CLASSICAL WORKS. LATIN TEXT-BOOKS. Harkness's Introductory Latin Book intended as an Elementary Drill-Book on the Inflections and Principles of the Language. Latin Grammar, for Schools and Colleges. Revised Edition. Elements of Latin Grammar, for Schools. Latin Header, with References, Suggestions, Notes, and Vocabulary. Practical Introduction to Latin Composition, for Schools and Colleges. Part I. Elementary Exercises, intended as a Companion to the Reader. Part II. Latin Syntax. Part in. Elements of Latin Style, with special Reference to Idioms and Synonymes. (Just published.) Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War, with Notes, Dictionary, Life of Caesar, Map of Gaul, Plans of Bat- tles, etc. Cicero's Select Orations, with Notes, etc. Arnold's First and Second Latin Book and Practical Gram- mar.* Revised and corrected. By J. A. SPENCEB, D. D. 12mo. 359 pages. Practical Introduction to Latin Prose Composi- tion.* Revised and corrected. By J. A. SPZNCEK, D. D. 12mo. 856 pages. 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Virgil's JSneid.* With Explanatory Notes. By HENRY FBIEZE, Professor of Latin in the State University of Michigan. (Re- cently published.) 12mo. 598 pages. The type is unusually large and distinct. The work contains eighty-five engravings, which delineate the usages, customs, weap- ons, arts, and mythology of the ancients, with a vividness that can be attained only by pictorial illustrations. GREEK TEXT-BOOKS. A First Greek Book* and Introductory Reader. By A. HARKNESS, Ph.D., author of "Arnold's First Latin Book." 4i Second Latin Book," etc. (Recently published.) 12mo. 276 pasres. Acts of the Apostles, according to the text of AUGUSTUS HAHN. With Notes and a Lexicon by JOHN J. OWEN, D.D., LL. D. With Map. 12mo. Arnold's First Greek Book,* on the Plan of the First Latin Book. 12mo. 297 pages. Arnold's Practical Introduction to Greek Prose Composi- tion.* 12mo. 297 pages. Second Part to the above.* 12mo. 248 pages. END OP THIS VOLUME. THE GERMANIA AND AGRICOLA CARTS CORNELIUS TACITUS. WITH NOTES FOE COLLEGES. BY W. S. TYLEE, WILLISTON PROFESSOR OF GREEK IN AMHERST COLLEGE. NEW EDITION, WITH REVISIONS AND ADDITIONS, BY HENRY M. TYLER, PROFESSOR OF LATIN AND GREEK IN SMITH COLLEGE AT NORTHAMPTON. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 1, 3, AND 5 BOND STREET. 1881. ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S52, by D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1878, by D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. STACK ANNEX PREFACE. THE plan and purpose of this work, which has been so widely used as a college text-book for more than thirty years, are too well known to require ex- planation. It will only be necessary to state in a few words what has been done to improve the present edition. The text has been carefully revised and corrected after comparison with the most improved recent edi- tions. The Introductions have been enlarged and enriched with new materials, drawn largely from such sources as Maine's Treatise upon Ancient Law, Waitz's Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte, and various other works upon Teutonic and Celtic antiquities. The Notes have been amended both by omissions and additions, the latter being intended especially to il- lustrate the geography, history, and archaeology of iv PREFACE. Germany and Britain, and the character, customs, and institutions of the early inhabitants. The recent editions most frequently consulted are the following : Germania, by Dr. Heinrich Schweitzer-Sidler, Halle, 1874 ; Germania, by Karl Muellenhoff, Berlin, 1873 ; the French edition of the Agricola, by J. Gantrelle, Paris, 1875 ; and the editions, covering both the Germania and the Agricola, by Ulrichs, 1875 ; Nip- perdey, 1876; Church & Brodribb, London, 1875; as also the work of Dr. A. Draeger, Ueber Syntax und Stil des Tacitus, Leipzig, 1874. The work of revising has been done, under my supervision, chiefly by my son, Henry M. Tyler, Professor of Greek and Latin in Smith College, Northampton, whose name, therefore, appears on the title-page ; and it has been performed with an earnest desire to make the revision thorough without changing the form and character of the original work, or increasing too much its bulk. The Maps have been taken (by an arrangement with its publishers) from the edition of Church & Brodribb, published by Macmillan, and will, I am sure, aid the student much in understanding the geog- raphy of our author. The editor cannot but express his obligations to the publishers, who have reprinted PREFACE. v and electrotyped anew the text as well as the Notes and Introductions, and have spared neither pains nor expense to perfect its form and external ap- pearance. In sending out this again-revised edition of these most delightful treatises of an author in the study of whose works I never tire, I cannot but repeat the hope expressed in 1852 : that it has been not a little improved by these alterations and additions, while it will be found to have lost none of the essential feat- ures by which the first edition in 1847 was commend- ed to so good a measure of public favor. W. S. TYLEE. AMHEBST COLLEGE, June, 1878. IT is the office of genius and learning, as of light, to illus- trate other things, and not itself. The writers, who, of all others perhaps, have told us most of the world, just as it has been and is, have told us least of themselves. Their char- acter we may infer, with more or less exactness, from their works, but their history is unwritten and must forever remain so. Homer, though, perhaps, the only one who has been argued out of existence, is by no means the only one whose age and birth-place have been disputed. The native place of Tacitus is mere matter of conjecture. His parentage is not certainly known. The time of his birth and the year of his death are ascertained only by approximation, and very few incidents are recorded in the history of his life ; still we know the period in which he lived, the influences under which his character was developed and matured, and the circumstances under which he wrote his immortal works. In short, we know his times, though we can scarcely gather up enough to denominate his life; and the times in which an author lived are often an important, not to say essential, means of elucidating his writings. CAIUS COENELIUS TACITUS was born in the early part of the reign of Nero, and near the middle of the first century in the Christian Era. The probability is, that he was the son of 2 LIFE OF TACITUS. Cornelius Tacitus, a man of equestrian rank, and procurator of Belgic Gaul under Nero ; that he was born at Interamna in Umbria, and that he received a part of his education at Massilia (the modern Marseilles), which was then the Athens of the "West, a Grecian colony, and a seat of truly Grecian culture and refinement. It is not improbable that he enjoyed also the instructions of Quintilian, who, for twenty years, taught at Eome that pure and manly eloquence, of which his Institutes furnish at once such perfect rules and so fine an example. If we admit th'e " Dialogue de Claris Oratori- bus " to be the work of Tacitus, his ideal of the education proper for an orator was no less comprehensive, no less ele- vated, no less liberal, than that of Cicero himself; and if his theory was, like Cicero's, only a transcript of his own edu- cation, he must have been disciplined early in all the arts and sciences in all the departments of knowledge which were then cultivated at Eome: a conclusion in which we are confirmed also by the accurate and minute acquaintance which he shows, in his other works, with all the affairs, whether civil or military, public or private, literary or religi- ous, both of Greece and Eome. The boyhood and youth of Tacitus did, indeed, fall on evil times. Monsters in vice and crime had filled the throne, till their morals and manners had infected those of all the people. The state was distracted, and apparently on the eve of disso- lution. The public taste, like the general conscience, was perverted. The fountains of education were poisoned. De- generate Grecian masters were inspiring their Eoman pupils with a relish for a false science, a frivolous literature, a viti- ated eloquence, an Epicurean creed, and a voluptuous life. But with sufficient discernment to see the follies and vices LIFE OF TACITUS. 3 of his age, and with sufficient virtue to detest them, Tacitus must have found his love of wisdom and goodness, of liberty and law, strengthened by the very disorders and faults of the times. If the patriot ever loves a well-regulated freedom, it will be in and after the reign of a tyrant, preceded or fol- lowed by what is still worse, anarchy. If the pure and the good ever reverence purity and goodness, it will be amid the general prevalence of vice and crime. If the sage ever pants after wisdom, it is when the fountains of knowledge have become corrupted. The reigns of Nero and his immediate successors were probably the very school, of all others, to which we are most indebted for the comprehensive wisdom, the elevated sentiments, and the glowing eloquence of the biographer of Agricola, and the historian of the Eoman Em- pire. His youth saw, and felt, and deplored the disastrous effects of Nero's inhuman despotism, and of the anarchy attending the civil wars of Galba, Otho, and Vitellius. His manhood saw, and felt, and exulted in the contrast furnished by the reigns of Vespasian and Titus, though the sun of the latter too soon went down, in that long night of gloom and blood and terror, the tyranny of Domitian. And when, in the reigns of Nerva and Trajan, he enjoyed the rare felicity of thinking what he pleased, and speaking what he thought, he was just fitted, in the maturity of his faculties and the extent of his observation and reflections, "to enroll slowly, year after year, that dreadful reality of crimes and sufferings, which even dramatic horror, in all its license of wild imagin- ation, can scarcely reach, the long unvarying catalogue of tyrants and executioners, and victims that return thanks to the gods and die, and accusers rich with their blood, and more mighty as more widely hated, amid the multitudes of 4 LIFE OF TACITUS. prostrate slaves, still looking whether there may not yet have escaped some lingering virtue which it may be a merit to de- stroy, and having scarcely leisure to feel even the agonies of remorse in the continued sense of the precariousnees of their own gloomy existence." * Tacitus was educated for the bar, and continued to plead causes, occasionally at least, and with not a little success, even after he had entered upon the great business of his life as a writer of history. We find references to his first, and perhaps his last, appearance as an advocate, in the Letters of Pliny, which are highly complimentary. The first was, when Pliny was nineteen, and Tacitus a little older (how much we are not informed), when Tacitus distinguished himself, so as to awaken the emulation and the envy, though not in a bad sense, of Pliny. The last was some twenty years later, when Tacitus and Pliny, the tried friends of a whole life, the brightest ornaments of literature and of the forum, were associated by the choice of the Senate, and pleaded together at the bar of the Senate, and in the presence of the Emperor Trajan, for the execution of justice upon Marius Priscus, who was accused of maladministration in the proconsulship of Africa. Pliny says that Tacitus spoke with singular gravity and eloquence, and the Senate passed a unanimous vote of approbation and thanks to both the orators for the ability and success with which they had managed the prosecution (Plin. Epis. ii. 11). We have also the comments of Pliny on a panegyrical oration which Tacitus pronounced, when consul, upon his predecessor in the consular office, Verginius Kufus, perhaps the most remarkable man of his age, distinguished alike as a * Brown's " Philosophy of the Mind." LIFE OF TACITUS. 5 hero, a statesman, and a scholar, and yet so modest or so wise that he repeatedly refused the offer of the imperial pur- ple. " Fortune," says Pliny, " always faithful to Verginius, reserved for her last favor such an orator to pronounce a eulo- giuin on such virtues. It was enough to crown the glory of a well-spent life " (Plin. Epis. ii. 1), The speeches in the historical works of Tacitus, though rather concise and abstract for popular orations, are full of force and fire. Some of them are truly Demosthenic in their impassioned and fiery logic. The speech of Galgacus before the Briton army, when driven into the extremity of Caledonia by the Eomans under Agricola, can hardly be surpassed for patriotic sentiments, vigorous reasoning, and burning invec- tive. The address of Germanicus to his mutinous soldiers (in the Annals) is not less remarkable for tender pathos. The sage and yet soldierlike address of the aged Galba to his adopted son Piso, the calm and manly speech of Piso to the body guard, the artful harangue of the demagogue Otho to his troops, the no less crafty address of Mucianus to Ves- pasian, the headlong rapidity of Antonius's argument for im- mediate action, the plausible plea of Marcellus Eprius against the honest attack of Helvidius Priscus, and the burning re- bukes of the intrepid Vocula to his cowardly and treacherous followers all these, in the Histories, show no ordinary de- gree of rhetorical skill and versatility. Indeed, the entire body of his works is animated with the spirit of the orator, as it is tinged also with the coloring of the poet. For this reason they are doubtless deficient in the noble simplicity of the earlier classical histories ; but, for the same reason, they may be a richer treasure for the professional men at least of modern times. 6 LIFE OF TACITUS. Of his marriage with the daughter of Agricola, and its in- fluence on his character and prospects, as also of his passing in regular gradation through the series of public honors at Borne, beginning with the quaestorship under Vespasian, and ending with the consulship under Nerva, Tacitus informs us himself (A. 9, His. i. 1), barely alluding to them, however, in the general, and leaving all the details to mere conjecture. "We learn, to our surprise, that he not only escaped the jeal- ousy of the tyrant Domitian, but was even promoted by him to the office of Quindecimvir and Praetor (Ann. ii. 11). Be- yond these vague notices, we know little or nothing of his course of life, except that Pliny says (Epist. iv. 13) he was much esteemed by the learned and the great at Eome, who went in crowds to his levees. Of the time of his death, we can only conjecture that he died before the Emperor Trajan, but after his friend Pliny the former, because, had he out- lived the Emperor, he would probably have executed his purpose of writing the history of his reign (His. i. 1) ; the latter, because, if he had not survived his friend, Pliny who lamented the death of so many others would not have failed to pay the last tribute to the memory of Tacitus. It is generally admitted, though without direct testimony, that Tacitus died not without issue. That excellent prince, M. Claudius Tacitus, deduced his pedigree from the historian, and ordered his image to be set up, and a complete collection of his works to be placed in the public archives, with a special direction that twelve copies should be made every year at the public expense. It is greatly to be regretted that such praise- worthy precautions should have failed to preserve for us that treasure entire. The age of Tacitus is usually styled the silver age of Roman LIFE OF TACITUS. 7 Literature ; and it merits no higher title, when compared with the golden age of Augustus. It was the good fortune of Augustus to gain the supremacy at Home when society had reached its maximum of refinement, and was just ready to enter upon its stage of corruption and decline. Hence his name is identified with that proud era in literature, in pro- ducing which he bore at best only an accidental and second- ary part. In the literature of the Augustan age, we admire the substance of learning and philosophy without the show, the cultivation of taste without the parade of criticism, the fascination of poetry without its corruption, and the use of eloquence without its abuse. Grecian refinement was no longer despised ; Grecian effeminacy had not yet prevailed. The camp was not now the home of the Eomans ; neither were the theatres and the schools. They had ceased to be a nation of soldiers, and had not yet become a nation of slaves. At no other period could Borne have had her Cicero, her Livy, and her Virgil. The silver age produced no men who "attained unto these first three." But 'there are not wanting other bright names to associate with Tacitus, though most of them lived a little earlier than he. There was Seneca, the Philosopher, whose style, with its perpetual antitheses, is the very worst of the age, but his sentiments, perhaps more or less under the influence of Christianity, approach nearer to the Christian code of morals than those of any other Latin author. There were Martial and Juvenal, whose satires made vice tremble in its high places, and helped to confer on the Romans the honor of originating one species of literary composition, un- known to the Greeks. There were Suetonius and Plutarch ; the one natural, simple, and pure in his style, far beyond his 8 LIFE OF TACITUS. age, but without much depth or vigor of thought ; the other, involved and affected in his manner, but in his matter of sur- passing richness and incalculable worth. There was the elder Pliny, a prodigy of learning and industry, whose researches in Natural History cost him his life in that fatal eruption of Vesuvius which buried Herculaneum and Pompeii. There was also the judicious Quintilian, at once neat and nervous in his language, delicate and correct in his criticisms, a man of genius and a scholar, a teacher and an exemplar of eloquence. Finally, there were the younger Pliny and Tacitus, rival can- didates for literary and professional distinction, yet cherish- ing for each other the most devoted and inviolable attach- ment, each viewing the other as the ornament of their coun- try, each urging the other to write the history of their ago, and each relying chiefly on the genius of the other for his own immortality (Plin. Epis. vii. 33). Their names were together identified by their contemporaries with the liter- ature of the age of Trajan : " I never was touched with a more sensible pleasure," says Pliny, in one of his beautiful Letters* (which rival Cicero's in epistolary ease and elegance), "than by an account which I lately received from Cornelius Tacitus. He informed me that, at the last Circensian Games, he sat next a stranger, who, after much discourse on various topics of learning, asked him whether he was an Italian or a provincial. Tacitus replied, ' Your acquaintance with litera- ture must have informed you who I am.' 'Aye,' said the man, ' is it then Tacitus or Pliny I am talking with? ' I can- not express how highly I am pleased to find that our names are not so much the proper appellations of individuals, as a * Eleven of these are addressed to Tacitus, and two or three are written ex- pressly for the purpose of furnishing materials for his history. LIFE OF TACITUS. 9 designation of learning itself " (Plin. Epis. ix. 23). Critics are not agreed to which of these two literary friends belongs the delicate encomium of Quintilian, when, after enumerating the principal writers of the day, he adds, " There is another ornament of the age, who will deserve the admiration of pos- terity. I do not mention him at present ; his name will be known hereafter." Pliny, Tacitus, and Quintilian are also rival candidates for the honor of having written the Dialogue do Claris Oratoribus, one of the most valuable productions in ancient criticism. As a writer, Tacitus was not free from the faults of his age. The native simplicity of Greek and Latin composition had passed away. An affected point and an artificial brill- iancy were substituted in their place. The rhetoric and phi- losophy of the schools had infected all the departments of literature. Simple narrative no longer suited the pampered taste of the readers or tho writers of history. It must bo highly seasoned with sentimentalisrn and moralizing, with romance and poetry. Tacitus, certainly, did not escape the infection. In the language of Macaulay : "He carries his love of effect far beyond the limits of moderation. He tells a fine story finely, but he cannot tell a plain story plainly. He stim- ulates, till stimulants lose their power." * We have taken occasion in the notes to point out not a few examples of rhetorical pomp and poetical coloring, and even needless multiplication of words, where plainness and precision would have been much better, and which may well surprise us in a writer of so much conciseness. Lord Monboddo, in a very able, though somewhat extravagant critique on Tacitus, has selected numerous instances of what he calls the ornamented * Article on History, Ed. Kev., 1828. Also in Macaulay's " Miscellanies." 10 LIFE OF TACITUS. dry style, many of which are so concise, so rough, and so hroken that he says they do not deserve the name of com- position, hut seem rather like the raw materials of history than like history itself (Orig. and Prog, of Lang., vol. iii. chap. 12). Still, few readers can fail to pronounce Tacitus, as Ma- caulay affirms, and even Lord Monhoddo admits him to be, the greatest of Latin historians, superior to Thucydides him- self in the moral painting of his hest narrative scenes, and in the delineation of character without a rival among historians, with scarcely a superior among dramatists and novelists. The common style of his narrative is, indeed, wanting in sim- plicity, and sometimes in perspicuity. He does not deal enough in the specific and the picturesque, the where, the when, and the how. But, when his subject comes up to the grandeur of his conceptions, and the strength of his language, his descriptions are graphic and powerful. No battle scenes are more grand and terrific than those of Tacitus. Military men and scholars have also remarked their singular correct- ness and definiteness. The military evolutions, the fierce encounter, the doubtful struggle, the alternations of victory and defeat, the disastrous rout and hot pursuit, the carnage and blood, are set forth with the warrior's accuracy and the poet's fire ; while, at the same time, the conflicting passions and emotions of the combatants are discerned, as it were, by the eye of a seer their hidden springs of action, and the lowest depths of their hearts laid bare, as if by the wand of a magician. In the painting of large groups, in the moral por- traiture of vast bodies of men under high excitement and in strenuous exertion, we think that Tacitus far surpasses all other historians. Whether it be a field of battle or a cap- LIFE OF TACITUS. 11 tared city, a frightened senate or a flattering court, a mutiny or a mob, that he describes, we not only see in a clear and strong light the outward actions, but we look into the hearts of all the mixed multitude, and gaze with wonder on the changing emotions and conflicting passions by which they are agitated. His delineations of individual character are also marked by the same profound insight into the human soul. Like the old Latin Poet, he might have said, " Homo sum ; nihil humani a me aliemun puto." There is scarcely a landscape picture in his whole gallery. It is full of portraits of men, in groups and as individuals, every grade of condition, every variety of character, perform- ing all kinds of actions, exhibiting every human passion, the colors laid ou with a bold hand, the principal features pre- sented in a strong light, the minuter strokes omitted, the soft and delicate finish despised. We feel that we have gained not a little insight into the character of those men, who are barely introduced in the extant books of Tacitus, but whose history is given in the books that are lost. Men of inferior rank even, who appear on the stage only for a short time, develop strongly marked characters, which are drawn with dramatic distinctness and power, while yet the thread of his- tory is never broken, the dignity of history never sacrificed. And those Emperors, whose history is preserved entire, with them we feel acquainted, we know the controlling principles, as well as the leading events of their lives, and we feel sure that we could predict how they would act under almost any imaginable circumstances. In a faithful portraiture of the private and public life of 12 LIFE OF TACITUS. the degenerate Romans, there was much to call for the hand of a master in satire. And we find in the glowing sketches of our author all the vigor and point of a Juvenal, without his vulgarity and obscenity; all the burning indignation which the Latin is so peculiarly capable of expressing, with all the vigor and stateliness by which the same language is equally characterized. Tacitus has been sometimes repre- sented as a very Diogenes, for carping and sarcasm a very Aristophanes, to blacken character with ridicule and reproach. But he is as far removed from the cynic or the buffoon as from the panegyrist or the flatterer. He is not the indiscrim- inate admirer that Plutarch was. Nor is he such a universal hater as Sallust. It is the fault of the times that he is obliged to deal so much in censure. If there ever were perfect mon- sters on earth, such were several of the Roman Emperors. Yet Tacitus describes few, if any, of them without some of the traits of humanity. He gives us in his history neither demons nor gods, but veritable men and women. In this respect, as also in his descriptions of battles, Tacitus is decidedly supe- rior to Livy. The characters of Livy are distinguishable only as classes the good all very good, the bad very bad, the indifferent very indifferent. You discover no important difference between a Fabius and a Marcellus, further than it lies on the face of their actions. In Tacitus, the char- acters are all individuals. Each stands out distinctly from the surrounding multitude, and not only performs his own proper actions, but is governed by his own peculiar motives. Livy places before us the statues of heroes and gods; Tacitus conducts us through the crowd of living men. In an attempt to sketch the most striking features of Taci- LIFE OF TACITTJS. 13 tus, as a writer, no critic can omit to mention his sage and pithy maxims. Apothegms abound on every page sagacious, truthful, and profound in sentiment, in style concise, anti- thetic and sententious. Doubtless he is excessively fond of pointed antithesis. Perhaps he is too much given to moral- izing and reflection. It was, as we have said, the fault of his age. But no one, who is familiar with Seneca, will severely censure Tacitus. He will only wonder that ho should have risen so far above the faults of his contemporaries. Indeed, Tacitus interweaves his reflections with so much propriety, and clothes his apothegms with so much dignity he is so manifestly competent to instruct the world by maxims, whether in civil, social, or individual life, that we are far from wishing he had indulged in it less. His reflections do not interrupt the thread of his narrative. They grow natur- ally out of his incidents. They break forth spontaneously from the lips of his men. His history is indeed philosophy teaching by examples ; and his pithy sayings are truly lessons of wisdom, embodied in the form most likely to strike the attention and impress the memory. TVe should love to see a collection of apothegms from the pen of Tacitus. It would make an admirable book of laconics. No book would give you more ideas in fewer words. Nowhere could you gain so much knowledge, and lose so little time. The reader of Taci- tns, who will study him with pen in hand, to mark or refer to the most striking passages, will soon find himself master of a text-book in moral and political science, we might say a text-book in human nature, singularly concise and sententious, and what is not always true even of concise and sententious writers, as singularly wise and profound. In such a book, many of the speeches would find a place entire ; for many of 14 LIFE OF TACITUS. them are little else than a series of condensed, well-timed, and most instructive apothegms.* But the scholar, who is on the lookout, will find lurking in every section, and almost every sentence, some important truth in morals, in politics, in the individual or social nature of man. Neither the editor nor the teacher can -be expected to develop these sentiments, nor even, in many instances, to point them out. That labor must be performed by the scholar ; and his will be the reward. No hasty perusal, no single reading of Tacitus, will give a just conception of the surpassing richness of his works. They must be studied profoundly to be duly appreciated. They are a mine of wisdom, of vast extent and unknown depth, whose treasures lie chiefly beneath the surface, embedded in the solid rock which must be entered with mining implements, explored with strong lights, and its wealth brought up by severe toil and sweat. * E. g., the speech of Galba to Fiso, His. i. 15, 16. O. COKE". TACITUS DE SITU, MORIBUS ET POPULIS GERMANIAE. BREVIARIUM LIBELLI. CAP. 1. Germaniae situs : 2. incolae indigenae : auctores gen- tis : nominis origo : Hercules. 3. Baritus : ara Ulixis. 4. Germani, gens sincera: habitus corporum. 5. Terrae na- tura : non aurum, non argentum, neo aestimatum. 6. Ger- maBorum arma, equitatus, peditatus, ordo militiae : 7. reges, duces, sacerdotes : 8. feminarum virtus et veneratio : Ve- leda : Aurinia. 9. dii, sacra, simulacra nulla. 10. Auspicia, sortes : ex equis, e captivo praesagia. 11. Consultationes publicae et conventus. 12. Accusationes, poenae, jus red- ditum. 13. Scuto frameaque ornati juvenes, principum comites : eorum virtus et fama. 14. Gentis bellica studia. 15. In pace, venatio, otium : collata principibus munera. 16. Urbes nullae: vici, domus, specus suffugium hiemi et receptaculum frugibus. 17. Vestitus hominum, feminarum. 18. Matrirnonia severa : dos a marito oblata. 19. Pudicitia: adulterii poena : monogamia : liberorum numerns non flnitus. 20. Liberorum educatio: successionis leges. 21. Patris, propinqui, amicitiae, inimicitiaeque susceptae: liomi- cidii pretium : bospitalitas. 22. Lotio, victus, cbriorum rixae : consultatio in conviviis. 23. Potus, cibus. 24. Spectacula: aleae furor. 25. Servi, libertini. 20. Fenus ignotum : agricultura : anni tempora. 27. Funera, sepul- cra, luctus. 16 C. CORN. TACITUS 28. Singularum gentium instituta: Galli, olim valida gens, in Germaniam transgressi, Helvetii, Boii : Aravisci, Osi, incertum genus : Germanicae originis populi Treveri, Nervii, Vangiones, Triboci, Nemetes, Ubii. 29. Batavi, Chattorum proles: Mattiaci: Decumatesagri. 30,31. Ghattorum regio, habitus, disciplina militaris ; vota, virtutis incentiva. 32. Usipi, Tencteri, equitatu praestantes. 33. Bructerorum sedes, a Cbamavis et Angrivariis occupatae. 34. Dulgub- nii: Chasuarii: Frisii. 35. Chauci, pacis studio, justitia, et virtute nobiles. 36. Cberusci et Fosi, a Cbattis victi. 37. Cimbrorum parva civitas, gloria ingens ; Eomanorum clades : Germani triumphati magis quam victi. 38. Suevo- rum numerus, mores. 39. Semnonum religio, victimao humanae. 40. Longobardi: JReudigni: Aviones: Angli: Varini: Eudoses: Suardones: Nuithones: Nerthao cultus communis. 41. Hermunduri. 42. Varisti: Marcomani: Quadi. 43. Marsigni : Gothini : Osi : Buri : Lygiorum civitates, Arii, Helvecones, Manimi, Elysii, Nahanarvali; horum numen Alcis : Gotones : Eugii : Lemovii. 44. Sui- ones, classibus valentes, 45. Mare pigrum : Aestii, Matris Deum cultores, succinum legunt : Sitonibus f emina imperat. 46. Peucini, Venedi, Fenni, Germani, an Sarmatae? Eorura f eritas, paupertas : Hominum monstra, Hellusii, Oxiones. I. GEKMANIA omnis a Gallis Rhaetisque et Panno- niis Rheno et Danubio fluminibus, a Sarmatis Dacis- que rautuo metu aut montibus separatur : cetera Oceanus ambit, latos sinus et insularum immensa spatia complectens, nuper cognitis quibusdam genti- bus ac regibus, quos bellura aperuit. Rhcnus, Rliaeti- carum Alpium inaccesso ac praecipiti vertice ortus, modico flexu in occidentem versus, septentricnali Oceano miscetur. Danubius, molli et clementer edito mentis Abnobae jugo effusus, plures populos adit, donee in Ponticum mare sex meatibus erumpat : septi- mum os paludibus Lauritur. DE GERMANIA. 17 II. Ipsos Germanos indigenas crediderim, minime- que aliarum gentium adventibus et hospitiis mixtos ; quia nee terra olim, sed classibus advehebantur, qui mutare sedes quaerebant, et immensus ultra, utque sic dixerim, adversus Oceanus raris ab orbe nostro navi- bus aditur. Quis porro, praeter periculum horridi et ignoti maris, Asia aut Africa aut Italia relicta, Ger- maniam peteret, informem terris, asperam coelo, tris- tem cultu aspectuque, nisi si patria sit? Celebrant carminibus antiquis (quod unum apud illos memoriae et annalium genus est) Tuistonem deum terra editum, et filium Mannum, originem gentis conditoresque. Manno tres filios assignant, e quorum nominibus proxi- mi Oceano Ingaevones, medii Hermiones, ceteri Istae- vones vocentur. Quidam autem, ut in licentia vetus- tatis, plures deo ortos pluresque gentis appellationes, Marsos, Gambrivios, Suevos, Yandalios, affirmant ; eaque vera et antiqua nomina. Ceterum Germaniae vocabulum recens et nuper additum ; quoniam, qui primi Rhenum transgress! Gallos expulerint, ac nunc Tungri, tune Germani vocati sint : ita nationis nomen, non gentis evaluisse paulatim, ut omnes primum a victore ob metum, mox a seipsis , invento nomine, Ger- mani vocarentur. III. Fuisse apud eos et Herculem memorant, pri- mumque omnium virorum fortium ituri in proelia ca- nunt. Bunt illis haec quoque carmina, quorum relatu, quern baritum vocant, accendunt animos, futuraeque pugnae f ortunam ipso cantu augurantur : terrent enim trepidantve, prout sonuit acies. Nee tarn voces illae, quam virtutis concentus videntur. Affectatur prae- cipue asperitas soni et fractum murmur, objectis ad soHtis, quo plenior et gravior vox repercussu intu- 18 C. CORN. TACITUS mescat. Ceterum et Ulixem quidam opinantur longo illo et fabuloso eiTore in hunc Oceanum delatum, adisse Germaniae terras, Asciburgiumque, quod in ripa Rheni situm hodieque incolitur, ab illo constitu- tum nominatumque. Aram quin etiam TJlixi conse- cratam, adjecto Laertae patris nomine, eodem loco olim repertam, monumentaque et tumulos quosdam Graecis litteris inscriptos in confinio Germaniae Rhae- tiaeque adhuc exstare : quae neque conlirmare argu- nientis, neque refellere in animo est : ex ingenio suo quisque demat, vel addat fidem. IV. Ipse eorum opinionibus accedo, qui Germaniae populos nullis aliis aliarum nationum connubiis infec- tos propriam et sinceram et tantum sui similem gen- tem exstitisse arbitrantur : unde habitus quoque cor- porum, quamquam in tanto hominum numero, idem omnibus ; truces et caerulei oculi, rutilae comae, mag- na corpora et tantum ad impetum valida ; laboris atque operum non eadem patientia : minimeque sitim aestumque tolerare, frigora atque inediam coelo solove assueverunt. ^ V. Terra, etsi aliquanto specie differt, in universum tamen aut silvis horrida aut paludibus foeda : humi- dior, qua Gallias ; ventosior, qua Noricum ac Panno- niam aspicit : satis ferax ; frugiferarum arborum im- patiens : pecorum fecunda, sed plerumque improcera ; ne armentis quidem suus honor, aut gloria frontis : numero gaudent ; eaeque solae et gratissimae opes sunt. Argentum et aurum propitii an irati dii nega- verint, dubito. Nee tamen affirmaverim, nullam GIT- maniae venam argentum aurumve gignere : quis eniiu scrutatus est ? possessione ct usu liaud perinde afiici- untur. Est videre apud illos argentea vasa, legatis et DE GERMANIA. 19 principibus eorum muneri data, non in alia vilitate, quam quae humo finguntur ; quamquam proximi, ob usum commerciorum, aurum et argentum in pretio habent, formasque quasdam nostrae pecuniae agnos- cunt, atque eligunt : interiores simplicius et antiquius permutatione mercium utuntur. Pecuniam probant veterem et diu notam, serratos bigatosque. Argentum quoque magis quam aurum sequuntur, nulla affectione animi, sed quia numerus argenteorum facilior usui est promiscua ac vilia mercantibus. / VI. Ne ferrum quidem super est, sicut ex gen ere telorum colligitur. Rari gladiis aut majoribus lanceis utuntur : hastas, vel ipsorum vocabulo frameas^ge- r,unt, angusto et brevi ferro sed ita acri et ad usum habili, ut eodem telo, prout ratio poscit, vel cominus vel eminus pugnent : et eques quidem scuto fra- meaque contentus est : pedites et missilia spargunt, plura singuli, atque in immensum vibrant, nudi aut sagulo leves. x Nulla cultus jactatio ; scuta tantum lectissimis coloribus distinguunt ; paucis loricae : vix uni alterive cassis aut galea. Equi non forma, non velocitate conspicui : sed nee variare gyros in morem nostrum docentur. In rectum, aut uno flexu dextros agunt ita conjunct orbe, ut nemo posterior sit. In universum aestimanti, plus penes peditwm roboris ; eoque mixti proeliantur, apta et congruente ad eques- trem pugnam velocitate peditum, quos ex omni juven- tute delectos ante aciem locant. Definitur et nume- rus : centeni ex singulis pagis sunt ; idque ipsum in- ter suos vocantur ; et quod primo numerus fuit, jam nomen et honor est. Acies per cuneos componitur. Cedcre loco, dummodo rursus instes, consilii quam formidinis arbitrantur. Corpora suorum etiam in 20 C. CORN. TACITUS dubiis proeliis referunt. Scutum reliquisse, praecipu- um flagitium ; nee aut sacris adesse, aut concilium inire, ignominioso fas ; ruultique superstites bellorum infamiam laqueo finierunt. VII. Reges ex nobilitate, duces ex virtute sumunt. Nee regibus infinita aut libera potestas : et duces ex- emplo potius, quam imperio, si prompti, si conspicui, si ante aciem agant, admiratione praesunt. Ceterum neque animadvertere neque vincire, ne verberare qui- dem, nisi sacerdotibus permissum ; non quasi in poe- nam, nee ducis jussu, sed velut deo imperante, quern adesse bellantibus credunt : effigiesque et signa quae- dam, detracta lucis, in proelium ferunt. Quodque praecipuum fortitudinis incitamentum est, non casus nee fortuita conglobatio turmam aut cuneum facit, sed familiae et propinquitates, et in proximo pignora, unde feminarum ululatus audiri, unde vagitus infanti- um : hi cuique sanctissimi testes, hi maximi lauda- tores. Ad matres, ad conjuges vulnera ferunt ; nee illae numerare, aut exigere plagas pavent ; cibosque et hortamina pugnantibus gestant. YIII. Memoriae proditur, quasdam acies, inclina- tas jam et labantes, a feminis restitutas, constantia precum et objectu pectorum et monstrata cominus captivitate, quam longe impatientius feminarum sua- rum nomine timent : adeo ut efficacius obligentur animi civitatum, quibus inter obsides puellae quoque nobiles imperantur.f Inesse quin etiam sanctum aliquid et providum putant : nee aut consilia earum aspernantur, aut responsa negligunt. Vidimus sub divo Vespa- siano Veledam diu apud plerosque numinis loco habi- tam. Sed et olim Albrunam et complures alias venerati sunt non adulatione, nee tanquam facerent deas. DE GERMANIA. 21 IX. Deorum maxhne Mercurium colunt, cui certis cliebus humanis quoque hostiis litare fas habent. Her- culem ac Martem concessis animalibus placant : pars Suevorum et Isidi sacrificat. Unde causa et origo peregrine sacro parum comperi, nisi quod signum ip- sum, in modum liburnae figuratum, docet advectam religionem. Ceterum nee cohibere parietibus decs, neque in ullam humani oris speciem assimulare, ex magnitudine coelestium arbitrantur : lucos ac nemora consecrant, deorumque nominibus appellant secretum illud, quod sola reverentia vident. j^' X. Auspicia sortesque, ut qui maxime, observant. Sortium consuetude simplex : virgam, frugiferae ar- , bori decisam, in surculos amputant, eosque, notis qui- busdam discretes, super candidam vestem temere ac fortuito spargunt : mox, si publice onsuletur, sacer- dos civitatis, sin privatim, ipse paterfamiliae, precatus deos coelumque suspicions, ter singulos tollit, sublatos secundum impressam ante notam interpretatur. Si prohibuerunt, nulla de eadem re in eundem diem con- sultatio ; sin permissum, auspiciorum adhuc fides exi- gitur. Et illud quidem etiam hie notum, avium voces volatusque interrogare : proprium gentis, equorum quoque praesagia ac monitus experiri ; publice aluntur iisdem nemoribus ac lucis candidi et nullo mortali opere contacti : quos presses sacro curru sacerdos ac rex vel princeps civitatis comitantur, hinnitusque ac fremitus observant. Nee ulli auspicio major fides non solum apud plebem, sed apud proceres, apud sacerdotes ; se enim ministros deorum, illos conscios c ,, y putant. Est et alia observatio auspiciorum, qiia gra- vium bellorum eventus explorant ; ejus gentis, cum qua bellum est, captivum, quoquo modo interceptum, 22 C. CORN. TACITUS cum electo popularium suorum, patriis quemque armis, committunt : victoria hujus vel illius pro praejudicio accipitur. XI. De minoribus rebus principes consultant ; de majoribus omnes : ita tamen, ut ea quoque, quorum penes plebem arbitrium est, apud principes pertrac- tentur. Coeunt, nisi quid fortuitum et subitum inci- derit, certis diebus, cum aut inchoatur luna aut imple- tur : nam agendis rebus hoc auspicatissimum initium credunt. Nee dierum numerum, ut nos, sed noctium computant. Sic constituunt, sic condicunt : nox du- cere diem videtur. Illud ex libertate vitium, quod non simul, nee ut jussi conveniunt, sed et alter et tertius dies cunctatione coeuntium absumitur. Ut turbae placuit, considunt armati. Silentium per sacer- dotes, quibus turn et coercendi jus est, imperatur. Mox rex vel princeps, prout aetas cuique, prout nobili- tas, prout decus bellorum, prout facundia est, audiun- tur, auctoritate suadendi magis, quam jubendi potes- tate. Si displicuit sententia, fremitu aspernantur ; sin placuit, frameas concutiunt. Honpratissimum as- sensus genus est, armis laudare. / ' XII. Licet apud concilium accusare quoque ct dis- crimen capitis intendere. Distinctio poenarum ex de- licto : proditores et transfugas arboribus suspendunt ; ignavos et imbelles et corpore infames coeno ac pa- lude, injecta insuper crate, mergunt. Diversitas sup- plicii illuc respicit, tanquam scelera ostendi oporteat, dum puniuntur, flagitia abscondi. Sed et levioribus delictis, pro modo poenarum, equorum pecorumque numero convicti mulctantur : pars mulctae regi vel civitati, pars ipsi, qui vindicatur, vel propinquis ejus cxsolvitur. Eliguntur in iisdem conciliis et principes, DE GERMAXIA. 23 qui jura per pagos vicosqtie reddunt. Centeni singulis ex plebe comites, consilium simul et auctoritas, ad- sunt. XIII. Nihil atitem neque publicae neque privatae rei, nisi armati agunt. Sed arma sumere non ante cuiquam moris, quam civitas suffecturum probaverit. Turn in ipso concilio, vel principum aliquis vel pater vel propinquus scuto frameaque juvenum ornant : haec apud illos toga, hie primus juventae honos : ante hoc domus pars videntur, mox reipublicae. Insignis no- bilitas, aut magna patrum merita, principis dignatio- nem etiani adolescentulis assignant : ceteris robustiori- bus ac jampridem probatis aggregantur ; nee rubor, inter comites aspici. Gradus quin etiam et ipse comi- tatus habet judicio ejus, quem sectantur : magnaque et comitum aemulatio, quibus primus apud principem suum locus, et principum, cui plurimi et acerrimi comi- tes. Haec dignitas, hae vires, magno semper electo- rum juvenurn globo circumdari, in pace decus, in bello praesidium. Nee solum in sua gente cuique, sed apud finitimas quoque civitates id nomen, ea gloria est, si numero ac virtute comitatus emineat : expetuntur enim legationibus et muneribus ornantur et ipsa ple- rumque fama bella profligant. XIV. Cum ventiim in aciem, turpe principi virtute vinci, turpe comitatui, virtutem principis non adae- quare. Jam. vero infame in omnem vitam ac probro- sum, superstitcm principi suo ex acie recessisse. Ilium defendere, tueri, sua quoque fortia facta gloriae ejus assignare, praecipuum sacramentum est. Principes pro victoria pugnant ; comites pro principe. Si civi- tas, in qua orti sunt, longa pace et otio torpeat, pleri- que nobilium adolescentium petunt ultro eas nationes, 24 C. CORN. TACITUS quae turn bellum aliquod gerunt ; quia et ingrata genti quies, et facilius inter ancipitia clarescunt, magnurnque comitatum non nisi vi belloque tuentur : exigunt enim principis sui liberalitate ilium bellatorem equum, illam cruentam victricemque frameam. Nam epulae et, quan- quam incompti, largi tamen apparatus pro stipendio cedunt : materia munificentiae per bella et raptus. Nee arare terrain, aut expectare annum, tarn facile persuaseris, quam voeare hostes et vulnera mereri. Pigrum quin immo et iners videtur, sudore acquirere, quod possis sanguine parare. \\ XV. Quotiens bella non ineunt, non multum venati- bus, plus per otium transigunt, dediti somno ciboque, f ortissimus quisque ac bellicosissimus agens, dele- gata domus et penatium et agrorum cura feminis seni- busque et infirmissimo cuique ex f amilia : ipsi hebent ; mira diversitate naturae, cum iidem homines sic ameiit inertiam et oderint quietem. Mos est civitatibus ultro ac viritim conf erre principibus vel armentorum vel f ru- gum, quod pro honore acceptum etiam necessitatibus subvenit. Gaudent praecipue finitimarum gentium donis, quae non modo a singulis sed publice mittun- tur : electi equi, magna arma, phalerae, torquesque. Jam et pecuniam accipere docuimus. XVI. Nullas Germanorum populis urbis liabitari, satis notum est : ne pati quidem. inter se junctas sedes. Colunt discreti ac diversi, ut fons, ut campus, ut ne- mus placuit. Vicos locant, non in nostrum morem, connexis et cohaerentibus aedificiis : suam quisque domum spatio circumdat, sive adversus casus ignis re- medium, sive inscitia aedificandi. Ne caementorum quidem apud illos aut tegularum usus : matei'ia ad omnia utuntur infonni et citra speciem aut delecta- DE GERMANIA. 25 tionem. Quaedam loca diligentius illinunt terra ita pura ac splendente, ut picturam ac lineamenta colorum imitetur. Solent et subterraneos specus aperire, eos- que multo insuper fimo onerant, suffugium hiemi et receptaculum frugibus ; quia rigorem frigorum ejus- modi locis molliunt : et, si quando hostis advenit, aper- ta populatur, abdita autem et defossa aut ignorantur, ant eo ipso fallunt, quod quaerenda sunt. XVII. Tegumen omnibus sagum, fibula, aut, si desit, spina consertura : cetera intecti totos dies juxta f ocum atque ignem agunt. Locupletissimi veste dis- tinguuntur, non fluitante, sicut Sarmatae ac Parthi, sed stricta et singulos artus exprimente. Gerunt et ferarum pelles, proximi ripae negligenter, ulteriores exquisitius, ut quibus nullus per commercia cultus. Eligunt feras, et detracta velamina spargunt maculis pellibusque belluarum, quas exterior Oceanus atque ignotum mare gignit. Nee alius feminis quam viris habitus, nisi quod feminae saepius lineis amictibus ve- lantur, eosque purpura variant, partemque vestitus su- perioris in manicas non extendunt, nudae brachia ac lacertos : sed et proxima pars pectoris patet. XVni. Quanquam severa illic matrimonia ; nee ullam morum partem magis laudaveris : nam prope &oli barbarorum singulis uxoribus contenti sunt, ex- ceptis admodum paucis, qui non libidine, sed ob nobili- tatem, plurimis nuptiis ambiuntur. Dotem non uxor marito, sed uxori maritus offert. Intersunt parentes et propinqui, ac munera probant : munera non ad deli- cias muliebree quacsita, nee quibus oova nupta coma- tur, sed boves et frenatum equum et scutum cum framea gladioque. In haec munera uxor accipitur ; atque invicem ipsa annorum aliquid viro affert : hoc 26 C. CORN. TACITUS maximum vinculum, haec arcana sacra, hos conjugates deos arbitrantur. Ne se mulier extra virtutum cogi- tationes extraque bellorum casus putet, ipsis incipicntis matrimonii auspiciis admonetur, venire se laborum periculorumque sociam, idem in pace, idem in proelio passuram ausuramque : hoc juncti boves, hoc paratus equus, hoc data arma denuntiant ; sic vivendum, sic pereundum : accipere se, quae liberis inviolata ac dig- na reddat, quae nurus accipiant rursus, quae ad nepotcs referantur. i\ XIX. Ergo septa^mdicitia agunt, nullis spectacu- lorum illecebris, nullis conviviorum irritationibus cor- ruptae. Litterarum secreta viri pariter ac feminae ig- norant. Paucissima in tarn numerosa gente adulteria ; quorum poena praesens et maritis permissa. Accisis crinibus, nudatam, coram propinquis, expellit domo maritus, ac per omnem vicum verbere agit : publicatae enim pudicitiae nulla venia : non forma, non aetate, non opibus maritum invenerit. Nemo enim illic vitia ridet : nee corrumpere et corrumpi saeculum vocatur. Melius qujdem adhuc eae civitates, in quibus tantum virgines nubunt, et cum spe votoque uxoris semel trans- igitur. Sic unum accipiunt maritum, quo modo unum corpus unamque vitam, ne ulla cogitatio ultra, ne lon- gior cupiditas, ne tanquam maritum, sed tanquam matrimonium ament. Numerum liberorum fmire, aut quenquam ex agnatis necare, flagitium habetur ; plus- quo ibi boni mores valent, quam alibi bonae leges. XX. In omni domo nudi ac sordidi, in hos artus iu haec corpora, quae miramur, excrescunt. Sua quemque mater uberibus alit, nee ancillis ac nutricibus dele- gantur. Dominum ac servum nullis educationis de- liciis dignoscas : inter eadeni pecora, in eadem humo DE GERMANIA. 27 dcgunt ; donee aetas separet ingenues, virtus agnoscat. Sera juvenum Venus ; eoque inexhausta pubertas : nee virgines festinantur ; eadem juventa, similis proceritas: pares validaeque miscentur ; ac re-bora parentum li- beri ref erunt. Sororum filiis idem apud avunculum, qui ad patrem honor. Quidam sanctiorem arctio- remque liunc nexum sanguinis arbitrantur, et in accipi- cndis obsidibus magis exigunt ; tanquam et in animum firmius, et domum latius teneant. Heredes tamen suc- cessoresque sui cuique liberi : et nullam testamentum. Si liberi non sunt, proximus gradus in possessione fra- tres, patrui, avunculi. Quanto plus propinquorum, quo major affinium numerus, tanto gratiosior senectus, , nee ulla orbitatis pretia. XXL Suseipere tarn inimicitias, sou patris, seu propinqui, quam amicitias, necesse est : nee implaca- biles durant. Luitur enim etiam homiciditim certo armentorum ac pecorum numero, recipitque satisfac- tionera universa domus : utiliter in publicum, quia periculosiores sunt inimicitiae juxta libertatem. Con- victibus et hospitiis non alia gens effusius indulget. Quemcunque mortalium arcere tecto, nefas liabetur : pro fortuna quisque apparatis epulis excipit. Cum defecere, qui modo hospes f uerat, monstrator hospitii et comes : proximam domum non invitati adeunt : nee interest ; pari humanitate accipiuntur. Notum igno- tumque, quantum ad jus hospitis, nemo discernit. Abeunti, si quid poposcerit, concedere moris : et poscendi invicem eadem facilitas. Gaudent muneri- bus : sed nee data imputant, nee aceeptis obligantur. j Vietus inter hospitcs coniis.1 XXII. Statim c sonano, quern plerumque in diem oxtrahunt, lavantur, saepitts ealida, ut apud quos plu- 28 0. CORN. TACITUS rimum hiems occupat. Lauti cibum capiunt : separa- tae singulis sedes et sua cuique mensa : turn ad nego- tia, nee minus saepe ad convivia, procedunt armati. Diem noctemque continuare potando, nulli probrum. Crebrae, ut inter vinolentos, rixae, raro conviciis, saepius caede et vulneribus transiguntur. Sed et de reconciliandis invicem inimicis et jungendis affinitati- bus et asciscendis principibus, de pace denique ac bello plerumque in conviviis consultant : tanquam nullo magis tempore aut ad simplices cogitationes pateat animus, aut ad magnas incalescat. Gens non astuta nee callida aperit adhuc secreta pectoris licen- tia joci. Ergo detecta et nuda omnium mens postera die retractatur, et salva utriusque temporis ratio est : deliberant, dum fingere nesciunt ; constituunt, dum errare non possunt. 1 1 XXIII. Potui humor ex hordeo aut frumento, in quandam similitudinem vini corruptus. Proximi ripae et vinum mercantur. Cibi simplices ; agrestia poma, recens fera, aut lac concretum. Sine apparatu, sine blandimentis, expellunt famem. Adversus sitim non eadem temperantia. Si indulseris ebrietati suggeren- do quantum concupiscunt, haud minus facile vitiis quam armis vincentur. XXIV. Genus spectaculorum unum atque in omni coetu idem. Nudi juvenes, quibus id ludicrum est, inter gladios se atque infestas frameas saltu jaciunt. Exercitatio artem paravit, ars decorem : non in quaes- tum tamen aut mercedem ; quamvis audacis lasciviae pretium est voluptas spectantium. Aleam, quod mi- rere, sobrii inter seria exercent tanta lucrandi perden- dive temeritate, ut, cum omnia defecerunt, extreme ac novissimo jactu de libertate ac de corpore conten- DE GERMANIA. 29 dant. Victus voluntariam servitutem adit : quamvis juvenior, quamvis robustior, alligari se ac venire pati- tur : ea est in re prava pervicacia ; ipsi fidem vocant. Servos conditionis hujus per commercia tradunt, ut se quoque pudore victoriae exsolvant. XXV. Ceteris servis, non in nostrum morem de- scriptis per familiam ministeriis, utuntur. Suam quisque sedem, suos penates regit. Frumenti mo- dum dominus, aut pecoris aut vestis, ut colono, injun- git : et servus hactenus paret ; cetera domus officia nxor ac liberi exsequuntur. Verberare servum ac vinculis et opere coercere rarum. Occidere solent, non disciplina et severitate, sed impetu et ira, ut inimi- cum, nisi quod impune. Liberti non multum supra servos sunt, raro aliquod momentum in domo, nun- quam in civitate ; exceptis duntaxat iis gentibus quae regnantur : ibi enim et super ingenuos et super nobiles ascendunt : apud ceteros impares libertini li- bertatis argumentum sunt. XXVI. Fenus agitare et in usuras extendere igno- tum : ideoque magis servatur, quam si vetitum esset. Agri pro numero cultorum ab universis in vices occu- pantur, quos mox inter se secundum dignationem par- tiuntur : facilitatem partiendi camporum spatia prae- stant. Arva per annos mutant : et superest ager ; nee enim cum ubertate et amplitudine soli labore conten- dunt, ut pomaria conserant et prata separent et hor- tos rigent : sola terrae seges imperatur. Unde an- num quoque ipsum non in totidem digerunt species : hiems et ver et aestas intellectum ac vocabula habent ; autumni perinde nomen ac bona ignorantur. XXVII. Funerum nulla ambitio ; id solum obser- vatur, ut corpora clarorum virorum certis lignis ere- 30 C. CORN. TACITUS mentur. Struem rogi nee vestibus nee odoribus cumu- lant : sua cuique arma, quorundam igni et equus adji- citur. Sepulcrum caespes erigit ; monumentorura arduum et operosum honorem, ut gravem defunctis, aspernantur. .Lamenta ac lacrimas cito, dolorem et tristitiam tarde ponunt. Feminis lugere honestum est ; viris meminisse. Haec in commune de omnium Germanorum origine ac moribus accepimus : mine singularum gentium instituta ritusque, quatcnus dif- ferant, quae nationes e Germania in Gallias commi- graverint, expediam. XXVIII. Validiores olim Gallorum res fuisse, summus auctorum divus Julius tradit : eoque credi- bile est etiam Gallos in Germaniam transgresses. Quantulum enim amnis obstabat, quo minus, ut quae- que gens evaluerat, occuparet permutaretque sedes promiscuas adhuc et nulla regnorum potentia divisas ? Igitur inter Hercyniam sylvam Rhenumque et Moenuni arnnes Helvetii, ulteriora Boii, Gallica utraque gens, tenuere. Manet adhuc Boihemi nomen, signatque loci veterem memoriam, quamvis mutatis cultoribus. Sed utrum Aravisci in Pannoniam ab Osis, Germano- rum natione, an Osi ab Araviscis in Germaniam com- migraverint, cum eodem adhuc sermone, institutis, moribus utantur, incertum est : quia, pari olim inopia ac libertate, eadem utriusque ripae bona malaque erant. Treveri et Nervii circa affectationem Germanicae ori- ginis ultro ambitiosi sunt, tanquam per hanc gloriam sanguinis a similitudine et inertia Gallorum separen- tur. Ipsam Rheni ripam baud dubie Germanorum populi colunt, Vangiones, Triboci, Nemetes. Ne Ubii quidem, quanquam Romana colonia esse meruerint ac libentius Agrippinenses conditoris sui nomine vocen- DE GERMANIA. 31 tur, origine erubescunt, transgress! olim et experi- mento fidei super ipsam Rheni ripam collocati, ut arcerent, non ut custodirentur. XXIX. Omnium harum gentium virtute praecipui Batavi, non multum ex ripa, sed insulam Rheni amnis colunt, Chattorum quondam populus et seditione domestica in eas sedes transgressus, in quibus pars Romani imperil fierent. Manet honos et antiquae societatis insigne : nam nee tributis contemnuntur, nee publicanus atterit : exempti oneribus et collationi- bus et tantum in usum proeliorum sepositi, velut tela atque arma, bellis reservantur. Est in eodem obsequio et Mattiacorum gens ; protulit enim magnitudo populi Romani ultra Rhenum, ultraque veteres terminos, im- perii reverentiam. Ita sede finibusque in sua ripa, mente animoque nobiscum agunt, cetera similes Ba- tavis, nisi quod ipso adhuc terrae suae solo et coelo acrius animantur. Non numeraverim inter Germa- niae populos, quanquam trans Rhenum Danubiumque consederint, cos qui Decumates agros exercent. Le- vissimus quisque Gallorum et inopia audax dubiae possessionis solurn occupavere. Mox limite acto pro- motisque praesidiis, sinus imperii et pars provinciae/7^ habentur. XXX. Ultra hos Chatti initium sedis ab Hercynio saltu inchoant, non ita effusis ac palustribus locis ut ceterae civitates, in quas Germania patescit ; durant siquidem colics, paulatim rarescunt, et Chattos suos saltus Hercynius prosequitur simul atque deponit. Duriora genti corpora, stricti artus, minax vultus et major animi vigor. Multum, ut inter Germanos, rationis ac solertiae : praeponere electos, audire praepositos, nosse ordines, intelligere occasiones, 32 C. CORN. TACITUS differre impetus, disponere diem, vallare noctem, for- tunam inter dubia, virtutem inter certa numerare : quodque rarissimum nee nisi ratione disciplinae con- cessum, plus reponere in duce, quam exercitu. Omne robur in pedite, quern, super arma, ferramentis quoque et copiis onerant. Alios ad proelium ire videas, Chat- tos ad bellum. Rari excursus et fortuita pugna ; equestrium sane virium id proprium, cito parare victo- riam, cito cedere : velocitas juxta formidinem, cuncta- tio propior constantiae est. XXXI. Et aliis Germanorum populis usurpatum rara et privata cuj usque audentia apud Chattos in consensum vertit, ut primum adoleverint, crincm bar- bamque submittere, nee, nisi hoste cacso, exuere votivum obligatumque virtuti oris habitum. Super sanguinem et spolia revelant frontem, seque turn demum pretia nascendi retulisse, dignosque patria ac parentibus ferunt. Ignavis et imbellibus manet squalor. Fortissimus quisque ferreum insuper annu- lum (ignominiosum id genti) velut vinculum gestat, donee se caede hostis absolvat. Plurimis Chattorum hie placet habitus. Jamque canent insignes, et hosti- bus simul suisque monstrati. Omnium penes hos initia pugnarum : haec prima semper acies, visu nova ; nam ne in pace quidem vultu mitiore mansuescunt. Nulli domus aut ager aut aliqua cura : prout ad quem- que venere, aluntur : prodigi alieni, contemptores sui, donee exsanguis senectus tarn durae virtuti impares faciat. XXXII. Proximi Chattis certum jam alvco Rhe- num, quique terminus esse sufficiat, Usipi ac Tencteri colunt. Tencteri, super solitum bellorurn decus, eques- tris disciplinae arte praecellunt : nee major apud Chat- DE GERMANIA. 33 tos peditum laus, quara Tencteris equitum. Sic in- stituere raajores, poster! imitantur ; hi lusus infan- tium, haec juvenum aemulatio, perseverant senes : inter familiam et penates et jura successionum equi traduntur ; excipit filius, non, ut cetera, maximus natu, sed prout ferox bello et melior. XXXIII. Juxta Tencteros Bructeri olim occurre- bant : nunc Chamavos et Angrivarios immigrasse nar- ratur, pulsis Bructeris ac penitus excisis vicinarum consensu nationum, seu superbiae odio, seu praedae dulcedine, seu favore quo-dam erga nos deorum : nam ne spectaculo quidera proelii invidere : super sexagin- ta millia, non armis telisque Romanis, sed, quod mag- ,nificentius est, oblectationi oculisque ceciderunt. Ma- neat, quaeso, duretque gentibus, si non amor nostri, at certe odium sui : quando, urgentibus imperil fatis, nibil jam praestare fortuna majus potest, quam hos- tium discordiam. XXXIV. Angrivarios et Chamavos a tergo Dul- gubnii et Chasuarii cludunt aliaeque gentes, baud pe- rinde memoratae. A fronte Frisii excipiunt. Majori- bus minoribusque Frisiis vocabulum est ex modo viri- um : utraeque nationes usque ad Oceanum Rheno praetexuntur, ambiuntque immensos insuper lacus et Romanis classibus navigatos. Ipsum quin etiam Oce- anum ilia tentavimus : et superesse adhuc Herculis co- lumnas fama vulgavit ; sive adiit Hercules, seu, quic- quid ubique magnificum est, in claritatem ejus referre consensimus. Nee def uit audentia Druso Germanico : sed obstitit Oceanus in se simul atque in Herculem in- quiri. Mox nemo tentavit ; sanctiusque ac reverentius visum, de actis deorum credere, quam scire. XXXV. Hactenus in occide,ntem Germaniam novi- 34 C. CORN. TACITUS mus. In septentrionem ingenti flexu redit. Ac primo statim Chaucorum gens, quanquam incipiat a Frisiis ac partem littoris occupet, omnium, quas exposui, gentium lateribus obtenditur, donee in Chattos usque sinuetur. Tam immensum terrarum spatium non te- nent tantum Chauci, sed et implent : populus inter Germanos nobilissimus, quique magnitudinem suam malit justitia tueri : sine cupiditate, sine impotentia, quieti secretique, nulla provocant bella, nullis rap- tibus aut latrociniis populantur. Id praecipuum i virtutis ac virium argumentum est, quod, ut supe- \ riores agant, non per injurias assequuntur. Prompta tamen omnibus arma, si res poscat, exercitus, plu- rimum virorum equorumque : et quiescentibus eadem fama. XXXVI. In latere Chaucorum Chattorumque Cherusci nimiam ac marcentem diu pacem illacessiti nutrierunt ; idque jucundius, quam tutius, fuit ; quia inter impotentes et validos f also quiescas ; ubi manu agitur, modestia ac probitas nomina superioris sunt. Ita, qui olim boni aequique Cherusci, mine inertes ac stulti vocantur : Chattis victoribus fortuna in sapien- tiam cessit. Tracti ruina Cheruscorum et Fosi, con- termina gens, adversarum rerum ex aequo socii, cum in secundis minorc-s f uissent. XXXVII. Eundem Germaniae sinum proximi Oce- ano Cimbri tenent, parva nunc civitas, sed gloria in- gens ; veterisque famae lata vestigia manent, utraque ripa castra ac spatia, quorum ambitu nunc quoque me- tiaris molem manusque gentis et tarn magni exitus fidem. Sexcentesimum et quadragesimum annum urbs nostra agebat, cum primum Cimbrorum audita sunt anna, Caecilio Metello et Papirio Carbone consulibus. DE GERMANIA. 35 Ex quo si ad alterum Imperatoris Trajani consulatum computemus, ducenti ferme et decem anni colligun- tur ; tamdiu Germania vincitur. Medio tam longi aevi spatio, multa invicem damna : non Samnis, non Poeni, non Hispaniae Galliaeve, ne Parthi quidem saepius admonuere : quippe regno Arsacis acrior est Germanorum libertas. Quid enim aliud nobis, quam caedem Crassi, amisso et ipse Pacoro, infra Ventidium dejectus Oriens objecerit ? At Germani, Carbone et Cassio et Scauro Aurelio et Servilio Caepione, M. quo- que Manlio fusis vel captis, quinque sitaul consulares exercitus Populo Romano, Varum tresque cum eo le- giones, etiam Caesari abstulerunt : nee impune C. Ma- ,rius in Italia, divus Julius in Gallia, Drusus ac Nero et Germanicus in suis eos sedibus perculerunt. Mox ingentes C. Caesaris minae in ludibrium versae. Inde otium, donee occasione discordiae nostrae et civilium armorum, expugnatis legionum hibernis, etiam Gallias affectavere : ac rursus pulsi, inde proximis temporibus triurnphati magis quam victi sunt. XXXVIII. Nunc de Suevis dicendum est, quo- urn non una, ut Chattorum Tencterorumve, gens : ma- jorem enim Germaniae partem obtinent, propriis ad- huc nationibus nominibusque discreti, quanquam in commune Suevi vocentur. Insigne gentis obliquare crinem nodoque substringere : sic Suevi a ceteris Ger- manis, sic Suevorum ingenui a servis separantur : in aliis gentibus, seu cognationc aliqua Suevorum, seu quod saepe accidit, imitatione, rarum et intra juventae spatium ; apud Suevos, usque ad canitiem, horrentem capillum retro sequuntur, ac saepe in ipso solo vertice religant. Principes et ornatiorem habent : ea cura formae, sedinnoxiae : neque enim ut ament amenturve; 36 C. CORN. TACITUS in altitudinem quandam et terrorem, adituri bella, compti, ut hostium oculis, ornantur. XXXIX. Vetustissimos se nobilissimosque Sue- vorurn Semnones memorant. Fides antiquitatis religi- one firmatur. Stato tempore in silvam auguriis pa- trum et prisca formidine sacram, oranes ejusdem san- guinis populi legationibus coeunt, caesoque publice homine celebrant barbari ritus borrenda primordia. Est et alia luco reverentia. Nemo nisi vinculo ligatus ingreditur, ut minor et potestatem numinis prae se fe- rens. Si forte prolapsus est, attolli et insurgere baud licitum : per humum evolvuntur : eoque omnis super- stitio respicit, tanquam inde initia gentis, ibi regnator omnium deus, cetera subjecta atque parentia. Adjicit auctoritatem fortuna Semnonum : centum pagis babi- tantur ; magnoque corpore efficitur, ut se Suevorum caput credant. XL. Contra Langobardos paucitas nobilitat : plu- rimis ac valentissimis nationibus cincti, non per obse- quium, sed proeliis et periclitando tuti sunt. Reudig- ni deinde et Aviones et Anglii et Varini et Eudoses et Suardones et Nuitbones fluminibus aut silvis muniun tur : nee quidquam notabile in singulis nisi quod in commune Nertbum, id est Terrain matrem colunt, eamque intervenire rebus bominum, invebi populis ar- bitrantur. Est in insula Oceani castum nemus, dica- tumque in eo vebiculum, veste contectum : attingere uni sacerdoti concessum. Is adesse penetrali deam in- telligit, vectamque bubus feminis multa cum venera- tione prosequitur. Laeti tune dies, festa loca, quae- cumque adventu bospitioque dignatur. Non bella in- eunt, non arma sumunt ; clausum omne ferrum : pax et quies tune tantum nota, tune tantum amata, donee DE GERMANIA. 37 idem sacerdos satiatam conversatione mortalium deam templo rcddat. Mox vehiculum et vestes, et, si credere Velis, numen ipsum secreto lacu abluitur. Servi mi- nistrant, quos statim idem lacus haurit ; arcanus Line terror sanctaque ignorantia, quid sit illud, quod tan- turn perituri vident. XLI. Et haec quidem pars Suevorum in secretiora Germaniae porrigitur. Propior, ut quo modo paulo ante Rhenum, sic nunc Danubium sequar, Ilermun- durorum civitas, fida Romanis, eoque solis Ger- manorum non in ripa commercium, sed penitus, atque in splendidissima Rhaetiae provinciae colonia. Passim et sine custode transeunt : et, cum ceteris gcntibus >arma modo castraque nostra ostendamus, his domos villasque patefecimus non concupiscentibus. In Her- munduris Albis oritur, flumen inclitum et notum olim ; nunc tantum auditur. XLII. Juxta Hermunduros Varisti, ac deinde Mar- comani et Quadi agunt. Praecipua Marcomanorum gloria viresque, atque ipsa etiam sedes, pulsis olim Boiis, virtute parta. Nee Varisti Quadive degene- rant. Eaque Germaniae velut frons est, quatenus Danubio peragitur. Marcomanis Quadisque usque ad nostram memoriam reges manserunt ex gente ipsorum, nobile Marobodui et Tudri genus : jam et externos patiuntur. Sed vis et potentia regibus ex auctoritate Romana : raro armis nostris, saepius pecu- nia juvantur, nee minus valent. XLIII. Retro Marsigni, Gothini, Osi, Buri, terga Marcomanorum Quadorumque claudunt : e quibus Marsigni et Burii sermone cultuque Suevos referunt. Gothinos Gallica, Osos Pannonica lingua coarguit non esse Germanos, et quod tributa patiuntur. Partem 38 C. CORN. TACITUS tributorum Sarmatac, partera Quadi, ut alienigenis, imponunt. Gothini, quo magis pudeat, ct ferrum cifodiunt. Omnesque hi populi pauca campestrium, ceterum saltus et "vertices montium jugumque inse- derunt. Dirimit enim scinditque Sueviam continuum montium jugum, ultra quod plurimae gentes agunt : ex quibus latissime patet Lygiorum nomen in plures civitates diffusum. Valentissimas nominasse sufficict, Arios, Helveconas, Manimos, Elysios, Nahanarvalos. Apud Nahanarvalos antiquae religionis lucus ostendi- tur. Praesidet sacerdos muliebri ornatu : sed deos, in- terpretatione Romana, Castorem Pollucemque memo- rant : ea vis numini ; nomen Alcis. Nulla simulacra, nullum peregrinae superstitionis vestigium : ut fra- tres tamen, ut juvenes, venerantur. Ceterum Arii super vires, quibus enumerates paulo ante populos antecedunt, truces, insitae feritati arte ac tempore lenocinantur. Nigra scuta, tincta corpora : atras ad proelia noctes legunt ; ipsaque f ormidine atque umbra feralis exercitus terrorem inferunt, nullo hostium sustinente novum ac velut infernum aspectum : nam primi in omnibus proeliis oculi vincuntur. Trans Lygios Gothones regnantur, paulo jam adductius, quam ceterae Germanorum gentes, nondum tamen supra libertatem. Protinus deinde ab Oceano Rugii et Lemovii : omniumque harum gentium insigne, ro- tunda scuta, breves gladii, et erga reges obsequium. XLIV. Suionum hinc civitates, ipso in Oceano, praeter viros armaque classibus valent : forma navium eo differt, quod utrimque prora paratam semper ap- pulsui frontem agit : nee velis ministrantur, nee remos in ordinem lateribus adjungunt. Solutum, ut in qui- busdam fluminum, et mutabile, ut res poscit, hinc vel DE GERUANIA. 39 illinc remigiura. Est apud illos et opibus honos ; eoque unus imperitat, nullis jam exceptionibus, non precario jure parendi. Xec arma, ut apud ceteros Germanos, in promiscuo, sed clausa sub custode et quidem servo : quia subitos hostium incursus prohibet Oceanus, otiosa porro armatorum manus facile lasci- viunt ; enimvero neque nobilem neque ingenuum, ne libertinum quidem, armis praeponere regia utilitas est. XLV. Trans Suionas aliud mare, pigrum ac prope immotum, quo cingi cludique terrarum orbem hinc fides, quod extremus cadentis jam solis fulgor in ortus edurat adeo clarus, ut sidera hebetet ; sonum insuper audiri, formasque deorum et radios capitis aspici per- .suasio adjicit. Illuc usque, et fama vera, tantum na- tura. Ergo jam dextro Suevici maris littore Aestio- rum gentes alluuntur : quibus ritus habitusque Suevo- rum ; lingua Britannicae propior. Matrem deum ve- nerantur : insigne superstitionis, formas aprorum ges- tant ; id pro armis omnique tutela : securum deae cul- torem etiam inter hostes praestat. Rarus fern, fre- quens fustium usus. Frumenta ceterosque fructus patientius, quam pro solita Germanorum inertia, labo- rant. Sed et mare scrutantur ac soli omnium succi- num, quod ipsi glesum vocant, inter vada atque in ipso littore legunt. Nee, quae natura quaeve ratio gignat, ut barbaris, quaesitum compertumve. Diu quin etiam inter cetera ejectamenta maris jacebat, donee luxuria nostra dedit nomen : ipsis in nullo usu : rude legitur, informe perfertur, pretiumque mirantes accipiunt. Succum tamen arborum esse intelligas, quia terrena quaedam atque etiam volucria animalia plerumque interlucent, quae implicata humore, mox, durescente materia, cluduntur. Fecundiora igitur ne- 40 0. CORN. TACITUS mora lucosque, sicut Orientis secretis, ubi thura bal- \. samaque sudantur, ita Occidentis insulis terrisque in- / esse, crediderim ; quae vicini solis radiis expressa atque liquentia in proximum mare labuntur, ac vi (tempestatum in adversa littora exundant. Si naturam succini admoto igne tentes, in modum taedae accendi- tur, alitque flammam pinguem et olentem : mox ut in picem resinamve lentescit. Suionibus Sitonum gentes continuantur. Cetera similes, uno differunt, quod f e- mina dominatur ^ in tantum non modo a libertate, sed etiam a servitute degenerant. ^ XLYI. Hie Sueviae finis. Peucinorum Venedo- rumque et Fennorum nationes Germanis an Sarraatis ascribam, dubito : quanquam Peucini, quos quidam Bastarnas vocant, sermone, cultu, sede ac domiciliis, ut Germani, agunt. Sordes omnium ac torpor proce- rum : connubiis mixtis, nonnihil in Sarmatarum habi- tum foedantur. Venedi multum ex moribus traxe- runt. Nam quidquid inter Peucinos Fennosque silva- rum ac montium erigitur, latrociniis pererrant. Hi tamen inter Germanos potius referuntur, quia et de- mos figunt et scuta gestant et pedum usu ac pernici- tate gaudent ; quae omnia diversa Sarmatis sunt, in plaustro equoque viventibus. Fennis mira feritas, foeda paupertas : non anna, non equi, non penates : victui herba, vestitui pelles, cubile humus : sola in sagittis spes, quas, inopia f erri, ossibus asperant. Idem- quo venatus viros pariter ac f eminas alit. Passim enim comitantur, partemque praedae petunt. Nee aliud in- fantibus feraram imbriumque suffugium, quam ut in aliquo ramorum nexu contegantur : hue redeunt ju- venes, hoc senum receptaculum. Sed beatius arbi- trantur, quam ingemere agris, illaborare domibus, suas DE GERMANIA. 41 alienasque f ortunas spe metuque versare. Securi ad- versus homines, securi adversus deos, rera difficillimam assecuti sunt, ut illis ne voto quidem opus esset. Cetera jam fabulosa : Hellusios et Oxionas ora homi- num vultusque, corpora atque artus ferarum, gerere : quod ego, ut incompertum, in medium relinquam. CIST. JULII AGEIOOLAE YITA. BREVIARIUM. CAP. 1. Scribendi clarorum virorum vitam mos antiquus. 2. sub mails principibus periculosus. 3. sub Trajano in hono- rem Agricolae repetitus a Tacito, qui non eloquentiara, at pietatem pollicetur. 4. Agricolae stirps, educatio, studia. 5. Positis in Britannia primis castrorum rudimentis. 6. uxorem ducit : fit quaestor, tribunus, praetor : recogno- scendis templorum donis praefectus. 7. Othoniano bello matrem partemque patrimonii amittit, 8. In Vcspasiani partes transgressus, legioni vicesimae in Britannia praeposi- tus, alienae famae cura promovet suarn. 9. Redux inter patricios ascitus Aquitaniam regit. Consul factus Tacito filiam despondet. Britanniae praeficitur. 10. Britanniae descriptio. Thule cognita : mare pigrum. 11. Britannorum origo, habitus, sacra, sermo, mores. 12. mi- litia, regimen, rarus conventus : coelum, solum, mctalla, margarita. 13. Victae gentis ingenium. Caesarum in Bri- tanniam expeditiones. 14. Consularium legatorum res gestae. 15. Britanniae rebellio. 1C. Boudicea duce coepta, a Suet. Paullino compressa. Huic succedunt ignavi. 17. Rem restituunt Petilius Cerialis et Julius Frontinus ; ]iic Silures, ille Brigantes vincit; 18. Agricola Ordovices et Monam. Totam provinciam pacat, et 19, 20. moderatione, prudentia, abstinentia, aequitate in obsequio retinet. 21. animosque artibus et voluptatibus raollit. AGRICOLA. 43 22, 23. Nova expeditio novas gentes aperit, quao praesidio firmantur. Agricolae candor in communicanda gloria. 24. Consilium de occupanda Hibernia. 25-27. Oivitates trans Bodotriam sitae explorantur. Caledonii, Eomanos aggressi, consilio ductuque Agricolae pulsi, sacrifices conspirationem civitatum sanciunt. 28. Usipiorum cohors miro casu Bri- tanniam circumvecta. Agricolae filius obit. 29. Bellum Britanni reparant Calgaco duce, cujus. 30-32. oratio ad suos. 33, 34. Romanos quoque hortatur Agricola. 35-37. Atrox et cruentum proelium. 38. Penes Eomanos victoria. Agricola Britanniam circumvehi praecipit. 39. Domitianus, fronte laetus, pectore anxius, nuntium vic- toriae excipit. 40. Honores tamen Agricolae decerni jubet, condito odio, donee provincia decedat Agricola. Is redux modeste agit. 41. Periculum ab accusatoribus et laudatori- ' bus. 42. Excusat se, ne provinciam sortiatur proconsul. 43. Obit non sine veneni suspicione, a Domitiano dati. 44. Ejus aetas, habitus, honores, opes. 45. Mortis opportunitas ante Domitiani atrocitates. 46. Questus auctoris et ex vir- tute solatia. Fama Agricolae ad posteros transmissa. I. CLAEOKUM virorum facta moresque posteris tra- dere, antiquitus usitatum, ne nostris quidem tempori- bus quanquam incuriosa suorum aetas omisit, quotiens magna aliqua ac nobilis virtus vicit ac supergressa est vitium parvis magnisque civitatibus commune, igno- rantiam recti et invidiam. Sed apud priores, ut agere digna memoratu pronum magisque in aperto erat, ita celeberrimus quisque mgenio ad prodendam virtutis memoriam, sine gratia aut ambitione, bonae tantum conscientiae pretio ducebatur. Ac plerique suam ipsi vitam narrare fiduciam potius morum, quam arrogan- tiam arbitrati sunt : nee id Rutilio et Scauro citra fidem aut obtrectationi fuit : adeo virtutes iisdem tem- poribus optime aestimantur, quibus facillime gignun- 3 44 C. CORN. TACITI tur. At nunc narraturo mihi vitam defunct! hominis, venia opus fuit : quam non petissem incursaturus tarn saeva et infesta virtutibus tempora. X II. Legimus, cum Aruleno Rustico Paetus Thrasea, Herennio Senecioni Priscus Helvidiua laudati essent, capitale fuisse : neque in ipsos modo auctores, sed in libros quoque eorum saevitum, delegate triumviris ministerio, ut monumenta clarissimorum ingeniorum in comitio ac foro urerentur. ^'Scilicet illo igne vocem populi Romani et libertatem senatus et conscientiam generis humani aboleri arbitrabantur, expulsis insuper sapientiae professoribus atque omni bona arte in ex- ilium acta, ne quid usquam honestum occurreret. De- dimus profecto grande patientiae documentum : et sicut vetus aetas vidit, quid ultimum in libertate esset ; ita nos, quid in servitute, adempto per inquisitiones et loquendi audiendique conmiercio. Memoriam quoque ipsam cum voce perdidissemus, si tarn in nostra potes- tate esset oblivisci, quam tacere. III. Nunc demum redit animus : et quanquam pri- mo statim beatissimi saeculi ortu Nerva Caesar res olim dissociabiles miscuerit, principatum ac liberta- tem, augeatque qiiotidie felicitatem temporum Nerva Trajanus, nee spem modo ac votum securitas publica, sed ipsius voti fiduciam ac robur assumpserit ; nattira tamen infirmitatis humanae tardiora sunt remcrlia, quam mala ; et, ut corpora nostra lente augescunt, cito exstinguuntur, sic ingenia studiaque oppresseris f acilius, quam revocaveris.^~Subit quippe etiam ipsius inertiae dulcedo : et invisa primo desidia postremo amatur. Quid, si per quindecim annos, grande mortalis acvi spatium, multi fortuitis casibus, promptissimus quisque saevitia principis interciderunt ? J Pauci, et, ut ita dix- AGRICOLA. 45 erim,lnon modo aliorum, sed etiam nostri superstites sumus, exemptis e media vita tot annis, quibus juvcnes ad senectutem, senes prope ad ipsos exactae aetatis ter- minos per silentium venimus. Non tamen pigcbit vel incondita ac rudi voce memoriam prioris servitutis ac testimonium praesentium bonorum composuisse. Hie interim liber honori Agricolae soceri mei destinatus, professioiie pietatis aut laudatus erit aut excusatus. j^IV. CXAEUS JULIUS AGRICOLA, veteri et illustri Forojuliensium colonia ortus, utrumque avum procu- ratorem Caesarum habuit : quae equestris nobilitas est. Pater Julius Graecinus, senatorii ordinis, studio elo- quentiae sapientiaeque notus, iisque ipsis virtutibus iram Caii Caesaris meritus : namque M. Silanum ac- cusare jussus et, quia abnuerat, interfectus est. Mater Julia Procilla fuit, rarae castitatis : in bujus sinu in- dulgentiaque educatus, per omnem bonestarum artium cultum pueritiam adolescent iamque transegit.fArcebat eum ab illecebris peccantium, praeter ipsius bonam in- tegramque naturam, quod statim parvulus sedem ac magistram studiorum Massiliam habuit, locum Graeca comitate et provincial! parsimonia mixtum ac bene compositum. "7 Memoria teneo solitum ipsum narrare, se in prima juventa studium pbilosopbiae acrius, ultra quam concessum Romano ac senatori, bausisse, ni pru- dentia matris incensum ac flagrantem animum coercu- isset. Scilicet sublime et erectum ingenium pulcbritu- dinem ac speciem excelsae magnaeque gloriae vebe- mentius, quam caute, appetebat : mox mitigavit ratio et aetas : retinuitque, quod est difficillimum, ex sapientia modum?} ^ _^y V. Prima castrorum rudimenta in Britannia Sue- tonio Paullino, diligenti ac moderate duci, approbavit, 46 C. CORN. TACITI electus, quern contubernio aestimarct. Nee Agricola licenter more juvenum, qui militiam in lasciviam ver- tunt, neque segniter ad voluptates et commeatus titu- lum tribunatus et inscitiam retulit : scd noscere pro- vinciam, nosci exercitui, discere a peritis, sequi opti- mos, nihil appetere jactatione, nihil ob formjdinem. recusare, simulque et anxius et intentus agere. LNon sane alias exercitatior magisque in ambiguo Britannia f uit : trucidati veterani, incensae coloniae, intercepti exercitus ; turn de salute, mox de victoria, certavere. Quae cuncta, etsi consiliis ductuque alterius agebantur ac summa rerum et recuperatae provinciae gloria in ducera cessit, artem et usum et stiraulos addidere juve- ni : intravitque animum militaris gloriae cupido ingra- ta temporibus, quibus sinistra erga eminentes interpre- tatio, nee minus periculum ex magna fama, quam ex mala. \v~ r . VI. Hinc ad capessendos magistratus in urbem digressus, Domitiam Decidianam, splendidis natalibus ortam, sibi junxit : idque matrimonium ad majora nitenti decus ac robur fuit : vixeruntque mira concor- dia, per mutuam caritatem et invicem se anteponendo : nisi quod in bona uxore tanto major laus, quanto in ma- la plus culpae est. Sors quaesturae provinciam Asiam, proconsulem Salvium Titianum dedit : ^quorum neutro corruptus est :^ quanquam et provincia dives ac parata peccantibus, et proconsul in omnem aviditatem pronus, quantalibet facilitate redempturus esset mutuam dis- simulationem maliAjAuctus est ibi filiaJin subsidium. simul et solatium ] nam filium ante gublatum brevi amisit. Mox inter quaesturam ac tribunal um plebis at- que etiam ipsum tribunatus annum quiete et otio trans- iit, gnarus sub Nerone temporum, quibus inertia pro AGEICOLA. 47 sapicntia fuitr Idem praeturae tenor et silentium : nee enim jurisdictio obvenerat ; ludos et inania honoris medio ration^s atque abundantiae duxit, uti longe a luxuria, ita famae propior. Turn electus a Galba ad dona templorum recognoscenda, diligentissima conqui- sitione fecit, ne cujus alterius sacrilegium respublica^ Neronis sensisset. VII. Sequens annus gravi vulnere animum domum- qnc ejus afflixit : nam classis Othoniana, licenter vaga, dum Intemelios (Liguriae pars est) hostiliter popula- tur, matrem Agricolae in praediis suis interfecit : praediaque ipsa et magnam patrimonii partem diripuit, quae causa caedis fuerat. Igitur ad solemnia pietatis profectus Agricola, nuntio aifectati a Vespasiano im- peril deprehensus ac statim in partes transgressus est. Initia principatus ac statum urbis Mucianus regebat, juvene admodum Domitiano et ex paterna fortuna tantum licentiam usurp,ante. /"Is missum ad delectus agendos Agricolam integreque ac strenue versatum, vicesimae legioni, tarde ad sacramentum transgressae, praeposuit, ubi decessor seditiose agere narrabatur :/ quippe legatis quoque consularibus nimia ac formiao- losa erat. Nee legatus praetorius ad cohibendum poteus, incertum, suo an militum ingenio : ita succes- sor simul et ultor electus, rarissima moderatione maluit videri invenisse bonos, quam f ecisse. /^ - /y VIII. Praeerat tune Britanniae Vettius Bolanus placidius, quam feroci provincia dignum est : tem- peravit Agricola vim suam ardoremque compescuit, ne incresceret ; peritus obsequi eruditusque utilia hones- tis miscere. Brevi deinde Britannia consularem Peti- lium Cerialem accepit. Habuerunt virtutes spatium Q exemplorumr-rSed primo Cerialis labores niodo et 48 C. CORN. TACITI discrimina, mox et gloriam communicabat : saepe^ parti exercitus in experimentum, aliquando majoribus . copiis ex eventu praefecit : nee Agricola unquam in suam f amam gestis exsultavit ; ad auctorem et ducem, ut minister, fortunam referebat : ita virtute in obse- quendo, verecundia in praedicando, extra invidiam, nee extra gloriam erat. IX. Revertentem ab legatione legionis divus Ves- pasianus inter patricios ascivit, ac deinde provinciae Aquitaniae praeposuit, splendidae in primis dignitatis administratione ac spe consulatus, cui destinarat. Credunt plerique militaribus ingeniis subtilitatem dc- esse, quia castrensis jurisdictio sepura et obtusior ac plura manu agens calliditatem fori non exerccat. Agricola naturali prudentia, quamvis inter togatos, facile justeque agebat.^" Jam vero tenipora curarum remissionumque divisa : ubi conventus ac judicia pos- cerent, gravis, intentus, severus, et saepius miscricors ; ubi oflicio satisfactum, nulla ultra potestatis persona ^ tristitiam et arrogantiam et avaritiam exuerat -t-^ree illi, quod est rarissimum, aut facilitas auctoritatem aut severitas amorem deminuit. Intcgritatem atque abs- tinentiam in tanto viro referre, injuria virtutum fue- rit. Ne famam quidem, cui etiam saepe boni indul- gent, ostentanda virtute, aut per artem quacsivit : procul ab aemulatione adversus colle"gas, procul a con-, tentione adversus procuratores, et vincere inglorium, et atteri sordidum arbitrabatur. Minus trienniuru in ea legatione detentus ac statim ad spem consulatus revocatus est, comitante opinione Britanniam ei pro- vinciam dari, nullis in hoc suis sermonibus sed quia par videbatur^Haud semper errat f ama, aliquando et ek'git. C'Onsul egregiae turn spei liliam juveni milii despondit AGRICOLA. 49 ac post Consulatum collocavit, et statim Britanniae . . / ' praepositus est, adjecto pontincatus sacerdotio. X. Britanniae situm populosque, multis scriptori- bus memoratos/hon(m comparationem curae ingeniive) ref eram ; sed quia turn primum perdomita est. / Ita quae priores nondum conyperta eloquentia percoluere, rerum fide tradentur. Britannia, insularum quas xRomana notitia complectitur, maxima, spatio ac coelo in orientem Germaniae, in occidentem Hispaniae ob- tenditur : Gallis in meridiem etiam inspicitur : sep- temtrionalia ejus, nullis contra terris, vasto atque aperto mari pulsantur. Formam totius Britanniae Livius veterum, Fabius Rusticus recentium eloquen- tissimi aucto'res, oblongae scutulae vel bipenni assimu- lavere : et est ea facies citra Caledoniam, unde et in universum fama est transgressa : sed immensum et enorme spatium procurrentium extremo jam littore terrarum, velut in cuneum tcnuatur. Ilanc orani " novissimi maris tune primum Romana classis circum- vecta insulam esse Britanniam affirmavit, ac simul incognitas ad id tempus insulas, quas Orcadas vocant, invenit domuitque. MDispecta est et Thule, nam hac- tenus jussum, et hiems appetebat ; sed mare pigrum et grave remigantibus ; perhibent ne ventis quidem perinde attolli : credo, quod rariorcs terrae montes- quc, causa ac materia tempestatum, et profunda moles continui maris tardias impcllitur^-Naturam Oceani atque aestus neque quaerere hujus operis est, ac multi retulere ; unum addideriin : nusquam latius dominari mare, multum fluminum hue atque illuc ferre, nee lit- tore tenus accresccre aut resorbcri, sed influere p'enitus atque ambire, et jugis etiam atque montibus inseri velut in suo. 50 C. CORN. TACITI \ < XL CeteriyDtn Britanniam qui mortaies initio colue- rint, indigenae an advecti, ut inter barbaros, parum compertum. Habitus co'rporum yarii : atque ex eo argumenta ; namque rutilae Caledoniam habitantium comae, magni artus, Germanicam originem asseverant. Silurum colorati vultus et torti plerumque crines et posita contra Hispania Iberos veteres trajecisse casque sedes occupasse fidem faciunt. Proximi Gallis et similes sunt ; sen durante originis vi, seu, procurrenti- bus in diversa terris, pqsitip coeli corporibus habit am dedit : in universum tamen aestimanti, Gallos vicinam insulam occupasse credibile est. Eorum sacra depre- hendas superstitionum persuasione : sermo haud mul- tum diversus ; in deposcendis periculis eadem audacia et, ubi advenere, in detrectandis eadem f ormido J) Plus tamen ferociae Britanni praeferunt, ut quos nondum longa pax emollierit : nam Gallos quoque in bellis floruisse accepimns ; mox segnitia cum otio intravit, amissa virtute pariter ac libertate ; quod Britannorum plim-vintis evenit : ceteri manent, quales Galli fuerunt. XII. In pedite robur ; quaedam nationes et curru proeliantur : honestior auriga, clientes propugnant. Olim regibus parebant, mine per principes factionibus et studiis trahuntur : nee aliud adversus validissimas\ gentes pro nobis utilius, quam quod in commune non consulunt. Ranis duabus tribusve civitatibus ad pro- pulsandum commune periculum conventiis : ita, dum singuli pugnant, universi vincuntur. Coelum crebris imbribus ac nebulis foedum : asperitas frigorum abest. Dierum spatia ultra nostri orbis mensuram, et nox clara et extrema JJJritanniae parte brevis, ut finem atque initium lucis exiguo discrimine ijrternoscas. Quod si nubes non officiant, aspici per noctem soli.s AGRICOLA. 51 fulgorogij nee occidere et exsurgere, sed transire affir- mant.lSi Scilicet extrema et plana terrarum, humili um- bra, non erigunt tenebras, infraque coelum et sidera nox cadit. Solum, pfaeter oleam vitemque et cetera calidioribus terris oriri sueta, patiens frugum, fecun- dum. Tarde mitescunt, cito proveniunt : eadem utri- usque rei causa, multus humor terrarum coelique. Fert Britannia aurum et argentum et alia metalla, pretium victoriae : gignit et Oceanus margarita, sed subfusca ac liventia. Quidam artem abesse legentibus^ arbitrantur : nam in Rubro mari viva ac spirantia saxis avelli, in Britannia, prout expulsa sirit, colligi : ego facilius crediderim naturam margaritis deesse, quam nobis avaritiam. inXm. Ipsi Britaimi delectum ac tributa et injuncta imperil inunera impigre obeunt, si injuriae absint : has aegre tolerant, jam domiti ut pareant, noudum ut serviant. Igitur primus omnium Romanorum divus Julius cum exercitu Britanniam ingressus, quanquam pi'ospera pugna terruerit incolas ac littore potitus sit, potest videri ostendisse posteris, non tradidisse. Mox bella civilia et in rempublicam versa principum anna, ac longa oblivio Britanniae etiam in pace. Consilium id divus Augustus vocabat, Tiberius praeceptum. Agitasse C. Caesarem de intranda Britannia satis con- stat, ni velox ingenio, mobilis poenitentiae, et ingen- tes adversus Gerrnaniam conatus frustra fuissent. Di- vus Claudius auctor operis, trans vectis legionibus aux- iliisque et assumpto in partem rerum Vespasiano : quod initium venturae mox fortunae fuit ; domitae gentes, capti reges, et monstratus fatis Vespasianus. XIV. Cojisulflrinm primus Aulus Plautius prae- positus, ac subinde Ostorius Scapula, uterque bello 52 C. CORN. TACITI egregiusq redactaque paulatim in f ormam provinciae proxima pars Britanniae ; addita insuper veteranorum colonia : quaedain civitates Cogiduno regi donatae (is ad nostram usque memoriam fidissimus mansit) ut vetere ac jam pridem recepta populi Romani consue- tudine, haberet instrumenta servitutis et reges. Mox /Didius Gallus parta a prioribus continuit, paucis ad- \modum castellis in ulteriora promotis, per quae fama aucti officii quaereretur. Didium Veranius excepit, isque intra annum exstinctus est. Suetonius Line Paullinus biennio prosperas res habuit, subactis na- tionibus firmatisque praesidiis : quorum fiducia Mo- nam insulam, ut vires rebellibus ministrantern, aggres- sus, terga occasioni patefecit. XV. Namque absentia legati remote metu, Bri- tanni agitare inter se mala servitutis, conferre injurias et interpretando accendere : nihil profici patientia, nisi ut gpaviora, tanquam ex facili tolerantibus, im- perentur xfslngulos sibi olim reges fuisse, nunc binos imponi : e quibus legatus in sanguinem, procurator in bona saeviret. Aeque discordiam praepositorum, aeque concordiam, subjectis exitiosam : alterius manus cen- turiones, alterius servos vim et contumelias misccrc. Nihil jam cupiditati, nihil libidini exceptum : in proe- lio fortiorem esse, qui spoliet ; nunc ab ignavis ple- rumque et imbellibus eripi domos, abstrahi liberos, injungi delectus, tanquam mori tantum pro patria nescientibus ^quantulum cnim transisse militum, si sese Britanni numerent ? sic Germanias excus>isse jugum ; et flumine, non Oceano, defendi : sibi pa- triam, conjuges, parentes, illis avaritiam ct luxnrimn causas belli esse. Recessuros, ut divus Julius reces- sisset, modo virtutes ma jorum suorum aemularentur. AGKICOLA. 53 Neve proelii unius aut alterius eventu pavescerent : plus impetus, majorem constantiam, penes miseros esse. Jam Britannorum etiam decs misereri, qui Ro- manum ducem absentem, qui relegatum in alia insula exercitum detinerent : jam ipsos, quod difficillimum fuerit, deliberare : porro in ejusmodi consiliis pericu- losius esse deprehendi, quarn audere. XVI. His atque talibus invicejn instincti, Boudi- cea, generis regii femina, duce (neque enim sexum in imperiis discernunt) sumpsere universi bellum : ac sparsos per castella milites consectati, expiignatis prae- sidiis, ipsam coloniam invasere, "ut sedem servitutis : nee ullum in barbaris saevitiae genus omisit ira et vic- <-/Lf^" . . toriaJ-^Quod nisi Paullinus, cognito provinciae motu, propere subvenisset, amissa Britannia fojet : quam unius proelii fortuna veteri patientiae restituit, tenen- tibus arma plerisque, quos conscientia defectionis et propius ex legato timor agitabat, ne, quanquam egre- gius cetera, arroganter in deditos et, ut suae quoque injuriae ultor, durius consuleret. Missus igitur Pe- tronius Turpilianus, tanquam exorabilior : et delictis liostium novus, eoque poenitentiae mitior, compositis prioribus, nikil ultra ausus, Trebellio Maximo provin- ciam tradidit. . Trebellius segnior, et nullis castroram experimentis, comitate quadam curandi provinciam tciniit. Didicere jam barbari quoque ignoscere vitiis blandientibus : et interventus civilium armorum prae- buit justam segnitiae excusationem ; sed discordia la- boratum, cum assuetus expeditionibus miles otio la.sci- viret. Trebellius, fuga ac latebris vitata exercitus ira, indecorus atque kumilis, precario mox praefuit : ac velut pacti, exercitus licentiam, dux salutem ; et sedi- tio sine sanguine stetit. Nee Vettius Bolauus, manen- 54 C. CORN. TACITI tibus adhuc civilibus bellis, agitavit Britanniam clisci- plina ; eadeni inertia erga hostes, similis petulantia castrorum : jhisi quod innocens Bolanus et nullis delic- tis invisus, caritatem paraverat loco auctoritatis. XVII. Sed, ubi cum ceterb orbe Vespasianus et Britanniam recuperavit, magni duces, egregii excrci- tus, minuta hostium spes. Et terrorem statim intulit Petilius Cerialis, Brigantum civitatem, quae numero- sissima provinciae totius perhibetur, aggressus. Multa proelia, et aliquando non incruenta : magnamque Brigantum partem aut victoria amplexus est aut be Et, cum Cerialis quidem alterius successoris cura famamque obruisset, sustinuit quoque mdlem Julius Frontinus, vir magnus quantum licebat, validamque et pugnacem Silurum gentem armis sube'git, super virtutem hostium, locorum quoque difficultates eluc- tatus. XVIII. Hunc Britanniae statum, has bellorum vices media jam aestate transgressus Agricola invenit, cum et milites, velut omissa expeditione, ad securita- tem, et hostes ad occasionem verterentur.' . Ordovicum civitas, baud multo ante adventum ejus, alam, in fini- bus suis agentem, prope universam obtriverat : eoque initio erecta provincia : et, quibus bellum volentibus erat, probare exemplum, ac recentis legati animum opperiri, cum Agricola, quanquam transvecta acstas, sparsi per provinciam numeri, praesumpta apud mili- tem illius anni quies, tarda et contraria bellum inehoa- turo, et plerisque custodiri suspecta potius vidcbatur, ire obviam discrimini statuit*{ contractisque legionum vexillis et m^dica auxiliorum manu, quia in aequum degredi OrdOVices non audebant, ipse ante agmen, quo ceteris par animus simili periculo esset, erexit AGRICOLA. 55 aciem : caesaque prope universa gente, non ignarus instancing! famae, ac, prout prima cessissent, terrorem ccteris fore, Monam insulam, cujus possessione revo- catum Paullinum rebellione totius Britanniae supra memoravi, redige're in potestatem anirao intendit. Sed, ut in dubiis consiliis, naves deerant : ratio et constantia ducis transvexit^*Depositis omnibus sar- cinis, lectissimos auxiliarium, quibus nota vada et pa- trius nandi usus, quo simul seque et arma et equos re- gunt, ita repente immisit, ut obstupefacti hostes, qui classem, qui naves, qui mare expectabant, nihil ardu- um aut invictum crediderint sic ad bellum venienti- C-t Y~ bus. l| fTta petita pace ac deoita insula, clarus ac mag- nus haberi Agricola : j^uijipe cui ingredient! provin- ciam, quod tempus alii per ostentationem aut officio- nim ambitum transigunt, labor et periculum placuisset. Xec Agricola, prosperitate rerum in vanitatem usus, expeditionem aut victoriam vocabat victos continuisse : ne laureatis quidem gesta prosecutus est : sed ipsa dis- simulatione famae f amain auxit, aestimantibus, quanta futuri spe tarn magna tacuisset. /^~XIX. Ceterum animorum provinciae prudens, si- mulque doctus per aliena experimenta parum profici armis, si injuriae sequerentur, causas bellorum statuit excidere. A se suisque orsus, primum domum suam coercuit : quod plerisque baud minus arduum est, quam provinciam regere. Kihil per libertos servosque pub- lioae rei : non studiis privatis nee ex commendatione aut precibus centurionum milites ascire, sed'x dptttnum quemque fidissimum putare : omnia scire, non omnia exsequi : parvis peccatis veniam, magnis severitatem commodare : nee poena semper, sed saepius poeniten- tia contentus esse ; officiis et administrationibus potius 56 C. CORN. TACITI non peccaturos praeponere, quam damnare, cum pec- cassent. Frumenti et tributorum auctionem aequali- , tate munerum mollire, circumcisis, quae, ia quaestum N reperta, ipso tribute gravius tolerabantur : namque per ludibrium assidere clausis horreis et emere ultro fru- menta, ac vendere pretio cogebantur : devortia itine- rurn et longinquitas regionum indicebatur, ut civitates a proximis hibernis in remota et avia referrent, donee, quod omnibus in promptu erat, paucis lucrosum fieret. XX. Haec primo statim anno comprimendo, egre- giam f amam paci circumdedit ; quae vel incuria vel intolerantia priorum baud minus quam bellum timeba- tur. Sed ubi aestas advenit, contracto exercitu, mul- tus in agmine laudare modestiam, disjectos coercere : loca castris ipse capere, aestuaria ac silvas ipse prae- tentare ; et nihil interim apud bostes quietum pati, quo minus subitis excursibus popularetur : atque, ubi satis terruerat, parcendo rursus irritamenta pacis ostentare. Quibus rebus multae civitates, quae in ilium diem ex acquo egerant, datis obsidibus, iram posuere, et praesi- diis castellisque circumdatae tanta ratione curaque, ut nulla ante Britanniae nova pars illacessrca transient. XXI. Sequens hiems saluberrimis consiliis ab- sumpta : namque, ut bomines dispersi ac rudes, eoque in bella faciles, quieti et otio per voluptates assuesce- rent, hortari privatim, adjuvare publice, ut templa, fora, domus exsti'uerent, laudaudo promptos et castigando segnes : ita honoris aemulatio pro necessitate erat. Jam vcro principum filios liberalibus artibus erudire, et |- ingenia Britannorum studiis Gallorum anteferre, ut, Agricola positum castellum aut vi hostium cxpugna- tum aut pactione ac fuga desertum. Crebrae erup- tiones : nam adversus moras obsidionis annuls copiis , firmabantur : ita intrepida ibi hiems, et sibi quisque praesidio, irritis bostibus eoquc desperantibus, quia soliti pleruraque damna aestatis hibernis eventibus pensare, turn aestate at quo liieme juxta pellebantur. Nee Agricola unquam per alios gesta avidus inter- cepit : sen centurio seu praefectus, incorruptum facti testem habebat. Apud quosdam acerbior in conviciis narrabatur ; ut erat coinis bonis, adversus malos inju- cundus : ceterum ex iracundia nihil supererat ; secre- tum et silentium ejus non timeres : honestius putabat offendere, quam odisse. XXIII. Q.uarta aestas obtinendis, quae percurrerat, insumpta : ac, si virtus exercituum et Romani nominis gloria pateretur, inventus in ipsa Britannia terminus.. Nam Clota et Bodotria, diversi maris aestibus 'per immensum revcctae, angusto terrarum spatio dirimun- tur : quod turn praesidiis firmabatur, atque omnis propior sinus tenebatur, summotis velut in aliam insu- lam hostibus. XXIY. Quinto expeditionum anno, nave prima 58 0. CORN. TACITI transgressus, ignotas jid_id_ Jejnpus gentcs crebris simul ac prosperis proeliis domuit : camquc partem Britanniae, quae Hiberniara aspicit, copiis instruxit in spem magis quam ob formidinem ; si quidcm ^ Ilibernia, medio inter Britanniam atque Hispaniam sita et Gallico quoque mari opportuna, valentissimam . imperil partem magnis invicem usibus miscueriQ Spatium ejus, si Britanniae comparetur, angustius, nostri maris insulas superat. Solum coelumque et ingenia cultusque liominum hand nmltum a Britannia differunt : in melius aditus portusque per commercia et negotiatores cogniti. Agricola expulsum seditione domestica unum ex regulis gcntis exceperat ac specie amicitiae in occasionem retinebat. Saepe ex eo audivi, legione una et modicis auxiliis debellari obtinerique Hiberniam posse. Idque etiam adversus Britanniam profuturum, si Romana ubique arma, et velut e con- spectu libertas tolleretur. XXV. Ceterum aestate, qua sextum officii annum inchoabat, amplexus civitates trans Bodotriam sitas, quia motus universarum ultra gentium et infesta hostilis exercitus- itinera timebantur, portus classe exploravit :\ quae, ab Agricola primum assumpta in partem virium, sequebatur egregia specie, cum simul terra, simul mari bellum impelleretur, ac saepe iisdem castris pedes equesque et nauticus miles, mixti copiis et laetitia, sua quisque facta, suos casus attollerent : ac modo silvarum ac montium profunda, modo tem- pestatum ac fluctuum adversa, hinc terra ct host is, hinc victus Oceanus 'militari jactantia compararen- tur. Britannos quoque,' ut ex captivis audiebatur, visa classis obstupefaciebat, tanquam, aperto maris sui secreto, ultimum victis perfugiuin clauderctur. AGRICOLA. 59 Ad manus et arma conversi Caledoniam incolentes populi, paratu magno, majore fama, uti mos cst de ignotis, oppugnasse ultrcy castella adorti, metum, ut provoca'ntes, addiderant : regrediendumque citra Bo- dotriam, et excedendum potius, quara pellerentur, spe- cie prudentium ignavi admonebant : cum interim cog- noscit hostes pluribus agminibus irrupturos. Ac, ne superante numero et peritia locorum circumiretur, diviso et ipse in tres partes exercitu inccssit. \y s XXVI. Quod ubi cognitum hosti, mutato repente consilio, universi nonam legionem, ut maxime invali- dam, nocte aggressi inter somnum ac trepidationem caesis vigilibus, irrupe're. Jamque in ipsis castris >pugnabant, cum Agricola, iter hostium ab exploratori- bus edoctus et vestigiis insecutus, velocissimos equi- tum peditumque assultare tergis pugnantium jubet, mox ab universis adjici clamorem ; et propinqua luce f ulsere signa : ita ancipili malo territi Britanni : et Romanis redit animus, ac, securi pro salute, de gloria certabant,- x TJltro quin etiam erupere : et fuit atrox in ipsis portarum angustiis proelium, donee pulsi hos- tes ; utroque exercitu certante, his,ut tulisse opem illis, ne eguisse auxilio viderentur. Quod nisi palu- des et silvae fugientes texissent, debellatum ilia vic- toria foret. XXVII. Cujus conscientia ac fama ferox exercitus, nihil virtuti suae invium : penetrandam Caledoniam, inveniendumque tandem Britanniae terminum con- tinuo proeliorum cursu, fremebant : atque illi modo cauti ac sapientes, prompti post eventum ac magnilo- qui erant. Iniquissima haec bellorum conditio est : prospera omnes sibi vindicant, adversa uni imputan- tur. At Britanni non virtute, sed occasionc et arte 60 C. CORN. TACITI duels rati, nihil ex arrogantia remittere, quo minus juventutem armarent, conjuges ac libcros in loca tuta transferrent, coetibus ac sacrificiis conspirationcm civitatum sancirent : atque ita irritatis utrimque ani- mis discessum. V~^ XXVIII. Eadem aestate cohors Usipiorum, per Germanias conscripta, in Britanniam transmissa, mag- num ac memorabile facinus ausa est. Occiso centu- rione ac militibus, qui ad tradendam disciplinain im- mixti manipulis exemplum et rectores habebantur, tres liburnicas, adactis per vim gubernatoribus, ascen- dere r-:et uno remigante, jsuspectis duobus coque intcr- fectis, jnondum vulgato rumore ut miraculum prae- vebebantur : mox hac atque ilia rapti, et cum plcrisque Britannorum, sua defensantium, proelio congressi, ac saepe victores, aliquando pulsi, eo ad extremum inopiae venere, ut infirmissimos suorum, mox sorte ductos, vcscerentur. Atque circumvecti Britanniam, amissis per inscitiam regendi navibus, pro praedonibus babiti, primum a Suevis, mox a Frisiis intercept! sunt : ac f uere, quos per commercia venumdatos et in nostram usque ripam mutatione ementium adductos, indicium tanti casus illustravit. XXIX. Initio aestatis Agricola, domestico vulncre ictus, anno ante natum filium amisit. Quern casum ncque, ut plerique fortium virorum, ambitiose, neque per lamenta rursus ac moerorem muliebriter tulit : et in luctu belluni inter remedia erat. Igitur praemissa classe, quae^pluribus locis praedata, magnum et inc-er- tum terrorem faceret, expedite exercitu, cui ex Britan- nis fortissimos et longa pace exploratos addiderat, ad moiitem Grampium pervenit, quern jam liostis inse- derat. Nam Britanni, nihil fracti pugnae prioris AGRICOLA. 61 eventu, et ultioncm aut servitium cxspectantes, tan- dcmque docti commune pcriculum concordia propul- sandum, legationibus et focderibus omnium civitatum vires exciverant. Jamque super triginta millia arma- torum aspiciebantur, et adhuc affluebat juventus et quibus cruda ac viridis senectus, clari bello et sua quisque decora gestantes : cum inter plures duces virtute et genere praestans, nomine \ilgacus, apud contractam multitudincin proelium poscentem, in hunc modum locutus fertur : ^^" (f~~ XXX. " Quotiens causas belli et necessitatem nos- tram intueor, magnus mihi animus est hodiernum diem consensumque vestruni initium libertatis totms ,Britanniae fore. 'Nam et universi servitutis expertes, et nullae ultra tewae, ac no mare quidem securum, imminente nobis classe Romana : ita proelium atque arma, quae fortibus honesta, eadem etiam ignavis tutissima sunt. Priores pugnae, quibus adversus Ro- manos varia fortuna certatum est, spem ac subsidium in nostris manibus habebant : quia nobilissimi totius Britanniae eoque in ipsis penetralibus siti, nee servien- tium littora aspicientes, oculos quoque a contactu dominationis iuviolatos habebamus. Nos terrarum ac libertatis extremes, recessus ipse ac sinus famae in hunc diem def endit ^6unc terminus Britanniae patet ; atque omne ignotum pro magnifico est. Sed nulla jam ultra gens, nihil nisi fluctus et saxa, ct infestiores Romani : quorum superbiam frustra per obsequium^et, modcstiam effugeris. Raptorcs orbis, postquani cuncta vastantibus defuere terrae, et mare scrutantur : si locuples hostis est, avari ; si pauper, ambitiosi ; quos non Oriens, non Occidens satiaverit. Soli omnium opes atque inopiam pari affectu concupiscunt. Au- 62 C. CORN. TACITI ferre, trucidare, rapere, falsis norainibus iraperium ; atquc, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant." \f* XXXI. " Liberos cuique ac propinquos suos natura carissimos csse voluit ; hi per delectus, alibi servituri, auferuntur : conjuges sororesque, etsi hostilem libi- dinem effugiant, nomine amicorum atque hospitum polluuntur. ^/'Bona f ortunasque in tributum egerunt, annos in frumentum : corpora ipsa ac manus silvis ac paludibus emuniendis inter verbera ac contumelias conterunt^|Nata servituti mancipia semel veneunt, atquc ultfo^a dominis aluntur : Britannia servitutera suam quotidie emit, quotidie pascit. Ac, sicut in familia recentissimus quisque servorum et conserves ludibrio est, sic in hoc orbis terrarum vetere famulatu novi nos et viles in exteidium petimur. Neque cnim arva nobis aut metalla aut portus sunt, quibus excr- cendis reservemur. Virtus porro ac ferocia subjec- torum ingrata imperantibus :( et longinquitas ac secre- tum ipsum quo tutius, eo suspectiusj Ita, sublata spe veniae, tandem sumite animum, tarn quibus salus, quam quibus gloria carissima est. Brigantes, femina duce, exurere coloniam, expugnare castra, ac, nisi felicitas in socordiam vertisset, exuere jugum potuere : nos integri et indomiti et libertatem non in poeniten- tiam laturi, primo statim congressu nonne ostendamus, quos sibi Caledonia viros seposuerit ? An eandem Romanis in bello virtutem, quam in pace lasciviam adesse creditis ? " ,< -~ XXXII. " Nostris illi dissensionibus ac discordiis clari, vitia hostium in gloriam exercitus sui vertuiit : quern contractum ex diversissimis gentibus, ut secun- dae res tenent, ita adversae dissolvent : nisi si Gallos et Germanos et (pudet dictu) Britaiinorum plerosque, AGRICOLA. 63 licet domination! alienae sanguinem commodent, diu- tius lamen hostes quam servos, fide et affectu teneri putatis : metus et terror est, infirma vincula caritati^r^L quae ubi removeris, qui timere desierint, odisse inci- pient. Omnia victoriae incitamenta pro nobis sunt : nullae Romanos conjuges accendunt ; nulli parentes fugam exprobraturi sunt ; aut nulla plerisque patria, aut alia est. Paucos numero, trepidos ignorantia, coelum ipsum ac mare et silvas, ignota omnia cir- cumspectantes, clauses quodammodo ac vinctos dii nobis tradideruntT] ~Ne terreat vanus aspectus et ami fulgor atque argenti, quod neque tegit neque vul- nerat. In ipsa hostium acie inveniemus nostras ma- ,nus : agnoscent Britanni suam causam : recorda- buntur Galli priorem libertatem : deserent illos ceteri Germani, tanquam nuper Usipii reliquerunt. Nee quidquam ultra formidinis : vacua castella, senum coloniae, inter male parentes et injuste imperantes aegra municipia et discordantia : hie dux, hie exer- citus : ibi tributa et metalla et ceterae servientium poenae : quas in aeternum perferre aut statim ulcisci in hoc campo est. Proinde ituri in aciem et majores vestros et posteros cogitate." XXXIII. Excepere orationem alacres, ut barbaris moris, cantu et fremitu clamoribusque dissonis. Jam- que agmina, et armorum fulgores audentissimi cuj us- que procursu : simul instruebantur acies : cum Agri- cola, quanquam laetum et vix munimentis coercitum militem adhortatus, ita disseruit : " Cctavus annus est, commilitones, ex quo virtute et auspiciis imperil Ro- mani fide atque opera vestra Britanniam vicistis : tot expeditionibus, tot proeliis, sen fortitudine adversus hostes sen patieutia ac labore paene adversus ipsam 64 C. CORN. TACITI rerum naturam opus fuit, neque me militum neque vos duels poenitui XXXVIII. Et nox quidem gaudio praedaque laeta victoribus : Britanni palantes, mixtoque virorum mu- lierumque ploratu, trahere vulneratos, vocare integros, deserere domos ac per iram ultro incendere :(eligere latebras et statim relinquere : miscere invicem consilia aliqua, dein separare : aliquando frangi aspectu pigno- rum suorum, saepius concitari : ,' satisque constabat, saevisse quosdam in conjuges ac liberos, tanquam mi- sererentur. Proximus dies faciem victoriae latius aperuit : vastum ubique silentium, secreti colles, fu- mantia procul tecta, nemo exploratoribus obvius : qui- bus in omnem partem dimissis, ubi incerta fugae ves- tigia neque usquam conglobari hostes compertum et u exacta jam aestate spargi bellum nequibat, in fines Bo- ' restorum exercitum deducit. Ibi acceptis obsidibus, praefecto classis circumvehi Britanniam praecepit. Datae ad id vires, et praecesserat terror. Ipse pedi- tem atque equites lento itinere, quo novarum gentium animi ipsa transitus mora terrerentur, in hibernis loca- vit. Et simul classis secunda tempestate ac fama 68 C. CORN. TACITI Trutulensem portum tenuit, unde proximo latere Bri- tanniae lecto omni redierat. ^- XXXIX. Hunc rerum cursum, quanquam nulla verborum jactantia epistolis Agricolae actum,'ut Do- mitialio moris erat, f ronte laetus, pectore anxius exce- pit. Inerat conscientia derisui fuisse nuper falsum c Germania triumphum, emptis per commercia, quorum habitus et crines in captivorum speciem formarentur : at nunc veram magnamque victoriam, tot inillibus hostium caesis, ingenti fama celebrari. Id sibi maxi- me formidolosum, privati liominis nomen supra princi- pis attolli : frustra studia fori et civilium artium de- cus in silentium acta, si militarem gloriam alius occu- paret : et cetera utcumque f acilius dissimulari : ducis boni imperatoriam virtutem esse. Talibus curis exer- citus, quodque saevae cogitationis indicium erat, se- creto suo satiatus, optimum in praesentia statuit re- ponere odium, donee impetus famae et favor exercitus languesceret : nam etiam turn Agricola Britanniam obtinebat. XL. Igitur triumpnalia ornamenta et illustris sta- tuae honorem et quidquid pro triumpho datiir, multo verborum lionore cumulata, decerni in senatu jubet ; addique insuper opinionem, Syriam provinciam Agri- colae destinari, vacuam turn inorte Atilii Rufi consu- laris et majoribus reservatamrj Cedidere plerique li- bertum ex secretioribus ministeriis missuui ad Agrico- lam codicillos, quibus ei Syria dabatur, tulisse cum praecepto, ut, si in Britannia foret, traderentur : euni- que libertum in ipso freto Oceani obvium Agricolae, ne appellate quidem eo, ad Domitianum rcmeasse : sive verum istud, sive ex ingenio principis fictum ac compositum estPr^Tradiderat interim Agricota succes- AGRICOLA. 69 sori suo provinciam quietam tutamque. Ac, ne nota- bilis celebritate et frequentia occurrentium introitus esset, vitato amicorum officio, noctu in urbem, noctu in palatium, ita ut praeceptum erat, venit : exceptus- que brevi osculo et nullo sermone turbae servientium immixtus est. Ceterum, ut militare nomen, grave in- ter otiosos, aliis virtutibus temperaret, tranquillitatem atque otiura penitus auxit, cultu modicus, sermone fa- cilis, uno aut altero amicorum comitatus ; adeo ut ple- rique quibus magnos viros per ambitionem aestimare mos est, viso aspectoque Agricola, quaererent famam, pauci interpretarentur. XLI. Crebro per eos dies apud Domitiahum absens accusatus, absens absolutus est. Causa periculi non crimen ullum aut querela laesi cujusquam, sed infen- sus virtutibus princeps et gloria viri ac pessimum ini- micorum genus, laudantcs. Et ea insecuta sunt rei- publicae tempora, quae sileri Agricolam non sinerent : tot exercitus in Moesia Daciaque et Germania Pannp/- niaque, temeritate aut per ignaviam ducum amisstTtot militares viri cum tot cohortibus expugnati et capti : nee jam de limite imperii et ripa, sed de hibernis legio- num et possessione dubitatum. Ita, cum damna dam- nis continuarentur atque omnis annus funeribus et cladibus insigniretur, poscebatur ore vulgi dux Agri- cola : comparantib'us cunctis vigorem, constantiam et expertum bellis animum cum inertia et f onnidine cete- rorum/J Quibus sermonibus satis constat Domitiani quoque aures verberatas, dum optimus quisque liber- torum amore et fide, pessimi malignitate et livore, pro- num dctcrioribus principem exstimulabant. Sic Agri- cola simul suis virtutibus, simul vitiis aliorum, in ipsam gloriam praeceps agebatur. 70 C. CORN. TACITI XLIL Aderat jam annus, quo proconsulatum Asiae et Africae sortiretur, et occiso Civica nuper nee Agri- colae consilium deerat, nee Domitiano exemplum. Ac- cessere quidam cogitationum principis periti, qui, itu- rusne esset in provinciam, ultro Agricolam interroga- rent : ac primo occultius quietem et otium laudare, mox operam suam in approbanda excusatione offerre : postremo non jam obscuri, suadentes simul terrentes- que, pertraxere ad Domitianum ; qui paratus simula- tione, in arrogantiam compositus, et audiit preces ex- cusantis, et, cum annuisset, agi sibi gratias passus est : nee erubuit beneficii invidiaii/' Salarium tamen, pro- consulari solitum offerri et quibusdam a se ipso con- cessum, Agricolae non dedit : sive offensus non peti- tum, sive ex conscientia, ne, quod vetuerat, videretur emisse. Proprium huniani ingenii est, odisse quern laeseris^ Domitiani vero natura praeceps in iram, et quo obscurior, eo irrevocabilior, moderatione tamen prudentiaque Agricolae leniebatur : quia non contu- macia neque inani jactatione libertatis famam fatum- que provocabat. Sciant, quibus moris illicita mirari, posse etiam sub malis principibus magnos viros esse : obsequiumque ac modestiam, si industria ac vigor ad- sint, eo laudis excedere, quo plerique per abrupta, sed in nullum reipublicae usum, ambitiosa morte inclarue- runt. XLIII. Finis vitae ejus nobis luctuosus, amicis tristis, extraneis etiam ignotisque non sine curafuit. Vulgus quoque et hie aliud agens populus et ventita- vere ad domum, et per fora et circulos locuti sunt : nee quisquam audita morte Agricolae aut laetatus est aut statim oblitus. Augebat miserationem constans rumor, veneno interceptum. " Nobis nihil comperti af- , AGRICOLA. 71 finnare ausim : ceterum per omnem valetudinem ejus, crebrius quam ex more principatus per nuntios visen- tis, et libertorum primi et medicorura intimi venere : sive cura illud sive inquisitio erat. Supremo quidem die, momenta deficientis per dispositos cursores nun- tiata constabat, nullo credente sic accelerari, quae tris- tis audiret. Speciem tamen doloris animo vultuque prae se tulit, securus jam odii, et qui facilius dissimu- laret gaudium, quam metum. Satis constabat, lecto testamento Agricolae, quo cohaeredem optimae uxori et piissimae filiae Domitianum scripsit, laetatum eum velut honore judicioque : tarn caeca et corrupta mens assiduis adulationibus erat, ut nesciret a bono patre non scribi haeredem, nisi malum principem. M JLLlV. Natus erat Agricola, Caio Caesare tertium consule, Idibus Jimiis : excessit sexto et quinquagesi- mo anno, decimo Kalendas Septembris, Collega Pris- coque consulibus. Quod si habitum quoque ejus pos- teri noscere velint, decentior quam sublimior fuit ; nihil metus in vultu, gratia oris supererat : bonum vi- rum facile crederes, magnum libenteiyjfHilt ipse qui- dem, quanquam medio in spatio integrae aetatis erep- tus, quantum ad gloriam, longissimum aevum peregit. Quippe et vera bona, quae in virtutibus sita sunt, im- pleverat, et consular! ac triumphalibus ornamentis praedito, quid aliud adstruere f ortuna poterat ? Opi- bus nimiis non gaudebat ; speciosae contigerant. Fi- lia atque uxore superstitibus, potest videri etiam bea- tus ; incolumi dignitate, florente fama, salvis affinitati- bus et amicitiis, f utura effugisse. Kam sicuti durare in liac beatissimi saeculi luce ac principem Trajanum videre,*quod augurio votisque apud nostras aures omi- nabatur, ita festinatae mortis grande solatium tulit, 72 C. CORN. TACITI evasisse postremum illud tempus, quo Domitianus non jam per intervalla ac spiraraenta tempdrum, sed conti- nue et velut uno ictu rempublicam exhausit. XLV. Non vidit Agricola obsessam curiam, et clausum armis senatum, et eadem strage tot consula- rium caedes, tot nobilissimarum f eminarum exsilia et fugas. Una adhuc victoria Carus Metius censebatur, et intra Albanam arcem sententia Messalini strepebat, et Mass a Bebius jam turn reus erat. Mox nostrae duxere Helvidium in carcerem manus : nos Maurici Rusticique^ visus, nos innocenti sanguine Senecio per- fudit./ Nero tamen subtraxit oculos jussitque scelera, non spectavit : praecipua sub Domitiano miseriarum pars erat videre et aspici : cum suspiria nostra sub- scriberentur ; cum denotandis tot hominum palloribus sufficeret saevus ille vultus et rubor, quo se contra pu- dorem muniebat. Tu vero f elix, Agricola, non vitae tantum claritate, sed etiam opportunitate mortis. lit peVhibent qui interfuerunt novissimis sermonibus tuis, constans et libens fatum excepisti ; tanquam pro virili portione innocentiam principi donares. Sed mini fili- aeque ejus, praeter acerbitatem parentis erepti, auget moestitiam, quod assidere valetudini, fovere deficien- tem, satiari vultu, complexu, non contigit : exeepisse- mus certe mandata vocesque, quas penitus animo fige- remus. Noster hie dolor, nostrum vulnus : nobis tarn longae absentiae conditione ante quadriennium amis- sus est. Omnia sine dubio, optime parentum, assi- dente amantissima uxore, superfuere honori tuo : pau- cioribus tamen lacrimis compositus es, et novissima in luce desideravere aliquid oculi tui. XL VI. Si quis piorum manibus locus, si, ut sapien- tibus placet, non cum corpore exstinguuntur magnae AGRICOLA. 73 animae, placide quiescas, nosque, domum tuam, ab in- firmo desiderio et muliebribus lamentis ad contempla- tionem virtutum tuarum voces, qnas neque lugeri ne- que plangi fas est : admiratione te potius, te immor- talibus laudibus, et, si natura suppeditet, similitudine decoremus. Is verus honos, ea conjunctissimi cujus- que pietas. Id filiae quoque uxorique praeceperim, sic patris, sic mariti memoriam venerari, ut omnia i'acta dictaque ejus secum revolvant, formamque ac iiguram animi magis quam corporis complectantur : non quia intercedendum putem imaginibus, quae mar- more aut acre finguntur ; sed ut vultus liominum, ita simulacra vultus imbecilla ac mortalia sunt ; forma mentis aeterna, quam tenere et exprimere non per ali- enam materiam et artem, sed tuis ipse moribus possis. Quidquid ex Agricola amavimus, quidquid mirati su- mus, manet mansurumque est in animis hominum, in aeternitate temporum fama rerurcu Nam multos ve- terum, velut inglorios, et ignobiles, oblivio obruet : Agricola posteritati narratus et traditus superstes erit. NOTES. TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS. SEVERAL words, which occur most frequently in the Notes, are abbreviated. Of these the following classes may require explanation. The other abbreviations are either familiar or sufficiently obvious of themselves. 1. A. . Ann. G. . H. T. , AUTHORITIES. . Gruber. Gunther. . Kiessling. Kingsley. . Murphy. Orelli. . Passow. Roth. . Rhenanus. Ritter. Br. . . . Brotier. Rup. . . Ruperti. D. or Db'd. . . Doderlein. Sch.-S. . Schweizer-Sidler. Dr. . . Dronke. W. . . Walch. E Ernesti. Wr. . . Walther. 3. OTHER AUTHORITIES. H. .... Harkness' Latin Grammar. A. and G. . . . Allen and Greenough's Grammar. Beck. Gall. . . . Becker's Gallus. But. Lex. Tac. . . Botticher's Lexicon Taciteum. For. and Fac. . . Forcellini and Facciolati's Latin Lexicon. Tur. His. Ang. Sax. . Turner's History of the Anglo-Saxons. Z. .... Zumpt's Latin, Grammar. CITCS. Gr. Gun. . Agricola. K. Annals. Ky. . Germania. Mur. Histories. Or. . Tacitus. Pass. R. . TED AS Rhen. . Rit. . Brotier. Rup. Doderlein. Sch.-S. Dronke. W. Ernesti. Wr. . GEEMANIA. INTRODUCTION. THERE are two prominent causes which ought to make the " Ger- mania" of Tacitus a work of peculiar interest to the English or American student. In the first place, the modern inductive method, In its eager demand for data, drives its disciples to search unceas- ingly for the ultimate, most simplified facts. As a deserted quarry or a barren cliff has a worth above that of a king's garden to the mind of the geologist, so the uncivilized life has come to have more interest than the civilized to the scholar who would seek to under- stand our modern institutions. As a picture of prehistoric society, the " Germania " stands almost if not quite alone. Scarcely has another similar treatise ever been written reclaiming from oblivion so many interesting facts. Then, in the second place, this work is of preeminent value to us, because it is the early history of our own household, and conveys us back to the home of our common Ger- manic race. In attempting to group together a few of the interesting facts which are illustrated here, we greatly need to start with some defi- nite conception of the grand distinction between primitive society and our own. Says Mr. Maine, hi his work upon " Ancient Law : " " Society in primitive times was not what it is assumed to be at present a collection of individuals. In fact, and in the view of the men who composed it, it was an aggregation of families. The con- trast may be most forcibly expressed by saying that the unit of an ancient society was the family, of a modern society the individual." * In manifest harmony with this principle, the nation again was com- posed of people of the same blood. " Of this," says Mr. Maine * " Ancient Law," p. 121. 78 NOTES. again, " we may be certain that all ancient societies regarded them- selves as having proceeded from one original stock, and even la- bored under an incapacity for comprehending any reason except this for their holding together in political union." * The blood-connection, then, is of peculiar prominence in the or- ganization of all early societies. In the history of our Indo-European race we shall notice, further, that, in the governmental arrange- ments, the village community is of vast significance. From the history of India, which is too ancient to be traced, down through the emigrations of all the controlling peoples of modern Europe, and even revealing itself, like the unexpected undulation of a long-un- noticed wave, hi the town governments of our Puritan ancestors, everywhere we notice the effect of this deep-seated idea of the rights and the privileges of the village. In theory, the inhabitants of the village were always regarded as descended from a common head. New inhabitants might be intro- duced ; but they must be treated as, hi a manner, adopted children, and governed according to the family theory. And so these broth- ers in the community possessed not merely common political privi- leges, were not merely equal before the law, they were not mere members of a community, but they were communists ; not merely were their interests inseparable, but their inheritance was undivided. To quote again from the author whom we have already cited : " The ancient Teutonic cultivating community consisted of a number of families standing in a proprietary relation to a district divided into three parts. These three portions were the Mark of the township or village, the Common Mark, or waste, and the Arable Mark, or cultivated area. The community inhabited the village, held the common mark in mixed ownership, and cultivated the arable mark in lots appropriated to the several families. " Each family in the township was governed by its own free head, or paterfamilias. The precinct of the family dwelling-house could be entered by nobody but himself and those under his palria potestas not even by officers of the law, for he himself made law within, and enforced law made without. " Confining ourselves to proprietary relations, we find that his rights or (what is the same thing) the rights of his family over the *" Ancient Law," p. 124. GERMANIA. 79 common mark are controlled or modified by the rights of every other family. It is a strict ownership in common, both in theory and in practice. When cattle grazed on the common pasture, or when the householder felled wood in the common forest, an elected or hereditary officer watched to see that the common domain was equitably enjoyed. " The cultivated land of the Teutonic village community appears almost invariably to have been divided into three great fields. A rude rotation of crops was the object of this threefold division, and it was intended that each field should lie fallow once in three years. The fields under tillage were not, however, cultivated by labor in common. Each householder has his own family lot in each of the three fields, and this he tills by his own labor and that of his sons and his slaves. But he cannot cultivate as he pleases. He must sow the same crop as the rest of the community, and allow his lot in the uncultivated field to lie fallow with the others." * This is perhaps sufficient to give us at least some general con- ception of the communities which made up the German tribes. The unit was the family ; the families united in the village were still intimately bound together by the sentiment of near kinship; the villages were component parts of the tribe ; the tribes recognized themselves as bound in fellowship with one another, forming a whole people. The government which especially affected the indivi- dual was of course that of his native village community. Here the omnipresent law of tradition and custom held sway with most des- potic power. The villages of three thousand years ago are to this day extant in India, in parts of Russia, and in some other localities in Europe, thus bearing witness preeminently to this fact : how diffi- cult it is in such societies to introduce innovations, to lead men away from the notions of their fathers. The influence of that ancient vil- lage-life is felt among us to-day. And so it happened, as Tacitus himself bears witness, that the ancient Germans did not build large cities. Each family had its preempted home, with the ample court or yard in connection with it (Cap. XVI). We cannot affirm that the simple theory of the village community was nowhere modified, that everywhere the customs re- * " Village Communities in the East and West," by Henry Stunner Maine pp. 78-80. 80 NOTES. mained identical, that innovations were entirely kept out ; but that it was the common type of German life. The householder abode in his own uncrowded dwelling, tilled, with the help of his household, his allotted portion of the cultivated domain, and pastured in the commons during the summer as many cattle as his field had enabled him to sustain through the winter's cold. It seems by no means improbable that the original idea was to divide the soil for tillage into equal portions, according to the num- ber of families. It was, perhaps, a part of this idea that the desired equality should be enforced by an occasional redistribution of the fields, as well as by the unvarying laws with regard to crops. Caesar makes the distinct affirmation with regard to the Suevi, that " There was no tillable land in the possession of individuals, and it was not allowed among them to remain in one location for the purpose of cultivating the soil more than a single year." * He says, moreover, with regard to the Germans in general, that " Their magistrates as- sign them land, and compel them to move from year to year." f This may of course refer simply to the changeable, wandering mode of life which at times was prevalent among them, and yet must bo considered at least suggestive of a distinct theory of action. A similar statement is also made by Tacitus. This twofold assertion of the Roman authors must at least have been substantiated by some striking habits of change among the Germans. And yet it is evident that, even in this society, securely as it seemed to be moored to the ways of the past, the conservative and progressive elements were struggling together for the mastery. It is here in this question with regard to the ownership of the land that we can trace with especial distinctness the evidence of the con- flict. The old tradition spoke only in favor of the mixed ownership ; the disciples of progress, as they had already begun to taste the sweets of freedom, were determined to assert themselves as indepen- dent property-holders. Every student of Cassar and Tacitus has probably been conscious of the difficulty of understanding the pre- vailing usage of the German people with regard to the possession of the soil. The truth probably is that the prevailing usage was already undergoing rapid changes. It would seem to be the conclusion to winch modern scholarship is coming that, even during the period * Caesar iv., 1. t Caesar vi., 22. GERMANIA. 81 which elapsed between these two Latin authors, a very considerable transformation had taken place. At the time when Tacitus com- posed his work the era of private property hi land was already fairly commencing: yet the reform moved on with halting and uneven pace, for its feet were still entangled in the bonds of tradition and custom. The villages seem to have been grouped together, for govern- mental purposes, in organizations arranged in some way according to hundreds. If we attempt to settle the question in our minds, what 4 the original basis of this division was, we shall soon find our- selves in the centre of one of the battle-fields of modern controversy, with the smoke of the conflict so thick about us that we lose our bearings at every turn. It was probably hardly the idea that a hun- dred villages should be thus associated, yet a hundred smaller groups, formed upon the basis of kinship, may have been organized together for this purpose. It has been one of the prominent theories that the hundred was a union of that number of groups of ten families each. It has been suggested, on the other hand, that the hundred was a military division, receiving this name as a district by which a hundred warriors could be furnished and sustained. The truth is, however, that every such organization outgrows so soon its original limits that it becomes an almost hopeless task to attempt to define the primitive form. Yet, whatever may have been its origin, it is certain that this principle of organization was exceedingly ancient, reaching back even beyond the first occupation of German soil. We find traces of it among widely-separated members of the race in the early history of the Anglo-Saxons in then 1 occupation of Britain, among the Scandinavian tribes of the North, and perhaps in the can- tons (centeni) of Switzerland in the South. It is the idea of Mr. Waitz that the Latin word pagus is employed by Caesar and Tacitus to represent this division of the hundred, though rather in its local than its political relation. This author gives, also in connection with this theory, a new interpretation to certain expressions of the Latin writers. Thus : * " When Caesar speaks of the hundred pagi of the Suevi,-)- and Tacitus of those of the Semnones,^ the most con- siderable people of the Suevi, it is evident that merely the ' hundreds ' * " Waitz Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte," p. 158. t Csesar, i. 87, and iv. I. $ Ger. 89. 82 NOTES. were meant. ' The hundreds of the Suevi,' the Roman general was informed, ' have reached even to the Rhine.' " In a similar manner we should get an interpretation of the passage regarding the selected warriors in the sixth chapter of the Germania: they were called hundreders, not because of their exact number, but because selected from the pagus, which the Germans called the " hundred." The taste for war among the ancient Germans was of course their prominent characteristic. The citizens were preeminently soldiers, and hence their assemblies were always gatherings of armed men (Cap. XIII). The youth who received political rights gained them by being endowed in public with the privilege of bearing arms ; it was a ceremony of interest not merely to him but to all. The coward who threw away his shield lost all his dignity as a member of the State, entitled neither to its protection nor its privileges (VI). The weapons were both of stone and iron ; they were clubs and hammers as well as spears. Swords were not abundant, though some of the North- ern tribes used them rather like large knives than in the usual form. So intent were these German tribes upon the pursuits of war, that those of the nobles whose position was such as to mark them as chiefs, were wont to gather about themselves groups of young men who trained themselves as professional warriors in the service of their leader. It is a matter of no small difficulty to determine Avho were entitled, by law or custom, to this distinction of being at- tended by a " comitatus," but it manifestly was not all of the nobles, . nor does it seem to have been confined to the kings. Mr. Waitz reaches the conclusion that these chiefs (always denominated prin- cipes by Tacitus) were at the head of the " hundreds," thus being intermediate between the kings or national leaders and the common ranks of the nobility and people. They evidently differed widely among themselves in rank and power, and it was considered a pecu- liar honor to be under the patronage of those who were preeminent in dignity, and who were most abundant in warlike resources. These men of ancient days were, however, not entirely given over to military life. Among all descendants of the German race the banquet has never been neglected. Even Tacitus has apparently failed to give to this the prominence which it deserves in a descrip- tion of Teutonic life. He refers (XXIII) to the Germans' fondness for beer and their general ignorance of wine. We cannot doubt that beer was a power even then. He gives us also a report of the mani- GERMANIA. 83 fold uses to which they put the feast, making it a place of consulta- tion as well as of enjoyment, in true modern German fashion. He refers to the songs with which the people roused themselves as they entered the battle (III) ; but he has forgotten the singers who, like the Celtic bards and Scandinavian scalds, must then, as in later times, have been one of the chief adornments and enjoyments of the banquet. If we find in those early days the seeds of German hilarity and German valor, doubtless we might also find the elements of German song. The exhibition of the sword-dance (XIV) is made the illustration of their warlike enthusiasm ; their songs would un- doubtedly partake of the same sentiments, celebrating the glory of their race and the valor of their warriors (XI). The feasts were, moreover, introduced for a variety of special occasions at the birth of a child, or even after the death of a head of a family, at the bring- ing home of the bride, or at the introduction of the son to his life as a citizen warrior. The family relation received, both socially and politically, the very highest honor. Tacitus was himself peculiarly impressed * by the intimate union and complete sympathy of the husband and wife, by the interest of the woman in the conflicts of the man, and the re- spect which was paid to her opinion, as also by the purity and chas- tity which universally prevailed. We have already noticed that so- ciety was founded upon the family rather than the individual, but this power of family feeling had been so cultivated as to have pecu- liar force. The experience of war, quite as much as that of peace, was made to foster it : the family was kept together (XII), even the wife and mother accompanying her husband and son in the cam- paign. The widow was discouraged from a second marriage, and in many cases even followed her husband in voluntary death (XIX and note ibid.). The family connection was at every point made strong (XX). The strength of that family feeling of ancient days reveals itself not merely in the purity which was so impetuously protected and enforced two thousand years ago, but in the high estimate of home-life which prevails even now among the modern German peo- ples, illustrated among ourselves by the old proverb that the Eng- lishman's house is his castle, and, in fact, in the very existence of our expressive word home. * Chaps, xviii., xix., viiL 84 NOTES. The mythology of the ancient Germans was rich and copious enough to prove the brightness of their imagination. Yet their re- ligious customs were simple and unconventional. We find no trace among them of any well-defined organized priestly order,* so that in this respect they offer a striking contrast to their Cehic neighbors, who were bound fast by the authority of their Druids. The Germans were, however, very greatly influenced by religious feeling, offering their sacrifices and prayers with what was often superstitious devo- tion, and looking to their gods for guidance in all important move- ments (X). Their deities were something higher than representa- tives of startling- physical phenomena ; they were rather the imper- sonation of qualities which the people held most admirable. They were worshiped without temples, though certain localities were set apart as sacred. They guided men in life, and in death received them to themselves. The recognized source of authority in the government was the community the people, the freemen. Each family had its acknowl- cdged head, its paterfamilias, who ruled his household not as an elected official, but as the natural guardian and governor of his own. And yet it would appear from the inferior position assigned to the infirm, that mere age and natural priority did not govern, but that even the headship of the family could be changed when the interests of the members demanded more forcible control. Each village, again, had its magistracy, though it was probably ruled far more by traditional usages than by any legislative ordinances. Each tribe, and each hundred, when called to act in the corporate capacity, had its appointed head or chieftain. In some cases they were ruled by kings, but even here the authority was sufficiently limited to prove how firmly the democratic idea was implanted in the Germanic mind. Distinctions of blood were nevertheless of very marked signifi- cance. The nobles constituted a class by themselves, with peculiar dignity among the people and peculiar opportunities for official pre- ferment. The dignity of the king did not descend from father to son by one unvarying law, yet it was only from the line of the nobility * "Wo do undoubtedly find, even in the Germania, repeated evidence of the activity and even prominence of individual priests. It is quite probable that, in the changes which were occurring, they were becoming a recognized order, pre- pared to defend their position in the State. As yet, however, there seems to be DO evidence of organization or class prerogatives. GERMANIA. 85 that a king could with any propriety be taken. Among the Chcrusci, when their nobles had all fallen, it was deemed necessary to send to Rome for Italicus, who had there been educated into foreign ideas, and had become an utter stranger to his people ; but be was sprung from the highest of their nobles, and only such an one could be their king.* As to the origin of this nobility it is impossible to speak with any certainty. It is, perhaps, a natural conjecture that these families were the descendants of the leaders under whom the country was first occupied. " They appoint their kings according to their noble birth," writes Tacitus, " their leaders according to their valor " (VII). Conspicu- ous merit on the battle-field could thus receive its proper reward, irrespective of the royal authority. That is, the democratic principle was so carried out that many of the most honorable positions were within the gift of the freemen. The chiefs orprincipcs, to whom wo have already referred, seem to have held their office by election, and, apparently, as the times were ill adapted to frequent changes, they were chosen for life, or at least as long as their vigor should con- tinue. When the exigencies of war called out the combined re- sources of the whole tribe, the leader (dux) was chosen for the su- preme command, and must offer something more than mere rank by birth to recommend him for the honor. Beneath the nobles and the freemen there were also lower ranks. There were freedmen of whom Tacitus suggests that, under mo- narchical sway, as in other lands, they often obtained very exten- sive influence (XXV). And beneath these were also slaves, though from the very nature of the ancient German society we should con- clude that their number could not be very large. There is hardly any picture taken from all history which could be more interesting to us, than to represent to ourselves those ancient popular assemblies where our Teutonic forefathers exercised their rights as freemen, and trained themselves to value and maintain the privileges which they there enjoyed. Here were the seed kernels from which a multitude of our free institutions have sprung. Some- times it the village community, the far-away progenitor of the New England town-meeting ; sometimes it was the hundred choosing their chief, perhaps appointing his council to attend him in his judi- * Tac. Ann., xL 16. 86 NOTES. cial tours,* attending to all the more general wants of society ; some- times it was even the whole tribe which met iu congress to consult upon their interests. Some of these assemblies, perhaps more par- ticularly those of the hundreds, were held at stated intervals, and were the very life of the body politic. The people came together armed, as weapons were the honorable sign of citizenship. Mr. Freeman, in his " History of the Growth of the English Constitu- tion," points out to us the same custom of popular assemblage exist- ing in Switzerland, even to our own times. The classical student, who is familiar with the picture presented by Homer, will find the perfect counterpart of these assemblies in the meetings of the Greek warriors before the walls of Troy. The business was directed by the king or chief, while the different princes felt a peculiar responsi- bility, and claimed especial prominence in influencing the decision which should be reached. The freemen, however, must be won over to approve the conclusion which was to have the force of law. Popu- lar discontent might, perhaps, be vigorously corrected ; an ill-man- nered Thersites, failing to carry the popular feeling with him, might be dealt with unceremoniously for the sake of the public impression, and yet the popular will must ratify the measure before it could be secure. This was the type of the ancient Aryan form of govern- ment ; and so the Germans came together to choose their leaders, to decide the questions of public interest, to act their part as freemen, and to introduce their children to the freeman's rights. Less im- portant decisions were reached by the chiefs alone ; affairs of higher magnitude were similarly considered, but were brought before the freemen for ultimate decision. The principal men of the state spoke in behalf of their favorite plans, carrying weight according to the respect which was felt for their authority and opinion (XI). The will of the people was expressed, not by any showing of hands or counting of heads, but by the clash of arms and shouts of approval with which they signified their assent, or the cries of opposition by which they marked their disapproval, the original form of our own viva vocc manner of voting. According to the conception of our forefathers, each assembly had also the authority of a court. They were thus well provided * Germania, sdi. Comites were appointed, according to Tacitus, to attend the princeps. The Centeni need not necessarily refer to a fixed number. They were the representatives of the division of tho hundred. GEEMANIA. 87 with judicial tribunals, and were abundantly equipped with laws and legal forms. In the Gcrmania we have particular reference only to the courts of the hundreds, held by the princeps, with his council of representative men (XII), as the full assembly would hardly be gathered for every case, but the authority would be delegated to those who could more efficiently exercise it. In a similar manner the cases pertaining to the village, or to the commonwealth, had a proper tribunal appointed, before which they could be tried, the authority coming in each case from the assembly of the freemen which the court represented, if it was not immediately exercised by it, In the matter of penalties and punishments the ancient German jurisprudence was eminently peculiar. In questions of public crime, which affected the standing of the individual before the nation, the law was quite severe. Traitors and deserters were hung as a warn- ing to society. Those who were guilty of equally flagrant and even more shameful offences, the impure and the cowardly, were sunk in some foul quagmire, as if to bury the very memory of their abomi- nable example (XII). At the basis of all forms of punishment seemed to lie the idea that the offender should be made to suffer the loss of his rights as a citizen, in a degree corresponding to his mis- deeds. Thus the coward who had failed to perform his duty as a citizen soldier was deprived of all his privileges, and lost all the favor and protection of society (VI). In connection with minor offences, and even extending to cases of murder, the criminal, who would otherwise as an outlaw have been exposed to the revengeful attacks of those whom he had offended, was permitted to suffer punishment in the form of a fine, and the plaintiff was obliged to accept the satisfaction which was thus rendered (XXI). In the system which was built upon this principle, every grade of life in the state had its definite price. As the possessions of the freeman were, by the ten- dency of their institutions, kept nearly proportional to his position, suffering here he suffered in all his civil privileges, to a degree which made the compromise seem not unreasonable. At the same time, in the state of society which then existed, the custom referred to was of immense value in preventing the growth of intestine feuds, which would have been almost destructive to the commonwealth. Underlying all which we can say of the formal administration of the ancient German government, the fact of preeminent interest to 88 NOTES. us is the control which even then was exercised by public sentiment. Cowards and knaves were few, because they would not be tolerated. Violence was checked more by sentiment than by legislation. The government was simple and yet sufficient, because the subjects were a simple people. The magistrates, the chiefs, the national leaders, even the kings, were in the control of the freemen. The people may have been uncultivated, uncouth, barbaric, and their efforts and their toils, their methods both of enjoyment and of work, illustrated their semi-civilized characteristics, yet their homes were peaceful, their children were aspiring, their whole moral atmosphere was pure. There are to-day a great many millions of people scattered through Europe and America, constituting the most prosperous common- wealths which have ever been developed in human history, proving themselves the best citizens which any commonwealth could possibly have, people who by their energy are conquering the world, and by their patient industry are holding its richest treasures, who have reason to look back with grateful appreciation to the vigorous virtues of their Germanic forefathers two thousand years ago. H. M. T. The treatise DE SITU, MORIBCS ET POPULIS GERMANIAK, was writ- ten (as appears from the treatise itself, XXXVII) in the second con- sulship of the Emperor Trajan, A. U. C. 851, A. D. 98. The design of the author in its publication has been variously interpreted. From the censure which it frequently passes upon the corruption and de- generacy of the times, it has been considered as a mere satire upon Roman manners in the age of Tacitus. But to say nothing of the ill adaptation of the whole plan to a satirical work, there are large parts of the treatise which must have been prepared with great labor, and yet can have no possible bearing on such a design. Satires are not wont to abound in historical notices and geographical details espe- cially touching a foreign and distnnt land. The same objection lies against the political ends, which have been imputed to the author, such as the persuading of Trajan to en- gage, or not to engage, in a war with the Germans, as the most po- tent and dangerous enemy of Rome. For both these aims have been alleged, and we might content ourselves with placing the one as an offset against the other. But, aside from the neutralizing force of such contradictions, wherefore such an imposing array of geographical research, of historical lore, of political and moral philosophy, for the accomplishment of so simple a purpose ? And why is the pur- GERMANIA. 89 pose so scrupulously concealed that confessedly it can be gathered only from obscure intimations, and those of ambiguous import ? Be- sides, there are passages whose tendency must have been directly counter to either of these alleged aims (cf. note XXXIII). The author does, indeed, in the passage just cited, seem to appre- ciate with almost prophetic accuracy those dangers to the Roman Empire which were so fearfully illustrated in its subsequent fall be- neath the power of the German tribes ; and he utters, as what true Roman would not in such forebodings, the warnings and the prayers of a patriot sage. But he does this only in episodes, which are so manifestly incidental, and yet arise so naturally out of the narrative or description, that it is truly surprising it should ever have occurred to any reader to seek in them the key to the whole treatise. The entire warp and woof of the work is obviously historical and geographical. The satire, the political maxims, the moral sentiments, and all the rest, are merely incidental, interwoven for the sake of instruction and embellishment, inwrought because a mind so thought- ful and so acute as that of Tacitus could not leave them out. Taci- tus had long been collecting the materials for his Roman Histories. In so doing, his attention was necessarily drawn often and with spe- cial interest to a people who, for two centuries and more, had been the most formidable enemy of the Roman State. In introducing them into his history, he would naturally wish to give some prelimi- nary account of their origin, manners, and institutions, as he does in introducing the Jews in the Fifth Book of his Histories, which happens to be in part preserved. Nor would it be strange if he should, with this view, collect a mass of materials, which he could not incorporate entire into a work of such compass, and which any slight occasion might induce him to publish in a separate form, per- haps as a sort of forerunner to his Histories.* Such an occasion now was furnished in the campaigns and victories of Trajan, who, at the time of his elevation to the imperial power, was at the head of the Roman armies in Germany, where he also remained for a year or more after his accession to the throne, till he had received the * It has even been argued by highly respectable scholars that the Germania of Tacitus is itself only such a collection of materials, not published by the au- thor, and never intended for publication in that form. But it is quite too me- thodical, too studied, and too finished a work to admit of that supposition (cf. Prolegom. ofK.). 90 NOTES. submission of the hostile tribes, and wiped away the disgrace which the Germans, beyond any other nation of that age, had brought upon the Roman arms. Such a people at such a time could not fail to be an object of deep interest at Rome. This was the time when Taci- tus published his work on Germany ; and such are believed to have been the motives and the circumstances which led to the under- taking. His grand object was not to point a satire or to compass a political end, but, as he himself informs us (XXVII), to treat of the origin and manners, the geography and history, of the German Tribes. The same candor and sincerity, the same correctness and truth- fulness, which characterize the Histories, mark also the work on Germany. The author certainly aimed to speak the truth and noth- ing but the truth on the subjects of which he treats. Moreover, he had abundant means of knowing the truth, on all the main points, in the character and history of the Germans. It has even been argued from such expression as vidimus (VIII) that Tacitus had himself been * in Germany, and could, therefore, write from personal obser- vation. But the argument proceeds on a misinterpretation of his lan- guage (cf. note in loc. cit.). And the use of accepimus (as hi XXVII) shows that he derived his information from others. But the Ro- mans had been in constant intercourse and connection, civil or mili- tary, with the Germans, for two hundred years. Germany furnished a wide theatre for their greatest commanders, and a fruitful theme for their best authors, some of whom, as Julius Caesar (to whom Tacitus particularly refers, XXVIII), were themselves the chief ac- tors in what they relate. These authors, some of whose contribu- tions to the history of Germany are now lost (e. g., the elder Pliny, who wrote twenty books on the German wars), must have all been in the hands of Tacitus, and were, doubtless, consulted by him ; not, however, as a servile copyist or mere compiler (for he sometimes * Gustav Freytag, in his " Bilder ous der deutschen Vergangenheit," argues from the vividness and minuteness of the descriptions given that Tacitus must himself have traveled in Germany, or have gained his information directly from some traveler of rank ; a military officer or a merchant would have given more prominence to other points the soldierly qualities of the Germans and their rela- tions of rank, or their markets, methods of trade, or judicial customs. lie seems to be better acquainted with the tribes of the North (Chatti, Chauci, Frisii, &c.) than with those of the South. Thus in what ho writes, as also in what he omits to write, he shows the peculiarities of a tourist. GERMANIA. 91 differs from his authorities, from Caesar even, whom he declares to be the best of them), but as a discriminating and judicious inquirer. The account of German customs and institutions may, therefore, be relied on, from the intrinsic credibility of the author. It receives confirmation, also, from its general accordance with other early ac- counts of the Germans, and with their better known subsequent history, as well as from its strong analogy to the well-known habits of our American aborigines, and other tribes in a like stage of civ- ilization (cf. note XV). The geographical details are composed with all the accuracy which the ever-shifting positions and relations of warring and wandering tribes rendered possible in the nature of the case (cf. note XXVIII). In sentiment, the treatise is surpassing- ly rich and instructive, like all the works of this prince of philosophi- cal historians. In style, it is concise and nervous, yet quite rhetori- cal, and, in parts, even poetical to a fault (see notes passim, cf. also Monboddo's critique on the style of Tacitus). " The work," says La Bletterie, " is brief without being superficial. Within the com- pass of a few pages it comprises more of ethics and politics, more fine delineations of character, more substance and pith (sc), than can be collected from many a ponderous volume. It is not one of those barely agreeable descriptions which gradually diffuse their influence over the soul, and leave it in undisturbed tranquillity. It is a picture in strong light, like the subject itself, full of fire, of sentiment, of lightning-flashes, that go at once to the heart. We im- agine ourselves in Germany ; we become familiar with these so-called barbarians ; we pardon their faults, and almost their vices, out of re- gard to their virtues ; and, in our moments of enthusiasm, we even wish we were Germans." The following remarks of Murphy will illustrate the value of the treatise to modern Europeans and their descendants : " It is a draught of savage manners, delineated by a masterly hand ; the more inter- esting, as the part of the world which it describes was the seminary of the modern European nations, the VAGINA GENTIUM, as historians have emphatically called it. The work is short, but, as Montesquieu observes, it is the work of a man who abridged everything, because he knew everything. A thorough knowledge of the transactions of barbarous ages will throw more light than is generally imagined on the laws of modern times. Wherever the barbarians, who issued from their northern hive, settled in new habitations, they carried 5 92 NOTES. with them their native genius, their original manners, and the first rudiments of the political system which has prevailed in different parts of Europe. They established monarchy and liberty, subordi- nation and freedom, the prerogative of the prince and the rights of the subject, all united in so bold a combination that the fabric, in some places, stands to this hour the wonder of mankind. The Brit- ish Constitution, says Montesquieu, came out of the woods of Ger- many. What the state of this country (Britain) was before the ar- rival of our Saxon ancestors, Tacitus has shown in the life of Agri- cola. If we add to his account of the Germans and Britons what has been transmitted to us concerning them by Julius Caesar, we shall see the origin of the Anglo-Saxon government, the great out- line of that Gothic constitution under which the people enjoy their rights and liberties at this hour. Montesquieu, speaking of his own country, declares it impossible to form an adequate notion of the French monarchy and the changes of their government, without a previous inquiry into the manners, genius, and spirit of the German nations. Much of what was incorporated with the institutions of those fierce invaders has flowed down in the stream of time, and still mingles with our modern jurisprudence. The subject, it is con- ceived, is interesting to every Briton. In the manners of the Ger- mans, the reader will see our present frame of government, as it were, in its cradle, gentl? omabula nostrae I in the Germans them- selves, a fierce and warlike people, to whom this country owes that spirit of liberty which, through so many centuries, has preserved our excellent form of government, and raised the glory of the Brit- ish nation : " Genus unde Latinum, Albanique patres, atque altae moenia Eomae." CHAP. I. Germania stands first as the emphatic word, and is followed by omnis for explanation. Germania omnis here does not include Germania Prima and Secunda, which were Roman prov- inces on the left bank of the Rhine (so called because settled by Germans). It denotes Germany proper, as a whole, in distinction from the provinces just mentioned and from the several tribes, of which Tacitus treats in the latter part of the work. So Caesar (B. G. 1, 1) uses Gallia omnis, as exclusive of the Roman provinces called Gaul and inclusive of the three parts, which he proceeds to specify. GERMANIA. 93 Gcdlis-Pannoniis. People used for the countries. Cf. His. 5, 6 : Phoenices. Gaul, now France ; Rhaelia, the country of the Ori- sons and the Tyrol, with part of Bavaria ; Pannonia, Lower Hungary and part of Austria. Germany was separated from Gaul by the Rhine ; from Rhaetia and Pannonia, by the Danube. Rheno el Da- nubio. Rhine and Rhone are probably different forms of the same root (Rh-n). (It is a Celtic root, R-n meaning swift. Sch. S.). Dan- ube, in like manner, has the same root as Dnieper (Dn-p) ; perhaps also the same as Don and Dwina^D n). So there are several Avons in England and Scotland. Cf. Latham's Germania sub voc. Sarmatis Dacisque. The Slavonic Tribes were called Sarma- tians by the ancients. Sarmatia included the country north of the Carpathian Mountains, between the Vistula and the Don in Europe, together with the adjacent part of Asia, without any definite limits towards the north, which was terra incognita to the ancients in short, Sarmatia was Russia, as far as known at that time. Dacia lay between the Carpathian Mountains on the north, and the Danube on the south, including Upper Hungary, Transylvania, Wallachia, and Moldavia. Mutuo metu. A rather poetical boundary ! Observe also the alliteration. At the same time, the words are not a bad description of those wide and solitary wastes, which, as Caesar informs us (B. G. 6, 23), the Germans delighted to interpose between themselves and other nations, so that it might appear that no one dared to dwell near them. Montibus. The Carpathian. Cetera. Ceteram Ger- maniae partem. Sinus. This word denotes any thing with a curved outline (cf. 29, also A. 23) ; hence bays, peninsulas, and prominent bends or borders, whether of land or water. Here peninsulas (particularly that of Jutland, now Denmark), for it is to the author's purpose here to speak of land rather than water, and the ocean is more prop- erly said to embrace peninsulas, than gulfs and bays. Its association with islands here favors the same interpretation. So Passow, Or. Rit. Others, with less propriety, refer it to the gulfs and bays, which so mark the Baltic and the German Oceans. Oceanus here includes both the Baltic Sea and the German Ocean (Oceanus Sep- tentrionalis). Insularum-spatia. Islands of vast extent, viz. Funen, Zealand, &c. Scandinavia also (now Sweden and Norway) was regarded by 94 NOTES. the ancients as an island, cf. Plin. Nat. His. iv. 27 : quarum (insu- larum) clarissima Scandinavia est, incompertae magnitudinis. Nuper-regibus. Understand with this clause ut compertum est. The above-mentioned features of the Northern Ocean had been discovered in the prosecution of the late wars of the Romans among the tribes and kings previously unknown. Nuper is to be taken in a general sense=recentioribus temporibus, cf. nupcr additum, 2, where it goes back one hundred and fifty years to the age of Julius Caesar. Bellum. War in general, no particular war. Versus. This word has been considered by some as an adverb, and by others as a preposition. It is better, however, to regard it as a participle, like ortus, with which it is connected, though without a conjunction expressed. Hitter omits in. Molli el clementer edito. Of gentle slope and moderate elevation, in studied antithesis to inaccesso ac praecipiti, lofty and steep. In like manner, jugo, ridge, summit, is contrasted with vertice, peak, height, cf. Virg. Eel. 9, 7 : moUi clivo ; Ann. 17, 38 : colles clementer assurgcntcs. The Rhaetian Alps, now the mountains of the Orisons. Alp is a Celtic word = hill. Albion has the same root hilly country. Mons Abnoba (a Celtic word = water mountain, i. e. mountains urrounded by water. Sch. S.) is the northern part of the Schwarzwald, or Black Forest. Erumpat, al. erumpit. But the best MSS. and all the re- cent editions have erumpat: and Tacitus never uses the pres. ind. after donee, until, cf. Eup. and Kit. in loc. Whenever he uses the pres- ent after donee, until, he seems to have conceived the relation of the two clauses, which it connects, as that of a means to an end, or a condition to a result, and hence to have used the subj. cf. chap. 20 : scparet; 31. absolvat ; 35. sinuetur ; Ann. 2, 6: misceatur. The two examples last cited, like this, describe the course of a river and boundary line. For the general rule of the modes after donee, see H. 522, II. 1 ; A. and G. 328 ; Z. 575. See also notes H. 1, ] 3. 35. &p- timum. According to the common understanding, the Danube had seven mouths. So Strabo, Mela, Ammian, and Ovid ; Pliny makes six. T. reconciles the two accounts. The enim inserted after septi- mum in most editions is not found in the best MSS. and is unneces- sary. Or. and Rit. omit it. II. Ipsos marks the transition from the country to the people the Germans themselves. So A. 13 : Ipsi Britanni. Crcdiderim. Subj. attice. A modest way of expressing his GERMANIA. 95 opinion, like our : I should say, I am inclined to think. H. 486, I. 3; A. andG. 811; Z. 527. Adventibus et hospitiis. Immigrants and visitors. Adventibus certae sedes, hospiliis peregrinationes significantur. Gun. Both abstract for concrete. DSd. compares ZITOIKOI and ^TQIKOI. Terra-advehebantur. Zeugma for terra adveniebant, classibus advchebantur. H. 704, I. 2 ; Z. 775. Nec-d. These correlatives connect the members more closely than et-et ; as in Greek otfre-Te. The sentiment here advanced touching colonization (as by sea, rather than by land), though true of Carthage, Sicily, and most Grecian colonies, is directly the re- verse of the general fact ; and Germany itself is now known to have received its population by land emigration from western Asia. The Germans, as we learn from affinities of languages and occasional references of historians and geographers, belonged to the same great stock of the human family with the Goths and Scythians, and may be traced back to that hive of nations, that primitive residence of mankind, the country cast and south of the Caspian Sea and in the vicinity of Mount Ararat : cf. Tur. His. Ang. Sax. B. II. C. 1 ; also Donaldson's New Cratylus, B. I. Chap. 4. Latham's dogmatic skep- ticism will hardly shake the now established faith on this subject. The science of ethnography was unknown to the ancients. Tacitus had not the remotest idea that all mankind were sprung from a common ancestry, and diffused themselves over the world from a common centre, a fact asserted in the Scriptures, and daily receiving fresh confirmation from literature and science. Hence he speaks of the Germans as indigenas, which he explains below by cditum terra, sprung from the earth, like the mutum et turpe pecus of Hor. Sat. 1. 3, 100, cf. A. 11. Mutare quaercbant. Quaercre with inf. is poet, constr., found, however, in later prose writers, and once in Cic. (de Fin. 313 : quae- ris scire, inclosed in brackets in Tauchnitz's edition), to avoid repe- tition of cupio. Cupio or nolo mutare would be regular classic prose. Advcrsus. That the author here uses adversus in some unusual and recondite sense is intimated by the clause : ut sic dixcrim. It is understood, by some, of a sea unfriendly to navigation. But its connection by quo with immensus ultra shows that it refers to posi- tion, and means lying opposite, i. e. belonging, as it were, to another 96 NOTES. hemisphere or world from ours ; for so the Romans regarded the Northern Ocean and Britain itself, cf. A. 12 : ultra nostri orbis men. suram ; G. 17: exterior oceanus. So Cic. (Som. Scip. 6) says: Homines partim obliquos, partim aversos, partim etiam advcrsos, stare vobis. This interpretation is confirmed by ab orbe nostra in the antithesis. On the use of ut sic dixerim for ut sic dicam, which is peculiar to the silver age, see' Z. 628. Asia, ec. Minor. Africa, sc. the Roman Province of that nanic, comprising the territory of Carthage. Peterct. The question implies a negative answer, cf. H. 486, II. ; A. and G. 206, 3 ; Z. 530. The subj. implies a protasis understood : if he could, or the like. Sit. Praesens, ut de re vera. Giin. Nisi si is nearly equiva- lent to nisi forte: unless perchance ; unless if we may suppose the case. Cf. Wr. note on Ann. 2, 63, and Hand's Tursellinus, 3, 240. Memoriae et annalium. Properly opposed to each other as tra- dition and written history, though we are not to infer that written books existed in Germany in the age of Tacitus. Carminibw. Songs, ballads (from cano). Songs and rude poe- try have been, in all savage countries, the memorials of public trans- actions, e. g. the runes of the Goths, the bards of the Britons and Celts, the scalds of Scandinavia, &c. Tuistonem. The god from whom Tuesday takes its name, as Wednesday from Woden, Thursday from Thorr, &c., cf. Sharon Tur- ner's His. of Ang. Sax. app. to book 2, chap. 3. Some find in the name of this god the root of the words Teutonic, Dutch (Germ. Deutsche or Teutsche), &c. Possibly it has the same root as the Latin divus, dius, deus, and the Greek Oetos, Sws, 6e6s, cf. Grimm's Deutsche Mythologie, sub. v. Terra editum = indigena above ; and -yijyevfis and avrA-xQaiv in Greek. Mannum. Probably a name derived from and simply representa- tive of the race, i. e. man. Oriyinem = auctores. It is predicate after Mannum. Ut in licentia vetustatis. As in the license of antiquity, i. e. since such license is allowed in regard to ancient times. Ingaevones. " According to some German antiquaries, the Ingae- vones are die Einwohner, those dwelling inward toward the sea ; the Istaevoncs are die Westwohner, the inhabitants of the western parts ; and the Hermiones are die Herumwohner, midland inhabitants," Ky. GERMANIA. 97 cf. Kiessling in loc. Others, e. g. Zeuss and Grimm, with more probability, find in these names the roots of German words signifi- cant of honor and bravery, assumed by different tribes or confedera- cies as epithets or titles of distinction. Grimm identifies these three divisions with the Franks, Saxons, and Thuringians, of a later age. See further, note chap. 27. We are unable to associate with these names any prominent influence in the political history of the nation, and yet they seem to be significant of the fact that long before the historical period the Germans were gravitating into three groups corresponding more or less closely to the Franks on the west, and the people of the High and Low German dialects north and east. Even among the Romans this does not appear to have been taken as a complete classification, as Pliny the elder gives two additional groups. Vocentur. The subj. expresses the opinion of others, not the direct affirmation of the author. H. 529 ; A. and G. 340 ; Z. 549. Deo = hoc deo, sc. Mannus = Germ. Mann, Eng. Man. Marsos, Gambrivios. Under the name of Franci and Salii these tribes afterwards became formidable to the Romans. Cf. Prichard's Researches into the Physical History of Mankind, Vol. III. chap. 6, sec. 2. Suevos, cf. note, 38. Vandalios. The Vandals, now so familiar in history. Addilum, sc. essc, depending on ajfirmant. Nunc Tungri, sc. vocentur, cf. His. 4, 15, 16. In confirmation of the historical accuracy of this passage, Gr. remarks, that Caes. (B. G. 2, 4) does not mention the Tungri, but names four tribes on the left bank of the Rhine, who, he says, are called by the common name of Germans; while Pliny (Nat. His. 4, 31), a century later, gives not the names of these four tribes, but calls them by the new name, Tungri. Ita-vocarentur. Locus vcxatissimus ! exclaim all the critics. And so they set themselves to amend the text by conjecture. Some have written in nomen gentis instead of non gcntis. Others have proposed a victorum metu, or a victo ob mcfum, or a victis ob me- tum. But these emendations are wholly conjectural and unnecessary. Giinther and Walch render a victore, from the victorious tribe, i. e. after the name of that tribe. But a se ipsis means by themselves, and the antithesis doubtless requires a to be understood in the same sense in both clauses. Griiber translates and explains thus : " In 98 NOTES. this way the name of a single tribe, and not of the whole people, has come into use, so that all, at first by the victor (the Tungri), in order to inspire fear, then by themselves (by the mouth of the whole people), when once the name became known, were called by the name of Germans. That is, the Tungri called all the kindred tribes that dwelt beyond the Rhine, Germans, in order to inspire fear by the wide extension of the name, since they gave themselves out to be a part of so vast a people ; but at length all the tribes began to call themselves by this name, probably because they were pleased to see the fear which it excited." This is, on the whole, the most sat- isfactory explanation of the passage, and meets the essential con- currence of Wr., Or. and Dod. Germani. If of German etymolo- gy, this word = gehr or wehr (Fr. guerre) and mann, men of war ; hence the metus, which the name carried with it. If it is a Latin word corresponding only in sense with the original German, then = brethren. It will be seen, that either etymology would accord with Griiber's explanation of the whole passage in either case, the name would inspire fear. There is a strong tendency among the latest commentators to consider the word as coming to the Roman from the Gauls, and hence of Celtic origin, a theory which this passage of T. would rather strengthen than weaken. A people often bear quite different names abroad from that by which they call them- selves at home. Thus the people, whom we call Germans, call them- selves Deutsche (Dutch), and are called by the French Allemands, cf. Latham. Vbcarentur is subj. because it stands hi a subordinate clause of the oratio obliqua, cf. H. 631 ; A. and G. 336 ; Z. 603. Metum. Here taken in an active sense ; oftener passive, but used in both senses. Quintilian speaks of metum duplicem, quern patimur et quern facimus (6, 2, 21), cf. A. 44 ; nihil metus in vultu, i. e. nothing to inspire fear in his countenance. In like manner admi ratio ( 7) is used for the admiration which one excites, though it usually denotes the admiration which one feels. For ob t cf. Ann. 1, 79 : ob moderandas Tiberis exundationes. Nalionis-gentis. Gens is often used by T. as a synonym with natio. But in antithesis, gens is the whole, of which naliones or populi are the parts, e. g. G. 4 : populos-gentem ; 14 : nationes- genti. In like manner, in the civil constitution of Rome, a gens included several related families. III. Hcrculem. Perhaps = German Donar (Thorr). Romana GERMAXIA. 99 interpretationc = Hercules. The Romans found their gods every- where, and ascribed to Hercules, quidquid ubique magnificum est, cf. note 34 : quicquid-conscnsimus. That this is a Roman account of the matter is evident, from the use of cos, for, if the Germans were the subject of memorant, se must have been used. On the use of et here, cf. note 11. Primum = ut principem, fortissimum. Gun. Haec quoque. Haec is rendered sucJi by Ritter. But it seems rather, as Or. and Dod. explain it, to imply nearness and familiarity to the mind of the author and his readers : these well-known songs. So 20 : in haec corpora, quae miramur. Quoque, like quidem, fol- lows the emphatic word hi a clause, H. 602, III. ; A. and G. 345 b ; Z. 355. Relalu, called cantus trux, H. 2, 22. A Tacitean word. Freund. Cf. II. 1, 30. Baritum. Al. barditum and barritum. But the latter has no MS. authority, and the former seems to have been suggested by the bards of the Gauls, of whose existence among the Germans however there is no evidence. Dod. says the root of the word is common to the Greek, Latin, and German languages, viz. baren, i. e. fremere, a verb still used by the Batavians, and the noun bar, i. e. carmen, of frequent occurrence in Saxon poetry to this day. Terrent trepldantve. They inspire terror or tremble with fear, ac- cording as the line (the troops drawn up in battle array) has sounded, sc. the baritus or battle cry. Thus the Batavians perceived, that the sonitus acid on the part of the Romans was more feeble than their own, and pressed on, as to certain triumph. H. 4, 18. So the High- landers augured victory, if their shouts were louder than those of the enemy. See Murphy in loco. Rcpercussu. A post-Augustan word. The earlier Latin authors would have said repcrcussa, or repercutiendo. The later Latin, like the English, uses more abstract terms. Nee lamvidcntur. Nor do those carmina seem to be so much voices (well modulated and harmon- ized), as acclamations (unanimous, but inarticulate and indistinct) of courage. So Pliny uses concentns of the acclamations of the people, Panegyr. 2. It is often applied by the poets to the concerts of birds, as hi Virg. Geor. 1, 422. It is here plural, cf. Or. in loc. The read- ing vocis is without MS. authority. Ulixcm. " The love of fabulous history, which was the passion 100 NOTES. of ancient times, produced a new Hercules in every country, and made Ulysses wander on every shore. Tacitus mentions it as a ro- mantic tale ; but Strabo seems willing to countenance the fiction, and gravely tells us that Ulysses founded a city, called Odyssey, in Spain. Lipsius observes that Lisbon, in the name of Strabo, had the appellation of Ulysippo, or Olisipo. At this rate, he pleasantly adds, what should hinder us inhabitants of the Low Countries from asserting that Ulysses built the city of Ulyssinga, and Circe founded that of Circzea or Ziriczee ? " Murphy. Fabuloso errore. Storied, celebrated in song, cf. fabulosus Hy- daspes, Ho. Od. 1, 22Y. Ulysses having wandered westward gave plausibility to alleged traces of him in Gaul, Spain, and Germany. Asciburgium, Now Asburg. Quin etiam, cf. notes, 13 : quin eliam, and 14 : quin immo. Ulixi, i. e. ab Ulixe, cf. Ann. 15, 41 : Aedes statoris Jovis Romulo vota, i. e. by Romulus. This usage is especially frequent in the poets and the later prose writers, cf. H. 388, 1 ; A. and G. 232, a ; Z. 419 5 and in T. above all others, cf. Bot. Lex. Tac. sub Dativus. Wr. and Rit. understand however an altar (or monument) consecrated to Ulysses, i. e. erected in honor of him by the citizens. Adjccto. Inscribed with the name of his father, as well as his own, i. e. AaepridSri. Ch-accis litleris. Grecian characters, cf. Caes. B. G. 1, 29 : In castris Helvetiorum, tabulae repertae sunt litteris Graecis confectae ; and (6, 14) : Galli in publicis privatisque rationibus Graecis utuntur litteris. T. speaks (Ann. 11, 14) of alphabetic characters, as passing from Phenicia into Greece, and Strabo (4, 1) traces them from the Grecian colony at Marseilles into Gaul, whence they doubtless passed into Germany, and even into Britain. IV. Aliis aliarum. The Greek and Latin are both fond of a repetition of different cases of the same word, even where one of them is redundant, e. g. ol6bei> olos (Horn. II. 7, 39), and particularly in the words fiAAoy and alius. Aliis is not, however, wholly re- dundant, but brings out more fully the idea : no intermarriages, one with one nation, and another with another. Walch and Ritter omit ali is, though it is found in all the MSS. Infectos, imbued, changed. Things are said infici and imbui, which are so penetrated and permeated by something else, that that something becomes a part of its nature or substance, as inficere GERMANIA. 101 colore, sanguine, vencno, aniraum virtutibus. It docs not neces- sarily imply corruption or degeneracy. Propriam-simuem. Three epithets not essentially different, used for the sake of emphasis = peculiar, pure, and sui-generis. Similis takes the gen., when it expresses, as here, an internal resemblance in character; otherwise the dat., cf. Z. 411 ; H. 391, 2. 4 ; A. and G. 234 R. Habitus. Form and features, external appearance. The physi- cal features of the Germans as described by Tacitus, though still sufficient to distinguish them from the more southern European na- tions, have proved less permanent than their mental and social char- acteristics. Idem omnibus. Cf. Juv. 13, 164: Caerula quis stupuit Germani lumina f jtavam. Caesariem, et madido torquentem cornua cirro ? Nempe quod haec illis natura est omnibus una. Truces oculi. Caesar refers to the wild fierceness of the German glances, even inspiring fear among the Gauls (1, 39). Magna corpora. " Sidonius Apollinarius says that, being in Ger- many and finding the men so very tall, he could not address verses of six feet to patrons who were seven feet high : Spernit senipodem stilnm Thalia, Ex quo septipedes vidit patronos." Mur. Skeletons in the ancient graves of Germany are found to vary from 5 ft. 10 in. to 6 ft. 10 in., and even 7 ft. Cf. Ukert, Geog. III. 1. p. 197. These skeletons indicate a strong and well-formed body. Impetum. Temporary exertion, as opposed to persevering toil and effort, laboris atque operum. Eadem. Not so much patientia, as ad impetum valida. See a like elliptical use of idem 23 : eadem temperantia ; 10 : iisdem nemoribus. Also of totidem 26. Jfinime-assucverunt. " Least of all, they are capable of sustain- ing thirst and heat ; cold and hunger, they are accustomed, by their soil and climate, to endure." Ky. The force of minime is confined to the first clause, and the proper antithetic particle is omitted at the beginning of the second. Tolerar-c depends on assueverunt, and belongs to both clauses. Ve is distributive, referring coelo iofrigora 102 NOTES. and solo to inediam. So vel in H. 1, 62 : strcnuis vel ignavis spem metumque addere = strenuis spem, ignavis metum addere. V. Terra. The soil of Germany has proved variable, but seldom surpassingly fertile. From that day to this it has been famous for forests. The people were rather shepherds and herdsmen than culti- vators, and their peculiar wealth was in their flocks. Humidior- ventosior. Humidior refers to paludibus, ventosior to silvis ; the mountains (which were exposed to sweeping winds) being for the most part covered with forests, and the low grounds with marshes. Ventosus = Homeric ijve^eis, windy, i. e. lofty. II. 3, 305 : "\\iov Satis ferax. Satis = segelibus poetice. Feraz is constructed with abl., vid. Virg. Geor. 2, 222 : ferax olco. Impatiens. Not to be taken in the absolute sense, cf. 20, 23, 56, where fruit-trees and fruits are spoken of. Improcera agrees withpecora understood. Armentis. Pecora = flocks in general. Armenia (from arare, to plough), larger cattle in particular. It may include horses. Suus honor. Their proper, i. e. usual size and beauty. Gloria frontis. Poetice for cornua. Their horns were small. Numero. Emphatic : number, rather than quality. Or, with Ritter, gaudent may be taken in the sense of enjoy, possess : they have a good number of them. In the same sense he interprets gau- dent in A. 44 : opibus nimiis non gaudebat. Irati, sc. quia opes sunt irritamenta malorum. Ov. Met. 1, 140. Negaverint. Subj. H. 525 ; A. and G. 334 ; Z. 552. Affirmaverim, cf. note, 2: crediderim. Nullam venam. " Mines of gold and silver have sine been dis- covered in Germany; the former, indeed, inconsiderable, but the latter valuable." Ky. T. himself in his later work (the Annals) speaks of the discovery of a silver mine in Germany. Ann. 11, 20. Perindc. Not so much as might be expected, or as the Romans, and other civilized nations. So Gronovius, Dod., and most commen- tators. So Rup. in loc. Others, as Or. and Rit., allow no ellipsis, and render: not much. See Hand's Tursellinus, vol. IV. p. 454. We sometimes use not so much, not so very, not so bad, &c., for not very, not much, and not bad. Still the form of expression strictly implies a comparison. And the same is true of hand pcrinde, cf. Bot. Lex. Tac. GERMANIA. 103 Est vidcrc. Est for licet. Graece et poeticc. Not so used in the earlier Latin prose. See Z. 227. Non in alia vilitate, L e. eadem vilitate, aeque vilia, held in the same low estimation. Humo. Abl. of material. Proximi, sc. ad ripam. Nearest to the Roman border, opposed to interiores. Serratos. Not elsewhere mentioned; probably coins with ser- rated edges, still found. The word is post-Augustan. Bigatos. Roman coins stamped with a biga or two-horse chariot. Others were stamped with a quadriga and called quadrigati. The bigati seem to have circulated freely in foreign lands, cf. Ukert's Geog. of Greeks and Romans, III. 1 : Trade of Germany and places cited there. " The serrati and bigati were old coins from the time of tho Republic, purer silver than those of the Emperors." Ky. Cf. Pliny, H. N. 33, 13. Sequuntur. Sequi = expetere. So used by Cic., Sal., and the best writers. Compare our word seek. Nulla affectione animi. Not from any partiality for the silver in itself (but for convenience). Numerus. Greater number and consequently less relative value of the silver coins. On quia, cf. note, H. 1, 31. VI. Nequidem. Not even, i. c. iron is scarce as well as gold and silver. The weapons found in ancient German graves are of stone, and bear a striking resemblance to those of the American Indians. Cf. Ukert, p. 216. Ad verba, cf. note, His. 1, 16: ne- fueris. The emphatic word always stands between ne and quidcm. H. 602, III. 2-, A. and G. 345, b; Z. 801. Superest. Is over and above, i. e. abounds. So superest ager, 26. Vel. Pro sive, Ciceroni inauditum. Gun. Cf. note, IT. Frameas. The word is still found in Spain, as well as Germany. Lancea is also a Spanish word, cf. Freund. Nudi. Cf. 17, 20, and 24. Also Caes. B. G. 6, 21 : magna corporis parte nuda. Sagulo. Dim. of sago. A small short cloak. Leves leviter induti. The clause nudi-levcs is added here to show that their dress is favorable to the use of missiles. Waitz says : " In summer they went lightly clad with a cloak and short waistcoat ; the rich were provided with a cotton or woollen undergarment. In the winter, how- ever, they wrapped themselves in sheepskin or skins of other ani- 104 NOTES. mals ; they wore also stockings and leather shoes. The dress of the women did not differ greatly from that of the men, but they used more generally of linen material, which they knew how to adorn with scar- let stripes." Waitz, Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte, p. 36. Missilia spargunt. Dictio est Virgiliana. K. Coloribus. Cf. nigra scuta, 43. "Hence coats of arms and the origin of heraldry." Mur. Cultus. Military equipments. Cultus complectitur omnia quae studio et arte eis, quae natura instituit, adduntur. K. Cassis aut galea. Cassis, properly of metal ; galca, of leather (Gr. 7oA67j) ; though the distinction is not always observed. Equi-conspicui. Cf. Caes. B. G. 4, 2. 7, 65. Sed nee variare. But (i. e. on the other hand) they are not even (for nee in this sense see Hitter in loc.) tanght to vary their curves (i. e., as the antithesis shows, to bend now towards the right and now towards the left hi their gyrations), but they drive them straight forward or by a constant bend towards the right in so connected a circle (i. e. a complete ring) that no one is behind (for the obvious reason, that there is neither beginning nor end to such a ring). Such is on the whole the most satisfactory explanation of this diffi- cult passage, which we can give after a careful examination. A different version was given in the first edition. It refers not to battle, but to equestrian exercises, cf. Gerlach, as cited by Or. in loc. Aestimanti. Greek idiom. Elliptical dative, nearly equivalent to the abl. abs. (nobis aestimantibus), and called by some the dat. abs. In A. 11. the ellipsis is supplied by crcdibUe est. Cf. Biitti- cher's Lex. Tac. sub Dativux. Eoque mixti. Eo, causal particle = for that reason. Caesar adopted this arrangement in the battle of Pharsalia, B. C. 3, 84. The Greeks also had irei>j Sjuunroi. Xen. Hellen. 7, 5. Centeni. A hundred is a favorite number with the Germans and their descendants. Witness the hundred pagi of the Suevi (Caes. B. G. 4, 1), and of the Semnones (G. 39), the cantons of Switzerland, and the hundreds of our Saxon ancestors in England. The centeni here are a military division. In like manner, Caesar (B. G. 4, 1) speaks of a thousand men drafted annually from each pagus of the Suevi, for military service abroad. So in chap. 12 is a reference to the courts of these divisions. GEKMANIA. 105 Idque ipsum. Predicate nominative after a verb of calling, H. 362, 2. 2) ; Z. 394. The division was called a hundred, and each man in it a hundreder ; and such was the estimation ha which this service was held that to be a hundreder became an honorable distinction, nomen et honor = honorificum nomen. See Introduction. Cuncos. A body of men arranged in the form of a wedge, i. e. nar- row in front and widening towards the rear ; hence peculiarly adapted to break the lines of the enemy. Each company was in this form, and in this form they were organized together for an army. The form was said to imitate that of a wild boar, or the boar's head. Cf. Waitz, p. 381. Consilii quam formidinis. Supply magis. The conciseness of T. leads him often to omit one of two correlative particles, cf. note on minime, 4. Referunt. Carry into the rear, and so secure them for burial. JEtiam in dubiis proeliis. Even while the battle remains unde- cided. Gun. Scutum reliquisse. Arms were the sign of citizenship ; hence to leave them behind was punished with the loss of civil rights. Finierunt. In a present or aorist sense, as often in T. So pro- hibuerunt, 10; and displicuit, 11, cf. Lex. Tac. Bot. VII. lieges, civil rulers ; duces, military commanders. Ex = secun- dum. So ex ingenio, 3. The government was elective, yet not with- out some regard to hereditary distinctions. They chose (sumunt) their sovereign, but chose him from the royal family, or at least one of noble extraction. They chose also their commander the king, if he was the bravest and ablest warrior ; if not, they were at liberty to choose some one else. And among the Germans, as among their de- scendants, the Franks, the authority of the commander was quite distinct from, and sometimes (in war) paramount to, that of the king. Here Montesquieu and others find the original of the kings of the first race in the French monarchy, and the mayors of the palace, who once had so much power in France. Cf. Sp. of Laws, B. 31, chap. 4. Nee is correlative to et. The kings on the one hand do not possess unlimited or unrestrained authority, and the commanders on the other, etc. Infinita = sine modo ; libera r= sine vinculo. Wr. Potcstas = right- ful power, authority ; potentia = power without regard to right, ability, force, cf. note, 42. Ad rem, cf. Caes. B. G. 5, 27. Ambiorix tells Cae- sar that, though he governed, yet the people made laws for him, and the supreme power was shared equally between him and them. 106 NOTES. Exemplo-impcrio. " Dative after sunt = arc to set an example, rather than to give command." So Griiber and Dod. But Wr. and Rit. with more reason consider them as ablatives of means limiting a verb implied induces: commanders (command) more by example, than by authority (official power). See the principle well stated and illustrated in Doderlein's Essay on the style of Tacitus, p. 15, in my edition of the Histories. Admiratione praesunt. Gain influence, or ascendency, by means of the admiration which they inspire, cf. note on metus, 2. Agant. Subj. ut ad judicium admirantium, non mentem scrip- toris trahatur. Gun. Animadvertcre = interficere. Cf. H. 1, 46. 68. None but (he priests are allowed to put to death, to place in irons, nor even (ne quidem) to scourge. Thus punishment was clothed with divine authority. Effigies et signa. Images and standards, i. e. images, which serve for standards. Images of wild beasts are meant, cf. H. 4, 22 : depromptae silvis lucisve ferarum imagines. Turmam, cavalry. Cuneum, infantry, but sometimes both. Conglobatio is found only in writers after the Augustan age, and rarely in them. It occurs in Sen. Qu. Nat. 1, 16, cf. Freund. FamUiae is less comprehensive than propinquitatcs. Audiri, sc. solent. Cf. A. 34 : rucre. Wr. calls it histor. anf., and Rit. pronounces it a gloss. Pignora. Whatever is most dear, particularly mothers, wives, and children. Unde, adv. of place, referring to in proximo. Vulnera ferunt, i. e. on their return from battle. Exigere. Examine and compare, to see who has the most and the most honorable, or perhaps to soothe and dress them. Cibr* ct hortamina. Observe the singular juxtaposition of things so unlike. So 1 : metu out montibus ; A. 25 : copiis et lactilia ; 37 : nox ct satietas ; 38 : gaudio praedaque. VIII. Constantia precum = importunate entreaties. Objectu pectorum. Sy opposing their breasts, not to the enemy but to their retreating husbands, praying for death in preference to captivity. Monstrata-captivitate. Cominus limits captivitate, pointing to captivity as just before them. Impatientius. Impatienter and impatientia (the adv. and the subst.) are post-Augustan vrords. The adj. (impatiens) is found earlier. Cf. Freund. GERMANIA. 107 Feminarum-^nomine, i. e. propter feminas suas. Gun. So Cic. : tuo nomine ct reipublicae = on your account and for the sake of the re- public. But it means perhaps more than that here, viz. in the per- son of. They dreaded captivity more for their women than for themselves. A deo = insomuch that. Inesse, sc. feminis. They think there is in their women some- thing sacred and prophetic. Of. Caes. B. G. 1, 50, where Caesar is informed by the prisoners that Ariovistus had declined an engage- ment, because the women had declared against coming to action before the new moon. Consilia, advice in general; responsa, in- spired answers, when consulted. Vidimus, i. e. she lived in our day under the reign of Vespa- sian. Vcledam. Cf. H. 4, 61. 65, and 5, 24. Albruna, perhaps = Al-runas, women knowing all things. So Veleda wise woman. Cf. Wr. in loc. Non adulatione, etc. " Not through adulation, nor as if they were raising mortals to the rank of goddesses." Ky. This is one of those oblique censures on Roman customs in which the treatise abounds. The Romans in the excess of their adulation to the im- perial family made ordinary women goddesses, as Drusilla, sister of Caligula, the infant daughter of Poppaea (Ann. 15, 23), and Poppaea herself (Dio 63, 29). The Germans, on the other hand, really thought some of their wise women to be divine. Cf. His. 4, 62, and my note ibid. Reverence and affection for woman was character- istic of the German Tribes, and from them has diffused itself throughout European society. IX. Deorum. T. here, as elsewhere, applies Roman names, and puts a Roman construction (Romana interpretatione, 43) upon the gods of other nations, of. 3. Mercurium. So Caes. B. G. 6, 17: Deum maxime Mercurium colunt. Probably the German Woden, whose name is preserved in our Wednesday, as that of Mercury is in the French name of the same day, and who, with a name slightly modified (Woden, Wuotan, Odin), was a- prominent object of worship among all the nations of Northern Europe. Mars is perhaps the German god of war (Tiw, Tin, Tuisto), whence Tuesday, French Mardi, cf. Tur. His. Ang. Sax., App. to B. 2. chap. 3. Hcrculem is omitted by Ritter on evidence (partly external and partly internal) which is entitled to not a little con- sideration. Hercules is the god of strength, perhaps Thorr. 108 NOTES. Certis diebus. Statis diebus. Giin. Humanis-fiostiis. Even/aci\dpyvpoi re wires Kal T^V elpfivriv ael irpbs Pco/uofous xpvfflov /caTTTjAeiWres. Ou et. cf. note 11. XVI. Populis. Dative of the agent instead of the abl. with a or ab. Cf. note 3 : Ulixi. Ne-quidem. These words are always separated, the word on which the emphasis rests being placed between them. H. 602, III. 2 ; A. and G. 345, b ; Z. 801. Here however the emphasis seems to be- long to the whole clause Inter se, sc. sedes junctas inter se. Colunt = in-colunt. Both often used intransitively, or rather ' with an ellipsis of the object, = dwell. Discrcti ac divcrsi. Separate and scattered in different directions, i. e. without regular streets or highways. See Or. in loc. Ut fonsplacuit. Hence to this day, the names of German towns often end in bach (brook), fold (field), holz (grove), wald (wood), brun (spring). On the permanence of names of places, see note H. 1, 53. Connexis, with some intervening link, such as fences, hedges, and outhouses ; cohaerentibus, in immediate contact. The houses were finished partly with wood, partly with basket- work and clay : they were simple and arranged only for the necessi- ties of life. In cellars under the earth, they hid their fruits and other stores, and even themselves sought a similar refuge in the cold of the winter season. The stables and barns were for the most part near the dwelling ; to some tribes, it had always been their custom to unite them all under one extended roof. This was covered with reeds or with straw. Waitz. Domum-spatio. H. 384, II. 1 ; A. and G. 225, D. JRemcdium-inscitia. It may be as a remedy, etc. or it may be through ignorance, etc. Sivesivc expresses an alternative condi- tionally, or contingently, = it may be thus, or it may be thus. Com- pare it with vel-vel, chap. 15, and with aiUaut, A. 17. See also Ramshorn's Synonyms, 138. Remedium is ace. in app. with the foregoing clause. Inscitia is abl. of cause, per inscitiam. Caementorum. Properly hewn stone (from caedo), but in usage 118 NOTES. any building stone. Tegularum. Tiles, any materials for the roof (tego), whether of brick, stone, or wood. Citra. Properly this side of, hence short of, or without, as used by the later Latin authors. This word is kindred to cis, i. e. is with the demonstrative prefix ce. Cf. Freund sub v. Speciem refers more to the eye, dclectationem to the mind. Taken with citra, they are equivalent to adjectives, connected to informi and limiting materia (citra speciem = non speciosa, Gun.). Bender : rude materials, neither -beautiful to the eye nor attractive to the taste. Materia is distinctively wood for building. Fire-wood is lignum. Quaedam loca. Some parts of their houses, e. g. the walls. This seems to refer even to the exterior of the house, as also in modern times we notice, in some parts of Switzerland, their fondness for orna- menting the outside walls. Terra ita pura. Probably red earth, such as chalk or gypsum. Imitetur. Resembles painting and colored outlines or figures. Aperire. Poetice = excavate. Cellars under ground were un- known to the Romans. See Beck. Gal., and Smith's Diet. Ant. Ignorantur-fallunt. They are. not known to exist, or else (though known to exist) they escape discovery from the very fact that they must be sought (in order to be found). Gun. calls attention to the multiform enallage in this sentence : 1. in number (populatur, igno- rantur, fallunf) ; 2. of the active, passive, and deponent verbs ; 3. in the change of cases (aperta, ace. ; abdita and defossa, nom.). XVII. Sagum. A short, thick cloak, worn by Roman soldiers and countrymen. Fibula = figibula, any artificial fastening ; spina = natural. Si desit. Observe the difference between this clause, and si quando advenit in the preceding chapter. This is a mere supposi- tion without regard to fact ; that implies an expectation, that the case will sometimes happen. Cetera intecti. Uncovered as to the rest of the body, cf. G : nudi aut sagulo leves. Totos dies. Ace. of duration of time. Agunt = vivunt. K. Fluitante. The flowing robe of the southern and eastern na- tions ; stricta, the close dress and short clothes of the northern nations. Artus exprimcnte. Quae tarn arte artus includit, ut emineant, earumque lineamenta ct forma appareant, K. K. and Gr. under- stand this of coat and vest, as well as breeches : Gun. of breeches only. GERMANIA. 119 Proximi ripae. Near the banks of the Rhine and the Danube, so as to have commercial intercourse with the Romans. These having introduced the cloth and dress of the Romans, attached little importance to the manner of wearing their skins. But those in the interior, having no other apparel, valued themselves on the nice adjustment of them. Cultus, artificial refinement. Cf. note, 6. Maculis pellibusyue, for maculatis pellibus or maculis pellium, perhaps to avoid the concurrence of genitives. JBtlluarum-giynit. Oceanus = terrae, quas Oceanus alluit ; and belluae = lutrae, mustelae, erminiae, etc., so Kiessling. But Gruber says belluae cannot mean such small creatures, and agrees with Lip- sius, in understanding by it marine animals, seadogs, seals, etc. Freund connects it in derivation with SWjp, fera (bel = ber = ther = ' fer), but defines it as properly an animal remarkable for size or wildness. JKxterior Oceanus = Oceanus extra orbem Romanum, further explained by ignotum mare. Cf. note, 2 : adversus Ocea- nus. Habitus, here vestitus ; in 4 = forma corporis. Sacpius, oftcner than the men, who also wore linen more or less. Gun. Purpura. Facta e succo plantis et floribus cxpresso. Gun. Nudae-lacerlos. Graece et poetice. Brachia a manu ad cubi- tum ; lacerti a cubito ad humeros. XVIII. Quanquam = sed tamen, i. e. notwithstanding the great freedom in the dress of German women, yet the marriage relation is sacred. This use of quanquam is not unfrequcnt in T., and some- times occurs in Cic., often in Pliny. See Z. 841, N. Qui ambiuntur. This passage is construed in two ways : who are surrounded (ambiuntur = circumdantur, cf. H. 5, 12) by many wives not to gratify lust, but to increase their rank and influence (ob in the sense for the sake of, cf. ob metum, 2). Or thus : who (take many wives) not to gratify lust, but on account of their rank they are solicited to form many matrimonial alliances. For ambio in this sense and with the same somewhat peculiar construction after it, see H. 4, 51 : tantis sociorum auxillis ambiri ; also Virg. Aen. 7, 333 : connubiis ambire Latinum. The latter is preferable, and is adopted by Wr., K., Gr., Sch., S., etc. The former by Gun. and others. Ario- vistus had two wives. Caes. B. G. 1, 53. 120 NOTES. Probant, cf. probaverit, 13, note. Comatur. Subj. denoting the intention of the presents with which she is to be adorned. H. 500; A. andG. 317; Z. 567. Frenatum, bridled, caparisoned = paratus below. In haec munera lirl TOVTOIS rots tidpois. In upon the basis of, on condition of. So Liv. : in has leges, in easdem leges. Aliquid affert. These gifts from the bride or her guardian rep- resented the mutual alliance for protection and aid ; Ihe wife was to share the husband's danger. Hoc-vinculum. So, 13 : haec apud illos toga. In both pas- sages the allusion is to Eoman customs (for which see Becker's Gallus, Exc. 1. Scene 1). In Germany, these presents take the place of the confarreatio (see Fiske's Manual, p. 286. 4. ed.), and the vari- ous other methods of ratifying the marriage contract at Rome; these, of the religious rites in which the parties mutually engaged on the wedding day (see Man., p. 287). Conjugate* deos. Certain gods at Rome presided over marriage, e. g. Jupiter, Juno, Yenus, Jugatinus, Hymenaeus, Diana, etc. Extra. Cic. would have said expcrtcm or positum extra. But T. is fond of the adv. used elliptically. jA.uspiciis = initiatory rites. Denuntiant, proclaim, denote. Accipere depends on dcnuntiant or admonetur. JRursns, quae-referantur. Rhenanus conjectured : rursusque-re- ferant, which has since become the common reading. But referantur is the reading of all the MSS., and needs no emendation ; and guae, with as good authority as quc, makes the construction more natural and the sense more apposite. The passage, as Gr. well suggests, consists of two parts (accipere-reddat, and quae-accipiant-referantur), each of which includes the two ideas of receiving and handing down to the next generation. Render thus : she is reminded that she re- ceives gifts, which she is to hand over pure and unsullied to her children ; which her daughters-in-law are to receive again (sc. from her sons, as she did from her husband), which arc to be transmitted by them to her grand-children. In another writer, we might expect referant to correspond in construction and subject with accipiant. But Tacitus is fond of varying the construction. Cf. Botticher's Lex. Tac., and note, 16: ignorantur. XTX. Septa. So the MSS. for the most part. Al. scptae. Mean- GERHANIA. 121 ing : with chastity guarded, sc. by the sacredness of marriage and the excellent institutions of the Germans. Nullis-corruptae, Here, as eyerywhere else in this treatise, T. appears as the censor of Roman manners. He has in mind those fruitful sources of corruption at Rome, public shows (cf. Sen. Epist. 7 : nihil vero est tarn damnosum bonis moribus quam in aliquo spedaculo dcsidere), convivial entertainments (cf. Hor. Od. 3, 6, 27), and epistolary correspondence between the two sexes. Litterarum secrcta = litteras secretas, secret correspondence be- tween the sexes, for this limitation is obvious from the connection. Praesens. Immediate. Mantis permissa, sc. as a domestic crime, cf. Caes. B. G. C, 19 : Viri in uxores, sicut in liberos, vitae necisque habent potestatem. Cf. Beck. Gall., Exc. 1. Sc. 1. Accisis crinibus, as a special mark of disgrace, cf. 1 Cor. 11, 6. So in the laws of the Lombards, the punishment of adulteresses was decalvari elfustigari. Omnem vicum, the whole village, cf. Germania omnis, 1. Aetate =juventa. Non-^invcnerit. She would not Jind, could not expect to find. This use of the perf. subj., for a softened fut., occurs in negative sen- tences oftener than in positive ones. Cf. Arnold's Prose Comp. 417, Note. Saeculum =. indoles et mores sacculi, the spirit of the age, the fashion. Adhnc (= ad-hoc) is generally used by Cicero, and often by Tacitus, in the sense either of still (to this day), or moreover (in addition to this). From these, it passed naturally, in Quintilian and the writers after him, into the sense of even more, still more, even, especially in connection with the comparative degree; where the authors of the Augustan age would have used eliam. See Z. 486 ; Botticher's Lex. Tac. sub voce ; and Hand's Tursellinus, vol. L p. 165. Melius quidem adhuc = still better even. For a verb, supply sunt or agunt. Cf. note A. 19 : nihil. Eae civitates. Such as the Heruli, among whom the wife was expected to hang herself at once at the grave of her husband, if she would not live in perpetual infamy. At Rome, on the contrary, divorces and marriages might be multiplied to any extent, cf. Mart. 6, 7 : nubit dccimo viro ; also Beck, as above cited. 122 NOTES. Semel t like &ro, once for all. Transigitur. Properly a business phrase. The business is done up, brought to an end. So A. 34 : transigite cum expedi- tionibus. Ultra, sc. pirmum maritum. So the ellipsis might be supplied. Ultra here is equivalent to longior in the next clause, as T. often puts the adverb in place of the adjective, whether qualifying or predicate. Ne tanquam-ament, sc. maritum : that they may not love a hus- band merely as a husband but as they love the married state. See this and similar examples of brachylogy well illustrated in Do'der- lein's Essay on the style of Tacitus, H. p. 14. Since but one marriage was allowed, all their love for the married state must be concen- trated in one husband. Numerum-jinire. In any way contrary to nature and by design. Gun. Quod fiebat etiam abortus procuratione. K. Ex agnatis. Agnati hoc loco dicuntur, qui post familiam con- stitutam, ubi haeres jam est, deinde nascuntur. Hess. To put such to death was a barbarous custom among the Romans. Cf. Ann. 3, 25 ; see Beck. Gall. Exc. 2. scene 1. Alibi, e. g. at Rome. Boni mores vs. bonae leges. These words involve a sentiment of great importance, and of universal applica- tion. Good habits wherever they exist, and especially in a republic, are of far greater value and efficacy than good laws. This trait re- ceived a striking illustration at Rome, where from the time of Augus- tus onward attempts were repeatedly made to check by law the de- cay of family life, but these efforts proved utterly futile. XX. Nudi. Cf. 6 : nudi aut sagulo leves. Not literally naked, but slightly clad, cf. Sen. de benef. 5, 13 : qui male vestitum ct pan- nosum vidit, nudum se vidisse dicit. Sordidi. Gun. understands this of personal filth. But this is inconsistent with the daily practice of bathing mentioned, 22. It doubtless refers to the dress, as Gr. and K. understand it : nudi ae sordidi = poorly and meanly clad. So also Or. Quae miramur. Cf. 4 : magna corpora. See also Caes. B. G. 1, 89. 4, 1. On haec, see note, 3 : haec quoque. Ancillis ac nutricibus. So hi the Dial, de Clar. Orat, T. ani- madverts upon the custom here obliquely censured: nunc natus infans delegatur Graeculae alicui ancillac. In the early ages of GERMANIA. 123 Roman History it was not so ; see Becker's Gall. Exc. 2. scene 1. Ddeganlur. Delegamus, quum, quod ipsi facere debebamus, id per alterum fieri curamus. E. Separet. For the use of the subj. pres. after donee, see note, 1 : erumpat. Agnoscat = faciat ut agnoscatur. So Dod., Giin., and K. But it is better with, Gr., to regard the expression as poetical, and virtus as personified : and valor acknowledge them, sc. as brave men and therefore by implication free born. Venus = concubitus. Pubertas = facultas generandi. Gr. Cf. Caes. B. G. 6, 21 : qui diutissime impuberes permanserunt, maximam inter suos ferunt laudem. Virgines fcslinanlur nuptiac virginum festinantur, poetice. The words properare, festinare, accelerare are used in both a trans, and intrans. sense, cf. Hist. 2, 82 : festinabantur ; 3, 37 : festinarentur. Among the Romans, boys of fourteen contracted marriage with 'girls of twelve. Cf. Smith's Die. Ant. Eadem, similis, pares. The comparison is between the youth of the two sexes at the time of marriage ; they toarry at the same age, equal in stature and equal in strength. Marriages unequal in these respects were frequent at Rome. Pares miscentur, Plene : pares paribus, validae validis miscentur. On this kind of brachylogy, see further in Dod., Essay on style of T., H. p. 15. Miscentur has a middle sense, as the passive often has, particularly in Tacitus. Cf. note 21 : oblitjantur. Referunt. Cf. Virg. Aen. 4, 329 : parvulus Aeneas, qui te tamen ore referret. See note, 39 : auguriis. Ad palrcm. Ad is often equivalent to apud in the best Latin authors ; e. g. Cic. ad Att. 10. 16 : ad me fuit = apud me fuit. Rhenanus by conjecture wrote apud patrem to correspond with apud avunculum. But Passow restored ad with the best reason. For T. prefers different words and constructions in antithetic clauses. Perhaps also a different sense is here intended from that which would have been expressed by apud. Wr. takes ad in the sense in respect to : as in re.ipect to a father, i. e. as they would have, if he were their father. Exigunt, sc. hunc nexum = sororum filios. Tanquam. Like Greek &s to denote the views of others, not of the writer. Hence followed by the subj. H. 531 and 503 ; A. and G. 336 and 312; Z. 571. 124 NOTES. Et in animum. In quod attinet ad, in respect to. The com- monly received text has ii et animum, which is a mere conjecture of Rhen. According to K., teneant has for its subject not sororum filii, but the same subject as exigunt. Render : Since, as they sup. pose, both in respect to the mind (the affections), they hold it more strongly, and in respect to the family, more extensively. Heredes properly refers to property, successorcs to rank, though the distinction is not always observed. Liberi includes both sons and daughters. Patrui, paternal uncles ; avunculi, maternal. Propinqui, blood relations ; affines, by marriage. Orbitatis pretia. Pretia =proemia. Orbitatis= childlessness. Those who had no children were courted at Rome for the sake of their property. Vid. Sen. Consol. ad Marc. 19 : in civitate nostra, plus gratiae orbitas confert, quam eripit. So Plutarch de Amore Prolis says : the childless are entertained by the rich, courted by the powerful, defended gratuitously by the eloquent: many, who had friends and honore in abundance, have been stripped of both by the birth of a single child. XXI. Neccsse cst. It is their duty and the law of custom. Gun. Nee = non tamen. Homicidium. A post- Augustan word. Armcntorum ac pecorum. For the distinction between these words, see note, 5. The high value which they attached to their herds and flocks, as their solac et gratissimae opes, may help to ex- plain the law or usage here specified. Moreover, where the indi- vidual was so much more prominent than the state, homicide even might be looked upon as a private wrong, and hence to be atoned for by a pecuniary satisfaction, cf. Tur. Hist. Ang. Sax., App. No. 3, chap. 1. Juxta libertatem, i. e. simul cum libertate, or inter liberos homi- nes. The form of expression is characteristic of the later Latin. Cf. Hand's Tursellinus, vol. III. p. 638. Tacitus is particularly partial to this preposition.- Convictibus refers to the entertainment of countrymen and friends, hospitiis to that of strangers. Pro fortuna. According to his mearts. So Ann. 4, 23: fortunae inops. Defecere, sc. epulae. Quum exhausta sint, quac apparata erant, cf. 24 : omnia defecerunt. GERMANIA. 125 Hospes. Properly stranger; and hence either guest or host. Here the latter. Comes. Guest. So Gun. and the common edi- tions. But most recent editors place a colon after comes, thus making it predicate, and referring it to the host becoming the guide and companion of his guest to another place of entertainment. Non invitati, i. e. etiam si non invitati essent. Gun. Nee interest, i. e. whether invited or not. Jus hospitis. The right of the guest to a hospitable reception. So Cic. Tus. Quaes. 1, 26 : jus hominum. Quantum ad belongs to the silver age. In the golden age they said: quod attinet ad, or simply ad. Gr. Cicero however has quantum in, N. D. 3, 7 ; and Ovid, quantum ad, A. A. 1, 744. Cf. Freund sub voce. Concedere, According to ancient custom, the host gave a pres- ent to the departing guest, an obligation which was so well under- stood that the gift might even be asked for. Imputant. Make charge or account of. Nearly confined to the later Latin. Frequent in T. in the reckoning both of debt and credit, of praise and blame. Cic. said: assignare alicui aliquid. Obligantur, i. e. obligates esse putant. Forma passiva ad modum medii verbi Graeci. Gun. Cf. note, 20 : miscentur. Viclus-comis. The mode of life between host and guest is courte- ous. For victus = manner of life, cf. Cic. Inv. 1, 25, 35. XXII. E is not exactly equivalent here to a, nor does it mean simply after, but immediately on awaking out of sleep. Lavantur, wash themselves, i. e, bathe ; like Gr. \Oos, among the Egyptians. Corruplus. Cum Tacitea indignatione dictum, cf. 4 : infectos, so Gun. But the word is often used to denote mere change, without the idea of being made worse, cf. Virg. Geor. 2, 466 : Nee casia liquidi corrumpitur usua olivi. Here render fermented. Ripae, sc. of the Rhine and Danube, i. e. the Roman border, as in 22 : proximi ripae. Poma. Fruits of any sort, cf. Pliny, K H. 17, 26 : arborem vidimus omni genere pomorum onustum, alio ramo nucibiis, alio baccis, aliunde vite, fids, piris, etc. Recensfera. Venison, or other game fresh, i. e. recently taken, in distinction from the tainted, which better suited the luxurious taste of the Romans. Lac concretum. Called caseus by Caes. B. G. 6, 22. But the Germans, though they lived so much on milk, did not understand the art of making cheese, see Pliny, N. H. 11, 96: "De caseo non cogitandum, potius quod nostrates dicunt dickemilch " (i. e. curdled milk). Gun. Apparatu. Luxurious preparation. Blandimentis. Dainties. Hand minus facile. Litotes for multo facilius. Ebrietati. Like the American Aborigines, see note, 15. XXIV. Nudi. See note, 20. This sword-dance is said to have been originally a religious observance. In some localities it has been practised as late as the seventeenth century. Quibus id ludicrum. For whom it is a sport ; not whose business it is to furnish the amusement: that would be quorum est. K. and Gr. Infestas = porrectas contra saltantes. K. Decor em. Poetic. Quaestum = quod quaeritur, gain. Mercedem, stipulated pay, wages. Quamvis limits audacis = daring as it is (as you please). Sobrii inter seria. At Rome gaming was forbidden, except at the Saturnalia, cf. Hor. Od. 3, 24, 58 : vetita legibus alea. The re- markable circumstance (quod mirere) in Germany was, that they practised it not merely as an amusement at their feasts, but when sober among (inter) their ordinary every-day pursuits. Novissimo. Tfie last in a series. Very frequently in this sense in T., so also in Caes. Properly newest, then latest, last. Cf. note, His. 1, 47. Extrcmo, involving the greatest hazard, like our extreme: 128 NOTES. last and final (decisive) throw. This excessive love of play, extend- ing even to the sacrifice of personal liberty, is seen also among the American Indians, see Robertson, Hist, of America, vol. 2, pp. 202- 3. It is characteristic of barbarous and savage life, cf. Mur. in loco. De libertate ac de corpora. Hendiadys = personal liberty. Voluntariam. An earlier Latin author would have used ipsc, ultro, or the like, limiting the subject of the verb, instead of the object. The Latin of the golden age prefers concrete words. The later Latin approached nearer to the English, in using more abstract terms. Cf. note on rcpercussit, 3. Juvenior. More youthful, and therefore more vigorous; not merely younger (junior). See Dod. and Hit. in loc. Forcellini and Freund cite only two other examples of this full form of the com- parative (Plin. Ep. 4, 8, and Apul. Met. 8, 21), in which it does not differ in meaning from the common contracted form. Ea = talis or tanta. Such or so great. Gr. Pervicacia. Pervicaces sunt, qui in aliquo certamine ad vincen- dum perseverant, Schol. Hor. Epod. 17, 14. Pudore. Shame, disgrace. So also His. 3, 61 ; contrary to usage of earlier writers, who use it for sense of shame, modesty. XXV. Ceteris. All but those who have gambled away their own liberty, as in 24. In nostrum morem, etc., with specific duties distributed through the household (the slave-household, cf. note, 15), as explained by the following clause. On the extreme subdivision of office among slaves at Rome see Beck. Gall. Exc. 2. Sc. 2 ; and Smith's Die. Antiq. under Servus. Dcscripta = dimensa, distribute Gun. Familiam. Here the entire body of servants, cf. note, 15. Quisquc. Each servant has his own house and home. Ut colono. Like the tenant or farmer among the Romans (the Roman colonus was a serf attached to the land and transferred with it); also the vassal in the middle ages, and the serf in modern Europe. Hactenus. Thus far, and no fartlier, i. e. if he pays his rent or tax, no more is required of him. Cetera. The rest of the duties (usually performed by a Roman servant), viz. those of the house, the wife and children (sc. of the master) perform. Gr. strangely refers uxor et liberi to the wife and children of the servant. Passow also refers domus to the house of GERMANIA. 129 the servant, thus making it identical with the pennies above, with which it seems rather to be contrasted. With the use of cetera here, compare His. 4, 66 : ceterum vulgus = the rest, viz. the common soldiers, and see the principle well illustrated in Doderlein's Essay, His. p. IT. Opcre. Hard labor, which would serve as a punishment. The Romans punished their indolent and refractory domestics, by send- ing them to labor in the country, as well as by heavy chains (yinculis) and cruel flagellations (verberare). They had also the power of life and death (occidere). Beck. Gall. Exc. 2. Sc. 2 ; Smith's Die. Ant. as above. Non disciplina-ira. Hcndiadys non disciplinae severitate, sed irae impetu. Cf. His. 1, 51 : severitate disciplinae. Nisi-impune, i. e. without the pecuniary penalty or satisfaction, which was demanded when one put to death an enemy (inimicum). Cf. 21. Liberti-lilertini. These words denote the same persons, but with this difference in the idea : libertus = the freedman of some particular master, libertinus = one in the condition of a freedman without reference to any master. At the time of the Decemvirate, and for some time after, liberti = emancipated slaves, libertini = the descendants of such, cf. Suet. Claud. 24. Quae regnantur. Governed by kings. Ex poetarum more dic- tum, cf. Virg. Aen. 6, 794 : regnata per arva. So 43 : Gothones regnantur, and 44 : Suiones. Gun. Ingenuos free born ; nobiles = high born. Ascendunt, i. e. ascendere possunt. Ceteros. By synesis (see Gr.) for ceteras, sc. gentes. Impares, sc. ingenuis et nobilibus. Libertatis argumentum, inasmuch as they value liberty and citizenship too much to confer it on freedmeu and slaves. The whole topic of freedmen is an oblique censure of Roman custom in the age of the Emperors, whose freedmen were not unfrequently their favorites and prime ministers. XXVI. Fenus agiiare. To loan money at interest. Et in usuras extcndere. And to put out that interest again on interest. The other explanation, viz. that it means simply to put money at interest, makes the last clause wholly superfluous. Scrvatur. Is secured, sc. abstinence from usury, or the non- 130 NOTES. existence of usury, which is the essential idea of the preceding clause. Ideo-vetitum cssct, sc. ignoti nulla cupido! Cf. 19: boni mores vs. bonae leges. Gun. The reader cannot fail to recognize here, as usual, the reference to Rome, where usury was practised to an exorbitant extent. See Arnold's His. of Rome, vol. 1 passim. Universis. Whole clans, in distinction from individual owners. In vices. By turns. Al. vices, vice, vicis. Dod. prefers in vicis ; Kit. in vicos = for i. e. by villages. But whether we trans- late by turns or by villages, it comes to the same thing. Cf. Caes. B. G. 6, 22. Perhaps the thought of Tacitus arose from the custom of frequent change between tilled and untilled land, which was al- ways regulated and enforced by the strictest law of usage. Camporum, arva, ager, soli, terrae, etc. These words differ from each other appropriately as follows : Terra is opposed to mare et coelum. viz. earth. Solum is the substratum of any thing, viz. solid ground or soil. Campus is an extensive plain or level surface, whether of land or water, here fields. Ager is distinctively the territory that surrounds a city, viz. the public lands. Arvum is ager aralus, viz. plough lands. Bredow. Superest. There is enough, and more, cf. 6, note. Lahore contendunt. They do not strive emulously to equal the fertility of the soil by their own industry. Passow. Imperatur. Just as frumentum, commeatus, obsides, etc., impe- rantur, are demanded or expected. Gun. Toiidem, sc. quot Romani, cf. idem, 4, note. Tacitus often omits one member of a comparison, as he does also one of two compara- tive particles. Species. Parts. Sometimes the logical divisions of a genus ; so used by Cic. and Quin. ( 6, 58) : cum genus dividitur in species. Intelledum. A word of the silver age, cf. note on voluntariam, 24. Intellectum-habent = are understood and named. " Quam distortum dicendi genus ! " Gun. Autumnir-ignorantur. Accordingly in English, spring, summer, and winter, are Saxon words, while autumn is of Latin origin (Auc- tumnus). See Dttbner in loc. Still such words as Harfest, Her- pist, Harfst, Herbst, in other Teutonic dialects, apply to the au- tumnal season, and not, like our word harvest, merely to the fruits of it. GERMANIA- 131 XXVII. Funera, proprie de toto apparatu sepulturae. E. Funeral rites were performed with great pomp and extravagance at Home ; cf. Fiske'a Man. 340 ; see also Mur. in loco, and Beck. Gall. Exc. Sc. 12. Ambitio. Primarily the solicitation of office by the candidate ; then the parade and display that attended it ; then parade in gene- ral, especially La a bad sense. Certis, i. e. rite statutis. Giin. Cumulant. Structura est poetica, cf. Virg. Acn. 11, 60: cumu- latque altaria donis. K. Equus adjicitur. Herodotus relates the same of the Scythians (4, 71) ; Caesar, of the Gauls (B. G. 6, 19). Indeed all rude nations bury with the dead those objects which are most dear to them when living, under the notion that they will use and enjoy them La a future state. See Robertson's Amer. B. 4, etc., etc. Sepulcrum-erigit. Still poetical ; literally : a turf rears the tomb. Cf. His. 5, 6 : Libanum erigit. Ponunt = deponunt. So Cic. Tusc. Qu. : ad ponendum dolorem. Cf. A. 20 : posuere iram. Feminis-^meminisse. Cf. Sen. Ep. : Vir prudens meminisse per- severet, lugere desinat. Accepimus. Ut ab aliis tradita audivimus, non ipsi cognovimus. K. See Preliminary Remarks. In commune. Cic. would have said, universe, or de universa origine. Gr. Cic. uses in commune, but in a different sense, viz. for the common weal. See Freund sub voc. Instiluta, political ; ritus, religious. Quae nationes. And what tribes, etc. ; quae for quaeque by asyndeton, or perhaps, as Rit. suggests, by mistake of the copyist. Commigraverint. Subj. of the indirect question. H. 525 ; A. and G. 334; Z. 552. German critics have expended much labor and research, in defining the locality of the several German tribes with which the remainder of the Treatise is occupied. In so doing, they rely not only on historical data, but also on the traces of ancient names still attached to cities, forests, mountains, and other localities (cf. note, 16). These we shall sometimes advert to in the notes. But on the whole, these speculations of German antiquarians are not only less interesting to scholars in other countries, but are so unsatisfac- NOTES. tory and contradictory among themselves, that, for the most part, we shall pass them over with very little attention. There is mani- festly an intrinsic difficulty in defining the ever changing limits of uncivilized and unsettled tribes. Hence the irreconcilable contra- dictions between ancient authorities, as well as modern critiques, on this subject Tacitus, and the Roman writers generally, betray their want of definite knowledge of Germany by the frequency with which they specify the names of mountains and rivers. The following geographical outline is from Ukert, and must suffice for \hcgeography of the remainder of the Treatise : " In the corner between the Rhine and the Danube, are the Decumates Agri, perhaps as far as the Mayne, 29. Northward on the Rhine dwell the Mattiaci, whose neighbors on the east are the Chatti, 30. On the same river farther north are the Usipii and the Tencteri ; then the Frisii, 32-34. East- ward of the Tencteri dwell the Chamavi and the Angrivarii (earlier the Bructeri), and east or southeast of them the Dulgibini and Cha- suarii, 34, and other small tribes. Eastward of the Frisii Germany juts out far towards the north, 35. On the coast of the bay thus formed, dwell the Chauci, east of the Frisii and the above mentioned tribes ; on the south, they reach to the Chatti. East of the Chauci and the Chatti are the Cherusci, 36, whose neighbors are the Fosi. The Cherusci perhaps, according to Tacitus, do not reach to the ocean ; and in the angle of the above bay, he places the Cimbri, 37. Thus Tacitus represents the western half of Germany. The eastern is of greater dimensions. There are the Suevi, 38. He calls the country Suevia, 41, and enumerates many tribes, which belong there. Eastward of the Cherusci he places the Semnones and Langobardi ; north of them are the Reudigni, Aviones, Anglii, Varini, Eudoses, Suardones and Nuithones ; and all these he may have regarded as lying in the interior, and as the most unknown tribes, 41. He then mentions the tribes that dwell on the Danube, eastward from the Decumates Agri : the Hermunduri, in whose country the Elbe has its source ; the Varisti, Marcomani and Quadi, 41-42. The Marcomani hold the country which the Boii formerly possessed ; and northward of them and the Quadi, chiefly on the mountains which run through Suevia, are the Marsigni, Gothini, Osi and Buri, 43. Farther north are the Lygii, consisting of many tribes, among which the most dis- tinguished are the Arii, Ilelvecones, Manimi, Elysii and Nahanarvali, 43. Still farther north dwell the Gothones, and, at the ocean, the GERMANIA. 133 Rugii and Lemovii. Upon islands in the ocean live the Suiones, 44. Upon the mainland, on the coast, are the tribes of the Aestii, and near them, perhaps on islands, the Sitones, 45. Perhaps he assigned to them the immense islands to which he refers in his first chapter. Here ends Suevia. Whether the Peucini, Venedi and Fenni are to be reckoned as Germans or Sarmatians, is uncertain, 46. The Hel- lusii and Oxonae are fabulous." The following paragraph from Prichard's Researches embodies some of the more general conclusions of ethnographers, especially of Zeuss, on whom Prichard, in common with Orelli and many other scholars, places great reliance. " Along the coast of the German Ocean and across the isthmus of the Cimbric peninsula to the shore of the Baltic, were spread the tribes of the Chauci and Frisii, the Anglii, Saxones and the Teutones or Jutes, who spoke the Low- German languages, and formed one of the four divisions of the Ger- man race, corresponding as it seems with the Ingaevones of Tacitus and Pliny. In the higher and more central parts, the second great division of the race, that of the Hcrmiones, was spread, the tribes of which spoke Upper or High-German dialects. Beginning in the West with the country of the Sigambri on the Rhine, and from that of the Cherusci and Angrivarii near the Weser and the Hartz, this division comprehended, besides those tribes, the Chatti, the Lango- bardi, the Hermunduri, the Marcomani and Quadi, the Lugii, and beyond the Vistula the Bastarnae, in the neighborhood of the Car- pathian hills. To the eastward and northward of the last mentioned near the lower course of the Vistula and thence at least as far as the Pregel, were the primitive abodes of the Goths and their cognate tribes, who are perhaps the Isiaevoncs." The fourth division of Prichard embraced the Scandinavians, who spoke a language kindred to the Germans and were usually classed with them. Those who would examine this subject more thoroughly, will consult Adelung, Zeuss, Grimm, Ritter, Ukert, Prichard, Latham, etc., who have writ- ten expressly on the geography or the ethnography of Germany. XXVIII. Summits auctorum, i. e. omnium scriptorum is, qui plurimum aucloritatis fideique habet. K. Cf. Sueton. Caes. 56. Though T. commends so highly the authority of Caesar as a writer, yet he differs from him in not a few matters of fact, as well as opin- ion ; owing chiefly, doubtless, to the increased means of information which he possessed in the age of Trajan. 134 NOTES. Divus Julius. Divus = deified, divine; an epithet applied to the Roman Emperors after their decease. Tradit. Cf. Caes. B. G. 6, 24 : fuit antea tempus, cum Germanos Oalli virtute superarcnt, ultro bella inferrent, propter hominum multitudinem agrique inopiam trans Rhenum colonias mitterent. Livy probably refers to the same events, when he says (Lib. 5, 34), that in the reign of Priscus Tarquinius, two immense bodies of Gauls migrated and took possession, the one of the Hercynian Forest, the other of Upper Italy. Amnis. The Rhine. Promiscuas. Unsettled, ill defined. Quo minus after a verb of hindering is followed by the subj. H. 499; A. and G. 331, e; Z. 543. Nutta-divisas, i.e. not distributed among different and powerful kings. Hercyniam silvarn. A series of forests and mountains, stretching from Helvetia to Hungary in a line parallel to the Danube, and de- scribed by Caesar (B. G. 6, 25) as nine days' journey in breadth and more than sixty in length. The name seems to be preserved in the modern Hartz Forest, which is however far less extensive. Igitur-Helvetii = igitur regionem inter, etc. See note on colunt, 16. Igitur seldom stands as the first word in a sentence in Cicero. Cf. Z. 357: and Kuhner's Cic. Tusc. Qu. 1, 6, 11. Here it intro- duces a more particular explanation of the general subject mentioned at the close of the previous chapter. So in A. 13. When so used, it sometimes stands first in Cic., always in T. Cf. Freund sub v. Touching the Helvetii, see Caes. B. G. 1, 1 ; T. His. 1, 67. Boihemi nomen. Compounded of Boii and heim (home of the Boii), now Bohemia. Heim = ham in the termination of so many names of towns, e. g. FramingAam, Notting/tajn. The Boii were driven from their country by the Marcomani, 42. The fugitives are supposed to have carried their name into Boioaria, now Bavaria. Cf. Prichard'a Physical Researches, Vol. III. Chap. 1, Sec. 6 ; and Latham's Germany of Tacitus in loco. Gcrmanorum natione, i. e. German in situation, not in origin, for this he expressly denies or disproves in 43, from the fact that they spoke the Pannonian language, and paid tribute. The doubt ex- pressed here has reference only to their original location, not to their original stock, and is therefore in no way inconsistent with the affir- mation in chapter 43. Cum = since. Hence followed by subj. H. 518, 1. ; A. and G. 326 ; Z. 577. GERMANIA. 135 Utriusgue ripac. Here of the Danube, the right or Pannonian bank of which was occupied by the Aravisci, and the left or Ger- man bank by the Osi. So elsewhere of the Rhine, 37, and of both, 1Y, and 23. Treveri. Hence modern Treves. Nervii. They were on the coast of Nervia, reaching into the interior as far as modern Luxemburg. Circa. In respect to. A use foreign to the golden age of Latin composition, but not unfrequent in the silver age. See Ann. 11, 2. 15. His. 1, 43. Cf. Z. 298, and note, H. 1, 13. Affectationem. Eager desire to pass for native Germans. Ad verbum, cf. note, H. 1, 80. Ultro. Eadically the same with ultra = beyond. Properly be- yond expectation, beyond necessity, beyond measure, beyond any thing mentioned in the foregoing context. Hence unexpectedly, freely, cheerfully, very much, even more. Here very, quite. Gr. Inertia Gattorum. T., says Gun., is an everlasting persecutor of the Gauls, cf. A. 11. Haud dubie = baud dubii. It limits Gennanorum populi. Un- doubtedly German tribes. Vangiones. The principal towns of the Vangiones, Triboci, and Nemetes are found respectively in the modern Worms, Strasburg, and Speyer. Sch. S. Merucrint. Not merely deserved, but earned, attained. For the subj. after quanquam, cf. note, 35. Agrippinenses. From Agrippina, daughter of Germanicua and wife of Claudius. Ann. 12, 27. Now Cologne. Conditoris. Conditor with the earlier Latins is an epicene, con- ditrix being of later date. Here used of Agrippina. Of course sui caanot agree with conditoris. It is a reflexive pronoun, the objective gen. after conditoris = the founder of themselves, i. e. of their state, cf. odium sui, 33. Experimento. Abl. on trial, not for ; i. e. in consequence of be- ing found faithful. In reference to the Ubii, cf. His. 4, 28. XXIX. Virtute, sc. bellica. Non rnultum ex ripa. A small tract on the bank, but chiefly an island in the river. Cf. His. 4, 12: extrema Gallicae orae, simulque insulam, occupavere. Chaltorum quondam. The very name Batavi is thought by some to be a corrupted or modified form of Chatti. See Kit. in loc. 136 NOTES. Tramgressus. When is not known, but Julius Caesar found them already in possession of their new territory. B. G. 4, 10. Fierent. Subj. after eas-quibus = such that. H. 500, 2 ; A. and G. 320 ; Z. 656. Nec-contemnuntur. Are neither dishonored. So in His. 4, 17, the Batavians are called tributorum cxpertcs. Publican-us. The Roman tax-collector. Oneribus. The burdens of regular taxation. Collationibus. Extraordinary contributions. Mattiacorum. They occupied the region of modern Wiesbaden. Tela, offensive ; arma, defensive armor. In sua ripa. On the right or eastern bank of the Rhine. Agunt is to be taken with in sua ripa, as well as with nobiscum, which are antithetic to each other. Meaning : in situation Germans, in feeling Romans. Mente animoque. In mind and spirit. Mens is properly the understanding, animus the feeling part, and both together compre- hend the whole soul. Acrius animantur. Made more courageous by the influence of their very soil and climate even (adhuc, cf. note, 19). Numcraverim. Subj. cf. note, 2 : crediderim. Decumates-cxercent. Exercent = colunt. So Virg. tellurem, ter- rain, humum, solum, etc., exercere. Decumates = decumanos. Occurs only here. Tithe-paying lands. For their location, see note, 27. Dubiae possessionis, i. e. insecure, till confirmed by Ihnite acto promotisque praesidiis, i. e. extending the boundary and advancing the garrisons or outposts. Remains of the old Roman lines of fortifica- tion still exist, extending from the upper waters of the Danube to the Rhine. They were to a great extent the work of Trajan. Sinus. Extreme bend or border. Cf. note, 1. So Virg. (Geor. 2, 123) calls India extremi sinus orbis. Provinciae. A province, not any particular one. XXX. Initium inchoant. Pleonastic. So initio orto, His. 1, 76 ; initium coeptum, His. 2, 79 ; perferre toleraverit, Ann. 3, 3. Ultra is farther back from the Rhine. Chattorum sedes ubi nunc magnus ducatus et principatus Hassorum, quorum nomen a Chattis deductum. Ritter. ChaWi = Hessians, as Germ, wasser = Eng. water, and irpewnrco irpdrrw. GERMANIA. 137 Effusis. Loco, cffusa sunt, quae latis campis patent. K. This use belongs to the later Latin, though Horace applies the word with late to the sea : effusi late maris. Gr. Durant siquidem, etc. On the whole, I am constrained to yield to the authority and the arguments of Wr., Or., Do'd., and Hit., and place the pause before durant, instead of after it as in the first edi- tion. Durant precedes siquidem for the sake of emphasis, just as quin immo (chap. 14) and quin etiam (13) yield their usual place to the emphatic word. These are all departures from established usage. See notes in loc. cit. Que must be understood after paula- tim : it is inserted in the text by Ritter. Rarescunt. Become fewer and farther apart. So Virg. Aen. 3, 411 : Angusti rarcscent claustra Pelori. Cfuttlos suos. As if the Chatti were the children of the Forest, and the Forest emphatically their country. Passow. Prosequitur, deponit. Begins, continues, and ends with the Chatti. Poetical = is coextensive with. Duriora, sc. solito, or his, cf. Stricii, sinewy, strong, which has the same root as stringo. Ut inter Germanos, i. e. pro ingenio Germanorum, Gun. So we say elliptically : for Germans. Praeponcre, etc. A series of infinitives without connectives, de- noting a hasty enumeration of particulars ; elsewhere, sometimes, a rapid succession of events. Cf. notes, A. 36, and H. 1, 36. The particulars here enumerated all refer to military proceedings. Disponere-noctem. They distribute the day, sc. as the period of various labors ; they fortify the night, sc. as the scene of danger. Still highly poetical. Ratione. Way, manner, Al. Romanae. Ferramentis. Iron tools, axes, mattocks, etc. Copiis. Provisions Rari. Predicate ofpugna, as well as excursus. Velodtas applies to cavalry, cunctatio to infantry ; juxta connected with, allied to, cf. juxta libertatem, 21. XXXI. Aliis-popuhs. Dat. after usurpatum, which with its ad- juncts is the subject ofverlit. See same construction, His. 1, 18: observatum id antiquitus comitiis dirimendis non terruit Galbam, etc., cf. also A. 1. Audentia occurs only thrice in T. (G. 31, 34 ; Ann. 15, 53), and once in Pliny (Ep. 8, 4). It differs from audacia in being a virtue. 138 NOTES. Vtrtit. Intrans. Not so found in Cic., but in Liv., Cacs., and Sail., not unfrequent. Gr. Cic. however uses anno vertenle. In consensum vertit. Has become the common custom. Ut primum. Just as soon as. A causal relation is also implied ; hence followed by the subj. Crinem-submUlere. We find this custom (of letting the hair and beard grow long) later among the Lombards and the Saxons, cf. Turn. His. Ang. Sax., App. to B. 2. Super-spolia, i. e. over the bloody spoils of a slain enemy. Revelant, i. e. they remove the hair and beard, which have so long veiled the face. Retulisse repaid, discharged their obligations to those who gave them birth. Squalor. This word primarily denotes roughness; secondarily and usually filth : here the deformity of unshorn hair and beard. Insuper, i. e. besides the long hair and beard. The proper posi- tion of insuper is, as here, between the adj. and subs., cf. 34 : im- mensos insuper lacus ; see also insuper, 12. Absolvat. Subj. after donee. So facial below. See note, 1. Hic-habitus, sc. ferreum annulnm, cf. 17. Plurimis = permultis, Kit. Placet. Antithetic to ignominiosum genti. Very many of the Chatti are pleased with that which is esteemed a disgrace by most Germans, and so pleased with it as to retain it to old age, and wear it as a badge of distinction (canent insignes). Nova. Al. torva. Strange, unusual. Placed in the van (prima acies), because, as the author says, 43 : primi in omnibus proeliis oculi vincuntur. Mansuescunt. Primarily said of wild beasts, accustomed to the hand of man or tamed. So immanis, not handled, wild, savage. The clause introduced by nam illustrates or enforces visu nova, and may be rendered thus : for not even in time of peace do they grow gentle and put on a milder aspect. Exsanguis. Usually lifeless or pale. Here languid, feeble. XXXII. Alveo = quoad alveum. Abl. of respect, H. 429 ; A. and G. 253 ; Z. 467. Cerium. Fixed, well defined, i. e. not divided and diffused (so as to form of itself no sufficient border or boundary to the Roman Em- pire) as it was nearer its source among the Chatti. So this disputed GERMANIA. 139 word seems to be explained by the author himself in the following clause : quique terminus esse siifficiat =. and such that it suffices to be a boundary. Qui = tolls ut ; hence followed by the subj. H. 600 ; A. and G. 320 ; Z. 558. So Mela (3, 2) contrasts solidus et certo alveo lapsus with hue et illuc dispergitur. Tenderis = apud Tencteros, by enallage, cf. note on ad patron, 20, and other references there. The Tencteri and Usipii seem to have been at length absorbed into the mass of people, who appear under the later name of Alemanni. Cf. Prichard. They were origi- nally just north of the river Lippe, but in time of Tacitus were south of it. f'amiliam. Servants, cf. note on same word, 15. See also Beck. Gall. Exc. 1. Sc. 1. Penates = our homestead. Jura successionum = heirlooms, all that goes down by hereditary 'descent. Excipit. Here in the unusual sense of inherits. Cetera, sc. jura successionum. JBeUo. Abl. and limits both feroz and melior. Meaning : The horses are inherited, not, like the rest of the estate, by the eldest son, but by the bravest. XXXIII. Occurrebant. Met the view, presented themselves. Al- most the sense of the corresponding English word. The structure of narratur (as impers.) is very rare in the earlier authors, who would say : Chamavi narrantur. Cf. His. 1, 50, 90. The Chamavi, etc., were joined afterwards to the Franks. Cf. Prichard. The present town of Ham in Westphalia probably preserves the name and gives the original locality of the Chamavi, the present Engern that of the Angrivarii. The termination varii or uarii probably = inhabitants of. Thus Angrivarii = inhabitants of Engern. Chasuarii = inhabitants of the river Hase. The same element is perhaps con- tained in the termination of Bructeri and Tencteri. See Latham in loco. Nos, sc. Romanes. Erga = inclined to (cf. vergo), towards. Spectaculo. Ablative. Invidere is constructed by the Latins in the following ways: invidere alicui aliquid, alicui alicujus rei, alicui aliqua re, alicui in aliqua re. Hess. The construction here (with the abl. of the thing which was the object of envy) belongs to the silver age. Cf. Quint. (Inst. 9, 3, 1), who contrasts it with the usage of Cicero, and considers it as illustrating the fondness of the age for figurative language. _, 140 NOTES. Obledationi oculisque. Hendiadys for ad oblectationem ocnlo- rum. The author here exults in the promiscuous slaughter of the German Tribes by each other's arms, as a brilliant spectacle to Roman eyes a feeling little congenial to the spirit of Christianity, but necessarily nurtured by the gladiatorial shows and bloody amusements of the Romans, to say nothing of the habitual hostility which they waged against all other nations that did not submit to their dominion. Quaeso, sc. dcos. Though fortune is spoken of below, as c6h- trolling the destiny of nations. This passage shows clearly that Tacitus, with all his partiality for German manners and morals, still retains the heart of a Roman patriot. He loves his country with all her faults, and bears no good-will to her enemies, however many and great their virtues. The passage is important, as illustrating the spirit and design of the whole Treatise. The work was not written as a blind panegyric on the Germans, or a spleeny satire on the Romans. Neither was it composed for the purpose of stirring up Trajan to war against Germany ; to such a purpose, such a clause as urgenlibus imperil fatis were quite adverse. Least of all was it written for the mere pastime and amusement of Roman readers. It breathes the spirit at once of the earnest patriot and the high-toned moralist. Odium sui. Cf. note, 28 : conditor. Hatred of themselves ; i. e. of one another. So, in Greek, the reflexive pronoun is often used for the reciprocal. Quando = since, a subjective reason. Cf. note, His. 1, 31 ; and Z. 346. Uraentibus-fatis, sc. to discord and dissolution, for such were the forebodings of patriotic and sagacious minds ever after the overthrow of the Republic, even under the prosperous reign of Trajan. XXXIV. A terffo, i. e. further back from the Rhine, or towards the East. A fronte, nearer the Rhine or towards the West. Both are to be referred to the Angrivarii and Chamavi, who had the Dulgubnii and the Chasuarii in their rear (on the east), and the Frisii on their front (towards the west or northwest), frisii, the Frieslanders. Majoribus-virium. They have the name of Greater or Less Frisii, according to the measure of their strength. For this sense of ex see note 7. For the case of majoribus niinoribusque see Z. GEKMANIA. 141 421 ; H. 38V, 1 ; A. and G. 231, b. Perinde, equally, to the same extent. Praetexuntur. Arc bordered by the Rhine (hemmed, as the toga practexta by the purple) ; or, as Freund explains, are covered by it, i. e. lie behind it. Immensos lacus. The bays, or arms of the sea, at the mouth of the Rhine (Zuyder Zee, etc.), taken for lakes by T. and Pliny (Ann. 1, 60. 2, 8. N. H. 4, 29). They have been greatly changed by inundations. See Mur. in loco. Oceanum, sc. Septentrionalem. Sua, sc. parte. Tentavimus, ex- plored. Herculis columnas. " Wherever the land terminated, and it ap- peared impossible to proceed further, ancient maritime nations feigned pillars of Hercules. Those mentioned in this passage some authors have placed at the extremity of Friesland, and others at the entrance of the Baltic." Ky., cf. note, 3. The way in which it is stated (fama vulgavif) suggests that it is a mere sailor's story, and may have alluded only to the peculiarity of the cliffs. Adiit, i. e. vere adiit, actually visited that part of the world. Quicquid-consensimus. This passage is a standard illustration of the Romano, interpretatione ( 43), the Roman construction, which the Romans put upon the mythology and theology of other nations. It shows that they were accustomed to apply the names of their gods to the gods of other nations on the ground of some resem- blance in character, history, worship, etc. Sometimes perhaps a re- semblance in the names constituted the ground of identifica- tion. Druso Germanico. Some read Druso et Germanico ; others Druso, Germauico, as a case of asyndeton (Gr. 323, 1 (1.)) ; for both Drusus and Germanicus sailed into the Northern Ocean, and it is not known that Germanicus (the son of Drusus and stepson of Tiberius, who is by some supposed to be meant here) is ever called Drusus Germanicus. But Drusus, the father of Germanicus, is called Drusus Germanicus in the Histories (5, 19), where he is spoken of as having thrown a mole or dam across the Rhine ; and it is not improbable that he is the person here intended. So K., Or., and Wr. Se, i. e. the Ocean. See H. 449 ; A. and G. 196 ; Z. 604. Inquiri. Impersonal investigation to be made. E. suggests inquirenti, agreeing witli Germanico. But T., unlike the earlier 142 NOTES. Latin authors, not unfrequently places an infin. after a verb of hin- dering. Credere guam scire. T. perhaps alluded to the precept of the philosopher, who said : Deum cole, atque crede, sed noli quaerere. Murphy. XXXV. In Septentrionem, etc. On the North, it falls back, sc. into the Ocean, with an immense bend or peninsula, tbejlexus here spoken of is called sinus in chap. 37, and describes the Cimbric Chersonesus, or Danish Peninsula. See Dod., Or. and Rit. in loc. Ac primo statim. And first immediately, sc. as we begin to trace the northern coast. The important tribe of the Chauci (perhaps the same root as hohe, high) occupied a territory stretching from the river Ems to the Elbe. They are represented as divided into the majores and minores separated by the Weser. Lateribus, sc. the eastern. Quanquam followed by the subj., seldom in Cic., but usually in T., Z. 574, Note. Cf. note, His. 6, 21. Sinuetur, sc. southwards. Donee sinuetur. Cf. note, 1 : erumpat. Inter Germanos. Considered among the Germans, in the estima- tion of the Germans. Quique-tucri. A clause connected to an adj. (nobilissimus), cf. certum, quique, 32. Qui in both passage = tails, ut. Hence fol- lowed by subj. H. 501, 1. ; Z. 558. Impotentia, ungoverned passion, aKpdreia. Impotentia seldom denotes want of power, but usually that unrestrained passion, which results from the want of ability to control one's self. Ut-agant depends on assequuntur. Subj. H. 490; A. and G. 318, a ; Z. 531, a. Si res poscat. Some copies read : si res poscat exercitus. But posco and postulo seldom have the object expressed in such clauses, cf. 44 : ut res poscit ; 6 : prout ratio poscit. So also Cic. and Sail., pass. Exercitus is subject nom., promptus being understood, as pred. ; and plurimum virorum equorumque explains or rather en- forces exercitus: and, if the case demand, an army, the greatest abun- dance of men and horses. Quiescentibus, i. e. bellum non gerentibus ; eadem, \. e. the same, as if engaged in war. XXXVI. Cherusci. It was their chief, Arminius (Germ. Her- mann), who, making head against the Romans, was honored as the GERMANIA. 143 Deliverer of Germany, and celebrated in ballad songs, which are preserved to this day. See his achievements in Ann. B. 1, and 2. Marcentem. Enervating. So marcentia pocula. Stat. Silv. 4, 6, 56. It is usually intransitive, and is taken here by some in the sense of languid, enervate (literally withered). Ittacessiti is a post- Augustan word. Cf. Freund. The tribe seems to have been weak- ened quite as much by civil dissension as by inactivity. Impotentes. Cf. impotentia, 35. Faho quiescas. Falleris, dum quiescis. Dilthey. Cf. note, 14 : possis. Ubi manu agitur. Where matters are decided by might rather than right. Cf. manu agens, A. 9. Nomina super ioris. Virtues (only) of the stronger party, the conqueror. They are deemed vices in the weaker. Chattis-cessit : while to the Chatti, who were victorious, success was imputed for wisdom. The antithetic particle at the beginning of the clause is omitted. Cf. note, 4 : minime. Fuissent. Subj. after cum signifying although. II. 516, II. ; A. and G. 326. XXXVII. Sinum. Peninsula, sc. the "Cimbric. Cf. note, 35 : flcxu ; 81 : sinus. Cimbri. This tribe, in the second century before Christ, was driven, as they said, by a flood, from their northern home, and brought upon the Romans some of the most desperate conflicts in which they were ever engaged. They were finally destroyed after years of terror by the power of Marius. Gloria is abl. limiting ingens. Castra ac spatia. In apposition with lata vestigia = spatiosa castra or castrorum spatia. H. 704, II. 2 ; Z. 741. Utraque ripa, sc. of the Rhine, Hie river and river bank by emi- nence. Molem manusquc. The mass of their population, and the num- ber of their armies. Observe the alliteration, as if he had said : measure the mass and might. Exilus, \. e. migrationis. Often used in this sense, cf. Caes. B. G. 3, 69 : Salutem et exitum sibi paricbant. Fidcm, proof. Scxccntesimum-annum. T. follows the Catonian Era, or simply intends to give the round number. According to the Varronian Era, received by the moderns, the date would be A. U. C. 641 = A. C. 113. 144 NOTES. Alterum-consulatum. The second consulship of Trajan (when he was also Emperor) was, after the reckoning of Tacitus, A. U. C. 850, according to modern computation, 851 = A. D. 98. This year doubtless marks the tune when this treatise was written, else why selected ? Vindtur. So long is Germany in being conquered. (The work was never completed.) Cf. Liv. 9, 3 : quern per annos jam prope triffinta vincimus. Medio-spatio. In the intervening period, sc. of 210 years. Samnis-Galliaeve. The Romans had fought bloody and some- times disastrous battles with the Samnites (at the Caudine Forks, Liv. 9, 2), with the Carthaginians (in the several Punic Wars), with the Spaniards under Viriathus and Sertorius (Florus, Lib. 2), with the Gauls (Caes. B. G. pass.). But none of these were so sanguinary as their wars with the Germans. Admonuere, sc. vulneribus, cladibus = castigavere. Rcgno-libertas. Liberty and monarchy in studied antithesis. T. means to imply that the former is the stronger principle of the two. Arsads. The family name of the Parthian kings, as Pharaoh and Ptolemy of the Egyptian, Antiochus of the Syrian, etc. Amisso ct ipse, sc. oriens ; the East itself also lost its prince (Pacorus) in the engagement, as well as the Romans their leader (Crassus). Objecerit, reproach us with. Subj. Cf. n. G. 2 : petcrct. Ventidium. Commander under Antony, and conqueror of the Parthians in three battles, A. U. C. 715. He was raised from the lowest rank and the meanest employment, hence perhaps the ex- pression, dejectus infra, humbled beneath Ventidius. Carbone-Manlio. Cneius Papirius Carbo defeated at Noreja, A. U. 641 (Liv. Epit. 63), L. Cassius Longinus defeated and slain, 647 (Caes. B. G. 1, 7, 12), M. Aurelius Scaurus defeated and taken cap- tive, 648 (Liv. Epit. 67), Servilius Caepio and M. Manlius defeated with great slaughter at Tolosa, 649 (Liv. Epit. 67), Quintilius Varus defeated and slain, 762 (Suet. Oct. 23) all these victories over the Romans in their highest strength and glory either in the time of the Republic (Populo Romano\ or of the Empire under Augustus ( Caesari) all these attested the courage and military prowess of the Germans ; and they were still, for the most part, as free and as pow- erful as ever. GERMANIA. 145 Caius Mdrius almost annihilated the Cimbri at Aquae Sextiae, A. U. C. 652. Drusus. Claudius Drusus invaded Germany four times, 742-3, and finally lost his life by falling from his horse on his return. Cf. Dio. Libb. 64, 55. Nero, commonly known as Tiberius (brother of Drusus and step- son of Augustus), had the command in Germany at three different times, 746-7, 756-9, 764-5, cf. Suet. Tib. 9 seq. Germanicus, son of Drusus, made four campaigns in Germany, A. D. 14-16, cf. Ann. B. 1 and 2. C. Caesaris. Caligula, cf. Suet. Calig. ; T. His. 4, 15. Discordiac-armorum. The civil wars after the death of Nero under Galba, Otho, and Vitellius. Expugnatis-hibernis. By the Batavians under Civilis. His. 4, 12 seq. ; A. 41. Affectaverc. Aspired to the government of, cf. note on affecta- tionem, 28. After donee, T. always expresses a single definite past action by the perf. ind., cf. A. 36: donec-cohortatus eat ; a repeated, or continued past action by the imp. subj^ cf. note, A. 19 : donec- Jkret ; and a present action, which is in the nature of the case also a continued action, by the pros, subj., c note, 1 : separet. Triumphati. Poetice, cf. Virg. Aen. 6, 837: Triumphata Co- rintho ; Hor. Od. 3, 3, 43 : Triumphati Medi. The reference here is to the ridiculous triumph of Domitian, A. 39, in which slaves, pur- chased and dressed out for the purpose, were borne as captives through the streets. XXXVIII. Suevis. In the time of T. a powerful confederacy, embracing all the tribes enumerated in 39-45, and covering all the eastern and larger half of Germany. But the confederacy was soon dissolved and seldom appears in subsequent history. We still have a trace of their name in the modern Suabia. The name is supposed by some philologists (e. g. Zeuss) to denote unsettled wanderers (Germ. Schweben, to wave, to hover, cf. Caes. B. G. 4, 1 : Suevis non longius anno remanere uno in loco, etc.), as that of the Sax- ons does settlers, or fixed residents (Germ. Sassen), and that of the Franks, freemen. See Rup. in loc. An ingenious Article in the North American Review (July, 1847) makes the distinction of Suevi and non-Suevi radical and permanent in the religion and the lan- guage of the Germans; the Suevi becoming Orthodox Catholics and 146 NOTES. the non-Suevi Arians in Ecclesiastical History, and the one High- Dutch and the other Low-Dutch in the development of their language. Adhuc. Cf. note on it, 19. As to position, cf. insuper, 31 and 34. The Suevi are still (adhuc) divided into distinct tribes bearing distinct names, though united in a confederacy. Cf. Hand's Tursel- linus, 1, 163. Dod. renders besides, sc. the general designation of Suevi. In, commune. In common. Not used in this sense by Cic., Caes., and Liv., though frequent in T. Gr. Cf. note on the same, 27. Obliquare. To turn the hair back, or comb it up contrary to its natural direction and then fasten it in a knot on the top of the head (substringere nodo) ; so it seems to be explained by the author him- self below : horrentem capittum retro sequuntur ac in ipso tola vertice religant. Others translate obliquare by twist. Many ancient writers speak of this manner of tying the hair among the Germans, cf. Sen. de Ira. 3, 26 ; Juv. 13, 164. A servis scparantur. Separantur = distinguuntur. Servants among the Suevi seem to have had their hair shorn. So also it was among the Franks at a later date. Vid. Greg. Tur. 3, 8. Rarum el intra, etc. Enallage, cf. note cerium guique, 32. Retro sequuntur, i. e. follow it back, as it were, in its growth, and tie it up on the very crown of the head only, instead of letting it hang down, as it grows (submittere crinem). So K., Or., and many others. Passow and Dod. take sequuntur in the sense of desire, delight in (our word seek). The word bears that sense, e. g. 6 : argentum magis quam aurum sequuntur. But then what is retro sequuntur ? for retro must be an adjunct of sequuntur both from position, and because there is no other word which it can limit. Saepe implies, that sometimes they made a knot elsewhere, but often they fasten it there, and there only. See Or. in loc. This whole passage illus- trates our author's disposition to avoid technical language. Cf. note, H. 2, 21. Innoxiae. Harmless, unlike the beauty cultivated among the Romans to dazzle and seduce. In altitudincm, etc. For the sake of (increased) height and terror, i. e. to appear tall and inspire terror. Cf. note, A. 6 : in jactationem ; A. 7 : in suam famam. The antithetic particle is omitted before this clause as it often is by our author. GERMANIA. 147 Ut hostium oculis, to strike with terror the eyes of the enemy, for primi in omnibus proeliis ojvli vincuntur, 43. XXXIX. Vetustissimos. Oldest. Vetus is old, of long duration (eros, aetas) ; antiqmis, ancient, belonging to a preceding age (ante). Jtecens (fresh, young) is opposed to the former : novus (new, modern), to the latter. See Ramshorn and Freund. Semnones, as also the tribes mentioned in the next chapter, with the exception of the Longobardi, are to be located between the Elbe and the Oder. Fides antiquitatis. Antiquitatis is objective gen. = the belief, or persuasion of their antiquity. Auguriis-sacram. The commentators all notice the hexameter structure of these words, and many regard them as a quotation from some Latin poet. The words themselves are also poetical, e. g. pat- rum for majorum, and formidine for religione. The coloring is Virgilian. Cf. Aen. 7, 172 ; 8, 598. See Or. in loc. and Preliminary Remarks to the Histories, p. 234. - Legationibut coeunt. Just as we say : convene by their delegates, or representatives. Publice = publica auctoritate, cf. same word, 10. Primordia. Initiatory rites. Minor, sc. numine. Inferior to the god. Prae se ferens. Expressing in his external appearance, or bearing in his own person an acknowledgment of the power of the divinity. Evolvuntur = se evolvunt, cf. Ann. 1, 13: cum Tiberii genua advolvereiur ; also lavantur, 22. Eo-tanqnam. Has reference to this point, as if, 5. e. to this opinion, viz. that thence, etc. Cf. illuc respicit tanquam, 12. Inde. From the grove, or the god of the grove. Cf. 2 : Tuistonem- originem gentis. Adjicit auctoritatem, sc. isti superstition!. Afagno corpore = reipublicae magnitudine. Corpore, the body politic. So His. 4, 64 : redisse vos in corpus nomenque Germano- rum. Ilabitantur. Al. habitant and habitantium, by conjecture. The subject is the Semnonian country implied in Semnonum : the Semnonians inhabit a hundred villages, is the idea. It is the same statement which Caesar makes of the whole body of the Suevi. XL. Langobardos. The Lombards of Mediaeval history; so 148 NOTES. called probably from their long beards (Germ, lang and bart). First mentioned by Velleius, 2, 106 : gens etiam Germana feritate ferocior. See also Ann. 2, 45, 46, 62-64.' Paucitas here stands opposed to the magno corpore of the Semnones in 39. Per-periclitando. Three different constructions, cf. notes 16, 18. Zeuss identifies the Suardones with the Heruli, and the Nuithones with the Teutones. Suardones perhaps = sword-men. Eudoces per- haps = later Jutes. Anglii. The English reader will here recognize the tribe of Germans that subsequently invaded, peopled, and gave name to England (= Angl-land), commonly designated as the Anglo-Saxons. T. does not mention the Saxons. They are mentioned by Ptolemy and others, as originally occupying a territory in this same part of Germany. They became at length so powerful as to give their name to the entire confederacy (including the Angles) which ruled northern Germany, as the Franks (the founders of the French monarchy) did southern. The Angles seem to have dwelt on the right bank of the Elbe, near its mouth, in the time of T. Nerthum. This is the reading of the MSS. and the old editions. It cannot be doubted that T. speaks of Hertha (see Turn. His. Ang. Sax., App. to B. 2, chap. 3). " But we must take care not to cor- rect our author himself." Passow. Grimm identifies this deity with Niordhr of the Edda, and derives the name from Nord (North). Terram matrem. The Earth is worshipped by almost all heathen nations, as the mother of men and the inferior gods. See Mur. in loco. Cf. 2 : Tuistonem Deum, terra editum ; also note, 9 : Isidi. Insula. Scholars differ as to the Island. Probabilities perhaps are in favor of Rugen, where the secretus lacus mentioned below Is still shown, still associated with superstitious legends. Castum. Polluted by nothing profane. So Hor : castis lucis. Penetrali, viz. the sacred vehicle. Dignatur. Deems worthy of her visits. Tcmplo, sc. the sacred grove. Templum, like Ttpevos, denotes any place set apart (from re(jit>u) for sacred purposes, cf. 9. Numen ipsum. The goddess herself, not an image of her ; for the Germans have no images of their gods, 9. Abluitur, as if contam- inated by intercourse with mortals. Perituri, etc. Which can be seen only on penalty of death. XLL Propior, sc. to the Romans. Hermundurorum. Ritter GERMANIA. 149 identifies the name (Ilcrmun being omitted, and dur being = thur) and the people with the jTAwringians. Cf. note, 2 : In- gaevoncs. Non in ripa. Not only (or not so much) on the border (the river- bank), but also within the bounds of the Roman Empire. Splcndidissima-colonia. This flourishing colony had no distinc- tive name in the age of T. ; called afterwards Augusta Vindelicorum, now Augsburg. Passim. Wherever they chose. JSine cutstode. Not so others. Cf. His. 4, 64 : ut inermes ac prope nudi, sub custode et pretio coiremus. Cum-ostendamus. Cum = while, although. Hence the subj. Non concupiscentibus. Since they were not covetous, Gun. Gr. renders : though they were not equally desirous of it. Nctumauditur. The Elbe had been seen and crossed by Drusus, Domitius, and Tiberius. In the early age of the empire it seems to have been the hope to make the Elbe instead of the Rhine the boundary line. But now it was known only by hearsay. See a like patriotic complaint at the close of 37. XLII. Marcomani = men of the marches, or border-men. Sch. S., and Latham in loc. Sedcs, sc. Bohemia. Pulsis olim JBoiis, cf. 28. Degenerant, sc. a reliquorum virtute, i. e. the Varisti and Quadi are not unworthy, do not fall short of the bravery of their neighbors, the Marcomani. Peragitur. Al. protegitur, porrigitur, etc. Different words are supplied as the subject ofperagitur, e. g. Passow Her. ; Rit. cursus ; K. frons. The last is preferable. The meaning is : This country (sc. of these tribes) is the front, so to speak (i. e. the part facing the Romans) of Germany, so far as it is formed by the Danube, i. e. so far as the Danube forms the boundary between Germany and the Roman Empire. Marobodui. Cf. Ann. 2, 62 ; Suet. Tib. 37. Externos, sc. reges, viz. the kings of the Hermunduri. Ann. 2, 62. Potentia. Power irrespective of right. Polestas is lawful au- thority. See note, 7. Nee minus valent, sc. being aided by our money, than they would be if they were reinforced by our arm. This clause in some copies stands at the beginning of 43. 150 NOTES. XLIII. Retro. Bade from the Danube and the Roman border. Referunt. Resemble. Poetical, cf. 20. Et quod patiuntur, sc. proves that they are not of German origin. They paid tribute as foreigners. The Gothini were probably a rem- nant of the expelled Boii. Cf. note, 28, and Prichard, as there cited. Hence their Gallic language. Quo magis pudent. They have iron beyond even most of the Germans (cf. 6), but (shame to tell) do not know how to use it in asserting their independence. Subj. H. 497; A. and G. 317, b; Z. 536. Pauca campestrium. Poetical, but not uncommon in the later Latin. So 41 : secretiora Germaniae ; His. 4, 28 : extrema Gallia- rum. H. 396, III. 2, 3 ; Z. 435. Jugum. A mountain chain. Vertices. Distinct summits. Insederunt. This word usually takes a dat., or an abl., with in. But the poets and later prose-writers use it as a transitive verb with the ace. have settled, inhabited. Cf. H. 371, 4; Z. 386; and Freund sub voce. Observe the comparatively unusual form of the perf. 3d plur. in -erunt instead of -ere. Cf. note, His. 2, 20. Nomen = gens. So nomen Latinum = Latins. Liv. pass. Interpretatione Romano. So we are everywhere to understand Roman accounts of the gods of other nations. They transferred to them the names of their own divinities according to some slight, perhaps fancied, resemblance. Cf. note, 34: quicquid consen- simus. Ea vis numini, i. e. these gods render the same service to the Germans, as Castor and Pollux to the Romans. Aleis, dat. pi. Perhaps from the Slavonic word holey = xovpoi, Greek for Castor and Pollux. Referable to no German root. Peregrinae, sc. Greek or Roman. Tamen. Though these gods bear no visible trace of Greek or Roman origin, yet they are wor- shipped as brothers, as youths, likelhe Greek and Roman Twins. Superstitionis = religionis. Cf. notes, His. 3, 58; 5, 13. Lenocinantur. Cherish, increase. Used rhetorically ; properly, to pander. Arte, sc. nigra scuta, etc. Tempore, sc. atras noctes, etc. Tincta = tattooed. Ipsaque formidine, etc. And by the very frightfulness and shadow of the deathlike army. Umbra may be taken of the literal shadows of the men in the night, with Rit., or with Dod. GERMANIA. 151 and Or., ot the general image or aspect of the army. Feralis, as an adj., is found only in poetry and post-Augustan prose. See Freund. Gothones. Perhaps the Getae of earlier and the Goths of later history. See Or. in loc. and Grimm and other authorities aa there cited. The Rugii have perpetuated their name in an island of the Baltic (Rugen). Addudius. Lit. with tighter rein, with more absolute power, cf. His. 3, 7: adductius, quara civili bello, imperitabat. The adv. ia used only in the comp. ; and the part, adductus is post-Augustan. Jam and nondum both have reference to the writer's progress in going over the tribes of Germany, those tribes growing less and less free as he advances eastward : already under more subjection than the foregoing tribes, but not yet in such abject slavery, as some we shall soon reach, sc. in the next chapter, where see note on jam. Supra. So as to trample down liberty and destroy it. Protinus deinde ab, etc. Next in order, from the ocean, i. e. with territory beginning from or at the ocean. XLIV. Suionum. Swedes. Not mentioned under this name, however, by any other ancient author. Ipto. The Rugii, etc., mentioned at the close of the previous section, dwelt by the ocean (ab Oceano) ; but the Suiones in the ocean (in Oceano). Ipso marks this antithesis. In Oceano. An island in the Baltic. Sweden was so regarded by the ancients, cf. 1, note. Utrimque prora. Naves biprorae. Such also had the Veneti, Caes. B. G. 3, 13. Such Germanicus constructed, His. 3, 47. So also the canoes of the N. Am. Indians. Ministrantur, sc. naves = the shipt are not furnished with sails, cf. His. 4, 12 : viros armaque ministrant. Or it may be taken in the more literal sense : are served, i. e. worked, managed. Cf. Virg. Aen. 6, 302 : velisque ministrat. In ordinem. for a row, i. e. so as to form a row, cf. Z. 314 : also Rit. and Dod. in loc. The North- men (Danes and Swedes) became afterwards still more famous for navigation and piratical excursions, till at length they settled down in great numbers in France and England. In quibusdam fluminvm. Rivers with steep banks require the oars to be removed hi order to approach the bank. 152 NOTES. Est-honos. Contrary to the usual fact in Germany, cf. 6. Exccptionibus. Limitations. Jam. Now, i. e. here, opposed to the foregoing accounts of free states and limited monarchies. Precario. Properly : obtained by entreaty. Hence : dependent on the will of another, cf. A. 16. Parendi. A gerund with passive sense, lit. with no precarious right of being obeyed. So Pass., K., Wr., and Gun. In promiscuo. The privilege of wearing arms is not conceded to the mass of the people. Et quidem = et eo, and that too. Otiosa-manus. Al. otiosae by conjecture. But manus, a collec- tive noun sing., takes a pi. verb, cf. H. 461, 1 ; A. and G. 206, c; Z. 366. Regia utilitas est = regibus utile est. XLV. Pigrum. Cf. A. 10 : pigrum ct grave. The Northern or Frozen Ocean, of which T. seems to have heard, though some refer it to the northern part of the Baltic. Sec Ky. in loc. For the pos- sible origin of this theory, see Smith's Clas. Diet., article Pytheas of Massilia. Hinc. For this reason, viz. quod eztremus, etc. In orlus. Till the risings (pi.) of the sun, i. e. from day to day successively. It was known in the age of T. that the longest day grew longer towards the north, till at length it became six months (cf. Plin. N. H. 2, 77), though T. supposed it to be thus long at a lower latitude than it really was, cf. A. 12. Sonum-aspici. The aurora borealis, some suppose. Persuasio adjicit. The common belief adds, i. e. it is further be- lieved, cf. His. 5, 5. 13 : persuasio inerat. Illuc-natura. Tantum is to be connected with illuc usque. Thus far only nature extends. So thought the ancients. Cf. A. 33 : in ipso terrarum ac naturae fine. Et vcra fama is parenthetic. The author endorses this part of the story. Ergo marks a return from the above digression. Suevici maris. The Baltic. Aestiorum = eastern men, modern Esthonians. Their language was probably neither German nor Briton, but Slavonic. Matrem Deum. Cybelc, as the Romans interpreted it, cf. 43. Insigne-gestant. Worn, as amulets. frumenta laborant, i. e. labor for or to produce com. Cf. Hor. Epod. 6, 60. Laborare is transitive only in poetry and post-Augus- GEKMANIA. 153 tan prose. Elaborare would imply too much art for the author's purpose. See Hit. in loc. Succinum. Amber, an important article of commerce in early ages, combining some vegetable juice (hence the Latin name, from succus) with some mineral ingredients. Glcsum. This name was transferred to glass, when it came into use. The root is German. Compare x^C- Dod. Nee = non tamen. Yet it is not, etc. Ut barbaris. Cf. ut inter barbaros, A. 11. Barbaris is tlativ^ in apposition with iis, which is understood after compcrtum, Quae-ratio. What power or process of nature. Donec-dedit. Cf. note, 37 : affeclavere. Plerumque. Often ; a limited sense of the word peculiar to post-Augustan Latin. Cf. G. 13 : ipsa plerurnque fama bella profli- gant ; and Freund ad v. Quae-expressa quorum succus expressus, etc. In tantum. To such a degree. Frequent only in late Latin. A servitute. They fall short cf liberty in not being free, like most of the Germans ; and they fall below slavery itself, in that they are slaves to a woman. XL VI. Venedorum et Fennorum. Modern Vends and Finns, or Fen-men. Cf. Latham in loc. Ac torpor procerum. The chief men are lazy and stupid, besides being filthy, like all the rest. Foedantur. Cf. infectos, 4. Habitum, here personal appear- ance, cf. note, 17. Ex moribus, sc. Sarmatarum. Erigitur. Middle sense. Raise themselves, or rise, cf. evolvun- tur, 39. Figunt. HO.VQ fixed habitations, in contrast with the Sarmatians, who lived in carts. Cf. Ann. 13, 54 : fixerant domos Frisii. Al. fingunt. Sarmatis. The stock of the modern Russians, cf. 1, note. Cubile. We should expect cubili to correspond with viclui and vcstituti. But cf. note, 18 : referantur ; 20 : ad patrem, etc. Comitantur, \. e. feminae comitantur viris. Ingemere-illaborare. Toil and groan upon houses and lands, i. e. in building and tilling them ; though some understand domibus and agris as the places in which they toil. Versare. To be constantly employed in increasing the fortune of themselves and others, agitated meanwhile by hope and fear. 154 NOTES. Securi. Because they have nothing to lose. Illis. Emphatic. They, unlike others, have no need, etc. Cf. apud illos, 44. In medium relinquam. Leave for the public, i. e. undecided. Relinquere in medio is the more common expression. Botticher in his Lex. Tac. explains it, as equivalent by Zeugma to in medium vocatum relinquam in medio. So in Greek, lv and tls often inter- change. AGRICOLA. IT was under the shadow of the imperial halls which crowned the Palatine, girded about with the_ponderous_ illustrations of KSme's invincible strength, when the empire had just reached the" climax of its greatness, that Tacitus wrote his narratives of the wilds of Ger- many and Britain. How little did he imagine that the most appre- ciative students of his writings would come from the far-away terri- tory of these wildernesses, when Rome would be chiefly valued by the world aTa vast museum of ruins, and his writings would become preeminently precious, not because of what they told of Romans, but because in their pages the German and the Briton could find a few leaves of his own family record ! Tacitus wrote bis Agricola as a tribute of love to a revered fa- ther and friend : we enjoy it rather as a story of England than of Rome. If we find that our blood is stirred to a quicker movement by our involuntary enthusiasm for Agricola, we yet rejoice that he found his campaigns arduous and his victories dearly bought, be- cause of the prowess of the men who fought for their freedom and their homes ; if we admire his generalship, we are glad that it re- quired all the skill and persistency of an Agricola to reduce Britain to a Roman province. We do indeed love to cherish in fond remem- brance the manly virtues of the Roman commander, because we give a tribute of admiration to every fSrnTof human greatness ; but we search for the elements of strength in his uncivilized enemies with the feeling that they have a personal connection with ourselves. It is true that our family connection with the Britons of the time of Caesar and Agricola is at the most very faint ; but they occupied the family homestead, and on their departure left behind them many a relic T the footprints of their life and labors, and thcirsilcnt iqflu- ence "has descended upon us. W e gather with keenzest all the facts which are left to tell us who and what they were. 156 NOTES. wfirn CeU.s ) _J)clonging to the great race which, won thn aHyap^f guard of all whom we know as Aryan tribes in their emigration to thelvcst, whVh, jn J fa " ; "" a iiai/flp. stretched its' camping- grounds over almost the whole of Europe and even into a portion of Africa, and has left everywhere affixed to mountains and rivers the Celtic names which are the indisputable proof of its prodigious jour- neyings. It is only in the extreme west that they have been per- mitted to retain a home, and even two thousand years ago they were being crowded to the margin of the continent. Tn ftan^ or modern France, and Britain theywere then fighting to maintain their indepen- dence, and, though gTUUlfy divided in tb<>ir tions, they recognized iheir common lineage, and felt for each other a common sympathy! The association between JJritain and the con- /y/ffincnt was tolerably close. Caesar was incited to conquer the island / by the assistance which its inhabitants had given to the Gauls : the houses were like those upon the mainland;* a trade of considerable extent was sustained altogether the civilization of the islanders was probably little if at all inferior to that of their continental cousins. And so, in the matter of talent, Aprricola draws a. cnm. \~. parison between the two nations which is by no means unfavorable i to th_Bciiott4 If we may trust the tradition handed down through a Roman poet three or four centuries before the Christian era, the Cartha- ginian Himilco described them as a numerous mn^ endowed with spirit, very dexterous, all busy with the cares of trade. There seems to be no possible doubt that from a most remote antiqHJty they were brought la CUUliil'L 'With the commerce of the outside world, which jspugtit c~agTjfry fOT the' product of their tuvmlncs. Strabo speaks ol them as exporting also gold, iron, silver, corn, cattle,"" skins, fleeces, and dogs. The barrow tombs which have been opened, to reveal to the people of our generation the secreted relics of that old Celtic life, have shown pottery of graceful forms, rings of gold, and a variety of objects evincing a considerable knowledge of the metallic arts. Thus from various sources we gain the evidence that the Britons had at least reached a point very i'ar above the condi- tions of savages. " ^^^ * Cacs, Comm. v., 12. t Ag. xxi. AGRICOLA. 157 Their government was in the hands of kings, but these ruled over very small dominions. The little province of Kent, the south- eastern corner of the island, was divided among four of these petty sovereigns. The law of descent was apparently not unvarying ; even a woman, as in the case of Boadicea, might attain to the supreme power.* The authority of the chief was undoubtedly limited by the popular assembly which seems to have belonged to the primitive governments of all the Aryan tribes, and which we find in actual ses- sion in the references by Livy to the Gauls of southern France. The priests were, moreover, a most important element in the Celtic con- stitution, forming a power behind the throne which in many cases thrust itself very far to the front. In their warfare the people proved that thny WCTR lacking neither in bravery nor in skill. It is in fact in connection with the accounts of their campaigns that we gain some of the strongest evidences of their advancement towards civilization. Cavalry was a strong arm of their service. They were even more famous, however, for their chariotsTwlnch they used with genuine Homeric energy, driving with terrible shock and uproar against the enemy's lines, aiid then dis- mounting to fight on foot when they found themselves among tTieir foca. The Roman commander and historian felt bound to speak with admiration of the dexterity jwith which they guided and man- oeuvred their horses.-)- He even' lets fall the confession that his heavy-armed legions were by no means a match for such an enemy. The art of fortification was certainly not ignored among them, as the capital of Cassivelaunus was declared by Caesar to have been ex- tremely strong, both by nature and art. After all of Capsar's efforts for thc^subiugation of the island, it ia the verdict of Tacitus that he accomplished little more than to prepare the way for those who were to follow. In religion the ancient Britons were bound fast under the power of the Druids. "What this faith was or whence it came is a question which we can answer only in the most indefinite terms. The analogy of history would suggest that the system was imported from the East, and the character of the faith certainly points to the same conclusion. Tradition has taught us to shudder at the mysteries of its consecrated oak-groves, its superstitious reverence for the mistle- * Caes. Y., 22. t Caes. iv., 33. 158 NOTES. toe, its horrid delight in human sacrifices. It was a faith which un- doubtedly covered some dark superstitions, but it also inculcated some truths of inestimable value. Among these was a belief in one Supreme Beinpfo in th< immortality of the soul, and ill a lUture Btate'oT rewards and pnniahmyjita^ita teaching with regard to thP future including lg " a theory of the transmigration ofjioula. -*Tfi ., pmfoaspri tn refyrpn morals, to secure peace, to encouragxTgoodncss. The Druids had manifestly made some progress in the study of astronomy, and they pretended to possess an extended knowledge of the healing art. Their organization was quite complete, and they gained an influence over their followers which secured to them enor- mous power. Jnesar tellH QH LlmL hi CJHui there wfeH! y mail, postage prepaid, to any Teach- price. Any of the others will be sent on receipt of full retail price. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 16 fc QLAPR17 199! ^r* ^* ^\ ^v fley'B pm ^ Jerome; Augustine; JohnCassian; Leo the <*, with a Lexicon. ISmo. ition. 12ino. torians Ruflnus, Sulpicins, Severas, and Casao. 700 pages. ,'ht.h Edition. 12mo. Notes by W. S. TTLBR, College. 12mo. 180 pp. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 1, 3., UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FAC LITY A 000153025 2 STANDARD CLASSICAL WORKS. Thucydides's History of the Peloponnesian War, according to the Text of L. 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