonne faecftD^kkigli? feat 00 Daft i^tdt ¥ oar coantell tnto me in tbat 3 •^m of soo. 3 am tbe hing of Perdi^ targe ano rertile foilt, %^ £g)'ptiansag&intl b^ repagne>af bartctf aaoe anD tfle. SCberfo^e 3 mean U)itt) Marfis ^art . tD^ toatj tbem to frcqulC %icm to fubbne as captine^ mine rt)i6 U mt bearta intent. ^0 QiaU H U>in bono;B beligbt,anb p^aife of me (ball go> spi? CoantelUpeabe,ano itojoinga ebeoa it not bed 00 fof CouoceU« ^d pmlant lUng , ^oarbliCful tDo;bi beferoef atonbsnt p;attifn taooft^aptp^^nce* ^bali pearre t\ft (hits tjnto tiiie it^iont of tt^ (opcmal (cat, . lano mcrtte tbere a intt r0U)aro>of lupitcr tte great. 3&ut (t)f n four grace muff not tarnc bacbc, from t^ie p;ettn(cfi i?o? to p;oca]) tn bertuooB U&,itnptof tnbcuour 0tl. lotii* Crttngutll) btce>anDinitatct]ptoD;mbcbaDcno(ctfett, fiCo martiaU feats anD tunglp fpo^t, 6f all ]?«»r U)|)ole t»elf|{|)t. King, ^y coDRCelgraae a (ffottfanD Ct)an&0>tBitt) l)art 31 totonrtntcr SLbat tou m? cafe fo p^ofpcr oa0,tnt(i]ttatne anH biottiit tp;a(ke King. 2)^ iDilUng t(art8,a f ^oofano tbai^ ^ itn^trtmto f«ti> ^trtft top poor D^nms tottt) co;age^eat, loc Ivit mar tcb fDo;!tti Counccl. (cnOIROUl )9trmtt C^Mng) fcto lDo;t0 to bdrr, mt tutir feractf no IclTrf %^v(oie gtaeleaa^ tocoonttl tt;tnc,t)t0intnD fo^ torip;t^. ^ Kuis^ l^peafteenm^^oancellitbat itW rooa[}att)«ietat»;mftte' Counccl. SSbeniDil 31 fpeabet^nto tour t«tctot|imetint)t l^oar gracei)ott) meane fo; to attempt of ioar ttc manli? art» |3aar grace tbercinmap bap reccitie tottb otberfi fo; tour patf» ilbeOent of bratMntb(>re affaires, aii perfonsarc^Hfer, £Sbe beart^aragtoua often ttmej,bt0 octrtmcnt Ootb feEk^« 3lt0 t»a tberefo;c fo; to permtt,a roUr of poor lanb, %o at anoiubge imt^ cQott?.U)|ien ttKngoof rt0|)tarefltan]i« King. 9C srote^otfit^iEll) to tW soar talhe> mt tiJUSnoU) it (^aK, )a3 ^2 A Comc^ic U0P ftnisbt tt)erefo;sp;epare i?oar (elfe 9^i(&mnt$ fo;to call. Si BluDee be 10 orp;otent fbilcnf n bs Qial beare ttic(tMF, 3n abfence mine,tDben from tbe lant) 31 Do Depart mj? toa;. Knight. pour bnigbt btfta;e i^oor grace eaen t)«r,btm((If batt) riDF p;eS ^ssnitl) Willing beart fb; to fulfill as soar grace maoe reqaeff. Councel. Exit. pleafetb ?oar grace J ioDge of Oim to be a man rtgbt fit* if 0; be is tearncD in tbc Lato bautng tbc gift ofwtt. 3ln ^onr graces p;ccind J do not toteU) fo;it a mster man» 1^10 learning is of gooD cffe(t,b;ing pjcofe tbercof B can. 3 Do not knotn tobat i$ btf life, bt0 confcience bio from ma, 3 boot not bat tbe feare of Cod bcfo^t bu euf to ba . Lord. Kepo^t Declarei be is a man tbat to bimfelfeta nte, £Dne tbat fauoaretb mucb tbe toojlD anb (eta to macb ttcribf : ^ut tbio 3E fa)? of certamtj^if ba roar grace (accecb, 3ln]?0Qr abftnce bat fo; a toijilc be toil be trarno tnoeeD: /30 iniatttce fo; to Hrcqaent, no partiall juDgc to pjoae* J3ot rale all tbiagi UHtb eqmttc,to win pour gracea loue* King. iSftt^nt be (ball a toarning baae,mp beadi foj to obap, C&reatpnni(bment fo; bio offence againQ bim toill J laf * CounceU IBetlolD 3 f A Vtn no\D agrefTi. anb enter into place. Sifaiiifies. ^b poifTant p;ince % nhgbti? King, tbc <]?oDa p;e(f me v^m grace ^onr gracea meflTage came to me« pour U)tl purpo;ting ro;tb> tznitb gratefal minD 3 it rccetu'D,acco;Dtng to mine oatb* <]^recting tbenmi? felfe toitb fperD,bero;e i^oor gracea tit§, SLbe teno; of coor p;tncelr tx>tl,fr om )?oo fo; to agnife. King, Sifamnes^tbi^ tbe Uibole sfhct tbe fiDbi<1)fDj i?oa 3 Tent* ^nr mtnD it 10 to eleaate )?oa to great preferment- Sj^p grace anb gractoaa coancel ebe batb cbofe i?oa f 0; tbt0 canft BEn tobgement ^00 bo offUce beaie^lubicb bane tbe (bil in latoef* mt tbtnbe tbat con acco;Dtngti:,bc iattice role tuil beaten of KiiigCambifes. 53:|}atfo;om;ntenoncQ)altaactaaCicof tD;ons too (oappeale* Sjfamnes. ^banDant Ct^anHrs tmto |?oar grace fo^ ttts benigniti?, %p;toce) am3,8nbfb;tl)if gifttntt, X5at atb tbat it batb pUafb i?0Dr grace.tbat ) in it mnfi fit» 31 bo aooocfybnto mt oeatb> acco;bing to mp (kil: caattb rqoitp fo) to obferoe i?onr gracea minb anb toil. Stan noogbt fhim it to noamc inbeeb, bat ancerelj? to ttar> ClB let me taft tt^e penalti^^aa 3 befb;e bib fap. King. mm\t\)tn ott\fb ant|)o;itie,3 gioe j^oafalpoOeinon. Siiamncs. anb 31 tDiUit fbiaiaKo^ai 3 bane mabap;ote0lon. King. SP? Cooncel t(f n let t)i bepart» a finaU ffac to make, SLo Egypt lanb note foatb toitb rpab,mp toi^age 3 tPtll fake, Strike bppourbrama ba to reiorce, to bear tbc toarlibe founb* kUn con |i6re Siiamnes jobgcanb la>ke tool to i?onr boanb. Exeunt King,Lordand Councell. Sifamnes. ^nen noto tl^e ftiitg batb me (]Ptolb,anb fet me tp aloft, ipoto m«i? 31 Ipeari tbe bo;b;ab gnarb anb lie to botone bcb foff , A Comedic. ^otD ma^ 3r porc^aCe bonfe atiD lano. an^tiaae all at mf iD^ ^oxn ma? 3; tutID a p;tnce(i> place,mi? minDfo; to folfil* i'^oiD ma? 3E ab;ogate t^ lalD^aa 3 (SaH rt iliioiu tt Doti) lie aU in mp banbtto leaur 0; cU to take* £^0 oeale lottt) iu dice to me b0twD,anl^ To to Itoe in Dope» 3i5at oftentimcB tSie biroa be gone»U)))ile one fo^nea botf) gropt . ^m tocU 0; it, J Dare anoacl) fome eail on me toil fpeaHe, i^otrulgt^t J oonotmeaiif.tbefainjBiap;c(eptgtob;eake. SIo place J meane fo; to retume mp botp to fttlfil* Extr. Enter the Vice vvithan old Capcafc on his head.anoldcpailca* bout his Iiips for harnes«a fcummer and a potlid by his ndc aii4 a rake on his flioulder. Ambidexter. &tano aU)B2 Qanb atoic fo; tbe paflton of (^oD> l^arnclTeD | am p;f parcQ to t\)t flelo: 3 tooulD baue bene content at tiometo Ism boO» Jdut ] am Cent fo;tb ^t\i mt (pe are anb Q)iclb. »\ 31 am appointeo to fi^bt agaiiiS af^natlf^ Snb CSaUhm Il23;ent|)e ancient Qjal beare-* 31 ooat not but agatnQ tm to p;cuaUe> SCo be a manmc Off 00 (^U oeclart . 3ir J oaercome i)im,t|)cn a iBotter fltc takes |ii part^ f^ia toeaponmaltbc a bletofpcckcDipen S5ot ceo (^all (ee me oner t|20to bim toitb a fart. ^0 toitbont (onqnett tx W 0O tiome againt • Bf I overcome bim,? moft figt)t toito a flir* jams a blache paDbing ttie lliea toeap on mott be: !at tie firn bloto on ttte groonb le fljall lie. 31 toil be (ure to t|;aa |tm tljoagl t|e montl to t|e mth fiCo (onqaett tleCe fellotoes t|e man B toil plac: !^a,!)a,ba,no to ^e toilmake me to (mile. Hofccif 31 canallmenbegaile. l^a,m? name.m? name tooulo 500 fo fatal knatof IJeaiVPiiOjali^Mnotlattoitlal fpab: 3 bane fo;Bot it tberefd;e 3 cannot ftcto. a,;a>notoJilaaeit,aiKuwittoD«o. I ^ '' of King Cambifcs. gpf name ii Ambidexter,!; fignt08 onr, fi:batU)itt)bott)l)anD0finel|?cflnplai?: S:|)a8d0 1 rantt)t0 anD tbat U)a^ if 0} tubals HI meane U)ttb a &>oalb{er tote, SCb«n flw^ 3 *^ *^^P* ^** ^^^^'""^* ^^'^ ^"^8^ • 31 Dare auoacb l?oa (1)^11 \)iB Dearatfton f«, Coallfttnt3cofeaatcfi31nieanefojtofroOge. Anibicicxter,natbei0afcHoU)ifl?ebnc\Dall: Ceafe fo; a iDl^tU'l^eereaf ter Ueare mo;e i;e Q)aU. Enter three Ruffins, Huf,Ruf,an(l Snuf.finging. Huf. cD, pari)on our roDene0 ano it d^albe amenteD. Ambidexter. ^gacDoDd pitticbcgtn T>e to tntreat mc^ ^anest re onceagame b? tbematTe ijiutllbeat re* Huf. fi»htagain«. <3og0 bart let t)0 hill btm,foffer no longer : Snuf. draw their fwords. Cboaaaaetue tPilKaif tlK}abe (befironger. of King Cambifes. Ruf. ^f Hbe of tit lieat at one blots : SCjjat toe be (^eolbur* (Dog0 bart let dim bnolu • Ambidexter, iSD t^e paflion of (^ob,) baa e boon by mine (joncttte* S U)tU tdbe coor part barafter beril^. SCl^eticoroeUtttfagrs! Ambidexter. $Dtafcebinb0 foitti me>3 (babe tianOB tvttl) f |)dr. pt arefiiHof cartcOe tl^at 10 tbe bctt : 0nb roo take great patne,te are a mannert? gaeff. Mtn? maiScrf boi i?oa not bnoto me^ttie tmtt) to me tel; ^0 ttutt bi,not Den? toell. Ambidexter. T^to 3 am Ambidexter f9bom t)auc ^ac a b;oUrn tCAt fb; mt (ahe. 3 VDoulD t)aue maDfi bis bcaDto afae. Mcrdtnx. ^i)atmatilerAi)ibidcxrcr,ta)tola)faeoCo;70itf Ambidexter. spilTt c0 Mcretrix, 3ibongbt not to (^ foa tidtre notD. SItiere 10 no rttneDi? at nietttne 31 mua ^aue akiffc - iVlcrqtnx. . mSifAt manf 3 h)il not StUe fo; tt^at bie SiiTe. kidc. Ambidcfdcr. j^onoU)grammS)3p;ap tbabegone» Mer«trix. ^ap foft m^ fr^no I me ane to banc ont« ii^ai? foft 3 fVDeare>anb \t^t bDerc mf bM|Kr« )0efo;e3lctgo3\Dilt>aweanotber. kifleikKr«,ki(rc, Ruf. (7000 tiart tt^ tobo;e tooali>tiof btiieiiu )^et : Mcretrix. - r?* B^f 31 be a ljDtio;e>tl)oa art a knaoe t^en \t ia quit. Huf. S5at bears tbon Meretrix^tb tobo tbta nigbt Vuilt tboa tft Mcretrix. mit}) Wm tbat oiactb tbe moa tnonet- iluf. (Do 00 (art,? base M inonet in pnrfe ne i?ct in clottt : Mere true Eben get tbt e btnce anD packe litte tUnt. Huf. . . % aotea like a U)bo;e. E«^ >ierctrix. r of KingCambifes, Mcretrix. Ruf. ©ofi« /?ai!c0,^ttf rt» Mcrcmxnott tc if gowe: 2 matcD pe t)^ ma^c Kraislit tottt) me t 3 toil fiiuc t|>ec fippence to »pe out tiigt^t tuitt (ft*. Mwctrix. <^g0 bart aaue D(Dtt ttjinhe 9 am B QrpeniS |aa ' Aa tous ve lacH I to&e « tittle mo;! tituiis. "^ Snuf. " f Jtoillsiaefterrbiil pencrtflfeifAlaii^flttt: Mcretrix. _ ,. I5s CDosii tiart Q^e toere better bi^lmngctiitolb^rabt me i take •VSmiE- jBfflere fte Cof tfSrt i|>aHltte f4 'Sit ^^* bsrCmeB^agS^i' ^to t^r 9 Ivfll tb;tiff • Sfiufi ^e boj^y^e iooult Do It ann t^ narlV. Ambidexter. I^eace m? maiffert )?e IbaH not figbt, !|^ tbdt O;aU)e0 firS 3 ^ilt l^ ^t«« Ruf. ^80 toonnbs Raider ^nuf ar^ ^e fo M^i Snuf. <3oa8 atc0 9|^at(ier Huf art ^e fo cmfft.' Ruf. ^00 mat? bappen €0 fer Snuf. S)« tobat tbon oareft td me. Hccr draw & fight. Hccrc flie muft lay on andcoylc tlicm both,thc Vice tnuft run his way for fcare,SnufflMig down his fwor d and buckler & run his \va j; / ol r ^ 515 3 ' Merctrix. A Comcdie Mtretrix. 6o80 tSatB hnaae0,fains; to ffgbt ^t be fo toagl^p B>erenD )?our fclues fo; ) \juai gioe re botti toonsb. 31 iDill ceacb Fe botB ^e (ball faU oatfo;me: ^ . l^eatbouadne^i'aMomo^eblolDeBtD^lttboibibef SCO take tUp baU0 a time batt tbou (pteb/ SLboabillaine Teeing &nuf t0 goneatoa;: Uttle bitUr 3 meane tbtt to pdC> HeEtllcth downc.flicfallcth vpon him andbcatshim, and ukcth away his weapons. 01a0 gob mttnt speretrjr iio isio;i : 9sl^Mbe0,anDamie0 iDitb beating be fo;r. Merctiix. STboo a t^oaloier anb Uife tbf tsespon : tboogbt 3.(betD 3 maDe no ma;f aboo bnt aooioeb tbc tb;aa : jan^to mi? Usa began fo; to troO. anb fell a laagbms to mi? felf e toben H t»a0 once gone ; jtiatDifoomeCqaotb 3M tb^ tnalTe to fciae one* s:bcn into tbta pUce 3 mtenbeb to trobge : SLbinhing to m^te ^tfamnea tbe inbge. )5eboloe tabere be commetb 3 ^tU bim m&ti SInb U&e a gentleman 3 meane btm to greet. Enter Siiamnes, f^ince tbat tbe UixiQs gra(e0 maiettte tn offiice bib me (ef * iDbat abnnoanceof toealtbtomemigbt 3 get. (take. ^oU) ano tb$ fomebantage 3 atebioe, muib mo;e pet map 3' a5Bt tbat 3 fear bnto pliUng,tbat fome complaint totU maUe* Ambidexter. 3efa maiSer ^famnea poo arebnUrife. Silamncs. t^bp (of 3 p^ap tbee let me agnife- Mbat matter ambtberter ia it ponf ^otD boeUome to me 3 mabe (2DoD a bob^« Ambidexter. 3efa ^atSer &ifamnt0 toitb me pooare toel acquatntebf SBp me ralera map be trimlp pamtcb. ^e are bntotfe if pe take not time iobtle pe map : ^f petDtl not nolo tob^n pe tooaldpe (ballbaue nap* ^y*t 16 be tbat of pou bare made erclamatton : iDf potr tojong Dealing to mahe crplitai ior.f Can ^on )ot piap boitb botb imnba t tarn \x>ii}^ tbe toinz^et Sifamiies, A Comedic Sifamnes. ^ ©dccac nrrtonr too;Ofl Djalu ocppe (n mv minDe. * 3lticollourlvtret)nto tlji0Dattob;ibf0 1 t)aue tncUueD : S|3o;e tte fame fo: to frequent of trutt) 3l am nob minocd. i ]i5et)olDeeuenno\Dt3ntomerutcr5t)a)p;oc(Cti- % Small lubilitic. (tCHOcr* I ?bcreecl)i?OQ|)arsa)t)niai()crtuDscapo;nian0caurcto Conocmnc inc not m tD;ongfuIl U)t(e t^at ncuer tofls oifrQer> |^oaknoU;ni;i|)tU)elni]?rtgbtitt0,}t)auenotro;togtue: Vou tdhc atDa^ from me me Oue,tbat Q^oalc m)? (o;p0 relsne. ii^be Commons of )?ou ocDCompUitne,(Vomttiri?oa Oeuocatc: iDitb anguid) great i greaos U)o;O0 tt)cir barts Oo perrctrate. Slije rtt^bt nou Ct It tnto tbe U);ong,pcur p;iuate gam to lum.* I'ou \)iolatc t^e Qmplc man,ant> count it to; no Oinne. Sirooincs. f^olD tt)? tang t|)oa p;atUng knsae, tnD gtue to me retraro : Cl0 in iiii VsiCc B tell V^tt trutb t^)? tale UjU not be bearo. Ambidexcer, let bf goe bence.ano Ut tbe knaue aloiu. Ambidexter. ifarMl &maUbabtUtiefo;be|pe nttv get (oo none. SB;tbe« batt)Co;rttpt bim goO latori to polite 2 Excuot Sinall Kabilitic, amogbtl? man tbat loiU not obai? tbt hingi conffttate. tDitt)t;ens^art IVoiireturntti^oDreo^Oemf paUu Exit, ^ Enter Shame with a trump bl^ckc Shame. iprom among i gride ftt^oltf 3 come,from tiranf s teS^f rain: \nnfeemele Shame of Ccitb 3 am p;ocareotomahe plame. SCbe odioof ra(t0f Q^ameUf D8D0 1 Cainbiics £ung bot|)i)te: ^Upictieanotertaon^lifanl^^bfltlpttfUancrcfure. . iLccbcrp anl> ^;onliii|ne* b« 0otb il mocb frequent. E;bcrj:ifl«0Mnbetfimit«te||o|hitbgiuenfu;iconienf. ^enoa6bteacem0M0C«mrelgratte,nct)crtuo«sb;ingmr XBat oaple ail r$ceiue« tbf ojinb ,of oamoeB tjiceu cup. ^^ l^ecAnbioen0iiiaraatoQi(etabi0(osrcatoeUg|[t . 1! L_ ofKingCambifo. Jii toojfeing of hiiqtntte,fo; to frequent li ifl (^f g^f . 00 if ame Doti) Coono ^ ro?al trump of bBo;t|)? men f trfm : to Q^ttoi\) blotD tMtratneo blaS i trump of ^)ame en bim. Enter the King JLord,Praxarpes,and Siramnes. ;%^'^^ ^ ' King4 ^p ^uoge Once mttiepai'tare bence,|iBae too tfeb iuDgemft 3f faittjCaiaetoarD Bl i?efinDe,tt)e fame 3 toil requite. (rtg|)t? .* Sifamncs. j^o bonbttour Qtau OkiI not once l)car>^ 31 ()aa€ bone am(5, Praxa(j3c$.' 31 mutli reioisceto l^eareyfo gobnetDesas tt^tf* Enter commonscryrHnning in, fpeakc this verfc, 1^ andgoc out againc haftily. I Commons cry. I aiai,ala8,l)ol]) are tbe Commons opp;g(reb< 35s tbat bilejubse ^iftmnes bs name^ 31 bo not ImotB botDttfl)onlbbe reb;e(rcb« %o anieno ^iB Itfefio t»btt be bistb frame. mz are bnbome anb tb;otam out of boD^e* ^it bamnable beating botb bt fo to;ment : 0t bta banb tve can finbeno releefe no; fuccoar« - Siiamnes. Kcoontebbcparc,mp miferic to ic 11; SCO t)^>e tto t fame abttfe- aTriallheertotmaeMat'prooftffitljnotDtjnfolDc: fnoaanliaBatea^mlii«Uj;ong,afnoto3iOarebeboloe. King, lAom Uket! ttion f t)i«,tl)Ott caitiattttccantt f boo f fame bcnj ^^ S'ifamncs. i^tioMe feing ft);fiiw «ni? f«tf»31 t«to to tilt mere?. King. C8mplajcffctottl3l,aUtl)tetoarwiferc.' JD«p«t toitb*«rt f ron» mtnct coa came, fltibilraifiWcommannDbtme. ^baere€ottoiimantocome,bcfo;e mi? grace tottbl^afic: All* «02 tothWUt^i^tonr reqoea,no timetw meant to toaflfe* * * King. Exeunt they tlircc. «plo2b,befo;emi?gracegoecaU,OtiantWBaoDgetffonne- ^ be (bal beare atio alfo ree,t0bat bis fatber batb ban* Cbe fatber be fl^al (ofi^r oeatbitbe fomte bia tame fut cdb : flnbtrtbatbenebetCerp;oae,folibett>tfea}aUbefp*o. Praxalpcs. fla voor grace batt comannmnent gtoen»3inean fo^ to fulfil: ••^ King. ftepafidcandfctchhim. jaccnrfeb inbsecoDlbO tbon confent to do tbta cur(eb flU 2lcco;btngbnto tbl? bemaanb,tbou (^alt fo; tbt» ^"^ gilt : Xcceiaetbcbeatbbefo;e mtneerc£$,tb¥bl(DD ItQjalbelptlt Praxafpcs, lBieb(rtbe(iIDfting)Si^^'^"^^^onti^^e^°^^C''°^^^^ appere. King. Otiantbifliami? mmD8,tberfojeto ms tomenecre* fi^bt fatber bar foj ioDgmft Injong pjorarcb batb bw beatb* anb tbotibisfon Qjalt bim focceeb, tobe be batb lott ba0 tiioa (s&ft m fatlier (aoc: A TomcHic 3n \ikt\oitz tboa C^alt (afifer Deatt),no mm^ (^at ti)tt fdne. Otian. £) migtt? KhigitoucKafe i^onr 6race,mi? fatl^r to remit .- if o;Qtue ^10 faalt, tt0 portion 31 Do a(ke of ]?oa a« pet- ;aia0 alt&oasb mp fat&er t)at(? i^nr l^itnceh? ftatt cffendeo: ^menDB fo;mtirel)e Vuil notD mabe^anDfanlte a}<;;ibe amfOfD 3ln fteao of t)i8 ttquzHtn Ufe,pleafett) i^our grace take mine : SE:|)10 otf^r 3 as tenoer ct)tlDe, fo Duty botbme bintie. King. SDo not fntreat m; grace no mo;e,ro; te dial oi^e t()e ttatt* ca^ere t0tt)e€Fecutionman,^im to bcreat}eofb;cat^. Execution. Enter execution. Zt bant) anb it it lihe poor graceimi? outi? to btfpatcl) .* 3ln t)ope tl^at 3| bitten DttOt is bone,a gcoo retoaro Q>dU catcb* King. Dtfpatcb toitb fiDo;b t})iB BJubges lire.cKtingotQ) fear t caret: 1^0 t)0n,o;atD tbou bit cnrfeD fbin, (>rait ouer botb bt£ eares. 31 t»U fee tbe office bone,an0 tbat bcfo;c mine ci?cs , Execution. Ko bo) ttnt tiding mr bing commaun^fl 3 gine t be entcrp^iff. Sifamne*. Otian mi? fonne tbebing to beatbb^Iatobatb me cobemneO* 0nb i?oa in rome anb office minebta grace? \Di\ batb pUceb : Mit 5a(!ue tberefo;e in tbia cafe^anD talD bnto no U);ong: Otian. £) fatber b^r^ttiefe lDo;bs to bearitbat i^oa moQ bre b^ fo;cc 35ebetD0 mt cQeeKd v6 Sdleb tcare0,§ Ifttng t)atb no remo;c^ CE^be grcsuou0 greefcs ano Sraincb fig^ef , S^^ b^rt bot|) b;ealie in ttoatne .* ;^nb 3 DcpIo;e moS tuoful cbtlbe, tbat 9 (|)cnlbXee)?oa Qatne. iS) falfc ano fickle frotunmgbame.tbat tnrnctb aa tbe U)int£7 30 tbi0 tbe io^ infatbert agc.tboa me amgneS to finbe< 1^ Dolefall Dav4)nbapp? boare,tbat loning cbtlbe fbonlbfa - ^t0 ifatber beer befojt; bta face tba0 put to beatb iboalD br I^e t fatber giue me bteirmg tbine,ano let me once imb;ace : %^2 cornels co;p8 in fooloeo axmS) anb bide tl^c ancient face. Siiamacs. fjl. MS-' ofKingCambifcs. Sifimnes. ^ OjilU t^on malics mt crea to ran m rtacr0t}o bi^Sreamer ^E Isflue 31 tah^ of tf^s tnp fonne,beU)a» of tl^iB mpbcame. King. ptCpatcti eoen nolo t{)oa man of Deattmo longer tmn to ffa^: ^. •> '.-"^ • ' Execution, .vj „ y-ii^vii. ^ Come (!^« Sifimnesjcome on i?our l)da;>int^<»flico 3I ittaSpaY. ^o;gtue t|)erfo;c mcDsD. ' Sifamnes. 31 Do fo2gmett t|)&mpfr)&nO oi^atcb t\^trto}t loitbfpffd. Smite him in the neck with a (word to llgnifie his death. Praxafpcs. ■':,,. ^ . S5cl)olDe(€)btng^iD|iei)cDtl)b(eeD,l)fincof ItftbtreifC.' ^ " King. 9n ebt0 totfe be (^all not f et be Uf t. pall btafhtn |oaer bie ercs to ma&e l)i0 t)f af b m&;e t)ilc • ^ tD;etcb be toaa^a croeli tbecfc mf) commomt to beguile Fl ea him wi t h a Ikl fe^kin. Otian. , TSSHbat WHisi be of natures mottlD,roalb bioe tbe fame (o ftt 1^10 fattier fleacb to tbis tDiTe^iDb boto it greeuetb tne. King. , . : Otian,f boa feeG t^v father Oeab, ano tbou art t'n bif risme: If tboabceftp;oaD a^bebatb beeneenentbereto Q}alt tbou ^,. . , ^"=*"- (come. j3)kmg,tome tbuiitf a glaOTe.tottbsreefe in it ittetti. €j;ampte4bat Unto ^oar grace 3 00 not p;onfi Datrue* ^ Praxafpcs, Otian,conttaB sour fatber bcme,to tomb toliere lie Mi liti . Otian. ams if it pteafe voor lLo;b(bip, it tbtM be bone b« ano b? . t&atSniq)ti0 1^ deeo. A G)medie Co queCion mine giuc tentiae care, Slnt) anCtoere mabe lDtt() (pftO. I^aue not J Don a gratioutf beeD,f o ret);e(rem^ comoM tDoe ^ Praxalpcs. I^ea trad? if it pUaCc ^oar gra(e,i!C (^aoe intcm bisn (o. SlBat nolo' £) t{tng)tn frccnoii? Uitfe,31 coumsl (oa m tt)t0 . Certainttcesfo; tolcaactijat in vouplacet)i«. SC^ebice orD;ankenne0(^t) btn0)ljut)ut) Dotb^oa Co;eintta: WSiit\f ot\)zt great abu(e0,tDbut K UMl^ )?oa to oetea* King. )Beace m? lLo;o,tD))at ncetet^ tband Knight to meet the King. Lord. ^0 nel)MiC£) kinis but orbtftj? comMo toait bpon fonr grace King. 3 tbank roam? H i loatng l^iitgbtj p;a? ?ou Uritb me trace, ^e llo;D0 anD fiint&bt ?l p;ap ve tcM vutl not be offenoco • ^ Bl b)o;tb? otan? crime once to be rcp;et)enDcD.<' Praxafpcs, (commenb: SCbe PerHans macb Dop^aife ?oor grace,bat one tbing Dir# SntbattotDinefabtict(oube,Vuberin?oabooos;cnD. ^ttb tbat i mtgbt of Vome^ effect, botb oft CubDoe roor b;ajn: 9S coanfel to to pleafe tbeir bar t0,from it ?oa loonlo refrain Lord. i^o,no,m? 102t),tt iB not fo^fo: tbto of prince tbe? tel : iFo;t)ertaoa0p;oofeanop;mccI? fact8,Ciru$bc botb epcel- iBp p bi0grace Up conqoett great,tbc Lgiptians did conaincc: )2Df btm repo;t ab;oaO Dotb pa(re,to be a too^tb? prince. Knight. Cccnip'^re, JnperfonofCreOis janClwrmafce.toe mas not ijiB grace 3w ofKingCambifts. 3ln !D|)ote itfpectfb^tobcUkeXims t^ binss fatter. (fikiU^ in fo maO) foor grarc i^atti i^C no ci)tloe>a0 Cirus left bs* Caen i^oa 3 mean0,Cambires bing,in U}|ioni 3 fanoor finte* King. Crefus faiD U)pll in raping fo,bat Praxafpes tt\ me totl?^ ICtat to tup moutb in fucb a fo;t t^on Qioolo auoact) a Ite* £Df o;nn!;enc0 me t{)M to cbargeibnt tbou U)ttti (peeoflbalt Or QQIbetber tbat Bl a fober Iitng,r; ei0 a b;anliarD be. 3 bnobD tboQ baS abUrfoU babe, toberin tbon booS beligbt: t^e to reucnge of Cbefe tbs tDo;!)0,3 ^il So tD;ehe tbis fptgbt QQSbsn HI tbe mod bane talteu tDtne,mp bofo tt Q)albc bent : jSt tiart of btm eoen tbcn to QKDte,i0 noU) mp iobole intent. 0nb if tbat 31 Us bart can bit tbe bing no b;DnharD is .- BIf bart of bi0 3 boo not tail, | pcclb to tbcc in tbi0* JCberfijje Praxafpes fctcb to me.tbp rongefi fon Ujtfb fpce5: ff^eretf notDap3|teirtbeeplQtne,bot jlDtlbootliisbeeo* Praxafpes. KcDcnbf eb^^incc fparc mp ft6cetcbtlbc,be ismint ontpiep: 31 tra*^ pour grace to infants Oart. no fucbtbing toill implop. 3if tbat bio motber b^ar of tliioUje ib fo ntgb bcr fltgbt: in clap tier co;pd buil (oone be Qj^inbe^ to paOe fro tooalbs bc# King. (Kgtjf, 1^0 mo2c aboe, ^o fetcf) me b^m,tt (balbe a^ 31 fap : iSnoiftbat Sbo} fpeab tbe i£o;D,boU) Dare pe once fap napf Praxifpes, 3 toil go fetcli Urn to poor grace,bnt fo 31 trod it fl^all not br- King, iPo; feare of mp bifpleafare great, goe fetcl) bim bnto me. BobegonefnotobpttieOobs Btoillboo asiTfap: #p Ho^b tberfo;e 6li me Come tDine,B bartelppou pjap. if 0; 31 mad b;inbe to mabe mp b;aine fometubat intoxicate: Sdben tliat t^e toine io inmp b^ab^ol) trimlp §( can p;ate. Lord. 9(ete(f ttie cap toitli Slleo toine.ti^creof totabe rcpad .- King. tS^ioeitmeto9;inbeit o^.ano Csf notoimbeboatf. X>ink ff>me Of THE UNIVERSITY or A Comcdic ^nce flgaine (ntarge t^i3 cavM HI mnS ta(! it ttil . . _ rigbt. Knighr, ]i5ei;olD(^ htng) tDl;ere ije Dot b com£,t)io infant song in \)mnt l^raxafpes. £ migbtp fHinq ^our grace bebea tuiti) fo;rotD 3i \)&nc (cono. dno b;ougt)t m^ cbiloe fro motbrrs hnee,bcro;e i?oa to apperr ;Bno G^f thereof no Uiliit Dotb knoU) tbat be in place is beer. King. (&et bimnpmi? marhe to be,| tutU (^t at tiu tKirt : Praxafpcs* 3Lbefeecb i^oar grace not fo to Do >(et tl)i9 pretence a part. ifaretDclm? beer and loatngbabe,cotneburetb?fatberDdin A greett3ti0 Dlgbt to me it i0,to (ee tbee flaine eoen beere. 30 tliiiB tbe game noU) from tbe buig,fo; gluing coanccll goD: 3l5efb'ie mn face taitb fucb Dcti)igbt»to (pit mp Cons bart bloix £D bean]? oat to me tbis i0,anD motber to like cale» Yonj^childc. ID iFat|)er)iratber,tDipe i?our face* 3 fee tbe teares ran from ^onr c^e : n^l? motl)er is at borne folutng of a batith ;diai» oeere fatt)cr)Uib9 no i?oa cri^ King. (mfnlietofamil: liBefo^me as a mark troto let bim (TanDj iDili^ at timmc Yongchildc. aia«,aIafl,|pat^ertoilvoumebiUf (of all* ^oiD matter bing Do not (bot at uie,m?mot|)er looeB mc beS ' ' ^^^?,* 31 baaet)tfpatcbel>bitn,Doiun b< bott) f^U Shoot SiB rigbt as a line bin bart ^bane bit : 0HV tboa Cbaltfec Praxafpcs, C ranger netoCB ttt aprbnigbttoittJfpeeo|ii0bartcotoot,antBineiit)ntome: Kniglit. 3!fC^albcoon(a)migljtBWng)u.ittiall(eleritie. , , . of King Cambifcs. Lord. (tDalhing: g^t iL02^Pra3» (at) not b6n,bDf roar f ong molt bt So tbc King of co;remon poa moQ naD0 be tslbing* Praxafpcs. Ao coireftion m lto;b,bot conncel fo; t|^ be(!: ^ Knight. ||^Areiftl)ebart»acco;Din6tocoar6racefbebeff« King. 5BcboIbe Proxafpes tbc (iponncg oSone })ntt, ^b botD toell tb( fame lDa0 bit - after tbw tDtoe to bo tbw Dab,3l tboagbt it ten? fit. Cftsm tboo maidrigbt li>eU tberbp,no bjnnbarb i£ i &tng: |[PbatintbemtOff ofallbtacapOyConlbOo tbiaballant tbing* f^^ ILo}b anb ftnigbt on me atten0,to pallace loe iDtli goe: flnb leaae btm b^r to tafte ^ie ron>tDben ice are gone bim fro. # All. VQIitb al onr barts fioegine con(ent,to ioatDbat bio von meanr, (keeper Suo fctcb tbu cbiibe atoapf Praxafpes. iD Hat)!! loifc 3 tittle tboagbt foj to bane fane tj^is ba^. Mother. ^bltffulbabe £^iot of lDomb,bart0comfo;tanb bdiglit: ir o; conned giurn bnto the l&ing, is tbi0 tbi? inS rcqoitct? iD ben? ba^ anb DoIebnt ob m? b^an? &Art: AComedie' ffibefpifcful pangs # tt ruaa{rt0,tuoH) malte (f fn ttoo topart. SC^t ocatt) of tNs mp ^omt to r^, £D |)cdf motter noti: JTfjat from tijv CUiat j fugrco top, to fo;roU) fo l^oulDft IcSd. tSHbat grttf in Ujomb did 3 retain,befo;ie 3 did tija (eef (uie. I^et at tbc IaH U)l)cn(inart iuae gone, tubat tot tccrt tt)ou (0 ^ototenDcrtDatfloftt}^f©D>fo2top;cfcraetbrCat« l^olD flillcD 3S tijp tender tiart,at tinics earli? ano latcf ^itt) bclnct paps J gauc tt)a fuck.tuitti iffat from m^ b;e(! : 2nDDancel3 ttjoc bpon m^ knGr,to b;tng tta bnto rc((. 38 tl)i« tbc top of tlja 35 reap(05aing)of tigeru b;a3Df :£)b tigcra tDbsIp baott tljon 1^ (s tbta ctjttd^ bartbloH. i^ature info;(etb nte ala0,tn tbtfl totfe to Dcpioie: to b);tn8 mc banti0 ^ U)elalsaritbat i Q)oulD fee tbiB boare. SLbv motben^cttDilbiflfc tbpUpf,(iUi foft anDpleafant tsbtte: tMit\) to^ingtng banO0,lamcRttng fo; to (a tba in tbts pligbC ^2 &o;Otng oar let \>s goe borne onr tnournt^ to angment* Praxafpcs, £^^ Hatsp Deer tDttb beaai? bdrt,t it H 000 conTent. ^etlDeen ^ botb f cbiloe to bcre bnto oar lo;Up place.Exeuc Enter Ambidexter. 3fnQ&t) 80 Te(ai?,3 bsae been abtent a long fpace- ^Qt 10 not mi? Cofin cotporte, toitb i?on in tbe meanc timt^ SCO it,to tt CoQn,anD Do) four office fine, ^oto Ubc ton Sifamncs fo; tfing ofmcf ^eplatotDitb botb bant)0,bDt bcfpeDtifatunrtlt* SCbe !&ing bitnfclfe tDa0 goDlp tp traincD: l^e p:ofc(rcD t ertue,but a tbinh it tDa0 taintn* l§e platc0 tDitb botbb8nO0,ga)t) ictta ano til : 5i?ot it toas no goDtJOao Praxafpcs fonne fo; to bill. ^s be fo; tbe gob DccD,on tbe BnDge lDa0CommcaDct)> if 0; all bi0 bC£D0 el0 b£ i^ rep;cbenbcD. £Ebe moSeuiU DifpofcDperfontbat eotrtoaif dll tbe aate of bi0 life be tuoolD notlettuo^. $9ottiegooDteeD0 betoiU D(s.tbougbtpe?bebntfeUK SLbe lifte tbings t^ii tirant CambUes (otb (b^b?* of King Cambifcs. ifto g0imt0 from fitot, to none.ia ttWtt^'. Sat Hittmalettctjon ab;oaD is DiffnbatcD» )anD cet ee Q)aU f ec in ctje rctl of t)t£i race .' ^tiat tnfams \)t tviU tDo^^ againC t}(0 otone firace . ^t)tff >no nio;e t0O}l)S,<)eere conies t|i0 Sitngs b^Qtbtr. Enter Lord Smirdis, with Attendance & Diligence, Smirdis. %^c )£iins0b;otUcr t^ birtb am B'jtfTart) from Cirus lo^ncf.* a greefe to me it it tobeare,of tljis tbe flings repines* 3 like not \x>t\i of tbofe |)t0Deed0, t()at be t)ot[) aiii freqnent : 3B tDtO) to 000 ttiat otl^erisaie^.tiis mmoe tic coaio content* ^ons 3 am ant) nerttot)im,nomoc of tis tOere be : 31 VDonlD be stao a qntet Kcalme in t\jis tits reign to fee. Attendance. $^^!Lo;b?ear600ba\mlUng()art,tte (Dobs toil recompencc Bn tt^at tonr minbe (o; ttiofe bis great offience. ^^ llo;b,bis grace Q)«U liane a time,to patre ano to amenD .* ipan?BtstietDatcane(cape,anbnot|Msgra(eoffenD« Diligence. (berej 3lfttiattoicbebbicet)ecotilbrenr«ine> fromtoa&Ing fuine fo;- amoberaulife lie tDoa!bfreqtient,amcnbingtiitii fits fquare. A mo i dexter. Oi; ILo}b>anb if ^onr ^o; it O^aU pleafe * 31 can info;me ton iDbatis belt fo; ponr eafe. net bim alone, of ))ts tnis doo not tai&e : Sbenb? b<0iiDe,i;emai qaiett^ toalbe. rafter l)ts oeatt) con <^albs ^S) ntn mat ton refo;me ecbe btnbe of tt)tng. 3n ti^e meant time line qotetlt,boo not \mt\^ {rfm betle: ^0 (^all it rebonnn mncf) to tonr tiieate. Smirdis, S^^onfaiff tntt'mt feeenbtl^at is tiie belf * 3 bnotD not lol^tKr ^ tone me,o; boo me beteff* Attendance. i^eane from ^,anbgPtbinifucba p;aife: jEbat if ame b^ tramp bia boe beicrta in bono; Q^oulb bpraifc ^efaib tour grace bcferaebbabitbe curOngof all men: (bat )^e Cbonlbneuer after bini get anr p;atfeagaine- King. SDib beQieabe tbuf of mvgrace,in fncb befptgbtful luife? £); el0 ba)Il tbou p;e(ame to fill m; p;incelr carea tottU ItiHi Lord. 3 cannot tbinb it in mi? bart,tbat be looulb rcpo;t fe. King. ^ofu fatS tbon^fpeab t^t trntb^tDaa it Co o; no; Ambidexter. 3 tbinhefo if it pleafe ^ur grace.but % cannot tell: King. fiTboa platf! toitb botb banbs,nol]) B| pcrcctue tuail: 3i5at fo2 to put al boubta aQDe>anb to mabe tim lecfe bt0 bope l^etbaUo^e bp bintof &b}(D;b,o; ela bpcl)oUing liope f^bail be fuccsb Wben 3 am gone^to bAnenio;e p;!atre tbcn 3: isaaer c be ifatbcr aa b jottjer mine,3i f lucre ttjat be Ojal b?c. iCo pallaicemlne 31 tDtll there fo;:c,bia beatt fo^ to purfar. ^ Ambidexter. Exit Src^cgonef ffraigbttoay 3 tDtll fcllotofca. l^oU) Ube se notv mi? maiacra^Dotb not tbi^gcerccotten^ A Comcdic ne p.2oberbe oltie is t)crtQct},roonc rfp^ ant) foon^ ro(C(iT* li)c \v\\ not 'oc qtiict til t)i."< b^otljer bg bilD • ^3isotlig;t)t is tDt)oUp to ^aixt\jiB bltBdfpilO. spars Qr ii toloe ium a notable Ipe, BJrU loers to doj icv.utic J OurU ooo it 3(. iipari? tobcn 5 b^D oon^to tC °« Dard not ffanD : Ebcrbpr3uir.a!?ptrcciue Jtjfe toplapluttljfcfjcbano, liBat tjoio noU) Ccfln cutpurfTc lutt^ kotiom plag ^cu.^ SCahc t}ccD fo; b'.s bmo 10 sropinij earn nobo, CoQnta&ebcD^tfpOQDoofrcretlp grope 3()?c be taken Cofuij^e raoC loohe tt);oact)arope> £xir« HntcrLordSmirdis alone. 31 am toanf ;tn6 alone tieerc anD tf^ere to foalks, SSL^t Court is fo t)nqaiet,m it J tatte no toj: ^olttari? to m^ felfe notu 3 mai; Calbe, 3^3 coolorale Jj taid bot^at to ia^. Enter Cruelty and Murder with bloody hands^' Cruelty. 9^ coeqnaU partner Murder j:omt atoaij. if rom melons tton mai(l not aa;. Murder. 1^6 from tbce 3( mai? aat>bat not tt^on from mi.* SDtierfo;e J ^aue apjerogattaeabouc t^ce. Cruelty. 3Bat in t^it cafe toe mnft togit(}er abibe^ Come,come,llo;D Smirdis 5 bauefptoe. Haf banO0 ont»im Uutl) all reSinatton: t^t on bim loemac boo;lie car inDtgnatton. Sin rdis. l^tD noU) mi fret ntif,tDl)at tiaue von to DO0 fsttli me^ Murder. Simc Cambifcs fyatl) Cent tg Dnto tDee. Commannt5ing t35 araigbtlr.uitboatmerct o;fflucarJ ;apon tbtt to bedobD om: bit^aaioar . tl(3itbCroeU2tomarUir)2Du,anomaKeEWi«toaj. . of KingCambifcs. • Smirdis. 5tnkehirain l^et parOon me 3 tiar telp ^oa p;wi : dmers places Confitser (tie iHins t0 a tirant tiranntoiui .* Sinn all t)ici t)oinc0 be Damnable anD parnjtiotu^ jfaaonrme t|)er(o}e>3l DiD btm nener otftnt i Cruelty. A little bladder of ^0 faaottr at all,70ur lifle in at an snn. Vineger prick t. (Caen noU) 31 ffribe dui bot>i? to iDonnO: ISfboloe noU) bin blooo (p;ing0 oat on tbe srotmb* Murder. i^to 1)0 in OeaOyU t b0 p;efent bim to tt)e Ung: Cruelty. Has to isonrl^ann atoai? \jtfn to b^fng. Exeunt. Enter Ambidexter* iD tbe paflton of dDoo>i?onber if a bcni? Conrt : &ome t9eepci,romeU)aiU09ant) (taie mabe great rpo;t. g^o;t) Smirdi$bc€ntelti?Qno^^arOerisaaine: IBnt Sefoo fo; loant otbim botD fome Doo complatno. SlfBI (bontb bane baD a tbonfonbponno, 31 coulD not fo;beare ^otD jefoo banc bin bleffeD fonle in beeping. (toeephigs jab>soD lo;o,to tbinb on bim,boiu it oootb me greeoe : 3cannotro;beareiDeepin0,iseniatm2btlc€ne. Weep iS> m^ barr,b9U) mr puKenboibeate* fsasitb ro;rotofolllamentattonn | am in fuel) a1)f ate« db mc bart bolDfo; bim it botii ro;roiD : i^a^i bane Done infaitb noto.anDCDoD 0iuere0CDDmo;rotD l^a, ba)tiDeep,nat laogbstoitb bntb banbn to pla^: Cbe bins tb;ou0b bin crncltt batb maDe btm atoai;, S3ut batb not be U);ooc;^t a nio3 UitcbcD DccD : SBecanfe Siins after btm be (bwulo not p;oceeD. ipto o\vne natnrall b;otber»anD bautng no mo;e .* fiDo p;ocQre bin Deatb bi^biolence fo^e. Jnfpigbtbecaufe bin bjotberfboolbnener be Btng : ^i9 bart being tDttbeD,confenteD to tbin tbing. ^oU) be batb no mo;e IB^otbern no^tiinreD alioe: 3lf ti)e Sling biie tMn gtere dill; t;e cannot long tb;ioc. Hob* f^ A Comcdic Enter Hob and Lob. Hob. €^oD0t)at neisliboar come &\Dai,ititmt (o market to goe^ Lob. SLbe ClocUWbttruUrnttnetct tt^inbti? lakcn* 15am tai? t)}oin flicp ct)am not berf toell u>aken. Slant nasbo; li^ob,navbo; 1i^ob,tx)0at tauecc to iclf Hob. 15am trotb nai^bo: Lob (o i?on J ctrit (tl. €()aue ttDO ^oQing0 . anb a Cbtne of po;hf : tbere 10 no batter bettseen t^i§ anb |0o;tsc. Cbane a pot ef totraiDbcrteo anb a Caloc0 bcab * ;3 i^nnigit %inct to mo;roU) it |)acb bsn bcao. Lob. Cbaacsfco;cofCgs<<>Bnbor0otCerapoan0' |^e(tf roar a ncQ ofgoDli? ^ons Kabtt0 ) boano* CI)aaebo;ti? tt)ing0mo of mo;e anbofUflir : ^2 b;am 10 not bcrt 0®b tbem to erpjclTf • SBat CDob0 |)at jpacbo;,U)ota to^^atf Hob. j^o not ttel /^atbo;,tDt)8t0 tbati* Lob* IBum bav /^a^bo2,mataer ftingt0 a^tjobe lab* Zo (Don belp me anb boUoam,? tbinb ttie bolbemab. :^omc $ai? tie beale crnellj? b^ !ll5;otber be bio bill : ktnbairo aaa)Olsi?ttnglaD0bart blob t^ bio rpUL Hob. ^o;bob of C^obna^o; 1}a0 be plaib ^nct a toltQ)bf cb^ Ambidexter. OoDman l^ob anb sobman !lob,one babhilniootber* Lob. 3 bab not careoj noer e b? ® ot j motber. Marian. t^baUe banbf asait\i roar talhtng« 3f tbec baD bUo one anotber^l baf not careb a peafc. Hecrlet herfwingchiin in her bromCjHie gets him down andhchcjr down,thus oneon the top of another make paftime. Marian, fl btUain,mii felfc on tbee 31 mnff eafet ^ae me a bop on t be eare^tbat U)tU Bl tr^: caabofldalbe^aiaertbou (baUfeebcanbbr* Ambidexter, l^nomoje>no mo^e 31 befeecb sou bartilt: Run his vvay <£nennoU)lc»lb>anbgtaeroatbemaiars. out while Marian. fhcisdown. tbon bnaae,ba)(I tbon tb;otD me boton anb run tf)t tuac^ 3f be tocrebeere againe,ob botoBi luoul^ bun pac* 3 iotd after bim,anD it 3 can bimmat : mit}^ tbefemc natlea bta face HI tml greet. Enter Venus leading out her fonne Cupid blindc, he mufl hauca bowand twofhafts, one headed with goldeand th'other with lead. Venus, €cm f®;tb mg tonne tmlo mg too jba attftiiie carta rcOgne : C5abat S pjf fent)fecBW«frcqBent,tofo;crtbiiJgamc of mine. lEbt atng a hinCUioman batbaDoanb toftb beauts ff o;e : anoj toiO) tb4t a)iana9 gtfta.tbcp ttoain (bal H«p no mo;ei SBo t bfe mp aiuer fagrcD game,tbeit iopef fo; to augment: ft3bf« 3 bo fpeab tateounDbiebart.Cupid^c ^on confct- a«b (boJt at \m i}fi (taft of loMCjtbat bearer i beab of jjofce. >■!>» A Comcdic fTo tuonnbbtf hart in louers t9tre.f)t0 greefe fo; to tnfolte. JDljoogl) hm(I)ebct3nto bts cracf.tljat nature mccrpell: 0gama tbc coarfe tbcreof ^t ma^.tn mp game pUafcme totU tat^rfoje inti fonne do not fo;gct, fb;ttituitb pnrfuc t^e DaD: Cupid. (■{potter I meant fo; to Qba?,a0 pon tiaae totole becreeo. 15ut )?oa mad te! mc mother bcrrctoben 3 Qjal arrolo D;atv: ClBVOQrrcqueatobeattatnD lDtlnotbetoo;tba(lraU)« 31 am bUnbe anb cannot rer,but Oil boo Qjat bp ecITe : SCbe lBoet0 tosMn places (to:e,orm|? migtjt Do erpjcCTc* Vcnu?, Cupib mc Ton lDt)tn time Q)al ferae,]^ tt)on Qjalt bo tbi0 b^V Ctr toarntng 3 to tbee boil giae>bat fa tboa Qjost toitj) fpaoZ tnicr a Lord^a I jdy , and a waiting maid. Lord, ilab? tkr to filing a Mn ,fo;tbVDi(b let t0 p;ocab : SLo trace ab;oab tt)C beaatp fdlD^^as tvQ \dc ^ao Of cr&b* %\)t blotoing bub0 U)bofe faaerr fentf onr fence ta>U mact)be# tt)e nuat fmcl of mufb lot^tte rofe,to pleafe f appetite, (ligtt SLbe ct^irpig bir D» iDb^fc plef&t tonef tt^rin (^al t)ear re co;o SL^at oar great ioi? tuef^ailitanbe, inferlDto toalli ab;oaO. £>n Hate ano Cittern tt^cre to plap a Oeaotnl? t)armonp * £)oreareBi|)aUt)eart.tKirttocontent,ourfpo;tf to bcantift. Lady. C!nt9 roar U}o;t)0 moS comcli? ILojb, m^ felfe fobmit bo 3 : %o trace \3)it^ i^ou in feeio fo gran, 3 meane not to ben?. hccrc trace vp and downc playing. Maid. 0nt) 3 roar tsaiting matb at t^anb^toitb biligence IdUI br. ^0} to falfllic6twrt anbbanb,toben7oa (bal commaonO mt* Entcr,Kin^,Lordandkmght. King. Come on mi? Hojb i hntgbt ab;oab,oor mirtb let b* implor J^ince be it beab tbt»lwrt of co;p0 3 '«' tt io^(baet> jfcbonlbbjotbcr mine traoe raigneb hing, tobew 3 b«b v**^** ;a tbowfanb b;otber0 3 t^tb«r ^b,to pat tbewiJl to w«^ ofKingCambifes. ystxt o^bc^oloe t»|)sre J Oo Tee ,8 Lo;oant HaBv fairc t ipo; bcaoti? Cbe mott tOQ/tbi? i»,to fit in |$;ince0cbatre. Venus. (bart: |&|)0ot fb;tl) mi? ^on noto ib tbe time^i^ ttoo mnft fooonD bi< Cupid. Content toa ^ot^r K toUl DO) ntf parte. Shooie tlicic,ancl eocout Venus and Cupid. King. ^f trotb flip Ho^D tn ere of mtnf , motberB fibecome tn* Knight. 0nb tbat brr toaiting matben ie attenbkig ber tpon : t^c tt aLo;bof ^;ince0 Conrtanb toil be tbereanon* E: tcj? rpo;t tbemCelaea in pleafant falb,to fojiner bfebbfe: ^ King £^^ ILo;t> t hnigbt of trotb 9 fpea^, mi? bart it cannot cbafe* l5ot tDitb mt Mbi? 9 mnft fpeabe anb fo crp;eirc m^ minbe : S^plto;t) anbHabi^B toalktng tbcre,if too tsil faaour finbe. p^efent i^onr (eloea bnto mp grace,anb bp mp fibe come fiabi FirftLord. oaSe iDfl fhUfl mod migbtc btng, u poor grace bot|) cSmaanb King, l^abpbeere, intelligence mp grace batb got oflate: l^ootilaeb oatof motbera (tocfae^anb ktnbnto mpfiate. 3cco;btog to rale of birtb poo are,Cofin iarmtn mine <* l^bo aifDilb tbat fartberof.tbta binreb 31 coolb finbe. iTi); Copibbe tbat eplelTe bop^mpbart bat^ fo cnflameb: Qfflitb beaotp poa me to content,tbe like cannot be nameb. ^oz fince 31 entrtb in tbta place,anb on t ou firt mine tvesi f^ofibnrningfit0abontmpbart,in ample U^ifeotbrife. SCbe beat oftbefacb fb^ce ootb psIDmp co;p|tbep fco^cbalai 0nb bams tbe famelottb toaQing beat.aa Titan ooib p gratf dnb Ut\f t|)i5 t)eat in binbieb fo, anb freO^ in bar t otme : C 3 srt^cre A Comcdic £u t)8tt is no tsai? bnt of tt)t rame,tt)e qatnt^r roa muff be. (I^e meanins i» i beaati? voar0 mt bart Isitb ioue Ootb toono to giae me loue,tntnDe Co contf t,tnv bart batbron out founo* ant) tou are (be maa be m^ tDire,el5 (ball ) enb mt oatei. Confent Co CbU t b£ mi? ^aan,Co kscarc {> croton iDitb p;af fe Lady. (qoea, 3lfttpleafci?oargrace(£)mt0btt!htn0))?ou(ball no( tbu re# 3C 10 a Cbing Cbat naCares coarfe,DoCb btcerle beCett* janDbigb it booalD tbe CoDOtfpleafe.orall tbaCts tbe fDo;(t: SCO graunt ^onr grace to marrp (b,tt 10 not Bl tbat Dortt. ^et bumble CbanU0 31 renDrr noU) bn to i^oo mtgbtr Sitng : 2:battoa boncbfafe to great e(^aCe,(ogUDlr ^soalD me b;(n0 Witn it noC it ta^cre offence,) UioalD ic noC beni?.* ^ut fucb great bono; to atcbiae>mi? barC 31 tooalO appi?. £berfo;c i) lining loiib bumble bart,in tbt0 31 paroon crane : ii^ine an(\uer 10 in tbi0 reque(t.i?onr mtnoe ce mac not bane. King. ^a^ 31 notf nai? (ben 3i Ml bi^ all tbe (^000 31 bofn* 0nti 31 UHtl marp tbee ao lJDtfe,tbt0 10 mine anCloere notn caabo Dare tap nai? to)bat 31 p;etfo,U)bo tare tbe Came u^itanoi* ^bal lore biB beat) f banc repo;te,a0 traito; tb;oQgb mp laO* Sbere 10 no nap 3 toilpou bane,anti pou mp £Xuane (balbe: Lady. (mC« SCbemfgbtpbing 3 crane pour grace to beare tbe lrojb0 of ^ourcounceltaheoflLoiCtnGS lpit,tbeiali)e0arigbt perute-* if 31 toitb fafe map graunt tbis Dceo,) iDill it not rcfnCe* King. i^o ,no,lDbaC 9 bane faio to pou,1 meane to baue t( fo: iroj conncel tbeir0 J mean not 3,ui tbi0refpf d togoc- JSut to rap palUif e let ts goe,tbc mariage to p;epare j iro^ to anoiD mp ^ii in tbt0^3i (a0 a banqaet rorall ano foperercellent .* SCbonfanO0,anb tboafanU at tbat banqaet toao fpent- amafeofnotbingbatbototbercanbemarieofo fone : BlcarenottrBlbemarieobefo;etomo;raU) at name* Sir manage be a tbing tbat fo mar be bat) : ^to far roo matD^to marrr me toil re be glab. iDnt of Doabt 3 belecaeit to fome ercellcnt treafore : tl^lo to tbe fame bclongo abnnbant pleafore- ^et iDitbmine eareo 3 bane beart) fome far : SCbat eoer 31 Unk maricD. nolo carfeb SCbofe be tber imtb curd trf aeo be matcbeb : STbat bnfbanb foD banket meat>of tbcm is bp fnaf cbeb« l^eao b;obe tottb abeoaa^^face all to be fcratcbeb. Sinaue,aaae,8nbbtUatn,a cor loe cote noto anb tbani azsben tbe toife batb giacn tt,(be feot! far alao gob man* ^ccb Uierebetter bnm arrieb mr matSero 3 troto ; SL^tti all tbeir Ufe a^er to be matcbeo fcoitb a fto;oto> Enter A Comcdie Enter Preparation. G3Kttt) fpeeb | am Tent all ttKngs to prepare- fid p meOTdge to Doe as t\)c liing did Declare. 1^13 grace ootU mesne a banqoet to viake : leaning tn ttM place repaft fo; to tabe. t^el tbeclotl)Q)albelatoanDalittiingB inreDmei> SLo Court to retarnfcDtjen toon it m^ bafinc0- Ambidexter. SpjopermananDalfofit- if o; tOe mingf eOate to prepare a banqbef • Preparation. ©Hftaf Ambidexter? tioa art not tnknotDctr SL mtfcbetfe on all got race0,a) tbat a cnrfe not mine ottmi. poU) in t|)e bnane0 name Q^ahc Mos U)itt) me. Ambidexter, caui faiogoDman pottclimoatt) ?oar reaerence I fee. 9 tDtll teact) pe,if i?oar manners no better be. ^e aaae,tbe l&ing totb me a gentleman alio to i SLt^rfoje I loUe t^at to me vi Q)onl5 boto. Fight, Preparation. ^cDttmailter Ambidexter. parDon mi? beliaaioar: ifo) tt)ii coor eciD0,poa are a hnaae fo; soar laboor* Ambidexter, QQt^e ce ttalt cotrnterlp billain.nottiing bat Bnaut • 6ghc. Preparation. 3 am n3;rtf onr m8i(ter(l)tp offenoeo I biQC. {^t)aket)anD0 ttiat bettoeene \)8 agreement mac be. 3 \oa0 caer(|)ot toitt) mv Ulfe, 31 to fee. Eet me baae foar t^elpi tti0 famttare to p^ootoc Cl^e &ing from ttrti place toil not long abicc. Set the fruit on the boord« Ambidexter. ContenMt<0tbetbfnQttKit BJtooolD tDidi ; 31 mi? felfe tx)il goefetct) one DiQi- Let the Viccfttcha difh of Nuts, andlct them. fell in the bringing of them in. Preparatioo. Preparation. €tcnl? maiffcr; fairc on t^c grooRDtbff l^ . Ambidexter. % luUl^aite tl)emt)p again eb^ aiiDbe, Preparation, SCoftfalUnreDtncsJtBtUputcoatnfraSr /• SLbere 10 no na^ Co tbe Court nattB 3 mod. Exu Preparatiofi.^ Ambidexter. I^aae i?e no doubt but all (^albe \Del : H^art! (ir as ^ou rap,Cbi0 gar Dotbercell. ail tbtngs 10 tn a rcaotnro ivbcn tbep come timber : tbc l&tngs grace aiiD t^c ;Duanc botb Cogitber, 31 beCsc^ r'e tti^ mat(Ters tell me 10 it not bed : tbat 3 be ro boioe a0 to biD a gucHf ^e i$ &s boned a man ao eucr fpuro Coto : fl^p CoQn cutpurflTe 3S mcane, | befoccb pefobgeron ! l^eleenc me CoHn t( to be tbe lungs gueQ ^e coolO be tattent 3 trnd tbat offer toillneuer be fo;faken. 35ut Co^in beciufe to tbat office i?e are not ttbt to come .* if rcqucnt coor eret'cire0, a bo;ne on pour tbom. quick cpe a (Ijarpe hnffe,at bano a receiuer i )3ut tben take b^D Cofin ^e be a dcnlp ronuayour* Content pour fel^e Coan,fo; tbfs banquet pou are bnfit ^ Wi\)tn (neb a0 31 at tbe fame am t)ntuo;tbp to Qt« Enter King,Queene,and his trainc. King, aep ^o&n anb Hoint to tabe rfpaa,lct bo af tempt f be f^me: l^ar 10 tbe place Delap no time, bot to cur pnrpote frame. Qucene, tKWtlitoiUingtarffipourtDbolebcbelf, txieminbefojto obaps All. ^ flnb toe tberedof ^2ince0 traine,U}tno0a0ronDo>rap. ^'"g- fit atthcbanqnet. ^l^etbinh mfneearesbotb iDtO) tbe foonb of muficbo bamonp : t|^«r (o;top!(n? bcfo;emp grace fo place 31 toonlo tbcm^p. Play at the banquet. X Ambidexter AComedic " Ambidcxrc?* C^t^^t iit at |;anfi Qr toit{) atchc atiD 0Dt)te, SL^tn can pi as a neUi t a msec calieD ^e^ DiDbU bi^tle. King.' 9p €ludtnepci pcn5 lobat 5 p;ononn(e 31 toUl not tiolate : 15at one ttitng VD^t^b m? I^art makes glaD, BiminDc Co cirplicaff • I'iia bnoU) tiBrac from cb;i(^aU Kmg. tzn^at dcd(! tbou meane mr (pouCc to tMep,ro; loCTe of ane p^iU* Qucenc, i^o, no>s2D &ing,bat as i?oa («, freenbtbtp in biotbm UMielp .* IRSben oneU)a0ltbf to baoe repalfe>tbe otbf r ^albcdbtlre* flno toafl tbtB faaoor (betDOin Dog9,to (\iams of rof all )atng * 0lack 31 U>i(b tbeU earc0 ormtne,bab not once bcarb tbi0 tbing* eaen fo IboalD ^on{^ mtgbtp ^m) to b;otb€r bane a Qae: sanD not iDitbout offence to pon^ui fucb toife bim to Qap* 3n all affai£0 it teas roar part,bcttrkbCAitto€ txcioug anobtle,? bate tbs tntbitf place. SCbiB bonqoet 10 at an enO,tabe all tbcle tbings afDai? * JBetoae m? face tbou Ibalt repent, tbe to«;b« tbat tbou boO C3^ jiDto;etcl) moft t)ile,oiDlliJt|>C(anreof b;otft5'min«(o tenber* ofKoi^Canibtfes. C^e loflTeoftlm C^oulo greenet^ JfvrtM bn'ng none tmnux, ai ttome 0a>o In6 DtatI) to tyaoe^fo tottt it to iNicie ti)iM : ^b«t rrtftiDOjip t)c Daoat mg tianM ,^ fame caeiv# O^lt finDe. 3 gioe confent and make a twU),tbat t^ou O^alt D^ tt)c l»Mtt): )a^ dracis niMD;D ano ^uroer feMocn tboa (^alt I0(e t\n ^iit^ Ambidexter fee U)it|)Ipen>,toCra(U^^e0oe: Caufe t)ini \)it})zt to appjoct)e»^urder tuU^i l^tm alfo. Ambidexter. 9 tttv am fb; to fulfiU^tf tliat it be ?oinr graces tsilU King. ffOoinoitg^ oUisbt mi? meirage gtncn^abfoit t[^c kUt altMn! ' Ambidexter. SSteiiin tbi0 pt8»,3l1mU no longer aaf. 3f tt>aC ) dorOfl tuottloinoorne ponr cafe t 15tttAla0. 1 oare not (io) tirare of j^iii grace. King, Exit AmbidoCi SCt^d corteB BItU b? ail tbe ^k»thi,3 take an otbe Mt (totare : ttatfUIb of tbinet^febanDs of mine in paces fmaHconlD teri^ 15at tloa (bait ioi?e brient nf ftoo;b«tbere irnQf^amo ne tet ^baUfiabe remo^ce at p^incea btbataaeH raging fo;ce« "^ ]9nb parbon pligbt from p^ncea montb^f eeto grace bnto soar t tl^atamiti^vdfattbruUfeaUmacenerbebfbetMm (fl^oKm King. ^ caitinebile to p{tietbA,mi!bart it ia not bent : jfU^eUo parbon coQtatfincf ,it jf not mtnainteitfi^ i) n ' . # a firll, ; AComcdic FirftLord, Dnr mt'stif^ 19;irtce \x> fumble fute t^t^our grace thit J cratte: £D[?at tbi* reqiieft it map takeplaccpour fauoor fo; to Ijape. ilet mtrc^ )?et abonnDantlp,tt)c (ifs of iSXuan p;erf rar : ^tti) 0)8 in moQ obebi'cnt iDtfe pour gracee titU totb fr roc. ^B ret roor grace bat lutjilc toitb bf r batb bao cobabitation: jSnD fure tbt0 1^ no Defect mbf to ptxlo ber mDi^natton. £D^erfo;e sD Btnj)bcr itfe p^olono to to? b£r Daiee in bltCTe* Second Lord. I'onr grate Qjal tDtn ttnnio;tat( fa»u,in graDnttng bnto ttit» ^bc 19 a £luane lul)ofc aoobt^ buc crcelics tb»^ rcral! Uofc ; ifo; beautp b;igbt same nature n)c,a lai gc Gift Did mfpcfe. if o; conieline0 tubo mai? compare:o f all (be bcarc« tbe bell : tbts ilioiilo gtne caufe to moue roar grace to loue ber bcrr U:cl l^craiuei- b;eQ in tbofe roar Qng tbc fonge of {ouc: ^me qualities moQ erci:itcnt,to be in ber vou pioiit jSp;cciou0 pcarle ofp;iCe to p:(nce,a 5elDcli pafTing all: SEbcrfo:e ^ Ifttng to beg reino;ce on botb mv Imocf 3 fall %o graaat bsr grace to baue ber l(fe,U)itb bart j hm ocfire : ^ou biUaitra tti)a\i)itb raguig fo;rc re Tet mr mv bart on fire. 3t J consent ebat Qje tl)aU ore, boU) Darere crane ber life if ^outiootoafketbiBat mrb>inD,i]rtbtiiacb intargc nvpi^rifie. lucre tl not fo;(1jameroutU]o(boulDDFe,tbatfo; ber life bo Cue: S5uC fauour mine from pou IS gonc,inriio;D0 9 teltipoatrtii. 3rentfo;CrueUporiate}tCI;elDoulDcouicatt)ap: B luoulD commit ber to bis bAnDs.bte cruell part to pla;. Caen noU3 j f«c iDbcre be Distb come it Doitb tnr bai t beiigbt : tmcr Cruelty and Murder. Cruelty* Conic fpurber come, let bsgoe fojtb ioitb migbf . £)ncc agametbe Utngs commaunoement toe ma3 fulfill* Murder. 31 amcQntenT)e:) to dad it toitb a goto \i)iU. fgorDcr anbCraeltr, fb;botbof i^oa 3 tetrt. of feing CamUfes. CZaM) all ff Hination tpour off^cef tt frrfH>tnt. Ear bol'^c on tbe SXucme tabc bcr to ]?oar polorr: ^no mate bcr aluav uutt^tn tt)t0 lionre. ^pare fo; no feare J Oo foa ftali pcrmie : ^0 Jl from tl^to place, to meane fo; to fitt. Doth. t:ciitt)Coora6toaB ()art0(d)ftin0)tDC tsitlobai* Stcn come on mt lLo;08 let ^0 Departe abiaf • Bot • »hc Lords. iaiitt>(rf u]? tartf tot lutliDcD all tour grace Twt^ fat* Cruelty. LxcuntKing&Lwc!. Come Hati? anD £lnsne noli) are poa tn our banDltng : * 9n faitt; toNtO kou U)e toiU Dfe no DanOltng. Murder. uaitb allerpetittotii) S^artcr uiiU tahc plc:ce : SL tiongM^o be a fl^neene te be ttnoer nti; grace* Quccne, CSUtb patience ] totfl (oo botb aUuir: Cruelty. fio mo;e U)o;bf bnt goelmto b0 obat- Queenc. fti befo;e 1 bee (ome pCalme to (Dab let me (Ing : Both. de be content to permit poo tbat tbing. Q«ecnc, ifarluell pou Hatiea of tbe C oart, Untb all tour mafbtng bue . 3 ^ fo2fahe tbete b^o&creb 6arDr0,flnt) all tbc faCbtona nclo, SLbe Court an& all tbe ccurtlp train u^btrtn 3 bab bcltgbt: 3 baniCbeO am from bappp fpo;te ant) all br fpttefull fptte- l^et tottb a iorfuH bart to C oD a pfalme j mcane to fing : ^o;g(utnfg all anb tbehmg,of etb htnbe of tbing. fing & exeunt Enter Ambidexter weeping. ^)2l,a a,i cannot cbnfe bnt toecpcfo; tbe 0nanc' /^otbmg bnt mourning noto at tbe Court tbere 10 fane* ^^obitnr bart,mi? bart,ob mr bum unii b;eak : if 3 ^li A Comcdie ^cr? cr^fe Co (o;imn(i ti» tM fttree | can (^ah«« titoeD,tbat b^ Uiitl be (beb : 3t it tome to ptHin Iditli tben ^ il Qic(« Enter the King wftHouta Rowne,afwoordthmft vpinco his Me bleeding. ^vA alaa tDbat Ibal 3 b«mi6 lif^ U finifl^cbt fCHoonbeb % am bi? (obatn cbaoiic(,mr Uoobif mlntdjeb. CDogf bart bibat mcaeici nUgbt Bimakt mt kff top;a(fnMf 30 tbere noagbt to be m?belpcf no; i§ tbtrc noasbtto (trttef iDot bpontbe Court anb Ho^bi tbat tbereremainc : to belp mi? greefe in tbi« m^ cafa,tml none of tbtm taha pamef ant of bloB 3( fpt* SEbM gafpingticer ongvounD 31 1?e,fo;notbtng 3 Dcncare- jQ tuHreVDaro fo^ m? mt(beebf ,m^ Deatb ootb plains ^ttlare* Hccrc Ice him quake and ftir. Arnbidcxtcr. f ^ott) nob) nobk King plucbbp ^nr bart: IBObat tvtU sou ti^e ano from bs depart; ^peabe ro tm ant) re be aTtaef ^t cannot fpcalvbat beboloe bobs tvitb biatb beb8tb l^rtef • fliaa goO i&tng,ala0 be <0 gone: SDbe Psutll tabe metf fo; bim | make ant mom *. 3 otbpiiogntatcateorbtsenDbctbeS^aiEB: l,ibc a0 31 DiD (ap , fo is tt come to pafe. 3 toil be goncjif J Ibcaio be founu beere: tbat 9 fl|)ou!D bill btm it tuoolo appeer. if o; feare toitb bis beatb tber boo me cbarge» irartotUmrtnai(!er0 3BtoiUgoetabe barge. _ m 3 meane to be pacbing noto 10 tbe tibe - J^artteU mc mattters $ toill no longer abibt. Exit Ambidexter, Enter three Lord J. FirftLord. Kebolbemi; iB^b it if eoen fo^as be to b0 bib teih 1^ grace 10 bcab bpon tbe grotmb^bp ctnt of Civ9;b moS feC Second Lord. 0ibein(abbIetootilbbanc!ept :bi0ftDo;bfrom (beatb bib got t Go;tng bim bp into tbe abe,t}t0 life tons cnbeolQ. Third Lord« ^ blob fo fait bib iCEiie out,tbatnotigbt conlbbim p;;ofotig: ^f t before be ceelbr^ bp tbe q,WMB bart toas berr i^rong. ' Fir ft Lord. Siittti retoarbfo; W mtroeeb^^tbe d^ob abone batb to^oGgbt ; if o; cfrtainls t|^ Ufc be kt^ toas to be (9Hnteb ncngy t. Second second Lord. i^ ^ef a l?)^ncclp burialll^e n:am)aae,acco;iuig eo bi0 cffafe: ^no mo;e oromi tierre at t^te time luc (jaue not to Dilate^ Third Lord. ^^ llo;t^tt3!3 tabetitni bpanocarri? ^im stDa?. Both. Content b)e arc toitj) one acco;0,to na a0 ton Do) fas* Exeunt all. Epilogue. R]fg!)f gcnMc 3uW*ence,hetrc bane pou perofco SLbc traQtcall (h(Io;h oftljiB tuickco hing* ^cco^omg to our oati? toe t^anc not refufcD. ^ut to our bed tntcnt crp;e(l eaerp tbtng. ^c CraU none 10 offcndeofo; tt)is our Ocotng. jiDar anttio;craue0 itheioiretrtje (janerquareo amifle. Ii5p gentle aomonitton to luioto U)t)cretQe faalt iB. 1^10 got) toill (l)all not be negledeo to amenD tde fame, P^a^ing all to bcare t|)erefo;e isitO tins QmpU osD. C!nt4U t^e time ferue ^ better tie map frame* SLbas i^ftlDiug voo tbanb0 to eno toe beer a(^ S)^at pou fo gently bnue raffercbt)0 to p;ocsD, 511 fucb pattent lotfe ai to beare ano (01 : % Q4iIecanlKittt)ankcgtt)crrb;e,U)ecanDonomo;elD<. 00 but? bmte0 1)0 fo) oar noble ^qeene let t0 paav^ 0nD fo) bcr ^ono;able il ouncel t|^ tristb tbat tbep mav Mtt - Co p:a(tifc jlu^icc anb DcfenD ber grace ecbe oai?. fiCo maintain <^oD0 U)a);D tt)ce niat not refufe. to correct all tbofetbat VDoalbbcr grace tarace0 U\Dt§ aboCe, Xdefffcl^ihg Cob oucr t)6 Qie mai? rauVe long : Slo begQiOeb b; truth anb oefrnbcofrmn U);ong. Amen quod Thomas Prerioo. 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