LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class ^^l crf)tttfcil EDITOR OP THE SEE1ES, PEOFESSOK SILYANUS P. THOMPSON, D.Sc., B.A., M.I.E.E., &c. PEACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, BY FREDK. WM. STREATFEILD, F.I.C., &o,, DEMONSTRATOR OP CHEMISTRY AT THE CITT AND GUILDS OP LONDON INSTITUTE'S TECHNICAL COLLEGE, FINSBURT. With a Prefatory Notice by PROFESSOR R. MELDOLA, F.R.S., F.I.C., FOREIGN SECRETARY OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY. E. & F. N. SPON, 125, STEAND, LONDON. NEW YOEK : 12, COKTLANDT STREET. 1891. PEEFATORY NOTICE. IN modern schemes of Technical Education two dis- tinct classes of students have to be catered for. The day student who has completed his school education, and who is about to qualify himself for some branch of industry in which a knowledge of scientific principles is essential, is enabled to distribute the whole of his time among the various subjects which are likely to be of importance in his subsequent career. There is in addition a large and growing class of students whose daily occupations prevent their attendance at college day-courses, but whose commendable desire for self- advancement leads them to seek instruction at evening classes. For both kinds of students provision has been made at the Finsbury Technical College, and the scheme there carried out was originally framed so as to carry on both kinds of instruction. During the six years that it has been my privilege to be responsible for the teaching carried on in the chemical department of that College, the steady increase in the number of evening students, and the zeal with which men who are engaged all day, often in very arduous occupations, will carry on supplementary work in these evening T~ r* o? VI PBEFATOEY NOTICE. classes, has convinced me that such instruction supplies a distinct want. That the training which the City and Guilds of London Institute has enabled us to impart is of real value, can be amply shown by the numerous records of promotion or of improved positions which the evening students have been enabled to take. Another favourable sign is the fact that a considerable number of day students who have completed their studies, and who have obtained appointments in the London district, re-enter the College as evening students. Of equal or greater significance is the fact that the competition produced by the spread of the Polytechnic movement has had no appreciable effect upon the evening attendances, and this in spite of the fact that we cater for no examination, and that we profess to qualify students in Chemical Technology only. The importance of such a statement will appear when it is remembered that London is not a first-class centre of chemical manufacture, and that in so well- worn a subject as Chemistry there are already in existence numerous evening schools. The general spread of evening instruction appears rather to have had the effect of raising the standard among those attending the College classes. The main point in which the chemical training given at a technical college should differ from the ordinary examinational treatment of the subject is in the greater importance which should be attached to practical work in the laboratory. For this reason the PREFATORY NOTICE. Vll preparation of various inorganic and organic compounds has been made a special feature at .Finsbury as soon as the student has acquired sufficient preliminary skill in qualitative and quantitative analysis. Greater value is attached to the knowledge acquired in this way than to attendance at formal lectures, although a certain number of these are also delivered throughout the session. No student is considered qualified to carry on work in organic chemistry until he has previously been through a course on inorganic chemistry, includ- ing the general elementary principles of the science. Supposing such preliminary qualification to have been acquired, either by attendance throughout one session at the evening inorganic course at the Finsbury College or elsewhere, the student may pass on to organic work, and the various programmes of instruc- tion which are contained in the present little volume will, it is contemplated, be found of use to those who are following up this branch of the subject. The chief practical difficulty which must be experienced by all teachers of chemical technology is due to the very diverse fields of labour in which evening students pursue their daily occupations.* With reference to organic chemistry, for example, the training which is required by a soap-maker is quite different from that required by a brewer or a tar-distiller. After the * With day students no such difficulty presents itself, because these come to us while still young, and for the most part with no definite line of future chemical work in view. Vlll PEEFATOKY NOTICE. general elementary foundation has been laid it is im- possible, therefore, to provide a single scheme suffi- ciently wide to embrace all the chemical industries. For this reason the laboratory work has been sub- divided in such a manner as to meet the wants of the various industries. The programmes which the author has drawn up cover very fairly the elementary principles concerned in all the branches of manu- facture in which organic chemistry plays a part. If the student wishes to limit himself entirely to his own subject, he can do so after he has shown sufficient evidence of knowledge and skill in the general pre- liminaries. If he requires to obtain a wider range of knowledge (and this is in all cases recommended), he can work through all the programmes. This recom- mendation applies especially to day students, who can give more time to, and who are enabled to work more continuously at, the subject. All the experiments described are thoroughly practical, and have been performed by successive classes of students under Mr. Streatfeild's supervision throughout a period of many years. The success with which this method of instruction has been attended in our own College has warranted the belief that the little laboratory com- panion now offered may be of use in other technical schools, and I have great pleasure in commending it to the notice of teachers of Chemistry. K. MELDOLA. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. THE object of this little book is to meet a want which the author has experienced in teaching the rudiments of Practical Organic Chemistry to students who can devote bu little time to the subject. The subject matter of the following "Programmes of Work " has been chosen partly on account of its technical utility, and partly as affording practice in the application of the more important reagents employed in the investigation of the compounds of carbon. The writer wishes it to be expressly understood that the book is only intended to be a laboratory guide, and its use should be supplemented by reference to standard works, or still better by personal instruction from the teacher. For elementary students the author would recom- mend Professor Ira Kemsen's * Organic Chemistry/ or the excellent little book of Professor Emerson Reynolds, 'Organic Chemistry/ pt. iv.* For more advanced * Professor Keynolds little books have been translated into Ger- man by G. Seibert, under the title of ' Leitfaden zur Einfiihrung in die Experimental-Chemie.' They form a series of excellent German Headers for chemical students. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. students, Bernthsen's 'Text Book of Organic Chemistry,' translated by Dr. M'Gowan, will be found very serviceable. In preparing a work, however elementary, an author feels how much he is indebted, either directly or indirectly, to the labours of previous writers, and to those from whom, as teachers or colleagues, he has derived assistance. In the latter category the thanks of the writer are due to Professor H. E. Armstrong and to Mr. J. Castell-Evans. The author wishes to acknowledge the help he has received from many scientific and technical journals, and to certain works dealing with organic analysis, especially to Allen's 'Commercial Organic Analysis.' Thanks are likewise due to Mr. F. C. Kobinson, senior chemical student at the Finsbury Technical College, for the great care and attention he has devoted to the drawings, which for the most part were sketched from apparatus in situ. The author also most gratefully acknowledges the encouragement which he has received from Professor R Meldola, the present head of the chemical depart- ment, who has kindly read all the proof sheets, and has made numerous corrections and suggestions. TO THE STUDENT BEFOKE commencing work, ascertain fully the object in view. Eecollect that the mere preparation of chemical compounds, however beautiful in themselves, is not the sole end and aim of your work. Having clearly understood the purpose of the experiment, then set about its execution in a methodical manner. First, find out as far as possible the properties of the pro- posed preparation. You will then be in a position to fit up the necessary apparatus in an intelligent manner. Great attention must be paid to neatness in fitting up apparatus; corks must be carefully bored, glass tubes must be neatly bent and not unnecessarily long, and all sharp edges must be taken off. Exercise judgment in the selection of flasks, funnels, beakers, dishes, &c. During the progress of an experiment keep your eyes open, and record in your note-book all changes taking place. Weigh or measure, as the case may be, the quantities prescribed. Note the yield of the pro- duct in each case, and compare it with the quantity theoretically obtainable. Examine all crystalline Xll TO THE STUDENT. compounds under the microscope, and see now their appearance tallies with that given in the books. Be careful in your determinations of melting and boiling points ; in short, keep steadily in view the fact that you are qualifying yourself to become an original investigator in Chemical Technology. r - CONTENTS. OPEEATIONS AND ANALYSIS. OPERATIONS. Purification of organic compounds Crystallisation Fractional crystallisation Selection and application of solvents List of solvents Use of charcoal; precautions to be observed in its application Purification of charcoal Eecovery of solvents Determination of melting-point Distillation ; fractional ; steam Determination of boiling-point Subliming-point Specific gravity Specific gravity-bottle Sprengel tube ; Perkin's modi- fication Collection and drying of organic preparations Use of separating-funnel Eefrigerating-funnel Page 1 ANALYSIS. Detection of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, and the halogens Determination of carbon and hydrogen ; modi- fications necessary when the compound contains nitrogen, sulphur, or the halogens Arrangement of the results of analysis Estimation of nitrogen as ammonia and by volume Estimation of sulphur and the halogens Carius's method Determination of molecular weight; method of V. Meyer; method of Eaoult Acids and bases . 22 PROGRAMME I. A STUDY OF OXALIC ACID AND ITS REACTIONS. Preparation of oxalic acid from sugar Sublimation of oxalic acid Determination of water of crystallisation Preparation and XIV CONTENTS. analysis of salts of oxalic acid Titration of oxalic acid by means of potassium permanganate Synthesis of oxalic acid from cyanogen Ox amide Ethyl oxalate Action of phosphorus pentoxide on oxamide Formic acid Copper formate Page 55 PEOGEAMME II. ETHYL ALCOHOL AND ITS KEACTIONS. Preparation of alcohol from malt Detection of alcohol; purifica- tion, separation from water Purification of methylated spirit Selection of dehydrating agents Absolute alcohol Separation of fusel oil from alcohol Estimation of alcohol in beer, wine, &c. Action of reagents on alcohol Sodium ethylate Potassium ethyl sulphate Ethyl ether Ethylene dibromide Acetaldehyde Aldehyde-ammonia Experiments with alde- hyde Aldehyde-resin Oxidation of alcohol to acetic acid; determination of small quantities of alcohol Preparation of chloral Chloroform and its reactions 68 PEOGEAMME III. A STUDY OF THE PREPARATION AND DECOMPOSITION OF ETHYL ACETATE, AND OF THE COMPOSITION AND REACTIONS OF SOME OF THE NATURAL FATS AND OILS. Preparation of ethyl acetate ; study of its decomposition Saponi- fication of a natural fat Preparation of stearic acid Separation of stearic from palmitic acid by fractional precipitation Experiments with stearic acid Salts of stearic acid ; action of solvents on Action of halogens on stearic acid Titration of stearic acid by standard alkali Saponification of olive oil Isolation of glycerol Keactions of glycerol; distillation of; de- termination of carbon and hydrogen in ; distillation of in vacuo Estimation of glycerol by oxidation with alkaline permanganate Allyl alcohol Oleic acid ; action of re-agents on Bromine CONTENTS. XV and iodine absorption Ela'idic acid Elai'din Distinction between drying and non-drying oils Titration of oleic acid Determination of the percentage of potassium hydroxide for the saponification of an oil ; saponification equivalent . . Page 93 PEOGEAMME IV. COAL-TAB AND COAL-TAR PRODUCTS. Distillation of coal-tar Composition of a sample of London tar Fractionation of light oil ; isolation of benzene and toluene Purification of benzene ; action of reagents on Potassium benzene-sulphonate Action of fused potassium hydroxide on sulphonate ; preparation of phenol Separation of phenol from coal-tar Estimation of phenol Action of nitric acid on phenol ; preparation of ortho- and para-nitrophenol Action of phos- phorus pentachloride on potassium benzene-sulphonate ; benzene- sulphon chloride ; benzene-sulphonamide Saccharin Action of potassium cyanide on potassium benzene-sulphonate; phenyl cyanide Action of nitric acid on benzene ; nitrobenene Action of nitric acid on a mixture of benzene and petroleum Action of reducing agents on nitrobenzene ; aniline Experiments with aniline ; salts of Azobenzene Acetanilide Action of halogens on benzene ; monobrom- and dibrom-benzene Action of nitrous acid on aniline : a study of the Diazo-reaction Diazobenzene nitrate ; reactions and decomposition of Sandmeyer's modifica- tion of the diazo-reaction for the substitution of chlorine, bromine, and cyanogen in aromatic compounds Monochlor benzene Monobrom benzene Phenyl cyanide Benzoic acid from ani- line Gattermann's reaction Phenyl isocyanate from aniline Potassium cyanate Action of oxidising agents on aromatic compounds Benzoquinone Phthalicacid Phenol-phthalei'n Anthraquinone Estimation of anthracene Alizarin Cinnamic acid; reactions of Synthesis of cinnamic acid Indigotin Valuation of indigo ; experiments with Isatin ; reactions of Indophenin test for thiophene in benzene 110 INDEX 151 PEACTICAL WOKK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. OPERATIONS AND ANALYSIS. OPERATIONS. Purification of Organic Compounds. Before pro- ceeding to .the investigation of the properties of chemical compounds, it is essential that they should be of definite composition ; that is, they must be ob- tained in a state of purity. For the isolation and purification of the carbon compounds a number of processes are employed, varying according to the nature of the substance to be dealt with. Crystallisation. This process is more frequently made use of than any other, and is effected by dis- solving the substance in some suitable solvent, some- times digesting with recently ignited charcoal to remove colouring matter, filtering if necessary, and allowing the solution to crystallise, concentrating by evaporation if too dilute. The crystals are collected, well drained from mother-liquor, and if still impure recrystallised. Fractional Crystallisation. When two or more sub- A PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. stances occur together, they may often be separated by taking advantage of the different degrees of solubility which they possess in a certain menstruum. The sub- stance is dissolved and allowed to crystallise, care being taken not to form a too concentrated solution. The first deposit of crystals will consist of the less soluble portion. It is filtered off and the filtrate (mother- liquor) concentrated by evaporation, when the more soluble compound will separate out. The successive deposits are then recrystallised each in turn until finally the deposits are found to be homogeneous. This operation is called fractional crystallisation. Selection and Application of Solvents. The selection of a suitable solvent for purposes of purification requires some consideration. The process generally followed in the first instance is to submit a small portion of the material contained in a test-tube to the action of several solvents in succession, until one is found out of which the compound readily crystallises. The following is a useful list of solvents : Water. Dissolves sugars, gums, starch, and other highly organised bodies which are nearly insoluble in ether or alcohol. It also dissolves most organic acids and salts. Alcohol. This substance is largely used as a solvent. Purified methylated spirit may generally replace the more expensive ethyl-alcohol as a solvent. Many organic compounds crystallise well from a more or less dilute spirit. PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 3 Benzene. This is a very useful solvent. Substituted haloid and many nitro-compounds crystallise well from benzene. A peculiar characteristic of this solvent, in which it differs from alcohol and ether, is that many amorphous substances are insoluble in it. " Coal Oil!' The fraction of coal oil after separation of benzene, containing toluene, xylene, &c., is occa- sionally useful when a solvent of a somewhat higher boiling-point is required. Aniline, dimethylaniline, and phenol are sometimes useful solvents. Light Petroleum Oil, consisting principally of the lower boiling paraffins, is also useful. Compounds which are exceedingly soluble in benzene and ether often crystallise well from petroleum. Glacial Acetic Acid. A valuable solvent, and the fact that it dissolves such substances as chromic acid, nitric acid, and bromine, while it is not attacked by them, renders it a particularly useful medium for the moderate application of these reagents to organic compounds. Ether. From its low boiling-point, and from its having no chemical action on most organic compounds ether is especially valuable as a solvent. It has the advantage of dissolving a very large number of sub- stances which are indifferently soluble in other liquids. Chloroform, Carbon disulphide, and Carbon fetra- chloride are occasionally used, but are not often re- sorted to until the commoner solvents have been triefr In particular cases the mineral acids and alkalies are B 2 o * 4 PKACTICAL WOEK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. made use of, but their employment requires great care and judgment, as they often bring about decomposition of the substance. When a suitable solvent has been found, care must be taken in the case of volatile inflammable liquids that the solution of the substance is effected in an appropriate vessel. In the case of alcohol, benzene, ether, &c., it is a good plan to employ a flask attached to a condenser, and the flask had better be heated by means of a water-bath. (A saucepan answers very well ; it should have a piece of cloth at the bottom to prevent the flask touching the metal.) See Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Should it be found necessary to use animal charcoal to remove colouring matter, care must be taken not to add it too suddenly to the hot solution. The solution PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 5 is cooled clown and the purified charcoal added in small portions at a time.* Very serious accidents may happen through care- lessness in this matter ; the hot liquid may suddenly froth up, and, if inflammable and in proximity to a flame, take fire. Should an inflammable liquid be employed in effect- ing a fractional crystallisation, the mother-liquor had better be distilled off to the desired extent ; it is safer than evaporating down in a beaker. Of course, in par- ticular cases these operations have to be modified. Note. Kecovery of Solvents. Most chemical labora- tories where much organic work is done, keep bottles or jars for residues, such as alcohol, ether, benzene, &c. When these residues have accumulated, they may be " worked up " in an appropriate manner. Their recovery offers good practice to a beginner. Determination of Melting-point. The melting-point is a very characteristic property of many solid bodies. If a substance begins to melt at a certain temperature, and does not melt completely at that temperature, experience has shown that it is very probably impure. In working with compounds of carbon, determinations of melting-points are frequently made. In general, a * This is prepared by boiling about 1 Ib. of freshly ground animal charcoal in half a gallon of common hydrochloric acid diluted with one gallon of water, for about two hours. The liquid is filtered through a linen bag, and the residue washed with hot wate.r till free from acid, dried, and ignited to full redness in a closed crucible. It is bottled while still warm and kept carefully dry. PKACTICAL WORK IN OEGANIC CHEMISTEY. sharp and constant melting-point is regarded as evidence of "individualism " and purity in a compound. The determination is made as follows : Small tubes are prepared by heating a piece of scrap combustion tube and drawing it out while hot to a narrow tube. This can be cut up into a number of small tubes about 8 or 4 inches long, and one end of each tube is to be neatly sealed up. These small tubes have thin walls, and must be of such internal diameter that an ordinary thick pin can easily be introduced into them. A small quantity of the substance to be examined (it must le quite dry), is placed on a watch-glass and scooped up by the wide open part of the tube, when, by gently tap- ping the tube, the substance slips down to the bottom, where it forms a little column of about J inch in height. The tube is fastened to a thermometer by means of a little indiarubber band cut from a piece of tubing. The band is placed round the upper part of the tube, and the lower part of the tube containing the substance is placed in contact with the bulb of the thermometer. If the capillary tube is very slender it will adhere to the side of the thermometer by virtue of the capillarity of the liquid in the beaker, and the indiarubber ring may then be dispensed with. A reference to Fig. 2 will show how the thermo- meter and tube are to be arranged. They are sus- pended in a beaker containing either water, paraffin- wax, or sulphuric acid. A piece of glass rod bent into a ring at one end is also provided ; this is to act as PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. stirrer during the process of heating, which is to be very gradually conducted. The instant the substance melts the temperature indi- Fig 2 . Fig. 3. cated by the thermometer is noted. This is the melting- point required. For substances melting above 250 an " air-bath " is very convenient. This can be formed out of a small wide-necked flask and two test-tubes passing one within the other (see Fig. 3). The melting-point tube is fastened to the thermometer by means of a piece of thin wire. Distillation. For the purification of volatile liquids the process of distillation is used. For this purpose we may effect our object by (a) simple distillation, (b) frac- tional distillation, (c) steam distillation. As an illustra- tion of simple distillation we will take the recovery of a solvent, say, benzene. The impure benzene would be placed in a retort or flask connected to a condenser, and the benzene distilled off by the aid of a water-bath. Fractional Distillation. It is often possible to separate almost completely by a simple distillation two liquids occurring together in a mixture, when their boiling- points lie widely apart. The more volatile liquid first passes over, the temperature suddenly rises, and the PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Fig. 4. higher-boiling liquid distils. It is otherwise when we have a liquid consisting of a mixture of bodies boiling very near each other. One distillation only effects a very imperfect separation ; a portion of the less volatile liquid is carried over by the vapour of the more volatile substance, the temperature rising throughout the distillation. In order to carry out the separa- tion of volatile liquids recourse must be had to the process of fractional distillation. It will be evident that if the vapours which rise from a mixture of boiling liquids are somewhat cooled before reaching the con- denser, the less volatile portion carried upwards by the vapour of the more volatile liquid will be partially condensed. If this is allowed to flow back to the retort, a greater proportion of the lower-boiling liquid will be obtained in the receiver. In order to carry out this partial condensation during the process of distillation several forms of apparatus have been devised. A very effective, and at the same time inexpensive, piece of apparatus is that of Hem pel, which consists of a long glass tube containing glass beads or pieces of broken glass. (See Fig. 4.) Fig. 5 is the apparatus of Le Bel & Henninger ; it has PRACTICAL WOKK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 9 side tubes, down which the condensed liquid flows. At the narrow parts of the tube a, b, c, are fixed small cups of wire gauze. Little pools of condensed liquid form in these cups, and this liquid washes, so to speak, the vapour passing upwards ; in fact, a process of fractionat- ing is carried on in these cups by the ascending vapours. In carrying out a fractional distillation, the apparatus is to be arranged as in Fig. 6. Fig. 6. The flask is heated over wire gauze, or, in the case of a very volatile liquid, in a water-bath. If wire gauze is employed, the burner should be placed in a deep tin basin containing sand, in order to absorb the liquid in the event of the flask or retort cracking. 10 PKACTICAL WORK IN OEGANIC CHEMISTRY. The fractionating bulb or tube is fitted with a thermometer, the bulb of which is well below the exit- tube (see Fig. 6). A number of clean dry flasks or bottles, fitted with corks and having blank labels attached, are provided for recording the B.P. of the fraction. In order to indicate the working of this apparatus we will take the rectification of a sample of benzene. Example. 200 ccm. of the sample of benzene are introduced into an 8 oz. flask, a spiral of platinum wire or two or three pieces of broken pipe-clay are added in order that the liquid may boil quietly. The flask is connected to the condenser by means of the fraction- ating apparatus and heat so applied to the retort that the distillate drops from the condenser ; it must not be allowed to come over in a continuous stream. The indications of the thermometer must be carefully noted and the distillate between every five or ten degrees is to be collected in a separate vessel. Each of these fractions is to be redistilled in proper order. Thus, suppose we have the fractions A, B, C, D, E, E. A would first be redistilled, all that comes over within a range of 5 being collected ; B would then be added to the residue of A in the flask, distillation continued as before, C would be added to residue of A and B, and so on until we have principally two large fractions, one boiling 79-82 and the other above 105. The fraction 79-82, which is nearly pure benzene, can . be further purified by freezing, pressing, and redistilling. PKACTICAL WOKK IN OBGANIC CHEMISTRY. 11 Note. In carrying out the process of distillation care should be taken not to employ too great a heating medium, as the vapour in the flask gets superheated and so causes erroneous thermometric readings. The distillation should be conducted in a place as much sheltered from currents of air as possible. Determination of Boiling-point. Just as the melting point is characteristic of many solid compounds, so the boiling-point is a very important physical property of many liquids. It is determined with sufficient exact- ness for ordinary purposes by employing the apparatus used for fractional distillation. The temperature noted on the themometer when the liquid is boiling is the boiling-point. In exact determinations of boiling- points, corrections have to be made for the cooling of that part of the column of mercury which is not in the vapour of the substance. The barometric pressure must also be noted. Steam Distillation. It occasionally happens that a substance is volatile in a current of steam, and by taking advantage of this property a compound can often be very readily isolated and obtained in a pure condition. In the following programmes it will often be adopted, and therefore a description of the apparatus employed may be here given. (See Fig. 7.) A is a tin or copper can ; it is fitted with a cork and two tubes a, b, one (6) conveying steam to the flask B and the other (a) passing nearly to the bottom of the can, and extending about a yard above the cork. It acts , 12 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. a kind of safety tube. The flask is connected to the condenser by the bent glass f'piece D, which in its turn is connected to the condenser by the india- Fig. 7. rubber tube F. The f-piece is closed at one end by the cork E ; this cork can be removed when necessary and a glass rod inserted to remove any obstruction in the condenser. The T-piece an( i condensing-tube can be made of one piece if desired, but is more liable to fracture than if connected as at F by indiarubber tube. When operating the flask B with its contents is heated on a sand-bath and a gentle current of steam passed in, when the volatile substance passes over with the steam and is condensed in the usual way. Sublimation. Fig. 8 represents a convenient form of apparatus for the sublimation of an organic com- pound. A sheet of asbestos cardboard supported on a PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 13 tripod and having a circular hole cut out for the reception of a small porcelain crucible, is covered with an inverted, thin, shallow, flat glass basin, on the top of which a precisely similar glass dish is placed con- taining a little cold water. The substance to be sublimed is placed in the crucible, which is covered with a circular piece of filter paper pierced with pin-holes. (This is to prevent the sublimate from dropping back into the crucible; it is not shown in the sketch.) One of the flat glass dishes is then inverted over the whole, and this again sur- mounted by its fellow, containing a little cold- water, which is renewed from time to time as occasion may require. A piece of moist bibulous paper placed be- tween the two glass dishes greatly facilitates condensation. Matters being thus arranged the crucible is cautiously heated by means of a small burner. Small quantities of substance can often be readily sublimed be- tween two watch-glasses ; a cir- cular piece of filter paper pierced with holes being interposed to pre- vent the sublimate falling back into the lower vessel. A very moderate temperature suffices for the subli- mation of the majority of organic compounds. Sulliming-point. The temperature at which a sub- Fig. 8. 14 r PRACTICAL WOEK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. stance sublimes, called the subliming-point, is sometimes an important characteristic, but its value depends very much on the manner in which the operation is carried out. Determination of Specific Gravity. The determina- tion of the specific gravity of an organic body, liquid or solid, is often a most valuable indication of its purity and identity. The specific gravity of a solid or liquid is generally referred to water taken as unity. For determining the specific gravity of liquids, we may employ either a specific gravity bottle or what is known as a Sprengel tube. A gravity bottle may easily be constructed as follows : A small glass flask with a long neck, constructed from a piece of glass tube by means of the blow-pipe, is fitted with a cork (Fig. 9). The neck of the flask just above the bulb is narrowed by drawing it out in the flame, and a horizontal mark m etched or scratched on it with a file. The bottle, which should have a capacity of about 20-30 com., is thoroughly cleaned and dried ; when quite cold it should be very carefully weighed plus the stopper. It is then filled up to the mark with the liquid under examination ; this can be done by means of a funnel, the stem of which is drawn out so as to allow it to pass through the constricted neck. The bottle with its contents is placed in water and brought to a temperature of 15 -50. Note. Should the water of the laboratory be higher PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 15 than this temperature it can be readily cooled down to the desired extent, by dissolving in the water a few crystals of sodium thiosulphate or ammonium nitrate. After standing in the water for about a quarter to half an hour, the liquid in the flask is so adjusted that the meniscus coincides with the mark on the neck of the flask. The addition of more liquid is made from a small pipette with a capillary tube ; if some of the Fig. 9. Fig. 10. liquid has to be removed a small squill of filter paper may be used to absorb it. When the adjustment has been effected the bottle is removed from the water, dried, and allowed to remain a quarter of an hour in the balance case and weighed. The bottle is emptied, cleaned and dried, and filled as before with cold, recently boiled, distilled water. After adjustment at a temperature of 15 '5 C. it is again weighed. Neglect- ing certain minor corrections, the specific gravity is 16 PEACTICAL WORK IN OEGANIC CHEMISTRY. found by dividing the weight of substance by the weight of water. A very useful and delicate piece of apparatus is Perkin's modification of Sprengel's specific gravity tube. This modification is very readily constructed with the blow-pipe out of glass tube. It consists (Fig. 10) of a U-tube drawn out at each end into a fine capillary. The ends are bent over as shown, one arm having a small bulb blown on it. On this limb just below the bulb a mark is scratched. The tube is dried and weighed, and the liquid drawn in through the limb b until it half fills the bulb on the limb a. The apparatus is cooled down in water at 15, and the meniscus adjusted to the mark a by tilting the tube until the limb b has a horizontal position. From the limb I, the liquid may be absorbed by cautiously applying a piece of bibulous paper until it sinks to the desired position in the limb a. The tube is then dried and weighed, and the operation is repeated with distilled water. In the case of volatile liquids little caps of glass are placed over the ends of the tube. The apparatus is adapted for small quantities of liquid as it can be made to hold from 1-10 ccm. or more. It is very useful for determining the densities of many fixed oils which are solid or semi-solid at the ordinary temperature. The determination of the density of such substances at the boiling-point of water is very convenient for many reasons. The weight of the Sprengel tube and that of the water contained in it PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 17 at 15 '5 C. being known, the tube should be filled with the oil or fat, previously melted if necessary, and sus- pended in a beaker of boiling water, and the adjustment made in the usual way. When the expansion ceases the tube is removed, cooled, wiped, and weighed. The weight of the contents divided by the weight of water at 15 "5 C., previously known to be contained by the tube, will give the density of the oil at the temperature of boiling water, water at 15 '5 C. being taken as unity. There is no necessity to make any correction for the expansion of glass as all the determinations are com- parative. Collection and Drying of Organic Preparations. Some judgment has to be exercised as to the mode of collecting organic preparations from the solutions from which they have separated. Certain well crystalline pro- ducts can be very conveniently collected in the ordinary crystal drainers, or the substance may be collected in a funnel, having a glass stopper or marble placed loosely in the apex (made still more effective by the addition of a little asbestos fibre). It more frequently happens, however, that the com- pound to be collected is in a finely divided condition, not capable of being retained by a loose stopper. A more general method for small preparations is to filter on paper aided by a " filter pump." To carry out this method properly we require some good filter-paper and a supply of parchment paper: The filter-paper is folded in the usual way, but c 18 PKACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. before placing in the funnel it is fitted with a small parchment cone. The mode of fitting this cone is as follows : A small circular piece of parchment paper, rendered pliable by just moistening with warm water, is pierced with a few holes, and theu folded up with the filter-paper in the same way as we should fold a " double filter." The paper is now dropped into a selected funnel (the sides should be inclined at an angle of 60), pressed evenly against the sides, and moistened with water or alcohol as the case may be. The stem of the funnel is now pushed through the caoutchouc cork of the filter-flask, or bottle, the substance brought on the funnel, and the pump gently started. When the parchment cone is properly fitted, it will support a filter filled with liquid under a pressure of an atmosphere without the paper breaking. After the substance has been well drained on the funnel, it may be removed with the filter-paper bodily from the funnel and opened out on some bibulous paper spread on a porous tile, where it may be left to dry spontaneously, or placed in the water or air-oven. The collection and drying of liquid or oily products requires some consideration. For separating two liquids of different specific gravities we may employ a pipette or a separating funnel. A suitable pipette may easily be constructed by the student. A more con- venient apparatus, however, for this purpose is the separating funnel, which consists of a pear-shaped PRACTICAL WORK IX ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 19 (Fig. 11) or cylindrical (Fig. 12) glass vessel, furnished with a tap below and a stopper at the top. The funnel should be cleaned immediately after use, and the tap and stopper slightly greased to prevent them sticking. The application of the funnel for the mere separation of two liquids requires no explanation. The funnel is, however, often applied to other purposes. Suppose that it is desired to effect the separation of a substance from an aqueous liquid by agitation with ether: the former is introduced into the funnel, of which it should not occupy more than one-third, acid or alkali added as may be desired, and then a volume of ether about equal to that of the aqueous liquid. The stopper is then inserted, the funnel grasped in such a manner as to prevent the tap and stopper from falling out, and the whole thoroughly shaken together for a minute or two, and then set aside. As a rule, the contents will readily separate into two well-defined layers, the lower of which is aqueous, and the upper ethereal. Sometimes separation into layers does not readily occur, the liquid remaining apparently homogeneous, forming an emulsion. In such a case the addition of a little more ether and reagitation generally bring about separation. The addition of a few drops of alcohol, or, when admissible, strong hydrochloric acid, followed by a gentle rotatory motion of the c 2 20 PRACTICAL WOEK IN OEGANIC CHEMISTRY. liquid, will almost invariably cause prompt separa- tion. Separation having taken place, the aqueous layer should, if necessary, be run off by the tap into another separator, where it can again be agitated with ether. The ethereal liquid remaining in the separator can be shaken with a fresh quantity of water, made acid or alkaline, which is then tapped off as before, and the ether further washed by treating it with a little pure water. This having in turn been run off to the last drop, the ethereal solution can next be removed by the tap, but a better plan is to pour it out of the top of the funnel, by which means any contamination by traces of water, &c., adhering to the sides of the glass will be avoided. The separated ether may be dried by standing over fused chloride of calcium or other drying agent. Refrigerating Funnel. It occasionally happens that we have to collect a substance melting at a very low temperature (see Purification of Benzene, p. 114). A very useful piece of apparatus for this purpose is described by J. W. Bnihl.* Fig. 13 shows how the apparatus is put together. B is the funnel made by drawing out a piece of wide glass tube, the narrow part being drawn out to a jet ; it is fastened to the tube D carrying the glass tap h, by fusing before the blow-pipe at/. The tube D passes through a cork into the filter-flask E. A is the vessel containing the freezing mixture ; an ordinary bottle * Ber. Deut. Chem. Gesell., 1889, vol. xxi. p. 236. PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 21 Fig. 13. Fig. 14. with the bottom cut off serves for this purpose. The tube a, which can be closed by a clip, is useful for running off melted ice, &c. The glass cover C, furnished with a calcium chloride tube, and fastened to the funnel B by an india- rubber band c, is a needful ad- junct, where it is necessary to freeze a substance out of contact with air or moisture. The funnel is improved and simplified by employing a narrower piece of tube, which can be closed by an india-rubber stopper carrying the calcium chloride tube. The capacity of the funnel tube is in- creased to the desired extent by softening and blowing out before the blow-pipe (see Fig. 14) B'. To use the apparatus the tap h is closed, the cone g of platinum or asbestos placed in position, and the liquid which is to be frozen carefully introduced. The funnel is closed, and the freezing mixture placed in the outer vessel. When properly frozen, the tap h is cautiously opened, when any unfrozen liquid drains into the flask E, previously rendered vacuous by means of the pump. 22 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ANALYSIS. Having briefly described some of the more important operations involved in the isolation and purification of organic compounds, we will now proceed to consider the ultimate analysis of such bodies. Notwithstanding the vast array of the carbon compounds, the number of elements entering into their composition is usually very small. The great majority consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen only. The members of another very large class contain four elements carbon, hydro- gen, oxygen, and nitrogen ; others contain chlorine, bromine, iodine, or sulphur, whilst a smaller proportion contain phosphorus, silicon, or the metals; but these are comparatively rare. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS. Detection of Carbon and Hydrogen. The presence of these bodies may be demonstrated by mixing the sub- stance with recently ignited copper oxide and heating to redness in a hard glass tube. The products of com- bustion are passed first through a cold, dry tube, and then into lime-water. If hydrogen be present it is oxidised to water, which condenses in the tube, while if carbon be present it is burnt to carbon dioxide, of which the presence is shown by the production of turbidity in the lime-water. PKACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 23 Liquid or volatile substances are conveniently ab- sorbed for the purpose of the above experiment by a little recently ignited asbestos. Detection of Nitrogen. Many nitrogenous compounds, when heated with caustic soda or potash, evolve the whole of their nitrogen in the form of ammonia. In certain cases, viz. where the nitrogen is contained as an oxide, ammonia is not generated by heating with an alkali. A general test for nitrogen in an organic com- pound is as follows : A small quantity of the substance under examination (if liquid, a small piece of asbestos fibre is added to absorb it) is heated with a small pellet of sodium contained in a narrow test-tube. A violent action usually takes place, accompanied by deposition of carbon, whilst the nitrogen and a portion of the carbon combine with the sodium, forming sodium cyanide. On dissolving the product in water, filtering, and adding a few drops of a mixed solution of ferric chloride and , inclined upwards in the manner seen in the figure. Through this tube mercury is poured to a height of J inch above the lower opening. The vessel B, holding about 150 ccm., is supported by the clamp, and may thus be placed at any desired height ; B is connected by strong caoutchouc tubing, previously soaked in melted paraffin, with the side tube a. B is filled with a strong solution of caustic potash of sp. gr. 1 5, pre- pared by dissolving potash in an equal weight of water ; .its neck is closed by a cork pierced with a small hole. PKACTICAL WOKK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 41 On closing the tubulus I with a piece of thick-walled caoutchouc tube pinched by a brass clip, and on open- ing the stopcock and raising B, the potash solution Fig. 19. flows over into the burette and completely fills it. The stopcock is now closed, and the vessel B is lowered nearly to the foot of the burette ; the brass clip may then be removed from b without the mercury being forced out. The Process. Introduce a layer, about 5 inches long, of the sodium carbonate and bichromate of potash mixture into the combustion-tube. Insert a plug of recently ignited asbestos, pushing it down to within J inch from the mixture, and afterwards add 2 inches of the coarse copper oxide, and then J inch of the fine oxide. Weigh out about * 2 to 3 gram of the 42 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. nitrogenous substance on to a thin layer of fine copper oxide, contained in the small mortar provided for this purpose, and mix it carefully with an additional quantity of the oxide. Transfer the mixture to the tube, by means of the funnel, without loss, and rinse the mortar and funnel with fresh portions of the fine oxide, adding the rinsings to the tube, employing the feather to brush out final particles. Push down a second plug of asbestos, and then a layer, about 8 inches in length, of coarse copper oxide, and lastly a layer, not less than 4 inches long, of granular metallic copper. Insert another plug of asbestos to keep the copper in position, and introduce the caoutchouc stopper provided with the bent delivery tube. Heat a portion, say the posterior half, of the carbon- dioxide mixture, and drive out the air within the tube by a brisk current of the gas. At the same time com- mence to heat the portion of the tube occupied by the metallic copper, including two or three inches of the pure cupric oxide. As soon as the escaping gas is free from air (which is readily ascertained by allowing a quantity to pass into a test-tube filled with potash solution, when no bubble should be left), and the anterior portion of the tube is well heated, the delivery tube of the combustion-tube is then pushed through 5, and successive portions of the combustion-tube occupied by the mixture of cupric oxide and nitrogenous sub- stance are gradually heated, beginning with the part nearest to the pure copper oxide. As soon as no further PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 43 evolution of gas is observed, and the whole length of the tube (with the exception of the part occupied by the undecomposed carbon dioxide mixture) is at a low red heat, heat the remainder, so as to cause an evolu- tion of carbon dioxide, by which the nitrogen still existing in the tube is expelled. Withdraw the de- livery tube from the tubulus and close the latter by means of the caoutchouc tube and clip. After allowing the gas to remain over the caustic potash solution for about an hour to absorb the last traces of carbon dioxide, the volume of nitrogen is directly measured, the vessel B being raised until the levels of the potash solution in both pieces of apparatus are coincident. The nitrogen may without sensible error be assumed to be dry. Alter correcting for temperature and pressure its weight may be calculated : a litre of nitrogen under the standard conditions of temperature and pressure weighs 1 ' 255 gram. Determination of the Halogens in Organic Compounds. A narrow piece of combustion-tube about 12 inches long is sealed and rounded at one end like a test-tube. A small quantity of coarsely powdered and recently burnt lime (previously ascertained to be pure) is intro- duced into it, so as to occupy a length of 2^ inches. The compound to be analysed, if solid, is weighed out into a thin layer of moderately pow dered lime contained in a small porcelain mortar. The substance is covered with a little more lime, carefully mixed by means of the pestle, and transferred without loss to the tube ; the 44 PKACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. mortar and pestle are then rinsed with fresh portions of lime, and the tube is filled with coarsely powdered lime to within two inches from the open end. Before placing the tube in the furnace tap it gently on the table in order to leave a channel for the escaping gases. The tube is placed in a clean trough, and one end of the furnace is so raised that the open end of the combustion-tube is about three inches higher than the closed end : this allows of the ready escape of moisture, &c. Commence the operation by heating the anterior portion of the tube, and gradually approach the part containing the substance as the lime becomes red hot. Having lighted all the burners beneath it, continue to heat the tube until the whole length is red hot, then push the tube slightly forward so that three or four inches of the open end may cool down. Turn out all the burners, and after a few minutes take the tube from the furnace and plunge it gently, while hot, into a little cold water contained in a moderately thick beaker. The tube cracks and breaks up into small pieces and with ordinary care no loss takes place, nor need any danger be apprehended. Cool down the contents of the beaker and acidify with dilute nitric acid (one part acid, sp. gr. 1*4, to 2 parts water).* * In the estimation of iodine in organic compounds by the fore- going process, it is necessary to add an excess of sodium or potassium sulphite to the contents of the beaker before acidifying with nitric acid. This reduces any iodate which would escape precipitation by silver nitrate. PBACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 45 An excess of nitric acid is indicated by the change of colour of the suspended carbonaceous matter. When all the lime is dissolved the precipitate becomes quite black. The liquid is filtered, the residue well washed, and the filtrate treated with silver nitrate solution and the precipitated silver salt, washed, dried, and weighed. Liquids containing chlorine, &c., are weighed out in bulbs : after the introduction of a layer of lime about 2 g inches long, the bulb is allowed to slide down the tube, which is then filled up with lime. When about half the anterior part of the tube has been heated, expel the liquid from the bulb by gently heating the tube where the bulb is situated, and conduct the re- mainder of the operation as described. The combustion of volatile liquids demands great care and attention ; the operation must not be hurried, or portions will escape un burnt. Determination of Sulphur. Solid substances con- taining sulphur may be decomposed by fusion with potassium hydroxide and pure potassium nitrate. Place a moderate quantity of pure potassium hydroxide in a silver dish, add about one-fifth of its weight of potassium nitrate, and fuse the mixture. Allow it to cool and add to it the weighed quantity of the sulphur compound. Heat gently, and stir continually with a silver spatula, adding from time to time a small quantity of nitre in order to complete the combustion of the carbon. When the mass is cold, dissolve it in water, acidify hydrochloric acid, heat to boiling, and precipitate 46 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. sulphuric acid with barium chloride in the usual way. Cariuss Method. Applicable to the estimation of Sulphur and Phosphorus in solid and liquid compounds. From 0'2 gram to 0'3 gram of the substance is weighed out into a thin glass bulb or small test-tube according to the nature of the body dealt with. The bulb or small tube is brought into a tube of hard glass of about f of an inch in internal diameter, sealed and rounded at one end like a test-tube, together with from 30 to 60 times its weight of nitric acid of sp. gr. 1 2. Note. The tube must not be more than half filled with the liquid. The open end of the tube is now cautiously warmed to expel adhering acid, and then softened in the blow-pipe flame at about an inch from the end ; when the softened gLiss has sufficiently thickened it is drawn out into a thick-walled capillary tube, which is carefully sealed. If the substance is contained in a bulb this may be broken by shaking it smartly against the ends of the tube. Heat the tube to 120-150 for some hours in the air-bath. Allow the bath to cool before withdrawing the tube, wrap it in a towel, and cautiously warm the point so as to expel the liquid which collects in the capillary tube. Soften the end in the blow-pipe flame, the enclosed gases will force their way through the softened glass. Care- fully examine the tube, and if you have reason to believe that the oxidation is incomplete, reseal the tube and heat it to 180 for an hour or so. Allow it to PKAGTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 47 cool, and open with the same precautions as before. If no more gas escapes the operation is finished. Cut off the end of the tube, rinse its contents into a beaker, dilute with water, and, in the case of sulphur, add barium chloride. In the case of phosphorus, add ammonia, ammonium chloride, and magnesia mixture, and convert the precipitate by ignition into magnesium pyrophosphate. Determination of Molecular Weight. The most satisfactory determinations are those in which the compound is volatilised at a temperature well above its boiling-point and the specific gravity of its vapour, i. e. its vapour density referred to hydrogen as unity. The vapour density when doubled gives the molecular weight in accordance with Avogadro's law. The various methods for determining the specific gravity of vapours are assumed to have been described in the course on inorganic chemistry, which the student should have followed before beginning the study of organic chemistry. It may, however, here be stated that the method of Victor Meyer, being simpler and more rapid in practice, is now almost universally employed. It involves the use of the apparatus shown in the sketch (Fig. 20). The long glass bulb-tube is corked at the top, near to which point a side tube is sealed, which serves to deliver gas to the measuring tube full of water and standing in the little trough. The bulb- tube is full of air, which is heated to a constant temperature well above the boiling-point of the 48 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Fig. 20. substances whose vapour density is to be determined. This is accomplished, in the case of a liquid which boils below 100, by immersing the bulb-tube in a steam bath obtained by boiling water or other suitable liquid in the large outer vessel. As the air expands on heating, it is allowed to escape without passing into the measuring tube. As soon as the tem- perature becomes constant, as indicated by no further ex- pansion of the air taking place, the cork is removed from the bulb-tube, a weighed quantity of the substance (0 1 to 2 gram) contained in a small bulb or tube is dropped in,* the cork quickly replaced the time occupied in doing this is so short that no serious error from diffusion arises and the graduated cylinder filled with water is placed over the orifice of the gas delivery tube. The substance is quickly converted into vapour, which latter expels its own volume of air into the measuring vessel. When no more bubbles collect in the graduated cylinder it is removed to a larger * In practice the glass bulb or tube containing the substance is allowed to drop on to a cushion of asbestos or glass wool, arranged at the bottom of the bulb-flask ; this avoids risk of fracture. PEACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 49 cylinder filled with water, the internal and external liquids brought to the same level, and after a time the volume of the air (V) read off. The temperature (t) t indicated by a thermometer whose bulb is placed about half way up and close to the measuring cylinder, and the height of the barometer (B), are at the same time observed ; then if S = weight of substance employed, and w the tension of water vapour at the temperature t, the vapour density of the substance may be found from the following equation : S (1 + 0-0036650 x 587780 Vapour density = ~~TR -r-^ This value, when multiplied by 14*47, is the vapour- density of the compound in terms of hydrogen. When the compound is an acid and its basicity is known, its silver salt is prepared and the percentage of silver determined in it. If the acid be monobasic, then whatever weight of the compound is united with 108 parts of silver is the molecular weight less one atom of hydrogen replaced by silver. In a similar manner the potassium, sodium, barium, lead, or other salts may be employed. In the case of basic compounds, such as ethylamine, aniline, &c., either the amount of substance combined with one or more molecules of an acid is determined by analysis, e. g. the hydrochloric acid in the hydro- chloride of the base, or the amount of platinum con- tained in the double salt which many of the hydro- chlorides of bases form with platinic chloride. 50 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Determination of Molecular Weight by observation of the depression of Freezing-point. The method of fixing the molecular formula of a substance by deter- mining its vapour density is only applicable to a comparatively limited extent, as many substances cannot be volatilised without undergoing decomposi- tion. The method of determining this value by the analysis of salts or double salts, as previously explained, is also inapplicable in the case of compounds which have neither acid nor basic properties. In such cases the probable molecular formula can only be ascertained by a careful study of the chemical and physical properties of the compound, and a careful investigation of a number of its derivatives. This naturally is not very satisfactory, but till recently no other means was at the disposal of the chemist. The following method is due to Eaoult, and is the outcome of some elaborate investigations on the " Law of the sodification of solvents." * Eaoult has shown that the depression of the freezing point of a solvent, caused by the presence of a liquid or solid in solution, is directly proportional to the amount of substance dissolved, and inversely propor- tional to its molecular weight. Thus, let d = depression in degrees C, a = amount in grains of substance of molecular weight M, dissolved in 100 grams of solvent, and R = a constant called the * ' Annales de Cliiiire et de Physique,' 1884-86. PRACTICAL WORK IN OEGANIC CHEMISTRY. 51 "molecular reduction" (to be determined for each solvent). Then Consequently Ka B may also be calculated from Yan't HofFs equation ., _ 0-02T ~L~ (where T = freezing-point of solvent on the absolute scale, and L = latent heat of fusion). In carrying out the operation, any liquid may be used as a solvent provided that it is capable of solidify- ing at a definite temperature and exerts no chemical action on the substance. It suffices merely to know the value of K for that particular solvent and for certain groups of bodies analogous- to the one under experiment. The solvents recommended by Kaoult are water, acetic acid, and benzene. The respective values of K for these solvents with organic compounds (with few exceptions) are as follows : R Water ..... 19 Acetic acid . . . .39 Benzene . . . .49 The accompanying diagram shows a convenient form of apparatus for this operation (Fig. 21). E 2 52 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Fig. 21. A large test-tube, widened out at the lower end, is closed by a caoutchouc stopper, A, perforated with two holes. Through one of these a piece of wide glass tubing, B, passes, in which a stirrer, C C, moves freely up and down. The & thermometer, D, graduated to t^th of a degree C. and observed through a telescope, serves to show the temperature of the liquid, while, by surrounding the tube with a beaker, F, with ice-water, &c., as required, the temperature may be raised a few degrees above, or de- pressed a few degrees below, the freezing-point of the solvent. The Process. A quantity of the solvent sufficient to fill the tube to the extent indicated by the dotted line is weighed out it suffices to weigh to a tenth of a gram the caoutchouc stopper, carrying the thermo- meter and stirrer inseited, and the tube immersed in the outer vessel containing the freezing medium. Near the solidifying point, the column of mercury first sinks slightly, then subsequently a sensible rise takes place ; the mercury remains stationary for at least one minute, and then slowly sinks. This highest point of the thermometer Baoult regards as the true solidifying or freezing-point of the solution. During the whole PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 53 operation the solution must be kept well agitated by means of the stirrer. After the highest point has been noted, the test-tube is removed from the beaker and the contents completely melted by the aid of the water bath. The tube is again submitted to the freezing medium and the solidification point of the solvent re- determined. Tho two readings should agree ; if not, the operation must be repeated. The contents of the tube are now melted, the caoutchouc stopper momen- tarily withdrawn, and a weighed quantity of the substance contained in a small tube or bulb introduced (thin glass bulbs of the form shown are readily broken by means of the stirrer). When completely dissolved the freezing point of the solution is determined as before. (It is sometimes necessary to induce solidifica- tion by introducing a small crystal of the pure solvent, previously frozen in a separate vessel.) It will be found that the introduction of the substance has lowered or depressed the freezing-point of the solvent. From this depression we calculate the mole- cular weight in accordance with the foregoing equation. Example. The following results were obtained with naphthalene Ci H 8 , dissolved in glacial acetic acid (R = 39). Weight of solvent = 101 * grams. Weight of sub- stance = 1*7865 grams. Freezing-point of solvent (3 exps.) . . 16 '100 + substance 15 . _ Depression = 0'505 54 PEACTICAL WOKK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The depression so obtained, calculated for 1 gram substance and 100 grams of solvent, becomes, and 0-505 x 1 X 101 1-7865x100 _ 39 (= B) _ 0286 The true molecular weight of naphthalene is 128. This experiment serves to show the degree of accuracy that may be expected by this method. The results are sufficiently close when the object is merely to control the molecular weight of a substance. PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 55 PROGRAMME I. A STUDY OF OXALIC ACID AND ITS REACTIONS. Preparation of Oxalic Acid. Into a 30-40 oz. flask put 100 grams of lump sugar broken into coarse fragments ; now introduce half a litre of nitric acid, sp. gr. 1 30 ; place the flask on wire gauze, and apply a gentle heat until the reaction begins. A small funnel is placed in the neck of the flask to prevent project ion of the acid by spirting. As soon as the reaction commences withdraw the flame, when the oxidation will proceed with some violence, accompanied by a copious evolution of red fumes. It is occasionally necessary to plunge the flask into cold water to moderate the reaction. The operation must be conducted under a hood, or in some situation where the fumes can cause no inconvenience. After the reaction has somewhat slackened, apply a small flame and continue to heat gently for an hour or so, then set aside in a cool place to crystallise. After standing some time, crystals will separate out. These are to be collected on a funnel plugged with a small glass stopper, allowed to drain, and washed once or twice with a small quantity of cold water, to remove most of the adhering nitric acid. The acid mother-liquor will furnish another crop of 56 PRACTICAL WOKE IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. crystals on careful evaporation. Recrystallise from water the acid thus obtained. After draining well in the funnel, transfer to a pad of filter paper. When the greater portion of the moisture has been removed, the acid is wrapped in a fresh sheet of dry paper, and placed under a moderately heavy weight for a few hours. With the pure substance the following experiments have to be performed : (a) Dissolve a few crystals in water, and test the solution with red and blue litmus paper. (I) Add a crystal or two of sodium carbonate. (e) Heat some in a small test tube with strong sulphuric acid, and prove that both oxides of carbon are formed. (d) Add a few drops of ammonia, and then a solution of calcium chloride. The foregoing tests will suffice to show the identity of the substance produced by the oxidation of sugar, with the oxalic acid of commerce. Oxalic acid can be obtained by the action of nitric acid on many organic substances, such as starch, cellulose, &c. On the com- mercial scale it is manufactured by heating wood shavings or sawdust with potassium or sodium hydroxide to about 250. The resulting mass is extracted with water, which on evaporation to crystallisation gives the potassium or sodium salt of the acid. Sublimation of Oxalic Acid. Commercial oxalic acid very often contains mineral matter; this results from, its mode of preparation. Now the acid, when heated to a sufficiently high temperature, sublimes, and ad- PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 57 vantage is often taken of this fact to obtain a sample of the pure substance. The method of carrying out this operation on a small scale will readily appear from p. 13 (Operations). The acid must be pre- viously dried by heating in the water-oven for some time. Oxalic acid sublimes without decomposition at 150-160 C. Determination of Water of Crystallisation. Crystal- lised oxalic acid contains water of crystallisation, which it loses when maintained at 100 C. for some time. Procure two medium sized watch-glasses with ground edges; they must be of the same diameter, and when placed one over the other should fit perfectly ; they are kept in position by a brass clip. Carefully clean the glasses and clip and weigh them, then, keeping the clip on the balance pan, weigh into one of the glasses about 1 gram of oxalic acid, transfer to the water-oven, and so arrange matters that the watch-glass containing the acid is loosely covered with its fellow. (The brass clip is kept in the desiccator.) After heating for an hour or so, remove from the oven, clamp together by means of the clip, and allow to cool down in the desic- cator ; when cold, weigh. The foregoing operation must be repeated until the acid no longer loses weight, or until the weighings do not differ more than half a milligram. Calculate the percentage of loss. Preparation of Potassium Salt. To about 30 grams of oxalic acid dissolved in water add a solution of potassium carbonate until the acid is neutralised ; filter 58 PEACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. if necessary, and evaporate to crystallisation ; drain off mother-liquor and recrystallise. Collect the crystals in a stoppered funnel, drain, and dry between folds of filter paper. With the resulting salt determine water of crystallisation and potassium. To determine the Potassium : Weigh off about 1 gram of the crystallised salt into a platinum crucible. Place the crucible on a triangle in a slanting position, and add a few drops of strong sulphuric acid ; cautiously decompose by the gradual application of heat, great care being taken that no loss takes place by spirting. The crucible is finally ignited over a Bunsen burner to low redness, and the resulting potassium sulphate weighed. The crucible is again ignited, and so on until a constant weight is obtained. Calculate the percentage of potas- sium in the crystallised salt. Calculate also the equiva- lent of acid (carbon and oxygen) in the anhydrous salt. Preparation of the Calcium Salt. Dissolve about 10 grams of oxalic acid in water, neutralise with a little ammonia, and then add a solution of calcium chloride, collect the precipitate on a filter and wash with cold water until the washings are free from chlorine. Dry at 110, and determine the calcium as sulphate. This operation is conducted as in the foregoing potassium salt. Calculate the percentage of calcium, and the amount of acid (carbon and oxygen) combined with forty parts of the metal. Preparation of Ammonium Salt. Neutralise about 10 grams of oxalic acid with ammonium hydroxide, PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 59 evaporate to crystallisation, and determine the ammonia in a sample of the salt carefully dried between filter paper. To determine the Ammonia: Weigh off 0'2-0*3 gram into a small Wurtz flask furnished with a caoutchouc stopper, wash down the sides of the flask with a little water, and connect with the condensing arrangement shown in Fig. 22. The flask, of about 200 ccm. capacity, and connected air-tight with the N condenser, contains 50 ccm. of standard ^ sulphuric or nitric acid. The flask also carries the small upright tube, containing fragments of broken glass moistened Fig. 22. with water or a few ccm. of the standard acid. When matters are properly arranged, the caoutchouc stopper is removed from the Wurtz flask, and a small fragment (about half an inch) of solid caustic potash added ; the stopper is quickly replaced, and the contents sub- mitted to careful distillation. After about half an hour, disconnect the apparatus, wash down the condenser 60 PKACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and side tube into the flask, and proceed to titrate with standard alkali. During the preparation and analysis of the fore- going salts, the necessary apparatus for estimating the carbon and hydrogen in the oxalic acid may be got ready. See Analysis, p. 21. In particular cases a modification of the programme may be here introduced. The oxalic acid can be titrated by a standard solution of potassium perman- ganate. From the information gained in the analysis of the potassium, calcium, and ammonium salts, it will readily appear that one atom of oxygen suffices to oxidise one molecule of oxalic acid completely into carbon dioxide and water C 2 H 2 4 + = 2C0 2 + H 2 0. A standard solution of potassium permanganate is to be prepared, and its value determined by the usual methods. About 2 gram of the pure crystallised acid is dissolved in a little water, a few ccrn. of dilute sulphuric acid added, and the permanganate run into the solution (warmed up to 60 C.) until a slight permanent tint is developed. Knowing the amount of oxygen available from each ccm. of the permanganate, calculate from your experi- ments the quantity of oxygen required for 100 parts of the acid. Compare the experimental numbers with those demanded by the foregoing equation. Note. The water of crystallisation in the crystallised PEACTICAL WOKK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 61 acid is not represented in the equation, as it is not concerned in the oxidation, but it must be taken into account in the calculations. With the standard permanganate we may estimate the acid (and also the base) in the salts of oxalic acid. A weighed quantity of the salt is digested with dilute sulphuric acid, and titrated with the permanganate. Determine the amount of acid and base in the fore- going potassium and calcium salts. The details of the calculations need no explanation. Synthesis of Oxalic Acid from Cyanogen : A. Formation of Oxamide. Into a hard glass tube, about 8 inches long by J inch wide, sealed and rounded at one end like a test tube, introduce a sufficient quantity Fisr. 23. of mercuric cyanide * to occupy three-fourths of the length of the tube. The cyanide is kept in position by a loosely-fitting plug of asbestos. Fit in a cork and connect up with glass tube, as in Fig. 23. The three * Instead of mercuric cyanide, a mixture of two parts of thoroughly, dried potassium ferrocyanide and three of mercuric chloride may be employed. 62 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. small flasks contain strong hydrochloric acid. Gently tap the tube on the table so as to make a passage for the evolved gases. Place the tube in a small furnace, and gradually heat it along its entire length, beginning at the end nearest the flasks. The heat must be sufficient to cause a steady evolution of gas, which bubbles through the acid in the flasks. Hg(CN) 2 = Hg + (CN) 2 . When the evolution of gas is finished, the apparatus is disconnected at A (note the residue in the tube), and the flasks allowed to stand in a cool place for a few hours. A beautiful white crystaline compound will gradually separate out. This substance is called " Oxamide," and its formation from cyanogen may be expressed by the following equation : C 2 N 2 + 2H 2 = C 2 2 (NH 2 ) 2 . Pour off the acid and wash the oxamide on a filter with cold water until free from acid. Dry in the air-oven. With portions of the product thus obtained make the following experiments, (a) Examine the substance for carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, (b) Test its solu- bility in water and alcohol, (c) Ascertain what happens when heated. Determine quantitatively the carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen in a sample of the oxamide. B. Conversion of Oxamide into Oxalic Acid. Place some oxamide in a small flask with a little water; heat, and add a few drops of potassium hydroxide. PEAOTICAL WOKK IN OEGANIC CHEMISTRY. 63 What gas is given off? When the oxamide has dis- solved, evaporate the solution to crystallisation, and compare the crystals by the aid of a powerful lens or microscope with those obtained by adding potassium carbonate to oxalic acid (p. 57). On applying the usual tests for an oxalate, the pro- duct obtained by the action of potash on oxamide will be found to be identical with ordinary potassium oxalate. The conversion of oxamide into ammonium oxalate may also be effected by heating with water in a sealed tube to 200 C. C 2 2 (NH 2 ) 2 + 2H 2 = C 2 4 (NH 4 ) 2 . Preparation of Ethyl Oxalate C 2 4 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 . Method I. Mix 80 ccm. of strong alcohol with 80 ccm. of con- centrated sulphuric acid, employing for this operation the apparatus described on page 77. When cold, pour on to 40 grams of potassium oxalate contained in a Wurtz flask attached to a condenser; mix well, and distil over about one-third ; return this to the distilling flask and again distil, changing the receiver when about one-third has distilled over. The distillation must be pushed almost to dryness. The first distillate consists of water, alcohol, and a small quantity of ethyl oxalate. To this solution add a little concentrated aqueous ammonia, when oxamide will separate out in the form of a white crystalline powder. C 2 4 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 + 2NH 3 = C 2 2 (NH 2 ) 2 + 2C 2 H 5 OH. 64 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The second part of the distillate is washed with a little water containing a small quantity of sodium carbonate to remove acid, separated from the aqueous liquid, dried over CaCl 2 , and distilled from a small Wurtz flask furnished with a thermometer. Pure ethyl oxalate boils at 186; sp. gr., 1-082. Method II. To about 50 corn, of absolute alcohol add 30 grams of oxalic acid dehydrated at 100 ; warm gently so as to dissolve most of the acid, and into the warm solution pass a current of dry hydrogen chloride. The operation is most conveniently conducted in a tubulated retort to the neck of which is attached a reflux condenser. When the oxalic acid has disappeared, continue to pass the gas for some time and then allow the mixture to stand for some hours. Rearrange the apparatus for distillation and distil off (from a water bath) about a third of the volume. This portion, when treated with ammonia, will furnisli a small quantity of oxamide. The residue in the retort is poured into water containing a little sodium carbonate, when the ethyl oxalate will separate out in oily droplets, which can be separated from the aqueous liquid and dried over calcium chloride, or may be converted into oxamide by treatment with ammonia. Note. The samples of oxamide accumulating in the preparation of ethyl oxalate must be carefully examined and compared with the specimen prepared by the action of hydrochloric acid on cyanogen. Action of Phosphorus Pentoxide on Oxamide. Place PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 65 two or three grams of dry oxamide in a test tube fitted with a cork and delivery tube ; cover the oxamide with a thick layer of P 2 5 ; heat gently, and collect the gas given off in a small test-tube over mercury. The gas is inflammable, burning with a purple flame which will be recognised as cyanogen. Note to Student. What change has the phosphoric anhydride effected ? Preparation of Formic Acid, H-COOH. 100 grams of ordinary crystallised oxalic acid and 100 grams of commercial glycerol (glycerine) dehydrated at 175 C. are heated in a retort of li litre capacity, placed in a brine bath, and provided with condenser and receiver. At about 80 to 90 a brisk reaction begins, carbon dioxide is evolved, and aqueous formic acid distils. When the temperature has beon maintained for some time at 90 to 105 and the evolution of carbonic anhydride has nearly ceased, the contents of the retort are cooled to almost 80 and a further quantity of 100 grams of oxalic acid added. The reaction recommences with the formation of more aqueous formic acid. A quantity of formic acid remains in the retort as glycerol mono- formin. C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 + C 2 H 2 4 = V& 2 R + C0 2 +H 2 0. Glycerol monoformin In order to recover this formic acid, the contents of the retort are diluted with about half a litre of hot water F 66 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and distilled in a brisk current of steam until the dis- tillate has only a faintly acid reaction. C.IT. + H 2 = H-COOH + C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 . Formic acid Fig. 24. On neutralising the united acid distillates by boiling with excess of copper carbonate and concentrating the filtered solution, the copper salt of formic acid is obtained in large bright blue monoclinic prisms. From the salt we may obtain the anhydrous acid by decomposing with sulphuretted hydrogen. A portion of the powdered salt, well dried at 100-110, is intro- duce 1 in a long layer into the inner tube (as wide in the bore as possible) of a condenser loosely stoppered at the lower end by a plug of glass-wool or asbestos. To the end of the condenser a receiver is attached, which is guarded from moisture by a drying tube. The salt is heated by passing steam into the outer tube of the condenser. Sulphuretted hydrogen, washed and dried by passing .first through water and then caaeeatra-ted 1 V c1^ is passed over the salt in not too rapid PRACTICAL WOKE IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 67 a stream. The arrangement of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 24. The copper formate blackens and is slowly converted into copper sulphide and formic acid, the latter flowing down into the receiver. The acid, which retains a strong smell of SH 2 , is further purified by a second distillation over dry copper formate. Formic acid when pure boils at 99 C. ; it has the specific gravity I '223 at 0, and solidifies below C. to colourless plates, melting at 8 6 C. F 2 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. PKOGRAMME II. ETHYL ALCOHOL AND ITS REACTIONS. Preparation of Alcohol from Mali. Procure about two quarts of recently crushed and freshly malted barley, and mix with about 50 grams of powdered starch. IStir up this mixture with cold water in a large evaporating dish until a thin cream is formed. Now place the dish on a sand-bath and apply a gentle heat, which is to be so regulated that a temperature of 65-70 C. may be maintained for some time. With- draw a few drops of the extract at intervals by means of a pipette, and test with a dilute solution of iodine. Note that the colour produced changes as the heating proceeds until the liquid no longer causes a blue tint with iodine, and only affords a reddish brown coloura- tion. The diastase present in the malt, has converted the starch into dextrine and a fermentable sugar termed maltose, 3C 6 H 10 5 + H 2 = C 12 H 22 U + C 6 H 10 5 . Maltose. Dextrine. When this conversion is complete, the solution is no longer coloured by iodine; but a few drops when PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 69 warmed with alkaline copper tartrate solution* cause a precipitate of cuprous oxide, Cu 2 0. (Fehling's test.) The solution in the basin (" sweet wort ") is now strained off, the filtrate being received in a large flask. When the contents of the flask have cooled down to 30 C. add a little fresh brewer's yeast or " barm," and mix thoroughly. Fit a cork, carrying a thermometer and a gas delivery tube, to the flask, and let the tube dip under the surface of some clear lime water con- tained in a cylinder, and protect the latter from the Fig. 25, air by means of a tube containing caustic potash (Fig. 25). Let the whole stand in a warm place so that the contents of the flask may be maintained at a temperature of about 25 C. * Prepared by adding tartaric acid to a solution of copper sul- phate and rendering strongly alkaline by caustic soda. A clear blue solution is obtained if sufficient tartaric acid be added. 70 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. After some time the process of fermentation com- mences, the mixture develops a frothy " head," and much gas is evolved, and, as this passes through the lime water, a precipitate of calcium carbonate will be formed. The evolution of gas ceases after some hours, and fermentation is at an end. Now, observe that the contents of the flask are rather more turbid than they were at first ; in other words, the quantity of yeast has increased during the process of fermentation. Connect the flask which contains the fermented liquid with a condenser, and rapidly distil over about one-third the total volume of liquid. The unpleasant smelling distillate contains the alcohol formed during the process of fermentation. The dilute spirit obtained in this experiment may be concentrated by redistillation. Place the distillate obtained as above in a small flask, add a few drops of caustic potash (to neutralise any acid formed during fermentation), and distil over quickly about half the total volume of liquid. In order to detect the alcohol, warm a small quan- tity of the distillate in a test tube and apply a light to the escaping vapour. To about 30 com. of the distil- late add 4 or 5 drops of a dilute solution of potassium bichromate and then a few drops of sulphuric acid, and warm gently. Note appearance and odour produced. (See " Preparation of Aldehyde," p. 85). A good way to detect alcohol in a dilute solution is PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 71 as follows : Warm the solution to be tested, add a small crystal of iodine and then a solution of caustic potash until the colour is destroyed. On cooling a yellow crystalline powder of iodoform, CHI 3 , is de- posited, having a very characteristic appearance and odour. The production of alcohol and carbon dioxide from maltose during fermentation may be represented as follows : C 12 H 22 U + H 2 = 4C 2 H 6 + 4C0 2 . PURIFICATION OF ALCOHOL. The dilute spirit prepared in the foregoing experi- ment owes its unpleasant smell to a small proportion of a liquid termed " fusel oil"; it also contains many other impurities. The quantity of alcohol obtained is usually too small to attempt a complete purification ; it may, however, be shaken up with a little recently ignited charcoal, decanted off, allowed to stand over quicklime, and then distilled from a water-bath. By this treatment it will be found to have lost much of its bad odour and to have increased in strength. This latter can be tested by taking its specific gravity and reference to tables. Separation of Water from Alcohol ly Fractional Distillation. Mix 100 ccm. of strong alcohol, of known 72 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. specific gravity and boiling point, with 100 ccm. of distilled water. Note to Student. What happens when the liquids are mixed ? Determine the specific gravity of the mixture by means of the "gravity bottle" and, employ- ing a dephlegmating apparatus, proceed to fractionally distil, carrying out the operation as indicated on p. 9. Measure the various fractions obtained, and determine the percentage of alcohol in the principal ones. The strongest spirit obtained by fractional distillation still contains 8-10 per cent, of water. To obtaiu a stronger spirit the principal fractions are poured into a flask containing small lumps of fresh quicklime and allowed to stand over the lime for about 24 hours ; the dehydrated liquid is then distilled off with the aid of a water-bath. The first few ccm. are collected apart ; the rest of the liquid which distils over may then be preserved as a specimen of nearly anhy- drous (its specific gravity should be recorded on the label) alcohol. Purification of Methylated Spirit. This useful sub- stance is a mixture of about 90 parts ethyl alcohol and 10 parts crude methyl alcohol (wood spirit) ; in addition it contains water, " fusel oil," acetaldehyde and acetone. It may be freed from aldehyde and acetone by boiling with 4-5 per cent, of solid potash on the water-bath in a flask fitted with an upright condenser for an hour or two, and then distilling. The alkali converts the aldehyde and acetone into resinous bodies, so that after distilla- PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 73 tion it contains little besides methyl and ethyl alcohols. The spirit may be dehydrated by allowing it to stand over quicklime for 24 hours and then distilling. By repeated treatment with good quicklime, and subsequent distillation, all but a trace of water may be removed ; such spirit is said to be " absolute." Methylated spirit, purified as described, may generally replace the more expensive ethyl alcohol as a solvent. The presence of water in alcohol may be shown by agitating a sample with a little anhydrous copper sulphate, when the salt will become blue if a notable quantity of water be present. A more delicate test is to add a crystal of potassium permanganate ; the formation of a pink colouration indicates water. It may here be added that an excellent process for the complete dehydration of alcohol consists in allowing the spirit, after distilling from lime, to stand over some anhydrous oxide of barium (BaO) contained in a stoppered bottle ; after the latter has removed all the water, the dry alcohol then dissolves some of the oxide, the solution acquiring a yellow colour; it is then distilled. Note to Student. Great care has to be exercised in the selection of a dehydrant. Many substances having an affinity for water cannot be used for drying alcohol ; zinc chloride, calcium chloride, &c., are not suitable, inasmuch as they either combine to form alcoholates or effect decomposition. 74 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Separation of Fusel Oil from Ethyl Alcohol. Redistil from a Wurtz flask fitted with a thermometer, about 200 ccm. of the purified " absolute " methylated spirit which you have prepared in a former operation. Mix 150 ccm. of the distillate, which will be found to boil near 80 C., and for the purpose of this experiment may be regarded as ethyl alcohol, with 50 ccm. of " fusel oil," or amyl alcohol, of which you have previously determined the boiling point (it will lie somewhere near 130 C.) Pour the mixture into a flask of 400 or 500 ccm. capacity, introduce a few pieces of broken tobacco pipe or scrap platinum foil (to prevent " bumping "), insert cork with fractionating column and thermometer, and proceed to fractionate, employing a small " rose " burner, and so regulate the flame that steady and continuous, but not violent, ebullition shall be maintained. Collect in bottles or flasks having blank labels, three or four fractions of about 50 ccm. each, marking them " No. 1 fraction," &c. Be careful to record temperatures. The degree of separation effected by the distillation can be roughly tested by treating the various fractions with water. Put about 5 ccm. of each fraction into separate test tubes, add about 25 ccm. of water to each, and mix thoroughly. State in note-book the result of each experiment. Determination of Alcohol ly Distillation. Into a tared flask which can be connected air-tight to a condenser, weigh about 50 grams of the sample to be tested (beer, PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 75 wine, &c.), neutralise any free acid by cautious addition of sodium hydroxide solution, sufficient being added to impart a slightly alkaline reaction. Now add about ' 1 gram tannin (to prevent frothing) and make up the liquid with water to about 150 ccm. Connect flask to condenser, and distil by a gentle heat, collecting the Fig. 26. distillate in a tared flask of about 150 ccm. capacity, furnished with an india-rubber stopper pierced with two holes through one of which passes the end of the condensing tube, while the other carries a safety tube or funnel, closed by mercury (see Fig. 26). The retort and receiver are thus connected air-tight with the condenser, a certain contraction and expansion of the contained air is permitted, while all loss is prevented. When the distillate has a volume of about 100 ccm. the operation is arrested, and the receiver with its con- tents carefully weighed. Now thoroughly mix the contents, cool to 15 -5 C. (= 60 F.), and determine 76 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the density by specific gravity bottle. Eefer to alcohol tables for corresponding percentage of alcohol, when Weight of distillate x percentage of alcohol found in distillate by table Weight of sample taken. = percentage of absolute alcohol by weight contained in the sample. ACTION OF EEAGENTS ON ALCOHOL. Action of Sodium. Preparation of Sodium Ethylate, C 2 H 5 ONa. Into a small flask containing about 10 ccm. of absolute alcohol throw a small pellet of clean sodium (note what happens), continue the addition of sodium until it no longer dissolves. (What gas is given off?) Apply gentle heat to effect solution of last particle of metal and distil off excess of alcohol. When dry, heat gently in a current of hydrogen, and preserve in a stoppered bottle. Note. Potassium acts on alcohol in the same way as sodium. Action of Sulphuric Acid at different Temperatures. Preparation of Potassium Ethyl Sulphate, C 2 H 5 KS0 4 . To 200 grams cone, sulphuric acid, contained in a beaker or small earthenware jar, add slowly 250 grams commercial absolute alcohol. A reference to Fig. 27 will show how this operation is to be conducted. PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 77 Fig. 27. The alcohol is contained in the funnel, which is connected to a piece of glass tube by means of india- rubber tube having a screw-clip, by which the flow of spirit can be regulated. The sulphuric acid is contained in the beaker, which in its turn stands on a pad of paper, the whole standing in an outer vessel in case of an accident. The manner in which the glass tube is connected to the funnel allows of a stirring motion during the addition of the alcohol. It is unnecessary to cool the beaker, but care must be taken that the end of the glass tube dips well beneath the surface of the sulphuric acid. During the mixing the temperature rises to 80-90. After all the alcohol is added, heat the mixture for an hour on the water- bath, and then allow to stand a few hours. Pour the cold liquid into some water contained in a pan, and add chalk ground into a thin paste with water until all acid is neutralised. It is now filtered and the filtrate, after the addition of lime water until slightly alkaline, is concentrated on the water-bath. When somewhat evaporated a concentrated solution of potas- sium carbonate is added until the calcium is all precipi- tated. The soluble potassium salt of ethyl sulphate is formed and the solution, after filtering from the pre- cipitated calcium carbonate, can be concentrated over 78 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the water-bath until crystallisation begins. By slowly concentrating the liquid, a well-crystallised product may be obtained. The product is collected on a funnel fitted with filter and parchment-cone. After draining thoroughly it is wrapped in dry ing paper and allowed to dry on a porous tile. Weigh the product obtained, and test its solu- bility in water and alcohol. Note to Student. Write out all reactions involved in the preparation of this salt. Preparation of Ethyl Ether, Q 2 g 6 |0. (Action of sulphuric acid at about 140 C.) Mix 100 grams 90 per cent, alcohol with 180 grams Fig. 28, cone, sulphuric acid, employing funnel, clip, &o., as in foregoing experiment. Allow mixture to cool down. Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 28. The PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 79 flask containing the mixture is closed with a cork pierced with three holes ; through one of these holes a thermometer is inserted and dips into the liquid ; through the second a tube is fitted which reaches beneath the surface of the mixture, and is connected at its upper end with a vessel containing alcohol. A bent tube passing through the third hole connects the flask with a long condenser and receiver, both of which must be kept well cooled during the experiment. Commence the operation by heating the mixture, (this must be done cautiously, the fla from Naphthalene. Mix 40 grams powdered naphthalene with 80 grams of powdered potassium chlorate and add this mixture gradually to 400 grams concen- trated hydrochloric acid. Naphthalene tetrachloride, C 10 H 8 C1 4 , is formed in this reaction. Wash with water. 140 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Now add gradually 400 grams of concentrated nitric acid (sp. gr. 1 45), and boil in a flask connected to an inverted condenser. When all is dissolved, distil off the excess of nitric acid, pour into a porcelain basin, add water, and continue evaporation in order to expel nitric acid ; finally distil the residue. Phthalic anhy- dride passes over. Kecrystallise from water. Determine melting-point. Sublime some of the phthalic acid, and determine the melting* point of the phthalic PO anhydride formed (C 6 H 4 0). Phthalic anhydride reacts with phenols, giving rise to compounds known as phthaleins. Phenol-phthalein, C 2 oH 14 04. This interesting sub- stance, now so extensively used as a substitute for litmus in alkalimetry, is prepared in the following manner: Ten grams phthalic anhydride, 20 grams phenol, and 8 grams cone, sulphuric acid (dehydrating agent), are heated together in a small flask to 115- 120 C. in an oil-bath for ten hours. The dark red and semi-fluid mass is poured into water and boiled until the smell of phenol has disappeared. When cool the yellow granular precipitate is separated by filtration, and washed with water. It is then dissolved in dilute sodium hydroxide solution, filtered from undissolved residue, and the filtrate acidulated with acetic acid and a few drops of hydrochloric acid. The solution, after standing a few hours, deposits phenol-phthalein as a light yellow crystalline powder. It is further purified PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 141 by dissolving in dry methylated spirit, adding about half its weight of freshly ignited animal charcoal, and digesting in a flask fitted to an inverted condenser on the water-bath for about an hour. The solution is filtered hot, the charcoal washed with a little hot alcohol, and the filtrate concentrated to about two- thirds of its bulk by evaporation or distillation. To the cooled solution water is added until it becomes turbid (about eight times the quantity of water will be required). The liquid is stirred and filtered to separate it from the resinous matter, and the filtrate evaporated down on the water-bath to expel alcohol. Phenol-phthalien will separate out as a white crystalline powder. Determine the melting-point of a sample, and examine its behaviour with pure sodium carbonate, sodium and potassium hydroxide, and with ammonium hydroxide. Explain fully the following equation : ro C=(C 6 H 4 OH) 2 2C 6 H 6 OH + C 6 H.0=C 6 H 4 < >0 +H 2 O CO Special Note for Student. Phenol-phthalein has been shown to be a derivative of triphenylmethane. The manner in which this relationship has been established forms a nice exercise for the earnest student. Preparation of Anthraquinone. Estimation of An- thracene. The most satisfactory method of assaying /far 0? TH* ^ 142 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. crude anthracene is based on the conversion of the hydrocarbon into anthraquinone by the action of oxidis- ing agents. The operation is carried out as follows : 1 gram of the carefully sampled specimen is placed in a flask of about 500 ccm. capacity connected to an inverted condenser. 45 ccm. of glacial acetic acid are then added, and the contents of the flask FIG. 35. brought to the boiling-point, and while boil- ing a solution of chromic acid is added to it gradually, drop by drop, see Fig. 35. The chromic acid solution is prepared by dissolving 15 grams of the pure acid in 10 ccm. water and 10 ccm. glacial acetic acid. The addi- tion of the chromic acid should occupy about two hours, and the contents of the flask should be kept gently boiling for two hours longer, four hours in all, this being neces- sary to insure complete oxidation of the impurities. The flask is then allowed to re- main at rest for twelve hours, after which the contents are diluted with 400 ccm. of cold water and again left at rest for another three hours. The precipitated anthraquinone is now filtered off and well washed with cold water. It is next washed on the filter with a boiling hot solution of dilute caustic soda (1 part of soda to 100 parts water), and finally thoroughly washed with hot water until the filtrate exhibits no alkaline reaction. The precipitate is now washed from the PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 143 filter by means of a jet of water into a tared platinum dish, the water evaporated off at 100, and the residue weighed. The weight of anthraquinone thus obtained ought not to be regarded as representing pure quinone, as it usually contains a certain proportion of inorganic impurities. Hence, the dish should be gradually heated, so as to completely sublime the anthraquinone, and the residue obtained deducted from the weight previously found. Note. If a funnel be placed over the dish during sublimation, the anthra- quinone will condense on the glass ; the sublimate can be collected and preserved as a specimen. Its melting- point should be determined. Preparation of Alizarin. Weigh out 50 grams of fuming sulphuric acid (45 per cent, anhydride) into a small dry flask, and introduce in small portions an equal weight of finely divided anthraquinone. Keep the contents of the flask at about 160 for 3-4 hours. Dissolve the product in about 1J litre of water, and neutralise with finely powdered chalk made into a thin cream with water ; filter. To the filtrate add a solution of sodium carbonate until no further precipitate is pro- duced, filter, and evaporate to dryness. The salt thus obtained is impure sodium anthraquinone sul- phonate. In an iron crucible (a glue-pot will answer as well) prepare a strong syrupy solution of caustic potash ; heat up to about 200 C. (see p. 116), and add in small portions about 20 grams of the sulphonate. The heating is continued for some hours, and care 144 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. must be taken not to exceed a temperature of 260 C. If the crucible is heated in an oil-bath there is less risk of exceeding this temperature, and the operation is more under control. The formation of alizarin during the fusion of the salt with caustic potash is shown by the dark purple colour of the mass. When a little of this is dissolved in water it should form a beautiful purple-red solution. Continue the fusion until the mass acts in this way. Dissolve in a litre of water and acidify ; alizarin is thrown down in brown amorphous flocks. Filter off, dry, and sublime between watch-glasses. Note. On a commercial scale the sulphonate is heated with strong potash solution under pressure. The fusion requires a long time, and is conducted at a lower temperature. Preparation of Cinnamic Acid, C 6 H 5 CH : CH . C0 2 H, from Liquid Storax. Into a capacious flask connected with a condenser introduce about 30 grams of liquid storax, along with 15 grams of ordinary crystallised sodium carbonate and 250 ccm. of water. Heat to boiling and pass in a rapid current of steam. When about 200 ccm. have been collected, the operation is discontinued. The distillate contains some oily drops of styrene (what is its formula?) which can be separated and preserved. The residual liquid in the retort is poured off from the resinous residue.* * This residue contains an oily substance named " styracin," which is cinnyl cinnamate, C 6 H 3 -CH = CH-COOC 8 H 9 . If then the whole PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 145 The filtrate is mixed at first with just so much dilute sulphuric acid that a very small quantity of cinnamic acid is precipitated along with dissolved resin, and the liquid filtered from this precipitate is treated with excess of sulphuric acid, which precipitates cinnamic acid of a tolerably white colour. It is further purified by dissolving in a largo quantity of water with as little sodium carbonate as possible, and again precipitating, first with a little sulphuric acid, and then, after filtration, with an excess of acid, by which treatment a white precipitate is obtained. Collect and wash with a little water and crystallise from alcohol. Pure cinnamic acid melts at 133 C. Determine melting-point of sample obtained as above. Reactions of Cinnamic Acid. (1) Dissolve a little of the acid in water with the aid of ammonia, boil off the excess of the latter so as to obtain a solution of neutral ammonium cinnamate, and add a few drops of ferric chloride to the solution. A buff coloured precipi- tate is obtained very like that produced by a benzoate ; the two acids are, however, sufficiently distinguished by many other reactions, e. g. manganous chloride material in the flask be distilled with a strong solution of caustic potash or soda, the ethereal salt is saponified and cinnylic alcohol passes over. The milky distillate is saturated with common salt, in whose solution the alcohol is less soluble than in pure water ; an oily layer is formed which afterwards solidifies. Cinnylic alcohol crystallises from water in soft silky crystals, having a sweet taste and an agreeable odour of hyacinths, melting at 33 C., and when carefully oxidised affords first the aldehyde and then cinnamic acid. 146 PRACTICAL WORK IN OEGANIC CHEMISTEY. produces a whitish precipitate with a cinnamate, but not with a benzoate. (Try it.) (2) A solution of cinnamic acid boiled with peroxide of lead or chromic acid gives the odour of cinnamon and bitter almond oil (benzoic aldehyde). Synthesis of Cinnamic Acid. A knowledge of the fact that cinnamic acid affords benzoic aldehyde on decomposition enabled Dr. W. II . Perkin to success- fully employ this substance in conjunction with acetic- anhydride and sodium acetate in the synthesis of cinna- mic acid. This method, which is known as " Perkin's reaction," is applicable to substituted aromatic alde- hydes on the one hand and a large number of fatty acids on the other. 12 '5 grams benzaldehyde, 6*5 grains sodium acetate previously fused and powdered, and 19 grams acetic anhydride, are mixed together in a small flask fitted to a reversed condenser and kept at a gentle boil for about eight hours. After cooling add water and a slight excess of sodium carbonate and distil off any unchanged benzaldehyde. After removing resinous by-products by filtration add at first a small quantity of dilute sulphuric acid, filter, and treat the filtrate with excess of acid, and proceed exactly as in the purification of cinnamic acid from liquid storax. Compare the acid prepared above with that obtained from storax. The manufacture of cinnamic acid has being considerably simplified by Dr. Caro, of Mannheim. PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 141 Toluene is converted into benzylene dickloride by the action of chlorine on the boiling hydrocarbon, and this is heated directly with sodium acetate, when the following reaction takes place C 6 H 5 .CHC1 2 + CH 3 -CO-ONa = C 6 H 5 CH = CH-COOH + NaCl + HOI. The cinnamic acid thus obtained is the starting point for the production of artificial indigo. Preparation of Indigotin, C 8 H 5 NO, from Commercial Indigo. (Operation to be made rouglily quantitative.) About five grams of finely powdered indigo are well mixed in a mortar with an equal weight of pure recently- slaked lime. The mixture is transferred to a stoppered bottle of known capacity (about one litre), the mortar being well rinsed with water which is added to the contents of the bottle. The latter is now heated in a water-bath for some hours and a quantity of powdered ferrous sulphate is added; the bottle is now filled up with hot water, the stopper inserted, and after the contents have been well shaken the whole is left at rest for about 12 hours, till the indigo is reduced and the sediment has sunk to the bottom. A portion of the clear liquor is then drawn off with a siphon, and the quantity of liquid having been accurately measured (say 250 ccm.), it is mixed with an excess of hydrochloric acid and oxidised by forcing a gentle current of air through the solution ; the precipitate is collected on a tared filter and washed with water. 148 PKACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. It is then dried in the water-oven and weighed, and the quantity of indigotin obtained calculated on the total quantity of indigo employed. Experiments with Indigo. The yellow supernatant liquid obtained in the reduction of indigo represents the " cold vat " of the dyer. (1) Take a small piece of white calico, and having cleansed thoroughly in boiling water, soak it in the clear liquid left in the bottle, and then remove into the air. It soon acquires a blue colour. Note. Explain the changes brought about in the foregoing experiments. (2) Drop a little of the pure iudigotiu obtained as above on a piece of heated platinum foil ; notice that it volatilises in purple vapours, leaving little or no residue. Eepeat, using commercial indigo, and notice residue left, (3) Stir up a little indigotin with water into a thin paste and test separate portions with (a) chlorine water, (b) bromine water, and (c) nitric acid, strong and dilute. (4) Treat separate portions of indigotin with strong sulphuric acid and with fuming acid. Preparation of Isatin, C 8 H 5 N0 2 , from Indigo. 250 grams of finely powdered good commercial indigo are stirred up in a large dish to a thin paste with water ; the mixture is then placed over a water-bath and heated up to 90-95 C. Commercial nitric acid is now added in successive portions of about 10 ecru., PKACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 149 until the blue colour has disappeared (from 150 to 180 grams of acid will be required). After each addition of nitric acid it is necessary to wait until the effervescence which is produced is over before adding more acid. If no effervescence takes place, in conse- quence of the indigo being mixed with too much water or not sufficiently heated, and the addition of nitric acid is continued, a violent reaction suddenly ensues when the solution has reached a certain concentration, the mass overflowing the vessel. The operation must not therefore be hurried, and the contents of the dish must be kept well stirred. Hot water must also be added from time to time, to replace that lost by evaporation. When the necessary amount of nitric acid has been added, the solution is mixed with about four times its volume of hot water, and the whole boiled up and filtered as rapidly as possible ; after standing 12 hours the isatin separates in reddish crystalline nodules. The mother-liquor is again boiled up with the un dis- solved residue and filtered, the operation being two or three times repeated. The mother-liquor yields more isatin on evaporation. In order to purify the crude isatin it is neccessary to moisten the crystals with water containing a little ammonia (to remove resinous matter); then wash with a little cold water and crystallise from hot alcohol. Another method of purification, when the isatin is contaminated with much resinous matter, is as L 3 150 PRACTICAL WORK IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. follows : The crude isatin is dissolved in moderately strong caustic potash, and dilute hydrochloric acid added to the solution as long as it forms a black or brown precipitate ; when a portion on filtering is of a pure yellow coliur, and gives a highly red precipitate with hydrochloric acid, the whole solution is filtered off and the precipitation completed by the further addition of hydrochloric acid. The precipitate is collected, washed with water, and crystallised, if necessary, from alcohol. Properties of Isatin. Tsatin does not unite with acids, but plays the part of an acid, exchanging an atom of hydrogen for an equivalent of metal. Of the salts of isatin we may prepare that of silver, which is obtained as a wine-red crystalline precipitate by mixing silver nitrate with an alcoholic solution of isatin. Collect and wash with a little alcohol, and allow to dry in the desiccator. When dry determine percentage of silver. Isatin dissolves in strong sulphuric acid, and this solution is used as a test for thiophene in benzene. Experiment. Agitate a few ccm. of commercial benzene with the solution of isatin in strong sulphuric acid : a deep blue colouration is produced, due to the formation of indoplienin, C 8 H 5 N0 2 + C 4 H 4 S = C 12 H 7 NSO + H 2 0. INDEX. A. ACETANILIDE, 126 , hydrolysis of, 127 Acetic acid, 88 , as solvent, 3 Acrolein, 101 Alcohol, " absolute," 72, 73 , detection of, 70 , estimation of, 75, 88 , preparation of ethyl, 08 , purification of, 71 Aldehyde, 87 resin, 88 Aldehyde-ammonia, 87 Alizarin, 143 Allyl alcohol, 103 Ammonia, action of, on aldehyde,87 , , on benzene sulphon- chloride, 120 , , on ethyl oxalate, 63 , estimation of, 35, 59 Ammonium oxalate, 58 Analysis, organic, 22 Aniline, 123 , reactions of, 124 , salts of, 125 Anthracene, cake, 112 , estimation of, 141 Anthraquinone, 141 sulphonate, 143 Asbestos stoppers, 127 Azobenzene, 125 B. BARIUM oleate, 105 Barium oxide, use of, 73 Beer, estimation of alcohol in, 75 Benzene, 113 , action of reagents on, 114, 121, 127 , action of nitric acid on mixture of benzene and petro- leum, 122 , purification of, 113 Benzenesulphonic acid, 114 calcium salt, 115 potassium salt, 115 Benzenesnlphon-amide, 120 chloride, 119 Benzoquinone, 138 Boiling-point, determination of, 11 Brombenzene, 133 Bromine, absorption by oils, 106 , action of, on benzene, 127 , , on ethylene, 80 Briihl's refrigerating-funnel, 114 C. CALCIUM benzenesulphonate, 115 Calculation of vapour density, 49, 53 of results of analysis, 33 152 INDEX. Carbon, determination of, 24 Carbon dioxide, preparation of, for analysis, 36 Carius's method for halogens, &c., 46 Charcoal, use of, 4 , purification of, 5 Chloral, 89 , hydrate, 90 Chlorine, action of, on alcohol, 89 , preparation of, 89 Chlorobenzene, 132 Chloroform, 91 . , reactions of, 91 Cinnamic acid, 144 . , reactions of, 145 , synthesis of, 146 Cinnyl cinnamate, 144 Cinnylic alcohol, 145 Coal oil, 3 Coal-tar, composition of, 113 , distillation of, 110 Collection and drying of organic preparations, 17 Combustion tube, 25, 39 Copper formate, 66 oxide, 26, 39 powder, 137 Creosote oils, 112 Crystallisation, determination ol water of, 57 . -, fractional, 1 Cuprous chloride, preparation o f , 133 Cyanogen, preparation of, 61 t conversion into oxamide, 61 D. DEHYDRATING agents, selection of, 73 Dextrine, 68 Diastase, 68 Diazobenzene nitrate, 130 perbromide, 131 Diazo-reaction, 130 , Gattermann's modification, 136 , Sandmeyer's modification, 122 Dibrombenzene, 127 Dibromstearic acid, 106 Diethyl oxalate, Distillation, 7 , fractional, 7 iu steam, 11 in vacuo, 100 - of coal-tar, 110 Drying and non-drying oils, 108 E. ELAIDIC acid, 107 Elaidin test, 1C8 Erlenmeyer's combustion furnace, 25 Ether, 78 Ethereal salts, 94 . , action of ammonia on, 63 . , saponification of, 94 Ethyl acetate, 93 bromide, 85 chloride, 82 oxalate, 63, 64 Ethylene dibromide, 80 INDEX. 153 F. FEIILINU'S solution, 69 Fermentation, alcjholic, 69 Filtration, 17 in vacuo, 1 7 Fractional crystallisation, 1 distillation, 7 precipitation, 97 Freezing-point, determination of, 53 Funnel, refrigerating, 20 , separating, 19 Fusions with potash, 116, 143 G, GATTERMANN'S reaction, 136 Geissler bulbs, 27 Glycerol, distillation of, 101 , estimation of, 101 , isolation of, 99 , test for, 100 Glycerol monoformin, 65 Gravity bottle, specific, 14 H. HALOGENS, action of, on benzene, 127 , detection of, 23 , estimation of, 43 Hempel's fractionating column, 8 HofT s, Van't, equation, 51 Hydrobromic acid, action of, on alcohol, 85 Hydrochloric acid, action of, on alcohol, 82 Hydrogen, estimation of, 24 Hydrolysis, 98, 127 INDIGO, action of reagents on, 148 , artificial, 147 , reduction of, 147 , sublimation of, 148 , valuation of, 147 Indigotin, 147 Indophenin, 150 Iodine, absorption by fats and oils, 106 , estimation of, in organic compounds, 44 lodobe^zene, 131 lodoform, 71 loJcstearic acid, 106 Isatin, 148 , properties of, 150 LEAD chromate, use of, in organic analysis, 35 oleate, 104 plaster, 100 stearate, 98 Light oil, fractionation of, 113 Liquid storax, 144 M. MALT, alcohol from, 68 Maltose, e8 , fermentation of, 69 Mashing, operation of, 68 Melting-point apparatus, 7 , determination of, 7 Methylated spirit, purification of, 72 154 INDEX. Meyer's, Victor, apparatus, 47 Molecular weight, determination of, 47 , method of V.Meyer, 47 , of, 50 , by analysis, 49 NAPHTHALENE, action of oxidising agents on, 139 Nitrobenzene, 121 , action of reducing agents on, 123 Nitrogen, detection of, 23 , estimation of, 35, 39 Nitrophenol, ortho-, 118 , para-, 118 Nitrous acid, action of, on aniline, 129 , , on fats and oils, 107 , preparation of, 129 O. OILS and fats, composition of, 94 , drying and non-drying, 108 , saponification of, 94, 99 Oleic acid, action of reagents on, 106 , preparation of, 104 , titration of, 108 Olei'n, composition of, 95 Olive oil, action of reagents on, 107 , saponification of, 99 Orthonitrophenol, 118 Oxalic acid, from sugar, 55 , reactions of, 56 Oxalic acid, salts of, 57, 58 , sublimation of, 56 , titration of, by potas- sium permanganate, 60 Oxalic ether, 63 , action of ammonia on, 63 Oxamide, from cyanogen, 61 , conversion into cyanogen, 64 , into oxalic acid, 62 Oxidising agents, action of, on alcohol, 85 , , on aniline, 138 , , on anthracene, 141 , , on naphthalene, 139 P. PALMITIC acid, separation of, from stearic acid, 97 Palmitin, composition of, 95 Para-nitrophenol, 118 Parchment cone, use of, in filter- ing, 17 Perkin's reaction, 146 modification of Sprengel tub', 16 Petroleum, action of nitric acid on, 122 light oil, 3 Phenol, estimation of, 117 , formation of, from aniline, 130 , , from benzene sul phonic acid, 116 , reactions of, 117 , separation of, from coal-tar, 117 INDEX. 155 Phenol-phthalei'n, 140 , constitution of, 141 Phenyl cyanide, from aniline, 134 , from benzene-sul phonic acid, 120 Phenylisocyanate, 136 Phenylsulphon-amide, 120 chloride, 119 " Phenylsulphonic acid, salts of, 114 Phosphorus, detection of, 24 , estimation of, 24 pentachloride, action of, on potassium benzene sulphonate, 119 pentoxide, action of, on oxamide, 64 Phthalic acid, 139 Pitch, estimation of, in tar, 112 Potassium benzenesulphonate, 114 cyanate, 136 , estimation of, 58 ethylsulphate, 76 oxalate, 58 stearate, 98 Precipitation, fractional, 97 Pumice, " prepared," 27 , silvered, 34 Purification of alcohol, 71 of benzene, 113 of methylated spirit, 72 of organic compounds, 1 Q. QUINHYDEONE, 139 Quinone, 138 R. RAOULT'S method for determina- tion of molecular weight, 50 Reducing agents, action of, on nitrobenzene, 123 Refrigerating funnel, 20 S. SANDMEYEE'S reaction, 132 Saponification " equivalent," 109 , nature of, 94 Soap, detergent properties of, 98 Sodium ethylate, 76 Solvents, selection and application of, 2 Specific gravity, determination of, 14 Stearic acid, 95 , reaction of, 98 , titration of, 99 Stoppers, asbestos, 127 Storax, preparation of cinnamic, from, 144 Stryacin, 144 SuMimation of organic compounds, 13 Subliming-point, 14 Sulphur, detection of, 24 , estimation of, 45 Sulphuric acid, action of, on alcohol, 76, 78, 80 , , on benzene, 114 , , on indigo, 148 , on isatin, 150 156 INDEX. Synthesis of cinnamic acid, 146 of indigo, 147 of oxalic acid, 61 T. THIOPHENE, detection of, in ben- zene, 150 Toluene, separation from benzene, 113 Tribromphenol, 117 V. VAPOUR density, determination of, by V. Meyer's method, 47 W. WATER of crystallisation, deter- mination of, 57 Weight, determination of mole- cular, 47 Triphenylmethane, relation of, to j Wine, determination of alcohol phthalic acid, 141 in, 74 LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARJNG CROSS. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. YB 16745 s