UNIVERSITY ui AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY Semi -Centennial History OF THE Illinois State Normal University 1857-1907 Prepared Under the Direction of a Committee of the Faculty As an Expression of Their Appreciation of the Service the Institution has Rendered to the Cause of Education in the Past and of Their Faith in its Future. ~ 9 O ''* Q O * / *-<. . * *\. ^ COPYRIGHT NINETEEN HUNDRED SEVEN BY DAVID FELMLEY Education PREFACE THIS book has been published because it was felt that the school itself should undertake to give an account ox the first fifty years of its existence. After discus- sion and a favorable vote of the faculty, President Felmley appointed a committee to take charge of the publication of a history of the school. This committee elected an editor and an assistant editor, approved submitted plans for the book, selected persons to write the successive chapters, selected the illustrations, etc. The making- of plans and outlines, the gathering- together of the materials, and the editing of the \ book has fallen almost wholly to the lot of the editor. The ^ assistant editor has been in charge of the painstaking work involved in the Registers of Part Three. In this work he has been ably assisted by Miss Martha Hunt of the faculty. An effort has been made to provide adequate accounts of I the various phases of the growth of the institution. To ac- | complish this and at the same time avoid all repetitions has been impossible, for some events have had more than one 3 result connected with them. j The committee desires to thank Dr. John W. Cook, who owns the copyright, for the untrammeled permission to use articles from A History of the Normal University, published twenty-five years ago. The thanks of the committee are also tendered all those who have, by writing chapter or reminiscence, cooperated to make the book what it is. Committee'. O. L. MANCHESTER, Chairman, DAVID FELMLEY, Ex-OJficio, J. ROSE COLBY, MANFRED J. HOLMES, JOHN A. H. KEITH, Editor, WILLIAM T. BAWDEN, Assistant Editor. Table of Contents PART I CHAPTER I THE FOUNDING OF THE SCHOOL. By Henry McCormick, Class of 1868 5-17 CHAPTER II THE SCHOOL AND THE WAR. By John H. Burnham, Class of 1868 18-31 CHAPTER III THE GENERAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCHOOL. By President David Felmley 32-53 CHAPTER IV THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COURSE OF STUDY. By President David Felmley 54-62 CHAPTER V THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE DEPARTMENT. By Professor John G. Coulter 63-76 CHAPTER VI THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MODEL SCHOOL. By John A. H. Keith, 77- Class of 1894 ^7-86 CHAPTER VII THE HISTORY OF THE FACULTY. By John Williston Cook, Class of 1865 87-120 CHAPTER VIII THE SUMMER SCHOOL. By Professor George H. Howe 121-123 CHAPTER IX RELATIONS TO OTHER NORMAL SCHOOLS. By Professor Manfred J. Holmes 124-134 CHAPTER X STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS. By Professor O. L. Manchester 135-164 CHAPTER XI STUDENT LIFE IN THE TOWN. By Elmer Warren Gavins, Class of 1892 165-168 CHAPTER XII JOURNALISM AND THE ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. By Professor J. Rose Colby 169-176 CHAPTER XIII THE CELEBRATIONS OF THE SCHOOL. By Professor Manfred J. Holmes J??-^ 1 CHAPTER XIV PERSONAL REMINISCENCES. By Alumni 192-207 CHAPTER XV THE INFLUENCE OF THE SCHOOL ON EDUCATION. By Charles De- Garmo, Class of 1873 208-213 CHAPTER XVI I. S. N. U. CLUBS. By Morrison '88, Heath '84, and Lane '92 214-218 PART II THE HEROIC IN STUDENT LIFE 223-244 1. THE OLD PLANK WALK 223-225 2. BURIAL OF SECTION A 225-226 3. The Man in the Moon 226-227 4. WORKING THE ROADS 227-229 5. THE LIBERAL FIGHT 229-232 6. ILLUSTRATIONS OF EARLY TIMES 232-236 7. THE ECLIPSE OF THE MOON 236-237 8. THE STOLEN RECORD 237-239 9. THE SPAULDING GLUE INCIDENT 239-243 10. Et Cetera 243-244 PART III ALUMNI REGISTER 25 1-344 BOARD OF EDUCATION REGISTER 345-348 FACULTY REGISTER 349-357 SUMMER SCHOOL TEACHERS' REGISTER 358-360 INDICES TO THE REGISTERS 361-379 GENERAL INDEX 380-384 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Main Building from the Southwest 1907 Frontispiece The Main Building in the Spring of 1860 Opp. p. 17 Charles Edward Hovey Opp. p. 24 Jesse W. Fell Opp. p. 36 Members of the State Board of Education Opp. p. 58 Richard Edwards Opp. p. 76 A Group of Great Teachers Opp. p. 86 Edwin Crawford Hewett Opp. p. 98 Judge W. H. Green Opp. p. 104 A Group of Women Teachers Opp. p. 112 John Williston Cook Opp. p. 120 The Building and Grounds in 1876 Opp. p. 124 Gymnasium and Main Building from the Southeast, 1907. ..Opp. p. 142 Arnold Tompkins Opp. p. 151 A Group of Women Teachers Opp. p. 158 David Felmley Opp. p. 168 A Group of Influential Teachers Opp. p. 172 Gymnasium from the Southeast Opp. p. 188 Looking South from the Cupola of the Main Building, i894-Opp. p. 248 Training School from the Southwest, 1907 Opp. p. 238 Plant House from the Southeast, 1907 Opp. p. 212 PART ONE THE HISTORY OF THE SCHOOL CHAPTER I THE FOUNDING OF THE SCHOOL BY HENRY Me CORMICK, CLASS OF 1868 In the fall of 1853, without any previous arrangement, there met at Bloomington three men, H. H. Lee, of Chicago, J. A. Hawley, of Dixon, and Daniel Wilkins, of Blooming- ton. The condition of the schools coming up as a subject of conversation, they decided to call a convention of the friends of education for the purpose of devising some plan by which the condition of popular education might be improved thruout the State. As a result of this conference, a call was issued for a meet- ing of all friends of free schools, to be held at Bloomington, December 26-28. To make the call more impressive it was headed by the Secretary of State, who then had charge of the public schools. It was signed also by the president and fac- ulty of the Illinois Wesleyan University, by the president and faculty of Shurtleff College, by the five ministers of Bloom- ington, and by prominent friends of education in other parts of the State. The meeting took place at the time advertised, and was held in the Methodist church, at the corner of East and Wash- ington streets. The meeting was organized by the election of the following officers : President, E. W. Brewster, of Elgin ; vice presidents, Professor W. Goodfellow, of the Illinois Wes- leyan University, A. J. Sawyer and C. B. Loop, of Joliet; secretaries, W. H. Powell and H. L. Lewis. The meeting was a very enthusiastic one, and was largely attended, especially on the second day. "A deep earnestness pervaded the convention and it was plainly to be seen its mem- bership was made up of thinkers of the active sort, men who were not only deep thinkers, but who were ready to take such immediate action as in their judgment was adapted to the 6 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY needs of the times and to the best interests of the cause of education !"* Several resolutions were submitted to the convention, four of which were considered of great importance, and conse- quently were discussed freely and vigorously. The first resolution declared for a State Teachers' Insti- tute, which was organized, amid great enthusiasm, immedi- ately upon the adjournment of the convention. Professor Goodfellow was elected president, and Daniel Wilkins, secre- tary. The first meeting of the Institute was to be held at Peoria, between Christmas and New Year, 1854. The second resolution demanded the appointment of a State School Superintendent who should give his entire time to the public schools. This was considered of vital importance. Heretofore the general management of the schools was in the hands of the Secretary of State. It formed simply a depart- ment in his office, and received but little intelligent attention. So earnest was the discussion on this point, that the legisla- ture, at a special session, February 9, 1854, passed a law au- thorizing the governor to appoint a State Superintendent of Schools. He appointed Ninian W. Edwards, son of the only territorial governor of Illinois. The third resolution was in favor of a State Teachers' Journal, to be the especial organ of the Teachers' Institute and the champion of educational progress. The paper was started at the Peoria meeting of 1854, and valiantly served the cause for which it was established. At first it had a precarious ex- istence, but when Mr. Charles E. Hovey, superintendent of the Peoria schools, became its editor, he infused life and vigor into it, and it lived a long and useful life, worthy of its hon- orable title, "The Illinois Teacher." The fourth resolution called forth a vigorous discussion. It asked the State to establish and maintain a normal school for the preparation of teachers for the public schools. But while the need of a better preparation for teachers was recog- nized by all, the best way of obtaining it was not so appar- ent. This was shown by the discussion in the Bloomington convention, and still more fully by the opinions expressed at the Teachers' Institute, in Peoria, in 1854. Some of the friends of education wanted a normal school whose entire end and aim should be the preparation of teach- ers for the public schools. Others, led by Jonathan B. Turner, of Jacksonville, wanted a normal school with an agricultural *Bnrnham ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 7 department attached, or else an Industrial University in which a normal department should be established. While a third party claimed that the wisest course was to establish normal departments in the denominational colleges already in opera- tion, as they feared that disastrous results would follow the separation of education from religion. Each of these views had earnest supporters at the Peoria meeting, and its advantages over the others were set forth in glowing terms. No definite conclusion was reached, but the discussion was of great value in creating a public sentiment favorable to the better preparation of teachers by the State. The institute adjourned to meet in Springfield, at the most convenient date, during the Christmas holidays of 1855. At the Springfield meeting the name of the Institute was changed to that of the State Teachers' Association, a name which it still bears. One of the principal topics discussed by the association was the better preparation of teachers, and again the friends of education were divided as at the Peoria meeting. It was evident, however, that the advocates of a normal school, free from all "entangling alliances," were gain- ing in numbers and in confidence. This confidence was mani- fested very clearly at the Chicago meeting, in 1856, when the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the Association does not wish to discuss any univer- sity question, but occupy themselves with the interests of common schools and Normal schools. The champions of the normal school idea were gladdened by the withdrawal of all opposition to their plan by Mr. Tur- ner and his party, the withdrawal being announced in a grace- ful letter to the association. Before adjourning, the following resolution was passed, after a long and spirited debate: Resolved, That the educational interests of Illinois demand the imme- diate establishment of a State Normal School for the education of teach- ers ; and in the language of. the Board of Education, "We therefore rec- ommend an appropriation by the next Legislature of a sufficient sum an- nually to support such a seminary of learning." At the next session of the legislature an act was passed for the establishment and maintenance of a Normal University, and it was approved by the governor, February 18, 1857. The act provided that no part of the college and seminary funds should be used for the erection of buildings ; these were to be built by the place at which the school should be located. The act which established the normal school created C. B. Denio, of JoDaviess county; Simeon Wright, of Lee county; Daniel Wilkins, of McLean county; C. E. Hovey, of Peoria 8 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY county ; George B. Rex, of Pike county ; Samuel W. Moulton, of Shelby county; John Gillespie, of Jasper county; George Bunsen, of St. Clair county; Wesley Sloan, of Pope county; Ninian W. Edwards, of Sangamon county; John Eden, of Moultrie county ; Flavel Mosley, of Cook county ; William H. Wells, of Cook county ; Albert R. Shannon, of White county, and the superintendent of public instruction, ex officio, with their associates and successors, a body corporate and politic, to be styled the Board of Education of the State of Illinois, whose duty it was to make all laws necessary for the govern- ment of the normal university. These gentlemen met in May at the office of the State superintendent, who was, ex oflicio, secretary of the board, and organized by electing Samuel W. Moulton, permanent president. It was made the duty of the board to fix the location of the school at the place which offered the most favorable in- ducement for that purpose: "Provided that such location shall not be difficult of access, or detrimental to the welfare and prosperity of said normal university." That the school was to be located at the point making the highest and best bid was widely advertised in the newspapers of the state, and as a consequence several cities became com- petitors for the prize. When the Board met at Peoria, May 7, 1857, to open the bids and decide upon the location, it found that Batavia, Washington, in Tazewell county, Peoria, and Bloomington were the principal bidders. But as the bids of Bloomington and Peoria were much higher than those of the others, it was evident one or the other of them would get the school. Peoria offered in money : Individual subscription $25,032 City corporation 10,000 County Board of Supervisors 15,000 Total in money 50,032 The highest priced site which it offered was valued at. 30,000 So that the total bid of Peoria was 80,032 Several prominent residents of McLean county, chief among whom was Hon. Jesse W. Fell, were determined to have the school located near Bloomington. Some of them had bought land near the crossing of the Illinois Central and Chi- cago and Alton railroads. This land they had platted into town lots as an addition to the little village of North Bloom- ington, as the place was then named. They desired to sell at a profit, and they believed they could do so, if the normal school should be located in the vicinity. Besides the pecuniary ad- ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. vantage that would result from the location, Mr. Fell believed that it would be the means of building up an intelligent com- munity, which he desired very much, as his family residence was but a short distance from the "Junction." Even previous to the act of the legislature establishing the normal school he was laboring, with some prospects of success, to found a col- lege or seminary at North Bloomington. But when the state decided to establish a school for the preparation of teachers he bent all his energies towards obtaining its location at that point, believing that such a school was sure to bring in an ex- ceptionally fine class of people. Being a very enthusiastic and influential man, he succeeded in getting others to see the pe- cuniary, intellectual, and moral advantages that would result from the location. Satisfied that the school would be of great benefit to the community, Mr. Fell and his co-workers earnestly endeavored to bring it to North Bloomington. They did not confine them- selves to appeals through the press, but labored incessantly with private individuals, and set a good example by subscrib- ing liberally themselves. As a result they obtained pledges for $50,000, in money and lands. And the court of county commissioners subscribed an equal amount for the county, from the proceeds of the 27,000 acres of swamp land which had been donated to the county by the Federal government, thus bringing the entire subscription up to $100,000. In order to be sure that Peoria county did not outbid them, the McLean county "workers" sent a confidential agent to Pe- oria to ascertain, if possible, what that county was going to bid. He reported there was danger that it would get the school unless McLean county was ready to bid more than it had then pledged. On receiving this report, Mr. Fell and his associates increased their own subscription and succeeded in getting others to increase theirs until the individual subscrip- tions in money and land reached about $71,000. The county commissioners added $20,000 to the subscription of the county, so that the representatives of McLean county were prepared, on that fateful May 7, to offer : Individual subscription in money and land $71,000 Subscription by the county court 70,000 Total $141,000 This amount was so far in excess of that offered by Peoria that the Illinois State Normal University was declared located in McLean county : Provided that the full amount of the 10 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY county subscription of $70,000, should be legally guaranteed within sixty days, in default of which the location was to be changed to Peoria. The Board of Education employed Abra- ham Lincoln to draw up a form of bond or guaranty to be signed by responsible citizens of Bloomington. This guaranty was thought to be necessary, as a future county court might re- consider the appropriation. The guaranty was duly signed and certified, and the signers suffered no loss as the county stood by the action of its commissioners and eventually paid its subscription in full. Among the donations of land were the sixty acres consti- tuting the campus, given by Joseph Payne and Meshack Pike, with the proviso that if the land should cease to be used for normal school purposes, it should revert to the donors, their heirs, or assigns. These gentlemen also gave twenty acres west of the campus, and Judge David Davis and E. W. Bake- well each gave forty acres. This eighty lies at the intersec- tion of Main Street and Sudduth Road, and will some day be the experiment farm of the school. North Bloomington, at the time of the location of the nor- mal school, was a town site without a town and with no spe- cial reason for its existence. It was situated on the open prairie, but thru the foresight and labor of Mr. Fell in planting shrubbery and trees, Normal is today a beautiful and well- shaded town. The name Normal was given to the little village and to the six miles square of which it is the principal point, after the location of the school, the date being April 6, 1858. "Mr. Fell also took a remarkable step towards bringing to the town a desirable class of residents, by providing in all deeds to purchasers of lots in North Bloomington, that intoxi- cating liquors should never be sold on the premises ; and this stringent prohibition was afterward re-enforced by a town charter, which was intended to be entirely prohibitory. This charter needed amendments, however, in 1867, to make it as fully operative as the inhabitants desired, and a petition was circulated asking the legislature to make such changes as should perpetually restrain the town or city authorities from ever licensing the sale of intoxicating liquors. It is a remark- able fact that this petition was signed by every man and woman, and every child over seven years old, in a town which then contained 1,800 inhabitants."* The location of the school being settled, the next step was to elect a principal, or president. Two men were mentioned "History of McLean County, 1879. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 11 for the position, Mr. Phelps, of the New Jersey normal school, and Mr. Charles E. Hovey, superintendent of the Pe- oria schools. Fortunately for the school, Mr. Hovey was elected. As Mr. Fell was the main force in bringing it to North Bloomington, so Mr. Hovey was the main force in bringing it into existence. Without him it is doubtful if there would have been a normal school in Illinois in the fifties, and possibly not in the sixties. As a result of the discussion at the Peoria meeting, in 1854, Mr. Hovey decided that there was no good reason why the col- lege and seminary funds could not be used 'to endow a normal school. Having reached this conclusion, and seeing the great need of such an institution, he fought steadily with the pen, on the stump, and in the lobby, for the establishment of the school, until by the aid of a few other friends of the scheme he succeeded. With his election to the principalship Mr. Hovey's real troubles began. Some friends of education wanted the school to be a university in fact, as well as in name, and were disap- pointed when the curriculum did not include all branches of knowledge. Others looked for immediate results, and were displeased with what they considered the slowness of those in authority. There was a difference of opinion in the Board it- self as to what should be attempted, and how it should be ac- complished. One party favored borrowing a curriculum from one of the eastern schools; another preferred making a new curriculum better suited to the longitude and conditions. Be- sides these two parties, individual members held different views, and each party seemed to hold the principal responsible for carrying out its particular ideas. In order to gain time to arrange his course of study, and to keep the Board from hasty action, Mr. Hovey persuaded that body to appoint a committee to inspect the principal school buildings of this and other States ; he and Dr. Rex constituted the committee. They made a careful examination of the school architecture in Philadelphia, Trenton, New York City, Albany, and in many cities in Connecticut and Massachusetts. On their return, Dr. Rex, the chairman of the committee, sub- mitted a report to the board recommending for adoption the plans of the New Jersey normal school building. Mr. Hovey did not join in this recommendation, as he believed a better plan for his purpose could be devised. So he went over the several plans carefully with Mr. Randall, of Chicago, the architect engaged by the board. The plan agreed upon was 12 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY not a copy of any examined ; neither was it the architect's nor Mr. Hovey's, but the product of their joint labor. As soon as the plans and specifications could be prepared a contract was entered into for the construction of the build- ing, which was to be completed September i, 1858. The cor- ner stone was laid September 29, 1857, with impressive cere- monies. Rev. H. J. Eddy, of the Baptist church of Bloom- ington, offered prayer. Professor Daniel Wilkins read a letter from Governor Matteson, appropriate to the occasion. W. H. Powell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, de- posited in the corner stone a copy of the school laws and of the different educational journals of the day. Mr. Jesse W. Fell deposited a list of all the contributors to the location of the normal school, and hoped to see the institution develop into a complete State University with an agricultural college and a model farm. Dr. E. R. Roe, editor of the Illinois Bap- tist, deposited all the Bloomington papers of the time and made a very appropriate speech. Judge A. J. Merriman, of the county court, completed the ceremonies by placing the up- per stone in position. Principal Hovey, assisted by Ira Moore, opened the school in Major's Hall, in Bloomington, October 5, 1857. There were twenty-nine pupils present the first day, and the number increased to 127 during the academic year. The prospects of the school were very favorable and all looked forward with pleasant anticipations to the time, presumably near at hand, when the school should be housed in the palatial building be- ing erected on the prairie near the "Junction." There were reasonable grounds for these expectations, for a time, as work on the building was pushed vigorously in the fall of 1857. But work was suspended in December because of the inability to pay the contractors the first payment on their contract as it fell due. This was discouraging in the ex- treme and caused much anxiety to the friends of the institu- tion. We cannot do better at this point than let Mr. Hovey tell of the troubles which beset the normal school building and its friends. He is entitled to this privilege as without his indomitable will and his tenacity of purpose that would not permit him to let go of the enterprise until success was achieved, it is difficult to say, for a certainty, what the result might have been, or if the normal school would be where it is. "But there came a time (he says) when we were not per- mitted to go on (with the work of teaching) in peace. Ques- tionings, which would not be quieted by plain answerings, ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 13 came again and again. I tried hard to bar them from the schoolroom, but could not. The great fact that not a blow had been struck on the university building for eighteen months, was known to everybody. It acted and reacted upon us de- pressingly. Were we to remain cooped up in Major's Hall for- ever? Must we, after flattering the public and ourselves with the grand idea of a model school in a model edifice, confess failure? The thought was wormwood, and the fact, if fact it should prove to be, was full of peril. We had carried the nor- mal school bill 'by the skin of our teeth,' and \vho knew but that the opposition might rally and repeal the law, armed with such a failure to carp at ?" "But what could be done? We had neither money nor credit. What we did have, applicable to building purposes, was a subscription which could not then be collected, and per- haps never. The suspension of work on the building, in De- cember, 1857, was brought about by our inability to collect from this subscription six or seven thousand dollars to pay the contractors the first installment due them on their contract for work done. They reasoned, and sensibly, that if the subscrib- ers to the building fund, in the first flush of victory, while yet the ink was hardly dry with which they had recorded their 'promise to pay' would not or could not pay seven or eight thousand, out of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars (I use round numbers,) it would not do to rely upon them, or their subscriptions; and the sooner they (the contractors) stopped work the better it would be for them. So they stopped, and the suspension continued until the summer of 1859 more than a year and a half. Meanwhile matters grew worse. A great financial revulsion had swept over the country, carry- ing ruin to some subscribers, and greatly crippling others. Moreover, from this cause, or the lapse of time, or some other reason, the great body of donors seemed to carry their obli- gation more loosely, if possible, than at first. Some who had subscribed lands refused to deed them until the building should be fully completed, which was a repudiation of their subscrip- tion so far as any aid in erecting the building was concerned." "That part of the subscription made by the county of Mc- Lean was undoubtedly good, but remote. It was payable out of the proceeds of the sales of her swamp lands. These lands could not, by law, be sold for less than their appraised value, and would not then sell for that. Of course there were no pro- ceeds, and nothing due on her subscription. This subscription 14 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY was seventy thousand dollars nearly one-half of the entire amount." In the spring of 1859, WOI "k wa s resumed on the building. How this was made possible can best be told in Mr. Hovey's own words. "The board had decreed," he tells us, "that work on the building must go on somehow and now, and that the building committee must find the means. I was the local member of the committee, and for about twenty-nine days in each month, the only member 'comeatable,' and of necessity was compelled to act for the committee. "Never did man have worse means, or better backing. I remember especially Messrs. Moulton, Powell, Wright, Denio, and Rex, as taking a decided interest, and a full share of re- sponsibility. They would leave their own business at any time, on call, and repair to Normal. Powell spent months there. Moulton joined me on notes to borrow money for the work, on our individual responsibility, and so did Rex, later on. "The first step was to get clear of existing contracts, based upon cash payments, because we had no cash. "The second, to substitute other contracts, based upon bar- ter so much subscription for so much work or material. "The third, to accept labor or material of subscribers who could not pay money, but could pay these. "The fourth, to compromise with those not able to pay all, for a part. "It was purely a matter of barter, we traded, 'made turns,' compromised and got all out of the subscription there was in it, then laid it aside. * * * * "The board authorized the sending of an agent east to ef- fect, if possible, a sale of the county lands, and thereby hasten the payment of the county subscription. * * * * "At that time, C.M. Cady, Esq., was instructor in vocal cul- ture in the university, a man of tact and pluck, and not afflicted with any serious tenderness about investing his skill in an at- tempt to negotiate the sale of the county lands. So to Gotham he went, with a list and description of the lands in his pocket. He made something of a stir there, I judge, from the letters of inquiry which, soon after his arrival, began to come by every mail. But he needed something more than a list of the lands. He could do nothing without the bonds for deeds which ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 15 could be passed by simple endorsement. With these he could effect a sale, in fact, had virtually done so already. "I tried to get the bonds from the county authorities, but could not. They would enter into no transaction, save only to sell the lands. There was one way in which I could comply with Cady's suggestion. I could buy the lands myself, paying for them by a small cash advance, and the balance by time notes, and could take the bonds and do what I pleased with them. As this was the only path, I walked into it, and bought seven or eight thousand acres of land, at a cost of twenty-five or thirty thousand dollars. The purchase was made in the in- terest of, and intended for the board, but without any author- ity, and it was never recognized. My notes, to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars, or thereabout, were turned over to the treasurer of the board by the county, in part payment of her subscription; and the building committee paid them to A, B and C for labor or material. So they became widely scattered and gave me a 'heap' of trouble to take them up as they fell due. "But I got the bonds, and notified Cady. Meanwhile, the parties with whom he had been negotiating failed, and the bar- gain fell through ; nor did he succeed in finding another pur- chaser. I was now in a fix. As Deacon Homespun, or some other wise man said, or might have said, I had brought my pigs to a fine market. I could boast of numerous broad acres of swamp land, which nobody would buy, and for which I was in debt, and had nothing to pay. Besides, the transaction, in the turn it had taken, pretty clearly impeached my discre- tion, and might involve my honor. At any rate, it was a deli- cate matter, for my notes were held by the board, and should they fail to be paid promptly, or not to be paid at all, the board would have cause to complain of my unauthorized and rash purchase. "But, however it may have affected and embarrassed me, it proved a Godsend to the university. The sale got noised about as a big speculation. Over twenty-five thousand dollars worth of the county lands had been bought up by one party. (Mum about the party.) The transaction grew on every tongue, and soon reached colossal proportions. There must be something in these lands, after all. (And they will soon be gone, I took care to have suggested.) The wave was rising. Through Powell, we got the State officers at Springfield to invest (Hatch, Dubois, and Miller,) and took good care to have this fact related to Madam Rumor, who forthwith spread it thru 16 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY all the country round. Others took heart and bought lands; nor was it long before the funds in the treasury enabled us to begin operations. "We paid off Mortimer and Loberg, the contractors for the mason work, and they surrendered their contract. Mr. Soper, the contractor for the carpenter work, elected to retain his con- tract, go on with the job, and take his chances about getting his pay. "It was now necessary to find some mason who would un- dertake the construction of the walls of the building, and take his pay in the subscriptions. A man who could and would do this was hard to find. But by dint of much talk, of appeals to local pride and interest, and aided by the eclat of the recent sales of the county lands, we found him in the person of S. D. Rounds, Esq. He exacted the 'pick' of our assets, and took the cream of the subscription, leaving the skimmilk, and not much of it, to pay the carpenter, painter, plumber, and plas- terer. But it was the best we could do, and we did it. Even with this choice, the mason found great difficulty in complet- ing his job ; and although he succeeded, the walls crept up at a snail's pace, sometimes forgetting to creep at all for many weeks together, so that the heart grew sick at hope deferred. "It was absolutely necessary to provide some money. Work could not go on without it. It could not be obtained on the credit of the board. That matter was fully tested. Nor could it be obtained on private notes, based on the assets of the board. There was but one way. The friends of the institution must loan it money or credit. At first Moulton and I borrowed a few thousand dollars, which was soon gone. Then Messrs. Fell and Holder came forward and put their names to paper on which we got more money, and in this way, from time to time, when hard pushed, money was raised. I remember es- pecially in this connection, Jesse and Kersey Fell, and Charles and Richard Holder. Without them I see not how we could have succeeded. "I next went among the merchants of Bloomington, and told them I would be personally responsible that they should be paid out of the first money the board should receive for building purposes, if they would supply our carpenter, Mr. Soper, with what he needed, on credit. The legislature was to meet the ensuing January, and I told them it would appropri- ate for any deficiency there might be in the means to build the university building, and that they should have their pay out of said appropriation. So much I pledged. They consented, ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 17 and by this arrangement Mr. Soper was enabled to supply him- self with hardware, paints, oils, glass, some lumber, groceries, and all kinds of provisions and clothing for his family and his workmen; and when the appropriation was made, as I said it would be, I redeemed my promise, and caused them all to be paid. I considered this a lucky piece of financiering, and it was lucky for the institution; but it bequeathed to me one first-class lawsuit, and sundry smaller ones, and has cost me a good deal of money and trouble." This is the story of the financial embarrassment which be- set the pathway of the building committee, and well nigh ren- dered its efforts futile, as told by the principal member of the committee. His anxiety and fear of ultimate failure during those weary months when the work on the building was at a standstill, can more readily be imagined than described. Many men in his place would acknowledge defeat, give up the strug- gle, and let the building go by default. But he was not that kind of man. He had entered upon a great enterprise, one which was dear to his heart, and he was determined to suc- ceed, even if it promised to wreck his private fortune, and weigh him down, for many years, with debts which he had personally incurred in behalf of the building. And all friends of the Illinois State Normal University owe Charles E. Hovey a profound debt of gratitude. May his name be ever held in loving remembrance by them. Thru the means recited by Principal Hovey, the building was far enuf advanced in June, 1860, so that the graduating class (the first) held its exercises in the assembly room, and in the fall of that year, the school moved into its permanent quar- ters, altho the building was not completed until early in 1861. It is proper to state that the legislature of 1861, appro- priated $65,000 to complete the building and pay outstand- ing debts. A portion of this money was lost by the failure of many banks in 1861, and for this and other reasons, it was found necessary for the next legislature to appropriate $35,000 more before the debts were fully paid. CHAPTER II THE SCHOOL AND THE WAR BY JOHN H. BURNHAM, CLASS OF 1861 The school year of 1860 closed with the new Normal build- ing under roof and partially completed. The graduating exer- cises of the class of 1860 were held in the new structure, the upper hall having been cleared of lumber and carpenter's tools for the occasion. The attendance was very large. The Bloom- ington and Normal people furnished a collation, which was free to all and was served in the unfinished class rooms. The donations of land and money from the county and from the people of Bloomington and Normal had secured the location of the institution, and after the trials and tribulations which history records, the building was well under way to- wards final completion. A class of ten had graduated and the Normal was at the threshold of its great future career. The educational people who had anxiously watched the growth of the Normal idea from the days of the great Educational State Convention held in Bloomington, December 26, 1853, were delighted at seeing tangible evidences of the correctness of their theories, while those who had almost too liberally made donations for the sake of the future material benefits to Nor- mal, Bloomington, and McLean county, now saw the beginning of better times. It may be added from 1860 to the present the Bloomington people have appeared to take less and less interest in the Nor- mal commencements. The interest in 1860 was both an educa- tional and a bread and butter interest. The present interest is merely an academic or educational one, quiet, unemotional, and undemonstrative. During the summer vacation of 1860 there was great ac- tivity among the Normal workmen, and although the opening of the fall term was delayed later than usual, the new building ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 19 was not wholly finished when the term opened. The Normal assembly room and a few class rooms were ready for use, but it was a common thing for the carpenter's tools to interrupt class exercises, and quite as common for the classes to migrate from one unfinished room to another of the same character until nearly midwinter. During this transition period the two literary societies were also homeless, and as the rooms were unlighted, meetings were held under very great difficulties. The year 1860 was one of great political excitement. Lin- coln and Douglas were both Illinoisians, and each candidate had a wonderfully large personal acquaintance. There were per- haps from thirty to forty voters among the Normal students. The most of these could vote in Bloomington where they had resided for one or two years of their student life, but if they boarded at Normal they would lose their votes. Many of the students of this class therefore remained in Bloomington until after the day of the November election. Looking back at those days I wonder our political interest was so small. We discussed the slavery question with an al- most purely academic interest. We little realized how deeply the country was soon to be convulsed with the great question of war or peace. We supposed ourselves greatly interested in the result of the coming election and each one voted con- scientiously, but with little actual realization of the import- ance of the national election of 1860. There were four student voters where I boarded. One voted for Bell and Everett. I voted for Douglas and Stephens and the others for Lincoln and Hamlin. We frequently dis- cussed the question of the day but none of us realized that in less than one year we should all agree harmoniously that our duty to our country would overshadow all of our cherished personal plans, and that we should all be equally ready to de- fend the old flag. Before the end of the winter we all realized that a crisis in the affairs of Normal had arisen, and that unless the legis- lature should appropriate a large sum of money to pay the debt of the still uncompleted building the institution would be suspended. As state after state seceded from the union, as the finances of the nation and state became more and more confused, it was considered very doubtful whether the Illinois legislature under all of the threatening conditions, would be able to rise to the occasion and appropriate the money needed. 20 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY When the legislature came in a body to visit the school in January, 1861, we all felt it to be a special duty to put our best feet forward, in case any footsteps were to be taken, and every student and teacher loyally performed whatever duty fell to his or her lot in showing ourselves off to the best advantage. Great was our rejoicing when within a few days after the legislature visited us we learned that the needed $65,000 had been appropriated, and we believed that our Normal had earned a new lease of life, but whether it could live through the convulsions of the dreaded Civil War was a most momen- tous question. When Fort Sumpter was fired on in April, 1861, and after the president's call for 75,000 men was issued, we could scarcely keep our minds on our studies, and when Joseph G. Howell, Principal of the Model School, of the class of 1860, resigned his position and volunteered with five Normal and Model School pupils, we were almost panic struck. But for President Hovey's cool preparations most of our young men would have enlisted wherever a vacancy could be found. President Hovey soon employed a drill master, Captain John W. White, to teach us military tactics after school hours and on Saturdays, and the threatening hegira was arrested. Acceding to Howell's wish the faculty placed me in charge of the Model School, and the bereaved pupils reluctantly but loyally transferred as much good will to me as they could un- der the circumstances. The Normal and Model School received, in February, 1862, a terrible shock, when the tidings came of the death of Lieutenant Howell at the battle of Pittsburg Landing, and a very few days later his remains were lying in state in Bloom- ington. Normal's heart was almost broken with grief, shared by the whole community, a grief which remains fresh to this very day, as is made evident to observers who see the marble tablet to his memory placed twenty-five years ago by Normal and Model School friends of the lamented Howell, in the room once occupied by this hero. In 1 86 1 and for several years later the Normal and Model Schools were under the same roof. Three of the rear rooms of the first floor were used by the Model School, but there was no training school, and not even a day's observation of teach- ing methods was granted to the graduating class of 1861. I was a member of this class, but my studies of the last term, ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 21 while teaching in the Model School, were conveniently skipped, probably as a war measure, and I fear that in some other re- spects the graduating class of 1861 was made to share the gen- eral deficiencies of those warlike times. As the first call for troops was for 75,000 men for three months' service, which was immediately rilled, some of us soon began to be beguiled by Secretary Seward's smooth explana- tion that the war would be over in ninety days. Normal students tried hard to go on with the studies of the course, although careful thinkers were predicting what soon came to pass, that the next call for troops would be called for three years unless sooner discharged. The probability of a long war kept up our drilling and we came to the conclusion that before the end of the coming summer we might be pre- pared for the worst, and that, if needed, our Normal Rifles, the original company of Normal and Model students, about fifty- five in number, would go to the war in a body. During this summer term of 1861 throughout the country at large, all was confusion and uncertainty, with daily and hourly telegraphic messages of war and war's alarms, but the school kept on in the uneven tenor of its ways. The regular studies partially engrossed our attention, while the excitement of the outside world distracted our thoughts to a greater or less extent. Hope is ever buoyant in the hearts of the young, and when our elders were so generally of the opinion that the Southern- ers were merely attempting to gain by threats and bravado what had been denied them at the polls, what wonder that we were early converts to Seward's ninety day prediction ? It may therefore be confidently asserted that most of our Normal students were thoughtful enough and brave enough to pursue their studies with fair proficiency under all of these exciting circumstances. The Normal Rifles held their last parade on the first of July, 1 86 1, and when the term closed on the second of the month, the little company separated with the understanding that if necessary and possible, the company would enlist as a body for the war. Events traveled rapidly in those fateful days, and soon after the dreadful battle of Bull Run, July 21, President Hovey was Colonel Hovey, with authority to raise a regiment of troops for the rebellion. The Normal Rifles became Com- pany A, 33rd regiment, Illinois Infantry Volunteers. Prof. L. H. Potter was captain of this company, and I had the honor 22 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY of being its first lieutenant. G. H. Norton, brother of the gifted Henry B. Norton, one of my classmates, became second lieutenant. He belonged to the class of 1862, but was never able to return to his Normal studies. His term of office ended August 5, 1863, his having been wounded at Vicksburg being the cause of his resignation. Harvey J. Button, one of the graduating class of 1861 entered Company A as sergeant, and became captain August 5, 1863. My own term as captain commenced September 6, 1862, and ended April i, 1863. Prof. Ira Moore, of the Nor- mal faculty, who commenced with Hovey and the school in 1857, entered service as a commissioned officer, and was cap- tain of Company G. Moses I. Morgan, of the graduating class of 1 86 1, was captain of Company B. Aaron Gove, now living in Denver, Colo., one of the graduating class of 1 86 1, entered the regiment as 2nd Lieutenant of B Com- pany, 33d 111. Inf., and afterwards became Regimental Ad- jutant. He served later as Brigade assistant adjutant gen- eral with the rank of Captain. H. H. Pope, one of the early students of 1857, was captain of Company D. The regimental surgeon was Dr. George P. Rex, of Perry, Pike county, who was a member of the State Board of Education, and Simeon Wright of Kinmundy, another member of the Board, was our Quartermaster. In all, forty-six members of the regiment were Normalites and these formed the nucleus of the 33rd, or Normal Regiment, as it was called for some time, after the original home of the regiment, a name it will carry in some circles at least, if not officially, as long as its fame will endure. Its reputation was made at the start from the fact that stu- dents, teachers, and educational men were invited to join its ranks and they did join in respectable numbers. The place of origin, the State Normal University, gave it great prominence and caused it to be noticed and watched by thoughtful men, not only in Illinois but all over the west. There was one other western regiment, the 42nd Ohio r whose colonel was the president of a college. I recollect that while we were taking some preliminary steps towards our own organization, Colonel Hovey mentioned that Colonel Gar- field's 42nd Ohio regiment was the only other student regiment that he had heard of and he concluded his remarks by saying, "Watch that man Garfield." I did watch him, and when he became candidate for president in 1880 I was more enthusiastic ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 23 in his behalf than I have been for any other presidential can- didate. The Normal regiment found itself at Pilot Knob, Mo., September 20, 1861. Here and near here its officers and sol- diers were taught many of the important first lessons in sol- diery and military tactics. Although the Normal contingent formed the nucleus of the 33rd regiment, yet it contained more than nine hundred other members who sometimes felt the Normalites were a little too much inclined to over-rate themselves, and considerable jealousy was early aroused, disappearing, however, as soon as it was seen that we were always ready to prove by acts and not by words that we were in the war for the good of the cause, and not to promote our own selfish interests. It was not long before we were proud of our comrades, and our com- rades were proud to be associated with those who had orig- inated the idea of the schoolmaster's regiment. Its first baptism of fire was at Fredericktown, Mo., Octo- ber 21, 1 86 1, just enough like war to give us a slight zest for more, not a man killed, not a drop of the Regiment's blood spilled, and the victory was important. In camp at Ironton, Mo., during the winter of 1861 and 1862, our regiment suffered from sickness but gradually im- proved itself in military drill, and perfected itself in hard marching during the following spring and summer. Colonel Hovey won his promotion on this march, which is the main reason for the insertion of a brief account of the bat- tle of Bayou Cache, July 7, 1862. Our regiment formed a part of the advance guard of Gen- eral Curtis' army of 15,000 men, marching thru Missouri and Arkansas on the way to Little Rock. The Rebels, for several days, obstructed our march by felling trees in the roads and in other ways, without giving us fight. On the morning of July 7, four companies of the 33rd regiment, with as many more from the nth Wisconsin regiment, were reconnoitering in advance, removing the blockades, when we fell into an am- bush of Texan rangers. We were driven back at first with severe loss, although not until Company A in charge of a small cannon belonging to an Indiana battery had resisted a savage attempt to capture the gun. First Sergeant Edward M. Pike, a Normal student now living at Chenoa, 111., aided by one other man, coupled the cannon by main strength to its fore- most wheels, barely saving it from capture, just as the rebels 24 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY were on the point of reaching for the artillery horses' bridles. He received a bullet through his cap and for his muscular ac- tivity, daring and bravery, was a few years ago given, by the Secretary of War, a medal of honor, which is the only medal granted to a member of the 33rd regiment, to my knowledge. Captain Potter, in command of our company, was severely wounded, with several others. Just as we started to the rear he gave me the command of the company and told me to take it back to the rear. As a matter of fact the company or some- thing else was taking me rapidly back to the rear without or- ders, and I shall never forget my satisfaction at being under orders to do what was so remarkably agreeable as was that retreat, and feeling that of all that rushing throng pushing our way to the rear amidst the crashing bullets and falling branches, I was perhaps the only one fortunate enough to be acting under orders. Colonel Hovey was in the rear with the main army, but fortunately was mounted and on his way to join us when he heard the sound of battle and rode like the wind to our assist- ance. He met our retreating forces, about five hundred in all, and instantly attempted with great success to halt the troops at a good point for resistance. I shall never forget his courage- ous and desperate attempts to rally the troops. I was very near to his person when some rebel buckshot passed through his clothing and cut the skin of the upper part of his breast. The pain was intense as the first sensation was like being shot thru the lungs. He turned pale and staggered, and just as I was almost near enuf for assistance, I saw him tear open the cloth- ing and feel of his wound. In an instant his countenance brightened as he drew forth his hand containing two or three buckshot which had merely penetrated the skin. He said im- mediately, "It is nothing but a flesh wound and some buckshot. I am not hurt," and immediately proceeded more vigorously than before to arrange the disorganized soldiers for desperate defense. The rally was successful, other troops arrived, the force of Texans was soon driven back and we were grandly victorious. Colonel Hovey was deservedly made brigadier-general for this exploit. His promotion carried the promotion of Captain Potter to be major of the regiment, and as I was next in line, this promoted me to be captain. I had done nothing to deserve this and was simply carried along by the rush of other promo- tions, much as I had been carried to the rear under orders in CHARLES EDWARD HOVEY First President, 1857-1861. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 25 the action itself. General Hovey soon left us to take com- mand of a brigade of other troops. He participated in the bat- tle of Chickasaw Bayou, and also in the capture of Arkansas Post, where he was wounded by a bullet which was declared by good authority to have passed through both arms. Con- gress on March 13, 1865, made him brevet major general, enumerating among other merits, "Especially for meritorious conduct at Arkansas Post." This act of Congress closed Gen- eral Hovey's military record with all of the honor that his best friends could possibly desire. A fruitless winter's march in southern Missouri in 1862 and 1863 was followed in March by an order to proceed to Vicksburg, where the regiment became attached to the famous 1 3th Army Corps under Gen. John A. MacClernand and its real military fighting history now commenced. It took an active part in the battles of Port Gibson, Cham- pion Hills, Magnolia Hills and in the terrific charge on Vicks- burg, earning the official thanks of General Grant, and special mention in his published "Memoirs," written after the war. The regiment's loss in the Vicksburg battles amounted to no less than thirty officers and men killed, and nearly one hun- dred wounded, and its services have been commemorated by the State of Illinois with a beautiful regimental monument placed in 1906 on the site of its most terrible conflict. The name of every Illinois soldier engaged in the Vicksburg battles is engraven in lasting bronze tablets in the interior of this grand monument, erected in 1906. I left the regiment at Millikin's Bend on the first day of April, 1863, having resigned in February on account of ill health. These tablets contain the names of all members of the army who were in the army on March 29, and I under- stand my own name is on the tablet, the same as if I had been under fire during these battles. Just another case of my good luck which followed me during my entire army service, simply because of being in good company. The history of the 33rd Illinois Regiment was published by the survivors in 1902, and it is a remarkable historical rec- ord, said to be one of the very best regimental histories ever published in any state, east or west. Mr. V. G. Way, of Gib- son City, Illinois, was the compiler and author, assisted by other members. Col. I. H. Elliott, the regiment's last and best loved commander, wrote its military records in first-class military style. 26 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY I wrote the introduction and the sketch of the organization of the Normal Company, and Capt. H. J. Dutton brought the company's history down to the end of the war. This publica- tion, with the government's official history of the rebellion, and with the Judge Marshall's Army Life, written and pub- lished in 1883 at Joliet by O. A. Marshall, now Judge Mar- shall, a member of Company A, but not a Normal student, taken altogether, constitutes a full and permanent written his- tory of the Normal heroes of 1861. We may state briefly that immediately after the fall of Vicksburg the regiment was at the siege of Jackson, and that it took part later in 1863 in the capture of Fort Esperanza in Texas. Just at the close of the war in 1865, it was at the capture of Ft. Blakeley at Mobile, and at Spanish Fort, Mobile, Ala. Its banners are officially entitled to be emblazoned with the following battles : Fredericktown, Mo., Bayou Cache, Ark., Port Gibson, Miss., Grand Gulf, Miss., Champion Hills, Miss.> Magnolia Hills, Miss., Vicksburg, Miss., Black River, Miss., Siege of Jackson, Miss., Fort Esperanza, Texas, Blakeley, Ala., and Spanish Fort, Ala. Soon after the Normal Rifles were organized at Normal the ladies of Normal prepared and presented a beautiful flag to the company, on which occasion Miss Sophie J. Crist of the graduating class of 1861, delivered a very appropriate address to the assembled company in the upper hall of the Normal building. This same flag was carried by the regiment for a short time after its organization and then given into my pos- session. It is now preserved in the museum of the Normal University. The fact that the regiment was partially composed of teachers and educational men, was the means of a set of regimental colors being presented to the regiment by the school teachers of Chicago and Cook county. These colors reached the regiment in October or November, 1861, at Ironton, Mo., ac- companied by a delegation of Chicago teachers. When they were worn out, and torn and tattered in the battles of Vicksburg, the color bearer having lost his life in battle, the staff and colors riddled, bleached out, and with blood stains, which can be detected to the present day, they were replaced by a new and beautiful set from the same source as the first. These flags, preserved to the present time, are now in the care of the McLean County Historical Society at Bloomington, be- ing kept in a beautiful case with several other McLean flags,, labeled and carefully rolled up, so tattered and torn that ii* all probability they will never be unrolled. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 27 The crowning act of patriotism which should ever stand out to the everlasting credit of this regiment, was its re-en- listing on the desolate Texas coast in 1864 for another three years' service as a Veteran Volunteer Regiment. Nothing in the history of American volunteering exceeds in patriotism and devotion to country the re-enlisting of a regiment in the face of the enemy, and the public have never given and never will give, the great credit deserved by these heroes of 1864, of whom at least 100,000 were enlisted in the Grand Army of the Republic in the last years of the war. The following lines written by a member of the regiment will express the sentiments of the re-enlisting volunteers of this regiment : "Farewell to home, farewell to kindred; We have pledged ourselves for three years more; We will each be in at the death of treason, Or perish in the I3th Army Corps." Space will not permit further allusions to the acts of the Normal regiment, and we can only refer to the final muster out of this veteran regiment on December 7, 1865. The space given in this chapter to the 33rd Illinois Regi- ment, is believed to be deserved on account of the prominence given to the Normal regiment by the fact that this regiment originated at Normal, but we do not forget that a very much larger number of students enlisted in other Illinois regiments. The records show that one hundred and twenty-eight Normal and Model School students volunteered in different regiments from the beginning to the end of the war. The military his- tory of all of these is to be found in the State Adj. General's Reports and other places, and it is very much to be regretted that these military records, equally heroic, equally patriotic, equally important, cannot be given here. The fact that the most important volunteering of Normal students during the war, occurred after the departure of the 33rd Regiment, as given in the several lists, shows the value to the institution of having the military records of all of its members available in compact form. The record of P. R. Walker, one of the grad- uates of 1 86 1, may be taken as a sample of these isolated, in- dividual enlistments, amounting to nearly eighty in all. He taught school one year, and when the great call came for vol- unteers in 1862, he went into the Q2nd 111. Infantry and rose to be second Lieutenant before the end of the war. When the fall term of 1861 commenced it was found that the Normal University had almost been broken up by the war. SEMI-CENTENNIAL, HISTORY Even the new students who entered in the fall of 1861 were tempted to desert the Normal School and enlist in different companies and regiments, though the heaviest enlistment took place after the close of that school year, during the late sum- mer and early autumn of 1862. It is a fact not generally known that of the young men who were members of the three classes of 1860, 1861, and 1862, every one not physically disabled volunteered in the army, and it is believed that a very similar condition existed among the young men who were not graduates. This will show at once that the war changed the membership of the institution from a fairly equal division between the sexes, into an unequal dis- tribution, throwing the teaching profession almost entirely into the hands of the women, a condition which has continued to exist to the present. But for the war, the early graduates would probably have given the institution something of the popular reputation which came later, and no one will ever be able to estimate the changes in Normal's personnel and meth- ods caused by the war. One thing is positively known, and this is, that the patriotic reputation which the institution gained and which will never be taken away, is safe, a reputation of which the whole state has been proud. The Normal University was placed temporarily, as it was believed, and as it actually proved, under charge of Mr. Per- kins Bass, of Chicago, one of the members of the State Board of Education. He was a graduate of Dartmouth College, a great friend of Colonel Hovey and of the Normal cause, and he successfully carried the school through the disorganized school year which ended with the summer term of 1862. The third graduating class proved to be about as large as its predecessors. Some of its members had remained only to complete the course, with the intention of immediately enlist- ing at the expiration of the school year. Among this number was Logan Holt Roots, who at once joined the immense army of new soldiers called out by the call for 600,000 volunteers in the summer of 1862, the great patriotic year of the war. In the fall of 1862, Pres. Richard Edwards took charge of the institution, and brought with him a knowledge of Normal methods of training, which has changed the whole character of the institution from 1862 to the present time. Great attention has been given to imparting a knowledge of correct methods of teaching. Previous to that date almost the whole strength of the teaching force had been given to the acquirement of a ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 29 most complete and thorough knowledge of the subjects to be taught, leaving the pupils to adapt their future methods of teaching mainly as exigencies and contingencies might con- front them in actual experience. Higher mathematics and Latin, which were formerly a part of the course, were made optional, and enough work has been added to keep the classes busy, possibly more than enough in the opinion of the pupils themselves. Looking backward, the older graduates see how many gaps were left open in their early education, and looking forward they are led to hope and believe that the newly adopted branches in the Normal course will be well adapted to continue to future Normal graduates that meed of public approval which has always been so generously granted in the past. ARMY LIST The following named persons, formerly teachers or students in the Normal University, were in the Union army: TEACHERS NORMAI, DEPARTMENT Charles E. Hovey Brevet Major-General, U. S. Vol. (a) Dr. E. R. Roe Lieut. Col., 33d 111. Inf. Leander H. Potter Lieut. Col., 33d 111. Inf. Ira Moore Capt., Co. G, 33d 111. Inf. Julien E. Bryant Lieut. Col., ist Miss., (C. V.) *Dr. Saml. Willard Surgeon, g;th 111. Inf. STUDENTS NORMAI, DEPARTMENT Edward Allyn Private, Co. A, 33d 111. Inf. Jas. H. Beach Private, Co. H, 20th 111. Inf. *Wm. C. Baker Ord. Sergt, Co. A, 33d 111. Inf. Eugene F. Baldwin Ord. Sergt., Co. B, I2th Ind. Inf. Wm. A. Black Private, Co. , 8;th 111. Inf. James H. Baily Private, Co. A, 33d 111. Inf. (&) Charles Bovee Corp., Co. A, 33d 111. Inf. James M. Burch Capt., Co. , 94th 111. Inf. Lorenzo D. Bovee Private, Co. E, looth 111. Inf. George M. Berkley Corp., Co. C, I3th 111. Inf. Joseph M. Chase Corp., Co. , 3d 111. Cav. Wilson M. Chalfant Private, Co. , iO4th 111. Inf. (c) Charles M. Clark ist Lieut., Qtr.-master, 2d La., (C.V.) (- cision. Recitation (W.) Maud Valentine; (P.) Rachel Crothers. Vocal Music (W.) S. F. Parson; (P.) James B. Pollock. Instrumental Music (W.) Alice Clark; (P.) Anna Glidden. Oration (W.) Arthur Norton; (P.) H. C. Metcalf. 150 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 1890. Debate (P.) Frank G. Blair, George Riley; (W.) W. J. Sutherland, George Reid. Essay (P.) E. Kate Conover; (W.) Kate Spear. Recitation (P.) Harriet Fyffe; (W.) Emily Waterman. Vocal Music (P.) Harvey White; (W.) Cora Laign. Instrumental Music (P.) Agnes Cook; (W.) Grace Gregory. Oration (P.) C. C. Wilson; (W.) John H. Cox. 1891. Debate (P.) L. W. Colwell, Joseph Dixon; (W.) B. F. Baker, Mack M. Lane. Essay (P.) Mrs. Tessie Ament; (W.) Hattie Gaston. Phil, essay not read sickness. Recitation (W.) Fannie Ewing; (P.) Grace Stevens. Vocal Music (W.) Ellen Connett; (P.) Herman Backer. Instrumental Music (W.) Katie Evans; (P.) Carl Riebsame. Oration (W.) J. E. Ament; (P.) George W. Riley. 1892. Debate (W.) Frank Bachman, John W. Muir; John A. Keith, Wal- ter S. Goode. Essay (P.) Grace Sealey; (W.) Anna C. Eack. Recitation (P.) Anna Darnbrough; (W.) Harriet Hetfield. Vocal Music (P.) J. I. Taylor; (W.) James A. Hodge. Instrumental Music (W.) Julia Toole; (P.) Charlotte Capen. Oration (P.) W. S. Wallace; (W.) Cuthbert Parker. 1893- Debate (P.) William Skinner, Jesse Black; (W.) E. A. Thornhill, A. H. Melville. Essay (W.) Eleanor Hampton; (P.) Nellie Collins. Recitation (W.) Mary Karr; (P.) Maggie Nicholson. Declared a tie. Vocal Music (W.) Joseph G. Brown; (P.) Minnie Moon. Instrumental Music (W.) Alice Hall; (P.) Fred Hobert. Oration (W.) Frank Bachman; (P.) John A. Keith. 1894. Debate (W.) D. Clinton Shaff, Edward Quick; (P.) T. A. Hillyer, C. N. Boord. Essay (P.) A. Marion Smith; (W.) Jessie Bullock. Recitation (P.) Mae Wierman; (W.) Lucretia Smith. Vocal Music (P.) Rose Richards; (W.) Mary Sage. Instrumental Music (P.)Lauretta Kneedler; (W.) Ada Kuhns. Oration (P.) Reuben Tiffany; (W.) Ernest Scrogin. 1895- Debate (P.) Frank Bogardus, William Martin; (W.) H. E. Kanaga, Chester Echols. Essay (W.) Rebekah Lesem; (P.) Lucy Clanahan. Recitation (W.) Amanda Trainer; (P.) Bernice Rose. Vocal Music (W.) Kate L. Foster; (P.) Pearl Wells. Instrumental Music (W.) Dorothy Higgins; (P.) Edith McCrea Oration (W.) Robert Wells; (P.) Nelson D. Pike. ARNOLD TOMPKINS President, 1899-1900. ILUNOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 151 1896. Debate (P.) Lyman Coleman, A. Roy Mize; (W.) John Hall, George Stokes. Essay (P.) Josephine Lesem; (W.) Helen Taylor. Recitation (P.) Mrs. Dora Long; (W.) Grace Sitherwood. Vocal Music (P.) Jessie Hawks; (W.) Ora Augustine. Instrumental Music (P.) May Haynie; (W.) Haley one Hussey. Oration (P.) Hollis Price; (W.) Chester Echols. 1897. Debate (W.) Harmon Waits, George Pfingsten; (P.) Albert Wolfe, Herbert Elliott. Essay (W.) Marien Lyons; (P.) Emlie Wright. Recitation (W.) Anne Ophelia Hill; (P.) Daisy Benthuysen. Vocal Music (W.) Vera M. Peck; (P.) Edith Brown. Instrumental Music (W.) Eva D. Smith; (P.) Bertha Jeffries. Oration (W.) Dalton McDonald; (P.) Walter Pike. Debate (P.) Myron Martin, Elmer Ashworth; (W.) Clarence Bon- nell, C. W. Whitten. Essay (P.) Lilian Barton; (W.) Cora S. Reno. Recitation (P.) Edna Gertrude Mills; (W.) Florence Pitts. Vocal Music (P.) Harry Waggoner; (W.) Carrie Fessler. Instrumental Music (P.) Bernice Bright; (W.) Nellie Spring. Oration (P.) George M. Palmer; (W.) Oliver R. Zoll. 1899- Debate (W.) Gustave F. Baltz, Luella Dilley; (P.) James Fairchild, Frank Wilson. Essay (W.) Frank George; (P.) Helen C. Putnam. Recitation (W.) Dorothy Dixon; (P.) Maud Myers. A tie. Vocal Music (W.) Henry F. Stout; (P.) Mabel Claire Lancaster. Instrumental Music (W.) Minnie Gossman; (P.) C. E. Patterson. Oration (W.) Charles W. Whitten; (P.) J. Carl Stine. 1900. Debate (P.) Charles Oathout, George W. Wright; (W.) J. H. Heinzelman, William Hawkes, Essay (P.) Edna Gertrude Mills; (W.) Minnie L. Robinson. Recitation (P.) Elisabeth Page; (W.) Mamie Haines. Vocal Music (P.) Hattie Vail; (W.) Lura File. Instrumental Music (P.) Florence Carroll; (W.) Electa Wyllie. Oration (P.) Roy Barton; (W.) James Forden. 1901. Debate (W.) Irwin Ropp, Bertha Denning; (P.) Irvin McDuffee, Thomas Barger. Essay (W.) Ruth A. David; (P.) Clara Penstone. Recitation (W.) Frances Richards; (P.) Helen Tuthill. Vocal Music (W.) Nellie Pollock; (P.) Alda Wilcox. Instrumental Music (W.) Kate Costello; (P.) Vida Litchfield. Oration (W.) Charles M. Gash; (P.) Hubert Oathout. 152 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 1902. Debate (W.) Herbert Dixon, Charles Francis; (P.) Carl Waldron, Harry Perrin. Essay (P.) Ada V. McCall; (W.) Maud Lants. Recitation (P.) Julia Holder; (W.) Patsy Fletcher. Vocal Music (P.) Isabelle Williams; (W.) Minnie Doling. Instrumental Music (P.) Anna Altevogt; (W.) Anna Duffy. Oration (P.) Roy Webster; (W.) Bertha Denning. 1903. Debate (W.) I. B. McMurtry, George B. Kendall; (P.) Fred Tel- ford, Edward Criss. Essay (W.) Edith Mossman; (P.) Elisabeth Matheny. Recitation (W.) Pearl Dobson; (P.) Martha Grace Thomason. Vocal Music (W.) Ernest E. Edmunds. Not contested by the Phils. Instrumental Music (W.) Cora M. Harned; (P.) Bessie Dillon. Oration (W.) Fred T. Ullrich; (P.) Leonard A. McKean. 1904- Debate (W.) Herbert Coons, Bertha Olsen; (P.) Elmer Ortman, Harvey Freeland. Essay (P.) Lemma Broadhead; (W.) Grace Wells. Recitation (P.) Ruby Allen; (W.) Clara Louise Coith. Vocal Music (P.) Emma Kleinau; (W.) Ola Litchfield. Instrumental Music (P.) Constance Williams; (W.) Hazel Brand. Oration (P.) Edna Coith; (W.) Herbert Dixon. 1905. Debate (W.) Asa P. Goddard, Clara Coith; (P.) James Smith, Mary Damman Essay (W.) Irwin Fronts; (P.) Esther Sealey. Recitation (W.) Dorothea Glessing; (P.) Goldie Sharpies. Vocal Music (W.) Louise McTaggart; (P.) Veronica O'Hara. Instrumental Music (W.) Eleanor Hoierman; (P.) Margaret Tripp- let Oration (W.) Ralston Brock; (P.) Emma Kleinau. 1906. Debate (W.) Otto Reinhart, Daniel Hannon; (P.) Minnie Vautrin, John Adams. Essay (P.) Florence Olsen; (W.) Gertrude Stephens. Recitation (P.) Ora Bastian; (W.) Cora M. Harned. Vocal Music (P.) Sadie Pepple; (W.) Leslie Stansbury. Instrumental Music (P.) Floyd Godfrey; (W.) Mrs. Genevieve Pierce. Oration (P.) James Smith; (W.) Miguel Nicdao. SUMMARY. Total number of contests, 46. Ties in '60, '68, '77. No contest in '61, '63, '65. Contests won by Wrightonia, 25 Philadelphia, 18 Debates won 26 20 Papers won n 15 Vocal Music 26 17 Instrumental Music 18 23 ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 153 Essay Wrightonia, 10 Philadelphia 9 Recitation (tie in '93 and '99) 8 9 Oration 18 19 Total points won " 154 147 The Wrightonians won the only point contested the debate in 1858; the two points contested in 1859; and all the points in 1896; the Phila- delphians won all seven points in 1884. The debate and the paper have always counted two points each. The above counts the oration in '69 for Philadelphia, just as the essay in '91 for Wrightonia. The former has perhaps not usually been so counted. OTHER LITERARY SOCIETIES. THE EDWARDS DEBATING CLUB. Back in the seventies there existed a literary society known as the Edwards Debating Club. All records seem to be lost. It is safe to say that the organization was not in existence much before 1870. As its name suggests the prime feature of its program was the debate. Its membership included men only. The meetings \vere held, part of the time at least, in the White room, in the basement. Probably with little more change than one of name, in 1879, this organization was trans- formed into THE CICERONIAN SOCIETY. The Ciceronian Society continued, as its forerunner, the Edwards Debating Club, had been, a society for men only, the debate continued the back-bone of the program, the meetings were still held in the White room. Later the membership out- grew the capacity of the White room, and meetings were held in the northwest room in the basement. Still later the Cicer- onians arranged for the use of the Wrightonian hall on Friday evenings. This has been the usual place of meeting in later years tho some meetings have been held in various reci- tation rooms. The membership of Cicero has fluctuated greatly, at times including nearly all the men of the school, and at times dwindling to a mere handful. The interest, too, in the work of the society has varied greatly. The Ciceronian Society, with no ladies present, with its smaller membership, in its atmosphere of freedom, has af- forded an opportunity especially valuable to beginners in de- bate and not by any means without its value for those of much experience. Once in three or four weeks the meeting has been held, for many years, in the form of a model senate. Here have been introduced, advanced to a second or last reading, 154 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY and passed or defeated, with an expedition quite unknown to its federal namesake, some of the most important measures of recent generations. Republicans, and democrats, and populists have had, upon such occasions, ample opportunity to chew each other up in approved fashion. Within Cicero, too, have existed peculiar political parties. Conservatives, Liberals, the Ciceronian party, as well as Democrats and Republicans, have striven for mastery. Florid nominating speeches, exciting campaigns, hotly contested elections have been the order of the day. Next to debate and politics, Cicero has been famed for her devotion to business and her attention to rules of order. If there wasn't sufficient business on hand it was manufac- tured. While such practice may be valuable it must be guarded carefully or it will degenerate into mere horse-play. A pleasant feature in connection with the social side of the Ciceronian's life has been the friendly relation that has com- monly existed between Cicero and the Sapphonian Society. Open meetings of Cicero to which the Sapphonians might come, social functions, given by the one or the other organiza- tion to the other, occurred for years. Of late Sappho seems to have found a rival in the shape of the younger ladies' so- ciety the Girls' Debating Club. THE SAPPHONIAN SOCIETY. The following is taken from the first issue of the Vidette February, 1888: "The ladies of the school have organized a literary society, called the Sapphonian, which promises to be a great benefit to them." "One Friday evening in October (1887) a number of the ladies made up their minds to surprise and embarrass the mem- bers of the Ciceronian society by making them a visit. They carried with them fancy work, for they had an idea that Cic- ero was a very tedious place and that they would need some- thing to amuse them, but 'great oaks from little acorns grow,' and they became so much interested in the work that they then and there determined to found a society of their own. The society tho small at first has constantly grown and now feels strong enuf to risk a contest with the members of Cicero, which is to be held Friday evening, March 23. The officers are elected once in four weeks, so that all receive drill in pre- siding, and the parliamentary rules are so well understood that the ladies are now able to second a motion in the Philadelphian or the Wrightonian Society without any fear of being called IIJJNOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 155 to order The society holds its meetings in the Phila- delphian hall and, much to the surprise of the gentlemen, who are not allowed to attend, and who prophesied it a short life, it grows every day." The account of the Sapphonian Society in the first Index (1892) quotes the above, characterizing it however as a "legend." It recounts that in the fall of 1887 half a dozen young women called a meeting of all the girls of the school, that the meeting discussed the matter of forming a girl's so- ciety, was addressed by students and by Miss Flora Pennell, now Mrs. Parr, then preceptress, appointed a committee to draft a constitution, which committee reported a week later. At that time the organization was completed, Miss Louise be- ing elected president. The Sapphonian Society and the Cicer- onian Society early exchanged the courtesies of invitations to open meetings. A contest with Cicero, Shakespearean plays, parliamentary drills, etc., were features of the early work. The rest of this sketch has been contributed by Mrs. Elizabeth Mavity Cunning-ham- Former members of the two "old" literary societies are wont to say that among their most valued possessions are qualities arising from their experiences within the society walls. A certain ease of address, a quickness of thought and appropriateness of speech, and a courteous and conscientious willingness to co-operate with others must of course result at least in a measure from active work in a literary society ; and persons familiar with customs at the old Normal will recall the habit of Normal presidents of laying stress upon these val- ues of society membership, when reading, each term, the list of students drawn into the Philadelphian and the Wrightonian Societies. I mention these things because from twelve years' acquaintance with the work of the Sapphonian Society I be- lieve it to be second to none of the societies of the school in the opportunities it offers for growth in the qualities named above. From the Vidette account of its origin, however, it would appear that at first the Sapphonian Society was modeled after the existing institutions, serving chiefly to give another op- portunity to do the same kind of literary work. The increased amount of practice must have been helpful. But after some years, there grew up among the women students a feeling that the society did not satisfy their needs for study and expression. They felt it too much a duplication of the others. They asked the advice and help of Miss Colby, then newly come to the school as preceptress and professor of literature, and re- 156 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY organized then, fifteen years ago, on the plan which has given the society its greater possibilities for usefulness. The present plan makes the society very unlike the other organizations of the school in its working details, and avoids one of the difficulties besetting them the non-active member. The society is composed of groups called committees, whose number and whose lines of work depend upon the needs and wishes of the women students of the school. Regular fort- nightly meetings of each committee and the uniting of all the committees in open meetings on the intervening weeks, make up the life of the society. The committee meetings are regu- larly devoted to the chosen lines of study; in the open meet- ings each committee in turn gives a program. It is rarely the case that a member does not take part both in committee and on program. Paper, talk, recitation, dramatic representation, music, on the program, are drawn from the work done in the committee; so that in general the programs are themselves each a growth, and each member's part is a growth. The ill- prepared or hastily-got-up exercise is the exception. New committees may be formed whenever a need arises. No one need hunger for an opportunity to exercise in any field of thought or endeavor, if only she can find other girls in the school who will join her. Some woman member of the fac- ulty is asked to serve as adviser, and the committee meetings are usually held at her home. The plan of reading or other study is laid out in the case of most of the committees for the entire school year. There is always a literature committee; usually a music committee; of recent years, a travel commit- tee. For some years, there was a current history committee; for a time, an English history committee, and an athletic com- mittee. Recently there has arisen a college committee. There may be whatever the girls of the school wish to have; and while the work is chiefly done in committee, the programs at the open meetings make the interest and advantage of the study of each group evident to the others and to visiting non- members. All girls of the school are invited to attend. The relative informality of the programs and the friendly, gracious atmosphere that invests all the meetings are helpful to timid girls as well as pleasant to all. Many a girl who has first learned to face an audience in the Sapphonian meetings, would not have learned this at all had there not been just such an opportunity. And besides, the Sapphonian Society has al- ways had many of the strongest and most active students of the school among its members, because they wished to have ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 157 the pleasure and the enlargement of living which are its pe- culiar gift to the school. The women of the faculty who are associated with the committees as advisers enjoy the pleasant associations thus made possible. They join with old students in a tribute to the efficiency and the beauty of this society as a student institution. And this article must not close without recognition of the part taken by Miss Colby in securing both the efficiency of the so- ciety's work and the beauty of its spirit. Her judgment, her wide knowledge, her whole-souled sympathy, and her time have for fifteen years been part of the capital of the society, freely given the girls to use in their pursuit of larger life, more liberty, and greater happiness. THE GIRLS' DEBATING CLUB. The following 1 was written by Miss Irene Blanchard. The Girls' Debating Club was organized in 1903 by a few young women who wanted better opportunities in debate. At first, they had a Model House every two weeks and engaged in many and lively discussions. As this was the only literary society which met in the afternoon and many young women find it more convenient to do their literary work at this time, membership soon increased. With the increase in the number of members, the programs became more general and the work more varied. Like all societies, the Girls' Debating Club has had its ups and downs, but the attendance is now regular and the spirit good. THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS. THE Y. M. C. A. During the fall term of 1871 a few men of the school be- gan to agitate the matter of religious meetings for men stu- dents. The first meeting was held in a little Presbyterian chapel located south of the Alton track on Linden street. The building was later moved into another part of town and seems now to have disappeared. The heating apparatus of the chapel was defective, the room was often cold, smoky, and very un- inviting, and soon the meeting was taken to a small room in the basement of the Methodist church, and later, as the attend- ance increased, to the regular lecture room in the basement. Early in January, 1872, after getting the advice of the gen- eral secretary of the Chicago association, the Normal organi- 158 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY zation was more formally organized, the association thus formed being the first student association in the State and the fifth in the United States. The officers then elected were: I. E. Brown, president; George Blount, vice president; Hi- ram Stewart, secretary. The last-named died shortly after, before he had transferred minutes of the first meetings from loose slips of paper to a permanent record-book, so that the earliest records are lost. During the winter of 1873 a notable revival was held under the auspices of the new association. In consequence about sixty students began the Christian life. The next winter an equally successful revival was held. At the time of the organization of the Normal Y.M.C.A. there was no State organization. The first State convention was held, however, in Bloomington in 1873. The Normal associa- tion as early as 1873 adopted the plan of meeting trains, help- ing students to find quarters, and inviting them to the Y.M.C.A. rooms. Two or three years after its organization the Y.M.C.A. became involved in society politics. There had been organized the so-called Liberal Club. Altho opposition to the orthodox religion had not been the purpose of the organization, yet the club studied, among others, books that in those times were commonly considered anti-orthodox, its members gave free expression to their views upon the society platforms, and ar- ranged programs upon which Liberals alone appeared. The crisis came when a president was to be selected for the Phila- delphian Society. The Liberals supported Charles McMurry, who, however, was not of their own number. He was zealously opposed by the Christian Association, but was elected. To the earliest history of the Normal Y.M.C.A., be- cause the association was the first of its kind in Illinois and the fifth in the country, attaches a peculiar interest that warrants the giving of the details above. It is not possible, however, to trace its later life in detail. The manner of work changed with time. Thus, during the greater part of the eighties there were no week day meetings of the associa- tion in the main building, nor were there meetings for men alone at any time, if the occasional meetings of men in evening Bible study classes be excepted. The regular association meeting was held with the Y.W.C.A. on Sunday afternoons in one of the churches. The issue of the Vidette for February, 1888, speaks of the discontinuance of these joint meetings and the new life, increased enthusiasm, and increased attendance at the Y.M.C.A. meetings in conse- J. ROSE COLBY 1892-1907 MRS. LIDA BROWN McMuRRY 1891-1900. ANGE V. MILNER 1890-1907. MRS. ELIZABETH MAVITY CUNNINGHAM 1895-1906. A GROUP OF WOMEN TEACHERS ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 159 quence. Sunday afternoon joint meetings occurred tho much later. The association early adopted the practice of sending delegates to the State association meeting. In 1891 began the custom of sending delegates to Geneva. A little hand-book is issued each year, giving useful information, etc., this in con- junction with the Y.W.C.A. For many years the Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A. supported at the expense of several hun- dred dollars annually, five or six native preachers in China, India, Armenia. At times there has been strong talk of a joint association building or of commodious hired quarters, but the association still "boards around." Bible classes, taught usually by the professors, evening prayer meetings in the churches or in the students' rooms, energetic fall canvassing for members, social functions, union meetings with the women's association, revival meetings under the lead of some evangelist, and unpretentious, never-ending struggles to be good and to help others to be good such are the topics that would receive attention were the history of the association to be written in more detail. The regular meeting is now held in the main building on each Friday evening. Once a month the meeting is a joint one with the Y.W.C.A. THE Y.W.C.A. This sketch was written by Miss Olive L. Barton, Training Teacher. To a student of college movements, more than ordinary in- terest centers about an organization that has proved itself a pioneer in a given line. The Young Women's Christian As- sociation of the Illinois State Normal University is proud to be recognized as the forerunner of what has since become a world-wide movement among college women. On a dismal Sunday afternoon in November, 1872, a group of six young women met for prayer in the room of Miss Lida A. Brown, now Mrs. McMurry, of the Northern Illinois Normal School. They found the hour a profitable one, and believed that others should share in the blessings that they had received. Accordingly they invited others to join them and the following Sunday held their meeting in the parlor of the old Congregational church. The interest increased and their numbers grew until they were soon obliged to use the body of the church for their meetings. In 1873 the church burned and the basement of the old Methodist church became their meet- ing place. With the growth in interest, the workers felt the need of closer organization. They saw in organized effort a 160 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY great opportunity to help the non-Christian women of the school. Early in the year 1873 a committee was appointed to draft a constitution. This committee consisted of Miss Myra Osband (Mrs. J. H. Sutton), preceptress of the Normal school, Miss Ida Witbeck (Mrs. Charles DeGarmo,) Miss Fannie B. Pace (Mrs. DeWitt Roberts,) and Miss Lida Brown. Finding the plan of work followed by the Young Men's Christian Association to be apparently suited to their needs, they based the draft of their constitution upon it. This was adopted January 19, 1873, an d the organization was styled, The Young Ladies' Christian Association. It was known by this name until September n, 1881, when it re- ceived its present name. The first officers under the old constitution were Miss Ida E. Brown (Mrs. James Cary,) deceased, president; Miss Ida Witbeck, vice president; Miss Emma V. Stewart (Mrs. I. E. Brown,) deceased, secretary; Miss Lida A. Brown, treasurer. These early officers gratefully remember the loyal help given them by Miss Harriet Case (Mrs Morrow), preceptress. The organization of the Normal Y.W.C.A. was soon fol- lowed by similar organizations in other educational institu- tions of Illinois, Michigan and Ohio. Were this a history of the Y.W.C.A. movement at large, much could be told of its growth, of its presence and activities in almost every Normal school, college, and university in the land; of its splendid achievements in home and foreign work ; of the noble young women of superior training and intellect who have given the best of their lives to its work. It is an occasion of gratitude and pride on the part of the young women of the I.S.N.U. that their organization is responsible for a movement of such wide- spread power for good. It would be impossible to trace in detail the development of the local association, and the careers of its officers and mem- bers. Young women of worth and pronounced ability have directed its forces. The entire school has received moral up- lift thru its presence. Young women have been given higher ideals and broader conceptions of their chosen life-work. It has been a vital force for good, and has contributed in no small part to the excellent equipment of the young people graduated by our noble institution. The organization in its present mem- bership and officers as also in the work accomplished, is equally worthy with its predecessors of the highest commenda- tion. Adapting itself to the increasing compexity of our pres- ent-day life, it has undertaken numerous lines of work, each ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 161 fruitful and practical in its place. Its members now number above seventy. The association anticipates a future of in- creased usefulness when in quarters adapted to its needs, and affording wider range of activities, it will be able to prove of greater help to the entire university. THE ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Oratorical Association was organized during the school year of 1887-88. The plan originated with Mr. Charles Beach, who served two years as president. The first contest in oratory was on the Friday evening before commence- ment, 1888. The prizes were: First, Johnson's Encyclopedia; second, Webster's Unabridged Dictionary; third, Shakes- peare's works. A board of management, consisting of fifteen members, arranged all details, and became perpetuated as the Oratorical Board. The winners in the first contest were Emile Simmons, W. J. Morrison, and Edward Bailey. In 1889 the winners were Harry Metcalf and C. C. Wilson; in 1890, James Wilson, John Cox; in 1891, Reuben Tiffany, Gary Col- burn; 1892, Mrs. R. O. Butterfield, Mack M. Lane; 1893, George H. Gaston, Harriet Hetfield; 1894, John Keith, J. W. Rausch. By this time the Philadelphian, Wrightonian, and the Sapphonian Societies had begun offering prizes to their members who ranked highest but who did not win either of the main prizes, a practice which was kept up for a time by these societies and by Cicero. In '95 Mary Robert won first place, while Charles Ryburn and Walter Pike tied for second. In 1896 two events of great importance for the association hap- pened. Our school joined the Interstate Oratorical League and Mr. Charles Beach, who while a student had had so much to do with organizing and conducting the association, offered to give annually one hundred dollars in cash and a gold medal to the winner in the contest. Robert J. Wells won and repre- sented the school in the interstate contest. The winners for the next three years were: Chester Echols, Hyatt Covey, J. Carl Stine. In 1900 a declamatory contest was added, Mr. Beach giving to the winner a gold medal and seventy-five dol- lars. Charles Whitten won the oratorical, and Maude Myers the declamatory contest. In 1901 the winners were Roy Bar- ton, in oratory, and Mamie Haines, in declamation. In 1902 so many contestants entered that the contests were held upon separate evenings ; Dorothy Dixon won in declamation, and Minnie Gay in oratory, the latter representing our school in 162 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY the newly formed State league. In 1903 Bertha Denning rep- resented us in the oratorical contest with DeKalb. The year 1904 marks the beginning of the present epoch in the history of the association. Mr. Beach had become unable to continue his liberal gifts, and another gentleman, who has never permitted his name to be mentioned publically in connec- tion with the matter, established the present Edwards prizes, consisting of costly gold medals, for the winners of first place in oratory and in declamation ; the arrangement being to com- memorate, aside from the good it may accomplish othenvise, the well-known devotion of Dr. Edwards to oral expression. Happily Dr. Edwards himself has been able to be present each year and bestow the prizes upon the winners, who have been as follows: 1904, Burley Johnson, Emelia Hertlein; 1905, Herbert Coons, Herbert Dixon; 1906, Emma Kleinau, Nina Hendickson; 1907, Miguel Nicdao, Esther Mansfield. The oratorical and declamatory contest is now held in March, near the close of the winter term. Many changes have been made from time to time in the constitution, but the board remains for the greater part one composed of student members selected by the school or appointed by the teacher of reading, who with one or two other members of the faculty is a mem- ber of the board. THE LECTURE BOARD. The Vidette of November, 1889, records that an effort is being made by a number of students to inaugurate a lecture course ; that those who are working up the matter believe five good lectures can be obtained at a cost to the individual of one dollar; that the lectures may be held upon Friday evenings so as to interfere little with school work ; that the originators of the scheme expect no compensation for their labors, and only request that the students respond generously when asked to purchase tickets. The Vidette of the following month an- nounced that the course was assured, that four first-class lec- tures had been secured, and that it was hoped one or two others might be added. The first lecture of this first course was delivered during the first week of the winter term of 1890. Charles Beach was the first president of the "Board of Con- trol of the Normal Students' Lecture Course," as the board was called in the original constitution. No musical numbers formed a part of the first course. The next year the so-called "People's Course" in Bloomington which had flourished for years and had been liberally patronized by Normal students, ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 163 was discontinued, and the Normal course became an assured success. The constitution, remodeled in 1892, established a board of twenty-five members, consisting each year of such members of the board of the preceding year as remained in school and such other members as these might select. Each member of the board was entitled to one double set of tickets free, but the board took the entire financial responsibility of the course. After two years the number of members of the lecture board was reduced to fifteen. Under the management described above, annually, for sev- eral years excellent lecture courses were given. The course of '93-4 consisted of six numbers, costing from $50 to $155 each. The next year seven numbers were given, costing from $100 to $200 each. The cost of the courses given continued to in- crease. In '96-7 an $1100 course was given; and for the fol- lowing two years the entire expenses of the courses aggre- gated $1200-$ 1 300. The limited capacity of the hall began to present a problem. The next year, '99-00, in spite of the de- creased attendance at Normal consequent upon the opening of the new normals, and in spite of the restoration of the lecture course in Bloomington, a ten-number course was successfully given. The next year the Inter-State Lecture Bureau instead of the Redpath Bureau, formerly patronized, furnished the numbers, with the exception of the oratorical and declamatory contest, which was one number in the eight-number course. In 1901-2 seven entertainments were purchased from the Red- path Bureau, the contest again being a number in the course. Competition with the Wesleyan course and decreased attend- ance threatened the financial success of the enterprise. The next year the course was only moderately successful financi- ally; and in 1903-4 was not a financial success. In the spring of 1904 a complete reorganization was effected. Under the present plan the lecture board consists of thir- teen members, four of whom are students, three members of the faculty; of the remaining six, five are pastors of Normal churches, and one the superintendent of schools. The price of season tickets has been cut from the old figure of $1.75 or $2.00 to $1.00, and for this sum it has been found possible to give annually during each of the last three years seven num- bers. The oratorical-declamatory contest is no longer a num- ber, and lecture bureaus are not ordinarily patronized. 164 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY ATHLETIC ORGANIZATIONS. As in most Normal schools, athletic interests at Normal have had a checkered career. Football found some devotees back in the eighties, and baseball long before that time, games occasionally occurring between organizations within the school or between a school team and one from the Wesleyan or some other institution. About 1890 the practice, said to have been in vogue years before, of holding a field day in the spring was revived and with some omissions, kept up for several years. Tennis was introduced in the spring of 1890 and within a year Normal had some excellent players. Early in the nineties Normal was playing good baseball and by the middle of the decade had one of the best football teams we have ever had. The discontinuance of the high school department gave ath- letics a set-back, and in later years baseball and football have had to contend with a decreasing proportion of men students. In September, 1896, basketball was introduced, and quickly attained popularity with both sexes. Systematic instruction in the game by a teacher is given, and Normal basketball teams from the first to the present have been good ones. Occasion- ally games have been had with other schools, but some of the most interesting contests have been between home teams. An Athletic Association, consisting of students and members of the faculty interested, has been in existence now for about ten years. The association selects a Board of Control and exer- cises a general control over all the athletic interests of the in- stitution. Under its management, with some off-years, both baseball and football have thrived, and basketball has retained continual popularity. Tennis has languished somewhat lately but the completion of additional clay courts may do something to revive interest in it. For the last three years track meets have been held with the Wesleyan, Bloomington Y.M.C.A., Bloomington High School, and Normal High School. Normal narrowly escaped winning the first two meets and did win the third. In short, athletic sports, considering the small number of men in school, are fairly prosperous. CHAPTER XI STUDENT LIFE IN THE TOWN BY ELMER WARREN GAVINS, CLASS OF 1892 The first class graduating from the Illinois State Normal University had its entire course in Bloomington while the school was in Major's Hall, on East Front street. The first graduating exercises, however, were held in the new building, not yet completed, at Normal, in the spring of 1860. When the school was opened in the new building in the fall, boarding accommodations were inadequate and many, in fact most of the students, boarded in Bloomington. The at- tendance at this time was 284, 161 in the normal department. For over a year the students living and boarding in Blooming- ton waded thru a great deal of mud in the low ground between Bloomington and Normal. One morning, early in the spring of 1862, some young wo- men due in their classrooms were found by the ever vigilant President Edwards in the act of drying their clothes and feet, made wet by wading thru the slush. Miss Sue Pike, impulsive like Peter of old, answered Dr. Edwards with, "Give us a day off and we will raise money enough to build a sidewalk be- tween Bloomington and Normal." "I'll do it," replied he. Whereupon Miss Pike (now Mrs. Sue Sanders, of Bloom- ington) and Miss Hattie Dunn, who graduated in 1864, en- tered upon a canvass, and raised in one day ninety-five dollars in money, besides contributions of lumber. The following Saturday the young men of the school, by a united effort, com- pleted the walk. The young women, too, were on hand fur- nishing the dinner and assisting, as Little Ernest helped his mother in the story of The Great Stone Face, much with their little hands but more with their loving hearts. A young man 166 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY asked Miss Pike why she got lumber that was green. "Be- cause," replied she, "in contracting it will shorten the distance between Bloomington and Normal." This sidewalk, altho only two boards in width, was a great public improvement. It extended from Walnut street in Bloomington to a point just north of the bridge on Main street, where it connected with a walk from Normal which had been built by the state. The street car line was not chartered un- til 1867. In the earliest years of the school in Normal there were no clubs; students boarded in private families. Most of the houses first built in Normal were large, and most of the fam- ilies took boarders, President Hovey himself having in his house a half dozen or more. At the beginning of Dr. Edwards' administration in 1862, there were perhaps not more than fifteen or twenty houses in Normal. Some of the largest, as nearly as can be ascertained, were owned by the following persons : Pres. Charles E. Hovey lived on Mulberry street in the house now occupied by Captain Augustine. Dr. E. C. Hewett lived on Ash street where Mrs. Hewett now lives. Prof. Ira Moore lived the first door west of Dr. Hewett's in a house which burned about 1880. Hanley Stewart, a retired farmer, lived two doors east of Dr. Hew- ett's in the house now owned by T. A. Brown. Wm. A. Pennell lived in a large house on Mulberry street, one-half block east of the I.C.R.R. The house burned in 1897, the property of Mrs. C. R. Park. Hon. Jesse Fell lived in a large house on the hill in Fell Park, now opposite the home of Mrs. Colton, but then one block east, where Levi Dillon lives. Dr. Richard Edwards built on Broadway the house now owned and occupied by A. L. Broyhill. Mr. Pierce lived on the corner of Ash street and Fell avenue, where C. W. Cooper now lives. William Partridge lived in the large brick house on Hovey avenue, in the southwest part of Normal, now .occupied by the Harriet Beecher Stowe Institute. To provide more adequate accommodations for students, the faculty early in Dr. Edwards' administration, approved a project for erecting a University boarding house. Dr. Ed- wards was to go before the legislature and ask for the money. But the people of Normal protested so strongly that the plan was given up. Many of those objecting made their living by boarding students, and they had taken a great deal of pains to make the students comfortable. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 167 From that time on, the town grew rapidly. So many new houses had been built near the railway station that General Hovey, returning from the war in 1864, did not recognize the place. He got off when the train stopped but boarded it again and the conductor had difficulty in convincing him that he had arrived at Normal. Up to 1867 there were no churches in Normal and no re- ligious services except in the Normal Hall on Sunday after- noons. Ministers from Bloomington took turns at preaching in the University, and the students furnished most of the mu- sic. Within the next six years four churches were built. Many students put in their church letters and participated in the singing, the Sunday school, and the young peoples' meetings. They have been a very considerable help in the Sunday school of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home, erected in 1869. As stated above, boarding was in private families at first. Only one club existed in the sixties and not many in the seven- ties but in the eighties they became quite popular, as they have been since. It is probably true that during the last thirty years the majority of students have boarded in clubs. Notwithstand- ing the insinuations often heard against club board, a majority, and among them some of the best students, have preferred it, not alone because cheaper, but on account of the larger social opportunities. Prices for board and rooms in Normal have al- ways been reasonable and much of the time remarkably low. The Wells Club in the early nineties got the rate as low as $1.87 per week. A good class of students constituted this club. Other clubs at the time were running at about $2.10. The board was considered fairly good; at least, there were very few withdrawals on account of scanty victuals. The price of club board since then has gradually appreciated with the in- crease of prices generally, until now it is from $2.50 to $2.75 per week. The number of students in each club has varied from ten to fifty, the average being perhaps twenty. A notable exception was the Allen Club during the summers of 1905 and 1906, when it numbered almost or quite one hundred. Aside from the interest of Normal students in getting rooms and board at moderate prices, and the share that some of them have taken in church work, they have shown but little concern about the affairs of the town. Indeed, they have sel- dom so much as overturned a sidewalk on Hallowe'en, or par- ticipated in a town election. One exception should be noted. 168 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY On the morning of the school election in March, 1906, the issue being on the union of the public schools with the training school of the University, the "Normal Notes" in The Panta- graph contained the following menace : "Students attempting to vote will be prosecuted." Signed, "A. Lind- blad." At the close of general exercises a mass meeting was called and students old enough to vote, men and women, eighty in all, decided to assert their rights as citizens. Their votes were challenged and sworn in. It is needless to add that A. Lind- blad, whose candidate was beaten, did not waste any of his money prosecuting students for doing what they had a per- fectly legal right to do. The day was an exciting one, not likely to be forgotten by voters from the student body. [Additional facts regarding student life will be found in Chapter XIV, and in Part Two. Editor. ] DAVID FELMLEY President, 1900 . CHAPTER XII BY PROFESSOR J. ROSE COLBY The connection of this school with journalism may be said to have begun before the school itself came into actual exist- ence. The conference of the friends of free schools, held in Bloomington in December, 1853, and resulting in the organi- zation of the State Teachers' Institute, afterwards known as State Teachers' Association, declared itself in favor of the es- tablishment of a state normal school, and, if possible, of an organ thru which the friends of free schools could find expres- sion. As it happened, the organ desired was secured first and became strongly influential in the establishment of the school. The first number of this organ was issued in February, 1855, from the press of Merriam & Norris, at Bloomington, under the name of The Illinois Teacher. For eighteen years thereafter it maintained its identity under this name in spite of changes of publishers and extraordinary vicissitudes in the editorship. Twelve editors marked its checkered career in the first year of its existence, most of them prominent in the movement for free common schools. Then in succession came Charles E. Hovey, 1856-57; Dr. Bateman, 1858; Charles A Dupee and Edwin C. Hewett, 1859; Dr. Willard, 1 860-6 T ; Alexander M. Gow, 1862-63; S. A. Briggs, 1864; Dr. Rich- ard Edwards, 1865-66; Wm. M. Baker, 1867-69; S. H. White, 1870-71 ; E. W. Coy, i872-Jan. 1873. From the first The Illinois Teacher fought strenuously for a normal school. Its paid agent, traveling over the state, made it a main part of his business to beget an interest in the movement among the teachers he met. He even called to- gether meetings of teachers in various parts of the state and 170 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY secured from them resolutions favoring the establishment of a normal school. Articles in the columns of the journal urged the same end. It cannot be doubted that to the sentiment thus created among teachers is largely due the passage of the act establishing this school. The names of the editors cited above indicate a connection of another kind between the school and the paper. Presidents and professors of the school are among them, while a list of assistant editors would add to these last the names of Stetson and Pillsbury. It is interesting to note also a kinship in ideas between the views expressed in its pages and some that are current with us today. In February, 1856, for instance, appeared an article that might almost have been written today, since it makes vigorous appeal not only for graded schools, long since attained, but for something very like what we now call consolidated schools, with free tuition, free text-books, and a library. Other articles advocate the introduction of music into the common schools and uniform text-books thruout the state. For this last idea, uniformity, we should perhaps hardly be ready to stand. The last number of The Illinois Teacher appeared in Janu- ary, 1873, with E. W. Coy as editor. In February the paper was sold to Aaron Gove and E. C. Hewett and merged in The Illinois Schoolmaster under their editorship. The Illinois Schoolmaster was the direct descendant of a little paper "with an educational bias," The Normal Index, established in 1866 by E. D. Harris, of Normal. The Index was later sold to Mr. John Hull, alumnus of this school, then superintendent of schools in McLean County, re-named The Schoolmaster, and issued under the joint editorship of Mr. Hull and Professor Albert Stetson of this school. In May, 1870, it passed into the editorial hands of Professor Stetson and Mr. I. S. Baker, principal of the Skinner School, Chicago, was in July removed from Bloomington to Chicago and issued as The Chicago Schoolmaster. In May, 1871, this paper was bought by Mr. Gove and Mr. Hewett, Mr. Gove becoming the editor. And finally, as noted above, in February, 1873, these two gentle- men who bought The Illinois Teacher united it with The Chi- cago Schoolmaster, and published the united journals at Nor- mal as The Illinois Schoolmaster. In 1874, when Mr. Gove went to Denver as superintend- ent of schools there, Mr. John W. Cook succeeded to his place as joint editor and proprietor with Mr. E. C. Hewett. In 1876 ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 171 Mr. Cook became sole proprietor and editor, and in December of that year issued the last number. The Illinois Schoolmaster was then together with a number of other educational month- lies in several of the northwest states, sold to S. R. Winchell & Co., who undertook, at Chicago, the somewhat hazardous enterprise, for that day, of publishing The Educational Weekly. This paper had an unusually strong list of editorial contribu- tors, including Mr. Cook himself and Prof. Edward Ol- ney, of the University of Michigan, but it failed to maintain itself, and the family of papers beginning with The Illinois Teacher in 1854 became extinct. The school at Normal had long found expression for its favorite ideas thru the papers whose career has thus been out- lined, and evidently missed this familiar means of making its influence felt. In 1881 two of the faculty provided a new or- gan for the propagation of the ideals of the school. In May of that year, in Normal, "E. J. James, Ph.D., and Charles De- Garmo, editors and proprietors," issued number one, volume one of The Illinois School Journal, a monthly magazine for teachers and schools. This journal was itself a continuation of The Educational News-Gleaner, a paper worth noting as an illustration of the way history repeats itself. Away back in the seventies, it seems, an educational speculator undertook an enterprize which very recently we have seen repeated in a different field but with like fate the issuing of the same paper simultaneously in many states. The News-Gleaner was the Illinois edition of this paper. Its fate was not, indeed, total extinction but con- tinuance under changed name and character as before noted. It is worth noting that the salutatory of the new School Journal indicated that Mr. James and Mr. DeGarmo were anxious to free their minds as to certain "definite and firm con- victions on the various subjects which [they] meant to dis- cuss," and were more anxious to find free expression than to secure assent to their views a state of affairs most promising for an independent vigorous paper. The later careers of Dr. James and Prof. DeGarmo are in no small measure the out- come of the spirit expressed in this salutatory. Alumni of the school who recall their experience with grad- uating themes may be interested in the number for June, 1881. The present compiler had been running thru an article, headed "Gems of Thought," with a dazed feeling of previous acquaint- ance with the "gems" before observing the sub-title, "Taken 172 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY from the Graduating Themes at the I.S.N.U., May 26, 1881." Yet said compiler's first experince with I.S.N.U. graduating themes began in 1892. Here is one "gem" that may cause some perplexity in the reader at this late day : "Woman needs to be educated if for nothing more than to elevate the standard of manhood, and when people at large realize this fact we shall have no more girls with lofty aspirations and pure motives" ! It is only fair to say that most of the citations were clearer- headed than this one, and that a close acquaintance with themes leads to the suspicion that this quotation itself has accidentally lost a phrase running something like this, "but without the trained minds and practical judgment to make these effective." When Professor DeGarmo went to Germany, in 1883, Mr. John W. Cook, then professor of mathematics here, bought the paper and succeeded to the editorship. Possibly the most original feature of the Illinois School Journal under his man- agement was Mr. William Hawley Smith's "The Evolution of Dodd." In May, 1884, Mr. R. R. Reeder joined Mr. Cook in the ownership and management of the paper. This arrange- ment continued till November, 1886, when the journal was bought by Mr. George P. Brown, who published it for three years under the old name, then as The Public School Journal, and more recently as School and Home Education. The Illinois School Journal was the last editorial venture, as far as discovered, undertaken by members of the faculty of this school. Possibly the explanation of this is to be found in Mr. Cook's own words with reference to the Journal itself : "After a year of oppressive labor I was joined by Mr. R. R. Reeder in the management of the Journal. Little is to be said of our success. Financially it was unequivocal. Educationally I regard it as a failure. It was the work of hours that should have been devoted to rest." Probably others would dissent from Mr. Cook's unfavorable self-judgment, but all must rec- ognize the force of the last statement. This abandonment of active editorial labors does not, how- ever, indicate that the faculty of the school have ceased to be connected with journalism. Members of the faculty have been active and untiring contributors to other journals as well as to those named. Notably within the last ten years they have conducted various departments in The School News, published by Mr. Parker, in Taylorville, and have contributed lavishly to its pages. The names of Pres. John W. Cook, Pres. David Felmley, Mrs. Lida B. McMurry, Prof. Elizabeth Mavity (now RUDOLPH R. REEDER 1883-1893. BUEL PRESTON COLTON 1888-1906. HERBERT J. BARTON CHARLES DEGARMO 1883-1890. 1876-1883; 1886-1890. A GROUP OF INFLUENTIAL TEACHERS ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 173 Mrs. Cunningham), Miss Lora Dexheimer, Miss Chestine Gowdy, Mr. Elmer W. Gavins, Mr. Charles Whitten, Prof. D. C. Ridgley and Librarian Ange V. Milner are among those most familiar to its readers. Among the alumni of the school there has naturally been active interest in educational journalism and other educational literature. The Western Teacher, published by S. Y. Gillan, an alumnus of the year 1879 is well known. When it is re- membered that among the alumni of the school are Pres. John W. Cook, Pres. Edmund J. James, Prof. Henry McCormick, Dr. Charles McMurry, Dr. Frank McMurry, Prof. John A. H. Keith, Prof. John Hall, Commissioner of Education Elmer E. Brown, Mrs. Agnes Cook Gale, Augusta Eleanor Root, Mrs. Mary Hall Husted, Mr. J. J. Shepard, Prof. Edward L. Man- ley, Prof. Frank Thorp, Prof. T. J. Burrill, Prof. A. B. Wolfe, Prof. John H. Gray, Mr. C. C. Wilson, Mr. F. D. Barber, George P. Burns, Prof. John Adams Scott, Prof. Walter Dill Scott, Prof. Wm. J. Sutherland, and Prof. Andrew O. Nor- ton, and that its faculty has included besides those already named Pres. C. C. VanLiew, Prof. Charlton T. Lewis, Prof. Thomas Metcalf, Chauncey M. Cady, Mrs. Haney, Prof. Stephen A. Forbes, Professor Manchester, E. W. Coy, Prof. M. J. Holmes, and Prof. B. P. Colton, it will be seen how wide has been the range of its literary activity either through journalism or through books, and how far reaching its influ- ence.* The undergraduates of the school have started and main- tained two noteworthy publications. Of these probably the more important is The Vidette, the regular school paper. This enterprise started when Mr. C. C. Wilson and Mr. J. J. Shep- pard were leading men in the school, and was largely due to them. The paper was originally a monthly. The first number, issued in February, 1888, bore the name of M. Kate Bigham as editor-in-chief with Hanan McCarrel as business manager. Miss Bigham served but the one month and was succeeded by Mr. Washington Wilson. The earlier months and even years saw frequent changes in the editorial staff, due partly, it seems, to the gradual recognition of the need of various distinct de- partments if the life of the school were to be properly repre- sented, and partly to the fact that originally new volumes be- gan with the February number and the editorial elections were therefore held in the mid-year. As the editors were usually *Miss Colby's name belongs in this list also. Editor. 174 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY seniors, or, if not, frequently did not return in the fall, Sep- tember not infrequently saw every editorial chair vacant and special elections necessary. This difficulty was finally ob- viated by beginning the new volume with the September num- ber and making the editorial year coincident with the school year. This change was made in 1895. Among the editorial departments added from time to time have been Societies, Associations, Alumni, Undergraduates, Model School, Academic, Exchange, Locals, Woman's World, Assistant Editor, Official News, and Athletics, while the num- ber on the editorial staff, aside from the board of control, has mounted sometimes to twenty. Among the prominent names connected with The Vidette in one editorial capacity or another have been C. C. Wilson, J. J. Sheppard, R. R. Reeder, Agnes Cook, Grace A. Sealey, F. D. Barber, W. S. Wallace, Frederick G. Mutterer, J. A. Strong, Jessie J. Bullock, Jesse Black, C. M. Echols, Helen Taylor, Bertha Denning, A. B. Wolfe, Oliver Dickerson, Wil- liam A. Otto, Geo. W. Wright, Jessie J. Simmons, Jas. A. Fair- child, A. H. Melville, Ruth David, Perry Hiles, Abe Newton, Carl Waldron, Geo. B. Kendall, Ira Wetzel, Bertha Olsen, Ida Church, Edna Coith, L. O. Gulp, Fred Telford, Otto E. Rein- hart. Next year is to see Miss Essie Chamberlain editor-in- chief, with Mr. Ira W. Dingledine business manager. The volume for 1906-07 saw The Vidette changed to a weekly. The Vidette has thruout reflected more or less closely the life of the school. Naturally, therefore, with changes in that life The Vidette has changed. The literary and pedagogical significance of the paper loomed larger in the minds of the earlier editors than of the later. Evidently also the two great literary societies were more vital features of the school life than at present. Their proceedings were at all events reported with more fullness and seem to have been uniformly of a more serious character. On the other hand, various interests now extremely important in the school seem scarcely to have ex- isted in the earlier years. Chief of these are music and athlet- ics. It is pleasing to see how firm a foothold music has achieved, how it has added at every point to the pleasure and profit of the life here. Contests have increased in number or rather, except for the Inter-Society contest, changed in char- acter. The earlier volumes of The Vidette reported Inter- Class contests and Ciceronian-Sapphonian contests where now we have the Oratorical and Declamatory contests, the Inter- ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 175 Normal and Inter-State Oratorical contests, and the Oshkosh Debate. Social life has gained more recognition of late in The Vidette and in this probably The Vidette merely reflects a change in the school. The so-called "Grind" is almost the only form of social entertainment named in the earlier years. Gradually we find class banquets, Ciceronian receptions, Sap- phonian receptions, Debating Club receptions, Faculty recep- tions to various sections, receptions and various forms of social entertainments by individual members of the faculty and school, and President's receptions, social and otherwise, re- ported. The gymnasium, too, has multiplied forms of social amusement, partly of a purely social sort, partly at once social and instructive. Of late athletic matters have gained more importance in the school. Special numbers of The Vidette have had a marked inter- est. The Inter-Society contests have usually had a number to themselves. For a previously uninformed reader it would oc- casionally be a little hard, however, to tell from The Vidette which side was victor. In several instances it has taken a close search to find the winners in the several members of the con- test. This curious lapse in clearness is apparently due to the editor's and contributor's taking it for granted that their read- ers know the fact beforehand. Other sorts of special numbers have been taken up with accounts of the Christian Associa- tions, Commencements, and Summer Schools. A number of peculiar but mournful interest contained an account of the havoc wrought in campus and streets by the storm of June 10, 1902. The class of 1892 in their senior year, seeking a fit memo- rial, established The Index, which has since been issued as a senior annual. This has had the usual character of class an- nuals. It has given statistics of various sorts concerning the various student enterprises, serio-comic, mostly comic, accounts of classes and class affairs, jokes on the faculty and on indi- vidual students, revelations of secrets hitherto know only to the favored few, or originating, for purposes of publication, in the brains of the writers. It has been the outlet for repressed spirits, the opportunity for sheer fun, and very seldom the voice of resentment. It has contained articles of serious worth also, in which the progress of the school has been noted, and the lives of its various presidents have been recorded. And sometimes it has had to record sorrows, which, occurring in the life of the school, are at once public and private. 176 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY The volumes have been variously dedicated, the first one "To the World's Fair Seniors;" later numbers "To the President, ex-Presidents, and Faculty of the Illinois State Normal Uni- versity ; to the alumni and former students To all who shall find in these pages cause for pleasure, exultation, gratifi- cation or " Evidently the editors of that number, 1893, meant not to be partial ;"To all ever connected with the school as teachers or students; "To the Memory of Our Beloved Professor Emeritus Thomas A. Metcalf ;" "To the Hon. John P. Altgeld, Governor of Illinois, A Friend of Education ;" "To the Fortieth Anniversary of the I.S.N.U. ;" "To Our Boys Who Have Gone to War in Behalf of the Cuban Republic;" "To President John W. Cook ;" "To President Arnold Tomp- kins ;" "To David Felmley, A.B., Scholar, Teacher, Friend ;" "To Our Vice-President, Henry McCormick, A.M., Ph.D., Our Friend and Teacher ;" "To nymphs and fairies that haunt the halls and cherubs, too, of the practice school ;" "To Henry McCormick, Our Honored Vice-President," and "To Geo. H. Howe." The current number of The Index, not out at this writing, it is understood will be of a somewhat different character, with more serious artistic and literary features. CHAPTER XIII THE CELEBRATIONS OF THE SCHOOL BY PROFESSOR MANFRED J. HOLMES THE QUARTER-CENTENNIAL, CELEBRATION, AUGUST 24 AND 25, 1882 The first twenty-five years in the history of the Illinois State Normal University were the years of struggle for ex- istence and the struggle for recognition. At the close of this period the Normal School had proved the validity of its own existence as a necessary supplement and auxiliary to the public school system; and by its single-minded fidelity to its dis- tinctive function, it had also won highly-deserved public rec- ognition. Convincing evidence that these statements are historically correct is found in the fact that the people of Illi- nois had decided to invest in another school of the same kind ; in the fact that hundreds of the most devoted, capable, and enthusiastic teachers of the State of Illinois had got their training and inspiration at the Normal University ; and in the further fact that the demand for such teachers was steadily increasing. Such results had been possible only thru the faith, the sa- gacity, the heroic and able efforts of the founders and early teachers of the school. This quarter century almost exactly coincides with the first twenty-five years of a bona fide system of elementary education in Illinois, and it is easy to see that the Normal University addrest itself to the problem of mak- ing elementary education, as it was then conceived in Illinois yield a maxium of value to the state. This was not a period of educational "fads" or new movements in elementary edu- cation, but the "methods" of the Normal University set the standards in advance of the general practice and thus led while it served. 178 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY These results could not have been accomplished without much self-sacrifice. This was the heroic period of the school's history, and therefore the quarter-centennial anniversary was a fitting time to celebrate ; not by any means simply because it marked the end of the first quarter century, but because it closed a more or less distinctive epoch in the history of the school. The character and several features of this celebration are well shown in Mr. Cook's account on pages 227-229 of Cook and McHugh's History of the Illinois State Normal University. That account has a flavor that can hardly be created by one who was not a part of the event ; so it is here largely reproduced. THE CELEBRATION Arrangements having been perfected, the exercises began on the even- ing of August 24. After a cornet solo, by Charles Lufkin, General Hovey, now residing in Washington, D. C, delivered an address. The weather was very unfavorable, but the speaker was greeted by a large and enthusi- astic audience, many of whom had been identified with the early history of the school. On Friday morning the assembly room was crowded to its utmost capacity by a happy throng of old students, pioneer workers in educa- tional enterprises in the state, and prominent citizens of Normal and Bloomington. Nearly an hour was spent in having a good, old-fashioned sociable. The early classes were well represented. Harvey Button and Lizzie Carleton had journeyed up from Missouri. Logan Holt Roots had forgotten his banks and railroad schemes, and Mexican telephones, and was there, the happiest of the happy. Anna Grennell Hatfield paid the school her first visit since her graduation eighteen years ago. These and scores of others had returned to the familiar halls rendered sacred by hal- lowed associations, to greet old mates and renew their allegiance to their "cherishing mother." Charles E. Hovey was there, quiet and grave as of old, but with a twinkle of joy in his eyes that spoke more than volumes. Richard Edwards was the center of a boisterous group of his boys and girls, and he the youngest of them all, while E. C. Hewett, the shortest in stature but the longest in service, put to shame all of his previous at- tempts at wit and hilarity. Thomas Metcalf broke his vacation off at the short end to be on hand, and Albert Stetson, his co-worker for twenty years, was nowise behindhand in promoting the general fun. Hon. Newton Bateman, grown gray in the service, laid aside his cares for a day to greet old friends and join in the general rejoicing. Father Roots, Hon. Charles T. Strattan, Hon. Thomas F. Mitchell, Dr. E. R. Roe, Hon. Robert Brand, and many others whose names are familiar to Normal students, were in the audience. At ten o'clock, President Walker called the assembly to order and announced the following order of exercises : Piano solo, Mrs. Flora M. Hunter ; address, Dr. Edwards ; reading of Henry Norton's paper, by John W. Cook; piano duet, Mrs. Flora M. Hunter, Miss Minnie Potter; address, W. L. Pillsbury; address, E. C. Hewett. At three o'clock, the alumni business meeting was held in the Philadelphian Hall. The chief item of interest was a subscription to pro- vide a memorial for the lamented Howell, as suggested by Mr. Pillsbury in his address. In a few minutes a sufficient sum was collected to insure the success of the movement. A committee consisting of Silas Hays and ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 179 Captain Burnham from the alumni, and Dr. Hewett from the faculty, will have the whole matter in charge. The event of events was, of course, the banquet. Miss Flora Pennell, of the executive committee, had that part of the work under her supervision. The executive committee asked Miss Carrie Pennell, an under-graduate living in the village, to prepare the supper. She undertook the task and the successful manner in which it was accomplished was a matter of uni- versal comment. At six o'clock the procession filed into the room, the alumni taking their places at the tables by classes. The guests were seated along the south side, facing north, and on the outside of the side tables. John W. Cook, of the class of 1865, acted as master of ceremonies. When all were seated, Dr. Edwards asked the blessing, and the assembled com- pany, two hundred and twenty in number, entered upon the serious busi- ness of the evening the discussion of the numerous delicacies spread be- fore them. After this part of the business had been disposed of, the toasts were in order. Governor Cullom had indicated his intention to be present, but was taken sick in the train and was obliged to return to Springfield. Lieu- tenant-Governor Hamilton was on hand, however, and responded to the toast, "A true and tried friend of popular education." Dr. Bateman was "toasted" as "the man who first gave the schools of Illinois a national rep- utation," but the doctor had been obliged to return to Galesburg on the afternoon train. The sentiment, however, was greeted with loud cheers. "Our venerable friend, the president of the State Board of Education, for a full half century the light of Egypt," brought Father Roots to his feet for a characteristic speech of ten minutes. Judge Reeves responded to the toast, "The Bar the last resort of the school-master." The class toasts and speakers were as follows : "Our First Born the Class of '60," E. A. Gastman; "The Class of '61," J. H. Burnham; "The Class of '62," Logan H. Roots; "The Class of '65," O. F. McKim; "The Class of '66," Sarah E. Raymond ; "The Class of '68," Henry McCormick ; "The Class of '70," Joseph Carter. Hon. Jesse W. Fell and Hon. A. J. Merriman were expected to tell "How McLean County got the Normal School." Mr. Fell, however, was unexpectedly called to Iowa three days before the meeting. It was a serious disappointment to him and to the company, for his activ- ity in securing the location is generally understood. Judge Merriman was a member of the Board of County Commissioners in 1857, and with his associates, Hiram Buck and Milton Smith, made the county appropriation of $70,000. The judge also had the distinguished honor of laying the corner stone of the building. Speech-making, however, is not in his line, and so Dr. E. R. Roe told the story in his stead, and, at its conclusion responded to the toast: "Our Early Teachers." General Hovey was called upon to let us know "how the building was erected," but instead, spoke as follows : An intimation, more or less plainly stated, has several times been made, tending to show that the first presiding officer of this institution was substantially its founder, and that, at least, the buildng could not, or would not, have been built at the time it was without him. I am glad of an opportunity to speak of these matters, and I may claim, I suppose, without challenge, that I was part of them. Right or wrong, the chief place in the beginning fell to me, and, with it, came an opportunity of influencing the trend of affairs in the institution, and, to some extent, out of it. I had done what I could to bring about the legisla- tion which set the school in motion. Here, again, the accident of position* at the critical time enabled me to know and do what would otherwise have been impracticable. My advice as to plans for the proposed building was generally followed, and my services in and about its erection came to be *Hovey was president of the State Teachers' Association, and editor of its "organ" at the time. 180 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY in considerable demand before it was completed. But it would be a mis- take to say that the Normal University owes its establishment, or conduct afterwards, to any one man or set of men. It was the outgrowth of the ideas and wishes of a majority of the people of Illinois, formulated and uttered by a large number of persons, and by at least two influential state associations. Professor Turner and the Industrial League blazed the way, but they did not found the Normal University. The State Teachers' As- sociation followed and secured for it a hearing, but the association did not found it. Father Roots tells you that Simeon Wright was the man who did the business, and I think myself his services were indispensable, but it would hardly be correct to say that he was the Atlas of the enterprise. The first superintendent of public instruction elected by the people, assisted in drafting the bill, but he did not enact it into law. His successor, the honored president of Knox College, stood guard over its interests at the gateway of danger for many years, and took care ne quid detrimenti Nor- malis Universitas capiat, but even he was not the sole Fidus Achates. Hon. S. W. Moulton, Hon. C. B. Denio, Dr. Calvin Goudy, and a majority of both Houses of the Legislature, voted for the Normal University Act, and Governor Bissell signed it, but they were not the founders of the in- stitution; and yet, without each and all of these, I do not see how it could have been established at the time it was, and as it was. Each was a link in the golden chain, but only a link. Nor do I see how it could have been located in McLean county without Jesse W. Fell; and yet Jesse Fell did not bring it here. A very modest and worthy citizen (Judge Merriman), who appears to be listening to me from a corner of the table to my right, and two other McLean county men (Messrs. Buck and Smith), were the heroes of that act. They took the responsibility and risk to themselves, politically, of involving the county in a debt of seventy thousand dollars to secure the location of the institution here. That act of theirs required a high degree of moral courage, and entitles them to a seat on the upper bench at the head of the table, along with Jesse Fell. But even these men must consent to a division of the honors. Back of them stood the people of Bloomington with their sub- scription paper. Without this paper, Jesse Fell and the County Court would have had "to throw up the sponge" and yield gracefully, no doubt, to Peoria. Nor did Asahel Gridley risk any money in loans for erecting the build- ing, though my friend, Colonel Roe, gives him credit for making advances. True, Colonel Gridley furnished some money for that purpose, but not a dollar came over the counter of his bank until he had been amply secured by the promissory notes of citizens. Such men as S. W. Moulton, Jesse and Kersey Fell, Charles and Richard Holder, Edwin C. Hewett, Joseph A. Sewell, Charles E. Hovey, and others whom I do not at this moment recall, signed the notes. The banker risked nothing, and lost nothing, but gained interest. The men who signed the notes took the risk. But the merchants of Bloomington stand on a different footing. They did take risk. They gave the contractor for erecting the building, Mr. Soper, credit, to a large amount in the aggregate, with no other security than my promise to see them paid whenever there was anything to pay with. They trusted the enterprise, and, to that extent, risked their advances, and I take liberty to invite them to a seat on a bench a little higher up than the banker's pew. I must not leave this subject without naming the committee of the Board under whose supervision this edifice was erected. They were Hon. S. W. Moulton, chairman; Hon. C. B. Denio, Dr. George P. Rex, Hon. N. W. Edwards, Hon. William H. Powell, Prof. Daniel Wilkins, and Charles E Hovey. Mr. Chairman, if you have been listening to me, I think you are be- ginning to see that a goodly number of people have been engaged, at one time or another, in one way or another, in founding this great school, and ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 181 in building its house. Nor did one man make its course of study, nor plan and limit its scope, nor give to the work so mapped out that impulse which has thus far swept over, or brushed aside, all adverse obstacles. True, there was at first, as there has been since and must continue to be, a head. Somebody must decide and direct, and the questions at the outset of any enterprise, which clamor for settlement, are often numerous, and generally important. But the first principal was not left to solve these problems unaided. In addition to C. M. Cady, Dr. E. R. Roe, and Rev. L. P. Clover, special instructors, and Charlton T. Lewis, Samuel Willard, Chauncey Nye, and Miss B. M. Cowles, employed from time to time, any or all of whom he could call upon for information and counsel, I say, in addition to these, the first principal had the good fortune to have asso- ciated with him, as co-laborers, Ira Moore, Leander H. Potter, Edwin C. Hewett, and Joseph A. Sewell. A principal surrounded by such men need not set up for himself, or put on airs, or assume that he is the only considerable person on the premises. They were the peers of anybody in the profession. The principal had the benefit of their knowledge and ex- perience in determining the course to be pursued and in formulating work to be done. These men made their mark on the school. I should not wonder if it could be pointed out even now. But they did not make the school what it is now. Presidents Bass and Edwards, and their associates, came later, it is true, but they served longer, and with no doubtful success. The proofs are all around me tonight. Their good deeds have been re- corded, and were read to you this morning. I do not see how anybody can wipe out that record, and it is one on which they can afford to stand. But even these men and women must be content with having done a part. They did not do everything. After them came President Hewett and his associates, who are moving forward, bearing aloft the old banner, inscribed with mottoes indicating reliance upon plain, unpretentious, common-school work. I believe they are conducting this great school with judgment and efficiency. I know Edwin Hewett ranks high among the normal school teachers of America. But neither Hoyey, nor Bass, nor Edwards, nor Hewett, nor all of them and their associates combined, have made this in- stitution what it has grown to be. I will throw in the Board of Education, Father Roots, and all, and still I say there is an omission. The students must be added. They have carried the Normal University to a thousand school rooms all over the State, and have taught its classes there. I look upon them as non-resident professors. They have played no inconsiderable part in the work of the institution. I have not attempted to keep track of them, and what I happen to know has come to me incidentally. But right before me is a well-known man who has been in charge of Decatur's public schools for twenty years ; this morning a paper was read from a professor in California's Normal School; a moment ago a soldier, as well as teacher, addressed you; "shake," comes over the wires from the head school man in Denver; in front of me sits a citizen who, in addition to teaching, has twice represented his district in Congress ; to my left sits a lady who for some years has been superintendent of public schools in Bloomington. A few years ago, at the reunion of the society of the Army of the Tennessee, in Chicago, a note was handed in to me, signed by a familiar name. I went out, and there met a remarkable woman in looks and attainments, a physician and professor of physiology in the Woman's College. I must not detain you by further recitals. All these, and a thousand more, are your boys and girls. They are the links in the silver chain that binds this school to the common schools of the State. But I must stop. I beg pardon for detaining you so long. Dr. Edwards told "How the building was filled," and Dr. Hewett "How it is kept full." Hon. Thomas F. Mitchell, the staunch friend of the school in the Legislature, told "Where we get our munitions of war." He was followed by Hon. Charles T. Strattan, the member of the house 182 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY from Mt. Vernon. "The Normal University abroad," was responded to by E. J. James, Ph.D. At the close of the exercises, General Hovey arose and stated that it had been his pleasure to attend a good many banquets at one time and an- other, but that he had never seen one in which the arrangements were more complete nor in better taste. This opinion was evidently the sentiment of all present, as it was received with loud applause. At eleven o'clock, after five hours of solid enjoyment, the formal part of the exercises closed, and the quarter-centennial celebration passed into history. Many lingered an hour longer saying good-byes. All agreed that the celebration was an unqualified success. The early .trains on Saturday bore away most of the visitors, and the institution settled down again to the routine duties that have made it what it is. There was a general desire expressed that a similar meeting should be held at least as often as once in three or four years, and there is no doubt that at least as early as the thirtieth anniversary there will be a gathering that will surpass the meeting of 1882. THE FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION, JUNE 22 AND 23, 1897 Under date of May 20, 1897, the first general notice was issued regarding the celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the Illinois State Normal University. It does not appear that any special occasion called forth this celebra- tion. As one looks back upon the event, however, a special value does appear. It proved to be the last time that all the presidents of the school could be together to behold the rich results of their labors, and justly participate in the joy and gratitude of so marked a triumph of a great popular cause. Later celebrations will surely not fail to reveal these noble per- sonalities enshrined in the grateful memory of the people of Illinois, nor to give them places of honor. The best history is that in which the actors themselves speak. As far as possible, therefore, this account of the forti- eth anniversary celebration will be given in the words of its promoters and the speakers chosen to represent the various ideas and interests made prominent on that occasion. The first exercises of the celebration were held in Normal Hall, Tuesday evening, June 22. It was a reminiscent pro- gram and produced two distinct effects : It was highly valued and enjoyed by those present who represented by-gone days in the life of the Normal University, and it proved instructive to the present generation of students and transmitted to them the traditional spirit and ideas that have marked the character of this school. Enoch A. Gastman, of the class of 1860, spoke on "The Early Teachers of the Normal School." His talk was wholly ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 183 from personal experience and consisted largely of interesting anecdotes characteristic of the different early teachers. Those receiving most prominent mention were the first president, General Hovey, Ira Moore, John Hull, Joseph Howell, and Charlton Lewis. The reports of this talk are meager and un- satisfactory. Lewis was the young Yale graduate who was a superb scholar and already a learned man. He stayed but one term, much to the regret of the girls of the school. General Hovey was "the hero that laid the foundations and built so well." He had sound business principles and a courage to venture. Mr. Gastman told how Hovey "squelched" the "writ- ing rebellion," and how he once delivered a vigorous "philip- pic" against a member of the Board of Education for criticising the institution. In speaking of Ira Moore, who was one of the most impressive teachers of the first years of the school, Mr. Gastman said : "Among the early teachers of the school no man ranks higher than Ira Moore. I desire to say that if I have had any success in life, more of it is due to the influ- ence of this teacher than to any other man in the world except my father. He possessed in a remarkable degree the power to select the essential points in a subject and put his pupils in possession of them. His judgment was clear and accurate and it was impossible for careless work or thinking to escape him." Capt. J. H. Burnham of the class of 1861, spoke on "The Early Students of the Normal School." He quoted from "Norton's letter" see (Chapter xiv) to show what a normal student looked like and was like in the early day. He gave con- siderable attention to the students that went to war. "The old war flag of the Normal boys who went to the front was placed upon the speaker's stand, and three stands of old colors stood against the back wall of the stage. These were tenderly handled They were such touching reminders of the past that all felt the silent swell of heart and closing throat as the sight of the flags brought back to memory or framed in the imagination some of those terrible days and what they brought years ago." (Vidette, vol. 9, No. 10.) "We who entered the Normal in early times had to have considerable faith in the future. We did not realize as you can what brilliant educational careers are possible for persons of ability and proper qualification. There were but few posi- tions in prospect that paid over eight hundred dollars a year." In concluding Mr. Burnham said: "Nearly twelve hun- dred graduates, improved by discipline and strong moral ideals, have gone out from this school into the service of the state of 184 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY Illinois. Large numbers have proved themselves teachers of a high grade of culture, and leaders of educational thought of a superior order. They have become centers from which have been poured streams of educational influence forcing their way against the mass of ignorance that still surrounds us. They have continued their professional development and their final results will be in harmony with the highest ideals of the greatest educators of the world." "The Administration of Dr. Edwards" was the topic of Dr. Charles DeGarmo of the class of 1873. The speaker's historical survey of this period of the school's history, espe- cially his eulogy of Ex-President Edwards, was worthy of preservation. He revealed the conditions under which the school labored in those days and the kind of work and men and women which were needed to prove the necessity and value of a school for the training of teachers. Speaking of Prof. Thomas Metcalf, Dr. DeGarmo said: "His life and service lasting thru many administrations was a golden thread bind- ing them all together. His face hangs in the hallway; and every man or woman that looks into that pure countenance cannot but be inspired to do better things." In closing Dr. DeGarmo paid a personal tribute to his old teacher, Dr. Edwards : "But the principal picture of all I have hardly mentioned yet. It is Dr. Edwards. He taught me many things, but after all what he taught me was not what did me the most good. To look into his face and receive inspira- tion therefrom, the longing to do right, to pursue one's duty, was a lesson even more profitable. I owe to him more than to any other living man the inspiration to higher effort." "The Administration of Dr. Hewett," by Miss Olive Satt- ley, was mainly a eulogy of a master by a devoted and appreci- ative disciple. "Were I asked to characterize Dr. Hewett in one word that word would be 'genuineness.' His love of truth, his hatred of sham and deception were the leading and lasting impressions received by those who knew him best His oft-repeated, 'Speak nothing but the truth of the dead or the living' is known to all. "As a teacher he was without a superior. Indeed, I never had more than one other who was his equal in clearness of thought and conciseness of expression. As president he per- petuated and emphasized the best traditions he had received from his predecessors, while his thoroness and careful work in every direction increased the hold of the institution upon the community at large In his relations with the other mem- ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 185 bers of the faculty Dr. Hewett had the admirable quality of allowing them the freest and fullest scope in their work." In addressing the members of the faculty under whose teaching she graduated, Miss Sattley said: "Well as we re- member the facts you taught us in the classroom, yet much more vivid is our recollection of those things you taught us when you were not teaching. Not teaching? Yes. There was no professor of fatherly counsel, motherly solicitude, of kindness, of gentleness, of high ideals and noble purposes; yet you taught them more than anything else." Mr. Arthur Bassett and the old Wrightonian quartet fur- nished some highly acceptable musical numbers for the evening program. The members of this quartet were S. F. Parsons, Joseph G. Brown, Arthur O. Norton, and James A. Hodge. The anniversary session was opened at 9:35 a. m. Wednesday, June 23, Prof. Henry McCormick presiding. In order to keep the school work going on while the celebration exercises were in progress, a huge tent had been pitched on the lawn just south of the main building. Here the morning ses- sion was held. Owing to the ominous appearance of the sky, and the muttering of thunder during the early morning the attendance was not as large as was expected, but a good audi- ence gathered and the meeting proved to be both valuable and enthusiastic. Musical numbers were given between the ad- dresses. The speakers were Richard Edwards, Edwin C. Hewett, S. W. Moulton, Charles E. Hovey, Mrs. Sarah Ray- mond Fitzwilliams, and Thomas J. Burrill. Dr. Edwards spoke first on the subject of "Horace Mann and the Normal School Idea." He said that Horace Mann belonged to the true aristocracy of the race. The great work of his life he accomplished in the Massachusetts State Board of Education. The public schools were of low grade. Mr. Mann resolved something should be done for those who could not attend private schools, that the free schools should be raised, by raising the qualifications of the teachers. The work must be done by the state- He seemed to win few battles but finally at the completion of the first normal school his address was a song of triumph. In our day, the normal school craft is an ocean steamer, constructed and managed scientifically, and it sails with triumphant success. But in Mann's day it was a crude boat and her course was against the current. I think it may be said that Horace Mann possessed all three of the forms of power enthusiasm, sagacity, and organization. He was a belated Puritan. 186 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY In closing Dr. Edwards paid a glowing tribute to Hon. S. W. Moulton, who was present. Dr. E. C. Hewett spoke next on "Nicholas Tillinghast and the Bridgewater Normal School." He said that Tillinghast was a New Englander, educated at West Point. He served on the frontier. In 1840 he was in a high school in Boston, and from there was called to Bridgewater as the first head of the normal school. In person slight, he had a soldier's dignity. He was stern, reserved, not fluent in speech. In character every inch a man, honest, truthful, firm as a rock in the right. The experiment of founding a normal school was first tried in Massachusetts. The first was in 1839; tne Bridgewater was the third. For several years in inconvenient quarters, the course was meager and scholars more so. In 1846 the school was housed in a $6000 wooden structure the first normal school building on the continent. Five years later I became a pupil. The founder of Bridgewater Normal was called "Father" Tillinghast. What was his power? To my mind it was due more to the man that what he said or did. He was always friendly no effusion, gush or honey; but we felt his friendship. He was truthful, open, honest in all his actions. One would as soon suspect Gabriel of a trick as Father Tilling- hast. He was conscientious in everything, self-sacrificing, exact in his works and words. Several stories were told to il- lustrate his power of cutting speech. He was exacting as he was exact. He had the good sense to help by self-help. The body of Nicholas Tillinghast has rested for forty years on the slope where we laid him. Many of you never heard his name. Why should I speak his name? Because Ira Moore, Richard Edwards, Thomas Metcalf, Albert Stetson, and your speaker, were his pupils. Because more than one hundred years of in- struction have been put into this institution by the pupils of Nicholas Tillinghast. His name will live forever in the Illi- nois State Normal University. There was a great ovation of applause when President Cook introduced Charles E. Hovey, the first president of the Normal University. General Hovey was in very feeble health and spoke with trembling voice, but was listened to with in- tense interest. He said one of the early questions was why he had adopted the name of "university," instead of the simple name of normal school. He recalled the astonishment the an- nouncement had created as made by him in a New Jersey con- vention. The first institution in the history of man that bore the name of university was at Salerno, Italy, a thousand years ago. It was a medical school. The next was a professional ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 187 school at Bologna, for lawyers. In the early days, therefore, the term university was applied to professional schools. Now we were getting up another school for another profession, so we called it a university. Why not? In fact it was a neces- sity. The legislature would not appropriate funds to a "school." Therefore it remained only to call it a college or a university. Of these two terms all reason pointed to "uni- versity" as the better term and it was chosen. There was also a practical reason there was a great faction in the state de- termined to have an industrial university; they wanted the Seminary Fund, and of course we wanted it too. So we com- promised with them and got the name. General Hovey then pictured the future of the institution, saying that when its age had grown to that of other notable institutions we shall see wonders here. He spoke of the work of the first board, their discretion and foresight in keeping out of the lines of sectarian division. At the close General Hovey received another ovation. Extracts from Judge Moulton's address "An old soldier often repeats his battles, his achievements, and victories. I feel the greatest love and respect for those who helped me and you forty years ago. This day recalls precious memories. Of the original fourteen members of the board but three remain today General Hovey, John R. Eden, and the speaker. Prior to 1854 the common schools were unsatisfactory in every way. The school funds did the schools no good subscriptions sup- ported the teachers. The constitution of 1848 provided a 2-mill school tax. We were poor in those days and there was little to tax. In 1854 I had the honor of being the chairman of education in the Illinois House, and I had the pleasure to introduce a free school bill, which was the foundation for all the system of free schools in Illinois. This bill recognized the right of every community to afford means of education to all children. The bill became a law February 15 ,1855. There was great prejudice against this law The great lack of the schools in that day was trained teachers. The machinery was all in shape except the teachers. That part could be made possible only by the establishment of a normal school. An act for the founding such a school was past February 18, 1857. I knew these men (the members of the first board of educa- tion) and they were the choice men of Illinois. C. B. Denio was a brick-layer, but he stood up for the right always. So with the others all great men. [Judge Moulton then read a section of the act laying down the purposes of the university.] The opposition to such a university was great. The great 188 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY struggle was as to whether the colored people should receive any benefits of the school law and the university act. In the school act of 1854, the word 'white' was before 'children.' It remained in the normal act, and was only removed after the civil war. As to the location of the proposed normal university, Judge Moulton said: 'The bill provided for competition in the whole State. When the board met in Peoria to open the bids, there were four propositions, one each from Batavia, Washington, Peoria, and Bloomington. The pledge of Bloomington was the best, being $141,000. The site was then an open, naked prairie. Now it is the most beautiful spot in Illinois. The board held its first meeting March 26, 1857, and almost constantly afterwards. The legislature made an ap- propriation to build the university. It was completed by sub- scription, the total gifts being $200,000 " [The speaker then related the grievous difficulties of the work of construc- tion.] "At one time when the board was $10,000 in debt, the members went as individuals and borrowed the money to pay the bills." [Hovey, Denio, and Moulton signed the notes, and next day on summing up the property of the three, there was not over $1000 to pay the debt if sold under the hammer]. Moreover the State disowned the board at its darkest days; but when the institution had acquired $200,000 and wide- spread fame, then the state took us in. "The Board was fortunate in the selection of the faculty thruout its history The university has been exceptionally free from political and religious disturbances " Mr. Moulton paid glowing tributes to General Hovey and other 'fathers of the school.' In closing he said he would be pres- ent at the fiftieth anniversary and make a speech. Mrs. Sarah Raymond Fitzwilliam spoke on "The Women of the Normal School." She recited an original parody on Holmes' "Last Leaf," which was a neat bit of verse. She then continued in a charming style to discuss the Normal women. Women have a genius for teaching. The modern woman her active business, her education, her clubs is a different being from the mild-eyed creature of a century ago. We rejoice that emancipation is at hand. More and more the advance of society is adjusting the mind to the new order of things. Particularly as to woman's position, the change is wonderful. The women of the Normal, 16,000 have received instruction here, 1200 of whom graduated. What must be the influence of such a body? The women of this in- IWJNOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 189 stitution have much to be proud of. The state will gladly give its financial support to such an institution. The tone and character of the community is elevated by the women of the Normal, their influence is broader than the schoolroom. To individualize would be unjust, but proud are we of the names and fame of our women. Great changes have taken place in pedagogics since 1865, and the Normal is a leader in all these. Proud and grateful to thee, your daughters drink to the health of their alma mater. We'll drink to her past and future, too, With thanks for woman's place with you. Tho scattered ere the setting sun, Our home is here, our hearts are one. Dr. Burrill of the University of Illinois, was the last speaker. He told an interesting story of how he first came to Normal, which then contained no postoffice, no business houses. Letters were carried from Bloomington by Dennis Hall. He told of the early corps of instructors, and was full of interesting reminiscences. He recalled Professor Metcalf's first appearance. Hewett, Sewell, Edwards, Metcalf what a quartet ! No monuments are erected to them, but in their in- fluence upon the state, no names are more honored. Dr. Bur- rill recalled the characteristics of the student body of that time. The students of that time took only two meals a day. Text- books were provided by the school. There was no library un- til 1863, when $500 was appropriated for books. Dr. Burrill was first librarian. After his reminiscences Dr. Burrill paid a glowing tribute to the influence of the Normal University. The literary societies joined in the general celebration of the fortieth anniversary. The Philadelphia!! exercises were held June 22, at 3 130 o'clock in Normal Hall. The Wrightonians held their meeting in the big tent on Wednesday afternoon. The many reminiscences of contest, strategy, war, and love, and the revival of the "hard times" of primitive beginnings furnished one of the most entertaining features of the celebra- tion. Careful and thoro preparation had been made well ahead of time, and all plans were carried out with great success. No report was made of the Wrightonian meeting, but we can judge something of its character from that of the Phila- delphian. The Vidette of June, 1897, says of the Philadelphian reunion, "The most remarkable event of the term was the re- union held in the large hall, June 22. The hall was crowded and much enthusiasm was there awakened by thrilling bits of early history told by loyal" members. The five minutes al- lotted them was invariably too brief." 190 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY "After the meeting was called to order Mr. J. Dickey Templeton was introduced as master of ceremonies. He walked upon the stage holding a tallow candle which he al- lowed to shed light upon the scene in commemoration of the fact that at the first meeting of the society, held in the Major Block, Bloomington, October 9, 1857, a tallow candle was the only means of illumination." "At least twenty-five speakers were called on during the evening and the audience was kept in an uproar by Mr. Tem- pleton's inimitable humor. After a brief search three persons were found who belonged to the society in 1857 : E. A. Cast- man, Mrs. Christian, and Mrs. A. D. Guild "Twelve ex-presidents were discovered and marched to the platform " "A song written by Miss Esther Sprague and sung at the dedication exercises of the present hall, July 2, 1861, was sung to the tune of America." The celebration exercises culminated in the banquet on Wednesday evening. Plans had been brewing for the greatest social event known in the school's history. No limit was placed as to who or how many should be present except that the privilege of attending was for friends of the school. About 375 persons were seated. The program called for about twenty responses to toasts. Mr. L. A. Chase, "Our Mutual Friend," was toastmaster. The subjects and persons respond- ing were : "The University of Illinos" Pres. A. S. Draper "The Board of Education" Judge W. H. Green (Absent) "Thomas Metcalf" Dr. Edwards "The Church and Education" Rev. J. J. Burke "The State of Illinois" Hon. James A. Rose "Charles Francis Childs" Dr. Hewett "The Boys and Girls of the '6o's" William Hawley Smith "The Normal School and the Fortieth General Assembly" Hon. A. J. Scrogin "Patriotism" Hon. James F. O'Donnell "The Philadelphian Society" J. D. Templeton The Wrightonian Society" Charles L. Capen, Esq. "The Normal School and the War" General Hovey "The Present Student Body" Chester M. Echols "The Normal School in the Early Seventies" Hon. Owen Scott The Students and the People of Normal" Rev. E. B. Barnes The Teachers of Illinois" Hon. S. M. Inglis "The Normal School and the Lawyer" Hon. E. R. E. Kimbrough "The Normal School of the Future" Dr. Charles De Garmo "The Modern College" Dr. R. O. Graham "The Botanist" Dr. T. J. Burrill 'JThe Press". . J. B. Bates "Our President" Letters and telegrams read by President Cook ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 191 Closing song : "Then old and young together stand, The sunshine and the snow, As heart to heart and hand to hand We sing before we go." The banquet had been announced for five o'clock, but the company was not seated until six. It was a feast of joy and good will, lasting over five hours, and a happy ending of the celebration of the fortieth anniversary. This celebration attracted much attention, and was no- ticed in the editorials of some of the leading newspapers. The Chicago Inter-Ocean, commenting on the annual meeting of the Chicago Club of I.S.N.U., said : "The former students and friends of the Illinois State Normal University propose to cele- brate on May 29 the fortieth anniversary of the founding of that institution. The celebration will consist of an afternoon and an evening session, with addresses, etc., appropriate to the occasion. "The Illinois State Normal University is the oldest public educational institution in Illinois. It has educated a very large proportion of the leading teachers of the public school system of the State, and has had a very wide educational influence up- on education thruout the Mississippi valley. It ranks among the best institutions of its class in any country, and is an in- stitution in which every citizen of Illinois should take pride and interest." The Daily Pantagraph under date of June 23, 1897, has the following: "The fortieth anniversary of the Illinois State Normal University now being celebrated is an event of the deepest importance to the thousands, far and near, who have come within its influence. The occasion has called together many of those who took part in the founding of the institution, among them Gen. Charles E. Hovey, its first president. To these honored pioneers in the work of normal training in the west the cause of popular education owes a debt of lasting gratitude. They broke the ground, and planted and tilled, as did the farmers of that early day, tho in a different field. Human destiny was the field they worked, and sacrifice, and zeal and love for humanity were the forces employed. What a harvest has come forth from the labors of these devoted, far-seeing men ! There is no numbering nor calculating the blessings their work has wrought out for the race. Into every county of our great State, and into every com- munity of every county, has the influence of the Normal School extended. No one can put a limitation upon the forces exerted by the teachers who for four decades have gone out year after year from the normal halls to do service in the cause of rational education. Their work has permeated the whole social structure The people acknowledge it. They have cheerfully endowed and will generously maintain a school that trains teachers in the work of instructing their children in all that tends to a more intelligent and useful manhood and womanhood. All pleasure and joy to the honored educators who have gathered to celebrate this fortieth anniversary of the Normal." CHAPTER XIV REMINISCENCES A Letter Twenty-five Years Old. DEAR OLD FRIENDS: To my home on the summits of these Santa Cruz hills, by the Pacific, has come an invitation to write a few words upon the days when we dwelt and worked together. I was not ex- actly a beginner with the Normal University. I entered in the autumn of 1858, and found myself decidedly a junior, com- pared with a group, grave and reverend, of the real pioneers. John Hull, Joseph Howell, Enoch Gastman, Hayes, Ridlon, Augusta Peterson, Sally Dunn, Fannie Washburn, Edward Philbrook, whose hair parted in the middle, these were in the front rank of years and honors. We who entered in those September days of 1858, felt small and insignificant beside them. We were daily convened in the upper story of Major's Hall. I suppose that these younger generations of Normalites are not aware that such a building ever existed. The walls of the old house were rickety, and iron girders, with huge S's at the ends, held in place the brick masonry. Our assembling room was the third story. In the second story were recitation rooms, rather dark, and ill-adapted to our needs. Grocery and hardware stores occupied the first floor. The building was heated by a coal stove in each room, and as Illinois coal is gaseous and explosive, the stove doors were frequently blown open, with loud sounds and clouds of yellow smoke. C. E. Hovey was principal in those days, but Ira Moore was the one most directly in charge. Dr. Willard, looking very pale and frail, soon began to open his wonderful budget of philological knowledge. Hewett came within a month after my arrival, I think. He was a small man with a big head, in those days. He had very demonstrative boot heels, and especially hated cats, and went to sleep in Baptist meetings. He used to give us prodigious lessons in history and geography. He couldn't ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 193 draw maps, but made us draw very nice ones. I remember his geography lessons, even unto this day. The names of the branches of the Amazon, the forms and heights of the Andean and Himalayan plateaus these are mine yet, and will be to all eternity. My history work has not staid with me so well. There was once a slight unpleasantness between my class and their teacher as to how General Greene got away from Corn- wallis. It was quite a double-and-twisted business anyhow, and we inwardly vowed that we wouldn't learn it. The teacher gave us hard words and low marks, but our obstinate stupidity won the day. I am still densely ignorant as to whether it was the Chickahominy or the Nile that rose and fell in such a miraculous fashion, for the discomfiture of the Brit- ish. Come to think of it, may be it wasn't Greene and Corn- wallis after all. It tires me to recall the matter. At any rate, somebody got away from some other fellow, and we wouldn't and didn't learn the particulars, and Professor Hewett con- sidered us, very justly, a pack of ninnies. We were called section "C" for awhile. There was a sec- tion B, including Burnham, Edward Waite, Fanny Grennel, Peleg R. Walker, and others ; a class which had entered some months before us, but they were soon incorporated with us. Gove, from Boston, John T. Curtis, Sophie Crist, C. J. Gill, Harvey Button, Moses Morgan these stand out very con- spicuously upon the tablet of memory as entering when I did. I had a peculiar psychological experience with Gove. It was a case of hate at first sight. He was very slim in those days, had a big nose, and used to laugh at people who made mis- takes. I regarded him for some time with a silent, unspeak- able hatred. Well, time mended all that. After these twenty- four years, I send love to Gove, whom I hated; to Button, whom I quarreled with; to Joseph Howell and Augusta Pet- erson, whom I respected and yet felt it my duty to regard with a certain dislike, because they were Philadelphians. From their heights of spirit-life may a benediction be wafted down, even to us, who struggled hard to make the name of Simeon Wright immortal ! There were two literary societies in those days. It is strange, but true, that the members used to quarrel. We had contest meetings, joint debates, and various occasions of con- flict. After our removal into the, "new building," we impov- erished ourselves and incurred heavy debts, in order to buy better furniture and more books than the people of the other society. On the door of the Wrightonian Hall was a motto, 194 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY painted in blue and gold, "Sapere Aude." It was the occasion, to the Philadelphians, of many irreverent and disrepectful puns. As a loyal Wrightonian, I trust that this motto has disappeared, and that the Brussels carpet, gay with yellow roses, which reduced us all to bankruptcy who were concerned in purchasing it, has been replaced by the bounty of a younger and wealthier generation. In 1858, Bloomington had a population of some 7000 peo- ple. In winter, its streets were a sea of mud. "Come over here," once shouted Professor Wilbur, the geologist, to Uncle Sim Wright, across the street. "I can't," was the answer; "between thee and me there is a great gulf fixt." Teams were daily mired down in the principal streets. There was a place called Pone Hollow, allusions to which were particularly in order, if anyone would be called facetious. The crossings there were particularly dreadful when the long rains drenched the prairies. "The gunpowder plot" was enacted in Major's Hall. Gove had organized a band of nocturnal serenaders, called the "Squallers." They used to go about with an awfully dis- cordant orchestra of willow whistles. To blow these beneath the lattice of a slumbering maiden, was to induce in her spasms of palpitating fear and agony. The Squallers were wont to meet in Mr. Hovey's office, not to rehearse, but to form their plans. One of the boys had observed this, and longed to know what it all meant. He took into his confidence one Burnham, who wickedly betrayed him to the Squallers. Their plans were duly laid. Hidden in a box in the room, the inquiring youth heard the particulars of a plot which caused his "knotty and combined locks to part, and each particular hair to stand on end" no less a scheme than the blowing up of the old building with gunpowder, in order to expedite the construction of the new one! The very box in which the spy was secreted was selected as the receptacle for this terrible explosive, and was turned over, rolling out upon the floor this inquiring youth. The tableau was unutterable; the muttered threats were dreadful. At last, after binding himself with more hor- rible oaths than Morgan, the anti-Mason, ever dreamed of, and making a liberal contribution for the purchase of gun- powder, he was allowed to go home, where he doubtless past the night in dreadful expectancy, and came to school next morning, only to find an audible smile on every face. Well, he treated the crowd to apples, and we unanimously agreed not to tell his father of his misadventure; in pursuance of which pledge, his name appeareth not in these pages. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 195 We were shabbily drest in those days. I think my pan- taloons were generally too short, and my coats seemed to have been made for some other person. We were very poor, but very plucky. We boarded ourselves, mainly on corn mush, washt the floors and built the fires at the Normal Hall, worked hard, lived hard, and were poorly provided with all things; our parents were sad-faced, struggling pioneers of the prairies; but we were cheery, resolute, and happy in our life and our work. To the toiling youth of frontier homes, thirsting for knowledge, the Illinois Normal University opened the gateways of a new life. We loved it, rejoiced in it, and were thoroly loyal to its name and fame. The school saw but little of its principal in those years. Two miles to the northward, across the sodden prairies, in the rainy autumn of 1858, were clay pits, heaps of brickbats, half- complete foundations for a stately structure, yet in embryo. The construction fund was exhausted, the state heavily in debt, business everywhere distrest and languishing; truly a somber prospect for the completion of a building, demanding, on the basis existing before the war, a hundred thousand dol- lars. It would be as easy today to raise a million. To secure these needed funds was the task which Charles E. Hovey set before himself. It was a labor for Hercules. His own fortune was pledged over and over. Had his plans failed, he would have been weighted for life with hopeless bankruptcy. This enormous task he undertook and carried thru. He had a place on the program of the school's daily work, but his classes gen- erally wrought out their own salvation. But in the winter of 1 860- 1 the building was completed; the legislature assembled; Governor Dick Yates delivered the dedicatory address; the State assumed the liabilities of the Board of Regents, and the enormous burden of debt rolled off the shoulders which had borne it so bravely. A new generation has arisen since those days, mainly ignorant of these events, and yet enjoying the fruits of those labors. It is for them that I make the record. We of the pioneering days, need no reminder of the grand work which could hardly have been performed by another than General Charles E. Hovey. We were free in our conduct, to a singular extent. No school rules rested upon us. Our hours and methods were wholly our own. We lived as we pleased, formed our friend- ships and associations, made our calls, and managed our af- fairs, entirely at our own choice and pleasure. Very few schools were ever so slightly governed. I do not believe that 196 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY our successors of today can be journeying under any similar slackness of rein. Nevertheless, the record of those years was a thoroly Spartan one. We were from Puritan households, disciplined in self-restraint. Industry and poverty were our safeguards. A magnificent park, stately buildings, a beautiful and pros- perous city, methods well-ordered, and polities established, splendid museums and laboratories, a wealthier and more cul- tured generation of students these are the pleasant things that greet the view as you gather to the silver wedding of our alma mater. It is not true that the former days were better than these, but we who saw the working out of the beginnings, had also our joys, struggles, and coronations; and we received a training which, if less orderly and exhaustive than that ren- dered now, nevertheless gave us some measure of fitness for our life-work. From my home and class room by the Pacific, I send hearty greeting to the teachers and pupils who worked in Major's Hall together. God bless and speed you all, dear old friends and comrades, and grant you such length of days that, in the seventh year of the twentieth Christian century, a few of us, if old, yet vigorous, if with snow on the head, yet with fire at the heart, may gather to our alma mater's golden wedding. H. B. NORTON. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, San Jose, California, July 23, 1882. BY LYMAN B. KELLOGG, CLASS OF 1864. My first term at the Normal was while the school was in Major's Block. It was the spring term at which the first class graduated. Enoch Gastman, large of size, red-haired and red- whiskered, was the most formidable looking member of the class. Having never before attended any school other than the country district and the public school of a small village, Major's Hall and the then Normal School seemed to me very majestic and impressive. Mr. Hovey was the president; but we did not see very much of him that term, because, as we understood, his time was almost wholly taken up with the building operations going on for the school out on the prairie two miles from town. He STATU NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 197 occasionally was present and led the devotional exercises at the opening of the school, and was supposed to be teaching the graduating class in one study. As I remember him, he was somewhat dark of visage, silent, and distant, with a grave and solemn face. It was vaguely understood that the Normal building was being erected under many difficulties, financial and otherwise, and that there was great danger of the work being suspended ; all of which was supposed to account for the pre-occupation, repeated absences, and anxiety, on the part of President Hovey. It was also understood by the new class, consisting of a dozen or fourteen, of which I was a member, that Mr. Hovey was a man of great executive ability and a good teacher. Later, 'as everyone knows, he went into the army as colonel of the Normal regiment, and came out a brigadier general, and afterwards practiced law in the city of Washington. There were about seventy-five students in attendance at that term. Major's Hall was on the top floor of a three-story business building. Our recitation rooms were on the second floor ; the first floor was occupied by two groceries and a second hand store, as I recollect. I have since learned that Major's Hall and the recitation rooms were considered dark, dingy, and somewhat dilapidated; but they did not so impress me. I considered them grand beyond compare. I remember that Henry B. Norton was a student at that time, tall, angular, awkward, careless in dress. His shoes were tied sometimes with white wrapping twine in the absence of a shoe string, but he had the countenance of a sage. Later he was editor of the Daily Pantagraph in Bloomington, and then came out to Kansas, serving as Associate Principal of the State Normal School at Emporia. Still later he taught natu- ral science, and made a great name for himself as teacher and lecturer, at the State Normal School of California at San Jose. I acquired no personal acquaintance with Enoch Gastman and the other members of the graduating class until near the end of that term, because they were so high and mighty, in the estimation of the beginners of my class, that we did not venture to ask for an introduction. They seemed to us to have been made of a better clay than the rest of us mortals. I remember that the graduating class recited in the large assembly room in English and American literature, and that in some mysterious way Henry B. Norton recited with them, altho not a member of the class. To our great surprise he 198 SUMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY seemed to know as much about books and authors as the real members of the graduating class. The entering class having no recitation at that time were supposed to be studying at their desks during the recitation of the graduating class in litera- ture. My recollection is of neglecting my studies at this hour and of feasting daily upon the enlarged wisdom of the gradu- ating class. My last term was in the spring of 1864. Richard Ed- wards, the president, was in the height and plenitude of his remarkable gifts as a teacher, public speaker, and executive officer. My recollection of the attendance is that it was something like three hundred. Mr. Pillsbury was the principal of the high school division of the model department. I was in charge of the grammar school division and also assisted in teaching some of the classes upstairs in the Normal school proper. In addition to this teaching I endeavored to carry on my regular studies as a member of the graduating class. I think there were seven of us who graduated that year. I was a member of the Wrightonian society. In those days the rivalry between the Wrightonians and the Philadelphians was great. The members of the Wrightonian society were well satisfied in their minds that their society was much su- perior to that of the Philadelphians. In some manner it was learned by us that the Philadelphians considered the members of the Wrightonian society much inferior to them in every possible way. As I look back thru the vista of years upon the two societies, I find that they were substantially equal in mem- bership, in enthusiasm, good fellowship, and general ability of their members. I have been told that there is now in the Wrightonian li- brary a full set of the bound volumes of the Atlantic Monthly magazine. It is my recollection that the first three or four volumes were contributed to the library by my procurement, with the hope of the then members of the society that the At- lantic Monthly should become a permanent acquisition to the library in the years to come. This was one of the dreams of a few of the Wrightonians in that very early day. In January following my graduation I came to Kansas up- on the invitation of the Board of Regents to serve as principal of the State Normal School of that State at Emporia. The Normal School of Kansas is an offshoot of the Illinois State ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 199 Normal University, and it has always been proud of that re- lation, just as the Illinois Normal is an offshoot from the Bridgewater Normal School of Massachusetts. BY JOHN WILLISTON COOK, CLASS OF 1865. There was great strife between the Wrightonians and Philadelphian societies in those old days. The rooms with un- carpeted floors and undecorated walls were furnished us and it was left to us to do whatever was to be done in the way of improvement. The recitation rooms were supplied with com- mon wooden chairs and these were borrowed on Friday even- ings, when there were energetic young fellows available to carry them upstairs. Sometimes they were forgotten on Sat- urday night after the close of the society meetings and, in consequence, there were chairless recitation rooms on Monday morning. The interviews that such a condition occasioned were not in all respects agreeable, hence there were strenuous efforts to secure a more ample equipment. The students were far from anything like wealth, yet there were notable instances of self-denial in their devotion to their societies. Anything in the way of improvement was carried on by stealth. The first wall decorations were in the way of small statuary. It didn't amount to much as measured by modern standards but it was little short of superb to us of the Wright- onian Society as it was unpacked behind locked doors all on a wonderful Saturday and ready to be displayed to the envious Philadelphians when the doors were opened for the evening meeting. There was a general stampede from the south room, the old home of "our friends, the enemy," when the "scoop" was revealed. It would have taken a long pole to reach the elevated pride of "Uncle Sim's" crowd that night. A piano was a prime necessity for the musical numbers on the Saturday evenings. Occasionally one was borrowed from a school room and laboriously elevated to the top story, but it was a killing business and it took a great occasion to develop enthusiasm enuf for the young fellows to undertake it. In consequence it was decreed at a secret meeting of the "steering committee" that in some way or other a piano must be forth- coming. The war was on and our patron saint, Uncle Sim, was at the front. But he came home on a furlough and three or four of us met him at the old Ashley House. Uncle Sim 200 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY gave us a number of pointers as to possible ways and means, but, most inspiring of all, he gave us fifty dollars as a start. We organized a secret society, for the whole thing was planned as "scoop number two," and within its inner circles the scheme was elaborated. One feature of the enterprise was a play, "Box and Cox," at Phenix Hall. The star performers were not students, altho one of them had been. There was Clare Messer, six feet three in his stockings and with the circumfer- ence of a telegraph pole. And there was Hyde Norton, a for- mer student and then engaged in the study of law, after being sent home from the army with the compliments of a confeder- ate sharpshooter. He was only a shade under Messer's length and another shade above his breadth. It was a great occasion and made big money. The piano was bought and secretly installed to the wonder of everybody and to the envy of the "other folks." Norton died in Cuba a couple of years ago and Messer is one of the leading artists in Washington city. Eugene F. Baldwin, he of the wonderful Peoria Star, turned up as an old student in '63. He had been in the army and had lost most of his health and nearly all of his hair. He got both of them back later. He was a genius then but not everybody knew it as they do now. He used to write plays and some of us did star parts in them. But the way in which he anticipated the modern talking machine is the thing I started to tell. He contrived a box with a noisy ratchet in it made from the crank of a chain pump. In those days there were book cases in the south end of the Wrightonian Hall and below them were ample closets. The box was mounted on legs and furnished with a curtain and placed before the partially opened door of one of the closets. A stage curtain surrounded the whole apparatus. The performance was billed for the period immediately after recess. It was an easy matter to slip behind the curtain and into the closet at recess time. Baldwin gave a learned dissertation upon the possibility of talking machines and declared that he had invented one. In proof thereof he drew the stage curtain, wound up his machine and, mirabile dictu! the thing began to talk. This was incon- testably the first phonograph. The affair was the sensation of the season for the talking attachment escaped from the closet in the distraction of the universal excitement. In war times an old student furloughed and just from the front, would occasionally be the center of attraction on a Sat- ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 201 urday night at the societies. How we all thrilled with respon- sive patriotism as he told us of the Normal boys in the south- ern camps and how they told and re-told, about the evening fires, the experiences of school and society life. The society quartets would sing the war songs and the young orators would flame with eloquence and the walls would re-echo the cheers of the ardent students. The new generation can never know the rate at which we lived in those days of storm and stress. And when there came the cheering news of a federal victory life was strenuous entif to suit the most responsive. BY E. F. BALDWIN. He Drew Maps. In the year 1863, in the fall term, there drifted into Nor- mal from the city of LaSalle, a tall, slim individual who regis- tered as R. A. Bower. He fell under the tutelage of Professor Hewett and the latter set him to drawing the map of South America. Bob protested against it. He couldn't draw a map, he couldn't even draw a straight line. But Hewett put his foot down, and so, Bower manfully shouldered his burden. He finally became interested in it and the result was he was the best map drawer in his class. After he left Normal, he drifted about for several years and finally went to Chicago and pro- posed to the firm of Rand, McNally & Co. that they add a de- partment of map publishing to their establishment and give him control of it. They are now the greatest map publishers in the world. They publish maps for Australia, Canada, and in fact, for almost every country under the sun. Bower is the largest stockholder in the institution. He owns 325 shares of the original 1000 shares in the company, and is rated at con- siderably over half a million dollars. Still, anyone dropping into the retail store of Rand, McNally & Co. in Chicago, will find Bob Bower, now grown to be a venerable, gray-headed gentleman, with an army of clerks under him, revising the map department and giving his orders for the coming campaigns. When we saw him last week, he had just shipped two car-loads of maps to Australia. All this great industry giving employ- ment to over looo people came because President Hewett in- sisted that Bob Bower should draw a map of South America. Of course, the moral of this is, whatever you do, do it well. 202 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY BY S. Y. GILLAN, CLASS OF 1879. How the School Appealed to Me As a Student. 1. It appealed to me as an institution in which hard work was recognized as the key to success and where "sissy boys" were estimated at their true worth and speedily eliminated. At that time the Normal University had something of a repu- tation as a student killer, and in that there was for me a cer- tain fascination. 2. The academic features of the course, the subjects to be mastered, attracted me more than did the "professional" work. The latter never seemed to me to be strong, and the more it developed the more I did not like it. Subsequent experience and observation have led me to think that the defect referred to was not a weakness peculiar to the school nor to that time. 3. The faculty as a whole imprest me as especially strong and well chosen for the work they were doing; and this im- pression has not changed with the years. Altho there were a few weak spots in the faculty, visible to discerning students, yet the strongest appeal of the school to me was thru the strength and skill that most of the teaching force displayed in the schoolroom. If I learned anything of method that was of abiding worth it came to me thru the example of good teaching rather than thru precept or doctrine pedagogic or psychologic. 4. The democratic spirit of the student body, the absence of sham, the freedom from inquisitorial control on the part of the teachers, the evidence on all hands that it was a school of the people existing for and representing the masses and not the classes, the earnestness of the students, most of whom were going to school, not sent, these were facts that appealed to me and deepened the conviction that "life is neither pain nor pleasure but serious business." BY CHARLES EORDYCE, CLASS OF 1 882. About a quarter of a century ago I entered the Illinois State Normal University for the purpose of putting a few fin- ishing touches on my public school attainments, preparatory to entering upon the duties of a teacher. Having passed the examination admitting to the High School, I was advised by Principal Burrington to visit classes in English grammar, ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 203 arithmetic, and geography to see whether they might offer any additional help. I was first ushered into the class of Martha D. L. Haynie, where the first half hour's experience paralyzed me. It became evident on my recovery that I could gain a few points in method, at least, by attending the class in Eng- lish grammar. I next visited the class in arithmetic under Mr. John W. Cook, whose flashes of mathematical wit convinced me not only that I knew nothing about arithmetic, but that my knowledge of other branches was too faulty to count for much in the Normal. I did not inspect other classes, but entered at once, and at the very bottom of the curriculum. Thru the friendly counsel of Dr. Hewett I was persuaded to join even the spelling class, which I found so full of culture, and whose subject matter grew so increasingly interesting that I was in- duced to "elect" this subject from year to year. Mr. Hewett went so far as to suggest that I might with some degree of profit pursue the branch in graduate work, saying that there were here hidden fields for the student in research. All through the course I shared the feeling with most of the students that the requirements were unreasonably severe; since graduation, however, I share with the alumni an equally common feeling that the rigidity of the work done is the one feature for which we are today most thankful. The doctrine that the candidate for teacher must knozu the subject to be taught, as well as the underlying principles by which it may be skillfully presented, was strictly adhered to by all the fac- ulty. In the exemplification of this tenet most of the faculty were models. I acknowledge my personal indebtedness to Mr. Cook for his keen, searching, Socratic method; to Mr. Met- calf for his wonderful tact in class management and his cheery, generous, sympathetic nature, which has ever been my ideal ; and, finally, to all the faculty for their impartial efforts to draw forth from the students the best in them. BY NATHAN A. HARVEY, CLASS OE 1884. My Early Impressions of Normal My impressions of Normal began on the morning of the twenty-first of March, 1880, about three o'clock. It was a most inauspicious beginning, for the weather was cold, every person was a stranger, and when the sun rose, it rose in the north and it continued to do so for the next four years. I re- 204 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY member Normal now as a place in which the sun rises in the north. I had the impression that it must be on the northeast side of the earth. It is a rather distressing circumstance when a man's consciousness and his compass do not agree. The first week in school, Mr. Cook sent me to the blackboard, in an arithmetic class, and said, "Go to the north board." I started in a direction that I afterward learned to be east. Mr. Cook said "North board." I went faster toward the east. "North board! NORTH BOARD! NORTH BOARD!" I reached the east side of the room on the run, when Mr. Cook pointed to the other side of the room, and said, with tremendous sarcasm, "This is the north board." I was really grateful for the information. The Normal School was at first to me one big, blooming confusion. A two-room school was the limit of my previous experience in educational matters, and, when as I was seated the first day in the Assembly room, wondering what would happen next, a tremendous multitude of people, without any particular reason for doing so, came trooping into the room like a mob or an army with banners, I did not know what to make of it. Then when the tumult had partially subsided, a lit- tle man would stand up in front and with a pencil, as a sword or scepter, would apparently threaten them, and scold them, and sentence them to decapitation or banishment, everybody would get up and troop out to begin sentence. I did not know what was likely to happen at any moment. My earliest experiences are the most vivid. I was scared to death most of the time. It seemed to me that the whole institution was organized for the purpose of threatening me. with total annihilation. Afterward I found that such was not the case, but that the whole institution was completely innocent of any knowledge of my existence. A man named Nolan entered school about that time. Nolan was somewhat older than many other students, and a good looking man. He was accorded the privilege of taking grammar as an extra subject. All went well the first week. The second week spelling began. Nolan, in the first class, fell below seven in his standing. He was sent to the second class. The next week he fell below seven in the second class. He was required to drop grammar. The next week he fell below seven again. He was required to drop arithmetic. The next week, still below seven, he was required to drop geography. In the cloak room one of the boys remarked to him, "Well, Nolan, ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 205 did the doctor make you drop another subject?" "Yes," said Nolan, "blessed if I won't have to drop everything pretty soon, but devotional exercises." From his language there was some apprehension of his ability to carry that. The societies were a source of continual delight. It was believed by many of the new members that the standard of excellence in the programs was so high that we could never hope to attain it, and we sometimes considered plans for di- minishing the standard. It was really this feeling that led to the organization of the Ciceronian society. I have known stu- dents who entered the school after I did who assisted at the organization of the Ciceronian society, but I attended several meetings of the society in the old "White Room" in the spring of 1880. Whenever a person wanted a fight or a frolic he could get it by means of the societies. The "Sociable Squab- ble" recorded in the History of the I.S.N.U. by Cook and McHugh, was only one of the incidents occurring in society circles in the period covered by my impressions. I happened to be treasurer of the Wrightonians at that time and was one of those who believed that it was very unwise to abandon a regular program for such a trifling affair as a sociable. There was little of the milk of human kindness wasted up- on us by the faculty in those days. Mr. Metcalf was recog- nized as the one man who had a soul in him. Miss Wakefield and Miss Pennell were kind to everybody. The other mem- bers of the faculty were considered to belong to a different and a superior order of beings. Bob Underwood expressed it one time, just after the board of education had made a regulation concerning the annual election of teachers, by saying, "The Normal School teachers have to be elected now just like humans." I am under the impression now that the Normal School of 1880 was a great school. I know that the class of 1881 was excelled in wisdom only by the class of 1880, which was the class that graduated the first term that I attended school. I feel sure that a rapid deterioration of classes in wisdom and goodness occurred after that, and my impression is that the en- tire school began to deteriorate shortly after I entered the in- stitution. Perhaps my presence contributed to that deteriora- tion. This is merely my impression. I have not undertaken to verify the truth or falsity of it. I am still under the impres- sion that the Normal School of the early eighties was a great school, and I have been told on reliable authority that the present school is even greater. Let us hope that it may con- tinue on its progressive career. 206 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY BY FRANK S. BOGARDUS, CLASS OF 1896. What the Normal Did For Me. Any person who has been a student at the Illinois State Normal University must have a rich fund of memories that come trooping up at the mere mention of the word "Normal." But one who has had the privilege of being a pupil and after- wards a teacher in the old school has double reason for thank- fulness. Such has been my privilege. In addition to this I have still another abiding bond of interest in the Normal; it is found in the fact that both my father and mother were graduated from it. Thus while I have received largely from it, I claim no common share in it; in a peculiar sense it be- longs to me and I to it. From the fact that my father and mother had been students at the Normal, it naturally followed, when it was decided that I was to be a teacher, that the Normal was the only school considered in connection with my further education. I have always been thankful that it was so. Candidly, I do not believe I had seen enuf good teaching before I went to the Normal to know what it was. My teach- ers, for the most part, up to that time, had settled down into the soul-deadening lethargy of mechanica] school-keeping. As I look at it now, it seems that they had little knowledge of child nature and no appreciation of pedagogical aims and methods. The purpose seemed to be to get a certain average result from the class, the individual child being practically lost sight of. The whole system was simply a piece of machinery and like machine made products we came from the schools bearing the stamp of uniformity and mediocrity. The whole process was stupefying, leveling, deadening. It was the com- plete triumph of the machine. May the Lord forgive those who were responsible! At Normal I came in contact with people who could teach, people who really had professional attainments. What a won- derful change from the other system ! At once these teachers in the Normal School became my ideal teachers and such they still remain to me. To say that whatever I learned as to prin- ciples and methods in teaching I got by being in contact with them is only expressing a truism. All people learn in that way. The daily recitation, whether in zoology or psychology, was to me an exposition and application of method ; I learned to teach by being in the classes of such men as President Cook IIvUNOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 207 and Professor Colton and watching them at their daily work and participating in it. Thus the Normal School did this much for me if no more it convinced me that there is such a thing as live teaching and it gave me the professional ideal. When I ask myself the question : "What did I learn at the Normal ?" I confess that I pause. Certainly, many things. And yet I am perfectly clear that its greatest contribution to my life was neither information, nor discipline. Indeed it seems to me that the course might have been planned so as to meet the peculiar needs of high school graduates better than it did on the informational side. Then there was a certain dis- ciplinary effect, a desire for thoroness, that was secured. It has proved of very great value to me since that time. But not the greatest. The peculiar, distinctive thing that the Normal did for me, the thing of greatest value was bringing me in contact with the great, rich personalities of my teachers and some of my fellow students. The intense stimulus to scholarly effort furnished by them was of immense value to me. The inspiration of their example and precept seized hold of me as it has hundreds of others and made the old life no longer pos- sible. I learned to believe in the possibility of achievement, in the value of the struggle, and in the inestimable treasures of scholarship. In a very real sense these teachers gave them- selves that we, their pupils, might live. The riches of their inner lives were freely bestowed upon us and we are living in the light they shed. Today we former students of the old school look back to her with pride and pain, and say to the noble men and women who labored there: "Out of your life you gave us life, out of your riches you made us rich." CHAPTER XV THE INFLUENCE OF THE SCHOOL UPON EDUCATION BY CHARLES DE GARMO, CLASS OF 1873 Qualitative rather than quantitive standards must be re- lied upon to give an adequate idea of the influence of the school upon education, for though one might deal with num- bers and per cents they would give but a poor notion of what the institution has accomplished for educational advancement. We need to know the quality of the men and women who have taught and been taught in the school, what their stand- ards of work and character have been, what prominence they have attained, what books they have published, what changes they have initiated, and how their influence has been dis- tributed over the various aspects of education. My own intimate knowledge of the faculty ranges from 1870 to 1890, so that I may perhaps be pardoned if I dwell more particularly upon the members then upon the staff. What especially impressed the students of the 7o's and the 8o's was the vigor, the moral earnestness, the efficiency, and withal the geniality with which the instruction was given. There was no ostentatious display of erudition, but there was always an evidence of firm intellectual grasp of whatever was taught such as awakened the admiration of the student, as when, for ex- ample, Edwards expounded Hamlet or Hewett assigned a long tracing lesson in geography to the whole school without once consulting map or text. The atmosphere of the school was elec- tric. When Cook taught reading or Metcalf algebra nothing else seemed of the slightest importance. When the student, "speaking rapidly," recited the prime factors of numbers to 50 for McCormick, the rest of the world was forgotten. When Sewall made the grimaces he called "phonics" he was awe- ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 209 inspiring, but when he gave himself to speculation, he was di- vine. Stetson awakened our aesthetic sense, not only thru literature, but also thru the beauty and exquisite neatness of his writing. Everywhere we met strongly marked personality, but underlying, permeating and suffusing everything done was that strong, electric, and cumulative enthusiasm, vigor, and earnestness, which once implanted in us was there for life. It was this spirit that enabled the school to impress itself first upon its own students, and then thru them upon the chil- dren of the State. Higher institutions depend in large meas- ure upon the subjects taught, upon the liberalizing character of advanced learning, for their ultimate influence upon the world, but the curriculum at the Normal embraced little more than elementary, and the beginnings of secondary studies. What the ultimate results should be depended, therefore, not upon the thing taught, but rather upon the intensity and thoroness of the teaching. It must ever stand to the honor of the faculty of those days that what it did, it did with its might, and that force of character applied to simple tasks was the means of its most enduring influence. Looking back over those days, one finds no startling in- novation originating from the Normal school. During the early 70*8 a wave of conviction went over the country that natural sciences should be an important part of even ele- mentary education. Six weeks' courses in them were estab- lished in the Normal, but this brief time effected no important results. It was only with the coming of Forbes, Seymour, and Colton that the new subjects began to be a force in ele- mentary education, tho mechanics and elementary astronomy had been effectively taught by Hewett at an earlier period. The greatest contribution that these men made to the cause of teaching was to impress the fact that intelligent comprehen- sion, not memoriter drill, lies at the bottom of every school exercise, whether in mathematics, language, history, geogra- phy, or natural science. This truth tho not new was and al- ways is important. In those days there was in the State little effective instruction in secondary schools, so that there was consequently small basis in the Normal for effective training in college subjects. Not until this sound foundation in the common branches was laid could the Normal school undertake the higher work, or devote itself primarily to professional study. But by the time the preliminaries were completed, the course was well nigh at an end. It is clear, therefore, that the excellence of the earlv efforts of the school consisted neither 210 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY in professional training nor in advanced study, but rather, as has been said, in effective teaching- of the common branches and the earlier studies of high school grade. This was what the situation of the time demanded, and this was what the early faculty contributed. Later years, bringing new stand- ards for admission, have of course made it possible greatly to strengthen strictly professional training. Turning now to the influence exerted by the school thru its students, it is obvious that this influence would be most wide-spread and effective thru the daily extension to a thou- sand schoolrooms of the earnestness, thoroness, and efficiency found in the instruction given by the faculty. It was here that the forceful enthusiasm of Edwards, the keen incisiveness of Hewett, the cultured accuracy of Metcalf, the genial thoroness of Cook, and the deliberate but irresistible driving power of McCormick found innumerable reduplication. These early contributions of the school to the cause of education naturally extended as the number of students increased, and as new members with more recent ideals and often with greater schol- astic acquirements were added to the faculty. One can never forget the new impetus that came with such teachers as Forbes, Seymour, James, Pennell, Haynie, Barton, Jones, Colton, Morris, Felmley, C. A., F. M. and Lida B. McMurry, Van Liew, and many others well known to Normalites of the pres- ent day. The early educational situation in Illinois gave to the Nor- mal school a broader influence than could otherwise have been expected. It was the only institution of the kind in this State, the high schools were in their infancy and the State Univer- sity was just beginning as a School of Agriculture and Me- chanic Arts. The result was that thousands of students who now go thru the high school and into college or university, then came to the Normal school, the only institution to which they could gain admission and which would give them educa- tion under the auspices of the State. One is, therefore, some- what prepared for Mr. C. H. Thurber's humorous remark when he found so many old Normal men occupying prominent positions in and about Chicago. "After inquiring into the an- tecedents of this and that educational leader," he said, "I be- gan to look around to find distinguished men who were not from the old Normal." To mention all the men and women who have helped to carry the spirit of the old school to the children of the State would be to call the roll of attendance for fifty years. All that ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 211 can be attempted in this place is to mention a few of the more prominent contributions to educational advance that have been made by individuals. First we have such veteran superintendents of great public school systems as Gastman, Gove, Walker, Raymond, Carter, Butler. Generations of teachers and pupils have felt their ef- fective and inspiring leadership. Many have proved their quality and passed on to younger institutions for the training of teachers the influence of the older school. Prominent among those who have distinguished themselves as professors or as principals of other Normal schools we find the names of Cook, Kellogg, Norton, Wilkin- son, Van Liew, Harvey, Blair, Hursh, Glotfelter, Morrison, W. Wilson, Blome, Ament, the McMurrys, and many others. The following graduates from the decade of 1891-1900 are now, or have been, engaged, regularly in Normal school work : Grant Karr, Mellie "Bishop, James Ament, Frank Blair, Elmer Gavins, Luther A. Hatch, S. F. Parson, W. J. Sutherland, Lura Eyestone, George W. Bishop, Jessie Cunningham, Edith Patten, Alice Patten, Eleanor Hampton, May Slocum, Fred D. Barber, J. G. Brown, Thomas H. Gentle, J. A. Keith, F. G. Mutterer, Frank P. Bachman, Nellie M. Phillips, Edward R. Hendricks, Thomas A. Hillyer, S. B. Hursh, George E. Marker, Clyde R. Travis, Rose Bland, Jessie G. Bullock, Mary M. Steagall, Frank S. Bogardus, Mabel A. Cooper (Mitchell,) Jessie M. Dillon, Marian T. Lyons, Clara M. Snell, Emilie B. Wright, William Crocker, William W. Martin, Olive L. Bar- ton, Anastacia Donohue (Hennegan,) Mary L. Trimble, Oliver M. Dickerson, W. H. Johnson, John P. Stewart, Ora S. Morgan, Genevieve L. Clarke, Anna G. King, I. N. War- ner, Charles W. Whitten a total of forty-nine. Not a few are recognized as leaders in their respective subjects in institutions of higher learning. Of such we may enumerate James, Brown, Gray, the Scotts (John and Walter,) Hodgin, Effinger, Erode, McCormick (Ed.), J. W. Hall, H. C. Metcalf, F. McMurry, Hieronymus. Higher and secondary commercial education in the United States owes more to three Normal school men than to all other agencies combined. The first of these is President E. J. James of the University of Illinois, who as director of the Wharton school of the University of Pennsylvania first showed the American University how to educate business leaders, and who in his report of 1893 on "The Education of Business Men in Europe" revealed the possibilities and need of such training 212 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY here. The next is Cheesman A. Herrick, director of the Com- mercial High School of Philadelphia, who first created a com- mercial high school in this country patterned after the Euro- pean model, and who has by his writings and addresses on this subject done most to spread and popularize its ideals. The third is J. J. Sheppard, director of the Commercial High School of New York, an institution magnificently housed and already training some twenty-five hundred boys for modern business. This course contains not only business technique, but also modern languages, applied sciences, history, econo- mics, commercial law and commercial geography, mathemat- ics, and such other branches of knowledge as conduce not only to business success but to business integrity of the highest or- der. These names and, with them, that of the old Normal must ever be associated with the genesis and early develop- ment of this new and important type of education in America. In hundreds of high schools in Illinois and the middle west, graduates of the old Normal are found. Whenever a Nor- malite has gone into a village as principal of the school, an effort toward establishing some work of high school grade has followed. And scores of young men, with high ideals of ser- vice, have gone to college, returned, and served as principals of high schools. The Boyers (E. R. and E. L.,) Goble, Parker, Briggs, the Hannas, and many others have added lus- ter to the fame of the old Normal. Educational literature has been greatly enriched by the writings of such men as C. A. McMurry, Brown, James, Keith, while the publications of the N.E.A. and the various journals of education show that Normal men have done their full share in shaping the educational ideals that have prevailed.* Our most noted journalist in the educational field is S. Y. Gillan, of Milwaukee, who well represents the accuracy of Metcalf, the incisiveness of Hewett, and his own unwavering courage in standing for what he conceives to be sanctified common sense and incorruptible democracy in education. R. R. Reeder is taking the spirit of the old Normal into the new field of charity education. The hearts of all old Normalites have recently beaten just a little quicker that one of their number, E. E. Brown, has been called to fill what is now the most distinguished post known to American schoolmen, namely, that of U. S. Com- missioner of Education, just vacated by our greatest leader, *DeGarmo's name should be added to this list. Editor. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 213 Dr. William T. Harris ; while another, Frank G. Blair, is now Superintendent of Public Education in the State of Illinois. The old order changes and with it the needs of yesterday. Now we have high schools everywhere and there are many in- stitutions of higher learning, at the head of which stands the great University of Illinois, now presided over by one of Nor- mal's most distinguished sons. Other Normal schools have been establishd and new agencies for the training of teachers have been founded in the universities. With these new con- ditions there will arise new duties, new opportunities for our alma mater. But the work of the first fifty years has the se- curity of history. The energy of the past, consecrated to the good of education by its conscience and moral strength, has done its work, and has exerted an influence upon education in State and nation that has been healthful, stimulating, and al- ways uplifting. When the history of the influence of the Normal for its next half century is written, there may be a record of greater usefulness to the cause of education than can now be written, but we may be assured that in singleness of aim, in steadfastness of purpose, in consecration to duty, as duty was revealed, and in genial efficiency in execution, the faculty and the boys and girls of old, tho they may be emu- lated, can hardly be surpassed. CHAPTER XVI THE I. s. N. u. CLUBS THE CHICAGO CLUB BY W. R. HEATH, CLASS OF 1884 I. THE BEGINNINGS In 1888 I was four years removed from my Normal stu- dent life and began to see the picture in a little clearer per- spective than formerly. The students of the old Normal carry something away with them they cannot lose. I am not acquainted with the present faculty and, therefore, cannot help but feel sorry for the students of this generation because they are denied the privilege of coming in contact with the sterling qualities of the faculty of the eighties. Dr. Hew- ett, the man with big heels, big head and big heart, large in every way except size; Professor Metcalf, whose criticisms always closed like a church service with a benediction ; whose influence upon us was like sunshine and spring showers; Dr. Cook, whom we perhaps remember best because he so many times gave us the worst of it; Dr. James, that clear-headed, vigorous scholar who taught as one having authority ; Mother Haynie, who scared me almost to death at first but who, when we became acquainted, liked me better and I feared her less. I could go on and name the whole list, every one of whom made an indelible impression upon the students coming within their influence. Everyone who went out from the old Normal took something of these noble men and women with him. This, I am sure, was the Genesis of The Chicago Club. It was the love for the old school which has followed us all, even until now. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 215 If I remember correctly, the particular occasion which callea for the meeting of May 5, 1888, was the National Teachers' Convention which was to be held in Chicago. I remember prior to this convention that we first passed the word around to as many Normalites as we could reach, that this meeting was to be held, and I believe the discussion was, how we could get the largest number of the Normal crowd together. We met at Lincoln Park. We purchased a large part of the supplies of a nearby restaurant, spread them out on the lawn and enjoyed a splendid afternoon. The Normal Club was then an established fact. I believe I was elected its first presi- dent and Cora A. Lurton (now Mrs. Warrick, of Nurnberg, Germany,) was the first secretary. Hon. and Mrs. R. A. Childs were always very loyal to the club, as were also Wm. Burry, Mrs. Elizabeth Ross Cook, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hall, Wm. Duff Haynie, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. McMurry, H. P. and M. P. Metcalf, O. J. Milliken, the Parrs all of them, Dr. Sarah Hackett Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Tear, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Trowbridge, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wayman, and many others. Surely men and women like these could not fail to make a club. The main purpose of the club then, as I presume it is now, was to renew acquaintances and to keep green the mem- ory of the old school. BY MACK M. LANE, CLASS OF 1892 ii. THE CAREER The records show that following closely after this initial meeting there was a meeting held at the Grand Pacific Hotel for the purpose of definitely organizing the proposed club, and it required two more meetings during the summer and fall to perfect the organization, and these were followed in the suc- ceeding January by a luncheon and social meeting at the home of J. H. and E. F. Parr. At this meeting Prof. John W. Cook and Miss Flora Pennell of the Normal faculty were present, and "The club was favored by a few informal remarks by Professor Cook and Professor Cox" (quoted from the min- utes). I presume the Professor Cox mentioned was Henry C. Cox, still a principal in the Chicago schools and I think the oldest in point of service of a dozen or more Normalites oc- cupying the position of principal in the city. 216 SEMI-CENTENNIAL, HISTORY This meeting in a way established the form that annual meetings have since taken. Sometimes the spread has been more pretentious, in name at least, and the program more ex- tensive. There have been banquets at noted hotels and sup- pers at Hull House and teas in club rooms; there have been programs with set speeches and evenings of comic debate; there have been memorials for revered teachers, passed to their reward, and times of acclaim for the honored living; but in all these varying programs there has been the looking back to the old school with reminiscent mind and softened heart ; there has been the renewing of old friendships, and the making of lasting new ones on the basis of a common interest, the love of the old school. The club is not limited to graduates of the Normal Univer- sity, nor to residents of Chicago, tho it is called the Chicago Club. The constitution provides that anyone who has been connected with The School as student or teacher may be a member, but custom has invited to membership all who have been connected with the school in any way, and all territory convenient to Chicago is considered the fair field of the club. Mention is made in the report of the fourth meeting, that no business was transacted, while the report of the fifth meet- ing held about four months later makes no mention of eating, but deals chiefly with business, mention being made of one speech. The later custom has been to have a banquet with nu- merous toasts following, in which the old Normal has always been well represented ; the business being conducted as briefly as possible. Since the organization of our club there was one year in which there was no meeting. That was probably due to the excessive activity of the club during the previous year, 1897, when there were three general meetings. That was the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the Normal School, and we were so ambitious as to talk of celebrating the event in grand style in Chicago and it was to plan for that celebration that the first meeting was called. We then learned that a movement had been begun at Normal for a celebration there. The Chi- cago Club then united with the forces at Normal to push their celebration and to this end held two more meetings, the last being the annual banquet, which was the largest meeting the club has ever held. It was in the announcement of the first meeting of this year that Prof. Edmund J. James, then president of the club, gave ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 217 a definition of "Normalite" which broadened the scope of that term somewhat, as suggested in a previous paragraph. This is his definition : "I may say right here that the word Normalite is of un- common gender and includes not only all of the old boys and girls (so far as there are any of the latter category), but also their wives and husbands as well perhaps also their children." The club has grown gradually from about thirty charter members to several hundred. The last printed list contained four hundred twenty-six names, and the list now in press, to be issued soon will contain more than two hundred additional names. We believe the Chicago Club of the I.S.N.U. has done its work well and we predict for it a future career no less bright and helpful than its past. The club always extends a hearty welcome to newcomers in the city. THE NEW YORK CLUB DATA FURNISHED BY WILLIAM J. MORRISON CLASS OF 1888 At the Asbury Park, N. J., meeting of the National Edu- cational Association in July, 1905, three "old Normalites" en- gaged in a conversation. These men were R. R. Reeder, '83, W. J. Morrison, '88, and Grant Karr, 1891. To those who knew these men, or any of them, it will be no surprise to learn that the outcome of this conversation was a decision to estab- lish an I.S.N.U. Club in New York City. The plan, which these men agreed on and which was subsequently adopted, in- cluded in the membership not only the alumni and former students of the I.S.N.U., but also all enthusiastic and loyal former residents of Bloomington and Normal. At present the scope of the club includes only an annual reunion and banquet in May or June. At the meeting in 1905, twenty- four members were pres- ent. The present list is fifty-three. A meeting was held on May 4, 1907, at the New Grand Hotel. The officers for 1906- 07 are : President, Dr. George W. Riley, '92 ; Vice-President, Dr. Grant Karr, '91 ; Sec.-Treas., William J. Morrison, '88, address 319 Stratford Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. 218 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY The present membership in the vicinity of New York in- cludes : Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. McMurry, of Teachers' Col- lege, Columbia University; Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Reeder, "The Orphanage," Hastings-on-the-Hudson ; Dr. and Mrs. George W. Riley; Dr. and Mrs. Cheesman A. Herrick, of Philadel- phia; Dr. and Mrs. Jas. J. Shepperd, of the High School of Commerce; Grant Karr, New York Training School for Teachers; Charles C. Wilson, Jersey City, N. J. ; Wm. S. Mills, Prin. of Public School No. 75, Brooklyn, and former principal of the Grammar School in the I.S.N.U. ; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F. Wilson, Stuyvesant High School, N. Y. ; Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Hanna, Boys' High School, Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Stebbins, Boys' High School, Brooklyn; Prof, and Mrs. James Harvey Robinson, Columbia University ; Robert H. Elder, Assistant District Attorney, Brooklyn; Dr. and Mrs. Fred Baker; Frank and Flora Campbell; Dr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Cook ; Rachel Crothers, playwright, author of The Three of Us, played by Carlotta Nillson for the entire season and said to be one of the best plays in New York ; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stillhamer; Clark Griffith, manager of the American baseball team of New York ; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon M. Holder; Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fairchild; Miss Lura Eye- stone and Miss Berton, Teachers' College ; Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hall ; Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Welch ; Prof, and Mrs. Almeron W. Smith, Principal of Public School No. 32, Brooklyn ; Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Phelps, Sara and Esther Hart, Delia V. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Morrison, Brooklyn Training School for Teachers ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. McMurry. PART TWO THE HEROIC IN STUDENT LIFE THE HEROIC IN STUDENT LIFE BY MRS. SARAH E. RAYMOND FlTZWILUAM, CLASS OF l866 The Old Plank Walk The story of the old Normal's glories is in other hands, while I am to tell of one of those prosaic accessories, the old plank walk. But upon this the very life and comfort of Nor- mal's representatives largely depended. Tho fully appreciat- ive of the difficulty of making such a subject readable, I never- theless, as in days of old, "mind the teacher," and venture the attempt for "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." "If memory favors me, I will a tale unfold, whose lightest word Would harrow up thy soul." Bloomington in the early sixties was an unpretentious town of possibly ten thousand inhabitants. Normal was its nearest neighbor, and distant two miles. It consisted of the University building, a few boarding houses, and some half dozen private residences, the McCambridges, Fells, Diedrichs, Cases, Bake- wells, Fyffes, Edwards, Metcalfs, and Hewetts being among those best remembered. Between these two places lay prairie, creek, railroad, wagon road, trees, brambles, flowers and all their accompanying associates. Never in any spot did Illinois' reputation for rich, black soil, deep and greasy, reach a higher standard than along the main road from Bloomington to Normal. Those were days when no method of public trans- portation existed between these two points, not even "Dave Law's carriage, propelled by steam dummies" had appeared. Lads and lasses who would go to Normal U. All must with measured tread the dirt road pursue. When came chill November's blasts and deluge poured On the rich black earth, we cried, a board, a board. Three maidens, with benevolent spirit blest; Heeded the cry of those who had been distrest. Their names should be emblazoned in Normal Hall, For they gathered the sheckels and issued the call. 224 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY To Normal's boys who could use hammer and saw, To meet on Saturday and observe the law Laid down by the maidens, to build a plank walk With two boards to a span, so all must "walk chalk." Other stipulations involved in the case, Named by the boys, or they'd not enter the race, Were "the planks for the walk must be known as green So when sun-dried, the distance the two towns between Would be divided in half, to give of time more, To practice phonetics and hearse love lore" Cracks, between planks, were by agreement narrow, So lover's tales their neighbors would not harrow. Historic the day when the hammer and saw Completed the plank walk according to law. A feast fit for the gods was spread out of door, And workers bid to sample the dishes galore. The setting sun stretched his celestial rays of light Across the level landscape; 'twas sober-liveried night When the valiant workers homeward plodded their way Triumphant in the hearts of the maidens, in work of the day. The steep, where fame's proud temple shines, is hard to climb, Flowers are born to blush unseen for lack of time, But Pike, Dunn, and Raymond of plank-walk fame, Are blazoned in glory in history's name. But how can I now from Pegasus descend And bring this doggerel to respectable end? Only on bended knee, before the great Muse, Pray for foregiveness and past abuse. The girls and boys of the sixties were quite a little nearer the pioneer period than those who now frequent Normal Halls, and, like their parents, had helped hew the way to comfort and improvement. Nothing daunted them, they feared noth- ing, and each home was a manual training school. Night and day this old walk received innumerable repre- sentatives of common leisure. Side by side, walked; thigh to thigh sat scholar, athlete and Bohemian in a guild of fellow- ship, for better than the dusty ruts of learning, no fears to beat away, no strife to heal, the past unsighed for and the future sure, learning a mutual respect and an appreciation of life which could not be gathered from the contemplation of a cuneiform inscription, or a journey into the wastes of spher- ical trigonometry. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 225 Of all the beautiful pictures That hang on memory's wall, Are those of the lads and lasses Roguish Cupid did enthrall As they strolled on the walk immortal Made by story, a road of much fame, And by the arts and crafts practiced Played "catch hearts" to a winning game. "One tied her bonnet under her chin And tied a young man's heart within." Like Hebe in her ruddiest hour Another with divining eyes did win. Forty years is not a long term in the life of a nation ; nei- ther is it in the life of a city, but it well-nigh spans the useful activities of an individual. Life's school is nearly over for some of us. To some it has been easy ; to some it is still hard. Some of us are unfortunate enough to have to learn our les- sons over and over again. But to all of us there is a home- coming at night when the sun sets. And when as little simple children we join the ever swelling home-coming, shall we be greeted by our sweet smiling mother of old ? Burial of Section A. It had been the annual custom of allowing Section A a day in May to put the finishing touches on their themes. This was called "Theme Day." This gave an occasion for Section C to drape the seats of the seniors signifying their school death. In the spring of '83, Section C decided to depart from the usual custom and have a regular funeral. When "Theme Day" dawned, the people of Bloomington and Normal saw the towns placarded with the following notice : "SUCCUMBED TO THEMES SECTION A. Funeral services on the University Campus At 4 o'clock P. M. today." Promptly at four a procession of veiled men and women dressed in black, led by O. J. Milliken, the priest, six pall-bear- ers carrying a coffin, and a brass band with muffled drums, filed out of room eleven, thru the assembly hall, down to the campus. The coffin contained a dummy with a negro false face, and across the lid was printed in large white letters 226 SEMI-CENTENNIAIy HISTORY "Our Darling." During the previous hour a grave had been dug about four hundred feet north of the University. As the procession solemnly emerged from the University it was greeted with a throng of possibly five thousand spectators who had gathered to see the fun. Meanwhile Section A, under the leadership of John L. Hall, Fred Smedley, and Harry Hammers, armed with clubs, came marching from the west and arrived at the scene just as the coffin was being lowered and the priest was pronouncing the last benediction, "Dust to Dust, Ashes to Ashes, and Brains to Brains." W. R. Heath arose and said, "Let us all sing the 'Doxology.' ' Just then a club was thrown thru the drum. This was a signal for action and everybody acted. During the melee, the coffin was stolen and several of the participants had to be carried from the field on stretchers. Harmony was not restored until Section C gave a banquet to Section A, at which time everybody was forced to swallow his grievance. The Man in the Moon. About a quarter of a century ago, when the present I.S.N.U. was, so to speak, but half grown, there was published anonymously at the University a little booklet entitled The Man in the Moon which was evidently meant as a sort of gay and unrestrained tho harmless satire upon the customs and condi- tions then in vogue at our alma mater as viewed by some of the more daring and romantic among the students of that day. While nothing is revealed as to the number or identity of the writers participating in this unique venture, the booklet contains sufficient internal evidence to warrant the conclusion that it emanated from the student mind; furthermore, that "Noah kount Phd., etc." is a composite pseudonym for the au- thors of these frivolous and disconnected compositions as they could not have been the effusions of a single mind. Probably the etc. was meant to indicate diversity of authorship rather than the more obvious suggestion of diverse or additional scholastic decorations. Very great secrecy enveloped the enterprise from start to finish as it was considered an extremely hazardous undertak- ing. Of course, the secret was to a certain extent shared by one-third of the student body, it being estimated that some- IUJNOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 227 thing like one hundred copies were sold by advance subscrip- tion, merely upon an oral statement of the name and character of the publication. This fact would seem to indicate that the authors must have been well-known and of good standing among their fellows. Much anxiety was felt by the more careful and conscien- tious among the friends of the conspirators, it is said, upon the attitude which the faculty might assume. Grave fears were entertained that the offense might be considered sufficient cause for expulsion. Indeed, it has been intimated that among the gentler sex it was seriously questioned whether it was not treasonable to own a copy. The faculty was equally reticent in regard to the matter. For while it was currently reported, upon what authority is not clearly known, that certain meetings of the faculty were devoted to discussion of the episode, it is not thought that the perpetrators were ever even so much as suitably admonished upon the subject. Whether this was due to the impenetrable mystery surounding the identity of the persons implicated in the plot, or to a feeling on the part of some that the whole matter should be considered as a joke and treated with digni- fied silence, is a question which for a long time was much disputed. Owing to the limited circulation it is believed that the au- thors could not have received as proceeds of the sales more than enough to meet the expenses of printing and binding. The inventors of this little bit of entertaining frivolity need not be named. Those for whom this sketch is intended will are now enrolled in a higher school, and maybe one at least of the frolicsome young authors has gone to his long home. Working the Roads In the spring of 1877, about twenty-five of the boys were notified by the local authorities to work the usual two days on the roads. A meeting of the students interested in the matter was held in Dr. Sewell's room, and the subject was thoroly discussed. It was decided that they should turn out in a body, each one taking three others to work on his time, thus putting in the required two days in half a day. A committee of five, consisting of Messrs. Gillan, Berkstresser, Faulkner, Boyer, and Bainum, was appointed to make necessary arrangements 228 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY for the particulars of the plan. The committee drew up a code of regulations which all agreed to observe, to the effect that: 1. All were to come to school at the usual time the next morning, and remain until after devotional exercises and spell- ing, and when the classes passed out, file down stairs, form in line in front of the building, and march to the scene of the day's labor. 2. White shirts, collars, coats, and jewelry of any kind, were strictly forbidden to be worn. 3. As far as practicable, pantaloons must be worn inside of boots. 4. Each should be provided with whatever implement for digging he might be able to improvise. The next morning a unique and motley crowd assembled, bearing a great variety of implements, from a grubbing hoe to a garden rake and a fire shovel. Edward Faulkner was chosen captain, and the company, consisting of eighty members, was divided into squads of eight, each commanded by a sub-boss. Forming in line, they marched to the place designated by the roadmaster, just south of the iron bridge over Sugar Creek, on Main street. After working (?) about an hour, three of the "busy B's," Berkstresser, Bainum, and Burger, were sent to Bloomington to get a supply of liquid consolation, as the day was warm and the "work" thirst-provoking. Owing to the fact that the committee required so much time to "sample" the different varieties, it was near noon when they returned in company with a drayman and a barrel of cider. Sitting in the shade of the maples by the road side, the crowd, by this time augmented to one hundred, or more, soon emptied the barrel. The remainder of the program consisted in building a memorial mound of earth some six or eight feet high, in the middle of the road, making speeches, listening to vocal music by a colored man, who, passing by, was captured and urged to sing, altho he protested that he had not time to wait, and the final homeward march. A large stone was selected from the creek near the Chicago and Alton railroad, and taken thru the streets of Normal to the front of the city council's office, where it was planted by the sidewalk with appropriate cere- monies. In dedicating the stone as a memorial to the city council, Hoffman, Gillan, and Stephenson were called on for speeches, and each one of the audience contributed a fitting sentiment as he put in his spadeful or hoeful of earth. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 229 Two days later was commencement. By preconcerted ar- rangement, at the close of the exercises, the boys repaired to the west steps of the building, where, in a neat and appropriate speech, Mr. Edward Faulkner, in behalf of those who had worked on the road, presented the roadmaster with a hat, as a token of good feeling and respect, he having acted in the matter only in obedience to the legal direction of the city coun- cil, but having treated the boys in a most gentlemanly and generous manner. The Liberal Fight. In the fall of 1874, the following young men, who were then students of the State Normal University, organized a so- ciety, termed the "Liberal Club," which originally consisted of John Shearer, Samuel Wadsworth, L. B. Wood, Stephen Spear, Charles Howard, Christopher Stephenson, George Snell- ing, Asbury Crawford, McPherson, Hume, Adam Hoffman, and Geo. L. Hoffman, which was subsequently joined by W. C. Gemmill, S. B. Hursh, J. N. Hursh, Cyrus W. Picking, George Beaty, Albert Snare, Dorus Hatch, Brown, a Hindoo, Charles Schwer, Merriett, Tren- chard, and others. The objects were mutual improvement, and an impartial investigation, as near as might be, of such subjects as might be deemed beneficial and of common interest to the members of the club. Free scope was given to a proper discus- sion of any subject under consideration, each member feeling that his honest opinions could be frankly stated and his doubts exprest without restraint. No matter how diversified the opin- ions of the different members, each member and his opinions were to be treated with respect, whether upon questions of education, politics,, science, morals, or religion. Hence the name, "Liberal Club." To many, the name suggested that the club was antagonistic to orthodox religion, but this was pri- marily foreign to its object, although, incidentally, its members invaded the domain of orthodoxy, for opinions were freely exprest upon various phases of religion, its creeds, doctrines, and sects, as well as upon other topics of interest. The club work consisted in reading and commenting upon Tynclall's Belfast Address, Draper's Intellectual Development of Europe, Huxley, Darwin, Winshel on Evolution, Herbert Spencer, Butler's Analogy, Theodore Parker's Discourse on Religion, 230 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY and other books of like character. Besides, essays were writ- ten by the members, and read and criticized by the club. All the members were liberally inclined in their religious views, and frequently gave expression to their religious senti- ments in the Wrightonian and Philadelphian Societies. Of this, the strict orthodox members of these Societies disap- proved, and especially those belonging to the Young Men's Christian Association; consequently, they arrayed themselves against the Liberal Club, and recognized its members as an- tagonistic to religion and its institutions, and endeavored to tolerate no exercises in the societies which tended to be at vari- ance with orthodox doctrine. The Liberals, acting on the de- fensive, claimed that the societies were secular institutions, and that there was no more impropriety in discussing theological subjects, in an honest and candid manner, than there was in treating other topics. This opposition to the Liberals brought about a zealous rivalry between the Liberals and their friends, and the Young Men's Christian Association and their sym- pathizers. The strong opposition to the Liberals became clearly mani- fested in the societies after the Liberals had arranged to pre- pare a program for each society, which was to consist of exercises given by members of the Liberal Club alone. The proposition had been accepted by Mr. Drayton, president of the Philadelphian Society, and Josiah Hodge, president of the Wrightonian Society. This was in the fall of 1874 or 1875. Adam Hoffman, who was a member of the Liberal Club, suc- ceeded Mr. Hodge as president of the Wrightonian Society. It was during Hoffman's administration that the program pre- pared by the Liberals for the Wrightonian Society was given. For admitting this program, the president was censured by a majority vote of the society. This motion was made and sup- ported by members of the Young Men's Christian Association and others opposed to the Liberal Club. This motion called forth heated discussion for several evenings, and finally a mo- tion to strike the vote of censure from the record prevailed, without a dissenting voice. Some of those who supported the motion of censure, after due deliberation, concluded that they were hasty. The trouble in the Wrightonian Society was thus ended. The program prepared by the Liberals for the Phila- delphian Society, was given after some little opposition. No reasonable objection could be urged against the character of these programs. They were in every respect commendable and worthy to be offered in the society halls. The opposition IUJNOIS STATE NORMAIv UNIVERSITY. 231 was to the privilege granted to the Liberals, rather than to the nature of their exercises. The leaders of the opposition to the Liberals were W. S. Mills, L. C. Dougherty, J. P. Hodge, James Ellis, B. F. Stocks, Kenyon, and others. The next contest took place in the Philadelphian Society at its spring election, when there were two candidates for presi- dent, viz. : Laybourn and Charles McMurry, the latter receiv- ing the support of the Liberals, altho he had no connection with them, and the former being the choice of the Young Men's Christian Association. There would have been no difficulty at this election had not Laybourn's supporters promulgated that the Liberals were supporting McMurry, and that McMurry must be defeated. This caused an issue to be made between the Liberals and the Young Men's Christian Association at this election. Both parties zealously engaged in securing voters and advocating their claims. On the day of election, when the result was announced, it was evident that Charles McMurry was elected, whereupon a few of Laybourn's ardent supporters charged fraud upon the judges, George Beaty, D. C. Tyler and Miss Mary Anderson, and, at the following meeting of the society, succeeded in carrying a motion for another elec- tion, without first duly investigating the election. This arbi- trary move was denounced as unjust and illegal by McMurry's friends. The excitement was intense for several days. Special meetings were called for the purpose of determining the proper mode of proceeding for an investigation of the election, but no terms could be reached other than that there should be another election without further ceremony. The McMurry constitu- ents refused to yield their position. The strife was growing fiercer, day by day, and no compromise could be effected, until finally some of the members of the faculty saw proper and necessary to advise. Upon their suggestion that it would be best to consent to another election without further difficulty, the Liberals and McMurry's friends yielded, and another elec- tion was called. The excitement had risen to such a pitch that it interfered with the regular school work of those who were most interested. As soon as it was conceded that there would be another election, both factions at once proceeded to solicit members to pay their dues, so that they could vote. Before the close of the election, the number of voting members in the Philadelphian Society was more than doubled, and the election again resulted in favor of Charles McMurry. Both candidates were highly esteemed by the students, and either would have been satisfactory so far as they were individually concerned. 232 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY But the fight was between the factions, rather than for their candidates. When McMurry's election was announced, a scene of wild excitement took place. After this election, all differ- ences were adjusted, and the waging factions ceased their hos- tilities toward each other, and it was generously conceded by the leaders in the fight that both parties were too rash, and acted imprudently. It is an event that will always be remem- bered by those who attended school during the period of the Liberal contest. Whatever the Liberal or the Orthodox may have said in the societies which was of sufficient force to call forth comment must at last have been of mutual benefit, either in tempering or strengthening both in their respective con- victions. Illustrations of Early Times. One of our early peculiarities was the possession of ninety acres of land for a model farm, and the existence of the idea that agricultural chemistry, if no more, was to be taught in the institution. With the laudable desire to spread a little agri- cultural knowledge over as large a surface as possible, the board managed to secure a course of lecture_s on chemistry, with the intention of making, eventually, some kind of uni- versal application of the principles to the agricultural improve- ment of the State, thru the knowledge infused or injected into the Normal School. A lecturer was therefore employed, who gave us highly interesting discourses upon the principles of chemistry. He laid down the law at a galloping pace, took us below the crust of the earth and beyond the planetary bodies in a remarkably short time, pouring out knowledge at the rate of no one knows how many volumes per month. Had we all been short-hand reporters, and had we been given time to write out and study his information, it is quite probable we might have acquired some knowledge of the great science of chemistry, and might at some future day, when teaching in the rural districts, have given the world some bene- fit from the lightning calculations. But as we knew nothing of the tricks of short-hand writing, and were not even allowed to take notes, and had no breathing spells allowed for that pur- pose, it naturally happened that the old adage pertaining to things that go in at one ear and out at another had pertinent application. After a number of weeks of this treatment, some ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. one, possibly one of our hardworking drill masters, with a weary experience of our general dullness, suggested that in all probability, the pupils were not fully appreciating the magnifi- cent ideas cast before their feeble understandings. But our re- markable lecturer, who fully understood his own teachings, believed he had been so careful in his statements, and had made his way so remarkably straight and plain that the school had certainly mastered the subject as far as he had progressed, and refused to believe there was any doubt upon the subject. It was then suggested that in order to test our knowledge, a written examination be sprung upon us without warning, and that the result would show our ignorance, tho it might not prove his failure to give us an opportunity to learn. The lecturer at once fell into the trap, if trap there was. We were provided with blank paper in the ordinary way, and a list of questions was propounded in the ordinary way. In his anxiety to prove our thoroness, he gave but a few simple questions. The latter were in many instances answered correctly, but as the pupils might have learned these points thru general sources of information, the real test was considered to be the answers to questions of a technical nature. These were generally so far above the pupil's comprehension that very little stationery was spoiled by any attempt at answering, and the paper, like our minds, came out of the ordeal as blank as before. One question I shall never forget, tho the proper answer has not been found in twenty years of extensive reading, "What is Al- lotropism?" Only three or four attempted to grapple with this terrible fiend. One believed it a system of medicine in op- position to homeopathy; one believed it a species of extinct mammalia ; and one did actually show, by his answer, that the word had been railroaded into some previous lecture. I shall never forget the expression of our lecturer's face as he read these answers which were to be taken as evidence of his ad- mirable system, and which gave proof so conclusive that the lecturer's platform was after that generally vacant during the early days of the Normal. Another theory was tested to the satisfaction of the school, but it never came to a full and final end in my time, and this was the idea that each and every person can be made a musi- cian, or a teacher of music. Some of the members of the State Board went so far as to refuse to believe a pupil should be al- lowed to graduate unless he was able to teach music and lead 234 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY in singing. Prof. C. M. Cady, of Chicago, was employed, with strict instructions to spare no pains to prove the correctness of the theory of the existence of universal musical ability. He divided the school into four sections. "A" was made up of good singers, those who had good voices, and also could read music readily by sight. "B" included moderately well-in- formed singers, and those who were capable of being rapidly advanced. "C" comprised all with a natural ear for music; those whose voices needed training to fit them for a place in the upper classes. According to popular report, section "D" was made up of "birds that couldn't sing, and that could never be made to sing." This class was small, but desperate. It la- bored zealously to grasp the rudiments of the grand art, but its best efforts were failures, and it became, in the course of a year or so, the laughing stock of the entire school. Being an early and constant member of this class, I have a right to men- tion its woes and tribulations, and to observe that it finally graduated from the pursuit of knowledge under these difficul- ties, by rising in a body and leaving the hall when the music hour arrived, no permission being asked or given, it being tacitly conceded that the pet theory of universal musical train- ing had broken under the strain. Music and penmanship were to be supplemented by the elegant accomplishment of drawing, and we were engaged three hours each week in this delightful pastime. Our instruc- tor was a sedate Episcopal clergyman, whose home was at Springfield. He believed in training all the faculties, and was anxious we should acquire proper ideas of perspective, and lines, and shades, and shadows, and become experts in some one branch of this delightful art. He conceived the idea of teaching the construction of capital letters on a large scale, giving blackboard exercises to the whole school by sections, in hopes, I suppose, that we might some day compete with sign painters. I remember that when his class was examined at the close of the winter term in 1860, our beloved professor re- quested section "C" to give an illustration of the method of constructing the letter "E." History compels me to remark that several of his pupils had attained such proficiency that they certainly were fully worthy of taking rank with second- class sign painters, and their capital letters were really almost capital specimens of art. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 235 Our Mr. Hewett was much given to bright sayings and happy retorts and on this occasion he perpetrated one of his very best. Passing in review in front of the long blackboard in company with our professor, he quietly remarked: "Sec- tion C has performed today with great ease." (E's.) Our quiet teacher, not given to w r it and humor, agreed with a gentle laugh, and thru his mind there galloped no idea of the pe- culiar humor of the remark. During the evening of that day, at a social gathering of teachers and pupils, someone explained to our drawing master, with not a little difficulty, the real point of Mr. Hewett's little joke. When he thoroly took in the situ- ation, his joy and gratification knew no bounds. "Section 'C' performed with great E's" he repeated over and over again, and seemed at last to fully realize that something truly good had actually been said. If any have never heard of the great and good Professor Washington Irving Vescellius, or the great American card writer, they would thank me for the information that he was the first "professor" employed in the Normal University. Be- fore his time, down to a somewhat later date, all our instruc- tors were teachers, and they were unsparing in ridiculing the ordinary professors of the State. How the title ever took root here, after our experience with the great Vescellius, passes my humble comprehension. This remarkable professor gave gen- eral writing lessons to the whole school, much after the fashion of the agricultural chemistry class. Under his tuition, all the students were to be brought to the highest style of penman- ship, and after graduation, were to be prepared to compete with other American card writers, and might be supposed capable of conducting an evening writing school. This ac- complishment, when added like a mansard roof to the ability to teach music, would effectually dispense with the traveling professor, whose cards displaying impossible doves and eagles are hung up in the postoffices and other public resorts, and with the above-mentioned musical accomplishment, render writing and singing teachers extinct races, only to be met with in the lightest of light literature of the day. Professor Wash- ington Irving Vescellius was considerably inflated by the pro- motion thus accorded to his merit, gave his whole soul to the work, and delighted himself and the school by the most bril- liant blackboard exercises. Upon one unfortunate occasion he told the school the lesson of the day was to be the "shyro- 236 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY graphic curve," and the general subject of "shyrography." I believe the gentleman wondered why this particular lesson proved so amusing to the school, and that he believed himself a much injured person, when the faculty soon after dispensed with his further services. The Eclipse of the Moon. In the fall of 1874, on a certain Saturday evening, a total eclipse of the moon was advertised. The performance was to begin at one o'clock Sunday morning. After society meeting, those who were members of the "seventh hour class" strolled off in groups, two in a group, or whiled away the blissful mo- ments discussing the critic's report, or the general topic of spelling ; feeling all the while that eclipses were a grand, good blessing to those who found it difficult to frame excuses for occupying the parlor late at night and burning so much of the landlady's kerosene. The strictly steady ones went to bed; for, truth to tell, many of them had not heard that there was going to be an eclipse. A few boys, however, determined to "raise a racket" worthy of the occasion. Gathering about forty on the east side, they crossed the University campus to the west side, where were a large number of boys, "batching" and in clubs. Most of them were asleep. Collecting about the houses, the crowd would make night hideous until those within were prevailed upon to join the party. Re-crossing the ground, with numbers doubled, they reached the club house, popularly known as "Saint's Rest," next door to Dr. Hewett's residence, and quieter measures at first were resorted to in order to raise the boys, who were chiefly of the strictly cir- cumspect sort. A committee of two or three went to each room, but some of those within, probably filled with visions of cruel hazing, resolutely refused to admit the callers. In vain the explanation was made that the intention was only to raise as large a crowd as possible, call out one of the professors and get him to "talk eclipse." One burly, broad-shouldered fel- low displayed violent symptoms of becoming unpleasantly pugilistic. All but two or three, however, yielded at last, and by this time the eclipse was coming on. As to which one of the faculty should be called out, was the next question. Edwards wouldn't do. He would prob- ably take it amiss. So thought several of the leaders of the ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 237 party who did not happen to be on the most amicable terms with the president. "Doc" (Sewall) was just the man, but he was not at home. Professor Hewett was selected as the vic- tim. The company of about one hundred ranged along the street in front of the professor's house. A committee of three "waited on him" by vigorously ringing the door-bell until he was wakened. It would seriously impair the writer's reputa- tion as a truthful historian to say that Dr. Hewett was in full dress when he appeared at the door to inquire, "What's the matt erf" With a word of explanation from the boys, he took in the situation in a moment. Said he had returned late in the evening from a trip by rail, and too weary and sleepy to sit up till the time of the eclipse, had gone to bed, but thanked the boys kindly for waking him. Then, putting on wraps, he came out, and for more than an hour entertained and in- structed us with explanations and facts regarding the heavenly bodies. Altogether it was probably the best remembered lec- ture on astronomy that any of those who heard it listened to during their course in school. The "Stolen" Record. Perhaps there never was a time in the history of the Phila- delphian and Wrightonian Societies when rivalry took on a more intense feeling than it did in 1889-1890. After the lapse of years the episode that started the trouble seems far less im- portant than it once did, but it would be difficult to exaggerate the bitterness of the feeling that existed at the time. Friend- ships close and intimate were strained to the breaking point, charges and counter-charges filled the air for weeks, numerous meetings were held, resolutions were passed, lawyers were consulted, and it seemed for a time as if the courts would have to pass upon the weighty questions involved. In the end temperate counsel suggested a compromise, which tho not al- together satisfactory to either side, seemed to relieve the ten- sion, and make it possible for each of the contending parties to withdraw more or less gracefully from the stern struggle "for a principle." Just what it was all about perhaps few of those most actively involved in the controversy could state at this time, but the writer of this has special reason to be familiar with the facts. An examination of the record of the contest would 238 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY show that the essay was the occasion of all the trouble. On the night of the contest it was announced that the judges had decided in favor of the Wrightonian essayist, and as every- body agreed that there was little to choose between the two essays, the decision would never have been questioned had not one of the two judges from Bloomington the editor of the Pantagraph disclosed to a Philadelphian on the day follow- ing the contest his wonderment over the announcement. On the way home from the contest these two judges had discussed the numbers, and it developed that both of them had selected the Philadelphian essayist as the winner. As this meant two votes out of three, neither judge could understand why the an- nouncement had indicated a victory for the Wrightonian rep- resentative. It finally dawned upon the puzzled editor that he had made a curious blunder. The name of the Philadelphian essayist was Wright, a name which of course served also as the commonly used brief designation of the Wrightonian So- ciety. The judge explained his error by stating that in pre- sumably voting for Miss Wright, he had unwittingly recorded the higher grade against the abbreviation "Wright,"' which gave the decision to Miss W.'s opponent. As soon as these statements became public the Philadelphia leaders bestirred themselves. It was decided that with the signed statement of the editor-judge formally presented to the two societies, de- mand should be made upon the joint secretary to correct the records. The Wrightonians on the other hand declared that a decision once made could not be changed by any subsequent statement of a judge. "Stare decisis" was their slogan. Not a few of them were inclined to look upon the editor's statement as an afterthought. The Philadelphian leaders decided that if the joint secretary would incorporate the corrected decision in the book that would settle the matter as no one else had any authority to enter the records. Just about this time a new joint secretary a Wrightonian was elected, and this complicated matters. The Philadelphians claiming that the record of the contest should be made only by the joint secretary in office at the time of the contest insisted that the book should remain in the custody of the former joint secretary who was a Phila- delphian until all the records of her "term of service were duly entered. To both sides the possession of the joint records was the all important thing. By a clever ruse the Phila- delphian secretary was induced to give the books into the hands of "the enemy." The Wrightonians had thus won a strong tactical point. Then it was that the Philadelphians be- IIvUNOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 239 gan to consult lawyers as to possible means of getting posses- sion again of the "stolen records." Matters were getting exciting, rumors of the appearance of constables, and the strong probability of lawsuits began to fill the air. Mutual agreement, however, avoided these possibilities, and argument and counsel between the opposing leaders took up much time for many weeks. The school was divided into two hostile camps. The winter term went by with no cessation of the frenzied discussion. Peaceful souls there were in both socie- ties who sought to have the matter dropped, but the leaders were in deadly earnest and would listen to no gentle counsel. If they were to meet together now a hearty laugh all round would greet any mention of the "great fight." Not so then! Grim determination was in the heart of each stern disputant and the fight "for a principle" must go on until it was settled right. But even the most unyielding combatant in time grows weary of the fray. As the months past by the suggestion of a compromise met more friendly reception, and before the close of the spring term it was formally and finally agreed that the point given for the essay should count for the Wrightoni- ans, but that there should be entered on the records a state- ment which should make it clear that one of the two judges whose votes had been given to the Wrightonian essayist had really intended to vote for the Philadelphian representative but had blundered in recording his marks. Fortunately the outcome of the contest was unaffected by the compromise as the Philadelphians tho losing the contest were still the winners by 4 to 3. BY ONE WHO KNOWS The Spaulding Glue Incident Back in 1859 in the Normal School were two young men about twenty-one, both members of Section G. They were fairly good students and as fairly full of mischief, particu- larly the prime factors in this episode. One of them, Ed Pike, now E. M. Pike of Chenoa, 111., was a young athlete possessed of a bunch or tuft of coarse bristly hair protruding from his chin, which he was vainly nursing into whiskers, to the envy of his classmate, J. D. Straight. One day Straight, noticing Pike's prospective whiskers with envious favor, asked him what he did to make them grow so 240 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY luxuriantly, and wished he could have some like them. Pike, thinking him in jest, replied that he used Spaulding's glue and that it would draw out the whiskers of anyone who applied it faithfully. Straight, however, was not inclined to take this as a joke ; if there was any virtue in it he might as well have the benefit of it as Pike. He inquired of Pike the cost, where obtained, mode of application, length of treatment, possible results, etc., regarding all of which Pike gave his professional advice. Matters were now assuming serious shape. Pike could scent fun ahead but had to have help to carry it out, so he went to Frank Philbrook, also of Section G, with whom Straight was rooming in Bloomington, and to him unfolded the situation and asked cooperation. Philbrook had an hon- 'est, open, clean countenance, that carried innocent conviction along sober lines, but mirthfulness lurked behind it all- While plans were being formulated at Straight's room, Straight came in and the question of treatment incidentally came up. Philbrook said he believed it would draw his whiskers out too and talked of trying it. Straight said, "I will commence any time I can get the glue, but I haven't the price" (which was 2$c a bottle). Pike offered to loan the quarter so that Straight might start at once and get ahead of Philbrook. The ?lue was obtained. Philbrook was appointed physician-in-chief as well as trained nurse. Bedtime came. Pike stayed with Philbrook and Straight to give instructions and to see that no mistake was made in application. The glue was poured on a cloth and bound tightly around Straight's chin, up the sides of his face, and tied on top of his head, in which condition he retired to his downy couch, "perchance to dream." Pike and Philbrook also retired, but down the back stairs, out into an alley where they leaned against a pile of cord wood and laughed themselves to exhaustion. Then Pike went home and Philbrook went back as a bed fellow of Straight. Pike suggested to Philbrook that he could not control himself from laughter and would better go home with him, but a second thought showed this would not do, for Straight migh become suspicious. Next morning Pike and Philbrook came together but Straight was absent from the meeting. A report from the medical chief was that his patient had passed a restless night, by reason of the glue drying on his face, which caused a severe itching (which the physician-in-chief declared was a good ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 241 omen), that the glue was really doing the business, and that at this point the treatment was perfectly satisfactory to the pa- tient. The treatment continued for six consecutive nights, but on the last night Straight demurred as he said he had heard and seen things which appeared to him to prove that the whole thing was a humbug. Pike told him if he didn't want his whiskers drawn out to quit, just when the remedy was doing the most good. Straight replied, "That is just what it is do- ing, drawing out the few I have." This was a fact. He was asked what he had seen or heard that made him doubtful- He had seen the girls pass their hands over their faces with a downward stroke over their chins, a la Washington Irving Ves- celius' "Shyrographic curves," when they passed Pike in the schoolroom and elsewhere. He had also received anonymous letters thru the Normal postoffice saying that Pike's remedy was no good. Also from the same source had come a package of dough made from bread crumbs which was said to be much better than Pike's remedy at half the cost and annoyance. In short, he just believed that Philbrook and Pike were playing him for a sucker. Pike resorted to what little biblical lore he had obtained at Sunday school and among the most persuasive arguments presented was one to the effect that "he that en- dureth to the end" shall have beautiful, glossy, luxuriant whiskers. With such forceful argument as this, Straight re- luctantly consented to another application of the remedy, altho at this particular period his faith in Pike and Philbrook was mixed with doubt. Next day being Saturday, the whole scheme was exposed and was the earnest talk of the town. All wore broad smiles even Straight himself who was in a brown study how to get even with his tormentors. It had been caught up by the fac- ulty. Professor Potter, under whom Pike, Philbrook, and Straight were being led thru the mazes of Mulligan's gram- mar was seen to wear a sardonic smile, Professor Hewett neg- lected to locate the mouth of the Amazon river correctly, Pro- fessor Moore forgot to give the full quota of zeroes in the algebra class, Professor Sewell with more than special em- phasis said "I declare," and even sedate President Hovey standing in a reflective attitude with his arms folded on the platform overlooking the school, was contemplating the Spaulding glue case in place of attending to legitimate busi- ness as he should have done. 242 SEMI-CENTENNIAL, HISTORY At this time the whole school was on Straight's side for he had told them the whole thing truthfully and in detail. He took the whole thing philosophically, but was not above seek- ing revenge on his tormentors. A meeting of the students was called in which the seniors took the initiative, and the consensus of opinion was that Pike and Philbrook should be arrested and tried for malpractice under the statute of fraud. The judge was Ed Waite; the prosecuting attorney was Jehu Little, the Philadelphian orator; Pike's attorney was Aaron Gove, the Wrightonian orator. A jury of twelve young ladies was empaneled and sworn in by His Honor, Judge Waite. Court was opened in due form by the sheriff who, I think, was Gunn. Pike and Philbrook were brought in and placed on trial. The first witness was Straight, who gave the whole pro- ceeding minutely and truthfully and in doing so he had re- markable control of himself, so much that he did not crack a smile during all his testimony but the audience, which was large, took an hilarious view of the situation and, notwithstand- ing the warnings from the judge and the stentorian tones of the sheriff, it was anything but silence in that court. Straight's testimony was reenforced by expert witnesses tending to show that Spaulding's glue was not for the purpose of growing whiskers, but for the mending of old chairs, etc- Pike went on the stand in his own defense admitting all that Straight had said, also exonerating Philbrook from any criminal intent, as he was acting under and by advice of Pike. This move made a witness for the defense, a thing which helped Pike as Philbrook was the only one cognizant of the facts in the case. Philbrook, with his open, honest counte- nance, sober as a deacon, but mischief oozing thru every pore, was duly sworn by His Honor, Judge Waite, to tell as much truth as he knew, and took the stand. Pike's defense was that his remedy was all he claimed for it, and showed by Philbrook the results of each treatment. He began with a little fuzz of hair of downy nature which was the status of the whiskers of his patient at the start. First night's application, a little growth, and so on thru all the week's treatment, hairs of greater length after each application, and culminating in the result of the last treatment as shown by a hair some four feet long from a horse's tail, which evi- dence uncontradicted should have set Pike free. But not so. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty as alleged. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 243 Judge Waite ordered the prisoner to stand up and the sen- tence, that he should be fined a bushel of Baldwin apples and stand committed till the fine was fully paid, was duly past up- on Pike. Pike had anticipated conviction, as public sentiment was against him, and had the apples previously provided in an ad- joining room. He, in custody of the officers of the court, pro- duced the apples and passed them thru the audience, and he was discharged, thus ending, except in memory, one of the most humorous incidents of the good old Normal days. I might add that Pike and Straight were bosom friends ever after, made so, perhaps, by reason of this episode. They were classmates in school, went into the army in the same com- pany and mess, Co. A, 33d Infy., were in the same fight close together when Straight had his arm shot off and received other wounds. When they were discharged Straight was elected justice of the peace, and later county clerk and then re-elected and Pike was elected sheriff of McLean county and they had their offices together for several years. This same loyal com- radeship continued between them all their lives. One of our faculty, Ira Moore, was at times sarcastic and given to a testiness of temper that was not pleasant. One day as we returned from class-room, just after the professor had very plainly manifested some of his displeasure toward us, Miss Sallie M. Dunn said: "Dies irae; we know what we knew before; If you look for more irae, You'll get it from Ira Moore." The Illinois Horticultural Association visited the Normal early in the winter of 1858 and at a reception given the board of directors, one of their number replying to a toast, closed a brilliant piece of word painting extolling the school by saying : "I will propose a counter toast: 'Here is to the students of the Normal University, the Evergreens of our educational system.' ' President Hovey, with that readiness which was character- istic of him, rose and said: "With this amendment, I join 244 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY you : 'The Normal Students ! Ever blooming, bright and fair, tho not evergreen!' '' Late in the winter term of 1858 at the Assembly or Chapel room of the old Major's Hall, one evening there was a fare- well meeting of the faculty, students, and friends. We had a little program of songs, speeches, ice cream, etc. L. H. Hite was sitting in a little group of which Miss Lizzie Mitchell was one. Volunteer toasts were in order. One of our teachers of that time was Chauncy Nye. He and Hite were admirers of Miss Mitchell. There was a gentle, friendly rivalry. Miss Mitchell's ability and ambition as a student were well known. Nye arose and proposed a toast : "Miss Mitchell, a young lady talented and deserving; may she some day gain the height (Hite) of her ambition." The sentiment was cheered, with much laughter, and Hite was loudly called to reply, which he did, saying, "Miss Mitchell's friends will all join the senti- ment, and believe that height will ever be nigh (Nye)." With this came more applause, and quick as a flash, Dr. Edward R. Roe jumped to his feet and pointing toward the last speaker, said with that energetic emphasis of his : "That is what / call the height (Hite) of repartee!" This shot of the good old doctor closed, with much merriment, what was considered a magnificent, triple-double entendre. PART THREE PREFACE This part contains separate lists of the alumni of the Normal and High School Departments of the Illinois State Normal University, of the regular Faculty, of the extra members of the Faculty for the Summer School, and of the Board of Education of the State of Illinois, each list separately indexed. After the name of each alumnus we have endeavored to state occupa- tion and present address, teaching record, and such other facts as may be of special interest. If the occupation is housekeeping it is usually not stated. The members of the faculty are listed in the order of their appoint- ment. An effort was made to secure a brief sketch of the subsequent career of each together with present occupation and address. The names in these lists are indexed by number. Members of the State Board of Education are listed in the order of appointment with the address and occupation at that time. The present address has been added when known. This work is far from complete and doubtless contains many errors as it has been done, not by the regular office force, but by the coopera- tion of a dozen or more persons. Sufficient time was not allowed for the final editing and arranging of the material A great many names in the following pages are designated as not hav- ing been heard from within a year. After having made every possible effort and exhausted all our resources we are unable to trace many of the alumni. As many as ten letters have been written in the effort to locate one person. It should be stated that in a number of cases we have reason to believe that we have correct addresses but we are unable to give com- plete biographical sketches because of failure to receive replies to our in- quiries. Every person who looks thru these pages and who can furnish any of the addresses now unknown to us is urged to send in the informa- tion. We wish also to have our attention called to any corrections and to any additional facts relating to any person named herein that should appear in future editions. We wish especially to state the particular branches or grade of school taught. We now have facilities for recording and preserving such information. Address all communications as follows : EDITOR ALUMNI AND FACULTY REGISTERS, State Normal University, Normal, Illinois. ABBREVIATIONS * Deceased. t Not heard from within one year, st. Studied, or student at. t. Taught, or teaching, pres. President, supt. Superintendent, pnn. Principal. tea. Teacher. pub. sch. Public school, elem.sch. Elementary school. h.s. High school, univ. University, pub. Published. m Married. In all cases where the name of the State is not given, Illinois is understood. ALUMNI REGISTER CLASS OF 1860 1. Sarah M. Dunn (Mrs. Strickler), 5117 Marion St., Germantown,. Philadelphia, Pa. T. h. s., Peoria, i yr. ; same, Bloomington, i l / 2 yrs. ; private sch., Peoria, 2^2 yrs. Married Walter Coffin Strickler, Aug. 19, 1862. 2. Elizabeth J. Mitchell (Mrs. Christian), 509 E. Front St., Bloom- ington. T. pub. sch., Bloomington, 2 yrs. ; same, Decatur, 2j^ yrs. Married Matthew L. Christian, Nov. 21, 1865. *3. Frances A. Peterson (Mrs. Gastman), died Feb. 27, 1863. T., I.S.N.U., 2 yrs.; h. s., Decatur, 6 mos. Married Enoch A. Gastman (See No. 5), July 25, 1862. *4. Mary Frances Washburn (Mrs. Hull), died Aug. 19, 1882. T., Model Sch., I.S.N.U., 1860-61. Married John Hull (See No. 9), April 3, 1862. 5. Enoch A. Gastman, supt. pub. sch., Decatur. T. elem. sch., De- catur, 1 860-6 1 ; prin. h. s., same, 1862-70; supt. pub. sch., same, 1862-1907; pres. Bd. of Man. James Millikin Univ., Decatur, 1906-07; member Bd. of Educ., I.S.N.U., 1871 ; pres., same, 1881-89, 1902 . Married Frances A. Peterson (See No. 3), July 25, 1862; m. Caroline S. Sargent, Aug. 24, 1864; m. Belle Hobbs (See No. 356), Dec. 25, 1905. *6. Peter Harper, died May 30, 1887. T. rural sch., I yr. ; U. S. Army, 4 yrs. ; member Louisiana Legislature and parish judge. *7 Silas Hayes, died Feb. 3, 1907, 717 E. 27th St., Los Angeles, Cal. T. pub. sch., ElPaso, I yr. ; same, Fairview, i yr. ; rural sch., 8 yrs. Mar- ried Jane M. Cone, Nov. 14, 1861. *8. Joseph Gideon Howell, killed at Fort Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862. T., Model Sch., I.S.N.U., i yr. 9. John Hull, 2009 State St., Milwaukee, Wis. 111. Wesleyan Univ., A.M., 1876; prin. pub. sch., Salem, 1860-61 ; acting prof, math., I.S.N.U., 1861-62; prin. h. s., Bloomington, 1862-64; member Bd. of Educ., Bloom- ington, 1866-69 ; supt. sch., McLean Co., 1869-75 ', prof . math., S . I . S . N.U., Carbondale, 1875-83 ; supt, training dept., same, 1883-93 J pres., same, 1892-93; pres. State Normal Sch., River Falls, Wis., 1893-94; founded The Schoolmaster, 1868. Married Mary Frances Washburn (See No. 4), April 3, 1862; m. Ann Catherine Anderson, June 14, 1895, who died Nov. 3, 1903. *io. Edwin Philbrook, died Feb. 4, 1890. Served in U.S. Army, 1861-65. T. sch. southern 111., 1869; same, Maroa, 1869-72; same, Sa- betha, Kan., 1872-79; same, h. s., Decatur, 1879-85. Married Ellen C. Pillsbury, May 9, 1871. CLASS OF 1861 *n. Sophie (Christ) Gill, died Nov., 1863. T. pub. sch., Greenview, i l A yrs. *i2. Amanda A. Noyes, died Feb. 7, 1864. T. pub. sch., Jackson- ville, 2 yrs. 252 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 13. John Howard Burnham, contractor, Bloomington. Acting prin. Model Sch., I.S.N.U., summer, 1861 ; 2 winters, Harrington; ist Lt., Co. A, 33rd I. V. Inf.; supt. pub. sch., Bloomington, 1863-64; editor, Bloomington Daily Pantograph, 1865-67 ; director State Historical Society since organization, 1899; pub. Hist, of Bloomington and Normal, 1879. Married Almira S. Ives, Jan. 23, 1866. 14. Harvey J. Button, grocer, 800 South St., Springfield, Mo. T., pub. sch., Cedar Co., Mo., 9 yrs; contrib. one chap, to Hist, of 33rd 111. Vol. Inf., in which regiment he served 4 yrs, 3$ mos. Married Louise V. Brinsden, Aug. 29, 1866. 15. Aaron Gove, Denver, Colo. Adjutant 33rd I. V. Inf.; prin. pub. sch., Rutland, 2 yrs. ; same, Normal, 5 yrs. ; supt. pub. sch., Denver, Colo., 1874-1904; edit. ///. Teacher, *i6. Moses I. Morgan, died, Cleveland, O., April 10, 1895. Enlisted 1861-63; prin. 3rd Ward Sch., Peoria, 1863-64; in army again, 1864-66. *I7. Henry B. Norton, died June 22, 1885. T. Model Sch., i term; Warsaw, 1862-63; supt. sch., Ogle Co., 1864-65; State Normal Sch., Em- poria, Kan., 1865-70, 1873-75 ; San Jose, Cal., Normal, 1876. 18. Peleg Remington Walker, supt. pub. sch., 716 N. Church St., Rockford. Served in army, 1862-65, promoted from private to ist Lt. and in command of company for more than a year; t. pub. sch., Creston, 1861- 62; prin., same, 1865-72; same, Rochelle, 1872-84; supt. pub. sch., Rock- ford, 1884; member Bd. of Educ., I.S.N.U., 1883. Married Martha E. Webb, Aug. 16, 1865. Cl^ASS OF l862 *I9. Sarah E. Beers, died Oct. 6, 1900. T. Normal Center, 4 yrs.; h. s., Canton, 1866; private sch., same, 1868-83. 20. Elizabeth Carleton, Home for Aged Women, 3200 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Asst. h. s., Griggsville, 10 yrs.; prin. colored sch., Hannibal, Mo., 1872; elem. and h. s., same, 10 yrs; Matron, Anna Brown Home for the Aged, Quincy, 8 yrs. 21. Helen Frances Grennell (Mrs. Guild), at home with daughter, Mrs. Oscar L. Pond, 2204 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Second asst. h. s., Peoria, 1862-64; ist asst., same, 1864-72; asst. h. s., St. Louis, Mo., 1872- 74. Married Albert D. Guild, of Chicago, May 13, 1874, who died Ft. Wayne, Ind., Nov. 5, 1904. 22. Esther Maria Sprague (Mrs. Legg) T. Foster sch., 666 Washing- ton Blvd., Chicago. Prin. intermed. dept, 4th Ward Sch., Peoria, 4 yrs. ; prin. Model Sch., Normal Sch., Platteville, Wis., 1866-67; head asst,, Kin- zie Sch., Chicago, 6 yrs.; prin. Lincoln St. Sch., Chicago, 7 yrs.; present position, 1881 . 23. Emma M. Trimble (Mrs. Bangs), Donnellson. T. pub. sch., York, 1862-63; Washington, i863 : 64; Lacon, 1864-65; Sparland, 1865-66; Lacon, 1866-67; rural sch., Montgomery Co., 1885-87; prin., Fillmore, 1887-88; rural sch., Montgomery Co., 1888-90; Donnellson, 1890 ; post- mistress, Hillsboro, 1877-81. Married Charles Lyman Bangs, Aug. n, 1862. f24. Lorenzo Dow Bovee, farmer, Pagosa Springs, Kan. Enlisted looth 111. Vol. Inf.,'i862; t. pub. sch., i yr. 25. James Frederick Ridlon, farmer and stock raiser, R. R. No. 2, Gardner, Kan. Abingdon, 111., 12 yrs.; lecturer to Bellflower Grange n yrs.; Abingdon, 1862-63; Henderson, 1864; Monmouth, 1865-66; Law- rence, Kan., 1866-67; Lanesville, Kan., 1868-69; Kansas legislature. 1869- 70; De Soto Schools, 1871; taught winters till 1878; served in Ills, reg." during civil war. Married Mrs. Rachel Easdale, April, 1870. *26. Logan Holt Roots, died at Little Rock, Ark., May 30, 1893. En- listed, 1862; t. i yr. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 253 CLASS OF 1863 *27. Mary Augusta Fuller, died April, 1881. T., Decatur, 7 yrs. ; Magnolia, 3 yrs. 28. Sarah Jane Frances Gove (Mrs. Eugene Baldwin), Peoria. T., Granville, i yr. ; Peoria, 2 yrs. 29. Abbie Ripley Reynolds (Mrs. Wilcox), Flora Home, Florida. St. Kindergarten Training Sch., St. Louis, Mo., 1881-82; prim, grades, Bloomington, 1863. Married Charles E. Wilcox, June 16, 1864. *3O. Sarah Ann Hackett Stevenson, died, 1904. T. Bloomington, 4 yrs. ; Mt. Morris ; Sterling ; physician, Woman's College, Chicago. t3-i. William Dennis Hall, 435 Oakley Ave., Chicago. T. Peoria, i yr. ; Elmwood, i yr. ; Clinton, 5 yrs. ; LaSalle, 3 yrs. ; Centralia, 2 yrs. ; Farmer City, i yr. 32. Ebenezer Delon Harris, farmer, Lincoln, Neb. Cotner Christian Univ., near Lincoln, Neb., B. S., 1891, M. S., 1892; t. pub. sch., 1863-66; Nebraska, 1879-89; prin. prep, dept., Christian Univ., 1889-94; enlisted U. S. Army, 1861. Married Sarah E. Worden, Normal, Dec. 24, 1865. *33- John Henry Thompson, died, 1869. T. ElPaso, i yr. ; Charles- ton, i yr. ; Kansas, I J^ yrs. CLASS OF 1864 34. Harriet E. Dunn, sec. of faculty, State Normal Sch., Los An- geles, Cal. T. pub. sch., Bloomington, 1864-72 ; h. s., Carrollton, 1872-73 ; h. s., Bloomington, 1873-75 ; prin., same, 1875-83 ; same, Nevada City, Cal., 1883-84; present position, 1884 . *35. Anna P. Grennell (Mrs. William Hatfield), died, Feb. 14, 1902. T. pub. sch., Bloomington, i yr. ; Peoria, 2 yrs. 36. Edith Theodosia Johnson (Mrs. Morley), Springfield, Vt. T. h. s., Aurora, 1864-65; supt. prim. Model Sch., I.S.N.U., 1865-68; Bon- ham's Sem., St. Louis, Mo., 1868-70. Married Rev. John H. Morley, LL.D., Oct. 12, 1871. *37- Isabella Moore, died Jan. 14, 1888. T. pub. sch., Bloomington, 4 yrs. ; Cairo, I yr. ; rural sch., 3 yrs. ; Perry, 2 yrs. f38. Harriet E. Stewart. Address unknown. 739. George W. Colyin, Los Angeles, Cal. T. pub. sch., Atlanta, 2 yrs. ; Pontiac, 2 yrs ; Pekin, 12 yrs. 40. Lyman B. Kellogg, lawyer, Emporia, Kan. Pres. Kan. State Normal Sch., 7 yrs. *4i. Philo A. Marsh, died April 5, 1887. T. Magnolia, i yr. CLASS OF 1865 42. Olinda M. Johnson (Mrs. Nichols), 198 Walnut St., Aurora. T. West Aurora, 1865-68. Married Newell F. Nichols, Feb. 4, 1869. 43. Almenia C. Jones, Canton. T. pub. sch., Pekin, 2 yrs. ; Lewis- town, 2 yrs. ; Canton, 15 yrs. ; clerk and bookkeeper, 22 yrs. *44. Lucinda J. Stannard (Mrs. A. O. Johnson), died Feb. 20, 1902. T. pub. sch., Centralia, i yr. ; Charleston, 3 yrs. ; St. Cloud, Minn., i yr. ; Ft. Smith, Ark., 4 yrs. 45. Bandusia Wakefield, Point Loma, Cal. Asst. in Model Sch., I.S.N.U., 1864-71; prin. h. s., Winterset, la., 1871-73; prin. h. s., Em- poria, Kan., 1873-74 ; same, Farmington, 1874 ; h. s., Bloomington, 1875 ; gram, and arith., I.S.N.U., 1875-81. 254 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 46. Thomas Jonathan Burrill, vice-pres. and prof, of botany, Univ. of 111., Urbana. St. Northwestern Univ., A. M., 1876; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D., 1882; Northwestern, LL. D., 1893; supt pub. sch., Urbana, 1865- 68; Univ. of 111., i868-date. Married Sarah Helen Alexander, Seneca Falls, N. Y., July 22, 1868. 47. John Williston Cook, pres. N.I.S.N.S., DeKalb, Degrees A. M., Knox College ; LL. D., Blackburn Univ. ; LL. D., Univ. of 111. ; prin. Brimfield, 1865-66; prin. gram, dept., I.S.N.U., 1866-68; acting prof, of history and geog., same, 1868-69; prof, of reading and elocution, same 1869-76; prof, of math, and physics, same, 1876-90; president, same, 1890- 99; pres. N.I.S.N.S., 1899 ; editor and pub. of ///. School Journal, 1884-88; pub. series of arithmetics with N. Cropsey; educational lec- turer, 1870 . Married Lydia F. Spofford, Aug. 26, 1867. 48. William Florin, druggist, Altamont. T. Lebanon, 1865-66; prin., Highland, 1866-68; same, Lebanon, 1868-72; Highland, 1872-73; prin. gram, sch., Belleville, 1873-75 ; asst. h. s., same, 1875-76 ; prin., Edwards- ville, 1876-77; prin., St Jacobs, 1877-79; druggist, Altamont, 1879 . 49. David M. Fulwiler, 404 Normal Ave., Chicago. T. Lexington, I yr. ; Hillsboro, 4 yrs. 50. Oscar Francis McKim, farmer, Oskaloosa, la. Asst. Model Sch., I.S.N.U., 1865-66; prin., Ward Sch., Decatur, 1866-70; supt. sch., Ma- con Co., 1869-73; prin. h- s., 1873-74; Oxford, Kan., 1875-76; Wellington, Kan., 1876-77; supt. sch., Wichita, Kan., 1877-79; prin., Dallas City, 1879- 80 ; prin., LaHarpe, 1880-81 ; prin. h. s., Ft. Madison, la., I yr. Married Sarah E. Nelson, Oskaloosa, la., 1866. *Si. Adolph A. Suppiger, died at Edwardsville, Sept. 6, 1904. Taught at Marine, Highland, North Alton, and Edwardsville; supt. of schools, Madis.on county, 1873-77, an d again, 1886-1890. Married Leah P. Baer, of Highland, in 1870. *52. Melancthon Wakefield, died at Cherokee, Sept. 22, 1900. St. 111. Wesleyan Law School, 1867-69; I.S.N.U., 1865-66; prin. Buda, I yr. ; Carrollton, I yr. ; Cherokee, la., 2 yrs. ; mayor of Cherokee, 7 yrs. ; county atty., 8 yrs. Married Ellen Neighbor, of Chicago, 1882. HIGH SCHOOL 1865 1. Gertrude Case (Mrs. Wesley Young), Santa Barbara, Cal. Pitts- field, I yr. ; Bloomington, 4 yrs.; Normal, 2 yrs.; I.S.N.U., 2 yrs. 2. Clara V. Fell (Mrs. Fyffe), Wyoming PL, Milwaukee, Wis. Mar- ried James Fyffe, May 6, 1869. 3. Charles L. Capen, lawyer, Bloomington. St. Harvard, 1865-69; member Bd. of Educ. I.S.N.U., iSgi-date. Married Ella E. Briggs, Oct. 27, 1875. *4. Howard C. Crist, physician. Died 1883. 5. Hosea Howard, accountant, auditor's office, Wabash R. R., 1201 Lincoln Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 6. William McCambridge, Confidential Secretary Interstate Com- merce Commission, Washington, D. C. Agent C. & A. R. R. 6 yrs. ; ed. Bloomington Daily Pantograph, 26 yrs ; asst. postmaster, 3 yrs ; present position, 6 yrs. 7. Robert McCart, lawyer, Ft. Worth, Tex. CLASS OF 1866 53. Harriet M. Case (Mrs. Andrew T. Morrow), 1615 Missouri Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Richmond, Ind., h. s., i yr. ; Ottawa, 4 yrs. ; Leavenworth, ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 255 Kan., h. s., 2 yrs. ; I.S.N.U., 4^ yrs. ; N. A. Normal Sch., Buenos Ayres, S. A., 3 yrs. Married Andrew T. Morrow, Feb. 7, 1878. tS4- Martha Foster, Minneapolis, Kan. Model Sch., I yr. ; Yates City, 2 yrs ; country schools, 2 yrs ; Boone, la., i yr. ; Lindsey, Kan., I yr. ; Dexter, la., 5 yrs.; Ottawa, Kan., I yr. ; n yrs. at other places. 55. Harriet A. Fyffe, Fairfield, Iowa. St. Pharmacy School, Chicago ; North Sangamon Acad., 2 yrs. ; Normal, 2 yrs ; prin. Magnolia, 2 yrs. ; country sch., 2 yrs; managed prescription drug store, 12 yrs. 56. Margaret McCambridge (Mrs. Hurd), 1420 Pearl St., Denver, Col. Cairo, I yr. Married Charles R. Hurd, Sept. 18, 1867. 57. Mary E. Pierce, orange grower, 130 E. Olive Ave., Redlands, Cal. Carrollton, i yr. ; Shelby, i yr. ; Lexington, 6 yrs. ; Normal pub. sch., 2 yrs.; ElPaso, i yr. ; other points, 6 yrs; mission sch., several yrs.; city missionary, Buffalo, N. Y., 8 yrs. 58. Alice B. Piper (Mrs. Blackburn), Ventura, Cal. Grammar sch., 1866-68; h. s. Macomb, 1868-72. Married David S. Blackburn, Dec. 26, 1872. tSQ. Helen M. Plato (Mrs. Wilbur), Geneva. Kaneville, i yr. ; El- gin, i yr. ; Chicago, 12 yrs. ^ 60. Sarah E. Raymond (Mrs. Fitzwilliam), 4824 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Taught Fowler Inst., Newark, 1866-68; Bloomington, 1868-69; prin. gram, sch., Bloomington, 1869-73; ist asst. h. s. same, Apr.-June, 1873; prin. h. s., same, 1873-74; supt. city schools, same, 1874-92; pres. Woman's State Teachers' Assn., 2 yrs. ; pres. School Mistresses' Club, 2 yrs. ; secy. State Teachers' Assn., 2 yrs ; pub. numerous articles for press; International Delegate to World's Congress of Associated Chari- ties at Columbian Exposition, 1893. Married Capt. Francis Julius Fitz- william, Boston, Mass., June 23, 1896. f6i. Olive A. Rider (Mrs. Dr. Alfred Cotton), woman's dept. of state penitentiary, 1900 Collins St., Joliet. 62. Julia E. Stanard (Mrs. Rufus H. Frost), 1200 Dewey Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Charleston, i yr. ; White Hall, i yr. ; Otterville, I yr. ; Ottawa, i yr. ; Atlanta, 3 yrs.; Atlantic, la., 8 yrs.; county normal schools, Iowa, 4 summers. Married July 4, 1867, to Rufus H. Frost, who died April 28, 1904. 63. Nelson F. Case, lawyer, Oswego, Kan. St. law dept. Univ. of Mich., 1867-69; prin. Tolono, I yr. ; member Oswego bd. of education, 15 yrs.; regent Kan. State Normal, 1889-95; trustee Lobette Co. h. s., 1893-1898; trustee Baker Univ., 1883; pres. bd. of trustees, i897-date; probate judge, Lobette Co., Kan., 1880-85; pub. History of Lobette County, Kan.; European Constitutional History, Constitutional History of the United States. Married, Feb. 22, 1872, Mary E. Claypool, who died Feb. i, 1892 ; m. Georgiana Reed, May 30, 1900. 64. Philo Asbern Clark, periodical writer and correspondent, Monroe, Wis. Prin. Chillicothe, 1866-1867; Neponset, 1870-1871 ; Yorksyille, 1871 ; Davenport, I yr. ; Kendall county, I yr. ; county surveyor, Madison, Neb., 3 yrs.; police judge, 4 yrs.; has contributed articles to agricultural maga- zines and has delivered lectures on stock raising. f65. John Ellis, real estate, 425 N. 4th St., Beatrice, Neb. Prin. schools, Naples, 3 yrs. ; ElPaso, 3 yrs. ; prin. Beatrice, Neb., I yr. *66 Joseph Hunter, died April 17, 1880. Prin. Pontiac, 1866-7; taught in Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. *67. Richard Porter, died March, 1903. Perry, I yr. ; Rantoul, I yr. ; Monticello, i yr. ; country schools, 3 yrs. 256 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY CLASS OF 1867 68. Emily Caroline Chandler (Mrs. Cyrus W. Hodgin), Richmond, Ind. Completed 4 yrs' chautauqua course 1881-1885; st. biblical dept. Earlham College, 1891-92; prin. ward sch., Richmond, Ind., 1867-68; pri- vate school Marion, Ind. Married Cyrus W. Hodgin (See No. 78), Aug. 22, 1867. 69. Emily H. Cotton (Mrs. William H. Collins), 1400 Vermont St., Quincy. Taught 9 yrs. in Griggsville, Cairo, Decatur, and Bloomington. Married, Sept. 28, 1876. t7O. Nellie Forman. West Bridgeport, Mass., i 1 /* yrs.; Lynn, Mass., 3 yrs.; Hampton Institute, \Vz yrs.; Virginia, 1881. 71. Mary W. French, teaching, 312 W. William St., Decatur. Cairo, 1867-69; math, in h. s., Decatur, 1869. t72. Eurania G. Gorton (Mrs. John R. Hanna), Aurora. Rock Is- land, 2 yrs.; Peru h. s., 2 yrs.; Aurora preparatory, I yr. ; asst. Aurora h. s., 2 yrs. *73. Mary G. Gorton, died November 15, 1878. Rock Island h. s., I yr. ; Cook County Normal, 3 yrs. ; Normal Dept. Arkansas State Normal ; asst. in Peabody Branch h. s., St. Louis, till 1878. 74. Mary Pennell (Mrs. Albert H. Barber), 22 Bryant Ave., Chi- cago. Taught, Peoria County Normal; h. s., Polo; h. s., Normal pub. sch. ; h. s., Tuscola. 75. Onias C. Barber, bookseller and stationer, Effingham. Prin. in 111., i yr. ; prin. and asst. prin. in Miss., 2 yrs. *76. John R. Edwards, died April, 1871. Prin. Hyde Park sch., i yr. ; prin. Evanston schools, 1868; elected prin. Third Ward sch., Peoria, 1869. t77- George E. Hinman, farmer, Clearwater, Cal. Taught 5 yrs. in Illinois, Colorado, and Ohio. 78. Cyrus Wilburn Hodgin, teaching, Richmond, Ind. St Univ. of Chicago, 1892-1893; prin. Hadley's Acad., Richmond, Ind., 1867-1868, prin. h. s., Richmond, Ind., 1868-1869; prin. twp. graded school, Dublin, Ind., 1869-1872; teacher of history, Ind. State Normal Sch., 1872-1881; supt. Rushyille, Ind., 1882-1883; prin. Richmond Normal Sch., 1883-1887; prof, of history and political scicence, Earlham Col., Richmond, Ind., i887-date; pub. Indiana and the Nation, a text-book on the civil gov't. of Ind., and a large number of articles on historical and educational sub- jects. Married Emily Caroline Chandler (See No. 68), Aug. 22, 1867. *79. Fred J. Seybold, lawyer. Deceased. 80. James S. Stevenson, teaching, 3127 Sheridan Ave., St Louis, Mo. Prin. Sparta, 1867-1869 ; asst. Academic Dept Washington Univ., St Louis, 1869-1870; prin. Collinsville, 1870-1872; prin. pub. sch., St Louis, Mo., :872-date. Married Margaret Speer. CLASS OF 1868 81. Ruth E. Barker (Mrs. Hargrove), traveling in Europe. Taught 4 yrs. Married Dr. Nathan Scarritt, Kansas City, Mo., deceased; m. Bishop Robt. K. Hargrove, Nashville, Tenn., now deceased. 82. Ann Eliza Bullock, Normal. Tonica rural sch., 1870-71 ; asst h. s., 1871-72; grammar sch., 1874-1876; grades Bloomington, 1872-73. 83. Jemima S. Burson, Pasadena, Cal. Primary teacher, Richmond, Ind., 1869-1872; teacher in private acad., Spiceland, Ind., 1872-1874. 84. Lydia A. Burson, Pasadena, Cal. Prin. Carthage, Ind., 1868-69; prin. private school, Richmond, Ind., 1869-1872; Spiceland, Ind., Academy, 1873-1874 ; grammar grade teacher, Pasadena, Cal., 1889-1898. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 257 85. Etta S. Dunbar (Mrs. Kelso), teaching literature, music, and painting, Longmont, Colo. Prin. Elburn, 1868-1870; prin. DeKalb, 1870-74; completed and published article, "Government Analyzed," at request of husband. Married, Sept. 5, 1885, to Col. John R. Kelso, a teacher and author, who died January, 1901. 86. Anna C. Gates, 2129 Oregon Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Tolono, 111., 1868-1869; assistant St. Louis, 1869-1870; prin. St. Louis, 1870-1872; head asst. St. Louis, Mo., Jan., 1872- June, 1872 ; prin. various St. Louis schools, 1872-1906. 87. Grace S. Hurwood, Geyserville, Cal. Alton h. s., 2 yrs. ; prin. rural or small towns, 13 yrs. ; Franklin School, Oakland, Cal., 12 yrs. 88. Lucia Kingsley (Mrs. George G. Manning), Anderson, Ind. I.S.N.U. Model Sch., 3 yrs.; Peru, Ind., h. s., 1871-1876. Married George G. Manning, Aug. 24, 1871 (See No. 115). 89. Eliza A. Pratt (Mrs. Kean), Buchanan, Mich. Taught Bloom- ington h. s., 1869-1872. Married David W. Kean, Chicago, June 10, 1872. 90. Emma T. Robinson (Mrs. Kleckner), 1632 Pearl St., Sioux City, la.; h. s., Normal pub. schools, 1868-70; prin. elem. s., Freeport, 2 mos. ; pub. In the Realm of Fable and Women of the Mayflower. Married Isaac F. Kleckner, July 28, 1870 (See No. 114). 91. Mary J. Smith (Mrs. Stephen J. Bogardus), Clinton. Ma- rengo, I yr. *92. Cornelia Valentine, died June 20, 1877. Earlham College, Rich- mond, Ind., i yr. ; Rushville, h. s., 2 yrs. ; Rock Island h. s., I yr. ; Au- rora h. s., 5 months ; 111. Female College, i yr. ; Rock Island, h. s., 3 yrs. 193. Elma Valentine. *94. Clara E. Watts, died June 4, 1884. Matron Soldiers' Orphans' Horrte, i yr. ; teacher Soldiers' Orphans' Home, Normal, 2 yrs. ; Normal public school, i yr. *95. Stephen Bogardus, died at Clinton, Sept. 9, 1904. Taught 33 yrs. ; prin. Marengo, 2 yrs. ; prof, in Springfield Bus. Coll. ; prin. Edwards School, Springfield. Married, Mary J. Smith (See No. 91). *96. William A. McBane, died Sept. 2, 1902. Cairo, i yr. ; Metropo- lis, 2 yrs. ; vice pres. National Bank, Metropolis ; editor and publisher of Metropolis Democrat, 1870-71. Married M. C. Bramer, July 12, 1883. 97. Henry McCormick, vice pres. and prof, of hist., I.S.N.U. De- grees, A. M. and LL. D. from 111. Wesleyan Univ. ; prin. pub. sch., Nor- mal, 1868-69; prof, of geog., I.S.N.U., 1869-1901; prof, of hist, same, 1876 ; vice-pres., same, 1891 ; pub. Practical Work in Geography; Sug- gestions on Teaching Geography. *98. Jacob R. Rightsell, died Little Rock, Ark., Aug., 1905. County supt. of Pulaski county, Ark., i yr. ; prin. of elem. s. and supt. of schools, Little Rock, Ark., 33 yrs. 99. William Russell, merchant, notary public, and farmer, Southland, Ark. St. Earlham College, 1887-88; New Garden, 1868-69; supt. Marion, Ind., 1870-73 ; model dept. Normal School, Terre Haute, Ind., I yr. ; supt. Salem, 1874-77; supt. Marion, Ind., 1879-80; prin. twp. sch., same; South- land College, Ark., prin. 1800-91; pres. same, 1891-97; notary public, 12 yrs. Married Ruth Sabina Hinshaw, Aug. 13, 1868. HIGH SCHOOL l868 8. Anna M. Edwards (Mrs. N. C. Dougherty), Peoria. Seminary at St. Louis, 6 mo. ; h. s., Princeton, i yr. 9. R. Arthur Edwards (See No. 137). 258 SEMI-CENTENNIAL, HISTORY CLASS OF 1869 100. Lizzie S. Alden, 214 Harrison St., Newton, Kan. Grad. from State Normal Sch., Emporia, Kan., 1897; prin. sch., Caledonia, 1869-70; asst. h. s. Lena, 1870-71 ; rural sch., near Brimfield, 1871-74; prin. Burrton, Kan., 1875-77; primary tea. Newton, Kan., 1877-80; primary tea. Sedg- wick, Kan., 1880-94; same in Baptist mission sch., Atoka, Ind. Ter., 1897- 1900; private sch., Newton, Kan., 1900-03. 101. Melissa Benton (Mrs. Overman), 391 West End Ave., New York City. T. Geneseo, 1869-71 ; h. s., Dixon, 1871, 3 mos. ; h. s., Free- port, 1872-73. Married A. H. Overman, Dec., 1873. *iO2. Ella Kimball Briggs, died March 27, 1906. Logan county, i yr. ; Lincoln, 2 yrs. ; Delavan, i yr. ; Jerseyville, i yr. ; Cream Ridge, 2 yrs. ; Freeport, yrs. *IO3. Lucretia Davis (Mrs. Ramsey), died Yates Center, Kan., June 27, 1887. Quincy Coll., I yr. ; Rushville, I yr. Married William Ramsey, Rushville, June, 1871. 104. Jane E. Pennell (Mrs. Carter), 836 W. Church St., Champaign. Normal pub. sch., i yr. ; Model Sch., I.S.N.U., I yr. ; h. s., Peru, 2 yrs.; rural schools, n mo.; Peru, I yr. ; pres. Illinois Assn. of Domestic Sci- ence, 7 yrs. Married Joseph Carter (See No. 134), June 23, 1870. fiOp. Maria L. Sikes (Mrs. Nichols). Geneseo, 2 yrs.; Kewanee, i yr. ; prin. Wyoming, la., 4 yrs. tio6. Helen M. Wadleigh (Mrs. Willis). Near Rutledge, i yr. ; in Missouri, 2 yrs. 107. Ben C. Allensworth, insurance, Pekin. Supt. Elmwood, 1869- 72 ; Minier, 2 yrs ; county supt. of schools, Tazewell county, 1877-86 ; member of bd. of educ., Pekin, 7 yrs. ; postmaster, Pekin, 1894-98 ; pub. History of Tazewell County; editor of Pekin Times, 1886-94. Married Charity A. Turner, Oct. 7, 1875. 108. Alfred Cleveland Cotton, physician to diseases of children, 1485 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. St. Rush Med. Coll., 1876-78; med. sch. in Philadelphia and N. Y., 1883 ; Vienna, Berlin, and London, 1897 ; prin. Richview, 1869-70; prin. Buckley, 1870-71; prin. Gilman, 1871-73; supt. Grand Tower, 1873-74; supt. Griggsville, 1874-76; lecturer and prof, of diseases of children, Rush Med. College, 1881 ; city physician of Chi- cago, 1891-93, and 1895-97; lecturer to 111. training sch. for nurses and the Presbyterian training sch. ; pub. Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene of Infancy and Childhood, The Medical Diseases of Infancy and Child- hood, and other articles; private Co. F, I37th Regt. 111. Vol. Inft, 1864-65; prisoner of war, Aug. 21, 1864- April, 65. Married Olive A. Rider, 1880; m. Nettie M. MacDonald, 1893. 109. Charles H. Crandell, teaching, 806 Main St., Wheaton. Prin. sch., DeKalb, 2,\ yrs. ; supt. Petersburg, 1 yr. ; prin. elem. sch., Troy, N. Y., 5 yrs.; prin. sch., Worthington, O., 2 yrs.; prin. sch., St. Charles, 2 yrs.; supt. Sterling, 2 yrs.; supt. Hinsdale, 5 yrs.; supt. West Batavia, 2 yrs. ; other positions, 4 yrs. Married Almira A. Davis, Dec. 26, 1876. fiio. Hugh R. Edwards, manf. hardware, Whitcomb, .Wis. Prin. elem. sch., Peoria, 2 yrs. ; Sterling, I yr. ; Byron, I yr. ; prin. Edwards Seminary, Sterling, 3 yrs. ; Peoria, 8 yrs. in. William R. Edwards, editor and postmaster, Tracy, Minn. Taught 15 yrs. as prin. and supt, Faribault, Minn. ; New Hampton and Osage, la. ; county supt. Lyon Co., Minn. Married Josephine E. Bigelow, July 19, 1870. 112. James W. Hays, 708 University Ave., Urbana. Prin. elem. s., Paris, 1869-70; supt. Paris, 1870-71; supt. Urbana, 1871-75, 1876-1906; pres. state teachers' association, 1897. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 259 fii3. Charles Howard. Address unknown. *H4. Isaac F. Kleckner, died March 4, 1891. Supt. Stephenson county, 4 yrs. Married Emma T. Robinson (See No. 90). 115. George Grant Manning, pres. and mgr. Crystal Ice and Cold Storage Co., Anderson, Ind. Prin. Fulton, 1869; Jacksonville, 1870; supt. Peru, Ind., 1871-92. Married Lucia Kingsley (See No. 88), Aug., 1871. *n6. George W. Mason, physician, died Oct. 8, 1887. Taught, Little Rock, Ark., Pekin, and Hannibal, 8 yrs. 117. Charles W. Moore, ins. agt, Storm Lake, la. Private sch., Tremont, 1869-71; prin. Tremont, 1871-72; prin. Ridott, 1872-74; Cedar- ville, 1874-75 J Lena, 1875-76 ; rural school, 1876-77 ; prin. Storm Lake, la., 1880-81 ; rural schools in Iowa, 1885-89 ; county and other official posi- tions in Iowa, 1889 . Married Emma A. Dean, Nov. 30, 1891. fn8. Christopher D. Mowry, surgeon, Aurora. Prin. Pecatonica, 3 yrs. ; Anamosa, la., 2 yrs. HIGH SCHOOL 1869 *io. Gratiot Washburn, died, 1886. CLASS OF 1870 fug. Louisa C. Allen (Mrs. John M. Gregory), The Concord, Wash- ington, D. C. Alton h. s., i yr. ; Peoria Normal, 2 yrs. ; University of Illinois, 6 yrs. 120. Barbara Denning, housekeeper, Normal. , Shawneetown, 1870- 1872 ; LaSalle, 1872-1873 ; missionary teacher Argentine Republic, S. A., 1874-1890. *i2i. Alice Emmons, died October 2, 1871. Taught 2 months. fi22. Clara E. Higby, Chicago. Taught 27 yrs. in Chicago schools. fi23. Emma A. Howard (Mrs. Gardner), Orange, Cal., 4 yrs. 124. Margaret E. Hunter (Mrs. Levi T. Regan), 609 W. 66th St., Chicago. Taught Mississippi State Normal Sch., 1871-74. Married Levi T. Regan (See No. 143), 1874. fi25. Maria L. Kimberley (Mrs. Perry), 164 Canfield St., Detroit, Mich. Warrensburg, Mo., 2 yrs.; Fort Smith, Ark., i yr. 126. Mary D. LeBaron, Oneida. Taught 14 yrs., mostly in elem. sch., Chicago. *I27. Letitia A. Mason (Mrs. Willam E. Quine), died June 14, 1903. Taught i yr. 128. Adella Nance (Mrs. C. A. Shilton), 218 S. Elm St., Kewanee. Prin. h. s., Weathersfield, 1870-71 ; prin. Galva, 1872-73 ; Moline, 1873-75. Married May 28, 1879. 129. Adelaide V. Rutherford, Box 376, Girard. St. Ann Arbor, Mich., J873-74; same, 1880- Apr., 1882; 111. sch., 3 yrs.; Mo. sch., i yr. ; Kan. sch., i yr. ; Texas sch., i yr. ; pub. magazine articles on various subjects. 130. Frances A. Smith (Mrs. Frances A. Cole), Berkeley, Cal. Prin. prep. dept. Woman's Coll., Evanston, 111., i yr. ; South Side Select Sch., Chicago, 2 yrs. ; Bryant & Stratton Bus. Coll., Chicago, 3 yrs. ; prac. dept., Alabama State Normal, i yr. ; Elgin pub. sch., 2 yrs. 131. Armada S. Thomas (Mrs. Bevan), Atlanta. Lincoln, 1870-73; Jerseyville, 1873-74; h. s. Delavan, 1874-76; h. s., Atlanta, 1876-77. Mar- ried John L. Bevan, 1877. fi32. Marian E. Weed (Mrs. Martin), 723 Orchard St., Chicago. Loda, i yr. ; Lacon, i yr. 260 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 133. Benjamin Webb Baker, pastor M. E. church, DeFuniak Springs, Fla. Received degrees, M.A. and Ph.D. at Wesleyan Univ. ; rural sch., Coles Co., 3 yrs. ; prin. grammar dept. Model Sch. I.S.N.U., 3 yrs. ; agent for Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 4 yrs.; pres. Chaddock College, Quincy, 5 yrs. ; pres. Missouri Wesleyan College, Cameron, Mo., 7^ yrs. Married Martha Frances Henry, Dec. 14, 1871. 134. Joseph Carter, farmer, 836 W. Church St., Champaign. Supt. Normal pub. sch., 1874-78; supt. Peru, 1878-85; supt. Danville, 1892-96; supt. Champaign, 1896-1906; member State Board of Education, 1873-79. Married Jane E. Pennell (See No. 104), June 23, 1870. 135. Robert A. Childs, Hinsdale. Prin. Amboy schools, 3 yrs; ad- mitted to bar in 1873; lawyer in Chicago. *I36. James W. Dewell, died September 3, 1903. Two yrs. near Carrollton; i yr., Barry; i yr., Elm Grove; 2 yrs., Kane; 16 yrs. 137. R. Arthur Edwards, banker, Peru, Ind. St. Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., 1872-1873; Princeton Univ., 1874-1876; instructor in Latin and Greek, Rock River Seminary, Mount Morris, 1873-74, a d 1876- 78; prof. English Lit. and Belles Lettres, Knox Coll., Galesburg, 1878- 1881. Married Mary Alice Shirk. fi38- Samuel W. Carman, curator, Agassiz Museum, Cambridge, Mass., since 1873. Principal of Miss. State Normal School, Holly Springs, i year; Lake Forest Seminary 2 yrs. 139. John W. Gibson, died Naperville, Aug. 6, 1906. Adeline, 2 yrs. ; Belvidere, 9 yrs. ; Whitewater, Wis., i yr. ; Normal, i yr. ; Decatur, 5 yrs. ; Oregon, 3 yrs. ; Naperville, 4 yrs. ; pub. Chart History of the Civil War, a United States History For Schools, and an article on Social Purity. Married Alice I. Blair, Aug. 19, 1873. fi4O. Benjamin Hunter, Mt. Vernon, Ind. Oneida, 5 years. fi4i. John W. Lummis, 566 nth St., Oakland, Cal. Clayton, i yr. ; Elm Grove, I yr. fi42. John H. Parr, prop. Summer Hotel, Castle Park, Mich. Cedar- ville, 4 yrs. ; Morris Seminary, 2 yrs. ; ministry, i yr. ; Chicago Prep. Sch., 5 yrs. 143. Levi T. Regan, teaching, 609 W. 66th St., Chicago. County supt. schools, Logan county, 1870-1873 ; supt. sch. Lincoln, 1873-75 ; Am- boy, 1875-78; Morris, 1878-89; prin. Sherman Sch., Chicago, i88 grammar sch., Larned, Kan., 1880-81; Cimarron, Kan., 1881-82; h. s., Larned, Kan., 1882-83; Jewell, Kan., 1884-89; Salina, Kan., 1889-90; Oakland, Kan., 1891-97; Denver, Col., 1898-99. *2o8. Anna V. Sutherland (Mrs. Allen Brown), died July 25, 1894. Mt. Prospect, 2 yrs. ; Bloomington, I yr. ; Hey worth, i yr. ; Leroy, 2 yrs. 209. May I. Thomas, Atlanta, 111. St. Armour Institute, I yr. ; teacher Atlanta, 1873-86; stenographer in American Baptist Home Mission Office, Chicago, 5 yrs.; member D.A.R. 210. Emma W. Warne (Mrs. Elry Hall), Sycamore. Prin. h. s. De- Kalb, 1873-74; prin. h. s. Elburn, 1874-75; prin. DeKalb, 1876. Married Oct. 3, 1877- *2ii Putnam L. Brigham, died February, 1892, in Manning, la. Taught 6 yrs. 212. Charles DeGarmo, prof. Science and Art of Education, Cornell Univ., 809 E. State St., Ithaca, N. Y. Principal Naples, 1873-76; asst. prin. grammar sch., I.S.N.U., 1876-83; prof. mod. languages, I.S.N.U., 1886-90; prof, psychology and pedagogy, Univ. of 111., 1890-91; pres. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 265 Swarthmore Coll., Pa., 1891-98; prof, science and art of education Cor- nell Univ., i8o8-date; pres. National Herbart Society, 1892-97; pres. National Council of Education, 1897-98 ; System of Dictionary Work for Common Schools (with Thos. Metcalf), 1879; Essentials of Method, 1889; translation Lindner's Empirical Psychology, 1889; Tales of Troy, 1891 ; edited Lange's Apperception, 1893 ; Ufer's Pedagogics of Her- bart, 1894; Herbart and the Herbartians, 1896; Language Lessons (2 books), 1897; annotated Herbart's Outlines of Educational Doctrine, 1901; Interest and Education, 1902; Principles of Secondary Educa- tion, 1907; Contributions to educational reviews, 1886-97; founded with E. J. James, Illinois School Journal, 1881. Married Ida Witbeck, 1875; two s"ons and a daughter. 213. Jasper F. Hays, truck and berry grower, Pasadena, Harris Co., Tex. Prin. of schools in Whiteside and Lee counties, 6 yrs; pub. schools of Kansas, 4 yrs. Married Rosalia Robertson, Dec., 1875. 214. Ernies E. R. Kimbrough, circuit judge, 5th judicial circuit, Dan- ville. Supt., Golconda, 1873-74; member board of education, Danville, 1880-89; member thirty-third and thirty-fourth General Assemblies, 1883-85; mayor of Danville, 1897-99; circuit judge, i9O3-date. Married Julia C. Tincher, Danville, 1876; member dem. nat. convention 1888, 1892; gold dem. nat. convention, 1896; revised 111. sch. law, 1889; member State Board of Education since 1893. 215. George M. LeCrone, newspaper editor and proprietor, Effing- ham. Teacher Moccasin, i yr. ; prin., Effingham, i yr. ; alderman, mem- ber board of education of Effingham, member Illinois legislature. Married Frances K. Nitcher, March 19, 1879. f2i6. Walter C. Lockwood. Paid tuition in full after graduation. 217. Dewitt Clinton Roberts, fruit farmer, Ordway, Col. Supt. Beardstown, 1873-76; S. E. Mo. State Normal, 1876-79; prin. Arapahoe St. h. s., Denver, Col., 1879-85; mining, 1885-90; horticulturist, 1890- 1907. Married Fannie B. Pace, July, 1875. 218. Arthur Shores, general counsel for the Amalgamated Copper Company, Butte, Mont. Teacher Glencoe, Minn., 3 months ; Taylor's Falls, 9 months ; Tazewell Co., 6 months. 219. John B. Stoutemeyer, farming, Mammoth Spring, Ark. St. Mich. Univ. ; Illinois Wesleyan Univ. Taught 3 yrs. Married Virginia M. Craft, Little Rock, Ark., Feb., 1894. 220. Felix B. Tait, manf., Decatur. Prin. Todd's Seminary, Wood- stock, 1873-74; pres. Decatur Chamber of Commerce; pres. F. B. Tait Manf. Co. Married Mary E. Boyer, 1883. 221. J. Lawson Wright, Vineland, Cal. Taught nine years in 111.; nine years in Cal., five in Ariz. Married Rosannah Clarridge, 1871. 223. Lida A. Brown (Mrs. William P. McMurry), teacher, DeKalb. Teacher Sublette, 1874-76; Arcola, 1876-77; Clear Creek, 1877-78; Nor- mal pub. sch., 1884-91; I.S.N.U., 1891-1900; N.I.S.N.S., i goo-date; HIGH SCHOOL 1873 fi9. M. Louisa Abraham, Sulphur, Indian Ty. Taught 9 years. 20. Edmund Janes James, Pres. Univ. of 111., Urbana. St. North- western Univ., 1873-74, Harvard 1874-75, Halle 1875-77; prin. h. s. Evan- ston, 1878-79; prin. h. s., I.S.N.U., 1879-83; Univ. of Pa., 1883-96; Univ. of Chicago, 1896-02; pres. Northwestern Univ., 1902-04; pres. Uni. of 111., i9O4-date. Married Anna Margarethe Lange, Aug. 22, 1879. 21. James Dickey Templeton, asst. cashier First Nat. Bank, Blopm- ington, 111. State Museum, Normal, I yr. ; wholesale grocery, Blooming- ton, i yr. ; Home Bank, Bloomington, 2 yrs. ; First Nat. Bank, Bloom- ington, 28 yrs. 266 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY CLASS OF 1874 f222. Emily A. Alden, Fontanelle, la. Taught 15 yrs. 223. Lida A. Brown (Mrs. William P. McMurry), teacher, DeKalb. teacher Sublette, 1874-76; Arcola, 1876-77; Clear Creek, 1877-78; Nor- mal public sch., 1884-91; I.S.N.U., 1891-1900; N.I.S.N.S., igoo-date; pub. Classic Stories for Little Ones, Robinson Crusoe, Songs of Mother and Child, Songs of Treetops and Meadows, Nature Study for Primary Grades, Our Language, Book I. Married July 7, 1878. 224. Eunice Corwine, editor book catalogs and bulletins for A. C. McClurg Co., Chicago. Teacher in Logan county and at Lincoln, 1874- 98; removed to Chicago, 1900; present position since 1901. 225. S. Alice Judd, teacher, Jefferson h. s., 2787 N. 47th Court, Chi- cago. Decatur h. s., 1874-84; Jefferson township h. s., 1884-86; Ottawa township h. s., 1887-91 ; Jefferson h. s., Chicago, iSgi-date. *226. Sarah M. Littlefield (Mrs. D. L. M. Sims), died at Kalama, Wash., April 3, 1906. 227. Mary E. McWilliams (Mrs. William T. Burford), 806 W. Green St., Urbana. Taught 2 yrs. in a country school and 2 yrs. in graded school at Farmer City. Married September 16, 1879. 228. M. Ella Morgan, 1207 L' Street N. W., Washington, D. C. Has taught continuously in Washington since her graduation. *229. Elizabeth W. Peers (Mrs. Walter C. Lockwood), deceased. *23O. Emma V. Stewart (Mrs. I. Eddy Brown), died August i, 1880. Taught in Rochelle, 1874-5 ! m Peru, Ind., 1875-6 ; in Wichita, Kan., 1876-8. 231. Margaret L. Woodruff (Mrs. William A. Evans), Leavenworth, Kan. Teacher, Savannah, 1874-6. Author of numerous children's stories. Married July 12, 1876. 232. I. Eddy Brown, state sec. 111. Y.M.C.A., 476 N. Grove St., Oak Park. Knox Coll., A.B., 1892; A.M., 1896 (non-resident study); prin. Decatur h. s., 1874-80; state sec. 111. Y.M.C.A. 25 yrs; pres. Sec- retarial Institute and Training Sch. Y.M.C.A., 1890-1903; numerous contributions to Y.M.C.A. periodicals and pamphlets. Married Emma V. Stewart, class of 1874, Aug. 9, 1878, d. Aug. I, 1880; m. Mary John- son, Decatur, Dec. 28, 1881. 2 33- Francis W. Conrad, city supt, San Bernardino, Cal. Teacher State Normal Sch., Castrine, Me., 1874-75 ; Carpinteria, Cal., 1875-77 J prin. Montecito, Cal., 1877-85 ; supt, Santa Barbara, 1885-91 ; prin. Rialto, Cal., 1891-95; prin. San Bernardino, 1895-1903; supt. San Bernardino, iox>3-date. Member county board of education, San Bernardino county for 10 yrs.; Geography of San Bernardino County. Married Sarah W. Adams, 1884. . 234. John N. Dewell, Children's Aid Society, White Hall. Prin. Barry, 1874-75; prin. Litchfield, 1875-78; prin. Hillsboro, 1878-81. 235. David S. Elliott, Asst. Co. Supt. of Schools, Belleville. Prin. Caseyville, I yr. ; Centralia, 3 yrs. ; supt. Albion, i yr. ; Belleville, 15 yrs. ; supt. Marissa, i year ; supt. Red Bud, 4 yrs. ; prin. Blue Mound, i year; prin. Westpoint, 2 yrs. Married Emily A. Muilberger, Sept. 14, 1876. 236. William A. Evans, state agent for Welch School Supply Co., Leavenworth, Kan. St. Harvard Summer School, 1886 and 1891 ; Supt. Metamora, 1875-76; asst. prin. Leavenworth h. s., Kan., 1890-1906. Mar- ried Margaret Woodruff, class '74, 1876. f237. Thomas E. Jones. Taught in Troy, Kan., 1874-6; prin. at Mt. Pleasant, Mo., 1876-8; at Hillsdale, Kan., 1878-9, and 1880-1. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 267 238. William P. McMurry, farmer, Garden City, Kan. St. Illinois Wesleyan Law School; teacher in country and private schools, 2 yrs. Married Lida Brown (See No. 223). 239. Elinzer M. Prindle, farmer, Roodhouse. Teacher, Centerville, 2 years ; prin. Whitehall, 4 yrs. ; prin. Larned, Kan., i yr. ; Grainfield, Kan., i yr. ; asst. prin. Larned, Kan., i yr. ; first county clerk of Hodge- man county, Kan., manager of newspaper and bank at Grainfield, Kan., returned to Illinois, 1891. Married Katherine Bowman, 1876. f24O. Carlton H. Rew, M. D., Dublin, Tex. Principal Pontiac, 1874- 7; Fairbury, 1877-9; in 1880 taught at Wilmington. 241. William J. Simpson, 521 S. Normal Parkway, Chicago. Teacher Oak Ridge Academy, 1874-75; Franklin, 1875-76; Dry Grove, 1876-77; Cumberland county, 1877-78; Stewardson, 1879-80; Shelby county, 1880- 81. Married Alice Buchanan, I.S.N.U., Neoga, 1874, d. 1877. Married Victoria A. Penn, Sigel, 1880, d. 1903. 242. Harry A. Smith, business, 390 Center street, Pasadena. Cal. Prin. Lena, 1874-5; Rock Falls, 1876-8; pastor Baptist churches in Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan, 1878-1899. Married Marietta E. Hays, Dec. 26, 1881, d. Jan. i, 1885; m. Mrs. Mary L. Wood, Jan. 9, 1888. 243. Jasper N. Wilkinson, banker, Muskogee, Okla. St. Harvard Summer School, 1887; prin. Buda, 1874-79; Peoria, 1879-80; h. s., De- catur, 1880-84; training department, State Normal, Emppria, Kan., 1884- 01 ; pres. State Normal, Emporia, 1901-06 ; treasurer National Educational Association; School Management, Orthoepy. Married Nellie B. Reynolds. HIGH SCHOOL 1874 22. Florence Adele Cook (Mrs. Alfred Sample), 1401 N. Main St., Bloomington. Married Sept. 9, 1874. 23. I. Eddy Brown. (See No. 232.) CLASS OF 1875 244. Margarita McCullough (Mrs. Frank Sanders), 228 Guthrie St., Ottawa. Asst. h. s., Edinburg, Ind., 1875-76; Evanston, 1876-83. Mar- ried, Oct. i, 1885. f245. Josephine M. McHugh, 312 N. 2ist St., Omaha, Neb. Grammar school grades 18 yrs ; h. s., 2 yrs. 1246. Florence Ohr, Burkmere, S. Dakota. S. O. Home, 5 yrs ; prin. Bluff, Ark., 2 yrs ; Peoria and Eureka h. s., 3 yrs. ; Chicago, 5 yrs. ; S. Dakota, 5 yrs. 247. Henrietta A. Watkins, 102 W. Cherry St., Normal. Taught in country schools 4 yrs. *248. Mary A. Watkins, died Aug. 12, 1903. Taught i yr. 249. David Ayres, coal dealer, 4638 Emerald Ave., office 738 W. 43d St., Chicago. Teacher country schools, 2 yrs. ; prin. Sweetwater, 3 yrs. ; member board of education Town of Lake, 2 yrs. Married Anna L. Mar- tin, class '77, 1881. 250. Robert L. Barton, 5595 Pebanne Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Prin. Rossville, 1878-81; supt. Galena, 1881-84; Peru, 1885-90; Champaign, 1891-93; Chippewa Falls, Wis., 1893-99; Eliot School, St.Louis, Mo., 1899- 02; Emerson Sch., igo2-date; ctssoc. editor Western Teacher and Ameri' can Jour, of Education. Married Mary Fielding, 1885. f25i. Albert D. Beckhart, clergyman, Atlanta, Ga. Taught 4 yrs. t252. Lewis O. Bryan, real estate, Van Buren, Ark. Taught 4 or 5 yrs. 268 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY *253- William T. Crow, died Jan., 1907, Kansas City, Kan. Taught II yrs. 254. James Ellis, rice planter, Welsh, La. Prin. Winnebago, 1875- 79; Leroy, 1879-80; Sharon, Wis., 1880-82; Welsh, La., 1890; land in- spector for timber company, 9 yrs ; manager of Orange Land Co., 5 yrs. Married Susan L. Bowman, Oct. n, 1870. f255. Judd M. Fisk, bookkeeper, San Antonio, Tex. Taught 7 yrs. district school; Armington, 1875-6; Naples, 2 yrs; Ridott, 1880-81. 256. Justin L. Hartwell, nurseryman and fruit grower, Dixon. Supt. N. Dixon, 1875-78; Odell, 1878-80; Barry, 1880-82; Washington, 1884- 89; pres. N. 111. Hort. Soc., pres. Co. Farmers' Institute, member State Hort. Board; numerous articles for agric. and hort. periodicals; State Farmers' Institute lecturer. Married Lucy Walker. 2 57- Josiah P. Hodge, attorney, judge municipal court. Pana. Prin., Golconda, i yr. ; summer normals, etc., I yr. Married May Clanahan, Aug. 12, 1875. *258. U. Clay McHugh, died July 11, 1878. Taught \ l / 2 yrs. 259. William Stowell Mills, prin. grammar sch., 352 Clifton Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. St. Columbia 1880-82; prin. grammar dept. I.S.N.U., 1875-76; West Joliet, 1876-80; law dept. U. S. Customs Service, 1882- 87; Brooklyn, i887-date; Aid to Diction, History of the Western Reserve of Connecticut, Foundations of Genealogy; pres. and founder, "League of the Red, White and Blue." Married Ida A. Branch, Aug. 14, 1878. f26o. James N. Mosher, Athol, Kan. Taught 18 yrs. ; near Odell ; at Watson, Mo. ; at Van Buren, Ark. ; at Watson, and at Edwardsville, Kan. f26i. John L. Shearer, Napa, Cal. Country schools 2 yrs; prin. town schools, 28 yrs ; county supt., 4 yrs. 262. Benjamin F. Stocks, lawyer, Garden City, Kan. Supt. Sullivan, 1878-80; Virden, 1883-85; Cerro Gordo, 1881-83; county attorney at Garden City, 2 yrs ; pres. board of education, Garden City, 6 yrs. Mar- ried M. A. Pargeon, 1875. HIGH SCHOOL 1875 f24. Ann S. Wheaton, San Diego, Cal. Taught II yrs. 25. Nicholas T. Edwards, minister, Whittier, Cal. St. Knox College, 1875-78; Chicago Theological Seminary, 1880-82; Yale Divinity Sch., 1883; prin. Dover Academy, pastor Congregational Churches, Wyanet, Amboy, Kewanee, Bloomington, Los Angeles, Cal., Escondido, Cal., Whittier, Cal. Married Blanche E. Fisher, Sept. 19, 1883. 26. Frank W. Gove, with Peoria Star, Peoria. Grad. Dartmouth Col- lege, degree A. M., 1878; prof. math. Univ. of Colorado, 1878-79; U. S. surveyor and mining engineer, Colorado, 1879-84; real estate and mining, Denver, Colo., 1886-93 ', banking southern Cal., 1893-94 ; rea l estate, Den- ver, Col., 1895-1900. *27. Emrick B. Hewett, died March, 1879. CLASS OF 1876 263. Mary L. Bass (Mrs. Rev. Robert Wallace), Utica, 111. Teacher Oakland School, Chicago, 1876-85. Married, June 25, 1885. *264. Louisa C. Larrick, died, 1885. Taught 6 yrs. ^265. Mrs. Amanda M. Pusey, Seattle, Wash. Taught 19 years, Champaign, Ottawa, Kan., and at Neosho, Mo. IIvUNOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 2t9 266. George H. Beatty, farmer, Taylofville, R. F. D. No. 3. Teacher, Clinton, I yr. ; Midland City, I yr. ; Clinton, 2 yrs. ; prin. Heyworth, 1879-82; Maroa, 1882-86; Greenfield, la., 1886-88; business, 3 yrs.; traveling salesman, 6 yrs ; farmer, 9 yrs. Married Rosalie A. Morris, 1879. 1267. Daniel S. Buterbaugh, Black Diamond, Cal. Money Creek, i yr. ; Camargo, I yr. ; Pesotum, I yr. ; Clinton, i yr. ; Danvers, 2 yrs. ; Black Diamond, Cal., 25 yrs. 268. William Harvey Chamberlin, prin., 6036 Ingleside Ave., Chi- cago. St. extension courses, etc., University of Chicago, 1895-04; inst. in science teachers' institutes, 1876-96; prin. Ridge Farm, 1876-81; Ross- ville, 1881-84; Leroy, 1884-87; Supt. Pontiac, 1887-90; inst. in science, South Division h. s., Chicago, 1890-04; inst. in physiography, Wendell Phillips h. s., 1904-06; prin. Cyrus H. McCormick sch., I9o6-date. Mar- ried Lizzie Hodges, 1874, d. 1876; m. Viola Thompson, 1882. 1269. Asbury M. Crawford, Billings, Mont. Mechanicsville, 2 yrs. ; nurseryman. *27O. George W. Dinsmore, died 1882. Shelbyville, Tenn., i yr. ; in Illinois, i yr. 271. Lewis C. Dougherty, prin., 1138 Sec. Ave., Rock Island. Supt. Lacon, 1876-77 ; teacher, Rising, Neb., I yr. ; supt. Minonk, 7 years. ; prin. Preparatory Wesleyan Univ., 3 yrs. ; prin. Hawthorne School, Rock Island, 18 yrs. ; served in 59th 111. Inf., 1861-75. Married Olive E. Trench, 1879- 272. John Calvin Hanna, prin., Oak Park. St. Wooster, 1878-81 ; teacher Central h. s., Columbus, O., 1881-95 ; prin. E. h. s., Columbus, O., 1895-98; prin. Oak Park h. s., :8o8-date; gen. sec. of Beta Theta Pi fraternity, 1884-99; pres. of Beta Theta Pi fraternity 1900-03. Married Kittie A. Parsons, 1884. *273. Benjamin S. Hedges, died, 1876. *274. Charles L. Howard, died March 21, 1902. Farmington, i yr. ; Centralia, I yr. ; Shelbyville, 2 yrs. ; supt. Ogden, Utah, 2 yrs. ; Helena, Mont, 3 yrs. ; prin. Madison sch., St. Louis, Mo., 17 yrs. 2 7S- John Thompson Johnston, real estate and insurance, Santa Bar- bara, Cal. Teacher in country schools, I yr. ; prin. Millersburg, 2 yrs. ; New Boston, i yr. ; Peoria, 6 yrs. ; sch. trustee, 6 yrs. Married Florence J. Case, of Normal. 276. Claudius Bligh Kinyon, physician and surgeon and teacher in Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. St. Univ. of Mich., 1876-77; Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1877-78; prof, in U. of Mich., 1897 ; pub. in book form over 200 articles for med. journals and 100 addresses before medical and other scientific bodies. Married Maria Waldron, April 25. 277. Joseph F. Lyon, Supt. schools, Williamsburg, Kan. Greenup, 111. ; Altomont, 111. ; Odell ; Buda ; prin. Whitewater, Walton, Fulton, Un- iontown, Kan. ; prin. Anthony, Williamsburg, Kan. Married Elizabeth S. Numer, April 6, 1875. 278. Truman B. Mosher, prin., 619 S. Harvey St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Prin. Emington, 1876-78; Grouse, 1878-80; supt. Cherryvale, Kan., 1880-83; prin. Rosedale, Kan., 1883-84; supt. Cherokee, Kan., 1884-91; county supt. Crawford Co., Kan., 1891-95; supt. Galena, Kan., 1895-09; prin. Walnut, 1899-03; supt. Baxter Springs, Kan., 1903-04; supt. Scam- mon, Kan., 1904-06 ; prin. Garfield School, Oklahoma City, I9o6-date ; city clerk, Cherokee, 6 yrs. Married Ida M. Pearson, 1883. f279. DeWitt C. Tyler, physician, Clifton, Kan. Dunlap, i yr. ; New Windsor, i yr. ; Millersburg, 2 yrs. f28o. Leroy B. Wood, 1818 Elliott Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 270 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY HIGH SCHOOL 1876 28. John Calvin Hanna (See No. 272). f29- Arabella D. Loer, Mexico, Mo. 30. Charles Alexander McMurry, acting prin. of Southwestern State Normal, Californa, Pa. St. Univ. of Mich., 2 yrs. ; Univ. of Halle, Ger- many, 3 yrs. ; Univ. of Jena, Germany, I yr. ; supt. of model sch., Winona Normal Sch., Minn., 3 yrs; supt. of practice dept. I.S.N.U., 7 yrs.; prin. training sch., DeKalb, 3 yrs. ; pub. General Method, Method of Reci- tation, 7 vols. of Special Method, 2 vols. of Type Studies in Geog., 3 vols. of Pioneer History Stories. Married Emily K. LeCrone, 1888. CLASS OF 1877 281. Mary Alma Anderson, 608 Broadway, Quincy. Teacher, Bloom- ington h. s., 1877-83; Springfield h. s., 1883-86; Central h. s., St. Paul, Minn, 1886-96. 282. Agnes E. Ball (Mrs. Lewis H. Thomas), Thomasville, 111. Teacher Virden, 3 yrs. ; Washington Sch., Chicago, 7 yrs. ; school direc- tor, 12 yrs. Married Oct. 3, 1889. 283. Emma Ernestine Corbett (Mrs. Parmele), dressmaker, Normal Taught 6th and 7th grades, Mitchell Sch., Milwaukee, Wis., 1877-1888; prin. h. s., Normal, 1888-89. Married Dr. Gilbert H. Parmele, June 5, 1889, who died Aug. 9, 1897. 1284. Nettie V. Cox (Mrs. Smith). Last address, Marion, Iowa. Taught Hudson, 1878-79; near Hudson, 1879-81. 285. Mary Adeline Goodrich (Mrs. Soule), physician, 3027 E 27th St., Kansas City, Mo. St. Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1888-90; Chicago and Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1892. Married Dr. Isaac Clark Soule, July 2, 1890. 286. Anna Louise Martin (Mrs. Ayers), 4638 Emerald Ave., Chi- cago. Rural sch. near Washburn, 1878-79; pub. sch., Normal, 1879-81. Married David Ayers, Nov. 29, 1881. 287. Selina M. Regan (Mrs. Daniel G. Hunter), Frankfort, 111. St. Baptist Missionary Training Sch., 1883 ; prin. graded sch., 1878-83. Mar- ried Feb. 19, 1884. 288. Laura A. Varner, 1136 De la Vina St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Prjn. Santa Barbara, Cal., 15 yrs ; prin. Marissa and Mascoutah, 111., 13 yrs. f28g. Wilmas E. Varner (Mrs. Joseph E. Metzger), Geyserville, Cal. Grammar grades of Illinois and California, 10 yrs. 290. Emily Wing, 2156 West Adams St., Los Angeles, Cal. Collins- ville, I yr. ; French Acad., Jacksonville, i yr. f29i. Levi D. Berkstresser, last address, 311 35th St., Chicago. *292. W. Irving Berkstresser, deceased. Taught in Bryant's Com- mercial College, Chicago ; became a preacher. f293. Richard G. Bevan, Atlanta. District sch., 4^2 yrs. f294. Edwin R. Faulkner, snpt. schools, Texarkana, 20 yrs. 295. Hiram R. Fowler, attorney at law, Elizabethtown. St. Univ. of Mich., LL.B., 1885 ; prin. Cave-in-Rock, 1878-83 ; Elizabethtown, 1886- 88; state's attorney of Hardin county, 1888-92; member lower house of general assembly, 1892-94; member of state senate of Illinois from 1900- 04. Married Mary E. Griffith. 296. Frank B. Harcourt, clerk probate court, Springfield. Taught 3 yrs. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 271 George L. Hoffman, lawyer, Mt. Carroll, paid tuition. 298. Albert Snare, prin., Beaver Crossing, Neb. St. Univ. of Ne- braska summer school, 1897-98; teacher, Toulon, i yr. ; prin., Wyoming, 2 yrs. ; prin., Castleton, 2 yrs ; Co. supt., Buffalo Co., Neb., 2 yrs ; prin. Kearney, Neb., 4 yrs. ; Cozad, Neb., i yr. ; Milford, Neb., 5 yrs. ; Beaver Crossing, Neb., 5 yrs. Married Lillie F. Walters, 1879. f299. Levi J. Spencer, address unknown. Taught, 16 yrs. J3OO. Edward R. Swett, proprietor Lake Harbor Hotel, 54th and Broadway, New York City. Attorney at law, 15 yrs. HIGH SCHOOL 1877 31. Sarah Locke Coolidge (Mrs. A. B. Hoblitt), 315 E. Chestnut St., Bloomington. St. Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, 1889-90; substitute for period of years in Bloomington ; cor. sec. Women's Baptist Foreign Miss. Soc., headquarters Chicago, 1890-92 ; contributions to religious periodi- cals. Married 1892. *32. Anna Jeanette Kingsley, died, Denver, Col., Nov. 1879. Taught 2 yrs. f33. Sabina Frances Mills (Mrs. Dickey), Tulare, Cal. Taught 8 yrs. 34. Laura Sudduth, Normal. f3S. Fremont Charles Blandin, druggist, Rutland. 36. George Alexander Franklin, supt. schools, Austin, Minn. Prin. Butler, 1877-79; h. s., Rockford, 1882; prin. Mitchell, la., 1887-88; supt. Delavan, 1888-94; supt. Faribault, Minn., 1894-1906; present position, 1906 ; summer sessions State Normal, Mankato, Minn., 2 yrs. ; co. supt. Winnebago county, Iowa, 1885-87. Married Emma Jenkins, Butler, Feb. 28, 1884; deceased, June 26, 1896. Married Anni Willson, Rochester, Minn., Aug. 15, 1900. f37. Theodore Thomas Hewett, banker, Freeport. CLASS OF 1878 t30i. Mary M. Baird (Mrs. Burger), 811 E. 5th St., Pueblo, Col. Taught 9 yrs. f3O2. P. Evangeline Caudy (Mrs. Mitchell), Arcola. Chestnut, i yr. 33- Jessie Ann Dexter (Mrs. Wilder), Ionia, Mich. Asst. in h. s., Lexington, 1878-79. Married W. A. Wilder, July 31, 1879. 304. Eugenia Faulkner (Mrs. Williams), 704 N. Ninth St., Kansas City, Kan. Frankfort, Kan., 10 yrs. ; Marysville, Kan., 1880-81 ; matron of School for Blind, Kansas City, Kan., 10 yrs. Married Lapier Wil- liams, 1886. *305. Flora M. Fuller (Mrs. Boyd), died at Highland, Cal., Nov. 17, 1901. *3o6. Sarah C Martin, died at Evanston, March 7, 1890. Wash- burn, 2 yrs. *307. Ida L. Philbrick (Mrs. Frank Gaston), died July 2, 1888. *3o8. Frances Preston, died May 3, 1882. Centralia, i yr. ; Men- dota, i yr. *3O9. Florence A. Richardson, died May 5, 1882. Millersburg, i yr. ; Bloomington, 3 yrs. 310. Helen L. Wyckoff, prin. ward sch., 324 S. 26th St., Omaha, Neb. Grade positions in Illinois and Nebraska, 1878-90; Bloomington h. s., 1890-92; training teacher Omaha Training Sch., 1892-96; prin. ward sch., Omaha, Neb., 1896 . 272 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 311. Osci J. Bainum, supt. schools, Paxton. Prin. Calhoun, 1878-9; Parkersburg, 1879-80; Olney, 1880-85; Supt. Olney, 1885-97; Paxton, i897-date. Sec. library board, Olney, 1887-97; pres. Carnegie library board, Paxton. Married Ida E. Cliffe, 1881. 312. John T. Bowles, insurance and real estate, DeKalb. Prin. Grid- ley, I yr. ; prin. Naples, 2 yrs. ; supt. Metropolis, 3 yrs. ; prin. Decatur, 4 yrs. ; supt. city schools DeKalb, 8 yrs. Married Cara A. Webster (See No. 363). *3i3. Oliver P. Burger, died June 10, 1889. ElPaso, i yr. ; Critten- den, i yr. ; Maroa, I yr. ; Secor, i yr. 314. Gilbert A. Burgess, associate editor Piatt Co. Republican, Mon- ticello. Prin. h. s., Monticello, 1878-79 ; supt. Monticello, 1879-81 ; supt. sch. Piatt county, 1881-1886; editor, 1886 . Married Jane Conaway, June 18, 1874. 315. Arthur C. Butler, supt. schools, Abingdon. Virginia, 2 yrs. ; Beardstown, 9 yrs. ; h. s. Taylorville, 3 yrs. ; Kewanee, 10 yrs. ; present position, 1902 . t3i6. Andrew W. Elder, principal Longfellow Sch., Denver, Col., New Boston, i yr ; Centralia, i yr. ; Denver, 24 yrs. *3i7. Willis C. Glidden, physician, died at DeKalb, July 15, 1906. t3i8. Charles Guy Laybourn, lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. Prin. Markham Acad., Milwaukee, Wis., 2 yrs. 319. Edwin H. Rishel, Oklahoma City, Okla., R. F. D. N< . 9. Prin. Adeline, 1878-79; asst. in Alabama Normal and Theological Sch., Selma, Ala., 1879-84; supt. Tullehassee Manual Training Sch., Muskogee, I. T., 1887-91 ; prin. Atoka Baptist Acad., Ind. Ter., 1891-1903 ; gen. mgr. Mur- row Indian Orphans' Home, Atoka, I. T., 1903-1907. Married Ella S. Middlekauff, Aug. 31, 1880. f32O. William N. Spencer, Yorba, Cal. Taught n yrs. 321. George I. Talbott, real estate and ins., 223 N. Fourth St., De- Kalb. Teacher, DeKalb Co., 1878-79 ; Shabbona, 1879-81 ; county supt., DeKalb county, 1881-90; member board of education, notary public. Mar- ried Lucy E. Maxwell, 1879. HIGH SCHOOL 1878 38. Rachel M. Fell (Mrs. A. F. Treakle), 500 Illinois Ave., Peoria, 111. Teacher public sch., Normal, 2 yrs. ; microscopist for S. A. Forbes, 3 yrs. 39. Frances Preston. (See No. 308). *4O. Anna I. Sudduth (Mrs. Dr. Hopper). Died at Galesburg, Sep- tember, 1893. 41. Willis C. Glidden. (See No. 317.) 42. Dorus Reuben Hatch, Hyde Park Sch., Denver. St. Univ. of Penn , 1881-82; Univ. of Chicago, 1893; supt. Industrial Sch., Golden, Col., 1889-93; Georgetown, Col., 1894-1900; prin. Hyde Park Sch., Den- ver, loxn-date; pub. Civil Government of Col. Married Agnes Ryan, 1891. 43. Charles Guy Laybourn (See No. 318). 44. Theodore Wing Peers, physician and surgeon, 1324 Topeka Ave., Topeka, Kan. St. Univ. of Mich., 1879-83 ; Ph.B., Univ. of Michigan, 1883- 85; M. D., Philadelphia Polyclinic, 1885-86; N. Y. Polyclinic, 1886; Chi- cago Polyclinic, 1904; teacher, Collinsville, 1878-9; prof, of diseases of children, Kansas Medical College, 1893-07. Married Stella A. Wagner, Nov. 24, 1886. ILLINOIS STATE; NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 273 CLASS OF 1879 322. Sarah Annette Bowman, prin. public sch., Gem, Idaho. Asst. prin. Rock Island, 4 yrs. ; teacher of drawing, I.S.N.U., 5 yrs. ; super- visor of drawing, Tacoma, Wash., 2 yrs. ; teacher of drawing, Univ. of Idaho, 8 yrs. t323. Amanda M. Crawford, The Marlborough, corner Allen and Marriner Sts., Buffalo, N. Y. .Principal h. s. Macomb, 2 yrs. ; Buffalo Cen- tral h. s., since 1891. 324. Mary S. Cummings (Mrs. Mary S.Kirk), Decatur. Taught 2 yrs. *325. Daisy A. Hubbard (Mrs. Carlock) (Mrs. Pollit), died Novem- ber 27, 1899. Roodhouse, i yr. ; Morris, i yr. ; Berea Coll., 8 yrs. 326. Harriet Ellen Morse, vice-prin. Rockford h. s., 319 S. 2nd St., Rockford. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer 1903-04; Pekin, 1879-80; prin. h. s. Oregon, 1880-87; h. s., Rockford, 1887. ; charter member of Nor- mal Univ. Y.W.C.A. *327. Nettie B. Porter (Mrs. Horace E. Powers); died July 21, 1897. Taught 6 l / 2 yrs. 328. Elizabeth Ross (Mrs. W. A. Cook), 143 Racine Ave., Chicago. Taught Pekin, 1879-82; h. s. Shelbyville, 1882-85. Married Dec. 24, 1885. 329. Julia Scott (Mrs. Hunting), teaching, East Northfield, Mass. Taught in Berea College, Kentucky, 16 yrs. ; now teaching in Northfield Seminary. 330. Emily A. Sherman (Mrs. Boyer), 636 W. 6ist St., Chicago. Astoria, 1879-80; Normal, 1880-81. Married Emanuel R. Boyer (See No. 332), Normal, June 29, 1882. *33i. Jennie L. Wood (Mrs. Holmes), died December 5, 1891. Taught 9 yrs. *332. Emanuel R. Boyer, died Feb. 24, 1900. St. Harvard Univ., 1888-90, M. S. degree. Supt. of schools, Fulton county, 4 yrs. ; biology in h. s., Englewood ; prin. South Div. h. s., and director of the Chicago Institute, 1890-1900; pub. Boyer's Elementary Biology and a series of science tablets. Married Emily Sherman (See No. 330), June 29, 1882. *333- Charles R. Cross, died at Leland, 1902. Taught 19 yrs. 334. Silas Y. Gillan, lecturer and editor, 141 Wisconsin St., Mil- waukee, Wis. 111. Wesleyan Univ., A.M., 1886; supt. Galena, 2 yrs.; prin. h. s., Danville, 5 yrs. ; prof, of civics and sch. economy, State Normal School, Milwaukee, 7 yrs. ; instructor German American Normal School, Milwaukee, 3 yrs. ; institute instr. and lecturer many years ; pub. Lessons in Mathematical Geography, Arithmetic in the Common Schools, and other school books and aids. Married Elizabeth K. Harned, Aug. 24, 1880, who died Jan. 30, 1905. 335. Horace E. Powers, representing Midland Lyceum Bureau, Shab- bona. St. Univ. of Mich., 1879-81 ; prin. Scranton, la., 1900-02. Married Nettie B. Porter, July 22, 1881, who died July 21, 1897. 336. William C. Ramsey, 303 W. Flora St., Stockton, Cal. Stockton, Cal., 4 yrs. ; Gait, Cal., i yr. ; Elliott, Cal., I yr. ; prin. Stockton Business College, 1886-1906; pub. a speller, a commercial grammar, and a commer- cial law. Married Catherine M. Grupe, Aug. 22, 1886. HIGH SCHOOL 1879 45. Fannie C. Fell, Normal. 46. Hattie Follett (Mrs. Rev. Frank R. McNamar), Antioch. Married Nov. 10, 1885. 47. Mary Sudduth (Mrs. N. K. McCormick), Normal. St. Vassar College, 1879-83. Married Nov. 6, 1889. 274 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 48. Silas Y. Gillan (See No. 334). 49. Frank B. Harcourt (See No. 296). 50. Nelson K. McCormick, physician, Normal. St. 111. Wesleyan, 1879-81 ; Chicago Medical College, 1883-86. Married Mary Sudduth, Nov. 6, 1889. 51. Frank M. McMurry, Teachers' College, Columbia Univ., New York City. St. Univ. of Mich., 1881-82; Univ. of Halle and Jena, 1886- 89 ; degree of Ph. D. from Jena ; student in Geneva and Paris, 1892-93 ; prin. schools in Illinois, 1883-86; prin. elem. s., Chicago, 1889-90; prof. of pedagogy and training teacher, I.S.N.U., 1891-92; prof, of pedagogy Univ. of 111., 1893-94 J P r in- Franklin School, Buffalo, N. Y., 1894-95 \ dean and prof, of pedagogy, Teachers' College, Univ. of Buffalo, 1895-98; prof, elem. education, Teachers' College, and supervisor of Speyer Sch., N. Y. City, 1898 ; joint author of The Method of the Recitation; joint author of the Tarr and McMurry Series of Common School Geographies. Married Elizabeth Lindley, Dec. 20, 1894. t52. Oscar Lincoln McMurry, 6414 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. Public schools of Illinois 5 yrs. ; manual training dept. Chicago schools, 2 yrs. ; supervisor manual training Chicago Normal Sch., 4 yrs. 53. Thomas Williams, real estate agt, Herington, Kan. CLASS OF 1880 *337. Elizabeth Baumgardner, died June 17, 1898. Taught 16 yrs. in Springfield, the last 2 yrs. was prin. of teachers' training sch. 338. Helen Maria Baxter (Mrs. Henry C. Brakefield), teaching, Nathaniel Pope Sch., Chicago. Griggsville, 1880-83 ; elem. sch., Chicago, i9O5-date. Married June, 1883. 339. Lillian M. Brown (Mrs. Eugene P. Fairchild), Rutherford, N. J. Mendota, i yr. ; Berea College, Ky., 1885-1894. Married July 29, 1882. 340. May Hewett (Mrs. Rudolph R. Reeder), Hastings-on-Hudspn, N. Y. Oak Park, 1881-82 ; talks on work of N. Y. Orphanage. Married June 20, 1883. f34i. Helen F. Moore (Mrs. Sanders), last address Albuquerque, N. M. Taught 4 yrs. 342. Isabel Overman (Mrs. B. W. Diehl), 1645 W. ist St., Los Angeles, Cal. Gardner, 1 880-8 1 ; near Farmer City, 1881-82; Chicago elem. s. spring, 1882; Gardner, 1882-86; Los Angeles, Cal., 1887-91. Mar- ried March 17, 1891. 343. Mary E. Parker (Mrs. H. H. Bixby), McPherson, Kan. Gard- ner, i yr. ; McPherson, Kan., i yr. ; Eskridge, Kan., i yr. Married Henry H. Bixby, Aug. 29, 1883. 344. Grace N. Weeks, housekeeper, Eatonville, Fla. Asst. h. s., Odell, 1880-81; ungraded schools Fla., 1882-84. 345. James W. Adams, fruit grower, Normal. St. Univ. of Mich., B.L. degree, 1889; Halle and Berlin, 1889-90; Cornell Univ., 1897-98; taught Illinois schools, 1890-92; prof, of English, Univ. of Neb., 1892-97. Married Carrie B. Goode (See No. 520), July u, 1889. t346. Andrew L. Anderson, farmer, Virginia. Chandlerville, 9 yrs. 347. Alpheus A. Dillon, prin. West Side Sch., Normal. Rural s. 2 yrs.; prin. Hudson, Weston, Deer Creek, i yr. each; prin. West Side sch., Normal, 5 yrs. 348. James M. Harper, banker, Conway Springs, Kan. Prin. Gard- ner, 1880-82; Milford, 1882-83; supt. Pontiac, 1883-84; pres. school board Conway Springs, i893-date. Married Minerva Strain, Sept. 30, 1884. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 275 349. Woodman R. Harriet, physician, Capron. St. and grad. at Rush Medical Coll., 1886; prin. Port Byron, 2 yrs.; mayor of Capron, I term; vice-pres. Capron State Bank. Married Annie R. Speer, Hennepin, Dec. 8, 1886. 350. Eugene Charleton Webster, 4738 Evans St., Chicago. Asst. twp. h. s., Ottawa, 2 yrs. ; supt. Dixon, 9 yrs. ; supt. Rochelle, 2 yrs. ; prin. Kershaw sch., Chicago, i892-date. 351. Edgar Wyatt, prin. sch., Buhl, Idaho. Grad. Kansas State Nor- mal sch., Emporia, 1896; prin. Chapin, I 880-81 ; prin. Strong, Kan., 1895- 98; prin. Elmdale, Kan., 1899-1900; prin. Scott Co., Kan., h. s., 1902-04; prin. Steamboat Springs, Col., 1904-1907; present position, 1907 . Mar- ried, Alice McEwers, 1881. HIGH SCHOOL l88o 54. Helen M. Baxter (Mrs. H. C Brakefield) (See No. 338). 55. May Hewett (Mrs. R. R. Reeder). (See No 340.) 56. Alice C. McCormick (Mrs. O. R. Trowbridge). (See No. 407.) 57. Frances D. Ohr, teacher, St. Paul, Minn. Gardner, 2 yrs. ; Cen- tralia, i yr. ; Peoria, 2 yrs. ; St. Paul, 18 yrs. ; now prin. Cushman K. Davis School. 58. Frank Nathaniel Lufkin, with United Fruit Co., San Jose, Costa Rica, Cent. Am. Grad. Ann Arbor Univ., lit. dept. 1884; law dept., 1886. 59. Herbert McNulta, chief engineer, Cincinnati Traction Co., Trac- tion Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. St. U. S. Naval Acad., 1880-84. Married Elizabeth Presly Marchand. 60. George Kimball Smith, lumberman, Victoria Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Elem. s., Marba, 1880; dir. Am. Forestry Assn. Married Lora E. Allen, CLASS OF 1881 352. Sarah A. Anderson, Central Insane Hospital, Jacksonville. Prin. 3 yrs. ; gram, grade, 1 54 yrs. ; h. s. asst., I yr. ; 5th grade, I yr. ; parochial sch., i l / 2 yrs.; rural sch., 7^ yrs. 353. Mary Ross Gaston (Mrs. John H. Tear), 846 Walnut St., Chi- cago. St. Chicago Kindergarten College, 1895-96; elem. s., 1881-83; prin. Astoria 1883-84; elem. s. Chicago, i897-date. Married Aug., 1884, to John H. Tear (See No. 372). 354. Addie Gillan (Mrs. Estee), 139 State St. Montpelier, Vt. Ha- vana h. s., 1881-82; h. s. East Champaign, 1882-83. Married James B. Estee (See No. 367), Aug. 16, 1883. 355. Mary J. Gillan (Mrs. C. S. Eastman), Pontiac, Mich. St. I.S. N.U., 1888-89; h. s., Danville, 1882-88; prin. h. s., Waukesha, Wis., 1889- 90; Plainfield, Wis., 1890-91; elem. s. Milwaukee, Wis., 1891-92; prin. h. s., Menominee, Mich., 1892-95 ; pub. Eastman System of SS. Records. Married Oct., 1895. 356. Belle W. Hobbs (Mrs. E. A. Gastman), 464 W. North St., De- catur. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1901; Metropolis City, 1881-84; Decatur, 1884-91; elem. s. DeKalb, 1891-1900; N.I.S.N.S., 1900-1905. Married December 25, 1905. 357. Anna P. Knight, Normal. Rural schools, McLean Co., 3 yrs.; graded sch., i yr. f358. Helen Middlekauff, Laramie, Wyo. Prin. h. s., Marshalltown, la., 4 yrs. ; prin. h. s., Cheyenne, Wyo., 5 yrs. ; h. s., St. Louis, Mo., I yr. ; prof, of English and prin. of practice dept. Wyoming University. 276 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 359 Celia S. Mills, farming, Gage, Okla. Mendota, 1881-82; Lex- ington, 1887-88; rural schools, 10 yrs. ; nurse in Chicago, 1888-92. 360. Carrie G. Rich, teaching, 706 Clement PL, Alton. Shawneetown, 1881-83; prin. h. s., Metropolis, 1883-84; same Macomb, 1885-86; ist asst. in h. s., Alton, 1886 . t36i. Mary A. Springer, address unknown. Taught i 1 /! yrs. 362. Lizzie Phebe Swan, librarian and proprietor of a private refer- ence library, Beloit, Wis. St. Library dept. of Armour Institute, 1893-94; h. s., Chenoa, 3 yrs.; asst. I.S.N.U., 1886-92; librarian Univ. of Wis., 1894-1902; librarian Gleaners' Library, Beloit, Wis., 1902 . 363. Cara A. Webster, 121 Park Ave., DeKalb. Metropolis, 3 yrs.; Decatur primary, ^Y 2 yrs. ; prin. ward sch., Decatur, Yz yr. ; h. s. and grades in DeKalb, also substitute teacher and attendance officer, DeKalb, 19 yrs. Married John T. Bowles (See No. 312). 1364. William H. Bean, Blue Mound, 111., farmer. Taught I yr. ; president Blue Mound Coal Co.; sec. Mut. Ins. Co.; pres. Farmers' Inst. 365. Isaac L. Betzer, real estate and loan business, Topeka, Kan. Prin. E. Champaign sch., 1881-83; prin. E. Matton, sch., 1883-86. Mar- ried Mary E. Robinson, March 15, 1882. 366. Elmer Ellsworth Brown, Comr. of Education, Washington, D. C. St. Univ. of Mich., 1887-89, Univ. of Halle, 1889-90; prin. Belvidere, 1881- 84; prin. h. s. Jackson, Mich., 1890-91; Univ. of Mich, 1891-92; Univ. of Cal., 1892-1906 ; pres. National Council of Educ., 1905-07 ; pub. The Making of Our Middle Schools, 1903. Married Fanny F. Eddy, June 29, 1889. 367. James B. Estee, life insurance, 139 State St., Montpelier, Vt. Supt. Woodstock, 1881-82; U. S. Court Comr.; Pres. Citizens' Bank; 2nd V.-Pres. National Life Ins. Co. Married Addie Gillan (See No. 354), Colfax, Aug., 1883. 368. George Frank Miner, gen. mngr. Century Coal Co., Tower Hill. Prin. Hennepin, I yr. ; Heyworth, i yr. ; Nokomis, 2 yrs. ; supt. Ed- wardsville, 8 yrs. ; sec. State Board of Charities, 4 yrs. 1369. Wendell F. Puckett, real estate, Wichita, Kan. t37p. Edward Shannon, attorney at law, 234^ N. 6th St., Quincy, 111. Prin. Payson sch., 8 yrs. *37i. Elmer E. Shinkle. Died August, 1881. *372. John H. Tear, died Feb. 15, 1897. Taught 16 yrs. 373. Nathan Thomas Veatch, supt. city schools, Atchison, Kan. St. I.S.N.U., 1883, (spring), and 1900 (summer); prin. Butler, 1881-83; Little Rock, Ark., 1885-87 ; supt. and prin. Rushville, 1887-1901 ; supt. Atchison, Kan., igoi-date; county examiner, Pulaski Co., Ark., 2^ yrs.; pub. Cabinet of Curiosities. Married Lizzie Montgomery, Rushville, June 20, 1883. t374. Charles B. Walter, New York City. Taught 10 yrs. HIGH SCHOOL l88l 61. Elmer E. Brown (See No. 366). 62. John H. Tear (See No. 372). CLASS OF 1882 375. Mattie V. Bean (Mrs. Mattie B. Garwood), farming, Blue Mound. Taught 3 yrs. *376. Matilda Glanville, died 1883. Taught I yr. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 277 377. Camilla Jenkins, Butler. Butler, 2 yrs. ; prin. h. s. Hillsboro, 6 yrs. t37& Lida A. Kelly (Mrs. Charles G. Bragg), 619 So. loth St., St. Joseph, Mo. Normal h. s., i yr. ; h. s., Astoria, I yr. ; h. s., Dwight, 4 yrs.; Omaha, Neb., City Schools, I yr. t379- Cora A. Lurton (Mrs. Warwick), Nurnburg, Germany. Stu- benstrasse 71. Taught 3 yrs. 380. Mattie B. Maxwell (Mrs. A. W. McPherson), 423 Park St., Rockford. Grade teacher, Plainfield, 1882-84; prin. h. s., Lockport, 1884- 86 ; prin. h. s.. Perry, la. ; 1887-88 ; asst. prin. county h. s., Panora, la., 1888-95. Married June 28, 1888. 381. Lillian W. Pillsbury (Mrs. Dr. William S. Gates), 2725 N. Lin- coln St., Chicago. Belvidere, 1882-84; Normal pub. sch., 1884-86. Mar- ried Dr. W. S. Gates, 1886. t382. Mattie L. Powell, prin. Walnut Hill Sch., 9 The Winona, Omaha, Neb. Rochelle, 3 yrs. ; Omaha since 1885. 383. Florence Hubbard Reid (Mrs. Edwin A. Leavenworth), 1935 N. 3rd St., Harrisburg, Pa. Elem. sch. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1882-83; elem. sch., Omaha, Neb., 1883-87; normal instruction, Allentown, Pa., 1897. Married July 24, 1887. 384. Louisa M. Scott (Mrs. Donald K. Campbell), Ottawa. Elem. sch., Magnolia, 1882-84; Tonica, 1884-85; Mendota, 1885-92; Evanston, 1892-99. Married, 1899, to Rev. D. K. Campbell. 1385. Lettie J. Smiley (Mrs. Charles E. Eraser), Plainfield. Gard- ner, I yr. ; Plainfield, 2 yrs. 386. Charles Fordyce, prof, physiology and dean of College of Lib- eral Arts, University Place, Neb. ; supt. McLean, 2 yrs. ; Lena, i yr. ; Brownsville, Neb., 2 yrs. ; Auburn, Neb., 6 yrs. ; prof, biology, Nebraska Wesleyan Univ., 1894 . 387. Jesse F. Hannah, interior decorator, 407 Allen St., Belvidere. Supt., Adeline, i yr. ; prin. h. s., Peru, 2 yrs. Married Jennie L. Hun- toon, June 10, 1886. 1388. James V. McHugh, grain dealer, 31 Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis, Minn. Centralia h. s., i yr. ; I.S.N.U., I yr. ; supt. Nor- mal pub. sch., i yr. ; Minneapolis h. s., 2 yrs. 389. Murray McCheyne Morrison, bookseller and stationer, Vinton, la. Prin. Adeline, 1882-83; Franklin Grove, 1884-87; Whipple Acad., Jacksonville, 1887-88; head of private sch., 1888-89. Married Kate Leach, 1889. f39O. George W. Reeder, mining, Cripple Creek, Col. Taught, n yrs. 391. Milton R. Regan, physician, Eureka Springs, Ark. St. Rush Med. College, 1887-88; Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1888-89; P"n., Auburn, 1882-83; Plainfield, 1883-84; Wayne, Neb., 1884-86. Married Elizabeth J. lies, July 2, 1884. *392. Edwin E. Rosenberry, died, Aug. 30, 1890. Taught 8 yrs. Mar- ried Flora A. Lewis (See No. 406), Aug. 25, 1885. t393- Charles N. Smith, physician, 509 Buchanan St., Belleville. t394. William J. Smith, address unknown. Taught i yr. 395. Evans Whitmere Thomas, banker and broker, Bourse Bldg., Philadelphia, res. 305 Columbia St., Goldfield. Prin. Normal Sch. and prof, in State Univ., Boulder, Col. Married Helen E. Lucas. 396. Frank L. Williams, lawyer, Clay Center, Kan. St. Law School, Columbia College, New York City, 1884-85 ; prin. Loda, 1882-83 ; prin., Hinsdale sch., Pueblo, Col., 1883-84 ; private sec. to Gov. Edward W. Hoch, of Kansas. Married Clara Davis, Delaware, Ohio. 278 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY HIGH SCHOOL 1882 63. Bronson Bayliss Beecher, cotton buyer, Memphis, Tenn. Married Fanny Ewing, Bloomington, Dec., 1893. CLASS OF 1883 397. Lou M. Allen, prin. Glidden Sch., DeKalb. Elem. sch., DeKalh, 5 yrs. ; Colorado Springs, Col., 7 yrs. ; critic teacher, N.I.S.N.S., I yr. ; prin., DeKalb, 4 yrs. ; county supt. Colorado, 2 yrs. 398. Mrs. Lincoln Isabel Dickson Burr (Mrs. Frank Burr), Geyser ville, Cal. Hawaiian Islands, 1883-86; prin. grammar schools in Califor- nia, 1887-1897. Married, April i, 1883. 399. Mae Frances Downey (Mrs. Herbert M. Cox), Hudson. Prin. Tiskilwa, 1883-85. Married Oct., 1885. 400. Sarah Elizabeth Glanville (Mrs. Houston), Polo. Sparta h. s, 1883-84; primary, Grand Island, Neb., 1885-87. Married Dr. S. D. Hous- ton, Feb. 28, 1894. 401. Nannie R. Gray, teacher German, State Normal Sch., Stevens Point, Wis. St. in Germany, 1895-96 and in 1906; Gardner, 1883-84; Mattoon, 1884-86; h. s., Barry, 1886-87; h. s., Decatur, 1887-91; Monte Vista, Col., 1891-94; present position, 1896 . 402. Mary Hubbard (Mrs. William R. Heath), 60 Soldiers' Place, Buffalo, N. Y. H. s., Gardner, 2 yrs. ; h. s., Morris, 2 yrs. ; prin. Hudson, i yr. ; Chicago night sch., i yr. Married Sept., 1888 (See No. 451). 403. Caroline A. Humphrey (Mrs. David W. Reid), Jacksonville. Married, Dec. 25, 1883, to David W. Reid (See No. 429). 404. Lucy Johnson, instructor in history, Kalamazoo College, Kala- mazoo, Mich. Ph.B., Univ. of Mich., 1893; A.M., Radcliff, 1901; elem. sch., Rossville, 1883-84; h. s., LeRoy, 1884-87; elem. sch., Austin, 1888-90; Kalamazoo College i893-date. 405. Mary E. Kuhn (Mrs. A. B. Kipp), Minonk. Shawneetown, 1883-86; h. s., Polo, 1886-87; h- s., Minonk, 1887-93. Married, June, 1893. 406. Flora A. Lewis (Mrs. Rosenberry), teaching, Normal. Franklin Grove, 1883-85 ; h. s., Mt. Sterling, Feb. to May, 1888 ; second primary, Normal, 1894-96; rural sch., I9o6-date. Married Edwin E. Rosenberry (See No. 392), Aug. 25, 1885. 407. Alice C. McCormick (Mrs. Oliver Trowbridge), Normal. Naples, 1880-81; h. s., asst. I.S.N.U., 1883, Dec., 1885. Married O. R. Trowbridge (See No. 482), Dec. 29, 1885. t4o8. Martha G. Martin (Mrs. B. O. Skewis), Marcus, la. Asst. h. s., Shullsburg, i yr. ; ninth grade, Moline, 2 yrs. 409. Hattie Paddock (Mrs. Wm. A. Smith), Westlake, Idaho. Grad. from Cook Co. Normal, 1888; Blue Island, 3 yrs.; elem. s., Chicago, 14 yrs. Married, Nov. 13, 1902. 410. Ada L. Parsons, Woodstock. H. s., Woodstock, 2 yrs. ; h. s., Marengo, 2 yrs. ; h. s., Polo, 2 yrs. ; h. s., Chester, i yr. ; h. s, Dixon, i yr. 411. May M. Parsons (Mrs. J. H. Glotfelter), 1025 State St., Em- poria, Kan. Hanover, 2 yrs. ; Bloomington, 6 mos. ; Little Rock, Ark., 4 yrs. (See No. 475). 412. Ida M. Porter, concert soprano, Hampton, la. 413. Augusta Eleanor Root, writer and illustrator, 121 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. St. Harvard summer school, 1898; Eric Pape School of Art, Boston, 1899-1902; h. s., Shawneetown, 1883-85; Peoria, 1885-86; h. s., Bedford, la., 1886-87; Topeka, Kan., 1887-88; Los Angeles, Cal., 1888-93 J Galesburg, 1893-94 5 pub. numerous articles and stories in New ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 279 York Independent, Interior, St. Nicholas, and various other magazines and papers. 1414. Harriet Scott, Seward. Taught 4 yrs. 415. Carrie E. Smith (Mrs. Charles H. Turner), Mt. Sterling. Pueblo, Col, 1883-85; asst. h. s., Mt. Sterling, 1885-87. Married May 8, 1888, to Charles H. Turner, who died Dec. 10, 1905. t4i6. S. Elouise Smith (Mrs. Crawford), 197 Norwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Gram, grade, Gibson City, I yr. Married William A. Crawford (See H. S. No. 69). *4i7. Mary C. Spottswood, died July 30, 1902. Metropolis, i yr. ; prin. Lincoln sch., Rockford, 18 yrs. 418. Walter T. Blake, city editor, 1617 State St., San Diego, Cal. 419. Frank Burr, farmer, Geyserville, Cal. Prin. gov't sch., Sand- wich Islands, 1883-1886; prin. grammar sch. in Cal., I yr. Married, L. Isabel Dickson (See No. 398), April I, 1883. 420. Andrew Engel, farmer, So. Holland, Cook Co., R. F. D. No. I. S. Englewood, 1883-89; elem. sch., Chicago, 1889-1902. Married Hulda Trautwein, 1886. 421. John L. Hall, civil engineer, 78 Fifth Ave., New York City, N. Y. Taught Bryant and Stratton Business Coll., Vz yr. ; Shipman, i l / 2 yrs.; Y.M.C.A. classes, Chicago, 4 yrs.; pub. Tables of Squares and Struc- tural Slide Rule Manual, 1900 and 1906. Married Lillian Liggitt, 1894. 422. George Howell, institute instructor, 175 So. Bromley Ave., Scran- ton, Pa. Loda, 2 yrs. ; Lena, i yr. ; Minonk, 2 yrs. ; Scranton h. s., 8 yrs. ; supt. Scranton, Pa., 8 yrs. 423. J. Montgomery Humer, prin. Dubois Sch., 319 S. Lincoln Ave., Springfield. St. Illinois College, 1895 ; prin. Danville, 2 yrs. ; prin. Lov- ington, i yr. ; rural sch., i yr. ; prin. Waverly, 6 yrs. ; prin. Pawnee, 6 yrs. ; Springfield, 2 yrs. Married Emma J. Bowdle, 1878. 1424. John S. Ketterman, contractor and builder, Ida Grove, la. Taught 3 yrs. 425. William M. Lewis, gen. mngr. of The Commonwealth Mining and Milling Co., Cripple Creek, Col. Married Marie Z. Fleming, Dec. 20, 1893. 426. Cornelius Luther Perry, agt. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 701 N. Fell Ave., Normal. Correspondence course in Sheldon Sch. of Scien- tific Salesmanship; tutor Bloomington, 1883-86; supt. Soldiers' Orphans' Home School, Normal, 1886-87; prin. elem. sch., Rock Island, 1887-89; prin. West Side Sch., Normal, 1892-93. Married Ida B. Lytle, July i, 1879. 427. Eugene W. Pinkley, horticulture Kingsburg, Cal. Elem. sch., Fresno Co., Cal., 13 yrs.; county judge, Fresno Co., iSoxj-date. Married Ida E. Scovell, 1883. 428. Rudolph R. Reeder, Supt. N. Y. Orphanage, Hastings-on-Hud- son, N. Y. St. Columbia Univ., 1898-1900; Ph.D. and diploma from Teachers' College, 1900; prin. grammar sch., I.S.N.U., 1883-1890; read- ing and pedagogy I.S.N.U., 1890, Dec., 1893; instructor Teachers' Coll., N. Y. City, 1899-1900; pres. N. Y. Society of Charity Workers, 1906-07; pub. 12 articles on Education of Orphan Children; lecturer and institute worker. Married May Hewett, June 20, 1883. 429. David W. Reid, physician, Jacksonville. St. Chicago Med. Coll., 1887-88; Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1888-89; prin. E. Champaign, i yr. ; prin. Normal h. s., I yr. ; Rock Island, 2 yrs. Married Caroline A. Humphrey (See No. 403), 1883. 430. Edward Ransom Ristine, teacher, Mount Vernon, la. St. Cor- nell College, la.; Univ. of Chicago; prin. h. s., 1883-88; Gem City Bus. 280 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY Coll., Quincy, 1890-91 ; prin. commercial dept., Cornell College, la., 1891- date; received degrees B.S. and M.S. from Cornell College. Married Mrs. Laura F. Eraser. *43i. Fred W. Smedley, died, 1904. Taught El Paso, 2. yrs. ; Gol- conda, i yr. ; Peru, 5 yrs. ; prin. and head of dept. of Child Study, Chi- cago schools, during latter part of his life. t432. Charles H. Tallmadge, accountant, 83 Warren Ave., Chicago. 433- John N. Wayman, teaching, 549 West 6ist St., Chicago. St. at Univ. of Chicago ; prin. Gardner, 2 yrs. ; prin. Yorkville, 6 yrs. ; teacher in h. s., Chicago, 8 yrs. ; teacher of manual training and drawing in Chi- cago sch., i899-date. Married Catherine F. Bowen, 1873. HIGH SCHOOL 1883 f64- Mary L. Beecher (Mrs. Ensley), Memphis, Tenn. Taught 3 yrs. 65. Flora A. Lewis (Mrs. Rosenberry) (See No. 406). 66. Dolly A. McGowan (Mrs. Charles A. C. Garst), deputy co. supt. of schools, Riverside, Cal. St. Lombard College, 1890-91 ; School of Art and Design, Glasgow, Scotland, 1892-93; elem. sch., Stanford, 1883-89; Riverside, Cal., i897-date. Married, 1889. 67. Ida M. Porter (See 412). 68. Lillie M. Walker (Mrs. Lillie Walker Smith), Minier. Taught i yr. Married Mr. Smith, now deceased. t6g. William A. Crawford, 197 Norwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y., doctor of osteopathy. Married S. Elouise Smith (See No. 416). 70. Isaac B. Hammers, lawyer, El Paso. Elem. sch., 1883-85 ; rep- resentative in 39th and 40th General Assemblies. Married Jessie H. Ray, Dec., 1894. 71. William Herbert Higby, insurance and real estate, Ottawa. St. Northwestern Univ., dept. of Pharmacy, 1887; Capt. Co. A, 3rd 111. Inft, during Spanish-American War. Married Phebe A. Finley, Grand Ridge, 1890. 72. Edward F. Parr, municipal and corporation bonds, First Nat- ional Bank Bldg., Chicago. 73. Frank Hall Thorp, Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. St. Mass. Institute of Technology, 1883-86, and 88-89; Univ. of Heidel- berg, 1891-93; Mass. Inst. Tech., 1889-81, and i894-date; pub. Inorganic Chemical Preparation, 1896, Outlines Industrial Chemistry, 1898. Married Kate G. Lunger (See No. 443), 1891. CLASS OF 1884 434. Mary Emma Biggs, teacher, 633 N. Park Ave., Chicago. St. in summer schools at Chautauqua, N. Y., Martha's Vineyard, N. Y. Univ. ; Lena, 1884-85; Pekin, 1885-86; prin. Tremont, 1886-87; prm. Lake Ben- ton, Minn., 1887-88; Nebraska, 1888-90; Cook Co., 1890-91; Maywood, 1891-92; Tilton sch., Chicago, 1892-95; Richard Yates Sch., Chicago, i895-date; state life certificate, 1884. *435. Zella Campbell, died Feb. 23, 1892. 436. Ella J. Caughey, teaching, 1819 I3th Ave., Seattle, Wash. Dixon, 1884-1885; h. s., Dixon, 1885-88; h. s., Seattle, i888-date. *437. Carrie A. Dillon (Mrs. Milliken), died, Dec. 28, 1892. Fern- wood, 2 yrs. Married Orris J. Millikin (See No. 453), Dec., 1884. 438. Clarissa E. Ela, art dept., I.S.N.U., 309 E. Locust St., Bloom- ington. Grad. Mass. Normal Art Sch., Boston, Mass., 1888; elem. sch., Bloomington, 1884-86; present position, 1888 . ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 281 439. Carrie Myrtle Fuller (Mrs. Asa Giles Judd), 40 E. South St., Warren, Ohio. H. s., North Dixon, 1884-85 ; h. s., South Dixon, 1885-87 ; h. s., Ottawa, 1887-88. Married, 1888. 440. Carrie A. Gifford (Mrs. Harvey), Ypsilanti, Mich. Dixon, 1884- 87; substitute in h. s., Morris, 1887-88. Married, Nathan A. Harvey, 1888. (See No. 450.) 441. Mary Martine Hall (Mrs. Frederick A. Husted), 703 E. Walnut St., Bloomington. Elem. sch., Bloomington, 1884-1888; critic teacher, I.S.N.U., 1888-92; pub. Stories of Indian Children, other books and pamphlets. Married, 1892. 442. Annie Hendron (Mrs. Frederick S. Smith), Mt. Carroll. Wash- burn, I yr. ; Wenona, i yr. ; Bloomington, I yr. ; Delavan, i yr. ; Mt. Carroll, 2 yrs. ; deputy county clerk, I yr. ; stenographer, law office, 4 yrs. 443. Kate G. Lunger (Mrs. Frank H. Thorp), 200 Mt. Vernon St., West Roxbury, Mass. H. s., Washington, 1885-87; h. s., Dixon, 1887-89; Palatine, 1889-90; Austin, 1890-91. Married, 1891. /I-H Harriet M. Montgomery (Mrs. Herman W. McClure), Atlanta. Elem. sch., Dixon, I yr. ; prin. h. s., Atlanta, 9 yrs. Married, Oct., 1895. 445. Cora J. Walker, stenographer, Keeley Co., Dwight. Taught 3 yrs. 446. Clara A. Whitcomb (Mrs. Seabery F. Leaf), farming, Garden City, Mo. Elem. sch., California, Mo., 1884-86; Polo, 1886-87; Bloom- ington, 1888-89; Astor, Kan., 1891-93; Lebanon, Kan., 1896-97. Married, June, 1889. 447. Edward Aldrich, Rosemond, 111. Taught i l /2 yrs. 448. David H. Chaplin, printing and pub. business, 123-125 Temple St., Los Angeles, Cal. Prin. East Side sch., ElPaso, 1884-86; prin. gram. sch., California, 1891-95; supervising prin., Long Beach, California, 1895- 97; prin. elem. sch., San Diego, Cal., 1901-02. Married Grace Darnall, Nov. i, 1887. 449. William D. Edmunds, Toulon, 111. Hennepin, i yr. ; Yorkville, 2 yrs. ; Lockport, 3 yrs. ; Tiskilwa, i yr. ; Bradford, 3 yrs. 450. Nathan A. Harvey, prof, of pedagogy, Mich. State Normal Col- lege, Ypsilanti, Mich. St. Univ. of 111., 1889-1890; h. s., Carrollton, 1885- 86; prin. Waverly, 1886-87; supt. Pittsfield, 1887-89; teacher zoology, h. s., Kansas City, Mo., 1890-96; head science dept, Wisconsin State Normal, Superior, Wis., 1896-1900; vice prin. Chicago Normal Sch., 1900-04; pres- ent position, 1904 ; pub. Introduction to the Study of Zoology, 1900; Pedagogical Content of Zoology, N.E.A. report, 1899 ; Pedagogical Train- ing of Teachers of Science, N.E.A. report, 1901 ; The Training of a Science Teacher, N. Y. Science Teachers' Ass'n., 1902. Married Carrie A. Gif- ford, 1888 (See No. 440). 451. William R. Heath, vice-pres. and mngr. Larkin Co., Buffalo, N. Y. St. Northwestern Univ.; h. s., Peru, 1884-85; h. s., Gardner, 1885- 86; Kent College of Law, 2 yrs. Married Mary E. Hubbard (See No. 402). 452. Leander Messick, cashier, Graham County Nat'l Bank, Hill City, Kan. Prin. Carlyle, 1884-86; prin., Hays City, Kan., 1886-87. Married, Jessie L. Cook, Carlyle, 111., Jan. 3, 1889. 453- Orris J. Milliken, prin. Dore sch., Chicago, res. 401 Seventh Ave., LaGrange. Prin. Chicago pub. sch., 1885-1903 ; supt. Jewish Train- ing Sch., 1903-07; prin. Dore Sch., Chicago, March i, iox7-date; supt. Chicago vacation sch., 1897-98; founder and trustee Chicago Penny Sav- ings Society. Married Carrie A. Dillon, deceased, (See No. 437) ; m. Hattie Fagersten, 1893. 454. Austin C. Rishel, teaching, 542 Berenice Ave., Chicago. Prin. Paxton, 2 yrs. ; prin. Gibson, 4 yrs. ; science dept., h. s., Lake View, $ l /2 yrs. ; prin. Ogden sch., Chicago, 6 l / 2 yrs. ; prin. Audubon sch., Chicago, 3 r /^ yrs. 282 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 455- Orville T. Rogers, minister, Lake Arthur, New Mexico. Elem. sch., 1882-83; h. s., Paxton, 1885-86; prin. Hopedale, 1886-87. Married Adda Short, Heyworth, 1884. *456. Monroe W. Utz, died 1893. Taught 3^ yrs. 457. James C. Wood, farming, Secor. Rural sch., 3 yrs. ; rural sch., state of Wyoming, 5 mos. HIGH SCHOOL 1884 74. Edward Aldrich (See No. 447). 75. Leander Messick (Sec No. 452). 76. Murray M. Morrison (See No. 389). CLASS OF 1885 458. Mary Joice Adams, teaching, 854 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. St. Univ. of Mich., 1889-90, 1894-97, Univ. of Chicago, 1905-06; DeKalb, 1885-86; h. s., Lacon, 1886-88; Harvard, 1888-89; prin. h. s., Peru, 1890- 91 ; Cherokee, la., 1893 ; Dixon, 1893-94 ; asst. in h. s., Bloomington, 1897-1904; Joseph Medill h. s., Chicago, i9O4-date; pub. History of Suf- frage in Michigan. 459. Sue P. Adams, 854 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. DeKalb, 1885-87; Normal, 1888-89; in Cook county, 1900-03; Bloomington, 1904-05. 460. Eva M. Blanchard (Mrs. Lewis W. Snedaker), 74 W. Phillips St., Pomona, Cal. Rural sch. near Mason City, i yr. ; rural sch. near Tonka, i term. Married, September 3, 1886. 461. Helen Antipnette Dewey, prin. Lowell sch., Grand Junction, Col. Grad. from California Sch. of Methods, San Jose, Cal., 1893 ; training teacher, Wis. State Normal, Platteville, 3 yrs. ; Colorado Springs, Col., 5 yrs. ; Grand Junction, Col., 12 yrs. 1462. Agnes Elliott (Mrs. Johnson), Douglas, Wyo. Formerly mis- sionary, Schowfu, China, 5 yrs. 1463. Maggie J. Grand (Mrs. Alexander E. Montgomery), Moline. Rural sch., 3 yrs. ; Dixon, i yr. ; Waukegan, i yr. ; prin. village sch., 3 yrs. 464. Ruby C. Gray (Mrs. Charles Jordan), Riverside. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1902-04; Washington, 1885-86; Pekin, 1886-88; Decatur, 1888- 89. Married, Aug. 28, 1889. 465. Olive B. Hubbard (Mrs. Charles W. Partridge), 123 S. 32d Ave., Omaha, Neb. Elem. sch., Omaha, 7 yrs. Married, 1892. 466. Luella McVay (Mrs. Stafford), farming, Maroa. Lexington, I yr. ; Pontiac, i yr. ; Normal, i yrs. Married Joseph H. Stafford, Oct. 5, 1893- 467. Anna Reid, 731 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal., 12 yrs. *468. Katie Saltsman (Mrs. Collins), died March 30, 1898. Taught 6 yrs. 469. Helen E. Savage (Mrs. Frank A. Rowley), Lockport, R. F. D. No. i. Rural schools, 4 yrs. Married, Sept. 5, 1889. t470. Lucy E. Stewart (Mrs. Brown), 604 W. Green St., Urbana, 111. 4 yrs. 471. Emma Werley (Mrs. Hausing), University Park, Denver, Col. Asst. h. s. prin., Peru, 1885-1890; h. s. prin., LaSalle, 1890-94; Latin and English classics in h. s., Calumet, Mich., 1894-95. Married Otto A. Haus- ing, April 22, 1895. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 472. Alexander Cation, proprietor Walla Walla Lumber Co., Walla Walla, Wash. St. Cornell Univ., N. Y., 1885-86; prin. pub. sch., i yr. ; prin. Bus. Coll., 4 yrs. Married, Nannie E. Cornwell, Sept 21, 1892. *473 Thornton R. Fraser, drowned while in charge of Golconda pub- lic schools, 1885. *474. Louis H. Galbreath, died in New York, Aug. 14, 1899. Grad. at Cornell Univ. ; fellow in Columbia, Univ., 1898-99 ; prof, of pedagogy in I.S.N.U., 1896-97; prof, of ped. Buffalo School of Pedagogy, 1897-98; elected supt. of practice, E.I.S.N.S., Charleston, 1899. 475. John Hamlin Glotfelter, prin. training dept., Kansas State Nor- mal Sch., Emporia, Kan. Supt. Normal, 1886-87; prin. Little Rock, Ark., 1887-90; prin. Ft. Steele, Ark., 1890-91; supt. Atchison, Kan., 1891-01; prin. training dept. K.S.N.S., loxn-date, and vice-pres. since 1906. Mar- ried May M. Parsons (See No. 411), Aug. 15, 1883. 476. Charles L. Howard, pharmacist, Towanda. Taught, Benson, h. s. Saybrook, and Oakley, 8 yrs. Married Anna L. Pape. 477. Lyon Karr, banker, Eureka. Loda, 3 yrs. ; Minonk, i yr. ; co. supt. Woodford Co., 1889-1904; treas. Woodford Co., 1898-1902. Mar- ried, Emma Dillon, June 26, 1890. t478. John R. Kellogg, Woodstock. Taught n yrs. 479. Thomas B. McMurray, farming, Divernon. Prin. Williamsville, i yr. ; rural schools, 9 yrs. Married Fannie E. Haire, Aug. 3, 1892. 480. John Crittenden Mount joy, pub. and dealer in school supplies, 378 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Woodland Coll., Independence, Mo., 3 yrs. ; prin., Cayuga, I yr. ; supt. Forrest, i yr. ; supt. Gilman, i yr. ; supt. La- con, 2 yrs.; pub. Historia, a high school play; The American Bird and Nature Study Chart; compiled several library catalogues. Married Mary E. Houser, 1889; m. Nellie M. Thompson, 1905. t48i. Cornelius S. Tarbox, teacher in Nixon Sch., 1315 N. 7ist St.,. Chicago. Taught 17 yrs. Married Lydia Merrill (See No. 550). 482. Oliver R. Trowbridge, literary work in economics and philoso- phy, Normal. St. Chicago College of Law, 1888-1890; prin. Lacon Union Schools, 3 yrs. ; Chicago pub. schools, 2 yrs. ; pub. two books Illinois and the Nation; How They are Governed, 1887, tit-socialism ; The Reign of the Man at the Margin (1903). Married Alice C. McCormick (See No- 407), Dec. 29, 1885. 483. John J. Wilkinson, prof, of English, Elmhurst College, Elm- hurst. St. Univ. of Jena, of Berlin, and of Leipsig, Germany degree of Ph.D. from last 1898; post graduate work in Univ. of Chicago; prin. Lovington, 1886-89; prin. North Springfield sch., 1889-90; prin. Lincoln sch., Springfield, 1890-93 ; prof, theory and practice of teaching, Paterson City Training Sch., Paterson, N. J., 1898-99 ; supervisor practice school, I.S.N.U., 1899-1900; supt. schools, Mattoon, 1900-02. Married Ada Ashworth, Sullivan, 111., 1899. 484. Thomas Elmer Will, sec. American Forestry Association, 1311 G Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. St. Univ. of Mich, and of Har- vard, 3 yrs. ; Lacon, V 2 yr. ; prin. Golconda, Vz yr. ; prin. Edwards sch., Springfield, 2 yrs. ; prof, of history and polit. science, Lawrence Univ., Appleton, Wis., 2 yrs. ; prof, economics, Kansas State Agricultural Col- lege, 3 yrs. ; pres. same, 2 yrs. ; prof of sociology, Ruskin College, Tren- ton, Mo., 2^ yrs. ; lecturer and writer, 4^ yrs. ; present position, 1905 . 485. Isaac H. Yoder, teaching, Normal. Prin. Chenoa, 2 yrs. ; same, Piper City, 3 yrs. ; same, Loda, 3 yrs. ; rural school, 7 yrs. ; prin. Welling- ton, 4 yrs. ; prin. Carlock, i yr. Married Anna McGavack, April 8, 1875. 284 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY HIGH SCHOOL 1885 77. Mary Joice Adams (See No. 458). 78. Robert H. Elder, lawyer, 256 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. City. First asst. district atty. of county of Kings, N. Y. *7Q. Harry M. Loehr, died Sept. 17, 1902. CLASS OF 1886 486. Septina Baker, prin. private sch., 554-141!! St., Oakland, Cal. Grade teacher, 1886-96; present position, i896-date. *487. Lutie A. Bush (Mrs. Saltonstall), died Jan. 9, 1889. Taught i yr. 488. Theodora Gildemeister, training teacher, State Normal Sch., Winona, Minn. M.A., Clarksburg, 1900; B.S., Columbia, 1906; h. s., Dixon, 1886-88; h. s., Hillsboro, 1888-92; S.I.S.N.U., Carbondale, 1893- 97; State Normal School, Winona, 1898-05, and I9o6-date; pub. Bulletin on Primary Reading and numerous articles for educational magazines. *489- Cora Glidden (Mrs. Prof. Switzer), died at DeKalb, 1903. Taught 6 yrs. t49O. Lucy D. Gray (Mrs. Gridley), Huntington, Ark. Taught 3 yrs. 491. Saidee John Gray (Mrs. Farrin), teaching, Cairo. St. Univ. of Chicago ; 8th grade and asst. in h. s., Mt. Vernon, i yr. ; h. s., Rapid City, S. Da., i yr. ; teacher of Latin in h. s., Cairo, 1890 . Married T. B. Farrin, June 14, 1899 492. Marion B. Kelley (Mrs. Bowles), physician and surgeon, Joliet. St. Woman's Med. Sch., Northwestern Univ., 1890-94; clinical asst. in same, 1894-96; lecturer to Silver Cross Hospital, 8 yrs.; member of staff of Woman's Med. Journal; active in 111. State Federation of Women's Clubs. Married Hon. William A. Bowles, Dec. 29, 1893. 493. Mary Louise Kimball, 507 W. Locust St., Bloomington. Elem. sch., Rockford, 1886-90; elem. sch., Bloomington, 1890-94, and h. s., 1894- 96; private school work, 1897-99. 494. Margaret H. J. Lampe, Bloomington, R. F. D. No. i. A.B. Univ. of 111., 1897; A.M., same, 1900; h. s., Bloomington, 1886-89; h- s -> Rushville, 1889-90; Riverside, Cal., 1890-94; prin. h. s., Rochelle, 1900-01; Spearfish, S. D., and Atchinson, Kan., 1901-02; prin. h. s., Rochelle, 1902- 03 ; same, Dwight, 1903-04 ; same, Pittsfield, 1904-05 ; same, Lovington, 1905-06; pub. Latin and German Drill Books; articles in School and Home Education. 495. Florence McVay (Mrs. Frank W. Custer), Momence. Elem. sch., Centralia, 1886-87; Maroa, 1887-88; Pontiac, 1888-93. Married, Nov., 1893. *496. Hattie A. Mills, died July 15, 1890. Taught 4 yrs. 497. Mary Piper (Mrs. Anderson), 1060 7th St., Charleston. H. s., Charleston, i yr. ; ist primary, same, 6 yrs.; same, Des Moines, la., 2 yrs. Married Sumner S. Anderson, June 27, 1895. *498. Alma E. Ross (Mrs. Belsley), died Oct. 6, 1895. Taught i l / 2 yrs. 499. Olive Sattley, teacher in h. s,. 530 S. Second St., Springfield. Taylorville h. s., 1886-87; h. s., DeKalb, 1887-88; h. s., Lena, 1888-94; h. s., Edinburg, 1894-97 ; present position, 1897 . 500. May Shinn (Mrs. Giddings), Cornell. Asst. prin. h. s., Wash- ington, i yr. ; same, LeRoy, I yr. ; same, Normal pub. sch., l / 2 term ; same, Lewistown, i term. Married Rev. Frederick J. Giddings, Nov.- 12, 1891. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 285 501. Eva G. Telford (Mrs. McClurken), Ashville, N. C. Gallatin, Mo., I yr. ; Sparta, 111., 2 yrs. ; Fulton, 111., i yr. ; Little Rock, Ark., 2 yrs. ; Rico, Col., i yr. ; elem. sch., North Carolina, 8 yrs. ; now in Ash- ville pub. schools. Married James L. McClurken, Dec. 12, 1893. 502. Juliet A. Wallace (Mrs. W. I. Hitt), 7004 Princeton Ave., Chi- cago. Chicago elem. sch., 6 yrs. 1503. David W. Creekmur, lawyer, 1407 Marquette Bldg., Chicago. Taught ii yrs. 504. Levi R. Fitzer, farming, Garden Prairie. Taught 6 yrs. ; county supt. Boone Co., 1884-1902. 505. John H. Fleming, lawyer, St. Ignace, Mich. E. Prin. Pueblo, Col., 1887-88; supt. Elsinore, Cal., 1888-89; P rin - Benson and Humboldt, la., 1889-90; supt. Mandan, N. D., 1890-92; prin. Pleasant Hill, 1894-96; Indian sch. in U. P. of Mich., 1806-1900; supt. St. Ignace, Mich., 1903-06. Married Lottie M. Rose, Normal, Aug., 1002. 506. Charles W. Hart, supt. St. Charles Sch., St. Charles. St. Univ. of Chicago; prin. Algonquin, 1886-89; supt. Marengo, 1889-96; supt. Woodstock, 1896-1906; supt. St. Charles School, I9o6-date. Married Myr- tella M. McKee, June 18, 1890. 507. Robert Enoch Hieronymus, pres. Eureka College, Eureka. St. Univ. of Mich., 1887-88; Eureka College, 1888-89; Univ. of Chicago, 1893; prin. h. s., Carrollton, 1886-87; prof, of English Lang, and Lit, Eureka College, 1890-97; English and history, State Normal, Los Angeles, Cal., 1897-98; supt. Univ. extension work, Southern Cal., 1898-99; present po- sition, 1900 ; pub. articles on educational subjects in the Standard, Cen- tury, and other magazines ; pres. or sec. of various associations of teach- ers and of ministers. Married Minnie D. Frantz, Wellington, Kan., June 26, 1890 deceased; m. Lois Campbell, LaHarpe, Aug. 31, 1900. 508. Martin L. Mclntyre, real estate and mercantile stocks, Seneca, Kan. Prin. east sch., ElPaso, 1886-89; supt. Nokomis, 1891-98; editor of Seneca Courier Democrat, 1898-1903. Married Millie Haller, of No- komis, Aug. 23, 1893. 509. Samuel D. Magers, professor of physiology, Mich State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich. B.S. Univ. of Mich., 1894, M.S. Univ. of Chi- cago, 1901; h. s., Fayetteville, Ark., 1886-88; prin. Hamilton School, Houston, Tex., 1888-91 and 94-95; prin. h. s., Houston, 1895-00; Mich. State Normal College, loxn-date; pub. Educational Value of History and other magazine articles. Married Ella E. Kirtland, deceased, 1895. 510. Thomas O. Moore, teacher, Ottawa. St. i term at Business Coll. ; i term, Lake Forest ; prin. village sch., I yr. ; math, in twp. h. s., Ottawa, 1888. tSii. Clarence H. Watt, 309 E. 4ist St., Chicago. Prin. Sparland, 6 yrs. ; supt. Dundee, 2 yrs. 512. Walter J. Watts, lawyer, 728 Reaper Block, 95 Clark St., Chi- cago. St. Union College of Law, 1887; Chicago evening schools, 1887-95. HIGH SCHOOL l886 80. Jessie M. Dillon (See No. 900). 81. Saidee J. Gray (See No. 491). 82. Mary L. Kimball (See No. 493). 83. Cora Maria Rowell (Mrs. Olney), 463 Nielsen Ave., Fresno, Cal. St. Univ. of Mich., 1886-1890; Univ. of California, summer, 1899; elem. sch., Fresno, Cal., 1891-95 ; history in h. s., same, 1895-1902. Mar- ried Albert Clyde Olney, June 30, 1902. 286 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 84. Olive Sattley (See No. 499). 85. May Shinn (Mrs. F. J. Giddings) (See No. 500). 86. Juliet A. Wallace (See No. 502). 87. Lee O'Neil Browne, senior member of law firm of Browne & Wiley, Ottawa. St. Illinois Wesleyan College of Law, 1886-88; member of state legislature, 1900 . *88. Jesse Hammers, died December 2, 1890. 89. Frederick Edwards Jenkins, teaching, Faribault, Minn. St. Univ. of Minn.; prin. Cedar Rapids, Neb., 1886-88; supt. Albion, Neb., 1888-93; prin. prep, dept, Shattuck sch., 1894-1901 ; prin. Lower Sch., Shattuck, Faribault, Minn., 1901 ; admitted to bar in Neb., 1887; in Kansas, 1893. Married Ella Gregoire, July 26, 1888. 90. Harrie H. Town, loans and insurance, Earlville. CLASS OF 1887 513. Jennie Armstrong (Mrs. Jennie A. Manning), Harrisburg, O. Prin. h. s., Washington, 1887-1890; asst. prin. same, 1891-93; asst. h. s., Columbia, Tenn., 1893-94. Married May 29, 1895, to Henry Manning, who died May 29, 1904. 1514. Mary E. Coffey (Mrs. Doren), 923 Prospect Ave., Toledo, O. Taught 12 yrs. *5I5. Rosalia Colburn (Mrs. Melton), died Feb. 10, 1899. *5i6. Anna L. Colson, died, 1899. Taught 7 1 A yrs. *5i7. Martha Crist (Mrs. Kasbeer), died Jan. 30, 1891. Taught I yr. t5i8. Carrie Crum (Mrs. R. H. Russell), Genesee, Id. Diamond, i yr. ; Chenoa, 3 yrs. ; Colfax, Wash., i yr. ; Pullman, Wash., 2 yrs. ; Gen- esee, Id., i yr. ; Lewiston, Id., 2 years. *5i9. Laura L. Furman, died at Normal, Sept. 16, 1888. 520. Carrie B. Goode (Mrs. Adams), Normal. Taught Aledo, 1887- 88; Oak Park, 1888-89. Married James W. Adams (See No. 345), July n, 1889. 521. E. Margaret Hursey, 204 E. 4th St., Normal. Rural sch., 2 l / 2 yrs. 522. Cynthia A. Rutledge, sten., 4571 Oakenwold Ave., Chicago. 523. Flora B. Smith, primary supervisor, 657 W. Main St., Decatur. St. Chicago Normal ; Chicago Kindergarten College ; Havana h. s., 1887- 89; Decatur, iSSg-date. *524. Mary J. Watt, died, 1895. Taught Griggsville h. s., 7 yrs. 525. Josepha H. E. Witte, Oceanside, Cal. Taught 8 yrs. 526. Jacob S. Cline, wholesale board and paper business, 135 Adams St., Chicago. Prin. h. s., Kankakee, i yr., pres. Fleischer Paper Box Co., Chicago. Married Ellen B. Bonfield, June 23, 1891. 527. Edwin S. Coombs, lawyer, Carthage. St. Univ. of Mich.. Ann Arbor, 1894-96; prin., ElPaso, 1887-8; prin., LaHarpe, 1888-90; supt., Carthage, 1890-93; co. supt. Hancock Co., 1890; supt. Pontiac, 1893-94. Married Luella L. Worrell, Oct. 7, 1903. 528. John W. Creekmur, lawyer, 1402 Marquette Bldg., Chicago. Prin. Camp Point, 2 yrs. ; prin. Rice Lake, Wis., I yr. Married, 1891. 529. John Henry Gray, prof, political and social science, 1827 Or- rington Ave., Evanston. St. Harvard, 1883-87; grad. student, Harvard, 1887-88; Halle, Ger., 1889-90; Paris, France, and Vienna, Aus., 1890-91; Berlin, 1891-2; Ph.D., Halle, 1892; instructor in political economy, Har- vard, 1888-89; prof, political and social science, Northwestern Univ., 1892- date; represented U. S. at International Congress, Dfisseldorf, Ger., June, ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 287 1902; also at International Congress at Ostend, Belgium, Aug., 1902; at the International Co-operative Congress, Manchester, Eng., July, 1902; pub. articles and editorials to the number of 281. Married Helen Roch- well Bliss, New Haven, Conn., June 14, 1894. tS3O. George M. Holferty, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago. Taught 8 yrs. 531. Joab R. Kasbeer, real estate, 305 Commonwealth Bldg., Denver, Col. Prin. Saybrook, 2 yrs. ; supt., Aledo, 2 yrs. 532. Thomas M. Kilbride, teaching, Springfield. St. Univ. of Mich., 1890-93; prin. San Jose, 1887-88; prin. Minier, 1888-1890; prin. Stuart sch., Springfield, i893-date; pub. Oral Arithmetic for Seventh and Eighth Grades. Married Estella L. Moore. 533- William J. Rowson, prin. S. Holland Schools, Cook Co., 72 N. Garfield St., Hinsdale. Taught in business college, Chicago, 9^ yrs. ; pub. schools, io]/2 yrs. Married Susan M. Hubbell, Dec. 25, 1894. 534. Adna F. Smith, optician, 208 Lake St., Oak Park. Prin. prep, dept, Eureka College, 1893-97. Married Ada A. Jones, May 27, 1890. 535. Almeron Warren Smith, prin. gram, sch., 534 W. I24th St., New York City. St. Univ. of Mich. ; Columbia Univ, New York City ; prin. Morrisonville, 1887-89 ; prin. gram, sch., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1891-93 ; h. s., Salt Lake City, 1894-98; Hyde Park h. s., Chicago, 1898-1901; De- Witt Clinton h. s., New York City, 1901-02; High School of Commerce, New York City, 1902-05 ; prin. gram, sch., 32 Brooklyn, loxts-date. Mar- ried Olive A. Lister, 1898. tS36. Amos Watkins, rector Trinity Church, Bay City, Mich. Prin. h. s., Pueblo, Col., 2 yrs. HIGH SCHOOL 1887 91. Lucy Coolidge (Mrs. Hamsher), 52040 Morgan St., St. Louis, Mo. St. Univ. of Mich., 1887-1891 ; Univ. of Chicago Graduate Sch., 1894. Married Frank Hamsher, June, 1900. 92. Martha Crist (Mrs. Kasbeer) (See No. 517). 93. Bertha M. Glidden (Mrs. Bradt), DeKalb. St. U. of C. Exten- sion Courses, 1896-98, 1905-06; vice-pres. Illinois Congress of Mothers. Married Samuel E. Bradt. 94. Alice Freeman Tryner (Mrs. Evans), 1412 N. Main St. Bloom- ington. St. Univ. of Mich., 1887-88; Smith College, 1888-90. Married, Oct. 9, 1894, to Rowland Watkin Evans. 95. Jacob A. Bohrer, postmaster, Bloomington. St. Williams Col- lege; I.S.N.U., 4 yrs.; asst. state's attorney, 5 yrs.; postmaster, 1901 . t96. Alexander H. Cunningham, missionary, Pekin, China. 97. J. Robert Effinger, Jr., asst. prof, of French, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. Asst. prin. Manistee, Mich., i yr. ; Univ. of Mich., 1894 . 98. Walter H. Green, cashier life insurance co., 445 Newton Claypool Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. 99. Charles B. Harrison, merchant, Manhattan, Kan. 100. Joab R. Kasbeer (See No. 531). fioi. Edward Manley, Quadrangle Club, 5801, Lexington Ave., Chi- cago. 102. George M. Peairs, physician and surgeon, Joliet. Grad. Rush Medical College ; taught 2 yrs. ; at present surgeon for 111. Steel Co., Joliet. 103. Harry J. Peairs, teller Second Nat. Bank, Pittsburg, Pa. Taught 2 yrs. *IO4. Leonard M. Prince, died Nov. I, 1895. 288 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 105. William F. Ryburn, dentist, Milford. St. Univ. of Mich., 1887- 88; Univ. of Iowa, 1889-91. 106. John Adams Scott, head professor of Greek, Northwestern Univ., Evanston. St. Northwestern Univ., A.B., 1891 ; Johns Hopkins Univ., Ph.D., 1897 ; Univ. of Gottingen, Ger. ; fellow in Johns Hopkins Univ., 1895-96; dept. of Greek, Northwestern Univ., i897-date; contributor to Eng. Classical Review, Amer. Journal of Philology, and Classical Phil- ology. Married Matilda J. Spring, Sept. i, 1893. CLASS OF 1888 537. Maude I. Abbott, saleswoman, Read & White, 406 E. Jefferson St., Bloomington. Taught 5 yrs. t538. Louise L. Babcock (Mrs. Arenschield), Elden, la. Taught 3 yrs. 539. M. Sophie Barry, member of Barry Bros. Dry Goods Co., Ga- lena. St. Univ. of Mich., 1889-90; degree of A.B.; prin. h. s., Charles- ton, 1888-89; h. s., Leavenworth, Kan., 1891-92; received life state cer- tificate, 1888; in Europe in 1900. 540. Mary E. Corson (Mrs. Brown), 501 Evans St., Springfield, Mo. Asst. h. s. Sparta, 1888-89; prin. h. s., Sterling, 1889-1893; asst. h. s., Danville, 1893-97. Married Sept., 1897, to William M. Brown. 541. Sarah G. Corson (Mrs. Laird), Sunnyside, Wash. Taught 5 yrs- 542. Ida Estelle Crouch (Mrs. Ida Crouch Hazlett), editor Mon- tana News, Helena, Mont. St., Chicago College of Music; Stanford Univ. ; h. s., Paxton, i yr. ; h. s. Elmwood, I yr. ; primary teacher, Rica, Col., 5 yrs. Married N. Hazlett, now deceased. 543. Ida L. Elkins (Mrs. C. D. Still well), teaching, 1707 Deming Place, Chicago. Sixth grade, Oregon, 1888-89; seventh grade, Pekin, 1889-92; asst. prin. h. s., Wyoming, 1892-96; eighth grade, Chicago, 1896- date. Married Chicago, April 26, 1897. 1544. Ella M. Ferris (Mrs. Harry Kitfield), 408 Magazine St., Cam- bridge, Mass. Taught 3 yrs. 545. Florence M. Gaston (Mrs. Edmund B. Smith), 5474 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Ass't. North Dixon h. s., 1888-89; prin. Normal h. s., 1889-90. Married, 1890. t546. Hattie M. Hedges (Mrs. Patton), Goldhill, Col. Taught 2 yrs. 1547. Nettie S. Hunter (Mrs. Andrew Chapman), Stonington. Taught, 9 yrs. 548. Hulda Myrtle Koester (Mrs. Ferris), 2838 Franklin St., Den- ver, Col. T. Lee's Siding, Col., i yr. ; Prospect Valley, Col., 3 yrs. ; 7th grade, Wyman Sch., Denver, Col., i yr. Married Wm. H. Ferris, Sept. i, 1896. *549. Emma Lisk (Mrs. Guthrie), died Oct. 4, 1891. Taught I yr. 550. Lydia Merrill (Mrs. Tarbox), 1315 N. 7ist St., Chicago. Taught 6 yrs. Married Cornelius S. Tarbox (See No. 481). 551. Emma H. Parker, teaching, Stockton. Primary teacher, Los- tant, 1888-92 ; Sycamore, 1892-93 ; Athens, 1893-95 fourth and fifth grades, Stockton, i898-date. 552. Ellen Reid (Mrs. Byers), 2100 E. Galer St., Seattle, Wash. Taught 9 yrs. Married Ovid A. Byers. 553. Anna Martha Smith (Mrs. Brown), Divernon. Maroa, 1888-89; ElPaso, 1890-94. Married John Harvey Brown, July 31, 1895. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 289 554. Carrie Virginia Smith (Mrs. Charles M. Stebbins), 763 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. St. Univ. of Mich., 1893-95; prin. h. s., Mor- ris, 1888-90; prin. h. s., Peru, 1891-93; teacher of English and mathe- matics, h. s., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1895-96. Married, June 24, 1896. 555. Jessie E. Sumner (Mrs. C. V. McReynolds), Chico, Cal., R.F.D. No. 3. Anchor, 1888-89; Peotone, 1889-91; Naples, 1892-93. Married Charles V. McReynolds (See No. 624), July 17, 1890. 556. Mina M. Watson, teaching, 1513 N. Troy St., Keokuk, la. St. in Univ. Ex. classes; Danville, 1888-90; elem. sch., Chicago, 1890; head asst. James Monroe Sch., Chicago, iox)4-date; pub. Trip to Hawaii a magazine article. 557. Fred Barton, farmer, Rich Hill, Mo., R.F.D. No. 7. Rural sch., near Saybrook, 1888-89 \ prin. Odell, 1889-91 ; rural sch. near Pleas- ant Hill, 1891-93. Married Mrs. Satie R. Burris, Aug., 1889, who died in 1898; m. Anna Huffman, 1899. 558. Howard Stidham Erode, prof, of biology, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash. St. Univ. of Chi., 1893-96 ; h. s., Ottawa, 1888-89 5 asst. in biology, Univ. of 111., 1889-93; fellow in Zoology, U. of C., 1894-96; instructor in science, Beloit College Acad., 1896-99; present position, 1899- date ; pub. article on Morphology in Journal of Morphology. Married M. Kate Bigham (See No. 573), Aug. 30, 1893. 559. William Norval Broun, teaching. Summer sch., Peoria. St. Wesleyan Law Sch., Bloomingtpn, 1888-90; non-resident course Wes- leyan Univ., completed 1898; prin. h. s., Roseville, 1890-92; prin., gram, dept., Normal sch., Platteville, Wis., 1892-93 ; prin. gram, sch., Keokuk, Iowa, 1893-95; prin. Township h. s., Roseville, 1897-1900; prin. Sumner sch., Peoria, i goo-date. Married Kate Taliaferro, 1893. 560. Edward I. Manley, Englewood h. s., 5801 Lexington Ave., Chi- cago. Prin. h. s., Bloomington; asst. h. s., I.S.N.U., 1888-91; New Trier twp. h. s., Wilmette. ts6i. Hanan McCarrel, dairyman, Kinderhook. Prin. Heyworth, i yr. ; prin. Winchester, 2 yrs. ; Waverly, i yr. ; supt. Barry, 2 yrs. ; supt. Griggsville, 7 yrs. ; prin. and supt., Pana, 2 yrs. 562. Anthony Middleton, supt. schools, Dwight. St. Univ. of 111., 1900-01 ; asst. h. s., Attica, Ind., 1888-89 ', prin. h. s., Robinson, 1889-90 ; supt. Brown's Valley, Minn., 1890-91 ; supt. ElPaso, 1891-93 ; supt. Nio- braca, Neb., 1893-94; supt. Chenoa, 1894-1900; supt. Atlanta, 1901-06; supt. Dwight, I9o6-date. Married Nettie P. Tuckey, Aug. 20, 1891. 563. William Miner, teaching, Pana. St. Valparaiso, summer terms, 1892-93; Dixon College, 1894; Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1896; Charles- ton Normal, summer, 1904; Univ. of 111., summers, 1905-06; prin. Greenup, 1890-91 ; Mt. Pulaski, 1892-96 ; supt. Pana, i8o6-date. Married Eleanor B. Houtchin, Stewardson, May 23, 1881. 564. William J. Morrison, teacher of history and principles of edu- cation, 319 Stratford Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. St. Swarthmore College, 1893-96; Columbia Univ., N. Y., 1903; pub. sch., Will Co., 1888-89; P"n. ElPaso, 1889-93 ; teacher of history of education and arith., New Jersey State Normal, 1896-1902; Brooklyn Training School, 1903-date. Married Margaret Estelle Chapman, ElPaso, 1898. 565. Elijah Needham, postmaster, Virginia. Rural schools, 1889-92; supt Ashland, 1892-96. Married Kate M. Behler. 566. Edmqnd C. Parker, railway mail service, 440 Menominee St., Oak Park. Prin. Ramsey, i yr. ; Stockton, 2 yrs. ; railway mail service, 14 yrs. ; at present with Chi. and No. Western Ry. 1567. Charles F. Philbrook, supt. schools, Bisbee, Ariz. Prin. Lena, 4 yrs.; supt. Rochelle, n yrs.; supt. Williams, Ariz., i yr. ; supt. Bisbee, Ariz., 1904 . 290 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 568. Francis M. Richardson, supt. of schools, Chicago Heights. St Univ. of 111., 1900-01; summer terms, 1894, 1896; prin. Brownsvalley, Minn., 1888-90; prin. Chenoa, 1890-94; supt. Fairbury, 1894-97; supt. Lincoln, 1897-1900; supt. Chicago Heights, looi-date; pub. A Thesis on Science in the Elementary and Grammar Schools. Married Stella Wilson, Sept. i, 1892. 569. Lewis Rhoton, attorney at law, rooms 12-16 Kahn Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. St. Univ. of Ark., 1893-94; Univ. of Virginia, 1896; prin. El Paso, 2 yrs. ; prin. ward sch., Little Rock, 3 yrs. ; prin. h. s., Little Rock, 2 yrs.; prosecuting attorney, 6th judicial circuit, Ark.; pub. Ar- kansas and the Nation. Married Bessie Riffel, June 18, 1896. 570. Edmund B. Smith, teacher of mathematics, 5474 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. St. University of Chicago, 1897-98; prin. Heyworth, 1886-87; prin. Shawneetown, 1888-91; supt. Normal, 1891-96; Hyde Park h. s., i898-date. Married Florence M. Gaston (See No. 545), 1890. 571. James William Tavener, poultry raiser, Normal. Prin. Wil- liamsville, 2 yrs. ; supt. LeRoy, 2 yrs. ; prin. ward sch., Bloomington 2 yrs.; supt. Chillicothe, 2.yrs. Married Ida Mary Booth, Feb. 20, 1876. 572. Washington Wilson, head of dept. of education, Bellingham, Wash. St. Clark Univ., summer 1897. Univ. of Cal., 1898-1900; prin. Coronado, Cal., 1888-90; head of training School, State Normal, Chico, Cal., 1890-91 ; asst. in science, Chico, 1891-93 ; department of education, Chico, 1893-97; head of department of education, State Normal, Belling- ham, Wash., looo-date. Married Margaret H. Chaplin, March, 1880. HIGH SCHOOL l888 107. M. Sophie Barry (See No. 539). *io8. Fannie B. Cheney. Deceased. 109. Laura McCurdy, 414 E. Grove St., Bloomington. fno. Josie L. Roberts (Mrs. Harry A. Bent), Oglesby, Battle Creek, Mich., h. s., i yr. *m. Clarence C. Carroll, died, 1902. 112. Dexter W. Fales, physician, 78 T St., N.W., Washington, D. C. Grad. Medical Sch. of Geo. Washington Univ. ; asst. prin. Chenoa h. s., 1890-92 ; Commanding Officer of Ambulance Corps of National Guard, D. C, 10 yrs. Married Dr. Ella R. House. 113. Hanan McCarrel (See No. 561). 114. Walter G. Porter, Onawa, Iowa. CLASS OF 1889 573. M. Kate Bigham (Mrs. Howard S. Erode), 433 E. Alder St., Walla Walla, Wash. Seattle, Wash., 1889-93. Married H. S. Erode (See No. 558), Aug. 30, 1893. *574. Anna M. Brisbane, died Aug., 1891. Taught 2 yrs. 575. Margaret H. Brown (Mrs. William Aldrich), 519 High St., Keokuk, la. Asst. h. s. Kansas, 1889-92; Athens, 1892-94. Married, July 14, 1891. (See No. 584.) 576. Margaret Burns (Mrs. William H. Shry), Porterville, Cal. De- Kalb, i yr., and in California schools, 2 yrs. Married, Dec. 30, 1891. 577. Luella M. Denman (Mrs. Albert S. Hanna), Sagamore Ave., Hollis, L. I., N. Y. St. Smith College, 1889-91 ; Univ. of Mich., 1892-93 ; prin., h. s., Hillsboro, 1891-92; English in Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 1893-98. Married Nov. 24, 1898. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 291 t57& Florence Guthrie (Mrs. James Hutchings), 596 C St., San Bernardino, Cal. DeKalb, I yr. ; Cajon, Cal., 3 yrs.; San Bernardino, Cal., 3 yrs. 579. Estelle L. Hurd (Mrs. Melville A. Adams), ElPaso. Grammar sch., ElPaso, 1889-93. Married, Dec. 26, 1893. 580. Elizabeth K. McElroy (Mrs. Rishel), teaching, Velarde, N. M. St. Summer sch., Las .Vegas, N. M., 1900; taught, Harvard, 1889-90; Rankin, 1890-91; Towanda, 1891-92; Normal, 1892-93; Marengo, 1893- 95; Velarde, N. M., 1895 ; pub. articles in School and Home Education and missionary periodicals. Married Warren H. Rishel (See No. 889), Aug. 7, 1890. 581. Cora F. Philbrook, Normal. Lostant, i yr. ; Normal, 4 yrs. 582. Sarah L. Saltsman (Mrs. Wallace Bright Rhea), mo N. Ev- ans St., Bloomington. 1583. Minnie E. Wilson, missionary in China, 3*A yrs. 584. William Aldrich, supt. schools, 424 N. 6th St., Keokuk, la. St. Univ. of Mich., i yr. ; summers, Univ. of Chicago ; prin. Kansas, 3 yrs. ; Athens, 2 yrs. ; prin. Keokuk, la,, 9 yrs. ; supt. Keokuk, la., i9O4-date. Married Margaret H. Brown (See No. 575), July, 1891. 585. Sherman Cass, supt., Tolono. St. Univ. of 111., 3 yrs. ; prin. h. s., Hoopeston, I yr. ; supt. Homer, 4 yrs. ; Kirkwood, 3 yrs. ; prin. twp. h. s., Nauvoo, 4 yrs. ; science h. s., Urbana, I yr. ; secured life cer- tificate, 1894. Married Maude Evans, July 8, 1898. 586. Charles M. Fleming, county supt., Shelby Co., Shelbyville. Prin. Cawen, i yr. ; prin. Moweaqua, i yr. ; Robinson h. s., i yr. ; Lakewood, 2 yrs. ; Stewardson, 6 yrs ; co. supt. i9O2-date. Married Anna M. Ruch, 1883. 587. Enoch A. Fritter, pres. Univ. of Middle Tennessee, Tullahoma, Tenn. Findlay College, 1890-93; Univ. of Chicago, 1897; Univ. of 111., 1902-05; supt. Assumption, 1885-87; Warren, 1887-90; prin. Normal dept., Findlay College, 1890-2; supt. Monticello, 1893-96; supt. Normal, 1896- 1906; pres. Univ. Middle Tenn., I9o6-date; pub. Literature of the Nine- teenth Century, A Trip Down the Sangamon River, The Bible Among Books. Married Margaret Addie Mauzey, 1877. 588. William J. Galbraith, lawyer, Calumet, Mich. St. Univ. of Mich., 1890-94 ; prin. h. s., Gardner, 1889-91 ; prin. elem. sch., Little Rock, Ark., 1894-95; English in Wisconsin State Normal, 1895-98; rep. ist Dist. Houghton Co., Mich., 6 yrs. ; pub. Civ il Gov'i of Arkansas and Nation, 1896. Married Kate S. Parker, 1890. 589. Richard Heyward, supt. city sch., Langdon, N. Dak. Leland Stanford Univ., 1894-5 > Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1897 ; Univ. of Wis., 1898-1900; prin. Creston, 1889-94; prin. Yorkville, 1895-98; supt. Lang- don, N. Dak., i9OO-date. Married Mary M. Griggs, June 29, 1892. 590. Albert E. Jones, teacher in University, Lansing, Mich. Taught 9 yrs. 591. George A. Weldon, special examiner, Bureau of Pensions, 2732 I2th St. N. E., Washington, D. C. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1901. National Law Sch., Washington, D. C., 1902-1905 ; L.L. B. and L.L M. ; prin. Gol- conda, 1889-1891; Shawneetown, 1891-93; supt. Pontiac, 1894-1899; elem. sch. teacher, Chicago, 1899-1902. Married Maud McKibben, 1895. 592. Frank L. Young, lawyer, 934-938 Tremont Bldg., Boston, Mass. St. Harvard College, 1889-93 ', grad. Harvard Law Sch., 1896. 292 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY HIGH SCHOOL 1889 115. Luella M. Denman (Mrs. Hanna) (See No. 577). 116. Sarah L. Saltsman (Mrs. Rhea) (See No. 582). 117. Lemuel F. Buck, dentist, 1220 Masonic Temple, Chicago; home, La Grange. St. Chicago College of Dental Surgery, 1891-92; taught, Mo- weaqua, 1889-91. Married Sadie A. Cottrell, Sycamore, 1893. 118. Clifford H. Coolidge, proprietor of Leader Laundry, Bloom- ington. Married Frances Josephine Smith, May 6, 1906. 119. G. Francis Dullam, lawyer, Bismarck, N. D. Grad. Univ. of Minn., 1893. Married Edna W. Dennis, Oct. 5, 1905. 120. Lucien H. Gilmore, prof, of physics and electrical engineering, 33 N. Euclid Ave., Pasadena, Cal. St. Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1890-1 ; Leland Stanford Univ., 1891-4; Univ. of Chicago, 1898-9; asst. in physics Leland Stanford Univ., 1894-5 ! prof. Throop Polytechnic Institute, 1895- date. Married Edith Richards Williams, Oakland, Cal., March 28, 1905. 121. Theodore L. Harley, teacher, Chicago. Grad. Dartmouth Col- lege, 1893 ; received degree of A.M. from Harvard Univ. ; prin. h. s. Olney, 1894-96; Bloomington h. s. instructor, 1896-98; instructor in Eng- lish in Hyde Park h. s., i898-date. Married Margaret Norris, 1897. 122. Joseph Manley, instructor in Greek, Marietta, O. Grad. Har- vard College, 1893 ; instructor in Greek, Marietta College, i893-date. Mar- ried Florence Lane, 1901. 123. Edmund B. McCormick, professor of mechanical engineering and supt. of shops, Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. St. Mass. Inst. of Technology, 1893-97; asst. mechan. engineer, Montana Agricultural College, 1898-1900; present position igoo-date; federal gov't road expert, Kansas. Married Jeannette Maxey, 1899. 124. Brainard Lee Spence, real estate broker, 467 Ninth St., Oakland, Cal. Married Ida B. Smith, Aug. 30, 1892. 125. Harry Weber, lawyer, 1500 Chicago Title and Trust Bldg., Chicago. CLASS OF 1890 593. Julia M. Case (Mrs. Barth), Paw Paw, R. F. D. No. 2. Rural sch., 3 yrs. ; second primary, i yr. Married Christopher Barth, 1004. 594. Mary Rice Cleveland, teacher, 2520 N. 42 Court, Irving Park, Chicago. Greenview, 2 yrs. ; Irving Park Sch., Chicago, 1 1 yrs. *595- Alfaretta Fisher, died, 1902. Taught 8 yrs. 596. Nancy Lee Foley (Mrs. Luce), 308 Maple Ave., Oak Park. Grade teacher, Oak Park, 5 yrs. ; treas. of Ladies' Board of Managers of Central Baptist Orphanage, 10 yrs. Married Frederick A. Luce, Oct. 17, 1895- 597. Minnie L. Gay (Mrs. Jesse P. Osborne), 1434 Euclid Ave., Santa Barbara, Cal. Country sch. McLean Co., 1890-91 ; Tazewell Co., I 89i-93 ; prin. h. s., LeRoy, 1893-94; prin. training sch., Southland Col- lege and Normal Sch., Southland, Ark., 1894-96; prin. Mission Sch., Mo- roni, Utah, 1902-03. Married, May 31, 1904. 598. Honor Hubbard (Mrs. Louis B. Easton), 540 S. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, Cal. St. Univ. of 111., 1897-8 ; Chautauqua Univ. ; prin. Morris h. s., 1890-1 ; teacher of literature and history, Berea College, Ky., 1891- 93; Woodstock h. s., 1893-5. Married, 1893 (See No. 618). 599. Rose W. Humphrey, Normal. St. Pratt Art Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1890-92 ; prin. h. s., Crystal Lake, 2 yrs. ; supervisor of drawing, Maquoketa, Iowa, 1902-03 ; LaGrange, 1903-4 ; Neenah, Wis., 4 yrs. ILUNOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 2')3 fboo. Hattie H. Lischnewski, address unknown. 601. Alice J. Patterson, teaching, Normal. St. Univ. of Chicago. 1896-97; summers, 1898, 99, 1001 ; Wheaton h. s., 1890-94; prin. Fair- bury h. s., 1895-96 ; science teacher, Normal h. s., 1897-1905 ; teacher of nature study, I.S.N.U., iox)6-date; pub. The Spinner Family. t6o2. Thirza M. Pierce, missionary, Kiukiang, China. Taught 2 yrs. 603. Cora M. Porterfield, teaching, 510 N. Sixth St., Maywood. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1893-97; same, 1902-03; Bryn Mawr College, 1900-01; resigned fellowship in Latin, same, 1902 ; teacher of languages, Rice Col- legiate Inst, 1890-93; Latin and Greek, same, 1898-99; Latin and Greek, Chicago Prep. Sch., 1893-5, a d 1898; same, Milwaukee-Downer College, 1901-02; Latin and Eng. in twp. h. s., Biggsville, 1906 ; pub.articles in The Classical Review and The Classical Journal. 604. Margaret C. Power, science teacher, Pontiac. St. Univ. of 111 and Univ. of Chicago, during summers ; prin. h. s., Odell, 4 yrs. ; prin. h. s., Chester, i yr. ; teacher twp. h. s., Pontiac, 1895 . 605. Annie Laurie Renshaw (Mrs. Jesse Frazeur), teaching, Green Hall Univ. of Chicago. St. Tufts College, Mass., 1892-4; Univ. of Chi- cago, 1901; Hinsdale h. s., 1894-5; Hillside Home Sch., Wis., 1895-98: Aurora h. s., 1898-1905 ; Lake View h. s., Chicago, iox>5-date. Married July, 1890 (See H. S. No. 132). 606. Lavina E. Roberts, farming, Pearl. Business manager and con- trolling editor of populist newspaper; public speaker on socialistic ques- tion. t6o7. Belle C. Robinson, Mont Clair. Taught i l / 2 yrs. 608. Alice E. Smart (Mrs. Simcox), Warren. Prin. Scales Mound, 2 mos., 1891. Married Charles R. Simcox, April 5, 1900. 1609. Maggie L. Smith (Mrs. Harris L. Latham), 1371 W. Wood St., Decatur. Formerly a missionary at Yamada, Japan. 610. Cora E. Snider (Mrs. Irwin), 1003 Franklin Ave., Normal. Mar- ried Samuel Pashley Irwin, Nov., 1891. 611. Maud Valentine, teaching, The University Sch. for Boys, Dear- borne Ave. and Elm St., Chicago. St. Teachers' College, Columbia Univ., N. Y., 1900-01; training teacher, I.S.N.U., 1894-1900; Univ. sch. for boys, Chicago, 1901-04; Flexner Sch., Louisville, Ky., 1904-05; supervisor of primary dept, Univ. Sch. for Boys, Chicago, 1905 . *6i2. Nellie M. Wheeler, died, March 25, 1891. 613. Mary Lou Whitney, teaching, 5500 Washington Blvd., Austin Station, Chicago. St. Chicago Univ. Ex. Work, 1900-03 ; Central Insti- tute, 1902-05; Bradley Polytechnic, Peoria, summer, 1906; Marseilles, 1891-92; Peoria, 1892-96; elem. sch., Austin, Chicago, i896-date. 614. Ida Woods, teaching, American Mission, Cairo, Egypt. St. in Paris, Hanover, and Heidelberg, 1896-97. Univ. of Chicago, spring and summer, 1898; rural sch., 1891-95; h. s., Paola, Kan., 1898-99; teacher of German and French, Tarkio, College, Tarkio, Mo., 1900-05 ; teacher in Girls' Boarding Sch., Cairo, Egypt, iocs-date. 615. Emily Catherine Zigler (Mrs. James J. Coats), Sterling, 111. Country sch., 1890-91; grammar sch., Sterling, 1891-93; country sch., 1893-98. Married June 9, 1898. 616. Rudolph H. H. Blome, teaching, Tempe, Ariz. St. Univ. of Jena, 1897-1900 ; supt. Wyoming, 1890-91 ; prin. Rice Collegiate Institute, Pax- ton, 1892-97 ; teacher of psychology and pedagogy, Normal school, Tempe, Ariz., igoo-date. Married Mary Jane Pierce, 1882. 617. Lyman W. Childs, physician, 420 Rose Buildg. Cleveland, O. St. Western Reserve Medical College, 1891-94; Univ. of Vienna, 1899- 294 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 1900; prin. h. s., Galva, 1890-91; Medical Inspector Cleveland pub. sch. ; pub. numerous articles on medical subjects. Married Colene Hogg, Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada, 1902. 618. Louis B. Easton, architect, 540 S. Marengo Ave., Pasadema, Cal. St. Univ. of 111., 1897-99; supt. Harrington, 1890-92; Lamont, 1892-93; Woodstock, 1894-96; teacher of physics and chemistry, Austin h. s., 1899- 1904. Married Honor Hubbard (See No. 598), 1893. 619. Emil R. Greabeiel, teaching, Naper, Neb. Prin. Elm Creek, Neb., 3 yrs. ; Miller, Neb., 2 yrs. ; prin. Stratton, Neb., 3 yrs. ; prin. South Wilmington, 2 yrs. ; prin. Naper, Neb., at present. 620. John William Hall, prof, of elem. education, Univ. of Cincin- nati. St. Teachers' College, Columbia Univ., 1901-02; Univ. of Jena, 1892-95 ; prin. gram, grades, Normal, 1890-92 ; assistant prin., Franklin sch., Buffalo, N. Y., 1895-97; supt. training dept. Colorado State Normal 1898-1900; fellow, Teachers' College, Columbia Univ., 1900-01; instructor in psychology, N. Y. Training Sch., 1901-05 ; prof, of elem. education, Univ. of Cincinnati, 1905-date Married Cornelia Thomas, Aug 15, 1898. 621. Lincoln E. Harriss, elk. in Bureau of Census, Washington, D. C. Prin. Mpline, 2 yrs. ; supt. Oregon, 3 yrs. ; prin. h. s., Manitou, Col., 2 yrs. ; prin. Austin, i yr. ; prin. h. s., Rochelle, i yr. Married Margaret E. Clancy, May 6, 1901. 622. Dudley G. Hays, teaching, 807 Estes Aye., Rogers Park, Chi- cago. Univ. of Chicago, 1892-96; Lake Forest Univ., dept. of Law, 1897- 99; 111. College of Law, 1902-03; asst. science teacher, I.S.N.U. 1890-91; Englewood h. s., 1891-96: asst. science teacher, Chicago Normal, 1896- 1900; prin. Arnold Sch., Chicago, 1901-02; prin. Kershaw Sch., 1902-06; prin. Eugene Field Sch., I9o6-date; pub. Laboratory Physics, Nature Study Suggestions for the Grades. Experimental Study of the Atmos- phere, Experimental Study of Heat. Married Emma Adams, Dec. 24, 1891. 623. Frank E. King, teaching, Rt. i, Geneva, O. Prin. Normal dept., New Orleans Univ., 2 yrs. ; prin. Kingston and Loda, 2 yrs. ; taught in Michigan state, 14 mos. ; twp. h. s., Geneva, O., 1905 . 624. Charles Vernon McReynolds, farming, Chico, Cal., R. F. D. No. 3. Prin. Peotone, 1890-91 ; prin. Naples, 1891-93 ; prin. Maroa, 1893-95 ; supt. Virginia, 1895-97; supt. Effingham, 1897-99; merchant in Bloom- ington 1899-1906. Married Jessie Edna Sumner (See No. 555), July 17, 1890. 625. Harry C. Metcalf, teaching, Tufts College, Mass. Harvard Univ., 1890-04; Berlin Univ., 1894-97; prof, of political science, Tufts College, iSgS-date. 626. Charles Alonzq Perkins, teaching, 1417 E. Tenth Ave., Spokane, Wash. Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky., 1891-2; Univ. of Chicago, 1894-5 ' Mission, Indian Territory, i yr. ; supt. Indian sch., I.T., 2 yrs. ; Bloomington, i yr. ; Pullman, Wash., 2 yrs. ; prin. McKinley Sch., Spokane, Wash., i899-date. Married Lottie McMurry, Aug. 6, 1890. t627. K. Girard Whittaker, insurance and real estate, E. St. Louis. Taught 7 yrs. 628. Albert Norval Young, co. supt., Rockmont, Wis. Univ. of Chi- cago, 1896-1900; prin. Assumption, 2 yrs.; prin. Rentand, 3 yrs.; instruc- tor in biology and agriculture, Superior Normal Sch., 3 yrs. ; co. supt. of schools, Douglas Co., Wis., 2 yrs. ; pub. Regeneration of Appendages in Nymphs of Agrionidae, 1903. Married Bessie Curtis (See No. 632). HIGH SCHOOL l8ox> 126. Iva May Durham (Mrs. Thomas Vennard), prin. Epworth Evan- gelistic Institute, 3019 Bell Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Wellesley College, 1892- 93; grammar orade, ElPaso, 1890-91; prin. Morris, 1891-92; h. s., Tus- ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 295 tin, Cal., 1893; Epworth Evangelistic Institute, igo2-date; pub. Heart Purity, editor Inasmuch. Married June 8, 1904. 127. Annie L. Glidden, DeKalb. Prin. h. s., Dundee, i yr. ; prin. h. s. Dwight, i yr. ; proofreader Rand, McNally, Chicago, 3 yrs. ; teacher in Miss Talbot's School, Chicago, 2 yrs. 128. Clara B. James (Mrs. C. A. Herrick), 214 E. Mt. Airy Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland, 1891-92; Univ. of Leip- zig, Germany, 1892-93 ; Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland, 1893 ; Friends' Sch., West Chester, Pa., 1893-95 '> head of dept. German and French, h. s., Holyoke, Mass., 1895-97. Married June 29, 1897. 129. Cora M. Porterfield (See No. 603). 130. May Skinner (Mrs. Parker), Julesburg, Col. Teacher Illinois Wesleyan College of Music, 4 yrs. Married Bertrand D. Parker (See No. 656), June 30, 1897. 131. Kittie D. Wright (Mrs. William Stillhamer), Ridgeville, N. J. fi32. Jesse L. Frazeur, Texas. Address unknown. J 33- Frank E. King (See No. 623). 134. Silas Ropp, real estate, Griesheim Bldg., Bloomington, home ad- dress, 3052 N. 4Oth Ave., Chicago. Married Alice Spikings, Chicago, Jan. 30, 1902. ti35. James F. Wilson, Stuyvesant H. S., New York City. Academy, Knoxville, i yr. ; h. s., Durango, Col., 2 yrs. ; h. s., Denver, Col., i yr. ; DeWitt Clinton h. s., N. Y. City, 5 yrs. ; h. s. of Commerce, N. Y. City, i yr. ; present position, 1904 . CLASS OF 1891 t629. Trophic J. Amerman (Mrs. Martin T. Snyder), Flora. Le- Roy, i yr. ; Flora, i yr. 630. Clara Belle Bishop, Piper City. Asst. prin. Harvard, i yr. ; eighth grade, Clinton, i yr. ; country sch., Piper City, 5 yrs. ; asst. prin., Piper City, I yr. 631. Kate E. Conover (Mrs. Fred W. Heidel), Valley City, N. D. Normal pub. sch., I yr. ; Bloomington, i yr. ; West Port, Mo., 2 yrs. ; Peculiar, Mo., 2 yrs. ; Valley City State Normal, i yr. Married July 14, 1898. 632. Bessie Curtis (Mrs. A. N. Young), Rockmont, Wis. Normal pub. sch., 2 yrs. ; Rutland, 3 yrs. ; Chicago city schools; 3 yrs. Married, June 7, 1893 (See No. 628). 633. Carrie Elizabeth Flinn (Mrs. Carrie F. Moreland), teaching, 126 E. I2th St., North, Portland, Ore. Asst. h. s., Pana, 2 yrs.; h. s., No- komis, 2 yrs. ; twp. h. s., Litchfield, *A yr. ; elem. sch., Portland, Ore., s l / 2 yrs. Married Nov. 2, 1897, to Wm. H. Moreland (now deceased). 634. Rebecca A. Foley (Mrs. Keith), Normal. T. Rushville, 2 yrs.; Austin, 4 yrs. Married John A. H. Keith (See No. 755), June 7, 1900. 635. Emma Hill (Mrs. Frank W. Lundy), Stonington. Rural sch., 4 yrs.; Edinburg, i l / 2 yrs.; West Point, Miss., 1897-98, 1899-1901. Mar- ried, Sept. 8, 1898. 636. Grace Kite (Mrs. Edward J. Wallis), French Village, RF.D. No. i. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1896; Univ. of 111., 1902; h. s., Decatur, 1891-93; head of English dept, h. s., East St. Louis, 1893-1902. Married, 1902. 637. Anna M. Kienzle (Mrs. Fred M. Wheeler), 933 Maple Ave., Evanston. Taught 1891-1894. Married, 1894. 296 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 638. Bessie A. McCann (Mrs. Worcester), Columbus, Ohio. St 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1893; Joliet, 1894-96; Normal pub. sch., 1896-99; Ot- tawa, 1899-1900. Married Wolsey G. Worcester, Oct. 24, 1900. 639. Sarah Ann McGill (Mrs. Frank Hennen), teaching, 17 Campbell Park, Chicago. Yorkville, 4 yrs. ; Austin, 3 yrs. ; elem. sch., Chicago, 5 yrs. Married, July 17, 1899. 640. Edna Mettler (Mrs. A. D. Stowell), St. Mary's Ave., Hannibal, Mo. Degree of Ph.B., from Univ. of Mich., 1895; Oak Park, 1891-92; h. s., Oconto, Wis., 1895-96. Married, Aug., 1896. 641. Alice Louise Raymond (Mrs. Frederick H. Clark), 2405 Pros- pect St., Berkeley, Cal. Vacaville, Cal., 1891-92,; Mt. Eden, Cal., 1892-93; Berkley, Cal., 1893-96. Married, July 10, 1896. 1642. Maud M. Root, State St., Marinette, Wis. Hinsdale, 5 yrs. ; Champion, Mich., I yr. ; Marinette, Wis., 4 yrs. 643. Katherine G. Spear (Mrs. Harry S. Hadfield), 4 St. James Court, Milwaukee, Wis. Critic teacher, Normal sch., Whitewater, Wis., 1891-93. Married June 28, 1893. 644. Emma Spurgeon (Mrs. Dixon), 5637 Drexel Ave., Chicago. St. Knox College and Univ. of Chicago ; rural sch., 2 yrs. Married Joseph A. Dixon, Nov. 28, 1895 (See No. 719). 645. Lillian Thompson (Mrs. Tucker), Warrensburg. Rural sch. near Warrensburg, 1891-92; Mechanicsburg, 1892-94. Married Cyrus J. Tucker, June 4, 1896. 646. Lucy E. Wallace (Mrs. G. W. Toren), 131 Clark Ave., Chicago. Belvidere, i yr. ; Chicago, 8 yrs. 1647. Charles A. Armstrong, Hartsburg. Taught 14 yrs. 648. John H. Cox, prof, of Eng. philology, Morgantown, W. Va. St. Brown Univ., 1893-97 ; Harvard Univ., 1899-1901 ; prin. Western Springs, 1891-93 ; head of depts. of Eng. and bookkeeping, evening h. s., Provi- dence, R. I., 1894-97; educational director, 23rd St. Branch Y.M.C.A., New York City, 1897-99; prof. Eng. lit. Univ. of N. D., 1901-02; present position, i9O2-date. Married Mrs. Annie Bush-Long, June 28, 1904. 649. William S. Dewhirst, clerk treas. dept., 1825 First St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Married Susie L. Hodgkins, Oct. 20, 1897. 650. Philip H. Erbes, biologist, physiologist, 622 N. Rockwell St., Chicago. Pub. Crania-Muscular Origins of Brain and Mind; invented "Fairy" Fireless Cooker. Married Kathryn O. Dickhut, 1892. 651. James J. Ferguson, teaching, Wellington. St. Univ. of 111., sum- mer, 1901 ; prin. Normal dept. Grand Prairie Seminary, 1891-97 ; prin. Chebanse, 1897-1900; supt. Sheldon, 1900-06; prin. Wellington, I9o6-date. Married, Kate C. Freeman, Dec. 25, 1891. 652. Casper G. Hanawalt, physician, 1421 N. Clark St., Chicago. De- gree of A.B. from Taylor Univ., 1897. ; M. D., from Rush Med. Coll., 1897 ; -XjOjj oSEDiiQ asanoD - pBj3 jsod !o6r 'DiuipjCjoj '^ -^ asjnoD -pnaS ;sod clinic, 1903 ; prin. Mazon, 1891-94. Married Myrtle Small, 1893. t653. William D. Hawk, teacher German "Natural Method," Colfax. Asst. prin. Rockford, i yr. ; prin. h. s., Freeport, I yr. 654. Grant Karr, teacher of principles of education, New York Train- ing Sch. for Teachers, Manhattan, ngth St and 2nd Ave., New York City. St. in summer schools and at the Univ. of Jena, Germany, 1894-99; prin. Monte Vista, Col., 1891-94; teacher of general method, State Nor- mal Sch., Oswego, N. Y. ; supt. practice sch., same, 1899-1906; present position, 1906 ; pub. The Aim of Education, The Course of Study, The Main Subject in the Course of Study, and Journal of Pedagogy. ILUNOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 297 f6ss. William H. Kring, lawyer, 206 W. Ave., Highland Park, Los An- geles, Cal. 656. Bertrand DeRalph Parker, Jr., real estate, Julesburg, Col. St. Univ. of Pa., 1893-95 5 Univ. of Chicago, one term, 1899 ; prin. Rankin, 1889-90; prin. elem. sch., Springfield, 1891-93; prin. h. s. Rockford, 1895- 1904; prin. New Trier twp. h. s., Kenilworth, 1904-05. Married May Skinner (See H. S. No. 130), June 30, 1897. 657. James B. Pollock, teaching, 308 S. 4th Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. St. Univ. of Wis., 1891-94, Univ. of Mich., 1895-97; Univ. Leipzig, Ger., 1897-98; teacher of biology Austin h. s., 1891-5; instructor in botany, Univ. of Mich., 1898-1906 ; asst. prof, in botany Univ. of Mich., I9o6-date ; pres. Mich. Academy Sci., 1906-7; pub. numerous articles on botanical subjects. Married Ida B. Allen, Ann Arbor, Mich., June 24, 1902. 658. George W. Reid, supt. sch., Monroe, La. Prin. Tonica, 2 yrs. ; supt. Wenona, 7 yrs. ; supt. Homer, La., 3 yrs. ; supt. Monroe, La., 1904 . 659 James J. Sheppard, prin. h. s. of Commerce, 155 W. 65th St., N. Y. City. St. Harvard, 1891-94; Columbia, 1897-1900; N. Y. Univ., 1901-02; prin. h. s., Decatur, 1894-97; head of history dept., DeWitt Clin- ton H. S., N. Y. City, 1900-02; present position, i9O2-date; a prominent member in educational association. Married Rena French Masters, July 12, 1905. 660. Charles Crawford Wilson, science teacher, Jersey City h. s., 555 Bramhall Ave., Jersey City, N. J. St. Harvard Univ., 1891-94; Harvard summer sch., 1896, 97, and 1901; N. Y. Univ. Grad. Sch., 1896-99; present position, 1894 J lecturer on science, Jersey City Training Sch., 1898 ; vice prin. h. s., Jersey City, 1902 ; member board of examiners for prin- cipals and teachers, 1903 . HIGH SCHOOL 1891 136. Mellie E. Bishop, critic teacher, E.I.S.N.S., Charleston. Nor- mal, i yr. ; h. s. Lacon, i yr. ; h. s. Oregon, i yr. ; State Normal Sch., Monmouth, Ore., i yr. ; private sch., Buffalo, N. Y., 6 yrs ; summer sch., Charleston, 6 wks. ; present position, 1905 . 137. Grace Cheney (Mrs. John F. Wight), 404 E. Washington St., Bloomington. Married Oct. 19, 1899. 138. Agnes Spofford Cook (Mrs. Gale), Univ. of Chicago. St. Wellesley College, 1891-93; Univ. of Chicago, 1893-96, graduate; asst. in dept. of English, Univ. of 111., 1896-98; pub. The Story of Ulysses; The Story of Achilles and Hector; edited Sesame and Lilies, and Last of the Mohicans; joint editor with Lida B. McMurry of several books of poems. Married Henry Gordon Gale, Jan. 5, 1901. 139. Rachel Crpthers, playwright, 550 Park Ave., New York City. St. Wheatcroft Dramatic Sch., N. Y. City ; teacher of dramatic art in Wheat- croft Sch. of Acting, N. Y. City, 4 yrs. ; first play "Three of Us" pro- duced in N. Y. Oct. 17, 1906, with great success. 140. Edna Mettler (Mrs. Stowell) (See No. 640). 141. Louise M. Vickroy (Mrs. Rosesteel), 2402 West Seventh St., Los Angeles, Cal. Married J. A. Rosesteel, March 5, 1901. 142. George P. Burns, teaching, University of Mich., Ann Arbor. St. Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Ohio, 1896-98 ; Univ. of Munich, Munich, Ger., 1898-1901; prin. New Berlin, 1891-93; prin. Williamsville, 1893-95; instructor in botany, Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1896; pub. numerous botan- ical articles. Married Nettie May Hollington, June 30, 1898. 143. Gary R. Colburn (See No. 684). 144. Philip H. Erbes (See No. 650). 298 SEHI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 145. Charles Wilson Mills, member of Clark & Mills Electric Co.,. 1444 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, Mass. St. Lawrence Scientific sen., of Har- vard Univ. ; teacher of physics in h. s., Decatur, 1895-96. Married Florence Naomi McNeil, May, 21, 1902. 146. William B. Moulton, lawyer, 549 Marquette Bldg., Chicago. St. Stanford Univ., 1891-93; Harvard College, 1893-95; Harvard Law Sch., 1896; pres. Illinois Civil Service Commission. 147. Bertrand D. Parker (See No. 656). 148.. James B. Pollock (See No. 657). 149. James J. Sheppard (See No. 659). 150. Charles C Wilson (See No. 660). CLASS OF 1892 661. Ella M. Andrew, teacher 630 LaSalle Ave., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago and grad. from Soper Sch. of Oratory 1896; Maywood, i yr. ; Oak Park, I yr. ; Motley Sch., Chicago, 1894 . 662. Ruth C. Bailer (Mrs. Mueller), 506 E. Chestnut St., Blooming- ton. T. in schs. of Bloomington io l /2 yrs. ; Evanston, \ l / 2 yrs. Married Rev. John H. Mueller, 1903. 663. Alma Boyer (Mrs. Hatch), DeKalb. St. Columbia Univ.; Teachers' Coll., 1905-1906; substitute in Oak Park, 1894-1895. Married Luther A. Hatch (See No. 689), June 8, 1893. 664. Etta Brewer, teaching, Sandwich. St. Univ. of Chicago, sum- mer, 1905; rural schs., 5 yrs.; grammar grades, 4 yrs.; prin. village sch., I yr. ; h. s. asst, I yr. t665. Mrs. Caroline M. Butterfield (Mrs. R. O. Butterfield), 1112 Og- den Ave., Denver, Colo. Taught 2 yrs. 666. Florence J. Clark, teacher, 211 N. Fourth St., DeKalb. Primary critic, N.I.S.N.S., 3 yrs., same, Rochester Normal Train. Sch., i l /z yrs., prin. North Sch., DeKalb, i9O2-date. t667. Ellen R. Connett (Mrs. Detwiler), Omaha, Neb. Taught, 2 yrs. 668. Bella L. Cook (Mrs. Ambrose), "Belrose Grove," Alhambra, C'al. Sterling, 1892-93; Saybrook, 1893-94; Agassiz Sch., Chicago, 1894- 1901. Married James Clement Ambrose, August 22, 1901. 669. Etta Fordyce (Mrs. Brent), 408 S. 5th St., Monmouth. Prin. h. s. Edwardsville, 1892-96; h. s., Monmouth, 1896-98; same, 1902-03. Married W. W. Brent, June 29, 1898. 670. Belinda Ellen Garrison, teaching, Granite City. St. Univ. of 111.; taught gram, sch., White Hall; h. s., Rossville; h. s., Granite City. Married Adolphtts Miller, 1894. *67i. Hattie J. Gaston, died in Chicago, Nov. 3, 1897. St. Med. Dept. of Northwestern Univ., 1894 to time of death. 672. Cora Laign (Mrs. Rigby), teaching, 109 So. Central Ave., Chi- cago, Austin Station; Oak Park, 1892-94; Hinsdale, 1902-03; Evanston, 1903-05; Chicago elem. sch., 1905-07. Married James R. Rigby, 1894. 673. Katherine E. McGorray, teacher, 955 Lincoln Ave., Decatur. St. New York Univ., 1905; Rushville h. s., 1892-95; Decatur h. s., 1895- date. 674. Mary E. McGinnis, teacher, mo Armida Ave., Morgan Park. Savanna, I yr., Evanston, 2 yrs., Morgan Park, 9 yrs. 675. Mary Neff ; Cookman Institute, Jacksonville, Fla. Grad. Univ. of 111. 1902; asst. prin. h. s. Lexington, 1892-94; prin. h. s. Tracy, Minn., 1895-1900; prin. h. s., Atlanta, 1902-04; teacher of Eng. and sec. of faculty Cookman Institute, Jacksonville, Fla., i9O4-date. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 299 676. Jessie Peasley, Gen. Sec. Y. W. C. A., Bay City, Mich. Cort- land primary grade, 1892-93; primary, Bloomington, 1893-1901'; gen. sec. Y.W.C.A., 554 yrs. 677. Phebe R. Vail (Mrs. English), Henry. Rock Rapids, la., I yr. ; Rochelle, 2 yrs.; rural sch., Bureau Co., 3 mo. Married Chas. N. Eng- lish, Oct. 8, 1902. 678. Minnie Whitham, prin. Wm. Beye Sch., Oak Park. Taught grades Oak Park, 4 yrs. ; prin. Oak Park, 10 yrs. 679. James Eli Ament, prin. State Normal Sch., Indiana, Pa. St. at different times in Chicago, New York City and Ann Arbor; received LL.D. from Univ. of Ky., June 14, 1906 ; prin. North Bend, Neb., 1892-93 ; supt. Carroll, la., 1893-95 '> supt. Rock Island, 1895-96 ; pres. State Normal Sch., Alva, Okla., 1897-1902; pres. State Normal Sch., Warrensburg, Mo., 1904-06; as above 1906 date; pub. short stories not under own name, The Fourth Profession in Southern Educational Review. Married Teresa Catherine Welch, March 3, 1889. 680. Francis G. Blair, State Supt. of Public Instruction, Springfield. St. Swarthmore College, Penn. ; Sch. of Pedagogy, Buffalo, N. Y. ; supt. LeRoy, 1892-95; prin. Franklin sch., Buffalo, N. Y., 1897-99; sup. of train- ing dept, E.I.S.N.S., Charleston, 1899-1906; as above, 1906 ; pub. Monograph on Method and various educational articles. Married Lillian Caton, LeRoy, June, 1898. 681. Edwin L. Boyer, prin. h. s., Bloomington. Asst. h. s., Bloom- ington, 4 yrs. ; prin. same, i896-date. f682. R. Olin Butterfield, physician and surgeon, 1112 Ogden Ave. Denver, Colo. Taught 6 yrs. 683. Elmer Warren Cavins, teacher I.S.N.U., Normal. St. 111. Wes- leyan Univ., 1894-95; Univ. of Chicago, 1896-97; teacher of Eng., John Parr Sch., Chicago, 1896-97; instructor I.S.N.U., 13 yrs.; sec'y. of I.S.N.U. ; pub. two works on penmanship, one on orthography, reg. contributor to School News, 5 yrs. Married Gertrude Cartmell, 1895. 684. Cary Richard Colburn, teaching, Dairoku Kotogakko, Okayama, Japan. Degree of A.B. from Harvard Col. 1895 ; LL.B. from Harvard Law Sch., 1899; Monroe Inst., Monroe City, Mo., 1891-92; prin. h. s., West Superior, Wis., 1895-96; Eureka Col., 1900-03; asst. in dept. of education, Univ. of Cal., 1904; English in Osaka Col. of Commerce, Japan, 1904-06; Latin and English in Sixth Imperial Higher Sch., Okayama, Japan, 1906- date. Married Martha Dunton, Sept. 13, 1905. 685. Lewis William Colwell, prin. Linne Sch., 1661 North Troy St., Chicago. Teacher and head asst., Avondale Sch., Chicago, 1892-95, pres- ent position Jan., 1895 date; pub. a series of articles on Speer's Arith- metic in Primary Education, 1897. Married Grace A. Stryker, 1894. 686. Stephen A. Douglas Faris, supt. schs., Augusta. Prin. h. s., Williamsfield, 1892-94; prin. Perry, 1894-97; supt. Augusta, 1897^ . Married Minnie V. Thomas, Dec., 1902. 687. William C. Fulton, farmer, Winfield, Kan. Taught Cazenovia, I yr.; ElPaso, i yr. ; Roanoke, I yr. Married Adelaide Yoekey, Feb., 1906. 688. G. Charles Griffiths, prin. Motley Sch., 5715 Midway Park, Aus- tin Sta., Chicago. St. Illinois Col. of Law ; supt. Metamora, 1892-93 ; prin. Robert Emmet Sch., Chicago, 1893-1903, as above 1903 date. Mar- ried Mary E. Wood, Dec. 25, 1905. 689. Luther A. Hatch, prin. training sch., N.I.S.N.S., DeKalb. St. Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ., 1906-07; prin. No. 2 sch., Moline, 1892- 94; prin. South sch., Oak Park, 1894-1900; prin. as above, igoo-date, ex- cept i yr. ; married Alma Boyer (See No. 663), June 8, 1893. 690. Charles C. Herren, farmer, Yorkville, R. F. D. No. 3, Prin. Kirkland, 1892-93, same, Bristol, 1894-96. Married Lillie V. Cornell. 300 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY t6Qi. Morris E. Killam, Tower Hill. 692. Mack M. Lane, prin. Paul Revere Sch., 6351 Lexington Ave., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1^2 yrs. ; grade teacher Chicago, 2^2 yrs. ; prin. elem. sch., Chicago, 1896 . Married Cora Bell Barr, March 29, 1893. f693. John B. Moulton, teaching, Monroe Sch., 2971 Grand Ave., Chicago. Chicago elem. sch. 1895 . 694. Swen Franklin Parson, teacher, DeKalb. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1898-99; prin. grammar sch., I.S.N.U., 1892-94; prin. h. s. DeKalb, 1897-98; prof. math. N.I.S.N.S., i899-date. Married Lulu Bradt, Jan. 31, 1895. 695. Royal W. Sanders, with H. M. Johns-Manville Asbestos Co., New Orleans, La. Grad. 111. Wesleyan Law Sch., 1902. St. Baker's Bus. Coll., Bloomington, 1894; rural sch., Will Co., 1892 (2 rnos.) ; Homer, 1893 (5 mos.) ; Bloomington, Jan., i895-June, 1896; Bloomington h. s., 1896- Feb., 1907. Married Delia Soverns, Sept. 2, 1897. 696. William J. Sutherland, teaching W.I.S.N.S., Macomb. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer 1896; Univ. of Wis., 1899-1900; Ph.B. from same, 1902 ; prin. h. s., Yorkville, 1892-1895 ; supt. Oregon, 1895-1901 ; supt. Charleston, 1901-1902; dept. of geography and geology, W.I.S.N.S., 1902-date; contributed to Journal Geography, Educational Outlook, School and Home Education. Married Vinnie M. Robbins, Creston, July 18, 1895. 697. Benjamin F. Vaughn, pastor Christian church, Ninnekah, Okla. Prin. pub. sch., Eureka, I yr. ; same, Marksville, Kas., i yr. ; same, Gurda Springs, Kas., i yr. ; minister, i896-date ; pub. short articles on social and religious subjects. Married Mary E. O'Brien, Eureka, Aug. 30, 1893. 698. Charles F. Watt, dentist, Armington. St. Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1898-1901; prin. h. s., Loda, 1892-94; prin. h. s., Pawnee, 1895-1898; Eng. in a Bus. Coll., 1894-1895. Married Sallie Dills, April 3, 1889. HIGH SCHOOL 1892. 151. Grace E. Chandler, music teacher, 375 W. 8th Ave., Columbus, O. 152. Lura M. Eyestone, student, Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ., New York City. St. Normal dept. I.S.N.U., 1892-93; Chicago Normal Sch., summer 1896; Columbia Univ. summer 1905; Teachers' Coll., same I9o6-date; teacher, rural sch., 1893-94; Normal pub. sch., 1894-1901; training teacher I.S.N.U., 1901-06. ti53. Enid Gibson (Mrs. Hillegas), with Denver Dry Goods Co., Denver, Colo. 154. Anna Gilborne (Mrs. Martin D. Leopold), teaching, Clay Cen- ter, Neb. Manteno, 1892-93; prin. at North Kankakee, 1893-94; rural schs., 1894-99; Fairbury, 1899-1900; rural sch., 1900-01; St. Anne, 1901-1902; Cabery, 1902-1904; rural sch., Neb., 1904-06; Verona, Neb., 1906 date. Married Martin D. Leopold, July 12, 1904. 155. Asenath Elliott Grier, teacher. Red Bluff, Cal. St. Univ. of Chi- cago, 1895-96; Camp Point h. s., 1892-94; teacher of Latin and Greek, Lid- enwood. Coll., St. Charles, Mo., 1894-95; Hay ward, Wis. h. s., 1897-99; Red Bluff grades and h. s., i9O2-date. tis6. Metta Huling, Eureka Springs, Ark. 157. Walter H. Baird, teacher, 108 E. Charles St., Springfield. St. Univ. of 111., 1903 ; summer sessions same, 1901-1905 ; LeRoy, 4 yrs. ; prin. Auburn 4 yrs.: instructor in math. Springfield h. s., 5 yrs. Married Es- tella Smith, LeRoy, April 30, 1896. 158. Arthur Bassett, director Bloomington Conservatory of Music, Normal. Grad. from Chicago Conservatory 1897; post-grad, work in Chi- cago, Paris, and London. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 301 159. George W. Bishop, teacher, Kankakee. Grad. from Univ. of 111., 1905 ; Lacon, 1892-93 ; twp. h. s., Streator, 1893-95 ; biology, h. s., Bloom- ington, 1896-1899; English in Monmouth State Normal Sch., Monmouth, Ore., 1900-02; sciences in Southern Oregon State Normal Sch., Ashland, 1902-03; prin. h. s, Mt. Vernon, Ind., 1903-04; h. s. Superior, Wis., 1904- 05; supt. Peotone, 1905-06; head of science dept, Kankakee, I9o6-date. 160. Edgar Blackburn, wholesale brokerage, Baker City, Ore. Mar- ried Bettie Breck, Richmond, Ky., June, 1905. 161. John B. Cleveland, teacher of mathematics, State Normal Sch., Los Angeles, Calif. Taught Kendall, i yr. ; Sheffield, 6 yrs. ; Kewanee, 2 yrs. ; present position, yrs. 162. Herbert Stephen Hicks, lawyer, cor. State and Main Sts., Rock- ford. St. Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., Palo Alto, Cal, 1892-96. Married Florence Gantz, March 10, 1904. 163. Samuel Holder, hardware merchant, Bloomington. 164. Frank E. King (See No. 623). 165. Weldon E. Porter, farmer, Hampton, la. 166. George Washington Riley, osteopathist, 43 W. 32d St., New York City. St. Univ. of Penn. Ph.B., 1893-96; Law Sch. 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1896 and 1897; American Sch. of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo., 1902- 04; supt. Tiskilwa, 1892-93. Married Mrs. Chloe C. Carlock, June 29, 1904. 167. Walter Dill Scott, teacher, 2036 Orrington Ave., Evanston. St. Northwestern Univ., 1891-95 ; McCormick Theological Seminary, 1895- 98; Leipsig Univ., 1898-1900; rural sch. LeRoy, 1889; asst. prof, of psychology and director of the psychological laboratory Northwestern Univ., igoi-date ; pub. Die Psychologie der Triebe, Halle, 1900, Theory of Advertising, Cambridge, 1903, Psychology of Public Speaking, Phila., 1907, about 50 magazine articles on psychology. Married Anna Marcy Miller, 1898. CLASS OF 1893 699. Jennie Bailey (Mrs. J. R. Metzler), Orion, R.F.D. No. 2. Mo- line, 1894 Feb., 1902. Married Jesse Rolland Metzler, Feb. 26, 1902. 700. Mae Cook, Marinette, Wis. Taught, 10 yrs. 701. Jessie Helene Cunningham (Mrs. Charles W. Whitten), De- Kalb. Yorkville, 1893-95; Richmond, Ind., 1895-99; Normal, 1899-1901; critic teacher, I.S.N.U., 1901-1904. Married Charles W. Whitten, (see No. 1097), June 7, 1904. 702. Nettie Theodosia Dahl (Mrs. Charles R. Conklin), Clifton. Peru h. s., 1893-94; Sterling, 1894-95; Granville, 1895-99. Married July 30, 1899. 703. Jude Everette Davis, teaching, 42 Loomis St., Chicago. St. Martha's Vinyard Institute, Boston, 1895 ; Univ. of Chicago ; Evanston, 1894-97; Decatur, 1897-99; Wilmette, 1899-1904; Francis Scott Key Sch., Chicago, i9O4-date. 704. Margaretta Hart, teacher, 417 N. 7th Ave., Maywood. Mag- nolia, 1893-94; D. R. Cameron Sch., Chicago, 1894-1905; Julia Ward Howe Sch., 1905-date. 705. Carrie Putnam Herndon, asst. in history, Miami Univ., Ox- ford, O. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1898-1901, Ph.B., 1905-06 Ph.M. ; Morgan Park, 1893-96; prin. Morgan Park, 1896-98; prof, of history, South- western, Winfield, Kan., 1902-05 ; present position, I9o6-date. 706. Lizzie Irene Hilton, teaching, 419 So. 8th Ave., Maywood. Prophetstown, 1893-95; Downer's Grove, 1895-96; Maywood, 1896-1900; Oak Park, 1900-date. 302 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 707. Georgia Jackman Kimball (Mrs. William C. Windle), 112 Guil- ford St., Huntingdon, Ind. Mt. Vernon, 1893-94; Huntington, Ind., 1894- 96. Married William C. Windle, July 21, 1896. 708. Marguerite McElroy (Mrs. William H. Westbrook), Paxton. Paxton, 1893-95. Married October 23, 1895. 709. Sarah Caroline Parker, Steward. Downer's Grove, 1893-95. 710. Edith Sylvia Patten, teacher, DeKalb. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1897 (summer term), Univ. of Wis., 1899-1901, Ph.B.-i9Oi ; prin. Cortland, 1893-95; Austin, 1895-99; prin. Glidden Sch. and critic teacher, N.I.S.N.S., ipoi-date; asst. in history dept, N.I.S.N.S, summers 1906 and 1907. 711. Mary Weber (Mrs. John W. Malone), teacher English, Wendell Phillips H. S,, Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1897-1900; h. s., LaSalle, I893-97 1 : asst. prin. h. s., Chicago Heights, 1900-03 ; present position, 1903- date. Married June 25, 1905. 712. Minnie Sarepta Whitaker, Oak Park. Taught, 14 yrs. 713. Mrs. Kate White (Mrs. Dr. James O. White), Brocton. Rural sch., 1893-95; prin. Brocton, 1895-96; rural sch., 1896-98; primary, Broc- ton, 1900-1903. Married while in I.S.N.U. 714. Mary Lucena Wilcox (Mrs. John Henry), Aldine, Tex. Near Barclay, ^ yr. Edinburg, I yr. f7i5. Jennie Ruhama Wright (Mrs. Farnsworth), 217 Glorieta Colon, City of Mexico. Taught, 4 years. 716. Archibald John Alcorn, physician and surgeon, 1145 Tripp Ave., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago and Jenner Med. Coll., 1896 and 97 ; Jenner Med. Coll., 1897, '98, '99; College of Physicians and Surgeons, U. of 111., 1899 and 1900; prin. Tonica, 1893-94; prin. Washburn, 1894-96; head sur- geon for several Chicago corporations. Married Jessie E. Wells, Dec. 26, 1893- t7i7. Edward Carl Backer, 2763 N. Paulina St., Chicago. H. S., Carrollton, I yr. ; Ravenswood sch., u yrs. f7i8. Herman Thomas Backer, furniture and undertaking, Eureka. Jerseyville, i yr. ; elem. sch., Chicago, 4 yrs. 719. Joseph Almond Dixon, teacher, 5637 Drexel Ave., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1896-98; prin. Roseville, 1893-96; teacher math, in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago, iSgS-date. Married Emma Spurgeon (see No. 644), Nov. 28, 1895. 720. William Burgess Elliott, farmer, Williamsfield. Saybrook, 1893- 94 ; prin. Wyoming, 1894-95 ; prin, Altona, 1895-96 ; sch. director, 10 yrs. Married Jennette Armstrong, Nov. 14, 1888. 721. George Horace Gaston, teaching, 425 E. 42nd St., Chicago. St. Univ. of 111., 1894-96; grad. U. of Chicago, 1897; prin. Heyworth, 1893-94; elem. sch., Chicago, 1898-1902; Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago, iox>2-date. Married Mary Wetmore, 1898. 722. William Luther Goble, prin. h. s., Elgin. Grad. from Univ. of Chicago, 1901 ; prin. Gardner, 1893-94 ; prin. Kansas, 1895-97 ; prin. h. s., Paris, 1897-99; h. s., Elgin, 1901-05; prin. h. s., Elgin, igos-date. Mar- ried Angie May Bradfield, Aug. n, 1898. 723. Walter Scott Goode, minister, Youngstown, Ohio. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1898-1900; rural sch., 1891-92; prin. Palestine, 1893-98. 724. Paul Ernest Grabow, physician and surgeon, iioo N. Halsted St., Chicago. St. Col. Phys. and Surgeons, 1898-1902; prin. Malta, 1893- 98 ; prof. Therapeutics Dearborn Med. Sch. ; house phys. Children's Me- morial Hospital. Married Kittie B. Stephens, Nov. 25, 1893. 725. James Alexander Hodge, teacher Hermann Raster Sch., 70th and Wood Sts., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago summers of 1899 and 1900; ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 303 h. s., Jerseyville, I yr. ; prin. Maroa, I yr. ; Cherry Point, 4 yrs. ; Ells- worth, I yr; Chicago, 5 yrs. Married Angie Carpenter, Jan. 6, 1897. 726. Warren Jones, supt. schs., Elburn. St. Univ. of 111., 1900-1902; degree A.B. ; prin. Divernon, 1893-94 > New Canton, 1894-95 '> Time, 1895- 96; Lovington, 1896-98; prin. h. s., White Hall, 1899!; head of dept. of English, West H. S., Aurora, 1902-05 ; supt. Elburn, 1905-date. Married Anna W. Gehring, Nov. 25, 1896. *727. John Philip Merker, died April 6, 1900. Taught in h. s., Belle- ville, 6 yrs. 728. John Delmar Murphy, pastor Presbyterian church, Waynesville. 729. William Sherman Pierce, prin. of Bay View Bus. Coll., 358 Park PL, Milwaukee, Wis. Aurora h. s., 3 yrs.; Steinman Inst., Dixon, I yr. ; prin. Glen Ellyn, 4 yrs. ; Bus. Coll. work in Chicago and Hammond, Ind., 2 yrs. ; pub. Spellers That Teach to Spell and an arithmetic. Married Melissa E. Foulke, July 22, 1896. 730. William Donaldson Scott, teaching, Buckley. St. I.S.N.U. sum- mer 1895 ; Univ. of 111., summer 1906 ; prin. Grand Ridge, 2 yrs. ; Leland, 4 yrs. ; LaMoille, i yr. ; Milledgeville, i yr. ; Buckley, 4 yrs. Married Kate E. Speechley, Aug. 6, 1893. 731. Herbert Clark Waddle, physician and surgeon, Elgin. St. Coll. of Phys. and Surgeons, Chicago, 1899-1903 ; supt. Marseilles, 1893-95 ! supt. Vintpn, la., 1895-99; member of board of education and city phy- sician, Elgin. Married Alchee Amret Case, Aug. 16, 1894. 732. William Samuel Wallace, asst. bank cashier, Savanna. St. Ar- mour Inst, 1903; supt. Henry, 1893-97; supt. Savanna, 1897-1902; prin. twp. h. s., Savanna, 1902-06. Married Elizabeth Horning, June 20> 1894. 733. Henry Dray Willard, book dealer, Carbondale. Prin. h. s., Beardstown, I yr. ; Los Angeles, Cal., 2 yrs. ; supt. Fairfield, 3 yrs. ; supt. Winchester, 3 yrs. Married Bessie Morris, July, 1900. HIGH SCHOOL 1893 168. Grace D. Aldrich (Mrs. W. H. Moore), 602 Bradley Ave., Pe- oria. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1894-95 > sec. training inst. Y.W.C. A., Chicago, 1904; gen. sec. Y.W.C.A., Charlotte, N. C, 1904-06. Married W. H. Moore, Aug. 22, 1906 tio9. Nellie J. Benson, 802 W. Mill St., Bloomington. 170. Sara Hall Clark, Latin teacher, 309 E. Locust St., Bloomington. St. summer term I.S.N.U., 1895 ; same Univ. of Chicago, 1902, '03, and '05 ; h. s., Bloomington, n yrs. *I7I. Katie Pearl Evans, died July 10, 1903 172. Junia M. Foster (Mrs. Barber), Normal. St. Emerson Coll. of Oratory, Boston, 1895-98; Univ. of Wis., 1899-1900; asst. prin. elem. sch., Tustin, Calif., 1894-95 ', private and institute teacher of oratory and phy- sical culture in Colorado, 1898-99. Married Frederic D. Barber, Aug. 27, 1900 (See No. 748). 173. Mrs. Jesse Frazeur (See No. 605). 174. Nellie I. Kofoid (Mrs. Dillon), 249 N. Forest Ave., River For- est. Teacher science h. s., DeKalb, i yr. Married William W. Dillon, 1901. 175. L. May Leaton (Mrs. Rodman), 587 E. soth St., Chicago. Bloomington private sch., 3 yrs. Married Arthur Rodman, June 25, 1896. *I76. Alice Patten, died September n, 1904. Taught in h. s., Bloom- ington, 2 yrs.; Latin in State Normal Sch., DeKalb, 5 yrs. 177. Bertha Rutledge, teacher, LeRoy. St. Univ. of Chicago, i sum- mer term; grad. from Univ. of 111., 1906; rural schools, 1893-96; prin. LeRoy h. s., 1896-99; Harvey, 1899-1904; prin. LeRoy h. s., I9o6-date. 304 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 178. Grace A. Sealey, Normal. St. Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 1893-94; Univ. of Chicago, A.B., 1894-95; 1898-1900; English in h. s., Bloomington, Jan., i897-June, 1898. 179. Ethel L. Tryner, 1412 North Main St., Bloomington. St. Illi- nois Wesleyan Univ., Sept., i893-March, 94; Univ. of Chicago, 1895-97; Smith College, 1897-1900. 180. William Henderson Arbogast, clergyman, Sherrard. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1894-97; Moody Bible Inst., 1897-99; rural sch., 1893-94. Mar- ried Alta M. Biehl, Decatur, June 17, 1903. 181. James H. Forrester, attorney, Taylorville. St. Univ. of Pennsyl- vania, Ph.B., 1893-95; county judge Christian Co., 1902-06. 182. John Philip Merker (See No. 727). 183. Cuthbert F. Parker, stock raising and real estate, Julesburg, Colo. Co. supt. of schs., Sedgwick Co., Colo., Jan., iSgoXJan., 1905; mem- ber Colorado state legislature at present time. Married Maud E. Mills, March 13, 1901. 184. Thomas L. Pollock, attorney for the south, for the Ocean Ac- cident and Guarantee Corporation, 717 Macheca Bldg., New Orleans, La. St. Univ. of Mich. ; grad. from law dept. of 111. Wesleyan Univ. ; pres- ent position, 1901 . 185. Elmer I. Rowell, real estate, Berkeley, Cal. St. Univ. of Cal., 1893-97; private sch., Sonoma Valley, 1897-99; h. s., same, Jan.-June, 1900; h. s., Eureka, 1900-01 ; prin. h. s., Martinez, 1901-02 ; Lowell H. S., San. Francisco, 1902-07. Married Delia Clayton Pauli, July 2, 1902. 186. Frank Howard Wescott, Lander, Wyo. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1894-97, 1900-06; supt. Lacon, 1897-1900; instructor in physics, Armour Inst., 1902-03; instructor in physics in the University H. S., Chicago, 1903-05- CLASS OF 1894 734. Isabella Anderson, teacher, White Hall. St. I.S.N.U., 1902-04; asst. h. s., McLean, 1894-99; prin. h s., White Hall, lo^H-date. t735- Cora Belle Barney (Mrs. John Austin Bellows), 1130 Judson Ave., Evanston. Taught h. s., Yorkville, I yr. 1736. Willie Belle Butler (Mrs. Francis), Joliet. Taught 3 yrs. 737. Augusta Elizabeth Corbin, Elwood. Rural sch., I yr., Oglesby, I yr., Crete, i yr. 738. Anna Ethelyn Gaylord, teacher, 6441 Harvard Ave., Chicago. Rushville, 1894-95, Plymouth, 1895-99; elem. sch., Chicago, i899-date. 739. Eleanor Hampton, teacher, 4 Elm St., Oshkosh, Wis. St. Western Reserve Univ., 1898, Univ. of Chicago summers, 1899-1902, cor- respondence work U. of C, 1905-06; Austin, 1894-97; LaGrange, 1898 (6 m.) ; private sch. and Normal class in Coll. for Women. Cleveland, O., 1898-99; River Forest, 1899-1900, critic teacher, I.S.N.U., 1900-04; dept. teacher intermediate grades, State Normal, Oshkosh, ioo5-date. 740. Eva Belle Houser, Randolph. St. Col. Parker's Sch., Chicago, Jan.-April, 1901; Atlanta, 1894-96; Bloomington, 1896-99. t74i. Marty Josephine McCafferty (Mrs. Grove), Gridley. Taught 2 yrs. 742. Lillian Semantha Nelson (Mrs. James S. Conard), Dewey, R.F.D. 33; Mackinaw, 1894-1900. Married Jan. i, 1901. 743. Evelyn Peltier, teacher Blaine Sch., 2155 Clarendon Ave., Chi- cago. St. Univ. of Chicago summer 1900; teachers' Coll., Univ. and Nor- mal extension work; teacher in elem. sch., Chicago, i894-date. 744. Pauline Marie Rosalie Schneider, governess, Bluffs. Taught 13 yrs. ILLINOIS STATS NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 305 745. Charlotte May Slocum (Mrs. George C. Ashman), 129 Elmwood Ave., Peoria. St. Harvard summer sch., 1901; Evanston, 1894-99; primary critic, E.I.S.N.S., Charleston, 1899-1905. Married Sept. 12, 1905. 746. Lida Jane Smith, Cooksville. Asst. prin. Lexington, 1895-97; prin. Cooksville. 1898-1903 ; asst. prin. Colfax, 1904-1906. 747. Rosa Waugh, teaching, Naperville. St. Univ. of Chicago sum- mers 1900, 1904, 1905, and 1906; first asst. h. s., Dixon, 1894-97; prin. h. s., New Harmony Ind., 1898-1900; asst. in h. s., Cobden, 1900-01; asst. in Union Acad., Anna, 1901-02; prin. Ellaworth H. S., Naperville, 1902-date. 748. Frederick DeLos Barber, instructor I.S.N.U., 309 Florence Ave., Normal. St. Swarthmore Coll., Pa., 1895-97; Univ. of Chicago, 1897-98; science teacher, h. s., Whitewater, Wis., I yr. ; teacher of physics and chemistry I.S.N.U., i898-date; Physical Science as Applied in Home, School, and Farm in press. Married Junia M. Foster (see H. S. Nb. 172), Aug. 27, 1900. 749. Herbert Bassett, supt. pub. sch., Normal. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1898; Univ. of 111., B. S., 1900-02; Armour Inst., spec, work in man. tr. and mech. dnvg., 1904-05; Univ. of Wis., summer, 1905; t. pub. sch., Normal, 1894-95; El Paso, 1895-98; Yorkville, 1898-1900; Wilmette, 1903-06; present position, 1906 ; phys. and chem., I.S.N.U., ist summer terms, 1902, 1903. Married Blanche Worley, 1898. 750. Joseph Grant Brown, teacher, 1013 Ramona St., Palo Alto, Cal. St. Stanford Univ., 1898-1903, receiving degrees of A.B. and A.M. ; teacher of physics and chem., I.S.N.U., 1894-98; asst. in physics, Stanford Univ., 1901-02; instructor in physics, Stanford Univ., ioo2-date. Married Grace Nims, June 30, 1903. *75i. Charles Dayton Coley, died July 9, 1906. Prin. Neoga, I yr. ; prin. Oneida, 2 yrs. ; prin. twp. h. s., Edinburg, 2 yrs. ; prin. Redmon, I yr. ; asst. h. s., Pana, I yr. ; prin, Penfield, I year. 752. Thomas Higdon Gentle, director of training sch., state normal, Platteville, Wis. St. Univ. of Jena, Germany, 1894-97; pedagogy and psychology, 2 yrs., and present position, 7 yrs, Platteville, Wis., state Nor- mal. Married Carrie M. Kessler, Oct. 15, 1892. 753. Edward Clement Graybill, merchant, Clarksburg. Grad. Austin College, 1900, and holds both 5 yr. and life state certificate; Milmine, i yr. ; prin. DeLand, 2 yrs ; prin. Windsor, 2 yrs ; Findley, I yr. ; Strasburg, I yr. ; Stewardson, 4 yrs; pub. 2Ofh Century Optimism and Pessimism. Married Agnes Harrington, Stewardson, 111., 1905. 754. Albert Smith Hanna, teacher, Sagamore Ave., Hollis, N. Y. St. Lawrence Scientific Sch. of Harvard Univ., 1894-98; prin. elem. sch., Springfield, Mass., 1898-1901; teacher of Eng. in Boston Central evening h. s., 2^ yrs. ; biology in Boys h. s., Brooklyn, N. Y., 4^ yrs. ; present position; pub. articles on nature study. Married Luella M. Denman (See No. 577), Nov. 24, 1898. 755- John Alexander Hull Keith, head of training dept. I.S.N.U., Normal. St. Harvard Univ., 1896-99; prim. gram, sch., I.S.N.U. train, sch., 1894-96; prof, in pedagogy and asst. in psychology, N.I.S.N.S., 1899- 1906, present position, I9o6-date; pub. Elementary Education Its Pro- cesses and problems, 1905. Married Rebecca A. Foley (See No. 634), June 7, 1900. *756. Wilson Klingler, drowned while a student, Cornell Univ., Dec. 18, 1898. 757. Mason E. Knapp, mgr. Loveland Planing Mill, Loveland, Colo. Supt. and prin. Braidwood, 1894-96; prin. Remington Sch., Fort Collins, Colo., 1897-99; U. S. Forest Service, 1905. Married Florence A. White, June 27, 1895. 30f> SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 758. Benjamin Clay Moore, supt. sch., McLean Co., Bloomington. St. Univ. of I., summer 1899, Harvard Univ., summer 1903; supt. Macki- naw, 1894-96; supt. LeRoy, 1896-1900; supt. Lewiston, 1900-05; supt. Lex- ington, ioo5-Dec., 1906; I.S.N.U. summer school; co. supt. sch. McLean Co., I9o6-date; pub. many articles in School News. Married Myrtle N. Search, June 25, 1896. 759. Frederick Gilbert Mutterer, prof. Indiana State Normal Sch., Terre Haute, Ind. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1896-1901 ; Univ. of Berlin, 1903- 04; prin. h. s., Galena, 1894-96; Latin and German Elgin Acad., Elgin, 1898-1902 ; Latin and German Indiana State Normal Sch., Terre Haute, Ind., iox)2-date. *76o. Curtis Findley Pike, melter, U. S. Assay Office, Boise, Idaho. Prin. sch., 7 yrs. 761. Jacob W. Rausch, lawyer, Morris. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1905 and 1906; prin. Mazon, 1894-96; city atty., Morris. Married Colette Bea- trice McCambridge, Nov. 6, 1902. 762. William Thomas Skinner, teacher, Crescent City. St. Univ. of 111., 1900-01 ; prin. McLean, 1894-96 ; asst. h. s., Paxton, 1896-97 ; prin. Loda, 1897-1900; supt. Milford, 1901-03; prin. Crescent City, i9O4-date. Married Carrie Gray, Dec. 25, 1899. 763. William Wesley White, farming, Apple River. Village sch. in Wisconsin, winter 1894 and '95. Married Addie Nickols, Platteville, Wis., March 16, 1899. HIGH SCHOOL, 1894 187. Effie Pence Allspaugh (Mrs. James E. Wyckoff), Saybrook. Married May 18, 1899. 188. Mrs. R. O. Butterfield (See No. 665). 189. Charlotte Briggs Capen (Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart), Kenilworth. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1894-98. Married June 6, 1903. 190. Stella Rennie Eldred, teaching, 1104 N. Park St., Bloomington. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1894-95 J Smith Coll., 1897-1900, degree of B.L. ; primary sch., Joliet, 1895-96; h. s., Sheffield, 1896-97; h. s., Harvey, 1900- 02; h. s., Bloomington, 1902 ; I.S.N.U. 2nd summer term, 1906. 191. Neffa N. Emerson (Mrs. Dr. Irving Newcomer), Petersburg. Married 1899. 192. Florence B. Evans, 411 E. Jefferson St., Bloomington. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1894-95. 193- Nellie F. Goodwin (Mrs. Silas H. Reid), 205 N. Evans St., El Reno, Okla. St. 111. Wesleyan Coll. of Music and Bloomington Coll. of Music, 1895-99. Married Jan. 2, 1901. 194. Ruth E. Moore, teaching, 508 W. Washington St., Bloomington. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1894-96, 1901-02; h. s., Farmer City, 1896-98; English in h. s., Bloomington, 1898-1901, iQO2-date. 195. Herma L. Mabel Porterfield (Mrs. Arthur H. Merrill), 510 N. 6th Ave., Maywood. Asst. prin. h. s., Wenona, Dec. , June, 1898; Ish- peming, Mich., 1898-99; Maywood, 1899-1902. Married July, 1902. 196. Eunice Farrar Sater (Mrs. Stephen A. D. Harry), Hoopeston. St. 111. Woman's Coll., 1894-95; Sinclair, I yr. ; Meredosia, I yr. ; Atlanta, 2 yrs. ; h. s., Atlanta, 3 yrs. ; h. s., Hoopeston, i yr.. Married July 14, 1904. 197. Rosa Waugh (See No. 747). 198. Frank Puterbaugh Bachman, teacher, Athens, O. A.B. degree from Univ. of Chicago, 1896; Univ. of Marburg, 1896-97; Columbia Univ., 1900-02, degree Ph.D. ; h. s. Decatur, 1897-98 ; supr. of practice s. Valley City, S.D., State Normal Sch., 1898-1900; prof, of hist, and principles of ed- ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 307 ucation, Normal Coll., Univ. of Ohio, Athens, O., ioj02-date; pub. Princi- ples of Education and numerous articles on educational topics. Married Jessie G. Harris, 1904. 199. Burl P. Baker, manufacturer's agent, 404 Granite Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Prin. Pittsfield H. S., 1894-95; pnn. h. s., Vandalia, 1895-97; supt. Clyde, 1897-98. Married Mary Hetfield, 1894. 200. G. Gordon Burnside, lawyer and master in chancery, Vandalia. Rural sch., 1894-95; prin. elem. s., Vandalia, 1895-96; h. s., Mt. Vernon, 1896-97; prin. h. s., Vandalia, 1897-99; admitted to the bar, June, 1901. Married Jessie Hickman, April 19, 1903. 201. Alfred Curtis LeSourd, chief draftsman Big Four R. R., Mt. Carmel, home address, Topeka. St. Univ. of 111., 1899-1903; rural schs., 1894-1899. 202. Bert H. McCann, lawyer, Bloomington. St. 111. Wes. Univ., Bloomington, law dept., 1892-94, degree LL.B. ; clerk, house of rep., Springfield. Married Laura Seibel, Bloomington, Dec. 26, 1900. 203. Harry C. McCart, lawyer, Fort Worth, Tex. St. Univ. of Mich., 1894-95. Married Rose Margaret Ellis, May 17, 1903. 204. Charles C. Miller, 111. salesman for Robeson Cutlery Co. and Rochester Stamping Co. of Rochester, N. Y., 1004 W. Wood St., Decatur. Married Mary L. Lewis, Dec. 15, 1898. 205. Frederick G. Mutterer (See No. 759). 206. Ora M. Rhodes, physician and surgeon, Corn Belt Bank Bldg., Bloomington. St. Univ. of 111., 1894-98, College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Chicago, 1898-1901. Married Myrtie J. Downs, May 8, 1902. 207. Harvey S. Smith, physician, 206 St. Clair Ave., East St. Louis. St. Medical Coll., St. Louis, Mo., 3 yrs. ; i yr. as interne City Hospital, St. Louis, Mo. ; h. s., Paxton, i yr. ; prin. Tonica,, i yr. Married Lucy Clanahan (See No. 803), June n, 1902. 208. Harry R. Spickerman, physician and surgeon, Muncie, Ind. St. med. dept. Univ. of 111., 1894-98. Married Lela Faye Ogle, Dec. 24, 1900. 1209. J. William Taylor, merchant, Williamsfield. 210. Daniel Webster Thompson, farmer and lawyer, Randolph. Grad. 111. Wes. Univ., Bloomington, 1896; Pleasant Hill, I yr. Married Ella Dillon, June 5, 1900. 211. Theodore Thompson, physician and surgeon, Shelbyville. St. Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, 1894-97. Married Harriet L. Carnahan, Chi- cago, Sept. 18, 1895. 212. Ernest Algier Thornhill (See No. 851). CLASS OF 1895 764. Fannie Bailer (Mrs. Griggs), farming, DeWitt, Neb. Wymore, I yr. ; near Barnston, Neb., 2 yrs. Married L. D. Briggs, 1897. 765. Mabel Winslow Barrett (Mrs. E. O. Grange), Wheaton. York- ville h. s., i yr. ; Downer's Grove, I yr. ; Pekin, 2 yrs. ; Decatur, 3 yrs. ; Whiting, Ind., I yr. 766. Mary Bertha Boulter, teaching, 338 So. Hermitage Ave., Chi- cago. LaGrange, 1895-1906; elem. s., Chicago, 1906 . 767. Martha Alice Grattan, teaching, Grand Forks, N. Dak. West Superior, Wis., I yr. ; Grand Forks,, 1897 . 768. Phebe Hammond (Mrs. Hubbard)), 820 Cherry St., Quincy. Dixon, 2 yrs.; rural sch., I yr. Married Samuel A. Hubbard, Oct. II, 1898. 769. Margaret Hanna (Mrs. Haney), Moline. Primary teacher, McLean, 1895-96. Married Rev. Richard Haney, July 30, 1896. 308 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 770. Mary Emma Morgan, physician, Rock Island. Grad. Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, 1900; taught at Keithsburg, I yr. 771. Eleanor Maria Phillips (Mrs. Phelps), Enid, Okla. St. Teach- er's Coll., Columbia, Univ., 1902, 03; asst. in primary, I.S.N.U., 1894-95; Bloomington, 1895-96; critic, primary dept, Colorado State Normal, Gree- ley, Colo., 1896-02; same, 1903-06. Married Kenneth G. Phelps, Aug. 7, IQ05- 772. Louemma Raber, 62 High St., Freeport. Taught 1895-1903. 773. Anna Barbara Schulte, teaching, Chester. Dixon, 2 yrs. ; Ches- ter, 1898 . 774. Agnes Marion Smith (Mrs. Thomas A. Hillyer), Moorhead. Quaker Lane, 2 yrs.; Austin, i yr. (See No. 782.) 775. Laura Mabel Thompson (Mrs. Faulkner), Everett, Wash. 776. William Ross Cothern, physician, Gibson City. Grad. Rush Med. Coll., 1900; prin. h. s., Keithsburg, i yr.. Married Mamie E. Mc- Chesney, Minonk, 1896. 777. Frederick George Curtis, osteopathic physician, 1108 Maple St., Mt. Vernon. St. Amer. Sch. of Osteopathy, Kirksyille, Mo., 1899-1901 ; prin. Dolton Station, 1895-99. Married Laura Hendricks, Aug. 25, 1891. 778. Henry Hugh Edmunds, supt. sch., Rushville. Supt. Loving- ton, 1895-9$; Atlanta, 1896-1901; Rushville, 1901 . Married Emma Washburn (See No. 880), 1900. 779. John William Fisher, supt. sch., Muskogee, Okla. St. Univ. of 111., summer 1896; Univ. of 111., 1898-1900 degree B.S. ; prin. h. s., Peru, 2 yrs. ; Hiawatha, Kas., I yr. ; prin. h. s., Carlyle, 2 yrs. ; supt. Carlyle, 1903-06; present position, 1906 . Married Lula Ritzman, 1900. 780. William E. Hedges, teacher, 6631 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1901 and 1902 ; supt. Macon, 2 yrs. ; asst. Scammon sch., Chicago, 5 yrs. ; prin. Andrew Jackson Sch., iox>3-date. Married Delia Arthur, Decatur, Dec. 29, 1897. 781. Edward Richard Hendricks, prin. Monroe Sch., 1459 Smalley Ct., Chicago. Prof, of geog., State Normal Sch., St. Cloud, Minn., 9 yrs. 782. Thomas Arthur Hillyer, supt. training dept. State Normal Sch., Moorhead, Minn. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1898-1900, degree Ph. B. ; Har- vard Univ., 1900-01, degree A.M. ; prin. h. s., Shelbyville, i yr. ; supt. Shelbyville, 2 yrs. ; present position, 1901 . Married Agnes M. Smith (see No. 774), 1898. 783. Samuel B. Hirsh, viee-prin. W.I.S.N.S., Macomb. Sterling (west) 1889-1898; twp. h. s., Streator, 1899-1902; teacher of English, W.I.S.N.S., 1902-07; acting prin. of same, 1905-06. Married Alice S. Kent, 1884. 784. Joseph McNichols Hutchinson, teacher, Covington, Ky. Supt. Wyoming, 4 yrs.; supt. Minonk, I yr.,; h. s. prin., Vandalia, I yr. ; supt., Fort Thomas, Ky., 4 yrs. ; prin. 4th Dist, Covington, Ky., iox)5-date. Mar- ried Edith VanReed Aug. 3, 1899. 785. Granville Bond Jeffers, prin. teacher's training school, Schenec- tady, N. Y. St. Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., 1900-03 ; prin. elem. s., Bloom- ington, 1895-97 ; supr. intermediate grades, Bloomington, 1897-1900 ; prin. elem. s., San Diego, Cal., 1903; present position, igos-date. Married M. Louise Toll, Jan. 12, 1904. 786. Frank Lindley, lawyer, Paxton. St. Ada Law Sch., summer of 1896; Gibson City, 1895-96; prin. Buckley, 1896-97. Married Julia B. Ball, Nov. 2, 1900. t/87. Justin Jay Love, Manito. St. Univ. of 111., i l /2 yrs.; prin. Kane, 2 yrs. ; prin. Gays, 3 yrs. ; prin. Bethany, i yr. ; Coles county, 2 yrs. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 309 788. George Edward Marker, prof, in State Normal Sch., Cheney, Wash. St. Univ. of 111., A.B. degree, 1903; Columbia Univ., A.M. de- gree, 1904; prin. Teachers' Train. Sch., Schenectady, N. Y., I yr. ; director of train, sch. and orof. of psychology and education, present location, 1905 ; pub. How to Test the Quality of Teaching, 1905, and other edu- cational articles. Married Leila Webber, 1896. 789. Andrew Huttpn Melville, stockman and dealer in real estate, Lakefield, Minn. St. Univ. of Chicago, summers of 1898 and '99 ; prin. Riv- erdale, I yr. ; prin. grammar school, I.S.N.U., 3 yrs. ; prin. practice school, N.I.S.N.S., i yr. Married Lydia Fedder, 1901. 790. Chessley Justin Posey, prof, physical science, State Normal Sch., Mankato, Minn. Degree of B.S. Univ. of 111., 1900; M.S. from Univ. of Chicago, 1905 ; prin. h. s., Minier, 2 yrs. ; prin. h. s., Sugar Grove, I yr. ; supt. LeRoy, I yr. ; prof, in h. s., LaPorte, Ind., 2 yrs. ; present position, 1905 . Married Gertrude Maude Johnston, Ft. Smith, Ark., 1903. 791. John Henry Sawyer, student, Univ. of 111., 612 W. 111. St., Ur- bana. T. of science, twp. h. s., Savanna, 2 yrs. ; co. supt. of schs., Coles Co., 4 yrs. Married Eva Mern, Tuscola, 1899 792. Reuben Tiffany, lawyer, 109 Lincoln Ave., Freeport. St. Chicago Law Sch., 1899-1900; prin. h. s., Neoga, 1895-96; same Hanover, 1896-98; Married Edith Joyce DeVore, Jan. I, 1903. 793- Clyde Renal Travis, prof, of math., State Normal Sch., May- ville, N. D. Degree of Ph.B. from 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1902 ; prin. h. s., Greenfield, 2 yrs. ; prin. Manchester, I yr. ; present position, 1898 ; has held various offices in educational associations. Married Jennie M. Spotts, Fargo, N. D., 1900. 794. Thomas Brinton Wortman, farmer and stockman, Okemah, I. T. Prin. h. s., Morris, i 1-3 yrs. ; prin. Minooka, 4 yrs. Married Emma B. Wilson, Shelbyville, 1889. HIGH SCHOOL, 1895 213. Pearl L. Ballard (Mrs. George H. Frise), Odell. Columbus Junction, la., 1895-96; rural sch., 1897-98; Elmhurst, 1898-99; prin. h. s., Odell, 1899-1901 ; prin. h. s., Fairbury, 1901. Married Dec. 21, 1901. 214. Jessie Jane Bullock (See No. 798). t2is. May M. Cavan, 1214 Linden Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 216. Ruah Coen (See No. 805). 217. Catherine L. Cowles, 1107 E. Jefferson St., Bloomington. Taught, 5 yrs. 218. Emma Fry (Mrs. Harry E. Gates), 2505 Central Ave., Cheyenne, Wyo. Married Aug. 19, 1905. 219. Harriet B. Fyffe (Mrs. Richardson), 453 Wyoming Place, Mil- waukee, Wis. St. Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., 1891-95. Married E. L. Richardson, Dec. 9, 1896. 220. Daisy Carver (Mrs. Baum), 5573 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Grad. Univ. of 111., 1899. Married H. W. Baum, March 20, 1900. t22i. Lou R. Hart (Mrs. Thomas Rees), St. Nicholas hotel, Spring- field. f222. Eleanor Keady (Mrs. John B. Graham), Princeville. 223. Sallie Rhodes Marshall (Mrs. S. J. Browning), Russellville, Ky. Married Oct. 19, 1904. 224. Flora Thompson (Mrs. Manchester), Normal. Married O. L. Manchester, Dec. 25, 1895. 225. James D. Allen, mgr. L. C. Smith & Bros.' Typewriter Co., 215 N. 9th St., St. Louis, Mo. 310 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 226. Fred R. Baker, physician, 230 Central Park South, New York Cit-". Grad. Williams Coll., 1899; grad. Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia Univ., 1903 ; res. physician Westchester Co. Hospital, N. Y., 15 mos. Married Eugenia Graham Butler, July 6, 1904. 227. Charles M. Barton, pastor M. E. church, Waverly. H. S., Chris- man, 1892-93 ; supt. Chrismas, 1893-95. Married Gertrude Deffenbaugh, Springfield, Aug. 28, 1901. f228. Claude Briggs, prin. h. s., 5 Oak Ave., Aurora. 7th grade, Ha- vana ; prin. Mackinaw, 2 yrs. ; prin. W. Aurora h. s., 4 yrs. 229. John Loring Cook, teacher of music, studio 801, Steinway Hall, Chicago; home address, 2058 Magnolia Ave., Edgewater. 230. Roy H. Dillon, electrical engineer, Normal or Milwaukee, Wis. St. Univ. of 111., 1895-97 and 1899-1901. 231. John Thomas Elliff, lawyer, Pekin. Minier, i yr. ; deputy circuit clerk, Pekin, 4 yrs. Married Imogene Ewing, Oct. 6, 1897. 232. George Kenyon Foster, teacher, Casselton, N. D. St. Univ. of 111., 1895-96; graduate student I.S.N.U., 1897-99; A.B., Columbia Univ., 1899-1901; teacher in h. s., Casselton, N. D., 1901-02; same, Fargo, N. D., 1902-03; supt. Casselton, N. D., 1903-date. f233. William T. Kirk, 218 West 8th St., Des Moines, la. 234. Ferdinand C. McCormick, physician, Normal. Grad. med. dept. Northwestern Univ., 1899; post grad. homeopathic dept. Mich. Univ., 1904. Married Estelle Katherine Baker (See no. 855), Oct., 1901. 235. Fred Russell McMurry, with Western Tel. Co., 2O5th St. and Mosholu Parkway, Fordham, N. Y. City. St. Univ. of 111., 1896-97; grad. Columbia Univ., 1898 ; post grad. work, Columbia, 1904-05 ; teacher rural sch., Garden City, Kan., i yr. Married Nettie Lawrence, Oct. 14, 1905. 236. Frederick William Parker, dentist, 708 Venetian Bldg., 34 Wash- ington St., res., 5440 Ridgewood Ct., Chicago. St. Northwestern Univ. Dent. Sch., 1895-96, 1897-98, and 1898-09; demonstrator Northwestern Univ. Dental Sch., 1899-1902; same, dental dept. Univ. of 111., 1902-04; same, Northwestern Univ. Dent. Sch., 1904-05 ; pub. article on mastication in Dental Review, 1905. Married Grace Elizabeth Peabody, Sept. 23, 1903. 237. Ralph Waldo Parker, trav. salesman for W. V. B. Ames Co., 6249 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. Grad. from Northwestern Univ. Dental Sch., Chicago, 1899; instructor in same school, 1899-1901 and 1903-04; asst. prof. Sch. of Dent., U. of 111., 1901-03; present position on account of ill- health, 1905-date. 238. Edward Percy Prince (See No. 847.) 239. Thomas W. Tipton, attorney, Bloomington. CLASS OF 1896 795. Anna Belle Arbogast (Mrs. Cass), Danvers. McLean Co., 1895- 96, 1897-99, 1900-01. Married Dr. William A. Cass, Jan. 15, 1902. 796. Sadie Emma Arbogast (Mrs. Lawrence), Arrowsmith. Rural schs., McLean Co., 2 yrs. ; Secor, 2 yrs. ; Saybrook, i yr. Married Samuel E. Lawrence, Sept. 23, 1903. 797. Rose Bland, student U. of I., 904 S. 5th St., Champaign. St. Univ. of 111., summers 1904 and 1906; same, 1906-07; Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1905; Chrisman h. s., 1896-97; Sterling h. s., 1897-98; Assump- tion h. s., 1898-99; Normal, 1899-1901; critic teacher I.S.N.U., 1901-06. 798. Jessie Jane Bullock, teaching, Decatur. St. U. of I., 1900, A.B. ; 1906, A.M.; Dixon h. s., I yr. ; Havana h. s., I yr. ; Mattoon h. s., I yr. ; Champaign h. s., 4 yrs. ; Decatur h. s., i yr. ; Charleston Normal, 3 sum- mer terms; I.S.N.U., i summer term. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 311 799. Flora Evangeline Campbell (Mrs. Peters,) 193 Franklin Place, Flushing, L. I. St. Natn'l Conservatory of Dramatic Art; Gaffy's Bus. Coll.; Campbell's Sch. of embalming; taught Forrest, 1896-97; substitute, Nyack. N. Y., I yr. ; private tutor, i yr. Married Edward Volney Peters, New York City, February 27, 1907. 800. Mrs. Carrie Maria Carpenter, teaching, Henry. St. in review sch., Oregon, 1898; teacher in grades and h. s., Henry n yrs. 801. Lillian Chenoweth, Osman. Cisco, I yr; Forrest, 1897-99. 802. Eva May Chisholm (Mrs. Carr), 427 N. Ave., 61, Los Angeles, Cal. St. U. of I., summer 1900; primary teacher State Inst. for the Deaf, 1896-1897; primary teacher, 1897-1900; asst. primary critic, Montana State Normal, 1900-1902; primary critic Washington State Normal, 1902-1903; 3 summers' inst. work in 111. and Mont. Married Herbert Carr, Oct. 28, 1903. 803. Lucy Maud Clanahan (Mrs. Dr. Harvey S. Smith), 206 St. Clair Ave., East St. Louis; asst. in h. s., Griggsville, 1896-1897. Married Dr. Harvey Sydney Smith (See H. S. 207, June n, 1902. 804. Myrtle Clanahan, 912 S. Fourth St., Springfield. Pontiac, 1896- 1898. 805. Ruah Coen, music student, Normal. *8o6. Daisy Delle Dickey, died in 1902. 807. Alice Irene Eldred (Mrs. Moore), 1104 N. Park St., Blooming- ton. Married W. D. Moore, 1902. 808. Jessie Agnes Grainey, teaching, Los Angeles, Cal. East St. Louis, 1896-1905; present position, 1905 . 809. Emma Flora Harpstrite, 545 West Main St., Decatur. St. James Milliken Univ., 1904-05; Decatur schs., 5 yrs. 810. Ella Mabel Harris (Mrs. Edwards), 2514 6th Ave., Moline. Moline, 1896-1905. Married Adolph S. Edwards, June 22, 1905. 811. Jessie May Himes, teaching. Charlevoix, Mich. St. Territorial Normal Univ., Las Vegas, N. M., 1898-1900; Univ. of Chicago; graduated from Coll. of Ed., 1903; McLean, 1896-1897; prin. Santa Fe N. M., 1897- 1898; model teacher in N. M. Normal Univ., Las Vegas, 1898-1902; West- ern Springs, 1903-04; prin. county normal, Charlevoix, Mich., iox>4-date; institute instructor, 1903-date. t8i2. Mary Florence Hobart (Mrs. G. I. Tracey), 313 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. Dixon, I yr. ; Chicago Heights, 2 yrs. ; Chicago, 5 yrs. 813. Laura Helen Holly (Mrs. Hanft), St. Paul, Minn. 1st primary, Maywood, I yr. ; h. s., Spring Valley, I yr. Married Judge H. O. Hanft, June, 1900. 814. Charlotte Marguerite Kates (Mrs. Henry), 0821 Howard St., Chicago. Melrose Park, 1896-99. Married Hubert K. Henry, Oct. 19, 1899 815. Ada Anna Kuhns (Mrs. Gernon), 608 N. West. St., Blooming- ton. Minier, i8g6-April, 1898; Bloomington, April, iSgS-January, 1902. Married Dr. Talbot C. Gernon, Jan. 29, 1902. 816. Marie Electa Moulton, Ledyard, Iowa. Mt. Sterling, 1897-1898; prin. h. s., Assumption, 1899-1900. 817. Anna Caruthers Nixon (Mrs. Stevenson), Sparta. Marissa, 1898- 1901 ; Ava, 1903-04. Married Dr. J. B. Stevenson, June 6, 1901. 818. Pearl Myrtle Perry (Mrs. Stokes), Rochelle. Cornell (rural school), 1893-94; Forrest, 1896-1897; Barrington, 1897-98. Married George C. Stokes, June 29, 1898. 819. Iva Mae Quigg (Mrs. McLaughlin), Minier. Lexington, 1896- 1898. Married Dr. S. M. McLaughlin, Oct. 22, 1901. 312 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 820. Lela Belle Reid (Mrs. Barnes), 6828 S. Park Ave., Chicago. Public sch. work, 1896-1897. Married Joseph A. Barnes, 1897. 821. Ada Myrtle Ruhl, Palo Alto, Cal. 822. Mary Esther Sabin, prin. Haven Sch., 1914 Orrington Ave., Evanston. St. Univ. of Chicago; Haven Sch., Evanston, i896-date. 823. Elizabeth Taylor Schaeffer (Mrs. Bondurant), Ft. Wayne, Ind. Rural sch., 1896-1898. Married Frank L. Bondurant, Sept. 7, 1898. 824. Mary Minerva Steagall, critic teacher, Ypsilanti, Mich. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1899-1900; Univ. of Chicago and School of Ed., 1903-04; prin. of h. schs., 1896-1900; 5th grade critic teacher, M.S.N.C., 1900-03; h. s. critic, M.S.N.C, 1904-date. 825. Ruby Linda Traver, teaching, Wheaton. Elem. s., Wheaton, 1896 . 826. Jesse Black, Jr., lawyer, Pekin. Rural schs., 3 yrs ; Pekin h. s., 1 yr. ; member 4ist general assembly; county and probate judge of Taze- well county, 4 yrs., now serving second term. Married Minnie Elizabeth Weyhrich, April 4, 1905. 827. Frank Smith Bogardus, teacher, Terre Haute, Ind. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1901 and 1902; Univ. of 111., 1903-04; prin. Metamora, 1896-98; prin. Franklin sch., Danville, 1898-99; prin. practice sch., I.S.N.U., 1899- 1903 ; chair of European History, Indiana State Normal, Terre Haute, i9O4-date. Married Luella Forden, June 28, 1898. 828. Elzy Cartwright Gavins, teaching, Hull. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer 1902; Univ. of 111., summer 1904; prin. schools, Neoga, 1896-1900; supt. west side schs., Batavia, 1900-03 ; prin. twp. h. s., Biggsville, 1903-05 ; prin. Hull, i9O5-date. 829. Albert Crouse Cohagan, supt. schs., Shelbyville. St. Univ. of Chicago, summers 1899-1902; prin. Rankin, 1896-1897; supt. Mt. Sterling, 1897-1902; supt. Shelbyville, i9O2-date. Married Helen M. Criswell, Nor- mal, Aug., 1894. 830. Alan DeWain Cowan, lawyer, 422 Unity Bldg., Bloomington. St. law sch., Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington. 831. Harry Bert Fox, instructor in geology, Univ. of 111., Urbana. St. Univ. of 111. ; asst. h. s., Carrollton, 2 yrs. *832. Lewis Theron Gallagher, died Dec. 10, 1904. A.B., Univ. of 111., 1902 ; prin. Tremont, I yr. ; h. s., Carrollton, 2 yrs. ; Park City, Utah, 2 yrs. ; supt. Byron ; Rose City, Mich., I yr. t833. Thomas Henry Greaves, railway mail service, Neoga. Prin. Gays, 3 yrs. ; Arthur, 2 yrs. ; Moweaqua, i yr. 834. Hershel Edward Kanaga, pres. Western Bank and Trust Co., Wewoka, I. T. Prin. h. s., ElPaso, 1893-95. Married Bernice Slaugh- ter, Sept. 22, 1903. 835. William Ernest Knott, freezer clerk, Swift's Plant, St. Joseph, Mo. Farmer City, 2 yrs. ; prin. Atwood h. s. ; prin. Gifford ; tea. mathe- matics, Asheville, N. C. Married Bessie Jinnett Dawdy, April 29, 1906. 836. Charles Thomas Law, internal revenue service, Peoria. St. I.S.N.U., summer 1901; supt. Hennepin, 1897-1900; supt. Minier, 1900-03; Morton, 1903-05 ; Sheffield, 1905-06. Married Carrie Louise Fessler, Aug. 26, 1902. 837. Paul Harris Lehman, Plymouth. Sunset, i yr. ; rural sch., Quincy, I 1-3 yrs. ; asst. Clayton, i yr. ; prin. Plainview, I yr. ; Plymouth, 3 yrs. 838. William Herman Diedrich Meier, city supt. Havana. St. Har- vard Univ., summer 1901 ; prin. Ipava, 1896-1901 ; supt. Griggsville, 1901- 04; supt. Havana, 1904-date; alderman Ipava for 2 terms; pub. Meier's STATE) NORMAIv UNIVERSITY. 313 Herbarium and Plant Description (Ginn & Co.) Married Lizzie B. Campbell, Riggston, Oct. 30, 1890. 839. Otto Sylvester Meyer, railway postal clerk, 5612 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Prin. Lombard, 1896-99; Elizabeth, 1900-02. Married Blanche Schlosser, Dec. 20, 1904. 840. James Edward O'Neil, grocer, 1102 W. Chestnut St., Bloom- ington. 841. John Thomas Williams Page, bank cashier, Pleasant Lake, N. D. Prin. Leeds, N. D., 1896-98; member board of supervisors York twp, 1899; chairman of same, 1900. Married Ella Mann, Oct. 12, 1902. 842. Joseph Lewis Page, cashier, Bank of Westhope, N. D. St. Shurtleff Coll., Upper Alton, spring 1897; at present vice-pres. and mgr. Page Investment Co. of Westhope, N. D. Married Anna M. Heiden- reich, Feb. 5, 1902. 843. Ralph Plummer Peairs, physician and surgeon, 498 Murray Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. St. Rush Med. Coll., 1899-1903; Interne St. Mary's Hos- pital, Milwaukee, 1003-1904; house surgeon, Johnston Emergency Hospital, Milwaukee, 1905 ; pub. in the Journal of the Amer. Med. Association, March 31, 1906, an article, "Head Injuries Accompanied by Intracranial Haemorrhage." 844. Nelson Davison Pike, ranchman, Weatherford, Okla. Supt. schs., Weatherford, Okla., 1899-1903. 845. Harry Brusha Price, supt. schs., Fulton. St. Univ. of 111., 1898- 1903, and 1905 ; 111. Wes., 1902 ; prin. Franklin Grove, 1896-1901 ; supt. sch., Ashton, 1901-06; present position, I9o6-date. Married Luella Tra- vis, 1902. 846. Charles Albert Pricer, mgr. Grain and Coal Co., Mahomet. Prin. schs., Mahomet, 1896-1900; village clerk, sch. treas., tax collector and cashier Mahomet Bank, at different times. Married Etta Possee, 1892. 847. Edward Percy Prince, lawyer, Webster City, Iowa. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1896-97; grad. 111. Wes. Univ. law sch., 1899-1902; rural sch. near Cooksville, 1898-99. 848. Edward William Quick, physician, Appleton, Wis. St. Univ. of Chicago ; Rush Med. Coll. ; McCormick Memorial Institute for Infectious Diseases ; prin. Riverdale, 1896-98 ; resident physician, Cook Co. Hospital, 1903-05 ; phys. to Chicago Bd. of Health ; pub. N ' omatosis, in Am. Jour, of Dermatology, St. Louis, Mo., February, 1907, and various other articles in medical journals.. 849. Philip Harmon Shaub, Custom House clerk, Federal Bldg., Chi- cago, (residence, Berwyn, 111.) Prin. Ohio, 1896-99; pub. Substitute Car- rier's Handbook of Information; secy, and treas. Chicago Club of I.S.N.U., 1907. Married Clara J. Neis, Ohio, Feb. 24, 1903. 850. John Arthur Strong, supt. schools, Blandinsville. Prin. Biggs- ville twp. h. s., 7 yrs. ; teacher Galesburg h. s., 2 yrs. ; supt. Blandinsville, I yr. Married Mabel I. Harris, June 15, 1898. 851. Ernest Algier Thornhill, prin. Telluride Institute, Provo, Utah. St. Harvard Univ., 1896-99; supt. Carrollton, 1899-1903; present position, iox>4-date. Married Lida E. Connole, June, 1903. 852. William Jackson Whetzel, proprietor and mgr. Electric Light Plant, Eureka. Downs, 1896-97; Benson, i897-December, 1898; Co. supt. Woodford county, December, i898-December, 1906; proprietor and mgr. of electric light plant, I9o6-date ; pub. The Improvement of the Country School. Married Hannah Keller, Aug. 10, 1897. 853. Robert Edwin Worley, medical missionary. Swatow, China. St. Rush Med. Coll., 1899-1903 ; elem. s., Aurora, 1896-97 ; prin. Jefferson Park h. s., El Paso, 1897-98; traveling agt, for E. O. Vaile, 1898-99. Married Prudence O. Campbell, Aug. 25, 1903. 314 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY CLASS OF 1897 854. Cora Ethel Baker, teaching, 1173 West Macon St., Decatur. St. I.S.N.U.. summer 1904; Moweaqua, 1901-02; Normal. 1902-03; rural sch., spring 1904; Decatur elem. s., iox>5-date. 855. Estelle Katherine Baker (Mrs. McCormick), Normal. Married Dr. Ferd McCormick, Oct., 1901. (See H. S. 234.) *8s6. Harriet Bland, died July 24, 1901. Colfax, 3 yrs. 857. Eva Belle Boyce, teaching, Bloomington. Bloomington, 1898-02. 1858. Mabel Anna Cooper (Mrs. Joseph D. Mitchell), Pawhuska, Okla. Maywood, 2 yrs. ; DeKalb Normal Practice Sch., i yr. ; Montana State Normal Sch., Dillon, Mont., i yr. 1859. Gertrude Darby. Address unknown. *86o. Etta Melissa Fairfield, died June, 1906, Normal. Bloomington, 4 yrs. ; Colorado Springs, Colo., 2^4 yrs. 861. Jessie Felton (Mrs. Brittin), 1309 N. Oak St., Bloomington. Married L. Hampton Brittin, Dec. 28, 1898. 862. Grace Fenton, teacher, 112 N. Hazel St., Danville. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1904; primary tea., Danville, i897-date. t863. Mary Fletcher, teaching, Milledgeville. Grade teacher, 1897- 1903; h. s. teacher, 1903-07. 864. Elizabeth Twining Hall, Downs. St. Univ. of 111., 1899-1901; Univ. of Chicago, summers 1905 and 1906 ; asst. h. s., Oregon, 2 yrs. ; Eng- lish in h. s., Everett, Wash., 4 yrs. ; English instructor in Normal Sch., Pittsburg, Kas., i yr. 865. Emma Louise Lee, teaching, 165 N. Kedzie Aye., Chicago. St. Univ. of Wis., 1905; Chicago Normal Sch., 1906; Barrington, 2j4 yrs.; Chicago, i yr. ; pub. Value of Games in Schools, Games Indoors and Out. 866. Myrtle Margaret Liggitt (Mrs. Ehlers), in N. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park. Maywood, iSoxj-December, 1900. Married Dr. F. F. Ehlers, Dec. 25, 1900. 867. Blanche Lurton, traveling in Germany. Formerly a teacher in the Philippines. 868. Edna Bell Michaelis (Mrs. Chamberlain), 3007 Vine Grove Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Maywood, 1897-1898; Lemont, 1898-1900. Married Oren P. Chamberlain, Aug. 6, 1900 869 Anna T. Mitchell, 620 W. Lawrence Ave., Springfield. Rural sch., Sangamon county, 5 yrs. ; Cantrall, 2 yrs. ; Springfield, I yr. 870. Edith Belle Mize, teaching, 1912 Greenwood St., Pueblo, Colo. Primary grade, Danville, 1897-1902; prim, grade, Pueblo, Colo., iox2-date. 1871. Eva Mary Moon (Mrs. J. H. Sawyer), Charleston. Bloom- ington elem. sch., 2 yrs. 872. Elsie Patterson (Mrs. Holder), 204 N. 6th St., Newark, N. J. H. S., Downers' Grove, 1897-1903. Married Vernon M. Holder, July, 1904. 873. Alice Frances Phillips (Mrs. Osborne), Hood River, Oregon. Bluffton, Ind., 1897-99. Married John Hogarth Osborne, April 2, 1902. 874. Effie Melvina Pike, teaching, 707 S. Scoville Ave., Oak Park. St. in Univ. of Chicago ; prin. and teacher in Longfellow sch., Oak Park, 1902-1907; primary tea. in schs. of Oak Park, April, i899-date, t875. Wilhelmine Rhinesmith, teaching, 1321 Leland Ave., Chicago. Mattoon, yrs. ; Chicago, 8 yrs. 1876. Laura Schlatterer, Winona, Minn. Taught, 3 yrs. *877. Amelia Alice Sikkema, died at Belleville, Sept. 14, 1902. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 315 878. Nora Mae Simmons (Mrs. Dickerson), 440 N .Lafayette St., Macomb. Prin. h. s.,, Griggsville, 1897-1901 ; same, Carthage, 1901-02 ; same, Pana, 1902-03; same, Shelbyville, 1903-05. Married O. M. Dicker- son (See No. 1002), Nov. 10, 1906. 879. Bessie Bedell Stevenson (Mrs. Bertram Robinson), Chula Vista, Cal. Primary tea., Bloomington, 1897-1902. Married Bertram Robinson, July 30, 1902. 880. Emma F. Washburn (Mrs. Edmunds), Rushville. Atlanta h. s., I yr. Married Henry H. Edmunds (See No. 778), June 14, 1900. f88i. Franklin Benjamin Carson. 882. John Calvin Hall, supt. city schs., Whiting, Ind. St. Univ. of 111., A.B., 1899-1900; Univ. of Chicago, 1906; asst. prin. Peru h. s., 1897- J 899; prin. h. s., Whiting, Ind., 1900-04; supt. Whiting, Ind., iox>4-date. Married Grace M. Debo, Aug. 14, 1900. 883. Joel Alva Harley, rep. D. Appleton & Co., Madison, Wis. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1898-99; prin. McHenry, 1896; prin. and supt. Galena, 1897-98; prin. h. s., Riverside, 1900-01; vice pres. Iowa School Pub. Co., I9o6-date. Married Elizabeth Jay Gardner, June 30, 1897. 884. George Stephen Hoff, real estate ins., and farm loans, 309 Dan- iel Bldg., Danville. Prin. ward sch., Ottawa, 111., 2 mos. Married Carrie B. Vinson, Aug. 28, 1888. 885. George Warren Hunt, co. supt. and atty., Granville, 111. Degree of L.L.B. from Univ. of 111., 1904; prin. h. s., Granville, 1898-1901; co. supt. of schs., Putnam Co., 1902-date ; actice in work of consolidating rural schools in Illinois. 886. Riley Oren Johnson, prof, of biology, State Normal Sch., Chico, Cal. St. Univ. of 111., 1904-06; prin. Hindsboro, 1898-99; Chicago Vacation Schs., 1899 and 1900 (two terms) ; Chicago elem. s., 1899-1904; Chicago Apprentice Sch. (i term) 1904; prof, of biology, Chico, Cal., I9o6-date. 887. Fred Granville Patch, Roseville. Prin. Roseville, 1897-1905. 888. Benjamin Perry, health inspector, 853 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Grad. pharmacy dept. of U. of C, 1899-1902; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, 1903-06; taught near Melvin, 1898-99. 889. Warren Hale Rishel, supt. Echo Mission Sch., Velarde, Rio Ar- riba Co., N. M. St. Las Vegas Normal Sch., 1900 (summer) ; supt. Echo Mission, Velarde, N. M., i897-date. Married Elizabeth Kaven McElroy, Aug. 7, 1890. (See No. 580.) 890. Francis Thompson, prin. schs., Lansing. St. Univ. Chicago, 1899, (summer term) ; Univ. of 111., 1904 and 1906 (summers) ; prin. Davis, 1898-1900; prin. West Harvey, 1900-02; prin. Wheeling, 1902-1904; prin. Lansing, iox>4-date. 891. Martin Lewis Ullenswang, teaching, Albert Lea, Minn. B.S., Univ. of 111., 1899; Stoughton Acad., 1899-1900; h. s., Webster City, la., 1900-01; Luther Acad., Albert Lea, Minn., igoi-date. Married Marie Jensen, 1894. 892. Winthrop Selden Welles, supt. sch., Park Ridge. B.S., Univ. of 111., 1901 ; summer sch., Harvard, 1906 ; Gifford, 1897-98 ; prin. Byron, 1898-99; prin. h. s., Granville, 1901-02; present position, 1902 . Mar- ried Gertrude A. Hisel, Sept. 2, 1897. CLASS OF 1898 893. Dorothea Katherine Beggs, prof, of German, Univ. of Denver, University Park, Col. St. Univ. of Denver, 1898-99; A.B., 1906; Pestalozzi- Froebel Haus, Berlin. Ger., 1900-01 ; Univ. of Berlin, 1905 ; primary tea., Ft. Collins, Colo., 1899-1900 and 1901-1902; tea. German, h. s., Ft. Collins,. 316 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY Colo., 1902-04; asst. in Ger. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, 1905-06; prof, of German, Univ. of Denver, ioo6-date. 1894. Sada Rosanna Chicken (Mrs. Dr. Claire Willett), Pekin. 895. Elizabeth Taylor Cleveland, graduate nurse, 2520 N. 42d Court, Chicago. St. Polyclinic Training Sen., 1901-03 ; Sheffield, I yr. ; Oglesby, 2 yrs. ; graduate nurse Chicago, i9O3-date. 896. Annetta Belle Cooper, Normal. Greenview, 1898-99; Normal, 1899-1907. 897. Mabel Maude Corson (Mrs. Burroughs), Sunnyside, Wash. Prin.. h. s., Winchester, 1898-99; Normal grades, 1899-1903; prin. h. s., Sunnyside, Wash., 1903-05. Married Herbert S. Burroughs, June 14, 1905. tSoS. Bessie Abiah Cowles (Mrs. Dr. John A. Heaton), 741 E. Main St., Hoopeston. Taught, 2 yrs. 899. S. Macy Curtis (Mrs. Lee Wheeler), Muskogee, I. T. 900. Jessie May Dillon, training teacher, I.S.N.U., Normal. Rural sch., 1892-94; primary dept. in Chicago preparatory sch., 1894-96; tea. in primary dept in I.S.N.U., 1896-98; primary training tea. in State Normal Sch., Winona, Minn., 1898-99; asst. prin. in training sch., Saginaw, Mich., 1899-1900; training tea. in I.S.N.U., i9OO-date. 901. Georgia Elliott (Mrs. Robinson), Oklahoma City, Okla., R.F.D. No. ii. Asst. prin. h. s., Genoa, 1898-99; DeKalb Normal Practice Sch., 1899-1900; River Forest, 1900-01; Dixon, 1901-1902; Chickasha, I. T., 1902- 03. Married Tracy L. Robinson, March 4, 1903. 902. Nellie Fincham (Mrs. Reedy), Towanda. St. Central Institute, Chicago, 1900-01 and 1902; elem. s., Chicago, 1898-1906. Married Dr. W. H. Reedy, June 29, 1905. 1903. Margaret Julia Frank, Sterling. Taught, 1808-1905. 904. Adelaide Antoinette Grassman, Belleville. Tea. elem. s., Belle- ville, 1898-1904; elem. s., St. Louis, Mo., i9O4-date. 905. Mrs. Ellen Turner (Reynolds), Hamblin, U. S. Indian Sch., Phoenix, Arizona. Wellington, Kan., 1899-1900; U. S. Indian Sch., Phoenix, Arizona, 4 mos., 1904. Married October 6, 1895. 006. Annabel Humphrey, teaching, Normal. St. I.S.N.U., summer 1906; Griggsville, 5th grade, 1898-99: Soldiers' Orphans' Home, 4 mos., 1906-07. t9O7. Wilhelmine Kaiser. Address unknown. Taught, 3 yrs. foo8. Carrie Kerns, 324 E. 44th St., Chicago. Cleveland, O., 2 yrs.; Boulder, Col., i yr. 909. Otillie Lange, teaching, Belt, Mon. German and Amer. Lit, h. s. Keokuk, la., 1898-1905 ; present position, 1905 . 910. Mary Lentz, Kewaunee, Wis. St. Univ. of Cal., 1901-02; Univ. of 111., 1902-1903; Univ. of Wis. (summer), 1904; elem. sch., LaPressa, Cal., 1900-1901 ; h. s. Farmer City, 1903-05 ; h. s., Kewaunee, Wis., 1906- date. 911. Josephine Lesem, 485 S. Clinton St., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chi- cago, 1905-06, and '07; primary teacher Quincy, 1898-1901; elem. sch., Chicago, looi-date. 912. Marien Ida Lyons, teaching, 6338 Ellis Ave., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago, 3 yrs. ; h. s., Lincoln, 2 yrs. ; teacher geog. and history, I . S . N.U., 1902-04; teacher geog. Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago, 1904 . 913. Grace Adela Monroe, 5445 Rice St., Chicago. St. Chicago Athe- naeum (sten.), 1903; h. s. tea. Milledgeville, 1898-1901; elem sch., Chi- cago, looi-date. ILLINOIS STATE) NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 317 914. Fannie Edna Morse, missionary to Chippewa Indians, Lac du Flambeau, Wis. St. Moody Institute, Chicago, 1899 and 1900; tea. rural sch., Cook Co., 1898 and 1899; missionary to Chippewa Indians, igoi-date. 915. Henrietta Betsy Pitts (Mrs. Martin), 103 Sherman Court, Joliet. St. Univ. of 111., 1900-1902; asst. prin h. s., ElPaso, 1898-1900; math. h. s. Charleston, 1902-03 ; math. h. s. Jacksonville, 1903-04 ; math. h. s., Bloom- ington, 1904-06. Married Robert W. Martin, June 20, 1906. 916. Eva Amanda Porter (Mrs. Marshall), 379 S. LaSalle St., Au- rora. St. I.S.N.U., 1898-99; Bloomington Conservatory of Music; King- ston, 1899-1904. Married Charles J. Marshall, Dec. 24, 1901. 1917. Mary Amelia Rickards (Mrs. Alvin H. Louis), 5656 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Centralia sch., 4 yrs. 9i. Mrs. Lilla Delle Riggs (Mrs. John D. Riggs), 1416 N. Main St., Bloomington. 919. Silva Ross, tea., Decatur. LeRoy, y*. yr. ; Rochelle, 1899-1900; Marietta St. Sch., Decatur, 1900 . 920. Addie Eliza Roziene, tea., 3655 N. 43d Ave., Chicago. St. Chicago Normal, summer, 1899; Dr. Staley's Saturday Sch., winters, 1901 and 02; Central Inst, 1906; rural sch., i yr. ; Niles Center, 1899-1902; Riverview, 1902-03; Maywood, i9O3-date. 921. Nano Pearl Smith, teaching, Bisbee, Ariz. Rochelle, 4 yrs. ; Creston, 3 mos. ; asst. co. supt., Ogle Co., \y 2 yrs.; Bisbee, Ariz., 2 yrs. 922. Clara May Snell (Mrs. Wolfe), 272 Oak St., Oberlin, Ohio. Tea. h. s., Dundee, 1898-1899; elem. sch., Manilla, Iowa, 1899-1900; critic tea. I.S7NTU., 1900-01; E.I.S.N.S., 1901-06. Married Albert Benedict Wolfe (See No. 944), Sept. 6, 1906. 923. Emma Grace Stetzler, teaching, 1106 S. Ridgeway Ave., Chicago. Rural sch., Putnam Co., 1898-99; DeKalb, 1899-1900; Calumet, Mich., 1900-02; Berwyn, 1902-04; elem. sch., Chicago, i9O4-date. 924. Mary Ellen Sullivan (Sister Mary Fidelis, O.S.D.), Sacred Heart Acad., Madison, Wis. St. Univ. of Wis., summers 1903 and 04; Clara Convent, Sinsinawa, Wis., 1901-03 ; elem. sch. tea., Bloomington, 1898-1901.; h. s. Sacred Heart Acad., 1903 . 925. Carrie Estelle Travis (Mrs. Urban), 712 W. Elm St., Urbana. Asst. prin., ElPaso, 1898-1900; h. s., tea., Oregon, 1900-01. Married Har- vey B. Urban, July 16, 1901. 926. Julia Buckner Williams (Mrs. Barney), R.F.D. Route 2, N. Wellsville, Mo. St. Mo. State Normal, 1899; asst. in h. s., Middletown, Mo., 1899-1900; rural sch., 1900-1901. Married George Barney, Feb.. 5, 1901. 927. Anna Elizabeth Wilmer, teaching, Bisbee, Ariz. St. Univ. of Cal., summer, 1905; Kankakee, 1900-1905; Bisbee, Ariz., 8th grade, 1905- 1906; biology and history h. s. Bisbee, Ariz., I9o6-date. 928. Emilie Barrington Wright, tea., Wendell Phillips H. S., 6338 Ellis Ave., Chicago. St. 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1902; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.B., 1906; t. Latin, h. s., Lincoln, 1898-99; same, State Normal Sch., West Superior, Wis., 1901-05; present position, 1906. 929. Bruce Bright, Normal. *93O- Joseph Baumgarner, died St. Louis, Mo., Oct. n, 1901. 931. Lyman H. Coleman, teaching, 3144 Dover St., Chicago. LaSalle twp. h. s., 1898-1899; elem. sch., Chicago, i899-date. Married Claudia Cook, 1885. 932. Hyatt Elmer Covey, farmer, LeRoy, R.F.D. No. 3. St. Univ. of Chicago, A.B., 1898-1901 ; prin. h. s., Montevideo, Minn., 3 yrs. Mar- ried D. Lois Baldwin, June 26, 1901. 318 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 933. Robert Andrew Cowles, business agent, Rooms 10-12, Durley Bid., Bloomington. St. Univ. of Wis., 1898-1899; Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., Chicago, 1899 and 1900. Married Leila C. Stephens, June 10, 1903. 934. William Crocker, prof, in botany, Hull Botanical Lab., Univ. of Chicago. St. Univ. of 111., 1899-1902; A.B. and A.M., Univ. of 111., 1902- 03 ; Univ. of Chicago, summers, 1900 and '01 ; senior fellow in botany, Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D., 1904-06; prin. Weathersfield Sch., Kewanee, 1898-1900; asst. in plant physiology, Univ. of C., 1906 ; pub. articles on phyiosolgy and botany. 935. Herman Doud, prin. Harley Acad., Tishomingo, I. T. Prin. Troy Grove, 1898-1903; Seneca, 1903-04; prin. gov't Indian sch., Tisho- mingo, I. T., I9o6-date. Married May B. Eck, Aug. 12, 1902. 936. Byron Evans Eastwood, member of Rockford Abstract Co., 313 West State St., Rockford. Asst. prin. h. s. LeRoy, 1898-1900; admitted to bar Oct., 1903. 937- William Woodrow Martin, supervisor of training sch., State Normal, Cape Girardeau, Mo. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1898 (summer), same 1899-1900, 1903-04, Ph. B. ; prin. h. s., Peru, 1897-98; inst. State Normal, Superior, Wis., 1899; same, Platteville, Wis., 1900; supt. Whitewater, Wis., 1900-02; supervisor training sch. State Normal Sch., Natchitoches, La., 1904; State Normal Sch., Cape Girardeau, Mo., igps-date; pub. many articles on educational subjects; asst. editor of Cape Girardeau State Nor- mal paper, the Educational Outlook. Married Katharine Mavity, June 24, 1900. 938. Arthur Qrlo Norton, asst. prof., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. St. Harvard Univ., 1894-99; instructor, Harvard Univ., 1899-1905; asst. prof., iox>5-date. Married Alice Lyon, July 2, 1903. 939- William Kennett Peasley, civil engr. and gen. contr., 525 Wilcox Bldg. (res. 673 S. Bonnie Brae St.), Los Angeles, Cal. Married, March, 1904. 940. Walter Franklin Pike, physician and surgeon, Twin Falls, Idaho. St. Denver Univ., med. and lit. depts., A.B., A.M., and M.D., 1899-1904; prin. h. s., Edwardsville, 1898-99; house physician, Denver, Col., City Hos- pital, 1903-04; pres. Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce, 1907. Married Jessie C. Kunkely, June 26, 1905. 941. Ernest Arthur Scrogin, asst. U. S. attorney, Springfield. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1895-98; asst. in h. s., Mt. Vernon, 1898-99; h. s. Free- port, 1899-1901 ; deputy U. S. dist. clerk, S. Dist. of Ills., 1901-04 ; asst. U. S. dist. atty., S. Dist. of 111., 1904- Jan., 1907; general atty. for anti- saloon league of Illinois, i9O7-date. Married Nine Julia Butler, Huntley, June 27, 1900. 942. Harmon Ebert Waits, supt. schools, Petersburg. St. Univ. of 111., summers of 1898, 1905, and 1906; prin. ElPaso, 1898-1904; supt. Petersburg, i9O4-date. Married Zetta Mae Bozarth, Aug. 3, 1898. 943. George Shirley Wilson, teaching, Seattle, Wash. St. Univ. of 111., 1901-03 ; prin. Bement h. s., 1903-Apr., 1905 ; tea. physics, h. s., Seattle, Wash., May, i9O5-date. 944. Albert Benedict Wolfe, prof, of Economics and Sociology, Ober- lin College, Oberlin, Ohio. St. Harvard College, 1899-1902; Harvard Graduate Sch., 1902-04; prin. White Hall h. s., 1898-1899; inst. in history, McKinley h. s., St. Louis, Mo., 1904-05 ; prof. Oberlin College, ioo5-date ; pub. The Lodging-House Problem in Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Married Clara M. Snell (See No. 922), Sept. 6, 1906. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 319 CLASS OF 1899 945. Mary Leota Adee (Mrs. Wm. Eckholm), 115 East St., Rock- ford. Rockford sch., 1899-1902. 946. Blanche Aldrich, Normal. St. Univ. of 111., A.B., 1901-05. 947. Sadie Chenoweth Athens (Mrs. Atherton), Pleasant Plains. El- Paso grades, 1899-1901 ; Sycamore, 1901-02. Married E. J. Atherton, banker, June 30, 1902. 948. Clementine Maud Baird (Mrs. Percy), West Point, Miss. Ray- mond Sch., Bloomington, 1899-1902. Married Ernest H. Percy, Dec. 31, 1902. 949. Olive Lillian Barton, teacher I.S.N.U., Normal. Grad. from Univ. of 111., 1905 ; prin. h. s., Lexington, 1899-1902 ; prin. h. s., Pittsfield, 1902-04; tea. of math, in Mt. Vernon twp. h. s., 1905-06; critic tea. I.S. N.U., I9o6-date; inst. in math, summer terms, I.S.N.U., 1903-06. 950. Annie Jeanette Beattie, teaching, 3178 Dover St., Chicago, 111. Asst. prin. h. s., Savanna, March, igoo-June, 1901 ; elem. sch., Chicago, 1901-1002; Houghton, Mich., 1902-03; Chicago, igos-date; Upper Mich. Children's Home solicitor, 1903-05. 951. Kate Edna Carpenter, teacher, 319 Glen Oak Ave., Peoria. St. Univ. of 111., summer, 1902; Brown's Bus. College, summer, 1904; t. rural sch., Peoria Co., 1899-1901; prin. Pottstown, 1901-02; Peoria, 1902-04; tea. shorthand and typewriting Brown's Bus. College, i9O4-date. 952. Lydia Colby, Geneseo. Tea. rural sch. Henry Co., 1891-95 ; Ke- wanee, 1897-1899; training sch., DeKalb, 1899-1900. 953. Catherine Louise Cowles, teacher, 1107 E. Jefferson St., Bloom- ington. Tea. in elem. sch., Bloomington, 1899 . 954. Rachel Pierson Crouch, teaching, Little York. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1904 and 1905; country sch., Kirkwood, 1900-1902; prin., Biggs- ville, 1902-1904. 955. Bertha Lea Davenport, teacher, Monrovia, Cal. Critic tea. N.I.S.N.S., DeKalb, 1899-1900; DeKalb pub. sch., 1900-01; San Pedro, Cal., 1901-03; Covina, Cal., 1003-06; Monrovia, Cal., ioo6-date. *956. Lula Lea Davenport, died Dec. 22, 1901. Taught i yr. 957. Clara Dietz, teaching, Glencoe. Cisco, i yr. ; Hinsdale, 4 yrs. ; Glencoe, 1904 . 958. Anastacia Donohue (Mrs. Henaughan), 527 DeKalb Ave., De- Kalb. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1901 ; critic grammar grades, N.I.S.N.U., 1899-1903 and 1905-06; pub. Seventh Grade Arithmetic, a Lesson in Specific Gravity in School and Home Education, 1901. Mar- ried M. J. Henaughan, Sept. 19, 1006. 959. Alice Wessels Drobisch, teacher, 1094 W. Wood St., Decatur. Decatur, i899-date. 960. Carlie Anne Edwards, teacher, Prescott, Ariz., Danville, 1899- 1000 ; primary grades, Prescott, Ariz., igoo-date. 961. Winifred Grace Elliott (Mrs. Drennan), 629 W. Prairie Ave., Decatur. Yorkville, 1899-1900; Decatur, 1900-1904. Married John Pat- ton Drennan, Sept. 6, 1905. 962. Tillie May Entler (Mrs. Tullis), 335 N. Broadway St., Decatur. Prin. Kampsville, 1899-1900; Decatur, 1900-03. Married Clifford E. Tul- lis, June 16, 1903. t963. Ada Esther Ewen, 214 Forest Ave., Oak Park. Taught 6 yrs. 064. Grace Fairfield, teacher, Chenoa. Cissna Park, 2 yrs. ; Wat- seka, 4 yrs. ; Chenoa, 320 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 1965. Sarah Louvella Flinn (Mrs. Dr. Roy Webster), Morgan Co. Pana sch., 1899-1902. t966. Laura Ellen Hahn, Davis. Taught 6 yrs. 967. Elizabeth Clerk Haynes, teacher, Shirley. Primary tea. Bloom- ington, i899-date. 968. Ida Rose Hummel (Mrs. Ruddy), Wanda, Minn. May wood, 1899-1901; rural sch., Redwood Co., Minn., 1901-02; Wanda, Minn., 1902- 04; prin. Wanda, Minn., i9O4-date. Married James E. Ruddy, July 2, 1901. 969. Ora LaRue (Mrs. Dow), Olney. Rutland, 1899-1901. Married Charles M. Dow, June 30, 1901. 970. Harriet Moulton Lovering, teacher, 1301 Grand Aye., Enid, Okla. Montpelier, Ind., 1899-1901; Assumption, 1901-02; Enid, Okla., T9o6-date. 971. Nellie Jane Lovett (Mrs. Nine), Emden. Hopedale, i899-March, 1902; Bloomington, March, 1902-04. Married Charles E. Nine, Aug. 3, 1904. 972. Mary Edith McWherter, teacher, 204 S. School St., Normal. Rossville, 1899-1901; Danville, 1901-1902; Bloomington, 1902-date. 973. Lida Belle Mix, st. Univ. of Chicago, 5610 Madison Ave., Chi- cago. Tea. 8th grade, Clinton, 1900-1901; Dixon, 1901-02; Dixon, 1903- 04; st., U. of C, 1906-date. 974. Isidore Alice Nixon, teaching, 208 S. 2nd St., Maywood, May- wood, i899-date ; asst. librarian Maywood Public Library for several years. 975. Blanche McCormick Oakes, cataloguer pub. library, Rockford. St. Wisconsin library sch., summers 1903 and '04; t, Oak Park sch., 1899- 1901. t976. Grace Orb, West Lafayette, Ind. Taught, 1899 977. Mary Delima Oxley, teacher, 434 S. Maple St., Centralia. Pri- mary tea., Centralia, 7 yrs. 978. Cora Lorena Reno (Mrs. Sunderland), teacher, Austin. St. U. of Chicago, summers, 1899 and 1900; tea. DeKalb Normal, 6th and 8th grades, 1899-1901 ; Chicago elem. sch., igoi-date. Married Jesse W. Sun- derland, Dec. 27, 1905. 979. Louise Dora Schneider, teaching, 518 E. Locust St., Blooming- ton. Tea. elem. sch., Bloomington, i899-date. 980. Mary Lizzie Schneider, Elburn. Biggsville twp. h. s., 1899-04. 981. Grace Sitherwood (Mrs. Bent), 4201 Glen Albyn Drive, Los Angeles, Cal. Oglesby, Sept., 1899- Jan., 1901 ; Bloomington, Jan.-June, 1901. Married Henry Stanley Bent, July 9, 1901. 982. Mary Cline Sterrett, teaching, 717 W. Prairie Ave., Decatur. At- wood, 1900-1901 ; Monticello, 1901-1905; Decatur, igos-date. 983. Helen Mary Taylor, teacher, 504 E. Walnut St., Bloomington. St. U. of 111., A.B., 1900-1902; DeKalb, 1899-1900; h. s., DeKalb, 1902-03; rhetoric, U. of I., 1903-04; traveled in Europe, 1904-05; math, in h. s., Bloomington, I9o6-date. 0^4. Mary Lillian Trimble, preceptress and librarian, State Manual Training Sch., Ellendale, N. D. Grad. Univ. of 111., 1906; training sch., DeKalb, 2 yrs. ; same, Moorhead, Minn. ,i yr. ; Edmond, Okla., 2 yrs. ; present position, I9o6-date. 985. Helen Parsons Wells (Mrs. Bayliss), Ludlow, Vermont. Wash- ington, 1899-1900; Lexington, 1900-1901; Decatur, 1902-04. Married Rev. Edward L. Bayliss, Aug. 18, 1904. 986. Mary Johnston Wells (Mrs. Stout), Genoa. ElPaso, 1899-1903. Married Henry F. Stout, Aug. 6, 1903. (See No. 1092.) ILLINOIS STATS NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 321 987. Lucinda Hannah Westbrook (Mrs. Downey), 2718 Cicero Ave., Clyde. Elgin, 1899-1900; elem. sch., Chicago, 1900-1904. Married Elzy F. Downey, July 16, 1902. 988. Jean Gertrude Whigam (Mrs. Taylor), 1269 N. 42d Ave., Chi- cago. Chicago, Feb., 1900-01 ; same, Oct., i9O3-March, 1905. Married Ed- ward T. Taylor, Dec. 25, 1900. 989. Anna Evelyn Wise, teaching, Gresham Sch., Chicago. Lemont, 3 yrs. ; Chicago Heights, 2 yrs. ; Joliet, i yr. ; Chicago elem. sch., 2 yrs. *99O. Eva Centennial Wiseman, died Feb. 24, 1902. Taught in Doug- las county, 3 yrs. t99i. Jessie Lee Youle, Saybrook. Taught 6 yrs. 992. Grace Harriet Young, grad. nurse, 1242 Monroe St., Chicago. St. Garfield Park Training Sch. for Nurses, 1899-1901. 993. Earl Wilder Ackert, prof, math., State Normal and Industrial Sch., Ellendale, N. D. St. Steinman College, Dixon, 1899-1900; tea. in Steinman College, 1899-1900; Blanchard, N. D., 1900-01; Grandin, N. D, i9Oi-Jan., 1902; h. s., Oakes, N. D., 1902-1904; supt. Oakes, 1904-1907; present position, 1907 . 994. Charles Henry Allen, teacher, Bloomington. Head of dept. of biology and physiography, h. s., Bloomington, iSgg-date. Married Mattie Morgan, Sept. i, 1898. 995. Arthur Elmer Ashworth, Uvalde, Texas. Married May Lyn- don Carter, Denison, Texas, June 27, 1906. 906. Charles L. Beach, mus. director, 911 Cable Bldg., Chicago. Mar- ried Clara Murray. 997. Thomas Milton Birney, supt. Edwardsville. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1900-1901, and summer terms since; prin. h. s., Normal, 1895-1900; prin. Kewanee, 1901-1903; supt. Edwardsville, i9O3-date. Married Olive Ger- trude Thomas, June 17, 1905. 998. Clarence Bonnell, teaching, Harrisburg. St. Univ. of 111., sum- mer, 1905; prin. h. s., Metropolis, 1899-1902; prin. h. s. Paxton, 1902-04; asst. prin. twp. h. s., Harrisburg, i9O4-date; Married Docia May Turner, Taylorville, July 12, 1900. 999. Benjamin Fletcher Brown, teaching, Ault, Col. St. Colorado State Normal, 1907; rural graded sch., 1899-1901; Highland Lake, 1901- 1902; prin. Ault h. s., 1902-1904; prin. Fort Lupton, Col., 1904-1905; prin. Ault h. s., 1905-1907. 1000. Clyde Lewis Burtis, asst. mgr. James A. Brady Fdy. Co., 6847 Parnell Ave., Chicago. Prin. grade sch., Garden City, Kansas, 2 yrs. Married Nellie M. Haaff, Oct. n, 1906. 1001. John Mark Dewhirst, teacher, Havana. St. Biological Sta. Ind. Univ., summer, 1902; grades, Havana, 1899-1902; h. s., Havana, 1902- date. Married Sophia A. Pfetzing, July 23, 1903. 1002. Oliver Morton Dickerson, head inst. in history, W.I.S.N.S., Macomb. St. Harvard Univ. graduate sch., 1904-05 ; Univ. of 111., A.B., 1903; A.M., 1904, and Ph.D., 1906; prin. Macon, 1899-1901; I.S.N.U. summers 1903, 05, and 06 ; U. of I. summer, 1906 ; pub. Hist, of III. Const. Convention of 1862. Married Nora Mae Simmons, Nov. 10, 1906. (See No. 878.) 1003. Gerry Brown Dudley, physician, Charleston. St. College of Physicians and Surgeons of N. Y., 1900-01 ; Cornell Univ. Med. Coll., 1901- 04; h. s., Charleston, 1898-1900. Married Esther Wilhoit Shoot, July 27, 1905. 1004. Francis Belmont Dwire, interne, Los Angeles Co. Hospital, Hollywood, Cal. Univ. of S. Cal., M.D., 1902-1906; h. s., Kewanee, 1900; math. Hoitt's Acad., Menlo Park, Cal., 1901-02. 322 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 1005. Charles Herbert Elliott, prin. twp. h. s,. Centralia. Geneseo h. s., 1899-1900; prin. h. s., Centralia, 1902-03; present position, 1903 . 1006. Charles Gott, teaching, Franklin, La. Prin. h. s., Atwood, 1899- 1901 ; a^sst. h. s., Lake Charles, La., 1901-1902 ; prin. h. s., Clinton, La., 1902-1905; prin. h. s., Crowley, La., 1905-1906; prin. St. Mary Central h. s., Franklin, La., iox>6-date. fiooy. Joseph Wilson Green, salesman, Hoopeston. Prin. Hoopes- ton, 1899-1904. 1008. Ardie Durward Hess, bookkeeper with Roberts, Johnson, and Rand Shoe Co., St. Louis, Mo. Taught Cantrall, 1899-1900. 1009. David Preston Hollis, Co. Supt. Pittsfield. St. Univ. of 111., I 95', prin. Browning, 1899-1901; Pearl, 1901-1902; Perry, 1902-1904; supt. Griggsville, 1904-06; co. supt., Pittsfield, I9o6-date. Married, Min- nie B. Fields, Meredosia, April 30, 1902. 1010. Will Harris Johnson, clerk at Read & White's, W. Washing- ton Road, Bloomington. Critic tea. I.S.N.U. Model Sch., 1899-1902. ion. Milford L. Johnston, signal service eng. with Sunset Route, Houston, Texas. Asst. librarian I.S.N.U., 2 yrs. ; Union Switch and Signal Co., i yr. 1012. Wallace Franklin Jones, supt. schools, Knoxville. St. Univ. of 111., summers, A.B., 1901-06; supt. city sch., Knoxville, iSoxj-date. 1013. Henry Goodrich McCormick, dentist, Manhattan, Kansas. St Univ. of Mich. lit. dept., 1899-1900; grad. U. of Mich., dental dept., 1903. 1014. Ralph Dudley MacGuffin, salesman Baker- Vawter Co., 788 Mil- dred Ave., Chicago. Putnam Co. sch., 1899-1900; Morton Park, 1900-02. Married Charlotte H. Smith. 1015. Chester DuBois Marquis, gen. mgr. chemical works, George- town, S. C. Grad. Princeton Univ., 1906; asst. librarian, I.S.N.U., 1899- 1900; math, in h. s., Charleston, 1901-02. 1016. Ora Sherman Morgan, graduate student in Cornell Agricul- tural College, 711 E. Seneca St., Ithaca, N. Y. St. Univ. of 111., 1903-05; Univ. of Cornell, ioo6-date; prin. Ohio, 1899-1901; Hampshire, 1901-03; tea. of biology, h. s., Burlington, la., 1905 (six months) ; prin. training sch., DeKalb, 1905-06. 1017. Archibald Carlisle Norton, asst. educational dept. Sears-Roe- buck & Co., 474 W. North Ave., Chicago. Prin. Cornell, 2 yrs. ; Table Grove, 2 yrs. ; Hampshire; 2 yrs. ; tea. in Harvard private sch. for boys, Chicago, i yr. ; asst. in ed. dept. of S., R. &. Co., I9o6-date. Married, June 12, 1902, to Blanche Nelson Haney who died Jan. 16, 1904. 1018. George Merit Palmer, supt. schools, Milaca, Minn. St. Univ. of 111. summer sessions ; supt. Averyville, 2 yrs. ; tea. of English P. I., 3 yrs.; supt. Milaca, Minn., 3 yrs. Married Lucy May Yapp, Aug. 17, 1904. Was ist Sergt. Co. M, 6th 111. Vol. Inft., during Spanish- American War. *ioi9. George Frederick Pfingsten, died in East St. Louis, Sept., 1903. Taught 4 yrs. 1020. John Lossen Pricer, grad. st. U. of I., 908 W. Main St., Urbana. St. Univ. of 111., 1905-07; supt. ElPaso (East Side), 1899-1905. Married Dora E. Forum, Aug. i, 1900. 1021. William Burrell Pusey, real estate and ins., Ottawa. Fisher, 1899-1900; prin. Wedron, 1900-1901; Kangley, 1901-1903; prin. h. s. Ran- som, 1903-1905. Married Georgia E. Murphy, Dec. 25, 1905. 1022. Jerome Edward Readhimer, soil fertility ex. sta., U. of 111., Champaign. Grad. U. of L, 1904; h. s., Champaign, 2 yrs. Married Ida Harrell, January 3, 1906. ILLINOIS STATS NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 323 1023. ^Samuel E. Reedier, st. Northwestern Univ., 4033 Indiana Ave., Chicago. *St. Univ. of Chicago, 1903-05 ; Northwestern Univ., 1906-07 ; prin. Potomac, 1899-1903 ; Bryant and Stratton Bus. College, Chicago, 1905-06. Married Jeannette Bach, June 26, 1901. 1024. Frank Stewart, farmer, Oblong. Married Kathryn J. Waidman, Aug. 29, 1900. 1025. John Pogue Stewart, prof, of horticulture, Penn State College. St. Univ. of 111., A.B., 1902; Cornell, M.S. A., 1903; Cornell, 1906-07; h. s. Biggsville, 1899-1901; tea. of nature study, I.S.N.U., 1903-06; pub. Na- ture Study in its Practical Bearings (I.S.N.U. Quarterly). 1026. Albert Emery White, supt. sch. 111. State Reformatory, Pon- tiac. St. Univ. of 111., summer, 1901; t. Mt. Palatine, 1899-1900; prin. Tonica, 1900-01; Strawn, 1901-05; present position, i9O5-date. 1027. John Hamilton Whitten, supt. schools Onarga. St. Univ. 111., summers, 1903-05 ; prin. h. s. Golconda, 1899-1901 ; prin. h. s. St. Anne, 1901-03 ; supt. Onarga, i9O3-date. Married Lillian Catterlin, Council Bluffs, la., Aug. 18, 1903. 1028. John Thomas Wilson, sten. and clerk American Telephone and Telegraph Co., Chicago. St. Univ. of 111., fall, 1900; Brown's Bus. Coll., Champaign, 1901-02; prin. Danforth, 1899-1900; present position, 1902- date. 1029. Oliver Roland Zoll, teaching, St. Anne. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1903 ; prin. ward sch., Elgin, 1899-1900 ; supt. Yorkville, 1900-03 ; prin. h. s., Watseka, 1903-05 ; supt. St. Anne, i9O5-date. Married Minnie M. Moyer, June 22, 1895. CLASS OF 1900 1030. Mary Irene Babbs, st. 111. Wesleyan Univ., 317 North St., Nor- mal. St. Wesleyan, 1906-07. T. rural sch. 1900-06. 1031. Bernice Alena Bright, music teacher, 202 N. Beech St., Normal. 1032. Anna Maple Broadhead, tea. science h. s., Bellingham, Washing- ton. St. Univ. of 111., A.B., '02 ; post grad., '06 ; Univ. of Washington, '05 ; t. h. s., Virginia, 1902-03 ; West Lake Girls' School, Los Angeles, Cal., 1906; h. s., Bellingham, Washington, 1907. 1033. Alma Wilhelmina Carlson, tea. Lincoln sch., Bloomington. Pres- ent position, 1900-07. 1034. Caroline Irving Clark, teacher of English, Helena, Arkansas. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1905 ; English and Latin, h. s., Gardner, 1900-01 ; Helena, Ark., 1904-07. 1035. Genevieve Louise Clarke (Mrs. Dakin), 250 E. 63d PL, Chi- cago. Critic tea. I.S.N.U., 1900-01; elem. sch., River Forest, 1901-06. Married Walter Dakin, April 17, 1906. 1036. Ida Helen Condren, teacher, Streator. Grades, Streator, 1900 . 1037. Stella M. Cook, teaching, 1139 N. Church St., Rockford. Pri- mary, Rochelle, 1900-03 ; Rockford, 1903-07. 1038. Florence May Corman, teaching Irving sch., Bloomington. Pres- ent position, 1900-07. 1039. Lulu Pearl Frank (Mrs. Irvine), 3072 N. Ashland Ave., Chi- cago. Prin. Beason, i yr. ; Perry Park, Col., I yr. Short articles in The Housekeeper. Married W. A. Irvine, March 20, 1902. 1040. Lois Gertrude Franklin, teaching in h. s., 212 E. Davidson St., Champaign. St. Univ. of 111., A.B., 1902-03; asst. prin. ElPaso, 1900-02; h. s., Champaign, 1903-07. 324 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 1041. Anna Sabina Garwood, teacher of English h. s., 832 Chestnut Ave., Canon City, Col. English, h. s., Mattoon, 1900-01 ; h. s., Elmhurst, 1901-04; h. s., Canon City, Col., 1905-07. 1042. Amelia E. Gaulden, asst. in Avoyelles h. s., Marksville, La. Stud- ied one month, summer sch., Baton Rouge, La. Taught in grades, Fulton, 1900-01 ; h. s., Osborne, Kan., 1901-02 ; Avoyelles h. s., 1902-07. 1043. Gertrude George (Mrs. Delano), 4350 Berkeley Ave., Chicago. Elem. sch., Port Byron, 1900-01 ; Kewanee, 1901-03. Married Edward Jewett Delano, Jan. 31, 1903. 1044. Minnie Margaret Gossman, supervisor of music, Prescott, Ariz. National Summer Sch. of Music, Chicago, 1903-04; t. elem. sch., Cisco, i yr. ; Monticello, 4 yrs. *I045. Ina Estelle Hamilton, died Sept. 10, 1900. 1046. Frances M. Iliff (Mrs. Rice), Monmouth, Oregon. Normal h. s., 1900-03. Married Charles A. Rice, June 30, 1902. 1047. Mrs. Ella Leone Jacob (Mrs. William J. Jacob), 1015 Union Ave., N. Portland, Ore. Asst. prin. Washougal, Wash., 1900-04; Little Falls, Wash., 1904-05. 1048. Anna Gertrude King (Mrs. Turley), Blanco, New Mexico. Pri- mary training tea., I.S.N.U., 1900-03; same, Idaho State Normal Sch., Lewiston, 1903-05. Married, April 16, 1905, to Louis A. Turley. 1049. Gertrude Larison, prin. of Lincoln sch., Hoopeston. Eighth grade, Odell, 1900-01; grades, Covel, 1901-04; 6th grade, Hoopeston, 1904- 05; prin. Hoopeston, 1905-07. 1050. Sara Abbie Laughlin (Mrs. Parsons), 1425 Grand Ave., Mil- waukee, Wis. Elem. sch., Pueblo, Col., 1900-05. Married Oliver Edwin Parsons, Sept., 1905. 1051. Helene Marie Lendman, primary teacher, Sterling. Griggsville, 1900-01 ; Sterling, 1901 . 1052. Katherine Loretta Lucey, teaching, 202 DeSoto St., Ottawa. Sixth grade, Ottawa, 1900-07. *I053. Jessie McDonald (Mrs. Roy Stewart), died Jan. n, 1905. T. Bloomington, 1900-03. 1054. Bernice Blackburn McKinney, Normal. St. Bloomington Con- servatory of Music, 1904-06; elem. sch., Beason, 1901-03. 1055. Maude Miller (Mrs. Folk), 31 Webb St., Hammond, Ind. T. Rankin, 1900-01; Bloomington, 1901-03; Bluffs, 1903-04. Married Ray- mond A. Folk, Oct. 22, 1904. tios6. Parthenia Ellen Miller (Mrs. Dr. Dugan), Lovington. Taught 3 yrs. 1057. Josephine Marie Moore, teaching, Lincoln Sch., Bloomington. Present position, 1900 . 1058. Minnie Nuckolls (Mrs. Schumacher), 405^ N. Prairie St., Champaign. Elem. sch., Chatham, 1901-02; Urbana, 1902-03. Married, H. T. Schumacher, Aug. 31, 1903. 1059. Ida May Pearson (Mrs. Hiner), 707 W. Green St., Urbana. St. Univ. of 111., 1902-04. T. ElPaso, 1901-02; Household Science, U. of I., 1905. Married George Elmer Hiner, July 26, 1905. 1060. Helen Clifford Putnam (Mrs. Beggs), Ashland. Asst. prin. h. s., Ashland, 1900-01. Married Charles S. Beggs, Aug. 3, 1901. 1061. Etta Grace Quigg, Minier. Prin. h. s., Mackinaw, 1900-01. 1062. Florence Cook Sample (Mrs. Fleming), 1401 N. Main St., Bloomington. Prin. h. s. and director of music in grades, Auburn, 1900-01. Married Harry Livingston Fleming, April 8, 1903. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 325 1063. Blanche Alberta Skinner, 905 S. University St., Normal. St. I.S.N.U., summer, 1906; elem. sch., Danvers, 1900-01; Edwards Sch., Bloomington, 1901-07. 1064. Elizabeth Esther Sprecher, 517 Village St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Completed course in Man. Tr., Western Michigan Normal Sch. ; elem. sch., Marinette, Wis., 1900-01; St. Charles, 1901-04; Batavia, 1904-05; Kalamazoo, Mich., 1905-07. 1065. Edith Melinda Wallace, teaching, Calhoun sch., Minneapolis, Minn. Address Holcomb Hotel. Chatsworth, 1900-01 ; Decatur, 1901-05 ; Great Falls, Montana, 1905-06 ; Minneapolis, Minn., 1906-07. 1066. Adelaide Young (Mrs. Wallace), 1654 Thorn St., Chicago Heights. Elem. sch., Hillsboro, 1900-02; Chicago Heights, 1902-03. Mar- ried Leroy E. Wallace, Aug. 12, 1903. 1067. Anna Lou Young, teaching, 1529 Summit St., Seattle, Wash. St. Univ. of 111., summer of 1904; I.S.N.U., summer, 1905; elem. sch., Champaign, 1902-06; Seattle, Wash., 1906-07. 1068. Wilbur F. Ament, physician and surgeon, Barnes Univ., 2923 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. St. summer term, Chicago Univ.; College of Medicine, Barnes Univ., 1903-06; prin. of sch., Lafayette, 1900-03. Mrs. Ament died in Lafayette, Aug. 8, 1902. 1069. James Horatio Arnett, medical St. Samaritan Hospital, Broad and Ontario Streets, Philadelphia, Penn. St. Temple College, Philadel- phia, 1905-07. T. rural sch., Colfax, 1900-01 ; prin. ward sch., Lincoln, 1901-05. 1070. Gustave Fred Baltz, cashr. of bank, Millstadt. Prin. Millstadt, 1900-03. Married Otillia Diesel, June 17, 1903. 1071. Adolph Philip Billen, postal clerk, Belleville. Taught rural sch., 1900-03. Married Johanna K. Thebus, April 8, 1904. 1072. Arthur Clinton Boggess, prof, of History and Political Econ., Pacific Univ., Forest Grove, Oregon. Univ. of 111., 1900-02; Univ. of Wis., 1902-04; Univ. of Penn., Ph.D., 1904-06. Director of Oregon His- torical Society, 1906. 1073. Guy Seaman Burtis, treas. and gen. mgr. of Thomas A. Brady Foundry Co., 2842 Archer Ave., Chicago. T. h. s., Leadville, Col., 1900-01 ; pres. Benton Harbor Fdy. Co., Benton Harbor, Mich., 1907. Married Daisy A. Skinner (See No. 1344), Feb. 8, 1905. 1074. William Ferguson Cavins, real estate, Mattoon. Prin., Inclose, 1900-01 ; h. s., Sullivan, 1903-04. 1075. Merton Dart Cox, insurance and real estate, 508 Main St., Me- nominee, Mich. St. Shurtleff College, 1898-99; Lake Forest Univ., 1899- 1900; prin. h. s., Menominee, Mich., 1900-01. Married Elizabeth Hutchin- son, Dec. 26, 1904. 1076. John Fay Cusick, Sec'y Saving and Loan Ass'n, Chrisman. St. Univ. of 111., 1901-03; prin., Cherry Point, 1900-01. 1077. Roscoe Edward Davis, teaching, Fort Scott, Kan. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1905 ; t. Creston, la., 1900-02 ; Ft. Dodge, la., 1902- 03 ; physics and chemistry, h. s. Fort Scott, Kan., 1903 . Married Frances Cole, Aug. 7, 1906. *IO78. Harold James Edmunds, died Oct. 6, 1900. 1079. James Albert Leroy Fairchild, teaching, Terre Haute, Indiana. St. Univ. of 111., 1904-06; prin. elem. sch., Sullivan, 1900-01; English, Bustos, P. I.'s, Bulacan Province, 1901-03; prin. h. s., Balinag, B. Prov- ince, 1903-04; prin. h. s., Urbana, 1905-06; prin. elem. sch., Terre Haute, Ind., 1906 . Married Edna Gertrude Mills (See No. 1129), Aug. 23, 1905. 326 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 1080. Charles Jerome Fesler, supt., Chandlerville. Prin. Hamilton, 1900-01; Dallas City, 1901-02; Magnolia, 1902-03; Heyworth, 1903-04; Hopedale, 1904-06; Chandlerville, 1906 . 1081. Charles Weston Greenough, county supt., Grangeville, Idaho. St. N.I.S.N.S., DeKalb, 1900-01; t. Mt. Palatine, 1901-02; prin., Du- rand, 1902-04; prin. h. s., Grangeville, Idaho, 1905-06. 1082. Charles Ellsworth Gross, farmer, Eagle Grove, la. Rural sch., 6 mos. ; sec'y Eagle Grove Farmers' Elevator Co. Married Verna B. Pick- ering, March i, 1905. 1083. Henry Heer, 12 N. Fair St., Belleville. Prin. of Humboldt Sch., Belleville, 1900. 1084. Adam Albert Hummel, st. Univ. of 111., 926 W. 111. St., Urbana. St. Univ. of 111., June, 1905 ; rural sch., Wanda, Minn., 1900; elem. sch., Macon, spring, 1901 ; prin. west side, Normal, 1901-02 ; instructor in biology, Galesburg h. s., 1902-05. 1085. William James Jacob, grocer, 1015 Union Ave., N. Portland, Oregon. Prin. Washougal, Wash., 1900-05; prin. Little Falls, Wash., 1905-06. 1086. Oliver Lincoln Lyon, pastor of Christian church, Newman. Sociology and economics, 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1900-05 ; English lit., Okla- homa Christian Univ., Enid, Okla., fall, 1907 ; pub. Practical Work on Evolution, Outlines on U. S. History, Psychology, a Basis for Pedagogy. Married Etna Place, June 26, 1890. 1087. John R. McKinney, chief clerk to asst. engr., O.S.L. Railroad, Caldwell, Idaho. Rural sch., Cabery, 1900-01; prin. Herscher, 1901-02; prin., Carbon, Wyoming, 1902-03; supt., Carbon, 1903-06. 1088. Frederick David Niedermeyer, st. Princeton Theological Sem., 39 Brown Hall, Princeton, New Jersey. St. Univ. of 111., 1902-04; elem. sch., Eden and Middletown ; prin., Potomac and Murphy sboro, 1904-06. 1089. Wilson James Perry, physician and surgeon, corner of 49th Aye., and Thomas St., Chicago. St. Rush Med. College, 1901-05 ; asst. prin., Gibson City, 1900-01 ; interne in Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, 1905-06. 1090. Charles A. Ryburn, Heyworth. Prin. of h. s., Marion, 1901-03. 1091. John Carl Stine, supt. Henry. Univ. of 111., 1901-03 ; Univ. of Chicago, summer of 1906; prin. Mt. Palatine, 1900-01; Brighton, 1903- 04; Pleasant Plains, 1904-06; supt., Henry, 1906 . 1092. Henry Field Stout, supt. Genoa. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1901 ; science, h. s., Sycamore, 1900-03 ; supt. Genoa, 1903 . Married Mary Johnston Wells (See No. 986), Aug. 6, 1903. 1093. Charles Penrose Tiley, sec'y Calhoun Brick and Clay Co., 602 Benoist Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Elem. sch., Belleville, 1900-03. 1094. Frederick Marsh Trumbull, farmer, Stillman Valley. T. Rock ford, 1900-04. Married, 1903. 1095. Isaac Newton Warner, teaching, Normal. Prin. Abby C. Wing Sch., Elgin., 1900-03; prin. Model Sch., I.S.N.U. 1903-06; prin. h. s. and critic tea. for 8th grade, I.S.N.U., 1906 ; arithmetic, I.S.N.U. sum- mer sch., 1903-07. Married Eva Redmon, Dec. 30, 1894. 1096. David Hopkins Wells, supt. East Side sch., ElPaso. St. Milli- kin Univ., Decatur, 1904-05 ; Prin. h. s., Carrollton, 1900-04 ; supt. El- Paso 1905-07. Married Martha E. Dougherty, June 18, 1903. 1097. Charles William Whitten, asst. in Natural science, N.I.S.N.S., DeKalb. St. Univ. of 111., A.B., 1906; asst. in science and math., I.S. N.U., 1900-03; physics and geometry, acad. of Univ. of 111., 1903-06; present position, 1906 . Married Jessie Cunningham (See No. 701), 1904 ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 327 1098. Frank Lester Wilson, laundry, Roodhouse. St. Chicago Univ., summers of 1900 and 1901. Carrollton h. s., 1900-02; prin. Ipava, 1902-03; math., h. s., Bloomington, 1903-06. CXASS OF 1901 1099. Grace Matilda Allen, teaching, 508 S. 4th St., Champaign. St. Univ. of 111., 1903-05 ; h. s. Centralia, 1901-02 ; eighth grade, Dalton, 1902- 03; math, in h. s., Champaign, 1905 . noo. Annie Maple Brodhead (See No. 1032). 1101. Mary Etta Calder, teaching, Pocatello, Idaho. T. elem. sch., Chatsworth, 1901-04; McCammon, Idaho, 1904-05; Pocatello, 1905-07. 1102. Sophia Catherine Camenisch, teacher of history, Harris h. s., Petersburg. T. elem. sch., ElPaso, 1901-04; h. s., Petersburg, 1904-07. 1103. Nellie Gertrude Clancy, primary teacher, 402 E. Locust St., Bloomington. T. Bloomington, 1901-07. 1104. Julia Coffman, teaching, 290 E. 6oth St., Chicago. T. elem. sch., Danville, 1901-05; Chicago, 1905-07. *iios. Edna Leona Crawson (Mrs. Spear), died April 11, 1906. Tea. rural sch., 1901-02; elem. sch., Fithian, 1902-04. Married William F. Spear, Aug. 16, 1904. 1106. Lora M. Dexheimer, training teacher, I.S.N.U., Normal. T. primary, Melvin, 1901-02; I.S.N.U., 1902-07. Spent summer of 1906 in Europe. 1107. Luella Mae Dilley (Mrs. Evelsizer), Deaconess of M. E. Ch , 611 Vine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Finished Bible Course in Lucy Webb Hayes National Training Sch. for Deaconesses, Washington, D. C, 1904-06. T. English, ElPaso h. s., 1900-01 ; elem. sch., Jacksonville, 1903-04. Married Charles Henry Evelsizer, Bloomington, Aug. 26, 1902, who died Oct. 5, 1902. 1108. Mertie May Dillon, 503 E. Mulberry St., Normal. St. Univ. of 111., A.B., 1901-04; Chicago Univ., 1906. 1109. Florence Frances Eldridge, 711 S. Clayton St., Bloomington. T. in Bloomington, 1900 . *mo. Ida Lena Fleischer (Mrs. George W. Egley), died at Onarga, Apri. 18, 1905. T. Onarga, 1901-02. 1 1 u. Jennie Ford, teacher, 879 W. North St., Decatur. T. Clinton, 1901-02; Yorkville, 1902-05; Decatur, 1905-07. 1 1 12. Laura Caroline Foster (Mrs. Rathbun), tea. of English, Adel- phian Academy, Holly, Michigan. Asst. h. s., LeRoy, 1901-04. Married Mr. F. O. Rathbun, Holly, Mich., Sept. 24, 1905. 1113. Clara Theresa Fritter, teacher of elocution and art, Univ. of Middle Tennessee, Tullahoma, Tenn. T .elem. sch., Lovington, 1901-02; Lexington, 1902-03 ; Hinckley, 1903-05 ; Tullahoma, 1906 . 1114. Edna Elizabeth Fritter (Mrs. Bates), Kerrick. T. elem. sch., Onarga, 1901-02; supervisor of drawing, Warren pub. sch., 1902-03. Mar- ried Roy Bates, Kerrick, Dec. 25, 1903. 1115. Amelia Helen Gmehlin (Mrs. Hall), 827 Twenty-third St., Cairo. T. Hawthorne sch., Bloomington, 1902-05. Married George M. Hall, October 4, 1905. 1116. Lillian Gray, asst. prin. and tea. of English, Hawk Creek twp. h. s., Gilson. T. Cisco, 1901-04; Mendon, 1904-05; present position, 1905. 328 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 1117. Birdie Wilmah Green, teaching, 1056 N. Edward St., Decatur. St. Univ. of 111., summer, 1906; elem. sch., Lovington, 1901-03; elem. sch., Decatur, 1903 . tiu8. Mamie Haines, Lincoln, Neb. 1119. Bessie W. Harrington, student, 1342 Volland St., Ann Arbor, Mich. St. Univ. of Mich., 1904 ; asst. prin. Jefferson Park h. s., El- Paso, 1901-04. 1120. Gertrude Viola Heller, teaching, Normal. Primary tea., Maroa, 1901-04; elem. sch., Normal, 1906 . 1121. Edith Marian Higgins (Mrs. Bray), 919 Fulton St., Chicago. Elem. sch., Elk Grove, 1901-03. Married Albert H. Bray, Chicago, June 25, 1903- 1 122. Edith Maude Hoit, teaching, Madison sch., Quincy. Elem. sch., Quincy, 1901 . 1123. Sarah Matilda Hummel, st., 926 W. Illinois St., Urbana. St. Univ. of 111., 1906 ; t. Downs, 1902-03; Normal, 1903-05. 1124. Ida May Loring (Mrs. Walters), teacher of art, 801 E. Wood St., Decatur. St. Art Institute ; Sch. of Fine Arts ; Toronto Art Acad. ; t. kindergarten; special drawing tea. Married F. J. Walters, Nov. 29, 1904, who died. 1125. Birdie Major, student, 1313 Geddes Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. St. Univ. of Mich., 1905 ; elem. sch., Henry, 1901-03; Walnut, 1903-05. fii26. Frances Baldwin Mann (Mrs. Carl Lang), Cahoka, Mo. T. h. s., Cahoka, Mo., 4 yrs. 1127. Elvira Ellen Mark, teacher of English, State Normal School, Albion, Idaho. Studied, Univ. of 111., A.B., 1902-04. T. Centralia h. s., 1901-02; Oxford College, Oxford, Ohio, i l / 2 yrs, 1904-05; Albion, Idaho, 1906. 1128. Susie Merker, teaching, 827 W. Macon St., Decatur. Primary, Cisco, 1901-04; Bement, 1904-05; Union, N. J., 1905-06; Decatur, ioo6A 1129. Edna Gertrude Mills (Mrs. Fairchild), 2052 N. 7th St., Terre Haute, Ind. St. Millikin Univ., one semester, 1904 ; Univ. of 111., one semester, 1906. T. primary, Tuscola, 1901-02. Married James A. Fair- child (See No. 1079), August 23, 1905. 1130. Daisy Alice Morris (Mrs. Rome), Fisher. T. elem. sch., Mat- toon, 1001-03. Married Seymour Rome, Fisher, Feb. 26, 1903. 1131. Celia Frances Munch (Mrs. Butterfield), teacher, 212 Elgin Ave., Joliet. T. rural sch., Cook Co., 1901-02; elem. sch., Harlem, 1902- 05; James Otis Sch., Chicago, 1905-06. Married Eber Butterfield, Joliet, April 28, 1905. 1132. Olive Estelle Peck, teaching, Wray, Col. St. Univ. of Mich., fall, 1903; t. primary, Wyanet, 1901-03; Wray, Col., 1905 . 1133. Martha Philips (Mrs. Brown), Savanna. Primary, Savana, 1901-03. Married George D. Brown, Savanna, Sept. 27, 1905. 1134. Florence Elizabeth Pitts, st. Univ. of Paris, 126 rue de la Pompe, Paris, France. St. Univ. of 111., 1902-04. Prin. Griggsville h. s., 1901-02; inst. in English, Univ. of 111., 1904-06. 1135. Pearl Prickett (Mrs. Passmore), Huntley. Elem. sch., Hunt- ley, 1901-04. Married Charles Lucius Passmore, April 3, 1904. 1136^ Louise Margaret Reinmiller (Mrs. Eldridge), DeKalb. Elem. sch., Odell and Joliet, 1901-02 ; rural sch., near Cornell, 1902-03 ; near Wilson, 1903-04; grades, Chatsworth, 1904-05. Married Rev. C. D. Eld- ridge, July 25, 1905. 1137. Josephine W. Serf (Mrs. Haight), 721 Stephenson St., Free- port. Taught in grades, Freeport, 1901-03; bookkeeper, 1904-05. Mar- ried Paul Haight, Dec. 27, 1905. ILLINOIS STATE) NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 329 1138. Clara Eugenia Trimble, teaching, 200 West H3th Place, Chi- cago. St. Univ. of 111., 1901-04; critic teacher, I.S.N.U., 1902-03; his- tory, Urbana h. s., 1904-06; George William Curtis h. s., Chicago, 1906. 1139. Florence Lillian Uzzell (Mrs. Day), Bethalto. Tea. primary, Venice, 1901-03; grades, Bethalto, 1903-06. Married Eugene Day, Oct. 22, 1902. 1140. Jennie Entriken Wells, teacher, 1592 N. Church St., Decatur. Grades, Maroa, 1901-02; ElPaso, 1902-05; Sangamon Street Sch., De- catur, 1905 . 1141. Jessie Bell Wells, teaching, ElPaso. Primary, ElPaso, 1901 . 1142. Clara Wetzel, teacher, 235 N. Soto St., Los Angeles, Cal. Elem. sch., Streator, 1901-02; Stonington, 1902-03; Los Angeles, 1904 . 1143. George Lee Baker, accountant in offices of Mo. Pac. R. R., 2816 Gamble St., St. Louis, Mo. Supt. of Boys' Reformatory, Pontiac, 1901-06. 1144. Samuel Brooks, farmer, Mason City, R.F.D. No. 5. Rural sch., 3 yrs. ; prin. h. s., Marseilles, I yr. Married Carrie Wilson, Feb. 15, 1906. 1145. Clarence Edward Burt, bookkeeper, Normal. St. I.S.N.U., summer, 1903. Prin. Garfield Sch., Pekin, 1901-02; Plainfield, 1902-05. 1146. James Russell Forden, salesman, 767 E. Salmon St., Portland, Oregon. St. Sch. of Ed., Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1901 ; Naas sch. of Sloyd, Naas, Sweden; Knaben-fur-Handarbeit, Leipzig, Germany, sum- mer, 1904; Teachers' College, Columbia Univ., 1904-05; tea. man. training, Saginaw, Mich., 1901-02; Normal Sch., River Falls, Wis., 1902-04; di- rector of man. tr., State Normal Sch., Dillon, Mont., 1905-06. Married Eleanor Nottingham, June 27, 1906 1147. Frank J. George, prin. Lincoln Sch., 1109 De La Vine St., Santa Barbara, Cal. U. S. Gov't teacher, Philippine Islands, provinces Pangasinan, Manilla, and San Fabian, 1901-05. Married Josephine E. Maranville, July 26, 1905. 1148. Orville James Gunnell, real estate, 4 E. Main St., Danville. Prin. Grant sch., Danville, 1901-02; Tilton, 1902-04. Married Dorothy N. Kemp, Nov. 30, 1904. 1149. William Hawkes, teaching, Minonk. St. Univ. of 111., sum- mers, 1902, 03, and 04; prin. Ipava, 1901-02; supt. Eureka, 1902-05; supt. Minonk, 1905 . 1150. Aaron Hey ward, teaching, Cavalier, N. D. St. Univ. of Wis., Ph.B., 1901-03; tea. Cavalier, N. D., 1904 . 1151. Jacob Harold Heinzelman, fellow in mod. lang., U. of C, 5648 Drexel Ave., Chicago. St. Univ. of 111., 1901-02; Univ. of Chicago, 1902- 03, 1905 . ; supt. sch., Washington, 1903-05. Married Emelyne S. Voor- hees, Sept. 5, 1906. 1152. Josiah Campbell Hoke, county supt. of schools, Sullivan. Co. supt. sch., Moultrie county, 1902 . 1153. Lee I. Knight, teacher, Washington. St. Univ. of 111., 1901-02; Univ. of Chicago, 1902-03; same, summers, 1904-5-6; prin. h. s,. Washing- ton, 1905 . 1154. George Larson, salesman, Independent Harvester Co., Piano. Hudson, 1901-03; Kentland, Ind., 1903-04; Kempton, 1904-06. Married Cora Oswood, August 25, 1906. 1155. James Harrison Morton, storekeeper at Northern Hospital for Insane, 750 S. State St., Elgin. St. Univ. of 111., three summers, 1905-06; prin. Wethersfield Sch., Kewanee, 1901-03 ; Ashkum, 1903-05. Married Mary Grier, June 3, 1902. 330 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 1156. William August Otto, teaching, 343 3rd Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. St. Univ. of 111., summers, 1903 and 04; Univ. of Mich., 1905-07; asst. prin. h. s., White Hall, 1901-03; prin. h. s., Rochelle, 1903-04; German and English, East Division h. s., Milwaukee, Wis., 1906 . 1157. Arthur Orville Rape, prin. Burke Sch., 6541 Normal Ave., Chi- cago. Supt. Dolton, 1901-04; prin. in Chicago, 1904-07; articles on Phys- iology, for School Nezvs, 1904-05. Married Minnie E. Wallace, July 27, 1904. 1158. William Vernon Skiles, teaching, 79 W. North Ave., Atlanta, Ga. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1904-06; prin. Melvin, 1901-02; Loda, 1902-04; adjunct prof, of mathematics, Georgia h. s., Technology, 1906 . Married, Ethel McWhirter, Nov. 28, 1901. 1159. Harvey Benjamin Urban, student, Univ. of 111., 712 Elm St., Urbana. Prin. Ohio, 1901-04; LaMoille, 1904-06. Married Carrie Travis (See No. 925), Normal, July 16, 1901. 1160. George William Wright, publisher, 846 S. English Ave. ; Spring- field. State manager Topical Bible Publishing Co., 1901-05; vice-presi- dent Alpha Pub. Co., 1906. Married Bertha Bird, May 8, 1902. CLASS OF 1902 1161. Bernice Gertrude Beeler, teaching, 807 E. Market St., Bloom- ington. Rural sch., 1903-04 ; near Hudson, 1904-05 ; Sheridan sch., Bloom- ington, 1905-07. 1162. Willis Elma Berry (Mrs. Cromwell), Nebo, 111. Rural sch., Decatur, 1902-03; Pleasant Hill, 1903-04. Married Dr. J. H. Cromwell, Nov. i, 1904. 1163. Ida Wendover Bond, teaching, 802 Harrison St., Mt. Vernon. St. Univ. of Chicago, summers, 1903-06; tea. English, twp. h. s., Mt. Ver- non, 1902 . 1164. Minnie Breining, teacher, Peru. St. in Augsburg summer sch. of drawing, 1905. Tea. Peru, 1902 . 1165. Bessie Sarah Briggle, Rushville. Tea. St. Anne, 2 yrs. 1166. Josephine Amelia Briggs (Mrs. McKnight), Lexington, Neb. T. Delavan, 1902-03; rural sch. near Delavan, 1903-04; Delavan, 1904-05. Married Joseph McKnight, July 5, 1905. 1167. Ida May Burlingame, teaching, Stanford. Primary, Washing- ton, 1902-05 ; Stanford, 1905-07. 1168. Myrtle Marie Champion (Mrs. Bowles), Normal. St. Wes- leyan Conservatory of Music, 1902-03. Married LaFoy Earle Bowles, Nor- mal, June 25, 1903. 1169. Ada Belle Clark, teaching, Bloomington. Tea. elem. sch., Bloomington, 1902 . 1170. Estelle Pearl Corson, primary teacher, Wapata, Wash. Pri- mary, Gridley, 1902-04; Wapata, Wash., 1904 . 1171. Virginia Frances Crouch, teaching, 355 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. St. State Univ. Berkeley, Cal., summer, 1904; tea. Kirk- wood, 1902-04; Ventura, Cal., 1904-06; Los Angeles, 1906 . 1172. Ruth Anna David, teaching, 232 W. Pine St., Canton. Tea. h. s., Canton, 1902-07. 1173. Dula Mae Dawson, teaching, Fairbury. Primary work, Streator, 1902-03; Boulder, Col., 1903-05; fifth grade, Fairbury, 1905 . 1174. Worthy Jean De Van, teaching, 1213 N. Union St., Decatur. Mattoon, 1902-06; Decatur, 1906 . ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 331 1175. Florence Dorothy Dixon, primary teacher, Darwin Sch., Chi- cago. Arcola, 1902-03; Streator, 1903-04; Chicago, 1904 . 1176. Delia Mae Eaton, teaching, 904 N. Edward St., Decatur. St. Millikin Univ. ; t, Decatur sch., 1902 . 1177. Hattie Mae Eaton, student, 206 W. Lincoln St., Normal. St. 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1905 ; tea. Hopedale, 1902-04; Delavan, 1904-05. 1178. Lucy Elizabeth Edmunds, Dir. of Religious Work, Y.W.C.A.,. Milwaukee, Wis. St. sec'y Tr. Inst. for Assn. Workers, Chicago, 1904-05 ; prin. h. s., Eureka, 1902-04; present position, 1905 . 1179^ Clara Erbes, teaching, Centralia. St. Chicago Univ., summer, 1903 ; tea. h. s. and twp. h. s., Centralia, 1902-07. 1180. Lulu May Estee, teaching, Elma, Wash. Odell, 1902-03; Gib- son City, 1903-04; Prairie City, 1904-05; Elma, 1905 . 1181. Frances Roxana Fletcher, teaching, 349 Chicago Ave., Kanka- kee. Tea. Streator, i yr. 1182. Rosilda Josephine Fontaine, teaching, 3912 Russell Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Tea. Craft, 1902-03 ; Lincoln, 1903-05 ; East St. Louis, 1905-06 ; St. Louis, Mo., 1906 . 1183. Anna Foreman, teaching, 1692 Kenmore Aye., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago ; prin. Washington Sch., Chicago Heights ; elem. sch., Chicago, 1904 . 1184. Mary Louise Gay, teaching, Riverside. St. Univ. of 111., 1905- 06; tea. h. s., Onarga, 1902-03; h. s., Normal, 1903-05; h. s., Riverside, 1906 . 1185. Ethel Magnolia Green, teaching, Madison, Wis. Ribbing, Minn., primary, 1902-05; Great Falls, Montana, 1905-06; primary supervisor, Madison, 1906 . 1186. May Gvillp (Mrs. Lebegue), Oglesby. Asst. prin., Pawnee, 1902-03. Married Julius V. Lebegue, August 5, 1903. (See No. 1234.) 1187. Minnie Julina Hallock, Bradford. T. primary, Utica, 1902-04; Yorkville, 1904-06. 1188. Ethel Rowena Hamilton, teaching, 712 Marinette Ave., Marin- ette, Wis.. Tea. Latin and Math., h. s., Arcola, 1902-03 ; math. h. s., Mar- inette, Wis., 1903-07. 1189. Elizabeth Hitchcock, teaching, Marshall. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1906; elem. sch., Bloomington, 1902-03; critic tea., W.I.S.N.S., Macomb, 1903-06; Eng. twp. h. s., Marshall, 1906-07. HQp. Hulda Hollstein, prin. Washington Sch., Chicago Heights. Prin. and grade tea., 1902 . *H9i. Daisy Bell Huntington, died May 21, 1905. Primary critic, Streator, 1902-04 ; State Normal Sch., Monmouth, Oregon, 1904-05. 1192. Eugenia Johnson, teaching, Sheridan Sch., 516 S. Clayton St., Bloomington. Tea. Danville, 1902-04. 1193. Gertrude Maude Johnston (Mrs. Posey), 736 S. Second St., Mankato, Minn. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1904-05 ; drawing tea., Ft. Smith, Ark., 1902-03 ; primary critic State Normal Sch., Cape Girardeau, Mo., 1903-04; primary, State Normal Sch., Mankato, Minn., 1905. Married Chessley J. Posey (See No. 790), Dec. 27, 1903. 1194. Evelyn Lovenia Kinne, Asst. postmistress, Senate, Springfield. Tea. pjimary, Bloomington, 1902-04; Los Angeles, Cal., 1904-05; Bloom- ington, first semester, 1905-06. 1195. Estella May Le Stourgeon, teaching, 411 N. Walnut St., Cen- tralia. Grammar grades, Centralia, 1902-04; departmental work, 1904-07. 1196. Lucy Lenora Lindsey, teaching, Saybrook. Primary, Green Valley, 1902-04; Danville, 1904-06; Saybrook, 1906-07. 332 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 1197. Sarah Ann Marks, st. Univ. of Chicago, home address, Peca- tonica. Asst. prin. ward sch., Rockford, 1902-06. 1198. Katherine Anna Moore, teaching, Ottawa. Elem. sch., Ottawa, 1902 . 1199. Clara Louise Morse, asst. in h. s., Gibson City. Univ. of 111., summers, 1905 and 1906; tea. elem. sch., Carlyle, 1903-04; Vandalia, 1904- 05; Pana, 1905-06; Gibson City, 1906 . fi2OO. Anna Laura Odell, Cadillac, Mich. Taught 3 yrs. 1201. Elsie Paisley, teaching, 613 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. St. Univ. of 111., summer, 1904; rural sch., 1903; elem. sch., Charleston, 1904; Thomasville, 1904-05; Indianapolis, Ind., 1905 . 1202. Clara Maude Penstone, prin. h. s., Griggsville. Asst. prin., East Side h. s., ElPaso, 1902-03; Griggsville h. s., 1903 . 1203. Mae Evangeline Picken, teaching, Morris, Minn. St. Univ. of Minn., 1905 ; first grade Hibbing, Minn., 1902-05 ; Morris, Minn., 1906 . 1204. Norma Anna Proctor, prin. h. s., Heyworth. Elem. sch., East Side, ElPaso, 1904-05 ; h. s., Heyworth, 1905 . 1205. Jessie Eulalia Rambo, student, 926 W. Illinois St., Urbana. St. Univ. of 111., 1906 ; rural sch., Putnam Co., 1903-04; prin. h. s., Wenona, 1904-06. 1206. Blanche Ada Reitzell (Mrs. Dillon), 202 W. 45th St., Los An- geles, Cal. Tea. Juda, Wis., 1902-03. Married Frank Dillon, Aug. 16, 1903. 1207. Mary Emma Renich, teaching, Woodstock. Prin. h. s., Griggs- ville, 1902-04; prin. h. s., Woodstock, 1904 . 1208. Elizabeth Renshaw, teaching, Farmer City. Rural sch., Men- dota, 1902-03; same, Waverly, 1903-04; same, Randolph, 1904-06; same, Farmer City, 1906-07. 1209. Emma E. L. Robinson, literary work, Sunset Boulevard and Sutherland St., Los Angeles, Cal. 1210. Minnie Louise Robinson, teaching, 1411 N. Main St., Bloom- ington. Silvan Springs, Ark., 1902-03; Riverside, Cal., 1903-06; primary, Bloomington, 1906 . 121 1. Margaret Wilhelmine Schilling, teaching, Freeport elem. sch. Freepqrt, 1902 . 1212. Isabel Simeral, teaching, Bloomington. St. Univ. of Chicago; asst. h. s., Bloomington, 1904 . 1213. Jessie Josephine Simmons, teaching, Carthage, 111. 1214. Margaret Susannah Sleeper, teaching, 417 N. I2th St., Waco, Tex. Elem. sch., Waco, Tex., 1902 . 1215. Carrie Rose Sparks, teaching, Lincoln. St. man. tr. Bradley Polytechnic, summer, 1906; elem. sch., Lincoln, 1902-04; bookkeeper, Farmington, 1904-05; prin. Lincoln, 1905 . 1216. Bernice Ethel Stapleton (Mrs. Leach), 707 E. Walnut St., Bloomington. Elem sch., Bloomington, 1902-1906. Married William B. Leach, Dec. 19, 1906. 1217. Anna M. Stephenson (Mrs. Haney), 918 Iowa Ave., Iowa City, la. Elem sch., Oak Park, 1902-06. Married Lewis H. Haney, Aug. 20, 1906. 1218. Mabel Katilda Strauss, teaching, 400 N. 6th Ave., Quincy. Pri- mary tea., Quincy, 1902 . 1219. Erne A. L. Tregellas, teaching, 358 LaSalle St., Chicago. Tea. ElPaso, 2 yrs. ; Wilmette, i yr. 1220. Harriet Belle Vail, supr. music, Tuscan, Ariz. Elem. sch., Yorkville, 1904-05 ; present position, 1905 . ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 1221. Irma E. Voigt, teaching, Dixon. Asst. h. s., Lexington, 1902-03 ; h. s. Fulton, 1903-06; tea. Latin, h. s. Dixon, 1906 . 1222. Nellie Grace Webster, teaching, 1644 N. Main St., Decatur. Tea. Pawnee, 1902-04; Chenoa, 1904-06; Decatur, 1906 . 1223. Margaret Rosalind Weldon (Mrs. Kelly), Normal, R.F.D. No. 2, Box 21. Tea. rural sch., I yr. Married Hugh L. Kelly, June 9, 1903. 1224. Bertha Gerish Wilson, student, 304 Honore St., Chicago. St. 111. Tr. Sch. for Nurses, Chicago, 1905 ; grades, Franklin Grove, 1902- 04; Berwyn, 1904-05. 1225. Thomas Morse Barger, st., 505 E. Green St., Champaign. St. Univ. of 111., 1905-07; prin. Mazon, 1902-04; twp. h. s., Mazon, 1904-05. 1226. Herman John Bassler, stipt., Wenona. St. man. tr., James Millikin Univ., summer, 1905; prin. h. s., Wenona, 1902-04; supt. same, 1904 . Married Anna M. Hoge, Nov. 30, 1905. 1227. Edwin Damman, farming, Buhl, Idaho; teaching, 445 S. W. Temple St., Salt Lake City, Utah. St. one summer, Valparaiso, Ind. ; prin. Mt. Palatine, 1902-03; prin. Crescent City, 1903-04; Northwestern Mil. Acad., 1904-05; asst. educational director, Y.M.C.A., San Fran- cisco, 1905-06. 1228. Elzy Franklin Downey, prin., Clyde. St. Univ. of Chicago, summers, 1904-06; prin. Manteno, 1902-03; prin. Clyde, 1903 . Married Lucinda H. Westbrook (See No. 987), July 16, 1902. 1229. John Thomas Johnson, instr. in biology, W.I.S.N.S., Ma- comb. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1901 ; Univ. of 111., 1904-06 ; instr. in nat- ural science, academy, Univ. of 111., 1902-06; present position, 1906 . Mar- ried Sarah Elizabeth Haskett, April 6, 1899. 1230. Walter Royal Jones, teaching, Menominee, Mich. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1904; prin. h. s., Rossville, 1902-03; Table Grove, 1903- 04; Champaign, 1904-05 ; math, in h. s. Menominee, Mich., 1905 . 1231. John Winfred Kern, teaching, Liberty ville. Supt. Mt. Sterling, 1902-04; prin. h. s., Libertyville, 1904 . Married Alice N. Newlove, 1896. *I232. Reuben Kofoid, died July 27, 1905. Chemist, Cal. Powder Works, 2618 Etna St., Berkeley, Cal. ; asst. state chemist, New York, 18 mos. ; chemist, Carborundum Co., 7 mos. 1233. William Henry Kummer, decorator, 610 W. Jefferson St., Bloomington. Taught 2 yrs. Married Maude E. Jones, Sept. 2, 1903. 1234. Julius Victor Le Begue, supt. schools, Oglesby. Prin. Kil- bourne, 1902-04; Lostant, 1904-06; present position, 19016 . Married May Gvillo (See No. 1186), Aug. 5, 1903. 1235. Ervin L. McDuffee, law and real estate, Livingston Bldg., Bloomington. Grad. Wesleyan Law Sch., 1902. Married Eva Belle Boyce (See No. 857), June, 1902. 1236. Will Johnson McFarland, student, 505 E. Green St., Cham- paign. St. Univ. of 111., 1905-07; h. s., Havana, 1902-04; prin. h. s., Car- rollton, 1904-05. 1237. Simon Edward Naffziger, merchant and postmaster, Goodfield. St. Gem City Bus. College, Quincy, 1903; rural sch., Goodfield, 1902-03; prin. Minier, 1903-04. Married Lucy E. Myero, Feb. u, 1906. 1238. Charles Hubert Oathout, student, Urbana. St. Univ. of 111 , 1904-07; prin. Flanagan, 1902-04. Married Mildred Blanche Rulison, June 6, 1904. 1239. Irwin Ropp, draughtsman for Western Elec. Co., 594 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Tea. rural sch., McNabb, 1902-03 ; prin. Carlock, 1903-05. 334 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 1240. Richard E. Selby, supt. of sch., Momence. St. Univ. of 111, summers, 1902-04 ; supt. Onarga, 1902-03 ; present position, 1903 . Mar- ried Charlotte Winifred Gaston, Dec. 28, 1887. 1241. Harry Dwight Waggoner, teaching, 2242 D. St., Granite City. St. Univ. of 111., summers, 1902-06; prin. Findlay, 1902-03; prin. h. s., Granite City, 1903 . Married Mabel Denning, Dec. 27, 1906. 1242. Ellis Bert Wickersham, western mngr. of Amer. Man. Tr. Co., 300 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Prin. Tallula, 1902-03; supt. Villisca, la., 1903-06. Married July i, 1898. CLASS OF 1903 1243. Georgia Allen, keeping house for father, Carlyle. Tea. gram- mar sch., Danvers, 1903-04; Latin' and English, twp. h. s., Biggsville, 1905-06. 1244. Mary Elizabeth Allen, teacher in elem. s., 508 S. Fourth St., Champaign. St. Univ. of 111., 1903-05 ; elem. s., Champaign, 1905 . 1245. Carrie Louise Barber, eighth grade, Bisbee, Ariz. St. Univ. of Wisconsin, 1904-05 ; prin. Lindenwood, 1903-04 : tea. Arizona, 1905-date. 1346. Mamie Louise Bechstein, teaching, Mokena. Asst. prin. h. s., Minonk, 1903-05 ; asst. in elem. sch., 1905 . 1247. Lucy Adelia Bosworth (Mrs. Stearns), librarian of Lincoln Coll., 127 Keokuk St., Lincoln. Tea. elem. s., Brewster, Minn., 1808-99; elem. s., Waukegan, 1903-04; librarian Lincoln Coll., 1905. Married John B. Stearns, June 28, 1904. 1248. Margaret Lee Bowen, teacher, Bloomington. Tea. Clinton, 1903- 04; Bloomington, 1904. 1249. Daisy M. Burke, teacher, Edwards Sch., Bloomington. Pres- ent position, 1903 . ti25o. Ida May Cardiff, Minooka, Montana. Teacher, 2 yrs. 1251. Mary Edith Christy, prin. h. s., Winona. St. I.S.N.U., summer term, 1905; Univ. of 111., summer term, 1906; asst. prin., Rankin, 1903-05; prin. h. s., Maroa, 1905-06; prin. h. s., Winona, 1906 . 1252. Alice Maude Cole, teacher of music and English, twp. h. s., Princeton. St. Silver Burdette Sch. of Pub. Sch. Music, summer, 1903; Univ. of 111., summer, 1904-05-06; tea. of music and English, Plainfield, 1903-04 ; Hoopeston, 1904-05 ; Princeton, 1906 . 1253. Grace Stella Colvin, assistant prin. h. s., Earlville. St. Univ. of 111., summer, 1904; prin. h. s., Keithsburg, 1903-05; asst. prin. Earl- ville, 1905 . 1254. Frances Louella Dace, at home, Rushville. Fourth grade, Rushville, 1896-1900; teacher, h. s., El Paso, 1903-05; prin. h. s., Rush- ville, 1905-06. 1255. Mary Priscilla Davis, teacher, h. s., Marseilles. St. Univ. of 111., 1905 ; teacher, h. s., Pringhar, la., I yr. ; present position, 2 yrs. 1256. Bertha Elizabeth Denning, prin. h. s., Atlanta. St. Univ. of 111., summer, 1906; asst. prin. h. s., Mt. Pulaski; teacher, Latin and Ger- man, 1904 . 11257. Dora Susanna Duncan, teaching, Bement. Tea. primary, Sea- ton, I yr. ; Bement, 1904 . 1258. Edith Belle Edwards, prin. Lincoln Sch., Bisbee, Ariz. St. I.S.N.U., summer, 1004; asst. prin. h. s, Mazon, 1903-04; sixth grade, Cen- tral Sch., Bisbee, 1904-05 ; prin. Bisbee, 1905 . 1259. Belle Fairfield, teaching, Normal. Tea. English, h. s., Normal pub. sch., 1903 ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 335 1260. Maude Fairfield, teacher in h. s., Chenoa. Prin. h. s., Chats- worth, 1903-04; language tea., Chenoa, 1904 . 1261. Kathryn Lorena Foster, instr. in music in the Southern Train- ing Sch., Graysville, Tenn. Elem. s., Normal, 1903-06; present position, 1906 . ti262. May Gifford, teaching, 14723 Robey Ave., Harvey. Tea. Chi- cago Heights, 1903 . 1263. Anna Marion Gillan, teaching, Calumet, Mich. Tea. Watseka, 1901-04; Calumet, 1904 . 1264. Lucy Walker Gilmer, teaching in grades, Ft. Collins, Colorado. St. U. of C, summer of 1906; teacher, grammar grades, h. s., Averyville, 1903-06; h. s., Craig, Colorado, I9o6-Jan., 1907; present position, January, 1907 . 1265. Christena Ramsey Heritage, teaching, 512 E. Mulberry St., Bloomington. Tea. Pawnee, 1903-04; present position, 1904 . 1266. Harriet Hetfield, sec. and gen. mgr. Commercial Ins. Agency, 3523 Bell Aye., St. Louis, Mo. Tea. eighth grade, Riverside, 1903-05; present position, 1905 . 1267. Mary Louise Himes, teaching, Toulon. Tea. rural sch., 1903-05 ; Toulon, 1905 . 1268. Julia Montrose Holder, st. Smith College, Tyler House, Northampton, Mass. St. 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1903-05 ; Art Students' League, New York, part of 1905 ; Smith Coll., 1906 . 1269. Mary Lillian Hughes, at home, Rushville. Elem. s., Alton, 1903-04- fi270. Clara Irene Johnston, teaching, Mt. Sterling. Tea. elem. s., Tremont, 1903-04; h. s., 1904-05; Charlevoix, Mich., 1905-06; h. s., Mt. Sterling, 1906 . 1271. Mary Kemph, teaching, El Paso. Tea. fifth and sixth grades, 1903-05 ; seventh and eighth grades, 1905 . ti272. Matilda Klotz, teaching, Pinckneyville. Tea. h. s., Pinckney- ville, 1903 . 1273. Ada Victoria McCall, prin. h. s., Vienna. Tea. sixth grade, Oak Park, Sept., 1903-Jan., 1904; asst. prin. h. s., Vienna, 1904-06; prin., Vi- enna, 1906. 1274. Laura Alberta Masters, teacher. Chicago Heights, 1330 Roscoe St., Chicago. Tea. Dwight, 1903-04; Chicago Heights, 1904 . ti275. Lucy Jane Mateer, Marshall. Tea. elem. s., Decatur, 1903-04. 1276. Esther Cook Mohr, teaching, h. s., Pontiac. St. Prang's Sum- mer Sch., 1904; Univ. of 111., summer, 1905, and 1905-06; asst. prin. h. s., Genoa, 1903-04; prin. h. s., Genoa, 1904-05; teacher h. s., Pontiac, 1906 . 1277. Lauretta Moynihan, substituting in city schools, 924 Jackson Bvld., Chicago. St. music, Chicago, 1904-05 ; teacher third and fourth grades, Dolton, 1905-06; present position, 1906 . 1278. Nell Alma Nollen, teaching science, h. s., Atlanta. St. Univ. of 111., summers of 1904 and 1905 ; asst. prin., Astoria, 1903-04 ; h. s., Atlanta, 1904 . 1279. Mabel Pennoyer, teacher, third grade, 808 S. Fifth St., Spring- field. St. summer, I.S.N.U., 1904; primary tea., Pawnee, 1903-04; third grade. Springfield, 1904 . 1280. Mary Esther Pfeil, st. Univ. of 111., 508 S. Fourth St., Cham- paign. St. Univ. of 111., summers of 1906 and 1906-07; tea. h. s., Green- view, 1903-05. fi28i. Caroline Beverly Service, teaching, Maywood. Tea. h. s., Dundee, 1903-05. 336 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 1282. Ruth Imogene Simison, teacher in Mt. Hermon Seminary, Clin- ton, Miss., 1903 . 1283. Margaret Olivia Skaggs, teacher in grades and h. s., Linden- wood. St. I.S.N.U., summer of 1905; Univ. of Chicago, summer of 1906; tea. rural sch., 3 weeks; Sch. of Education, Univ. of Chicago, 3 mos. ; eighth grade, Rochelle, i l /2 yrs. ; public schools of Lindenwood, 1905 . 1284. Edna Mae Skinner (Mrs. Parker, Jr.), Julesburg, Col. St., summer session, I.S.N.U., 1906; tea. eighth grade, Seaton, 1903-05; asst prin., LeRoy, 1905-07. Married Bertrand D. Parker, Jr., June 30, 1897. (See No. 656.) *I285. Eva Dorcas Smith, died at Normal, Jan. 5, 1905. Tea. Latin and physics, Carrollton, 1903-04. 1286. Marian Bernardine Smith, student, Smith College, Lawrence House, Northampton, Mass., 1903 . 1287. Vera May Snow, Jefferson Sch., Bloomington, 1903 . 1288. Lidy Spencer (Mrs. Chambers), Solomonville, Ariz. Elem. s., Danville, 2 yrs. Married William R. Chambers, Nov. 10, 1904. 1289. Elizabeth Dominica Sullivan, teacher, second grade, 106 E. Kelley St., Bloomington; present position, 1904 . 1290. Frances Waldron, teacher in grades, 9372 Prospect Ave., Chi- cago. Tea. elem. s., Dwight, 1903-04; prin. Washington Sch., Chicago Heights, 1904-06. tea., Chicago, 1906 . 1291. Anna Magdalene Weimar, teacher, 1052 Seminary Ave., Chi- cago. Tea. Chicago Heights, 1903-06; tea. Chicago, 1906 . 1292. Alda Lenore Wilcox, teacher, Franklin Sch., 1315 E. Wash- ington St., Bloomington, 1903 . ti293. Helena Olga Woltman, teaching, 626 Washington Blvd., Chi- cago. Tea. Loda, I yr. ; Chicago Heights, I yr. ; tea. Schiller Sch., Chi- cago, 1906 . 1294. Lucy Worley (Mrs. Wilson), Downs. St. I.S.N.U., summers of 1903-04; tea. h. s., Gardner and supervisor of drawing, 1903-05. Mar- ried George Wilson, March 2, 1905. 1295. Leroy J. Benson, teacher, rural sch., Cuba. Prin., Towanda H. S., 1903-05 ; field manager, Santa Anna Industrial Company, 1906-07. 1296. Henry Buellesfield, supt. of schs., Nokomis. St. Univ. of 111., 1905-06, and summers of 1905 and 1906; prin. Naples, 1903-04; prin. Seneca, 1904-05 ; supt. Nokomis, 1905 . 1297. Lorimer Victor Gavins, head dept. of English in h. s., 618 Sum- mit Ave., East St. Louis. St. Univ. of 111., A.B., 1905-06, and 3 summer terms ; prin. Hinckley, 1903-05 ; present position, 1906 . 1298. Chester Arthur Conyers, medical student, Northwstern Univ., Chicago. Prin. Daum, 1903-04; tea. rural sch., Buffalo Hart, 1904-06. 1299. Russell Dawson, teacher, Congress Park. Prin. of sch., Los- tant, 1903-04; prin. of sch., Lake Villa, 1904-05; prin. of sch., Rockefeller, 1905-06. Married Estella Rowling, Lake Villa, August 16, 1905. 1300. Charles Henry Francis, lawyer, 905 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago. St. law dept. Univ. of Mich., 1903-06. Married Jennie Hilta- brand, Sept. 19,1905. 1301. McNeal Cole James, prin. of Consolidated Sch., McNabb. St. Univ. of 111., 1905-06; tea. rural sch., McNabb, 1903-05. This school is now in Consolidated School. 1302. Howard Baker Kingsbury, prin. of sch., Gardner. Prin. of sch., Frithian, 1903-06; prin. of sch., Gardner, 1906 . 1303. George Lafferty, grocer, 539 Maple Ave., Galesburg. St. Univ. of 111., 1904-05; prin. sch., Joy, 1903-04. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL, UNIVERSITY. 337 1304. Guy Metcalf Lisk, supt. city schs., Alva. Oklal; present posi- tion, 1904 . Married Sept. 15. 1904. 1305. Karl Franklin McMurry, commercial tea., h. s., Calumet, Mich. St. Univ. of 111., Univ. of Cal. ; Commercial tea. in h. schs. of Monmouth, 1903-04; of Burlington, la., 1904-05; of Calumet, Mich., 1905 . Married Minnie A. Hiett, Monmouth, Oct. 5, 1904. 1306. Harry Ambrose Perrin, supt. public schs., Pawnee. St. Univ. of 111., summer session, 1906; correspondence work, Univ. of Chicago; prin. Williamsville, 1903-05 ; supt. Pawnee, 1905 . 1307. Albert Conlee Stice, supt. of schs., Gillespie. Prin. Bellflower, 1903-05; supt. Gillespie, 1905 . Married Clara Samuell, Dec. 31, 1903. 1308. Walter Marion Vaughan, supt. Franklin Grove. Prin. Rut- land, 1903-06; supt. Franklin Grove, 1906 . Married Alice Richesin, Ewing, Aug. 3, 1903. 1309. Carl Augustus Waldron, supt. Delavan. St. Univ. of 111., sum- mer sessions, 1905 and 1906; prin. h. s., Mt. Pulaski, 1903-04; prin. h. s., Delavan, 1904-05 ; supt. Delavan, 1906 . *i3io. Edward Palmer Watrous, died July 24, 1904. 1311. Roy Franklin Webster, teacher in h. s., Elgin. St. Univ. of 111., summers of 1904 and 1905, winter of 1905-06; prin. Mackinaw, 1903- 05; asst. in physics, I.S.N.U., summer of 1906; physics and math., h. s., Elgin, 1906 . 1312. Noah A. Young, supt. Soudan, Minn. Prin. elem. s., Hoopes- ton, 1898-99; prin. h. s., Bement, 1899- Jan., 1902; supt. Soudan, Minn., 1902 ; pres. Northeastern Minn. Ed. Assn., 1906. Married May Eliza- beth Walls, July 31, 1901. CLASS OF 1904 I 3 I 3- Josephine Rae Armstrong, teaching, 615 S. Clayton St., Bloom- ington. Tea., Franklin Sch., Bloomington, 1904 . 1314. Fannie Bright, at home, Normal. fi3i5. Florence Gertrude Caughey, Seattle, Wash. Tea. Glendive, Mon., 1904-05. fi3i6. Maud Evangeline Colvin, 1318 State St., E. St. Louis. Pri- mary grade, Millstadt, 1904-05. 1317. Helen Angenett Crissey, teaching, eighth grade, Momence. Tea. grammar grade, Keithsburg, 1904-05 : Momence, 1905 . ti3i8. Jessie Alice Damon, teaching, Colfax. Tea. elem. s., Danville, 3 mos. ; Colfax, 1906 . 1319. Maude May Daniels, teaching, Griggsville. Intr. grade, Griggs- ville, 1904 . 1320. Helen Veronica Delaney, teaching, Seaton. Intr. grade, Sea- ton, 1904 . 1321. Lena Otelia Dimmitt, teaching, Rankin. Asst. prin., Lostant, 1904-1906; Rankin, 1906- . 1322. Myrtle Disbrow (Mrs. Basil Norman Roney), 1004 North Cen- ter St., Bloomington. Tea., Edwards Sch., 1904 . 1323. Ethel Mary Dole, teaching, second grade, Peabody Sch., 55 S. Ada St., Chicago. Chicago Heights, i l / 2 yrs. ; has served as substitute in fourteen different schools and in all grades. 1324. Bertha Katherine Duerkop, teaching, Latin and English, h. s., Barry. Asst. prin. Morton, 1904-05 ; h. s., Barry, 1905 . Sec. Teachers' Ass. of Pike, Greene, Scott and Morgan counties. 338 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 1325. Esther Browning Foster, teaching, third grade, 424 Home Ave., Oak Park. Present position, 19x14 . 1326. Mrs. Eda Hunter, teaching, fifth grade, 844 West Packard St., Decatur. Asst. prin. h. s., Forrest, 1904-05 ; Decatur, 1905 . 1327. Olive Hunting, tacher in grades, Normal. Inter, grades, 1904- 05 ; eighth grade, 1906 . 1328. Beulah Valentine Johnson (Mrs. Mossman), Nampa, Idaho. Prin. h. s., St. Ignace, Mich. Married Herbert Hugh Mossman, Boise City, Sept. 25, 1905. 1329. Mrs. Latona May Jones, teaching, Franklin Sch., Danville. Tea. elem. s., Tremont, 1904-06; elem. s., Danville, 1906 . 1330. Pearl Elizabeth Kindig, student U. of 111., 904 Busey Ave., Ur- bana. St. Univ. of 111., 1905 ; elem s., Cisco, 1904-05. 1331. Anna Maud Lantz (Mrs. Maginnis), Normal. Tea. English and history, h. s., Eureka, 1904; Chicago Heights, 6 mos. ; second grade, Normal, 1905-06. Married James Maginnis, Dec., 1906. 1332. May Nevadah McGuire (Mrs. Telford), Skagway, Alaska. Tea. primary grade, Decatur, 1904-06. Married Fred Telford (see No. 1480), July 16, 1906. 1333. Mrs. Lillie Stewart McMurtry, Springfield. St. Chicago Art Institute, 2 mos., 1906; first primary, Pawnee, 1904-06. 1334. Elizabeth Izora Matheney, teaching, Dixon. St. Univ. of Chi- cago, 1906; tea. English and history, h. s., Delavan, \ l / 2 yrs. ; h. s., Dixon, 1906- . 1335. Dora E. Mau, at home, Walnut. Primary grade, Quincy, 1904- 1906. 1336. Edith Lena Mossman, grammar grade, Nampa, Idaho. Gram, grade, Wilmette, 1904-06; present position, 1906 . J 337- Maria Elizabeth Page, at home, Westhope, N. Dak. Eighth grade, Lincoln, 1904-05 ; asst. cashier, Bank of Westhope, 1905-06. !338- Josephine Perry, druggist, Melvin. Tea. h. s., Loda, 1904-05. 1339. Lorinda Perry, student, Urbana. St. Univ. of 111., 1906 ; tea. rural sch., Monmouth, 1904-05. 1340. Alice Pollock, teaching, sixth grade, Pittsfield. St. I.S.N.U., spring term, 1906; twp. h. s., Armington, 1904-05; Pittsfield, 1906 . 1341. Norma Anna Proctor, teaching, Heyworth. Tea. elem. s., El Paso, 1 904-05*; prin. h. s., Heyworth, 1905 . 1342. Nelle Leona Rice, teaching, Seaton. Primary grades, Sea- ton, 1904 . 1343. Helen Edna Seeley, teaching, Greenview. Tea. primary grades, Greenview, 1904 . 1344. Daisy Adelia Skinner (Mrs. Burtis), 720 Union Ave., Chicago. Married Guy Seaman Burtis (See No. 1073), Feb. 8, 1905. 1345. Mae Knight Steele, asst. prin. Emerson Sch., 205 Leland St., Bloomington. Third and fourth grades, ElPaso, 1904-05; asst. prin., Bloomington, 1905 . 1346. Gertrude Ophelia Swain (Mrs. Fitzgerrel), Benton. Fourth grade, Oak Park, 1004-05. Married W. J. Fitzgerrel, Sept. 19, 1905. 1347. Alice Symons, teaching, 822 E. Monroe St., Bloomington. Bloomington pub. schs., 1904-06; first grade, pub. sch., Normal, 1906 . 1348. Myrtle Trowbridge, teaching, Lincoln. Tea. seventh grade, Lincoln, 1906. 1349. Helen Tuthill (Mrs. Larison), ElPaso. Asst. prin. h. s., ElPaso, 1904-06. Married Frederick S. Larison, Nov. 29, 1906. IUJNOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 339 1350. Lena Althea Walworth, teaching, Gardner. St. I.S.N.U., first summer term, 1905 ; tea. elem. s., Quincy, 1904-05 ; h. s., Gardner, 1905 . 1351. Alice Perle Watson, student U. of Wis., 823 Irving Place, Madison, Wis. St. U. of C., i yr. ; U. of Wis., 1906-07; seventh grade critic tea., Training Sch., I.S.N.U., 1904-06. 1352. Helen Angeline Wilson, teaching, Havana. Tea. Hopedale, 1904-05 ; fourth grade, Havana, 1905 . * I 353- Clarence Roy Boslough, deceased. Prin., Ohio, 1904-05. 1354. Harry Burgess, student, 1310 Springfield Ave., Urbana. St. Univ. of 111., engineering dept, 1906 ; prin. East Lynn, 1904-06. 1355- Edward Criss, teaching, Wanda. Prin. sch., Wanda, 1904 . 1356. Ernest Edwin Edmunds, real estate and investments, 703 Gar- rison Ave., Fort Smith, Ark. Prin. sch., Millstadt, 1904-05. !357- Perry Huston Hiles, student, 621 LaSalle Ave., Chicago. St. law dept., Northwestern Univ., 1906 ; prin., Perry, 1904-05; spent sum- mer of 1906 in Alaska, in employ of mining company. 1358. Burley Clay Johnston, bookkeeper, Kelley Trust Co., Fort Smith, Ark. Present position, 1904 . !359- George Brophy Kendall, prin. of Training Sch., I.S.N.U., Nor- mal. Prin. Webster Sch., Quincy, 1904 Jan., 1907; presnt position, Jan., 1907-date. Married Erma H. Rickart, June 27, 1906. 1360. Ely Vail Laughlin, teaching, Pittsfield. Tea. h. s., Pittsfield, 1904 . Married Anna Hawker, June 6, 1905. 1361. Ira B. McMurtry, gen. mgr. of F. P. Richards Manufacturing Co., Springfield. Traveling salesman and real estate agent, Pawnee, June, 1904, to April, 1906; real estate agent, Springfield, April-November, 1906. 1362. Abe Mark Newton, prin. h. s., Normal. St. Univ. of 111., June- August, 1906; prin. h. s., Vandalia, 1904-06; present position, 1906-07. 1363. Thomas Patrick Sinnett, prin., Tonica. St. Univ. of 111., 1904-05 ; summer terms of 1905, 1906 ; prin. Tonica, 1905 . 1364. John Roscoe Steagall, prin., Manteno. St. U. of C., summers of 1904, 1905; Ypsilanti State Normal Coll., summer of 1906; prin. h, s., Momence, 1904-05!; prin. Manteno, 1905 . 1365. Howard Arthur Stotler, grain dealer, Wenona. Supt. Chilli- cothe, 1904-05. Married Susie Wagner, Metamora, Aug. 10, 1904. CLASS OF 1905 1366. Anna Louise Altevogt, teaching, 903 St. Louis Ave., East St. Louis. Tea., Millstadt, 1905-06; present position, 1906-07. 1367. Ida May Anderson, teaching, Gibbonsville, Idaho. Tea. rural sch., 1905. ti368. Carrie Kelsall Atkinson, Lexington. 1369. Sada Beadles, teaching, 1040 W. Wood St., Decatur. Tea. pri- mary, Decatur, 1905 . 1370. Gertrude Cordelia Beedle, teaching, Joliet. Tea. rural sch., Stronghurst, 6 mos. ; grammar grade, Granville, I yr. 1371. Nora Elizabeth Blome, teaching, Tempe, Arizona, 1904 . 1372. Florence Isabella Bond, prin. h. s., Saybrook, 1905 . !373- Lemma C. Broadhead, tea. in grades, 444 E. Fourth St., Long Beach, Cal. St. Univ. of 111., 1905-06; present position, 1006 . 1374. Adella M. Brock, teacher h. s., Tallula. Tea. rural sch., 1905- 06; asst. prin. h. s., Talulla, 1906 . 340 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 1375. Altha Burtis, at home, Hudson. 1376. Jessie Christy, primary teacher, 1616 N. Main St., Decatur, 1905. 1377. Ida Estelle Church, teacher, eighth grade, Lincoln, 1905 . 1378. Jeannette Helen Connaghan, teacher elm. s., Niantic, 1905 . 1379- Pearl Evelyn Dobson, teacher in elem. s., Dwight. Tea. rural sch., 4 mos. ; tea., Dwight, January 2, 1907 . 1380. Lillian Dora Dole, convalescing after injury in an accident, October, 1905, Manteno. Tea. rural sch., 2 mos., McNabb. 1381. Lulu Gogin, teacher, sixth grade, Lincoln, 1905 . 1382. Florence Matilda Hayes, teaching, Bloomington, 1905 . !383- Clara Sophia Jacobson, teaching, Kingsburg, Cal. ; home ad- dress, Wood Lake, Wis. 1384. Livonia Lena Laubenheim, teacher, eighth grade, Mansfield, 1905. 1385. Helen Elvira Leigh, teaching rural sch., Wenona, 1905 . 1386. Adelaide Belle Lewis, prin., ward sch., Bisbee, Ariz., 1905 . 1387. Deborah Margery Ludwig, at home, Fithian. Tea. grades, Fithian, 4 mos., 1905. 1388. Mary Winifred McDonnell, teaching, Bloomington. 1389. Sarah Veronica McDonnell, primary grade, Niantic, 1905 . 1390. Mildred McKinney (Mrs. Corrington), Assumption. Mar- ried Alfred N. Corrington, Nov. 8, 1906. 1391. Rose Anna Meyer, teaching, h. s., Centralia, 1905 . 1392. Bertha Katherine Olsen, teacher, elem. s., Riverside, 1905 . 1393. Margert Cecilia O'Rourke (Mrs. Cunningham), Normal. Tea. Merna Sch., 1905-06. Married William J. Cunningham, June 20, 1906. 1394. Gertrude Ellis Rohm (Mrs. Gibbs), 200 N. Linden, Normal. Married William H. Gibbs, July 3, 1905. J395- Errettine Scott, teaching, Danville. 1306. Anna Amelia Smith, teacher, fourth grade, 1826 Vine St., Quincy, 1905 . J 397- Grace Almeda Smith, at home, Cameron. 1398. Martha Grace Thomason, saleswoman in Grand Leader store, St. Louis, Mo. 1399. Katherine Twohey, teaching, Ottawa. 1400. Mrs. Laura Smitson Wilson, Penfield. 1401. Clarence Baker, student, James Millikin Univ., Decatur. Tea. mathematics and manual training, Carrollton, 1905-06. 1402. Lewis Moffitt Carpenter, prin. h. s., Metamora, 1905 . Mar- ried Emma I. Bourne, May 19, 1906. 1403. George Herbert Coons, instructor in Tualatin Academy, For- est Grove, Ore. Prin. h. s., Washington, 1905-06. 1404. Loren Orville Gulp, prin. twp. h. s., Biggsville, 1905 . 1405. Herbert Dixon, in sanitarium, Colorado Springs, Colo. Tea. Rochelle, 1905-06; prin. Training Sch., I.S.N.U., fall term, 1906; wrote articles on Grammar for Illinois Instructor. 1406. Orris Hayden Newman, prin. LaFayette, 1905 . Married Jen- nie E. Watson, Aug. 9, 1894. 1407. Henry Allen Paine, prin. Tullala. Prin. Millstadt, 1905-06; prin. Tallula, 1906-07. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 341 1408. William Ruffer, prin., Waynesville, 1905 . 1409. Albert Merritt Santee, supt., Ipava, 1905 . Married Mollie Overen, June 15, 1898. 1410. Lou Trell Shaw, supt, Bunker Hill. 1411. Fred Theodore Ullrich, supt., Cerro Gordo, 1905 . Married Grace Amanda M. Perkins, June 16, 1903. 1412. Ira Azel Wetzel, tea. science, h. s., Sycamore, 1905 . 1413. John Byron Wright, prin., Palmyra. Prin. Dunlap, 1905-06; present position, 1906 . CLASS OF 1906 1414. Mrs. Ella Goodner Anderson, prin. primary dept., Univ. of Middle Tenn., Tullahoma, Tenn., 1906 . 1415. Lillian Anderson, primary tea., Hopedale, 1906 . 1416. Florence May Bennett, tea., h. s., Minonk, 1906 . 1417. Clara Boyd, primary tea., Illiopolis, 1906. 1418. Sara Hazel Brand, primary tea., Pawpaw, 1906 . 1419. Agnes Irene Bullock, prin., Little York, 19.06 . 1420. Druzilla Camp, primary tea., Raymond Sch., 912 N. Madison St., Bloomington, 1906 . 1421. Marjorie Chamberlain, st., Teachers' Coll., 1230 Amsterdam Ave., New York City. 1422. Mrs. Mary Bloomer Cherry, st, I.S.N.U., 815 E. Empire St, Bloomington. 1423. Jessie Mabel Cline, tea. pub. sch., Normal, 1906 . 1424. Clara Louise Coith, super, drawing, Riverside, 1906 . 1425. Edna Florence Coith, tea., h. s., Carrollton, 1906 . 1426. Mrs. Dora Edna Watson Cook, tea. pub. sch., Buckley, 1906 . 1427. Mary Alice Damman, tea. Eng. and hist., h. s., Fairbury, 1906 . 1428. Viola Davies, tea. pub. sch., E. St Louis, 1906 1429. Georgia Viola Deane, tea. pub. sch., Lincoln, 1906 . 1430. Ruth Evans, tea. pub. sch., Danville, 1906 . 1431. Mary Ferreira, tea. pub. sch., Lintner, 1906 . 1432. Nellie Bradford Fry, tea. pub. sch., Normal, 1906 . 1433. Katherine Evelyn Gingerich, at home, Normal. 1434. Margaret Esther Gregory, tea., Lincoln sch., 1404 N. Lee St., Bloomington, 1906 . 1435. Eleanor Hixon Griggs, primary tea., Pawpaw, 1906 . 1436. Ruth Mildred Haney, primary tea., Danville, 1906 . 1437. Ida Matilda Hatcher, tea. pub. sch., Quincy, 1906-07; same, Seattle, Wash., April, 1907 . 1438. Mina Geraldine Hendrickson, tea. pub. sch., Riverside, 1906-07; supr. primary grades, Madison, Wis., Sept., 1907 . 1439. Delphine Samzin Humphrey, asst prin. h. s., Eureka, 1906 . 1440. Hilda Ella Johnson, tea. pub. sch., Hoopeston, 1906 . 1441. Ruby Jones, Latin, math, and music, h. s., Virden, 1906 . 1442. Emma Adele Kleinau, tea. pub. sch., Lexington, 1906 . 1443. Ida May Kline (Mrs. Harry Alexander Huntoon), Ishpeming, Mich. 1444. Augusta May Krieger, tea., h. s., Carrollton, 1906 . 342 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 1445. Rose Aurilla McCauley, tea., h. s., ElPaso, 1906 . 1446. Mary Mamer, tea., pub. sch., Nokomis, 1906 . 1447. Ora Jessie Milliken, tea., pub. sch., Chicago Heights, 1906 . 1448. Edna Mabel Oathout, tea., pub. sch., McNabb, 1906 . 1449. Lotta Orendorff, tea., pub. sch., Downs, 1906 . 1450. Mary Etta Pumphrey, tea., pub. sch., Gridley, 1906 . 1451. Lois Madeline Roberts, tea., E. A. Gastman Sch., Decatur, 952 N. Church St., 1906. 1452. Jessie Leverne Rouse, tea. pub. sch., Keithsburg, 1906 . 1453. Lena Gertrude Scanlan, tea., pub. sch., Bloomington, 822 E. Washington St., 1906 . 1454. Essie May Seed, tea., pub. sch., Lexington, 1906 . 1455. Esther Beulah Seeley, Latin and Eng., h. s., Odell, 1906 . 1456. Helen Pitner Smith, st., Smith College, n Henshaw Ave., Northampton, Mass. 1457. Mabel Claire Stark, asst. prin., h. s., White Hall, 1906 . 1458. Mrs. Blanche Sager Stuckey, tea., pub. sch., DeLand, 1906 . 1459. Clara Elizabeth Symons, tea., Franklin Sch., 822 E. Monroe St., Bloomington. 1460. Eunice Viox, tea., pub. sch., Decatur, 1906 . 1461. Agnes May Waddington, tea., pub. sch., Watseka, 1906 . 1462. Laura Mabel Weber, tea., pub. sch., Lostant, 1906 . 1463. Lora Agnes Weir, tea., pub. sch., Joliet, 1906 . 1464. Roy Franklin Barton, tea., pub. sch., Philippine Is., 1906 . 1465. Raymond Edgar Black, prin., pub. sch., Dana, 1906 . 1466. Charles Milburne Gash, st., Univ. of 111., 1006 Green St., Ur- bana. 1467. Paul Evangel Johnston, tea., pub. sch., Windsor, 1906 . 1468 Ralph Raymond Kimmell, supt. sch., Lawrence Co., Lawrence- ville, 1906 . 1469. Samuel Kline McDowell, supt. pub. sch., LeRoy, 1906 . 1470. Leonard Albert McKean, prin. h. s., Vandalia, 1906 . 1471. William Dennis McLemore, tea., manual training, pub. sch., Carrollton, 1906 . 1472. Paul Kester McWherter, math, and science, twp. h. s., Biggs- ville, 1906 . 1473. Ira Myers Ong, supt. pub. sch., Peru, 1906 . 1474. James Edward Rice, tea., pub. sch., Greenview, 1906 . 1475. Paul McCorkle Smith, prin. pub. sch., Rankin, 1906 . 1476. Franklin Jacob Snapp, supt. pub. sch., PawPaw, 1906 . 1477. Elmer Roy Stahl, tea., pub. sch., Clarence, 1906 . 1478. Henry Sylvester Stice, science, h. s., Petersburg, 1906 . 1479. Leo Stuckey, prin. pub. sch., DeLand, 1906 . 1480. Fred Telford, prin. pub. sch., Skagway, Alaska, 1906. Mar- ried Mae McGuire (see No. 1332), July 16, 1906. 1481. Isaac E. Wilson, prin. pub sch., Tremont, 1906 . CLASS OF 1907 1482. Ruby Allen, Carlyle. 1483. Myrtle Angle, ElPaso. 1484. Daisy Bentley, Normal. IUJNOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 343 1485. Anna T. Blake, Neponset. 1486. Mary Caroline Doling, Normal. 1487. Grace M. Bookwalter, Gardner. 1488. Clara Borgelt, Havana. 1489. Anna Marie Bremer, Paxton. 1490. Leila May Brown, Bloomington. 1491. Nina Lorena Brown, tea., 8th grade, Petersburg, Sept., 1907 . 1492. Ruby Clyde Burdick, Elgin. 1493. Ethel Louise Burner, Normal. 1494. Jennie Burroughs, Morrison. 1495. Bertha Butzow, Danville. 1496. Nellie Camery, Roanoke. 1497. Edna M. Carroll, Bloomington. 1498. Nell Churchill, Bloomington. 1499. Elsie May Clark, tea., 4th grade, Homer, Sept., 1907 . 1500. Mildred Leann Coburn, McLean. 1501. Eleanor Coen, Normal. 1502. Anna Draper, Divernon. 1503. Stella Agatha Elliff, Minier. 1504. Ruth Felmley, st, I.S.N.U. 1505. Barbara Frances Glessing, El Paso. 1506. Dorothea May Glessing, El Paso. 1507. Clara Lillian Grafton, Piper City. 1508. Edna Blackburn Gray, tea., ungraded sch., Blue Mound, Sept., 1907. 1509. Cora Mabel Harned, Secor. 1510. Emma Harris, Collinsville. 1511. Esther Hickey, Walnut. 1512. Ruby Hildreth, tea., math., Latin and lit., h. s., El Paso, E. S., Sept., 1907. 1513. Eva Jane Hileman, tea., mus and Latin, h. s., LeRoy, Sept., 1907. 1514. Eleanor Hoierman, hist, and German, h. s., El Paso, E. S., Sept., 1907, 1515. Bertha Josephine Holzgrafe, Havana. 1516. Ethel Jackson, Plymouth. 1517. Nettie Grace Tencks, tea., Latin and Eng., h. s., Cerro Gordo, Sept., 1907, 1518. Elise Beatrice Jenny, Highland. 1519. Jennie Johnston, Wanda. 1520. Frances Flower Kessler, Bloomington. 1521. Mary Frances Keys, tea., 7th grade, Lincoln, Sept., 1907 , 1522. Florenc Frances Kindt, Chicago. 1523. Alice Clare Lease, Plainville. 1524. Leona Amanda Lippert, tea., 7th and 8th grades, McKinley Sch., El Paso, Sept., 1907. 1525. Ola Jane Litchfield, Flanagan. 1526. Esther Josephine Mansfield, Normal. 1527. Minerva Merker, Maroa. 1528. Christina Moore, Bloomington. 344 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 1529. Lulu Oathout, Aledo. 1530. Florence Armina Olson, Weldon. 1531. Lillian Pearl Parmele, Mackinaw. 153 2 - Jessie Marie Patterson, Bloomington. 1533- Celia Anna Pepple, Mendon. 1534. Sadie Emma Pepple, Mendon. 1535- Elizabeth Perry, Melvin. 1536. Mrs. Genevieve Anderson Pierce, Chillicothe. 1537. Elizabeth Martha Powell, tea., elem. sch., El Paso, E. S., Sept., J907 . 1538. Ethel Rosenberry, Normal. 1539. Margaret Salmon, Bloomington. 1540. Margaret Schaefer, Bloomington. 1541. Lillian Edgerton Schaeffer, tea., primary gr., Franklin Sch., Bloomington, Sept., 1907 . 1542. Alice Orme Smith, Normal. 1543. Sylvia Edna Smith, tea., sci. and hist., h. s., Delavan, Sept., 1907. 1544. Bridgie Emma Somers, Bloomington. 1545. Ethel Gertrude Stephens, Murphysboro. 1546. Jennie Katharine Stout, Englcwood. 1547. Teresa Sullivan, Bloomington. 1548. Florence Eleanora Thompson, Bloomington. 1549. Margaret Triplett, Perry. 1550. Lilly Mabel Tucker, Williamsfield. 1551. Minnie Vautrin, Secor. 1552. Lucy O. Youngman, Bloomington. 1553. Harrison Monroe Anderson, Chillicothe. 1554. Oren Augustus Barr, Odin. 1555. Charles Henry Brittin, Cantrall. 1556. Albert Colvin, Normal. I 5S7- Osmond James Condon, El Paso. 1558. Edward Branson Couch, supt. Ward Sch., Taylorville, Sept., 1907. 1559. Franklin Stephens Espy, Colfax. 1560. Elmer George Gingerich, Normal. 1561. Asa P. Goddard, Oak Park. 1562. Francis Stewart Gray, Blue Mound. 1563. Gresham Griggs, Normal. 1564. Perry Henry Hellyer. Mahomet. 1565. Miguel Nicdao, Philippine Islands. 1566. Otto Edwin Reinhart, Freeburg. 1567. Luther Calvin Ringeisen, Gilman. 1568. Henry Adelbert Ritcher, Troy. 1569. Jacob Philip Scheid, Freeburg. 1570. James Henry Smith, prin. h. s., El Paso, E. S., Sept., 1907 . 1571. George Washington Solomon, Palmyra. 1572. Leslie Opper Stansbury, Normal. !573- John Valentine Wiekert, Emden. 1574. Burt Oren Wise, Moweaqua. BOARD OF EDUCATION REGISTER 1857-1907 1. NINIAN W. EDWARDS, Springfield, 111., February 18, 1857, to 1859, elected president, May, 1857. First State Superintendent of Public Instruction in Illinois. 2. WILLIAM H. WELLS, 1857-69. Superinendent of Schools, Chi- cago, 111. 3. JOHN R. EDEN, Moultrie county, 1857-59. Lawyer; later a member of congress ; present address, Sullivan, 111. 4. A. R. SHANNON, White county, 1857-63. Lawyer, Carmi, 111. 5. SIMEON WRIGHT, Frankling Grove, Lee county, 1857-65, later of Kinmundy. Had been employed as state lecturer on education by the State Teachers' Asociation; patron of the Wrightonian Society. 6. WESLEY SLOAN, Golconda, Pope county, 1857-63. Lawyer. 7. GEORGE BUNSEN, Belleville, St. Clair county, 1857-61. Had been pupil and assistant of Pestalozzi ; member of the education com- mittee in Constitutional Convention of 1847; superintendent of schools, Belleville, 111. Died 8. GEORGE P. REX, Perry, Pike county, 1857-67. Surgeon U. S. army during Civil War, later settled in Alabama ; in 1871 returned to Reaville, N. J., where he died at birthplace July 12, 1889. 9. C. E. HOVEY, Peoria, 1857-61. First president of the Illinois State Normal University. Died in Washington, D. C., 1897. 10. DANIEL WILKINS, Bloomington, 1857-61. Clergyman M.E. church; county commissioner of schools, McLean county; conducted Wil- kins Academy, Bloomington. 11. C. B. DENIO, Galena, 1857-63. 12. FLAVEL MOSELEY, 1857-59. President Board of Education, Chi- cago, 111. *I3. S. W. MOULTON, Shelby county, 1857-81. President of Board 1857- 65 ; president of board, 1867-76 ; introduced bill for the Free School Law of Illinois in legislature of 1855 ; most largely instrumental in securing passage of bill establishing the I.S.N.U. thru house of representatives, 1857; congressman at large for Illinois, 39th Congress; elected to the 47th and 48th Congress. Died June 3, 1905, at Shelbyville, 111. 14. JOHN J. GILLESPIE, Sainte Marie, Jasper county, 1857-61. 15. WILLIAM H. POWELL, Springfield, 1857-65. State Superintendent of Education. 16. J. E. McCLUN, Bloomington, Treasurer, 1858-60. 17. PERKINS BASS, 1859-65. Lawyer, Chicago, 111. 346 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 18. NEWTON BATEMAN, 1859-75. State Superintendent of Education 1859-63, 1866-75 ; president of Knox College 1875 ; thru his famous decisions the legal interpretation of the Illinois school law was de- termined. 19. JOEL SETH POST, Decatur, 1859-63. Introduced the Normal School bill in state senate, 1857. 20. DR. CALVIN GOUDY, Taylorville, 1861-77. Died in Taylorville, March, 1877. Member of the legislature that established the Nor- mal School. 21. WILLIAM H. GREEN, 1861-1902, President of Board 1877-79, 1889- 1902. Died at Cairo, June 6, 1902. A member of the legislature . that established the normal school ; forty-one years a member of the board. 22. C. W. HOLDER, Bloomington, Treasurer, 1861-77. 23. THOMAS J. PICKETT, Rock Island, 1861-65. 24. J. W. SHEAHAN, Chicago, 1861-63. 25. HARMON REYNOLDS, Knoxville, 1862-63. 26. J. P. BROOKS, Springfield, 1863-65, member ex-officio and Secretary. State Superintendent of Education. 27. WALTER M. HATCH, Bloomington, 1863-69. 28. J. W. SCHWEPPE, Alton, 1863-65. 29. DR. HENRY WING, Collinsville, 1863-71. Died in 1871. 30. JOSEPH MEDILL, Chicago, 1864-65. Editor Chicago Tribune. 31. KERSEY H. FELL, Bloomington, 1865-67. 32. JOHN H. FOSTER, M.D., Chicago, 1865-74 Died in 1874. 33. WALTER L. MAYO, Albion, Edwards county, 1865-75. 34. CHARLES P. TAGGART, Peoria, 1865-69. 35. BENAIAH G. ROOTS, Tamaroa, 1865-88. Pres. 1879-83. Died in 1888. One of the most vigorous and prominent educational workers of Southern Illinois. 36. THOMAS J. TURNER, Freeport, 1865-67. 37. THOMAS R. LEAL, Urbana, 1865-79. 38. REV. JESSE H. MOORE, Decatur, 1867-71. 39. ELIAS C. DUPUY, M.D., Freeport, 111., 1867-71. 40. JESSE W. FELL, Normal, 1867-73. A leader in the movement for establishing the Illinois State Normal University and for securing its location at North Bloomington. 41. N. E. WORTHINGTON, Peoria, 1869-76. County superintendent of schools; later a lawyer; congressman, and circuit judge. 42. WINFIELD S. COY, Bristol, 1869-75. 43. GEORGE C. CLARKE, Chicago, 1869-77. 44. ENOCH A. GASTMAN, Decatur, i87i-date, President of Board 1887-89, i9O2-date. Member of first graduating class; superintend- ent of schools of Decatur 1860 to date. (See No. 5.) 45. CHARLES F. NOETLING, Belleville, 1871-77. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 347 46. EDWARD L. WELLS, Oregon, 1871-82. County superintendent of schools. 47. JOSEPH CARTER, Normal, 111., 1873-79. (See No. 134.) 48. S. M. ETTER, Springfield, 1875-79, ex-officio member and Secretary. State Superintendent of Public Instruction. 49. J. C. KNICKERBOCKER, Chicago, 111., 1875-90. Probate judge. 50. HARRISON H. HILL, 1875-81, Pontiac, 111. 51. RICHARD CANBY, Olney, 111., 1875-81. Circuit judge. 52. J. D. CATON, Ottawa, 1877-80. Circuit judge. 53. H. L. BOLTWOOD, Princeton, 111., 1877-87. Author of act establish- ing township high schools. Now principal of Evanston Township High School. 54. MICHAEL DONOHUE, Clinton, 1877-85. 55. ISAAC LESEM, Quincy, 1877-88. 56. THOMAS F. MITCHELL, Bloomington, Treasurer, 1877-89. 57. B. F. BARGE, Geneseo, 1879-82. 58. JAMES P. SLADE, Springfield, 1879-83, member ex-officio, and Sec- retary. State Superintendent of Public Instruction ; now principal of the School, East St. Louis. 59. THOMAS SLADE, Normal, 1879-89. Lawyer. 60. J. A. ENANDER, Chicago, 1880-83. 61. GEORGE ROWLAND, 1881-87, President of Board 1883-87. Super- intendent of Schools, Chicago, 111. 62. RUFUS COPE, Flora, 111., 1881-93. Lawyer. 63. B. L. DODGE, Oak Park, 111., 1881-93. Superintendent of schools, Oak Park, 111. 64. HENRY S. COMSTOCK, Colona, 1882-85. Editor. 65. REV. RICHARD EDWARDS, Princeton, 1883-93, ex-oMcio and Sec- retary 1887-91. President I.S.N.U. 1862-76. Now resides in Bloomington. 66. HENRY RAAB, Belleville, 1883-95. Superintendent of schools, Belle- ville; ex-ofUcio and Secretary 1883-87, 1891-95; State Superintend- ent of Public Instruction. 67. PELEG R. WALKER, Rochelle, 111., :883-date. Later superintendent of Schools, Rockford, 111. (See No. 18.) 68. W. R. SANDHAM, Toulon, 1885-93, i897-date. County superintendent of schools, Wyoming. 69. A. L. ATWOOD, Woodhull, 1885-87. 70. JOHN D. BENEDICT, Danville, 1887-93. Superintendent of schools now superintendent of Indian schools, Muscogee, I. T. 71. GEORGE B. HARRINGTON, Princeton, 1887-93, i897-date. County superintendent of schools. 72. E. C. ROSSITER, Kewanee, 1887-93. Superintendent of schools ; now principal of Medill High School, Chicago. 73. MARY F. FEITSHANS, Springfield, 1889-91. 348 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 74. ELLA FLAGG YOUNG, Chicago, i888-date. Assistant superintend- ent of schools ; professor of education in the University of Chicago ; president Chicago Normal School. 75. ROBERT F. EVANS, Bloomington, 1889-93. 76. F. D. MARQUIS, Bloomington, iSSg-date, treasurer. 77. MATTHEW P. BRADY, Chicago, 1890-1901. Lawyer. 78. JOSEPH ROBBINS, M.D., Quincy, 1891-92. 79. IRA C. MOZIER, Essex, Kankakee county, 1892-93. 80. JACOB L. BAILY, Macomb, i893-date. Lawyer; now Tribune Bldg., Chicago. 81. CHARLES L. CAPEN, Bloomington, i893-date. Lawyer. 82. FORREST F. COOK, Galesburg, i893-date. Lawyer ; mayor of Gales- burg for several terms. '83. EDWARD DOOCEY, Pittsfield, 1893-97. Lawyer. 84. LYON KARR, Eureka, 1893-95. County superintendent of schools and banker. 85. E. R. E. KIMBROUGH, Danville, i893-date. Lawyer; circuit judge. 86. CHARLES I. PARKER, Chicago, 1893-97. Principal South Chicago High School. 87. CLINTON ROSETTE, DeKalb, 1893-96. Editor. 88. ALLAN W. STOLP, Aurora, 1893-94. 89. E. M. PLAIN, Aurora, 1894-1901. 90. SAMUEL M. INGLIS, Springfield, 1895-98, ex-officio member and Secretary. State Superintendent of Public Instruction. 91. CHARLES S. THORNTON, Chicago, 1895-97. Lawyer. 92. WILLIAM H. FITZGERALD, Chicago, 1896-97. Lawyer. 93. JAMES H. NORTON, Chicago, 1897-1900. Principal Lake View High School. 94. M. W. SHANAHAN, Chicago, 1897-1902. 95. JOSEPH H. FREEMAN, Springfield, 1898-99, ex-officio member and Secretary. 96. ALFRED BAYLISS, Springfield, i899-date, ex-officio member and Secretary. State Superintendent of Public Instruction. 97. FRANK L. HOUGHTON, 1900. Teacher, Chicago, 111. 98. CHARLES D. BENT, Sterling, 1901. 99. W. H. HAINLINE, Macomb, iox>i-date. Editor. 100. J. STANLEY BROWN, Joliet, i9O2-date. Principal Joliet Township High School. 101. FRANK HORN, DuQuoin, 1902-04. 102. JOSEPH L. ROBERTSON, Peoria, i9O2-date. County superintend- ent of schools. 103. B. O. WILLARD, Rushville, i9O2-date. Lawyer. 104. W. Y. SMITH, Vienna, 111., 1904-10 date. 105. F. A. KERNS, Wyoming, 1905-10 date. Lawyer. 106. FRANK G. BLAIR, Springfield, ex-officio member and Secretary, 1906 . State Supt. of Public Instruction. 107. FRANK B. STITT, banker, El Paso, 1907. MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY* 1857-1907 *i. Charles E. Hovey, died, Washington, D. C, Nov. 17, 1897. First pres., I.S.N.U. ; Col. of 33rd I.V.I., apptd. Brigadier General; prac- ticed law, Washington, D. C. *2. .Ira Moore, died, Cucamonga, Cal., Oct. 28, 1897. Capt. Co. G, 33rd I.V.I.; prof, math., Univ. of Minn.; prin. State Normal Sch., St. Cloud, Minn. ; same, San Jose, Cal. ; math, and other branches, I.S.N.U., 1857-61- *3. Charlton T. Lewis, died, Morristown, N. J., 1904. Tea., Troy Univ.; lawyer, New York; lecturer on life ins., Harvard, Columbia, Cor- nell; author Harper's Latin Diet, and other works; eminent as an in- surance actuary, as a classical scholar, as a lawyer, and later as an advo- cate of prison reform; t. math., I.S.N.U., 1857. *4. Mary M. Brooks (Mrs. James M. Wiley), died, Galva, Jan. 9, 1867. Tea. Model Sch., 1857-60. 5. Betsey M. Cowles, asst. tea., 1857-58. Returned to Cleveland, O. 6. Chauncey E. Nye, asst. tea., 1857-58. Later, lawyer, Peoria, and supt. pub. sch. 7. Dr. Samuel Willard, literary work, 865 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Surgeon, 97th I.V.I.; founded pub. library, Springfield, 1867; supt. pub. sch., Springfield ; prof, hist., h. s., Chicago, 1870-94 ; t. lang. and hist., I.S.N.U., 1858-61. *8._ Edwin Crawford Hewett, LL.D., died, Normal, March 31, 1905. Assoc. ed. of Public School Journal, and School and Home Education, 1891-1905; pub. Pedagogy, Psychology, and series of arithmetics; t. read- ing and geog., I.S.N.U., 1858-62; hist, and geog^ same, 1862-76; pres., same, 1876-90. *9. Chauncey M. Cady, died, Asheville, N. C., June, 1889. Member of firm of Root & Cady, music pubs., 1861-73 ; later piano dealer, Atlanta, Ga. ; t. vocal music, I.S.N.U., 1858-61. *io. Dr. Edward R. Roe, died, Chicago, 1893. Surgeon, U. S. Army, 1861-65; circuit clerk, McLean Co.; U. S. marshal; pub. The Blue and the Gray, and other books; lect. on chem. and physiology, I.S.N.U., 1858-60. ii. G. Thayer, prin. Thayer's Seminary, Bloomington; private sch., Chicago; asst. Model Sch., I.S.N.U., 1858-59. *i2. Leander H. Potter, died, July 18, 1879. Capt. Co. A, 33rd 111. Vol. Inf.; major, lieut.-col., pres. 111. Soldiers' College, Fulton; t. lan- guage, I.S.N.U., 1859-61. 13. Rev. Lewis P. Clover, Episcopalian clergyman, Springfield. T. drawing, I.S.N.U., 1859-60. *I4. Joseph Gideon Howell, killed at Fort Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862. Asst. Model Sch., I.S.N.U., 1859-60; prin., same, 1860-61. (See No. 8.) 'Regarding members of the faculty who are alumni, more data may be found by referring to the appropriate numbers in the alumni register. 350 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 15. John Howard Burnham, Bloomington. Asst. Mod. Sch., l.S. N.U., 1859-60; prin. same, 1861. (See No. 13.) 16. Edwin Philbrook, asst., Model Sch., 1859-60. (See No. 10.) 17. E. Aaron Gove, asst, Model Sch., 1859-60 (See No. 14.) 18. Joseph Addison Sewell, prof, of chemistry, Denver Univ., 356 S. Broadway, Denver, Col. Pres., Univ. of Col. ; t. nat. sci., I . S . N . U . , 1860-77. *ig. B. S. Messer, died, Nov. 20, 1895. Clerk, 4th auditor's office, treas. dept, Washington, D. C. ; t. vocal music, I.S.N.U., 1860-62. *2O. Julius E. Bryant, drowned, Gulf of Mexico, 1864 Lieut., Co. E, 33rd 111. Vol. Inf.; Col., o6th U. S. Col. Inf.; t. drawing, I.S.N.U., 1860-61. 21. J. K. Alexander, t. bookkeeping, 1860-61. 22. V. Irving Vescelius, penmanship, 1860-61. 23. Oliver Libbey, prin. Model Sch., 1860. *24- Frances A. Peterson (Mrs. E. A. Gastman), died, Feb. 27, 1863. T. math, and Latin, 1860-62. (See No. 3.) *25. Mary Frances Washburn (Mrs. John Hull), died, Carbondale, Aug. 10, 1882. T. in prim, dept., Model Sch., 1860-62. (See No. 4.) 26. Perkins Bass, acting president, 1861-62. 27. John Hull, 2009 State St., Milwaukee, Wis. T. math., 1861-62. (See No. 9.) 28. Charles D. Wilber, instructor in Geology, 1861-62. General agent of the Natural History Society of Illinois, 1857-67. *29- Margaret E. Osband (Mrs. Albert Stetson), died, San Fran- cisco. T. grammar and drawing, 1861-64. *3O. Henry B. Norton, died, June 22, 1885. T. in Model Sch., 1861-62. (See No. 16.) 31. Livonia E. Ketcham, t. in prim, dept., 1861-63. 32. Marian Goodrich (Mrs. Henry B. Norton), t. in Model Sch., 1861-62. *33. Mary E. Baker, died, California, 1871. T. h. s., Decatur, 1862- 69; Model Sch., I.S.N.U., 1861-62. 34. Richard Edwards, retired, 1302 Park St., Bloomington. St. State Normal Sch., Bridgewater, Mass. ; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., B.E. and C.E. ; prin. State Normal Sch., Salem, Mass., 1854-57; prin. City Normal Sch., St. Louis, Mo., 1857-62; pres. and prof, of mental science and didactics, I.S.N.U., 1862-76; pres Blackburn Univ., Carlin- ville, 1891-93; state supt. pub. instruction, 1887-91; pub. series of readers and many addresses in pamphlet form. Married Betsey J. Samson, July 5, 1849. *35. Thomas Metcalf, died, Dec., 1894. T. math., 1862-74; supr. training dept., 1874-94. 36. Albert Stetson, Alvarado St., Los Angeles, Cal. T. language, 1862-87. *37. Charles F. Childs, deceased. Prin. h. s., St. Louis, Mo. ; prin., Model Sch., I.S.N.U., 1862-63. 38. W. L. Pillsbury, registrar, Univ. of 111., Urbana. Insurance and real estate, Bloomington, 1870-79; asst. state supt. pub. instruction, 1879- 86; sec. Agric. Exper. Station, Urbana, 1888-97; present position, 1893 ; prin. Model Sch., I.S.N.U., 1863-70. 39. Marion Hammond (Mrs. W. L. Pillsbury), Urbana. T. Wheaton Sem., Norton, Mass.; prin. dept, I.S.N.U., 1865-66. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 351 40. Lyman B. Kellogg, Emporia, Kan. Asst. Model Sch., 1863-64. (See No. 40.) *4i. John H. Thompson, died, Jan., 1869. Asst. h. s., 1863-64. (See No. 3.T) 42. Fanny L. D. Strong, preceptress, grammar and drawing, 1864. 43 Emaline Dryer, 55 S. Ada St., Chicago. Preceptress, grammar and Drawing, 1864-70. 44. Bandusia Wakefield, Point Loma, Cal. Asst, Model Sch., 1864; grammar and arith, 1875-81. (See No. 45.) 45. Thomas J. Burrill, Univ. of 111., Urbana. Asst., Model Sch., 1864-65. (See No. 46.) 46. Oscar F. McKim, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Asst., Model Sch., 1865-66. (See No. 50.) *47. Melancthon Wakefield, died, Sept. 22, 1900. Asst., Model Sch., 1865-66. (*See No. 52.) 48. Ruth E. Barker (Mrs. Hargrove). Asst. Model Sch., 1865-67. (See No. 81.) 49. Edith T. Johnson (Mrs. John H. Morley). Prin. Primary Sch., 1865-68. (See No. 36.) 50. John W. Cook, DeKalb. Prin., gram, sch., 1866-68; acting prof, geog. and hist, 1868-69; reading and elocution, 1869-76; math., 1876-90; pres., 1890-99. (See No. 47.) *5.i. John W. Powell, died, Oct. 23, 1902. Explorer of Colorado Canon; head of U. S. Geol. Survey; Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D. C. ; prof, of geol. and curator of museum, I.S.N.U., 1866-72. *52. E. P. Burlingham, died, 1870. Supt. pub. sch., Cairo, 1867-69; prin. gram, sch, I.S.N.U., 1866-67. 53. Olive A. Rider (Mrs. Alfred Cotton), prin. intermed. dept, 1866- 67. (See No. 61.) 54. Martha D. L. Haynie, 603 E. 46th St., Chicago. Asst. h. s., 1866- 67; mod. lang., 1876-86. 55. Martha Foster. Prin intermediate sch., 1867-68. (See No. 54.) *56. Letitia Mason, died, Chicago, June 14, 1903. Asst arith. and gram.,' 1868-69. (See No. 126.) 57. Joseph Carter, Champaign. Prin. gram, sch., 1868-70. (See No. I33-) 58. Mary Pennell (Mrs. A. H. Barber), 22 Bryant Ave., Chicago. T. Peoria Co. Normal Sch.; asst gram, sch., I.S.N.U., 1868-70. *59. Loring A. Chase, died, Aug. 21, 1906. Asst normal dept, 1872. 60. Lucia Kingsley (Mrs. G. G. Manning). Prin. intermed. and prim, depts., j868-7i. (See No. 88. ) 61. Henry McCormick, vice-pres., and prof, of hist, I.S.N.U. Prof, of geog., I.S.N.U., 1869-1901; prof, of hist, same, 1876 ; vice- pres., same, 1891 . (See No. 97.) 62. Myra A. Osband (Mrs. J. B. Sutton), Tacoma, Wash. Precept- ress, grammar and drawing, 1870-73. 63. Mary E. Horton. First prof. Greek at Wellesley College ; later resided at Brooklyn, N. Y. ; prin. h. s., I.S.N.U., 1870-71. 64. Benjamin Webb Baker. Prin. gram, sch., 1870-74. (See No. 132.) 65. Eliab Washburn Coy, prin. h. s., Cincinnati, O. Brown Univ., A.M., 1858; Princeton, Ph.D., 1886; prin. h. s., Peoria, 1858-65, 69-71; Latin, Greek, anc. hist, I.S.N.U., 1871-73; pub. Beginning Latin Book. Married Gena L. Harrington, Aug. 12, 1863. 352 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY *66. Martha E. Hughes (Mrs. Dr. Griswold), died, 1896. Resided in Minneapolis. Prin. intermed. dept, 1871-72. 67. Stephen Alfred Forbes, prof, of zoology and state entomologist, Univ. of 111., Urbana. St., I.S.N.U.; Rush Med. College; Indiana Univ., Ph.D., 1884; Univ. of 111., LL.D., 1904; prin. pub sch, Benton; same, Mt Vernpn; present position, 1884 ; pub. 13 biennial reports as State Entomolgist, and numerous scientific and educational articles. Mar- ried Clara S. Gaston, Dec. 25, 1873; prof, of zoology and curator of mu- seum, I.S.N.U., 1872-84. 68. Gertrude K. Case (Mrs. Wesley Young), Los Angeles, Cal. Prin. prim, and intermed. depts., 1872-75. (See H. S. No. i.) 69. Harriet M. Case (Mrs. Andrew T. Morrow), 1615 Missouri Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Preceptress, grammar and drawing, 1873-77. (See No. 53.) *7O. Lester L. Burrington, died, Aug. 30, 1903. Prin., Dean Acad., Franklin, Mass., 1879-97; member Mass, legislature, 1899- 1900; supt. pub. sch., Peabody, Mass., 1901-1903; prin. h. s., I.S.N.U., 1874-79. 71. Rosalie Miller (Mrs. Harrison Carman), Lexington, Ky. T. drawing, 1874-83. 72. Lyman Hutchinson, Sioux City, la. Asst. gram, sch., 1864-66; t. gram. 1875-81. 73. Ellen S. Edwards, Bloomington. Reading, 1875-77. (See No. 202.) 74. Mrs. Jane Pennell Carter, Champaign. T. in intermed. and prim, depts., 1875-76. (See No. 104.) 75. William S. Mills, Brooklyn, N. Y. Prin. gram, sch., 1875-76. (See No. 258.) 76. Armada G. Paddock, ist asst, training dept., 1876-79. 77. Charles DeGarmo, Ithaca, N. Y. Prin. gram, sch., 1876-83 ; mod. lang. and reading, 1886-90. (See No. 211.) 78. Minor Lawrence Seymour, horticulture, 448 S. Alvarado St., Los Angeles, Cal. T. Owego Acad., 1855, Ithaca Acad., 1856; supt. sch., Ade- line, 1868-70; Foreston, 1870-72; Blue Island, 1872-78; science, State Normal Sch., Chico, Cal., 1888-1901 ; vice-pres. same, 1893-1900. Mar- ried Luvia A. Hall, Oct. 24, 1861 ; t. I.S.N.U., sciences and curator of museum,. 1878-88. 79. Flora Pennell (Mrs. John H. Parr), Holland, Mich. Preceptress and reading, 1877-90. (See No. 180.) 80. Edmund Janes James, Urbana. Prin. h. s., 1879-82. (See H. S., No. 20.) 81. Julia E. Kennedy, Douglas, Alaska. Prim, dept., training sch., 1879-88. (See No. 147.) 82. James V. McHugh, Minneapolis, Minn. Asst. in math., 1886. (See No. 387.) 83. Mary E. Skinner (Mrs. E. P. Lovejoy), Princeton. Reading, 1881-82. 84. Julia Scott, grammar, 1882. (See No. 328.) 85. Mary Hartmann, math., I.S.N.U., 209 Normal Ave., Normal. Lombard College, L.A., 1869 A.M., 1888; t. in h. s., Galva, 1869-73; Free- port, 1873-74; prin. h. s., Tuscola, 1874-75; h. s., Marshalltown, Iowa, 1876-81 ; prin. same, 1877-81 ; math, and Latin, Normal Sch., Winona, Minn., 1881-82; present position, 1882 . 86. J. D. H. Cornelius, prof. Latin, Adrian College, Adrian, Mich. Prin. h. s., 1883. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 353 87. Herbert Jewett Barton, prof, of Latin, Univ. of 111., 406 W. Hill St., Champaign. Dartmouth College, A.B., 1876; A.M., 1893; prin. h. s., Waukegan, 1878-81; prin. Kinzie sch., Chicago, 1883; prin. h. s., I S N.U. 1883-91; present position, 1891 . Married Sara L. Dodge, 1877- 88. Rudolph R. Reeder, Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y. Prin. gram, sch., 1883-90; reading, 1891-93. (See No. 427.) 89. S. Annette Bowman, Wardner, Idaho. Drawing, 1883-88. (See No. 321.) 90. Alice McCormick (Mrs. O. R. Trowbridge), Normal. Asst. h. s., 1883-85.. (See No. 406.) 91. Helen A. Dewey, prim, tea., 1885-86. (See No. 560.) 92. Fannie C. Fell, asst. h. s., 1886-87, 1889-92. (See H. S., No. 45.) 93. Frances Ohr, asst. h. s., 1886 (See H. S., No. 57.) 94. Adella M. O. Hanna (Mrs. Francis A. Erode), 901 W. 35th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Wooster Univ., Wooster, O., A. B., 1885 ; A. M., 1888; t. I.S.N.U., reading and asst. in pedagogy, 1886-87; Greek and Latin, h. s. dept., 1887-88; asst. Eng. dept., 1888-91; head Eng. dept., 1891-94. Married Francis A. Erode, July 18, 1894. 95. Lizzie P. Swan, Beloit, Wis. Geog. and hist, 1886-92. (See No. 362.) 96. Martha G. Knight (Mrs. J. B. Adam), Normal. Special asst, 1886-87. (See No. 175.) 97. Ida M. Hollis, for a time, tea. at Binghamton, N. Y. Asst. h. s., 1887-89. 98. Richard D. Jones, A.M., prof. Eng. lit, Vanderbilt Univ., Nash- ville, Tenn. Lang, and reading, 1887-91 . *99. Buel Preston Colton, died, Battle Creek, Mich., Sept. 7, 1906. St. Knox College, 1871-72, Amherst, A.B., 1872-74, A.M., same, 1884, Johns Hopkins, 1880-82 ; t. nat. science, h. s., Princeton, 1874-76, same, Keokuk, I., 1876-77, same, Decatur, 1877-78, same, Princeton, 1878-81, same, Ottawa, 1883-88, prin. h. s., Ottawa, 1885-88, biology, I.S.N.U., 1888-1906; pub. series of Physiologies and Zoology Textbooks. Married Charlotte Zear- ing, Dec. 24, 1883. 100. Clarissa E. Ela, Bloomington. Drawing, 1888 . (See No. 437.) 101. Ruth Morris (Mrs. Kersey), institute instructor, 215 S. 9th St., Richmond, Ind. St. State Normal Sch., Oswego, N. Y. ; t. country sch. and prim, grades, Richmond, Ind., 1864-66; supervisor prim, instr. and prin., Indianapolis, Ind., 1868-69; critic tea., State Normal Sch., Terre Haute, Ind., 1870-73 ; Eng. in h. s. and critic tea. in Normal Sch., Indian- apolis, Ind., 1873-78; critic tea., Normal Sch., Cleveland, O., 1878-79; Eng. grammar, State Normal Sch., Terre Haute, Ind., 1879-84; pedagogy and chair of lit., same, 1884-87; critic tea., pedagogy, Eng. grammar; lit., I.S.N.U., 1888-91; pedagogy and psychology, Chicago Kindergarten College, 1892-1961 ; institute instructor, 1901 . Married Charles Anselm Kersey, M.D., Dec. i, 1891 . 102. Mary M. Hall (Mrs. Fred Husted), Bloomington. Asst. prim, dept, 1888-93. (See No. 440.) 103. Edward I. Manley, Englewood h. s., 5801 Lexington Ave., Chi- cago. Asst. h. s., I. S.N.U., 1888-91. (See No. 560.) 104. David Felmley, pres., I.S.N.U. Blackburn Univ., Carlinville, 1873-76; Univ. of Mich., A.B., 1876-78, 1 880-8 1 ; Martha's Vineyard, 1883; Univ. of 111., LLD., 1905; Blackburn Univ., L.H.D., 1906; tea. rural sch., Macoupin Co., 1878-79; h. s., Carrollton, 1879-80, 1881-82; supt. pub. sch., same, 1882-90; prof, math., I.S.N.U., 1890-1900; presi., I.S.N.U., 1900 , 354 SEMI-CENTENNIAI, HISTORY 105. Frank M. McAIurry, Teachers' Coll., New York City. Training tea., 1890-92. (See H. S. No. 51.) 106. Dudley G. Hays, phys. and chem., 1890-91. (See No. 622.) 107. John W. Hall, prin. gram, sch., 1890-92. (See No. 620.) 108. Ange V. Milner, librarian, 1890 . 109. Orson Leroy Manchester, prof, foreign lang. and economics, I.S.N.U. Dartmouth College, A.B., 1882-86, A.M., 1889, 111. Wesleyan, LL.D., 1906; tea. in rural sch., Lake Co., 1881-82, tea. 5 terms village h. s. during college course, private sch., Billerica, Mass., and Sing Sing, N. Y., 1886-87, prin. h. s., Joliet 1887-90, prin. h. s. dept, I.S.N.U., 1891-95; mayor of Normal, 1907 . Married Flora Thompson (See H. S. No. 224), Dec., 1895; present position, 1895 . no. Lucia W. Raines (Mrs. William Rowe), Tunis, Hertford Co., N. Car. Tea. at Shenandoah, la. ; reading and gym., I.S.N.U., 1891-92. in. Arthur O. Norton, phys. sci., 1891-92. (See No. 938.) 112. Lida Brown McMurry, DeKalb. Prim, training tea., 1891-1900. (See No. 222.) 113. Jacob A. Bohrer, Bloomington. Asst. h. s., 1891- 92. (See H. S. No. 95.) 114. Elmer W. Cavins, penmanship and orthog., 1891 . (See No. 683.) 115. J. Rose Colby, preceptress and prof, of lit., I.S.N.U. Univ. of Mich., A.B., 1874-78, Radcliffe College 1883-84, Univ. of Mich., A.M. Ph.D., 1884-86; tea. alg., h. s., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1878-79, preceptress and tea. of Latin and Greek, h. s., Flint, Mich., 1879-83 Eng. h. s., Peoria, 1886- 92; pub. Silas Marner, sch. edit., 1900, Literature and Life in Sch., 1906; present position, 1892 . 116. Eva Wilkins, Rollins College, Winter Park, Fla. Hist, and geog., 1892-1004. 117. Charles A. McMurry, training tea., 1892; supr. of practice, 1894- 96, 1897-99. (See H. S. No. 30.) 118. Mary R. Potter, prof, of lang., N.I.S.N.S., DeKalb. Asst. h. s., 1892-95; asst. ancient lang., 1895-96, 1897-99. 119. Swen F. Parson, prin. gram, sch., 1892-94. (See No. 694.) 120. Amelia Frances Lucas, st. Columbia College of Expression, Chi- cago. Diploma, Emerson College of Expression 1891, Curry Sch. of Ex- pression, 1906; tea. of expression, Daughters College, Harrodsburg, Ky., 1891-92, reading and gymnastics, I.S.N.U., 1892-1903, reading, same, 1903-05 ; pub. Phonics and Reading, Van Liew-Lucas. 121. Charles C. Van Liew, pres., State Normal Sch., Chico, Calif., 1899 . Supr. training State Normal Sch., Los Angeles, Calif., 1897-99; tea. reading and pedagogy, I.S.N.U., 1894-96; supr. of practice, 1896-97. 122. Kate Mavity (Mrs. William Martin), Capt Girardeau, Mo. Tea. gram., 1894-95; training tea., gram, grades, 1895-96. 123. Joseph G. Brown, phys. sci. and vocal music, 1894-98. (See No. 750.) 124. Maud Valentine, training tea., intermed. grades, 1894-1900. (See No. 611.) 125. Cora May Dodson (Mrs. Dr. William Piatt Graham), 504 Uni- versity PL, Syracuse, N. Y. Training tea., gram, grades, 1894-95. 126. John Alexander Hull Keith, Normal. Prin. gram, sch., 1894-96; supt. training dept., 1906. (See No. 755.) 127. John A. Strong, orthog., 1894-95. (See No. 850.) ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 355 128. Elizabeth Mavity (Mrs. Cunningham), 208 E. Walnut St., Bloomington. English grammar, 1895-1901; in charge of training school and elementary pedagogy, 1901-06; psychology, several terms; grad. Indiana State Normal School at Terre Haute, 1888 ; primary critic tea., same, 1889-92; Paoli, Ind., grammar and h. s., 1892-95; I.S.N.U. as above; pub. articles on grammar in School News. Married Dr. John D. Cun- ningham, Aug. 10, 1905. *i29. Louis H. Galbreath, pedagogy, 1896-97. (See No. 474.) 130. J. Irving Reed. Tea. in Colo, and Calif. Asst. ancient lang. 1896-97. 131. Andrew H. Melville, prin. gram, sch., 1896-99. (See No. 789.) 132. Anne A. Stanley, tea. elem. sch., St. Agatha, 557-559 West End Ave,. New York City. Tea., intermed. dept., Oxford Sch for Boys, Chi- cago, 1901-03; present position, 1903 ; critic tea., gram, grades, I.S.N.U., 1896-1901. 133. Charles T. Bowman, penmanship and orthg., 1896-97. 134. Manfred James Holmes, psychology and genl. method, I.S.N.U. Diploma, State Normal Sch., Winona, Minn., 1885, Cornell Univ., B.L., 1891 ; tea. dist. sch., 1883-84, prin. graded sch., 1885-86, private sch., 1886- 87, head dept. hist, civics and social science, and tea. of rhetoric and comp., State Normal Sch., Winona, Minn., 1891-97, special and genl. method, psychology, etc., I.S.N.U., 1897 ; sec. National Society for Scientific Study of Education, and editor of Yearbooks of the same. 135 B. C. Edwards, Albian, Idaho. Reading and gym., 1897-1903. 136. Frederic Delos Barber, Normal. Phys. sci., 1898 . (See No. 748.) *i37. Arnold Tompkins, died Aug. 12, 1905. Pres. Chicago Normal Sch., 1900-05; pres., I.S.N.U., 1899-1900. 138. John J. Wilkinson, supt. of practice, 1899-1900. (See No. 483.) 139. Frank S. Bogardus, prin. gram, sch., 1899-1903. (See No. 827.) 140. Mrs. Ida Cook Gove, teacher of voice, Peoria Conservatory of Music, Peoria. Supervisor of music, I.S.N.U., 1899-1900. Married Frank W. Gove, July 27, 1882. 141. Irene Martha Blanchard, Latin and English, I.S.N.U., Normal. Univ. of Mich., 1894-98, A.B., 1898; tea. Latin and Greek, h. s., Battle Creek, Mich., 1898-99, Latin and English, I.S.N.U., 1899. 142. William Wesley Black, supervising prin., pub. sch., District of Columbia, 412 T St., N.W., Washington. Grad. Indiana State Normal Sch., 1892, Univ. of III, A.B., 1898, A.M., 1899; tea. ungraded sch,. 6 yrs. ; h. s. 2 yrs., supt., 6 yrs., sci. and art of instruction, Chicago Normal Sch., 5 yrs., present position, 1906 ; science and art of instruction, I.S.N.U., 1900-01. Married Anna E. Stockton, 1883. 143. Charles W. Whitten, asst. nat. sci., 1900-03. (See No. 1097.) 144. Anna Gertrude King (Mrs. Louis C. Turley), prim, training tea., 1900-03. (See No. 1048.) 145. Will H. Johnson, prim, training tea., 1900-02. (Se No. 1010.) 146. Jessie May Dillon, training tea., 3rd and 6th grades, 1901 . (See No. 900.) 147. Genevieve Clarke, training tea., 6th grade, 1900-01. (See No. 1035-) 148. Clara M. Snell, training tea., 4th grade, 1900-01. (See No. 922.) 149. Eleanor Hampton, training tea., 5th and 8th grade, 1900-04. (See No. 739.) 356 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 150. Charles Ammerman, math., McKinley H. S., St. Louis, Mo. Math., I. S. N. U., 1900-01. 151. Frank W. Westhoff, Normal. Supr. of music, pub. sch., De- catur, 1891-1901 ; pub. Select Rote Songs and Elementary Music Reader; author of Music Outline in State Course of Study. Married Oct., 1889. Tea. vocal music,' I. S. N. U., 1901. 152. Chestine Gowdy, Eng. grammar, I.S.N.U. State Normal Sch., Winona, Minn., 1876-77, Univ. of Minn., B.L., 1899; tea. in elem. and h. s., Faribault, Minn., 1878-88, math, and Eng. State Normal Sch. Spearfish, S. Dak., 1888-92, geom. and hist., Central H. S., Minneapolis, Minn., 1893- 1901, Eng. gram., Univ. of Minn., summer terms, 1897-1902; pub. textbook on English Grammar; present position, 1901 . 153. Mary Judson Averett, 418 Central Park West, New York City. Geog., 1901-03. 154. George Henry Howe, prof, math,, I. S. N. U. Grad. State State Normal and Training Sch., Oswego, N. Y., 1882, 111. Wesleyan Univ., Ph.B., 1887, Ph.D., 1898; st. summer sch., Chautauqua, Cornell, Univ. of Chicago, 1884-96; prin. Normal and College Prep. Depts., Tal- ladega College, Ala. 1882-86, head dept. math., State Normal Sch., War- rensburg, Mo., 1887-98; pres., same, 1898-1901; present position, 1901 . 155. Rose Bland, training tea., 1901-06. (See No. 797.) 156. Jessie Cunningham (Mrs. Charles A. Whitten), training tea., 1901-04. (See No. 701.) 157. Lura M. Eyestone, training tea., 1901-06. (See H. S. No. 152.) 158. Marien C. Lyons, geog., 1902-03; training tea., 1904. (See No. 912.)' 159. Lora M. Dexheimer, prim, training tea., 1902 . (See No. 1106.) 160. Caroleen Robinson, director of kindergarten, 1902 . 161. Clara Trimble, prim, training tea., 1902-03. (See No. 1138.) 162. William Thomas Bawden, director manual training dept., I.S.N.U. Denison Univ., Granville, O., A.B., 1892-96; man. tr., Mechan- ics' Institute, Rochester, N. Y., 1897-98; Bachelor's Diploma Manual Training for Elem Sch., Teacher's College, Columbia Univ., New York, 1902-03; tea. math., U. S. hist., and French, Cedar Valley Sem., Osage, la., 1896-97 ; woodturning and patternmaking, State Reformatory, Elmira, N. Y., March.-August, 1898; asst. supr. man. tr., pub. sch., Buffalo, N. Y., 1898-1902; present position, 1903 ; associate editor, Manual Training Magazine, 1907 . 163. Mabel Louise Cummings, tea. of gymnastics, I.S.N.U. St N. Sch. Phys. Educ., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1892; N. S. Gym., Boston, Mass., 1897 : supr. phys. training, pub. sch., Attleboro, Mass., 1897-98 ; same, Cambridge, Mass., 1898-99; tea. phys. tr., Barstow Sch. Kansas City, Mo., 1899-1903 present position, 1903 . 164. John Pogue Stewart, asst. nat. sci., 1903-06. (See No. 1025.) 165. Isaac Newton Warner, prin. gram, sch., 1903-06; prin. h. s., 1906 . (See No. 1095.) 166. Florence G. Stevens, Oswego, N. Y. Prim, training tea., 1903-04 167. Alice Perle Watson, training tea., gram, grades, 1904-06. (See No. 1351-) 168. Rebekah Lesem, training tea. intermed. grades, 1904 . 169. Lora B. Peck, prim, super, pub. sch., 1514 Rusk Ave., Houston, Texas. St. I.S.N.U., 1894-95, 97-98, diploma, Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn., 1904; prim, critic tea., I.S.N.U., 1904-07; present position, March, 1907 . ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 357 170. Howard Spencer Woodward, public speaking, I.S.N.U., 509 S. Fell Ave., Normal. Hiram College, Hiram, O., A.B., 1902, Yale Univ., A.B., 1903, Harvard Univ., Eng. dept., i l /2 yrs. ; public speaking, I.S.N.U., 1905. *I7I. Mrs. Cora McCullom Smith, died in Waterloo, Iowa, Nov. 15, 1906. Grad. Univ. of Kansas ; tea. Macomb Normal and Business Inst, Univ. of Kas., State Normal Sch., Moorhead, Minn., 1900-05, reading, I.S.N.U., 1905-06. 172. Grace Knudsen, tea. geog., Whitewater, Wis. Tea. in E.I.S.N.S., Charleston, Iowa State Normal Sch., Cedar Falls, I.S.N.U. ; st. Univ. of Chicago. 173. Florence Leona Lyon, tea. Latin and Eng., h. s., 308 Third Ave., Ashland, Wis. St. Univ. of Chicago, A.B., 1901, 1905-06; tea. Latin, So. Collegiate Inst.. Albion, 1901-03, asst. Eng. Millikin Univ., Decatur, 1903- 05; Latin and Eng., I.S.N.U., spring term, 1906. 174. Herbert Dixon in sanitarium, Colorado Springs, Colo. Prin. training sch., I.S.N.U., fall term, 1906. (See No. 1405.) 175. Olive Lillian Barton, critic, training dept, I.S.N.U., 1906 . (See No. 949.) 176. Anna Joseph, reading, I.S.N.U. Kansas State Normal Sch., 1899-1903, Univ. of Kas., A.B., 1905, Univ. of Mich., A.M. 1906; asst. in elocution, Kas. State Normal, 1904; present position, 1906 . 177. Alice J. Patterson, nature study and elem. physics, I.S.N.U. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1896-97, and summers, 1898, 99, 1901 ; prin. h. s., Wheaton, 1890-94, same, Fairbury, 1895-96, science tea., h. s., Normal, 1897-1905, nature study and elem. physics, I.S.N.U., 1906 . (See No. 601.) 178. Helen Elizabeth Purcell, critic, 5th grade, training dept., I.S.N.U. Univ. of Chicago, B.E., 1906; tea. elem. sch,, Saginaw, Mich., present position, 1906 . 179. Martha Hunt, alg., comp., and hist, I.S.N.U. St. I.S.N.U., summer, 1902, Univ. of Chicago, summers, 1905, 1906; tea. elem. sch., Greene Co., 1889-93, LeRoy, 1893-95, P"n. h. s., Hillsboro, 1895-99, prin. Tallula, 1900-02, prin. h. s., Clinton, 1902-06; present position, 1906 . 180. John Gaylord Coulter, prof, of biology, I.S.N.U. Lake For- est, A.B., 1895; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D., 1900; tea. of botany, Syracuse Univ., 1899-1901': Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1900; prof, of biology, Em- ory College, Oxford, Ga., 1902; botanist, Bureau of Educ., Philippine Is., 1902-05 ; man. edit., Manila Times; edit. Philippine Teacher; pub. Notes in Philippine Botany, 1903 ; Nature Study Reader, 1005. Married Florence West, Syracuse, N. Y., May 21, 1903 ; present position, 1906 . 181. George Brophy Kendall, prin. training sch., I.S.N.U., January, 1907. (See No. 1359.) 182. Maud Fraser, critic, 2d grade, training dept. I.S.N.U. State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich., 1894; tea. elem. sch., Ypsilanti, Mich., 1895-99, prim. supr. and training tea., Fostoria, O., 1899-1902; prin Knox- ville College Model Sch., Tenn., 1903-04; critic, 3d and 4th gr., Valley City, N. Dak., 1904-06; present position, March, 1907 . REGISTER OF THE FACULTY FOR THE SUMMER SCHOOL 1. Daisy Dunton (Mrs. Colburn), Okayama, Japan. Grad. Art Inst , Chicago, 1898; director art dept., Eureka College; t. elem. handwork, color, clay modeling, I.S.N.U., ist terms, 1902, 1903, 1904. Married Gary R. Colburn (See No. 684), 1905. 2. Herbert Bassett, supt. pub. sch., Normal. T. phys. and chem., I.S.N.U., ist terms, 1902-03. (See No. 749.) 3. Oliver Morton Dickerson, history, W.I.S.N.S., Macomb. Univ. of 111., A.B., 1903; A.M., 1904; Ph.D., 1906; Thayer Scholar, Harvard, 1904-05; prin. pub. sch., Macon, 1899-1901; head instructor history, W.I. S.N.S., Macomb, 1906 ; pub. ///. Constitutional Convention of 1862, Univ. of III. Studies; t. history, I.S.N.U., ist terms, 1903, 1905, 1906. 4. Nathan A. Harvey, prof, of pedagogy, State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich. St. Univ. of 111., 1889-90; tea., h. s., Kansas City, 1891- 96; dept. of science, Superior, Wis., State Normal Sch., 1896-1900; vice- prin., Chicago Normal Sch., 1900-04; present position, 1905 ; pub. Introd. to Study of Zoology; t. botany and zoology, I.S.N.U., 2nd terms, 1902, 1903, 1904. 5. William A. Furr, supt. pub. sch., Jacksonville. St. Union Chris- tian College, 1883 ; Indiana State Normal Sch., diploma, 1893 ; Indiana State Univ., A.B., 1896; A.M., 1897; supt. pub. sch., Ottawa, 1899-1905; same, Jacksonville, 1905 ; t. U. S. hist, and pedagogy, I.S.N.U., 2nd term, 1903. 6. John Arthur Strong, supt. pub. sch., Blandinsville. T. Eng. gram. I.S.N.U., ist and 2nd terms, 1902, 1905; 2nd term, 1903; ist term, 1906. (See No. 850.) 7. Bruce Smith, head Eng. dept., h. s., Decatur. Univ. of 111., A.B., 1901; present position, 1901 ; t. Eng. lit., I.S.N.U., 2nd terms, 1903, 04. 8. Emilie Barrington Wright, tea., Wendell Phillips h. s., 6338 Ellis Ave., Chicago. T. Caesar and rhetoric, 2nd term, 1903. (See No. 928.) 9. Lottie Aurora Jackson (Mrs. Ludwig Thomsen), Jason Lee Acad- emy, Weiser, Idaho. St. Univ. of Mich., 1888-89, I&94-95 ', Prang Summer Sch., 1901 ; Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1902-03 ; Millikin Univ., Decatur, 1903-04; t. elem. sch., Manistique, Mich., 1890; Proctor Acad., Provo, Utah, 1898-99; asst. prin. h. s. dept, same, 1899-1902; supervisor of draw- ing, pub. sch., Decatur, 1903-05 ; matron, Jason Lee Acad., Weiser, Idaho, 1905-06; t. drawing, adv. construction work, normal art methods, ist terms, 1904-1905. 10. John C. Olsen, prof, of analytical chemistry, Polytechnic Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. Knox College, A.B., 1800; A.M., 1893; Univ. of Chi- cago, summers, 1897-98; Johns Hopkins, 1894-95, 1898-1900; fellow, same, 1899-1900; Ph.D., same, 1900; t. science, h. s., Jerseyville, 1890-91; prin. pub. sch., Ipava, 1891-94; chem. and physics, Austin h. s., Chicago, 1895- 98; present position, 1900 ; pub. Quantitative Chemical Analysis; edit. VanNostrand's Chemical Annual; t. chem. and adv. physics, I.S.N.U., ist terms, 1904, 1905. n. Hugh Alvin Bone, supt. pub. sch., Sycamore. St. Univ. of 111., 1893-94; Oberlin College, Oberlin, O., 1895-97; prin. h. s., Sullivan, 1900- 01 ; supt., same, 1901-04; supt., Sycamore, 1904 ; t. U. S. hist, and civics, I. S.N.U., ist term, 1904. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 3b9 12. Walter Raymond Hatfield, prin. Shields Sch., 6030 Monroe Ave., Chicago. St. at Univ. of Chicago; supt, Griggsville, 1887-94; supt. sch., Pike Co., 1894-97; supt. pub. sch., Pittsfiekl, 1897-1902; supt., St. Charles, 1903-05; critic tea., Chicago Normal Sch., 1905-06; present position, 1906 ; t. U. S. hist, and pedagogy, I.S.N.U., 2nd term, 1904. 13. Clarence Elmer DeButts, supt. pub. sch., Pontiac. Cornell Coll, A.B., 1885; A. M., 1888; prin. h. s., Pontiac, 1888-92; prin., Odell, 1892- 94; asst. prin., twp. h. s., Pontiac, 1894-97; supt. pub. sch., Fairbury, 1897- 1902 ; prin. twp. h. s., Pontiac, 1902-05 ; same and supt. pub. sch., 1905 ; t. physics, I.S.N.U., 2nd terms, 1904, 1905, 1906; ist term, 1907. 14 Benjamin Clay Moore, supt. sch., McLean Co., Bloomington. T. math., I.S.N.U., 2nd terms, 1903, 1905; ist and 2nd terms, 1906. (See No. 758.) 15. Virgina Winchester Freeman, Eng. dept., Chicago Normal Sch., 6925 Yale Ave., Chicago. St. Oxford Univ., Eng., 1902-03; t. Blackburn Univ., Carlinville, 1879-81 ; lit. and reading, Kirkland Sch. for Girls, Chi- cago, 1890-99; reading and phonics, I.S.N.U., 2nd term, 1904. 16. Rudolph H. H. Blome, psychology and pedagogy, Normal Sch., Tempe, Arizona. T. general method and philos. of educ., I.S.N.U., ist term, 1905. (See No. 616.) 17. Samuel D. Magers, asst. prof, physiology and bacteriology, State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich. T. botany and zool., I.S.N.U., 2nd term, 1905. (See No. 509.) 18. Caroline Elizabeth Eckers, supervisor of drawing, pub. sch., Ot- tumwa, Iowa. Grad. Normal dept., Art Inst., Chicago, 1905 ; grade tea., pub. sch., Ottumwa, la., 1894-1903; present position, 1905 ; tea. art dept., and elem. handwork, I.S.N.U., ist terms, 1905, 1906, 1907. 19. Frank Hamsher, head prep, dept., Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. Prin. h. s., D.ecatur; prin. prep, dept., Univ of 111.; t. hist., I.S.N.U., ist terms, 1905, 1906. 20. Harry G. Paul, asst. prof. Eng lit., Univ. of 111. Univ. of Mich., A.B., 1897; Univ. of Chicago, A.M., 1900; Columbia Univ., 1904-05; prin. h. s., Escanaba, Mich., 1897-1900; reader in Univ. of Chicago and tea. S. Side Acad., 1900-01; Eng., Univ. of 111., 1901-04; asst. prof., same, 1905 ; pub. Questions for Study of Shakespere, 1904; edit. Coleridge's Ancient Mariner and Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal, 1906; t. lit., I.S. N.U., 2nd terms, 1905, 1906. 21. Margaret Oliver, asst. prof. Eng. dept., State Normal Sch., Cedar Falls, Iowa. Monmouth College, A.B., 1885; A.M., 1888; Columbia College of Expression, Chicago, B. O., 1901 ; asst. prin., Toulon Acad., !885-57 ; prof. math, and elocution, Albert Lea College for Women, Minn., 1887-90; prof, elocution and phys. culture, Blairsville College for Women, Pa., 1897-1900; present position, 1901 ; t. reading, I.S.N.U., 2nd term, 1905. 22. Mary Lentz, math, and German, h. s., Kewaunee, Wis. T. Ger- man, I.S.N.U., ist term, 1905. (See No. 910.) 23. H. Heath Bawden, head dept. philosophy, Vassar College, Pough- keepsie, N. Y. Denison Univ., Granville, O. A. B., 1890-93 ; A. M., 1894 ; grad. Rochester Theol. Se.m., N. Y., 1808 ; Fellow in Philos., Univ. of Chicago, 1898-1900; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1900; t. biology, Denison Univ., 1896-97; philos., Univ. of Iowa, 1900-01; present position, 1901 ; assoc. editor, Psychological Review; pub. Syllabus of Psychology, 1902 ; t. philos. of educ. and general method, I.S.N.U., ist term, 1906. 24. Herbert Eugene Griffith, prof, chemistry, Knox College, Gales- burg. Northwestern Univ., B.S., 1892; Johns Hopkins, 1896-97; t. phys- ics and chem., h. s., Moline, 1892-94;. same, Oak Park, 1894-96; present position, 1897 ; phys. and chem., I.S.N.U., ist term, 1906. 360 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 25. William Edward Andrews, prin. twp. h. s., Taylorville. Black- burn Univ., B.S., 1884; A.B., 1887; A.M., 1888; 111. Wesleyan, Ph.D., 1899; Harvard, 1891-92; prof, biology, Blackburn Univ., 1887-94; present position, 1894 ; t. botany zool., I.S.N.U., 2nd term, 1906. 26. William James Sutherland, dept. geography, W.I.S.N.S., Ma- comb. T. pliys. and gen. geography, I.S.N.U., ist term, 1906. (See No. 696.) 27. Ira Azel Wetzel, tea. science, h. s., Sycamore. T. geog., I.S.N.U., 2nd term, 1906. (See No. 1412.) 28. George D. Wham, instructor, S.I.S.N.U., Carbondale. Grad. S.I.S.N.U. ; supt, pub. sch., Olney; present position, 1906 ; t. hist., I.S.N.U., ist term, 1906. 29. Arthur Clinton Boggess, prof. hist, and polit. sci., Pacific Univ., Forest Grove, Oregon. T. Eng. hist, and adv. U. S. hist., I.S.N.U., ist term, 1906. (See No. 1072.) 30. Eunice Sarah Bannister, supervisor art educ., pub. sch., 312 N. Elizabeth St., Peoria. St. Mass. Normal Art. Sch., Mass. Inst. Tech., and Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1893-94 J t. pub. sch., Peoria, 1888-93 ; present position, 1895 ; t. freehand perspective, color, constr. work, I.S.N.U., 2nd term, 1906. 31. Jessie D. Spencer, at home, Decatur. Grad. Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; t. art dept., Normal sch., Mankato, Minn., 8 yrs. ; t. drawing, I.S.N.U., ist term, 1906. 32. Stella Rennie Eldred, hist., h. s., Bloomington. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1894-95; Smith College, B. L., 1897-1900; t. elem. sch., Joliet, 1896; Thorton twp. h. s., Harvey, 1900-02; present position, 1902 ; t. gram, and anc. hist., I.S.N.U., 2nd term, 1906. 33. Margaret King Moore, German and Eng. lit., Westminister Col- lege, 151 S. 2nd St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Smith College, B.L., 1897-1901 ; t. German and French, Blackburn Univ., Carlinville, 1902-05 ; present po- sition, 1905 ; t. Eng. gram., rhet., Latin, I.S.N.U., 2nd term, 1906. 34. Roy F. Webster, physics and math., h. s., 391 DuPage St., Elgin. T. physics, I.S.N.U., ist term, 1906. (See No 1311.) 35. Charles Herbert Elliott, prin. twp. h. s., Centralia. T. physics and chem., I.S.N.U., ist term, 1907. (See No. 1005.) 36. William Vernon Skiles, tea. Georgia Inst. of Tech., Atlanta. T. math., I.S.N.U., ist term, 1907. (See No. 1158.) 37. Fred Uriah White, supt. pub. sch., Galva. St. Univ. of 111., 1878- 79; Sauveur Sch. of Languages, Burlington, Vt., 1887; t. ungraded sch., 6 yrs.; elem. sch., Galva, 2 yrs.; prin. h. s., Galva, 3 yrs.; supt. pub sch., Cambridge, 2 yrs.; same, Galva, 19 yrs.; t. hist., I.S.N.U., ist term, 1907. 38. C. Henry Smith, fellow in hist., Univ. of Chicago. St. I.S.N.U., 1896-98; Univ. of Mich., 1899; Univ. of 111., A.B., 1902; Univ. of Chi- cago, A.M., 1903; fellow in hist., same, 1905-07; t. pub. sch., Woodford Co., 1893-96; Elkhart Inst, Ind., 1898; prin. same, summer, 1900; prof, hist, Goshen College, Ind., 1903-05; t. hist, I.S.N.U., ist term, 1907. 39. George Alexander Barker, physiography, twp. h. s., Joliet. Univ. of Chicago, B.S., 1903, M.S., 1905 ; t. zool. and botany, h. s., Greencastle, Ind., 1905; present position, Jan. 1906 ; t. geog. and physiog., I.S.N.U., ist and 2nd terms, 1907. 40. Mary Camp Scovel, pottery and design, Normal Dept., Art. Inst, 883 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. Diploma Cook Co., Normal Sch., 1890; Art Inst, Chicago, 1895-98; Pratt Inst, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1898-1900; t. elem. sch., Chicago, 1892-95 ; supervisor of drawing, pub. sch., Oak Park, 1900- 06; present position, 1900 ; t. art dept., I.S.N.U., ist term, 1907. 41. Arthur Orville Rape, prin. Edmund Burke Sch., 6541 Normal Ave., Chicago. T. math., 2nd term, 1907. (See No. 1157.) INDEX TO ALUMNI REGISTER. Abbott, Maude 1 1888 Ackert, Earl W 1899 Adams, James W 1880 Adams, M. Joice 1885 Adams, Sue P 1885 (Adee) Eckholm, Mary Leota 1899 Alcorn, Archibald J 1893 Alden, Emily A 1874 Alden, Lizzie 1869 Aldrich, Blanche 1899 Aldrich, Edward 1884 Aldrich, William 1889 Allen, Charles Henry 1899 Allen, Georgia 1903 Allen, Grace Matilda 1901 Allen, Lou M 1883 (Allen) Gregory, Louisa C 1870 Allen, Mary Elizabeth 1903 Allen, Ruby 1907 Allensworth, Ben C 1869 Altevogt, Anna L 1905 Ament, James E 1892 Ament, Wilbur Frank 1900 (Ammerman) Snyder, Trophic J.... 1891 Anderson, Andrew L 1880 Anderson, Mrs. Ella G 1906 Anderson, Harrison M 1907 Anderson, Isabella 1894 Anderson, Ida May 1905 Anderson, Lillian 1906 Anderson, Mary A 1877 Anderson, Sarah A 1881 Andrew, Ella M 1892 Angle, Myrtle 1907 (Arbogast) Cass, Anna Belle 1896 (Arbogast) Lawrence, Sadie Emma.. 1896 Armstrong, Charles A 1891 (Armstrong) Manning, Jennie 1887 Armstrong, Josephine Rae 1904 Arnett, James H 1900 Ashworth, Arthur Elmer 1899 (Athens) Atherton, Sadie Chenoweth 1899 Atkinson, Carrie K 1905 Ayres, David 1875 Babbs, Mary Irene 1900 (Babcock) Arenschield, Louise L.... 1888 Backer, Edward C 1893 Backer, Herman T 1893 Bacon, Edwin Faxon 1872 Bailey, Jennie M 1893 Bainum, Osci J 1878 (Baird) Percy, Clementina Maude. . 1899 (Baird) Burger, Mary M 1878 Baker, Ben W 1870 Baker, Clarence 1905 Baker, Cora Ethel 1897 (Baker) McCormick, Estelle K 1897 Baker, George Lee 1901 Baker, Septina 1886 (Ball) Thomas, Agnes E 1877 (Bailer) Griggs, Fannie 1895 (Bailer) Mueller, Ruth C 1892 Baltz, Gustave Fred 1900 Barber, Carrie Louise 1903 Barber, Frederick Delos 1894 Barber, Onias 1867 Barger, Thomas Morse 1902 (Barker) Hargrove, Ruth E 1868 (Barney) Bellows, Cora Belle 1894 Barr, Oren A 1907 (Barrett) Grange, Mabel W 1895 Barrie, M. Sophie 1888 Barton, Fred 1888 Barton, Olive Lillian 1899 Barton, Robert L 1875 Barton, Roy F 1906 Bassett, Herbert 1894 (Bass) Wallace, Mary L 1876 Bassler, Herman John 1902 Baumgardner, Elizabeth 1880 Baumgarner, Joseph 1898 (Baxter) Brakefield, Helen M 1880 Beach, Charles L 1899 Beadles, Sada 1905 (Bean) Garwood, Mattie V 1882 Bean, William H 1881 Beattie, Annie Jeannette 1899 Beatty, George H 1876 Beckhart, Albert D 1875 Bechstein, Mamie Louise 1903 Beedle, Gertrude C 1905 Beeler, Bernice Gertrude 1902 Beers, Sarah E 1862 Beggs, Dorothea Katherine 1898 Beggs, Robert H 1872 Bennett, Florence M 1906 Benson, Leroy J 1903 Bentley, Daisy 1907 (Benton) Overman, Melissa 1869 Berkstresser, Levi D 1877 362 INDEX TO ALUMNI REGISTER. Berkstresser, W. Irving 1877 Erode, Howard S 1888 (Berry) Cromwell, Willis Elma 1902 Brooks, Samuel 1901 Betzer, Isaac L 1881 Brown, Benjamin Fletcher 1899 Bevan, Richard G 1877 Brown, Elmer E 1881 Biggs, M. Emma 1884 Brown, I. Eddy 1874 (Bigham) Brode, M. Kate 1889 Brown, Joseph Grant 1894 Billen, Adolph P 1900 Brown, Leila May 1907 Birney, Thomas M 1899 (Brown) McMurry, Lida A 1874 Bishop, Clara B 1891 Brown, Nina L I97 Black, Jesse Jr 1896 (Brown) Fairchild, Lillian M 1880 Black, Raymond E 1906 (Brown) Aldrich, Maggie H 1889 Blair, Frank G 1892 Broun, William N 1888 Blake, Anna T 1907 Bryan, Lewis 1875 (Blake) Myers, Charlotte C 1871 Buellesfield, Henry 1903 Blake, Walter T 1883 Bullock, A. Eliza 1868 (Blanchard) Snedaker, Eva M 1885 Bullock, Agnes 1 1906 Bland, Harriet 1897 Bullock, Jessie Jane 1896 Bland, Rose 1896 (Bullock) Elliott, Lura M 1873 Blome, Nora E 1905 Burdick, Ruby C 1907 Blome, Rudolph H. H 1890 Burger, Oliver P 1878 Blount, George 1872 Burgess, Gilbert A 1878 Bogardus, Frank Smith 1896 Burgess, Harry 1904 Bogardus, Stephen 1868 Burner, Ethel L 1907 Bogges, Arthur C 1900 Burke, Daisy Margaret 1903 Boling, Mary C 1907 Burlingame, Ida 1902 Bond, Florence 1 1905 Burnham, John H 1861 Bond, Ida Wendover 1902 (Burns) Shry, Margaret 1889 Bonnell, Clarence M 1899 Burr, Frank 1883 Bookwalter, Grace M 1907 Burr, Mrs. Lincoln I. D 1883 Borgelt, Clara 1907 Burrill, Thomas J 1865 Boslough, Clarence Roy 1904 Burroughs, Jennie 1907 (Bosworth) Stearns, Lucy Adelia . . 1903 Burson, Jemima S 1868 Boulter, Mary Bertha 1895 Burson, Lydia A 1868 Bovee, Lorenzo D 1862 Burt, Clarence E 1901 Bowen, Anna G 1872 Burtis, Altha 1905 Bowen, Margaret Lee 1903 Burtis, Clyde L 1899 Bowles, John T 1878 Burtis, Guy Seaman 1900 Bowman, S. Annette 1879 (Bush) Saltonstall, Lutie A 1886 Boyd, Clara 1906 Butler, A. C 1878 (Boyer) Hatch, Alma 1892 (Butler) Francis, Willie Belle 1894 Boyer, Edwin L 1892 Buterbaugh, Daniel S 1876 Boyer, E. R l &79 Butterfield, Caroline M 1892 (Boyce) McDuffee, Eva Belle 1897 Butterfield, R. Olin 1892 Brand, Sarah Hazel 1906 Butzow, Bertha 1907 Breining, Minnie 1902 Calder, Mary Etta 1901 Bremer, Anna M 1907 Camenisch, Sophia Catherine 1901 Brewer, Etta 1892 Camery, Nellie 1907 Briggle, Bessie Sarah 1902 Camp, Druzilla 1906 Briggs, Ella K 1869 (Campbell) Peters, Flora Evangeline 1896 (Briggs) McKnight, Josephine A.... 1902 Campbell, Zella 1884 Brigham, Putnam L 1873 Cardiff, Ida May 1903 Bright, Bernice A 1900 Carlson, Anna Wilhelmina 1900 Bright, Bruce 1898. Carleton, Elizabeth 1862 Bright, Fannie 1904 Carpenter, Mrs. Carrie Maria 1896 Brisbane, Annie M 1889 Carpenter, Kate Edna 1899 Brittin, Charles H 1907 Carpenter, Lewis M 1905 Broadhead, Annie Maple 1900, 1901 Carroll, Edna M 1907 Broadhead, Lemma C 1905 Carson, Franklin Benjamin 1897 Brock, Adelia M 1905 Carter, Joseph 1870 INDEX TO ALUMNI REGISTER. 363 (Case) Morrow, Harriet M 1866 Colvin, Maude Evangeline 1904 (Case) Earth, Julia M 1890 Colwell, Lewis W 1892 Case, Nelson 1866 Coombs, Edwin S 1887 Cass, Sherman 1889 Condon, Osmond J 1907 Cation, Alexander 1885 Condren, Ida Helen 1900 (Caudy) Mitchell, P. Evangeline.... 1878 Connaghan, Jeannette H 1905 Caughey, Ella J 1884 (Connett) Detweiler, Ellen R 1892 Caughey, Florence Gertrude I94 (Conover) Heidel, Kate E 1891 Cavins, Elmer W 1892 Conrad, Francis \V 1874 Gavins, Elzy Cartwright 1896 Conyers, Chester A 1903 Cavins, Lorimer Victor 1903 (Cook) Ambrose, Bella L 1892 Cavins, William Ferguson 1900 Cook, Mrs. Dora Edna Watson 1906 Chamberlain, Marjorie 1906 Cook, John \V 1865 Chamberlin, William H 1876 Cook, Mae 1893 (Champion) Bowles, Myrtle Marie... 1902 Cook, Stella M 1900 (Chandler) Hodgin, Emily 1867 Coons, George Herbert 1905 Chaplin, David H 1884 Cooper, Annetta Belle 1898 Chenoweth, Lillian 1896 (Cooper) Mitchell, Mabel A 1897 Cherry, Mrs. Mary B 1906 (Corbett) Parmele, Emma E 1877 (Chicken) W r illett, Sada R 1898 Corbin, Augusta E 1894 Childs, Lyman \V 1890 Gorman, Florence May 1900 Childs, Robert A 1870 (Gorson) Burroughs, Mabel M 1898 (Chisholm) Carr, Eva May 1896 (Corson) Brown, Mary E 1888 (Christ) Gill, Sophie 1861 (Corson) Laird, Sarah G 1888 Christy, Jessie 1905 Corson, Stella P 1902 Christy, Mary E I9S Corwine, Eunice 1874 Church, Ida E 1905 Cothern, William Ross 1895 Churchill, Nell 1907 Cotton, Alfred C 1869 (Clanahan) Smith, Lucy M 1896 (Cotton) Collins, Emily H 1867 Clanahan, Myrtle 1896 Couch, Edward B 1907 Clancy, Nellie Gertrude 1901 Covey, Hyatt Elmer 1898 Clark, Ada Bell 1902 Cowan, Alan Dewain 1896 Clark, Caroline Irving 1900 (Cowles) Heaton, Bessie Abiah 1898 Clark, Elsie May 1907 Cowles, Catherine L 1899 Clark, Florence J 1892 Cowles, Robert Andrew 1898 Clark, Philo A 1866 Cox, John H 1891 (Clarke) Dakin, Genevieve L 1900 Cox, Mary M 1873 Cleveland, Elizabeth Taylor 1898 Cox, Merton Dart 1900 Cleveland, Mary R 1890 (Cox) Smith, Nettie V 1877 Cline, Jacob S 1887 Crandall, Charles H 1869 Cline, Jessie M 1906 Crawford, Asbury M 1876 Coburn, Mildred L 1907 Crawford, Amanda M 1879 Coen, Eleanor 1907 (Crawson) Spear, Edna Leona 1901 Coen, Ruah 1896 Creekmur, David W 1886 (Coffey) Doren, Mary E 1887 Creekmur, John W 1887 Coffman, Julia 1901 Criss, Edward 1904 Cohagan, Albert C 1896 Crissey, Helen A 1904 Coith, Clara L 1906 (Crist) Kasbeer, Martha 1887 Coith, Edna F 1906 Crocker, William 1898 Colburn, Gary R 1892 Cross, Charles R 1879 (Colburn) Melton, Rosalia 1887 (Crouch) Hazlett, Ida E 1888 Colby, Lydia 1899 Crouch, Rachel Pierson 1899 Cole, Alice Maude 1903 Crouch, Virginia Frances 1902 Coleman, Lyman H 1898 Crow, William T 1875 Coley, Charles D 1894 (Crum) Russell, Carrie 1887 Colson, Anna L 1887 Gulp, Loren 1905 Colvin, Albert 1907 (Cummings) Kirk, Mary S 1879 Colvin, George W 1864 (Cunningham) Whitten, Jessie H... 1893 Colvin, Grace Stella 1903 (Curtis) Young, Bessie 1891 364 INDEX TO ALUMNI REGISTER. Curtis, Frederick George 1895 (Curtis) Wheeler, S. Macy 1898 Cusick, J. Fay 1900 Dace, Frances Louella ' 1903 (Dahl) Conklin, Nettie T 1893 Damman, Edwin 1902 Damman, Mary A 1906 Damon, Jessie Alice 1904 Daniels, Maude May 1904 Darby, Gertrude 1897 Davenport, Bertha Lea 1899 Davenport, Lulu Lea 1899 David, Ruth Anna 1902 Davies, Viola 1906 Davis, Jude E 1893 (Davis) Ramsey, Lucretia 1869 Davis, Mary Priscilla 1903 Davis, Roscoe Edwin 1900 Dawson, Dula Mae 1903 Dawson, Russell 1902 Deane, Georgia Viola 1906 DeGarmo, Charles 1873 Delaney, Helen Veronica 1904 (Denman) Hanna, Luella M 1889 Denning, Barbara 1870 Denning, Bertha Elizabeth 1903 De Van, Worthy Jean 1902 Dewell, James W 1870 Dewell, John N 1874 Dewey, Helen A 1885 Dewhirst, John M 1899 Dewhirst, William S 1899 Dexheimer, Lora M 1901 (Dexter) Wilder, Jessie A 1878 Dickerson, Oliver M 1899 Dickey, Daisy Delle 1896 Dietz, Clara 1899 (Dilley) Evelsizer, Luella M 1901 Dillon, Alpheus A 1880 (Dillon) Milliken, Carrie 1884 Dillon, Jessie M 1898 Dillon, Mertie May 1901 Dimmitt, Lena Otelia 1904 Dinsmore, George W 1876 (Disbrow) Roney, Myrtle 1904 Dixon, Florence Dorothea 1902 Dixon, Herbert 1905 Dixon, Joseph A 1893 Dobson, Pearl E 1905 Dole, Ethel Mary 1904 Dole, Lillian Dora 1905 (Donohue) Henaughan, Anastacia ... 1899 Doud, Herman T 1898 Dougherty, Lewis C 1876 Downey, Elzy Franklin 1902 (Downey) Cox, Mae F 1883 Draper, Anna 1907 Drobisch, Anna W 1899 Dudley, Gerry B 1899 Duerkop, Bertha Katherine 1904 (Dunbar) Kelso, Etta 1868 Duncan, Dora Susanna 1903 Dunn, Harriet E 1864 (Dunn) Mrickler, Sarah M 1860 Dutton, Harvey J 1861 Dwire, Francis B 1899 Easton, Louis B 1890 Eastwood, Byron E 1898 Eaton, Delia M 1902 Eaton, Hattie May 1902 Edmunds, Ernest Edwin 1904 Edmunds, Harold James 1900 Edmunds, Henry Hugh 1895 Edmunds, Lucy Elizabeth 1902 Edmunds, William D 1884 Edwards, Carlie Ann 1899 Edwards, Edith Belle 1903 Edwards, Ellen S 1873 Edwards, Hugh R 1869 Edwards, John R 1867 Edwards, R. Arthur 1870 Edwards, William R 1869 Eldridge, Florence Frances 1901 Ela, Clarissa E 1884 Elder, Andrew W 1878 (Eldred) Moore, Alice 1 1896 (Elkins) Stillwell, Ida L 1888 Elliff, Stella A 1907 (Elliott) Johnson, Agnes 1885 Elliott, Charles Herbert 1899 Elliott, David S 1874 (Elliott) Robinson, Georgia 1898 Elliott, William B 1893 (Elliott) Drennan, Winnifred G. ... 1899 Ellis, James 1875 Ellis, John 1866 Emmons, Alice 1870 Engel, Andrew 1883 (Entler) Tullis, Tillie M 1899 Erbes, Clara 1 902 Erbes, Phillip H 1891 Espy, Frank S 1907 Estee, James B 1881 Estee, Lulu May 1902 Evans, Ruth 1906 Evans, William A 1874 Ewen, Ada E 1899 Fairchild, James Albert Leroy 1900 Fairfield, Belle 1903 Fairfield, Etta M 1897 Fairfield, Grace 1899 Fairfield, Maude 1903 Paris, S. A. D 1892 Faulkner, Edwin R 1877 (Faulkner) Williams, Eugenia 1878 Felmley, Ruth 1907 (Felton) Brittin, Jessie 1897 Fenton, Grace 1897 INDEX TO ALUMNI REGISTER. 365 Ferguson, James J 1891 Ferreira, Mary 1906 (Ferris) Kitfield, Ella M 1888 Fesler, Charles Jerome 1900 (Fincham) Reedy, Nellie 1898 Fisher, Alfaretta 1890 Fisher, John W 1895 Fisk, Judd M 1875 Fitzer, Levi R 1886 (Fleischer) Egley, Ida Lena 1901 Fleming, Charles M 1889 Fleming, John H 1886 Fleming, Martha A 1872 Fletcher, Frances Roxana 1902 Fletcher, Mary 1897 (Flinn) Moreland, Mrs. Carrie E 1891 (Flinn) Webster, Sarah L 1899 Florin, William 1865 (Foley) Luce, N. Lee 1890 (Foley) Keith, Rebecca A 1891 Fontaine, Rosilda Josephine 1902 Ford, Jennie 1901 Forden, James Russell 1901 Fordyce, Charles 1882 (Fordyce) Brent, Etta 1892 Foreman, Anna 1902 Forman, Nellie 1867 Foss, Ida L 1873 Foster, Esther Browning 1904 Foster, Kathryn Lorena 1903 (Foster) Rathbun, Laura Caroline .. 1901 Foster, Martha 1866 Fowler, Hiram R 1877 Fox, Harry Bert 1896 Francis, Charles Henry 1903 (Frank) Irvine, Lulu Pearl 1900 Frank, Margaret J 1898 Franklin, Lenore 1872 Franklin, Lois Gertrude 1900 Frazer, Thornton R 1885 French, Mary 1867 Fritter, Clara Theresa 1901 (Fritter) Bates, Edna E 1901 Fritter, Enoch A 1889 Fry, Nellie B 1906 (Fuller) Judd, Carrie M 1884 (Fuller) Boyd, Flora M 1878 Fuller, Mary A 1863 Fulton, William C 1892 Fulwiler, David M 1865 Furman, Laura L 1887 (Furry) Talbott, Mary C 1872 Fyffe, Harriet 1866 Galbraith, William J 1889 Galbreath, Louis H 1885 Gallaher, Louis T 1896 Garman, Samuel W 1870 (Garrison) Miller, Belinda E 1892 Garwood, Anna Sabina 1900 Gash, Charles M 1906 Gastman, Enoch A 1860 (Gaston) Forbes, Clara S 1872 (Gaston) Smith, Florence M 1888 Gaston, George H 1893 Gaston, Hattie J 1892 (Gaston) Tear, Mary Ross 1881 Gates, Anna C :868 Gaulden, Amelia 1900 Gay, Mary L 1902 (Gay) Osborne, Minnie L 1890 Gaylord, Annie E 1894 Gentle, Thomas H 1894 (George) Delano, Gertrude 1900 George, Frank J 1901 Gibson, John \V 1870 (Gifford) Harvey, Carrie A 1884 Gifford, May 1903 Gildemaster, Theodora 1886 Gillan, Anna Marion 1903 (Gillan) Estee, Addie 1881 (Gillan) Eastman, Mary J 1881 Gillan, Silas Y 1879 Gilmer, Lucy Walker 1903 Gingerich, Elmer G 1907 Gingerich, Katherine E 1906 Gladding, Anna M 1872 (Glanville) Houston, Sarah Elizabeth 1883 Glanville, Matilda 1882 Glessing, Barbara F 1907 Glessing, Dorothea M 1907 (Glidden) Switzer, Cora 1886 Glidden, Willis C 1878 Glotfelter, John H 1885 (Gmehlin) Hall, Amelia Helen 1901 Goble, William L 1893 Goddard, Asa P 1907 Gogin, Lulu 1905 (Goode) Adams, Carrie B 1887 Goode, Walter S 1893 (Goodrich) Soule, M. Adeline 1877 (Gorton) Hanna, Eurenia G 1867 Gorton, Mary G 1867 Gossman, Minnie Margaret 1900 Gott, Charles 1899 Gove, Aaron 1861 (Gove) Baldwin, Sarah F 1863 Grabow, Paul E 1893 Grafton, Clara L 1907 Grainey, Jessie A 1896 (Grand) Montgomery, Maggie J.... 1885 Grassman, Adelaide 1898 Graftan, Martha A 1895 Gray, Edna B 1907 Gray, Francis S 1907 Gray, John H. , 1887 Gray, Lillian 1901 Gray, Nannie R 1883 (Gray) Gridley, Lucy D 1886 INDEX TO ALUMNI REGISTER. (Gray) Jordan, Ruby C 1885 (Gray) Farrin, Saidee J 1886 Graybill, Edward C 1894 Greabeiel, Emil R 1890 Greaves, Thomas H 1896 Greeley, James M 1872 Green, Birdie Wilmah 1901 Green, Ethel Magnolia 1902 Green, Joseph W 1899 Greenough, Charles Weston 1900 Gregory, Margaret E I96 (Grennell) Hatfield, Anna 1864 (Grennell) Guild, Helen F 1862 Griffith, William C 1871 Griffiths, G. Charles 1892 Griggs, Eleanor H 1906 Griggs, Gresham I97 Gross, Charles Ellsworth 1900 Gunnell, Orville James 1901 (Guthrie) Hutchings, Florence 1889 (Gvillo) Lebegue, May 1902 Hahn, Laura E 1899 Haines, Mamie 1901 Hall, Elizabeth T 1897 Hall, John C 1897 Hall, John L 1883 Hall, John W 1890 (Hall) Husted, Mary M 1884 Hall, W. Dennis 1863 Hallock, Minnie Julina 1902 Hamblin, Mrs. Ellen T 1898 Hamilton, Ethel Rowena 1902 Hamilton, Ina Estelle 1900 (Hammond) Hubbard, Phebe 1895 Hampton, Eleanor 1894 Hanawalt, Casper G 1891 Haney, Ruth M 1906 Hanna, Albert S 1894 Hanna, J. Calvin 1876 (Hanna) Haney, Margaret 1895 Hannah, Jesse F 1882 Harcourt, Frank B 1877 Harley, Joel Alva 1897 Harned, Cora M 1907 Harper, James M 1880 Harper, Peter 1860 Harpstrite, Emma F 1896 Harrington, Bessie W 1901 (Harris) Edwards, Ella Mabel 1896 Harris, Ebenezer D 1863 Harris, Emma 1907 Harriss, Lincoln E 1890 Hart, Charles W 1886 Hart, Margaretta 1893 Hartwell, Justin L 1875 Harvey, Nathan A 1884 Hatch, Luther A 1892 Hatcher, Ida Matilda 1906 Hawk, William D 1891 Hawkes, William 1901 (Hawley) Richardson, Mary A 1873 Hayes, Florence M 1905 Hayes, Silas 1860 Haynes, Elizabeth C 1899 Hays, James W 1869 Hays, Dudley G 1890 hays, Jasper F 1873 Heath, William R 1884 Hedges, Benjamin S 1876 (Hedges) Patton, Hattie M 1888 Hedges, William E 1895 Heer, Henry 1900 Heinzleman, Jacob Harold 1901 Heller, Gertrude Viola 1901 Hellyer, Perry H 1907 Hendricks, Edward R 1895 Hendrickson, Mina G 1906 (Hendron) Smith, Annie 1884 Heritage, Christena Ramsey 1903 Herndon, Mrs. Carrie P 1893 Herren, Charles C 1892 Hess, Ardie D 1899 Hetfield, Harriet 1903 (Hewett) Reeder, May 1880 Heyward, Aaron 1901 Heyward, Richard 1889 (Hickey) Carr, Rachel M 1872 Hickey, Esther 1907 (.Higgins) Bray, Edith Marian 1901 Hieronymus, Rooert E 1886 Higby, Clara E 1870 Hildreth, Ruby 1907 Hileman, Eva J 1907 Hiles, Perry Huston 1904 Hill, Emma 1891 Hillyer, Thomas A 1895 Hilton, Lizzie 1 1893 Himes, Jessie M 1896 Himes, Mary Louise I93 Hinman, George S 1867 (Kite) Wallis, Grace 1891 Hitchcock, Elizabeth 1902 (Hobart) Tracey, Mary Florence . . . 1896 (Hobbs) Gastman, Belle 1881 Hodge, James A 1893 Hodge, Josiah P 1875 Hodgin, Cyrus W 1867 Hoff, George Stephen 1897 Hoffman, George L 1877 Hoierman, Eleanor 1907 Hoit, Edith Maude 1901 Hoke, Josiah Campbell 1901 Holcomb, Henry F 1871 Holder, Julia Montrose 1903 Holferty, George M 1887 Hollis, David P 1899 (Holly) Hanft, Laura Helen 1896 Hollstein, Hulda 1902 INDEX TO ALUMNI REGISTER. 367 Holzgrafe, Bertha J 1907 (Johnston) Posey, Gertrude M 1902 Houser, Eva Belle 1894 Johnston, Jennie 1907 (Houston) Tabor, Isabella S 1871 Johnston, John T 1876 Howard, Charles 1869 Johnston, Milford L 1899 Howard, Charles L 1876 Johnston, Paul E 1906 Howard, Charles L 1885 Jones, Albert E 1889 (Howard) Gardner, Emma A 1870 Jones, Ahnena C 1865 Howell, George 1883 Jones, Mrs. Latona May 1904 Howell, Joseph G 1860 Jones, Ruby 1906 (Hubbard) Pollitt, Daisy 1879 Jones, Thomas E 1874 (Hubbard) Easton, Honor 1890 Jones, Wallace F 1899 (Hubbard) Heath, Mary 1883 Jones, Walter Royal 1902 (Hubbard) Partridge, Olive B 1885 Jones, Warren 1893 Hughes, Mary Lillian 1903 Judd, S. Alice 1874 Hull, John 1860 Kaiser, Wilhelmine 1898 Hullinger, Frank W 1872 Kanaga, Hershel E 1896 Humer, J. M 1883 (Karr) Blount, Alza A 1872 (Hummel) Ruddy, Ida Rose 1899 Karr, Grant 1891 Hummel, Adam A 1900 Karr, Lyon 1885 Hummel, Sarah Matilda 1901 Kasbeer, Joab R 1887 Humphrey, Annabel 1898 (Kates) Henry, Charlotte M 1896 (Humphrey) Reid, Caroline A 1883 Keith, John A. H 1894 Humphrey, Delphine S 1906 (Kelly) Bragg, Lida A 1882 Humphrey, Rose W 1890 (Kelly) Bowles, Marion B 1886 Hunt, George W 1897 (Kellogg) Bryant, H. Amelia 1873 Hunter, Ben 1870 Kellogg, John R 1885 Hunter, Mrs. Eda 1904 Kellogg, Lyman B 1864 Hunter, Joseph 1866 Kemph, Mary 1903 (Hunter) Regan, Margaret E 1870 Kendall, George Brophy 1904 (Hunter) Chapman, Nettie S 1888 Kennedy, Julia E 1871 Hunter, Sarah C 1872 (Kern) Walker, Harriet E 1871 Hunting, Olive 1904 Kern, John Winfred 1902 Huntington, Daisy Bell 1902 Kerns, Carrie 1898 (Hurd) Adams, Estelle L 1889 Kessler, Frances F 1907 Hursey, E- Margaret 1887 Ketterman, John S 1883 Hursh, Samuel B 1895 Keys, Mary F 1907 Hurwood, Grace S 1868 (Kienzle) Wheeler, Anna M 1891 Hutchinson, Joseph M 1895 Kilbride, Thomas M 1887 (Iliff) Rice, Frances M 1900 Killam, Morris E 1892 Jackson, Ethel 1907 (Kimball) Windle, Georgia J 1893 Jacob, Mrs. Ella Leone 1900 Kimball, Mary L, 1886 Jacob, William James 1900 (Kimberly) Perry, Maria L 1870 Jacobson, Clara S 1905 Kimbrough, E. R. E 1873 James, IiicNeal Cole 1903 Kimmell, Ralph R 1906 Jeffers, Granville B 1895 Kindig, Pearl Elizabeth 1904 Jencks, Nettie G 1907 Kindt, Florence F 1907 Jenkins, Camilla 1882 (King) Turley, Anna Gertrude 1900 Jenny, Elise B 1907 King, Frank E 1890 (Johnson) Mossman, Beulah Valentine 1904 Kingsbury, Howard Baker 1903 (Johnson) Morley, Edith 1864 (Kingsley) Manning, Lucia 1868 Johnson, Eugenia 1902 Kinne, Evelyn Lovenia 1902 Johnson, Hilda Ella 1906 Kinyon, Claudius B 1876 Johnson, John Thomas 1902 Kleckner, Isaac F 1869 Johnson, Lucy 1883 Kleinau, Emma A 1906 (Johnson) Nicholas, Olinda 1865 (Kline) Huntoon, Ida M 1906 Johnson, Riley 1897 Klingler, Wilson 1894 Johnson, Will H 1899 Klotz, Matilda 1903 Johnston, Burley Clay 1904 Knapp, Mason E 1894 Johnston, Clara Irene 1903 Knight, Anna P 1881 368 INDEX TO ALUMNI REGISTER. Knight, Lee 1 1901 Lurton, Blanche 1897 (Knight) Adam, Martha G 1872 (Lurton) Warrick, Cora A 1882 Knott, William E 1896 Lyon, Joseph F 1876 (Koester) Clark, Hulda M 1888 Lyon, Oliver Lincoln 1900 Kofoid, Reuben 1902 Lyons, Marien Ida 1898 Krieger, Augusta M 1906 McBane, William A 1868 Kring, William H 1891 McCafferty, Mary J 1894 (Kuhn) Kipp, Mary E 1883 McCall, Ada Victoria 1903 (Kuhns) Gernon, Ada Anna 1896 (McCambridge) Kurd, Margaret .... 1865 Kummer, \Villiam Henry 1902 (McCann) Worcester, Bessie A 1891 Lafferty, George 1903 McCarrell, Hanan 1888 (Laign) Rigby, Cora 1892 McCauley, Rose A 1906 Lampe, Margaret H. J 1886 (McCormick) Trowbridge, Alice C... 1883 Lane, Mack M 1892 McCormick, Henry 1868 Lange, Ottilie 1898 McCormick, Henry G 1899 (Lantz) Maginnis, Anna Maude .... 1904 (McCullough) Sanders, Margarita... 1875 Larison, Gertrude 1900 (McDonald) Stewart, Jessie 1900 Larrick, Louisa C 1876 McDonnell, Mary W 1905 Larson, George 1901 McDonnell, Sarah V 1905 (LaRue) Dow, Ora 1899 McDowell, Samuel Kline 1906 Laughlin, Ely Vail 1904 McDuffee, Ervin L 1902 (Laughlin) Parsons, Sara Abbie 1900 (McElroy) Rishel, Elizabeth K 1889 Laubenheim, Livonia L 1905 (McElroy) Westbrook, Marguerite.. 1893 Law, Charles T 1896 McFarland, Will Johnson 1902 Laybourn, Charles G 1878 (McGill) Hennen, Sarah A 1891 Lease, Alice C 1907 McGinnis, Mary E 1892 LeBaron, Mary D 1870 McGorray, Katherine 1892 Lebegue, Julius Victor 1902 McGrath, Thomas L 1872 LeCrone, George M 1873 MacGuffin, Ralph D 1899 Lehman, Paul H 1896 (McGuire) Telford, Mae Navadah... 1904 Leigh, Helen E 1905 McHugh, James V 1882 Lee, Emma L 1897 McHugh, Josephine M 1875 Lendman, Helene Marie 1900 McHugh, U. Clay 1875 Lentz, Mary ^98 Mclntyre, Martin L 1886 Lesem, Josephine 1898 McKean, Leonard A 1906 LeStourgeon, Estella M 1902 McKim, Oscar F 1865 Lewis, Adelaide B 1905 McKinney, Bernice Blackburn 1900 Lewis, Andrew T 1871 (McKinney) Corrington. Mildred ... 1905 (Lewis) Rosenberry, Mrs. Flora A.. 1883 McKinney, John R 1900 Lewis, William M 1883 McLemore, William Dennis 1906 (Liggitt) Ehlers, Myrtle M 1897 McMurry, Carl Franklin 1903 Lindley, Frank 1895 McMurry, Thomas B 1885 Lin dsey, Lucy Lenore 1902 McMurry, William P 1874 Lippert, Leona A 1907 McMurtry, Ira B 1904 Lischnewski, Hattie H 1890 McMurtry, Mrs. Ira B 1904 (Lisk) Guthrie, Emma 1888 McReynolds, Charles Vernon 1890 Lisk, Guy Metcalf 1903 (McVay) Custer, Florence 1886 Litchfield, Ola J 1907 (McVay) Stafford, Luella 1885 (Littlefield) Sims, Sarah M 1874 McWherter, Mary E 1899 Livingston, EHsha W 1872 McW'herter, Paul K 1906 Lockwood, Walter C 1873 (McWilliams) Burford, Mary E 1874 (Loring) Walters, Ida May 1901 Magers, Samuel D 1886 Love, Justin Jay 1895 Major, Birdie 1901 Levering, Harriet M 1899 Mamer, Mary 1906 (Lovett) Nine, Nellie J 1899 Manley, Edward 1 1888 Lucey, Katherine Loretta 1900 Mann, Celestia M 1871 Ludwig, Debora Marjorie 1905 (Mann) Lang, Frances Baldwin 1901 Lummis, John W 1870 Manning, George G 1869 (Lunger) Thorpe, Kate G 1884 Mansfield, Esther J 1907 INDEX TO AIvUMNI REGISTER. 369 Mariner, Charles D 1872 Mark, Elvira Ellen 1901 Marker, George Edward 1895 Marks, Sarah A 1902 Marquis, Chester D 1899 Marriet, Woodman R 1880 Marsh, Philo A 1864 (Martin) Ayers, Anna L 1877 Martin, Sarah C 1878 (Martin) Skewis, Mrs. Martha G 1883 Martin, William W 1898 Mason, George U 1869 (Mason) Parkinson, Julia F 1872 (Mason) Quine, Letitia A 1870 Masters, Laura Alberta 1903 Mateer, Lucy J 1903 Matheney, Elizabeth Izora 1904 Mau, Dora E 1904 (Maxwell) McPherson, Mattie B 1882 Meier, William H. D 1896 Melville, Andrew H 1895 Merker, John Philip 1893 Merker, Minerva 1907 Merker, Susie 1901 (Merrill) Tarbox, Lydia 1888 Messick, Leander 1884 Metcalf, Harry C 1890 (Mettler) Stowell, Edna 1891 Meyer, Otto S 1896 Meyer, Rose A 1905 (Michaels) Chamberlain, Edna B... 1897 Middekauff, Helen 1881 Middleton, Anthony 1888 (Miller) Folk, Maude 1900 (Miller) Dugan, Parthenia E 1900 Milliken, Ora J 1906 Milliken, Orris J 1884 Mills, Celia S 1881 (Mills) Fairchild, Edna Gertrude. ... 1901 Mills, Hattie A 1886 Mills, William S 1875 Miner, G. Frank 1881 Miner, William 1888 Mitchell, Anna T 1897 (Mitchell) Christian, Elizabeth 1860 Mix, Lida B 1899 Mize, Edith Belle 1897 Mohr, Esther Cook 1903 (Monroe) McCracken, Emma A.. .. 1872 Monroe, Grace A 1898 (Montgomery) McClure, Harriet M.. 1884 (Moon) Sawyer, Eva Mary 1897 Moore, Benjamin C 1894 Moore, Charles W 1869 Moore, Christina 1907 Moore, Josephine Marie 1900 (Moore) Byerly, Julia M 1872 More, Katherine Anna 1902 Moore, Isabella 1864 (Moore) Sanders, Helen F 1880 Moore, Thomas 1886 Morgan, Moses I 1861 Morgan, M. Ella 1874 Morgan, Mary Emma 1895 Morgan, Ora S 1899 Meyer, Rose A 1905 (Miller) Dugan, Parthenia E 1900 Moore, Christina 1907 Moroney, Francis 1 1871 (Morris) Rome, Daisy Alice 1901 Morrison, Murray M 1882 Morrison, William J 1888 Morse, Clara Louise 1902 Morse, Fannie Edna 1898 Morse, Harriet Ellen 1879 Morton, James Harrison 1901 Mosher, James N 1875 Mosher, Truman B 1876 Mossman, Edith L 1904 Moulton, John B 1892 Moulton, Marie E 1896 Mountjoy, John C 1885 Mowry, Christopher D 1869 Moynihan, Lauretta 1903 (Munch) Butterfield, Celia Frances.. 1901 Murphy, John D 1893 Mutterer, Fred G 1894 Naffziger, Simon Edward 1902 (Nance) Shilton, Adella 1870 Needham, Elijah 1888 Neff, Mary 1892 (Nelson) Conard, Lillian S 1894 Newman, Orris H 1905 Newton, Abe Mark 1904 Neidermeyer, Fred David 1900 Nicdao, Miguel 1 907 (Nixon) Stevenson, Anna C 1896 Nixon, Isidore A 1899 Nollen, Nell Alma 1903 Norman, T. A. H 1871 Norton, Archie C 1899 Norton, Arthur 1898 Norton, Henry B 1861 Noyes, Amanda 1861 (Nuckolls) Schumacher, Minnie .... 1900 Oakes, Blanche M 1899 Oathout, Charles Hubert 1902 Oathout, Edna M 1906 Oathout, Lulu 1907 Odell, Anna Laura 1902 Ohr, Florence 1875 Olsen, Bertha K 1905 Olson, Florence A 1907 Ong, Ira M 1906 (O'Rourke) Cunningham, Margaret C. 1905 Orb, Grace 1899 Orendorff, Lotta 1906 Osborn, Mary V 1872 370 INDEX TO ALUMNI REGISTER. Otto, William August 1901 (Overman) Diehl, Isabel 1880 Oxley, Mary D 1899 O'Neil, James E 1896 (Paddock) Smith, Hattie 1883 Page, John T. V 1896 Page, Joseph L 1896 Page, Maria Elizabeth 1904 Paine, Henry A 1905 Paisley, Elsie 1902 Paisley, Samuel W 1872 Palmer, George M 1899 Parker, Bertrand D 1891 Parker, Edmund C 1888 Parker, Emma H 1888 (Parker) Bixby, Mary E 1880 Parker, Sarah C 1893 Parmele, Lillian Pearl 1907 Parr, John H 1870 Parson, Swen F 1892 Parsons, Ada L, 1883 (Parsons) Glotfelter, May M 1883 Patch, Fred G 1897 Patten, Edith S 1893 Patterson, Alice J 1890 (Patterson) Holder, Elsie 1897 Patterson, Jessie M 1907 Peairs, Ralph P 1896 (Pearson) Hiner, Ida May 1900 Peasley, Jessie 1892 Peasley, William K 1898 Peck, Olive Estelle 1901 (Peers) Lockwood, Elizabeth W 1874 Peltier, Evelyn 1894 (Pennell) Parr, Flora 1872 (Pennell) Carter, Jane 1869 (Pennell) Barber, Mary 1867 Pennoyer, Mabel 1903 Penstone, Clara Maude 1902 Pepple, Celia A 1907 Pepple, Sadie E 1907 Perkins, Charles A 1890 Perrin, Harry Ambrose 1903 Perry, Benjamin 1897 Perry, Cornelius L 1883 Perry, Elizabeth 1907 Perry, Josephine 1904 Perry, Lorinda 1904 (Perry) Stokes, Pearl M 1896 Perry, Wilson James 1900 Peter, L. Erne 1873 (Peterson) Gastman, Frances 1860 Pfeil, Mary Esther 1903 Pfingsten, George F 1899 (Philbrick) Gaston, Ida L 1878 Philbrook, Charles F 1888 Philbrook, Cora F 1889 Philbrook, Edwin 1860 Phillips, Alice B 1872 (Phillips) Osborne, Alice F 1897 (Phillips) Brown, Martha 1901 (Phillips) Phelps, Mrs. Eleanor M.. 1895 Picken, Mae Evangeline 1902 Pierce, Mrs. Genevieve Anderson.... 1907 Pierce, Mary E 1866 Pierce, Thirza M 1890 Pierce, William S 1893 Pike, Curtis F 1894 Pike, Effie M 1897 Pike, Nelson D 1896 Pike, Walter F 1898 (Pillsbury) Gates, Lillian W 1882 Pinkley, Eugene 1883 (Piper) Blackburn, Alice 1866 (Piper) Anderson, Mary 1886 Pitts, Florence Elizabeth 1901 Pitts, Henrietta Betsey 1898 (Plato) Wilbur, Helen F 1866 Plummer, Edgar D 1871 Polhemus, James Oscar 1871 Pollock, Alice 1 904 Pollock, James B 1891 (Porter) Marshall, Eva A 1898 Porter, Ida M 1883 (Porter) Powers, Nettie 1879 Porter, Richard 1866 Porterfield, Cora M 1890 Posey, Chessley Justin 1895 Powell, Elizabeth Martha 1907 Powell, Mattie L 1882 Power, Margaret C 1890 Powers, Horace E 1879 (Praty. Kean, Eliza 1868 Preston, Frances 1878 Price, Harry B 1896 Pricer, Charles A 1896 Pricer, John L 1899 (Prickett) Passmore, Pearl 1901 Prince, Edward P 1896 Prindle, Elinzer M 1874 Proctor, Norma Anna 1902 & 1904 Puckett, Wendell F 1881 Pumphrey, Mary Etta 1906 Pusey, Mrs. Amanda M 1876 Pusey, William B 1899 (Putnam) Beggs, Helen C 1900 Quick, Edward W 1896 Quigg, Etta Grace 1900 (Qu'gg) McLaughlin, Iva M 1896 Raber, Louemma 1895 Rambo, Jessie Eulalia 1902 Ramsey, William C 1879 Rape, Arthur Orville 1901 Rausch, Jacob W 1894 (Rawlings) Cunningham, Frances L. 1871 Ray, R. Louisa 1872 (Raymond) Clark, Alice L 1891 (Raymond) Fitzwilliams, Sarah E.... 1866 INDEX TO ALUMNI REGISTER. 371 Readhimer, Jerome E 1899 Reecher, Samuel E 1899 Reeder, George W 1882 Reeder, Rudolph R 1883 Regan, Levi T 1870 Regan, Milton R 1882 (Regan) Hunter, Selina M 1877 Reid, Anna 1885 Reid, David W 1883 (Reid) Byers, Ellen 1888 Reid, George W 1891 (Reid) Barnes, Lela B 1896 (Reid) Leavenworth, Mrs. Florence. 1882 Reinhart, Otto E 1907 (Reinmiller) Eldridge, Louise M.... 1901 (Reitzell) Dillon, Blanche A 1902 Renich, Mary Emma 1902 (Reno) Sunder land, Cora L 1899 Renshaw, Elizabeth 1902 (Renshaw) Frazeur, A. Laurie 1890 Rew, Carlton H 1874 (Reynolds) Wilcox, Abbie 1863 Rhinesmith, Wilhelmine 1897 Rhoton, Lewis 1888 Rice, James E 1 906 Rice, Nelle Leona 1904 Rich, Carrie G 1881 Richardson, Florence A 1878 Richardson, Francis M 1888 Richardson, James R 1871 Richardson, Wade H 1870 Richey, Frank E 1872 (Richards) Louis, Mary A 1898 (Rider) Cotton, Olive A 1866 Ridlon, James F 1862 Riggs, Mrs. Lilla D 1898 Rightsell, Jacob A 1868 Ringheisen, Luther Calvin 1907 Rishel, Austin C 1884 Rishel, Edwin H 1878 Rishel, Warren H 1897 Ristine, Edwin R 1883 Ritcher, Henry A 1907 Roberts, DeWitt Clinton 1873 Roberts, Lavina E 1890 Roberts, Lois M 1 906 Robinson, Belle C 1890 (Robinson) Kleckner, Emma 1868 Robinson, Emma E. L 1902 Robinson, Minnie L 1902 Rogers, Orville T 1884 (Rohm) Gibbs, Gertrude E 1905 Root, Augusta E 1883 Root, Maude M 1891 Roots, Logan H 1862 Ropp, Irwin 1902 Rosenberry, Edwin E 1882 Rosenberry, Ethel 1907 (Ross) Belsley, Alma E 1886 (Ross) Cook, Elizabeth 1879 Ross, Sylva 1898 Rouse, Jessie L 1906 Rowson, William J 1887 Roziene, Addie E 1898 Ruffer, William 1905 (Rugg) Reed, Isabel S 1871 Ruhl, Adah M 1896 Russell, William 1868 Rutherford, Adelaide V 1870 Rutledge, Cynthia 1887 Ryburn, Charles A 1900 Sabin, Mary E 1896 Salmon, Margaret 1907 (Salzman) Collins, Katie 1885 (Salzman) Rhea, Sara L 1889 (Sample) Fleming, Florence 1900 Sanders, Royal W 1892 Santee, Albert M 1905 Sattley, Olive 1886 (Savage) Rowley, Helen E 1885 Sawyer, John Henry 1895 Scanlan, Lena G 1906 Schaefer, Margaret 1907 (Schaeffer) Bondurant, Elizabeth T.. 1856 bchaeffer, Lillian E 1907 Schilling, Margaret W 1902 Schlatterer, Laura 1897 Scheid, Jacob P 1907 Schneider, Louise D 1899 Schneider, Mary L 1899 Schneider, Pauline M. R 1894 Schulte, Anna Barbara 1895 Scott, Harriet 1883 Scott, Errettine 1905 (Scott) Hunting, Julia 1879 (Scott) Campbell, Louisa M 1882 Scott, William D 1893 Scrogin, Ernest A 1898 Seed, Essie May 1906 Seeley, Helen Edna 1904 Seeley, Esther B 1906 Selby, Richard E 1902 Serf, Josephine 1901 Service, Caroline Beverly 1903 Seybold, Fred J 1867 Shannon, Edward 1881 Shaub, Phillip H 1896 (Shaver) Thompson, Frances E 1871 Shaw, Lou Trell 1903 Shearer, John L 1875 Sheppard, James J 1891 (Sherman) Boyer, Emily A 1879 Shinkle, Elmer E 1881 (Shinn) Giddings, May 1866 Shores, Arthur 1873 (Sikes) Nicholas, Maria L 1869 Sikkema, Amelia Alice 1897 Simeral, Isabel 1902 372 INDEX TO ALUMNI REGISTER. Simison, Ruth Imogene 1903 Simmons, Jessie Josephine 1902 (Simmons) Dickerson, Nora M 1897 Simpson, William J 1874 Sinnett, Thomas Patrick 1 904 (Sitherwood) Bent, Grace 1899 Skaggs, Margaret Olivia 1903 Skiles, Vernon William 1901 Skinner, Blanche Alberta 1900 (Skinner) Burtis, Daisy A 1904 Skinner, Edna Mae 1903 Skinner, William T 1894 Sleeper, Susannah Margaret 1902 (Slocum) Ashman, Charlotte May.... 1894 (Smart) Simcox, Alice E 1890 Smedley, Fred W 1883 (Smiley) Frazer, Lettie J 1882 Smith, Adna F 1887 Smith, Alice Orme 1907 Smith, Almeron W 1887 Smith, Anna A 1905 Smith, Charles N 1882 (Smith) Hillyer, Agnes M 1895 Smith, Grace Almeda 1905 (Smith) Brown, Anna M 1888 (Smith) Turner, Carrie E 1883 (Smith) Stebbins, Carrie V 1888 Smith, Edmund B 1888 Smith, Espy 1, 1872 Smith, Eva Dorcas 1903 (Smith) Cole, Frances A 1870 Smith, Flora B 1887 Smith, Harry A 1874 Smith, Helen Pitner 1906 Smith, James Henry 1907 Smith, John W 1870 Smith, Lida Jane 1894 (Smith) Latham, Maggie L 1890 Smith, Marian Bernadine 1903 (Smith) Bogardus, Mary J 1868 Smith, Nano Pearl 1898 (Smith) Crawford, S. Elouise 1883 Smith, Paul McCorkle 1906 Smith, Sylvia Edna 1907 Smith, William J 1882 Snapp, Franklin J 1906 Snare, Albert 1877 (Snell) Wolfe, Clara May 1898 (Snider) Irwin, Cora E 1890 Snow, Vera May 1903 Solomon, George W 1907 Somers, Bridgie E 1907 Sparks, Carrie Rose 1902 (Spear) Hadfield, Katherine G 1891 Spencer, Levi J 1877 (Spencer) Chambers, Lidy 1903 Spencer, William N 1878 Spottswood, Mary C 1883 (Sprague) Legg, Esther 1862 Sprecher, Elizabeth Esther 1900 Springer, Mary A 1881 (Spurgeon) Dixon, Emma 1891 Stahl, Elmer R 1906 (Stanard) Frost, Julia E 1866 (Stanard) Johnson, Lucinda 1865 Stansbury, Leslie 1907 (Stapleton) Leach, Bernice Ethel .... 1902 Stark, Mabel C 1906 Steagall, John Roscoe 1904 Steagall, Mary M 1896 Steele, Mae Knight 1904 Stephens, Ethel Gertrude 1907 (Stephenson) Haney, Anna M 1902 Sterrett, Mary C 1899 Stetzler, Emma G 1898 (Stevenson) Robinson, Bessie B 1897 Stevenson, James S 1867 Stevenson, Sarah Hackett 1863 (Stewart) Brown, Emma V 1874 Stewart, Frank 1899 Stewart, John Pogue 1899 Stewart, Harriet E 1864 (Stewart) Brown, Lucy E 1885 (Stewart) McMurtry, LilHe 1904 Stice, Albert Conlee 1903 Stice, Henry S 1 906 Stickney, John H 1872 Stine, John Carl 1900 Stocks, Benjamin F 1875 Stotler, Howard Arthur 1904 Stout, Henry Field 1900 Stout, Jennie K 1907 Stoutmeyer, John B 1873 Strain, Emma G 1871 Strauss, Mabel Katilda 1902 Strong, John Arthur 1896 Stuart, Alpha 1872 Stuckey, Mrs. Blanche Sager 1906 Stuckey, Leo 1906 Sullivan, Elizabeth D 1903 Sullivan, Mary E 1898 Sullivan, Teresa 1907 (Sumner) McReynolds, Jessie E 1888 Suppiger, Adolph A 1865 (Sutherland) Brown, Anna V 1873 Sutherland, William J 1892 (Swain) Fitzgerrel, Gertrude Ophelia 1904 Swan, Lizzie P 1881 Swett, Edward R 1877 (Sykes) Nichols, Mary L 1869 Symons, Alice 1904 Symons, Clara E 1906 Tait, Felix B 1873 Talbot, George 1 1878 Tallmadge, Charles H 1883 Tarbox, Cornelius S 1885 Tavenner, James W 1888 Taylor, Helen M 1899 INDEX TO ALUMNI REGISTER. 373 Tear, John H 1881 Telford, Fred 1906 (Telford) McClurken, Eva G 1886 (Thomas) Bevan, Armada S 1870 Thomas, Evans W 1882 Thomas, May 1 1873 Thomason, Martha G 1905 Thompson, Francis 1897 (Thompson) Faulkner, Laura Mabel.. 1895 Thompson, Florence E 1907 Thompson, John Henry 1863 (Thompson) Tucker, Lillian 1891 Thornhill, Ernest A 1896 Tiffany, Reuben 1895 Tiley, Charles Penrose 1900 (Town) Beggs, Gertrude M 1872 Traver, Ruby L 1896 (Travis) Urban, Carrie E 1898 Travis, Clyde R 1895 Tregellas, Effie A 1902 Trimble, Clara E 1901 (Trimble) Bangs, Emma 1862 Trimble, Mary Lillian 1899 Triplett, Margaret 1907 Trowbridge, Myrtle 1904 Trowbridge, Oliver R 1883 Trumbull, Frederick M 1900 Tucker, Lilly Mabel 1907 (Tuthill) Larison, Helen 1904 Twohey, Katherine 1905 Tyler, Dewitt C 1876 Ulbrich, Fred T 1905 Ullenswang, Martin Luther 1897 Urban, Harvey B 1901 Utz, Monroe W 1884 (Uzzell) Day, Florence Lillian 1901 Vail, Harriet Belle 1902 Vail, Phebe R 1892 Valentine, Cornelia 1868 Valentine, Elma 1868 Valentine, Maud 1890 Varner, Laura A 1877 (Varner) Metzger, Wilmas E 1877 Vaughan, Benjamin F 1892 Vaughan, Walter M 1903 Vautrin, Minnie 1907 Veatch, Nathan T 1881 Viox, Eunice 1906 Voigt, Irma E 1902 Waddington, Agnes M 1906 Waddle, Herbert C 1893 (Wadleigh) Willis, Helen 1869 Waggoner, Harry D wight 1902 Waits, Harmon B 1898 Wakefield, Bandusia 1865 Wakefield, Melancthon 1865 Waldron, Carl A 1903 Waldron, Frances 1903 Walker, Cora J 1884 Walker, Peleg R 1861 Wallace, Edith M 1900 (Wallace) Hitt, Julia A 1886 (Wallace) Toren, Lucy E 1891 Wallace, William R 1872 Wallace, William S 1893 Walter, Charles B . . . 1881 Walworth, Lena Althea 1904 (Ward) Roach, Edith Z 1872 (Warne) Hall, Emma W 1873 Warner, Isaac Newton 1900 (Washburn) Edmunds, Emma 1897 (Washburn) Hull, Mary F 1860 Waterman, R. Morris 1871 Watkins, Amos 1887 Watkins, Henrietta A 1875 Watkins, Mary A 1875 Watrous, Edward Palmer 1903 Watson, Alice Perle 1904 Watson, Mina M 1888 Watt, Charles F 1892 Watt, Clarence H 1886 Watt, Mary J 1887 Watts, Clara E 1868 Watts, Walter J 1886 Waugh, Rosa 1894 Wayman, John N 1883 Weber, Laura M 1906 (Weber) Malone, Mary 1893 Webster, Eugene C 1880 (Webster) Bowles, Clara A 1881 Webster, Nellie Grace 1902 Webster, Roy Franklin 1903 (Weed) Martin, Marian E 1870 Weeks, Grace N 1880 Weimer, Anna Magdalene 1903 Weir, Lora A 1906 Weldon, George A 1889 (Weldon) Kelly, Margaret R 1902 Wells, David Hopkins 1900 (Wells) Bayliss, Helen P 1899 Wells, Jennie Entriken 1901 Wells, Jessie Bell 1901 (Wells) Stout, Mary J 1899 Wells, Winthrop Selden 1897 (Werley) Hausing, Emma 1885 (Westbrook) Downey, Lucinda 1899 Wetzel, Clara 1901 Wetzel, Ira Azel 1905 (Weyand) Latham, Frances 1871 Wheeler, Nellie M 1890 Whetzel, William J 1896 (Whigam) Taylor, Jean G 1899 (Whitcomb) Leaf, Clara A 1884 White, Albert E 1899 White, Mrs. Kate 1893 White, William W 1894 Whitham, Minnie 1892 Whitney, Mary Lou 1890 374 INDEX TO HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI REGISTER. Whittaker, K. Girard 1890 Whitaker, Minnie S 1893 Whitten, Charles William 1900 Whitten, John H 1899 Wickersham, Ellis Bert 1902 Wiekert, John Valentine 1907 Wilcox, Alda Lenore 1903 (Wilcox) Henry, Mary L 1893 Wilkinson, Jasper N 1874 Wilkinson, John J 1885 Will, Thomas E 1885 Willard, Henry D 1893 Williams, Frank L 1882 (Williams) Barney, Julia 1898 Wilmer, Anna E 1898 Wilson, Bertha Gerish 1902 Wilson, Charles C 1891 Wilson, Frank L 1 900 Wilson, George S 1898 Wilson, Helen Angeline 1904 Wilson, Isaac E 1906 Wilson, James M 1872 Wilson, John T 1899 Wilson, John X 1871 Wilson, Minnie E 1889 Wilson, Mrs. Laura Smitson 1905 Wilson, Washington 1888 Wing, Emily 1877 Wise, Anna 1899 Wise, Bert 1907 Wiseman, Eva C 1899 Witte, Josepha H. E 1887 Wolfe, Albert B 1898 Woltmann, Helena Olga 1903 Wood, James C 1884 (Wood) Holmes, Jennie L 1879 Wood, Leroy B. 1876 (Woodruff) Evans, Margaret L 1874 Woods, Ida 1890 (Worley) Wilson, Lucy 1903 Worley, Robert Edwin 1896 Wortman, Thomas B 1895 Wright, Emilie 1898 Wright (Farnsworth), Jennie R 1893 Wright, George William 1901 Wright, John B 1905 Wright, J. Lawson 1873 Wyatt, Edgar 1880 Wyckoff, Helen L 1878 Yoder, Isaac H 1885 Yoder, John P 1871 Youle, Jessie L, 1899 (Young) Wallace, Adelaide 1900 Young, Albert N 1890 Young, Anna Lou 1900 Young, Frank L 1889 Young, Grace H 1899 Young, Noah A 1903 Youngman, Lucy 1907 (Zigler) Coats, Emily C 1890 Zoll, Oliver Roland 1899 INDEX TO HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI REGISTER. Adams, M. Joice 1885 Abraham, M. Louisa 1873 Aldrich, Edward 1884 (Aldrich) Moore, Grace D 1893 Allen, James D 1895 (Allspaugh) Wykoff, Effie 1894 Arbogast, William H 1893 Bachman, Frank P 1894 Bacon, Almira A 1870 Baird, Walter H 1892 Baker, Burl P 1894 Baker, Fred R 1895 Ballard, Pearle L 1895 Barton, Charles M 1895 Barry, M. Sophie 1888 Bassett, Arthur 1892 (Baxter) Brakefield, Mrs. Helen M.. 1880 Beecher, B. Bayliss 1882 (Beecher) Ensley, Mary 1893 Benson, Nellie J 1893 Bishop, George W 1892 Bishop, Mellie E 1891 Blackburn, Edgar 1892 Blandin, Fremont C 1877 Bohrer, Jacob A 1887 Briggs, Claude 1895 Brown, Elmer E 1881 Brown, I. Eddy 1874 Browne, Lee O'Neil 1886 Buck, Lemuel F 1889 Bullock, Jessie Jane 1895 Burns, George P 1891 Burnside, G. Gordon 1894 Burry, William 1870 Butterfield, Mrs. R. 1894 Capen, Charles L 1865 Capen, Charlotte B 1894 Carroll, Clarence C 1888 INDEX TO HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI REGISTER. 375 (Case) Young, Gertrude 1865 Cavan, May M 1895 Chandler, Grace E 1892 Chase, Alice C 1871 Cheney, Fannie B 1888 (Cheney) Wight, Grace 1891 Clark, Sarah H 1893 Cleveland, John B 1892 Coen, Ruah 1895 Colburn, Gary R 1891 (Cook) Sample, Florence Adele 1874 (Cook) Gale, Agnes S 1891 Cook, John L 1895 Coolidge, Clifford H 1889 (Coolidge) Hamsher, Lucy 1887 (Coolidge) Hoblit, Sarah L 1877 Cowles, Catherine L 1895 Crawford, William A 1883 Crist, Howard C 1883 (Crist) Kasbeer, Martha 1887 Crothers, Rachel 1891 Cunningham, Alexander H 1887 (Denman) Hanna, Mrs. Luella M 1889 Dillon, Jessie M 1886 Dillon, Roy H 1895 Dullam, G. Francis 1889 (Durham) Vennard, Iva M 1890 (Edwards) Dougherty, Anna 1868 Edwards, Nicholas T 1875 Edwards, R. Arthur 1868 Effinger, J. Robert, Jr 1887 Elder, Robert H 1885 Eldred, Stella R 1894 Eliff, John T 1895 (Emerson) Newcomer, Neffa N 1894 Erbes, Philip H 1891 Evans, Florence B 1894 Evans, Kate P 1893 Eyestone, Lura M 1892 Fales, Dexter W 1888 (Fell) Fyffe, Clara A 1865 Fell, Fannie C 1879 (Fell) Treakle, Rachel M 1878 (Follett) McNamar, Hattie 1879 Forrester, James H 1893 Foster, George K 1895 (Foster) Barber, Junia M 1893 Franklin, George A 1877 Frazeur, Jesse L, 1890 Frazeur, Mrs. Jesse 1893 Fry, Emma 1895 Fyffe, Harriet B 1895 (Galusha) Smith, Ellen H 1870 (Carver) Baum, Daisy 1895 (Gibson) Hillegas, Enid 1892 (Gilbourne) Leopold, Anna 1892 Gillan, Silas Y 1879 Gilmore, Lucien H 1889 Glidden, Annie L 1890 (Glidden) Bradt, Bertha M 1887 Glidden, Willis C 1878 (Goodwin) Reid, Nellie F 1894 Gove, Frank W 1875 Gray, Saidee J 1886 Green, Walter H 1887 Grier, Asenath E 1892 Hanna, J. Calvin 1876 Hammers, Isaac B 1883 Hammers, Jesse 1886 Harcourt, Frank B 1879 Harley, Theodore L 1889 Harrison, Charles B 1887 (Hart) Rees, Lou R 1895 Hatch, Dorus R 1878 Haynie, Wm. Duff 1870 Hewett, Emrick B 1875 (Hewett) Reeder, Mrs. May 1880 Hewett, Theodore T 1877 Hicks, Herbert S 1892 Higby, W. Herbert 1883 Holder, Samuel 1892 Howard, Hosea 1865 Huling, Metta 1892 (James) Herrick, Clara B 1890 James, Edmund J 1873 Jenkins, Fred E 1886 Kasbeer, Joab R 1887 (Keady) Graham, Eleanor 1895 Kimball, Mary L 1886 King, Frank E 1890 & 1892 Kingsley, Anna Jeannette 1877 Kirk, William T 1895 (Kofoid) Dillon, Nellie 1 1893 Laybourn, Charles G 1878 (Leaton) Rodman, L. May 1893 Le Sourd, Alfred C 1894 (Lewis) Rosenberry, Flora A 1883 Loehr, Harry M 1885 Loer, Arabella D 1876 Lufkin, Frank N 1880 Manley, Joseph 1889 Marshall, Sallie R 1895 Miller, Charles C 1894 Mills, Charles W 1891 (Mills) Dickey, Sabina F 1877 Moore, Ruth E 1894 Moulton, William B 1891 McCambridge, William 1865 McCann, Bert H 1894 McCart, Harry C 1894 McCart, Robert 1865 McCarrell, Hanan 1888 McCormick, Edmund B 1889 McCormick, Ferdinand C 1895 McCormick, Nelson K 1879 (McCormick) Trowbridge, Mrs. Alice 1880 McCurdy, Laura 1888 (McGowan) Garst, Dollie A 1883 McMurry, Charles A 1876 McMurry, Frank M 1879 376 INDEX TO BOARD OF EDUCATION REGISTER. McMurry, Fred R 1895 McMurry, Oscar L 1879 McNulta, Herbert 1880 Manley, Edward 1887 Marker, John P 1893 Messick, Leander 1884 (Mettler) Stowell, Edna 1891 Morrison, Murray M 1884 Mutterer, Frederick G 1894 Ohr, Frances D 1880 Parker, Bertrand D 1891 Parker, Cuthbert F 1893 Parker, Fred W 1895 Parker, Ralph Waldo 1895 Parr, Edward F 1883 Patten, Alice 1893 Peairs, George M 1887 Peairs, Harry J 1887 Peers, Theodore W 1878 Pollock, James B 1891 Pollock, Thomas L 1893 Porter, Ida M 1883 Porter, Walter G 1888 Porter, Weldon E 1892 Porterfield, Cora M 1890 (Porterfield) Merrill, H. L. Mabel .. 1894 Preston, Frances 1878 Prince, Edward P 1895 Prince, Leonard M 1887 Rayburn, Chalmers 1872 Reed, Newton B 1872 Rhodes, Ora M 1894 Riley, George W 1892 (Roberts) Bent, Josie L 1888 Ropp, Silas 1890 (Rowell) Olney, Cora M 1886 Rowell, Elmer 1 1893 Rutledge, Bertha 1893 Ryburn, Win. F 1887 (Saltsman) Rhea, Mrs. Sara L 1889 (Sater) Harry, Eunice 1894 Sattley, Olive 1886 Scott, John A 1887 Scott, Walter D 1892 Sealey, Grace A 1893 Sheppard, James J 1891 (Shinn) Giddings, May 1886 (Skinner) Parker, May 1890 Smith, George K 1880 Smith, Harvey S 1894 Smith, William Hawley 1870 Spence, Brainard L 1889 Spickerman, Harry R 1894 (Sudduth) Hopper, Anna 1 1878 Sudduth, Laura 1877 (Sudduth) McCormick, Mary 1879 Taylor, J. Wm 1894 Tear, John H 1881 Templeton, J. Dickey 1873 Thompson, Daniel W 1894 (Thompson) Manchester, Flora 1895 Thompson, Theodore 1894 Thornhill, Ernest Algier 1894 Thorp, Frank H 1883 Tipton, Thomas W 1895 Town, Harrie H 1886 (Tryner) Evans, Alice F 1887 Tryner, Ethel L 1893 (Vickroy)Rosesteel, Louise M 1891 (Walker) Smith, Lillie M 1883 Wallace, Juliet A 1886 Washburn, Gratiot 1869 Waugh, Rosa 1894 Weber, Harry 1889 Wescott, Frank H 1893 Wheaton, Ann S 1875 Williams, Thomas 1879 Wilson, Charles C 1891 Wilson, James F 1890 (Wright) Stillhamer, Kittie D 1890 INDEX TO BOARD OF EDUCATION REGISTER. No. Atwood, A. L 69 Baily, Jacob L 80 Barge, B. F 57 Bass, Perkins 17 Bateman, Newton 18 Bayliss, Alfred 96 Benedict, John D 70 Bent, Charles D 98 Blair, Frank G 106 Boltwood, H. L 53 No. Brady, Matthew P 77 Brooks, J. P 26 Brown, J. Stanley 100 Bunsen, George 7 Canby, Richard 51 Capen, Charles L 81 Carter, Joseph 47 Caton, J. D 52 Clarke, George C 43 Comstock, Henry S 64 INDEX TO FACULTY REGISTER. 377 No. No. Cook, Forrest F 82 Mitchell, Thomas F. 56 Cope, Rufus 62 Moore, Jesse H 38 Coy, Winfield S 42 Moseley, Flavel 12 Denio, C. B n Moulton, S. W 13 Dodge, B. L 63 Mozier, Ira C 79 Donohue, Michael 54 Noetling, Charles F 45 Doocey, Edward 83 Norton, James H 93 Dupuy, Elias C 39 Parker, Charles 1 86 Eden, John R 3 Pickett, Thomas J 23 Edwards, Ninian W i Plain, E. M 89 Edwards, Rev. Richard 65 Post, Seth Joel 19 Enander, J. A 60 Powell, William H 15 Etter, S. M 48 Raab, Henry 66 Evans, Robert F 75 Reynolds, Harmon 25 Feitshans, Mary F 73 Rex, George 8 Fell, Jesse W 40 Robbins, Joseph 78 Fell, Kersey H 31 Robertson, Joseph L 102 Fitzgerald, William 92 Roots, Benaiah G 35 Foster, John H 32 Rosette, Clinton 87 Freeman, Joseph H 95 " Rossiter, E. C 72 Gastman, Enoch A 44 Sandham, W. R 68 Gillespie, John J 14 Schweppe, J. W 28 Goudy, Dr. Calvin 20 Shanahan, M. W 94 Green, W. H 21 Shannon, A. R 4 Hainline, W. H 99 Sheahan, J. W 24 Harrington, George 71 Slade, James P 58 Hatch, Walter M 27 Slade, Thomas 59 Hill, Harrison H 50 Sloan, Wesley 6 Holder, C. W 22 Smith, W. Y 104 Horn, Frank 101 Stitt, Frank B 107 Houghton, Frank L 97 Stolp, Allan W 88 Hovey, C. E 9 Taggart, Charles P 34 Howland, George 61 Thornton, Charles S 91 Inglis, Samuel M 90 Turner, Thomas 36 Karr, Lyon 84 Walker, Peleg R 67 Kerns, F. A 105 Wells, Edward L 46 Kimbrough, E. R. E 85 Wells, William H 2 Knickerbocker, J. C 49 Wilkins, Daniel 10 Leal, Thomas R 37 Willard, B. 103 Lesem, Isaac 55 Wing, Dr. Henry 29 Marquis, F. D 76 Worthington, N. E 41 Mayo, Walter L, 33 Wright, Simeon 5 McClun, J. E 16 Young, Ella Flagg 74 Medill, Joseph 30 INDEX TO FACULTY REGISTER. Alexander, J. K 21 Ammerman, Charles 150 Averett, Mary Judson 153 Baker, B. W 64 Baker, Mary E 33 Barber, Frederick D 136 Barker, Ruth E 48 Barton, Herbert J 87 Barton, Olive Lillian 175 Bass, Perkins 26 Bawden, William T 162 Black, W. W 142 Blanchard, Irene 141 Bland, Rose 155 Bogardus, Frank S 139 Bohrer, Jacob A 113 Bowman, Annette S 89 Bowman, Charles T 133 378 INDEX TO FACULTY REGISTER. Brooks, Mary M 4 Brown, Joseph G 123 Bryant, Julius E 20 Ihirlingham, E. P 52 Burnham, John Howard 15 Burrill, Thomas J 45 Burrington, Lester L 70 Cady, Chauncey M 9 Carter, Mrs. Jane Pennell 73 Carter, Joseph 57 Case, Gertrude K 68 Case, Harriet M 69 Chase, Loring A 59 Cavins, Elmer W 114 Childs, Charles F 37 Clarke, Genevieve 147 Clover, Rev. Lewis P 13 Colby, J. Rose 115 Colton, Buel P 99 Cook, John W 50 Cornelius, J. D. H 86 Coulter, John Gaylord 180 Cowles, Betsey M 5 Coy, E. W 65 Cummings, Mabel L 163 Cunningham, Jessie 156 DeGarmo, Charles 77 Dewey, Helen A 91 Dexheimer, Lora M 159 Dillon, Jessie M 146 Dixon, Joseph H 1 74 Dodson, Cora May 125 Dryer, Emaline 43 Edwards, B. C 135 Edwards, Ellen S 73 Edwards, Richard 34 Ela, Clarissa E too Eyestone, Lura M 157 Fell, Fannie C 92 Felmley, David 104 Forbes, Stephen A 67 Foster, Martha 55 Fraser, Maud 182 Galbreath, Louis H 129 Goodrich, Marian 32 Gove, E. Aaron 17 Gove, Mrs. Ida 140 Gowdy, Chestine 152 Hall, John W 107 Hall, Mary M 102 Hammond, Marion 39 Hampton, Eleanor 149 Hanna, Adella M. 94 Hartmann, Mary 85 Haynie, Martha D. L 54 Hays, Dudley G 106 Hewett, Edwin Crawford 8 Hollis, Ida M 97 Holmes, Manfred J 134 No. Horton, Mary E 63 Hovey, Charles E i Howe, George H. 1 54 Howell, Joseph Gideon 14 Hughes, Martha E 66 Hull, John 27 Hunt, Martha 179 Hutchinson, Lyman 72 James, Edmund J 80 Johnson, Edith 49 Johnson, Will H 145 Jones, Richard D 98 Joseph, Anna 176 Keith, John A. H 126 Kellogg, Lyman B 40 Kendall, George B 181 Kennedy, Julia E 81 Ketcham, Livonian E 3 1 King, Anna Gertrude 144 Kingsley, Lucia 60 Knight, Martha G 96 Knudsen, Grace i r - Lesem, Re bekah 1 68 Lewis, Charlton T 3 Libbey, Olive 23 Lucas, Amelia F 120 Lyon, Florence Leona 173 Lyons, Marien C 158 Manchester, O. L 109 Manley, Edward 1 103 Mason, Letitia 56 Mavity, Elizabeth 128 Mavity, Kate 122 McCormick, Alice 90 McCormick, Henry 61 McHugh, James V 82 McKim, Oscar F 46 McMurry, Charles A 117 McMurry, Frank M 105 McMurry, Lida B 112 Melville, Andrew H 131 Messer, B. S 19 Metcalf, Thomas 35 Miller, Rosalie 71 Mills, William S 75 Milner, Ange V 108 Moore, Ira 2 Morris, Ruth 101 Norton, Arthur 1 1 1 Norton, Henry B 30 Nye, Chauncey E 6 Osband, Margaret 29 Osband, Myra A 62 Ohr, Frances 93 Paddock, Armada 76 Parson, Swen F 119 Patterson, Alice J 1 77 Peck, Lora 169 Pennell, Flora 79 INDEX TO SUMMER SCHOOL FACULTY REGISTER. 379 No. Pennell, Jane 74 Pennell, Mary 58 Peterson, Frances 24 Philbrook, Edwin 16 Pillsbury, W. L 38 Potter, Leander H 12 Potter, Mary R 1 18 Powell, John W 51 Purcell, Helen E 178 Raines, Lucia W no Read, J. Irving 130 Reeder, Rudolph R 88 Rider, Olive A S3 Robinson, Caroleen 160 Roe, Edward R 10 Sewell, Joseph Addison 18 Seymour, Minor L 78 Scott, Julia 84 Skinner, Mary E 83 Smith, Mrs. Cora M 171 Snell, Clara M 148 Stanley, Anne A 132 Stetson, Albert 36 Stevens, Florence G 166 Stewart, John P 164 Strong, Fanny L. D 42 Strong, John A 127 Swan, Lizzie P 95 Thayer, G 1 1 Trimble, Clara 161 Tompkins, Arnold 137 Thompson, John H 41 Wakefield, Bandusia 44 Wakefield, Melancthon 47 Warner, Isaac N 165 Washburn, Mary Francis 25 Watson, Alice Perle 167 Westhoff, Frank W 151 Whitten, Charles W 143 Wilber, Charles D 28 Wilkins, Eva 116 Wilkinson, John J 1 38 Willard, Dr. Samuel 7 Woodward, H. S 170 Valentine, Maud 124 Van Liew, Charles C 121 Vescelius, V. Irving 22 INDEX TO SUMMER SCHOOL FACULTY REGISTER. Andrews, W. E 25 Lentz, Mary 22 Bannister, Eunice S 30 Magers, Samuel D 17 Barker, G. A 39 Moore, Benj. C 14 Bassett, Herbert 2 Moore, Margaret K 33 Bawden, H. H 23 Oliver, Margaret 21 Boggess, Arthur C 29 Olson, John C 10 Bone, Hugh A 1 1 Paul, Harry G 20 Blome, R. H. H 16 Rape, Arthur 41 DeButts, Clarence E 13 Scovel, Mary Camp 40 Dickerson, Oliver M 3 Skiles, William V 36 (Dunton) Colburn, Daisy i Spencer, Jessie D 31 Eckers, Caroline E. 18 Smith, Bruce 7 Eldred, Stella R 32 Smith, C. Henry 38 Elliott, Charles H 35 Strong, John A 6 Freeman, Virginia W 15 Sutherland, William J 26 Furr, William A 5 Webster, Roy F 34 Griffith, Herbert E 24 Wetzel, Ira A 27 Hamshire, Frank 19 Wham, George D 28 Harvey, Nathan A 4 White, Fred U 37 Hatfield, Walter R 12 Wright, Emilie B 8 Jackson, Lottie A 9 GENERAL INDEX PAGB. PAGE. Abolition of High School 48-49 Cache, battle of 23-24 Act establishing the State Normal Uni- Cady, C. M., agent in New York for versity 7 the swamp lands 14-15 Act Natural History effect of act of Campus, changes in 52 1872 on science work in I.S.N.U. .67-68 donated by 10 Agricultural Chemistry in the early planting of 36 days 232-233 Carbon dale, contests with 124 Agriculture, work in 51-52 Gavins, Elmer Warren, chapter by.. 165-168 Army list 29-31 Celebration of the school 177 Associations, the Christian, history of. . Churches in Normal 167 157-161 Church services in early days 167 Athletic Organization, sketch of 164 Ciceronian Society, history of I 53-J54 Attendance, under Presidents Hovey and Class of 1860, graduated in main build- Edwards 40 ing 1 7-33 Hewett 47 Clubs, I.S.N.U. Cook 50 Chicago 214-217 Felmley 52 New York 217-218 Bakewell Claim, history of 45-46 Colby, J. Rose, coming of 49 Baldwin, E. F., story by 201 chapter by 169-176 Barton, Olive Lillian, sketch of Y. W. College regiments 22-23 C. A. by 159-161 Contests, record of all inter-society. 145-153 Bawden, W. T., coming of 51 Convention of 1853, call for made and Beach, Prize, the 161 signed 5 Blair, Francis G., reference to 213 proceedings of 5-6 Blanchard, Irene, sketch of Girls' De- resolutions of 6 bating Society by 157 Cook, John W., became president 47 Bloomington, interest of citizens of in chapter by 87-114 the school 18 connection of with I.S.N.U 87 Board of Education, differences in n influence on the Model School 83-84 illustrious members of 53 reminiscent letter by 199-201 members of original 32 sketch of by John A. H. Keith. 119-120 names of first members 7-8 Colton, Buel P 63ff only surviving member of original. . .32 books of, characterized 71-72 resolutions offered in, in the 8o's..6o coming of 71 Boarding in Normal, rates for 167 love of, for things 73 Bogardus, Frank S., appreciative letter sketch of by Manfred J. Holmes... by 206-207 114-117 Bridgewater, graduates of, in Normal.. 36 Coulter, John G., chapter by 63-76 Bridgewater idea, characterized 61-62 Course of Study, adopted in 1860 55 Brooks, Mary M., connection of, with adopted in 1900 62 Model School 78-79 analysis of 55, 57 Brooks, Mary M., sketch of by John W. changes in 51-52 Cook 93-94 changes in 57-58 Brown, Elmer E., reference to 212 changes in under Pres. Cook. .. .60-61 Building for Training School 47 changes in during the last seven Building, the main, construction of 33 years 62 dedication of 34 development of 54-62 the final payment for 34-35 direction of changes in 58 occupation of 33-34 early 33 rooms in 34 electives in 62 Burnham, J. H., chapter by 18-31 for graduates of High Schools ....48 GENERAL INDEX. 381 PAGB. Course of Study in first years of school 55 move to modify 50 new ones under Pres. Cook 61 tabular view of 56 Cunningham, Elizabeth Mavity, sketch of Sapphonian Society by I55-I57 DeGarmo, Charles, chapter by 208-213 Dormitory, advocated by Pres. Edwards and faculty 38 why not built 166 Drawing, how arranged for under Pres. Cook 61 in early days 234-235 Eclipse of the Moon, account of the, in 1874 236-237 Early Times, illustrations of 232-236 Eden, John R., only surviving member of first Bd. of Ed 32 Education, Normal disturbed by the "new" 59-60 Edwards, R., administration of, charac- terized 36 Edwards, Richard, coming of 35 sketch of by John W. Cook 105-108 Edwards Debating Club, history of 153 Edwards prizes 162 1860 political excitement during 19 Enemies of the Normal School 38-39 Faculty, additions to, in 1860 34 Faculty, after the beginning of the war. 35-36 Faculty, changes in under Pres. Hewett. 41-42 under Pres. Cook 49 history of 87-120 members of original and early 33 of High School, under Pres. Ed- wards 39 of High School under Pres. Hewett, 41 salaries in 1878 42-43 under Pres. Edwards 39 Faculty Club, organization and work of.. 42 organized 60 Fell, Jesse W., clause in deeds made by regarding liquors 10 his part in securing the location of the Normal University 8-9 Felmley, David, became president 51 chapter by 32-53 chapter by 54-62 Fence, present one 47 Fitzwilliam, Mrs. Sarah E. Raymond, ar- ticle by 223-225 Flags, presented to the 33d Regt 26 Forbes, S. A., work of, in connection with public schools 68-70 (see Chapter V, pp. 63-76) and 37, 58-59 PAGE. Fordyce, Charles, reminiscent letter by. 202-203 Fortieth Anniversary, account of.. 182-191 comment of Pantograph on 191 toasts at banquet of 191 Founding of the School 5-17 Garden-school 51 Gazetteer 36 Gillan, S. Y., characterization of, by Charles DeGarmo 212 reminiscent letter by 202 Girls' Debating Club, history of 157 Gowdy, Chestine, coming of 51 Grammar Department, principals of 81, 82, 83, 84, 86 Grammar School, under Pres. Edwards. 39-40 Greenhouse, completion of 52 Gunpowder plot 194 Gymnasium, asked for in 1868 38 courses provided in 61 erection of 48 work of students in 48 Hartmann, Mary, coming of 41 Harvey, Nathan A., reminiscent letter by 203-205 Haynie, Mrs. Martha D. I,., sketch of by John W. Cook 113-114 Heath, W. R., sketch by 214-215 Heroic in student life 223-244 Herrick, C. A., work of 212 Hewett, Edwin C., became president. .. .41 published books 60 sketch of by John W. Cook 95~99 High School, abolition of 48-49, 84 early work in 57 new order of 85-86 principals of 81, 82 sketches of various principals by John W. Cook 112 Holmes, Manfred J., chapter by. .. .124-134 chapter by 177-191 coming of 49 sketch of Buel P. Colton by... 114-1 17 Hovey, account of difficulties with erec-.. tion of the building 13-17 appealed to legislature 16-17 bought some swamp lands 15 retort of to toast 243-244 sketch of by John W. Cook 87-92 speech of at banquet in 1882. .179-181 tribute to 17 worked for establishment of a nor- mal school ii Howe, George H., chapter by 121-123 coming of 51 Howell, J. G., death of 20 left Model School for the war 20 Improvements under Pres. Cook. . . .47-48 382 GENERAL INDEX. PAGE. 111. State Normal University, bids for lo- cation of 8-10 dedication of 12 educational writings by graduates of 212 general development of 32-53 graduates of who have gone into normal school work 211 graduates of, in higher education. .211 graduates of in high school work.. 21 2 influences of on education 208-213 influence of on elementary educa- tion 210 occupation of building 17 opening of in Major's Hall 12 relation of to early normal schools.. 54 science courses in 209 spirit of 208-209 troubles with erection of the build- ing 12-13 what excellence of consisted in, 209-210 wish for future of 213 Inter-Normal Oratorical League of Illi- nois, history of 133-134 Inter-State Debate, origin and contests.. I3I-I33 Inter-State League of Normal Schools, origin and successive contests. .. .124-131 James, E. J, reference to 211 Journalism and the I.S.N.U 169-176 Keith, John A. H., chapter by 77-86 sketch of Arnold Tomkins by.. 117-118 sketch of John W. Cook by. ... 119-120 Kellogg, Lyman B., reminiscent letter of 196-199 Kindergarten, establishment of 51 Lane, Mack M., sketch by 215-217 Lecture Board, history of 102-163 Legislature of 1861, appropriated money to pay for finishing building 17 Legislature, visit of to Normal 20 Liberal Fight, account of and of club also 229-232 Library, history of 43-45 Lindley Bill, effect of on High School.. 85-86 Lines, by a soldier on re-enlisting 27 McCormick, Henry, chapter by 5-17 sketch of by John W. Cook 108-111 McMurry, C. A., connection with Lib- erals 231-232 coming of 49 McMurry, Frank, coming of 49 McMurry, Mrs. L. B., coming of 49 Major's Hall, opening day in 33 Manchester, O. L., chapter by 135-164 coming of 49 Manual Training, courses in, established, 51 Merchants of Bloomington, advanced credit for new building 16 PAGB. Metcalf, Thomas coming of 35 made training teacher 59 sketch of by John W. Cook. .. .102-105 Model Sfchool, a school for Normal School district 80 assistant training teachers in 82 changes in 40, 59 changes involved in, by action of 1874 81-82 changes in organization 83-84 designed to be model at first 78 development of 77-86 first assistants in 78-79 Herbartian influence in 83 influence of 85 influence of, Pres. Cook on 83-84 influence of Dr. Tompkins on 85 in main building 20-21 modern transition in 83-85 moved to Normal 80 new form of High School in. 85-86 present tendencies in 85-86 purpose of High School in 80 organization of departments in 80 origin and early history of 77-79 separate building for 84-85 separated from the public schools. .80 supervision of work in 81 under the Bridgewater idea .... 79-83 union with the public schools in 1901 85 why tuition was charged 79-80 work of faculty in 84 Moore, Ira, reference to 243 sketch of by John W. Cook 93 Morrison, W. J., data furnished by. 217-218 Museum, origin and growth of 37 Music, for everybody 233-234 Natural History Society, early collec- tions by 67 history of 64-67 Normal, houses in, in 1862 166 opening day in 33 Normalite, def. of by E. J. James 217 Normal Schools, character of early.... 54 Norton, G. H 22 Norton, Henry B., letter written by, in 1882 192-196 Oratorical Association, history of.. 161-162 Parker, Col. Francis, reference to 60 Philadelphian Society, by whom named. 136 origin of 135 record of contests I4S-IS3 Pillsbury, W. L-, sketch of by John W. Cook 112 Plank Walk, the Old, account of... 223-225 building of 1 65 Potter, L. H., Capt. of Co. A, 33rd Regt 21 GENERAL INDEX. 383 PAGE. Wrightonia PAGE. Potter, Leander H., sketch of by John how the first carpets were secured. 141 W. Cook 94 libraries of 143 Powell, J. W 63(1 present form of contest debate. . . . 144 president, first, election of n present quarters 142-143 Primary Department, Principals of record of all contests held and 8r, 82, 83, 86 summaries I4S-I53 Quarter Centennial Celebration,' exer- trouble in, over "stolen" record cises and toasts 177-182 237-239 Record, the "Stolen," account of.. 237-239 typical expenses of 142 Relation to other Normal Schools. .124-134 when teachers joined the 138 Reminiscences, chapter of 192-207 Society Halls, when dedicated 138 Revenue, under Pres. Edwards 40 Society Meetings, in Bloomington 137 under Pres. Hewett 47 Society papers, when organized 140 under Pres. Cook 49 Spaulding Glue Incident 239-243 under Pres. Felmley 52 Spelling, elected by Fordyce 203 Ridgley, D. C., coming of 51 limit on time devoted to 60 Rifles, Normal, became Co. A, 33d Regt. Nolan's troubles with 204-205 ....21-22 reference to 50 flags for 26 State Board of Education, deciding on formed 20-21 plans for the building 11-12 in the war 22-23 State Teachers' Association, origin of.. last parade of 21 6-7 Rosenkranz, introduced 59 resolutions of, in 1854 7 proposition to drop 60 Stetson, Albert, coming of 35-36 Salaries, as affected by war prices. .37-38 sketch of, by John W. Cook. .101-102 in 1878 and 1882 42-43 "Stolen" Record 237-239 Sapphonian Society, history of IS4-IS7 Student Life in the Town 165-168 School and the War 18-31 Student Organizations, history of all School and Home Education 172 135-164 School garden 51 Students, rates for board and rooms af- Science, in course of study 58-59 ter the war 38 put in work of the first year 51 Students, how admitted in 1857 33 special students in 58 how they have lived in Normal. 165-168 status of in the early days 65 in voting troubles 168 in act of 1872 58 life of in early days 34 Science Department, characterization of lists of by counties commenced 39 leading men in 64 qualifications of in early days 33 chief men in the history of 63 'who became city superintendents. .211 chronological summary of develop- w jt O f early 244 ment of 73-76 Subsidy, for students, pnoposed by Pres. development of 63-76 Edwards 38 four dates in development of 64 ,, , , , . , , . , -- Summer School, attendance for the last relation of Natural History So- seven years 123 ciety to 64-67 School of Natural History in 1875. . Summer Schools history of 121-123 of Natural History 70-71 Seciion A", ' burial 'of ' .' .' ." .' .' .' '.'.'.'. '. '. .'225-226 origin o present I23 Sewell J. A. ... 63ff Swamp lands, promised by county 9 sketch of 'by' johnW.'cook.'.'.' .'99-101 Tillinghast, influence of 36 Seymour, M. L 6 3 ff The Chicago Schoolmaster 170 Sheppard, James J., work of 212 The Educational Weekly 171 Shyrographic curve, origin of 235-236 The Illinois School Journal 171 Shyrographic curve 34 The Illinois Teacher, beginnings of 6 Societies, admission to 143 reference to 169-170 Wrightonia, assets, in 1881 141 editors of 169-170 early programs of 139 The Illinois Schoolmaster 170-171 change of character of exercises The Index, history of 175-176 given in 143-144 1 ne Man in the Moon, publication of.. conditions of membership in 138 226-227 384 GENERAL INDEX. PAGB. The News Cleaner 171 The Normal Index 170 The Public School Journal 172 The Schoolmaster 170 7 he School News 172-173 The- Vidette, history of 1 73-175 The Western Teacher 173 Tompkins, Arnold, influence of, on school 50-51 sketch of, by John A. H. Keith 117-118 Vacation School of Natural History. .70-71 Van L,iew, coming of 49 Vasey, George 63ff Vcscelius, W. I., teacher of writing 235-236 PACH. Walker, P. R., in war 27 War and the School 18-31 War prices, effect on attendance 38 War, effect on prices 37 the effect on the Normal 35 WesthofF, F. W., coming of 51 Working the Roads, account of ... .227-220 Wright, Simeon, patron saint of the Wrightonian Society 136-137 Wrightonian Society, by whom named.. 136 origin of 135-136 record of contests i45-'53 Y. M. C. A., history of 157-159 Y. W. C. A., history of, by Olive L. Barton 159-161 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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