THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS SFAl L. OF CALIFORNIA DEPARl AlENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF watp:r resources EARL WARREN, Governor C. H. PURCELL, Director of Public Works A. D. EDAIONSTON, State Engineer BULLETIN No. 49-A KAWEAH RIVER FLOWS, DIVERSIONS AND SERVICE AREAS 1939- 1949 Prepared under cooperative agreements, dated August 1, 1949, between the Kaueah Delta Water Conservation District, Kaweah River Association and St. Johns River Association and the Division of Water Resources, Depart- ment of Public Works, State of California 1950 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ORGANIZATION 5 FOREWORD 6 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS 7 INTRODUCTION 11 SERVICE AREAS AND CANaL SYSTEMS 13 Service Areas 13 Canal Systems 14 DIVERSION ENTITLEMENTS l8 Criteria Governing Diversions from Kaweah River above McKay Point l8 Criteria Governing the Division of Flow at McKay Point 19 Criteria Governing Diversions from Kaweah Branch below McKay Point 19 Criteria Governing Diversions from St. Johns Branch below McKay Point ... 21 STREAM FLOW AND DIVERSION RECORDS 24 MAP - LANDS UITH IRRIGATION SERVICE FROM KAWEAH RIVER In pocket PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 205 LIST OF FLOW AND DIVERSION TABLES Flows of; 1 Kaweah River near Three Rivers 29 2 Kaweah River at McKay Point 35 3 St. Johns Branch of Kaweah River at McKay Point 41 4 Kaweah Branch of Kaweah River at McKay Point 47 Diversions of: 5 Foothill Ditci near head 53 6 Wutchumna Ditch near head 59 7 Hamilton Ditch near head 65 8 Consolidated Peoples Ditch near head 66 9 Deep Creek near head 72 10 Deep Creek Cut near head 78 11 Crocker Cut near head 83 12 Tulare Irrigation Company Canal near head 89 13 Fleming Ditch near head 95 14 Packwood Creek near bead 101 15 Oakes Ditch near head IO6 16 Evans Ditch near head 112 17 Watson Ditch near head II8 18 Mill Creek below Miller Drop 124 19 Longs Canal near head I30 20 Lanes Slough near head I36 21 Ketchum Ditch near head I37 22 Packwood Canal below head 148 23 Tulare Irrigation District Canal below head I54 24 Metbews Ditch near head I60 25 Barton Cut at head I66 26 Jennings Ditch near head. 170 27 Uphill Ditch near head I76 28 Modoc Ditch near head I82 29 Lakeside Ditch near head I88 30 Tulare Irrigation District Canal near head, from Wutchumna Ditch 194 31 Monthly Diversions by Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation District 200 32 Monthly Total ")lversions to Tulare Irrigation District 202 33 Daily Total Diversions to Tulare Irrigation District 203 34 Daily Diversions to Tulere Irrigation District from Friant-Kern Canal . . 204 (3) ORGANIZATION STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES C. H. PURCELL Director of Public Works A. D. EDKONSTON State Engineer The activity under which this bulletin was prepared is directed by T. B. WADDELL . . .Principal Hydraulic Engineer This bulletin was prepared by THEODORE NEUMAN ... Senior Hydraulic Engineer ARTHUR WALTERS Junior Civil Engineer S. R. DEWSNUP Junior Civil Engineer PAUL HOOD Junior Civil Engineer JOHN L. JAMES Senior Delineator PATRICIA WILEY Intermediate Typist T. R. MEHRYWEATHER, Administrative Assistant All records of measurements of stream flow of Kaweah River (other than the discharge of the Kaweah River at Three Rivers obtained from U. S. Geologi- cal Survey publications) and of the diversion end distribution of water therefrom, together vrlth information and data on the location and description of gaging stations, and criteria governing the diversion, distribution and use of water by individual service areas, presented in this report, have been furnished by HARRY H. HOLLEY, Consulting Engineer, Visalia, California (5) Measurements of the stream flow of Kaweah River and of the diversion and distribution of water therefrom have been made and recorded, more or less continuously during the past thirty-five years, by agencies distributing Kaweah River Water for irrigation use. During the past years, records of these measurements have been made available to, and utilized by, the Division of Water Resources of the State Department of Public Works, through the courtesy of Harry H. Holley and W. R. Bailey, engineer and attorney, respectively, for the Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District, Kaweah River Association, St. Johns River Association and other agencies distributing Kaweah River water. In order to preserve those valuable records in more permanent form and to make them available to interested agencies, both public and private, the Division of Water Resources of the State Department of Public Works in 1939 entered into agreements with three agencies, Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District, Kaweah River Association, and St. Johns River Association, and published the available records through the season ending September JO, 1939 as Bulletin No. 49 "Kaweah River, Flows, Diversions and Service Areas" dated 1940. Records for an additonal ten years, October 1, 1939 through September 30, 1949, are now available, and the State Department of Public Works has entered into three agreements, dated August 1, 1949, with the same three agencies, for the publication of these records as a bulletin of the Division of Water Resources. A copy of each of these agreements is given on the following pages. ^(>) AGREEKENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 1st day of August, 19'^9, by and be- tween the Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District, the party of the first part, and the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Public Works, and its Division of Water Resources, party of the second part; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, for the past ten years measurements of stream flow of Kaweah River, and of the diversions and distribution of water therefrom have been made and recorded by local organizations served thereby and interested therein, and l/HEREAS, compiling, editing and printing these records and other pertinent stream flow data in the form of an official publication of the party of the second part will be both desirable and advantageous to the parties hereto; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto, desiring to cooperate in the conduct of such compi- lation, editing and printing of such report are willing to proceed with same on the condi- tions herein specified. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby mutually agreed as follows, to-wit: 1. Party of the first part shall furnish, or cause to be furnished, to party of the second part, all necessary measurements and records of stream flow of Kaweah River and of diversion and distribution of water therefrom in Kaweah River, Delta, for the period October 1, 19J9 to September JO, 1949, inclusive. 2. Party of the second part shall, at the earliest practicable date, compile and print in the form of a bulletin all the aforesaid records of the measurements and flows of Kaweah River and channels, and of diversions and distribution of waters therefrom in Kaweah River Delta, furnished by or on behalf of the party of the first part, together with the necessary and appropriate maps and other pertinent data for the foregoing period. 3. Party of the first part shall, upon the execution of this agreement, pay to the party of the second part the sum of five hundred dollars, said sum to be used In assist- ing in the defraying of the cost of preparing and printing said bulletin. 4. Such sum received by party of the second part from party of the first part shall be deposited in the State Treasury in the Water Resources Revolving Fund for use in the performance of said preparation and printinf, and is to be subject to expenditure for such purposes on claims presented by party of the second part. 5. In consideration of the payment of the sum of five hundred dollars by the party of the first part, said party shall be supplied by party of the second part, without further cost, with one hundred fifty copies of said printed bulletin upon completion of same, and same shall be completed within six months from date of execution hereof. 6. The obligation of the party of the second part to compile the said bulletin shall be contingent upon the payment to said party of the second pert of the aggregate sum of fifteen hundred dollars (inclusive of said sum of five hundred dollars specified in para- graph 3 hereof) by the three local organizations interested in and served from Kaweah River, to wit; the St. Johns River Association, the Kaweah River Association and the Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District, first party hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed in quadruplicate, by their officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. KAWEAH DELTA WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT By ROBERT BURR Its President APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: MONTGOMERY Chief Attorney, Department of Public Works And by E. B. COE Its Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS C. H. PURCELL Director of Public Works APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: HENRY HOLSINGER Principal Attorney, Division of Water Resources EDWARD HYATT State Engineer DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE APPROVAL: Approved November 14, 1949. JAMES S. DEAN, Director By LOUIS J. HEINZER Administrative Adviser (7) AGREEKENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 1st day of August, 1949, by and be- tween the Kaweah River Association, the party of the first part, and the State of Californlai acting by and through the Department of Public Works, and its Division of Water Resources, party of the second part; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, for the past ten years measurements of stream flow of Kaweah River, and of the diversions and distribution of v/ater therefrom have been made and recorded by local organizations served thereby and interested therein, and WHEREAS, compiling, editing and printing these records and other pertinent stream flow data in the form of an official publication of the party of the second part will be both desirable and advantageous to the parties hereto; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto, desiring to cooperate in the conduct of such compilation, editing and printing of such report are willing to proceed with same on the conditions herein specified. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby mutually agreed as follows, to-wit: 1. Party of the first part shall furnish, or cause to be furnished, to party of the second part, all necessary measurements and records of stream flow of Kaweah River and of diversion and distribution of water therefrom in Kaweah River Delta, for the period October 1, 1939 to September 30, 19*9, inclusive. 2. Party of the second part shall, at the earliest practicable date, compile and print in the form of a bulletin all the aforesaid records of the measurements and flows of Kaveah River and chennels, and of diversions and distribution of waters therefrom in Kaweah River Delta, furnished by or on behalf of the party of the first part, together with the necessary and appropriate maps and other oertinent data for the foregoing period. 3. Party of the first part shell, upon the execution of this agxeement, pay to the party of the second part the sum of five hundred dollars, said sum to be used in assisting in the defraying of the cost of preparing and printing said bulletin. 4. Such sum received by party of the second part from party of the first part shall be deposited in the State Treasury in the Water Resources Revolving Fund for use in the performance of sairi preparation and printing, and is to be subject to expenditure for such purposes on claims presented by party of the second pert. 5. In consideration of the payment of the sum of five hundred dollars by the party of the first part, said party shall be supplied by party of the second part, without further cost, with one hundred fifty copies of said printed bulletin upon completion of same, and same shall be completed within six months from date of execution hereof. 6. The obligation of the party of the second part to compile the said bulletin shall be contingent upon the payment to said party of the second part of the aggregate sum of fifteen hundred dollars (inclusive of said sum of five hundred dollars specified in para- graph 3 hereof) by the three local organizations interested in and served from Kaweah River, to; the St. Johns River Association, the Kaweah River Association, first party hereto, and the Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District. IN WITNESS l.TIEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed in quadruplicate, by their officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. KAWEAH RIVER ASSOCIATION B y HAROLD H. ANDERSON Its President And by E. B. COE Its Secretary APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEP*°TMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS C. R. MONTGOMERY C. H. PURCELL Chief Attorney, Department of Public Works Director of Public Works By FRANK B. DURKEE APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: Deputy Director HENRY HOLSIMGER EDWARD HYATT Principal Attorney, State Engineer Division of Water Resources DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE APPROVAL: Approved December 6, 19*9. JAMES S. DEAN, Director By LOUIS J. HEINZER Administrative Adviser (8) AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 1st day of August, 1949, by and be- tween the St. Johns River AssociatioD the party of the first part, and the State of Cali- fornia, acting by and through the Department of Public Works, and its Division of Water Resources, party of the second part; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, for the past ten years measurements of stream flow of Kaweah River, and of the diversions and distribution of water therefrom have been made and recorded by local organizations served thereby and interested therein, and WHEREAS, compiling, editing and printing these records and other pertinent stream flow data in the form of an official publication of the party of the second part will be both desirable and advantageous to the parties hereto; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto, desiring to cooperate in the conduct of such compi- lation, editing and printing of such report are willing to proceed with same on the condi- tions herein specified. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby mutually agreed as follows, to-wit: 1. Party of the first part shall furnish, or cause to be furnished, to party of the second part, all necessary measurements and records of stream flow of Kaweah River end of diversion and distribution of water therefrom in Kaweah River Delta, for the period October 1, 1939 to September JO, 1949, inclusive. 2. Party of the second part shall, at the earliest practicable date, compile and print in the form of a bulletin all the aforesaid records of the measurements and flows of Kaweah River and channels, and of diversions and distribution of waters therefrom in Kaweah River Delta, furnished by or on behalf of the party of the first part, together with the necessary and appropriate maps and other pertinent data for the foregoing period. 3. Party of the first part shall, upon the execution of this agreement, pay to the party of the second part the sum of five hundred dollars, said sum to be used in assisting in the defraying of the cost of preparing and printing said bulletin. 4. Such sum received by party of the second part from party of the first part shall be deposited in the State Treasury in the Water Resources Revolving Fund for use in the performance of said preparation and printing, and is to be subject to expenditure for such purposes on claims presented by party of the second part. 5. In consideration of the pay-cent of the sum of five hundred dollars by the party of the first part, said party shall be supplied by party of the second part, v.-ithout further cost, with one hundred fifty copies of said printed bulletin upon completion of same, and same shall be completed within six months from date of execution hereof. 6. The obligation of the party of the second part to compile the said bulletin shall be contingent upon the payment to said party of the second p&rt of the aggregate sum of fifteen hundred dollars (inclusive of said sum of five hundred dollars specified in para- graph 3 hereof) by the three local organizations interested in and served from Kav.'eah River, to wit; the St. Johns River Association, first party hereto, the Kaweah River Association and the Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District. IN WITNESS \^fHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed in quadruplicate, by their officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. ST. JOHNS RIVER ASSOCIATION By HAROLD SWALL Its President And by E. B . COE Its Secretary APPROVAL RECOMMEMDED: STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS C. R. MONTGOMERY Chief Attorney, Department of Public Works APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: C. H. PURCELL Director of Public Works By FRANK B. DURKEE Deputy Director HENRY HOLSIMGER Principal Attorney, Division of Water Resources EDWARD HYATT State Engineer DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE APPROVAL: Approved December 6, 1949- JAMES S. DEAN, Director By LOUIS J. HEINZER Administrative Adviser (9) KAWEAH RIVER - FLOWS. DIVERSIONS AND SERVICE AREA S INTRODUCTION The Kaweah River drains a watershed on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada in Tulare County, adjoining that of the Kinps River on the north and the Tule River on the south and extending on the east to a secondary ridpe, parallel to the main backbone of the Sierra Nevada, called the Great Western divide, which sepsrntes its basin from that of the upper Kern River. The headwaters rise in placial lakes alonp the divide near Triple Divide Peak, elevation 12,6^1 feet. The main stream is formed near the town of Three Rivers about ten miles above the heed of its delta, by the confluence of the North, Kiddle and South forks. West of the foothills the river divides into several distributaries, which cross the delta fan and enter Tulare Lake. The basin above the lower edge of the foot- hills is about 2b miles lont with an average width of about 20 miles. The drainage areas on the Kaweah River watershed, above the U. S. Geological Survey gaging station near Three Rivers, are segregated by zones of elevation as follows: Area above elevation 10,000 feet 37 square miles Area between elevations 5,000 and 10,000 feet. .275 square miles Area betv.een elevations 2,500 and 5,000 feet . .141 square miles Area below elevation 2,500 feet o7 square miles Total area above Three Rivers gaging station. .520 square miles The only existing major developments on the Kev/eah River above Three Rivers con- sist of three power plants of the Southern California Edison Company, Kaweah No. 1, No. 2 end No. 3, having installed capacities of 2,500, 3,500 and 3,500 kilovolt amperes, respec- tively. The water supply for Kaweah No. 1 is diverted from East Fork; Kaweah "^lo. 3 diverts near the junction of the Marble Fork and Middle Fork; and diversion for Kaweah No. 2 is made from the Middle Fork immediately below the tailrace of Kaweah No. 3. These plants operate principally upon unregulated stream flow which does not materially alter the re^i- men of the stream below Three Rivers. The minor irrigation development along the Kaweah River above the head of its delta occurs mainly in the vicinity of Three Rivers and ex- tends a few miles up each fork. Water required for the irrigation of citrus and deciduous orchards in this area, aggregating approximately 1,000 acres, is diverted through a series of ditches of small capacity. Lands with irrigation service from Kaweah River, as delineated in distinctive colors on the map accompanying and forming a part of this report, are situate within a gross area of approxir.ately 600 square miles on the easterly slope of the San Joaquin Val- ley, extending some 20 miles north and south and 30 miles east and west. The northerly and westerly boundaries of the area coincide, in general, with the southerly boundary of the Alts Irrigation District end the easterly boundary of the Peoples Ditch Company of the Kings River service area. It is bounded on the east by the Sierra foothills and on the south by the northerly boundary of the Tule River service area and the Corcoran Irrigation District. The extent of the gross area may be roughly outlined by lines joining the towns of Lemon Cove, Woodlake, Traver and Hanford on the north; Hanford, Guernsey and Waukena on the v/est; Waukena and Strathmore on the south; and Strathmore, Exeter end Lemon Cove on the east. The cities of Visalia and Tulare are situate near the center of the main Kaweah River delta area which extends southwesterly from its head near Lemon Cove to the town of I 12 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Uaukena near the Tulare-Kings County Line. Most of the canal served areas are organized as mutual water companies, exceptions being the Tulare and Lindsay-Strathmore irrigation districts. About one and one-quarter miles west of Lemon Cove at McKay Point, the Kaweah River divides into the St. Johns and Kaweah branches, the former traversing the northern portion of the main delta and the latter, the central and southern portions. Gross areas entitled to the use of surface diversions from Kaweah River aggrefate approximately 17*, 500 acres. The total net irrigated area dependent upon the Kaweah River for its water supply utilized by means of surface diversion and ground water extraction, is approximately 155,000 acres. The diversions by individual canals are governed by their relative rights and priorities which have been established through appropriation and his- torical use, court decisions and stipulations. The larger and more dependable part of the stteam flow is diverted mainly through canals which head east of Visalia. This report presents records of all available measurements of the stream flow of Kaweah River, and of the diversion and distribution of water therefrom, made and recorded more or less continuously during the past 10 years by agencies distributing Kaweah River water for irrigation use and by the U. S. Geological Survey, together with data and informa- tion on canal systems owned and operated, and gross service areas and net irrigated areas served, by each agency distributing Kaweah River water. KAVfEAH RITER 1? SERVICE AREAS AND CANAL SYSTEMS Lands with irrigation service from Kaweah River, as delineated by individual service areas in distinctive colors on the map accompanying and forming a part of this report, comprise gross areas served by organized operating agencies aggregating 174,500 acres, only fifty-one per cent of which, or net areas aggregating 89,500 acres, receive canal service in a season of normal run-off. About one-half of the net canal served area has supplemental wells and pumping plants. Additional net irrigated areas not served by canal diversions, aggregating 65,500 acres, have pumping end well service only. Included in these latter areas, are portions of the recently organized Exeter and Lindmore irriga- tion districts. The total net irrigated area dependent upon the Kaweah River for its weter supply, utilized by means of surface diversion and ground water extraction is approxi- matel. 155,000 acres. The major portion of the area is included within the boundaries of the Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District formed for the purpose of conservation and preservation of the underground waters of the Kaweah Delta, together with their sources of supply. The district was organized in 1927 and embraces an area of 259,3t>0 acres in Tulare County and 83,000 acres in Kings County. It is made up of several smaller protective associations, the two most important of which are the Kaweah River Association and the St. Johns River Association. The members of the Kaweah River Association comprise the Consolidated Peoples, Elk Bayou and Farmers ditch companies; Tulare Irrigation District; Tulare Irrigation Com- pany; and Visalia and Kaweah Water Company, which is the operating agency for the Fleming, Oakes, Evans, Watson and Persian ditch companies. The members of the St. Johns River Asso- ciation comprise the Visalia and Kaweah Water Company; Tulare Irrigation Company; Tulare Irrigation District; Paclcwood Canal Company; and Mathews, Jennings, Uphill, Modoc and Lake- side ditch companies. Service Areas There are twenty-seven agencies owning and operating physical works for the sur- face diversion and distribution of Kaweah River water, consisting of nineteen mutual water companies, two irrigation districts, one public utility company, and five privately owned enterprises. The organization of each of the mutual companies provides for the issuance of a specific number of shares of stock, which are held by the individual water users. During the past thirty-five years there have been many stock transfers with the result that, at the present time, certain individual water users receive water from two or three of the companies and relatively large blocks of stock and appurtenant rights to the use of water have been transferred to the irrigation districts, while lands from which the stock has been divorced no longer have rights to the use of surface diversions from Kaweah River. Areas served all or in part by surface diversions from Kaweah River or its branch channels ere set forth by individual agencies in the following tabulation. The sum of the gross service areas amounts to 228,115 acres. However, the total area covered by these agencies amounts to only 174,500 acres on account of the overlapping of service areas. For the same reason, the sum of the net areas irrigated by each agency amounts to 133,155 acres. DIVISION OF WATiiR RESOURCES while the total net irrigated area amouats to only 89,500 acres. The locations of each of these service areas are delineated in distinctive colors on the map. KAWEAH RIVER SERVICE AREAS Channel from which water is diverted Area, in acres : Area or agency ;3et ir-: Gross ripated: Karks-Rice Ditch Kaweah River 130 100: Lemon Cove Ditch Company Kaweah River 1,100 550: Foothill Ditch Company Kaweah River 2,000 770: Wutohumna yater Company Kaweah River and St. Johns Branch 10,500 6,470: Lindsay-Strathmore Irrig. Dist. Kaweah River through Wutchumna Ditch 14,960 8,500: Hamilton Ditch Kaweah Branch }40 170": Consolidated Peoples Ditch Co. Kaweah Branch 16,000 9,780! Farmers Ditch Company Kaweah Branch 12,500 7,200: Elk Bayou Ditch Company Kaweah Branch 8,900 3,830: Tulare Irrigation District Kaweah River, Kaweah Br. and St. Johns Br. 75,300 58,325: Tulare Irrigation Company Kaweah Branch and St Johns Branch 7,300 4,910: Fleming Ditch Company Kaweah Branch and St Johns Branch 1,700 1,290: Cakes Ditch Company Kaweah Branch and St Johns Branch 1,200 920: Evans Ditch Company Kaweah Branch and St Johns Branch 4,500 2,670: Watson Ditch Company Kaweah Branch and St Johns Branch 4,600 2,200: Persian Ditch Company Kaweah Branch and St Johns Branch 6,300 3,150: Packwood Canal Company Kaweah Branch and St Johns Branch 15,000 5,130: Longs Canal St. Johns Branch 880 325: Occidental Life Insurance Co. St. Johns Branch 180 175: Sweeney Ditch St. Johns Branch 540 165! Mathews Ditch Company St. Johns Branch 1,850 1,130: Jennings Ditch Company St. Johns Branch 1,260 595: Uphill Ditch Company St. Johns Branch 1,800 980: Modoc Ditch Company St. Johns Branch 6,700 5,090: St. Johns Ditch Company St. Johns Branch 725 590: Goshen Ditch Company St. Johns Branch 5,550 530: Lakeside Ditch Company St. Johns Branch and Cross Creek Sub-totals 26,300 9.6loi 228,115 133,155! Overlapping areas. . TOTALS .... - 53,015 -43.655: 174,500 89,500! Canal Systems There are thirty-one canals, channels or other main conduits utilized for the diver- sion of water from Kaweah River or its branch channels, four heading on the Kaweah River above McKay Point and twenty-seven below that point, of which twelve head on the Kaweah Branch and fifteen on the St. Johns Branch. Water is distributed from these points of diversion through a complex system of canals owned and operated by the twenty-seven agencies previously enumer- ated, all of which have established rights to the use of water from Kaweah River. In many KAUKAH RIVER 15 Instances, the same main diversior^ conduit serves several agencies. Conversely, some agen- cies receive service through several of the main diversion conduits. All points of diver- sion, main conveyance channels and distributaries, are delineated on the map. Main diver- sion works heading on Kaweah River above McKay Point, in a downstream order, are the Marks- Rice Ditch, Lemon Cove Ditch, Foothill Ditch and Uutchumna Ditch. The latter ditch conveys water for the Lindsay-Strathmore ana Tulare irrigation districts, in addition to water for the Vutchumna Water Company service area. The flow of the Kaweah River at McKay Point is divided by means of a broad crested weir consisting of two sections, each 113.6 feet in length with the same crest elevations, one section crossing the head of each branch, and a controlled by-pass structure at the south end of the Kaweah Branch weir section. The crest of the weir section crossing the St. Johns Branch is equipped with flash boards to make possible the diversion of the entire low flow into the Kaweah Branch. Flows are divided equally between the Kaweah and St. Johns branches, with the exception that once the flow has receded to 80 second-feet in the late summer months, the entire flow, regardless of amount, is diverted into the Kaweah Branch until the first ti-ae it exceeds 80 second-feet after October 1. The main diversion works heading on Kaweah Branch below McKay Point, in a down- stream order, are the Hamilton Ditch, Consolidated Peoples Ditch, Dee? Creek, Crocker Cut, Tulare Irrigation Company Ditch, Fleming Ditch, Packwood Creek, Cakes Ditch, Evans Ditch, Watson Ditch and Persian Ditch. The main diversion works heading on St. Johns Branch, in a downstream order, are the Longs Canal, Occidental Life Insurance Company pump and pipe line, Sweeney Ditch, Lanes Slough, Ketchum Ditch, Packwood Canal, Tulare Irrigation District Canal, Mathews Ditch, Barton Cut, Jennings Ditch, Uphill Ditch, Modoc Ditch, St. Johns Ditch, Goshen Ditch and Lakeside Ditch. All flifiin conveyance channels, together with their maximum diversion capacities, locations of points of diversion, map designation of locations of gaging stations and areas receiving service therefrom, are set forth in the following tabulation. The locations of each of the various points of diversion, main conduits, distributaries therefrom and service areas are delineated on the map. Additional information of points of diversion, locations and descriptions of gagin^ stations, service areas, periods of record and criteria governing diversions are hereinafter set forth at the beginning of each of Tables 2 to 53, inclusive, in which are presented measurements of the diversion and distribution of Kaweah River water. Interim Central Valley Project water delivered to Tulare Irrigation District in 19*9 is given in Tables Ko. 31, 32 and 3*. Canals or canal systems having somewhat complicated multiple points of diversion and service areas include those serving lands in the service areas of Wutchumna Vater Com- pany, Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation District, Consolidated Peoples Ditch Company, Farmers Ditch Company, Elk Beyou Ditch Company, Tulare Irrigation District, Tulare Irrigation Com- pany, Fleming Ditch Company, Oakes Ditch Company, Evans Ditch Company, Watson Ditch Company, Persian Ditch Company, Jennings Ditch Company end Packwood Canal Company. The Wutchamna Water Company diverts through the main heading of Wutchumna Ditch on Kaweah River above McKay Point and also from the St. Johns Branch through Barton Cut. It may transfer the Barton Cut entitlements to its main diversion above McKay Point. Lindsay-Strathmore Irri- gation District now owns 24 per cent and Tulare Irrigation District 11/91 of Wutchumna DIVISION OF UATER RESOURCES DITESSIONS FROM KAUEAH RITER Conveyence channel Mail- diver- sion capa- city in second feet Locati 3n of point 3f diversion Map desig- nation of loca- tion of gaging station Oross service ar se Channel Miles from McKay Point Bank M. I.H. and M. Company agency Acres Town- Ship South Range East Sec- tio.T 1/4 ?l::n Karks-Rica Ditch }.5 Kaweah River 5.5 South 17 28 Jl SB None Marks-Rice Ditch area 130 Lemon Cove Ditch 9.0 Kaweah River 4.5 South 17 28 51 N-U None Lemon Cove Ditch Co. 1,100 Fcrthlll Ditch 20 Kaweah River J.o South 17 27 26 SE 5 Foothill Ditch Co. 2,000 Wutchumne Ditch 260 Kaweah Biver 1.5 North 17 27 54 SE 6 Uutchumna Water Co. Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation Dlst. Tulare Irrig. Dlst. 10,500 14,960 35,500 Hamilton Ditch 10 Kaweah Branch 5.0 South 18 26 12 SE 7 Hamilton Ditch area 340 Consolidateii Peoples Ditch 700 Kaweah Branch 4.5 South 18 26 14 NE 8 Consolidated Peoples Ditch Company Elk Bayou Ditch Co. 16,000 8,900 Deep Creek 500 Kaweah Branch 6.5 South 18 26 22 SU 9 Farmers Ditch Co. Tulare Irrig. Dlst. 12,500 33,500 Deep Creek Cut 300 Deep Creek 7.0 North 18 26 21 SE 10 Tulare Irrig. Dlst. 53,500 Crocker Cut bOO Kaweah Branch 7.5 South 18 26 21 SE 11 Tulare Irrig. Dlst. 53.500 Tultre Irrigetlon Company Canel 200 Kaweah Branch 8.5 South 18 26 20 NE 12 Tulare Irrigation Co. 7,500 Fleming Ditch 20 Kaweah Branch 9.5 North 18 2b 19 NE 1} Fleming Ditch Company 1,700 Peckwood Creek 2 50 Kaweah Branch 11.1 South 18 25 25 NU 14 Packwood Canal Co. 15,000 Oakes Ditch 50 Mill Creek (a continuation of Kaweah Br. ) 11.6 South 18 25 25 NU 15 Oakes Ditch Company 1,200 Evans Ditch 70 Mill Creek 15.0 South 18 25 27 SE 16 Evans Ditch Company 4,500 Uatson Ditch 60 Mill Creek 15.0 South 18 25 27 SE 17 Watson Ditch Company 4,600 Persian Ditch 80 Kill creek 19.0 South 18 24 26 SW 18 Persian Ditch Company 6,500 Longs Canal 40 St. Johns Branch 1.2 South 18 27 5 SE 19 Longs Canal area 880 Ccoldental Life I Co* pump and pipe 2.0 St. Johns Branch 3.5 North 18 26 1 NE None Occidental Life Ins. Company area 180 Sweeney Ditch 10.0 St. Johns Branch 3.5 South 18 26 1 NE None Sweeney Ditch area 540 Lanes Slough (Point of divep- slon transferre tc Ketcfcum Dltc since 19J0.) 100 St. Johns Branch 4.7 South 18 26 2 SE 20 Visella and Kaweah Water Company 18,300 Ketchum Ditch 125 St. Johns Branch 5.0 South 18 26 11 NE 21 Tisalie end Kaweah Water Company Tulare Irrigation Co. 18,500 7,500 Packwood Canal JOO St. Johns Br3nch 5.5 South 18 26 10 NE 22 Peckwood Canal Co. • 15,000 Tulare Irrigation District Canal 500 St. Johns Branch 6.5 North 18 26 10 NU 23 Tulare Irrig. Dist. 75,300 Mathews Ditch 40 St. Johns Branch 12.0 North 18 25 23 NE 24 Mathews Ditch Co. 1,850 Barton Cut 90 St- Johns Branch 13.2 South 18 25 22 SW 25 Wutchumne Water Co- (Lower portion of 1,500 Jennings Ditch 45 St. Johns Branch 13.5 South 18 25 22 SW 26 Jennings Ditch Co. 1,260 Uphill Ditch 60 St. Johns Sranch 15.0 North 18 25 21 NW 27 Uphill Ditch Company 1,800 Modoc Ditch 100 St- Johns Branch 15.5 South 18 25 20 NE 28 Modoc Ditch Co^npany 6,700 St. Johns Ditch 15 St. Johns Branch 17.5 South 18 25 18 NE None St. Johns Ditch Co. 725 CJoshen Ditch 100 St. Jchns Branch St. Johns Branch 19.5 21.0 South South 18 18 24 24 11 J SE SV None None Goshen Ditch Company 5,550 Lakeside Ditch 475 Cross Creek (a continuation of St. Johns Branch. ) 35.0 West 18 23 19 NW 29 Lakeside Ditch Co. 26,300 • Absorbed into Tulare Irrigati KAWEAH RIVER 17 Water Company stock and diversions are pro-rated accordingly. Prior to May 1929, the en- tire water supply of the Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation District was pumped from the Kaweah Well Field. Since that time it has been obtained from both sources. During 1949 an interim water supply from the Central Valley Project was obtained by the Lindsay-Strathmore Irriga- tion District. When a firm supply of water becomes available from the Central Valley Pro- ject, the puaping operations in the Kaweah Well Field will cease, except as stand-by, in accordance with the judgment of the Court. Water is diverted from the Kaweah Branch through the Consolidated Peoples Ditch for the service areas of the Consolidated Peoples Ditch Com- pany and the Elk Bayou Ditch Company. Diversions into Deep Creek from the Kaweah Branch are delivered to both the Farmers Ditch Company and to the Tulare Irrigation District, the latter through Deep Creek Cut. Total diversions to Tulare Irrigation District include Kaweah River water diverted through Wutchumna Ditch; Kaweah Branch water through Deep Creek and Crocker Cut and small amounts from Tulare Irrigation Company by reason of stock owner- ship in that Company; and St. Johns Branch water through Ketchum Ditch, Tulare Irrigation District Canal, and Packwood Canal since 19*9. Central Valley Project water was obtained by the district from Friant-Kern Canal, through Wutchumna Ditch, in 1949. Diversions by Tulare Irrigation Company from Kaweah Branch include water originating in that stream and also water previously diverted from St. Johns Branch and conveyed to the Kaweah Branch through Ketchum Ditch. Fleming, Oakes, Evans, Watson and Persian Ditch companies divert water from the Kaweah Branch originating in that stream and also water previously diverted from St. Johns Branch by Visalia and Kaweah Water Company (their operating agency) and con- veyed to Kav.eah Branch through Ketchum Ditch. The Persian Ditch Company also receives water previously diverted from St. Johns Branch and conveyed to Kaweah Branch through Jennings Ditch. The Persian Ditch Company owns 34.48 per cent of the stock of Jennings Ditch Company and the water represented by this ownership is transferred from Jennings Ditch to Mill Creek near the east city limits of Visalia. Water is diverted through the Packwood Canal from the St. Johns Branch and discharged into the Kaweah Branch above the head of Packwood Creek through wnich it is then conveyed to the service area of the Packwood Canal Company which was absorbed into the Tulare Irrigation District in 1949. The diversion entitlements of Visalia and Kaweah Water Company in Lanes Slough were diverted through Packwood Canal from the summer of 1921 to the fall of 1929, under special arrangements with the Packwood Canal Company on account of excessive conveyance losses in the former channel. Since January, 1930, these entitlements have been diverted through the Ketchum Ditch. 18 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES DIVERSION EMTITLEMENTS A comprehensive ad judicstion has not been made of rights to the use of the waters of Kaweah River and its branch channels. No attempt has been made in this bulletin to de- termine the exact basis of right of the respective diversions. Not all of the flow reaching McKay Point is diverted through canals. Part of the flow percolates from the river channels and subirrigates lands not included in canal served areas, and a considerable portion is contributed to underground reservoirs and subsequently utilized for irrigation by means of wells and pumping plants. Diversion entitlements at the head of each intake are therefore generally related to the flow in each stream channel reaching each of the respective points of diversion. Through the efforts of the interested agencies forming the Kaweah River Asso- ciation, tentative schedules have been adopted at various times during the past 50 years, the- latest on March 24, 193*, for the division, diversion and distribution of net flows reaching each of the respective points of division or diversion on Kaweah Branch, based on appropriation and actual use, court decisions and stipulations and, in several instances, voluntary compromise. Similar schedules for the St. Johns Branch have been set forth during the same period in agreements between agencies forming the St. Johns River Association. In the following paragraphs there are presented in downstream order, the presently recognized criteria governing the rates of diversion through each canal heading as related to the stream flow reaching such points of diversion. Criteria Governing Diversions from Kaweah River above McKay Point Diversions into the Marks-Rice Ditch from Kaweah Branch are based on riparian status and actual use. The usual rate of diversion is J second-feet. The Lemon Cove Ditch Company diverts the first 71 second-feet of the flow of Kaweah River reaching the head of Lemon Cove Ditch. At all Kavreah River stages less than those required for the diversion of 300 second-feet to Consolidated Peoples Ditch (approximately 1,250 second-feet total flow at McKay Point) the Foothill Ditch Company diverts 9 second-feet; at higher stages, total diver- sions into Foothill Ditch are increased to from 12 to 20 second-feet. The Wutchumna Water Company is entitled to divert 15 per cent of the first 500 second-feet of flow of Kaweah River reaching this head of Wutchumna Ditch except that when the result is less than 8 second-feet the entitlement shall be 8 second-feet and with the provision that between June 1 and October 31 of each year when the flow of the river at the head of the ditch is less than 25 second-feet the Company is entitled to divert all the flow of the river. When the flow of the river at the head of the ditch is 500 second-feet but not over 750 second-feet the entitlement is 10 per cent of the excess over 500 second-feet. When the flow of the river at the head of the ditch is over 750 second-feet but not over 1,500 second-feet the entitlement is 7i per cent of the excess over 750 second-feet. When the flow of the river at the head of the ditch is over 1,500 second-feet but not over 2,400 second-feet the entitlement is 2,000 acre-feet in any one year beginning October 1st at a rate of 10 per cent of the excess over 1,500 second-feet. ApproxiTiately 24 per cent of the diversions through Wutchumna Ditch are delivered to the Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation District pipe line heading in the northeast quarter of Section 2, Township 18 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. and M., and approximately 11/91 of the diversions through Wutchumna Ditch (and occasionally surplus water) are delivered into the KAUEAH RIVER 19 Tulare Irrigation District Canal immediately below its heading on St. Johns Branch. Criteria Governing the Division of Flow at McKay Point Flows are divided equally between the Kaweah and St. Johns branches, with the exception that once the flow has receded to 80 second-feet in the late summer months, the entire flow, regardless of amount, is diverted into the Kaweah Branch until the first time it exceeds 80 second-feet after October 1. When Wutchumna Water Company transfers Barton Cut diversions from St. Johns Branch to Wutchumna Ditch above McKay Point, the resulting unbalanced flow at that point is compensated by the release of an equivalent amount into the Kaweah Branch through the controlled by-pass structure. Criteria Governing Diversions from Kaweah Branch Below McKay Point Diversions into the Hamilton Ditch from Kaweah Branch are based on riparian status, court decisions and actual use. The average rate of diversion during the summer snow run-off is 8 second-feet. Since 19*5 the former diversion point has been abandoned and diversion is made by means of a pump situated on the south bank of the river in the southeast corner of Section 12, T l8 S, R 26 E. Diversion is constant during the irrigation season at a rate of 8 second-feet, whenever water is available. Diversions are made from the Kaweah Branch into the Consolidated Peoples Ditch for both the Consolidated Peoples Ditch Company and the Elk Bayou Ditch Company. Diver- sions for the Consolidated Peoples Ditch Company from the Kaweah Branch consist of 60 per cent of the first 200 second-feet of river flow reaching the head of Consolidated Peoples Ditch, 50 per cent of the next 100 second-feet and 40 per cent of the next 325 second-feet; maximum, JOO second-feet. Diversions for the Elk Bayou Ditch Company consist of the first 291 second-feet of river flow reaching the head of Consolidated Peoples Ditch in excess of flows re^jUired to meet the sum of the Consolidated Peoples Ditch Company diversion of JOO second-feet and downstream priorities of 711 second-feet, aggregeting 1,011 second-feet at their respective points of diversion. Diversions into Deep Creek consist of the first 40 second-feet of the flow of Kaweah Branch reaching the head of Deep Creek in excess of 60 second-feet, and one-half of the flows in excess of 100 second-feet; maximum, 290 second-feet. The first 150 second- feet so diverted is assigned to the Farmers Ditch Company; the next 25 second-feet, to Tulare Irrigation District (through Deep Creek Cut). At high river stages, diversions are increased to 200 second-feet by the former agency and to 90 second-feet by the latter. Modifications in these assignments are now under negotiation. Diversions into Crocker Cut for Tulare Irrigation District consist of the first 80 second-feet of the flow of Kaueah Branch reaching the head of Crocker Cut in excess of flows required to meet downstream priorities of 115 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; the next 10 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 80 second-feet and downstream priorities of 137 second-feet, aggregating 217 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; the next 50 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 90 second-feet and downstream priorities of 170 second-feet, aggregating 260 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; the next 80 second-feet ir. excess of flows required to meet the sum of 120 second-feet and downstream priorities of l80 second-feet, aggregating 300 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; and the 2 DIVISION OF Water reSvUrces next 55 second-feet in excess tf flows required to meet the sum uf 200 second-feet and downstream prinrities of 221 sei^i.nd-fect, af-rep.atint: 421 se:;. iid-fe&t at their respective points of diversion. At hifh river sta/jes, total diversic us int. Cr'^cker Cut are increased tc a maximum of approximately J>00 second-feet. Diversions by Tulbre Irrigoti «n Comp&ny crnsist of the first 30 seoond-feet of the flow of Kaweah Branch reachinr the head of Tulare Irrigation Company Canal in excess of flews required to meet downstream priorities aggregating 58 second-feet at their respec- tive points of diversion; and the next JO seoond-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of JO second-feet and downstream priorities of 120 second-feet, aggregating I50 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; maximu'a, oO second-feet. In addition to the foregoing, the Tulare Irrigation Company rediverts through this canal, water pre- viously diverted from St. Johns Branch and conveyed to the Kaweah Branch through Ketchum Ditch. Diversions by the Fleminr Ditch Company comprise the first 6 second-feet of the flow of Kaweah Branch reechinf the head of Fleming Ditch, exclusive of Packwood Canal water; the next 2 seocnd-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 6 second-feet and downstream priorities of 69 second-feet, aggregating 75 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; and the next 4 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 8 seoond-feet and downstream priorities of 92 second-feet, aggregating 100 second- feet at their respective points of diversion; maximum, 12 second-feet. The flow reaching the head of Fleming Ditch includes Kawesh Branch water and also water previously diverted from St. Johns Branch by Visalia and Kaweah Water Company and conveyed to Kaweah Branch thrcugh Ketchum Ditch. Diversions from Kaweah Branch by the Packwood Canal Company into Packwood Creek are comprised principally of waters previously diverted from St. Johns Branch and conveyed to Kaweah Branch through Packwood Canal. Water originating in Kaweah Branch is diverted into Packwood Creek during high water stages, only. The Oakes Ditch Company diverts the first 5 second-feet of the flow in Mill Creek (an extension of Kaweah Branch) reaching the head of Oakes Ditch in excess of flows required to meet downstream priorities aggregating J2 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; the next J second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 5 second-feet and downstream priorities of 64 seoond-feet, aggregating 69 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; the next J second-feet in excess 01 flows re- quired to meet the sum of 8 second-feet and downstream priorities of 84 second-feet, ag- gregating 92 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; and the next J second- feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 11 second-feet and downstream priori- ties of 129 second-feet, aggregating 140 second-feet at their respective points of diver- sion; maximum, 14 second-feet. The flow reaching the head of Oakes Ditch includes Kaweah Branch water and also water previously diverted from St. Johns Branch by Visalia and Kaweah Water Company and conveyed to Kaweah Branch through Ketchum Ditch. During high river stages, total diversions are increased to a maximum of I8 seoond-feet. The Evans and Watson Ditch companies have a common point of diversion. Each Company diverts one-half of the first 52 seccnd-feet of the flow of Mill Creek reaching the head of Svans-Uatson Ditch; one-half of the next 22 second-feet in excess of flows KAWEAH RIVER 21 required to meet the sum of 32 second-feet and downstream priorities of 15 seoond-feet, aggregating 47 seoond-feet at their respective points of diversion; one-half of the next 33 second-feet in excess of flov;s required to meet the sum of 54 second-feet and down- stream priorities of 35 second-feet, affregating 89 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; and one-half of the next 6 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 89 second-feet and downstream priorities of 40 second-feet, aggregating 129 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; each maximum, 47^ second-feet. Flows reaching the head of Evans-Watson Ditch include Kaweah Branch water and also water pre- viously diverted from St. Johns Branch by Visalia and Kaweah Water Company and conveyed to Kaweah Branch through Ketchum Ditch. At high river stages, diversions into the Evans Ditch are increased to a maximum of 57 second-feet. The Persian Ditch Company diverts the first 40 tecond-feet of the flow in Mill Creek reaching the head of Persian Ditch. The flow in Mill Creek reaching the head of Per- sian Ditch includes a portion of the water previously diverted from St. Johns Branch and conveyed to the Kaweah Branch through Ketchum Ditch by Visalia and Kaweah Water Company and, in addition to the 40 second-feet, water previously diverted from St. Johns Branch and conveyed to Kaweah Branch through Jennings Ditch by the Jennings Ditch Company. The Persian Ditch Company owns 25 per cent of the Jennings Ditch Company stock and diversions are pro-rated accordingly. Criteria Governing Diversions from St. Johns Branch below McKay Point Diversions into the Longs Canal since 1958 have been by a pump situated on the south bank of St. Johns River at the head of the canal. The maximum possible diversion is about 15 second-feet. The Occidental Life Insurance Company diverts through its pipe line the first 2 second-fett of the flow of St. Johns Branch reaching the intake of its pump in excess of downstream priorities of 60 second-feet. Diversions into Sweeney Ditch comprise the first 8 second-feet of the flow of St. Johns Branch reaching the head of Sweeney Ditch in excess of downstream priorities of 60 second-feet. The use of Lanes Slough as a diversion channel was discontinued in the sumner of 1921 and the water entitlements of Visalia and Kaweah Water Company appertaining thereto were diverted through the Packwood Canal until January, 1950, subsequent to which they have been diverted through the Ketchum Ditch. The first 60 second-feet of the flow of St. Johns Branch reaching the head of Ketchum Ditch is diverted for the use of agencies comprising the Visalia and Kaweah Water Company. This rate of diversion is continued until the river flow at the head of Lanes Slough exceeds 200 second-feet when diversions for those agen- cies are terminated. When the river flow exceeds 200 seoond-feet, the Tulare Irrigation Company diverts 55 second-feet through Ketchum Ditch; the next 5 second-feet in excess of 300 second-feet; the next 5 second-feet in excess of 400 second-feet; the next 5 second- fe^t in excess of 500 second-feet; the next 5 second-feet in excess of 600 second-feet; 22 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES and the next 5 second-feet in excess of 700 second-feet; maximum, 60 second-feet. Undi- verted portions of diversion entitlements of Tulare Irrigation District, through other canals, were diverted through Ketchum Ditch during the years ending September 30, 1936 and 1937. The Packwood Canal Company diverts the first 125 second-feet of the flow of St. Johns Branch reaching the head of Packwood Canal in excess of flows required to meet down- stream priorities aggregating 664 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; and the next 75 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 125 second-feet and downstream priorities of 93? second-feet, aggregating 1,057 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; maximum, 200 second-feet. On account of excessive channel losses in Lanes Slough, the diversion entitlements of Visalia and Kaweah Water Company in that channel were diverted througli Packwood Canal from the summer of 1921 to the fall of 1929 under special arrangement with the Packwood Canal Company. Since January, 1930, these entitle- ments have been diverted through Ketchum Ditch. Tulare Irrigation District diverts the first 138 second-feet of the flow of St. Johns Branch reaching the head of Tulare Irrigation District Canal in excess of flows re- quired to meet downstream priorities aggregating 526 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; the next 22 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 138 second-feet and downstream priorities of 726 second-feet, aggregating 864. second-feet at their respective points of diversion; and the next 90 second-feet in excess of flows re- quired to meet the sum of IbO second-feet and downstream priorities of 772 second-feet, aggregating 932 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; maximum, 250 second- feet. The Mathews Ditch Company diverts the first 17 second-feet of the flow of St. Johns Branch reaching the head of Mathews Ditch; the next 8 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 17 second-feet and downstream priorities of 587 second-feet, aggregating 604 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; and the next 5 second- feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 25 second-feet and downstream priori- ties of 597 second-feet, aggregating 622 second-feet at their respective points of diver- sion; maximum 30 second-feet. Diversions thru Barton Cut from St. Johns Branch by Wutchumna Water Company are 50 second-feet after upstream priorities of 67 second-feet and priorities of IO3 second-feet have been or can be supplied and 60 second-feet after upstream priorities of 75 second-feet and downstream priorities of IO3 second-feet have been or can be supplied with the exceptions that no diversion can be made when the flow of the river at the head of Lanes Slough is less than 200 second-feet. Any part or all of this diversion may be transferred to the main head of Wutchumna Ditch above McKay Point upon notice. After 1945 all diversion rights in the St. Johns River v.ere transferred to the main head of Wutchumna Ditch above Mc- Kay Point. (Table No. 6) The Jennings Ditch Company diverts the first 39 second-feet of the flow of St. Johns Branch reaching the head of Jennings Ditch when the flow of said branch at Ketchum KAUEAH RIVER 2? Ditch does not exceed 200 second-feet, which rate of diversion is decreased to 54 second- feet when the flow of St. Johns Branch at Ketchum Ditch exceeds 200 second-feet; and the next 5 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 54 second-feet and down- stream priorities of 97 second-feet, aggregating 151 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; maximum, 59 second-feet. The Uphill Ditch Company diverts the first 20 second-feet of the flow of St. Johns Branch reaching the head of Uphill Ditch in excess of flows required to meet down- stream priorities aggregating 44 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; the next 8 second-feet in excess of flows re^iuired to meet the sum of 20 second-feet and down- stream priorities of 64 seoond-feet, aggregating 84 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; the next 2 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 28 secoad-feet and downstream priorities of 6? second-feet, aggregating 95 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; and the next 10 second-feet in excess of flows re- quired to meet the sum of 50 second-feet and downstream priorities of 4^8 second-feet, aggregating 488 second-feet at their respective points of diversion. At high river stages, diversions are increased to a maximum of 45 second-feet. The Modoc Ditch Company diverts the first 67 second-feet of the flow of St. Johns Branch reaching the head of Modoc Ditch. During high river stages, diversions are increased to 80 second-feet. The St. Johns Ditch Company diverts the first 12 second-feet of the flow of St. Johns Branch reaching the head of St. Johns Ditch in excess of flows required to meet down- stream priorities of 501 second-feet at the head of Lakeside Ditch. The Goshen Ditch Company diverts the first 78 seoond-feet of the flov of St. Johns Branch reaching the heads (2) of Goshen Ditch in excess of flows required to meet downstream priorities of 501 second-feet at the head of Lakeside Titch. The Lakeside Ditch Company diverts all flov.'s reaching the head of Lakeside Ditch through St. Johns Branch and Cross Creek, an extension of St. Johns Branch. Flows in Cross Creek also include Cottonwood Creek and Sand Creek water discharged into Cross Creek during flood periods and return flow contributions from Alta Irrigation District. Maximum diver- sions amount to 446 second-feet. 24- DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES STREAM FLOW AMD DIVERSION RECORDS Due to large fluctuations in precipitation on Kaweah River watershed, there are wide variations in seasonal, monthly and daily run-off. The monthly run-off varies more widely than the seasonal run-off. Most of the run-off from rain which falls on the lower areas finds its way quickly into the stream channels, while the snow in the higher mountain regions usually does not melt and appear as run-off until the late spring or early suni'ier. The run-off from melting snow forms the greater part of the stream flows during these sea- sons. The variation in the daily run-off is greater than either the annual or monthly run- off; The daily mean flows vary from a few second-feet in the late summer to thousands of second-feet during flood periods. These floods are caused by excessive precipitation in the form of rain during the winter months, by rapid melting of the snow pack in the moun- tains during the Iste spring or early summer months, or by a combination of these causes. Measurements of the discharge of Kaweah River at Three Rivers have been made, recorded and presented in official publications by the U. S. Geological Survey continuously since 190J. A revision of records for Kaweah River for the period 1917 to 1921, inclusive, was made by the United States Geological Survey on November 28, 19*9. The revisions cover a period when incorrect staff-gage readings were recorded by a local observer. The revised figures, by months, are shown in the table following the record for year ending September 30, 1949* During the forty-six year period of stream flow measurement, I903-1949, the seasonal run-off at Three Rivers gaging station has varied from a minimum of 102,000 acre-feet in 1923-24 to a maximu-n of 1,089,000 acre-feet in 1905-06. The average seasonal run-off for the period was 406,000 acre-feet. Rates of flow varied from a minimum of 9 second-feet on August 51, 1924 and September 18 and 19, 193*, to a maximum daily mean flow of 13,000 second- feet on February 6, 1937. The maximum instantaneous discharge occurred December 11, 1937, with a crest flow of 33,000 second-feet. During periods of heavy rainfall, the flow of Kaweah River is increased between Three Rivers Gaging Station and McKay Point by run-off from the minor tributary streams. Horse, Dry and Lime Kiln Creeks. Complete or partial records of surface diversions of Kaweah River water are avail- able for all main conveyance channels, with the exception of the Marks-Rice and Lemon Cove ditches which head on the Kaweah River above McKay Point, and the Occidental Life Insurance Company pipe line and pump and the Sweeney, St. Johns and Goshen ditches which head on St. Johns Branch belov; McKay Point. In the following pages of this report, there are presented in a series of thirty-four tables, all available records of measurements of the daily mean, monthly and annual stream flow of Kaweah River and of the diversion and distribution of water therefrom. The location of each gaging station is delineated on the map by a circle in which is inscribed the number of the table presenting records of measurements of flow at thbt station. Table numbers and titles and corresponding map designations of the locations of gaging stations are as follows: KAWEAH RIVER 25 Map Table No. Title designation 1 Kaweah River near Three Rivers (operated prior to Februery 1936) 1-a Kaweah River near Three Rivers (operated since February 1936) 1-b 2 Kaweah River et McKay Point 2 3 St. Johns Branch of Kaweah River at McKay Point 5 4 Kaweah Branch of Kaweah River at McKay Point 4 5 Foothill Ditch near head 5 b Wutchumna Ditch near head 6 7 Hamilton Ditch near head 7-a Hamilton Ditch pump 7-b 8 Consolidated Peoples Ditch near head 8 9 Deep Creek near head (operated prior to 1925) 9-a Deep Creek near head (operated since 1925) 9-b 10 Deep Creek Cut near head 10 11 Crocker Cut near head 11 12 Tulare Irrigation Company Canal near head 12 13 Fleming Ditch near head IJ 14 Packwood Creek near head (operated prior to 1940) 14-a Packwood Creek near head (operated since 1940) 14-b 15 Oakes Ditch near head (operated prior to August 1937) 15-a Cakes Ditch near head (operated since April 1940) 15-b 16 Evans Ditch near head 16 17 Watson Ditch near head 17 18 Mill Creek below Miller Drop l8 19 Longs Canal near head 19 20 Lanes Slough near head 20 21 Ketchum Ditch near head 21 22 Packwood Canal below head 22 23 Tulare Irrigation District Canal below head 23 24 Mathews Ditch near head 24 25 Barton Cut at head 25 26 Jennings Ditch near head 26 27 Uphill Ditch neai head 27 28 Modoc Ditch near head 28 29 Lakeside Ditch near head 29 30 Tulare Irrigation District Canal near head, from Wutchumna Ditch 30 31 Monthly Diversions by Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation District At Wutchumna Ditch 51-a At Kaweah Booster Pump 31-b At Main Canal Pumping Lift 31-c 32 Monthly Total Diversions to Tulare Irrigation District 32 33 Daily Total Diversions to Tulare Irrigation District 32 34 Daily Diversions to Tulare Irrigation District, from Friant-Kern Canal 23 Table No. 1 presents records of the daily, monthly and annual discharge of the Kaweah River at Three Rivers. Table No. 2 presents similar records for the discharge of Kaweah River at McKay Point. Records of the division of the Kaweah River flows at McKay Point into the St. Johns and Kaweah branches are respectively set forth in Tables No. 3 26 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES and No. 4, All available daily, monthly and seasonal records of the diversion and dis- tribution of water from Kaweah River and its branch channels are set forth in Tables No. 5 to No. 33« inclusive. The title of each table conforms to the conveyance channel and gaging station through which each respective set of measurements was made. Information appurtenant to each set of diversion records, presented at the beginning of each table, includes data on the location of the point of diversion and maximum capacity of the con- veyance channel; the location, description and method of rating the gaging station; the operating agency and its gross service area; and periods of record and criteria govern- ing diversions in accordance with present recognized practices. Actual diversions, par- ticularly those prior to 1934, do not necessarily conform to these criteria. FLOW AND DIVERSION TABLES KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 1 KAUEAH RIVER NEAR THREE RIVERS Location of gaging stations - Southeast quarter of Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 28 East, M.D.B. and fl. , prior to February 19}6- Map deslgnatlon(l)B Southwest quarter of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 28 East, M.D.B. and M. , subsequent to February 1936. Map deslgnatlon@b. Owner of gaglnfi stations - 0. S. Geological Survey. Type of gaging stations - Cableway and car and water stage recorder. Drainage areas - Above station 1-a, 514 square miles. Above station 1-b, 520 square miles. P eriod of record - 1903 to 19*9. Avera'^e discharge - 560 second-feet. Maximum discharge - 55,300 second-feet, December 11, 1937. Minimum discharge - 8.5 second-feet, September 19, 193*. Remarks - Flow modified by diversion for irrigation above station and by the operation of power developments on Middle and East forks. Discharge in second-fe et for year endi ng September 30, 1940 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 48 54 49 59 459 1,880 2,140 1,660 1,860 556 103 *3 2 107 53 50 488 494 1,540 1,700 2,030 1,810 506 99 43 3 187 54 577 1,880 1,320 1,450 2,090 1,660 451 9* 89 43 i 162 56 48 1,010 2,060 1,180 1,350 1,930 1,700 432 45 5 158 53 47 430 978 1,070 1,250 1,850 1,560 414 83 49 6 127 49 47 250 775 678 1,020 1,150 1,870 1,570 386 80 49 I 222 50 53 338 984 1,150 1,890 1,620 356 79 *7 200 50 51 760 578 984 1,100 2,100 1,700 330 75 *5 9 167 54 50 587 514 990 1,150 2,410 1,740 302 7* 43 10 167 55 50 1,410 478 912 1,200 2,720 1,620 275 72 41 11 14 9 53 75 2,820 463 825 1,500 2,760 1,620 258 71 41 J2 129 50 79 1,750 436 7*5 1,500 2,670 1,620 239 66 43 13 125 45 62 776 400 702 1,700 2,710 1,620 225 66 44 14 111 :i 58 502 721 676 683 1,850 2,790 2,840 1,580 210 65 45 15 98 55 393 bl8 1,850 1,500 200 63 45 16 69 48 55 343 510 678 1,450 2,640 1,390 192 62 47 11 82 48 54 311 502 706 1,300 2,220 1,300 192 61 47 75 53 54 290 510 711 1,350 1,990 1,140 180 5f tl 19 71 49 53 266 447 702 1,600 2,100 1,020 172 58 20 68 48 51 252 444 711 1,700 2,320 872 160 55 48 21 62 45 51 239 444 780 856 1,900 2,580 845 153 51 45 22 61 49 51 230 498 2,100 2,520 818 146 *9 43 23 58 :i 51 222 2,6?0 950 2,150 2,610 750 140 *8 41 2* 58 56 225 1,170 1,000 2,200 2,800 726 134 48 41 25 72 47 58 876 1,540 1,190 2,000 2,660 697 134 51 41 26 68 47 55 2,250 4,310 1,150 1,850 2,370 632 131 51 41 11 66 45 54 930 2,000 2,570 1,450 2,240 587 125 n 41 66 49 56 646 1,760 1,600 1,250 2,140 609 121 42 29 62 *9 56 543 3,000 1,300 1,200 1,950 632 121 48 42 30 53 50 58 482 1,300 1,300 1,810 716 117 45 42 31 55 58 455 2,440 1,770 109 43 Year Days 3,223 1,489 1,694 20,690 51,297 54,135 46,640 71,040 37,514 7,467 2,002 1,322 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 104 50 55 667 1,079 1,101 1,555 2,292 1,250 2*1 65 44 709 Max. Sec. Ft. 222 56 79 2,820 4,310 2,570 2,200 2,840 1,860 556 10} 49 4,310 Min. Sec. Ft. 48 45 47 59 4 00 678 1,100 1,660 587 109 43 41 41 Total Ac. Ft. 6,393 2,953 3,360 41,039 62,078 67,707 92,510 140,908 74,409 14,811 3,971 2,622 212 .Ii2 DIVISION or WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 1 - Continued KAWEAH RIVER NEAR THREE RIVERS Discharge in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1941 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 41 130 P 451 595 1,550 872 1.570 2,450 1,560 321 113 2 41 120 82 597 575 1,440 1,040 1.490 2.670 1,580 308 109 5 42 130 ^^3 359 559 1,210 856 1,780 2,890 1,550 281 109 i 43 120 356 355 1,150 1.850 2,020 2.980 1.550 264 105 5 44 110 85 556 543 1,100 2,100 2,270 3.110 1.550 244 98 k 43 110 83 314 474 1,000 1,400 2,640 3.160 1.490 256 90 I 43 100 80 490 429 94 8 1,270 2,960 2.750 1.420 281 87 43 100 79 463 818 918 1,160 5.160 2,160 1,400 284 85 9 50 100 79 373 2,100 900 1,260 3,190 2,050 1,330 255 85 10 50 110 79 343 1,760 889 1,420 5.410 2,460 1,200 241 85 11 50 100 82 327 2,200 850 1,590 3,810 2,860 1,150 239 82 12 45 95 82 524 3,060 84 5 1.290 3.700 3,090 1,090 222 80 1} 45 95 75 305 1,500 894 1,220 3,100 3,120 1,020 204 l\ 14 45 90 69 506 1,190 878 1,200 2,640 3,000 912 194 15 40 90 74 4 04 1,150 812 1,210 2,530 2,900 818 187 85 16 40 t° 101 543 972 765 1,210 2,820 2,890 750 230 79 U 40 85 354 324 972 780 1,130 5.090 2,760 702 343 75 40 95 326 308 845 823 1,050 2,800 2,480 716 244 72 19 45 130 411 305 760 856 990 2,430 2,570 711 618 207 72 20 45 110 225 295 740 818 936 2.650 2,500 190 74 21 40 110 187 296 1,010 740 906 5.010 2,290 623 177 75 22 40 100 220 243 872 740 918 5.580 2.190 591 165 75 25 35 95 1,780 539 796 780 996 5,560 2.130 578 156 72 24 40 90 966 2,010 1,120 785 1,010 3,420 1,980 539 149 71 25 90 90 750 818 942 775 1,060 5.410 1,730 474 140 69 26 500 85 463 660 818 806 1,060 3.370 1,680 455 156 68 u 270 i8o 85 3,l80 556 755 834 1,150 3.040 1,460 418 134 68 82 1,840 494 970 856 1,310 2,790 1,260 376 129 68 29 150 P 872 463 948 1,500 2,560 1,380 346 125 65 30 150 87 678 429 780 1.540 2,530 1,500 335 123 65 31 130 578 412 823 2.450 550 119 Seo.^t. Days 2,500 3,017 14,121 14,320 28,074 28,073 36,504 87.360 72,450 28,160 6,530 2,432 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 81 101 456 462 1,003 906 1,217 2,818 2,414 908 211 81 888 Max. Sec. Ft. 500 130 3.180 2,010 5,060 1,440 2,100 3,810 3,160 1,580 343 115 3.810 Nin. Sec. Ft. 55 82 69 243 343 740 856 1,370 1,260 330 119 65 35 Total Ac. Ft. 4,959 5,984 28,009 28,404 55,685 55,683 72,406 173,279 143,665 55,855 12,952 4,824 641,705 Discbarge in second-feet for year ending September 50, 1942 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mer. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 62 117 166 153 J73 466 305 790 862 1.150 2,330 1,200 200 tl 2 59 134 305 466 327 1.090 2,300 1,180 190 5 59 202 628 290 641 353 978 1,800 1.100 2,140 1,180 178 67 4 62 190 432 266 506 359 1.220 2,480 1,160 170 67 5 62 184 278 252 574 400 1,240 1.360 2,800 1,080 164 67 6 69 167 239 241 6]4 432 1,160 1,580 2,850 966 157 66 I 72 146 210 244 591 455 978 1,830 2,590 884 153 64 71 151 197 275 514 494 978 2,080 2,470 823 14 6 60 9 69 121 184 272 470 539 990 2,220 2,720 775 142 62 10 66 115 177 278 444 565 1,070 2,010 2,960 716 153 67 11 66 107 174 511 411 1,100 1,150 1.870 2,940 702 153 77 J2 66 99 160 333 407 1,010 1,100 1.550 2,800 614 144 75 15 71 98 155 333 393 912 1,250 1,350 2,640 565 140 69 14 71 94 153 333 359 840 1,620 1.310 2,580 5^? 578 135 66 15 71 92 214 321 550 856 1,310 1,510 2,570 123 62 16 62 92 225 305 343 740 1.230 1,220 2,450 548 117 11 i^ 65 115 502 284 J 33 721 1.490 1,270 1,580 2,440 482 112 66 117 220 264 327 750 1,240 2,400 447 106 57 19 69 105 200 255 321 706 1,280 2,060 2,220 425 101 57 20 87 101 194 247 314 646 1.490 2.710 2,010 411 95 57 21 96 99 200 244 314 651 1,470 5.190 1,890 395 92 56 22 87 103 184 330 411 664 1,440 5.220 1,900 390 88 56 23 87 99 187 318 346 669 1,470 2.950 1,820 356 85 55 24 90 90 194 311 346 646 1,500 5.120 1,710 340 83 54 25 117 92 174 1,590 324 591 1,400 3,110 1,560 327 82 54 26 113 96 212 91? 324 552 1.310 2,860 1,390 311 80 54 il III 96 217 1,200 308 548 1,330 2,270 1,210 287 78 55 96 466 1,340 302 560 1.310 2,320 1.230 264 78 56 29 101 716 726 618 1,130 1,910 1,250 241 77 57 30 121 250 655 596 683 1,040 1,810 1.230 222 77 56 31 119 494 514 780 2,090 207 74 Sec.Ft. Days 2,656 3.659 8,326 13.863 11.519 19,452 57,206 60,700 65.860 18,643 3.771 1.847 Year Period Mean Sec.Ft. 85 122 269 447 411 627 1,240 1.958 2,195 601 122 62 678 Max. Sec.Ft. 187 230 716 1.590 641 1,100 1.800 5.220 2,960 1,200 200 77 3.220 Mln. Sec.Ft. 59 90 154 241 302 305 790 1,090 1,210 207 74 54 54 Total Ac. Ft. 5.229 7.258 16,515 27.497 22,848 38,583 73.798 120,598 130,633 56,978 7.480 5.664 490,881 KAWEAH RITER TABLE NO. 1 - Oontlnued SAUEAH RIVER NEAR THREE RIVERS Dlachargo in second-feet for year ending September 50, 1943 Day Oct. Not. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 55 5* 117 230 778 615 1,620 2,880 2,640 898 266 71 2 5* 52 112 220 700 610 1,700 2, 810 2,250 876 8^8 24 5 67 J 5* 52 110 200 630 625 1,740 2,840 1,830 219 67 4 51 66 108 190 iBo 578 898 1,710 1,820 2,800 1,500 926 205 65 5 50 62 102 564 1,550 2,490 1,300 910 196 64 6 46 60 93 170 546 1,440 1,820 2,680 1,280 888 185 6? I ♦9 58 97 159 550 1,070 1,570 2,850 1,490 805 185 61 ♦ 9 55 97 155 761 2,010 2,110 2,820 1,670 1,660 772 175 61 9 *9 59 99 150 625 9,340 1,850 2,550 766 166 62 10 *9 56 95 150 573 6,560 1,630 2,590 1,580 740 156 64 11 50 56 95 144 600 4,360 1,560 2,620 1,620 720 151 64 12 55 55 95 1*2 605 3,000 1,510 2,460 1,410 700 144 62 1} 66 5* 92 140 615 2,450 1,470 2,550 1,240 645 139 61 1« 62 52 11 140 640 2,250 1,540 2,180 1.330 610 137 59 15 58 56 144 655 2,020 1,560 1,880 1,580 630 134 59 16 57 68 88 146 660 1,740 1,660 1,700 1,500 56O 128 58 \l 55 67 88 140 635 2,690 1,810 1,550 1,650 52* 122 58 5* 184 86 121 625 6,190 1,960 1,420 1,670 478 117 59 19 51 762 85 116 610 3,210 2,050 1,450 1,590 446 111 11 20 50 252 85 148 640 2,600 1,950 1,620 1,420 422 109 21 *9 185 85 5,180 705 805 2,270 2,020 1,880 1,380 406 103 u 22 48 170 83 6,120 2,350 2,200 2,200 1,200 '^1 '5| 100 2? 49 175 203 6,540 805 2,030 2,540 2,460 1,070 98 54 24 ♦ 9 170 1,400 2,050 1,220 1,840 2,530 2,970 1,070 34 8 96 55 25 49 159 7*5 1,270 849 1,770 2,550 3,240 1,000 558 94 53 26 46 140 397 1,060 755 1,760 2,200 3,260 976 330 §9 5J u 50 127 365 998 Bio 690 1,780 1,840 2,220 3,210 986 524 84 H 52 142 550 655 2,850 5,080 514 80 5§ 29 56 151 308 750 1,880 2,650 2,850 970 520 77 58 50 55 121 266 1,120 1,960 2,700 2,510 910 296 74 57 }1 5« 247 954 1,660 2,410 281 72 Ssc.Ft. Days 1,621 5,700 6,349 30,017 19,054 76,148 58,480 76,610 42,526 17,902 4,253 1,799 Year Period Bean Sec. Ft. 52 125 205 968 680 2,456 1,949 2,471 1,418 577 137 60 927 Max. See. Ft. 66 762 1,400 6,540 1,220 9,540 2,850 3,260 2,640 926 266 71 9.340 Min. Sec. Ft. 46 52 85 116 5*6 610 1,470 1,420 910 281 72 55 46 Total Ac. Ft. 5,215 7,559 12,593 59,539 37,754 151,040 115,995 151,956 84,350 35,509 8,436 5,568 671,294 Discharge In second-feet for year ending September 50, 1944 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 52 75 77 103 198 426 766 849 1,000 1.540 783 122 50 2 52 71 77 128 180 534 1,330 1,810 710 119 50 5 51 tl 77 175 201 311 932 1,650 1,620 665 113 49 51 11 142 254 751 766 670 1,860 1,590 1,800 655 105 47 5 51 68 132 211 1,150 1,970 560 100 45 6 49 68 82 252 203 546 705 2,000 1,910 ^^i 96 45 I 49 62 78 178 211 442 766 605 1,660 1,840 498 92 45 50 64 78 151 509 430 1,860 1,940 482 ¥ 45 9 51 62 77 15' 366 466 670 586 2,140 1,470 446 42 10 52 62 74 150 293 537 1.990 1,300 594 80 11 51 62 ]l 124 269 640 755 1,920 1,340 576 77 '§ 12 52 59 117 252 710 685 1.940 1,360 555 72 '§ 13 51 59 78 117 227 650 591 2,070 1.380 354 U 58 14 50 61 77 115 214 510 552 2,170 1,260 317 59 15 48 60 75 115 201 426 542 2,020 1,060 302 40 16 n 60 74 113 180 410 555 1,680 882 278 263 ^5 45 u 60 11 105 188 454 498 1,300 772 64 42 53 67 117 166 482 490 1,200 Z*5 24 3 62 45 19 u 72 107 117 173 575 494 1.150 235 60 45 20 94 154 119 168 546 620 1,550 838 211 58 45 21 77 107 520 119 190 470 462 ^'■i 1,450 810 188 5^ 43 22 75 107 185 117 736 498 1,690 J2° 56 44 25 11 102 144 137 438 514 620 1,920 1,840 685 180 54 42 24 u 130 354 320 575 586 710 170 54 25 65 126 206 296 640 1.950 700 161 54 38 26 64 85 119 185 558 615 586 1,780 635 156 53 'J n 62 82 105 173 296 605 755 1,740 730 S54 882 154 50 36 78 80 107 161 272 5k 685 1,900 159 tl 55 29 n 78 98 158 514 655 2,000 134 55 50 77 113 224 650 822 1.700 838 132 47 58 51 78 111 238 670 1.750 126 47 Sec.Pt. Days 1,882 2,222 3,208 4.757 7,684 17,077 19.633 53.920 34,806 10,549 2,231 1,248 Year Period Sec. Ft. 61 74 105 153 265 551 654 1,759 1,160 534 72 42 434 Hex. Sec. Ft. 92 107 320 354 756 1,150 932 2.170 1,940 783 122 50 2,170 Min. Sec. Ft. 46 59 74 105 166 311 490 1,000 635 126 46 55 33 Total Ac. Ft. 3,733 4,407 6,563 9.436 15,241 33,872 38,942 106,950 69,038 20,527 4,425 2,475 315,409 DIVISION or WATER RBSOURCBS TABLE NO. 1 - Continued KAUEAH RIVER NEAR THREE RIVERS Discharge In second-feet for year ending September JO, 19*5 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jen. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 *3 109 139 183 5,840 376 1,140 2,840 1,390 1,580 240 tl 2 39 96 214 175 8,510 352 988 2,870 2,980 1,710 1,490 254 3 «1 It 173 173 3,190 'Al 878 1,990 1,330 327 179 A 40 161 168 1.650 815 2,900 2,550 1,220 263 144 5 38 175 168 163 1,190 418 820 2,700 2,270 1,160 249 115 6 38 122 173 166 944 J98 851 2,650 1,740 1,040 254 100 I \l 119 175 168 795 376 906 2,650 1,570 978 252 90 122 173 178 725 398 1,030 2,440 1,590 895 216 82 9 41 98 16B 185 676 422 1,050 2,550 1,630 856 198 77 10 39 164 161 180 627 450 890 2,690 1,960 790 175 72 11 37 992 154 178 591 474 835 2,660 2,320 755 168 71 12 36 790 149 168 586 490 805 2,760 2,690 770 156 69 13 36 362 142 166 578 524 770 2,660 2,930 750 149 65 14 35 263 139 168 632 564 720 2,140 2,860 715 645 III 60 15 37 227 137 178 654 2,110 715 1,930 2,670 58 16 37 211 132 183 568 1,090 840 2,280 2,510 600 119 53 11 35 201 130 166 524 1,170 1,130 2,580 2,440 546 113 59 34 190 130 163 532 966 1,460 2,220 2,470 494 113 11 19 33 ill 130 156 490 830 1,770 1,850 2,430 478 119 20 33 216 14 6 450 825 2,140 1,600 2,290 458 115 53 21 42 161 232 149 438 868 2,310 1,480 2,240 4J0 107 57 22 52 163 470 144 438 884 2,220 1,460 1,960 422 112 62 23 44 170 347 144 434 1,430 2,140 1,640 1,690 402 96 64 2* 41 175 269 144 422 1,030 2,140 1,680 1,510 J72 92 62 25 40 163 229 144 394 1,190 2,170 1,730 1,390 J52 89 59 26 39 151 203 144 383 2,380 2,060 1,650 1,460 324 87 57 u 11 146 185 139 '§' 1,320 2,050 1,610 1,580 311 82 54 146 190 137 380 1,090 2,220 1,610 1,670 305 78 54 29 J^ 14 9 216 134 983 2,520 1,550 1,710 287 74 56 JO 38 142 190 132 939 2,720 1,490 1,650 272 11 52 31 44 178 175 1,010 1,300 252 Sec.*t. Days 1,198 6,304 5,867 4,997 34,024 26,144 4J,103 66,950 60,870 21,279 4,702 2,172 Year Period neen Sec. Ft. 39 210 189 161 1,215 843 1,437 2,160 2,029 686 152 72 761 nai. Sec. Ft. 52 992 470 185 9,510 2,380 2,720 2,980 2,930 1,580 327 179 9.510 Min. Sec. Ft. 33 74 130 132 380 352 715 1,300 1,390 252 68 52 33 Total Ac. Ft. 2,376 12,504 11,637 9,912 67,487 51,857 85,495 132,795 120,736 42,207 9,326 4,308 550,640 Dlacbarge In second-feet for year ending September 30, 19^6 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarlts 1 57 444 204 436 249 365 830 2,080 1,160 325 78 40 2 51 331 185 411 249 379 727 678 2,000 1,220 312 72 40 3 50 283 177 529 283 37? 338 1,880 1,200 305 68 42 4 49 261 177 472 270 714 1.980 1.170 289 61 41 5 50 240 231 718 273 334 745 2, 080 1,120 264 60 41 6 56 231 204 552 289 331 750 2.230 1,020 246 u 41 I 330 273 206 468 289 351 722 2.310 983 231 40 302 229 190 425 273 407 686 2,190 939 217 59 40 9 193 217 182 Ul 270 476 650 2,010 917 830 209 59 38 10 149 234 179 258 5U 678 1^700 196 64 36 11 126 289 179 187 355 277 511 765 1,470 718 185 61 34 12 146 280 321 246 444 912 1,460 780 177 58 33 13 124 277 263 169 325 273 708 1,020 1,440 770 164 56 33 14 107 166 321 252 578 870 1,440 740 154 54 33 15 161 270 179 318 270 556 972 1,480 686 151 52 33 16 215 270 182 309 321 556 1,200 1.340 650 137 50 33 i^ 185 246 177 309 296 570 1,460 1.290 596 IJO 49 34 156 223 172 305 296 552 1,640 1.350 570 122 47 34 19 144 215 164 299 289 583 1,670 1.530 570 126 45 31 20 126 209 169 293 280 1,620 1,650 542 130 45 30 21 113 204 441 280 293 556 1,600 1,520 538 179 46 29 22 105 198 1.990 277 296 524 1,650 1,360 511 151 47 29 23 100 m 1,280 277 315 565 1,750 1,870 1,110 464 126 n 28 24 94 700 293 351 556 1,050 425 117 28 25 90 223 1.700 305 351 534 2,100 1,070 407 139 44 28 26 84 209 870 299 331 592 2,220 1,060 400 159 42 28 u 80 196 601 293 286 331 668 2,140 1,120 393 130 42 28 77 193 547 362 655 2,160 1,010 372 '°,l 41 28 29 821 206 5U 277 709 2,130 972 355 41 28 30 1,730 780 270 480 249 1.490 988 2,040 1,040 341 92 42 28 31 464 249 1,110 87 41 Year Days 6,851 7.382 13.263 10,991 8,133 17.344 38,949 47,332 21.387 5.455 1,634 1,009 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 221 246 428 355 290 559 1,298 1.527 713 176 53 34 492 nax. Sec.Ft. 1.730 444 1.990 718 362 1,490 2,220 2.310 1,220 325 78 42 2,310 Mln. Sec.Ft. 49 185 164 249 246 331 650 972 341 87 41 28 28 ■fatal Ac. Ft. 13,589 14,642 26,507 21,801 16,132 34,402 77.255 93,883 42,421 10,820 3,241 2,001 556,494 KAWEAH RrTEB TABLE NO. 1 - Continued KAWEAH RIVER NEAR THREE RIVERS Discharge In seeond-feet for year ending September 30, 19*7 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Iter. Apr. May Juno July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 214 62 315 355 229 300 502 1,240 675 17* tl 28 2 192 61 299 321 226 500 464 1,750 1,820 736 161 27 5 96 60 286 296 223 410 524 637 15* *8 26 4 100 58 280 293 223 380 476 1,730 l,SlO 610 1*6 *6 2* 5 96 57 530 289 223 372 *52 570 139 *3 2* 6 126 n 1,090 789 286 226 358 440 1,830 529 130 «1 2* I 273 229 554 429 1,690 624 12* 38 24 115 59 538 264 234 338 440 1,480 552 115 39 24 9 103 59 452 264 24 9 325 436 1,130 596 109 *3 26 10 94 59 407 261 368 554 429 950 614 103 49 28 11 89 58 390 267 305 548 480 820 III 100 *6 26 12 84 61 376 261 289 5*8 578 815 96 *2 25 15 72 68 358 258 379 III 691 950 880 498 ¥ It 24 14 72 78 358 231 331 825 502 25 15 69 74 3*5 231 315 572 950 815 507 85 37 22 16 102 7* 325 220 512 390 1,050 1,080 460 82 36 23 \l 128 7* 309 226 440 590 1,140 1,160 400 77 u 25 105 74 295 223 368 414 1,110 1,190 400 72 37 19 tl 100 280 212 528 418 1,220 1,290 414 68 36 3* 20 ^,♦90 277 215 35* 418 1,260 1,260 422 6* 3* 31 21 82 556 267 215 321 407 1,090 1,210 351 61 3* ^t 22 77 2*3 261 215 315 *56 922 1,280 293 \t ^ 28 23 75 ♦,♦90 286 215 310 565 785 1,5*0 267 36 26 24 7* 1,440 215 315 507 456 722 1,230 255 58 3* 28 25 71 709 472 217 320 668 1,150 240 57 32 21 2t 68 53* 49* 217 320 ♦52 628 1,040 23* 56 31 2* 11 68 *52 1,070 223 315 489 655 1,020 226 5* 51 23 67 ♦07 596 2*3 310 524 682 890 212 53 33 2* 29 65 J62 444 215 511 664 825 201 51 32 19 30 64 33* 382 231 480 795 830 185 *9 32 22 31 62 358 229 472 71* *7 51 Days 2,932 12,066 13,185 7,681 8,557 12,751 21,507 37,199 13,285 2,781 1,185 769 Year Period Hean Seo.7t. 95 402 *25 248 298 411 717 1,200 ♦*3 90 38 26 365 Mai. Sec. Ft. 214 *,*90 1,090 355 440 565 1,260 1,830 736 17* *9 37 4,490 Min. 62 56 258 212 223 300 429 714 185 *7 31 19 19 Total Ac. Ft. 5,816 23,935 26,153 15,255 16,576 25,292 *2,659 73,784 26,551 5,516 2,350 1,525 265,190 Preliminary Data Discharge In second-feet for year ending September }0, 19*8 Day Got. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 21 75 59 62 51 96 315 678 1,260 498 75 \l 2 20 115 62 64 52 11 382 646 1,290 429 72 5 23 U5 59 62 ♦ 7 581 660 1,180 390 69 36 A 21 tl 65 65 49 82 ♦65 1,020 1,*20 355 67 35 5 19 64 67 69 78 334 1,480 1,110 321 64 35 6 19 78 64 65 11 84 351 1,930 1,130 293 60 3* I 21 ri 6* 64 82 318 2,100 1,350 1,850 273 264 57 33 23 65 67 82 289 1,660 53 33 9 24 64 65 67 71 §' 379 1,160 1,670 252 5* 31 10 35 61 62 72 100 87 3,970 99* 1,330 246 52 31 11 157 60 60 65 80 85 1,630 1,110 1,*00 240 53 51 12 124 59 6* 61 74 87 922 1,*20 1,**0 231 53 32 13 V 57 6* 60 74 87 III 1,750 1,390 217 52 35 14 60 56 64 58 77 154 2,140 1,300 204 51 33 15 57 58 6* 58 75 179 650 2,440 1,200 190 *9 32 16 60 60 6* 11 80 172 lit 2,610 1,160 179 48 29 i^ 68 \l 69 9* 261 2,500 1.070 172 *7 32 68 7* 53 105 190 956 2,180 1.020 159 46 32 19 62 59 71 53 109 196 928 1,460 906 880 15* *5 3* 20 60 59 7* 51 105 177 966 1,140 1*« *5 3* 21 58 56 77 51 102 149 1,020 1,010 865 13* *5 32 22 67 56 71 52 115 166 928 800 1,140 860 126 ** 28 23 62 53 68 54 126 209 1,620 825 119 *5 31 24 59 52 tl 52 103 390 660 1,960 770 113 *6 32 25 56 57 52 98 339 691 2,140 755 109 *5 53 26 52 U 69 51 94 267 830 2,360 718 102 *2 3* u 51 It 50 90 261 972 2,280 678 r. *0 35 52 u 44 102 289 1,000 1,920 632 *0 32 29 li 67 46 92 315 934 1,610 601 87 38 30 30 59 60 49 321 755 1,*90 565 8* 36 29 31 82 53 52 277 1.290 78 37 5ec.?t. Year Deys 1,665 1,970 2,03* 1,780 2,448 5,428 25,002 *9,898 32.625 6,346 1,570 981 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 5* 66 66 57 84 175 833 1,610 1,088 205 51 33 360 Max. Sec. Ft. 137 115 77 72 126 590 5,970 2,610 1,850 *98 75 39 3,970 nin. Sec.Ft. 19 52 53 44 47 78 315 6*6 565 78 36 28 19 Total Ac. Ft. 3,303 3,907 4,034 3,531 4,856 10,766 49.591 98,973 64,712 12,587 3,11* 1,9*6 261,320 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 1 - ContlD KAUEAH RITER NEAR THREE RIVERS Discharge In second-feet for year ending September }0, 19*9 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 28 35 55 67 n 14 6 245 1,400 875 171 52 52 29 55 55 69 154 236 1,640 961 162 49 31 } 1 5 28 }5 59 65 82 176 256 1,500 ?§1 159 47 il 28 56 4§ 60 t 265 292 1,150 880 152 45 28 55 45 50 266 406 1,200 840 14 8 45 28 6 I 9 10 n }5 51 60 84 194 460 1,400 865 142 45 28 55 51 65 121 194 410 1,400 922 155 42 28 28 35 51 65 115 197 402 1,540 961 125 42 26 26 32 52 65 96 176 594 1,220 959 115 42 26 25 3* 52 60 100 171 601 1,000 875 105 43 26 11 12 15 14 15 27 54 30 55 121 408 790 1,050 805 100 45 25 51 35 30 60 117 279 900 1,520 li^ 94 44 26 i* 32 49 65 96 219 1,020 1,420 682 90 43 25 57 32 60 65 94 205 1,140 1,700 650 87 41 25 55 32 61 65 98 222 1,140 1,220 605 84 41 24 16 11 19 20 54 52 57 60 98 224 1,050 1,150 562 78 40 24 52 32 64 55 107 259 1,170 1,500 491 74 58 25 51 55 tl 60 129 251 1,060 1,580 426 69 39 25 51 54 70 144 508 1,000 1,270 1,080 564 67 ^t 21 51 54 61 220 157 518 966 525 64 58 21 50 55 61 130 157 257 1,550 1,100 299 61 57 21 50 54 59 100 157 279 1,670 1,270 282 59 59 25 29 54 58 110 154 560 1,710 1,510 275 57 51 19 29 56 51 90 157 508 1,720 1,690 260 56 44 18 25 29 56 57 84 171 266 1,650 1,740 242 54 59 26 29 55 61 84 157 248 1,440 l,8bO 256 53 56 18 11 50 36 87 82 169 254 1,580 1,850 227 51 55 20 50 54 72 80 152 308 1,650 1,570 210 ^2 54 29 50 56 68 80 276 1,580 1,230 197 48 52 21 55 55 65 84 251 1,590 1,020 186 48 52 21 51 56 67 80 248 922 51 32 Sec. Ft. Days 957 1,022 1,742 2,405 5.516 7,665 29,444 41,862 17,166 2,805 1.265 716 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 50 54 56 78 118 247 981 1,550 572 90 41 24 502 Max. Sec.Ft. 57 56 87 220 171 408 1,720 1,860 961 171 52 52 1,860 Sec. Ft. 25 52 55 50 78 146 256 922 186 48 52 18 18 Total Ac. Ft. 1.859 2,027 ?,*» 4,770 6,?77 15.204 58,402 83,055 54,049 5.560 2,509 1,420 218,865 Revision of records for Kaweah River near Three Rivers, Made by United States Geological Survey, November 28, 19*9 Month 1917 - 18 1918 - 19 1919 - 20 1920 - 21 Mean Sec. -ft. Ac. -ft. Hean Sec. -ft. Ac. -ft. Mean Sec. -ft. flun-off Ac. -ft. Mean Sec. -ft. Run-off AC. -ft. October 49.4 5.040 179 11,UUU 41 2,500 107 6,600 November 55.4 3,300 129 7,700 55 3.300 125 7,500 December 54.8 5,570 140 8,600 140 8,600 155 9,500 January 56.3 5,460 101 6,200 99 6,100 244 15,000 February 142 7,890 252 14,000 150 7,500 360 20,000 March 545 55.500 439 27,000 520 32,000 634 59,000 April 756 45,000 941 56,000 1,150 67,000 829 49.500 May 927 57,000 1,430 88,000 1,790 110,000 1,450 89,200 June 924 55,000 504 30,000 1,410 84,000 1,450 85.100 July 163 10,000 114 7,000 542 21,000 326 20,000 August 49 5,000 55 2,000 81 5,000 66.0 4,060 September 54 5,200 22 1,300 47 2,800 45.8 2,610 Water- year 315 228,000 558 259,000 482 550,000 481 548,000 Revised figures are for the period April 1918 to March 1921* The reviaions cover a period when incorrect staff-gage readings were recorded by a local observer. The revisions are shown to two significant figures end were computed by multiple correlation b^sed on records published for North Fork Kaweah River at Kaweah and records furnished by R. H. Holley of Visalia, California for Kaweah River at McKay Point end for three diversions betv;een McKey Point and the Three Rivers station. Revision of dally records is not contemplated. KAU^AE RIV&ft TABLE NO. 2 KAWEAH RIVER AT MC KAY PODfT Location of gsglng station - Southeast quarter of Section 4, Township l8 South, Range 27 East, n.D«B*ft n* , at point of bifurcation of Eawi-eah River Into St. Johns and Kaweah branches. Map designation (2). Owner of gaging station - ^weab River and St. Johns River associations. Description of gaging station - A broad crested weir consisting of two sections, each 11J.6 feet In length vlth the same crest elevations, one section crossing the head of each branch; a water stage recorder above the weir on the south bank of the river; a cebleway and car about 100 yards upstream; and a controlled by-pass structure at the south end of the Kaweah Branch weir section* The crest of the weir section crossing St. Johns Branch is equipped v'ith flashbobrds to make possible the diversion of the entire lov; flow Into the Kaweah Branch* An accurate relationship has been established between water levels at the recorder and flows over each of the weir sections. Since 1940 a radio stream gage has been in continuous operation* Period of re cord - 1916-1949* Criteria governing the division of flow at HcKay Point - Flows are divided equally between the Kaweah end St. Johns branches, vith the exception that once the flow has receded to 80 second-feet in the late summer months, the entire flow, regardless of amount, is diverted into the Kaweah Branch until the first time it exceeds 80 second-feet after October 1* When Wutchumna Vater Company transfers Barton Cut diversion from St. Johns Branch to Wutchumna Ditch above WcKay Point, the resulting unbalanced flow at that point is compensated by the release of an equivalent amount into the Kaweah Branch through the controlled by-pass structure* Discherpe in second-feet for year ending Septeaber 30 , 1940 Day Oct. Not. Deo. Jen. Feb. Her. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 22 27 24 42 553 2,565 2,560 1,475 1,705 470 70 2 i,'j • '' 27.5 257 598 2,060 1,765 1,925 1,085 407 66 } 125 26 29.5 667 1,807 1,745 1,470 2,005 1,510 376 60 4 11> <2 J 6..' 901 3,015 1,500 1,300 1,870 1,570 387 55 5 95 28.5 25.5 482 1,374 1,360 1,200 1,735 1,410 356 50 10 6 80.5 28.5 24 224 996 1,285 1,100 1,805 1,410 519 47 23 I 160 2* 29.5 254 658 1,136 1,100 1,770 1,455 297 45 21 150 28.5 32 728 714 1,108 1,070 1,960 1,540 274 40 16.5 9 144 29.5 51 "1 632 1,095 1,085 2,225 1,620 248 39 7.5 10 127 3« 29.5 1,J18 582 996 1,145 2,530 1,490 217 37 11 112 ?* "5 3,565 55* 876 1,230 2,665 1,445 200 55 12 92 32 66 2,285 522 762 1,380 2,550 1,465 166 53 15 79 27.5 50 596 985 698 1,585 2,570 1,450 175 32.5 1* 7* 22 44 644 6=3 1,715 2,630 1,440 16] 32-5 15 64 21 43 460 689 652 1,735 2,6b5 1,565 146 55.5 16 55 21 *} 391 672 652 1,365 2,590 1,255 14} 35.5 c \l 47 22 ♦ 2 345 644 663 1,170 2,185 1,180 141 35 42 26.5 41 319 649 675 1,275 1,855 990 1J3 52.5 19 J? 25.5 40 293 565 663 1,505 1,945 896 128 29.5 20 56 25 41 26B 544 675 1,570 2,140 746 122 27.5 21 H 22 40 252 533 733 1,770 2,435 714 115 25 22 26 22 38 244 550 795 1,940 2,415 721 109 23 2} 25.5 25 3* 256 3,160 869 1,940 2,475 645 99 17 2« 23.5 21 38 236 1,646 934 2,010 2,670 619 95 13 25 56 20 40 525 1,697 1,111 1,850 2,605 597 95 19.5 26 ^2 20 56 3,300 5,670 1,111 1,710 2,320 535 92 18 11 J§ 27.5 40 1,252 2,840 2,650 1,345 2,165 482 89 17 *^ 24 38 800 2,335 1,635 1,158 2,105 483 87 9 29 36 24 38 655 3,760 1,225 1,115 1,875 1,665 487 84 50 32 24 4C 576 1,250 1,170 656 80 }1 25 42 533 2,795 1,580 75 Sec.ft. Year Says !,060 767 1,158 25,62' 39,777 36,895 44,333 67,425 55,544 5,906 971 78 Period nean Sec. Ft. Ifao 25 38 762 1,372 1,190 1,477 2,175 1,118 191 31 3 701 Max. Sec. Ft. IdO 5* 66 3,565 5,b70 2,795 2,560 2,670 1.705 470 70 23 5.670 Hln. Sec. Ft. 22 :0 24 42 475 652 1,070 1,475 482 75 Total- Ac. Ft. 4,086 1,521 2,296 4o,858 76,898 75,182 87,934 133,758^ 66,53* 11,715 1,926 155 508,8*} DIVISION OF WATER RESOUHCES TABLE NO. 2 KAWEAH RIVER AT MO KAY POINT Discharge in Dod-feet for year ending September }0, 1941 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 101 86 460 582 1,684 900 1,540 2,275 1,580 272 84 2 98 86 582 565 1,946 1,105 1,450 2,455 1,588 262 77 5 101 84 556 345 1,607 885 1,755 2,690 1,587 240 74 4 101 11 519 556 1,445 1,572 2,005 2,775 2,815 1,364 215 74 5 89 519 527 1,351 2,950 2,165 1,349 194 70 (, 84 79 301 440 1,194 1.673 2,520 2,925 1,288 191 66 I 79 74 491 475 1,085 1,441 2,780 2,665 1,247 228 65 r. 70 4 80 672 1,037 1,257 3,000 2,095 1,243 242 63 9 63 567 2,515 1,002 1,565 3,020 1,860 1,184 217 62 10 87 60 519 2,590 975 1,641 5,155 2,200 1,049 202 61 11 79 61 301 2,400 908 2,117 5,505 2,600 993 194 59 12 76 62 295 4,090 882 1,557 5,545 2,790 854 181 57 1} 74 60 284 2,008 922 1,415 5,125 2,875 882 175 52 14 73 53 501 1,470 969 1,552 2,655 2,775 768 155 50 15 70 54 407 1,405 876 1,556 2,415 2,700 658 157 55 16 70 68 551 1,136 794 1,356 2,605 2,565 601 161 45 \l 78 239 501 1,136 788 1,214 2,955 2,600 552 306 40 93 253 295 969 822 1,120 2,845 2,515 569 195 45 124 396 295 857 851 1,045 2,550 2,570 569 160 44 20 105 198 280 800 839 982 2,460 2,520 495 145 41 21 109 165 272 1,157 726 942 2,715 2,150 490 150 44 22 98 184 540 1,010 714 928 5,080 2,050 459 121 45 25 V 1,680 575 902 744 982 5,315 1,955 455 112 45 24 89 1,042 2,335 1,553 750 995 5,185 1,820 426 109 45 25 61 89 900 973 1,238 756 1,037 5,150 1,565 574 101 41 26 47b 81 470 726 984 769 1,023 5,230 1,525 562 95 ♦ u 220 86 2,975 587 865 ^^4" 1,098 2,950 1,285 541 92 *5 137 85 2,175 490 1,025 1,267 2,740 1,080 519 89 44 29 124 86 969 438 954 1,482 2,450 1,180 295 87 43 30 118 91 702 398 786 805 1,554 2,415 1,295 280 87 41 51 106 610 582 2,550 284 87 Sec. Ft. Year Days 1,242 2,647 14,075 14,572 55,248 50,601 59,547 83,150 66,550 24,005 5,174 1,607 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 40 88 454 464 1,188 987 1,512 2,682 2, 218 775 167 54 866 Max. Sec. Ft. 476 124 2,975 2,555 4,090 1,946 2,930 5,545 2,925 1,588 506 84 4,090 Mln. Sec.Ft. 70 53 272 527 714 885 1,540 1,080 280 87 40 Total Ac. Ft. 2,464 5,250 27,918 28,507 65,947 60,697 78,045 164,928 152,002 47,610 10,262 5,188 626,818 Discharge in second-feet for year ending September JO, 1942 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Maiy June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 38 93 159 470 511 293 658 1,017 2,115 1,018 141 57.5 2 55 125 115 567 501 510 725 827 965 2,141 990 152 35.5 5 55 168 570 336 690 519 976 1,902 1,025 124 35 4 5^ 155 558 5?^ 554 542 1,765 1,079 2,186 97b 115 52 5 58 14 7 297 284 576 576 1,209 1,201 2,484 950 112 50 6 45 155 245 268 678 411 1,095 1,417 2,o28 821 109 29 I 45 124 208 264 652 450 905 1,660 2,465 752 101 28 47 106 187 301 565 460 874 1,890 2,259 699 98 27 9 45 95 176 301 501 496 871 2,085 2,407 647 95 28 10 45 87 174 305 470 511 922 1,909 2,682 584 98 28 11 43 79 171 540 430 1,039 1,044 1,781 2,685 579 106 33 12 43 74 158 565 401 1,079 976 1,455 2,569 496 99 57 15 47 71 149 567 591 948 1,121 1,216 2,444 446 95 56.5 14 45 74 147 55fi 554 858 1,552 1,165 2,580 442 88 32 15 43 71 211 545 951 1,275 1,165 2,567 457 81 29.5 16 41 l\ 255 540 556 775 708 1,129 1,095 2,247 422 76 27.5 \l 58 527 519 527 1,459 1,071 1,560 2,254 585 1? 25.5 59 101 259 501 510 748 1,186 2,211 365 66 25 19 44 84 215 289 501 702 1,201 1,785 2,077 554 60 25 20 61 77 208 280 295 626 1,405 2,369 1,875 550 56 24.5 21 74 7i 225 272 295 610 1,596 2,864 1,721 529 55 23.5 22 68 77 203 559 411 616 1,550 3,027 1,704 315 52 23 25 62 79 201 586 545 610 1,350 2,752 1,657 288 47 22 24 66 71 225 323 556 577 1,172 2,821 1,528 268 44.5 22 25 84 64 :';i 1,542 519 515 1,266 2,983 1,365 260 44 20 26 92 69 255 1,064 510 475 1,186 2,790 1,225 248 42.5 20 11 104 71 240 1,288 301 465 1,216 2,127 1,010 232 41.5 21 156 71 495 1,786 876 JOl 469 1,201 2,223 1,018 211 40.5 21 29 115 76 806 516 1,024 1,815 1,066 185 40.5 23 50 95 205 851 678 570 916 1,650 1,055 167 40 23.5 51 89 638 576 647 1,875 155 40 See. ft. Year Days 1,852 2,878 9,050 15,655 11,782 18,430 34,268 55,560 59,701 15,586 2,409 825 Period Mean Sec.Ft. oO 9b 291 505 421 594 1,142 1,792 1,990 496 78 27 624 Max. Sec.Ft. 15b 205 851 1,786 690 1,079 1,765 5,027 2.685 1,025 141 38 3,027 Mln. Sec.Ft. 55 64 113 264 295 295 658 965 1,010 155 40 20 20 Total Ac. Ft. 3,674 5,708 17, 9U 31,052 23,369 56,556 67,971 U0,2 03 118,417 30,518 4,779 1,652 451,790 KAWSaH RIVB8 TABLE NO. 2 - Continued KAUKAH RITBH AT HC KAY POINT ■ Discharge in second-feet for year ending Septeober 50, 19*3 i»y Oct. Not. Deo. Jan. Feb. Her. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 24 33 69 172 890 720 1,066 2,776 2,421 72* 204 50 22 33 81 175 76} 702 1,733 1,78* 2,757 2,0*8 706 182 35 J 21 32 78 159 651 702 2,637 1,0*9 712 159 33 20 *1.5 76 \M 596 98* 1,733 1,819 2, 819 1,330 7*8 13* 3* 5 19 44 73 565 1,551 2,*05 1,109 736 129 31 (, 18 *1.5 64 129 5*3 1,853 1,906 2,500 1,066 730 120 28.5 I 17 30.5 66 120 820 1,3}8 1,616 2,697 1,225 655 117 26.5 12.5 'r 66 114 2,015 2.100 2,717 1,596 587 120 25.5 9 10 66 111 667 10,690 1,9*0 2,*21 1,*01 592 108 25 6 36.5 64 108 587 8,210 1,685 2, 417 1,320 565 97 28.5 21 35.5 66 105 621 6,600 1.567 2,*75 1,365 555 92 28.5 2* 3* 66 105 t>09 *,050 1,535 2,321 1,171 53* 90 28 13 14 35 33.5 64 100 609 3,175 1,*86 2.213 2,0*8 990 *82 P 27.5 38 32 t>4 100 644 2,775 1,526 1,075 443 80 25.5 15 J* 36.5 ol 102 679 2,415 1,535 1,750 1,116 *5* 79 24 16 53 51.5 55 105 71« 2,050 1,563 1,551 1.259 396 76 22.5 n 30 ♦9 55 105 691 2.325 i;2i8 1,*23 1.369 360 71 22 29.5 106 55 92 679 7,060 1,320 l.*55 320 »5 23 1? 20 29.5 780 55 78 661 3,870 2,010 1,2*0 l.*13 310 60 24 18 270 55 93 691 3,0*7 1,923 1,392 1,207 322 66 25 15 172 55 2,840 751 2,6J7 1,923 1,600 1,182 318 63 24 2* 1*2 55 7,525 890 2,697 2,08* 1.906 1.020 296 56 23 2J 2* 148 114 7,*90 952 2,3*5 2,270 2,139 880 279 56 24 26 1*7 1,332 2,835 1,602 2,066 2,213 2,597 885 266 54 22 25 26 135 757 1,560 1,090 1.9*1 2,270 2,901 815 258 53 20 26 27 117 372 1,225 890 1,888 2,100 2,963 785 2*6 50 19 U 26 102 296 1,166 813 1.871 2,100 2,921 759 238 47 21 32 109 270 890 739 1,923 2,670 2,839 797 226 45 24 29 JO Jl 32 105 262 800 1,95? 2, 617 2,637 791 230 42 24 32 93 227 1,319 2,048 2,560 2,364 722 219 39 21.5 32 197 1,260 1,733 2,102 207 37 Sec.ft. Days 7*7 3,057 5,256 51,266 20,952 89,220 57,590 70,850 36.021 13,69* 2,674 776 Tear Period Mean Sec.'t. 2* 102 170 1,009 7*8 2,878 1,920 2,286 1,201 **2 86 26 910 Hai. Sec.Ft. 38 780 1,332 7,525 1,602 10,690 2,670 2,963 2,421 7*8 204 36 10.690 Kia. Sec.?t. 2? 55 78 5*3 702 1,486 1,2*0 722 207 37 19 Total 1,182 6,06} 10,426 62,016 *1,558 176,968 ll*,229l 140,531 71,**8 27,162 5.50* 1.539 658.726 AC. Ft. Dlsclia rge In second-feet for year ending September 30. 19** Day Oct. Hot. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarics 1 11 13.5 56 80.5 159 4?6 575 758 1,27* 0-2 77 0.7 12 57 96.5 1*2 350 651 1,062 1,507 568 75.5 1.3 18 12 55 155 1*2 304 756 1,396 1,401 519 72.5 1.9 18 12 54 122 227 386 611 1,608 1,335 494 68 1.4 5 18 11.5 56 10* 175 1,635 515 1,715 1,*98 427 61 0.8 6 16 10.5 62 200 160 638 '5!^ 1,810 1,668 393 58.5 0.5 I 9.5 10.5 59 158 232 *75 1,444 1,557 374 55 0.6 4.5 8 60 130 200 434 621 1,595 1,702 362 53 2.4 9 4 8.5 59 119 381 449 538 1,929 1,262 336 51 1.4 10 4 8.5 55 108 246 490 446 1,785 1,071 309 *7 2.2 11 4 15 59 168 221 565 527 1,700 1,099 298 *3.5 1.7 12 4 31.5 60 97 20* 615 544 1,686 1,113 283 *2 13 4 32.5 59 93 180 570 4S0 456 1,809 1.171 268 38 14 4 32.5 59 93 162 402 iM 1,050 252 36.5 0.5 15 4 31.5 59 93 155 376 399 866 240 3* 16 3.5 35 58 It 142 368 414 1,473 717 221 33.5 0.5 \l 3.5 34.5 58 138 391 373 1,113 601 204 33 1.5 3 41.5 59.5 89 126 429 \l^ 1,009 584 186 29 2.5 19 13 46.5 81 97 132 495 921 6J0 175 2* 3 20 14.5 66 118 9* 133 475 516 1,084 671 162 27.5 4 21 11 Vi JOO 97 150 406 399 1,185 635 145 25 5.2 22 10.5 166 9* 976 389 372 ^•'^? 556 135 21.5 6 23 9 75 123 100 672 425 462 1,686 534 129 ^f'5 2.7 24 9 r. 108 332 335 476 502 1,614 545 120 18.5 25 9.5 103 193 279 532 451 1.683 540 108 19.5 26 9 63 105 155 400 503 443 1.581 493 108 11 n 8 60 83.5 136 322 482 535 1,475 552 102 12 58 86 12* 262 457 552 1,593 702 96.5 16 29 1* 58 83.5 117 283 459 488 1.771 725 2^*5 14 30 15.5 58 82 1*8 482 607 1.451 688 89 6.5 31 15 9* 211 511 1,520 82.5 0.7 Sec.ti. Tear Days 309 1.139 2.580 3,986 7,336 15,543 14,993 46,598 28,747 7,920 1,1J8 41 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 10 38 83 129 253 501 500 1,50} 958 256 37 1 356 Sec.Ft. 19 87 JOO 332 976 1.635 756 1,959 1,702 6*2 77 6 1.939 Bin. Sec.Ft. 3 6 5* 82 126 30* 367 758 495 83 1 Total Ac. Ft. tl5 2,259 5.117 7,907 1-1.551 50,829 29,739 92,427 57,019 15,710 2,257 81 258,509 DIVISION 07 UATER RESOURCES KAWEAH RIVER AT KG KAY POINT Discharge in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1945 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 11.5 103 148 1,890 100 1,361 2,673 1,217 1,376 170 ISO 35 2 71 180 149 11,300 381 1,173 2,713 1,532 1,296 35.5 J 46.5 155 142 1,b10 185 1,017 2,773 1,771 1,182 250 100 4 50.5 1^"3 158 2,183 916 2,753 2,351 1,050 197 178 90 5 IJO 123 155 1,171 159 851 2,521 2,121 999 69 6 101 123 138 1,123 391 851 2,166 1,558 879 182 57 I 85 129 112 903 362 897 2,191 1,381 814 193 50 95 129 142 787 381 997 1,118 2,303 1,376 723 158 15 9 76 121 115 711 391 2,135 1,107 691 131 12.5 10 85 117 115 655 420 890 2,191 1,706 611 117 38 11 64} 106 139 609 439 832 2,136 2,010 605 109 36 12 675 105 129 598 449 787 2,562 2,351 627 99.5 35 1} 362 99.5 125 576 470 732 2,523 2,659 612 91 33.5 14 210 96.5 127 609 501 685 2,027 2,699 595 86.5 30.5 15 155 92 132 726 2,131 673 1,767 2,511 536 78.5 28.5 16 14 3 92.5 113 587 1,319 763 2,050 2,326 177 71.5 27.5 ]l 113 l^'5 125 527 1,363 1,025 2,390 2,239 121 66.5 19 131 89 122 518 1,125 1,100 2,117 2,218 381 66.5 22 19 125 91 115 513 918 1,699 1,681 2,229 381 71.5 19 20 115 152 108 190 903 2,066 1,153 2,063 361 69 18 21 11,0 189 108 180 913 2,288 1,323 2,037 1,758 339 66 18.5 22 108 405 101 464 1,007 2,171 1,209 335 61 26.5 2} 113 5^2 104 159 2,250 2,095 1,121 1,195 322 57 30.5 24 120 218 104 119 1,175 2,030 1,163 1,512 291 53 28.5 25 118 204 106 129 1,308 2,083 1,529 1,188 277 52 21 26 111 175 105 110 3,310 1,959 1,157 1,237 250 48 22 ?? 108 157 104 105 1,812 1,896 1,109 1,337 1,128 236 46 20 108 152 102 410 1,131 2,055 1,131 229 13.5 19.5 29 105 189 99 1,255 2,296 1,323 1,189 219 41 20 50 108 1^1 98 1,152 2,606 1,277 1,152 197 m 36.5 19 31 148 119 1,210 1,109 35 Sec. Ft. Days 1,795 4,681 3,842 37,985 31,180 42,225 61,315 51,527 17,529 3,111 1,059 Year Period Sec. Ft. 160 151 124 1,357 1,006 1,108 1,979 1,818 565 100 35 718 Sec. Ft. 875 405 119 11,300 3,310 2,606 2,773 2,699 1,376 250 100 11,300 Sec. Ft. 42 89 98 405 362 673 1,109 1,188 178 35 18 Total Ac. Ft. 9,510 9,284 7,6J1 75,311 61,815 8}, 753 121,678 108,155 31,769 6,171 2,100 520,230 Discharge in second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*6 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 20 597 Ill 400 189 292 815 1,817 912 238 13 Dry 16 270 130 362 169 300 662 1,821 1,010 219 37.5 3 15.5 215 121 470 219 300 583 1,035 1,066 211 37.5 1 11.5 193 116 395 227 275 601 1,736 1,821 991 208 33 5 12 171 168 644 211 275 637 955 182 29.5 6 7 155 118 490 227 258 636 1,976 830 168 25 I 192 200 118 400 222 275 591 2,032 783 155 20 232 1d2 112 353 211 326 561 1,937 729 112 20 9 131 152 130 309 204 ^^^1 516 1,793 707 155 22 10 98 162 121 300 197 539 1,181 626 12 3 21 11 81 207 116 283 201 372 6O5 1,218 511 111 25 12 99 201 121 "§ 178 309 759 691 1,217 552 111 23 92 200 116 258 197 551 1,201 571 111 22 11 11 197 108 258 185 119 739 810 1,172 532 100 21 15 189 111 250 189 122 1,316 191 100 19 16 \\l 193 116 242 266 121 1,029 1,122 157 91 17 ]l 168 116 242 212 135 1,267 1,052 112 81.5 16.5 115 152 112 238 231 115 1,127 1,080 380 75 16. 5 19 101 138 108 230 227 115 1,189 1,239 375 73 9.5 20 90 132 112 227 219 161 1,150 1,107 366 80.5 5 21 81 128 298 219 227 115 1,121 1,326 359 113 2.5 22 70 121 1,908 211 227 115 1,112 1,111 350 95 1.5 23 62 120 1,392 208 212 115 1,515 930 332 80.5 3.5 59 111 739 219 275 283 135 1,677 815 311 71.5 3.5 25 51 112 1,752 230 116 1,811 888 305 80.5 2 26 51 136 970 227 266 151 2,029 837 300 106 2 n 19 121 598 222 258 516 1,931 959 292 90 2 18 120 522 219 283 195 1,966 862 279 65.5 2 29 490 121 180 211 559 1,917 791 266 61. 5 30 1,410 200 119 189 1,662 1,830 811 258 53 0.5 31 766 124 186 1,058 915 18 0.5 Sec. Ft. Year Days 1,921 5,189 12,048 8,950 6,298 11,220 31,251 10,501 16,311 3,586 187 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 159 173 388 289 225 159 1,111 1,307 515 116 16 102 Max. Sec. Ft. 1,110 397 1,908 644 283 1,662 2,029 2,032 1,066 238 13 2,032 Mln. Sec. Ft. 7 111 108 186 178 258 516 791 258 18 Total Ac. Ft. 9,767 10,293 23,897 17,753 12,192 28,205 67,957 80,310 32,118 7,112 966 291,180 KAUEAfl RIVE) TABLE NO. 2 - Cootinued KAWEAH RrTER AT MC KAY POWT Dlscliarge In 3 econd-feet for year ending September 30. 19*7 Da, Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Renarks 1 68.5 3* 309 344 197 288 581 1.009 512 104 2 Dry 2 137 3* 292 309 197 482 356 1,600 581 r, 2 } }6.5 }* 275 275 197 *39 39* 1,777 *67 2.5 « 5* 31.5 258 262 1§9 *10 37* 1,6*9 *33 % 2.5 5 31.5 30.5 416 262 189 3*4 351 1,730 397 1 i «4 30.5 1,166 258 189 304 330 1,807 369 70.5 1 I *9 29.5 979 246 193 300 319 1,644 *SJ 66.5 0.5 44 27 480 23* 204 296 323 1,478 387 61.5 9 38.5 32.5 230 215 288 319 1,0*3 *06 57 10 31-5 3« 420 230 358 31* 8*5 *29 53 11 27 37.5 391 234 500 304 3*5 692 *16 50 0.5 12 24 40 362 230 266 296 *15 i*'' 329 *8 1 13 21 45 344 227 362 300 523 638 812 3*0 *8 0.5 14 16.5 57.5 326 20* 326 309 736 376 *5 15 17.5 57.5 313 200 30* 314 755 659 385 *2.5 16 28 5*. 5 300 ^P 304 355 863 978 917 362 40 \l 53.5 54.5 275 189 501 330 1,031 318 39 42.5 5^ 258 1§9 400 544 95* 1.053 31* 35.5 19 36.5 65 242 186 3*0 353 1.057 1.158 1,183 330 32 20 31.5 1,*25 238 186 355 555 1,179 3*0 29.5 21 30.5 395 227 182 518 344 9^5 1,086 270 27.5 22 38.5 227 227 182 30* 555 783 1,156 219 2* 25 41 4.135 219 178 296 448 631 1,257 189 20 24 44 1,875 242 178 300 410 568 1,103 175 20 25 41 826 439 178 309 553 516 1,019 162 19 26 36.5 584 501 182 309 539 ♦63 937 155 16.5 n J6.5 490 1,468 186 309 372 *87 8*6 150 16.5 38.5 420 783 204 304 381 5*9 759 138 1*.5 29 38.5 372 490 189 403 *9* 683 129 8 30 3o.5 335 391 197 567 592 670 117 1 51 34 355 195 361 567 1 Days 1.228 ll,8o9 13,582 6,733 8.015 10,812 17.195 33,572 9,6*8 1,338 1* Period Kean Sec. Ft. 40 395 438 217 28fa 549 573 1,083 322 *3 312 nax. Sec.Tl. 137 4,135 1.468 344 501 482 1.158 1,807 581 104 3 *,135 •«ln. Seo.7t. 17 27 219 178 189 288 31* 567 117 1 ToMl Ac. Ft. 2,*56 23,5*2 26,9*0 15,555 15,897 21.446 3*. 106 66,590 19,137 2,65* 28 226.131 Discharge in second-feet for year ending September JO, 194-8 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Kar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 22 37.5 55.5 24 66.5 23* 488 1,053 368 33 Dry 2 60 59 37.5 24 61.5 292 445 1.122 326 30.5 3 70 36.5 39 23 61.5 464 446 885 292 27.5 4 c 50.5 36.5 39 20 61.5 499 750 1,215 262 2*. 5 5 42.5 40 42.5 3* 52 309 1,163 889 227 23 6 59 40 57.5 36.5 50 283 1,712 878 197 23 I 35.5 39 55.5 37.5 50 275 2.049 1,052 178 2* 30.5 39 56.5 53 50 23* 1.617 1,048 1,497 175 21 9 28.5 *2.5 3* 35.5 5*. 5 250 1,554 168 I6.5 10 28.5 37.5 *2.5 53 59 3.645 835 1,096 165 10.5 11 58.5 34 36.5 37.5 56 52 1,830 912 1,166 165 9.5 12 58 33 37.5 33 *2.5 52 983 1,155 1,192 155 9.5 13 23 29.5 37.5 30.5 40 50 680 1,578 1,169 148 V 14 10.5 28.5 37-5 27.5 41.5 96 532 1,918 1,090 155 15 6.5 30.5 37.5 25 44 138 511 2,178 980 129 6.5 16 6.5 35-5 3b. 5 25 48 117 576 2,381 9*8 117 5 \l 10 35.5 36.5 2* 58.5 221 ^38 2,326 876 111 4 13 33 *8 23 68 160 2.062 824 103 4 19 1-5 33 44 2* 68.5 135 769 1,302 714 92 2 20 8 35.5 *5 25 66.5 1*5 791 986 678 86.5 2.5 21 6.5 32 53 2* 63.5 11* 851 802 667 76.5 2 22 9.5 32 *8 26.5 68.5 120 756 813 654 73 2 23 9.5 30.5 *2.5 26.5 86 162 637 1,20? 1,698 633 68.5 2 24 6 30.5 *0 26.5 70.5 268 *95 574 5I.5 2 25 4 55 *0 27.5 61.5 380 *95 1,811 5*0 3 26 5.5 34 *0 27.5 59 230 622 2,039 530 53 3 u 5 35.5 *1.5 28.5 57 219 642 2.073 488 46.5 2.5 4.5 35.5 40 22 66.5 23* 1,767 426 41.5 1.5 29 5 55.5 38.5 18 70.5 238 785 1,*37 399 36.5 1 30 12 56.5 '2*5 17 270 595 1,2*0 405 56 0.5 31 19 28.5 23 219 1,136 3* Sec.^t. Days 270 1.070 1.234 921 1,457 *.l87 21,572 *3,55* 26,190 4,186 314 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 9 56 40 30 50 135 719 1,598 875 135 10 286 Hex. Sec. Ft. 58 70 53 43 86 380 3,6*5 2,581 1.554 368 33 3,645 Hln. Sec. Ft. 22 29 17 20 50 23* 445 599 5* Total Ac. Ft. 536 2.122 2,448 1.827 2.890 8,305 *2,788 85,992 51,948 8.302 623 207,781 DIVISION OF VATER KESOTOCES tabu; ko. 2 KAUSAH RIVER AT HC KAT POINT Dische rge in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1949 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks! 1 Dry 1.5 41.5 46 108 ^P 1,084 629 111 6.5 Dry 2 12.5 42.5 41.5 108 185 1,351 671 92 2 } 14.5 40 46 1J5 182 1,271 718 92 1.5 4 0.5 24 33 46 242 222 845 643 89 1 5 11 28.5 23 48 284 3lB 868 604 83.5 0.5 6 9.5 27.5 34 50 168 368 1,085 613 81 7 5 28.5 39 68.5 152 326 1,112 674 74 8 5 28.5 37.5 78 164 326 1,072 733 64 9 5 J0.5 36.5 57 138 309 976 685 56 10 5 J0.5 33 57 129 462 772 626 50.5 11 6.5 29.5 29.5 68.5 Jf 628 769 998 561 50 12 0.5 28.5 33 81 283 2^^ 835 559 44 13 5 26.5 35.5 63.5 201 1,095 472 39 1* 5 ii 37.5 2^ 168 940 1,403 451 37.5 15 5 42.5 35.5 81 175 988 988 435 35.5 16 9 57.5 33 86.5 179 169 838 868 420 33 11 9.5 40 28.5 89 987 985 357 29.5 11 44 33 100 204 866 1,108 305 26.5 19 5.5 30.5 39 123 242 789 1,005 262 27.5 20 35.5 167 135 302 715 841 219 25 21 36.5 94 129 219 1,010 854 204 21 22 36.5 68.5 117 219 1,368 986 193 18 2} 0.5 34 78 135 335 1,432 1,211 189 14.5 24 1 30.5 57 138 296 1,399 1,386 182 12 25 1 28.5 48 158 234 1,429 1,456 172 7 26 2 33 44 145 207 1,199 1,557 162 3 11 1 52 44 148 204 1,090 1,584 155 3 52 41.5 117 242 1,302 1,359 138 1.5 29 42.5 44 219 1,304 1,016 129 0.5 JO 39 46 189 1,098 803 123 1.5 31 39 46 197 711 6.5 Tear Days 110 1,005 1,443 2,528 6,515 23,844 33,399 12,284 1,229 11 Period Hean Sec.Ft. 4 32 47 90 210 795 1,077 410 39 226 Hax. Sec. Ft. u 11 52 167 158 38} 1,452 1,584 733 111 7 1,584 nin. . Sec. Ft. 2 23 42 108 182 711 123 1 Total Ac. Ft. 216 1.995 2,8<.2 5,015 12,925 47,295 66,247 24,3o5 2,437 22 163,377 KAWEAH RIVER TABLE NO. ? ST. JOHKS BRANCH OF KAWEAH RIVER AT MC KAY POINT LocotioD of gt:ging station - Southeast quarter of Section 4, Township l8 South, Range 2? East, M.D.B.4 r. , 8t point cf bifurcation of Kavreah River into St. Johns end Keweah branches. Map design8tlon(3) • Owner of gaging stetion - Kaweah River and St. Johns River associations. Description of gating station - A broad crested weir consisting of two sections, each 113.6 feet in length with the stzie crest elevbtions, one section crossing the head of each branch; a water stage recorder above the weir on the south btnk of the river; a cable way and car about 100 yards upstream; and a controlled by-pass structure et the south end of the Kaweah Branch weir section. The crest of the weir section crossing St. Johns Branch is equipped with flashboards to make possible the diversion of the entire low flow into the Kaweah Branch. An accurate relationship has been established be- tween water levels at the recorder and flows over each of the weir sections. Since 19^0 a radio stream gage has been in continuous operation. Period of record - 191b-19*9- Criteria governing the division of flow at McKay Point - Flows are divided equally between the Kaweah and St. Johns branches, with the exception that once the flow has receded to 80 second-feet In the late sum- mer months, the entire flow, regardless of amount, is diverted into the Kaweah Branch until the first time it exceeds 80 second-feet after October 1. When Uutchumna Water Compeny transfers Barton Cut diversions from St. Johns Branch to Wutchumna Ditch above McKay Point, the resulting unbalanced flow 8t that point is compensated by the release of an equivalent amount into the Kaweah Branch through the controlled by-pass structure. Discharge In second-feet for year ending September ?0, 19*0 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 10.5 27 20 265 1,293 1,275 725 840 215 Dry Dry 20.5 27 118 298 1,040 872 950 850 188 bO.5 16 334 913 880 725 990 740 180 55.5 452 1,525 756 655 925 770 192 16 340 692 685 584 855 690 177 6 41.5 109 499 645 532 890 690 158 I 78 125 419 569 533 870 715 147 75 564 357 555 518 970 755 135 9 70 287 315 547 526 1,100 795 122 10 61.5 664 2 90 499 555 1,255 732 106 11 54 1,805 276 459 600 1,325 710 98 12 44.5 1.155 260 575 675 1,265 720 91 15 38 499 235 333 780 1,275 710 85 14 55.5 521 493 315 845 1,505 705 78 15 31 258 446 309 855 1,325 665 71 16 2b 194 336 509 668 1,285 610 70 11 22.5 171 321 315 569 1,080 572 69 20 158 324 321 623 915 478 65 19 18.5 145 281 315 740 960 432 62 20 17 9 132 271 321 772 1,060 357 59 21 15 19 124 265 351 870 1,205 341 56 22 15 18 120 274 381 960 1,195 545 55 25 12 1^ 116 1,600 419 960 1,225 306 48 2« 11 18 116 850 452 995 1,525 III 46 25 17 19 265 856 540 915 1,295 46 26 30.5 17 1,670 2,880 540 84 5 1,145 249 44.5 11 38 19 629 1,*35 1,310 660 1,070 223 45 38 18 400 1,165 805 562 1,040 224 42 29 36 16 327 1,935 595 540 925 225 40 50 32 19 287 600 570 850 298 26 }1 25 20 265 1,590 775 Days 1,092 70 210 11,850 ?0,056 18,204 21,759 55,555 16,301 2,812 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 35 2 7 382 692 587 725 1,076 543 91 545 nax. See. Ft. 78_ 27 20 1,805 2,880 1,590 1,275 1,325 840 215 2,880 mn. Sec. Ft. U.O 20 235 509 318 725 225 Total Ac. Ft. 2,lno 159 416 25,504 59,781 56,108 43,159 66,160 3^.333 5,578 249,344 DinSIOK OF VATER RESOUPCES TABLE KO. 5 - Continued ST. jom;s BR-JiCH OF k^:jzs-jh. river at nc kat poiot Discharge in second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*1 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jen. Feb. nar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remerks *9 8o 235 190 849 439 660 1.130 676 134 40 2 47.5 86 150 180 982 540 715 1.220 660 129 19 3 *9 84 lo7 171 810 431 860 1.340 080 lie *9 54 158 167 729 673 995 1.385 668 104 5 45 158 162 080 1.470 1,075 1.405 c60 95 40 149 218 599 833 1,255 1.460 629 93 I J8 244 235 543 716 1.390 1.530 0O9 112 58 238 337 519 622 1,495 1.040 0O7 119 9 10 39 182 1,272 502 ■,76 1.495 922 576 106 42 158 1,2C8 488 815 1,570 1.090 509 99 56 149 1,213 455 1.054 1.755 1.295 -81 tl 60 145 2.075 442 772 1,775 1.390 462 88 13 74 140 1.013 462 700 1.560 1.435 426 8« 73 249 741 484 668 1,325 1.565 367 74.5 15 70 202 708 437 660 1.200 1,5-5 509 67 70 lo4 569 397 660 1.300 1,325 281 79 ]l 78 5 149 569 394 595 1.465 1.295 257 151 93 67 145 485 411 547 1,420 1,1-6 265 95 19 20 124 196 145 450 426 510 1.155 1.175 265 78 105 97 138 400 412 478 1.225 1.150 228 70 3 21 10? 79 134 580 351 459 1.355 1.068 225 63 90 90 106 506 345 -52 1.540 1,005 210 58.5 93 848 185 452 360 tit 1,660 968 208 54 69 523 1,180 771 363 1,595 900 19* 52.5 25 0.5 89 450 487 622 366 50= 1.575 772 171 49 26 165 81 233 3i3 493 372 499 1,615 752 167 46 ?2 107 86 1.505 293 432 387 536 1,475 6J0 162 44.5 67 83 1,095 243 514 400 622 1.370 526 158 43 29 60 8o 485 217 465 733 1.220 575 145 42 57 91 351 198 381 768 1,200 635 158 42 Jl 51 304 190 390 1.155 140 42 Sec.Ft. Days 506 2,125 6,638 7,161 16.713 15.201 19,402 41,450 33,096 11,553 2.527 59 Year Period Mean Sec.Ft. 16 71 214 2J1 597 490 647 1,337 1,103 373 82 2 429 Max. Sec.Ft. 165 124 1,505 1,180 2.075 982 1,470 1,775 1,460 680 151 40 2.075 «in. Sec.Ft. 38 134 162 345 431 660 526 138 42 D Total Ac. Ft. 1,008 4,215 13,167 14,204 33,150 50,151 38,484 82,216 65,646 22,915 65,646 5.012 510,285 Dischs rge in s eccEi-fe et fcr ;.- eer er:di r.g Septe 3Lber ;o, 1942 Day Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Bar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 139 233 254 145 315 492 1.040 492 it Dry C 113 182 249 i^^ 348 465 1.054 478 64 422 167 345 400 472 933 495 481 151 276 170 873 522 1.071 472 55.5 5 297 140 287 187 592 584 1,225 459 54 (, 25 24J 132 339 204 533 ^'5 1,300 'Z 52.5 I 60 208 130 315 213 4J9 817 1.215 49 51 187 149 2B1 228 422 935 1,102 333 47.5 9 10 46 176 149 249 247 419 1,028 1,185 307 46 42 174 151 233 257 446 937 1,326 276 47.5 38 171 169 213 518 506 872 1,330 273 51 55 158 180 199 540 472 700 1,270 231 13 34 149 162 194 475 544 592 1.205 206 45 36 147 182 176 419 764 566 1,170 204 42 15 34 211 178 171 476 622 566 1,165 202 50 16 34 235 1^1 167 387 547 529 1.106 194 ]l 43 527 158 162 354 716 ^^? 1,111 182 49 239 149 153 374 '¥ §2^ 1.089 180 19 20 40 215 143 149 351 1.023 176 ;7 208 138 145 312 688 1,166 920 174 54 225 ^^J 145 304 684 1.420 842 163 52 203 168 204 307 660 1,502 834 15b 23 38 201 192 171 504 660 1,365 813 142 }4 225 160 167 282 569 1,400 750 132 25 31 194 777 158 244 618 1,482 66B 128 26 48 23, 534 153 223 576 1.385 5|| 122 n 71 240 648 149 218 592 1.046 488 114 71 298 000 149 220 584 1,093 492 103 29 76 403 -39 244 495 889 516 89 JO 31 205 426 339 271 44} 796 510 81 318 287 309 920 74.5 Sec.Ft. Year Days 1.2-7 7.462 7.810 5,853 9,09* 16,687 27,310 29,349 7.393 7ol Period nein Sec.Ft. 1 42 241 252 209 293 5>o 881 978 238 25 509 Max. Sec.Ft. 203 481 900 345 540 873 1.502 1.330 495 69 1,502 Mln. Sec.Ft. 113 130 145 145 315 4o5 483 75 Total AC. Ft. 2."7> 1'..801 15.491 n.609 16,03s 33.099 54,lo9 56,214 14,664 1,510 224,068 KAWEAH RIVER TABLE NO. } - Continued ST. JOHNS BRiUICH OF KAVEAH RIVER AT MC KAY "OINT Oischerpe in 3econd-feet for /ear ending September 30 1943 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 8? 80 446 560 840 1,407 1,224 346 101 Dry Z 65 86 382 551 874 1,396 1,055 337 90 5 36 76 350 551 900 1,535 851 340 78 71.5 ?99 494 874 1,427 669 357 &•> 5 35. 5 68 282 781 917 1,215 557 351 65.5 (, 31 63.5 271 935 962 1,265 535 348 59 I 32 59 271 675 814 1,565 616 301 57.5 32 56 411 1,019 1,060 1,575 69:' 277 59 32 54.5 334 5,475 980 1,224 686 279 53 10 31 53 2', 3 4,195 849 1,222 646 265 47.5 32 51.5 310 3,370 789 1,252 669 260 45 32 51-5 50- 2,060 773 1,173 571 250 44.5 13 31 49.5 504 1,610 748 1,118 479 223 41 31 49.5 322 1,405 763 '^'IP 522 204 5?-5 15 30 50 340 1,220 775 8B5 542 209 28 16 27 51.5 557 1,025 797 885 781 614 180 t^ 27 51.5 346 1,175 716 670 162 27 27 45 540 5,605 955 659 715 14 3 19 390 27 J8 331 l,9o5 1,015 625 692 14 5 ?0 1J4 27 45.5 34 6 1,544 971 701 588 160 11 85 27 1,445 376 1,335 971 806 575 158 70 27 3,650 446 1,365 1,052 962 494 147 2} 75 57 3,825 478 1,186 1,147 1,118 1,080 424 158 24 101 674 1,455 807 546 1,045 1,514 426 152 25 1J5 579 785 980 1,147 1,469 591 128 26 117 185 616 446 953 1,060 1,501 576 122 ?^ 102 147 586 407 944 1,060 1,479 565 118 109 134 446 570 971 1,550 1,438 382 112 29 105 130 401 989 1,524 1,555 379 114 JO 93 113 664 1,035 1,295 1,195 354 108 51 97 634 874 1,061 102 SecFt. Year Days 1,541 2,684 15,840 10,497 45,288 29,064 35,792 17,715 6,514 872 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 51 87 511 575 1,461 969 1,155 591 210 28 454 Max. Sec. Ft. 390 674 3,850 807 5,475 1,550 1,501 1,224 557 101 5,475 Sec. Ft. 27 38 271 351 748 623 554 102 Total Ac. Ft. 3,056 5,324 31,419 20,821 89,829 57,643 70,995 55,138 12,920 1,730 328,878 Disoha rge in second-fe 3t for year endl 3g September 50, 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 13.5 58 59.5 78 247 275 5bb 625 508 26.5 Dry 2 12 57 47.5 70 174 515 518 741 271 5 12 55 76 70 151 555 686 687 247 4 12 54 30.5 115 192 295 796 850 654 234 5 11.5 56 36 825 245 756 202 6 10.5 o-i 79 519 254 895 822 185 I 10.5 59 117 25° 282 710 706 175 J 8 55 22 99 216 299 786 840 171 9 8.5 52 58.5 190 225 258 955 617 162 10 8.5 48 53 122 244 211 882 522 154 11 15 52 83 109 282 255 840 535 146 12 31.5 55 47.5 lOl 507 260 835 542 140 13 32.5 52 45.5 §9 285 216 895 572 153 14 32.5 52 45.5 80 259 190 960 511 125 15 31.5 ;2 45.5 76 187 188 909 420 119 16 35 51 46 70 185 195 724 ^ih, 109 }^ ^ 54.5 51 43.5 68 194 175 542 288 101 u 41.5 52.5 44 62 215 180 490 279 92 19 46.5 l\ 47.5 65 247 18; 44 6 302 86 20 a 66 46 65.5 25° 251 526 322 80 21 71 149 47.5 74 202 187 579 504 71.5 22 87 82 490 195 174 669 265 66.5 25 75 6C.5 49 556 211 218 851 260 63.5 24 5.5 70 53 lo5 loD 257 258 795 2dO 59 25 9.5 65 50.5 95 138 2o5 215 850 258 55 26 \ 63 51.5 7 = 199 25i 209 778 254 55 M 60 41 67 loO 240 255 724 2>>5 50 u 12 58 -2.5 61 150 227 228 2^2 78- 874 538 47.5 29 14 50 »1 57.5 140 231 349 45 50 15.5 56 40 73 254 291 713 331 44 31 15 4o 134 242 74 8 40.5 Sec. ft. Days 88 1,139 1.788 l,oo2 3,0-3 7,750 7,154 22,936 13,987 5,856 27 Year Period MeSn Sec. Ft. 3 38 58 5- 12o 249 239 740 466 124 1 175 Max. Sec. Ft. 15 87 149 1j5 490 825 555 955 840 308 27 955 Mln. Sec. Ft. 40 i2 151 174 3o6 23- 41 ■ Total Ac. Ft. 175 :,25;' 5,546 3,297 7,22d 15,332 1-,190 45,-94 27,743 7,609 55 126,924 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 3 - Continued ST. J0HT4S BRANCH OF KAWEAH RITER AT f"C KAY POINT Discbarge In second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*5 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. War. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 73 2 , 500 199 635 1,335 594 672 84 Dry 2 55 75.5 ;,79o 189 590 1,355 752 052 89 5 76 70 2,360 187 510 1,385 874 574 124 60.5 68 1,105 242 459 1,575 1,166 508 u 5 60.; 66.5 741 228 426 1,259 1,051 483 b 60.5 68 564 194 426 1,229 765 423 90 I 65.5 70 453 l8o 450 1,242 =77 391 95 63.5 70 594 189 500 1,147 673 346 73 9 59.5 50.5 557 194 577 1,061 089 351 66 10 57.5 527 209 446 1,244 840 504 57.5 11 14 D 55.5 304 218 417 1,214 1,006 285 53.5 237 51.5 299 225 594 1,279 1,147 296 49 i; ^5 49 288 254 366 1,259 1,524 288 4b 14 47.5 304 250 345 l,00fa 1.545 280 42.5 15 4b. 5 5 = 5 1,255 557 874 1,249 250 28.5 16 45.5 295 679 bSb 382 1,016 1,155 220 \l 45 265 515 1,186 1,112 192 44 274 565 705 857 1,047 1,116 175 19 20 46 271 461 827 1,104 175 75 244 455 1,045 712 1,020 171 95 259 475 1,157 b4 6 l,OQb 168 201 231 505 1,089 619 865 166 23 164 228 1,137 1,035 697 755 IbO c 123 225 743 1,001 712 655 146 25 101 215 658 1,050 745 578 137 26 86 i04 1,695 957 709 603 124 11 77 202 914 935 685 655 117 75 204 720 1,016 701 698 114 631 1,137 t>4 6 729 108 50 31 80.5 579 1,298 b25 711 97 73 23 608 558 88 Sec. Ft. Days 408 2,226 613 19,236 15,b76 21,083 50,575 26,872 8,417 1,088 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 14 72 20 687 506 705 980 896 271 55 345 Max. Sec. Ft. 257 201 74 5,790 1,695 1,298 1,585 1,545 672 124 5,790 Min. Sec. Ft. 202 180 557 538 578 88 Total Q 809 4,415 l,21o 38,155 31,095 41,818 60,245 55,501 lb,b95 2,158 249,905 Discbarge in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1946 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 197 71 199 95 145 595 908 455 118 Dry Dry 2 154 64 130 95 149 516 895 487 108 5 106 61 254 108 149 Ul 801 515 104 4 95 57 196 115 156 855 476 105 5 84 83 522 104 156 504 897 459 90 6 76 73 244 113 128 504 974 397 85 I 11 99 73 199 110 156 282 1,002 376 7b 4 80 70 175 104 162 268 951 351 70 9 I'o 64 154 101 185 244 881 340 66.5 10 61 14 9 97 189 255 724 299 60.5 11 102 57 140 101 185 288 609 242 54.5 12 101 61 128 88 154 565 594 2b0 54.5 15 99 57 128 97 265 450 566 271 54.5 14 97 55 128 91 225 554 571 250 49.5 15 95 56 124 95 204 588 659 228 49.5 16 95 57 120 152 199 497 546 209 46 \l 85 57 120 120 204 616 511 185 41.5 75 55 118 116 194 696 525 169 18 19 68 55 114 115 728 604 166 20 65 55 115 108 218 709 639 162 21 fa5 148 108 115 209 696 fa49 158 22 61 965 104 115 194 705 557 154 25 u 59 701 105 120 209 756 449 145 24 56 884 108 156 204 823 407 14 b 25 70 114 140 194 905 426 152 26 67 487 il5 152 215 1,000 401 149 11 61 299 110 128 244 952 462 145 59 260 108 140 2J4 968 414 158 29 165 61 259 104 1^5 959 579 ^'i JO 547 99 225 95 819 900 404 128 51 512 211 92 515 440 Secft. Year Days 1,059 2,560 6,025 4,442 5,117 b,370 16,664 19,768 7,742 1.247 Period Mean Sec. Ft. J4 85 194 14 5 111 222 555 6j8 258 40 190 Max. Sec. Ft. 547 197 965 522 140 819 1,000 1,002 515 118 1,002 Mln. Sec. Ft. 56 55 92 88 128 244 379 128 Total Ac. Ft. 2,061 5,078 11,947 8.811 6,183 13,626 33,053 39,210 15,356 2,473 137,798 KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. } - Continued ST. JOffilS BRANCH OF KAUEAH RIVEfi AT MCKAY POINT Discharge In aecond-feet for rear ending September 30 1947 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hey June July Aug. Sept. j Remarks 1 1 68.5 34 154 171 97 143 180 468 242 51 Dry Dry 2 137 36.5 34 145 154 97 240 loo 788 874 276 4b 5 3* 136 136 97 218 185 220 44 3- 31.5 128 150 93 204 Ul 813 204 43 5 51.5 30.5 207 130 93 171 853 187 38 6 «4 30.5 586 126 93 151 154 892 171 34.5 I *9 29.5 491 122 95 149 149 810 202 15.5 44 27 299 116 101 147 151 725 177 187 9 10 38.5 32.5 239 114 106 145 14 9 507 51.5 34 209 114 178 14 3 147 407 199 11 27 37.5 194 180 116 149 151 162 334 192 12 24 40 114 132 147 196 3I0 14 7 13 21 45 171 113 180 149 250 391 160 14 16.5 57.5 162 101 162 154 306 554 187 15 17.5 57.5 156 99 151 156 363 316 191 16 28 54.5 149 93 151 166 417 442 180 \l 53.5 54.5 13b 93 250 16* 47o 499 158 42.5 56 128 93 199 171 462 511 156 19 36.5 65 120 92 169 175 512 577 164 20 31.5 1,010 118 92 166 175 563 574 169 21 30.5 288 113 90 158 171 46o 528 ^'S 22 38.5 113 113 90 151 175 376 563 108 2} 41 2,105 108 88 147 223 302 612 93 24 44 947 120 86 149 204 271 535 86 25 41 414 218 88 154 175 247 493 80 26 3fa.5 292 250 90 154 168 220 452 76 u 3o.5 244 740 92 154 185 234 407 'i 38.5 209 392 101 151 139 267 365 68 29 38.5 185 244 93 19o 2|^ 327 63.5 50 30.5 166 19'! 97 175 282 322 57.5 31 54 175 95 171 271 Soc.Jt. Year Days 1,228 6,758 6,775 3,353 3,977 5.351 8,228 16,340 4,609 272 Period HeSn See. Ft. iO 22: 218 107 142 173 274 527 154 9 156 flax. Sec.Ft. 137 2,105 740 171 250 240 563 892 276 51 2,105 nin. Sec.Ft. 17 27 108 88 93 143 147 271 58 Total Ac. Ft. Z,*}i 13,405 13,438 6, .11 •^,883 10,614 16,520 52,410 9,142 540 ; 112, 804 1 Discharge In seccnd-feet for year ending September }0, 194^8 Dey Oct. Not. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarics 1 Dry Dr- Dry 52.5 116 234 500 171 Dry Dry 2 30 145 213 535 lo2 3 50 231 207 *i'' 145 4 30 249 340 582 130 5 25.5 154 557 420 113 6 2-. 5 140 835 414 97 I 24.5 130 1,001 500 88 24.5 llo 785 723 86 9 27 124 500 751 63 10 29 1,852 394 522 61.5 11 19 25.5 924 433 557 81.5 12 40.5 25.5 493 553 571 76 13 23 24.5 340 766 560 73 14 10.5 u 2o5 937 522 66.5 15 6.5 255 1,070 466 63.5 16 6.5 37.5 288 1,181 450 57.5 \l 10 109 357 1,176 414 54.5 13 17 79 420 1,030 388 50.5 19 |.5 33.5 66.5 380 623 334 45 20 32.5 71.5 382 465 316 42.5 21 6.5 31 56 411 376 310 27 22 9.5 33.5 59 363 382 304 23 9.5 42.5 80 304 579 295 24 6 34.5 133 234 823 263 25 4 30 189 234 879 244 26 1.5 29 114 295 995 239 11 28 1C8 370 1,013 218 32.5 116 397 857 189 29 54.5 118 370 691 175 30 134 282 623 180 31 108 542 Sec.Ft. Deys 184 379 2,0o7 10,o25 21,058 12,357 1,794 Year Period Mean Sec.Ft. 6 13 67 354 679 412 58 132 nax. Sec.Ft. 41 43 189 1,852 1,181 751 171 1,852 Hln. Sec.Ft. 24 116 207 175 total Ac. Ft. 365 752 4,100 21,075 41,768 24,510 3,558 96,128 DIVISION OF Water resources TABLE NO. 3 - Continued ST. JOHNS Ba«:CH OF K/.UEAH RITER AT MO ICf.Y POINT Discharge In second-feet for year ending September 50, 19*9 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dr;- Dry Dry 22.5 53 95 515 2S8 54.5 Dry Dry 2 20 53 91 639 ■10 45 } 22.5 66.5 90 608 334 45 4 22.5 120 110 397 296 44 5 ^ 23-5 141 158 407 277 41 6 21-5 83 183 515 282 39.5 7 33.5 11 162 528 310 17.5 e 38 162 507 540 9 28 68 154 459 5I0 10 28 63.5 230 357 288 11 G 33.5 191 -'^i 357 255 1? 39-5 140 368 473 253 13 14 31 99 418 522 209 u 37 ^J 471 o75 199 15 39.5 86 49o 46i. 204 16 12.5 88 42o 407 209 11 44 93 495 466 177 49 101 434 528 152 19 20 60.5 120 388 470 130 58 Dfa.5 150 340 394 108 21 22 4b = 3.5 108 486 401 101 33.5 57.5 108 664 466 95 25 24 38 66.5 166 o95 579 93 28 b8 14 7 680 666 90 25 23.5 78 llo 692 701 85 26 21.5 71.5 102 577 750 80 12 21.5 73 101 522 764 ■'s 20 57.5 120 o24 650 68 29 21-5 108 -25 479 63.5 30 22.5 93 522 373 60. 5 31 22.5 97 327 Sec.Ft. Year Days 357 1,241 3,221 11, =6= 15,832 5,749 286 Period Mein Sec.Ft. 12 44 104 389 511 192 9 105 Hax. Sec.Ft. C 58 78 191 695 764 340 55 764 Min. Sec.Ft. 20 53 90 327 61 Total Ac. Ft. 708 2,462 6,38? 23,140 31,442 11,403 567 76,111 KAUKAH RIVER TABLE NO. 4 KAUKAH BRANCH OF KAVEAH RIVER AT KC KAT POINT LocatloD of gaging station - Southeast quarter of Section *, Township l8 South, Range 27 Bast, n.O.B.A n. , at point of bifurcation of Kaweah River into St. Johns and ICaweah branches. Flap desipnation(^ • Owner of gaging stetion - Kaweah Hirer end St. Johns Rlrer associations- OescriptioD of gaging station - A broad crested weir consisting of two sections, each 113.6 feet in length with the same crest elevations, one section crossing the head of each branch; a water stage recorder above the weir on the south bank of the river; a cebleway end car about 100 yards upstream; and a controlled by-pass structure at the south end of the Kaweah Branch weir section. The crest of the weir section crossing St. Johns Branch Is equipped with flashboards to make possible the diversion of the entire low flow into the Kaweah Branch. An accurate relationship has been established be- tween water levels at the recorder and flows over each of the weir sections. Since 19*0 a radio stress gage has been In continuous operation. Period of record - 1916-19*9- Criteria gcverning the division of flow at HcKay Point - Flews are divided e;;ually between the Kaweah and St. Johns branches, with the exception that once the flow has receded to 80 second-feet in the late sum- rser months, the entire flow, regardless of aaouot. Is diverted into the Kaweah Branch until the first tltoe it exceeds 80 second-feet after October 1. Vhen Vutchumna Vater Company transfers Barton Cut diversions froa St. Johns Branch to Vutchumna Ditch above ncKay Point, the resulting unbalanced flow at that point is compensated by the release of en equivalent amount Into the Kaweah Branch through the controlled by-pass structure. Discharge in second-feet for year ending Septaaber 30^ 19^0 Dey Oct. Not. Dec. laa. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 11.5 24 22 268 1.270 1,285 750 865 255 70 2 21.5 27.5 119 300 1,020 893 975 855 219 66 3 64.5 10 29.5 333 89* 865 7*5 1,015 770 196 60 4 59.5 32 26.5 449 1,*90 744 665 9*5 800 195 55 5 ••9 28.5 25.5 242 682 675 616 880 720 179 50 10 i ♦5 28.; 24 115 *97 640 568 915 720 161 *7 23 I 82 24 29.5 129 *19 567 567 900 740 150 *3 21 77 28.5 32 364 357 555 552 990 785 139 40 16.5 9 ?* 29.5 31 289 317 5*6 559 1,125 82| 126 39 7.5 10 65.5 3* 29.5 65* 292 497 590 1,275 758 111 37 11 58 3* *5 1,760 278 *37 d30 1,3*0 735 102 35 ]2 *7.5 32 66 1,130 262 389 705 805 1.285 7*5 95 33 1} 41 27. ■; 50 497 240 '^1 1.295 7*0 90 32.5 14 }8.5 22 44 323 490 3*8 870 1.325 735 83 32.5 15 J} 21 *J 242 **3 3*3 880 1,3*0 700 75 33.5 16 29 21 *3 197 336 3*3 697 1,305 6*5 73 33.5 11 2*-i 22 42 17* 32 3 3*8 601 1,105 608 11 33 22 26.5 41 161 325 35* 652 9*0 512 32.5 1? 20.5 25.5 40 148 28* 3*8 765 985 *6* 66 29.5 20 19 23 32 136 273 35* 798 1,080 389 63 27.5 21 17 22 21 128 268 382 900 1,230 373 59 25 22 15 22 20 124 276 *1* 980 1,220 376 56 23 2> 13.5 23 18 120 1,560 *30 980 1,250 339 51 17 24 12.5 21 20 120 816 482 1.015 1.3*5 326 *9 13 2J 19 20 21 260 8*1 571 935 1,310 316 *9 19.5 26 8.5 20 19 1.630 2,790 571 865 1,175 28* :i-' 18 11 27.5 21 623 1,*05 1.320 830 685 1,095 259 17 24 20 400 1,170 596 1,065 259 «5 9 29 24 20 328 1,825 630 575 950 855 262 ** 30 24 21 289 630 600 338 5* 31 22 268 1,*05 805 75 DBJS 968 697 9*8 11.77* 19.721 18,691 22,57* 3*. 070 17.2*3 3,09* 971 78 Year Period Mean 31 23 31 380 680 603 752 1,099 575 100 31 3 358 S«C.Pt. 82 3* 66 1,760 2.790 1,*05 1.285 1,5*5 865 255 70 23 2,790 nin. Sec.Ft. 18 22 2*0 3*3 552 750 259 44 Total Ac. rt. 1.920 1.382 1,880 23.35* 39.117 37.07* **.775 67,578 3*. 201 6,137 1,926 155 259, *99 DIVISION OF UATEB RESOURCES TABLE NO. 4 - Continued KAWKAH BRANCH OF KAUEAH RIVER AT MC KAT POIHT Discharge in second-fe et for year ending September 50, 1941 Day Oct. Noy. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 52 227 192 855 461 680 1,145 704 158 44 2 50.5 192 183 964 563 675 1,235 708 155 58 i 52 169 174 797 454 1,350 707 122 74 52 25 161 169 716 694 1,010 1,590 696 109 74 5 46 80 161 165 671 1,460 1,090 1,410 689 99 70 6 44 79 152 222 595 840 1,265 1.465 659 98 66 I 41 74 247 240 5*1 725 1,590 1,555 658 116 65 41 70 242 355 518 635 1,505 1,055 636 125 63 42 63 185 1,243 500 687 1,525 958 608 111 62 10 45 60 161 1,182 487 826 1,585 1,110 540 105 61 41 61 152 1,187 455 1,06} 1,750 1,305 512 99 59 16 62 148 2,015 440 785 1,770 1,400 492 V 57 13 60 144 995 460 715 1,565 1,440 456 89 52 53 252 729 485 684 1,550 1,590 401 78.5 50 15 54 205 697 439 676 1,215 1,555 349 70 55 16 66 167 567 397 676 1,505 1,240 320 82 43 ]l 234 152 567 394 0I9 1,470 1.505 295 155 40 186 148 484 411 573 1.425 1,167 504 100 45 19 20 200 148 427 425 555 1,175 1,195 304 82 44 u 101 142 400 427 504 1,235 1,170 267 73 41 •0 84 138 577 375 485 1,360 1,082 265 67 44 94 172 168 504 369 476 1,540 1,025 249 62.5 45 23 832 450 584 504 1.655 987 247 58 45 519 1.155 782 387 510 1,590 920 252 56.5 45 25 60.5 450 486 616 590 531 1,575 795 205 52 41 26 311 237 363 491 597 524 1,615 775 195 49 40 n 11} 1,470 294 451 411 562 1,475 655 179 47.5 43 70 1,080 247 511 424 645 1,570 554 161 46 44 29 30 51 64 484 221 489 749 1,230 605 148 45 43 61 351 200 405 786 1,215 660 142 45 41 55 306 192 415 1.175 144 ♦5 Seo.?t. Year Days 734 522 7,457 7,211 16,535 15,400 19,945 41,700 33,454 12,450 2,647 1,548 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 24 17 240 235 591 497 665 1.345 1,115 402 85 52 437 Max. Sec. Ft. 311 52 1,470 1,155 2,015 964 1,460 1,770 1,465 708 155 74 2,015 Mln. Sec. Ft. 138 165 369 454 680 554 142 45 40 Total Ac. Ft. 1,456 1,035 14,751 14,303 52,797 30,546 59,561 82,712 66,556 24,695 5,250 5,071 316,533 Discharge in eecond-feet for year ending September 30, 194^2 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Fob. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 38 93 237 257 148 545 525 1.075 526 ''? 57.5 2 55 125 185 252 157 575 498 1,087 512 68 55.5 3 55 168 148 169 345 161 427 504 969 528 64 33 56 155 77 154 278 'M 692 557 1,115 504 52-5 52 5 58 147 144 289 617 617 1,259 491 58 30 6 45 110 156 359 207 560 ¥A 1,528 427 56.5 11 i 45 64 154 517 217 464 1,250 592 52 47 55 152 284 232 452 957 1,157 566 50.5 u 9 45 49 152 252 249 452 1,055 1,222 540 49 45 45 154 257 254 476 972 1,556 508 50.5 28 11 43 41 \l\ 217 521 558 909 1,555 506 55 35 32 43 59 202 539 504 733 1,299 265 51 57 13 47 11 185 197 178 475 ',U 624 1,239 240 48 56.5 14 45 185 419 599 1,210 258 46 32 15 43 57 180 174 475 655 599 1.202 255 51 29.5 16 41 57 171 169 386 582 564 1,141 228 76 27.5 u 38 46 161 165 354 745 552 1,143 201 72 25.5 59 52 152 157 374 610 704 1,122 185 66 25 19 44 44 146 152 351 617 904 1,054 178 60 25 20 61 40 142 148 514 715 1,203 953 176 56 24.5 21 74 57 158 148 506 712 1,444 879 166 55 25-5 22 68 40 171 207 309 690 1.525 870 159 52 25 23 62 41 194 174 506 690 1,387 844 146 47 22 24 66 57 165 169 295 603 1,421 778 156 44.5 22 25 84 53 765 161 271 646 1,501 697 152 44 20 26 92 21 550 157 252 610 1,405 627 126 42.5 20 11 104 640 152 247 624 1,081 522 118 41.5 21 156 195 686 152 249 617 1,150 526 108 40.5 21 29 113 40} 457 272 529 926 550 2* 40.5 25 30 25 2 425 339 299 475 854 543 86 40 25.5 31 89 320 289 558 955 78.5 40 Days 1,852 1,631 1,568 7,845 5,929 9,556 17,581 28,250 30,552 7,995 1,648 825 Year Period Mein Sec. Ft. 60 54 50 255 212 501 586 911 1,012 258 55 27 315 fiex. Sec. Ft. 156 168 425 886 545 559 892 1,525 1.356 528 76 58 1.525 Mln. Sec. Ft. 55 134 148 148 543 498 522 79 40 20 Total Ac. Ft. 3,674 3,235 3,110 15,561 11,760 18,518 34,872 56,054 60.203 15,654 5,269 1,632 227,722 KAWEAH RIVER TABLE NO. * - Continued KAWEAH BRANCH OF KAUEAH RIVER AT «C KAT POINT Discharge In aeooad-feet for year ending September 30, 1943 Dajr Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 24 33 l\ 444 560 826 1,371 1,361 1,197 578 369 105 a 2 22 33 16 381 351 859 1,015 11 35 3 21 32 40 81 321 551 884 1,302 818 572 33 4 20 *1.5 39 73.5 299 283 490 859 1,392 661 391 68 34 5 19 44 37.5 70 770 902 1,190 552 385 65.5 31 f, 18 41.5 33 65.5 272 918 944 1,235 551 382 61 28.5 I 17 30.5 34 61 272 665 802 1,332 609 534 59.5 26.5 12.5 29.5 34 58 409 996 1,040 1.542 704 310 61 25.5 9 38 34 56.5 JJJ 5,215 960 §34 1.197 715 313 55 25 10 6 36.5 33 55 294 4,015 1,195 674 300 49.5 28.5 11 21 35-5 34 53.5 311 3,230 778 1,223 696 295 47 28.5 12 24 34 34 53.5 505 1,990 762 1,148 600 284 45.5 28 1} 55 35.5 33 50.5 305 1,565 758 1,095 511 259 42 27.5 14 38 32 33 50.5 322 1.370 758 1,013 555 259 40.5 25.5 15 34 3d. 5 31 52 339 1,195 762 867 574 245 51 24 16 33 51.5 28 53.5 357 1,005 786 fib7 770 645 216 76 22.5 \l 30 49 28 53.5 345 1,150 707 699 198 71 22 29.5 79 28 47 339 3,455 935 681 742 177 65 23 19 29.5 390 28 40 330 1,905 995 617 721 167 60 24 20 18 156 28 47.5 345 1,503 952 691 619 162 66 25 21 15 87 28 1.595 575 1,302 952 794 607 160 65 24 24 72 28 3,675 444 1,332 1,032 944 526 14 9 56 25 24 75 57 b58 3.665 474 1,159 1,123 1,059 456 141 56 24 26 46 1,400 795 1,023 1,095 1,283 459 134 54 22 25 26 378 775 542 961 1,123 1,432 424 130 53 20 26 11 ill 609 444 935 1,040 1,462 409 124 50 19 '^l 5 80 406 927 1,040 1,442 596 120 47 21 32 136 444 369 952 1,320 1,401 415 114 45 24 29 32 152 599 970 1,293 1,302 412 116 42 24 JO 51 32 114 655 1,013 l,2t>5 1,169 568 111 39 21.5 52 100 626 859 1,041 105 37 Sec.ft. Days 7*7 1,516 2,572 15,426 10,455 43,932 28,526 55,058 18,506 7,180 1,802 776 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 24 51 83 498 573 1,417 951 1,131 610 232 58 26 456 Max. Sec. Ft. 38 590 658 3,675 795 5,215 1,520 1,462 1,197 391 103 36 5,215 Mln. Sec. Ft. 40 272 351 738 617 568 105 37 19 Ac. Ft. 1,482 5,007 ;,io2 50,597 20,757 87,159 56,581 69,558 36.310 14,242 3,574 1,539 329,848 Discharge In seoond-feet for year ending September 30, 1944 Day Oct. Not. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 19 Dry 41 81 249 500 592 651 334 50.5 0.7 2 18 49 72 176 338 544 766 297 75.5 1.5 J 18 79 72 153 381 710 812 714 272 72.5 1.9 4 18 91.5 114 194 318 681 260 68 1.4 5 18 104 89 810 270 865 762 225 61 0.8 6 16 2t0 81 319 277 915 846 208 58.5 0.5 I 9.5 158 115 239 306 809 791 862 199 55 0.6 4.5 7 108 101 218 322 191 53 2.4 9 4 7 60.5 191 226 280 974 645 174 51 1.4 10 4 7 55 124 246 235 903 549 155 47 2.2 11 4 7 85 112 285 lit 860 564 150 45.5 1.7 12 4 7 49.5 103 308 853 571 143 42 13 4 7 47.5 1^ 285 240 914 599 135 58 14 4 7 47.5 82 241 212 979 559 127 36.5 0.5 15 4 7 47.5 79 189 211 929 446 121 34 16 3.5 7 48 72 185 219 749 371 112 33.5 0.5 \l 3.5 7 44.5 70 197 198 571 513 103 33 1.5 3 7 45 64 216 192 519 305 94 29 2.5 19 13 7 49.5 67 248 184 475 328 89 24 3 20 li.5 31 48 67.5 239 265 556 349 82 27.5 4 21 11 151 49.5 76 204 212 606 331 73.5 25 5.2 22 10.5 64 48 486 196 198 =96 291 68.5 21.5 23 9 62.5 51 336 214 244 855 274 65.5 19.5 2.7 24 3.5 55 12 169 239 2o4 819 285 61 18.5 25 52.5 141 267 238 853 282 55 19.5 26 53.5 79 201 252 234 803 259 55 19 11 42.5 09 162 242 260 809 289 52 18 45.5 d3 132 230 290 364 49 16 29 u 42.5 59.5 14 3 "i 257 897 73S 376 46.5 14 30 u 42 75 248 316 357 45 6.5 31 »8 107 2=9 772 42 0.7 Sec. Ft. Year Days ?21 792 2,324 3. =93 7,813 7,839 23,662 14,760 4,084 1,111 41 Period MeSn Sec. Ft. 7 25 75 127 252 261 763 492 132 36 1 l8l Mai. Sec. Ft. 19 151 200 486 810 381 979 862 534 76 6 979 Mln. See. Ft. 41 64 153 184 392 259 42 1 Total Ac. Ft. 438 1,571 4,610 7,325 15,-97 15,549 40,933 29,276 8,101 2,204 81 131,585 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 4 KAU-EAH BRANCH OF KAUEAH RIVER AT MC KAY POINT Discharge in second-fe it for year ending Septeitber 50, 1945 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 41.5 103 75 2,390 201 676 1,558 625 704 86 35 2 71 125 75.5 5,510 192 585 1,558 780 664 91 35.5 3 46.4 79 72 2,28a 189 507 1,588 900 608 126 100 50.5 62.5 70 1,080 245 457 1,378 1,185 542 100 90 5 150 62.5 68.5 730 251 425 1,265 1,075 516 90 69 6 101 o2.5 70 559 197 425 1,237 793 456 92 57 I 85 65.5 72 450 182 447 1,249 707 425 98 50 95 65.5 72 393 192 497 1,156 703 377 PO 45 n 61.5 114.5 557 197 571 718 5t>3 68 ■'i*^ 10 59.5 145 328 211 444 1,250 866 340 59.5 38 11 497 658 52.5 139 505 221 415 1,222 1,032 320 55.5 36 53.5 129 299 226 593 1,283 1,204 351 50.5 35 13 337 50.5 125 288 256 366 1,264 1,355 324 48 33.5 14 210 49 127 305 251 342 1,35* 315 44 '2 15 155 45.5 132 563 1,201 55b 895 1,262 286 50 28.5 16 14 3 47 14 3 294 670 581 1,034 1,171 257 71.5 27.5 1? 14 3 46.5 125 264 67-' 510 1,127 229 66.5 19 134 45 122 274 560 695 1,070 1,152 208 66.5 22 125 48 115 272 457 842 854 1,125 208 71.5 19 20 115 77 108 246 450 1,025 741 1,043 190 09 18 110 96 108 241 470 1,131 677 1,031 171 6c 18.5 108 204 104 233 502 1,085 650 895 169 61 26.5 23 llj 166 104 231 1,113 l.ObO 727 762 162 57 30.5 120 125 104 226 732 1,029 751 677 148 53 28 25 118 103 106 21fa 650 1,055 784 610 140 52 24 26 111 89 105 20d 1,645 982 748 654 126 46 22 n 108 80 104 203 898 961 724 684 119 46 20 108 77 102 206 711 1,059 750 750 115 45.5 19.5 105 96 99 624 1,159 677 760 111 41 20 30 51 108 82.5 98 573 1,508 654 7*1 100 56.5 19 75 96 b02 571 90 35 Sec.*t. Year Days 4,387 2,*55 3,229 18,749 15,504 21,142 50,972 27,655 9,112 2,023 1,059 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 146 79 104 670 500 705 999 922 294 65 35 375 Kai. Sec. Ft. 638 204 145 5,510 1,645 1,308 1,588 1,554 704 126 100 5,510 Min. Sec. Ft. C 42 45 69 203 182 556 571 610 90 35 18 Total Ac. Ft. 8,701 4,869 6,405 37,189 30,752 41,935 61,435 54,854 18,074 4,013 2,100 270,325 Discharge in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1946 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 20 200 73 201 96 147 422 959 469 120 *3 Dry 2 18 156 66 182 96 151 546 926 525 111 37.5 3 15.5 1U9 63 236 111 151 50fa 854 551 107 57.5 4 14.5 98 59 199 114 159 516 665 515 105 33 5 12 87 85 522 107 159 555 927 496 92 29.5 6 7 79 75 246 114 150 332 1,002 453 85 23 I 181 101 75 201 112 139 309 1,050 407 378 79 228 82 72 178 107 164 290 980 72 20 9 154 11 66 155 103 187 272 264 912 567 b8.5 22 10 98 o3 151 100 192 757 327 02.5 2* 11 84 105 59 145 103 187 517 639 272 50.5 25 12 99 103 63 130 90 155 396 625 292 56.5 25 13 92 101 59 150 100 266 464 615 ^2^ 56.5 22 14 77 100 55 130 94 226 385 601 282 50.5 21 15 98 96 58 126 96 218 422 687 265 50.5 19 16 rj 98 59 12? 15« 225 532 576 2*8 46 17 \l 85 59 122 122 251 651 541 227 45 16.5 115 77 57 120 118 221 731 555 211 57 16.5 19 101 70 55 116 114 256 761 655 209 80.5 9.5 20 90 67 57 114 111 240 741 718 204 5 21 81 65 150 111 114 236 728 677 201 113 2.5 22 70 63 945 107 114 221 737 587 196 95 4.5 2J 62 61 691 105 122 236 r,i 481 187 80.5 3.5 24 59 58 111 139 231 438 165 v-^ 3.5 25 54 72 868 116 1*3 222 956 462 155 80.5 2 26 51 69 483 114 134 241 1,029 436 151 106 2 u 49 63 299 112 150 27 ' 982 -97 14 7 90 2 48 61 262 111 1*3 261 998 446 141 65.5 2 29 525 65 241 107 294 988 412 134 61.5 30 865 101 226 96 843 950 437 130 53 0.5 31 454 213 94 545 475 48 0.5 Sec. Ft. Days 5,885 2,029 6,025 4,5u8 5,181 7,350 17,587 20,736 6,602 2,339 4 87 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 125 88 194 140 114 257 586 D69 207 76 16 212 Max. Sec. Ft. 8b3 200 9.5 322 1*3 645 1,029 1,030 551 120 *3 1,050 Min. Sec. Ft. 7 58 55 94 90 150 272 412 150 *3 Total Ac. Ft. 7,700 5,215 11,950 8,9*2 6,309 14,579 54,684 41,130 17,062 *,659 966 153,382 KA'JZtSf RIVSR TABLE NO. ■» - Continued TJMZAB BRANCH OF KAUEAR RIVKR AT MC KAY PODTT Discharge in second-feet for year endl ng September 30, 19*7 Da y '. Oct. Not. Doc. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks! 1 Dry 155 175 100 145 201 521 270 53 2 Dry 2 147 155 100 242 190 812 305 2 5 159 139 100 221 209 903 247 *5 2.5 i 13J 132 9o 2O0 199 836 229 44 2.5 5 2C9 132 9o 173 187 877 210 40 1 6 5?2 130 9o 153 176 915 198 36 1 I 488 124 98 151 170 83* 251 51 0.5 299 118 103 149 172 753 210 61.5 9 241 116 109 147 170 536 219 57 10 211 116 180 1-^ 167 *36 230 53 11 197 182 118 151 153 183 558 22* 50 0.5 12 116 1J4 1-9 219 337 182 50 1 13 175 114 182 151 ^73 421 180 48 0.5 14 16- 105 lt>4 155 332 382 189 45 15 157 101 155 158 392 3*3 19* 42.5 16 151 96 153 lo9 446 *75 182 40 \l 1;5 96 251 166 502 532 160 39 IJO 96 201 175 492 5*2 158 35.5 19 122 9* 171 178 5*5 606 166 32 20 *15 120 9* 169 178 595 605 171 29.5 Q 107 114 92 160 173 499 y58 156 27.5 22 114 114 92 153 178 407 593 111 24 2} 2,030 111 >0 149 225 329 6*5 96 20 928 122 90 151 20o 297 568 §9 20 25 412 221 90 155 178 2o9 526 82 19 26 292 251 92 155 171 2*3 485 79 16.5 ?2 246 728 94 155 187 253 «39 76 16.5 211 391 103 153 192 282 39* 70 1*.5 29 187 246 96 207 256 356 65.5 8 30 lo9 197 100 192 310 3*8 59.5 1 Jl 178 98 190 296 1 Sec.ft. Year Days 5,111 6,807 5,-00 4,038 5,461 8,967 17,232 5,039 1,066 1* Period Hean Sec.?t. 170 220 110 144 176 299 556 168 3* 156 Max. Sec. Ft. 2,0J0 728 173 251 242 595 915 305 62 3 2,030 nm. Sec. Ft. 111 90 96 U5 167 296 60 1 C Total [ Ac. Ft. 1 3 10,137 13,502 6,7** 8,009 10,832 17,786 34,180 9,995 2,11* 28 113,327 Discharge in s ecocd-fe et for y ear ending September 30, 1948 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 22 37.5 35.5 24 3* 118 25* 553 197 33 Dry 2 60 39 37.5 24 31.5 1*7 232 587 164 30.5 5 70 36.5 39 23 31.5 233 239 466 1*7 27.5 4 50.5 36.5 39 20 31.5 250 390 631 132 24.5 5 *2.5 40 *2.5 3* 26.5 155 606 4 59 114 23 6 39 40 37.5 30.5 25.5 1*3 879 464 100 23 I J 35.5 39 35.5 37.5 25.5 139 1,0*8 552 90 24 30.5 39 36.5 33 25.5 118 832 77* 89 21 9 28.5 *2.5 34 35.5 27.5 126 5*8 803 85 16.5 10 28.5 37.5 *2.5 5} 30 1,793 441 57* 83.5 10.5 11 19.5 3* 36.5 37.5 56 26.5 906 479 609 83.5 9.5 12 17.5 33 37.5 33 *2.5 26.5 490 6C0 621 79 9.5 13 29.5 37.5 30.5 40 25.5 3*0 812 609 75 14 28.5 37-5 27.5 41.5 49 267 981 568 68.5 8 15 30.5 37.5 25 4* 70 256 1,108 51* 65.5 6.5 16 35.5 36.5 25 48 59.5 288 1,200 498 59.5 5 'd u 35.5 J|-5 2* 58.5 112 III 1,150 *62 56.5 4 33 *£ 23 51 81 1,032 *36 52.5 4 19 33 44 2* 35 68.5 389 679 380 *7 2 20 35.5 «5 25 3* 73.5 409 521 362 44 2.5 21 c 32 t} 2* 32.5 58 440 426 357 *9.5 2 22 52 48 26.5 35 61 393 431 350 73 2 23 30.5 *2.5 26.5 *3.5 82 333 030 3*0 58.5 2 24 30.5 40 26.5 56 135 261 875 311 63 2 25 33 40 27.5 31.5 191 261 932 29o 58.5 3 26 4 3* 40 27.5 50 116 329 1,044 291 53 3 il 5 35.5 *1.5 28.5 29 111 <15 1,060 270 46.5 2.5 «.5 35.5 40 22 3* 118 445 910 237 41.5 1.5 29 5 35.5 38.5 18 36 120 415 7*6 224 36.5 1 30 1> 30.5 ;7.5 17 136 313 0I7 225 36 0.5 31 19 28.5 23 111 59- 34 Sec.Tt. Days 80 1,070 1,234 921 1,076 2,120 10,947 22,296 13.633 2,392 514 Year Period flean Sec. Ft. 3 3o ,0 30 37 06 3o5 719 4ol 77 10 15* Wax. Sec. Ft. 2.^ 70 55 -3 59 191 1,793 1,200 803 197 33 1,793 mn. Sec. Ft. u 22 29 17 20 26 118 232 224 3* Total Ac. Ft. 171 2,122 2,446 1,827 2,138 *,205 21,715 44,224 27,438 4,744 623 111,653 DIVISION OF V/.TER RESOURCES TABLE NO. * - Continued KAUEAH BRANCH OF KAWEAE RIVER AT MC KAY POINT Discharge in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1949 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 1.5 41.5 23.5 55 98 569 341 56.5 6.5 Dry 2 12.5 42.5 21.5 55 94 692 361 47 2 } l-».5 40 23.5 68.5 92 663 384 47 1.5 4 0.5 24 33 23.5 122 112 448 347 45 1 5 11 28.5 23 24.5 14 3 160 461 327 42.5 0.5 6 9.5 27.5 3* 25-5 85 185 570 331 41.5 7 5 28.5 39 35 u lb4 584 364 56.5 B 5 28.5 37.5 40 164 565 395 64 9 5 50.5 56.5 29 70 155 517 5^1 56 10 5 30.5 33 29 65.5 232 415 538 50.5 11 6.5 ;5.5 2?. 5 55 192 314 412 306 50 12 6.5 ^8.5 53 •H.5 14 3 368 525 306 44 15 5 28.5 35.5 32.5 102 417 573 26} 59 1« 5 33 37.5 39 85 469 728 252 37.5 15 5 42.5 35.5 •H.5 69 492 522 231 35.5 16 9 37.5 33 44 91 418 461 211 53 11 9.5 40 28.5 *5 96 492 519 180 29.5 11 44 33 51 10} 432 580 153 26.5 19 5.5 36.5 39 62.5 122 4>^1 529 132 27.5 20 " 35.5 109 »8.5 152 375 447 111 25 21 b 3t..5 48 o5.5 111 524 453 ^"1 H 22 3°. 5 35 59.5 111 704 520 98 18 23 2* 0.5 3* 40 o8.5 lt>9 737 632 96 14.5 1 3^.5 29 11 149 719 720 92 12 25 1 28.5 2*.5 118 737 755 87 7 26 2 33 22.5 73.5 105 622 807 82 3 11 1 52 22.5 75 103 568 820 79 5 52 21.5 59.5 122 678 705 70 1.5 29 *2.5 22.5 111 679 537 65.5 0.5 JO 31 39 23.5 96 576 4 30 62.5 1.5 39 23.5 100 384 6.5 Sec.Ft. Year Days 110 1,005 1,086 1,287 3,294 12,178 17,547 6,555 94J 11 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 4 32 35 4b 106 406 566 218 30 121 Max. Sec.Ft. 11 52 109 80 192 737 820 393 64 7 820 «in. Sec.Ft. 2 21 22 55 92 384 62 1 Total Ac. Ft. ^lB 1,993 2,15* 2,553 6,554 24,155 34,805 12,962 1,870 22 87,266 KAWEAH RITER TABLE NO. 5 FOOTHILL DITCH NEAR HEAD Point of diversion - Above McK^y Point on south btink of Kaweab River in tbe southeast quarter of Section 26, Tovnship 17 South, Ranfe 27 East, M.D.B. 4 M. Maximum diversion capacity - 20 second-feet. Location of RaRlnR station - One-half mile below head of ditch in northwest quarter of Section 55, Township 17 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B. * M. Map deslf nationQ. Description of gaginy station - Ueir installed July 29, 1917! replaced by Parshall Plume April 1, 193o. Water stage recorder in continuous operation since 195o. Operating agency - Foothill Ditch Company. Gross service area - 2,000 acres. Period of record - 1917-*9; no records during 1919; Intermittent during 1917, 1918, 1920, 1924, 1925 and 1926; continuous from March 2}, 1921 to February 9, 1924 and from May 8, 1926 to September }0, 19*9. Criteria governing diversions - 9 second-feet at all river stages less than those required for the diversion of 500 second-feet to Consolidated Peoples Ditch (approximately 1,250 second-feet total flow at McK&y Point); at higher stages, total diversions into Foot- hill Ditch ere increased to from 12 to 20 second-feet. Divers Ion in 3 5cond-fe Bt for year ending September 30, 1940 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Fab. Mar. Apr. Kay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 7.0 D.8 ■1.9 D.O Dry Dry 2.5 12.1 9.1 9.5 8.8 2 1:1 6.8 4.8 5.9 2.4 11.4 9.2 9.5 8.8 5 6.8 4.8 1.0 u 2.4 10.9 9.5 9.5 8.7 8.1 6.7 4.7 1.0 2.4 11.0 9.3 9.3 8.9 5 7.9 6.7 5.1 1.4 2.4 10.7 9.2 9.4 8.9 6 7.9 0.7 6.0 1.3 2.5 10.7 10.6 9.4 9.3 9.3 I 7.9 6.6 6.0 1.3 4.5 9.1 9.1 9.5 7.9 6.6 6.1 1.5 5.0 11.0 1:1 9.1 9.4 9 7.9 6.6 6.0 1.5 7.2 11.2 9.5 9.5 10 7.8 6.6 6.1 2.4 7.5 11.0 9.5 9.6 9.2 11 7.8 6.6 6.0 10.2 7.7 11.0 9.9 9.7 9.1 12 7.7 6.6 6.1 0.6 7.6 11.2 9.8 9.5 8.9 13 7.7 6.6 6.0 9.5 11.6 9.6 9.5 9.1 14 7.6 6.5 6.1 10.0 12.2 9.5 9.4 9.1 15 7.5 6.5 6.0 10.5 11.8 9.5 9.4 9.5 16 7.4 6.5 6.0 10.6 12.2 9.6 9.4 9.6 11 7.4 6.5 6.0 11.5 12.5 9.5 9.4 9.6 7.4 6.5 6.0 11.4 10.4 9.5 9.8 9.6 19 7.3 6.5 6.0 12.8 9.5 9.6 9.5 20 7.5 6.5 6.0 1-.4 9.5 9.4 9.4 8l8 21 7.5 6.5 6.0 14.9 9.7 9.2 9.5 8.5 22 7.i 6.4 5.9 14.8 9.6 9.2 9.7 8.4 23 7.2 6.4 5.9 14.9 9.5 9.4 9.5 8.2 24 7.1 6.4 5.9 lj.6 9.1 9.2 9.2 u 25 7.1 b.4 5.9 12.2 9.2 9.2 9.5 26 7.1 0.4 5.9 11.5 9.1 9.4 9.4 9.2 11 7.1 3.4 5.9 7.2 11.0 9.1 8.9 9.2 9.2 7.0 2.3 o.O 10.9 9.1 9.2 9.5 9.2 29 7.0 3.2 o.O 10.5 9.5 9.3 9.3 9.5 30 7.0 5.0 6.0 11.5 9.7 9.3 9.4 9.5 31 6.8 6.0 1.9 11.9 9.3 9.2 Sec.ft. Days 231.8 186.6 180.1 53.1 '•^ 281.7 315.9 291.1 290.8 271.7 Year Period nean Sec. Ft. 7.5 6.2 5.8 1.1 0.3 9.1 10.5 9.4 9.* 9.1 5.7 Hex. Sec. Ft. 8.1 6.8 6.1 10.2 7.2 14.9 12.5 9.9 9.8 9.6 1*.9 nin. Sec. Ft. fa. 8 2.3 4.7 2.5 9.1 6.9 9.1 7.9 Total Ac. Ft. 459.8 370.1 357.2 65.7 " 18.0 558.8 626.6 577.4 576.8 538.9 4,149.3 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 5 - Continued FOOTHILL DITCH NEAK HEAD Divers Ion In second-feet for year ending September 30, 1941 Day Oct. Not. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 9.4 5.7 2.0 Dry Dry Dry Dry 2.0 14.8 12.5 9.5 9.2 2 9.5 5.7 2.0 2.0 15.5 12.5 9.2 9.0 5 9.2 5.7 1.9 2.0 16.2 12.5 9.1 9.0 4 9.5 5.0 1.9 2.0 16.5 12.5 9.1 9.7 5 9.0 5.6 1.9 2.0 16.6 12.4 9.5 9.8 b 9.5 3.5 i.e 2.2 17.5 12.5 9.5 9.7 I 9.'l 5.5 1.7 2.8 17.1 11.8 9.4 9.7 9.0 5. J 1.5 5.7 15.5 11.7 9.5 9.7 9 8.8 5.5 1.4 5.5 14.2 11.4 9.4 9.5 10 8.7 5.0 1.4 9.2 14.9 10.5 9.5 9.1 11 8.4 2.9 1.4 15.4 15.1 9.6 9.3 9.1 12 2,9 1.4 13.0 12.5 9.2 9.2 9.0 1} 2.6 1.4 10. J 17.1 9.1 9.5 9.0 7.9 2.7 1.4 10.0 16.8 8.0 9.4 8.9 15 7.9 2.6 1.4 9.5 I0.5 9.0 9.3 9.2 16 7.7 2.6 1.4 9.b 16.5 9.2 10.3 8.8 \l 7.7 J. 6 1.4 10.2 16.2 9.0 10.7 9.0 7.7 2.5 1.* 9.5 15.5 9.1 9.- 8.8 19 20 7.8 2.5 1.- S.fa 15.6 9.1 9.1 8.7 7.7 2.5 1.5 10.5 15.5 9.0 9.0 8.7 7.0 2.5 1.5 15.4 1^.8 9.2 9.0 8.8 7.b 1.2 lO.D 14.6 9.b 9.L. 8.8 2} 7.2 2.2 1.2 17.7 14.6 9.7 8.9 9.1 7.3 2.1 1.2 17.4 14.5 9.5 8.9 9.5 25 5.9 2.1 1.2 17.4 15.6 9.4 9.0 9.5 26 5.8 2.0 17. i 15.5 9.5 9.0 9.4 ?^ 4.3 2.0 11.8 17.1 12.0 9.2 9.V 9.4 4.0 2.0 lo.9 11.7 9.1 9.0 9.4 29 30 }1 5.8 2.0 15. fa 11.9 9.0 9.2 9.5 3.8 2.0 15.1 12.4 9.3 9.5 9.2 5.7 15.0 9.3 9.2 Sec. Ft. Year Days 352.4 82.4 49.5 319.5 447.3 515.7 275.8 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 7.5 2.7 1.6 ID. 5 14.9 9.3 9.2 5.5 Max. Sec. Ft. 9.6 5.7 11.8 u 17.8 17.5 12.5 10.7 9.8 17.8 Min. Sec. Ft. 5.7 2.0 2.0 11.7 8.9 8.9 8.7 Total Ac. Ft. 461.0 165.4 57.8 055.5 887.2 022.2 570.9 547.1 5,982.9 ond-feet for year ending September 50, 1942 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 9.2 4.4 4.1 2.5 Dry 4.-> 7.6 15.2 9.6 9.1 9.4 2 9.1 4.5 4.0 2.3 7.4 7.7 15.2 9.5 9.1 9.4 5 9.1 4.8 4.9 2.5 l:\ 1-°. J4.8 ^.0 9.1 ^.« 9-1 8.4 2.5 2.3 7.8 15.1 9.5 9.2 9.5 5 8.8 -.7 2.5 2.5 l.i. 7.9 15.9 9.5 9.2 9.5 6 8.6 4.7 2.5 2-5 7.7 8.2 I0.4 9.3 9.4 9.5 I 8.7 4.7 2.5 2.3 1.7 7.5 8.5 lo.l 9.2 9.4 9.4 8.7 4.5 2. 3 2.5 1.8 7.4 8.0 15.5 9.1 9.5 8.5 9 8.7 4.2 2.5 2-5 1.9 7.4 8.8 15.8 9.1 9.5 8.7 10 8.6 4.1 2.5 2.5 1.9 7.4 8.6 16.6 9.0 9.5 9.7 11 8.6 4.1 2.3 2-5 2.9 7.b 8.5 I0.9 9.2 9.3 9.8 12 8.0 4.0 2.5 2.5 5.0 7.0 8.2 lb. 5 9.1 9.3 9.4 15 8.b 5.9 2.5 2.3 0.7 7.6 8.2 16.1 9.4 9.2 9.5 14 8.6 5.9 2.5 2.3 8.1 8.7 15.9 9.4 9.1 9.1 15 8.4 5.9 2.5 2.3 u 8.0 9.7 15.9 9.5 9.1 9.2 16 8.1 5.9 2-i 2.3 7.9 10.7 15.7 9.5 9.1 9.5 ]l 8.0 5.9 2.5 2.3 8.1 11.6 15.6 9.1 9.0 9.5 8.0 4.0 2.5 2.i 7.9 12.9 15.5 9.1 9.0 9.5 19 ?■' 5.9 2.5 z.i n 15.7 15.5 9.4 9.3 9.5 20 3.8 C.5 14.9 15.4 9.3 9.5 9.4 21 7.7 5.8 2.} 2.5 8.2 16.1 15.0 9.5 9.4 9.4 22 7.5 5.8 2.3 2.3 8.1 I0.8 14.9 9.5 9.- 9.4 25 7.1 5.7 2-i 8.1 16.1 14.8 9.7 9-2 9.5 24 7.1 5.7 2.5 2.5 8.0 16.4 14.6 9.2 9.8 9.4 25 7.2 5.7 2.3 2.5 8.0 Id. 6 14.4 9.2 10.0 9.4 26 7.^ 5.7 2.5 2.3 6.0 lb. 2 14.2 9.2 9.0 9.3 u 4.9 5.7 2.5 2.5 7.9 15.1 12.5 9.7 9.4 9.5 4.7 5.7 2.5 2.5 7.9 15.4 9.5 10.-. 9.5 9.4 29 4.5 5.0 2.5 2-5 7.8 14.8 9.4 10.0 9.4 9.1 50 4.4 4.5 2.5 2.5 7.t. 14.4 9.1 9.7 9.4 51 4.4 2.5 2.3 u 14, D 9.3 9.- Sec.Ft. Days 257.4 120. 77.4 71.5 15.9 251.7 560.7 44}. b 291.0 289.5 260.0 Year Period Mean Sec.Ft. 7.7 4.2 2.5 2.5 0.4 7.7 11.6 14.8 9.4 9.5 9.5 6.6 Max. Sec.Ft. 9.2 8.4 4.9 2.5 5.0 3.5 I0.6 16.9 10.4 10.0 9.8 16.9 Mln. Sec.Ft. 4.4 5.6 2.5 2.5 4.6 7.6 9.1 9.0 9.0 8.6 Total Ac. Ft. 470.9 249.9 155.5 141.4 27.6 459.0 715.4 879.9 577.2 573.8 555.4 4,804.6 KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 5 - Continued FOOTHILL DITCH NIAR HEAD Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 50, 19*5 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 9.1 5.5 4.9 2.4 Dry Dry Dry 4.0 12.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.5 4.9 £.9 4.0 11.0 ?•' 9.1 9.5 9.8 J.l 4.8 4.1 10.8 §•9 9.1 9.5 9.7 5-^ 4.8 ; 8 5.4 10.0 8.9 9.1 9.2 5 9.<: 5.2 4.6 <;.8 6.8 9.7 8.9 9.1 9.1 6 7 8 9 10 ■ 8.-i 5.2 ».S 2.7 ?-5 10.0 9.1 9.4 9.2 7.0 5.2 1:1 2.6 8.4 9.7 9.4 9.1 9.2 7.1 5.2 2.6 8.1 9.8 9.4 9.2 9.0 0.9 5.1 -.8 2.6 9.0 9.4 9.1 9.2 9.1 6.0 5.1 4.9 3.3 10.9 8.9 9.0 9.1 9.2 11 12 15 U 15 4.0 5.1 2.8 4.0 11.1 9.7 9.4 9.1 9.1 4.0 5-1 1.4 4,1 10.4 9.5 9.5 9.1 ^5 *.5 • 5.1 1.4 4.0 10.7 9.2 9.1 9.3 ?•' 5.9 5.1 1.4 4.5 11.0 9.4 9.2 9.4 8.3 5.4 3.2 1.9 4.4 11.5 9.5 9.3 9.3 8.7 16 11 19 20 5.4 5.5 5.3 4.5 12.0 10.1 9.3 9.2 9.1 4.D 5.5 3.3 4.5 11.7 10.9 9.3 9.2 9.2 4.5 2.7 5.5 4.4 12.6 11.9 9.2 9.2 9.2 2.9 3.3 4.3 14.4 12.6 9.4 9.4 8.7 5.8 2.t, 3.5 3.1 15.3 11.9 9.5 6.2 21 22 25 2* 25 7.2 2.4 3.5 Flood 14.6 10.4 9.4 5.9 8.9 7.2 2.4 3.4 filled 14.1 10.1 9.2 9.0 9.1 7.1 2.5 2.7 ditch 12.7 9.4 9.2 9.0 S-' 7.2 1.9 with 15.0 9.6 9.2 9.0 8.9 6.5 4.0 1.6 sand 15.8 9.5 9.3 9.2 9.7 26 11 29 50 51 5.0 5.0 1.8 15.4 9.4 9.5 9.1 9.6 4.5 2.5 2.1 15.6 9.1 9.5 9.0 9.6 4.6 5.7 2.0 12.0 9.5 9.5 9.0 9.5 4.7 4.9 2.0 11.7 9.4 9.5 9.5 8.5 4.7 4.9 2.0 12.2 9.4 9.2 9.2 7.9 ■i.O 1.9 11.8 9.2 9.2 Sec.Ft. Days 188.2 96.9 98.3 d9.2 555.0 501.6 285.7 277.9 266.7 Year Period MeSn Sec.Ft. 6.1 5.2 3.2 2.2 10.7 10.1 9.2 9.0 8.9 5.5 Max. Sec.Ft. 9.8 5.0 4.9 4.5 15.3 12.6 9.5 ^.4 9.7 15.3 «in. Sec.Ft. 5.4 2.3 1.4 4.0 8.9 8.9 5.9 6.3 Total Ac. Ft. 375.5 192.2 195.0 137.5 Q 660.5 598.2 566.7 551.2 529.0 3,603.4 ersicn in second-feet far year ending September 30, 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. War. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. RemarlES 8.0 4.0 5.7 2.2 Dry fa. 8 9.4 8.9 8.6 9.1 7.4 3.9 5-1 2.3 0.8 5.8 10.0 9.1 9.0 9.1 5 7.1 1.6 5.1 1.2 5.8 3.2 9.6 9.2 9.0 9.5 7.6 5.1 0.4 4.1 8.4 9.4 9.2 9.1 i-l 5 7.2 1.9 5.1 0., 4.9 8.5 9.9 9.1 9.5 6 6.6 6.0 5.1 0.4 5.1 8.0 10.2 9.2 9.1 8.8 I 6.1 5.9 3.1 0.4 5.2 7.2 10.0 9.3 9.1 9.1 6.1 5.7 3.1 0.4 3.5 6.6 10.5 9.3 9.0 9.0 6.6 5.7 3.1 3.4 1.1 g'5 9.5 9.1 9.0 8.7 10 7.4 5.6 3.1 1.4 5.8 8.4 9.5 9.1 9.0 7.9 11 7.0 5.6 1.5 5.5 4.3 8.6 9.4 9.5 8.7 8.2 12 7.4 5.5 1.8 3.5 4.4 8.7 9.4 9.5 6.5 9.5 6.9 5.5 5.1 5.0 4.5 8.8 9.6 9.2 9.0 9.0 14 6.3 5.0 5.1 2.8 4.8 8.9 9.3 9.2 8.8 9.1 15 5.5 4.7 5.2 2.8 4.5 8.6 9.1 9.1 9.2 9.2 16 5.0 4.4 3.1 2.6 •).6 8.0 9.5 9-2 ^i 9.5 ]l 5.2 5.8 3.1 2.7 7.2 7.2 9.5 5.8 8.8 9.5 5.6 5.3 3.1 2.5 u 7.7 9.3 9.2 9.1 9.2 19 4.9 3.2 2.4 1.5 9.2 9.2 9.1 9.2 9.2 20 4.1 3.4 2.4 u 8.0 9.9 9.3 9.2 9.2 9.4 21 4.0 5.6 2". 4 7.7 9.6 9.1 9.2 9.0 9.4 22 4.0 5.4 2.4 u 9.6 8.9 9.1 9.1 9.4 25 4.0 3.3 2.3 9-7 9.0 9.1 9.1 9.5 24 4.0 3.5 2.2 8.2 9.2 9.1 9.0 9.5 t-^ 25 4.1 3.3 2.2 8.1 9.4 9.1 9.0 9.4 8.7 26 4.0 5.5 8.2 9.1 9.0 9.0 l-° 8.4 11 4.0 5.6 8.0 8.9 9.3 • 9.1 tl 8.1 4.0 4.5 6.8 9.6 9.4 9.5 U 29 4.0 4.4 6.5 10.0 9.5 u 8.7 30 4.0 4.4 6.9 9.1 9.1 8.7 9.3 31 4.0 9.6 8.1 9.2 Sec.Ft. Days 172.0 121.6 55.6 16.3 54.4 169.0 265.8 282.1 278.4 276.8 268.4 Period neSn Sec.Ft. 5.5 4.1 1.7 0.5 1.2 5.6 8.6 9.4 9.0 8.9 8.9 5.3 naz. Sec.Ft. 8.0 6.C 5.7 2.4 3.5 8.6 10.0 10.5 9.3 9.4 9.5 10.3 niD. Sec.Ft. 4.0 5.8 8.9 5.8 6.5 7.9 Total AC. Ft. J41.2 241.2 106. 5 32.3 68.2 535.2 527.2 559.6 552.2 549.0 532.4 5,844.8 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 5 - Continued FOOTHILL DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1945 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. nar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 9.6 6.1 1.3 3.2 Dry Dry 6.6 10.4 11.1 9.3 9.1 5.5 1.5 3.7 Flood 7.6 10.2 10.9 9.3 9.1 3 8 1 5.2 1.5 2. fa filled 9.7 10.5 10.3 9.4 9.6 8.5 4.3 1.3 2-5 ditch 10. fa 10.5 9.6 9.2 9.5 5 9.2 2.8 3.9 2.5 Kith 11.4 11.2 9.4 9.2 9.3 9.1 2.6 5.6 2.5 Feb." 1 12.3 10.8 9.4 9.2 9.4 I 9.0 4.2 5.7 2.6 12.5 10.6 9.3 9.2 9.3 9.1 5.2 5.7 2.5 12.9 10.5 9.2 9.2 9.2 9 10 9.3 3.9 5.7 2.5 13.0 10.5 9.4 9.1 9.3 7.5 2.0 5.6 2.6 12.9 10.7 9.2 9.1 9.4 7 " 1.3 5.6 2.6 12.5 11.5 9.1 9.1 9.5 7.7 1.3 5.5 2.6 12.5 11.3 9.^ 9.2 9.2 1? 8 c 1.3 5.5 3.1 1.0 12.3 11.4 9.3 9.0 §•9 8.1 3.4 5.4 3.7 2.7 12.0 11.3 9.2 9.1 8.9 15 7.6 6.2 5.4 2.4 11.7 11.7 9-5 9.2 9.1 7.6 6.2 5.4 5.8 1.0 12.0 11.4 9.5 9.1 9.1 ]l 7.4 6.2 5.4 3.8 2.9 12.4 11.2 9.2 9.2 7.3 6.2 5.4 3.8 3.4 12.1 11.1 9.5 9.2 9.4 19 20 7.i 6.2 4.0 5-7 3.1 11. fa 11.1 9.3 9.3 9.1 6.2 3. fa 5.6 11.5 11.1 9.3 9.2 9.1 21 22 23 24 25 7,.l CI.2 3.6 ?-2 12.1 11.0 9.3 9.5 9.1 7.0 5.8 3.6 5.8 12.5 10.9 9.2 9.5 9.2 6.3 5.8 3.6 4.0 12. ^J 11.2 9.1 9.2 9.3 5.7 5.8 1.8 3.6 5.5 11.5 11.3 9.2 9.2 9.3 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.6 b.6 11.2 11.4 9.4 9.2 9.2 26 11 29 30 31 5.7 2.9 3.8 3. fa 6.7 11.1 11.4 9.5 9.4 9.1 5.9 2. fa 3.8 3. fa 6.7 11.0 11.5 9.3 9.5 9.1 5.7 5.7 5.8 3. fa 6.8 10.9 11.2 9.4 9.5 ^■' 5.6 4.5 3.8 3.5 7.0 11.3 11. 1 9.3 9.3 I-'' 6.0 1.4 3.8 3.5 7.1 11.5 11.1 9.2 9.3 8.3 6.3 3.8 2.3 11.1 9.4 9.2 Seo.Ft. Deys 230.8 132.8 113.9 99.7 78.5 556.1 330.9 292.4 285.8 273.9 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 7.4 4.4 3.7 5.2 2.6 11.5 11.0 9.4 9.2 9.1 6.0 Max. Seo.Ft. 9.6 6.2 5.7 3.8 7.1 13.0 11.7 11.1 9.4 9.6 15.0 Mln. Seo.Ft. 5.6 1.3 2.3 6.6 10.2 9.1 9.0 8.5 Total Ac. Ft. 457.8 263.4 225.9 197.8 155.7 706.3 656. J 580.0 566.9 543.3 *,35J.4 sion in seoond-feet for year ending September 30, 1946 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 u 3.8 3.0 2.8 11.6 9.7 5.2 9.5 9.3 2 3.6 2.8 6.2 12.2 u 9.2 9.5 9.3 3 8.7 4.5 2.3 5.9 12.2 9.4 9.3 9.4 4 9.2 5.2 1.6 6.0 12.5 9.4 9.3 9.3 9.2 5 9.2 5.2 1.6 6.3 12.5 9.2 9.2 9.4 9.3 6 9.3 5.3 5.0 6.4 11:1 9.2 9.2 9.3 9.2 I 9.2 5.2 5.1 6.2 9.5 9.5 9.2 9.0 8.4 5.2 5.0 fa. 2 12.7 9.4 9.2 9.3 t'^ 9 8.0 5.0 4.9 1.8 6.2 12. fa 9.2 9.2 9.4 8.7 10 7.9 5.0 4.9 3.2 6.2 12.5 9.1 9.3 9.4 9.0 11 7.7 3.1 4.9 3.8 5.1 6.2 11.9 9.2 9.2 9.4 8.8 12 7.2 2.9 4.9 3.8 3.1 6.2 12.0 9.3 9.4 9.3 8.9 7.2 5.1 4.9 3.8 3.1 fa. 4 12.3 ?•' 9.2 9.4 9.3 14 7.2 5.2 4.7 3.8 3.1 fa. 4 12.5 8.9 9.2 9.4 9.1 15 7.2 4.8 4.9 3.8 b.4 11.5 9.1 9.2 9.0 9.1 16 7.2 4.0 4.8 3.8 7.0 10.5 9.2 9.3 9.1 9.2 ]l 7-2 3.9 4.9 3.8 2.5 7.2 10.4 9.2 9.3 9.0 9.2 7.2 3.6 4.8 5.8 4.4 7.6 10.4 9.3 9.3 8.9 9.3 19 7.1 3.5 4.7 5.8 4.7 8.0 10.5 9.3 9.4 9.1 9.0 20 7.1 3.3 4.0 5.8 4.8 8.0 11.0 9.2 9.3 9.1 9.0 21 U 4.0 2.3 5.8 4.7 8.0 11.8 9.2 9.4 9.4 9.0 22 4.7 3.8 4.4 u 10.7 9.4 9.2 9.2 §•9 23 7.0 4.6 5.8 5.0 9.1 9.2 9.2 8.9 8.7 24 l:°9 4.4 3.8 5.4 8.3 9.0 9.2 9.1 9.0 8.5 25 4.1 3.8 5.4 8.5 9.0 9.2 9.2 8.9 8.1 26 5.7 4.7 3.8 5.4 8.7 9.0 9.3 9.3 8.8 7.2 11 4.4 4.5 5.8 5.6 8.9 9.0 9.3 9.2 9.2 2-° 8.2 4.2 4.0 3.8 6.8 9.1 8.8 9.2 9.1 9.2 29 4.3 2.7 3.8 5.7 9.7 9.1 9.2 9.2 9.0 ^•1 30 4.0 3.4 3.8 2.1 10.7 9.5 9.2 9.1 9.2 7.8 51 3.5 3.8 0.8 9. fa 9.2 9.5 Sec.?t. Days 219.3 128.5 84.0 79.8 17.4 67.7 215.7 341.3 278.6 286.5 285.2 264.1 Year Period Mean Seo.Ft. 7.1 4.3 2.7 2.6 0.6 2.2 7.2 11.0 9.3 9.2 9.2 8.8 6.2 Max. Sec. Ft. 9.5 5.3 5.1 3.8 3.2 6.8 10.7 12.8 9.8 9.4 9.5 9.4 12.8 Min. Seo.Ft. 3.5 2.7 2.8 8.8 8.9 9.1 8.8 7.0 Total Ac. Ft. 455.0 254.9 166.6 158.3 34.5 134.3 427.8 677.0 552.6 568.3 565-7 523.8 4,498.8 EAVEAB RIVER TABLE NO. 5 - Continued Fooraru. DITCH neas head Diveraion In second-feet for year ending Septenber 30, 1947 Day Oct. Not. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarlcsl 1 4.8 7.* 5.6 Dry 8.0 8.9 9.3 9.3 9.3 7.9 2 J.J 7.5 3.5 §•5 9.1 9.3 9.5 9.3 7.2 } 6. J 7.5 J.'. 8.5 9.7 9.3 9.4 9.3 7.4 i.Z 7.4 J. 4 8.4 9.7 9.3 9.2 9.5 6.5 5 6.1 7.3 J.J 8.J 10.0 9.2 9.1 9.3 5.7 (, 5.6 7.1 J.2 8.J 11.1 9.2 9.0 v. 5.6 I 5.4 Li 3.2 8.2 10.4 9.1 9.2 6.1 5.1 3.0 8.1 10.6 9.1 9.5 8.9 6.5 9 10 5.0 6.7 J.o 8.6 9.8 9.0 9.4 9.5 7. J 5.0 6.7 J.o 9.1 9.6 9.0 9.4 9.6 8.6 XX 5.0 5.5 3.0 9.5 9.5 9.0 9.2 9.4 8.J 5.2 4.8 J.o 9.4 9.3 9.0 9.2 9.4 7.4 13 14 5.2 3.9 J.o 2.fl 9.J 9.2 9.1 9.5 9.5 6.7 *.9 4.5 5.0 4.9 9.J 9.2 9.2 9.3 9.4 5.6 15 5.6 4.5 5.0 4.8 9.3 9.2 9.5 9.2 9.5 5.2 16 5.8 6.2. J.o 4.9 9.2 9.4 9.3 9.0 9.4 4.7 ]l 5.5 7.1 2.0 J.o 4.8 9.3 9.3 9.4 9.3 9.1 4.9 -.9 *•! 3.5 5*2 4.9 9. J 9.2 9.4 9.J 9.2 7.£ 19 20 «.5 2.8 3.5 J.8 4.9 9.4 9.1 9.4 9. J 9.3 §•9 ♦ .J 3.4 3.6 5.1 9.4 9.2 9.5 9.4 8.9 8.9 21 *.5 ^4 5-§ 5.3 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.5 9.1 3.8 22 *.9 3.2 3.8 6.4 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.1 9.3 §•5 25 *.9 3-2 j.e 8.7 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.5 8.3 24 *.9 1.0 J.8 8.6 9.0 9.5 9.3 9.3 ?•' 8.9 25 5.8 J.8 8.1 9.0 9.4 9.3 9.3 8.4 6.1, 26 7.0 3.8 8.2 9.1 9.4 9.2 9.3 8.8 6.9 ?2 7.* J.8 8.5 9.1 9.4 9.5 9.3 9.1 7.1 7.* 1.7 l.J 8.2 9.5 9.4 9.5 9. J 8.9 7.5 29 7.* 3.9 8.0 9.5 9.4 9.1 9.2 9.0 5.1 JO 7.* J.7 7.9 9.1 9.4 9.1 9.4 Vi 6.5 51 7.5 3.= 7.9 9.4 9.4 Seca't* Days 172.6 115.1 36.1 92.1 122.9 269.4 294.5 276.5 287.5 284.1 210. S Period Hean Sec. Ft. 5.6 3.8 1.: 3.0 4.0 9.0 9.5 9.2 9.3 9.2 6.8 5.9 Max. Sec.Tt. 7.4 7.5 3.9 3.8 8.7 9.5 11.1 9.4 9.5 9.6 8.5 9.6 Hla. See. Ft. J.J 8.0 8.9 9.0 9.0 8.4 4.'i C Total J Ac. Ft. 3*2.1 226.3 71.6 162.-' 534.3 534.1 548.4 570.3 565.5 418. 3i 4,287.71 DiTersion In second-feet for year ending September JOf 19*8 Day Oct. Hot. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarics 1 6.4 3.8 7.1 9.2 5.5 5.4 §•5 9.2 9.3 9.1 2 b.4 4.0 7.1 9. J 3-5 5.1 !-7 9.3 9.3 8.8 5 7.1 2.2 4.0 7.1 9. J 1.2 5.2 8.1 9.4 9.5 8.7 4 b.8 1.8 4.5 3.9 6.6 9.2 7.0 8.0 9.3 9.4 u 5 5.5 5.0 4.4 4.8 5.6 9.1 7.4 7.6 9.3 9.5 6 4.6 4.9 4.4 5.8 4.9 9.1 2.6 7.6 7.0 9.3 9.5 9.1 I 4.8 4.5 4.5 3.8 ta 9.1 5.5 8.2 l-A 9.3 9.5 9.1 6.0 4.2 4.5 4,6 9.1 5.5 8.2 9.3 9.2 9.1 9 7.1 J.8 5.1 5.1 4.9 9.1 2.8 8.4 9.7 9.3 9.2 9.4 10 6.5 4.5 4.9 5.4 6.0 9.1 2. J 8.2 9.8 9.5 9.3 9.4 11 6.4 4.7 4.9 5.3 0.3 7.6 8.9 9.8 9.5 9.5 9.5 12 7.0 J.9 4.6 5.0 6.5 7.2 2.2 9.2 9.7 9.5 9.5 9.7 13 6.9 3.4 4.6 4.9 6.7 9.5 2.2 9.7 9.J 9.3 9.4 '•Z 14 6.7 J.J 4.4 4.6 u 8.7 0.9 10.2 9.1 9.3 9.4 9.8 15 6.5 2.2 4.7 4.3 8.5 2.6 8.9 9.0 9.5 9. J 9.7 16 6.5 5.0 4.0 8.9 8.5 J.J 8.1 9.5 9.5 9. J 2-5 u 6.9 4.8 4.3 9.5 7.4 4. J 9.6 9.5 9.5 9.5 §•' 7.1 4.7 4.5 9.5 6.2 4.9 9.2 9.4 9.5 9.6 §•■' 19 6.5 4.6 1.2 9.4 1.8 4.8 8.7 9.2 9.3 9-4 8.6 20 6.1 4.J 9.4 5.0 9.0 9.5 9.5 9.5 8.7 21 6.1 J.6 9.4 5.5 9.4 M 9.5 9.5 '•? 22 6.2 4.0 9.4 5.0 9.4 6.6 9.2 9.5 9.6 23 6.5 4. J 9.5 1.6 5.9 10.0 8.4 9.2 9.4 u 24 6.9 4.J 9.1 0.8 6.1 9.8 9.4 9.5 9.5 25 6.7 4.2 9.2 6.1 10.2 9.5 8.9 9.5 9.1 26 2.0 4.1 9.2 1.1 6.7 10.7 9.5 8.9 9.4 8.4 11 3.6 9.2 2.8 2:1 10.4 9.5 9.5 9.5 8.0 3.5 9.5 2.9 9.8 9.1 9.5 8.6 8.1 29 J.9 4.5 9.5 1.5 6.7 9.7 9.2 9.2 9.0 8.2 30 4.1 8.5 2.4 5.9 9.5 9.5 9.2 9.5 8.5 31 3.5 8.7 5.1 8.1 9.2 9.4 Sec.ft. Days 162.2 46.2 124.0 103.0 223.3 172.4 116.7 269.2 267.9 287.0 289.7 271.1 Tear Period Mean Sec. Ft. 5.2 1.5 4.0 5.3 7.7 5.6 J.9 8.7 3.9 9.5 9.5 9.0 6.4 nax. Sec. Ft. 7.1 5.0 5.1 8.7 9.4 9.3 7.2 10.7 9.8 9.4 9.4 9.8 10.7 HlD. Sec.Ft. 4.6 5.1 7.0 8.9 6.6 8.0 Ttotal AC Ft. 521.7 91.6 245.9 204.3 442.9 342.0 2J1.5 5J4.0 531.4 569.5 574.6 557.7 », 626.9 DIVISIOK OF V^TER RiSOOTCSS TABLE NO. 5 - Continued FOOTHILL DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion in second-feet for yeer ending September JO, 19*9 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 7.4 5.6 2.8 1.9 2.4 4.6 9.3 10.1 9.7 9. J 8.7 2 7.0 5.6 2.5 1.9 ^^} 4.5 9.5 9.7 9.7 9.2 e.7 } fa. 8 5.4 2.6 2.0 2.3 4.9 9.3 9.7 9.7 9.1 t'^ 7.0 5.6 1.9 2.0 l.J 5.1 9.3 9.9 9.7 9.1 t-^ 5 7. J 5.7 2.1 2.0 1.8 5.4 9.3 10.1 9.7 9.2 8. J k 7. J 5.7 2.5 1.8 2.6 4.7 9.1 10.4 9.5 9.3 8-5 I 7. J 5.7 2.6 1.8 0.9 4.2 9.1 10.1 9.5 9.2 8.6 7. J 5.6 2.6 1.8 4.1 9.1 9.9 9.5 9.2 7.9 9 10 7.0 5.6 2.6 J.l 4.2 9.3 9.7 9.5 9.3 8.5 6.2 5.8 2.4 5.7 4.4 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.3 8.7 IX 6.1 5.2 2.4 3.6 4.4 10.0 10.4 9.5 9.5 ^5 12 6.1 4.6 2. J J. 7 ^.8 9.7 10.5 9.5 9.2 §•'' IJ 14 6.5 4.6 1.6 J. 7 b 5.2 9.1 10. J 9.4 9.2 8.1 6.5 4.0 2.1 3.8 5.4 7.7 10.1 9.4 9.1 f-5 15 0.4 4.4 2.6 3.7 5.7 7.5 9.9 9.4 9.2 8. J 16 6.2 4.0 1.2 3.6 0.1 7.5 10.0 9. J 9.1 8.1 11 19 20 b.4 J. 9 J.6 t>.4 5.9 10.0 9.3 9.1 u 6.6 3.9 3.8 6.6 0.0 10.0 9.3 9.1 6. J J.8 2.1 6.6 5-8 9.9 9.4 9.4 7.5 6.J J. 7 7.1 5.8 9.9 9.4 9.4 7.0 21 22 23 24 25 6. J J. 5 7.1 tl '•? 9.3 8.7 7.3 6.J J.J 7.1 9.8 9.3 8.8 7.3 b.l J. 2 7.1 7.5 9.7 9. J 9.1 7.4 6. J J.l 0.9 7.1 7.5 9.7 9.4 9.0 6.6 6.6 J.l 2.5 1.2 8. J 7.5 9.7 9.J 9.2 7.0 26 11 29 JO Jl 0.7 J.l 2.5 2.4 8.7 8.4 9.7 9. J 9.7 I-* 6.7 J.8 2.5 2.6 8.7 8.5 9.7 9.1 9.2 8.1 6.5 J.8 2.5 J.5 8.7 §•5 9.7 9.3 1-5 8.3 6.1 J.8 1.9 2.5 4.9 9.1 8.3 9.7 9.1 8.1 8.0 b.l 3.B 2.0 2.5 4.7 9.1 8.7 9.7 9.2 8.3 6.2 6.1 5.1 2.0 2.5 4.7 9.7 9.4 8.7 Sec.Ft. Days 20J.8 1J6.6 42.8 72.0 1J.6 24.0 185.4 254.5 297.2 291.9 261.6 239.3 Year Period neen Sec.Ft. 6.6 4.6 1.4 2.3 0.5 0.8 6.2 8.2 9.9 9.4 9.1 8.0 5.6 Mai. Sec.Ft. 7.4 5.B 2.8 3.8 2.6 4.9 9.1 10.0 10.4 9.7 9.4 8.7 10.4 Hin. Sec.Ft. 6.1 3.1 ■i.i 5.7 9.5 9.1 8.1 6.2 Total AC. Ft. 404.2 270.9 8.. 9 112.8 27.0 47.0 307.7 504,8 589.5 579.0 558.6 474.7 4,051.7 KAWEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 6 UUTCHUPINA DITCH NEAR HEAD Point of diversion - Above McKay Point on north bank of Kaweah River in the southeast quarter of Section J4, Township 17 South, Renpe 27 East, M.D.B- and M, Maximum diversion capacity - 2feO second-feet. Location of gaping station - Three-tenths mile belov; head of ditch in southeast quarter of Section 54, Township 17 South, Rcnpe 27 E^^st, M.D.B. tnd M. Mep desirnation(6) . Description of gaging station - Rated concrete control structure, checked frei^uently by means of current rr-cter TirasurementF. Operating agency - Uutchunna "feter Corapsny- Gross service area - 10,;iOC seres, exclusive of areas included in Lindsay-Strathmore and Tulare irriga- tion districts. Period of record - 1917-1949; intermittent from January 12, 1917 to February 16, 1920; continuous from Febru;.ry lo, 19^0 to September 30, 1949» Criteria governinfc. diversions - First 25 second-feet of flow reaching the head of Uutchumna Ditch when the t^t^l flew of Kaweah River is less than 166.67 second-feet, from June 1 to October 31; 8 seccnd-feet when flow is less than 53*33 second-feet, from November 1 to May 31; when river flows exceed the loo.b? and 53«55 second-feet limitations, 15 per cent of first 500 second-feet, 10 per cent cf next 250 second-feet, and 7-5 per cent of next 750 second-feet; additional amounts between flo';i?s cf 1,500 and 2,400 second-feet at rates not to exceed 10 per cent of flows in ex- cess of 1,500 second-feet, nor more than 2,000 acre-feet in any one season; and additional amount in lieu of WutchUTina Uater Comp^_ny diversions through Barton Cut on St. Johns Branch. Diver: iLn ill s econd-fe et fi r year end ng September 50, 1940 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 15 11 12.5 r 60 201 205 226 128 15.5 30 2 17 11 12 72 185 215 224 110 14.5 30 } 28 11 12 23 79 168 215 217 85 15.5 29.5 4 27 11 12 48 77 200 209 225 66 12.5 33.5 5 24 11 12 55 54 187 207 217 64 12.5 21 6 22 11 12 47 40 182 201 218 60 11.5 10.5 I 55 10.5 11 -7 109 182 215 220 55 10.5 11 52. i 13.5 9 55 115 109 220 223 H 10.5 10.5 9 28 10.5 9 51 150 181 225 228 48 12.5 19.5 10 24 11 9 48 128 180 228 225 47 13.^ 24.5 11 22.5 10 9.5 21.5 Q 153 185 225 225 41 15 23 ]2 21.5 9.5 9.5 144 195 219 219 37 12.5 22 1} 22 9.5 9.5 145 215 219 216 35 10.5 26 14 21.5 8.5 143 226 220 218 55 10.5 27.5 15 18 11 8.5 144 250 224 217 52.5 10.5 27.5 16 17.5 11 8 144 217 221 213 50.5 10.5 28 11 lb. 5 12.5 8 145 197 218 205 28 10 29.5 15 12.5 8 14 6 194 220 185 24.5 10 27.5 19 14 10 8 145 205 228 164 24.5 1:1 28.5 20 15 9.5 8 146 219 231 151 24 28.5 21 12.5 9.5 8 146 254 230 150 23.5 8 30 22 12 9.5 8 152 259 223 149 25 7 'S 23 12.5 11 8 156 235 225 145 22 10 26 2« 13.5 11.5 7.5 22 158 226 227 144 20 15 27 25 15.5 11.5 7.5 66 168 213 226 142 18.5 18 26 26 15.5 12 7.5 72 175 209 219 158 19 10.5 24.5 11 14 12.5 7.5 61 174 201 222 130 19 10.5 24 11.5 12.5 7.5 59 166 197 220 130 18.5 21 24.5 29 11 12.5 7.5 64 182 191 217 150 18 30 26 50 11 12.5 7.5 180 193 221 140 17.5 29.5 20.5 51 11 7.5 206 221 16. 5 28 Sec. Ft. Days 566.0 527.5 280.5 407.0 344.0 4,164.0 6,072.0 D, 814.0 5,d26.0 1,240.5 422.0 755.5 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 18.3 10.9 9.1 15.1 11.9 154.5 202.4 219.8 187.5 40.0 13.6 25.1 75.8 nsz. Sec. Ft. 55.0 12.5 12.5 53.0 72.0 20o.O 259.0 251.0 228.0 128.0 30.0 32.5 259.0 nin. Sec. Ft. 11.0 8.5 7.5 40.0 169.0 201.0 150.0 16.5 7.0 10.5 Total Ac. Ft. 1,122.6 o49.b 556.4 807.3 682.5 8,259.3 12,045.6 13,515.0 11,159.2 2,»o0.5 837.0 1,494.6 53,588.2 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. k - Continued WUTCHWINA DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 50, 1941 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 26 21.5 76 78 126 148 171 213 228 50 15.2 2 27 21.5 73 76 154 154 174 218 228 49 15.5 } n-' 21.5 67 70 130 147 179 225 228 48 15 20.5 64 65 131 155 182 227 228 45 12.5 5 29.5 20 62 64 131 165 184 227 228 42 9.5 6 27.5 20 59 10 137 151 188 228 227 218 57 7 I 27 19.5 81 140 151 186 220 37 6 26.5 12-5 2.5 68 107 152 158 150 1§5 208 198 180 39 5.5 9 10 35.5 l8.5 11 69 151 151 181 212 44 5.3 37 17 15.5 66 129 157 158 180 252 170 41 5 34 17 13 64 U9 155 161 1§5 242 164 37 4.3 51 17 13 64 156 146 154 182 244 162 53 4 1} 29.5 16.5 13 61 128 149 154 175 IVs 158 51 6.5 16.5 12.5 72 128 151 155 184 152 29 9.5 15 28 16 12.5 71 130 14 7 154 237 146 28 17 16 25 16 13 68 125 144 154 196 238 142 30 20 ]l 23.5 5.5 23 64 150 144 151 202 255 137 36 21 25 46 57 126 145 14 9 199 250 138 40 15 1? 29.5 72 55 124 146 14 6 189 240 137 56 8.5 20 29 45 55 125 145 144 192 245 130 51 11 21 26.5 52 55 137 140 142 197 236 129 27 10 25.5 Q 31 5§ 133 140 14 8 201 237 127 2b 9.6 2J 23 39 58 150 142 155 202 239 120 25 9.2 ill 79 91 120 14 3 157 200 238 114 25 9.2 25 96 88 116 142 161 200 228 105 25 9.2 26 35 85 84 134 143 161 205 229 97 24 9.2 '4 40 108 92 134 144 165 205 219 87 22.5 9.5 28.5 104 104 127 145 170 210 208 69 20 10 29 JO 31 21.5 90 108 149 175 212 212 61 15.7 10 21 85 107 142 176 216 223 57 15.5 9.5 21-5 82 97 143 215 52 15.5 Sec. Ft. Days 861.5 504.0 1,121.0 2,246.0 5,173.0 4,568.0 4,662.0 5,951.0 6,869.0 4,615.0 1,002.2 302.5 Period Sec. Ft. 27.8 10.1 36.2 72.5 113.3 140.9 155.4 192.0 229.0 148.9 32.3 10.1 97.2 Max. Seo.Ft. 40.0 21.5 108.0 108.0 157.0 151.0 176.0 216.0 244.0 228.0 50.0 21.0 244 .( Sec. Ft. 16.5 55.0 64.0 126,0 142.0 171.0 208.0 52.0 15.5 4.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1,708.8 605.0 2,225.5 4,454.9 6,293.6 8,663.9 9,247.1 11,803.8 13,624.7 9,155.9 1,987.9 600.0 70,565.1 Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 50, 1942 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 9 16.9 19.5 28 46.5 129 175 234 189 26 2-5 2 9 16.2 19 28.5 47 134 170 186 255 182 24 8.2 5 8.6 16.7 19.8 29 47.5 140 254 177 24 8.5 4 9 19 17 28.5 49 169 'dl 238 175 22.5 7.5 5 9 21.5 16 26.5 50 160 245 169 20.5 9 6 9.2 21 15.5 29 50 165 195 245 165 19.5 9.7 I 9.2 20.5 15.3 29 58.5 161 200 244 152 18 9 9 20 15 28.5 63 160 204 245 144 16.5 8.2 9 9 19.8 15 28 72 154 207 249 140 16.5 8.2 10 9 18.5 14.8 28 84 160 202 250 135 17 9 11 9 17.7 14.8 35.5 100 162 197 250 131 lU 12.5 12 9 17.7 14.8 41.5 108 157 186 in 126 13.5 13 9 17.7 14.5 41.5 114 162 180 118 16 10 14 9 17.7 14.5 41 108 177 181 247 121 16 9,8 15 9 17.7 14.3 • 40.5 109 170 185 247 120 15 9 16 9 17.7 l8.5 14.3 40.5 106 167 181 248 109 15 8.7 ]l 8.5 14 40.5 105 176 181 249 90 15 7.5 8.2 18.8 13.5 40.5 106 170 192 249 75 14.5 7.2 19 8.8 18.2 7 43 103 170 201 247 23tl 65 13.5 7.8 20 9.5 18 47 101 176 209 64 12 7 21 9.2 18 48 106 160 217 235 65 11.7 6.3 22 9.2 18 51.5 111 185 217 235 63 11.5 8.8 25 8.8 18 15.5 49.5 116 184 208 235 59 10.7 10 24 8.8 17.7 18.5 30 49 121 i^l" 212 254 54.5 10 9.6 25 9 38 48 117 221 229 50.5 9 9.5 26 9.2 19.2 36.5 47.5 114 177 180 215 216 49.5 i-5 10 n 20.5 19.2 36 47 114 206 200 41 8.5 11.2 25 19.7 34.5 46.5 114 181 212 198 36 8.7 10.3 29 22 19.5 31 117 170 208 200 34 9 9.8 30 20.5 20.7 29 122 167 211 200 31 9 9.3 31 20 28. 5 130 230 29.5 8.5 Year Days 339.4 558.5 288.6 279.0 1.083.5 2.909.5 5,000.0 6,149.0 7,075.0 3,156.0 460.1 272.8 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 10.9 18.6 9.3 9.0 38.7 95.9 166. 7 198.4 235.8 101.8 14.8 9.1 75.5 nax. Seo.Ft. 23.0 21.5 19.8 38.0 51.5 150.0 184.0 230.0 250.0 189.0 26.0 13.5 250.0 Mln. Seo.Ft. 8.2 16.2 28.0 40.5 129.0 170.0 198.0 29.5 8.5 6.5 Total Ao. Ft. 67J.? 1.107.4 >7?.4 55}. 4 S.14?.l 5.771-0 ?.?i7-5 12,196.« 14,02?. J 6,259.9 912.6 541.1 54,683,5 KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 6 - Continued UDTCFUMNA DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion in jeoond-feet for year ending September JO 1943 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 8.5 8.5 19.5 59 59 120 151 258 142 42.5 9.2 8.5 8.5 19 56 57 121 150 2 58 141 41.5 8.7 3 9 8.7 19 55 57 123 148 222 142 40 9 8.7 19 55 56 123 148 208 147 35.5 9 5 8.5 8.5 19 29 55 124 141 198 150 29.5 9 (, 9.5 8.5 19 27 55 152 144 201 14 8 29 9.7 I 11.5 8.5 19 26 54 152 154 221 157 26 9 n.5 8.5 19 25.5 57 139 161 241 152 20 3.7 29.5 8 19 26 55 155 155 245 152 23 9.5 10 20.5 8 19 2 b 54 131 157 244 150 25 10.8 10.5 8 19 25.5 54 129 170 251 129 25 11.2 9 8 19 21 54 129 175 240 12 7 21 12 IJ 8 8 19 21 5} 66 129 1^1 228 122 21 11.5 9 3 19 21 53 105 150 233 120 21 9,5 15 9.5 8.5 19 21.5 22 117 131 184 225 120 20.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 19 21.5 121 135 179 223 116 20.5 8 ]l 8.2 8.5 19 21.5 129 136 178 220 111 20 8.5 3.7 10.5 19 21 160 13b 184 208 107 20 9 19 20 9 11.5 19 20.5 140 1J8 194 208 92 19 9.7 24.5 12.5 19 21 134 140 206 214 67 16 10 16 It, 19 57 131 142 220 206 58 15.5 §•5 8 ?2.5 19 131 146 252 191 54 15 8 25 8 22.5 19.5 68 129 14 6 240 1-^7 54 14.3 9 8 21.5 68 d2 125 144 252 164 5? 15 6.5 25 8 20 85 65 124 144 251 157 49 13 8.5 26 2 70 62 124 141 246 153 49 12.5 10 ?2 8.' 19.*' 66 61 123 141 247 151 48 12 10 C_ c 15.; 56 u 125 151 244 155 48 10.5 10.2 29 50 51 8.5 IS. 5 51 124 150 2 58 154 48 8.2 10.5 8-5 19.5 46 62 125 149 251 14, 46 9 10.2 8.5 41 61 in 2 5o 4J 10 Sec. Ft. Days 555.7 579.7 921.0 1,170.0 795.0 2,552.0 4,065.0 5,973.0 6,168.0 3,061.0 647.0 281.7 Year Period Mean 10.8 12.7 29.7 57.7 28.4 75.9 155.5 192.7 205.6 98.7 20.9 9.4 71.6 Wax. Sec. Ft. 29.5 22-5 S5.0 68.0 59.0 160.0 151.0 252.0 258.0 150.0 42.5 12.0 258J) Min. Sec. Ft. 8.0 8.0 19.0 20.5 120.0 141.0 146.0 43.0 8.2 6.5 Total Ac. Ft. 6o5.9 753.1 l.Sio.S 2,520.7 1,570.9 J, 665. 2 8,0o2.9 11,84 7.4 12,254.2 b,071.5 1,285.5 558.8 51,866.7 Diversion in seoond-feet for year end ng September 50 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 10 54.5 12.8 15.5 54 72 120 142 192 140 18.5 27.5 2 10.7 52 15 15.8 35 b9 130 lb2 205 134 17.7 26 3 11.2 51 15 15.8 52.5 68.5 138 177 197 128 16.5 24.5 11 52 15 15.5 u 156 194 195 123 15 25.2 5 10.? 50 15.5 13.5 85 133 200 201 117 14.3 21.2 6 10.2 -9.5 13.5 14.3 37.5 74 128 200 198 111 13.8 20 I 18.5 ■.5.5 13 „ 13.8 37.5 o9.5 127 192 197 ]05 15.5 16.2 24 47 12.8 13.5 38.5 68.5 133 196 197 98 12.8 15.8 9 25.5 47.5 13 13 69 o9 131 197 188 90 12 15.5 10 26.5 46.5 12.8 13 69 84 120 195 188 72 11.5 14.7 11 26.5 34 12.8 15 55.5 100 124 194 196 65.5 11.5 14.1 32 .7.5 15 12.8 12.8 32.5 102 124 195 198 ir 10.5 13.8 13 .6.5 14.5 15 12.8 '1 100 118 196 198 10.3 13.5 14 28 14.5 15 12.8 51 97 108 198 196 45.5 10.5 14.2 15 26 14.2 15 12.8 46.5 91 103 195 180 45.5 9.8 15 16 25.5 12.8 •12.8 12.8 41 74 104 188 159 44.5 9.4 16.1 \l 12.8 13 12.8 41 62.5 101 180 14 5 42.5 8.8 15.7 28.5 15 15 12.8 58.5 66.5 90 180 140 58 1^:? 15.3 19 50.5 12.8 15.5 12.8 52 80.5 74 144 55.5 15 20 56.5 13.5 14.3 12.8 50 94 146 33 9.7 15 21 56 15.5 15.2 15 50 85 105 195 142 52 10.1 14.8 22 54 15.8 13 32.5 84.5 99 198 152 30 10.4 14.3 23 51.5 13. J 12.8 12.8 52.5 87 105 156 129 27.5 9.8 18.7 24 50 15 12.8 39 bS 89 107 1-7 151 24.5 9.8 25 47 12.8 6.5 45.5 66 90 105 185 131 24.8 11 17.4 26 45.5 12.5 8 54.5 69.5 104 1J5 185 127 25 11 16.5 U 42 12.5 15.5 34 b7 105 124 189 132 23 10.5 15.5 55.5 12.5 13.5 33 65 104 154 195 140 21.5 9.5 14 29 55 12.5 15.5 55 66 105 128 196 145 19.5 10 12 50 57.5 ij.8 15.5 54 108 131 185 144 19.2 18 13.2 51 56.5 15.5 55.5 113 191 19.5 25.2 Sec. ft. Year Deys 1,055.5 785.0 398.2 591.2 1,579.5 2,b49.0 3,475.0 5,768.0 5,011.0 1,836.0 384.7 505.6 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 34.0 26.2 12. B 19.1 47.6 85.5 115.8 18b. 1 167.0 59.2 12.4 lb. 9 65.1 Hai. Sec. Ft. 5B.5 54.5 15.2 45.5 69.5 115.0 158.0 200.0 205.0 140.0 25.2 27.5 205.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 10.0 12.5 6.5 12.8 30.0 62.5 74.0 142.0 127.0 19.2 . 8.8 12.0 6.5 Total Ac. Ft. :,oj>.2 1.557.1 789.8 1.172.6 2.736.2 5.254.5 6.892.7 11,440. 8 ?.???•? 3,641.7 763.1 1,002.9 47,285.7 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 6 - Continued WUTCHUMNA DITCH NEAR HEAD DlTersion In second-feet for year ending September JO, 19*5 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 17.2 25 21 15.5 68 24 200 200 211 37 10.5 2 20 13.5 22 15.5 98 23 207 210 208 36 11 } n.2 12 21 15 91 23 217 221 195 42 25.5 16 12 20.5 15 82 49 218 235 178 41.5 29 lc.3 12.2 20.5 15 b8 24.5 85 217 227 59 23.5 k Id. 5 12 20.5 15 64 5* 104 218 222 170 35.5 20.5 17.8 12 20.5 15 63 53 116 218 222 162 29 17.5 8 lo.J 12.2 20.5 15 54 54 140 214 226 152 30 14.5 9 10 19.5 12 20 15 54 58 150 212 222 14 8 31 12.5 20.5 12 20 15 55 65.5 i;i 221 227 140 29.5 12 11 18.8 15.8 19 18.5 52 64 159 119 237 134 50 11.5 17.2 16 19 21.5 52 64 157 221 241 153 28 11.5 1} 17.7 1-1.5 1£.5 22 52 65 134 218 241 152 24.5 10.5 I0.5 33.5 16.5 22-5 52 65.5 151 ■08 237 151 21 8 15 18.5 19 It. 5 22 53 77 150 209 2 34 126 19 7.5 16 19.} 44 17.5 22.5 52 ■'4 IJo 222 2 37 123 18 7.5 ]l 17.5 36.5 16.5 22.5 51 74 149 231 2 37 117 17.5 12 16.7 30.5 16.5 25.5 21 71 160 22, . >7 100 17 17 16 30 16.5 27 69 16'' 220 .-38 82 1S5 13.5 20 15.2 29 17 25 70 IBO 21a 233 70 15 15.5 17.8 29 17.5 25 71 190 213 233 o4 15.5 13.5 53 ■ 29 19 12 40 187 212 .'23 ■3 5 15 15.5 25 30 28,5 18 14.5 1 = 184 222 215 •^2 1-.5 13.5 22.2 28.5 17.5 25 17 181 225 207 al.5 13.5 13.5 25 21.7 25 17 25 lo 188 229 200 50 15.5 13.5 22 21-5 16.5 25 8.5 190 22o 200 5i-5 14 15.5 '4 2U.5 21 16.5 25 5 189 225 207 48 13 13.5 19.7 21 lo 25 4.5 194 227 212 46.5 11.5 15.5 29 }0 31 19.7 21 16.5 25 17 2&J 221 215 45-5 10.5 13.5 20.5 21 16 25 23 198 210 214 42 12.5 13.5 23-2 15.5 26 25 200 59 12.5 See. Ft. Days 603. 679.2 570.0 b32.5 108.0 1,256.5 4,219.0 0,741.0 0,710.0 5,474.0 700.0 424.0 Year Period Mean See. Ft. 19.5 22.6 IB. 4 20.4 5.9 4'J.O 14J.b 217.5 225.7 112.1 22.6 14.1 71.5 Max. Sec. Ft. 35.0 49.0 22.0 27.0 98») 77.0 200.0 2J1.0 241.0 211.0 42.0 29.0 241.0 Sec. Ft. 15.2 12.0 15.5 12.0 25.0 200.0 200.0 59.0 10.5 7.5 Total Ac. Ft. 1,196.0 1,347.2 1,130.6 1,254.6 214.2 2,-5o.6 fc,3of.4 1;,370.8 13,509.5 6,890.7 1,588.4 841.0 51,767.8 Diversion in second-feet for year ending September ^0, 1946 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Fob. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 12.5 44 39 27 44 46.5 14 5 230 193 50 11 21 2 12 44 38 39.5 4,. 5 -7 133 229 197 48.5 10.5 22.5 3 12 46 37 53.5 46.5 47 133 223 200 46 10 19.5 4 12 45 55.5 52 46.5 45 134 237 194 42 7 21 5 16 44.5 35 56 45.5 45 135 192 34.5 5.5 20 6 21 44,5 32.5 53.5 45.5 48 155 248 184 34.5 11 20 I 25 40.5 31.5 52 45 50 133 254 179 34.5 13.5 20 36.5 46 30.5 50.5 45.5 52 131 244 174 54.5 13 20 9 33 46 29.5 49.5 45 75 126 238 171 35.5 11 20 10 28.5 46.5 28.5 49.5 45 98 120 230 164 33 11.5 19 11 2b 48.5 28 4&.5 45.5 102 134 217 155 30.5 11 17.5 12 21 48.5 28 48.5 44 95 147 210 159 27 11 15 13 17 47.5 27.5 47.5 44.5 113 159 219 loO 23 10 14.5 14 17 47 27 47-5 44 117 152 220 15b 20 10 14 15 17 47 27.5 40.5 44.5 113 1d2 220 151 17.5 11 15.5 16 18 47.5 27.5 45.5 48 110 174 222 144 17.5 12 15.5 11 17.5 46.5 27 45.5 48 110 183 222 138 17 11.5 12 17 45-5 27 46 46.5 109 196 22b 154 17 10.5 12.5 19 17 ,4.5 37 45.5 45.5 112 204 239 135 17 15.5 12 20 lo.5 44.5 2o.5 45.5 48.5 114 202 24 3 131 K r-.5 11 21 I0.5 44.5 39 45.5 45.5 113 200 241 l"o 21 19.5 10 22 18 44 35 45.5 45.5 110 200 227 110 28 -1.5 11.5 23 19 44.5 33.5 45.5 46 113 205 211 93 17.5 21.5 15.5 24 19 44.5 30 45.5 47.5 112 210 207 "7 17 22.5 1;..5 25 19 46.5 32.5 46 47 110 228 205 59 17 22.5 13 26 19 46.5 31 46 46.5 113 244 200 59 17.5 19.5 10.5 u 19 45 28.5 45.5 45.5 12, 23o 203 58 17 -1 10 19 44 28 40.5 127 233 199 57 1.".; ^1.; °.5 29 31 44 27.= 4'" 155 227 190 55.5 1;) -■1 10 30 36 4".; 27 i^ 169 226 187 50 1'. -1 11 31 4^ 27 44 156 192 12 21 Sec. Ft. Year Days 0-2.0 1,366.0 939.0 1,446.0 1,262.0 5,026,5 5,2oO.O 0,689.0 -,051.5 "90.0 45 8.5 -53.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 20.7 -5.5 3-. J ,0.7 45.6 97. b 175.3 222.2 135.1 ■ 5.5 1-.6 15.1 72.9 Max. Sec. Ft. 30.5 ..8.5 39.0 5o.O 48.5 169.0 244.0 254.0 200.0 51.'. 22.5 22.5 254.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 12.0 "2.5 26.5 27.0 44.0 45.0 12b. u 187.0 50.0 12.0 5.5 9.5 5.5 Total Ac. Ft. 1,273.4 2,709.5 l,8u2.5 2,672.1 2,542.6 6,003.1 10,-33.2 15,664.5 8,030.2 l,5o7.0 909.4 £98.5 52,772.0 KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 6 - CnntlE UTJTCHtJMNA DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*7 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 50 10 2.5 19.7 16.2 \l 96 195 150 52 18 7.7 2 97 10 2 19.7 16.2 94 215 159 29 IB.7 5.4 5 59 9.5 19.7 16 18 100 225 146 24 19 4.7 4 57 9 19.5 lb 25 96 224 141 21.5 19.4 4.7 5 5-1 6.5 19.5 16 59 94 228 135 21.5 18.1 5.1 6 61 o 19.5 16.2 38.5 92 251 126 21.5 16.1 4.5 I 6i 9 19.5 16.2 38 90 225 147 21 14.6 5.7 59 ? 19.2 16 38 92 220 128 20.5 14.1 5.1 ■) 55 19.2 16.2 57.5 92 198 155 . 19.5 17.4 3.8 10 o.> 19.2 17.5 38 90 188 156 17 24.6 5.5 11 io B.5 19 17.; 14.3 96 175 118 17.5 19.5 4.6 12 •*? 19 17 55 106 167 17.5 16.5 4.1 1} ■ij 8.5 5.5 19 17.5 u lib 182 101 17.5 14.6 4.1 14 ;e.5 8.5 19 19 17.5 141 176 84 17 14.9 4.1 15 37 8.5 19 18.5 17.5 56.5 176 167 79 16.5 14.5 4.5 16 ;i 8 19 18.5 18.2 59 182 188 71 16 13.1 4.4 \l 7.5 19.5 18.5 59 192 197 56 15 12.4 4.4 50 7.5 19.5 18.2 18.2 60 191 199 55.5 14.5 11.9 6.0 19 54 7.5 19.5 16.8 18.2 61 197 205 56.5 14.5 13.2 11.1 20 51.5 9.5 19.5 Id. 6 18.2 ol 204 205 58 15 15.1 8.7 21 41 19.5 I0.5 18.; o5 192 199 48.5 12.5 16.6 7.2 22 c** 7 19.5 lb.. 18 11 177 204 47 11 11.1 7.2 23 2u 7 19.5 I0.5 17.8 ^^§ 209 44 ID. 5 13.6 7.4 24 18 7 20 16.5 17.5 101 158 2ol 45 9.5 14.9 7.6 25 17.5 7 21 16.5 17.5 95 150 196 59.5 10 11.4 6.6 26 17.5 6 21 I0.5 17 95 141 187 36 11.5 8.2 5.7 11 18.5 5.5 23.5 17 100 14 5 184 55 11.5 7.5 5.5 14 4.5 25 I0.8 17 101 153 179 54 12.5 7.5 5.5 29 9 4 21 16.5 100 14 8 175 55.5 20.7 u 5.5 JO 9 3.5 19.5 I0.5 96 158 173 52.5 25.5 5.2 51 9.5 19.5 I6.5 95 159 21.5 8.7 Sec. Ft. Year Days 1,303.5 235.5 572.0 559.8 479.5 1,851.8 4,124.0 6,070.0 2,b08.0 545.2 441.9 167.2 Period Hean Sec. Ft. 42.0 7.8 12.0 18.1 17.1 59.7 137.5 195.8 86.9 17.5 14.5 5.6 51.4 Max. Sec. Ft. 97.0 10.0 23.5 19.7 18.2 101.0 204.0 251.0 159.0 52.0 24.6 11.1 231.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 9.0 3.5 16.5 16.0 14.5 90.0 159.0 52.5 9.5 7.5 5.1 Total Ac. Ft. 2.585.5 463.2 7;7-? 1,110.4 951.1 ?,67j.o 8,180.0 12,059.9 5.175.0 1,077.4 876.5 ^51.6 57,199.5 DlTersion in second-feet for year ending September 30 1948 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 4 41 10 8 6.5 11.5 49 154 205 92 15.6 12.5 2 5 30 10.5 8 6.5 11.5 48 150 211 75 15 12 5 5 51 10 8 11.5 52 145 200 b4 14.5 11.5 5.5 29 10 8 6.5 11 54 173 22b b4 14.5 11 5 5 28 10 6.5 15.5 12 55 139 202 59 14 11.5 6 5 27.5 9 8.5 24.5 12 59 201 198 56 14 11 I 5 2b 9 8 24.5 12 55 204 210 52 5.5 10.5 5.5 24.5 9 8.5 24 11.5 50 198 258 47 5.5 10 9 24 9 10 22 12 46 180 225 40 15.5 8.5 10 10 21 9 10 20.5 12.5 125 177 203 57 19.5 7.5 11 40 10.5 8.5 10.5 21 12 174 190 212 55 19.5 7 J2 41 10.5 8.5 1U.5 20.5 11.5 152 203 215 51 12-5 9.5 15 35 10.5 9 10.5 21 12 140 214 212 27 18.5 8.5 14 52 10.5 9 10 20 14.5 151 218 208 26 17 7.5 15 27 11 9 10 18 17.5 156 223 200 26 17.5 7.5 16 27.5 11.5 9 9 15.5 22.5 140 227 199 26.5 17.5 7 \l 51 11.5 9 9 15 24.5 148 225 191 27 17.5 7.5 55.5 10.5 9 9 12.5 28 155 224 185 25.5 16 9 19 51.5 10.5 9 9 12.5 52 162 207 180 20.5 15.5 9 20 29 10 9 9 12.5 29.5 174 198 174 20 12.5 9 21 26.5 10 9 10 12.5 26.5 179 IB7 172 20.5 12.5 9-5 22 52.5 10 1-5 10 12.5 21.5 175 190 174 22.5 12.5 8 2} 55 10 8.5 10 15 22 165 222 171 22.5 12 7 24 51 10.5 8.5 10 15 25 155 223 162 22 12 7 25 50 10.5 9 10 12.5 56 154 229 157 22 12 9 26 51 10.5 10.5 10 12.5 43 163 235 154 21.5 12 10 n 50 10 10.5 12.5 11.5 21 176 229 146 20.5 11.5 10.5 51 10 10.5 9 11.5 27 177 222 14 3 19.5 12 11 29 52 10 10.5 7 11.5 45 176 221 156 19.5 12 10 }0 39 10 10.5 6 44 165 216 121 19 10.5 9.5 51 55 9 6.5 47 206 19 11.5 Sec.Ft. Year Days 758.5 490.5 289.5 283.0 429.5 = 77.5 5.782.0 6,231.0 5,626.0 1.075.0 4.J5.1 279.0 Period hean Sec .Ft. 25.8 16.4 9.3 9.1 14.8 21.9 126.1 201.0 187.5 54.7 14.0 9.5 55.6 Max. Sec. Ft. 55.0 41.0 10.5 12.5 24.5 47.0 179.0 235.0 238.0 92.0 19.5 12.5 2}8J) HiD. Sec. Ft. 5.0 10.0 8.5 6.0 6.0 11.0 48.0 159.0 121.0 19.0 5.5 7.0 5.C Total Ac. Ft. l,4b4.8 972.? 574.2 Jbl.J 8^1.9 i.?43.e 7,501.6 12.5>?.i 11.159.2 2.152.5 865.0 555.4 40.357.6 DIVISION OF UATEH KESOUHCES TABLE NO. 6 - Continued WDTCHUMNA DITCH NEAR HEAD Divers ion in second-feet for y ear ending September 30, 1949 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. nar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 11.5 25.5 25.5 15 25 25.5 40 235 175 25.5 14 10 2 12.5 21.5 6.5 15 25 25.5 39 241 177 25 18.5 6.5 3 15 20.5 8 15 25 27 39 24? 178 24.5 17 5.5 10.5 13.5 9 15 25 52 42 215 171 24.5 15.5 6.5 5 7.5 7.5 9 14.5 25.5 37 50.5 216 160 24.5 14 6 I 9 10 8 9.5 9 14.5 26 43 75 229 165 21.5 13.5 8.5 9.5 9 14 23 42.5 70 230 171 18 13.5 8.5 9.5 9 14 20 43 o7 22t> 175 17.5 12.5 7.5 9.5 9 14 19 41.5 t>5 214 172 16.5 12 3.5 7.5 9.5 9 14 19 41 76 193 167 16 13.5 11 12 1} 1* 15 8.5 9.5 9 14 20 51 93 191 159 16 15.5 15.5 9.5 8.5 14 18 45.5 124 209 158 15 16.5 ^ 19-5 9.5 8 14.5 10 42 149 213 147 15 16.5 22 9.5 8 14.5 41.5 157 253 140 16.5 15.5 20 9.5 8 14.5 43 175 212 118 17 14 16 11 19 20 19 10 3 15 44 187 203 91 15 12 3 17.5 10.5 9.5 12.5 45 20J 210 90 13.5 10.5 2.5 16 11 14 13 45.5 199 215 76 13 10 2.5 15 24 14 13.5 193 209 70 13 12 2.5 11.5 32.5 14 16 v9.5 194 194 o5 13 10 2.5 21 22 23 24 25 11 50 14 14.5 45.5 226 194 54 13 9 2.5 11 33 14 18 43.5 23b 20- 45 12.5 11 2 10.5 34.5 14 24 46 243 209 42 1^ 16 2 10 41 13.5 27 45 242 220 38 11., 17.5 2 10 45.5 15.5 26 43 236 228 35.5 19 12 2 26 ^2 29 30 51 10.5 38 13 26 54 231 356 33 22 12 2 11.5 36 14 26 11 61 222 235 31.5 20 11 2 14 53.5 14 25.3 26 57 240 224 33.5 18 10 2 14 34 14.5 25 59 242 204 30 16 9 2 16.5 33 14.5 25 46.5 235 188 26 15 t-l 2 21.5 14.5 i5 40 180 7.5 8.5 Sec.ft. Days 396.0 626.0 357.5 540.5 317.5 1,353.5 4,588.5 0,055.0 3,199.5 5,270.0 399.0 100.5 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 12.8 20.9 11.5 17.6 11.3 43.7 153.0 214.7 IO0.7 170.0 12.9 3.4 65.2 Max. Sec. Ft. 22.0 43.5 25.5 27.0 26.0 61.0 243.0 247.0 178.0 25.5 18.5 10.0 247X MlD. 7.5 7.5 6.5 12.5 25.5 39.0 180.0 26.0 7.5 8.5 2.0 Total Ac. Ft. 789.4 1,241.7 709.1 1,084.0 629.8 2,684.7 9,101.3 13,200.2 6,346.2 10,453.0 791.4 199.3 47,230J KAWEAH RIVER 65 TABLE NO. 7 HAMILTON DITCH NEAR HEAD I Point of diversion - Two and oue-nalf miles below McKay Point on south bank of Kaweah H Branch in northeast quarter of Section 7, Township l8 South, Range 27 East, B n«D»B> 4 M. f prior to 19*5- Since 19*5 pump located 3 miles below McKay Point ^B. on south bank of Kaweah Branch in southeast corner of Section 12, Township l8 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. 4 M. Maiimum diversion capacity - 8 second-feet. Location of gaging station - Three-fourths miles below heaa of ditch in northwest quarter of Section l8. Township l8 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B. 4 M. , prior to 19*5. Since 19*5 occasional measurement of pump made. Map designation(7) • Desoription of gaging station - Rated channel and staff gage. Operating agency - Individual landowners. Gross service area - J*0 acres. Period of record - 1920, 1950, inclusive; no record for 1925; intermittent for other /ears. Oriteria governing diversions - Riparian status of a portion of the service area and his- torical use. Average rate of diversion during summer snow run-off, 8 second-feet. Diversions have been made more or less continuously for the past 35 years, when- ever water has been available. DIVISION OF UATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 8 CONSOLIDATED PEOPLES DITCH NEAR HEAD Point of diversion - Four and one-half miles below MoKay Point on the south bank of Kaweah Branch in the north- east quarter of Section 14, Tov.nship l8 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. * n. Maximum dlTerslon capacity - 700 second-feet. Location of gaging station - At head of ditch in the northeast quarter of Section 14, Township l8 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. * M. Map deslfnation (8) . Description of gaging station - Concrete headgate and flashboards, rated by current meter measurements from footbridge below headgate. Water stage recorder above headgate. Operating agencies - Consolidated Peoples Ditch Company and Elk Bayou Ditch Company. Gross service areas - Consolidated Peoples Ditch Company, 16,000 acres. Elk Bayou Ditch Company, 8,900 acres. Period of record - April 15, 1917 to September 30, 1949. Criteria governing diversions - For Consolidated Peoples Ditch Company, 60 per cent of the first 200 second- feet of river flow reaching the head of Consolidated Peoples Ditch, 50 per oent of the next 100 seoond-feet and 40 per oent of the next 325 seoond-feet; maximum diversion, 500 second-feet. F<-r Elk Bayou Ditch Company, first 291 second-feet of river flow reaching the head of Consolidated Peoples Ditch in excess of flows required to meet the sum of the Consolidated Peoples Ditch Company diversions of 500 second-feet and downstream priorities of 711 second-feet, aggregating 1,011 second-feet at thel respective points of diversion. Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1940 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 8 8 90 395 495 298 274 125 56 Dry 2 8 18 100 506 273 342 -^75 115 5o 3 9 9 170 220 254 301 360 280 108 35 4 11 5 8 230 465 217 270 331 351 100 30 5 15 8 170 210 195 252 290 510 ino 26 6 16 10 S". 168 188 251 268 304 100 23 I 15 11 80 146 169 228 255 509 92 17.5 18 12 174 154 162 220 2°4 327 86 17 9 18 12 152 150 156 220 'f 340 80 15 10 u 22 12 200 164 142 228 386 327 72 11.5 11 22 16 540 15b 128 237 407 321 64 10.5 12 22 30 295 152 141 265 385 518 56 9.5 13 15 24 155 144 155 298 585 515 53 8.5 14 10 21 85 185 148 519 400 557 49 8.5 15 9 19 105 182 147 351 410 298 43 8.5 16 9 19 118 149 149 284 410 280 39 8.5 ]l 10 19 110 148 158 260 551 275 38 8.5 11 19 106 lo2 159 279 298 242 57 7.5 19 12 18 96 150 155 311 500 224 5o 6.5 20 11 lo 91 145 155 526 555 198 34 ° 21 u 11 9 86 144 160 352 380 197 53 5.5 22 10 8 83 142 166 580 585 200 30 5 23 12 6 81 475 188 580 375 186 28 3.5 24 11 6 80 248 387 415 181 25 2.5 25 " 10 8 150 183 202 574 405 159 24 26 5 10 8 520 700 210 355 358 140 25 2.5 u 12 8 305 400 430 519 327 129 22 2 i; " 140 335 520 303 322 129 20 1-5 29 9 e 115 540 248 270 29o 150 20 50 8 8 100 2 50 273 2oo 152 22 51 8 95 460 26b 58 J Sec. Ft. Days ?9.0 346.0 333.0 4,603.0 6,587.0 6,471.0 9,018.0 10,6 57i) 7,484.0 1,71?.0 548.0 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 0.9 11.5 12.4 K6.5 227.1 208.7 300.6 545.1 249.5 55.2 11.2 150.1 Max. Sec. Ft. 11.0 22.0 30. C 540.0 700.0 460.0 495.0 »15.0 5..0.0 1'5.0 56.0 700.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. n 6.0 8.0 ?0.0 128.0 2: O.J 255.0 12°. ;o.o Total Ac. Ft. 57.5 66o.J 75S? J.l.'O.C i;,Lio5.3 i;,.-35.J 17,687.2 ..•1.098.5 1 . ,&4... 5 5,595.8 = 90.5 94,450.5 KAUEAH nVTBR TABLE NO. 8 - Continued CONSOLIDATED PEOPLES DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year ending September JO, 19*1 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 102 112 198 203 249 268 522 86 25 ^ 97 110 221 208 n'. 289 511 U 50 5 90 104 200 522 502 41 85 98 165 246 525 }}2 299 68 41 5 5< 85 96 158 460 553 352 295 ol 59 52 84 116 140 192 547 }52 286 59 56.5 95 125 121 218 576 }16 281 67 55 6 20 87 157 112 21} 400 292 284 11 54.5 9 10 55 75 275 155 229 40} 28} 280 54 55 85 455 192 270 424 }19 261 61 55.5 11 55 80 570 185 550 448 370 250 59 }2.5 55 68 750 177 269 439 405 240 5* 32 5* 4J 550 179 240 }87 420 226 51 '9 50 66 240 192 227 }29 402 208 47 26.5 15 50 b5 221 179 225 295 386 187 41 33.5 16 57 86 207 163 229 512 380 171 V 29.5 'I 97 84 229 174 221 }6l 372 160 83 26.5 95 C5 207 198 182 255 }56 552 168 60 27 110 82 196 255 292 328 174 48 29.5 20 65 So 184 199 229 302 52} 155 43 27.5 21 52 79 243 181 221 550 }07 14 7 59.5 29 55 90 221 'X 222 585 295 151 }6.5 29.5 25 265 90 198 221 410 291 141 33.5 29 160 }80 195 lg5 221 588 501 146 32 27.5 25 150 160 175 180 221 576 }01 122 30 26.5 26 82 151 207 187 217 587 299 125 28 26.5 '4 580 122 185 189 221 549 292 114 27.5 27.5 550 114 150 192 258 525 279 10} 27 29 170 125 210 262 290 297 95 27 28 50 125 117 186 274 286 m 90 25.5 27 51 115 112 176 276 88 25.5 Days 2,620.0 5,140.0 6,176.0 5,551.0 7,254.0 10,718.0 9,802.0 6,176.0 1,560.0 925.5 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 84.5 101.5 220.6 178.4 241.1 545.7 }26.7 199.2 50.3 30.8 147.6 Max. Sec. Ft. }80.0 580.0 750.0 221.0 460.0 448.0 420.0 322.0 86.0 41.0 750.0 Seo.Ft. 43.0 96.0 112.0 192.0 249.0 268.0 88.0 25.5 25.0 Total Ac. Ft. 5,196.8 6,228.2 12,250.1 10,970.7 14,548.6 21,259.1 19,442.} 12,250.1 },094.} 1,831.8 106,872.0 Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 50, 19*2 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 25 Dry 129 Ill 101 185 248 368 249 44 1? 18 2 23 97 108 105 245 580 256 41 3 12 62 153 108 199 242 550 252 59 17 4 120 115 290 259 572 242 37 14 5 121 123 197 279 412 242 36 9 6 141 134 202 506 455 221 54 12 I 136 159 206 524 416 209 52 19 124 147 215 537 585 198 51 17 9 114 155 226 555 401 190 30 13 10 108 155 251 526 429 179 30 11 11 46 110 223 255 304 442 176 53 15 12 121 95 226 244 252 427 162 51 15 1} 121 100 208 261 228 407 150 34 15 14 123 115 190 510 240 391 144 28 14 15 121 105 206 286 255 588 148 24 15 16 114 104 183 275 218 370 155 45 12 U lOB 55 187 18S 320 208 364 153 44 11 102 286 248 565 123 39 11 19 99 285 514 550 121 54 11 20 96 61 173 310 413 328 118 53 11 21 95 101 168 516 472 501 114 50 11 22 114 158 165 510 500 295 105 28 10 23 Q 146 124 165 516 468 294 89 25 10 24 108 118 160 290 463 277 82 23 1.5 25 264 115 157 294 490 275 80 22 26 230 110 150 284 461 271 76 21 8 u 186 105 142 286 582 242 71 21 8.5 110 550 105 139 283 365 241 65 20 8.5 29 22} 190 149 254 342 241 57 20 9 30 224 150 158 236 310 259 51 21 10 31 175 127 173 359 47 21 Sec.?t. Days 60.0 7}2.0 5,299.0 2,851.0 4,962.0 7,825.0 10,191.0 10,452.0 4,505.0 951.0 367.5 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 1.9 23.6 106.4 101.8 160.1 260.8 528.7 348.4 145.2 50.7 12.2 126.6 flex. Sec. Ft. 25.0 224.0 550.0 141.0 226.0 320.0 500.0 442.0 256.0 45.0 19.0 500.0 Hin. Sec. Ft. 101.0 175.0 2U8.0 239.0 47.0 20.0 8.0 Total AC. Ft. 119.0 1,451.9 6,545.6 5,655.0 9,842.1 15,516.9 20,213.9 20,751.5 8,951-7 1,860.5 728.9 91,620.8 DITISIOH OF UATKH RZSOtmCZS TABLE NO. 8 - Continued CONSOLIDATED PEOPLES DITCH NEAR HEAD DiTerslon Id second-feet for year ending September }0, 1943 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 10 Dry Dry 143 177 118 480 480 193 51 21.5 2 9 120 170 116 475 425 189 48 19.5 ) 9 It 170 147 455 356 189 44 17.5 4 8«5 214 134 495 297 196 38 16 5 7.5 74 284 125 435 255 193 37.5 13 6 6.5 J5 269 146 455 260 193 J6 5 I 5.5 97 485 282 175 33.5 7.5 5 282 242 320 170 56 13 9 1 750 310 455 335 no 54 13 10 56 750 271 447 320 168 31 13.5 11 5 84 700 600 255 460 335 167 29.5 1* 12 8.5 86 251 ,J0 295 165 29 14 13 15 88 550 238 410 257 150 27 13.5 14 lo 8? 108 465 246 385 267 135 26.5 12 15 5 365 255 327 271 143 26 9 16 128 295 265 290 295 125 41 9 \l 150 350 271 265 324 113 41.5 9.5 180 750 307 238 333 101 38.5 10.5 19 168 550 331 236 3}0 97 36 13 20 173 380 318 271 293 94 37 IJ 21 220 184 370 317 323 288 95 37 12.5 700 370 2S5 350 580 250 90 31.5 12 700 198 395 430 220 P 31 13 24 205 265 175 393 525 205 80 31 13 25 55 239 160 407 587 223 75 31 11.5 26 15 207 147 386 560 217 72 30 10 U 55 199 117 579 560 201 68 27 11 140 187 125 454 548 210 64 25 12.5 29 115 132 460 520 198 66 24 13.5 30 170 150 440 475 62 23.5 13 Jl 207 101 420 54 22 Sec.?t. Tear Days 109.5 2,582.0 3,497.0 10,559.0 8,424.0 13,297.0 8,555.0 3,937.0 1,034.0 379.0 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 3.5 83.3 124.9 340.6 280.8 428.9 285.2 127.0 33.4 12.6 143.5 flax. Sec.Ft. lo.O 700.0 265.0 750.0 460.0 587.0 480.0 196.0 51.0 21.5 750.0 Min. Sec.Ft. 101.0 97.0 236.0 198.0 54.0 22.0 5.0 Total Ac. Ft. 217.2 5,121.4 6,956.3 20,943.8 16,709.0 ? 6,374. 6 16,968.8 7,809.0 2,050.9 751.8 103,882.8 Diversion in secocd-feet for year ending Septemtoer 30, 194* Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 12 Dry 26 21 140 168 210 284 177 37 Dry 11 27 18 ^2^ 183 274 330 163 57 11 31 18 88 187 290 337 149 55 10 11 30 80 170 322 311 140 52 10 10 358 150 344 350 118 48 6 10 25 24 190 154 376 575 112 45 I 9 10 24 1-13 168 303 350 108 43 4 33 28 132 176 328 385 107 41 9 2 73 55 152 lo3 3oO 305 92 40 10 63 32 140 14 2 353 273 80 37 11 61 28 158 152 348 290 92 54 32 45 28 163 158 348 293 90 33 13 32 27 163 153 556 311 85 30 14 31 25 142 120 376 280 81 30 15 " 29 24 110 121 356 231 77 28 16 26 22 103 121 305 194 71 28 il 26 21 110 111 241 176 66 27 25 19 121 110 215 177 62 27 19 2o 36 135 10? 194 m 60 22 20 26 65 133 145 220 56 23 21 27 o9 116 125 243 179 51 22 22 26 226 108 116 280 172 49 20 23 26 191 116 133 350 154 47 18 24 39 112 131 135 351 155 46 17 25 12 80 150 130 353 157 41 17 26 5 103 148 129 351 149 40 16 11 12 103 143 150 330 157 38 15 37 77 140 167 348 177 187 35 12 29 36 77 143 14 9 356 33 7 JO 13 38 14 3 168 315 183 31 5 31 28 42 156 359 31 1 Sec.Ft. Days 79.0 41.0 936.0 1607.0 4,338.0 4,341.0 9,735.0 7,277.0 2,428.0 887.0 Year Period Mean Sec.Ft. 2.5 1.5 30.2 55.4 139.9 144.7 314.0 242.6 78.3 28.6 86.5 Hei. Sec.Ft. 12.0 28.0 73.0 226.0 358.0 187.0 376.0 385.0 177.0 57.0 385.0 Hln. Sec.Ft. 5.0 18.0 80.0 107.0 194.0 149.0 31.0 1.0 Total Ac. Ft. 156.7 81.3 1,856.6 5187.5 8,604.4 8,610.4 19,3 0514 14,433.9 4,815.9 1,759.4 62^15.5 KAUKAH RIVER TABLE NO. 8 - Continued CONSOLIDATED PEOPLES DITCH NEAR HEAD Divers ion in second-feet for year ending September 50, 1945 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. reb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry <9 520 82 250 545 257 500 58 23 2 50 1,000 e. 74 222 550 285 280 61 24 5 *7 850 e. 75 190 560 555 257 84 52 4 *5 555 92 180 575 450 229 65 bl 5 44 275 92 170 515 452 222 56 45 i 44 215 82 165 507 557 200 56 57 I 44 170 78 171 507 275 280 190 62 22 u 45 157 75 192 477 180 54 64 156 It 220 445 282 175 46 10 89 127 180 465 550 165 41 2 86 107 94 175 420 598 170 56 12 46 70 104 100 162 452 470 175 56 15 55 102 105 148 440 535 170 54 55 108 108 157 555 542 170 52 15 55 145 428 155 507 500 167 52 16 60 110 290 140 555 465 141 45 til 55 105 275 180 427 445 122 41 51 108 227 250 572 452 110 40 19 46 109 185 505 295 452 108 45 20 21 *5 105 170 592 270 415 107 45 21 62 45 100 178 452 250 407 105 43 111 45 95 195 440 242 558 105 40 2} 105 44 95 407 427 262 505 107 56 2< 79 45 95 290 415 272 282 260 104 34 25 66 95 255 427 251 98 31 26 59 45 88 645 420 275 250 85 29 n 55 45 84 575 407 267 270 85 29 51 45 84 292 420 260 305 80 28 29 61 42 270 477 250 336 74 28 }0 5* 42 215 525 252 525 70 26 Jl 50 42 205 253 62 24 Sec.Ft. Days 4B.0 772.0 1,575.C 5,820.0 6,115.0 8,554.0 11,662.0 11,004.0 4,609.0 1,315.0 264.0 Year Period Hean Sec. Ft. 1.6 24.9 50.7 207.9 197.2 278.5 576.2 566.f 148.7 42.4 8.8 141.2 Hai. Seo.rt. 46.0 111.0 89.0 1,000.0 645.0 525.0 575.0 542.0 500.0 84.0 61.0 1,000.0 Min. 42.0 84.0 75.0 155.0 255.0 257.0 62.0 24.0 Total 95.2 1,551.5 5,120.0 U,544.0 12,125.1 16,570.2 3,151.6 21326.4 9,142.0 2,608.3 525.6 lQ2,a7.7 Indicates quantity Is estimated. Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*6 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 7 118 75 94 223 414 252 79 28 Dry 2 5 115 75 102 191 412 240 73 24 5 5 129 75 102 175 382 255 U 24 4 6 11? 75 97 168 390 242 21 5 9 158 77 94 168 390 250 62 21 6 28 141 73 88 171 596 209 59 24 I 59 120 73 91 169 424 207 55 19 57 109 73 103 162 410 200 51 17 9 55 97 75 119 155 562 199 49 19 10 52 94 72 126 154 505 182 44 20 11 52 88 72 120 165 268 154 40 22 32 54 84 68 113 188 286 160 38 19 15 52 85 70 140 216 270 158 37 17 14 48 86 69 150 197 270 288 155 34 16 15 50 85 69 141 205 145 35 14 16 51 84 87 \\l 264 263 146 29 9 \l 52 85 87 328 248 132 27 9 50 82 85 155 555 240 116 51 7 19 48 82 80 157 368 263 108 45 5 20 47 78 79 140 356 512 108 48 21 87 79 u 155 354 268 105 62 22 525 79 128 354 103 61 23 504 79 85 155 562 226 100 51 24 202 79 88 154 376 202 95 46 25 542 79 88 133 410 210 91 49 26 248 79 §5 142 455 208 r. 63 11 174 79 85 155 425 244 57 158 79 87 156 429 228 88 44 29 149 77 165 425 200 86 37 30 9 137 75 294 410 208 85 55 31 126 75 304 216 51 5ec*Ft* Year Days 9.0 3.039.C 2,892.0 2,180.0 4,244.0 8,554.0 9,120.0 4,506.0 1,505.0 333.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 0.3 98. c 95.3 77.9 156.9 278.5 294.2 150.2 48.5 10.7 99.1 Max. Sec. Ft. 9.0 542.0 156.0 88.0 304.0 435.0 424.0 253.0 79.0 28.0 435.0 mn. Sec.Ft. 5.0 75.0 68.0 88.0 154.0 200.0 85.0 27.0 Total Ac. Ft. 17.8 6.02?.? 5.7}»-3 4,324.0 8.418.0 16,570.2 18,089.5 8,937.6 2,985.2 660.5 71.767.0 DIVISION OF UATEB RESOURCES TABLE NO. 8 - Contln CONSOLIDATED PEOPLES DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion in seoond-feet for year ending September }0, 1947 Day Oct. Not. Deo. Jan. Feb. nar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 55 62 92 'U 204 130 56 Dry Dry 2 49 62 117 306 155 5* } 49 62 120 110 562 151 30.5 37 62 118 107 340 151 29 5 37 64 108 101 543 125 26.5 6 38 64 99 99 334 120 25 I 37 64 97 99 295 128 27.5 35 66 95 105 276 125 37.5 33 67 96 101 204 125 55.5 10 33 84 96 100 169 155 32 11 32 89 99 107 143 121 32 31 86 92 123 ^t^ 108 50 1} u 28 101 93 143 180 107 50 26 100 96 158 168 108 28 15 25 96 93 174 155 108 26 16 u 24 93 96 201 179 107 24 ]l 24 120 97 228 211 97 25 24 107 101 226 220 96 21 24 97 107 235 222 99 18.5 20 5} 24 99 107 256 250 105 16.5 25 99 105 217 225 93 14 1 1 37 96 105 190 234 72 11.5 2? 500 62 89 101 168 264 62 9.5 }20 62 88 110 154 237 60 8 25 57 18 62 92 100 145 217 56 9.5 26 21 25 65 92 99 135 195 54 7.5 1 '4 125 64 92 107 108 155 179 51 7 105 64 96 ■ 138 171 49 7 29 96 59 115 133 161 46 5 D 70 60 109 144 154 40 51 60 63 101 141 Sec. Ft. Year Days 931.0 499.0 l,27b.O 2,389.0 3,177.0 4,4}5.0 0,880.0 2,922.0 639.5 Period Sec. Ft. 31.0 Ic.l 41.2 85.3 102.5 147.8 221.9 97.4 20.6 6}.4 Max. Sec. Ft. 500.0 125.0 64.0 120.0 120.0 256.0 562.0 135.0 57.5 500.0 nin. Sec.Ft. 24,0 62.0 92.0 98.0 141. Q 40.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1,846.6 989.8 2.530.9 4,738.6 6,301.6 8,796.8 13,646.5 5,795.8 1,268.4 "?,?!?. Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 50, 1948 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Maiy June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 25 11 15 19 62 119 202 120 22.5 Dry 2 8 26 14 17 71 108 220 105 21 3 27 2b 17 13 16 92 104 184 97 18 4 24 24 17 10 18 110 152 240 85 17 5 19 27 19 18 19 78 216 196 76 17 6 19 18 18 24 19 71 302 186 67 14 I 15 2 15 24 19 71 370 208 62 17 16 2 16 22 18 63 302 288 60 14 9 14 3 16 25 18 64 2-18 502 57 12 10 13 19 29 19 600» 168 224 55 9 11 17 17 55 18 335* 169 228 55 7 ]2 16 14 28 n 187 210 253 55 6 13 15 2 15 26 125 279 236 52 6 14 14 2 17 27 27 92 358 222 48 5 15 20 2 13 27 42 88 550* 202 45 4 16 27 2 15 29 37 100 550» 194 42 2 il 27 2 16 33 59 136 540* 178 41 25 7 14 34 52 156 510 166 58 19 25 6 15 24 u 152 254 148 56 20 29 7 16 25 156 199 139 54 21 14 18 15 22 40 176 171 157 34 22 24 16 22 40 164 172 159 52 25 21 17 27 47 144 257 156 49 24 9 22 il 24 59 122 532 125 45 25 21 21 19 95 116 342 120 39 26 21 21 17 19 68 151 388 126 55 u 22 23 18 16 65 162 400 128 51 23 23 15 18 66 169 358 150 28.5 29 25 23 10 23 65 160 283 154 26 50 24 22 9 71 159 249 129 22.5 31 15 15 62 222 22.5 Sec.Ft. Days 527.0 416.0 487.0 668.0 1,221.0 4,292.0 7,972.0 5,500.0 1,610.5 191.5 Year Period Mean Sec.Ft. 17.6 13.4 15.7 25.0 39.4 143.1 257.2 185.5 52.0 6.2 62.5 Hsz. Sec.Ft. 29.0 27.0 19.0 35.0 95.0 600.0* 400.0 502.0 120.0 22.5 600.0* nin. Sec.Ft. 9.0 10.0 16.0 62.0 104.0 120.0 22.5 Ac. Ft. 1,045.3 825.1 966.0 1,3?5.0 2,-21.9 8,513.2 15,812.4 10,909.5 3,194.4 579.8 »5,592.* * Quantities are partially estimated* KAVEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 8 - Continued CONSOLirATED PEOPLES DITCH NEAR HEAD DlTerslon in second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*9 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. nar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarlcs 1 2 } 4 5 i I 9 10 IX 12 15 14 15 16 \l 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 11 29 30 31 Dry Dry 1.5 10 n 17 17 17 17 11 24 21 23 25 21 21 21 21 20 18 17 9 12 25 26 25 21 14 21 24 23 22 20 18 20 22 23 22 21 18 21 26 67 40 30 31 22 21 18 18 18 20 20 21 19 19 19 19 19 20 25 32 24 23 26 33 25 29 50 32 32 36 41 50 50 45 50 50 56 55 58 *5 41 41 11 88 64 56 61 It 90 68 70 f^ 60 62 62 64 74 94 77 74 95 85 73 67 65 76 11 69 67 67 62 67 93 110 104 97 95 120 170 198 212 232 220 178 200 ^l^ 187 174 196 281 300 294 314 270 283 296 263 250 294 274 218 210 254 254 254 236 20} 196 229 254 296 232 204 215 240 234 203 203 ^H 278 308 306 336 319 30 Q 241 196 172 166 177 1S5 169 159 162 171 174 156 150 148 152 136 ^'£ 118 110 107 92 80 69 64 59 56 11 47 45 42 ^t 38 34 32 30 ^2 28 28 11 30 30 30 26 2} 20 20 18 16 15 14 1} 10 7 4 2 Dry Dry Sec. Ft. Days 384.5 738.0 962.0 2,124.0 5,590.0 7,643.0 3.302.0 528.0 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 12.4 23.8 34. •» 68.5 186.3 246.5 110.1 17.0 58.5 Max. Sec. Ft. 24.0 67.0 58.0 95.0 314.0 336.0 185.0 36.0 556.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 14.0 19.0 41.0 62.0 172.0 38.0 Total Ac. Ft. 762.6 1,46?. 8 1,908.1 4,213.0 11,087.8 15 A59.9 6,549.5 1,047.5 42,192.0 DIVISION OF UATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 9 DEEP CREEK NEAR HEAD Point of dtversloD - Six and flve-elghtha mlleo below McKay Point on the south bank of Kaweah Branch In the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township l8 South, Range 26 East, M«D.B- and M. Mailmum diversion capacity - 500 seoond-feet. Location of fiaRlng station - Prior to 1925i three-eighths mile below head of creek in the southeast quarter of Section 21, Township 18 South, Range 26 Bast, M.D-B. and M. Since 1925t one hundred yards below head of creek In same section. Map designatlon(9)» Description of gaging station - Open channel section, staff gage and water stage recorder, rated frequently by current meter measurements from a foot bridge. Operating agencies - Farmers Ditch Company and Tulare Irrigation District. Gross service areas - Farmers Ditch Company, 12,500 acres. Tulare Irrigation District, 53,500 acres. Period of record - 1917-1939; intermittent from April 7, 1917 to July 31, 19l8 and from October 1, 1919 to April 19. 1920; continuous from April 19, 1920 to September 50, 1949. Criteria governing diversions - First 40 second-feet of river flow reaching the heed of Deep Creek in excess of 60 second-feet and one-half of flows in excess of 100 second-feet; mftyifnum diversion, 290 second-feet. The first 150 second-feet, so diverted, is assigned to the Farmers Ditch Company; and measured at head of its canal; the next 25 second-feet to Tulare Irrigation District through Deep Creek Cut; and at high river stages, total diversions ere increased to 200 second-feet for the former agency and 90 second-feet for the latter. Diversions In second-feet for year ending September 3C , 1940 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 61 320 315 208 236 42 Dry Dry 2 69 274 245 252 255 36 3 66 69 245 215 270 255 27 4 *5 109 220 196 272 229 20 5 25 90 201 185 273 215 8 i, 154 200 175 295 211 I 133 186 168 298 208 28 112 184 163 515 197 9 39 88 181 157 540 197 10 108 65 174 157 380 182 11 250 57 163 167 375 ^2^ 180 ]2 240 54 126 189 558 IJ 155 50 99 215 326 184 14 75 60 90 235 333 183 15 122 84 240 3 JO 172 16 89 77 205 317 154 11 75 77 185 270 14 3 67 11 195 239 120 19 57 214 256 108 20 53 61 218 247 98 21 51 86 234 268 70 22 48 95 254 275 71 2J 265 100 255 270 63 24 233 109 261 292 59 25 188 119 249 298 60 26 280 460 127 235 275 57 11 175 5J0 230 210 257 51 125 290 214 190 250 49 29 100 380 178 180 233 44 50 82 165 182 218 56 31 69 268 206 Sec.Ft. Days 1,860.0 3,877.0 4,828.0 6,285.0 8,758.0 4,263.0 153.0 Year Period Mean Sec.Ft. 60.0 153.7 155.7 209.5 282.5 142.1 4.3 82,0 Max. Sec.Ft. U 280.0 460.0 320.0 315.0 380.0 255.0 42.0 460.0 Mln. Sec.Ft. 48.0 77.0 157.0 208.0 44.0 Total Ac. Ft. 3,689.3 7,690.0 9,576-3 12,4o6.5 17,371.5 8,455.7 265.8 5*512.9 KAUBAH RITKR TABU NO. 9 - Continued DEKP CREEK NEAB HEAD DlTor sion In 3econd-feet for year end ng September 30 19*1 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Har. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 27 17 240 120 \v\ 280 157 Dry Dry 2 22 12 257 141 292 162 5 14 10 250 128 209 313 167 4 5 8 231 130 245 322 165 5 3 6 226 363 274 321 166 6 . 18 208 258 326 335 161 I 24 35 193 229 372 310 15* 41 44 184 200 384 243 151 9 29 206 164 185 *33 216 159 10 12 252 141 223 «57 217 122 11 7 206 128 267 ♦ 33 290 112 12 9 418 134 226 380 322 105 1} 26 273 141 208 3*3 It M 51 216 152 202 317 3J5 15 40 200 142 199 301 328 7* 16 18 162 127 Ml 321 320 66 \l 9 11 142 117 362 31* 58 22 9 121 110 170 350 280 50 19 10 8 103 98 no 155 288 280 *9 20 6 115 1*9 280 275 *0 21 5 128 104 142 308 262 36 22 10 121 101 139 352 264 33 2J §1 8 109 102 139 388 257 27 24 88 248 190 103 13< 586 240 22 25 96 164 l8o 106 128 391 209 16 26 86 2*J 120 155 104 128 402 204 1* M 20 87 123 108 133 368 170 232 59 132 108 148 3*7 1*0 29 124 51 124 178 31* 142 30 80 24 110 J04 150 51 62 17 110 291 Days 106.0 1,055.0 1,138.0 3,665.0 *, 550.0 5,370.0 10, 5 52. 8,004.0 2, 428.0 Year Period nean Sec. Ft. 3.4 34.0 36.7 130.9 146.6 179.0 333.9 266.8 78.3 100.5 Wax. Sec. Ft. 66.0 232.0 248.0 418.0 257.0 363.0 437.0 3*3.0 167.0 *37.0 Hin. Sec. Ft. 3.0 6.0 101.0 120,0 170.0 1*0.0 Total Ac. Ft. 210.3 2,092.6 2,257.2 7,269.5 9,024.9 10,651.4 20,535.2 15,875.9 *,8l6.0 72,731.0 DlTorsloD In jeoond-feet for rear ending September 30 19*2 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 2* 52 *7 *3 28 *5 80 75 93 80 72 25 25 25 23 24 Vo 86 207 190 107 108 105 112 127 201 211 192 212 2*7 129 118 108 100 91 Dry Dry 6 I 9 10 6 12 17 20 32 8* 75 70 60 52 30 37 *5 51 55 160 12* 112 103 102 155 228 266 255 270 258 231 244 276 83 75 68 56 *7 11 12 13 14 15 10 c 11 44 35 33 116 133 115 103 111 120 108 120 17* 161 236 200 169 156 150 283 275 261 250 250 43 33 21 12 4 16 19 20 l\ 81 78 50 8* 78 70 138 170 1*8 1*5 165 1*3 1J3 156 193 260 236 23* 231 219 199 21 22 23 24 25 8 153 27 27 27 65 66 tl 62 170 168 1*7 151 292 2|* 286 300 180 165 199 18* 26 \l 29 30 31 14 42 27 17 ♦1 53 6 139 238 108 92 26 26 25 60 56 57 62 6* 78 142 140 118 103 278 210 218 181 161 179 16* 1*3 1*1 144 142 Sec.ft. Days 165.0 198.0 173.0 1,003.0 1,471.0 2,022.0 4,1}4.0 6,1*8.0 6,4*0.0 988.0 Year Period Hean Sec. Ft. s.? 6.6 5.6 32.* 52.5 65.2 137.8 198.3 21*. 7 31.9 62.3 flax. See. Ft. 42.0 52. a 53.0 238.0 93.0 133.0 207.0 313.0 283.0 129.0 313i) Hin. Sec. Ft. 25.0 23.0 79.0 105.0 141.0 Total Ac. Ft. ^27-? }n-i 3*J.2 l.?8?.^ 2,917.7 *.010.6 8.199.6 i2a9«.6 12.773.7 i.?5?-7 45JJ38.8 DIVISION OF UATEH RESOURCES TABLE NO. 9 - Continued DEEP ORBKK NEAR HEAD Dlyerslon in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1945 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remerics 1 32 108 78 140 210 208 62 Dry Dry 2 30 100 75 14 5 210 192 65 } 28 92 70 150 203 171 61 25 88 77 145 214 160 66 5 24 84 105 150 192 158 63 6 18 91 126 160 194 149 62 I 13 101 103 140 202 148 56 12 126 109 170 202 151 51 9 10 11 122 385 160 184 153 51 9 102 410 145 183 14 6 48 8 81 375 14 185 148 46 12 8 76 500 135 175 136 43 7 77 255 130 170 125 54 w 7 77 235 135 162 126 25 15 7 78 i30 135 156 126 25 16 15 8 78 215 140 160 155 19 \l JO 8 78 215 14 5 155 144 32 7 76 450 ^55 150 149 19 130 4 11 500 186 152 146 20 67 4 230 178 162 136 21 12 116 82 205 172 170 167 158 380 100 210 178 167 23 106 185 207 114 8* 285 141 165 183 239 114 25 98 202 117 160 184 250 94 26 71 176 100 155 174 256 75 '4 5* 161 93 155 172 249 ^9 49 124 85 155 197 242 69 29 46 105 160 202 229 70 41 12£ 165 189 210 64 n 56 130 145 194 geo.Ft. Year Days 286.0 479.0 2,456.0 2,616.0 6,203.0 4,822.0 6,050.0 3,940.0 773.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 9.5 15.5 79.2 95. 4 200.1 lbO.7 195.2 131.3 24.9 75.7 Max. Sec. Ft. 130.0 98.0 }80.0 141.0 450.0 202.0 256.0 208.0 66.0 450.0 Mln. See. Ft. 4.0 76.0 70.0 150.0 150.0 64.0 Total Ao. Ft. « 567.? 950.1 4.871.5 5.188.8 12,303.7 9,564.4 14000.2 7,815.0 1.533.2 57,794.2 Diver sion in Beoond-feet for year ending September 30 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 26 80 102 184 65 Dry Dry 33 91 199 58 28 105 157 194 51 27 95 186 183 "5 5 154 84 204 198 38 17 89 76 216 213 35 I 16 64 75 198 200 26 25 11 72 205 216 20 9 10 32 63 J20 174 16 29 61 51 216 145 12 27 66 51 202 137 7 25 70 56 195 '.U 4 13 23 66 47 198 20 65 40 202 125 15 19 52 56 198 107 16 19 51 36 185 H ]l 17 53 34 lb4 78 17 57 34 153 69 19 20 9 62 53 152 67 55 42 171 57 39 182 61 38 54 38 20} 57 23 64 55 44 226 51 26 60 51 218 52 25 19 64 52 225 54 26 19 62 54 220 52 '4 19 59 62 205 55 15 \l ''I 213 29 30 31 15 68 233 72 65 82 206 72 26.5 72 210 Sec.?t. Year Days 26.5 510.0 1,855.0 1,762.0 5,986.0 3,513.0 375.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 0.9 17.6 59.8 58.7 193.1 117.1 12.1 33.3 Max. Sec. Ft. 26.5 b4.C 154.0 105.0 233.0 21b. 65.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. c c 26.0 33.0 102.0 51.0 Total Ac. Ft. 52.6 1,011. ( 3,679.4 5,494.9 n,873.2 6,968.0 743.8 27,823.5 KAWEAH RIVEH TABLE NO. 9 - Oontlnued DEEP CREEK NEAR HKAD Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 50, 19*5 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Z 5 5 6 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 \i 19 20 21 22 2J 24 25 26 \l 29 30 31 Dry 115 2d0 190 125 57 Dry 4 138 500 e. 227 206 192 148 133 122 114 110 106 110 122 108 102 97 97 95 11 11 84 80 78 79 80 78 l\ 82 ]l 76 76 75 75 76 79 79 199 180 169 159 145 141 139 140 234 195 181 500 242 214 185 191 179 171 166 161 160 164 ^?? 166 148 141 154 150 134 154 181 205 238 266 272 278 278 284 277 275 285 303 516 502 294 296 294 277 267 270 254 257 257 249 247 250 209 199 213 220 197 161 135 126 129 153 168 170 174 179 170 161 145 1|5 181 205 232 212 164 131 139 146 170 200 215 255 255 224 212 204 202 176 150 159 155 117 110 115 155 151 172 175 172 170 160 150 156 127 115 104 95 84 09 57 51 49 47 45 58 33 32 52 30 26 23 Dry Dry Seo.Pt. Days 747.0 4.0 3.728,0 4,288.0 6,167.0 6,542.0 5,199.0 1,677.0 Year Period HeSn Sec. Ft. 24.9 0.1 135.1 158.3 205.6 211.0 173.5 54.1 77.7 Max. Sec.Ft. 260.0 4.0 500.0 500.0 516. 502.0 255.0 170.0 500.0 Hin. Sec.Ft. 78.0 75.0 150.0 126.0 110.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1,481.7 7.9 7,394.5 8,505.2 12,252.3 12,976.1 10,312.2 3,326.3 56,236.2 e. -Indicates quantity Is estimated. Divers Ion In second-feet for year ending September 30, 1946 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 16 82 218 130 Dry Dry Dry 2 2 16 68 217 132 5 9 16 60 210 135 4 9 15 60 250 122 5 8 9 61 252 116 6 7 I 62 278 101 I 7 60 295 99 2 12 58 285 90 9 5 18 55 267 86 10 5 20 55 236 79 11 6 20 59 195 64 12 5 17 72 175 62 15 7 29 72 173 62 14 7 46 79 166 58 15 6 42 75 166 52 16 15 42 96 151 48 \l 12 46 136 142 43 11 47 160 143 57 19 11 47 155 50 20 10 52 180 177 27 21 10 50 177 164 25 22 50 10 46 ^2* 186 158 22 23 5 11 48 118 5 24 16 47 199 104 25 24 18 45 218 114 26 lb 47 231 104 M 14 \l 224 126 15 231 116 29 48 234 109 JO 65 130 221 114 51 25 104 122 Sec.Ft. Days 90.0 59-0 252.0 1,189.0 5,854.0 5,458.0 1,625.0 Year Period Mean Sec.Ft. 2.9 1.9 9.0 58.4 127.8 176.1 54.2 54.5 Mai. Sec.Ft. 65.0 50.0 16.0 150.0 254.0 293.0 155.0 295.0 Mln. Sec.Ft. 7.0 55.0 104.0 Total Ac. Ft. 178.0 117.0 499.8 2,558.4 7,604.7 10,826.0 5,223.2 Hfioq.h DinSION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 9 - Continued DEEP CREEK NEAR HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year ending September JO, 19*7 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 27 117 IJ 26 111 44 Dry Dry Dry 2 25 109 29 19 188 52 5 28 99 J6 21 215 44 4 27 9J J9 19 208 53 5 52 90 Jl l8 209 24 (, 66 65 28 16 212 15 I 50 80 26 15 202 20 15 78 25 14 184 16 7o 25 8 147 19 10 77 12 23 5 116 21 11 77 5 26 5 94 20 12 76 24 ^J^ li 9 IJ 76 6 24 3 14 J2 72 5 26 61 76 15 62 68 26 9J 66 16 60 67 27 112 90 ]l 60 65 20 27 IJO 108 58 61 19 26 127 114 55 57 16 28 126 IJO 20 70 55 14 28 1J9 127 104 55 12 27 124 117 105 53 12 27 105 IJJ 2} 24 140 100 12 34 90 16J 72 .11 IJ 35 72 159 25 J5 15 Jl 71 126 26 79 168 16 28 67 104 ?? 64 203 17 28 65 85 50 185 16 28 71 80 40 1J8 33 65 89 JO J3 121 29 77 61 31 115 27 54 See. Ft. Year Days 515.0 2,161.0 1,666.0 210.0 864.0 1,816.0 3,908.0 520.0 Period neen See. Ft. 17.1 69.7 5J.7 7.5 27.9 o0.5 126.1 10.7 31.4 Mai. Sec. Ft. 140.0 20J.0 117.0 20.0 J9.0 159.0 215.0 52.0 215.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 13.0 5.0 54.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1,017-5 4,286.4 },J04.5 416.5 1,713.8 J, 602.0 7,751.5 654.7 22,726.9 Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 50, 1948 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 5 4 5 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 69 6J 61 78 134 140 140 117 150 127 16 5 Dry Dry 6 I 9 10 207 184 216 190 142 112 125 141 186 209 162 11 12 13 14 15 237 153 106 77 73 114 141 169 200 227 157 154 155 144 129 16 11 19 20 74 95 117 110 98 272 286 265 17J 132 122 111 8l 79 21 22 2J 24 25 20 lOJ 9J 84 70 69 116 123 16J 212 227 66 26 11 29 JO 31 82 100 108 100 82 242 250 226 188 170 154 61 57 50 JJ 24 Sec.ft. Days 20.0 2,2J8.0 5,299.0 5.J24.0 21.0 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 0.6 74.6 170.9 110.8 0.7 29.8 Max. See. Ft. 20.0 2J7.0 286.0 209.0 16.0 286.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 61.0 24.0 Total Ac. Ft. 39.7 4,459.1 10,510.6 6,593.1 41.6 a,624.i I I KAUEAH RTTSR TABLE NO. 9 - Continued DEEP CREEK NEAR HEAD Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*9 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 115 75 Dry Dry Dry 2 157 11 i 155 4 105 70 5 95 62 6 116 62 I 122 11 120 9 108 85 10 20 86 77 11 55 77 69 12 11 99 67 1} 111 58 14 104 146 55 15 111 116 36 16 84 99 16 11 105 115 4 t^ 151 19 83 116 20 77 99 21 108 92 22 15* 9* 23 24 Ifel 120 154 148 25 16} 156 26 129 1^9 11 111 152 170 29 140 147 50 51 120 87 Sec. ft. Year Days ?, 257.0 5,718.0 1,048.0 Period Hean 75.2 119.9 54.9 19.2 Bai. 163.0 189.0 85.0 189.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 77.0 Total AC. Tt. c 1,476.8 7,574.6 ?,078.7 15,950.1 division op water resources tabxj: no. 10 DEEP CREEK CUT rfEAR HEAD Point of diversion - Seven miles below McKay Point on the north banlc of Deep Creek In the south- east quarter of Section 21, Township IB South, Range 26 East, H>D>B> and n. Maximum diversion capacity - 300 secood-feet. Location of safflnff station - At head of cut In the southeast quarter of Section 21, Township l8 South, Range 26 East, M>D.B> and M. Map designation @ . Description of gating station - Open channel section, staff gage and water stage recorder, rated by frequent current meter measurements. Operating agency - Tulare Irrigation District. Gross area of Tulare Irrigation District - 33,500 acres. Period of record - 1927-1949; intermittent during 1927; no record during the years ending September 30, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1934, and 1935; continuous from October 1, 1931 to September 30, 1933 and from October 1, 1935 to September 30, 1949. Criteria governing diversions - First 25 second-feet of flow in Deep Creek reaching the head of Deep Creek Cut in excess of 150 second-feet at the head of Farmers Ditch; and approximately 57 per cent of flows in excess of 175 second-feet; maximum diversion, 90 second-feet. (Criteria governing diversions from Kaweah Branch into Deep Creek have been presented at the head of Table No. 9). Divers Ion In a eoond-feet for year ending September 30, 1940 Day Oct. NOV. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 86 114 24 35 Dry Dry Dry 2 60 63 46 48 5 28 42 41 59 43 4 120 29 30 56 11 5 30 21 24 50 6 9 18 17 70 5 I 6 15 16 r, 3 11 14 2 9 11 14 92 3 10 10 10 108 2 11 61 4 12 109 ]2 87 20 81 13 28 32 81 14 5 41 87 15 3 45 94 16 30 90 \l 17 60 16 43 19 25 47 20 22 59 21 37 75 22 49 74 23 72 57 75 2* 39 63 90 25 17 57 8fa 26 101 137 48 67 11 29 75 77 32 62 3 50 43 20 b4 29 122 29 14 48 30 22 14 33 31 98 25 Year Days 309.0 711.0 574.0 994.0 2,117.0 196.0 Period Keen Sec. Ft. 10.0 24.5 18.5 33.1 68.3 6.5 13.4 Max. Sec. Ft. 101.0 137.0 98.0 114.0 109.0 48.0 137.0 hln. Sec. Ft. Q 10.0 25.0 Total Ac. Ft. 612.9 1,410.3 1,158.5 1,971.6 4,199.1 388.7 9,721.1 EAWSAH RITEB TABLE NO. 10 - Continued DEEP CREEK CUT VLAS HEAD DlTersioQ In seooad-feet for jear ending September 50, 19*1 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Reaerks 1 Dry Dry 42 18 Dry Dry 2 *9 24 } 42 3 35 32 12 *3 5 27 107 18 *5 6 20 41 41 58 I 16 27 53 47 12 17 66 16 2 9 10 14 i 10 71 6 35 2 24 68 18 11 50 42 61 35 12 150 24 11 48 13 47 17 54 14 29 14 36 52 15 23 14 24 48 16 11 14 28 44 n 7 10 47 *5 5 46 29 19 1 21 30 20 24 29 21 3 33 24 22 54 25 23 2t 22 71 24 39 28 68 18 25 15 68 16 26 71 35 n 41 53 22 57 ♦3 10 29 3 27 4 30 25 1 31 22 Seo.ft. Year Days 120.0 39.0 412.0 251.0 367.0 1,287.0 901.0 19.0 Period Mean Sec.?t. 3.9 1.3 1*.7 8.1 12.0 41.5 30.0 0.6 9.3 Hai. Sec.rt. 57.0 39.0 150.0 49.0 107.0 72.0 58.0 3.0 150.0 nin. 1.0 Total Ac. rt. 250. 77.1 817.2 *97.9 727.9 3,552.8 1,787.1 37.7 6,736.0 DlTers ion In SBcond-fe et for year ending September 30, 19*2 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 18 Dry Dry Dry 2 17 3 13 22 17 5 19 29 6 10 7 3* I 13 28 25 20 9 30 24 10 26 3'» U 24 }* 12 25 30 13 8 25 14 12 3 21 15 7 3 20 16 4 3 16 \l 11 3 16 6 3 15 19 5 11 14 20 10 32 11 21 10 44 6 22 8 51 6 23 9 42 8 24 6 4 ♦5 12 25 13 4 57 8 26 3 48 3 n 3 22 3 26 25 2 29 13 2 30 9 31 11 Sec.?t. Year Days 45.0 147.0 583.0 486.0 Period Mean Sec. ft. 1.5 4.9 18.8 le.2 3.5 Max. Sec.rt. 26.0 22.0 57.0 34.0 57.0 nin. Sec.rt. Total Ac. Ft. c 8?.? 291.6 1.156.4 964.0 2.501.2 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO* 10 - Continued DEEP CREEK COT NEAR HEAD in second-feet for year ending September JO, 1943 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 8 Dry Dry Dry 2 7.5 1:1 5 8.5 d 5 I 9 10 7 6 5 13 14 15 5 2 2 2 6 2.5 3 5 2.5 5 11 19 20 3 2.5 3 2.5 3 35 2.5 3 2.5 21 22 25 24 25 10 3 60 3 5 10 15 26 11 29 }0 31 14.5 12 10 8 8 5 Seo.ft. Days 35.0 70.0 37.0 108.5 62.0 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 1.2 2.3 1.2 5.5 2.1 0.9 Max. Sec. Ft. 35.0 60.0 7.0 14.5 8.5 60.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. Total Ac. Ft. d9.4 138.8 75.4 215.2 123.0 619.8 Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 19«4 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 1 Dry Dry Dry 2 2.5 3 2 1.5 4 18 5 58 1 6 84 8 I 34 8 8 15 9 15 5-5 10 8.5 11 6.5 12 6 13 7.5 14 10.5 15 9 ° 16 3 i^ 19 20 21 22 23 5 24 8 25 19 26 14 11 7.5 10 29 19 30 7 31 7 Sec. Ft. Year Days 562.5 40.5 Period Se^.Ft. 11.7 1.4 1.1 Max. Sec. Ft. 84.0 15.0 84.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. Total Ac. Ft. ° 719.0 80.5 799.5 KAVBAE RTTEH TABU! NO. 10 - Continued DKSP CRSKE cur NSAB HEAD DiTeraloD In 8«ooad-feet for rear eodloe September 30, 19^$ Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. nar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Renerksl 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 27 46 2 Dry Dry 2 J 250 e. 120 2 12 58 59 2.5 1.5 55 16 58 6.5 5 6 17 29 6.5 (, 17 27 I 16 27 17 21 9 10 17 16 15 29 11 29 5.5 9 55 11 13 51 25 18 29 15 11 24 15 19 \l 20 16 27 5 13 16 19 20 7 12 16 27 12 a 55 12 55 23 2« 25 c 20 55 7.5 2 6 2* 10 c 51 12.5 *2 '2 10.5 ?ii 19 28 9 7 51 5.5 5 29 50 51 C ♦1 4 52 5.5 Sec.ft. Days *36.0 128.0 533.0 553.0 215.5 5.5 Tear Period Hean Sec. Ft. 15.6 4.1 17.8 17.2 7.2 0.1 5.1 Hax. Sec. Ft. 250.0 42.0 52.0 46.0 29.0 2.0 250.0 Hin. Seo.Ft. Total AC. Tt. 86*. 8 255.9 1,057.2 1,057.2 427.4 7.0 5,667.5 Indicates quantity is astiaeted. DlTerslon in second-feet for year ending Septenber 50, 1946 Day Oct. Not. Deo. Jan. Feb. Iter. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 5 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 2 2 5 4 5 6 I 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 ]l 1 19 1.5 20 1.5 21 1 22 48 0.5 25 17 2.5 24 5 25 48 10 26 16.5 11 14.5 15.5 29 J 15 50 16 6.5 51 - 13 Sec.ft. Year Days 113.0 29.0 98.0 Period Hean Sec. Ft. 3.6 0.9 3.5 Max. Sec. Ft. 48.0 lo.O lb. 5 48.0 nin. Seo.Ft. Total Ac. Ft. 224.1 ?7-5 194.4 DIVISION OF UATER KESOOTCES TABLE NO. 10 - Continued DEEP CREEK CUT NEAK HEAD Divers Ion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1947 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 24 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 2 22 3 25 4 24 5 30 6 55 I 32 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ]l Q 19 20 21 23 24 100 68 25 30 26 70 u 60 45 29 35 30 }0 31 Seo.Jt. Year Days c 436.0 222.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 14,6 7.2 1.8 Max. Sec. Ft. 100.0 55.0 100,0 Min. Sec. Ft. Total Ac. Ft. 868.8 440.3 1,309,1 Note: Tabulated diversions were made due to work on lower Deep Creek irtilch required a dry obannel* DlTereion in seoond-feet for year ending Septeaiber 30» 19^8 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr, Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 2 3 4 5 6 I 9 » 10 32 11 12 13 14 2 15 9.5 16 28 \l 50 42 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 u 29 30 31 Sec.^t. Year Days 52,0 151.5 Period Mean See. Ft. 1.1 4.2 0.4 Max. See. Ft. 12.0 50.0 50.0 Min. See. Ft. Total Ac. Ft. C3.5 260.8 324.3 No diversions during year ending September 30, 19^9. Point of Ail KAVKAH RIVER TABLE NO. 11 CROCKER CUT NEAR HEAD Sevec and ooe-balf miles below McKay Point on the south bank of Ksweah Branch in the southeast quarter of Section 21, Township l8 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. and M. Haiiaum dlTersion capacity - 600 secood-feet> Location of gaging station - 300 feet below head of cut in the southwest quarter of Section 21, Township 18 South, Range 26 East, n.D.B. and n. Hap designation @ . Description of gaging station - Open channel section, staff gage end weter stage recorder, rated by fre- quent current meter measurements. Operating agency - Tulare Irrigation District. Qrose area of Tulare Irrigation District - 75,300 acres. Period of record - April ?, 1917 to Kay 30, 19l8 and October 1, 1923 to September 30, 19*9- Oriteria goTerning dlTersions - First 80 eeoond-feet of flow reaching the head of Crocker Out In ezoess of flows required tc meet downstream priorities of 113 seoond-feet at their respectlTe points of dl- Tersion; next 10 second-feat in excess of flows required to meet the sua of 80 seoond-feet and downstream priorities of 13? second-feet, aggregating 217 second-feet at their respective points of diTersion; next 30 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 90 second-feet and downstream priorities of 170 second-feet; aggregating 260 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; next 80 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 120 second-feet and downstream priorities of l80 second-feet, aggregating 300 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; next 33 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 200 second-feet and downstream priorities of 221 second-feet, aggregating 4.21 second feet at their respective points of diversion; at higher stages, total diversions are increased to a maximum of approximately 300 second- feet. DlTersion in second-feet for year ending Septenber 30 , 1940 Day Oct. Hot. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nsy June July Aug. Sept. Reisarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 4 141 218 70 145 Dry Dry Dry 2 7 128 146 112 131 5 15 62 114 110 142 100 * 11 221 115 88 140 U 5 2 98 95 76 151 i 66 90 70 150 11 I 48 75 60 148 70 45 157 92 9 66 54 164 99 10 54 65 196 91 11 H 25 75 216 70 12 178 13 94 198 70 1} 106 200 11 1* 124 187 15 136 74 16 114 165 54 \l 92 125 46 81 112 9 19 87 123 20 96 138 21 108 157 22 129 150 23 152 1}4 141 24 95 144 164 25 65 5 138 150 26 207 500 13 121 154 11 44 60 129 98 14 7 19 120 93 69 160 29 8 216 73 54 162 JO 4 56 50 168 51 14 9 150 Sec. Ft. Deys 586.0 1,510.0 1,504.0 2,982.0 4,750.0 1,463.0 Year Period Mean Sec.rt. 18.9 52.1 46.5 99.4 155.2 48.8 35.0 nai. Seo.rt. 207.0 500.0 149.0 218.0 216.0 145.0 300.0 nin. Sec. ft. 45.0 70.0 Total Ac. 7t. 1,162.} 2,995.1 2, 98}. 2 5,914.8 9,421.6 2,901.9 25,378. 9 DIVISION OF WATER RESOHRCKS TABLE NO. 11 - Oontlnued CROCKER CUT NEAR HEAD Diversion In second-feet for yesr endine September JO, 1941 Day Oct. Nov. Doc. Jan. Feb. Iter. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 6 162 *7 60 229 82 Dry Dry 2 181 56 74 226 90 J 173 53 106 237 98 153 52 161 250 99 5 c 125 208 200 255 102 6 101 86 257 268 254 90 I 81 60 245 82 77 46 285 191 68 9 102 66 46 281 162 u 10 191 54 77 270 174 110 50 116 242 208 11 12 350 40 83 240 225 IJ 14 214 32 68 204 236 163 35 59 169 243 15 144 3* 53 166 £61 lb 111 28 50 2J4 257 U 94 27 42 270 256 68 26 3* 279 215 41 26 38 242 227 228 20 30 27 45 252 48 25 42 268 215 55 22 41 286 210 30 45 15 4J 285 205 7 117 112 6 48 277 2S5 196 25 10 55 150 6 53 152 26 15 2 27 91 5 47 288 115 '4 95 79 5 43 286 ?9 Kl 79 5 46 275 66 28 50 253 68 26 3* 61 248 77 51 20 3* 240 Year Deys 15.0 385.0 205.0 2,253.0 1,686.0 1,793.0 7,249.0 5,953.0 787.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 0.5 12-4 6.6 80.5 54.4 59.8 233.8 198.4 25.* 55.7 Majt. Sec. Ft. 15.0 147.0 117.0 350.0 181.0 208.0 288.0 261.0 102.0 350.0 «ln. Sec. Ft. 5.0 34.0 60.0 66.0 Total Ac. Ft. 29. B 763.6 406.6 4,468.8 3,3*4.2 3,556.4 1*,378.4 11,807.8 1,561.0 40,316.6 I Diversion In second-feet for yaar ending September 30, 1942 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 Dry Dry 35 25 33 99 113 6 6 5 86 78 30 '2 28 31 35 133 127 126 133 127 17 11 12 12 Dry Dry 6 I 9 10 116 117 124 131 132 6 14 60 35 22 20 20 11 122 164 152 120 112 113 119 126 7 6 4 3 3 11 12 13 14 15 82 I 21 16 12 20 38 24 17 20 20 20 33 75 79 1*3 106 11 54 122 113 111 117 123 2 1 16 11 1? 20 13 6 48 11 44 50 53 50 66 91 144 115 113 156 21 22 25 24 25 58 60 60 61 11 III 170 160 122 149 145 13* 102 75 26 11 29 30 31 21 39 19 128 31 11 5 54 54 52 42 30 126 96 150 101 91 117 57 11 20 20 Sec.Ft. Days 21.0 1,298.0 103.0 138.0 1,352.0 3,133.0 3,226.0 98.0 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 0.7 41.9 3.7 1.5 45.1 101.1 107.5 3.2 25.7 Max. Sec. Ft. 21.0 152.0 21.0 J8.0 Bfa.O 229.0 156.0 17.0 229.0 «ln. Sec. Ft. 28.0 18.0 Total Ac. Ft. 41.6 2,57*. 6 204.} 273-7 2,d8i.7 6,214.5 6,398.8 194.4 Q 18,583.4 KAV2AH RTTEH 8$ TABLE NO. 11 - Continued CROCKKR cm NEAR HEAD DiTerslon in second-feet for year ending September JO, 194) Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. yeb. Bar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks! 22 105 253 180 Dry Dry Dry 15 106 233 157 J 8 122 222 120 6 124 245 90 5 6 18 126 211 66 6 I 9 10 7 58 154 214 54 12 31 124 226 53 28 40 126 229 67 22 4 JO 102 205 69 10 370 84 201 62 320 ]^ 202 62 12 IJ 1« 15 170 69 185 50 114 63 180 41 82 83 196 41 82 104 176 41 16 il 19 20 69 105 150 46 61 120 136 51 lU 150 121 60 ♦} 145 115 60 15 128 140 115 50 21 22 23 2* 25 79 100 138 118 46 435 91 156 134 40 340 110 173 152 15 85 222 17 170 185 ^9| 64 135 5 156 218 26 ^2 29 30 31 28 105 150 179 226 13 85 13c 174 221 37 13c 212 2^? 23 13c 222 196 37 142 El8 167 50 119 145 Sec .ft. Tear Deys 58.0 190.0 1,5*6.0 15i>.0 3,934.0 4,040.0 5.778.0 1,521.0 Period HeSn Sec.rt. 1.9 6.1 49.9 5.6 126.6 134.7 186.4 50.7 47.2 nai. *3.0 85.0 435.0 28.0 4J0.0 222.0 245.0 180.0 435.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 63.0 115.0 Total Ac. rt. a 115.0 ?7=.9 3,070.5 309.4 7,783.3 8,013.3 11,460.7 3,016.9 34,146.0 DiTerslon in second-feet for year e cdlng September 30 , 1944 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jen. reb. Nar. Apr. my June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 J Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 21 52 61 Dry Dry Dry 63 61 33 95 54 5 108 62 i 117 83 I 91 84 100 96 9 10 133 72 123 56 116 44 32 113 29 124 32 141 17 15 138 16 92 ]l 61 49 19 39 20 42 21 45 11 56 7 77 2^ 25 81 26 73 11 29 64 r. 30 64 31 Sec.rt. Days 18.0 33.0 2,522.0 603.0 Tear Period Hein Sec.rt. Q 0.6 1.1 81.4 26.8 9.2 Sec.rt. 11.0 33.0 141.0 96. D 141.0 Hln. Sec.rt. 1 c Total 1 Ac. rt.l 35.7 65.5 5,00^.4 1,592.7 6,696.3 DIVISION OF UATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 11 - Oontin CROCKER COT NEAR HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year ending September ^0, 19*5 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 61 49 49 199 60 54 Dry Dry 2 420 48 43 215 76 49 5 240 46 35 224 101 45 4 5 67 52 51 11 228 205 148 156 56 54 6 46 26 198 112 19 I 46 28 200 95 46 52 185 93 9 4b 58 194 95 10 44 27 215 111 11 45 25 218 155 12 46 20 205 165 44 17 179 195 47 14 168 206 15 *7 97 14 159 200 16 88 49 17 156 187 ]l 94 41 27 195 175 97 58 42 179 171 1? 94 54 75 iU 163 20 88 35 9b 146 21 75 53 114 96 142 66 55 109 78 123 bO 78 120 74 111 60 50 117 72 89 25 57 42 118 75 65 26 53 189 111 66 59 n 50 70 110 61 60 50 48 114 62 58 29 44 132 65 62 42 171 65 59 Jl 45 60 Sec.Ft. Year Days 1,765.0 1,620.0 1,896.0 4,525.0 5,612.0 237.0 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 65.0 52.5 63.2 145.9 120.4 7.6 57.4 Max. Sec.Ft. 420.0 189.0 171.0 228.0 206.0 54.0 420.0 Min. Sec.Ft. 55.0 14.0 60.0 58.0 Total AC. Ft. 3,500.9 5,215.2 5,760.7 8,971.4 7,164.4 470.1 27,080.7 Divers ion In second-feet for year ending September 30, 1946 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 61 59 Dry Dry 16 120 8 Dry Dry Dry 2 50 53 121 12 3 15 50 100 15 4 4 51 102 12 5 62 110 6 6 48 127 I 54 8 154 95 150 9 51 156 10 45 110 11 45 79 12 49 72 13 49 16 70 14 42 55 67 15 48 65 72 16 75 59 5 61 ]l 79 59 41 46 67 59 57 44 19 42 55 75 54 20 50 79 65 21 49 85 65 22 47 121 85 47 25 47 79 95 ^l 24 47 141 107 28 25 54 79 120 12 26 60 159 11 54 156 12 50 156 7 29 50 49 124 30 292 9 124 51 218 75 6 Sec.ft. Year Days 1.255.0 1,045.0 751.0 84.0 1,418.0 2,074.0 55.0 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 40.5 54.8 24.2 2.7 47.5 6b. 9 1.8 18.5 Max. Sec.Ft. 292.0 68.0 141.0 75.0 159.0 154.0 15.0 292.0 Mln. Soe.Pt. u Total Ac. Ft. 2,489.5 2,072.8 1,489.6 166.6 2,812.6 4,115.8 105.1 15,249.8 KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 11 - Continued CROCKED CDT NEAR HEAD DlrarsioD In seoond-feet for ]rear ending September 30, 19*1 Day Oct. NOT. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 2 31 J 40 4 32 5 55 6 15 I 80 94 9 20 10 11 12 1} 14 15 16 \l 10 13 19 19 20 15 21 8 22 8 2} 285 18 24 100 12 25 9 9 26 6 u 29 JO }1 Sec. Ft. Year Days 594.0 495.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 13. 1 16.0 2.4 Max. Sec. Ft. 285.0 94.0 285.0 «ln. Sec. Ft. Total Ac. Ft. 781.5 981.8 1,763.3 DlTers ion In 3 econd-feet for year ending September 50, 1948 Day Oct. Not. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 56 Dry Dry Dry 2 55 5 17 4 15 5 54 6 79 I 109 4 86 60 9 50 89 10 98 20 59 11 42 11 12 13 18 13 55 57 14 80 44 15 106 29 16 190 26 \l 185 22 153 18 19 67 5 20 19 21 22 23 10 24 38 25 55 26 77 u 105 99 29 30 n 31 66 Sec.?t. Year Days 153.0 1,843.0 671. u Period Mean Sec. Ft. 5.1 59«5 22.4 7.3 Mai. Sec. Ft. 98.0 190.0 89.0 190.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. Total Ac. Ft. 505.5 5.655.6 1.530.9 >. 290.0 DIVISION OF WATER RES0T3H0ES TABLE NO. 11 - Continued CROCKER CUT NEAR HEAD Diversion in seoond-feet for year ending September }0, 194? Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 45 Dry Dry Dry Dry 2 58 } 56 \ 42 5 44 (, 46 I 48 46 9 10 44 c 25 11 9 12 2 20 1} 14 15 4 8 22 39 11 16 15 55 11 25 27 14 56 19 20 9 7 28 20 21 59 22 22 76 52 2} 24 77 49 75 66 25 75 75 26 58 80 11 46 89 58 85 29 60 45 30 4b 12 51 "gib.St. Year Days 710.0 1,572.0 Period neen Sec. Ft. 25.7 44.} 5.7 Mai. See. Ft. 77.0 89.0 89.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. Total Ac. Ft. 1,408.} 2,721.} 4,129.6 KAVEAH RIVER 89 TABLE NO. 12 TULARE IRRIGATION COKPANT CANAL HEAR HEAD Poiat of dlTersloc - Sight and oDO-half allies below ncEay Point on the south bank of Eaweab Branch In the northeast q,uarter of Section 20, Township l8 South* Range 26 East, n.D.B- and n. HaximuM diTersioD capacity - 200 second-feet. Location of gaginp station - 500 feet below head of canal in the northeast quarter of Section 20, TowDShip Id South, Range 26 East, K.D.B. and n. nap designation @ . Description of gaging station - Open channel section, staff gage and water stage recorder, rated by frequent current meter meesureiaents. Operating agency - Tulare Irrigation Company. Gross service area - 7|300 acres. Period of record - Hay 1, 1917 to September JO, 19*9; intermittent during 1920 prior to April 15; no records for the years ending September 30« 1919t 1922 and 1925; continuous during the year ending September 50, 1918; continuous from April 15t 1920 to September 50, 1921 and from October 1, 1925 to September 50, 1949. Criteria goTernlng dlTeraions - First 50 second-feet ef flow reaching the head of Tulare Irrigation Company Oanal In excess of flows required to meet downstream priorities aggregating f>Q secood-feet; next 30 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 30 second-feet and downstream priorities of 120 second-feet, aggregating 130 second-feet at their respeotive points of dlTersion; maximum diTersion, 60 second-feet. These criteria apply only to water diverted into Eaweeb Branch st noEay Point. In addition to the foregoing, the Ttilare Irrigation Oooipany redlrerts through this canal, water previously diverted from St. Johns Branch and conveyed to the Ee-weah Branch through Eetchum Ditch. Remarks - Quantities set forth in this table include water previously diverted from St. Johns Branch end con- veyed to Kaweah Branch through Eetchum Ditch. Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 50, 19*0 Day Oct. Not. Deo. Jaa. Feb. War. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Be.Brlcs 1 Dry Dry Dry 57 80 100 67 121 3* Dry Dry 2 56 9? 92 101 121 33 3 ol 98 90 114 111 9 4 84 95 89 112 112 5 77 90 85 108 98 6 76 ?' 79 113 92 I 79 84 78 111 90 75 81 77 120 98 9 57 80 ^i 126 96 10 33 *i 79 78 126 95 11 81 46 77 It IJO 99 12 100 *5 73 ill u 13 98 *5 71 85 1* 87 *7 68 92 130 88 15 60 64 67 10} 132 88 16 *3 65 66 It 133 83 il 19 61 66 127 79 57 66 11 123 76 19 ♦ 9 60 122 76 20 *2 5* 86 127 76 21 36 63 9< 13* 7« 22 u 69 101 13* 67 23 71 116 133 61 24 101 73 127 13* 57 25 93 7* 123 132 53 26 70 110 7* 114 125 50 11 u 96 99 89 124 ♦2 91 11 72 125 33 29 80 89 66 125 24 30 68 86 61 124 39 51 57 102 121 Sec.?t. Year Days 979.0 1,929.0 2,«37.0 2, 073.0 3,790.0 2,382.0 76.0 Period nesc Sec. Ft. 31.6 66.5 78.0 89.1 122.5 79.* 2.5 39.0 nsz. Sec. Ft. 100.0 110.0 102.0 127.0 134.0 121.0 3*.0 0_ 13*. nin. Sec.rt. 30.0 54.0 61.0 67.0 24.0 Total Ac. Ft. G i 1,9*1.8 3.826.2 4,8;^8 J.^oi.? 7.517-^ 4,724.7 150.7 c 28,296.6 DIVISION OF UATEH HESODRCES TABLE NO. 12 - Continued TOLARE IRRIGATION COMPANY CANAL NEAR HEAD Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 50, 1941 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Way June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 29 87 TO It 103 ^6 Dry Dry 2 12 115 71 105 } 110 71 85 107 85 104 70 91 107 80 5 66 96 98 105 80 (, 15 41 104 117 105 79 I 12 48 41 102 126 106 It 27 47 42 101 119 106 9 15 105 45 90 113 103 P 10 116 42 91 115 105 80 119 45 94 120 106 72 12 152 43 92 116 106 68 15 121 45 90 115 109 67 108 44 88 117 122 63 15 12 105 45 87 115 125 59 16 26 92 45 86 115 122 61 ]l 84 45 83 123 122 56 82 42 78 123 118 53 19 20 78 42 . ''° 121 ii^ 52 66 41 • 66 123 47 68 41 63 124 118 45 67 52 59 124 113 42 25 56 66 74 66 120 113 59 *5 It 85 68 71 110 113 56 25 52 90 64 76 103 103 34 28 64 72 65 72 101 97 17 '4 65 55 71 65 75 105 77 "5^ 48 70 68 78 107 69 29 30 51 55 67 78 106 69 46 15 66 78 104 70 *5 70 104 See. Ft. Days 456.0 505.0 1,903.0 1,814.0 2,414.0 5,416.0 3,157.0 1,618.0 Year Period See. Ft. 14.1 lo.5 68.0 58.5 80.5 110.2 105.2 52.2 41.8 Max. Sec. Ft. 87.0 81.0 132.0 113.0 104.0 126.0 125.0 86.0 132.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 41.0 59.0 76.0 69.0 Total AC. Ft. 864.8 1,001.7 5,774.6 3,598.1 4,788.2 6,775.6 6,261.9 3,209.3 50,274.2 DiTerslon in aecond-feet for year ending September JO, 19*2 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Her. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 53 Dry 11 58 57 114 62 Dry Dry 2 56 10 u 57 120 62 5 79 10 56 118 64 4 78 9 85 57 120 63 5 73 8 100 57 122 65 6 64 8 80 68 125 64 I 34 8 24 68 101 125 61 u 7 37 67 152 125 59 9 7 55 67 132 131 57 10 46 8 33 69 130 155 54 11 14 25 04 75 128 154 48 12 9 12 78 71 110 154 42 13 12 65 u 92 151 37 14 14 64 89 128 36 15 12 68 84 87 128 37 16 11 73 11 82 125 36 \l 8 66 74 121 15 9 66 78 62 119 19 11 68 70 91 116 20 25 68 79 119 112 21 57 68 79 151 109 22 39 58 79 129 108 25 32 47 79 128 104 24 37 45 78 150 94 25 42 42 44 75 155 83 26 50 43 44 70 157 79 11 52 27 41 69 154 71 74 28 55 69 134 70 29 60 29 35 64 129 64 30 56 56 36 57 119 65 31 53 22 42 111 Sec .ft. Year Days 641.0 622.0 227.0 125.0 1,502.0 2,212.0 3,198.0 5,322.0 862.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 20.7 20.7 7.3 4.4 42.0 73.7 105.2 110.7 27.8 54.5 Max. Sec. Ft. 74.0 79.0 43.0 25.0 78.0 100.0 157.0 154.0 65.0 157.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 57.0 56.0 65.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1,271.4 1.233-7 450.2 24?-? 2l582.5 4,367-5 6,543.2 a, 589.2 1,710.0 ?4,8ll.6 KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 12 - Continued TULARE IRRIGATION COMPANY CANAL NEAR HEAD Diversion In second-feet for yeer ending September 50, 19«3 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 40 72 64 112 128 114 61 Dry Dry 2 59 70 70 112 128 110 58 3 zg 69 73 111 127 105 U 38 35 73 111 128 P 5 57 77 111 124 §5 57 (, 37 15 79 112 124 80 56 I 58 71 75 108 123 11 52 58 72 75 108 121 49 36 70 120 106 llB 87 20 10 55 66 134 104 116 85 54 64 119 105 116 86 22 32 65 105 103 115 81 44 1} 28 69 100 102 114 74 41 24 69 100 98 110 75 57 15 25 69 98 96 106 7d 57 16 23 68 94 96 103 74 33 ]l 25 66 96 96 100 76 22 22 64 119 94 98 76 6 22 63 95 92 '? 74 20 21 19 63 50 90 98 70 2} 18 65 47 87 98 70 97 66 35 94 103 bb 23 115 66 119 109 67 85 114 70 27 123 113 70 25 111 90 70 121 123 116 26 9* 65 68 116 122 116 68 '4 71 64 68 115 123 115 66 44 57 65 115 127 118 65 44 69 115 126 117 65 50 44 77 115 126 115 63 51 42 75 110 111 Year Days 50.0 555.0 1,467.0 1,736.0 2,728.0 3,237.0 3.526.0 2,355.0 704.0 Period Sec. Ft. 1.7 17.2 47.5 62.0 88.0 107.9 115.7 78.5 22.7 44.8 Max. Sec. Ft. 25.0 111.0 115.0 72.0 134.0 127.0 128.0 114.0 61.0 134.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 18.0 87.0 98.0 63.0 Total Ac. Ft. 99.2 1,057.2 2,909.8 3.*43.4 5,411.0 6,420.6 6,993.8 4,671.1 1,396.4 32,402.5 Diversion in seoond-feet for year ending September 30, 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr, May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 50 39 H 111 60 Dry Dry 2 48 39 68 107 55 48 51 68 99 49 48 60 100 108 47 5 49 56 59 123 108 45 k 53 83 50 127 122 38 I 52 61 *3 123 127 36 51 «5 *3 119 125 36 9 10 45 39 49 120 109 20 43 39 45 119 83 11 43 40 39 119 78 9 48 40 45 121 77 13 14 20 46 46 45 125 79 23 45 51 38 129 78 15 23 31 44 50 127 73 16 25 58 30 112 70 ]l 26 38 30 §9 67 31 39 15 82 63 19 20 37 39 67 58 49 39 15 82 53 57 38 49 P 53 63 18 38 35 84 55 23 61 57 ^3^ 33 97 52 60 24 24 32 111 51 25 58 24 38 3* 110 51 26 56 38 33 110 51 '4 54 37 38 108 52 52 37 48 110 56 29 51 u 56 118 62 30 51 47 114 62 31 39 114 Sec.ft. Year Days 806.0 700.0 48.0 99.0 1,152.0 1,168.0 3.250.0 2,540.0 382.0 Period nein Sec. Ft. 26.9 22.6 1.5 5.4 37.2 38.9 104.2 78.0 12.3 Haz. Sec. Ft. 63.0 55.0 24.0 57.0 83.0 60.0 129.0 127.0 60.0 Hln. aeo.Ft. 51.0 51.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1.598.7 1,368.4 95.2 196.4 2.285.0 2,316.7 6,406.7 4,641.4 757.7 19,686.2 DIVISIOH OF WATER RESODROKS TABLE NO. 12 - Continued TtlLASE ISHIGATION COMPANY CANAL NEAR HEAD DlTerslon In second-feet for year ending September JO, 19*5 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 47 §5 115 81 78 Dry Dry 2 86 46 81 120 84 77 5 116 45 76 126 91 74 4 99 46 75 140 107 72 5 95 46 75 138 117 70 6 87 44 74 137 112 68 I 77 44 74 134 108 68 75 43 75 129 108 65 9 69 43 76 126 107 68 10 66 45 73 134 110 69 11 62 41 72 135 113 52 12 42 59 41 71 156 119 50 13 62 55 40 6? 155 125 49 14 23 54 45 68 129 124 48 15 17 59 87 67 127 126 44 16 10 46 103 68 152 131 59 ]l 10 46 105 69 137 134 35 18 48 103 71 133 135 35 19 30 55 99 74 126 135 11 20 27 59 98 105 116 134 n 55 80 120 88 134 22 48 59 lis 71 128 23 15 49 85 116 70 122 24 13 50 96 115 I'l 93 25 13 49 94 117 84 26 13 48 105 121 86 75 u 15 5 n 96 93 117 117 §5 84 75 It 29 107 120 P 30 31 rs 119 84 81 79 Seo.?t. Tear Days 554.0 1,701.0 2,200.0 2,674.0 3,503.0 3,2*5.0 1,070.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 11.8 60.7 71.0 89.1 113.0 108.2 34.5 40.4 Max. Sec. Ft. 62.0 116.0 107.0 121.0 140.0 155.0 78.0 140.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 40.0 67.0 70.0 73.0 Total Ac. Ft. 702.0 3,573.9 4,363.7 5,303.9 6,948.2 6,436.5 2,122.3 29,250.7 Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 50, 19*6 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 75 ♦5 72 65 106 71 Dry Dry Dry 2 70 14 58 62 112 71 3 67 9 50 59 109 72 4 65 9 49 5£ 104 It 5 63 15 52 61 95 6 61 12 55 61 104 65 I 16 30 B 50 6C 125 65 85 7 46 62 123 62 9 49 44 62 122 62 10 25 42 62 110 61 11 11 41 64 83 58 12 10 40 15 67 77 n 15 9 J? 32 69 77 14 7 38 28 69 69 58 15 14 37 33 70 65 55 16 29 15 12 36 72 71 46 \l 42 30 36 74 71 40 31 50 36 u 71 39 19 37 28 36 72 36 20 67 11 40 94 75 56 21 57 42 92 84 55 22 *9 55 42 95 87 34 25 39 104 41 9^ 74 IB 24 33 95 41 1^ 64 25 30 99 39 108 70 26 25 98 56 91 69 11 22 86 55 91 70 20 80 36 89 69 29 56 78 41 86 68 JO 93 35 77 61 92 66 31 83 75 08 68 Sec. ft. Year Days 919.0 466.0 9O4.0 728.0 111.0 774.0 2.297.C 2.628.0 1.257.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 29.6 15.5 31.1 23.5 4.0 25.0 76.6 84.8 41.2 27.7 Max. Sec. Ft. 93.0 75.0 104.0 72.0 30.0 68.0 lll.C 125.0 72.0 125.0 Mln. SecFt. 58. C 64.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1.822.8 924.3 1,912.2 1,444.0 220.2 l,5?5-2 4,55b.l 5,212.7 ?,455.6 ?0,08l.l KAUEAH SITER TABLS NO. 12 - Continued TDIARE IRRIGATION COTtPANT CANAL NEAR HEAD DlTerslon In second-feet for year ending September 50, 1947 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 4 5 6 I 9 10 11 12 13 1* 15 16 11 19 20 21 22 2J 2* 25 26 11 29 30 31 Dry 8 *7 u 81 76 7* 11 72 72 72 59 11 72 63 5b 11 44 46 44 42 ^J 36 23 Dry 18 35 31 30 30 11 28 28 28 28 28 28 JO 34 33 32 31 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 31 51 31 32 33 50 29 29 29 29 28 28 30 32 29 27 29 11 31 32 33 33 34 35 41 50 60 65 67 70 74 ^' 62 52 36 Jl 30 Jl 34 34 35 90 84 76 91 9b t* 81 68 61 56 63 61 5b 64 72 75 75 78 U 69 66 65 61 60 62 5? 56 52 45 40 42 45 41 40 42 41 42 39 35 34 24 Dry Dry Dry Sec.n. Days 51*. 1,174.0 341.0 938.0 1,249.0 2,170.0 510.0 Year Period nean Sec. Ft. 17.1 37.9 12.2 JO. J 41.6 70.0 17.0 18.9 tlai. Sec. Ft. 84.0 97.0 35.0 34.0 74.0 96.0 45.0 97.0 niD. Sec. Ft. 28.0 27.0 52.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1,019.5 2,528.6 676.4 1,860.5 2,477.4 4,304.2 1,011.6 13,678.2 DiTers Ion In second-feet for year ending Septenber JO, 1948 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Bar. Apr. Jfey June July Aug. Sept. Remarics 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 46 70 15 Dry Dry 2 36 71 3 35 72 4 20 46 77 5 9 61 74 6 78 73 I 9 104 73 102 89 u 10 77 75 75 11 109 69 68 12 99 68 73 13 77 ^t 73 14 5^ 78 ''i 15 38 90 68 16 42 102 67 \l 52 132 66 60 129 67 19 63 u 69 20 65 70 21 67 81 69 22 65 69 69 23 62 72 68 24 53 2? 63 25 49 62 26 49 103 59 n 54 111 49 65 ^°l 45 29 66 98 37 JO 63 97 35 31 86 Sec.ft. Year Days 1,359.0 2,561.0 1,998.0 15.0 Period hean Sec.Ft. 45.3 83.3 66.6 0.5 16.3 109.0 132.0 88.0 15.0 132.0 nin. Sec.Ft. 35.0 35.0 total Ac. Ft. 2,695.6 5,119.4 3,9o3.C 29.8 U,8Q7.8 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 12 - Contin TDLARE IRRIGATION COMPANY CANAL NEAR HEAD Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*9 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 72 58 Dry Dry Dry 2 76 65 5 70 68 60 65 5 60 60 6 65 57 I 65 62 64 66 9 64 68 10 n 62 66 11 28 63 58 12 42 tl 54 1} 53 45 14 63 68 38 15 66 62 24 16 60 63 il 65 64 64 67 19 62 65 20 59 64 21 64 64 22 72 64 25 74 66 24 75 69 25 77 69 26 74 70 11 70 72 72 79 29 74 70 30 75 66 31 61 Sec.Ft. Year Days 1,306.0 2,055.0 848.0 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 43.5 66.5 28.3 11.5 Max. Sec.Ft. 77.0 76.0 68.0 77.0 Min. Sec.Ft. 60.0 Total Ac. Ft. 2,590.5 4,076.1 1,682.0 8,348.6 KAUEAfl RIVER TABLE NO. 13 FLEMING DITCH NEAR HEAD Point of diversion - Nine and one-half miles below MoEay Point on the north bank of Kaweeh Brenob In the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township l8 South, Range 26 East, M*D*B* and M. Maximmn diversion capacity - 26 second-feet. LooatioD of gaglnp atatlon - 300 feet below head of canal in the northeast quarter of Section 19» Township l8 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. and M, Map designation © . Description of gaping station - Open channel section, staff gage and water stage recorder, rated by frequent current meter measurements. Operating asency - Fleming Ditch Company. Gross service area - 1,700 acres. Period of record - 1917-19*9; intermittent during 1917 and 1920; no record during 1919 and 192?; continuous from April 13, 1920 to September JO, 1922 and from October 1, 1923 to September 30, 1949- Criteria governing diversions - First 6 second-feet reaching the head of Fleming Ditch; next 2 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 6 second-feet and downstream priorities of 69 seoond- feet, aggregating 75 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; next 4 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 6 second-feet and downstreaa priorities of 92 second-feet, aggregating 100 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; maximum diversion, 12 second- feet. Water reaching the head of Fleming Ditch includes Kaweah Branch water and water previously diverted from St* Johns Branch by Visalla and Kaweah Vater Company and conveyed to the Kaweah Branch through Ketchum Ditch. (See Table No. 21). These criteria do not apply to water previously diverted from St. Johns Branch by Packwood Canal Company and conveyed to Kaweah Branch through Packwood Canal. Divers loD In seoond-fe Bt for year ending September 30, 1940 Day Oct, Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 5 4 5 Dry Dry Dry 1.5 2 4.2 6.5 3.5 2 1.3 1 16 11.5 10 13 16 15.5 15.5 1.5 3 7.5 7 I 8.5 Dry Dry 6 I 9 10 1 2 1.5 2.5 2 1 1-5 2 1 1.5 4.5 I 8 14 13 13 14.5 16 1 3 5 7.5 11 9.5 9.5 9 11 12 IJ 14 15 1.5 1.5 1 3 3.2 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 8.5 10 13 14 14 ie.5 19 19 17.5 7.5 8 1:1 6.5 6.5 16 il 19 20 1.7 5 2.3 2.2 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.5 6.5 12 10 8 7.5 10 18 14.5 10 10 10 8 7 6 6 6.5 6 7 7.5 7 b.5 21 22 2} 2* 25 3.5 4.5 1.3 4.3 4.6 1.3 1 7 6 3-8 8 8 7.5 6 6.5 12.5 12.5 13 12.5 12 11 11.5 11.5 12 12.5 6.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 6 5.5 5.5 4.5 -.5 26 11 29 30 51 11 3.2 1 1 1 1.5 7.5 2.5 1.5 2 7 11.5 9 7.5 5.5 12 11 11 10 1:1 11.5 10 10 8 7 7.5 7.5 7.5 8.5 4.5 4 3.5 3.5 3.5 1 Days 71.1 77.0 113.7 304.5 407.0 197-5 198.5 Year Period Sec. Ft. CJ ^.} ill 3.7 10.1 13.1 6.6 6.4 3.7 Sec. Ft. 11.0 8.5 12.0 14.0 19.0 11.0 9.5 19.0 Sec. Ft. u 1.0 4.5 7.0 1.0 Ac. Ft. 141.0 152.7 225.5 604.0 807.3 391.8 395.7 2,716.0 DIVISION OF UATEH HESODHCES TABLE NO. IJ - Continued FLEMING DITCH NBAS HEAD Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*1 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 10.5 5.5 5.5 13 9.5 9 7 5 2 10.5 5.5 10.5 11.5 10 9.5 7.5 4.5 3 10.5 5 10.5 12 10.5 10.5 8 2 4 10.5 4 10 12.5 11.5 10.5 8 5 10.5 7 19 12.5 11.5 10.5 e b ^ 10 8 13.5 14 13 10.5 r I 7.5 8 b 15 12 10 7.5 7.5 15 8 10.5 §•5 9 lb 7 10.5 5 11 8.5 10 13 11 9.5 10.5 8.5 11 2 5.5 12 12.5 10.5 8.5 12 2.5 5 1 10 11.5 11 8 1} 4.5 2 6.5 9.5 11 8 11 5.5 1.5 5.5 9.5 10 7.5 15 u 6 3.5 4.5 10 8.5 7 16 2 6 3 4.5 9.5 7.5 7 \l •1.5 6 4 5 10 7.5 9 1 1.5 6.5 5.5 6.5 8.5 7 8.5 19 0.5 4.5 6.5 5.5 5 8.5 7.5 7 20 4 0.5 7 5.5 5.5 10 7.5 7 21 4 3.5 6.5 5.5 6.5 8.5 7.5 5 22 5 i 6 5.5 r 6.5 r 4.5 23 2 4.5 2 5 6 7 4 24 8.5 4 6 6 6 7 8 4 25 4.5 4 6 5 6 9 8 3.5 26 3.5 2 6 4 6.5 10.5 7 3.5 u 2.5 5 4 10 9.5 5.5 4 2 0.5 4 6 10.5 7 6 5 29 1.5 4 9.5 12 8 6 5.5 30 7 3 15.5 11.5 8.5 b 5.5 31 10.5 2.5 9.5 6.5 5.5 Seo.Jt. Year Days 3.5 73.0 130.5 176.0 173.5 286.0 281.5 26b. 5 207.0 11.5 Period Mean See -ft. 0.1 2.4 4.7 5.7 5.8 9.2 9.4 8.6 6.7 0.4 4.4 Max. See. Ft. 2.0 10.5 16.0 8.0 19.0 15.0 13.0 11.0 9.0 5.0 19.0 Bin. Sec. Ft. u 2.5 4.5 5.0 5.5 3.5 Total Ac. Ft. 0.9 144.8 258.9 3*9.1 J44.1 567.3 558.4 528.6 410.6 22.8 3,191.5 DiTersion In second-feet for year endi ng September 30, 1942 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 2.6 7.5 11.9 8.8 5.6 4.4 Dry 2 2.6 7.8 12 11.2 5.3 5.2 3 8.1 11.5 8.8 5.2 5.4 4 2.8 10.9 11.9 8.6 5.5 5.2 5 2.6 11 12.5 8.5 5.4 5 6 2 9.8 13.6 8.4 5.9 5.3 I 3 2.5 8*4 14.7 8 5.9 5.2 2.3 3.7 8.3 13.3 7.6 8.5 5.6 9 2.7 4.6 8 15 1:1 6.9 6.4 10 2.7 4.6 7.9 11 6.2 6.3 11 2.5 4.9 8.9 10 8.3 6.6 6.7 12 2.2 2.9 8.9 9.6 9 t:l 6.4 13 2.3 8.7 11.7 8.9 6.3 14 1.9 8.7 9.9 11.6 8.6 7 7.8 15 1.8 9.1 10.6 9.6 8.6 6.6 6.8 16 1.7 8.4 10.7 6.9 8.2 5.6 4.3 \l 2 7.4 10.6 9.4 8.4 5.6 2.5 2.6 7.1 10 10.3 8.7 6.1 19 2.3 6.8 10.7 11.7 8.2 6.6 20 1.8 6.5 11.5 13.3 8.1 8.6 21 1.4 6.2 11.} 14.4 7.5 10 22 1.9 6.1 11.4 14.2 7.4 10 23 1.8 0.2 12.8 12.3 7.2 10.1 24 2 b.l 13.4 12.7 10.8 6.4 9.9 25 2.8 6 15.7 fa. 9 9.9 26 2.7 5.9 13.3 9.7 7.3 t-^ n 2.5 5.9 10.3 9.5 7.1 8.3 2.5 6 11.7 7.6 7.1 6.4 29 6.1 11.7 5.2 D.4 30 b.4 11.5 6 6.2 6.3 31 0.8 7 5 Sec.ft. Year Days 49.2 175." 309.3 333.5 239.1 218.5 94.8 Period Hean Sec. Ft. 1.8 5.6 10.3 10.8 8.0 7.0 3.1 3.9 nai. Sec. Ft. 3.0 9.1 13.7 K.7 11.2 10.1 7.8 I-.7 Mln. Sec. Ft. 2.0 7.5 5.2 5.0 Total Ac. Ft. 97.6 >V-? 0I5.5 661.5 474.3 45;. 4 188.0 2,812.2 KAUEAH HITER TABLE NO. 15 - Continued FLEMING DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion In second-feet for year ending September JO, 194? Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 0.5 Dry 8.5 5.8 7.5 Dry 2 0.5 9 3.7 7.7 7.0 ? u 4.5 8.2 6.3 7.6 7.3 u u 7.5 9.8 8.5 5.8 7.2 •) 6.5 2.8 9 5.7 5.5 b 2 8.5 5.5 6.8 I J 9.5 5.4 5.b 9.2 5.5 6.4 9.5 7.6 5.4 6 10 24 7.5 5.3 5.2 11 u 22 7.5 5 4.2 12 u 11.5 u 5 5.3 5 1} u 7 >.l 2 b 4 5.1 1 15 5 1 5 5.4 1.6 16 3 1 2 u 0.6 ]l 2 1 20 7.1 15 6.2 7.4 20 IJ 5.5 9.5 7.5 5 7.5 11 9.2 7.4 26 5 1.5 11.7 7 7.4 2} 22 4.5 11.5 4.5 7.4 2* 4 1.5 12.5 4.5 7.5 25 2 11 4.5 7.2 26 2 10.5 5 7.1 u 5.5 10 6.5 8.2 l.J 5.5 9.5 6.9 4 29 l.J 7 9 7.5 5 JO 1 7.5 7.7 6.9 6.8 51 0.5 6 0.9 Sec.ft. Year Days 10.1 54.0 156.5 ♦ 9.J 154.0 169.7 193.6 77.5 Period nean Sec. Ft. O.J 1.7 5.0 1.6 5.0 5.7 6.2 2.5 2.4 Max. Sec. Ft. 4.0 26.0 24.0 7.5 12.5 9.5 8.2 7.6 26.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 4.0 Total Ac. Ft. 20.0 107.1 J10.4 97.8 305.5 336.6 384.0 153.3 1,714.7 Diversion in second-fe et for year ending September 50, 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 5 4 5 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 7 7.3 7.-i 7 6.6 6.8 8.6 10 10.8 11.1 2 5.9 u 6.4 6.4 4 Dry 6 I 9 10 6.6 7 5 5.2 10.8 9.9 8.8 10.4 10.1 3 9.4 10.6 7.6 6.9 6.2 6.? 6.4 6.6 8 11 12 15 14 15 4.1 4.5 4.1 5 4.9 9.6 10 10.4 8 8.3 8.4 7.8 7.5 7.4 7 6.2 16 11 19 20 5.9 9.5 9.5 5 5 5.^ 6.- 7 11 10.5 9.6 lols 7.6 6.5 5.5 6 6.7 6.6 6.5 3^2 2.8 21 22 25 24 25 7.9 7 6. fa 6.8 7 5.8 7' 6.6 5.6 11.1 11.5 12 11.6 12.5 6.4 2.5 2.5 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.2 5.2 3 26 11 29 50 51 7 t..9 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.8 5.2 5.4 5.6 l8 15 7.1 5.5 7.6 7.7 5 2.5 2.6 2.2 4.1 5.7 5.4 5 5.4 5 4.8 c Days 100.5 168.7 294.6 146.2 162.4 4.0 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 5.2 5.6 9.5 -.9 5.2 0.1 2.4 Mai. Sec. Ft. 9.5 7.4 IJ.O 10.6 8.0 4.0 13.0 Mln. Sec.Ft. 2.8 Total Ac. Ft. 1??.4 ?^4.6 584.^ 290.0 ^22. i 7.9 1,758.5 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 13 - Continued FLEMING DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year ending September JO, 1945 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 8 1-5 8.2 Dry 3 9.8 9.2 8.8 9.8 7.5 8.8 5 4 9.7 6.2 8.2 6 6.6 9.2 5.5 6 I tl 5.8 8.6 5.7 6.8 8.9 8.5 5.4 5.2 7.2 9.5 8.2 5.7 4.6 10 6.9 10.3 7.8 5.7 5.5 6.8 9.8 8.6 4.3 1 6.6 9.2 8.2 1.2 1 13 6.6 11.7 4.6 1 6.8 8.8 14.2 6.2 0.7 15 }.2 9.1 14.4 6 0.3 16 9.4 1J.6 6 ]l 10 12 5.8 10 10.5 5.7 19 20 9 10.6 7.2 7.5 10.8 6.7 21 22 23 21 25 6.4 10.6 6.6 8.4 10.1 6.6 8.2 9.5 6.7 8.6 8.4 9.2 10.2 I'' 8 10.2 7.6 '4 8 10.3 7.4 7.8 10.2 8.6 29 30 n 7 b.5 7.4 9.6 6.8 9 8.8 8.8 Sec. Ft. Year Days 68.2 211.1 299.7 204. J 71.9 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 2.3 6.8 10.0 6.6 2.3 2.3 Max. Sec. Ft. 7.2 10.5 14.4 9.2 8.8 14.4 Min. Sec. Ft. 6.8 1.2 Total Ac. Ft. 135.J 418.7 594.5 405.2 142.6 1,696.3 Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 50, 19*6 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 5.8 5.5 8 Dry Dry 3 7.4 ^:4' 3.5 3.3 9.4 10.3 3-5 9.8 5 8.6 6.4 8.5 6 9 b.5 5.8 I 9.8 7.3 5 „ 9.9 7.3 5.8 9 9.7 5.6 5.4 10 Q 8.6 5.2 7 11 8.8 5.1 6.6 ]2 8.8 5.6 5.5 1} u 1.7 6.7 14 5.2 15 6.9 4 3.3 16 7.6 6.3 5.7 i^ 8.4 U.3 4.6 8.5 5.8 3.9 19 8.8 5.8 1.2 20 9.5 6.3 21 5 9.8 5.5 22 4.6 9 4.9 25 4.7 1.5 7.9 7.5 24 4.7 b.b 7.4 9 25 4.6 7.0 7.4 8.7 26 4.8 9.5 b b 8.4 u 5 9.8 2.8 8 •».7 9 1 6.4 29 4.b 7.7 1 5.7 30 1.1 6.8 J.l 5.1 31 3.5 Sec. Ft. Year Days 41.8 57.5 226.2 168.2 115.7 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 1.3 1.9 7.3 5.6 3.7 1.7 Max. Sec. Ft. 5.0 9.8 9.9 9.0 10. J 10.5 Mln. Sec. Ft. 1.0 Total Ac. Ft. 82.9 114.0 448.7 333.6 229.5 1,208.7 KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 1} - Continued FLEMING DITCH NEAB HEAD Diversion in aecond-feet for year ending September }0, 19*7 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 4.8 4.1 5.1 Dry Dry 2 J 5.6 6.1 4.7 4.1 5.7 4.9 5.7 1.9 5.1 5 5.5 2.2 5.9 5.6 5.5 6.1 I 5.4 6.2 u 4.9 6.5 9 10 6.4 3.5 6.5 11 3.5 6.3 3.4 6.7 1} 1* 4.3 4.9 u 15 4.5 7.4 16 5.8 7.7 u 6.1 7.7 5.9 7.3 4.9 7 20 4.6 6.6 5.3 O.J 0.3 6.7 2} 2 7.2 7.4 3.1 6.7 7 25 3 6.9 5-7 26 2.8 6.7 5.9 n 3 6.9 5.7 3.6 8.2 5.5 29 3.8 3 6.6 JO 4.1 2.4 4.9 51 4.4 Sec.Jt. Year Days 25.4 165.0 181.6 J8.9 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 0.8 5.J 6.1 1.3 Max. Sec.Ft. 4.1 8.2 8.4 6.1 8.4 Hln. Sec.Ft. c 2.4 1.9 Ac. Ft. c 50.4 323.5 J60.2 77.2 811.1 Diversion In £ eoond-faet for year ending September }0 1948 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 4 7.6 5.6 Dry Dry 2 3 4.1 4.5 7.7 7.6 5.4 5.4 5.6 6.5 4 5.8 1:1 5.8 7.4 5 4.4 5.2 7.8 6 5.7 8.9 4.1 8.4 I 5.7 9.3 4.3 9.2 5.6 6.4 5.2 9.1 9 5.4 4.6 7.3 6.7 10 6.6 3.5 6.2 6.5 11 4.5 6.1 4.7 6.4 12 4 6.7 5.1 6.7 13 3.4 7 5.5 9 14 4.7 7.6 5.5 8.9 15 u 5.1 7.5 5.5 7. J 16 5.5 8 5. J 6.6 \l 5.2 7.8 5.4 5.8 5.2 5.6 7.6 5.3 6.4 19 4.5 5.6 5.6 5.2 J.8 20 4.7 5.7 4.9 5.1 1.7 21 4.5 5.9 4.6 4.9 4.2 22 4 6.1 4.6 4.7 1 25 4.5 5.8 5.4 5.3 24 4.6 5.4 5.4 25 3.5 5.3 5 26 5.9 6.8 4.4 11 4.6 8.4 4.5 4.7 8.2 4.5 29 4.6 6.9 4.5 30 4.5 6.8 4.5 31 4.1 Sec.Ft. Year Days 61.7 16«.5 155.0 149.2 140.4 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 2.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 1.8 Hex. Sec.Ft. 5.2 8.4 9.5 7.3 9.2 9.3 Min. Sec.Ft. 3.4 Total Ac. Ft. 122.4 520.3 507.4 295.9 278.5 1.550.5 DIVISION OF WATER RESOUHCES TABLE NO. 1} - Continued FLEniNG DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 50, 19*9 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarlcs 1 2 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 5 4.5 10 10.5 h 6.5 7 Dry Dry } 4.5 10.5 11 6 2 9 9 5 5 9 7.5 5 g 9.5 7.5 0.5 I 9 10 10 7.5 b 10 7.5 1 9.5 2-5 9 8.5 11 12 1} 1* 15 9.5 10 6.5 9 6.5 9 6.5 9.5 0.5 6 9.5 16 il 19 20 1 1*5 2.5 9.5 4 8 9 6.5 7.5 9 6.5 7 6.5 6 8.5 21 22 2J 2* 25 7 5 1.5 8 10.5 10.5 8 8 8 5 10.5 6.5 9 6 11 9.5 10 26 11 29 30 51 5 11.5 11 10.5 «.5 11 11 10 4.5 12 11 8 5 5 5 12 11.5 11 11 9 I Seo.?tr Year Days 82.0 158.0 214.5 ?60.0 4}.0 Period nean Sec. Ft. 2.6 5.3 fa. 9 8.7 1.4 2.1 Hax. Sec. Ft. 7.0 12.0 11.0 11.0 7.0 12.0 Hln. Sec. Ft. 7.0 Total Ac. Ft. 162.6 }1}.A 425.5 515.7 85. 3 1,502.5 KAWKAH RI7SH TABLE NO. 14 FACEUOOD CREEK NEAR HEAD Point of dlTeraloD - BleTen and one-quarter miles below HcKay Point at the point of bifurcation of the Eaweah Branch Into Pacl»ood and Mill creelfs In the northwest quarter of Section 25, Township l8 South, Range 25 Bast, n.D.B. and H. naxlaum diversion capacity - *65 second-feet. Location of ffaginf^ station - Prior to 19*0, one mile below head of creek In the southeast quarter of Section 2s, Township l8 South, Range 25 East, n.D.B. and n. Hap designation (Q a. Since 19*0, three quarters of a mile below the head of creek In same section. Map designation @ Description of gaging station - Open channel section, staff gage and water stage recorder, rated by frequent current meter measurements. Operating agency - Packwood Canal Company. Gross service area - 15,000 aores. Period of record - 1918-19*9; intermittent during the years ending September JO, 1919 and 1925; no records for the year ending September }0, 192J; continuous from October 1, 1917 to September }0, 1918, from October 1, 1919 to September }0, 1922, from October 1, 192} to September JO, 192* and from October 1, 1925 to September JO, 19*9. Criteria governing diversions - Diversions into Packwood Creek consist principally of water pre- viously diverted from St. Johns Branch and conveyed to Eaweeh Branch through Packwood Canal. Water originating In Eaweah Branch Is diveirted Into Packwood Creek during high mter stages, only. (See Table No. 22). Diversion in second-feet for year ending September JO, 19*0 Dey Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Har. Apr. Hsy June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 165 1*2 10} Dry Dry Dry 2 5 5 125 125 111 98 42 11* 106 95 * 100 8* 99 115 96 5 70 95 108 88 (, 52 25 5} 109 *9 I JO 6* 105 o2 109 9 60 122 27 10 5* 14* 66 11 76 29 162 7* 12 15 29 166 55 IJ 87 164 1* 98 168 15 98 180 16 90 178 \l 47 162 142 19 158 20 *7 146 21 3 8* 160 22 101 165 25 6* 102 2* 82 100 171 25 59 95 176 26 1*0 188 85 162 u *0 l8l i'J 82 141 150 82 47 150 29 17* 56 ii; 50 u J 7 u 97 Jl 70 96 Sec.Pt. Year Deys j :7i.o 1.155. J 1,061.0 1.785.0 -,150.0 757.0 Period nean Sec. Ft. 8.7 5?. 6 5-. 9 59. o 155. 9 24. o a 25.1 nex. Sec.?t. u J u l-iO.O iSc.O loJ.O 1-2.0 103. U lOo.O 188.0 Hin. Sec. Ft. u u U J £_ ^ Total Ac. Ft. -J „ o 557.5 2,251.3 2, 144. 2 5,540.5 8,251.5 1,461.8 Hj 16,212.5 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 14 PACKWOOD CREEK NEAR HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1941 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jen. . Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry ^l 98 99 Dry Dry Dry 2 58 19 105 107 i 58 46 112 111 i 48 46 117 114 5 64 120 114 115 6 11 77 119 125 I 45 122 120 58 42 115 105 9 25 55 41 114 91 10 153 52 62 119 126 11 105 50 72 155 150 12 205 50 60 150 150 1} 106 52 55 145 155 14 64 62 45 116 IJl 15 50 57 110 127 16 20 50 100 125 \l 20 51 115 129 20 52 126 113 19 20 53 115 101 20 20 56 119 125 21 30 50 126 112 22 20 41 137 90 2} 15 20 33 155 85 24 8 35 33 145 84 25 35 53 158 78 26 20 33 140 91 u 58 20 127 82 125 20 117 49 29 35 33 117 JO 25 98 123 31 102 Sec. Ft. Days 238.0 8.0 1,008.0 1,558.0 861.0 3,811.0 3,068.0 C Period Sec. Ft. 7.7 0.3 36.0 45.2 28.7 122.9 102.5 28.3 Max. Sec. Ft. 125.0 8.0 205.0 72.0 120.0 155.0 150.0 C 205.0 Win. Sec. Ft. 98.0 C Total Ac. Ft. 472.1 15.9 1,999.3 2,653.9 1,707.8 7,559.1 6,085.4 20,493.5 Divers ion in s econd-feet for year ending September 30, 1942 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 5 4 5 Dry Dry Dry 38 55 46 42 42 Dry 40 69 148 147 121 105 147 Dry Dry Dry 6 I 9 10 54 52 49 46 45 35 23 78 104 155 155 155 120 94 150 116 11 12 13 14 15 24 129 94 20 20 20 155 127 106 94 91 16 11 19 20 15 15 11 115 82 83 91 u 21 22 23 24 25 50 u 68 185 195 172 162 175 95 99 95 77 22 26 11 29 30 51 85 59 110 75 48 58 50 174 164 165 145 119 '50 Days 441.0 47;. 3o9.0 2,780.0 2,o47.0 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 14.2 16.9 i;.3 89.7 88.2 18.4 Max. Sec. Ft. 110.0 54.0 o9.0 195.0 155. u 195.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. ^ ^j 3 Total Ac. Ft. u u 874.': 958.: 7U.V >,;i4.. 5.250.3 13,309.5 KAUEAH RIVEH TABLE NO. 14 - Continued PACKWOOD CREEK NEAR HEAD Diversion In second-feet for yeer ending September 30, 1943 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 50 f 14 3 120 Dry Dry Dry 30 14 3 'U 30 68 155 3v 89 162 60 5 49 24 92 155 45 86 86 110 181 43 I 75 100 94 228 49 90 110 94 211 75 9 10 94 360* 89 175 87 51 465' 72 170 94 11 460» 62 176 65 380* 58 165 13 240 54 155 250 44 121 15 220 52 97 16 c 171 52 85 ]l 154 57 74 410* 44 63 19 20 550* 64 59 306 64 64 246 67 74 350* 205 70 101 23 }60» 200 95 128 505 165 129 165 2> 108 105 151 191 26 97 114 127 178 n 87 104 120 141 55 105 ^'2 117 29 30 51 55 101 148 99 55 107 156 105 55 92 95 Sec.Ft. year Davs 1,447.0 567.0 5,608.0 2.554.0 4,148.0 821.0 Period Heen Sec.Ft. c 46.7 20.5 180.9 85.1 153.8 27.4 41.5 Max. Sec.Ft. 560.0 94.0 465.0 146.0 228.0 120.0 465.0 Min. Sec.Ft. 52.0 59.0 Total Ac. Ft. 2,870.0 1,124.6 11,125.5 5,065.8 8,227.6 1,628.5 50,040.1 Creei: overflowed both above and below the gaging station. Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 50, 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 49 Dry Dry Dry 2 19 5 4 5 48 6 14 111 52 I 59 106 87 103 81 118 39 10 108 11 84 12 76 15 11 14 15 68 16 24 \l 19 20 21 14 22 59 21 25 26 24 22 25 21 14 26 25 62 11 12 60 66 29 74 30 It 31 5ec«yt. Year Days 157.0 55.0 21.0 1,441.0 527.0 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 5.1 1.7 0,7 46.5 10.9 5.5 Max. Sec.Ft. 59.0 39.0 21.0 118.0 87.0 118.0 Min. Sec.Ft. Total Ac. Ft. tJ U1.4 19^.1 41.7 2.650.2 646. b 3.965.0 DIVISION OF UATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 14 PACKUOOD CREEK NEAR HEAD in second-feet for year ending September 50, 19^5 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar, Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 42 42 135 198 Dry Dry Dry 2 5 3 560 35^ 41 41 69 182 20 75 79 51 146 5 55 57 180 161 6 25 55 175 14 7 7 51 1=9 122 8 42 154 125 J 44 145 106 10 45 160 76 11 150 47 155 108 12 200 49 155 142 70 51 Q 150 179 58 8 51 117 222 15 5b 118 10b 121 251 16 54 124 107 125 213 n 20 85 66 15b 205 69 63 128 202 19 JO 58 51 108 204 58 49 89 87 185 21 49 55 177 41 172 22 4b 174 148 25 44 70 17b 126 24 47 114 171 ^4 57 25 u 64 104 176 59 26 45 179 165 59 u 40 212 159 57 42 179 110 54 29 166 141 27 50 157 159 51 140 Sec. Ft. Year Days 548.0 1,807.0 !, 461,0 1.879,0 5,285.0 5,572.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 18.5 64,5 79,4 62,6 106,0 112.4 56.6 Max. Sec. Ft. 200,0 560.0 212,0 177.0 198,0 251.0 360.0 Min. Sec. Ft. Total Ac. Ft. 1,080.9 5,584.2 4,881,4 5,727.0 b,515.8 6,588,4 26,485.7 i Divers ion in second-fe et for year endl ng September 50, 1946 Day Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 65 Dry 39 85 79 Dry Dry Dry Dry 2 45 40 58 76 5 50 42 44 4 J 4 57 5 20 60 ^ 6 15 60 I 52 60 58 54 58 104 9 27 56 105 10 56 55 11 55 J2 15 14 15 '■> 16 ]l J u 19 20 ^ 50 21 u lOo bO 22 10 90 115 25 38 99 47 24 29 u 115 25 51 150 26 u 59 15 = u 43 174 u 42 24 177 29 42 91 160 50 166 40 8b 125 51 128 58 80 Sec, Ft, Year Days 294,0 51U.0 542.0 5bl.O 281.0 1,501.0 741.0 Period Mean Sec, Ft. 9.5 10.5 11.0 20.0 9.1 50.0 25.9 u 11.0 Max. Sec, Ft. 166.0 65.0 4J.0 60.0 91.0 177.0 115.0 177.0 Min, Sec, Ft, Total Ac, Ft. 58 5.1 614.9 678.4 1.11?. 7 557.4 2,977.2 1,469.8 7,995.5 KAUSAH RITSB TABLE NO. 1* - Continued FACEUOOD CREEK HEAD HEAD DlTerslon in second-feet for year ending Septeaber }0, 19*7 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Har. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Reaerks 1 2 3 4 5 i I 9 10 11 12 13 1* 15 16 11 19 20 21 22 25 2* 25 26 11 29 30 31 Dry • *3 15 7 180 93 »2 11 50 44 60 44 59 39 76 98 127 109 110 104 102 97 94 9* 11 11 80 41 40 '2 38 29 7 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Sec. Ft. Days 620.0 1,888.0 ( c Tear Period Sec.vt. 20.7 60.9 C C 6.9 nai. 180.0 127.0 c c 180.0 Sec.Ft. c c Total Ac. Ft. 1,229.6 5,744.8 c c Ct4, 974.6 1 DiTsrsion in second-feet for year ending September 50, 1948 Eey Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hey June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 2 3 4 5 6 I 9 22 10 93 20 U 85 12 «5 15 14 9 15 11 16 53 68 \l 96 19 33 20 21 22 25 5 24 21 25 17 26 55 11 87 90 29 9o 30 60 31 sec. Ft. Year Days 225.0 ^661.0 42.0 Period nean Sec. Ft. .J 7.« 21.5 1.4 2.5 Sec. Ft. J 95.0 9o.O 22.0 96.0 mn. Sec. Ft. u Total Ac. Ft. i 1- 9 9 G e 442.3 lolllx 83.5 . 1.856.7 Ro diTerslon during year ending Septenber 50, 1949. DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 15 OAKES DITCH NEAR HEAD Point of dlTerslQD - Eleven and one-half miles below McKay Point on the south bank of Mill Creek In the northwest quarter of Section 25, Township l8 South, Range 25 East, H.D.B. and M. Maximum dlvereion capacity - 30 second-feet. Location of KaKing station - Prior to April 1940, one-half mile below head of ditch in southeast quarter of Section 26, Township l8 South, Range 25 East, M.D.B. and M. Map designation @ a. Since April 1940, near the center of Section 26. Map designation @ b. DescriptloD of gaging station - Open channel section, staff gage and water stage recorder, rated by frequent current meter measurements, prior to 19J0. A Tenturi meter Installed in 1930 and destroyed in the flood of December 1957 has not been replaced. Since -April 1940, measurements have been made by means of a water stage recorder located above a concrete weir. Operating agency - Oakes Ditch Company. Gross service area - 1,200 acres. Period of record - 1917-1937; 1940-19*9; Intermittent during 1917 and 1918; no records during the years ending September JO, 1919, 1923, 19j8 and 1959; continuous from April 16, 1920 to September 30, 1922 and from October 1, 1923 to September 30, 1937; continuous from April l8, 1940 to September 30, 1949. Criteria governing diversions - First 5 second-feet of flow reaching the head of Oakes Ditch in excess of flows required to meet downstream priorities aggregating 52 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; next 3 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 5 second-feet and downstream priorities of 64 second-feet, aggregating 69 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; next 5 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 8 second-feet and down- stream priorities of 84 second-feet, aggregating 92 second-feet at their respective points of diver- sion; next 5 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 11 second-feet and downstream priorities of 129 second-feet, aggregating 140 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; maximum diversion, 14 second-feet. Water reaching the head of Oakes Ditch includes Kaweah Branch water and water previously diverted from St. Johns Branch by Visalla and Kaweah Water Company and conveyed to the Kaweah Branch through Ketchum Ditch. (See Table No. 21). At higher stages, diver- sions into the Oakes Ditch are increased to a maximum of l8 second-feet. Divers ion in second-fe et for year ending September 30, 1940 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry No No No No 7.8 12.2 6.8 Dry Dry 2 record record record record 14.3 11.9 5.6 3 lb. 7 11.6 b.4 4 14.5 10.3 6.9 5 14.2 10.6 8 (, 15 8.1 10.4 I 16.3 6.2 11.4 15 8.4 10.1 9 12.8 9.8 10.5 10 16.5 9.6 11 11 16.8 9.1 6.4 12 16.5 ^ 5.9 13 17 6 14 19 9.6 5.5 15 18.6 9.1 5.3 16 16.7 9.4 5 11 16.6 9.4 5 8.4 16.5 8.9 5 „ 19 11.4 15.8 8.6 4.8 20 12.5 12.5 6.7 4.7 21 14 10 5.2 J. 3 22 13 14 4.6 25 lb. 8 11.2 3.1 24 18.5 11.9 3.9 25 17.5 15.2 5.3 26 15.4 14 5.8 11 13.5 15.2 5.5 13.8 15.2 6.2 29 11.6 14 8 30 7.5 13.2 9.4 51 12.7 Sec. Ft. Year Days 457.7 242.5 144.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 14.8 8.1 4.b nex. Sec. Ft. 19.0 12.2 11.4 Mln. Sec. Ft. 7.8 3.1 Total Ac. Ft. 'o 270* 200' 200« 485* ?07.8 481.0 265.6 2, 829. 4* CAUSAE RIYB) TABLE NO. 15 - Continued OAKBS DITCH NEAR HEAD DiTerslon in second-feet for yeer ecding September }0, 19*1 Day ;c-.. Nor. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. JReaarksl 1 Dry 4.7 6.3 2 9.1 21.5 9.7 9.2 Dry 2 U 5.7 2.1 10.4 22.4 9.7 I4 3 ^.1 15 22.7 9.7 « 4.2 3 12.3 24 9.7 1.6 5 0.8 8.1 6.6 12 24.5 9.4 6 8.1 11.2 26 9.4 8.6 7 7.7 10.3 11. B 23.6 9.4 9 8 7.5 0.6 21.2 10.8 9.2 9 2.3 3.9 1' „ 18.5 12.5 U 10 5.3 6.8 22.4 12 11 2.9 23.7 10.8 9 12 20.2 9.2 9 13 u 18.5 9 8.4 14 13.3 18.2 8.6 7 15 20.8 18.5 8.6 5 16 22.5 17 5.8 5 12 24.5 17.6 2.5 6.7 5.2 1.1 28 16 5.5 6.7 19 7.2 2.5 22.2 16 5.3 6 20 5.7 2.1 23.5 16 4.8 5.9 21 5.3 1.3 22.2 15.2 4.8 5.3 22 5.2 1.3 25.7 14.4 «.5 4.3 2J §•5 3.1 24 13 4.8 2.8 24 i-5 6.8 22.7 9.4 4.5 25 8.4 6 7.3 22 5.2 *.3 26 6.6 4.6 6.8 22.7 8.3 6 ^2 7.5 7.6 6.8 19.4 10.8 9.7 3.1 7»5 2.4 7 20 9.i 9.7 29 5 7.6 7.8 21.8 8.4 9.4 50 4.9 7.1 6.8 24 ?.■' 9.4 31 6.4 22.4 9.2 Sec.Ft. Tear Deys 13.0 116.1 60.8 9.6 20.6 72.6 522.5 512.3 248.7 169.7 Period neen Seo.?t. 0.4 J.7 2.0 0.5 0.7 2.4 16.9 17.1 8.U 5.5 4.8 Hex. : Sec.Ft.' o 5.C 8.5 8.1 6.6 7.6 7.8 28.0 26.0 12.5 9.2 28.0 nm. Sec.Ft. i C 5.2 2.5 Total AC. Ft. . - 2 5. c 250.5 120.6 15.: iC? 1A4. J i,:5=.i i,;i=.i 495.5 55o.= , 5.463.0 et for year ending September 30, 19*2 Day j Cct. Kov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Kar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remaris 1 ! =ry Dry 7.3 t-^ 11 13.1 5 10.3 12 10.6 4.8 Dry 2 Z'5 8 11 15-1 4.9 10.6 15.2 10.3 4.5 3 8.2 8 11.2 10.4 5,3 10.3 17.2 10.4 4.1 4 2" 9.6 9 „ 8 8.8 10.4 19.8 10.5 3.9 5 9.5 7.8 8.2 12 11.1 20.2 10.3 5.9 6 8 9.2 7.5 8.4 11.2 11.7 20.5 9.8 1.6 I ■'•I 9 6.6 7.8 9.6 1'.6 20 9.2 6.8 9.2 b.2 5.8 9.5 12.1 19.5 8.6 9 6.4 9 5.8 7.6 7.5 12.2 20.4 «.9 10 7.5 8.7 6.8 11.7 5.5 12.8 19.5 3.7 11 10.2 11.7 8.2 12.5 8.7 12.8 16.8 5.6 12 10.2 14.2 10.7 12.3 12 11.3 14.4 5.4 13 10.4 14.8 12.6 12 10.4 10 14.8 5 14 10.4 12.6 11.7 11.2 10.7 11.5 14.5 5.5 15 9.5 10.4 11.7 11.4 10.2 11.5 11.7 5.9 16 9.6 12 12.6 9.7 9.6 11.5 8.4 6.1 il 9.5 13.1 15.4 7.8 8.8 11.2 9.5 6.4 9.5 12.8 14 6.6 8.6 10.3 9 8.2 19 9.5 12.6 14 5.2 9.5 10.3 7.9 10.8 20 9.2 12.6 13.* 5 lO.o 13 6,7 11.3 21 9.2 12 7.8 4.2 11 22.8 *.3 11.2 22 9.2 8.7 5.8 4 10.4 18.3 7.6 11.1 2J 9.2 5.4 5-i 4.4 11.5 12 12 10.8 24 9.2 7 5.8 4.9 11.2 17.4 10.8 10.7 25 9.2 10.2 5.8 5 11.6 25 11 10.6 26 I-2 10.8 9.2 5 10.6 23.8 11 10.6 u i'' 1 13.1 5 11.5 15 10.4 9.5 8.7 8.7 13.1 5.2 12 14.4 10.8 6.7 29 9.6 12.2 5.* 11 13.3 11.6 5.9 30 11 11.5 5.3 10.3 12.3 11 5.7 31 11 11 5 12.3 5.5 Tear Days 278.2 325.1 271.6 241.0 289.3 414.1 598.1 256.6 22.8 Period Sec.Ft. 9.0 10.4 9.7 7.8 9.6 15.4 15.5 8.5 0.7 6.8 Hax. Sec.Ft. 11. J 14.8 14.0 15.1 12.0 25.0 20.5 11.5 4.8 25.0 nm. Sec.Ft. 3 6.4 5.4 5.6 4.C 4.9 10. c -;.5 5.7 Tctai Ac. Ft.' : 551.8 640.9 5J6.7 478.0 57}.8 82^.4 789.6 509.0 45.2 1.948.4 108 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 1> - Continued OAKES DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*5 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 4.6 7.6 11.5 8.4 8.1 9.2 10.6 8.6 5.7 Dry 4.6 7.5 11.2 8 7.8 10.3 9.5 H 5.4 i 5 0.6 7.3 11.5 7.9 8 11.1 8.6 5 „ 0.7 7 11.9 9 8.1 11.2 ^•1 ^•i 1.8 6.9 12.2 10.4 7.8 11 7.8 4.8 i I 9 10 ^J 7 12.2 11.4 8.5 10.3 7.8 4.6 7.4 11.5 9.9 7.6 9.6 9.5 3 c 2.5 7 10.3 9.5 7.3 9.9 10.3 5.4 4.6 7 I'' 14.1 6.9 10.2 10.5 5.4 4.5 6.8 22.5 6.5 10.1 9.6 5.1 11 12 13 14 15 4.6 6.6 6.8 23 6.2 10.1 9.6 4.9 4.8 t:l 6.4 12.5 6.1 9 9 5 4.8 5.8 3.9 6.2 8.4 9 4.9 4.7 0.9 6.7 1.3 5.6 9.5 9 4.8 4.5 7 8.4 1.4 5 11.5 9.2 5 16 \l 19 20 4.1 7.1 8.1 2 5.1 10.2 9.7 5 4 7.1 7.4 1.0 7.2 9,5 10.2 5 3.7 D.B 0.5 8.4 11.1 8.8 10.2 3.6 6 6.3 4 11.2 8.3 9.9 3.5 6.4 6.2 1.5 11 8.2 9.3 6.2 21 22 23 24 25 3.4 9.9 6.2 1.1 11.5 0.9 9.2 0.2 3.4 14 6.9 1.1 11.9 6.6 9 3.4 13. fa l:'i 1 9.9 6.5 9 6 10.4 8.1 11.3 0.8 9 6.8 9.2 4.6 8.6 0.8 9.5 0.8 8.9 9.7 9 26 11 29 30 51 4 6.6 4.1 9.9 7.1 8.7 12 ? 6 3.9 5.E 8.G U 10.4 8.7 11.4 §•7 7.5 10.9 10 9.2 ''•§ 8.7 4.1 7.f 9.7 9.8 9.5 6.8 8.6 5.9 4.8 7.9 1.9 9.5 9.4 b.3 9 5-5 7.6 7.4 8.6 6.8 5.8 Seo.?t. Days 39.2 134.5 237.3 245.0 230.7 247.8 284.0 277.0 176.5 17.9 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 1.3 4.3 7.7 8.8 7.4 8.3 9.2 9.2 5.7 5.2 Max. Sec. Ft. 10.4 8.6 14.0 12.2 23.0 11.9 12.0 10.6 8.6 5.7 23.0 "liln. Sec. Ft. 1.9 5.8 0.8 5.0 0.3 7.8 Total Ac. Ft. 77.7 266.8 470.7 48fa.0 457.6 491.5 563.3 549.4 350.1 35.5 3.748.6 Divers Ion In seoond-fe 3t for year ending September 30, 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 4.9 4.5 ?•' 6.9 5-3 9.8 4.5 Dry Dry 4.8 4.4 8 6.2 ?»3 9.5 4.7 5 4.4 7.8 5.7 9.8 9.2 5 4.4 7.7 6 10.8 9 4.6 4.7 4.4 9.5 5.3 12.4 9.5 4.5 6 5 1.8 6.7 5 12.7 10 :.i I 5.5 6.5 5.2 11.4 10 3.5 5.9 5.5 11.4 9.5 5.1 9 0.8 5.2 4.9 13 9.2 5.3 10 5.4 4.2 13.2 7 7 11 5.5 4.3 12.4 6.2 0.9 12 5.8 4.5 12.4 9 2.5 5.7 4.2 12.4 9.4 6.7 14 3.5 5.4 4 12.7 9.6 6.3 15 3.5 5 4.1 13.2 9.6 5.8 16 3.3 4.5 5.4 4.1 12 9 5.9 12 3.1 7.7 5.4 4 11.1 8.3 5.6 3 7.7 5.4 4.1 9.7 6.4 5.4 3 7.7 5.8 6 9.4 5.9 5.3 20 3 7.4 5.5 8.7 9.6 5.8 5.2 4,4 3 7.4 3.6 6.2 10.3 5.8 4.9 6.2 3 9.3 4 5.5 11.1 5.1 4.9 5.2 3 8.8 5 5.1 12.2 4.5 5.7 4.8 3.2 5.7 5.1 5.2 9.5 4.8 5.5 25 4.5 4.3 5.4 5.3 5 10 4.8 26 4.4 5.1 5.4 5.3 4.5 9.5 4.6 3.6 '4 3.8 5 7.4 5.2 5 9.5 4.5 2.5 3.4 4.0 5.2 5.5 9.5 4.5 29 4.6 4.5 8.7 5.4 5 9.5 4.5 50 5.1 4.5 5.1 4.5 10 4.5 51 5.1 4.7 5.5 10.2 Sec. Ft. 51.5 109.0 126.0 181.4 154.2 333.5 219.5 Period nean Sec. Ft. 1.7 3.5 4.3 5.9 5.1 10.8 7.3 4.5 3.6 nai. Sec. Ft. 6.2 5.5 9.3 9.5 8.7 13.2 10.0 7.0 13.2 Hln. 3.6 4.0 5.3 4.5 Total AC. Ft. 102.1 216.2 249.9 359.8 305.9 661.5 435.4 279.7 2,610.5 KAVBAH RIVER TABLE NO. 15 - Continued OAEES DITCH NBAR BZAO Diversion In second-feet for year ending September }0, 19*5 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Way June July Aug. Sept. Remerlcs 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 6.9 8 13 '•s 7.7 5.4 Dry 2 5 t:l 7.8 7.4 12.1 12.5 10.8 12.6 7.7 7.4 l-*8 6.9 7 \l:l 14.4 L, 5.8 5 7 6.4 14.7 5.4 6 6.9 6.8 12.3 14.2 6.8 5.2 I 7.1 6.9 11.4 12.8 7.4 5-5 tl 7 11.5 11.8 7.1 5.2 7.2 11.2 12 6.9 5 10 6.8 6.9 11.8 11.8 6.5 4.8 11 6.5 6.8 12.1 12 5.6 4.2 12 6.4 6.7 15.5 12.4 4.4 4 IJ 6.4 6.5 13.5 12.6 1:1 1.6 14 ^' 6.5 13 13.4 15 8.3 6.7 13 13.1 4.6 16 11 6.8 12.6 12.6 4.0 n 10.3 7.2 12.4 12.4 4.4 11.3 7.9 12.4 12.4 4.4 19 20 10.7 8.4 12.9 12.8 5 10.5 10.7 11.9 13.1 6 10.8 11.8 10.8 13.4 i 11.4 11. 8 9.8 13 11.1 11.8 9.5 12.4 5.9 10.4 11.6 9.5 10.6 5.6 25 3.5 10.1 11.9 9.5 8.5 5.6 26 7.1 10 11.9 9.2 8.3 5.5 ?X 7.2 9.9 12.1 9.2 8.4 5.4 7 9.1 11.2 10.5 8.5 5.8 9.1 11.9 10.7 8 5.8 50 14 9.8 7.9 5.6 51 8.5 9.6 5.6 Sec.Jt. Year Days 24.8 265.9 265.6 356.3 350.3 182.9 65.1 Period Mean 0.9 8.6 8.9 11.5 11.7 5.9 2.0 4.1 Hai. Sec. Ft. 7.2 11.4 14.0 13.5 14.7 7.7 5.8 14.7 nin. 6.5 6.4 9.2 7.9 4.4 Total Ac. Ft. c ••9.2 527.4 52D.8 706.7 694.8 362.8 125.2 2,992.9 DlTerslon in second-feet for yeer ending September 30, 1946 Day Oct. Not. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Kay June July Aug. Sept. ReOBTKS 1 2 Dry Dry Dry 2.5 2.5 u r 11.1 7 6.8 6.8 7 7 Dry Qry 3 2.4 7 7.9 6.2 5 6.8 4 1.7 6.9 7.9 5.8 7 6.6 5 1.5 6.7 7.7 6.1 5.6 6.6 6 1.3 6.7 6.8 8.3 5.9 6.3 I 1.3 6.7 6.9 11 6.3 5.9 1.2 6.7 6.1 11.8 6.3 5.4 9 1.1 7 5.2 11.6 6.1 5 10 1.1 6.8 5.5 9.6 5.6 4.5 11 1.3 7 6.1 7 5.2 4.3 12 1.7 6.7 7.1 7 5 3.3 13 \:l 6.3 7.8 7 5.2 3.5 14 6.3 6.8 6.8 5.2 5.3 15 1.7 5.9 7.1 6.6 5.2 2.6 16 0.2 1.7 5.7 8.1 6.1 5.4 1.8 \l 1.6 1.5 5.6 6.7 6.1 5.4 1.6 2.4 1.4 5.6 6.4 6.3 5.4 1.3 19 2.2 1.4 5.6 5.6 6.6 5.4 0.7 20 2.2 1.4 5.6 5 6.8 5.4 21 2.2 1.5 5.5 t:l 6.8 5.2 0.7 22 2.2 1.5 5.* 7 7.6 0.9 23 2.4 1.5 5.7 5 6.1 11.1 0.6 24 2.5 1.6 5.« 6.1 5 7.5 0.2 25 2.5 6.2 5.2 7 4.7 7.3 26 2.2 7 5.3 7.3 5.9 7 u 2.1 6.2 5.3 7.7 5.6 7 0.6 2.1 6.6 5.2 7.3 5 6.8 29 2 6.3 10.4 4.7 7 30 2 8.6 12.3 4.7 6.8 51 2 8.6 5.4 Sec. ft. Year Days 32.8 64.1 196.8 20e.8 215.7 187.5 86.5 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 1.1 3.5 6.3 7.0 7.0 0.5 ^.& 2.7 Hex. Sec. Ft. u 2.5 7.0 8.6 12.3 11.8 11.1 7.0 12.3 nin. Ses.Ft. U 1.1 5.2 4.7 4.7 5.0 Total AC Ft. <>>•" 127.1 390.4 414.2 427.6 571.9 171.6 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 15 - Contln OAKES DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion In seoond-feet for year ending September }0, 1947 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarka 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry H 7.5 6.7 4.9 Dry Dry 2 3.8 7.5 6.7 6.7 } 3.8 7.5 6.4 5.6 3.9 7.5 5.3 4.4 5 3.9 7.5 5 J. 9 6 3.9 7.7 5 J. 9 I 4 7.7 5.6 3-5 u 4.1 7.2 5.6 0.8 9 10 4.1 6 5.6 4.1 5.7 5.5 11 0.5 4.1 5.6 5.5 12 1.7 4.1 5-1 5.3 13 1.6 4.2 5-§ 5.b 1.5 4.4 5.8 6.4 15 1.4 5.2 5.7 7.5 16 0.9 5.7 5.8 7.5 n 1 5.9 6.1 7.3 1.8 5.9 6.1 7.3 19 20 1.8 6.1 6.5 7.3 1.8 6.3 6.6 7.3 1.8 6.1 6.3 7.1 1,8 5.6 6.5 6.8 1.8 5.3 7.5 6.1 1.8 5.5 7.5 5.5 25 2 5.6 7.7 5.5 26 2.7 5.5 7.7 5.5 n 3.9 7 7.1 5.5 3.9 7.9 7.5 5.3 29 3.9 7.5 7.3 5.3 ^•§ 6.8 7 „ 5.2 31 3.8 6.8 Sec.Ft. Year Deys 45.2 154.1 210.3 182.2 33.7 Period Mean Sec.Ft. C 1.5 5.1 6.8 6.1 1.1 1.7 Max. Sec.Ft. 3.9 7.9 7.7 7.5 6.7 7.9 Min. Sec.Ft. 3.8 5.6 5.0 Total Ac. Ft. c 89.7 305.7 417.1 361.4 66.8 1,240.7 Divers ion in seoond-feet for year ending September 30> 1948 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 4 1 4.5 4 Dry Dry 2 3 4.5 3.5 1 2.5 4.5 4.5 5 5 4 4 4 4.5 5 5 5.5 4.5 5 5 6 u 7 5 5 5 I 6 5 5.5 5 5 4 4.5 5 9 5 4 4 5 10 6.5 4.5 4 5 11 8.5 5 4 5 12 9.5 4.5 4 4.5 13 5 5 4 4.5 14 4.5 5 4.5 4.5 15 5.5 b.5 4 4.5 16 5 7.5 3 4 i^ 4.5 6 3 4 1.5 5 6 3 3.5 19 1 6 b.5 3.5 J. 5 20 1.5 " 6 3.5 2 21 2 5.5 5.5 3.5 1.5 22 1.5 5.5 5.5 4 1.5 25 1.5 5 b 4.5 1 24 1 4.5 5.5 5 25 1.5 4 5 5 Q 26 2.5 3.5 5 5 u 2.5 3 > 5 2.5 2 5 5 29 5.5 1 4.5 4.5 30 4.5 1 5 4 31 4 Year Deys 51. c 145.5 149.5 128.0 93.0 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 1.0 4.9 4.8 4.3 3.0 1.5 Max. Sec.Ft. 4.5 9.5 7.5 5.5 5.0 9.5 Win. Sec.Ft. 1.0 1.0 3.0 Total Ac. Ft. J 61.5 288.6 :96.5 253.9 184.5 1,065.0 f KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 15 - Continued OAKES DITCH NEAH HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*9 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 7 8 6.5 Dry Dry Dry I 6.5 7.5 7 i 6.5 7 6.5 i 6.5 6 6 5 6 6 6 6.5 6.5 i I 1 8.5 6.5 6.5 3.5 §•5 r 6.5 9 5.5 8.5 6.5 10 3.5 8 8 7 11 J. 5 J 8.5 6.5 12 3.5 6.5 8.5 6 13 3.5 8.5 8.5 7.5 1* 3.5 8 7 15 3.5 7.5 8 6.5 16 3 7.5 8 7.5 11 3 8 8 6 3 8 6 8 19 2.5 7 7.5 7.5 20 2.5 6.5 7.5 7.5 21 2.5 0.5 1:1 7.5 22 2.5 8 7.5 2} 1.5 8.5 7.5 7 24 9 7.5 7 25 6.5 9 8 7 26 6.5 8.5 8 6.5 11 6 8.5 8 6 5 9.5 7.5 5.5 29 5 9.5 7.5 2.5 30 5 8 7.5 51 7.5 7 Sec.Ft. Year Days 100.0 231.0 237.0 193.0 Period Mean Sec.Ft. - 5.2 7.7 7.6 6.4 2.1 Max. Sec.Ft. 7.5 9.5 9.0 8.0 9.5 mn. Sec.Ft. 6.0 6.0 Total Ac. Ft. 198.3 458.2 470.1 382.8 1,509.4 112 DITI3I0N OF UATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 16 EVANS DITCH NEAR HEAD Point of dlversloD - Thirteen miles below McKay Point on the south benk of Mill Creek in the southeast quarter of Section 27, Township l8 South, Renge 25 East, M.D.B. and M. Max i mum dlTersion cepBcity - 72 second-feet. Location of gamins station - One-half lalle below head of ditch in southwest quarter of Section 27, Tovs-nship l8 South, Range 25 East, M.D.B. and H. Map designation @ . Description of gaging station - A concrete weir consisting of two sections, each 10 feet in length with the same crest elevations, one across the heed of Evans Ditch and the other across the head of Uatson Ditch; end a staff gage and »ater stage recorder above the weir. An eccurate relationship has been established be- tween water levels at the recorder and flows over each of the weir sections. Operating sFencies - Evans and Watson ditch 'companies. Gross service area - 4,500 acres. Period of record - 1917-19*9; intermittent during the years ending September }0, 1917 and 1918; no record during the year e.nding September 30, 1919; continuous from October 1, 1919 to September }0, 19*9. Criteria governing diversions - One-half of first }2 second-feet reaching the head of Evans-Watson Ditch; one-half of the next 22 second-feet In excess of flows required to meet the sum of }2 second-feet and downstream priorities of 15 second-feet, aggregsting 47 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; one-half of the next 35 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 5* second-feet and downstream priorities of 35 second-feet, aggregating 8? second-feet st their respective points of diversion; one-half of the next 6 second-feet In excess of flows required to meet the sum of 89 second-feet and downstream priorities of 40 second-feet, aggregating 129 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; maximum diversion, 47j second-feet. Water reaching the head of Evans-Wateon Ditch includes Kaweah Branch water and water previously diverted from St. Johns Branch by Tisalia and Kav.eah Water Company and conveyed to the Kaweah Branch through Ketohum Ditch. (See Table No. 21) Diversions increased to 57 sec. ft. at high river stageSa Diver lion in seoond-feet for year ending September 30 1940 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 14.5 25 31 40 25.5 17.5 0.5 2 17 10.5 25.5 58 25-5 14 5 15.5 18 19.5 32 21.5 lb 11 21 lb. 5 15.5 11 22.5 20 5 25.5 15 21 15 18 23.5 6 15.5 15.5 19.5 16 52 16 22 I 9.5 17 16 19 52 19.5 21.5 25.5 15 ^i-' 19.5 31 18.5 20 9 25.5 13 21 35.5 21 17 10 37 18.5 20 22.5 45 21 16.6 11 33.5 lB.5 24 23 47 14 17 12 17.5 15 24 21 49.5 19 18.5 13 15 11.5 28 18.5 50 24.5 17.5 22 13 23 25 44 19.5 17.5 15 21 11.5 22 50 41.5 18.5 16.5 16 18.5 8 21 23 47 20.5 16 il 17.5 10 20.5 20.5 39 22 17 20.5 9 20.5 25 51 20 17 19 15.5 11 21 30 34 17 14.5 13.5 11.5 22 28 40 14 13 21 13 15.5 21 25.5 4b 15.5 13 22 15 13.5 18.5 28 45.5 17 12.5 1.5 24 20 22 47 17 11 14 19 22 18.5 48 16 8 25 16 17 25 18.5 42 15.5 6 2i 26 28.5 26 15.5 39 Id 5.5 u 13.5 27 29.5 16 32 14.5 5 7 22.5 25 17 35.5 14.5 4.5 10.5 27 25.5 17 32 19 5 30 11.5 25 27.5 29 25 2.5 14 30.5 ^2.5 2 Dajs 501.5 475.0 674.0 648.0 1,176.0 566.0 425.5 0.5 Year Period Sec. Ft. 16.2 16.5 21.7 21. o }b.O 10.9 15.7 Sec. Ft. 37.0 28.5 30.5 31.0 50.0 25.5 23.5 0.5 50.0 Sec. Ft. 8.0 10.5 13.0 22. b 13.5 2.0 Ac. Ft. 99-. 7 936.2 1.330.9 1,285.3 2.;j°-5 1.122.7 84,. 1.0 8,859.3 KAUEAH RIVBR TABLE NO. 16 - Continued EVANS DITCH NKAH HEAD DiTersloD in socond-feet for year ending September JO, 19*1 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 16 1J.5 20.5 J7.5 19 32.5 36 19.5 22.5 5.5 2 16.5 14 28 59 25.5 37.5 37. 5 17.5 21.5 4.5 J 16 16 28 41 21 JO 40.5 16. 5 21 3.5 * j 17 19.5 29 51 20 J5 *3 16,5 19 2.5 5 J 21 29 J4 31 35 42.5 16.5 18 2 6 21 29.5 J7 25 39 49 15 11. 1 7 ir 18 35 27 45 46.5 13.5 e 14 34.5 23.5 51 35.5 14 21 9 17 27 31 23 27 53.5 16.5 18.5 10 2-.; 26 29 30.5 28 37 12 17.5 11 25 14 27 35.5 28 42 14 17 12 a 2J.5 37 25.5 30.5 22 37 16 15 1} 24 24.5 24 26.5 18.5 33 14 13.5 14 4 24.5 2} 21.5 26 15.5 34.5 12.5 16 15 12 25. 5 25.5 20.5 26 12.5 39 11 15.5 16 1J.5 22 24 18.5 26.5 12 37 10.5 14 n 14 2J 21 16.5 26 18 38 12.5 2b 14 12.5 25.5 16.5 3J 24 21 33.5 11 23.5 19 14.5 11 25 15.5 34 25 15.5 32 14 16 20 15 11 25 19.5 35 27 18 32.5 13 14 21 15 IJ 27 25.5 21 26 19 28 14 14.5 22 15 12 27.5 25.5 17 25 55 26 15 15 2} 15 21 25.5 24 17 21 57 26.5 15 11.5 15.5 Jl Jl 26 17 21 52 25 16.5 12 25 15.5 17.5 15 2o 16.5 20.5 32 19.5 16 10.5 26 n 10.5 16 21 27 19.5 33 21.5 16 8.5 11 17.5 20 16.5 30 22.5 26.5 15 21 7 16.5 25-5 14.5 16.5 23.5 25.5 30 20 22 4 29 15.5 16 1J.5 26 29 J3.5 13.5 23 5.5 JO 16 11 15.5 21 32 46.5 16.5 23 6.5 31 14 18 17.5 39.5 23 6 Sec.*t. Days 240.0 282.0 648.5 650.5 6j8.0 756.5 883.0 975.0 490.5 464.0 19.0 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 8.2 9.1 20.9 23.2 27.0 25.2 28.5 32.5 15.8 15.0 0.6 17.1 Wax. Sec. Ft. 18.0 25.5 51.0 37.0 41.0 35.5 16.5 49.0 25.0 26.0 5.5 49. c Hin. Sec. Ft. & 13.5 14.0 16.5 19.0 12.0 13.5 10.5 4.0 c Total Ac. Ft. 467.9 559.4 1,286. J 1,290.3 1,66:. 2 1,500.5 1,751.4 1,953.9 972.9 920.5 37.7 12, 402. ( Divers! on in second-feet for ye er ending September JO, 1942 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Har. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 21 16. 5 23 28 21 21 39 22.5 IJ.5 Dry 2 21 11.5 2J 28.5 19 24 40 22 14.5 3 20.5 11 26.5 29.5 21 22 40 25 14 4 22.5 18.5 26 30.5 31 23.5 48 21 12.5 5 18.5 16.5 26 31 JO. 5 28.5 52 20 12.5 6 20 14.5 29.5 32 2J 35 50 15-5 14.5 I 23 14 28 23.5 2} 35 47 14.5 14 23 14.5 26.5 14 21 33.5 43 15.5 IJ 9 23 15.5 25 17 18.5 JJ.5 43.5 12 IJ 10 23 15 23 18.5 20 32.5 45 14 11 11 21 18.5 23 22 24.5 30 52 16.5 IJ.5 J2 21 21 26.5 20 23.5 29.5 52 15 12.5 13 21 21 35 23.5 23.5 J4 43.5 13. 5 6 14 20.5 2J.5 50.5 23 26 51 42.5 16 5.5 15 22 26 50 24.5 25 31 42.5 19.5 5 16 22.5 25 29.5 18.5 25 30 4J 20.5 J \l 25 25 31 17.5 24 26.5 42.5 22.5 1 25 25 35 20 19 32 44 26.5 19 :3 24 35 15 25 35.5 42.5 28 20 23 24 33 12 28 39 43 28 21 23 24.5 30.5 11.5 26.5 37.5 38 22 22 23 JO. 5 35 14.5 26.5 38 38 21 25 23 34 34 18 29 29.5 36.5 22.5 24 23.5 26.5 32 18 28 40.5 33.5 20.5 25 23 12 31 18 29.5 4J 31 19.5 26 8 23 30 17 31 49 24 18 11 4 24 10 28 16 27 46 20.5 18 17 24.5 26 28 18.5 27 43 23 21.5 29 19 22.5 27 20 23 39 24 21 30 21 24.5 21 23.5 20 25.5 18 51 20 23.5 24 38 I0.5 Sec.Pt. Year Days 69.0 669.5 615.5 811.5 0*7.5 739.0 1,045.5 1,187.0 602.5 179.0 Period Heen Sec. Ft. u 2.3 £2.2 19.8 29.0 20.9 24.0 55.7 39.0 19.4 5.6 18.0 ha I. Sec. Ft. 21.0 24.5 34.0 35.0 J2.0 51.0 49.0 52.0 28.0 14.5 52.0 Hin. Sec. Ft. 18.5 23.U 11.5 18.5 21.0 20.5 12.0 Total Ac. Ft. ljo.9 l,?o7.o 1,220.5 l,6Cl/.o 1,264.5 1,465.6 2,Oo9.8 2,554.4 1,195.1 J55.1 1J,059.4 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 16 - Continued EVANS DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion In second-feet for year ending September JO, 194} Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 13.5 17.5 18.5 17 33 41 35 19.5 15.5 Dry 13-5 16.5 18 15 33 5? 32.5 U-' 12.5 } 4.5 15 16.5 14 34 48.5 30 10.5 5 12.5 15 20 35.5 50 25.5 19.5 10.5 5 6.5 12 18.5 25 36 50 22.5 20 10.5 5.5 14.5 16 22.5 39 52 20 19.5 14 I 5 18 7.5 21.5 35 55 c5 17.5 12 5 16 12.5 22.5 36 59 28 16 11.5 9 10 5 15 13.5 36.5 36 47 27 17.5 10.5 u 13.5 15.5 56 29 48 21 Id. 5 8.5 7 12.5 21 72 25.5 49.5 22 15.5 6.5 14.5 13.5 21 54 24.5 39.5 22.5 15.5 6 1} 15.5 14 20.5 31 24 51.5 19.5 15 5 18.5 15-5 21 25 22 33.5 18 14 4.5 15 13 17.5 21 21.5 20 39 20 15.5 2.5 9 19.5 20 18.5 20.5 42.5 27 15.5 n 9 19.5 18 18.5 21.5 39 32.5 15.5 8.5 17 15.5 42 25.5 36.5 35 25.5 19 20 9.5 11 14.5 55 34 57 28 50.5 9 12 14 29.5 54 59.5 18.5 52 1 9 24 14.5 22 35 39 18.5 52 22 23 24 25 16 8.5 25 16.5 16 35 35.5 Id. 5 29.5 17 9 29 18.5 17 32 35 16.5 29.5 9.5 29 37 21.5 13-5 51 39.5 24 26 8.5 24 21 J3.5 15 31 36.5 18.5 23.5 26 11 8.5 14.5 16.5 24 10 29.5 35.5 20 22 8.5 9.5 16 22.5 12.5 29 34 21 21 8.5 23 17.5 18.5 28 52.5 34 22.5 19.5 8.5 22.5 19.5 54 35 35.5 24 21 30 31 12 21 21.5 36 54 34 23.5 19 17.5 21.5 33 35 17.5 Sec. Ft. Year Days 98.0 368.5 551-0 495.5 854.0 920.0 1,281.5 712.5 63d. 5 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 3.3 11.9 17.8 17.7 27.5 30.7 41.5 23.7 20.5 4.5 16.6 Max. Sec. Ft. 17.0 29.0 37.0 24.0 72.0 39.0 59.0 35.0 52. u 15.5 72.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 4.0 11.0 7.5 10.0 20.0 31.5 16.5 14.0 Total Ac. Ft. 194.4 730.9 1,092.9 982.8 l,b93.9 1,824.8 2,541.9 1,413.2 1,262.5 278.7 12,016.0 Divers ion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 8 23 33.5 20 22 26 18 3 Dry 2 8.5 22 27.5 23.5 23 27-5 17.5 2 } 15.5 21.5 26 16.5 25.5 30.5 17.5 4 19.5 23.5 27.5 21.5 28 27 17 5 18 25 32.5 16 27 27 16 6 19.5 24.5 ■17 16 22.5 25 16 I 19.5 23.5 17.5 19 20.5 19.5 15.5 29.5 19.5 19.5 25.5 21 ^l 9 37.5 20.5 22.5 28 17.5 18 10 34.5 23 16 28 17 28 11 31.5 26 16.5 28 13-5 25.5 12 27.5 29 22 30 17-5 23 13 6.5 27 25.5 14.5 29 17.5 22.5 14 11.5 24.5 19.5 11.5 50 17-5 20.5 15 12.5 23 13 14 28 19 20 16 13 21.5 14 15 22.5 14 19.5 u 13.5 19.5 14 14.5 21.5 14 18.5 5.5 13 19.5 14 16 19 14 17 19 12.5 15-5 19.5 16.5 22.5 18 16 16 20 10.5 16 19 18.5 23 21.5 21.5 15 21 \l-' 18.5 17 11.5 23.5 20 11.5 22 u 22.5 14.5 15 25.5 18 12.5 23 19 22 16. 5 18 29 16 14.5 24 4.5 23 16 19.5 20 28 18.5 12 25 7.5 26 30 19.5 20 26 19.5 8.5 26 8.5 28.5 31.5 19.5 16 19.5 17 7.5 u 6.5 27 34 19 i^.5 19 17 6 5.5 19 27.5 16.5 19.5 20 5-5 29 8.5 19 25 16 9 25 20 6-5 30 8.5 18.5 '.i:l 14 JO. 5 19.5 6-5 31 10 23.5 JO 5 Sec.?t. Year Days 88.0 449.0 724.0 628.5 519.0 773.0 580.0 474.0 5.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 2.8 14.5 25.0 20.3 17.3 24.9 19.5 15.3 0.2 Max. Sec. Ft. 12.5 28.5 37.5 33.5 23.5 30.5 JO. 5 28.0 3.0 37.5 Mln. Sec.Ft. 16.0 13.0 9.0 18.0 IJ.5 5.0 Total Ac. Ft. 174.6 890.6 1,4}6.1 1,246.6 1,029.4 1. 533-2 1,162. J 940.2 ?•? 8,422.9 KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 16 - Continued EV/iNS DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion In seoond-feet for yeer ending September ^0, 1945 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 13 18 20.5 18 22 46 20.5 20.5 15.5 Dry 2 15 18.5 27.5 18 19 46.5 24.5 19 15 5 16.5 18 32.5 18 m 39 30 18.5 19 4 15 19 22.5 17.5 30.5 37.5 18 19.5 5 12.5 18.5 20 16 20 27 55.5 16.5 15.5 6 1^ 18 18.5 15 10.5 26.5 28.5 14 15 I 16 11 19.5 15.5 17 26 26 14.5 14.5 c 23 10.5 18.5 16.5 18 45 27 13 14 9 22.5 9 18 20 25 27.5 14 11.5 10 ^1 9.5 15 19 19 24.5 28 14 9 11 19 9.5 13 19 18 24.5 29 15.5 8 12 0.5 18.5 9 11.5 19 17 29.5 51 18.5 7 13 0.5 18 16 12.5 19.5 16 29 51.5 16.5 6.5 14 1} n.5 16 13.5 19.5 15 26.5 28 16 7 15 20 n.5 17 24 24 17 28 21 14.5 6.5 16 19.5 n 19.5 22 27.5 20 5|'5 21 15 5.5 ]l 21 16.5 17.5 14.5 22.5 25.5 58.5 19.5 14 0.5 25 16 16.5 4.5 20.5 32 58 24 13 19 22.5 16.5 14.5 7.5 16.5 55 36.5 51.5 21 20 24 17 12.5 7.5 16 34.5 52.5 30 27 21 22.5 20 11 11 15.5 38 28.5 29.5 27 22 22.5 27 11 18 lb. 5 51.5 27.5 28.5 26.5 25 24 29.5 10.5 19 29 29.5 27.5 28.5 26 24 15 24.5 10.5 17 36.5 29.5 tr 25.5 19 25 12.5 25 14 14 54.5 31.5 24.5 18 26 12 22 \u 14.5 40.5 31.5 28 25 14.5 11 12 20 17 28 32 27.5 25.5 14.5 12 18.5 It, 17.5 25 29 26.5 24 18.5 29 13 20 15.5 20 32 25 20 18.5 30 13.5 19.5 15 22 42 24 20.5 18 Jl 18 17 26.5 20.5 18 Sec. Ft. Year Days 3 305.0 580.0 452.0 471.0 669.0 742.0 959.0 801.0 551.5 185.5 Period Mesn Sec. Ft. 10.2 18.7 14.6 16.8 21.6 24.7 30.3 26.7 17.8 6.0 15.6 Max. Seo.Ft. 25.0 29.5 19.5 32.5 40.5 42.0 46.5 57.5 27.0 19.5 46.5 Mln. Sec. Ft. 12.0 9.0 4.5 15.0 15.0 20.5 19.5 13.0 Total Ac. Ft. 605.0 l.i;0.4 896.5 934.2 1,327.0 1,471.8 1,862.5 1,588.8 1,093.9 567.9 11,298.0 Diversion In seoond-feet for year ending September 50, 1946 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 1 20.5 27 55.5 55 54 24.5 25 Dry Dry 2 20.5 27 55.5 29 55 26 20.5 5 J 25 27 53.5 20.5 27.5 25.5 19 4 25 22.5 55.5 21.5 17.5 25 17.5 5 25 20 55 20 19.5 25 15.5 6 24.5 20 52 20.5 24.5 20.5 14 I 21.5 20 32 20 30 19.5 12 8.5 1.5 20 19.5 30 18 36.5 16 9 9 11.5 14.5 il'' 19.5 32 14 36 15.5 8 10 14 15.5 19.5 51.5 13.5 29.5 12.5 6 11 19.5 16.5 18 20.5 30 16 17 11 10 12 21 15.5 17.5 • 25 28 21.5 24 15.5 8 15 20.5 i^ 16.5 25 29 27 25 15 8.5 14 19.5 17 23 35.5 25 24.5 15 7.5 15 18,5 18.5 17 24 28 21.5 25.5 14 6 16 19 19.5 22.5 '2 24.5 27 21 14 7.5 u 1? 19.5 56 28.5 21.5 51.5 22 15.5 5 18.5 19.5 55.5 30.5 20 31 21.5 15.5 5 19 15 19.5 51 32 20 28 24 15 0.5 20 14.5 19 29.5 28 20.5 26 31 15 21 15 20.5 29.5 29 16.5 26 34 14.5 22 15 46 28.5 28 14.5 28 56.5 11 25 12 35 27 27 15 52 52 15.5 24 10 2* 27 27 15 32 24.5 25 25 8.5 25.5 27 26 14 28.5 21.5 24.5 26 7.5 25.5 27 31.5 15.5 33.5 19 24 11 11 23 25 33 14 36 26 25 18 25 25 55 15.5 32 27 25 29 18.5 25 27 21 29 24.5 25 30 14 22 27 23.5 34 24 19.5 51 21.5 26 51.5 25.5 Sec.ft. Year Deys 348.5 502.0 750. w 719.0 777.5 773.5 818.0 556.5 200.5 Period Mean Seo.Ft. 11. b lb. 2 24.2 25.7 25.1 25.8 2o.4 18.6 6.5 14.9 Max. Seo.Ft. u 21. u 4b. 30.0 55.0 55.5 }b.O 56.5 26.0 25.0 46.0 Hln. Seo.Ft. I0.5 19.5 14,0 15.5 17.0 11.0 Total Ac. Ft. 091.5 ??5.7 1.487.b 1.426.1 1.542.2 1.554.2 1.622.5 1.103.8 597.7 10.801.1 DIVISION OF UATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 16 - Continued EVANS DITCH NEAR READ Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*7 Dey Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. RemarjES 1 1.5 19 19 25 18.5 14.5 22.5 8.5 7.5 Dry Dry 2 u 1.5 17.5 19 25 21.5 14.5 23.5 IJ 6.5 5 u 2 23 19 25 26 16 25.5 11.5 5 2 16.5 19 25 2J.5 15.5 -'4.5 11.5 3 5 1.5 27 19 25 20 11.5 2J.5 13.5 1.3 6 2 28 17.5 25 17.5 12 24.5 13 2 I 2 2J.5 17 25.5 lo 12 24.5 14 0.6 J 1.5 20 17 25.5 I0.5 11 2J 16 J 24 17 25 17.5 11.5 20.5 15.5 10 " 4.5 2J.5 17 25.5 I0.5 IJ Id 17.5 11 5.5 I0.5 17 26.5 18.5 14 14 18.5 12 7.5 16.5 17.5 25.5 17 17 14.5 14.5 1} 6.5 21 19.5 50 17 20 15 17 14 u 3.5 19 19.5 JI.5 17.5 20 IJ 24 15 10 19 19.5 Jl 17.5 14 10.5 26 16 9 18.5 19.5 30 18.5 14.5 14 26 n Q 9.5 16.5 19.5 Jl 18.5 17.5 17.5 25 11.5 15.5 19.5 26 17 18.5 19.5 25.5 19 .26.5 15 16 19.5 lfi.5 21 20.5 24 20 14 12.5 19.5 24 21 26 25. ■• 19.5 12 20 14 2J :o.5 22.5 22 25.5 25 12 19-5 19.5 16 20 18.5 2} JO. 5 25 13.5 17 17-5 9.5 21.5 u 29 26 20 17.5 21.5 10 21.5 15 25 20 26 25.5 19 17 12 19.5 14 26 u 14 28.5 24 19.5 IJ.5 8 18 14 11 17.5 29 2* 19.5 14 9.5 14 13.5 21.5 26.5 25.5 19-5 15 IJ.5 17 u 29 2J.5 20.5 25.5 16 13.5 14.5 l;v JO 0.5 16.5 IJ.5 25 16 15.5 1J.5 11.5 31 1 16 25 14.5 11 Sec.Jt. Year Days 1.5 350.0 649.0 590.5 67J.5 549.5 445.5 578.5 504.5 25.9 Period Mean Sec. Ft. u 11.7 20.9 19.0 24.1 17.7 14.9 18.7 16.8 0.6 12.0 Max. Sec. Ft. 1.0 20.5 29.0 25.5 JI.5 26. u 24.0 25.5 26.0 7.5 JI.5 Hin. Sec. Ft. 1.5 IJ.5 12.0 17.0 13.5 8.0 10.5 8.5 Total Ac. Ft. 3.0 694.2 I, 287. J 1,171.3 1,335.9 1,089.9 88J.6 1,147.4 1,000.7 51.4 8,664.7 Diversion in nd-feet for year ending September JO, 19 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 15 16 18.5 16.5 Dry Dry 2 20 17 20.5 21.5 J 2J 16 20.5 21.5 4 16 16 26.5 20.5 5 15.5 14.5 24 19 6 IJ 15.5 2J.5 lo I 15 26.5 24.5 12 10 25 26.5 11.5 9 9.5 17.5 27 12 10 25 15 24 11.5 11 24 21 21 14.5 J2 21 24.5 21 14.5 IJ 11.5 25 21.5 12 14 25.5 21.5 9 15 14 25 23.5 6.5 16 ) 19 25.5 21 4.5 U J 11 27.5 19 2 10.5 15.5 JO 18 1 19 J. 5 15 25 17 20 t,.5 16 21.5 15.5 21 J 14.5 19.5 15 22 1 14.5 2J 14.5 23 4 14.5 25.5 14 24 U.5 14 28.5 17 25 18 IJ JO 19 26 15 15 JO 15 U IJ.5 17.5 29 13.5 15.5 I0.5 25 14.5 29 17.5 18 24 IJ JO 17.5 I0.5 2J.5 15 31 16.5 19.5 Sec. Ft. Year Days 158.5 469.0 705.0 585.0 226.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 5.1 15.6 22.7 19.5 7.3 5.9 Max. Sec. Ft. 18.0 25.0 30.0 27.0 21.5 JO.O Mln. Sec. Ft. 6.0 13.0 13.0 Total Ac. Ft. U ^14.4 ?J0.2 1,J?8.4 J,160.J 448.J 4,251.6 KAUEAH RITER TABLE NO. lb - Continued EVANS DITCH NEAR HEAD DiTerslcn in second-feet for year ending September }0, 1949 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jen. Feb. Her. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dr..- 9.5 14 13,5 13 3.5 Dry Dry 1 9 15 11 15.5 1 ) 11 14 15 4 12 16.5 10,5 14 5 13.5 30 10 14.5 b 11 48 15.5 13 I 11 44 Id 14.5 10.5 43 17 15 9 10.5 40 17 K.5 10 " 10 54 15.5 15.5 11 12 22.5 13 12 12 18 19 19 12.5 13 9.5 19.5 20 12 1* 10 20 20.5 11 15 16.5 20 14.5 12,5 16 11.5 18,5 14.5 20.5 \l 9 l4.5 18.5 21 11 22 19 19 20 18 15 20.5 18.5 u 24 13 lb.5 10.5 21 4.5 21.5 12.5 16.5 15.5 22 8.5 19.5 ^t-5 17 15.5 23 9 23.5 18,5 22.5 15 24 11.5 26 23 21 15 25 12.5 23 25-5 18 14 26 14 18.5 15 19 12.5 11 14.5 16 13 19 10.5 12 18.5 19 16 6.5 29 23 20.5 11 5 30 18.5 16 11 5.5 31 17 12 S^.tt. year Days 86.5 472.5 659.5 514.0 413.0 4.5 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 3.1 15.2 22.0 16.6 13.8 0.1 5.9 Hbx. Sec. Ft. 14.5 26.0 48.0 22.5 21.0 3.5 48.0 Win. Sec. Ft. 9.0 12.5 10.0 5.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1 171.6 957.2 1,308.1 1.019.5 BI9.2 6.9 4,264.5 118 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO- 17 WATSON DITCH NEAR HEAD Point of diversloD - Thirteen miles below McKay Point on the south bank of Mill Creek in the southeast quarter of Section 27, Township l8 South, Ranfe 35 East, M.D.B. and M. Maximum diversion capacity - 72 second-feet. Location of gaging station - One-half mile below head of ditch in southwest quarter of Section 27, Township l8 South, Range 25 East, M.D.B. and M. Map designation @ • Description of gaging station - A concrete weir consisting of two sections, each 10 feet in length, with the same crest elevations, one across the head of Evans Ditch end the other across the head of Watson Ditch; and a stiff gage and water stage recorder above the weir. An accurate reletionahip has been established be- tween water levels at the recorder and flovs over each of the weir sections. Operating agencies - Evans and Watson ditch companies. Gross service area - 4,600 acres. Period of record - 1917-19'19; intermittent during the years ending September 50, 1917 and 19l8; no record during the year ending September JO, 1919; continuous from February 25, 1920 to September 50, 1949. Criteria goverD l Dg ^ diversions - One-half of first 32 second-feet reaching the head of Evans-Wateon Ditch; one-half of the next 22 second-feet In excess of flov^s required to meet the sum of 32 second-feet and downstream priorities of 15 second-feet, aggregating 47 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; one-half of the next 55 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 5* second-feet and downstream priorities of 55 second-feet, aggregating 89 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; one-half of the next 6 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 89 second-feet and dovnstream priorities of 40 second-feet, argregating 129 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; maximum diversion, 47^ second-feet. Water reaching the heed of Evans-Watson Ditch includes Kaweah Branch water and water previously diverted from St. Johns Branch by Visalia and Kav.eah Water Company and conveyed to the Kaweah Branch through Ketchum Ditch. (See Table No. 21). Diversion in 3econd-feet for ^ear end ing September 30 1940 Day Got. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 14 25 29.5 35 24 17 0.5 Dry 2 u 16 11 23 33 24 15.5 } 11 15 17.5 18.5 27.5 30 15 i 10 20 16 14 23 21 19 5 19 14.5 20 13 23.5 17 22 b 14.5 15 18.5 15.5 25 15 20.5 I 9 16 16 18.5 25 18.5 20 25 14.5 17.4 19 24 17.5 19 9 25.5 H-^ 17.5 20.5 27 20 16 10 55 18 20 22 24 20 15.5 11 50 16 25 23 25.5 13.5 16.5 12 16.5 14 25.5 21 27 18 17.5 1} 14 11.5 27 19 28 ?3 17 14 20.5 12.5 22.5 25 26 18.5 17 15 19 10.5 21.5 29.5 25 17.5 15.5 16 17 8 20.5 23.5 28 19 15 11 16 10 20 21 24 20.5 lo 19 9 20 25.5 20 19 16 19 15 11 20.5 28.5 21 lb. 5 14 20 13 11 21.5 27 24 15.5 13 21 12.5 14.5 20 25 26 13 13 22 12 13 18 26 25 16.5 12 25 12.5 22 19 21 26 16 10.5 24 15.5 IB 21.5 17.5 26.5 15 8 25 15 16 24.5 17 24 15 fa 26 24 27 25 14.5 22 15 5.5 11 15 26 28.5 15 29 14 5 7 22 25 15 31 14 4.5 29 10.5 27 25 15.5 29.5 18 2.5 30 11.5 25 24 26.5 23 2.4 31 13 29.5 21 1.5 Sec.Ft. Year Days U 467.5 454.5 657.9 627.0 802.0 535.5 405.9 D.5 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 15.1 15.7 21.2 20.9 25._2. 17.8 13.1 10.8 Max. Sec.Ft. 55.0 27.0 -29.5 29.5 55.0 24.0 22.0 0.5 35.0 Hln. Sec.Ft. 8.0 11.0 1>.0 21.0 15.0 1.5 Total AC. Ft. 927.5 901.5 1.50.;. 9 1,245.6 1,590.8 1.062.2 805.1 1.0 7,8jo.4 KAUEAH RITSR TABLE NO. 17 - Continued UATSON DITCH HKAH HEAD DiTersloo In second-feet for year ending Septeaber }0, 1941 Day 1 Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. »ar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remerks 1 Dry 15.5 13 20 34.5 18.5 26.5 26 22 24.5 6.5 2 16 13.5 27.5 36 23 29.5 28.5 20 24 5.5 } 15 15 27.5 24.5 37.5 21 24.5 29 19 23.5 4 16.5 19 27.5 20 28 33 19 21 3 5 4 20 29 30.5 30 28 33 19 20 2.5 i 20 29.5 33.5 24.5 30.5 38.5 17 19 1.5 18.5 17.5 33 26.5 33 37 15 20 e 16.5 14 32.5 23 26 ^t 16.5 23 9 10 15-5 27.5 29.5 22 24 28 19 20 22.5 26.5 28 30 24 30 14 19 23 14 27 55 24 33 16 18.5 21 37 25 30 21 29 18.5 16 13 21 24.5 24 25.5 29.5 26 16.5 14.5 4 21 22.5 22 25.5 31 27 14.5 17.5 15 11.5 20 25 21 25 28 29 13 16.5 16 13 19 24 19.5 26 27.5 27.5 12.5 15 u 13.5 22 20.5 17.5 25 35.5 28.5 14.5 27 13.5 12 23.5 15.5 9 23.5 36.5 26 13.5 24.5 19 20 1* 11 23 14.5 24.5 31 25.5 16 16.5 1*.5 9 23 19 27 33.5 26.5 15 15.5 21 14.5 12.5 25.5 24.5 H'^ 25.5 34.5 23.5 16 16 22 15 11.5 25 24.5 18 23 31 23 17 14 2J 15 20.5 24.5 23 18 21 30.5 23.5 ^1 12.5 2* 15 20 30 24.5 18 21 26.5 22.5 18.5 13.5 25 15 17 18.5 24.5 17.5 20 25.5 19 18 12 26 16.5 10.5 14.5 19 27.5 19 26 21 18 10 ?X 17.0 17 19 14.5 31 22 21.5 20 23 8 16 25 14 I*. 5 24 24 22.5 21.5 23.5 5 29 15 15.5 15 25.5 25 24 15 24.5 30 15.5 10.5 15 21 29 30 18.5 25 7 31 1 14 17.5 17 27 25 7 Sec.Ft. Year Days 259.1 273.0 606.5 655.0 717.5 735.0 868.5 797.5 556.0 506.5 23.0 Period Wean Sec.?t.! 8.0 8.8 19.6 22.6 23.1 24.5 28.0 26.6 17.9 16.3 0.8 16. J Kbi. ' Sec.F-..' 17.6 25.0 JO.O 37.0 37.5 35.0 36.5 38.5 25.0 27.0 = .5 3B.5 Sec.?-.. 13.0 14.0 18.5 21.0 15.0 12.5 5.0 C 1 Acl ?t. ; i-i.; 541.5 1,2:3.0 1,255.= 1.^23.2 l,-;-".? 1,722.7 l,5fil.6 L,1C2.6 l.OOi.i i;.C 11,812.9 1 riTer; ion in s econd-feet for year ending Septeaber 50, 1942 Day ::-.. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry J 20 15 22 26 20.5 18 54 22 13 Dry 2 19.5 10.5 22 27 18 20.5 34.5 21.5 5 19.5 10 26 28 20.5 18.5 34.5 23 13.5 1 4 21 18 25.5 29 31.5 20 41 21 11.5 5 17 15.5 25.5 29.5 31 24.5 44 19.5 11.5 6 18.5 13.5 29 31 24 29.5 *3 15 14 I 22 13 28 23 24 30 41 14 13.5 22 14 26.5 13 21 29 36 13 12.5 9 22 15.5 25 16 18 29 40 11 12.5 10 22 15 23 17.5 20 27.5 41 13.5 10.5 11 20.5 18.5 23 21 24.5 25 44 15.5 13 12 8 21 22 27 19.5 23.5 24 44 14.5 11.5 13 13 21 21.5 33.5 23 23.5 28.5 38.5 13 5.5 14 13.5 20.5 23 51 22.5 25 26 36 15 5 15 13.5 21.5 25 30.5 24.5 24.5 26 36 19 5 16 13 22 24 29 18 24.5 24 35 20 3 ]l 14 23 23.5 30.5 17 u 20 '2 22 1 19 23 23 33.5 19 25 38.5 26 19 17.5 23 22 33 14 24 29.5 36.5 28 20 16. 5 23 22 29.5 11 27 32.5 35.5 28 21 16.5 23.5 23 27 10 25 31 33 21.5 22 15.5 24 28.5 50 13 25 31.5 33 21 23 16.5 24 32.5 29 17 27 23.5 33 22 24 15.5 24.5 25 27 17 25.5 13 '2 20 25 14 24 11 27 17 27 14 28 19 26 *.5 23.5 27 15.5 28 18 21 17.5 11 2 24 8.5 25 15 2*. 5 16 19 17.5 15 24 2«.5 25 17 24.5 14 21.5 21 29 18 21.5 25.5 19 20 33.5 24 21 30 19.5 23 19 22 17 30 23.5 17.5 31 13.5 22 23 33 15.5 Sec. Ft. Year Days 2o5.0 071.5 58.. 770.0 0I5.O 709.5 764.5 1,035.0 588.0 158.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 8.8 21.7 18.8 27.5 19.6 25.6 24.7 34.5 19.0 5.1 16.9 nax. Sec. Ft. 19.5 24.5 52.5 55.5 51.0 31.5 35.5 44.0 28.0 14.0 44.0 Bin. Sec.Ft. 15.5 22.0 10.0 13.0 19.0 11.0 Total Ac. Ft. ; ■■:■=■..- 1.52". 5 1.219.9 l.*07,5 1.5U.* 2.052.9 1,166.3 313.4 12.219.* Diversion in DIVISION OF WATER HESODRCES TABLE NO. 17 - Continued UATSON DITCH NEAB HEAD cond-feet for year ending September JO, 19*J Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry ,J.5 17.5 18.5 17 33 41 35 19.5 15.5 Dry IJ.5 16.5 18 15 33 52 32.5 'd-' 12-5 3 4.5 15 16.5 14 34 48.5 30 10.5 5 12.5 15 20 35.5 50 25.5 19.5 10.5 5 6.5 12 18.5 25 56 50 22.5 20 10.5 6 I 5.5 14.5 Ifa 22.5 39 52 20 19.5 14 5 18 7.5 21.5 55 55 ^l 17.5 12 5 16 12.5 22.5 3d 59 28 16 11.5 9 10 5 15 15.5 36.5 36 tl 27 17.5 10.5 4 13.5 15.5 56 29 21 16.5 8.5 11 12 7 12.5 21 72 25.5 49.5 22 15.5 6.5 14.5 13.5 21 54 24.5 34 22.5 15.5 6 15.5 14 20.5 31 24 24.5 ^1-5 15 5 18.5 15.5 21 25 22 26 18 14 4.5 15 IJ 17.5 21 21.5 20 33.5 20 15.5 2.5 9 19.5 20 18.5 20.5 57.5 27 15.5 ]l 9 19.5 18 18.5 21.5 55.5 32.5 15.5 8.5 17 15.5 42 25.5 50 33 25.5 19 20 9.5 11 14.5 55 34 51 28 30.5 9 12 14 29.5 34 34 18.5 34 21 1 9 24 14.5 22 33 52.5 18.5 5b 16 8.5 25 16.5 16 35 29 lb. 5 29.5 25 17 9 29 18.5 17 32 28.5 lb. 5 29.5 9.5 29 J7 21.5 13.5 31 55.5 24 26 25 8.5 24 21 25.5 15 51 50 18.5 23.5 26 8.5 14.5 16.5 24 10 29.5 28 20 22 u 8.5 9.5 16 22.5 12.5 29 27 21 21 8.5 23 17.5 18.5 28 52.5 27 22.5 19.5 29 8.5 22.5 19.5 34 J5 26 24 21 JO 12 21 21.5 36 J4 25.5 23.5 19 31 17.5 21.5 33 25 17.5 Sec. Ft. Days 98.0 J68.5 551.0 495.5 854.0 920.0 1,148.0 712.5 642.5 140.5 Year Period Mean See. Ft. J.J 11.9 17.8 17.7 27.5 JO. 7 37.0 23.7 20.7 4.5 16.2 Max. Sec. Ft. 17.0 29.0 37.0 24.0 72.0 J9.0 59.0 55.0 36.0 15.5 72.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 4.0 11.0 7.5 10.0 20.0 24.5 16.5 14.0 Total Ac. Ft. 194.4 750.9 1,092.9 982.8 1,693.9 1,824.8 2,277.1 1,415.2 1,274.4 278.7 11,763.1 Divers ion in second-feet for year end! ng September 30, 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 8 25 55.5 20 22 26 18 3 Dry 2 8.5 22 27.5 23.5 23 27.5 17.5 2 3 15.5 21.5 26 37 25.5 50.5 17.5 19.5 25 27.5 21.5 28 27 17 5 18 22 32.5 16 27 27 16 6 19.5 21 17 16 22.5 25 16 I 19.5 20.5 17.5 19 20.5 19.5 15.5 25.5 19.5 19.5 25.5 21 17 9 35 20.5 22.5 28 17.5 18 10 32 23 16 28 17 28 11 28.5 26 16.5 28 15.5 25.5 12 27.5 29 22 30 17.5 23 13 6.5 27 25.5 14.5 29 17.5 22.5 14 11.5 24.5 19.5 11.5 30 17.5 20.5 15 12.5 25 15 14 28 19 20 16 15 21.5 14 15 22.5 14 19.5 \l y 13.5 19.5 14 14.5 21.5 14 18.5 5.5 13 19.5 14 16 19 14 17 19 12.5 15.5 19.5 16.5 22.5 18 16 16 20 10.5 16 19 18.5 23 21.5 21.5 15 21 7.5 17.5 18.5 17 11.5 23.5 20 11.5 22 7 18 22.5 14.5 15 25.5 18 12.5 23 14 19 22 16. 5 18 29 16 14.5 24 11.5 23 16 19.5 20 28 18.5 12 25 7.5 26 50 19.5 20 26 19.5 8.5 26 1:1 28.5 31.5 19.5 16 19.5 17 7.5 u 27 34 19 fL 19 17 5.5 19 27.5 16.5 19.5 20 5.5 29 8.5 19 25 16 9 25 20 6.5 50 8.5 18.5 17.5 14 30.5 19.5 6.5 51 10 25.5 18.5 50 5 Sec. Ft. Year Days 123.5 449.0 702.0 626.5 559.5 775.0 568.0 474.0 5.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 4.0 14.5 24.2 20.5 18.0 24.9 18.9 15.3 0.2 11.6 Max. Sec. Ft. 14.0 28.5 55.0 55.5 37.0 50.5 50.5 28.0 3.0 57.0 Min. See. Ft. 16.0 15.0 9.0 18.0 15.5 5.0 Total Ac. Ft. 245.0 890.6 1,392.4 1,246.6 1,070.1 i.?;?-? 1,126.6 940.2 9.9 8,454.7 U.WEAH Bins TABLE NO. 17 - Continued UATSOS DITCH NEAH "ZAD Diversion in secor.J-feet for > etr enii ng Septe -.ber 50, 1945 Day Oct. NOT. Dec. Jan. Feb. nar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Reaarks| 1 Dry 13 18 20.5 18 2 2 47.5 20.5 20.5 15.5 Dry 2 13 18.5 27.5 16 19 48 24.5 19 15 } 16.5 18 32.5 18 ^•^ 39 50 18.5 19.5 4 15 il.5 22.5 n-' 18.5 30.5 57.5 18 19.5 5 12.5 20 20 27 33.5 16.5 15.5 6 b 12 18 18.5 15 16.5 26.5 28.5 14 15 I 16 11 l8.5 15.5 il 26 26 14.5 14.5 23 10.5 18.5 44 29.5 13 14 9 22.5 9 18 20 23 30 14 11.5 10 ^ 21 9.5 15 19 19 24.5 50.5 14 9 11 Ih 9.5 15 19 18 24.5 52.5 H-' 8 12 9 11.5 19 17 29.5 55 18.5 7 18 lb li.5 19.5 16 29 5o.o lo.5 6.5 1* 17.5 16 13.5 19.5 15 26.5 51.5 16 7 15 c 17.5 17 2* 24 17 28 21 14.5 6.5 16 17 19.5 22 27.5 20 3o 21 15 5.5 n 16.5 17.5 14.5 22.5 23.5 40.5 19.5 14 0.5 16 16.5 *.5 20.5 32 40 24 13 19 16.5 1*.5 7 16.5 35 59 56.5 21 20 17 12.5 7.5 16 34.5 54.5 54 27 21 20 11 11 15.5 38 28.5 55.5 27 22 27 11 18 16.5 31.5 27.5 52 26.5 2J 29.5 10.5 19 29 29.5 27.5 52 26 2* 8.5 2*. 5 10.5 17 36.5 29.5 27.5 25.5 19 25 12.5 23 1* 1* 34.5 31.5 28 24.5 18 26 12 22 17 1*.5 40.5 31.5 28 25 14.5 u 12 20 16.5 17 28 32 27.5 25.5 14.5 12 18.5 16 17.5 25 29 26.5 24 18.5 29 15 20 15.5 20 52 25 20 18.5 JO 1}.5 it' 15 22 4b 24 20.5 18 31 17 26.5 20.5 18 Sec.»t. Tear Days 8}.5 ;8o.o i52.0 470.5 669.0 746.0 954.0 84-. 6 551.5 186.0 Period nean Sec. Ft. 2.8 18.7 1-S.6 16.8 21.6 24.9 50.8 28.1 17.8 6.0 15.2 Kai. Sec. Ft. 1}.5 29.5 19.5 32.5 40.5 46.0 46.0 57.5 27.0 19.5 48.0 Bin. Sec. Ft. 12.0 9.0 *.5 15.0 15.0 20.5 19.5 13.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1 1d5.o 1,150. a e9=.5 955.2 1,527.0 1,479.7 1,892.3 l,fa75.5 1,095.9 5b9.9 10,9 82.8 Divers iDn i:: s econd-fe et fcr 7 ear eodi ag Septemier JO, 1940 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jaa. Feb. Bar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Reaarics 1 Dry i 20.5 27 55.5 55 54 24.3 23 Dry Dry 2 20.5 27 55.5 29 55 26 20.5 5 25 27 35.5 20.5 27.5 25.5 19 4 25 22.5 55.5 21.5 17.5 25 17.5 5 25 20 55 20 19.5 25 15.5 6 24.5 20 52 20.5 24.5 20.5 14 I 21.5 20 52 20 50 19.5 12 8.5 1.5 20 19.5 50 18 36.5 16 9 9 11.5 14.5 19.5 19.5 52 14 36 15.5 8 10 14 15.5 18 19.5 31.5 15.5 29.5 12.5 6 11 19.5 16.5 18 20.5 50 16 17 11 10 12 21 15.5 17.5 25 28 21.5 24 i;.5 8 15 20.5 15 16.5 25 29 27 25 15 8.5 14 19.5 18 17 23 55.5 25 24.6 15 7.5 15 18.5 18.5 17 24 28 21.5 25.5 14 6 16 19 19.5 22.5 50 24.5 27 21 14 6 \l 19 15.5 56 28.5 21.5 51.5 22 15.5 5 18.5 19.5 55.5 50.5 20 51 21.5 15.5 3 19 15 19.5 31 32 20 28 24 15 0.5 20 14.5 19 29.5 28 20.5 26 51 15 21 15 20.5 29.5 29 10.5 26 54 14.5 22 15 46 28.5 28 14.5 28 3=.5 11 23 12 35 27 27 15 32 32 15.5 24 10 24 27 27 15 32 24.5 25 25 8.5 25.5 27 26 14 28.5 21.5 24.5 26 7.5 25.5 27 31.5 15.5 33.5 19 24 11 11 23 25 35 14 J6 26 25 18 25 25 55 15.5 32 27 25 29 18.5 25 27 21 29 24.5 25 50 14 22 27 25.5 54 24 19.5 51 21.5 26 51.5 25.5 Sec. ft. Tear Days 548.5 502.0 750.0 719.0 777.5 775.5 818.1 556.5 200.5 Period neen Sec. Ft. 11.6 16.2 24.2 25.7 25.1 25.8 2s. 4 18. o 0.5 14.9 ftoi. Sec. Ft. 21.0 46.0 56.0 ; ?.0 55.5 5o.- 50.5 2D.0 23.0 46.0 din. Sec. Ft. 16.; 19.5 14.0 15.5 17.0 11.0 Total Ac. Ft.i 691.3 9=;.- i,4e-.o l,-:ro.l 1,>12.2 1,554.2 1,522.7 U03.8 397.7 ij, 801.3 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. n - Continued WATSON DITCH NEAR HEAD Dnd-feet for year ending September JO, 1947 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 1.5 19 19 25 18.5 14.5 22.5 8.5 7.5 Dry Dry 2 1.5 17.5 19 25 21.5 14.5 25.5 15 b.5 5 2 23 19 25 26 16 25.5 11.5 5 4 16. s 19 25 25.5 15.5 24.5 11.5 3 5 1.5 27 19 25 20 14.5 23.5 13.5 1.5 6 2 28 17.5 25 17.5 12 24.5 13 : I 2 23.5 17 25.5 16 12 24.5 14 0.6 1.5 2C 17 25.5 16.5 11 23 16 9 3 24 17 25 17.5 11.5 20.5 15.5 10 4.5 23.5 17 25.5 lb. 5 15 16 17.6 11 5.5 16.5 17 26.5 18.5 14 14 18.5 12 7.5 16.5 17.5 25.5 17 17 14.5 14.5 1} g 6.5 21 19.5 30 17 JO 15 17 W 3.5 19 19.5 31.5 17.5 20 13 24 15 10 19 19.5 31 17.5 14 10.5 26 16 9 18.5 19.5 30 18.5 14.5 14 2b \l 9.5 16.5 19.5 31 18.5 u-^ 17.5 25 11.5 15.5 19.5 2fa 17 18.5 19.5 23.5 19 n.5 15 lo 19.5 ^2-5 21 20.5 24 20 28.5 14 12.5 19.5 18.5 24 21 2b 21 23.5 19.5 12 20 14 23 20.5 22.5 22 25.5 25 12 19.5 14.5 16 20 18.5 25 30.5 25 13.5 17 17.5 9.5 21.5 24 29 26 20 17.5 21.5 10 21.5 15 25 20 26 23.5 19 17 12 19.5 14 26 14 28.5 24 19.5 13.5 8 18 14 11 17.5 29 24 19.5 14 9.5 14 13.5 21.5 26.5 25.5 19.5 15 13.5 17 11 29 23.5 20.5 25.5 16 13.5 14.5 12 30 0.5 lb. 5 15.5 25 16 15.5 15.5 11.5 51 1.0 16 25 1*.5 11 Sec. Ft. Year Days 1.5 550.0 649.0 590.5 675.5 544.5 445.5 578.5 504. b 25.9 Period Keen Sec. Ft. 11.7 20.9 19.0 24.1 17.6 14.8 18.7 16.8 0,8 12.0 Max. Sec. Ft. 1.0 50.5 29.0 25.5 51.5 26.0 24.0 25.5 26.0 7.5 31-5 Min. Sec. Ft. 1.5 15.5 12.0 17.0 15.5 8.0 10.5 8.5 Total Ac. Ft. }.J 694.2 1,287.3 1,171.2 1, 335-9 1,080.0 883.6 1.147.5 1,000.9 51.4 8,655.0 Diversion in second-feet for year ending September J>Q, 1948 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 15 16 18.5 16.5 Dry Dry 20 17 20.5 21.5 } 23 16 20.5 21.5 4 lb 16 26.5 20.5 5 5.5 14.5 24 19 6 13 15.5 25.5 16 I 15 26.5 24.5 12 10 25 26.5 11.5 9 9.5 17.5 27 12 10 25 13 24 11.5 11 24 21 21 14.5 12 21 24.5 21 1*.5 13 11.5 25 21.5 12 14 6 25.5 21.5 9 15 14 25 23.5 6.5 16 2 19 25.5 21 4 ]l 3 11 27.5 19 2 10.5 15.5 50 18 1 19 3.5 15 25 17 20 6.5 lb 21.5 15.5 21 3 14.5 19.5 15 22 1 14.5 23 14.5 25 4 14.5 2^5 14 24 11.5 14 28.5 17 25 18 15 30 19 26 15 15 50 15 u 13.5 17.5 29 13.5 15-5 lb. 5 25 14.5 29 17.5 18 24 13 JO 17.5 lb. 5 23.5 15 31 lb. 5 19.5 Sec. Ft. Year Days 158.5 459.0 705.0 585.0 225.5 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 5.1 15.3 22.7 19.5 7.3 Max. Sec. Ft. 18.0 25.0 50.0 27.0 21.5 Mln. Sec. Ft. 5.5 15.0 15.0 Total Ac. Ft.l 1 514.4 910.4 1,398.4 1,160.5 447.5 4.250.8 EAUEAR RTTER TABL2 NO. 17 - Continued UATSON DITCH NEAH HEAD DiTeraion in secocJ-feet for year ending September 30, 19*9 Day [ Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Bar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. ReDarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 9.5 1* 13.5 13 3.5 Dry Dry 2 9 15 \l 15.5 1 5 11 1* 15 4 12 16.5 10.5 14 5 13.5 16 10 14.5 6 11 15.5 13 I U 16 14.5 10.5 17 15 9 10.5 17 14.5 10 10 2« 15.5 13.5 11 12 22.5 13 12 12 18 19 19 12.5 13 9.5 19.5 20 12 1* 10 20 20.5 11 15 16.5 20 1*.5 12.5 li 11.5 18.5 14.5 20.5 11 9 18.5 18.5 21 11 22 19 19 18 15 20.5 18.5 20 2* 13 18.5 16.5 21 t'5 21.5 12.5 16.5 15.5 22 8.5 19.5 1*.5 17 15.5 23 9 23.5 18.5 22.5 15 24 11.5 26 16 21 15 25 12.5 23 11 18 14 26 1* 18.5 15 19 12.5 11 l*-5 16 IJ 19 10.5 12 18.5 19 16 6.5 29 2| 20.5 11 5 30 18.5 16 11 5.5 Jl 17 12 Sec.?t. Tear Days 86.5 472.5 *39.0 514.0 413.0 4.5 Period nesn Sec. Ft. 3.1 15.2 14.6 16.6 13.8 0.1 5.3 Wax. Sec. Ft. c 14.5 26.0 24.0 22.5 21.0 5.5 26.0 nin. Sec. Ft. c 9.0 10.0 5.0 Total Ac. Ft. ; 3 C ! CI 171.6 937.2 870.8 1,019.5 819.2 5.9 c 3,827.2 DIVISION 0? WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 18 KILL CREEK BELOW f^ILLER DROP Point of dlTeralon - The first 40 second-feet of flow measured at this station Is diverted into Persian Ditch, which heads on the south bank of Mill Creek five miles below the gaginp station and nine- teen miles below McKey Point in the southwest quarter of Section 26, Township I8 South, Range 24 East, M.D.B. and n. Maximum diversion cepecltles - Mill Creek, 440 second-feet, Persian Ditch, 80 second-feet. Location of gaging station - On Mill Creek fourteen miles below McKay Point in the southwest quarter of Section 27, Township I8 South, Range 25 East, M.D.B. and M. Map designation @ . Description of gaging station - A timber trapezoidal control section, staff gage end water stage recorder, rated by frequent current meter measurements. Operating agency - Persian Ditch Company. Gross service area - b.JOO acres. Period of record - 1917-1949; intermittent during the years ending September 30, 1917 and 19l8; no record during the years ending September 30, 1919 and 1923; continuous from October 1, 1919 to September 30, 1922 and from October 1, 1923 to September 30| 1949. Criteria governing diversions - First 40 second-feet of the flow in Mill Creek reaching the heed of Persian Ditch. The flow in Mill Creek reaching the head of Persian Ditch includes a portion of the water previously diverted from St. Johns Branch and conveyed to the Kaweah Branch through Ketchum Ditch end 25 per cent of the water previously diverted from St. Johns Branch end conveyed to Kaweah Branch through Jennings Ditch. (See Tables No. 21 and No. 26). Jennings Ditch entitlements are in addition to the 40 second-feet allowance which applies to Kaweah Branch and Ketchum Ditch water, only. At high river stages, diversions from Kaweah Branch are Increased to a maximum of 58 second-feet. Diversion in a eoocd-feet for year ending September 30, 19*0 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 3ry Dry 9 165 84 16 28 Dry Dry 2 13 *5 *5 16 20 5 i 20 5* 26 21 14 7 4 U 102 27 18 25 16 17 5 72 45 54 16 18 17 24 i 12 24 46 18 17 14 21 I 8 26 27 50 22 18 20 29 22 27 25 25 16 18 9 56 21 25 21 50 11 22 10 22 19 25 26 58 12 18 11 151 15 24 29 48 16 15 12 89 14 20 25 62 21 14 IJ 'I 15 14 22 69 25 13 14 18 14 28 84 22 13 15 } 55 15 27 94 15 14 16 5 25 15 22 109 15 9 11 6 14 13 18 90 15 4 15 14 15 14 58 15 2 19 12 15 15 18 46 15 20 12 12 14 19 54 11 21 1* 12 15 52 77 6 22 15 12 15 56 106 6 2} 15 88 14 26 107 6 2* 14 88 15 25 151 5 25 14 41 16 24 142 5 26 123 157 16 21 155 2 11 51 104 19 12 100 1 17 164 21 15 81 29 9 190 18 37 57 30 9 15 i; 59 51 9 57 29 Sec.ft. Year Days u 815.0 1.550.0 641.0 750.0 1,9*2.^ 565.0 231.0 Period Kean Sec. Ft. ^ io.j 4'o.o .7.1 25.U 02.C, 12.2 7.5 17.2 Max. See. Ft. 151. u 190. i/ loj.u 64.0 142.0 2t.O 24.0 190.0 niD. Sec. Ft. u 9.U 15.0 12.0 lo.O Total Ac. Ft. 1,616.5 2.677.7 l,66b.l 1,467.0 5,652.. 724.0 456.2 12,4 84.1 KAWEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 18 - Continued MILL CREEK BELOW MILLER DROP Diversion In second-feet for year endlnc September JO, 1941 Day Oct. No». Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 17.5 41 61 51.5 39 ^^i 14.5 15 Dry J 14 51 56 54.5 30 15B 14 14.5 21.5 29.5 57 27 35 140 14 14.5 u 33.5 31.5 46 21 38.5 147 13-5 14 5 30.5 28 57 lb2 56 1^9 13.5 14 52 30.5 80 158 50 170 12.5 15.5 I 29 15.5 80 157 87 lb4 15 15.5 20.5 12.5 75 120 ii^ 13u 15 14 9 10 a 11-' 68 67 102 93 17.5 14 101 55 llo 192 119 18.5 15.5 11 12 13 1« 15 ^ 54.5 55 52 14b 252 146 lo 15.5 u 33 I7B 47 121 247 152 15 15.5 37 78 42 100 210 122 14 12 u 38.5 55 50 11 196 114 15.5 0.7 55.5 54 48 189 115 15 0.7 40 29.5 45 96 159 114 6.5 0.7 ]l 0.5 59 25.5 45 §' 16? 124 5 10 2 58 36 22 47 82 185 109 2 14.5 19 20 3 52 36 25 49 63 158 110 15 2.5 22 35 55.5 52 43 161 115 2 12.5 32 45 4b 42 182 102 1 " 14.5 36 ^4 50 41 77 1.5 23 2.6 54 54.5 25 48 37 195 72 0.5 3.5 63 91 49 56 34.5 195 59 25 5 71 66 53 58 35.5 189 55 2 36 40 50 47 29 191 52 5.5 ^2 70 20 25 42 27 177 26 25 14 1 17 22.5 58 27 156 10.5 25.5 29 50 31 50 14 40 3-i 141 15 20.5 y 34 20.5 56 47 155 14 17.5 22.5 *5 52 1»0 16 Year Days u 25.3 700.5 1,046.5 1,183.5 1,602.0 2,17o.O 4,fa2b.5 5,047.5 557.0 256.1 Period Mean Sec.7t. 0.8 22. o 53.8 *2.5 51.7 72.5 149.2 101. b 10.9 7.6 41.0 Mai. Sec. Ft. 5.0 141.0 91.0 178.0 80.0 1d2.u 247. u 170. 25.5 15.0 247.0 Min. 14.0 12.5 52.0 21.0 50.0 13.0 Total Ac. Ft. 50.2 1,389.4 2,079.7 2,547.5 5,177.6 4, Jib. I 9,nb.7 b,044.7 6^8.4 4b8.3 29.718.6 Diversion in second-feet for yea- ending September 50, 19*2 Day Oct. Not. Deo. Jan. Feb. nar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 21.5 20.5 16 15.5 81 16.5 12.5 Dry 2 20.5 21 15.5 16.5 84 14 8.5 5 29.5 25.5 15.5 16 87 16.5 2 4 31 0.5 25 50.5 41 lb. 5 152 16 5 11.5 24 38 34.5 18.5 IbO 19 6 5 7.5 56 40 24.5 25.5 153 16.5 I 1 54.5 28 15 26 134 14.5 52 15.5 14.5 25.5 119 14 9 29 15.5 14 25.5 144 11.5 10 28 15.5 15 22.5 157 6 11 15 27 51. 5 16.5 24 18 16b 4 12 25 46 40 16.5 21 21.5 157 13 17 4fe u 17 24 27.5 117 14 15.5 4J 17 21 21 106 15 15 ■*2 24.5 19 18.5 20.5 10b 16 16.5 J6 25.5 I0.5 17.5 20.5 104 \l 19.5 J2 JO I0.5 17 16 101 7 Q 50 29 42 19.5 15 25 106 18.5 19 26 28 41 17 17 50.5 97 19.5 20 25 28 J2 lb 24.5 45 93 21 21 25.5 28 25.5 14.5 24.5 52 65 18 22 22.5 Jl 32 12.5 22 97 54 17.5 2} 27.5 5J 51 14.5 22 124 49 17.5 2* 26 JJ 27 lb 19.5 135 40 17 25 21.5 64 25 16 22 126 55.5 16. 5 26 5.5 79 25.5 15.5 24.5 140 19 lb. 5 11 4 42 24 15 18.5 llo 15.5 lb. 5 10.5 97 22.5 15.5 17 98 19 16.5 29 1.= 0.5 31 15.5 15.5 78 22.5 15 50 ^' ?0 lb 15.5 61 19.5 14.5 51 6 21 16.5 67 15.5 Sec.Ft. Year Days 347.0 62.5 8fa0.5 818.0 587.0 DO6.O 1.509.5 2,757.0 393.5 25.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 11.6 2.0 27.8 29.2 18.9 20.2 48.7 91.2 12.7 0.7 21.8 Max. Sec. Ft. JO.O 51. 97.0 42.0 40.0 41.0 140.0 166.0 21.0 1'.5 166.0 Min. Sec.Ft. u 20.5 12.5 14.0 15.5 15.5 Total Ac. Ft. 688. J 1_-4.J 1.706.8 ^625. 5 l.lo".} 1..'0J.0 5.??''.i 5.428.8 780.5 ♦?.6 15.750.9 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 18 KILL CREEK BELOW MILLER DROP Diversion In second-feet for year ending September JO, 1943 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 20 17 60 22.5 117 72 155 15.5 Dry 2 19 17 58 15.5 116 62 118 11 } 12.5 \u 15.5 118 61 96 6 12 52 28 122 94 62 5 12.5 16 55 55 125 140 40 k 12.5 10 41 74 135 159 37 7 u 13 7.5 54 54 123 140 35 8 15 8 55 29 121 \^i 37 9 10 13 8 55 186 120 51 u 15 8 38 595 116 185 22.5 11 u 12 8 44 440 117 184 22.4 8 8 45 570 115 185 19 13 U 7.5 8 40 260 115 184 18.5 8 48 2 50 lu9 156 18 15 2 7 63 207 102 111 18 16 2 b 02 188 105 75 19 \l Q 2 5.5 54 184 108 70 25.5 5.5 1.5 5 56 280 100 66 24.5 14.5 19 20 5 51 590 80 62 21.5 19.5 4.5 51 517 78 64 18 22 25 40 54 262 77 74 16 20 5'1 203 50 266 80 88 17 19.5 52 244 59 265 72 87 16.5 18.5 46 56 275 86 212 69 100 12 19.5 25 26 45 I6b 80 187 69 124 10 20 26 27 19 118 4b 184 65 161 9 19.5 M 25 17 105 59 155 64 165 2.5 19 26 25 82 29 150 70 154 1 19 29 27 25 69 12 5 77 141 1 15 30 24 19.5 79 126 72 155 1 15 51 17 78 118 155 14 Sec. Ft. Year Days 292.0 599.0 l,o49.0 1,356.0 5,7 68.5 2,951.0 3,753.0 903.9 274.5 50.5 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 9.7 12.9 55.2 47.7 186.1 96.4 121.1 50.1 8.9 1.0 47.6 Max. Sec. Ft. u 46.0 56.0 275.0 86.0 440.0 133.0 188. 135.0 22.0 13.5 440.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 4.5 29.0 15.5 64.0 61.0 1.0 1.0 Total AC Ft. u 579.2 791.4 3,270.8 2,649.9 11,441.8 5,855.5 7,444.1 1,792.9 544.3 60.5 54,428.4 Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 29.5 45 17.5 22 18 Dry Dry 2 u 25 27.5 20.5 24.5 24 3 24 21.5 21.5 50.5 30.5 4 5 50.5 17 15 55.5 20.5 5 2.5 50.5 66 15.5 39 25.5 6 13.5 26 12.5 14 25 38 I 27 29.5 8 17 17.5 18.5 4 55 8.5 19.5 25.5 19.5 9 45 9 20 40 15.5 4.5 10 57.5 10 15.5 29 15.5 21 11 35 12.5 15.5 28.5 15 19.5 12 50.5 15.5 16.5 38 16 18 15 29 19 15.5 41 15.5 17 14 26.5 17 14.5 47 15 16 15 26.5 15.5 15.5 46 15.5 lb 16 22.5 15.5 12 33.5 15 16 'll 4 19 14 12 30.5 6 15.5 5 12-5 12.5 15.5 25.5 15.5 19 1 u 18 15 24 20.5 15 20 16.5 17.5 15.5 27 16 14.5 21 57 J ir 15.5 18.5 17 lt-5 22 57 12.5 16.5 21.5 8 25 16.5 56 11.5 17.5 30 24 7 20.5 20 12 15 25 25 3 50 29 16.5 17 32 26 2 •*0 55 18 14 38 11 1.5 35 44 15.5 14 51 1.5 19 29.5 15.5 15 57 4.5 29 1.5 iL5 2b. 5 15.5 14 39 4 30 1.5 15 15.5 23.5 31 1 52 15.5 23 Sec.?t. Year Days 15o.0 2o4.0 840.0 550.0 497.0 952.0 532.0 211.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 4.4 8.5 29.0 17.1 l6.6 30.1 11.1 6.8 10.2 Max. Sec. Ft. 37.0 40.0 48.0 66.0 27.0 47.0 38.0 21.0 66.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 17.5 8.0 12.0 16.0 Total Ac. Ft. 269.8 523.7 1,666.1 1,051.5 985.8 1,848.6 658.5 418.5 7,422.5 KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 16 - Continued MILL CREEK BELOW MILLER DROP Diversion In seoond-feet for year ending September }0, 19*5 Day Dot. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarlts 1 Dry 51.5 16,5 2^4 22 46 120 28 25.5 10 Dry 2 *8 16.5 21.5 46 122 34.5 y.5 10 5 68 16.5 312 20.5 43 ill 49.5 10 52 16.5 125 20.5 36 91 11 10.5 5 52 16.5 53 19 19 101 109 11 10.5 i 55 16.5 u 18 18 97 100 11 10 I 50 15.5 18.5 18.5 90 71 12 10 J8.5 15.5 22 22 20.5 84 56 10.5 10 1? 36 13.5 20 20.5 31 77 57 7 10 33.5 11.5 18.5 20 2b. 5 86 56.5 6 100 32 12 18 21 21.5 91 60 120 32 12 17.5 21.5 20 122 69 15 50 29 12.5 17.5 21.5 17.5 124 ''I 2* 27.5 12.5 19.5 25.5 17.5 110 98 15 15.5 27 13 67 61 16.5 117 105 16 15 26 15 40 61 16.5 116 106 U 15 25.5 13.5 18 24.5 19.5 131 102 32 25.5 15 12.5 25 31 132 97 16 25.5 13 12 25 43 117 92 7.5 20 9 51 13 12 23 62 96 127 21.5 6 29.5 13 15 28 P 64 142 20.5 8.5 31.5 12.5 25-5 40 82 56 142 20 19.5 *5 12.5 27.5 71 84 53 128 19.5 25.5 27.5 12.5 28 62 84 53.5 92 17.5 25 27 22 4.5 24.5 52 92 57.5 34 17 26 24 18 24 120 96 56.5 29.5 17 U 22.5 17 23.5 89 100 54.5 30.5 14.5 25.5 16.5 25.5 72 69 51.5 30.5 10.5 29 50 17 68 89 45 28 10.5 50 51 53.5 17.5 64 133 42 26 10.5 16.5 52 51 10 Year Days 614.5 1,003.5 337.5 1,557.0 1,227.5 1,474.5 2,782.5 2,266.0 326.0 97.0 Period Mean See. Ft. 20.5 32.4 10.9 48.5 39.6 49.2 89.8 75.5 10.5 3.1 31.5 Max. Sec. Ft. 120.0 o6.0 lb. 5 312.0 120.0 133.0 157.0 142.0 25.5 10.5 157.0 Min. Sec. Ft. lb. 5 12.0 18.0 16.5 31.0 26.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1,218.9 1,990.- DD9.4 2,691.b 2,454.8 2,924.7 5,519.1 4,494.6 646.6 192.4 c 22,782.5 Divers on in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1946 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mer. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 29.5 1.5 35.5 22 28.5 17.5 18.5 Dry Dry 2 9 4 36 18.5 28.5 ^2-5 17 5 18.5 36 15.5 21.5 18 16.5 4 24 34.5 15.5 17.5 18 16.5 5 45 26.5 15.5 18 18 16 6 48 23.5 15.5 19.5 17 16 I 18 26.5 24 15.5 28.5 17 16. 21 20.5 25.5 15.5 41.5 16 15.5 9 Q 26 '1 35 15 40 15 12 10 52 7 37 15 29.5 14.5 6 11 73 19 6 16 44.5 15 18 5.5 12 u 96 19 1.5 45 37 lb 18 1.5 13 85 19 45 19.5 17.5 18 14 56 13 -5 26.5 Id. 5 18 15 40.5 11.5 43 17 16.5 19 16 41 12 9 31.5 Id. 5 18.5 17.5 1 \l 34.5 9 17.5 20.5 16.5 25 17.5 0.5 25.5 7 20.5 19 I6.5 35 n-' 19 u 23.5 5.5 22.5 39 lb. 5 27.5 20 24 7 23.5 31 16.5 25 23 21 24 loO 22.5 25.5 lb 21.5 29 22 25 137 14 31 15.5 25.5 30 25 25 96 2 37 16 26.5 28 12 24 29.5 43 2.5 43 15.5 23.5 18 28 25 33.5 137 4 49 15.5 43 17.5 22.5 26 46 43 3 34 lo b9 17.5 20.5 11 33 40.5 34 17 87 18 16.5 18.5 26 34 I6.5 72 18 29 16.5 20 21.5 61 17.5 ^2*5 JO 72 16.5 6.5 56 J6 17.5 18.5 31 77 2.5 47 17.5 Sec. ft. Year Days 149.0 922.0 640.^ 355.5 622.5 793.0 841.0 D92.0 336.0 150.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 4.8 30.7 27.1 11.5 J2.2 25.6 26.0 22.3 11.2 4.8 15.6 Max. Sec.Ft. 77.0 96.0 160.0 48.0 49.0 56.0 67.0 41.5 26.0 18.5 160. Mln. Sec.Ft. 15.5 15.0 17.5 Total Ac. Ft. 295.6 1,826.8 1,667.1 705.1 1.234.7 1,J72-? 1.668.1 l,372.b d66.5 297.5 u, 308.9 IZB DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 18 - Continued MILL CREEK BELOU MILLER DROP Diversion in second-fee t for year ending September 30, 1947 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 15.5 29.5 24 H-^ 12 17.5 14 3.5 Dry Dry 2 15 23.5 25 18.3 12 20.5 14.5 1.5 J 11 23 25 18 12 30.5 11 4 11 25 25 15.5 12 29 5 18 25 27 12 12 23.5 6 57 8 28 11.5 11.5 28 I 76 8 29.5 11.5 11.5 26.5 27 8 32 11.5 11.5 23.5 9 11 8 32 11.5 11.5 20.5 10 7 8 62 11.5 11.5 15 11 7 8 49 11.5 11.5 10.5 12 7 8 45.5 11.5 11.5 12.5 1} 7 9.5 39 11.5 12.5 15.5 9.5 14 7 9.5 40 11.5 12.5 15 32 15 7 9 37 11.5 12.5 14.5 30.5 16 7 9 53 11.5 12 lb 29 n 7 9 50 11 16 19.5 22 7 9.5 33 11 15 21 17.5 19 7 14 17 11 17 25.5 17 20 39 7 20.5 13-5 11 23 23.5 17.5 21 31 17 20.5 12 10 17.5 20 15.5 22 22 22 12 9.5 15.5 23 14 2? 52 22 37.5 12 10.5 14.5 25 13.5 24 104 28.5 2fa 12 12 14 18.5 14 25 62 58 19 12.5 12.5 13 17.5 13 26 55 59 19.5 15 16 12.5 16 12.5 11 29 62 21 13 13.5 11.5 15 12.5 20.5 51 22 13 12.5 10 15 11.5 29 19.5 7 24.5 12.5 10 15 8 JO 18 7 2J.5 12.5 10 15 8 31 13 2*. 5 12 14.5 Seo.?t. Year Days 430.0 623.0 530.0 786.0 378.5 389.5 598.5 337.0 5.0 Period Mean Seo-Ft. U.3 20.1 17.1 28.1 12.2 13.0 19.3 11.2 0.2 11.2 Max. Sec. Ft. 104.0 76.0 57.5 62.0 18.5 2J.0 50.5 32.0 3.5 104.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 7.0 8.0 12.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 Total Ac. Ft. 852.9 1.235-7 1,051.3 1,559.0 750.8 772.6 1,187.1 668.4 9.9 8,087.7 Dlverelon In seoond-feet for year ending September JO, 19*8 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 9 19 Dry Dry Dry 2 u 1 12 21 3 13 9 20 4 26 16 39 5 9 36 32 6 15 44 28 I 15 39 29 14 35 3* 9 14 18 34 10 110 16 28 11 108 21 23 12 56 32 18 13 18 57 19 14 16 52 18 15 4 53 19 16 5 9 58 17 u 10 61 16 15 68 16 19 14 59 16 20 17 21 15 21 20 18 15 22 19 23 15 25 10 44 15 24 6 60 25 4 62 26 7 bl u 27 b2 u 23 44 29 17 35 30 11 33 51 19 Sec.ft. Year Days 5.0 626. U 1.135.0 512.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 0.2 20.9 56.6 17.1 6.2 Max. Sec. Ft. 5.0 110.0 68.0 39-0 110.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 9.0 Total Ac. Ft. ?.9 1.241.7 2.251.3 1.015.5 4.518.4 KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 18 - Continued MILL CREEK BELCU MILLER DROP Dirersioa In second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*9 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 15.5 11.5 1.5 Dry Dry Dry 2 15 14.5 12 12.5 0.5 1.5 4 14 11 5 22 10.5 t 40 11.5 I 45 11-5 43 11.5 2 9 38 11 1 10 26 11 11 4.5 16 9 12 24 14.5 15 1} 14 15 18.5 1* 5 16 22.5 15 16.5 15 7.5 16 12.5 15 33 11 13 16.5 29.5 12.5 21 20.5 19 20 5 12 17.5 15 9 9 11.5 16 8 21 9 2 11 15.5 2.5 22 0.5 11.5 15.5 2 23 17.5 14 20 24 31 15 20.5 25 24 21.5 17.5 26 19 12.5 19 11 17 12 19 17 15 14.5 29 I8.5 17.5 13.5 30 17 11.5 11 31 16.5 5 'Sec.n. Year Days 2J.5 2}b.0 554.0 449.0 124.5 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 0.8 7.6 18.5 14.5 4.2 3.8 Rax. 9.0 51.0 45,0 22.5 33.0 45.0 nin. Sec.Tt. 11.0 3.0 Total Ac. ft. 46.6 468.1 1,098.9 890.6 246.9 2,751.1 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 19 LONGS CANAL NEAR HEAD Point of diversion - One and one-quarter miles below McKay Point on the south bank of St. Johns Branch In the southeast quarter of Section 5, Township 18 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B. and M. Maximum canal capacity - 40 second-feet. Location of sagiDR station - 500 feet below head of canal in the southeast quarter of Section 5» Township 18 South, Range 2? East, M.D.B, and M. , prior to December 1957 and since 1937 measurements at the pump itself on the river bank. Map designation ^^ • Description of gBRing station - Open channel section, staff gage and water stage recorder, rated by frequent current meter measurements, prior to the flood of December 1958, when diver- sion works and gaging station were destroyed. Since that time, diversions and measure- ments have been made by means of a rated low head electrically driven pumping plant. Ogeratin^ agency - Individual lando\vners. Gross service area - 860 acres. Period of record - 1922-1949; intermittent during the years ending September 30, 1922, 1924, 1926, 1927 and 1951; no record during the years ending September 50, 1925i 1928, 1929 and 1950; continuous from October 1, 1924 to September 50, 1925 end from February 19i 1931 to Sep- tember 50, 19*9- Criteria governing diversions - First 15 second-feet of flow reaching the head of Longs Canal; next 7 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 15 second-feet and downstream priorities of 202 second-feet, aggregating 217 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; niaximum diversion, 22 second-feet. Divers ion In seoond-feet for year ending September JO, 19*0 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 15.2 15.6 15.4 Dry Dry 2 15.2 15.6 15.4 5 15.5 15.6 13.4 i IJ.J 1J.7 15.5 5 15.4 IJ.7 15.5 6 15.5 15.8 15.5 I 15.5 13.8 15.5 15.5 15.8 15.3 9 15.5 13.8 15.5 10 15. 5 13.8 15.5 11 15.5 15.7 15.5 12 15.5 15.7 15.5 1} 15.5 13.7 15.5 14 15.5 15.6 13. 5 15 15.5 15.6 15.5 16 15.5 15.5 15.5 \l 15.5 15.5 15.J 15.5 15.4 15.5 19 15.5 15.4 15.5 20 15.5 15.4 15.2 21 15.6 15.4 15.2 22 15.6 15.4 15.2 2} 15. 6 15.4 15.2 24 15.6 15.4 15.2 25 15.6 15.4 15.2 26 15.2 15.6 15.4 15.2 11 1J.2 15.6 15.4 15.2 15.2 15.6 15.4 13.0 29 15.2 15.6 1J.4 15.0 JO 15.2 1}.6 13.4 10.0 51 15.6 Year Days 6o.O 418.5 406.7 594.6 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 2.2 15.5 15.6 12.7 5.5 Max. Sec. Ft. 15.2 15.6 13.8 15.4 15.8 nin. Sec. Ft. 15.2 15.4 Total Ac. Ft. 150.9 830.1 806.7 782.7 2,550.4 KAWEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 19 - Continued LONOS CANAL NEAR HEAD DlTerslon In second-feet for year ending September 50, 1941 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Har. Apr. Nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Drv Dry 12.4 12.9 11.9 10.5 9.5 12.4 ii:l 11.9 10.5 12.4 11.9 10.5 12.4 12.8 11.9 10.4 5 12.5 12.7 11.8 10.4 (, 13.3 12.8 11.7 10.4 I g 14 12.7 11.5 10.4 14 12.5 11.5 10.3 9 10 14 12.5 10.2 14 12.4 14 12.4 14 12.4 15.4 6 13 14 12.4 13.4 12.5 15.7 12.4 15.4 12.5 15 13.2 12.4 15.5 12.5 16 15.5 12.4 15.3 12.5 ]l 14 12.4 13.2 12.5 c 14 12.4 15.2 12.5 19 20 13 12.4 15.2 12.2 15.2 12.4 15.2 12 13.7 12.5 15 „ 11.5 13.7 12.5 12.8 11.5 23 12.4 13.7 12.4 12. o 10.5 12.4 13.6 12.2 11.5 10 25 12.4 15.5 12 11 9.8 2( 12.4 13.5 12 11 9.8 '4 12.4 15.4 12 10.9 10 12.4 15.5 11.8 10.8 10 29 30 51 12.4 15.1 11.8 10.7 '•§ 12.4 15.1 11.9 10.7 '•§ 15 10. b 9.8 See.Jt. Year Days C 99.2 415. o 571.9 559.5 505.1 9.5 Period neSn Sec.?t. 3.5 15.4 12.4 10.9 9.8 0.5 4.2 Max. Sec. Ft. u 12.4 14.0 12.9 15.4 1J.5 9.5 14.0 nin. Sec.Ft. 12.4 11.8 Total Ac. Ft. J Q J a 19B.8 824.5 737.7 b75.0 605.2 l8.8 5,055.8 DlTerslon in second-fe et for year ending September 30, 1942 Dey Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. War. Apr. Jfey June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 5.2 11.8 12.6 15 Dry 2 13 11.8 12. o 15 5 15 12.1 12.6 15 4 12.2 11. e 12.7 i.5 5 12.7 11.4 12.8 6 12.8 6.J 11.2 15 I 12.9 12.5 11.4 15.1 15 12.1 11.7 15.1 9 15 11.9 9.1 15.1 10 12.9 12.1 15.1 11 12.8 (, 15.1 12 12.8 15.1 5 15 6.7 15.2 13.2 14 12.4 6.4 11.5 15.2 ^l'2 15 12.7 12.8 11.5 15.2 8.4 16 12.8 12.8 11.7 15.2 \l 12.5 12.8 11.7 13.2 12.7 12.6 11.7 15.2 19 12.7 12.2 11.9 15.2 20 12. o 11.5 12.1 15.2 21 12.6 11 12.2 15.2 22 12.6 11 12.2 15.2 2) 12.6 11 12.5 15.2 24 12.7 11 12.5 15.1 25 5.5 11 12.6 15.1 26 11 12.7 15.1 11 11.8 12.9 15 11.7 12.9 13 29 12.2 12.8 13 30 12.4 12.8 15 31 12.1 15 sec.rt. Year Days 505.4 2o6.1 517.0 404.4 100.3 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 10.1 8.6 10.6 15.0 3.2 3.8 «BI. Sec. Ft. c 15.0 12.8 1.'.9 15.2 15.2 15.2 nin. See. Ft. : 12.0 Total Ac. Ft. u 601.8 551.8 028.8 802.1 198.9 2,763.4 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 19 - Continued LONGS CANAL NEAR HEAD Diversion In seoond-feet for year ending September }0, 194} Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. flay June July Aug. Sept. Remarlcs 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 11.6 11 12.2 11.5 Dry 11 11.5 J 11.6 11 12.2 11.7 11.6 11 12.2 11.7 5 11. b 11.2 12.2 12 6 I 9 10 11.6 11.2 12.2 12.2 11.6 11.2 11.9 12.2 11.6 11.2 11.9 12.2 11.6 11.2 11.9 12.2 11.6 11.5 11.9 12.2 11 12 13 1* 15 11.6 11.3 11.9 12.2 11.6 11.4 11.9 12.2 11.6 11.4 11.8 12.2 11.6 11.5 11.8 12.2 11.6 11.5 11.8 10 16 il 19 20 11.6 11.5 11.7 11.6 11.5 11.7 11. b 11.5 11.7 c 11.6 11. b 11.7 11. D 11.7 11.7 21 22 23 24 25 11.6 \\:l 11.7 11.4 11.6 11.3 12 11.5 11 12 11.5 11 12 11.5 26 11 29 30 31 11 12.2 11.5 11 12.2 11.5 11 12.2 11.5 11 12.2 11.5 8.5 11 12.2 11.5 11 11.5 Sec.?t. Year Days 8.5 354.5 340.7 365.3 178.2 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 0.3 11.4 11.6 11.8 5.7 3.4 nai. Sec. Ft. 8.5 11.6 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 Min. Sec. Ft. 11.0 11.0 11.5 Total Ac. Ft. u lb. 9 702.7 687.7 724.6 355.4 ?,485.3 Divers ion in 3 econd-feet for year ending September JO, 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Bar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 11.5 11.4 11.1 11 8.5 Dry 2 5 11.5 11.4 11.1 10.9 11.1 11.1 11 11.1 4 11.5 10.8 11.1 11.1 5 11.5 10.9 11.1 11.2 6 9.5 10.9 11 11.2 I 11.1 11.3 11 11.3 9 11.8 10.8 11.1 11.3 10 10.9 11.1 11 11 11.7 10.9 11.1 10.5 12 11.6 10.9 11.1 12.3 1} 11.8 10.9 11.1 12.4 14 11.8 10.8 11.1 12.4 15 11.8 10.8 11.1 12.4 16 11.8 10.9 11.1 12.3 \l 12.1 11.2 11.1 12.2 12 11.3 11.1 12.2 19 12 11.4 11.1 12.2 20 11.7 11.3 11.1 12.2 21 11.8 11.3 11.1 12.2 22 11.8 11.1 11.1 12.3 25 8 10.9 11.1 12.4 24 11.6 10.9 11.1 12.4 25 11.6 10.9 11.1 12.3 26 11.6 10.9 11.1 12.3 u 11.6 11.7 11 11.1 12.2 11.6 11.7 10.9 10.9 12.2 29 11.6 11.7 10.8 10.9 12 30 11.6 11.6 11 10.9 12.2 31 11.6 11 12.2 Sec.Jt. Year Days 100.8 27O.0 518.8 332.2 307.3 8.5 Period He in Sec. Ft. J 3.3 9.2 10.3 11.1 11.8 0.3 3.8 Max. Sec. Ft. u 11. b 12.1 11.4 11.1 12.4 8.5 12.4 Mln. Sec. Ft. jj 10.9 10.5 Total Ac. Ft. 1??-? ^47.5 652.3 658.9 728.5 16.9 2,784.0 KAUEAH RITER TABLE NO. 19 - Continued LONOS CANAL NEAR HEAD DlTerslon In seoonS-feet for year ending September }0, 19*5 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarka 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 11.6 13.6 12.4 12.* Dry 2 5 4 5 15.8 11.5 13.9 12 12.5 11.5 14 11.8 12.2 11.4 14 11.6 12 6 I 9 10 J 11.4 14 11.5 11.9 11.4 1* 11.1 11.7 11.5 1- 11 11.5 11.4 14 10.8 11.4 11.5 14 10.7 11.3 11 12 13 14 15 11.5 14 10.5 11.2 11.5 13.6 10.7 11.1 11.5 13.6 10.7 6 11.7 13.6 10.5 12 13.5 10.5 16 11 19 20 11.7 13.5 4 11.7 13.5 8 11.9 13.* 13.* C 12.3 13.* 13.* 12.8 13.* 13.* 21 22 2} 2* 25 12.9 13.* 13.* 12.9 13.2 15.* 13 12.7 13.2 7.8 13 12.5 13.1 11.7 13 12.3 13.1 26 11 29 30 31 11.7 13 12.4 13 11.7 13 12.5 12.8 11.7 13 12.5 12.8 11.7 13 12.6 12.7 11.7 13.2 12.5 12.5 13.* 12.* Se=.?t. Year Days u 78.0 376.8 401.* 362.2 1*7.6 Period Mean Sec.rt. 2.6 12.2 13.* 11.7 *.8 3.7 Mai. Sec. Ft. J 11.7 13.'* 14.0 13.* 12.5 14.0 nin. Sec. ft. o u 11.4 12.3 *.o Total AC. Ft. „ 154.7 7*7. * 796.2 718.4 292.8 2,709.5 Diversion in second-feet for year ending September JO, 19*6 Dey Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Her. Apr. Ifey June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 15.3 13.5 12.7 12.8 10.9 Dry Dry 2 13.3 15.* 3 13.3 13.* 12.8 10.8 4 15.3 13.* 12.6 10.8 5 13.3 15.6 12.4 10.7 6 15.3 13.7 12 10.7 I 15.3 13.8 11.8 11 15.2 15.8 11.5 12 9 13.1 13.9 11.5 15 10 15.3 15.6 11.5 13.1 11 13.5 13.5 11.5 13.1 12 15.* 15.* 11.5 13.1 13 15.5 15.2 11.5 12.8 1* 15.* 15.1 11.8 12.5 15 c 15.5 13.5 12 12 16 13.6 15.5 12.2 11.7 u 13.6 13.3 12.* 11.7 13.5 12.* 5.5 19 15-9 13.3 12.2 20 14 13.3 12 21 1* 13 11.8 22 u 14.1 tL1 11.6 25 14.1 11.* 2* J 14.,; 12. D 11. 2 25 " 14.4 12. o 11.3 26 u 14.5 12.6 11.2 11 1*.3 12.7 11.2 Q 14.2 12.6 11.1 29 15.5 13.9 12.5 11.1 30 15.3 13.7 12.6 11 31 I 13.3 12.7 Sec. Ft. Year Days ^ 45.9 410.2 *08.9 55*. 206.2 Period neen Sec. Ft. J 1.5 15.7 15.2 11.8 6.7 5.9 Max. Sec. Ft. 15.5 l-i.5 15.9 12.6 13.1 1*.5 Mln. Sec.Ft. ,J 15.1 12.5 11.0 Total Ac. Ft. c J 91.0 613.= 611.1 702.2 409.0 2,826.9 DIVISION or WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 19 - Continued LONGS CANAL NEAR HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1947 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 13.6 15.3 Dry Dry Dry 2 13.6 } 12.9 12.7 12.6 5 14 5 6 14 I 14 14 9 13.8 10 13.2 11 12.3 12 12.3 IJ 15.1 12.8 15 12.4 16 15.5 ]l 15.7 15-7 19 14.1 20 " 14.1 15.9 14 25 14.2 13.9 25 15.7 26 13.6 '4 u 13.2 11.8 12.8 11.5 12.5 30 51 12 12.5 13.6 Sec.ft. Year Days 35.3 389.2 55.4 Period Meen Sec. Ft. 1.2 12.6 1.8 1.3 Max. Sec. Ft. 12.0 14.2 13.6 ° 14.2 Min. Sec. Ft. Total Ac. Ft. >J 70.0 772.0 109.9 951.9 Divers ion in second-feet for year ending September 50, 1948 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 14.6 13.9 15.9 15.5 Dry Dry 2 14.7 15.? 15-9 15.5 5 14.6 15.9 14 15.4 4 14.5 14 14 15.5 5 14.4 14 14.1 15.3 6 14.5 14 14 15.2 I 14.2 14 15.9 15.1 14.1 14.1 14 15.1 9 14 14.1 14 15.1 10 15.9 14.1 14.1 15.1 11 15.8 14 14.2 15.1 12 15.7 14 14.3 13.1 13 15.6 15.9 14.4 13.1 14 13.5 15.8 14.5 15.1 15 15.4 13.8 14.4 15.2 16 15.3 15.7 14.3 15.2 11 7 15.2 13.6 14.5 12.9 12.5 15.3 15.5 14.2 12.6 19 12.7 13.3 13.5 14.1 12.2 20 15 15.4 15.4 14 12.2 21 15.2 15.4 15.4 15.9 8.6 22 13.4 15.5 15.5 15-9 25 13.7 13.6 15.5 13.8 24 15.9 13.6 15.6 15.8 25 14.2 15.7 15.6 15.7 26 14.5 13.6 13.6 15.7 11 14.5 13.7 15.7 14.4 15.9 iU 15.6 29 14.4 15.9 15. b 30 14.5 15.9 15.8 15.6 51 14.6 15.8 Sec.?t. Year Days 200.1 414.8 427.2 419-9 269.9 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 6.5 15.8 15.8 14.0 8.7 4.7 Max. Sec. Ft. 14.6 14.7 14,1 14.5 15.5 14.7 nin. Sec. Ft. 15.2 15.4 15.6 Total Ac. Ft. 59^.9 82Z.8 647.3 852.9 555.5 5.455.2 K/'.VEAH RIVER TABLE KO. 19 - Continued LONGS c/l':al near head Diversion In second-feet for year endlne September }0, 19-i9 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 14 15 13. b Dry Dry 2 5 14,1 15 13.0 u 14.2 15 13.5 5 Q 14.3 15.2 10 14.3 15.2 6 9 10 14.3 15.2 14.3 15 14.2 14.8 CI 14 14.6 " 14 14.4 11 IJ 1} 14 15 14 14.2 14 14.2 14.6 14.1 15.0 14.2 ^ 14.6 14.2 16 19 20 1* 14.2 ^ 14.2 14.2 } li.o 14.4 1..1 K.8 14.4 l-.l 15 14.4 21 22 2J 24 l-.l 15.2 14.-; 1- 15.2 14.2 15.9 15.2 14.2 i;.9 IS.' 14.2 i-.e 15.2 1-. 25 26 11 29 >0 1 = ."? 13 13.7 IJ.D 13 13.7 15.7 1..8 13. 7 1J.8 1...6 13.7 1>.9 1-.6 14.8 13.6 51 Sec.?t. Year Days u u u u 169.= 451.7 431.3 50.7 Period Mean Sec. Ft. J u 5.7 14. 14.4 1.0 3.0 Max. Sec. Ft. 14.1 15.2 15.2 13.6 15.2 Sec. Ft. Q 14.0 13.6 Total AC. Ft. JJo.4 895.9 855.5 100. b 2,188.4 136 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 20 LANES SLOUGH NEAR HEAD Point of diversion - Four and three- 4ua rters miles below McKay Point on the south bank of St. Johns Brrfnch in the southeast quarter of Section 2, Township l8 South, Renfe 26 East, r.D.B. snd M. Maximum diversion capacity - 100 second-feet. Location of KaRing station - 500 feet below head of sloufh in the southeast juarter of Section 2, Town- ship 18 South, R-nge 2b East, M. D.B. anl M. Map designation @ . Description of f^aglnR station - A tipiber control section, staff page and wrter stare recorder, rated by- frequent current meter measurements. Operating agency - Visalia -nd Kaweah Water Company, prior to June 30, 1921. Period of record - July 5, 1917 to June JO, 1921; no record since 1921. Remarks - The use of Lcnes Slougi as a diversion channel was discontinued in the summer of 1921 and water entitlements of Visalia and Kaweah Water Company appertalniafe thereto were diverted through the Packwood Canal until January 1930, subsequent to which they have been diverted through the Ketchum Ditch. All flows from June 5 to l8, 1920, inclusive, and during May and June 1921, were diverted for the Tulare Irrigation District. KAWEAR RIVER 137 TABLE NO. 21 KETCHDW DITCH NEAR HEAD Point of diversion - Five miles below McKay Point on the south bank of St. Johns Branch in the northeast quarter of Section 11, Township iB South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. and n. Hfliiaum diTersion capacity - 125 second-feet. Location of RaftiDg station - 500 feet below head of ditch in the northeast iijuarter of Section 11, Township 18 South, Range 2i> East, K.D.B. and n. Map designatioo @ . DeacriptioD of gaging station - Open section, staff gege and water stage recorder, rated by freijuent current meter measurements, prior to December 193^; Parshall neesuring Flume since December 19)6. Operating agencies - Visalla and Kaweah Water Company, Tulare Irrigation Company and Tulare Irrigation District. Gross serTJce areas - Visalla end Kaweah Water Company, l8,J00 acres; Tulare Irrigation Company, 7,500 acres; Tulare Irrigation District, 3?»500 acres. Period of record - 1917-19*9; intermittent during the years ending September 30, 1920 and 1924; no record during the years ending September 30, 1919, 1921, 1922 and 1923; continuous from May 1, 1917 to September JO, 1918 and from October 1, 1924 to September 30, 1949. Criteria goTernlng diversions - (a) For Visalla and Kawe£b_Uater_Com£eny_- First 60 second-feet of flow reaching the head of Ketchum Ditch. This rate of diversion is continued until the river flow exceeds 200 second-feet when diversions for Visalla and Kaweah Water Company are t'^rminated; in effect since January 1930. (b) For Tul^a£e_Irri^^ti^on Cofflp£n^ - 35 second-feet, when the flow reaching the head of Ketchum Ditch exceeds 200 second-feet; first 5 second-feet in excess of 300 second-feet; next 5 second-feet in excess of 400 second-feet; next 5 second-feet in excess of 500 second-feet; next 5 second-feet in excess of 600 second- feet; next 5 second-feet In excess of JLO second-feet; maximum diversion, 60 second-feet- (a) For Visalia and Kaweah Vater Company 3ion in second-feet for year ending September 30, Dey Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Bar. Apr. HB7 June July Aug. Sept. Reisarks 1 2 3 8 7.5 7 11 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 34.5 Dry Dry 4 35 53.5 5 35 59.5 6 33 60.5 I J 3* 60 u 59.5 9 50.5 59.5 10 15 25 59.5 11 59.5 12 15 59.5 IJ 16.5 u 58.5 1* u 58 15 57 li 16 5*. 5 \l 12 37.5 53.5 4 56 49.5 19 5.5 55.5 4*. 5 20 55 42 21 55 40.5 22 6 5«.5 37.5 2} 1 5*. 5 33.5 2* 5*. 5 28.5 25 56 26 26 26 11 25 i 23.5 29 17 8 23 30 13.5 10 20.5 31 7.5 11 2 Sec.?t. Year Days 170.0 22.5 29.0 791.5 1.269.0 Period nean 5.5 0.8 0.9 25.5 40.9 6.: nsx. Sec.rt. le.o 6.0 11.0 56.0 60.5 60.5 mn. See. Ft. b Total Ac. Ft. 337.2 44. S 57.5 1.569.9 ?,5i7.i 4.526.3 1J8 DIVISION OF WATER RESODROES TABLE NO. 21 - Contln KETCHDM DITCH NEAR HEAD (b) For Tulare Irrigation Company Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 50, 19*0 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 55.5 58 56 49.5 58 35.5 Dry Dry 2 36 55 52 58 57.5 55 } 38.5 53 51.5 61 56 7 44.5 51 50.5 59.5 56.5 5 -0 -9 46 59 56 6 38 47 42 59 52.5 Q I 37.5 45.5 42 59 50.5 37 46 42.5 0I.5 52 u 3o.5 46 45.5 63.5 54.5 10 2} 36 45 47.5 65.6 56 26 35.5 45 49 6b 53 12 25 35 41 50.5 65 51 54.5 35 36.5 54.5 65 51 35.5 m 58.5 58 65.5 51 15 3*. 5 58 59.5 b7 47.5 16 35 36.5 38 57 67.5 45.5 ]l 12 35.5 39 47.5 65 45 35.5 39 42.5 62.5 42.5 35.5 39.5 42.5 03.5 41.5 20 35.5 40 47 71 57.5 55.5 37 55.5 82.5 55 35.5 35.5 59 78.5 35 48 35.5 62 78.5 35 56 55.5 62.5 eo 35 25 57 43 62 80 35 26 76.5 74.5 47 53.5 77.5 35 ?2 55 64.5 54.5 47.5 76.5 34.5 51 60.5 52 46 76 36 13.5 63.5 49 45 74 58 30 31 37 49 45.5 72 38.5 36 56 66.5 Sec. Ft. Year Days 524.5 1,234.5 1,586.0 1,521.0 2,095.5 1,568.0 77.5 Period Mein Sec. Ft. 16.9 42.6 44.7 50.7 b7.6 45.6 2.5 22.4 Max. Sec. Ft. 76.5 74.5 58.0 62.5 82.5 58.0 35.5 82.5 Mln. Sec. Ft. 35.0 35.5 42.0 49.5 34.5 Total Ac. Ft. 1,040.4 2,448.7 2,749.1 3,016.9 4,15b. 4 2,713.4 153.7 16,278.6 (a) For Visalia and Kaweah Uater Company Diversion in second-feet for year ending September jO, Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Maiy June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 5 4 5 Dry 57.8 58.5 56 6.8 3.5 54.1 49 60.7 61.4 60 60 59.7 59.4 59.4 Dry Dry Dry Dry 62.4 61.7 61.7 60.7 60 25.B 23.9 7.9 4.4 2.5 6 I 9 10 61.4 25.8 55.2 59.7 42.8 61 63.7 66.4 62.4 60.7 11 12 13 14 15 2 55.6 58.1 60.4 59.4 62 62 °o 62 59.4 55.3 16 19 20 60.1 60.4 60.7 60.1 57.5 3.8 57 59.4 55 60.7 60.1 59.7 59.7 59.4 49.1 78.7 73.5 59.7 55.6 21 22 23 24 25 57.5 56.1 60.1 59.7 54.5 54.6 26.5 59.4 60. 7 60.1 25 44.9 41.8 39.2 38.7 56 26 11 29 50 31 bO.l 60.7 60.7 60.7 58.8 55.2 60 29.9 55.9 57.1 65 66.3 65.4 52 31 29.5 28.7 28 27 Sec. Ft. Days 1,048.5 473.0 1,288.6 341.5 339.6 1,586.9 64.5 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 35.0 15.3 41.6 12.2 11.0 51.2 2.2 14.1 MB I. Sec. Ft. 60.7 59.4 62.0 60.0 66.3 78.7 25.8 78.7 Mln. Sec. Ft. 27.0 Total AC. Ft. 2.079.7 938.2 2,^J6.0 677.0 673.6 3^47.6 127.9 10,200.0 KAUEAH RITER TABLE NO. 21 - Continued KETCHOTI DITCH NKAH HEAD (b) For Tulare Irrigation Company Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 30, Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 54.1 59.2 40.9 51.5 41.4 44.3 Dry Dry 2 39-2 41.8 51.5 41.7 47 } 38.9 41.2 52.5 41.7 46.7 57.8 *!•! 56.9 41.7 46.4 5 49.5 48.6 60.7 *1.7 46.7 6 7.5 54.5 44.6 62 *2.3 45.2 I 24 51 51.5 45.5 63.4 41.7 44,9 40.6 36.5 47.6 44 64 40 45.2 9 16.7 50 45.2 46.7 64 43.4 42.5 10 56.9 44.9 48.5 64.4 50.3 38.4 11 58.1 44.6 51.2 65.4 52.2 34.6 12 59 40.1 50 57 55.1 34.9 13 55.7 36.2 49.7 44 55.1 54.6 14 55'i 36.5 *9.* 42.9 56.7 34.6 15 52.8 36.2 49.1 42 64 35.6 16 47.6 35.7 48.2 42.5 64.5 33,3 \l 44.3 35.7 45.5 65 55.1 *^5 35.7 47.9 45.5 65 36.5 19 58.9 55.7 47.0 42 63.4 36.8 20 55.7 55.7 47 *2.5 63.4 36 36.8 55.1 43.6 42.9 62.5 56 56.5 55.1 36.8 44.3 61.4 55.7 2J 29.8 56,2 55. •» 36.2 44.6 60.7 56 46.1 51.3 47.2 55.7 36.2 *^.5 59.7 56 25 41.8 59.9 52.5 34.6 36.2 44.3 57.2 55.1 26 J9.2 55 43.8 34.4 57.5 44.6 55 15.1 u 45.2 51 38.9 35.1 40.3 <5.9 48.2 47 29.5 56.5 56.2 41.3 45.5 40.6 29 42.3 50 59.2 46.4 42.5 59.5 37.3 12.5 40.9 52.5 42 41.8 }1 54.1 40.1 41.7 Sec. ft. Year Days 362.8 522.6 997.0 1,222.0 1,357.5 1,554.2 1,550.9 989.0 Period Hean Sec. Ft. 11.7 10.4 55.6 39.4 44.6 49.5 51.7 31.9 22.8 Max. Sec. Ft. 47.0 40.6 59.0 5*. 5 52.5 65.4 65.0 47.0 65.4 Mln. See. Ft. 54.4 56.2 41.7 59.5 Total Ac. Ft. 719.6 639.9 1,977.6 2,423.8 2,652.9 5,043.1 5.076.2 1,961.7 4M94.8 (a) For Tisalia and Kaweah Water Company Diversion in seoond-feet for year ending September 30, 1942 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Bar. Apr. nay June July Aug, Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 63.4 56.2 ?9.4 Dry Dry Dry H'l Dry 2 61.4 55.7 59.4 48.8 5 66 55.1 60 43.5 4 76 34.6 60.4 42,5 5 69.9 34.6 61.4 42,8 6 68 34.6 62 49.4 I 11 66.7 34.1 26.1 46.4 40.6 65.4 54.1 46,4 9 57.5 64.7 54.1 44,6 10 55.1 64.7 54.1 44.3 11 55 64.7 44.5 48.8 12 51 64,7 65.4 55.* 40.5 15 29.5 28 64 64 60.7 51.2 14 64 62.7 60 28.7 15 28 65,4 61.4 59.* 27 16 28 66,7 68.8 60.7 59.4 8.6 \l 55.6 60 60 23.5 y.} 40.6 67.4 6^7 59.4 60 55.4 1.2 19 55.7 59.4 60 o7.8 20 54.6 66.7 59.4 60 67.6 21 55 68.8 60 60 59.4 22 55.6 68 60 62 5?-4 58.6 25 55.7 68 61.4 61.4 24 55.6 68.8 60 60.7 58.6 25 22 68 22.8 62 58.6 26 68.8 60.7 57.5 11 5L8 69.5 59.4 58.5 67.4 59.4 62.5 29 59.4 55.4 60.4 50 65.4 38.4 58.6 51 37.5 55.6 Sec.Jt. Year Days 816. 5 2,001.7 1,208.3 1,000.5 388.7 860,0 650.5 Period flean Sec. Ft. 27.2 o4.6 59.0 35.7 12.5 27,7 21.0 19.0 Max. Sec. Ft. 65.4 76.0 65.4 o2.0 62.0 67.8 52.5 76.0 nin. Sec. Ft. u 37.5 Total Ac. Ft. 1.619.5 3.970.4 2.59o.b 1,?84.5 771.0 1.705,8 1.289.9 15.757.7 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 21 - Contln KETCHUH DITCH NEAR HEAD (b) For Tulere Irrigation Company In secopd-feet for year ending September ?0, 19^2 Day Oct. No». Dec. Jan. Feb. nar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 51.8 37.3 34.3 52.5 34.6 Dry Dry 2 51.2 35.4 34.0 59 34.6 J 53 35.7 34.9 68.8 34.9 4 52.5 53.7 36.2 70.9 34.6 5 51.8 63.4 36.2 72.3 34.9 6 53.7 49 42 73 34.3 I 53 20.8 37.5 55.8 71.9 34.3 53 35.7 35.4 67.4 70.2 34.6 51.8 35.7 35.1 72.3 71.0 34.9 10 51.8 5=.2 35.1 77.6 73.5 34.5 11 50.6 37.5 35.7 70.2 73 34.3 21.1 37.8 35.7 62.6 72.6 33.8 37.3 36.2 44.3 71.2 "•1 1* u 37 39.8 44. b 70.5 33.8 15 37.5 41.2 44.0 70.5 34.6 16 30.8 40.6 42.3 70. 2 34.6 ]l 36 41.5 40 69.8 lB.2 3*. 9 40.6 40.9 69.5 68.4 19 20 3*.l 40.6 tl'.l 33.6 41.2 07.1 33.6 43.5 74.4 65.7 33.6 45.8 75 65.4 23 33. b 45.8 73.7 61.1 34.1 45.5 73.7 48.8 25 27.2 35.1 45.5 74.7 42.9 26 39.5 35.1 45.2 73.3 38.9 '4 38.9 34.9 45.2 69.5 38.7 *9.3 35.1 45.2 70.2 37.5 55.6 55.7 39.2 07.4 54.9 30 55.7 36.2 34.3 66 37.6 31 52.5 37.5 55 Sec.Ft. Year Days 316.7 595.3 875.4 1,245.9 1,773.4 1,857.8 566.6 Period Sec. Ft. 10.2 21.3 28.2 41.5 57.2 61.9 18.3 19.8 nax. Sec.Ft. 55.6 53.7 37.8 63.4 77.6 73.3 34.9 77.6 Min. Sec.Ft. 34.3 34.3 34.9 Total AC. Ft. 628.2 1,180.8 1,736.4 2,471.2 3,517.5 3,684.9 1,123.9 14,3*2.9 (a) For Visalia and Kaweah Water Company DiTersion in second-feet for year ending September iO, 19*> Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. nar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 Dry u 79 69.4 36. 8 34.9 33.3 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 56.2 Dry Dry D#y Dry Dry 45.2 39.5 36.2 34.1 32.3 Dry 6 I 9 10 31 30 31 31.5 29.5 58.8 57.5 54.3 53 50.9 39.2 37.8 39.5 34.6 30.2 11 12 13 14 15 29.5 29.5 29.5 29 27 49.4 48.8 47.6 28.7 25.6 24.4 24 23.5 16 \l 19 20 33.3 26 26 25.6 25.1 25.1 50 49.1 44.3 36.8 40.1 30 61.1 64.4 11.9 21 22 23 24 25 58.1 55.9 56.5 62 79.4 25.1 24.6 28 62.4 60.1 58. 8 57.8 26 11 29 30 31 84.5 61.9 82.7 82.7 80.8 50 64 o2.7 62.7 60.1 57.5 57.5 57.5 lU 54.3 49.4 Sec.Jt. Days 757.8 1.115.4 1.022.9 788.7 506.7 Year Period Mean Sec.Ft. 25.3 35.9 35.0 25.4 16.3 11.5 nai. Sec.Ft. 82.7 79.0 58.8 64.4 45.2 82.7 nin. Sec.Ft. Total Ac. Ft. 1,503.1 2,208.4 2,028.? 1.564.4 1.005.1 8.309.9 KAUEAH RIVER TABLE MO. 21 - Continued KETOHUM DITCH NEAR HEAD (b) For Tulare Irrigation Company DlTerslon in second-feet for year ending geptember ?0, 19^5 Day Oct. Nov. Doc. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 48.2 41.8 4.9 75.1 74.4 }4.9 Dry Dry 2 47 41.8 4.9 74.7 71.6 }4.6 5 u 4J.8 41.2 4.9 74 67.8 }4.9 41.5 42.6 4.9 75.4 65.4 }4.} 5 >J 41.2 45.5 4.6 72.5 59.4 34.1 (, 40. b 47.6 4.2 75 55 54.1 I 40.6 45.8 5.5 74.4 58.4 5}.} 42.5 46.1 5.5 74.4 }?.8 9 10 41.8 65.4 5.5 72.6 40.1 10.6 40.9 65 5.1 72.6 42 40.6 60.4 5.1 75.5 42.5 21.5 12 1} 1* 15 40.6 54.5 2.9 71.9 41.5 55.5 40.6 57.5 2.9 71.b 40. b 52.5 40.6 r.0.4 2.9 69.8 40.9 51.5 41.2 58.1 2.4 60.1 40.9 54.9 16 \l 19 20 41.5 54.6 2.4 65 41.5 }}.8 41.5 55.6 2.2 61.7 42.5 55.7 41.2 74.4 2.2 60.1 42.6 19.1 41.2 65 2.1 61.1 •2.5 41.2 60.7 2.1 64 41.2 21 75.4 41.5 58.8 1.5 06.7 41.2 22 60.7 42.6 52 1.5 b9.5 40.} 2? bO.4 42.9 5.9 5|'5 71.6 57.8 24 62 51.2 45.5 5.9 68.1 74.7 }4.9 25 56. J 42.6 44.} 5.7 o9.8 70.9 55.4 26 59.8 42.9 5.7 d8.4 77.2 56 11 40.0 42.5 5.7 bS.l 77.2 56 57 41.8 5.4 72.6 77.2 56 29 52.5 5.1 75.7 75.4 55.7 50 58.1 5.1 75.5 75.7 55.4 51 50.9 4.9 71.6 Seo.ft. Year Days 118.2 567.2 1,181.7 1,222.0 597.5 2,212.8 1,552.2 525.5 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 5.6 18.5 42.2 59.4 19.9 71.4 44.4 17.0 21.5 Max. Sec. Ft. 62.0 75.4 48.2 74.4 75.7 77.2 74.4 55.7 77.2 nin. Sec. Ft. 40.6 4.9 1.5 60.1 54.9 Total Ac. Ft. 254.5 1,125.0 2,545.9 2,425.8 1,184.8 4,589.1 2,643.4 1,042.5 15,585.8 (a) For Tisalia and Kaweah Water Company rsion in second-feet for year ending September JO, 19*4 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 } 4 5 Dry Dry 59.8 44.6 68.6 45.1 64 62.7 6} 66.4 64.7 57.8 55.9 54 54.5 }4.7 Dry Dry 24.2 7.} 5.7 2 Dry 6 I 9 10 64 62.7 61.1 64 59.4 40.4 66.1 11 12 15 14 15 14. b 44.9 44. D 44.4 58.8 58.1 57.5 56.5 56.2 65 62.4 62.1 61.4 61.1 16 \l 19 20 47.5 48.8 50.} 66.1 77.9 44.6 44.1 42.6 46.1 45.5 55.9 55. D 55 55.5 58.5 51. b 60.4 58.1 57.2 21 22 25 24 25 88.3 78.7 64.7 55 52.5 47.} 45.8 47.6 46.5 ii-2 59.4 48.8 5;. 7 56.9 54. D 51.8 *7 4}. 8 57.5 26 11 29 )0 51 54 42.9 41.8 40.9 58.9 45.5 60.4 59.4 59.7 59.1 61.1 66.4 58.1 56.9 55.7 55.9 57.5 34.9 52.8 52.5 11 Sec.Jt. Days 895.6 1,154.2 1,622.5 256.7 125.6 1.14J.2 J7.2 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 28.8 57.2 55.9 6.5 4.2 }6.9 1.2 14.} Mar. Sec. Ft. 88.} 68.8 66.4 57.8 58.5 u 66.1 24.2 88.3 Mln. Sec. Ft. u u a Total Ac. Ft. 1.772.5 2. 26?. 4 }.2i7.8 509.2 249.1 2.267.J 7J.8 10 .>7?-? DIVTSION OF UATEH RESOnRCES TABLE NO. 21 - Continued KETCHOTI DITCH NEAR HEAD (b For Tulare Irrigation Company Divers Ion In 8 3Cond-fe 5t for V 3ar endioe Seoteo iber 30. 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 Dry 54.6 54 53.1 53.4 55.3 Q 23.9 36 36.5 }6.6 36.2 37 38.4 38.9 44.3 71.5 53.7 52.5 50.6 53.7 54.3 34.6 54.9 35.1 55.1 34.5 Dry Dry 6 I 9 10 60.7 58.5 55 50.6 47.6 45.5 4}. 8 41.8 38.9 39.2 36 56.2 36.5 36 35.1 95.9 91 92 90.1 65.4 72.3 ''I'i 58.8 55.4 45.2 34.1 33.8 12.6 11 12 13 14 15 21.7 27.5 29 28.5 49.1 51.5 51.2 50 46.8 39.8 40.1 36.1 36.2 35.1 35.4 36.2 35.4 35.1 34.9 64.7 64.7 65 65.7 b2.5 41.5 41.5 41.8 39.5 35.1 16 11 19 20 31.5 31.5 36.2 40.9 54.3 54.6 34.9 35.7 36 36.2 55.1 34.6 13.5 17.4 55.9 47 41.2 40.6 41.2 54.6 33.8 33.6 55.1 36.5 21 22 23 24 25 62.7 73 70.9 09.8 bo.l 15.6 15.9 8.5 33.3 14 35.7 35.7 35.4 35.7 3d 35.1 54.6 35.1 35.4 35.4 41.5 42.3 47.6 53.7 >4 56.5 36.2 36 36.2 36.2 26 11 29 30 31 63 bO.4 57.5 57.2 56.5 I 5^ 36 35.7 35.7 55.7 35.7 35.1 36 35.4 35.1 36.2 53.7 53.1 54.3 57.2 55 55.3 36 36.8 37.6 36.2 54.6 •0 Sec. Ft. Days 938.2 795.4 29.5 55.8 993-1 993.5 1,780.7 1,305.2 286.6 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 31.3 25.6 1.0 1.9 52.0 33.1 57.4 43.5 9.3 19.6 Max. Sec. Ft. 73.0 60.7 15.9 35.3 45.5 37.0 95.9 75.4 35.1 95.9 Hin. Sec. Ft. 37.0 33.6 Total Ac. Pt. 1,8 60.9 1,573.7 56.5 110.7 1,969.8 1,970.2 3,532.0 2,588.9 572.5 14,257.2 (a) For Tlsalle and Eeweab Water Company DlTersioD in second-feet for year ending September JO, 19*5 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. «ar. Apr. Hsy June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 56.3 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 2 14.8 56.5 3 66.7 56.5 4 57.5 60.7 5 57.5 60.7 6 59.4 54.8 I 61.4 »0.1 62.1 39.8 9 59.4 17.6 10 56.5 11 21 54 12 57 51.8 13 39.5 49.4 14 2.7 48.2 19 15 48.2 35.7 16 40.7 7.5 ]l 4b. 1 4.1 45.8 3.7 19 3 46.7 20 57.2 21 Q 68.4 22 71.2 23 67.1 24 60.7 25 " 58.9 26 58.1 11 57.2 u 57.2 29 56.1 JO 57.5 31 56.5 Sec.ft. Year Days 120.2 1.660.5 445.0 7U.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 4.0 55.6 14. H „ 2.3 b.3 Hai. Sec. Ft. 57. u 71.2 00.7 y 55.7 71.2 Hin. Sec. Ft. y j Total Ac. Ft. 236.4 5.295.2 882.7 156.6 4.553.1 KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 21 - Contlo KETCHWI DITCH NEAR HEAD (b) For Tulare Irr Igation Jompany Diversion in second-feet for yeer endlnK Seotember 50, !?*> Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jen. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 60.7 40 70.2 46.7 45.6 42.6 Dry Dry 60.7 39.5 bO.l 58.9 70.2 51.8 42 60.7 38.7 70.2 67.1 39.8 5 bO.7 38.4 68. B 67.4 56.5 faO.l 38.4 68.8 o5.7 50.2 I 60.1 58.4 08.8 58.5 36 60.1 38.7 66.1 48.2 35.7 9 10 60.1 58.9 67.1 68.8 48.5 55.7 60.4 38.7 49.4 55.1 60.7 38.4 68.8 50.6 34.9 12 13 61 58.1 69.5 55.6 34.9 61.4 57.8 69.1 59.7 34.9 62 57.6 67.1 60.1 54.9 15 29.2 70.5 37.3 05. < 59.4 54.1 16 il 19 20 62.1 64.7 37.8 38.9 60.7 68.6 58.8 34.1 o2.1 04 58.5 33.8 01.7 63 40.1 67.7 59.4 33 62.1 01.4 40. 04.4 od.i 9 Dl.7 ol.4 55.2 59.4 61.7 21 22 2} 2* 25 bl.l 4o 67.4 46.2 61.7 61.1 3b.4 67.1 ♦3.5 60.1 dO.7 57.6 66.7 44 58.5 60.7 65.7 66.4 45.8 53.1 60.7 63 66.7 47.6 44 26 11 29 30 31 60.7 72.3 66.1 48.2 42 60.7 66 66.1 47.6 42.3 60.7 6}. 7 60.7 48.2 42.6 62.4 68.1 47.0 42.9 61.7 69.5 47.6 42.6 50. o 46.7 Seo.Ft. Year Days 825.3 1,879.2 1,461.2 1,873.1 1,623.1 665.5 Period Mean Seo.Ft. 29.5 60.6 48.7 60.4 54.1 21.5 Max. Sec. Ft. 62.1 72.3 69.5 70.2 d7.4 42.6 72.5 Hln. Seo.Ft. 38.4 37.5 <5.5 42.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1,637.0 3,727.4 2,898.3 5,715.3 3,219.4 1,320.0 16,517.4 (a) For Visalia and Ksweab Uater Company Diversion In seoond-feet for year ending Septeaber 30, 19*6 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry 29 62.1 62.7 Dry Dry 60.4 Dry Dry u 5.9 62.1 60.7 3 5.7 62.7 00. 1 60.1 5.4 62.6 59.8 60.1 5 5.4 02.7 59.1 58. 8 6 4.6 62.7 58. B 56.5 I 22 4.1 62.7 58.5 59.8 ^1-^ 45.8 56.6 62.4 48.2 9 42.9 62.7 62.4 60.7 10 47.9 62.1 62.1 61 42 11 62.4 61.7 62.4 60.7 41.5 12 63 62.7 62.4 57.5 35.7 1} 6 J. 4 61.4 61.4 57.3 14 63.7 56.2 60.7 34.5 15 63.4 59.1 60.7 52.8 16 63.7 60.7 37.2 65 34.1 \l 62.1 61.4 63.7 62.7 26.5 61 ^8.8 63.7 62.4 25.5 19 59.7 57.5 65.4 62.1 9 20 59.4 55.6 65.4 61.4 21 60.7 67.4 65.4 60.7 60.4 40.4 65 60.7 60.1 62.7 61.4 37.8 24 59.1 63 62.1 02.4 25 60.1 65.4 62.7 59.8 2i oO... 65.7 62.4 59.4 ?ii in 63.* 62.1 59.4 03. > o2.4 Q 0U.7 29 56.8 62.7 61.4 30 t.3 02.4 }1 62.1 See.rt. Year Db;s 1,378.9 924.4 984.0 1,756.2 099.4 461.6 822.4 Period Hean Sec.Ft. 4o.O 29.8 51.8 62.1 22.6 15.4 26.5 19.2 hai. Sec.rt. 6}.7 o7.4 63.7 05.0 62.7 62.4 0O.7 67.4 nin. Sec. Ft. 0O.7 fotal Ac. ft. ;i7i5-o 1.6};. 5 i,?ii-° 5.4,7.7 1.387.3 915.6 1,631.2 13,905.3 DIVISION OF WATER HESOUHCES TABLE NO. 21 - Continued KETCHUM DITCH NEAR HEAD (b) For Tulare Irrigation Company 3ion in s econd-feet for year ending September ?0, Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 1 56.8 55.7 Dry 58.7 02.7 36.2 Dry Dry Dry Z 35.1 55.4 u 37. b o2.7 36.8 5 34.1 55.7 37.5 61.7 36.8 i 55.8 34.9 57.3 57.5 36.8 5 55 3b. 2 36.8 51.2 36.8 6 51.5 35-7 35.7 56.5 36.2 7 15.7 54.9 55.4 61.4 35.1 8 54.6 55.1 60.7 34.1 9 54.1 55.1 bO.4 54.1 10 54.1 54.9 54 53.6 11 54.1 55.4 47.6 32.8 12 54.1 15.5 56.2 47.5 32.5 1} 54.1 57.5 57 47.5 32.5 14 54.1 57.3 57.3 *!•' 32.5 15 54.4 3°. 5 57.5 58.9 52.5 16 14.2 56.2 59.5 58.4 52.5 ]l 56.2 42.5 57.8 55.3 56.2 42.9 57.8 38.7 55.1 19 36.2 46.4 56.5 20 ■^ u 36.2 49.4 39.2 36.5 21 30.2 49.4 42.6 36.5 ;5.4 36.2 49.4 43.5 56 25 40.9 36.2 50 38.4 14.9 24 58.1 56.2 54.5 56.2 25 u 41.2 56.2 04 3b. 2 26 58.9 56.2 64.7 56.2 11 57 36.8 64.7 36.8 u 56.5 36.8 65 56.2 4.0 5o.2 50.8 65.4 36.2 30 45.8 56 41.2 64 36.2 51 30.4 55.7 40.1 56.2 Sec. Ft. Year Days 88.8 220.0 5o5.9 536.5 714.5 1,558.5 1,418.8 780.6 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 2.9 7.5 11.7 17.5 25-0 45.5 45.8 26.0 15.0 Mai. Sec.Ft. 45.8 56.8 41.2 J6.2 41.2 65.4 62.7 56.8 65.4 Min. Sec.Ft. 34.9 36.2 Total Ac. Ft. 17o.l 436.4 721.8 1,065.8 l,41o.8 2,694.6 2,814.2 1,548.5 10,872.0 (a) For Vlsalia and Kaw Diversion in second-feet for yea ah Water Company ending September 30, Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Har. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarlcs 1 Drv 60.7 55.9 60.7 54.5 55.7 Dry 44.9 Dry Dry 2 69.5 55.6 60.7 55.1 35.7 45.5 5 u 70.2 55 60.7 55.4 35.7 35.7 4 u 70. J 54.5 61.1 35. 1 55.7 32 5 ^ 73 54.3 61.4 34.6 55.7 52 6 o o 54.3 bl.l 54.6 ;5.4 29.5 I u u 54.3 61.- 34.5 55.1 u 21.2 54.5 61.7 54.5 35.1 5 1 Draina! 3 9 54.5 61.7 54.3 35.1 2 1 not InQ luded 10 " u 54.3 64.7 34.5 35.1 1 ) in totd 1 11 u 53.7 54.5 fd 54.5 35.1 2 ) J2 u 53.7 57.5 54.5 35.7 2.21 15 6 53.1 oO.l 56.8 54. o 38.3 5.71 14 55.1 oO.l 56.1 55.1 60.7 15 ^ 52.5 59.4 57.8 55.1 60.7 16 52.5 5i-§ 57.5 55.1 60.7 \l u 51.8 58.8 bO.4 35.4 bO.l 51.2 58.8 48.9 35.7 61.1 19 50.6 56.8 55.4 55.4 62.4 20 •' 50.6 56.8 55-1 55.1 62.7 21 63.2 58.8 55.1 55.1 61.4 22 67.4 58.8 55.1 35.1 59-4 25 o7.4 59.1 34.9 5S7 60.1 24 67.4 59.1 54.6 61.1 25 ^' 72.' 59.1 5-.0 '5-7 bO.7 26 I., 5?.l 3-. 6 35.1 60.7 u o 59.4 61.4 5;. 6 60.- '-.0 3 '-7 58.8 29 ^5. D u bO.7 35.7 58.1 30 ' ' .b 57.5 60.7 55.7 52.5 51 56.2 bU.7 '5.7 Sec.Ft. Year Days 166. £ 1.517.8 1.767.9 1,428.8 l.b87.J -25.1 l,0oQ.9 258.8 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 5.0 42.5 57.,7 51. u 55.1 1-.2 35.- 7.7 u 20.6 Mai. Sec.Ft. ' 5.0 75.0 60.7 64.7 55.7 55.7 02.7 44.9 73.0 Min. Sec.Ft. Xj 54.; 54. b 5-. 5 54.5 Total Ac. Ft. u J3U.8 ■i.oli.b 3.540. } 5,b54.u i.lJ-7 8«}.2 ;,io-.3 475.7 h14,?02.8 KAUKAH RIVEH TABLE NO. 21 - Continued KETCHOTI SITCH NEAH HEAD (b) For Tulare Irrigation Company in second-feet for year ending September jO, 1947 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Har. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remerks 1 2 « 5 Dry Dry Dry Dry 36.5 38.6 40.9 40.3 40.6 33.6 34.1 54.1 34.3 54.1 Dry Dry Dry 6 I 9 10 58.6 58.8 55.6 55 54.3 45.8 45.5 42.6 40.3 55.8 33.8 34.1 53.8 11 12 13 1* 15 36.2 "•1 37.8 37.8 35.7 36.5 36.2 35.7 55.8 34.9 13.6 16 11 19 20 38.4 38.9 38.9 36.9 59.5 3fa.2 57.8 40.3 42.3 45.5 21 22 25 2* 25 30.7 70.2 85.3 50.6 52.7 38.9 37.6 36 35.1 34.9 41.2 57.5 57.8 37.3 37.3 26 11 29 50 31 57.5 56.2 75.8 71.6 62.1 56.8 54.6 34.6 35.1 34.6 35.4 36.8 36.2 55.7 35.1 34.6 34. 5 Sec.?t. Days 403.2 550.6 662.7 1,201.9 422.1 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 13.4 17.8 22.1 58.8 14.1 8.9 Max. Sec. Ft. 85.3 75.8 39.5 45.8 34.9 85.5 Sec. Ft. 54.5 Total Ac. Ft. 799.7 1,092.1 1,314.5 2,384.0 857.2 o|6,427.5 1 (a) For Visalla and Eaweah Water Compaay DlTersloD in aeoond-feet for year ending Septeaber 30t 1948 Doy Oct. Not. Dec. Jen. Feb. Har. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Renarks 1 2 3 5 Dry Dry Dry Dry 26 23.5 22 24 19 60.5 63.5 62.5 21.5 37 Dry Dry 31.5 62.5 62 60.5 59.5 Dry Dry 6 I 9 10 18 19.5 17.5 16 19.5 61.5 61.5 60 60.5 52.5 59 59.5 60. 5 61.5 57.5 11 32 13 14 15 16 12.5 28 54 59 55 50.5 44 42 16 11 19 20 2 18 56 44 50.5 38.5 54 31 30 27.5 21 22 23 24 25 20 25.5 34.5 31.5 25 35.5 37.5 52 63.5 59.5 23 26 11 29 30 51 24 22.5 26 31.5 58 58 59 59.5 Sec.ft. D«ys 260.5 1,181.0 521.0 1,008.5 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 9.0 38.1 17.4 32.5 8.1 nei. Sec. Ft. 34.5 63.5 62.5 63.5 nin. Sec. Ft. 12.5 Total Ac. Ft. 516.7 2.342.5 1,035.^ 2,000.4 5,893.0 DIVISION OF WATER RESOOTCES TABLE NO. 21 - Continued KETCHOTI DITCH NEAR HEAD (b) For Tulare Irrigation Company Diversion In seoond-feet for year ending September }0, 19*8 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 35 42 18 Dry Dry 55 3 4 5 55 40 24 56 41 14 58 40 6 I 9 10 42.5 40 49.5 40 48 42.5 46 46.5 58.5 41 44 11 12 1} 1* 15 57 57.5 42.5 -15.5 56 42.5 36 59.5 42.5 54 46.5 42 55.5 52 59 16 11 19 20 55.5 57.5 55 5*. 5 66 34.5 5*. 5 63.5 34.5 3*.5 51 34 54.5 58 54 21 22 23 2* 25 51.5 52.5 55.5 51.5 51.5 53.5 5* 55 35.5 55.5 42.5 55 55 49 53 26 11 29 30 31 55.5 52 55 55 55 38 57 52 57.5 57 49.5 57 55.5 48 46 37 gec.?t. Days 801.5 1,584.5 1,148.5 18.0 Period rtean Sec. Ft. 26.7 44.7 38.5 0.6 9.2 Max. Sec. Ft. 57.0 66.0 46.5 18.0 66.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 31.5 33.0 Total AC. Ft. 1.589.8 2,746.2 2,278.0 35.7 6,649.7 (a) For Tlsalla and Kaweah Water Company Diversion In aecond-feet for year ending September 30, 1949 Day Got. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Bay June July Aug. Sept. Remarlts 1 Dry Dry Dry 48.5 59.5 Dry 38 Dry Dry 49 59.5 H'^ 3 57 59 28.5 54 60 26.5 5 52 62 24 49.5 65.5 22.5 I 49 62 18 49 62 7 48 62 4.5 10 47.5 24 4 11 52 12 51 13 49.5 14 48 15 48 35 16 48 65.5 u 19 48 65.5 46 55 60.5 19 54.5 62.5 60 20 12 59.5 64.5 58 21 59 59.5 62 51-^ :8.5 55 62 58 52.5 57.5 64.5 27 60 64 60 25 22 60.5 60.5 59 26 19 60 60 55.5 11 19.5 60.5 59.5 55.? 19 55.5 60 50 29 19.5 60.5 45.5 30 19 59.5 51 8 59.5 Sec.Ft. Year 265.0 645.5 1,702.0 575.5 877.5 204.5 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 8.5 25.1 54.9 19.1 29.3 6.6 ii'.7 Max. Sec.Ft. 39.0 bO.5 04.5 65.5 05.5 58.0 64.5 Mln. Sec. Ft. 47.5 "Total Ac. Ft. . S?S.fa llJ>80.4 J.J75-? 1,137.6 1,740.5 405.0 8,465.6 KAUEAH RITER TABLE NO. 21 - Continued KETCHOTI DITCH NEAR HEAD DlTersion In s eoond-feet for year end! ng Septe nber 30, 1949 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. nar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 39.5 34 Dry Dry Dry 2 40 34.5 } 40 34.5 37.5 34 5 34.5 54 (, 35 34 I 35 34.5 34.5 35.5 9 10 34 35.5 22.5 33.5 35 11 11 5S'5 34.5 12 38.5 54.5 IJ 38 39 35.5 38.5 39.5 35.5 15 39 39 17.5 It 38.5 57.5 \l 38.5 37 38.5 37.5 19 20 38 37 37 36 21 38 36 22 39 37 2J 2* 25 39 37 38.5 39.5 IV' 26 11 29 30 31 38.5 38 38.5 42.5 39 44.5 39.5 40.5 39.5 37 34.5 Sec. ft. Year Days 792.5 1.161.5 503.0 Period Heen 26.4 37.5 16.8 6.7 naz. Sec.Kt. 39.5 44.5 35.5 44.5 Hin. See. Ft. C 33.5 Total AC. Ft. 1,571.9 2.303.9 997-7 4,873.5 I «8 DIVISION OF UATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 22 PACKWOOD CANAL BKLOU HEAD Point of aiTerslon - Five and one-half miles below McKay Point on the south bank of St. Johns Branch In the northeast quarter of Section 10, Township l8 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. and M. Maximuni diversion capacity - JOO second-feet. Location of gaginK station - Two miles below head of canal In the northwest quarter of Section 16, Township 18 South, Range 26 East, n.D.B. and H. Map designation (||l . Description of gaging station - Open channel section through solid rock, staff gage and water stage recorder, rated by frequent current meter measurements. Operating agency - Packwood Canal Company thru 1948. Since 1949, Tulare Irrigation District. Gross service area - 15,000 acres. Period of record - 1917-1949; no record during the years ending September }0, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1922, and 192J; partial record during 1921; continuous from May 1 to September }0, 1917 and from October 1, 1924 to September JO, 1949. Criteria governing diversions - (a) For Packwood_Oanal_Com£any_- First 125 second-feet of flow reaching the head of Packaood Csnal in excess of flows required to meet downstream priorities aggregating 664 second-feet at their respec- tive points of diversion; next 75 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 125 second-feet and downstream priorities of 932 seoond-feet, aggregating 1,057 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; maximum diversion, 200 second-feet. (b) For Visalia and Kaweah_Uater_Com£any_- On account of excessive channel losses In Lanes Slough, the diversion entitlements of Vlsalla and Eaweah Water Company in thet channel were diverted through Pack- wood Canal from the summer of 1921 to the fall of 1929 under special arrangment with the Packwood Canal Company. Since January 19J0, these entitlements have been diverted through the Ketchum Ditch. (a) For Packwood Canal Company Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1940 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 70 176 111 Dry Dry Dry 2 14 117 59 112 } 5 77 93 144 95 4 65 72 80 142 103 5 74 30 7b 132 89 6 55 46 29 141 39 I 55 58 137 58 152 9 57 169 45 10 52 186 89 11 25 22 125 78 12 59 185 36 13 100 188 14 119 190 15 124 192 16 100 190 11 39 157 122 19 127 20 57 14 5 21 124 Ibb 22 143 172 23 110 142 169 24 117 146 181 25 80 133 177 26 84 20b 119 159 11 78 185 87 97 146 20 164 100 40 141 29 178 80 124 30 2b 107 31 101 93 "5Fc.?t. Year Days Q 207.0 1,272.0 950.0 2,093.0 4,588.0 795.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 6.7 43.9 30.6 69.8 148.0 26.5 27.1 Max. Sec. Ft. 84.0 20t).0 101.0 170.0 195.0 112.0 20b. Mln. Sec. Ft. Total Ac. Ft. . u 410.6 2,523.0 1,884.^ 4.151.5 9.100.5 1.576.? 19.646.6 1 K-VUEAH RIVER tabu; no. 22 - Continued PACKUOOD CANAL BELOU HEAD a) For Paokwood Canal Company Diversion In second-feet for year endlnn September }0, 1941 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks Dry Dry 94 28 115 72 Dry Dry Dry 2 100 102 57 61 125 156 58 56 94 61 144 56 5 89 128 145 35 80 97 155 57 I 74 91 159 35 70 78 155 52 9 10 9* 68 70 146 55 U7 64 94 140 127 125 57 111 104 141 187 55 86 61 96 1} 125 55 70 59 55 86 61 64 55 64 15 76 57 62 55 99 56 50 66 54 96 ]l 55 49 60 72 96 46 51 56 111 83 19 20 40 56 52 56 52 50 100 123 128 60 48 48 125 ^^2 118 22 2} 2* 25 55 tl 49 120 46 55 84 123 76 55 57 39 121 78 52 52 35 120 26 57 52 18 53 128 70 47 56 18 32 111 15* 44 16 17 50 59 29 }0 51 59 16 129 84 20 15 121 116 14 76 Seo.?t. Days 503.0 1,552.0 1,777.0 1,984.0 2,904.0 2,558.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 9.8 54.7 57.5 66.1 95.7 78.6 29.7 nai. Sec. Ft. 154.0 147.0 102.0 129.0 159.0 141.0 159.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 14.0 17.0 50.0 Total Ac. Ft. 601.0 5,038.7 3,524.7 5,955.2 5,7o0.1 4,677.1 21,536.8 (a) For Paokwood Canal Company Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1942 Dey Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Har. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 26 Dry 159 Dry Dry Dry 2 25 155 40 141 50 oO 161 5 29 65 182 41 51 65 101 I 57 121 59 31 154 77 9 10 28 144 124 26 140 88 25 156 89 15 92 66 15 55 28 52 27 15 52 27 16 51 25 ]l 49 55 59 55 19 20 84 65 146 120 175 112 155 113 25 65 122 113 92 110 90 25 34 100 lOB 31 26 87 75 151 11 55 144 124 157 29 57 129 30 35 112 31 29 154 Sec.?t. Year Days 421.0 353.0 486.0 2,855.0 2,243.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 13.6 12.6 Id. 2 92.0 74.8 Max. Sec. Ft. 124.0 41.0 100.0 173.0 182,0 182.0 nin. Sec. Ft. Total Ac. Ft. 8}>.0 700.2 964. u 5,658.? 4,44?.0 12,607.1 DIVISION OF UATEB RESODHCES TABLE NO. 22 - Continued PACKUOOD CANAL BELOW HEAD (a) For Paokwood Canal Cofflpacy Diversion In second-feet for year ending September JO, 1945 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay Juno July Aug. Sept. Remerlcs 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 25 48 186 Dry Dry Dry 2 25 55 168 } 25 5§ 151 u 25 108 102 5 25 154 85 6 25 158 76 I 25 198 102 30 200 ill 9 250 30 192 10 245 30 192 111 11 235 25 198 75 12 205 25 195 4 IJ 190 25 185 2 1* 160 25 178 2 15 125 25 157 2 16 110 25 128 5 ]l 150 25 119 6 2*5 25 109 8 19 200 30 109 6 20 175 30 122 5 21 150 }0 140 2 250 150 50 168 1 23 24 250 35 55 185 175 25 55 205 25 105 25 55 207 26 55 25 35 205 n 45 25 35 165 50 25 35 14b 29 25 25 30 139 50 25 25 31 162 51 25 172 Seo.ft. Year Days 958.0 J, 825.0 856.0 J, 687.0 1,512.0 Period Sec. Ft. 50.9 91.1 28.5 151.2 45.7 29.1 Max. Sec.Ft. 250.0 250.0 55.0 200.0 186.0 250.0 Win. Seo.Ft. 25.0 35.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1,900.2 5,603.4 1,697.9 9,296.7 2,602.5 a,ioo.5 (a) For Pactwood Canal Company Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 50, 19** Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry *5 Dry Dry Dry 2 5 4 19 5 73 18 6 110 79 I 74 100 95 116 9 122 56 10 109 15 11 86 12 100 15 107 14 116 15 85 16 20 \l 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 58 26 75 11 69 75 29 u JO 31 104 Year Days 1,670.0 429.0 Period hein Seo.Ft. 55.9 14.3 5.7 Max. Sec.Ft. 122.0 116.0 122.0 mn. Sec.Ft. ;j Total Ac. Ft. s e 5 9 5.512.5 850.9 *.i6}.4 KAUEAH RI7ER TABLE NO. 22 PACKVOOD CANAL BELOW READ (a) For 'ackwood Canal Company Diversion In second-feet for year ending September }0, 1945 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 84 134 235 1 Dry Dry Dry 2 83 113 250 31 } 83 228 98 94 200 181 5 94 191 190 84 188 192 I 83 181 155 81 164 157 9 10 82 165 % 85 164 84 155 158 116 84 14 5 1} 88 157 168 174 95 94 255 15 191 127 198 255 182 136 205 24 7 ]l 140 80 211 245 104 80 207 245 19 20 104 80 195 259 102 84 115 157 272 21 22 25 100 90 202 45 272 99 88 204 262 97 139 200 250 93 160 197 54 107 25 69 154 224 68 26 88 218 235 68 11 86 233 205 66 84 215 123 68 204 157 61 30 51 199 234 2 166 2 Seo.?t. Year Days 1,654.0 3,654.0 2,341.0 4,145.0 », 296.0 ° Period Mean Sec. Ft. 59.1 117.9 78.0 155. fa 143.2 44.1 Max. Sec.Ft. 191.0 233.0 255.0 233.0 272.0 272.0 Mln. Sec.Ft. 80.0 Total Ac. Ft. 3,280.7 7,247.7 4,643.4 8,217.6 8,521.1 31,910.5 (b) For Tlsalia and Kaweah Water Company Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 50, 1945 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 57 57 63 61 58 Dry 6 I 9 10 5^ 56 n 11 12 13 14 15 11 34 21 1 16 11 19 20 58 64 21 22 25 24 25 65 65 65 64 65 26 11 29 30 51 58 56 57 59 59 60 Sec.Ft. Days 775.0 698.0 Year Period Mean Sec.Ft. 24.9 22.5 4.0 Mai. Sec.Ft. 65.0 65.0 65.0 Mln. Sec.Ft. Total Ac. Ft. 1.553.2 1.384.5 2,917.7 DIVISION OF WATER RESODRCES TABLE NO. 22 - Continued PACKUOOD CANAL BELOW HEAD Divers Ion in s econd-fe et for y ear endl ng Septe mber 30, 1946 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. RemerJcs 1 Dry Dry Dry 96 112 Dry Dry Dry Dry 61 110 } 55 5 6 I 91 160 9 10 160 65 11 12 12 26 1} 25 1* 2J 15 20 16 24 "il 14 H 19 98 20 96 95 93 108 158 23 126 52 150 25 4 170 26 10 209 u 264 237 29 197 *7 9 22 143 Jl 105 Sec.ft. Days 47.0 175.0 127.0 2,106.0 1,056.0 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 1.5 5.8 4.1 70.2 34.1 9.6 Haz. Sec. Ft. 47.0 26.0 105.0 264.0 160.0 264.0 Bin. Sec.Ft. Total Ac. Ft. 93.2 54}.l 251.9 «,177.3 2,094.6 i, 960.1 (a) For Pectwood Cenel Compeny Diversion in aecond-feet for year ending September JO, 19*7 Day Dot. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 33 61 49 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 2 35 66 49 3 33 63 49 4 52 59 49 5 31 67 22 6 32 f I 31 86 29 81 9 34 81 10 36 92 11 37 90 12 40 89 13 34 86 14 46 82 15 60 81 16 58 79 ]l 58 76 58 72 19 60 72 20 107 64 21 51 40 22 23 25 22 24 22 25 25 26 26 n 17 31 36 33 29 37 57 30 36 5o 31 34 14 Sec.ft. Year Deys 160.0 1,079.0 1.737.0 218.0 Period nean Sec.Ft. 5.2 36.0 56.0 7.0 Q 8.8 Max. Sec.rt. 37.0 107.0 92.0 49,0 107.0 mn. Sec.Ft. Ttotal Ac. Ft. m.4 2.140.; 5.445.3 452.- ■-,?}>•} KAUEAH RITER TABLE NO. 22 - Continued PACKVOOD C;jJAL BELOU READ (a) ?or Paolcwood Canal Company Dlveralon In second-feet for year ending Septaaber }0, 19*8 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarlcs 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 2 5 4 5 I 9 10 59 106 43 11 12 140 7Ci 13 1* 15 16 11 50 102 19 20 57 21 22 25 2* 25 26 38 11 29 50 110 117 138 90 51 Sec.?t. Year Days 516.0 682.0 102.0 Period Mean 10.5 22.0 3.4 3.0 Max. Sec. Ft. 140.0 158.0 59.0 140.0 Min. Sec. Ft. Total AC. Ft. 626.8 1,352.7 202.3 ?,l8l.8 No dlTersion during year ending September 30, 1949. 15* DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 25 TOLARE IRRIGATION DISTRICT CANAL BELOU HEAD Point of dlTeralon - Sli and one-half miles below McKay Point on the north bank of St. Johns Branch In the northwest quarter of Section 10, Township l8 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. and f1. Maximum diversion capacity - 500 second-feet. Location of Raging station - Two and one-quarter miles below head of canal at the flume crossing St. Johns Branch in the southeast quarter of Section 17, Township l8 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. and M. Map designation @ . Description of gaging station - Flume section, staff gage and water stage recorder, rated by frequent current meter measurements. Due to the shape of the flume entrance, it is, in effect, a Parshall flume with a constant rating. Operatipg agency - Tulare Irrigation District. Gross area of Tulare Irrigation District - Prior to January 19'»8, }},500 acres. Since October 19*8, 75,350 acres. Period of record - 1917-1949; continuous from May 1, 1917 to September JO, 19l8 and from October 1, 192* to September 'jO, 1949; no records during the years ending September }0, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922 and 1923. Criteria governing diversions - First I38 second-feet of flow reaching the head of Tulare Irrigation District Canal In excess of flows required to meet downstream priorities aggregating 526 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; next 22 second-feet In excess of flows required to meet the sum of 138 second-feet and downstream priorities of 726 aeoond-feet, aggregating 864 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; next 90 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 160 second-feet and downstream priorities of 772 second-feet, aggregeting 952 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; maximum diversion, 250 second-feet. Remarlis - Quantities in this table do not include water received from Uutchumna Ditch hereinafter set forth in Table No. 50. During the summer of 19*9 water from the Central Valley Project was also measured at this point, hereinafter set forth In Table No. 3* and not Included herein. Divers Ion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*0 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. War. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 56 32 51 109 Dry Dry Dry 2 1*2 29 92 108 5 6 150 32 102 105 * 55 14* 36 100 106 5 88 157 35 108 105 6 88 155 15 115 105 I 82 15* 116 10* 39 150 115 109 9 Q 2 127 105 111 10 125 15 55 107 11 32 5* 51 50 108 12 8* I 43 56 115 13 85 52 63 116 1* 3* 55 70 105 15 5* 54 97 16 51 56 85 \l 50 54 7* 55 71 25 19 2 65 90 3 20 8 7b 95 5 21 b 87 97 22 105 95 25 9* 117 90 2* 1*8 124 93 25 1*0 121 95 26 67 10 104 95 11 89 58 89 97 35 70 78 101 29 10 12 51 32 106 50 7 38 10 107 31 40 105 Sec.Pt. Year Days **3.0 768.0 1,594.0 1,587.0 2,675.0 1,798.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 1*.3 26.5 51.4 52.9 86.3 59.9 24.2 Max. Sec. Ft. 89.0 148.0 150.0 124.0 116.0 116.0 150.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 30.0 Total Ac. Ft. 878.7 ll?2?0 5,161.7 5,147.8 5.505.9 A?".; 12^83.7 KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 25 - Continued TDLARE IRRIGATION DISTRICT CANAL BELOU HEAD Diversion in aecond-feet for year ending September 30, 19*1 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remerks 1 Dry Dry 45 ?? F. 55 89 Dry Dry 2 54 26 128 J 5 80 80 123 81 72 125 5 25 4? 50 115 6 45 41 44 97 I 3 42 40 45 8 61 3 41 52 7b 45 9 61 41 56 100 39 10 100 40 29 97 11 97 ^ 29 66 10 12 50 'S 27 47 10 1} * 21 38 26 §" 7 1« * 57 45 36 82 9 15 3 51 53 26 80 17 16 * 55 50 11 79 15 n 3 58 50 61 14 * 58 50 28 79 14 3 57 51 v 50 99 14 20 * 55 52 84 51 98 15 * 56 5g p 96 13 4 55 48 83 95 10 2J 25 * 55 58 84 101 10 32 68 20 tl 84 104 25 b 100 69 109 26 89 \l 69 59 119 '^l 41 45 25 61 116 101 2 54 64 114 29 ?0 B8 3 46 73 41 120 28 3 76 78 19 78 31 9 3 75 19 Sec.ft. Year Days 330.0 354.0 1,019.0 1,358.0 1,682.0 607.0 2,139.0 974.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 10.6 11.4 36.4 43.8 56.1 19.6 71.3 31.4 23.2 Mai. Sec. Ft. 101.0 100.0 100.0 76.0 84.0 81.0 120.0 128.0 128.0 Mln. Sec.Ft. 26.0 Total Ac. Ft. 65*. 6 702.2 2,021.2 ?,6??.6 ?i??6-2 1,204.0 4,242.7 1,931.9 16,786.4 Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 30t 194.2 Day Oct. Not. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 58 110.5 6.5 7 105 9 Dry Dry 2 53 109.5 5 7 102 7 5 51.5 92.5 4 6 104 7 4 50 84 64 39 111 6 5 48.5 87.5 lb* 106 114 4.5 6 4b 80 100 132 107 4 I 4b 7b. 5 21 142 85 5 47.5 75 10 146 98 5 9 48.5 70 10 123 97 5 10 48.5 69.5 10 124 74 5 11 37.5 67.5 19 25 134 57 1.5 12 82.5 76.5 6.5 94 u 15 83 75.5 6.5 60 14 55.5 4.5 23 58 84 15 41 6 54 57 85 16 57 5 20 58 84 \l 50.5 1 100 56 85 28 94 58 90 19 20 4 51 111 98 20 5 4 51 150 95 21 2 6 116 128 100 22 25.5 6 132 127 101 23 12 * 140 126 109 24 1 4 142 •127 115 25 66 5 145 122 113 26 125 5 132 135 98 11 117 5 95 124 64 112 3 56 129 26 29 132 4 17 136 20 30 12b 6 7 135 8.5 31 32.5 117 6 122 Sec.Jt. Year Days 32.5 1.528.0 1,341.5 245.5 1.787.5 5.077.0 2.579.5 57.0 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 1.0 42.8 47.9 7.9 59. b 99.3 86.0 1.8 28.6 Mai. Sec.Ft. 52.5 152.0 110.5 7b. 5 lb4.0 150.0 114.0 9.0 164.0 Mln. Sec.Ft. 4.0 6.0 8.5 Total Ac. Ft. b4.S 2.b34.1 2.660.9 48b. 9 J. 5*5-5 6,103.2 5.116.4 ll;.l 0. 20,724.6 156 DIVISION OF WATER RESOD^CES TABLE NO. 25 - Contlnuea TOLARE IRRIGATION DISTRICT CANAL BELOU HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*3 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Bar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 37.5 70 91 95 22 Dry Dry 2 105 69 91 96 24 3 102 68 110 116 25 74 69 98 121 26 5 51.5 71 115 151 26 6 54 74 131 124 25 I 54 72 52.5 123 90 24 61.5 72 95 108 89 24 68 92 117 102 29 10 66.5 29 131 129 51 11 67.5 2 71 155 112 17 12 6b. 5 71 157 105 1} 65.5 72 145 106 1* 64 72 151 95 15 64 74 150 60 16 64 95 153 61 \l 62.5 125 152 95 61,5 125 150 94 19 61 125 151 88 20 59.5 125 155 152 20 58.5 125 156 144 22 *9.5 58.5 125 132 141 23 23.5 54.5 124 129 106 24 9.5 65.5 125 153 96 25 *.5 79.5 127 115 45 26 5.5 75 128 107 7 11 4 73 129 97 6 *.5 71 140 77 8 29 5.5 114 65 6 30 I 91 88 15 51 107 Seo.?t. Year Days 139.5 1,844.5 688.0 2,310.5 3,796.0 2,611.0 275.0 Period Mean 4.5 65.9 22.2 77.0 122.5 87.0 8.8 32.0 Max. Sec. Ft. 49.5 105.0 92.0 140.0 156.0 144.0 51.0 156.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 37.5 65.0 6.0 ToUl Ac. Ft. 276.7 3,658.6 1,364.6 *,?82.? 7,529.4 5,178.9 541.5 23,132.6 Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30* 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry \l-' ^15 Dry Dry Dry 2 86 3 46 10 116 9 5 153 54 6 152 169 I 136 171 147 145 9 58 175 140 10 50 165 73 11 48.5 12 144 8 12 40.5 26.5 152 7 15 26.5 146 6 14 20 14b 6 15 15.5 145 6 16 15.5 116 6 ]l 13.5 35 11 10.5 11 5 19 3.5 10 4 20 2.5 10 4 21 26 2 10 5 22 19.5 3 10 3 23 3 41 3 24 3 98 3 25 3 95 2 26 2.5 93 2 11 3 91 2 3 112 29 6 158 30 6 131 31 130 Sao.Ft. Year Days 45.5 177.0 176.5 2,987.5 1,005.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 1.5 5.7 5.9 9d.4 55.4 12.2 Max. Sec. Ft. 26.0 50.0 26.5 175.0 171.0 175.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 10.0 Total Ac. Ft. 90.2 551.1 350.1 5.?25-7 2,108.5 8,825. 1-.; 11.; JO e 27 e 20.5 11 13 9.5 11 "7 e 26 e 21.5 11 6.5 7.5 25 e ?>» e 17.5 29 10., 10 0.5 26 e 20 e 19.5 50 10 9 26 e 22 e 2- 51 lli 10.5 22 e "Sec.^t. Year Days 519.0 ;9i.5 551.5 561.0 722.0 •,13.0 179.5 Period Mean Sec. Ft. J ^ Q 10.3 10.1 11.5 Ib.l 25.5 20.. 5.8 8.} Max. Sec. Ft. :£.>; 13.; l£.u ; ..0 27.0 25. U 20.0 54.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. u u J ;.U s.o l.,.u l-.C Total Ac. Ft. " = 3-. 7 . 578.2 6?7.f 1.112.8 1,-52.1 1.215.9 356.0 O.024.9 £s time ted in pt.rt due to small diversions bbove the gage. XAWEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 24 - Continued MATHEWS DITCH NEAR HEAD DlTers Ion In secona-feet for year ending September 50, 1941 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 5.2 8 7 15 18 22.4 24.4 Dry 2 5 5.5 7 15.2 19.7 21.2 52 ) I-'' 2.5 4 9 12.2 \r' 22 25.5 4 8.4 2.4 5.8 4 11.2 21.6 17 5 8.6 5.8 4.6 9.8 18.4 22 7.4 6 8.4 6.2 4 9.8 22.8 21.6 2.8 I 6.? 7.5 5.2 9.5 21. b 24.7 5.4 8.2 D 5 15.2 21.7 24 18 9 5 9 5.4 12.7 18.4 21.5 9.5 10 2.8 9.5 6.6 15 24.5 22 2 11 5.8 8 6.6 15.6 52 25 1 12 7.5 11.7 6.6 5.7 14 54.5 25 1 15 6.6 9.5 5.5 7 15.2 59.2 20 1 1* 8.2 8.2 5 6 t^.4 42.5 17 15 9.5 8 5 8.4 59.5 14 lb 7.7 8.8 5.5 7 19.4 36 12.8 \l 6.9 10 t>.9 b 25.4 38.5 14.4 b.2 9.8 b.9 5 50 29 14 2 19 6.2 9 6.9 5.5 27.2 27 21.8 20 6 8.6 6.9 5.5 27.2 26 19.4 21 5.B 9.5 6.6 8.4 54 25 17.4 22 b.9 9.7 6.4 7.8 59 28 16 25 6.2 9 6.4 6 41.5 25.5 15 2* 10.4 10.4 6.2 6 57 22 16 25 4 9.5 6 6.2 54 19 18 26 8.6 6.4 6.5 6.4 55 20.4 16 u 7.5 6.6 6.5 8 54.5 18.8 10.6 7.5 7.7 I 12 29.5 16.4 16 29 6.4 15 18.2 20.6 15.4 50 5 8 14 15.6 23.7 25 51 5.7 8 15 29 Year Days 195.5 215.1 185.5 164.9 662.5 765.9 598.8 147.0 Period Sec. Ft. 6.2 7.6 6.0 5.5 21.4 25.5 19.5 4.7 8.0 Max. S8C.7t. 10.4 11.7 8.0 14.0 11.5 42.5 29.0 32.0 *2.5 nin. 2.4 3.0 9.5 16.4 10.6 Total Ac. Ft. 585. B 422.7 567.9 527.1 1,315.7 1,515.2 1,187.7 291.6 5,809.7 DiTerslon In second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*2 Day Oct. Not. Doc. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 5 5 Dry Dry 12 8 5 5 2.5 2 1.5 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 4 4 4.5 12 12.5 13 16 13 17.5 17.5 16 16 15 19 17.5 17 20 23.5 17 17 17 Dry Dry 6 I 9 10 5.5 3.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 5 5 5.5 5 4.5 5 2.5 11 16.5 16.5 16 16 16.5 15.5 14 16.5 23 22 24 20.5 19.5 19 21 15 11 6.5 11 ]2 13 14 15 5.5 5.5 5 4.5 5 5 5 2 1 1 5 3.5 11.5 12.5 7.5 5.5 3-5 20.5 18 19 20 20 22 22 25 20 21 17 21 20.5 20.5 2*. 5 7.5 5.5 3 7.5 10 16 11 19 20 5.5 4.5 4 4 3.5 5.5 3.5 3.5 5.5 5.5 4 3-5 3.5 3.5 4.5 7 19 17 14 17 17 22 24 22 19 25 24 23.5 23.5 24 26 1:1 9 9.5 6 21 22 23 24 25 5 5.5 5.5 4.5 9.5 4 4.5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 15.5 14.5 13 10.5 10.5 33 36 34 31 51 23 25 25 26 25 10 10 10.5 ?-5 8 26 11 29 30 31 3.5 6.5 7 10 8 9 7 13.5 7.5 6 2-5 4.3 4.5 4 6.5 6 7 9 14.5 12 9 16 21 18 17 26 18 18 16 11 23 11 19.5 19 5 15 11 6 Days 138.5 140.0 96.0 208.0 474.5 675.0 642.0 295.5 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 4.5 *.5 3.4 6.7 15.8 21.7 21.4 9.5 7.3 Max. Sec. Ft. 12.0 13.5 5.5 14.} 20.5 56.0 26.0 18.5 56.0 nin. Sec. Ft. 1.5 3.5 9.0 14.0 17.0 Ac. Ft. 274.7 277.7 1?0.4 412.6 941.2 1.354.9 1.275.4 586.1 5.291.0 DIVISION OF UATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 24 - Continued MATHEWS DITCH NEAR HEAD DiTerslon In aecond-feet for year ending September 30, 19*5 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. War. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 1 6.5 3 15 24 17 10.5 Dry 2 6.5 3 15.5 23 17 10.5 5 6.5 5 14.5 21 16.5 12.5 6.5 3 14 20 17 5 5 7.5 3 14 22 16.5 6 6 5.5 3 14.5 17 16.5 I 5 3 15 20 17 5 3 15 21 13.5 <) 16 5 15 21 14 10 15.5 3 15.5 19 14 11 12.5 2.5 14.5 20.5 13.5 12 1.5 8 2.5 11.5 21 13.5 IJ 7 6.5 2 13.5 19 12.5 14 7 6 1.5 12.5 20 11.5 15 7 5.5 1 12 20.5 12 16 7 5.5 1 11.5 l6.5 10.5 \l *.5 5 3.5 13.5 6 2.5 11.5 7.5 14.5 18 3.5 19 20 2 6 9.5 14 18.5 3 2 5 10 15 16 5.5 2 *.5 10 19 14.5 11 4 2 4.5 11.5 21 14 9 23 3.5 2 4 13 22.5 16 13 2.5 4 12.5 25 17 14 25 2 3.5 13 28 17 11.5 26 1 2 5.5 12.5 26 18.5 10 11 3 2 5.5 12.5 28 18.5 5.5 2 5 3.5 13 10 18.5 4 2 3.5 14.5 15 18.5 6.5 30 31 2 3.5 14.5 24 17 6 1.5 3 22.9 9 Secft. Year Days 11.5 8.5 60.0 193.0 198.0 523.9 567.0 350.0 44.5 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 0.4 0.3 2.1 6.2 6.6 16.9 18.9 11.3 1.4 5.4 Max. Sec. Ft. 5.0 4.0 7.0 16.0 14.5 28.0 24.0 17.0 12.5 28.0 nin. Seo.Ft. 3.0 1.0 10.0 14.0 3.0 Ac. Ft. ° 22.8 16.9 119.0 382.8 392.7 1,039.2 1,124.6 694.2 88.3 3,880.5 Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*4 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 1 10.2 11.6 14 15.4 Dry Dry 2 3 2.2 1.6 12 13.6 15.8 21 20.5 30 12.3 10.8 4 1 12.2 19 29 10 5 4 9.2 15.4 2* 8 6 2.2 8.8 16.7 17 6.6 I 3.8 9.7 13.2 14.2 U 5.2 11 14.2 19.8 9 6.5 10.8 18.7 19.6 14.2 6.4 10 7.2 7.8 14.8 3.8 11 8.3 I'X 19.4 19.8 3 12 7 18.7 20 1.7 13 6.8 6 19.4 22.5 6.5 14 4.4 4.6 22.5 18 25 15 4 4.8 22.5 13.4 29.6 16 4 5.3 20 11 7.2 \l 5.2 5 17.3 7.8 5.4 8.2 3.4 16.4 6.8 4.8 19 9.5 3 14.8 1:1 0.8 20 10.2 5.8 17.3 21 8.4 5.8 19.8 1.8 22 6.8 4.6 23.3 23 6.7 5.* 25.8 ''•I 24 7.8 7.2 20.5 11.8 25 9 7.6 19.4 15.4 26 9.7 6.5 17 14.8 M 8.6 7.6 15.4 14.8 8.4 9.7 16 \u 29 8 l\l 14,8 50 8.6 16 31 9 16.7 Sec.Jt. Year Days 193.3 229. i 559.5 467.2 175.5 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 6.2 7.7 IB.O 15.6 5.6 4.4 Max. Seo.Ft. 10.2 13.6 25.8 30.0 29.6 30.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 1.0 3.0 11.6 6.8 Total Ac. Ft. 385.4 455.4 1,109.8 ?26.7 344,1 J,219.* KAUEAH RIVER ISJ TABLE NO. 24 - Continued MATHEWS DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year end: ng September 30, 1945 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 14 22 16 18 Dry Dry 14 22 11 18 } 15 25 10 16 14.5 33 11 14 5 14 34 12 14 14 25 19 lo I 14 28 18.5 16 14.5 34.5 18 16 9 10 15 35 18.5 15.5 15 54.5 22 15.5 14 34 23.5 15.5 14 35 25 16 13 13.5 35 27 16 13.5 30.5 25.5 17 15 6.5 13 27 24.5 16.5 16 14 13.5 16 24.5 16 U 13 14 19 24.5 16.5 14.5 19 23.5 25 16 15 24.5 21.5 25.5 16 20 14.5 18.5 21 23 17.5 14.5 19 21.5 25 17 13.5 19 ^i-5 27 17 23 14 19 18 24.5 17 12 18.5 28.5 20 17 25 10 19 31 20 14.5 11.5 19.5 25 18 12 ?2 12.5 19.5 18 16 13 11 20.5 17 19 14.5 29 50 51 11 21.5 16 18 14.5 11.5 21.5 19 18 12 12 18.5 3 Sec. Ft. Year Days 211.0 498.5 787.5 609.5 475.5 Period hein Sec. Ft. 6.8 lo.b 25.4 20.5 15.5 7.1 Max. Sec. Ft. 15.0 24.5 35.0 27.0 18.0 35.0 mn. Sec. Ft. 15.0 Ib.O 10. o 5.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1 418.5 988.8 1,562.0 1,208.9 939.2 5,117.4 Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1946 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 6.2 7.8 15 21.5 17 Dry Dry Dry 2 6.4 9 14 21.5 19.5 3 5.5 12.2 22.5 21 21.6 4 4.5 11.5 21 22.5 18 5 3.9 12.7 21 22.5 6 5.6 13.2 21.2 24.5 15 I 5.9 13.2 20.8 22.5 15.4 5.9 13.2 19.8 22.3 16.3 9 3.5 13.2 18.4 23 17.6 10 3.3 13.2 18.4 22 15.8 11 2.6 3.2 13.2 19 22 12.7 12 6.2 3.2 15 21.5 22.5 15.2 13 6 2.7 14.5 23.6 22.5 14.5 14 6.2 3 18 19.8 22.5 14 15 6.2 2.7 14.8 19 21 12.8 16 5.6 3.9 14.5 21.2 20 12.4 \l 4.2 -7 l'..8 22.5 19 11.6 4.4 4.2 lo 22 18.5 11.8 19 4.2 J. 7 13.8 21.5 13.4 20 4 3.0 14.5 21.5 19.3 14 21 3.8 3.3 15 21 15.8 14 22 3.5 3.6 14.8 21 9.5 10.8 25 3.3 4.4 16.6 29.5 11 7.4 24 3.5 7.2 18 26.5 13.9 4.3 25 3.9 7.4 19.3 23 15.8 4.5 26 3.9 7.5 20.8 25.5 \l-' 3.8 11 5.0 9.5 17.2 28.5 5.1 3.5 11.2 50.5 15.8 2.2 29 5.5 24.5 26.5 14 1.3 30 3.2 20.1 20.5 14 7.1 31 3.6 1>.5 1=.4 Sec.Pt. Year Days u u 88.9 130.3 458.3 656.2 585.8 564.2 Period Mean Sec. Ft. u 2.9 4.7 14.8 21.9 18.9 12.1 6.3 Mai. Sec. Ft. 6.2 9.5 24.5 30.5 24.5 21.6 30.5 Mln. Sec. Ft. 2.7 7.8 14.0 9.5 1.3 Total AC. Ft. u 176.5 2?8.> 909.0 1,301.6 i,lol.9 722.4 ,0 •,529.7 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 24 MATHEWS DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 50, 194? Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 5.5 7.6 22 10.5 Dry Dry Dry 2 3.5 7.4 50 12.5 5 3.5 It 'i 5.5 5.5 28 4.5 5 3.5 7.2 27 4 (, 5.5 6.6 22 4 I 5.4 6.5 21 4.4 3.5 6.1 21 4 5.4 6.1 12 4 10 3.3 7 11.4 4.5 4.3 6.8 8.6 4.3 4.4 9.4 8 5.6 1} 5 12.8 12 5 5.5 16 12.8 5.8 15 5.6 17.6 11 5 16 5.8 19.5 14.2 5 n 5.6 20.2 17 4 19 17 3 19 5.8 ^I-' 17 4.4 20 5.5 16.6 14.5 15.2 3.5 16.6 14 12.5 22 5.5 14 17 16.5 6.3 12.2 17 10 7.6 11.2 12.5 9 25 7 11.4 12 6 26 8 10.4 11.5 4 ^ 2 6. fa 11 11 3.5 12.5 12.6 10 15 11.2 0.2 30 8.8 12.2 5.2 31 8 4 Sec. Ft. Year Days 5.5 178.2 350.5 478.9 167.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 0.2 5.7 11.7 15.4 5.6 3.2 Max. Sec. Ft. 3.5 IJ.O 20.2 32.0 16.5 52.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 3.3 6.1 4.0 Total Ac. Ft. 10.9 353.5 694.8 949.9 331.2 2,540.5 Divers Ion in seoond-fe et for year end] ng September 30, 1948 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Fob. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 17.5 21 20 Dry Dry 2 16 20.5 21 5 17 17.5 26 4 9 20 21 26.5 5 18.5 18.5 19 20 6 16 19.5 20 11 I 14.5 22.5 20.5 6 22 22.5 9 1 19 18.5 10 15.5 17.5 17.5 11 18 19 18.5 12 19.5 21 19 13 25 20 21 14 lb. 5 21 19.5 15 19 22 16 16 \l 24 I0.5 \l 25 18.5 19 22.5 18 19 19 19 i^-^ 20 24.5 17.5 21 25 14.5 19 22 16.5 18 19 25 20.5 24.5 19 24 19.5 26 19.5 25 19 26.5 20.5 26 20 51.5 22.5 11 18.5 30.5 22.5 17. J 28.5 22.5 29 19 27.5 18.5 50 19 22.5 18 51 25.5 Sec.Ft. Year Days u 466.5 672.0 581.5 124.5 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 15.6 21.7 19.4 4.0 5.0 Max. Sec.Ft. 24.5 31.5 22.5 26.5 51.5 Mln. Sec.Ft. 14.5 16.0 Total Ac. Ft. 925.5 1.352.9 1.155.4 247.0 5.658.6 ICAUEAH RIV5R 165 TABLE NO. 24 - Continued rUTHEUS DITCH NEAR HEAD DlTersloQ In second-rest for year ending September }0, 194? Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. nar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Refflarks 1 a 5 5 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 11 10 8 8 15 lb 18.5 18 14.5 17.5 18.5 18.5 19.5 18.5 17.5 Dry Dry Dry 6 I 9 10 15 19 18.5 lo IL5 19 18 17 17.5 17.5 15.5 l) 19 17 15.5 11 19 17 15 12 17.5 20 1-1.5 1} 14 6 17.5 21 11.5 f, 19.5 21 11 15 6 19 19.5 11.5 16 5 19.5 19 14 11 7 16.5 19.5 13 9 14.5 20.5 10 19 20 10.5 14 20 9 fa. 5 13. 5 19.5 4.5 21 6 19.5 19.5 1 22 23 24 25 8.5 19.5 20 11 17.5 20.5 11.5 lb. 5 20.5 11 21 21 26 13.5 20.5 21 11 29 JO 51 1J.5 20 20.5 12 22 2C c 11.5 19.5 18.5 9 16 17.5 11 18.5 Sec.?t. Tear Days 174.5 498.0 590.0 293.0 Period nean Sec. Ft. 5.6 I0.6 19.0 9.8 4.3 nax. Q 13.5 22.0 21.0 19.5 q 22.0 Sec.?t. 8.0 16.0 Total Ac. Ft. 34b. X 987.8 1,170.2 581.2 o|},o85.3 1 66 DI7ISI0M OF WATER RESOURCES TA3LB NO. 25 BARTON COT AT HEAD Point of diversion - Thirteen and one-quorter miles below McKay Point on the south bank of St. Johns Branch in the southwest quarter of Section 22, Tovmship l8 South, Range 25 East, M.D.B. and M. Maxiaum diversion capacity - 90 second-feet. Looation of p;ep:lnK station - At point of diversion. Map designation ^5) . Description of ffapins station - fieadgate, staff gage and water stage recorder, rated by current meter measure- ments; replaced by Parshall Measuring Flume in 1957. OperetiDK agency - Uutcbumne Water Company. Gross service area - Approximately 1,500 acres (westerly portion of Wutchumne Water Company service area, only,. Period of record - 1917-1945; intermittent during the years ending September 30, 1918, 1920, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, and 1932; no record during the years ending September 30, 1919, 1921, 1922, 1923 and 1936; continuous from May 2 to September 30, 1917, October 1, 1932 to September 30, 1935 and October 1, 1936 to September 30, 1945. Criteria governink diversions - First 20 second-feet of flow reachlnf the head of Barton Cut in excess of flows required to meet downstream priorities aggregating 103 second-feet at their respective points of diver- sion when the flow of St. Johns Branch at Ketchum Ditch does not exceed 200 second-feet; next 40 second- feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 20 second-feet and downstream priorities of 98 second- feet, aggregating II8 second-feet at their respective points of diversion when the flow of St. Johns Branch at Ketchum Ditch is greater than 200 second-feet; maximum diversion, 60 second-feet. Remarks - The Wutchumna Water Company, upon serving prior notice to intervening dlverters, mey transfer Barton Cut diversion entitlements in the amount of 25, 35, 50 or faO second-feet to its main Wutchumna Ditch point of diversion above McKay Point. Since February 1946 all entitlements heve been transferred to the main heeding of Wutchumna Ditch above McKay Point. Divers ion in second-fe et for year endl ng September 30, 1940 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. HSy June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 14.1 28.2 "•1 12.6 Dry Dry 2 12.8 26.1 22.8 7.6 3 'V.l 23.7 21.4 5.4 4 24.9 17.8 2.7 5 15.1 24.6 23.5 6 21.1 26.1 26.1 I 23.5 25.6 26.5 24.2 25.6 25.7 9 25.3 25.8 21.9 10 25.3 2b, 3 25.1 11 25.1 2b. 8 24. 12 25.3 25. b 25.1 13 25.6 25.8 25.1 14 12 26.6 26.1 20.5 15 20.1 27.5 26.5 26.1 16 19.5 25.1 26.1 25.1 1? 20.1 20.9 24.6 25.6 21.2 28.5 25.3 2b. 5 19 Id. 9 27.7 27.3 27.5 20 14.5 24.4 26.5 27 21 15 24.4 2b. 1 24. b 22 16.2 26.1 26.1 24.6 23 17.4 25.6 25.6 21.9 2* 18.2 25.8 26.1 20.6 25 17.8 25.3 24.6 2U.1 26 17.4 2b. 8 2}. 7 lb. 6 \l 14.8 26.1 24.2 14.1 12.4 24.4 24 13.1 29 lb. 3 25.6 22.6 12.2 30 20.4 2b. 5 25.5 17.4 51 19.1 27.7 Seo.Pt. Year Days u 309.5 701.4 793.5 67b. 4 28.3 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 10.0 23.4 25.6 22.5 0.9 6.9 Max. See. Ft. 21.2 28.5 28.2 27.5 12. b 28.5 Min. Sec. Ft. 9.8 22.6 12.2 Total Ac. Ft. 0I3.5 1,351.: 1,573.9 1.341.7 56.1 1,976.4 XAUSAH RTTER 1«7 TABLE NO. Zi - Cootioued BARTON COT AT HEAD DlTerslon in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1941 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Renarksl 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 2'° 22.4 31 21 Dry Dry 2 8.2 23.3 33.6 21.9 3 7.8 26.1 34.9 25.1 4 9.3 20.5 36.5 24.4 5 17.2 S1.5 37.3 24.2 (, 11.7 23.3 38.1 24.2 I 9.8 24.6 37.3 25.1 9.2 26.5 19.9 26.8 9 6.6 27.5 19.7 22.8 25.8 10 9.8 28.5 25.3 11 10.7 35.3 26.5 25.8 12 9.3 ;8.i 28 28.5 13 8.6 35.7 28.5 28 14 5.1 29.7 22.4 23.3 15 6.1 32 18 17.* Id 9.1 34.6 17.4 15.8 \l 12. b 33.6 19.9 13.9 u 10.7 30 21.2 16 1? 8.9 25.1 25.1 28.7 17.8 20 7.9 32.5 14.1 21 1-i 39.5 '2 13.9 22 12.9 'H.5 28 12.6 23 18.7 37.3 27.5 11.5 24 21.5 54.3 25.8 10.8 25 24.4 3*. 3 24.6 7.9 26 24.9 35.1 24.6 6.6 n 7.9 24.2 35.1 19.7 2.6 14.1 26.5 37. J 18.9 29 6.8 27.5 3*.l 24.9 30 4 24.6 32.5 24.2 51 6 31.7 Sec.ft. Year Days 36.8 405.7 969.5 795.0 510.3 Period Mean Sec. Ft. o 1.3 13.5 31.3 26.5 16.5 7.5 Hax. , Sec.Ft. 14.1 27.5 41.5 38.1 26.5 *1.5 nin. Sec. Ft. 7.3 21.5 17. < Total ; Ac. Ft. 1 c 76.9 804.7 1,923.0 1,576.9 1,012.2 5,393.7 DiTersion In second-feet for year ending Septe mber 30, 1942 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 20.6 22.4 ^M 24.9 Dry Dry 2 21.9 22.8 28.8 25.1 3 23.5 23 22.4 25.1 4 25.8 23.2 23.5 24.2 5 17.2 18.9 26 24.6 6 19.5 18.7 29.5 23.5 I 23.9 18.9 29.5 23.7 23.5 20.6 24.8 22.4 9 23.5 22.4 21.2 19.1 10 2J.5 21.5 22.4 16.8 11 24.9 21.7 24.4 16 12 23.5 21.2 25.8 13 13 24.9 23.3 25.* 9.3 14 27 25.1 24.4 5.2 15 24.9 25.3 24.2 8.2 16 5.5 22.8 24.9 23.9 6.1 il 10.5 23.7 23.7 23.3 6.6 10.3 23.3 27.6 23.7 *.9 19 10 24.6 m 23.3 J.3 20 9.2 26.3 19.3 2.3 21 10.5 25.6 32.6 19.7 1.5 22 24.4 J*.l 27 1 23 22.8 33.1 23 24 20.3 33.0 23.7 25 9.* 23.3 33.3 2b 26 1*.5 24.6 25.3 26.5 u l-.l 27.* 22.4 24.6 14.1 24.0 24.9 25.0 29 15.6 23.5 23.9 2o JO 17. o 22.1 24.2 2o.j 31 19.7 24.2 Sec.rt. Year Days 1 L 1 160.6 707.4 773.4 737.7 311.0 Period Melc ' 1 Sec. Ft.; ; ; ; 5.2 25.6 24.9 24.6 10.1 7.4 Max. Sec.Ft. 19.7 27.4 54.1 29.5 25.1 54.1 HiD. Sec.Ft. 3 17.2 16.7 19.3 Total Ac. Ft. : ' ; ; ii9.: l.-OJ.l ;.55*.o 1.403.2 0I6.5 5.}}7.8 Diversioa in DIVISION OF WATER RESOnRCES TABLE NO. 25 - Continued BARTON CUT AT HEAD coBd-feet for year ending September }0, 1945 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remaplss 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 9.6 12.8 30 19.2 22.8 Dry Dry 2 12.2 13.3 29.7 14.4 23 3 11.9 15.7 29 17.9 22.8 4 14.2 13.3 33 25.3 23.7 5 b.5 13-7 3*. 3 23.9 24.4 6 7.5 14.8 41.2 22.6 22.6 I 11.9 46 30.5 22.3 5.7 15 41.7 30.3 20.2 9 13.7 16 U'A 28.2 21 10 14.5 11.2 24.6 21.7 11 13.3 9.2 30.9 27.9 20.6 12 10.7 S-9 26.5 29.1 18.7 1} 9.2 8.4 31 26.4 I0.4 1* 8.5 8.7 26.8 28.7 13.8 15 5.7 8.2 8.9 27.5 29.5 12.6 16 14.1 7.9 6.9 28.5 30.3 10.8 n 14.1 7.3 9.3 24.9 28.8 9.2 13.3 7.3 9.8 21.9 27.9 6.2 19 12.6 7.3 10.7 21.7 25.8 1.3 20 13.3 7.5 10.2 27 23.7 21 14.1 7.5 16 28 21.6 22 18.7 7.3 23.3 27.7 25.2 2} 20.0 7.6 25-1 26.4 25 24 20.2 7.b 2-. 2 27 25 25 12.3 7.3 24.9 28.5 24 26 7.6 7.3 24.2 29 22.2 11 6.2 7.2 22.8 29.1 25.5 5 0.9 24.2 29.1 23.1 29 0.9 21.9 26 23 50 7 25.1 22.6 22.4 31 9.3 24.6 Sec. Ft. Tear Days 175.8 270.7 458.4 925.2 746.0 554.3 Period Mean See. Ft. 6.3 8.7 15.3 29.8 24.9 10.8 8.0 Max. Sec. Ft. 20.0 14.5 25.1 46.0 30.5 24.4 46.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 5-7 8.4 21.7 14.4 Total Ac. Ft. 318.7 536.9 909.5 1,835.1 1,479.7 663.1 5,772.8 Divers ion in second-feet for year ending September 50, 1944 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 5 5 Dry Dry Dry Dry 11.4 15.6 19.7 16.6 10.5 20.5 11 21.5 20.1 11.9 21.9 22.4 12.6 14.8 17.6 14.1 11.9 10.5 8.2 6 I 9 10 8.2 11.2 13.3 12.2 7.2 24.6 19.3 2d 25.8 14.5 18.5 21.5 18.9 25.6 6.5 5.1 4.4 3 11 i2 15 14 15 2.6 5.1 7.2 10.6 6.0 4 3.8 32.8 29 28 25.9 22.4 52 22.4 18.9 21.5 22.4 16 \l 19 20 3.6 4.1 4.9 4.4 3.8 6.4 22.4 17.0 22.8 23.5 28 21.9 16.8 15.7 15.3 13.3 21 22 25 24 25 1 3 5.8 4.1 2.5 4.5 9.3 5.1 5.7 5.4 7.9 6.2 25.6 19.7 17.2 15.5 14.1 12.2 11.5 9.2 10.5 10.2 26 11 29 30 51 10.2 8.9 6!8 7.8 8.9 5.9 9.5 15 10.2 15.7 12.6 14.5 16.8 15.7 9.7 11.2 9.5 9.8 15.2 Sec.?t. Days 4.0 112.8 257.6 602.5 505.7 81.5 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 0.1 3.0 6.0 21.4 I0.8 2.6 4.4 Max. Sec. Ft. u 3.0 13.2 19.7 52.8 32.0 17.0 32.8 Min. Sec. Ft. 9.7 9.2 Total Ac. Ft. u 7.9 223.7 510.9 1,515.7 999.1 lbl.5 3,216.6 KAWSAH RI7ER TABLE NO. ?5 - Continued BARTON CDT AT HEAD Diversion Id cond-feet for year ending September JO, 19*5 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 27 Dry Dry Dry 2 27.5 ) 2a 19 * Zi 19 5 22.5 10 6 23.5 5 I 26 25 9 2* 10 2o 10 11 25 15 12 25 19 13 25 24.5 14 5 13 16 15 10 12 23.5 16 13 15 20.5 11 15 19 19.5 20.5 15 25.5 19 2d 10 24 20 36 5 23 21 23 13 22 20.5 10 2J 23.5 24 27 25 2o.5 26 23 11 25 38 29 ^t }0 28 31 See.*t. Year Days Q 382.0 419.5 294.5 Period Hean Sec. Ft. 12.7 13.5 9.8 3.0 Hai. Sec. Ft. 38.0 2e.O 24.5 38.0 Win. Sec. Ft. Total Ac. Ft. 757.7 832.1 584.1 2,173-9 DIVISION OF UATEB RESCOROES TABLE NO. 26 J13«1INCS DITCH NEAR HEAD Point of diversion - Thirteen and one-half miles below McKay Point on the south bank of St. Johns Branch In the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township l8 South, Ren^e 25 East, M.D.B. and M. Maximum diversion capacity - 45 second-feet. Location of KBfi^iap. station - One-half mile below head of ditch in the southeest quarter of Section 21, Township 18 South, Range 25 East, M.D.B. and n. Map designation @ . Description of gagloR station - Open channel section, staff gage and water stage recorder, rated by frequent current meter measurements. Since 1939, timber control rated by current meter, with a water stage recorder in operation during seasons of diveralon. Operating apency - Jennings Ditch Company. Gross service area - 1,260 acres. Period of record - 1917-1919; intermittent during the years ending September }0, 1918 and 1920; no record during the year ending September }0, 1919; continuous from May J to September }0, 1917 and from October 1, 1920 to September }0, 19't9. Criteria governing diverslops - First }9 second-feet of flow reachine the head of Jennings Ditch when the flow of St. Johns Branch at Ketchum Ditch does not exceed 200 second-feet, which rate of diver- sion is decreased to }* second-feet when the flow of St. Johns Brsnoh at Ketchum Ditch exceeds 200 second-feet; next 5 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 5* second- feet and downstream priorities of 97 second-feet, aggregating 1}1 second-feet at their respec- tive points of diversion; maximum diversion, 39 second-feet. After the flood of February 19*5 and the change in the river channel and the position of the headgate constructed, Jennings Ditch was unable to divert its full entitlement. Until 19*8 when a concrete weir was constructed across the river. Divers ion in seoond-fe et for year ending September 30, 1940 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. War. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 19.5 17.5 36 35 11.5 2 20.5 15.5 31 33 7 5 7.5 20.5 21 31 28 20 4 21.5 20 24.5 30.5 29.5 20 5 10.5 15.5 22 23 29 29 18.5 6 1.5 15 21.5 21 31.5 30 16.5 I 15 18 21 21 30.5 35 15 14 22 23.5 33 35 16.5 9 15.5 21.5 24 30.5 35 30 11 10 15.5 24 24 51 38 23 11 25 22 23.5 31.5 35 23 12 12 20.5 2? 30.5 31 27 1} 15.5 19 28 28.5 22 29 14 17.5 15 27 29 26.5 30 15 22 15 26 28.5 32 30 16 19.5 11.5 27 26 30 25 11 16 11 28 26 51 23.5 11 11 27 30 33 23 19 7.5 17 27 58 29.5 21 20 5 20.5 27.5 35-5 30 16.5 21 3.5 20.5 30 35.5 32 14.5 22 1 19 31 36 32.5 14.5 23 21 28 31.5 31.5 13 24 15 27.5 33 30 14 25 14.5 24 35 30 15.5 26 23.5 24.5 33 33 9 11 19.5 23.5 30.5 32 9.5 18 18 27.5 29 10.5 29 21 23 30.5 20.5 11.5 30 22.5 33 31 15 31 17.5 31 Sec.?t. Year Days 212.5 470.5 754.5 855.5 958.0 682.5 136.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 6.9 16.2 24.} 28.5 30.9 22.8 4.4 11.1 Max. Sec. Ft. 25.0 24.0 51.0 38.0 58.0 35.0 20.0 38.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 17.5 15.5 22.0 9.0 Total Ac. Ft. 421.5 953.2 1,496.6 1,696.9 1,900.2 V53-7 269.8 8,071.9 KAWEAH RI7SR TABLE NO. :(i - Continued JENNINGS DITCH NE/J? HEAD Diversion In second-feet for year endlnf September }0, 19*1 Day Oct. Not. Dee. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarlis 1 Dry Dry 3.5 12.5 17.5 ie.5 22 28.5 28 12 Dry 3 20.5 30 26 5 U 2.5 19.5 17.5 24.5 29 27 ^ 2.5 17.5 13 26 28 20 5 2 17 15 25 28 20.5 (, 2.5 21 10.3 23 29 22 I 9.5 23 19.5 24 28 25.5 3 *.5 23 26.5 28 25.5 26 9 10 3 15 22 2* 28 26 26 13.5 21 22.5 28 26 26 8 20 17 30 30.5 23.5 15 20 15 26 29 20.5 13 14 9.5 20 20 21 30.5 I0.5 5.5 11 21.5 25 25.5 27.5 16 15 3.5 9.5 20 24 27.5 2o 12 16 13 17 23 27 28 10.5 u 16 15.5 22.5 29.5 28 14 19 15.5 25.5 28 26.5 15 19 20 20 16.5 25.5 25.5 30.5 13.5 18 16.5 25 25.5 28.5 10.5 18 11.5 20 26.5 27 15 12.5 10 19 28.5 27 15.5 23 15 9 19 28.5 26 10 7 18 9 19 27 27 8.5 25 9.5 19.5 11 21.5 27 25 11 26 11 19 11 23 27 26 10 ^ 11 19 15 25 25.5 23.5 11 9 15 22.5 27 25.5 21 11 29 30 31 7.5 21 27 26 25.5 15 3.5 6 13.5 24.5 26 28 7 4 14 26 5 Sec. ft. Tear Days u 3.5 80.0 333.5 529.5 630. u 80B.O 819.0 522.0 12.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 0.1 2.0 11.9 17.1 21.0 26.1 27.5 16.6 0.4 10.2 Hex. Sec. Ft. 3.5 11.0 20.0 23.0 27.0 30.0 30.5 28.0 12.0 30.5 Hln. Sec. Ft. 2.0 9.0 10.5 20.5 21.0 5.0 Total Ac. Ft. 6.9 158.7 661.5 1,050.2 V9.6 1,602.7 1,624.5 1,035.4 25.8 oi7,413.3 i DiTeraion in second-feet for year ending September 30 , 1942 Day Oct. 1 Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 2 9.5 16 29 20.5 Dry Dry 2 1 10 20.5 27.5 19 3 1.5 12.5 18.5 25 20 4 0.5 18.5 19.5 29 18 5 12.5 19 32 19 6 1 13 19 31 16.5 I u 2 2.5 16.5 20 27 17 2 1.5 4.5 16.5 23 24 16.5 9 2 6.5 16 28. 5 25.5 10 2 7.5 15.5 25.5 28.5 8 11 1 12.5 19 22.5 24.5 §•5 ]2 16 18.5 20.5 24.5 8.5 13 13 20.5 20.5 26 I 14 12.5 21.5 17.5 28 15 0.5 f 13 21.5 16 25 11 16 1.5 17.5 21.5 15.5 25.5 16 \l 15.5 21.5 14 27.5 12.5 J 15.5 18 16.5 28.5 11 19 15 19.5 24 29 9.5 20 10 22 31 26.5 11 21 9 21.5 27 25 11 22 0.5 12 27 21 24.5 9.5 23 2 2 IJ.5 24.5 23 23.5 8.5 24 2.5 11.5 18.5 25 21.5 6.5 25 1.5 3.5 9.5 18 20.5 21.5 13 26 1.7 7 7 17.5 23.5 20.5 15 n ^ 4 b 19 24.5 18 7.5 3.5 9.5 6 21.5 26 18.5 29 3.5 7.5 8 18.5 22 20 30 5.5 4.5 1:1 14 20 21.5 31 4.5 23 Sec.7t. Year Days 57.2 41.0 6.!- 2b0.0 544.0 671. u 760.0 336.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. u 1.2 1.} 0.2 8.4 16.1 21.6 25.3 10.9 7.3 nai. Sec. Ft. J 5.5 9.5 2.0 17.5 27.0 51.0 32.0 20.5 32.0 tlin. Sec. Ft. U 9.5 14.0 18.0 Total Ac. Ft. 73.8 81.J 12.9 515.7 1,079.0 1,330.9 1,507.5 670.4 5,271.5 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 2b - Continued JENNINGS DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion in seoond-feet for year ending Septemter JO, 1943 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 3 3 23.5 27 29 12.5 Dry Dry 2 2 24 27.5 30 12 3 1 1.5 24 25.5 25.5 12 1.5 5 2J.5 27.5 24 15 5 1.5 9 24 24 17.5 17.5 1.5 10 24.5 23.5 15.5 17.5 I 1.5 8 22.5 24.5 21 15.5 1.5 6.5 21.5 25 26 14 9 10 1.5 12.5 24 25.5 26.5 14 1 12 21.5 25.5 21 17 1 11 20 2b 25 16.5 1 9 19 25 25 15.5 13 1 lb 18.5 25.5 21.5 14 1 22 m 20.5 22.5 13 15 1.5 21.5 15 24 18.5 16 5 20 18.5 16.5 26.5 20 3-5 16.5 19 18 27.5 18.5 3 12 23 13 29.5 15 19 20 2.5 8 27 11.5 26.5 13 J 7 26.5 15.5 14 17 21 22 2? 4 14 26.5 19.5 21.5 17 9 19 27.5 2b. 5 17.5 21.5 11 18.5 28 30 15 26 1J.5 18 31 30.5 16 16.5 25 15 18 5J 29.5 15.5 14 3 9.5 18.5 26.5 JO 18.5 11.5 U 7.5 7 19 26.5 JO. 5 18.5 7 5.5 5 24.5 22 32 19.5 7.5 29 JO 31 5 25 23.5 31 17.5 5.5 5 25.5 26 27.5 15 3 4.5 24.5 25 See.ft. Days 30.5 110.5 437.0 711.0 754.0 652.5 437.5 Period Sec. Ft. 1.0 J. 9 14.1 23.7 24.3 21.8 14.1 8.6 hax. Sec. Ft. 7.5 13.5 25.5 33.0 32.0 30.0 26.0 33.0 nin. Sec. Ft. 1.0 1.5 17.5 11.5 14.0 Total Ac. Ft. 60.5 219.2 860.8 1,410.J 1,495.5 1,294.2 867.8 Divers ion in seoond-feet for year ending September 30, 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 Dry Dry Dry Dry 3 2.5 10.5 8 10 12 9.5 7 9 13 12 15 12.5 21 23 26 22.5 22.5 12 9.5 11 12 Dry Dry 6 I 9 10 4.5 6 4.5 5.0 6.5 5.5 I 8.5 5.5 IJ.5 IJ.5 17.5 21.5 20.5 18 17 22.5 17.5 1- 5 2.5 2.5 11 12 13 14 15 8 8 6 4.5 5.5 5 7.5 4.5 2.5 2.5 20 21.5 22 22.5 21.5 16 18 22.5 19 16 4 2.5 1 16 11 19 20 2.5 J 4 5 5.5 2.5 2 J. 5 20 20 19.5 17 21 12.5 9 r 9 21 22 23 24 25 2.5 3.5 4.5 J 2.5 4 5 J. 5 2 3 5 5 24.5 24.5 26.5 25 26 8 7.5 5.5 6 5.5 26 11 29 30 31 2.5 6 5 4.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 3.5 5 9 5.5 7 24 24.5 27.5 27.5 22.5 22.5 7.5 10.5 IJ 14 13 Seclft. Days 8.5 14J.5 159.5 628.0 432.0 87.5 Period Mean Sec. Ft. O.J 4.6 5. J 20.J 14.4 2.8 4.0 Max. Sec. Ft. 3.5 10.5 12.0 27.5 26.0 12.0 27.? nin. Sec. Ft. 9.0 5.5 ■ Total Ac. Ft. 16.9 284.6 316.4 1,245.6 856.9 173.5 2.893.9 KAUEAH RITEK TABLE NO. 26 - Coatloued JEMNINOS DITCH NEAR HEAD DiTorsloD in second-feet for year ending September 50, 19*5 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. j Remarks 1 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 15.5 10 12 Dry Dry 2 1* 14.5 10.5 J 22 20 9 I0.5 19.5 7.5 5 17 20 9.5 b 17 7.5 7.5 I 18.5 6 6.5 17 6 5 9 12 6.5 4 10 18.5 15 3 11 21.5 52 2 12 26.5 50.5 2 13 22.5 50.5 2 1* 17 24.5 1 15 2 11.5 19 16 7 16.5 16.5 ]l 10.5 11.5 15.5 5 14 18 19 2 11.5 15 20 1 11.5 10.5 21 15.5 15 15 10 25 2* t^ 5.5 * 25 5 19 9 26 t, 17 12 ^ 9.5 15.5 14 14.5 16 14.5 15-5 15.5 16 30 15.5 16 15 51 11.5 Year Days 89.5 505.5 448,0 81.5 Period nean Sec. Ft. }.0 16.3 14.9 2.6 3.1 Max. Sec.Ft. 15.5 26.5 52.0 12.0 32.0 Hin. Sec.Ft. 11.5 5.5 Total Ac. Ft. 177.5 1,002.7 888.6 161.6 ?,2;o.4 Divers ion in second-feet for year endl ng September 30, 1946 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Her. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 Dry Dry . Dry Dry Dry Dry 17.7 16.2 14.8 18 20.4 9.8 12 11.6 10 9.6 Dry Dry Dry 6 I 9 10 23.4 23.4 18.3 17 13.9 8.2 8 u 7 11 12 13 1* 15 0.2 3.3 15 16.2 15.6 14.5 15.6 5-4 4.6 3.8 3.2 2.6 16 \l 19 20 9.8 9.8 9.6 9.6 13.9 12.6 12.3 13.6 1-1.5 2.4 2 1.8 0.7 0.4 21 22 23 24 25 9.6 9.8 11.2 7.7 6.4 15 11.4 9' 0.4 26 11 29 30 31 6.8 7 7 13.6 14.8 8.5 U 7.5 1:1 Sec.ft. Days 146.0 428.3 119.4 Year Period nean Sec.Ft. 4.9 15.8 4.0 1.9 Haz. Sec.Ft. 14.8 23.4 12.0 23.4 Min. Sec.Ft. 7.5 Total Ac. Ft. 289.6 849.6 2J6.8 1.376.0 DIVISION OF UATER RESOURCES TABLE i;o. 26 - Continued raNNINCS DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1947 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 i 5 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 2.7 2.7 2.6 J.l 2.4 2.7 6.4 13.6 il2 7.2 8.8 8 8 7 Dry Dry Dry 6 I 9 10 2.3 2 1.9 1.8 1.8 18.8 14.5 14.2 12.6 11.8 6.8 5.8 3 2.7 2.7 11 12 13 1* 15 1.9 2.7 '•§ 5.8 7.2 7.6 6.6 10.1 11.5 10.7 2.2 1.4 1.6 3.2 4 16 11 19 20 0.7 9.1 10.6 10.8 11.5 12 12.1 14.5 14.5 13.9 15.1 3.2 2.3 1.9 1.9 2.2 21 22 2? 24 25 1.9 l'.8 2.6 11 9.7 7.6 6 5.6 12.6 16.5 22 18.8 lb 1.1 26 29 JO 31 2 2.2 2.1 3.2 2.7 2.6 5 5 6.4 6.8 4.7 14.2 11.8 12.3 11 10.1 9 Sec. Ft. Days 29.8 16^.3 396.7 85.0 Tear Period Mean Sec. Ft. 1.0 5.5 12.9 2.8 1.9 Max. Sec.Ft. 4.8 12.0 22.0 8.8 2Z.0 Hin. Sec.Ft. 1.8 2.7 Total AC. Ft. ??•! J2?.? 790.8 168.6 1,348.4 Divers ion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1948 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 2 1 0.5 2.5 9 7 10 8 10.5 7 Dry Dry Dry 6 I 9 10 3 14.5 20 10.5 7.5 9.5 12 12.5 11 12 13 14 15 4 3 2.5 2 2 9 11 11.5 14 21 8 9.5 12 11.5 9.5 16 \l 19 20 2 3 5.5 6 5 17.5 15 16.5 10 9 6.5 6.5 6 21 22 23 24 25 5.5 5.5 4 2.5 2 8 7.5 11.5 17 17 6 5 5 4 3.5 2(, M 29 30 31 3.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 4 17.5 17 13 7 6 8 3 2.5 1-5 0.5 0.5 Sec.Ft. Days 80.5 339.5 208.5 Year Period Mean Sec.Ft. ^ 2.7 11.0 7.0 1.7 Max. Sec.Ft. 6.0 21.0 12.5 21.0 Hin. Sec.Ft. 0.5 0.5 Total Ac. Ft. 159.7 673.4 413.5 1,246.6 KAVKAH BITER TABLE NO. li - Contloued JZNNINCS DITCH NKAR HEAD DlTersion in second-feet for year ending September JO, 19*9 Day Oct. NOY. Dec. Jan. Feb. l»r. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 5 4 5 i I 9 10 11 12 IJ 1« 15 16 \l 19 20 21 22 2J 24 25 26 11 29 50 51 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 1 5.5 4 5.5 (, 5 5.5 5 4.5 4 (, 9.5 11.5 11 12 8 7.5 9 9 7.5 6.5 12.5 1} 1:1 10.5 11 12.5 14 1} 12 12.5 14 17.5 15 1} 13.5 15.5 1«.5 13 12.5 18 20 18 21.5 22 19.5 lb. 5 16 15 15 23 JO. 5 31 31.5 32.5 51.5 30.5 30.5 29.5 29 29.5 24 17.5 16 13.5 6.5 2 Dry Dry Dry Sec .ft. Days 135.0 445.0 423.5 Tear Period neen Sec. Ft. Q «.5 14.4 14.1 2.7 nai. Sec.Pt. 12.0 22.0 32.5 32.5 Hin. Sec. Ft. 6.5 Total Ac. Ft. 267.8 882.6 840.0 1,990.4 176 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 27 UPHILL DITCH NEAR HEAD Point of diversion - Fifteen miles below McKay Point on the north bank of St. Johns Branch in the northwest quarter of Section 21, Township l8 South, Range 25 East, M.D.B. and M. MaxJjnum dlTersion capacity - 60 secood-feet. Location of gaging station - Prior to December 19?9, 700 feet below head of ditch In the northwest quarter of Section 21, Township l8 South, Range 25 East, M.D.B. and M- Since December 1959* 100 yards below ditch head in same section. Mep designation ^7) • Description of geglag station - Open channel, staff gage and water stage recorder, rated by frequent current meter measurements; replaced by Parshall Measuring Flume in 1938 until December 1939; since December 15^39 open channel section rated by current meteri with a water stage recorder in operation. Operating; agency - Uphill Ditch Company. Gross rice area - 1,800 acres Period of r ecord - 1917-19*9; intermittent during the years ending September JO, 19l8 and 1920; no record during the* years ending September 30» 1919 and 1925; continuous from May J to September 30, 1917, October 1, 1920 to September 30, 1922 and April 12, 1924 to September 50, 19*9. Criteria governing diyerslons - First 20 second-feet of flow reaching the heed of Uphill Ditch in excess of flows required to meet downstream priorities aggregating 44 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; next 8 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 20 second-feet and downstream priorities of 64 second-feet, aggregating 84 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; next 2 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 28 second-feet and down- stream priorities of 67 second-feet, aggregating 95 second-feet at their respective points of diver- sion; next 10 second-feet in excess of flows required to meet the sum of 30 second-feet and downstream - priorities of 458 second-feet, aggregating 488 second-feet at their respective points of diversion; at high river stages, total diversions are increased to a maximum of 45 second-feet. Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1940 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarlcs 1 Dry Dry Dry I '• 15.5 25.5 34 28.5 26.5 Dry Dry 2 8 e. 18 27.5 31.5 27.5 21.5 5 10 e. 24 27.5 30 29.5 17.5 4 15 e. 23.5 25 32 32 9 5 15 e. 24.5 26.5 31.5 30.5 6 14 e. 27 28.5 34 30.5 \ 14 e. 23 29 ^1 24.5 12 e. 12 e. 25.5 23.5 28.5 2o 9 12 e. 12 e. 26 25 27.5 25.5 10 1} e. 12 e. 26 30.5 30 25 11 14 e. 12 e. 29 33.6 26 28 \Z 15 e. 12 e. 30.5 30.5 20.5 29.5 1} 1} e. 12 e. 29 28.5 25 31 14 12 e. 18 e. 27 26 26.5 32 15 10 e. 19.5 27 27.5 27 31 16 8 e. 21.5 26.5 29 28.5 31.5 12 e e. 21.3 27.5 30 30 26 6 e. 23.5 28 30.5 29 26.5 19 6 e. 22 26 23 28 28 30 4 e. 21.5 28.5 18.5 31.5 27.5 21 3 e. 24 29.5 21 32.5 26.5 22 25 31.5 23.5 31 29.5 2J 27 32.5 28 29.5 29 24 20 34 31 25 31.5 25 5 e. 15.5 26.5 30.5 22 31 26 15 e. 16.5 27.5 24 20 27.5 Sk 12 e. 11 28 20 21.5 26 10 e. 16 21.5 27 23 27 29 8 e. 16 24.5 53 20 27.5 30 7 e. 25 35 15 31 51 7 e. 25.5 23 Sec.?t. Year Days 200.0 473.5 816.0 818.6 847.5 859.0 74.5 Period Mean Sec. Ft. u 6.5 16.3 2o.3 27.3 27.3 28.6 2.4 11.2 Itox. Sec. Ft. u 15.0 27.0 54.0 35.0 34.0 32.0 26.5 35.0 Hln. Sec. Ft. u 7.U 13.5 16.5 15.0 24.5 Total Ac. Ft. a 390.7 939. a 1,618.5 1,623.7 1,681.0 1,703.8 147.6 8,110.7 slonal measurements and gage readings \^ithout en automatic recorder. KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 27 - Continued UPHILL DITCH NEAR HEAD in second-feet for year ending September 50, 1941 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 17 18.5 8 25 6 26 27 Dry Dry 2 16.5 18 b 27 6 27.5 25 } 17.5 IB 7 25 6 27 27 14.5 17.5 12.5 20 b 26.5 28 5 14 17.5 15 22 5.5 26.5 28.5 6 14 10 15.5 17 2 24.5 28.5 I 17 15 19.5 22 2 22.5 28 19 10 22 21.5 2 25 50 9 14 18.5 21 20.5 2 24.5 29.5 10 14.5 19 20.5 19.5 4 27 29 11 15 14.5 20 19.5 14.5 27.5 31 12 1^ 21 19 17.5 20.5 27.5 51.5 13 10.5 15 19 25.5 26.5 27.5 51 15 17.5 16 25.5 29 26.5 29.5 15 16 16 12.5 22 28 2b 51 16 14 lb. 5 15.5 22 51 26 55 \l 12.5 14 18 24 50.5 27 51 11 15 19 24.5 29 27.5 29.5 10 17.5 20 25 11 29 28.5 20 10.5 17.5 20 22.5 28 25 11-5 15-5 19.5 24 52 26.5 28 22 c 15.5 9.5 20.5 22.5 27.5 26 26 12.5 15.5 25 22 24 25.5 28 17 19 25-5 25 25 25 28 25 10 16 19 25.5 25-5 23.5 24 24 26 8 17.5 15.5 25.5 16 25.5 26 21 '^l 19.5 19 10 28.5 7 25.5 25 17 21.5 19 9 50.5 15 25 22.5 15 29 17 16 li-' 14 25.5 28 4 14 l8.5 8 26 29.5 51 18 17.5 27 Sec. Ft. Year Days 108.0 460.5 435.5 577.5 616.5 584.0 785.5 770.5 Period Sec. Ft. J. 5 14.9 15.6 18.6 20.6 18.8 26.1 24.9 11.9 Max. Sec. Ft. 21.5 19.0 21.0 50.5 27.0 52.0 29.5 33.0 35.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 10.0 9.0 6.0 7.0 2.0 22.5 Total Ac. Ft. 214,2 915.4 865.8 1.145-5 1,222.8 1,158.4 1,554.1 1,528.3 8,600.5 DlTors ion in second-feet for year ending September 50, 1942 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Msy June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 9 14.5 32.5 31 28.5 51.5 Dry Dry 2 7 15 35 28 28 31.5 5 9.5 16 35 29.5 28 30.5 4 8.5 16,5 35 30.5 28.5 50.5 5 6 18 26 50.5 50 27.5 6 11 21 26 27.5 50.5 27 I 10 23 29.5 31 30 51.5 15.5 26.5 51.5 33 29.5 55 9 14 25 32.5 31 28.5 51.5 10 14.5 21 52.5 26 50 51.5 11 6 25 52.5 50 52.5 32.5 32 5 26 55 50 51.5 52.5 15 4 24.5 53.5 50.5 50 52 14 5 20.5 31.5 29.5 ^t 51 15 5 24 34 29.5 28.5 52 16 2 29.5 54.5 27 50.5 51 u 1 29 33.5 29 31 28.5 1 31.5 56 29 30.5 26 19 6 51.5 36.5 26 30 24 20 12 50 55 18.5 28.5 20.5 21 4 15 51 50 24.5 29.5 20.5 22 5 11 35 51 28 31.5 20 25 9 14 55 50 26.5 51 15 24 8 16 51 29.5 28.5 31 15 25 9 15 28,5 50.5 25.5 52 7 26 14 15 n 51 26 55 11 10 16 32.5 27.5 52.5 17 15 28 52.5 28.5 54 29 15 28,5 51 ir 33 30 9 29 31 51 51 10 31 50 Sec.?t. Year Dots 129.0 242.0 794.0 960.5 877.5 912.0 673.5 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 4.2 8.6 25.6 52.0 28.3 30.4 21.7 12.6 Max. Sec.Ft. u 17.0 16.0 35.0 56.5 33.0 54.0 53.0 J6.5 Min. Sec.Ft. 14.5 26.0 18.5 28.0 Total Ac. Ft. 255.? 480.0 1,574.? l,?OJ.l 1.740.5 1,809.0 1.335.9 9,101.3 178 DIVISION OF VATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 27 - Continued UPHILL DITCH NEAR HBAD Diversion In second-feet for year ending September JO, 19't3 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 24.5 28.5 26 54 29.5 Dry Dry 2 23.5 29 28.5 50.5 31.5 3 24 29.5 30 28.5 32 4 20 29.5 28.5 28.5 30.5 5 16 54.5 22.5 27.5 55.5 6 12.5 55.5 35.5 28.5 55 I 15 54.5 36.5 51 28 15 52.5 55.5 29.5 27 9 17.5 31.5 29.5 51.5 24 10 21.5 29 52.5 50.5 23.5 11 20 31.5 35 51.5 22 12 13.5 54.5 34.5 51.5 6.5 1} 11 35.5 55.5 30 14 4.5 35 55.5 32 15 56 51.5 31 16 9 55 29.5 31 \l 13 52.5 51 29.5 12 3 35.5 51 29 19 12.5 3 35 29.5 29.5 20 12 35.5 31.5 31 21 Q 12 55 33.5 31.5 22 12 36.5 32.5 50.5 25 4 11 37 30.5 50.5 24 11 20.5 36.5 31 51.5 25 12.5 52 55 50.5 31.5 26 11 52.5 50.5 27.5 32 u 19 52.5 52.5 26 30.5 24.5 54 55.5 26 31 54.5 52.5 29 30 30 28 50 28 28 31 25 29.5 Sec. Ft. Year Days 4.0 171.5 481.5 989.0 947.5 913.0 523.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 0.1 6.1 15.5 53.0 30.6 30.4 10.4 10.5 Max. Sec. Ft. 4.0 24.5 54.5 37.0 56.5 34.0 35.0 37.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 28.5 26.0 27.5 Total Ac. Ft. 7.9 340.2 955.0 1.961.7 1,879.4 1,810.9 640.7 17,595.8 1 Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 15.5 52.5 50 50 29 Dry Dry 2 15 53.5 51.5 55 30 5 6 36 27 50 31.5 4 4 55 21 27 30 5 26 29.5 21.5 29.5 28.5 6 21.5 26 21 25 '1-5 I 19 50 23 27.5 28.5 16. 5 30.5 25.5 29.5 27.5 9 16.5 26 25 30 23 10 1 19 24.5 25 24 9.5 11 1 22.5 25 29 29 12 1 26 28.5 52 50 15 28 23 51 29.5 14 26 25.5 54 51.5 15 17 17.5 51 32.5 16 16 20.5 55 32 \l 18.5 20.5 53 29.5 21.5 15.5 30.5 28 19 25 15 54.5 52 20 26.5 22.5 37.5 54.5 21 25.5 21 37.5 51.5 22 21.5 18 36.5 U-' 25 16 22 21.5 55 24 7.5 25.5 26.5 54 50 25 2 29 28 51 30 26 2.5 51 24 29.5 28.5 u 8 28.5 26.5 55 29 5.5 28 29.5 55.5 55 29 2 28.5 23 56 H'^ 50 50 24.5 31 28.5 31 50.5 30 Sec. ft. Year Days 44.5 682.0 759.5 943.0 891.5 262.0 Period Heen Sec. Ft. 1.5 22.0 25.5 50.4 29.7 8.5 9.8 nez. Sec. Ft. 16.0 31.0 ;6.o 57.5 54.5 31.5 37.5 Min. Sec. Ft. u 4.0 15.0 21.0 24,0 Total Ac. Ft. 88.5 1.552.7 i,50=.> 1.870.4 I.706.3 519.7 7.105.9 KAUEAH RIVER TABLE no. 27 - ContlnuBd UPHILL PITCH rSAR HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1945 Day Get. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Drv Dry 29 51 51.5 39 Dry Dry 2 50 52.5 57.5 56.5 } 51 50 39.5 55 i& 51 41 53 5 20 J 8 51 45 34 50 29.5 55.5 \u 54.5 I 51 51.5 52 55 50 31 52 55.5 55 9 10 27 2b 50.5 54.5 54 28 27.5 52.5 51.5 54 27 27.5 49.5 39 53 12 23 28.5 50.5 46 31.5 22 51 51.5 45.5 52.'- 21 51.5 49.5 45 55 15 6 9.5 50 45 45 29.5 16 29 51 50 45.5 52 ]l 27.5 35.5 51 •15.5 32.5 29 38.5 48.5 47.5 29.5 26 55 42.5 47.5 25.5 20 25 35.5 40.5 46 19.5 27.5 36.5 42 15 17.5 29.5 40 45 42 17.5 50 41.5 40.5 55 lb 25 44 56 33.5 14 ?5 25 43.5 55.5 41.5 11 34.5 42 36 40 6 M 29.5 45 55 56 27.5 50.5 55 39 29 30 51 21 51 34.5 40.5 16.5 48.5 35 39 19 33.5 Sec.?t. Year Deys u 265.0 429.0 1,058.0 1,400.3 1,217.0 726.5 Period Mean Sec. Ft. u 9.5 15.8 55.5 45.2 40.6 23.4 14.0 Max. Sec. Ft. 51.0 3*. 5 51.0 55.5 47.5 39.0 55. 5 Min. Sec. Ft. 26.0 55.5 31.5 Total Ac. Ft. 1 525.6 850.9 2,098.6 2,777.9 2,413.9 1,441.0 10,107.9 Divers ion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1946 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 8 25.5 46.5 54 Dry Dry Dry 2 12 24.5 45 35 5 15 52 45 35.5 4 12 27 47.5 32 5 6.5 52 46 32.5 6 5 36.5 45.5 50.5 I 1.5 36.5 45 32.5 5.5 55.5 47.5 52.5 9 5.5 51.5 46.5 55.5 10 " 19.5 50.5 46.5 51.5 11 20.5 35.5 51.5 50.5 12 18 57.5 50 51 15 22.5 40.5 42.5 52 14 54.5 J4.5 55 51.5 15 7.5 52 31 54.5 JO 16 8.5 55.5 35.5 32. 5 29.5 \l 5.5 55 51.5 55 29 1.5 55.5 54 55 25.5 19 55 38 55.5 22.5 20 53 40.5 34.5 22.5 21 55 39.5 50 23 22 1 33 30.5 29-5 20.5 25 7.5 55 31.5 52 19 24 5 35 54 55.5 9 25 3 55 50.5 54 26 1.5 55.5 59 52.5 8.5 M 57 56 56 7.5 58 42 52.5 29 40 46.5 52.5 JO 46.5 49.5 55 51 59 57 Sec.Ft. Year Deys 18.0 21.0 775.0 1,055.0 1,209.5 699.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 0.6 0.7 25.0 55.1 59.0 25.5 10.} Max. Sec. Ft. 7.5 8.5 46.5 49.5 51.5 55.0 51.5 Mln. Sec. Ft. u u 1.5 25.5 29.5 Total 41.7 1,557.2 2,088.6 2,599.0 1,586.5 7,488.7 DIVISION OF WATER RESOUHCES TABLE NO. 27 - Continued DPHILL DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year ending September JO, 1947 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Bay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks- 1 Dry Dry 4.5 52.5 53.5 34 29 Dry Dry Dry 2 4 34 35.5 32.5 30 3 .1 56 34 52.5 27.5 4 2.5 32.5 54.5 60 31.5 5 c 3 50 35.5 59 30 6 2.5 28 35.5 51 28 7 2.5 26.5 32.5 47 30 8 2.5 29.5 51.5 54.5 30 9 2.5 53.5 31 52 53 10 14 32 31. 5 52 54.5 11 21 33 31.5 52.5 54.5 12 19 31.5 54.5 34 53.5 1} 21 31 56.5 32 29-5 <;-».5 31.5 59.5 31.5 52.5 15 22.5 52 56 J0.5 52 16 22 32.5 37 33 50.5 U c9 33 54.5 31 29 u 3-. 5 53 30.5 32.5 24 19 J 35.5 34.5 51 54.5 21.5 20 35 54.5 29-5 51.5 16.5 32.5 54.5 5^^ 5U.5 11 o 32.5 33.5 30 28.5 25 32 54.5 31 26.5 52 55 51 28 25 32 34.5 29.5 28 26 32.5 51.5 29.5 50 ?? 51.5 51 3? ^^^ 30.5 32.5 31.5 35 28 29 22 5.5 51 32 28 }0 9.5 28 55 50.5 51 2 3.5 31 28.5 Year Days 54.0 7.0 55.*. 5 997.0 960.5 1,075.5 598.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 1.7 0.2 20.0 32.2 52.7 34.7 19.9 11.7 Max. Sec.Ft. 22.0 3.5 }4.5 36.0 59.5 oO.O 54.5 60.0 Nln. Sec.Ft. 2.5 26.5 39.5 26.5 Total Ac. Ft. 107.1 13-9 1,109.8 1,977.5 1,9*4.6 2,133.3 l,l8b.l 3,472.5 Diversion in second-feet for year ending September ^0, 19 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. nar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 51 29 20 Dry Dry 2 5 29 28.5 52 50 6.5 4 35 31.5 5 57 52.5 6 39 33.5 I 37 32.5 40.5 30 9 56.5 54.5 10 12 33 33 11 15 31.5 32.5 12 lb 51.5 55.5 15 18 29 51.5 14 18 41.5 31.5 15 19 48 29 16 25 48 29 ]l 55 44.5 50 35 46 29 19 54.5 43.5 28 20 33.5 55 50 21 35 55.5 28 22 33 'l*5 50 23 34.5 28.5 50.5 2« 52 28 28 25 51 50 29 ^ 26 54 37.5 29.5 11 55.5 4u 50 56.5 42 30.5 29 57 J-.. 5 25 30 54.5 35.5 27 31 53.5 Sec.Ft. Year Days oOO.O 1.151.5 912.0 20.5 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 20.0 56.5 ,'0.4 0.9 7.5 Hex. Sec.Ft. 57.0 46.0 55.5 20.0 Hin. Sec.Ft. 3 28.0 25.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1,190.1 2,244.5 L, 808.9 52.0 5,'95.9 KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 27 - Continued UPHILL DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion la second-feet for year ending September 30, 19^9 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. nar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 36.5 35 Dry Dry Dry 2 35 33 5 3* 34 4 32 32.5 •> 33.5 30 6 3« 32.5 I 34 33.5 36 32 9 33.5 32.5 10 33 30 11 14 33.5 30 12 52.5 35.5 27.5 1} 32.5 33.5 30 14 33.5 32.5 30 15 34.5 31.5 23 16 32.5 31.5 15.5 12 3* 35.5 5 33 35.5 2 19 31.5 3* 20 31.5 32 21 5J-5 31 22 38.5 31.5 23 35 32.5 24 27.5 31.5 25 31.5 26 26 32.5 29 M 57 33 35.5 33 29 32.5 34 30 32 35 51 35 Sec. ft. Tear Days 64fa.O 1,026.0 488.0 Period Mean Sec. ft. 21.5 33.1 16.3 5.9 Mai. Sec. Ft. 38.5 36.5 35.0 38.5 Hln. Sec. Ft. 26.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1,281.3 2.035.1 968.0 4,284,4 Division OF WATER RESOUBCES TABLE NO. 28 MODOC DITCH NEAR HEAD Point of diversion - Fifteen and one-half miles below McKay Point on the south bank of St, Johns Branch in the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 18 South, Ranpe 25 East, M.D.B. and M. Maximum diyerslon capacity - 100 second-feet. Location of gaKing station - 400 feet below head of ditch In the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 16 South, Range 25 East, M.B.B. and H. Map designation ^) . Description of gaging station - Open channel, staff gage and water stage recorder, rated by frequent current meter measurements; replaced by Parshall Measuring Flume in 1938. Operating agency - Modoo Ditch Company. Gross service area - 6,700 acres. Period of record - 1917-19*9; intermittent during the year ending September 50, 1921; no record during the years ending September JO, 1919, 1922 and 192}; continuous from May 2, 1917 to September }0, 1918, October 1, 1919 to September JO, 1920 and October 1, 192J to September JO, 19*9. Criteria governing diversions - First 67 second-feet of flow reaching the head of Modoc Ditch; at high river stages, total diversions are Increased to a maximum of 80 second-feet. Diversion in aecond-feet for year ending September 30 1940 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 9.7 2J.5 "•t 51.8 51.2 44 Dry Dry 2 12.4 21.5 32.8 55.9 52-5 J6.5 5 15 20.1 31.5 51.5 48.2 27.8 i 25.6 24.3 33 49.1 49.4 JI.7 5 J. 8 18 26.8 }4.1 47 45.2 J7.6 6 '1:1 25. J }}.8 46.7 51.8 29. J I 21 J2.9 46.4 16.2 22.8 JO 50 5}.4 3.7 9 2J.3 29.7 }}.8 5}. 4 55.5 10 22.4 55. J 46.5 11 18.5 11.5 24.9 40.6 55.6 4J.5 12 41.8 21 29 4J.8 55.7 47.4 1} J5.7 18,9 26.} 47 5J.9 52.3 14 10.7 25.8 24 50 48.2 52 15 37. J 23 50.6 48.5 50.9 16 20.6 21.9 47.6 48!8 47.9 \l 18.7 22.1 42.6 46,J 19.} 25.1 49.5 48.2 48.2 19 17.6 28 56.2 48.2 40.1 20 16 52.5 55. J 49.1 J2.5 21 18 38.4 51.2 50.6 JO. 2 22 IV 41.8 47. J 51.8 5^ 2J 44.3 44.6 51.5 }8.9 24 c 22.4 46.7 44.6 52.5 je.7 25 17 50.6 46.4 52.5 41 26 32 50.4 48.2 50.9 44.6 11 27 44 45.1 50. J 40.8 24.9 37 J7.J 50 J9.2 29 26 J9.3 42 51.2 39.5 JO 6.2 40.6 46.4 50.6 45.4 Jl 10.2 42 48.5 "Sec. Ft. Year Days 126.9 527.5 962.9 1.26}.l 1.570.8 1.352.8 226.8 Period Mean Sec. Ft. u 4.1 18.2 51.1 42.1 50.7 45.1 7.5 16.5 Max. Sec. Ft. 41.8 57.5 50.6 56.2 55.9 55.5 44.0 56.2 Mln. Sec. Ft. 20.1 29.7 46.4 50.2 Total Ac. Ft. 251.7 1,046. J 1^?.9 2.505.4 J.115.7 2,68J.J 449.8 11,962.1 KAWEAH RIVER 18? TABLE NO. 28 - Continued MODOC DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion in secood-feet for year ending September }0, 19^1 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarlts 1 Dry Dry 16.2 10.7 14.8 27.7 35.1 54 52.2 Dry Dry 2 10.8 9.7 16.4 30.2 35.1 55.5 50.6 J 8.9 16.8 29.7 40.6 52.8 46.3 4 5.5 8.2 16 26.5 41.8 47.4 5 7.9 15.* 35.6 40.1 52.8 49.8 S 4.4 8.9 14.5 29.2 38.4 50.6 55.3 I 7.4 16 13.1 27.5 36.8 47.9 53.1 14.6 IJ.l 12.2 26.8 33.6 :h 53.1 9 12.4 20.8 12.2 26.1 32.8 51.8 10 9.5 15.6 11.9 28 36.5 50.3 52.5 11 8.2 10.5 15.7 22.7 34.6 51.8 51.2 12 7.5 6.2 17.6 17.6 52 „ 52.5 49.1 13 5.8 4.1 17.6 21.9 33.8 53.4 47 14 8.2 7.9 20.1 23.5 34.9 51.8 41.1 15 14. J 9.7 19.1 23.3 38.1 50.9 53.8 16 10.7 8.9 17.1 23 44.3 52.2 57.6 n 8.7 10.6 19.1 22.4 48.8 53.1 43.2 7.8 10.5 20.4 22.2 48.8 50.3 41.2 19 7.5 13.2 21.5 24.2 *l-l 51.2 42.6 20 7.} 14.1 22.8 27.5 46.6 52.5 39.5 21 7.2 17 21 27.7 51.8 51.8 34.8 22 9, 3 1*.9 20.4 28 52.3 51.8 34.1 8.9 11.4 20.4 28.7 47.3 52.8 37.7 24 1} 8.1 19.9 50.2 46.4 53.1 40.6 25 9.7 11.9 19.7 53.8 52.5 48.5 36.6 26 9.3 14.4 21 39.8 41.8 45.2 50.4 u 11.5 11.9 32.6 41.8 52.2 40.6 24.7 11.5 10.3 35.1 40.9 52.2 38.9 9.7 29 12.9 28 4U.b 53.7 7.4 }0 10.8 13 37.3 54.3 47.8 4.5 51 19.7 10.9 24.9 55.6 Sec.ft. Year Days JO. 5 301.9 315.1 613.1 862.2 1,342.3 1,500.4 l,2u0.9 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 1.0 9.7 11. J 19.8 28.7 43.3 50.0 38.7 16.9 Max. Sec. Ft. 19.7 16.2 20.8 35.7 41.8 55.6 55.5 55.3 55.6 Bin. Sec. Ft. 4.4 4.1 11.9 17.6 32.0 37.4 Total Ac. Ft. 60.5 598.8 625.6 1,216.1 1,710.2 2,662.4 2,976.0 2,382.0 12,231.6 Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1942 Day Oct. Not. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 15 3.3 58 36.8 45.5 45.2 Dry Dry 2 12 3.7 59 40.9 43.5 43.5 3 7 5.1 60.7 58.8 38.7 43.2 4 4.6 11.2 39.5 42 40 5 3 24.6 41.5 40 44 39.5 6 1 32 39 41.2 45.5 39.1 I 36.2 51.2 42.3 45.8 36 41.8 tu 47.6 41.9 42.2 9 2 45.8 50 45.2 43.5 10 1.5 39 48.8 47.3 47.6 40 11 2 41.5 48 41.2 45.8 42.4 12 9.5 45.2 46.7 40.6 45.5 47.6 1} 11.2 57.6 46.7 39.8 46.1 40.7 37.8 14 10.5 42.9 42.5 37 45.5 15 9.8 2 44.6 4J.8 35.7 46.3 39.3 16 9.2 2 40 44.1 35.7 44.9 37.8 U 8.6 2.8 36.2 44.9 40.8 43.2 29.9 7.9 2.9 36.5 44.6 42.6 24.4 19 7.3 35.4 46.4 49.9 45.2 15.7 20 6.9 2.7 52 43.5 51.2 47.5 7.4 21 4.6 3.4 39 36.8 47 48.2 3.6 22 5 4.9 7.8 30 35.4 46.7 48.2 2.9 25 10 31.5 34.6 44 47.} 2 2« 9 6.6 37.8 29.7 42.6 43.2 25 15 6.3 40.5 28.2 40 42.5 26 17.8 5.1 48.5 29 38.1 *5-i u 11.7 4.5 47.9 46.2 35.7 38.4 41.8 20 3.9 37.5 43.8 42.9 29 10.4 6.3 50 58.1 41.5 45.7 30 21.0 55.7 36.2 40.3 46.4 31 14.8 56.9 44.6 Seo.?t. Year Days u 46.2 228.4 54.9 1,108.6 l,3u7.7 1.297.5 1,344.6 743.7 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 1.5 7.4 2.0 35.8 43.6 41.9 44.8 24.0 16.8 Mai. Sec. Ft. 21.0 20.0 7.8 50.9 60.7 51.2 48.2 47.6 60.7 Mln. Sec. Ft. ^ 5.3 28,2 54.3 41.8 Total Ac. Ft. 91.7 453.0 108.9 2.198.9 2. 593. a 2.573-'' 2,667.0 1.475-1 12,162.0 DIVISION OF UATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 28 - Continued MODOC DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion In s econd-feet for year ending September 30, 1943 Day Oct. Nov. Dec- Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 4 20.1 31.2 44.3 44.9 58.8 Dry Dry 2 9.2 18.9 31.5 44.6 43.2 37.7 3 11.5 18.5 51.7 44.8 41.2 37.6 11 18 51.5 43.9 38. 9 40.1 5 9-8 20.4 31.5 40.3 55.1 40.1 9.2 12. b 52 *5-i ^M 59.2 I 8.9 8 30.5 4b. 8 38.8 57.6 8.7 9 29.7 50.3 45.5 28.5 9 10 u 9.8 15.5 31 49.7 44.9 50.2 11.4 15.5 28.1 48.8 38.1 51.8 11 11 8.6 26.3 49.2 59.5 50.1 11.1 Ib.b 25.7 48.4 41.2 28.5 13 14 12.2 17.7 28.4 47.6 55.7 25.5 12.8 11.2 34.6 47 36 23.7 15 12.8 11.2 57.3 45.8 37.8 21.5 16 15.3 12.2 38.1 *?-5 5b. 5 18.7 ]l 15.1 12.2 38 3b. 5 15.6 12.6 20.8 39.5 34.1 *3.5 12.2 19 20 11.9 8.6 40.9 51.2 47.9 17.9 1..8 10.7 ^0.6 32.2 40.9 26.7 15.6 11.9 40.2 38.5 58.1 18.1 8.; 13 12.1 42.9 43.5 39.5 10.7 23 14.4 14.6 12.1 44.9 43.2 29.8 8.4 20.2 11.9 -.5.8 43.2 57.1 25 12 21.5 11.9 44.3 4H.b 40.6 15.4 16.7 13.2 44.6 45.3 45.8 '^l 14.8 19.7 14.5 ■'7.; •*5. 8 45.8 18.1 21.5 14.7 50.6 4b. 4 -0.8 29 30 31 23.7 20.7 47.6 45.5 45.8 14.3 27 44.2 43.5 42.5 29.5 41.5 Seo.Ft. Year Days 129.5 563.9 465.8 1,108.0 1.553.2 1.210.2 610.6 Period Mean Seo.Ft. 4.2 13.0 15.0 36.9 43.7 40.3 19.7 14.4 Max. Seo.Ft. 23.7 21.5 29.5 50.6 50.3 47.9 40.1 50.6 Min. Seo.Ft. 4.0 8.0 25.7 51.2 29.8 Total Ac. Ft. 256.4 721.8 923.9 2,197.7 2,684.1 2,400.4 1,211.2 10,395.5 Divers ion in second-feet for year endi ng September 30, 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 7.6 35.1 38.8 56.8 38.9 Dry Dry 2 7.5 40.6 45.8 40.9 32.3 3 6.6 45.8 »4.9 41.8 27.7 4 5.9 42.8 42.9 35.4 24.4 5 10.6 33.6 39.2 55.7 40.9 6 15.9 29.2 38.9 50.7 47.5 I 10.8 32 36.5 30.5 34.1 16.5 35.7 56.8 34. 9 34.6 9 19.7 36.2 41.6 35.1 30.7 10 21.5 26.1 44.3 57.8 22.4 11 25.5 24.6 44.9 45.2 21 12 25.5 30.3 42.3 45.2 27 15 27.5 23.7 40.1 43.? lo.l 14 26.5 19.9 -^•l 41.2 8.6 15 21.2 19.5 41.8 57.8 16 u 19.7 19.7 40.9 34.9 u 22.4 20.3 58.9 29.5 24.2 Id. 8 35.1 27.5 19 28 16.5 52 29.2 20 50.5 24.3 55.6 28.5 21 27 22.8 34.1 37.8 22 23.7 16.9 54.9 36.8 23 9.7 25.7 20.5 34.6 31.5 24 12.2 27.5 25.3 35.8 32.5 25 9.8 50.5 25. b 34.6 51.5 26 9.2 52 21.2 33.6 50 11 10.2 30 25.1 35.8 29.2 8.1 28 34.3 36.5 56.6 29 6.8 26.5 26.3 58.1 40.8 JO 28 30.5 36.8 40.6 31 31 37 Seo.Ft. Year Days 66.0 676.9 821.0 1,188.6 1,064.9 406.2 Period Mean Seo.Ft. 2.5 21.8 27.4 58.5 35.5 13.1 11.5 Max. Sec. Ft. Q 12.2 32.0 45.8 45.8 43.2 47.5 47.5 Min. Seo.Ft. 5.9 16.9 52.0 27.3 Total Ao. Ft. 150.9 1.542.6 1.628.5 2,557.6 2,112.2 805-7 3.377.5 KAUKAH RITER 185 TABLE NO. 28 - Oontlnusd MODOC DITCH NEAH HEAD Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 30, 19^5 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. nar. Apr. Hey June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 22.6 53.1 41.8 40.1 Dry Dry 2 J 28.1 33.8 52.2 51.5 5l!8 37 55.9 4 33.8 51.8 50 51.3 5 35.6 49.1 48.8 31 t 51.7 49.4 56.2 34.7 I 35.6 50 50.2 40.1 55.7 50 30 31.2 9 40.1 50.6 55.3 28 10 35.1 51.8 49 24 11 30.5 50.9 51.8 31.1 12 27.7 51.2 50.5 43.2 15 25.1 5U.6 tu 44.6 1* 22.8 48.8 45.2 15 21.5 *5.5 46.7 44 16 24.4 55.4 46.1 40.3 \l 5.7 56.5 50.6 46.7 39.2 10.9 48.8 49.1 46.7 30 19 12.4 49.4 *5.2 46.4 18.7 20 17.4 46.4 41.2 45.8 7.7 21 25.1 46.1 30.6 46.1 5.4 25 48.2 41.8 42 5.6 2} 13.5 47.6 47.6 28.9 4.6 2* 18.5 49.7 51.8 50.6 25.9 2.7 25 20.1 49.7 43.5 2 26 22.3 51.2 49.7 46.4 1.5 u 21.9 51.2 48.2 43.5 18.9 55.9 47.6 41.8 29 11.1 52.6 47.6 41.5 30 8.2 49.4 40.6 31 10.4 45.3 Seo.?t. Year Days 257. < 1,171.2 1,504.1 1,298.2 699.1 Period Meen Sec. Ft. 7.7 39.0 48.5 43.3 22.6 15.5 Hex. Sec. Ft. 23.1 55.9 55.4 51.8 45.2 55.9 Mln. Sec. Ft. 21.5 30.6 25.9 Total Ac. Ft. 470.9 2,523.1 2,985.4 2,575.0 1,386.6 9,739.0 Divers Ion In second-feet for year ending Septenber 30, 1946 Day Oot. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 51.7 44.6 44.9 5.4 Dry Dry 2 50.5 44.9 45.8 2 3 4.6 40.1 44.1 47.6 4 14.1 40.3 45.5 45.2 5 19.4 40.9 45.8 44.5 6 7.8 41.5 45.5 41.8 I 7.6 41.8 44.5 40.6 14.9 40.6 42.6 41.2 9 30.4 39.2 45.5 42.9 10 32.5 38.7 41.8 40.6 11 36.2 58.9 45.8 55.7 12 31 45.8 55.1 13 37.5 59.8 45.2 56 14 56.5 56.8 45.5 56 15 55.7 58.4 46.1 54.1 16 56.2 40.6 44.1 51 ]l 58.1 41.8 42.3 27.5 39.8 40.1 41.5 27 19 39.5 38.9 43.8 26.1 20 41.2 40.1 40.7 25.6 21 41.8 40.6 41.3 25.6 22 42.9 41.2 34.6 23.3 23 42.9 41.8 39.8 21.5 24 42.9 41.8 42.5 11.6 25 42.5 42.3 44.6 20.1 26 42.9 42.9 42.6 15.1 11 45.2 42 46.4 11.5 46.4 42.3 44.6 14.4 29 42 42.9 42 10.8 50 55.5 42.9 42 7.6 31 29.7 45.5 Sec. Ft. Year Deya 955.1 1,202.7 1,555.1 908.5 5.4 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 50.8 40.1 45.6 50.5 0.2 12.1 Ma I. Sec. Ft. 46.4 42.9 46.7 47.6 5.4 47.6 Mln. Sec. Ft. 50.5 54.6 7.6 Total Ac. Ft. 1,894.4 2.385.6 2.685.9 1,802.0 10.7 8,776.6 DmSION OF WATER HESOORCES TABLE NO. 28 nODOC DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30» 19*7 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 27.8 57 55.6 42.6 Dry Dry Dry 2 32.4 37.3 65.4 47.6 3 45.5 36.5 Itl 47.6 42.6 39.2 45.8 5 39.8 54.6 47.6 44.1 (, 58.1 32 45.8 45.2 I 56.5 29 44.6 44.1 54.9 25.1 *5-| 43.8 9 55.4 25.5 45.8 43.4 10 52 24.2 44.9 44.1 H 54.3 24.7 45.2 45.8 12 51.7 55 44.1 41.2 13 ^,2^:^ 40.6 49.4 55.5 14 1.3 47 52.5 '^•2 15 7.1 54.5 51.2 50.6 36.8 16 11.9 54.6 55.7 52.2 34.7 ]l 30 50.5 52.5 52.5 25.7 37.8 50 49.1 51.5 20.2 37 58.1 46.7 51.5 19.2 20 55.4 58.4 47 50 19.8 35.1 58.1 44.3 50 16.9 22 52.5 57.8 44.9 52.5 23 29.5 59.5 47.5 50.9 29.5 45.5 46.1 47.6 25 32 39.8 47.6 46.7 26 55.8 57.8 47 45.8 '4 55 r. 46.1 *'•! 55 47.6 45.8 29 50 51 40.6 45.8 42 58.9 47.5 41.2 57.8 40.6 Sec.Jt. Year Days 418.7 1,151.2 1,227.9 1,492.2 769.6 Period MeSn Sec. Ft. 15.0 56.5 40.9 48. 1 25.7 15.8 Mai. Sec. Ft. 57.8 45.5 55.7 65.4 47.6 63.4 Hin. Sec. Ft. 27.8 25.5 40.6 Total Ac. Ft. ?50.5 J, 243. 7 ?,455.5 2,959.8 1,52b. 5 9,996.0 Dirars ion in second-fe et for year ending September 50, 1948 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 35 46 14 Dry Dry 2 26 58 4 3 20 52 4 54 52 5 51 45 6 55 46 I 51 49 47 51 9 45 48 10 16 41 57 11 7 44 44 12 48 45 15 19 52 50 14 36 55 49 15 55 56 48 16 55 56 46 \l 57 55 42 45 56 57 19 46 5^ 55 20 47 58 26 21 45 58 53 22 45 58 46 23 41 61 51 24 54 57 54 25 26 54 56 26 55 54 56 11 4} 54 51 45 52 41 29 46 45 28 50 40 *l 24 51 48 Sec.ft. Year Days 715.0 1,519.0 1,544.0 18.0 Period Hean Sec.Ft. 25.8 49.0 44.8 0.6 9.8 nai. Sec. Ft. 47.0 61.0 58.0 14.0 61.0 nin. Sec.rt. 20.0 24.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1.418.2 J.OIJ.O 2.665.8 J?.7 M32.7 KAUEAH RIVER 187 TABLE NO. 28 - Contln MODOC DITCH NEAR HEAD DlTerslon In seoond-feet for year ending September 30, 1949 Day Oct. Hot. Dec. Jan. yeb. nar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Reniarks 1 2 5 * 5 6 I 9 10 11 12 13 1* 15 16 11 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 11 M 31 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry ° 4 8.5 11 15.5 19 15.5 18.5 17.5 14.5 11 21.5 \U 39 40.5 38 35 40 43 38 35 41 40 31.5 31 ^^5 38.5 35.5 32 28.5 33 38 41 35 30 34 37.5 35.5 54 32 33 39 40.5 42 46 4«.5 38 31-5 31 26.5 30.5 40.5 46 43.5 40.5 40.5 43 46.5 45 43 39.5 39 37.5 36 19 5.5 2 D Dry Dry Dry Sec.Jt. Days 503.5 1,110.5 597.5 Year Period nean 16.8 35.8 19.9 6.1 nax. Sec.Ft. 40.5 46.0 46.5 46.5 nin. 26.5 Total Ac. Pt. 998.7 2,202.7 1,185.1 4,J86.5 DIVISION OF UATER RESOnRCBS TABLE NO. 29 LAKESIDE DITCH NEAH HEAD Point of diversion - Thirty-three miles below McKay Point on the north branch of Cross Creek (a continuation of St. Johns Branch of Kaweah River}, in the northwest quarter of Section 19, Township l8 South, Range 23 East, M.D.B. and M. Maxlmujii diversion capacity - 475 second-feet. Location of ffasins station - One-half mile below head of ditch in the northeast quarter of Section 24, Township l8 South, Range 22 East, M.D.B. and M. Map designa- tion @ . Description of gaging station - Open channel, staff gage and water stage recorder, rated by frequent current meter measurements. Operating agency - Lalceside Ditch Company. Gross service area - 26,300 acres. Period of record - 1917-1949; no record during the year ending September 30, 1919; contin- uous from April 10, 1917 to September 30, 1918 and from October 1, 1919 to Septem- ber 50, 1949. Criteria governing diversions - All Kaweah River water reaching the head of Lakeside Ditch through St. Johns Branch and Gross Creek; maximum diversions amount to 446 second-feet. Remarks - Quantities in this table also Include Cottonwood Creek water discharged into Cross Creek during flood periods and return flow contributions from Alta Irrigation District. Dirersion in aeoond-feet for year ending Sept 3mber 30 1940 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Haly June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 114 150 334 285 255 10 Dry Dry 2 115 155 310 277 280 237 3 150 166 315 236 4 154 179 183 319 277 278 243 5 3 185 321 250 6 20 212 192 328 289 242 I 219 183 325 295 245 211 184 325 298 248 9 7 193 18 J 323 285 264 10 17 176 191 322 240 277 11 122 156 18J 322 2J7 274 12 225 12 192 J27 2J4 267 13 265 206 327 229 264 14 212 110 200 J27 227 261 15 141 148 184 318 225 259 16 56 227 177 502 228 263 11 32 224 163 294 2J0 24 9 15 173 150 298 229 238 19 156 145 304 223 20b 20 142 138 J06 221 178 21 129 132 301 215 147 22 126 141 301 223 113 23 128 159 298 231 103 24 2 JO 178 295 238 70 25 283 202 29J 24 5 56 26 9 289 257 295 244 43 11 204 173 293 291 241 27 224 149 340 276 242 25 29 222 148 J46 281 232 24 JO 214 545 282 228 19 31 18-' 347 232 Sec. Ft. Year Days 2 ,170.0 4,945.0 6,244.0 9,260.0 7,658.0 5,5b3.0 10.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 70.0 170.5 201.4 308.7 247.0 185.4 0.3 98.0 Mai. Sec. Ft. 265.0 289.0 347.0 334.0 298.0 277.0 10,0 347.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 98.0 132.0 27b. 215.0 19.0 Total Ac. Ft. 4,504.2 9,808.4 12.385.0 18,367.2 15a89.7 U.054.2 19.8 71.108.5 I KAUEAH RIVER TABLE NO. ?9 - Continued LAKESIDE DITCH NEAR HEAD DlTerslon In socond-feet for year endi -le September 50, 1941 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. r Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks Dry Dry 109 57 114 154 197 220 254 Dry Dry 2 J 4 5 79 52 106 155 194 222 255 5* 29 110 142 204 222 250 28 24 102 134 215 222 251 19 lo; 152 217 225 245 6 I 9 10 19 97 l;l 215 226 2ii 11 94 124 218 229 257 26 96 106 208 227 253 65 118 94 107 206 221 232 51 165 97 102 251 226 251 11 12 15 1* 15 178 96 85 250 245 255 188 95 101 256 250 215 94 109 2b4 255 192 180 97 109 270 256 175 14 165 9b 111 285 201 169 16 11 19 20 51 1}4 95 111 299 265 154 10 127 92 120 299 254 '1 5 129 90 129 299 250 58 152 92 152 504 257 59 159 90 156 277 260 51 21 22 25 24 25 158 87 146 225 262 24 157 94 154 220 265 16 129 100 168 244 265 8 88 9 122 97 185 256 269 15* 169 106 106 182 252 272 26 11 29 50 51 144 156 115 127 194 227 269 88 126 114 14 6 197 250 267 158 104 111 167 187 251 250 166 96 185 182 220 225 159 75 158 164 215 250 118 60 146 215 Year Days 1,055.0 1,226.0 5,082.0 5,559.0 «, 157.0 7,405.0 7,557.0 5,815.0 Period Hean Sec. Ft. 54.0 59.5 110.1 108.4 158. b 258.8 245.2 125.0 86.2 Max. Sec. Ft. 166.0 169.0 188.0 iBj.O 197.0 504. 272.0 254.0 504.0 Min. Sec. Ft. c 19.0 87. 85.0 194.0 220.0 Total Ac. Ft. 2,092.6 2,4}1.8 6,115.1 6,662.6 8,245.4 14,685.8 14.592.6 7,565.1 62,585.0 Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 50 1942 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Mey June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 41 56 18 81 225 222 259 Dry Dry 2 41 54 15 89 227 255 227 5 J 51 21 16 101 218 227 217 4 14 29 18 154 205 220 215 5 10 7 58 15 257 206 221 204 6 4 4 5b 14 196 205 215 203 I 2 59 19 209 208 217 173 39 25 200 210 218 14 5 9 39 59 185 215 311 112 10 38 55 184 216 216 91 11 53 66 196 215 222 7b 12 26 l'i7 252 210 220 5? 15 6 27 191 229 207 217 58 14 15 7 195 257 211 209 25 15 17 7 218 275 217 210 17 16 19 10 319 277 225 209 9 \l 25 15 9 206 275 226 209 4 56 12 9 181 278 225 220 3 19 49 7 9 177 268 226 228 5 20 54 5 7 161 261 215 259 2 21 28 5 11 142 244 219 252 22 34 3 16 129 259 237 261 25 51 2 20 129 240 243 269 24 27 20 28 120 245 233 274 25 5o 17 28 117 202 254 275 26 5b 50 27 88 175 227 271 11 54 57 24 08 185 219 252 48 58 22 55 228 210 216 29 44 43 50 259 219 235 50 42 57 54 235 217 242 31 41 55 70 216 Sec.?t. Year Days 579.0 509.0 669.0 3,019.0 6.588.0 b. 784.0 6,912.0 2,060.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 18.7 lb. 4 23.9 97.4 212.9 218.8 250.4 66.5 75. B nax. Sec. Ft. 56.0 4}.0 59.0 219.0 278.0 243.0 275.0 259.0 278.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 7.0 li.O 81.0 205.0 209.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1,148.4 1,009.6 1,527.0 5.986.2 12,o70.b 13.456.1 13,709.9 4,086.0 55, 595.8 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 29 - Continued LAKESIDE DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion in seoond-feet for year ending September 50, 194J Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 121 Ill 107 221 164 119 Dry Dry 118 114 115 250 158 95 } 122 112 1}8 24 5 152 84 122 107 154 247 151 82 5 122 95 148 248 147 91 (, 121 94 121 258 158 90 I 115 i° 115 249 175 85 110 65 116 227 176 65 9 10 111 78 105 221 ^2* 186 52 125 75 lOQ 220 55 11 125 86 107 217 181 54 122 91 122 219 195 49 120 75 159 221 205 42 122 56 157 221 195 35 15 119 50 155 225 185 27 16 124 64 140 256 162 24 12 129 62 161 252 177 16 129 60 165 224 195 11 19 20 125 58 165 195 198 6 125 61 174 178 202 125 62 192 ^2* 180 210 50 129 61 199 198 25 102 127 67 214 180 170 105 111 U 215 145 25 115 115 21U 176 152 2fc 60 104 115 87 215 167 128 n 55 106 106 95 218 164 129 19 117 105 100 254 176 128 122 98 259 174 154 50 111 96 227 175 129 51 104 99 171 Seo.fft. Tear Days 154.0 1.014.0 5.350.0 2.555.0 4.825.0 6,445.0 5.049.0 1,078.0 Period Mean ♦ .5 52.7 119.6 82.4 160.8 207.8 168.5 54.8 67.0 Mai. Sec. Ft. 60.0 122.0 129.0 114.0 259.0 258.0 210.0 119.0 258.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 105.0 50.0 100.0 164.0 128.0 Total Ac. Ft. 265.8 2,011.2 6,644.7 5.065.? ?. 570.4 12,779.7 10,014.7 2,158.2 48,488.6 Diversion in seoond-feet for year ending September 50, 19*4 Day Oct. Not. Deo. Jan. Feb. Har. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 35 79 m 71 Dry Dry 2 4 46 104 188 56 3 16 65 86 225 44 4 6 68 14 5 248 42 5 5 65 17b 266 56 6 11 55 184 266 9 I 46 199 250 88 42 169 219 9 61 46 165 227 10 41 49 196 194 11 45 51 218 190 12 56 48 20> 214 15 7b 50 210 229 14 107 37 251 257 15 111 29 250 225 16 99 28 256 200 \l 68 35 244 150 57 31 245 111 19 54 21 240 89 20 42 25 222 92 21 50 47 219 82 22 57 44 254 82 23 5 30 27 241 74 24 69 51 35 255 60 25 30 56 40 249 56 26 5 45 47 255 55 u 47 42 249 48 40 59 244 44 29 58 81 246 59 30 58 71 255 72 31 40 242 Sec.ft. Year Days 109.0 1.487.0 1,561.0 6,467.0 4.675.0 258.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. u 5.8 48.0 45.4 2u6.b 155.8 8.5 59.2 Max. Sec. Ft. 69.0 111.0 81.0 255.U 266.0 71.0 266.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 21.0 79.0 44.0 Total Ac. Ft. 216.2 2,949.5 2.699.5 12.827.3 9.272.9 511.7 58.477. 1 KAUEAfi RIVER TABLE NO. 29 - Continued LAKESIDE DITCH NEAR HEAD DlTerslon In second-feet for year ending September JO, 19*5 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jen. Feb. Mar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 140 242 205 226 Dry Dry 2 170 228 203 224 } 187 227 201 222 232 196 220 5 54 20} 249 195 214 6 5* 20} 249 ill 216 I 54 206 252 20b 65 203 25§ 188 188 ^ 84 201 258 194 152 97 213 253 192 123 95 215 250 190 96 12 83 206 250 196 64 13 61 211 244 199 53 14 50 195 24} 199 52 15 44 177 238 199 47 16 9 51 167 237 198 28 \l ]l 182 236 197 18 18} 236 219 17 19 113 201 215 245 9 20 113 229 207 247 21 94 265 204 247 22 97 281 180 233 23 133 282 191 220 141 286 200 182 25 151 280 201 176 26 155 272 201 197 n 152 255 203 210 156 247 204 218 29 160 255 210 232 50 164 254 210 230 31 160 209 Sec.n. Year Days 750.0 1,993.0 6,547.0 7,017.0 6,191.0 2,375.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 26.8 64.} 218.2 226.4 206.4 76.6 68.1 Haz. Sec. Ft. 97.0 164.0 286.0 258.0 247.0 226.0 286.0 Hin. Sec. Ft. 140.0 180.0 176.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1,487.6 J.?53-i 12,?86.0 13,?18.2 12.279.9 ^,710.8 49.335.6 DlTeraloD In second-feet for year ending September }0, 1946 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 100 250 193 Dry Dry Dry 2 28 95 264 194 3 36 56 269 199 4 36 77 266 20} 5 41 120 261 194 6 49 138 252 178 I 38 146 254 165 24 136 248 159 9 23 106 246 157 10 27 56 244 156 11 45 240 144 12 28 60 239 110 13 26 79 246 85 14 c 22 104 245 71 15 20 120 244 58 16 19 124 244 48 \l 15 148 237 52 163 232 42 19 185 231 20 20 203 224 10 21 206 229 5 22 207 224 2 23 215 211 24 210 196 25 208 184 2( 17 213 192 n li 221 209 207 216 29 24 204 209 JO 15 5 224 201 31 2 52 195 Year Deja 99.0 461.0 55.0 4.356.0 7.202.0 2,445.0 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 3.2 14.9 1.8 145.2 232.3 81.5 40.0 rtoz. Seo.Ft. 24.0 49.0 52.0 224.0 269.0 20}. 269.0 Hln. Sec.Ft. }6.0 18-. Total Ac. Ft. c 196.4 914.4 109.1 8.640.1 14,285.2 4,849.6 28,??4.8 DIVISION OF VATEB RESOUHCES TABLE NO. 29 - ConMnued LAKESIDE DITCH NEAR HEAD Diversion in second-feet for year ending September 30, 19*7 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June July Aug. Sept. RemarKs 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 80 Dry Dry Dry 2 J 26 135 52 53 196 32 5 206 20 (, 228 15 I 237 10 255 12 226 12 10 172 5 11 142 5 12 60 12 13 35 5 14 79 15 98 16 4 76 \l 38 106 78 154 19 112 170 20 137 170 170 151 22 156 148 114 174 24 57 204 25 35 203 2t 28 195 n 16 171 16 141 21 146 50 15 117 31 95 Sec.^t. Year Days 997.0 4,494.0 311.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 33.2 145.0 10.4 15.9 nai. Sec. Ft. 170.0 237.0 80.0 237.0 «in. Sec. Ft. Total AC. Ft. 1,977.6 8,913.8 616.9 11,508.3 Uater reached this ditch between March 4th and 5th but the quantity was too small to be measurable. DlTersioo in second-feet for year ending September 30, 1948 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Fob. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 36 192 Dry Dry Dry 2 19 188 3 16 221 4 15 181 5 18 250 6 94 162 I 195 152 226 174 9 229 252 10 144 250 11 147 100 155 12 154 118 148 13 32 144 178 14 10 176 228 15 257 212 16 265 178 ]l 284 165 12 284 157 19 55 285 114 20 52 254 92 21 54 188 76 22 44 154 60 25 47 124 44 24 57 196 39 25 20 247 23 26 lo 255 15 11 268 24 272 29 49 26u 30 55 195 31 156 Sec.Ft. Year Days 724.0 5,428.0 3,806.0 Period Mean Sec.Ft. 24.1 175.1 126.9 27.2 Mai. Sec.Ft. 147.0 285.0 252.0 285.0 Hln. Sec.Ft. 15.0 Total Ac. Ft. u c 1,436.1 10,700.4 7,549.2 19,751.7 KAUEAH RIVSR TABLE NO. 29 - Continued LAKESIDE DITCH NEAH HEAD Diversion In seoond-feet for year ending September JO, 19*9 Day Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks] 1 2 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 195 l8l 56 J5 Dry Dry Dry J 225 28 4 229 3* 5 141 23 6 I 115 15 161 13 179 16 9 10 178 26 149 25 11 9§ 15 12 78 IJ M 15 117 5 164 5J 21J 16 19 20 90 201 78 1J6 91 147 67 181 52 181 21 J9 147 22 70 124 23 2* 25 1*3 144 166 185 184 238 26 11 29 JO 51 210 268 208 286 171 276 21J 220 2JJ 138 90 Sec. Ft." Year 1 Days 2,07J.O 5.J8J.O 284.0 Period nean Sec.?t. 69.1 17J.6 9.5 21.2 Hai. Sec. Ft. 2J3.0 286. C 56.0 286.0 Hin. Sec. Ft. 78.0 Total Ac. Ft. 4,111.8 10,677.2 56J.0 |l5,352.j| DIVISION OF WATER RSSOURCES TABLE NO, 30 TULARE IRRIGATION DISTRICT CANAL NEAR HEAD, FROM VDTCHUT1NA DITCH Point of diversion - On Wutchumna Ditch, six and one-half miles below its head, in the northeast quarter of Section 3» Township 18 South, Range 26 East, M.D-B. and M. Maijjpum diversion capacity - 200 second-feet. Location of gaging station - ?00 feet belov/ the head of the canal connecting Uutchumna Ditch and Tulare Irrigation District canal in the northeast quarter of Section 3, Township l8 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. and n. Map deslgnatioo @ . Description of gaging; station - Concrete Parshall Measuring Flume and water stage recorder. Operating agency - Tulare Irrigation District. Gross area of Tulare Irrigation District - 33»500 acres. Period of record - 1938-19*9; continuous from April 1, 1938 to September 50, 1949, Criteria Bovemlng diversions - Tulare Irrigation District owns 11/91 of the Uutchumna Water Company stocii and diversions are pro-rated accordingly. The District occasionally receives surplus water in excess of its apportionment. Diversion in second-f Bet for year ending September 30 , 1940 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Rar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 24.1 162 117 100 Dry Dry Dry 2 24.1 164 113 101 3 29 162 111 99.9 4 28 161 111 102 5 3.6 28 161 111 104 6 2 28 159 106 105 I 2 25 157 106 106 2 32 152 105 105 9 i 73 148 102 104 10 7 87.4 148 99.3 105 11 14 104 1*7 99.7 ^6.8 12 10 114 146 102 IJ 7 113 146 102 80 14 9 117 147 118 72.9 15 10 1?2 150 136 68.5 16 6 120 151 133 69.5 \l 4 126 153 128 6S.7 4 1.'6 142 109 60.2 19 3.5 125 155 100 46.8 20 3 125 126 102 22 21 122 109 lOo 22 2.5 121 99.3 115 25 1:0 97.5 117 2* 2 121 96.5 115 25 ^ 127 9o.l 115 26 85.5 135 115 114 u 11 50.1 139 117 lOo ^7.3 142 108 102 29 29. 142 118 101 JO 142 122 100 31 152 100 Sec.^t. Year Days u 295.1 3.033.0 4.095.4 3,402.0 1,699.1 Period Wean Sec.Ft. 10.2 97.9 136.5 1CJ9.7 56.6 u 34.2 Max. See. Ft. c 85.5 152.0 164.0 156.0 106.0 164.0 mn. Sec.Ft. u 24.1 96.1 99.3 Total Ac. Ft. 585.3 6.017.1 8.125.2 6.':'47.9 ?i?70.2 24.643.7 KAUEAH RIVEB TABLE NO. 30 - Continued TULARE IRRIGATION DISTRICT CANAL NEAR HEAD, FROM UOTCHDMNA DITCH Diversion In second-feet for year ending September 30, 1941 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Bemarks 1 Dry Dry 59.8 57.7 139 118 129.5 102 ^J-i Dry Dry 2 58.9 57.7 139 120 130.5 102.5 93.8 3 58.5 57 144.5 120 132.5 98.8 93.4 4 58.5 55 133 121.5 141.5 62 94.1 5 58.5 47.7 131 135.5 152 48 85.6 6 57.7 58.5 47.7 125.5 132 140 43 57.7 I 46 123.5 129 128 123 105.5 81.1 59.6 44.3 49.8 121 99 105.5 97.4 76.9 9 59.2 56.5 120 127.5 75 105 10 71.3 119 129.5 74 105 53.9 11 57.9 68.1 120.5 145.5 52 107 28.2 12 59.2 li:l 121.5 142 47 109.5 12.8 1} 57.7 120 136.5 51 110.5 14 56.6 84.2 121 133 50 113.5 12 15 57 90.7 121.5 131 48 115 9.3 16 55.9 92.5 121 IJO 62 119 3.4 \l 55.2 96.1 120 12? 123.5 122.5 53 99.7 ^^2 128.5 122 119 19 51.6 99.3 118.5 128 122 115.5 20 49.8 100 118 126.5 108 115.5 21 48.4 107.5 118 126 49 109 22 c 47.4 113 117.5 125 46 109 23 46 111.5 117 124.5 35 108.5 46.3 138 117 121 34 109 25 48.7 150.5 116.5 121 34 109.5 26 15.3 49.8 154 116.5 122.5 33 110.5 u 48.8 50.1 128 116 123 67 107.5 62.5 51.9 127 116.5 124 89 97.7 91. a 29 60.7 53 117 124 81.8 30 60 55.2 117.5 127.5 85.9 92.7 31 60.1 57.4 117.5 96.6 Seo.n. Year Days 307.4 1,695.8 2,447.2 3.781.5 3.829.5 2,631.8 3,067.5 910.7 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 9.9 54.7 87.4 122.0 127.7 84.9 102.3 29.4 51.2 Max. Sec. Ft. 62.5 59.8 150.5 144.5 145.5 152.0 122.5 94.1 152.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 46.0 44.3 116.0 118.0 33.0 43.0 Total Ac. Ft. 609.7 3,363.6 4,854.0 7,500.6 7.595.8 5,220.2 6,084.4 1,806.4 ?1034.7 Divers ion in seoond-fe et for year ending September 30, 1942 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry 1:1 8.4 24.3 85.3 88.5 29.5 Dry Dry 2 8.4 25.7 84.2 89 24.9 3 6.5 8.4 27.1 86.8 87.9 24.9 4 5 8.4 27.9 28.5 96.5 91.2 24.2 5 4.5 8.4 82.3 93.8 22.4 6 4.2 8.4 36.6 74.1 98.6 23.6 I 3.4 8.6 48.2 74.3 101 24.2 3 9.5 51.9 75.2 108 24.1 9 2.B 11.6 50.1 73.9 111 22.7 10 2.4 13.1 48.7 71.7 113 20.7 11 1.6 13.9 63.2 72.5 114 19.7 12 1.6 21.7 70.9 72.1 117 19.7 13 2 30.5 71.1 66.7 120 17.5 14 1.7 40.9 71.7 61.7 120 2.9 15 1.6 51.2 76.2 61.3 120 16 1.7 6^.9 76.6 61. 5 120 ]l 5.1 71.3 60.6 122 6.8 81.2 69.3 59.8 122 19 6.8 81.2 69.3 60 122 20 6.6 80.4 69.3 61.1 122 21 6.9 79.1 69.3 66.5 122 22 6.8 77.9 68.9 72.7 121 23 6.8 75.4 69.7 73.1 116 2* l:t 74.6 70.1 73.1 116 25 67.1 71.5 73.9 106 26 8.4 62.7 74.3 75 83.6 11 8.4 59.1 73.7 8\.(, 75.4 61 8.4 52.6 79.5 82.7 44.6 29 50.1 84.2 39.5 30 39.6 82.3 82.7 33.6 51 24.3 83.3 Sec.Ft. Year Days 146.6 1.282.6 1.825.5 2.277.3 3.024.3 300.8 Period Hean Sec. Ft. 5.2 41.4 bO.8 73.5 100.8 9.7 24.3 Max. Sec. Ft. 9.5 81.2 84.2 96.5 122.0 29.3 122.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 1.6 8.4 24.3 59.8 33.6 Total Ac. Ft. 290.8 2.544.1 3.616.9 4,517.0 5.??8.7 596.6 17,564.1 196 DIVISION OF UATEB RESOURCES TABLE NO. 30 - Continued TULARE IRRIGATION DISTRICT CANAL NEAR HEAD, FROM UUTCHDMNA DITCH Diversion in nd-feet for year ending September JO, 194? Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarlca Dry Dry Dry Dry 21.5 67.7 109.5 20.8 Dry Dry 2 i 4 5 21.5 67.1 21 70.9 110 14.6 21 75 10}. 4 15.4 18.5 75.6 100 14.9 6 I 9 10 16.5 75.4 90.3 \l\\ 16 70.1 85.8 24 78.6 85.5 l\\\ 33.9 24.5 26.9 50 84.2 101 20,6 11 12 13 14 15 98.3 84.6 123.5 16.6 101 84.8 124 7.8 103 78.3 119 103 69.3 98.7 92.} 70.5 80 16 82.7 80.8 69.1 74.6 68.1 75.8 19 20 16.5 80.8 64.6 118 32 81 56.4 130 40 81 55.3 82.7 45.5 81 58.3 84.8 22 47 82. J 59.8 87.7 40 82.5 69.7 72.9 20 82.9 l]\l 42.} 25 22 83.8 40.3 26 M 25.5 84.4 85.9 42.} 24 78.7 93 42 24 71.5 105 39.8 23-5 67.3 111.5 37.9 30 31 2} 67.3 111.5 32.5 22 110 Sec.Ft. 405.0 1,920.1 2,418.} 2, 521.1 232,9 Period Seo.Ft. 13.1 64.0 78.0 84.0 7.5 20.5 Max. Seo.Ft. 47.0 103.0 111.5 130.0 33.9 130.0 Hin. Sec.Ft. 16.0 55.3 32.5 Total Ac. Ft, o| 80}. }, 808.5 4,796.7 5,000.6 462.0 14,871.1 Diversion in aeoond-feet for year ending September 30, 1944 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry 32 21.5 18 47.5 17 Dry Dry 36.5 22.5 26 Xi-' 3 37 25 34 14.5 4 37 23 39 48 7 5 36.5 26.5 44.5 48 4 6 35.5 28 48.5 48.5 4.5 I 35 25 47.5 45.5 } 35 25.5 44 44 1 9 35 25 46.5 4}. 5 1 10 39.5 25 61 4}. 5 0.5 46 24.5 54.5 42.5 12 47.5 24 47.5 40.5 49 23.5 45.5 }9 49 23.5 45.5 }8 15 49 25 47.5 }6.5 16 49 22 47.5 32 \l 44 21 47 29 1-5 39.5 18.5 46 28 10.5 36.5 9 45.5 27.5 20 11 31.5 10 49 25.5 10.5 32 12 52.5 24 22 11.5 32.5 13 53 24 23 12.5 29.5 13 53 24.5 11-5 21 13.5 50.5 20 25 14.5 17.5 13 50 17.5 26 22 18 13 49 15 M 30.5 17 16.5 49 12.5 31.5 19 21.5 48.5 14 31.5 19 22.5 48.5 18 30 19 19 48 17 51 19.5 47.5 Sec.Ft. Year Days 199.0 1,044.0 603.0 1,434.0 989.0 70.5 Period Mean Seo.Ft. 6.9 33.7 20.1 46.} }}.0 2.3 11.9 Max. 31-5 49.0 28.0 61.0 48.5 18.0 61.0 Mln. Seo.Ft. 17.0 9.0 18.0 12.5 Total Ac. Ft.l 394.7 2,070.8 1,196.1 2,844.} 1,961.7 139.8 8,607.4 KAWEAH RIVER TABLE NO. 30 - Continued TOLARE IRRIGATION DISTRICT CANAL NEAR HEAD, FROM UUTCHtMNA DITCH Diversion In second-feet for yeer ending September }0, 1945 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 108 72 11 Dry Dry 104 69 J 106 71 55 21 100 11 45 5 67 95 52 It 94 86 18 I 18.5 96 65 15 40 88 97 57 15 40 88 97 49 9.5 10 40 7b 97 55 5 11 40 70 97 80 41 70 100 117 15 57 ''I 9? 125 14 54 78 g^ 120 15 54 79 lu8 16 55.5 u 65 91 \l 55 60 86 52 86 95 85 20 80 85 8b 20 5 88 74 95 5.5 114 71 102 2.5 129 67 89 125 67 72 124 67 74 25 118 74 47 26 118 80 50 u 125 84 55 125 80 58 29 1?5 11 80 65 JO n 117 96 Sec. Ft. Year Days 454.0 2,492.0 2,b80.0 2,309.0 543.5 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 16.2 83.1 86.5 77.0 11.1 22.7 Max. Sec. Ft. 41.0 129.0 108.0 125.0 87.0 129.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 60.0 30.0 Total Ac. Ft. 900.5 4,942.9 5,515.8 4,579.9 681. J 16,420.4 Divers Ion iii s econd-feet for year ending September 50, 1946 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry 24 14 6 It 87 58. Dry Dry Dry 2 24 14 5 87 59 3 24 18 ro 85 61 4 25 21 7 85 61 5 25 19 7 84 85 61 6 25 19 2 81 87 55 I 25 24 19 2 11 84 48 25 17 19 2 77 45 9 25 14 19 84 78 45 10 25 14 19 85 78 55 11 25 14 19 85 76 24 ]2 25 14 17 81 69 20 15 25 14 16 73 71 19 14 25 14 16 5 62 72 20 15 24 14 16 9 55 68 18 16 26 12 16 10 48 bO lo u 29 12 16 12 52 52 16 25 5 16 14 r. 11 16 19 24 6 16 16 7 20 24 15 15 19 101 51 21 24 15 lo 19 102 55 22 25 15 16 19 102 11 23 24 15 17 22 84 2* 25 14 lb 22 72 77 25 25 15 15 22 67 62 26 25 14 15 22 u 56 u 24 14 10 22 56 24 14 b 22 88 55 29 24 14 51 87 u 30 24 14 45 87 51 24 14 59 58 Sec. ft. Year Days 618.0 482.0 455.0 417.0 2,363.0 2,156.0 684.0 Period Mean Sec. Ft. 19.9 15.5 lb. 5 15.5 78.8 69.5 22.8 19.7 Max. Sec. Ft. 29.0 25.0 21.0 59.0 102.0 87. u 61.0 102.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 3.0 48.0 51.0 Total Ac. Ft. 1,225.8 956.1 902.5 827.1 4,b8-'.0 4,276.4 1,356.7 14,231.6 l?8 DI7ISI0N OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. 50 - Continued TULARE IRRIGATION DISTRICT CANAL NEAR HEAD, FROM UUTCRUMNA DITCH Diversion In second-reet for year ending September 50, 19*7 Day Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 J 4 5 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 15 14 14 16 16.5 25 26.5 33 *5.5 77 42 42 56.5 28,5 Dry Dry Dry 6 I 9 10 16.5 15 11 1:1 67 60.5 58 56 53 15.5 5.5 1 11 12 13 14 15 7.5 7 9 1*.5 25.5 55 46 45 *7 47.5 16 \l 19 20 4 16 16.5 15 23.5 22.5 24.5 26.5 27.5 52 64.5 72 70 75 21 22 23 24 25 15.5 n 19 19.5 23.5 50 32.5 35 35 33.5 72.5 72 72 72 69 26 11 29 30 31 23.5 23.5 23.5 24 23.5 lb. 5 30 ^2 28 28 2b. 5 66 48 40 38.5 Sec.ft. Days 280.5 628.5 1,722.0 200.5 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. 9.0 21.0 55.0 6.7 7.8 Mai. Sec. Ft. 24,0 35.0 77.0 42.0 77.0 Mln. Sec. Ft. 7.0 25.0 Total Ac. Ft. 556.4 1,246.6 3,415.6 597.7 5.616.3 DlTersion in sooond-feet for year ending September 30, 19*8 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. MBy June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 64 72 Dry Dry Dry 65 71 65 68 4 65 68 5 65 73 6 6 65 78 I 7 64 76 9 65 11 9 10 65 10 43 65 63 11 50 51 64 12 59 51 66 1} 70 49 b5 14 68 47 69 15 59 65 70 16 42 ?^ 55 ]l 42 42 43 87 40 19 4b 77 55 20 47 70 30 21 55 66 20 22 60 72 20 23 65 69 12 24 55 65 25 45 59 26 49 61 11 50 67 46 74 2? ti 71 30 73 31 73 ■Sec. Ft, Year Days 1.129.0 2.044.0 1.298.0 Period Hein Sec.Ft. 57.6 65.9 43.5 12.2 nai. Sec.Ft. 70.0 87.0 78.0 87.0 nin. Sac.rt. 47.0 ■total Ac. Ft. P 2.23?i} '.954,5 J.574.6 3.868.2 KAUEAH HIVEH TABLE NO. JO - Continued TOLAHE IHRIO/^TION DISTHICT CAN/O. NEAR HSAD, FROM UDTCHOT*A DITCH DlTerslon In second-feet for year endinf September 30, 19*9 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jen. Feb. Bar. Apr. nay June July Aug. Sept. JReBarksl 1 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dr.- 40.5 37.5 Dry Dry Dry 2 J 4 5 -2.5 35.5 43.5 30.5 43.5 27.5 45.5 23.5 6 I 9 10 1 41 19.5 1 38.5 17.5 1 4U.5 21 4 1 43.5 I0.5 8.5 5.5 44.5 6 11 12 14 4 35 0.5 17 J. 5 29 6 13 14 15 13.5 3 3*. 5 6.5 10 10.5 42 6.5 B 18.5 47 5 16 \l 19 20 12.5 24 46 13 35 42 13 17 42.5 14 12 42 15 28.5 37.5 21 22 23 24 25 15 36.5 30.5 15 38.5 30.5 15 *5.5 31.5 15 47 33 5 47.5 57 26 11 29 50 51 io 40.5 44.5 42 43.5 43.5 41 44.5 40.5 44.5 40 Sec.*t. Year Days J 207.5 59-. 1,233.5 265.5 Period rfein Sec. Ft. 6.7 19.B 40.0 S.9 6.3 Hax. Sec. Ft. 17.0 47.5 47.0 37.5 ♦7.5 ni-F.-.- - Sec.y-.. 29.0 To-.8i Ac. ?t. 411.6 1,178.2 2,456.6 526.6 4,573.0 DIVISION OF UA'^ER RESOUHCES MONTHLY DITERSIOMS BY LniDSAY-STR/.T!™ORE IRRIGATIOM ^ISTRICT, P: ACRE-FEET Sources of ^ pp^ y - (2) L-huaira Ditch; (b) Ksv: Uutchucna Wfter Com? obtdliied froE Ks-.veah Well Fiula. ved from Wutchumns Ditch in e^ices Eh Well Field. Lindsaj r.y diversion entitlemer 3ir.ce th;.t tire it has of irri{^i-tion Utter Field tnd subsequently;.cted from underground snd delivered to the District by pumpine:. Ext tlons from the Uell Field freetly exceed the amounts received from Wutcliunne Ditch. -Strsthmore Irriretion District ts. Prior to Mcy 1929 entlr-s been obtcined from both sources. Kav-eah Well of Distri l-.,960 teres. Period of record - 1917-1949. Bsurement Diversions from Wutchumna Ditch ere meesured at a weir in the main outlet structure northeast quarter of Section 2, To\ nship l8 South, Rtnge 2d East, H.D.B. and M. Map me sured bv pressure t the north" hE If of ^ b. Total deliveries pumpinp lift in the ^^ f^.ep design- tio located i designt tion ^^ t. Wutchumna Ditch wtter diverted directly to the Distr gtge and vtlve opening: retinas on t; e booster oumps loctted near the cen Section 14, Tovmship l8 South, Range 2d East, M.D.B. and M. Map desifn: to the District ere measured by -neens of a Venturi meter located at the i southeast quarter of Section 19, ToAnship 19 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B quanti ce between Bter v.-Es received from Central Valley Project throuth the Wi in the northeast quarter of Section 2, T l8 S, R 2d E. Total chumn?' Ditch. Wtter receive d from Water Total Season end Wutchu-mns Ditch pu.T.oed from de- livered Di- Spre..d Month Total verted on Ka-.eeh to to Ka-.ieah Well Dis- Dis- Uell Field trict trict Field 1939-0 Oct. 578 578 1,285 1,663 Nov. 325 325 505 830 Dec. ^8 238 359 597 Jan. 43 ■<5 Feb. 1,301 1,301 Mar. 1,852 u 1,832 2 2 Apr. 1,700 90 l,o70 90 M^y 1,810 1,551 259 751 2,302 June 2,051 2,051 1,045 3.096 July 1,142 1,142 1,082 2,824 Aug. 151 151 2,313 2,464 Sept. Totals 279 27? 6,205 2,084 2.5d3 11,267 5,0o2 10,069 lo,274 1940-41 Oct. 300 300 1,203 1,503 ■ ov. ]1 11 Dec. 197 197 Jen. 1,107 1,107 71 71 Feb. l,-8b 1,486 52 52 Mar. 1,848 1,648 64 64 Apr. 1,786 1,768 40 40 M-r 1,886 1,344 542 986 2,332 June 2,093 ^,093 931 3,024 J^ly 2,lfaJ 2,163 1,452 3,615 Aug. 1,1^9 1,159 2,53-? 3,691 Sept. Totals 1B7 187 ?,4^5 2,592 14,017 7,24d 6,771 9,946 17,192 1941-42 Oct. 75 67 8 2.029 2,096 Kcv. 133 133 449 582 Dec. 61 61 Jtn. 20 20 Feb. 1,544 1,544 10 10 Mer. 1,648 1,048 119 119 Apr. 1,793 dId 1,177 370 986 May 1.995 1,995 332 2,327 June 2,093 2,093 927 3,020 July 1,571 1,571 2,077 3,0*8 »U6. 057 d37 2,757 3,394 Sept. lb 16 2,714 Totals 11,705 7,128 ".577 11,849 18,977 1942-43 Oct. 30 50 "J , 112 2,1-2 Nov. 515 515 Dec. J 14, 144 Jtr. 1,35" 1,396 Feb. i.^:"^ 1,6;; Mer. 1,496 1,496 1 1 Apr. 1,350 l,.-50 60 60 May 1,557 1,25'; :9e 1,244 J,'.o> Jur.e i,t74 1,874 1,.'40 3,21* Julj 1,651 1.651 u 2,C40 3.651 ^ug. 694 694 '^.731 i'*i^ Sept. ?i » 2,065 Totals 11,742 5,ib5 6,179 13,052 13,615 Water receive i from Water Total Season end Wu; chumna Ditch Thumped from de- livered Di- Spread Month Total verted on Kaweoh tr to KB».-eeh Well Dis- Dis- Well Field trict trict Field 1945-44 Oct. 234 234 l,oJ5 1,869 Nov. 519 519 197 7lD Dec. 200 .^00 17 217 Jan. 311 511 Feb. 1,189 1,189 Mar. 1,810 1,610 23 23 Apr. 1,384 591 793 1,008 1.599 May 1.837 1,567 270 198 1.7o5 June 1.892 1,892 461 2,373 July l,3o3 1,3-3 2,250 5,599 Aug. 289 289 2,835 3.124 Sept. Totals 1^ 11,185 157 b,8l2 4,373 2.859 18,144 11,352 1944-45 Oct. 261 261 1,919 2,180 Nov. 27 27 151 178 Dec. 22 22 Jan. 1,63s I..58 28 28 Feb. 1,281 1,281 8 8 Mar. 1,596 1,590 58 38 Apr. 1,608 111 1.497 257 563 May 1,808 1,808 1.232 5,040 June 1,827 1,827 1,069 2,896 July 1,640 l,o40 1,699 5,339 Aur. o4 3 o43 '',479 3.122 Sept. Tot-ls 212 12,541 212 0,529 2,408 11,510 2,620 17,859 6,012 1945-46 Oct. 257 257 1.517 1,774 Nov. 147 14" 75 222 Dec. 477 477 Jan. 1,31-' 1,517 Feb. 1,-15 1,415 Mer. 1,216 1,21b l' 17 Aor. 1,217 547 670 T^ X 900 Moy 1,805 1,S05 655 2,6o0 June 1,7-5 1,''65 967 2,732 July 576 -■''i 2 2,742 3,318 Auf . 193 198 2,553 2.751 Sept. T.ntels 171 10,5ol 171 2,2o9 II.34B 2.440 16,814 5,095 1946-47 Oct. 351 342 9 1,254 1.596 Nov. 332 142 190 805 947 Dec. 54 54 Jen. 1,370 1,570 52 53 Feb. 1.472 1,472 29 29 Mar. 1.29o 85 1,211 356 441 Apr. 1,4d8 1,468 869 2,357 nay 1.857 1,657 820 2.677 Jui.e 1.499 1,499 i,r"o 2.7i9 Jul> 5I0 51'> 2,485 5.001 Auc. 120 120 2.472 2.592 Sept. Totals 17 10,298 17 0,0-. D l?,o82 ?,s?3 18,728 4,.-'5r lEAWEAH RIVER 201 TABLE NO. Jl - Continued MONTHLY DIVERSIONS BY LINDSAY-STRATHMORE IRRIGATION DISTRICT, IN ACHE-FEET Water receive d from Water Total Water Total Season and Uut chumna D itch pumped from from Kaweah from Central de- livered Di- Spread Month Total verted on Kaweah River Valley to to Kaweah Well Sources Project dis- Dis- Well Field trict trict Field 1947-48 Oct. 109 109 1,620 1,729 Nov. 49 49 364 413 Dec. 312 312 Jan. 348 348 535 335 Feb. 265 265 140 140 Mar. 795 795 Apr. 1,243 71 1,172 147 218 May l,b9t> 1,286 410 962 2,248 June 1,781 1,781 874 2,655 July 1,182 1,182 C 2,036 3,218 Aug. 185 185 2,559 2,744 Sept. Totals 47 47 4,710 2.361 2,408 17,215 6,905 2,195 12,505 1948-49 Oct. 199 199 l,4b4 1,663 1,663 Nov. 327 527 861 1,188 1,188 Dec. 151 151 105 256 256 Jan. 745 745 307 307 307 Feb. 606 606 160 160 160 Mar. 1,834 1,834 26 26 26 Apr. 1,513 795 718 761 1,556 1,556 May 1,909 1,909 389 2,298 2,298 June 1,716 1,716 1,716 3,432 3,432 July 311 311 2,141 2,452 1,098 3,550 Aug. 1,287 1,287 1,998 3,285 Sept. Totals 5,408 , 1,775 10,992 1,77^, 16,400 1.051 2,806 20,527 9,311 3,903 4,127 DmSION OF WATER RESOURCBS TABLE «0. 32 KONTHLY TOTAL DIVZRSIONS TO TDLAHE IRRIGATION DISTRICT, IK ACKE-7EBT Sourcea of water supply - Kaweah Siver through Wutohumna Ditch; Kaweab Branch through Deep Creek and Crocker Cut; St. Johns Branch througii Lanes Slough, Eetchum Ditch and Tulare Irrigation District Oenel; Central Valley Project from Friant-Kern Canal. Gross area of District - Prior to January 19*8,35,500 acres. Since October 1948, 75,350 acres. Period of record - 1917-1949. Points of ■easurenent - During the years ending September 30, 1920, 1921, 1922, and 192}, the flow resulting from the combloed diversions was oeaaured continuously on the main Tulare Irrigation District Canal one and one-half miles below its point of confluence with Crocker Cut in the northeast quarter of Section 36, Township l8 South, Range 25 East, M.D.B. and H, Map designation @ . Monthly total diversions for other years consist of the sums of the monthly diversions at the sources of water supply as respectively set forth by individual diversions in Tables Ho. 10, Ho. 11, Ho. 20, No. 21-c, No. 23, No. 30, and Ko. 3*. aeaaoB 1939-*0 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Totals 2,6>4 6,513 13,301 19,156 25,675 10,227 77,526 1940-41 >o 2,266 4,548 12,161 14,035 16,215 23,355 23,922 5,537 100,869 1941-42 107 5,298 3,155 J,J06 10,1}4 17.988 18,475 902 59,565 1942-4J 164 377 3,486 3,967 9,951 16,475 24,000 13,519 1,000 72,759 1943-44 90 351 433 2,146 1,552 14,506 5,752 140 24,970 1944.45 9,996 10,109 14,508 21,828 19,099 1,941 77,481 1945-46 2,489 2,073 5,961 956 902 1,368 11,763 14,424 2,606 42,542 1946-47 2,524 1,898 1,617 556 1,247 6,554 398 14,774 1947-48 3,523 12,454 5,158 21,115 1948-4 9" 412 2,586 5,499 527 8,565 16,168 924 34,679 KAVfEAH RIVER 203 TABLE NO. 33 DAILY TOTAL DIVERSIONS TO TOLARE IRRIGATION DISTRICT Sources of water supply - Kaweah River through Uutchumna Ditch; Kaweah Branch through Deep Creek and Crocker Cut; St. Johns Branch through Lanes Slough, Ketchum Ditch and Tulare Irrigation District Canal. Cross area of District - 33»500 acres. Period of record - 1919-1925. See Bulletin No. 4?. Points of measurement - During the years ending September 30, 1920, 1921, 1922 and 1923, the flow resulting from the combined diversions was measured continuously on the main Tulare Irrigation District Canal, one and one-half miles below its point of conflu- ence with Crocker Cut in the northeast quarter of Section 36, Township 18 South, Range 25 East, M. D. B. and M. Map designation (^2) . Monthly total diversions for ^ other years, set forth in Table No. 32, consist of the sums of the monthly diversions a at the sources of water supply as respectively set forth by individual daily diver- sions in Tables No. 10, No. 11, No. 20, No. 21-c, No. 23 and No. 30. DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE NO. }4 TOLARE IRRIGATION DISTRICT DIVERSIONS FROM FRIANT-KERN CANAL Point of dlversloD - Diverted from Uutcbumna Ditch in the northeast quarter of Section 3, Township 18 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. and M. Uater from the Friant-Kern Canal was delivered into Wutchumna Ditch in the northeast quarter of Section 2, Township 18 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. and M. Thence into Tulare Irrigation Canal. Maximum diversion capacity - 349 second-feet. Location of frasinK station - Same as @. Period of record - 1949. Remarks - This water was purchased from United States Bureau of Reclamation on interim contract. Divers .on in second-feet for year endi Qg September 50, 1949 Day Oct. Not. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 266 264 266 277 283 45 40 53 60 58 6 I 9 10 286 302 305 317 527 50 44 47 23 11 12 15 14 15 124 206 214 343 546 349 322 312 2 16 \l 19 20 216 217 216 215 202 304 288 270 266 266 21 22 23 24 25 210 230 228 225 225 259 252 265 261 254 26 29 30 31 229 243 272 283 283 279 240 225 190 106 76 64 Sec. Ft. Days 4,517.0 8,151.U 466.0 Year Period Mean Sec. Ft. Q 139.3 262.9 15.5 35.4 Max. Sec. Ft. u u u u 283.0 349.0 bO.O 349.0 Min. Sec. Ft. 64.0 Total Ac. Ft. ^J 8.562.8 10.167.5 924.3 25,654.6 I •JO.-) PUBLICATIONS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 207 PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE OF CALIFORNIA When the Department of Public Works was created in July, 1921, the State Water Commission was succeeded by the Division of Water Rights, and the Department of Engineering was succeeded by the Division of Engineering and Irrigation in all duties except those pertaining to State Architect. Both the Division of Water Rights and the Division of Engineering and Irrigation functioned until August, 1929, when they were consolidated to form the Division of Water Resources. The Water Project Authority was created by the Central Valley Project Act of 1933. STATE WATER COMMISSION ♦First Report, State Water Commission, March 24 to November 1, 1912. •Second Report, State Water Commission, November 1, 1912, to April 1, 1014. •Biennial Report, State Water Commission, March 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916. •Biennial Report, State Water Commission, December 1, 1916, to September 1, 1918. ♦Biennial Report, State Water Commission, September 1, 1918, to September 1, 1920. DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ♦Bulletin No. 1 — Hydrographic Investigation of San Joaquin River, 1920-1923. ♦Bulletin No. 2 — Kings River Investigation, Water Master's Report, 1918-1923. ♦Bulletin No. 3 — Proceedings First Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Confer- ence, 1924. ♦Bulletin No. 4 — Proceedings Second Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Confer- ence, and Water Supervisors' Report, 1924. ♦Bulletin No. 5 — San Gabriel Investigation — Basic Data, 1923-1926. Bulletin No. 6 — San Gabriel Investigation — Basic Data, 1926-1928. Bulletin No. 7- — San Gabriel Investigation — Analysis and Conclusions, 1929. •Biennial Report, Division of Water Rights, 1920-1922. ♦Biennial Report, Division of Water Rights, 1922-1924. Biennial Report, Division of Water Rights, 1924-1926. Biennial Report, Division of Water Rights, 1926-1928. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING •Bulletin No. 1 — Cooperative Irrigation Investigations in California, 1912-1914. ♦Bulletin No. 2 — Irrigation Districts in California, 1887-1915. Bulletin No. 3 — Investigations of Economic Duty of Water for Alfalfa in Sacramento Valley, California, 1915. ♦Bulletin No. 4 — Preliminary Report on Conservation and Control of Flood Waters in Coachella Valley, California, 1917. ♦Bulletin No. 5 — Report on the Utilization of Mojave River for Irrigation in Victor Valley, California, 1918. ♦Bulletin No. 6 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1919 (now obsolete). Bulletin No. 7 — Use of Water from Kings River, California, 1918. ♦Bulletin No. 8 — Flood Problems of the Calaveras River, 1919. Bulletin No. 9 — Water Resources of Kern River and Adajacent Streams and Their Utilization, 1920. ♦Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1907-1908. ♦Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1908-1910. ♦Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1910-1912. ♦Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1912-1914. ♦Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1914-1916. ♦Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1916-1918. ♦Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1918-1920. DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Including Reports of the Former Division of Engineering and Irrigation ♦Bulletin No. 1 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1921 (now obsolete.) ♦Bulletin No. 2 — Formation of Irrigation Districts, Issuance of Bonds, etc., 1922. Bulletin No. 3 — Water Resources «>f Tulare County and Their Utilization, 1922. Bulletin No. 4 — Water Resources of California, 1923. Bulletin No. 5 — Flow in California Streams, 1923. Bulletin No. 6 — Irrigation Requirements of California Lands, 1923. ♦Bulletin No. 7 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1923 (now obsolete). ♦Bulletin No. 8 — Cost of Water to Irrigators in California, 1925. Bulletin No. 9 — Supplemental Report on Water Resources of California, 1925. ♦Bulletin No. 10 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1925 (now obsolete). Bulletin No. 11 — Ground Water Resources of Southern San Joaquin Valley, 1927. Bulletin No. 12 — Summary Report on the Water Resources of California and a Coordi- nated Plan for Their Development, 1927. Bulletin No. 13 — The Development of the Upper Sacramento River, containing U. S. R. S. Cooperative Report on Iron Canyon Project, 1927. ♦ Reports and Bulletins out of print. These may be borrowed by your local library from the California State Library at Sacramento, California. -0(S DIVISION OK WATER KESOUKfKS Bulletin No. 14 — The Control of Floods by Reservoirs, 1928. ♦Bulletin No. 18 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1927, Revision. ♦Bulletin No. 18-A — California Irrigation District Law's, 1929 Revision. Bulletin No. 18-B — California Irrigation District Laws, 1931 Revision. Bulletin No. 18-C — California Irrigation District Laws, 1933 Revision. Bulletin No. 18-D — California Irrigation District Laws, 1935 Revision. Bulletin No. 18-E — California Irrigation District Laws, 1937 Revision. ♦Bulletin No. 18-P^California Irrigation District Laws, 1939 Revision. Bulletin No. 18-G — California Irrii'^ation District Laws, 1941 Revision. ♦Bulletin No. 18-H — Water Code, Divisions 10 and 11, Irrigation District Laws 1943. Bulletin No. 19 — Santa Ana Investigation, Flood Control and Conservation (with packet of maps), 1928. Bulletin No. 20 — Kennett Reservoir Development, an Analysis of Methods and Extent of Financing by Electric Power Revenue, 1929. Bulletin No. 21 — Irrigation Districts in California, 1929. Bulletin No. 21-A — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1929. Bulletin No. 21-B — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1930. Bulletin No. 21-C — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1931. ♦Bulletin No. 21-D^ — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1932. Bulletin No. 21-E — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1933. Bulletin No. 21-P — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1934. Bulletin No. 21-G — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1935. Bulletin No. 21-H — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1936. Bulletin No. 21-1 — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1937. Bulletin No. 21-J— Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1938. Bulletin No. 21-K — Report on Irrigation Di.^triet.s in California for the year 1939. Bulletin No. 21-L — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1940. Bulletin No. 21-M — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1941. Bulletin No. 21-N — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1942. Bulletm No. 21-0 — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1943. Bulletin No. 22 — Report on S^lt Water Barrier (two volumes), 1929. Bulletin No. 23 — Report on Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor, 1924-1928. Bulletin No. 24 — A Proposed Major Development on American River, 1929. Bulletm No. 25 — Report to Legislature of 1931 on State Water Plan, 1930. Bulletin No. 26 — Sacramento River Basin, 1931. Bulletin No. 27 — Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay, 1931. Bulletin No. 28 — Economic Aspects of a Salt Water Barrier Below Confluence of Sac- ramento and San Joaquin Rivers, 1931. Bulletin No. 28-A — Industrial Survey of Upper San Francisco Bay Area, 1930. Bulletin No. 29 — San Joaquin River Basin, 1931. Bulletin No. 31 — Santa Ana River Basin, 1930. Bulletin No. 32 — South Coastal Basin, a Cooperative Symposium, 1930. Bulletin No. 33 — Rainfall Penetration and Consumptive Use of Water in Santa Ana River Valley and Coastal Plain, 1930. Bulletin No. 34 — Permissible Annual Charges for Irrigation Water in Upper San Joaquin Valley, 1930. Bulletin No. 35 — Permissible Economic Rate of Irrigation Development in California, 1930. Bulletin No. 36 — Cost of Irrigation Water in California, 1930. Bulletin No. 37 — Financial and General Data Pertaining to Irrigation, Reclamation and Other Public Districts in California, 1930. Bulletin No. 38 — Report of Kings River Water Master for the Period 1918-1930. Bulletin No. 39 — South Coastal Basin Investigation, Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells, 1932. Bulletin No. 39-A — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1932, Sea- sonal Precipitation Records to and including 1931-32. (Mimeo- graphed.) Bulletin No. 39-B — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1933, Pre- cipitation Records for the Season 1932-33. (Mimeographed.) Bulletin No. 39-C — Records of Ground Water Lev»-;ls at Wells for the Year 1934, Pre- cipitation Records for the Season 1933-34. (Mimeo'-raphed. ) Bulletin No. 39-D — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1935, Pre- cipitation Records for the Season 1934-35. (Mimeographed.) Bulletin No. 39-E — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1936, Pre- cipitation Records for the Season 1935-36. (Mimeographed.) Bulletin No. 39-F — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1937, Pre- cipitation Records for the Season 1936-37. (Mimeographed.) Bulletin No. 39-G — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1938, Pre- cipitation Records for the Season 1937-38. (Mimeographed.) Bulletin No. 39-H— Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1939, Pre- cipitation Records for the Season 1938-39. (Mimeographed.) Bulletin No. 39-1 — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 19 40, Pre- cipitation Records for the Season 1939-40. (Mimeographed.) ♦Bulletin No. 39-J — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the year 1941 ; includ- ing San Jacinto and Antelope Valleys from beginning of record. Precipitation Records for the Season 19 40-41. Bulletin No. 39-K — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1942, Pre- cipitation Records for the Season 1941-42. Bulletin No. 39-L — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1943, Pre- cipitation Records for the Season 1942-43. ♦ Reports and Bulletins out of print. These may be borrowed by your local library from the California State Library at Sacramento, California. FUIJLICATIONS 209 Bulletin No. 40 — South Coastal Basin Investigation, Quality of Irrigation Waters, 1933. •Bulletin No. 40-A — South Coastal Basin Investigation, Detailed Analyses Showing Quality of Irrigation Waters, 1933. Bulletin No. 41 — Pit River investigation, 1933. Bulletin No. 42 — Santa Clara Investigation, 1933. Bulletin No. 43 — Value and Cost of Water for Irrigation in Coastal Plain of Southern California, 1933. Bulletin No. 44 — Water Losses Under Natural Conditions from Wet Areas in Southern California, 1933. Bulletin No. 45 — South Coastal Basin Investigation, Geology and Ground Water Stor- age Capacity of Valley Fill, 1934. Bulletin No. 40 — Ventura County Investigation, 1033. Bulletin No. 46-A — Ventura County Investigation, Basic Data for the Period 1927 to 1&.32. inclusive. ( Minir-f)f.'Ta!i'-.ed. ) Bulletin No. 47 — Mojave River Investiiyration, 1934. (Mimeographed.) •Bulletin No. 4S — San Diego County Investigation, 1935. (Mimeo.e-raphed.) Bulletin No. 4S-A — San Luis Rey River Investigation, 1936. (Mimeographed.) Biil'etin No. 49 — Kaweah Ri\er — Flow.s, Diver.^ions and Service Areas, 1940. Bulletin No. 4 9- A — Kasveah River- -Flow.s, Diversions and Service Areas, 1950. Bulletin No. 50 — Use of Water by Native Vegetation, 1942. Bulletin No. 51 — Irrigation Requirements of California Crops, 1945. Bulletin No. 52— Salinas Basin Investigation. Bulletin No. 52-A — Salinas Basin Investigation — Basic Data. Bulletin No. 52-B — Salinas Basin Investigation — Summary Report. Bulletin No. 53 — South Coastal Basin Investigation. Bulletin No. 54 — Evaporation frcmi ^\'ater Surfaces in California — Summary Report. Bulletin No. 54-A — Evaporation from Water Surfaces in California — Basic Data. Bulletin No. 53 — San Dieguitoand San l)ieRo Rivers Investigations, 1949. Biennial Report, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1920-1922. Biennial Report, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1922-1924. Biennial Report, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1924-1926. Biennial Report, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1926-1928. PAMPHLETS Dams Under Jurisdiction of the State of California, 19 41. Water Code, 1943. Water Rights, Divisions 1, 2 and 4 of Water Code, 1943. Supervision of Dams, Division 3 of Water Code, 1943. State Water Plan, Authorities and Boards, Division 6 of Water Code, 1943. California Administrative Code, Title 23, Waters. Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Supervision of Dams in California, 1946. Rules, Regulations and Information Pertaining to Appropriation of Water in Cali- fornia, 1946. Rules, Regulations and Information Pertaining to Determination Rights to the Use of Water in California, 19 46. Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Protests and Hearings, 1946. COOPERATIVE AND MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS •Report of the Conservation Commission of California, 1912. •Irrigation Resources of California and Their Utilization (Bull. 254, Office of Exp. U. S. D. A.), 1913. •Report, State Water Problems Conference, November 25, 1916. •Report on Pit River Basin, April, 1915. •Report on Lower Pit River Project. July, 1915. •Report on Iron Canyon Project, California, 1914. •Report on Iron Canyon Project, California, May, 1920. 'Sacramento Flood Control Project (Revised Plans), 1925. Report of Commission Appointed to Investigate Causes Leading to the Failure of St. Francis Dam, 192S. Report of the California Joint Federal-State Water Resources Commission, 1930. Conclusions and Recommendations of the Report of the California Irrigation and Reclamation Financing and Refinancing Commission, 1930. •Report of California Water Resources Commission to the Governor of California on State Water Plan, 1932. •Booklet of Information on California and the State Water Plan Prepared for United States House of Representatives' Subcommittee on Appropria- tions, 1931. •Bulletin on Great Central Valley Project of State Water Plan of California Prepared for United States Senate Committee on Irrigation and Reclama- tion, 1932. WATER PROJECT AUTHORITY Bulletin No. 1 — Publicly Operated Electric Utilities in Northern California, 19 41. •Report on Kennett Power System of Central Valley Project, 1935. •Report on the Programming of Additional Electric Power Facilities to Provide for Absorption of Output of Shasta Power Plant in Northern Cali- fornia Market, 193S. The Story of the Central Valley I'roject of California, 1940. •Electric Power Features of the State Water Plan in the Great Central Valley Basin of California, 1941. Auxiliary Electric Po%ver Facilities Required for Central Valley Project, 1942. • Reiwrts and Bulletins out of print. These may be borrowed by your local library from the California State Library at Sacramento, California. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW BOOKS REQUESTED BY ANOTHER BORROWER ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL ij£ C ^ i V\CA DEC 2 19«S PHYS SCI UBRAlfB APR 5 199; JUNpl|J993 FEB 2 6 1990 RECEIVED FEbi- ...qQI) PHYSCIUBRARY OCT Q 1993 PtiYSICALSCS. LIBRARY I] B1 laj NOV 12 199 NOV 8]99Gfti; RECEIVED m cj 1999 RE CO RECEIVED MAY 2 *» 1999 PSL LlBRAftY,oONiy6RSlTY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Book Slip-Series 458 PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY v-/':' \ LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS •A 110990 * I