r, vvlOS-ANC & <5 - T O Q ^ 3? S ^ o 8 |- "VAaMiNn - ^ 3 ,vlOSANGElf>. DESCRIPTION OF ALL THE ROADS I N GREAT BRITAIN. CONTAINING I. An Alphabetical Lift of all the Cities, Towns, and remarkable Villages, in England and Wales ; with their Market-Days, and Counties they are fituated in. II. The DirecT: Roads from London to all the Cities, Borough, Market, and Sea-Port Towns, in England and Wales; fhewing the Diftance from each City, Town , or Village, to the next on the fame Road ; with their Diftance from London, and an Ac- count of the remarkable Seats that are fituated near the Road. III. The Crofs Roads of England and Wales. IV. The Direft and the Principal Crofs Roads of Scotland. V. The Circuits of the Judges in England. The Whole on a Plan entirely new, and far preferable to any Work of the Kind Extant. THE FOURTH EDITION, CORRECTED, and greatly IMPROVED; with ADDITIONS. By DANIEL PATERSON, Afiiftant to the Quarter-Mafter-General of His MAJESTY'S FORCES. LONDON: Pnnted for T. C A R N A N, at Number 65, in St. PAUL'S Church-Yard. M DCC LXXVIII. 3" This Work is entered, according to Ac} of Parliament, in the Regifter Book of the STATIONERS COMPANY; and whoever pirates it, or any Part of it, will be pro- fecuted. This Caution is given to thofe who have plundered the former Editions, which were alfo entered, as Invafion will no longer be fubmitted to. BOOK-BINDER is de/ired to guard the Map in the Middle ; as by that Means it will open with- out the Trouble of unfolding, on which Account it was reduced to the Size of the Book. PREFACE. HPHE Utility of an Accurate Defcription of the Roads, -*- is fo obvious to every Perfon who travels, as not to require any laboured Proof; and, as the Preference which the following Work claims before any other of the Kind hitherto publifhcd, will be evident on the flighteft Com- parifon, we fhall decline enlarging on that Head, and only lay before the Reader what is juft neceflary by Way of Explanation. By the Plan adopted in executing this Work, it con- tains all the new Roads down to the prefent Time, with the Alteration? and Improvements made in the Old ; and exhibits at firft View, the Diftance of each City, Town, or Remarkable Village, from London, with a particular Account of the Roads leading to it, meafured from the different Standards in London, according to the Mile- Stones on each Road, and arranged in the following: r^ j Urder, viz. 1. The Kent Roads, meafured from London Bridge. 2. The Croydon, Ryegate, and Epfom Roads, from Wejlminjler Bridge. 3. The Kingfton Road, from the Stones End In the Borough. 4. The Brentford Road, from Hyde-Park-Corner. 5. The Uxbridge and Edgeware Roads, from Tyburn Turnpike. 6. The Barnet Road, from Hicks's Hall. 7. The Ware Road, from Shoreditcb Church. 8. The Eflex Road, from Whltechapel Chunk. The vi PREFACE. The Meafurements, which are taken in Miles, Halves, and Quarters of Miles, are arranged in two Columns, the firft giving the Diftance from one City, Town, or Village to the next ; the feco-nd, the Number of Miles from the Commencement of the Road. And (for the farther Amufe- inent of the Traveller) at the End of each Road is given, a brief Account of whatever is worthy of Obfcrvation j iuch as Parks, Seats, Cailles, Ruins, (sc. To find the Road from London to any City, Town, or Remarkable Village, in England or Wales, look for the Name of the Place in the Index to the Roads from London, and the Figure oppofite to it refers to the Page in which is that Part of the Road containing the Place looked for; thus, from London to Durham, the Index directs you to Page 113, where you find Durham with its Diftance from London, &c. though the Defcription of the Road in which it is fituated (being that from London to Edinburgh) begins in Page 110, and ends in Page 114. In defcribing the lefier Roads branching out from the greater, the laft Remarkable Place on the great Road, or the Spot where the lefler turns off, is firft given, with a Reference to the Page in which you will find the Road fo far as to that Place; and afterwards the Branch is conti- nued : as for Inftance, to find the Road from London to Chertfey, in Surry, the Index refers you to Page 33, where you find it in the following Form, viz- To Hounflow, p. 21 Feltham, Midd. Littleton 3|i Cbertfey 9 Surry 3i 91 20 By which it appears you are referred to Page 21 for this Road, as far as HounfLow, (the laft Remarkable Place on the great Road) from thence the Remainder of the Road to PREFACE. VI! to Chertfey is given after the above Form in Page 33, as directed by the Index. In like Manner for the Roads from London to A&rig, the Index direxSis to Page I2o 5 from whence you are referred to Page H2 for one Road as far as Boroughbridge, and to Page 106 for another as fat- as Settle, the Continuation of each Road being given ia Page 120. Thefe References are made Ufe of in order to prevent the numberlefs Repetitions which otherwiic would unavoidably occur in a Work of this Kind. In looking for the Crofs Roads, or Roads in Scotland, Recourfe muft likewife be had to their refpe&ive Indexes, which are fo plain as to require no farther Explanation than what is given with them in their proper Places. Having thus, to the beft of our Abilities, fupplied tht Traveller with a full and accurate Defcription of a much greater Collection of Roads than xvas ever before attempted^ yet, as the different Routs which Travellers may liave Occafion to take are almoft infinite, and confequently not cornprifabl-e in a Volume of this Size; we have, in order tc* complete our Plan, compiled, and publifhed feparate!}', a Second Part to this Work, entitled, A TRAVELLING DICTIONARY j or, Atyliakeiual Tables ef ibe Diftanccs of all the Cities ; Bor&^-h^ Market, and Sen-Port ''TyvuVS^ in Great Britain, from tack other ^ &c. By thefe Tables, tiie Traveller will find the Compafs he m-uit make to vifit any Place or Places which he may be dcfircus of taking in the Courie of his Journey; and will likewife be enabled, at fetting out, to form an Eftimate of his Time and Expence., by afcertaining the. Number of Miles he muft travel, with the greateft Exacbiefs, fhould the Tour he propofes to make be ever fo much ^bout, or irregular. Tbofe who have ej^lrienced how varying, and often contradictory, have been the beft Accounts they could procure of the Diftances of Places on their Journey, and how vexatious in their Conferences, will readily acknowledge the Utilkr of 2. Work of this Kind. Tie viii PREFACE. The Travelling Diffionary being printed on the fame Size as the Defcription of the Roads , the two bound to- gether make a complete Travelling Companion. The Dircances from the Olelijk in Fleet Street to the Standards in London, from which the different Roads are meafured. From the Obelifk in Fleet Street Miles Furlongs To the Surry Side of London Bridge - - i i To the Surry Side of Weftminfter Bridge ) by Charing Crofs - - _ - _ J 7 To ditto, by St. George's Fields - - i 6 To Stones End in the Borough - - - i 3 To Hyde-Park Corner ------2 2 To Tyburn Turnpike ------2 4 To Hicks's Hall ------ _ o _, ^i To Shoreditch Church - - - - -i 7 To Whitcchapel Church - - - i 5 $3* The Ptiblifoer returns bis nwft grateful Acknowledg- ments to thofe Gentlemen who communicated the Corrections and Additions with which this Edition is improved ; and, as a Work of this Kind muft be ever fubjeft to Alterations, from the New Rsads continually making, any Improvements or Corrections for another Edition, that are tranfmitted to T. Carnan, at Number 65, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, will be duly attended to, and carefully infcrted* INDEX INDEX TO THE R O A D S FROM LONDON, To all the CITIES, TOWNS, and Remarkable VILLAGES, I N E N GLAND AND WALES. -tjT The Firft Column contains the Name of the Place; the Second, the County it lies in ; the Third, its Market Diys 5 and the Fourth, the Page in which the Road is to be found. A Abbotfbury Dor/et Th. 35 Amberley Su/ex 16 Aberavon Glam. S 8 Amblefide Weflm. We. 94 Aberconway aern. Fr. 80 Ambrefbury Wilts Fr. 37 Aberford Torkjb. We. 112 Amerlliam Bucks Tue. 68 Aberfraw Angl. 6: Ampthill Bedf. Th. 86 Abergavenny Abergeley Monm . Denbyf. Tue. f c jAncailer 80 Andover Lincoln Hants ] 21 Sat. AberiiUvith Card. Mo. 65 Appleby Wejlm. Mo. 116 Abingdon Berks M.F 51 Appledore Kent 10 Aden Midd. 55 iArundel \Suflex wis. 15 A Icon bury Hunt. r 1 1 Afhbourn Derby/. Sat. 96 Aid borough Torkjh. 1 2 1 Alhburton. De-vcn Tu-S Aldborough Suffolk Sat. 1 5 1 Afhby de la Alford Line. Tue. 134 Zouch. Leiceft. Sat. 86 Alfreton Derb-;f. Mo. 102 Afhford \Kent Sat. 5- Almondbury Torkjk. io6| Afkrig Torkjh. Th. 120 Alnwick N.hum Sat. 117 Atherlton Wariv. Tue. 86 A Ires ford [Hants Th. 30 ' Attleborough Norfolk |Th. 144 Alfton Moor \Cutnb. (Sat. 95 Auburn Wilts \ Tue. 49 Alton \Har.ts iSat. 50 Auckland Durb. Th. 12 5 Altrincham '/','$>. Tue. 86) Aulccfter j^flr--a-.JTue. 72 li INDEX to the ROADS from L o N DON. Axbridpe Axminiler Ayleflniry Aylesford Ayleiham Aynhoe B Baddow Bagfhot Bakewell Bala iBaldock Bampton B^mpton Banbury Bangor Barking Barkway BarnardCaftle Barn by Moor Barnefley Barnefley Barnftaple Barnet Barton Barton Bartt-.i Clay Barton Mills Baiingftoke Bath Battcl B aw try Beaconsfield Beaumaris Becclcs Beck ing ton Bedal Bedfont Bedford Bedvvin Bel ford 'Beltingham Somerf. Devcn Bucks Kent Norfolk N.ham. Effex Surry Derby/. Me r ion. Herts Devon Oxf. Oxf. Caern. Effex Herts Durb. Nott. Gloc. Torkfo. Devon Herts Lancaf. Line. Bedf. Suffolk Hants Somerf. Suffex Torkjh. Bucks Angl. ' Suffolk Wilts Torkfi. Midd. Bedf. Wilts N.umb. N.umb. rh. Sat. Sat. 49 2 3 68 4 1 44 69 152 21 IO2 68 in 4 2 5 2 6 9 80 154 136 126 112 5 1 106 38 -77 89 130 1 08 139 21 44 112 55 83 H* 43 126 21 IO4 49 118 I26 1 iBeminiter iBengworth Benfon Bere Regis Berealfton 'Berkeley !BerkhamHead Berwick Betley Beverley Bewdley Biceiler Bickington IBiddeford Bigglefwade Billingham Billinghurft Billion Bilfton Billericay Billefdon IBinbrook Birbich Birmingham Bifhops Caille Bifley Bitford Blackburn |Blandford Blechingly jBIy borough IBlythe Bocking Boddedar Bodmin Bolingbroka JBolfover Bolton Eootle Borough- bridge 'Boflcaitle Dor/ft Wore. Oxf. Dorfet Devon Gloc. Herts rh. 34 65 5 34 36 54 74 118 91 130 70 74 2 5 38 in 126 16 150 84 J 53 98 132 49 7 1 67 54 70 99 22 !5 146 210 148 3 2 3 '34 no 96 93 112 36 We. We. Sat. Sat. Sat. Staff. Yorkjh. Wore. Oxf. Devon Devon Bedf. N.umb. Suffix Suffolk Staff. EJJex Leic. Line. Wilts War Caermarthen Oxf. \Line. \YorkJh ' j\^- f i M.S. JTh. i i 99' iMo 1134! 'Sat. c: Sat. jijc' M.S. [142! I 7^ ff \EJjex , '53 1 '.Lancaf.'Mo. \ 99! [Line. MoJial \trejlm. Tue.j 89 ' s 7 139 56 2 5 21 145 86 60 7* 39 23 Somerf. \Gloc. \Kent \Staf. \Hcref. Wore. \Wejim 471 Caernarvon Caerleon Caerfilly Caerwis |Calne ;Cambridge Cainelford Campden Cank Canterbury Cardiff Cardigan Carlifle Th. Tue. Tue. Tue. Th. \Somerf. Sat. Norfolk Sat. .._l. O 64 Cartmel 7 Caftle Carey 87 Caftle Broni- \vich -2 Caftle Rifing !n6| Cafton Bucks Suffolk bat. 38: 150 69 Caitor Catfworth Catterick Lancaf. Suffolk Derbyf. Caerm. Caern. Monm. Glam. Flintjb Wilts Camb. Th. Th. 99 VV.S|i 4 8 '96 Gloc. Staff. Kent Glam. Card. Cumb. LancaJ SomerJ. w.s Sat. ITh. Th. Tue. Tue. W.S Fr. We. W.S W.S TuS Sat. Mo. Tue. fbr/a&l Norfolk 'Mo- Line. jSat. Hunt. '' Torkjb. Torkfh. i I 6 67 59 60 80 43 136 3 6 87 2 58 60 117 93 38 83 137 f 43 132 rzff !u4 a 2 iv I N r> E x to the ROADS from LONDON. C ax ton Cerne Chapel in Frith Chapel Houfe Chard Charing Charlebury Charley Charlfont Chatham Chatteris Cheadle Chegford Chellington C helms ford Cheltenham Chepftow Chertfey Chefham Chefhunt Chefter Chefter le Street Chefterfield Chewton Chichefter Chiddingfold Chigwell Chimleigh Chippenham Chippenham Chipping- Norton Chiflehurft Chrift Church Chudleigh Cirencefter Clare Clay Clay don Clebury Camb. DorfetJ. Derby}. Oxf. Somerf. Kent Oxf. Lancaf. Bucks Kent ** Camb, Staff. De 148 9? 1 06 2 9 119 146 90 94 105 49 viii I N D x to the ROADS from L o N DON. Kidwelly Kilburn Kilgarron Kilham Iviinbolton , fvineton Kingfbridge Kingfclear tingfton ivinvcr Kirby Kirk by Lonf- dale KirkbySteven S.irkby More- fide Kirkham Kirkofwald Kirton Lind- fey Knarefbo- rough Knighton Knotsford Kyneton L Laniberhurft Lam born Lane after Landaff Land's End Langley Langport Launceiton Lavenham Lavington Lea Learmouth Leatherhead Lechlade jLedbury H-.M r> ^aerm Midd. Pemb. Torkfi. Hunt. War*w. Dc-~vcn Hants Surry Staff. Cumb. Weftm.. Wejlm Torkjh. Lane nf. Cumb. Line. Torkfa. Radn. Chejh. Heref. SuJJex Berks Lane. Glam. Cornw. Herts Somerf, Cor aw. Suffolk Wilts Hercf. N. umb. Surry Gloc. Heref. F./J'^ Tue. 58 73 60 130 121 70 36 8 ^ 93 /o; 93 128 92 95 130 ' 2 3 66 89 62 8 48 89 59 24 74 38 23 150 4 1 62 126 13 5 1 59 T r A Leeds Leek (Leicefter Leigh Leighton Buzxard Lerning Lenham Leominfter iLefkard jLeftwithiel Lewes Lewifliam Ley burn 'Lidney Lichfield Lime Lincoln iLinton iLippock jLrverpool Llanbeder Llandilovaur Llanelthy Llangadoc Llangollen Llanarth Llantriffent Llanvilling Llanydlos Llanrooit Llanymd- dovry Llaugharn Loddon Longnor Longtown Loughboro' Louth LovveilofF Lcoe I.nrllnw Yorkjb. 1 Staff. Leic. Lancaf. Eedf. Torkjh. Kent Hercf. Lorrnju. '-'orn^u:. Sujfex Kent Torkjh. Gloc. Staff. Dorjet Line. ' 'amb. Hants Lancaj. Card. Caerm. Caerm. Caerm. Denb. Lard. Glam. Mont. Mont. Denb. Caerm. Caerm. Norfolk Staff. Cumb. Leic. Line. Suffolk Corn c w. ,9/7/rt* TuS We. Sat. IOO 85 95 92! 86 1 16 271 6 4 28 28 ii 7 I 20 % 7 y 35 129 141 7 9' 60 60 58 60 81 60 60 68 68 82 $ 59 IJC 7 1^7 95 132 I JO 2"? fi- We. Sat . Fr. Tue. Sat. Tue. Sat. Tue. Tue. Fr. Sat. Fr. Sat. Th. Mo. We. Tue, Th. Sat. We. Th. Sat. We. We. TuS Fr. Fr. Th. Sat. Tue. Tue. Tue. Th. Tue. Fr. Tue. Sat. Tue. W. S Fr. Fr. Fr.* Sat. Sat. Sat. Tue. We. Th. Th. W.S We. Sat. Mo Tue. INDEX to the ROADS from LONDON. [LuggerthaU jLuton :L utter-worth jLvdd JLymington j Lynn Lyfton M JMacclesfield IMackynlcth [Maidenhead iMaiditone Maldon Mai ford 'Mailing JMalmelbury 'Malpas Malton Ma! wood Mancheiter Manningtree Mansfield March JMaresfield Margate .: k. Raifin i Marl borough iMarlow JMarMeld JMafham dock iMelcomb [Melkfham VI el ton Mow- bray Mendleiham Meon 'Merrmon IMere 'Meriden Merrington . Met h wold Wilts BeJf. Leic. Kent Hants Norfolk Devon Chefi. Mint. Berks Kent E/ex Wilts Kent Wilts Chejb. Torkjb. Hants Lancaj. \Sffex \Nott. \Camb. M*. Ph rrh. |Sat. Tu.S Sat. Mo. Mo. We. Th. Sat. Sat. Sat. Mo- Sat. Kent Line. Bucks Gloc. Tvrkjh. Derby/. Wilts L,eicejl. Suffolk Hants Wilts \Wnrvj. \Durb. [Norfolk Sat. file. Th. Fr. Th. Sat. Sat. Tue. We. FuF Tue. Tue. Ph. fue. Tue. 1C 3 2 '37' 2 3 35,fMicheldean \Gioc. loa "Midhurft Sttfex MidJleham Torkjb. \Lar.caj . Cbejb. \Snffclk 'Dorfet Middleton Middlewich Mil born Mildenhall i.VJo- Th. Md, Tue. | Mil ton 8 5 - Milton 68 Mims 4? [Minehead 'Mifienden Fr. Tue. Sat. i 52 JMiftleyThonr^x .Vlitcliam \Surry .iodbury \De--va.t 52JjMonmouth Mi 96 152 105 ii 47 120 102; 32 46 ICO Montgomer Morpeth Morton Morton Mould Moulton, S. Moumforrel N Namptwich Narbarth Nemh Needham Nelton Nettlebed Newark Newburgh Mont. N.umb. Gloc. Plintfo. Leic. Cbejh. Pemb. Glam. '^Sujjllk Chcfl. Newca.'tJc Nexvcaflle- Newca'Ue N"ewent evy haven 41 [Nevvin iNewrnarket Newmarket 139 iNewnham 27 141 34 _ "A We. j 42 - 68 \9\ 1-21 Sat. Tne. We. Tue. Sat. Sat. Mo. Sat. We. Angl. Berks N.umb. Caerm. Gloc. Sitffex Caern: Camb. Flintf. Gloc. We. |Tue. Th. STuS Mo. ; Fr. Fr. 12 - -i 6? [I 3 64 2i 75 38 91 79 61 112 Sat. Th. 6b >9 l io - T , r ' Fr. I 59i I N n E X to the ROADS from LONDON. Overton Oxford P Paddington Padftow Painfwick Parkgate Patrington IPembridge [Pembroke Penkridge Penrice |Penrith Penryn Tensford Penzance Perfebridge Perfhore jPeterborough jPetersfield |Petherton ;Petwovth jPhillips Nort (Pickering jPlymouth [Plympton iPocklington jPontcfrad jPontypool |Poole jl'orlock iPortfmouth iPotton Poulton Prefect jPrefteign Preflon Prittlewell Puckeridge Pulhely Quat Newport Newport Newport Newport Newport (Newport Pag. JNewton Newton Bufti. Newton Newton Newtown Neyland Northallerton Northampton North Curry North fleet Northlech Northorp North wich Norwich Nottingham Nuneaton Nutley O Oakham Oakhampton Odiam Offam Okingham . Ollerton Ongar Orford Ormfkirk Ortney Orton Ofmondflon Ofweftry Otley Ottery St, Mary's Ouluey Oundle Cornvj. Monm. Salop Hants Peinb. Bucks bat. Sat. W-S- Sat. Sat. We. Devon Hants Salop Mont: -Sat. Suffolk jFr. Yorkjb. jWe. N. amp. \ 3 at. Somcrf. Kent Gloc. Flintfo. Chejb. Fr. Norfolk WFS Nott. Svffex Hants Kent Rutl. Devcn Berks Nott. EJJ'ex Suffolk Lancaf. Salop Wejtm. Norfolk Salop Yorkfi. Devon, Bucks N.ham. We. W.S Sat. iat. Sat. Tue. oat. Mo. Fiie. We. Fr. Tue, Mo. Sat. 23 & 84 20 60 95 89 26 20 67 68 152 112 95 3 j 55 80 9 1 1441 105' 86 ii 34 7 105 2 3 33 123 92 72 93 150 81 109 35 io8j IlOj Hants Oxf. Midd. Corn-iv. Gloc. Chejh. Yorkjb. Heref. Pemi>. Staff. Glam. Cumb. Cornvj. Somerf. Durh. Wore. \ N. amp . \Hatits. \Somcrf. \9uffex Somerf. Ynrkjh. Devon Devon Yorkjh. Monm. Dcrfct Somerf. Hants Bedf. Lancaf. Lancaf Radn. \Lancaf. Effex Herts Caern. Salop W.S Sat. Tue. Sat. Tue. Sat. Fue. Th. Tue. Tue. ill. jTue. iSat. JTh. Mo. M Tli | Sat. |Sat. |Sat. LJKJ ThS Sat. Mo. Tue. Sat. WFS We. I N D E x to the ROADS from LONDON. Queenboro' Queenhope .Ouarnclon R 'Radnor iRamfgate Ratnley ;Ravenglafs Rayleigh (Reading iRedbarn Redruth iKepeham Rctford JRhayader- gowy (Richmond ^Rickmans- \vorth iRing'.vood 'Ripley JRipley SRippon jRiiborough, jRiverhead JRochdale iRochefter jRochford jRockingham iRoding iRomney iRofs |Rothbury ;Rotherfield 'Ro.herham jRothwell jRoyikm iRugby iRugely j Rum ford iRumfey 'Rul"hden Kent Flintfi. Leic. Radn. Kent Hunt. Cumb. Effe* Berks \Herts \Cornv}. \tforfolk Th. MTI Sat. S;it. Sat. Sat. Ryegate S St. Alban's 95 62 4J!St. Afaph 136 (St. Auille 93 153 43 St. Blaife St. Clear St. Columb Sr. David's DenbyJ. Suffex Surry Herts Flhitjh. Corn-iv. Cornw. Caerm. Corn^iv. Pemb. Mo. ! 881 VV. Sj 8 Tue. 13 Sat. 24' :St. Germain's Cornva. Sat. 143; St. Juft \Coraw. ' ' Radn. Yorkjh. ! \Herts \Hants \ Surry \rorfyb AMa. \TorkJh. Th. Bucks Kent Lancaf. Kent EjTex Sat. 'i 12 ;St. lye's ;|St. Ives 65 St. M awe's 120 : St. Michael St. Neot's St. Ofyth \Corn--iv. Hunt. 75 29 Sat. M.S Fr. Th. Th. \KcHt \Heref. \N.umb. Th. [Th. Mo. \Yorkfo. \ N. amp \Herts \War-iu. Sat. Staff. rue. Salilbury iSaltam loo jSaltfieet too Saudbach 7: ; Sandwich ^ Sawbridge- Cornw. Hunt. E/ex Wilts Cornnu. Line. Cbejh. Kent Herts W.S Mo. Th. ;TuS [Sat. Sat. Th. worth | .. ,_, iSaxmiir.dham|5'?/^c//4 : 05 ; , S ca rborough' j Yqrkjb. 4; iSchole Norfolk 10'; Sea ford 62|tScdberi W.S I 3 6 in 152 22 271 '39i I ::6 -Seeching rpj ib s| Selby Settle Mo. ii 101 iSevenoaks We. EJtx \Hants \N.Gmp.\ TW Sat. 134 dhaftc/bury '3 ; !Shetfield 145 Shcfford \WeJlm Norfolk York It? . Ycrkjb. Kent Dorfet IFejlm. Yorkjh. Berks Bedf. Salop Th-. Tue. IOC xu Shejnvaih jSherborn Sherburn jShipton Mai. >Sh;'pftcn Shoreham bhrewj'bury - '.Shrivenham Sidmoutli Si 1 foe jSittingborn jSkipton ISleuford 'Smarden Snarefbrook :Snaith ; Snethiham iSodbury Soham Solihul Somerton ;Southani i Southampton jSourhmihfter ;South Church .Southwell (South'.vold iSpalding [Spiliby 'Staines 'Stafford jStalbridge Stamford 'Standon (Stanhope ;Stanley ; Stan in ore iStevenage Steyning Stilton jStockbrklge iStockport INDEX to the ROADS from L o N u o N . Devon DorJ'et Torkjb. Wo Salop Berks De-vcn ReJf. Kent Torkjh. Line. Kent EJ/ex Yorkjb. Norfolk Gloc. \Carnb* ThS Fr. 118 Fr. 4J Fr. Sar. 53 35 10P 7J Stockton Sat. Mo. Fr. Fr. Fr. Th. Sat. \Somerf. 'War~M Hants fffix Nctt. Line. Line. \Midd. Staff. Dorfct Line. \Herts Tue. |Mo. r T s Stokefley Stone Stone Crouch Stortford,Bps. Stcughton .Market Stcwey Stratford on Avon iStratford Staff: \Durb. |We. 12; 1- '" Sat. !i2fc Tue.! 79' - 'Herts \Hunt. \S* lk n, SomcrJ. ;Tuc. 12_JJ * w ti o-VAV* u- i o6| [Stratford (Fenny) Stratford 129 10 138 "3 J 37 S3 141) (Stony) Stratton Stratton Stretton Ch, Stretton IJ3M-. Mldd. Herts Su/ex Hunt. Hants Cbejb. Sat. Th. Tue. Mo. Fr. Sat. Tue. M.F Fr. iTue. |Sat. , . Stroud 38 'Stroud 86JiSturbridge 31 ;Sturnuniler i >3 : Sudbury iunbury no] Sunderland i>) Sutton 132; Sutton 1 3 4: 'Sutton Colef. .varFham iwanfea 5 ) S \vindon i i J , T Suffolk Sat. J MM. : : 35. Durb. Fr. \Hants i j 22 ISttrrj? , J 2 1 War-iv.'.Mo. 272^ Norfolk Sat. 142, w.s: 58' Mo. ! si 54 Famworth 73';Tarring Fr. iiiij TatterJhall We. j 1 3 iTaviitock in 22 h. !iig \Stajf~. ,,->at. j 87; ' ,Sat. . 15 jFr. -1321 Th. FrJ. 'Dc-vcn ; Sat. Taunton \Somerf. : W. S Teddington 26: 3^ 96!!Temple INDEX to the R o A D s from L o s n o .v. xiii , ten bury l/'ci-i. Tue. 67 Upmmiler \Efftx 1Z1I; 'H T^nty Pemb. W-S i 6i''L T ppingham \Rutl. We. i 105- Tenterdean Kent iFr. ici Upton |^Vc. Th. ! 62 Tctbury Gloc. We. 53 Uike \Monm. Mo. S9 , Tetfworth Qxf. : ^ 5 Uttoxeter Staff'. We. 87; Tewkfbury Gloc. W. S 6d Uxbridge \MM. ITh.. , Thame O.\f. Tue. 6 1 W ,1'imxtead /* iFr. Wainfleet rfcW. Sat. ^33 ' 1 ' hot ford : Norfolk Sat. J 44 vV'akeiiekl T Fr, iocj Thirik Torkfa. JMo, 1 J Wakering E/Tex 153 : Thome \Torkjh. |We. 12: Wai den E&x Sat. :i4i 1 Thorn bury Gloc. Sat. 54 Wallingford '.Berks T. F 52 Thrapiton N.awp. f ucJl icj Walfal \$tatf\ Tue. i 8 - jTkkkill . j/W/^.'Fr. 124; Wallham \~orfolk Th. Tidelwell \Dcrbvf. We. iio^i Wahingham \Norfolk Fr. 142 ! Til bury L^?AT" ji^ 1 1 Walt ham ' Hants Fr. 20 Tillingham >^?x I }' 3 iWaltham \Leic. Th. no T in mouth N.bnni. I2j iWalthnm Tivertca De-van Tue. 38- Abbv EJfcx Tue. r 35 TQpfbam . \Dc~crjn Sat. 272; iWaltham Torperley Cbefi. r~ ' Crofs Herts 133 'Torriugton ! Totnefs Devon Devon Sat. 42 Sat. z f y Wandi\vorth 'Wansford Surry A". rt.w/ . in jTowceftfif tt:amp. Tue. \ Wantage Berks 52 Trecafcle Brec. c6 ! ridge Con.-iu. SaK 37 ,Tj-egarroii Card. Th. 66S Ware Herts Tue. '33 jTregony Corn-.i-. Sat. :(/ ' Warehnm Dor let !Sat. 34 jTrentham Staff. 8ft Warminilcr //V/,'/ Sat. 40! Triii g Herts Fr. 74 ; : \Varrington . '.'Sat. 89 Trowbridge I fills Sal. 47 j Warfdale Cumb. 92 Traro Corn ir. W.6 2 3i Warwick |#Vw. Sat. 7 Tuddington i, 182, 227 i jChfift Church, 220 C'irenceiler, 1 60, 170, 184, 193' 167, 174 Cockermouth, 177, 178, 219 :Coggefliall, 1^2 SColcheikr, 182, 183 iColne, 205, 221 iColtfuorth, 169 (Coventry, 160, 175, 1-76, 193. 194, 215, 216 iCranbrock, 183 jBurton on Trent, 158,200, 2l6i jCricklade, 184 Burton Stather, 189 ;.!Crediton, 191, 232 INDEX to the CROSS ROADS. Crewkherne, 172 Cromer, 197 Crowle, 189 Croydon, 184 D Daliton, 218 Darking, 202 Dartford, 185 Dartmouth, 219 Daventry, 176, 209 Deal, 189 Derby, 158, 185, 186, 187, 200, 206, 215, 216 Devizes, i,j, 227 Dinafmouthy, 226 Doncafter, 187, 188, 189, 200, 210, 211 Dorchefter, 164 Dover, 189- Drayton, 228 Droitwich, 158, 193 Dudley, 231 D unchurch, 176 Dunmow, 179, 182 Dunftable, 190, 213 Durham, 155, 234 Durfley, 173 E Ealand, 198 Egremont, 177 E'y, 190, 196 Enllon, 218 Epfom, 184 Everley, 155, 227 Ewell, 184 Exeter, 159, 162, 169, 172, 191 Eynfham, 161 F Falmouth, 159 Fareham, 163 Farnham, 214 Farningham, 185 iFarringdon, 212 Ferrybridge, 191, 192 Flamborough, 192, 238 Frampton, 172 Frant, 232 jFrodfham, 181 Froome, 163 G Gainfborough, 199 Gifborough, 234 Gifburn, 236 Glaftonbury, 159, 164, 172 Glocefter, 158, 160, IT 182, *9 2 > ! 93> 22 7 Godmancheller, 174, 19 Grantham, 211 Gravefend, 180 Grimfby, 189 jGrimfthorpe, 169 Guilford, 184, 202 H Halifax, 198, 233 Halflead, 183 Haltwefel. 208 Hampton, Gloc. 182 Harborough, 175 Harewood, 236 Harlellon, 176 Hartlepool, 224 Harwich, 201 Hatfield, 223, 226 Hatfield Broad-Oak, 212 Hatherleigh, 165, 211 Havant, 163, 220 Haverill, 183 Hawkftiead, 197 Helmfley, 232 Henley on Thames, 223 Hereford, 1 60, 170, 193, 194, 19? Hertford, 195, 226 INDEX to the CROSS ROADS. xvin iexham, 208 ieytefbury, 162 iigham Ferrers, 175 iighworth, 212, 227 iinckley, 161 Pitching, 195, 21-3 lockerill, 182 ioddefdon, 195 iodnet, 228 iolm, 178 iolywell, 226 iornby, 225 iorndon, 179 -lorn fey, 236 lowdon, 19) iudderstield, 192, 198, 231 lull, 195 iungerfbrd, 217 -lunnanby, 192 Huntingdon, 174, 195, 196 rluntfpill, 196 rlurft Green, 232 I Ilfracomb, 191, 197 Ifley, 213 ngleton, 224, 225 plwich, 196, 197, 201 iflington, 218 fxworth, 176, 201 :K Keighley, 189 Kellington, 232 K.enda.1, 197, 224, 236 Kefwick, 177, 219 Kettering, 175, 230 Kingfclear, 213, 224 Knarefborough, 233, 236 Knighton, 194 Knotsford, 174 L Lamborn, 162 Lancaiter, 225 Llantriflent, 208 Launcefton, 166 ILeatherhead, 184 Lechlade, 227 Ledbury, 157, 194 Leeds, 192, 197, 198, 199, 216 !Leek, 156, 204, 228 Leiceiter, 161, 194, 218 [ Leominfter, 171 iJLeflcard, 219 jLewes, 165, 183, 233 Ley burn, 229 Lichfield, 158, 199, 200, 216, 222, 231 Lidney, 157 Lime, 169 Limpsfield, 202 i Lincoln, 186, 199 JLinton, 183 !|Littleborough, 198 Llanbeder, 200 |Llanbedern Vaur, 180, 226 iLlanveiling, 180 tLlanymddovry, 221 iLoughborough, 16 1 jLudlovv, 171, 200 Luttervvorth, 175 ;Lycham, 201 iLymington, 220 Lynn, 168, 200, 201 M Macclesfield, 156, 174, 204 Machynleth, 226 iMaidiione, 201, 202, 203 iMaldon, 169, 204 Malmtfbury, 182, 212 Mai ton, 1 66 Mancheiter, 1^-6, 181, 182 188, 198, 204, 205, 210, 229 Mansfield, 156, 187, 205, 206 211 March, 196 INDEX to the CROSS ROADS. Mares held, 233 Margate, 189 Marl borough* 161, 227 Marlow, 223 Martock, 172 Matlock, 15.7, 174, 206, 210, |Oakingham, 217 Odiham, 233 ,Okehampton, 211. Ollerton, 210 Ongar, 212 232 211 j Melcomb Regis, 164 JMeriden, 194, 206 ! Merfey, 183 Michel^Jean, 157 Middleham, 209, 229 I'Midhurftj 207, 214 jMinehead, 191 Modbury, 219 Monmouth, 170 Monrgomcry, 194 Morton, G/oc. 160 Mottram, l88, 231 Mountfonel, 161 N Namptwich, 187 Needham, 196, 201 Newark, 185, 1 86, 206 Newbury, 213 Newcaille upon Tyne, 207, 208 NewcaiHe under Line, 187, 228 Newent, 157 Newhaven, 208 Newmarket, 176, 196 New Paflage, 208 Newport Pagnel , 213 Newport, Shroff. 164, 230, 235 Newton, Mont. 1 80 Northallcrton, 209 Northampton, 176, 209, 217 230 Northwich,, 181 Norwich, 197, 201, 209 Nottingham, 161, 185, 186, 209, 210, 211 Nune:,ton, 161, 215, 216 j Ofmondfton, 1-6, 197 j.Ofpring, 202 jjOtley, 236 {jOundle, 217 Oxford, 161, 162, 212, 213, 216, 217, 218, Paddington, 218 Paditow, 218 Painfwick, 182 iPaitley Bridge, 237 Peirce Bridge, 225 Penkridge, 204, 230, 235 Penrith, 219 Penryn, 159 I Peterborough, 191, 217, 218 jPetersfield, 207, 214 Petty France, 158, 160 Philips Norton, 162 Pickering, 232 Plymouth, 162, 219 Pocklington, 236 Pontefradt, 191 Poole, 217, 220 Pcwtfmouth, 162, 163, 220 Preftbury, 192 Prefteign, 194, 221. Prefton, 221 Quarendon, or ) Quon R Radnor, 221 Ragland, 159 Raleigh, 179 161 c z INDEX to the CROSS ROADS. Ramigate, 189 Reading, 214, 217, 221, 222, 223, 224 Richmond, 224, 225, 229 Rickmanfworth, 223 Ripley, 210, 233, 236 Rippon, 237 Riverhead, 202 Rochdale, 198, 205 Rochford, 204 Roding 2J2 Rotherham, 166, 187, 1 88 Rothwell, 175 Rowfley Bridge, 225 Royfton, 213 Rumfey, 162, 163, 220, 234 Ruthyn, 226 Ryegate, 202 S St. Alban's, 223, 226 St. Columb, 218 St. David's, 159, 226 St. Ives, Hunt. 195 St. Michael, 218 St. Neot's, 175 Salifbury, 162, 217, 221, 227, Saltafh, 219 Sandon, 204 Sandwich, 189 Scarborough, 192, 232 Sedberg, 224 Settle, 236 Sevenoaks, 185 Shaftefbury, 166 Sheffield, 157, 166, 187, 228 Sherborn, 164 Shipfton, 165, 216 Shorehain, 208 Shrewfbury, 171, 228, 229, Silverton, 191 Skipton, 205, 221, 229, 236 Sleaford, 168 Snarefbrook, 218 Sodbury, 170 Soham, 190 Somerton, 172, 196 Southam, 209, 215 Southampton, 162, 234 Southwell, 1 86, 206 Stafford, 204, 230, 235 Staindrop, 155, 225 Stamford, 217, 230 Stevenage, 195 Stockbridge, 162, 163, 234 Stockport, 156, 1 88, 204, 231 Stockton, 224, 234 Stortford, 182 Stourbridge, 2o>, 231, 235 Stow, Glocejterf. 1 60, 227 Stow Market, 196, 201 Stratford on Avon, 193 Stretton, Shropf. 171 Stroud, Gloc. 182 Sturton, 163 Sutton Colefield, 216 S waff ham, 201 T Tadcafter, 199, 236 Taunton, 159, 164, 231 -Taviftock, 232 Tetbury, 160, 170, 182 Tewkeibury, 158 Thame, 212, 222 Thaxted, 179' Thet r ord, 201 Thirfk, 232 Thrapfton, 175, 217 Tickhill, 166, 211 Tidefwell, 174, 228 Tilbury, 179 Tiverton, 191, 231 ITorrington, 165, 211 INDEX to the CROSS ROADS. Towcefter, 217 Tring, 212 Frowbridge, 167 Truro, 159 Tunbridge, 204 Tunbridge Wells, 204, 232) 233 u Uckfield, 233 Uppingham, 218 Upton, 158, 193, 205 Uike, 208 Uttoxeter, 186, 199 W Wakefield, 188, 192, 233 Walden, 179 Wallingford, 214, 217, 220, 221, 222 Walfal, 231 Waltham (Bifhops) 162, 163, 220, 233 Wansford, 218 Wantage, 162, 217 Wardlovv, 225 Ware, 226 Warrington, 174, 181, 2O Warminfter, 162, 164, 1 66 Warwick, 160, 193, 206, 209, 216 Watford, 223 Weatherby, 233 Weigh ton, 235 Weldon, 230 Wellinpborough, 17;, 217, 230 [Wellington, Shrcp. 230 Wellington, Somerf. 231 Wells, Somerf. 158, 164, 172 jWelfli Pool, 229 iWeftbury, 167 JWefterham, 202 jWeymouth, 164, 172 |Whitby, 234 jWhitchurch, Shropf. 164, 171 Whitchurch, Hants, 224 JWhitehaven, 177 jWickham, Hants, 162, 163! 220 Wigton, 177, 178 Winchcomb, 193 Winchefler, 162, 163, 207, 218, 223, 234 Winfter, 182, 210 Wirkfworth, 156 Witham, 169 Witney, 161, 234 iWolverhampton, 200, 204, 235 Woodflock, 234 Woolavington, 196 Worcefter, 157, 158, 164, 173, 193, 194, 205, 218, 235 Workfop, 174, 211 Wrexham, 180 Wulpit, 196 Wycomb, 223 Y Yarmouth, 176, 201, 209 Yarum, 224 York, 23^, 236, 237, 238 [ xxii ] INDEX TO THE ! c ROADS OF C O T L A N D. Aberbrothick, 252, 254 Aberdeen, 251, 252, 254, 255, 2^6 Aherlddy, 254 Airds, 263 A 1 ford, 2J4 A lion, 253 AiT.ilrie, 246, z6o 'AnflnU'hpr, 253 i An nan, 257 LAppin, 263 'Artlrie, 243 Aviemore, 247 Ayr, 241, 242, 256, 261, 26; B fBallantree, 243 !Banff, 251, 256, 260, 263 'ihoufe, 117, 239 'Bathgate, ^43 jBrauly, 247, 256 *Rernera, 246 kBerwick, 256, 2^7 jllield, 239, 240 Biggar, 241, 257 i'Bli/ckfliield?, 113, 119, 239 J3!air, 747 IBlairgowrie, 248, 260 'Borrowflonei*:, 254 ;Drae Mar, 248, 255 Drechin, 249, 250, 254, 257 Buch.innan, ,66 Bunavve, 245 C Cnlder, 242 ' .Cambclltovvn, 246 jCarlifle, 256, 257, 261 jCIackmanftan, 253 Clifton, 245 ^'oldftream, 113, 2j6, 258 jCorgariF, 248, 255 jCraiJ, 253, 258 Crief, 246, ?j8, 266 ICromarty, 256, ,258, 260, 263 iCullen, 251 . Culrofs, 253 Cumnock, 241, 261 ICupar of Fife, 252, 258 Cupar of Angus, 249, 259 D Dalkieth, 114, 119 Dalmaly, 24^ Dalnacardoch, 246, 247 ;Dahvhinie, 246, 247 iDingwall, 247, 258 [ ; Dornock, 247, 2^7 INDEX to the ROADS of S c o T L A N u. xxiii Douglas, 241 jiGlenluce, 257 'Dowart Caille, 263 ''Granto\vn, .;H, 250, 2,1 Down, 244. j Grcenock, 24;, 262 Drumlanrig, 261 j Greenla\v, ijj | Dublin, 258 i Gretna Green, 257, 261 ;Dumblain, 246, 265, 266 H Dumfries, 239, 240, 257, 259, | ITaddington, n3, 265 261 t;Harailton, 242, 261, 264 jDunbar, 1 18 (Hawick, 117, 7,56 Dunbarton, 243, 259, 266 -iytown, 242 'Dundee, 252, 259, 260, 265 ,Houna, 248, 266 'Dunfermline, 253 j iHowgate, 240 iDungfbay Head, 266 ! iluntley, 249, 2^5, 263 iDunkeld, 259, 260, z( j I 'Dunfe, 257, 258, 263 fnvernray, 243, 245, 260 JDunvegan, 264 irbervy, 252 'Dyfart, 253 | invcr^ordon, 247, 264 E- : Invcrlciething, 246, 263 Edinburgh, 1 14, 1 17, 1 18, 119, 'hivcrnefs, 247, 251, 263, 264-: 239, 240, 241. 24 ',243, 244, jlnverury, 255 245,246, 248, 249, 250, 251,; Irvine, 262, 264 252, 253, 254 Jedburgh, 239 Elgin, 251 ! 'Jolm o'Grott's, 24^, 266 F K ! Falkirk, 244, 2^4 ; velfo, 119, 256 ; Fettercairn, 249, 265 j Ivenlochleven, 245 Fifenefs, 253 riennoway, 252 Fochabers, 249, 2,0, 2 : :i Ki^th, 249 Forfar, 249, 254, 259 !Kilmarnock, 261, 264, z Forres, 251 Kilfyth, 244 Fort Auguftus, 246, 2-; Kincardine, 249, 25 j Fort George, 249, 258, 260,] 'Kinghorn, 251, 263 264, 2^>j Kinrofs, 246 i Fort William, 24^, 2,9, 263, Kintore, ;Fortrofc, 256, 258, 260, 264 [Kirkcaldie, 251, 252, ' f i i f \ ' tr I . 1 1 . -1. - . . i. .Fraferburgh, 256, 260 i Kirkintalloch, 244 G |Kirkwall, 247 Gallafhiclds, 239 Galloway, 241 Girvan, 243 'Kirrimuir, 259 L iLagganachadroni, 263 Claims, 249, 259 MLamblafh, 262 v, 244, 261, 262, 264 : -Lanerk, 241, 297, 264^ xxiv INDEX to the ROADS of S c o T L A N D . Langholm, 117, 256 Lauaer, 119, 239 Laurence Kirk, 265 Lead Hills, 241 Leith, ,251 Linlithgow, 244 Linton, 23$ Livingfton, 242 Loch Carron, 264 Lochmaben, 239 Longformacus, 263 Lufs, 243, 259 M Machlin, 256, 261 Maryburgh, 245 Maybole, 242 Meigle, 260 Meldrum, 2^1 Melrofs, 239 Middleton, 117, 239 Moffat, 239, 240, 261 Montrofe, 252, 257, 265 Monyhive, 241, 259 Monymufk, 250, 255 Mofs Paul Gr. 117, 256 Muffelburgh, 118, 254 N Nairn, 251, 2^8, 265 New Mills, 242 Newport, 265 Newton Stewart, 241, 257 Norton, 113 North Berwick, 254, 26 \ O Ochiltree, 241 Old Raia, 250, 755 P Paifley, 262 Peebles, 240 j'Penpont, 241, 261 |j Peter head, 256 Perth, 246, 248, 249, 254, 265, 266 Pittenweem, 253 'Port Glafgow, 244 Portincaple, 259 jPort Patrick, 243, 257, 258 iPortfoy, 251 Q_ Queen's Ferry, 246, 253, 254 R Renfrew, 244 Rothfay, 262 S St. Andrew's, 2J2, 258, 265 Saltcoats, 262 Sanquhar, 261 Selkirk, 117 Stirling, 244, 246, 253, 265, 266 Stonehaven, 251, 252 Stornaway, 264 Stran rawer, 243, 257 Strathavon, 242 Strathbogie, 249 T Tain, 247, 256 Tarbat, 243, 259 Tayndrome, 245, 260. jThurfo, 247, 266 [Terry barn, 253 Torriff, 251 W IWhitbufn, 242 iWhhehorM, 241 jWick, 247, 248 Wigton, 241 i J , -__,- ; . , * I. GREAT AND DIRECT RO ADS Meafured from LONDON-BRIDGE : With the ROADS branching from them to Market and Sea-Port TOWNS. The Towns printed in CAPITALS are Cities. Thofe printed in Italids are Poft-Towns or Stages. The Letters R. or L. /hew you are to keep to the Right or Left in going to the Town to which they are prefixed. The Firft Column is the Diftance from one Town to another. The Second Column is the Diftance from LONDON. LONDON to Dover, Ofpring 3 i 47 To New-crofs, Kent 3! Bofton-ftreet 3l )eptford i 2 4i Bleane Hill 5- l a Greenwich I Harble Down j|- SJ Blackheath i 6 CANTERBURY i 56 Shooters Hill 2 8 Bridge 3f 59l Wellen 3 n Barham Down Crayford 3 14 Halfway Houfe 2\ 4 ? Dart ford i| I 5'i Lidden 3 Northfleet Si 21 Yowell Turnpike 2 69 Chalk-ftreet 3 24 Buckland l 7 o| Gad's Hill 3 2 7 Dover 1 Stroud 2 29 ROCHESTER I 3 On the Right of Blaekheath is the Seat Chatham I 2 T of Sir Gregory Page, Bart, now in- laynham ^ewington-ftreet 3 3 J A 34 habited by the E. of Suffolk j and a little beyond it Morden College. On the R. beyond Wellen, is Danfon Ley-ltreet i 38 Hill, Sir John Boyd, Bart, and z Sittirtgbourn lapchild fcadneld-ftreet Green-ftreet j if 3 f 4 o| 43 3 new-built houfe of J. Baring, El'q. Three Miles beyond Dartford, to the Left of the Road, is Ingres, the Seat of the late John Calcraft, Efq. rflw of Aldennaft Kirkman. _ 3] ROADS measured from LONDON BRIDGE. [4 At Harble Down, on the Left, is the ToCANTERBURY,p.2- 5^ Seat of General Belford. !"o the Right of 60 is Bourn Houfe, ! the Seat of Sir Hoiatio Man, K.. B. B ridge * Eiham 7 1 34 7 59* 66-| and on the Left of 63 is Den Hill, the Seat of James Mofs, Efq. LONDON to Margate. To Dartford, p. I Northfleet Gravefend y '*i 21 22f ToCANTERBURY,p.2 - \j. to Sturry, Kent Li. to Upilreet Sarr 2 ! '4f 2 56 i 53 6 2 f 64i Alcol ,-| 68f ^o ROCHESTER, p. i laynham Newington-ftreet King's Ferry 4 3 5 3 34 37 42 Margate A little beyond Canterbury, o is Beverly Park, an elcg- Sir Edward Hales. 3l n the mt S 7 2 Left, eat of Queenborough M 45i A little before Sarr, crofs Wantfurn River, and enter the Ifle of Thanet. To ROCHESTER, p. I ,^__ ^50 laynham 4 34 To Sarr, above 64i ^ewington-ftreet 3 37 Ramfgate 7i 7 2 Chefnut-ftreet 4 4 1 Jt to Milton i 42 LONDON to Hitbe and To Ofpring, p. 2 47 To New-crofs, Kent o? J4 "everjkam i 47i Leigh M 6 17 7 . 1 8 ToCANTERBURY,p.2 __ 5? Southend i 9 ^.ittlebourn 3l * f\ t f. 2 A _jiiit vji'iniicuQ 34 On the Right of Riverhead is Mon- To Grinftcad by treal, the new-built Seat of Lore Croydea, p. II. Amherft. To the Right of Sevenoaks is Kip- pington, the Seat of Sir Charles LONDON to j*. Farnaby, Bart, and to the Left if Knowle Place, a Seat of the Duke To Ncw-crofs Turn- of Dorfet. pike Kefti 33 At 32, on the Left, Somerhill, - R. to Le\Yifham jl a Woodgate, Efq. formerly retir'd to and inhabited by the famous Lam- South End 2 7j bert, after the Civil Wars. Bromley 2 J 9! At 36, on the Right, Bay Hall, a Seat Mafon's Hill 1 of the Amherfls. Farnborpugh Maram's Court Hill 2 5 T 9 Between 41 and 42, on the Left, a large old Houfe, lately inhabited by the Dorrils. Riverhead 2J| At 43, on the Left, Combwell, the re- Se'venoaks ii mains of a Priory, lately in thePof- z i feflion ef the Champions 9] ROADS meafured from LONDON-BRIDGE. [10 At High-ftreet, on the Right, a mo- dern-built Houfe, ereded by the late John Baker, Eftj. etween 47 and 48, on the Right, is the VUlage of Hawkhurft ; Ellord, the Seat of Samuel Boys, Efq. and To Tunbridge, p. 8 Tunbridge Wells Rotherfieid, Svffcx Mayfield Cat-ftreet 5 7 2 j 3 3? 42 44 49 a fmall ancient Building called the Haylfliam 9 58 Hall Houfe. Eaitbourn 64- At 49, on the Left, but not in Sight - " 1 of the Road, is Tongs, Se.'.t of the whom it defcended to the late Earl of Goadhurit 34 43 Halifax, and now in Poffefiion of William Jenkins, Efq. thence to Cranbrook 5 48 To Wood Gate, p. 8 ___ H ( ^o New-crofs, Kent 3-| : Goudhurft 9 43 . ..eft to Greenwich \k j( jMilkhouie-ftreet 47! Woolwich 5 IOv Biddenden 4 J'l Srnarden re L O N D N to H To Tunlridge, p. 8 funbridge Wells ajlin i^? 3 35 To Wood Gate, p. 8 Goudhurft Goffbrd-Bridge Tenterdcan "n 34 5 Wadhurft Ticehurft Robertibridge Battel 4 4 6 6 3 / 41 Reding-ftreet A pp led ore Old Romney Mill New Romney 3} -> i 70* Hafllngs Another Road, viz,. V 04 To Old Romney Mill, 67 4 49 v. to Lydd 3 /-v Robertibridge 2 51 Battel 6 57 To Rye, p. 8 . 64 Haftings 7 64 WincheUea 3 67 II] [12 II. GREAT AND DIRECT ROADS Meafured from WESTMINSTER-BRIDGE : With the ROADS branching from them to Market and Sea-Port TOWNS. LONDON to Bright by Lewes. Jrixtow Caufeway helmjlone, At Stretham, a Seat of the Duke of Bedford's (formerly the Howlands) from whence one of his Titles. At Croydon is a Palace belonging to T 3:. Stretham Fi 5 the Archbifliop of Canterbury. L. to Cray don . i 9l At 17, to the Left of the Road, is Mar- j. toGodftone Green STew Chapel Green ? ell Bridge, Sujcx 2 2 5 2 7 den Park, Sir Robert Clayton. At 26|, on the Right, is Felbridge Park, i Evelyn, Efq. Beyond Grinftead, on the Left, near Eajl Grlnjlead* 2 29 the Road, is Eaft Court, John ''orreft Row 2y 2 I i Cranfton, Efq. Witch Crofs R. to Sheffield-Green 7 l 5* 34 I At 32, on the Right, is Kidbrook, Lord Abergavenney's. Before Offham-ftreet, on the Right, Chayley 6 4^r Combes, Sir John Bridges. Offham-ftreet 41 47 At Maresfkld, John Newnham, Efq. r 2 4.0 Before Uckfield, on the Left, Buxfted Or, from Witch Crofs T^> 34 Place, George Medley, Efq. JFh'e Miles beyond Uckfield, on the j. to Nutley 3 37 Left, Plafhet, Lord Gage. Maresfeld 3! 4o| A Mile beyond .Falmer, on the Right, Uckfield 2 81 Stanmer, Lord Pelham. Levies \ 51 r almer 3 54 LONDON to Brigbtbelm- Brighthelmjlone * Anotler Road to Eajl Gri 5 ijlead 59 ,f- 7 ftone, the New Road. To Clapham Common 3^ Ballam i 4! J. B. In goin% to Brigbtbclmjicnc the Cbayley Road, yoa may 4urn to tie Rigie, half a Mile this Side ofLeives, by ivb'icb Means you avoid the Town, Upper Tooting i $i Lower Tooting 6 Left to Mitcham 2 8 and jaw a Mile of Way. Sutton 3 ii 13] ROADS meafured from WESTMINSTER-BRIDGE. [14 2 7 3* 35l 40 47 54 rofs Walton Heath Ryegate Horley 'ra-ivley Suffer Hand Crofs 'uekfield Clayton Patcham Prefton Brightbelmftone At Mitcham Bridie, on the R. is the! Seat of Alexandei Wedderburn, Efq.l At Walton Heath, on the Right, is Tadworth, late Captain Mabbot,j now Sir Henry Harpur. At 20, on the Left, Gatton Park, late, Sir George Colebrooke's, now Lord Newhaven's. URyegate, onthe R. Sir John Cotton.! Beyond Hand Crofs is Slaugham Park,' Beyond Cuckfield, on theRight, Cuck-- field Place, Serjeantl'on, Efq. i At Patcham, onR. Payne, Efq. i At Prefton, on R Weftcrn, Efq. i LONDON to Brightbelm-\ jlone, by Horjham. To Lower Tooting, p. 12 R. toMertonAbby Morden '. \flited Leatherhead Mickleham Darking Capel \HorJbam Weft Grinflead Stejning Bramber Bright belmjlone N. B. 77'/'j ^o.fJ y<;;/ 3! 6 9* At Merton, on the Left, Sir Richard Hotham's, and on the Right you fee Wimbledon, Ear) Spencer's. At Morden, on Left, Garth, Efq. At 10, en the Right, Ewart, Efq. At 12, on the Right, fee Combe, late the Haneys, now Ea:l Spencer's. Adjoining to Epfom is Durdans, a fine Seat of the Earl of Guilford ; a Scat of Mr. Northey's; and Wood- cote, late Lord Baltimore's, now Mr. Neifon's. At 1 6, on the Left, is Aihted Park, Thomas Howard, Efq. Son of the late Earl or Berk/hire. At the End of Leatherhead, on the Right, is Mr. Boultcn's. At 20 is Norbury, late the Tryons, now Mr. L- ck, who is building a new Houfe on the Hill. In Mickleham, on the Right,. Charles Talbot, Efq. At 21, on the Left, Juniper Hill, Ceci Bi/hop, Efq. At 22, on the Left, at the Foot of Box- hill, the Grove, Mr. Vaughan. See over Darking Town a new Houfe I of the Duke of Norfolk. At the Entrance of Darking, on the I Left, Mr. Nafh; a little farther on | Left, Shrub Hill, John Bungen, Efq ;To>wards the End ol the Town, on a Hill up-m the Right, fee Denbighs a Seat of the Honourable Peter King late of Jonathan Tyers of Vauxhall At 34{, on the Left, Warnham Place Shelley, Efq. At 35-1, over Hormam, fee Denr Park, Sir Charles Eversfield. At 36, en the Right, Mr. Blunt; on the Lett, late Mr. Treadcrofr, now (by his Daughter and Hcirefs) Si Thomas Broughton's. A Mile beyond Horfhnm, on the Left Denn Park, Sir Charles Eversfield. AtWeftGrinftead.SirMeyrickBurrel Near Steyning, on the Right, Wifton, Sir Charles Goreing. ~i ^ 34t , Hi : ( 3 6 43 5: 5 1 ! 60 i MiUs. ij] ROADS meafured from WESTMINSTER-BRIDGE. [16 L O N D O N to Newkaven and To Steyning, p. 13 I J Seaford. New Shoreham j 6 : * 6 To Lewes, p. 1 1 [ford 2 49 51 LONDON to Amberlcy. Pidinghoe 4 5? To Darking, p. 13 23 Newhaven i 56 Cold Harbour 4 i 2? l Bimoplton 2 58 Stone- ftreet 3? Seaford if 59l Okewood Bridge 3 2 R. to Rohook, Suflex - 1 LONDON to AntndeL R. through a Coppice *i 34 2 to Arun River i 5 r .: To Steyntnf, p. 13 5 Buckman Corner j 39 Pindon Aruadtl 8 63 BiHinghi'.rJt Mulfey i 2 Js 40 42 At Arundel the Caftle, a Scat of the Pulborough Common 2 44 Duke of Norfolk. Wickford-Bridge 1 49 Wickenholt 2 41 To Crojdon, p. ri 9 l Parham 2 1 49 Blechingly,. .Swr/j 2 20 Amberley I 5o At Stone-ftreet, the Roman (Jaufeway To Stfyning, p. 13 Tarring, Snjjfex $ 57 for two Miles. On the Left of 49 is Parham Park, tho Seat of Sir Cecil Bifshop, Bart. 7 ^^^^/J^^&vr $^^^#^&5%g^*&%&*2 III. GREAT AND DIRECT ROADS Meafured from the Stones End in the BOROUGH : With the ROADS branching from them* to Market and Sea^Port TOWNS. N. B. The Mile-ftones on the Portfmouth. Road have keen lately altered as far as Sheet Bridge, and the Meafttre taken from the ROADS meafured from the BOROUGH. Stone's End, inftead of the Standard in Cornbill ; by nuhich Means the 2()th Mile-ftone ftands nuithin the Tonvn of G uil ford; and the other Roads branching therefrom are confequently Jhorter than heretofore reckoned ivben the Meafurement nuas taken from Cornhill, according to which the Mile-Jtones are Jiill ftanding in many Places, LONDON to Port/mouth. To Newington, Surry I. to Vauxhall I if Wandfworth 4 5! 3 utney Heath 2 7^ Kingfton 4 1 1 f Thames Ditton 2f 14 Efher 2 16 obham Street 3! 19! Ripley 4^ z_'_ Guilford 6 29 v L. to Catherine Hill i 30! Godalming 3 3 3 f Milford if 35 Over the Heath to Hind-Head Hill 6 41 R. to Lippock, Hants 5 46 R. to Rake, -ncux At Godalming Bridge, en the Right Weftbrook Place, Gen. Oglethorpe At Milford, en the Left, late Mr Smith, now Mr. Webb ; and, on the Right, upon the Heath, fee Pepper- Harrow Park, Lady Midtileton's. At 48, on the Left, Milland Church bslow which is Mtlhnd Houfe, late Sir Thomas Ridge, now Mr. Rich- ardfon's At Petersfield, John Jolliffe, Efq and beyond it, Mapple Durham, late Henry BilfoT Legge, Efq. 19] ROADS meafured from the BOROUGH. [20 On the Right of Portfdown is South-' Bufbridgc, late Philip Carteret Wtbb, wick, the Seat now of Mr. ThiirJe- fq. now sir Robert Barker's. thwaite; late of Richard Norton, On the Left of Eafborn is Petworth, Efq. who by a Will in 1733 (after- a Seat of the Earl of Egrtmont. wards fet afide) left his Eftate toj iNear Midhurft is Cowdiy, the Seat oi Parliament to pay public Debts. 1 L or d Vifcount Montacute. LONDON to CHIC Godalming, p . 17 Milford Brook Green HES 2 TER. 35! 38 To Godalming, p. 17 Chiddingfold, /. 19 Petworth 1 4 o" 47 Grayfwood Hajlemere *t 4 J 4 2 ' At Petworth, a Seat of the Earl o! Egremont. Suflex Bells, Suffex Fernhurfl Henley Green 2 If 43 Ik To Ripley, p. 17 Woking 3l If Midhurjt* 49l At Woking is Hoebridge, Serjeant Cocking O " t A 2 i Forfter's. Singleton E. Lavant 2 ! li 55! 59 To Petersfield, p. 17 53' CHICHESTIR 2 61 Warn ford, Hants 9f 6 s" On the Right of 35 is Pepper-Harrow, Exton 65! Lady Middleton's. Waltham 4 69! Near Midhurft is Cowdiy, Lord Vifc. M. ntacute. On the Right of 56 is Weft Dean, Sir James Peachy. To Peters field, p. 17 Horndean 53^ 61 7i * Another Road, viz. L. to Havant 3l 64^ To Godalming) p. 17 ___, 33- Bufb ridge Hambledon, Chiddingfold 2 2 35l 4 To Port/mouth, p. 17 Cowes (Ifle of Wight) by Water 14 7 2 86 Cripple Crouch, Suflex Leckford Bridge Bexley Hill 3 3f 43 4fl 48 Newport Above the Town of W. an Eminence command i 6 CoWl ng t 92 s, on moft Eafborn 2 5 extenfive Profpeft, ftands Belle Viitj Midkurji I 51 a Seat of Ge .rge Rogers, Ffq. Another Road, viz. To Hind-Head Hill, To Portfmoutb, p. 17 7- in the Port/mouth Cowes (Ifle of Wight) Road, /. 17 41 by Water T 4 86 ; L. to SuffexBells, Suf. 3 44 Newton 7 93 \Midkurft, as above Yarmouth, Hants N 99} 21] [22 IT. GREAT AND DIRECT ROADS Me'afured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER : With the ROADS branching from them to Market and Sea-Port TOWNS. LONDON to the Land' 's End in Cornwall. L. to Middle Wallop Lobcock's Corner, 7 7- To Kenfington, Mid. l| Wilts 2 74 :iammerfmith "Z 4 The Hutt 2 76 Turnham Green I 5 St. Thomas's Bridge 3i 79i Brentford 2 7^ SALISBURY 7! 3-i 821 Hounjlow 2 I Or, '... to Powder Mills ii| From Bafingftoke 46! Jedfont 'I 13! L. to the Wheatfheaf, ttaines i6| Popham Lane 5f 52 Egham, Surry 18 Cranburn 6 58 Mew-England Inn 3| 2l| Sutton i 59 Baglhot Heath 23 l Stockbridge 7 66 Bagjhct 3i Lobcock's Corner, ' 1. to Golden Farmer; i 27f Wilts 7 73 backwater, Hants 3 3 oi The Hutt 2 75 -lartford Bridge 5 35f SALISBURY 7 82 hartley Row i Combe Bafiet 3 85 VI u IT el Green 2 3^2 Woodyate'slnn, Dorf.\ 6| 9*1 Hook 'f 40" Tarrant Hinton 7t 99 Newnham 4i| Pimperne 3 1 02 Bajingftcke S 46! Bland ford 2 104^ R. to Worting 49 Brianftone 1 Overton 5 54l Mil bourn 1\ 112 Whiichurch Piddle 2 I 15 Hurfborn 2' 6oi Dorcbeftei- 5 120 Ando'uer 45 fe Stapleton 125 C 2 23] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [24 Bridport 10 ,. Golzenna 5 281!- Chidiock 3 j 28 Merazion, alias ~l j _ o - Charmouth 141! Jew Market 1 283 Axminftcr, Devon jf r 47 Penzance 3! 2 86f rloniton. 9^ i 5 6| Newlyn i| 288 T enny Bridges 3f 1 60 St. Burien 4l 2 9 2 i lockbere 1 66^ Senan 4l 297 iioniton Clyft . 2 I 169 Land's End i 298 rleavy Tree t? * 3 172 Another Road, viz. iXETER* Adderwater Liljy Bridge Cheriton Crofs Crockern Well i 2 4 j i ^75 i79 182^ i8 3 | To St. Michael, p. 23 Redruth Penzance Land's End, as alove 13 i8| 262^ 281 2 9 2 f South Zeal ik * To Exeter by Shaftjbury, p. 27 ^kebampton 3ridifto\v 4 6 95 2OI \- T'ruro by Ta LiOrn 2I 4 | At 2, Ho)land Houfe, the Seat of or Laimcejion, \ 4 214 'Lord Holland, Hackfhaw Mill 4-- 2l8| To the Left of Turnham Green, is Trerithick Bridge Trewent I 2 22?| Chifwick Houfe, late Earl of Bur- lington's, now D. of Devon/hire's ; alfo the late Earl of Grantham's. Enter Temple Moon At 6, on the Right, is Gunncrlbury Palmer's Bridge 2- 224 Houfe, Seat of the Princefs Amelia. T 1 1 emple Moor ends 4 2 228| On this Side of Brentford, to the Left, is Kew Bridge, on the other Side ot which is Kew, the Summer Refi- Bodmin 4 2 34l dence of their Majefties Ford 2 2j6| At 8, on the Left, Sion Houfe, Duke Belovely 5- 242 of Northumberland's; and on the Summer Court St. Michael 6 M 248 Right, nearly oppofite, is Ofterh Park, Mr. Child, Banker, in Fleet- ftreet ; and adjoining to it is a Seat St. Erme 4 2 53s of the Earl of Holdernefs. Buckfhead 2 2r 5^ About a Mile to the Left of Hounflow, Wruro -|- li 257 is Whitton, a Seat of the late Ar- Sticken Bridge '* V. 6" 263 chibald, Duke of Argyll, now Mr. Goftling's of D->fltors Commons, in- Menchy Trevenan i 271 272 habited by the Dowager Lady Lich- field; 'and near it is Whitton Dean, Ueljione 2 2 74 the Seat of Col. William Campbell. Briage 2 I 2 7 6| To the Left of 12, is Han worth Park, the Seat of Lord Vere. 25] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [26 At2ii,on the Right, is WindforPark;' Another Road, viz. and at 22 is Shrub's Hill, the late Duke of Cumberland's Lodge. NTear Bjgftiot, is Bagfliot Park, the To EXETER, p. 23 Alphington 2 X 73 Seat of Admiral Keppel. L. to Kenford 2 177 The Earl of Portfmouth has a nev- Haldon Hill 2 179 built Seat at Early Wallop, near Red Lyon 61 Bafingftoke, and another at Hurf / Newton Bujhel 1 2 i88 Z At Andover is the Seat of John Pol- len, Efq. and on the Left of the TotneJ's Mcdoury 8" 196 12 208 fame Place is Wherwell, the Seat of Vealmpton si 213!- Mr. Ironmonger. BrLxton 2.I$ Z At Brianftone is the Seat of William Portman, Efq. Plympton Earle I 2 On the Left, three Miles beyond Ax- Plympton St. Mary I J. 2lS~ minfter, is Shute, Sir John Pole,' Plymouth 4T 222| Bart. and a little more to the 1 Left, is the Seat of Sir George Young, Bart. On the Left of Haldon Hill is Pow- At O'~,-L-v. 1-v 1 -' T I fc O N D O N to Plymouth. 1 1 UCUIIl D iLongdovvn End illm To EXETER, p. 23 r 73 ICrew i I 7 8 Alphington 2 i7j Morten Hampftcad 7 I8 5 ^. to Shillingford If r 7 6f jNew Houfe 7^ 192 Chudleigh 183 JDart River I 9 8I Bickington 6 Z 189 Merriville Bridge 3 20I| Afoburtin 3f r 9 2 f Tavijiock 4f 2o6 Buckfatlleigh 195 Whitechurch ; 7 f Dean Court if I 9 6| Hara Bridge 2' Harburton Ford if 198 Nackerfbole r-i 217 Brent 2 200 \Plymouth 3 220 Bideford Ivy Bridge 3 2 203 20? Another Road, viz. Woodland I 2o6 'YoOkehampton, p. 23 J 9> Lee Mill If 2 7f Sourton 4s I 99f Ridgeway 4 2Il Liuford 4l 204 Plymouth 4f 216" Taviftock 9 Plymouth Dock 2 218 \Plymcuth, as above H 227 ! ' 27] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-COR?:LR. [28 To Moreton Hamp- Thre Miles beyond Saliftjur/, on the 01 , f TSr Rii;hf, is Wilton, a noble Seat of IlCtiv.1, p. 2O Chegford, Devor si I88 I the Eiil of Pembroke. On tiie Right, a tew Miles on thi-. Side To Plymouth, p. 2J Crofs Crimble Paffage over Tamar River, - 216 or.aitibury, arc V/ard')ur Caftle, the Seat of Lord Arundel, and 1: ",; Hill, a fine Seat, bnilt bv the late William Beckiord, El'q. Alderman of London. toXoce, (Ealt anc V little on th's Side of Milbora Fort, Weft) 16 232 to the Left of the Road, '<> Sta';' Fowey 8 240 the Seat of Edward Waiter, Efq. At Sheiborn, is the Seat of Lord On the other Side Tamar River, to th Digby. Left, is Mount Ed^cumb, the Sea Three Miles to the Right ofCrewk- of Lord Edgcumb. herne, is Hinton St. George, the Seat of Earl Pawlett. At Ford, is Ford Abbey, the Seat of LONDON to EXETER, by Gwyn, Efq. Sbaftjlury. LONDON to Truro. bv ToSALISBURY, p. 22 8z ! Ta-viftock, Vlount Harman Hil R. over the Plain 3y the Race-Ground Fovent Hutt White-Sheet Hill judwell, Dorfet Sbaftftury Stour Eaft-over Stour Weft-over Milborn Port, Som . 5 'her born, Dorfet 7 "' 2 4. 3 - 1 3l 4 i 4 2^ 6| 2| 99 88 931 97 101 102 106 io8i "5 7* J To Tavi 'flock, p. 26 Newbridge, Cacao*. Renny Mills Combron Lcjkard, Lelhvithiel St. Blaife SV. Aujlle Penhali Grampound ii j ^ 5j '1 M 9 4 3! 2 4l 206 29r "8$ ^9y 221 230 ^34 2 37? -39i 244 Babylon Hill '"eotfill, Som . Weft Coker 4f i 3 122 123 126 oorne Probus Treiillon r 7 245 24$ 248 Laft Chirnoclc iafilbccr I 7 2 J 127-} 130 Truro Truro by Launcefton, 4 252 "trevukberne 7 1 I 32 r P- 23 J 2 Street 6| T 39l On the Left of Renny Mills is Newton, Ford 4i H3f a Seat of the late Sir John Corytr-n, Axmznjtcr, Devon r * 2 r 45f On the Left, this Side of -Leftwithiel, is Bocon^ock, the Seat of Thomas From thence to Put, Efq. Brother to the Earl of EXETER, p. 23 26 7ii Chatham. : . 29] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [30 On the Left of Some in the Seat of Mr.; 'Ham 9 8 "Wnlkms. - KiriHlon is n I 2 9 How Corner I IOO ToSt.slujile, p. 28 Tregony -^37i Poole 7i 2 *S 5 105 Philligh $|j*5l At Eaft Stretton is a Seat of the Dukr St. Maws cl 2 ;6 of Bedford. 2 A Mile beyond Hurfley is Hurflei To Ta-viftock, p. 26 206 Lodge, the Seat of Sir Thorruu Heathccte, Bart. Kellington, Corn-tu. II "7 To Penzance, p. 24 281 LONDON to WINCHESTER, St. Jufl, Cornet:. 6 287 by Farnham. To St. Michael, p. 24 Redruth, Csraw. St. Ives 13 H 262! 2 7 6| To Sagflof, p. 21 Golden Farmer L. to Frimley F arnbam j- 8* 28* ^O; 2 8 LONDON to WINCHESTER! Bentley Gr. Hants Alton 4 r 4*1 4.7 i and Pco/e, by ^B^/? To BafengftokS) p. 2 l igftt ^ i 2 DC Popham i 53 * New Inn I 54 Beyond Frlp.-.lcy, on the Right, Farn- E. Stretton 2 ro borough Place, Mr. Wilmut. Worthy 5i 61 WINCHESTER 2 62^ f Another Read to Farnham. Pitt Hurfley Anfield I 6c^ 68| To GuilforJ, p. 17 Farnbam 3 40" Rum fey L. to Oux Bridge Enter New Forelt 3 3 3 z 74 77 80 z Miles beyond Guilford, on the Left, fee Lofely, Mifs Molyneux. 5 Miles beyond Guilford, on the Left, Ragged Row 8-0? Puttenham, Mr. CorniJh. Caitle Malwood i |l '82" At 7, on the R. Poyle, Mr. Woodrcffe. Bonner 90 At 9, on the Left, Moor Park, near which lies Waverley Abbey, Sir KtHgivota i 9l i Robert Rich, Bart, St. Leonard's Bridge 3 1 At Firnham, Farnham Caftle, the New Bridge 1 95 ' Bi/hop of Winchefter's. 31] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [32 LONDON to Gofport. Another Road, vi^. To Alton, p. 30 47! WINCHESTER, p. 29 e -Seat of Thoma Lee D.ummer, Efq. now inhabited N. B. A nearer Road by Win- cbefter and Ringnuocd, p. 29 by Sir Eiward Hawke ; and near it Two Miles from Cranbourn is Wim- is Bevis Mount, the Seat of Sir John born St. Giles, the Seat of the Earl Mordiunt; and Haifa Mile farther of Shaft/bury ; and a few M Ics far- is Belle VJ'e, the Seat of Nathanie ther, on the Left, is Woodland?, the Andre, Efq. Seat of Edward Seymour, Efq. 33] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [34 On the Right, beyond Wimborn Mir- fter, is Charborough, the Seat ot Edward Drax, Efq. Loddon Bridge Reading n Or, From Egham to Varfield Reading ^. B. To Reading, by bead, p. 43. At 35^, on Left, Earley, 41 ro 10 Ma Gov. JHl 39 23 38 iden- Birt. LONDON to //.?/ and Sunbury. To Brentford, /. 21 At yi turn to the Left to Ifleworth Twickenham Teddington Enter Bufhy Park Throagh the Park to the Palace of Hampton Court Hampton S anbury At Hampton, David Garric At Sunbury, a fine Seat of ton ( T i J 2 I 1 1 2 k, I the ] i P.r. and ted < ^ourt 1 Bf 12 iaf I3 t fq. iarl <>: k, Si. a Seat "evera m the To Hartley Row,/. 21 Odiam, Hants gi 5 4IJ To Bafingftoke, p. 21 Cingfclear, Hant< ^fi 1 9i 4? 55? To SiOfkbridge, p. 22 Broughton Weft Tytherley ialt Dean ^F/V^j Dunkton or Downton Tipput Cranbourn, Dorfe; Another Road, p 4 3 2 1 1 4 32 66 70 73 O s* o 2 89 93 Philip Mufgrave, Bart, of Sir Edward Hawke, others, beautifully fitua Banks of the Thames. To Hounjlow, p. 2 1 Feltham, Midd. Littleton Chert fey, Surry Near Chertfey is St. Ann the Side of which is a 5 Trevor. And near that is Botleys, Seat of Sir Jofeph Mawb 9\ i? 20 ill, on f Lady v-buili 3art. 3 's H eat o a ns\ ey, ] To Cranbourn, p. 32 Wimborn, DorJ'et Wareham Corfe Caftle ii 10 Si 93f 1 04 ' 120 To Blandford, p. 22 Eere Regis, DorJ'et I O.| L O N D O N to Reading, by 9 Egham. To Egham, /. 21 R. thro' Windfor Park to Bracknell, Berkt Qkingham, alias 7 Wokingham S 10 4 18 28 32 To Blandford, p. 22 Milton Abby Cerne Abby Everfhot Beminfter 7-1 / A. 9' 8 9 104 I \ I { 121 T29 D 35] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [3~6 At Milton Abby is the Seat of Lord Milton. To Dartmouth, p. 35 King/bridge Ml >o 4| 2 To Dorchejier, p. 22 Abbot/bury Ik 120 To Plymouth, p. 2J Over Crimble Paflage ti St. German's, Corn. 8 216 224 To Dorchejier, p. 22 Frampton 120 126 6 To Tavijftet, p. 26 Berealfton, Devon/. 206 211 5 To Bridport, p. 23 Lime Culliton, Devon Ottery St. Mary's 4 6 I3 \ I 5 o 2 10 To Truro, p. 23 Penryn Falmouth 266 268 9 2 To Lime, as above Cullyford Sidmouth, Devon 8 1 !|1 L N D N to P, To Newport 1 QrLauncefton )"* *> St. Stephen's Down Egglefheny Kett's Moor Hall-drunkard Davidftow Camelford Tregmaney Helfon Knert's Mill St. Theath |Tregear jPeadogget St. Endellion R. to St. Minver L. to Tredeffick Fredilly Crofs the River Camel t( Z^C J i If 4 i i i 4 2 3 i i IV. 2I 4 2l6f 2Z3 I 229!' 23Oj 237' 240 241 242 To Andever, p. 21 Luggerfhall, Wilts 10 75 ToStourEaftover./. 2 7 Stalbridge, Dorfei At Stalbridg; is the Seat Walter, Efij. 5 of I 1 06 in dward ToStourEaftover,/. 2 7 Sturminfter, Dorfet. 1 06 HI To Crewkherne, p. 27 Chard, Somerf. ~8I I 4 I 2 To Newton Bujhel, p. 26 ;Come JGrupland Dartmouth Dodbrook 5 9 2 188 202 204 To Hall - drunkard, as above Bofcaftle, Cornw. Boffiney 7 3 22 3 230 -33 3/] ROADS meafured from HVDE-PARK-CORNER. [38 To St. Theath, p. 36 252 Willoughby Hedge 3 9 6| Wardbridge 9l *4i I Kilmington, Somerf. 5l 102 St. Cdumb, Cornw. Ik -49 Bruham 4 1 06 St. Michael 7 256 ] Brut on * 3 109 Caftle Carey 3 112 LONDON to Stratton in 1 Somtrton \ r io| 122; Cornwall. 'Langport 5 127; To EXETER, p. 23 Newton St. Cyres 177- North Curry Taunton Dean .Ramwell 6 4 3 140 J 43 41 Crediton Coleford 3 4 I Qf Buck'and iy 4i rhp(Tnn 2 14> 'l Bovu North Tawtoti Sampford Courtenay [acobftow Hatberleigb Houlfv.'ortby Strattort, Cornw. 3f 4 x 3! 3f 7* 188 192 '94| 201 2 Hi } Wellington Upwell Green Bluet's Crofs, Devon Maiden Down Sampford Peverell Halberton Ti-ijerton I 3 i 4 2 3 xl 147 148 IJ2 If To Hatberleigb, above Shepwafh 4f 201 205-| Caverleigh South Moulton f Southalla Du:n,. 2fNf ID 11795 2 l8lj _ T - O - To EXETER, p. 23 !7S rnilley Swim bridge J l l8 3 3r I86 Crediton De-von 7z isoj Lankey 2j 1881 Chawleigh 12 T 9 2 f Newport i| 190 Chimleigh I 193! Barnflafle I J I9I I i D:,u~r~_j LONDON to Barnjtaple, iWAUUVAVJ -* Harton Ill'z?! 2 w ^ J f ' continued to Hartland. Hartland . 2 [213 To Andover, p. 21 ___ 6 5 * Anotbfr Road to Brutcn, R.toWeyHill, Hants Mullen Pond fi 68 6 9 | p. 40. f Another Road to South Mout- Harradon Hill, Wilts 6 ton, p. 39. Ambrejbury 2! 78| At Ambrefbury is a Seat of the Dake Winterton Stoke Deptford 4! 4 83 ; s? of Qvieenfbej-ry and Dover. At 80, on the Right, is Stonehenge. one of the moft remarkabk Remains Willey 1 871 of Antiquity in the Kingdom. New Inn 41 9-f At 102, on the Left, is Stourton, the Chicklade i Qi beautiful Seat and Gardens of Henr> _ Hoare, Efq. D 2 39] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [40 On the Left of Bruton is Brute At Enmore is a Seat of the Earl of Abby, the Seat of Lord Berkley, 01 Egrrtont. Strittnn. A lit-ile beyond Willsf, is Hartrow- At Tive ton is the Scat of Sir Tho- Houfe, belonging to the Family of mas Cavew, Bart, which formerh Lacy. belonged to the ancient Earls of De- von (hi re. At Philley is a Seat of Lord Fortefcue From LONDON to Frame, A Mile bjyond Biddeford, on the R continued to WELLS. is Daddon. Buck, Efq. ' T To Ando-iier, p. 21 "3 _ . . dmirejbury, p. 37 1 Si- Q I 74 LONDON t- South Moulton, by Bridgewater. barewccn C hi 1 tern Heyte/bury Si 5 4 84 89 93 To Bruton, p. 38 IO9 Boreham 95f Cole i 110 Warminjier if 97 Ainsford 2 I 12 Bacley i 98 Clanvil I I 13 Corfley Heath 3 IOI Aiford l| I4J Frame 3 104 L:dford 2 i WELLS 121 Wefton Regis A fmt 3f 120 At 80 is Stonehenge, one of the mofi fXlVW KLnowle if '33 2 remarkable Remains of Antiquity in the Kingdom. Bridge-mater 4 f ' At Heytefbury, is a Seat ate of the Durlay i- ] Family of Aflie, but now of Lieu- Faulty if 140 te'-ant General A'Court, who has taken the Name of A/he. finmore "rr Ti * , i 141 Ar 100, on the Left, is Longleat, Lord vVatev Pits _ 2 H3 Vifcount Wey mouth. Weil Bagborough 3 146 Willet Ra.vlin's Crofs 3f 4 ;tp To Warminfter, above 97 ri^hvelflade Wllcot r j J. 7! 't s i Samborne Crofs Sheer- Water i 98 99; Heal Bridge Duller ton lj)urley Ford, De s~* 1 1 i 8o| At 415, on R. Englefield, Mr. Wright. At 47, on the Left, is Padworth, the Scat of Chriftopher Griffiths, Efq. ?R. to Catne 87! At 48, on the Left, is Aldermafton, IStiidley 2 89^ formerly belonging to Sir Humphry ^Cbippfnh&m 4 QV T Fofter, Bart, from whom it went. sL.-to Upper Pickwick in 4i V J 2 9 8 by Marriage, to William Lord Stawell, whofe only Daughter anu ;1>OX 2^ I 00| Heirefs married, for her third Huf- path Eafton - i i4z band, Ralph Congreve, Efq. i 45] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [4.6 At 49, on the Left, John Mount, Efq. At 50, on the Right, Mr. Poyntz. Before Thatcham, on the Right, a Seat of Sir Archer Croft, now inha- bited by Lord Molefworth. At 56*, on R. Sir Jofeph Andrews; and at 57, allo on R. a Seat of h Brotiier, Mr. Andrews ; and Don- nington Caftle, late the Seat of the Packers, whofe Sifter and Heirefs married the late Dr. Hartley. This thought to have been the Seat or; Wai COt the famous Chaucer. iBATH On the Left of 58, is Hamftead Mar- JR. to Melkjbam Shaw Atford Horfe and Jockey Kingfdown Hill Bath ford, Somerf. Enter Chippenham new Road Bath Eafton Seat of] 96 9? 99 ioo| 1 02 1 104 104! 05 106! Before SetnH, on the Left, SeendGreen, {hall, and Craven Park, Lord Craven. Lord William Seymour ; and in the At 67, on the Right, is Littlecot, the Town, a fine Seat of Mr. Awdry. Seat of Mr. Popham ; and a little: At Melldham, William Long, Efq beyond it is Ramfbury, Mr. Jones. j [Before Shaw, on the Left, Shaw Hoi At 71, on the Left, is Tottenham,!! late Neale, Efq. the Seat of the late Earl of Ayief-jjAt 98, on the Right, a new-built bury; who left it to his Nephew,: '. Huufe of the Rev. Dr. Walter. Lord Bruce, now Earl of Aylefbury. ; ^ _ . At 73, on the Left, is the Earl of ! j * BATH, by Sandy Lane. Aylelbury's Aveaue through Saver-j \To Beckington, p. 43 nakeForeft. L. to Wandfditch lr Houi f rme'rlv ~' : ^' to Sandy Lane Seat'of the Earl of Hertford, after- 1 Rowdon Hill wards Duke of Somerfet, but now ' Laycock the Caftle Inn. Corfliam On the Right of 85, is Comptonj L ower Baflet, William Northey, Efq. || R On the Left of 86, Bhcklands, Tho-H mas Maundrell, Efq. jBath Eailon, At Studley, Bjown, Efq. Walcot At 90, on the Eeft, about Half a Mile, ]BATH off the Road, is Beau Wood, a Seat' of the Earl of SKelburne. Near Bath is Prior Park, a Seat of the late Ralph Allen, Efq. now the Property of the Bifhop of Glocefter. Sam. To BATH, by De--uix.es. To Beckington, p. 43 L. to Wandfditch 3 L. to Devizes 4 Seend 4 8i| 4f 90 92 93? $T 100 Beyond 89, on R. Whetham, Colonel Money; on the Left, Wand's Houfc. At Sandy Lane, on R. is Beau -Wood, Earl of Shclburne; and on the Letf,^ Spy Park, late a Seat of the Bayn-j turns, and fince of the Raits, whre have t.ikcn the Name of Bayntum. * At 92, on the Right, Bowdon Houfej Ezekiel Dickenfon, Efq. At 9 -;, Laycock Abby, JohnTalbot,Efq.i iAtCorfham, Corfliam Houfe, Sir Paulj | Methuen, Knight of the Bath. 47] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [48 To Melkjham, p. 46 *-' 96 At Devizes, Charles Gaith, Efq. and L. to Holt QQ! on the Green, South Broom Houfe, Bradford 3j Edward Eyle?, Efq. * At Farley is Farley Caftle, formerly Before Holt, on the Right, is Holt the Seat of Lord Hur.gerford. Well, Dr. Jones. One Mile from Old Down, on the Enu-r.ng Bradford, on the Left, lati Briftol Road, is Stone Eafton, the Duke of Kingfton. Seat of Richard Hippefley Cox, Efq. 1 . . . LONDON to BRISTOL. To Colnbrook, /. 43 i7f To Chippetobam, p. 43 93f L. to Datchet 2| R.toWraxhall, Wilts 8 -rofs the Thames, and 1 Marfhfield, Gloc. Tno-tr H;II j 1 104 IO7 1 keep to the Left round Windfor little Park, to- * u gg WU1 Barton Hill 61 4 112 Wind/or, Berk^ 2 2I| Dungeon Crofs St. George 2 I "it! LONDON to Great Mar/civ. o BRISTOL it 117 At 23, on the Bath * Road, p. 43 At uz, on the Left, are Mr. Cham- pion's Copper Works. At 114, on the Right, is Stoke Lodge, a Seat of tiie Duke of Beaufort. R. to Burnham Hedfor Bone End I 3 i 24 27 28 Little Marlow 2 30 LONDON to WELLS. Great Marlcwj 3i| To Beckington, /. 43 L. to Wandfditch 3 jf At 26, on the Left, is Clietden Houfe, a Seat of the Earl of Inchiquin. L. to Deiizzes 4 o o 3 OOjjj Seend 4 9 2 I To Reading, p. 43 39 L. to Hilperton 5 971 Pangbourn, enfa 5 44 Trovcbridge i Compton 7l 5 1 !- Wingfield i'J IOO Eaft [iflcy 2 53^ Farley, Somerf. Philips Norton 2 2 IC2 104 By Pangbourn, Purley Hall, late Mr Hawes, now the Rev. Mr. Wilder's Falkland 2 106 Kilruarflxm Chilcompton Old Down 3! I ml To Newbury, p. 43 Welford, Berks y] c6 61; Enboro ' 115" Great Shefford 6 WELLS 5 120 Lambourn 4 2 68 At 86 is the Seat of the late Sir Paul Near Lambourn is A/hdown Park, i. Methuen, Knight of the Bath. Seat of Lord Craven's. 49] ROAPS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [50 To Hungerfurd, p. 43 LONDON to OXFORD, by Auburn, Wilts 8| 73 Henley. x To Hungerford, p. 43 To Maidenhead, p. 43 : il. to the Thicket 3 26 29 Great Bedwin, Wilts 6 7<4 Hurley Bottom 2 3 1 Sirbich 3 73i Henley, Oxford fh. 4 35 Net tie bed 5 40 To Devizes, p. 47 88{ [ Hunterton Ccmmon 2 4- Weftbury, (Hits '3 I0l| Beggars Bufh 2 44 Benfon 2 46 i T"n T? A T" U T- A I TO"? Shillingfbrd 2 48 K.eynil.am, Somerf. 8 107 IJ 5 Durcheiler i 49| R. to Nuneham , i To BATH, p. 44 Pen?ford, Somerf. I07 i Sandford Littlemore OXFORD To BATH, p. 44 I Another Road to Oxford, ly Chewton, Somerf. f 3i I2 c|- Wycomb, p. 55. To BRISTOL p. 4/7 II" On the Left of 28 is Shottefbrook, i Seat of Arthur Vanfittart, Ef' On the Left of -54 is Park Pl?ce, a Lo\ver Were ji | Seat of the late Loid Archibald Caftle Brent -i i4! Hamilton, now inhabited by Ge- Burnham rlighbridge if ..." reral Conway. ". About a Mile to the Left of 45 lies the H42 TownofWallinsfcrd. Afton At Nuneham, on the Left, Earl Har- Httntjpill j i i 4 6| cc.rt. To WELLS, p. 47 Poliham 120 123 LONDON to G LOCESTKR, by Farrirtgdon, 3 Glaftonbury I2 -i; To Dorchefter, above ij 49l L. to Burcot \\ 5L , Clifton l l 5 2 I 5i] RoAbs meafured from HYDE-PARJC -CORNER. [52 f 00 7i 3 86 1 90' 100 102 104 Cullum Bridge dbingdorty Berks Shipton Tupney Warren ~ifield Cingfton Inn Farringdon * to Bufcot 4 St. John's Bridge I ,echlade, Glecejl. I 7 airford j 3 larnefley 'errot's Bridge Jurlip Hill " 10 Jrockworth 3 LOCESTER f 2 * Another Road to Farringdon, by Wantage, p. $2. f Another Road to Glocejier, by Oxford and Burford, p. 53. On.the Right of 59 is the Seat of the -Hon. Mr. Wenman, Brother to Lord Wen man. On the Right of 60 is the Seat of Major Long. 3n,L. of 62 is the Seat of Mr. Blandy. At 65, on the Lefr, is Pufey, the Seat of Mrs. Allen.- To the Right of 66 is Buckland, Sir Robert Throckmorton ; and a Mile and a Half farther, on the Right, Caftle Surby, Mr. Surby. To the Left of 69 is Wadley, the Seat of Charles Pye, Efq. At Farringdon is the Seat of Henry Pye,, Efq. At Lechlade, on the Right, a new Houfe of Sir Jacob Wheate. At Fairford is the Seat and fine Gar- dens of Mrs. Lambe ; and a great deal;of cuiious painted Glafs in the Church. At Barnefley is a Seat of the Family of Perrot. At 100, Burlip Hill, two Miles long ; at the Bottom, on the Left, Whit ccmb, Mr. Hicks. A little before Glocefter, on the Left, are Margaret and Maudlin Hofpital?, built by two Sifters. O N D O N to Farringdon, by Wantage. To Hunterton Com- mon, p. jo 42 Left to Wallingford, Uerkt 4 46 fiarwell Wantage hallow 2 62 Stanford Stanford Plain Farringdon Z\ 68 Another Road, p. 51. Ar Lockinge, about three Miles on this Side Wantage, is the Seat of Mr. Weymoncifel. At Challow is the Seat of the late John Bance, Efq. On the Left of Stanford Plain, is Shel- lingford Caftle, the Property of Ea Sptncer, rented by Mr. Bridges And on the Right is Hatford, tht Seat of Mr. Tyrrel. To Nettlebed, p. 50 R. to Watlington To Abingdon, p. 51 Fifield Berks Bampton, Oxfordjh. To Farringdon, p. 51 Highworth, Wilti Pur ton Guerfden Malmefbury 40 95 )l\ ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [54 To Farrixgdon, p. 51 Shrivenham Hackron Bridge Swindon, Wilts Wooton Baflet Chriftian Malford Near Shrivenham is Becke of Lord Vifcount Barrin ?I ii To Tetbury, /. 53 Wooton Under-Edge jWickware 99 108 I I 2j 5i 2 6 8 t, th {ton. 9 i 8 9 | 97l e Seat To Tethury, /. 53 Durfley, Glocejt. 9 ?1 To Cirencejter, p. 53 Minching Hampton Stanley Berkeley Thornbury Berkeley Caftle is the Seat of Berkeley. 10 5f 7! of th 8 9 "i I0 4 | I20J e Ear To Farringdon, p. 51 Colemill Highu-orth Cricklade 75 77 83l 4 2 To Fairford, /. 51 Bolton Eafington Amneyford Cireucejier Tetbury Didinertan Ch. Sodbury At Cirencefter, the Seat Woods of Earl Bathurft. 3 i 2 9 J 89' 99 105 j 112 1 fine To Cirencefter, p. 53, StrouJ 12 8 9 IOI *-Z 10 6 7 anc To Cirencefter, p. 53 Bifley Painfwick 89 98 IOI 9 3 &$^&G&^&^^ V. GREAT AND DIRECT ROADS Meafured from TYBURN TURNPIKE : With the ROADS branching from them to Market and Sea-Port TOWNS. L O N D O N to OXFORD, GLOCESTER, and St. DAVID'S. To Bayfwater, Midef.\ j i Kenfington Gravel- Pits Shepherd's Bufli i if 2 3f 55] ROADS meafured from T Y'iru R N TURNPIKE. [j6 Afton ii f Bwlch 3 z 151 Han well i 8 Llanfanfraid 1 5 2 5 Southall j i 9! iLlanhamlog 3" [ S5f Hayes 4 13! Brecon 3.1 1 ^9 Hillingdon i H Llanfpetheid 16;^ Uxbridge i 15 Crofs the Ufke at Gerard's Crofs, Bucks\ 5 20 iiRheed-Brue 5l 167 Beaconsfield 3f 23! Trecaftle 169^ Laud Water i:'.nter Caermarthenjh. 3l 173 High Wycomb Weft Wycomb 2 2 29 ; 3 1 LlcDiyrnddo'-ury Llanurda S 4 178 182 S token Church, Oxf. ^ 3 6 Abermarles 2 184 Tetf^ortb 6 4 2 Cowen Gloflen l| i8j| Wheatley Bridge 6 48 Cowen Gathbury 2 187! L. to Wheatley i 49 Varc Lloyd 3 r 9 o| Shotover Hill 2 51 Rue Rbaddor 'f 192 OXFORD * 3 j4 Abercothy 6 198 Kjniham 59 White Mill 3 201 Witney 5 64 Aberguilly i^ 202^ Bitrfard 7 Caermarthen M 204 Northlech, Glocejl. 9 80 St. Clear 92 213' FrogmHl 7 87 Tavern Spite, Pemb* 7 x 22Or Hucklefcot IT 98 Llanguido 223" GLOCESTER. \ 2 IOO Cannarton Bridge 5j 228v Himtley 7* /* 107! Mid-County Huufe *2 231" Longhope ** no tjflvfrfortliuejt JT 236? Michael Dean. 2 112 Keafton Bridge 3i 240 Colford 8 120 Trecoyd 2 44i Stan ton 2 122 Nine Wei Is !_ 2 49l Mvnmvutb, Monm. 1. 11$ St. DAVID'S 2 i\ 2 S z i Rochfield Llangaddock Llandilo CruITeney 4: 31 I2 7 I rap| i33 * To Oxford, by Henley, p. 50. f Glocefteri by Farringelin, Llanvapley 21 135! p.. 51. Kevenhedagor Hill 3f 139" On the Left, from Eayfwater tt Abergavenny il 4 140! Kenfington Gravel-Pits, are Ken- Llanvvenarth I! 142 j Hnrton Gardens. Llangranach 4*44^ Beyond Hilhngdon, on the Hight, is a White Houfe, Mrs. Talbor. Crick-Howell, Bret. T | H^l On the Right of 16 is Denham, the Tretower i|i 4 8 Seat of Sir William Bowyer, Baif. 57] ROADS meafured from TYBURN TURNPIKE. [58 On the Left of 20 is Bulftrod- Houf- Two Miles beyond Rue Rhaddor, on and Park, a Seatf the Uuchtis o. the Lett, is Golden Grove, the Seal Portlaud. of the late Duchefs ot Bolion j no\v At 23^, on the Right, is the Seat o' j of John Vaughan, Efq. Edmund Bafil, Elq. On the Left, near Bcaconsfield, is the Seat of Edmund Waller, Efq. LONDON to Cardiff, con- On th; Left of Hu;h Wycomb, is a] ! tinued to Haveffordnueft. Seat of the Earl of Shelburue, in- 1 o Monmouth, p. 5 5 I2C habited by his Br-c.ther, the Hon. Mr. Fit/.morris 5 and on the Left cf Weft Wycomb, is the Seat of L:>rd le Defpencer. L. to Gloglieker Trelagh Devordon 4l i 4 3 A few Miles to the Left of Stoke^ New Church 2 I|i37l Church is Sherburn Caftle, a Seal Throggy River of the Earl of Macclesfield. Coy leg oy . j_l ^ '< At Wheatley, on the Right, Mrs. poj-fc A Ih t i Horwood's Park. \~t ti\. La xV (11 4. ! * TV .[. At Shotover Hill, on the Right, it Chrift Church 1461 the Seat of Mr. Schutz. Newport 2| Three Miles beyond Eynfharn, fee Bafclego 15! Blenheim, on t:ie Right. St. Meien's f - T At Burford is the Seat of the Lenthalls. Three Miles and a half beyond Bur- Rompeny Bridge > i?Sl ford, on the R. is Harrington Park, Roth, Glatn. l| 160 Countefs Talbot ; and two Milei Card'if I 161 and a h;ilf farther, on R. is Shire- iKtav Rivr tflli borne. George Lennox Dytton, Eft!. , '-. , V built bjlnigo Jones. St- Nicholas Two Milts on this Side of Nerthlech, Freumcm !0 9 j on the Left, is Stowell Park, the Co-wbr'uige Seat of Lord Chedworth 5 and to the CorntOwn - - f t v * 3. / O * Right, Frmington, Wall, Efq. NW J5 r ; ( ] ce From the Hiil, beyond Frog Mill, let rp . ,-,.. * the Vale of Evefham, Cheltenham, I. 1 / 16 L lle i ?. "s ! '81 " Tewkfbury, and -Worcefter. Margam 2.1 i8b At 91^, to the Right, is the famous Aberavcn 4 102 Saline Mineral Purgative, Chejtcn- Neath r Wl ham Spaw-Water Wells. To the Left of 96 is Cree Place, Campbell, Ekj. Siuaitjey Trahere 5" 202 At Hucklefec t, on the Left, Sir Wil- Pont Llevv 2- 2O^ } liam Stietchain. Pont Brennm T I 206| Three Miles beyond Glocefter, on the Right, is Highnam, 1 the Scat oi Lloghor T 1 1* ' 2 Mr. Cooke. LUtneary c 2^3 On the Left of Star.ton 5s High Mea- Pont 'Spuudore 6f 219* dow, the Svat of Lord Vifc. Gage. Kidvjclly 2, 22l| At Abermailts, a Sent, late the Corn- wallis s. Llanftephan S 59J ROADS meafured from TYBURN TURNPIKE. [60 Llaugharn Eglois Kemen Llanguido, Pemb. Cannafton Mid-County Houfe Ha'verfordvjejl About a Mile beyond Mo the Left, is Troy Houf the Duke of Beaufort. On the Right of 142, are t Strogle Cafth. On the Left of 152, is a P ing to the Family of Mo On the Left of 174 is LI Seat and Park of Sir 1 brey, Bart. At Margam is Margam Park, the Seat of Mr. 1 On an Eminence near J< beautiful Seat of Herb worth, Efq. On the Left of Uoghor Caftle. ^( i 4J nmou -., aJ heR arkV rgan. intrit hom Hou 'albot eath ert J is L 230 2341 240 2 4 6 2485; 2)3 th, on Jeat of uins of elong- hed, a is Au- r e and is a Vlack- loghor To Monmoutk, p. 55 Ufke, Monm Ponty Pool Caerfilly, Glam. Llantriffent Bridgend 12 6 12 8| II US H3 To Swanfey, p. 58 Penrice, Glam. 1 ' H 202 216 To Trecaftle, /. 56 Llangadoc, Car in. Llandilovaur J6o| I3 j LONDON to Card tinued to St. DA\ Llanyrnddovry , p. 56 Kavo Pynfant Llanbeder, Card. Red Owen Tredrair Cardigan St. Dogmel's, Pemb. Velindree Fijkard Merth Gorid Bridge St. DAVID'S Another Road to St. p. 56. S a > 'ID* 6 10 8 10 if 3 i ji Dai con- 5. I 7 8 l8 4 194 204 212 222 22pi 253| >id's, ToGLOCESTER,p. 5 NTawent, Gloceft. Ledbury, Heref. IO IOO no ToGLOCESTER,p. 55 ^ewnham, Gloceft, Lidney Cbepfteia At Persfield, near Chepfh Seat and fine Garden Morris. IOO 112 I2Oj is the Mr. 12 9* >w, s of To Tredrair, above Newcaftle, Carm. Killgaren, Pemb. 116 224 4 8 To Moumouth, p. 55 Ufke, Monm. Caerleon jANUAFF, Glam. I2 5 r 37 j lot' 12 To Llanbeder, above Llanarth, Card. 194 209 61] ROADS meafured from TYBURN TURNPIKE. [62 L O N D O N to Pembroke. To Northlech, /. 55 80 To Caermarthen, p. 56 St. Clear Tavern Spite, Pemb. Pembroke 91 7 H 204 "*' > Frog Mill At 91! Right 3f to Cheltenham -feiukjlury Upton, Worceft. 7 8 9 7 87 95 104 in Powick 7 118 To Cannafton Bridge, WORCESTER I20| Pemb. p. 56 228* Wilton 4 *3 2 I LONDON to Radnor, by T_T J 7^ riEREFORD and Ayuetcn. ToTavernSpite,/. 56 J TnC i Narbarth 6 226| Huntley ?i 'o;f ToTavern Spite,/. $6 220| L. to Dnrley Crofs Lea Heref. J 2 2 109 in Tenby 9f 230 Wefton 2 113 T T " To#. Wycomb, p. $5 Rifborough, .Z?r/.f Thane* Oxfordfh. 8 8- 1 2 9 37 4.C 1 Crofs the River Wye to Wilton Peterftow I 2 ) 116 118 4 T> 4 Over Pitcher Common to Near Thame, to the Right, is King- fey, the Seat of the Herberts ; ana Harewood End Great Birch N OJ 121 I2 3l to the Left is Thame Park, th<. Callow 2 i 126 Seat of Lord VilVount Wenman. About two Miles Weft of Thame i. Rycot Park, a Seat of the Earl ot Abingdon. HEREFORD Manfel Lacy Foxley Hill 4 2 7 i Oo OJ o j i oo-o o Yaxor i I 15 Another Road, viz. Eccles Green 2 ! 140! To Aylefbury, /. 74 Thame . 7 38 Wonton Women's Afli 3i ji 144* '4*1 Holmes I)U6" To OXFORD, p. 55 __ 54 Lion's Hall Penreis ^3 H6-| Woodftock Charlebury 8 6 62 68 Kyneton * Radnor 7 iff Adjoining to Woodftock is Wocdflock Park, and Blenheim Houfe, a Seal * Another Read to Kyneton, p. 63 of the Duke of Marlborcugh. At Wefton, on the L. J. Nourfe, Efq. At Charlebury is a Seat of the Earl of A Mile beyond Peterftow, on Right, Plymouth. Pengethly, T. Symonds, Efq. 63} ROADS meaiured from TYBURN TURNIMKE. [64 At Hirf.wood, on the -K-ight, Sir Hun- ! StantOn i i gerford Hofhini, Bart. Four Mrles to the Right of Hereford, : is Sufton Court, ths Seat of Sir Ijlip . Blechingdoii 5 V James Hereford, whofe Family hus En flow Bridge over poflefTed the fame ever'fincc 12.23, Cher we 11 River 6ol the yth of Henry the Tiiird. On F-.xley Hili, a Scat of Robert Price, Efq. 'Climpton Chequer Inn and -j . Another Road to Kjncten, viz. KiddingtonTurn- i Pi Iff* l \ To HEREFORD, .p. 6z ^3 J Or, 1 TiJIingtori Brinfop Court WeaUey 5 ! H'l From LONDON to OXFORD, p. 55 Yarn ton A Bond's Green Lion's Hall .Penrefe Kyneton ;- 4 ll 2 M 7i '491 1 Beg brook .'/>>c,//?or/f Chequer Inn and T KiddingtonTurn- > pike J Enjlone Chapel Hou/e Wheelbarrow Caftle \ ll 60 62- 6 9 | 73 78 [To HEREFOR D, p. 62 j' Weft Hope./ Stretford Bridge "4 130 1 38^ 141" Pemlridge 4 HSi Four- Shire Stone 2- ' L 8ol- Comb . i ! 5| Left to Morton in * VJ^ frejleign 2 I T 5'3l Marfo, Gloceft. z i 8 2 | To Prefteign, by Worczfter, p. 6$ Bourton on the Hill l| Broadway Wickenford Bridge A si 9 I To HEREFORD, p. 62 Fodwdl Perfoore, Worceft. 6-} 102 Madley 2 * J 3 6 1 i 4 1 06 Peter Church ^) 4 i4z 1 1 WORCESTER * 5 I II Dorfton 3 ;.: Broadway ?! u6| Bach Izfiipi] Bridge over Temb R. 119 'Uardwick 2 ' !4.8i Bromyard Heath, \lTaj Brecon 2; i ^ [ Hcn'.fordjb. 4 I2 3 Brecon 14" 16: Bremyard 2 125 At 3^, on the Right, Clehonger, JBridenbury 3 ? 128 Hcrbert'Aubrey, Efq. Hockley 3i ' 31 Eaton I'2') LONDON to Aberi/liuitb. Leominjlfr 5 4- I '3-; J ToWheatleyBr. p. 55 R. to Foreft Hill 2 * 48 5 tCingfland E after ton - 4 a 141 '43^ T 65] ROADS meafured from TYBURN TURNPIKE. [66 Comb 4f i 4 8 j Piddle 51 IOO Prefteign, Radn. R. to Speckley 5 105 Difcoyd 4 IJZ WORCESTER 4 109 Cafcob 2 154 AtCamden are the Remains of a noble River Ithon 10 164 Houfe, built by Sir John Ba; tift R hayadergo-i vy At Ecomiilvvith Brook enter Cardiganjh. 9l 182 Hickes, burnt down in the Civil Wars to prevent its being made a Garrifon for ihe Parliament's Army. Mosven Glovvth B runan t Si 1 1 ll$ ToWheatleyBr./. 55 48 River Ridal on the R. Llanbader Vawr Aberiftiuith 1 * 1 *Ti' 202 IJlip, p. 64 'Biechingdon lEnflow Bridge Deddington 8 9* r o r Q 6o| At Glechin ff df)n is the Seat of * ~"~ Enfl.iw, Eiq. and a little more to the Right is Kirklingdon, Sir James To Morton in Marih, j. f.. Daitwood, Bart. p. 04 '" o 2^ Adjoining to Woodftock is Blenheim Winchcomb, Glocejl. I0 2 93 Houfe and Park, a moft magnificent Seat of the Duke of Marlborough. To the Left of Kiddington is Ditchlev Park, a Seat of the Eirl of Lichfield'. :To Worcefter, p. 64 Fennel Green _ % in Two Miles beyond Enfton, to the DroitL O N D O N to Birmingham, William Drake, Efq. by Warwick. At Greac Miffenden, on the Right, the Abbv, Mr. Goofstree. To Banbury, p. 69 75 Vear Wendover is Hampden, Seat ol \ WarmingtOll 4 79 the Family of th*t Name. iGaydon c 84 About 36, on the Right, under the Hill, is Halton Houfe, belonging to Jx>rd Le Defpencer, inhabited by Mr. Wariuiti * Knowl J 9 ii 93 104 Dafhwood King, his Brother. Solihul 3 107 At Aynhoe, Mr. Cartwright. Birmingham 116 A Mile before Edge Hill, on the Left. Upton, Mr. Child, Banker ; on the * Another Road toWaiwick, p. 83 Right, under Edge Hill. Radway Mr. Miller; on the Hill a Towe' built by him. From Edge Hill a /"rflOT Banbury to Warwick ano- moft extenfive ProfpeK ther Ready viz. to UpperEatington,/;69 H iTo Amerjham, p. 68 iChefham, Buck. 3 26 29 R. by Wellefborn, Mont fort, and HarfordBridge,t( Warwick 10 2 4 F 2 71 ] ROADS meafured from TYBURN TURKPIKB. [72" Beyond Harford Bridge, on the Lett, LONDON to Birmingham, Shirburn, Mr. We,>h. At Warwick the C.iftle, Earl Wjr by Wycomb. wick j and the Priory, Mr. Wife. I'o Chapel Houfe, p. 6^j 73 i . . . . From thence to Bir- mingham, p. 71 43 116 LONDON to Birmingham, the Coach Road. Other Roads to Birmingham, p. 70 and 71. To OXFORD, p. 5:5 54 Yarnton, Qxfordjh. 4 Begbrook 2 60 LONDON to Shrew/bury, H'oodftock 2 1 ri 621 and Hclj-ivell, by Bridgenortb. Kiddington Enfton Chapel Houfe Compton Hill Long Compton, War. 41 zi 3-! 3 i 66| 6 9l 73 76 77 Fo Stratford, p. 7! Aulcelter, ffariv. Coughton Crab's Crofs, 'Wore. Tardbeck 94 102 104 r 7l JI2 8 2 Burm'ington Barchefton tt-ipfton, Worceft. 4 j i 81 82 Broomfgro go by Packington through his Park, it is now tiMil \Ji 1C1C V Right crofs the Trent to Colvvicli S 129 BANGOR Bangor Ferry 4 2 247 1 Great Haywood Slurlevvvich, 4 130-^ '33 L'angavenny, AngL Gwyndu -I 5 262 Sandon 3 J36 Holyheed "f*74l Stoke 13.8* Other Roads to Holybead, Stone i 1 39z p. 66^ 8 1 , and 83. Darlaflon. i| 141$ * Another Road to Ctefter, p. 83 . L. to Sandiford L. Stableford Bridge 2 3 1^1 -^ Another RoadtoHolyweii, p. 72 . L. Pipe Yate, Sbrtp. Wore si i 152 'S3 \\AnotherRoadt6 St. ASAPH, viz. ;Bridgemore, Cbejb. 2 '55 To Northorp, as above '931 Walgherton 3 ? 158 Caerwis 10 203 Stapley T 59l St. ASAPH 5 208 Namptiuicb 2 162 On the L. of Kilt's End is Deiehams, Afton I 163 formerly the Seat of the late Earl o> Hurlirone I 164! Albemarle. Bar Bridge Highway Side I 2; i68 2 Beyond 15, to the Right, is North Mims, Duke of Leeds. To theRight of 17, Tittenhanger Park, rTorperley 3 "7 ' Vorke, Efq.. Utkinton. T , I 7 2 f At St. Allan's is Hollov. ay Houfe, a Clotton I [73^ Seat belonging to the late Duchefs of Duddort I I74i Marlberough, now to Earl Spencer. On the Left of 23, Gnrehambury, Tarvin I 176 Lord Vifcount Grimftone. Stanford Bridge I i?7| Near Market Street, on R. is Market ; Boughton [CHESTER * IBretton, Flint/h. 3 i 4 181^ 186 Cell, the Seat of Mr, Coppin, for- merly a Nunnery of Beneriiftines. Beyond Hodcliff, on L. T. Gilpin, Efq. ii 8i] ROADS measured, from HICK s's HALL. [82 At 39, on the R. is RattkfJen, a Seat , of the late Sir Gregory Page, Bart. On the Right of Towcefter is Eafton i Neiton, a Seat of the Countefs of Porafret. On the Left of Daventry is Fawfiey, . the Scat of the ancient Family ot the K.nightleys. At Coieftiill is a Seat of Lord Digby ; and a JViiie beyond it, on the Right, is Packington Hall and Park, for- merly Sir Clement Fiflierj by a Daughter it paffed to. the late Earl ot Aylejford, whufe Son lives there. At 103 is Moxrmll Hall, Mr. Hacker. Orj the Right, 106, is Cannon Hall, Sir Robert Liwley, Bart. On the Right, 116, is SwifTen Hall, Seat of a Family of that Name. At laz on R. a Houfe of Mr. Cobb. Before Wolfeley Bridge, on the Left, is Hagtey, Mr. Curzon. At Wolfeley Bridge is Wolfeley Hall, Sir William. Wolfeley, Bart. O^po- fite is a handfome Brick Houl'e, Mr. Sneyd. Beyond Wolfeley Bridge, on L. is Mew Hall, or k Hedge; late the Widow of the Woods, now Mr. Anfm,. To the Left, a Mile beyond Haywood, is TixaU, Mr. Clifford. A Mile farther, Left, Ingeftree Hall, Lord Chetwynd. On the Left, a Mile beyond Nampt- wich, is Woodbav, a Seat of the Family of Wilbranam. LONDON to Bangor and Holy be bd, by Sbrenujbury. To Shrewjlurr, p. 84 Mountfort Bridge, Shrofjh. Knuckin Heath KVeftFehon \Qfvoeftry iLlangollen '55 165 167 11 jCorwen [Caer y* Dradion Llanrooft KANCOR |HaIf-way Houfe Hvtjkead 186 '93 203 217 '3 J230 '3 iH3 N. B. The above is a bard, fmtoth, level Read, mo/fly through inclofed Fields, ix-\ tremely pleafant, and 27 Miles nearer than by Cbejier ; but not recommended in tlx M.iddlt of Winter, as the Sna-iu feme- times renders it impajfable. On the Left, about four Miles beyond) Ofweftry,is Chirk Town nd Caftle,! the Seat of Richard Middleton, Efq. Near Llangollen, on the R. is Caftic Dinjs Brane, famous in Hiftory. About two Miles from Llangollen, on the Right, are the Rutns of a very- large Abby, well worth the Notice! of the cur f us in Antiquity. About a Mile farther on the Right ar. the Ruirts of the Palace of Owrr Glyud.wr; and alfo Llanlillio, th Seat of j Jones, F.fq. ' About a Mile tarther, on the Rigbt the Village of Llan St. Fraid. On the Rigbt, Half a Mile this Side of Caer V' Dnidion, is the famou' Citadel of the Druids, whereto Cha racTacus retired after his defeat a; Caer Carador. About a Mile from Caer y' Drudion i? a famous Stone Chert of the Druids, ntar Kenioge, the Seat Qt" - Kenryck, Eftj. At.Llanrooft is a Bridge oyer the River Conway, built by Inigo Jones, and fa'id to be his MaHer-piece. On the Left of Ll?nrooft 5s Cwrder, Seat of the Duke of Ancafter. 83] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [84 Another Road to Holyhead, viz. Over Sutton Colefield To Northorp, /. 80 Cravatclough The Smelt Mills j 195" 20o Heath to Welm-Harp Inn Four-Crofles Inn IO 116 i| I'ontriffith Br. Denl. c 20C 1 Ivetfey Bank *7 132' Denbigh If en Llan j 3 z 21 I Newport, Shropfh. Whitchurcb 21 140 161 I j 1 ti n \v i c h ! Crinfley Bridge I -l l62i Pontgwithy Bridge Bet-Houfe 2 2 \$\ Hampton Poll Plume of Feathers Inn f I6 7 172 Dolvea Bridge & Mill Crofworlh Conway Ferry Aberconway, . Caern. J \ 221 227^ Golbourn Bridge Hatton Heath CHESTER Another Road to Chejit ; j r> F 181 77- When the Tide is out, keep to the Right, ovr a Skirt of Penman- Vechan Mountain, and LONDON to Shrenvjbury and Ofwejiry. along the Sandc to Mo- To Meriden, /. 78 98 ney Stieightt, where [vetfey Bank, above 35 133 you ferry over to Wefton 2 \3eaumaries,, Angl. 12 '4 1 ! j Oaken Gates, Shrop, 6 1 I4I 1 iTincohet Hildravaught Mill ^Llangaveney 5l 3j 150 251! j Wading Street Atcham Shreiujlury A 7f 3i I 44 __ 'Maffalan tRudbr.i-.id Bridge 2 i 4- 256 2c8| Ofweftry 16 171 ^Boddedar 2 6o| Another Road, viz. iAt aj Myles farther the Road divides, where you To Meriden, p. 78 98 keep to the Right over Elmdon 5 103 Clever.k Sands it" the Birmingham * 7 no Tide is out, otherwife turn to the Left, or pafb Wedgfield Staff. Bilflon 8 118 121 ftraight over the Rocks and Sands to Wol-J ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [86 LONDON to Wo ton, by Walfi To Meriden, /. 78 Bacon's End, War. Caflle Bromwich Over Sutton Colefield Heath to Walfal, Staff. Willenhall Wolverhampton l-'uer zl. 6f T 1 *2 10 3 3 bamp- 98 104! 106 116 119 122 ' Knots ford, f. 8c Buckley Hill Altringham Crofs Street Manchefter The Road by Derby, 8 3l 4- ll 3l P- i?3 1761 i8of i3l 1871 9S- To 4 CrolTesInn,/.8^ Spread Eagle, .SV/T^. R. to Penkridge 2f 2 i 124! 127 I2 9 fi To Birmingham, p. 84 Smethwick, Staff. Oldbury Dudley Cinver On L. of Smethwick is H Seat of the late Lord ] Near Dudley is Dudley C of Lord Vifcount Dudley who has another Seat at ! 4 3 3 8 ales )udle iftle, and Him 110 II 4 II 7 120 128 Owen,! y- a Seat Ward, ey. To4CroflesInn,/.84 firewood, Staff. 5 I2 4 | I2 9 | (To Dunjlable, p. 77 Ampthill 12 33f 41 To Dunjtable, p. 77 Leigh ton Buzzard T| 33* 41 LONDON to M by Macclesfiela To Sandon, /. 79 iilderfton Cellar Head Cheddleton 'and f m efter, 136 '39| 148 IJ'I iS4f 162 1711 i?7l 178} '79l '8 3 | 190 165 To Dai/entry, p. 78 L. to Southam, ^r. War,: 5 . - EccWihall, /. Drayton, S.bwfji. Neat ZcckiKaiF tie Bifiio eld and Coventry has j Ecck/hail Caftie. r i - 1 1 J S3l 158 '164* ,65 , i^-^j 11 i J >4 p of Lich- 5eat called To Welfh-Harp Inn, /. 84 Cank, Staff. ': i6S| 1691 171 172 173 i?6| J77 1 80 4- 1\ Malpas, Cbejbfr, * 5 r6i 1 66 To CHESTER, p. 79 Great Nefixm- i 1 1 Patfcgatc- 1 i i8i^ 194 i93f 1 89] ROAOS meafured. from Hicts's HALI. [90 irarrJaetai, 'Lane. 183 I' Holme If 248 Or, Milthorpe 3 251 Fj;om Holmes Chapel i 161; Haverfhara i 2J2^ to Carnage Green ji;i6&i Syzergh 3l R. to Alloltock l i l &~i Kendal 4 259! KnotsforJ > 1*173 Or, Mere 2|il7J~ From Burtox to High Legh 2|| x 77i Moor End 5| 252^ Latch ford 5j '83 Barrow Greea fFarrington i 184 Kendal 3 2 )7f Langford Bridge i O 1 I O V Haufe Foot 9 x 266^ Holme i| i86| Shap 273 Wiinwick i" 187 Thrimby 3! 276^ Netutox 4 1891 Clifton 4i 281 Afhton 2f 192 iEanioiit Bridge -82| Goofe Greea 194! Penritk i Wigax ll 196 CARLISLE, p. 116 18 20l| Standife 4|J2Oo| Carlijle by Appleby^ p. 116. ! -i Coppea Moor ll 202| * Another Road to Prefton, p. 95 . Whirfl< wJi ^ O " ' 11H.LJ.V Charnock Richards *^f 205* At Xrentham, Trentham Hall, Earl! Gower. Renchmore l i 1 At La'ton, Mr. Law-ton. Harden Green 3 209! On the Right of Ordrode, is Rode Hall, Pre/oa * Cadley Moor 2 214 216 formerly a Seat of a Family of that; Name, now Richard Wilbraham Bootle, E&I. Broughton Bridge Ij tl?l At Bruerton, 163, an old Seat, Sir Barton 2 *9v Charles Holt. Maflcay Bridge i| 22 i j iBeyond Hoi raes Chapel, is the Hermi- Brock Bridge Baugrave 4 2211 ! cage, tar. run. Be/ore Budworth, on the Left, is Mar- feury, Richard Smith, Efij. a Meer Garftaxg !i 22 4| two Miks long. * ElhilL y .-2*91 Beyond Budworth i> Belmont, John, Gaugut Bridge Barrow icotford li I i 231 232. Smith Barry, Efq. oo the Right. < Oa th* Left, 1^4, Woifeley Hall, Seat" ^ -of a Family of that Name. Before Prefton, oa the Left, Sir Harry \Lancafter ii 235* Hoghtoa. iSlvne 2 2 3 8 In Preflon, on the Right, Earl Derby.; SoJtca Cam ford I 239^ Before Garftang, on the R. Mr. Broca;^ Oppoilte is an Avenue which leads to Mr. GiWbn's- jDare Bridge 2 243! Entering Burton, on the R ght, a nw \Bitrton, Weftm.j 3J 246| Houfe of Major Pearfon's. 91] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [92 A Mile beyond Haverham, Leven Hall To Harrington, p. 89 183 Earl of Suffolk. Beyond Syzsrgh, on the Left, Charles Leigh, Lane. 6 I 1891 Strickland, Elq. Two Miles and a Half beyond Thrim- To Wigan, p. 89 196 by, on the Left, New Village, an Ormfkirk roi 206- Lowther, Sir James Lowther, Bart. 2 To Wigan, p. 89 Ecclefton 10 196 206 LONDON to No To Newcaflle> p. 88 rtbi vich. 148? Talk, Staff: Lawton, Cbejb. Dean Hill J 3 1 !jl 4 To Prejton, p. 89 Kirkham - 214 223 Sandbacb 2 r6i ~ Poulton 8 231 Booth-Lane Head Middleiuicb Lower Boftock Green ^ ' 3i 162 r 1 66i 169 L O N D O N to Whitthaven. High Boilock Green Davenham Z j i 169! 171 To Lancafter,* p. 89 235 North'Lvicb 4 Bolton Carnford 4 x -4 1 ! To Nevjcaftle, p. 88 H8! Burton, Weftm. Cartmel, Lane. S M 246^ Keel Little Madely 2} HI 1 Hawkfliead Warfdale I 3 i 2731 286 Beteley Gorfty Hill, Cbejb. 3f Inl Egremont, Cumb. Wbitebaven 1 299 Nampt-ji'tcb 6 162' To tiamptvjicb by Stafford, p . " 9 . Another Road, viz. To Warrington, p. 89 ,83 To Hawkmead, above Wharfdale Chapel *73rf Prefect, Lane. 12 19? Cumberland 14! 288 Liverpool 8 203 Enerdale 9 297 Another Road, to Wbitebaven 302 Liverpool, viz. To CHESTER, p. 79 Boat-Houfe Liverpool by Water i8if '90? 20I| To Lancafter, p. 89 Hornby 10 245 9 n * In going from Lancajter, if the Tide is out, you may keep to the Left, and over the Sands to Cartmel, which is Eight Miles nearer than by Burton ; this Road may be alfo taken in going to Ulverjton, Ravenglafs, Da/ton, &c. 93] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [94 To Burton, p. 89 LONDON to Cockermoutb. Cartmel, Lane. 14 26o A Ulverlton 7 26 7l To Kendal, p. 90 12J7| Broughton 9f 277 ;L. to Stavley 5 '262^ Ravenglafs, Cumb. 7i 284-} i \Vinar.der Mere 7r-7o Ancther Road, viz. \A?nblefide i 2.71 To Ulveriton, above ___ 267! Through Ridal Park to Kirby Ridal 2 273 Crofs the Sands to jDunmail Wrayflones, Millum Cumbarland . j: 2T-i Bootle 3 Wyburn Chapel 1 l 279" Ravenglafs U Kirby is a magnificent 2 Seat of the Thurlfpot Smathod's Bridge Cnft 3 " 282 2-|>8 4 i Family of that Name. V_- U it Kefaick i{287| To Ulverfton, above 26? i B rath wait T 2|'290 Dalton 6 273! Lawton Cockermcutb 5 -295 4 299 Little ClifFton r 204 To Kendal, p. 90 2 7* Great ClifFton I J T zoe Tebay u| 2 9i Stainburn I 2 iOO Orton Hough *> .i. 7| 27 1 ! 2791 Workington I J 307 Rtii-cctc - ~ /~\ J ! ourreis Appleby V 28/ At Amblefide, near the Inn, a fine Cafcadc. Another Road, p. Jj6. To Penrith, p. 90 283^- To Kendal, p. 90 2 ?7i Hutton 5f|28o" Killath Cold Beck 4 2721 2 7 6f Sebergham Bridge Roiley 3 2 9 6|] Kirkby Stephen 5 z8ii Wigtcn 5 ;OAvi Brough Sowerby Brough Or, 3f 28^" 2861 Ware Bridge Holm , 2 J3o6|! 4 [3'Pfl To Kendal, p. 90 Lincoln's Inn Bridge Sedberg Kirkby Stephen 266 268| 283 To Kcjkuick, above Little Crolthwaite High Side Orthwaite 4 2 2 5 29 1 1 2 95l! 8 ! Near Kirkby Stephen is Hartley Cattle, Uldale 2 297! Sir Philip Mufgrove, Bart. Ireby ifj299fj ^ $f} HOAOS meafured from HICKS'S HALL, [96- f* 7- , - , ' - . Penrith, p. 90 -8 3 J iShadloe, Derb. ! H9 Salkeld'Dyke j| 289 ; Alverfton . fi I2 4 Lazonby ji 290^ Derby 2 126 Kirk Ofwald i| 292 Marton ' I- I2 li -1 'Lanirlev 2 I ?O^ ToPenritb, p. 90 ou to j *'7 282!' Brailsford 2| 33 Alfton Moor JQ 2 O iA, Ajh bourn 6| ! 39i Haltwefel, Northumb. Jl| 3H Spen Lane 2f 142 New Inn 3 To CARLISLE, p. 96 Brampton 3-1 Newhaven Hurdlovv Houfe Over Street i |48f 10 L O N D O N to Mancbe/er Buxton White Hall Ji 2| iwf IO 2 4 and Prejion. To HocklifF, p. 77 R. to Wooburn Wovenden, Bucks Broughton Newport Pagnel Stoke Golding Brickleton Northampton * Bricklefsvorth Lamport Meadwell 371 4 2 66 72-1 m : 1 1 Shaw Crofs WhaleyBridge, Cbefo. Difley Hefielgrave Stfdport Heaton, Lane. iGrimlow \Ma-.icbeftcr \ iBslton- \Cbarhy Prejion 4 2 f 4 4f 3 2 12 12 10 I6 5 '65f 169 180 182 194 206 216 4* 4? 6 3! I V Kehnarfb. i ! 79 Another Road to Prefto'n, p. 89. Oxcndon axi * Anther Read to Ncrthamp liar her ougby Leic. 2 %i\ ton, p. 103. Kibvvorth b\ 9 i f Another Road to Leice/ler, Great Glen 2; p. 104. Gad bey ; 96 2 J Another Read to Manchef- Leicefttr |- 3^ 99 ter, p. 85. L. to Belgrave loof On the Right of Wooburn, Wooburn ffjLoitntjofTtt 4i . 5 , Abby, Duke of Bedford Quarndon or Quon i 106 Beyond Newport Pagrtel, on the Leff, Lougbborbugh Ditchley' Hathern ji 109 uo| Mr. Wii'gat. At 59 is Ho-ron, late Earl of Halifax, now LorjJ Hinchjnbrook, who mar- ried his Daughter. R. to Kegnvorth O 3| 1 15 Between 61 and 62, on the Left, is Cavendilh Bridge 3 jn8 Prciton, Launny, Sir Thomas Parkyns ; from the Hills beyond, fee Wollaton, Lord Middleton, on the Left ; and, Higham Stretton Clay Crofs 2 ji HI-1 H3 1 44 1 on the Left of Bradmore fee Woods Tupton li of SirGervafe Clifton, of Clifton. At Nottingham, the CalHe, the Chejlerfield 31 r49j Duke or Newcartle. At Red Hill, enter the Foreft of] Oakerthorpe, above T 39v Sherwood; and five Miles farther.: Alfreton 2 1411 on the Left, is Newllead Abbey,;! Lord Byron. A lew Miles from Mansfield, Wclbeck, L O N D O N to Mancbefter, Duke of Portland ; Workfop, Duke through Matlock, Bake--well, of Norfolk; Clumb-r, Duke of and Chapel in Frith. Newcaftle ', Thoreiby, late Duke o! Kingfton. To Derby, p. 96 126 At Worfborough, on the Lefr, Mr. Duffield' 4^ I *O^T Edmunds, 'eyond Barnefley, on the Left, Mr. Prince, of Woollcr. Belper-Lane End Sandy Ford 4 If T Two Miles beyond Staincrcfs, on the Cromford 45 140! j Left, Woolley Park, Godfrey Went- L. to Matlock Bath i 1 4 1 --, worth, Efq. Over Matlock Bridge to i At 188, on the Left, Mr. Pru&or. Matlock 2 | 4'| A Mile farther, on the Right, fee iSl Medley, Earl of Mexboi'ough. v/r, i Before Leeds, on the Right, fee Tem- From Cromford I40i' ple Newlham, Lord Jrwin. R. crofs Derwent River tc i-V' At Harewood, on the Left, Edwin Matlock 2 L;)fcelles, Efq. At Riple/, on L. late Sir John Inglcby, Beyond Ripley, on the Lefr, a new Houfe, Mr. Maffinger j Mr. Wood, Hackney Lane Darley Rowfley 2 I I 1 4- !t|l on the Right. Bake^vell M I ^ 1 1 : See Mr. Weddell's, at Nev.by, on R. Afhford 1 3 I -2 Near Rippon, Studley Par*, and Wardlcw 3! j^rl HAckfall, Seats of Mr. Aifiabie. New Dam ^ 2 i6i 2 LONDON to Cbeflerfield, Sparrow Pitt Chapel in Frith 2 2 163 another Road, viz. Whaley Bridge - 1 ! , /, 6 1 * Tl I OOr J 2 2. Derby, p. 96, 126 Manchefter, p. 96 Duffield 4! 130! Right to the Bridge over ji Mile beyond Rowfley, on the R. i< Haddon Hall, Duke of Rutland. Derwent River \ l $l About two Miles from Bakewell, t< Heage 5y 136 the Right of the Road, is Chatf- ' H Z 103] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [104 worth Park, a magnificent Seat of the Duke of Devonshire. i| Mile beyond Wardlow Turnpike From Northampton to Leiceftcr a nearer Way than by Har- turn off on the Right, by a decayed borough, viz. Wall, to Caftleton, where is the Devil's A fe a Pcake, and Mam Northampton, p. 95 66 Tor. At one Mile in Harborough Road, Right to To Derby, p. 96 Sandy Ford, p. 102 Wirkfworth IO 3 126 136 139 Chapel Brampton Creton jThurnby Well ford 4 4 3 j 70 74 77 80^ Bv Huibands Bofwbrth, To Wardloiv, p. 1 02 15 $~ and Wi*fun, to Tidefwell ^\ I 5 8 Leicejler 16 9 6 I tfear the Tidefwell is a Well which fometimrs ebbs and flow? ; and a few Miles off is Elden Hole. At 73, on the Left, Mr. I.angton. At 75, on the Right, Sir James Lang- ham. A Mile before Leicefter, on the Left, ToHarrowgate,/. 100 208 fee Brandon Hall, Mr. Winftanley, and Maikfield Windmill, far off, in Fcrenlty 2j 21 of Cbarnwood Foreft. Minfkip 3 2Ij| Boroughbridge i 2I 4i At Knarefborough, the Caftle and LONDON to Bedford, Dropping Well. Nottingham, and Skipton, continued to KendaL LONDON to Northampton, by Stony Stratford. To Bar net, p. 77 The Obelifk, MM. 3 4 ii To Stony Stratford, R. to Potter's Bar 3 H| P- 77 5 2 T Bell Bar, Hert. 2 R. Yardley Gobion 4f Hatfield 2| igi King's Grafton 58* Welwyn 2 5 Stoke Park i 59 i L. to Coddicot If 26f Queen's Crofs 6% Langley 3 29! Northampton \\ 67* Hitching 4l 34' Another Read, p. 9^. Sheffbrd, Bedf. Cotton End 7 t 4l i On the Right of King's Grafton is Grafton Houfe, a Seat of the Dukt of Grafton. \Bedford Clapham l\ z 5* 5 2 At Queen's Crofs is the Seat of Mr. Milton 3 55 Bouverie. Bletfoe i c6 1 105] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [106 Fox Ale-houfe * Wentworth 2- 165! A"o rthamptonjh . 4 60 Worfborough 4] 170 Rufihden 4 6 4j Barnefiey 2 1 I 7 2f Higham Ferrers Darton 3 T 75i Crols River "Nine to Bretton ik 1 79~ ( Irthlingborough if ^, Midgley i 1 80 ! Barton Lattimer 4i Flockton 2{!l82f- 1 Barton Scagreave 2 73l Highgate Lane 2||l85 Kettering l| 7> Almondbury 2 187 : Oakley New-Inn 4i 79f \Huddcrsfcld 2 189 1 Rockingham Foreft i 8oj Fixby Hall 2 191 Rockingbam 4 84^ Ealand 3. 194' Crofs Weland River to Salter Heble Bridge Caldecot, Rut/. i 8$f Halifax I j| IQ7 * Uppingham 4! 90 UHngworth 2 | I99T Prefton fy I 9-1 jDenholm Gate 3 2O2f Man ton 4 94 Through Denholm Park tc, Oakham -j- 2 ($ Cullingworth 3 2O^| Eftrop, Lciceft. 61 Keighiey 3i 209 Melton Mo-iv&ray 4 ro6f iSteeton 212 ; Abkettleby 4} 1 10^1 Crofs Hill 2 214 Nether B rough ton 1 13! Kildwick 1 2 1 4| Normanton, Netting. Trent Bridge 5! i i9|i (Bradley 125 \5kipton in Craven \\ ^9* Nottingham, f 126 Sturton 2 220^; Red Hill 4l I 3l Gargrave 3 22V 1 ! J Z Mansfeld 91 140 Conifton 2 ^ Z " -- Pleafley Derb. 3 143 JHellifield Cochins 3 228-^- Houghton i 144 iLong Prefton 2 2 3z Clown 6 \Sfttle 4f 2 35 A ugh ton, Yorkjh. 6 ii Gigglefwick i 236 ! Whifton 2 Clapham 6 242 Rotherbam 2 1 60 jlngleton 4 246 Greafborough I| i6i| jThornton i 247 Nether Houc;h I I62| Hebermount, Wejlm. 3 !.. * From the Fox Ale-houfe there is another Road, over Ditch- ford Bridge, through Findon, two Miles nearer, but very bad. -f- Other Roads, p. joS, and 122. \ Another Road, p. 99. || Other Roads to Skipton, p. 99, and 109. 107] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [i 08 irkby Lonfdale Cearfvvick -hapel Houfe Kendal 253 254 261 265 On the Right cf aS, Knebworth Place, Mrs. Lytton. At Clapham is a Seat of the Earl of Afhburnham. Haifa Mile to the Left of 69 is Fin- don, Sir William Dolben, Bart. 3arton Seagreave, a Seat of the late Dr. Wilcocks, Bifhop of Rothefter, now his Son Jof. Wilcocks, Efq. vockingham Caftle, a Seat of Lord Sondes. At Ayton near Uppingham, Mr Brudenell. On the Right of Okeham is Burley on the Hill, a Seat of the Earl of Winchelfea; and on the Right of 102 is WhifFendine, the Seat of the Earl of Harborough. Two Miles beyond Melton Mowbray, on the Left, is a Seat belonging tx the Family of Bennet. A Mile be-ond Nottingham, on the Left, fee Wollaton Hall, Lord Mid dletcn, the approach to it, is in the Road between Nottingham and Dcr- b 1 -', two Miles fr.mi Nottingham ; and more to the Right, beyond it, Sir Charles Sedley. Near Mansfield, are Clumber Park, the Duke of Newr aftie's ; Thor-%, the late Duke of Kiigft' n's ; \VVi- beck, and Bolfover Caille, Duke o Portland; Workfcp, Duke of Nor- folk ; and Ruffurd, Sir George Saville. Four Miles beyond Nottingham, 01 the Left, is Befkwood Park. At 9, on the Left, Newflead Abbey, the Seat o; Lord Byron. Beyond Nether Hough, on the Left, is Wentwcrth Houfe and Park, Mar- quis of Rcckingham. A Mile beyond Worfborcugh, you have a fine View of Wentwcrth Caflk and Park, the Seat of the Earl of StrafFord. A.t Bretton, on the Left, is the Seal of Sir Thomas Blackett, Bart, late Wentworth. A Mile on this Side Almondbury it Woodfom Hall, Earl of Dartmouth. Fixby Hall, T. Thornhill, Efq. A Mile beyond Kildwick is Hamble- thorpe Hall and P irk. At Skipton, the Caftle, E. of Thanet. At Gig^icfwick is an ebbing and flow- ing Well. L O N D O N to Bedford, by Luton. To St. Allan's, p. .77. 2i| Harpenden Luton Barton Silfoe Clophill Wilfhamfted Elveftow Bedford Bedford by Hitching, p. 104. At -^c, on the Right, is Luton Hoc the Seat of the Earl of Bute. On the R. near Silfoe, is Wreft Park a Seat of the E;irl of Hardwick. Three Miles beyoni Clophill, a littl to the Eaftward of the Road, i Kawnes, the Seat of Earl Gran\ille 371 4 42 47 49i LONDON to Oakham, b Wellingborough, To Newport Pagnel, P- 95 5 1 Right through Sherringtor. and Emerton to Oulney, Buck: Warrington Boxeat, Northamp. 56 57 62 109] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [110 Woolafton Crofs River Nine W^ellingborougb Great Harrowden IQiam Kettering Oakbam, p. 105 To Kettering and Ot Bedford, p. 104, 105 At Great Harrowden, a Marquis of Rockingham 3 i if 2 3l 21 ikba. Seat & 67 68 69! 7if P , 4^ of the At Onklcy i;, a neat Seat of the Duke of Bedford. A Mile to the Right of Harold is Odell Caftle, Sir Willoughby Afton, Bait. To nifham Ferrers, p. 105 Thrapllon Oundle Cliff Stamford ? 5 8 65l S3 7 88 96 To Kettering, p. 105 Rothwell 75 79 4 LONDON to Ski Leeds. To Leeds, p. 100 Headingley Cookridge Otley Burley Ilkley Addingham S/tipton in Craven Other Roads, p. 99 c At Cookridge, on the R. Sheffield, Bart. Before Otley, on the Righ ley Hall, Mr. Favvkes. From Otley Hill a large Pr fee Wefton, Mr. Vava Right of Burley. Four Miles beyond Otley, Denton Hall, Sir James pton, by T,-, , I To Kettering, p. 105 Weldon \ 9 2 3f 4l 2 4 3 6 md SirC t, fee ofpcd or, on Ibbc *y*:5 i93i J97 20l| 20 3f 20 7z 2IOj 2l6i [04. ,'harie; Farn- l; and to the he R. tfon. To Rockingham,^. 105 Hallaton, Leicejt. "5 4i 9U To Melton Moiviray, p. IOJ Waltham T06 1 r i 5z 112 ^oNottingbam , p . 105 Southwell 126 I 39i ^3l To Mansfield, p. 105 Pleafley, ZW. Stoney Houghton Bolfover Bolfover Caftle is a Seat o of Portland. ,,03 4 '207 Stamford, Line. 5f 89 TopclifFe 3 210 Cafterton, Rutl. Witham Com. Line, 2 9 9 1 100 Bufhby Stoop sSand Hutton 4 i 214 2IJ Coltfworth L. to Gr. Ponton 2 4 IO2 1 06 South Ottrington i Northallerton ll 2l8| 223 * Another Road to Stilton, p. 133. 113] ROADS meafured from HJCKS'S HALL. [114 Lovfome Hill 4 227 Dalkeith 4! 372* Little Smeton 2 229 EDINBURGH 6 37gf Great Smeton I 230 Dalton 4l 2341 Edinburgh by Berwick, p. 1 1 7; Croft i|- 235! by Carlijle, p. Il6; by York, Darlington, Durh. 3 i 238! p. Il8; by Keif o, p. Up. Cotton-mund Hill Aycliffe z 242 244 On the Left, a little beyond the Obe- liflc, is the Houfe of the late Ad- Woodham 3 247 miral Byng. Ferry Hill 3 250 A Mile beyond Potter's Bar, on the Sunderland Bridge 4 254 Left, is Gubbins, a Seat of Mr. DURHAM Durrow Moor Paulfworth 3 2 2 2 57 259 261 Hunter; and a little nearer Bell Bai; is the Houfe of Sir Charles Cox. On the Right of Hatfield is a Seat of the Earl of Saliibury. It formerly Chefter le Street 2 263 belonged to King James I. who ex- Pel aw I 264 changed it for Theobald's. Birtley 2 266 On the Left of 22 is Brocket Hall, the Seat of Lord Melburn. Gateihead 5 271 On the Left of 29 is Knebworth Place, Newcaftle, Northusi. I X 271^ the Seat of Mrs. Lytton. Gosford 2 75 At Stevenage a remarkable-built Earn, Stannington Shotten Edge 6 2 5 281 286 the Ridge of it broad enough to con- tain a Coffin, which it now does, and is to be feen with the Body of Morpeth i 287 Henry Trigg, a Shopkeeper of that Longhorfley 7 294 Town, who built it for that Purpofe, Walling Bridge 2 296 and, by Will, ordered his Body to Framlington Wbittingbam 2 8 298 306 be laid there. At Bugden is the Biihop of Lincoln's Palace. Wooler Haugh-head Wooler 'if s 1 ^! 3185 From Stilton to Grantham, at every Mile are Blocks, made of the famous \jomhill J 2 I 22.1 Ketton Stone, with three Steps, Crofs the Tweed, and enter 4 which were placed there by a Mr. Boulter, for the eafy mount- Scotland. Coldftream, Bernv. If J ing of his Horfe, he being a very corpulent Man, and travelled that Greenlaw 10 347! Road every Week for many Yea'rsj Tibby's Inn 3 x 345i each Stone engraved E. B. 1708. Tirleftoa 352 Near Stamford, on the Right, is Bur- Norton Inn 2 3>4 leigh Houfe, a Seat of the Earl of Channel-Kirk Inn r! 359i At Cokfworth, the Houfe in which Black- Shields Inn 7 at Falla, Edinb. \ 5 3641 Sir Ifaac Newton was born. Beyond Grantham, on the Right, is Path Head 3f 368 Beltorf, Lord Brown low's; and a 115] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [116 Httlc beyond it, on a Hill, Sifon! i Lumley Caftle, Earl of Scarborough Hall, Sir John ThoroW, Bart. j 'Beyond Shotton Edge, on the Left, rom Gunnerby Hill, a great Profpedlj Blagdon, Sir M. W- Ridley. Bart. Lincoln Miniter on the Right, Bel- j At Long Horfley, . Riddell, Efq. voir Caftle on the Left. | ;A Mile Weft of Whittingham, is EflT- lington Park, Lord Ravenfworth. Crofs the Trent from Newark, on the Right, Wintrop Hall, Mr. Pocklington. On the L. Kelham Hall, Lord George Sotton. On the Side of the Hill, above it, is a White Houfe of Mr. Sutton's, feen from Gunnerby Hill. At Charlton, on the Right, another Mr. Pocklington. At Bawtry on the Right, Mr. Lifter. About two Miles to the Right of Don- cafter is Wheatley, Sir George Cooke, Bart. Jeyond Doncafter, on the L. a white Stone Houfe, Mrs. Wrightfon. At three Miles on the Right, Mrj. Yarnborough's Woods at Campf- munt. To the Left of fix Miles, Broadfworth, a very fine Seat of Robert Drum-j Beyond Coldftream, on the R. Hirfel, Lord Home ; on the Left, Lees, Sir John Pringk, Bart. M. D. Two Miles before Greenlaw, to the Right, Marchmont Houfe, Earl of Marchmont. Beyond Path Head, on the Right, Prefton Hall, Lord Adam Gordon. At Dalkeith, on the Right, the Palace of Dalkeith, Duke of Buccleugh. On the Left, Jeanfield, Efq. and Lothian. Newbattle, Douglas, Marquis of LOND ON to ED IN BURGH, by CARLIT-LE. To Sorougbbridge, mond, Efq. At 7 Miles, in a Bottom, is Skel- 112 Gate Royal- Oak Inn brook, the Seat of Henry Perryn Browne, Efq. and Robin Hood': Well. AtDarrington, Williarrt Sotheron, Efq.; \Leeming On the Left, beyond Fairburn, is Led-j ICattenck fton Hall asd Park, an ancient Seat of the Earl of Huntingdon. The Lodge in the Park, which is plainly i feen from the Road, commands afine ! and very extenfive Profpet. Bramhtm Park, t the Left of Bram- ham, is the Seat of Sir John Good- ricke, Bart, hte Lord Bingley's. Kirby Hill Union Inn, or York) 1 6 ^3 '04 210 Catterick Bridge Greta Bridge Bowes \Brough, Weftnx. dppieby Crackenthorpe At 13, on the Right, Greave Hall, Mrs. Atkinfon. Beyond Topcliff, on the Left, Newby, I Lord Grantham. At 17 Miles from Boroughbridge, on the Left, fee Hornby 'Caftle, Earl of Holder neSr. On the Right of Chdler le Street, is Kirkby Thorn Sowerby Eamont Bridge, Cunt. Penrith High Hefketh Low Hefketh Carl ton 13 117] ROADS meafured from HJCKS'S HALL. [118 Haraby i 297 Wainford 4 3i5l CARLISLE Weftlinton 1 6 298^ 3044 \Belford Buckton 4*320 5 3 2 5 Longtoiun 3 T 3071 Haggerfton 3 428 Kiric'Andrews " I l39 fiueedmoutb 7l 33?i Langbolm, l>umf. 9 318 Crofs the Tweed to Red|>ath Mofspaul Grettt, Rox. Binks g; Berwick At 3 Miles, leave Berwick Bounds, and enter Scot- land. I 4 335f Allanmouth ? 33^1 Ay ton Beriv. / % 249 Hanvick 4f 341 P'refs Inn i i. JTJ 247 Afhkirk 6 347 Broxburn i? 1 3T / Selkirk, Selk. 5 3)* 2 Dunbar i| 262 2 Crofs Tweed to Fernyhall Crofslee Stage Hall Bankhoufe Middktony Edinb. Lefwade 4 5 3 3 i 3|6 3 6 4 367 37 6 z Belton Ford Linton Haddington Tranent Muffel burgh EDINBURGH z 3! 5 7 4 5 J 364^ 368 373 380 384 389 EDINBURGH 51 388" At Alnwick a Seat of the Duke of Northumberland. To the R. of Sowerby, Acorn Bank, At Broxburn, on the Right, Brox- Sir W. Dalfton. mouth, Duke of Roxborough. At Eamont Bridge, on the Right, Before Linton, on the Right, is Tyn- Catlton Hall, Wallace, Elq. ingham, a fine Seat of the Earl of To the Right of Kirk Andrews, Ne- Haddington. therby, Graham, Efq. JBefore Haddington, on the Left, A- Beyond Langholm, on the Left, Lang- misfield, Hon. Mr. Charters. holm Caftle, Duke of Buccleugh. Two Miles before Muflelburgh, on R. Five Miles beyond Langholtn, on the Prefton Grange, Earl of Hyndford. Right, Dr. Elliot. At Muflelburgh, on the Left, Pinkie Two Miles beyond Middleton, on L. Houfe, Marquis of Tweedale ; and Arnifton, Lurd Prefident Dundas. one Mile and a Half farther, New Hales, Lord Hales. LONDON to EDINBURGH, by Mtrwuict, viz. LONDON to EDINBURGH, To Morpetb, p. u 3 287 by YORK. Caucot 9 296 ToFerrybridge,/ .112 '75$ Felton Bridge i 297 Milford 4f 1 80 Newton 2 299 Sherburn i8i| Alnnjuick 6i Barkfton i| i82| Charlton 6 111^ Towton 2 i i8c 1 Tl f \ I a 119] ROADS meafured from HICK s's HALL. [120 Tadcafter 3 188 Right, Melerfton, the Hon. George Street Houfes YORK 3 6 191 197 Baillie. At Lauder, on the Right, Thirlftonc Caftle, Earl of Lauderdale. Clifton i 198 Skelton Shipton 3 2 201 203 LONDON to Richmond. Eaftng-tvold -I 7f 2!0| To Catterick Bridge, Thormanby 4 x 214^ /. 116 226 Thirjk 5i 22O Richmond 4 2 3 Thornton in Street 222| Near Richmond is Aike, Sir Lawrence NortbMertcn 9 23 1 ! Dundas, Bart. From hence to Edinburgh, by Coldftrcam, />. 113 156 387i LONDON to JJkrig. On the Right, betwixt Barkfton and Towton, is Scardingwell Hall and To Borough bridge, 2 3 Park, a Seat of the Hon. Martin p. 112 ~ 2 , Bladen Hawke, Efq. Kirby Hill i * At Towton a famous Battle was. Union Inn, or York fought, betwixt the Houfes ofLan- Gate 6 210 cafter and York. Beyond Towton, on the L. fee Hafle- wood Hall, the Seat of Sir Walte^ Vavafor, Bart. The Situation re- At z:| farther Left, to Nofterfield Majham 3f 217 220| markably fine. Ellington 223 Three Miles beyond Thormanby, on Gervoife Abbey 2* 22 Sz the Right, is Thirkleby, Sir Tho- Eaftwitton 2 227- mas Frankland, Bart. jCover Bridge T 228* jSpennythorne 2 230 LONDON'to EDINBURGH, Harnby I 2 3 r by Kelfo. Ley burn I 2 3 2 To Wooler, /. 113 ___ 3l8 l Wenfley Red mire I 2 33 t Mindrum Mill Kelfo, Roxb. Smallholm II 9i 6 I! Carperby AJkrig *! 2 39^ Lander ii 3jjl Another Road, viz. Black Shields Dalkieth EDINBURGH 12 6 367! 3741 To Settle, p. 106, Stainforth Horton 235 237f A Mile beyond Kelfo, on the .Left, Old Ing \\ 244* Fleurs, Duke of Roxborough. Bainbridge 2571 [Two Miles beyond Smallholm, on the AJkrig '* 2)9 I2i] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [12?. At CM.. iV _| logins Werfli-y Dalr. To Eaten Bray,/. 1 1 1^ 54! At Spc-.";. :hc: r.c, Cru)ter, IP. Great Catfworth, I Near Wtnlle.. is Briton H.i,l and Celtic, Duke ofBotton. HtuttingJeiiflr. 10 6.ll\ At A , ; 6 arth, near Carperby ; at Afk- Oundle, Nortbamp. 10 74i rig ; zn 1 in '' :;hi Ijale ; are fome Cliff c 79l remarkable Falls of Water. Another Road, p. no. Cover Bridge, p. 120 228 __O * * Li. to Middieham i 220 L O N D O N to Oakham, by Haif.eld. At Middieham, the Cattle. To Eaton Bray,/. 1 1 1 ?4-- 1 O B 3. O OC K. ft III 1 "7 ! L. to Gr. Stoughton, Bleak Hall '' c 37 Huntingdonjb. 3i 58! At 44^ Left to Potton 6 48 Great Catfworth Brynton 6* 2 66| To the Right of 47 is Sutton and Sut- i Clapton, Nortba. 3 6gi ton Park, a fine Scat ef Sir Roger Burgoyne, Bart. JLyford jBennifield 4i 76| To Eaton Bray,/, in 54! ;Dean Thorp Dean 3 i 8o ? St. Neot's, Hunt. 2? 57 Harringworth ^^ 4 Jt Another Road, p. in. Glaytfon, Rutland]};. 2 i 88 Man ton 2 Of To Eaton Bray,/, ii i 541 Qakkam J 3l V * 94l Great Stoughton, Another Road, p. 108. Huntingdonjb . High am Ferrers, ij At Clapton is the Seat or" the late Sir YK/.iL,.~* r\. ,Jl__, D.,. Nortbatnptonjh. 12 VVIIIIAIII i^v^uicy, uait. , U 4; At Dea:i is the Seat of the Duke oi Another Road, p. 1 05. Montague ; and on the Left of Manton is Maitinfthorp, the Seat of the Ea;i of Denbigh. To Eaton Bray, /. 1 1 1 _____ '"4 Kimbolton, Hunt. Thrapfton, Nortba. 8 ii 62! To Ba-ivtry, p. 1 1 2 Hatfield, " Yorkjb. I ir r Another Road, p. no. \Tborne 4 . i66| * f Booth Ferry ii j n-rA At Kimbolton is a Seat of the Duke of 'T-J - -//-I 2 j Manchefter. iTr""i* : Weighton 12 I??! !!. 123] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [124 To Hm-den, p. 122 1*79$ %^>/ ) Knefall 4 7 4- Mr- 1 vV adworth 3 I 5 8 Wellow / 7^J 4 Loverfliall i '59 Ollertvn 4 J 37 4 Balby 2 T i6i Budby 3 140 Doneafter 1 I l62f Workfcp 6 146 To the Left of Csrlt(;n is Walling Gateford 2 148 Wells, Taylor Whitr, Efq. South Anfton, York. Todwick 4 2 T 152 At 153, on the Left, Sandbeck Park, Earl of Scar-borough. Afl,on jl I C C- ':, HanAvorth TI , -. f. \ 4 :HTo AJkrigi p. 1 20 )^ ? i Brickdale 10 2+3i' JLJarnai i ^.tterciiff 2 j \ r \] Klrkby Stephen, Weft. 261-5 Another Road, p. 93 12$;] ROADS mealurea from HICKS'S HALL. [126 To Darlington, p. 113 Cockerton, Dura. Weft Auckland Bifhops Auckland At Ri/hops At>ckland is the Park of the Bi/hop of Di i 81 z 3 Pala irhan 238! 2 39i 248! ce and i. 1 To Mcrpeth, p. 113 . Rothbury 1 > 287 302 To Wooler, /. 113 U Learmouth, Nortbum io| 329^ L O N D O N to 5// Greta Bridge, />. 116 \Barnard Cajile Durham Weft Pits WolJiKgbam Mugglefvvick Sleaton, Nortbiivt. Hexbam Crofs the Pitts Wall to Billingbam 4 7 9 10 i! j LONDON to 7 To Ne 218 To Stilton, p. 1 1 1 fo Scarborough by York, p. 128. Norman Crofs, Hunt. PETERBOROUGH * To Lincoln by Stamford, p. 131. Werrington Glimton Narborough i 7 88 i One Mile this Side Spital is Glent- worth, formerly a Seat of the an-j cient Family of Wray, Baronets. Adjoining to Beverley are the Seats of Market Deeping, Sir James Pennyman, Bart, and J. Lincolnfh. 2 9 C-jurtney, Efq. Langtoft D ~ /}-,-. 2 92 Near Eeverley is the Seat of Sir Charles Thompfon,- Bat. oaiton River Glen ji 93 i 94! At Watton, the Seat of J. Bethel, Efq. Thurlby Bourn 2! 98" LONDON to Flambarougb Head. Cawthorp Morton I 99 ibof ;To Driffield, above JKilham r 195 j r\f\ L. to Graby Turnpike Folkingham Ofbournby Willoughby Sleaford 3~ 4 x 1931 107 i9f 116" Burlington iSewerby Flamborough Flamborough Head 8 2 2 e. \J\J zoS 20 9 | S L. to Lincoln Heath Green Man LINCOLN * Crofs the Heath to the 7' 2 7 125 132 j ;To Driffiild, above iKilham Hunmanby 9 200 209 Windmills Jio 142 l Spital ' 2 144 To Spital, /. 129 144 Redbourn 61 T 3I Kirton Lindfey 6| 150^ Glanford Bridge 5; I 5 6 Aathorp io| 161 Elfom 4 I 60 Crowle 4 165 131] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [132 i'o Glanford Bridge, p. 129 iurton btrather 12 156 168 Market Raijin, p. 131 Caftor, Line. 7k r^o 157! To Steriton, /. 131 Binbreok, Z;c. 4 '55f '?9f fo Hy/l, p. 130 '. iilton ; ;ellon i-'.ydon yingham rtringham /incftead ^atringlon 4 3 i .j i 2 ! X 73 J 77 1 80 181 i86| iH 7 | )8 9 | 191 L N D O N to i To Stilton, p. 1 1 1 Normau Crofs, Hunt. PETERBOROUGH Walton Pafton Willingham Peakirk R. to Dunbeer Crowland, Line. Clout Hqufe Brother Houfe Pickale Covvpcrt $ pal ding Pinchbeck Surfleet Gofberton Sotherton Stagfhill Kirton Winterton Bofion And from thence to Tatterihall Hcrncaftle Louth Saltfleet Beft I 5f 3 i 3 3 2 3 T I 1 4- I 3 4 2 I *r Fl ; '! 4 l ^1 3f 8 , T 3l 10 24 on. 74f 7^ Bi| 84i 85 i 88i 9U Q?T fo Hull, p. 130 iornfey, Torkjh. 15 i?3 188 To Beverley, p. 130 '..eayen 'ranfburtori Frodlingham 7 i| 4 182 189 i9f| 1945 96! 97i 98|- 99i i3s io 5 { 107! io 9 | ^3l "$ u 5 | U 7 | 119! ! 33 141 ^541 i6 4 | ^r- 741 77 LONDON to LINC Grimfty, by Stam To Coltfworth,/. 1 1 1 *. to Ancajler Vlaiden Houfe Bargate Mill LINCOLN f Walton :5narford P.irk Market Raijtn I'evelby j ten ton Fhargn.nby ilandal " ijriggelley vValtham Grimjly \ Another Road is Lineal OLN fora ) and r 102 M5 121 I3 1 ! 133! 140] 143-2 LP I52 , 15 5 i- r 59 i6,| 23 i"4l i68| 129. ;i ID" 2 6| 2| 6j 2 3f 3f 2 11 'a r| ll j 3|! .,p. To Stilton, p. 1 1 1 R. to Yaxley To Sf aiding, above Holbech, Line. n| !3? i Hi 133] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [*34 To GolT>erton, /. 132 fiogi To Bofton, p. 132 __ _ 119! Donnington, Line. 7 u6 4- Bolingbroke, Line. X 4 '33-^ / .S ni 1 1 h v A. [ 2 ^7 To Bojton, p. 132 119! JAlford T '45-1 Wainfleet, Line. i 5 i 34-1- Burgh 3 *37j VII. GREAT AND DIRECT ROADS Meafured from SHOREDITCH CHURCH : With the ROADS branching from them- to Market and Sea-Port TOWNS. L O N D O N to Stilton, by Puckeridge j| 2 6| Ware. L. to Buntingford 4! 3 1 To Kingfland, MM. il New Chipping I Newington H 2 r Roy ft on 5 37 Tottenham High Cr. 2 4r Kneefworth Camb. -I 39-! Edmonton 2 i 7 Arrington 4 43j Ponder's End i 8-j Cungrave r| Enfield Highway i j Caxton 31 49 En field Wafh i T. 10 Papworth Everard 2 5:1 Waltham Crofs, Hera 1 1| Godmancheiter, Theobalds 3 4 12 Hunting Jonjb. 7 58 Chefhunt Street I '3 Huntingdon * i 99 Cheihunt Wafh I Great Stukeley 2 I Wormley I 15 Little Stukeley i 6z Broxboarn I 16 Wheatfheaf Inn *f 64^ Hoddefden I 17 St. Andrew's Chapel 68 ; Am well 2| 19! Stiltott. Si Ware li 21 Another Road to Stilton, p. ill. Wade's Mill r| 22| * Another Road to Hunting- Collier's End 2 don, p. 13 f. K 2 135] ROADS meafured from SHOREDITCH CHURCH. [136 On the Left of 5 is Bruce Caftie, the To Ware, p. 133 ____ 21 Seat of Alderman Townfend. Standcn, Herts 6 27 On the Right of. 9 is Durance, Davis, Efq. Broker, in Lond on. On the Left of 12 is Theobald's Pa- To C ax ton, p. 134 49 lace, where King James I. died j i'!!Hilton 6- 55' now belongs to the Duke of Portland. !;_^ /,,., ! J J 2 CQ who lets it out in Tenements. On Right of 14 is Chefliunt Nnnnery, the Seat of Colonel Black wood. jSomerfham Chatteris Ferry 6 2 5 5 V 65 70 Near 15, on the L. is Wormley Bury, Chatteris i 7 1 Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. On the Left of Broxbourn Is Brox- Doddington 3f 74| bourn Bury, Lord Monfon. Near 45, on the R. is Wimpole Hall, March Gay-Hall Ferry 4' ^ a Seat of the Earl of Hardwick. Wijbeach 6 89 Near Huntingdon is Hinchingbrook, a Seat of the Earl of Sandwich. St. John's St. Germain's T T> 7 96 101 \Ltynn Regis ^ 106 L O N D O N to Huntingdon, by Hatfald. To Bugden, /. in Brampton 2 61 63 \To Huntingdon,^. 134 Ripton Regis Ramfey 3J 6{ 59 621 681 Nun's Bridge I 64 L . y 4 Huntingdon J 65 LONDON to ELY and Lynn, Another Road, p. 134- continued to Hunftanton Cliff. Near Brampton, on the Left, Sir Ro- ToPuckeridge,/. 134 26J bert Bernard, Bart. R. to Hare Street 4 Beyond Nun's Bridge, on L. Hinching- brook Houfe, Earl of Sandwich. iBarkway ' T> 1 * r 4 34$ isarlee 2 3 2 To Edmonton, /. 133 Enfield 3 7 10 Fowlmere, Camb. Trumpington Cambridge * Tl fl"1 _ !_ 481- Milton 4 cr To Waltham Crofs, Stretham Ferry r 7 ? j 3 02 P- 133 u| Stretham 6,5 Waltham Abby i I2| ELY 4! 6S 4 Littleport j 73 ToHoddefdon,/. 133 17 ISouthery Norf, 6| 79! Hertford 4 21 Downham ^ 86 * Another Road, p. 141. 137] ROADS meafured from SHOREDITCH CHURCH. ("138 _ i South Runfton 3i 89^ Two Miles beyond Downham, on the Setchy, or Seeching 3! 93 Right, Stow Hall, late Sir Thomas Hart* B^rt. North Runclon Hardwick 2 II 95 9** The Caftle at Caftle Rifing belongs to the Earl of Suffolk. Lynn Crojs \ If 98 Sandringham, late Major Hofte, jaovv Gay wood Toll-Gate 2 IOO Mrs. Henley. South Wootton Cafile Rifeng, Ch. I 2 101 103 Mount Amelia, Major Gardener. At Newbridge are the beautiful Plan- tations of Mrs. Styleman. Sandrihgham Lodge 3 1 06 At Snettiihara, the Seat of Nicholas Derfingham i 107 Styleman, Efq. [ngoldulhorpe Mount Amelia i i 108 109 At Heacham, Edmund Rolfc, Efq. At Hunftantcn are the Seats of Si Edward AlHey, Bait, and Nicholas New Bridge i no Styleman, Eiq. Sncttijham i in N T ear the Cliff is a Bathing Seat of die Heacham 2 ZI 3 Earl of Mountrath. Hunftanton HuHJtantQ.ti Cliff 2 I "I 116 f Another Road to Lynn, p. 157. VIII. GREAT AND DIRECT ROADS' Meafured from WHITECHAPEL CHURCH : With the ROADS branching from them to Market and Sea-Port TOWNS. LONDON to Newmarket jL. to Layton Stone 2 ST. and Lynn. Snarefbrook M To Mile End, Muid. I VVoodford ^ Iz Bow i4 if Woodford Wells Stratford, Ejffex i Eppftfg 7i\ l|| (39] ROADS meafured from WHITECHAPEL CHURCH. [140 'otter's Street 4l a ( .light of Sawbiidgeworth is Hyde Hall, Flarlow 2 2 1 Sir Jocelyn Conyers. Sa\vbridgeworth, J Left of Hockeril, Thorley Hall, - Raper, Efq. Herts 3z 20| To the Riyht of Stanftead is Stanfteae liockeril, EjTex ; or, Hail, William Ht-ath, Efq. Bifhops Stortford, At 36!, on the Left, Ousndcn Flits; JT ' 1 O (-V Henry Cranmer, Efq. Stanftead-, If ex 24 ~4 3 At 39!, on the Right, is Shortgrove, a Seat of the Earl of Element. Qnendoii 3i 36] At 41, on the Right, Audley Houfe, Newaor.fi -, ? Sir John Griffin Griffin, K. B. r Littlebury 3-1 42! . , } To R. of Bournbridge is Horfe Heath, the Scat of Lord Mcuntfort. [ The Bournbridge, Camb. 4" 44* Houfe pulled down, and the Mate rials advertifed to be Sold, 1777.} The Firft Ditch 61 55l On the Left of Newmarket Heath art Devil's Ditch 1 Gogmagog Hills, on which Loid Newmarket 4 6o| Godulphin has a Seat. L. to Red Houfe, Suff. Barton Mills Si 65f LONDON to Chipping L. to Hobb's Crofs ,1 "2* Ongar. A Lodge on the Right 5 4- 74. To Leyton Stone, /. - -O Heath on both Sides I 7C 138 ~~ ST. Between Wangford Church Left, and a Farm Houfe Right Brandoa Methwold, Norfolk Stoke Ferry 5" 8 2 / ^ ?8 x 86| At the Obeli/k, Right to Woodford Bridge Chigwell Abridge Hare Street Chipping Ongar Jf '1 3 li 21 \Yarchim _ ji 00 At Woodford Bridge, on th e Left, Ray Seeching Weil Winch 8 2 98 99i Houfe, Sir James Wright, Bart, and on the Right, Cla^bury, Edward Harvey, Efq. Hardwick i| ioo| Beyond Chigwell, on the Right, Rolls, 'Lynn IT 102 William Harvey, Efq. and a little ~ farther, on the Lett, Wo olfton, Another Road to Lynn, p. 136. George Scott, Efq. To the Right of Layton Stone is Wan- ftead Houfe, a magnificent Sett of Earl Tiiney. To the Lefc of 14 is Copt Hall, John Converj, Efq. and near it is War- le"?,' M'fs Carter. At 1 6, to the Right, is Albyns, Si: Anthony Thomas Abdy, Bart. To the Right of Hare Street, is Nave- ftock Hall, Earl Waldgrave. To the Right of zo, Kelvedon Hall, John Wright, Efq. andMyles, John At Hartoyv, on the Right, is the Seat of Mr. Gardiner. Luther, Efq. Near Ongar is Greenftead Kail; Johr. Redman, Efq. I . 141] ROADS meafured from WHITECHAPEL CHURCH. [141 ' LONDON to Cambridge, j Longford Lodge 2 i i 86 1 by Epping. iiii borough Iv I 7 | ToCheflerford,/. 139 Cambridge (44! 8 ;2i Sivajfaian Newton 4 41 94 Another Road, p. 1 36 \ Tittlefhall Fakcnham 6 6 104! iio-i To Harlc\v, /. 139 'Sherring Street , 2 26 Honghton Waljlngham }! "5 J r iO| Hatfield Heath D L. to Wells 4f J2I Hatfield Broad-Oak 2 2o| Witl-.in 5 Miles of Swaffham, to tht Adjoining to Hatfield is New Barring- ton Hall, John Shales Barrington, Efq. Left, is Narford Hall, the Seat c Brig^ Fountaine^ Efq. One Mile farther is Narborough Hall, Henry Peyton, Efq. To Newport, p. 139 i $?i On the Right cf Swaffham, 3 Miles, fs Nefton, William Mafoi, Efq. 'Saffro n Wai Jen, Eifex 3| 4^1 Within a Mile of Newton, to the Left. Little Walden 2 . .1 are the Ruins of Caftl-Acre Abby: Hadftock 47 late Earl of Leicefter, now Wenrrur: Linton, Camb. if T / 48| Coke, Efq. Near Newton, to the Right, is Lex- ' ham folnnpl WoH 'hnn r . To .A eonfiarket, p. 1 39 Soham, Camb. 60, 1 At Tittiefhall is God-.vick Hal', an c'ent Seat of Lord Chief Jullic Coke, now of Wenmtin Coke, F.fc 10 On the Left of ic8 is Rav i u,n ToKenutxartet p. l*o 6o| the Seat of Lord Vifc. Townftend j Chippcnham 3l anJ a few Miles to the Left ol Raynham is Hou-hten Hall, a Seat At Chippenham is the Seat formerly of the Earl of Orford. of Admiral RvifTel, Earl of Orrorc. At Walfingham is the Scat of Ivi now of Crifp Molyneaux, Efq built Warner, Efij. formerly an Abby. by Inigo Jones. Within two Miles to the Left of Weil- ii Holkham Hall, the . kit of tht To Red Houfe, /. 1 30 - Of-i late Earl of Leicefter, now of Wen- man Coke, Efq. Mildenhall, Si:/. si 69} At Mildenhall are the Seats of Sir Charles Bunbury, and . . Rufh brook, Efq. To IFalflngbam, above Burnham Norf.- u6| LONDON to Wells in Within five M'lss of Burnnam, it the Left, is Docking, the Seat oi Norfolk. Mrs. Henlev, enriched with beauti- ful Plantations. To Brandon, p. 139 Tjj Within three Miles is Brancaffer, for- Mum ford Br. Norf. si * ) ' i ! merly a Roman Camp, (Brandolir- 143] ROADS meafured from WHITBCHAPEL CHURCH. [144 i ..I num) remarkable now for a Melt- iL O N D O N to NORWICH. boufe built of Stone, fuppoled to be the largeft in the Kingdom. To Newmarket, p. 1 39 L. toRedHoufe,5/: S| 6i' LONDON to C To Brandon, />. 139 R. to Ickborough Street, Nor/. If 'at fan Tuttle-Green Crofs Derebam Hoolcundellington Bawdfwick Rep eh am Sail Street Sax thorp Grefham Street ^rom , i 6i | 41 4 4s er. 84 951 ipol 103! J8|| u6 4 uaf Barton Mills Crofs a Brook flraight over the Heath be- tween two Lodges Thetford, Norf. R. a Windmill to the Left A Stone Crofs to the Left Larlingford Frettle Bridge Attleborougb Wyndham Hetherfet s! J I it 3 4 2 69! So" 81 J4* 8/f 93l 99| Cramer 4" j ) - > * 1Z /4 Cringleford 2| 1 06 Within a Mils of Watton is Merton, NORWICH Colonel De Grey. NearRepeh^m, HevdonHall, William Wiggct Bulwer, Efq. And from thence to Aylefham 12 JI2I Near Saxthorp is Blickling, a Seat of the Earl of Jj'ickinghamihire ; Another RoadtoNorivicb, p, 147. Wolterton, the Seat of" Lord Wai- On the Right of Thetford is Eufton pole of Wolterton ; and ;>. few Miles Hall, a Scat of the Duke of Grafton. to the Left is Melton Conftr.ble, a One Mile from Wyndham, on tht Se:it of Sir Edward Aftley, Bart. Left, is Jtimbcrley I-ia)!, the Seat of Scor Cramer is Felbri^, the Seat of Sir Armine Wodehoufe, Bart. Major Wyndham. Within two Miles of Hetherfet, to the R. is Hethcl, Thomas Becon, Efq. To Watton, above 90! 3 Miles from Norwich i? BixleyHail. a Seat of the Earl of Rofcbcrry. Hingham Norf. 7 97i Three Miles and \ beyond Norwich AVyndham 6 103-1 is Spixworth Kail, Major Longe, To DerJ. 7 1 1 T 22 \Jlauntcd fo as to Ls Jan at a great Dif- C lay 3 r?5 iance. To Repeham, above 109! To Thetford^ above _U "Caflon 31 iizf E. Harling, Norf. 8 88 14)] ROADS meafured from WHiTKCHArEL CHURCH. [146 To Norwich, p. 144 ICQ Chelmsford I 28J Wurftead, Norf. tlf 1201 Right in the Middle of the N. Walfham Z~~ 12? i'^vn to Six Miles and a Half beyor.U Norwich is Ra.kbeath flail, hue Si/Horath Pfttus, liart. Springfield Boreham Street Hatfield Peverel 3] 30 33 34i Three Miles beyond No:th Vv r a ]fliam is Witham 2 I 371 Gunton, Sir HarbordHarboid, Bart. Riven-Hall End l| 39 TCpl v(*(\cin 2 LONDON to Dnnmmu. 1X^*1 V WUl/lI Gore Pit I 42 To Bow, Midd. 2 I Stanway 5 47 Stratford, E/ex I ,1 Lexden 2| 49! Layton Stone 2 5l Cokbefter I| Si Woodford Bridge 3f 9 j S tret ford Street, Sujf. 6 57 Chigwell Brantham i| $8 CbippingQngar, p. 140 io| 21 Copdock 5! 64 Leaden Roding ST 29! Ipjvuich 5 69 High Roding 2f "3 2 Kefgrave 31 ?2| Duttme-iu 4 ^6 Mertlelham *!' 74 To the Right of iS is Naveftock Hall, the Seat of Earl Waldegrave. Woodbridge Milton Street UfFord Street i 7 6| 77^ 79f LONDON to Yarmouth. Wickham Glenham 2 3 84! To Mile End, Midd. i Stratford 86 Bow l i z| Saxmundhaftt 3 89 Stratford, E/ex 1 3f Kelfall J r 90 R. to 11 ford 2 ! 3* Yoxford 93 Chadwell Street 9 Henton Street z P The Whalebone Rumfcrd I 10 ii Blyborougb iHenham Park on R. 9 2 2 P I GO Hare Street I j 2 i ScCeiet 8 1 08 Brook Street Brentvjoed 3s if i8 2 Hadfko Dam, Nor/. Fritton 6 rl i I 10^- Shenfield irt Garlefton 4- ~ * Mountnefling Street 2 21 Little Yarmouth j| i 122 fngateftone 2 2 3 Yarmouth I 12? Margaretting Street Stifled 2. I - 25 At 6, on the Left, is Alder/brock, Widford \floulfham i 1 2. I I 2 rl Z /l Edward Hulfe, ECq. and farther to the Left, is Wanrfed Houfe, a aiag nificeut Seat of Earl Tilney. 147] ROADS meafured from WHITECHAPEL CHURCH. [148 To the Lett of Ilford is Valentines, Sir Chirks Raymond, Highlands, William Webber, Efq. and Cran- brook, Andrew Moffac, Efq. A little beyond Rumford, on the Left, is Gidea Hall, the Seat of Richard Benycn, Efq. At 13, on the Right, is Hare Hall, the Seat of J. Wallinger, Efq. To the Left of 15 is Dagnam Park, Richard Neave, Efq. At 18, on the R..isThorndon Hall, a new-built Seat of Lord Pctre ; and on the Left of Ingateftone is Writtlt Park, another Seat of his Lord/hip. At 23! , on the Left, Th Hide, Tho- mas Brand Hollis, Efq. To the Left of 25 is Coptfold Hall, Mrs. Holden. At a6|, on the Left, Hylands, J. R. Corny ns r Efq. At 28, on the Right, MouIfliamHall, Lady Mildmay. On the Right of 31 is New Houfe. the Seat of Richard Hoare, Efq. and on the Left is New Hall, the Seat of Lord Waltham. To the Right of 39 is Braxted Lodge ; Peter DuCane, Efq. To the Left of Kelvedon is Fcslijc Hall, Daniel Mathews, Efq. Near Ipfwich is the Seat of Thomai Fonnereau, Efq. and a few Miles to the Right is Na&on, a Seat of the late Edward Vernon, Efq. now of the Earl of Shipbrooke. At Glenham is the Seat of Dudley North, Efq. LONDON to Norwich, the Coach Road. To Cbelmsford, p. 1 46 R. at the Town's End to Brodrafield zf 31! Little Waltharn if 32! Blackwater St. Ann's 31 36 Young's End z 38 \B rain tree Bocking Street jHigh Garret 'Haljlcd Bulmer-Tye Guide- Poll Sud bury * Suff. By Rodbridge Street to Long Melford By Shipling, Thorn, and Cockfield, to Bradfield Bury St. Edmund's f Ixworth Buddefdale Schole Inn Stratton NORWICH , 10 113-3 T'o Norwich by "Newmarket, p. 144. * Another Road to Sud-bury^p. \ 49. f Another Road to Bury, beloiv. At Long Melford is a noble old Seal called Melford Hall, belonging to th late Sir Cordel Firebrace, Bart. alf Kentwell Hall, the Seat of John Moore, Efq. and at. the South Em! of the Village is an old Seat of Si, Mordaunt Martin, Bart. 40 43 !< S4i 571 65 TO! 77i 86 931 LONDON to Bury St. Ed- mund's, by Neivmartet. To Newmarket, p. 1 39 Kenford Bridge Barrow Bridge Bury St. Edmund's 75 Another Road above. About two Miles beyond Barrow Bridge, to the Right, is Ick\vorth, the Seat of the Earl of Briftol. 149] ROADS meafured from WHITECHAPEL CHURCH. [150 LONDON to Bury St, Edmun To Bury, p. 148 Thetford, Ntf. Wat ton Shipdam Dereham Holt Clay r J!ay d'i. 12 12 5 5 18 3 ,.J ,j 94l 99f |To Sudbury, p. 148 iChilton Park La4 1 Or, To Cbclmsfora, p. 146 Great Baddow Mai Jan, p. 152 Ne.-.r Danbury, on the Righ Piare, Thomas Ffytche, s| t, Da Efq. 28| nbuij Hadley Adam's Elm Milton Hall South Church l{ 2 . !_ 36! 4i 4 /L2 Adam's Elm, aleve Lee I X 'i Q -4- 391 To Maiden, p. 152 Snoreham Southminfter 37f 425 47i 5 Adam's Elm, above Prittlewell t T- *4 4^ To MaUon, p. 152 Snoreham Althorn 3 urn ham 3i x 42 f 49* LONDON to Till To Rumford, p. 145 R. inMiddleoftheTov/n tc Hornchurch Upminfter R. to Corbet's Tye South Okendon Stifford Grey's Thurrock Tilbury Fort A nearer Way to ( by Gra , Ham ' Gaf- To Raleigh, above R. to Sawn's Green 34 i ; >s5] [I 5 6 C R O S S ROADS. ' ANDOVER to BATH. ASHBOURN to Marujield. To Everley II ; To Kniveton 3 ' Devizes 15 26 Carfington 3f BATH, p. 45 1 9 4> fKirkfonoffb 9i Wigvvell 'I IO 4 APPLEBY to DURHAM. Hottftandel Bridge 2 I2 i To Brought Weftm. 8 Critch T I J 4i Bowes, Yorkjb. r 3 21 Wingfield 2 i6| Barnard Caftk, D urh . 4 26 dlfreton 2-J- 19 Staindrop 5 31 Sutton Notf 5l 2 4z Raby i 3 2 Mansfidd 3l 28 Weft Aukland \ 37 Bifhops Aukland 3 40 ASHBOURN to Manchefter. DURHAM 10 50 ' I f\ \< nt"tr^rn rT r^n if* I O At 7, on the Lft, is Streatham Caftle, JL w U U L CLJlil i 1\J U H- Leek, Staff. 4." a Seat of the Earl of S trathmore; Ti '5 and at Raby, is Raby CafUe and Bofley, Cbeflj. 7 2 I j Park, belonging to the Earl of Macdesfield 27 Darlington. Poynton , 34 At Biihops Aukland is the Palace and Park of the Bifhop of Durham. Norbury Stockport i 4 Is 39 ARUNDEL to CHICHESTER. Manchefter, Lane. 7 46 To Almsford Hill _ __ _ 2 Mackerel's Bridge 3 x 3! ASHBOURN to Sheffield. Croker Hill 6 To Spen Lane B* Vfaudiing 2 8 New Inn 3 j| CHICHESTER 2 10 Newhaven 3f o| On the R. a little beyond Arundel, is R. .to Conkfbury 3| ArnnJel Caftle, Duke of Norfolk. Bakewell ji At 4< to the Right, is Slindon, Ear) Haffop 3 i^i of Newburgh. To the Right of Maudling is Good Wood, Duke of Richmond. Calver Grindleford Bri^ee J i' 2 20 22 ' i-j CROSSROADS. [i>8 Overlongand high Moors t Little Sheffield, Torkj. Sheffield 9 3 1 i | 32 At Great Malvern, curious painted Glafs in the Priory Church. From the Hill, a moft rich and beautiful View of ihe Vale of Evefham. 2^ Mi les beyond Afh bourn is LXwedale> an.] Ham, Mr. Porte. At Hafljp, the Seat and Plantations of BATH to Birmingham and Derty. Mr. Eyre. To the Monument ) on Laadfdown ASH BOURN to Cbefterfield. Toll-Down Houfe iCaftle-Hands Inn 5 3 9 12 To Knivetoa 3 } [Petty France, Gloc. */ 3 15 Cariington 31 Frbfter H 29 Cromfcrd 7* 1 4 | GLOCESTER * 12 4 1 Matlock Bath i Longford 2 43 Matlock 2 17- Twigwwth l| 44| Kelitedge 3i 20| TevJkftjury 7 Walton 4i 2 5 Shire Stone and Br. 34 r - I Chefterfield 2 27 Ripple, Wore. 56 Sever nftoke 60 AUST FERRY to WORCESTER. Kemfey 3 WORCESTER 4 67 To Beachly, Gloc. 3f Drcit-ivich 7 74 Sudbury 2 Broorr.fgro-ve 6 80 Strode Avington l\ r6| Birmingham^ War\v. LlCHFIELD, StGjf- 14 94 I 10 Alberton Ji 12 Burton on Trent 12 722 Lidney I 13 Derby 12 1-4. Selloe Little Michel Michel Dean 6' 31 M| 24! *From Ghcefter to Wor- . ce/fsr, another Road. Chilcot 5l viz. Nfiaent ,j 4 To Upton 17 Catesford -* 24 Powick 7 2.4 Ledbury, Here/. "v 391 WORCESTER 2 i 26i Lower Michel l k 4 1 Near Severnfloke is Crome, a Seat of Colwa Green TU r* \X7-T*j1i ^\ 1 ** 43^; the Earl of Coventry. 1 nc Wytcn, cr T ,. MalvernHill, J " 2 45^ BATH to Falmaut.b. Malvern 1-1 47l To Radftock, Seat. 1 , 7 Powick 5i 5*1 Old Down 6 j. WORCESTER * 55 WELLS 6 19 1 59] CROSSROADS. [160 Polttiam 3 22 Bitten, Glocejt. \ If Glajionbury *! *4l Will's Bridge i $ Street 2 z6| Hanham it 8 R. to Walton ji l ^ 28 St. George J *i 9i Creinton %\ i| BRISTOL il ii Middlefey Lyng Duriton Monkton 3l j 2 *! 3)' 40 42 I 44? J^ 5/. George the Read joins, that hading from Brijtol, through Marjhjield, to London. Taunt-on * EXETER, p. 42 31 3 1 471 78| BATH to HEREFORD. Truro, p. 23 84 i6 2 | ToGLOCESTER>p.I58 4i Penryn 9 i7i| From thence to Falmoutb 2 73l HEREFORD, p. 62 3 ?i * Another Road from Eaih to Taunlon, p. 163. BATH to Nottingham. On the Left of Durfton is the Seat of Petty France, p. 15.8 Hi Lord Hawley. Didmerton, Gloc. 3 I7l . Tetbury 6 23l BATH to St. DAVID'S. Crofs Way 8 3^ To Twyverton, Sotn. 2 Cirencefter o I -2 34 Keynfham 6 8 Barnefley 4 r 38 Brifiington 4 io| Bibury 2| 4i BRISTOL f 2| J 3 Aldfworth i 3 k 44 Weftbury, Gloceji. 3 16 Shireborne J. 47 Compton 4 20 Sto^vje 4 54* Ayleverton ,i 3z ,,i Z 3? Morton 4* 5l Auft Ferry I| 2 5 Halford BridgCy War. io| 69 Crofs the Severn to Eatingdon 2| 7* Beachley 3 28 Wellfburne 4* 76 Chcpjtoiu, Monm. 3 3 1 Barford 3i 791 Ragland 15 46 Longbridge i i 1 4- 8f Abergam Briftol, i' Ridlands, the Seat of the late John Cottfin^, Efq. and on the Left o1 Weftbufv is King's Wefton, the Seal cf Lord Clifford. 'At HenbiTry, Blaize Caftle, I Farr, T. fq, fNear Cbepllo'v is Perfefield, the beau- f tiful Garcc'iS of Valentine Morris, I' Ef! Q! Before Workfop, on the R. Workfof Rangefw/orth " i j Manor, Duke of Norfolk. Crumhall Tortworth 3| I A t i ~~ ~ "~" BIT XT OK iQ.Warrington. ' Durjley JGam 2f Mols Houie, Vhejh. New Inn 3 l\ Cambridge GLOCESTER, above 10! 26| Macclesfield Broken Crofs 41 3 * V ' Chelford 5 i"i~ A Mile beyond Stapleton, on the Left, Ollerton Gates 3 20; 7 , is Sroke Houfe, the Seat of the late \Knotsford 2j 2 3 Lord Botetourt ; now of the Duke of Beaufort. \H r arrington, p. 89 II 34 A Mile beyond Crumhall, on the Left, is Tortworth Park, the Seat of Lord CAMBRIDGE to COVENTRY. Ducie ; who has, alfo, a Seat at Woodchefter, Spring Park, about four Miles from Durfley. On the Left of Durfley (which give; (the new Roaa To Fenny Stan ton, Hunting. y Title of Vifcount to the Ea/1 ot Godmanchefler 4 14 Beikeley) is Berkeley Caftle, his Huntingdon i ir Lord/hip's Seat, L. to Brampton Pound J l 1 61 '75l CROSS ROADS. [i: , [Ellington 3 I 9j {Northampton jSpaldwick JB y thorn 3f 271 St. James's End Eaft Haddon 2 5-1 K tfhrapjlon, Northa. 4 32 4 Well Haddon Cr an ford 5 37 Creake 2 3 6?- Barton Seagreave 39? fDunchurch, Warw. 4 7 70^ Kettering if COVENTRY, p. 78 ii Ki Ro-it-ell or Rotfaivell 4 45 Or, Deiborough 2 47 From Nortbampten 5 i Hermitage Houfe 2 49 to Daventry ii Little Bowden If 5 1 ! D unchurch g 69! Harborough, Leic. I 52 COVENTRY n L. to Lutterworth H 66 Another Road, p. 1 74. COVENTRY 15 81 Three Miles from Cambridge, on tht Another Road, below. R. is Maddingley Hail, the Seat of IJeyond Huntingdon, on R. Hinching- brook Houfe, Earl of Sandwich. I\vo Miles on the R. of Thrapfton is Sir John Hynde Cotton, Bart. About five Miles from Northampton i 1 Althorp Houfe and Park, formerl) the Seat of the Earls of Sunderland, Drayton, Lord George Germain; and two Miles on the Left is Wood- ford, a Seat of Lady St. John. Cranford, a Seat of Sir George Robin- but now of Earl Spencer; and about a Mile to R. of that is Holmby Houfe, where King Charles I. was tmprifon- ed by the Parliament Forces. fon, Bart. One Mile on the Right of Rowell is A few Miles to the Right of Hillmor- ton is Newbald Hfcll, the Seat of Sir Ru/hron, Lord Vifcount Cullen. A Mile on tbe R. itf Hermitage Houfe Francis Skipworth, Bart. Four Miles on this Side Coventry is is Dingley, a Seat of the late Lord Comb Park and ALby, the Seat oi Griffin,nowof J.P. Hungerford,Efq. Lord Craven. CAMBRIDGE to COVENTRY, CAMBRIDGE to Yarmouth. (the old Road.) To Quy, Camb. 5 To Burn Leyes Com. 7 Neva market 8 13 Elfley 4| u| Bottilhaw i H St. Neat's, Hunt. 5? 17 Bury '3! 2 7f Crofs the Oufe i 2 '7* Ixworth 7 H'" R. to Gr. Stoughton 7* 25 Buddefdale 9 43 i Perton Hill Bedf. i 26 Ofmondftone, Norf. 5 2 Yelden 5 31 [Harlefton ? Z 59 High am Ferrers, *ungay, Suff. 7 66 Northamptonfh. 3l 34f Beccles , i 55 7 1 ! Wellingborougb \k 39 From thence to Ecken S 44 Yarmouth, p. 146 15 86| i 7 7] CROSS ROADS. [178 Beyond Bury, on the Right, i Bothel I J 9 i Symons Efq. Three Miles beyond Bury, on the Left, Ceckermovtb 7! ^7* Sir Charles Bunbury. . Beyond Budd'efdale, on the Left, Row- CARLISLE to Allonby. land Holt, Efq. ;To Wigton, above - ic| CARLISLE to Egremont. !Waverton Weft Newton 6" 19 To Dalfton 41 ' Allonly ~ 22f Hawkefdale if 6 1 Upper Welton 4 H CARLISLE to Holm. Tkorney Stone 7 To Mocr Houfe 4f Uldale if I7~ Kirkbanton i| OT Oufe Bridge 41 2I !i Fingland 31 Q Cockernwuth 5 Kirkbride if ii Little Clifton 5 3 J f Long Newton 4 J 3f Diflington 4f 36] iMofs Side 2 Iji Morrefby N \Holm 2 : /2 rr rJlt BrJQ-^U ft 2 . _. I Henfingham If 42 CARLISLE to Bo-uuttefs. Egremont 4f 4 6f To Kirkandrews II To the Left of 7, Rofe Caftle, Biihop' of Carlifle. [Burgh Druraburgh 2 4 t 5f Bottitiffi CARLISLE to Kefwick. 'v JZi'JI Jn this Road yiu crofs and re-cr. f- jThorney Stone, above jLanglands Orthwaite ;} J 5 I the Pifts Wall at 6j, at 8, at 9!, 2t lo|, ?nd pafs the Welt End thereor' at the entrance of Bownef*,' ' formerly a Roman Station calleJ : High Side z\ 21 ; Blatvm Bulgivm- Little Croftthwaite 2 23 Kefvjick 4 2 7 ! : CANTERBURY to AJbford. CARLISLE to Cockermouth, by; To Shamford Street ; Chilham II s Wigtcn. Godmerl^am ' i -f 1 To Woodhoufes ^ J-i :Biking i{ 9i [Micklethwaite , gl Kennington 35 Wigton | lo4 '.^/W i-Jj I 4 f- Shaken Bridge 3 13! : -Vt ChiJham is Chiiham Caftle and : Newland's Row j z-' i6- T Park, tHf S;at (f Th'. Heron, Efq.- 1 Kirkland Guards 1 84 At Godmeifnm i; Ford Park, 'he Seat- 4 t '' 'li ;;:r ' " iC " ' * T '''^' 179} CROSS ROADS. [180 CAERMARTHEN to CW*>a*. l i Crofs the Thames to To Llanelwith Ch. . imo : w 3 2 3 V Darelbury High Walton Low Walton 2 X 6l Bonington Green jgl Takeley Street I9 : Flockerill 4 i 2-i; Z / 2 2 Si Warringtan, Lane. ,i J i 20| Bijlop Stanford ] i 34 CHESTERFIELD to Winftcr. ) COLCHESTER to Merfey. To Walton _ To Abberton Green ___ A Leading Gate 3 5 The Strode 2 f 7j N 2 183] CROSS ROADS. [184 Enter Merfey Iflc, and keej CRICKLADEIO Cirettcefter. the Right to To Latten ___ j Weft Merfey 2 9 South Cerney, Gloc. 2 ' 3 Or the Left to Eaft Merfey 3 10 Cirencejler 3i -1 CROYDON to Gui ToBeddington, Surry Iforc, r, 2 COLCHESTER toCAMBRiDOE. To Lexden, EJfe* 2 Carfhalton I 3^ Ford Street 3 5 Cheam 2| Wake's Coin 3 8 Eiuell 2 i 8 Earle's Coin 2 10 Epfom i| 9! Stonebridge I ii Leatherhead J 3 Plaljhad HI *3^ Fetcham i 14 Brook Street 2 K* Great Bookham if Iji Swan Street if *7~ Little B.ookham 16 Haver ill, p. 149 II 28 Effingham i 17 Nithersfield, Camb. 2 3 Eaft Horfley i i8| Horfeheath 5 3? Weft HorHey i 1 91 Linton 3 T Eaft Clandon i 20| Abington 3 4*2 Weft Clandon i Crofs the London Road tr Merroe i 22|; Newmarket j and by Guilford 2% Gogmagog Hills to f 6- 48 At Beddington is the Seat of the an y* 2 TT cicnt Family of Carew. On Gogmagog Hills is the Seat of Lord Beyond Leatherhead, on the Right, in Godolphin. a Bottom, is Lord Tyrconnell. At Fecham, rifing the Hill from Lea- CRANBROOK to Leiues. therhead, Sir George Warren, who married Mr. Rebel's Daughter and To Hartley, Kent Tub's Lake i 2 3 Heirefs. See on the Right, the Duke of New- caftle's Plantations on St. George's Hyc Gate 2 ^ Hill by Chobbam j the Tower and Hawkhurft I 6 Buildings in the Garden of Pain'6 Cuper's Corner L. to Hurft Green 2 I 8 9 Hill, atChobham; and Botleys, Sir Jofeph Mawbey's. To the Right of the Tower fee Mr. R. to Burwafh 5 14 Paine'?, at Weybridge ; to the Left, Leives 19 33 Sir Thomas Sewell's, by Chobham. At 6, on the Left, are El ford j the Seat At Great Bookham, on the R. Eaft wick Park, Earl of Effingham's ; of Samuel Boys, Efq. and a frrul! and on the Left, a Houfe built by but ancient Building called the Hali the hre Admiral Broderick, novr Houfe. Lord Downe's. CROSS ROADS. [186 At Little Bookham, on the Right, a Three Miles before Nottingham, on L. new Brick Houfe, Mr. Pollens. Wollafton Hall, Lord Middleton. At Eaft Horfley, on the Right, James Two Miles beyond Nottingham, on Fx, Efq. late Lord Birtgl*y's. the Left, Cholwick, Mr. Mutters. At Weft Horfley, on the Rig it, Henry Three Miles on L. Holme Pierpoint, Perkins Wefton, Efq. formerly the late Duke of Kingfton. Nicholas's. A little beyond Saxondale, the Road At Eaft Clandon, on the Right, Mr. turns to the Left, and keeps upon Summer's, built by Admiral Bof- the Fofs Way, a Roman Road from cawen ; formerly the Heaths. Leicefter to Lincoln. At Weft Clandon, Lord Onflow, Clan /-\ don Park. Or, Before Guilfird, fee Stoke, on the R. From 'Nottingham to Jeremiah Dyfon, Efq. Red Hill 4 IQ- About tvo Miles beyond Gullford, on the Left, is Lolely, Mifs Moly- neaux. Oxton Southwell 41 41 2 9 * Upton 2 31 DARTFORD to Sevenoaks. iKelham 3 To Darent, Kent Sutton Street Farningham i 2 i 2 u Wifby Wood Brace Bridge LlKCOlN 2 7f 3 44| s3i Aynesford i 64 r * j J f Shorham 2| 9 i At Kelham, Lord George Sutton. OrfrirvJ _ J vyirura Sewnoaks 3 13!; DERBY to CHESTER. A little beyond Aynesford, on the R. To Mickle Over ___ 3i is Lallingftone Place and Park, the Seat of Sir John Dixon Dyke, Bart. Etwall Hilton 2 1 ^ Fofton ^~ II; DERBY to Nottingham and AHon jl I ^ LINCOLN. Sudbury 4 L& To Sorrow's Afli 4 Doveridge -li 17"' Shackle Crofs i 5 Crofs Doe River to z ' Rifky 2 X 7f Utloxetet; Staff. 2 i9. x Sandy Acre l| 9 Strain {hall l| Stappleford, Ncft. I 10 iBeamhurft ll 221 Lenton 4 H Checkley 2| & Nottingham if 2 Upper Tean l| 26] Radcliff ji z\ jDraycot l| 28 Saxondale 2! 2 3i Enter Meer Lane 2 3^ Stoke n* 1~A. ?i| Meer I 1 Newark - V 3i( 34-1 Lfcne End if 33* 187] C R OS S ROADS. [188 jjDelph Lane i 34 Ardfley * 3 13 ;Stoke if 35f Dodworth 4 \7i Nt(f.ey 2| i "- Rofherham 3 12 . " Tinfley Car Brook J i DOKCASTER tO Ke To Red Houfe /g/l y- ( Attercliff < 7 ff* J J i , T _ o L. to North lilmfal 4 9 shepela '5 lo Wragby 14 Wakefield 6 20 . DONCASTER to Mancbefter. Eaft Ardfley 4 1 34 i Tn Mir Rrnnrliff j -I U Jvl tli Hickleton 2 6 L> 1 till V Jill Adwalton i 2 9 | Darfield 4 10 Wifkef>Hill r f 3i 2 189] CROSS ROADS. [190 Bradford Cottingley Bridge iBingley Keigbley \k I 34 3l 39i 44 the ancient Town of Stonar, the Lapis Tifali of the Romans. Ebsfleet, a place of Great Antiquity, famous for the landing of the Saxons under Hengift. , At Ragby, on the Right, Noftal Park, Sir Rowland Wynn, Bart. About two Miles to the Right of St. Peter's is King's Gate, a de ightfijl Seat of the late Lord Holland, now DONCASTER to Grimjly. of Mr. Charles Fox. 1 ToHatfield, Yorkjb.\ ' 64; ^UNSTABLE to Bedford. Stewarth o 3 | -.11 ** O.i Houghton Regis *f ,Lovill Crowle, Line. i| 91 19! Chalgrave Tuddington 2| i 4 i Burringham Claxborough i* 4i 21 Weftoning Flitwick , i 1 2 8 9l 'Burton Stather 3 zS| Dennel End I IQi Wintrington 4f 33 I Ampthill ^1 12 North Fereby 41 Bedford 8 2O ; j Barton 31 40-1 At Chalgrave, Lieuten-nt Genera!: Barrow 3 43l Parflow. Thornton 2| 46 1 At Flitwick, Fi&er, Efq. Kifmington Kelby Lafeby 4f 4i 41 55 2 59l Beyond Ampthill, on the R. Haughton' Conqueft, late Marquis of Taviftock;; on the Left, Ampthill Great Park, Earl of Oflbry. Grim AMI 4T 74 > J -/ Ti / r ELY to Bury St. Edmund's. DOVER to Ramfgate and To Dulbridge 1 5 ; Margate. Sobam 2| 5?' To Kingfwold g Ferdham Bridge, Sujf. 3l 9"- Walmer if 7\ Grange Water 3! I2 I' Deal 2. if 1 z q Barrow Bridge c j J4 iSf- (Sandwich Z c j The Spittle Ik 22 Ebsfleet j z 16 Bury St. Edmund 's I 2J Cliff's End | i : St. Lawrence if 1 8| ELY to PETERBOROUGH. Ramfgate ! jTo Wichford, Camb. 3, St. Peter's 3 22 J IWicham 2| 5v [Margate 3 251 Meypole if ? t j A little beyond Sandwich are a few I jChattens 4f fmall Houfes, tru-. only Remains o Garter'sBridge, Hunt. 2 I3 ^i IQI] CROSS ROADS. [192 North Bridge 54 ,g3 Wakefield 6f iof ! Bonder's Bridge 3l 22l Horbury ^i 13 ^Horfey Bridge 4 26| Over Shittlington 4 I jf Stangrave 2 28! Grange Park 17 'PETERBOROUGH, Almond bury *! 2l| Northamptonjkf if 29! Huddersfield 23f EXETER to Ilfracomb. Grange Park, Sir John Litter K.aye, Bart. To Sy ar Newton , De-v 4i Near Almondbury, Wood/ham Hall, Dtinfum Houfe /^> / , . If J? Earl of Dartmouth. C, re ait on Druxford 2 9! FERRYBRIDGE to Leeds. Marchut 4 1 Brother ton I Hunts ford 3i 177 Fairburn a 2 2 Chawley Ghimleigh Chingtou Houfe Chidingford 2 I 4f ^ At 5! Left to Weft Garforth Whitchurch Haltoa 61 2 I 9 1 1 12 Beatford \ ^ 29! Leeds. 3 J > Bathing 6| To the Lfi> before you turn off from Ronfom ji 37 the great North Road, is Ledftron Barnftaple Marwood i 3 P 4 1 Hall and Park, an old Seat of the Earl of Huntingdon ; the Lodge in the Park commands a very exteiifivc Ilfracomb 6 47 Profpeft. To the Left of Whitchurch is Tsrnple EXETER to Minehead. New/ham, Lord Irwin. To Stoake, Devon Rew i 41 FLAM BOROUGH to Scarborough. Silverton 2 a 7 To Speeton, Yorkjh. 6 Long Caufeway 4f u| Rich ton li 7* Ti-Tjerfon 2 I I 3l Hunnanby 2| 10 Bamptoif 6|; 2O- Scamore 6~ i6| Gilberts 2 2 2 3 Scarborough 4f 21 Berry, Somerf. | i 24!' Lime Kilns R j T^ 2- ; : 33zij GLOCPSTER to COVENTRY. Embercum Minehead 3 4 F (To Heydon's Elm 3 s ? jBedlam 2 J 6 8 FERRYBRIDGE to Hit To Pontefraft Purfton Tackling ddersfield. T|; L,hfltenbam Preftbqry JThe Beacon 1 9 f sl 193] CROSS ROADS. [194 Winchctmb 3 i6| Norton I 38 Didbrook 3 i9l The Lickey 2 40 Snowlhill Ik 23 Northfield 4i 44l Campdin Si 2 8i Edgbaflon, Warnu. 3i 41 Mickleton 21 3i Birmingham 5! Clifford 6} 371 Saltlev 4 5^1 Stratford on Avon, Caftle" Bromwich 4l S6J Wanvickih. il 39! Bacon's End U 58 Clopton Park 41 44 I Meriden 4 6 4 f Longbridge ,1 2 i ^i Allefley 4 68f Warwick i| 4 s COVENTRY 2 ?c| COVENTRY, p. 160 10 58 Leicefter, p. 160 Hi 95 O.i the Right of Winchcomb are the On the Left of 1 6 is Ombrefley, tke Ruins of Sudeley Caftle ; and four Seat of Lord Sandys. Miles beyond it is Tuddington, the Seat of" Lord Tracy. HEREFORD to Montgomery , IT* T> /i . /" ' " * To Prefteign, /. 63 2 3i GLOCESTER to Cirencejier. iNorton, ^ V UlbVJil Barnard i 2 Clunn, Salop 5 33 Hugglecot Badg worth Burlip i i 3 3 4 7 Blynn Redcourt, Mont. Montgomery *! fl 3i 35| 4i| 45 Along the Fofs Way On the Right, within a Mile of to Cirencefter 10 i? Montzomery, is Powis Caftle, a Seat of the Earl of Powis. HEREFORD to Leicefter. HEREFORD, by Ledbury, to ToShecknall, Heref. _ 6 ' * * ' WORCESTER. Lower Eagleton 2 Q To Tupfley 21 Frome's Hill y 4 J 13 Lugwardine i 3 Ridgevvay Crofs 3 16 Barteltree if 4l Sinton, Worceft. 3f! J 9i Dormington if 6 Braunsford *? f Stoke Edith 2 8 Braunsford Bridge i 22| Tarrington I 9 Wo R c E s T E R 2 i ".-. Hi Poole End 2 ii Fennel Green 2| 2 7 | The Trumpets I 12 Droitvjich 3l 31 Ledbury Mills ; 3 15 Upton 3 34 Ledlury i 16 Brootf:fgro--ve 3! 371 WORCESTER, p. 157 ir 1 ll >i 3'! i 9 >] CROSS ROADS. [196 Two Miles to the Right of Tupfley i- Sutton Court, the Seat of Sir Jame; Hereford, whofe Family has poflefiei; the fame ever fince 1223, the Vllth of Henry the Third. ' Sutton, Camb. : VVentworth Whichford ELY 4l i 1 2 2I| HEREFORD to Aberga To Paulet, " Somerfet. Pertington Woolavington Aflaton nerti I 7 '/t. Jl 5 + HUNTINGDON to To Hemingsford St. l6 Henton 4 ^nj Routon Northeep Cromer 2 62| 64 66 Chetham Green Manchejier 2 43* Five Miles from Aylefham is Gunton Hall, Seat of Harbord Harbord, Efq. LEEDS to Halifax. To Kirkftall Bridge 2 KEN DAL to Ha-iut To Bonning Yate 5/&M d. 3l Stanningley Bradford Great Horton If 2 O 6 i?i Winander-Meer Ferry Briers Sawray Ha-wkjhead Si I I 2 9 10 ii Begrington Halifax Another Road, viz. To Birftall, /. 197 si 3 J5* ii R. to Gomerfal i ri LEEDS to Mancbefter. Spen Hall i 8f iTo Beefton i| Bellybridge 3f :Chirwell 5 3 Lightclift i2^ Morley 4 Hipperholm i 13^ SirftaH 2 i H Halifax 2 I 16 O 2 199] CROSS ROADS. [200 LEEDS to Tadcafter. Banutry Yorkfli. 3 30 i To Seacroft 4 Roffington Bridge 4 34z Kidhall 3l 71 Doncafter 4 3^i Over Bramham Moor to Tadcafter To the Left of 8, Bramhan nPar 14 k. Sir LLANBEDER to Aberiftwoith. John Goodrick, Bart. To Llanleir, Card. 6 To the Right, beyond jo, Haflewood Velindra r| y| Hall, Sir William Vavafor, Bart. Llanrufted N 16 LlCHFIELD to Buxton. Abcrijli'jifb /4 2 34 To Hanfacre, Staff. 41 LUDLOW to Derby. Hill Ridware l| 6 Rock's Green, Shrop. ____ ji Blithbury l] ?2 The Moor ,i - 1 Abbots Bromley 3 i lof Botterel Afton -I 10 i Bagots Bromley 12 Wrickton l ii Uttoxeter 51 17! Down 2 4T Spath Crakermarfti irisj i\ In i 7 i y 4- Bridgencrtb Wyken i Z 3 2 22i Rowoefter 2 f 2l| / Shipley 4 2uy Ellafton Mathfield Afbbourn, Derb. Buxtony p. 96 2ol 261 Trefcot, Staff. Compton Wol'verhampton Wednesfield 3 3 i 2 2Qj 32T 34 S6 j Another Road, p. 222. Bloxwich ^i Before 3, on the Left, Haunch Hall. Pelfal If 41 Three Miles beyond Aflibourn, Ilam ; Mucklcy Corner 4i 4sf Mr. Porte. See p. 97. Pipe Hill 4^1 At 4! crofs the Navigable Canal, from the Merfey to "rent. LlCHFIELD Street Hay Winchnor Bridges i 3 2 tof Branfton 4 58-! Burton on ^Trent 2 LINCOLN to Done Gainjborough To Stretton Gainjborougb (2/Tf/' ' b ) 9l 18 Monk's Bridge, Derb. jLiltle-Derby lioufe Derby 5 64 67 7 2 8| .Walkrith Ferry Walkeringham, Nott. 3 21 22 LYNN to Harwich. Gringley 2 2 2 4l To Hardwick l4 Kverton 3 ij Middleton N 5 zoi] CROSS ROADS. [202 Bilney 3 7| |Doddington 6 Nerford 3-i IO$ Newnham 2 5 S-jjaJfbam 4i ij OTpring 4 Stanford 9 24 Bockton Street- 4 2 3. Croxton 6 3 i CANTERBUR v 6 29 The ! f ord 1 1 i Barn ham Sff. Tckworth Thorp Ixworth 2 I 5 2 34~ 39 4.1 MAIDSTONE to Gitilfo :To Ditton, Kent] rd. 4 Wetherden 7 1 T. Gallick Hill 5 o Haylcy New-Street Sto-v Market / 2 i 49 1 Borough Green ilgtham i J QV Needham 3 cc Seal Charte 'f 13 Ipfvjicb, p. 196 Boan Bridge ShotleyGate andFerry 9f if J ^ 66 '" Seal \Ri- 39l Billingford Leonard Bridge Attlebridge Dray ton NORWICH * Thuritoa 5 3! j ? $ 9 37 4 42 Darking jWeftcott Abbinger Hammer Gumfnall Shere Guilford 3^ -- 1 4*1 if| 44 7 is 49! 5 541 Hadfko 9 60 A little beyond Ditton, on the Left Yarmouth oJ 6ol is Braciborn Houfe, the Seat of Si- s l. S ~ Rc^er Twifden, Bait. * Another Road from Norwich A little beyond Riverhead, on th< to Yarmouth, p. 209. Left, is Montreal, the Seat o! 1 Lord Amherft ; and on the Righi !MAIDSTONE toC^ XTER.EURY. is Chirfled IMace, the Seat of i Pol hill, Efq. iTo Berftead, Kc-.n j 4 Ne.ir Sundridgs is Coonibank, a Ses IHollingbourn 71 7 t;f the late Duke of Argyll's, no\\ CROSS ROADS. 204] of Lord Frederick Campbell, hij Tefton jWateringbury Grace's fecond Son. To the R. of 10 is Che vening Place, I.'* 1 *" 4 "5*""7 i a Seat of the Earl of Stanhope. j ! Mereworth Crofs iAt Brafted is a.iotru-r Seit of LoniljRothng Hall Frederick Campbell; and ^ a MiliiiGoofe Green beyond it is Hill Park, a Seat of iHadlovv tire Earl of Hiliborough, famous I & / / f r ~ f , / unbnaye f >r fine Cafcades. * T . At Wefterham is Squirries, the Seat ( ^ uorr )' of John Ward, Efq. vSouthborow JAt Rye-gate, Robert Scawen, Efq. 'jNonfuch Green ;At BuckUnd, on the Left, Thoma* r u nbnii_ 'ye Wells Biaumonr, Efq. At Eaft B-tchworth, OB the Riaht, >"=' Tefton, on R. is Baram's Place, Mr. , late Mr. Kilby, "be-, the Seat of Sir Philip Boteler, Bart. f-jre Mr. Spooner. On the Left, 1 i A lirtle beyond Wateringbury is Wa beyond, Chriftopher Hervey, Efq. ' teringbury Place, the Seat of Sit At Weft Betchworth, Betchworth I Thomas Stile. Caftle, Mifs Tucker, formerly the TO the Left of Mereworth Crofs U Browns. Mereworth Caftle, the Seat of Lore At 43, on the Right, on the Hill, i| Le Defpencer. Dcnbiuhs. built by Jonathan Tvers Near Southborow, on the Right, is Old __ . ~ i 13 i_ u _ c .. r n^... c..*u.&. 4 . 7* 81 9l 134 now Hon. Peter King ; on the Left, Berry Hill, Edward Walter, Efq. \bout 45, on the Left, the Rookery, Richard Fuller, Ef-j. Banker. JAt 46^, on the Left, Woeton Plase, 1 Sir Frederick Evcl n, Bart. Bounds, the Seat of Baron Smythe; and New Bounds, the Seat of John Anfon, Efq MALDON to Rochford. T At 47, a ruinous Houfe, late Lord) 1 Donegal's. - N T orth Fambridge At Gurafhall is Towerhill, on the Left, Fambridge Ferry Reverend Mr. P.ray. South Fambridge Seyond Shere, on L. is Aloury Park,] ; T, i.f, r j Earl of Avlesford, and Weftor' KOCK >J or 3? ! I 3 It 8 n Houfe, William Mann GodfchallsJ Efq. formerly the Duncombes. MANCHESTER toWoRCESTER. ;yonrl this, on a Hill on the Left,! j-p is Martha's Chapel, at the Foot ot|[ which, on the South, is an old Seat. LI , , formerly the Randy!!?, now fot\\)MacttitsfieU S-..r-.cer'i. ;-Leek t Staff. ~ \Sandon [MMDSTOXE to Tun bridge and; Stafford 1'unbria'ge Wells. Duniton , To the Bower ' f \\Penkridge Barming Crols * 2| Spread Eajrle Banning f 3 ^Fol 12 13 |8| 4i 3i 3'! 205] CROSS ROADS. [206 Over Pen 2 72^ Tanfley ,1 Hi Himley 3* 76 [iMatlock i| 16 Seven Stars i n()i Crofs Derwent River to King's S win ford 1 i 77z Matlock Bath 2 18 'Stourbridge, Wore. 3 Before Tib/helf on the Right, Hard- Old S win ford i Sif wick Hall, a noble Houle of the Padmoor 3 82 1 Duke of Devonftiire. Holy Crofs, Staff. 2 8 4i Fore field Green 2 86| MANSFIELD to Newark. Broomfgro'-ve 4l 9l .To Shirewood Inn 3{ Upton 32 93l R. to Farnsfield 4 7f WORCESTER 3 ! 9^1 :Eddingley i 8| At Himley, Himley Hall, Lord Dud- Halam ley and Ward. Southwell if i r 10 1 1- A Mile beyond Padmoor, on the Left, Newark, p. 1 86 7 isl Higley, Lird Lyttelton. At icy, on the Left, Norwood, Sir RJ, ll trH ^nft.vn MANCHESTER to W Pendleton Green zrri) igton.' 2 Another Road, viz. Eccles 2 i ^i From Mansfield to Erlow 4 8 ! Shirewood Inn 3f Erlow Green i L. to Kirklington 6 9i Caddifhed i IO- Hockerton 2| 12 Hollin Green ii 11^ Aver ham 3 i Fiftleton Green 2l H FCelham i 16 Harrington 4i I8| Newark 2 n 18 MANCHESTER to Skitton. At Kelham, Lord Gaorge Button. Rochdale, Lane. 1 n| From MATLOCK Burnley Hi 2 7i to Chatfwortb ii Colne 6| 33! Ditto to Derby, p. 1 02 15 Skipton, Yorkfh. Ill 45! Ditto to Bakewell, D J O2 10 MANSFIELD to Mettlock Bath. Ditto to JJkbourn ii To Sfcegby, Nott. 3 Ditto to Chefterfield 1 1 Tibfhelf, ' Derb. ?l 64 Morton 2 2 01 M E R i D E N to Warwick . Stretton I I To Kennelworth c Butterlay 3l 13' Warwick S J 3 207] CROSS ROADS. [208 MIDHURST to WINCHESTER. NEWCASTLE to CARLISLE, (the eld Road.) To Woolbeding Br. l| To Pigfhill _> I'rooton Bridge 2 3| iXewborn l| sl Turwick M c Wilam 4i 10 Rogate J 6 iOvingham 2 12 Maiden Oak l| 7l iOvington f I \- Durford, Hants i 4 8 |Corbiidge S. I$| Sheet Bridge I 9 Boftricke 20 Petersfeld I j 10^ Hexhaui \ 2* 22| Langrklge 2 i^l tlaidon 6 z8| Bordean I 14! i Lap wood i^ *i B ram dean 5-1 20 jMellis 4 Cheriton til Stowhoufe if 33! Maudlin j 27^' Milcriche WINCHESTER ji 29 ": HalfweJ'ell 2 ? r! Red bath j i 39 NEWCASTLE to CARLISLE. Crook Pifts Wall. Citmb. 4 i 43 44 ' (the ng-iv Military Road.) 'Chapelborn '3 From the Weft Gate to Chapel Hill, NortbumBeri, Headon en the Wall 3 4 7 ?vlilton Corby Wheelbarrow Hall CARLISLE 41 5 -1 si 55i 61' Hariow Biil si ' ji NEW HAVEN to Neiv Sborebam. Port Gate ^k i?" To Moarfted, Suffix _____ 2 Chollcfford firtdgt 4 21 S a ltd en i 4 Walwick T * 1 22 i Rottenden i Car raw burgh T 2 4! BrigbtLdiitjliw 4 ( 9 Wiujhields 7J 3 2 liove 2 10^ Gkwjb;!t $1 37f Buckinghnm IToufe 15" C-lowigill T> 4 4*zj Ke-M Sboreham 4 6f arai&pto* J 4" High Croiby 5 5'i| NEW PASSAOE (over the Se- Drawdikes 1 1 53 vi'i'ti) to Abergcwtnnyt Stanwix 2 i 5r : 4 St. Peter's Park Wall I The Scotch Gate of Caerwent 2 1 $ CARLISLE . i 2 S^ Lantriflent 6:! 10 Two Miles before Erampron, on R. i: Howard Cailh-, Ev\ ot "Carlilk. Llanellan Bridge ^" 2 \ Aicrga-ijCfiny -7 2 I 209] CROSS ROADS. [ ?10 NORWICH to Yarmouth. Alfreton 2 16 (the Coach Road.) Peacock Inn 2 1.8 Matlock 6-- 24: To Blowfield 6 Or, Accle , 1 1 From Nottingham to Yarmouth ii 22 Ripley, Derb. 14 Another Road, p. 20 1. Matlock ii 25 1 Winfley 3? 28; On this Road, and c.lfo from Winfter i- J - 3 ;Bury to Ofrnondltone, the Name 'Pike Hall 3 33 .of the Parijh is cut on the Mile- Hurdlow Houfe 39i jiones ; a itfeful Improvement. Over Street i Buxton rl . ' NORTHALLERTON tO Manchejier, p. 96 3 4. 68^ Middleham. At Nuttal, Sir Charles Scdley. To Ainderby (Morton Crofs Leeming Road i z 3 3' At Watnal, Mr. Roufon. At Pye Bridge you crofs the River Er- wafti, making navigable to Langley Bridge, four Miles below. Aifkevv i 7 Two Miles from Matlock, down the Bedale i 8 River, on the oppofite Side, is Mat- Middleham 10 18 lock Bath. NORTHAMPTON to Warwick NOTTINGHAM to Doncajler* To Daventry ii To Red Hill, Nott. ^ ^^^^ 4l Southam ii 22 The Hut rl 10 War^aitk IO 32 Ollerton 5 & Palethorp 2v 21 NOTTINGHAM to M Bobber's Mill Baysford Cinder Hill Nuttal 'and I i efter. 4l Blythe Harworth Roffington, Yorkjh. Roffington Bridge Doncafter I O 4 i 4 3*1 3* 39 40 44 Watnal ji Cf Two Miles before Ollerton, on the R Griefly Church More Green Selfton Pye Bridge, Derb. >f 1 I 7, /Z 12 13 RuftorJ, Sir George Saville. At Palethorp, on the Left, Thoreib) Park, late Duke of Kingfton's. From 23 to 25, on the Left, Clumbei Park, Duke of Newcaftle. Somercotes I H At Blythe, W. Mellilh, Elq. zii] CROSS ROADS. [212 Another Road, viz. O N o A R to Hat field Broad- Oak . "rom Nottingham tcj | To Fifield | 3 Red Hill, Nott. 4i Abbots Roding 3 6 Mansfield 91 H White Roding 2 8 Warfop 5 !9 Hatfield Broad-Oak \ 3 1 1 Norton 24 2l| 1 IV or kf op 4*- 251 OXFORD to BRISTOL. Carl ton ' 3^ 29 To Botley, Berks ____ if Goldthorpe j Tickhill, Yorkjh. 3 3 2 35 J * L. to Tupney Warren Fifield i! k Doncajler, p. 124 7-*- 4^1 Kingiton Inn ii 8 At 9, on the Left, Newftead Abbey, Farringdon 8 16 Lord Byron. i rinlpfh;!! 20 At 22, on the Left, Welbeck Abbey, Duke of Portland. Highvjortb, Wilts 2 22 At 25, on the Left, Workfop Manor, River Ray Jl 7l Duke of Norfolk. Purton 2 f ^6 NOTTINGHAM to Baketvell. Guerfden Green Guerfden 6 T JC 1 2 3 b ^7^ To Peacock Inn, p. 2IO 18 Milbourn Green i 39 VTatlock 6f 2 t f Malmejbury i 40 Darley 3ff 28 Foxley 3 43 ^.owfley 2 30 Luckington 4f 471 Bake-ivell 3 33 Tormanton, Gloc. 4 50 t-T v\ * r\n 6 c6 NOTTINGHAM to Grant ham. X 1111 Lull Pucklechurch 2 i> u 58 To RadcliiF, Nott. 5i Mangerfield ,1 ~S 6o| Saxondale '*! 8 BRISTOL 5| 66 Bingham i 9 At Colelhill is the Seat of Sir Mark Whattoa *! n| Stuart Pleydell, Bait, built in 1650, Elton . 2 i3l by Iriigo Jones, which, having fi net- Bottesford Lelc'. Grantham, 'Line. ' 7 16 2 3 undergone no Alteration or Addi- tion, is remarkable for beinj; the moft (if not the onl}) complete OKEHAMPTON to Biaatfofd. \Vork now remaining ot thai gr^al Architea. To Five Oaks Hatherleigh 5. 7 OXFORD to CAMBRIDGE, Petrockftow 4 ii (the new Road.) Little Torrington Torrington si i i6| i 7 | To Thame, Oxf.' - Aylejburyy Buck:- 9 13 22 Riddeford 6* 231 -I'riKg, Herts 7 29 2i 3 ] CROSS ROADS. [214 Dim ft able, Bedford f. ro 39 Iweftoa 3f 48 Hitching^ Herts '5 54 Alton 5 53 Baldock 5 59 Chawton if 54f Royjlon S 67 Farringdcn Street if 56 CAMBRIDGE 13 8c Eaft Tyited 2 58 Petersfield 8 66 OXFORD to CAMBRIDGE. Stain bridge, Sujex 67f (the old Road. To Gosford Bridge Wendlebury ; 5 10 Harting Hills Cowfhall Houfe CHICHESTER 6 Z 4 7i Bicefter 3 13 Another Road, viz. Stretton Audley 2 16 Gaynaf, Bucks J 6| 22| To Dorchelter, Oxf. - 8| Buckingham River Oufe 2 6 2 4l Shillingford R. Shillingford Br. z IO z Stanton Bridge Nenvport Pagnel Afhvood tt 6" 35 4 381 44^ Wallingford, Berks Reading, /. 221 Harford Bridge, Hants 2 5 i I2f *?! 40 Stagfden, Bedf. Bedford Cardington Crofs Moggerhanger 5 2 ii 2 47 52 * 4 i Farnham, Surry Rood Lane Midburft, Suffix CHICHESTER, p. 19 ID' 5 57 6 9 f 8o| .Girtford Bridge r if 60 Sandy 3 2 6o| OXFORD to Bafingftoke, Potten 3i 64 (t'je new Road.) iCockain Hatley CAMBRIDGE 2 66 80 ToWallingford, above Pangbourn, p. 221 9 2lf OXFORD to CHICHESTER. it jjOuociv j_*i?.ric .Ctr.u cn- ter the Bath Road Bagley Wood, Berks Ab in don 3 x Aldermafton Tad ley, Hants 9 i 33 i Milton -I 2 IO jPamber if Eaft lljley Bidden 7 I9l E. Sherborne Bajingftoke 2 3 39f Donnington Caftle 6 2 At Aldermafton, on the L. is a Houfe N&wfaery i 2 6i and Park, formerly belonging to the Knight/bridge, Hants Kingfclear 3^ 30 ancient Family of the Forrefters, fmce to William Lord Stawellj by a Marriage with whofe Daughter it Bajingftoke 9\ 42^ became the Property of the late Harwood Hall ' 44! Ralph Coriuieave, Efq. P 2 215] CROSS ROADS. [216 At Eaft Sherborne, on the Left, is the Vine, the Seat of John Chute, Efq. heretofore belonging to the Family OXFORD to Leeds, through Warwick, COVENTRY, and Derby, the beft and moil ufuai of the Sands, who were Lords Sandt Road. of the Vine. To Sbipfton, p. 7 I 28 Harford Br. War. 3 3 1 OXFORD to Derby. Wellefturn B urford 7 4 38 42 To Kedlington Green Oxfordjb. 4l Warwick COVENTRY 2 10 44 54 Croft London Road 3 Nuneaton, /. 161 O I 62| Hopcroft's Holt Deddington 4! 4 12 16 Atberftvn Shcepey, Lcic. 2 f 69; Adderbury 3 19 Twycrofs 7 f Eanbury 3t 22- Snarefton * 3 n\ Mo'lington Crofs the Oxford ) 6* 28} Over Seal, Dsrt. Cattle Greafley % \i Canal 3? 32 Stanton 2 83 J Ladbrook si 3^1 Stapenhill 1 8 4 Sontham 371 Burton on Trent I 85 Long Itehington z ! 39! Monks Bridge 3 88 Mar ton 2 , . i Little Over 6 94 Princethorp Wynald COVENTRY 4-f 4 2| 47 49i Derby Duffield Bridge Huflon Hall 2 4! 9| 96 i oof N uneaten, p. 161 s| i y i 57| Wingerworth 117 Manchefter 3l 6 1 Chejlerfeld *-"2 ug-| Atkerfton Twycrofs, Lei c eft. i 4 62 66 Leeds, p. loo * Or from Snarefton 43 l62| Snareflon 3 69 to Derby by AJhby de la Zoucb 5 74 Ajhby de la Zfotcb 5 8o| Piftern Hill, Derb. 2j Cavendifh Bridge 10 9| Bridge over Trent 5 8ii Derby 7 971 Swarkfton 2 82" OXFORD to LICUFIELD. Derby 5 87 To Birmingham, p. 7 J 61 At f>, on the Right, Shipton, Lad) Hind, a white Huufe and Tower. Alton Berington . i 6-* At 12., on the Right, Heaford and Button Colefield 3 68 Steeple Afton Churches. Hill 2 7 At Arfcferbury is a Seat of the Coun- tefs Dowager of Dalkeith. Shenftone LICHFIELD 3 73 77 2i 7 ] CROSS ROADS. [218 OXFORD to Oakingbam. OXFORD to WINCHESTER, i To Dorchefter, Oxf. ShilHngford R. Shillingford Bridge Walli*gford t Berks Reading, p. 22 1 Loddon Bridge if I 2 'If RE 10 Ibi 12^- 27^ 3 Aldermafton, /. 214 Baughurft Ramfdale Over Rooks Down, Wort ing, and Baling ilokt Uo\vn to *! '-^ 3lj 33 35 King Street li jft Popham Lane <& 44| Oakingbam 3 341 WINCHESTER, p. 29)12 s4 OXFORD to PETERBOROUGH.] ; On the Right of Ramfdcue is Ewhurft.. Robert Mackreth, Efq. To Middleton Stoneyi \ I ^ Brackley, Northa. Over Whittlebury Forefttu I 10 2 3 OXFORD to WORCRSTER. Silverflon 7 3 To Enfton, p. 64 ^s^ Towceiler 4 34 From thence to Blifworth 4 33 Worcejhr, p. 64 PI 57 ! Northampton 5 43 Wellingborough "i 54! PADDINGTON to the Eagle at' Thrapilon 1 1 6|1 r-i I O Snare/lrooko\\ EppingForeft. Oimdic /3i PETERBOROUGH 12 ^ T Ssl To filing-ton ' *i J Dalflon ! 2f 4| OXFORD to SALISBURY, ami Poole, Clapton ! i Lea Bridge i a To Abingdon, Berks Wantage Hunpcrfcrd , - => ' , T r. , 9 I2| 61 i<| 28 Low Layton ; I Nott's Green - Snarefbrook if 9 Mar ton, Hi it 5 6-| 34r North Tud worth 8 4*1 PADSTOW to St. Michael. South Tudworth i 43i To Trevlblin Corn. j| Shipton 'I 45 St. Columb 4l l Ford 9i 541 St. Michael 7 >5l SALISBURY 2 ! 57 From thencfe to Pook, p. 32 S8 3> PETERBOROUGH to Leicefter. r-p \KJnnefr\vA OXFORD t-o Stamford. I o w ansioru. Uppingham To Oundle, above , i /3* Bilfdon Stamford? Line. '3 86-1- Leiccfter 4 ' ' ;9J CROSSROAD S. [220 PENRITH to Cockermouth. POOL to Lymington. iTo Hut ton ?? To Iffbrd, Hants i 1 Heflteth 7l : 3" Chrift Church If Phorney Stone 4s 18 ISomerford Bridge T 4l Uldale 19- Milton i 2 i)l Oufe Bridge 4f 2 4 2 Evilton 4! 20 Cockermouth 2Qi: Lymittgton 2 22 At Hniton, Hutton Hall, . . Fletcher, Efq. PORTSMOUTH toCi-ncrtESTER. Another Road, viz. To Coiliam, Hants 4l R. to Havant 4* To Stainton Penradiiock "TI 02 2 6'" Nutbourn, Sit/ex FiHibourn ~2 *** 16 'J-'hrePitield n J T 3? CHICHESTER 2 18 rick 4 I ?2 .Brathwaite 2 2O Law ton. 5 2 5l PORTSMOUTH to OXFORD. Cocker moulb 4 2Q 1 To Southwick, Hants 8 ! Wickham 12 fo the Right of PcnrutJdock, 2 Mile^ art the Road, is Gravftcck Caftli and Park, the Duke of Noi folk's. Waltham Stephen's CaftleDpwn 4-i- 17- -Salt Lane l| 23* PLYMOUTH to B To Saltajb, Corn. ^ 4l Tich bourn Alresford -Dummer !f wl 3 6 T potter Bridge ILandrech 3 i 7f Worting Aldermafton, Berks J 4 9 -/ 4- ^.0-4- 49z /Fidiford Catchfrench Coldrinnick ? 10 Pangbourn Wallingford OXFORD, p. 214 6 1 ^ 4- 55f jfl- Catuther 2i J 7 * r i Z 4 .LrJ!:ard $ i8| PORTSMOUTH to SALISBURY. Refvrun 'Bcdmin 12 2 3 c z 32 i To Southwick 1\ ^ Botliv 1 4 H| PLYMCTJT-H to Dartmouth. Men's Bridge \ i6- J To ^I'dbnry, p. 26 ! 1 I4f- Stoneham ; 1U 2 * 15-idge 19! Ruirfcy J H'.;i-Ao!l : 2v 23" Heath Port 2- 1 2O- 1 - Dartir.oaib 30 Cowficld Green 6 g6| \ i : 22i] CROSS ROADS. [222 White Parifh i 37! (Three Elms 3 2Q 3 Whaddon 3l 4 1 Thome i 31 Alderbury i 4i| Hadenham, J?a^ 3 33^ SALISBURY 3! 4,i Dinton 55! 6tone i 36-1 PRESTEIGN to Caermarthen. \ Hartwell \\ Beggars Buih, Radn. 2 W&urj 2 40 Knierton IT jl At 3!, on the Right, Purlev Church. Atf-zy Radnor 2 5T 3eyo;;d Purlsy Church, on the Rkht. A Houfe called Matts Builth, Brec. 7 J 2 ID' under the Hill, in Oxfordshire, i? Mapledurham, Mr. Blount ; a little beyond this, a lib in Oxforaihire, is Cavenabeth ji 17! Hardwicfc, Mr. Powi'. Lla^er 2 i 20 " At Purley, is Purley Hail, Mr. Wilder. Pont Ridgley Ludlow Vaugh Lianymddo'vry, Caer. I Near Bafelden, on the L. is Baklder. Parlc, Lord Vane. 2 Ti AtDhiton, Sir John Vinhattam, Bait 3, At Hartwell, Sir William Lee, Bart. Caermarthen, p, co 26* 6l READING to Buxton. PRESTON to Ski} Blackburn, Lane. .rc.v. ; To Walling ford, p . 2 2 1 ' u| OXFORD, p. 214 12^ *7i Burnley II' -3 Birmingham, p. 71 6li 89' Colne 6\ 2 9 | Li CH FIELD *, Staff. i6 2 105 Skipton, Yorkfli. n| Bromley 5 IIO Yoxuli Bridge over READING to Ayhjbury . the Trent i in To Purley, Berks , r 'duabury ~> 'r>_L_i.". 10 121 Pangbourn Bafelden l" 2 > :^UL'Ciy , Clirtoa 2 6 ' 2 3 129 Streatley Moulsford r Buxton, p. 06 1 ] i ' i 20 130 150 Wallingford Shillingford Bridge si 2 i - '7 * Another Road from Lie hf eld to Buxtcn, p. 199. Shilling'ford, Oxf. Warborcugh I 2. 2 r8 Three Miles and a Half beyond Lich- iield, you crofs the naviaabie CanaS Nev/ington 25 co| ; on Bron.ley Common. Stadhampton 4 22 'At Cobeiy, to the Right, is a pretty Little Milton -,,? 1 romantic Church Crofs the Oxford Road at the 3 Pigeons 3 -* About 3 Miles beyond Afhbourn, it Ham, the Seat of Mr. Porte. Sec ? 97- 223] CROSS ROADS. [224 RSADINC to Hat field. READING to Aitdover. To Aldcrmailon 10 To Henley* Oxf. Great Marlow, Bucks ,* 'Kingfcleare, Hant; VVhitchurch 7 7 17 2 4 7 High Wycomh 5 20 Ando-ver 7 31 Amerlh'am 7 27 Cheynefs Chorley Wood Rickmanfworth> Herts Watford \St Allan''* tHatfield 5 i 2 3 8 5 33 3-5 38 46 5 1 RICHMOND to K To Red mire Carperby AJkrlg Uainbridge tlngleton endal, ij 3 4i *3l 3 2 On the Right, before Wycomb, is a Kendal, p. 107 10 57 Seat of the Earl of Shelhurne. At Rickmanfvvorth, on R. Moor Park, Another Road, viz. Sir Lawrence Dimdas ; oft the Left, Bury Park, William Field, Efq. On L. before Watford, is Cafliicbur) To Ajkrig, above Hardrow -i 18 23! Park, Earl of Efltx. Thwaite Bridge 3l 2 7 At St. Allan's, Holloway Houfe, Earl Little Town 5 3 2 Spencer. At HatfieU, Hatfield Houfc, Earl oi [ Salisbury. (Sedberg LiucolnVlnn Bridge jr t / 8 i K.e/uia.1 "I 5I 1 r READING to Bajingfloke and At A(k-ig, two Water-falls, and ano- ther at Harcirow. WINCHESTER. To Whitley 1 2 RICHMOND to Hartlepool. Three Mile Crofs I 3 To Scorton ei Swallowfield, Wilts 3 6 Alley Hill 3 8^ JHeckfield Heath, North Cowton i 91 Hants I 7 iLovv Enter Common 4 {Stratfield Say 2 9 Pierfburgh 6 ipi 'Stratfield Turges I 10 Yarum or Yarm 3 22 I Sherfield I ii Stockton 4 20 1 Sherneld Church l| I2| Hartlepool 10 36?- Baling Turnpike 1 M z : IChinham Chalk-Pits i Bajingfloke 4 2 I 1 j T RICHMOND to A, To MaCce ** 5 WINCHESTER, p. 29 T *"/ * ' 1 "5 1 1 /i' 33i Fremington 4 9 At Stratfield Say, Lord Rivers. Reeth i 2 9f 22 j] CROSS ROADS. [226 Helah T I J 2 ii St. A I, BAN'S to /Fcrf. Feetum 2 13 To Hatfield 5i AJkrig 6 19 Cole Green 3 1 9~ aiutter Road, p. 224. Hartingfordbury Hertford i' r i ? Ware 5 16 RICHMOND to Lane after. J Tolngleton, p. 224 38 St. DAVID'S to Hclj/ivel/. Black Burton i- Cardigan, p. 60 33! Hornby 10 p Blaynport, C^/V. - !_ 39 Lancajhr 9i 6o-| The Four Boroughs ,- 1^ Llanarch 5 5 r z RICHMOND to Stainthorp. Aberavan Bridge 55? Aberath ji C7 To Gilling 3 Molinamore 5 60 Forcett V' 8 Llanrufted 3 Caldwel! 9^ Llanbedern Vaur gl 7* i Winfton Br. Durb. Staintborp 3' 12 15 Ruddy Pene Tallvpont 4 3 7>f At two Miles, on the Left, ,A/ke, Si; Trethol i| 80* Lawrence Dundas. Llanihangle 3 83 At Fercett, on the Left, Forcett Hall, Garick ji 84- Robert Shuttleworth, E:"q. Machynlcib, Mont. 4| s 9 ; Dun las i j 9l RICHMOND to Pierce Bridge. Llanvoring 3 93l To Skeeby Pierce Bridge .9 2 II Mathavern Abertwydo Aberangel T\ / 7 m *r * i| i 1 LJinaJmouthy, Menon. 3i 103 From Rowjley Bridge, Dzrby- Llanumouthy 4 107 foire, to Wardlow ^Turnpike. Buliagrois 2 109 To Beeley 2denfor (or Enfor) Baflow Bridge Calver Bridge Stony Middlcton N 3 j 6 2 Pont Raven Vaughan Llanavor Bala Llavair Pont Mairthree 3 r 7 3 I20| 122 129 i| Ifardltnu ^Turnpike 1 J! oCttU3 Rutbyn, Dcnb. 10! 141^ At Edenfor, Chatfworth, Duke ot Llanguivcn 6 H7 .Devonfhire. Hc/jvceM, Flintfh. 9 156 227] CROSS ROADS. [228 Near Tretholi is a Seat and Park, Beyond Rowde, on the Right, Row- formerly belonging to Sir Richard ford, Peter Delme, Eiq. Prvce. At Sandy Lane, on the L. Spy Park, Sir Edward Bayntum Rolt, Bart. SALISBURY to Campden. and beyond it, on the Right, Beau- wood, Earl Shclburne. ToOldSarum, Wilts i| Ever/ey Hi 16 SHEFFIELD to Buxton, Birbich 5 21 To Little Sheffield I Savernack Foreft 3 2 4 At 5 Left to Marlborougb 3 2 7 GrindlefordE. Deri. 9 10 Ogbourn Mafiey 2 J ^4 2 9 | Great Hucklow 4i Hi Ogbourn St. George 2 I *4 3 2 Tidefwell 2i X 7 Marfham 8 40 Fairfield 6 2 3 Highivorth ,i 43i Buxtcn i 24 Inglefham l z r 46 Or, Lechlade, Gloc. 3 49 From Sheffield to Little Farringdon, Caftleton 15 Berks '1 5?t Buxtt.fl 10 2 5 Filkins, Oxfordjk. 2 Ji Or, Burfa-d , I > i ?,8 From Sheffield to The Beacon, Gloc. 6i 6 4 | Stonv Middleton _ 12 Stow 3 6?l Tide'iweil 5 *7 Longborough Mill 3 TO! Buxton 7 24 Campden 6i 764 4 ' 4 SHREWSBURY to Buxton. SALISBURY to Devizes and To Shawbury, Skrop. .- 7 GLOCESTER. Hodnet 6 13 At'the Gallows, R. to Tern Hill 3 16 Wood ford Hut 6 Drayton 3 19 Long Barrow Crofs f 7l Balding Gate, SfaJ'. 81 7- 1 2 IT. At i2|R. to the Red Whitmore '! 2 9 Horn Turnpike 9 i6| Afton I 3 Lide ?* ^z J9 Ne-ivcajile under Line 2 J 5-i 33? Nurfleed 2 21 Burfle-m 3 3^ Devizes I 22 Norton 2 3^ Rowde 2 2 4 Endon 3 4*4 Sandy Lane 4 28 Leek 4! 451 Red Hill if 2 9i Holme 3! 49i Derry Hill i 2 3! Flaili 4l 531 Cbippenham 2f 3 2 I Dove Head i 54? GLOCESTER, p. 182 34 66| Buxim el, S 4. 60 22C/J CROSS ROADS. 230] SHEFFIELD to Manchejler. STAFFORD to Shrewjlury. To Little Sheffield I To Dunfton 3l At Right to Penkridge 2 2 6 Hatheriage, Derb. 8 9 z [vet fey Bank 6 12 Hope 4f Oaken Yates 8 2O Caftleton if i> Watling Street 3 23 Sparrow Pitt 4 19 Shrewjbuiy ii 34 Chapel in Frith Whaley Bridge, Chejh. 2 21 24! Another Road, viz. Manchejler, p. 96 i6i 40! From Stafford to Near Caftleton, is Mam Tor, and the Gr. Bridgeford, Staff. 3* Devil's A fe of Peake. L. to Lawn Head 3f 7 Knightley P 1 2 C,-' SHREWSBURY to Welch Pool. oucion Forton 4 j Ml To Romton Caftle, Newport 4 1 1 J 4- 15 Skropjh. Trivenant J lk Wellington, Shrop. Atcham 8 1\ 23 30! Buttington, Mont. i6 2 i Z O Z ^4 Welch Posl 2 18 j STAMFORD to Northampton. SKIPTON to Richmond. To Rilfton Graffington Conifton Kettlewell If 12 *5 To Worthorop Eafton on the Hill Colley Wefton Duddington Finefhade i 2 2 2 i 2 4 6 8 4f 3" Woodale 5 - 20 Bulwick 2 10 Bradley i 21 Horfehoufe Chapel i 22 Stangen 2 i Gammerfgill Carleton Coverham \Middleham Leyburn Bellerby i i 3 2 A 23 24 27 29 ! 33 Geddingtou Weekley Kxtferint Wellingborough Northampton 3 I 2 2 7 II 20 22 40 \Richmond N 39i Worthorop is a Dowager Seat of the Earl of Exeter, in Ruins. i-Midclleham and Leyburn are in Wenf- Eafton, famous for Slates for Building*. ley Dale, near which is Ayfgartb On the Right of Finefhade is Sexton, Force, a mod remarkable Watei- a Seat ot Lord Carbery's ; on the L. Fall. BUtherwick, Mr. Obrien's. I T j. - - - 231] CROSS ROADS. [232 Sulwick is the Seat of Mr. Tryon. On the Right, between Bulwick and Weldun is Deane, the ancient Seat Bickley Bridge Stokeley Pomeroy - 1 3 4 2 ^.^r t\ ~i of the Earls of Cardigan, now Duke Credit on 3? 33 of Montagu. Coleford 4 37 At Geddington is the Seat of Mr. Bow -i Lockwood ; and near it Bough ton. Nevvnal Mill AA- the ancient Seat of Duke Montagu's Family, a very fine Park, and R:dings Oakhamplon 6 5I At Gedaington is, Vikewife, a very fine TAVISTOCK to Bodmin. Crofs, in hi^h Prefervation, ercfled in Memory of Queen Eleanor, and under it a remarkable large fine To Kellington, Corn, jSt. Neot's II gi Spring. Bodmin 71 2 7f STOURBRIDGE to Li.c At iM.R.thro'Bret- tel Lane to Dudley. Cock Heath Darlafton HFI 4 2 I i ELD. S L 7s T H i R s K to Scarbt. To Sutton Skawton Helm/ley Bewdlam roug s i h. 4 9 H i6f Walfal Rulhall Walfal Wood Muckley Corner Pipe Hill LlCHFIELD 'f 3 3 T 4 JO ii- 13 16 Kirkby Moorfide Sinnir.gton Middleton Pickering Thornton Wit ton I 3f 3 i 2 21 2 4 2 5 ? ' 7 i STOCKPORT to Huddersfield. Allerfton Ebberfton I T ! Hyde Chapel 4l Snainton if 32* Mottram Tintwiftle 2 7f 9f Scarborough, p. 128 9f 4if Near Woodhead L. to Holme, Torkjb. Holmfirth Thong Bridge Honley Lookmood Huddersfield 4-! 41 3 i 2 22 23 l 26| 28 TUNBRIDGE WELLS Green, in the main F London to Haft ings. (A new Road To Frant L. to Wadhurft Ticehurft to .oad ) Hurft from 2 6 9 4 3 TAUNTON to Oakt To Wellington, p. 38 tamp ton. 1 Hurft Green At n, on R. Paftlev, Between n and 12, on the ] 5 - Ma I. B f, Efq. jorfill. Tiverton, p. 38 H 21 - - Robert" Efti 235J CROSS ROADS. [234 TUNBRIDGE WELLS t belmjione. Groombridge Maresfield L,e\ves Brightkelmfto ne Or from Tunbridge Wells to Crowt>orough Beacon Jckfield jCWCj Brighthelmftone 0,5? T 3 9 8 /#&/- 2 *s 24 3 2 7 H 22 3 At 5^, on the Right, Plumpton Hal). Daniel Lafcellc?, E;q. At Knare/borough, the Dropping Well WHITE Y to DUR To Lyth, Yorkjh. Scallingham An Allum Mine Gijlmrcugb Mauburn on Stockton, Durh. Norton Grindon Layton Chapel Layton Sedgefiejd Shinkley DURHAM HAN r. ! 4i il] 20 22 26-! 2 9 34i 37 40 4T| 1- 4?i 54} 57 k 2 4! M Ji M ?1 if ?* 9 ,i z ? 7 8 8 WAKE FIELD to Halij tinued to Burnl To Dewlbury Heckmondwvke Mill Bridge ' 3elly Bridge Lightcliff Hipperholm Halifax Hebden Todmerden, Lane. Burnley *, y> con- 5 7 8| 12 ii| !^ 10 24 29 5?J z , I l l 3f 1 i 1 5 3l WINCHESTER to Sou To St. Croix Otterborne Southampton ?^ ipton f \ x> J ^f 12 '1 9i WINCHESTER to SAL To Rumfey, p. 29 Heath Foil Cowsfield Gr. Wilts White Parifli Whaddon Alderbury SALISBURY Another Road, viz. To Stockbridge SALISBURY, p. 22 1KB 11 6 i 3f 31 LJRY. IO '3i! If ji{ 2oiS 23l 241 28{-; 9 ! *s WALTHAM to Oa To Stephen's Caflle Down Salt Lane Tichbourn New Alresford Old Alresford Bradley Lane Herriaud Common Qdiham r ibafi t. A l If ->i *I it t i 4* 4s 5 V li ia| i6f 21 26 16 WITNEY to Wooi To Eynftiam Heath Long Hanborough Blades Woodjleck ?)?cr f. 3 ^ & 1 WtATHERBY tO . To SpofFortTi Kn are/borough Ripley R;>/< 4l 41 7- 3 7f 12 2 if a 235] CROSS ROADS. [236 WORCESTER by Wol-L Dumfries, p. 239 2l| 7S \Melrofs, Roxb. 4s 35 2 A Mile beyond Peebles, on the Right. Jedburgh. n 46 Neidpath Caftle, Earl of March. i A Mile beyond Stobo, on the Right, Stobo Houf?, Lord Chief Baron EDINBURGH to Dumfries. Mjntgoinery, and a Mile farther, !.p r . rp i. 1 on the Lett, New Pcflb, Sir James i o Liinton, i weeuaie Blythe Bridge 4! 21 Nayfmith. Broughton, Peel. \ Crook Inn '6 2 7 2 7 34 * EDINBURGH to Mojfat. \Bifld Inn i 35 AnotL-'T Road. {Tweed Foot 6 4 1 To Ho^ujgate , Edinb. . 10 Mffif, )umf. 9 5 Halmyre, Peeb. 7 T 7 [ofcnfton Kirk 9 59 Blythe Bridge 4 21 Lcchmabcn 6 6 o' Moffat, p. 239 -9 , JO Tinwall Kirk 5r At 13, on the Left, the Whim, Lord \Dumfrics 4 741 Chief Baron Montgomery 241] ROADS of SCOTLAND. [ 2 4 2 At 14! , La Mancha, E. of Dur.donald. At Cairnwath, the Caftle, Lock- At Halrayre, Murray's Hall, Sir Ro- hart, Efq. bert .Murray Keith. At Douglas, the Caftle, Honourable Mr. Douglas. EDINBURGH to Wigton and At 63, on the Right, Dumfries Houfe, Earl of Dumfries. IFbitehorn. \ | At Qchiltree, the Earl of Glencairn. Bridge-Houfe Inn y i6| At 71, on the Right, Sundrum, Bridge End, Lanerk 3l 20 Hamilton, Efq. Biggar 7f 2-71 i ' Lead Hills 19 4 6 EDINBURGH to Ayr, by Ha- Penpont, Dumf. Ml 61 milton. Monyhi've si Z To Hexmifton, Edin. 4\ Ballmaclellan, Kirk. 12 Mid Colder 7| Nfrw Galloway \\ 8o 2 Livingfton 15 Newton Stewart, Whitburn, Linlitk. 6* 21 Wigtonfh. l8 98 Kirk of Shots, Lanerk. 6 2 7i Wigton 7 J5 New Inn 3? 30- SCirkinner 3 108 Holy Town 2 3*1 Sorby 3 in Hamilton Si 38^ Whitelorn 5 116 Strathaven ll Left of Sorby, Mochrum Caftle, Earl Prieflland, Ayrfi. 56 5 of Dumfries. Darvel i 57 i Neivtnills 2 CO EDINBURGH to Lanerk and Galfton 37 6l\ Ayr, the new Road. Faill 71 69 ./ * To Currie, Edinb. Si St. Quivox 4? 73f Crofswood Hill JI i s 4- Gatefide I 74? Carnwatb, Lanerkfh. 8 2C Ayr J 4 76 Carftairs 3 28 At 7|, on the Left, Dalmahoy, Earl One Mile farther Right to of Morton. Lanerk A 32 At 9, on the Right, Hatton, Earl of Or Left to T^ * Lauderdale. Deng! as -Mill Inn Douglas '2} 4 2 At Mid Calder, on the Left, Calder Houfe, Lord Torphichen. At Hamilton, the Palace, Duke of Vluirkirk, Ayrjb. 10 ji Hamilton. Cumnock ioi 61 At 60, on the Right, LouJon, Earl Ochiltree Z 4 6 ?I of Loudoo. Drongan 4 GO O Ayr i 7 76^ EDINBURGH to Port Patrick. At 4, on the Left, Hail's Hall, - Cannichael, El'q. To Ayr, p. 241 May bole, Ayrlh. 8 7 8 4 | R 243] ROADS of SCOTLAND. [ 2 44 Kirk Ofwald 4l 89 Sandy Hills 4 391 Gir-ijan 8 97 Shettleiton i lallantree I2 k 109! GLASGOW 3 43i Stranranver, Wigt. Port Patrick 6i 126 I 22-- Another Road, viz. Near Stranrawer, Cullorn, E. of Stair. To Corftorphin, Edin. l>k Kirklifton, Linl. r *2. EDINBURGH to In 1 To Holytown, p. 242 jLASGOW * uera II f ay. Linlitbgo-inj Polmont, Stirl. Falkirk | 21 Hi 'artick A Caraelon I 2 5i Cilpatricfc, Dunb. Dunbarton L ufs Inn -i ft 5 | 2 T" Loanhead Kilfyth Kirkintulloch, Dunb. 8 5 2 2 9i Tarbat Inn /*~> i /~> /t 11 n 791 GLASGOW, Lanerkjh. '7k 48; Glen Crow, Argylljh. *7 -f O*? Cairndovj 6| 93| EDINBURGH to Greenock. In--veraray 10 To GLASGOW, above 43f Another Road, p: 245. Govan, Lanerkjh. 3 46! r rom 64, as fr as Tarbat, you have. Renfrew, Renf. 3? 49-1 on the Right, Loch Lomond, a cu- Port Glafgoiu ! 3 6?; rioqs Frefh-water Lake, 24Milesin Greenock 2-1 OC; Length, and containing 24 . Iflamls, one of which is faid to be a floating Ifland. At ii, from Glafgovv, on the Right, Blantire, Loid Blantire. At 69, on the Right, Rofduie, Sir James Colquohoun, Bart. At Cairndow, on -Left,. Ardkinglafs, Near 13, on the Right, Biihopton, Lord Semple. Ati6}, on the Right, Findlayfton, Sir James Campbell, Bart. E.ot' Glencairn. At Invecaray, the Caftle, D. of Argyll. 1-i'ntTM'nTrDr'Lj tn ^/i-^ T/*ill i nnt * EDINBURGH to GLASGOW, jTo Falkirk, above *r i 2 4: by Bat kg ate. Camelon I ToCorftorphin,V/. 1 3i R. to Lambart Kirk l| 26; Almond Water 5 Q 1 Bannockburn 6| 33 Drumcrofs, Linl 8 16- Stirling f 2 2 .351 Eatbgate . ij i8| Bridge of Allan 3^ 39 Ardrie, Lanerkfli ^4^ -?2| Down, Perthjh. 5 44 Loanhead , - j Callander 71 f From Stirling there is another Road by Blair Drummond to Do-ijun, the fame Dijiance. 245] ROADS of SCOTLAND. [246 Lochernehead Inn I3 1 6ji |V? rr^ 9l 37 Liargarftan Inn Crienlarach Inn 7! 9l 83* Lagvoulen Inn 'Clachan 5 ? ? 42 47 3 Clifton, alias ) oo Killean Tyndritm J 5 oo Barr 5? 6r Achnafcallan 3 91 Camp bellto^wn 73^ Bridge of Urchy 3! 94r Inveruran *i 97 EDINBURGH to Fort Augujlus, Over the Black Mount to and Bernera. King' s-fJouJe Inn Over the Devil's Turn- pike, or the Turns of 9k io6i To Stirling, p. 244 Dumblain, Perthjh. 6 35J 44 Marrwgreean to Muthil Kirk H| 53 fCenlochleven 81 "^ Crief 3 ^ Maryburgh, Invern. 13! Ambleree Inn Fort William I 2 I2 9 2 Aberfeldie 10 77' Wymei Inn i 78 EDINBURGH to Inveraray, by Cufhie-Veal Inn Funnel-Bridge Inn 4 8 82- 90 Trinefour _ QCi To 'Tyndrwn, above 88 Dalnacardacb c V) : lOOj Inverlochy, Argylljh. 9l 97f Dalvjbinnie, Invern . .j Dalmaly 2 99? Gari>imore ! 2! 147 Cladich ln*veraray 6 10 U5f Fort Augujlus Unach Inn 1 8* 9 1 165 Another Road, p. 243. Reabuie 185! Raatachan Inn 14 199] EDINBURGH to Bunawe. Bernera Barracks q \ ' 208| To Dalmaly , above .rverawe, Argylljh. Bunaive 1 99l 112 I 12 EDINBURGH to Invernefs, Thurfo, and Kirkwall. At Invcrawe, Campbell, Efq. To South Queen's Ferry Crofs the Firth of Forth tc 9 At Buruwe, an Iron Forge. North Queen's Ferry i 10 INVERARY to Campbelltcwn. fnverkeithing, Fifejh. Maryburgh, Kinr. l\ 21 To Goatfield, Arg. 8 \Kinrcfs 4 2 5 Minart 4i iz| Mills of Forth 2 2 7 Lochgare Head 3^ 1 6 Dunbarny, Pertbjh. 10 37 Lech Gi Ip -head Inn 6i 22f ^r//^ 35 4f 'fnverniel 5 rive-Mile Houfe 7 4/i R 2 247] ROADS of SCOTLAND. [248 In 1 O ._ 6* I0ji at Blair. Bridge of Spey 4 l 9k i Pitmain 3 I I2jj EDINBURGH to Jcbn o'Grott's, A*uiemore t Murray 13! "Sf on Dungjbay Head. Corrybrough, Invern. Dalmagerrie In in Great Britain J i 288 Tain, Rofs. Q J 201 Mickle Ferry on 1 EDINBURGH to Fort George. Dornock Firth J Dcrnock, Sutherl. 4 2IO| rj To Perth, /. 246 St. Martin's Inn 40* 46 Golfpie 7j 210 L. Eaft Hatton 5 Loth Helmfdah Inn 12 5 230 235 Boat of Windedge Goden "i ll r 2 Oufdale Inn Berry dale, Caithn. 5 4 240 244 Blairgowrie Or. 2 3 J j 56 Dunbeath 5s 2491 *"* , From St. Martin's Inn Nottingham Poakmaji Inn Wick Tburfo Crofs Pentland Firth to rA 4^ 2 75 290-1 R. to Cupar of Angus Blairgoiurie Bridge of Cally Spittle of Glenjhee Inn, 3 5 53i c o O 'Z /' Kirkwall in Orkney 35 H5 Angus Brae Mar r, A herd. \\ 76 9J At 4, on R. Barnton, Lady Glenorchy. At 7, on the Right, Barnbugle, Earl Corgarff, or Cockbridge Camdelmore Inn, Banf. 21 112 122| of Rofeberry. Near QueenVFerry, Hopeton Houfe, Earl of Hopeton. Linmore, Invern. Grantown g ti*V Two Miles beyond Perth, to the R. is \BallrwairdlHn, near ? 2 -/f,l the Royal Palace of Scoone, where I Caftle Grant i 1 T '$'-2 249] ROADS of SCOTLAND. [ 2 >o Bridge of Dulfie Glengyoulie Campbeltown 7* 8 148 r S5 lij- Near Meigle, on the Right, Bclmont Caftle, Right Hon. James Stswart Mackenzie, who has another Seal at New Tyle, beyond Auchtertyre. Fort George ij ^4! To the Left of Glamis, is Glami. i Caftle, Earl of Strathmo r. Two Miles beyond Perth, to the Left, _^ t Brechen, the Caflh, E.of Panmure is the Royal Palace of Scoone. Vid.l ^eyond Nsrth-Efk Biidge, on the L. Remark, p. 248. EnglHhmaldy, Lord Halkerton. Braemarr Caftle (now a Garrifon} was At 93, Fettercjirn Houfe, Lady Diana a Seat of the laft Earl of Marr. Middleton. Caftle Grant, the Seat of Sir Lodowick iA Mile beyond Huntley is Huutlej Grant. Lculge, Duchefs of Gordon. EDINBURGH to Fochabers, EDINBURGH to Fochabers, T P h 6 1 . i Another Road, viz. Auchtertyre, Angus Glamis 16 c6i Gran town, p. 248 6-lj Cromdale, Banf. 4 '35 I 39 i Or, 4 3 4- In ve raven I0| From Perth to Atarlour Kirk i55i Cupar of Angus ) Ang. 13 -ill Fochabers Hi Meigle, Perth. 5 587 At Fochabers, Gordon Caftle, D. o Glamis, Ang. 7 65l Gordon. Forfar ^ 7 1 Brechen u 82 EDINBURGH to Old Rain, in North-Elk Bridge 6 88 the Road from ABERDEEN Fettercaim, Mearnf. 5 93 to Huntley. Top of the Grampian Bridge of Dee, /. 249 - I0l| Mountains 5 98 At two Miles farther R. to Bridge of Dee Inn X Coble-Heugh Inn 8 icol Cuttie's- Hillock Inn i| 103 Banchory i 110 Inchbear Boat crofs Him 3l "35 the Dee, Aberd. 64 io 9 f Kirk of* Echt 3l 117 Kincardine O'Niel 2| 112 Monymafk 8 125 Lumphanan 114! Old- Rain Inn ii 136 Alford Inn 5 9 l^i (EDINBURGH to ABERDEEN. Clatt Inn 6| 130 and Banff, continued to /- Huntley, alias Strath- "vernefs. bogie 10 140 To Brechen, p. 249 82 Kieth, Banf. I Of I 5 0| 'North-Efc Bridge 6 88 Fochabers 8|!i58|i Lawrence Khk~Mea. 5: 92,: 251] ROADS of SCOTLAND. [ 2 > 2 Chance Inn 3| 97 ' Pitleflle ,1 2 Ss Drumlithie 4^ i or Cnpar J 4l 3 Stonehaven ABERDEEN,* Aberd 107! ^ilmenie i2i| I Woodhaven 5" 4 39 Oid Meldrum 17! 139 Crofs the Firth of Tay to Chapel-Segate Inn Turrif 5 ^ > j % Dundee, Angus Aberbrothick 2 S 8 Banff, ' Banf. lo l6ji Moniroje 12 70 Portfoy 6f '172 'St. Cyrus, Mearnjh. 5i 7)1 Cullen -1 i7-f Benholm 4lj 80 Fochabers j 2 1 1 1 8 9 ^ i I Iitverltrmt 4 84 Elgin, Murray] 8| in8i 9f 92 Forres f i 1 1 \ 210 ABERDEEN Hi 1 06; Nairn, Nairnjh. iQ|J22oi Invcrne/!, Invern. 16 1236! At 19, on the Left, Leflie Houfe, E. of Rothe?. At Banff, Duff'Houfe, Earl of Fife. At 51, on the Left, Panmure, Earl of At Cullen, Earl of Finlater. Panmure. At Fochabers, Gordon Cattle, D. of At 63, on the Right, Ethie, Earl of Gordon. Northefk. f EDINBURGH to Forres. Another Road, viz. jEoiN BURGH to Cupar, another ToGrantown, *. 248) r-K Road, and from thenee to St. Ballewaird Inn if r 3 6| ANDREW'S. Tomdu 1 1 of; 1 47 Forres ' I o 157 To Kirkaldie, /. 251 12 1 Pathead 1 1 135 Three Miles before Forres, on the L. Darnaway, E. of Murray. jWindygates Ken noway /"* . i .J * Lupar 8 2 o^" *EDINBURGH to ABERDEEN, Darcie Bridge 3 3' 1 Another Road To Leith, Edinb. 2 Kinnaird jStrathkinnefs St. ANDREW'S 5 3 z 32 2 35 471 Crofs the Forth to J/ 2 3 itcur Harbour, Fif. 6 8 To the Left of 20, Balganie, Ear] oi vin'jnorn i 9 Leven. Xirkaldie 3 12 At 25, on the Right, Struthers, Ear] Gallowtown Hi of Crawford. L^CW Inn 51 I i -7 J 1 Two Miles before St. Andrew's, Craig- Balmalcom *- * J -4 ton, General Melvill. 253] ROADS of SCOTLAND. [ 2 54 EDINBURGH to Crail and EDINBURGH to Falkirk, by Fifenefs. Eorroiuftonefs. To Kirkaldie, p. 251 ~~7| I2 To S. Queen's Ferry 9 Pathead J 3? Blacknels Si Hf Dyfart i Hi Borrowilonefs 3! Eaft Wemyfs i* 18 Falkirk 7i 25! Lev en 3| 2l| T.\ Miles bevond Qoeen's Ferry, on L. Largo sf 25||| Hopeton Houfe, Earl of Hopeton. Balchriftie 2^ 2-;J At 19, on the Left, Kenniel, Dukt Collinfburgh 1 28| of Hamilton. Pitten^weem 5 33^ Anftruther ~% 35 1 EDINBURGH to Perth, by Kilrenny Crail i 3 g 2.Q Falkland. To New Inn, p. 251 ; 2i| Fifensfs J >? ^ Falkland z| 24 j j . At Collinlburgh, on the Lett, Bal- Strathmiglo 3 27 carras, Earl of Balcarras. Perth 12 39 Another Road, p. 246. EDINBURGH to Stirling, by Clackmannan. EDINBURGH to N. Berwick. To North Queen's To MufTel burgh 6 Ferry, /. 246 JO Prefton Pans 2- 8- Torryburn 8| l8 l Aberlady 61 151 New Mill 4 I 9 f Gullen 2 1 7i Culrofs, Pertbjh. if 21 Dirleton 2| 9f iinkardine 41 2 5? North Berwick 21 Clackmannan, Clack. Alloa Tullibody 3-! 2 2 29 3i 33 At 8, on the Right, Prefton Grange, Earl of Hyndford. Stirling 5 AEERBROTHICK. to At 15, on the Left, Broomhall, Earl i* C 1 " Brechin f I j| or Jilgin. At Culrofs, the Abbey, Earl of Dun- ABERBROTHICK to donald. At 22^ on the Right, Blair Caftle, For far \ ig Dundas, Efq. ABERDEEN to Alford. To Skene, Aberd. Q EDINBURGH to Dunfermline. Bervie Inn 3T 12 T To North Queen's Milltown 4| I / Ferry, p. 246 Dunfermline 6 10 16 Tough Kirk Alford Kirk 6 23 1 2^5" ] ROADS of SCOTLAND. [ 2 5& ABERDEEN to Braemarr. Old Deer j i T-L To Banohorv Ternan ! 17- Strichen sl 33 Kincardine O'lS'icl Z 5i Frafcrjlvrgh 9 4 2 Charleitown 4i ! 2 9i Mill of Diunat 3{ 33 ACERDEBN to Peter head. r - 1 To lillon rfi Glengairn oJ. 4 1 " Cruden 9 29 Crathy Jnn t> 47 Peter head 8 33 Braemarr Cattle 8| From thence to Caftletown Inn i 5 6 z St. Fergus J 38 Near Charleftown, on the R. Aboyne Caftle, Earl of Aboyne. Longmay Fraferjburgh 6*1 Jt 1 ABERDEEN to Corgarjf. AIR to Machlin ii ToCharleilo\vn,#^0T;f Tarland Corgarff J 18 34f BANFF to Pet en To New Byth Strichen head 12 20| 8| AflERDEtN to Hunthy. Peterhead Hi 35 To Green burn, Aber. g BEAULY to Tain. Glafgow-ego if 9~ To Munlochie pi Kintore If 12 Crojnarde Mr 23" Tnverurie ji I j| Tain i j Oid Rain tf 24 \ i Huntley 12 36 BEAULY to Fortrofe '5f ABERDEEN to Monytnujk. BERWICK to CARLISLE. To Milltown, p. 254 J 7 To Tillmouth, Durh. I Of ' Mcnywujk 2 Io Corn hi 11 "'4- Another Road, viz. To Glafgow-ego, gi Coldftream, Bcrnv. Birgeham, Kclfo, Roxb. ll i8 4 23! Kemney Kirk Si J 5i Crailing 7 Monymujk 4 19! Denholm B| 39i Hawick 44! ABERDEEN to Fraft To Elfon New Crichy rjlu r^. 16 26f ^ofspaul Jnn Langholm, Dimf. Longtown, Cumb. J 3 ii ii 571 68^. 1 CARLISLE 9 08-4; 2^7] ROADS of SCOTLAND. [258 jAtKelfo, Flears, D. of Roxborough. At Coldftieam, Hirfel, E. of Hume. PORT PATRICK to I To Donnaghadee, i by Water 5 Newton Belfaft Lifburn Hil (borough Banbridge Newry jDundalk Dunleer Drogheda Bafrothery Man of War Inn Swords DUBLIN )UB 8 8 8 4 10 10 9 ii 6 10 3 5 7 LIN. 1 6 32 40 44 4 64 E 8 4 90 IOO 103 1 08 BF.RWICK to Dunfe. To Fouldcan ! Chirnfide , 3 Dunfe >~! Si BIGCAR to Lan I To Thankerum Lanark At 7, on the Left, Carmic Earl of Hyndford. ark. 1 hael A Houfe, B R E c H E N to Montroft 8 CARLISLE to Port . To Longtown, Cumb. Gretna Green, Dumf. Dornock Annan Ruthwell Dumfries Carlingwork Inn, 7 Kirk. \ Gate Houfe Cree Town Newton, Stewart, 7 Wigtcnjh. \ Glenluce Stranrawer Port Patrick Three Miles beyond Annar Sir John Douglas. Two Miles beyond Ruthv Cumlungan Caftle, Vifc Four Miles before Stranrav Right, Caftle Kennedy Miles farther, on the Le both Seats of the Earl of Patr 6 ick. 9 22 281 391 56 6 9 | 79 86 I02f ii if Ihead, on L. mont. 311 the d tw<) illorn, COLDSTREAM tO 7 Dunfe 5 ipj CRAIL to Cupar To St. Andrew's [ Cupar ] 9 10 19 4 7 91 , Ki veil, . Stoi ver, ; an ft, Ci Stai ; C R i E F to Head of Lo To Comrie Head of Loch Erne cb E "I 'rne. I 6 " DINGWALL to Crc To Ferntofh Cromartie mar fie. 4| 21 DINGWALL to A To Fortrofe Fort George Nairn T airn 8 2 J8 2 26 259] ROAD of SCOTLAND. [260 DUMFRIES to Men To Dunfcore Glencairn Monybi've ybi*. Ik 2 *. 9J !c| DUNDEE to Me( To Dronely ' Auchterhoufe New Tyle Meigle Xear Meigle, on the I^;fr Riaht Honourable Jam M'Kenziej and on the ] lerton, Lord Ellebank. &. ~ 3i ~4> , Eel es S ?.ight " toU i*] mont,' U". 1 . jr; , Ful- DUN BARTON to Fort To Lufs Inn Tarbat Altarnin Inn Creeinlarach Fort William, p. 249 Wil 8 10 46* Ham . *3 21 3I I DUNKELD to In-u To Balmacknitl Aberfeldie Kenmore By the 5ide of Loth Tay to Kiilin Liargarfton Inn Crienlarach Tyndrum firyerafajp , p. 245 erar & 7 7 39 44i DUNBARTON to Par To the Rue Ken Garelock Loch-Lon Side Psrtincaple, by Water At 9, -Aruincaple) LorJ Campbell; and on the o of the Loch, Rofeneatt Argyll. tincaplc. J 9i r6 si 4-1 *- t 2 ~~ Fi-e 3p')fi i, D 8i derick e Sid. jke of DUNKELD to Amilrie 9k DUNDEE to Du To Bewhead, Ang. Cupar Godans, Perlbjb. Dunkeld ikela 'I* z i %i i J t is 1 25- f DUNKELD to Ctuny Blair Goiurft' 5 1 12 FORT GEORGE to C To Rofeinarkie \Cro,'nat-tie *rom 8| ~ la ; At Dunkeld, a Seat of the D. of Athol. FORT ROSE mCro.i CARLISLE 9 i oof Another Road, viz. GLASGOW to Dun jToElvan Foot, above iDurrifdeer rhcrnhill 1 Dumfries 7/ra ~ 6 16 42 52 58 74 To Paifiey, Renf. Quarrel Town Bieth, Ajrjb. Dairy Kihvinning Irvine 1 5 4 3 8 -lif 19 24 28 Another Road, viz. To Kingfwells, above . Hi GREZNOCK to Ayr. Galfton Machlin 8 1 Z I To Old Kirk, Renf] l.args, Ayrjh. 8f 6 Hi \uchenleck 5i 34l Kilbride -i 22 J'fi Cumnock if 36 Saltcoats 6 1 28 New Cumnock 'Kirkconnel j 8 4i| 49 JFCilwinning Irvine 4 3 : 32 \Sanquhar Drumlanrig 4i N S3* 62 Monkton \Ayr i * 4 **i Ptnpont 4i 4 (Two Milft beyond Largs, Kel'kurn Dumfries 15 8fjj] Houfe, Earl of Glafyow. S 2 263] ROADS of SCOTLAND. [ 2 ^4 One Mile beyond Kilwinning, on tht Left, Eglinton, Earl of E^linton. INVERNESS to Fort George. To Caftle Stewart 1 Campbeliton j $\ ^ HADDINGTON to Dunfe. To Longformacus Fort George *i 12 Dunje *] 23^. INVERNESS to Sterna-may, (the HADDINGTON to 7 mod Weltern Poll- Town) in North Berwick i / the Hebrides. FoLoch Cai ron , Rofe. 5 HUNTLEV to Banff. Dunvegan (cm, Skv} To Marnoch IO by Water 48 9 Foggylone 2i I2- 3 Storna-ivay (on Lewes) Banff 9i 22 by a ferry 100 198 [NVERKIETHING to Kinghorn. INVERNESS to Fortrofe. To Aberdour Bruntifland 3 4 7 To Munlochie, p. 263 Fortrofe \ 6 Kinghorn 3 10 1 z At Aberdour, a Seat of tke Earl of Morton. INVERNESS to Iniiergordon. Tc Munlochie, /. 263 -\ 6 INVERNESS to Fort Auguftus, Fort William, and Dowart Invergordon Ferry Invergordon ii i 17 18 C aft Ic. General's Hut, lav. '73 IRVINE to Kilinarnock. Fort Auguftus Hi 32 To Dreghorn 2 Lagganachadrom 9 Kihnarnock 4i 6] Letter-Findley Inn ? 4 6 Fort William I! ? LANERK to GLASGOW. Appin, Argylljb. \irds 1 L s-> To Carluke ___ Do'wart Caftle in Mull, by Water 12 / 99 Bell's Hill GLASGOW P! H; "> i INVERNESS to Cromartie. LANERK to Hamilton. To Keflbck Ferry 2 To Crofsford Boat 4! Vlunlochie 4 6 Laverock Hall <;| Cromartie 19? Hamilton 3^ iff ROADS of SCOT v AND. [266 MONT ROSE to Fettercairn. iTo North-Eik Bridge \Ftttercairn :r\ Mo NT ROSE to Laurence Kirk. To Mary Kirk Laurence Kirk 41 r 1 iz 10 JNAIRN to Pert George - 8 !PERTH to Dunkeld 4 Another Road, viz. To Dumblain ! Y -Green Loanir.f I2 ' |; Muthil Kirk " [Crieff 'Foulis jNew Inn Methven Perth 6 IT 28 STIRLING to GLASGOW. PERTH to Dundee. To Rait Inn, Pertbjh. Roflie 'Dundee i |To St. Ninian's jBannockburn Dunning Loanhead Kiliyth {ijKirkintullcch, Du?ib. GLASGOV/, Laner. ; St. ANDREW'S to Newport. To Leuchars \ St. ANDRUW'S to Dundee. To Leuchars Wood haven Dundee, bv Water 28 STIRLING to Dunbarton. To Cum/barn, Craignaze Gargunnock Kippen i.iJuchlyvie 5 1 llBuchannan lo|! Kilmarnock, 12 (iBonhiil Dunharton Dumf. 3 STIRLING to Perth. (To Dumblain Green Loaning ; i!hickfbrd ; \uchrei arder {Duniiii.g \PiSik 5 4 ?! if 9 ? 6 11 ! i*!] 19 M 33l !At 14, on the Left^Dunciab, LcrJ ' Rnllo, A.t Budiannin, a Seat of ihe Duko Movtrofc. A Ml!;: beyond Bonhil) is Leven Side. I L-ird Stontficld. TH URSO to Dungjbay Head. To Caftle Hill | i c | Barrock Mofs of Mey iHouna [I !4 10 | At 2 8i,'on the Le% Duplin, Earl of \J obn o'Grott's Hcufe, 7 ( Kinnoul. on Dungjbay Head\ > 26 7 ] [268 CIRCUITS OF THE JUDGES. N. B. The Affize Towns are marked as follows : -v. Towns where the Affixes are heU conftant'y every Circuit. /. Where they are held in the Lent Ciicuit only. s. Where they are held in the Su-n;ner Citcuit only. a. Where th-.-y are helJ alternately with another Town. HOME CIRCUIT. |'f. Derby, /. 185 r i;|22?|! : From LONDON to I : Loughboro* / *^ 16^ 242 Hoddefdon,/. 133 J 7 \'c. Leiccller ^^ 10 r. Hertford 4 21 Hinldey, /. 161 H 166 Epping 34 \\c. COVENTRY? ^ r 179 1 Ongar 7^ c. Warwick y 10 189 Fa Chelmsford i i J 53' < ijTheAfllzes in the Midland Circuit, Gmvefend, /. 17922^ fome-imes begin nt OaLham, and a. ROCHESTER 9 84! end at Warwick; at other times the) a. Maidftone, /.6 Tunbridge, /. 203 H" 93 107 begin at Warwick, ending fomctimes | at Northampton, and lometimes ai ; Lincoln. !/. Grinftead (122 ^:. Croydon '9 JI4-I jNORFOLIC CIRCUIT. jr. Kingfton LONDON, /. 17 10 l62| From LONDON to '/. Avlefbury 7 , Q -ic- 1 The Summer Afllzes are held altt:r TTT' n f Pt Oo Win How v IO Jl nately, at Guilfurd and Cr lydon f<> Surrv ; nd at Lswes and Hoiiham for ouilcx. s. Buckingham,/. 69 Newport Pagnel 7 i4 j 'A 5 / 2 'r. Bedford 8> MIDLAND CIRCUIT. Eaton Bugdcn 6 964 From LONDON to jr. Huntingdon 4 106.;' c. Northampton, P- 95 Weliiiigborough Kettering r. Oakham, /. 105 Stamford 1 1 7 21 66 77 84 105 i c. CAMBRIDGE ") *> Newmarket S^ r. BurySt.Edni. j P i/. Thetford ,s. NORWICH 7 T f P. 14^ LONDON J A I 2 2 9 109 2. I48 Z 1 60 189 298 ! Bourn c. LINCOLN, /. 129 I I 34 I27| j OXFORD CIRCUIT. Newark -i ^ 17 - isV IFrom LONDON to Southwell > ^ 7 196 /. Reading, /. 43 -- 39 c. Nottinghnn J * H 2TO Ic. OXFORD *1\ 66-?.. ? 6 9 ] CIRCUITS of the JUDGES. T * Return by the fame Road to , rroro LONDON to j. Ablngdon, /. 51 ' ; 56 EXETER 61 3i <-. OXFORD 7 | 63 ' Collumpton 7"!* 12 313 c. WORCESTER,/. 64 57 120 Wellington JfJ i- !3 2 > Broomfgrove "~j 6 '126 / Taur.ton, p. 38 7 332 Stourbridge j>-io ^136 Glailonbury ~^ 2 ? ^55 W T olve; hamp- \ w \ ton I i o 1 1 4.6 a. WEI,LS $3 <-. BRISTOL, p. 172 ! 9 36c| c. Stafford j [16 162 Or, c. Shrewft>ury,/.23ol34 196 From Taunton J33 2 LlldlGW ? * T r- Leominfter v ' 29 II 2-5 2 36 f a. to Bridge\vater Axbridge 343 359 r. HEREFORD? c. Monmouth y * 14 18 268 r. BRISTOL 21 LONDON, /. 47 ji 17 380 497 Colford, ~| 5 273 N. B. The Aflizes for Cornwall are Michael Dean I "> 8 28l held fomet'mes at Truro. c. GLOCESTER | 12 2 93 LONDON 100393 NORTHERN CIRCUIT-. N. B. The above is the moft ufual From LONDON to i Circuit; though fometimes it goes YORK ^ - - - 107 from Worcefter to Glocefter, Mon-; mouth, Hereford, Shrewsbury, and| Stafford ; and, at other times, /torn Oxford to Giccefler, Mor.mouth,| Eafingwold / Thirfk f^ Northallerton * 13^210! 9f220 12*232 HefCt'crH, Shrewlbur/, Stafford, and, Darlington ) *^ 16 24? Worceft r - c. DURHAM i- - -- -K- a 1 \ " 18 266 c. rvewcaitie J<-*> WESTERN CIRCUIT, v. CACLISLE, /. 207 [| 201 337 From LONDON to c. WINCHESTER, 1 Penrith, > 6 s. Applehy Y * 3 I 5 3 6 9 -1 Orfnn r\ ^ p. 29 Stockbridge 8i D i2 72 t V-/1 lUil * . Kendal f^ : 93 14 39^ <:. SALISBURY i6 2 88 j j. Lancafter 7 c.' 2 4 4.i6f Blandtbrd T 22 no LONDON J ^" S2'K 65 1 1 c, Dorchefter $ f " 16 IZ " N. B. In homing ti Lent Affisw, tb Bridport ~) il> 14^ [ Northern Circuit extends rnly M Axminfter 112 I J3 York ana Lancafter ; the Ailize H r. EXETER I*!* z6 ,JQ Ij Durliam, Kevvtalle, CarliCe, and Oakhampton JJp*? * s J 2O1 Applets, being held in the Suntrr..-r. Circuit oniv. which, on that Ac-i /. Launceilon 119 22O count, is diftinguifhed by the Ap-j t. Bodmin J 20 240 ll pellation of the L^r.g Cir.-uit. [272 OMISSIONS; and ADDITIONS fmce PRINTING. To Leek, />. 8e Pool End 'Cong-let on, Chefh, il \\$ 164 Caflle Bromwich,/.8i Sutton Ccltfield s 106 in To Dunmow, ^, 145 p Great Ealton 2! 3 o ' 281> To Harefham, /. 4 ___ 44v \Lenbani, Ken; i 2 5 47 Thaxtead 4 To Holywell, /. 80 Newmarket, Flintjh. Rudland Abergeley, Denb. loni 206^ 2l6| To Bridport, /. 23 Lyme Colyford, Devon Sidford 150' 5 5 9l To Plymouth, /. 25 ^__ 216 Newton Poppleford Wood bury 3 IO2j Weftori 2 T 2l8j Topfham ! 3 I 7i Lrofs Tamar River to thence to Saltajb, Cornw. ! l 220 EXETER 3l 174 r ERRATA. P. 59, fc,r HetUert Maclcworth, Efq. read Sir Herbert Mackworth, Bart. P. 70, for Another Road to Warwick, P. 83, read P_ 86. P. 71, after J. Townlhend, Efq. read, and behind it, on the Hill, is Idli- cote, the Seat of Robert Ladbroke, Kfq. P. 103, after To Harrowgate, />. 100, jzo8, real Knarefbarough 1 i 2 * 1 Ferenfby 2 fp I 3 Minfkip 3 | 21 ^i Boroughbridge I i2I7f P. 246, for Ambleree, read Amilrie. I FINIS. -t J UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 85m-8,'71 (P6347B4)-0-120 . n. tmm& m% 'o *?* 3 1158 00615 9965 f .-y- -r .\ t_lV* " " V/ ~'J^ **J "1 I ^* ^ fi? 1 I f^' ^ rr! 1-.-1J m- _i I LI .1=0. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 1 79 265 4