Of THE UNWEBSm CALIFOR^^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.cirg/details/childrensprimerOOcyrerich THE CHILDREN'S PRIMER Compiled by the State Text-Book Committee AND Approved by the State Board of Education SACEAMENTO W. W. SHANNON, SUPERINTENDENT STATE PRINTING Copyright, 1905, isv The People of the State of California Copyright, 1905, by GINN & COMPANY Copyright, 1891, by ELLEN M, CYR EDDCATIOH IIBSj In the compilation of this book certain matter from The Children's Primer, by Ellen M. Cyr, has been used. All such matter is protected by the copyright entries noted above lE— 100m— 4,'05 ^^4 TO THE TEACHERS OF THE CHILDREN u It is of the utmost importance that the earliest steps in reading should be taken in the right direction. The habit of throwing expression into the sentences from the very first is invaluable ; and this is impossible where the vocabulary is large. With this fact in mind, the lessons have been made as simple as possible ; the average number of new words being about two and one-quarter to each page. " To let the new life in, we know Desire must ope the portal." The subjects of the lessons have been chosen with an especial view to interesting the little ones so that their expression will come naturally and spontaneously. The wise teacher will w^ave an interest about the earliest lessons, filling them with thought and meaning of which the printed text shall be but a suggestion. A question here and there, a drawing out of the memory and imagination, will fill the pupil with a real interest ii^ what he is reading; and the eager child nature will exult in the knowledge he has acquired, and pressing forward to what lies beyond will throw life and meaning into the simplest sentences. M57*?012 THE ALPHABET. A a N n B b o C c P p D d Q q E e E r F f S s G g T t H h U u I i V V •j • J W w K k X X L 1 Y y M m Z z THE CHILDREN'S Primer »>«« ba by see See baby. mamma see mamma See mamma. H32ES- my doll my doll my baby doll my m.amma See my doll. See my mamma. See mty baby doll. -»3£^ kit' ty can See my "kitty. I can see my kitty. Mamma can see my kitty, My kitty can see. My kitty can see baby. -f34£S- EEVIEW. I can see. I can see kitt j. I can see my doll. Kitty can see baby. I can see mamma. I can see baby. Mamma can see. Mamma can see my doll. Mamma can see kitty. Baby can see mamma. Baby can see kitty. Kitty can see mamma. Kitty can see my doll. Can baby see my doll? Baby can see my doll. See my doll, baby. -^5E^ W^m^ \ r '==■ — -^-3f I have a book a slate I have a slate. I have a book. I have a kitty, See my book. See my slate. Manima can see my slate. Mamma can see my book. See my slate, baby. See my book, baby. I have a doll. Baby can see my doll. Baby can see my book. Baby can see my slate. Kitty can see my book. Can kitty see baby? Kitty can see baby. Can baby see kitty? Baby can see kitty. Can baby see my slate? Baby can see my slate. I have my slate. -^76^ I like Wil lie to pla?/ hag I can see Willie. Willie has a kitty. Willie lias a book. I have a book. Mamma has a book. -438e^ Baby has a book. Baby can see Willie. I like Willie. I like to play. I like my book. I like to see kitty play. Baby can play. "Willie can play. yon Can yon see Willie? Can yon see kitty? Can yon see a book? Can yon play? Can yon. see kitty play? -^9e^ REVIEW. Baby has my slate. See my slate, mamma. Willie lias a book. I have a book. I have my slate. See my book, baby. Willie has a kitty. Can you see kitt}^ play? I like kitty. I like to play. Can you see baby? I can see baby. Baby can see mamma. I like baby. I like kitty. Mamma, see kitty play. I like you, kitty. ^lOE^- bird§ the nest fly yes I can see a nest. I can see the birds. Can you see the nest? Yes. Can you see the birds? Yes. I have a bird. My 'bird can fly. See the nest. -^11F>- pa pa' tree pret' ty i§ Papa has a pretty tree. I see the pretty tree. See the birds in the tree, A nest is in the tree. The nest is pretty. Can you see the nest ? You pretty birds ! I hke to see you fly. Fly to the nest. See the birds fly, papa. m -^12K- oh run mice lit' tie Oh, see the little mice ! Can you see the little mice ? Yes. The little m.ice have a nest. Can yon see the nest? Yes. The little mice can run. I can run. Can you run? Yes. I like the little mice. ^313E>- See the mice play, I like to see you, little mice. mouse your cafch A little mouse can run. See tlie mouse, kitty. Kitty can see the mouse. Kitty can catch the mouse. Run, little mouse. Kitty can run. Kitty can catch you. Kitty can catch a bird. Have you a nest, little mouse? Run to your nest. I like you, little mouse. I like to see you play. Run, run, little mouse ! Run to your mamma. 2p -^14E>^ on may big ride horse Papa has a big horse. The horse can rnn. Papa can ride on the horse, I like to see papa ride. WiUie may ride on a horse Willie lias a little horse. Willie's liorse is pretty. I like Willie's liorse. Willie's horse can run. Willie's horse is little. Papa's horse is big. Willie is little. Papa is big. Can you ride on a horse? I can ride on papa's horse. I like to ride on Willie's horse. Willie's horse likes Willie. Papa's horse likes Willie. Baby likes papa's horse. Teach the formation of the possessive by adding 's. mamma mamma's baby baby's kitty kitty's -K316SS- feed milk cow John give§ Papa has a cow. See the pretty cow, baby. The co'w gives milk. I like milk. I give m.ilk to kitty. I can feed the cow. You may feed the co^w. See baby feed the cow. See Jobn milk the cow. I like to see you milk, John. Papa can milk the cow. I like to see papa milk the cow. I can feed papa's horse. The cow can see baby. The coAY likes baby. Baby likes to feed the cow. I like the pretty cow. Papa has a cow. I have a book. Willie has a horse. Mamma has a baby. Kitty can see a mouse. I like my slate. Oh, see the bird ! Children supply the adjective. H318£S- EEVIEW. Willie, can you milk a cow? Yes, I can milk a cow. I can ride on a liorse. I can feed the horse. See kitty in the tree. A little bird is in the tree. The little bird can see kitty. The little bird can fly. The bird has a pretty nest. The nest is in the big tree. The bird is on the nest. I can feed the pretty bird. I give milk to kitty. See the little mouse, kitty. Run, little mouse! See the little mouse, baby. See kitty run. -t319CI- Alige go do and am it school Alice and I go to school. Alice is little. I am big. See my slate. ^ Alice lias a book and slate. I like to go to school. Do jou see my school? It is a little school. Do yon go to a little school? -^20E>- I seAVS (5) me at look Can you sew, Alice ? Yes, I can sew a little. I sey^ for my doll. Mamma se^^s for me. Mamma sews for baby I can se^v for mamma. I like to sew. for -«21£1- Do you se^v in. school, Alice? Yes, I sew in scliool Look at my doll. Do you see my doll? Look at me. See me sew. white dove Grage wish I have a pretty white dove. Do you wish to see my dove? -f3 22S4- Yes, I wish to see your dove. It is the big ^white dove. Oh yes, I see it. It is a pretty dove. See it fly, Grace. . Fly to xae, pretty dove. See baby look at the dove. Do you wish to feed the dove ? You may feed it. See the dove fly to baby. My white dove has a nest. Fly to your nest, pretty dove. Willie has a little horse. Alice has a pretty doll. Grace has a T\^hite dove. Papa has a big co^\r, I have a little kitty. -K5 23DI- not gave Where did you get your book? It is not niy book. It is Willie's book. Where did Willie get it? Papa gave it to Willie. I have a big doll. Papa did not give me my doll. Mamma gave it to me. I can look at Willie's book. I liave a big slate. Do you wish to see it? I can not get it. It is at school. See my doll. Can my doll see the book? The doll can not see the book, Alice has a big book, "Where is your book, Alice? I Avish to see it. I can get it for you. Willie gave me my book. I like to look at the book. Have you a.book, Grace? I have a pretty book. Where is your book? Mamma has my book -f3 25ei- REVIE-W. want with Grace has a pretty T\^liite dove. I like to feed it. I want a pretty dove, mamnia. You have a big doll, Kitty. My doll can not play. You can play with "Willie. Yes, I like to play w^ith Willie. Willie has a little T\^hite kitty. Oh, I like a little kitty. I can play ^th the kitty. I ^sh to see the kitty. Oh, you pretty little kitty ! Do not run. I will give you milk. I can se^v^ for my doll. I can play Avith my kitty. ■t3 26 Ci- Min' nie boat will he See my papa. He lias a big boat. I Avisli to ride in it. Papa, Avill you give me a ride in your boat? Yes, Minnie, I will. Run and get mamma and baby. Ob mamma, papa T\^ants you 1 He will give you a ride. ^3 27C^ Baby may go in the boat. Do you wish to go, baby? Do you like to ride in the boat ? See baby run to the boat. My papa has a b--t. I go to sch--l. A little k^tty can run. A little b-^rd can fly. Have you a slr^te? My kitty likes m+lk. I like to see kitty pl-y. Oh, see the pretty n-st! I will feed the dQve. The dove can fly to b^by. See Willie feed the h'^rse. Alice has a pretty d all. -S3 28ES- squir'rel up ijhnt no we got niit Oh, you big squirrel! Wliere did you get that nut? I got it on the tree. We want that nut. ISTo, no, you can not have my nut. I want it for my baby squirrel. You can get a nut on the tree. Run up the tree and get a nut. -S3 29K- Ma|/ gar' den I have a little garden. May gave me a white lily. I have a rose. 3p -S30ES- It is in mj gardeiL Have you a garden ? Yes. Have you a lily in it ? No, I liave a rose in my garden. Minnie gave me my rose. Where did you get your rose? Papa gave my rose to me. He lias a big garden. My papa has a big garden. May I see it? Oh yes. 1 a e in an me it can se6 is has tre6 lir y and fe^d -iQ3ie^ 1 go' ing what are SIX What are you going to do, John ? I am going to get the cows. May I go, too? Oh yes, you may. I like the pretty cows. Papa has six co^a^s. I see the six govts. Are you going to feed the cows, John ? Oh no, I am going to milk the cows. I will feed you, pretty cows. What do 3^ou like? I see ■what you like. I Tvdll get it for you. • Where is the white coa^ going? Do not run, my pretty cow. John is going to milk you. I like your ^v^^hite milk. I ^\dll feed you. I ^wish to milk the co^ John. You may milk the white cow. I like the "white cow. Papa gave the ^white coav to me. -K3 33&H think let i§ n't some pail Ned Wliat is it maraina wants me to do? Let me think. Is it to feed my dove? -K3 34£>- JSTo, it isn't to feed my dove. Is it to get some nuts for ISTed'^ squirrel ? ISTo, it isn't that. Is it to get some milk for the babj ? Yes, I think it is to get some milk. I think John is going to milk. He has a big pail. I "will run and get mj little pail. Baby may have some xailk. I will let kitty have some milk. Kitty likes the w^hite milk. I see baby in the garden. Do you ^want some milk, baby? I ^will get some milk for you. "What have you for me? You may get a rose for me. -^37E>- *5»«S- grand' ma been her she glad com'ing I have been to see grandma. She gave me a lily to give to mamma. ;■ Tt is a pretty T^^hite lily. ; I like to go to see grandma. I have been in the garden. She has a pretty garden. I like to play in her garden. Grandma is going to see mamma. Grandma! Grandma! Where are you? Are yon coming, grandma? Yes, I think she is coming. I am glad she is coming. I want her to see Ned's squirrel. c — an b — ad b — ed f — an h — ad f — ed in — an 1 — ad 1 — ed p — an m — ad N — ed r — an s — ^^ad r — ed t — an p — ad w — ed Let tlie children discover the new words for themselves. -^39 8:^ REVIEW. them box "What is in your box, May? You may look in and see* Oh, ^what a pretty rose ! Yes; and see the lily. I got the rose in my' garden. Papa and I got the lily. Where is ISTed going? He is going to feed the sqnirrel. I think it is time to feed my dove. Isn't my dove pretty? Papa gave Ned a little boat. He gave baby a doll. He gave me a pretty box. The lily and rose are for grandma. I think she will like them. Oh yes, she "will like them. H3 40E>- s ■-*)?■*•. .^ '%/#iwl; tliank to-da^' cit' y awa^ bas'ket I am not going to school to-day. I am going to the city ^Yitli mamma. I like to go a^v^ay ^th mamma. ^ -f3 41E>- Is Willie going with you ? ISTo, Willie is not going to-day. He is going to ride Avith. papa. T like to ride to tlie city. I am going to get a pretty basket for you. Oil, thank you, May. I want a pretty basket for school. Is baby going a^^^ay with you? Oh no, she is too little. She is going to see grandma. Grandma has a big doll for her. She "will play in the garden. Some day she ^11 go to the city. She likes to go to see grandma. I think it is time to go. I see mamma coming. I will run to her. y ^3 42ES- cap hat must in to Look at my ^v\^hite cap. Gi'andma gave it to me. She got it in tlie city. John has a cap, too. It is not like my cap. It is not a white cap. k -^43ES- I have a pretty hat for my doll. Do 3^ou wish to see my doll? I will get her for you. She is up in my tree. My tree is in the garden. The birds have a nest in my tree. I must go and feed them. I am going into the garden. I wish to get a lily for grandma. I got a pretty rose for mamma. Oh, I see you. John! You are up in that tree. Will you give me my doll? Where is her white hat? Do you see it in the tree? I see it. I can get it. I think my doll is pretty. I like to sew for her. •^44£*- Lu' lu swim gold' fish Lulu lias a pretty fish. It is a gold fish.. It has fins. Look at the fins. It can s^m T\^ith its fins. Lulu likes to feed it. It Avill sAvim to her. Do you like to SAvim, little fish? My fish likes to SAvim. , SAvim to me, little fish. I like to see your pretty fii^^s go. -S3 45 £3- -:# An'na hop6 di(fn't saw come him Anna, did you see kitty run? Yes, she ssl^n' a little mouse. I hope she didn't catch it. No, she didn't catch it. I hope kitty ^11 not catch the little mouse. »^ Jiwant the mouse to get a^N'Sij. -^46 £3- I "will give kitty some milk. Will jou get some milk for me, Anna? Come SiWSij, kitty. Ton can not have the little mouse. Run to your mamma, little mouse. I hope kitty v^ill not get you. Oh, kitty ! kitty ! You must not catch the little mouse. The little mouse likes to play. I like the little raouse. I play vrith you. I give you milk. Anna has some milk for you. Do not catch the little mouse. It is time for papa to come. I m.ust run to see him. ^^ h -K3 47es- thfij house put make three out two Papa put a bird's house into the tree. Tavo little birds have a nest in it. You can not see the bird's house. You can see the pretty birds. Thej have three baby birds. I go out to see them. The birds like me. They do not fly avray. I hope Mtty will not catch them. 't- H3 48ES- Sh.e can not go into the bird's house. She is too big. The big birds do not like her. She must not run up the tree. I will give her some milk. Oh, you pretty little birds! Fly to your nest. Your baby birds ^want you. I like to see you feed them. What a pretty tree that is 1 I saw papa make the bird's house. The baby birds are not pretty. did not didn^t didn't has not hasn^t hasn't is not isny isn't -4:?49C1- Li'on dog name Frank back I am a big dog. My naine is Lion. Do you see Frank? I am Ms dog. I give Mm rides. ^3 50ES- He can ride on my back. I can run. I can swim, too. Frank likes me. His kittj will not play ^th. me. Her name is Minnie. Yon may ride on my back, Minnie. Do not run up into the tree. I am not a lion. Lion is my name. Do you like big dogs? Yes, and I like little dogs. REVIEW. See my big dog, Alice. His name is Lion. Can you come and play ^th me ? No, Frank, I must go into the house. Mamma will want me. Slie is going a^way to-day. She is going to tlie city. Grandma is coming to be ^Ni.th. baby and me. I like to have grandma in the house. She ^will play ^^ith me. She likes baby. Baby likes her. now had What can I do for you, mamma ? You may get my hat for me. I want that big box, too. You may put it with the hat. Do you see grandma coming? Oh yes, I see her in the garden. Baby is ^\^ith her now. paby had a ride on Lion's back. f -^52E>- .^^f pic nic Jam' 16 be woods ask too told Jam ie us Oh, Jamie, can you go on a picnic with me? Mamma told me to ask you. She told me to ask Frank, too. Where are you going for the picnic ? "We are going to the woods. Oh, I like to go to the woods. I hope you can go. Run in and ask your mamma. Papa will give us a ride in his boat. I like to go in a boat. Papa is going to catch some fish. Mamma has a big basket for us. You will like "what is in it. We will run in and ask mamma. Mamma, may we go ^th Lulu? She is going on a picnic. Her papa is going, too. Yes, Jamie, you may go. ^Where will the picnic be? t will be in the ^woods. f -^54et- an wa§ flow'er§ cake good found egg Did you have a good time in the woods? Yes, mainiiia, we did. "We sa"w some pretty flowers. Lulu has som.e in her basket. We found some nuts. I saw a little squirrel. H ^3 55£;^ iFrank found a pretty nest. The nest ^was in a tree. A bird ^^as on it. I S8iv^ lier fly a^vay. I found an egg in the nest. Did the baby have a good time, mamma ?, Yes, baby and kitty had a picnic, too. They had some milk and cake in the garden. I gave them some cake. I put it into a little basket. Baby gave some to the birds. Did kitty have some cake? xlTo^ kitty did not wsmt it. .S^^-j.e did w^ant to catch a bird, "r found her in the tree. yU'^-" ni -43 56E)^ al so cold soon south here shal? ev er Oil, see tlie birds ! , Where are they going, xiia£tr^?/ They are going to the sqiith. "v It ^^\X1 be cold here pretty soon -13 57 ei- Soon we shall have no flowers. Tlie^t)irds must fly a^v\^ay. It is not cold in' the sontlL Will they ever conie Mck/^ mamma ? Oh yes, they will fly back. The flo^vi^ers will come. The birds also will come. Will my little dove fly south? Oh no, your dove will not go. I must have a house for my dove. I want you here, little dove. Good-bye, you little birds. Did you come to^say "Good-bye" to me? I v^ish to go south with you. Fly back to me soon, pretty birds. T shall ^sh to see you. -K3 58SS- a sleep' dear sleep wake bed See my dear little doll. She is asleep. I put lier to sleep. Isn't she a dear little doll? I think she is. It is time for her to wake now. I wish to play with her. "Wake, my dear little doll I I ^sh to go out to play. I ^will get your pretty cap. "We will go to see Lulu. I "wish, to see her gold fish. I like to see it swira. Do you wish to go ^\^ith me ? Lulu has a pretty play house. She has a pretty doll, too. We ^11 put you into the play house. You may sleep in the bed. The gold fish likes Lulu. It will swixa to her. old f old mold gold 8 old b old t old c old h old r -IC3 60&H love dol' ly a wake' said - an Y OS) '' one (wo) up on' See this little girl. Slie hasn't any mamma. Wliat can I do for her? She may have my doll. I think she will like it. You dear little girl ! Come and see my mamma. She will be good to yon. Have yon a little kitty? -SBeee^ I have t^^o of them. I will give you the little one. Have you any milk for her? She will play T^^ith you. She w^ill get upon your bed and wake you, "' - " '^ Isn't she a dear little kitty? drink ciip from saw'ger siich I love Alice. She is good to nre. She gave me my pretty kitty | -S3 67ei- She gave it to me in a basket. It is a dear little kitty. It will drink milk. I give it milk in a saucer. I drink from a cup. Kitty drinks from a saucer. I like to see kitty play. Do not catcli my bird. I must put you to bed, kitty. You may sleep in tlie basket. No, you must not run away. Be a good little kitty. Do not run away from me. •You shall kave a saucer of milk. You are suck a dear little kitty ! I hope you will not eatch birds. I wisk you to love little birds. I wisk you to love me, too. -t3 68t>- diicks c6rn ver'y biirn find poor We are Ned's ducks. He did not feed us to-day. We want some corn to eat. We are going to find Ned. I hope we shall find Ned soon. His papa will give us some corn. Do you see Ned any where ? Ned ! Ned ! where are you ? Come and feed your ducks. It is too cold for us to go and s^wim. ^' -<3 69£4- Give us some corn, and we will go to the barn. . It is very cold to-day. It is not cold in the barn. I see Ned coming to feed us. My poor little ducks ! You did find me, didn't you? I have been away all day. I told John to feed you. Poor little ducks, you are cold ! Come back to the barn. I ^11 get some corn for you. You shall have all you ^ant. You shall have a drink, too. Some day you shall have a swim -IG70E>- ^:: /('C"'' Mix birth' da^ par' ty made hav' ing It is my birthday to-day.^ v I am having a party. Frank, Jamie, Grace, and Minnie have come to my party. Do you see them? Mamma made me a birthday - cake. ^3 7ie^ She made it for my party. We have had a good play. Do you see the dolls? They have come to the party. My little dog wants to come. I must give him some cake. Poor little dog, you may have some cake. You are a good little dog. You may have a party som.e day. Lion shall come to it. Mamma is going to get some milk for us. I like a p^rty in the garden. have haVging having come combing coming love loVging loving , -4 -f3 72£S- Jen nie Rov' er Jiim' bo our eat Jennie and I are having a party. Rover and Jumbo have come to our party. I am going to feed Rover. Jumbo can't eat. See our best dishes. Grandma got them for us. Do you like our party, Rover? Mamma is going to give us some cake. Do not eat our cake, Rover. -t3 73E3- I ^11 give you some. Jumbo m.a7 have all the cake he can eat. We ^11 eat it for you, Jumbo. Cake is good for us. Are you having a good time, Rover? We are having a good tixae. I ^^as at Alice's party. It was her birthday party. It is not my birthday to-day. It is not Jennie's birthday. We play it is Rover's birthday. See him look at me. Do you like the party, Rover? I think you do like it. Jumbo shall have a party some day. ^3 74SJ- plates ta'ble take tea' pot wa' ter 1. You may get me the big box. 2. Tou m.aj look into it. 3. What do . you see in it ? 4. You may take out tlie plates. 6. You may put tliem upon the table. ■ ■ 6. You may put tlie eups upon the table. 7. You may take out the tea-' pot. 8. You may get some water in it. .- T 9. You may put tbe teapot on the table. ' 10. You may' pu% some water im the cups. 11. You may put some cake on the plates. 12. You may give some one a cup of water. 13. You may drink a cup of water. 14. You may no^v^ put tlie plates away. 15. You may put the cups a^way. 16. You may put the teapot 17. You may put tlie box away. To be read silently and the direction obeyed. A child's tea-set is required for this lesson. s ell t all b ill f ell f. ftll r ill Nell ball will i -^76 8::^ i**^ break' fast ^^. when SJP An' 1116 ^S^^^m w gone I can't go out to play no^^. I must eat my breakfast. Has Annie liad her breakfast? Yes, and she is out at play. You must run out to her. Jamie gave the ducks some breakfast. Where is Jamie now? He has gone to school. Minrle has gone to school, too. Oh dear! I wish to go to school. -S3 77£>- Ma J I go to school, mamma ? Yes, wlieii you are a big girl. I ^v^^ant you y^ith rae now. Eat your breakfast, little girl. Annie is in tlie garden. She wants jou to play. Take your poor doll Tv^ith you. You had a good sleep. NoTv^ you can have a good play. I want you to get some flo^^^ers. You may put them in my basket, May I pick some for grandma? Annie gives roses to her grandma. I don't think ^^e have any roses. Jamie has some baby ducks. Oh, mamma! ^vhere are they? They are in the barn. You and Annie may find them. Op -K3 78£S- REVIEW. "Where did you get tlie pretty dishes ? Mamma gave them, to m.e on m.y birthday. See the pretty little teapot. I ^11 get some milk in it. Will you take it in a little cup? I will give you some of my birth- day cake. I will put some on a little plate for you. Have a cup of cold vrater. I will vrash my little dishes now. Do you wish to help me? I vrill wash the cups, and you may wash the plates. I help mamma i^ash the dishes. -S79S^ ' -^ ^ ^ ^^m -^ -'^ farm four so heng grand' pa My grandpa has a big farm. I like to go to see him. He has four co^^s and two horses. I ride on the horses. I go for the cows. I help grandpa milk. He has some hens and ducks. The ducks are so pretty. I like to feed the hens. -S3 80S3- Tho. hens like me. Grandpa lets me feed tliem. See them run to me. Look at the hen-house. Do you see the woods? I like to go into the ^iv^oods. One hen has a nest in the barn. I found it one day. She had some eggs in it. I put the eggs into my cap. Grandxaa ^vsis glad to have them. She made a little cake for me. I gave some to the hen. That was to thank her for the eggs. Do you see her look at me ? She thinks I have some corn for her. -IQSIE:^ =^^r -^=± JilZ ke^p if Jack stiK This hen likes me. Do you see where she is? Grandpa gave her to me. Her name is Jill. I am going to keep her. I have made a house for her. •^ 82 S^ Grandpa gave me the little dog. He likes to play witli me. His name is Jack. Come, Jack; we are going to the barn. Keep still, Jill. Do not fly away. I can give you a ride if you will keep still. I have some corn in my pail. I will feed you at the barn. I like Jack and Jill, and they like me. Do you want your breakfast. Jack? You shall have it pretty soon. I must feed the hens now. My ducks want some breakfast. Mrs. Cat Mrs. Mouse Where are you going, Mrs. Mouse? I am going to the barn with my little mice. I think they will like the barn. Oh no, Mrs. Mouse, do not go to the barn! Mrs. Cat is in the barn. She will catch your baby mice. Oh dear! what shall I do? Come with me, Mrs. Mouse. I will feed your little mice. We have no cat here. Oh thank you, little girl! I love my baby mice. I do not ^w^ant the cat to catch them. Teacher leads the children to imagine a mouse taking her family p the path to the barn. V -K3 84ES- miie pig tiien some' tiling Do look at this little pig! I think lie is pretty. My grandpa had nine baby pigs. He let me take one in for mamma to see. I said, "What do you think I have, mamma?" "A little dog?" "No, mamma." "A little kitty?" "No, mamma; it is a little pig." "What! a little pig; here in the house!" ^' ^ " Yes, mainnia, a dear little white pig-" Then I let mamma see it. She said it ^\^as pretty. I said, ''Do you ^sh to take it, mamma ? " She didn't wish to take it. I gave it a saucer of milk. Then I took it back to the barn. It ran to its mamma. This little pig T\^ants something to eat. See the hens look at him. Don't you like the little pig? The hens have had some corn. You shall have some corn. I Avill get some for you. Grandpa ke^ps it in the barn. -S3 86ES- Mr. Eob' in do-mi-sol (6) Mr; ^obin has a nest. The nest is in this tree. He has three baby robins. Tljey can not sing. ^ ,^ , Mr. Robin wants them [^ (f" to sing. ne day he said, "Come, my little robins. I want you to sing. Come out of your nest." ^3 87M- The little robins said, "No, papa, we can not sing." "Oh yes, my little robins. See all the pretty flowers. Look np at this pretty tree. Then you ■will wish to sing. I will sing 'do-mi-sol-do.' You sing it now for me." One little robin did sing it. Oh, you dear little robins ! I hope you ^will all sing soon. Do not go South, little robins. Papa will make a pretty house for you. Then you will not be cold. You may have it in this tree. I shall like to have you here. I will feed you, little robins. -^SSSI- chee§e trap why Jcrow plea§e mmd Maminasaid, "Do not go to the box.'' Why did she say that? I do not know. Mamma knows. I see some cheese in the box. I ^;^ant some of that cheese. Can a cat be in the box? Oh no, the cat is too big. I know that cheese is good. ^G 89 K- I must have some of it. ^JSTo, don't take any. You must mind mamma. I am a big mouse noAV. 1 knoA^^ the box can not catch me. I can run. I can get away. The box can not run. Please mind your mamma. Come with me to her. "We will ask her what it is. Mamma, y^e sa^^ some good cheese in a box. May T\^e get some of that cheese ? Oh no, my little mice. Why not^ That cheese is good. That box is a mouse-trap. A trap is to catch little mice. You see mamma knows best. -S3 90£^ Kate 6th er th^re pic' ttire dress room TMs is a pi©ture of Kate. Slie gave it to me. I am going to put it in my room. Is n't Kate a dear little girl ? I play ^with her all the time. See her pretty white dress. Mamma has a picture of me when I was a little baby. I have on a white dress. I have three pictures in my room. One is a picture of the woods. Papa gave it to me on my birth- day. I like to look at it. I can see it when I wake. I have a picture of a boat. A girl and boy are in the boat. The boat is in the ^^rater. The little girl is asleep. The boy is awake. He is looking for some one to come. I think he wants his papa. There are some fl.OA\^ers in the other picture. Do you like to look at pictures? We have some in our schoolroom. HG 92 SI- ACTION LESSON. To be read silently and directions followed. 1. You may put your book on tlie table. 2. You may get me a cup. 3. You may get some ^v^^ater in tbe cup. 4. You may drink tlie "water. 5. You may get me a big box. 6. You may get me a little box. 7. You may put the little box upon tlie big box. 8. You may get me a big book. 9. You may get a picture for me. 10. You may let me see your slate. 11. You may T\^asli your slate. 12. You may put some water upon tlie fio^wers. -<3 93E>- 18. Put jour book into the box. 14 Put the cup upon the table. 15. Make a picture upon your slate. five sev'en six eiqht ii'ive birds and two birds are birds. 'I'hree roses and — — roses are seven roses. Six robins and — - robins are eight robins. Four xaice and four mice are - — mice. One doll and seven dolls are — ^ dolls. Five doves and — — doves are nine doves. 7p -e94K- down field dai §ie§ dai' §y biit' ter ciips Oh, what a pretty field! I see some flo^\;^rers. I must get som.e of them.. Oh, see the buttercups! I see some daisies, too. Come, Grace, we must have some. I ^sh to take thera to school. Isn't this a pretty field? You dear little daisies! -13 95 Dl- ---^, I niTist put you into mj hat. Put some into your liat, Grace. JSTo^v^ "we must run to school. I A\^ish to be in time. I shall ask if \ye may sing, " But- tercups and Daisies." I can sing, " Wake, Little Daisy." You have all been asleep, little llo^wers. "We are glad to see you. Are you glad to be a^^ake? The birds have been down south. Now they have come back to us. I know the birds love the flowers. One bird has a nest in this field. Five eggs are in the nest. We have not time to see it no^w. -f3 96e^ SOMETHING TO ANS^ATER. 1. Can you sing? 2. What can you sing? 3. What iio^wers do you like? 4. Where can you pick some fioA^ers ? 5. Has your papa a garden ? 6. What has he in his garden? 7. What have you to play "with ? 8. What do you like to play? 9. To what school do you go? 10. What time do you go to school? • 11. What do you sing in school? 12. What do you like to play? 13. Why do you go to school ? 14. What can you find in the woods ? 97 C^ a woke' once (wo) ^ rock nod biit' ter flie§ Mrt cat' er pil lar§ dange wing§ We are butterflies. We live out in the fields. We fly to all the flowers. The daisies are so pretty. We like to play ^where they are. They nod and dance vrith ns. -K3 98 They rock us^^to sleep at niglit. Once we were caterpillars. We could not dance and fly. We had a long sleep. One day we awoke. We had ^ngs and could fly. The butterflies sleep in the pretty flowers. Do not hurt any caterpillars. They will be butterflies some day. Then they will fly in the fields. Please do not catch the butterflies. You will hurt their pretty wings. They are not made to catch. They like to fly in the garden. Dance away, pretty butterflies. We like to see you fly. -t3 99Si- fiy'ing star§ snow ttiege These are little sno^\^ stars. Did jou ever see any? You can find them if you look. See how pretty they are. The snow is made of these little stars. The pretty stars come flying down. -S3 100 £3- You can find other stars. When the sno^v conies you must look for the stars. I found some the other day. The fields are white ^th them. I think it is time for them now. The birds have all gone south. No, not all the birds. The snowbirds are not gone. They do not mind the snow. We must feed the sno^^birds. What do they like? I think they like cake. Poor little birds! you shall have some cake. Mamma ^v^ill give me some for you. I hope you are not cold. -^lOlC:^ sled biit shoK; feath' er§ Oh, look at the snow I Isn't it pretty? I must take out my sled. Did baby ever see the sno^", mamma ? I think so ; but she ^^as too little to look at it. I must shov^ it to her. Baby dear, come here! What do you see? 1 see pretty white feathers. No, baby, it is snow. I ^11 take yoTi out in my sled. There, baby, catch some snow. Oh, the pretty snow! I want some for mamma. No, baby, you can't take it to mamma. I ^11 give you a ride on my sled. Isn't this fun ? The snow is cold. Are you cold, baby? Oh no! We ^11 go to see grandma. We will sho^v^ her the pretty snow. "You can tell her you saw the feathers come flying down. GUIDE TO PRONUNCIATION. A key to the symbols most of which are used in this Reader to indicate the pronunciation of the more difficult words. I. VOWELS. a as in fate a as in chre t as in idea 00 as in food ^ » senate e mete i it d6 " fd6t a » f&t ^ event i sir u " use a " arm 6 m^t old ti " tinite a " all e her t ^bey H " up a " ask i ice 6 ndt tL " fftr XL EQUIVALENTS. ^ = 6 as in what = d^ as in wolf 11 = d6 as in pull e = ^ " there 6 = XL (( son y == i " fly T = e " girl 6 = a u h6rse y = i " baby = 00" move u = 00 (( rule IIL CONSONANTS. Only the most difficult consonants in this Reader are marked with dia- critical signs. The following table may prove useful to the teacher for reference and for blackboard work. <; = s as in miQe ■e or c (unmarked) = k as in -call •eh = k as in sehool th (unmarked) as in thin eh (unmarked) " child g like j " cage g (hard) " i6t n = ng " ink th " tir6m ph = f phantom s = z is z (like s sonant) zone qu (unmarked) quite x = grz exact X (unmarked) =ks \ " vex Certain vowels, as a and e, when obscured and turned toward the neutral sound, are marked thus, a, e, etc. Silent letters are italicized. •^104E>- WORD LIST. The following is a list of the words used in this Primer in the order of the lessons. This list can be made the basis of a great variety of exercises in correct pronunciation, distinct enunciation, rapid spelling, language lessons, and review work. see has ■1. oh ba'by pla^ run mam ma' like mige Wil'lie lit'tle my you doll your fly ca^^ch I the mouse can yes kit'ty nest on bird big a ride have in may bd&k i§ hSrse slate tree pa pa' cow to Pret'ty feed milk Jo/m o;ives ~ J. it go do am and Al'ige school at me f6r sews (o) ^ look wish dove white Grage did not get -^105E>- gave what whgre go'mg want with let pail he will boat Min'nie some is'n't think Ned up be no late we time nut gdt)d-bye' got this that squir'rel she her iiry rose •1. Ma^ gar'den been com'ing glad grand'ma SIX box are them -^loes^ cit'y make cake a wa/ three e^ thank house good to-da^/' out found bas'ket hig flow'ers cap dog al'so hat back Vi soon in'to Lfon cold must name ev'er Frank here fins shaK swim now south Lu'lu had gold'fish ask sa^ saw too dear him told wake come wo&dg sleep hope be bed An'na Jam^ie a sleep' did'n't us pic'nic said (6) two love put was dol'ly *(§2^ an a wake' -43107 5^ al? ver'y farm sick poor iouY pick barn so of diicks hens (V) best grand'pa ros'es made X J. morn'ing par'ty keep if M'ics hav'ing help birth'da?/ JiU still wash dish'gg our Jack Eov'er Mrs. one (wo) Jum'bo cat a^'y Jen'nie pig girl eat nine this then upon' take ta'blc some'thing cup waiter Mr. such from plates ^ tea'pot^^^-^ sing rob'in drink do-mi-sol sa^'ger when (5) gone why c6rn An'nie trap find break 'fast mind HGiosei- know sev'en dange cheese J. %9^^ a woke' please V.«*/ but'ter flies field cat'er pil lars room dai'sy Kate da^'sies sno?^; thgre down stars J. when btit^ter cups these ■i- dreS5 fly'ing oth'er nod pic'ture rock but once (•wo) sled SIX hurt show live . wmgs feath'erg RETURN TO: CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 198 Main Stacks LOAN PERIOD 1 Home Use 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW. JUN J 2003 Sent ON ILL NOV 5 2003 U.C. BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 50M 5-02 Berkeley, California 94720-6000 YC 49859 2~, ^ M 5770 1 2. 'k<^M Lib