IT THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE AND HOW TO USE IT THORINGTON BY THE SAME AUTHOR Refraction and How to Refract Third Edition. With 215 Illustrations, many of which are from original drawings, seven being colored. Cloth, net, $J.50. From. The New York Medical Record: "Can be recommended not only to beginners in the study of ophthalmology, but to those practitioners and students as well whose limited knowledge of mathematics precludes the study of Helmholtz or Donders. ' ' Retinoscopy (The Shadow Test) In the Determination of Refraction at One Meter Distance with the Plane Mirror. Fourth Edition. 51 Illustrations, a number of which are in colors. Cloth, net, $J.OO. THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE AND HOW TO USE IT WITH COLORED ILLUSTRATIONS, DESCRIPTIONS, AND TREATMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL DISEASES OF THE FUNDUS JAMES THORINGTON, A.M., M.D. AUTHOR OF "REFRACTION AND HOW TO REFRACT" (THIRD EDITION) AND "RETINOS- COPY" (FOURTH EDITION); PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF THE EYE IN THE PHILA- DELPHIA POLYCLINIC AND COLLEGE FOR GRADUATES IN MEDICINE; MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN OPHTHALMOLOGICAL SOCIETY; FELLOW OF THE COLLEGE OP PHYSICIANS; ETC. 73 illustrations 12 Colored plates PHILADELPHIA P. BLAKISTON'S SON & CO. IOI2 WALNUT STREET 1906 COPYRIGHT, 1906, BY P. BLAKISTON'S SON & Co. PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTKG& LAHCASTER. PA, PREFACE. THIS book has been written for the student and general practitioner who desires to obtain a work- ing knowledge of the ophthalmoscope with the in- terpretations of its findings, and has not the time, ordinarily, to study a large text-book on the dis- eases of the eye, in which the subject is too deeply embedded for immediate comprehension. While it is admitted by every intelligent practi- tioner that the ophthalmoscope for the detection of many diseases is frequently a necessity, yet to be able to use the instrument does not mean that the observer must be an expert ophthalmologist. With the ophthalmoscope, the examiner may see conditions pictured which signify disease of the brain, spinal cord, heart, kidney, blood, blood- vessels, etc., that he might not detect in any other way, thus making a diagnosis with certainty and satisfaction. In the preparation of the manuscript and the arrangement of these pages and chapters, the writer has planned to be systematic and practical, so that starting with the consideration of the oph- thalmoscope and its optic principles as also the optic principles and anatomy of the eye, the reader is brought to a knowledge of the normal eye and VI PREFACE. has a colored sketch presented of a healthy eye ground as a guide for comparative descriptions. Finally the reader is given a comparison of the normal with the pathologic, so that when he sees a certain condition in the eye ground, he will know at once whether the appearance indicates health, or an anomaly or disease, and the structure or structures involved. However, to enhance the value of the work, the writer has selected for his descriptions and illustrations those diseases of the eye ground which appeal to the general practitioner in every-day practice. The sketches in color were made by a noted artist and under the writer's per- sonal supervision, from individual patients in his own practice. These sketches, made by the aid of artificial light, should be studied under similar con- ditions (see page in). The subject of prognosis and treatment of the various diseases described has not been exhausted, but has been sufficiently touched upon to give the reader a proper understanding of the subject with- out making a work of this character unnecessarily large. 120 S. EIGHTEENTH ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. January, 1906. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. CHOICE OF AN OPH- THALMOSCOPE. VARIETIES. ILLUMINATION. - THE MIRROR. MYDRIATICS. OBSERVER. PA- TIENT. HOW TO USE THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. DIRECT AND INDIRECT METHODS. OBLIQUE IL- LUMINATION i CHAPTER II. OPTICS. LIGHT. REFLECTION. R EFRACTION. LENSES. HYPERMETROPIA. MYOPIA. ASTIGMA- TISM. ESTIMATING THE REFRACTION BY THE DIRECT AND INDIRECT METHODS AND RETINO- SCOPY 44 CHAPTER III. ANATOMY AND ANOMALIES OF THE EYE. 79 CHAPTER IV. THE NORMAL EYE GROUND 108 CHAPTER V. STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS OR CHANGES IN THE CORNEA, AQUEOUS HUMOR, IRIS, LENS AND VITREOUS HUMOR WHICH ARE INDICATIVE OF DISEASE OR INJURY 128 vii Vlll CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. VISUAL ACUITY. FIELD OF VISION. PERIMETRY. .. 140 CHAPTER VII. RETINAL VESSELS. HEMORRHAGES. PIGMENT. CHANGES. HYPEREMIA. ANEMIA. EMBOLISM. THROMBOSIS 148 CHAPTER VIII. DISEASES OF THE RETINA 176 CHAPTER IX. DISEASES OF THE OPTIC NERVE 229 CHAPTER X. DISEASES OF THE CHOROID. GLAUCOMA 259 INDEX 287 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES PACE. I. Normal Fundus To face 1 18 II. Embolism of the Central Artery " 164 III. Thrombosis of the Central Vein (So- called Hemorrhagic Retinitis) " 172 IV. Albuminuric Retinitis " 190 V. Albuminuric Retinitis of Pregnancy.... " 198 VI. Retinitis Diabetica " 202 VII. Retinitis Pigmentosa " 208 VIII. Detachment of the Retina " 216 IX. Atrophy of the Optic Nerve (Post Pap- illitic Atrophy) also Medullated Nerve- fibers " 248 X. Primary Optic Atrophy " 252 XI. Retino-Choroiditis " 264 XII. Glaucoma " 278 TEXT FIGURES. 1. The Loring Ophthalmoscope 3 2. The Morton Ophthalmoscope 5 3 and 4. The DeZeng Luminous Ophthalmoscope... 7 5. The Student Lamp and Cover Chimney with Ad- justable Bracket 10 6. Author's Iris Diaphragm Chimney n 7. Author's Schematic Eye 14 8. Correct Position for Direct Ophthalmoscopy 23 9. Correct Position for Holding the Ophthalmoscope. 24 ix X LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE. 10. Very Faulty Position of Holding the Ophthalmo- scope 25 11. Direct Ophthalmoscopy, Outlined in Hypermetropia 28 12. Direct Ophthalmoscopy, Outlined in Myopia 29 13. Position for Indirect Ophthalmoscopy 30 14. Author's Condensing Lens 31 15. Indirect Ophthalmoscopy, Outlined 33 1 6. Oblique or Focal Illumination 38 17. Oblique or Focal Illumination and Object Magni- fied with Condensing Lens , 39 18. Loupe 40 19. Oblique or Focal Illumination with Object Magni- fied with Loupe 41 20. Cover Chimney with Condensing Lens Attached. . . 42 21. Illustrating Intensity of Light 45 22. Parallel Rays Refracted by a Convex Lens Form- ing a Convergent Pencil 46 23. Parallel Rays Reflected by a Concave Mirror Form- ing a Convergent Pencil 46 24. Illustrating a Divergent Pencil 48 25. Reflection 50 26. Reflection from a Plane Mirror 51 27. Lateral Inversion 52 28. Reflection by a Concave Mirror 54 29. Erect Image Formed by a Concave Mirror 54 30. Inverted Image Formed by a Concave Mirror 55 31. Image Formed by a Convex Mirror 56 32. Perpendicular to Plane Surfaces 58 33. Refraction 58 34. Maximum Deviation 59 35. Minimum Deviation 59 36. 37, and 38. Convex Lenses 60 39, 40, and 41. Concave Lenses 61 42. Prism Formation of a Convex Lens 62 43. Prism Formation of a Concave Lens 62 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XI PAGE. 44. Parallel Rays Passing Through a Convex Lens. . . 63 45. Parallel Rays Passing Through a Concave Lens ... 63 46. Conjugate Foci 64 47. Negative Focus 65 48. Inverted Image Formed by a Convex Lens 65 49. Erect and Magnified Image Formed by a Convex Lens 66 50. Image Formed by a Concave Lens 66 51 and 52. Convex and Concave Cylinder Lenses 68 53. Cylinder Axis 69 54. Parallel Rays Passing Through a Convex Cylinder. 69 55. Parallel Rays Passing Through a Concave Cylinder. 70 56. Hypermetropic Eye at Rest 70 57. Hypermetropic Eye Refracted 71 58. Emmetropia 71 59. Myopic Eye at Rest 71 60. Myopic Eye Refracted 72 61. Horizontal Section of the Right Eye 80 62. Varieties of Persistent Pupillary Membrane 101 63. Various Forms of Opacity of the Crystalline Lens. . 102 64. Head of the Optic Nerve no 65. To Determine the Position of a Fixed Opacity in the Eye 138 66. Randall's Test Letters 140 67. Gould's Test Letters 141 68. Illiterate Card 142 69. McHardy's Perimeter 143 70. Field Charts 144 71. Form Field Showing Contraction in All Meridians. 212 72. Form Field in Partial Detachment of the Retina. . . 220 73. Depressions in Optic Disc 233 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE AND HOW TO USE IT CHAPTER I. THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. CHOICE OF AN OPHTHALMOSCOPE. VARIETIES. ILLUMINATION. THE MIRROR. MYDRIATICS. OBSERVER. PATIENT. HOW TO USE THE OPHTHALMO- SCOPE. DIRECT AND INDIRECT METHODS. OBLIQUE ILLUMINATION. Ophthalmoscope. From o<0aX/xos, " eye "; and ayoTreiv, " to observe " or literally " to view an eye." An instrument used for studying the media and interior of an eye. Choice of an Ophthalmoscope. As the purpose of an ophthalmoscope is to permit the observer to see clearly the interior of an eye, therefore in select- ing an ophthalmoscope it is not at all necessary to obtain the most expensive or most complicated in- strument, but rather to select the one which will answer the purpose for which it is intended. The original ophthalmoscope of Helmholtz (1851) is a crude affair and is now a museum curiosity, as the ophthalmoscope of the present day excels the 2 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Helmholtz instrument in every particular. There is an infinite variety of ophthalmoscopes in the market, but for the general student the modified instrument of Loring appears to meet with most favor in America, and the Morton, an excellent in- strument, is quite popular abroad. The Loring Ophthalmoscope (Fig. i). The mirror of the Loring instrument is concave, with a radius of curvature of 40 centimeters, giving therefore a principal focus at 20 centimeters. The sight-hole of this mirror is round and usually about 3^2 millimeters in diameter, cut through the glass. As an improvement over such a mirror and to take its place, the writer would recommend the mirror used on his own ophthalmoscope which has a radius of curvature of 15 centimeters and the sight-hole 2 millimeters in diameter, not cut through the glass, but made by simply removing the quicksilver. The glass left at the sight-hole gives additional reflect- ing surface and at the same time does away with annoying reflexes or aberrations which often oc- cur when the glass is perforated. The small sight- hole is an advantage also when looking through small pupils. The mirror should be of thin glass and the silvering of the very best quality. The mirror can be tilted to an angle of 25 degrees, is oblong in shape, 18 by 33 millimeters, and is se- cured at the middle of its ends (Fig. i) by two elevated screws to the cover on a revolving milled wheel. This milled wheel or disk contains fifteen THE LORING OPHTHALMOSCOPE. 3 small spheric lenses, each 6 millimeters in diameter, set in the form of a circle near its circumference. The series of spheric lenses of different strength range from I D. to 8 D. and from + i D. to FRONT BACK FIG. i. Loring Ophthalmoscope. + 7 D. The central opening is left free, does not contain a lens and is marked o. Each lens may be turned in succession to the sight-hole by revolving the milled wheel or disk with the end of the index 4 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. finger of the hand which holds the instrument ( Fig. 10). When it is necessary to use a lens stronger than 8 D. or -f- 7 D., there is an additional quad- rant ("back" view, Fig. i), which can be super- imposed and turned into place at the sight-hole; this quadrant contains four lenses, 0.50 D. and 16 D.; also + 0.50 D. and + 16 D. With this quadrant and the spheres in the milled wheel any combination or strength of lens from 0.50 D. to -24 D. and +0.50 D. to +23 D. (a series of sixty- four) may be placed at the sight-hole, as shown by the following table. Plus. Mill us. I 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 Bring up + 16 Bring up 16 + i6C 8= 8 i6C + 7= 9 7=9 +6= 10 6=10 +5= ii 5 = ii +4= 12 4=12 +3= 13 3=i3 +2= 14 2=14 +1= 15 i = 15 +0= 16 0=16 i= 17 + 1 = 17 2= 18 + 2=18 3= 19 -(-3=19 4 = 20 + 4 = 20 5= 21 -(-5 = 21 6= 22 + 6 = 22 7 = 23 THE MORTON OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Plus. Bring up -f- 0.50 C + i = 0.50 1-50 2.50 3-50 4-50 5-50 6.50 7-50 Bring up 0.50 Minus. 8 = 24 = 0.50 : 1 = 1.50 : 2 = 2.50 : 3 = 3-50 4 = 4.50 : s = 5-50 : 6=1 6.50 : 7 = 7-50 8 = 8.50 An index immediately beneath the sight-hole of the instrument records the strength of lens in whole numbers that is being used. In the Morton instru- ment each lens is projected before the sight-hole FIG. 2. Morton Ophthalmoscope. through an endless groove and propelled by a driv- ing wheel and cogs at the lower end of the instru- ment (Fig. 2). In this Loring instrument the 6 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. minus lenses are numbered in red figures and the plus lenses in white. The Morton uses the reverse of these colors, i. e., white for the minus lenses and red for the plus. When the 0.50 lens (plus or mi- nus) is in position then its strength must be added to or subtracted from the whole number at the sight-hole. By the foregoing table it will be noted that 8.50 and + 7.50 are the highest half-num- bers that can be obtained or are ever necessary for any purpose. The handle of either ophthalmoscope is made partly of brass and partly of bone; this latter can be unscrewed when the instrument is to be placed in its case. In the case with the ophthal- moscope there is a convex lens of + 16 D., which will be described later. The Luminous Ophthalmoscope (Figs. 3 and 4), DeZeng Patent. This instrument is the Lor- ing ophthalmoscope just described with the addi- tion of an electric light attachment and a mirror of different size and shape. This mirror is plain, cir- cular in form, 14 millimeters in diameter, with one millimeter of its upper area cut away horizontally. The flat top edge of the mirror is on a level with the lower edge of the sight-hole in the ophthalmoscope ; this mirror is placed at an angle of 43 degrees and firmly secured to the instrument as it is never neces- sary to tilt it. The observer in looking through the sight-hole always looks over the mirror and never through it. The handle of the instrument is hollow and carries the electric wires to a small 5-volt lamp THE LUMINOUS OPHTHALMOSCOPE. in the handle. Between the lamp and the mirror is placed a very strong planoconvex lens. The rays FIG. 3. FIG. 4. DeZeng Luminous Ophthalmoscope. Two-thirds size. of light from the filament falling upon the convex lens are refracted very convergently and after re- 8 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. flection from the mirror converge to a point one inch distant (Fig. 4). The luminous ophthalmo- scope is so convenient for use in the wards of a hospital, etc., and renders ophthalmoscopy so much less difficult that the instrument at once com- mends itself to every physician. This instrument is ideal both for the direct and indirect method, and has the following points of merit : The mirror and light are stationary, thus giving the observer any liberty of movement necessary without any loss of the reflection from the mirror, the mirror never requires any tilting, the brilliancy or intensity of the illumination at the fundus by virtue of the light being so close to the mirror far exceeds that of the non-luminous instrument, and for the same reason the size of the retinal illumination is made about five times larger than that by the old style instru- ment. The heat from the electric lamp is infinitesi- mal. An electric light attachment is also made for the Morton ophthalmoscope. Electricity to supply the luminous ophthalmo- scope may be furnished by a portable, storage, or dry cell battery or by the Edison street current. No matter what the supply may be, there should always be a convenient rheostat attacluncnt at liand so that the operator may know that he is not using more current than the delicate lamp can possibly endure. The Thorner Ophthalmoscope is a large sta- tionary instrument and an expensive one. It is HOW TO USE THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. 9 used principally for magnification and class demon- stration and is therefore not a part of the subject matter of this manual. How to Use the Ophthalmoscope. While the beginner in ophthalmoscopy may see into an eye the first time he makes the attempt, yet proficiency with the use of the ophthalmoscope does not come except by long and constant practice. The pupil of an eye in health appears to an observer as black (the eye of an albino excepted) ; this is due to the fact that the observer's eye does not ordinarily in- tercept any of the rays of light which return from the eye. Rays of light entering an eye are returned by that eye toward their immediate source and therefore, if an observer wishes to see into or study the interior of an eye, he must have his own eye in the path of the returning rays. To accom- plish this, the observer places a mirror in front of his eye and reflects light into the pupil of another eye, and as the rays return from the eye under ob- servation, to the mirror from which they came, the observer is able to receive some of these return rays into his own eye through a small opening which has been previously made in the mirror. Several important matters should receive very careful attention from the student or beginner be- fore he attempts to use the ophthalmoscope, and these points will be taken up seriatim. The Room. This should be darkened by draw- ing the shades or closing the blinds, the darker 10 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. the room the better, though it is not at all necessary to have the walls painted black or draped in black cloth. All lights except the one in use should, if possible, be excluded from the dark room. If the surgeon has a convenient room adjoining his office and so desires, he may have it fitted up as a " dark room " by having the walls and ceiling painted black or draped in black felt, as just suggested. The Light. A candle flame is almost useless as it is not steady and moves with each current of air. Gas is the most common and convenient illumi- FIG. 5. Student lamp with cover chimney, on adjustable bracket. nant, as nearly every house, even in the smallest city, is piped for the purpose, and with rubber tubing this may be brought to any adjustable stand. A good quality of kerosene, in a modern lamp, may be used if gas cannot be had. The student lamp is good, but the flame is rather narrow. The student lamp on a bracket is good if the cover chimney THE LIGHT. I I is used ( Fig. 5 ) . To use daylight it would be nec- essary to have a round opening i l / 2 inches in di- ameter in the closed blind or drawn shade, and this opening would have to be exactly placed to meet the conveniences of the office furniture. But day- light is an uncertain quantity and cannot be relied upon. There is one thing in favor of daylight how- ever, and that is we can see the eye ground in its natural coloring and not altered by the yellow coloring from the reflected gas or lamp light. The regular i6-candle-power electric light with its narrozv filament is somewhat objec- tionable, though some obser- vers use it, preferably with a ground glass bulb or the coiled filament. There is no objec- tion to the Welsbach light if the mantle is intact. What- ever variety of light is used it should have the qualifications of being steady and bright, a white light if possible. The Argand burner is the most generally employed and most satisfactory when on a convenient right-angled bracket ( Fig. 5 ) which can be raised or lowered, and is capable of lateral movement. The flame or electric light may be exposed or covered with the iris diaphragm FIG. 6. Author's Iris Dia- phragm Chimney. 12 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. chimney (Fig. 6). If the luminous ophthalmoscope is used, the question of light is settled at once, as the filament gives a point of light which is perfect. And furthermore, the light and mirror of this in- strument being two fixed points, the observer has no trouble in keeping his light in position for reflec- tion and does not have to tilt his mirror, and for bedside work the observer can follow the eye of the most restless patient without losing the reflection. Reflection from the Mirror. It has already been stated that the concave mirror on the ophthal- moscope has a radius of curvature of 40 centi- meters (16 inches) and this means that if the light is placed 20 centimeters (8 inches) from the mirror, the rays of light would be reflected parallel. This should be borne in mind for occasionally parallel rays are required and this is a good way to obtain them, and if divergent rays are required the light must be placed at six or seven inches. If the light is just 40 centimeters from the mirror, then the reflected rays would have a convergence of 40 centimeters, as this distance represents the cen- ter of curvature (c.c. in Fig. 29). To summarize: 1. To obtain parallel rays of light reflected from the mirror, place the light 20 centimeters distant. 2. To obtain divergent rays of light reflected from the mirror, place the light closer than 20 centimeters. 3. To obtain convergent rays of light reflected MOVEMENT OF THE MIRROR. 13 from the mirror, place the light beyond 20 centi- meters. The further the light is beyond 20 centi- meters from the mirror, the greater the conver- gence. For most ophthalmoscopic work convergent rays are employed, but when studying minute changes in the retina, nerve-head, vitreous, etc., a faint light is sometimes required, and at other times in studying gross changes, the brightest or most in- tense light obtainable is necessary ; the former may be obtained by reducing the size of the flame in use, or substituting a plane mirror. With the luminous ophthalmoscope and a convenient rheostat a very intense light, or one of moderate strength, may be obtained. A concave mirror gives a more brilliant illumination than a plane mirror, and each has its particular advantages, as in certain instances, just referred to; and mirrors with different radii of curvature could be used to advantage, but too many mirrors are an inconvenience. The Morton oph- thalmoscope has a concave and also a plane mirror which may be used independently. Light from the concave mirror usually falls as a converging cone of light, and the base of the cone is the mirror, but when examining an eye by the direct method (Fig. 8) then only those rays around the sight-hole of the mirror enter the patient's pupil. Movement of the Mirror. The mirror must always be tilted toward the light. When looking into the eye from a short distance and before be- THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. ginning a study of the fundus of the eye, it is well to reflect the light into the eye by moving or rotat- ing the handle of the ophthalmoscope, so that the light passes through the different meridians, hori- FIG. 7. The Author's Schematic Eye. zontally, vertically and diagonally, and in this way opacities and the character of the refraction of the eye, may be promptly recognized. These conditions will be referred to elsewhere in the text. Schematic Eye (Fig. 7). Before hurrying to MYDRIATICS. 15 look into a patient's eye, the beginner will feel much more confident if he has acquired previous experience, by looking into one of the many sche- matic eyes to be found in the shops. While ad- mitting that the schematic eye has its disadvan- tages or imperfections and is not equal to the human eye in all particulars, yet it has just those qualifications which make it so essential for the beginner with the ophthalmoscope, namely, (a) it does not wink; (b) it does not suffer from photo- phobia (dread of light) ; (c) it does not suffer from lacrimation; (d) it does not get tired; (e) its retina does not suffer from light stimulus; and, best of all, (/) it has a dilated pupil. Mydriatics. (Drugs which dilate the pupil.) When using the ophthalmoscope to examine the live eye, it is certainly an advantage to have the pupil dilated, especially so for the novice, but this condition is often a great inconvenience to the pa- tient, and some patients will positively refuse to have any " drops " used, while others will permit the use of the drops, but find fault on account of the resulting discomfort, and others will have a dread of resulting impaired sight, or another patient might have glaucoma (Chapter XI. and Plate XII.), a disease which would preclude the use of a drug which would crowd the iris into the angle of the anterior chamber. Fortunately for the beginner as well as for the expert, with the ophthal- moscope, the disc (optic nerve head) is the princi- l6 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. pal part of the fundus usually affected by glaucoma, and it is this part which is most easily examined without a mydriatic. The great thing therefore for the student is to learn to use the ophthalmoscope on the schematic eye and when he has mastered the technic, to then learn as soon as possible to ex- amine the same schematic eye by adjusting to it a small pupil made by cutting a 3^ millimeter round opening in a card. After some considerable practice in this way, sufficient skill will have been obtained whereby the student will be able to tell when looking into the human eye whether there is any disease present, and whether this disease precludes the use of a mydriatic or if it will be necessary to employ a mydriatic so that the interior of the eye may be studied more mi- nutely. If glaucoma is not present and there are no symptoms of glaucoma, then if necessary for further examination, or refraction or further study, a mydriatic may be employed. One of the safest mydriatics, and one that has but a brief effect and appears to have the least amount of danger at- tached to its use, as far as the production of glau- coma is concerned, is a fresh 4 per cent, solution of cocain ; one or two drops of this solution should be placed on the upper part of the eyeball as the upper lid is held upwards and the patient looks downwards; the solution passing freely over the cornea and its margins is soon absorbed. Cocain used in this way will give a maximum dilation of MYDRIATICS. 17 the pupil in about twenty minutes. This dilation will last for a few hours ordinarily, but as cocain has very little, if any, effect on the accommodation, the patient will not object to the temporary photo- phobia, which passes away as soon as the pupil regains its normal size. After the examination has been completed under cocain mydriasis, the writer urges and advises counteracting the mydriatic ef- fect by instilling a weak solution of eserin, one drop of a l / grain to the ounce of distilled water. This is simply a matter of extreme prudence and can do no harm, but might possibly do an immense amount of good. A 2 per cent, solution of euthala- min may be used in preference to cocain. If there is any disease of the interior of the eye that is injuring the sight or may injure the sight later on, then it is certainly the part of caution on the part of the surgeon to so inform the patient before using a mydriatic, so that if the patient's vision becomes impaired later on, the surgeon may not be accused of any wrong doing from having used drops. In competent hands there is very little if any danger from the use of mydriatics. 1 One drop 1 Hughlings-Jackson, Lectures on Optic Neuritis, Med. Times and Gazelle, September 16, 1871 : " If we use the ophthalmoscope, or if we use atropin, or if we apply a blister to the head, or adopt any new kind of treatment, the patient may blame us for his blindness, if he saw well before such procedures. A patient who reads the smallest print and supposes his sight to be good, may have double optic neu- ritis. The use of atropin affects his sight for near objects gravely, and if, from advance of the neuritic process, what I may call ' retinal sight,' fails before the effect of the atropin has passed off, he very 1 8 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. of a solution of homatropin hydrobromate (one grain to the ounce of water) will answer the same purpose as the cocain solution, but the effect is more lasting and has some action on the accommodation. The Observer. If the observer has any de- cided refractive error, he should wear his correct- ing glasses, and at the same time should learn as soon as possible to relax his accommodation when using the ophthalmoscope, so that when he looks at the eye ground and has to turn a lens in front of the sight-hole to get a clear picture, he will know at once that the lens so used is an approxi- mate estimate of the refraction of the eye being examined. As a general rule, the beginner's accommodation makes him apparently myopic or near-sighted, as he strains his eye in his efforts to see the nerve or fundus about an inch or two dis- tant, but he need not worry or make himself un- happy about this, but go ahead and use any lens that will enable him to see the nerve and eye-ground or whatever he wishes-, and later on he will learn to relax his accommodation and then use a weaker naturally blames us for the subsequent permanent affection of his sight. A patient, when asked how long his sight had been bad, re- plied : ' Only since the drops had been put in.' We must, then, when we discover neuritis, sight being good, tell the patient that his eyes are not really good, and that we are anxious about his sight. Whether we give this warning or not, we shall be blamed by an unin- telligent patient for ' tampering with his eyes.' We must, however, act for our patient's good, regardless of selfish considerations. In very many cases we can see enough for diagnostic purposes without using atropin." THE OBSERVER. 19 lens at the sight-hole. However, he should not de- lay in his efforts to learn to relax his accommoda- tion and the ability to do so, he will find one of the most difficult things in the whole of ophthalmo- scopy, and it will take him some time to accomplish it. There are three reasons for the beginner to wear any necessary correcting glasses and to learn to relax his accommodation, i. e., (a) that he may see clearly and with the least amount of effort; his eyes, in other words, should be in an emmetropic condition (see Emmetropia, p. 71 ) ; (b) that he may not develop headaches and eye strain, and (c) that he may not count his own refractive error as be- longing to, or as a part of the patient's eye con- dition, which he would be very likely to do, if he did not wear his glasses or make due allow- ance for his own refractive error. A good way for the observer to learn to relax his accommo- dation, is to place a pair of plus three diopter spheres over his correcting glasses and practice reading ordinary sized print, such as is used in this book, and to read it at thirteen inches distant, which is the principal focal distance of the spheric lenses used. Another way to relax the accommo- dation when looking into the eye, is to imagine that the eye ground or disc is very distant, in place of being an inch or so away. Another very good way to accomplish the same thing, is to learn at once to keep both eyes wide open. Too many students will insist upon squinting one eye shut or 2O THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. holding it shut while using the other eye, and the result is, they will accommodate several diopters more than there is any real necessity for doing. This habit of squinting one eye is a very bad habit indeed and one which many students have had great difficulty to overcome. Another and excel- lent way to learn to relax the accommodation, and one which others have appreciated, is to practice on the schematic eye. The schematic eye has an index which records emmetropia, hypermetropia, and myopia, so the beginner may set the eye at any number of diopters of hypermetropia or myopia and then taking the ophthalmoscope in hand, he must learn to see the eye ground of the schematic eye with the lens at the sight-hole in the ophthalmoscope which corresponds to the amount of the refractive error indicated by the index. For instance, if the schematic eye is set for 3 D. of hypermetropia, then the + 3 D. must be turned into the sight-hole of the ophthalmoscope, when the observer views the eye ground, and he must learn to see the details of the fundus with this + 3 D. and no other lens. The approximate estimation of the various refrac- tive errors, will become comparatively easy as soon as the student learns to relax his accommodation. This will be referred to later (Chapter II.). Position of the Observer. The observer should be comfortably seated at the side of the patient cor- responding to the eye he is to examine, if examin- ing the right eye, the observer should be on the POSITION OF LIGHT. 21 patient's right; if the left eye, then on the pa- tient's left side. When examining the right eye the ophthalmoscope is held in the right hand and before the right eye (Fig. 8) ; and in the left hand and before the left eye when examining the left eye. The examiner's eye should be a little above or higher than the patient's eye. The ex- aminer's head should be tilted slightly in the di- rection of his shoulder corresponding to the eye he is using (Fig. 9). To meet all the requirements for the comfort of the observer, he will do well to have a stool with revolving top or seat, that he may adjust his posi- tion promptly and to suit the individual patient. Position of Light. If the mirror on the oph- thalmoscope is of 40 centimeter radius, then to begin the examination, the light should be about this distance to one side and back of the patient and on a level with the patient's eye ; in other words, the light should be placed at an angle of 45 degrees with the plane of the patient's face, so as to illumi- nate the outer half of the eye-lashes of the eye to be examined, and it may be well also to have the tip of the patient's nose illuminated at the same time (Fig. 8). The beginner should appreciate these points of position, for if the light cannot take this direction from the flame, and the flame should be back of the patient's ear, then there cannot be any reflection from the mirror when close in front of the patient's eye, as the temple and ear would 22 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. cut off the light from the mirror. Many students when learning to use the ophthalmoscope, neglect this position of the light, and when they get close to the eye to examine it, lose the reflection and wonder why they lose it. Position of Patient. The patient should be seated in a comfortable chair without arms (Fig. 8), and be instructed to look straight ahead into vacancy, or across the room at some large object about on a level with his eyes; in this way his ac- commodation will relax considerably and his pupil will be larger. He is also instructed to change the direction of his vision only when told to do so. Under no circumstances should the patient be al- lowed to look at a light or into the mirror, as the light stimulus falling upon the macula, will cause the pupil to contract. If the patient is a child and will not concentrate the vision as just directed, then it will be necessary to have some one stand back of the observer, and, by snapping the fingers or clapping the hands, or dangling a bunch of keys or a watch, attract the child's attention, and thus keep it from looking into the mirror. If the pa- tient has a squint, it will be necessary when ex- amining the squinting eye to have the fixing eye covered with a folded handkerchief, or held gently shut with the finger, or shielded with a card, and in this way the squinting eye will ordinarily turn straight and the observer will have an opportunity to examine it. With children it may be necessary POSITION OF PATIENT. 24 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. to employ the indirect method (Fig. 13). The patient and observer should each keep both eyes open. The one exception to this, is when the pa- tient has a squint as just stated. How to Hold the Ophthalmoscope. The ob- server should hold the ophthalmoscope as vertical as possible and have the sight-hole directly in front FIG. 9. Correct position of holding the ophthalmoscope. Top of in- strument resting in the hollow of the brow and the side resting on or touching the side of the nose. Ophthalmoscope is held vertically before the right eye and the observer's head is inclined slightly toward the right shoulder with the arm close to the side. Without changing the position of the instrument the observer can easily turn the milled wheel with the tip of his index finger, as shown in Fig. 10. HOW TO HOLD THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. 25 of his pupil and close to his eye. The upper mar- gin of the ophthalmoscope resting in the hollow of the brow, and the side of the instrument against the side of the nose (Fig. 9). The observer's arm should be at his side and not form an angle with FIG. 10. Very faulty position of holding the ophthalmoscope for direct examination. The arm and hand and handle of the ophthalmoscope are turned outward. The index finger, however, is in the correct position for turning the milled wheel, as referred to in Fig. 9. his body. If the arm of the hand holding the ophthalmoscope is bent outward (Fig. 10), and not kept vertical, then when the observer gets close to the patient's eye his hand is liable to, and 4 26 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. very likely will, strike the patient's nose, an evi- dent indication of want of skill or experience. How to Use the Ophthalmoscope. There are two ways, or methods, of using the ophthalmo- scope; one is called the direct, and the other the indirect method. The direct method (Fig. 8) gives an erect, virtual, and enlarged image of the interior of the eye, while the indirect method (Fig. 13) gives or produces an inverted and real image, but much less magnified than the direct. The principle of the direct method is similar to a sim- ple microscope, and the indirect to a compound microscope. The Direct Method. Executing the several details as just given as regards the room, the light, etc., the observer begins his examination at a distance of 25 or 30 centimeters from the eye, never closer, and at this distance he re- flects the light into the eye and observes a " red glare " which occupies the previously black pupil. This red glare is called the " reflex " and is due to the reflection from the choroidal (vascular) coat of the eye. The color of this reflex varies, (a) with the size of the pupil, (b) transparency of the media (cornea, aqueous, lens and vitreous), (c) the refraction, (d) the amount of pigment in the eye ground, and (e) with detachment of the retina, growths, etc. Having obtained the reflex, it will be well for the observer to practice keeping the light on the pupil, by changing his distance SIZE OF IMAGE. 2J while still holding the ophthalmoscope in front of his eye, approaching the eye as close as an inch or two; this must be done slowly and not with a rush. The direct method, therefore, is so called from the fact that the observer looks directly into the eye. A detailed description of the eye ground is given in Chapter IV. Size of the Image of the Eye Ground. In this direct method of looking into the eye, the optic nerve head, retinal vessels, etc., are all enlarged on account of the strong refracting or magnify- ing power of the cornea and lens; the result is, that on account of the enlargement the eye ground seems to be at some distance behind the eye (Figs, ii and 12). The nerve head in an emmetropic eye, as seen with the ophthalmoscope, appears about 25 millimeters in diameter, and about 250 millimeters distant. The actual distance of this nerve head from the nodal point in the lens, is about 15 millimeters, therefore the actual size of the nerve head must be 15/250 of 25, or 3/2, or 1.5 millimeters; then 15, the nodal distance, is to the supposed distance, 250 millimeters, as the ac- tual size, 1.5 is to the magnified size, 25; which is 16.6, the magnification; or, to put it mathematically 15:250:: 1.5:25=16.6. In other words, when the emmetropic nerve head is observed, it appears about 16.6 times larger than it actually is. The disc of a hypermetropic eye 28 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. appears smaller than that of an emmetropic eye, and the disc of a myopic eye appears larger. Just as the nerve head appears magnified, so the ves- sels of the eye ground appear correspondingly \U n/ uj i S -S S o S iT E " o o c S g 82 = c. = rt ci* rt -2 ^ x ;C o. H 4> -g e "o t s p J3 ^ C S J! JJ g J! 5 S H .? rt ^ C F E .5 u oq o -. & o ^ ^ rt ^ > *2 C v bfl O u cd CQ s s - Era > 4> bO 5^ X c In + *f-i enlarged and this becomes extremely interesting, when it is known that some of the small vessels of the retina are less than 1/700 of an inch in diameter, and the largest vessels less than i/ioo THE INDIRECT METHOD. of an inch. The capillaries of the retina in health are invisible with the ophthalmoscope. .X <0 I) & I & y s & s 53 " oo S to v .1 *W G 3 I * - >-|.| o o. "5? o tn (t> >> O rt > i s &; SO D 43 = -H 12 e ! > X 01 ^ M V [ _c b/j c 5 B V o D C C 43 C 'C V rt Q ^ rt > X '? i! + (A j3 U 43 te c ^ > c V 43 | j ^3 3 o _.' - U *5 u V H X rt C 5 c 9 O P f-1 33 60 '5 o" S 4^ " be U > OJ c, a r 1) " ?> 43 t; ai ^s E .E < "5 view at once the patient is told to look a little to the observer's right when examining the right eye, and to the observer's left when examining the left eye. It has already been mentioned that 34 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. the patient should be told to rotate his eye in dif- ferent directions as the observer tells him, but this is not always satisfactory, as many patients will turn the eye too far, and therefore it may be just as well to have a nervous patient fix his gaze in one direction and let the observer learn to move the lens, slowly upward, downward, inward, outward and diagonally. The observer must also learn to move the lens closer to the eye or to bring it away from the eye, as necessary, and in this way get the most distinct image. It may be necessary at times to rotate the lens on its axis. The stronger the con- densing lens employed, the larger the view of the fundus, but the details will be smaller; the weaker the condensing lens, the smaller will be the view of the fundus, but with larger, magnified individ- ual points in the image- To relieve the observer's accommodation and to magnify the aerial image la plus four lens is usually placed at the sight-hole of the ophthalmoscope. This plus four lens, cor- responds to the eye piece of the microscope; when examining eyes that are highly myopic it may be omitted. Practicing the indirect method, the ob- server sees a larger part of the eye ground at one time than by the direct method, but it is not mag- nified to the same extent as in the direct method. It is a method, however, that is easier and more convenient in many ways than the direct, and yet many ophthalmologists neglect to use it. It is a method too that does not necessarily require a THE INDIRECT METHOD. 35 dilated pupil. It is a method that is occasionally of great convenience in the clinic, when objection- able (unclean) patients come for examination, and the physician desires to keep at a good distance. Both the direct and indirect methods should be practiced and they are comparatively easy when the patient has large pupils, but with very small pupils a detailed and satisfactory examination, while it may be obtained, is often difficult. When practicing the indirect method, the observer should keep both eyes open as with the direct method. And he may use his right eye when looking at the patient's right eye, and his left when looking at the patient's left, or he may use his right eye in each instance. This is purely a matter of conveni- ence. While viewing the disc with the indirect method, some approximation of the refraction may be obtained when the condensing lens is gradu- ally withdrawn from the eye. 1. When the image of the disc appears to in- crease in size, the refraction is myopic; and if 2. The image of the disc diminishes in size, the refraction is hypermetropic ; and if 3. The image of the disc does not change in size, it is emmetropic. 4. For astigmatism. If the image of the disc, which is the part usually selected for making this estimate, appears of uniform size in one meridian, whether the condensing lens is brought closer to or removed from the eye, then that meridian is 36 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. emmetropic, but if the meridian grows smaller as the lens is withdrawn from the eye, then that me- ridian is hypermetropic, if it grew larger then it would be myopic. Withdrawing the condensing lens and all meridians appear to grow smaller but one more so than the other then the condition is one of compound hypermetropia. If all meridians grew larger but one more so than another then the condition would be one of compound myopic astigmatism. The image growing smaller in one meridian and larger in the other, as the condensing lens is with- drawn from the eye, would signify mixed astig- matism. To study the presence of an elevation of the disc or the elevation of a growth or detachment, or to study the depth of a cupping of the disc, then after getting the aerial image and moving the ob- jective lens from side to side and up and down, the near points of the image will appear to move faster than the points beyond; this is known as the parallactic movement. The Size of the Image of the Eye Ground. This depends upon the refraction of the eye and the distance of the convex lens from the eye under examination. In the standard (emmetropic) eye the size of the image is always the same, no mat- ter how far away from the eye the convex lens is held. To estimate the size of the image, as seen in the standard eye, all that is necessary to know OBLIQUE ILLUMINATION. 37 is the principal focus of the condensing lens em- ployed: if + 13 D., then the image is formed at about 75 millimeters (three inches), and remem- bering that the nerve head in the standard eye is 15 millimeters back from the nodal point, the size of the image will be to the size of the nerve head, (if that is what is looked at in the image) as their respective distances from the nodal point and con- densing lens, or as 15 is to 75, which equalsj^ the magnification. Comparing the two methods of ex- amination, the direct and the indirect, the former, while it gives a smaller view of the fundus, yet it is greatly magnified, sixteen times as compared to five by the indirect, hence for the examination of a minute point, such as a hemorrhage or growth or foreign substance, small detachment, etc., the direct method, is far superior to the indirect. The direct method gives an erect image and the ob- server recognizes at once each point of the eye ground in its correct anatomic position. With the direct method the observer can turn a lens into the sight-hole of the ophthalmoscope, which ap- proximately corrects the refractive error of the eye under observation. Oblique Illumination, or Focal Illumination. The cornea, aqueous humor, lens and anterior por- tion of the vitreous body, should have careful con- sideration, for a clear view of the eye ground depends upon the transparency of these media. This is a most important part of the examination THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. O15LIOUK ILLUMINATION. 39 H H *- CROWN " f 1 3 PLATE ' ^ > FIG. 32. ray in air incident at O on the surface SF is bent in the glass toward the perpendicular PP. The dotted line shows the direction the ray would have taken had it not been re- fracted. As the ray in the F glass comes to the second surface at R and passes into a rarer medium it is deviated from the perpendicular PP. The ray now continues its original course ; it has under- 9 gone lateral displacement. Prism. A prism is any refracting substance bounded by plane surfaces which intersect each other. The sides of a prism are the inclined sur- faces. The apex is where the two plane surfaces meet. SPHERIC LENSES. 59 Prismatic Action. Rays of light which pass through a prism are always refracted toward the base of the prism (Figs. 34 and 35). If an inci- dent ray is perpendicular to one surface of a prism then the second surface alone will refract the ray, FIG. 34. FIG. 35. but its direction after leaving the prism will be toward the base (Fig. 34). Prisms do not form images. Prisms have no foci. An object viewed through a prism has the appearance of being dis- placed and in a direction opposite to the base, i. e., toward the apex. Lenses. There are two kinds of lenses used for refraction purposes spheres and cylinders. Spheric Lenses. Abbreviated S. or Sph. Spheric lenses are so named because their curved surfaces are sections of spheres. A spheric lens is one which refracts rays of light equally in all me- ridians or planes. Spheric lenses are of two kinds, convex and concave. A convex spheric lens is thick at the centre and thin at the edge (Figs. 36, 37, 38). The fol- lowing are synonymous terms for convex lenses: 6o THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. (r) plus, (2) positive, (3) collective, (4) mag- nifying. A convex lens is denoted by the sign of plus ( + ). Varieties or kinds of convex lenses: A FIG. 36. FIG. 37. FIG. 38. 1. Planoconvex, meaning one surface flat and the other convex. It is a section of a sphere (Fig. 36). 2. Biconvex, also called convexoconvex or bi- spheric, for the reason that it is equal to two plano- convex lenses with their plane surfaces together (Fig. 37). 3. Concavoconvex. This lens has one surface concave and the other convex, the convex surface having the shorter radius of curvature (Fig. 38). The following are synonymous terms for a con- cavoconvex lens: (i) periscopic, (2) convex men- iscus, (3) converging meniscus (meniscus mean- ing a small moon) (Fig. 38). A periscopic lens enlarges the field of vision, and is of especial service in presbyopia. A periscopic lens is also spoken of as a toric lens. A concave spheric lens is thick at the edge and thin at the center (Figs. 39, 40, 41). The follow- SPHERIC LENSES. 61 ing are synonymous terms for a concave lens : ( I ) minus, (2) negative, (3) dispersive, (4) minifying. A concave lens is denoted by the sign of minus ( ). Varieties or kinds of concave lenses: i. Planoconcave, meaning one surface flat and the other concave (Fig. 39). 7 V7 A i\ FIG. 39. FIG. 40. FIG. 41. 2. Biconcave, also called concavoconcave or bi- concave spheric, for the reason that it is equal to two planoconcave lenses with their plane surfaces together (Fig. 40). 3. Convexoconcave. This lens has one surface convex and the other concave, the concave surface having the shorter radius of curvature (Fig. 41). The following are synonymous terms for a concavo- convex lens: (i) concave meniscus, (2) diverging meniscus, (3) periscopic. A spheric lens may be considered as made up of a series of prisms which gradually increase in strength from the center to the periphery, no matter whether the lens be concave or convex. In the convex sphere the bases of the prisms are toward the center of the lens, whereas in the con- 62 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. cave the bases of the prisms are toward the edge (Figs. 42, 43). FIG. 42. Knowing that a prism refracts rays of light toward its base, it may be stated as a rule that every lens bends rays of light more sharply as the FIG. 43. periphery is approached, i. e., at the periphery the strongest prismatic effect takes place. Parallel rays of light passing through a convex CONJUGATE FOCI. 63 lens come together at a point called the principal focus (Fig. 44). This principal focus is also known as the shortest focus. Parallel rays of light passing through a concave lens diverge, as if they came from a point on the same side of the lens as the parallel rays, and this point is known as the princi- pal focus of the concave lens (Fig. 45). FIG. 44. The action of a convex lens is similar to that of a concave mirror, and the action of a concave lens is similar to that of a convex mirror. P.P. FIG. 45. Conjugate Foci. Lenses like mirrors have con- jugate foci, conjugate meaning " yoked together." The point from which rays of light diverge and the point to which they converge are conjugate foci or points; for instance in Fig. 46 the rays diverging 64 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. from A and passing through the lens converge to the point B, then the points A and B are conjugate foci. They are interchangeable, for if rays diverge from B they will follow the same path back again and meet at A. The path of the ray FIG. 46. CC' is the same whether it passes from A .to B or from B to A there is no difference. It is by the affinity of these points for each other, with re- spect to their positions, that they are called con- jugate. The equivalent to conjugate foci is found in the long or myopic eye, an eye in other words, which has its fovea situated further back than the principal focus of its dioptric media, the result be- ing that rays of light from the fovea of such an eye will be projected convergently after passing out of the eye and will meet at some point inside of infinity (twenty feet). The fovea of a myopic eye represents a conjugate focus. A myopic eye is in a condition to receive divergent rays of light at a focus on its retina and to ^grnit convergent rays. Ordinary Foci. When rays of light diverge from some point inside of infinity and beyond the principal focus, they will be brought to a focus at some point on the other side of a convex lens beyond ORDINARY FOCI. its principal focus; this point is called a conjugate or ordinary focus. A lens may have many foci but only two principal foci. When rays of light, diverge from some point closer to a lens than its FIG. 47. principal focus, they do not converge but after re- fraction continue divergently, their focus now be- ing found by projecting these divergent rays back to a point on the same side of the lens from which they appear to come; this point is called negative or virtual (Fig. 47). This is equivalent to what takespace in a short or hypermetropic eye, an eye which has its macula closer to its dioptric media than its principal focus. In a state of rest the fovea of such an eye would project divergent FIG. 48. rays outward and would be in a position to receive only convergent rays of light at a focus upon its fovea. 7 66 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Images Formed by Lenses. An image formed by a lens is composed of foci, each one of which corresponds to a point in the object. Images are of two kinds, real and virtual. A Real Image. This is an image formed by the actual meeting of rays of light; such images can always be projected onto a screen (Fig. 48). FIG. 49. A Virtual Image. This is one that is formed by the prolongation backwards of rays of light to a point. Such images cannot be projected onto a screen; such images can only be seen by looking through the lens. .A' FIG. 50. Fig. 49 shows the arrow AB closer to the bi- convex lens than its principal focus. An eye look- ing through this lens at the arrow would see a virtual, erect and magnified image of the arrow at NUMERATION OF LENSES. 67 A'B'. Fig. 50, however, shows the arrow AR in front of a concave lens and the eye looking through this lens sees a virtual, erect and minified image of the arrow at A'R'. Numeration of Lenses. Formerly lenses were numbered by the distance of the principal focus from the center of the lens, as measured in English inches, one inch being 25.4 millimeters. The unit known as i, was a lens that would focus rays of light at the distance of one inch. Half the unit was written l /2 and was called the half inch, but this means that the lens is one-half the strength of the unit, and therefore focuses at twice the dis- tance of the unit, viz., at two inches, and so the old nomenclature numbered its lenses in fractions, the denominator of the fraction signifying the prin- cipal focal distance in inches. The present system of numbering lenses is by the diopter system, abbreviated D. The unit of this system is a lens that will form a principal focus at 40 inches (39.37 English inches). The strength or refractive power of a dioptric lens is therefore the inverse of its focal distance. The shorter the focal distance the stronger the lens. To find the focal distance of any dioptric lens in inches or cen- timeters the number of diopters expressed must be divided into the unit of 40 inches, or 100 centi- meters; for example, a 2 D. lens has a focal dis- tance of 40 divided by 2, equals 20 inches, or 100 centimeters divided by 2 equals 50 centimeters. 68 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Lenses that have a refractive power less than a unit are not expressed in the form of fractions, but in the form of decimals : for example, a lens which is only one-fourth, one-half or three-fourths the strength of the unit is written 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, re- spectively. To change the old nomenclature or inch system of numbering lenses into diopters, divide the unit (40 inches) by the denominator of the fraction, and the result will be an approximation in diopters ; for example, i/io equals 40/10, or 4 D. ; 1/20 equals 40/20, or 2 D. Cylindric Lens. Abbreviated C, c or Cyl. A cylinder lens receives its name from being a seg- ment of a hollow or solid cylinder parallel to its FIG. 51. FIG. 52. axis (Figs. 51 and 52). A cylinder is a lens which refracts rays of light in one meridian only and that meridian is always opposite to its axis. A cylinder lens has no one common focus or focal point, but a line of foci which is parallel to its axis CYLINDRIC LENSES. 6 9 (Fig. 53). The dimension of a cylinder lens which is parallel to the axis of the original cylinder, of which it is a part, is spoken of as the axis and is indicated on the lens by a short diamond scratch at its periphery, or by having a small portion of its surface corresponding to the axis ground at FIG. 53- the edges, or it may be marked in both ways (Fig. 54). Cylinders are of two kinds, convex and con- cave. A convex cylinder converges parallel rays FIG. 54. of light so that they are brought into a straight line which corresponds to the axis of the cylinder (Fig. 53). A concave cylinder diverges rays of light opposite to its axis as if they had diverged from THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. a straight line on the opposite side of the lens (Fig. 55). FIG. 55- Spherocylinders. A spherocylinder is a com- bination of a sphere and a cylinder, and is there- fore a lens which may have one surface ground with a spheric curve and the other surface cylin- dric. Spherocylinders therefore have two differ- ent curves. The spheric curve may be convex with the cylinder surface convex, or the spheric surface may be concave with the cylinder surface concave, or the spheric surface may be convex with the cylinder surface concave, or the spheric surface may be concave with the cylinder surface convex, or, as in the toric spherocylinder, or two cylinders of different strengths may be ground on one surface and a sphere on the other surface. As a plus sphere will bring parallel rays of light to a fo- cus, then such a lens (of proper strength) if placed in front of a hypermetropic eye (Fig. 56) will increase the refraction of such an eye FIG. 56. SPHEROCYLINDERS. and bring parallel rays of light to a focus on the retina (Fig. 57), making the eye equivalent to what is known as the standard or emmetropic eye (Fig. 58). The emmetropic eye is an eye therefore that FIG. 57. FIG. 58. does not require any lens to make parallel rays focus upon its retina. As a minus sphere will diverge parallel rays of light, then such a lens (of proper strength) if placed in front of a myopic eye (Fig. 59) will give parallel rays such an amount of divergence, that when they enter the myopic eye they will focus on FIG. 59. its retina (Fig. 60), making it equivalent to the emmetropic eye. Astigmatism is the condition of an eye in which parallel rays of light are not refracted equally in all meridians, one meridian refracting stronger 72 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. than the meridian at right angles, hence the use of a cylinder lens which refracts rays in one meridian only, and therefore diminishes or weakens the stronger meridian in myopia ( cylinder) and in- creases or strengthens the refraction in the weaker meridian in hypermetropia (+ cylinder). FIG. 60. Estimating the Refraction of an Eye with the Direct Method. For a close approximation of the patient's refraction, the following essentials should have very careful attention. The observer should wear his own correcting glasses or make due allowance for his error when reading the findings at the sight-hole of the ophthalmoscope. The observer must relax his accommodation, and if possible the patient's accommodation should be at rest with a reliable cycloplegic (atropin). The use of " drops " is not so important in the aged. The ophthalmoscope must be held close to the ob- server's and patient's eye. With these matters carefully executed, then the following statement of facts will be correct. Emmetropia. Seeing the fundus distinctly without any lens at the sight-hole of the ophthal- MYOPIA. /3 moscope, means that parallel rays are emerging from the eye under observation, then passing through the sight-hole of the instrument enter the observer's eye and focus on his macula. Hypermetropia. If a plus sphere must be used at the sight-hole of the ophthalmoscope to see the eye ground distinctly, then the eye must be hyper- metropic and the amount of the hypermetropia is represented by the strongest plus glass so employed. The rays of light leaving the hypermetropic eye divergently (Fig. 56) cannot focus on the ob- server's retina without the aid of the plus glass, or unless the observer is myopic ; or accommodates, which he must learn not to do. Myopia. If a minus sphere is used at the sight- hole of the ophthalmoscope to give a clear view of the fundus, which was otherwise indistinct, then the eye under observation must be myopic and the amount of the myopia is represented by the strength of the weakest minus sphere so employed. The rays of light leaving the myopic eye convergently cannot focus on the observer's retina without the aid of the minus sphere. If the observer had been myopic two diopters and did not wear his glasses and the eye under observation was also myopic of the same amount, then the lens at the sight-hole of the ophthalmoscope would have been minus four, the amount of the observer's and the patient's error. The same statement of facts would hold true if they had each been hypermetropic, then the plus 8 74 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. sphere at the sight-hole of the ophthalmoscope would have recorded both errors. If the observer does not wish to wear his refractive error, then he must deduct the amount of his error from the strength of the lens with which he sees the pa- tient's eye ground distinctly. Astigmatism. To estimate correctly the refrac- tion of an astigmatic eye with the ophthalmoscope is not an easy matter for the simple reason that the observer cannot always relax his accommodation, and furthermore the examination is limited princi- pally to focusing the retinal vessels in different meridians and these vessels do not always appear at convenient places for this purpose. Astigmatism is the condition of an eye in which there are two principal meridians of different refracting power, and these are usually at right angles to each other. The observer with the ophthalmoscope must select these two chief meridians for his observations. It is impossible to estimate the refraction at the macula as there are no vessels visible at this point, there- fore the examinations are usually made with ves- sels at or near the disc. The observer focuses a selected vessel with the weakest minus or strongest plus glass with which he can see it and makes a note of its direction and then focuses another vessel (in the same manner) as near a right angle position to the first vessel as possible. The difference in strength of these two lenses is the amount of the astigmatism and represents the strength of the ASTIGMATISM. 75 f cylinder lens necessary for its correction. The observer must remember when making estimates for astigmatic errors that when he sees a vessel distinctly he is viewing it through the meridian op- posite to its course, i. e., if the vessel is at axis ninety he is seeing it through the horizontal meridian, if the vessel is at axis one hundred and eighty he is seeing it through the vertical meridian, etc. Simple Hypermetropic Astigmatism. With the formula -f 3.00 cyl. axis 90 degrees, the oph- thalmoscope would reveal the horizontal vessels seen without any glass, emmetropic, and the vertical ves- sels with a plus three at the sight-hole. Simple Myopic Astigmatism. With the for- mula --2.00 cyl. axis 180 degrees, the ophthal- moscope would reveal the vertical vessels without any lens at the sight-hole (emmetropic) and the horizontal vessels seen with a minus two. Compound Hypermetropic Astigmatism. With formula -f- 2.00 sph. C + i.oo cyl. axis 90 degrees. Vertical vessels will be seen distinctly with + 3 and the horizontal vessels with a + 2. The difference between the chief meridians is + I, which is the cylinder with its axis at 90 degrees and the + 2 would be the amount of the additional refraction for all meridians. Compound Myopic Astigmatism. With a for- mula -- i.oo sph. C 3.00 cyl. axis 180 degrees, the vertical vessels will be seen with - - i and the horizontal vessels with - 4. The differ- 7 6 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. ence between the two meridians would be -- 3.00 cyl. at axis 180 degrees. The --i would be the amount of the additional myopia for all meridians. Mixed Astigmatism. With the formula 2.00 sph. C + 5.00 cyl. axis 90 degrees, the vertical ves- sels would be seen with a + 3.00 and the horizontal vessels with 2.00. Retinoscopy. This is a method of estimating the refraction of an eye without viewing the details of the fundus as in the direct method, and the ob- server does not have to make any note of his ac- commodation, although the patient's accommoda- tion should be relaxed and his pupil widely dilated. The observer may sit at any distance in front of the patient, preferably at 40 inches, and reflect the light into the patient's eye from the concave mirror of the ophthalmoscope, or he may use a plane mirror held in front of his eye. Gently rotating the mirror as the patient looks towards the observer's fore- head, the illumination seen in the patient's pupil will appear to be stationary, not to move, or it will ap- pear to move as the mirror is moved or it will ap- pear to move in the opposite direction to that in which the mirror is rotated, depending upon the kind of mirror employed and the variety of the re- fractive error. Retinoscopy practiced with the plane mirror at 40 inches : i. The faster the illumination appears to move the weaker the refractive error. RETINOSCOPY. 77 2. The slower the illumination appears to move the stronger the refractive error. 3. The illumination appearing to be stationary as the mirror is rotated, the refractive error will be myopic i D. 4. The illumination appearing to move opposite to the movement of the mirror, the refraction will be myopic more than i D. 5. The illumination moving with the movement of the mirror after a + i D. has been placed in front of the eye means that the eye is hypermetropic. 6. The illumination appearing to move faster in one meridian than another (usually the meridian at right angles) signifies astigmatism. 7. When the illumination appears as a band of light extending across the pupil, then the eye is as- tigmatic. Retinoscopy practiced with the concave mirror at 40 inches: 1. The apparent fast or slow rate of movement of the illumination signifies respectively a weak or strong refractive error. 2. No apparent movement signifies myopia of i D. 3. The illumination appearing to move with the mirror signifies myopia of more than i D. 4. The illumination appearing to move opposite to the movement of the mirror while a + i D. is in front of the eye signifies hypermetropia. 78 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. 5. The statements under 6 and 7 for the plane mirror are equally true for the concave mirror. Retinoscopy is certainly the simplest, most exact and the easiest method to learn to estimate the re- fraction. CHAPTER III. ANATOMY AND ANOMALIES OF THE EYE. THE human eye is shaped like a sphere except that it has a constriction on its anterior portion cor- responding to the base of the cornea. The antero- posterior diameter of the standard eye is 24.3 milli- meters, transversely it is 23.6 millimeters, and vertically 23.4 millimeters. The eyeball consists of three tunics or coats, and within are two humors, aqueous and vitreous, having the crystalline lens between them (Fig. 61). The tunics from without inward are: 1. The sclera and cornea. 2. The choroid, iris, and ciliary body. 3. The retina. The media are the cornea, aqueous humor, crys- talline lens and vitreous humor. The aqueous humor occupies the corneal cavity and lies in front of the lens while the vitreous humor fills the cavity of the sclera, posterior to the lens. The Sclera (o-K\rjp6a9, horn) (a, Fig. 61). This structure together with the sclera, forms the outer fibrous tunic or coat of the eye. The cornea in health represents a section of a transparent sphere with a radius of curvature, normally of 7.8 milli- meters on its anterior surface. The posterior radius of curvature is about 7.^ millimeters. These normal radii are seldom found as most eyes have corneal astigmatism. The diameter of the base of the cornea is about 12 millimeters horizontally, and 82 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. 1 1 millimeters vertically, as the scleral tissue over- laps the cornea on its upper and lower edges. As the diameter of the eyeball itself is 24 millimeters (radius 12 millimeters), then the cornea with its shorter radius must adjust itself to the sclera as a watch crystal on a watch. This can be seen with a magnifying glass by close observation of any healthy eye, as the white sclera is then seen to ex- tend over onto the transparent cornea ; this is usu- ally more conspicuous above and below, giving the cornea the appearance of a horizontal ellipse. The cornea is thicker at its edge than at its center. As just stated, the cornea and sclera are very similar in their anatomic construction and are continuous structures, though one is transparent and the other is not; the cornea has a different arrangement of its fibrous network and the character of its cells is different from the sclera also. The cornea is made up of the following layers: 1. The Anterior- Epithelium. This consists of several layers of pavement epithelium, the super- ficial are flattened, the deep cells are cylindrical and between these layers the cells are more or less rounded. This epithelial layer is virtually a con- tinuation of the conjunctiva and is sometimes spoken of as the conjunctiva of the cornea. 2. Bowman's Membrane, also called the anterior elastic membrane. This thin homogeneous mem- brane lies beneath the epithelium; it is firmly at- VESSELS. 83 tached to the underlying stroma and is a part of the cornea proper. 3. The Stroma or Cornea Proper (Substantia Propria). This represents the major portion of the cornea and is continuous with the sclera. It contains, or is made up of, bundles of fibers of connective tissue arranged in lamellae. Between these lamellae are spaces containing lymph, hence they are called lymph spaces, and are connected with each other by narrow openings called canals. Nor- mally the cornea does not contain blood vessels. 4. Descemet's Membrane. Posterior-elastic membrane. As Bowman's membrane forms the anterior portion of the cornea proper, so Desce- met's membrane forms the posterior, and while Bowman's is quite intimately adherent to the stroma, yet Descemet's membrane is not so. This latter is very dense or tough and by virtue of its toughness it is a protection for the eye against penetrating diseases of the cornea. Descemet's membrane may be considered as a part of the uvea or inner tunic of the eye. 5. The fifth layer of the cornea, known as the posterior pavement or endothelial layer, .is but a single layer of cells more or less flattened, and these cells, like Descemet's membrane, are a part of the uvea, and with Descemet's membrane pre- vent the aqueous fluid from passing into the stroma. Vessels. The cornea in health is non-vascular. It receives its nutrition from the anterior ciliary 84 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. vessels which form a network of loops at the mar- gin (limbus) of the cornea. Plasma passes from the loops of the vessels into the lymph spaces or canals in the cornea, and in this way the cor- nea is nourished. Nerves. The epithelial cells, Bowman's mem- brane and anterior lamellae of the cornea proper, contain numerous fine nerves, branches from the long ciliary and nerves of the ocular conjunctiva. Minute branches perforate Bowman's membrane from the stroma and pass freely to the epithelial layer. This network of nerves acts as a protec- tion to the cornea, by giving it extreme sensibility to all external injurious influences. The cornea being transparent, and a section of a small sphere, refracts the rays of light as they enter the eye and with the assistance of the crystalline lens brings parallel rays to a focus at the macula in a standard eye. In fact, the cornea is the most important re- fractive media of the eye. The middle tunic of the eye consists of the choroid, iris and ciliary body (commonly called the uveal tract). The Choroid. (xopioeiS^s ; Latin " corium," skin) (m, Fig. 61). The choroid is known as the vascular coat, is brown in color and lies between the sclera and the retina, and extends from the edge of the optic nerve posteriorly w 7 here it is 0.16 millimeter in thickness, to the ora serrata (or. Fig. 6 1 ) anteriorly, where it is 0.08 millimeter in thick- THE CHOROID. 85 ness. It has a few attachments to the sclera by the lamina fusca. Posteriorly it is perforated by a round opening known as the foramen choroid, through which pass the optic nerve fibers and ves- sels. The choroid has two principal attachments; at the margin of the optic nerve entrance (the region of the posterior ciliary arteries) and at the equator of the eye, where most of the venous blood passes out of the eye (venae vorticosse). Anatomic- ally the choroid is made up of five layers. 1. Externally and next to the sclera a layer known as the suprachoroid, which is rich in pig- ment. 2. The inner layer, lamina vitrea, not pigmented, lies next to the retina. Between the suprachoroid and the lamina vitria are three layers of vessels; from without inward these are: (a) the layer of large vessels, (b) the layer of medium sized ves- sels, (c) the layer of capillaries (chorio-capillaris). The layer of large vessels is made up mostly of large veins which lie very close together and anas- tomose freely; the spaces between the vessels are filled more or less with pigment cells. The amount of pigment varies in different eyes, being abundant in mulattoes and brunettes, and much less so in blondes and possibly entirely absent in albinos. The layer of medium size vessels is not as thick as the layer of large vessels and is not as heavily pigmented. The capillary layer, as its name implies, 86 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. is made up of capillaries, but of large caliber and yet without pigrnented interspaces. The choroidal circulation and choroidal pigment influence greatly the color of the fundus reflex described in Chapter IV. The pigment cells of the choroid are branched and anastomosing. The choroid is not supplied with sensory nerves. The posterior ciliary arteries supply most of the blood to the choroid. The veins of the choroid run nearly parallel to each other, but finally converge into six or eight large trunks (veriae^voxtieosje) and pierce the sclera obliquely near the equator, and carry the blood from the choroid. The short ciliary arteries are the chief supply of the choroid, and they number four or six small vessels or branches from the ophthalmic artery. These break up into about twenty branches, pierc- ing the sclerotic around the optic nerve. The function of the choroid by virtue of its great vas- cularity is to nourish the retina, vitreous and lens and to furnish the visual purple, and by its pigmen- tation to make the interior of the eye a dark cham- ber or camera. The Iris (rainbow-shaped). This forms the anterior portion of the uveal tract and is described as a membranous curtain, disc-shaped and per- forated slightly to the nasal side of its center by a round opening called the pupil; this opening is normally about 3^2 millimeters in diameter. The diameter of the iris is about n millimeters and at THE IRIS. 87 its margin is attached to the ciliary body, of which it is anatomically a part. Normally the pupillary margin of the iris is always in contact with the anterior capsule of the lens, whether the pupil be dilated or contracted. The aqueous humor lies posterior to the cornea and anterior to the lens. The iris divides the aqueous humor into two parts, known as the anterior and posterior chambers, and these two chambers are in communication through the pupil. Anatomically, the iris is made up of blood vessels and a fibrous connective tissue, to- gether with the pigment cells and the sphincter of the iris. The endothelial lining membrane of the cornea and Descemet's membrane are continuous onto the anterior surface of the iris up to its pupillary margin; this covering of endothelial cells is not complete on the iris for at various points it is missing, and at these points there are depres- sions in the iris stroma called crypts. The posterior surface of the iris is lined with pigment called the retinal pigment, and this continues well forward into the pupillary edge of the iris, where it becomes quite conspicuous in some eyes and in some dis- eases of the iris and occasionally with cataract. Lying next to the retinal pigment of the iris is the dilator of the pupil; this is not muscular tissue but an elastic tissue made up of fibers extending radi- ally from the pupillary edge of the iris to its periphery. Close to the pupillary edge of the iris, and within the iris stroma is found the sphincter THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. of the iris; this is muscular tissue, flat and about one millimeter in width. Viewing the iris on its anterior surface it is found to be uneven or filled with ridges, elevations and depressions, and at its periphery are seen concentric circles; these latter are the folds made by the iris when the pupil dilates. The ridges are formed by blood vessels. The iris pigment is of two kinds, one the pigment in the iris stroma, and the other, the retinal pigment layer. The color of the iris is controlled in great part by the amount of its pigment. The pigment in the retinal layer is always quite abundant, whereas that in the stroma varies considerably. If the stroma does not contain any pigment or only a small amount, then the retinal pigment layer shows through the stroma, giving the iris a blue color. The gray iris is seen when the stroma, free from pigment, is quite thick. The dark iris (brown, hazel, etc.) means that the stroma contains pig- ment. Blondes usually have light-colored irises and mulattoes or brunettes dark-colored irises, show- ing that usually the pigmentation of the iris is consistent with the eye ground and body pigmen- tation. Arteries. The long posterior ciliary and the anterior ciliary, and branches of the muscular arteries supply the iris with blood, forming a large circle at the periphery of the iris and a small circle near the pupillary margin. Many arteries pass radially from the periphery to the pupillary edge CILIARY BODY. 89 of the iris. The direction of these vessels has al- ready been incidentally referred to in the descrip- tion of the iris. Nerves. The iris is supplied by a motor branch from the third pair of nerves, and with sympathetic fibers from the ciliary^ganglion. The iris does not contain ganglion cells. The function of the iris is to control the amount of light entering the eye. Ciliary Body (cilia, " lashes," and so-called from radiating folds seen on the surface of the ciliary body) (/, Fig. 61 ) . Also from KVK\OS, mean- ing a circle. The ciliary body in section is triangu- lar in shape, the base of the triangle being shorter than the sides, which are about 3 millimeters in length. The ciliary body lies beneath the sclera and just back of its junction with the cornea. A width of sclera about 4 millimeters, extending back from the edge of the cornea, covers the ciliary body ; this width is called the pericorneal or dajigejv^one. The outer side of the ciliary body, that next to the sclera, is formed by the ciliary muscle and the inner side is formed by the ciliary processes. The base of the triangle faces forward toward the cornea and at its center gives attachment or origin to the iris. Near the apex of this triangular body, on its inner surface, are the ciliary processes, about seventy in number, and lighter in color than the rest of the ciliary body, which appears black. The ciliary body is attached to the scleral corneal junction by the ligamentum pectinatum. In the ciliary body next 9 9O THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. to the sclera is found the ciliary muscle with its many layers of muscular fibers. The longitudinal or meridional fibers, known as the tensor choroidise, or muscle of Briicke pass backward to be inserted into the external layers of the choroid. Lying beneath the tensor choroidiae fibers and crossing them here and there are found the circular or sphincter fibers, the muscle of Miiller. This is called the compressor lentis. Many other muscular fibers are also found in the ciliary body, but the two just mentioned are the principal ones considered in the act of accommodation. The ciliary processes are covered and filled in with pigment and contain r a great number of blood vessels. The ciliary body is supplied by the posterior and anterior ciliary arteries. Some of the veins of the ciliary body and all of those of the iris empty eventually into the vena vorticosse, while a few of the veins from the ciliary muscle pass out through the sclera. The nerves of the ciliary body, besides motor branches, are many sensory branches from the trigeminus. Uvea and Uveal Tract. If the sclera and cor- nea and optic nerve can be removed from an eye, then the remaining choroid, ciliary body and iris being exposed show the pupillary opening anteri- orly, and the opening for the optic nerve posteriorly. These three structures, on account of their dark color, somewhat resemble a grape (uvea), hence called the uvea or uveal tract. The Retina. (Reta, net) (n, Fig. 61). This THE RETINA. 9 1 is the inner tunic or coat of the eye, the end organ of the optic nerve. In health the retina is a trans- parent membrane and is held in contact with the choroid by the vitreous humor. The retina is at- tached at the optic nerve posteriorly and at the ora serrata anteriorly ; also at the f ovea centralis, where it adheres slightly to the choroid. The optic nerve fibers spread out in all directions from the disc and pass through the layers of the retina, having their terminal endings, the rods and cones, at the exter- nal surface of the retina. The retina may be sub- divided into ten layers, but the principal tissues of which the retina is composed are the nervous and supporting. The ten layers of the retina are : 1. Pigment layer. 2. Layer of rods and cones. 3. Membrana limitans externa. 4. Outer granular layer. 5. Fiber layer of Henle. 6. Outer reticular layer. 7. Inner granular layer. 8. Inner reticular layer. 9. Ganglion-cells layer. 10. Nerve fiber layer. As the sclera is considered a continuation of the dura mater, so the nerve fiber layer of the retina may be considered an expansion of the brain. The part of the retina corresponding to the optic \ nerve entrance is known as the disc, or nerve head, I or papilla. 92 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Pigment Layer of the Retina. This is called the tenth layer of the retina, and lies next to the choroid. It is a most important layer or part of the retina as it is a guide to the observer with the ophthalmoscope, and suggests the separation or line of demarkation between the retinal and cho- roidal structures during any inflammation affecting either one. The pigment consists of six-sided cells and in a single layer; the cells are separated by a clear or transparent space, and each cell is pig- mented to only one-half its thickness (1/500 of a line) ; the cell itself is therefore 1/250 of a line in thickness. This is important to know and appre- ciate, as it explains the coloring of the fundus re- flex as coming from the choroid and not from the retina, this pigmentation not being sufficient in it- self to entirely conceal the choroidal reflex. The Lens, also called crystalline body. Nor- mally the lens is without color and transparent, bi- convex in shape, with a longer radius on the an- terior than on the posterior surface, the former being about 10 and the latter 6 millimeters. The lens is held in place by its own ligament (liga- mentum suspensorium lentis, or zonula of Zinn). The edge or equator of the lens is about .5 milli- meter from the ciliary processes. At rest the lens is 8.7 millimeters in its equatorial diameter, and 3.6 millimeters in its anteroposterior diameter on its axis, from pole to pole. The center of the lens is called the nucleus, and the remaining portion is THE LENS. 93 called the cortex. The nucleus of the lens is a hard- ening or sclerosis which begins to form at the center of the lens soon after birth, and gradually increases until old age (about seventy years), when the entire lens may be said to be sclerosed, or hardened, or to become all nucleus. Sclerosis does not mean a loss of transparency, though the lens may become amber colored as age advances. It is this gradual hardening of the lens from its center to the periphery that causes in great part the loss of accommodation which takes place from youth to old age. The lens is made up of long six-sided fibers which pass to and from the anterior and posterior surface of the lens. These fibers are held together by outward pressure and also by a cement substance (liquor Morgagni). The anatomy of the lens may be described as made up of three primary sectors, giving it a Y-shape and these prongs of the Y are still further branched, making the Y something of a star figure, called the " lens star." The lens is surrounded by its transparent capsule. That portion of the capsule on the anterior surface is called the anterior capsule, and that on the pos- terior surface is called the posterior capsule. The anterior capsule is thicker than the posterior and has a layer of epithelial cells lining its inner sur- face, and it is from these cells that the lens fibers have their origin. The lens is without nerves or vessels and is said to receive its nourishment by osmosis. The lens ligament is a thin, fibrous mem- 94 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. brane, having its origin at the ciliary body and many of its fibers may be traced to the ora ser- rata. As these fibers pass from the ciliary processes part of them adhere to the anterior capsule and part to the posterior, and some few to the capsule at the equator of the lens. The triangular space at the equator of the lens formed between the an- terior and posterior fibers of the ligament is called the canal of Petit. The function of the lens is to maintain the focus at the macula of rays of light entering the eye from various distances at differ- ent times. The Vitreous (corpus vitreum, meaning a body of glass) is a transparent, colorless substance of the consistency in health of gelatinjelly, and fills the large posterior or scleral chamber of the eye. It lies in contact with the optic disc, the retina, ciliary body and lens, the latter with its capsule resting in a depression in the vitreous called the fossa patel- laris. The vitreous is made up of round and branched cells, and, like the lens, does not contain blood vessels or nerves. It receives its nourishment from the choroid, the ciliary body and vessels of the retina. The vitreous is surrounded by a very thin, transparent, structureless membrane called the lrv_aloid. During intra-uterine life the vitreous is perforated in its antero-posterior axis by the hy- aloid artery and vein which pass from the disc to the posterior surface of the lens. These vessels normally become absorbed before birth, but in their OPTIC NERVE. 95 place there remains a canal known as a lymgh chan- nel. Canal of Cloquet. Normally this cannot be seen with the ophthalmoscope. Optic Nerve. The nerve is covered in its course from the optic foramen by a loose sheath ((jural sheath) which is continuous with the dura mater. This sheath, as already stated, is also continuous with the sclerotic coat. Immediately surrounding the nerve is the gial_5liajh, which is continuous with the pia mater. This pial sheath sends pro- longations in between the bundles of nerve fibers and extends as far forward as the lamina cribrosa. As the outer sheath covers the nerve loosely and the pial sheath beneath adheres closely, there is left an intervening space known as the intervaginal, containing a portion of the arachnoid, and this space is continuous posteriorly with the subarach- noid within the cranium, but anteriorly at the membrana cribrosa it is more or less of a cul-de- sac. The arachnoid membrane contains many mi- nute openings, and it is by means of these openings that the spaces each side of the arachnoid are in free communication one with the other. Each optic nerve fiber (about 500,000 in all) has its own indi- vidual sheath (white matter of Schwann) until it comes to the membrana cribrosa (Ic, Fig. 61), and here each fiber loses its covering and collectively these fibers pass through the foramen sclera and go to assist in the formation of the retinal fiber layer. 96 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Lamina Cribrosa (Ic, Fig. 61), meaning sieve- like, is composed of fibers from the sclera and some from the pial sheath. These fibers traverse the foramen sclera and serve as a support to the intra- ocular contents and also to the optic nerve fibers. Blood Vessels. The posterior ciliary arteries perforate the scleral coat around the entrance of the optic nerve where it enters the sclera, arid these vessels send off branches which anastomose and form an arterial circle called the circle of Haller. From this circle fine twigs pass between the trans- parent nerve fibers which lie anterior to the mem- brana cribrosa, and they in turn anastomose with branches from the central vessels of the nerve. From this description the reader will understand and appreciate the circulation which takes place in the nerve head and that the vascularity of the disc is connected with the choroidal as well as with the .retinal system of vessels. The central artery of [the retina is a branch of the ophthalmic which comes [from the internal carotid. The retinal vein empties into the ophthalmic vein and thence into the cavern- ous sinus. Optic Disc. The optic nerve fibers having dropped their sheaths before passing through the membrana cribrosa must also pass through a round opening in the choroid (foramen of the choroid) before they can spread out to form the fiber layer of the retina. The foramen choroid is a distinct opening in the choroid and this opening usually OPTIC DISC. 97 surrounds these fibers quite closely, but there are many exceptions to this statement, for the foramen choroid may be quite large and not embrace the fibers closely, or it may touch the fibers at one side only. The nerve fibers in the foramen choroid are quite closely bunched together, and therefore as they begin to separate they must bend almost at right angles over the edge of the choroid to pass into the retina. This bunching of all the nerve fibers just where they bend and begin to separate must form a prominence or elevation, and hence another name for the optic nerve head is papilla. As the fibers of the nerve head are transparent in health it is not an easy matter to demonstrate this elevation with the ophthalmoscope, consequently some authorities dispute the correctness of the word papilla and state that the optic nerve head is not elevated, but is on a level with the surrounding eye ground. It is at the disc that the blood enters and leaves the retina. The disc is slightly to the nasal side of the posterior pole of the eye. The Macula. To the temporal side of the pos- terior pole of the eye is found an area of most acute vision (macula lutea) and at its center is a depression which is circular or crescent or oval in shape. This point is known as the center of sight or "yellow spot," or fovea centralis; it is about one millimeter in diameter (Plate I.). Circulation at Macula. The macula is the most vascular part of the retina. This is demonstrated 10 98 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. by the microscope, but the fovea (center of the macula) itself has no vessels^ .Plate I.). While it has been stated that the retina extends forward to the ora serrata, yet some portion of the retina may be traced forward onto the ciliary proc- esses and also onto the posterior surface of the iris. The distance from the center of the disc of the em- j metropic eye to the macula is 4 millimeters. The thickest part of the retina is on the disc, 0.42 of a millimeter; at the ora serrata it is 0.14 of a milli- meter, and at the fovea o.i millimeter. The arteries of the retina are branches of the central artery and can be traced forward to the ora serrata, but they are terminal vessels and do not anastomose. The large vessels are in the nerve fiber layer beneath the internal limiting membrane, therefore in that part of the retina nearest the vitreous. The smaller ves- sels of the retina extend as deep as the internal granular layer. The fovea and external layers of the retina are non-vascular and are nourished by plasma from the chorio-capillaris. The circulation of the retina is described in Chapter IV. The func- tion of the retina is to convert the rays of light from external objects into nervous stimuli. The macula differs from the rest of the retina in that it is com- posed entirely of cones closely packed together and each cone is the terminal of a single nerve fiber, and it is these cones in this area which have the most acute vision, whereas in the periphery of the retina the cones are not so numerous, the rods predomi- CONGENITAL ANOMALIES. 99 nating, and the retinal fibers have several terminals instead of only one, as at the macula. Congenital Anomalies. To avoid errors in diagnosis the observer should be prompt to recognize variations from the stan- dard condition known as anomalies. Cornea. Congenital anomalies of the cornea are extremely rare, and are usually recognized as opaci- ties. These may or may not be vascular. The cornea of the young embryo is opaque and gradu- ally becomes transparent toward the time of birth, but if for any reason this process is interrupted the infant may be born with an opacity of the cornea. Or if an ulcer of the cornea took place during intra- uterine life an opacity may be recognized soon after birth. Dermoid tumors are occasionally seen and are situated at the corneo-scleral margin. Microphthalmos (small eye), or an undevel- oped eye, is occasionally observed, and in this con- dition the cornea is correspondingly small. Sclerophthalmia is another rare congenital con- dition in which the sclera encroaches on the cornea, so that there is not the usual amount of clear cornea observed. Iris. As the color of the iris is so varied in dif- ferent people and races the color itself cannot be said to be anomalous, but when an iris is variously colored it is spoken of as heterochromia iridis. Or if an eye has a different colored iris from its fellow IOO THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. then the condition of the two eyes is spoken of as heterophthalmos. Occasionally an iris has a few or many pigment spots (black or brown) scattered through it, and such an iris is spoken of as resem- bling a leopard or tiger skin, called spotted or pie- bald iris. Rarely one or both eyes may not have an iris, and this is spoken of as irideremia or an- iridia, and such an eye will naturally have defective vision, and not unusually it is nystagmic. Congenital Ectropion of the Uvea. This is a rounded mass of the uveal layer projecting around the pupillary edge of the iris onto the anterior por- tion of the iris. Rarely one or both eyes may have a cleft in the iris, and this is called a coloboma (/coXd^w/xa, " mu- tilation "). This usually appears in the lower por- tion giving the pupil a shape not unlike a keyhole in a door, and hence is sometimes called a " key- hole " pupil. This being a congenital condition it must be differentiated from a coloboma due to an iridectomy, and this latter is usually made in the upper portion of the iris (an inverted keyhole). There is also an incomplete coloboma occasionally seen not extending to the ciliary margin. Colo- boma of the iris may occur in one or both eyes ; if found in one eye it is usually the left. Coloboma of the iris is occasionally associated with a similar con- dition in the lens and choroid. Pupil. Normally the pupil lies a trifle to the nasal side of the center of the iris, and while this THE PUPIL. 101 is quite difficult to recognize, yet there is a con- genital condition in which the pupil is markedly displaced, and this condition is promptly detected. This displacement may be in any portion of the iris and is spoken of as corectopia or ectopia pu- pillae. Corectopia may affect both irises symmetric- ally, and it has been known as a family charac- teristic. Occasionally an iris is seen having more than one pupil and this condition is called polycoria. The FIG. 62. Varieties of Persistent Pupillary Membrane. (Wickerkie- wicz. 1 ) additional pupil may be situated very near the nor- mal pupil. Another congenital condition sometimes observed occupying the pupillary area is what is 1 Sojous Annual. 102 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. known as pupillary membrane (Fig. 62). This may appear as a few dark threads or as a broken mass of pigment with many shreds passing across from the anterior capsule of the lens in the pupillary area and attached to the small circle of the iris. Capsule pupillary membrane is a portion of pupil- lary membrane seen extending from the iris to the anterior capsule of the lens and if not carefully in- spected with a magnifying lens or loupe, could be FIG. 63. Various forms of Opacity of the Lens. The upper row as they appear by Oblique Illumination. The lower row as seen by Trans- mitted Light (Direct Method). By oblique illumination the opacity is seen in its true color. i, Anterior polar cataract ; 2, posterior polar cataract ; 3, lamellar cataract ; 4, early stage of senile cataract ; 5, senile cataract not quite mature or ripe, for if the light is thrown on the eye from the right side the iris casts a shadow in the lens ; 6, subluxation of the lens. (Jennings.) mistaken for a posterior synechia. Pupillary mem- brane is the remnant of the vascular membrane which encircles the lens in intra-uterine life and fails to become absorbed before or shortly after birth. CATARACT. . 103 Cysts and naevi of the iris have been noted as con- genital anomalies. Lens. Rarely an eye may be born without a lens (congenital aphakia). Congenital anomalies of the lens are usually in the form of cataract as follows : Anterior Polar Cataract (No. I, Fig. 63). At the anterior pole of the lens is seen a small white spot the size of a pin point or a pin head ; it usually involves the capsule and in many instances is pyra- midal in shape and is sometimes called pyramidal cataract. This variety of cataract is a congenital condition and may be caused by a perforation of the cornea in intra-uterine life or early infancy, and may be associated with inter-pupillary mem- brane. If carefully looked for, the corneal opacity may usually be found. Posterior Polar Cataract (No. 2, Fig. 63). This variety of opacity, as its name implies, is in the posterior portion of the lens, and if anything, a trifle to the nasal side of the pole. It is somewhat star-shaped and has been called " stellar cataract." Just as interpupillary membrane showing on the anterior capsule is the result of unabsorbed blood vessels, so posterior polar cataract is said to be caused by a portion of an unabsorbed vessel wall at this point. Lamellar, or Zonular, Cataract (No. 3, Fig. 63). As its name implies, this is a variety of cat- aract characterized by a layer or zone of the lens IO4 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. being opaque and the remaining portion clear; in other words, the nucleus may be clear and also the cortex, but the intermediate portion is opaque; hence this particular variety is also correctly called perinuclear cataract. There are many departures from this condition. This variety of cataract is usually a condition at birth. Congenital dislocation of the lens (No. 6, Fig. 63). This is usually a partial dislocation and therefore not complete. Some portion of the lens usually occupies a part of the pupillary area. This condition is spoken of as ectopia lentis. The lens is usually dislocated upward and this is usually a condition of both eyes. Coloboma of the lens is not common, but does occur and is frequently present with coloboma of iris and choroid. Double colo- boma of the lens has been reported. Carefully ex- amined it appears to be a slight notch in the edge of the lower portion of the lens, and sometimes as much as one-quarter of its substance. Lenticonus. This rare anomaly is a conic con- dition of the lens at the center of its anterior or posterior surface, usually the latter. With the retinoscope (plane mirror) or the concave mirror of the ophthalmoscope, or by oblique light, this cone may be seen, as it resembles a drop of oil at the point mentioned. Choroid. The principal congenital anomaly of the choroid is that of coloboma (coloboma cho- roidese), which usually includes a corresponding CHOROID. 105 section of the retina, and it is not unusual to have the coloboma of the iris also present. Coloboma of choroid is an arrest of development in the eye in intra-uterine life before the choroidal fissure has become closed. This condition is recognized just as hare-lip and cleft palate are recognized, as congeni- tal anomalies, and occasionally as an hereditary con- dition. Coloboma of the choroid is of course seen with the ophthalmoscope and is recognized by its triangular shape, apex toward or embracing the nerve head and the base of the triangle at the ciliary processes. The white sclera shows brilliantly where the choroid and retina are absent and a few ciliary vessels are seen in the area of the coloboma and scattered pigment about the sharp cut edges of the coloboma. If the coloboma of the choroid exists alone the presence of the retina is recognized as a thin gauzy veil covering the cleft as also the retinal vessels passing over it. Coloboma of the choroid is not always complete, and is not always triangular in shape. It may be round or oval and may include the nerve head, or it may occupy the macula, and is then called a macular coloboma. The coloboma including the disc appears as a cleft or depression and is usually in the lower portion, or the entire nerve head may appear abnormally large. The field of vision is cut off, corresponding to the colo- boma (Chapter VI.). Persistent Hyaloid Artery. In embryonic life the central artery of the retina sends a branch for- 106 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. ward through the central portion of the vitreous, Canal of Cloquet, to the posterior surface of the lens, and here it branches and covers the lens on its posterior as well as its anterior surface like a net, called vascular membrane. Usually all these vessels are absorbed before the birth of the infant, but if the main branch from the disc to the lens, or only a portion of it, is absorbed, then the re- maining portion is seen with the ophthalmoscope and it usually appears as a dark gray colored thread or band attached to the disc and stretching out into the vitreous and moving with the rotation of the eyeball. There are many variations from this usual one here described (see pupillary mem- brane, Fig. 62). Albinism ( Albinismus) , Albino. This is a congenital absence of pigment in the choroid and iris. True albinism is not often seen, and most cases that are spoken of as albinism have some slight pigmentation in the iris or iris and choroid. The pupil appears pinkish in color, as does also the iris and the eye ground. The choroidal circula- tion is conspicuous with the ophthalmoscope. The eyes have very poor vision, glasses are always necessary, and usually for some form of myopia. Nystagmus is generally quite conspicuous and the patient is usually a blonde. Opaque Nerve Fibers. Medullary sheaths. The fibers of the nerve usually drop their outer or medullary sheaths (white matter of Schwann) at OPAQUE NERVE FIBERS. the lamina cribrosa. Occasionally in one eye, rarely in both eyes, some of these sheaths are reinstated just as the fibers emerge from the disc and are car- ried into the surrounding retina, sometimes and usually for a short distance only, but in rare in- stances for a considerable distance. These opaque fibers, a congenital condition, are usually seen at the upper edge of the disc (Plate IX.), or at the lower edge, or at both the upper and lower edges. They are seldom seen at the inner or nasal side, and some authorities state that they are never seen at the temporal side. In appearance these medul- lary fibers are glistening white, sometimes bluish white in color and have feathered or striated edges. The retinal vessels may be hidden in these fibers and reappear beyond and also on the disc. The be- ginner should not mistake these fibers for the snow bank of Bright's disease (Plate IV.). These med- ullary fibers may be quite extensive, or few in number. As they never appear at the macula, cen- tral vision is unimpaired by them, though the nor- mal blind spot may be enlarged by their presence. Connective Tissue. This is occasionally seen to obscure the disc in part or it may obscure a vessel or part of a vessel on the disc. This tissue resem- bles cotton or wool, it is never very extensive, it is usually congenital, and, like medullary sheaths, does no harm in the healthy eye. It might act in- juriously if papillitis should development in such an eye. CHAPTER IV. THE NORMAL EYE GROUND. As it is necessary for the beginner in ophthal- moscopy to get a clear understanding and picture of the interior of a healthy or standard eye 1 before studying the pathologic or sick eye, it is the pur- pose of the writer to describe this condition mi- nutely and carefully, so that after this has once been mastered, the student will be in a position to appreciate any change or changes or departures from the standard condition. The Normal Eye Ground. The inner surface of the posterior two-thirds of the eye is commonly spoken of as the " fundus," from the Latin mean- ing " bottom," but the term " eye ground " is ap- plied to the entire inner surface of the eye extend- ing well forward to the ciliary processes. The objective points in the eye ground will be described individually and with the idea of systematizing the study. Color of the Eye Ground. Primarily this is due to the red reflex from the choroidal coat, which by virtue of its extensive blood supply and pig- " Five-sixths of the art of ophthalmoscopy are contained in a knowledge of the normal eye, the rest is a series of representations which can be read almost at sight." Edward G. Loring, 1886. 108 COLOR OF EYE GROUND. 109 mentation enters more extensively into the pro- duction of the color of the eye ground, the reflex and the ophthalmoscopic picture than any other structure. But there is nothing uniform about the " reflex," or color, of the interior of the eye, in fact it has already been stated that the color of the " reflex " is controlled by the clearness or trans- parency of the media, by the refractive condition, the amount of pigment in the tissues, and by the size of the pupil. The eye of the albino would give a pink glow to the eye ground, whereas the mulatto or dark-haired individual would very likely have a very dark-colored fundus. The eye ground is not colored uniformly throughout, and many eye grounds appear much lighter in color as the periphery is approached; this is due to an unequal distribution of pigment. Speaking generally, the color effect of the eye ground is spoken of as " orange red " in most eyes, and this seems a fair description, but this color effect may be altered or appear to change in intensity by the character or kind of light reflected into the eye. The indirect method gives a much darker red effect than the direct method. With these statements about the color of the eye ground, it is the sincere hope of the writer that the student who looks into a healthy eye for the first time, will not feel disappointed be- cause he does not obtain the same color effect that has been impressed upon his mind or brain by studying a certain colored picture in an atlas. I IO THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Colored pictures of the fundus are good in their way as far as the execution of the drawing is con- cerned, and sometimes true as regards the color, FIG. 64. HEAD OF THE OPTIC NERVE. A, Ophthalmoscopic view : Somewhat to the inner side of the center of the papilla the central artery rises from below, and to the temporal side of it rises the central vein. To the temporal side of the latter lies the small physiologic excavation with the gray stippling of the lamina cribrosa. The papilla is encircled by the light scleral ring (be- tween c and d), and the dark choroidal ring at d. B, Longitudinal sec- tion through the head of the optic nerve: Magnified 14 X i. The trunk of the nerve up to the lamina cribrosa has a dark color because it con- sists of medullated nerve-fibers, n, which have been stained black by Weigert's method. The clear interspaces, se, separating them, corre- spond to the septa composed of connective tissue. The nerve-trunk is enveloped by the sheath of pia mater, p, the arachnoid sheath, ar, and the sheath of dura mater, du. There is a free interspace remaining between the sheaths, consisting of the subdural space, sd, and the sub- arachnoid space, sa. Both spaces have a blind ending in the sclera at e. The sheath of dura mater passes into the external layers, .sa, of the sclera, the sheath of pia mater into the internal layers, si, which latter extend as the lamina cribrosa transversely across the course of the optic THE OPTIC NERVE. I I I but when the color effect is carefully studied it will soon become apparent that many such pic- tures are very erroneous and grossly misleading. It goes without saying that faulty impressions gained from a poorly colored picture, will give a healthy fundus the appearance of being hopelessly pathologic by comparison. No illustration, how- ever exact it may be, can ever compete with the actual picture as viewed with the ophthalmoscope. The Optic Nerve. Also called the disc (some- times " disk "), or nerve head, or papilla, or intra- ocular end of the optic nerve (Fig. 64 and Plate I.). The normal and real size of the disc macro- scopically is 1.5 millimeters, and its position in the fundus is about icf_or_i2 to the inner side of the posterior pole of the eye. It corresponds to what is known as the normal blind spot in the field of vision. As the retina has been described as the optic nerve unfolded, the optic disc may then be nerve. The nerve is represented in front of the lamina as of light color, because here it consists of non-medullated and hence transparent nerve-fibers. The optic nerve spreads out upon the retina, r, in such a way that in its center there is produced a funnel-shaped depression, the vascular funnel, b, on whose inner wall the central artery, a, and the central vein, v, ascend. The choroid, ch, shows a transverse section of its numerous blood-vessels, and toward the retina a dark line, the pig- ment epithelium ; next the margin of the foramen for the optic nerve, and corresponding to the situation of the choroidal ring, the choroid is more darkly pigmented. ci is a posterior short ciliary artery which reaches the choroid through the sclera. Between the edge of the chor- oid, d, and the margin of the head of the optic nerve, c. there is a nar- row interspace in which the sclera lies exposed, and which corresponds to the scleral ring visible by the ophthalmoscope. (Description and figure from Fucks.) 112 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. described as the part of the nerve where the un- folding begins to take place. The disc is the first and chief landmark in the study of the eye ground, and most descriptions and examinations of the eye ground have the disc as the central point of departure. For purposes of study, the disc (see Plate I.) in most eyes may be conveniently divided into three parts : 1. The central portion, which is usually quite light in color, contains the central vessels with the porus opticus (if present), the physiologic cup (if present), and a part of the membrana cribrosa (if present). Any one, or any two, or all three of these conditions may be seen in a single disc, or they may all be absent. 2. The margin, one or two millimeters in width, represents the demarkation from the surrounding fundus. This margin is whitish or of a pale yellow color. 3. The space between the margin and the center is the intermediate zone, and it is this zone that gives the disc its true color and should have careful and minute consideration at all times as bearing upon an intimate knowledge of the normal and the pathologic, i. e,, atrophy and hyperemia, etc. In health this intermediate zone is considered to be pink or yellowish red in color. Shape of the Disc. This varies; it may be round, oval or irregular in outline. Usually it PHYSIOLOGIC CUP. 113 appears vertically oval. The oval shape is usually explained by a refractive error, astigmatism. The irregular shape may be explained by some irregu- larity in the refractive media, or it may be a con- genital condition. The disc margin in health is usually quite distinct and easily recognized. Porus Opticus. The retinal artery and vein as they pass through the axis of the optic nerve are covered by a layer of connective tissue called a canal, and at the disc this canal is occasionally expanded so that the observer can see down into it; this is called the porus opticus. If this canal is not expanded and the vessels bend sharply as they enter the retina, then there is no porus opti- cus present. Physiologic Cup. At or near the center of the disc (never occupying the entire disc) is often seen in health a depression or pit; this is called a cup, and being normal is called physiologic, in other words the " physiologic cup." It is made by the separation of the nerve fibers after passing through the lamina cribrosa. This is in contra- distinction to another depression to be described later, and known as the glaucoma cup, which oc- cupies the entire disc (Plate XII.), and this again L distinguished from another very shallow de- pression called a saucer depression, not a cup- ping. This is seen in optic atrophy, also to be differentiated elsewhere (Plate X.). This physi- ologic cupping may be shallow (Plate I.) or quite ii 114 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. deep; it may have shelving or abrupt edges, or it may be funnel-shaped or conical, or the nasal side may be abrupt or steep and the temporal side shelv- ing gradually toward the edge of the disc; this latter is quite a common variety. The diameter of the physiologic cup varies in different eyes; it may be one-fourth or one-third or half the size of the disc. Therefore, it may be said that the physi- ologic cup is not uniform in all eyes or in the same pair of eyes, and in fact it may not be present at all, or it may be seen in one eye and not in the other eye of the same patient. The vessels on the disc naturally keep close to the disc and therefore fol- low its surface, and if cupping is present the ves- sels naturally curve over its edges and are seen at the bottom of the cup. The color of the cup is usually white, and at times, by a certain reflection of the light, may appear glistening, and it is cer- tainly much lighter in color than the remaining portion of the nerve. The depth of the cup may be estimated by the difference in the strength of the lens used in the ophthalmoscope to see the edge of the cup, and the other lens required to see the bot- tom of the cup, or the difference in the strength of the lens used to focus a vessel at the edge of the cup, and the strength of the other lens required to focus the same vessel at the bottom of the cup. The difference in level between the bottom of the cup and the prevailing eye ground can be easily demon- strated by what is called the garallax. To do this MEMBRANA CRIBROSA. 115 with the direct method, the observer watching the bottom of the cup and then moving his head per- pendicular to the line of sight, the edge of the cup- ping with the surrounding eye ground will appear to move in the opposite direction. The bottom of the cup will appear to move with the movement of his head. Remembering that every three diop- \ ters represent about one millimeter in depth, then i if the edge of the cup is seen without any lens and the bottom of the cup is seen with minus three, the depth of that cup is about one millimeter ; or if the edge of the cup is seen with a plus six and the bottom of the cup is seen without any lens at the sight-hole of the ophthalmoscope, this would make a difference of six diopters, and the depth of the cup would therefore be approximately two milli- meters. The Membrana Cribrosa (Plates VI. and X.). At the bottom of the cupping or at a corresponding point on the disc, if there should not happen to be any cupping present, there is frequently seen a gray stippling, or an area composed of little gray spots with white interspaces; these spots represent openings in the sclerotic coat for the passage of the transparent optic nerve fibers. The gray spots represent the nerve fibers and the white network is the lamina cribrosa or scleral tissue extending across the space through which the nerve fibers enter. The Scleral Ring (Fig. 64). As the transpa- Il6 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. rent nerve fibers pass from the disc into the retina they pass over or through the foramen choroid and if this opening is large and its edges equi- distant from the entering fibers, naturally the white sclera will appear through the transparent fibers, giving the disc the appearance of being sur- rounded by a light-colored ring. This according to Fuchs and others is known as the scleral ring. Occasionally the foramen choroid approximates the nerve fibers on one side and this leaves the sclera exposed through the nerve fibers on the opposite edge, giving the sclera the appearance of a crescent (Plate XL). This crescent is usually at the temporal side. If the choroidal foramen is small and approximates the nerve fibers on all sides, then the scleral ring or crescent will be absent. In myopic eyes and eyes with glaucoma there is frequently seen at the temporal edge of the disc a white crescent or this crescent may con- tinue completely around, forming a ring; this is due to the absorption of pigment and the scleral tissue appears through the transparent retina. Ac- cording to Jaeger this is not a scleral ring, but con- nective tissue. The Choroidal Ring. This may or may not be present (Plate I.), or may appear as a crescent; choroidal crescent. It usually contains in its com- position a great deal of pigment and this pigment may be very irregular or possibly there may be just one large mass of pigment on one side of PLATE I. NORMAL FUNDUS OF LEFT EYE OF A HEALTHY LAD. J. M. T. Aged 10 years. History. A blonde with light hair and pink complexion. Blue irises. Direct method. Refraction almost emmetropic (+0.50 D.). Disc is round, having light-colored center, distinct margins and yellowish-red intermediate zone. Choroidal ring almost complete and slightly more pigmented to the temporal side. Two cilio-retinal vessels on the lower outer edge of disc passing toward the macula. The crescentic fovea centralis, with surrounding blood-red area, is unusually well shown and most typical at this young age. Veins and arteries are slightly to the nasal side of the disc. The arteries cross the veins on the disc, but in the periphery the veins cross the arteries. 118 PLATE I Normal Fundus COLOR OF OPTIC DISC. 121 the disc; usually this is not pathologic. The cho- roidal ring or crescent may be present with a scleral ring or crescent, or it may be absent in one or both eyes. Color of the Optic Disc. This has been de- scribed as resembling in color the marrow of a healthy bone, or the " pink " of a sea shell, etc., but this is not by any means a description that will answer in every case, as the apparent color of the disc is controlled in great part in health by the surrounding eye ground, whether this is heavily pigmented, as in the mulatto, or but slightly so, as in the blonde, or whether there is an absence of pig- ment, as in the albino, or whether there is a physi- ologic cupping. The student should be ready to make allowances for these contrasts. In health it is the minute capillaries in the intermediate zone together with connective tissue and nerve fibers which give the disc its " pink " color or " orange red " or yellowish cast. These minute capillaries cannot be seen with the ophthalmoscope. Gener- ally speaking, the disc is pale toward the temporal side and at the center, while the nasal side is darker. Plate I. furnishes a good illustration of a normal disc in its coloring and shape, etc. The reader should observe this and the other colored plates by artificial light and not by day light, otherwise he will be liable to get a faulty color impression. The vessels seen on the disc (called central ves- sels) soon branch and rebranch in the nerve fiber 122 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. layers, carrying the blood to and from the retina, but they are not all of the same calibre nor do they have the same curves or branches or twinings in all eyes, or in the same pair of eyes. The central retinal artery, a branch of the ophthalmic, enters the optic nerve 10 or 20 millimeters back of the eyeball and passes forward in the axis of the nerve and may appear upon the disc as a single vessel, or if it has branched in the nerve it will then ap- pear as two vessels, and usually at the nasal side of the center of the disc. Approximating the central artery on its temporal side is the retinal vein which may also be double; it accompanies the retinal artery in the axis of the optic nerve and empties into the superior ophthalmic vein or directly into the cavernous sinus. Size of the Vessels. The relative normal pro- portion in size between arteries and veins is gen- erally recognized as about two to three. The veins are usually recognized by their larger size and darker color. The arteries are lighter in color and like the veins on and near the disc have a light streak along their centers ; this is due to the reflec- tion from the coat of the vessel. (Some authori- ties state that this light streak is due to reflection from the blood stream for the reason that if the blood stream is cut off the vessel wall cannot be seen.) This light streak (reflex streak) has the effect or appearance of dividing the vessel into two red lines. The veins being larger than the arteries SUMMARIZED DIFFERENCE. 123 and their walls not being so tense do not always have the light streak so conspicuous. The small arteries and veins do not have the light streak, and therefore when looking at a small vessel in the periphery of the eye ground the observer cannot tell positively whether it is a vein or an artery un- til he traces it toward the disc. The retinal vessels do not anastomose. Summarized Difference between Arteries and Veins, i. e., Arteries. Veins. Bright red. Dull red. Smaller. Larger. Light streak well marked, and Light streak not always so continues some distance along marked, except on and close to the vessel. the disc. Course is usually straight. Course is sinuous and may be tortuous. Pulsation seldom seen, except in Pulsation not unusual on disc. disease. Usually cross over veins. Usually cross under arteries. It is interesting to note that in health the arteries cannot be seen to pulsate, but that in some eyes, venous pulsation (physiologic) may be seen to take place in one or more of the large veins on or near the disc. The explanation of the venous pul- sation is by the systole of the heart filling the arteries and making pressure on the vitreous, and it is this interrupted pressure upon the vitreous that momentarily compresses the vein on the disc; in other words, the venous blood has apparently been forced out of the vein until after the systole of the heart when it refills, and this gives it the apparent 12 124 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. pulsation. This condition is not present in all eyes, and when seen does not necessarily mean disease. This pulsation can be produced and observed by making considerable pressure with the finger on the globe of the eye that is being examined. An anomalous artery of medium size is occasionally seen to curve over from the temporal edge of the disc and to pass toward the macula (Plate I.) ; oc- casionally more than one vessel is seen. This ves- sel has no connection with the blood supply above described, but is one of the ciliary vessels, and since it has appeared in the retina is called a cilio-retinal vessel. In embolism, etc., this vessel may occa- sionally be of great value to a patient in preserving some useful vision. The retinal arteries and veins while possessing many anomalies, and occasionally a retinal artery and vein may be seen to twine around each other, yet they pursue a sufficiently regular course up and down from the disc to be named accordingly, i. e., upper nasal artery and vein, upper temporal artery and vein, lower nasal artery and vein, lower temporal artery and vein. Arteries are seen to cross veins, and veins to cross arteries, but veins are seldom seen to cross veins, and it is denied that arteries ever cross arteries. The Retina. As the fibers in the optic nerve, together with the connective tissue which make up the major portion of the retina, are transparent, the retina (anterior to its epithelial layer) is in health said to be invisible, but this is not altogether THE RETINA. 125 true, for under certain conditions of light and po- sition of the fundus at an angle, the retina may be recognized as a thin gauze or veil, and at times in young subjects (not in the aged) during the act of accommodation light streaks resembling the waves or sheen of a piece of silk may be seen to pass over the retina, called shot silk retina. The retinal vessels occupying the nerve fiber layers mark the location of the retina. These vessels, especially on and about the disc, appear to be slightly elevated, and in the general eye ground appear to be lying well in front of the choroid and not directly upon it. In young subjects the observer will at times see a circle about the macula; this indicates accommo- dative effort and is not a sign of disease. In some eyes (usually myopic) the observer may occasion- ally recognize a crescent-shaped reflex at the nasal side of the disc; this is called the "Weiss reflex," and some authorities claim that it is indicative of progressing myopia. Macula Lutea. The position of the macula lutea in the fundus is about two discs in diameter to the temporal side of the disc and slightly below the horizontal meridian, it is slightly larger than the disc. The macula is recognized as being oval in shape with its long diameter horizontally, it is darker in color than the rest of the fundus and its edges gradually shade into the color of the eye ground. At the center of the macula lutea is the fovea centralis (center of sight, "fundus f ovea " 126 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. or fovea) ; this is a depression, and its edges give a reflex. It is very small and appears as a bright spot one or two millimeters in diameter. In many eyes it appears as a tiny crescent (Plate I.). It is rather lighter in color than the surrounding eye ground. The macular region is that portion of the eye ground immediately surrounding the fovea cen- tralis. The macular region contains minute capil- laries, but it is impossible in healthy eyes to recog- nize them with the ophthalmoscope. The beginner with the ophthalmoscope always has difficulty in seeing and studying the macula unless a mydri- atic has been instilled, for immediately that the bright light falls on this extremely sensitive por- tion of the fundus the iris contracts and the pupil gets so small that it is almost impossible to see into the eye, and with this small pupil comes the corneal reflex, which adds to the difficulty of seeing the fundus. The macula can best be studied in subjects less than twenty years of age. In old people the macula is not so conspicuous. For the observer to study the macula, the pupil should be dilated and the patient told to look into the mirror. The Choroid. This structure is distinguished principally by the character of its circulation; the vessels (veins and arteries) all appear alike, they are large, numerous and flattened, and each variety anastomoses freely, and they are without the light streak. Pigment areas between the vessels are also distinctive of this tunic (albinos excepted). The THE CHOROID. 127 retinal vessels always appear in front of the cho- roidal vessels. The choroidal circulation is best studied in the blonde or albino, and especially in the latter where the normal pigment between the choroid and retina is absent, and the vessels appear red on a white background. In some instances, however, the choroidal circulation becomes so con- spicuous that at times it is difficult to study the retinal circulation (Plate VII.). In other in- stances the dark pigmentation of the choroid is quite conspicuous, with the characteristic choroidal vessels giving it a striped or tesselated appearance, called " choroide tigree." The choroidal circula- tion may be seen in many eyes toward the periphery of the eye ground. In many healthy eyes the cho- roidal circulation cannot be seen, except a small portion well forward toward the ora serrata. Differential Diagnosis between Retinal and Choroidal Vessels. Choroidal Vessels. Retinal Vessels. More numerous. Not so numerous. Larger size. Smaller size. Close together. Separated. Nearly parallel. Divergent as they go toward the periphery. Frequently anastomose. Do not anastomose. Do not diminish in size at Diminish in size at periphery. periphery. Veins and arteries not distin- Veins and arteries distinguish- guishable. able. Central light streak absent. Central light streak present. Flat or riband-like appearance. Cylindrical form. CHAPTER V. STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS OR CHANGES IN THE CORNEA, AQUEOUS HUMOR, IRIS, LENS AND VITREOUS HUMOR WHICH ARE INDICATIVE OF DISEASE OR INJURY. The Cornea. Examining the cornea by the oblique illumination it will always, even in health, have more or less of a faint smoky appearance, whereas by ordinary daylight it appears as highly polished and perfectly transparent. This smoky appearance does not mean a want of transparency but* is due to its anatomic construction of lamellae, etc., see description, Chapter III. This haze, or smoky appearance, varies with age, is less conspic- uous in infancy and becomes more conspicuous in the aged. At any age it may be made conspicuous by having the light strike the cornea very obliquely. By means of the oblique illumination one may de- tect foreign substances which have lodged in or upon the cornea, such as particles of dust, ashes, cinders, wood, glass, iron and steel filings, emery, powder grains, etc. Opacities on the under sur- face of the cornea, in the disease known as " Des- cemetitis " (" aquo-capsulitis " or " serous iritis ") may also be recognized, and ulcers, wounds, phlyc- tenules, blood vessels, as in pannus, and vascular keratitis, opaque spots (opacities) in the .cornea proper, arcus senilis, general loss of transparency 128 THE CORNEA. I 29 in various forms of keratitis, especially the spe- cific varieties, and also the haziness accompanying glaucoma, may also be recognized if present. Corneal scars, or opacities, are described accord- ing to their size and density. A very faint haziness of the corneal surface, affecting a part or the en- tire cornea, is spoken of as a nubecula, meaning " a mist," and may be compared to the appearance of a clear glass just faintly breathed upon, or to an atmosphere faintly foggy. A nebula is a cloud, and therefore, represents a somewhat greater density than a nubecula. A nebula may also affect any part or the entire cornea. A macula is a spot usually quite white in color but small in size, the size of a pin head, for instance. Leucoma means a milk white area, and is usually quite large and may be spoken of as a large macula; such an opacity can be seen at quite a distance from the eye and without the necessity of employing oblique light and condensing lens to see it. By the laity this form of corneal opacity is often erroneously called a cataract. An adherent leucoma is a leucoma hav- ing some iris tissue bound to it, the result usually of a perforating wound of the cornea (an ulcer) or an injury whereby the iris has become entangled in the wound. Corneal opacities may frequently be seen with a dimly reflected light, and this is ob- tained by having the gas flame further removed from the mirror of the ophthalmoscope than for the regular distance when examining the interior I3O THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. of the eye. If a foreign substance on, or an opacity in, the cornea is recognized, its size, shape and loca- tion should be carefully noted, and for this pur- pose the cornea is divided into quadrants by imaginary lines, so that an opacity or foreign sub- stance may occupy the upper inner, upper outer, lower inner, or lower outer, quadrant. The opac- ity or foreign substance may be said to be at the pole of the cornea, or just above or below or to the nasal or temporal side of the pole of the cornea, as the case may be. It may be described as being in, or on, the cornea in the center of the pupillary area or in the upper, or lower, or inner, or outer, portion of the pupillary area. These minute descriptions are of great importance to the careful ophthalmol- ogist, as bearing upon a correct diagnosis and prog- nosis as regards vision in many injuries and dis- eases. The nearer the disease or injury is to the pole of the cornea, the more unfavorable the prog- nosis for good vision. Opacities or foreign bodies of the cornea may be mistaken for opacities in a deeper structure, and it is the duty of the observer therefore to carefully study their location. Any want of transparency in any portion of the cornea that occupies the pupillary area (that portion of the cornea corresponding to the underlying pupil), may be diagnosed as in the cornea by having the pa- tient turn the eye slowly in any given direction, as the observer keeps the light reflected from the mirror into the pupil and the opacity or foreign AQUEOUS HUMOR. 131 | substance will move in the same direction in which the patient turns the eye. An opacity in the pupil itself, that is, one occupying the plane of the iris, appears to maintain its relative position no matter in which direction the patient turns the eye. Aqueous Humor. This may be turbid or muddy, the result of inflammatory products thrown off by an inflammation of the iris or ciliary body, or both. Blood in the anterior chamber (called hyphema) or pus or leucocytes (called hypopion) may also be seen. The iris adhering in any part of the cornea is called an anterior synechia, and adhesion of the iris to the anterior capsule of the lens is called a posterior synechia. Vessels may be seen on the surface of the cornea, as in pannus and phlyctenular keratitis, and in the cornea itself (interstitial keratitis). On the under surface of the cornea may be seen small, brownish colored dots (particles of lymph) arranged frequently in the shape of a pyramid, with the apex upward toward the pole of the cornea, and the base of the pyramid downward ; this occurs in the disease known as Descemetitis. Foreign substances, such as par- ticles of iron, glass, powder grains, wood, etc., may lodge in the aqueous. Entozoa have also been seen in the aqueous. The Iris. The anatomy of the iris may be studied with the oblique light and magnifying lens (Fig. 17), or, if there is inflammation or injury or a foreign substance present, these may also be seen. 132 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. It will be well for the physician to make himself thoroughly acquainted with the normal iris by studying healthy eyes carefully with the oblique light, and thus prepare himself for the prompt de- tection of any departures from the normal, such as unusual irregularities or growths, gummata, cysts, tubercles, interpupillary membrane ( Fig. 62 ) , syne- chia, causing irregular pupils, displaced pupils, or polycoria. Inflammation of the iris is indicated by a roughening of the iris, which gives it a velvety ap- pearance. The apex of the light cone should be passed slowly over the pupil and the reaction of the iris to this stimulation should be carefully noted. An excellent way to obtain the iris reaction is to use the 5-volt lamp of the luminous ophthalmoscope and as the patient fixes the lamp, to suddenly turn on the electric current. The Lens. To examine the lens satisfactorily and as much of it as possible, it is well to have the pupil wide open and to do this it will be neces- sary to employ a mydriatic unless otherwise contra- indicated. The lens has the same smoky appear- ance as that which characterized the cornea under examination, and the observer must examine it carefully not only by the oblique illumination but by the direct method before hastening to make a diagnosis of a loss of transparency of this struc- ture. Changes noted in the lens may be foreign substances, injuries, anomalies, and any of the various forms of cataract. OPACITIES OF THE LENS. 133 Opacities of the Lens and Its Capsule. On the anterior capsule of the lens in the pupillary area there is occasionally found one or more pig- ment spots ; these pigment spots may not have any particular position and in a few instances they are seen to resemble a crescent, or they may form a broken ring at the edge of the iris. These spots are portions of iris pigment, and the result usually of a previous inflammation of the iris. Occasionally there is seen one or more fine mem- branous brown shreds, passing from an attach- ment to the anterior capsule of the lens (over the pupillary edge of the iris) to the outer circle of the iris; this is called an interpupillary membrane (Fig. 62). Of course the more abundant these shreds and the more the anterior pole of the lens is obscured, the more the vision of the eye is im- paired. In a study of opacities in the lens sub- stance or capsules, it must be borne in mind that with the oblique light the opacities appear more or less gray in color with surrounding darkness, whereas when studied with the reflected light from the ophthalmoscopic mirror, they appear black with a surrounding fundus reflex. Anterior Polar Cataract. See Chapter III. Posterior Polar Cataract. See Chapter III. Lamellar, or Zonular, Cataract. See Chapter III. Nuclear Cataract (No. 4, Fig. 64), is an opacity of the nucleus or center of the lens. 134 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Cortical Cataract is the reverse of nuclear, meaning opacity of the cortical portion of the lens. This may be more or less complete, but usually it is more conspicuous in the lower inner quadrant of the lens, and in any instance it is diagnosed with the ophthalmoscope by seeing dark spicules or striae like needles pointing toward the center of the lens. ~This is the most common form of beginning senile ; cataract (No. 4, in Fig. 64). Cataracts are also ; named from their causes. Choroidal Cataract usually begins as a nuclear cataract; it is brown in color and is the result of choroidal disease; from its color and resemblance to mahogany wood it has been called " mahogany cataract." Traumatic Cataract is a cataract caused by injury. *In the so-called Black Cataract the lens becomes quite dark in color from absorption of or staining by pigment. Morgagnian Cataract is an over-ripe cataract. The cortical substance has become fluid and the nucleus remains hard and drops to the lower por- tion of the lens capsule, which now resembles a bag containing a milky fluid. The iris often ap- pears tremulous. Senile Cataract is the cataract of old age; a better name would be hard cataract, or an opaque sclerosed lens. Whenever partial opacity of the lens is diagnosed it is wise to study the whole lens SUBLUXATION. 135 carefully, and also the interior of the eye, if the opacity does not interfere too greatly with a view of the eye ground, and to do this it will be necessary to dilate the pupil with a solution of cocain (Chap- ter I.). Subluxation or Dislocation of the Lens. If the ligament of the lens becomes relaxed or broken partially or completely, the lens will become sub- luxated or dislocated; in the former instance its edge may be seen in the pupillary area; if dis- located by force the lens may pass through the pupil into the anterior chamber or fall back into the vitreous. If the lens is in the anterior chamber it can be easily recognized; if in the vitreous or absent from the eye, and the iris is not impaired, then its absence may be recognized by a tremulousness of the iris (iridodonesis). The iris having the aqueous in front and back of it (the lens being out of posi- tion) it naturally trembles or feels the wave motion \ when the eye is suddenly rotated; this trembling of the iris is also noted in Morgagnian cataract. The absence of the lens can usually be diagnosed by the greater depth of the anterior chamber, and the tremulous iris and the refractive error, as meas- ured by the strength of the glass required to see the fundus. If the lens has been dislocated into the vitreous it may be studied in its new position with the ophthalmoscope, if there has not been too much reaction resulting from irritation caused by the 136 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. lens. Partial dislocation of the lens, which brings the edge of the lens into the pupillary area, may be diagnosed by oblique light or with the ophthal- moscope, the portion of the pupil without any lens giving a different refractive estimate, when the fundus is observed than the portion occupied by the lens (see Ectopia lentis, Chapter III.). The Vitreous Humor. Changes in the vitreous indicative of disease, are loss of transparency in parts (opacities) and diminished consistency. Opacities of this medium may be from degenera- tion of the substance itself or from hemorrhages or exudates thrown off by the choroid or retina or ciliary body or iris. Opacities of vitreous may be caused by foreign bodies. Vitreous opacities are of varying shapes and sizes, and may occupy any portion of the vitreous. They may appear black, brown or gray in color, or semi-transparent. /They are variously described by the patient as looking like different animals or fishes. They are also spoken of as " motes " or " gnats in front of the sight." These opacities may be quite station- ary or freely mobile, depending greatly upon the fluidity of the vitreous. Foreign substances, such as pieces of glass, steel, iron filings or chips of metal, etc., entering the eye, may carry air into the vitreous, and this is recognized as bubbles look- ing not unlike bubbles of air under the cover slide in the field of the microscope. Foreign substances reflect light from their edges, while air bubbles VITREOUS HUMOR. reflect light from their centers. The path of the foreign body as it passed through the vitreous is occasionally recognized as a gray streak. Opacities and changes in the vitreous may be studied with the oblique or focal illumination, or with the light reflected from the mirror at several inches distant or with the mirror and a lens at the sight-hole of the ophthalmoscope. It is only in rare instances that the oblique illumination is used for studying vitreous changes and the ophthalmo- scope with a plus lens at the sight-hole is used by preference. The lens in the ophthalmoscope which gives a clear view of an opacity in the vitreous, gives some idea as to its nearness to either the disc or pu- pil, i. e., if seen with a strong lens, say a + 7 D., the eye being emmetropic, this would indicate at once that the opacity was well forward ; if the opacity was seen with a + I D. it would therefore be well back near the retina. If the observer is seated ten or twelve inches from the eye and reflects the light into it and an opacity is present and recognized, then if the patient is told to rotate or turn his eye upward, i the opacity will appear to move downward if the I opacity is situated back of the plane of the iris, but if the opacity is in the cornea or aqueous or an- terior capsule of the lens, then it will appear to move upward as the eye is turned upward; in fact, it may be stated as a rule that all opacities lying in front of the plane of the iris will move in whatever direction the eye is turned or rotated, 138 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. and those opacities lying back of the plane of the iris will appear to move in the opposite direction to that in which the eye is rotated. This statement of facts applies particularly to eyes with small or un- dilated pupils, whereas eyes with large pupils give a slight difference in the appearances, as the ob- server is then able to see a trifle further back into the eye and the center of rotation appears beyond the plane of the iris. The normal center FIG. 65. To DETERMINE THE POSITION OF A FIXED OPACITY IN THE EYE. (Jennings.) In the upper drawing is shown an opacity on the cornea at a, one on the anterior surface of the lens at b, and one on the posterior surface at c. Looking into the eye, these three opacities appear as one black point in the center of the pupil. If the patient is now requested to look down, three black points appear, c moves upward, b remains sta- tionary, and a moves downward. of rotation lies back of the lens about 10 milli- meters from the disc. However, when the opacity lies very near the plane of the iris it is apparently so stationary when the eye is rotated that it is often necessary to employ the oblique light to make a CHOLESTERIN CRYSTALS. 139 positive diagnosis of its exact location. Figure 65 explains the description just given. New growths are occasionally seen in the vitreous, such as cysts, proliferations from the retina (retinitis prolifer- ans) and also entozoa, the cysticercus cellulosae and filaria. These latter have been seen in the cornea, iris and lens, but their most common location is between the choroid and retina. Foreign bodies in the vitreous may be recog- nized if seen quite early, but after a few hours the vitreous surrounding them usually becomes more or less cloudy. Vitreous opacities when they move freely by slight rotation of the eye, become very annoying to some patients, and at times cause hal- lucinations. Cholesterin Crystals (synchysis scintillans, sparkling synchysis; synchysis etincelant) are seen at times in the vitreous humor, and give a most beautiful pyrotechnic display when seen with the ophthalmoscope. Each crystal reflects the light, giving the appearance of a shower of gold. It is a rare condition before the age of fifty. There is no cure for this condition. It may appear in one eye alone or in both. CHAPTER VI. VISUAL ACUITY. FIELD OF VISION. PERIMETRY. IN connection with the ophthalmoscopic findings of pathologic changes, the physician should be ready to make a record of the visual acuity and the field of vision of each eye, as these two records will often aid him materially in a correct diagnosis and prognosis. Visual Acuity. This is generally understood and spoken of as central or direct vision, and the part of the retina concerned is the fovea centralis. When an eye looks at an ob- ject and the image is formed at the fovea centralis, the eye is said to " fix " the ob- ject. Visuaf acuity may be defined as the see- ing quality of the eye without glasses. The standard visual acuity is the power of the eye to distinguish letters and characters occupying an angle of five minutes. Such letters and characters 140 c E C P C P in A L tn L A G Y"D T V F H U A T G~Y D F A V H U L E C H D O CEO R~L C P A D L O E C N C P A R'C E O L FIG. 66. Randall's Test-letters. Block letters on black or cream- colored cards. VISUAL ACUITY. 141 in black are engraved on a cream-colored card, or white letters on a black card are shown in Figs. 66, 67, 68. These cards uniformly illuminated are placed 20 feet (six meters) from the patient and each eye 'is tested separately by covering its fel- low. The patient pronounces __ the letters or if illiterate he tells the direction in which the arms of the E are pointed. f The lowest line of letters or characters which the eye can recognize distinctly, is the vis- ual acuity of that eye and it is recorded in the form of a frac- tion, the numerator of the fraction being the distance of the eye from the card and the denominator being the size of the letters distinguished. For the guidance of the physician each line of letters or characters, is marked in small roman characters which tell him at once the dis- tance (in feet or meters) at which such letters or characters should be read by the standard or emme- tropic eye. The standard visual acuity would be the line of letters marked 20 feet or 6 meters which should be read with ease at the distance of 20 feet. If the eye cannot see or recognize the FIG. 67. Gould's Test- ^ Goth h j c [ etters H in white on a black card. III 142 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. top letter on the test card at the distance of 20 feet, then the distance must be shortened by bring- ing the card slowly toward the patient or letting the patient approach the card un- B I til he is able to recognize the letter S j>L 1 distinctly. Peripheral Vision. This is known and spoken of as indirect vision or the visual field, and the part or parts of the retina con- ^~ III H & *** l3 cerned lie more or less remote E 3 UJ n from the fovea centralis. The fovea centralis represents the u 3 E m m most acute vision and peripheral u m E u 3 E or indirect vision is much less FIG. 68. illiterate acute and therefore not so easily Card. obtained as the direct. Indirect vision diminishes or becomes much more indistinct as the outermost limits of the retina are brought into use. To Test Peripheral or Indirect Vision. Each eye must be examined separately as in testing cen- tral or direct vision, i. e., keeping the eye covered which is not being tested. Testing peripheral vision is known as perimetry, and an instrument known as the perimeter is generally employed for exact work (Fig. 69). With this instrument on a convenient table and the patient comfortably seated, his chin is placed on a rest and the eye to be tested is opposite to, and 13 inches from, a round PERIPHERAL VISION. white disc 10 millimeters in diameter, fixed in the center of a semicircle. As the eye fixes the disc the physician at the back of the perimeter watches the patient's eye that it remains fixed during each step of the examination. Then with either of his FIG. 69. McHardy's Perimeter. hands the physician revolves the milled wheel at the back of the semicircle and thereby a carrier is made to travel along the inner side of the semi- circle by means of pulley and cord. This carrier contains a disc with various colors upon it and any one of these colors may be exposed to most any convenient size as the physician may select. A field chart or blank (Fig. 70) is placed in the bracket attached to the back of the perimeter. There is a small steel needle at the back of the semicircle near the milled wheel. The semicircle 144 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. will take any meridian in which the physician wished to place it by merely pressing it with his hand. The inner surface of the semicircle should always be uniformly illuminated. The physician usually places the carrier with its selected color one centimeter in size, at the extreme end of the semi- FIG. 70. Field charts for Right and Left Eye. circle and gradually brings it toward the center on which the patient is fixing. As the carrier with its .exposed color is brought toward the center (by the physician turning the milled wheel) the patient is instructed to tell as soon as the peripheral object comes into view. When this is mentioned the phy- sician stops turning the wheel and presses the chart against the steel needle, which makes a punc- ture at a point in the chart corresponding to the de- gree mark on the semicircle. In this way the various meridians are recorded on the chart. Usually they PERIPHERAL VISION. 145 are 15 degrees apart, though they may be made closer if desired. After the meridians have been recorded the physician connects the individual points with straight lines, using pencil or pen, and these con- nected points represent the outermost limit of vision. The record is made in the same way for the various colors. That for white is spoken of as the form field. The peripheral field is naturally reduced in the direction of the overhanging brow and in the di- rection of the nose, and therefore it is not so re- stricted downward and outward. If a perimeter is not at hand for recording peripheral vision the record may be made upon a blackboard, but it must be remembered that the record thus obtained upon a plane surface is quite different from the perimetric findings. An ex- cellent method and one always at hand for making an approximate test, is for the physician to sit facing the patient so that their eyes are about 26 inches apart. The patient closes the eye not being tested and the physician closes his eye that is di- rectly opposite to the one the patient closes, or the physician keeps his right eye open when testing the patient's left eye, and vice versa. In this position with the eye of the physician and patient fixing each the other, the physician uses the end of a black lead pencil or a black pen holder as a finder, the end of the finder having a small piece of white paper a quarter of an inch wide wrapped around it. The 146 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. physician moves this finder inward from arm's length midway between his and the patient's eye. The physician's peripheral vision being normal, he will know at once when the patient's eye should recognize the white paper. Colored papers may be used in the same way. The end of the handle of the Morton ophthalmoscope is adapted admirably for this purpose. The field of vision taken in this way is not exact, neither can it be exactly re- corded, but it is often most suggestive and of great value, until a careful perimetric tracing can be made later. The normal peripheral field, while of the same outline as the chart, is not the same size for all colors; that for white (or form) is the outermost and largest, then comes blue, then red and then green. The field of vision may also be taken with two lighted candles in a dark room. One candle is held in front of the eye, and the other candle is car- ried through the various meridians. This is known as the candle field. This is not exact. It is merely suggestive. Scotoma (O-KOTO?, darkness). The one spot in the field of vision which does not see and is therefore normally blind, is called the physiologic blind spot, or Mariotte's blind spot, and is situated about i_ degrees to the outside of the point of fixation (o in Fig. 70), this corresponds to the entrance of the optic nerve. Scotomata are recognized when the field of vision contains areas or spaces which are defective in their normal seeing quality or con- SCOTOMA. 147 tracted or distorted in outline by certain diseases of the eye itself and also by various general diseases. Concentric contraction of the field of vision is a form of scotoma, in which peripheral vision is re- duced in size in all meridians, depending upon the stage of the disease in which this condition is found. The size of the normal field is shown in Fig. 70. The field of vision may be cut off in quadrants or sectors or halves ; this latter is spoken of as " hemi- anopic " or half field. In making the test for scotoma the test object must be quite small, 2 to 4 millimeters in size. Central Scotoma. This indicates the loss of good central vision, it may be partial or complete, and is found in macular diseases from syphilis, myopia, and from toxic amblyopia, etc. Scotomata are also classed as paracentral, peripheral and ring. A scotoma is said to be positive when the patient is conscious of a dark area in his field. A scotoma is said to be negative when the patient has a sco- toma and is not conscious of its presence. A nega- tive scotoma may be absolute or relative, the for- mer when white and colors cannot be recognized and the latter (relative) when the light sense is diminished. Frequent reference to visual acuity and the field of vision will be made in the considera- tion of ophthalmoscopy. CHAPTER VII. RETINAL VESSELS. HEMORRHAGES. PIGMENT CHANGES. HYPEREMIA. ANEMIA. EMBOLISM. THROMBOSIS. The Retinal Vessels. Pressure upon the nor- mal eyeball with the end of the finger, while the observer views the retinal vessels, will show an impediment to the blood current entering and leav- ing the eye and with the result that the blood is held in the retinal vessels. Great pressure, if the subject will tolerate it, shows an entire emptying of the vessels on the disc. The light streak in the vessels is consistently diminished or absent, accord- ing to the amount of pressure, and the length of time the pressure is maintained. Great pressure may blanch the disc to a distinct whiteness from its normal color. The statement that the nor- mal proportion in size between arteries and veins is as two to three is particularly true of the vessels in the retina, but it is not true of the vessels on the disc, which may appear to grow narrow or re- stricted and quite frequently a vein on the disc may appear abnormally large. However, any great in- crease or diminution in the size or breadth of a vessel or part of a vessel in the eye ground, aside from the disc is quite indicative of disease; for instance, arteries and veins may both be increased 148 THE RETINAL VESSELS. 149 in diameter or the arteries may remain normal and the veins diminish, or, what is much more usual, the veins may become greatly increased in width. Changes in the retinal vessels are not always easily detected unless the condition is well marked or care- fully loc Jted for, simply because there are normally many differences, and it is therefore good practice to compare the size of the vessels in the two eyes. This careful comparison will at least make a diag- nosis of a systemic condition, as compared with a local manifestation. The fact must also be borne in mind, that there is an occasional exception to this comparison of relative size between arteries and veins when there happens to be two veins accom- panying an artery, or two arteries accompanying a vein. Increase in Diameter of Veins. These are usu- ally seen in inflammation of the retina where the disc is also involved, and at the same time the veins may become tortuous, while the arteries are diminished in size. This increase in the diameter of the veins may be limited to only a few of the veins or possibly the increase affects but one vein or a part of a vein, and is due to an inflammation involving the vessel walls or to pressure on the venous trunk in the membrana cribrosa, or after it leaves the eye, or it may be due to some general venous congestion. Veins increased in diameter (beyond the normal size) are seen in specific and splenic retinitis, and in fact in nearly all varie- I5O THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. ties of retinitis; the early stages of fever, such as typhoid; also in pleurisy, pneumonia, asthma, and in congestion and inflammation of the brain or its meninges; in various forms of heart disease and anemia. Any impediment to the return blood stream from the eye will naturally cause the veins to become distended, and this is seen to be the case in such diseases of the eye as glaucoma and oplis nejjritis, and undue pressure on the venous trunk between the eye and the heart, as in diseases of the orbit, erysipelas, cellulitis, growths, etc.; and pressure in the neck from goitre and various growths ; and in various diseases of the lungs, espe- cially phthisis. Decrease in Diameter of the Veins. This con- dition of the veins is not at all common, and when seen is usually a condition or disease of the eye itself, such as atrophy of the retina or optic nerve. In embolism of the central artery the veins in some portions are quite narrow. The diameter of the vein decreases in degeneration of the vessel itself. Increase in Diameter of the Arteries. This condition, like diminution in the size of the veins, is very rare indeed, and when recognized is usu- ally caused by some disease of the coats of the artery which has weakened its contractile power, and yet this condition may be seen when the heart action is increased; also in early stages of fever, pneumonia, pleurisy, brain disease and leukemic retinitis. DIAMETER OF ARTERIES. Decrease in the Diameter of the Arteries. This condition of the arteries is much more com- mon than an increase in their size. Intra-ocular pressure which keeps the blood from entering the eye as freely as it otherwise would, will cause a diminution in the size of the arteries; therefore, a decrease in the diameter of the arteries is seen in glaucoma, embolism, papillitis, thrombosis, hemor- rhagic retinitis, etc. Optic and retinal atrophy fol- lowing inflammation leaves the arteries not only di- minished in calibre but also with a white line seen in the vessel for a considerable distance from the disc; this is due to sclerosis of the middle coat of the artery and this whitening of the coat may be sufficiently dense to obscure any view of the blood stream, the artery or arteries looking like white threads or cords. The arteries are seen to be di- minished in size in conditions resulting from weak heart, also anemia and chlorosis, epilepsy, etc. Reti- nitis pigmentosa causes a diminution in size of both arteries and veins. A thickening in the arterial coats and a diminution in the calibre of the arteries results in albuminunc_retinitis. Changes in Vessel Walls Arteriosclerosis. These may be designated as fatty degeneration, chalky deposits, perivasculitis and sclerosis; the arteries are unevenly narrowed or the arteries may be bordered by extravasations, and the veins may be distended, showing many narrowings or con- strictions like the arteries. These conditions are 152 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. usually recognized with the ophthalmoscope by diminution in the normal transparency of the ves- sel walls. The vessel walls having their lumen di- minished will naturally reveal this condition, when- ever there is any crossing over of the vessels as the blood current is diminished at this crossing, if there is any pressure exerted, and then the vessel again refills after the crossing (Plates VI. and X.). One vessel or a part of a vessel, or all the vessels, may be affected by these changes. Sclerosis of the vessels is quite conspicuous in retinitis pig- mentosa, whether of the congenital or acquired (specific) variety. Sclerosis of the vessels may be seen in any form of retinitis, but especially in the nephritic variety. Perivasculitis. This is an increase or a hyper- plasia of the connective tissue about the vessels, principally and usually the arteries (periarteritis) (Plate IV.). The condition is recognized with the ophthalmoscope by the yellowish-white color of the vessels, which appear in some instances, when inflammation and proliferation is excessive, to look like white threads. If the inflammation is not so severe the sides of the vessels appear to have a yellowish-white color, or the vessels appear to be bordered with delicate or narrow white lines, seen in eyes having post-papillitic atrophy or atrophy of the retina. Vessels of New Formation in the Retina. These are very rare indeed and when present are RETINITIS PROLIFERANS. 153 seen to run in the same direction usually as the large vessels; they appear in isolated areas and a common position is on, or near, the disc. They maintain about the same caliber throughout, with very little, if any, diminution in size, and are often quite tortuous, and on this account have been de- scribed as " cork screw." Growths in the choroid and retina may show vessels of new formation. Vessels of New Formation in the Vitreous (Retinitis Prolif erans) . Like vessels of new for- mation in the retina, these form a very rare condi- tion, and from the same cause presumably, viz., some severe inflammation of the retina in which the connective tissue about the retinal vessels, or a single retinal vessel, has become vascularized. During this severe inflammation of the retina no distinct view of the eye ground can be made out, but when this inflammation subsides these newly formed vessels, supported by connective tissue, may be recognized extending across the fundus and into the vitreous, resembling bands with many fine loops of vessels of varying length, and occa- sionally these vessels appear like strands of rav- elled thread. Vessels of new formation are ap- parently venous. Aneurisms, or Varicosities, or Dilatations of the Retinal Vessels. These are rare conditions, and may be congenital or caused by trauma or in- flammation. A dilation of a retinal vein on the disc is not uncommon but has erroneously been spoken 154 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. of as an aneurism. An aneurism of a retinal artery would be recognized by its more or less rounded shape in the course of the artery, resembling a bead on a string or thread, the light streak in the vessel being interrupted at the aneurism. Arterial Pulsation. This is not a common con- dition, and when present is usually pathologic; if seen extending well into the retina beyond the disc it usually signifies aortic valvular disease (in- sufficiency). Pulsation of the arteries on the disc is most commonly seen in glaucoma, a point in diag- nosis in this disease. Owing to the position of the retinal vessels be- tween, the choroid and the vitreous, they naturally receive pressure from the front, and the back, and on this account they are found to be oval on sec- tion, the horizontal diameter being greater than the perpendicular. If the retinal vessels are dis- tended they naturally approximate a circular shape; hence the broader the light streak, the flat- ter the vessel, and vice versa. Venous Pulsation. This is not necessarily path- ologic; on the contrary, it is normal in most cases when seen upon the disc or extending a short dis- tance into the retina (see Chapter IV.). It may be seen with an increase of intra-ocular tension. Hemorrhages. There is no portion of the retina which may be considered exempt from the presence of hemorrhages, and these may occur in any layer or in any portion of its surface. Hem- HEMORRHAGES. 156 orrhages from the retinal vessels vary in their color, shape, size and location. Most hemorrhages at the time of their occurrence are darker than the general f undus reflex, being bright red, and later be- come darker in color, and may disappear by absorp- tion of the clot, and no evidence of their previous existence will be recognized; yet occasionally some pigment may appear after the hemorrhage has been absorbed, but this is rare. A very profuse hemor- rhage may leave its mark by the presence of spots of a brownish or brownish-black color. As a rupture of a retinal vessel only takes place by violence, hemorrhages in the retina from disease must take place by the escape of blood through the vessel walls. A very natural inference in re- gard to hemorrhages in the retina, as elsewhere, would be that they would occur in the periphery of the eye ground where the vessels are small and pre- sumably weaker, but while this is undoubtedly good reasoning, yet the very reverse is the case; the hemorrhages occurring from the large vessels whose walls cannot resist the pressure, which pres- sure is very likely much greater in the large ves- sels than in the small ones; in other words, the walls of the smaller vessels must be stronger or the pressure is less by the time the blood stream gets to them, or both conditions may exist. With this understanding of the vessels affected, it will be bet- ter appreciated why the most common seat of reti- nal hemorrhages is at the disc and its immediate 15'-> THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. neighborhood. The next most common situation for the presence of retinal hemorrhages is at the macular region, and naturally hemorrhages at the macula obscure vision more and more as the fovea centralis is encroached upon. Hemorrhages in the periphery are of capillary origin and have this sig- nificance, that the morbid process is either in the capillary vessel walls, or if in the large vessels also it is the small vessels which are mostly affected, and usually this means a grave general disease and is much more significant, if the hemorrhages are in the deep layers of the retina. Shape, Size and Location. Hemorrhages in the nerve fiber layer (inner layers) of the retina, appear more or less streaked, having rather straight edges or sides, and their ends, especially the distal ends, resemble the edge of a feather or gas flame, and are therefore commonly described as " feathered edged " or " flame-shaped." The cause of this peculiar striation is that the blood works its way between the nerve fibers, which ap- pear to cut it into fine lines (Plates V. and VI.). Hemorrhages in the deep layers (outer layers) of the retina are not so characteristically marked but appear as small red dots, round or irregularly shaped (Plate VI.). Hemorrhages between the retina and the choroid may appear round or oval with sharp cut edges; the retinal vessels may be seen passing over such hemorrhages, which would indicate at once that the hemorrhage must be back HEMORRHAGES. 1 5 7 of the retina, and of course the retina must be more or less elevated at the location of the hemorrhage. A hemorrhage between the retina and the vitreous called a subhyaloid hemorrhage, has a circular shape and sharp edges, and naturally such a hem- orrhage obscures any view of the retinal vessel be- hind it. A subhyaloid hemorrhage may have its upper edge quite straight and its lower edge a con- vexity downward ; this is due to the blood settling by gravity. Retinal hemorrhages may appear isolated without any apparent connection with vessels, but usually they lie near the vessels. A retinal hemor- rhage may be so large that it will break through the hyaloid membrane and escape into the vitreous, and in this way it is a frequent cause of vitreous opacities. Causes of Retinal Hemorrhages. Retinal hemorrhages may be caused by over-distension of the vessel, or degeneration of the vessel wall, by alteration of the blood itself, and occasionally by injury; all inflammatory diseases of the retina itself; increased heart action; abnormal and sud- den suppression of the menses; diseases of the brain, kidneys and spleen; diabetes; pernicious anemia, leukemia; gout; tuberculosis; scrofula; purpura; hemorrhagic diathesis; degeneration of vessel walls; thrombosis and embolism; injuries; etc. Changes in the Vascularity of the Retina. These may be many or few; they may be limited 158 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. to several vessels or to a single vessel, or a part of a vessel. As an extreme condition of pallor or diminution of the blood supply to the retina, may be mentioned embolism of the central artery (Plate II.); and as the extreme condition of engorge- ment of the retina may be mentioned thrombosis of the central vein (Plate III.). Pigment Changes. Normal pigmentation more or less extensive may be seen at the choroidal ring in almost every eye (Plate I.) and occasionally an innocent amount of pigment may be seen in a small mass at the upper edge of the disc, and not infre- quently a small round spot of pigment the size of a pin head, or a trifle larger, may be seen at some distant point in the retina where it is not of any serious consequence (Plate VIII.), and yet each spot of pigment, wherever situated, should have careful consideration. Scattered areas of pig- mentation should always be looked upon with sus- picion, especially those connected with changes in the choroidal coat (Plate XL) and those seen upon the retinal vessels. Hyperemia of the Retina. It is not an easy matter for the beginner in ophthalmoscopy, to ap- preciate this characteristic condition of the eye ground, and yet it is a most important one, and one often overlooked, if the observer is not extremely cautious. Overlooked in the sense that it may be so well marked as to suggest a beginning retinitis or papillitis; however, the patient's history, etc., IIYPEREMIA OF RETINA. 159 will surely put the observer on his guard. Hyper- emia of the retina is manifest principally upon the disc and its immediate neighborhood by a conges- tion of the retinal capillary vessels which lie in the most anterior layers of the retina, and as these vessels are not ordinarily prominent in healthy eyes, their congestion will give the retina a striped appearance about the nerve, and its edges will be- come somewhat obscure or " wgolly." The nerve (intermediate zone) may have a red brick dust color. The macular region, if carefully observed, will appear of a much darker hue than is consistent or in keeping with the general appearance of an otherwise quiet eye. This hyperemia of the retina, described by Jaeger as " irritation of the retina." is the unique picture often seen in eyes with refractive errors, especially of the hyperopic (hypermetropic) variety. As nearly 80 per cent. of all eyes have some form of hyperopia, then, as just stated, " irritation of the retina " is not such an uncommon condition, especially if the eyes have not been " glassed," or if the glasses are not correct. Retinal irritation as just described is brought /about therefore by accommodative effort and the 1 condition is recognized as a disease and called ac- \commodative asthenopia. The symptoms are in keeping with the irritated and fatigued retina and ciliary muscle, though the vision is not as much at variance as might be expected by the refractive er- ror present; the patient, however, complains of his l6O THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. eyes feeling tired, the eyeballs ache, blurred vision comes on after prolonged near work, or after a time this blurred vision may come on promptly after using the eyes for only a few minutes, while looking atten- tively at any nearby object. With the blurred vision there is often a dread of light (photophobia). Frontal headache (brow ache) over both eyes or over one more than its fellow, usually over the eye with the least refractive error. The frontal head- ache may extend into the temples, a temporal head- ache, and nausea and dizziness may also be present. If the patient forcibly concentrates his vision, the object looked at may soon appear unsteady or in- distinct, and then the eyes may become suffused with the lacrimal fluid. The treatment is rest with a cycloplegic and dark glasses, and carefully selected glasses, the eyes being made equal to the emmetropic or standard condition, which is a minimum amount of accommodative effort for the work at which the eyes are engaged. RETINAL IRRITATION, OR HYPEREMIA, FROM EXPOSURE OF THE EYES TO SUNLIGHT (SOLAR RETINITIS); TO ELECTRIC LIGHT AND FLASHES OF ELECTRIC LIGHT (ELECTRIC RETINITIS); TO REFLECTION FROM THE SNOW (SNOW BLINDNESS). The symptoms of these conditions are, photo- phobia and lacrimation with irritation of the con- junctiva. The patient's history gives the cause. Sun blindness and snow blindness usually re- cover after the use of dark glasses for a few days unless the condition is complicated by conjunc- ANEMIA OF RETINA. l6l tivitis and ulcer of the cornea or macular changes, when appropriate treatment for these compli- cations must be met. Electric retinitis is a much more serious matter, for when the exposure has been a lengthy one, or the electric flash has been intense, there may be extensive changes set up in the macula and macular region of a low grade retino-choroiditis, which may leave per- manent changes and damage to central vision. The treatment for such cases is rest of the eyes with dark glasses and restraint from any use of the eyes whatever until fully recovered. It may be neces- sary to institute internal medication, and to use a solution of atropin in the eyes for a few days. If snow blindness is complicated with changes in the macula, then a similar line of treatment must be carried out. Anemia of the Retina. This is the reverse of hyperemia and therefore gives something of a re- verse picture, and the striations at the disc edges are absent. The disc is pale and the general fundus re- flex is lighter in color than normal. The arteries are not distended, and if compression or embolism of the central artery is present, the picture of anemia of the retina is typical (Plate II.). The ophthalmoscope reveals diminished amount of blood in retinal vessels by the absence of the light streak, which, if present at all is very narrow and does not extend far into the eye ground. The veins and arteries are equally affected. There are exceptions 1 62 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. to this broad statement and the arteries may be small and veins large. Naturally the eye ground in anemia appears paler than normal and the pale condition is in keeping with the light color of the disc, so that the line of demarkation between disc and surrounding eye ground, is not always very well marked. This condition must not be con- founded with optic atrophy where the contrast is very marked, but in the beginning of optic atrophy the contrast is not so conspicuous. Systemic anemia from any cause will often express itself in anemia of the retina, but a pale face does not neces- sarily mean anemia of the retina, nor does a florid complexion necessarily mean hyperemia of the retina. While admitting that a patient's color may be an index of his blood condition, yet a pale com- plexion may be due to a want of blood in the capil- laries of the skin and no change be noted in the retina, and a florid complexion may mean blood in the capillaries of the face, and yet the system be anemic, as indicated by the retina. Differential Diagnosis, as Revealed with the Ophthalmoscope between Pallor of the Disc and Retina in Anemia and that Caused by Optic Atrophy. Anemia. Atrophy (Plate X.). Pallor of disc. White disc. Surrounding eye ground also Surrounding eye ground appears pale. redder than normal. PLATE II. EMBOLISM OF THE CENTRAL ARTERY OF THE LEFT EYE. DIRECT METHOD. S. B. Male. Aged 61 years. History. Embolism came without any warning in a man other- wise apparently well. (Two years later, without apparent cause, a large hemorrhage took place in this same eye, followed by iritis, a dislocation of the lens into the vitreous and the development of absolute glaucoma requiring enucleation.) Large, oval-shaped, blanched area, which includes the disc and macula. Cherry-red spot at the macula. Intermediate zone of the disc shows apparently normal except for a faint fogginess. The arteries are almost empty and the smaller ones have the blood stream broken in different places. The arteries have lost their light streak. The veins are slightly distended, but not tortuous; the light streak is almost lost in the veins, but can be faintly seen. 164 PLATE II Embolism of the Central Rrtzrij PERNICIOUS ANEMIA. 1 67 Anemia. Atrophy (Plate X.). Relative size of arteries and Arteries smaller and in late veins remains about the same, stage of atrophy are reduced vessels may not be uniformly in number. In early stage filled. veins are larger. In late stage veins are diminished, and not readily distinguished from ar- teries. Disc surface not sunken. Disc surface in late stage is sunken, becoming concave or saucer shaped. Pallor due to want of blood and Pallor due to shrunken capil- hence capillaries in the disc do laries in disc and also increase not appear. of connective tissue. Causes of Anemia. Fainting and loss of blood and general anemia will cause pallor of the retina and disc. Pallor of the retina and disc is also seen in true migraine and may also be caused temporarily by toxic doses of quinine and salicylic acid. Treatment. Iron and arsenic, etc., for the gen- eral anemia; appropriate treatment for the weak heart. Pernicious Anemia. The retina in pernicious anemia is not actively inflamed. The disc appears pale and the edges woolly, so that the retina and disc are not separated by any sharp line. The eye ground appears of a yellowish cast. Small hemor- rhages appear in the nerve fiber layer and are there- fore flame-shaped. Hemorrhages in pernicious anemia are not a constant condition. This condi- tion of the retina is also seen in hemophilia, purpura, malaria, scurvy (scorbutic anemia), etc. Embolism or Thrombosis of Central Artery of the Retina (Plate II.). When there is complete 1 68 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. occlusion of the central artery of the retina (if seen shortly after the plugging has taken place) then the following changes will be observed: 1. Change in Arteries. The large vessels are re- duced to white lines, appearing like white threads, and the small arteries cannot be seen. Here and there in an artery may be seen some portion of the blood stream broken into sections. 2. Changes in Veins. These may be normal but usually they are contracted and show irregularities. 3. Changes in Disc. The disc appears pale as the capillaries are not distended. 4. Changes in Retina. The central portion of this structure is swollen or edematous and grayish- white in color, embracing the macula and disc, giv- ing the appearance of a large horizontally oval area of edema. The peripheral portion of the retina is not similarly involved. Many small hemorrhages may be present. A cherry red spot occupies the fovea, resembling a round hemorrhage. This cherry red spot is caused by the red of the cho- roid appearing through the retina at the macula. Embolism affecting a branch of the central artery gives a picture of changes consistent with the retina correspondingly affected, but the cherry red spot may not be present. The dilated vessel up to the point of plugging may be distinctly seen and the remainder of the vessel lie empty, look- ing like a white thread or containing sections of the blood stream. Several weeks after the embolus EMBOLISM OF RETINA. 169 has plugged the artery, the swelling of the retina gradually disappears and with the disc undergoes atrophy. The vessels of the retina diminish until they appear like white threads. Cholesterin crys- tals and pigmentation may make their appearance principally about the disc and macula. As soon as plugging of the central artery takes place, central vision is promptly lost. If the eye happens to be supplied with a cilio-retinal vessel (see Chapter IV. and Plate I. ) then some central vision may be main- tained, otherwise central vision would be cut off. Embolism of a branch of the artery will cut off the vision in the field corresponding to that portion of the retina supplied by this branch, and vision may remain quite good or normal at the macula. Cause. This cannot be definitely determined. The most common cause is some disease in or about the heart. Valvular disease, vegetations, endocar- ditis, aneurism of the aorta and carotid, changes in the vessel walls (endarteritis and sclerosis), syph- ilis, nephritis, pregnancy, etc. Usually one eye alone is affected. Diagnosis. Sudden stoppage of the blood stream in the arteries, edema (opacity) in the retina, cherry red spot in macula. Sudden loss of vision, and without pain, although there may have been some few premonitions, such as slight dizziness, slight headache, and possibly flashes of light. These same symptoms sometimes precede detachment of the retina. 170 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Prognosis. While this is most unfavorable, as atrophy usually follows and blindness is the final outcome, yet the presence of a cilio-retinal vessel leaves some hope for what would otherwise be con- sidered an almost hopeless condition. Treatment. With an unfavorable prognosis, treatment seems almost a waste of time and energy. Yet treatment must not be withheld," as some good may be accomplished and has been accomplished in a few instances. If a history of syphilis is ob- tained or suspected the case should be treated vigor- ously along these lines, viz., mercurial inunctions, pilocarpin sweats, and internally the iodid of pot- ash should be pushed to the extreme point of toler- ance. In fact, the iodid is indicated in nearly every instance. The patient's heart should have careful consideration and treatment if necessary. Digital massage to the eye and nitrate of amyl and digitalis internally are recommended. Thrombosis of the Central Vein (Plate III.). When this condition is complete the following changes will be observed : 1. Changes in the Disc. The disc appears ele- vated, hazy, or opaque and its margins indistinct and striated, and late in the disease, may be hidden from view. 2. Changes in Retina. The entire eye ground is covered with many large hemorrhages, some pink in color but most of them very dark red with flame- shaped edges. The retina itself is foggy and PLATE III. THROMBOSIS OF THE CENTRAL VEIN OF THE LEFT EYE. ALSO CALLED APOPLEXY OF THE RETINA AND HEMORRHAGIC RETINITIS. Mr. A. G. B. Aged 65 years. History. Good health until two years before coming under obser- vation. At that time developed a swelling in right side of the neck which was removed at Presbyterian Hospital in Philadelphia and microscopically diagnosed as epithelioma. A second operation at the same hospital six months later for the same condition ; the wound never healed and patient refused further surgical interfer- ence. First noticed failing vision and everything appearing of a red color five days before coming under observation. Vision of right eye 20/20. Vision of left eye 1/120. Fundus Changes. Fundus of right eye almost normal except for one or two small flame-shaped hemorrhages in neighborhood of the macula. Left Eye. Acute papillitis. Disc very much swollen and apex seen with + 4 D. and fundus without any lens at the sight hole. Arteries small and very few of them in view. The veins are very tortuous, looking like half hoops or serpentine, hence the condition as described in the text of " Medusa Nerve." The light streak in the veins is conspicuous at the top of each loop. The hemorrhages are of all sizes and shapes and shades of red. 172 PLATE III Thrombosis of the Central Vein (So- called Hemorrhagic Retinitis) THROMBOSIS OF CENTRAL VEIN. 175 sooner or later becomes of a yellowish-gray color. 3. Changes in Veins. The veins are full and tortuous and have a blackish appearance and pulsa- tion may be detected. The appearance of the veins has been compared to the hair of Medusa. 4. Changes in Arteries. These are small ana may be hidden or invisible. The vitreous usually contains opacities. If thrombosis affects a branch of the vein, then the above conditions would be in keeping for the corresponding portion of the retina. Cause. Thrombosis usually occurs in elderly people who suffer with atheroma or heart disease. Phlegmons, abscesses, erysipelas and inflammatory diseases of the orbit are a few of the causes of venous thrombosis in the retina. Both eyes may be affected, especially if erysipelas is the cause, though usually one eye alone is affected. Prognosis is most unfavorable, as blindness usually follows and pos- sibly enucleation may be necessary (see Apoplexy of the Retina). Treatment. This is of very little avail and must be directed to the underlying cause. 16 CHAPTER VIII. DISEASES OF THE RETINA. Diseases of the Retina. These are many and are named principally from the underlying cause, but no matter what the cause may be, the ophthal- moscope reveals one or more of the many changes described on the following pages. Inflammation of the Retina Without Regard to its Variety. For very good reasons inflamma- tion of the retina may be divided into two kinds, superficial and deep, or inflammation of the inner layers and inflammation of the outer or deeper layers. When the inflammation affects the inner layers the ophthalmoscopic picture is most conspic- uous, and yet with all the conspicuous disturb- ance in the retina central vision may not, for the time being, be seriously damaged, whereas, when inflam- mation affects the deeper layers there may not be such apparent or prominent changes, and yet the vision may be very much diminished. It is hardly necessary to state that it is not always possible to have an inflammation limited to the inner or deeper layers by themselves, for the inflammation may pass from one to the other in a very short time. Inflam- mation of the retina may also extend to the underly- ing choroid, producing retino-choroiditis, and vice 176 DISTORTION OF OBJECTS. I 7 ^ versa, inflammation of the choroid may extend to the retina, producing chorio-retinitis, but a simple inflammation of the retina, while it may not produce a choroiditis at the same time, may, by virtue of the retinitis, give the choroid an unnatural appearance, as if it were rough or granular, spoken of as " gran- ular changes in the choroid." Change in Visual Acuity. This depends upon the part of the retina affected and also upon the extent of the inflammation. Central vision will remain good if the center of the macula is not in- volved or central vision diminishes in proportion to the amount of involvement of the macula and fovea. The chart for the field of vision will show contrac- tion and occasionally scotomata. Distortion of Objects. Objects may appear smaller than normal (micropsia), or may appear out of their normal shape or alinement (meta- morphopsia), when the rods and cones have been crowded together or separated or changed from their normal level by inflammation, swelling or exudates. Diagnosis. A positive diagnosis of retinitis is an opacity or loss of transparency of this mem- brane ; the other conditions, i. e., hemorrhages, exu- dates, pigmentation, etc., may add color to the picture. Prognosis. This depends on the cause, the part of the retina involved, and the extent of the in- flammation. The prognosis is most favorable when I 7 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. the retinitis is due to syphilis and the inflammation is not too extensive by the time the patient comes under observation. When the retinitis is due to Bright's disease or diabetes or brain tumor or men- ingitis the prognosis is certainly grave. Course and Complications. Retinitis may be acute or chronic. It may be complicated with in- flammation of the choroid (retino-choroiditis) (Plate XI.) with inflammation of the papilla (neuro-retinitis) (Plate IV.) ; with inflammation of the iris and ciliary body. Eventually, after the retinitis subsides, the retina may atrophy. The central and peripheral vision in this disease is af- fected according to the amount and part of the retina involved. Treatment of Retinitis in General. The treat- ment of retinitis resolves itself into the treatment of the underlying cause, and also in keeping the retina at rest by the use of a cycloplegic and dark glasses ; blood letting from the temples, the use of pilocarpin sweats, and attention to the general condition. Changes in the Retina indicative of disease are the following: (i) opacities, (2) edema, (3) exu- dations, (4) hemorrhages, (5) pigment changes, (6) changes in the vascularity, (7) detachment, and (8) atrophy. Opacities. The one condition of the retina per se which is distinctively pathologic is its loss of trans- parency commonly spoken of as opacity. A similar condition or loss of transparency, also spoken of as OPACITIES. I 79 opacity, occurs in the cornea, lens and vitreous and is an early manifestation of alteration in any one of these structures. As already stated the retinal fibers lying in front of the pigment layer are trans- parent in health, and it is this quality of losing this transparency as an early manifestation of disease or injury that gives the observer the opportunity to make an early diagnosis of retinitis. The beginner in ophthalmoscopy should make a permanent mental impression of this and other facts, to be mentioned later, so that he will not make a hasty diagnosis of retinitis simply because the eye ground looks unusu- ally red. An opacity of the retina may be very slight or faint, resembling a slight fog or mist (Plate II. ), or the opacity may be very dense, resembling a white cloud (Plate IV.), or the density of the opacity may be intermediate between these two extremes ( Plate V. ) . With the direct method of examination there is no glass in the ophthalmoscope which will give a clear cut picture of the fundus at the place of the opacity. Opacities may be small or large, just one, or a few, or a great many ; they may be scattered throughout the retina, or they may be quite uniform and occupy most of the retina or only a small portion of it. It must also be borne in mind that the retina is thick at the disc and thin at the macula, and there- fore the want of transparency becomes most con- spicuous at the disc when this is the portion in- volved, whereas an opacity at the macula, which is the thinnest part of the retina, does not hide or l8o THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. veil the underlying structures to the same extent that it would otherwise, and hence the macula may show as a crimson spot during a certain stage of retinitis (see Embolism of Central Artery, and Plate II.). It has already been stated that the cornea, lens and vitreous will also show opacity as a pathologic characteristic, and therefore if an opacity in one or all of these structures is present care must be taken to differentiate them as follows : Opacities of the cornea and lens are to be studied with oblique light (Figs. 16, 17 and 18). Diffuse cloudiness of the vitreous is to be examined with the ophthalmoscope and is seen to be the same, no matter in which direction the eye is turned, and the blurred retinal vessels on the disc and in the fundus appear equally obscure through the foggy or opaque vitreous. If the vitreous cloud lies well forward in the vitreous, just back of the lens, then it may be seen with the oblique light and condensing lens. In opacity of the retina, however, some vessels may be focused clearly while others may be obscure ; these latter being obscured by the retinal opacity (Plate IV.). The periphery of the retina is most clearly seen as a rule, as it is usually free from opacities. It is well to remember that it is not impossible to have opacities of the cornea, lens, vit- reous and retina in one eye at one and the same time. Edema. Edema of the retina may be described as a progressive or advanced opacity of this struc- EXUDATION. l8l ture, and, like opacity, may be limited to a certain portion or may be diffuse throughout the retina. As edema means swelling, the retinal vessels may be seen passing over or through the edematous area with resulting changes in their appearance, viz., they lose their light streak, appear dark and the arteries and veins, while in the swollen portion of the retina, cannot always be distinguished from each other (Plate V.). Exudation. This is an inflammatory product, or it may be metastatic, usually circumscribed and may appear as small dots (Plate V.), or as large masses covering extensive areas (Plate IV.). The blood vessels that pass through or over these exu- dations, give an exaggerated picture of the condi- tion as seen in edema. The periphery of the eye ground is not usually involved to the same extent as the neighborhood of the disc (Plate IV.). Ex- udates are often spoken of as serous, albuminous and purulent. The serous are more or less grayish in color, or even white (Plate IV.), and may con- tain lymph corpuscles. The albuminous are yellow or yellowish-white in color (Plate V.), and later may contain connective tissue. The purulent exu- date usually involves the vitreous to such an extent that unless seen very early no view of the retina can be made out, the vitreous seeming to be filled with a large yellowish mass. Seen early, small round yellow dots would be recognized in and about the disc and macula. 1 82 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. For a description of hemorrhages, pigment changes and changes in vascularity, see Chapter VII. Diffuse Retinitis; Serous Retinitis; Edema of the Retina; Retinitis Simplex. This may be en- tirely local or a local manifestation of a constitu- tional disease. As the name (diffuse) implies, the inflammation is usually quite extensive and occupies a considerable portion of the retina; or it may in- volve only a small part or parts of the retina ( Plate V.). One or both eyes may be affected. The in- flammation may affect the inner or the outer layers, but the inner layers are usually the ones affected. The ophthalmoscope reveals a grayish color of the retina; this may be very faint, like a gauzy veil, or dense like a heavy fog, and this latter obscures the retinal vessels. The chief characteristic of this disease is the infiltration which causes the edema and opacity of the retina. The arteries appear straight and without any increase in size, possibly they may be smaller than normal, whereas the veins are increased in size and tortuous, and in severe cases have an antero-posterior curve (Plate V.). Diffuse retinitis accompanies choked disc, or any inflammation of the disc may show some fog- ging of the retina in its neighborhood or extending out from the disc in the course of some one or more of the larger vessels (Plates III., V.). Hemor- rhages are not as common in diffuse retinitis as in other varieties of inflammation of this structure. DIFFUSE RETINITIS OF RETINA. 183 When hemorrhages are seen in diffuse retinitis they are usually small and striated and are usually seen in the course of the vessels. The white areas and the macular star-shaped figure are not often seen in diffuse retinitis; they are to be found in the albuminuric retinitis, but if they do occur in the diffuse retinitis they signify that the outer layers of the retina are involved. Naturally, too, if the inner layers of the retina are seriously involved the vitreous soon becomes implicated and diffuse opacities of this structure are seen, and they in turn increase the obscurity of the retinal picture. Diffuse Retinitis of the Outer Layers of the Retina. The inflammation of these layers lies posterior to the vessels which may be plainly seen. The hemorrhages are more or less rounded and not flame-shaped. The exudate is inclined to be yellow- ish and not gray. If the pigment layer is involved, then when the inflammation begins to subside the granules of pigment may be seen collected in irregu- lar spots. If the inflammation extends deeper the choroid becomes involved and the condition is one of retino-choroiditis. Cause. Exposure to bright light (snow blind- ness), electric light, lightning, taking cold, sudden stoppage of perspiration after violent exercise; syphilis, congenital or acquired. In some instances it is impossible to find a cause. Treatment. Rest of the retina with cycloplegic and dark glasses, and treatment of the cause. 184 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Prognosis. This depends upon the cause. If from syphilis the retinitis may clear up in a few weeks under energetic specific treatment. When due to other causes the prognosis is not quite so favor- able. If the diffuse retinitis is of long standing it may eventuate in atrophy of the retina with marked failure, in vision; this latter is especially true if the deep layers are involved. In other cases there may be a formation of new vessels which are pro- jected into the vitreous. Circumscribed Retinitis. This is an inflamma- tion of the retina which is limited in its extent, hence called " circumscribed." It is often seen to follow the course of the large vessels (Plate V.). Circum- scribed retinitis at the macula, if in the deep layers and affecting the pigment layer, seriously impairs central vision and may destroy it. A consideration of circumscribed retinitis is but a consideration of the diffuse variety of retinitis, but limited in its extent. Virtually diffuse and circumscribed retin- itis are therefore one and the same disease. The causes of each, however, are not always the same. Retinitis Punctata. Some authorities object to this name, as the ophthalmoscope does not reveal any decided inflammation, and the same may be said about retinitis pigmentosa; however, these diseases do have a low grade of inflammation as revealed by the microscope. As its name implies (retinitis punctata), the ophthalmoscope reveals many minute white or yellowish-colored dots, and these are best RETINITIS PUNCTATA. 185 seen with the direct method, and as they are very closely packed together they give a stippled appear- ance to that portion of the retina where found, and this is usually between the macula .and the disc. The spots are not always in this location, but may be scattered over the fundus, and while they are usually round in shape they may occasionally appear oval. These punctate changes have been variously de- scribed or classified and named by different ob- servers and referred to as " dots " as follows : Nettleship's Dots. These dots are quite small and numerous, dead white in color, not glistening; they occupy the space between macula and periph- ery, and have been seen scattered over the fundus. Gunn's Dots (also called " Crick's " Dots). These dots are quite small and few in number, yel- lowish in color and occupy the macular region. A rare condition, and found usually in young subjects. Retinitis punctata albescens of Mooren resembles Nettleship's dots and gives night blindness as a symptom. The ophthalmoscope reveals the fundus having many or a few white dots which are small and round in form. Punctate retinitis is found in the eyes of old people who have atheromatous vessels, whereas Gunn's dots are found in the eyes of young patients. Prognosis. Not unfavorable as vision is not usually impaired, except possibly for some slight I 86 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. contraction in the field or for a moderate amount of night blindness. Treatment. Xot benefited by any treatment though electricity, alteratives, etc., have been tried and recommended. Apoplexy of Retina (see Plate III.). The dis- ease under consideration partakes of the nature of a disease of the walls of the vessels and this so weakens them that the blood corpuscles make their escape into the retina, a condition primarily of vas- culitis. Retinitis may now develop from the presence of the blood, the blood being the exciting cause of the retinitis. If the hemorrhage is a large one, or many smaller hemorrhages coalesce, the intra-ocular pressure may become so increased as to develop acute glaucoma (hemorrhagic glau- coma). In apoplexy of the retina the arteries are smaller than normal. This condition of the arteries might lead one to suppose, that the hemorrhage was from a break in the vessel, but this must be a mistake as specimens examined fail to reveal any ruptures. Hemorrhages are usually from the large vessels, therefore they are seen in the neighbor- hood of the disc or possibly on the disc itself; these hemorrhages may be few or many, they may vary in size and shape, though they are usually quite large as compared to hemorrhages occurring in other varieties of retinitis (see Plate VI.). Apo- plexy of the retina is usually a condition of the aged and often accompanies changes in the circula- IIEMORRHAGIC RETINITIS. 187 tion and heart, and it may be a prodrome of cerebral apoplexy. Causes. Usually diseases of heart and blood vessels, with the underlying cause for the change in the blood and vessel walls, arterio-sclerosis, etc. Prognosis. Very unfavorable. Treatment. Rest and treatment of underlying cause. Hemorrhagic Retinitis. Hemorrhages in the retina without inflammation of the retina may be called apoplexy of the retina. The true name for hemorrhagic retinitis is therefore an inflammation of the retina with accompanying hemorrhages. Apoplexy of the retina, or a hemorrhage in the retina will produce an inflammation of the retina and hence is called hemorrhagic retinitis. Apoplexy of the retina usually eventuates into hemorrhagic retinitis. The ophthalmoscope reveals a cloudy retina with swollen disc which has its edges ob- scured. The arteries are small and veins large and tortuous. The hemorrhages are many and varied ; round, flame-shaped, linear and irregular and ap- pear throughout the eye ground. Causes. Disease of heart and blood vessels; abnormal suppression of menses ; syphilis, etc. Prognosis. This is usually quite grave as the underlying cause may be a structural change in the walls of the vessels or the heart may be seri- ously involved. Vision is liable to serious and per- manent injury from the same cause. When caused by syphilis the prognosis is rather more favorable. I 88 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Treatment. Rest of the eye or eyes, as the dis- ease may be monocular; with appropriate treat- ment for the underlying cause. Syphilitic Retinitis. While syphilis is one of the most common causes of retinitis it is interesting to note the fact, that there is no one variety of retinitis that is typically syphilitic. The nearest approach to this is the diffuse variety, but it only proves that syphilis may be manifest in the retina by affecting the superficial or deep layers or it may be circumscribed, or the retinitis may be accom- panied by choroiditis (syphilitic retino-choroiditis) (Plate XL), or the vitreous, ciliary body and iris may also be affected at one and the same time, or singly. Hemorrhages are not usually the conspicu- ous factors in syphilitic retinitis as in some varieties of retinitis, though they do occur at times and are often quite large. The vision is often markedly affected or impaired, depending of course upon the stage of the disease, its variety and the part of the eye ground involved. Course and Treatment. This disease is usually chronic. The treatment of course is anti-syphilitic. Mercurial inunctions, iodids internally and the use of pilocarpin sweats. The prognosis depends on the stage of the inflammation, the part of the retina involved and the persistence and vigor with which the treatment is carried out and maintained. Splenic or Leukemic Retinitis, Retinitis from Anemia. The early ophthalmoscopic changes of this disease are not unlike those of diffuse retinitis, PLATE IV. ALBUMINURIC RETINITIS. RETINITIS OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE. BRIGHT'S RETINA. FUNDUS OF RIGHT EYE. DIRECT METHOD. Miss K. C. Aged 49 years. History. First noticed foggy vision in April, 1904, and came for examination October 8 of same year, stating that when left eye was closed objects seen with right eye were quite indistinct on their left side (positive scotoma). Vision of right eye with + -5 D- C + i-SO Cyl. axis 180 de- grees = IV/XX. Vision of left eye with + 0.50 D. C + J -5o Cyl. axis 180 de- grees = IV/VIISS. Fundus Changes. Fundus of each eye very similar, but that of the right typically marked. Swollen disc, striated edges; exuda- tions (" snow banks ") about its edges with two areas above and one below the disc. Macular figure unusually well marked. Many scattered and flame-shaped hemorrhages seen in the periphery and about the disc. Vessels about the disc show effusion into their sheaths by the white edge at each side of the vessel. The disc resembles that of choked disc in brain tumor, but the " snow banks " and macular figure are almost too conspicuous for such a diagnosis. The history of the patient, not having any headache, nausea or vomiting, no double vision or any indication of extra-ocular palsies, excluded the idea of brain tumor. The urine analysis confirmed the kidney changes (interstitial nephritis). Decapsulation of each kidney was performed February 25, 1905, and patient died fourteen days later of uremic coma. 190 PLATE IV Rlbuminuric Kstinitis SPLENIC RETINITIS. 193 but later on the fundus may, and often does, appear of a light orange color, which authorities recognize as quite characteristic of this variety of retinitis, and yet there are cases of splenic retinitis which do not have this characteristic feature. The veins fre- quently have an unusual tortuosity and are quite distended and of a rose red color. The arteries ap- pear normal and of an orange yellow color. The disc may appear normal or it may be prominent, and if prominent its edges are hazy. Hemorrhages both large and small are seen in any part of the fundus, but usually about the equator ; they are cir- cular in form. Hemorrhages may also be seen in the macular region and about the disc. As the old hemorrhages disappear new ones are seen to make their appearance. The hemorrhages surround ele- vated white spots which vary in size and are com- posed of lymph corpuscles. Treatment. This applies to the cause. Renal Retinitis, Retinitis of Bright's Disease, Retinitis Nephritica, Albuminuric Retinitis, Papillo-retinitis (Plate IV.). This may occur in any variety of disease of the kidneys, especially in the chronic form, most frequently with contracted kidney, also with the large white kidney. The most common variety of retinitis is the neuro-retin- itis (papillo-retinitis). The ophthalmoscope reveals the following characteristics: (a) The disc is swollen and hyperemic or actively inflamed; (b) large, round, white or yellowish-white massings ar- '7 194 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. ranged in circular form are seen to partly or com- pletely surround the disc; this is quite distinctive of albuminuric retinitis, whereas in other varieties of retinitis the exudate is not so rounded but elon- gated and follows the course of the large vessels. The massings around the disc have been called " snow bank," and the name is obvious, (c) White spots, small in size, seen at the macula (due to fatty degeneration of exudates and retinal elements) form a characteristic picture of Bright's disease. These white dots appear early in the disease and later on they enlarge or coalesce into radiations like the spokes of a wheel, with the macula as a center, their radiations resemble the points of a star and the figure has been called " stellar " or " macu- lar figure " ; this figure is not always complete. However, whether complete or partial, it is con- sidered quite pathognomonic of Bright's disease until other factors can be brought out to disprove this diagnosis. Therefore, the macular white dots are sometimes seen in other varieties of inflamma- tion of the retina, (d) Many of the retinal vessels will be seen to pass over or are hidden in the white patches. The arteries appear normal or smaller in size, and the veins are distended, slightly tortuous and dark in color. Arteries and veins may show a white streak at their borders, (e) Hemorrhages may occur at any time during the progress of the disease; they are usually in the nerve fiber layer and therefore flame-shaped. Small hemorrhages DIAGNOSIS OF RENAL RETINITIS. 1 95 in the deep layers (round-shaped hemorrhages), as an early manifestation, foretell a most unfavorable prognosis. Differential Diagnosis. Retinitis of Bright's disease may be mistaken for retinitis accompanying brain tumor, and this differentiation is not always easy or positive from the eye condition alone ; how- ever, the following may assist materially in the decision. Bright's Disease. Brain Tumor. Disc usually has uniform or dif- Disc very much elevated and fuse redness and occasionally vessels seen passing down into a slight swelling, and vessels level of retina (Plate III.). buried in the swelling which is not as prominent as in choked disc. Large vessels show very little Veins very large, full and tortu- change, the veins may be ous very early in the disease. slightly tortuous and darker in ' color. Retinal changes appear early. Retinal changes come late. White exudates are numerous White exudates not so early. and coalesce ; seen around disc Macular star may not be and at the macular region. present. Albuminuric retinitis rarely affects one eye alone ; both eyes are usually affected, but one may be affected before its fellow. The above description is that of a typical case of albuminuric retinitis, but there are many de- partures from this complete picture; in fact, the complete picture is not the common one. There are four other principal pictures of albuminuric retin- itis, described and named from a chief feature seen in the fundus. 196 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. 1. Degenerative Albuminuric Retinitis. In this picture the whitish ring about the disc is ab- sent and the stellate figure about the macula is not complete. The disc is red and swollen but not highly inflamed; its edges are hazy. The hemor- rhages are nearly, if not all, flame-shaped, occupy- ing the nerve fiber layer. 2. Hemorrhagic Retinitis of Bright's Disease. As its name implies, this variety is characterized by many hemorrhages scattered over the fundus, and they appear as an early manifestation before the disc becomes involved. When the hemor- rhages are absorbed white areas take their places, and if the underlying choroid has been involved, these areas may be partially pigmented. 3. Albuminuric Neuro-retinitis (Plate V.). Here the picture is one of high grade inflamma- tion of the disc and retina with hemorrhages and exudates as a consequence of such inflammation. 4. Albuminuric Papillitis. The chief charac- teristic feature here is the inflammation of the disc, giving the typical "choked disc" (papillitis). Albuminuric retinitis occurring during preg- nancy is the neuro-retinitis just described. The white areas are large and scattered and due to serous effusion ; the hemorrhages are also scattered. The white areas do not usually have the same radi- ating figure in the macula as in the typical picture described and shown in Plate IV. Prognosis for Vision. Vision is usually ma- PLATE V lilbuminuric Retinitis of Pregnancy PLATE V. ALBUMINURIC RETINITIS OF PREGNANCY. NEURO-RETINITIS. PAPILLO-RETINITIS. FUNDUS OF LEFT EYE. DIRECT METHOD. Mrs. O. Aged 28 years. Fundus Changes. Each fundus of this patient showed neuro- retinitis, but much more marked in the left, although the right eye had its vision destroyed by a large hemorrhage into the macula. Vision of right eye with + i D. C + I-5O Cyl. axis 100 degrees = light perception. Vision of left eye with -f- 1.50 D. C + 2.50 Cyl. axis 90 degrees = V/XIK?). The disc is hidden and slightly swollen, but not to the same ex- tent as in Plate IV. The punctate dots above and at the macula (neuritic dots) are quite conspicuous. Areas of exudation are some distance from the disc. The hemorrhages are numerous, small and flame-shaped. The veins are full and tortuous and some of them are covered by the swollen retina. Patient recovered her health, but with damaged vision, as above recorded, with her cor- recting glasses. The following letter from Dr. Davis is self-ex- planatory and gives the patient's history : April 14, 1905. DR. JAMES THORINGTON, 120 South :8th Street, Phila. My Dear Dr. Thorington: Regarding our patient, Mrs. O. at the Polyclinic, the salient points of the history are as follows : Patient, aged 28; multipara; family history, negative; has had scarlet fever and diphtheria. No complications in previous preg- nancies or labors ; has had chlorosis ; and has had frequent head- aches at menstruation ; has worn glasses. During pregnancy which has just terminated, felt languid, had occasional nose-bleed and slight vaginal hemorrhage. She received no competent medical care. Her urine was not examined. On the evening preceding admission to Polyclinic Hospital she felt badly and was nauseated. Convulsions began in the early morning. She had eight before admission. Temperature on admission was 102. A convulsion occurred immediately after admission. She was treated by venesection with intravenous transfusion of salt solution, hot packs with copious enteroclysis. Labor gradually came on, and when the cervix had softened and partly dilated, the patient by podalic version was delivered of a dead 7-months child, 35 centi- metres long. She had no convulsion after delivery, and slowly regained consciousness. I 9 7 The placenta was not examined, nor- was the fetus submitted to examination. Examination of the patient's urine, with the clinical history of her case, shows that her eclampsia was the result of toxemia of nephritic origin. That this had proceeded sufficiently far to pro- duce disintegration of the red blood corpuscles was shown by the fact that the patient had nasal and vaginal hemorrhage before labor, and also from the occurrence of retinal hemorrhages, as reported by you. So far as prognosis for life is concerned, these cases are more favorable than toxemia of nephritic origin. This patient will gradually recover her usual general health, and can avoid a subsequent toxemia, should pregnancy again occur. In other cases which I have seen, the eye condition has gradually improved, and patients who were practically blind, before delivery, have obtained fair vision. The treatment employed in this case was that which I usually employ with these patients ; namely, the abstraction of a small quan- tity of blood, followed by intravenous saline transfusion to neutral- ize poisons circulating in the blood serum, copious lavage of the stomach and intestines, with perspiration as free as possible. When labor begins, it is aided and not allowed to continue long. Hoping that these notes will be what you desire, I remain, Very truly yours, EDW. P. DAVIS. 198 PLATE VI. RETINITIS DIABETICA. FUNDUS OF RIGHT EYE. DIRECT METHOD. Mr. C. B. E. Aged 64 years. History. Suffering from diabetes for three years and sight of each eye has been failing gradually for the past three months, but within the last few days has not been able to read with any glasses he could purchase. Now his vision is so defective he has difficulty in getting around the city and is afraid of getting run over. Fundus Changes. Arteriosclerosis showing in the upper and lower temporal vessels where they cross. Small flame-shaped and round hemorrhages scattered irregularly in the fundus. The disc edges are foggy and the membrana cribrosa is indistinct. The inter- mediate zone and in fact the entire disc has a canary yellow color appearance. Fundus of the left eye is practically the same as the right. Vision of right eye with -j- i D. C + ! Cyl. axis 180 degrees = VI/XL. Vision of the left eye with same correction is the same as the right. Cannot read newspaper print with any additional glass. 202 PLATE VI Retinitis Diabetica PROGNOSIS FOR PATIENTS LIFE. 205 terially damaged and may be destroyed as the vital part of the eye (the macula) is seriously involved, as a rule. The failing vision may be the very first symptom which brings the patient's attention to his eyes, and hence to his kidney condition. Prognosis for Patient's Life. Most patients with albuminuric retinitis (except when due to pregnancy) die within two years (fourteen months has been given as the average) from the time the retinas are primarily involved. There are excep- tions to this statement. The writer has the personal knowledge and has examined the eyes of a col- league's patient, who has had albuminuric retinitis for over ten years, and who was told nine years ago that he would not live another year. The writer has under observation two cases of albuminuric retinitis that have existed for over two years, and both pa- tients are in fairly good health ; both these patients are syphilitic and have been, and are irregularly un- der specific treatment. It is the writer's belief and experience that syphilitic patients, with albuminuric retinitis, coming under active specific treatment give a much more favorable prognosis for a longer life than a patient ivho develops Bright's retinitis with- out this specific (cause?) history. Treatment. This applies directly to the kidneys and the underlying cause. As far as the eyes are concerned, they should be placed at rest with dark glasses and the use of a cycloplegic, and all use of the eyes at any near work must be stopped. 18 206 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Diabetic Retinitis (Plate VI.). Involvement of the retina is not a common condition in diabetes, it is usually a late manifestation, but when it does occur it is quite serious. Diabetes does, however, produce quite marked and rapid changes in the refraction by its action on the lens, and so-called diabetic cataract may be a result. The snow bank about the disc and the macular star are usually absent in diabetes. The hemorrhages are common, flame-shaped and round and usually large. The disc is not markedly swollen ; late in the disease it may appear of a pale yellow color. However, there are instances when diabetic retinitis simulates the albuminuric variety so closely that the presence of sugar or albumen in the urine must settle the diagnosis, or possibly both conditions (albuminuria and diabetes) may exist in the same subject. Hem- orrhagic retinitis may occur during diabetic retin- itis. Choked disc may be present in diabetes, and also with brain tumor. While Bright's disease and also diabetes usually affect both eyes respectively at the same time, yet either may occur in one eye several weeks or months before the other eye is affected. Course and Complications. Cataract, inflam- mation of the iris and vitreous opacities, are added complications to the failing central and peripheral vision. Prognosis. Unfavorable, depending of course upon the condition of the disc and the retinal in- volvement and complications. PLATE VII. RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA. FUNDUS OF RIGHT EYE. DIRECT METHOD. Mr. S. J. B. Aged 53 years. Cigarmaker. Englishman by birth. Vision of right eye IV/XX with 2.50 D. C + 2 -75 Cyl. axis i8o=IV/X. Vision of left eye IV/XX with 2.00 D. C + 2.50 Cyl. axis 12 degrees = IV/X. History. So far as patient knows has always had day sight (hemeralopia), but could not see at night without a very bright light, and has therefore remained in doors at night unless he had company after leaving the house in the evening. Is in the habit of hurrying home at twilight and dreads very dark or rainy days. Knows that he had night blindness when he came to America in 1863, when about ten years of age. His condition has geen gradu- ally getting worse. Has tried all kinds of glasses, but without much assistance. This is proven by the above formulas. Parents are not related and no one else in his family, so far as he knows, has ever been similarly afflicted. Is a single man. Never had syphilis. Has never married, as he was medically advised not to, as his eye con- dition would very likely be inherited. Fundus Changes. The periphery of the eye ground is character- istic of many myopic eyes, the choroidal vessels being very conspic- uous. The retinal vessels are not very numerous and the smaller ones can be traced with difficulty in the periphery. The disc is quite yellow in color. The retinal vessels are narrow. The lower vein appears large at first, but this is due to the peculiar way in which the pigment is deposited on its walls. The reflex immedi- ately around the disc approximates the normal, but beyond this the condition is atrophic. A few stellate pigment spots, together with irregular pigment massings on the vessels, are scattered throughout the fundus. This is an unusual variety of the disease under con- sideration. The patient is color blind for red. See chart, Fig. 71. 208 PLATE VII Retinitis Pigmentasa RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA. 211 Treatment. That for diabetes. Retinitis Pigmentosa (Plate VII.), Pigmen- tary Degeneration of the Retina, Night-blindness (Hemeralopia, yp-epa, day, and aty, sight). This disease always affects both eyes (unless syphilitic), it begins in childhood and gradually develops as the patient grows older and if the patient lives to be sixty years or more, then blindness will very likely be the ultimate condition. The cause of this peculiar disease is unknown, though statistics re- veal the fact that about one case in three can be traced to consanguinity of the parents. Syphilis, congenital or acquired, is also a cause. Pathology. The connective tissue of the entire retina becomes thickened or hypertrophied and the nerve elements atrophic (degenerated), this latter gradually reducing visual acuity. The caliber of the retinal vessels becomes narrowed by direct thick- ening of their walls and the diameter of the ves- sels gradually diminishes also. The retinal pig- mentation becomes disturbed, and in a most peculiar manner and one that has never been satisfactorily explained. Ophthalmoscopic Findings. The pigmentation appears in masses or patches and is deposited in the retina and it not only follows the course of the retinal vessels but forms on the vessel walls; this is quite a diagnostic feature of the disease. In childhood or in the early stages of the disease this pigmentation is seen only in the periphery of the 212 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. eye ground but later on these spots increase in numbers and unite, sending off filiform processes, so that they resemble bone corpuscles, and are often star-shaped, and there may be other pigment mass- ings present which are most irregular and may have a spider-shaped formation, so that the retina in some instances looks as if it had a black network or irregularly folded veil stretched over it. This FIG. 71. Form Field, showing contraction in all meridians. This is the chart of the right eye of the patient with Retinitis Pigmentosa, as illustrated in Plate VII. The outer edge of the black area represents the normal field and the inner edge of the black area shows the contraction. whole process of pigmentation begins well forward and gradually extends inward toward the disc in a uniform manner. When seen in childhood this process of pigmentation is not well developed but progresses slowly as the patient grows, unless some intercurrent disease develops when the pig- RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA. 213 mentation may be hastened. One case under the writer's observation (the parents of the patient were second cousins) developed dorsal curvature of the spine and the retinal disease increased rapidly. The disc gradually loses its normal appearance and takes on a yellowish-gray color and may eventually become white, atrophic. Cases of retinitis pigmen- tosa are often complicated with posterior polar cataract and nystagmus, especially when congenital. See description for Plate VII. Subjective Symptoms. The chief characteris- tic symptom, and the one by which the patient's attention is first called to his condition, is the in- ability to see distinctly when twilight begins or after the sun goes down. He may see perfectly well in day time so far as he knows, but after dark he will stumble and bump into objects. Field of Vision. The field of vision becomes more and more contracted as the disease progresses and atrophy develops (Fig. 71). Central Vision. This remains good much longer than peripheral vision, but the condition means ulti- mate blindness if the patient survives. The re- fractive error is not known to influence the suscepti- bility of an eye to the disease under consideration. Many illustrated cases would indicate that the eyes were hypermetropic and yet the fundus shown in Plate VII. happened to be in a stretching myopic eye that had the choroidal circulation very much exposed in the periphery. 214 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Differential Diagnosis. Retinitis pigmentosa is not a common disease and ordinarily it is easily differentiated from choroiditis or retino-choroiditis which it is said to somewhat resemble. Retinitis Pigmentosa Retino-choroiditis (Plate VII.). (Plate XL). Choroidal changes often absent. Choroidal changes present. Pigment spots not round, but Pigment spots are round or in stellate. form of rings or irregular shapes. Pigment follows course of ves- Pigment does not follow course sels and often seen on top of of vessels to any great extent, vessels. Treatment of Retinitis Pigmentosa. If due to syphilis, iodids and mercury should be ordered. For the congenital variety strychnia and galvanism should be tried, though the prognosis in such cases is very grave. Sclerosis of the Retina. Called also non-pig- mented sclerosis. This is another variety of retin- itis which gives a contracted field and blindness at night ; the same symptoms are obtained as in retinitis pigmentosa, therefore these two diseases markedly resemble each other, but the ophthalmoscope does not reveal the typical pigmentation just described, but rather a pale fundus or one resembling a slow or low grade of inflammation of the retina, and choroid, with here and there scattered dots of pig- ment. Several members of the same family may have the condition, which suggests that it is con- genital and possibly due to consanguinity of the parents. There is no treatment of any avail. PLATE VIII. PARTIAL DETACHMENT OF THE RETINA. FUNDUS OF THE RIGHT EYE. DIRECT METHOD. Mr. M. Aged 46 years. Patient seen in consultation by Dr. G. E. de Schweinitz. History of Myopia. Always carefully refracted. Was struck on the left side of the head some few days before coming under obser- vation. Fundus Changes. Retina detached downward and forward. The wavy condition of the retina, the course of the dark-colored vessels without their usual light streaks, as they appear on the detachment, are all quite characteristic of the condition under consideration. The disc appears foggy because it is out of focus as compared with the detachment, which is in focus for purpose of sketching. The disc is seen with 7 D., whereas the detachment is best seen with a + I D- Two most peculiar and irregular white streaks with pig- ment massings on their upper edges are seen down and out and down and in, beginning a short distance from the disc and extend- ing as far forward as the eye can see into the periphery. These white streaks resemble obliterated vessels or ruptures in the choroid, and what is still more peculiar each eye has the same condition and in about the same situation. There is no detachment in the left eye. The white streaks are very likely congenital and possibly obliterated vessels. A rupture of the choroid would be crescentic in shape and situated elsewhere in the fundus, and it is not likely that there would be two ruptures in the same eye or in both eyes. Each eye has compound myopic astigmatism. See chart, Fig. 72. Vision of right eye IV/L with 5.25 D. C 1-25 Cyl. axis 20 degrees = l prism b. d. == VI/VI. Vision of left eye IV/CXX with 8.25 D. Z 3-25 Cyl. axis 165 degrees = i prism b. up. = VI/VI. 216 PLATE VIM Detachment of the Retina OPHTI-IALMOSCOPIC FINDINGS. 2IQ Detachment of the Retina. This means that the retina is no longer held up against the choroid by the vitreous, the latter having become diseased or some force greater than the vitreous pressure, has been exerted from behind and the retina has come forward as a consequence. This may occur in any part of the retina either as a partial condition (Plate VIII.) or as a total detachment; this latter is sometimes spoken of as an umbrella detachment, in its resemblance to a closed umbrella, the retina remaining attached at the disc edges and the ora serrata. Ophthalmoscopic Findings. Viewing a fundus having a partial detachment, the normal reflex is absent at the portion detached and in its place is seen a reflex more or less opaque and gray in color with its surface uneven and more or less wavy. The retinal vessels passing over the detachment are quite dark, or blue-black in color, and have lost their light streak, they have peculiar positions or curves or bends which are in keeping with the surface of the detachment, they appear decidedly serpentine. The same lens in the ophthalmoscope will not focus the same or any one vessel in all of its various posi- tions. If the eyeball is rotated in different direc- tions the detachment with its vessels are seen to move according to the fluidity of the vitreous and underlying fluid. When the retina is totally de- tached, no view of the interior of the eye can be ob- tained and the condition can best be examined by 22O THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. having the pupil dilated and using the oblique light. Detachment usually affects one eye alone, though both eyes may become affected, one eye before the other; seldom are both eyes affected primarily at the same time unless from injury. Occasionally it is the upper part of the retina that detaches first and the fluid behind gradually gravitates downward and in this way the part first detached may settle back to its normal position and FIG. 72. Form Field, showing the upper field cut off abruptly and also considerable contraction down and out. This is the chart of the patient with Partial Detachment of the retina in right eye, as illustrated in Plate VIII. the lower part becomes the detached portion. The detached retina soon becomes blind. Sooner or later, depending upon the amount of the detach- ment, the lens becomes opaque and the eyeball re- mains quite soft. CAUSES OF DETACHMENT. 221 I Visual acuity is not materially interfered with unless the detachment is very large or involves the macular region or the vitreous or lens become cloudy. The field of vision is lost in the area cor- responding to the detachment, and it is often this one symptom which brings the patient under ob- servation (see Chart, Fig. 72). Causes of Detachment. The most common cause is myopia (the stretching eyeball). Other causes are inflammation of the retina; or ciliary body; or uveitis; cysticercus; injuries; tumors of the choroid; diminished intra-ocular tension fol- lowing the removal of the lens on account of high myopia, loss of vitreous from any cause and also diminution in the density of the vitreous as seen in diabetes, etc., and also from a pulling on the retina by cicatricial bands. Detachment of the retina may develop suddenly from straining at stool or after stooping over or after running or after any great exertion. A patient of the writer's developed or noticed sudden loss of sight in the lower field after a violent spell of sneezing and a detachment was carefully studied and mapped out two hours later. Retinal detachment is said to be much more common among men than women. Differential Diagnosis. Detachment due to fluid and that due to a neoplasm should have careful consideration as bearing upon the life of the pa- tient. A growth beneath the retina would give a somewhat similar picture to that of detachment as 222 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. far as the curves in the vessels are concerned, but they would very likely maintain their light streak which they would not do in a fluid detachment, and there would not be that wavy appearance to the retina and vessels as in the fluid detachment, neither would there be that motion to the detachment when the eyeball was suddenly rotated, and furthermore when the retina is raised up by a growth from the choroid it has more definite or sharply cut edges, as compared to a detachment from fluid. Elevation of the Detachment. The detachment of the retina whether due to fluid or a growth means, that the retina in the area of detachment is brought closer to the crystalline lens, and therefore to study or examine it carefully a much stronger plus lens must be employed at the sight-hole of the ophthal- moscope if the eye is naturally hypermetropic than would be required to see the disc, and if the eye was myopic then a weaker minus lens or very likely a plus lens would have to be employed to see the vessels on the detachment. The difference in the strength of the lenses employed to see the surround- ing attached retina and the top of the detachment represents the amount of the elevation, depending of course upon the position of the growth or loose retina, whether well forward in the eye ground or back near the disc. Every three diopters of differ- ence represents one millimeter of elevation. The field of vision and the elevation carefully studied at different times and then compared, will be a TREATMENT OF DETACHMENT. 223 guide as to the increase or decrease in size of the detachment or growth. Prognosis. Most unfavorable for permanent reattachment. Usually the detachment becomes complete and sight destroyed. Treatment. Enucleation of the eye, if the de- tachment is due to a growing tumor. If due to fluid, and the patient comes under observation quite early, then the patient must be placed in the recum- bent position, atropin instilled and the eye gently bandaged. The patient must be freely purged and following this pilocarpin sweats must be given every night or every other night, according to the patient's condition and according to the changes whch take place in the eye. Subconjunctival injec- tions of normal salt solution should be given every second or third day. Internally the patient should receive increasing doses of the iodid of potash. The eye ground should be studied briefly each day to see if the fluid is diminishing and the retina resuming its normal position; when this has been accom- plished the patient should remain comparatively quiet for several days before attempting any move- ments like walking up and down stairs. The treat- ment by tapping the fluid through the scleral coat and drawing off the fluid, and then injecting irri- tants like the tincture of iodin, etc., is not considered advisable ; all such treatment has been tried and ulti- mate failures reported. Most every case treated has failed of permanent reattachment, yet as some 224 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. few recoveries have been reported, the treatment should be carried out in each case, especially if seen quite early ; the earlier the case comes under obser- vation the better. Rupture of the Retina. This is a most unusual condition, though it has been recognized. A rup- ture of the retina accompanying a corresponding condition of the choroid is not so infrequent. If the retina is ruptured its ragged edges will be seen and also the exposed choroid beneath; of course if a hemorrhage occurs at the time of the rupture then the wound may be covered, but as soon as the hemorrhage is absorbed the diagnosis can be made. The retina is liable to rupture after being detached, therefore it may be a sequela of detachment of the retina. Commotio Retinae, or Contusion of the Retina. A severe blow upon the eyeball or the head with a blunt instrument such as a ball, club, fist, etc., will produce impaired vision, redness of the eyeball, and dread of light (photophobia). These symptoms will ordinarily pass away in a few hours unless unusually severe. For the time being, however, the ophthalmoscope reveals a slight opacity of the retina. A guarded prognosis should be given, for if the condition persists for some time, it may eventuate in impaired vision which may become permanent. Glioma of the Retina (also called " Amaurotic Cat's Eye). This is a disease of the retina which GLIOMA OF RETINA. 225 occurs in infancy, very seldom after the age of six years, though a case has been reported which oc- curred as late as twelve years. Glioma is therefore recognized as a disease of infancy, a congenital con- dition, and has been known to affect more than one child in the same family. It usually affects one eye, but may appear in both. " Glioma is the only neo- plasm which occurs in the retina." (Fuchs.) Gli- oma is a non-pigmented growth springing from the inner granular layer of the retina, and grows rap- idly. The child is usually brought under observa- tion with the statement from the mother or some member of the family, that a glistening reflex from the eye has been noticed for a certain length of time and that the child did not appear to be seeing with the eye or on the side corresponding to the eye affected. Hence the name amaurotic (d/taupd?, dark or blind). Ophthalmoscopic Findings. No definite fun- dus reflex can be made out unless the eye is brought under observation quite early, but no matter whether seen early or in the late stage of the disease, it will be necessary to examine the eye with the oblique light and have the pupil dilated. The glioma is usually of a whitish-pink color and may be irregular, lobulated or smooth. Growth of the Glioma. This is quite rapid as a rule, and especially so after the first stage which is that of loss of sight and increase of tension; then comes great pain and the growth perforates the 226 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. eye in different places, usually at the nerve and the edge of the cornea. The orbit becomes crowded and the bleeding mass protrudes between the lids and onto the cheek. By metastasis and continuity of structure, the disease spreads to the internal organs and the brain. The patient wastes away and dies. Differential Diagnosis. Glioma resembles pseudo-glioma (purulent choroiditis) which is not a malignant disease. It also resembles tubercle of the choroid (see choroidal diseases). Glioma. Pscudo-Glioma. Pinkish-white color. Yellow or straw color. Smooth or tabulated surface. Flat surface. Iris usually pushed forward. Iris adherent posteriorly in most instances, and its ciliary bor- der retracted. Anterior chamber shallow. Deep anterior chamber. May appear vascular. Does not appear vascular. Tension may be very much in- x Tension diminished, creased. Prognosis. Unfavorable unless the eye is enucleated early. The prognosis is favorable, if the glioma does not return within three years after removal. Treatment. Early enucleation and dividing the nerve as far back as possible. Retinitis Circinata (Described by Fuchs). The retinal picture of this disease as seen with the oph- thalmoscope is that of a number of glistening white patches which are arranged in the form of an oval about the macula, extending well upward and AMAUROTIC FAMILY IDIOCY. 227 downward almost to the temporal vessels. Occa- sionally the retinal vessels are seen to pass over these white patches which resemble the patches seen in albuminuric retinitis and diabetes. Occasion- ally a few hemorrhages are seen in the white areas. The macula is usually involved and its visual quality is very much reduced. This seems to be a disease of the macular region, as the rest of the eye ground appears normal. For- tunately, this is a rare disease and is usually found among the aged. There is no relief for the condi- tion and fortunately total blindness seldom occurs. Amaurotic Family Idiocy, Symmetric Changes at the Macula Lutea in Infancy. The infant is usually of Hebrew parentage. A most unusual disease and not many cases recorded. It was first described by Warren Tay. The ophthalmoscopic picture is one which resembles embolism of the cen- tral artery. In this disease the macula lutea is very conspicuous by being cherry red and of much larger area than the red spot of embolism ; it is im- mediately surrounded by an area of gray white- ness about the size of the disc or a trifle larger. The rest of the eye ground appears normal, all except the disc, which soon becomes atrophic. As its name indicates, it is a disease of infancy. The infant seldom reaches its third year. Disease of the brain and spinal cord accompany the eye condi- tion. This disease is caused by an arrest of devel- opment and changes are found in the ganglion 228 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. cells of the retina, of the cortex, and degeneration of the cord. Purulent Retinitis. This, like purulent choroid- itis, is due to septic emboli, and the two conditions generally appear together. The ophthalmoscope shows numerous hemorrhages and many white or yellowish-white opaque spots, which soon become diffuse and the vitreous becomes cloudy (see Puru- lent Choroiditis). Angioid Streaks. Pigment streaks in the retina. This is a very rare condition affecting both retinas. The vision is somewhat diminished. These streaks are recognized as being in the deep layers of the retina, as the retinal vessels are seen to pass over them. The first impression is, that these streaks are obliterated vessels which they resemble. They are brownish in color, irregular in outline and not sym- metric. There is no treatment. CHAPTER IX. DISEASES OF THE OPTIC NERVE. DISEASES of the optic nerve are recognized by the patient's symptoms, the field of vision, the visual acuity and a study of the optic disc which is the only part of the nerve that can be seen with the ophthalmoscope. The study of the pathologic disc therefore requires a knowledge and apprecia- tion of the normal disc and an intimate acquaint- ance with the anatomic construction of the part and parts concerned (see Chapter III.). The disc itself is nourished by the capillary branches from the central and posterior ciliary arteries which make up the circle of Haller. The central vessels (except the capillaries just mentioned) on the disc are terminal vessels and go to nourish the retina. The transparent nerve fibers in their re- spective bundles pass through the openings in the membrana cribrosa ; these openings act like so many collars around the nerve bundles, if therefore from any cause these nerve fibers become swollen or in- flamed, then the membrana cribrosa acts like liga- tures and the resulting conditions as seen with the ophthalmoscope must be in keeping with the degree of swelling and constriction exerted. Color of the Normal Disc. This has already 229 230 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. been described in Chapter IV., but there is ample room for dispute by the best authorities as to slight changes from the normal complexion or what repre- sents the normal color for a certain disc in a cer- tain fundus, and frequently the surgeon must make examinations on different days before committing himself to an opinion that might otherwise be erroneous. Hyperemia of the Disc. The normal disc is said to be pink or yellowish-red in color (Plate I.) ; then if the disc appears red in color it is said to be hyperemic; some authorities call this "peach red," " cinnabar red," " brick dust red," etc. If the hyperemia is of moderate amount the edge of the disc may be easily distinguished, but if the hyper- emia is excessive or is increasing, the disc becomes indistinct or possibly obscured, and the disc edges cannot be definitely distinguished from the sur- rounding eye ground except by following the ves- sels to their central convergence. Pallor of the Disc. This is a condition the very reverse of hyperemia. The color of the disc in place of being normal in color will appear chalky white, as the very extreme condition of pallor. Slight degrees of pallor are not readily distinguished, and considerable practice is required for a positive opinion, and frequently other conditions must be taken into consideration before deciding positively. Pallor of the disc due to anemia gives the rest of the eye ground a pale appearance also, whereas DEPRESSIONS OF DISC. 231 when the disc is chalky white in color, the surround- ing eye ground appears redder than normal, and this is brought about by contrast (Plate X.). Changes or Alterations in the Surface Level of the Disc, as compared with the adjacent eye ground. The disc may appear level with the sur- rounding eye ground or depressed in whole or in part, or it may appear elevated. Depressions. These may be classed as three, the physiologic cupping, the glaucoma cup and the depression from atrophy (saucer cupping). This term 'saucer cupping' is really a misnomer, and saucer excavation is a better one. In the study of an elevation or depression of the disc three methods may be followed: first, the ves- sels are carefully studied in their course as they adapt themselves to the surface on which they lie. As an elevation or depression is a gradual ascent or descent, then the course of the vessel will appear gradually changed, whereas, if the elevation or de- pression is abrupt the course of the vessel will appear more or less sharply bent. If the alteration from the level is gradual, then the vessel may be continu- ously traced, but if the alteration from the level is abrupt the vessel will have the appearance of being broken, or it appears to stop abruptly and then to start again at a different level (Plate XIL). Second, the proof of the difference in level is made evident when the observer has to employ a different strength lens in the ophthalmoscope to see the vessel clearly in 232 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. its different positions or levels ; for instance, a ves- sel at the edge of the disc may be seen clearly with a + 5 D. in the ophthalmoscope, and at the same time the same vessel will appear hazy or indistinct at the bottom of the cupping, and might require a minus lens to bring it into view at that point. It is much better to select small vessels for this test as they usually lie closer to the surface, and at the same time require a little more delicate focusing. Third, the parallax test (Chapter IV.). 1. Physiologic Cupping (see Chapter IV.)- Fig. 73, No. i, is a drawing of the disc, showing physiologic cupping, and illustrates the manner in which the vessels pass in and out of it, conveying the idea of how the nerve level is depressed with the cupping. 2. Depression from Glaucoma Cupping (Plate XII. ). This cupping represents an excavation of the entire nerve head or disc, and is produced by intra-ocular pressure; in other words, the nerve head is pressed backward into the scleral ring. The edge of the cup is steep, precipitous and even over- hanging. The disc varies in color in different cases, and is therefore variously described as greenish, gray, grayish-blue or white. The vessels in the retina appear to stop suddenly as they pass over the edge into the cup, and then may reappear out of focus at the bottom of the cup. The arteries are smaller in caliber and the veins are full and tor- tuous, sometimes having the appearance of a string DEPRESSION FROM GLAUCOMA CUPPING. 233 of beads. When the edge of the disc is clearly fo- cused and the ophthalmoscope is tilted so that the re- flected light passes across the disc, the bottom of the cupping appears to have a different rate of move- ment; this is called the glaucomatous parallax. Plate XII. shows the apparent sudden termination of the retinal vessel at the edge of the disc, and also the same vessel dimly seen in the bottom of the 20 234 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. cupping. Fig. 73, No. 3, is a section of a glaucoma- tous cupping and shows the steep or overhanging walls of the cup. 3. Depression of the Disc from Atrophy. This form of depression, like the glaucomatous, extends over or embraces the entire disc, but unlike the glau- comatous, it is shallow and the depression is very gradual from edge to center, not abrupt like a cup, but gradual like a saucer ; hence it is spoken of as a saucer excavation in contradistinction to the cup- ping excavation. The vessels on the disc, there- fore, do not stop abruptly and then reappear, but pass gradually from the edge to the center. In the early stage of atrophy, the arteries are small and the veins are full, but in the late stage of atrophy (com- plete) both arteries and veins are very much dimin- ished in calibre and cannot be readily distinguished from each other by the light streak, as in the normal eye. The color of the disc in this last stage of atrophy is white or chalky, sometimes spoken of as bluish-white, or the color of skimmed milk. This color extends to the edge of the disc. Plate X. shows the white disc, and Fig. 73, No. 2, a section illustrating the gradual saucer curve, or bow shape, to the disc. To summarize: Physiologic Cupping Glaucoma Cupping (Fig. 73, No. i). (Fig. 73, No. 3)- I. Cupping is central or to tern- I. Cupping entire, poral side. Shelving from the side. ELEVATION OF DISC. 235 Physiological Cupping. Glaucoma Cupping. 2. Cupping gradual or abrupt. 2. Cupping has abrupt edges. 3. Vessels normal. 3. Veins full, arteries small. 4. Parallax occasionally marked. 4. Parallax very marked. 5. Normal color of disc. 5. Gray or pearly white color of disc. A trap hie (Fig. 73, No. 2). 1. Depression is entire. 2. Gradual sloping. 3. Arteries and veins indistinguishable. 4. No parallax. 5. Disc white in color. Elevation of Disc, the Swollen Disc. This is the very reverse of the three conditions just de- scribed. This is spoken of as optic neuritis, papil- litis, choked disc. Remembering the anatomy of the parts, how the sheath of the optic nerve is con- tinuous with the sclerotic coat, and between the nerve and its sheath is the arachnoid space, how the fibers of the nerve with artery or arteries and veins passed through the membrana cribrosa, then any portion of the nerve lying in front of the mem- brana cribrosa, must become constricted by this membrana cribrosa during inflammation of the nerve fibers, and this therefore means a compres- sion or squeezing of the disc, and hence its name "choked disc," papillitis, or optic neuritis. If the disc swells, it must project forward into the vitreous and also laterally. The swelling of the disc, whether due to pressure on the nerve fibers while in the nerve sheath before entering the scleral openings, or from obstruction to venous or arterial blood, or 236 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. by infection or proliferation; no matter what the cause, the condition is the same in all, viz., swelling. The presence of the swollen or elevated nerve head can be proven by the different strength lens re- quired in the ophthalmoscope to see first the top of the disc and then the edge of the disc or the sur- rounding eye ground. The swollen nerve head is composed of nerve fibers, inflammatory products, contracted arteries and very full veins. The di- ameter of the nerve head must therefore be much greater than normal; three times its normal diam- eter has been reported. The nerve fibers, as they pass from the disc, are seen to be swollen for some distance beyond its normal edge. They are opaque and gray in color. The edge of the disc is no longer clear cut but rather indefinite and merges gradu- ally into the surrounding fundus. The margin of the disc is spoken of as foggy, misty or woolly. The veins are full and tortuous, as the return blood from the retina cannot get out of the eye on account of the swelling. The arteries on the disc and in the retina are smaller for the same reason that the veins cannot carry the blood from the eye, so the arterial blood cannot get into the eye. The veins are more or less covered by inflammatory products and in some places they may be completely covered, or here and there come into view but are rarely seen distinctly. The arteries are often so small in caliber as to appear like threads and are seen with difficulty, or possibly cannot be seen at all. The CONSTRICTION OF CIRCULATION. swollen nerve head may be described or considered in three stages, the stage of swelling or constriction of the circulation ; stage of effusion ; stage of reso- lution, or absorption and atrophy. Stage of Swelling or Constriction of the Cir- culation. The elevation or swelling, while it may be, and often is, irregular, slopes gradually down- ward from the center into the surrounding eye ground and the blood vessels follow the same slopes. The nerve fibers are swollen and more or less opaque and give the nerve head a striated appear- ance. The disc margin, if it can be seen, is very indistinct or foggy, not definite or clear cut. The color of the disc is variously described as " red- dish-gray," " brick dust red," and even as violet and bluish. The veins are dark or almost black in color, full and tortuous. The arteries are small and do not carry much blood. This is the first stage of optic neuritis, or choked disc, or papillitis. The height of the swelling is calculated by the strength of lens in the ophthalmoscope required to see the top or apex of the swelling, as compared with the strength of lens required to see the sur- rounding eye ground, each three diopters represent- ing very closely one millimeter of elevation. Stage of Effusion or Cell Proliferation. The swelling of the disc is now quite regular, and the striation is not nearly so well marked. The effusion or exudation extends well beyond the disc margin, giving a decided opaque appearance which blurs 238 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. or obscures all fine detail observations. The central vessels are more or less concealed by the effusion and the arteries may not be seen. The color of the disc is not now as red as in the first stage, but is a dirty gray, and hemorrhages of varying sizes and shapes may be seen on and around the disc, and through the eye ground. The Stage of Resolution or Absorption and Atrophy. As the inflammation gradually subsides the swelling diminishes and the effusion is very slowly absorbed. The veins become less tortuous and their color less dark. They also diminish in caliber. The arteries remain thread-like and some of them may not be seen at all. The color of the disc is entirely white, or the color of chalk, and may appear glistening. This is the declining or final stage of optic neuritis. The surrounding eye ground shows faint and irregular pigmentation; this is often quite marked at the edge of the disc (Plate IX.). Optic Neuritis. There are several varieties of neuritis named principally, from the anatomic parts or part of the nerve involved. Papillitis. Inflammation of that portion of the nerve which is anterior to the membrana cribrosa, or an inflammation of that portion of the nerve which can be seen with the ophthalmoscope. Papillo-retinitis. Papillitis associated with retinitis. Ascending Neuritis. This is an inflammation PAPILLITIS. 239 which starts at the eye and extends or ascends toward the brain. Descending Neuritis is the re- verse of the ascending variety, the inflammation starting in the brain or back of the eye and de- scending toward the eye. An inflammation of the nerve back of the eye, is spoken of as retro-bulbar .neuritis. A partial neuritis is an inflammation of a part and not the whole of the nerve. Papillitis, also called Choked Disc, Neuritis, Intra-ocular Optic Neuritis. This begins as a hyperemia of the disc and passes into a stage of swelling so that the disc projects into the vitreous and its apex is seen with a different strength lens than is required to see the surrounding eye ground. According to Untoff, the elevation of the disc should be about two-thirds of one millimeter before it is spoken of as choked disc. The disc is also seen to be two or three times its normal width. The physiologic cupping, if previously present, is now absent. Hemorrhages, few or many, may be seen in and about the disc and occasionally throughout the fundus. The arteries and veins are seen to pass down from the apex or summit of the swollen disc and to bend abruptly to the level of the sur- rounding eye ground. The arteries are so crowded or pressed upon that the blood cannot pass through into the eye, and naturally they maintain more or less of their straight course, and on account of the same pressure the veins become full, swollen and tortuous because the blood cannot get out of the 240 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. eye and must remain backed up in the veins. The veins get so full and tortuous as to appear like half circles (-Plate III.) or serpentine, and hence the name of "medusa nerve," given to the veins and disc. Papillitis usually appears in both eyes, but may occur in one and when seen in one eye alone it may be due to a local cause in the same orbit, and this should be carefully looked for. If the cause is not local then tumor of the brain may be diagnosed with considerable certainty, and as being on the side of the brain corresponding to the eye affected. Papillitis, while so suggestive of brain tumor, does not indicate the portion of the brain implicated. Vision and Visual Field. In papillitis the cen- tral vision may be normal at first, but later on may become affected (see footnote, page 18). In rare instances central vision may be lost sud- denly. The field of vision is irregular in the periphery and the blind spot is enlarged. Color vision may be affected and hemianopsia may be present, under certain conditions. Course of Papillitis. As the retina is in great part a continuation of the optic nerve, it is difficult to imagine a case of papillitis without some involve- ment of the retina, and it becomes quite doubtful if papillitis can exist " per se." In cases of choked disc that recover the inflammation gradually sub- sides and atrophy supervenes. The swelling dimin- ishes in the disc and retina, the hemorrhages are CAUSES OF PAPILLITIS. 24! absorbed without leaving any trace of their pres- ence, unless quite large, when they occasionally leave yellowish-white patches in the retina which mark their previous existence. For a time the veins and arteries may regain in great part their normal positions and size, and may remain so if ex- tensive atrophy does not follow. The disc may ap- proximate the normal state also, but with irregular edges and with scattered broken pigment massings. This is an important part of the differential diagno- sis between atrophy following choked disc (Plate IX.) and atrophy following medullary or interstitial neuritis (Plate X.) where the disc edges are clean cut and well defined. Vision is usually very much reduced and peripheral vision irregularly con- tracted. Causes of Papillitis. Of all the causes of papil- litis by far the most common is tumor of the brain, namely, gumma, sarcoma, fibroma, carcinoma, etc. ; or to state the fact more definitely, no matter what the size of the tumor in the brain may be, large or small, or its variety or its location in the brain, 78 per cent, of cases of brain tumor develop papil- litis as the most important symptom. The follow- ing very interesting and instructive table "The Papillitis Accompanying Brain Tumor," by John E. Weeks, M.D., presented at the Section on Oph- thalmology at the fiftieth annual meeting of the American Medical Association held at Columbus, Ohio, June 6 to 9, 1899, gives the percentages of 242 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. choked discs, resulting from tumor in the brain and the locations of the tumors, etc. Location. 6 K ~ o : | c z ** Unilateral. Double Optic Neuritis. Per Cent. Frontal lobes 64 12 4 48 80.7 Temporo-sphenoidal 24 9 O 1C 62.5 Motor area m 46 7 64 SQ. 2 Parieto-occipital 77 4 7 26 87.8 Brain surface 17 4 O 60.2 Centrum ovale 58 17 2 TO 70.7 Corpora quadrigemina 10 o o IQ IOO Basal ganglia 36 1C O 22 61.1 Multiple jq II 2 26 46.6 Corpus callosum 12 7 O 41.7 Pituitary body 18 O SO Pineal gland i I o o O Crura c I o 4 80 Pons So 20 c 2? 60 Cerebellum 164 21 170 87.2 Base of cranium IO I o oo IO II 8^.7 Totals 677 1 80 27 470 69.4 Among other causes of choked disc or papillitis may be mentioned meningitis in any of its varieties, especially the tubercular, occurring among children as a rather frequent cause. The following have been noted as causing papillitis, albuminuria, dia- betes, rheumatism, brain abscess, hydrocephalus, thrombosis of the cavernous sinus, acromegaly (swollen pituitary body), aneurism, cysts, hemor- rhage of the meninges and traumas. Papillitis has been noted during typhoid fever, scarlet fever, diph- theria, small-pox, erysipelas, syphilis, influenza, etc. Sunstroke, disturbances of menstruation, lead and TREATMENT OF PAPILLITIS. 243 alcohol have also been recorded as causes, showing that the causes of papillitis are very many and vari- ous, and yet cases occur idiopathically. Prognosis. No matter what the cause of the papillitis, the prognosis must always be grave, for the simple reason that the vision is always more or less damaged, the one exception to this statement being the toxic amblyopias, which may recover, otherwise the underlying cause of the papillitis (tumor of the brain, etc.) places the patient's life in danger. Treatment. The cause must be carefully sought for and carefully treated. Patients having pap- illitis due to syphilis must be brought promptly under the influence of mercury and as soon as this is accomplished iodids should be pushed to iodism. Menstrual disorders should be cor- rected when they are the underlying cause. The alterative action of mercury and the iodids is appropriate treatment in almost every in- stance, with the exception of the tubercular. When the papillitis is due to a growth the case should have the opinion of a neurologist and surgeon. Neuro-retinitis, or Papillo-retinitis (Plate V.). With swelling of the disc as described under Papil- litis, the retina usually becomes involved and as this membrane becomes swollen and opaque the retinal vessels become more or less hidden in the swelling and resulting exudates. Hemorrhages make their 244 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. appearance in the course of the vessels and have flame-shaped edges as they lie in the nerve fiber layer. Large and scattered areas of exudate make their appearance, and also an irregular star-shaped figure at the macula, not unlike the condition seen in albuminuric retinitis. The differential diagnosis between papillitis per se or neuro-retinitis due to brain tumor and albumin- uric retinitis is not always easy, and must be very carefully studied before coming to a positive diag- nosis. The addition of palsies of any of the ocular muscles would strongly suggest a growth in the brain while the absence of palsies and the presence of albumen and casts in the urine would indicate nephritis, though both conditions have been known to exist in the same patient. Retrobulbar Neuritis Acute and Chronic, Medullary Neuritis, Interstitial Neuritis. This is an inflammation of the optic nerve back of the eye- ball and within the orbit, therefore anterior to the optic foramen. Acute Retrobulbar Neuritis. Early in the dis- ease there are few ophthalmoscopic changes noted, and when they do appear they are slight and may be overlooked, viz., hyperemia of the disc with its edges hazy. The diagnosis is made primarily from rapidly failing vision (central) \vhich brings the patient under observation; in such instances this failure of vision may result in almost complete blindness in a few days. CHRONIC RETROBUL13AR NEURITIS. 245 Causes. Syphilis (gumma) ; taking cold; rheu- matism; methyl alcohol; quinin; autotoxemia; dis- turbed menstruation ; diabetes ; periostitis ; injuries. In some instances no cause can be found. In other cases it may be caused by decayed teeth, growths, pressure, ethmoiditis, etc. Prognosis. This must be very guarded, though many cases recover; yet some few do not. For- tunately it is often a unilateral disease. Treatment. This is the treatment of the cause. Chronic Retrobulbar Neuritis, Tobacco Am- blyopia, Toxic Amblyopia. Patients complain of poor vision for near work which cannot be materially improved with any glass, and state that vision is apparently better on a dull or cloudy day and is worse when the sun shines brightly. The ophthalmoscope reveals almost a normal fundus, unless the case is well advanced, when the disc may appear pale in whole or in part. The field chart may be quite normal for form, but central scotoma for red and green is present; this scotoma is usually the same in both eyes, hori- zontally oval and extends from and including the normal blind spot to the macula, showing the in- fluence of the disease on what is known as the pap- illomacular fibers, the nerve fibers passing from the disc to the macula. Causes. As its name implies (tobacco ambly- opia, blunted sight from tobacco) this chronic retrobulbar neuritis is frequently caused by over- 246 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. use of tobacco and very often this habit is associ- ated with some moderate or excessive use of alcohol in some form. The writer might state that there is no rule or guide as to just how much smoking or drinking will produce toxic amblyopia " What is food for one is poison for another." Some men can drink and smoke excessively and never develop amblyopia, whereas another may develop ambly- opia from only a moderate use of these toxic agents. Tobacco amblyopia seldom develops before the age of forty. Other substances that will produce the same symptoms are essence of ginger, strong coffee to excess, chloroform, opium, chloral, arsenic, iodo- form, quinin, salicylic acid, acetanilid, caffein, bi- sulphid of carbon, nitro-benzol, methyl alcohol (wood alcohol), etc. Prognosis. Favorable if due to alcohol and to- bacco and the patient comes under observation early and carries out the treatment. The prognosis must be guarded in any instance and when due to causes other than tobacco and alcohol the history of the patient must have careful consideration. Treatment. Stop the cause if possible. Pilo- carpin sweats occasionally; strychnia in tonic doses and the use of iodid of potash as an absorbent. The patient must also be cautioned against return- ing to the use of the drug or any drug which might bring back a recurrence of the nerve condition. Optic Nerve Atrophy. There is no portion of the optic nerve exempt from this condition of PLATE IX. ATROPHY OF THE OPTIC NERVE (Posr PAPILLITIC ATROPHY). ALSO MEDULLARY NERVE-FIBERS. FUNDUS OF RIGHT EYE. DIRECT METHOD. Miss L. D. Aged 16 years. History. Patient was treated for " Choked Disc " in 1901. Had a tumor (gumma ( ?) ) of the brain. Patient treated by Drs. Mus- ser, Spiller and Hermance. Fundus Changes. Disc is bluish in color. The edges are not well defined. Lamina cribrosa is not present. As a coincidence there are medullary nerve-fibers present at the upper edge of the disc. The whole fundus is peculiarly mottled (map-like). The retina is atrophied and the macula cannot be distinguished. Arte- ries are straight and some of the larger veins slightly tortuous. Left eye similarly affected, but without the medullary fibers and not such an extensive atrophy. March 31, 1905. Vision of right eye with -f- i.oo Cyl. axis 100 degrees = light perception. Vision of left eye with -f- i.oo Cyl. axis 80 degrees = VI/X. 248 PLATE IX Atrophy of the Optic Nerve (Past Papillitic Atrophy) Also. Medullated Nerve-fibers PLATE X. PRIMARY OPTIC ATROPHY. (SPINAL ATROPHY.) FUNDUS OF RIGHT EYE. DIRECT METHOD. FUNDUS OF LEFT EYE ABOUT THE SAME. Mr. William S. S. Aged 54 years. Dyer by occupation. History. Vision has been failing gradually for two years. Has been using various glasses to read with and now cannot read with any glasses that he can purchase. His walk has been impaired for about the same length of time that his sight has been failing him. His- tory of syphilis. Uses tobacco and alcohol to excess. Irises do not react to light stimulus, but do respond to conver- gence and accommodation (Argyll-Robertson Pupils). Fundus Changes. Vision of each eye about i/io. Disc bluish in color and glistening. Membrana cribrosa is seen at the center of the disc. The disc has a white edge, called by some a scleral ring. A cilio-retinal vessel is seen on the temporal edge of disc passing toward the macula. Fundus reflex apparently normal. Vessels arc not particularly narrowed at the present time. Arteriosclerosis evi- dent at crossing of vessels. Disc has " saucer " shaped excavation. 252 PLATE X Primary Optic Atrophy PRIMARY ATROPHY. 255 shrinking of its elements from the brain center up to and including the papilla. There are three dis- tinct forms of atrophy, primary, secondary and consecutive. Primary Atrophy. Spoken of as progressive, degenerative, gray, spinal or tabetic atrophy (Plate X.). This is an atrophy that appears without any apparent or very slight previous inflammation. It is usually bilateral. It may be a local condition of one eye, but it is usually met with in locomotor ataxia and disseminated sclerosis, therefore affect- ing both eyes. Spinal disease (33 per cent.) is the most common cause of gray degeneration of the optic nerve, especially in locomotor ataxia. Among other causes are, malnutrition, taking cold, dis- turbed menstruation, syphilis, drugs, etc. ; and occa- sionally the cause may be unknown. Hereditary predisposition; this latter variety, if it may be so called, has been known to appear in the male mem- bers of a family generation after generation, and to develop about the age of twenty-one years. Secondary Atrophy. This means that the nerve has degenerated by reason of some previous lesion, such as fracture of the optic foramen, pressure on the optic tract, etc., or a disease of the nerve or retina, embolism of the central artery of the retina, retinitis pigmentosa, retino-choroiditis, syphilitic retinitis, glaucoma, etc. Consecutive Atrophy. Also spoken of as post- neuritic atrophy or post-papillitic atrophy. This is 256 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. the variety of wasting that follows an inflammation like papillitis (Plate IX.). The terms secondary and consecutive atrophy are often confused. Ophthalmoscopic Appearances. To study the different varieties of atrophy, it is well to employ both the direct and the indirect methods. The two principal characteristics of atrophy as seen with the ophthalmoscope are paleness or whiteness of the disc and a diminution in the vascularity. The disc (principally the intermediate zone) loses its normal pink or yellowish red color and appears pale. It is the capillary circulation that produces the shell pink color of the normal healthy disc, and when this circulation is destroyed atrophy must be present. It is not absolutely necessary to have the large vessels of the disc diminished in size to have atrophy, and sometimes the large ves- sels do not perceptibly diminish in size until late in the disease. It may also be stated that occasionally the large vessels may diminish in size and atrophy develop before the capillary circulation disappears or lessens. The color of the disc in atrophy is not the same in all eyes, and has been described as white, chalky white, snow white, cottony white, pearly white, gray, grayish-white, bluish, skim milk, green, etc. These colorings are controlled in great degree by (a) the reflected light, its quality, color and intensity; (b) by the comparative color of the surrounding eye ground; (c) by the presence or absence of the physiologic or glaucoma cupping; OPHTHALMOSCOPIC APPEARANCES. 257 (d) by the membrana cribrosa, if present or ab- sent; and also (e) by the character of the inflam- mation previous to the atrophy. The colorings of the nerve in atrophy cannot be attributed to pig- mentation. Of course the observer's idea of color must also enter into the description of the color of the atrophic disc. The color of the atrophic disc is not always uniform; the center may be stippled white and gray, and the edge have a gray or green- ish or bluish tinge (Plate X.), and so there are in- numerable variations. Causes. Most cases of locomotor ataxia are ac- companied sooner or later by primary optic atrophy and in fact optic atrophy may be a preataxic symp- tom. Multiple sclerosis is another cause of pri- mary optic atrophy, as also epilepsy and progressive paralysis (see page 255). Differential Diagnosis. Atrophy following papillitis and primary atrophy are not the same in all particulars, though they have many points of similarity. Primary Atrophy Atrophy from Papillitis (Plate X.). (Plate IX.). Disc very brilliant and glistening White color of disc, not bril- white pearly white, or gray. liant; appears a dirty gray, described as bluish. Disc edges sharply cut. Disc edges not usually well de- fined. Lamina cribrosa very conspicu- Lamina cribrosa usually not con- ous. spicuous. Arteries and veins not so con- Arteries and veins very narrow ; tracted. veins tortuous. Excavation, if present, is saucer shaped. 258 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Diagnosis of Optic Atrophy. The ophthalmo- scopic findings make the diagnosis quite easy when the disease is well advanced, but if the disc has not become decidedly pale, then other symptoms must have careful consideration. The central vision may remain good for quite a while whereas peripheral vision may be concentrically contracted, the color fields contracted and central scotoma evident. The history of the patient is also of considerable im- portance. Prognosis. Unfavorable. The condition leads to blindness in most instances. Of course the prog- nosis must be controlled by the underlying cause. Syphilitic cases appearing early give a fair prog- nosis. In cases of locomotor ataxia, the atrophy advances and blindness eventually takes place. Treatment. This depends upon the cause. If syphilis is suspected then mercury and iodids should be prescribed and pushed to the point of tolerance. When due to other causes, nerve stimulants, strychnia by mouth and hypodermically, nitro- glycerin, phosphorus, iron, etc., may be prescribed as indicated and galvanism may be tried. CHAPTER X. DISEASES OF THE CHOROID. GLAUCOMA. DISEASES of the choroid, like diseases of the retina and optic nerve, give defective vision as the most important symptom to the patient, without any external manifestations of the inward changes. It is unfortunate for the patient that these structures are not supplied with nerves of painful sensation like the iris and ciliary body, so that the patient would come under observation much sooner and before serious damage to vision has resulted. Dis- eases of the choroidal coat of the eye are indicated with the ophthalmoscope by many changes from the normal appearance of this tunic, namely: 1. Changes in the color of the eye ground. 2. Inflammatory products, patches of exudation, and changes in elevation. 3. Changes in pigmentation. 4. Areas or white patches of exposed sclerotic resulting from absorption of choroid and retinal tissue. Changes in Color. A diagnosis of hyperemia of the choroid or disturbed choroid is not easily made by the beginner in ophthalmoscopy, and it is not until an infiltration has taken place which gives the previously red reflex a yellowish tinge, that the 2 59 26O THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. inflammation of the choroid is definitely recognized. Fortunately, from a diagnostic point of view, in- flammation of the choroid does not occur in the whole choroid at one and the same time, but is seen in scattered areas. Inflammatory Products. Areas of exudation may appear round or oval or irregular in form, but they are usually oval in outline. These spots or areas being pale yellow in color, are to be distin- guished from an opaque or foggy retina. Patches of recent choroiditis, while elevated are at a greater depth, and at some few, or many points retinal vessels may be seen passing over them, and they are therefore elevated on these patches. Opacities are sometimes seen floating in the vitreous, appear- ing like dust particles, or threads. Changes in Pigmentation. Another decided characteristic of inflammation in the choroid is the change in its pigmentation at and around the spot of inflammation, and the retinal vessels are often seen passing over these inflamed areas which of course include the pigmentation if the disease is advanced. The pigmentation is never uniform, but is usually quite irregular, sometimes rounded, sometimes crescentic; it is brown or black in color giving the fundus the ap- pearance of having had blots of ink scattered over it. The number and character of these black spots is usually in keeping with the number and size of the areas of inflammation. Pigmentation is usu- ATROPHY. 26l ally a late manifestation of an area of choroiditis. Areas of choroiditis may be seen in various stages of inflammation in the same eye ground. New areas appear while others have reached the atrophic stage. Atrophy. This condition of the choroid natur- ally follows absorption of the exudates at the areas of inflammation, and is indicated by white areas of irregular shape with scattered pigment at the edges. Spots of atrophy (exposed sclera) stand out in bold relief. It is not unusual to see a few choroidal vessels passing through atrophic areas. Hemorrhage of the Choroid, while it may take place, and no doubt often does occur (when the extensive vascularity of the choroid is taken into consideration), yet hemorrhage of the choroid is not easily recognized with the ophthalmoscope, as the retinal layers hide them unless they are large and very extensive, when they may break through into the deep layers of the retina, or even into the vitreous. Inflammation of the Choroid (choroiditis) is a very indefinite name unless qualified, so as to give the variety and if possible the cause of the inflam- mation. Furthermore, choroiditis has come to mean not only an active inflammatory state, but a condition of the choroid after the inflammation has subsided. Choroiditis is said to be the most com- mon of fundus diseases and only too frequently it damages or destroys the sight. 262 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. The varieties of choroiditis are innumerable, and have been variously classed, but each variety pre- sents one or more of the characteristics just de- scribed. Superficial and deep choroiditis are so called on account of the part of the choroid af- fected. The terms acute and chronic are self- explanatory, and disseminated means that there are several or many points or spots of inflammation scattered through the choroid (Plate XL). If one large area of the choroid is alone involved this is called diffuse. Diffuse choroiditis (also called deep choroiditis) may result from several dissemi- nated areas enlarging and coming together. Cir- cumscribed choroiditis means an inflammation more or less limited in extent, whereas macular or central choroiditis, while it may be circumscribed, means an inflammation at the macular region. Senile choroiditis, as its name indicates, is choroid- itis in the aged and is usually a variety of central or macular choroiditis. Recent and old choroiditis are other names given to the acute and chronic varieties, and atrophic choroiditis is but the final stage of the disease. Myopic or posterior choroid- itis is usually a choroiditis seen in eyes which have a high myopic refraction, and, as its name implies, is in the posterior part of the eye and usually begins at the temporal side or edge of the disc, and is called the myopic crescent from its fre- quent resemblance to a crescent; or, if the cho- roiditis surrounds the disc, it is called annular, PLATE XI. RETINO-CHOROIDITIS (SPECIFIC). FUNDUS OF LEFT EYE. DIRECT METHOD. Mr. E. Aged 39 years. History. Failing vision was noticed three days before coming under observation. Thought it was only a cold in his eye, as he had iritis and cyclitis as complications. Fundus Changes. Nasal edge of disc hidden and cannot be dis- tinguished from the neighboring retina. Temporal edge of disc is clear and reveals a narrow crescent. A few yellowish-colored spots seen in the choroid. Other spots of choroiditis have become absorbed and white areas (atrophy) have taken their places with irregular pig- mentations. The choroidal circulation is exposed in the periphery. A large patch of retino-choroiditis is seen close to the temporal side of the disc. Vision is very much reduced and the patient depends on the vision of the right eye, which is VI/IX and was not so seriously disturbed. 264 PLATE XI Retina- Charm ditis DISSEMINATED CHOROIDITIS. 267 and if there is any bulging backward of the sclerotic coat, it is called a posterior staphyloma. Syphilitic choroiditis is named from its cause and may mean any one of the varieties mentioned, though the dif- fuse or circumscribed variety is usually understood. Disseminated Choroiditis (Plate XL). This is recognized as the most common form of choroid- itis. The spots of inflammation are scattered (dis- seminated) over the eye ground chiefly in the periphery. These areas are at first yellowish in color, slightly elevated, more or less oval in shape. As these inflammatory exudates become absorbed the choroidal tissue is also absorbed or destroyed, the white sclera showing in its place, and pigment massings surround many of the irregular areas. These areas of absorption have the appearance as if parts of the choroid had been punched out by an instrument which was not clean, and therefore had left black edges. In other instances, or even in the same choroid, the exudates may be replaced by a large spot of pigment, or possibly by several spots which may coalesce, forming one large, or several large, patches. In some instances irregular figures may be depicted. The choroid between the patches is seen to be apparently healthy. The optic disc is seen to be atrophic in the late stages of severe cho- roiditis, and the term secondary optic atrophy has been given to this condition. Both eyes are usually affected, often one eye being affected in advance of its fellow. 268 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Causes. Syphilis is recognized to be the most common cause of this disease whether acquired or inherited. Other causes may be looked for in gen- eral diseases, scrofula, anemia, chlorosis and also in myopia. Sometimes the cause cannot be de- termined. Symptoms. These are principally those of de- fective vision and as the retina and vitreous are implicated the descriptions of the patient are in- dicative of the structure or structures involved. Floating specks indicate vitreous opacities, and distortion of objects (metamorphopsia) when the edge of a door frame or a straight line ap- pears bent, indicates that the retinal elements are separated or crowded together by being raised up by an exudate. Central and peripheral vision are impaired according to the amount of structure disturbed and also its location in the fundus. Scotomata are quite in evidence, but not so annoying when in the periphery as when they crowd upon the macular region. Course of Choroiditis. This is usually a chronic condition, taking many weeks or months for the exudates to be absorbed. Atrophy of the retina and the disc are liable to eventually make the case worse, especially if the choroiditis has been exten- sive. Cataract is not an infrequent complication late in the disease. Prognosis. This depends ( i ) on the portion of the choroid involved, (2) on the extent of the in- TREATMENT OF CHOROIDITIS. 269 flammation, and (3) on the cause of the choroid- itis. If the periphery of the choroid alone is in- volved, central vision may remain good, but if the inflammation involves the macula or its vicinity, the prognosis for useful vision must be guarded. When caused by syphilis, and the patient is seen early and placed under prompt and vigorous anti- syphilitic treatment, the case will be quite favorable for useful vision if the macula has not been in- volved. Treatment. If caused by syphilis this must be treated energetically with mercurial inunctions, large and increasing doses of the iodids, pilocar- pin sweats, etc. If the choroiditis is caused by anything else, it must be treated according to its cause. It is a noteworthy fact that no matter what the cause, the alernative treatment with mercury and the iodids is often the best treatment. This should be borne in mind, as valuable time might be lost if the physician was not on his guard in finding the cause, or not disposed to believe that the indi- vidual could be subject to syphilis. Aside from the systemic treatment the eyes should be protected from bright lights with dark glasses, and the accommodation put at rest with a properly selected cycloplegic. Diffuse Choroiditis. (Also called deep and exudative choroiditis.) This is practically a sub- division of the disseminated variety. The ophthal- moscope reveals large areas of yellowish-white 270 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. exudates ; these may be scattered or they may coal- esce. If the retina becomes involved, as it often does by contiguity of structure, the condition is one of choroido-retinitis, and the opaque retina adds its quota to the characteristic picture. In this condition of choroido-retinitis pigment may be seen here and there upon the retinal vessels. When ab- sorption or atrophy of the yellowish areas takes place, the sclera becomes exposed in large or small areas with irregular patches of pigment at the edges, or irregularly scattered. Often they assume an oval or circumscribed appearance. Course, prognosis and treatment are the same for diffuse choroiditis as for the disseminated choroiditis. Central Choroiditis. (Also called macular or senile.) This is usually a condition of both eyes. As it involves the macular region the vision is usu- ally seriously diminished, with resulting scotoma. The disease is recognized in several varieties ; there may be an atrophic patch with surrounding pig- ment at the macula, or there may be a large white area at the macula in which choroidal vessels may be seen. Another variety is known as " Tay's choroiditis" or " Tay's dots"; these are many small, white, glistening dots (called senile guttate choroiditis), and are due to colloid degeneration. Causes. Trauma and syphilis and ametropia are the commonly recognized causes. Senile choroid- itis does not appear to be benefited by treatment. MYOPIC CHOROIDITIS. 2/1 When caused by syphilis and ametropia the treat- ment is self-evident. Myopic Choroiditis. Usually this is a very serious condition, and means that the condition has been brought about by a stretching or elonga- tion of the eyeball and as its name indicated the eye is myopic. The choroiditis begins usually or almost invariably on the temporal side of the disc and advances toward the macula and may destroy it and pass beyond. The choroiditis may encircle the disc at the same time. The choroidal vessels become exposed, the retina atrophies and the pig- ment becomes scattered irregularly. Vitreous opacities are innumerable and of various sizes and forms, the vitreous itself becoming quite fluid. The vision is very much reduced and detachment of the retina and the development of cataract may soon complicate the already " sick " eye. The treatment resolves itself into rest of the eye for all near work, protection from bright lights, and care- ful attention to the general health and later to the correction of the refractive error with careful instructions to the patient to use his eyes as little as possible. Internally alterative treatment occa- sionally does much good. Colloid degeneration of the choroid, also called guttate choroiditis, is an extremely rare condition and is recognized as occurring in the macular region. The ophthalmoscope reveals many round elevated spots or bodies, placed close together, they 2J 2 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. are semi-transparent, and have been compared by their resemblance to a mulberry. It is a condi- tion of both eyes, but one of the eyes may be more involved than its fellow. The vision is often impaired. There is no treatment for the condition other than prescribing the necessary glasses. Irido-choroiditis (also called panophthalmitis, metastatic, purulent or suppurative choroiditis) is an acute inflammation of the choroid pursuing a rapid course, and caused by purulent matter being carried into the choroid. No satisfactory study of the choroid can be made out unless the disease comes under observation quite early and yields to prompt treatment. The areas of purulent exu- date seen in the choroid soon coalesce and at the same time the retina and vitreous become involved. With a strongly reflected light a large yellowish mass may be seen in the vitreous, and no clear view of the fundus is made out. Iritis, cyclitis, etc., are early manifestations which go to make up the true picture of panophthalmitis. External manifesta- tions of panophthalmitis are swollen lids, the con- junctiva edematous and possibly protruding between the lids, the cornea appearing to be buried in the swollen conjunctiva. The patient complains of pain and loss of sight, and the temperature is elevated. Causes. Purulent matter carried into the eye by the blood vessels or germs entering the eyeball RUPTURE OF CHOROID. 273 from perforating wounds or ulcers. Puerperal sepsis ; meningitis ; small-pox, etc. Prognosis. This must be very guarded. Either blindness with shrinking of the globe (phthisis bulbi) or enucleation will be the usual and final result of panophthalmitis. Treatment. Careful attention to local and con- stitutional symptoms. Atropin instillations, cold compresses medicated with bichlorid of mercury 1-2,000, blood-letting from the temple, enucleation, if there is not much hope of saving the eye by rea- son of pain (glaucoma), pus in the anterior cham- ber, and orbital cellulitis or cerebral meningitis threatening. Rupture of the Choroid. This usually takes place as a result of a blow on the eye and is recog- nized by a tear or rent in the choroid, resembling in shape a new moon; the hollow or concavity of the crescent with irregularly pigmented edges is toward the disc, the crescent itself is yellowish- white, this color resulting from a partial exposure of the sclera. The common location of the rup- ture is to the temporal side of the disc. If the retina was not injured, or only partly so, at the time the choroid was ruptured, some of the retinal vessels may be seen passing over the crescent. At the time of rupture or soon afterwards the rupture may be covered with a hemorrhage, and hence the picture just described cannot be definitely studied with the ophthalmoscope until after ab- 2/4 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. sorption of the clot. The rupture may lie close to or at some distance from, the disc, depending on the character of the injury. The vision may be seri- ously impaired if the rupture is at, or close to, the macula. Treatment. Cold compresses and a cycloplegic if seen early. The injury is permanent and the vision is disturbed accordingly. Sarcoma of the Choroid. When seen with the ophthalmoscope there is an elevation of the retina and the growth beneath appears brownish or black, or white in color ; it is a melino-sarcoma if dark in color and a leuco-sarcoma if white. Melino- sarcoma is much more common, the leuco-sarcoma being very rare. This growth is usually situated to the temporal side of the disc and may appear as far forward as the ciliary body. The detached retina if seen when the sarcoma is small, is applied equally to the surface of the growth and does not tremble or have the characteristic wave motion that is im- parted to the retina when the eye is rotated and there is fluid beneath the retina (see Detachment of the Retina). Sarcoma of the choriod is a rare disease, most unusual in children and usually oc- curs in adults past forty years of age. Symptoms. The patient notices a defect in vision which the ophthalmoscope usually reveals as detachment of the retina. This is one of the first indications of the disease. As the sarcoma de- velops there is an increase in the size of the detach- TUBERCULOSIS OF CHOROID. 275 ment and an increase in the tension together with pain (glaucoma absolutum). The sarcoma may or may not break through the sclera, but other organs of the body, especially the liver, may suffer by metastasis. Prognosis. Most unfavorable. The eye must be enucleated at once but this is no guarantee that metastasis has not already taken place. Treatment. Prompt enucleation and dividing the nerve as far back as possible. If the orbital tissue is involved this must be removed, including the periosteum if necessary and following this later with the employment of the X-rays. Tuberculosis of the Choroid. This occurs either as the disseminated (miliary) tubercle or as a soli- tary (conglobate) tubercle. The former appears as small round elevated spots of a pale red color and grow rapidly. They appear in subjects who have acute miliary tuberculosis, and are not often seen in chronic tuberculosis. Solitary tubercle ap- pears as a large mass which is virtually an accumu- lation of many small nodules. This is a disease of young subjects. The prognosis is very unfavor- able for the eye and the patient. The treatment re- solves itself into the systemic treatment of the pa- tient and enucleation of the eye. Glaucoma (yXavKo?, sea green). A disease of the eye, so-called originally on account of a greenish reflex occasionally ob- 276 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. tained from the pupillary area. A very bad name, therefore, as it does not explain anything about the disease, and in fact a greenish pupillary reflex may be seen in certain conditions of the lens and not necessarily in glaucomatous eyes. Glau- coma, as now universally understood from one of its chief signs, is a disease characterized by an in- crease in the intra-ocular contents, and this is spoken of and known as " tension." Causes. The causes of increase in the intra- ocular contents is either hypersection of the intra- ocular fluids or a blocking or stoppage of the ex- cretory passages, or both conditions together. Just which of these causes precipitates the attack can- not always be determined in each instance, but there is hardly any doubt but that secretion is go- ing on while the excretory passages are blocked, and this explains many of the other symptoms of the disease. The lymph stream of the eye flows from the vitreous through the zonula of Zinn into the pos- terior chamber, through the pupil into the anterior chamber, and hence into the angle of the anterior chamber, into the canals of Fontana and the canal of Schlemm, then into the lymph channels exter- nally. Any obstruction to the onward flow of this stream, means pressure of the intra-ocular contents against the sensitive nerves and the rigid outer tunic of the eye, with resulting symptoms. Inspection shows the vessels of the ocular con- PLATE XII. GLAUCOMA. FUNDUS OF LEFT EYE. DIRECT METHOD. W. W. D. Aged 40 years. Salesman. History. Vision of left eye was never as good as that ftf the right. Has always worn glasses for " farsightedness." Never any severe pain in left eye, and only lately has noticed that the vision was getting much worse and the eye deviating outward. Vision of left eye equals, seeing very large objects, or counting fingers at about twelve inches distant. Eccentric fixation (periph- eral vision). Fundus Changes. Edge of disc seen with -f 6 D. and the bottom of the cup is seen with a 5 D. Vessels of the retina disappear as they pass into and around the edge of the disc, and are out of focus when they reach the bottom of the cup, where they appear indis- tinctly at the nasal side. The nerve is bluish or pearly white in color and atrophic (glaucoma atrophy). The edges of the disc have a distinctly yellowish color and the pigment is broken into fine par- ticles. There is a peculiar redness showing at the macula. . The cupping embraces the entire disc. Right eye vision equals VI/VI with -|- 5 D. Glaucoma not present. 278 PLATE XII Glaucoma SYMPTOMS. 28l junctiva tortuous, appearing like fine corkscrews. The cornea becomes cloudy, appearing like a piece of glass that has been breathed upon, and is more or less anesthetic. The anterior chamber is shallow, the iris appearing nearer to the cornea than in health. The pupil is dilated. The cornea being cloudy and the large pupil being black the observer may obtain at times and in certain lights a greenish reflex from the pupillary area. Subjective Symptoms. Pain in the eyeball which may extend to the forehead, corresponding to the eye involved, and also to the cheek bone and same side of the nose, if the attack is unusually se- vere. There is more or less dimness of vision de- pending also upon the severity of the attack and the dimness of vision may be particularly marked in the nasal field. The patient notices halos (rings of various colors) about any light. Objective Symptoms. The tension of the eye- ball is harder than normal. The beginner will ap- preciate this by testing the tension of his own nor- mal eye, by alternately pressing the ends of his index fingers on his own eye through the upper lid as the closed eye is directed downward, and then testing the tension of the patient's eye in like man- ner; or alternately testing the patient's eyes, as it is not customary to find both eyes of the patient exactly the same or equally affected, at the same time. Ophthalmoscopic Changes (Plate XII.). If 23 282 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. the media are not too cloudy the observer will see 1 i ) the disc excavated or cupped, this cupping ex- tending to the edge of the disc and the edges being quite abrupt or overhanging, and the disc edges sur- rounded by a yellowish halo or glaucomatous ring; (2) the vessels in the retina as they are traced to the edge of the disc (cup) bend at right angles, and if seen at the bottom of the cup, are crowded more or less to the nasal side and are no longer in focus as compared with the strength of lens required to see the vessels as they appeared at the edge of the disc ; (3) the arteries are seen to pulsate at the edge of the cup. Diagnosis. Hazy cornea; and also anesthesia of the cornea ; this latter is proven by touching the cornea with a small or narrow thread or piece of cotton drawn to a fine point and made to touch the cornea as the lids are kept wide open, the patient not being conscious of the contact; anterior cham- ber shallow ; pupil dilated 4 or 5 millimeters ; pain ; increased tension ; cupping of the disc ; arterial pul- sation ; halos and dimness of vision and diminution of the field of vision; range of accommodation di- minished. Glaucoma seldom develops before the age of twenty-five. Both eyes may be affected, but usu- ally one is often affected long before its fellow. Myopic eyes seldom develop glaucoma ; therefore it is much more common in eyes that are hyper- metropic. GLAUCOMA. 283 Varieties of Glaucoma. These are many. Pri- mary and secondary; primary glaucoma develops without any previous disease of the eye, whereas secondary glaucoma develops as a consequence of a previous disease (iritis, cyclitis, uveitis, injuries, etc.). Primary glaucoma is recognized in three forms: acute, inflammatory and chronic non- inflammatory; this latter is also called simple chronic glaucoma. The chronic inflammatory va- riety is also called subacute or chronic congestive glaucoma. Differential Diagnosis Acute Inflammatory Glaucoma, (i) Sudden onset; (2) intense pain; (3) marked inflammation of eyeball; (4) in- creased tension. May terminate ( i ) in total blind- ness in a few hours (glaucoma fulminans or malig- nant glaucoma). (2) After several attacks the eyeball may remain stony hard and blindness re- sult (stone blind) (glaucoma absolutum) ; or (3) if inflammation persists the condition is one of chronic inflammatory glaucoma. Chronic Non-Inflammatory (Simple Chronic Glaucoma) . This is the very opposite of the acute inflammatory variety, as it is very insidious or slow in its development, and patients occasionally verge onto blindness before coming under observation. This variety might be overlooked or mistaken for optic atrophy, if it were not for the cupping of the disc. Prognosis. The earlier the case comes under 284 THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE. observation and treatment, the better, and the more favorable the prognosis, and, vice versa, the longer the treatment is delayed the more unfavorable the case becomes and blindness may result as also loss of the eye. Acute and uncomplicated glaucoma receiving prompt treatment gives a favorable prog- nosis. Cases of chronic glaucoma do not offer a very encouraging prognosis ; considerable degener- ation has very likely taken place and the field of vision has very likely been cut down and visual acuity diminished. Treatment. This resolves itself into the sur- gical, local medication, and internal treatment. The surgical treatment is that of iridectomy. The local medication is by myotics, drugs which con- tract the pupil and therefore, if possible, draw the iris away from the angle of the anterior chamber, whereas if left alone and a myotic is not used the iris is likely to adhere and block the canals of Fontana and Schlemm. Of the myotics, eserin in the strength of J/ to 2 grains of the sulphate to an ounce of water may be prescribed, and one drop of this solution, dropped into the eye every three or four hours until the tension is reduced, and then to be instilled three times a day. Pilo- carpin nitrate in similar strength or stronger may be used in place of -the eserin. Knowing the decided danger or tendency for glaucoma to affect the fellow eye, it is good practice to use the myotic in both eyes, but not quite so freely in the GLAUCOMA. 285 unaffected eye. It is also good practice to combine an equal amount of cocain with the myotic, as the myotic is thereby more readily absorbed. If the pain is unusually severe and does not yield after a few instillations of the myotic, it may be necessary to apply hot fomentations (cloths wrung out of hot water), to draw blood from the temple with the natural or artificial leach, and also to give a hypo- dermic of morphia. Internally the salicylate of soda should be given in large doses frequently re- peated. The bowels should be kept open. Gentle massage of the eye through closed lids is good prac- tice, as it often does good, but must not be severe or persisted in if the pain is increased thereby. Whether the local or internal treatment gives relief or not it is wise to perform an iridectomy as soon as possible. Secondary Glaucoma. This variety of glau- coma, as its name implies, is brought about by a previous injury or disease, namely, iritis, cyclitis, swollen or dislocated lens, etc. Treatment. This is practically the same as for primary glaucoma. The swollen or dislocated lens should be removed if it is the cause of the glau- coma. When the glaucoma is brought about by ad- hesion of the iris to the lens capsule (iris bombe) an iridectomy or iridotomy must be performed. Eyes with absolute glaucoma require enucleation for relief of the pain. INDEX. Absolute scotoma, 147 Accommodation, 18, 22 Acuity of vision, 140, 141 Aerial image, 30, 32 Albinism, 106 Albino, 9, 106 Albuminuric retinitis, 193, 194, 195 (Plate IV.) atypical forms, 196 of pregnancy, 196 (Plate V.) Amaurotic cat's eye, 224 family idiocy, 227, 228 Amblyopia, toxic, 245, 246 Aneridia, 100 Anemia of retina, 162, 163 causes of, 167 treatment of, 167 Aneurism of retinal vessels, 153, 154 Angioid streaks, 228 Anomalies, congenital, 98, 99, loo, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107 Anterior polar cataract, 102, 103 Apoplexy of the retina, 186, 187 (Plate III.) cause of, 187 prognosis, 187 treatment, 187 Aqueous humor, 79, 131 oblique illumination, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 ophthalmoscopic examination of, 13, 14, 26 287 Arcus senilis, 128 Argand burner, n Argyll-Robertson pupil, 252 Arterial pulsation, 184, 282 Arterio-sclerosis, 151, 152 Artery, central, 113, 122 decrease in size of, 151 embolism of (Plate II.) increase in size of, 150 persistent hyaloid, 105, 106 Ascending neuritis, 238, 239 Astigmatism, 74 compound hypermetropic, 75 compound myopic, 75 mixed, 76 simple hypermetropic, 75 simple myopic, 75 Atrophic cup, 233 Atrophy of the choroid, 261 of the disc, 162, 163, 238 of the optic nerve, 246, 247 (Plate IX.), 248 (Plate X.), 252, 257, 258 cause of, 257 diagnosis of, 258 prognosis, 258 treatment, 258 primary, 255 retina of the, 271 secondary, 255 Atypical forms of albuminuric retinitis, 196 Beam of light, 48 288 INDEX. Black appearance of the pupil, 9 Blindness, 160, 161 Blind spot, HI, 146 Blood-vessels, 121, 127 new formed, 152, 153 Bracket, 10, 11 Brain tumor, 195 Bright's disease, 193, 194 retinitis due to, 193, 194 Briicke's muscle, 90 Cataract, anterior polar, 102, 103 black, 134 choroidal, 102, 134 cortical, 102, 134 lamellar, 102, 103 Morgagnian, 134 nuclear, 133 posterior polar, 102, 103 pyramidal, 102 ripe, 102 secondary, 271 senile, 102, 134 traumatic, 134 Catoptrics, 49, 50 Central artery, embolism of, 164 (Plate II.) thrombosis of, 164 Cherry red spot (Plate II.) Chimney, cover, 10, u, 42 Choked disc, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239 Cholesterin crystals, 139 Choroid, 84, 126 anatomy of, 84, 85, 86 atrophy of, 261 changes in color, 259, 260 colloid disease of, 271, 272 coloboma of, 105 degeneration of, in myopia, 271 Choroid, diseases of (Chapter X.) hemorrhage in, 261 hyperemia of, 260 inflammatory products in, 200 pigmentation of, 126, 260 rupture of, 273, 274 suppurative, 272 sarcoma of, 274 tigree, 127 tubercle of, 275 Choroidal atrophy, 261 ring, 116, 117 vessels, 127 Choroiditis, 261 (Plate XL) central, 262, 270 changes in lens and iris in, 271 in retina and disc, 271 in vitreous, 271 diffuse, 269, 270 disseminated, 262, 267 cause of, 268 prognosis of, 268, 269 treatment of, 269 exudative, 263 guttate, 262, 270 macular, 270 metastatic, 262 myopic, 262, 271 old, 262 plastic, 262 posterior, 262 purulent, 262, 272, 273 recent, 262 senile, 262, 270 syphilitic, 262 varieties of, 262 with descemetitis, 272 Choroido-retinitis (Plate XI.) Cicatricial bands in retina, 153 INDEX. 289 Ciliary body, 89, 90 Cilioretinal vessels, 124 Circinate retinitis, 226, 227 Cloquet's canal, 106 Cocain, 16, 17 Colloid disease of the choroid, 271, 272 Coloboma of the choroid, 105 of disc, 105 of iris, 100 of lens, 105 Color of disc, 112, 121, 229, 230 Color of fundus, 108, 109, 125 affected by light em- ployed, 109 in dark eyes, 109 in fair eyes, 109 in mulatto, 109 of various areas, 109, no Compound astigmatism, 75 lens, 70 Concave mirror, 52, 53, 54 Condensing lens, 30. 31, 32, 33 Congenital anomalies, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107 Conjugate foci, 53, 63, 64 Connective tissue on disc, 107 Corectopia, 101 Cornea, 81, 82, 83 anatomy of, 81, 82, 83, 84 oblique examination of, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41. 42 ophthalmoscopic examination of, 13, 14, 26 smoky appearance of, 128 reflex, 126 Cover chimney, 10, n, 42 Crescent, 116 myopic, 116, 118. 271 Cribrosa. lamina, 115 Cup, atrophic, 233 glaucoma. 233 24 Cup, physiologic, 113, 114, 233 to estimate depth of, 114, US, 267 Cupping, diagnosis of normal and abnormal, 114, 115, 234, 235 Cycloplegic, 15, 16, 17, 18 Cylinders, 68, 69, 70 Cysticercus, 139 D Dark-room, 9, TO Davis, Dr. E. P., 198 Descemetitis, 128 de Schweinitz, Dr. G. E., 216 Detachment of the retina, 219, 220, 221 De Zeng patent, 6, 7, 8 Diabetic retinitis, 206 (Plate VI.) course, 206 prognosis, 206 treatment, 211 Diopters, 67, 68 Direct method, at a short dis- tance, 13, 14, 26 close to patient. 23 enlargement of image, 27 estimation of refraction, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 examination by, 13, 14, 26 schematic eye. 15 Disc, 33, 1 10. HI (Chapter IX.) Diseases of the choroid (Chap- ter X.) of the optic nerve (Chapter IX.) of the retina (Chapter VIII.) of the retinal vessels (Chap- ter VII.) of the vitreous (Chapter V.) Dislocation of the lens, 102, Fig. 63. 135 290 INDEX. Disseminated choroiditis, 262 Distortion of objects, 177 Dots, 185 Crick's, 185 Gunn's, 185 Mooren's, 185 Nettleship's, 185 neuritic, 197 Tay's, 270 E Edema of the retina, 180 Electric flash, 160, 161 retinal changes from, 160. 161 Electric light, u, 12, 160, 161 Embolism of central artery, 164 (Plate II.), 167, 168, 169 causes of, 169 diagnosis of, 169 prognosis, 170 treatment of, 170 Emmetropia, 71, 72, 73 Entozoa, 131 Euthalmin, 17 Eserin, 17 Examination, methods of, 13, 14, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 by focal illumination, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 direct at short distance, 13. 14, 26 close to patient, 23 indirect, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 Excavated disc, estimating ex- tent of, 114, 115 Exudative choroiditis, 262 atrophic stage, 261 exudative stage, 262 Eye (Fig. 61) anatomy of (Chapter III.) Eye, astigmatic, 74 emmetropic, 71, 72, 73 hypermetropic, 65, 70, 71 myopic, 64, 71, 72 schematic, 14, 15, 20 F Field, 142 of vision, 143 field chart, 144 Fixed opacity, 128, 129 determining position of 130, 131 Floating opacity, 136 Focal illumination, 32, 37, 38, 39*, 40, 41 Focus, 48, 64 conjugate, 53, 63, 64 negative, 65 ordinary, 64, 65 real, 48, 49 virtual, 49 Foreign bodies in cornea, 128, 129 aqueous humor, 131 lens, 132, 133 vitreous, 136, 137 Fovea centralis, 97, 125 Fundus, 108 normal, 108, 109 color of, 108, 109, 125 in the albino, 109 in the blonde, 109 in the mulatto, 109 reflex, 26, 109, iio> ill G Gas, 10, ii Glaucoma, 15. 16, Chapter X. (Plate XIT.). 275. 276, 277 cause of, 276 cup, 232 (Plate XII.), 233. 234 INDEX. 291 Glaucoma, treatment of, 284, 285 varieties of, 283 Glasses, correcting, 19 Glioma, of the retina, 224, 225, 226 pseudo, 226, 262 Gould, Dr. G. E., 141 Gunn's dots, 185 Guttate choroiditis, 270 H Hansell, Dr. H. R, 233 Helmholtz's ophthalmoscope, I Hemeralopia, 211 Hemorrhage, 154 causes of, 157 choroidal, 261 retinal, 154, 155, 156, 157, 186 subhyaloid, 157 vitreous, 157 Hemorrhagic retinitis, 187, 196 Hermance, Dr. W. O., 248 Homatropin, 18 Hulings-Jackson, 17 Hyaloid artery, 105, 106 Hyperemia of the choroid, 259, 260 of the optic disc, 237 of the retina, 158, 159 Hypermetropia, 27 tests for, 27 Hyphema, 131 Hypopion, 131 Indirect vision, 142, 143 Illumination, 10 candle, 10 daylight, 10 electric, ir, 12 focal, 37. 38, 39, 40, 41 gas, 10 Illumination, oblique, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 oil, 10 Welsbach, u Image, aerial, 30, 32 formed by concave mir- ror, 54, 55, 56 convex mirror, 56, 57 of eye ground, 27, 28, 36, 37 formation of, 32, 66 inverted, 30, 32 size of, 27, 28 upright, 23, 26, 66 virtual, 23, 26, 66 Indirect method, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 examination by, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 refraction by, 35, 36 value of, 34, 35, 36 Intense light, effect of (Sec Electric and Snow Blindness), 160, 161 Intensity of light, 44, 45 Interstitial keratitis, 131 Intra-ocular optic neuritis, 239, 240 Irideremia, 100 Irido-choroiditis, 272 Irido-donesis, 135 Iris, 86, 99, 100 anomalies, 100, 101, 102 anatomy of, 86, 87, 88, 89 changes in, 132 congenital coloboma, 100 examination of, 131, 132 Iris diaphragm chimney, 10, II reaction, 132 292 INDEX. Jennings, Dr. J. E., 102, 138 K Keratitis, interstitial, 131 punctata, 131 Lamellar cataract, 102, 103 Lamina cribrosa, 96 vitrea, 85 Lamp, electric, 6, 7 oil, 10 Lens, 59 convex, 59, 60, 62, 63 concave, 60, 61, 62, 63 coloboma of, 105 combinations, 4, 5 condensing, 30, 31, 32, 33 crystalline, 92, 93, 94 cylinder, 68, 69, 70 dislocation of, 102, 135 foreign bodies in, 132, 133 numeration of, 67, 68 oblique illumination with, 38, 39 ophthalmoscopic examination of, 132 smoky appearance of, 132 varieties of, 59, 60, 61, 62 Lenticonus, 104 Lenticular opacities, 102 color of, 102 position of, 102 Leucoma, 129 Leukemic retinitis, 188, 189 Leucosarcoma, 274 Light, 10, ii, 12, 44 streak, 122 Locomotor ataxia, 257 Loring, 2, 3, 4 Loring's ophthalmoscope, 2, 3, 4 Loupe, 40, 41 Luminous ophthalmoscope, 6, 7 M Macula, 22, 97, 129 appearance of, 97, 125, 126 circulation at, 97, 98 coloboma of, 105 lutea, 97, 125 reflexes, 125 region, 97, 126 symmetric changes in in- fancy, 227 vessels, 97, 98 Magnification by direct method, 27 by indirect method, 37 Magnifying glass, 31 Mariotte's blind spot, 46 Margin of the disc, no Media, 27 of the eye, 27 examination of, 27 Medullary sheaths, 106, 107 (Plate IX.) Medusa, 240 Melanosarcoma, 274 Membrana cribrosa, 115 Membrane, pupillary, 101, 102 Metamorphopsia, 177 Metastatic choroiditis, 262 Micropsia, 177 Microphthalmos, 99 Miliary tuberculosis, 275 Mirror, 2 concave, 2, 12, 13 reflection from, 52, 53, 54 convex, 56 movement of, 13, 14 perforation in, 2 plane, 6, 12 reflection from, 2, 8, 12 INDEX. 293 Mirror, retinoscopic, 76 sight-hole in, 2, 6 stationary, 8 tilting, 2, 7, 8 Mixed astigmatism, 76 Morton's ophthalmoscope, 2, 5 Muller's fibers, go Musser, Dr. J. H., 248 Mydriatics, 15, 16, 17, 18 objections to, 15, 16, 17, 18 uses of, 15, 16 Myopia, 29 description of, 64, 71, 72 test for, 71, 72 Myopic choroiditis, 271 crescent, 271 degeneration of the choroid, 271 N Nebula, 129 Negative focus, 65 Nerve, optic, 95, 96 -fibers, 95, 96 -head, 96, 97, 100, m diseases of (Chapter IX.) Nettleship's dots, 185 Neuro-retinitis, 243, 244, 245 Neuritis, optic, 239 interstitial, 244, 245 retrobulbar, 239, 244, 245 New vessels in vitreous, 153 Nicotin, chronic poisoning, 245 Night-blindness, 211 Normal eye, 71, 72, 73 cupping, 113, 114 fundus. See Chapter IV. Nubecula, 129 Nystagmus, 106 Object lens, 30, 31, 32, 33 handle for, 31 Oblique illumination, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 examination by, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 Observer, 18, 19, 20, 21 Opacities, cholesterin crystals, 139 corneal, 128, 129, 130, 138 fixed, 139 floating, 139 hemorrhages, 157 in aqueous, 138 lenticular, 138 locating the position of, 138, 139 vitreous, 137, 139 Opaque nerve-fibers, 106, 107 (Plate IX.) Ophthalmoscope, I choice of an, I Helmholtz, I how to use the, 9, 10, 23, 24, 25 Loring, 2, 3, 6 Morton, 2 selection of, I Thorner, 8, 9 Ophthalmoscopic examination, 23 (Chapter I.) direct method, 23, 26, 27, 28 indirect method, 26, 29, 30, 3i Optic atrophy, primary, 246, 247 (Plates IX. and X.) secondary, 255 simple, 255 Optic disc (disk), in, 112 atrophic cup, 233 atrophy of (Plate X.) coloboma of, 105 color of, 112, 121, 229, 230 congenital crescent of, 116 294 INDEX. Optic disc, connective tissue on, 107, 112 cupping of, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235 detailed study of, 112 elevation of, 235, 236, 237 enlargement of, 237 excavation of in atrophy, 233 hyperemia of, 230 in glaucoma, 233, 234, 235 level of, 231, 232 margin of, 112 myopic crescent of, 116, 118, 271 nerve fibers, 106, 107 (Plate IX.) physiologic cup, 113, 114 pigment on, 112 pillar of, 230, 231 ' shape of, 112, 113 situation of, 112 size of, in swelling, estimating extent of, 237 Optic nerve, atrophy of (Plate X.) diseases of (Chapter IX.) head of, in Optic neuritis, 17, 18, 235 retrobulbar, 244, 245 Panophthalmitis, 272, 273 cause of, 272, 273 prognosis of, 273 treatment of, 273 Papilla, in, 112 Papillitis, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239 cause of, 241, 242, 243 prognosis, 2Ai treatment, 243 Papillomacular fibers, 245 Papillo-retinitis, 193, 194, 238 Parallactic movement (Chapter IV.) Parallax (Chapter IV.), 115 Pencil, 48 Perforation, central in mirror, 2 Perimetry, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146 Perivasculits, 152 Pernicious anemia, 167 Persistent hyaloid artery, 105. 106 Phthisis bulbi, 273 Physiologic cup, 113, 114 (Chap- ter IV.) 232, 233 estimation of depth of, 114, 115 to distinguish from patho- logic cup, 233 Pigment on disc, 120, 121 ring, 1 20, 121 streaks in retina, 228 Pigmentary degeneration of retina, 211 unusual form (Plate VII.) Pigmentation of the choroid, 126, 260 Pigmentosa, retinitis, 211, 212 (Plate VII.) Plane mirror, 12 reflection from, 51, 52 Porus opticus, 113 Position of light, 21, 22 of observer, 20, 21, 22 of patient, 22, 23 Posterior polar cataract, 102, 103 staphyloma, 267 synechia, 131 Postpapillitic atrophy (Plate IX.) Primary atrophy of the optic nerve (Plate X.) INDEX. 295 Prisms, 58, 59 Proliferating retinitis, 153 Pseudo-glioma, 226 Pulsation, arterial, 154 venous, 123, 124, 154 (Chap- ter IV.) Punctate condition of the fun- dus, 184, 185 Pupil, black appearance of, 9 congenital anomaly, 100, 101. 102 in atrophy of optic nerve, 252 reflex from, 9 Papillary membrane, 101, 102 Purulent choroiditis, 262 R Randall, Dr. B. A., 140 Ray, 45 Rays of light, 12 convergent, 12, 47, 48 divergent, 12, 47 emergent, 45, 46 incident, 45 parallel, 12, 47 reflected, 12 Reflection, 12, 49, 50 laws of, 50 Reflex, corneal, 126 chcfroidal, 26 fundus, 26, 109 red, 26, 109 Weiss, 125 Refraction, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 Retina, 90, 124 anatomy of, 90, 91, 92 anemia of, 161 atrophy of, 271 changes in vascularity of, 157, 158 commotio, 224 Retina, detachment of (Plate VIII.), 219, 220, 221 causes of, 221 diagnosis, 219, 220, 221, 222 prognosis, 223 treatment, 223, 224 diseases of (Chapter VIII.) edema of, 180 exudation into, 181 glioma of, 224, 225, 226 diagnosis of, 226 prognosis of, 226 treatment, 226 hemorrhages into, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 186 hyperemia of, 158, 159, 160 inflammation of, 176, 177 irritation of, 160, 161 opacities of, 178, 179, 180, 181 pigment streaks in, 228 pigmentary degeneration of, 214 pigmentation of, 158 rupture of, 224 sclerosis of, 214 shot or watered silk appear- ance of, 125 transparency of, 125 vessels of, 125 Retinal atrophy, 271 capillaries of, 123, 124 changes due to intense light, 160, 161 circulation of, 125 reflex, 109, 125 veins, thrombosis of, 170, 171 vessels, 123, 124, 125, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154 diameter of, 149, 150 296 INDEX. Retinal vessels, diseases of, 149, 150, 151 distribution of, 121, 122, 123, 124 light streak of, 122 pulsation of, 123, 124 relative size of arteries, and veins, 148 sclerosis of, 149, 150, 151 tortuosity of (See Thrombosis) walls of, 151 Retinitis, 176, 177 albuminuric, 193, 194, 195 causes of, 178 centralis et striata, 228 circinata, 226, 227 circumscribed, 184 diagnosis of, 177 prognosis of, 177, 178 treatment, 178 (Plate IV.) varieties of, 196 degenerative, 196 diabetica, 206 diffuse, 182, 183 electric, 160, 161 hemorrhagic, 187, 196 causes, 187 prognosis, 187 treatment, 188 leukemic, 188, 189 neuro-, 196 of pregnancy (Plate V.), 196 pigmentosa, 2ii (Plate VII.) diagnosis of, 214 treatment of, 214 proliferans, 153 punctata, 184, 185 purulent, 228 secondary, 187, 196 serous, 182, 183 Retinitis, simple, 182, 183 solar, 160, 161 splenic, 188, 189 treatment, 193 syphilitic, 188 treatment, 188 varieties of (Chapter VII.) Retinochoroiditis (Plate XI.) Retinoscopy, 76, 77, 78 in astigmatism, 77 in hypermetropia, 77 in myopia, 77 methods of examination, 76 77 mirror, 76 principle of, 76 Retrobulbar neuritis, 244 acute, 244, 245 cause, 245 prognosis, 245 treatment, 245 chronic, 244, 245 cause, 245, 246 prognosis, 246 treatment, 246 Ring, choroidal, 116, 117 pigment, 116, 117 scleral, 116 Room, 9, 10 Rupture of the choroid, 273, 27^ Sarcoma, of the choroid, 274 stages of, 275 Schematic eye, Thorington's, 14 15 Scleral ring, 116 Sclerophthalmia, 99 Sclerosis of the vessel walls 151, 152 Sclera, 79, 80, 81 Sclerotic, 79 INDEX. 297 Scleral ring, 115, 116 Scotoma, 146, 147 Secondary atrophy of the optic nerve, 255 Selection of an ophthalmoscope, i Senile cataract, 102, 134 changes in the blood-vessels, iSi, J 52 choroiditis, 270 guttate choroiditis, 270 Serous retinitis, 182, 183 Shadow-test, 76, 77, 78 Sight-hole, 2 Simple hypermetropic astigma- tism, 75 myopic astigmatism, 75 Snow blindness, 160, 161 Sparkling synchysis, 139 Spheres, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 Spherocylinders, 70 Spiller, Dr. Wm. G., 248 Squint, 22 Staphyloma posticum, 267 Subhyaloid hemorrhage, 157 Subretinal cysticercus, 139 Sweet, Dr. W. M., 233 Symmetric coloboma of the lenses, 105 dislocation of the lenses, 105 Synechia, anterior, 131 posterior, 131 Synchysis scintillans, 139 Syphilitic choroido-retinitis (Plate XI.) retinitis, 188 Tay, 227 Test cards, 140, 141, 142 Thrombosis of the central artery, 164 Thrombosis, of retinal vein, 170, 171 (Plate III.) causes of, 175 diagnosis, 174, 175 treatment, 175 Tiger-skin fundus, 127 Tilting mirror, 2 Tobacco amblyopia, 245, 246 Tortuosity of retinal vessels, 170, 171 Toxic amblyopia, 245, 246 Tubercle of the choroid, 275 Tumor, brain, 242 Tumors, intraocular, 274 u Uvea, oo Uveal tract, 90 V Vein, central, 122 decrease in size of, 150 increase in size of, 149, 150 Veins, thrombosis, 170 vorticose, 86 Venous pulsation, 123, 124 Vessel walls, sclerosis of, 151, 152 choroidal, 127 cilioretinal, 124 diseases of, 151, 152 new-formed in retina, 152 in vitreous, 153 on disc, 122 retinal, 121, 122, 123, 124 size of, 28, 122 Vision, 140, 141, 142 central, 141, 142 peripheral, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146 Visual acuity (Chapter VI.) Vitreous, 94, 95, 136, 137 298 INDEX. Vitreous, anatomy of, 94, 95 changes in choroiditis, 271 cholesterin crystals in, 139 diffuse opacity in, 272 foreign substances in, 139 hemorrhage into, 136 movable opacity in, 137, 138 new vessels in, 153 oblique illumination of, 137 opacities, 136 ophthalmoscopic examina- tion of, 136, 137 purulent exudations in, 272 Vorticose veins, 86 w Walls of retinal vessels, 151 white lines along, 152 Weeks, Dr. John E., 241 Weiss reflex, 125 Welsbach, u Wickerkiewicz, 101 Yellow, reflex of purulent cho- roiditis, 272 spot, 125 position of, 126 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. MAR 1 3 197; Form L9-Series 4939 A 000 545 81 1 2