FOREIGN EXCHANGE TABLES By E. D. DAVIS Author and Publisher of Interest Tables. Date Tables. Grain Tables. Address E. D. Davis, Publisher MINNHAPOLIS. MINN. 3*^^ V^G^^o, Copyright, 1912, By E. D. Davis. PREFACE. THE claim is made for tiiis book of foreign exchange conversion tables that it is the only complete set of such tables in print. Each line is a table in itself for the rate given in the margin; and there is a table for every rate ever quoted on every country for which it is practicable to make conversion tables. There are tables extant for English money, others for French, and others for German money; and there are yet others pretending to be complete for all countries but which contain only those rates most commonly used omitting a very large number which are much used and which are really the most important because they are the hardest to figure. This book contains them all. The tables for English money include all rates, both those expressed to the fractional part of a cent, and those expressed to the decimal of a cent, and they run from S4.75 to $5.00 per pound, a wider range than any other set of tables. The tables for F"rench, German and Dutch monies are as complete, including all the rates ever used from the lowest to the highest point. Austrian tables include rates to the one fourth hundredth of a cent. Scandinavian tables are to the one half hundredth of a cent. In other words, this book contains all that all other books of foreign exchange tables combined contain, and much besides, and for the price of any one of them, and cheaper than most of them. There are some countries for which conversion tables might be made but which would be so little used that it would not be desirable to burden the pages of a book with them. In the case of China, there are no tables for taels above 52,'.2 cents. Tables for Indian rupees or Portuguese milreis would be voluminous and little used. On South and Central American countries, drafts are commonly written in either United States or English money, and tables for rates not here given rt-ouid only serve the useless purpose of filling up space. There are other tables besides conversion tables given in this book which ought alone to be worth its price. The.^e are the various profit tables for checks and drafts sold over the counter, and interest and other tables in the back of the book for figuring the value of bills uf exchange. Then, too, the tables convert instantly any rate expressed decimally into one as commonly quoted by bankers. And their relation one to another make them available for figuring arbitrages by a short method. There has been no attempt to make of this book anything like a text-book or treatise in general on the subject of foreign e.\change. That is an educational branch of the subject requring a volume in itself and by itself; it cannot properly be handled outside of a work of at least one hundred and fifty or two hundred pages There are several excellent books of the kind now extant. Besides, when it comes to such matters as bills of exchange, and kindred paper, finance bills, cable transfers, letters of credit, traveler's checks, etc., there are so many laws, requirements, customs and forms governing them, that no one can learn how to properly handle them except in the school of experience. Such paper does not come into the market much except in cities where there are firms doing more or less of an export or foreign business, and instructions in the matter are bcyt)nd the scope of what this book of conversion tables was intended. ^59689 . iEMPLANATION AND INSTRUCTIONS. Explanation. But little explanation as to how to use these tables will be required; they are easily understood. United States money to foreign money is on the left hand pages of the open book; and foreign money to United States money is on the right hand pages. The main thing is to always imagine a decimal point under a decimal point. The same figures are used whether the amount is $1 or $10 or $1,000 or $100,000; or 1 franc or 1,000 francs or 100. 000 francs. The same rule applies to the smaller units, cents, centimes, pfennigs, etc.; the decimal point will be under the corres- ponding imaginary decimal point just the same; 10 cents will be 51 centimes in the one table, and 50 centimes will be 10 cents on the page opposite. With English money, it is dollars to pounds and decimals of pounds, and the decimal is given at the bottom of the page. The rule is the same. How to figure fluctuations and profits. Foreign exchange draft clerks are not called upon often to figure what a rate will yield, in the way of profits on the gross amount of a draft, when that rate is expressed with supple- mentary fractions. But the following instruc- tions will be helpful in illustrating the purposes to which this book of tables may be put. On page 85, for German money, the rate 95 Vs will be found expressed decimally, .95125, in the 4th column. An advance that will yield a profit, say of $1.50 on $1000, (IX per mil), may be figured in this way: Rate. 1 per mil , Vs " •■ .95125 95125 4756-(- Added 9526768 + An advance in the rate to 95 Vie - ^l(A will yield that percentage of profit; see down the 4th column. The rate 95 'A + 1/64 would very nearly do it but not quite. Turn again to page 54 for French money. The rate 5.18 Vs - l/i6 expressed decimally is 5.1844903; see the 1st column. An advance in the rate that would yield a profit of 1% permit ( $1.50 per $ 1000 ) could be figured like the other example, except that the P>ench rates are in reverse of the German rates, and the amount must be subtracted instead of added to get the higher rate. Rate 1 per mil V2 " •■ . 5.1844903 .0051845- .0025922+ .OOmbl 5.17671 + An advance in the rate to either 5.171/2 - 1/32 or 5.181/8 + 3/32 would yield that per- centage of profit: see up the 1st column. If the amount of a draft is even, (some one figure with ciphers ) , the rate for any given profit may be figured as follows: sav for instance Fes. 7000 at rate 5.181/8 - i/i6. ' In the 7th column on page 55, it will be seen that P\-s. 7000 = $1350.1809 Add any amount desired, say I'.i per mil, and we have: 1 per mil 1350.18+ 1.35+ ^67+ 1352.10 + An advance in the rate, see up the 7th column, to 5.181/8 + 5/64 or to 5.171/2 -^64 will yield nearly the required amount of profit. The value of Bills of Exchange is always figured on the rate, not on the gross amount. Take as an illustration the following exam- ple which is typical of the manner of figuring bills on all countries. What is the value of a ."50 day bill of cxchaii>.-c on Germany when the quoted rate is 95Vi - ':;•.' :ii:d the discount rate of interest is 3% per cent ? Market rate. See page 85, 4th column. 95220 + Interest 30 days at 3% percent. See back of book. .00288 Stamp tax, Vao per cent. .00048 Profit, say Vt* percent. .0012 Commission, or other charges 00456 \'alue per 4 nmrks. .94764 + Referring to page 83, in the 4th column, it will be seen that the decimal rate, .94764 equals either the bank rate 94 3/4 + l/f,4 or 94 13/i6 - 3/64, as near as it is possible to get. English, French and Dutch bills are figured in the same way; French exchange is quoted in reverse of the others and to get the lower rate, add as in the following example: What is the value of a 30 day bill of exchange on France when the quoted rate is .'i.l.S'.s — ' •;.. and the discount rate of interest is 3% per cent ? Market rate S.lSVs - '32 See page 54, 1st colunni. 5.18287 Interest 30 days at "S^k per cent. .01679 Revenue stamp tax, l ;;u percent. .0026 Commission, perhaps ' lu per cent. .0013 Profit, say Vi per cent. .0129 Value per dollar. 5.21646 Referring to page 58, in the 1st column, it will be seen that this value corresponds to rate 5.21 7/8 + 3/64 or to 5.21 1/4 - 5/64. en(;lish money. I low to convert United States money into linglislt money, and vice versa. To convert dollars and cents into pounds, shillings and pence, divide the number of dollars by the rate. When the pounds are obtained, multiply the remainder by 20, and continue the division till the shillinjis are ob- tained; then multiply the remainder again by 12, and continue till the pence are obtained. See example below, at the left. To convert pounds, shillings and pence into dollars and cents, multiply the pounds, and the shillings as a decimal, by the rate (nr some- times, for convenience, the rale by the pounds and decimal), and add two cents for every penny. See below, at the right. To get the decimal for the shillings, divide by 2; remem- ber, for instance, that 19 shillings ecjualls nine- teen twentieths of a pound, or nine and one half tenths, which is, expressed decimally .95 In other words, £27-19s = £27.95 Iv.xntnple. — Wnw many pounds, shillings and pence are liaro in $l.'!l).2.') at 4-..STI» ? and, vice versa, iiow many dollars and cents arc there in £27-19s-5d, at tlic same rate' 4.8712S) 136.25000 97.4250 38.82500 J4 09875 4.72625 20s 12d 19 5. £2'i 394250 197125 " 2.^65500 2435625 4.87125 2795 2435625 4384125 3409S75 974250 1361.S14375 2x5d 10 $136.25 In the above example in long division, insteatl of multiplying by 20 and by 12, the result may be carried out into a decimal, and the value of the decimal, in shillings and pence, will be found at the bottoms of any of the left liand pages, from 8 to 44. How to write checks and drafts. Drafts drawn in English money should be written out in full as illustrated at the heads of pages 8 to 44, and on a single line if possible. Checks in Kngland are commonly written with a shilling sign, /, thus: '-Is, meaning twelve shillings and five pence; but the form is not much recommeniied by New Wnk bankers and exchange jobbers for foreign drafts, if plainly written, however, there can be no ob- jection to it; it is the proper form. In Great Britain and foreign countries, strict cation of the payee is ed, as in the United no recourse back on a forged endorsement may be "crossed," ing two parallel lin writing in the words/ ?^ require that the check through some other and not paid in cash amounts, in some of the payee's iden Ireland, as in most personal identiti- n(jt usually requir- States, and there is the paying bank for Clhecks and drafts however, by draw- ;icross their face and 'ik Co." This will or tlralt be collected than the pay ing bank, over the counter, and liegree to a guaranty titv. Commercial drafts (liillsof Exchange) pay- able in Great Britain and Ireland are subject to a stamp tax as follows, if drawn for more than three days sight: Up to £5 Id. Above 5 2d. 10 3d. " 25 6d. " 50, ..-..., 9d. " 75 Is. " 100, Is for every £100 or fractional part thereof. Sight drafts are allowed 3 days of grace. Bank of England notes are printed in de- nominations of 5. 10. 20, 50, 100, 200. 500 and 1000 pounds. Gold is coined in sover- eigns and half-sovereigns ( pounds and half- pounds). Silver is coined in crowns, (5s). half-crowns, [2/.,%), florins, (2s), shilling;, six- pence and three-pence. Copper coins are the penny and half-penny. Like all other coun- tries. Great Britain has several coins of special issue entering only partially into the general circulation. These consist principally of 2 and 5 pound gold pieces, 1, 2 and 4 penny silver pieces, and the farthing. English gold is 916';, parts fine and 83X parts alloy, and is worth S4.866'.j at the United States mint, which is, in other words, its par value. English silver is 925 parts fine and 75 parts alloy; its nominal value is of course one twentieth of a pound, or about 24/i cents per shilling. The market value of English paper money in New York (New York purchasing rates) fluctuates from about 1 or 2 cents above par to 3 or 4 cents lielosv par, per pound. (i<»ld fluctuates from about par to 2 or 3 cents below. And silver ranges from about S-1.80 to $4.84 per pound, that is, about 24 cents per shilling. '1 he New ^'ork selling rates are from 2 to 5 cents above purchasing rates. Onot;itions may always be obtained from I'.astern bankers and jobbers, and some publish them periodically. Profit Table for English Money, By Vs, ^4, Etc. Example. — A customer wants a draft worth S600.00 the quoted cost rate is 4.87% ; the profit desired is $1.50. At the right of the fifSurcs 600, it will be seen that an advance in the | rate of 1% will yield a profit of SI. 54; therefore quote 4.88;' i (4.87' .< + I/4 ). For amounts | not given h ire, take a fractional part, like one half or a multiple of some other number. | Dollars Vs V4 3/8 _V2 S/8 3/4 1 7/8 1 ll/< 11/2 I3/4I 2 21/4 21/2 3 I31/2 4 50 1 .01 .03 .04 .05 .06 .08 .09 .10 .13 .15 .18 .21 .23 .26 .31 .36 .41 100 .03 .05 .08 .10 .13 .15 .18 .21 .26 .31 .36 .41 .46 .51 .62 .72 .82 150 .04 .08 .12 .15 .19 .23 .27 .31 .38 .46 .54 .62 .69 .77 .92 1.07 1.23 200 .05 .10 .15 .21 .26 .31 .36 .41 .51 .62 .72 .32 .92 1.03 1.23 1.44 1.64 250 .06 .13 .19 .26 .32 .38 .45 .51 .64 .77 .90 1.03 1 1.15 1.28 1.54 1.80 2.C5 300 .08 .15 .23 .31 .38 .46 .54 .62 .77 .92 1.08 1.23 1.39 1.54 1.85 2.15 2.46 400 .10 .21 .31 .41 .51 .62 .72 .82 1.03 1.23 1.44 1.64 1.85 2.05 2.46 287 3..?8 500 .13 .26 .38 .51 .64 .77 .90 1.03 1.28 1.54 1.80 2.05 2.31 2.57 3.08 3.59 4.10 600 .15 .31 .46 .62 .77 .92 1.08 1.23 1.54 1.85 2.15 2.46 2.77 3.08 3.69 4.31 4.92 700 .18 .36 .54 .72 .90 1.08 1.26 1.44 1.80 2.15 2.51 2.87 3.23 3.59 4.31 5.03 5.75 800 .21 .41 .62 .82 1.03 1.23 1.44 1.64 2.05 2.46 2.87 3.28 3.69 4.10 4.92 5.75 6.57 900 .23 .46 .69 .92 1.15 1..39 1.62 1.85 2.31 2.77 3.23 3.69 4.16 4.62 5.54 6.46 7..W 1000 .26 .51 .77 1.03 1.28 1.54 1.80 2.05 2.57 3.08 3.59 4.10 4.62 5.13 6.16 7.18 821 1100 .28 .56 .85 1.13 1.41 1.69 1.98 2.26 2.82 3.38 3.95 4.51 5.08 5.64 6.77 7.90 9.03 1200 .31 .62 .92 1.23 1.54 1.85 2.16 2.46 3.08 3.69 4.31 4.92 5.54 6.16 7.39 8.62 9.85 1300 .33 .67 1.00 1.33 1.67 2.00 2.33 2.67 3.33 4.00 4.67 5.33 6.00 6.67 8.00 9.33 10.67 1400 .36 .72 1.08 1.44 1.80 2.15 2.52 2.87 3.59 4.31 5.03 5.75 6.46 7.18 8.62 10.05 11.49 1500 .38 .77 1.15 1.54 1.92 2.31 2.70 3.08 3.85 4.62 5.39 6.16 6.93 7.70 9.23 10.77 12.31 1600 .41 .82 1.23 1.64 2.05 2.46 2.88 3.28 4.10 4.92 5.75 6.57 7.39 8.21 ' 9.85 11.49 13.13 1700 .44 .87 1.31 1.74 2.18 262 3.06 3.49 4.36 5.23 6.10 6.98 7.85 8.72 1047 12.21 13.95 1800 .46 .92 1.39 1.85 2.31 2.77 3.24 3.69 4.62 5.54 6.46 7.39 8.31 9.23 11.08 12.93 '14.77 1900 .49 .97 1.46 1.95 2.44 2.92 3.42 3.90 4.87 5.85 6.82 7.80 8.77 9.75 11.70 13.65 15.60 2000 .51 1.03 1.54 2.05 2.57 3.08 3.60 4.10 5.13 6.16 7.18 8.21 9.23 110.26 12.31 14.36 16 42 | 2100 .54 1.08 1.62 2.15 2.69 3.23 3.78 4.31 5.39 6.46 7.54 8.62 9.70 10.77 12.93 15.08,17.24 | 2200 .56 1.13 1.69 2.26 2.82 3.39 3.96 4.51 5.64 6.77 7.90 9.03 1016 11.29 13.54 15.80 18 06 2500 .64 1.28 1.92 2.57 3.21 3 85 4.50 5.13 6.41 7.69 8.98 10.26 11.54 12.83 15.39 17.96 2052 3000 .77 1.54 2.31 3.08 3.85 4.62 5.40 6.16 7.70 9.23 1077 12.31 13.85 15.39 18.47 21.55 24.62 5000 1.28 2.57 3.85 5.13 6.41 7.70 9.00 10.26 12.83 15.39 17.96 20.52 23.09 25.65,30.78 35.91 j41.C4 Pounds 1/8 V4 3/8 1/2 J/8^ 3/4 Vs 1 11/4 11/2 13/4 2 21/4 21/2 3 Zlj2_ 4 10 .01 .02 .04 .05 .07 .08 .09 .10 .12 .15 .18 .20 .22 .25 .30 .35 .40 20 .02 .05 .07 .10 .12 .15 .18 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .60 .70 .80 25 .03 .06 .09 .12 .16 .19 .22 .25 .31 .37 .44 .50 .56 .62 .75 .87 1.00 30 .04 .07 .11 .15 .19 .23 .26 .30 .37 .45 .53 .60 .67 .75 .90 1.05 1.20 40 .05 .10 .15. .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 50 .06 .12 .19 .25 .31 .37 .44 .50 .62 .75 .87 1.00 1.12 1.25 1..50 1.75 2.00 75 .09 .19 .28 .37 .47 .56 .66 .75 .94 1.12 1.31 1.50 1.69 1.87 2.25 2.62 3.00 100 .12 .25 .37 .50 .62 .75 .87 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 1 125 .16 .31 .47 .62 .78 .94 1 1.09 1.25 1.56 1.87 2.19 2.50 2.81 3.12 3.75 4.37 5.00 150 .19 .37 .56 .75 .94 1.12 1.31 1.50 1.87 2.25 2.62 3.00 3.37 3.75 4.50 5.25 6.00 175 .22 .44 .66 .87 1.09 1.31 1.53 1.75 2.19 2.62 3.06 3.50 3.94 4.37 5.25 6.12 7.C0 200 .25 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 225 .28 .56 .84 1.12 1.41 1.69 1.97 2.25 2.81 3.37 3.94 4.50 5.06 5.62 6.75 7.87 900 1 250 .31 .62 .94 1.25 1.56 : 1.87 2.19 2.50 3.12 3.75 4.37 5.00 5.62 6.25 7..50 8.75 10.00 275 .34 .69 1.03 1.37 i 1.72 , 2.06 2.41 2.75 3.44 4.12 4.81 5.50 6.19 6.87 8.25 i 9.62 11.00 300 .37 .75 1.12 ! 1.50 1.87 i 2.25 2.63 3.00 3.75 4.50 5.25 6.00 6.75 7.50 9.00 10.50 12.00 325 .41 .81 1.22 1.62 2.03 2.44 2.84 3.25 4.06 4.87 5.69 6.50 7.31 8.12 9.75 11.37 130(1 350 .44 .87 1.31 1.75 2.19 2.62 3.06 3.50 4.37 5.25 6.12 7.00 7.87 8.75 10.50 12.25 14(10 375 .47 .94 1.41 1.87 2,34 2.81 i 3.28 3.75 4.69 5.62 6.56 7.50' 8.44' 9.37:11.25 13.12 15(10 400 .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 1 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 450 .56 1.12 1.69 2.25 2.81 3.37 3.94 4.50 5.62 6.75 7.87 9.00 10.12 11.25 1.3.50 1575 18.00 500 .62 1.25 I 1.87 ; 2.50 i 3.12 3.75 ' 4.37 5.00 6.25 7.50 8.75 '10.00 11.25 12..S0 15.00 1 17.50 30.00 600 .75 1.50 2.25 3.00 3.75 4.50 5.25 6.00 7.50 9.00 10.50 12.00 13..S0 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.0(1 700 .87 1.75 2.62 3.50 4.37 5.25 6.12 7.00 .8.75 10.50 12.25 14 00 15.75 17.50 21.00 24.50 28.00 750 .94 1.87 2.81 3.75 4.6') 5.62 6.56 7.50 9.37 11.25 13.12 15.00 16.87 18.75 22.50 26.25 Mm) 800 1. 00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.03 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 24.00 28.00 32.00 900 1.12 2.25 3.37 4.50 5.62 6.75 7.87 9.00 11.25 1.3.50 15.75 i 18.00 2:1.25 22..50 27 00 31.50 ?,6.(:0 1000 1.2.S 250 3.75 5.00 6.25 7..50 8.75 10.00 i2..=;o 15.00 17..S0 120.00 22.50 25.00 .mOO .350!) -10 C;^ Profit Table for English Money By . 05, .10, Etc. Hxainple. — A customer wants a draft wort 1 S3500; the q uoted cost rate is 4.8620 the profit desired is S3.00. At tlic rijilit of the fitiures 35U0, it will be seen tli at an advance in tlie rate of .15 will yield a profit of $3.23; therefore quote 4.8665 (4.8620 + 45). For amounts not given here, take a fractional part, like one half, or a multiple of some other nunibt r. Dollars .05 .10 .15 ,20 .25 .30 ,35 1 .40 .45 .50 .55 ^_ .70 ^75 .SO .90 1 500 .05 .10 .15 .21 .26 .31 .36 .41 .46 .51 .56 .62 .72 .77 .82 .92 1.03 (.(III 11(1 12 .18 .25 .31 .37 .43 .49 .55 .62 .68 .74 .86 .92 .98 1.11 1.23 7(1(1 li; 14 .22 .29 .36 .43 .50 .57 .65 .72 .79 .86 1.01 1.08 1.15 1.29 1.44 soo .US .16 .25 .33 .41 .49 .57 .66 .74 .82 .90 .98 1.15 1.23 1.31 1.48 1.64 900 .09 .18 .28 .37 .46 .55 .65 .74 .83 .92 1.02 1.11 1.29 1.39 1.48 1.66 1.85 1000 .10 .21 .31 .41 .51 .62 .72 .82 .92 1.03 1.13 1.23 1.44 1.54 1.64 1.85 2.05 1100 .11 .23 .34 .45 .56 .68 .79 .90 1.02 1.13 1.24 1.35 1.58 1.69 181 2.03 2.26 1200 .12 .25 .37 .49 .62 .74 .86 .98 1.11 1.23 1.35 1.48 1.72 1.85 1.97 2.22 2.46 1.^00 .13 .27 .40 .53 .67 .80 .93 1.07 1.20 1.33 1.47 1.60 1.87 2.00 2.13 2.40 2.67 1400 .14 .29 .43 .57 .72 .86 1.01 1.15 1.29 1.44 1.58 1.72 2.01 2.15 2.30 2.59 2.87 l.SOO .15 .31 .46 .62 .77 .92 1.08 1.23 1.39 1.54 1.69 1.85 2.15 2.31 246 2.77 3.08 1600 .16 .33 .49 .66 .82 .98 1.15 1.31 1.48 1.64 1.81 1.97 2.30 2.46 2.63 2.95 3.28 1700 .17 .35 .52 .70 .87 1.05 1.22 i 1.40 1.57 1.74 1.92 2.09 2.44 2.62 2.79 3.14 3.49 ISOO .18 .37 .55 .74 .92 1.11 129 1.48 1.66 1.85 2.03 2.22 2.59 2.77 2.95 3.32 3.69 2000 .21 .41 .62 .82 1.03 1.23 1.44 1.64 1.85 2.05 2.26 2.46 2.87 3.08 3.28 3.69 4.10 2500 .26 .51 .77 1.03 1.28 1.54 1.80 2.05 2.31 2.57 2.82 3.08 359 3.85 4.10 4.62 5.13 3000 .31 .62 .92 1.23 I 1.54 1.85 2.15 2.46 277 3.08 3.39 3.69 4.31 4.62 4.92 5.54 6.16 3500 .36 .72 1.08 1.44 1.80 2.15 2.51 ' 2.87 3.23 3.59 395 4.31 5.03 5.39 5.75 6.46 7.18 4000 .41 .82 1.23 1.64 2.05 ' 2.46 287 3.28 3.69 4.10 4.51 4.92 5.75 6.16 6.57 7.39 8.21 5000 , .51 1.03 1.54 2.05 2.57 3.08 3.59 4. 10 4.62 5.13 5.64 6.16 7.18 7.70 8.21 9.23 10.26 6000 .62 1.23 1.85 2.46 3.08 3.69 4.31 4.92 5.54 6.16 6.77 7.-39 8.62 9.23 9.85 11.08 12.31 7000 .72 1.44 2.15 2.87 3.59 4.31 5.03 5.75 6.46 7.18 7.90 8.62 10.05 10.77 11.49 12.93 14..36 8000 1 .82 1.64 2.46 3.28 4.10 4.92 5.75 6.57 7.39 8.21 9.03 9.85 11.49 12.31 13.13 14.77 16.42 9000 I .92 1.85 2.77 3.69 4.62 5.54 6.46 7.39 8.31 9.23 10.16 11.08 12.93 13.85 14.77 16.62 18.47 10000 ■ 1.03 2.05 3.08 4.10 513 6.16 7.18 ! 8 21 9.23 10.26 11.29 12.31 14.36 15..39 16.42 18.47 20.52 15000 } 1.54 3.08 4.62 6.16 7.70 9.23 10.77 12.31 13.85 15.39 16.93 18.47 21.55 23.09 24.62 27.70 .30.78 20000 2.05 4.10 6.16 8.21 10.26 12.31 14.36 16.42 18.47 20.52 22.57 24.62 28.73 30.78 32.83 36.94 41.04 25000 1 2.57 5.13 7.70 10.26,12.83 1539 17.96 20.52 23.09 25.65 28.22 30.78 .3.5.91 .38.48 41.04 46.17 51.30 Pounds .OS 1 .10 .15 .20 1 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .60 T70^ .75 .80 .90 1 100 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .60 .70 .75 .80 .90 1.00 125 .06 .12 .19 .25 .31 .37 .44 .50 .56 .62 .69 .75 .87 .94 1.00 1.12 1.25 150 .07 .15 .22 .30 .37 .45 .52 .60 .67 .75 .82 .90 1.05 1.12 1.20 1.35 1.50 175 .09 .17 .26 .35 .44 .52 .61 .70 .79 .87 .96 1.05 1.22 1.31 1.40 1.57 1.75 200 .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.80 2.00 225 .11 .22 .34 .45 .56 .67 .79 .90 1.01 1.12 1.24 1.35 1.57 1.69 1.80 2.02 2.25 250 .12 .25 .37 .50 .62 .75 .87 1.00 1.12 1.25 1.37 1.50 1.75 1.87 2.00 2.25 2..50 275 .14 .27 .41 .55 .69 .82 .% 1.10 1.24 1.37 1.51 1.65 1.92 2.06 2.20 2.47 2.75 .3(M) .15 .30 1 .45 .60 .75 .90 i 1.05 i 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 2.10 2.25 2.40 2.70 3.00 .^25 .16 .32 .49 .65 .81 .97 1.14 1.30 1.46 1.62 1.79 1.95 227 2.4t 2 (•'< 2 '>2 3.25 .^5(1 .17 ..35 .52 .70 .87 1.05 1.22 1.40 1.57 1.75 1.92 2.10 2.45 2.62 2 ^.o "^ 1.^ ,^ 50 375 .19 .37 .56 .75 .94 1.12 1.31 1.50 1.69 1.87 2.06 2.25 2.62 2.81 ,^ nil ,; .-7 .V75 400 .20 .40 .60 .80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 280 3.00 > J)n A hll 4. (HI 450 .22 .45 .67 .90 1.12 1.35 1.57 1.80 2.02 2.25 2.47 2.70 3.15 3.37 .\ i.n 1 11,^ 4 50 500 .25 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.50 3.75 1 1)11 1 .-11 5 (Id 600 .30 .60 .90 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.10 2.40 2.70 3.00 3.30 3.60 4.20 4..5(t I Ml .> til r. nil 700 .35 .70 1.05 1.40 1.75 2.10 2.45 2.80 3.15 3.50 3.85 4.20 4.90 5.25 5 (.11 (. Mf ; (Ml 800 .40 .80 1.20 1.60 2 00 2.40 2.80 3.20 3.60 4.00 4.40 4.80 5.60 6.00 6.40 7.2(1 s (10 900 .45 .90 1.35 1.80 2.25 2.70 3.15 X(M 4.(15 4.50 4.95 5.40 6.30 6.75 7.20 8.10 9.(MI 1000 .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 250 3.(M) 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5..50 6.(K1 7.00 7..50 8.00 9.0O lO.lMl 1200 .60 120 1.80 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.20 4.80 5.40 6.00 6.60 7.20 8.4(1 r.i ib biimi.vk iji-ki. soooo 16.S^21().S 168385(,0 16837674 16836788 16835017 16833246 16831475 80000 90000 18947368 18945374 189433K0 18942384 18941387 18939394 18937401 18935409 90000 18933417 18932422 1K931426 18929435 1.5000 25000 35000 45000 55000 65000 75000 85000 95000 4.75 3157895- 5263158 7368421 9473684 11578947 13684211 15789474 17894737 20000000 l8 3157064 5261773 7366483 9471192 11575901 18680611 15785320 17890029 199947.38 1 4 3156234 5260389 7364545 9468701 11572857 13677012 15781168 17885324 19989479 3,s 31.55404 5259006 7362608 9466211 11569813 13673416 15777018 17880620 19984223 1 -. 31.S4574 5257624 7360673 9463722 11.566772 13669822 15772871 17875920 19978970 5n 3153745 5256242 7358738 9461235 11.5637.^3 13666229 15768725 17871223 19973719 •^4 3152916 52.54861 7356805 9458749 11560694 1 3^)62638 15764.582 17866527 19968471 ■> H 31.52US8 5253480 7354873 9456265 11.557658 13659049 15760441 178618.V3 19963226 The tabli; .-iljovc n.-duci.-s dollars .-uul cents ti) ])i)un(ls .-iiul deeimal-s of pounds. Thctiililclii'liiw reduces tlic decimals o!' pounds lo sliilliii;;s and pence; which last will he fomul at the top and siiles. In adding' two or more numbers together, use three or four decimals, according; to the de,i;ree of accuracy recpiired. Id 2d 3d <^d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d lOd lid .004 .008 .013 .017 .067 .021 .071 .025 .075 .029 .079 .033 .083 .038 .088 .042 .092 .0«6 .096 Is 2s 3s .050 .100 .150 .054 .104 .154 .058 .108 .158 .063 .113 .163 4s I 5s .117 .121 .125 .129 .133 .1.38 .142 .146 .200 .204 .208 .213 167 .217 171 .221 175 .225 179 .229 183 .233 188 .2.38 192 .242 196 .246 6s .250 .300 .254 .304 .258 .308 .263 .313 .267 .317 .271 .321 .275 ..325 .279 .329 .283 .333 .288 MH .292 .342 .296 , .'46 7s 8s .350 .400 .354 .404 .358 ■ .408 ' .363 .413 .367 .417 .371 .421 .375 .425 .379 , .429 .383 .433 .3.'8 .438 ..392 .442 .396 ; .446 9s 10s lis 12s 13s 14s 15s 16s 17s I IBs 19e IN l'i:i!i':s'|- TAr.i.i:: .450 .500 .454 .504 .458 .508 .463 .513 .467 .517 .471 .521 .475 .525 .479 .529 .483 ..533 .488 .538 .492 ..542 .496 .546 i:i; Mi\ I, 600 .650 604 .654 608 .658 613 .663 617 .667 571 .621 .671 575 : .625 .675 .679, .683 .688 .692 .696 .579 .629 .583 .633 .588 .638 .592 .642 .596 .646 .750 .800 .754 .804 .7.58 .8(18 .763 .813 .767 .817 .771 .821 .775 .825 .779 .829 .783 ' .8.33 .788 .8.H8 .792 .842 .796 1 .846 .850 .900 [ .950 .854 .9(14 I .954 .858 .908 ■ .958 .863 .913 ■ .963 .867 .917 .967 .871 .921 I .971 .875 1 .925 I .975 .879 I .929 I .979 .883 .933 ! .983 .888 .938 .988 .892 .942 .992 .896 .946 .996 isi:mi:\'i' in ii^cin Pounds, Shilllnfjs iind Pence to Dollars and Cents. English Money. 1 I'uund I'O Shillings. 1 Shilling = lU I'enee. V:ilue of coins, page 190. A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to about 10.5 cents on $1,000. Write figures as given below. Avoid wide spacing; write like this: £328-2-5, not like this: £ 328 - 2 - 5. Do not use farthings. £328-12-5. £7-0-4. £0-7-4. £7-4-0. £328 12 5 1 5111)0 (.75 7125000 Till- t;ililc ahovi- n.-(hK<.s pounds to diill.irs niu\ ciiits. The t:ililc hilow riilmcs .shillings and ponco to dollars .-iild cents. lo.r r.iti-s near llie lop and near the hottoni oT tlie |iaL;e. some ol the lif.;r.res in the talile lielow may l>e in error from .Ul to . t'.) of a cent. The cents vary in vahie liv that anionrt Id 2l 5 •I 6il 7cl 8il 9 244 2.67 2 91 246 2 69 2 9.1 248 271 295 2 5;) 2 73 2 97 2-;2 275 2 9') 2.M 2 77 3 01 2 5f) 2 79 3 03 2.SS 281 3 05 2 60 2 8.1 3 07 3.09 3.33 3.57 3.11 3.35 3 59 3 13 3 37 3 61 3 15 3.19 .16.1 3 17 3 41 3 65 3 19 .143 3 67 3 21 3 45 3 69 3.23 3 47 3 70 3 25 3 49 3 72 3 27 3 51 3 74 3 2<> 3.53 .1.76 3 31 3 55 3 78 l>AIK 1 MII.Kj iKi; AKVKItTI.SKMKNT IN IIMK 3.80 382 3 84 3W, 3F8 3'>0 3^2 3.94 3 96 .1<>8 6 4 00 8 402 IF III II 404 4 06 4.08 4.10 4 12 4 14 4 16 4 18 420 4 22 424 4 26 4.28 4.52 4 30 4.54 4.12 4: 434 458 4.36 4fO 4.38 462 4 40 4M 4.42 4f6 4 44 4 68 446 4; 44s 4; 450 4.; English Money. Dollars and Cents to Pounds, Shillings and Pence. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shilling = 12 Pence. Profits, pages 6 and 7. English money, page 5. A fluctuation of /« in the rate amounts to about 26.2 cents on SI, 000. Write amounts as follows, giving preference to first form : Three Hundred Twenty Eight Pounds, Twelve Shillings, Five Pence, Sterling. Or : Pounds, ''/s Sterling. ]i '"■■ -""■«'■""« p"n.,i..ibie to ».e s,g, ,or but the full soono 16S06723 16804957 16803193 16802310 16801428 16799664 16797900 16796137 80000 90000 18907563 189055 189035 189025<,9 18901607 188,9(22 18897( 38 18895654 90000 18893671 18892679 1S89U88 18889705 lt>8S7723 188>'5741 18883760 18882770 90000 18881779 18879799 18877819 18875839 18873860 18872870 18871881 18869902 95C00 19957984 199527i3 19947507 19942272 19937041 19931813 19926587 19921.^63 The table above reduces dollars .-iiui cents to |iounds and decimals of pounds. Thetable below rednees the deeinirds of ponnds to siiillinj;s and pence; which last will be found at the top and sides. In addiui.; two or more nuniljcrs toj:;etlier, use three or four decimals, accordinj; to the degree of accuracy reciuired. Id 2d 3d 4d 5 a 6d 7d 8d 9d lOd lid Is I 2s I 3s 4s I 5s .050 1. 100 I .004 .054 i .104 .098 .0.58 1.108 .113 .117 .121 .013 I .063 .017 .067 .021 .071 .025!. 075 .125 .029 .079 .129 .0.V3 .083 .1.V3 .0.18 .088 .1.18 .012 .092 .142 .046 .096 .146 .200 .2(H .208 .213 .21.7 .221 .225 .179 .229 .183 .2.33 .188 .2.'!8 .192 .242 .196 .246 6s 7s .350 .354 .3,^8 .363 .367 .371 .325 ' .375 .329 .3 79 .333 .383 .338 .388 .342 .392 .346 .396 8s 9s 10s lis 12s 13s 14s 15s 16s 17s 18s 1 400 .450 .500 .550 .600 .650 .700 .750 .800 .850 .900 404 .454 .504 .554 .f>04 .654 .704 .754 .804 .854 .904 408 .458 .508 .5.58 .W)8 .658 .708 .758 .808 .858 .908 413 .463 .513 .563 .613 .663 .713 .763 .813 .863 .913 417 .467 .517 .567 .617 .667 .717 .767 .817 .867 .917 421 .471 .521 .571 .621 .671 .721 .771 .821 .871 .921 425 .475 ' .525 .575 .625 .675 .725 .775 .825 .875 .925 429 .479 .529 .579 .629 .679 .729 .779 .829 .879 .929 433 .483 .533 .583 .633 .683 .733 .783 .833 .883 .933 438 .488 j .5.18 ..S88 .638 .f)88 .7.18 .788 .838 .888 .938 442 .492 .542 .592 .642 .692 .742 .792 .842 .892 .942 446 .496 .546 .596 .646 .696 .746 .796 846 .896 .946 19s .950 .954 .958 .963 .967 .971 .975 .979 .983 .988 iN'ii;ni:sr tmu.!..' ■MlVICltTISK.MK.NT IN HACK Pounds, Shillings and Pence to Dollars and Cents. English Money, Pound = t^O Shilliii;L;s. 1 Shilling = lli Pence. Value of coins, page 190. A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to about 10.5 cents on $1,000. Write figures as given below. Avoid wide spacing; write like samples shown, not like this: £ 328 - 2 - 5. Do not use farthings £32S-12-S. n-n-4. .76. »/4 3/8 V2 S/8 3/4 The t.ihlcaho to .l.ll.-irs aiwl the t.-ihlo IkIi.u nducis iiuunds li rils. l"i>r iMtis III-. 11.1 V 1)0 ill error trm lop .cms. Til, il mar tlic ..r a cent. boiioni o The i-cii liuis sliillin;;s iiiid |)eiici- |m;;l', souk- oI llic liu'iris in rv in vahic liv that aiiionnt. Id 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d lOd lid Is 2s 1 .24 .48 .02 .26 .50 .04 .28 .52 .06 JO .54 .08 .32 .56 .10 .34 .58 .12 .36 .60 .14 .38 .62 .16 .40 .64 .18 .42 .66 .20 .44 .68 .22 .46 .69 .95 .97 .99 1.01 1.03 ll)5j 1 107 1 109 1 III 1 I 13 1 1 15 1 1 17 1 "^.1 1.43 1.45 1.47 I 1.49, ISl' 29 1.5.1 .11 , 1 .S5 .13 157 .15 I 59 .17 1 61 .19 , 1 63 41 ! 165 7s 8s 179 2 03 1 Ml zm 1 H3 2 05 I S5 2 OS I S7 2 10 ! S9 2 12 9s 10s llsl 2.14 2.18 262 2.16 240 2.64 2.18 242 266 |2 20 2.44 2.68, 2 22 246 2.70' 224 248 2.72 226 2. SO 2 74 2 28 252 2.76 2.10 2 54 2 78 2.12 2 5.'> 2 SO 2 34 2.';.S 2S2 2.16 2M) 2S4 si 12s 13s Us 15s 16s 17s IBs 19s 2 86 3 10 288 3 12 2 90 3 14 2.92 3 16 294 I 3.18 2 96 I 3 20 2 '« 3 22 3.00 3 24 3 02 3 26 3 04 I 3 28 3 06 I 3 30 3 OS ! 3.32 3 34 3 .57 ' 3.36 3 59 338 i 3 61 3.40 i 3 63 ; 3 41 3.65 3 43 3 67 345 369 3.47 3 71 3 49 3 73 3 51 i3 75 3.53 3.77 3 55 I 3 79 3 8114 05 3 83 i 4 07 3 85 ! 4.09 3 87 I 4.11 3 89 4 13 3 91 4 15 3 9.1 4 17 395 4 19 3 97 4 21 3.99 4 23 4 01 I 4.25 4 031427 4 29 4.53 4 31 4 55 4.13 4.57 4.15 4.59 4.V 4 61 4..\9 4.63 4 41 4 65 4 43 4.67 4 45 469 4.47 4.71 4 49 4.73 451 4.75 DATK T.\lil.i;.s iNri;iii;.sr tviu.k.s .MiVKIl'l ISIMI N r 1\ UMK • !■■ Ill English Money. Dollars and Cents to Pounds, Shillings and Pence. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shilling = 12 Pence. Profits, pages 6 and 7. Enj^lish money, page 5. A fluctuation of % in the rate amounts to about 26.2 cents on SI ,000. Write amounts as follows, giving preference to first form : Three Hundred Twenty Eight Pounds, Twelve Shillings, Five Pence, Sterling. Or: Founds, ^-/s Sterling. i*), 4.77 20000 4192872 4192433 4191993 4191774 4191554 4191115 4190676 4190237 20000 30000 6289308 6288649 6287990 6287660 6287331 6286672 6286014 6285355 30000 4187166 4186728 4186290 4185852 4185414 4185195 4184976 4184538 6280750 6280092 6279435 6278778 6278121 6277792 6277464 6276807 8383108 8382230 8381351 8380473 40000 8379596 8379157 8378718 8377841 8376963 8376086 8375209 8374771 40000 50000 10482180 10481082 10479983 10479434 10478885 10477787 10476689 10475592 50000 10474495 10473946 10473398 10472301 10471204 10470108 10469012 10468464 50000 10467916 10466820 10465725 10464630 10463535 10462987 10462440 10461345 60000 12578616 12577298 12575980 12575321 12574662 12573345 12572027 12570710 60000 12569394 12568735 12568077 12566761 12565445 12564129 12562814 12562157 60000 12561499 12560184 125.S8870 12557555 12556242 12555585 12554928 12553614 70000 14675052 14673514 14671977 14671208 14670439 14668902 14667365 14665829 70000 14664292 14663524 14662757 14661221 14659686 14658151 i 14656616 14655849 70000 14655082 14653548 146.52015 14650.481 14648948 14648182 14647416 14645883 SOOOO 16771488 16769751 16767973 16767095 16766216 16764459 16762703 16760947 80000 16759191 16758314 16757436 16755681 16753927 16752173 16750419 16749542 80000 16748665 16746912 16745160 16743407 16741655 16740780 16739904 16738153 90000 18867925 18865947 1886.V;70 18862981 18861993 18860017 18858041 18856065 90000 18854090 18853103 188.S2116 18850141 18848168 18846194 18844221 18843235 90000 18842249 18840276 18838305 18836333 18834362 18833377 18832.392 18830422 4.77 1.S000 3144654 31438.30 3143007 3142184 3141361 3140539 3139717 3138896 25000 5241090 5239717 5238345 5236973 5235602 5234232 5232862 5231494 35000 7337526 7335604 7333683 7331762 7329843 7327925 7326007 7324091 45000 9433962 9431490 9429020 9426552 9424083 9421617 9419152 9416689 55000 11530398 11527377 11524358 11521341 11518324 11515310 11512297 11509286 65000 1.3626834 13623264 13619696 13616130 13612565 13609003 13605442 13601884 75000 15723270 15719151 15715034 15710919 15706806 15702696 15698.W7 1.S694481 S5000 17819706 17815038 17810372 ! 17805709 ; 17801047 177963^8 17791732 17787079 95000 19916143 19910925 19905710 19900498 19895288 19890081 19884877 19879676 The table above reduces dollars and eents to pounds and decimals of pounds. The table below reduces the decimals of ])cuinds to shillinfjs and pence; which List will be found at the top aiul side. In addini; two or more numbers toj,'ether. use three or four decimals, according,' to the tle^'ree of .nccurricv reciuired. Id 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d .100 .104 .108 .113 .117 .121 7d 1. 0291 075 .125 8d 9d lOd lid .033! .038 .042 .046 .129 .133 .1.38 .142 .146 4$ 5s .200 .250 .204 .254 .208 .258 .213 .263 .217 .267 .221 .271 .225 .275 .229 .233 .2,38 .242 .246 6s^ .300 .304 .308 .313 .317 .321 .325 .279 .329 .283 .333 .288 .338 .292 I .342 .296 .346 7s .350 .354 .358 .363 .367 .371 .375 .379 .383 .388 .392 .3')6 Js .400 .404 .408 .413 .417 .421 .425 .429 .433 .438 .442 .•i4,'. 10s 11 .500 .504 .508 .513 .517 .521 .525 .479 ( .529 .483 ' .533 .488 I .538 .492 I .542 .496 .546 .550 ..554 .5.58 .563 .567 .571 .575 .579 .583 .588 .592 .596 ii\'ii-: 'r.M'.i.i',: 12s .600 .604 .608 .613 .617 .621 .625 .629 .633 .638 .642 .646 "I'.K ,\r)vi;nTisK.Mi:.N'i .650 .654 .658 .663 .667 .671 .675 .679 j .6831 .688 .692 .696 14s 15s I 16s 17s 18s 19s .750 .800 .754 .804 .758 I .808 .763 .813 .850 1 .900 .854 .904 .858 I .9(;8 .863 .913 .817 .821 .8251 .8291 .833 .788 j .838 .792 I .842 .796 .846 .867 .917 .871 .921 .875 .925 .879 .929 .883 .933 .888 .938 .892 .942 .896 .946 Pounds, Shilllnjjs and Pence to Dollars and Cents. English Money. 1 I'ouiul = liO Sliilliii;L;s. 1 Shilling = 12 reiice. \'nliiL' of coins, pafjc 190. A fluctuation of .OS in the rate amounts to about 10. S cents on SI, (KM). Write figures as given below. Avoid wide spacing; write like this: £328-2-5, not like this: S 328 - 2 - 5. Do not use farthings. 132S-12-S. n-0-4. U)-7-4. n-4-0. £67. \j_328 12 \.ll .05 .10 1 .15 .20 1 ..^0 1.77.35 3 .40 .45 I .55 .60 .■> 1.77.65 .70 .80 .85 7/ .90 loimu ^77IM)0() 477(l.=;iHI t771(IIM) ■47712.SI) 4771. soil 4772()(H) •4772500 477.'iOOO 10000 4773500 4773750 4774000 4774.500 477.5000 47755(M) 4776000 4776250 10000 4776500 4777000 4777500 4778000 477S500 4778750 4779000 477'I5I10 200U0 95400(10 9541000 9542000 95425(10 9543000 9544000 9545000 9546000 20000 9547000 9547500 9548000 9549000 9550(M)0 9551000 9552000 9552500 20000 9553('h)0 9554000 9555000 9556000 9557(«)0 9557500 9:,5S0OO 9559000 30000 1431(100(1 14311500 1431.1000 143137.50 14314500 14316000 14317.500 14319000 .V)000 14320.500 14.1212.50 14322000 14.12.V500 1432.5000 14326500 14328000 1 1328750 30000 14329500 14331000 14.132500 14334000 14335500 14336250 14.137000 14338.500 100(111 1<)(ISII()0I) |9().S2(IO(l 19084000 19(18.5000 19086000 19088000 19090000 19092000 inooo 19094000 191)95000 19096000 19098000 19100000 19102000 19104000 19105000 40000 50(100 23S5(I(I(HI 238525(1(1 2,1855000 23856250 23857500 23860000 23862500 23865000 501)00 23867.500 23868750 23870000 2.1872500 2,1875000 2.1877.500 23880000 23S8I250 50000 60000 2H620000 28623000 2S626()(I0 28627500 28629000 28632000 28635000 28638000 60000 2864 1000 28642500 28644000 28647000 28650000 28653000 28656000 28657500 60000 70000 33,190(10(1 33,19350(( 33397000 .13.1987.50 33400.500 33404000 33407500 .13411000 70000 .13414500 334162.50 .13418000 33421500 33425000 33428500 .134.12000 33433750 70000 19106000 19108000 19110(1(10 19112000 19114000 19115000 19116000 19|180(.)(l 23882500 23885000 23NS75(IO 23890000 23892500 23893750 23895000 238975(10 28659000 28662000 2S665(l(IO 2S668000 28671000 2S67250O 2S674000 28677000 33435500 334,19000 .13442,500 33446000 33449500 33451250 .13453000 33456500 SOOOO 3SU,1 1(1(16 ,vS|(,((lll() 381(i,SU(IO 381700(11) .18172000 38I76()()() 38180000 38184000 SOOOO 38188000 38190000 .18192(M)0 38196000 38200000 38204000 38208000 38210000 80000 .18212000 382160(10 38220000 38224000 38228000 38230000 38232000 .18236000 ')()()l)() IJ'l.ilKKHI 12934500 4293W00 429412.50 42943500 42948000 42952500 42957000 90000 42961500 42963750 42966000 42970500 42975000 42979500 42984()()() 4298625(1 mm) 429SS,>iiii 42993000 42W7500 43002000 43006500 43008750 4,1011000 43()15,= ()() 1.77. 1/4 3/8 5/8 15000 7155(H)0 7I;;6875 7158750 7160625 7162500 7164375 7166250 7168125 2 5!)»0 1 1925000 11928125 11931250 119.14375 11937.500 11940625 1 1943750 1 1946875 35:),)i) 16695000 I66W375 16703750 16708125 45000 55000 65000 21465000 26235000 31005000 21470625 26241875 31013125 7.5000 S.5000 95000 35775000 40545000 4531,^(1(10 35784375 40555625 21476250 26248750 31021250 35793750 40,566250 45326875 453.18750 21481875 26255625 31029375 35803125 40576875 45350625 16712,500 21487.500 26262.500 31037500 3.5812500 40.587500 l67k>.S75 21493125 167212.50 214987.50 16725625 21.504375 45362500 4.5374375 26269375 3104.5625 35821875 4059 26276250 31053750 3.58312.50 40608750 45386250 26283125 31061875 .1.5840625 406)9375 4.5,198125 rill' t.ihlc al)i>vc ndiKis potiiiils t^ .iKt". sonic ol' the li;,;iiics in tlic t.ililc l)clo\v Mi.iv lie ill error from Ol to ,4!l of a cent. The cents varv in v.ilne liv amount. 1(1 2cl 36 390 3 68 3 92 3 70 3 94 3 72 3.96 3 74 3 98 3 76 4 00 3 7M 4 02 3 80 4)M 4 06 4.68 4.10 4.12 4 14 4 16 4 18 420 422 4 24 426 4 28 4.10 4.54 4.12 4.56 4.34 4.58 4.36 460 4.38 462 4.40 4.64 4 42 4(6 4.44 4(8 4.46 4 70 4 48 4.72 4 50 4 74 4 52 4.76 IS I i:i:i ^1 1 M'.i 1 ^ I ISI \i I N r IN I'. \. English Money. Dollars and Cents to Pounds, Shillings and Pence. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shilling = 13 Pence. Profits, pages 6 and 7. English money, page 5. A fluctuation of % in the rate amounts to about 26.1 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows, giving preference to first form : | Three Hundred Twenty Eight Pounds, Twelve Shillings, Five Pence, Sterling. Or: Pounds, ''/s Sterling. VruTl'^r^^ perniisellile IIBO Stq. B always bi or St. full word 109000 20000 30000 51 40000 8368201 8367326 50000 10460251 10459157 60000 12.552.301 12550988 70000 14644351 14642820 SOOO 90000 18828452 18826483 4.78 20920502 4184100 20918314 418.3663 6276 1673 05 6275494 167.^651 .10 20916126 4183225 6274838 8366451 104.58063 12549676 146412,S8 16732901 18824514 1/8 20915033 4183007 6274510 8366013 10457516 12549020 14640523 16732026 18823529 .15 20913939 4182788 6274182 8365576 10456970 12548363 146.39757 16731151 18822545 .20 20911752 4182350 6273526 8364701 10455876 12547051 14638227 16729402 18820577 1/4 \\ 20909566 1 4181913 6272870 8363826 10454783 12545740 14636696 16727653 18818609 .30 1 20907.^80 4181476 6272214 8362952 10453690 12544428 14635166 16725904 18816642 10')!)00 95 20000 4181039 30000 6271558 40000 8362078 50000 10452597 60000 12543117 70000 14633636 SOOO 4156 90000 18814675 4.78.35 1 209051 1672 3 8 ! 20904102 4180820 6271231 8361641 10452051 12542461 14632872 16723282 18813692 .40 ' 20903010 4180602 6270903 8361204 10451505 12541806 14632107 16722408 18812709 .45 : 20900826 4180165 6270248 8360330 10450413 12540495 14630578 16720660 18810743 1,2 20S9S642 4179728 6269592 8359457 10449321 12539185 14629049 16718913 1S808777 .55 20896458 4179292 6268937 8358583 10448229 12537875 14627521 16717166 18806812 .60 20894275 4178855 6268282 8357710 10447137 12536565 14625992 16715420 18804847 5/8 20893184 4178637 6267955 8357273 10446592 12535910 14625229 16714547 18803865 100000 20000 30000 6267628 40000 8356837 50000 10446046 60000 12535255 7000 ) 80000 H65 1671.3674 90000 18802883 4.78.65 i 20892092 ' 4178418 1462 .70 20889910 ' 4177982 6266973 8355964 10444955 125.33946 14622937 16711928 18800919 34 20887729 4177546 6266319 8355091 10443864 12532637 14621410 16710183 18798956 .80 20885547 4177109 6265664 8354219 10442774 12531328 14619883 16708438 18796992 .85 20883366 4176673 6265010 8353347 10441683 12530020 146183.56 16706693 18795030 7 8 20882276 4176455 6264683 8352910 104411.38 12529366 14617593 1670.5821 18794049 .90 20881186 4176237 6264356 8352474 10440.S93 12528712 14616830 16704949 18793067 .95 20879006 4175801 6263702 8.351602 10439503 12527404 1461.S304 1670.3205 18791106 15000 75 25000 5230126 35000 7322176 45000 9414226 55000 11.506276 65000 13598326 75000 15690377 85000 17782427 9."(IO0 4.78 J1380 1987 4477 l8 31372.55 5228758 7320261 9411765 11503268 13594772 15686275 17777778 19869281 1/4 3136435 5227.392 7318348 9409304 11,500261 13591218 1.5682175 17773131 19864087 3,8 3135615 5226026 7316436 9406846 11497256 13587666 15678077 17768487 19858897 1 2 3134796 5224660 7314525 9404389 11494253 13584117 15673981 17763845 19853709 5 8 313.3978 5223296 7312614 9401932 11491251 13580569 15669888 177,592(:6 19848524 34 3133159 5221932 7310705 9399477 11488250 13577023 15665796 17754.569 19843342 7/8 3132341 5220569 7308797 9397024 114852.52 1.3573480 15661707 17749935 19838163 Tlie t.ilile aliDVO reduces dollars and cents to pounds and decimals of pou ids. The table beloxi • reduces the decimals of poniids to shillings and pence; which last will be found at the to]) and side. In adding | two or more numbers toj,'ether, use three or four decimals, according to th ■ degree of accuracy rc(|inred. 1 U 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s Js 9s 10s lis 12s 13s 14s 15s 16s 17s 18s 19s 050 .100 .150 .200 .250 .300 .350 .400 .450 .500 .550 .600 .650 .700 .750 .800 .850 .900 .950 Id .004 054 .104 .154 .204 .254 .304 .354 .404 .454 .504 .554 .604 .654 1.704 .754 .804 .854 .904 .954 2d .008 058 .108 .158 .208 .258 .308 .358 .408 .4.58 .508 .558 .608 .658 .708 .7.58 .8118 .858 .9118 .958 3d .013 063 .113 .163 .213 .263 .313 .363 .413 .463 .513 .563 .613 .663 .713 .763 .813 .863 .913 .963 4d .017 067 .117 .167 .217 .267 .317 .367 .417 .467 .517 .567 .617 .667 1.717 .767 .817 .867 .917 .967 5d .021 071 .121 .171 .221 .271 .321 .371 .421 .471 .521 .571 .621 .671 .721 .771 .821 .871 .921 .971 6d .025 075 .125 .175 .225 .275 .325 .375 .425 .475 .525 .575 .625 .675 .725 .775 .825 .875 .925 .975 7d .029 079 .129 .179 .229 .279 .329 .379 .429 .479 .529 .579 .629 .679 ,.729 .779 .829 .879 .929 .979 8d !.033| 083 .133 .183 .233 .283 .333 .383 .433 .483 .533 .583 .633 .683 ' .733 .783 .833 .883 .933 .983 9d .038 088 .138 .188 .238 .288 .338 .388 .438 .488 .538 .588 .638 .688 .7.38 .788 .838 .888 .938 .988 lOd .042 092 142 .192 .242 .292 .342 .392 .442 .492 .542 .592 .642 .692 .742 .792 .842 .892 .942 .992 lid .046 096 .146 .196 .246 .296 .316 .396 .446 .496 .546 .596 .646 .696 .746 .796 .846 .896 .946 .996 lA'IK 'i-Aiii.i:s r.Nii:ui:sT tai;i.i;s .\ii\ i;ut].si-;mi;n T i.\ i-. mk Pounds, Shillings and Pence to Dollars and Cents. English Money. 1 riuiiul ^-- -O Sliillings. 1 Shilling = lU I'ence. \;iliie of coins. p:ige 190. A tluctuiition of .05 in the rate amounts to about 10.5 cents on SI. (MX). Write figures as given below. Avoid wide spacing; write like this: £328-2-5. not like this: £ 328 - 2 - 5. Do not use farthings. S32S-12-S. n-0-4. a)-7-4. f7--f-0. 167.— £328 12 5 ■1.78 .05 .10 .IS .20 .30 4.78.35 3 .40 .45 1 2 .55 .60 4.78.65 .70 3 .80 .85 7 '8 loono 4783500 47837.S0 4784000 4784500 4785000 47855(M) 4786000 4786250 10000 4786500 4787000 4787500 4788000 4788500 4788750 47S<«)00 4rS')51H) 15000 4.78 7170000 The t;ilili- Jilmvc rtilucis potitid.s to (loll.-irs and rents. Tlic tabic liclow roliKcs shillings nnd pence to dollars anil cents. Tor rates the lop and near the Ixitloni of the p:\fc, some ol the lijitires in the tahic lulow ni.iv l(c in from .iH to .4'.) of a cent. Tlic cents vary in value liy that amount. 1 Is as .24 .48 M .02 .26 .50 21 .04 .28 .52 3d .06 .30 .54 4.1 .08 .32 .56 5.1 .10 M .58 6.1 .12 J6 .60 7.1 .14 .38 .62 8.1 .16 .40 .64 92 .94 5s .96 1.20 .98 1.221 100 124 1.02 126 1 04 1 28 11),') I M) 108 1.^2, 1.10 134 1 12 136 114 1 ,38 I 16 I 40 I 18 1.42 6s 7s 8s 9s IDs lis 1.44 1.67 191 215 2.39 2.63 1.46 1.69 193 2.17 2.41 265 1.48 171 1.95 219 2.43 267 1.50 173 197 221 2.45 2.69 152 1 75 1.99 2 23 247 271 1 54 1 77 2 01 2 25 2 49 2 73 1.56 1.79 2 03 227 251 2 75 158 181 205 2 29 2 53 2 77' 160 183 2 07 231 2.55 2 79 161 185 2 09 2 33 2 57 2 81 16,3 187 2 11 2 35 2.59 2 83 165 189 2 13 2 37 261 2 85 12s I 13s I 14s I 15s I 16s I 17s 18s I 19s I'VIK TAMI.KS I.STKKK.ST TAlll.K: 2.87 2 89i 2 91 I 293 295 2 97 299 3.01 3 03 305 3 07 3 0") w\ 1 i;i isiMi N 3.11 3.13 3 15 317 3 19 3 21 323 3.25 3 27 3 29 3 31 3.33 I IN 3 35 359 3.37:3 61 3 39 3 63 3.41 3,65 3 43 3.67 3 45 3 69 347 371 3.49 3.73 3 51 j 3.75 3 531377 3.55 3 79 3 57 3 81 3.83 3.85 387 3.89 391 3 93 395 3.97 399 401 403 4 05 407 4.09 4.11 4.13 415 4 17 4 19 421 423 4 25 4.27 4 2*'/.';u 787183 .10 20872469 4174494 6261741 8348988 10436235 12523482 14610728 I669;^ 9d .038 . 088 .1.38 .188 .2.38 .288 .338 .388 .438 .488 .538 .588 .638 .688 .7.38 .7f'8 .8.38 .8f-:8 .938 .9s:i lOd .042 . 092 .142 .192 .242 .292 .342 .392 .442 .492 .542 ..592 .642 .692 .742 .792 .842 .892 .942 .992 11 (li>ll;irs anil icnts. I"or rates tlio top and mar tlic Ixjttoni ol' ttic pa^r. sonic •>( llic li>.'iircs in tlic tabic Uclow ni.-iv t)c in error from .(11 to .-l'.) of a cent. The cents v.arv in value liv amount. 1«T TAMI.KS 2.70 2.94 2.72 2 96 2.74 29S 2.76 3 00 2.78 , 3.02 280 304 2.82 3.06 2.H4 i 3.08 2 86 I 3 10 i; risr.Mi \ i i\ n 13s 14s 15s 16s 3.12 3.36 3.60 3.84 3.14 3..^S 3.62 3.86 3.16 3.40 3.64 3.N8 3.18 3.42 3 66 3 90 3.20 344 3.6S 3.92 322 3.46 3 70 3'M 324 3.48 3.72 3 96 3.26 3.50 3.74 3.98 1 3.28 3.52 3.76 4 00 t 3.30 3.54 378 4.02 3.32 3.56 3.80 4.04 ^M 3.58 3S2 4()6 4.08 4.10 4.12 4.14 4 U) 4 IS 420 4.22 4.24 426 4.28 4.30 ■ K 18s I J9s 4.32 4.56 4.34 4.58 4. .36 4.60 4.38 4.62 4.40 464 4.42 4M. 4.44 4.68 4.46 4.70 4.48 4.72 450 4 : 4.52 4.; 454 4 7S English Money. Dollars and Cents to Pounds, Shillings and Pence. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shilling = 13 Pence. Profits, pages 6 and 7. English money, page 5. A fluctuation of % in he rate amounts 1 to about 26 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows, giving prefere ace to first form : 1 Three Hundred Twenty Eight Pounds, Twelve Shillings, Five Pence, Sterling. Or: Pounds, ^^/s Sterling. Vh puiut-'tirai'S permisfiible iii 1 .229 .279 .329 .379 (.429 .479 .529 .579 .629 .679 .729 .779 .829 .879 .929 .979 8d 1 .03.^ . 083 .133 .18. ( ! .233 .283 .333 .383 ' .433 .483 .533 .583 1 .633 .683 .7.33 .783 .833 .883 .933 .983 9d .038 . 088 .138 .18J i .238 .288 .338 .388 .438 .488 .538 ..588 .638 .688 .7.38 .788 .838 .888 .938 .988 lOd .042 . 092 .142 .19. ! .242 .292 ..342 .392 .442 .492 .542 ..592 .642 .692 .742 .792 .842 .892 .942 .992 lid .046 096 .146 .19( ) 1 .246 .296 .346 .396 .446 .496 ,.546 .596 .646 .696 .746 .796 .846 .896 .946 .996 IiAlK T.VULES INTEREST T.\11LES SEE ADVEUTISE-MKNT IN UAIK Founds, Shillings and Pence to Dollars and Cents. English Money. 1 I'ound = — () Shillings. 1 Shilling = lii I'ence. V;ilue of coins, page 190. A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to about 10.4 cents on Sl.O(K). Write figures as given below. Avoid wide spacing; write like this: £328-2-5, not like this: £ 328 - 2 - 5. Do not use farthings. £32S-12-.\ n-0-4. fO-7-4. £7-f-0. £67. £328 12 5 1.80 1.80 1/4 3/8 T H The t.-ible .t1)ovc rtduccs pounds to (loll.Trs .and iiiits. Tin- tahk- lulnw rcducis shillings an2 1 16 1 10 1 fit 1 ss 2 12 216 2 60 2.84 22 .46 .70 .'M 1 IH H2 1 ()6 I ')(l 2 14 218 2 62 286 2.88 2.90 2.92 294 2.96 3.12 3 14 3.16 3 18 320 14s 3.16 3.38 3.40 3.42 15s I 16s 17s I 18s I 19s 3.60 362 364 3.66 2.98 3.22 3.00 3 24 3.02 3.26 KM 3 28 3(>6 3.10 3 08 3 32 3 10 3.14 3.44 3.68 3.46 3.70 348 3 72 350 3.74 3.';2 376 3 54 I 3.78 3.56 3 80 3.58 3 82 |).\TK ■r.Mll.K,'< INTKUK.>*T T.\I11.K.S HV.V. .Mi VKIITISKM IN r IS IIM K 3.84 3.86 3.88 390 3 92 394 396 3.98 400 4 02 4 04 4(»6 IIOI 4.08 4.32 1 4.1014.34 4.12 4.16] 4.14 14.38 4 16 440 4 18 442 4 20 4 44 4 22 4 46 424 4 48 4 26 4 50 4.28 452 4 30 4 54 4.56 4.58 4.60 4.62 4.64 466 468 4.70 472 4.74 476 4.78 English Money. Dollars and Cents to Pounds, Shillings and Pence. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shilling = 12 Pence. Profits, pages 6 and 7. English money, page 5. A fluctuation of % in the rate amounts to about 26 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows, giving preference to first form: Three Hundred Twenty Eight Pounds, Twelve Shillings, Five Pence, Sterling. Or • Pninid356 I 00000 104 20000 30000 40000 5000 ) M52 60000 70000 80000 12464942 14542433 16619923 90000 18697414 4.81.35 20774? 4154981 6232471 8309962 1038 3/8 20773825 4154765 6232147 8309530 10386912 12464295 14541677 16619060 18696442 .40 20772746 4154549 I 6231824 8309098 10386373 12463648 14540922 1661SI97 18695472 .45 20770589 4154118 1 6231177 8308236 10385294 12462353 145.W412 16616471 18693530 1/2 ! 20768432 \ 4153686 6230530 8307373 10384216 12461059 14537902 16614746 18691589 .55 ;; 20766276 4153255 6229883 8306510 10383138 12459765 ' 14536393 16613020 18689648 .60 20764120 4152824 6229236 8305648 10382060 12458472 14534884 \ 16611296 18687708 5/8 20763042 4152608 6228913 8305217 10381521 12457825 14534129 16610433 18686738 1 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 i 70000 80000 90000 4.81.65 ji 20761964 4152393 6228589 8304786 10380982 12457178 ' 14.53.3375 16609571 18685768 .70 I' 20759809 1 4151962 6227943 8303924 10379905 12455885 14531866 16607847 18683828 34 1 20757654 4151531 6227296 8303062 10378827 12454593 14.S30358 16606124 18681889 .80 20755500 4151100 6226650 8302200 1 10377750 12453300 14528850 16604400 18679950 .85 20753347 4150669 6226004 8.3013.39 10376673 12452008 14527343 16602677 18678012 7/8 j 20752270 4150454 6225681 8300908 10376135 12451.362 14526589 16601816 18677043 .90 j 20751193 4150239 6225358 8.300477 10375597 12450716 I 14525835 , 16600955 18676074 .95 20749040 4149808 6224712 8299616 10374520 12449424 14524328 16599232 186741.36 4.81 1 5000 03 25000 5197505 35000 7276507 45000 9355509 55000 11434511 65000 75000 85000 17671518 95000 19750520 31185 13513514 15592516 »'8 3117693 5196155 7274617 9353079 11431541 13510003 15588465 17666927 19745389 1'4 3116883 5194805 7272727 9350649 11428571 13506493 1.5584416 17662338 19740260 3;'8 ! 3116074 5193456 7270839 9348221 11425603 13502986 15580369 17657751 19735133 1 2 3115265 5192108 7268951 9345795 11422638 13499481 15576324 17653168 197.30011 5 '8 31144,S6 5190760 7267065 9343369 11419673 13495977 15572281 17648585 19724890 34 3113648 5189414 7265179 9340945 11416710 13492476 15568241 17644007 19719772 7/8 i 3112840 ' 5188067 7263294 9338521 11413748 13488975 15564202 17639430 19714657 The tabic aliovc reduces dollars and cents to pounds and decimals of pounds. Tlietal)lel)clu\v rciluccs the decimals of pounds to shillings and pence; which last will be found at llie top and side. In addiiii; two or more numljcrs toj;ether. use three or four dceim.als, according to the deijrec of accuracy rciiuirc(i ■ 1 Is _??_ 3s 4s Jl 6s 7s 8s Js IDs lis 12s J3s 14s 15s J6s ^7s m 19s .050 .100 ISA .200 .250 .300 .350 .400 .450 .500 .550 .600 .650 .700 .750 .800 .850 .900 .950 Id .004 .054 .104 .154 .204 .254 .304 .354 .404 .454 .504 .554 .604 .654 .704 .754 .804 .854 .904 .9.S4 2d .008 .058 .108 .1.58 .208 .258 .308 .358 .408 .458 .508 .558 .608 .658 .708 .758 .808 .858 .908 .958 3d .013 063 .113 .163 , .213 .263 .313 .363 .413 .463 .513 .563 .613 .663 .713 .763 .813 .863 .913 .963 4d .017 067 .117 .167 .217 .267 .317 .367 .417 .467 .517 .567 .617 .667 .717 .767 .817 .867 .917 .967 5d .021 071 .121 .171 .221 .271 .321 .371 .421 .471 .521 .571 .621 .671 .721 .771 .821 .871 .921 .971 6d .025' 075 .125 .175 .225 .275 .325 .375 .425 .475 .525 .575 .625 .675 .725 .775 .825 .875 .925 .975 7d .029 079 .129 .179 .229 .279 .329 .379 .429 .479 .529 .579 .629 .679 .729 .779 .829 .879 .929 .979 8d .033 1 083 .133 .183 .233 .283 .333 .383 .433 .483 .533 .583 .633 .683 .733 .783 .833 .883 .933 .983 9d .038 088 .1.38 .188 .238 .288 .338 .388 .438 .488 I .538 .588 .638 .688 .738 .788 .838 .888 .938 .988 10 d .042! 092 .142 .192 .242 .292 .342 .392 .442 .492 .542 .592 .642 .692 .742 .792 .842 .892 .942 .992 lid ,046 (196 .146 .196 .246 .296 .346 .396 .446 .496 i.546 .596 .646 .696 .746 .796 .846 .896 .946 .996 I'AI'i: IMII.KS INTKIiEST T.MILES .SEE ADVElllISE.MENT IN V.\iw Pounds, Shillings and Pence to Dollars and Cents. English Money. 1 I'uuiid — liU Shillings. 1 Shilling = 12 I'ence. Value of coins, page 190. A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to about 10.4 cents on $1,0(K). Write figures as given below. Avoid wide spacing; write like samples sfiown, not like this: £ 328 - 2 - 5. Do not use farthings. i-32S-12-S. £7-0-4. £0-7-4. £7-4-0. £67. £32H 1 12 5 4.81 1/4 3/8 »/2 5/8 3/4 15000 721.S(MI() 7216875 7218750 7220625 7222500 7224.W5 7226250 722S125 250110 12il2Si:5 12031250 12034375 12037500 12(>-t0625 120437.50 12(M^.N75 35001) IhS.v^llllO l(.S,V*3r5 16«4375() 1684S125 I6S52500 16.S5fiX75 16X612.50 16.S6.5625 (5000 21(. 45111"! 216511625 21656250 21661875 21667500 21673125 21678750 216S4375 55000 2(i455(MI(l 26)61S75 26468750 26475625 26482500 26489375 26496250 26503125 65000 31265000 31273125 312812.50 31289375 31297.500 3130.5625 313137.50 31321875 75000 36075000 .36084375 36093750 36103125 361 12500 .36121875 361312.50 .36140625 S5000 4088.5000 40895625 40906250 40916875 40927500 409.18125 40948750 40959375 95000 45695000 45706875 45718750 45730625 45742500 4575437 45766250 4577M25 The t.ilile .ihove rrdiieis pounds t'l (loll.irs ai)rl cents. The t.ible belnw reilmes .shillings an,'e, some ol' the ti;;nres the table l)elo\v mav be in ei mr from .Ol to .lit of a cent. The cents vary in v.ihie bv amonii Id 2(1 3>l 45 10000 4820000 4820500 4,S21000 4821250 4821500 4822000 4822500 4823000 10000 20000 9640000 9641000 9642(M)0 96425U0 9643000 9644(K)() 96450U0 9646000 20000 30000 14460000 14461500 14463000 14463750 1 J464500 14466(100 14467500 14469000 30000 (0000 19280000 19282000 19284000 19285000 19286000 i 19288000 19290000 192920(H1 40000 4823500 4823750 4824000 4824500 4825000 4825500 4826000 4826250 10000 9647000 9647500 9648000 9649000 9650000 9651000 9652000 9652500 29000 14470500 14471250 14472000 14473500 14475000 14476500 14478000 14478750 30000 50000 24100000 24102500 24105000 24106250 24107.500 24110000 24112.500 24115000 50000 60000 28920000 28923000 28926000 28927500 28929000 28932000 28935000 28938000 60000 70000 33740000 33743500 33747000 33748750 33750500 33754000 33757500 33761000 70000 80000 38560000 38564000 38.5f>8000 38570000 38572000 38576(:(:() 3.s.s,s(;(;( () 38?840()() sooco 19294000 19295000 19296000 19298000 19300000 19302000 19304000 19305000 40000 I 24117500 24118750 24120000 24122500 24125000 241275110 24130(100 24131250 50000 28941000 28942500 28944000 28947000 289.50000 2S953(10(I 2S956(I(I(I 28957500 60000 33764500 33766250 33768000 33771500 33775000 337785(;0 33782000 33783750 70000 .38588(100 38590000 38592000 38596000 38600000 38604(;(;o 38608000 38610000 80000 4826500 4827000 4827500 4828000 4828500 4828750 4S29000 4H2>)50(1 9653000 9654000 9655000 9(>56()00 9657000 9657500 965S(100 9659000 14479500 14481000 14482500 14484000 14485500 14486250 14487000 I 4488500 19306000 19308000 19310000 19312000 19314000 19315000 19316000 19318000 24132500 2413=;0(l() 24137.500 24140000 24142500 24143750 24145000 24147.500 28959000 289620(11) 2S965000 28968000 28971000 289725(!0 289740(;0 289770(:,) 33785500 33789000 33792500 33796000 33799500 33801250 33803000 33806500 38612000 386160(:0 386200(!0 38624000 38628000 38630000 386.32000 3.S6360(;0 90000 43380000 43384500 43389000 4.3391250 43393500 43398000 43402500 43407000 90000 43411500 43413750 43416000 43420500 43425000 43429500 43434000 43436250 90000 43438500 43443000 43447500 43452000 4.3456500 43458750 434610C0 43465500 1.5000 4.82 7230000 7231875 7233750 ','8 V4 3/8 »/2 S/8 3/4 7235625 7237500 7239375 7241250 7243125 25000 12050000 12053125 12056250 12059375 12062500 12065625 1206S750 12071875 35000 16S70000 16874375 16878750 16883125 168875(10 16S9IS75 16896250 16900625 45000 21690000 21695625 21701250 21706875 21712.SOO 2I7I.SI25 217237.50 21729375 55000 26510000 26516875 26523750 26530625 26537500 2(644:. 75 265512.'.0 26558125 6.^000 31330000 31338125 31346250 31354375 31362500 3137(16:5 31378750 31.386875 75C0O 36150000 36159375 36168750 36178125 3.')187.5(:0 .3(>i'«,s;5 362062.'0 362156:5 S5000 40970000 40980625 4OIW1250 41001875 410I2.=;('0 41.123125 41((337,'0 41044375 95000 45790000 4.580187 45813750 45825625 4.>837500 4.NS4937 4.5.S61250 45.S73I25 I 111- i.ihlc .iliDvi- rciluccs puund.s to dollars and iciils. The table IkIow reduces skilliiiKS uiid pence to doll.irs .111(1 cents. For r.ites near the top and near the Ijottoni of the pa;;e, some ol the lij;i:rcs in the t.ilile helow ni.iy he in error from .Ol to .4'.l of .i cent. The cents vary in v.-ihie l>v amount. Is 2s .24 .48 Id .02 .26 .50 2d .04 .28 .52 3d .06 .30 .54 4d .08 .32 .56 5d .10 .34 .58 i 6d .12 .36 .60 7d .14 .38 .62 8d .16 .40 .64 9.1 .18 .42 .66 10<1 .20 .44 M 11.1 .22 .46 .70 Ss 6s I 7s I 8s I 9s 1.21 1.23 1.25 127 129 1.07 1.31 1.0911.33 I 1.11 1.35 1.13 1.37 1.15 139 1.17! 141 1.19 1 1.43 1.45 1.47 1.49 1.51 1.53 1.55 1.57 159 1.61 1.63 1.65 1.67 1.69 1.71 ' 1.73 175 1.77 179 1.81 1.83 1.85 1.87 1.89 191 1.93 2.17 1.95 ! 2.19 1.97 2.21 l.W 2.23 2.01 225 2.03 227 2 05 2.29 2.07 2.31 2 0"; 2.33 2 11 2 35 213 2 37 2 15 2 39 IDs I lis I 12s! t3s| 14s I 15s; 16s I 17s 2.41 2.65 2.43 2.67 2.45 2.69 2.47 2.71 2.49 2.73 2.51 2.75 2.53 277 2.55 2.79 2.57 2.81 2.59 2.83 2.61 2.1 .-> 2 63 2.17 2.90 2.92 2.94 2.96 2.98 300 3.C2 3.04 306 3.08 3.10 3 12 3.14 I 3 16 3.18 3.20 322 324 3.26 . 3.38 ! 3.62 3.40 i.M 3.42 3.6^. 3.44 3.68 .3.46 3.70 3.48 3. 72 3.50 3.74 3.86 3.f 8 3.';o 3.92 3.94 396 3.'. 8 3.28 3.52 3.76 4.C0 3.30 3.54 3.78 4 02 3.32 3.56 3.80 4.C4 334 3.58 3.>2 4.06 3.36 3.60 3.84 4. OS 17s ISsI 4.10 4.34 1 4.12 4.36 4.14 4.38 4.16 4.40 4.18 4.42 4.20 4.44 4.22 4.46 4.24 4.48 4.26 4.50 ' 4 28 4.52 4.30 4.54 432 456 J^?s 4.58 4.(0 4.62 4 64 4.66 4.(8 4.70 4.7: 4.74 4.76 4.78 4.8') IIATK T.Mll.K.S INTKIll.-ST TM'.I.KS SKK ,MlV |:\r IN II \. k English Money. Dollars and Cents to Pounds, Shillings and Pence. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shilling = 12 Pence. Profits, pages 6 and 7. English money, page 5. A fluctuation of % in the rate amounts to about 25.9 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows, giving preference to first form : Three Hundred Twenty Eight Pounds, Twelve Shillings, Five Pence, Sterling. Or: Pounds, ''h Sterling. V:, s.ini.'timi>H ii.TiiiiKsililH ti> iisp Slq. fur I../, hut thi- full w.iril Is iiIuii.vk' l..-Bt. 4.83 100000 54 20000 3 4140787 0000 80 40000 8281573 50000 10351967 60000 12422360 7000( ) !754 SOOOO 90000 207039 62111 1449. 16563147 18633540 .03 20701791 41403.S8 6210537 8280716 10350895 12421074 i 14491253 16561433 18631612 .10 20699648 4139930 6209894 8279859 10349824 12419789 14489754 1 16559718 I 18629683 >/8 20698577 41.39715 6209573 8279431 10349288 12419146 14489004 16558862 18628719 .15 20697506 4139501 6209252 8279002 10348753 12418504 : 14488254 16558005 18627755 .20 20695364 4139073 1 6208609 8278146 I 10347682 12417219 14486755 16556291 18625828 1 4 20693223 4138645 ] 6207967 , 8277289 10346611 | 12415934 14485256 16554578 18623901 .30 20691082 4138216 6207325 8276433 10345541 12414649 14483757 16552866 18621974 4.83.35 100000 42 20000 4137788 30000 6206683 40000 8275577 50000 10344471 6000(] 365 7000( ) 80000 J259 16551153 90000 1862U04S 206889 12413 1448< ^8 20687872 4137574 6206362 8275149 10343936 12412723 14481510 16550297 186190S5 .40 20686802 4137360 6206041 8274721 10343401 1 12412081 14480761 16549441 18618122 .45 20684662 4136932 6205399 8273865 10342331 12410797 14479264 16547730 18616196 1/2 20682523 4136505 6204757 8273009 1 10341262 12409514 14477766 16546019 18614271 .55 20680385 4136077 6204115 8272154 10340192 12408231 14476269 16544308 18612346 .60 20678247 4135649 620.3474 8271299 10339123 12406948 14474773 16542597 18610422 S'8 20677178 4135436 1 6203153 8270871 ! 10338589 12406307 14474024 16541742 18609460 4.83.65 100000 09 20000 30000 40000 1 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 12405665 14473276 16540887 18608498 206761 4135222 6202833 8270444 10338054 .70 1 20673972 4134794 6202191 8269589 103369S6 12404383 14471780 16539177 | 18606574 ^/4 20671835 4134.367 6201550 8268734 103.35917 12403101 14470284 16537468 I 18604651 .80 20669698 4133940 ' 6200909 ! 8267879 10334849 12401819 14468789 16535759 1 1860272.S .85 20667562 4133512 ; 6200269 8267025 10333781 12400537 14467294 16534050 186008(16 7/8 20666494 4133299 6199948 8266598 10333247 12399897 1 14466546 16533196 1S599,S-15 .90 20665427 4133085 6199628 8266171 10332713 12399256 ' 14465799 16532341 18598SH4 .95 20663292 4132658 6198987 8265317 10331646 12397975 14464304 16530633 18596962 15000 JO 25000 5175983 35000 7246377 ^ 5000 70 55000 11387163 65000 7.5000 85000 95000 13457557 15527950 ! 17598343 19668737 4.83 ' 31055 9316 1.8 3104787 5174644 7244502 9314360 1I.-!84217 13454075 15523933 17593791 19663648 1/4 3103983 5173306 7242628 93119.50 1I.W1272 1.34.S0.S95 1 1.S519917 175S92.39 19658.S62 3/8 3103181 5171968 7240755 9309543 113783.^0 13447117 15515904 17584690 19653478 1/2 3102378 5170631 7238883 9.307135 11375.388 13443640 15511892 17580145 1964.S.397 5/8 3101577 5169294 7237012 9304730 11372448 13440166 15507883 17575601 1964.3319 3/4 3100775 5167959 7235142 9302326 11.369509 13436693 15503876 17571060 1963S243 7/8 3099974 5166624 7233273 9299923 11.366572 1.3433222 15499871 ' 17566.520 196.>3170 The t.nblc above rcdiicis dollars and cents to pounds and decinia Is of pounds. Thctalilel)el.nv reduces the decimals of pounds to shilling s and pence; which last will be se three or four decimals, accor found at the top and side. In adding; ling to the degree of accuracy refpured. two or more numbers toj;ether, u Is 2s 3s 4s 5s^ 6s 7s 8s 9s IDs lis J2^ 13s 14s 15s 16s 17s 18s 19s . 050 .100 .150 .200 .250 .300 .350 .400 .450 .500 .550 .600 .650 .700 .750 .800 .850 .900 .950 Id .004 1 . 054 .104 .154 .204 .2.54 .304 .354 .404 .454 .504 .554 .604 .654 .704 .7.54 .804 .854 .904 .954 2d .008 . 058 .108 .158 .208 .258 .308 .358 .408 .458 .508 .558 .608 .658 .708 .7.58 .808 .858 .908 .958 3d .013 . 063 .113 .163 .213 .263 .313 .363 .413 .463 .513 .563 .613 .663 .713 .763 .813 .863 .913 .963 4.1 .017 . 067 .117 .167 .217 .267 .317 .367 .417 .467 .517 .567 .617 .667 .717 .767 .817 .867 .917 .967 5d .021 . 071 .121 .171 .221 .271 .321 .371 .421 .471 .521 .571 .621 .671 .721 .771 .821 .871 .921 .971 6.1 .025 ' . )75 .125 .175 .225 .275 ..325 .375 .425 .475 .525 .575 ,.625 .675 .725 .775 .825 .875 .925 .975 7d .029 . 079 .129 .179 .229 .279 .329 .379 .429 .479 .529 .579 .629 .679 .729 .779 .829 .879 .929 .979 8.1 1 .0.^3 . 0S3 .133 .183 .233 .283 .333 .383 .433 .483 .533 .583 .633 .683 .7.33 .783 .833 .883 .933 .983 9d I .038!. 088 .1.38 .188 .2.38 .288 .338 .388 .438 .488 .538 .588 .638 .688 .7.38 .788 .838 .888 .938 .988 10 d ! .042 . 092 .142 .192 .242 .292 .342 .392 .442 .492 .542 .592 .642 .692 .742 .792 .842 .892 .942 .992 lid .01,', . 096 .146 .196 .246 .296 .346 .396 .446 .496 .546 .596 .646 .696 .746 .796 .846 .896 .946 .996 D.VTi: t.m:i,i:.s inti:i:i:st iai'.i.ks si:i: .\iivi:i!I''.mi;.nt i.n hm k Pounds, Shillings and Pence to Dollars and Cents. English Money. 1 I'ountl = 'JO Shillinjc^s. 1 Shilling = 12 I'ence. \';iliie of coins, page 190. A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to about 10.3 cents on Sl.OOO. Write (ijiures as given below. Avoid wide spacing; write like samples shown, not like this: £ 328 - 2 - 5. Do not use farthings. , £328-12-5. £7-0-4. £0-7-4. £7-4-0. £67. £328 12 1.S3 .05 .10 I .l.S .20 I .30 1.83.35 3 .40 .45 1 .55 .60 t.83.65 .70 3 .80 .85 7 .90 .95 l UUOO 4830000 4830500 48.^1000 48.'il250 4831500 4832000 4S32.S00 4833000 10000 4833500 4833750 4834000 4834500 4835000 4835500 4836000 4836250 10000 4836500 4837000 4837500 4838000 4838500 4838750 483W00 48395(!0 4.83. »/2 5/8 Tlic l.ilile .ibovi: rcduas pounds to dollars ami cents. The talilc below ridiiccs shillings and pence to (loll.irs .iiiil ci-iits. I'or r.itcs luar the top and near the bottom of the l)aj;e, some oi the lij^iires in the table below mav l)e in error from .()! to .lit of a eent. The cents vary in vahie bv amonnt. Is as 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s 1 .24 .48 .73 .97 1.21 1.45 1.69 Id .02 .26 .50 .75 .99 1.23 1.47 1.71 2d .04 .28 .52 .77 1.01 1.25 1.49 1.73 1 3.1 .06 .30 .54 .79 1.03 1.27 1.51 1.75 j 4.1 .08 .32 .56 .81 1.05 129 153 1.771 5.1 .10 .34 .58 .83 1.07 131 1.55 1.79 6d . .12 .36 .60 .85 1.09 1.33 1.57 1.81 7d .14 '.38 .62 .87 1.11 1.35 1.59 1.83 8d .16 .40 .64 .89 1.13 1.37 161 1.85 9d .18 .42 .66 .91 1.15 1 .W 163 1.87 10.1 .20 .44 .68 .93 1 17 1 41 165 1 89 11.1 .22 .46 .71 .')5 1.19 1.43 167 1 91 8s 9s 10s lis 12s 13s 14s 15s 1 1.93 2.18 2.42 2.66 2.90 3.14 3.38 3.63 1.95 2.20 2.44 2.68 2.92 3.16 3.40 3.65 1 1.97 2.22 2.46 2.70 2.94 3.18 3.42 3.67 1.99 2.24 2.48 2.72 2.96 3.20 3.44 3.69 ^ 2.01 2.26 2.50 2.74 2.98 322 3.47 3.71 2.03 2.28 2.52 2.76 3X)0 3.24 3.49 3.73 2 05 ' 2.30 2.54 2.78 3.02 3.26 351 3.75, 2.08 232 2.56 2.80 3.04 3.28 3.53 3.77; 210 2.34 2.58 2.82 3.06 3.30 3.55 3.79' 2 12 2.36 260 2.84 3.08 3.32 357 3.81 2 14 2.V8 262 2.86 3.10 3.34 3..S9 3.83 2 16 240 264 288 3.12 3.36 3.61 3.85 I 3.87 389 3 91 .3.93 395 3 97 4.11 4.13 4.15 4.17 4.19 4.21 I 3 99 '4 23 4.01 4.25 '4 03 I 4.27 4.05 I 4 29 4 07 4.31 4.09 4.33 18s I 19s 4.35 i 4.59 4.37 4.61 4.39 4.63 4.41 4.65 4.43 '4.67 4.45 - 4.69 4.47 4.71 4.49 ' 4.73 4.51 4.75 4.';3 4.77 4.55 47'i 4.57 481 i\ri; IM.I.K.S I.VTKIIKST T.llll.KH .SKK ADVKIITI.SKMKNT IN ll.kCK <>K III) English Money. Dollars and Cents to Pounds, Shillings and Pence. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shil liug = 13 Pence. Profits, pages 6 and 7. English money, page 5. A fluctuation of % in the rate amounts to about 25.8 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows, giving preference to first form : Three Hundred Twenty Eight Pounds, Twelve Shillings, Five Pence, Sterling. Or: Pounds, '^/s Sterling. ^U" Bnmi'timc8 pcnnlsHililp to use St,/, tor iiuj, but the full wu.cJ Ih nl«a,v«' bi'st. lonooo S7 20000 41.32231 4131805 30000 6198347 6197707 40000 8264463 8263609 50000 10330579 10.129511 6900C 694 70000 14462810 14461316 SOOOO 1652N926 16527218 90000 18595041 18593121 4.84 206611 1239f 05 20659023 12395414 .10 20656889 4131378 6197067 8262756 10328445 12394133 14459822 16525511 18591200 1/8 20655822 4131164 6196747 8262329 10327911 12393493 14459076 16524658 18590240 .15 20654756 41.30951 6196427 8261902 10327378 12392853 14458329 16523805 18589280 .20 20652623 41.30525 6195787 8261049 10326311 12391574 1 14456836 16522098 18.587361 I4 20650490 4130098 6195147 8260196 10325245 12390294 14455343 16520392 18585441 .30 20648359 4129672 6194508 8259343 10324179 12389015 14453851 16518687 18583523 4.84.35 100000 27 20000 1 30000 (68 40000 8258491 50000 10323113 6000( 736 70000 14452359 80000 90000 206462 4129245 6193f 1238; 16516982 18.581604 ^8 20645161 4129032 6193548 8258065 10322581 12387097 14451613 16516129 18580645 .40 20644096 4128819 6193229 8257638 10322048 12386457 14450867 16515277 18579686 .45 20641965 4128393 6192590 8256786 10320983 12385179 14449376 16513572 18577769 I2 20639835 4127967 6191950 8255934 10319917 12383901 14447884 16511868 18575851 .55 20637705 4127541 6191312 ; 8255082 10318853 12382623 14446394 16510164 18573935 .60 ! 20635576 4127115 6190673 8254230 10317788 12381.345 14444903 16508461 18572018 5,8 206.U511 4126902 6190353 8253804 10317256 12380707 14444158 16507609 18571060 4.84.65 100000 20000 89 30000 34 1 40000 8253379 50000 10316723 60000 12380068 70000 SOOOO 16506757 90000 20633447 1 41266 6190( 14443413 1857 0102 .70 20631318 4126264 6189.396 8252527 10315659 12378791 14441923 16505055 18568187 3/4 ! 20629190 4125838 6188757 8251676 10314595 12377514 14440433 165033.52 18566271 .80 20627063 4125413 6188119 8250825 10313531 12376238 14438944 16501650 18564356 .85 20624936 4124987 6187481 8249974 10312468 12374961 144374.55 16499948 18562442 78 I 20623872 4124774 6187162 8249549 10311936 12374.323 14436710 16499098 18.56 1 4.S5 .90 '1 20622809 4124.562 6186843 8249124 10311404 12373685 14435966 16498247 18560528 .95 1 20620683 ! 4124137 6186205 8248273 10310341 12372410 14434478 16496546 18558614 11 15090 74 2500D 5165289 35000 7231405 45000 9297521 55000 11363637 65000 13429752 75000 15495868 85000 17561984 95000 19628099 4.84 J0991 Vs 3098373 5163956 7229538 9295120 1 1360702 13426284 15491867 17557449 19623031 1/4 3097574 5162623 7227672 9292721 11.357770 13422819 15487868 17552917 19617966 3/8 3096774 5161290 7225806 9290323 11354839 13419355 15483871 17548387 19612903 1/2 3095975 5159959 7223942 9287926 11351909 13415893 15479876 1754.3860 19607843 S/8 3095177 5158628 7222079 9285530 11348982 13412433 15475883 17539335 19602786 34 3094379 5157298 7220217 9283136 11346055 13408974 15471893 17.5.34812 19597731 78 ' 3093581 51.5.5968 7218355 9280743 11343130 13405517 15467904 17530292 19592678 The- table above reduces dollars and cents to pounds and decima Is of pounds. Thetablebelow reduces | the decimals of pounds to sliillin^s and pence; which last will be two or nu)re numbers toi,'ellier, use three or four decim:ils, accor found at the top an linit to the dej^'ree of d side. I 1 addintr . ■ . '] accui'acy 1 Is 2s 3s 4s 5s Js 7l Js 9s IDs lis 12s 13s 14s 15s 16s 17s J8s 19s 050 .100 .150 .200 .250 .300 .350 .400 .450 .500 .550 .600 .650 .700 .750 .800 .850 .900 .9.50 Id .004 054 .104 .154 .204 .254 .304 .354 .404 .454 .504 .554 .604 .654 .704 .754 .804 .854 .904 .954 2d .008 058 .108 .1.58 .208 .258 .308 .358 .408 .458 .508 .558 .608 .658 .708 .758 .808 .858 .908 .958 3d .013 063 .113 .163 .213 .263 .313 .363 .413 .463 .513 .563 .613 .663 .713 .763 .813 .863 .913 .963 4d .017 067 .117 .167 .217 .267 .317 .367 .417 .467 .517 .567 .617 .667 .717 .767 .817 .867 .917 .967 5d .021 071 .121 .171 .221 .271 .321 .371 .421 .471 .521 .571 .621 .671 .721 .771 .821 .871 .921 .971 6d .025 075 .125 .175 .225 .275 .325 .375 .425 .475 .525 .575 .625 .675 .725 .775 .825 .875 .925 .975 7d .029 079 .129 .179 .229 .279 .329 .379 ,.429 .479 ,.529 .579 .629 .679 .729 .779 .829 .879 .929 .979 8d .033 083 .133 .183 .233 .283 .333 .383 ! .433 .483 .533 .583 .633 .683 .7.33 .783 .833 .883 .933 .983 9d .0381 088 .1.38 .188 .238 .288 .338 .388 .438 .488 .538 .588 .638 .688 .7.38 .788 .838 .888 .938 .98S lOd .042 092 .142 .192 .242 .292 ..342 .392 .442 .492 .542 ..592 .642 .692 .742 .792 .842 .892 .942 .992 lid .0)S 096 .146 .196 .246 .296 .346 .396 1.446 .496 .546 .596 .646 .696 .746 .796 .846 .896 .946 .996 INIKltKST '1AI1I.I;S SKK AHVIMtTlSICM KNT I.N II Pounds, Shilllnj^s and Pence to Dollars and Cents. English Money. 1 I'ouiid ^ HO Shiiliiijjs. 1 Shilliii/i^ = lU I'ence. Value t)f coins, page 190. A fluctuation of .OS in the rate amounts to about 10.3 cents on $1, ()()(). Write fijiures as given below. Avoid wide spacing; write like samples shown, not like this: £ 32H - 2 - 5. Do not use farthings. £328-12-5. £7-0-4. £0-7-4. £7-4-0. U) £32,S 12 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 4.84 4840000 9<,80000 14520000 19360000 24200000 29040000 33H80000 38720000 43560000 .05 4840500 96,S1I100 14.521500 19.V)2()00 24202500 29043000 33883500 .38724000 43564500 .10 4841000 96,S20()0 14523000 1936)0011 24205000 2')04''iOOO 33K,S70(I0 3H72S0OO 43569000 J 8 4841250 9682500 145237.50 1936.50(M) 24206250 29047500 3.^888750 38730000 43571250 .15 4841.S00 9683000 14.524500 19366000 24207.500 29049(M)0 33890500 38732000 4.3573.S(M) .20 4842000 9684000 14526000 19368000 24210000 29052000 3389-! 000 38736000 43578000 • 4 4842500 9685000 14527500 19370000 24212500 29055000 33897500 38740000 43582500 .30 4843000 9686000 14529000 19372000 24215000 29058000 33901000 ,38744000 43587000 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 4.84.35 48435IH) 96S7(MI1I 145.^(15110 19374000 24217500 29061000 33904500 38748000 4.3.59 L500 3/8 48437S0 ydsrsiiii 11531250 19375000 24218750 29062500 3V)O(,250 38750000 43.5937.50 .40 4844000 908K000 14532000 19376000 24220000 29064000 33908000 .38752000 43596000 .45 484-1500 9689000 14533500 19378000 24222500 29067000 33911500 38756000 43600500 1 -, 4845000 9690000 14535000 19380000 24225000 29070000 33915000 38760000 43605000 .55 4845500 9691000 14536500 19382000 24227500 29073000 33918500 38764000 43Wt9500 .60 4846000 9692000 14538000 19384000 24230000 29076000 33922000 3876S00O 4.1614(M»0 5« 4846250 9692500 14538750 19385000 24231250 29077500 3.3923750 38770000 4,3616250 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 1.S4.65 4846500 9693000 14539500 19386000 24232500 29079000 33925500 38772000 4.3618500 .70 4847000 9694000 1454UI(l(t 1938.H0O0 24235000 290S2000 33929000 387760(10 43623000 34 4847500 9695000 145425110 193'»(l{)00 24237500 2'»OS5000 33932500 38780(100 43627500 .80 4848000 9696000 14544000 19.W2U00 24240000 29088000 33936000 .38784000 43632000 .85 4S48S0O 9697000 14545500 19394000 24242500 29091000 33939500 38788000 43636500 78 4K48750 9697500 14546250 19395000 24243750 29092500 33941250 38790000 43638750 .90 4H4y(IOO 969H000 14547000 19396000 24245000 29094000 33943000 38792000 4.3641000 .95 4.S4y5(10 96'»';illl() 1454S500 19398000 24247.SOO 29097000 33946500 38796000 43645500 4.84 1/4 3/8 »/2 15000 7260000 7261875 7263750 7265625 7267500 7269375 7271250 7273125 25000 I 12100000 12103125 121062.50 12109375 12112.500 1211.5625 121187.M) 12121S75 35000 , 45000 1694(M)00 ; 21780000 16944375 i 21785625 16948750 i 21791250 16953125 I 21796875 16957500 Ui')6is;5 16966250 16970625 2IS02.500 2 1 MIS 125 21M3750 21819375 The t.iMc above ri- 333 3 11 3 35 313 3.37 3.39 3.63 3.41 [3.65 3.43 3.67 3.45 3.69 3.47 .3.71 3.49 3.73 3.51 3.75 3.53 378 3..S5 3.80 3.57 3.82 3.59 3.84 3.61 3.86 3.88 3.90 3.92 3.94 4.36 4.38 4.42 3.96 4.20 3.98 4.22 4.00 424 4.02 4.26 4.04 4.28 4.06 4.10 4.08 4.32 4.10 4.34 4.60 4,62 4.40 4.64 4.66 4.44 4.68 4.46 4.70 4.48,4.72 4.50 4.74 4.52 4.76 4.54 4.78 4.56 480 4 5S 4.82 liVll: IMU.l : VIll.KS MKK AKVKHTISK.MKNT IN ll.MK English Money. Dollars and Cents to Pounds, Shillings and Pence. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shilling = 13 Pence. Profits, pages 6 and 7. English money, page 5. A fluctuation of % in the rate amounts 1 to about 25.8 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows, giving preference to first form : Three Hundred Twenty Eight Pounds, Twelve Shillings, Five Pence, Sterling. Cif P«H«//c '^Iq ^t^rllna It i» s..tinu.H peruiisKiWe to U8.. . (li)llars ,in(l cents. Thi illars and cents. I'or rates near the top .and lu-.-ir tlio ahlc liclow niav t>f in error from .;uris in The cents v.irv in v.ilue 1)V that .ammint. Id 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d 10 1 68 7s 8s 9s 10s lis 1.70 1.94 2.18 2.43 2.67 1.72 196 2.20 2.45 2.69 1 74 1 '>8 223 2.47 2.71 1 76 2.(10 225 2.49 2.73 1 78 202 227 251 2.75 I 80 2()4 229 2..';.^ 2.77 1.K2 2 06 231 2.-55 2.79 1.84 208 2.VT 2.57 2.81 186 210 2.^5 2.59 2.83 1 88 2 12 2.'(7 261 2.85 l.W 2 14 2,V» 2 6.1 2 87 l'»2 2 16 241 2 65 2 8'» 12s I 13s 2 91 J3.16 2.93 '3. 18 2.95 320 2.97 3.22 2 99 3 24 .101 326 3.03 3 28 3.05 3.30 3 07 332 3 10 3 34 3 12 3.16 3 14 3.18 14s j 15s 16s 340' 3.42 3.44 3.46 3.48 350 3.52 354 3.56 3..S8 3f)0 3 62 3.64 3 66 368 3 70 3.72 3 74 376 378 3.80 382 3.84 386 3.88 390 3 92 3.94 3«)<> 401 4.03 4.05 407 4 (19 4 11 17s I IBs I 19s 4 13 '4.37 4 15 4.39 4.17 4.41 4 19 4.43 421 4.45 4 23 447 425 4.49 4.27 4.51 429 4.';3 4.11 4.v5 4. .13 4 57 4.15 4.1'* 4.61 4.63 4.65 4.67 4 69 471 4.73 4.75 4.77 479 481 4.83 >,\TK T.MII.KS INTKIIKST ,MiVi;i!ll~l Ml English Money. Dollars and Cents to Pounds, Shillings and Pence. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shilling = 13 Pence. Profits, pages 6 and 7. English money, page 5. A fluctuation of % in the rate amounts to about 25.7 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows, giving preference to first form : | Three Hundred Twenty Eight Pounds, Twelve Shillings, Five Pence, Sterling. Or: Pounds, ^'/s Sterling. Is^.^^/.-rrrnuTi. pprmissihle to nsf Slii. tor full word is alwiivB'b.^st. 100000 20000 26 30000 6172840 6172205 40000 8230453 8229606 50000 10288066 10287008 60000 12345679 12344409 70000 SOOOO 90000 1440.3292 1646U905 18518519 14401811 1 16459212! 1S516614 4.86 20576132 41152 05 20574015 4114803 .10 20571899 4114380 6171570 8228760 10285949 12343139 14400329 1 16457519 18514709 l8 20570841 ' 4114168 6171252 8228336 10285420 12342504 14399589 16456673 18513757 .15 20569783 i 4113957 1 6170935 8227913 10284891 12341870 14398848 ! 16455826 18512805 .20 20567668 4113534 6170300 8227067 10283834 12340601 14397.367 1 16454134 18510901 1 4 20.565553 ! 4113111 6169666 8226221 10282776 12339332 14395887 164.52442 , 18.508997 | .30 20563438 4112688 6169031 8225375 10281719 12338063 14394407 ' 16450751 18507094 4.86.35 100000 20.561324 20000 65 30000 97 40000 8224530 50000 1G280662 60000 12336794 70000 14392927 80000 90000 18505192 41122 6168. 16449059 3 8 20560267 4112053 6168080 8224107 10280134 12336160 14392187 16448214 18504241 .40 20559211 4111842 6167763 8223684 10279605 12335526 14391447 16447368 18503289 .45 20557097 4111419 6167129 8222839 : 10278549 12334258 14389968 16445678 18501388 1/2 20554985 4110997 6166495 8221994 10277492 12332991 14388489 16443988 18499486 .55 20552872 4110574 6165862 8221149 10276436 12331723 14387011 16442298 18497585 .60 20550760 4110152 6165228 8220304 10275380 12330456 14385532 16440608 18495684 5/8 20549705 i 4109941 6164911 8219882 10274852 12329823 14384793 16439764 18494734 4.86.65 100000 20000 1 30000 2054K649 \ 4109730 [ 6164595 40000 8219460 50000 10274324 6000( ) >189 70000 80000 16438919 90000 18493784 1232' 14384054 .70 20546538 4109308 1 6163961 8218615 10273269 12327923 14382577 16437230 18491884 3/4 20544427 4108885 1 6163328 t 8217771 10272214 12326656 14381099 16435542 1848WS5 .80 20542317 4108463 '\ 6162695 | 8216927 10271159 12325390 14379622 16433854 18488085 .85 20540208 4108041 6162062 ! 8216083 10270104 ! 12.324124 14378145 16432166 18486187 7 8 20539153 ' 4107831 6161746 8215661 10269576 12323492 14377407 16431.322 18485237 .90 20538098 1 4107620 6161429 8215239 10269049 12322859 14376669 164.30479 184.S43S8 .95 20535989 1 4107198 6160797 8214396 10267995 12321594 14375193 16428791 18482390 15000 25000 35000 45000 9259260 5.S000 11316873 65000 13374485 75000 15432099 85000 95000 19547325 4.86 3086420 51440.33 7201646 17489712 1/8 3085626 5142710 7199794 9256878 11313962 13371046 15428131 17485215 19542299 1/4 3084833 5141388 7197943 9254499 j 113110.54 1.33676)0 15424165 17480720 19537275 3/8 3084040 5140067 7196094 9252120 11308147 13364173 15420200 17476227 19532253 1/2 3083248 5138746 7194245 9249743 11305241 13360740 15416238 17471737 19527235 5/8 3082456 5137426 7192397 9247367 11302337 13357308 15412278 17467249 19.522219 34 3081664 5136107 7190550 9244992 11299435 13353877 15408.320 17462763 19517206 7 s ' 3080873 ' 5134788 7188703 1 9242619 ! 11296534 13350450 15404.365 17458280 1 19512195 The table al)ovc roduccs dollars and cents to pounds and decimals of pou tids. Thetablebelow re.luces the deeiinals of ])onncls to sliillin^s and pence; which last will be found at he top and si.le. In .-ul.lin- two or more nuinl)ers toi;etlier, use three or four decimals, aecordiii); to th • dejjree of accuracy re(|uired. \s_ 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s \z._ 9s 10s lis 12s 13s 14s J5s 16s 17s 18s J9s 050 .100 .150 .200 .250 .300 .350 .400 .450 .500 .550 .600 .650 .700 .750 .800 .850 .900 .950 Id .004 0.S4 .104 .1.54 .204 .254 .304 .354 .404 .454 .504 .554 .604 .654 .704 .754 .804 .854 .904 .954 2d .008 058 .108 .1.58 .208 .2.58 .308 .3.S8 .408 .458 .508 .558 .608 .6.58 .708 .758 .808 .858 .908 .958 3d .013,. 063 .113 .163 .213 .263 .313 .363 .413 .463 .513 .563 .613 .663 .713 .763 .813 .863 .913 .963 4.1 .0171 067 .117 .167 .217 .267 .317 .367 .417 .467 .517 .567 .617 .667 .717 .767 .817 .867 .917 .967 5a .021 . 071 .121 .171 .221 .271 .321 .371 .421 .471 .521 .571 .621 .671 .721 .771 .821 .871 .921 .971 6d .025 . 075 .125 .175 .225 .275 .325 .375 .425 .475 .525 .575 .625 .675 .725 .775 .825 .875 .925 .975 7d .029 . 079 .129 .179 .229 .279 .329 .379 .429 .479 ,.529 .579 |.629 .679 .729 .779 .829 .879 .929 .979 8d .033 . 083 .133 .183 .233 .283 .333 .383 .4.33 .483 .533 ..583 .633 .683 .733 .783 .833 .883 .933 .983 9d .038 . 088 .138 .188 .238 .288 .338 .388 .438 .488 .538 .588 .638 .688 .7,38 .788 .838 .888 .938 .9,SS 10 d .042 . 092 .142 .192 .242 .292 .342 .392 .442 .492 .542 .592 .642 .692 .742 .792 .842 .892 .942 .992 11.1 .046 . 096 .146 .196 .246 .296 .346 .396 .446 .496 .546 .596 .646 .696 .746 .796 .846 .896 .946 .996 I).\TIi TABLES INTEUEST TABLES .SEE ADVEUTISEM E.NT IN HACK OF HOOK Pounds, Shillinfjs and Pence to Dollars and Cents. English Money. 1 Pound = ao Shillings. 1 Shilling = 13 I'ence. Value of coins, page 190. A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to about 10.3 cents on S1,(XK). Write tijjures as given below. Avoid wide spacing; write like samples shown, not like this: £ 328 - 2 - 5. Do not use farthings. £328-12-5. £7-0-4. £0-7-4. £7-4-0. £67. £328 12 5 I.S6 J/4 3/8 1/2 S/8 3 4 78 l.SOOO 7290000 7291S75 7293750 7295625 7297500 7299.^75 7.V)1250 7.^0.? 125 25000 I 12150000 1215.^125 12156250 12159375 1 12162500 12165625 121'vS750 12171S75 35000 I 1701(111110 17014375 I701S750 ] 17023125 17027500 17113IS75 17036250 17040625 (5000 2isriion() 21S75625 21S81250 21886875 21892500 2189S125 21903750 21909375 55000 2673(1(1(10 26736.sr5 26743750 26750625 26757500 26764375 267712.50 2677SI25 65000 3i5''()(l(lO 3159S125 31606250 31614375 31622500 31630625 316.VS7.=;o 31646875 75000 3(>45(MI0() 36459375 364687.50 36478125 36487500 3649(kS75 365062.50 36515625 85000 4131(1(100 41320625 41331250 41341875 41.^63125 413737.50 413S4375 95000 46171M)00 46181875 46193750 46205625 46217500 46229375 462412.=;0 462.=;3125 The t.iUlo ,iIh)vc ri(liK<.s pounds to dollars and cents. Tlie talile hilow riiliuis shillings nnd pence lo doll.irs .-nid ci-iits. I'or rates mar tlic top and mar the bottom of the jM.i-'e, some ol the li;;ures in the talilc l)elow niav l>c in error from .111 to .i;t of a cent. Tlic cents varv in value liv that amount. Is 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s 8s 9s IDs lis .24 .49 .73 .97 1.22 1.46 1.70 1.95 2.19 2.43 2.68 Id .02 .26 .51 .75 .99 1.24 1.48 1.72 1.97 2.21 2.45 2.70 2d .04 .28 .53 .77 1.01 126 1.50 1.74 1.99 2.23 2.47 2.72 3d .06 30 .55 .79 1.03 1.28 1.52 176 2.01 2.25 2.49 2.74 i 4d .08 .32 .57 .81 1.05 1.30 1 .54 1 78 203 2 27 2 51 276' 5d .10 .34 .59 .83 1.07 132 1.56 1 SO 205 229 2.53 2.78 6 a .12 .36 .61 .85 1.09 134 1.58 182 2.07 2 31 2.55 280 7d .14 .39 .63 .87 1.11 1.36 160 1.84 2.09 2.33 2.57 2.82} 8d .16 .41 .65 .89 1 14 1.38 162 186 211 2.35 2.59 2.84 9d .18 .43 .67 .91 1 16 140 1 64 1 S9 2 13 2 37 261 286 lOd .20 .45 .69 .93 1.18 1 42 M.6 1.91 2 15 2.W 264 2 88 IM .22 .47 .71 .95 1.20 1.44 16S 193 217 241 2 Ml 2 90 12s 13s I 2.92 3.16 2.94 3.18 !2 96 3 20 12 98 3.22 '300 3 24 3 02 3 26 3.(H 328 3.06 I 3.30 308 I 3.32 3.1013.34 3 12 [3.36 3 14 I 3. 39 INTKIIKST T\lll.l..S .SKK ADVKHTI.SKM KST IN 14s 15s I 16s| 17s I 18s I 19s 341 3.43 3.45 3.47 349 3 51 3.53 3.55 3.57 3.59 361 3.63 3.65 I 3.89 3 67 I 3 91 3 69 ' 3 93 3.71 ! 3.95 3 73 397 3 75 399 3.77,4 01 3.79 4.03 3.81 ' 4.05 383 4.07 3.85 I 4.09 3.87 4 11 4.14'4..38l 4.16 4 40 4.18 4.42 420 4.44 4 22 4.46 4 24 448 4 26 4 50 4.28 4.52 4.10 4.54 4.12 4.56 4..34 4..S8 4.36 4 Ml 4.62 4.64 4.66 4.68 4.70 4.72 4.74 4.76 4.78 4.80 4.82 4.S4 English Money. Dollars and Cents to Pounds, Shillings and Pence. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shilling: = 12 Pence. Profits, pages 6 and 7. English money, page 5. A fluctuation of % in the rate amounts to about 25.7 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows, giving preference to first form: Three Hundred Twenty Eight Pounds, Twelve Shillings, Five Pence, Sterling. Or: Pounds, ''h Sterling. m,w,"^ 4.S7 .03 .10 l8 .15 .20 4.87.35 3 .40 .45 I .55 .60 4.87.65 .70 .90 95 100l)i)() 20533881 20531773 20529665 20528612 20527558 20525452 20523345 20521240 100000 205im34 20518082 20517029 20514925 20512821 20510717 20508614 20507562 100000 20506511 20504408 20502307 20500205 20498104 20497054 20496003 20493903 20000 4106776 4106355 4105933 4105722 4103512 4105090 4104669 4104248 20000 4103827 4103616 4103406 4102985 4102564 4102143 4101723 4101512 20000 30000 6160164 6159532 6158900 6158584 6158267 6157635 6157004 6156372 30000 6155740 6155424 6155109 6154477 6153846 6153215 6152584 6152269 30000 40000 8213552 8212709 8211866 8211445 8211023 8210181 I 8209338 8208496 40000 8207654 8207233 8206812 8205970 8205128 8204287 8203445 8203025 40000 50000 10266940 10265886 10264833 10264306 10263779 10262726 10261673 10260620 50000 60000 12320329 12319064 12317799 12317167 12316535 12315271 12314007 12312744 60000 10259567 10259041 10258515 10257462 10256410 10255358 10254307 10253781 50000 4101302 4100882 4100461 4100041 4099621 4099411 4099201 4098781 6151953 6151323 6150692 6150062 6149431 6149116 6148801 6148171 8202604 8201763 8200923 8200082 8199242 8198821 8198401 8197561 10253255 10252204 10251153 10250103 10249052 10248527 10248002 10246952 12311480 12310849 12310217 12308955 12307692 12306430 12305168 12304537 60000 70!)00 14373717 14372241 14370766 14370028 14369291 14367816 14366342 14364868 70000 12303906 12302645 12301384 12300123 12298862 12298232 12297602 12296342 14363394 14362657 14361920 14360447 14358974 14357502 14356030 14355294 70000 SOOOO 16427105 16425418 16423732 16422889 16422047 16420361 16418676 16416992 80000 14354558 14353086 14351615 14350144 14348673 14347937 14347202 14345732 16415307 16414465 16413623 16411940 16410256 16408573 16406891 16406050 80000 16405209 16403527 16401845 16400164 16398483 16397643 16396803 16395122 90000 18480493 18478596 18476699 18475751 18474802 18472906 18471011 18469116 90000 18467221 1846627 18465326 18463432 18461538 18459645 18457; 18456806 90000 18455860 18453968 18452076 18450185 18448294 18447348 18446403 1S4445I3 4.87. 1/8 1/4 3/8 15000 3080082 3079292 3078502 3077?12 3076923 3076134 3075346 3074558 25300 5133470 5132153 5130836 5129520 5128205 5126891 5125577 5124263 35000 7186858 7185014 7183171 7181329 7179487 7177647 7175807 7173969 45000 55000 9240246 9237876 9235505 9233137 9230769 9228403 9226038 9223674 11293634 11290737 11287840 11284945 11282051 11279159 11276268 11273380 65000 13347023 13343598 13340174 13336753 13333333 13329915 13326499 13323085 75000 15400411 15396459 15392509 15388561 15384615 15380672 15376730 15372790 85000 17453799 17449320 17444843 17440369 17435897 17431428 17426960 17422496 95000 19507187 19502181 19497178 19492177 19487179 19482184 19477191 19472201 The taljle above reduces dollars and cents to pounds and decimals of pounds. The table below reduces the decimals of pounds to shillings and pence; which last will be found at the top and side. In addiuLT two or more numbers together, use three or four decimals, according to the degree of accuracy rc(|ulrcd. Is 2s 3s Id 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d lOd lid 1 .050 ! .100 .004 .054 .104 .008 .058 .108 013 .063 .113 017 .067 .117 021 .071 .121 02s .075 .125 029 .079 .129 033 .083 .133 038 .088 .1.38 042 .092 .142 046 .096 .146 4s I 5s .150 .154 .158 .163 .167 .171 .175 .179 .229 .183 \ .233 .188 1.238 .192 .242 .196 .246 .2001 .204! .208 .213 .217 .221 .225 6s 7s .250 .300 .254 .304 .258 i .308 263 .313 267 .317 271 .321 275 .325 .279 .329 .283 .333 .288 .338 .292 .342 .296 . .346 .400 .450 .404 ! .454 .4,58 .463 .467 .471 .475 .479 .483 .488 .492 .496 10s lis 12s 13s 14s 15s 16s I 17s 18s 19 .500 1 .550 .504 j .554 .558 .563 .567 .571 .575 .579 .583 .588 .592 .596 .600 1 .650 .604 I .654 .608 .658 .613 .663 .617 .667 .621 .671 .625 .675 .679 .683 .688 .692 .696 .700 .750 .704 .754 .708 , .758 .713 .763 .717 .767 .721 .771 .725 .775 .729 .779 .733 .783 .738 .788 .742 .792 .746 .796 .800 .850 .804 .854 .808 .858 .813 , .863 .81 7 j. 867 .821 1 .871 .825 ' .875 .829 j .879 .833 1 .883 .838 ! .888 .842 1 .892 .846 .896 .900 .950 .9(14 .954 .90S .958 .913 .963 .917 .967 .921 .971 .925 .975 .929 .979 .933 ' .983 .938 .988 .942 .'• .946 , .996 liVIK T.MM.K.S I.NTl;iU;ST T.VISI.ICS SEE AUVKUTISKMKNT IX IWCK OV HOOK Pounds, Shillings and Pence to Dollars and Cents. Knj«l ish Money. 1 Pound =■■ 'M Shillin gs. 1 Shillings lU I'ence. Value )f coins, page 190. A rtiictiiation of .OS in the rate amounts to about 10.2 cents 1 on Sl.fXK). Write figures as given below. Avoid wide spacing; write like samples shown, j not like this: £ 328 - 2 - 5. £328-12-S. 17 -0-4. Do nt £0-7- t use farthings. ■f. £7-4-0. £67.— £228 12 5 1 OT j luuuu 1 20000 1 300(10 IIIIIIKI 5(10(1(1 bOOOO 70000 80000 90000 4.0/ . 1 4870000 ! ■1S7(I5IIII 9740000 9741000 , '(61000(1 4611500 l'(4S()(l(MI 2l.V^ll(l(IO 29220000 34090000 i 14482(1(1(1 2t.VS25(l(l i 29223000 34093500 38960000 38964000 43830000 43834.500 .05 .10 •ts71iiou 9742000 4613000 194840(1(1 24.vS.>(l(l(l 292260(10 34097000 3H968000 43839000 1 s -isri:,^ii 9742500 4613750 194850(J0 24.V5(.250 29227500 , 34098750 .38970000 43841250 .I.S (sn.^iio 9743000 4614500 19486000 24357500 29229000 34100500 38972000 43843500 .20 tsrjuiMi 9744000 : 4616000 19488000 24.360000 ; 29232000 341040(10 3.8976000 43848000 1 4 ^^72.^(MI 9745000 4617.500 19490000 24362500 , 29235000 34107500 38980000 43852500 ..^0 4,S7.^(III0 974()000 4619000 19492000 24365000 292.38000 1 .34111000 38984000 4.3857000 lOIIOII 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 1.87.35 ■t^7,V^n(i 9747000 4(>2(I50() 19494000 24367.500 29241000 34114500 38988000 43861500 .^ H ts7.;7.;ii 9747.SOO 4f.2125(l 1949.5000 24368750 29242500 34116250 38990000 43863750 .40 ^s7lll(lil 9748000 4622000 19496000 i 24370000 29244000 .34118000 38S 76250 9752000 9752500 462.S0(l(l 462S7.SII 1')5(I4()(1(I 24380(1(10 2925(i(HI(l 341,^2(1011 I'»5(I5()U0 24.W12.50 29257500 3413375U .Vl(l(IS(l(!(l 4.lS,S4(l(MI 43,S86250 3901111100 1.87.65 10000 20000 ."iOOdd 111(100 .50000 I 60000 70000 | 8000U 90000 4S76500 9753(H)0 4ri2'i.^(iii l').^(l(lllOO 24382.500 29259000 34135500 .39012000 43888500 .70 4H770OO 9754000 4(i.M(l(lll 19508000 243.H500(I 29262000 341390(10 39016000 43893000 3 4 4877500 9755(HI0 46.^2500 19510000 24,iS7500 292650(10 34142.500 390200(10 43897500 .80 4878000 9756000 4634000 19512000 , 24.V;0000 29268000 34146(J00 39024000 43902000 .85 4878500 9757000 4635500 19514000 24.392500 29271000 34149500 39028000 43906500 7 M : 4878750 9757500 46362.50 1951.5000 24.393750 29272500 1 .34151250 39030000 4.V)O8750 .90 487<«)00 9758000 4637000 19516000 2439.5000 29274000 1 341.5.3000 39(I320(;0 4.VM1000 .95 4K79500 9759000 46.VS50() 19518000 i 24.^97500 29277000 34156500 39036000 43915500 l.SOOO 25000 35000 45000 55000 1 65000 75000 S5000 95000 4.87 7.1050<10 12175000 7045000 21915000 2678.5(100 3165.5(100 365250(1(1 41.V)5(I(I0 46265000 < 8 7306875 12178125 7049375 21920625 26791875 31663125 36.534375 4140.5625 46276875 »4 7308750 12181250 7053750 21926250 26798750 31671250 36543750 41416250 46288750 3/8 7310625 12184375 1 7058125 21931875 26805625 31679375 , 365.53125 41426875 46300625 l2 7312.500 ' 12187.500 7062500 21937500 26812500 31687500 i 3.'i.562500 41437500 46312.500 5/8 7314375 12190625 70«>875 21943125 2f.819375 3169.5625 3657IS75 4H4.S125 46324375 3< 73162.S0 12193750 70712.50 21948750 26S26250 31703750 365SI25II 41I.5.S750 46336250 T H 7318125 12I96S75 707.5625 21954375 268.33125 31711875 36.590625 41469375 46348125 Thcl.-.l.l ■ .-iIdvc rc.liRrs pounds ..(1.. liars and lints. Tin- t.ilile liil.'w ridmis shillings iind pence | t.> i|..ll;irs the tal)lc- 1 .111.1 lints. I'.ir r^itis n iilow iii.iy lie in fr. .ir till- t. p am! iiiiir tlio Ijiitt.iiii oT tlic |)aj;i-, s.m e ol the li;;iiiis in 1 Ill .('I t.i .■H> .it .'I I'ciit. The ei-iits v:irv in value nv mat aiiiouni. i .24 29 .49 3s .73 4 s .98 5s 1.22 6s^ 1.46 79 1.71 |_8s 1.95 9s 219 10s 2.44 lis 2.68 12s 2.93 13s 3.17 14s 3.41 15s 3.66 J6s 3.90 17s 414 18s 4.39 19s 4.63 Id .02 .26 .51 .75 1.00 1.24 1.48 1.73 1 1.97 2.21 2.46 2.70 2.95 3.19 3.43 3 68 3.92 4.16 441 4.65 2.1 .04 .28 .53 .77 1.02 126 1 50 1 75 1.99 2.23 2.48 2.72 1 2 97 321 3.45 3 70 3.94 4.18 4.43 4.67 3.1 .06 .30 .55 .79 1.04 128 1.52 177 2.01 2.25 2.50 2.74 ,2.99 3.23 3.47 3.72 3.96 4.20 445 4.69 4'l (IS .33 .57 .81 1.06 I. .30 1 54 1.79 2 03 ?28 2.52 2.76 '.3 01 3 25 3.49 3.74 3.98 4.23 4.47 4.71 5.1 III 3S .59 .83 1 OS 1.32 1.56 1 SI 2()5 2.^0 2.54 2.78 3 03 327 351 3 76 4(10 4.25 4 49 4.73 6 a .i: .37 .61 .85 1.10 1.34 1 58 183 2 07 232 256 280 , 305 3 29 3.53 378 4()2 427 4.51 4.75 7»1 .14 .39 .63 .87 ]1.12 1.36 160 1.85 |2.09 234 258 282 3.07 3.31 3.55 380 4.04 429 4.53 4.77 8d .16 .41 .65 .89 1.14 1.38 163 187 211 2.36 260 284 3 09 3.33 3.58 3.82 406 431 4.55 4.79 9d .18 .43 .67 .91 ,116 1 40 165 1 S9 2 13 2.W 2 62 2 86 3 11 3.35 3.60 384 4.08 4.V3 457 4.81 lOd ; .20 .45 .69 .93 1.18 1 42 167 191 2 15 240 2 64 288 |3.13 3.37 362 386 4.10 4.35 4.59 4.83 ll.l ' .22 .47 .71 .95 I 20 1.14 1 69 193 2 17 3 42 2 66 2'M) 3.15 3.39 364 3.88 4.12 4.37 461 4.85 , \ I i: 1 M-i.i:.' .SV;/. for ^-T lOUnaS, /S Ciietling. .SV.Wi«y, l,ut Hi,. tuH w„r,l l.s aliv:i.v» l«-st. 109000 4.88 li 2049180.^ 20000 4098361 30000 6147541 40000 8196721 .500J)0 10245902 60000 12295082 70000 soono 90000 14344262 16393443 18442623 .03 20489704 4097941 6146911 8195882 10244852 12293822 14342793 16391763 18440734 .10 20487605 4097521 6146281 8195042 10243802 1-2292563 14.341323 16390084 18438844 1,8 20486556 4097311 6145967 8194622 10243278 12291933 14340589 16389245 18437900 .15 20485507 409710; 61456.52 8194203 102427.53 12291304 143.39855 16,388405 18436956 .20 20483408 4096682 6145023 819.3363 1 10241704 12290045 14338386 16386727 18435068 1 4 j 20481311 4096262 6144393 8192524 10240655 12288786 14336918 16385049 , 18433180 .30 20479214 4095843 6143764 8191685 102.39607 12287528 14335450 16383371 18431292 4.88.35 100000 17 20000 23 30000 6143135 40000 8190847 50900 10238558 6000( ) ;270 70000 80000 16381693 90000 204771 40954 1228( 14333982 18429405 38 20476069 409.5214 6142821 8190427 10238034 12285641 14333248 16.380855 18428462 .40 20475020 4095004 6142.506 8190008 10237510 1228.5012 14332514 16.380016 18427518 .45 20472925 4094585 6141877 8189170 10236462 12283755 14331047 16378340 18425632 1/2 20470829 4094166 6141249 8188332 102.35415 12282497 14329580 16376663 18423746 .55 20468734 4093747 6140620 8187494 10234367 12281240 14328114 16374987 18421861 .60 20466639 4093328 6139992 8186656 10233320 12279984 14326648 1637.3311 18419975 58 20465592 4093118 6139678 8186237 10232796 12279355 14.325915 16372474 18419033 4.88.65 lOUOOO 45 20000 ' 30000 40000 8185818 50000 10232273 60001 ) i727 70000 14325182 80000 16371636 90000 18418091 204645 4092909 6139364 1227f .70 20462451 4092490 6138735 8184981 10231226 12277471 14.323716 16369961 184162(1(1 3/4 20460358 4092072 6138107 8184143 10230179 12276215 14322251 16368286 18414.322 .80 20458265 4091653 6137480 8183306 10229133 12274959 14320786 16366612 184124,39 .85 20456173 4091235 6136852 8182469 10228086 12273704 14319321 16364938 18410555 7/8 20455127 4091025 8182051 10227563 12273076 14318589 16.364101 18409614 .90 1 20454081 4090816 6136224 8181632 10227040 12272448 14317856 16363264 18408673 .95 \\ 20451989 4090398 6135597 8180796 10225994 12271193 14316392 16361591 18406790 l.SOOO 70 25000 51 35000 7172131 45300 9221311 55000 11270492 6500C 672 7500 ) «52 85000 17418033 95000 4.88 , 30737 51229 1331^ 1536! 19467213 1/8 3072983 51216.39 7170294 9218950 11267606 13316261 1.5.364917 17413573 19462228 1/4 3072197 5120328 7168459 9216589 11264720 13312851 15360983 17409114 194572^5 3/8 3071410 5119017 7166624 9214230 11261837 13309444 15.357051 17404658 19452265 I2 3070624 5117707 7164790 9211873 11258956 13306039 15.353122 17400204 19447287 58 3069839 5116398 7162957 9209517 11256076 13302635 15349194 17.3957.54 19442313 34 3069054 5115090 7161125 9207161 11253197 13299233 15345269 17.391.304 19437340 7/8 3068269 5113782 7159294 9204807 11250.320 13295832 1.5.341345 17.386858 194,32371 The table al)i)vc reduces dollars and cents to pounds and decimals of pounds. The table below reduces tlic decimals of pounds to shillinj^s and pence; which last will be found at tlie top and slilc. In addin;; two or more numbers tonjether, use three or four decimals, accordinj; to the de^'ree of accuracy rcipiircd. Is 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s 1 8s_ 9s 10s lis 12s 13s { 14s 15s J^6s J^7s J8^ A9s 050 .100 .150 .200 .250 .300 .350 .400 .450 .500 .550 .600 .650 .700 .750 .800 .850 .900 .950 Id .004 054 .104 .154 .204 .254 .304 .354 .404 .454 .504 .554 .604 .654 .704 .754 .804 .8,54 .904 .95! 2d .008 058 .108 .1.58 .208 .258 .308 .358 .408 .458 .508 .5.58 .608 .658 .708 .7.58 .808 .858 .908 .958 3d .013 . 063 .113 .163 .213 .263 .313 .363 .413 .463 .513 .563 .613 .663 .713 .763 .813 .863 .913 .963 4.1 .017 . 067 .117 .167 .217 .267 .317 .367 .417 .467 .517 .567 .617 .667 .717 .767 .817 .867 .917 .967 5d .021 . 071 .121 .171 .221 .271 .321 .371 .421 .471 .521 .571 .621 .671 .721 .771 .821 .871 .921 .971 6d .025 . 075 .125 .175 .225 .275 .325 .375 .425 .475 .525 .575 .625 .675 .725 .775 .825 .875 .925 .975 7d .029 1 079 .129 .179 .229 .279 .329 .379 .429 .479 .529 .579 .629 .679 .729 .779 .829 .879 .929 .979 8d ' .033 083 .133 .183 .233 .283 .333 .383 .433 .483 .533 .583 .633 .683 .733 .783 .833 .883 .933 .983 9d .038! 088 .1.38 .188 .2.18 .288 ..338 .388 .438 .488 .538 .588 .638 .688 .7.38 .788 .838 .888 .938 .988 lOd .042! 092 .142 .192 .242 .292 .342 .392 .442 .492 .542 .592 .642 .692 .742 .792 .842 .892 .942 .992 11<1 .046 096 .146 .196 .246 .296 .34 '> .396 .446 .•496 .546 .596 .646 .696 .746 .796 .846 .896 .946 .9'»(i |i\li: TAIll.KS INTKKEKT T.VIil.KS SUB AOVKHTISKMK.NT IN li.Mlv OK HOOK Pounds, Shillings and Pence to Dollars and Cents. Engl ish Money. 1 I'ouiid I'O Shillings. 1 Shilling = 12 Pence. Value of coins, page 190. A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to ibout 10.2 cents on Sl.(HK). Write figures as given below. Avoid wide spacing; write like samples shown, not like this: £ 328 - 2 - 5. Do not use farthings. 132S-12-S. £7-0-4. SO-7-4. £7-4-0. £67. £3 2S 12 \ 5 \\ lOOUO 20000 30U00 1 40UO0 1 50000 60000 j 70000 soooo 90000 4.88 II 4880000 9760000 14640000 19520000 ! 24400000 29280000 34160000 39(H0000 43920000 .05 4880500 9761000 H641500 19522000 24402.SOO 2928.3000 34163500 .39044000 43924500 .10 4KS1(MH) 9762000 146430(10 19524000 244O.=;O00 292861H:0 341670(H) ,3904800(1 43929000 ' H 4H812.S() 9762500 14643750 1 19525000 , 24406250 29287500 34168750 39050000 43931250 .15 4881500 9763000 14644500 19526000 ! 24407.500 29289000 34170500 39052000 43933.500 .20 48K2()<10 9764(HI0 14646000 19528000 24410000 292920(10 34174000 390560(;o 43938000 ' 4 48S35(I() 976.';000 14647.500 195,W)(10 24412500 29295000 34177500 390600(10 43942500 ..^0 48,S.1(Hlll V7(i(i(IO() 14649000 19532000 24415000 29298000 34181000 39064(J00 43947000 10000 20000 30000 40000 .50000 60000 1 70000 SOOOO 90000 4.88.35 4883500 9767000 146.50500 19534000 24417500 29301()00 34184500 390fi8000 43951.500 38 4KN.V50 9767500 14651250 19535000 i 24418750 29302500 1 34186250 39070000 43953750 .40 4SK4000 97f>80{)0 14652000 19536000 ' 24420000 29304000 34188000 39072000 43956000 .45 4884500 9769000 14653500 19538000 i 24422500 29307000 1 34191500 39076000 43960500 » 2 4885000 i 9770000 14655000 19540000 24425000 29310000 34195000 39080000 43965000 .55 4885500 9771000 14656500 19542000 24427500 29313000 34198500 39084000 43969500 .60 4886000 9772000 14658000 19544000 24430000 29316000 34202000 39088000 4.1974000 58 4886250 97725U0 146-;8750 19545000 24431250 29317500 34203750 39090000 4.1976250 10000 20000 1 30000 40000 1 50000 60000 70000 1 80000 90000 4. 88.65 4886500 9773000 14659500 19546000 24432500 29319000 34205500 39092000 4.1978S0O .70 4887000 9774000 14661000 19548000 24435000 29322000 34209000 39096000 43983000 34 4887500 9775000 14662.500 19550000 24437500 2932.5000 34212500 39100000 4.1987500 .80 4S88000 9776000 14664000 19552000 24440000 29328000 1 34216000 39104000 43992000 .85 4888500 j 9777000 14665500 19554000 24442500 29331000 34219500 .39108000 43996500 78 4888750 9777500 ' 14666250 19555000 ' 24443750 29332500 | 34221250 ! .39110000 439*>8750 .90 488'JOOO 9778000 14667000 19556000 24445000 29334000 1 34223000 39112000 44001000 .<>5 4889500 9779000 14668500 19558000 24447500 29337000 34226500 39116000 440055tM) 4.88 15000 1 25000 35000 1 -15000 1 55000 65000 1 75000 S5000 95000 7320000 12200000 17II8IIO00 21960000 2fiX40000 31720000 36600000 41 ISOddO 46360000 »,8 7321875 , 12203125 17084375 1 21965625 26846875 31728125 36609375 41490625 46371875 »/4 7323750 i 12206250 17088750 1 21971250 268.53750 31736250 j 36618750 41501250 46383750 3/8 7325625 12209375 17093125 1 21976875 2f.860625 31744375 36628125 41511875 46395625 >/2 7327500 ■ 12212500 17097500 21982500 26867500 31752500 36637500 41.522500 46407500 5/8 7329375 1221.S625 17101875 219S8I25 2f>874375 31760625 36646875 41.Vv1125 46419375 3 4 7331250 122187.S0 171062.^0 2I9937.=() 26881250 317f)8750 3Wi56250 41543750 464312.^0 '8 7.133125 12221875 17110625 21'>'m75 2fv888125 3177^*75 36Wi562S 41554375 46443125 TIk- tabic al)i)vc rctlucis pounds to dollars and cents. Tlic t.-ililc below reduces shillings and pence | ti> dollars .iiid cents. For rales tlie top and the bottom of the paye, son e ol the ti>;ures ill the table below nia\' be in error from .(H to .-H) of a cent. The cents vary in v.uhu by amount. Js 1 2s 3s 1 4s Ss J_6_s_ 7s 8^^ 9s 10s lis 12s 13s 14s 15s 16s 17s JSs J9s .24 .49 .73 1 .98 1.22 1.47 1.71 195 220 2.44 2.69 2.93 3.18 3.42 3.66 3.91 4 15 4.40 4.64 Id .02 .2« .51 .75 !l.oo 1.24 149 1 73 1.97 2.22 246 2.71 295 320 3.44 3 68 3.93 4 17 4.42 4.66 2d .04 .28 .53 .77 ; 1.02 1 26 151 1.75 1 99 224 2.48 2.73 297 3.22 3.46 3.70 3.95 4.19 4.44 4.68 3d .06 .31 .55 .79 [1.04 1.28 1.53 1.77 2.02 226 2.50 2.75 299 3.24 3.48 3.72 3.97 4.21 4.46 4.70 4d .08 .33 .57 .81 1.06 130 1 .55 1.79 2 04 2 28 2.52 277 3 01 3.26 3.50 3.75 3.99 423 4.48 4.72 5(1 .10 .35 .59 .83 1.08 132 1.57 1 81 2 06 2M> 254 2 79 3(13 3.28 352 377 401 425 4.50 474 Bd .12 .37 -.61 .85 1.10 134 1.59 1.83 2 08 232 256 281 3()5 3.30 3.54 3 79 4.03 4 27 4.52 4 76 7d .14 .39 .63 .88 1.12 1.36 161 1.85 2 10 2.34 2.58 283 3 07 3.32 3.56 381 4.05 429 4.54 4.78 8d .16 .41 .65 .90 1.14 1..3fi 163 187 2 12 2.36 2 61 285 3()9 3.34 3.58 3.83 4.07 4.32 4.56 4.80 9.1 .IR .43 .67 .92 1.16 1 41 1 65 1 89 2 14 2.W 2 63 2.87 3 11 3.16 3.60 3 85 4()9 4.14 4."^ 4 82 10.1 .20 .45 .69 .94 1 18 1 42 167 1.91 2 16 2.40 2 65 289 3 13 3 38 362 387 4.11 4.36 4 60 484 IM 22 .4; .71 .96 1 20 I.IS 169 1 93 2 18 242 2 67 2 91 ;3 15 340 3 64 3 89 4 13 4.18 4 62 4.86 35 li\li; I M.l.l S IslllMsr IMIIIS SKK AllVKItTI.SK.MKNT IN H English Money. Dollars and Cents to Pounds, Shillings and Pence. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shilling = 12 Pence. Profits, pages 6 and 7. English money, page 5. A fluctuation of % in the rate amounts to about 25.6 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows, giving preference to first form : Three Hundred Twenty Eight Pounds, Twelve Shillings, Five Pence, Sterling. Or- Pi\uni1 .98f^ .992 .996 Ii.\TK T.MU.HS INTICUKST TAlll.lCS SICK AIIV KltTI.SlC.M K.NT IN I1.\CK oK lU Pounds, Shillings and Pence to Dollars and Cents. Flnglish Money. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shilling; = 12 Pence. \'iiluc of coins, page 190. A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to about 10.2 cents on $1,000. Write figures as given below. Avoid wide spacing; write like samples shown, not like this: £ 328 - 2 - 5. Do not use farthings. £328-12-5. £7-0-4. £0-7-4. £7-4-0. £67.— £328 12 5 I.S9 4.89.65 .70 146H0.SOO 146HI2.S0 14^)82000 H683500 H685000 Hr*65IJ0 l-ir)88U00 U6«8750 30000 H6K9.S00 l-((>yiiHi(i 14(i')25(M) H6y4Ul)U H695500 1-1696250 14697000 14698500 19574000 19575000 19576000 19578000 19580000 ' 19582000 195K4000 19585000 40000 I 19.S86000 I95SS(H)II 19S9(I(I(I(I 19592000 19594000 19595000 19596000 19598000 50000 24450000 24452500 24455(100 24456250 24457.S00 24460000 24462500 24465000 50000 24467500 24468750 24470000 24472500 24475000 24477500 24480000 24481250 50000 24482500 24485(100 214S75(I0 24490000 24492500 24493750 24495000 24497500 60000 29340000 29343000 29346000 29347500 29349000 29352000 29355000 29358000 60000 29361000 29362500 29364000 29367000 29370000 29373000 29376000 29377500 60000 29379000 29382000 29385000 29388000 29391000 29392500 29394000 29397000 70000 34230000 34233500 .34237000 34238750 34240500 342440(10 342475(;0 34251000 70000 34254500 342.56250 34258000 34261500 34265000 34268500 34272000 34273750 70000 34275500 342790(10 342K2500 34286000 34289500 34291250 34293000 34296500 80000 I .39120000 ,39124000 .39128000 3913(t000 39132000 i 39136000 i 39140000 ; 39144000 soono j .39148000 3915(1000 i 39152000 I 39156000 39160000 .39164000 39168000 39170000 80000 39172000 ,391760(0 3918(1(1(10 39184000 39188000 I 39190000 I 39192000 I 3919600(1 90000 44010000 44014500 440190(1(1 44021250 44023500 44028000 440325(10 44037000 90000 44041500 44043750 44046000 44050500 44055000 44059500 44064000 44066250 90000 44068500 44073000 44077500 44082000 44086500 44088750 44091000 44095500 15000 25000 35000 45000 55000 65000 75000 85000 95000 4.89 7335000 12225000 17115000 22005000 26895000 31785000 36675000 41.56.5000 46455(M)0 1,8 7336875 12228125 17119375 22010625 26901875 31793125 36f)84375 41575625 4M66875 »/4 7338750 12231250 171237,50 220162,50 26908750 1 318012,50 36693750 41,586250 46478750 3/8 7340625 12234375 17128125 22021875 26915625 31809375 36703125 41596875 46490625 1/2 7342500 12237.S00 171.32500 22027500 26922500 31817500 36712500 41607,500 46502500 5/8 7344375 12240625 171.36875 22033125 26929375 31825625 36721875 41618125 46514375 34 7.346250 12243750 171412.50 22038750 26936250 31833750 367312,50 41628750 46526250 78 7348125 1224f).S75 17145625 22044375 26943125 31841875 36740625 41639375 46.5.W125 The tal>lc above reduces pounds to dollars and cents. The tahle below reduees shillin|^s and pence t') dollars and cents. I'or r.ites the top ;ind near the botlon\ of the J)aj,'e, some ot the ti>,'ures in tlic table below ni.iv be in error from .ol to .111 of .-i cent. The cents vary in v.-ihic by tli:it a '* Id 2d 3d 4d 5<1 6d 7d 8d 9d lOd IM Is 29 .49 .51 .53 .55 .57 .59 .61 .63 .65 .67 .69 .71 3s 4s 5s .73 .98 1.22 .75 1.00 1.24 .78 1.02 126 .80 1.04 1.28 .82 1.06 1.31 .84 1.08 1.33 6s 7s 8s 1.47 1.71 1.96 1.49 1.73 1.98 1.51 1.75 2.00 1.53 177 2.02 1.55 1.79 204 9s 10s 11 .88 1 .90 1 .92 1 .94 , 1 10 1.35 12 137 14 1.39 16 I 41 18 1 43 20 1.45 1.57 182 1.59 184 I 61 1 86 163 1.88 165 1.90 167 192 2 20 2.22 2.24 I 2.26; 228 2()6 2.30 2 08 2.33 2 10 2.« 2 12 2 37 2 14 2M> 2 16 241 2 18 2 43 2.45 2.69 2.47 2.71 2.49 2.73 2.51 I 2.75 253 2.77 2.55 279 2.57 281 2 59 2 84 2 61 2 86 263 288 265 290 267 292 12s 13s 14s 15s 2.94 3.18 3.43 3.67 2.96 320 3.45 369 298 3 22 3.47 371 300 324 3.49 373 302 326 3 51 3.75 3.04 3 28 3.53 377 306 3.30 3.55 3.79 3.08 3.32 357 3.81, 3 00 3.34 359 3.83 3 12 3.37 3.61 3 85 3 14 3.39 363 3.88 3 16 3.41 365 390 3.92 3.94 3 96 3.98 4.00 402 404 4.06 408 4 10 4 12 4 14 17s 18s I 19. 16 4.41 I 18 I 4 43 I 20 4.45 22 4.47 24 4.49 26 4.51 28 4.53 30 4.55 .32 4.57 .14 4.59 .36 461 .V» 4 63 IN I I III >|- T M:I.|:: .SKK A|l\ KltTI.SKMKNT IN |l.\i'K <'K In English Money. Dollars and Cents to Pounds, Shillings and Pence. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shilling = 13 Pence. Profits, pages 6 and 7. English money, page 5. A fluctuation of ?« in the rate amounts to about 25.5 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows, giving preference to first form : Three Hundred Twenty Eight Pounds, Twelve Shillings, Five Pence, Sterling. *itt>r]ititS " '" '"""'•- UM word in nhva.vB ln^Kt. Or: Pounds, ^'h 4.90 .05 .10 .15 .20 1/4 4.90.35 .40 .45 .55 .60 4.90.65 .70 3 .80 .85 7 .90 .95 7/8 lOOOUO 2040S163 20406081 20403999 2040295S 20401918 20399837 20397756 20395676 100000 20393596 20392557 20391517 20389438 20387360 20385282 20383204 20382166 100000 20381127 20379050 20376974 20374898 20372823 20371785 20370748 2036S673 20000 4081633 4081216 4080800 4080592 4080384 4079967 4079551 4079135 20000 30000 6122449 6121824 6121200 6120888 6120575 6119951 6119327 6118703 30000 40000 8163265 8162432 8161600 8161183 8160767 ! 8159935 8159102 8158270 40000 4078719 40785 U 4078303 4077888 4077472 4077056 4076641 4076433 20000 4076225 4075810 4075395 4074980 4074565 4074357 4074150 4073735 6118079 6117767 6117455 6116831 6116208 6115585 6114961 6114650 30000 6114338 6113715 6113092 6112469 6111847 6111536 6111224 6110602 8157439 8157023 8156607 8155775 8154944 8154113 8153282 8152866 40000 50000 10204082 10203041 10202000 10201479 10200959 10199918 10198878 10197838 50000 8152451 8151620 8150790 8149959 8149129 8148714 8148299 8147469 10196798 10196278 10195759 10194719 10193680 10192641 10191602 10191083 50000 10190564 10189525 10188487 10187449 10186411 10185893 10185374 10184336 60000 12244898 12243649 12242400 12241775 12241151 12239902 12238654 12237405 60000 70000 14285714 14284257 14282799 14282071 14281342 14279886 14278429 14276973 70000 12236158 12235534 12234910 12233663 12232416 12231169 12229923 12229299 60000 12228676 12227430 12226184 12224939 12223694 12223071 12222449 12221204 14275517 14274790 14274062 14272607 14271152 14269697 14268243 14267516 70000 SOOOO 16326531 16324865 16323199 16322367 16321534 16319869 16318205 16316541 SOOOO 16314877 16314045 16313214 16311551 16309888 16308225 16306563 16305732 80000 14266789 14265335 14263882 14262429 14260976 14260250 14259523 14258071 16304902 16303240 16301579 16299918 16298258 16297428 16296598 16294938 90000 18367347 18365473 18363599 18362663 18361726 18359853 18357981 18356109 90000 18354237 18353301 18352365 18350494 18348624 18346754 18344884 18343949 90000 18343014 18341 H5 18339277 18337408 18335540 18334607 18333673 18331806 4.90. 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 7/8 15000 3061224 3060444 3059663 3058884 3058104 3057325 3056546 3055768 25000 5102041 5100740 5099439 5098139 5096840 5095541 5094244 5092946 35000 45000 7142857 7141035 7139215 7137395 7135576 7133758 7131941 7130125 9183673 9181331 9178990 9176651 9174312 9171974 9169639 9167303 55000 11224490 11221627 11218766 11215906 11213048 11210191 11207336 11204482 65000 13265306 13261923 13258542 13255162 13251784 13248407 13245033 13241660 75000 15306122 15302219 15298317 15294418 15290520 15286624 15282731 15278839 85000 17346939 17342515 17338093 17333673 17329256 17324840 17320428 17316017 95000 19387756 19382811 19377869 19372929 19367992 19363057 19358126 19353196 The tabic above reduces dollars and cents to pounds and decimals of pounds. The table below reduces the decimals of pounds to shillings and pence; which last will be found at the top and side. In adding: two or more numbers together, use three or four decimals, accordinj; to the degree of accuracy required. Id 2d Jd 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d 10 d IM Is 2s 3s i .050 .100 .150 .004 .054 .104 .154 .008 .058 .108 .158 .013 .063 .113 .163 .017 .067 .117 .167 .021 .071 .121 .171 .025 .075 .125 .175 .029 .079 .129 .179 1 .033 .083 133 .183 .038 .088 .138 .188 .042 .092 .142 .192 .046 .096 146 .196 4s 5s 6s 200 .250 .300 204 1 .254 .304 208 1 .258 .308 213 .263 .313 217 .267 .317 221 .271 .321 225 .275 .325 229 .279 .329 2.33 .283 .333 238 .288 .3.38 242 .292 ..342 246 .296 .346 7s 8s I 9s lo.Jn .400 .404 .408 .413 .417 .421 .425 .379 , .429 i .479 .383 .433 .483 .438 .488 .442 .492 .446 .496 .450 .454 .458 .463 .467 .471 .475 lis 12s 13s .550 .600 .650 .554 .604 .654 .558 .608 .658 .563 .613 .663 .567 .617 .667 .571 .621 .671 .575 .625 .675 14s 15s 16s 17s 18s 19s .579 .629 .583 .633 .588 .638 .592 .642 .596 .646 .700 .704 .708 .713 .717 .721 .725 .679 j .729 .683 : .733 .688 : .738 .692 ! .742 .696 .746 .750 I .800 .754 I .804 .758 I .808 .763 .813 .767 .817 .7711.821 .775 [ .825 .779 .829 .783 .833 .788 .838 .792 .842 .796 .846 .850 .900 I .950 .854 .904 .954 .858 .863 .867 .871 .875 .908 ! .958 .913 .963 .917 .967 .921 .971 .925 I S .879 .929 I .979 .883 .933 .983 .888 .892 .896 .938 .988 .942 .992 .946 .996 i>ATi-; T,\iii.i:s intehI'.si T.\ni.F,s srk .AnvKriTisKvi'M iv hatk or in Pounds, Shillinjjs and Pence to Dollars and Cents. English Money. 1 I'uuiid = 20 Shillings, 1 Shilling = Iti I'once. V;ilue of coins, pajie 190. A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to about 10.2 cents on $1,000. Write fijiures as given below. Avoid wide spacing; write like samples shown, not like this: £ 328 - 2 - 5. Do not use farthings. U2S-12-5. £7-0-4. £0-7-4. £7-4-0. £67. £328 12 5 1.90 .05 .10 1 .15 .20 1 .30 1.90.35 J .40 .45 3,8 .55 .60 1.90.65 .70 .SO .85 lUOOU 4you()(i() 4y(io.S()() 4yi)llll)(l 4V012.S(I 4W2imO 4'W25(IO 4')(l.^l)()() lUUUO 4'*0.15(M) 4W3750 49()-t()0<) 4W)45IIO 4')05ll()0 4')O.S5(IO 4>'()6(l(ll) 4y()62.SU 10000 4yo^.soo 49();(M)0 49o;.=;()0 4'W.SUOO 4WS.S00 49OS7.S0 4')0'>(l()(l 1.90 V4 3/8 V2 5/8 3/4 I5UO0 7350000 7351875 7353750 7355625 7357500 7359375 7.3612!;0 7363125 The tublc aliDvo rcilucis pounds to dollars aiul cents. The table below reduees shillings and pence to dollars and cents. l"or r.ites near the top and near the bottom ol" the paj^'e, some ol the ti>;iires in the table below ni.iv be in error from .ol to .VJ of a cent. The cents v.arv in v.ahie bv amount. 1 Is 2s 1 .25 .49 1(1 .02 .27 .51 2d .04 .29 .53 3d .06 .31 .55 4<1 .08 ..33 .57 SV\V. TMll.l:: 4s 5s 6s 7s 8s 9s 10s lis 12s 13s 14s 15s) .98 1.23 1.47 1.72 1.96 221 2.45 2.70 2.94 3.19 3.43 3.68 1 1.00 1.25 1.49 1.74 1.98 2.23 2.47 2.72 2.96 3.21 3.45 3.70 1 1.02 1.27 1.51 1.76 2.00 225 2.49 2.74 2.98 3.23 3.47 .3.72 1.04 129 1.53 1.78 2.02 2.27 2.51 2.76 300 3.25 3.49 3.74 1 1.06 131 1 .S5 ISO 2.04 229 2.53 2.78 3.02 3.27 3.52 3.76 1.08 1..V3 1.57 182 2()6 2 31 2.55 2.80 3.05 3 29 3.54 3 78 1.10 1.35 159 1.84 2()8 2.33 2..';8 2.82 3.07 3.31 3..S6 3.80 , 1.12 1.37 161 1.86 2.11 2.35 2.W) 284 3.09 3.33 3.58 3.82 j 1.14 1.39 164 1.88 2 13 237 2.62 286 .3 11 335 360 3.84 ' 1 If. 1 41 1 66 1 .90 2 15 2.V> 2.64 2,.'vS 3 13 3.37 3 62 3 86 1 19 1 43 IM 192 2 17 2.41 2 66 2 90 3 15 3.19 364 3.HS 121 i.ts 1 70 |9» 2 19 243 2^S 292 3 17 3 41 3frfi 3.'«) j I 3.92 I 3.94 3.96 i3.99 4.01 4.03 ,4.05 j 4.07 '4 0«J 4 11 4 13 i4l5 19s 4.41 4.66 4.43 4.68 4.46 4.70 23 I 4.48 4.72 25 4.50 4.74 27 4.52 4.; 29 4.54 4.; 31 4..56 4.80 33 4..58 4.82 35 4.60 4.84 37 4.62 4.8r. 39 4.M ! 4.KS l\ii;i;i:^r ivi;!.!:: AIiVKIlTI.SK.MK.ST IN T. M k English Money. Dollars and Cents to Pounds, Shillings and Pence. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shilling = 13 Pence. Profits, pages 6 and 7. English money, page 5. A fluctuation of % in the rate amounts to about 25.5 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows, giving preference to first form: Three Hundred Twenty Eight Pounds, Twelve Shillings, Five Pence, Sterling. Or: Pounds, '/s Sterling. SIcrlii but th.- tuU 1 00000 4.91 20366599 .05 .10 .15 .20 4.91.35 .40 .45 .55 .60 4.91.65 .70 3 .80 .85 .90 .95 7/8 20364525 20362452 20361415 20360379 203.5S306 20356234 20354162 101)000 20352091 20351056 20350020 20347950 20345880 20343810 20341741 20340707 100000 20339673 20337604 20335536 20333469 20331402 20330369 20329335 20327269 20000 4073320 4072905 4072490 40722S3 4072076 4071661 4071247 4070832 20000 30000 6109980 6109357 6108735 6108425 6108114 6107492 6106870 6106249 30000 4070418 4070211 4070004 4069590 4069176 4068762 40683-18 4068141 20000 6105627 6105317 6105006 6104385 6103764 6103143 6102522 6102212 30000 4067935 4067521 4067107 4066694 6101902 6101281 6100661 6100041 40000 8146640 8145810 8144981 8144566 8144151 8143322 8142494 8141665 40000 8140836 8140422 8140008 8139180 8138352 8137524 8136697 8136283 40000 8135869 8135042 8134215 8133388 4066280 6099421 8132561 4066074 I 6099111 8132147 4065867 6098801 I 8131734 4065454 6098181 8130908 50000 10183299 10182262 10181226 10180708 10180189 10179153 10178117 10177081 50000 10176046 10175528 10175010 10173975 10172940 10171905 10170871 10170353 50000 10169836 10168802 10167768 10166734 10165701 10165184 10164668 10163635 60000 12219959 12218715 12217471 12216849 12216227 12214984 12213740 12212497 60000 12211255 12210633 12210012 12208770 12207528 12206286 12205045 12204424 60000 12203804 12202563 12201322 12200081 12198841 12198221 12197601 12196361 70000 14256619 14255167 14253716 14252991 142.52265 14250814 14249364 14247914 70000 80000 14246464 14245739 14245014 14243565 14242116 14240667 14239219 14238495 70000 14237771 14236323 142.34875 14233428 14231981 14231258 14230535 14229088 16293279 16291620 16289961 16289132 16288303 16286645 16284987 16283330 80000 16281673 16280845 16280016 16278360 16276704 16275048 16273393 16272565 80000 16271738 16270083 16268429 16266775 16265121 16264295 1626.3468 16261815 90000 18329939 18328072 18326206 18325274 18324341 1K322476 is3;o6ii 18318746 90000 18316882 18315950 1831.5018 18313155 18311292 18309429 18307567 18306636 90000 18305705 18303844 18301983 18300122 18298262 18297332 18296402 18294542 4.91. 1/4 3/8 1/2 15000 3054990 30.54212 3053435 3052658 3051882 .3051106 3050330 3049555 25000 5091650 5090354 5089059 5087764 5086470 5085177 5083884 5082592 35000 7128310 7126495 7124682 7122869 7121058 7119247 7117438 7115629 45000 9164970 9162637 9160306 9157975 9155646 9153318 9150992 j 9148665 1 55000 11201629 11198779 11195929 1119.3081 11190234 11187,388 11184.545 11181702 65000 13238289 13234920 13231552 13228186 13224822 13221459 13218099 13214739 75000 15274949 15271061 15267176 15263292 15259410 15255530 152516.52 15247776 85000 17311609 17307203 17302799 17298398 17293998 17289600 17285206 17280813 9.5000 19348269 19343344 19338422 19333503 19328586 19.12.3671 193187f.0 19313S.S0 The tal)lc .-ihovc reduces dollars and cents to pounds and decimals of pounds. Tliet.'iMe below reduces the decimals of pounds to shillinfis and pence; which 1,-ist will he found at the top and siile. In .■iildini,' two or more numbers totrether, use three or four decim.-ils, acoordin'r to the deijrce of accuracv rcnuircd. Id 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d lOd lid Is 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s 8s 9s 10s lis 12s 13s 14s 15s 16s 17s 18s 19s .050 .100 .150 .200 .250 .300 .350 .400 .450 .500 .550 .600 .650 .700 .750 .800 .850 .900 .950 .004 .054 .104 .154 .204 .254 .304 .354 .404 .454 .504 .5.54 .604 .654 .704 .7.54 .804 .854 .904 .954 .008 .058 .108 .158 .208 .2.58 .308 .358 .40^ .458 .508 .5.58 .608 .658 .708 .7.58 .808 .858 .908 .958 .013 .063 .113 .163 .213 .263 .313 .363 .413 .463 .513 .563 .613 .663 .713 .763 .813 .863 .913 .963 .017 .067 .117 .167 217 .267 .317 .367 .417 .467 .517 .567 .617 .667 .717 .767 .817 .867 .917 .967 .021 .071 .121 .171 .221 .271 .321 .371 .421 .471 .521 .571 .621 .671 .721 .771 .821 .871 .921 .971 .025 .075 .125 .175 .225 .275 .325 .375 .425 .475 .525 .575 .625 .675 .725 .775 .825 .875 ' .925 .975 .029 .079 .129 .179 .229 .279 .329 .379 .429 .479 .S29 .579 .629 .679 .729 .779 .829 .879 .929 .979 .033 .083 .1.33 .183 .233 .283 .333 .383 .433 .483 .533 ..583 .633 .683 .7.33 .783 .833 .883 .933 .983 .038 .088 .1.38 .188 .238 .288 .338 .388 .4.38 .488 .538 ..588 .638 .688 .738 .788 .838 .888 .938 .988 .042 .092 .142 .192 .242 .292 ..342 .392 .442 .492 ..542 .592 .642 .692 .742 .792 .842 .892 .942 .992 .046 .096 .146 .196 .246 .296 .346 .3';6 .446 .496 .546 .596 .64rt .696 .746 .796 .846 .896 .946 .996 I),\TK TAllI.RS I\'l I.Itl.Sl TAr.l.lW »V.V. ADVKUnSIC.MK.NT !.\ HAI K Pounds, Shilllnjjs and Pence to Dollars and Cents, Engl ish Money. 1 1'.. lind !'*> Shillin i;s. 1 ShiHins = 12 I'ence. \':iliic of coins, pafic 190. A fluctua tion of .05 in the rate amounts to ; bout 10.2 cents on SI, ()()(). Write fiji jros as given below. Avo d wide spacing; write like samples shown, not like this: £32S-I2-i £ 328 - ■. £7 2 - 5. Do not use farthings. -0-4. £0-7-4. £7-4-0. £67.~ _ £328 12 5 1 lUUUO 20U00 30000 1 40000 50000 1 60000 1 70000 1 80000 90000 4.91 t910000 (910.500 9820000 W21000 14730000 14731500 19640000 19642000 245.50(i00 ' 29460000 245525(10 29463000 34370000 .34373.500 39280000 392840(10 4419(K)00 44194.500 .05 .10 4911000 9822000 14733000 19644000 24555000 294660(10 34377000 39288000 441'WOOO 1 H 4911250 (J822500 14733750 19645000 24556250 29467500 34378750 39290000 44201250 .15 1911500 0823000 14734500 t 19646000 24557500 29469000 34380.500 .39292000 44203.500 .20 4912000 )8240O0 14736000 19648000 24560000 29472000 34384000 39296000 44208000 1 4 4912500 W250OO 14737500 1965000(1 24562500 29475000 34387.500 39300000 44212500 ..^0 4913000 i>H26000 14739000 19652000 24565000 29478000 34.391000 39304000 44217000 0000 20000 30000 1 40000 50000 60000 1 70000 SOOOO 90000 1.91. .^5 4913500 3 s 4913750 W27O00 W27500 14740500 14741250 19654000 19655000 24567500 29481000 24568750 29482500 3439450(1 34.39625(1 39.VIS( 1(1(1 44221500 44223750 .V»31(l 1 .40 49U(MI(I ^S2S000 14742000 19656000 24570000 29484000 343980(1(1 .19312(1(1(1 44226000 .45 4914511(1 ;s29(ioo 14743500 19658000 24572500 29487000 34401.50(1 393160011 44230500 1 2 49150(1(1 .55 49155(1(1 .60 4916(1(1(1 'S3(l( 1(1(1 1(745000 147465(10 14748000 19660000 19662000 19664000 24575000 29490000 24577500 29493000 24580000 ; 29496000 34405000 34408500 34412000 39320000 .39324000 .39328000 44235000 44239500 44244000 ;s3 1(1(10 '\,^2(l(l(l 5 .s 491625(1 sis;o5(io 14748750 ! 19665000 24581250 29497500 34413750 39330000 44246250 0000 2(1(100 ' 30000 1 40000 50000 60000 70000 SOOOO 90000 4.91.65 4916.500 W33000 14749500 19666000 24582500 29499000 34415500 39332000 44248500 .70 4917000 W34000 14751000 19668000 24.58.5000 29502000 34419000 393360(10 44253000 .■« 4 4917.500 ^835000 14752500 19670000 24587500 ' 29505000 34422500 39340000 44257500 .80 4918000 ^36000 14754000 19672000 24590000 29508000 34426000 39344000 44262000 .85 4918.500 J837000 1475.5500 19674000 24592500 29511000 34429500 39348000 44266500 ^ H 49187.50 W37500 14756250 19675000 24.593750 29512500 344312.50 39350000 442f)8750 .90 4919000 «38000 14757000 19676000 24595000 29514000 34433000 39352000 44271000 .95 4919500 W.VJOOO 147.58500 19678000 24.597500 29517000 34436.500 393560(10 44275500 5000 25000 35000 45000 55000 65000 75000 S5000 95000 4.91 365000 1 2275000 1718.5000 22095000 27(J05000 31915000 36825000 4 1 735000 46645000 1,"8 7366875 12278125 17189375 22100625 27011875 31923125 36834375 41745625 46656875 1/4 7368750 122812S0 17193750 22106250 27018750 319312.50 .368437.50 417562.50 46668750 -Vs f 3 70625 1 22S4375 17198125 22111875 27025625 31939375 36853125 417W)875 46680625 1 2 '372500 1 22S7500 1 7202500 22117500 27032500 31947500 36862500 41777500 46692500 s s •374375 22'>0625 17206875 22123125 270.39375 31955625 3f)871875 417.S8125 46704375 •^4 ^376250 2293750 172112.50 22128750 27046250 31963750 1 36,881250 4179H750 46716250 78 ■378125 2296875 1721.5625 221.34375 270.53125 31971875 ' 36K9(|(,25 41S09375 46728125 Thf talilc abo ve ri-duccs pounds to doll.-irs . xnd cents. The table below reduces shillincrs nnd pence 1 ti> dolliirs and cents. F ir r.iti's nc;ir the to 3 nnd near the bottom of the pajie, son e ot the fi),'ures in till' t iM.i\ 111 in irror iroin .wi to .4-'J of a Liiu. 1 lie cinis \.ir\ in \.iiiii by aiiiotint. 1- 2s 3s 4s 5s 6 s 7s 8s 9s 10s lis 12s 13s 14s 15s 16s 17s 18s J9s .25 .49 .74 .98 1.23 1.47 1.72 1.97 2.21 2.46 2.70 2.95 3.19 3.44 3.69 3.93 4.18 4.42 4.67 Id .02 1 .27 .51 .76 1.00 1.25 1.49 1.74 1.99 2.23 2.48 2.72 2.97 3.22 3.46 3.71 3.95 4.20 444 4.69 2d .04 1 .29 .53 .78 1.02 1.27 152 1 76 2.01 2.25 2.50 274 2.99 324 3.48 3.73 397 4.22 446 4.71 3d .06 1 .31 .55 .80 1.04 12' 1..54 1.78 2.03 2.27 2.52 2.76 3.01 3.26 3.50 3.75 3.99 4.24 4.48 4.73 4d .08 .33 -.57 .82 1.06 1 31 1 .56 I 80 2.05 229 2.54 2.79 303 328 3.52 .3.77 4.01 4.26 451 4.75 sd ; .10 .35 .59 .84 1.09 1.13 1.58 1.82 2.07 2.31 2.56 281 3.05 3.30 3.54 3.79 4.03 4.28 4.53 4.77 6d .12 .37 .61 .86 1.11 1..3J 1 1.60 1.84 209 2.33 2.58 283 3.07 3.32 3.56 3.81 4.05 4.10 4.55 4.79 7d 1 .14 ' .39 .63 .88 1.13 1.33 ll.62 186 211 236 2.60 2.85 3.09 3.34 3.58 3.83 4.08 4.32 4.57 4.81 86 1.90 2 15 240 2 64 2.89 3.13 3.38 3.62 387 4 12 4.V> 461 4.85 10.1 .20 .45 .70 .94 1 19 1 4, 1 68 193 2 17 2.42 2 66 2 91 3 15 340 365 3.89 4 14 4.38 4.63 4.87 IM 2^ .47 .72 .96 1 21 1.4. > 1 70 195 2 19 244 2 68 293 3 17 342 3.67 3 91 4.16 440 4.65 4.89 li.VTl; T.Mll.KS .VIiVr.UTI.Sl.Ml;.NT I.N IUC'K English Money. Dollars and Cents to Pounds, Shillings and Pence. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shilling = 12 I'ence. Profits, pages 6 and 7. English money, page 5. A fluctuation of % in the rate amounts to about 25.4 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows, giving preference to first form : Three Hundred Twenty Eight Pounds, Twelve Shillings, Five Pence, Sterling. r rounas, /s aierting. sttrim,/. i.m tin- tuii wnni i» M^vny^ u-hi. 4.92. .05 .10 .15 .20 1/4 4.92.35 3/ .40 .45 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 4.93 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 lOOQUO 20325203 203231.^8 20321073 20320041 20319008 20316944 20314881 20312817 100000 20310755 20309723 20308692 20306630 20304569 20299416 20294267 20289120 100000 20283976 20278834 20273695 20268558 20263425 20258293 20253165 20248039 20000 4065041 4064628 4064215 4064008 4063802 4063389 4062976 4062563 20000 30000 4062151 4061945 40617.38 4061326 4060914 4059883 4058853 4057824 20000 6097561 6096941 6096322 6096012 6095703 6095083 6094464 6093845 30000 6093226 6092917 6092608 6091989 6091371 6089825 6088280 6086736 30000 4056795 4055767 4054739 4053712 4052685 4051659 4050633 4049608 6085193 6083650 6082108 6080568 6079027 6077488 6075949 6074412 40000 8130081 8129255 8128429 8128016 8127603 8126778 8125952 8125127 40000 50000 10162602 10161569 10160536 10160020 10159504 10158472 10157440 10156409 50000 8124302 8123889 8123477 8122652 8121827 8119767 8117707 8115648 40000 8113590 8111534 8109478 8107423 8105370 8103317 8101266 8099215 10155377 10154862 10154346 10153315 10152284 10149708 10147133 10144560 50000 10141988 10139417 101.36847 10134279 10131712 10129147 10126582 10124019 60000 12195122 12193883 12192644 12192024 12191405 12190167 12188928 12187690 60000 70000 12186453 12I858.M 12185215 12183978 12182741 12179650 12176560 12173472 60000 12170385 12167300 12164217 12161135 12158055 12154976 12151899 12148823 14227642 14226197 14224751 14224028 14223306 14221861 14220416 14218972 70000 14217528 14216806 1421 6084 14214641 14213198 14209591 14205987 14202384 70000 sonoo 16260163 16258510 16256S=;8 16256033 16255207 16253555 16251905 16250254 80000 16248604 16247779 16246954 16245304 16243655 16239533 16235413 16231296 80000 14198783 14195184 14191586 14187991 14184397 14180805 14177215 14173627 16227181 16223067 16218956 16214847 16210740 16206635 16202532 16198431 90000 182926S3 18290S24 lH2889(i6 18288037 1S287I08 1 82852.= 1.S283.W3 1,S281536 90000 18279679 18278751 18277823 18275967 18274112 18269475 I8264H4() 182602(18 90000 18255578 18250951 18246.325 18241703 18237082 18232464 1822784H 182232.^5 4.92 4.93 1/4 1/2 3/4 '1/4 1/2 3/4 1.5000 3048780 3047232 3045685 3044140 3042596 3041054 3039514 3037975 25000 5081301 5078720 5076142 5073567 5070994 5068424 5065856 5063291 35000 711.3821 7110208 7106599 7102993 7099391 7095793 7092199 7088608 4.S000 9146341 9141696 9137055 9132420 9127789 9123163 9118541 9113924 55000 11178862 11173184 11167512 11161847 11156187 11150532 11144883 11139240 65000 13211382 13204672 13197969 13191273 13184584 13177902 13171226 13164557 7.5000 1.5243902 15236160 15228426 15220700 15212982 15205271 15197568 15189873 8.5000 17276423 17267649 17258883 17250127 17241.380 17232641 17223911 17215190 95000 193IKS943 192991.W 1928934U 19279553 19269777 19260010 192502.S3 192405(16 The table ahiivc reduces dollars and cents to pounds and decimals of pounds. The t.ilile below reduces the decimals of pounds to shillin<;s and pence; which last will be lound at the top an85000 24606250 29527500 344487.50 39370000 44291250 .15 4921.^00 9843000 14764500 19686000 24607500 29529000 34450500 .39372000 44293500 .20 4922000 9,S44000 14766000 19688000 24610000 29532000 34454000 39376000 44298000 • 4 4922500 9845000 14767500 ' 19690000 24612500 29535000 34457500 .3938(HI00 44.302500 .30 4923000 9846000 14769000 19692000 24615000 29538000 34461000 39384000 44307000 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 1.92..V5 4923500 9847000 I477O.S0O , 19694000 ; 24617500 29541000 34464500 39388000 44311.S00 •'h 4923750 9847500 14771250 19695000 24618750 29542500 344M)250 39390000 44313750 .40 4924000 9848000 14772000 19696000 24620000 29544000 344r>8000 39392000 44316000 .45 4924500 9849000 14773500 19698000 24622500 29547000 34471500 39396000 44320500 »2 4925000 9S5OIIO0 14775000 19700000 24625000 29550000 34475000 39400000 44325000 5,8 492(>2.>ll ''s.=^2=;oo 14778750 1 19705000 21631250 29557500 34483750 3941 (WOO 44336250 34 4927500 9S,S?II00 14782500 i 19710000 24637500 29565000 34492500 39420000 44347500 ^8 4928750 9857500 14786250 19715000 24643750 29572500 34.501250 39430000 44358750 10000 20000 30000 40000 1 50000 60000 70000 1 80000 90000 4.93 4930000 9860000 14790000 19720000 ' 24650000 295.S0000 3451O(J0O 39440000 44370000 I s* 49312.50 9S62500 14793750 i 19725000 24656250 29.SS7500 34518750 39450000 44.181250 ' 4- 4932500 9865000 14797500 19730000 24662500 29.S').SI|{I0 34527500 39460000 44392500 •' .s ; 4933750 9867500 14801250 19735000 24668750 , 29602500 34536250 39470000 44403750 ' 2t 4935000 9870000 14805000 19740000 24675000 29610000 34545000 39480000 44415000 S .s ! 4936250 9872500 14S08750 19745000 24681250 29617500 34553750 39490000 44426250 3 4- 4937500 9875000 14812500 19750000 24687500 29625000 34562500 39500000 44437500 7.S-* 493S750 9H77500 14816250 ' 19755000 24693750 29632500 34571250 39510000 44448750 15000 25000 35000 45000 55000 65000 75000 85000 9.5000 f.92 7380000 12300000 17220000 22140000 27060000 31980000 36900000 41S20O00 46740000 ' 1 7.383750 12306250 172287.50 221512.50 , 27073750 31996250 36918750 41841250 46763750 1 1 7387500 123I25I0 17237500 22162500 27087.500 32012.5(;0 36937500 41.S62500 46787500 •34 7391250 12318750 172462.50 22173750 27101250 32028750 36956250 418837.50 46811250 4.93 7395000 12325000 172.5.5000 22I.S.5000 27115000 32045000 3.^75000 4rM)50()0 46835000 1 4' 7.398750 12.V3 12.50 17263750 22196250 27128750 32061250 36'W3750 41926250 4(.8,5K750 1 2 ■ 7402500 12337.^(!0 17272.500 , 22207.S00 , 27142.500 32077500 37012500 41947.s(;0 4(vSS2500 ■34"- 74(l(.250 12343750 1 7281250 2221S7.50 271.>62.50 32093750 37031250 4I')6,S7.=0 46906. 50 • l"..r ralis 4-.03 to -t-.O^'i. add 1 cent from al>..ut 14, shillinj^s c 11. t Tor rates 4.03-% to 4..y:{"H, add 1 cent fr.mi al).>ut 10 sliillin;.;s ( n. •• Tor r.itcs 4..y:r'i t.> 4..0:J ",, add 1 Ct. from alioiit Ss o 1, iiiid 2 I ts. from a l)Out l.'^s on. ls|2s 3s 1 4s 5s 6s 7s^ 8s Ss llOs lis 12s 13s 14s 15s 16s 17s J8s 29 s .25 .49 .74 1 .98 1.23 1.48 1.72 1.97 2.22 2.46 2.71 2.95 3.20 3.45 3.69 3.94 4.18 4.43 4,68 1 (1 .02 .27 .51 .76 1.01 1.2! 1.50 1.74 1.99 2.24 2.48 2.73 2.97 3.22 3.47 3.71 3.96 4.21 4.45 4.70 2.1 .04 .29 .53 .78 1.03 1.2/ 1.52 1.76 2.01 226 2.50 2.75 2W 324 3.49 3.73 3.98 4.23 4.47 4.72 3.1 .06 .31 .55 .80 1.05 1.2S 1.54 1.78 203 2.28 2.52 2.77 ,3.02 3.26 3.51 3,75 4()0 4.25 4.49 4.74 4.1 .OS ..33 .57 .82 1.07 1.31 i 1 .56 181 205 2.30 2.54 2.79 3.04 3.28 3.53 3.77 4.02 4.27 4.51 4.76 5d .10 .35 .59 .84 1.09 1.33 1.58 1.83 2.07 2.32 2.56 2.81 306 3.30 3.55 379 4.04 4.29 4.53 4.78 6>1 .12 .37 .62 .86 l.ll 1.35, 1.60 1.85 209 234 2.58 2 83 3()8 3.32 3.57 3.82 4.06 4.31 4,55 4.80 7.1 li .14 .39 .64 .88 1.13 1.37 1.62 1.87 2 11 2.36 12 61 2.85 ,3.10 3.34 3.59 384 4.08 ' 4.33 4.57 4.82 8d .16 .41 1 .66 .90 1 IS 1.39 164 1 89 2 13 238 2.63 2.87 312 3.36 3.61 3 86 4 10 4.35 4.59 4.84 9(1 .18 .43 .68 .92 1 17 142 1<* 191 215 240 '2.65 2.89 3 14 3.38 3.63 3.S.S 4 12 4 37 4,62 4.86 lOd .21 .45 .70 .94 1 19 1 44 1 68 1 93 2.17 2.42 2.67 291 3 16 3 41 3.65 3.90 4 14 4.39 4,M 4.88 iM :.■> .47 .72 .96 1 1 21 1.46 1 70 1.9.S 219 244 269 293 3.18 343 3.67 3.92 4 16 441 4 66 4 'XI \'\\V. TMll.l;: ISri lllsr TMll.K.S .S|:K .MiVKltTI.Sl:.Ml;NT l.N ll.VI'K English Money. Dollars and Cents to Pounds, Shillings and Pence. 1 Pound = 20 Shillings. 1 Shilling =12 Pence. Profits, pages 6 and 7. English money, page 5. A fluctuation of ,« in the rate amounts to about 25.3 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows, giving preference to first form : Three Hundred Twenty Eight Pounds, Twelve Shillings, Five Pence, Sterling. 0„. P^.,», ^o I' I r Qt^^l:^^ It is Bomi-titijeH nprmisniWe to lisp .v/<>und = UO Shillings. 1 Shilling = 11: IViice. Value of coins, pajjc 190. A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to about 10 cents on Sl.lKX). Write figures as given below. Avoid wide spacing; write like samples shown, not like this: £ 32(S - 2 - S. Do not use farthings. £32S-I2-S. £7-0-4. £0-7-4. £7-4-0. £67.-^ £328 12 5 •4.96 1 o4.96 II.I.I 1 it. ah )VC lb. ••4.96 ,. add Kl. a^ (IVC 10,. •• •4.97. add Cl . ab .vc Ss 2 CIS . above 16s. i.')T ,. ><1vc Is 2 CI ih.» c lis: 3 CIS abuvc ISs. .S.OO. ac'd 1 cl. ••hoM .^»: 2 L-|». aS. vc 7s: ^ ll!l. uhoM- ll-> : i Clj. ah.oc ISs: 5 CIS. abiivc !'>,. Is 2s 3^ A- 5s 6- .25 .50 .74 .w 1.24 1.4'; Id .02 .27 .52 .76 1.01 1.26 1.51 2d 1 .04 .29 .54 .78 1.03 128 1.S3 3d i .06 .31 .56 .80 1.05 1.30 4d .08 .33 .58 .83 1.07 1.12 I $7 Sd .10 .35 .60 .85 1.09 1.14 1.59 6d I.I2 .37 .62 .87 111 1.36 161 7d .14 .39 .64 .89 1 13 1.18 1 63 8il .17 .41 .66 .91 1 16 I 40 165 90 2 15 2.19 2 64 I 92 2 17 2 41 266 I 94 2 19 2,43 2 6S I 96 2 21 2 45 2 70 lOsI lls| 12s I '2.72 I 2,97 I 2. 74 1 2.'W 2 76 .1111 2,78 1 3,03: 281 1 3,05 ' 2 S3 3 07 2 S5 3 (W 2K7 3 11 2 89 I 3 14 2 9113.16 2 93 3.18 2 95 3.20 13s 14s 15s 3,22 3,47 3.71 324 3 49 3 73 3 2(. 3. SI 3 75 3,28 3.53 3.77 1 3.10 3,55 3,80 332 357 3 82 334 3.S9 3S4 3.16 361 3S6 3.18 3 63 388 3,40 3.65 390 3,42 367 3,92 344 3 69 3,94 3.96 3,98 4 00 4 02 4,04 4l>6 4 08 4.10 413 4,15 4 17 4.19 17^ 18- 4 21 4.46 423 4 48 425 4..= 4.27 4.52 429 4..';4 4.11 4.= 6 4.13 4 58 4.15 4.60 4.37 4 62 439 464 441 4 66 441 4 (.S l>.VTK TAIll.K.S IMKIti:,ST TM .K.S .>k in 46 Turkey India Portu- gal Money of Turkey, India, Portugal, Etc. Money of Turkey. The monetary unit of Turkey is tiie piaster, not the pound, which was at one time worth about 25 cents, but it has depreciated in value to such an extent that at the present time it is only worth about 4.4 cents. Turkish fjoid coins are the 25, 50, 100, 250 and 500 piaster pieces, and these coins have come to be called the ,':,. %, 1. 2'o and 5 pound, or lira, pieces respectively. Foreign exchange quotations on Turkish money are always at so much per "Turkish pound" whenever they are quoted at all ; but foreign exchange transactions with Turkey are usually written in English pounds, or French francs, or sometimes in German marks. Some exchange jobbers do not quote the value of Turkish pounds on their rate sheets, practically not recognizing the exchange; others quote it. The par value of the gold pound is $4,396, something less than the English pound. With the piaster as one one- hundredth, the currency is decimal, instead of three columned like the English. Gold coins are 916;';,, or ll/i2, parts fine the same as English gold. Silver coins are the %, 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 piaster pieces, and are 830 parts fine. Minor coins are of copper. The following table will be helpful in converting United States money into Turkish money, but the volume of business done scarcely warrants the space for converting pounds into dollars, for it is not difiicult to figure, requiring simple multiplication only by the rate, and fractional rates are seldom if ever quoted. Write amounts as follows: 0)je Hundred Twenty Five and -^hoo Turkish Pounds. Ltq. 125^1 Do lars and Cents o Turki sh Poun ds and ^iasters. 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 4.42 2262443 452489 678733 904977 1131222 1357466 1583710 1809955 2036199 4.44 22522.S2 450450 675676 900901 1126126 1351351 1576577 1801802 2027027 4.45 2247191 449438 674157 898876 1123596 1348315 1573034 1797753 2022472 4.46 2242152 448430 672646 896861 1121076 1345291 1569507 1793722 2017937 4.47 22.^71.^6 447427 671141 894855 1118568 1342282 1565996 1789709 2013423 4.48 2232143 446429 669643 892857 1116071 1339286 1562500 1785714 2008929 4.49 2227171 445434 668151 890869 1113586 1.336303 1559020 1781737 2004454 4.50 2222222 444444 666667 888889 lUllU 1333333 1555556 1777778 2000000 4.51 2217295 443459 665188 886918 1108647 1330377 1552106 1773836 1995565 4.52 22123K9 442478 663717 884956 1106195 1.3274.34 1548673 1769912 1991150 4.53 2207506 441501 662252 883002 1103753 1324503 1545254 1766004 1986755 4.54 2202643 440529 660793 881057 1101322 1.321586 1541850 1762115 1982379 The money of Egypt is a pound, and, like the Turkish pound, is composed of one hundred piasters, but it has not quite the same value. It is worth in United States money $4,943. it does not enter into exchange transactions to any great extent, because Egypt practically belongs to England; the pound sterling is legal tender for 97% piasters; and drafts are almost always written in I^nglish or French money. Money of India and Burniah. It is seldom that an American bank clerk will be called upon to write drafts in Indian rupees, or to figure their value in United States money, but it sometimes happens. P'oreign exchange transactions are mostly carried on in English money "at exchange on London." The money of the country is three columned, like the English; 1 Rupee = 16 Annas; 1 Anna = 4 Pice. The P^nglish pound, or sovereign, is the standard coin, but the money of account is the rupee. The money most used is the silver %, /.i, % and 1 rupee pieces, and minor copper coins. Paper money is used in the ordinary multiples of 5's and lO's. Silver is coined 916% parts fine. England maintains the value of the rupee on a gold basis at 15 to the pound, which makes it worth at par 16 pence, or about 32.44 cents in United States money. The following tables will be helpful in converting dollars into rupees, for those who find a use for them. When writing drafts, it is well to disregard and avoid the pice as the anna is worth only about 2 cents and is small enough for all ordinary purposes. Dollars to Kiipccs and Decimals of Rupees. 33 33 1 N 33 1 4 33 3,8 33 1/2 1 10000 3030303 .30I.HN68 3IK)7519 29<>6255 2985075 2000 606061 603774 60I.S04 599251 597015 3000 909091 905660 902256 898K76 895522 4000 1212121 1207.547 I2030(IN 1 198502 11940.30 5000 1515152 1509434 1503759 149S127 1492537 6000 1818182 ISl 1.321 1H0451I 17977.S3 1791045 7000 2121212 2113207 2105263 209737S 2089552 8000 2424242 2415094 2406015 2.397(H)4 2388060 9000 2727273 2716981 2706767 2696629 2686567 Value of Decimals in Annas. .0625 = 1 .125 = 2 .1875 = 3 Anna. .25 = -t Annas. .4375 = 7 Annas. .625 = 10 Annas. .8125 = 13 Annas. .3125 = 5 •• .5 =8 •• .6875 = 11 " .875 =1+ " .375 =6 •• .5625 = 9 " .75 = 12 " .9375 = If, Value of Annas in Cents, for any rate from 33 to 34 cents. la = 2cts. I'.i = 4-cts. 3a = 6cts. 5a = 10cts. 7a = 15cts. 9a = 19cts. lla = 23cts. 13n = 27cts. + .T = Scts. (",;i = l.'U-ts. H.i = ITits. l(ta = LMcts. 1 2 a = *jr>cts. 1 + a = 2'.>cts. 15a = ,T1 cts. 47 Checks and drafts in Indian rupees should be written as follows: Five Hundred Sixty Four Rupees, Eleven Annas. Rs. 564-11-0. The Island of Ceylon has a rupee as its monetary unit, but the currency is decimal and it is not of the same value as the Indian rupee. German East Africa also has a rupee of 100 hellers. The Ceylon and East African rupee, though supposedly corresponding in value to that of India, varies in value according to the price of silver bullion. Drafts on East African points should be written in English, Erench or German money, at exchange on London, Paris or Berlin. Money of Portugal and Brazil. Portuguese milreis is another kind of money that is not much used in foreign e.xclrange transactions, though it is quoted on the rate sheets of most exchange jobbers and bankers. Drafts on the country are commonly written either in English, Erench or German money "at exchange" on London, Paris or Berlin, as the case may be. This money and that of Brazil, which had its origin in it, differs from all other decimal moneys of the world in that it is not strictly decimal, as we use the word, that is, by hundredths, but is by thousandths instead, much as our own money would be if there were no dimes or cents but only mills. 1 Milreis = 1000 Reis. The money of Portugal is on a silver and a depreciated paper basis, gold coins being rarely seen. What gold there is and the silver coins are 916'':, parts fine. Exchange rates fluctuate widely, so that tables would have to be voluminous to be of much value. To convert milreis into dollars, multiply by the rate; to convert dollars into milreis divide by the rate. The nKinner of writing and punctuating Portuguese and Brazilian checks and drafts differs from the custom of other decimal nioneys, and is a little confusing to one not accustomed to it. One thousand milreis is called a conto, and it is the custom to put a colon between thecontos and the milreis much as we sometimes put a comma between the thousands and the hundreds of dollars when pointing off our money. And where we put a decimal point lliey put a dollar sign. Two thousand six hundred thirty four milreis, two hundred fifty reis, would be written anti punctuatcil as in the following example: Two Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Four and -^"hooo Milreis. Rs. 2:634 $250. On South y\frican points drafts should be written in English money; on West and North Africa, in English or Erench money. Drafts on Siam, or what is called Earther India, the Straits Settlements, Labuan, and other points in that part of the world, should be written in I'.nglish money. Drafts on western Asi;itic points should be written in I'.nglish, I'rench or German money. Always remember "At exchange on London," or "Paris," or "Berlin," or, what is better, "At payee's purchasing rate for checks on London," or "Paris," or "Berlin," as the case mav be. Turkey India Portu- gal French Money, etc. Dollars and Cents to Francs and Centimes, Moneys!' France, Uelgiiim and Switzerland, Krancs. Italy, Lire. Finland, Finmarks. All of these countries have decimal monetary systems of the same value, though not of the same name, see page 100. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31'., cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd centimes: Three Hundred Seventy Six and ^"hoo Francs. \\\ {:;:;•„„,,. T,; '/: ■:""■'■'• f:uJuTl I!!!. 5.10 innnno 51000000 20000 10200000 30000 40000 15300000 1 20400000 50000 25500000 60000 30600000 70000 35700000 8 40 0000 90000 45900000 800000 - 1/32 51015942 10203188 15304783 2(M06377 25507971 30609565 35711160 40812754 45914.148 - 1/16 51031895 10206379 15309568 20412758 25515947 .30619137 35722326 40825516 45928705 - f 32 51047857 51046548 10209571 10209310 15314357 1531.3964 20419143 20418619 25523929 25523274 30628714 30627929 35733500 35732584 40838286 40837238 4594.1072 45941893 ^ , „ . + ' '32 5.105/8 51062500 10212500 15318750 20425000 25531250 30637500 35743750 40850000 4.5956250 - 1/32 51078462 1021,5692 15.3235.39 20431385 255.39231 30647077 357.54923 40862770 45970616 - 1,16 51094434 10218887 15328330 ' 20437774 25547217 30656660 35766104 40875547 45984991 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 - 3,32 51110416 5109.3067 10222083 10218613 15333125 15.327920 20444166 20437227 25555208 255465.^3 30666250 30655840 35777291 .35765147 40888333 40874453 45999374 4.59,S3760 + I'l6 + 1 32 51109028 10221806 15332709 20443611 25554514 .30665417 35776320 40887223 45998126 5.111/4 51125000 10225000 15337500 20450000 25562500 30675000 35787500 40900000 46012500 - 1,32 51140982 10228196 15342294 ' 20456393 25570491 30684589 3579,8687 409127,85 46026883 - 1/16 51156973 10231.395 15347092 20402789 25578487 30694184 3.5,S09,S81 4()')2.S5r8 46041276 - 3,32 51172975 51155528 10234595 10231106 15351892 15346658 20469190 20462211 25586487 25577764 30703785 30693317 35821082 35808869 40938380 40924422 4605.5677 460.19975 + 1 16 1 00000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 + 1 .?2 51171509 10234302 15351453 20468604 2.5585754 30702905 35820056 40937207 46054358 5.1F/8 51187500 10237500 15356250 20475000 25593750 30712500 35831250 40950000 46068750 - 1/64 5119.S499 10239100 15358650 20478200 25.597750 .30717.300 35836850 40956399 46(17.5949 - 1/32 51203501 10240700 15361050 20481400 25601751 30722101 35842451 40962801 46083151 -3/64 51211505 10242301 15363452 20484602 25605753 30726903 35848054 40969204 46090355 - 1/16 51219512 10243902 15365854 20487805 25609756 30731707 358536.S9 40975610 46097561 - 5/64 51227522 10245504 15368256 20491009 25613761 30736513 35859265 40982017 461(14769 - 3,'32 51235533 10247107 15370660 20494213 25617767 30741320 35864873 40988427 461119,S0 100000 51201998 20000 10240400 30000 15360599 40000 20480799 50000 25600999 60000 30721199 70000 3584 1.W9 80000 4()961.59« 90000 46081798 + 3 32 + 1,16 51217989 10243.598 15365397 20487195 25608994 307.^0793 35852592 40974.Vn 46096190 + 1/32 512.33989 10246798 15370197 20493596 25616995 30740394 35863793 40987192 46110.590 + 1/64 51241993 10248399 15372598 20496797 25620997 30745196 35869395 40993595 46117794 5.121/2 51250000 10250000 15375000 ' 20500000 25625000 30750000 35875000 41000000 46125000 - 1,64 51258009 10251602 15377403 20503204 256290(15 .307,=;4805 35880606 41006407 461322(18 - 1/32 51266021 10253204 15379806 20506408 25633010 .30759612 35.S,S6214 41012816 461.19419 -3/64 51274035 10254807 15382210 20509614 2,5637017 30764421 3.5891824 41019228 46146631 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 - 1/16 51282051 102.56410 15.384615 20512820 2.5641026 .30769231 35897436 4UI25641 46153846 -5/64 51290070 102.58014 15.W7021 20516028 25645035 30774(142 3.5903(149 411132(156 4()U)1()63 -3/M 51298092 51264440 10259618 10252888 15.389428 15379332 20519237 20505776 25649046 25632220 .30778855 30758664 35908664 35885108 4I(«8474 41011552 46168283 46137996 + 3 32 . ,,, + 1,16 51280450 10256090 15.384135 20512180 25640225 .30768270 35896315 41024360 46152405 51288459 10257692 15386.538 ! 2051S.W3 25644229 30773075 3.5901921 41030767 461.59613 + I/.32 51296470 10259294 15388941 : 20518588 25648235 .i()777,S,S2 35907529 41037176 4616^S23 + 1/64 51304484 10260897 15391345 1 20521793 25652242 '■ 30782690 .V59131,W 41043.587 46174(135 Tliis i)art of 1.S00 2500 3500 4.500 5500 6500 7500 8300 9500 this t;iblc w;is 5.10 : 76500 127500 17H500 229500 280500 .331500 382500 433500 484500 computed pri- 5.10'» 76594 127656 178719 229781 280844 331906 382969 4.34031 485094 marilyforccnts, S.ll.V | 76688 ' 127813 ' 17H938 i 230063 281188 3.12313 383438 434563 485688 but it may he S.llJi : 76781 127969 179156 230344 281531 3.32719 383906 435094 486281 used for lar^'er S.llJi- l/i6 76829 128049 179268 230488 281707 332927 .384146 435366 486585 amounts, for 5.12 'j 76875 128125 179375 230625 281875 3.W125 384375 43.5625 486875 the rates given. 5.12 'i - I/15 ! 76923 128205 179487 2.W769 282051 33.3333 384615 435897 487179 D.VTK TMIl.KS 1 NTKHK.ST T.\HI,i:.S SKU A in Kltll.Si;.\I KNI' Francs J ri ^- And Other ^ and Lentimes, M.m.v*. to Dollars and Cents. French Money, Etc. Spain, Pesetas. Bulgaria, Leva. Kouniania, l^ei. Servia, Dinars. Greece, Drachma*. 1 For figuring profits. see page 4. Va ue of coins, page 190. Dates on drafts payable in h'rcnch territory shoii d be written out in full, thus: November twenty-seventh 19 Write figurcii as follows; see pages 94 to 105. 11. 100 Fes. 376 -^(orF.) L'lm^l Fmk. 146^1 {or Fm.) Fes. 326 5.10 100000 1960784 20(1000 .3V21.S69 300000 5882353 400000 7N43137 500000 9803922 600000 11764706 700000 800000 74 1 900000 17647059 137254')0 156862 - '/32 1960172 3920343 .SN8051S 7840686 9800858 11761029 13721201 1.5681373 17641544 — >/l6 1959559 39191 18 5.S78676 7838235 9797794 11757353 13716912 15676471 17636029 - 3 32 '32 1958946 1958996 3917892 3917993 5876838 .5876989 7835784 7835985 9794730 9794982 11753676 11753978 13712623 13712974 15671569 1,5671971 17630515 17630967 - ,„r + .■^.lOS/8 1958384 3916769 .5875153 7833537 9791922 1 1 7,50306 13708690 15667075 176254.S9 _ >/32 1957772 3915545 .587.3317 7831089 9788862 117466.34 137044(16 15662179 ! 17619951 - >/l6 1957160 3914321 5871481 782X641 9785802 11742962 13700122 15657283 17614443 100000 300000 300000 tooooo 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000 _ 3 '32 >/l6 1956548 1957213 3913097 3914425 5869645 .5871638 7826193 7828851 9782742 9786064 117.39290 11743276 136958.38 13700489 15652387 15657702 1 7608935 17614914 + + ''32 1956601 3913203 5H69804 7K264(I6 9783007 117.39609 13696210 1.56.52812 17609413 5.11 '/4 1955990 3911980 5867971 7823961 9779951 11735941 13691932 15647922 17603912 - ' 32 1955379 3910758 5866137 7821516 9776895 11732274 13687653 1564.3032 17598411 - 1/16 1954768 3909535 5864303 7819071 9773839 11728606 13683374 15638142 17592910 _ 3/32 1/16 1954156 1954823 3908313 3909646 5862469 5864469 7816626 7819292 9770782 9774115 11724939 11728938 13679095 13683761 156.33252 15638584 17587408 17593407 + - , , 7 + ''» 100000 1954212 200000 3908425 300000 .5862637 400000 7816850 500000 9771062 60000 275 700000 13679487 800000 156337(10 900000 17587912 1 1725 .■>.lF/8 1953602 3907204 5860806 7814408 9768010 11721612 1.3675214 15628816 17582418 - > M 1953297 3906593 5859890 7813187 9766484 11719780 1367.3077 15626374 17579670 - '32 1952991 3905983 5858974 7811966 9764957 11717949 13670940 15623932 17576923 - 3m 19526S6 .3905372 5K5K059 7810745 9763431 I17I6117 1366.S803 1562H'J0 17574176 — '16 1952381 3904762 .5857143 7809524 9761905 11714286 13666667 15619048 17571429 - S/64 1952076 3904151 5S56227 7808303 9760379 11712454 13664530 15616606 17568681 — 3/J2 1951770 3903541 5855311 7807082 9758852 11710623 13662393 15614164 17.565934 3 32 lOOOOO 1953049 200000 3906098 300000 5859146 400000 7812195 500000 9765244 700000 cniifinn 900000 175774.39 + ouuuu 293 nOOOOO 90 1T718 13671341 156243 + '16 1952439 3904878 .5857317 7809756 9762195 11714634 1.3667073 1.5619512 17571951 + '32 1951829 3903659 5855488 7807317 97.59146 11710976 13662805 156146.34 17566463 + '64 1951524 3903049 5854573 7806098 9757622 11709146 13660671 15612195 17563720 5.12 '/2 1951220 39024.39 5853659 7804878 9756098 11707317 136,58537 15609756 17.560976 - '64 1950915 390IK29 5.S52744 7803659 9754573 11705488 13656402 1.5607317 17558232 - ''32 1950610 .V>OI220 .5S51829 7K02439 9753049 1170.36.59 13654268 15604S7S 1 7555488 - 364 i 1950305 3')ii(i(.IO 5S5()915 7801220 9751524 11701829 lit>2\M 156(I24.3>> 17.552744 '16 100000 : 1950000 20111100 3'>0l»000 30(1000 5S50000 400000 7800000 500000 9750000 60000 000 700000 13650000 800000 1560(1(100 900000 175.50000 11700 _ ^64 1949695 3899390 5849085 7798780 9748476 11698171 13647S66 155'»7.=6l 17.M7256 - 3 32 3/32 1949390 1950670 3S'W780 3901340 .5848171 5852010 7797561 7802680 9746451 975.3350 11696341 11704019 13645732 13654()h9 i.5.=;')5i:2 15605359 17.544512 17,=;56029 + -I- '16 195(m61 390(1122 .58.50183 7800244 9750305 11700365 13650426 1,=;600487 175.M)=48 .S.I.V. ^ 3 m 1949756 3H9'),S13 5S49269 7799026 9748782 11698.538 1364.S295 15598051 17547808 + '/32 1949452 3K'W9(H .5.S48356 7797M08 9747259 11696711 13646163 15.59.5615 1 7545067 + '64 l')4'>147 .3H'»S295 .5.S47442 7796.590 9745737 11694K84 13644032 15.=93179 1 7.542.' 26 This part nl 1.5000 25000 .3^5000 1.5000 55000 65000 75000 S5000 "1500O this tabic was 5.10 2'»4r2 4')(l20 68627 88235 i07S43 127451 'H7ll.S') i(i()(i6; IS6275 i.miputid nri- 5.10\ 29376 48960 6S543 88127 107711 127295 146S79 16646.^ 1S6047 iiiarily fe)rccnt- 5. 11 -4 ' 29340 48900 6.S460 88020 107579 127139 146<)'>9 1M)25' 1S.5N19 iiiR-s, but niav 5.11', 29304 48840 68376 87912 107448 126984 146520 1660,5(1 185592 lie uscfl for larv- 5.11', - 1 16 29286 4HNI0 68.V<3 87857 107.381 126905 146429 165052 185476 «• forms on WU I lUllly^. Or Finmarks. Or Lti. pnyts '.14 tu Ml. 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 SOOOO 90000 5.13 Vs 51312500 10262500 15393750 20525000 25656250 3078>500 35918750 41050000 46181250 - ' M ' 51320519 10264104 15396156 20528208 25660259 30792311 35924363 41056415 46188467 - 1,32 51328540 10265708 15398562 20531416 25664270 30797124 35929978 41062832 46195686 - 3,64 51336564 10267313 15400969 20534626 25668282 30801938 35935595 41069251 46202908 - 1/16 51344590 10268918 15403377 20537836 25672295 30806754 35941213 41075672 46210131 - 5,04 51352619 10270524 15405786 20541048 25676310 30811572 35946833 41082095 46217357 - 3 ,2 , 51360651 51326881 10272130 10265376 15408195 15398064 20544260 20530752 25680325 25663441 30816390 30796129 35952455 35928817 41088520 41061505 46224586 46194193 + 3,32 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 + 5/64 51334895 10266979 15400468 20533958 25667447 30800937 35934426 41067916 46201405 + 1 16 51342911 10268582 15402873 20537164 25671455 30805746 35940037 41074329 46208620 + 3,64 51350929 10270186 15405279 20540372 25675465 30810558 35945650 41080743 46215836 + 1,32 51358950 10271790 15407685 20543580 25679475 30815370 35951265 41087160 46223055 5.13^4^'." 51366974 10273395 15410092 20546790 25683487 30820184 35956882 41093579 46230277 51375000 10275000 15412500 20550000 25687500 30825000 35962500 41100000 46237500 - 1,64 51383029 10276606 15414909 20553211 25691514 30829817 35968120 41106423 46244726 - 1/32 51391060 10278212 15417318 20556424 25695530 30834636 35973742 41112848 46251954 - 3/64 100000 51399093 2 IC 0000 30000 15419728 40000 20559637 50000 25699547 60000 30839456 70000 35979365 80000 41119275 90000 46259184 279819 - 1/16 51407129 10281426 15422139 20562852 25703565 30844278 35984991 41125704 46266416 - 5 64 51415168 10283034 15424550 20566067 25707584 30849101 35990618 41132134 46273651 - 3,32 51423209 51389323 10284642 10277865 15426963 15416797 20569284 20555729 25711605 25694661 30853926 30833594 35996246 35972526 41138567 41111458 46280888 46250390 + 3/32 + 5/64 51397346 10279469 15419204 20558938 25698673 30838407 35978142 41117877 46257611 + 1/16 51405372 10281074 15421611 20562149 25702686 30843223 35983760 41124297 46264834 + 3/64 51413400 10282680 15424020 20565360 25706700 30848040 35989380 41130720 46272060 + 1/32 100000 51421431 20000 10284286 30000 15426429 40000 20568572 50000 25710715 6000 858 70000 35995002 8 41 0000 90000 46279288 30852 137145 - - , + 'm 51429464 10285893 15428839 20571786 25714732 30857679 36000625 41143571 46286518 5.143/8 51437500 10287500 15431250 20575000 25718750 30862500 36006250 41150000 46293750 - 1,64 51445538 10289108 15433662 20578215 25722769 30867323 36011877 41156431 46300985 - 1/32 51453579 10290716 15436074 20581432 25726790 30872148 36017507 41162863 46308221 -3 6, 51461623 10292325 15438487 20584649 25730811 30876974 36023136 41169298 46315460 - 1 16 51469669 10293934 15440901 20587867 25734834 30881801 36028768 41175735 46322702 - 5 64 51477717 10295543 15443315 20591087 25738859 30886630 36034402 41182174 46329945 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 - 3,32 51485768 51451764 10297154 10290353 15445730 15435529 20594307 20580706 25742884 25725882 30891461 30871058 36040038 36016235 4U88614 41161411 46337191 46306588 + 3,/32 + 5/64 51459797 10291959 15437939 20583919 25729899 30875878 36021858 41 167838 46313817 + 1/16 51467833 10293567 15440350 20587133 25733916 30880700 36027483 41174266 46321049 + 3/64 51475871 10295174 15442761 20590348 25737935 30885522 36033109 41180697 46328284 + 1/32 54483911 10296782 15445173 20593565 25741956 30890347 36038738 41187129 46335520 5.15 r':^ 51491954 10298391 15447586 20596782 25745977 30895173 36044368 41193564 46342759 515(10000 10300000 15450000 20600000 25750000 30900000 36050000 41200000 46350000 This part of 1 IM* i ?500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 this tal)le was S.13'i | 76969 | 12S2S1 179594 230906 282219 333531 384844 436156 487469 coiiiputcd pri-5.13'i— l/i6 77017 1 128361 179706 231051 282395 333740 385084 436429 487774 marilyforccnts, 5.13^4 77063 I 128438 179813 231188 282563 333938 385313 436688 4880<.3 but it may be - l/i6 77111 128518 179925 231332 282739 334146 385553 436961 1 488368 usc-d for larger 5.14-'^ 77156 128594 180031 231469 282906 334344 385781 437219 1 488656 amounts, for 5.14\'- l/i6 77205 128')74 180144 231614 283083 334553 3S(-,(I23 437492 j 488962 the' rates Kiven. 5.15 77250 ' 128750 1S0250 231750 283250 334750 386250 437750 489250 AliVKHrlSKMICNP IN U Francs and Centimes, 'si„J,'" to Dollars and Cents. French Money, Ftc. Spain, Pesetas. Uulj^aria, I^evs. Kouniania, Uei. Servia, Dinars, tlreece, Drachnite. For figuring profits, sec piige 4. Value of coins, page 190. Dates on drafts payable in IVcnch territory should be written out in full, thus: November twenty-seventh, 19 Write figures as follows; see pages 94 to 105. I Fes. 376^^ (or F.) L'1198^I Fmk. I-fS"^ (ur Fm.) L^^^ 326 KJU 3.13 Vs This pari C.I tlii.s t.'ililc was iniiiputcd pri- marily for ci-iit- imcs, l)iit may l)t.' used fiirlarj,'- 5.13'. 5.13 '»- 1 5.13\ 5.13', I 5.14' craniKunts. fur 5.14\ - I ihc r.iti-s >;iviii. 5.15 15000 29214 29197 29179 29162 29143 29126 SDOO 48721 48691 48Mi2 4H6.U 48603 48S72 48S44 ■/32 + >/M 5.16'/. - '/64 - 1/32 - J/64 - 1/16 - 5/64 - 3/32 "+3/32 + 5/m + 1/16 + 3/64 + •/32 + 1/64 i.Ki^A 1/64 I - 1/32 I -3/64 I - 1/16 I - 5/64 : .- 3/32 i + 3/32 ! + 5/64 + 1/16 + 3/G4 + i;2 + 1 M lOOOOO I'M 1 /-IS I'HUU 19-»lHl 1940837 1940534 1940231 1939927 1941212 100000 1940909 1940606 1940303 1940000 1939697 1939394 1939091 1938788 100000 1938485 1938182 1937879 1937576 1938862 1938559 1938257 1937954 100000 1937651 1937349 1937046 1936743 1936441 1936138 1935835 19355.13 10000 1935230 1936518 1936215 19.35913 1935611 19353C8 iq3.=;o<)6 1934704 200000 3883495 3882888 3882282 3881675 .3881068 3880461 3879854 3882424 200000 3881818 3881212 3880606 3880000 3879394 3878788 3878182 3877576 200000 3876970 3876364 3875758 3875152 3877724 3877119 3876513 3875908 200000 3875303 3874697 3874092 3873487 3S728S1 3r)72276 3871671 3S7I065 2 )3030 3870460 3873035 3S724.'.0 3871826 3871221 3.S7«,I7 3S7n012 .3869408 300000 400000 500000 600000 5825243 7766990 9708738 11650485 5824.333 7765777 9707221 11MS665 5823422 77M563 9705704 1164r*45 5822512 7763350 9704187 I1M.S024 5821602 77621.36 9702670 11643204 5820692 7760922 97011.53 11641.383 5819782 7759709 9699636 116.39.563 5823636 7764848 9706061 11M7273 300000 400000 500000 600000 5822727 776.3636 9704545 11645455 5821818 7762424 9703030 11643636 5820909 7761212 9701515 11641818 5820000 7760000 9700000 1 1640000 5819091 7758788 9698485 11638182 5818182 7757576 9696970 11636364 5817273 7756364 9695455 11634.545 5816364 7755152 9693939 11632727 300000 400000 500000 600000 5815455 7753939 9692424 11630909 5814545 7752727 9690909 11629091 5813636 7751515 9689394 11627273 5812727 7750303 9687879 11625455 5816586 7755448 9694310 11633172 5815678 7754237 9692797 11631356 5814770 7753027 96912^3 11629540 581.3862 7751816 9689770 11627724 300000 400000 500000 600CG0 5812954 7750605 9688257 11625908 5812046 7749395 9686743 11624092 5811138 7748184 9685230 11622276 5810230 7746973 9f*3717 11620460 5809322 7745763 9682203 11618644 5808414 7744552 9(>80690 11616828 5807506 7743341 9679177 11615012 5806598 7742131 9f.77C63 11613196 300000 100000 SIKIIIIMI 600000 5805690 774IW3(» y(.7(il5() 11611.180 5809553 7746U7II 9(wS2.>.S8 11619105 5808646 7744S(.l 9(>M()76 11617291 5807739 7743652 9679565 1161.5478 5806832 7742443 967805,3 1 161.3f>64 SS0.5925 7741233 9676542 11611S.5() 5805018 7740024 9()75l)3() 11610(136 580-mi 77.3S8I5 9()733r> 1160S2:3 700000 13.592233 1.VS9(I1(I9 13.SS79K5 13.585862 13583738 I.V581614 13579490 13.^88485 700000 13586.^64 13584242 1.3.582121 13580000 1.3577879 1.15757.58 1357.3636 1.3571515 700000 13569394 13.567273 1.1.565152 1356.3030 13572034 13569915 1.1.567797 13565678 73000 13563559 1.1561441 135.59322 13557203 135.55085 135.52966 135.50847 1354K;29 70(1(1(10 1.15) (.610 13555623 13553.507 1.1551.191 1.1.549274 13.54 71. =8 13545042 1 354:9:(, 800000 15.53.19S1 1.^531553 15.=;29I26 155266'/9 15524272 15521845 1.5519417 15529697 SOOOOO 15527273 15524848 1.5.522424 15520000 15517576 15515152 15512727 15510.303 800000 ' 15507879 15505455 15503030 15500606 1.5510896 15508475 15506053 15503632 SOOOOO 15501211 15498789 154963(8 15493947 1.5491.525 154S91U4 1 54S6683 15IS4262 SddddO 15tMS40 15492140 15489722 15487304 1.54848S5 1.54S2^^7 15480048 154776.10 90000 747572S 7472998 7470267 7467536 7464806 746207 7459345 747(1909 00000 7468182 7465455 74627 7460000 7457273 7454545 7451818 7449091 90000 446364 443636 440909 438182 449758 447034 444310 441586 900000 7438862 7436138 7433414 7430690 7427966 742.5242 7422518 7419794 0(M)(I0 7417070 7428658 7425937 7423216 7420496 7417; 741.5054 7412334 This part of I'lis talilc was i''>m|nitiil pri iiiarily fi>r cc-nl iiifs, l)iit m.'iy lio tisi-il I'lirl.'ir;; craiiinuiits, for the rates ;,'ivi-ii 15000 55000 65000 750CO i 87379 106796 126214 145I.31 87324 106729 1261.15 145.540 87272 106«>7 12(>061 1454.55 87218 106600 125982 145.164 87167 106538 125908 14.5278 87113 102 1U64(W 125756 145103 1 85000 165049 164945 16484H 16474S 164649 164546 164450 950CO 184466 184.151 184242 184127 184019 183904 18."97 in IC IM.(.i:s INTKllCSr TAllI.K.S .SCK AllVi:itTISK.UKNT IS French Money, etc. Dollars and Cents to Francs and Centimes, Moneys" France, Belgium and Switzerland, Francs. Italy, Lire. Finland, Finmarks. All of these countries have decimal monetary systems of the same value, though not of the same name, see page 100. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31 V^ cents on Sl.OOO. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd centimes: Three Hundred Seventy Six and -^lioo Francs. Ilr Fuimnrks. 'Ir 'i'.:'i!'"''' ;«',T;J'™;', .w. 5.16 7/8 1/16 5.17 1/2 + 3/32 + 5/64 + 1/16 + 3/64 + 1/32 + 1 61 5.181/8 - 3/64 - 1/16 - 5,64 .- 3/32 + 3/32 + 5/54 + 1/16 + 3/64 + 1/32 1/64 1/64 1/32 3/64 1/16 5.18-V, - •'/32 + 3/32 + 5/64 + 1/16 + 3/64 + 1/32 + 1/64 lOOQUO 20000 51687500 j 10337500 51695577 j 10339115 51703657 i 10340731 51711740 10342348 51719825 51727912 51736002 51701530 100000 10343965 10345582 10347201 10340306 20000 10341920 10343535 10345151 10346767 10348383 10350000 10351617 10353235 20000 30000 51774269 51782364 51790461 51798561 51763971 51772053 51780137 51788224 100000 51796314 51804406 51812500 51820597 51828696 51836799 51844903 51853010 100000 10359263 10360881 10362500 10364119 10365739 10367360 10368981 10370602 20000 10372224 10365283 10366901 10368520 10370139 10371759 10373379 10375000 15506250 15508673 15511097 15513522 15515947 15518374 15520801 15510459 3000Q 15512881 15515303 15517726 15520150 15522575 15525000 15527426 15529853 30000 15538894 15541322 15543750 15546179 15548609 15551040 15553471 15555903 30000 15558336 15547924 15550351 15552780 15555208 15557638 15560069 15562500 20683841 20687071 20690301 20693533 20696766 20700000 20703235 20706471 40000 20705589 20708821 20712055 20715290 40000 20718525 20721762 20725000 20728239 20731479 20734719 20737961 20741204 40000 20744448 20730565 20733802 20737039 2074027H 20743518 20746758 20750000 50000 25843750 25847789 25851829 25855870 25859912 25863956 25868001 25850765 50000 25854801 25858838 25862877 25866917 25870958 25875000 25879044 25883088 50000 25881986 25886027 25890069 25894112 50000 25898157 25902203 25906250 25910298 25914348 25918399 25922452 25926505 50000 25930560 25913206 25917252 25921299 2592.S347 25929397 25933448 25937500 60000 31012500 31017346 31022194 31027044 31020918 60000 31025761 31030606 31035452 31040300 31045149 31050000 31054852 31059706 60000 31058383 31063232 31068082 31072935 60000 31077788 31082643 31087500 31092358 31097218 31102079 31106942 31111806 60000 31116672 31095848 31100703 31105559 31110417 31115276 31120137 31125000 80000 41350000 41356462 41362926 41369392 41375860 41382330 41388802 41361224 80000 41488896 41461130 41467603 41474079 414S0556 4Hs;(l35 4H93517 415(10000 This i>;irt of this tabic- was 5.16J8 ci>ini)utL'(l pri-5.16/i— l/l6 marily lorceiits, 5.17Ji , but it may be 5.17;^- I/16 I used for larger 5.18J» amounts, for 5.18/i— I/16 the rates piven. 5.18?4 1500 77531 77580 77625 77674 77719 77767 77813 2500 129219 129300 129375 129456 129531 129612 129688 3500 180906 4500 232594 5500 284281 6500 335969 7500 387656 8500 439344 181019 232739 284459 336179 387899 439619 181125 232875 284625 336375 388125 439875 181238 233021 284803 336585 388368 440150 181344 233156 284969 336781 388594 440406 181457 233302 285147 336992 388837 440682 181563 233438 285313 337188 389063 440938 9500 491031 491338 491625 491932 492219 492527 492813 iN'i'i; -i' Mii.i;; .\ii\ i;hi'1si;mi;nt in ivatk Francs and Centimes, m..J>'" to Dollars and Cents. French Money, Etc. Spain, Pesetas. liulgaria, L.evs. Routnania, Kei. Servia, Dinars. Greece, Drachniii'. For rt}5urin>I profits, sec piijjc 4. Value of coins, page 190. Dates on drafts payable in I'Vench territory siioulii be written out in full, thus: November twenty-seventh, 19 Write figures as follows; see pages 94 to 105. Fes. 376 io (or F.) L'l 198 ?l Fmk. 146 ^1 (or Fm. ) 5.16 '/s Fes. 326 25 100 •S.lSVi This i>.irt .if this was I'MiiipuU-d pri- marily fi>r CL-iil- imcs, but may l«: used for larg- er nniounts, for the rates fjivcn. 5.16', 5.16'. 1 5.17', 5.17', - I 5.18'; 5.18 '»- I 5.18\ 15000 2'*(»21 2'>(I02 2S'«6 2H967 28951 2K«W2 28'J16 25000 ■♦H368 4S.1()9 ■4N279 48251 •«H221 48193 35000 67715 67672 67633 67591 67551 67509 67470 ISOOO 87062 87(MI7 86957 86'«)2 86852 86797 86747 55000 65000 1(16409 125756 106342 125677 1 106280 12.S604 ' ' I(»f)2l4 125526 106152 125452 1 llk>086 12.5374 106024 125301 ' 75000 145103 14.S()12 144928 144837 1447.53 144662 144578 S5000 l(i4450 lh4347 164251 164149 164053 163951 163855 95000 183797 183682 183575 18,3461 183353 1832.39 1831.12 l\TK TMll.r.S INTKltllST TMll.KS SKK MiVKKTISI.M KNT IN IIM K 56 French Money, etc. Dollars an (1 Cents to Francs and Centimes, ^uJy" France, Belgium and Switzerland, Francs. Italy, Lire. Finland, Finniarks. All of these countries have decimal monetary systems of the same value, though | not of the same name, see page 100 A fluctuation of l-v32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31'., cents on $1,000. W rite amounts as follows; avoid odd centimes: Three Hundred Seventy Six and -^1 ./,« PmnfC '"■ '•''■•'• "'■ ""I'lln-s. See farms on 100 tranCS. m /-.umurks. or/..;. i„uj,i:,l louu. intiooo 20000 30000 10000 50000 60000 70000 80C00 90!!00 S.lS-Vi 51H75000 10375000 15562500 20750000 25937500 31125000 36312500 41500000 46687500 Dollars - '/M 51883107 10376621 15564932 20753243 25941553 31129864 36318175 41506485 46694796 - 1/32 51891216 10378243 15567365 20756486 25945608 31134730 36323X51 41512973 46702094 to - 3/54 51899328 10379866 15569798 20759731 25949664 31139597 36329529 41519462 46709395 Francs - 1/16 51907442 10381488 15572233 20762977 25953721 31144465 36335209 415259E4 46716698 - 5/54 51915559 10383112 15574668 20766224 25957780 31149335 36340891 41532447 467240U3 etc -3„ 51923678 51888854 10384736 10377771 15577104 15566656 20769471 20755542 25961839 25944427 31154207 31133313 36346575 36322198 41538943 41511083 46731311 46699969 + 3/32 + 5/m 100000 51896956 1 >0000 30000 15569087 40000 20758782 50000 25948478 60000 31138173 70000 36327869 80000 41517564 90000 46707260 s.isy, )379391 + 1 16 51905059 10381012 15571518 20762024 25952530 31143036 36333542 41524047 46714553 + 3/64 51913166 10382633 15573950 20765266 25956583 31147899 36339216 41530533 46721849 + 1/32 51921275 10384255 15576382 20768510 25960637 31152765 36344892 41537020 46729147 5.193/s^.".*^ 51929386 10385877 15578816 20771754 25964693 31157632 36350570 41543509 46736447 51937500 10387500 15581250 20775000 25968750 31162500 36356250 41550000 46743750 - '54 i 51945617 10389123 15583685 20778247 25972808 31167370 36361932 4155649J 46751055 - 1/32 51953736 10390747 15586121 20781494 25976868 31172241 36367615 41562988 46758362 ' 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 9000^ - 3/64 51961857 10392371 15588557 20784743 25980929 31177114 36373300 41569486 46765671 - I/I6 51969981 10393996 15590994 20787992 25984991 31181989 36378987 41575985 467729X3 -5 64 51978108 10395622 15593432 20791243 25989054 31186865 36384676 41582486 46780297 - 3,32 ^ 51986237 51951296 10397247 10390259 15595871 15585389 20794495 20780518 25993119 25975648 31191742 31170777 36390366 36365907 41588990 41561036 46787613 46756166 + 3/32 + 5,64 ' 51959407 10391881 15587822 20783763 25979703 31175644 36371585 41567525 46763466 + 1/16 1 51967520 10393504 15590256 20787008 25983760 31180512 36377264 41574016 46770768 + 3/64 51975636 10395127 15592691 20790255 25987818 31185382 36382945 41580509 46778073 looono 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80900 90000 + 1/32 51983755 10396751 15595127 20793502 25991878 31190253 36388629 41587004 467X53X0 + 1'64 51991876 10398375 15597563 20796751 25995938 31195126 36394313 415935U1 467926X9 5.20 52000000 10400000 15600000 20800000 26000000 31200000 36400000 416OU00O 468000(!0 - l/6.» 52008126 10401625 15602438 20803251 26004063 31204876 36405688 41606501 46807314 - I32 52016255 10403251 15604877 20806502 26008128 31209753 36411379 41613004 46814630 - 3 64 52024386 10404S77 I5MI7316 2l)SU9755 26012193 31214632 36417070 41619509 46821918 - 1/16 52032520 104065(14 15609756 20813008 26016260 31219512 36422764 41626016 46X:92f8 - 5/64 52040657 10408131 15612197 20816263 26020328 31224394 36428460 41632525 46X3f.?.91 ' 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 - 3/32 52048796 52013737 10409759 10402747 15614639 15(>04121 20819518 2l);si»5l95 26024398 2601)6X69 31229277 31208242 36434157 36409616 41639037 41610W0 46843V16 46812363 + 3 32 + 5/64 5202 1XS8 10404372 15606557 20NUS743 26010929 31213115 36415301 41617486 468I9(,72 + I/I6 52029981 10405996 15608994 20811992 26014991 31217989 36420987 41623985 468269X3 + 3/64 52038107 10407621 15611432 20815243 26019054 31222864 36426675 41630486 46834296 + 1/32 52046236 10409247 15613871 20818494 26023118 31227741 36432365 41636988 46X41612 ^ ^« e + V64 52054367 10410873 15616310 20S21747 26027183 31232620 36438057 41643493 4684X9.-0 5.205/8 52062500 10412500 15618750 20825000 26031250 31237500 36443750 416501100 46856250 Thi.'i p;irt of this lalle was 5.18?^ 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 1 6500 7500 S500 95C0 77813 129688 181563 I 233438 285313 337188 1 389063 440938 492813 c-..Mii)utcc 5.19'^- I/16 77955 129925 181895 233865 285835 337805 389775 441745 493715 used for lar);cr 5.20 7800( 130000 182000 234000 286000 338000 390000 442000 494f((» amounts, for 5.20 — I/16 78049 130081 182114 234146 286179 338211 390244 442276 494.-(;9 t he rates given. 5.20", 78094 130156 182219 234281 286344 338406 390469 442531 494594 '.MU.ICS INTlCltKsr T.Mil.KS SI;K A II Vi:it I'lSi.M K.VT l.S 11.\r ci-iil- 5.19'» iiiii-s, hut luiiy 5.19\— 1,'u l>i- used f(irlar>;- 5.20 rr.iinounts, fur 5.2O - l/|6 ilic ratiSKivcii. 5.20V ll.VTK TMll.KS INrKKKST TAlll.KS SKK AllVKKTISKM KNT IN IIA( K French Money, etc. Dollars and Cents to Francs and Centimes, Mley'r France, Kelgiuin and Switzerland, I-"rancs. Italy, Lire. Finland, Finmarks. All of these countries have decimal monetary systems of the same value, thouj^h not of the same name, see page 100. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31'., cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd centimes: Three Hmidred Seventy Six and ^"Im Francs. Z ;:;:;;;„„,,. Z ^:;','.'""'- %,{^l :;!!, 5.20 s/8 100000 52062500 20000 10412500 .30000 15618750 40000 20825000 .SOOOO 26031250 60000 31237500 70000 36443750 80090 41650000 90000 46856250 - I;64 52070636 10414127 15621191 20828254 26035318 31242382 .36449445 41656509 46863572 - 1/32 52078775 10415755 15623632 20831510 26039387 31247265 364.55142 4166.3020 468708'J7 - J 64 52086916 10417383 15626075 20834766 26043458 31252149 36460841 41669533 46878224 - '/16 52095059 10419012 1.5628518 20838024 26047530 312570.36 36466542 41676048 46885553 -5/M 52103206 10420641 15630962 20841282 26051603 31261923 36472244 41682564 468928? 5 - 3/« 52111354 52076179 10422271 10415236 15633406 15622854 20844542 20830471 26055677 26038089 31266813 31245707 36477948 36453.325 41689084 41660943 46900219 46868561 + •1'32 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 + 5/64 52084309 10416862 15625293 20833724 260421.55 31250585 36459016 41667447 46875878 + 1 16 52092442 10418488 1.562 7 7.W 20836977 26046221 31255465 36464710 41673954 46883198 + 3/64 52100578 10420116 156.30173 20840231 26050289 31260.347 36470405 41680462 46890520 + 1/32 i 52108716 10421743 15632615 20843486 26054358 31265230 36476101 41686973 46897844 5.21'//.'.*^ i 52116857 1042.3371 15635057 20846743 26058428 31270114 36481800 41693485 46905171 52125000 10425000 1.S637500 20850(100 260625(10 31275(1(10 364K75II0 41700000 46912,5(;i) - 1/64 52133146 10426629 15639944 20853258 26066573 312798S7 36493202 41706517 46') 14831 - 1/32 52141294 10428259 15642388 20856518 26070647 31284776 36498906 41713035 46927165 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 -3/64 52149445 10429889 1564-.834 20859778 26074723 31289667 36504612 41719.556 46934501 - 1/16 52157598 10431520 1.5647280 20863039 26078799 312945.59 .36510319 41726079 469418,^9 -5/64 I 52165754 10433151 15649726 20866302 26082877 31299453 36516028 41732604 46949179 - 3,32 1 52173913 52 138620 10434783 10427724 15652174 15641586 20869565 20855448 26086957 26069310 31304348 31283172 36521739 36497034 41739130 41710896 46956522 46924758 + 3/32 + 5, '64 52146760 10429352 15644028 20858704 26073380 31288056 36502732 41717408 46932(:.S4 + 1/16 52154903 10430981 15646471 20861961 26077452 31292942 36508432 4172.3923 46939413 + 3/64 52163049 10432610 15648915 20865219 26081524 31297829 36514134 41730439 46946744 + 1/32 100000 52171197 20000 104342.39 30000 1,5651.359 40000 20868479 50000 26085598 60000 70000 365198.38 80000 41736957 90000 46954077 31302718 - » , + '/m 52179347 10435869 15653804 208717.39 26089674 31307608 36525543 4174.3478 4696HI2 5.2F/8 52187500 10437500 15656250 20875000 26093750 31312500 36.531250 41750000 46968750 - 1/64 52195656 10439131 15658697 20878262 26097828 31317393 36536959 41756524 46976090 - 1/32 52203814 10440763 15661144 20881525 26101907 31322288 36542670 41763051 46983432 - 3/64 52211974 10442,395 1.5663592 20884790 26105987 31327185 36548382 41769580 46990777 - 1/16 52220138 10444028 1.5666041 20888055 26110069 31332083 36554096 41776110 46998124 -5/64 52228303 10445661 15668491 20891321 26114152 31336982 365.S9812 41782643 47005473 - 3/32 100000 522,36472 52201062 20000 10447294 10440212 30000 15670942 15660318 40000 20894589 20880425 50000 261182.36 26100.531 60000 70000 36565530 .36540743 80U00 41789177 41760849 90000 47012825 46980955 31.^41883 + 3 32 31.320637 + 5/64 52209212 10441842 15662763 20883685 26104606 3132.5.527 36546448 41767.V)9 469882';0 + 1/16 52217364 10443473 15665209 20886946 26108682 313.30418 36552155 41773891 46995628 + 3/64 52225519 10445104 1.56676.S6 20890208 26112760 31.3.35312 36557864 41780415 47002967 + 1/32 .522.3,^677 10446735 15670103 20893471 261168.39 31340206 36.563574 41786942 4/(1103(19 _ -^ , + 1/64 52241837 10448367 15672551 20896735 26120919 31345102 36569286 41793470 47(1176,-3 5.22 V2 522.S()()00 104,50000 1.5675000 20900000 26125000 313.50000 365750(10 41800(100 4702,=()(IO This part of this tal)le was 5.20',' 1.500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7.500 8500 9.500 78094 1.30156 182219 234281 286344 338406 390469 442531 494.594 cdiiiputcd pri- 5.20's — l/i6 78143 130238 182333 234428 286523 3.38618 .390713 442808 494903 marilyforcfius, 5.21 \i 78188 130313 182438 234563 286688 338813 390938 443063 495 188 but it may tic 5.21 '4— I/16 78236 1 130394 182552 234709 286867 1 339024 391182 44.3340 4951'I7 used for larjjcr 5.21 's 78281 130469 1826.56 234844 287031 3.39219 .391406 443.594 495 rsi amounts, for 5.21',- 1 u 78330 1305.50 182770 234991 287211 .3.39431 .391651 44,3871 49()0<»1 the rates given. 5.22 '2 78375 130625 182875 2.35125 287375 1 .339625 391875 444125 496375 UVYV. T.\lll.i:s INTKItK.ST T.\I)Li;S SICK .V IlVi:itTISl':MKNT IN liAlK Francs and Centimes, m..,uV" to Dollars and Cents. French Money, Etc. Spain, Pesetas. Bulgaria, Levs. Koumania, Lei. Servia, Dinars, Greece, Drachma-. For fijjuring profits, see page 4. Value of coins, page 190. Dates on drafts payable in French territory should be written out in full, thus: November twenty-seventh, 19 Write figures as t'oliows; see pages 94 to 105. Fes. 376 ■J' (or /". ) L '1 198 ^1 Fmk. 146 ^Jl (or Im. ) 5.205/8 Fes. 326 2S Wn This part of this tnl>lc wns computed pri- marily for cfiit- imi-s, hilt may tic used forlar);- cr amounts, for the rates vjiveii. .ssono 105M2 65000 12-««50 75000 14405K X5000 163265 lo.s.srf) 124772 14.V«>« 16.116.1 105516 124700 14.?H.S5 16.1070 10.545() 124622 N.VJS 162'>68 1()5.1S9 124.S51 14.V1.1 162874 1«5.?2.1 12-»-l7.1 14.V)2.^ 162772 105263 124-102 14.1541 16267'* 95000 18247.1 182.1.59 182254 182140 1820.16 181922 1SI8IS HATK TAIIl.KS INTKHK.ST T.MU.K.S SKK A l)\ i:i[ 1 ISKM KNT I.N IIAIK French Money, etc. Dollars and Cents to Francs and Centimes, ^^11'!'" France, Belgium and Switzerland, Francs. Italy, Lire. Finland, Finmarks. All of these countries have decimal monetary systems of the same value though not of the same name, see page 100. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31X cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd centimes: Three Hundred Seventy Six and ^C/m Francs. Z itr,„<„,,. 11; J:,'.'"""'- Xf^'l SS. 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 5.22 '/2 52250000 10450000 15675000 20900000 26125000 31350000 36575000 41800000 4702,5(H)0 - ',V.4 52258165 10451633 15677450 20903266 26129083 31354899 36580716 41806532 47032.Hy - 1/32 52266333 10453267 15679900 20906533 26133167 31359800 36586433 41813067 47034700 - 3,61 52274504 10454901 15682351 20909801 26137252 31364702 36592153 41819603 47047053 - 1/16 52282677 10456535 15684803 20913071 261413.38 31369606 36597874 41826141 47054409 - 5 '64 522603597 418.32682 47061767 - 3 W , 522W030 1 52263503 10459806 10452701 15689709 1 20919612 15679051 ! 20905401 , 26149515 26131752 31379418 31358102 36609321 36.584452 418.39224 41810802 47069127 47037153 + 3/32 + 5/6) 100000 ! 52271663 20000 10454333 30000 1 40000 50000 26135831 60000 70000 36590164 80000 41817330 90000 47(M4497 15681499 20908665 31362998 + '/16 i 52279825 10455965 15683948 20911930 26139913 31367895 36595878 41823860 47051843 + 3/64 52287990 10457598 15686397 20915196 2614.3995 31372794 36601593 418.30,392 470.S9191 + '/32 52296157 10459231 15688847 20918463 26148079 31377694 36607310 41836926 47066542 5.23 Vsr':'^ 52304327 10460865 15691298 20921731 26152164 31382596 3661.3029 41843462 4707.1895 52312500 10462500 15693750 20925000 26156250 31387500 366187.50 41850000 47081250 - 1,64 52320675 10464135 15696203 20928270 261603.38 31392405 36624473 41856540 47088608 - l/.« 52328853 10465771 15698656 20931541 26164426 31397312 36630197 41863082 47095967 - 3,64 100000 52337033 20000 10467407 30000 15701110 40000 20934813 50000 26168517 60000 31402220 70000 80000 41869626 90000 4710.1.1.10 36635923 - 1/16 52345216 10469043 15703565 20938086 26172608 31407129 36641651 41876173 47110694 -5 6, 52353401 10470680 15706020 20941360 26176701 31412041 36647.381 41882721 47II8W1I - 3/32 52361589 52325944 10472318 10465189 15708477 15697783 20944636 20930378 26180795 26162972 31416953 3I39.5.S67 36653112 .36628161 41889271 418607.56 471254.10 47093350 + 3'32 + 5,'64 52334114 10466823 15700234 20933646 26167057 31400468 36633880 41867291 47100703 + 1/16 52342286 10468457 15702686 20936914 26171143 31405372 36639600 41873829 47108057 + 3/64 52350461 10470092 15705138 20940184 26175230 31410276 36645322 41880369 4711.5415 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 + 1/32 52358638 10471728 15707591 20943455 26179319 31415183 36651047 41N.S691I) 47122774 ,- ^-, , + ''M 52366818 10473364 15710045 20946727 26183409 31420091 366,56772 4189.14,=;4 47130136 5.2.VV« 52375000 10475000 15712500 20950000 26187500 31425000 36662500 41900000 47137.500 - 1 5.1 52383185 10476637 15714955 20953274 26191592 31429911 36668229 41906548 471448(>6 - 1 32 52391372 10478274 15717412 20956549 26195686 31434823 36673961 4191.1098 471.52235 - 3/64 52399562 10479912 15719869 20959825 26199781 314.39737 3M>79694 419196.50 4715')606 - 1/16 52407755 10481551 15722326 20963102 26203877 314446.53 36685428 419262(M 4716 + 1/16 52404747 10480949 15721424 20961899 26202374 31442848 36683323 41923798 47164272 + 3/64 52412931 10482586 1572.3879 20965173 26206466 31447759 36689052 419.10345 471716.18 + 1/32 52421118 10484224 15726336 20968447 26210559 31452671 36<)94783 419,16895 4717'X)07 ^ ^ A ■> + ' M 52429308 10485862 15728792 20971723 26214654 31457.585 .367(K)516 41943446 47186377 5.24 -Vs 52437500 10487500 15731250 20975000 26218750 1 31462500 36706250 4195W»00 471937.50 This part of 1.500 1 2500 3500 4.500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 this tabic was S.22'i 78375 130625 182875 235125 287375 33')625 .391875 444125 4')6375 computed pri-5.22'2- l/l6 I 78424 1.30707 182989 235272 287555 339837 392120 444403 49Mi85 ni.irilyforcents, 5.23 3^ 78468 130781 18.3094 235406 287719 340031 392344 444656 4%969 but it may bt- 5.23','- l/i6 78517 130863 i 183208 235.553 287899 340244 392589 444934 497280 used for larj^cr 5.23 iV 785f>3 130938 18.1313 1 2356.S8 288063 340438 .392813 445188 497.5(^.3 amounts, for 5.23','- 1/|6 1 78612 131019 183427 23.5835 288243 3406.50 393058 445466 497874 the ratfS given. 5.24 V 1 78656 131094 183.531 235969 288406 340844 39.3281 445719 4981.56 DATE TAUI.KS INTICIIKST TAIll-K; SHK Al>vi;;.\li:Ni' in iiaik Francs and Centimes, mcuVv' to Dollars and Cents. Irencli Money, Etc. Spain, Pesetas. Bulgaria, Uevs. Kouinania, I^ei. Servia, Dinars. Greece, IJraehniu;. For figuring profits, see page 4. Value of coins, page 190. Dates on drafts payable in Irench territory should be written out in full, thus: November twenty-seventh, 19 Write figures as follows; see pages 94 to 105. /•V.V. 376 -J> (or /: ) L ■! 198 -1 Fmk. 146 ^J> (or Im. ) I'CS. 326 JOO This part <>l this talile was I'oiiiputt'd pri- iTi.irily fur cent- imes, l)ut may lie used forlarjj- 'aiiiiiiiiits.fDr S.23 ' 5.22', 5.22', - 1 16 5.2.V, 5.23', ^ I 16 5.23 V 16 till- rates ;;i 5.24^ 15000 2H708 286vkiiti-;i;mknt in ii.vik 75000 143541 14.1451 143369 I432K0 1431 '.8 H3 1 119 143027 85000 162679 U':578 162485 I623S3 162291 162190 162(i9H 95000 181818 181705 181601 181487 181384 181271 ISIU-S French Money, etc. Dollars and Cents to Francs and Centimes, .\i..,uU'' Franco, Belgium and Switzerland, Krancs. Italy, Lire. Finland, Finmarks. All of these countries have decimal monetary systems of the same value though not of the same name, see page 100. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31 'r, cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd centimes: Three Hundred Seventy Six and ^^lioo Francs. \\\ ^i^r^ar*,. % tl."'"''' %U'^l S". \\ 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 - 1 64 52445695 10489139 15733708 20978278 26222847 31467417 36711986 41956556 47201125 - 1/32 52453892 10490778 15736168 20981557 26226946 314723.V5 36717724 41963113 47208.503 5.24 3/8 - 3/64 52462092 10492418 15738627 20984837 26231046 31477255 36723464 41969673 4721.5S82 - I 16 ' 52470294 10494059 15741088 20988118 26235147 31482176 36729206 41976235 47223265 5 64 52478499 10495700 15743550 20991400 26239249 31487099 36734949 41982799 47230649 - 3 32 52486706 52450827 10497341 10490165 15746012 15735248 20994683 20980331 26243353 26225414 51492024 31470496 36740694 36715579 41989365 41960662 472.>8036 47205745 + 3/32 + 5/64 52459016 10491803 15737705 20983607 26229508 31475410 36721311 41967213 47213115 + 1/16 100000 52467208 1( >0000 30000 15740162 40000 20986883 50000 26233604 60000 31480325 70000 36727046 SOOOO 41973766 90000 47220487 1493442 + 3/64 52475402 10495080 15742621 20990161 26237701 31485241 36732782 41980322 47227862 + 1/32 52483599 10496720 15745080 20993440 26241799 31490159 .36738519 41986879 47235239 + 1/64 52491798 10498360 15747539 20996719 26245899 31495079 36744259 419934.39 47242618 5.25 52500000 10500000 15750000 21000000 26250000 31500000 36750000 42000000 47250000 - 1/64 52508204 10501641 15752461 21003282 26254102 31504923 36755743 42006564 47257384 - 1/32 52516411 10503282 15754923 21006565 26258206 31509847 36761488 42013129 47264770 -3/64 52524621 10504924 15757386 21009848 26262310 31514773 .36767235 42019697 472721.59 - 1 16 100000 52532833 1( >0000 30000 15759850 40000 21013133 50000 26266417 60000 31519700 70000 36772983 SOOOO 42026266 90000 47279550 )506567 - 5,6» 52541048 10508210 15762314 21016419 26270524 31524629 36778733 42032838 47286943 - 3 32 52549265 52513269 10509853 10502654 15764779 15753981 21019706 21005308 26274632 26256634 31529559 31507961 36784485 36759288 42039412 42010615 47294338 47261942 + 3/32 + 5/64 52521468 10504294 15756440 21008587 26260734 31512881 36765027 42017174 47269321 + 1/16 52529669 10505934 15758901 21011868 26264835 31517801 36770768 42023735 47276702 + 3/64 52537873 10507575 15761362 21015149 26268936 31522724 36776511 42030298 47284086 + 1,32 52546079 10509216 15763824 21018432 26273040 31527648 36782256 42036863 47291471 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 + 1 64 52554288 10510858 15766287 21021715 26277144 31532573 36788002 42043431 472'IS,S(iO 5.255/8 52562500 10512500 15768750 21025000 26281250 31537500 367937.50 42050000 47306250 - 1/64 52570714 10514143 15771214 21028286 26285357 31542429 36799500 420.56571 47313643 - 1/32 52578931 10515786 15773679 21031572 26289465 31547359 36805252 42063145 473210.38 - 3/64 52587150 10517430 15776145 21034860 26293575 31552290 36811005 42069720 47328435 - 1/16 52595372 10519074 15778612 21038149 26297686 31557223 36816760 42076298 47335835 - 5/64 52603597 10520719 15781079 21041439 26301798 31562158 .36822518 42082877 47.34.3237 - 3 32 52611824 10522365 15783547 21044729 26305912 31567094 36828277 42089459 473.50641 100000 52575710 20000 10515142 30000 15772713 40000 50000 26287855 60000 70000 80000 900(10 + 3/32 21030284 31545426 36802997 42W)0568 473181.19 + 5/64 52583919 10516784 15775176 21033568 26291959 31550351 36808743 42067135 47325527 + 1/16 52592130 10518426 15777639 21036852 262960(.5 31.55.5278 .36814491 42073704 47.3.32917 + 3/M 52600344 10520069 15780103 21(M0137 26300172 31560206 .36820241 42080275 47340.^)9 + 1/32 52608560 10521712 15782568 21043424 26304280 315651.36 36825992 42086848 47347701 - „ ^ . + ' fr' 52616779 10523356 15785034 21046711 26308.389 31570067 36831745 42093423 473.=;5101 5.26 '/« 52625000 10525000 15787500 21050000 26312500 31575000 .3()837500 421(KM)00 47362SOO - 1 6, 52633224 10526645 15789967 2105.3290 26316612 31579934 36843257 42106579 47.Vi9')02 This part of 1500 1 2500 3500 1500 .5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 this talilc was 5.24?,'- I/32 78681 131135 183589 , 236043 288496 340950 393404 445858 , 498312 computed pri- 5.24-'^ — I/16 78705 ! 131176 183646 2.36116 1 288587 341057 1 393.527 ; 445997 498468 marilvforccnts, 5.25 ! 78750 131250 183750 236250 288750 341250 ' 393750 446250 498750 j but it may be 5.25 — I/16 78799 131332 183865 236398 288931 341463 3939<)6 446529 4')9062 used for larjjer 5.25 '»' 78844 ; 131406 18.3969 2.36531 289094 341656 394219 446781 499344 amounts, for S.25"i, — I/16 ! 78893 131488 184084 236679 289275 341870 394465 447061 I 4996.56 the rates Kive.i. 5.26', i 78938 ] 131563 184188 ; 2.3()813 j 289438 342W>3 ! 394688 447313 | 49<»38 DATK TAltl.lCS l.Ml'KUK.ST TAIU.ICS Sl;l-; ADVKll\l IC.N T l.N liACk Francs and Centimes, MmuV^' to Dollars and Cents. French Money, Ftc. Spain, I'esetas. Bulgaria, Levs. Koutnania, Lei. Servia, Dinars. Greece, Drachma'. For figuring profits, see page 4. Value of coins, page 190. Dates on drafts payable in IVcncli territory should be written out in full, thus: November twenty-seventh, 19 Write figures as follows; see pages 94 to 105. Fes. 376^1 {or F.) IA19S-1 Fmk.146^" {or Fm.) Fes. 326 ii 100 DATK TAIll.KM IN Ti.KKST TMll.KS French Money, etc. Dollars and Cents to Francs and Centimes, 'm.J," France. Belgium and Switzerland, Francs. Italy, Lire. Finland, Finmarks. All of these countries have decimal monetary systems of the same value though not of the same name, see page 100. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31,' 4 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd centimes: p I.irr. Or Ooldtevs. See forms on r /iiimarAs. Or J.ei. paije's Ul lo 00. Three Hundred Seventy Six and ^^Iwo Francs. ,S.26 1 1 5.26 7/s - 5 m - 3 32 + 3/32 + 5,64 + '/16 + 3/64 + 1/32 + '/64 - '/m - 1/32 - 3/64 - l/l6 - 5/m - 3/32 "+ 3/32 + 5;(,4 + 1/16 + 3 64 + 1,32 + ',64 5.27 1/2 - 3/64 - 1/16 - 5/64 .- 3,'32 + 3 32 + 5/'6.( + '/16 + 3/64 5.28 Vs + '/32 + '54 - 1/32 inonno 200UO 52W14.S0 10528290 526^96S0 10529936 52657911 10531582 52666145 10533229 52674382 10534876 52638152 10527630 52646370 10529274 52654591 10530918 100000 20000 52662814 10532563 52671040 10534208 52679269 10535854 52687500 10537500 52695734 10539147 52703970 10540794 52712209 10542442 52720450 10544090 100000 20000 52728694 10545739 52736941 10547388 52700593 10.540119 52708821 10541764 527170.S2 1054.^410 52725285 10545057 52733521 10546704 1 52741759 10548352 1 100000 20000 52750000 10550000 52758243 10551649 52766490 10553298 52774738 10554948 52782989 10556598 52791243 105.S8249 52799500 10559900 52763035 10552607 100000 20000 52771272 10554254 52779513 10555903 52787756 10.557551 52796001 10559200 52804249 10560850 52812500 10562500 52820753 10564151 52829009 10565802 15818608 15821082 15810178 15812646 21113196 21116497 21119800 21105214 40000 21108509 21111805 21115102 21118400 21121700 21125000 21128.301 21131604 50000 60000 70000 80000 26320725 31584870 36849015 42113160 26324840 31589808 3(i8.S4776 42119744 2632S956 31594747 3(hS605:8 42126329 26333073 31599687 36866302 42132916 i 26337191 31604629 36872068 42139506 ' 26319076 31582891 36846706 42110.521 , 26323185 31587822 36852459 42117096 ! , 26327295 31592755 36858214 42123673 50000 60000 70000 80000 26331407 31597689 36863970 42130251 26335520 31602624 36869728 421.36832 263.-.9C34 31607561 3(*75488 42143415 26343750 31612500 36881250 42150000 26347867 31617440 36887014 42156587 26351985 31622382 36892779 42163176 26356104 31627325 36898546 42169767 26360225 31632270 36904315 42176360 50000 60000 70000 80000 26364347 31637217 36910086 42182955 26368470 31642165 36915859 42189553 26350297 31620356 36890415 42160475 26354411 31625293 36896175 42167057 26358526 316.30231 36901936 42173641 26362643 31635171 36907700 42180228 ; 26366760 31640112 36913465 42186817 26370880 31645055 36919231 42193407 50000 60000 70000 80000 2637.S000 31650000 36925000 42200000 26379122 31654946 36930770 42206595 26383245 31659894 36936543 42213192 26387369 31664843 36942317 42219791 26391495 31669794 36948093 42226392 26395622 31674746 36953870 42232995 26399750 31679700 36959650 42239600 26.381517 31657821 36934124 42210428 50000 60000 70000 80000 26385636 31662763 36939891 42217018 26389756 31667708 36945659 42223610 26393878 316726.53 36951429 42230205 26398001 31677601 36957201 42236801 26402125 31682.550 36962975 42243400 26406250 31687500 .36968750 42250000 26410377 31692452 36974527 42256603 26414505 31697405 36980306 42263207 90000 47377.W5 7384712 7.392120 47.399531 47406944 47374337 47.^81733 47.389132 90000 47396533 47403936 47411342 47418750 47426160 74.33573 47440988 47448405 90000 47455825 47463247 7430534 47437939 4744.5347 , 47452757 ; 47460169 47467583 90000 47475000 47482419 47489841 47497264 47504690 7512119 47519.550 47486731 90000 47494145 47501562 47508180 7516401 7523824 7,531250 47538678 47546108 This pari of" ' 1500 I 2500 3500 this talilc was 5.26';- l/i6 j 78987 131645 , 184.M)3 computed pri- 5.26Ji |: 79031 131719 184406 inarilyforccnts, 5.267,'- 1,'|6' 79081^131801 184522 but it m.iy l)e 5.27 '2' [| 79125 131875 1 184625 used for larjicr 5.27'j- l/wl 79174 131957 [ 184740 amounts, for 5.28V | 79219 j 1.32031 184844 the rates Kiveii. 5.28', - 1 32 79244 I l.'»2073 ' 184902 4500 236960 5500 289619 237094 289781 237242 289962 1 237375 290125 237,523 290:. 06 2376.56 290469 237731 290560 6500 342276 342469 342683 342875 34.3089 343281 343.W9 llATK TAlil.l^S I.STKUKSr TA Ill.K.S tiV.V. A llVi;itll.SK.\l KNT I.N HACK 7500 394934 3951.56 395403 39,5625 .395872 396094 396218 Tv ii7 8500 447592 447844 448124 448375 4486.55 448906 449047 I 9500 500250 500.531 500844 .501125 5014.38 501719 .501876 rrancs and tentimes, .\imH,s. to Dollars and Cents. French Mone> , Etc. Spain, Pesetas. Bulgaria, L.evs. Kuumania, Lei. Servia, Dinars. Greece, Drac liiniu. P'or figuring profits. see page 4. Va ue of coins, page 190. Dates on drafts pay able in I'Vench territory siiould be written out in full, thus: November twenty-seventh, 19 Write figures as follows: see pages 94 to 105. - ~ I'cs. 376 ^1 (or F. ) L'U98^ Fmk.l46^J>{urI'm.) Fes. 326 Wo 100000 200000 300000 tooooo 500000 600000 700000 sooooo 900000 - '32 1899644 3799287 5698931 7598575 949S219 11397862 1 3297506 15197150 17096793 .s.26..:rr. 1899347 3798694 5698040 7597387 9496734 1I.3960HI 13295428 15194774 17094121 1899050 379S100 56971 50 7596200 9495249 11.394299 13293349 15192399 17091449 - Sm 1898753 3797506 5696259 7595012 9493765 11.W2518 13291271 15190024 17088777 -3,.0 t 1898456 1899763 3796912 3799526 5695368 5699288 7593824 7599051 9492280 9498814 11.390736 11.398577 13289192 13298339 15187648 151';8102 17086105 17097865 + 3/32 ! + 5m 1899466 379S932 56983W 7597865 9497331 11.396797 13296263 15195730 17095196 + " 16 1899170 379S339 5697509 7596679 9495848 11.39.5018 1.1294187 1519.3357 17092527 + 3/M 100000 1898873 200000 3797746 300000 569(>619 400000 7595492 500000 9494365 600000 11.39.3238 700000 13292111 SOOOOO 15190985 900000 17089H58 + '/32 1898577 3797153 5695730 7594306 9492883 11.3914.59 13290036 15188612 17087189 - ^x , + '/" 1898280 3796560 5694840 7593120 9491400 1 1389680 13287960 15186240 17084520 5.267/8 1897983 3795967 5693950 7591934 9489917 11.387900 13285884 15183867 17081851 - '/64 1897687 3795374 5693060 7590747 9488434 11.386121 1.328.3808 15181495 17079181 - V32 1897390 3794781 5692171 7589561 9486951 11.184.342 132817.12 15179122 17076512 -3/64 1897094 3794187 5691281 7588375 9485469 11382562 13279656 15176750 1707.1843 - > 16 1896797 3793594 5690391 7587189 9483986 11380783 13277580 15174377 17071174 - 5m 100000 1896501 200000 3793001 300000 56S9502 400000 7586002 500000 9482503 600000 11379004 700000 13275504 800000 15172005 900000 17068505 - 3 32 1896204 1897512 3792408 3795024 56S8612 5692536 7584816 7590047 9481020 94875.59 11377224 11.38.5071 13273428 13282583 15169632 1518()(!95 17065836 17077607 + 3 32 + 5,M 1897216 3794431 5691647 7588863 9486078 1138.3294 13280509 15177725 17074941 + '/l6 1896919 3793839 5690758 7587678 9484597 11.381517 13278436 15175355 17072275 + 3/64 1896623 3793246 5689870 7586493 9483116 11379739 13276.163 15172986 17069609 + '/32 1896327 3792654 5688981 7585308 9481635 11377962 13274289 1517(1616 1 7066943 + V64 1896031 3792062 5688092 7584123 9480154 11376185 1.1272216 15U.8246 17064277 5.27 '/2 100000 1895735 200000 3791469 300000 5687204 400000 7582938 500000 9478673 600000 11374408 700000 13270142 SOROOO 77 900000 17061611 151658 - '64 1895438 3790877 5686315 7581754 9477192 11372630 13268069 1516.1507 17058946 - '/J2 1895142 3790284 5685427 7580569 9475711 11370S.53 1326.5995 15161137 1 7056280 -3/64 1894846 3789692 5684538 7579384 9474230 11.369076 13263922 15158768 I70536I4 - Vl6 1894550 3789100 5683649 75781W 9472749 11367299 1.3261848 15156398 170S0948 - 5/64 1894254 3788507 5682761 7577014 9471268 11365521 13259775 15154028 17048282 - 3 32 1893957 1895266 3787915 3790533 5681872 5fiS5799 7575829 7581065 9469787 9476.331 11.363744 11371.598 13257701 13266864 15151659 151621.10 1704.5616 17057.396 + 3/32 + 5/64 100000 1894')7I) JOIIOdO 37S'>''U 3lini)(M) StiHOll 100000 7579882 500000 94748,52 600000 11369822 700000 13264793 SOOOOO 15159763 9110000 170.547.34 + >/l6 1894675 3789349 5684024 7578698 9473373 11368047 13262722 15157.1'.'6 17052071 + 3/64 1894379 3788757 5683136 7577515 9471894 11.366272 13260651 1515.5030 1 7049408 + '/32 1894083 3788166 5682249 7576.331 9470414 11.364497 132.58580 151.52663 17046746 - -,o. + '" 1893787 3787574 5681361 7575148 9468935 11.362722 132.=;6509 151.^0296 17044083 .■>.28'/s 1893491 3786982 5680473 7573964 9467456 11.160947 1.1254438 15147919 17041420 1 M 1M')3I<)5 3786391 5679586 7572781 9465976 113.59172 13252367 151455(2 170.18757 1 <: 1S92HW 37S57'W 567S69S 7571598 9464497 1I357.V)6 13250296 15H3!'.5 17036095 This part ■>! 15000 25000 35000 45000 55000 65000 75000 S5000. 95000 iliis was 5.26 V - ' 16 28486 47476 66467 85457 104448 1234.38 142429 16I4I'J 180410 0. iiii|mti-(l pri- 5.26 'i 28470 47450 66429 85409 104389 123.369 142349 16I32< 1803(18 ..larily forciiit 5.26', 1 16 28452 47420 66388 85356 104.124 12.1292 142260 I6122H 180196 lilies. Imt may 5.27 'j 28436 47393 M.351 8530.S 104265 12.3223 1421.VO 161137 18(K)95 111- iisvfl forlar),'- 5.27', - 1 16 28418 47364 6630*; 85255 104200 123146 142(W| 161037 179982 rr ainmints, for 5.28", 28402 47337 66272 8.5207 104142 123077 1421112 160947 179882 •!u- rates Kivon 5.28', - 1 J2 28393 47322 66251 8SI80 104109 12.30.38 |41'H>7 160896 179825 DATK TUtl.KS INTKIir..>VKliTisi.Mi:\r i\ n m k 66 French Money, etc. Dollars an (1 Cents to Francs and Centimes, Money's.' France . Belgium and Switzerland, •'rancs. Italy, Lire. Finland, Finmarks. All of these countries have decima 1 monetary systems of the same value though not of the same name, see page IOC A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31':, cents on $1,000. W rite amounts as follows; avoid odd centimes: Three Hundred Seventy Six and ^o/wo Francs. Z V";.u,rk.. or /:;''."'"" ^W^Tl S". ■'M iniKiuo 52SS7267 20000 10567454 30000 15851180 40000 21134907 50000 26418634 6000 361 70000 SOOOO 42269814 90000 4753.S541 31702 36986087 Dollars 5.28 1'8 Z '/16 5/M 52845528 52853792 10569106 10570758 15853659 15856138 21138211 21141517 26422764 26426896 31707317 31712275 36991870 36997654 42276423 42283034 47560976 47568413 to - ^32 332 52862058 52825-476 10572412 10565095 15858617 15847643 21144823 21130190 26431029 26412738 31717235 31695286 37003441 36977833 42289647 42260381 47575852 47542928 Francs + + 5,64 52833724 10566745 15850117 211.U4S9 26416862 31700234 36983607 42266979 47550351 etc + 1/16 52841974 10568395 15852592 211,^6790 26420^87 31705181 36989382 42273579 47557776 + 3/64 52850226 10570045 15855068 2114U091 26425113 31710136 36995159 42280181 47565204 + 1/32 100000 52858482 2 10 0000 30000 15857545 40000 2114.3.393 50000 26429241 60000 31715089 70000 3700U937 SOOOO 42286785 90000 47572634 5.28 -y, 571696 l64 I 52866740 10573348 15860022 21146696 26433370 31720044 37006718 42293.392 47580066 5.283/4"^ 52875000 10575000 15862500 21150000 26437500 31725000 37012.500 42300000 47587500 - '64 52883263 10576653 15864979 2115.3.305 26441632 317299.58 37018284 42306610 47.594937 _ '32 ' 52891529 10578306 15867459 21156611 26445764 31734917 37024070 4231.3223 47602376 _ 3 64 52899797 10579959 15869939 21159919 26449898 31739878 37029858 42319837 47609817 _ • 16 52908068 10581614 15872420 2116.3227 26454034 31744841 37035647 42326454 47617261 - 5 64 52916341 10583268 15874902 21166536 26458170 31749805 37041439 42333073 47624707 _ 3 32 3 32 100000 , 52924617 ' 52887918 20000 10584923 10577584 30000 15877385 15866375 40000 21169847 21155167 .501)()0 26462308 26443959 6OO0 770 70000 37047232 37021543 SOOOO 42339693 42310334 90000 476.^2155 47599126 31754 + 31732751 + '16 : 52904435 10580887 15871330 21161774 26452217 31742661 37033104 42.323.548 4761.3991 + 3/64 52912697 10582539 15873809 21165079 26456349 31747618 37038888 42.330158 47621427 + 1/32 52920962 105S4192 15876289 21168385 26460481 31752577 37044674 42.336770 47628866 - ^^, + l64 52929230 10585846 15878769 21171692 26464615 317575.38 37050461 42343384 47636307 5.293/8 52937500 10587500 15881250 21175000 26468750 31762500 37056250 42350000 47643750 _ '64 52945773 10589155 15883732 21178309 26472886 31767464 37062041 42356618 47651196 1/32 100000 52954048 2 10 0000 30000 15886214 40000 21181619 50000 26477024 60000 31772429 70000 SOOOO 42363238 90000 47658643 590810 37067834 _ 3/64 52962326 10592465 15888698 21184930 26481163 31777396 37073628 42369861 47666093 _ 1/16 1 52970607 10594121 15891182 21188243 26485303 31782364 37079425 42376485 47673546 _ 5/64 52978890 10595778 15893667 21191556 26489445 31787334 37085223 42383112 47681001 _ 3/32 332 ' 52987175 52950359 10597435 10590(172 15896153 15885108 21194870 21180144 26493588 26475180 31792305 31770215 37091023 37065251 42389740 42360287 47688458 47655323 + + '/16 52966896 10593379 15890069 21186758 26483448 31780137 37076827 4237.V517 47670206 + 3/64 52975168 10595034 15892550 21190067 26487584 31785101 37082617 42.380134 47677651 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 SOOOO 90000 + '/32 52983443 10596689 15895033 2119.«77 26491721 31790066 37088410 423867.54 47685(198 + '64 52991720 10598344 15897516 21196688 26495860 317950.^2 37094204 42393376 476925)8 5.30 53000000 10600U00 15900000 21200(100 26500000 31800000 37100000 4240t)000 477(1(1(1(1(1 'm 53008283 10601657 15902485 21203313 26504141 31804970 37105798 42406626 477074.54 _ '/32 53016568 10603314 15904970 21206627 26508284 31809941 37111.597 42413254 47714911 _ '/16 53033146 10606629 15909944 2121.32.58 26516573 31819887 37123202 42426517 47729831 _ 3/32 53049734 53062500 10609947 10612500 15914920 15918750 21219894 2122.5000 26524867 26531250 31829840 31837500 371.34814 37143750 42439787 42450000 47744761 477562.50 5.30 5 8 This part iit' 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 S500 , 9500 this table- vas 5.28',' - '/l6 79268 132114 184959 237805 290650 343496 396341 449187 502033 computed marily fore pri- 5.28^ 79313 1.32188 185063 2379.38 290813 343688 396563 449438 502313 •nts, 5.28% - 1/16 79362 1.32270 185178 238086 290994 343902 1 ,396811 449719 : 502627 1 but it ma^ be 5.29 ^i 79406 1.32344 18.5281 238219 291156 344094 397031 449969 502906 used for la -ger 5.29 ?i- l/i6 79456 1.32427 185.397 238368 291.3.38 344309 397280 450250 5(13221 amounts, for 5.30 795O0 132.500 185.500 238500 291.500 344.500 397500 450500 5()35()() the rates g ven. 5.30*8 79594 1326.56 185719 238782 291844 344907 397969 451032 1 504094 i.\Ti';ui-;sr iaiu.k.s sici-; aii\ i;ktisi;.\ii:.vt i.\ uack ui- ik Francs and Centimes, "". to Dollars and Cents. French Money, Etc. Spain, Pesetas. Bulgaria, Levs. Koutnania, Lei. Servia, Dinars. Greece, Drachma.-. For figuring profits, sec page 4. Value of coins, page 190. Dates on drafts payable in brench territory should be written out in full, thus: November twenty-seventh, 19 Write figures as follows; see pages 94 to 105. I'cs. 376 ?£ (or F.) Ui 198^1 Fmk. 146^1 (or Fm.) Fes. 326 2S 100 .S.30 5 8 This p.irl oi lliis talilc was .S.2.S', CDinputcd pri- 5.2K iiiarily fi>r cent- imes, 1)11 1 may l>c used fcirlarj;- ir:imiiunts, for i:u- rales ),'iven. liATK TAlll.KS 75000 85000 Hl')2.1 1CCS46 mSH4 lr(i;56 141755 1(06.56 141677 160567 14I5S,S 1604M. 141509 1WU77 141.143 1601S« 95000 179769 1 7'>669 179557 1794S7 179345 1 7924S 1 7W34 INTKKKST TAIIl.K.S SKK AUMM-.TISll.M IINT I.N llAI'K ny In German Money. Dollars and Cents to Marks and Pfennigs. 1 Keichinark or Mark = lOt) Pfennige. For figuring profits when exchange on Germany is quoted per 4 marks, see directions 1 given on pag e 4. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent m the rate amounts to 31% cents 1 on $1,000; Write amounts as follows; avoid odd pfennigs: | Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Three and ^"/jno Marks. 92 100000 43478261 20000 8695652 30000 13043478 40000 17391304 50000 21739130 60000 26086957 70000 30434783 8 34 0000 90000 3913(r435 782609 92 1/8 43419267 8683853. 13025780 17367707 21709634 26051560 30393487 34735414 39077341 92 1 s + l/M 3/64 43412484 43410179 8682497 8682036 13023745 13023054 17364994 17364072 21706242 21705090 26047490 26046107 30388739 30387125 34729987 34728143 39071236 39069161 — _ 1/32 43403394 8680679 13021018 17361358 21701697 26042036 30382376 34722715 39063055 _ 1 64 4339661 1 8679322 13018983 17358644 21698306 26037967 30377628 34717289 39056950 92 3/16 . 43389831 8677966 13016949 17355932 21694915 26033898 30372881 34711864 39050847 + '/64 43383052 8676610 13014916 17353221 21691526 26029831 30368136 34706442 39044747 + 1/32 100000 43376275 2 8 0000 3O000 13012883 40000 17350510 50000 21688138 60000 26025765 70000 8 34 0000 90000 39038648 675255 30363393 701020 + 364 43369501 43380768 8673900 8676154 13010850 13014231 17347800 17352307 21684751 21690384 26021701 26028461 30358651 30366538 34695601 34704615 39032551 39042692 — - '32 43373988 8674798 13012196 17349595 21686994 26024393 30361792 34699190 39036589 _ '64 43367210 8673442 13010163 17346884 21683605 26020326 30357047 34693768 39030489 92 Vi . 43360434 8672087 13008130 17344173 21680217 26016260 30352304 34688347 39024390 + 1/64 43353660 8670732 13006098 17341464 21676830 26012196 30347562 34682928 39018294 + 1/32 43346888 8669378 13004066 17338755 21673444 26008133 30342821 34677510 39012199 + 3/64 3/64 100000 43340118 43351397 2 8 0000 30000 13002035 13005419 40000 17336047 17340559 50000 21670059 21675699 60000 26004071 26010838 70000 80000 34672094 34681118 90000 39006106 39016258 668024 30338083 30345978 — 8670279 _ 1/32 43344622 8668924 13003387 17337849 21672311 26006773 30341235 34675697 39010160 _ 1/64 43337848 8667570 13001354 17335139 21668924 26002709 30336494 34670278 39004063 925/16 . 43331077 8666215 12999323 17332431 21665538 25998646 30331754 34664861 38997969 + i/64 43324307 8664861 12997292 17329723 21662154 25994584 30327015 34659446 38991876 + 1/32 4331v540 8663508 12995262 17327016 21658770 25990524 30322278 34654032 38985786 + 3;'64 43310775 8662155 12993232 17324310 21655387 25986465 30317542 34648620 38979697 ^04 100000 43322066 20000 8664413 30000 12996620 40000 17328827 50000 21661033 60000 25993240 70000 30325446 80000 34657653 9000O 38989860 _ _ 1,32 .43315295 8663059 12994589 17326118 21657648 25989177 30320707 34652236 38983766 _ 1,64 43308526 8661705 12992558 17323410 21654263 25985116 30315968 34646821 38977673 923/8 . 43301759 8660352 12990528 17320704 21650880 25981055 30311231 34641407 38971583 + 1/64 43294994 8658999 12988498 17317998 21647497 25976997 30306496 34635995 38965495 + 1/32 43288232 8657646 12986469 17315293 21644116 25972939 30301762 34630585 38959408 + 3/64 43281471 43292775 8656294 8658555 12984441 12987832 17312588 17317110 21640735 21646387 2596S883 25975665 30297030 30304942 34625177 34634220 38953324 38963497 — 3 M 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 _ 1/32 43286008 8657202 12985802 17314403 21643004 25971605 30300206 34628807 38957407 _ 1 64 43279244 8655849 12983773 17311698 21639622 25967546 30295471 34623395 38951319 927/16 . 43272481 8654496 12981744 17308993 21636241 25963489 30290737 34617985 38945233 + '64 43265721 8653144 12979716 17306288 21632861 25959433 30286005 34612577 38939149 + I32 43258963 8651793 12977689 17303585 21629482 25955378 30281274 34607170 38933067 + 3 64 43252207 8650441 12975662 17300883 21626103 25951324 30276545 34601766 38926986 _ 3 64 43263523 8652705 12979057 17305409 21631762 25958114 30284466 34610818 38937171 92 1 2 _ 1,32 43256761 8651352 12977028 17302704 21628380 25954057 30279733 34605409 38931085 This i).irt this tal)lc \ of 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 vas 92 65217 108696 152174 195652 239130 282609 326087 369565 413043 computed Bri- 92 1/8 65129 108548 151967 195387 | 238806 ' 282225 325645 369064 412483 m.irilylorctnts, 92 3/14 65085 108475 151864 195254 238644 ' 282034 325424 368814 412203 but it maj be 92 1/4 65041 108401 151762 195122 1 238482 281843 325203 368564 411924 usc-d for larjjcr 92 S/,6 64997 108328 151659 194990 238321 281652 324983 368314 411645 amounts, for 92 3 8 64953 108254 151556 194S58 23SI60 281461 324763 368065 411367 the rates given 92 7 ,6 64909 108181 151454 194726 1 237999 [ 281271 324544 367816 411089 DATK TAIll.K.S INTEUKSl' TAIII.KS Sl'.i: ADVKIiTISKM KNT IN liAfK OF lu Marks and Pfennigs to Do lars and Cents. German Money. I I- r III an — .sV,/-.. Mark; /'A, .Mark; Siiii;., I'lViinijj; /'/., I'fi-niiij;f. German money, p; ge 122. Value c f coins, pajie 190. Drafts payable out of balances on deposit are stamp free in Germany if they so read. No other country has money of the same value as Germany. Write t'lj^ures as follows: 2S_ 100 M. 28793 '-!> M. 560^1 M.9-^ M. 693 100000 200000 300000 100000 500000 hllllOOO 7011000 SIIOOOO 900000 92 23U0000 461)0000 6900000 9200000 11500U00 13800000 16100000 18400000 20700000 92 I s 2303125 4606250 6909375 921250a 11515625 13818750 16121875 1842.5000 20728125 '>2 1 s • 1 M 23034.S5 4606970 6910455 921.3939 11517424 13820909 16124.194 18427879 20731364 -it. 2303607 4607214 6910822 9214429 11518036 13821643 161252.50 18428857 20732465 - '32 2303967 4607935 6911902 9215869 11519836 13823H04 16127771 184317.18 20735706 ,.-.5 - ' M 230-t327 4608655 6912982 9217310 11521637 1382.5964 161.10292 18434619 20738947 •>2Vi5 230468K 4609375 6914063 9218750 115234.38 13828125 16132813 18437500 20742188 + 'M 23050^8 4610095 6915143 9220190 11525238 13830286 16135.333 18440381 20745428 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000 + 1/32 2305408 4610815 6916223 9221631 11527039 13832446 161378.54 1844.1262 20748669 + 3/M 2305768 2305169 4611536 46103.38 6917.303 6915507 922.3071 9220676 11528839 11.525845 13834607 1.3831014 16140375 161.16183 18446143 18441.352 20751910 20746.521 - 3 M - "32 2305529 4611059 69165S8 9222117 11527647 13833176 16138705 18444234 20749764 »-. , - ' " 2305890 4611779 6917669 92235.S9 11529448 13835338 16141228 18447117 20753007 ^2 '/i 2306250 4612500 6918750 9225000 115312.50 13837500 16143750 18450000 20756250 + ' M 2306610 4613221 6919831 9226441 115330.52 13839662 16146272 184.52883 207.59493 + ',32 2306971 4613941 6920912 9227883 11534854 13841824 16148795 184.55766 20762736 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000 + 3 m 2307331 2306731 4614662 461.3461 6921993 6920192 9229324 9226923 11536655 11533654 13843986 13840.384 16151317 16147115 18458648 18453846 20765979 20760576 - Jm - ' 32 2307091 4614183 6921274 9228365 11535457 13842548 161496.19 184.567.10 20763822 - 1,M 2307452 4614904 6922356 9229808 11537260 13844711 16152163 18459615 20767067 925/16 2307813 461.5625 6923438 9231250 11539063 13846875 16154688 18462.500 20770313 + ',64 2308173 4616346 6924519 9232692 11540866 13849039 16157212 18465385 20773558 + ',32 2308534 4617067 6925601 9234135 11542668 1.3851202 161597.16 18468270 20776803 + 3,'64 j 2308894 4617789 6926683 9235577 11544471 13853366 16162260 18471154 20780049 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 SOdOIIO •lOOdOO -3,M 2308292 46I65S5 6924S77 9233170 11541462 13849755 16158047 is-t(.(i;wii 2117746.12 - '32 2308653 4617.^07 6925960 9234613 11543267 1.3851920 16160573 184(19227 20777880 »^ , - '" 2309014 4618028 6927042 92.36057 11545071 13854085 1616.3099 18472113 20781127 923/8 2309375 4618750 6928125 9237500 11546875 13856250 16165625 18475000 20784375 + '/M t 2309736 4619472 6929208 9238943 11548679 1.38.58415 16168151 18477887 20787623 + '/32 , 2310097 4620193 69302'J0 9240.387 11550483 13860580 16170677 18480773 20790870 + 3m 2310458 230<>854 4620915 4619709 6931373 6929563 9241830 9239417 11552288 11549271 13862745 13859126 16173203 16168980 18483660 18478834 20794118 20788688 - 3 W 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000 - '32 2310215 4620431 6930646 9240861 11551077 1.1861292 16171507 18481723 20791938 .,-. 7 - ' M 2310576 46211.53 6931729 9242306 11552882 138634.59 161740.15 1S484611 20795188 92Vi6 I 2310';38 4621875 69.32813 9243750 11554688 1.1865625 16176.563 18487500 207984,18 + '/M 2311299 4622597 6933896 9245194 11556493 13867791 16179090 18490389 20801(187 + '/J2 2311660 4623319 6934979 9246639 11558298 13869958 16181618 1849.1277 20H04937 + 3m 2312021 462404 1 6936062 9248083 11560104 1.1872124 16184145 1849()1((, 20KOSI87 - 3 64 2311416 4622S32 6934248 9245664 11557080 13868496 16I7WI2 1K491.12.S 2IIN02744 " ' - - '32 2311777 4623555 6935332 9247109 11.558K87 13870664 16IS2441 1S4942I9 2ll.Sli.5W6 This part ol 150;iO 25000 3.5000 45000 55000 i 65000 75000 85000 95000 tills tabic was 92 34500 1 57500 80.500 103500 126500 149500 172500 1955(10 2I8S(;0 coMipulicl priiii- 92 1 s 3IS47 1 57578 80(.(W 103641 126672 149703 172734 195766 j 218797 anly f..r plcn- 92 3/u 34570 57617 80664 103711 126758 149805 1728.52 195898 > 218945 iiij;s, but may 92 1 , 34594 576.=;6 ^^ 1'- 103781 126844 > 149906 | 172969 196031 ! 219094 lio uscil forlarn- 92 5 u 34617 57695 ^1 103852 1269.30 1.5(MM(8 173086 I96IM 219242 92 J s .34M1 57734 v^^•^ 103922 127016 1.50109 | 17.3203 196297 219.191 the nitts Kivcn. 92 7 „ 3422.S.381 16227916 16223642 16226178 16228714 162312.S0 16233786 16236322 700000 16238858 1<>2.14574 16237112 16239650 16242188 16244725 16247263 16249801 SIKIOOO 18(9711)1) ISSOOddO 18502891 18505781 18508672 185(1.3822 18506715 185096(17 800(100 18512500 I851.S.393 18518285 18521178 18516316 18519211 18.5221(15 18525000 8000(10 18.>27S95 1S530789 18533684 18528811 18531707 18534604 18537500 18540396 800000 18543293 18546189 18541.305 18544203 18547102 185.50000 18.552898 18555797 800000 18558695 18553799 185.S66<;9 185.59600 18.562500 18.565400 18.568.301 18571201 900000 20809248 20812.500 20815752 20819004 20822256 20816800 20820054 20823308 900(10 20826563 20829817 20833071 2083(>.325 20830856 211834112 2(1837369 20840625 "(000(H) 2U843881 20847138 20850394 20844912 20848170 20851429 20854688 20857946 900000 29861205 20864463 20858968 20862229 20865489 20868750 2(1872011 2087.5271 900000 20878532 20873024 20876287 208795.50 20882813 20886075 20889338 20892(01 This p.irt of tliis t!il>k- wiis L'liiiputi'd prim" ;irily for pl'i-u- iii; \ 11. I- Mll.l : INTKItK.>(T TAHI.K.S M'VKIITISKMK.NT IS |l \i K German Money Dollars and Cents to Marks and Pfennigs. 1 Kciohmark or Mark = lOO I'feniiige. For figuring profits when exchange on Germany is quoted per 4 marks, see directions | given on page 4. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31V, cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd pfennigs: | Twenty Eight Th ousand Seven Hundred Ninety Three and ^"hoo Marks. 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 - 3/64 4308S839 8617768 12926652 17235535 21.544419 25853303 30162187 34471071 38779955 - ''32 43082104 8616421 12924631 17232842 21541052 2.5849262 30157473 34465683 38773893 «-, -, ~ ' '*4 43075371 8615074 12922611 17230148 21537686 25845223 .30152760 34460297 38767834 92 7/8 43068641 8613728 12920592 17227456 21534.320 25841184 30148048 34454912 38761777 + 1/64 1 43061912 8612.382 12918574 17224765 21530956 25837147 30143339 34449530 .38755721 + 1/32 4.30.S5186 8611037 12916556 17222074 21527593 25833112 301386.30 34444149 38749667 + 3 64 43048462 43059862 8609692 8611972 129145.39 12917958 17219.385 17223945 21.524231 21529931 2.5829077 25835917 3013.3923 30141903 34438769 34447889 38743616 38753875 - 3,64 I 00000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 - 1/32 4.3053131 8610626 12915939 17221253 21526566 25831879 30137192 34442505 38747818 - 1/64 43046403 8609281 1291.3921 17218561 21523202 25827842 301.32482 34437123 38741763 9215/16 43039677 8607935 12911903 17215871 21519839 25823806 30127774 34431742 38735709 + 1/64 43032953 8606591 12909886 17213181 21516477 25819772 30123067 34426363 38729658 + 1/32 43026232 8605246 12907869 17210493 21513116 25815739 30118.362 34420985 38723608 + 3,64 43019512 8603902 12905854 17207805 21509756 2.5811707 3011,36.58 34415609 38717561 - 3 54 43030923 8606185 12909277 17212.369 21515462 2,5818.554 30121646 34424739 .38727831 - 1/32 43024198 8604840 12907259 17209679 21512099 25814519 30116938 34419358 38721778 r.-> - ' '*4 100000 43017474 20000 8603495 30000 12905242 40000 17206990 50000 21.508737 60000 25810485 70000 80000 ,3441,W79 90000 38715727 301122,32 93 43010753 8602151 12903226 17204301 21505376 25806452 30107527 34408602 38709677 + 1 64 43004033 8600H07 12901210 17201613 21.502017 25802420 30102823 34403226 38703630 + 1 32 42997316 8599463 12899195 17198926 21498658 25798390 30098121 34397853 38697584 + 3 64 42990601 430()2024 8598120 8600405 12897180 12900607 17196240 17200810 21495300 21.501012 25794361 2.5801215 3009.3421 ,30101417 34392481 34401619 38691541 ,38701822 - 3,6. - 1 32 42995303 8599061 12898591 17198121 21497652 25797182 30096712 34396242 38695773 - 1 64 42988584 8597717 12896575 171954.34 21494292 25793150 30092009 34390867 38689726 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 931/16 42981867 8596373 12894560 17192747 21490934 25789120 30087307 34385494 38683680 + 1 64 42975152 8595030 12892546 17190061 21487576 25785091 30082607 .34,380122 38677637 + 1 32 > 42968439 8593688 12890532 171S7376 21484220 25781064 30077908 34374752 .38671595 + 3 64 42961729 42973164 8592346 8594633 12888519 12891949 17184691 17189266 21480864 21486582 25777037 25783898 30073210 30081215 34369383 34378531 38665556 38675847 - 354 - 1,32 42966447 8593289 12889934 17186579 21483224 25779868 30076513 34373158 38669802 «/» < ~ '/64 42959733 8591947 12887920 17183893 21479866 25775840 30071813 34367786 38663759 93 '/8 42953020 8590604 12885906 17181208 21476510 25771812 30067114 34362416 .38657718 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 + 1/64 42946310 8589262 12883893 17178524 21473155 25767786 30062417 34357048 38651679 + 1/32 42939602 8587920 12881880 17175841 21469801 25763761 30057721 34351681 38645641 t- 3,61 42932895 8586579 12879869 17173158 21466448 25759737 30053027 34346316 38639606 - 3/64 ; 42944342 8588868 12883303 17177737 21472171 25766605 30061039 34355474 38649908 - 1/32 42937630 8587526 12881289 17175052 21468815 25762578 30056341 34350104 38643867 .., , ■ ' *' 42930920 8586184 12879276 17172.368 21465460 25758552 30051644 34344736 38637828 93Vl6 42924212 8584842 12877264 17169685 21462106 25754527 30046948 34.V39370 ,38631791 + 1/m 42917506 8583501 12875252 17167002 214587.53 25750504 30042254 34334005 38625755 This part of 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7.500 8500 9500 this tabic was 92 7's 64603 107672 150740 193809 2.36877 279946 32.?01S 366083 409152 computccl pri- 9215 ,6 1 64560 107599 1506.39 19.3679 236718 279758 322798 365837 408877 marily lorcciits, „, but it may be used for larger '^ ' 16 64516 64473 1 107527 107455 150538 150437 193548 193418 236559 236400 279570 279382 322581 322364 365591 365346 408602 408328 amounts, for 93 Is 64430 107383 150336 193289 236242 279195 ,322148 365101 408054 the rates given 9.3 3 |,, 64386 107311 150235 1931.59 236083 279007 321932 364856 407780 D.VTli lAUiJi-S I.NTICKKST T.\ULIiS SKK AllVKItTISIOM i:.NT IN llAl'K Marks and Pfennigs to Dollars and Cents. German Money. (icrman — Siiij^.. Mark; I'l.. Mark; Sini;.. I'lViiniK; /'/■. I'fcnni^o. German money, page 122. Value of coins, paj^e 190. Drafts payable out of balances on deposit are stamp free in Germany if they so read. No other country lias money of the same value as Germany. Write figures as follows: M. 28793 ^ M. 560 i^ M. 9 ^1 M. 693 25 100 This i>.irt i.t this tal)le was computed prim" .irily fi>r pfcii- W)i9, but may l>c used fiirlarK IT amounts, for the rates >;iven. 92 ^ s 9215 ,4 93 93 1 16 93 I s 93 ' lb 1 5(100 2.S000 35000 45000 55000 65000 75000 85000 .HN28 5.S(M7 81266 1(M484 127703 150422 174141 l'»7.V59 I 34852 .S80K6 81.^20 104555 12778'> 151023 1742.58 197492 i 34875 58125 81375 104625 127875 151125 174.W5 197(,25 34898 58164 81430 1046'>5 127%1 151227 174492 197758 ; 34922 58203 81484 1047«>6 128047 151328 1 74WW 197891 34'M5 58242 815.W 1(M8.\6 128133 151430 174727 198023 95000 220578 220727 220875 221023 221172 221.120 llATK T.MU.K.S INII IlKSr IMll.K: A[ivi:itrisi;\ii;Nr in hack ur UOUK German Money. Dollars and Cents to Marks and Pfennigs. 1 Keichmark or Mark = lOO Pfennige. For figuring profits when exchange on Germany is quoted per 4 marks, see directions given on page 4. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31*^ cents on Sl.OOO. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd pfennigs: Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Three and -^hoo Marks. 100000 20000 30000 j 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90300 93 .' „ + V' ^ 2 54 42910802 8582160 12873241 17164321 21455401 25746481 30037562 34328642 38619722 42904101 42915559 8580820 8583112 12871230 17161640 12874668 ! 17166224 21452050 21457780 25742460 25749335 30032870 30040891 34323280 34332447 38613691 38624003 - 3 64 - 1/32 42908851 8581770 12872655 17163541 21454426 25745311 30036196 34327081 38617966 ... , - '" 42902146 8580429 12870644 ' 17160858 21451073 25741287 30031502 34321717 38611931 93 1/4 42895442 8579088 12868633 17158177 21447721 25737265 30026810 34316354 38605898 + 1/54 42888741 8577748 12866622 | 17155496 21444371 25733245 30022119 34310993 38599867 + 1/32 42882042 8576408 12864613 1 17152817 21441021 25729225 30017429 34305633 38593838 + 3/54 lOOODO 42875345 42886S15 2 8 0000 30000 12862603 12866044 40000 17150138 17154726 50000 21437672 21443407 60000 70000 3^ 0000 90000 38587810 38598133 575069 25725207 25732089 30012741 30020770 300276 - 3 M 8577363 34309452 - 1 32 42880111 8576022 12864033 17152045 21440056 25728067 30016078 34304089 38592100 - 1,54 42873410 8574682 12862023 17149364 21436705 25724046 30011387 34298728 38586069 93 5/16 42866711 8573342 12860013 17146685 21433356 25720027 30006698 34293369 38580040 + I'M 42860014 8572003 12858004 17144006 21430007 25716009 30002010 34288012 38574013 + ' .12 42853320 8570664 12855996 17141328 21426660 25711992 29997324 34282656 38567988 + ■' 54 42846627 8569325 12853988 ; 17138651 214233i4 25707976 29992639 34277302 38561964 100000 42858108 20000 8571622 30000 12857433 40000 17143243 50000 21429054 60000 70000 80000 34286487 90000 38572298 - 3'64 25714865 30000676 - 1 32 42851410 8570282 12855423 17140564 21425705 25710846 29995987 34281128 38566269 n-l I - ' 64 42844713 8568943 12853414 ' 17137885 21422357 25706828 2') 991299 34275771 38560242 93 -Vs 42838019 8567604 12851406 17135207 21419009 25702811 29986613 34270415 38554217 + ' 54 42831326 8566265 12849398 17132531 21415663 25698796 29981928 34265061 38548194 + l32 42824636 8564927 12847391 17129854 24412318 25694782 29977245 34259709 38542172 + 354 42817948 8563590 8565888 12845384 12848832 17127179 17131776 21408974 21414720 25690769 25697665 29972563 29980609 34254358 34263553 38536153 38546497 - 3/54 42829441 100000 20000 30000 40300 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 - 1'32 42822747 8564549 12846824 17129099 21411373 25693648 29975923 34258197 38540472 93^16'.'.!: 42816055 8563211 12844816 17126422 21408027 25689633 29971238 34252844 38534449 42809365 8561873 12842809 17123746 21404682 25685619 29966555 34247492 38528428 + 1 54 42802677 8560535 12840803 17121071 21401338 25681606 29961874 34242141 38522409 + 1/32 42795991 8559198 12838797 17118396 21397995 25677594 29957194 34236793 38516392 + 3/54 1 42789307 42800812 8557861 8560162 12836792 1 17115723 12840243 17120325 21394654 21400406 25673584 25680487 29952515 29960568 34231446 34240649 38510376 38520730 -354 ; - 1 32 * 42794122 8558824 12838237 j 17117649 21397061 25676473 29955885 34235297 38514710 100000 20000 30000 1 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 !»-> 1 ~ ' <■* 42787434 8557487 12836230 i 17114974 21393717 25672461 29951204 34229947 38508691 931/2 42780749 8556150 12834225 17112299 21390374 25668449 29946524 34224599 38502674 + 1,M 42774065 8554813 12832220 17109626 21387033 25664439 29941846 34219252 38496659 + 1/32 42767384 8553477 12830215 17106954 21383692 25660430 29937169 34213907 38490645 4- 3 64 42760705 42772220 8552141 8554444 12828211 12831666 17104282 17108888 21380352 21386110 25656423 25663332 29932493 29940554 34208564 34217776 38484634 38494998 - 3 54 93 ''!,,-' 32 42765535 8553107 12829661 1 17106214 21382768 25659321 29935875 34212428 38488982 - 1 64 1 42758852 8551770 12827656 17103541 21379426 25655311 29931196 34207082 38482967 TIlis ]);irt of 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 S500 9500 this talile was 93 ij^ 64343 ! 107239 150134 193029 235925 278820 321716 364611 407506 computed pri- 93 j^j^ 64300 107167 150033 192900 235767 278633 321500 364367 407233 marilvforcents, 3^ 64257 107095 149933 192771 235609 278447 321285 364123 406961 but it mav 1)L- ' 1 1 used for larger 93 Vm 64214 107023 149S33 192642 235451 278261 321070 363880 406689 .•miouuts, for 93 ' 2 64171 106952 149733 192513 235294 278075 320856 363636 406417 tin- rates given 93 " k, 64128 1068S0 149633 192385 235137 277889 320641 363393 406145 l».\TK TAliLi:S INTKUEST 'I'ABILKS SICK AIIVKKTISKMICNT IX HACK OK HOOK Marks and Pfennigs to Dollars and Cents. German Money. ('■iTiiian — Siiii;.. Mark; /'/.. Mark; N//;.i;., I'fenniji; /'/., I'lVniiijji-. Gorman money, page 122. V'aluo of coins, page 190. Drafts payable out of balances on deposit are stamp free in Germany if they so read. No other country has money of the same value as Germany. Write figures as follows: .]/. 2S793 ^1 M. 560 -!i M. 9 ^1 M. 693 25 100 V3 ■' 16 93 '/. + ',M + 1/32 93 V I 93 Vs 93 7/16" 93 '/2 IIIOOOU 23.VH16 2.V?078U 2.W0157 2330521 2330886 2331250 2331614 2331979 100000 2332343 2331719 2332083 2332448 2332813 2333177 2333542 2333906 100000 - ' M 20U()(M) 4660N31 4661559 4660314 4661043 4661771 4662500 4663229 4663957 200000 4664686 4663438 4664167 4664896 4665625 4666354 4667083 4667812 200000 4666562 4667291 4668021 4668750 4669480 4670209 4670938 4669685 300000 4670415 4671145 4671875 4672605 4673335 4674065 4672809 4673539 200000 4674270 4675000 46757.^0 4676461 4677191 4675932 467(>W>3 4677.394 6'W9842 7000937 7002031 7U03125 7004219 7005313 7006408 7004528 300000 7005623 7006718 7007813 7008907 7010002 7011097 7009213 7010309 .300000 I 7011404 7012500 i 7013596 7014691 7015787 701.3898 70I4'W5 7016091 93.33123 9334582 9336041 9337500 9338959 9.340418 9341877 9339370 4()00J)0 9.^40830 9342290 9343750 9345210 9346670 9.348130 934.5617 93t7il7S KKMMIO 934.S5.V* 93.500(10 9351461 9352922 9354383 9351864 9353326 93.54788 11666404 11668228 11670051 11671875 1167.3699 1167.5522 11677346 11674213 50000 116760.38 11677863 11679688 11681512 11683337 11685162 I16K2022 ll(,.S.vS4S .S(MMI(IO 11(>.S.S(.74 11687500 IU*9326 11691152 11692979 llf)89830 116916.S8 1 1693485 1398.53 1 4 1. 3987.500 13989686 13991871 60000 13994057 13990314 1.3992501 13994688 13996875 13'W9062 14001249 14003436 600000 13999685 14001873 14004(162 14006250 14008439 ' 14010627 14012815 14009055 600000 14011245 140134.35 1401.5625 14017815 I 14020005 14022195 14018426 H020617 (>IMIOOJ) 14022809 1402.50(10 14027191 14029383 14031574 14027796 1 402'>'»S'> 1 4(1.32 1S2 163.32965 163.38072 16340625 16.343178 16.345731 16348285 16343898 7()0000 1(>346453 16349008 16.351563 16354117 16356672 163.59227 16354830 16357.387 700000 16359943 16362500 1636.5057 1636/613 16370170 lri3f.5762 1(.3(.S321 l(.37(I.S79 18666246 18669164 18672082 18675000 J 18677918 18680836 18683754 18678740 SOOOOO 1S(.M66() 18684580 18687500 18690420 18693340 186962(.(l 1S(.91234 186941.56 SOOOOO 18697(I7S 18700(1(10 18702922 18705844 18708766 1S;(I37:'> ls7(l(.(i.>2 lS7(l')5r6 This p.irt i>t this talilc was iDinpulid priiir arily for pdii- iii>;s, but may tie used forlarj;- cr amounts, fur the rates j;iven. 9.3 1 I 9.3 5 16 93 3 H 9.3 7 ,4 9.3 I : 93' 16 15000 25000 35000 45000 55000 65000 ; 34969 58281 81594 104'NI6 128219 151.531 34992 58320 81648 104977 12S.10S 1516.33 j 3S016 58359 81703 10.5(H7 128391 151734 35039 58398 81758 105117 128477 151836 1 35063 58438 81813 105188 128.563 151938 1 35086 58477 81867 1052.58 128648 1520.39 1 l>.\TK T.Mll.KS l.STKItK.^tT TAIll.K.S SKK Al>VKItTl.' 16 This part i.l this t.ililc was computed prim" arily fur pl'cii- iii);s, but may be used lorlnr^- IT amounts, for the rates driven. V3'»i» 93 5 H 93 M 14 93 ' ( 93 I.' 16 93 ^ H I .=^1)00 35(W6 ,VS1()9 .^5133 35156 .351 HO 3.';2(I3 2S()()0 5N477 .S«5I6 SHSS.^; 58.S94 5K633 5K672 3.=;((()0 H1H67 HIV22 H1V77 82031 K20K6 H2141 l.SOOO s.sono 65000 75000 S5000 1052.SH 12HWS 1520.W 17.S4.10 l'»S«20 IO.S32H 12N734 l.';2Hl 17.5547 l')S<)5.l 1053'>8 12NN20 152242 175(rf>4 IWOSf) 105469 12S906 152344 1757H1 199219 lOS.S.IM I2NW2 152445 1 7.5K9K 199352 lOsWW 12'>07H 1.52547 176016 1W4S4 95000 222211 222359 2225n.s 222656 222805 222953 IlATK TMII.KS INTKItK.ST T.Mll.KS .SKK MIVKKTI.SKM KNT IN M.M'K German Money Dollars and Cents to Marks and Pfennigs. 1 Reiclimark or Mark = lOO Pfennige. For figuring profits when exchange on Germany is quoted per 4 marks, see directions | given on page 4. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31X cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd pfennigs: | Twenty Eight Th ousand Seven Hundred Ninety Three and ^^lioo Marks. , 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 SOOOO 90000 - '/32 42594815 8518963 12778444 17037926 21297407 25556889 29816370 34075852 38335333 «, .c - ' 64 42588158 8517632 12776447 17035263 21294079 25552895 29811711 34070526 38329342 9315/16 42581504 8516301 12774451 17032601 21290752 25548902 29807053 34065203 38323353 + 1 M 42574851 8514970 12772455 17029941 21287426 25544911 29802396 34059881 38317366 + 1 '32 42568201 8513640 12770460 17027280 21284101 25540921 29797741 34054561 3831 1381 + S 64 42561553 42573148 8512311 8514630 12768466 12771944 17024621 17029259 21280776 21286574 25536932 25543889 29793087 29801203 34049242 34058518 3S3053''S 38315833 - 3'64 - 1/32 42566494 8513299 12769948 17026597 21283247 25539896 29796545 34053195 38309844 - I'M 100000 42559841 20000 30000 12767952 40000 17023937 50000 21279921 60000 70000 29791889 80000 34047873 90000 38303857 8511968 25535905 94 42553191 8510638 12765957 17021277 21276596 25531915 29787234 34042553 38297872 + • 64 42546544 8509309 12763963 17018617 21273272 25527926 29782581 34037235 38291889 + 1,32 42539898 8507980 12761969 17015959 21269949 25523939 29777928 34031918 38285908 + 3 '64 42533254 42544860 8506651 8508972 12759976 12763458 17013302 17017944 21266627 21272430 25519952 25526916 29773278 29781402 34026603 34035888 38279929 38290374 - 3/64 - 1/32 42538210 8507642 12761463 17015284 21269105 25522926 29776747 34030568 38284389 -1/64 42531563 8506313 12759469 17012625 21265781 25518938 29772094 34025250 38278406 94 1/16 I 00000 42524917 20000 30000 12757475 40000 1 700')967 50000 21262458 60000 25514950 70000 29767442 80000 34019934 90000 38272425 8504983 + 1 64 42518273 8503655 12755482 17007309 21259137 25510964 29762791 34014619 38266446 + 1/32 42511632 8502326 12753490 17004653 21255816 25506979 29758142 34009306 38260469 + 3/64 42504993 42516610 8500999 8503322 12751498 127549S3 17001997 17006644 21252496 21258305 25502996 25509966 29753495 29761627 34003994 34013288 38254493 38264949 - 3/64 . - 1/32 42509964 8501993 12752989 17003986 21254982 25505979 29756975 34007971 38258')( 8 n i . - ' "^ 42503321 8500664 12750996 17001328 21251661 25501993 29752325 34002657 38252989 94 1/8 42496680 8499336 12749004 16998672 21248340 25498008 29747676 33997344 38247012 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 + 1/64 42.490041 8498(108 12747012 16996016 21245020 25494025 29743029 33992033 38241037 + 1/32 42483404 8496fiM 12745021 16993362 21241702 25490042 29738383 33986723 38235064 + 3/64 42476769 42488397 8495354 8497679 12743031 12746519 16990708 16995359 212383S4 21244198 25486061 25493038 29733738 29741878 33981415 33990717 38229092 38239557 - 3 64 - 1 '32 42481756 8496351 12744527 16992702 21240878 25489054 29737229 33985405 38233580 n,A 1, - 1 64 42475117 8495023 12742535 16990047 21237559 25485070 29732582 33980094 382276(15 943/16 42468480 8493696 12740544 16987392 21234240 25481088 29727936 33974784 38221632 + 1/64 42461846 8492369 12738554 16984738 21230923 25477107 29723292 33969477 38215661 100000 20000 30000 40800 50300 60000 70000 80000 90000 + 1/32 42455213 8491043 12736564 16982085 21227607 25473128 29718649 33964171 38209692 + 3;'64 42448583 42460222 8489717 8492044 12734575 12738066 16979433 16984089 21224291 21230111 25469150 25476133 29714008 29722155 33958866 33<)68I77 38203724 382141')'' - 3/64 - 1/32 42453585 8490717 12736076 16981434 21226793 25472151 29717510 33962868 38208227 ^. , ~ ' '" 42446951 8489390 12734085 16978780 21223475 25468170 29712865 33957561 38202256 941/, 42440318 8488064 12732095 16976127 21220159 25464191 29708223 33952255 381')r.:M. + 1 6t 42433688 8486738 12730106 16973475 21216844 25460213 29703582 33946950 381')(131'» + " 32 42427060 84S5412 12728118 16970824 21213530 2545h236 29698942 33941648 38184354 This i)art of 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 this talilc was 93 isy, : 63872 106454 149035 191617 234198 276780 319361 361943 404524 cmnpulccl pri- 9^ 6383(1 106383 148936 191489 234042 276596 319149 361702 404255 niiirilyforcents, 94 1 ' ^ but it may be used for larger 94 l/s 63787 ' 63745 106312 106242 148837 148738 191362 191235 233887 233732 276412 276228 318937 318725 361462 361222 403987 403718 amounts, for 94 3'l6 63703 106171 148640 191108 233577 276045 318514 360982 403451 he rates piven 94 I/4 636611 106101 148541 190981 233422 275862 318302 360743 403183 1>ATI': TAIILKS Ai>vi;ii'iisK.\ii;.\r in hack Marks i ind Pfennigs to Dollars and Cents. German Money. German- Siiif;., Mark; J'l., Alark; Sirif;., I'foiinijf; J'l-, I'lV-nnige. i German money, page 122. Value of coins, page 190. Drafts payable out of balances on deposit are stamp tree in G ermany if they so read. No other country has money of the same value as Germany. Write figures as follows: 100 M.2S793-^ M. 560^1 M.9^1 M. 693 100000 :0(MIOO 3 10000 400000 500000 60(l()()() 700000 sooooo 900000 - ' 32 2347704 4695407 ! ■U43111 9390S14 11738518 14().S(i222 1(,433')25 is;si(,29 21129333 - ' M 2348071 4696141 1 7044212 9392282 11740353 14088423 16436194 isr81564 21132635 •)3' ■Vl6 2348438 4696875 ; 7045313 9393750 11742188 14090625 16439063 18787500 2113.S9.38 4- 1 M 2348804 4697609 [ 7046413 9395218 11744022 14092827 16441631 18790436 211.39240 + ' w 2349171 4698343 ■047514 9396686 11745857 14(W5028 16444200 18793371 21142543 + ■* M 2349538 2348898 46W077 4697797 ■048615 ■046695 9.398153 9395594 11747692 11744492 140972.10 14093391 16446768 16442289 IS7'«o(l7 1,S7911SK 2114.5845 21140086 - Jm - '32 2349266 4698531 1 ■047797 9397062 11746328 14095594 16444859 18794125 2114.3.191 100000 200000 3 10000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000 - I 64 2349633 4699266 7048898 9398531 11748164 14097797 16447430 18797062 21146695 ')! 2350000 4700OO0 7050000 9400000 11750000 14100000 16450000 18800000 21150000 + I M 2350367 4700734 : 7051102 9401469 11751836 14102203 16452570 188029.18 + '32 2350734 4701469 7052203 9402937 11753672 14104406 16455141 18805875 21156609 + itA 2351102 2350460 4702203 4700920 7053305 ■051-381 9404406 9401841 11755508 11752.301 14106609 14102761 16457711 16453221 18808812 18803682 21159914 21154142 ^M - 1 32 2350828 4701655 ■052483 940.3311 11754138 14104966 16455793 18806621 21157449 - ' W 2351195 4702390 ■053585 9404780 11755975 14107170 16458365 18809561 21160756 91 '/16 100000 2351563 200000 3 JOOOO ■054688 400000 9406250 500000 11757813 60000 375 700000 1646(1938 SOOOOO 1SM2.=;(I0 900000 21164063 4703125 14109 + ' M 2351930 4703860 7055790 9407720 11759650 14111580 16463510 188154.19 21167.169 + '32 2352297 4704595 7056892 9409189 11761487 14113784 16466082 18818379 21170676 + 3,64 2352665 2352022 4705330 4704044 7057W4 7056066 9410659 9408088 11763324 11760110 14115989 14112132 16468654 16464154 18821318 18816176 21173983 21168198 - J 64 - ' 32 2352390 4704779 ■057169 9409559 11761948 141143.18 1646<>728 18819117 21171507 94 - ' M Vs 2352757 2353125 4705515 4706250 ■058272 ■059375 9411029 9412500 117637K7 11765625 14116.544 14118750 Uilfi'i'dl ISS22(I59 |SS2.=^II(I0 21174816 21178125 iMTisrs + ',64 100000 2353493 200000 .3 4706985 DOOOO 7060478 t 00000 9413971 500000 11767463 60000 u 956 71111(1(1(1 SddOOO 18827941 900000 211814.14 14120 16474449 + ','32 2353860 4707721 7061581 9415441 11769302 14123162 16477022 18830883 21184743 + 3'M 2354228 4708456 7062684 9416912 11771140 1412.5.368 16479.596 18833824 211880.52 - 3,64 2353584 4707167 7060751 9414335 11767919 14121502 16475086 18828670 21182254 - '32 2353952 4707903 7061855 9415807 11769758 14123710 16477662 18831613 21185565 - - 'M 2354320 4708639 7062959 9417278 11771598 1412.5917 16480237 18.S34557 2118.S876 94^/16 2354688 4709375 7064063 9418750 11773438 14128125 164S2813 ISS37500 2119218S + '.64 2355055 4710111 7065166 9420222 11775277 141.303.33 16485388 1S84(H43 21195499 100000 200000 j 3 DOOOO 400000 500000 600000 700000 SOOOOO 900000 + ' 32 2355423 4710847 1 7066270 9421693 11777117 14132540 16487963 1S843387 21198810 + 3 64 2355791 471 1583 7067374 9423165 11778956 1413474S 1649(1539 1S84633() 21202121 - 364 2355146 4710291 7065437 9420582 11775728 14130873 16486019 lS.S411(i4 2II''63I0 - '32 2355514 4711027 7066541 9422055 nmstn 141.W082 16488596 1884410') 2II'W623 - ' 64 2355882 4711764 7067646 9423527 11779409 1413.5291 16491173 18847055 21202937 91 '/I 2356250 4712500 7068750 942.S(MM) 117812.50 14137.500 16493750 1885IHI00 212062.50 + I 64 235^)618 47132.36 7W.9854 9426473 1I78.3()'»1 14139709 16496327 1SN52945 21209.56.1 + ' 32 23569K6 471.V)73 707(19.59 9427'M5 1 1 7849,12 14141')|H l(.)')S<)04 I.s.s55s80 12'M64 152648 1761.33 199617 223102 lOIIl putcil prim' 94 35250 58750 82250 1057.50 I2'»250 1.527.50 1 762.50 1W750 223250 .irily li>r pltii- Tiiijs, but ninv I'l- used fdrlarj;- 94 1 16 94 1 s 35273 352'»7 .58789 .58828 82305 823.59 10.5820 10.5891 12')3.16 12'»422 152852 152**53 176.167 1 764K4 l'W88,1 223398 200016 223547 ir iiniounts.for 94 ' It 35320 .58867 82414 10.5961 129508 15.3055 1 7(.602 200148 22.1695 tllL- rati-9 1,'ivtn. 94 1 1 3.5344 58'«I6 82469 im>031 129.594 1.531.56 176719 20(I2S1 223.S44 IN I i;i:i;.s r y Miii;- ■IKK AllVKHTISI Ml S 1 n German Money. Dollars and Cents to Marks and Pfennigs. 1 Keiehmark or Mark = 100 Pfennige. For figuring profits when exchange on Germany is quoted per 4 marks, see directions | given on pag e 4. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31% cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd pfennigs: Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Three and ^^lim Marks. I 00000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 94 14 + 3 m 42420434 42432084 8484087 8486417 127261.30 12729625 16968173 16972833 21210217 21216042 25452260 25459250 29694304 29702458 3.3936.^47 3.V)45667 38178.^90 3818SS75 -3/64 - 1 3? 42425451 8485U90 127276.^ 1697U181 21212726 25455271 29697816 3.'i94()361 .3S1S29U6 04= -'" 42418821 8483764 12725646 16967529 21209411 25451293 29693175 33935057 38176939 94 5/16 42412194 8482439 12723658 16964877 21206097 25447316 29688535 33929755 38170974 + '64 42405568 84S1114 12721670 16962227 21202784 25443341 29683897 33924454 .38165011 + "32 42398944 8479789 12719683 169,S9578 , 21199472 25439366 29679261 33919155 381.S9049 + 3,64 42392322 8478464 12717697 16956929 21196161 25435393 29674625 33913858 38153090 100000 42403983 20000 8480797 30000 12721195 40000 16961593 50000 21201991 6OOOO 70000 29682788 80000 3.3923186 90000 38163585 - 3/64 25442 390 - ' 32 42397355 8479471 12719207 16958942 21198678 2.5438413 29678149 3.W 17884 38157620 ^ . r, - ' W 423907,W 8478146 12717219 16956292 21195.^65 254344.38 29673511 33912584 38151657 94 -Vs 42384106 8476821 12715232 16953642 21192053 25430464 29668874 33907285 38145695 + 1/64 42377484 8475497 12713245 16950994 21188742 25426491 29664239 33901988 38139736 + 1/32 42370865 8474173 12711260 16948346 21185433 25422519 29659606 33896692 38133779 + 3/64 42364248 42375919 8472850 8475184 12709274 12712776 16945699 16950368 21182124 21187960 25418549 25425552 29654973 29663144 33891398 33900735 38127823 .38138.^27 - 3/64 - 1/32 100000 42369296 20000 847.3859 30000 12710789 40000 16947718 50000 21184648 60000 25421578 70000 29658S07 SOOOO 90000 381.32.366 3389.5437 tX A -, ~ ' M 42362675 8472535 12708802 16945070 21181337 25417605 29653872 33890140 38126407 94 7/16 42356056 8471211 12705SI7 16942422 21178028 2.541.36.33 29649239 33884844 ,38121)450 + 1/64 42349438 8469888 12704832 169.W775 21174719 25409663 29644607 33879551 38U4495 + 1/32 42342823 8468365 12702847 16937129 21171412 25405694 29639976 33874259 38108.541 + 3 64 42336210 42347893 8467242 8469579 12700863 12704368 16934484 16939157 21168105 21173946 25401726 25408736 29635347 29643525 33868968 33878314 38102589 38113104 - 3 64 - 1/32 42341274 8468255 12702382 16936510 21170637 25404764 29638892 33873019 38107147 100000 20000 30900 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 941/3"!'." ■12334657 8466931 12700.W7 16933863 21167329 25400794 29634260 33867726 38101191 42328042 8465608 12698413 16931217 21164021 25396825 29629630 33862434 38095238 + '04 42,^214.^0 8464286 12696429 16928572 21160715 25392858 29625001 3.3857144 38(189287 + 1/32 42314819 8462964 12694446 16925928 21157409 25388891 29620373 33851855 38083337 + 3/64 42308210 42319904 8461642 8463981 12692463 12695971 16923284 16927961 21154105 21159952 25384926 25391942 29615747 29623932 33846568 33855923 38077389 38087913 - 3/64 - 1/32 42313289 8462658 1269.3987 16925316 21156645 25387973 29619302 338.S0631 38081960 -1/64 42306677 8461335 12692003 16922671 21153.338 25384006 29614674 33845341 38076009 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 94 9/16 42300066 846!I013 12690020 16920026 21150033 25380040 29610046 33840053 38070059 + 1 64 42293458 84.58692 12688037 16917.383 21146729 25376075 29605420 33834766 38064112 + 1/32 42286851 8457370 126H6055 16914741 2114.3426 25372111 29600796 33829481 38058166 + 3/64 42280247 42291951 8456049 8458390 12684074 12687585 16912099 16916780 21140124 21145976 25368148 25375171 29596173 29604366 33824198 33833561 38052222 38062756 - 3 64 - 1.32 42285341 8457068 126S5602 169141.36 21142671 25371205 29599739 33828273 38;)5(.807 94 vs".':^ 42278733 8455747 12683(.2() 16911493 211.39,366 25367240 29595113 3.W22986 380.=^()8t0 42272127 8454425 12681638 16908851 21136063 25363276 29590489 3.3817701 3S044914 Tliis ])art of 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 S500 9500 this tabic was 94 5/16 63618 106030 148443 190855 233267 275679 318091 360504 402916 computed pri- marily forccnts, but it may be used for larjjer 94 3/8 6357* 105960 148.344 190728 233113 275497 317881 360265 402649 94 7/16 94 1/2 63534 63492 105890 105820 148246 148148 190602 190476 232958 232804 275314 275132 317670 317460 360026 359788 402383 402116 amounts, for 94 9/,6 63450 105750 1480.50 190350 232650 2749.50 317251 3.S9551 40IS51 the rates fjivcn 94 5 s 63408 105680 1479.52 190225 232497 274769 317041 .3.59313 401585 DATK TAIil.KS ■I'Altl.K.S ai>vi:i:ii.;k + 3/64 94 3/s 91 7/1 + >M + 1 32 + 3 64 ■_ 3m - ' M '+ '/64 + '/32 + J/64 - J/64 - >/32 91 '/2 _ I + '/64 + «/32 + J 64 ■ - 3 64 - '32 - ' 64 91"/! + I 64 + '32 + 3/64 - 3'm 9 1 Vs 'i - I * H)(MH)0 23.S7.154 2.^56707 2,^57(176 2357444 2357N13 2358181 2358549 2358918 100000 2358269 2358638 2359006 2359375 2359744 2360112 2360481 2359831 100000 2360200 2360569 2360938 2361306 2.361675 2362044 2361393 2361762 100000 2362131 2362500 2362869 2363238 2363607 2362954 2363324 2363693 100000 2364063 2364432 2364801 2365171 2364516 2364886 2365255 2365625 200000 4714709 4713415 4714151 4714888 4715625 4716.162 4717099 4717835 200000 4716538 4717275 4718013 4718750 4719487 4720225 4720962 4719662 200000 4720399 4721137 4721875 4722613 4723351 4724088 4722785 4723523 200000 4724262 4725000 4725738 4726477 4727215 4725909 4726647 4727386 2 00000 4728125 4728864 472'<603 4730341 4729032 4729771 4730511 47312.50 300000 7072063 7070122 7071227 70723.12 7073438 7074543 7075648 7076753 300000 7074807 7075913 7077019 7078125 7079231 7080337 7081443 7079492 300000 7080599 7081706 7082813 7083919 7085026 7086133 7084178 7085285 300000 70H(i.W3 70875(10 7088607 7089715 7090822 7088863 7089971 7091079 3 00000 7092188 70**3296 70944(M 7095512 7093548 7094657 7095766 709()875 100000 9429418 9426829 9428303 9429776 9431250 9432724 94.34197 94.35671 lOOOOO 943.1076 9434551 9436025 9437500 9438975 9440449 9441924 9439323 100000 9440799 9442274 9443750 9445226 9446701 9448177 9445570 9447047 (oonoo "MIS52.1 9 (500111) 9451477 9452953 9454430 9451817 9453295 9454772 400000 94562.50 9457728 94.59205 9460683 9458064 9459543 9461021 9462500 500000 11786772 1178.1536 11785378 11787220 11789063 11790905 11792747 11794589 .5()0000 11791345 11793189 1 1 795032 11796875 11798718 11800562 11802405 117491.54 .5000110 ll,S(»09y9 11802843 11804688 11806532 11808376 11810221 11806963 11808809 500000 lls|ii(,54 11M2500 11814346 11816191 IIS18037 11814772 11S16(,|9 llSIMI.d 50111111(1 riS2(i.U3 118221.59 11824006 11825853 11822581 11824429 11K26277 11828125 hOOOOO 14144127 14140244 141424.54 14144Mj5 14146875 14149085 14151296 14153506 600000 14149614 14151826 141.540.18 14156250 14158462 14160674 14162KN6 I tl5S'/s.=. lilllMIIMI ItK.UVS 14163412 14165625 14167838 141700.52 14172265 14168355 14170570 60000 14172785 14175000 14177215 14179430 14181645 14177726 1 4 1 79942 1I1S21.59 f.lMIOOO 14IK4375 141S6591 14188808 14191024 14187097 14189314 14191.5.12 141937.50 700000 16501481 16496951 16499530 16502109 16504688 16507266 16.509845 16512424 700000 16507883 16510464 16513044 16515625 16518206 16520786 16523367 I651S.S16 711(1(100 16.521398 1652.1980 16526563 16529145 16531727 16534309 16529748 16532332 700000 16534916 16.537.500 16540084 16542668 16545252 16540680 16543266 16545852 7()0000 165484.18 16.551023 165.5.1609 16556195 16551613 16554200 16556788 165.59375 800000 18858836 18853658 18856605 18859553 18862500 18865447 18868395 18871342 SOOOOO 18866152 18869102 18872051 18875000 18877949 1H,S.S0898 1888.1848 1H878646 SOOOOO 18881598 18884549 18887500 18890451 18893402 188963.54 18891141 18894094 SOOOOO 18897(M7 18900000 18902953 18905906 18908859 18903635 189(16590 18909545 SOOOOO 18912.500 1891.54.55 189IK410 18921365 18916129 1891'>0S6 18922043 IS925IKM) 900000 21216190 21210366 2121.1681 21216997 21220313 21223628 21226944 21230259 900000 21224421 212277.19 21231057 2123437 21237693 21241011 21244,129 21238477 90000 21241797 21245117 212484.18 21251758 21255078 21258.198 212.525.13 21255855 900000 212.59178 21262500 21265822 21269145 21272467 21266589 21269914 21273238 900000 21276.563 21279S,S7 2128.1211 2128<)536 21280645 2128.1972 2128729S 212906; This i>.irt of tilts talilc was Cdiiiputcil prim- nrily for pliii- ni)js, hut may \k usi'il for l.irx;- cr.imDiiiits. for tlic rates fjivcn. 94 5 ,4 94 3, 94 7 16 94 1 2 94»i6 94 -1 s 1.5000 25000 35000 15000 55000 65000 75000 S5000 35367 58945 82.523 106102 129*>80 1.5.1258 1 76836 2tKHl4 1 35.391 589H4 82578 106172 129766 1533.59 1 76953 200547 1 35414 59023 82633 106242 129852 153461 177070 2(M1680 354.38 59063 82688 106313 129938 153563 177188 200813 35461 59102 82742 106383 130023 15.3664 177.305 200945 35484 59141 82797 106453 130109 1.53766 177422 201078 95000 223'W2 224141 224289 224438 224586 22*734 1>ATK TAII1.K.>1 INTKKK.ST TAlll.K-S Hf.l. A1>VKUTI.>IKMKNT I.N HACK »lK III German Money. Dollars and Cents to Marks and Pfennigs. 1 Reichmark or Mark = lOO Pfennige. For figuring profits when exchange on Germany is quoted per 4 mari\s, see directions given on page 4. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31% cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows ; avoid odd pfennigs: Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Three and ^^lioo Marks. 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 „. =, + '-'M 42265523 8453105 12679657 16906209 21132761 25359314 29585866 33812418 38038971 94 5/8 ^ 1/32 42258921 8451784 12677676 16903568 21129460 25355353 29.581245 3.W07137 38033029 + 3/64 42252321 42264036 8450464 8452807 12675696 12679211 16900928 16905614 21126161 21132018 2.S.351393 25358421 29576625 29584825 .3.'?S01857 33811229 3,SU270S9 38037632 - 3/64 - 1/32 42257430 8451486 12677229 16902972 21128715 25354458 29580201 33805944 38031687 «i 11 ~ ' M 42250826 8450165 12675248 16900330 21125413 25350496 29575578 33800661 38025743 9411/16 42244224 8448845 12673267 16897690 21122112 25346535 29570957 33795380 38019802 + 1;M 42237625 8447525 12671287 16895050 21118812 25342575 29566337 33790100 38013862 + 1/32 100000 42231027 20000 8446205 30000 12669308 40000 16892411 50000 21115514 60000 70000 29561719 80000 33784822 90000 38007924 25338616 + 3,64 42224432 42236157 8444886 8447231 12667330 12670847 16889773 16894463 21112216 21118079 25334659 25341694 29557102 29565310 33779545 33788926 38001989 .38012541 - 3/64 - 1/32 42229556 8445911 12668867 16891822 21114778 25337733 29560689 33783644 38006600 - 1/64 42222956 8444591 12666887 16889182 21111478 25333774 29556069 33778365 38000661 943/4 42216359 8443272 12664908 16886544 21108179 25329815 29551451 33773087 37994723 + 1 64 42209764 8441953 12662929 16883905 21104882 25325858 29546834 33767811 3798S7N7 + 1/32 42203170 8440634 12660951 16881268 21101585 25321902 29542219 33762536 37982853 + 3/64 100000 42196579 42208315 20000 8439316 8441663 30000 12658974 12662495 40000 16878632 16883326 50000 21098290 21104158 60000 25317948 25324989 70000 29537605 29545821 80000 90000 37976921 379874S4 33 757263 - 3 64 33766652 - 1'32 42201718 8440344 12660515 16880687 21100859 25321031 29541203 33761374 37981546 - 1/64 42195123 8439025 12658537 16878049 21097562 25317074 29536586 33756098 37975611 9413/16 42188530 8437706 12656559 16875412 21094265 25313118 29531971 33750824 37969677 + 1/64 42181939 8436388 12654582 16872776 21090970 25309163 29527357 33745551 37963745 + 1/32 42175350 8435070 12652605 16870140 21087675 25305210 29522745 33740280 37957815 + 3/64 42168763 8433753 12650629 16867505 21084382 25301258 29518134 33735011 37951887 100000 .42180510 20000 8436102 30000 12654153 40000 16872204 50000 21090255 60000 25308306 70000 80000 33744408 90000 37962459 - 3/54 29526357 - 1 32 42173917 8434783 12652175 16869567 21086959 25304350 29521742 33739134 37956525 n.A-, ~ '^ 42167326 8433465 12650198 16866931 21083663 25300396 29517129 .337.33861 37950594 947/8 42160738 8432148 12648221 16864295 21080369 25296443 29512516 33728590 37944664 + 1'64 42154151 8430830 12646245 16861660 21077076 25292491 29507906 33723321 379.38736 + 1 32 42147567 8429513 12644270 16859027 21073783 25288540 29503297 33718053 379.^2810 + 3 '64 42140984 42152741 8428197 8430548 12642295 12645822 16856394 16861097 21070492 21076371 25284591 25291645 29498689 29506919 33712787 33722193 37926886 37937467 - 3/64 -1/32 100000 42146153 20000 30000 1264.3846 40000 16858461 50000 2107.3076 60000 25287692 70000 80000 33716922 9OO0O 37931.538 8429231 29502307 - 1/64 42139567 8427913 12641870 16855827 21069783 25283740 29497697 33711653 37925610 9415/16 ..:." 42132982 8426596 12639895 16853193 21066491 25279789 29493088 33706386 37919684 + 1/64 42126400 8425280 12637920 16850560 21063200 25275840 29488480 33701120 37913760 + 1/32 42119820 842.3964 12635946 16847928 21059910 25271892 29483874 33695856 37907838 + 3/64 42113242 8422648 1263.3972 16845297 16850004 21056621 21062505 25267945 25275006 29479269 29487506 33690593 33700007 37901917 37912.5118 - 3/64 42125009 8425002 12637503 95 - 1/32 42118425 842.3685 12635.528 16847370 21059213 25271005 29482898 3.^694740 37906583 This part of ' 1500 2500 3.500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 this table was 94 s/g 63408 105680 147952 190225 232497 274769 317041 359313 401585 computed pri- 94 n/jj 63366 105611 147855 190099 232343 274587 3168.32 359076 401320 marily forcents, 943/4 but it may be used for larger 94 13/i6 amounts, for 94 7/8 63325 105541 147757 189974 232190 274406 316623 358839 401055 63283 105471 147660 189848 232037 274225 316414 358603 400791 63241 105402 147563 189723 ' 231884 274045 316206 358366 400527 the rates given 94 15/i6 63199 105332 147465 1 189598 | 231731 273864 315997 3581.30 400263 DATE TAIII.KS I.NTKUUST TAULICS SEK ADVKllTISE.MHNT IN HACK OF BOOK M. 693 25 100 + > M + "32 + 3 64 - i(A - ' :2 ■ 04 Marks and Pfennigs to Dollars and Cents. German Money. German— Siii};., Mark; PL. Mark; Siiif;., Pfennig; i'l-, l'(cni\if^v. (IcriiKin money, page 122. Value of coins, page 190. Drafts payable out of balances on deposit are stamp free in Germany if they so read. No other country has money of the same value as Germany. Write figures as follows: M. 28793 ■'" M. 560 -'■' M. 9 ■'" 1000(10 :il(IOO(l .^OOdUO 10(1000 SOdOdd (>ddddd 700000 SOOOOO I 900000 + 1m 2365W5 -ir.M'W* 7d'f7')S4 'Mh.W7'; 11S2'»')7.^ I11''.V*(,S 1(..S(,1')(,2 lS'i:7')57 212W9.S2 '■* ' S + I 32 2366364 4732729 7dW(W3 '>46.=;457 lIS.Us.M H1''S1S(, l(,M,^55ll IVMIWH 2129727H +fM 2366734 j 4733468 7100202, 94W)936 11H.«669 1420(1403 16567137 1.S933K71 21300605 - f M 2366078 4732156 7098234 9464312 11K.MI3H9 11196467 16562545 18928623 21294701 - 1,32 ' 2366448 4732896 7099343 9465791 11832239 14I986K7 16565134 18931582 21298030 - 1/M 2366818 4733635 710(M53 9467271 11834088 14200906 16.567723 18934541 213013.S9 'M "/l6 ' 2367188 I 4734375 7101563 9468750(118359.18 14203125 16570313 1S937.S00 21.?()4688 + 1 64 2367557 | 4735115 7102672 9470229 11837787 14205344 16572902 18940459 21308016 1 00000 2mm 300000 400000 sooooo 600000 700000 > sooooo i 900000 + 1,32 2367927] 47.35855 7103782 9471709 11839636 14207564 1657.5491 1894.3418 21311.345 + Im j 2368297 4736594 7104891 9473188 111841486 14209783 16578080 18946377 21314674 -i(A I 2367640 4735279 7102919 9470559 1118.38198 1420.58.18 1657.3478 18941117 21308757 - I 32 2368010 4736020 7104029 94720.19 11840049 14208059 165760^)8 18944078 21312088 - 1 64 2368380 4736760 I 7105140 947.3520 11 841 8W 14210279 165786.59 189470.19 21315419 9 1 V^ 2368750 4737500 7106250 9475000 | 11843750 14212500 16581250 18950000 21318750 2369120 4738240! 7107360 9476480 ; 11845601 14214721 16583841 18952961 | 21322081 2369490 4738980 7108471 9477961 | 11847451 14216941 16586432 18955922 21325412 100000 200000 .100000 400000 I 500000 600000 700000 ' SOdddd dddOOO 2.169X60 47.19721 7109581 9479441 | 11849.102 14219162 16.589022 lS9.vSSs;, 21,128743 2369201 47.18403 7107604 9476806 i 11846007 j 14215209 16584410 1S9.53(,11 21.122813 2369572 4739144 7108715 9478287 I 11847859 14217431 16587002 18956574,21326146 2369942; 4739884 7109826 9479769 11849711 14219653 16589595 18959537 21329479 9I'-Vl6 I, 2370313' 4740625' 7110938 9481250 11851563 14221875 16.592188 18962500^21.132813 2370683 4741366 7112049 9482731 ; 1185.1414 | 14224097 16.594780 189(,.5463 21336146 23710.53 4742106 7113160 9484213 1 185.5266 | 14226319 16.597373 189r,>S426 21.1.19479 2371424; 4742847 j 7114271 'HS5(,9t 1 IS.^7118 i 14228.541 16599965 18971389 21342812 100000 200000 300000 II d 5ddddd 600000 700000 SOOOOO 900000 - 3/m I 2370763 1 4741526 7112290 948.iO.53 1 185.^816 ' 14224579 1(..595342 1S966105 213.16869 23711.14 1 4742268 711.1401' 94845.15 j 1 1855669 I 14226803 |(o979.17 1S9(,9070 2134(1204 „, 2371.5(M j 4743009 7114513 9486018 ! 11857522 [ 14229026 16600.531 18972035 21343540 94 ^/S I 2371875] 4743750 7115625 9487500 111859375,14231250 lw>03125 1897.5000 21.146875 + 1,64 2372246] 4744491 7116737 9488982 j 11861228 I 142.1.1474 lw.05719 18977965 213.50210 + 1 32 , 2372616; 474.5232 7117849 9490465 1186.1081 1423.5697 16608313 I89.S09.10 2135.1.546 + 3^; 2372987 1 4745974 7118960 9491947 11864934 14237921 16610908 189S.1895 2I35614063 18987.5(10 2I.16(»9.18 + 1/64 2373808 4747617 7121425 i 9495233 11869042 14242850 166166.58 189<«M67 21.164275 + 1 32 2374179 4748.1.58 7122.5.18 9496717 11870896 14245075 166192.54 1899.1434 21.167613 + S 64 23745.50 4749100 712.16.50 949S200 118727.50 14247.100 1W.21.S50 l,S9964lid 2137(1950 ~r 3 fc, 237.3887 4747773 7121W.O 9495547 I 11869434 | 1424.1.120 16617207 l.S6l9805 l.S9<*40<,2 21.168320 + ',64 + > 32 + f64 '/64 64 This jiarl 111 this tiiMc was I'linputcd priin- .irily for pliii- in)is, hut may he used forlnrj;- ir amounts, for the rafc't pvcn. 94 5, 94 11 16 94 3 , 94 13 ifc 94 ? s 94 15 It 1.5000 25000 3.5000 4S000 5.5000 35484 .59141 82797 1064.53 130109 35508 59180 82852 106.523 110195 35531 59219 82906 106594 1.10281 35555 592.58 82961 106(rf>4 130.167 35578 59297 83016 106734 1.10453 35602 593.36 83070 106805 130S39 65000 153766 15.1867 153969 154070 1S4I72 75000 177422 177.5.19 177656 177773 177891 S5000 20!0;8 20121 1 201344 201477 201609 9.500 2247.14 2248.S3 22-5031 225180 225328 154273 t 17800H 201742 225477 lATK T.MII.K.S INTKltK.IT TMll.KS SKK Al>\ KUTISKMKNT IS II \i k German Money Dollars and Cents to Marks and Pfennigs. 1 Reichmark or Mark = lOO Pfennige. For figuring profits when exchange on Germany is quoted per 4 marks, see directions 1 given on page 4. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31% cents on $1,000 Write amounts as follows; avoid odd pfennigs: 1 Twenty Eight Tli ousand Seven Hundred Ninety Three and -^hoo Marks. ,'54 100000 4211 1843 2 8 )000 30000 12633553 40000 16844737 50000 21055922 6000 106 70000 29478290 S 33 9000 90000 37900659 ♦22369 25267 689474 95 ". 42105263 8421053 12631579 16842105 21052632 25263158 29473684 336842 U 37894737 + 1,64 42098685 8419737 12629606 16839474 21049343 25259211 29469080 33678948 37888817 + '32 42092109 8418422 12627633 16836844 21046055 25255266 29464477 33673688 37882898 + ''54 42085536 8417107 12625661 16834214 21042768 25251321 29459875 33668428 37876982 — '64 42097314 8419463 12629194 16838925 21048657 25258388 29468120 33677851 37887582 _ '/32 42090734 8418147 12627220 16836294 21045367 25254440 29463514 33672587 37881661 _ 1/64 42084156 8416831 12625247 16833662 21042078 25250494 29458909 33667325 37875741 95Vi6 • 100000 42077581 20000 8415516 30000 12623274 40000 16831032 50000 21038790 60000 25246548 70000 80000 33662064 90000 37869822 29454306 + 1 64 42071007 8414201 12621302 16828403 21035503 25242604 29449705 33656806 37863906 + 1 32 42064435 8412887 12619331 16825774 21032218 25238661 29445105 33651548 37857992 + 3;m 5/64 42057866 42069654 8411573 8413931 12617360 12620896 16823146 16827862 21028933 21034827 25234720 25241793 29440506 29448758 33646293 33655724 37852079 37862689 _ _ 1/32 42063079 8412616 12618924 16825232 21031540 25237847 29444155 33650463 37856771 _ I/M 42056506 8411301 12616952 16822602 21028253 25233903 29439554 33645205 37850855 951/8 . 42049934 8409987 12614980 16819974 21024967 25229961 29434954 33639947 37844941 + 1/54 100000 42043365 20000 8408673 30000 12613010 40000 16817346 50000 21021683 60000 25226019 70000 8 33 0000 90000 37839029 29430356 634692 + 1/32 42036798 8407360 12611039 16814719 21018399 25222079 29425758 33629438 37833118 + S/64 V64 42030233 42042032 8406047 8408406 12609070 12612609 16812093 16816813 21015116 21021016 25218140 25225219 29421163 29429422 33624186 33633625 37827209 37837828 — _ 1/32 42035460 8407092 12610638 16814184 21017730 25221276 29424822 33628368 37831914 _ 1/64 42028891 8405778 12608667 16811557 21014446 25217335 29420224 33623113 378260(12 953/16 . 42022324 8404465 12606697 16808930 21011162 25213395 29415627 33617860 37820092 -r 1/64 42015759 8403152 12604728 16806304 21007880 25209456 29411032 33612608 37814183 + 1/32 100000 42009196 20000 8401839 30000 12602759 40000 16803679 50000 21004598 60000 25205518 70000 80000 33607357 90000 37808277 29406438 + 3/64 5/64 42002636 42014445 8400527 8402889 12600791 12604333 16801054 16805778 21001318 21007222 2520I5S1 25208667 29401845 29410111 33602108 33611556 37802372 37813000 — - 1/32 42007878 8401576 12602363 16803151 21003939 25204727 29405515 33606302 37807090 _ 'm i 42001313 8400263 12600394 16800525 21000657 25200788 29400919 33601051 37801182 95 1/4 . 41994751 8398950 12598425 16797900 20997375 25196850 29396325 33595801 3 7 795; 76 + i/64 41988190 8397638 12596457 16795276 20994095 25192914 29391733 33590552 37789371 + 1/32 41981631 8396326 12594489 16792653 20990816 25188979 29387142 33585305 37r83fi,s + 3/64 3/64 t 100900 ! 41975075 41986894 2 8 onoo 30900 12592522 12596068 40000 16790030 16794758 50900 20987537 211993447 60000 25185045 25192137 70000 29382552 29390826 80000 33580060 33589516 90000 37777567 37788205 395015 — 8397379 _ 1/32 41980332 8396066 12594100 16792133 20990166 251X8199 29386232 33584266 37782299 - 1/64 41973772 8394754 12592131 16789509 20986886 25184263 29381640 33579017 37776394 955/16 41967213 8393443 12590164 16786885 20983607 25180328 29377049 33573770 37770492 + '64 41960657 8392131 12588197 16784263 20980328 25176394 29372460 33568525 3776).-' 1 + '32 41954102 8390821 12586231 16781641 20977051 25172462 29367872 33563282 377586'-2 + 3,M 41947550 8389510 12584265 16779020 20973775 25168530 29363285 33558040 37752795 This part ot 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 this ta1)le was 95 63158 105263 147368 J 894 73 231579 273684 315789 357895 400000 computed P"- 95 1/16 63116 105194 147272 189349 231427 273504 315582 357659 399737 marilvforceiits, ^g j l)ut it may l)c ' used for lan?tr 95 3;,« 63075 105125 147175 189225 231275 273325 315375 357424 399474 63033 105056 147078 189100 231123 273145 315167 357190 399212 amounts, for 95 1 4 62992 104987 146982 188976 230971 272966 314961 356955 39.S')50 the rates g veil 95 S/u 62951 104918 146885 188852 230820 272787 314754 356721 39S(,S9 liATK TAIll.HS INTHKIvST ■rAlll.F.I ■ii:K ADVUKTISICMI'.NT IN HACK ()!•" HOOK Marks and Pfennigs to Dollars and Cents. German Money. Oertnaii — Sliii;.. .Mark; /'/., .Miirk; Sim;.. I'fi-nniij; /'/., I'lVnnijji-. German money, page 122. Value of coins, pafje 190. Drafts payable out of balances on deposit are stamp free in Germany if they so read. No other country has money of the sanie value as Germany. Write fijiures as follows: M. 28793^1 M. 560^1 M.9^1 M. 693 2S 100 This p.irt ot this t.'iblc was coiiiputi'tl prim- arily for pli-ii- ni>;s, )iut may he used forlarn- rrammiiits. fi>r the rates ^;iveii. 95 95 I 16 95 1 s 95 J u 95 I I 95 5 u ISIKIO 2.=;ooo 3.S000 45000 55000 6.S00O 7.5000 S5000 .1.S(.25 5'M7.S K3125 10<>N75 130625 154375 178125 201875 .1564S S'»414 H3IK() 106945 130711 1.54476 178242 202(MIS 356/2 5'M53 S3234 107016 130797 154578 178,3.59 202141 35695 59492 83289 107086 130883 1.54680 178477 202273 .35719 S9.S31 83344 107I.S6 130'>69 1.54781 178594 202406 .3S7-I2 5'>570 83.398 107227 131055 154883 178711 202539 95000 22.5625 225773 225922 226070 226219 226367 l>\TK TAIll.r.S INTKKKST T.MU.KS SKK AUVKItTISKM KNT I.S HACK OK IH German Money. Dollars and Cents to Marks and Pfennigs. 1 Keichmark or Mark = 100 Pfennige. For figuring profits wh sn exchange on Germany is quoted per 4 marks, see directions given on pag e 4. A fluctuation of l-.-)2 per cent m the rate amounts to 31,Vt cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows ; avoid odd pfennigs: Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Three and -"Iwo Marks. - 3/64 loaooo 2 41959380 8 0000 391876 30000 12587814 40000 16783752 50000 20979690 600( 628 70000 29371566 SOOOO 33567504 90000 37763442 25l'7= - V32 41952822 8 390564 12585847 16781129 20976411 25171693 29366975 33562258 37757540 «,- •. ~ ' M 41946266 8 389253 12583880 16778506 20973133 25I677.S9 29362386 33.557013 377516.-i9 95 -Vs 41939712 8 387942 12581914 16775885 20969856 25163827 29357798 33551769 37745741 + 1 M 41933160 8 386632 12579948 16773264 20966580 251.59896 29353212 33546528 37739844 + 1,32 41926610 8 385322 12577983 16770644 20963305 2515.5966 29348627 33.541288 3773.W9 + 3 64 41920062 8 41931902 ' 8 384012 386380 12576018 12579571 16768025 16772761 20960031 20965951 25152037 25159141 29344043 29352331 33536049 33545521 37728055 37738712 - 3,64 - 1/32 100000 2 41925348 8 0000 385070 30000 12577604 40000 16770139 50000 20962674 600( 209 70000 29347744 80000 33540278 90000 37732813 25155 «r , - ' '" 41918796 \ 8 383759 12575639 16767518 20959398 25151278 29343157 33535037 37726916 957/16 41912246 8 382449 12573674 16764898 20956123 25147348 29338572 33.529797 37721022 + 1/64 41905698 8 381140 12571710 16762279 20952849 25143419 29333989 33524559 37715129 + 1/32 41899153 8 379831 12569746 16759661 20949576 251.39492 29329407 33519322 37709238 + 3 64 41892609 8 378522 12567783 16757044 20946305 25135565 29324826 .33514087 37703348 - 3 64 41904459 i 8 380892 12571338 16761784 20952230 25142676 29333122 33523568 37714014 - 1/32 41897910 8 379582 12569373 16759164 20948955 25138746 29328537 33518328 37708119 - I'm 100000 2 41891362 8 0000 378272 30000 12567409 40000 16756545 50000 20945681 60000 25134817 70000 80000 33513090 90000 37702226 29323954 951/2 41884817 8 376963 12565445 16753927 20942408 251.30890 29319372 33507853 37696335 + 1,64 41878273 8 375655 12563482 16751309 20939137 25126964 29314791 33502619 37690446 + 1/32 41871732 8 374346 12561520 16748693 20935866 25123039 29310212 33497385 37684559 + 3/64 41865192 8 41877053 8 37.30.^8 375411 125.59558 12563116 16746077 16750821 20932596 20938527 25119115 251262,^2 29305635 29313937 334921.54 33501642 37678673 37689348 - 3/64 - 1-32 41870508 8 374102 12561152 16748203 20935254 25122305 29309355 33496406 37683457 - 1 64 41863964 8 372793 12559189 16745586 20931982 25118379 29304775 33491172 37677568 100000 2 DOOO 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 959/16 .41857423 8 371485 12557227 16742969 20928712 25114454 29300196 3348.S938 37671681 + 1/64 41850884 8 370177 12555265 16740354 20925442 251105,^0 2929.S619 33480707 3;66579() + 1/32 41844347 8 36HH69 12553.^04 16737739 20922173 25106608 29291013 .3347.5477 37659912 + 3 64 41837812 8 41849682 8 367562 369936 12551344 12554905 16735125 16739873 20918906 20924841 25102687 25109809 29286468 29294778 33470249 33479746 37654030 37664714 - 3 m - 1'32 1 41843141 8 368628 12552942 16737257 20921571 25105885 29290199 .33474513 376.58827 - 1/64 41836602 8 V>7320 12550981 16734641 20918301 25101961 29285622 33469282 37652942 95^/8 41830065 8 366013 12549020 16732026 20915033 25098039 29281046 33464052 37647059 + 1/64 100000 2 41823530 8 0000 364706 30000 12547059 40000 16729412 50000 20911765 60011 118 70000 29276471 80000 33458824 90000 37641177 25094 + 1,'32 ' 41816998 8 363400 12545099 16726799 20908499 25090199 29271898 33453598 37635298 + 3 64 41810467 • 8 41822348 . 8 362093 364470 12543140 12546704 16724187 16728939 20905233 20911174 25086280 25093409 29267327 29275643 33448373 33457878 37629420 37640113 - \tA - 1/32 41815811 ! 8 363162 12544743 16726324 20907905 25089486 29271067 33452649 37634230 ^„ .. - '/64 41809276 1 8 361855 12542783 16723710 20904638 25085566 29266493 3.3447421 37628348 95>Vi5 41802743 8 360549 12540823 16721097 20901372 25081646 29261920 33442195 37622469 + 1/64 41796213 8 359243 12538864 16718485 20898106 25077728 29257349 33436970 37616.591 This part of 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 this table was 95 3 s 62910 104849 146789 188729 230668 272608 314548 356488 398427 computed pri- 95 7 u 62868 104781 146693 188605 2.30517 2724.-!0 314.-542 356254 398166 marily forcents, but it may be used for larger 95 1 2 95 9/16 62827 62786 104712 104644 146597 1 146501 188482 188358 230366 2.30216 272251 272073 314136 31.3931 356021 355788 397906 .397646 amounts, for 95 5 8 62745 104575 146405 188235 230065 271895 313725 355556 397386 the rates given 95 n ,6 62704 104507 146310 188112 229915 271718 313521 355323 397126 l>.\TK T,\11I.1CS l.NTKUKST TAIU>E.S SICH A DVKIiTISK.M IC.NT IN HACK Marks and Pfennigs to Dollars and Cents. German Money. (".tTiiian— Siii:^.. .Mark; /'/.. Mark; Siiil;.. I'J'i-iinii;; /'/.. riViiiiij{L-. German money, page 122. Value of coins, page 190. Drafts payable out of balances on deposit are stamp tVee in Germany if they so read. No other country has money of the same value as Germany. Write figures as follows: .1/. 28793 ^ ;]/. 560 ^I M. 9 ^1 M. 693 100 This part ni tliis talilc w.'is cciinputL'd pritii- nrily for plcii- iii>;s, hut may l>c used forlarj;- crniiiouiits. fi)r ilic nitc's K'viii. 95 i s 95 7 ,4 95 I 2 95 » 16 95 5 s 95 II ifc ISniiii 2.S0n() 35000 .VS7Mi 59MW 83153 .VS789 59M8 83508 35«13 5'>688 83563 35«.^6 59727 83617 .35859 59766 83672 35883 59805 83727 15000 107297 1073<>7 107438 107508 107578 107648 55000 6.5000 75000 S5000 131 HI 1.54984 17H828 202672 131227 155086 I7S945 202805 131313 155188 179063 202938 131398 155289 179180 203070 13M84 1.5.5.W1 179297 203203 131570 1.55492 179414 203336 9.^00 226516 226664 226813 226961 227109 227258 llATK TMll.KS INTK.UK.tT TMIT.KS .SKK A l>V KUTI.SKM KNT IN ImK German Money. Dollars and Cents to Marks and Pfennigs. 1 Reichmark or Mark = lOO Pfennige. For figuring profits when exchange on Germany is quoted per 4 mariis, see directions given on page 4. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31% cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd pfennigs: Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Three and ^"hoo Marks. + 3 54 100000 41789684 41783157 41795048 41788516 20000 8357937 8356631 8359010 8357703 30000 i 40000 12536905 ; 16715874 12534947 ! 16713263 12538515 ■ 16718019 12536555 16715406 50000 20894842 20891579 20897524 20894258 60000 25073810 25069894 25077029 25073109 70000 29252779 29248210 29256534 29251961 80000 33431747 33426526 33436039 33430813 90000 37(iltl71f> 376048-12 37615544 37609664 - ^64 - 1 32 95-V, -.'.." + l64 + 1/32 + 3/64 ' 41781985 41775457 ! 41768931 41762406 100000 41755884 ■ 41767785 41761257 41754730 8356397 8355091 8353786 8352481 20000 8351177 8353557 8352251 8350946 12534596 12532637 12530679 12528722 30000 12526765 12530335 12528377 12526419 16712794 16710183 16707572 16704962 40000 16702354 16707114 16704503 16701892 20890993 20887728 1 20884465 20881203 50000 20877942 20883892 20880628 20877365 25069191 25065274 25061358 25057444 60000 29247390 29242820 29238251 29233684 70000 29229119 29237449 29232880 29228311 33425588 33420366 33415144 33409925 80000 33404707 33414228 33409005 33403784 37603787 37597911 37592037 37586166 90000 37580295 37591006 37585131 37579257 25053530 25060671 25056754 25052838 - ^6. - I 32 - • 64 95 1^16 + 1/64 + 1/32 + 3/64 41748206 41741684 41735164 41728646 100000 41740557 41734033 41727511 41720991 8349641 8348337 8347033 8345729 20000 8348111 8346807 8345502 8344198 12524462 12522505 12520549 12518594 30000 12522167 12520210 12518253 12516297 16699282 16696674 16694066 16691458 40000 16696223 16693613 16691004 16688396 20874103 20870842 20867582 20864323 50000 20870278 20867016 20863755 20860495 25048924 25045010 25041098 25037187 29223744 29219179 29214615 29210052 70000 29218390 29213823 29209258 29204694 33398565 33393347 33388131 33382917 80000 33392445 33387226 33382009 33376793 375733S5 37567516 37561648 37555781 90000 37566501 37560629 37554760 37548892 - 3V, - '32 95 7/8".'.." 25044334 25040420 25036506 25032595 + 1/64 + 1/32 + 3/64 41714473 41707957 41701443 41713364 100000 41706844 41700327 41693811 41687297 8342895 8341591 8340289 8342673 20000 8341369 8340065 8338762 8337459 12514342 12512387 12510433 12514009 30000 12512053 12510098 12508143 12506189 16685789 16683183 16680577 16685346 40000 16682738 16680131 16677524 16674919 20857237 20853979 20850722 20856682 50000 20853422 20850163 20846906 20843649 25028684 25024774 25020866 29200131 29195570 29191010 29199355 70000 29194791 29190229 29185668 29181108 33371578 33366366 33361 '55 33370691 80000 33365476 33360261 33355049 33349838 37543026 37537161 37531299 37542028 90000 37536160 37530294 37524430 37518568 - ^/6» - 1/32 - 1/64 9515/16 ....'!' + 1/64 60000 25024107 25020196 25016287 25012378 + 1/32 + 3/64 41680786 41674276 41686207 41679692 100000 41673178 41666667 41660157 41653650 8336157 8334855 8337241 8335938 20000 8334636 8333333 8332031 8330730 12504236 12502283 12505862 12503907 30000 12501953 12500000 12498017 12496095 16672314 16669711 16674483 16671877 40000 16669271 16666667 16664063 16661460 20840393 20837138 20843104 20839846 50000 20836589 20833333 20830079 20826825 25008471 25004566 29176550 29171993 2918034"5 29175784 70000 29171225 29166667 29162110 29157555 33344629 33339421 33348966 33343753 80000 33338542 33333333 33328126 33322920 37512707 37506849 37517586 37511722 901100 375(iSN(i(l 375OU0U0 37494142 37488285 - 364 - ','32 - 1/64 96 1 + 1 6t + 1,32 25011724 25007815 60000 25003907 25000000 24996094 24992190 + 3 64 41647145 41659085 41652574 41646065 8329429 8331817 8330515 8329213 12494143 12497726 12495772 12493819 16658858 16663634 16661030 16658426 20823572 20829543 20826287 20823032 24988287 24995451 24991544 24987639 29153001 29161360 29156802 29152245 33317716 33327268 33322059 33316852 37482430 37493177 37487317 37481458 - 3,54 96 1/16 - • 32 - 1/64 This part of 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 this talilc was 95 3/4 computed pri- 95 13/,^ marilyforcents, 95 7 /o but it may be used for larger 95 15/i6 amounts, for 96 the rates given 96 I/16 62663 62622 62581 62541 62500 62459 104439 104371 104302 104235 104167 104099 146214 146119 146023 145928 14S833 145738 187990 187867 187744 187622 187500 187378 229765 229615 229465 229316 229167 229018 271540 271363 271186 271010 270833 270657 313316 313112 312907 312704 312500 312297 355091 354860 354628 354397 354167 353936 39(.8f>(. 396608 396349 396091 395833 395576 iMTK T,\iu,i:: INTF.1[|;ST TAlllJ'.l .sia: .\ii\i;ii-|-isi;mi:\t in I'.aik Marks and Pfennijjs to Do liars and Cents. German Money. < "•i-riiiiiii— S,n-., M ii-k; /'/.. Mark; Sin:;., I'ffiinin; /'/.. 1 ' (Villi i>;i-. German money, page 122. Value of coins, page 190. Drafts payable out of balances oil lie posit are stamp tree in Germany if they so read. No other country has money | of the same value as German. Write figures as follows: ,. M.2S793'1 M. 560^1 M.9^1 M. 693 loo *>5 " It, -r 1 Si 100(100 2392935 200000 4785870 300000 7 i 78805 400000 9571740 500000 1 1964675 600000 14.157610 700000 16750545 ' 800000 19143480 900000 21536416 j 2393309 239262H 4786618 4785256 7179927 7177884 9573235 9570512 1 1966544 11963140 143.59853 14.3.55768 167.53162 16748396 19146471 19141023 21539780 215.1,1651 - ' J2 2393002 4786004 '■ 7179006 9572008 1196.5010 14358012 16751014 19144016 21.537018 - ' M 2393376 4786752 7I8012S 9573504 1 1966880 143602.56 16753632 19147008 21.540384 '>5 V ( 2393750 4787500 71812.50 9575000 1 1968750 14362500 167562.=0 19150000 21.5437.50 + '64 2394124 4788248 , 7182372 9576496 11970620 14.164744 167.58868 19152992 21547116 + '32 2394498 4788996 7183494 9577992 11972490 14366988 16761486 19155984 21550482 - 3 m lOOOUO 23'>4S72 2394 1'JO 2(1(1000 478X379 300000 71.S((,16 71825(.9 100000 957'MS8 y57(j7.=9 500000 ll''7(3(() 1197U949 600000 14369232 143651.18 7 1 00000 800000 191.58977 1915,1518 900000 215.53849 21.547707 6764104 16759328 - ' j: 2394564 4789128 7183692 9578256 11972820 14367384 16761948 191.56512 21551076 - ' (ht 2394938 4789876 7184815 9579753 11974691 14369629 16764568 19159506 21554444 '^5 'Vu 2,V)?.M3 479(1625 7185938 9581250 11976.563 14371875 16767188 19162.500 21557813 + 1 ,►! 2>''S(.s; 4 7'M374 7187060 9582747 11978434 14374121 1 (1769807 19165494 21561181 + ' .U 2.i''()ii(.l 4792122 7188183 9584244 11980.'i05 143763(6 16772427 19168488 21.564549 f 3m 2396435 4792871 7189306 9585741 : 11982177 14378612 1677.5047 19171482 21567918 - 3 M I 00000 2395751 200000 4791503 300000 7187254 400000 9583006 > .500000 119'78757 600000 14374509 800000 19166012 900000 21.561763 i UIIUUU 6770260 - '32 2396126 4792252 7188378 95845114 1 1980()30 14376756 16772882 1916'XI08 21.5651.14 - ' 64 2396500 4793001 7189.S01 9586002 11982,502 14379003 16775503 19172004 21568504 95 7/s 2396875 4793750 7190625 9587500 11984375 14.181250 16778125 19175000 21571875 + ' 64 2397250 4794499 7191749 9588998 1 1986248 14383497 16780747 19177W6 21575246 + ' 32 2397624 4795248 7192872 9590496 11988120 14.185744 16783368 19180992 21578616 + 3m - 3 6, 2397999 2397313 4795997 4794626 7193()00 21610125 - 3 m 24(MM37 4800874 7201310 9(.OI747 12002184 14402621 16.80,1057 1920349^ 216039,11 'Xt 1 16 ' 32 24(M»812 4801624 7202436 9603248 12(M)4060 14404872 1680.5684 1920c used forlar^- 95 15 , k 35977 S'W61 8.VM5 1079.10 131914 15.5898 1 798.S.1 203.867 2278.52 erninounts.for 96 36000 60000 84(MN) 108000 132000 156000 18(KMM) 204(MK) 2280(K) tlic rati- s nivcn. 96 1 lb 36023 604)39 84055 108070 132086 1.56102 180117 2041,13 228148 llATK TAIU.K.S IXTKIIK.ST TAIll.K.S .SKK AIIVK.Il riSKMKNT l> MAI K OK llll German Money Dollars and Cents to Marks and Pfennigs. 1 Keichmark or Mark = lOO Pfeunige. For figuring profits when exchange on Germany is quoted per 4 marks, see directions 1 given on page 4. A fluctuation of [-32 per cent in the rate amounts to SJj'i cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows ; avoid odd pfennigs: Twenty Eight Tli ousand Seven Hundred Ninety Three and -"lioo Marks. 96 1/16 100000 41639558 2 8 0000 30000 12491867 40000 16655S23 50000 20819779 60000 24983735 70000 29147690 80000 33311646 90000 37475602 327912 + ',M 41633052 8326610 12489916 16653221 20816526 24979831 29143137 33306442 37469747 + '/32 41626549 8325310 12487965 16650620 20813275 24975930 29138585 33301239 37463894 + 3/M 41620048 41631999 8324010 8326400 12486014 12489600 16648019 16652800 20810024 20815999 24972029 24979199 29134034 29142399 33296039 33305599 37458043 37468799 -3/64 - '/32 41625492 8325098 12487648 16650197 20812746 24975295 29137844 33300393 37462943 ^. . - ''" 41618987 8323797 12485696 16647595 20809493 24971392 29133291 33295189 37457088 96 1/8 41612484 8322497 12483745 16644993 20806242 24967490 29128739 33289987 37451235 + 1/64 I 00000 1 41605983 20000 8321197 30000 12481795 40000 16642393 50000 20802991 600( 590 70000 29124188 80000 33284786 90000 37445385 24963 + 1/32 41599484 8319897 12479845 16639794 20799742 24959690 29119639 33279587 37439536 + 3/64 41592987 41604947 8318597 8320989 12477896 12481484 16637195 16641979 20796494 20802474 24955792 24962968 29115091 29123463 33274390 33283958 37433688 37444453 - 3/64 - 1/32 41598445 8319689 12479533 16639378 20799222 24959067 29118911 33278756 37438600 ^ . , - '/m 41591944 8318389 12477583 16636778 20795972 24955166 29114361 33273555 37432750 96^/16 41585445 8317089 12475634 16634178 20792723 24951267 29109812 33268356 37426901 + 1/54 41578948 8315790 12473685 16631579 20789474 24947369 29105264 33263159 37421054 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 + 1/32 41572454 8314491 12471736 16628981 20786227 24943472 29100718 33257963 37415208 + 3/64 41565961 8313192 12469788 16626384 20782981 24939577 29096173 33252769 37409365 - 3/64 41577931 8315586 12473379 16631172 20788966 24946759 29104552 33262345 37420138 - 1/32 41571433 8314287 12471430 16628573 20785716 24942860 29100003 33257146 37414289 - 1/54 41564936 8312987 12469481 16625974 20782468 24938962 29095455 33251949 37408442 961/4 41558442 8311688 12467532 16623377 20779221 24935065 29U90909 33246753 37402597 + 1/64 41551949 8310390 12465585 16620780 20775975 24931169 29086364 33241559 37396754 + 1/32 41545459 8309092 12463638 16618183 20772729 24927275 29081821 33236367 37390913 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 + 3/64 41538970 8307794 12461691 16615588 20769485 24923382 29077279 33231176 37385073 - 3/64 41550950 8310190 12465285 16620380 20775475 24930570 29085665 33240760 37395855 - 1/32 41544456 8308891 12463337 16617782 20772228 24926673 29081119 33235565 37390010 - 1/64 41537963 8307593 12461389 16615185 20768982 24922778 29076574 33230371 37384167 96 -^16 41531473 8306295 12459442 16612589 20765737 24918884 29072031 33225178 37378326 + 1/64 41524985 8304997 12457495 16609994 20762492 24914991 29067489 33219988 37372486 + 1/32 41518499 8303700 12455550 16607399 20759249 24911099 29062949 33214799 37366649 + 3/64 41512014 8302403 12453604 16604806 20756007 24907209 2905S410 33209611 37360813 100000 1 41524004 20000 8304801 30000 12457201 40000 16609602 50000 20762002 60000 24914402 70000 29066803 80000 33219203 90000 37371604 - 3/64 - 1/32 41517514 8303503 12455254 16607006 20758757 24910508 29062260 33214011 37365762 r.^ , - '/" 41511026 8302205 12453308 16604410 20755513 24906615 29057718 33208821 37359923 96 'V8 41504540 8300908 12451362 16601816 20752270 24902724 29053178 33203632 37354086 + 1/54 41498055 8299611 12449417 16599222 20749028 24898833 29048639 33198444 37348250 + 1/32 41491573 8298315 12447472 16596629 20745787 24894944 29044101 33193259 37342416 + 3/64 41485093 8297019 8299419 12445528 12449128 16594037 16598837 20742547 20748546 24891056 24898256 29039565 290479(,5 33188075 33197674 37336584 37347383 96 7,16 - 3/64 41497093 This part of 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 this table was 95 1/,^ 62459 104099 145738 187378 229018 270657 312297 353936 395576 computed pri- 9^ ^,^ 62419 104031 145644 187256 228869 270481 312094 353706 395319 marilyforcc-nts, ^^ 3^ but It inav be 62378 103964 145549 187135 228720 270305 311891 353476 395062 used for larger 96 I/4 62338 103896 145455 1 187013 228571 270130 311688 353247 394805 amounts, for 96 5/i6 62297 103829 145360 186892 228423 269955 311486 353018 394549 the rates piven. 96 3/o 62257 103761 145266 186770 228275 269780 311284 352789 394293 i\i'i;i;i:s-| -I'Mti,!:: M>\ i:i:i'isr..\iiCN'i' in hack Marks and Pfennigs to Dollars and Cents. German Money. (icrman — Siiif;.. Mark; /'/.. Mark; Sm:^., I'feiinijt; /'/., I'JVnnijje. German money, pafje 122. Value of coins, page 190. Drafts payable out of balances on deposit are stamp free in Germany if tliey so read. No other country has money of the same value as Germany. Write figures as follows: M. 28793 ^ M. 560 ^I M. 9 ^I M. 693 25 100 96 7 ,4 This part •>\ this t.'ililc was Ci>inputiMl prim- arily for pl'cii- iii>;s, l)itt limy lie ust-il fi>rhir>;- iTiiinrjuiit.s.for the rates k'vi'H. 96 1 s 96 J 16 96 I t 96 5 14 96 1 s 1 soon i.sono .v=;onn isoon s.=;ooo hSOOO 75000 S.=;(l(10 MM2^ WH).V> H405S 10,>0)7(l l.^2(W6 i-;mo2 1K()117 2IM1.V3 36047 60078 84 IW 10SI41 132172 1.';«.203 1S0234 2(M2h6 36070 60117 84164 10N211 132258 1.S6.305 1S03.S2 2(H3'»S 36094 60156 84219 ias2Ni 132344 1.56406 180469 204.S.31 36117 60195 84273 lftS352 1324.30 1.56.=;08 180.S86 2tH(>ft4 .36M1 60234 84328 108422 l.'>2516 156J.09 180703 204797 45000 228148 228297 228445 228594 228742 228891 >ATK TMll.KS INTKIIK.ST TAIII.K.S sr.K AKVKllTISKMKNT IN IIMK German Money Dollars and Cents to Marks and Pfennigs. 1 Keichmark or Mark = lOO Pfeniiige. For figuring profits when exchange on Germany is quoted per 4 marks, see directions | given on page 4. A fluctuation of [-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31, 4 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows ; avoid odd pfennigs: Twenty Eight Th otisand Seven Hundred Ninety Three and ^^/joo Marks. - •'32 lonooo 41490607 20000 .30000 12447182 40000 16596243 50000 20745303 60000 70000 29043425 SOOOO 33192485 90000 37341546 8298121 24894364 r,.^ ■, ~ 'M 41484123 8296825 12445237 16593649 20742061 24890474 29038886 33187298 37335711 967/16 41477641 8295528 12443292 16591056 20738820 24886585 29034349 33182113 37329S77 + 1,64 41471161 8294232 12441348 16588464 20735581 24882697 29029813 33176929 37324045 + 1/32 41464683 8292937 12439405 16585873 20732342 24878810 29025278 33171747 37318215 + 3/64 41458207 8291641 12437462 16583283 20729104 24874924 29020745 33166566 37312.387 - 3/64 41470216 8294043 12441065 16588087 20735108 24882130 29029151 33176173 37323195 - 1 32 41463735 8292747 12439120 16585494 20731867 24878241 29024614 33170988 37317361 - l64 100000 41457255 20000 30000 12437176 40000 16582902 50000 20728627 60000 24874353 70000 80000 90000 37311529 8291451 29020078 33165804 96 '/2 41450777 8290155 12435233 165803 U 20725389 24870466 29015544 33160622 37305699 + '64 41444302 8288860 1243.3290 16577721 20722151 24866581 29011011 3315.5441 37299871 + 1/32 41437828 8287566 12431348 16575131 20/18914 24862697 29006480 33150262 37294045 + 3 64 41431.356 8286271 12429407 16572543 20715678 24S58814 29001949 33145085 37288221 - 3/64 41443375 8288675 12433012 16577350 20721687 24866025 29010362 33154700 37299037 - 1/32 41436897 8287379 12431069 165747.59 20718449 24862138 29005828 33149518 37293208 - 1/64 41430422 8286084 12429127 16572169 20715211 24858253 29001295 33144337 37287380 969/16 100000 41423948 20000 8284790 30000 12427184 40000 16569579 50000 20711974 60000 24854369 70000 28996764 80000 90000 37281553 33139159 + ' M 41417477 8283495 12425243 16566991 20708738 24850486 28992234 331.V3981 37275729 + 1/32 41411007 41416568 8282201 8283314 12423302 12424970 16564403 16566627 20705504 20708284 24846604 24849941 28987705 28991598 33128806 331.33254 37269907 37274911 - 3/64 - 1/32 41410095 8282019 12423028 16564038 20705047 24846057 28987066 33128076 37269085 «,c - '/M 41403623 8280725 12421087 16.561449 20701812 24842174 28982536 33122899 37263261 965/8 41397154 8279431 12419146 16558862 20698577 24838292 28978008 33117723 37257439 + 1/64 41390687 8278137 12417206 16556275 20695343 24834412 28973481 33112549 37251618 100000 41383327 20000 8276665 30000 12414998 40000 165.S3331 50000 20691663 60000 24829996 70000 28968329 Snnnn 90000 37244994 96 11 16 - 1/32 33106661 96 11 16- 1/M 41376859 8275372 12413058 16550744 20688430 24826116 28963802 33101488 37239174 9611/16 41370394 8274079 12411118 16548158 20685197 24822237 28959276 33096315 37233355 96 3/4 - 1/32 41356593 8271319 12406978 16542637 20678297 24813956 28949615 33085275 37220934 96 3/4 41343669 8268734 12403101 16537468 20671835 24806202 28940568 33074935 37209302 96 13/16 - 1,32 41329894 8265979 12398968 165319.58 20664947 24797937 28930926 .3306.3915 37196905 9613 16 41316979 8263396 12.395094 16526791 20658489 24790187 28921885 33053583 37185281 96 7 8 - 1,32 41303230 8260646 12390969 16521292 20651615 24781938 28912261 33042584 37172907 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 96 7/8 41290323 8258065 12387097 16516129 20645161 24774194 28903226 33032258 37161290 96 15; 16 41263701 8252740 12379110 16505480 20631850 24758220 28884591 33010961 37137331 97 41237113 8247423 12371134 16494845 20618557 24742268 28865979 32989691 3711.3402 97 l,'8 41184041 8236808 12355212 16473616 2U592021 24710425 28828829 32947233 37065637 97 1 4 41131105 8226221 12339332 16452442 20565553 24678663 28791774 32904884 37017995 97 3 8 41078.306 821.5661 12323492 16431322 205.391.53 24646983 287.54814 32862644 36970475 97 1 2 4102.5641 8205128 12307692 164102.56 20512821 2461.5.385 28717919 328205 13 36923077 98 -40816327 816.3265 12244898 16326531 20408163 24489796 28571429 32653061 36734694 This jiart ol 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7.S00 8500 9500 tliis talilc was 96 7/i6 62216 103694 145172 186649 228127 269605 311082 352560 3940.38 computed pri- 96 1 2 62176 103627 145078 186528 227979 269430 310881 352332 .393782 marily forcents, 96 'i6 62136 103560 144984 186408 227832 269256 310680 352104 393528 but it may be 96 S'j 62096 103493 144890 186287 227684 269081 310479 351876 393273 used for larger 96 3/4 62016 103359 144703 186047 227390 2r>87.34 310078 351421 392765 amounts, for 97 618.56 103093 1443.30 185.567 226804 2^)8041 309278 3.50515 3917.53 the rates given. 97 I/2 61538 102564 143590 184615 225641 266667 307692 348718 | .389744 1 iM-ric tmu.h; lNri:ui:sT T \ iii.i'.s Mark s and Pfennigs to Dollars and Cents. German Money. ( ierinan— Sini;.. AI ark; /'A, Mark; Sini;.. I'lV-nniij; /'/., I'l'i-miij^e. Germ an money, p. ijie 122. Value of coins. page 190. Drafts payable out of balances on dcpo sit : re stamp tree in Germany if tiiey so read. No other country has money of the same value as German y. Write tijiuret as follows: 25 JOO M. 28793 'l M. 560^1 M.9'1 M. 693 KHMKH) 2IIII000 31101)00 100000 500000 (>00000 700000 800000 900000 - ' ii 24i(llS4 4.S2U3().S 7230552 9640736 12050920 14461104 16871289 19281473 21691657 - '64 241(1561 4821122 72316X2 9642243 12052804 14463365 1687.W26 19284486 2169.5047 %Vl6 241U'*.18 4821875 7232813 9643750 12(I.546S8 1446.5625 16876.563 19287500 21698438 + >/(>4 24113H 4822628 7233943 9645257 12056571 14467885 16879199 19290514 21701828 + >/32 , 2411691 4823382 7235073 9646764 120.58455 14470146 16881836 19293527 21705218 + 3/64 364 2412068 1 24 11369 4824135 4822738 7236203 7234107 9648271 9645477 12060338 12056846 14472406 144r>8215 16884473 16879584 1 19296541 19290953 21708609 21702322 — - 1,32 2411746 4823492 7235238 9646984 12058730 14470477 16882223 19293969 21705715 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000 - '/m 2412123 4824246 7236369 9648492 12060615 144727.18 16884861 19296984 21709107 96 1/2 2412500 4:i25000 7237500 9650000 12062500 14475000 16887500 19300000 21712500 + i/M 2412877 4825754 7238631 9651508 12064385 14477262 U>8901.i9 193(B016 2171.5893 + 1/32 2413254 4826508 7239762 9653016 12066270 14479523 16892777 i 19306031 21719285 + 3/64 3/64 , 2413631 2412931 4827262 4825862 7240893 7238793 9654523 9651724 12068154 12064655 14481785 14477585 16895416 16890516 19309047 19303447 21722678 21716378 — - '32 2413308 4826616 7239924 9653232 12066541 14479849 16893157 19306465 21719773 - ',64 2413685 4827371 7241056 9654741 12068427 14482112 16895797 19309482 21723168 100000 2UU000 300000 40()000 500000 600000 7110000 SOOOOO <»OOOflO %"/l6 2414063 4S2S125 7242188 9656250 12070313 14484375 16898438 l'« 12.500 21726563 + 1/64 , 2414440 4828879 7243319 9657759 12072199 14486638 16901078 19315518 21729957 + V32 3/64 2414817 1 2414493 4829634 4828985 7244451 7243478 9659268 9657970 12074084 12072464 14488901 14486956 16903718 16901448 193185.35 19315941 2173.3352 217.304.34 — - •/32 2414870 4829740 7244610 9659480 12074.351 14489221 169(J4()yi l')31.S96l 21733S31 - '/64 2415248 4830495 7245743 9660990 12076238 14491485 16906733 19.121'.80 21737228 965/8 2415625 4831250 7246875 9662500 12078125 14493750 16909375 19325000 21740625 + '/M 2416002 4832005 7248007 9664010 12080012 14496015 16912017 19328020 21744022 '/'J2 100000 2416432 200000 4832864 300000 7249296 400000 9665729 500000 12082161 600000 144'^S.=.')3 700000 l(i''l5025 cnnnnA 900000 21747889 96 11 10- MltJUUO :;- 193314 96 11 ,4- '/64 2416810 4833620 7250429 9667239 12084049 145(KI.S5V 16') 17669 l'>334478 21751288 96 11 ,4 24171H8 4834375 7251563 9668750 12085938 14503125 16920313 193375U0 21754688 963 , - '32 2417994 4835988 7253982 9671977 12089971 14507965 16925959 , 19343953 21761947 96 3 , 2418750 4837500 7256250 9675000 120937.50 14512500 169312.^0 19350000 21768750 96 1.1 ,4- '32 2419556 4839112 7258<>68 9678225 12097781 14517337 16936893 l';3.5()449 21776005 96 13 It 2420313 4840625 7260938 96S1250 12101.S63 14521875 16942IS8 14362500 21782813 96 ? » - i/i 1 2421118 4842236 7263354 ' 73 I2|(I5.=;91 14526709 16947827 l')36.S945 2179(,U63 96 7 8 100000 ' 2421875 200000 4843750 300000 7265625 IIIIMIIIO '»(,s;5(io SdlKKIO 121(W375 600000 14.S3 12.50 700000 16>).S3I25 ' 800000 l'i3 7.5000 900000 21796875 96 15, 16 2423438 484(.875 727(1313 ')(.';3750 14540(.25 1<.'»(.4063 r'3.s;.-(i(» 2i.sioy3K 97 2425000 4850000 7275(100 9;ooooo 1212.5000 14550(100 1(.>)75(I110 l'M(M)((;0 2I82.';0(10 97 1 ^ 242K125 4856250 7284375 9712500 12140625 14568750 16996875 19425(;tO 21853125 97 1 ^ 2431250 4862500 7293750 9725000 121.562.50 14.587500 17018750 1 19450C(:0 218812.50 97-^ ^ 2434375 4S()8750 7303125 97375UO 1217:k75 1460;. 96 3 , 36281 60469 84656 10.S.S44 1,U031 157219 1S1406 2(I5.N''4 22V7N1 craiiiiiuiits for 97 36375 60625 8487S UHM25 133375 157625 1S1H75 206125 230375 the rati'S >; vi-n. 97 1 2 365<)3 60'<38 85313 109688 134063 158438 1S2NI3 207 IW 231.563 >.VTK TMll.KS INTKIlKSr TAIII.K.S SKK A liV KIITI.SKM KNT IN IIAI K Spanish Money, etc. Dollars and Cents to Pesetas and Centimos, Vo^eys" Spain, Pesetas. Bulgaria, Levs. Kouinania, Lei. Servia, Dinars. Greece, Drachmai. All countries using money for which the tables here given are available have decimal systems, and their gold monetarv unit is of the same value, see page 100. A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to from $3.20 to $3.55 on $1,000. Write amounts as follows: Two Hundred Eighteen and ^^lino Pesetas. Or other monies, see top of page. 14 100090 71428571 20000 14285714 30900 21428571 40000 50000 35714286 60000 42857143 70000 SOOOO 90000 64285714 28571429 50000000 57142857 14.05 71174377 14234875 213.S2313 28469751 35587189 42704626 49822064 56939502 64056939 14.10 70921986 14184397 21276596 28368794 35460993 42553191 49645390 56737589 63S29787 14 1 8 I 70796460 14159292 21238938 28318584 35398230 42477876 49557522 56637168 63716814 14.15 70671378 14134276 21201413 28268551 35335689 42402827 49469965 56537102 63604240 14.20 70422535 14084507 21126761 28169014 35211268 42253521 49295775 56338028 6338(1282 14.25 701754.39 14035088 21052632 28070175 35087719 42105263 49122807 56140351 63157S95 14.30 69930070 13986014 20979021 27972028 34965035 41958042 48951049 55944056 62937063 14.35 100900 69686411 20900 13937282 30000 209U5923 40000 50900 34843206 60000 41811847 70000 80000 90000 62717770 27874564 48780488 55749129 14 3,8 69565217 13913043 20869565 27826087 34782609 41739130 48695652 55652174 62608696 14.40 69444444 13888889 2083.3333 27777778 34722222 41666667 48611111 55555556 62500000 14.45 69204152 13840830 20761246 27681661 34602076 41522491 48442907 55363322 62283737 14.50 6S965517 13793103 20689655 27586207 34482759 41379310 48275862 55172414 62068965 14.55 68728522 13745704 20618557 27491409 34364261 41237113 48109966 54982818 61855670 14.60 6S493151 13698630 20547945 27397260 34246575 41095890 47945205 54794521 61643836 14 5/8 68376068 13675214 20512821 27350427 34188034 41025641 47863248 54700855 615.38462 14.65 100000 68259386 20000 13651877 30000 20477816 40000 27303754 50000 34129693 60000 40955631 70000 80000 54607509 90900 61433447 47781570 14.70 68027211 13605442 20408163 27210S84 3401.3605 40816327 47619048 54421769 61224490 14.75 67796610 13559322 20338983 27118644 33898305 40677966 47457627 54237288 61016949 14.80 67567568 13513514 20270270 27027027 33783784 40540541 47297297 54054054 60810811 14.85 67340067 13468013 20202020 26936027 33670034 40404040 47138047 53872054 60606061 14 7 8 i 67226891 13445378 20168067 26890756 33613445 40.W)I34 47058824 53781513 60504202 14.90 67114094 13422819 201.34228 26845638 33557047 40268456 46979866 53691275 60402685 14.95 66889632 13377926 20066890 26755853 33444816 40133779 46822742 53511706 60200669 15 100000 66666667 20000 13333333 30000 20000000 40900 26666667 50000 333333.33 60000 40000000 70000 46666667 80000 90000 600(;(l()l!0 53333333 15.05 66445183 13289037 19933555 26578073 33222.591 39867110 46511628 53156146 598tl(lf,(-,4 15.10 66225166 13245033 198675.50 26490066 33112583 39735099 46.357616 52980132 59()():(>-19 15 1,8 66115702 13223141 198.34711 26446281 33057851 39669422 46280992 52892562 59504132 15.15 66006601 13201320 19801980 26402640 33003300 39603960 46204620 52805281 594C5041 15.20 65789474 13157895 19736842 26315789 32894737 39473684 46052632 52631579 59210526 15.25 65573770 13114754 19672131 26229508 32786885 39344262 45901639 524.59016 59016393 15.30 65359477 13071895 19607843 26143791 32679739 39215686 457516.34 52287582 58823529 15.35 100900 65146580 20900 13029316 30000 40000 50000 3257.3290 60000 39087948 70000 45602606 89000 52117264 90000 58031922 19543974 26058632 15 3 „ 65040650 130081.30 19512195 26016260 32520325 39024390 45528455 52032520 58536585 15.40 64935065 12987013 19480519 25974026 32467532 389610.39 45454545 51948052 58441558 15.45 64724919 12944984 19417476 25889968 32362460 38834951 45307443 517799.35 58252427 15.50 64516129 12903226 19354839 25806452 32258065 38709677 45161290 51612903 58064516 15.55 6*308682 12861736 19292605 2572.3473 32154341 38585209 45016077 51446945 57877814 15.60 64102.S64 12820513 19230769 25641026 32051282 38461.538 44871795 51282051 576923r8 15 S „ 640U0000 12800000 19201)1100 25600000 32000000 38400000 44800000 51200000 57600000 1 This ]).-ir t of this 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 950(1 tal)le \v; s com- 14 107143 178571 250000 321429 392857 464286 5.35714 607143 678571 puttii jiri in a r i 1 y 14.25 10.5263 17.54.39 24.5614 315789 385965 456140 526316 596491 666667 for cents; but it 14.50 103448 172414 241379 310.345 379310 448276 517241 586207 655172 may be u sed, for 14.75 101695 169492 237288 305085 372881 440678 508475 576271 644068 larj,'er a mounts, 15 100000 166667 233333 300000 366667 4333.33 500000 566667 633333 for tlic rat es piven. 15.25 98361 163934 229508 295082 360656 426229 491803 557377 622951 the same ; sal.ove. 15.50 96774 161290 225S06 290323 3548.39 419355 483871 548.387 612903 iNi'i;iu;sT TAiii.Ks s::i-: .mixiciitiskmknt in hack Pesetas and Ce ntinios, Mmuls!' to Dollars and Cents. Spanish Money, etc. I'rancf, I'.i-ltjium and Switzerlaiul, I"ranc-s. I la Use these pages for any of the countries mentioned a y, IJrc. ")ove, the I'iiilaiii same as pa , l'°iiiiiiark ,. ges 102 to 105. 1 whenever exchange is quoted at less than the 0, old value; i. e. on the basis of a depreciated I paper currency. Write figures as follows: 25 100 PLnjL 218^1 Dl 21811 Dinars 2 18 "> I et218:n PilL^ 218 loiKion 200000 300000 mmm 500000 6(HHHH) 700000 800000 900000 | 14 HIHIIIOO 2S(MKMM) 42(MMM)0 S^iOOlKH) 7(HHHHH) 84(HHMM) <)8(HHHH) 112(HHXX) 12f>(H)00() 14.05 1 MI5IMMI 2SI(NI 12M.5(HHI 14.10 HKHHM) 2S2(HMH) 4230(HM) .564(MH)0 705(HHH) 84«>(HHHI 9S7(HMH) 1128(HHH) 126'XMHH) 14 1 N H!25(M) 2S25(M(0 42375(H) 56500(M) 7W>25(H) 847.5(HM) VS.S75(H) 11.3(H)(HH) 12712500 14.15 14.20 mSlKMI 14211000 2S30000 2,S4()O00 4245(H)« .5W)(HHH) 4260(MM) 56S0(MM) 707.5(HH1 7105(HM) 287WHW 43()5(MM) 574(MMH) 7175000 86100(H) 1(HH.5(HH) 11480(HH) 1291.5(HH) 143„ 1437500 2875(M)0 4312500 5750000 7187500 8625(HI0 1(HK>2.5(H) 11.5(HHHH) 12937.5(H) 14.40 1440000 2NK0(HMt 4320(K)0 576(HMI0 720O(H)O 8640(HH) 1(H)8(HHH) 11.52(HHH) 12960(HH) 14.45 1445000 289(M)00 4335(H)0 5780(K)0 7225000 8670000 1011.50(H) 1I.560(HH) 13005000 14.50 145IMKM) 290(K)00 435(MH)0 .5800(KH) 72500(X) 87(HH)00 I0I.5(HHH) 1U>(HHHHI 130.50000 14.55 1 )5?("l() 29ItMHMJ 4365(HH) 5820(MH) 72750(H) 873(HHM) 1(I1S5(I(H) ll64(MHHI ^^^^(HH) 14.60 14()(MMI0 292mM)0 4380000 584(H)00 730OO(X) 87<>(HH)0 1(I22(HKH) 1168(HHMI I3140(HH) 14 5 8 1462500 2925000 4387500 5850000 7312500 87750(H) 10237.5(H) 11700000 13162500 14.65 14.70 14.75 100000 1465000 147(Ml(m 1475(HMM 18(HHHK 1327.5(HH) 14.t»0 14.S(K)()0 2960000 4440000 5920000 7400000 8880000 10.^60000 1 1840(HHI 1.U20000 14.85 14S5II(M) 2970000 4455000 5940000 7425000 89100(H) 10.395(HH) ll,S8(HHHI 13.36.5000 147n HS75I1I) 2975000 44625(M) : 595(HM)0 74375(MI 8925(HHI l(MI25(i(l 1I*HNJ(HMI 1.3387.5(H) 14.90 M'XHKIO 298{M)00 4470000 i 596(XXM) 7450(H)0 894(HHH) 1(H3()5(MH) 2990000 4485000 598001K) 7475000 897(HHH) 1()46.5(HHI ll'X^HHHI 13455000 l(MM)nO 2II(HHI(( 311(1(1(1(1 1(1(10(1(1 500000 60 I2(KHHHH) 1204(HHH) I3.5(HHH)0 13.54 5(HH) I2(HHI0 15.10 I5|IHI(M) 302(MMM» 4530000 604(KHK) 7550(K)O 9(K)(HHH) I057(MHHI I2(I8(NHMI 13.5'HMIIH) 15 1 s 15125IM) 3025000 4537500 60500(H) 75625(H) 90750(H) 10.587.5(H) I2IIHHMHI l.^<> 12500 15.15 15I5IMM) 3030O(M) 4545(H)0 60<)0000 7575(H)0 •W9(HHH) 1(M)5(HHI 1212(HHH) 1.36^.5(HX) 15.20 152(HMM) 3040000 45<>00(H) 608(H)()0 76(HHHH) 912(1(HH( 1(H>4(HNH) 12l6(NHMI 1.VJ^(H:(H) 15.25 15.30 1525(i05(HHI 6l4(MHI() 767.5(HHt 92l(HHHt 1((745(HH) 122S(HHk) l.3K1.54H)() 15. »N 15.40 15375(10 15t((((IM( 3075(100 30.S(MHMt 46125(10 615(HI(KI 462(MIIM) 6l6(HMH) 76S7.5(H) 77(HHHH) 922.5(HH( 924(HHH) 1(I762.5(HI 1()7S(HHHI 1 I 23(HNKK l.^S375(;0 I.3M<.(HHHI 232()(HM 15.45 15t5(((M( 30'>00(KI 46350(HI 6180(HH) 772.50(H) 9270(HH) 1(>8I.5(HHI I236(HHH1 1.19tl5(HHI 15.50 155(M((i(( 3I(KHKHI 4650(HH) 62(HHH)0 77,5()(HM) 93(HHHH) 108.5(HHHI 1240(HHH) 1395()()(H) 15.. 55 I.S.60 I5S jj 1555(Mi(( |5i.(H)i>(( 1-625(10 31100(10 312(KMM) 3125000 4M..5(HH1 622(l( 4«>8(HHHI 62t(MMI(l 7775(HM) ;.S(NMIINI 7sl25(inr t of this 1.5000 250,VHH) 77tHH) ' )|(HHI 105(KH) ll'XNHI i3.^0(H) imtcd pri 11 a r i 1 y 14.25 21375 3.S625 49875 W12S 7H375 ' >2625 106875 121125 1.3.5375 lor ecu ti 111 )S etc. ; 14.50 21750 .36250 50750 652.50 797.50 ' M2.50 1087.50 1232.50 1377.50 lint it iiiav Ikusc.I, 14.75 22125 .36875 51625 6(075 81125 ' ).5H75 110625 12.5375 140125 for larger!! noil Ills, 15 22.5(H) 37.5(H) 52.S »75(H) 112.5(HI 127.5(H) 142.500 lor the rati s>;iveii, 15.25 22S75 .38125 .53375 68625 8.W75 ' W125 114375 129f.25 144875 llic s.iinc a sal.ove. 15.50 232.50 .387.50 .542.50 697.50 8.52.50 1 )07.50 1162.50 1317.50 1472.50 llVTK TMK.i:: i\ir.i!i:sr tuk.cs ski: ui\ kiitiscmknt in iivck Spanish Money, etc. Dollars and Cents to Pesetas and Centlmos, Ik^fne')'!" Spain, Pesetas. Bulgaria, Levs. Roumania, Lei. Servia, Dinars. Greece, Drachmse. All countries using money for which the tables here given are available have decimal systems. : nd their gold monetary unit is of the same value, see page 100 A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to from $2.90 to $3.15 on $1,000. Write amounts as follows: 1 Two Hundred Eighteen and ^'^lioo Pesetas. Or other monies, see top of page. 15.65 100000 638'»7764 20000 12779553 30000 19169.329 40000 25559105 50000 31948S82 60000 38338658 70000 44728435 80000 90000 57507987 51118211 15.70 63694268 12738854 19108280 25477707 31847134 .38216561 44585987 50955414 57324841 15.75 63492063 12698413 19047619 25396825 31746032 38095238 44444444 .50793651 57142857 15.80 63291139 12658228 18987342 25316456 31645570 37974684 44303797 50632911 56962025 15.85 6309 I 483 12618297 18927445 25236593 31545741 37854890 44164038 50473186 56782334 15 7 8 62992126 12.598425 18897638 25196850 31496063 37795276 44094488 50393701 56692913 15.90 62893082 12578616 18867925 251572.33 31446541 37735849 44025157 50314465 56603774 15.95 62695925 12539185 18808777 25078370 31347962 37617555 43887147 50156740 56426332 16 100000 62500000 2000(1 00 30000 18750000 40000 25000000 50000 31250000 60000 37500000 70000 43750000 80000 50000000 90000 56250000 12500C 16.05 62305296 12461059 18691589 24922118 31152648 37.383178 43613707 49844237 56074766 16.10 62111801 12422360 18633540 24844720 31055901 37267081 43478261 49689441 55900621 161 8 62015504 12403101 18604651 24806202 31007752 37209302 43410853 49612403 55813954 16.15 61919505 12383901 18575851 24767802 30959752 37151703 43343653 49535604 55727554 16.20 61728.395 12345679 18518519 24691358 30864198 37037037 43209877 49382716 55555556 16.25 61538462 12307692 18461538 24615385 30769231 36923077 43076923 49230769 55384615 16.30 61349693 12269939 18404908 24539877 30674847 36809816 42944785 49079755 55214724 16.35 100000 61162080 20000 12232416 30000 4 24 0000 50000 30581040 60000 36697248 70000 42813456 80000 48929664 90000 55045872 18348624 464832 163 s 61068702 12213740 18320611 24427481 30534351 36641221 42748092 48854962 54961832 16.40 60975610 12195122 18292683 24390244 30487805 36585366 42682927 48780488 54878049 16.45 60790274 12158055 18237082 24316109 30395137 36474164 42553192 48632219 54711246 16.50 60606061 12121212 18181818 24242424 30303030 36363636 42424242 48484848 54545455 16.55 6U422961 12084592 18126888 24169184 30211480 36253776 42296072 48338369 54380665 16.60 60240964 12048193 18072289 24096386 30120482 36144578 42168675 48192771 54216868 16 5 8 60150376 12030075 18045113 24060150 30075188 36090226 42105263 48120301 541.3.5.338 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 16.65 60060060 12012012 18018018 24024024 30030030 36036036 42042042 48048048 ' 54054054 16.70 59880240 11976048 17964072 23952096 29940120 35928144 41916168 47904192 1 .5.VS92216 16.75 59701493 11940299 17910448 23880597 29850716 35820896 41791045 47761194 53731343 16.80 59523810 11904762 17857143 23809524 29761905 35714286 41666667 47619048 53571429 16.85 59347181 11869436 17804154 23738872 29673591 35608309 41543027 47477745 53412463 16 7 8 592.S9259 11851852 17777778 23703704 29629630 35555556 41481481 47407407 53333333 16.90 .59171,598 11834320 17751479 23668639 29585799 35502959 41420118 47337278 ' .53254438 16.95 58997050 11799410 17699115 23598820 29498525 35398230 41297935 47197640 5.S097345 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 . 70000 80000 90000 17 58823529 11764706 17647059 23529412 29411765 35294118 41176471 47058824 52941176 17.05 58651026 11730205 17595308 2.^460411 29325513 35190616 410.55718 46920821 5278.5924 17.10 5S479532 11695906 17543860 23.391813 29239766 35087719 40935673 46783626 52631579 17 1 s 58394161 116788.32 17518248 23357664 29197080 35036496 40875912 46715.'i28 i 525.54745 17.15 58309038 11661808 17492711 23323615 29154519 34985423 40816327 46647230 524781.34 17.20 5 ■! 1.39.535 11627907 17441860 2.3255814 29069767 34883721 40697674 46511628 52325581 17.25 57971015 11594203 17.391.304 23188406 28985507 34782609 40579710 46376812 52I7,W13 17.30 57803468 11560694 17341040 23121.387 28901734 34682081 40462428 46242775 52023121 Tliisi).-ir t of this 1500 2500 3500 4.500 5500 fiSOO 75 [)0 8500 9500 talilc w: s com- 15.75 952.^8 l.S87.?0 222222 285714 349206 4 "2698 476 190 i 539683 603175 putcJ pri ma r i 1 y 16 937.50 1562.50 218750 2812.50 3437.50 4 )6250 468 750 5312.50 593750 for cents; but it 16.25 92308 153846 215385 276923 338462 4 JOOOO 461 538 523077 584615 may be u sed, for 16.50 90909 151515 212121 272727 3.333.33 3 J3939 454 >45 515152 575758 larjfer a mounts, 16.75 89552 149254 208955 26S657 3283.58 3 <8060 447 '61 507463 567164 ioT the rat es given, 17 88235 147059 ' 20.5882 2647(t6 323529 3 H2353 441 176 500000 5.58824 t!ic s.inic ; s above. 17.25 86957 144928 202899 260870 ' 318841 3 7>812 434 ■S3 4927.54 550725 ||\1K TAllLIOS IN 1 i:ni;sr TAr.i.K; 0000 1595000 lOOflOO IMHJiMK) 16050(K) 1610000 1612500 1615(K)0 162IHMI0 1(>25(MM) 1630000 100000 1635000 1637500 16-40000 IfrtSWM) U)50INI0 317(HHM) 3I75(I(KI 3180000 3190000 200000 32(1(1(1! Id 32100(10 3220000 3225000 3230000 32-100(10 3250000 32()(MM)(I 200000 3270(MM) 32750(M) 3280000 3290000 3300000 3310000 3320000 3325000 200000 3330000 33400()O 335(KMJO 3360000 337(M)00 3375000 3380(;(i(i 339(1(11111 2000011 34(I(KMI') 3-tl(HI(IO 3 1 20(100 3-425(H)0 343(MM)0 3-H(MMMI 345(IO(KI 3l(i 5iisS(IOO .flKIIIIKI 51IHMM)0 511.5(MMI 513(IO(H) 51375(Hl 514,500(1 5IWMHHI 5175(I(K) 51'XXMMI 400000 626(M)00 6280000 630(MM)0 f>32(M)00 6340(MM) 635(MHH) 6360000 6380000 100000 (>4U(MHI0 ((4201)00 6440000 6450000 6460000 648(HMH) 6.5(MMMM) 652(MMH) moooo (.540000 6550000 656{KMH) 6580000 66000(H) 66200(H) 6640000 6650000 400000 6<)<>(HHH) 668(HHH) 6700000 6720000 6740(HH) 67.5(M)(HI 67682(KHK) (i84(NI00 (..S5(MMMI (,X(,(HMMI (>S.S(MMHI 6'XMMKHI (i92(HMMI K575IMI() hlv was coiii- piititl primarily Icir ccntiinoa etc.; Iiiit it may l>cuscil, for l.irjiiramounts, for the rates niveii, tlic s.-mic as .iliovc. 1 -(ICO :5(MM) 15.75 23()25 .V)375 16 1 24000 40(HH) 16.25 24375 40625 16.50 24750 412.50 16.75 25125 41875 17 255(X) 42.5(H) 17.25 25875 43125 KVTK TMll.K.H T.VIII.K.S 35(H)0 55125 .5<.(KH) .5(>875 57750 .58<.25 .59.500 60375 I-nIIIIII 7tis;5 72000 73125 74250 75375 76.500 77625 55(M)0 S<.50(l() 102375 104(HH) 105625 1072.50 108875 110.5(H) 112125 75(M)0 S5()00 118125 133S75 12(HHMI 13<>0(M) 121875 138125 1237.50 140250 125(.25 142375 127.5(H) 144.'yK) 12')375 14<.<.25 'ISOOO I )9(.25 152(HH) 1.54375 l.V.7.50 1.59125 1M.5(H) 16,W75 AllVKIt riHKMKN r IN II MK Spanish Money, etc. Dollars and Cents to Pesetas and Centimos, mo„c,s" Spain, Pesetas. Bulgaria, Levs. Kcmuiania, Uei. Servia, Dinars. Greece, Drachma;. All countries using money for which the tables here given are available have decimal systems, and their gold monetary unit is of the same value, see page 100. A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to from $2.65 to $2.85 on $1,000. Write amounts as follows: T-ii'o Hundred Eighteen and '"/loo Pesetas. Or other monies, see top of page. 18.35 1838 18.40 18.45 18.50 18.55 18.60 18 5 s 18.65 18.70 18.75 18.80 18.85 18 7 s 18.90 18.95 Tliis part of this tabic was com- puted primarily for cents; but it may be used, for l;ir;,'er ;imounts, for the r.-ites jjiven, the srmie as .above. 1500 2500 17.50 H5714 142S57 17.76 84.S07 140845 18 i 83333 138889 18.25 82192 136986 18.50 810S1 135135 18.75 8()()()0 133333 18.95 7yi.S6 131926 350(1 2II(MI!III 197 1H3 194444 191781 isms') lS(if,C)7 IS4(i<)7 (500 257143 253.52 1 250000 246575 243243 2tlMH)0 237467 5500 314286 309859 305556 .301370 297297 293333 290237 6500 371429 .366197 361111 .356164 351.351 346667 343008 INTKUKST TAIU.KS SiOIC AOVIOIfllSlCM I'.NT IN Il.M K 7500 428571 422535 416667 410959 405405 400000 .395778 nv 11(1 ssqo 485714 478873 472222 465753 4.594.59 453333 448549 9500 5(2S57 535211 52777,S 520548 513513 50(>667 .501319 Pesetas and Centimos, Mmuv"' to Dollars and Cents. Spanisli Money, etc, France, i;el;Ljium and SwitztTland, I-' ratios. Italy, I. ire l''iiil:iii(l, I'iiiinsirks. Use these pages for any of the eountries mentioned above, the same as pafies 102 to 105, whenever exchange is quoted at less than the gold value; i. e. on the basis of a depreciated paper currency. Write figures as follows: pt^218>l Dl 218 ^1 Dinars 218 ^1 Lei 218 -^ puts 218 25 too 1N.65 18.70 IS. 75 IN.80 1N.H5 1H7„ 1N.90 1H.95 Tliis iKirt i«l" this tatilc was com- (luti'd priiii.iri ly lor ci-ntiiiios etc. ; liut it may beuscfl, forlar^iT amounts, lor tlic r.'itcs >;ivtn, the s;mie as aliove. 17.50 17.75 18 18.25 18.50 18.75 18.9S isnoo 2(.2.S0 2W.2.S 27(K)0 27.^75 277.SO 2H125 2S42.S 2.>nn() 4.U5II ■4^.V^ 45(I(H) 4.S625 •»62.S0 MiH7$ 47.W.S S^IIIMI (.I.V>II t,:\r> ri^iiiiii 63875 64750 6.S62S ^16.125 15110(1 "''.S75 SIIHM) 8212.=; W2.=;o 85275 551)1)11 •)(.25l) '>7(.25 <«50flO 11.^7.50 11.5.175 117000 118625 1202.50 I21S75 12.M75 DATK TMll.KS IMKUKsr rvlll.K.S SKK Al'V l:U 11 -i;M IINT IN IIAl K 7501)0 1.112.50 1.VU25 l.V50U() 1.16875 1.187.50 HOr no S5noo HS7.50 1.50S75 15.1000 1.55125 1572.50 l.5'».175 161075 <»5noo IM.250 lf.W.25 17HI(MI 17.1.175 1757.50 178125 IS(M125 Money of France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Finland, 100 Bulgaria, Roumania, Servia, Greece and Venezuela. How to convert United States money into French and other moneys of like value, and vice versa. Exchange on the principle countries men- tiond at the head of this page is quoted in two ways, ( 1 ) per dollar, by steps of five-eighths of a centime, from about Fes. 5.15 to 5.25, and, (2) per franc, lira, etc. by steps of one one-hundredth of a cent, from about 19.2 to 19.5 cts. When quoted per dollar, a fluctua- tion of five-eighths of a centime amounts to about $1.20 on $1,000. This is too great a P 1 step, and quotations are supplemented by add- Monev '"^ *"^ subtracting some fractional part of one Etc. percent of the amount of United States money. This makes it difficult to figure without the use of conversion tables. When French exchange is quoted per dollar, to convert francs into dollars, divide by the rate and add or subtract the fractional part of one per cent. To convert dollars into francs, if the rate is minus, add the fractional part of one per cent and multiply by the rate; if the rate is plus, subtract the fractional part of one per cent and multiply by the rate. When exchange is quoted per franc, there are no fractions, and conversion becomes a question of simple multiplication or long division. To convert francs into dollars, multiply by the rate; and to convert dollars into francs, divide by the rate. How to write checks and drafts. A check or draft on any of the above coun- tries should be written as a U. S. check or draft on your own bank is written: instead of using the word. Dollars, mention the kind of money in which it is payable; for instance, if payable in France, Belgium or Switzerland, write. Francs; if in Italy, Lire; if in Spain, Pesetas; if in Finland, Finmarks; if in Bul- garia, Levs, or Coldlevs; if in Roumania, Lei; if in Servia, Dinars; if in Greece, Drach- mas, or Drachma;. On some of these coun- tries, drafts are seldom drawn except in pounds, francs or marks, and usually "at exchange cm London," or "Paris," as the case may be. The abbreviations that should be used on drafts, as mentioned above, are as follows, and in the order named. Where two forms are given, the first is the better. With some it is best to use the full word, Fes., or F. ; L"- ; P'"" ; Fmk., or Fm.; G. Levs, or Levs; Lei; Dinars; D^. Drafts payable in French territory should have the date written out in full as illustrated at the heads of the pages for French money. This is on account of the internal revenue tax laws which impose a tax on checks and drafts not promptly presented for payment. On commercial drafts ( Bills of Exchange), there is a stamp tax of 1-20 of 1 per cent. Grace is allowed until noon the day after maturity. The countries mentioned at the head of this page all have money of the same value though not of the same name. They all have deci- mal systems, one hundred of the smaller units making one of the larger. Some of them use gold, paper and silver as a circulating medium, which are in general use ; others are on a paper and silver basis, gold seldom being seen. Those countries using most gold, as a rule do not issue the smaller denominations of paper; those using little or no gold of course requiring it. Paper money most frequently met with is in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 units. French gold (a term applied to the gold of all these countries) is coined 900 parts fine and 100 parts alloy, and its minting or par value is 19.3 cents per unit, franc, lira, etc. Silver coins of the 5 small unit denominations or larger are also 900 parts fine, but silver coins of less than 5 units are 8,S5 parts fine, except in Finland, where the 1 and 2 markkaa pieces are 868 parts fine, and the 25 and 50 penni pieces are 750 parts fine. The market value of the paper money of these countries fluctuates according to the credit of the country issuing it, and according to the commercial value of its exchange. That of those on a sound financial basis fluctuates ( New York purchasing rates) from about 19 to 19.30. Gold usually runs a trifle higher, perhaps from about 19.10 to 19.35; and silver is worth anywhere from its bullion value to within a fraction of a cent of its nominal value, according to the country whose stamp it bears. u Profit Tabic for French olher Moneys, By .01, .02, Etc. Fxamplc— A customer wants a dr;ift worth $1200; the quoted cost rate is 19.38; the profit desired is S3.(iO. At tiie rij^ht of the tifJures 1200, it will be seen that an advance in the rate of .05 will yield a profit of $3.73; therefore quote 19.44 (19.38+ .06). For amounts not given here, take a fractional part, like one tenth, or a multiple of some other number. | Dollars 1 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 1 .11 1 .12 I .14 1 .15 1 .16 1 .18 1 .20 | sol .03 .05 .08 .10 .13 .16 .18 .21 .23 .26 .28 31 .36 .39 .41 .47 .52 100 .05 .10 .16 .21 .26 .31 .36 .41 .47 .52 .57 .62 .72 .78 .83 .93 1.04 ISO t .08 .16 .23 .31 .39 .47 .54 .62 .70 .78 .85 .93 1.09 1.16 1.24 1.40 1.55 200 .10 .21 .31 .41 .52 .62 .72 .83 .93 1.04 1.14 1.24 1.45 1.55 1.66 1.86 2.07 2S0 .13 .26 .39 .52 .65 .78 .91 1.04 1.16 129 1.42 1.55 1.81 1.94 207 2.33 2..S9 300 .16 .31 .47 .62 .78 .93 1.09 1.24 1.40 1.55 1.71 1.86 2.17 2.33 2.48 2.79 3.11 400 .21 .41 .62 .83 1.04 1.24 1.45 1.66 1.86 2.07 2.28 2.48 2.90 3.11 3 31 3.73 4 14 500 .26 .52 .78 1.04 1.29 1.55 1.81 2.07 2.33 2.59 2.85 3.11 3.62 3.8S 4.14 4.66 5.18 600 .31 .62 .93 1.24 1.55 1.86 2.17 2.48 2.79 3.11 3.42 3.73 4.35 4.66 4.97 559 621 700 .36 .72 1.09 1.45 181 2.17 2.54 290 326 3.62 3.98 4.35 507 5.43 5.80 6.52 7.25 NOO .41 .83 1.24 1.66 207 2.48 2.90 3.31 3.73 4.14 4..S5 ■1.97 5.80 621 6 62 745 S2S 900 .47 .93 1.40 1.86 2.33 2.79 3.26 3.73 4.19 4.66 5.12 5.59 6.52 6.99 7.45 8.38 9.12 1000 .52 1.04 1.55 2.07 2.59 3.11 3.62 4.14 4.66 5.18 5.69 6.21 7.25 7.76 8.28 9.32 10 35 1 1 00 .57 1.14 1.71 2.28 285 3.42 3.98 4.55 5.12 5.69 626 6.83 7.97 854 9 11 10 25 1 1 .19 1200 .62 124 186 2.48 3.11 3.73 4.35 4.97 5.59 621 6.83 7.45 869 932 9.94 II IS 1242 UOO .67 1.35 2.02 269 3.36 4.04 4.71 5.38 605 6.73 7.40 8.07 9.42 10.09 10.76 12.11 13.46 1400 .72 1.45 2.17 2.90 362 4.35 5.07 5.80 652 7.25 7.97 8.69 10.14 10.87 11.59 13.04 14.49 1500 .78 1.55 233 311 388 4.66 5.43 6 21 699 7.76 8 54 9.32 10.S7 11.64 12.42 13.97 1553 1600 .83 1.66 248 3 31 4.14 4.97 5.80 6.62 7.45 8.28 9.11 994 II. .59 12.42 13.25 14.90 16,S6 1700 .88 1.76 264 3.52 4.40 5.28 616 7.04 7.92 8 80 968 10.56 12.12 13.20 14.0S I5.S4 17.60 ISOO .93 1.86 2.79 .3.73 4.66 5.59 652 7.45 H.3H 9.32 10.25 11.18 13.04 13.97 14.90 1677 1S.63 1900 .98 197 2.9.S 393 4.92 590 6.88 7.87 885 9.S3 10.S2 11 SO 13.77 14.75 15 73 17.70 19.67 2000 1.04 2.07 3 11 4 14 5.18 621 7.25 8.28 9.32 1035 11. .19 12.42 1449 15.53 16.56 18.63 2070 2200 1.14 2.28 3.42 4.55 5.69 6.83 7.97 9.11 10.25 11.39 12.52 13.66 1594 17.08 18.22 20.49 2277 2400 124 2.48 3.73 4.97 621 7.45 8.69 994 11. IS 12.42 13.66 14.90 17.19 18.63 19.87 22.16 24 84 2500 1.29 2.59 3.88 5.18 647 7.76 9.06 10.35 11.64 12.94 1423 15.53 18.11 19.41 20.70 23.29 25.88 3000 1.55 3.11 4.66 6.21 7.76 9.32 10.87 1242 13.97 15.53 17.08 18.63 21.74 23.29 24.84 27.95 31.05 5000 2.59 5.18 7.76 10.35 12.94 15.53 18.11 20.70 23.29 25.88 28.46 31.05 36.23 38.81 41.40 46.58 51.75 Francs 1 J»L .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .14 .15 .16 .18 .20 100 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .14 .15 .16 .18 .20 200 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .22 .24 .28 .30 .32 .36 .40 250 .02 .05 .07 .10 .12 .15 .17 .20 .22 .25 .27 .30 .35 .37 .40 .45 .50 300 .03 .Oo .09 .12 .15 .18 .21 .24 .27 .30 .33 .36 .42 .45 .48 .54 .60 400 .04 .08 .12 .16 .20 .24 .28 .32 .36 .40 .44 .48 .56 .60 .64 .72 .80 500 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .60 .70 .75 .80 .90 1.00 750 .07 .15 .22 .30 .37 .45 .51 .60 .67 .75 .82 .90 1.05 1.12 1.20 1.35 1.50 1000 .10 .20 M .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.80 1 2.00 1500 .15 30 .45 .60 .75 .90 1.05 1.20 1.35 150 1.65 1.80 210 2.25 2.40 2.70 1 3 00 2000 .20 .40 .60 .80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.60 400 2500 .25 .50 .75 1.00 125 150 1.75 2.00 2.25 250 2.75 3.00 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.50 500 3000 JO .60 .90 1.20 1.50 IJiO 2.10 2.40 2.70 3.00 3.30 3.60 420 4.50 4.80 540 600 3S00 .35 .70 1.05 1.40 1.75 2.10 2.45 280 3.15 3.50 385 4.20 4.90 525 5.60 6.10 ' 7 00 4000 .40 .80 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.80 320 3.60 4.00 440 4.80 560 600 640 7 20 8(10 4500 .45 .90 1.^5 1.80 2.25 2.70 .3.15 3.60 4.05 4.50 4.95 5.40 630 675 7.20 8 10 9(10 SOOO .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 300 3.50 •1.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 7.00 7.50 800 9O0 lOOO S500 .55 1.10 1.65 2.20 2.75 330 3.85 4.40 495 5.50 605 6.60 7.70 8.25 880 9 90 1 1 00 6000 .60 1.20 1.80 2.40 300 3.60 4.20 4.80 5.40 6.00 6.60 7.20 8.40 9.00 960 10. SO 12 00 6500 .65 1.30 1.95 260 3.25 3.90 4.55 5.20 5.S5 6.50 7.15 7. SO 9 10 9.75 1040 11.70 13(H) 7000 .70 1.40 2.10 2.80 3.50 4.20 4.90 5.60 6.10 7.00 7.70 8.40 9.S0 1050 1120 1260 14 00 ' 7500 .75 1.50 2.25 3.00 3.75 4..S0 5.25 6.00 6.75 7.50 8.25 9 00 10. SO II 25 12.(H) 13 50 15 00 NOOO .80 160 240 3 20 4.00 4.80 560 6.40 7.20 S(M) 8 SO 9 60 1120 12(H) 12S0 14 4(1 IMIO <>(>(•() .90 1 SO 2.70 3 60 4 50 5.40 h.M) 720 8 10 9(M) 9')0 10 SO 1260 1.1 50 14 40 1620 IS (10 10000 1.00 2.00 3(M) 4IH) 5.00 6.(H) 7.00 SIM) 900 10()0 11(H) 12.00 14. (HI 15(H) 16 (HI ISOO 20(10 1 5000 I. .SO 300 4. SO 6.IM) 7 50 9()0 10 50 12(H) 15(K) If. .50 IS (HI 21 (H) 22 .50 24 00 27 00 30 (10 20000 2.()« 4(K) 6IHI HIHt 10 00 I2(K) 14(10 |6(M) IN.OO 20(M) 22 (HI 2 1 (HI 2S (HI .KMH) .12(10 .1(.(H( 40(10 25000 2.';o SIN) 7.^0 l(UM) 12. SO ISIM) 17 50 20()0 22.50 25 (M) 27 .50 .1()(H) .15 (Ml .17 50 40(H) 45 (H) .5(1 (10 31)000 3 00 6.IH) ').(I0 \2m 15.00 IN. (Ml 21 IMI 24.00 27.00 .lO.IM) .VV(K) .16(H) 42(H) 45(H) 4S(H) 5«(H) 60 CO French Money, etc. Dollars and Cents to Francs and Centimes, ^MoncZ" France, Belgium and Switzerlan d, Francs. Italy. Lire. Finland, Finmarks. All of these countries have decimal monetary systems of the same value, though not of the same name, see page 100. A fluctuation of .01 in the rale amounts to about 52 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd centimes: Two Hundred Eighteen and -"/ 100 Francs. Or other monies, see top of page. 19 100000 52631579 20000 16 30000 15789474 40000 50000 26315789 60000 31578947 70000 soooo 42105263 90000 47368421 105263 21052632 36842105 19.05 52493438 10498688 15748031 20997375 26246719 31496063 36745407 41994751 4724409 4 19.10 52356021 10471204 15706806 20942408 26178010 31413613 36649215 41884817 47120419 19.11 52328624 10465725 15698587 20931450 26164312 31397174 36630037 41862899 47095761 19.12 52301255 10460251 15690377 20920502 26150628 31380753 36610879 41841004 470711.30 19 1 s 52287582 10457516 15686275 20915033 26143791 31372549 36601307 41830065 470.58N24 19.13 52273915 10454783 15682175 20909566 26136958 31.^64349 36591741 41819132 47046524 19.14 52246604 10449321 15673981 20898642 26123302 31347962 36572623 41797283 47021944 19.15 100300 52219321 20000 1044.^864 30000 15665796 40000 20887728 50000 26109661 60000 31331593 70000 80000 41775457 90000 46997389 36553525 19.16 52192067 10438413 15657620 20876827 26096033 31315240 36534447 41753653 46972860 19.17 52164841 10432968 15649452 20865936 26082420 31298905 36515389 41731873 46948357 19.18 52137643 10427529 15641293 20855057 26068822 31282586 36496350 41710115 4692.5879 19.19 52110474 10422095 15633142 20844190 26055237 31266285 36477332 41688379 46899427 19.20 52083333 10416667 15625000 208.33333 26041667 31250000 36458333 41666667 468750U0 19.21 52056221 10411244 15616866 20822488 26028110 31233732 36439354 41644977 46850599 19.22 52029136 10405827 15608741 20811655 26014568 31217482 36420395 41623309 46826223 19.23 100000 52002080 20000 10400416 30000 40000 20800832 50000 26001040 60000 31201248 70000 36401456 80000 41601664 90000 46801872 15600624 19.24 51975052 10395010 15592516 20790021 25987526 31185031 36382536 41.580042 46777547 19.25 51948052 10389610 1.5584416 20779221 25974026 31168831 36363636 41558442 46753247 19.26 51921080 10384216 15576324 20768432 25960540 31152648 36344756 41536864 46728972 19.27 51894136 10378827 15568241 20757654 25947068 31136482 36325895 41515.309 46704722 19.28 51867220 10373444 15560166 20746888 25933610 311203.32 36307054 41493776 46680498 19.29 51840332 10368066 15552100 21)7.36133 25920166 31104199 36288232 41472265 46656299 19.30 5181.3472 10362694 15544041 20725389 25906736 31088083 36269430 41450777 46632124 19.31 100000 517W.639 20000 10357328 30000 40000 20714656 50000 25893320 60000 31071983 70000 36250547 80000 41429311 90000 46607975 15535992 19.32 51759834 10351967 15527950 20703934 25879917 3 10.5590 1 .36231884 41407868 46583851 19.33 5173.3057 10346611 15519917 20693223 25866529 310.W834 .36213140 41386446 465.59752 19.34 51706308 10341262 15511892 20682523 25853154 31023785 36194416 41365047 46535677 19.35 51679587 10.335917 15503876 20671835 2.S839793 310077.52 36175711 41343669 46511628 19.36 51652893 10330579 1549.5868 20661157 25826446 30991736 .36157025 41.322314 46487603 19.37 51626226 10325245 15487868 20650490 25813113 30975736 361.38.3.S8 4130(1981 4646,5603 19 3 s 51612903 10322581 1.548.3871 20645161 25806452 ,30967742 361290.32 41290323 46451613 19.38 100000 51599587 20000 10319917 30000 15479876 40000 20639835 50000 25799794 60000 30959752 70000 36119711 80000 90000 464.59628 41279670 19.39 51572976 10314595 15471893 20629190 25786488 30943785 36101083 41258381 4641.5678 18.40 51546392 10309278 15463918 20618557 25773196 .30927835 36082474 41237113 46,3917,53 19.41 51519835 10303967 15455951 20607934 25759918 30911901 36063885 41215868 46367852 19.42 51493306 10298661 15447992 20.597322 25746653 30895984 36045314 41194645 46.143975 19.43 51466804 10293.361 15440041 20586722 ^733402 30880082 36026763 41173443 46320124 19.44 51440329 10288066 15432099 205761.32 25720165 30864198 36008230 41152263 46296296 19.45 5141.3882 10282776 15424165 20565553 25706941 30848329 3.5989717 41131105 46272494 This par t of this 1' ISOO 250 3500 4.500 5500 i500 75 90 8500 9500 table \va s com- 19 78947 1315 79 184211 236842 289474 3 »2105 394 737 447368 5(1110(1(1 putcd pri marily 19.20 [ 78125 1302 08 182292 234375 286458 3 ?8542 390 f>25 442708 494792 for cents; but it 19.25 } 77922 1298 70 181818 233766 285714 3 57662 389 610 441558 493506 may be u sed, for 19.30 77720 1295 34 181.347 233161 284974 3 56788 388 501 440415 492228 larger a mounts, 19.35 I 77519 1291 99 180879 232558 284238 3 55917 387 i97 4.39276 490956 for the rat cs Riven, 19.40 77320 1288 66 180412 231959 i 283505 3 55052 386 W8 4.38144 489691 the same a s above. 19.45 77121 1285 35 179949 231.362 282776 3 54190 385 504 437018 488432 iiA'ir: 'lAiii.Ks i.NTi;i!i:sT 'iaiii,!;: .\ii\ i;kii,s]:mi:ni' in hack Francs and Centimes, Mmicvil'' to Dollars and Cents, French Money, etc. Spiiin, I'csi-tiis. lUilyiiria, Lcvs. Koiiniaiiiii, Ui-i. St-rviii, Diiijii-s. ("■ri-fi-e, Drat-hma.s. Profits, page 101. French and otlicr monies of like value, piigc 100, Dates on drafts payable in French territory should be written out in full, thus: July tenth 19.... Write figures as follows; see forms on paiJes 94 to 99, and 48 to b7: Fes. 218 •! (or I\ ) Ll 218 -1^ Fmk . 218 -^ (or fni. ) Fes. 218 20 ion 19..^8 19..^9 19.40 19.41 19.42 19.43 19.44 19.45 Tliis p.irt of this t.ililc was coin- piiti'd priiiiiiril y liir ccntiini'S etc.; Init it niiiy IkusciI, torlar^;iTaiii<>iiiits, liir tlic r.itis K'viii, llio same as Jiliovi'. isnoo :5()n() iSIIIIII 19 2S.S(M) 4;5(M» (>(i5lH) 19.20 2H«(K) 4HIMH) 67200 19.25 2SN75 4S125 67.^5 19..?0 2S').S0 4H2.S0 67.S.S0 19..^5 2'»()2S 4KV5 67725 19.40 2'>1(M) 4N5(M) 67'XK) 19.45 2"M75 4K6:5 6HI)75 15^1111(1 H55(l(l K64IM) 8W>25 8^S^0 87()7.S 87.VHI K7.S25 55IIIIII lolMU) 75(100 S500U llll.lKI i:">Mio H2500 161.500 llIM iJtsoo HKMM) I6.V00 iii5sr,^ 1J.M25 144.^75 16.1625 106150 1251.50 144750 164050 106J25 125775 1 45 1 25 164475 1067(M) 1261(H) 145500 164'«K) U«i'»75 126425 14.5.S75 165.125 15000 1S0.500 182400 182875 18.VV50 1S.VS25 1S4.V)0 184775 ii\i'i; TMii,i;s iNiKuiisr tmu.ks xv.v. ai>\ in hack i>k in French Money, etc. Dollars and Cents to Francs and Centimes, 'lifn!','!" France, Belgium and Switzerland, Francs. Italy. Lire. Finland, Finmarks. All of these countries have decimal monetary systems of the same value, though not of the same name, see page 100. A fluctuation of .01 m the rate amounts to | about 52 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd centmies: Two Hundred Eighteen and ^'^hoo Francs. Or other monies, see top of page. inoooo 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 SOOOO 90000 19.46 51387461 10277492 15416238 20554985 25693731 30832477 35971223 41109969 46248715 19.47 51361068 10272214 15408320 20544427 25680534 30816641 35952748 41088855 46224961 19.48 513347{)2 10266940 154004 U 20533S81 25667351 30800821 35934292 41067762 46201232 19.49 51308363 1U261673 15392509 20523345 25654182 30785018 35915854 41046691 46177527 19.50 51282051 10256410 15384615 20512821 25641026 30769231 35897436 4102.5641 4615.3846 19.51 51255766 10251153 15376730 20502307 25627883 30753460 35879036 41004613 461.30190 19.52 51229508 10245902 15368852 20491803 25614754 30737705 35860656 40983607 46106557 19.53 51203277 10240655 15360983 20481311 25601639 30721966 35842294 40962622 46082949 19.54 100000 51177073 20000 10235415 30000 40000 20470829 50000 25588536 60000 30706244 70000 35823951 80000 40941658 90000 46059365 15353122 19.55 51 150895 10230179 15345269 20460358 25575448 30690537 35805627 40920716 46035806 | 19.56 51124744 10224949 15337423 20449898 25562372 30674847 35787.^21 40899796 46012270 19.57 51098620 10219724 15329586 20439448 25549310 30659172 35769034 40878896 45988758 19.58 51072523 10214505 15321757 20429009 25536262 30643514 35750766 40858018 45965271 19.59 51046452 10209290 15313936 20418581 25523226 30627871 35732517 40837162 4.S941807 19.60 51020408 10204082 15306122 20408163 25510204 30612245 35714286 40816327 4.5918,^67 19.61 50994391 10198878 15298317 20397756 25497195 30596634 35696073 40795512 45894952 19.62 100000 50968400 20000 10193680 .30000 15290520 40000 20387360 50000 25484200 60000 30581040 70000 35677880 80000 40774720 4 90000 5871560 19 5 s 50955414 10191083 15286624 20382166 25477707 30573248 35568790 40764331 4.5859873 | 19.63 50942435 10188487 15282731 20376974 25471218 30565461 35659705 40753948 4.5848192 19.64 50916497 10183299 15274949 20366599 25458248 30549898 35641548 40733198 45824847 19.65 50890585 10178117 15267176 20356234 25445293 30534351 35623410 40712468 45801527 19.66 50864700 10172940 15259410 20345880 25432350 30518820 35605290 40691760 45778230 19.67 50838841 10167768 15251652 20335536 25419420 30503305 3.5.587189 40671073 457.54957 19.68 50813008 10162602 15243902 20325203 25406504 30487805 35569106 40650406 45731707 19.69 100000 50787202 20000 10157440 30000 40000 20314881 50000 25393601 60000 30472321 70000 35551041 80000 40629761 90000 45708481 15236160 19.70 S076r421 10152284 15228426 20304569 25380711 30456853 35532995 40609137 45685279 19.71 50735667 10147133 15220700 20294267 25367834 30441400 3.S5 14967 40588534 45662100 19.72 50709939 10141988 15212982 20283976 25354970 30425963 35496957 40567951 45638945 19.73 50684237 10136847 15205271 20273695 25342119 30410542 35478966 40547390 4.561.5813 19.74 50658561 10131712 15197568 20263425 25329281 30395137 35460993 40526849 45592705 19.75 50632911 10126582 15189873 20253165 25316456 30379747 35443038 40506329 45569620 19.76 50607287 10121457 15182186 20242915 25303644 30364372 35425101 40485830 45546559 19.77 100000 50581689 20000 10116338 30000 40000 20232676 50000 25290845 60000 30349014 70000 35407183 80000 40465352 90000 4.5523520 15174507 19.78 50556117 10111223 15166835 20222447 25278059 30333670 35389282 40444894 45500506 19.79 50530571 10106114 15159171 20212228 25265286 30318343 35371400 40424457 45477514 19.80 50505051 10101010 15151515 20202020 25252525 30303030 35.353535 40404040 454.54545 19.81 50479556 10095911 15143867 20191822 25239778 .30287733 35335689 40383645 45431600 19.82 50454087 10090817 15136226 20181635 25227043 30272452 35317861 40363269 45)08678 19.83 50428643 10085729 15128593 20171457 25214322 302571X6 35300050 I 40342915 45385779 19.84 50403226 10080645 15120968 20161290 25201613 .30241935 35282258 i 40322581 45362903 This par t of this 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 table w; s com- 19.50 76923 12820S 179487 230769 282051 333333 384615 435897 487179 puled pri for cents; marilv 19.55 76726 127877 179028 230179 2813.30 332481 383632 434783 485934 but it 19.60 76531 127551 178571 229592 280612 331633 382653 433673 484694 may be u sed, for 19.65 76336 127226 17SI17 229008 279898 330789 .381679 432570 483461 larger a mounts, 19.70 76142 126904 17766S 228426 279188 329950 380711 431472 482234 fr)r the rat esfiiven, 19.75 75949 126582 177215 227848 278481 329114 379747 430380 481013 tlie same a s above. 19.80 75758 126263 17676« 227273 277778 328283 378788 429293 479798 i>\-nc ■I'AHi.ios INI'Kltl'.ST TAIil.i;; <\:v, Aii\ i;ii i'isi:mi;n !■ in h Francs and Centimes, 's\,.n,ys.' to Dollars and Cents. French Money, etc. Si)aiii, I'l-si-Ias. Itiilyiiria, l^fvs. Kuuniaiiiii, I.i-i. Servia, Dinars. (In-rcc, Di-ac-hmax. Profits, p;i^c' 101. PVench iind other monies of like value, page 1(X), Dates on drafts payable in French territory should be written out in full, thus: July tenth 19. figures as follows; see forms on pages 94 to 99, and 48 to 67: Fes. 218 U> (or /-: ) L'l 218 Zi Fmk . 218 ^J> (or Fm. ) Write Fes. 218 20 lUIJ 19.46 19.47 19. 4S 19.49 19.50 19.51 19.52 19.53 19.54 19.55 19.56 19.57 19.5S 19.59 19.60 19.61 19.62 19. -iH 19.63 19.64 19.65 19.66 19.67 19.68 19.69 19.70 19.71 19.72 19.73 19.74 19.75 19.76 19.77 19.7N 19.79 19.H0 19.N1 19.N2 19. S3 I9..S4 I IIOOIII) I'M/'IMIO I'MSdllO I'M'XIDU l')5l 1(1(10 1451(1(10 19.S20()0 lys.^uoo lOQOOO 1954000 1955000 1956000 1957(M)0 1'>5S(I()0 l')5>>(i(io I'^dOdOO 19M00O 100000 1962(100 iy(>25(m lyfoooo 1964000 1965000 WM)m 19(1 7 000 19(>.S0()O n)0(ioo 19690(M) 19700(10 1971000 1972000 197.1(MIO 1974000 1975000 197(>00O 100000 1W7700() 1")7S( 1(1(1 19790(10 19HO(M(0 19S1(H)0 1982000 19,S3(M»0 I'lSKlOO 200000 .■i,S92(HM) 3N94(MIO .VS9(,0(iO 3.S9S(IOO .V'OOOOO .39020(10 3904000 390(i000 2011000 .39(),S(IOO 3910000 3912000 3914000 391fiOO(' 3''1-S(MI(I 3920000 3922000 200j)()0 3924000 3925000 392()0(I0 3928000 3930(W0 3932000 393(000 393(1000 200000 393.SOOO 3940(H)0 3942000 3944000 3946000 394H{M)0 .395(;0(M) 3952(M)0 2001)00 3''51(l(IO 3'»56(lll() 395.S(IO0 396(MI00 .3962(MI0 .3964000 39^>.H0O0 300000 5N3SO(M) 5841000 5844000 5847000 5850000 .5853000 5856000 5859000 300000 5862000 5865000 5868000 5871000 5874000 5877000 5880000 5883000 300000 5886000 5887500 5889000 5892000 5895000 5898000 5901000 5904000 300000 5907000 5910000 5913000 5916000 5919000 5922000 5925000 5928000 301)000 5931000 5934000 5937000 5940000 5943000 594^)000 594'HMM) 5952000 41)0000 7784000 778,8000 7792000 7796000 7800000 7804000 7808000 7812000 100000 7816000 7820000 7824000 7828000 7832000 7836000 7840000 7844000 400000 7848000 7850000 7852000 7856000 7860000 7864000 7868000 7872000 400000 7876000 7880000 7884000 7888000 7892000 7896(M)0 7900000 7904000 400000 7908000 7912000 791WHM) 7920000 7924000 7928000 7932000 793WH)(( 900000 514(MM) 5230(10 532000 541000 550000 559000 56H0O0 577000 (10000 75Vi(l(iO 7595000 7604000 7613000 7622000 7631(«H) 764(KM)0 7649000 onooo 76.58(M)0 76625(10 7667000 7676000 7685000 7(,94(I00 7703000 7712000 900000 7721000 7730000 7739000 7748000 7757000 77W>000 77750(10 77M(I(»0 1)0000 7793(H)0 7802000 7811000 7820000 782*H)00 7838(KI0 7847000 7856000 Till.-. |..irl 1.1 this t;ililc \v;is i-Diii- |iiitr(l pri iiiari 1 J- liir cciitinii's etc.; l>iit it iii;iy Ik; used, I'orlarjji-riiiiinunts, Icir tlic- r.itis H'veii, the iiic .'IS aliiivi 1 5000 25000 35000 45000 55000 65000 75000 85000 19..50 2>»25() 48750 68250 87:511 !iir:5() 1267.50 146250 1657.50 19.55 29325 48875 68425 >\?K's III7525 127075 146625 W.6175 19.60 294IM) 49000 68600 Ssjdii iii;s(H) 127400 147000 1(>6600 19.65 29475 49125 6R775 88425 108075 127725 147375 167025 19.70 2<>5.50 49250 689.50 8K650 108350 1280.50 1477.50 167450 19.75 29625 49375 69125 8.8875 1().8«,25 128375 148125 167875 19.N0 297(X) 49500 69300 891(H) 10.8'MM) 128700 148500 168300 95000 18.52.50 185725 186200 186675 1871.50 187625 i\TK TAlll.K.S INTKIIKsr T.Mll.l:.S lt.V( K OF 111 AUSTRIA -HUNGARIAN MONEY. 106 Money of Austria- Hunga- ry How to convert United States money into Austria- Hungarian money, and vice versa. Exchange on Austria-Hungary is seldom, if ever, quoted in the terms used for the three continental countries, France, Germany and Holland, that is, with plus or minus fractional parts of one per cent, but is confined to the value per crown in United States money, as, for instance, 20.34, 20.35, 20.36, and so on, meaning, twenty and thirty-four one-hundredth cents, or twenty and thirty-five one-hundredth cents, as the case may be. For many purposes this covers the requirements, but a step of one one-hundredth of a cent amounts to about 50 cents on $1,000, and modern banking often- times demands closer figuring, especially for large drafts, so it has become the custom to quote rates to the %, or even the X, hund- redth of a cent, as, 20.34, 20.34V„ 20.34% 20.34''!, and so on. Conversion of the one kind of money into the other is a question of multiplication or long division. To convert crowns into dollars, multiply by the rate; as, for instance, — Crs. 1256.75 Kate 20.24.'4 Result $254.40 To convert dollars into crowns, divide by the rate; as, for instance the following in reverse and as proof of the other, care being necessary to point the quotient correctly. 21)2425 ) 254400((0() I 1250.75 How to write checks and drafts. The writing of checks and drafts is a simple matter. Follow the forms given at the heads of pages 108 to 121. In the body of the draft, it is better to use the Austrian word. Kronen, with its abbreviation, K., or, Kn., for the figures, than the English word. Crowns, with its abbreviation, Crs. There is not the uniformity of usage in this respect that is de- sirable, and it is probably due to an effort to avoid confusion between the Scandinavian word, Kronor, or. Kroner, and the Austrian word. Kronen; and the abbreviation, Kr., on the one hand, and, K., or, Kn., on the other. The best usage, and that recommended by the largest foreign exchange jobbers, is to write the word. Kronen, in the text, and the abbre- viation, K., with the figures. There is no more danger of confusion or ambiguity in conforming to this rule than to any other. The bank or city on which a draft is drawn will insure its being paid in the right kind of crowns. No teller would pay out Scandinav- ian crowns from a Vienna bank or Austrian crowns from a Stockholm bank, any more than a Chicago bank would pay out Mexican dollars for a check upon it written in "dollars." In 1892 Austria-Hungary changed its mon- etary unit from the florin, or guilder, to the crown. The value of the florin in United States money was 40.52 cents; the crown is worth 20.26 cents. This reduced the value of the unit just one half. As a matter of course, the coins of the former system re- mained in circulation for a number of years, but are now rapidly disappearing owing to their demonetization, and the new coins and paper money are used almost exclusively. Paper money is issued in denominations of 5, 10, 50, 100 and 1000 kronen. Gold is coined in 10 and 20 krone pieces; silver in 1, 2 and 5 krone pieces. The 2 krone piece is the old florin. Gold coins and the silver 5 krone piece and the florin are 900 parts fine ; but the 1 krone piece is 835 parts fine. The 10 and 20 heller pieces are nickel ; the 1 and 2 heller pieces are copper. In the old system, there were 4 and 8 florin and 1, 2 and 4 ducat gold coins. The ducat was worth about $2.29. The only coin of the old system remaining in the new is the 1 florin silver piece. There is not a great deal of business done in the United States with Austria-Hungary in the way of commercial drafts (Bills of Ex- change). Such drafts are generally drawn in the money of those countries having seaport cities on the Atlantic ocean and its waters. The market value of the money of Austria- Hungary in New York has, if anything, a little wider range of fluctuation than the money of France and Germany, but all in all bears about the same relation to its par value. There is not so much of it reaches this country, and its value is not so well advertised by bankers. Profit r-able for Austria-Hungarian Money. F.\ample.— ■ V customer wants a draft worth SI2()(); the LiLKjted cost rate is 20.34 ; tiie profit dc'siri. d is $4.h0. At the right of the figures 12(K), i t will be seen that an advance in the | rate of .08 Nvill 5 ■ield a profit of $4.72; therefore quote 20.42 (20.34 + .08). For amounts not given liere, t ike a fractional part, like one tenth, or 1 niu tiple of some other number. Dollars .01 .02 _i"37 .04 .05 .06 .07 i .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .14 .15 .16 .18 .20 50 .02 .05 .07 .10 .12 .15 .17 .20 .22 .25 .27 .30 .34 .36 .39 .44 .49 100 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .34 .39 .44 .49 .54 .59 .69 .74 .79 .89 .98 150 .07 .15 .22 .30 .37 .44 .52 .59 .66 .74 .81 .89 1.03 1.10 1.18 1.33 1.48 200 .10 .20 .30 .39 .49 .59 .69 .79 .89 .98 1.08 5 1.18 1.38 1.47 1.57 1.77 1 97 250 .12 .25 .37 .49 .62 .74 .86 .98 1.11 1.23 1.35 1.48 1.72 1.84 1.97 2 21 246 .^00 .15 .30 .44 .59 .74 .89 1.03 1.18 1.33 1.48 1.62 1.77 2.07 2.21 2.36 2.66 2 95 400 .20 .39 .59 .79 .98 1.18 1.38 1.57 1.77 1.97 2.16 2.36 2.76 2.95 315 3.54 3.94 500 .25 .49 .74 .98 1.23 1.48 1.72 1.97 2.21 2.46 2.71 2.95 3.44 3.69 3.94 4.43 4.92 600 .30 .59 .89 1.18 1.48 1.77 2.07 2.36 2.66 2.95 3.25 3.54 4.13 4.42 4.72 5 31 590 700 .34 .69 1.03 1.38 1.72 2.07 2.41 2.76 310 3.44 3.79 4.13 482 5.16 551 6.20 6.89 SOO .39 .79 1 18 1.57 197 2.36 2.76 3.15 3.54 3.94 4.13 4.72 551 590 630 7.08 7.87 900 .44 .89 1.33 1.77 2.21 2.66 3.10 3.54 3.99 4.43 4.87 5.31 6.20 6.64 7.08 7.97 8.86 1000 .49 .98 148 1.97 2.46 2.95 3.44 3.94 4.43 4.92 5.41 5.90 6.89 7.38 7.87 8.86 9.84 1100 .54 l.O.S 1.62 2.16 271 3.25 3.79 4.33 4.87 5.41 5.95 6.49 7.58 812 8.66 974 10.82 1200 .59 1 18 1.77 2.16 2.95 3.54 4.13 4.72 531 5.90 6.49 7.08 8.27 886 9.45 1063 11.81 1300 .64 1.28 1.92 2.56 3.20 3.84 4.48 5.12 5.76 6.39 7.04 7.68 8.95 959 10.23 11.51 12.79 1400 .69 l.W 2.07 2.76 3.44 4.13 4.82 5.51 6.20 6.89 7.58 8.27 964 1033 11.02 12.40 13.78 1500 .74 1.48 2.21 2.95 3 69 4.43 ! 5.17 1 5 90 664 7.38 8.12 8.86 10.13 11.07 11.81 13.28 14.76 1600 .79 1.57 236 3.15 3.94 4.72 5.51 6.30 7.08 7.87 866 945 11.02 11.81 12.60 14.17 15.74 1700 .84 1.67 2.51 335 4.18 5.02 5.85 1 6.69 7.53 8.36 9.20 10.04 11.71 12.54 13.38 15.06 16.73 ISOO .89 1.77 2.66 3.54 4.43 5.31 ! 6.20 i 7.08 7.97 8.86 9.74 10.63 12.40 13.28 14.17 15.94 17.71 1900 .93 187 280 3.74 4.67 5.61 i 6.54 7.48 8.41 9.35 10.28 11.22 11.09 14.02 14.96 16.83 18.70 2000 .98 1.97 2.95 394 4.92 5.90 6.89 7.87 8.86 9.84 10.82 11.81 13.78 14.76 15.74 17.71 19.68 2200 1.08 2.16 3.25 4.33 5.41 6.49 7.58 8.66 9.74 10.82 11.91 12.99 15.15 16.23 17.32 19.48 21.65 2400 1.18 2.36 3.54 4.72 5.90 7.08 8.27 9.45 10.63 11.81 12.99 14.17 16.53 17.71 18.89 21 25 2162 2500 1.23 2.46 369 4.92 6.15 7.38 861 9.S4 11 ()7 12.10 11.53 14.76 17.22 IS.45 19.68 22 14 24 60 3000 1.48 2.95 4.43 5.90 7.38 8.86 10.33 11.81 13.28 14.76 16.24 17.71 20 66 22.14 23.62 26.57 29.52 5000 2.46 4.92 7.38 9.84 12.30 14.76 17.22 19.68 22.14 24.60 27.06 29.52 34.44 36.90 39.36 44.28 49.20 1 Crownj .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .14 .15 .16 1 .18 .20 100 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .14 .15 .16 .18 .20 200 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .22 .24 .28 .30 .32 .36 .40 250 .02 .05 .07 .10 .12 .15 .17 .20 .22 .25 .27 .30 .35 .37 .40 .45 .50 300 .03 .06 .09 .12 .15 .18 .21 .24 .27 .30 .33 .36 .42 .45 .48 .54 .60 400 .04 .08 .12 .16 .20 .24 .28 .32 .36 .40 .44 .48 .56 .60 i .64 .72 .80 500 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .60 .70 .75 .80 .90 1.00 750 .07 .15 .22 .30 .37 .45 .52 .60 .67 .75 .82 .90 1.05 1.12 1.20 1.15 1.50 1000 .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.80 2.00 1500 .15 .30 .45 .60 .75 .90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 180 210 2 25 2.40 : 2.70 31)0 2000 .20 .40 .60 .80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2 80 3.00 320 i 3.60 4.00 2500 .25 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 250 2.75 3.00 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.50 5 00 3000 .30 .60 .90 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.10 2.40 2.70 3.00 3.30 3.60 4.20 4.50 4.80 5.40 6.00 3500 .35 .70 1.05 1.40 1.75 2.10 2.45 2 80 3.15 3.50 385 4.20 4 90 5 25 560 6.10 1 7.00 4000 .40 .80 1 20 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.80 320 360 4.00 4.40 4.80 560 600 6 40 7.20 8 CO 1 4500 .45 .<)() 1 .V5 1.80 2.25 2.70 3.15 3.60 4.05 4.50 4.95 5.40 6.10 6.75 7.20 8.10 9.00 5()()0 .50 loo 1 .>(! 2(10 2.50 3.00 3 50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 7.00. 7.50 8.00 9.00 10.00 5500 .55 1 III 1 (o 2 2n 2.75 3.30 3.85 4.40 4.95 5.50 605 6.60 7.70 8.251 8 80 9.90 1 1 ()0 6000 .60 1 :ii 1 Ml 2 Ml 3(K) 3.60 4.20 4.80 5.40 600 6U 7.20 8.40 9()0 9.60 lO.SO 12.(H) f.500 .65 1.^0 l')5 - 'ill 1 .'^ 3.90 4.55 520 5.85 6.50 7.\> 7.80 9 10 9 75 10 40 11.70 11.(K) 7000 .70 1 40 2.1(1 - "^11 .; >ii 4.20 4.90 5.60 6.30 7.00 7.70 8.40 9.80 10.50 1120 12.60 14.00 75(H) .75 1 .50 2 25 .1 III) \ :^ 1 S(l 5 ?S 600 675 7.50 8.25 900 10.50 II 25 12.00 11.50 15 ()0 NOOO .SO 1 (.0 2 K) .12(1 1 III! 1 ^11 ^ (,ii 6 40 7.20 8.(M) 8 80 9 60 II 20 I2(M) I:N0 H 40 16(H) 9000 .>H) 1 SO 2 7(1 .1 6(1 ( -11 .> (n i> '>ii 720 810 9.00 9'N) 10 SO 12.60 11. M) 14 40 16.20 IS(H) 1 0000 1 (Ml 2(K) ,1 (HI ( (Ml 5.11(1 6-(Ht ; (HI H(IO 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 14.(H) 1500 1600 18.00 20.00 1 5000 1 .50 3 (Ml t -II (. IHI 7.50 9(K) 1050 1200 13.50 1.5.00 16.50 ISOO 21.00 22.50 24 00 27 00 .1000 20000 2(M) ( IHI (, III! S IHI 10(10 12(H) N(N) 16 00 1S(K) 2().(H) 22(H) 24(H) 2S(H) ,10 (H) 12.(H) .16.(X) 40(H) 25000 2 >0 5 IM) 7 .>(! Id IHI l:.^(l 1 5 (N) 17 50 20 (M) 2250 25 (M) 27 50 1(1 (H) 15 (Ml 17 50 40 (H) 45(H) 50 IM) 30000 \ III) 6(1(1 '(IM) I2(HI 15(1(1 ISIM) 21 (Ml 2t(HI 27 (M) .lOlM) 11 (H) 16(M) 42 (M) (5(M) 4HIMI .^4 (H) 6(1 (M) Austria-Hungarian Money. Dollars and Cents to Crowns and Hellers. 1 Crown or Krone = lOO Hellers. For fig uring pro fits see page 107. Money of Austria-Hungary page 106 . A fluctuation of .01 in the rate imounts to about 50 cents on $1,000. In writing dra ts, it is better to 1 use the word, Kronen, than the English word, Crowns. Write amounts as follows; | Twenty Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty One and -"/loo Kronen. 19.85 lOUUOU 50377834 20000 10075567 30000 15113350 4 20 9000 50000 25188917 60000 30226700 7000 484 SOOOO 40302267 90000 45340050 151134 35264 19.86 50352467 10070493 15105740 20140987 25176234 .30211480 35246727 40281974 45317221 19.87 50327126 10065425 15098138 20130851 25163563 30196276 35228988 40261701 45294414 19 7 8 50314465 10062893 15094340 20125786 25157233 30188679 35220126 40251572 45283019 19.88 50301811 10060362 15090543 20120724 25150905 30181087 35211268 40241449 45271630 19.89 50276521 10055304 15082956 20110608 25138260 30165913 35193565 40221217 45248869 19.90 50251256 10050251 15075377 20100503 25125628 , 30150754 35175879 40201005 45226131 19.91 50226017 10045203 15067805 20090407 25113009 30135610 35158212 40180814 45203415 19.92 lOOBOO 50200803 20000 10040161 30000 15060241 40000 20080321 50000 25100402 60000 30120482 7000 562 80000 90000 45180723 35140 40160643 19.93 50175615 10035123 15052684 20070246 25087807 30105369 35122930 40140492 45158053 19.94 50150451 10030090 15045135 20060181 25075226 30090271 35105316 40120361 45135406 19.95 50125313 10025063 15037594 20050125 25062657 30075188 35087719 40100251 45112782 19.96 50100200 10020040 15030060 20040080 25050100 30060120 35070140 40080160 45090180 19.96 '/z 50087653 10017531 15026296 20035061 25043827 30052592 35061357 40070123 45078888 19.97 50075113 10015023 15022534 20030045 25037556 30045068 35052579 40060090 45067601 19.97 Vz 50062578 10012516 15018773 20025031 25031289 30037547 35043805 40050063 45056320 19.98 100000 50050050 20000 10010010 30000 15015015 40000 20020020 50000 60000 700(1 035 80000 90000 25025025 ' 30030030 35035 40040040 [ 45045045 19.98 'A 50037528 10007506 15011258 20015011 25018764 i 30022517 35026270 40030022 45033775 19.99 50025013 10005003 15007504 20010005 25012506 30015008 35017509 40020010 45022511 19.99 '/2 50012503 10002501 15003751 20005001 25006252 ; 30007502 35008752 40010002 4,50112.53 20 50000000 10000000 15000000 20000000 25000000 30000000 35000000 40000000 45(l()0(l()() 20.00'/. 4^993751 9998750 14998125 19997500 24996S75 29996250 34995626 3999.S(I01 44')<)43r(. 20.00 Vi 49987503 9997501 14996251 19995001 24993752 i 29992502 34991252 39990002 449,SS753 20.00 'A 49981257 9996251 14994377 19992503 24990629 29988754 34986880 39985006 44983131 20.01 I 00000 49975012 20000 9995003 30000 4 19 0000 50000 24987506 60000 29985008 700C 509 80000 90000 44977511 14992504 990005 34982 39980010 20.01 '4 49968770 9993754 14990631 19987508 24984385 29981262 34978139 .39975016 44971893 20.01 Vi 49962528 9992506 14988758 19985011 24981264 29977517 34973770 39970022 44966275 20.01 'A 49956288 9991258 14986886 19982515 24978144 29973773 34969402 39965031 44960659 20.02 49950050 9990010 14985015 19980020 24975025 29970030 34965035 39960040 44955045 20.02 ■/. 4994.^813 9988763 14983144 19977525 24971907 29966288 34960669 39955051 44949432 20.02 '/2 49937578 9987516 14981273 19975031 24968789 29962547 34956305 39950062 44943820 20.02 y. 49931344 9986269 14979403 19972538 24965672 29958807 34951941 39945076 449.18210 20.03 100000 49925112 20000 9985022 30000 14977534 4 19 0000 .50000 60000 700(1 579 SOOOO 39940090 90000 44932601 970045 24962556 ^ 29955067 3494/ 20.03 '/. 49918882 9983776 14975665 19967553 24959441 29951329 3494.3217 39935105 44926994 20.03 '/2 49912653 9982531 14973796 19965061 24956326 29947592 34938857 .39930122 44921.188 20.03 % 49906425 9981285 14971928 19962570 24953213 29943855 34934498 .39925140 44915783 20.04 49900200 9980040 14970060 19960080 249.50100 29940120 34930140 39920160 44910180 20.04 '/4 49893975 9978795 14968193 19957590 24946988 29936385 34925783 39915180 44904578 20.04 '/i 49887753 9977551 14966326 19955101 24943878 29932652 34921427 39910202 44898977 20.04 Vi. 49881531 9976306 14964459 19952613 24940766 29928919 .34917072 .W905225 44893378 This [jar taljlc w.'i t of this 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 75 00 8500 9500 s coiu- 19.85 75567 125945 176322 226700 277078 .3274.56 377 K34 428212 478589 putcd pri for cents; marily 19.90 75377 125628 175879 226131 276382 326633 376 884 4271.36 477.387 but it 19.95 75188 125313 175439 225564 275689 325815 375 940 426065 476190 may be u sod, for 20 75000 125000 175000 225000 275000 325000 375 )00 425000 475000 1 larKcr a mounts. 20.02 74925 124875 174825 224775 274725 324675 374 625 424575 [ 474525 1 for the rat es K'vcn, 20.03 74888 124813 174738 224663 274588 .324513 374438 I 424363 | 474289 | tlie same a s al)ovc. 20.04 74850 124750 174651 224551 274451 324351 ! 374 251 1 424152 474052 liATI'; •I'AUl.KS INl'ICKKST TAIIMC; <) I 25000 i 49<.25 4'>7.S0 4yS75 SIHHX) .5(I(I.S0 5(MI75 .SO KM) .?5000 (5000 55000 h5000 75000 S5000 6'»475 8'>.125 105.50 10.V50 H')2.50 1691.50 6««25 89775 10'>725 12'>675 H'»(.25 16<*575 700(K) 9()(MM) IlOfMIO l.VNHH) 15(HKM) l70tHH) 7(X)70 9()()<«) 110110 I.Vll.M) 1.50150 170170 70 105 >HM.V5 Il(!!'o l.V)|')5 1.50225 1 70255 701 -10 'X)|SO 1102:0 1.V1260 1.50.itKI 170.M0 1N8575 189050 18<)525 I'HHMK) I'XU'JO l'J02f5 l>>0.i>.0 l>ATE TAIll-K.S IMill' 1 l>l Ml SI IS ll.MK Austria-Hungarian Money. Dollars and Cents to Crowns and Hellers. 1 Crown or Krone = 100 Hellers. For fig uring pro Its see page 107. Money of Austria-Hungary page 106 . A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 50 cents on $1,000. In writing dra ts, it is better to use the w ord, Kronen, than the Enghsh word, Crowns. Write amounts as follows; 1 Twenty Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty One and -'^lioo Kronen. 20.05 loooou 49875312 20000 9975062 30000 14962594 4 19 0000 50000 24937656 60000 29925187 70000 34912718 80000 90000 44887781 950125 39900249 20.05 % ■49869094 9973819 14960728 19947637 24934547 29921456 34908366 39895275 44882184 20.05 ' i 49862877 9972575 14958863 19945151 24931439 29917726 34904014 39890302 448765S9 20.05 V, 49856662 9971332 14956999 19942665 24928331 29913997 34899663 39885330 44870996 20.06 49850449 9970090 14955135 19940179 24925224 29910269 34895314 39880359 44865404 20.06 74 49844237 9968847 14953271 19937695 24922118 29906542 34890966 39875389 44859813 20.06 Vi 49838026 9967605 14951408 19935211 24919013 29902816 34886618 39870421 44854224 20.06 'A 49831818 9966364 14949545 19932727 24915909 29899091 34882272 39865454 44848636 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 20.07 49825610 9965122 14947683 19930244 24912805 29895366 34877927 39860488 4484.3049 20.07 '4 49819405 9963881 14945821 19927762 24909702 29891643 34873583 39855524 44837464 20.07 'A 49813200 9962640 14943960 19925280 24906600 29887920 34869240 39850560 44831880 20.07 % 49806998 9961400 14942099 19922799 24903499 29884199 34864899 39845598 44826298 20.08 49S00797 9960159 14940239 19920319 24900398 29880478 34860558 39840637 44820717 20.08 '4 49794597 9958919 14938379 19917839 24897299 29876758 34856218 39835678 44815138 20.08 '/2 49788399 9957680 14936520 19915360 24894200 29873040 34851880 39830719 44809559 20.08 74 49782203 9956441 14934661 19912881 24891101 29869322 34847542 39825762 44803 983 20.09 100000 49776008 20000 9955202 30000 14932802 40000 19910403 50000 24888004 60000 29865605 700( 206 80000 39820806 90000 4479X407 34843 20.09 '/4 49769815 9953963 14930944 19907926 24884907 29861889 34838870 39815852 44792833 | 20.09 '/a 49763623 9952725 14929087 19905449 24881811 29858174 34834536 3981(1898 44787261 20.09 Vi 49757433 9951487 14927230 19902973 24878716 29854460 34830203 39805946 44781689 20.10 49751244 9950249 14925373 19900498 24875622 29850746 34825871 39800995 44776119 20.10/4 49745057 9949011 14923517 19898023 24872528 29847034 34821540 39796045 44770551 20.10/2 49738871 9947774 14921661 19895548 24869435 29843323 34817210 39791097 44764984 20.10 74 49732687 9946537 14919806 19893075 24866343 29839612 34812881 39786149 44759418 20.11 100000 49726504 20000 9945301 30000 40000 19890602 50000 24863252 60000 29835903 70000 34808553 80000 90000 44753854 14917951 39781203 20.1174 49720323 9944065 14916097 19888129 24860162 29832194 34804226 39776259 44748291 20.117: 49714144 9942829 14914243 19885657 24857072 29828486 34799901 39771315 44742729 20.1174 49707966 994IS93 14912390 19883186 24853983 29824779 34795576 39766373 44737169 20.12 49701789 9940358 14910537 19880716 24850895 29821074 34791253 39761431 44731610 20.12 7, 49695614 9939123 14908684 19878246 24847807 29817369 34786930 39756492 44726053 20.12 72 49689441 9937888 14906832 19875776 24844721 29813665 34782609 .39751553 44720497 20.12/4 49f,83269 9936654 14904981 19873308 24841635 29809962 34778288 39746615 44714942 20.13 100000 49677099 20000 9935420 30000 4 19 0000 50000 24838549 60000 29806259 70000 80000 39741679 90000 44709389 14903130 870840 34773969 20.13 74 49670930 9934186 14901279 19868372 24835465 29802558 34769651 39736744 44703837 20.13 72 49664763 9932953 14899429 19865905 24832381 29798858 34765334 39731810 44698287 20.13 74 49658597 9931719 14897579 19863439 24829299 29795158 34761018 39726878 44692737 20.14 49652433 9930487 14895730 19860973 24826217 29791460 34756703 .39721946 44687190 20.14 7, 49646270 9929254 148938^1 19858508 24823135 29787762 34752389 39717016 44681643 20.14 72 49640109 9928022 14892033 19856044 24820055 29784066 34748076 39712087 44676098 20.14 7. 49633950 9926790 14890185 19853580 24816975 29780370 34743765 39707160 44670555 This par t of this l.SOO 2500 3500 4.S00 5500 6500 75 )0 8500 9500 tabic wa s com- ' 50.05 74813 124688 174564 224439 274314 324190 374 )65 423940 473815 putcd pri n a r i 1 y ' 50.06 1 74776 124626 174477 224327 274177 324028 373 ■*78 423729 473579 for cents; but it ' >0.08 1 74701 124502 174303 224104 273904 323705 373 506 423307 473108 may be u sed, for 2 50.10 74627 124378 174129 223881 273632 323383 373 134 422886 472637 larper a nounts, t 50.12 74553 124254 173956 ! 223658 273360 323062 372 ■63 422465 472167 for the rati s given, 4 50.13 74516 124193 173870 223547 273224 322901 372 v8 422255 471932 the same a s above. 2 50.14 74479 124131 173784 223436 273088 322741 372 ?93 422046 471698 |p\ri-; TAiii.cs iNii;i;i:sT •|\iii.i;s ■.I', .\ii\ i;iri'isi;Mi:\i' in hack Crowns and Hellers to Dollars and Cents. Austria-ilunjjarian Money. 1 Crown or Krom- !()(> Hellt-rs. Value of coins, page 190. A fluctuation of ,':, in the rate amounts to about 12/.2 cents on S1,(KX). Write figures as follows, K. for Kronen, Crs. for Crowns; give preference to first form; avoid odd hellers: K. 67 8 VI Kn. 781 i« {or Crs. 266^^) K. 281 20 100 20.05 20.0S ' . 20.05'; 20.05 !. 20.06 20.06'. 20.06'; 20.06 ;. 20.07 20.07 •/. 20.07': 20.07 '. 20.08 20.08'. 20.08',. 20.08'. 20.09 20.09 ',i 20.09 '/i 20.09 '/i 20.10 20.10'. 20.10'; 20.10'. 20.11 20. 1 1 ' . 20.11'; 20.11 '. 20.12 20.12'. 20.12'; 20.12'. 20. K^ 20.1.^'. 21). 1.^': 20.13'. 20.14 20.14'. 20.14': 20.14'. 2()t.)(MM) 2(11. 1251) 20l.15(M) 201.V.5() 2()I'«(KH) 2()H2.=;o 20I^S(H) 2014750 -tU2WM)0 402^5110 )027()(K) 4(I275IM) 4()2H(HM) 4(I2S500 4(I2<«MM) 402<;5IM) «)4.15(H) W)-44250 H052(MH) SOS.IOOO N()54(M)0 K()55(KK) K()56501)0 1.10.125 1.10.1'X) 1.10520 1.106.50 1.107SI) 1.11)S45 1.10910 750UO S5000 1.50.175 1 70425 1,504.50 170510 1.51M>1H) 1 70«kSO 15(17.50 17()S.M) 1.5(CMI0 171020 1.50<)75 1711(15 151050 17119(1 ')51I00 l'HM75 l'X)570 l'M)7W) l')(C>,=;t) 1911)0 1912.15 191.1,10 I vni:rs r M>\ 1 II I ISl Ml N I IS II Austria-Hungarian Money. Dollars and Cents to Crowns and Hellers. 1 Crown or Krone = lOO Hellers. For fig uring pro Its see page 107. Money of Austria-Hungary page 106. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 49 cents on $1,000. In writing drafts, it is better to 1 use the word. Kronen, than the EngHsh word. Crowns. Write amounts as follows; | Twenty Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty One and -"liou Kronen. 20.15 100000 49627792 20000 9925558 30000 1488S337 40000 50000 24813896 60000 29776675 70000 SOOOO 90000 44665012 19851117 34739454 39702233 20.15'/4 49621635 9924327 14886491 19848654 24810818 29772981 34735145 39697308 44659472 20.l5'/2 49615480 9923096 14884644 19846192 24807740 29769288 34730836 39692384 44653932 20.15 y4 49609327 9921865 14882798 19843731 24804663 29765596 34726529 39687461 44648394 20.16 49603175 9920635 14880952 19841270 24801587 29761905 34722222 39682540 44642857 20. 16 "4 49597024 9919405 14879107 19838810 24798512 29758215 34717917 39677619 44637322 20.16'/2 49590875 9918175 14877263 19836350 24795438 29754525 34713613 39672700 44631788 20.16 '4 49584728 9916946 14875418 19833891 24792364 29750837 34709310 39667782 44626255 20.17 100000 49578582 20000 9915716 30000 14873575 40000 50000 24789291 60000 29747149 70000 34705007 SOOOO 90000 44620724 19831433 39662866 20. 17 'A 49572438 9914488 14871731 19828975 24786219 29743463 34700706 39657950 44615194 20.17 'i 49566295 9913259 14869888 19826518 24783147 29739777 34696406 39653036 44609665 20.17 '74 49560154 9912031 14868046 19824061 24780077 29736092 34692108 39648123 44604138 20.18 49554014 9910803 14866204 19821606 24777007 29732408 34687810 39643211 44598613 20. 18 '4 49547876 9909575 14864363 19819150 24773938 29728725 34683513 39638300 44593088 20.18 '4 49541739 9908348 14862522 19816696 24770869 29725043 34679217 39633391 44587565 20.18 "74 49535604 9907121 14860681 19814241 24767802 29721362 34674923 39628483 44.582043 20.19 100000 49529470 20000 9905894 30000 40000 19811788 50000 24764735 60000 29717682 70000 34670629 80000 39623576 90000 44570.523 14858841 20.19 '4 49523338 9904668 14857001 19809335 24761669 29714003 34666337 39618670 44571004 20. 19 '4 49517207 9903441 14855162 19806883 24758604 29710324 34662045 39613766 44.565486 20.19 '4 49511078 9902216 14853323 19804431 24755539 29706647 34657755 39608862 44559970 20.20 49504950 9900990 14851485 19801980 24752475 29702970 34653465 39603960 445544.^5 20.20 '4 49498824 9899765 14849647 19799530 24749412 29699295 34649177 39599060 44548942 20.20 '4 49492700 9898540 14847810 19797080 24746350 29695620 34644890 39594160 44543430 20.20 74 49486577 9897315 14845973 19794631 24743288 29691946 34640604 39589261 44537919 20.21 100000 4948a45S 20000 9896091 30000 40000 19792182 50000 24740228 60000 29688273 70000 80000 90000 44.5.^2410 14844137 34636319 39584364 20.21 '4 49474335 9894867 14842301 19789734 24737168 29684601 34632035 39579468 44526902 20.21 '4 49468217 9893643 14840465 19787287 2473*108 29680930 34627752 39574573 44521.W5 20.21 y* 49462100 9892420 14838630 19784840 24731050 29677260 34623470 39569680 44515890 20.22 49455984 9891197 148.36795 19782394 24727992 29673591 34619189 39564787 44510386 20.22 '4 49449870 9889974 14834961 19779948 24724935 29669922 34614909 39559896 445048f;3 20.22 '4 49443758 9888752 148.33127 19777503 24721879 29666255 34610630 .39.555006 44499382 20.22 'A 49437647 9887529 14831294 19775059 24718823 29662588 34606353 39550117 44493882 20.23 100000 49431537 20000 9886307 30000 14829461 40000 50000 24715769 60000 29658922 70000 34602076 80000 39545230 90000 44488384 19772615 20.23 '4 49425429 9885086 14827629 19770172 24712715 29655258 34597801 39540.344 44482886 20.23 '4 49419323 9883865 14825797 19767729 24709662 29651.594 34593526 39535458 44477.391 20.23% 49413218 9882644 14823965 19765287 24706609 29647931 34589253 39530574 44471896 20.24 49407115 9881423 14822134 19762846 24703557 29644269 345849S0 39525692 44466403 20.24 -4 49401013 9880203 14820304 19760405 24700506 29640608 34580709 39520810 44460911 20.24 Vi 49394912 9878982 14818474 19757965 24697456 29636947 34576439 .39515950 444.55421 20.24 y. 49388813 9877763 14816644 19755525 24694407 29633288 34572169 .39511051 44449932 This par t of this l.SOO 2500 3500 4.500 5500 6500 7500 8.500 9500 tal)le wa s com- ' S0.15 74442 124069 173697 223325 272953 322581 372208 4218.36 471464 putcd pri m a r i 1 y ' !0.16 7440S 124008 17.3611 22.3214 272817 322421 372024 421627 4712.^0 for cents; but it ' !0.18 74331 123885 17.3439 222993 272547 322101 371655 421209 470763 may be u sed, for : 20.20 74257 123762 173267 222772 272277 .321782 371287 420792 470297 larger a mounts, : !0.22 74184 123640 173096 222552 272008 321464 370920 420376 469832 for the rat .•s Riven, : !0.23 74147 123579 17.3010 222442 271873 321305 370737 420168 46961)0 the same a s above. : J0.24 74111 12.V518 172925 222332 2717.39 .321146 370553 419960 469368 nil', •! Aiii.i:; ini'i:ki:si' tm:i.i;; .< cents on SI, ()()(). Write tijiurcs as follows, K. for Kronen, Crs. for Crowns; give preference to first form; avoid odti hellers: A'. 67S1 -"> Kn. 781 !« (or Crs. 266 -l ) K. 281 100 20.15 20. IS '4 20.15'/2 20.15 Vi 20.16 20.16'. 20.16': 20.16 !i 20.17 20.17'i 20.17': 20.17'i 20. IN 20. IS'. 20. IS': 20. IS'. 20.19 20.19'i 20.19'i 20.19'/. 20.20 20.20'. 20.20 ': 20.20'. 20.21 20.21 '. 20.21 '; 20.21 '. 20.22 20.22'. 20.22': 20.22 !. 20. 2,^ 20.2.^'. 20.2.^': 20. 2.^'. 20.24 20.24'. 20.24 ' : 20.24 '. 201')0()() 20 19. SOU 2019750 2020(M)0 20202.S0 202(I.SII0 2ll2o;50 Hllllillll 202111110 2II212.SII 202I.>00 202ir.S0 2022IMI0 2022250 2022.500 2022750 loonnn 202.ioOO 202.^250 202.V5OO 2023750 2024(MM) 2021250 2021500 202)7.50 ■40.1.SOOO ■JO.'i.SSOO 40.V>00(t 40.VJ500 -tlHOOOO 40-10.500 4041000 1041500 2(10(11)0 4042000 4042500 404.1000 404.1500 4044000 4044500 4045000 4045500 20011(10 404(>O00 404f)500 4047000 404751M) 4(MS0(MI 404S.5IHI 40400(KI 4044500 6057000 6057750 6058500 6059250 6060ll(i45llil (iO()5250 606MIIHI 606()750 6067500 60f)«250 .100000 6069(KM) 6069750 6070500 6071250 6072000 60727.50 607.1500 60742.50 SOSSIKIO so.s'fdoo H090000 K09I000 100000 S092000 S09.10(IO 8094000 8095(K)0 8096(M)0 80<>7000 8098(M)0 809'«I00 This part of this t.ililc was coiii- putfd prim.irily lor hdiors; luit it may l)c used, for larfjiT aiiioiiiits, for the rates );ivcii, the same a.s Jiliove. 20.15 20.16 20.18 20.20 20.22 20.23 20.24 15000 30225 30240 30270 30300 30330 30345 30.160 25000 50.175 5(M00 5W50 .50500 .505.50 .50575 50<>(H) .15000 7052S 70560 70630 70700 70770 70NOS 70840 45000 y««)75 WI720 90810 90O<)<>0 91035 91 OHO 55000 65000 75000 S5000 11 0825 130'*75 151125 171275 110880 I31(H0 15I2(M) 171.160 11 (WO 131170 1513.50 171.5.10 111100 131.1(H) 151.5(M) 171700 111210 1314.10 151(o0 171870 1112(.5 131495 151725 171955 111.120 13I.V>0 151800 1 72040 95000 191425 191.520 191710 191900 I920»H) 192185 192280 KATK TAltl.K.S INTKIIKNT T\iII,i:S .SKK ADVI.I! TISK M 1:N 1 IN 11 vc K Austria-Hungarian Money. Dollars and Cents to Crowns and Hellers. 1 Crown or Krone = lOO Hellers. For fig uring pro fits see page 107. Money of Austria-Hungary page 106 . A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 49 cents on $1,000. In writing drafts, it is better to 1 use the word, Kronen, than the English word, Crowns. Write amounts as follows; | Tivoity Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty One and -^/loo Kronen. 20.25 139030 4;3S2716 20000 9876543 30000 14814815 40000 19753086 50000 24691358 60000 29629630 7OO0 901 80000 90000 34567 39506173 44444444 20.25 '/. 49376620 9875324 14812986 19750648 24688310 29625972 34563634 39501296 44438958 20.25 Vi 49370526 9874105 14811158 19748210 24685263 29622315 34559308 39496421 44433473 20.25 '4 49364433 9872887 14809330 19745773 24682216 29618660 34555103 39491546 44427990 20.26 49358342 9871668 14807502 19743337 24679171 29615005 34550839 39486673 44422507 20.26 '/4 49352252 9870450 14805676 19740901 24676126 29611351 34546576 39481801 44417027 20.26 Vi 49346163 9869233 14803849 19738465 24673082 29607698 34542314 39476931 44411547 20.26 y4 49340076 9868015 14802023 19736031 24670038 29604046 34538054 39472061 44406069 100330 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 20.27 49333991 9866798 14800197 19733596 24666996 29600395 34533794 39467193 44400592 20.27 '/4 49327907 9865581 14798372 19731163 24663954 29596744 34529535 39462326 44395116 20.27 '/: 49321825 9864365 14796547 19728730 24660912 29593095 34525277 39457460 44389642 20.27% 49315744 9863149 14794723 19726298 24657872 29589446 34521021 39452595 44384170 20.28 49309665 9861933 14792899 19723866 24654832 29585799 34516765 39447732 44378698 20.28 'A 493035S7 9860717 14791076 19721435 24651793 29582152 34512511 39442869 44373228 20.2S"2 ' 49297510 9859502 14789253 19719004 24648755 29578506 34508257 39438008 44367759 20.28 Vi i 49291436 9858287 14787431 19716574 24645718 29574861 34504005 39433148 44362292 20.29 100000 49285362 2000C 72 30000 14785609 4 19 0000 50000 24642681 60000 29571217 70000 80000 90000 44356826 98571 714145 34499754 39428290 20.29 '/4 49279290 9855858 14783787 19711716 24639645 29567574 34495503 39423432 44351361 20.29'/. 49273220 9854644 14781966 19709288 24636610 29563932 34491254 39418576 44345898 20.29 % 49267151 9853430 14780145 19706860 24633576 29560291 34487006 39413721 44340436 20.30 49261084 9852217 14778325 19704433 24630542 29556650 34482759 39408867 44334975 20.30 ' /. 49255018 9851004 14776505 19702007 24627509 29553011 34478512 39404014 44329516 20.30 ' : 49248953 9849791 14774686 19699581 24624477 29549372 34474267 39399163 44324058 20.30 '/> 49242891 9848578 14772867 19697156 24621445 29545734 34470023 39394312 44318602 20.31 100000 49236829 20000 9847366 30000 40000 19694732 50000 24618415 60000 29542097 70000 34465780 80000 39389463 90000 44313146 14771049 20.31'/. 49230769 9846154 14769231 19692308 24615385 29538462 34461538 39384615 44307692 20.31 'i 49224711 9844942 14767413 19689884 24612355 29534826 34457298 39379769 44302240 20.3174 49218654 9843731 14765596 19687462 24609327 29531192 34453058 39374923 44296789 20.32 49212598 9842520 14763780 19685039 24606299 29527559 34448819 39370079 44291339 20.32 '/■ 49206544 9841309 14761963 19682618 24603272 29523927 34144581 39365236 44285890 20.32 'i 49200492 9840098 14760148 196S0197 24600246 29520295 34440344 39360394 44280443 20.32 /. 49194441 9838888 14758332 19677776 24597221 29516665 34436109 39355553 44274997 20.33 100000 49188392 20001 t ^78 30000 14756517 4 19 0000 50000 24594196 60000 29513035 70000 34431874 80000 39350713 90000 44269552 9837( 675357 20.33 '/■ 49182344 9836469 14754703 19672937 24591172 29509406 34427640 39345875 44264109 20.33 V2 49176297 9835259 14752889 19670519 24588149 29505778 34423408 39341038 44258667 20.33 /. 4917025J 9834050 14751076 19668101 24585126 29502151 34419176 39336202 44253227 20.34 4916420S 9832842 14749263 19665683 24582104 29498525 34414946 39331367 44247788 20.34 '/> 49158166 9831633 14747450 19663367 24579083 29494900 34410716 39326533 44242350 20.34 '/; 49152126 9830425 14745638 19660850 24576063 29491275 34406488 39321701 44236913 20.34 "', 491460S7 9829217 14743826 19658435 24573043 29487652 34402261 39316869 44231478 This p.-ir t of this 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 75 10 8500 9500 tal)le w.-i s com- ' !0.25 74074 123457 172840 222222 271605 320988 370 ^70 419753 468136 putcd pri III a r i I y ' S0.26 74038 123396 172754 222113 271471 320829 370 188 419546 467904 for cents; but it ' :o.28 73965 123274 172584 221893 271203 320513 369 «2 419132 467442 may be u sed, for J 50.30 73892 123153 172414 221675 270936 320197 369 158 418719 4669S() larfjor a mounts, i >0.32 73819 123032 172244 221457 270669 319882 369 )94 418307 466520 for the rat js Kiven, 2 50.33 73783 122971 172159 221348 270536 319725 368 Hi 418101 4662>'0 the s.-mie ri sab.ive. 2 •0.34 73746 122911 172075 221239 270403 319567 368 ■32 417896 466060 INTICltlCST -lAllLDS SF.K ADVKRTISKMK.NT IN 11 \( Crowns and H ellers to Dollars and Cents. Austria-IIiingari'an Money. 1 C i-o w n ir Krone loo HclUrs. Value of coins, pafje 190. A fluctualif)n ol '., in th e rate amounts to about 12'. ^ cents on Sl.OOO. Write figures as follows. K. for Kronen. Crs. for Crowns; give preference to first form , avoiu ouu iieiiers; 20 100 K.678nJ' Kn. 781 ■"> (or Crs. 266 -^') K. 281 20.25 looooo 202.ilM)0 200000 4050000 300000 6075000 400000 8100000 500000 10125000 600000 12150000 700000 800000 900000 16200000 IS22500O 14 1 75000 2().2S'. 2O2.S250 4050500 60757.50 8101000 101262.50 12151.500 141767.50 16202000 18227250 20.25'; 2025500 4051000 60/6500 8102000 10127.500 12153000 14178.500 16204000 1S229500 20.25 -. 2025750 4051.500 6077250 8103000 10128750 12154.500 141802.50 16206000 18231750 20.26 2026000 4052000 6078000 8104000 101.10000 121.56000 14182000 16208000 18234000 20.26 ■■ 2(126250 40525110 607K750 810.5000 10131250 12157.500 141837.50 1621(1000 182.16250 20.26'; 2(I265(M) 4053000 6079500 8106(M)0 101.12.500 12159000 1418.5.500 16212000 182,''S500 20.26'. 20267.50 4053500 6080250 8107000 101.137.50 12160.500 141S72.50 k,2I4IIOO IS240750 20.27 100000 2027000 200000 4054(H)0 300000 6081000 400000 8108000 500000 1013.5000 600000 12162m)0 700000 SOOOOO 16216000 900000 IS243000 14IH9000 20.27'. 2027250 40545(K) 6081750 SI 09000 10136250 10137500 12163.500 141907.50 16218000 18245250 20.27'; 2ll2r50(l 4055000 6082500 8110000 12165000 14192500 I6220i;(.0 18247500 20.27'. 2lt2;750 4055500 6083250 8111000 10138750 I21<>6.500 14194250 16222(100 18249750 20.2H 202SOOO 4056000 6084000 8112000 10140000 12168000 14196000 16224000 18252000 20.2S'. 2(12.S2.50 4056500 6084750 SI 1.1000 101412.50 12169500 141977.50 16226(!00 18254250 20.2S'; 202S5(IO 4057000 60S5500 SI 14000 10142.500 12171000 14 199.5110 162281100 18256500 20.2S'. 202.S750 4057500 60S6250 SI 15000 101437.50 12172.500 142012.50 16230000 1S2.58750 20.29 100000 2O2';IOO0 200000 40.5,S00() 300000 6087000 100000 8116000 500000 10145000 600000 12174000 700000 SOOOOO 162.12000 900000 142030(MI 1S261000 20.29'. 202'>250 405.S500 6087750 8117000 10146250 12175.500 142047.50 16234000 1S263250 20.29'; 2024500 4059000 6088500 81IS000 10147500 12177000 14206,500 162.16000 18265500 20.29', 202''750 4059500 6089250 8119000 10148750 12178.500 1420S25lt 16238000 182677.50 20..^0 2030000 4060000 6090000 8120000 10150000 12ISO00O 14210000 16240000 18270000 20..^0', 2ll,Vl250 4060500 6090750 8121000 101512.50 12181500 142117.50 16242000 I."- 272250 20..?0 ' ; 2ll,?l)5IH( 4061000 6O915(j0 81221)00 10152.500 I2I,S.1000 I42I.1500 16244000 U274.5UO 20.30'. 2030750 4061500 6092250 8123000 IOI53750 121S4500 1421.5250 16246000 182767.50 20..^ 1 100000 20.1 hmx) 200000 4062000 300000 6093000 400000 500000 101.55000 600000 121S6000 700000 14217000 SOOOOO 162480(M1 900000 1S279000 8124000 20..^ 1 '. 2011250 4062.500 6093750 8125(H)0 101.562.50 12187.500 142187.50 162.50000 182812.50 20. .^1 '; 2(1.1 15(M) 4063000 6094.500 812<)000 10157.500 I21S9000 14220500 16252000 1S283.500 20.31 '. 20.11750 4063500 6095250 8127000 101.5S750 I21905(^M) 14222250 16254000 IS285750 20..^2 20.12000 4064027S000 18312750 1 Tins par I ol litis 1 5000 25001 35000 1.5000 55000 65000 75000 S500() 05000 wa S COIII- 20.25 .10375 506. 5 70875 91125 II 1375 131625 151875 172125 I'i23;5 piitcd pri lor lu-lllT9 u a r i 1 _v 20.26 30390 506.- 70910 91170 1 1 1 130 131690 1519.50 172210 1924 70 l>iit il 20. 2N 30420 5o7( 70980 91260 111540 131820 1.521(K) 172380 192660 iiinv In: u K.I. for 20.30 .1(H.50 507.- 710.50 91.1.50 1116.50 131950 1522.50 1725.50 192850 lar};cr a IIDlltltS. 20.32 30480 .5081 71120 91440 III760 I320HO 152400 172720 19.1040 I'nr till- r.iu s >;ivcii. 20.33 30495 508. 5 711.55 914S5 1IISI5 132145 152475 I72S05 193135 the s.iMK- a S.ll>ovC. 20.34 .10510 .50S. 711'»0 91.5.10 1 1 1870 1.12210 172890 193230 i>\ri: TAi'.i. ■.Ill; \i>\ Kill isi;mi;s I in im k Austria-Hungarian Money. Dollars and Cents to Crowns and Hellers. 1 Crown or Krone = lOO Hellers. For fig uring pro fits see page 107. Money of Austria-Hungary page 106. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate imounts to about 49 cents on $1,000 In writing drafts, it is better to 1 use the %\ ord, Kronen, than the English word, Crowns Write amounts as follows; 1 Twenty Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty One and -"/loo Kronen. 20.3S 100000 49H0049 20000 9828010 30000 14742015 40000 19656020 50000 24570025 60000 29484029 70000 80000 90000 44226044 34398034 39312039 20.35-4 49134013 9826803 14740204 19653605 24567007 29480408 34393809 39307210 44220612 20.35 ' i 49127978 9825596 14738394 19651191 24563989 29476787 34389585 39302383 44215181 20.35% 49121945 9824389 14736584 19648778 24560973 29473167 34385362 39297556 1 44209751 20.36 49115914 9823183 14734774 19646365 24557957 29469548 34381140 39292731 44204322 20.36% 49109883 9821977 14732965 19643953 24554942 29465930 34376918 39287907 44198895 20.36 '/2 49103855 9820771 14731156 19641542 24551927 29462313 34372698 39283084 44193469 20.36% 49097827 9819565 14729348 19639131 24548914 29458696 34368479 39278262 44188045 20.37 100000 49091802 20000 9818360 30000 40000 19636721 50000 24545901 60000 29455081 70000 34364261 80000 39273441 90000 44182622 14727541 20.37 '4 49085777 9817155 14725733 19634311 24542889 29451466 34360044 39268622 44177200 20.37 '/. 49079755 9815951 14723926 19631902 24539877 29447853 34355828 39263804 44171779 20.37/4 49073733 9814747 14722120 19629493 24536867 29444240 34351613 39258987 44166360 20.38 49067713 9813543 14720314 19627085 24533857 29440628 34347399 39254171 44160942 20.38 '4 49061695 9812339 14718509 19624678 24530848 29437017 34343187 39249356 44155526 20.38' 2 49055678 9811136 14716703 19622271 24527839 29433407 34338975 39244543 44150110 20.38 % 49049663 9809933 14714899 19619865 24524831 29429798 34334764 39239730 44144697 looono 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 20.39 49043649 9808730 14713095 19617460 24521824 29426189 34330554 39234919 44139284 20.39% 49037636 9807527 14711291 19615055 24518818 29422582 34326345 39230109 44133873 20.39 '4 49031625 9806325 14709488 19612650 24515813 29418975 34322138 39225300 44128463 20.39 '4 49025616 9805123 14707685 19610246 24512808 29415370 34317931 39220493 44123054 20.40 49019608 9803922 14705882 19607843 24509804 29411765 34313725 39215686 44117647 20.40 '4 49013601 9802720 14704080 19605441 24506801 29408161 34309521 39210881 44112241 20.40 '4 49007596 9801519 14702279 19603038 24503798 29404558 34305317 39206077 44106837 20.40 % 49001593 9800319 14700478 19600637 24500796 29400956 34301115 39201274 44101433 20.41 100000 48995590 20000 9799118 30000 14698677 40000 19598236 50000 24497795 60000 29397354 70000 34296913 80000 90000 44096031 39196472 20.41 % 48989590 9797918 14696877 19595836 24494795 29393754 34292713 39191672 44090631 20.41 Vz 48983590 9796718 14695077 19593436 24491795 29390154 34288513 39186872 44085231 20.41% 48977593 9795519 14693278 19591037 24488796 29386556 34284315 39182074 44079833 20.42 48971596 9794319 14691479 19588639 24485798 29382958 34280118 39177277 44074437 20.42 '4 48965602 9793120 14689680 19586241 24482801 29379361 34275921 39172481 4406'>()41 20.42 '4 48959608 9791922 14687882 19583843 21479804 29375765 34271726 39167687 44(1636)7 20.42 % 48953616 9790723 146860S5 19581447 24476808 29372170 34267531 39162893 44058255 20.43 100000 48947626 20000 25 30000 40000 50000 24473813 60000 29368576 70000 80000 39158101 90000 44052863 97895 14684288 19579050 34263338 20.43 '4 48941637 9788327 14682491 19576655 21470819 29364982 34259146 39153310 41047473 20.43 '4 48935650 9787130 14680695 19574260 24467825 29361390 34254955 39148520 44012(185 20.43 % 48929664 9785933 14678899 19571865 24464832 29357798 34250765 39143731 44036697 20.44 48923679 9784736 14677104 19569472 24461840 29354207 34246575 39138943 44031311 20.44% 48917696 9783539 14675309 19567078 24458848 29350618 34242387 39134157 44025926 20.44 '4 48911714 9782343 14673514 19564686 24455857 29347029 34238200 i 39129372 44020543 20.44 "4 48905734 9781147 14671720 19562294 24452867 29343441 34234014 ! 39124587 41015161 This par t of this 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 tabic wa s com- 20.35 73710 122850 171990 22 1130 270270 319410 368550 417690 466830 putcd pri for cents ; ma r i 1 _v 20.36 73674 122790 171906 221022 270137 319253 368369 417485 466601 but it 20.38 73602 122669 171737 220805 269872 318940 368008 417076 466143 may be u sed, for 20.40 73529 122549 171569 220588 269608 318628 367647 416667 465686 larger a mounts, 20.42 73457 122429 171401 220372 269344 318315 367287 416259 46523(1 for the rat cs K'vcn, 20.43 73421 122369 171317 220264 269212 318160 367107 416055 465(1(12 the same a s above. 20.44 73386 122309 171233 220157 269080 318004 1 366928 415851 464775 U\TV, TAllI.KS INTHItlCST TAIK.KS SHE ADVKIITISKMKNT IN HACK Crowns and Hellers to Dollars and Cents. Austria-Hungarian Money. 1 Crown or Krone = lOO Ilfllers. Value of coins, page 190. A fluctuation of X in the rate amounts to about 12'. j cents on Sl.OOO. Write figures as follows, K. for Kronen, Crs. for Crowns; give preference to first form; avoid odd hellers: K.6781l<> Kn. 781 -^ (or Crs. 266^') K. 281 20 100 This p.irl ot' lliis t.iMc was cimi- liiiti'd primarily I'lir licUcrs; l)ut it iiiny lie usf0 51100 ri540 919H0 112420 1.12H\ V.UW^V.MV.W IN II Austria-Hungarian Money. Dollars and Cents to Crowns and Hellers. 1 Crown or Krone = lOO Hellers. For figuring pro fits see page 107. Money of Austria-Hungary page 106. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate jmounts to about 49 cents on $1,000. In writing drafts, it is better to 1 use the word, Kronen, than the English word. Crowns. Write amounts as follows; | Twenty Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty One and -"/luo Kronen. 20.45 I ,)u;iuo 4S89y755 2000(1 51 30000 40000 19559902 50000 24449878 60000 29339853 70000 SOOOO 90000 44009780 97790 1.534.50 173910 20.48 .i(i;2o 512(M) 71680 92U.() 1 12610 1.VU20 1.5.^600 I740KO 20.50 .VI7.S0 51250 71750 92250 112750 1332.50 1.537.50 1742.50 20.52 .vi;no 51. MM) 71820 92.^40 1 1 2KJ.S 51.^25 71S.55 92^S5 II29I5 133^(5 153975 174.505 20.54 .msio 5I.V50 7IN'>0 92l,t0 1I2')70 133510 1541150 17(5'>0 95000 194275 194370 194.560 1947.50 194940 19.5035 195130 Ii\Ti: TMll.D.H INrKUKsr SKK AliV I;K1 ISKMKN I IN II \i K Austria-Hungarian Money. Dollars and Cents to Crowns and Hellers. 1 Crown or Krone = 100 Hellers. For fig uring pro fits see page 107. Money of Austria Hungary page 106. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 49 cents on $1,000. In writing drafts, it is better to 1 use the word, Kronen, than the English word. Crowns Write amounts as follows; Twenty Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty One and ^"/loo Kronen. 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 20.55 48661800 9732360 14598540 19464720 24330900 29197080 34063260 38929440 43795620 20.55 % 48655881 9731176 14596764 19462353 24327941 29193529 34059117 38924705 43790293 20.55 'i 4S649964 9729993 14594989 19459985 24324982 29189978 34054974 38919971 43784967 20.55 Yi 48644047 9728809 14593214 19457619 24322024 29186428 34050833 38915238 43779642 20.56 48638132 9727626 14591440 19455253 24319066 29182879 34046693 38910506 43774319 20.56 "4 48632219 9726444 14589666 19452888 24316109 29179331 34042553 38905775 43768997 20.56 "2 48626307 9725261 14587892 19450523 24313153 29175784 34038415 38901045 43763676 20.56 'A 48620396 9724079 14586119 19448159 24310198 29172238 34034277 38896317 43758357 20.57 100000 48614487 20000 9722897 30000 40000 19445795 50000 24307244 60000 29168692 70000 80000 38891590 90000 43753038 14584346 34030141 20.57 '/4 48608579 9721716 14582574 19443432 24304290 29165148 34026006 38886864 43747721 20.57 ■/; 48602673 9720535 14580802 19441069 24301337 29161604 34021871 38882138 43742406 20.57 y. 48596768 9719354 14579030 19438707 24298384 29158061 34017738 38877415 43737091 20.58 48590865 9718173 14577259 19436346 24295432 29154519 34013605 38872692 43731778 20.58 •/4 48584963 9716993 14575489 19433985 24292481 29150978 34009474 38867970 43726467 20.58 'A 48579062 9715812 14573719 19431625 24289531 29147437 34005344 38863250 43721156 20.58 '4 48573163 9714633 14571949 19429265 24286582 29143898 34001214 38858531 43715847 20.59 100000 48567266 20000 9713453 30000 14570180 40000 19426906 50000 24283633 60000 29140359 70000 80000 38853813 90000 43710539 33997086 20.59% 48561369 9712274 14568411 19424548 24280685 29136822 33992959 38S49096 43705232 20.59 '/; 48555475 9711095 14566642 19422190 24277737 29133285 33988832 38844380 43699927 20.59 y4 48549581 9709916 14564874 19419833 24274791 29129749 33984707 38839665 43694623 20.60 48543689 9708738 14563107 19417476 24271845 29126214 33980583 38834951 43689320 20.60 y. 48531910 9706382 14559573 19412764 24265955 29119146 33972337 38825528 43678719 20.61 48520136 9704027 14556041 19408054 24260068 29112082 33964095 38816109 43668122 20.61 y2 1 48508368 9701674 14552510 19403347 24254184 29105021 33955857 38806694 43657531 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 20.62 48496605 9699321 14548982 19398642 24248303 29097963 33947624 38797284 43646945 20.62 V2 48484848 9696970 14545455 19393939 24242424 29090909 33939394 38787879 43636364 20.63 48473097 9694619 14541929 19389239 24236549 29083858 33931168 38778478 43625788 20.63 Yz 48461352 9692270 14538406 19384541 24230676 29076811 33922946 38769082 43615217 20.64 48449612 9689922 14534884 19379845 24224806 29069767 33914729 38759690 43604651 20.65 48426150 9685230 14527845 19370460 24213075 29055690 33898305 38740920 43583535 20.66 48402711 9680542 14520813 19361084 24201355 29041626 33881897 38722168 43562440 20.67 48379294 9675859 14513788 19351717 24189647 29027576 33865506 38703435 43541364 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 20.68 48355899 9671180 14506770 19342360 24177950 29013540 33849130 38684720 43520310 20.69 48332528 9666506 14499758 19333011 24166264 28999517 33832769 38666022 43499275 20.70 4H309179 9661836 14492754 19323671 24154589 28985507 .33816425 38647343 43478261 20.75 48192771 9638554 14457831 19277108 24096386 28915663 33734940 38554217 43373494 20 7 8 47904192 9580838 14371257 19161677 23952096 28742515 .33532934 38323353 43113772 21 47619048 9523810 14285714 19047619 23809524 28571429 .33333333 38095238 42857143 21 1/2 46511628 9302326 13953488 18604651 23255814 27906977 32558140 37209302 41860465 22 45454545 90911909 13636364 18181818 22727273 27272727 31818182 36363636 40909090 This par t of this 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 table vva s com- ' 20.55 72993 121655 170316 2 i 8978 267640 316302 364964 413625 462287 puted pri ra a r i 1 y < 20.60 72816 121359 169903 218447 266990 315534 3641)78 412621 461165 for cents; but it ' 20.65 72639 121065 169492 217918 266344 314770 363196 411622 460048 may be u sed, for ; 20.70 72464 120773 169082 217391 265700 314010 .362319 410628 4.S8937 larger a mounts, ; 20.75 72289 120482 168675 216867 265060 313253 ' 361446 409639 457831 for the rat L's Kiven, ; 21 71429 119048 166667 214286 261905 30<>524 357143 404762 452381 the same a s above. ; 21 1 2 69767 116279 162791 209302 255814 302326 348837 395349 441860 1 HATK TAIU.ICS INTKItKST T.UU.IC.S SHK A DVKRTISEMKNT IN HACK OF H( Crowns and Hellers to Dollars and Cents. Austria-Hungarian Money. 1 Crown m- |iiiti'(l )iriiiiarily |i>r hellers; l)iit il may lie used, for lurjicr ninounts, tor tlio r.iti-s jjiviii, the saint.- .is aliovi-. 20.55 20.60 20.65 20.70 20.75 21 21 I 2 .?0H2S 31W75 ■IIO.SO 3112.S .11. MM) .12250 .Sl.US 5i.=;(K) .S162.S sisr.s .S2.=i(M> 5.V.S0 .150(1(1 71925 72100 722 75 724.50 72625 7.1.^00 7.12.SO 1.5(100 92475 92700 92925 931.50 9.VU5 94500 9()7.50 5.5000 11.1025 11.1.100 113575 11.3850 114125 115.500 11S2.50 (>5000 J.1.1575 i3.1'>IK) 134225 1345.50 M4K7S I3(.5(H) 139750 7500(1 154125 15t5(H) 1.54N75 15.5625 157,5(MI 1(. 12.50 S5(100 1 1 (675 175100 17.5.525 17.5950 176.175 1 7H.5(M) 1S27.50 ''5000 195225 I957(m 196175 196650 197125 l.\TK T.Mll.K.- INIKllK.ST TMll.K.S HV.V. .Mi\ Kll ll.-iKM KN 1 IN II Vi K 122 GERMAN MONEY. Hou? to convert United States money into German money, and vice versa. Exchange on Germany is quoted in two ways, ( 1 ) by single marks in cents and iiun- dredths of a cent, as, 23.84, 23.85, 23.86, and so on, and, (2) by 4 marks in cents and fractional parts of a cent, as, 943 4, 9413,i6, and so on. The single mark quotations are generally used for small drafts sold over the counter ; the four mark quotations are for large drafts and bills of exchange. But a step of 1 16 of a cent for every 4 marks amounts to about 62X cents (m $1,000, and this is too great for P business purposes, so quotations are supple- y. mented by adding or subtracting 1 64, 1/32 or 3 64 of 1 per cent of the amount of United States money as needs be. A quotation reading 94 13;i6 - 1/32 means that every 4 marks is worth in United States money 9413 i6 cents minus 1,32 of 1 per cent of 9413/16. This makes it difificult to figure without the aid of conversion tables especially when finding the value of dollars in marks. When exchange is quoted per single mark, to convert marks into dollars, multiply by the rate; to convert dollars into marks, divide by the rate. When exchange is quoted per four marks, to convert marks into dollars, multiply by the rate and divide by 4; if there are supple- mentary fractions of plus or minus, add or subtract the amount as indicated. To convert dollars into marks, if there are no supplementary fractions, multiply by 4 and divide by the rate; if there are supplementary fractions, and if they are plus, subtract the indicated amount, multiply by 4 and divide; if the fractions are minus, add the indicated amount, multiply by 4 and divide. How to write checks and drafts. It is an easy and simple matter to write drafts on German banks. Follow the forms given at the heads of pages 68 to 93 and 124 to 127. Write the word, Marks, in the body of the draft and the letter, M, with the figures. Drafts on German banks, unless the money is on deposit or to one's credit, are subject to the same internal revenue tax laws as bills of exchange; it is therefore necessary in checking against money on deposit to see that drafts read, "Pay 'out of balance,' or, 'out of balance on deposit,' or, 'out of money to our credit,' to the order of," etc., or words to that effect, otherwise there is a stamp tax against it of one twentieth of one per cent of the amount. Eastern bankers and exchange jobbers, who furnish forms for such purposes, have them printed to read in the proper manner. On commercial drafts (Bills of Exchange) payable in Germany, there is an internal revenue stamp tax amounting to one twentieth of one per cent. Properly speaking there are no days of grace but bankers may allow two days from date of maturity before protesting paper for non-payment. It is customary, when drawing against con- signments of goods to European markets, to write drafts either in English, I'^rench, German or Dutch money, whichever is most available to bankers, even when the goods are shipped to points in other countries further east and ^J south using other kinds of money. Bills of ^^ exchange so written usually command a higher price in the market. Where drafts are in- tended as remittances to points outside of Germany but are written in marks, there should be written across their face, "At payee's pur- chasing rate for checks on Berlin," or words of similar import. Paper money in Germany is issued in de- nominations of 5, 20, 50, 100 and 1000 marks. Gold is coined in 10 and 20 mark pieces. Silver is coined in 1, 2 and 5 mark pieces and in a 50 pfennig piece. Nickel coins are the 5, 10 and 25 pfennig pieces; and copper coins are the 1 and 2 pfennig pieces. Both gold and silver are 900 parts fine and 100 parts alloy, the same as United States coins. The market value of German paper money (New York purchasing rates) fluctuates from about 23.5 to 23.7 cts. per mark, the smaller denominations commanding a higher price than the larger. Gold usually runs about the same, perhaps to 23.75. Silver varies in value from about 23 to about 23''<' cts. New York selling rates are from one-fourth to one- half a cent above purchasing rates. Profit Table for German Money, By .01, .02 , Etc. Example. — A customer w:mts a draft wor th S1200; the quoted cost rate is 23.90; the 1 protil desired is $3.U0. At the ri^lit of the ti^Lires 1200, it will be seen that an advance in the | rate of .06 will yield a profit of $3.C 2; therefore quote 23.96 (23.90+ .06). For amounts not given here, take a fractional par , like one tenth, or a multiple of some < ther number. DolUra .01 .02 .03 1 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 1 .11 .12 .14 ; .15 .16 ! .18 1 .20 50 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .13 .15 .17 .19 .21 .23 .25 .29 .31 M .38 .42 100 .04 .06 .13 .17 .21 .25 .29 .34 M .42 .46 .50 .59 .63 .67 .76 .84 ISO .06 .13 .19 .25 .31 .38 .44 .50 .57 .63 .69 .76 .88 .94 1.01 1.13 1.26 200 .08 .17 .25 .34 .42 .50 .59 .67 .76 .84] .92 1.01 1.17 1.26 1.34 1.51 168 250 .10 .21 .31 .42 .52 .63 .73 .84 .94 1.05 1.15 1.26 1.47 1.57 1.68 189 2.10 .^00 .13 .25 .38 .50 .63 .76 .88 1.01 1.13 1.26 1.38 1.51 1.76 1.89 2.01 2.27 252 400 .17 .34 .50 .67 .84 ; 1.01 1.17 1.34 1.51 1 68 1.84 2.01 2.35 2.52 269 3.02 3.36 500 .21 .42 .63 i .84 1.05 1 1.26 1.47 1.68 1.89 j 2.10 2.31 2.52 2.94 3.15 3.36 3.78 4.20 600 .25 .50 .76 I 1.01 1.26 1 1.51 1.76 2.01 2.27: 2.52 2.77 302 3.52 3.78 4.03; 4.53 5.04 700 .29 .59 .88 i 1.17 1.47 1.76 2.06 235 2.64 2.94 3.23 3.52 4.11 4.41 4.70 5.29 587 800 .34 .67 1.01 1.34 168 2 01 2.35 2.69 3.02 3..36 3.69 4.03 4.70 5.04 5.37 6.04 6 71 900 .38 .76 1.13 , 1.51 1.89 2.27 2.64 3.02 3.40 3.78 4.15 453 529, 5.66 6.04, 6.80 1 7.55 1000 .42 .84 1 26 1.68 2.10 2.52 2.94 3.36 3.78 4.20 4.62 5.04 5.87 6.29 6.71 7.55 ' 839 1100 .46 .92 1.38 ltS5 231 2.77 323 3.69 4.15 4.62 5.08 5.54 6.46 692 7.38 8.31 9.23 1200 .50 1.01 151 2 01 2.52 3.02 3.52 4.03 4.53 5.04 554 6.04 7.05 i 7.55 8.06 9.06 10.07 1300 .55 1.09 1.64 2.18 2.73 3.27 3.82 4.36 4.91 5.45 6.00 ^ 6.55 7.64 1 8.18 8.73 9.82 10.91 1400 .59 1.17 1.76 2.35 2.94 1 3.52 4.11 4.70 5.29 5.87 6.46 7.05 8.22 8 81 9.40 10.57 11.75 1500 .63 1.26 1.S9 2.52 3.15 i 3.78 4.41 5.04 5.66 6.29 6.92 7.55 8.81 1 9.44 10.07 11. .S3 12.59 1600 .67 1.34 2 01 2 69 3.36 4.03 4.70 5.37 6.04 6.71 7.38 8.06 9.40 1007 10.74 12.08 13.43 1700 .71 1.43 2.14 2 85 3.57 1 4.28 4.99 5.71 6.42 7.13 7.84 8.56 9.99 10 70 11.41 12.84 14.27 INOO .76 ' 1.51 227 3.02 3.78 ' 4.53 5 29 6.04 6.80 ! 7.55! 8.30 9.06 10.57 11.33 12.08 13 60 15.11 1900 .80 1.59 2..?9 3.19 3.90 560 6M) 7.00 7.70 8.40 9S0 10.50 1120 12 Ml U(HI SOOO .80 \M) 2 40 3 20 4.00 4S0 5W) 6.40 7.20 8 (Ml 8 80 9 Ml 11.20 12(HI 12 SO 14 4(1 16 (III 90l)O .'JO 1.80 2.70 3.60 4.50 5.40 6.10 7.20 8.10 9 (Ml 9.'>0 10. SO 12, Ml 13.50 1440 16.20 1S(HI lOOOO IINI 2()0 3 00 4()0 500 6(K) 7()0 8.00 9 (HI 1(1 (HI II (HI 12(H) 14 (HI 1500 16 00 IS 00 2(l()0 1 5000 1 ,S0 3(H) 4.50 6 00 7.50 9(H) lO.M) 12 IM) 13.^0 15 (HI W. 5(1 IS (HI 21 (HI 22 5(1 24 (M) 27 (Ml 3(1 (HI 20000 2 INI 4IM) 6 (Ml N(HI KHMI 12 (HI II (HI lr<(MI IS (HI 211. (HI 22 (HI 2t(HI 2S(HI M\ (H) 32(H) .16 (HI t(MI(l 2.=i00() 2 .=i(l .=; (Ml 7.5(1 10.00 !2.^(l l.=i(HI 17 .=;(l 2(1 (HI 22 M 2.>(HI 27 .Sd .^(l(H) .V5 (Ml 37 .SO 4(1 (HI 45 (HI .^(1(1(1 German Money. Dollars and Cents to Marks and Pfennigs. 1 Reichmark or Mark = 100 Pfeuuige. For figuring pro fits see page 123. When exchange on Germaney is quoted per 4 marks j instead of per 1 mark, see pages 68 to 93. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 42 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd pfennigs: 1 Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Three and '"/loo Marks. 23 100000 43478261 20000 8695652 30000 40000 17391304 50000 217391.30 60000 26086957 70000 30434783 SOOOO 34782609 90000 39130435 13043478 23.25 43010753 8602151 12903226 17204301 21505376 25806452 30107527 34408602 38709677 23.40 1 42735043 8547009 12820513 17094017 21367.521 25641026 29914530 34188034 38461538 23.45 42643923 8528785 12793177 17057569 21321962 25586354 29850746 34115139 38379531 23.50 42553191 8510638 12765957 17021277 21276596 25531915 29787234 34042553 38297872 23.52 42517007 8503401 12755102 17006803 21258503 25510204 29761905 34013605 38265306 23.53 42498938 8499788 12749681 16999575 21249469 25499363 29749256 33999150 38249044 23.54 424S0884 8496177 12744265 16992353 21240442 25488530 29736619 33984707 38232795 23.55 100000 42462845 2000( » '69 30000 12738854 40000 50000 21231423 60000 25477707 70000 29723992 SOOOO 90000 38216561 84925 16985138 33970276 23.56 42444822 8488964 12733447 16977929 21222411 25466893 29711375 3.3955857 38200340 23.57 42426814 8485363 12728044 16970725 21213407 25456088 29698770 3.3941451 381841.32 23.58 42408821 8481764 12722646 16963528 21204411 25445293 29686175 33927057 381679.39 23.59 42390844 8478169 12717253 16956337 21195422 25434506 29673591 33912675 38151759 23.60 42372881 8474576 12711864 16949153 21186441 25423729 29661017 33898305 38135593 23.61 42354934 8470987 12706480 16941974 21177467 25412961 29648454 3.3883947 38119441 23.62 42337003 8467401 12701101 16934801 21168501 25402202 29635902 33869602 38103302 23 5 's 100000 42328042 20000 8465608 30000 40000 16931217 50000 21164021 60000 25396825 70000 80000 90000 38095238 12698413 29629630 33862434 23.63 42319086 8463817 12695726 16927634 21159543 25391452 29623360 33855269 38087177 23.64 [ 42301184 8460237 12690355 16920474 21150592 25380711 29610829 33840948 38071066 23.65 42283298 8456660 12684989 16913319 21141649 25369979 29598309 33826638 38054968 23.66 42265427 8453085 12679628 16906171 21132713 253592.56 29585799 .3.3812342 38038884 23.67 42247571 8449514 12674271 16899028 21123785 25348542 29573300 33798057 38022814 23.68 42229730 8445946 12668919 16891892 21114865 25337838 29560811 33783784 38006757 23.69 42211904 8442381 12663571 16884761 21105952 25327142 29548333 33769523 37990713 23.70 100000 42194093 20000 8438819 30000 12658228 40000 50000 21097046 60000 25316456 70000 29535865 80000 33755274 90000 37974684 16877637 23.71 42176297 8435259 12652889 16870519 21088148 25.305778 29523408 33741038 37958667 23.72 42158516 8431703 12647555 16863406 21079258 25295110 29510961 33726813 37942664 23.73 j 42140750 8428150 12642225 16856300 21070375 25284450 29498525 33712600 37926675 23.74 42122999 8424600 12636900 16849200 21061500 25273800 29486099 33698399 37910699 23.75 42105263 8421053 12631579 16842105 210526.32 25263158 2947.3684 .3.3684211 37894737 23.76 420S7542 H4 17508 12626263 16835017 21043771 25252525 29461279 33670034 37878788 23.77 42069836 8413967 12620951 16827934 21034918 25241902 29448885 33655869 37862852 23.78 100000 42052145 20»0( t 29 30000 12615643 40000 50000 21026072 60900 25231287 70000 29436501 80000 3.3641716 90000 37846930 8410-1 16820858 23.79 42034468 8*06894 12610340 1 68 13787 21017234 25220681 29424128 33627575 37831021 23.80 42016807 8(03361 12605042 16806723 2I00S403 25210084 29411765 .3.361.3445 37815126 23.81 41999160 8399832 12599748 16799664 20999580 25199496 29399412 33599328 37799244 23.82 41981528 8396306 12594458 16792611 20990764 25188917 29387070 3358.S222 37783375 23.83 41963911 8392782 12589173 16785564 20981956 25178347 29374738 33571129 37767520 23.84 41946309 8389262 12583893 16778523 20973154 25167785 29.362416 33557047 37751678 23.85 41928721 8385744 12578616 16771488 20964361 251572.33 29350105 33542977 3773.5849 This par t of this If M 250 3500 4500 5500 6500 75 )0 8500 9500 table wa s coin- ' 23.50 6." S30 1063 83 148936 191489 234043 276596 314' 49 .361702 404255 puted pri marily ' !3.60 6. 559 1059 32 148305 190678 2.3.3051 275424 317 ■97 360169 402542 for cents; but it ' !3.65 6: 425 1057 08 147992 190275 232558 274842 317 25 359408 401691 may t)c u sed, for 2 J3,70 6? 291 1054 85 147679 189873 232068 274262 316- 56 358650 400844 larjicr a mounts, 2 53.75 6.^ 158 1052 63 147368 189474 231579 273684 315 •89 357895 400(100 for the rat csjj'ven, 4 >3.80 6: 025 1050 42 1470.59 189076 231092 273109 315 26 357143 399160 the same a s above. ^ 53.85 6: 893 1048 22 146751 188679 230608 272537 314. 65 356394 398323 I1ATI-; TAIII.I'.; i\'i-i:i(i:s'i' TAiii.Ks sKU AiiVKifri.>;3; luit it may be usi-il, lor larger amounts, for the rates j;i^eii, the s.iiiie as .-iliov. 23.50 23.60 23.65 23.70 23.75 23.80 23.85 I sunn .^52.SO 3547.S .I.S.S.SO .VV>2.S .157(MI .15775 2.s{inn .v=;nnn tsnnn 5N7.SO 82250 105750 S'XHIO K2600 106200 .5'* 125 82775 106425 59250 82««0 106650 5'».U5 8,U25 10«vS75 59500 8.V100 10711)0 5%25 8.1475 107.125 55000 129250 129S00 1.10075 1,10.150 1,10625 1 109IHI 1,11175 65onn I.527.=;0 1.5.1400 1.5.1725 1540.50 154.175 154700 15.5025 DVTi; Tvi'.i.i;s iir.nsr.MKM' in hmk 75000 1 762.50 177(H)0 177375 1777.50 17SI25 1 7S.5O0 17S875 )K 111 S5000 i'W750 2(MI600 201025 2014.50 20IS75 202,100 202725 «).5(M)0 22.12.50 224200 224675 2251.50 22.5625 226 KM) 226575 German Money. Dollars and Cents to Marks and Pfennigs. 1 Reichmark or Alark = lOO Pfennige. For fi^ uring pro fits see page 123. When exchange on Germaney is quoted per 4 marks instead o ; per 1 mark, see pages 68 to 93. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to | about 42 cents on $1,000. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd pfennigs: Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Three and -"hoo Marks. 23.86 lUUUOO 41911148 20000 8382230 30000 40000 50000 20955574 60000 25146689 70000 29337804 80000 , 90000 1 12573345 16 764459 33528919 37720034 23.87 41893590 8378718 12568077 16757436 20946795 25136154 29325513 33514872 37704231 23 7/8 41884817 8376963 12565445 16753927 20942408 25130890 29319372 33507853 37696335 23.88 41876047 8375209 12562814 16750419 20938023 25125628 29313233 33500838 37688442 23.89 41858518 8371704 12557555 16743407 20929259 25115111 29300963 33486815 37672666 23.90 41841004 83682D1 12552301 16736402 20920502 25104603 29288703 33472803 37656904 23.91 41823505 8364701 12547051 16729402 20911752 25094103 29276453 33458804 37641154 23.92 41806020 8361204 12541806 16722408 20903010 25083612 29264214 33444816 3762.5418 23.93 100000 41788550 20000 8357710 30000 40000 16715420 50000 20894275 60000 250731,30 70000 80000 33430840 90000 37609695 125.36565 29251985 23.94 41771094 8354219 12531328 167084.38 20885547 25062657 29239766 33416876 37593985 23.95 41753653 8350731 12526096 16701461 20876827 25052192 29227557 33402923 37578288 23.96 41736227 8347245 12520868 16694491 20868114 25041736 29215359 33388982 37562604 23.97 41718815 8343763 12515645 16687526 20859408 25031289 29203171 33375052 37546934 23.98 41701418 8340284 12510425 16680567 20850709 25020851 29190992 -33361134 37531276 23.99 41684035 8336807 12505211 16673614 20842018 25010421 29178825 33347228 37515632 24 41666667 8333333 12500000 16666667 20833333 25000000 29166667 33333333 37500000 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 24.01 41649313 8329863 12494794 16659725 20824656 24989588 29154519 33319450 37484382 24.02 41631973 8326395 12489592 16652789 20815987 24979184 29142381 33305579 37468776 24.03 41614648 8322930 12484395 16645859 20807324 24968789 29130254 33291719 37453184 24.04 41597338 8319468 12479201 16638935 20798669 24958403 29118136 33277870 37437604 24.05 41580042 8316008 12474012 16632017 20790021 24948025 29106029 33264033 37422037 24.06 41562760 8312552 12468828 16625104 20781.380 24937656 29093932 33250208 37406484 24.07 41545492 8309098 12463648 16618197 20772746 24927295 29081845 33236394 37390943 24.08 41528239 8305648 12458472 16611296 20764120 24916944 29069767 33222591 37375415 24.09 100000 41511000 20000 8302200 30000 40000 50000 20755500 60000 24906600 70000 80000 90000 373.59900 12453300 16604400 29057700 33208800 24.10 41493776 8298755 124481.33 16597510 20746888 24896266 29045643 33195021 37344.39,S 24.11 41476566 8295313 12442970 16590626 20738283 24885939 29033596 33181253 37328909 24.12 41459370 8291874 12437811 16583748 20729685 24875622 29021559 33167496 37313433 24 1/8 41450777 8290155 124352.33 16580311 20725389 24870466 29015544 33160622 37305699 24.13 41442188 8288438 124326.56 16576875 20721094 24865313 29009532 33153750 37297969 24.14 41425021 8285004 12427.506 16570(108 20712510 2485.5012 28997514 33140017 37282519 24.15 41407867 8281574 12422360 16563147 20703934 24844721 28985507 33126294 37267081 24.16 100000 41390728 20000 8278146 30000 12417219 40000 50000 20695364 60000 24834437 70000 28973510 80000 90000 372516.56 16556291 33112583 24.17 41373604 8274721 12412081 16549441 20686802 24824162 28961523 33098883 372.36243 24.18 41356493 8271299 12406948 16542597 20678246 24813896 28949545 .33085194 3722(IN44 24.20 41322314 8264463 12396694 16528926 20661157 24793388 28925620 33057851 37190(IN3 24.25 41237113 8247423 12371134 16494845 20618557 24742268 28865979 32989691 37113402 24 3/8 41025641 8205128 12307692 164102.56 20512821 24615385 28717949 .32820513 3692.3077 24 12 40816327 8163265 12244898 16326531 20408163 24489796 28571429 32653061 36734694 25 40000000 8()()()000 12000000 16000000 200001)00 24000000 28000000 32000000 36000000 This par t of this 1.500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 table \va s com- 2 !3.90 62762 104603 146444 18H285 230126 271967 31.3808 355649 .397490 puted pri 111 a r i 1 y ■ S3.95 62630 104384 1461.38 187891 229645 271.399 313152 354906 396(.f0 for cents; but it 2 S4 62500 104167 145833 187500 229167 270833 312500 354167 39.5833 may be u sed, for 2 (4.05 62370 10.3950 145530 187110 228690 270270 311850 353430 39.5010 larger a iiounts, 2 !4.10 62241 103734 145228 186722 228216 269710 311203 352697 .394191 for the rat ■s given, 2 •4.15 62112 103520 144928 186.335 227743 269151 310.559 351967 .39.3375 the s.iinc a s above. 1 >4.20 61983 103.306 144628 1859.50 227273 268595 309917 351240 .392562 llATK TAlll.K.S .\ii\ i;i; i'isi;.\n;\T in liArK Marks and Pfennigs to Dollars and Cents. German Money, i,l:.. Mark; /'/.. Mark; Siif^i,'.. rfc-iiniR; //., I'lcnni^i^c. pn^c 122. Value oi coins, page 190. Drafts payable out of balances . " . No Write fijjures as follows: < ■i-rinaii German money on deposit are stamp tree in Germany if they so read the same value as Germany. No other countr>' has money of M. 28793 m M. 460^1 M.6?i M. 793 20 2.^.N6 2.^.87 23 7 s 23.NS 23.89 2.^.90 23.91 23.92 This i)art of this tal)lc was coiii- l>iiti'(l primarily t'i>r piViiiiiKs; liut it iiiav l>c us«(l, for larger ninounts, fur till- ratrs Kivt-n, thi ihn 23.90 23.95 24 24.05 24.10 24.15 24.20 I soon 2snno ' ^iiiiii I^IIIMI Squill) (.5000 75000 85000 .v=; 5'>750 h.UoO 1(I75.MI l.UI>l) l.vS.150 1 7'»:5() 20.11.50 i>')2h 5'W75 8,-?825 10777.S 1.11725 l.>5ri75 1 7'>(.25 20.1575 36000 60000 8^000 108000 I.12(MI0 156000 ISIIIMU) 204000 .^6075 6012.S 84175 108225 1.12275 1.56.125 180.175 204425 .^6150 602.';o 84.1.S0 1.125.50 I5W.50 180750 204850 .^h22.S 60,VS 8452.S 10,S..75 1.12825 156>»75 181125 205275 .Vi.IlM) 60.S00 84700 lOSVOO 1.1.11(H) 157.11M1 181. SCO 2057(K) ^5000 227050 227.525 228000 228475 228950 229425 229900 D.VTK T.VIll.K.f IN 1 1 i:i - I . I i: risiM I 128 SCANDINAVIAN MONEY. T! Scandi-. ^HE three countries of Sweden, Norway and Denmark constitute what is known as Scandinavia. They ail have the same mon- etary system, 100 ore making 1 ( English ) crown. The unit is in Sweden written, Krona, and the plural is, Kronor; the same unit is in Norway and Denmark written, Krone, and the plural is, Kroner. When writing drafts on those countries, it is well to bear these facts in mind and spell the word as it is spelled in the country where it is to be paid. Follow the forms given at the heads of pages 130 to 139. The par value of the Krone, or Krona, in United States money, is 26.8 cents. To convert the one kind of money into the other is a question of multiplication or long division, navian j^ convert crowns into dollars, multiply by Money jj^g rate; to convert dollars into crowns, divide by the rate. Exchange on Scandinavian countries is never quoted as French, German and Dutch exchange is quoted, that is with supplementary fractions of plus or minus some part of one per cent, but is confined to the value of the single crown. In this book the tables are computed to the % hundredth of a cent, and some may think that an unnecessary degree of closeness; but the truth is, exchange on no other European country is quoted by steps so large as the full one hundredth of a cent per Scandinavian crown. A step of .05 of a cent per English pound amounts to about 10 cents on a thousand dollars. With French, Ger- man and Dutch monies, a step of 1/64 of one per cent amounts to 15.6 cents on a thousand dollars. Austrian exchange is quoted to the X hundredth of a cent which amounts to about 12/2 cents on a thousand dollars. A step of one even hundredth of a cent on Russian money amounts to about 19 cents on a thousand dollars. A step of an even hund- redth of a cent on a Scandinavian crown amounts to about 37 cents on a thousand dollars; and there is no reason why it should not be quoted to the half of that. When writing drafts, not only on Scandi- navian banks but on banks throughout Europe, it is well to remember that the identification of the payee is not required as in the United States, though care is used as a matter of business policy, and especially if there is any suspicion that a check or draft is in wrong hands. In this country, if a bank pays out money on a forged endorsement, it is holden for the amount; but that is not true in most European countries. There, if a man loses his draft, and some other person gets it and cashes it, he has lost his money unless he can recover it from the one who got it. But the criminal laws are more severe and justice is speedier there than here. Where parties are themselves going to Europe, and buy drafts for remittances payable to their own order, and if the amount is large, it is often advis- able to ask for an identification signature, or one may be clipped from a letter, which may be forwarded with the advice; this will insure payment to the proper parties. Commercial drafts (Bills of Exchange) drawn against consignments of merchandise to Scandinavian points are usually, though not always, written in English, Dutch or German money. There is an internal revenue stamp tax of one twentieth of one per cent. When sending money to Scandinavian, and some other European points, especially to places outside of, or away from the larger cities, it is often preferable to remit through the Post Offices of those countries instead of by bank draft. Chicago and New York bank- ers furnish forms for this purpose and transact the business, and, while the rate is a trifle higher, with a fiat charge also of about 15 or 20 cents extra, the convenience to the payee of receiving his money practically at his own door more than oflfsets the small extra ex- pense. The facilities in Norway, Sweden and Denmark for remitting money in this manner are good. The paper money of these countries is issued in denominations of 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 kronor. Gold coins are the 5, 10 and 20 krone pieces. Silver coins are the 1 and 2 krone pieces, and the 10, 25, 40 and 50 ore pieces. Copper coins are the 1, 2 and 5 ore pieces. Gold is 900 parts fine. The 1 and 2 krone silver pieces are 800 parts fine; the 25, 40 and 50 ore pieces are 600 parts fine; and the 10 ore piece is 400 parts fine. The market value of Scandinavian paper, gold and silver money (New York purchasing rates) fluctuates in the neighborhood of % to % cent per krone below the exchange rate. Selling rates are probably X cent per krone above purchasing rates. Profit lable for Scandinavian M oney. Fxample. — A customer wants a draft worth S12(M): the LUioted cost rate is 26.90; the profit (J esire d is $.^.()0. At the rijiht of th L' figures 1200, it will be seen that an advance in the | rate of .07 will y ield a profit t)f S3. 13; th eretore t)uote 26.97 (26.90+ . 07). For an)ounts 1 not given here, take a fractional part, liisc one tenth, or a mu tiple of some other number. 1 . Dollars .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .OS .09 .10 1 .11 .12 .14 _-l5 .16 .18 .20 50 .02 .04 .06 .07 .09 .11 .13 .15 .17 .19 .20 .22 .26 .28 .30 .34 .37 100 .04 .07 .11 .15 .19 .22 .26 .30 .34 .37 .41 .45 .52 .56 .60 .67 .75 150 .06 .11 .17 .22 .28 .34 .39 .45 .50 .56 .61 .67 .78 .83 .89 101 1.12 200 .07 .15 .22 .30 .37 .45 .52 .60 .67 .74 .81 .89 1.04 1.11 1.19 1.34 1.49 2.S0 .09 .19 .28 .37 .47 .56 .65 .75 .84 .93 1.02 1.12 1.30' 1.39 1.49! 1.68' 1.86 .^00 .11 .22 .34 .45 .56 .67 .78 .89 1.01 1.12 1.23 1.34 1.57 1.68 1.79 2.01 2 24 400 .15 .30 .45 .60 .75 .89 1.04 1.19 IM 149 1.64 1.79 2.09 224 2.39 2 68 2.98 500 .19 .37 .56 .75 .93 1.12 1.30 1.49 1.68 1.86 2.05 224 2.61 279 2.98 3.35 3.73 600 .22 .45 .67 .89 1.12 1.34 1.57 1.79 2.01 224 2.46 2,68 3.13 3.35 3.58 4.03 4 47 700 .26 .52 .78 1.04 1.30 1.57 1.83 209 2.35 2.61 2.87 3.13 365 3.91 4.17 4.70 522 SOO .30 .60 .89 1.19 149 1.79 2.09 2.iH 2.68 2.98! 3.28 3.58 4.17 4.47 4.77 5.37 596 900 .34 .67 1.01 1.34 168 2.01 2.35 2.68 302 3.35 3.69 4.03 4.70 5.03 5.37 6.04 6.71 1000 .37 .75 1.12 1.49 1.86 2.24 2.61 2.98 3..35' 3.73! 4.10 4.47 5.22 5.59 5.96 6.71 7.45 1100 .41 .82 1.23 1.64 2.05 2.46 2.87 3.28 3.69 4.10 4.51 4 92 5.74 6.15 6.56 7.38 8.20 1200 .45 .89 IM 1.79 2.24 2.68 3.13 3.58 4.03 4.47 4.92 537 626 6.71 7.16 805 8.94 IMW .48 .97 1.45 1.94 2.42 2.91 3.39 3.88 4.36 4.85 5.33 581 6.78 7.26 7.75 8.72 9.69 1400 ..S2 1.04 1.57 2.09 261 3.13 3.65 4.17 4.70 5.22 5.74 6.26 7.30 7.82 8.35 9.39 10.44 1500 .56 1.12 1.68 2.24 2.80 3.35 3.91 4.47 503 5.59 6.15 6.71 7.83 8.38 8.94 10.06 11.18 1600 .60 1.19 1.79 2.39 2.98 358 4.17 4.77 5.37 5.96 6.56 7.15 8.35 8.94 9.54 1073 11.93 1700 .63 1.27 1.90 2.53 3.17 3.80 4.44 5.07 5. 70 6.34 ■• 6.97 7.60 8.87 9..50 10.14 11.40 12.67 ISOO .67 1.34 2.01 2.68 3.35 4.03 4.70 5.37 6.04 6.71 7.38 8.05 9.39 10.06 1073 1208 13.42 1900 .71 1.42 212 2.83 3.54 4.25 4.96 5.67 6.37 7.08 7.79 8.50 9.91 10.62 11.33 1275 14.16 2000 .75 I 49 2.24 2.98 3.73 4.47 5.22 5.96 6.71 7.45 8.20 894 10.44 11.18 11.93 13.42 14.91 2200 .82 1.64 2.46 3.28 4.10 4.92 5.74 6.56 7.38 8.20, 9.02 9.84 11.48 12.30 13.12 14.76 16.40 2400 .90 1.79 2.68 3.58 4.47 5.37 6.26 7.16 8.05 8.94 1 9.84 10.73 12.52 13,41 14.31 16.10 1789 2500 .9.^ 1.S6 280 3.73 4.66 5.59 6.52 7.45 8,39 9.32 1025 11.18 1.3,04 13.97 14.91 16.77 1864 3000 , 5000 1 1.12 2.24 3.35 4.47 5.59 6.71 7.83 8.94 10.06! 11.18 12.30 13.42 1565 16.77 17.89 20.13 22.36 1.86 3.73 5.59 7.45 9.32 11.18 13.04 14.91 16.77 1 18.64 [20.50 22.36 26.09 27.95 1 29.82 33.54 37.27 Crowns .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .14 .15 .16 .18 .20 100 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .14 .15 .16 .18 .20 200 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .22 .24 .28 .30 .32 .36 .40 250 .02 .05 .07 .10 .12 .15 .17 .20 .22 .25 .27 .30 .35 .37 .40 .45 .50 .^00 .03 .06 .09 .12 .15 .18 .21 .24 .27 .30 .33 .36 .42 .45 .48 .54 .60 400 .04 .08 .12 .16 .20 .24 .28 .32 .36 .40 .44 .48 .56 .60 .64 .72 ' .80 500 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .60 .70 .75 .80 .90 1.00 600 .06 .12 .18 .24 .30 .36 .42 .48 .54 .60 .66 .72 .84 .90 .96 1.08 1.20 700 .07 .14 .21 .28 .35 .42 .49 .56 .63 i .70 .77. .84 .98 1.05 1.12 1.26 1.40 750 .07 .15 .22 .30 .37 .45 .52 .60 .67 : .75 .82 .90 1.05 1.12 1.20 1.35! 1.50 HOO .08 .16 .24 J2 .40 .48 .56 .64 .72 .80 .88 .96 1.12 1.20 1.28 1.44 1.60 900 .09 .18 .27 .36 .45 .54 .63 .72 .81 .90 .99 1.08 1.26 1.35 1.44 1.62 1.80 1000 .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.40 150 1.60 1.80 2.00 1500 .15 .30 .45 .60 .75 .90 ' 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 2.10 225 2.40 2.70 3.00 2000 .20 .40 .60' .80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.(K) 2.20 2.40 280 3.00 3.20 3.60 4.00 2500 .25 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.(M) 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.50 51)0 .^000 ..30 .60 .90 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.10 2.40 2.70 3.00 3.30 3.60 420 4. .50 4.80 5.40 6.00 .^500 .35 .70 1.05 1.40 1.75 2.10 2.45 2.80 3.15 3 50 3 85 4.20 ■i.'H) 5,25 5.60 6.30 7.00 41)00 .40 .80 120 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.80 3,20 3.60 4.(K) 4.40 4.80 560 6.00 640 7.20 8.00 4500 .45 .90 1..V5 1.H0 2.25 2.70 3.15 3.M) 4.05 4.50 4.95 5.40 6.30 6.75 7.20 8.10 9 00 5000 ..50 100 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 7.00 7.50 8.00 9.00 10.00 (>(>l)0 .60 1.20 1.80 2.40 3()0 3.60 420 4.80 5.40 6.00 6.60 7.20 8.40 9 no 960 10 SO 12 IH) 7000 .70 140 2.10 2.80 3.50 4.20 4.90 560 6.30 7.00 770 8.40 980 II 20 12(>(l 14 IM) M>00 .80 1 60 2 ^0 3 20 4.00 480 560 641) 7.20 8 (M) 8 80 960 1120 I2(M) 12 SO 14 411 lh(MI 9000 .90 ISO 2.70 360 4.50 5.40 6.30 7.20 8 10 9.00 9.W 10.80 I2M) I.3.S0 14 40 lft.2ll ISIM) 10000 1.00 200 3 00 4 00 5 00 600 700 8IM) 9IMI II) IM) II INI 12. (Ml 14 (M) 15 (M) IfilM) 1S(M) 20 (M) 15000 l.SO .VIM) 4 .50 6 IM) 7 .50 9IM) lO.SO 12 IM) I.3.S0 I5IM) 1().50 ISIMI 21 (Ml 22.S(I 24 (Ml 2; (Ml 30 (Ml 2(>i)00 2(10 4 IK) MM) 8IMI tniMI 12 (HI 1 toil l(, (Ml I.SIMI 2(1 (Ml 22 (Ml 2t (Ml 2,S (Ml 3(1 (Ml 32(MI 3r<(MI 4(1 (Ml 25000 2.=;it .=;.(M) 7. .SO 10.00 12 .SO I.S(MI 17. SO 2(nMI 22 .SO 2.S(M) 27 Mt .3(I(MI .3.S (M) 37 .SO 40 (Ml 45 (Ml .SO (III Scand inavian Money. Dollars and Cents to Crowns and Ore. 1 c rowii or Krona (Swedish plural Kronor) = 100 Ore. For figuring profits, see page 129. Scandinavian money, page 128. When writing j drafts on Scandinavian countries, use the plural form, Kronor, for Swedish drafts, and. Kroner, 1 or Norwegian and Danish drafts. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd ore: Swedish, Six an d '"/lOO Kronor. Norwegian and Danish, 5"/^: and ■^^hoo Kroner. 26 1 100000 3S461S38 20000 7692308 30000 11538461 40000 50000 19230769 60000 23076923 70000 80000 30769230 90000 34615384 15384615 26923077 26 Is 38277512 7655502 11483253 15311005 19138756 22966507 26794258 30622010 34449761 26.20 38167939 7633588 11450382 15267176 19083969 22900763 26717557 30534351 34351145 26.21 38153377 7630675 11446013 15261351 19076688 22892026 26707364 30522701 34338039 26.22 3S138825 7627765 11441648 15255530 19069413 22883295 26697178 30511060 34324943 26.22 '/2 38131554 7626311 11439466 15252622 19065777 22878932 26692088 30505243 34318398 26.23 38124285 7624857 11437286 15249714 19062143 22874571 26687000 30499428 34311857 26.23 '/2 38117019 7623404 II435106 15246808 19058510 22870212 26681913 30493615 34305317 26.24 100000 38109756 20000 7621951 30000 11432927 40000 50000 19054878 60000 22865854 70000 26676829 80000 30487805 90000 34298780 15 243902 26.24'/2 38102496 7620499 11430749 15240998 19051248 22861497 26671747 30481997 34292246 26.25 38095238 7619048 11428571 15238095 19047619 22857143 26666667 30476190 34285714 26.25 '/i 38087983 7617597 11426395 15235193 19043992 22852790 26661588 30470387 34279185 26.26 38080731 7616146 11424219 15232292 19040366 22848439 26656512 30464585 34272658 26.26/2 38073482 7614696 11422045 15229393 19036741 22844089 26651437 30458785 34266134 26.27 38066235 7613247 11419871 15226494 19033118 22839741 26646365 30452988 34259612 26.27 "2 38058991 7611798 11417697 15223597 19029496 22835395 26641294 30447193 34253092 26.28 100000 38051750 20000 7610350 30000 11415525 40000 50000 19025875 60000 22831050 70000 80000 30441400 90000 34246575 15 220700 26636225 26.2SVi 38044512 7608902 11413354 15217805 19022256 22826707 26631158 30435610 34240061 26.29 38037277 7607455 11411183 15214911 19018638 22822366 26626094 30429821 34233549 26.29'/2 38030044 7606009 11409013 15212017 19015022 22818026 26621031 30424035 34227039 26.30 38022814 7604563 11406844 15209125 19011407 22813688 26615970 30418251 34220532 26.30/2 38015586 7603117 11404676 15206235 19007793 22809352 26610910 30412469 34214028 26.31 38008362 7601672 11402509 15203345 19004181 22805017 26605853 30406689 34207526 26.31/2 38001140 7600228 11400342 15200456 19000570 22800684 26600798 30400912 34201026 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 26.32 . 37993921 7598784 11398176 15197568 18996960 22796353 26595745 30395137 34194529 26.32 '/2 37986705 7597341 11396011 15194682 18993352 22792023 26590693 30389364 34188(134 26.33 37979491 7595898 11393847 15191796 18989746 22787695 26585644 30383593 34181542 26.33 '/2 37972280 7594456 11391684 15188912 18986140 22783368 26580596 30377824 34175052 26.34 37965072 7593014 11389522 15186029 18982536 22779043 26575550 30372058 34168565 26.34 '/2 37957867 7591573 11387360 15183147 18978933 22774720 26570507 30366293 34162080 26.35 37950664 7590133 11385199 15180266 18975332 22770398 26565465 30360531 34155598 26.35'/2 37943464 7588693 11383039 15177386 18971732 22766079 26560425 30354771 34149118 26.36 100000 37936267 20000 7587253 30000 11380880 40000 50000 18968134 60000 22761760 70000 26555387 80000 30349014 90000 34142640 15174507 26.36'/2 37929073 7585815 11378722 15171629 18964536 22757444 26550351 30343258 34136165 26.37 37921881 7584376 11376564 15168752 18960940 22753129 26545317 30337505 34129693 26 3;s 37914692 7582938 11374408 15165877 18957346 22748815 26540284 30331754 34123223 26.38 37907506 7581501 11372252 15163002 18953753 22744503 2653525* 30326005 .34116755 26.38'/2 37900322 7580064 11370097 15160129 18950161 22740193 26530226 30320258 34110290 26.39 37893141 7578628 11367942 15157257 18946571 22735885 26525199 30314513 34103827 26.39 'Z; 37885963 7577193 11365789 15154385 18942982 22731578 26520174 30308771 34097367 This piir t of this 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 table w;i s com- 2 >6 57692 96154 134615 173077 211538 250000 288462 326923 365385 puted pri m a r i 1 y ' !6.25 57143 95238 133333 171429 209524 247619 285714 3238 If 361905 for cents; but it ' !6.28 57077 95129 133181 171233 209285 247336 285388 323440 361492 may be u scd, for 2 !6.30 57034 95057 133080 171103 209125 247148 285171 323194 361217 larjjer a mounts, 4 !6.33 56969 94949 132928 170908 208887 246867 284846 322826 360805 for the rat ■s pivcn, ^ i6.35 56926 94877 132827 170778 208729 246679 284630 322581 360531 the same a s above, d 56 3/8 56872 94787 132701 170616 208531 246445 284360 322275 36(I1'»0 HATE TABLKS INl'KlilCST TAllI.KS .SICH ADVKltTlSKMK.NT IN BAI^K DT BOO K Crowns and Ore to Dollars and Cents. Scandinavian Money. 1 Crown or Krone- ( Nor\vej;;ii»n and I>:ti)isli pliir:il Kroner) = 1<»() Ore. Value of coins, page 190. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 38 cents .n SI. 000. )f a cent. There is a growing demand for Scandinavian quotations to the Write figures as follows; give preference to first form hundredth Kr. 8976^1 Kr.6^1 K. 406 ^' Kr. 796 21 100 26 26 1 s 26.20 26.21 26.22 26.22'; 26.2.^ 26.23': 26.24 26.24': 26,2.S 26.25': 26.26 26.26': 26.27 26.27H 26.28 26.28': 26.29 26.29': 26.J»0 26. .?()': 26..^! 26.31': 26.32 26.32'i 26.33 26.33': 26.34 26.34': 26.3.S 26.35': 26.36 26.36': 26.37 26 1 s 26.3H 26.3S'; 26.39 26.39': 1001)00 2MMMH)0 2(il2.SUO 2()00 5254000 5255000 200000 300000 7800000 7S.17500 7S600()0 7863000 7H660O0 7K67500 7869000 7S70500 300000 7872000 7873500 7875000 78765tM) 7878000 7879500 7881000 7882500 300000 400000 10400000 1(H50000 10480000 10484000 104S8000 10490000 1(M92000 10494000 100000 10496000 10498000 10500000 10502000 105(H000 10.506000 10508000 10510000 400000 262S000 26285(10 2629000 2629500 2630000 2(>3OSO0 2631000 2631500 lOOOOO 5256000 5257000 5258000 5259000 5260000 5261000 5262000 5263000 200000 7884000 7885500 7887000 7888500 7890000 7891500 7893000 7894500 300000 10512000 10514000 10516000 10518000 10520000 10522000 10.524000 10526000 400000 2632000 2632500 2633000 2633500 2634000 2634500 2635000 2635500 100000 2636(MM) 2636500 2637000 2637500 263S(MM) 263S5(HI 2639000 2639500 5264000 5265000 5266000 5267000 5268000 5269000 527(X)00 5271000 200000 5272(H)0 5273(M)0 5274000 5275000 5276000 5277000 5278000 5279000 7896000 7897500 7899000 7900500 7902000 7903500 7905000 7'>O650O 300000 7908000 7909500 7911000 7912500 7914000 7915500 79170110 791KSIM) 10528000 10530000 I 0532000 10534000 10536000 10,538000 10540000 10542000 100000 10544000 10546000 10.548000 105500(H) 10552000 10551000 |055(,ii(i0 1055SO(l() 500000 13000000 13062500 13100000 13105000 13110000 13112500 1311.5000 13117.500 500000 13120000 13122500 13125000 13127500 13130000 13132.500 13135000 13137500 500000 600000 15600000 15675000 15720000 15726000 157320(10 15735000 15738000 15741000 600000 15744000 15747000 15750000 15753000 15756000 15759000 15762000 15765000 600000 13140000 13142500 1314.5000 13147500 13150000 131.525(10 13155000 13157500 500000 13160000 13162500 13165000 13167500 13170000 13172.500 1317.5000 13177.500 500000 13180000 13182500 13185000 13187.500 13190000 13192500 131''5iiu(l 131')7mi(I 15768000 15771000 15774000 15777000 15780000 15783000 15786000 15789000 600000 15792000 15795000 15798000 15801000 1.5804000 15807000 15810000 1.5813(10(1 601)00 1) 15816000 1.5819000 1.5822000 1.582.5000 15828000 1 583 1000 15834000 15837(100 700000 18200000 18287500 18340000 18347000 18354000 18357500 18361000 18364500 700000 18368000 18371.500 1837.5000 18378500 18382000 18.385500 18389000 18392500 700000 18396000 18399500 18403000 18406500 18410000 18413.500 18417000 18420500 700000 800000 20800000 20900000 20960000 20968000 20976000 20980000 20984000 20988000 800()()0 20W2000 209'MOOO 21000000 21004000 21008000 21012000 21016000 21020000 KOOOOO 21024000 21028000 210.32000 210360U0 21040000 210440(10 21048000 21052000 sooooo 18424000 18427.500 184310(H) 18434500 18438(H)0 18441.500 1S44,5(HI0 lSlts5(10 immm 18452(HHI 18455500 18459000 18462500 18466(H)0 184695(H) 184 73(100 184765(10 210.56000 21060000 21064000 21()(>8(H)0 21072000 21076000 21080000 21084000 SOOOOO 21088000 21092000 21096(H:() 211000(.0 211(H0('0 2110)-(HI0 21112000 211I61h;o 900000 23400000 23512500 2358(MMJ0 23589000 23598000 23602500 23607000 23611500 900000 23616000 23620500 2362.5(HH) 23629500 23634000 23638500 2364.3000 23647500 900000 23652000 236.56500 23661000 23665500 23670000 23674.500 2,^679000 23683500 900000 23688000 23692500 23697000 23701500 23706000 23710500 23715(H)0 23719500 900000 23724000 23728500 2373.10(M) 23737500 23742000 23746500 23751000 23755500 This part of tliis talilc WHS coiii- putcd primnrily lor ore; but it may tic used, for larger niiiounts, lor till- ratrs j;ivcii, ( he same .as .aliovr. I50(M) J50(I0 35000 I5IMI(I 5SII110 65000 75000 85000 26 39(KH) 65(MH} 91000 1 1/000 M.;uMii If.WlllMI l')5(HH) 22IIK)0 26.25 39375 65625 91875 118125 144375 irui,:> I'»6875 223125 26.28 39420 65700 91980 1182(.0 144540 l/'O^.'O 197 KM) 223380 26.30 39450 657.50 92050 1183.50 144650 1 70950 1972.50 223550 26.33 39495 6582S 921.55 118485 144SI5 171145 197-475 22.VS05 26.35 .39525 6,5875 92225 118575 144925 171275 197625 223975 26 3 s 39563 65938 92313 118f>88 145063 1714.38 197813 224188 95000 247000 249375 249660 249850 2.501.V5 250325 2.50563 IS I ci'.is |- I v I'. I i;: Mn I i; ri-^i:\ii N r in iix^k Scandinavian Money. Dollars and Cents to Crowns and Ore. 1 C rown or Krona (Swedish plural Kroner) = = 100 Ore. For figuring profits, see page 129. Scandinavian money, page 128. When writing drafts on Scandinavian countries, use the plural form. Kronor, for Swe dish drafts, and. Kroner, for Norwegian and Danish drafts. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd ore: | Swedish , Six an d "*l 100 Kronor. Norwegian and Danish, Six and -"lioo Kroner. 100000 20000 30000 40000 1 50000 ()«000 70000 soooo 90000 26.40 37878788 7575758 11363636 15151515 189.W394 22727273 26515152 i 30303030 34090909 26.40'/2 37871615 7574323 11361485 15148646 ! 18935808 22722969 26510131 30297292 34084454 26.41 37864445 7572889 11359334 15145778 18932223 22718667 26505112 30291556 34078001 26.41/2 37857278 75714.56 11357183 15142911 18928639 22714367 26500095 30285822 .■(4071.5.50 26.42 37850114 7570023 11355034 15140045 18925057 22710068 26495080 30280091 34065102 26.42 '/2 37842952 7568590 11352886 15137181 18921476 22705771 26490066 30274361 34058657 26.43 37835793 7567159 11350738 15134317 : 18917896 22701476 26485055 30268634 34052213 26.43/2 37828636 7565727 11348.591 15131455 18914318 22697182 26480045 30262909 34045773 26.44 100900 37821483 20000 7564297 30000 11346445 40000 15128593 50000 18910741 60000 22692890 7000 038 80000 30257186 90000 34039334 26475 26.44 '/2 37814332 7562866 11344299 15125733 18907166 22688599 26470032 30251465 34032898 26.45 37807183 7561437 11342155 15122873 18903592 22684310 26465028 30245747 34026465 26.45 '/2 37800038 7560008 11340011 15120015 18900019 22680023 26460026 30240030 34020034 26.46 37792895 7558579 11337868 15117158 18896447 22675737 26455026 30234316 34013605 26.46'/2 37785755 7557151 11335726 15114302 18892877 22671453 26450028 30228604 34007179 26.47 37778617 7555723 11333585 15111447 18889309 22667170 26445032 30222894 34000756 26.47'/2 37771483 7554297 11331445 15108593 18885741 22662890 26440038 30217186 33994334 26.48 ' 100000 57764350 20000 7552870 30000 40000 15105740 50000 18882175 60000 22658610 7OO0 045 80000 90000 33987915 11329305 2643; .^02 11480 26.48 '/2 37757221 7551444 11327166 15102888 18878611 22654333 26430055 30205777 33981499 26.49 37750094 7550019 11325028 15100038 18875047 22650057 26425066 30200076 33975085 26.49 '/j 37742970 7548594 11322891 15097188 18871485 22645782 26420079 30194376 33968673 26.50 37735849 7547170 11.320755 15094340 18867925 22641509 26415094 30188679 33962264 26.50 '/2 37728730 7545746 11318619 15091492 18864365 22637238 26410111 30182984 33955857 26.51 37721614 7544323 11316484 15088646 18860807 22632969 26405130 30177292 33949453 26.5 1'/2 37714501 7542900 11314350 15085800 18857251 22628701 26400151 30171601 33943051 26.52 100000 37707391 20000 7541478 30000 40000 15082956 50000 18853695 60000 22624434 700C 173 80000 30165912 90000 33936652 11312217 2639: 26.52'/2 37700283 7540057 11310085 15080113 18850141 22620170 26390198 .30160226 33930255 26.53 37693178 7538636 11307953 15077271 18846589 2261.5907 26385224 30154542 33923860 26.53 '/2 37686075 7537215 11305822 15074430 18843037 22611645 26380252 30148860 33917467 26.54 37678975 7535795 11303693 15071590 18839488 22607385 26375283 30143180 3.3911078 26.54'/2 37671S78 7534376 11301563 15068751 1883.S939 22603127 26370315 30137502 3,W04690 26.55 37664783 7532957 11299435 15065913 18S32392 22598870 26365348 30131827 33898305 26.55'/2 37657692 7531538 11297307 15063077 18828846 22594615 26360384 30 1261. S3 33891922 26.56 100000 ' 37650602 20000 75.>0I20 30000 11295181 40000 15060241 50000 18825301 60000 22590361 700( 422 80000 30120482 90000 33885542 2635= 26.56'/2 37643516 7528703 11293055 15057406 18821758 22586110 26350461 30114813 33879164 26.57 37636432 7527286 11290930 15054573 18818216 225818.59 26345502 30109146 33872789 26.57'/2 37629351 7525870 11288805 15051740 18814675 22577611 26340546 30Um81 33866416 26.58 37622272 7524454 11286682 15048909 188111.-?6 22573363 26335591 30097818 33860045 26.58/2 1 37615197 7523039 11284,559 15046079 18S07598 22.569118 26330638 30092157 338.5.V)77 25.59 37608123 7521625 11282437 15043249 18804062 22564874 26325686 30086499 33847311 26.59'4 37601053 7520211 11280316 15040421 18S00526 22560632 26320737 30080842 33840948 This par table \va t of this 1.500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 75 00 8500 9500 s com- 26.40 56818 94697 132576 170455 208333 2 46212 284 1)91 321970 359848 puted pri ma r i 1 y 26.45 56711 94518 132325 170132 207940 2 45747 283 554 321361 359168 for cents; but it 26.48 56647 94411 132175 169940 207704 2 45468 283 233 320997 358761 may be u sed, for 26.50 56604 94340 132075 169S11 207547 2 45283 283 1)19 320755 358491 larger a mounts, 26.53 56540 94233 131926 169619 207312 2 45006 282 (i99 320392 358085 for the rat cs Riven, 26.55 56497 94162 131 827 169492 207156 2 44821 282 486 320151 357815 the s;iiiiL- a s above. 26.58 56433 94056 131678 169300 206922 2 44545 282 167 319789 357412 liATK TAIll.KS INTICUEST TM'.l.i;; ^i:i; Aii\ i:i:'nsi;Mi:Nr iv ii\i'k Crowns and Ore to Dollars and Cents. Scandinavian Money. 1 Crowii or Krciiif ( Norwejjiuii and Diinish pliiriil Kroner) = lOO Ore. \':iliie of coins, p;i^e 190. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 38 cents on 51,000. There is a growing demand for Scandinavian quotations to the ui a cent. Write figures as follows; give preference to first form : Kr. 8976 -!« Kr. 6 i« K. 406 1' hundredth Kr. 796 20 100 26.40 26.40' 26.41 26.41' 26.42 26.42' 26.4.^ 26.43' 26.44 26.44' 26.4-S 26.45' 26.46 26.46' 26.47 26.47' 26..S6 26..S6 26..S7 26. .S7 26.58 26.5H 26.5V 26.59 lODOOl) 2()4(MM(0 2()40.^(IU 2(.4 10(10 2641500 2642000 3(>42.^1I0 2(i4301IO 2643500 100000 2oi)im(i 52«U0()0 52810U0 52S2000 5283000 5284000 5285000 5286000 5287000 200000 .^mtooo 7920000 7921500 7923000 7924500 7926000 7927500 7929000 7930500 300000 400000 10560000 10562000 10564000 10566000 10.56S00O 10570000 10572000 10574000 100000 smmoo 132001 II II I 13202511(1 13205000 13207500 13210000 13212.S(IO 1321.50(10 1.^217500 500000 ()()(ll) 00 15S4IIIIIII) 15M3(liill 1.5846(1(10 15849(10(1 1.58520(1(1 15855000 1.58580(10 15861000 600000 2644(K)0 26445(J() 2645000 2645500 2646000 2646500 2647000 2647500 100000 5288000 5289000 52900(10 5291000 5292000 5293000 5294000 5295000 200000 26.48 2648000 26.48'/, 2648500 26.49 2649000 26.49'; 2649500 26.50 2650000 26.50'; 2650500 26.51 2651(1110 26.51': 2651500 100000 5296000 5297000 5298000 5299000 5300000 5301000 5302000 5303000 200000 7932000 7933500 7935000 7936500 7938000 7939500 7941000 7942500 300000 10576000 10578000 10580000 10582000 10584000 10586000 10588000 10590000 100000 7944000 7945500 7947000 7948500 7950000 7951500 7953000 7954500 300000 10592000 10594000 10596000 10598000 10600000 10602000 10604000 10606000 400000 13220000 13222500 1322.5000 13227500 13230000 13232500 13235000 13237500 500000 1.5864000 15867000 15870000 15873000 15876000 1.5879000 15882000 15885000 600000 13240000 13242500 1324.5000 13247500 13250000 13252500 13255000 1.3257500 500000 15888000 15891000 15894000 15897000 15900000 15903000 15906000 15909000 600000 71100 00 1S4.SIIIMIII ISlK.iSllll istsriHiii 184911500 18494000 18497500 18501(100 18504500 700000 18508000 18511.500 18515000 18518.500 18522000 18525500 18529000 18532500 700000 18536000 18539500 18543000 18546500 18550000 18553500 18557000 18560500 700000 800000 2112(10110 21124(11111 211280(10 21132000 21136000 21140000 21144000 21148000 800000 21152000 211.56000 211600110 21164000 21168000 21172000 21176000 21180000 800000 21184000 21188000 21192000 21196000 21200000 21204000 21208000 21212000 800000 21216000 212200(J0 212240(M) 21228000 21232000 21236000 21240(100 21244000 SOOOOO 21248000 212.52000 212.560(J0 21260000 212640(10 21268000 212720(M) 21276(1('() 900000 237600(10 23764.50(1 23769000 23773500 23778000 237825U0 23787000 23791500 900000 23796000 23800500 23805000 23809500 23814000 2.3818500 23823000 2.^827500 900000 23832000 23836500 2.3841000 23845500 23850000 23854500 23859000 23863500 900000 238(>8000 2.^872500 23877000 2.^881500 23886000 23890500 2389500(1 23899500 900000 23904000 23908500 2.W 13000 2.WI7500 23922000 23926500 2.W^I000 23935500 Tliis p.irt ol" this i.ihlc wns com- initcd primnrily t'lir ort ; hut it may lie used, for>;iT ninounts, h>r the r;itis Kivcii, tin- s.-mio :iS ahovc. 1.5000 25000 35000 1.5000 55000 65000 75000 S5000 26.40 396(M) M>00() 92400 1 18800 1 15200 171600 198(M)0 224400 26.45 39675 Wi!25 92575 119025 145475 171925 198375 224825 26.48 39720 6<)200 92680 119160 145640 172120 198600 225080 26.50 39750 66250 927.50 1192.50 145750 172250 198750 2252.50 26.53 39795 66325 9285S 1 19385 145915 172445 198975 225505 26.55 39825 66375 92925 119475 146025 1 72575 1WI25 22.5675 26.58 39870 664.50 93(130 119610 146190 172770 IW350 22.5930 95000 2508(H) 251275 251560 25 1 750 252035 252225 HATK TAIll.KH INTKllK.ST TAIII.KS .SKK A OVKIITISKMK.NT IN II M k Scandinavian Money. Dollars and Cents to Crowns and Ore. 1 C rown or Krona (Swedish plural Kroner) = 100 Ore. For figuring profits, see page 129. Scandinavian money, page 128. When writing drafts on Scandinavian countries, use the plural form. Kronor, tor Swe dish drafts, and. Kroner, for Norwegian and Danish drafts. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd ore: | Swedish , Six an d "^hoo Kronor. Norwegian and Danish, Six and -"lioo Kroner. 26.60 100000 37593985 20000 7518797 30000 40000 15037594 50000 18796992 60000 22556391 70000 26315790 SOOOO 30075188 90000 33834587 11278195 26.60'/2 37586920 7517384 11276076 15034768 1879.3460 22552152 26310844 30069536 33828228 26.61 37579857 7515971 11273957 15031943 18789929 22547914 26305900 30063886 3.-'.821871 26.61 '/j 37572797 7514559 11271839 15029119 18786399 22543678 26300958 30058238 33815518 26.62 37565740 7513148 11269722 15026296 18782870 22539444 26296018 30052,592 33809166 26 5,8 37558685 7511737 11267606 15023474 18779343 22535211 26291080 30046948 3.3802817 26.63 37.551633 7510327 11265490 15020653 18775817 22.S30980 26286143 30041.307 33796470 26.63 '/2 37544584 7508917 11263375 15017834 18772292 22526751 26281209 30035667 33790126 26.64 100000 37537538 20000 7507508 30000 11261261 40000 15015015 50000 18768769 60000 22522523 7OO0 276 80000 90000 33783784 26276 30030030 26.64'/2 37530494 7506099 11259148 15012197 18765247 22518296 26271345 30024395 33777444 26.65 37523452 7504690 112570.36 15009.381 18761726 22514071 26266417 30018762 33771107 26.65 '/z 37516413 7503283 11254924 15006565 18758207 22509848 26261489 30013131 33764772 26.66 37509377 7501875 11252813 15003751 18754689 22505626 26256564 30007502 33758440 26.66'/^ 37502344 7500469 11250703 15000938 18751172 22501406 26251641 30001875 33752110 26.67 37495313 7499063 11248594 14998125 18747657 22497188 26246719 29996250 33745782 26.67 '/2 37488285 7497657 11246485 14995314 18744142 22492971 26241799 29990628 33739456 26.68 100000 37481259 20000 7496252 30000 11244378 40000 14992504 50000 18740630 60000 22488756 70000 26236882 80000 90000 33733133 29985008 26.68' 2 37474236 7494847 11242271 14989695 18737118 22484542 26231966 29979389 33726813 26.69 37467216 7493443 11240165 14986886 18733608 22480330 26227051 29973773 33720495 26.69 '/2 37460199 7492040 11238060 14984079 18730099 22476119 262221.W 29968159 33714179 26.70 37453184 7490637 112.35955 14981273 18726.592 22471910 26217228 29962547 33707865 26.70'i 37446171 7489234 11233851 14978468 18723086 22467703 26212320 29956937 33701554 26.71 374.W161 7487832 11231748 14975665 18719581 22463497 26207413 29951329 33695245 26.71 '/2 37432154 7486431 11229646 14972862 18716077 22459293 26202508 29945723 33688939 26.72 100000 37425150 20000 7485030 30000 4 14 0000 50000 18712575 60000 22455090 70000 26197605 80000 90000 33682635 11227545 1*70060 29940120 26.72'/2 37418148 7483630 11225444 14967259 18709074 22450889 26192703 29934518 33676333 26.73 1 37411149 7482230 11223345 14964459 18705574 224466S9 26187804 29928919 33670034 26.73'/2 37404152 7480830 11221246 14961661 18702076 22442491 26182906 29923321 .33663737 26.74 37397158 7479432 11219147 14958863 18698579 22438295 26178010 29917726 33657442 26.74"/2 37390166 7478033 11217050 14956067 18695083 22434100 26173116 29912133 .3.V.5I1.50 26.75 37383178 7476636 11214953 1495,3271 18691589 22429907 26168224 29906542 33644N('(I 26.75'/2 37376191 7475238 11212857 14950477 18688096 22425715 26163334 29900953 33638572 26.76 100000 37369208 20000 7473842 30000 40000 14947683 50000 18684604 60000 22421.525 70000 26158445 80000 29895366 90000 336.32287 11210762 26.76'/2 37362227 7472445 11208668 14944891 18681113 22417.336 26153559 29889781 33626004 26.77 37355248 74710.50 11206575 14942099 18677624 22413149 26148674 29884199 .3.)619724 26.77/2 37348273 7469655 11204482 14939309 18674136 22408964 26143791 29878618 3.361.3445 26.78 37341300 7468260 11202390 14936520 18670650 22404780 26138910 29873040 .33607170 26. 78 14 37334329 7466866 11200299 14933732 18667164 22400597 26134030 29867463 33600896 26.79 37327361 746.5472 11198208 14930944 18663680 22396417 261291.53 29861889 33.594625 26.79'/2 37320396 7464079 11196119 14928158 18660198 22392237 26124277 298,56316 33588356 This par t of this 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 75 00 8500 9500 table wa s com- 26.60 56391 93985 131579 169173 , 206767 244361 281 955 319549 .357143 puted pri ma r i 1 y 26 5/8 56338 93897 1314.55 169014 206573 244132 281 690 319249 356807 for cents ; but it 26.65 56285 93809 131.3.32 168856 206379 243902 281 426 318949 356472 may be u sed, for 26.70 56180 93633 131086 1685.39 205993 24,3446 280 S99 318.352 355805 larjjer a mounts, 26.73 56117 93528 1.309.W 168350 205761 243172 280 584 317995 355406 for the rat es piven, 26.75 56075 934,58 1.30841 168224 20.5607 242991 280 U4 317757 ,3.55140 the s.Tinc ; s above. 26.78 56012 93353 130695 168036 205377 242718 280 060 317401 .354742 HATH TAIU.IOS INTKUKST TAItl.KS .VI-IH A DV KUTISHM KNT IN HACK Crowns and Ore to Dollars and Cents. Scandinavian Money. 1 Crown or Kroiii; ( Norweyiiiii jiiid Danish pluriil Kroner) — 10(J t)re. Value of coins, page 190. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 38 cents on S1,(X)0. There is a growing demand for Scandinavian quotations to the of a cent. Write figures as follows ; give preference to first form : Kr.8976?o Kr.6^1 K. 406 11 hundredth Kr. 796 20 100 26.60 26.60'; 26.61 26.61'/! 26.62 26 S s 26.63 26.63': 26.64 26.64': 26.65 26.65' J 26.66 26.66': 26.67 26.67': 26.76 26.76': 26.77 26.77': 26.78 26.7S'; 26.7'> 26.7V': 2()72(M)() 2f>72?llO 2(ir.^(HI() 2()735()0 2674000 2674500 26750(10 2<>75500 lOIXIllO 267(iOOO 2676500 2(i77IH)0 2677500 267NOO() 267H500 267'>000 267'>5(M( This part "t this tahic was coiii- putcil primarily lor ore; l)ut it iiiny Ik: used, for lar;;cr nnioiiiits, I'lr thr rates Ki^'i^". \ 111- same as almvc. 15000 26.60 3W00 26 S g 3W.^N 26.65 39')75 26.70 40050 26.73 40095 26.75 ^0125 26.7N 40170 J5(H)0 66500 6/i563 Wrf.25 Wi750 f>6.S25 W)S75 W)')50 .V5oon '>.U0O 93IH.S 93275 93450 9355S 93625 93730 15000 55000 65000 75000 S5000 ll'>700 1W.300 172*KK A IiVKKTI.tKM KNT IN 11 ViK Scandinavian Money. Dollars and Cents to Crowns and Ore. 1 Crown or Krona (Swedish plural Kronor) = lOO Ore. For figuring profits, see page 129. Scandinavian money, page 128. When writing drafts on Scandinavian countries, use the plural form, Kronor, for Swedish drafts, and. Kroner, for Norwegian and Danish drafts. Write amounts as follows; avoid odd ore: Swedish, Six and '^Im Kronor. Norwegian and Danish, Six and -^lioo Kroner. 26.80 26.80'/2 26.81 26.81'/! 26.82 26.82 '/2 26.83 26.83 '/2 26.84 26.84'/; 26.85 26.85 '/z 26.86 26.86'/; 26.87 26 7, s 26.88 26.83'/; 26.89 26.89'/; 26.90 26.90'/; 26.91 26.91'/; 26.92 26.92'/; 26.93 26.93'/; 26.94 26.94'/; 26.95 26.95'/; 26.96 26.96'/; 26.97 26.97'/; 26.98 26.98'/; 26.99 25.99'/; 100000 37313433 37306473 3/299515 37292560 37285608 37278658 37271711 37264766 IQOOQO 37257824 37250885 37243948 37237014 37230082 37223153 37216226 37209302 lOQQQO 37202381 37195462 37188546 37181632 37174721 37167813 37160907 37154003 100000 37147103 37140204 37133308 37126415 37119525 37112637 37105751 37098868 100000 37091988 37085110 37078235 37071362 37064492 37057625 37050760 37043897 20000 30000 7462687 11194030 7461295 11191942 7459903 11189855 7458512 11187768 7457122 11185682 7455732 11183597 7454342 11181513 7452953 11179430 20000 7451565 30000 11177347 7450177 11175265 7448790 11173184 7447403 11171104 7446016 11169025 7444631 11166946 7443245 11164868 7441860 11162791 20000 7440476 30000 11160714 7439092 11158639 7437709 11156564 7436326 11154490 7434944 11152416 7433563 11150344 7432181 11148272 7430801 11146201 20000 7429421 30000 11144131 7428041 11142061 7426662 11139993 7425283 11137925 7423905 11135857 7422527 11133791 7421150 11131725 7419774 11129661 20000 30000 7418398 11127596 7417022 11125533 7415647 11123471 7414272 11121409 7412898 11119348 7411525 11117287 7410152 11115228 7408779 11II3169 14836795 14834044 14831294 14828545 14825797 14823050 14820304 14817559 18587361 18583906 18580453 18577002 50000 18573551 18570102 18566654 18563208 18559762 18556318 18552876 18549434 50000 22271715 22267582 22263451 22259321 60000 22238695 22234575 22230456 22226338 This part of this talilc was com- puted primarily for cents; but it may be used, for larj^cr amounts, for the rates given, t!ic s.'iiTie MS alcove. 1500 2500 3500 4.500 5500 26.80 55970 93284 130597 167910 205224 26.85 55866 93110 1303.54 167598 204842 26 5 s 55814 93023 130233 167442 204651 26.90 55762 92937 1.30112 167286 204461 26.93 55700 92833 129967 167100 204233 26.95 55659 92764 129870 166976 204082 26.98 55597 92661 129726 166790 203855 6500 242.S37 242086 241860 2416.36 241.367 241187 240919 7.S00 8500 279851 317164 279.330 316574 279070 316279 278810 315985 278.500 315633 278293 315399 277984 315048 95()0 354478 35.W18 353488 3.53160 352766 .3525(15 3.52113 IlVll'; T\l!l,i:S INTF.lilCST TAlil.KS SKE ADVEItTLSEMKNT I.N llAlK Crowns and Ore to Dollars and Cents. Scandinavian Money 1 Crown or Krone ( Norwojijian anil Danish plural Kroni-r) = 1<»() Ore. Value of coins, page 190. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 37 cents on Sl.lXK). There is a growing demand for Scandinavian quotations to the of a cent. Write figures as follows ; give preference to first form Kr.S976?o Kr.6^1 K. 406^1 hundredth Kr. 796 11 100 26.N0 26.N0' 26.N1 26.Hr 26.82 26.N2' 26.S3 26.83' 26.84 26.84' 26.85 26.85' 26.86 26.86' 26.87 26 7/8 26.88 26.88' 26.89 26.89' 26.90 26.90' 26.91 26.91' 26.92 26.92' 26.9.^ 26.93' 26.94 26.94'; 26.95 26.95' 26.96 26.96'; 26.97 26.97'; 26.98 26.98' 26.99 26.99': i!)i) i)no 2(i.SilS(ll) 2(iSI(l(l() 2().S15(IO 2()S2(HI() 2().S25(MI 2().S.^Il(l(l 2(^S35(IO 11)0000 26«4(MH) 26N-45(M) 26«.S()()() 26.S5.S00 2()K6000 26Kf.5(M) 26K7000 2687500 100000 26X8000 26.SM5()() 26.S')(1(I0 26.S')5()0 264(10(10 2641)500 26'' 1(100 2691500 100000 2692000 2692500 269.^(M)() 26';35()() 26'M0()<) 2694500 2695(100 26')55(l() 100000 26''6(((I0 26'»65(I0 26'»7(I(H) 26''75IH) 26'>H(I(I0 26'*.S5(I0 2(.''''(i(i(l 26'W5(M> 5.VS')iHiii 5.V'(MMI(I 5,vn(i(i() 200000 5.W2000 5S9.VMK) .S.VMOOO 5395000 5.196000 5397000 5.WS0(M) S.VWtMM) ,S()s5(ioo K0.S6500 ■fflOOOO SOS,S(MH) K0«95(IO «0910(10 8092500 8094000 8095500 8097000 809S5(H) 10768000 107700(10 1(17720(10 107740(M» 10776000 10778000 10780000 10782000 100000 107SI000 107S6(100 107SK(1(I0 10790000 10792000 10794000 10796000 1079.S(M)0 This part of this t.ihic was coin- putrd primarily tor ore; but it may be ascd, for lafRi-r amounts, lor the r.ilist js'ivcn, t he s.'iiiic as above. 26.80 26.85 26 7 s 26.90 26.93 26.95 26.98 1 5000 40200 40275 40.113 40350 40395 40 125 40470 25000 67000 67125 67188 672.50 67.125 67,175 674.50 .15000 9.1H00 9,1975 94IW>3 941.50 94255 94.125 944.10 15000 55000 (i.SllOO 75000 S5000 120600 147400 174200 201000 227800 120S25 147675 174525 201,175 228225 120'M8 147H1.1 174688 201.5M 2284.18 1210.50 1479.50 1748.50 2017.50 228650 121 185 HSI15 17.5045 201975 22S905 121275 1 (S225 175175 202125 229075 121110 1 l.s.VM) 17.5.170 202.150 229.1.10 95000 254600 255075 2.55313 255550 2558.15 256025 2.5M10 HVTK. TMtl.KS IMll.K.S SKK AI'V KK IISK M KN 1' I .\ IIMK Scandinavian Money. Dollars and Cents to Crowns and Ore. 1 c rown or Krona (Swedish plural Kronor) = lOO Ore. For figuring profits, see page 129. Scandinavian money, page 128. When writing j drafts on Scandinavian countries, use the plural form. Kronor, tor Swedish drafts, and. Kroner, for Norwt gian and Danish drafts. Write amounts as fo Hows; avoid odd ore: Swedish, Six and '"/loo Kronor. Norwegian and Danish, Six and ^^hoo Kroner. 27 100000 37037037 20000 7407407 30000 4 14 0000 50'JOO 18518519 60000 22222222 70000 25925926 80000 29629630 90000 33333333 IIIUIU S14815 27.00V; 37030180 7406036 11109054 14812072 18515090 22218108 25921126 29624144 .3.5327162 27.01 37023325 7404665 11106997 14809330 18511662 22213995 25916327 29618660 33320992 27.0r/2 37016472 7403294 11104942 14806589 18508236 22209S83 25911531 29613178 33314825 27.02 37009623 7401925 11102887 14803849 18504811 22205774 25906736 29607698 33308660 27.02'/2 37002775 7400555 11100833 14801110 18501388 22201665 25901943 29602220 33302498 27.03 36995930 7399186 11098779 14798372 ! 18497965 22197.558 25897151 29596744 33296337 27.03 Vj 36989088 7397818 11096726 14795635 ! 18494544 22193453 25892362 29591271 33290179 27.0t 100000 36982249 20000 7396450 30000 40000 1 50000 18491124 60000 22189349 70000 25887574 80000 90000 33284024 11094675 14792899 29585799 27.04'2 36975411 7395082 11092623 14790165 18487706 22185247 25882788 29580329 33277870 27.05 36968577 7393715 11090573 14787431 18484288 22181146 25878004 29574861 3.5271719 27.05/2 36961745 7392349 11088523 14784698 18480872 22177047 25873221 29569396 33265570 27.06 3ft9549I5 7390983 11086475 14781966 18477458 22172949 25868441 29563932 33259424 27.05'/2 3f)94808S 7389618 11084426 14779235 18474044 22168853 25863662 29558470 33253279 27.07 ] 3f>941263 7388253 11082379 14776505 18470632 22164758 25858884 29553011 3.5247137 27.07'/2 36934441 7386888 11080332 14773777 18467221 22160665 25854109 29547553 33240997 27.08 100000 36927622 20000 7385524 30000 11078287 4 14 0000 50000 18463811 60000 22156573 700C 335 SOOOO 29542098 90000 33234860 771049 2584S 27.0.S"2 369208(15 7384161 11076241 14768322 18460402 22152483 25844563 29536644 33228724 27.09 36913990 7382798 11074197 14765596 18456995 22148394 25839793 29531192 33222591 27.09'/2 36907178 7381436 11072154 14762871 18453589 22144307 25835025 29525743 33216461 27.10 36900369 7380074 11070111 14760148 18450185 22140221 25830258 29520295 3.5210332 27.11 36886758 7377352 11066027 14754703 18443379 22132055 25820730 29509406 33198082 27.12 36873156 7374631 11061947 14749263 18436578 22123894 2.S8 11209 29498525 33185841 27 Is 36866359 7373272 11059908 14746544 18433180 22119816 25806452 29493088 33179723 27.13 I 00000 36859565 20000 7371913 30000 11057870 40000 14743826 50000 18429783 60000 221157.39 70000 25801696 80000 90000 3317.5609 29487652 27.14 36845984 7369197 11053795 14738394 18422992 22107590 25792189 29476787 .33161.585 27.15 36832413 7366483 11049724 14732965 18416206 22099448 25782689 29465930 33149171 27.16 36818851 7363770 11045655 14727540 18409426 22091311 25773196 29455081 33136966 27.17 36805300 7361060 11041590 14722120 18402650 22083180 25763710 29444240 33124770 27.18 36791759 7358352 11037528 14716703 18395879 22075055 25754231 29433407 .33112.583 27.19 36778227 7355645 11033468 14711291 18389114 22066936 25744758 29422.582 33100405 27.20 36764706 7352941 11029412 14705882 18382353 22058824 25735294 29411765 ,33088235 27.21 100000 36751194 20000 7350239 30000 40000 50000 60000 22050717 70000 80000 90000 33076075 11025358 ' 14700478 18375.597 25725836 ' 29400956 27.22 36737693 7347539 11021308 1469.5077 18368846 22042616 25716385 1 29390154 3306.5924 27.23 36724201 7344840 11017260 i 14689680 I8362I01 22034521 25706941 29379361 3.5051781 27.24 36710720 7342144 1101.3216 14684288 18355360 22026432 25697504 29368576 33039648 27 1/4 36697248 73.39450 11009174 14678899 18348624 22018349 25688073 29357798 33027523 27 3/8 36529680 7305936 10958904 14611872 18264840 21917808 25570776 29223744 32876712 27 1 2 36363636 7272727 10909091 14545455 18181818 21818182 25454545 29090909 32727273 28 35714286 7142857 10714286 14285714 17857143 21428571 25000000 28571428 .52142857 This par t of this 1500 2500 3500 4.500 5500 5500 7500 8500 9500 table wa s com- ' n 55556 92593 129630 166667 203704 2 ♦0741 277778 314815 351S52 putcd pri for cents ; marily ' 27.05 55453 92421 129.390 1663.59 20,3327 2 40296 277264 3142.33 351201 but it ' 27.10 55351 92251 129151 166052 202952 2 59852 276753 313653 350553 may he u sed, for ; 27.15 55249 1 92081 128913 165746 202578 .2 Wll 276243 313076 349908 larjjer a mounts, ; 27.20 55147 91912 128676 16.5441 202206 2 W971 2757.35 312.500 349265 for the rat espiven, ; 27.50 54545 90909 127273 1636.36 200000 2 56364 272727 309091 34.54.55 the sniiu- .- s above. '. 28 53571 89286 125000 160714 196429 2 52143 267857 303571 339286 DATE TABLES INTEUKST IMl Sine Ali\ ICI'.TISIOMKNT IN HACK Crowns and Ore to Dollars and Cents. Scandinavian Money. 1 Crown >i- Krone ( .NorwcKi-'iii ii"i( 1(1(10 I4(HMMMM) UvS(MHM)0 1960(I(HH) 224(HMMH) 252(MMHM) 1 This par t of this l.>000 2.5000 3.5000 45000 55(H)() 65000 75000 S50()0 95000 tabic \vn t COIIl- 27 40.5(M) 67.5tHI 945(H) 121.5(H) 14S5(H) 1 755(H) 2()2.5(M) 22''5(H) 2565(H) imtcil pri n n r i 1 y 27.0.S 40575 67625 94675 121725 14S775 1 7.5825 202875 229925 256975 \i >r ore ; l)ut it 27.10 40650 677.50 94850 121950 1490.50 176150 20.32.50 230350 2574.50 riiiiy be u scd, for 27. IS 40725 67S75 95025 122175 149325 176475 20.3625 2.10775 25792.5^ 1 .1 r K t r n iiounts. 27.20 40S(M) r>N(HH) 95200 122400 1 t'l6(H) 176800 204(HK) 231200 2584tM) r..r tlieratt SKiviii. 27.50 41250 fvS'SO 96250 1237.50 1512.50 178750 206250 2337.50 2612.50 I hi- s.iinc a s above. 28 42(HH) 7IHHHI 98(HH) 126(MH) 154(MH) 182(HH) 2I(MHH) 2.38(HH) 266(KH) I'VTK TA(l(,(;s IN) KdCSl' 1A)II.1:.H <\:\; Ai>\ (:);i;mi:n I 140 DUTCH MONEY. M U C H the greater part of the foreign ■exchange business of the United States with continental Europe is written either in the money of England, France, Germany or Holland. English exchange is the most im- portant, and London is the financial center of the world. French exchange is next, and Paris ranks second only to London in its great banking institutions, and in the volume of business done. Then comes Berlin in Ger- many, with Hamburg as an important point, and Amsterdam and Rotterdam in Holland. Banks located in either Amsterdam or Rotter- dam have correspondents in the other city, and an account opened at either point gives Dutch 'niportant remittance and checking privileges Money '" ^^'^ other. Exchange on Holland ( often called the Netherlands ) is quoted in much the same way as exchange on France and Germany, with the exception that the rate is always on the basis of the value of a single florin, ( Dutch guilder), but it is expressed in two difl'erent ways: ( 1 ) decimally, as. 40.13, 40.14, 40.15, and so on, and (2) fractionally, as, 40 '/s, 403/l6, and so on. The decimal rates are used mostly for small checks and drafts sold over the counter, sometimes for larger drafts also. The fractional rates are used mostly for bills of exchange and for large transactions between bankers. The fractional rates are supplemented, like the French and German quotations, with plus and minus fractional parts of one per cent; see any of the following pages from 142 to 163. To convert florins into dollars, multiply by the rate, and if there are supplementary frac- tions, add or subtract the amount as indicated. To convert dollars into florins, if there are no supplementary fractions, divide by the rate; if there are supplementary fractions, and if they are plus, subtract the fractional part of one per cent and divide; if they are minus add the fractional part of one per cent and divide. This method of figuring will yield a slight, but only a very slight, error. For instance, as an illustration, take the rate 40 '/l6 - 3/32, on the basis of $1,000. V.^S of 1 per cent = $.9375; added, this makes $1,000.9375 1000.9375 H- .400625 = 2498.4399 According to the table on page 152, $ 1000 at 40 i/l6 - 3/32 equals Fl. 2498.4421, a difference of only .0022 of a Dutch cent on $1000, or less than 1 United States cent on ten thousand dollars. This difference is the maximum error possible; at - 1/32, the error would only be one third of even that small amount. V/hat is true about the figuring of Dutch exchange, in this respect, is equally true of French and German exchange. On German money, the error cannot be greater than about one half a cent on ten thousand dollars, and will usually be less than that; on French money, the error will be about the same as on Dutch money. Write drafts on Dutch banks as illustrated at the heads of the pages following. It is better to use the word, Florins, in the body of the draft and the letters, Fl., with the figures. Some use the word. Guilders, with, G., or, Gld., with the figures, but. Florins, with, Fl., is always better. On commercial drafts and acceptances drawn against Holland merchants or bankers, (Bills of Exchange), there is an internal revenue stamp tax amounting to one twentieth of one per cent, on all paper for more than j three days sight. On bills drawn at three i days sight or less, there is a flat tax of five i Dutch cents regardless of the amount; this ! may be disregarded in exchange computa- tions. Paper money is issued in denominations of 10, 25, 40, 50, 60, 100, 200, 300, 500 and 1000 gulden. Gold is coined in 5 and 10 guilder pieces. Silver coins are the X. /a. 1 and 2y2 guilder pieces, and the 5 and 10 cent pieces. Copper coins are the }:., 1 and 2^4 cent pieces. Gold is coined 900 parts fine. The %, 1 and 2'' .^ guilder silver pieces are 945 parts fine; and the 5, 10 and 25 cent pieces are 640 parts fine. The par value of the florin, or guilder, in United States money, is 40.2 cents. The monetary systems of the Dutch col- onies are the same as that of the mother . country. The market value of the money of I loUand (New York purchasing rates) fluctuates, like the exchange rate, according to the demand and supply, but ranges in the neighborhood of 1 cent per florin below the exchange value. Selling rates are % cent, or more, above purchasing rates. Profit Table for Dutch Money, By .01, .02, Etc. I*]xamplc. — / \. customer wants a draft worth S12()0; the quoted cost rate is 40.32; the profit lic'sirctl is S3.S0. At the ri^ht of the fijiurcs 12(H), it will be seen that an advance in the ! rate of .12 will 5 •ield a profit of $3.58; therefore quote 40.44 (40.32 + .12). For amounts not jsiven here, take a fractional part, like one tenth, or a multiple of some other number. 1 Uulbrs .01 .02 .03 ^»i .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .14 .15 .16 .18 .22 .20 50 1 .01 i .02 .02 .04 .05 .06 .07 .09 .10 .1! .12 .13 .IS .17 .18 .20 100 .05 .07 .10 .12 .15 .17 .20 .22 .25 .27 .30 .35 .37 .40 .45 isi) ISO .04 .07 .11 .15 .19 .22 .26 .30 .34 .37 .41 .45 .52 .56 .60 .67 .75 200 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .60 .70 .75 .80 .90 .99 2S0 .06 .12 .19 .25 .31 .37 .43 .50 .56 .62 .68 .75 .87 .93 .99 1.12 1.24 .^00 .07 .15 .22 .30 .37 .45 .52 .60 .67 .75 .82 .89 1.04 1.11 1.19 1.34 149 41)0 .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .89 .99 1.09 1.19 1.39 1.49 159 179 1.99 500 .12 .25 .37 .50 .62 .75 .87 .99 1.12 1.24 1.36 1.49 1.74 1.86 1.99 2.24 2.49 600 .15 .30 .45 .60 .75 .89 1.04 1.19 1.34 1.49 1.64 1.79 2.09 2.24 2.39 2.68 298 700 .17 .35 .52 .70 .87 1.04 1.22 1.39 1.57 1.74 1.91 2.09 2.43 2.60 2.78 3.13 3.48 NOO .20 .40 .60 .80 .99 1.19 1.39 1.59 1.79 1.99 2.19 2.39 2.78 298 3.18 358 398 900 .22 .45 .67 .89 1.12 1.34 1.57 1.79 201 2.24 2.46 2.68 3.13 3.35 3.58 4.03 4.47 1000 .25 .50 .75 .99 1.24 1.49 1.74 1.99 224 2.49 2.73 2.98 3.48 3.73 3.98 4.47 4.97 1100 .27 .55 .82 1.09 137 1.64 1.91 2.19 2.46 2.73 3.00 3.28 3.83 4.10 4.37 4.92 5.47 1200 .30 .60 .89 1 19 1.49 1.79 2.09 2.38 2.68 2.98 3.28 3.58 417 4.47 4.77 537 5.96 1300 .32 .65 .97 1.29 1.62 1.94 2.26 2.58 2.91 3.23 3.55 3.88 4.52 4.84 5.17 5.81 6.46 1400 .35 .70 1.04 1.39 1.74 2.09 2.44 2.78 3.13 3.48 3.82 4.17 4.87 522 5.S7 6.26 6.96 ISOO .37 .75 1.12 1.49 1.86 2.24 2.61 2.98 3.35 3.73 4.10 4.47 5.22 559 5.96 6.71 7.46 1600 .40 .79 1.19 1.S9 1.99 239 2.78 3.18 3.58 3.98 4.37 477 5.57 5.96 6.36 7.16 7.95 1700 .42 .84 1.27 1.69 2.11 2.53 2.96 3.38 3.80 4.22 4.64 5.07 5.91 6.33 6.76 7.60 8.45 ISOO .45 .89 1.34 1.79 2.24 2.68 313 3.58 4.03 4.47 4.92 5.37 6 26 6.71 7.16 805 8.95 1900 .47 .94 1.42 1.89 2.36 2.83 3.31 3.78 4.25 4.72 5.19 5.67 661 7.08 7.55 S50 9.44 2000 ■SO .99 149 199 2.49 2.98 3.48 3.98 4.47 4.97 5.46 5.96 6.96 7.45 7.95 8.95 994 2200 .55 1.09 1.64 2.19 2.73 3.28 3.83 4.37 4.92 5.47 6.01 6.56 7.65 8.20 8.75 9.84 1093 2400 .60 1 19 1.79 2.39 298 3 58 4.17 477 5.37 5.96 6.56 7.16 8.35 8.94 9.54 1074 1193 2.S00 .62 1.24 1.86 2.49 3.11 3.73 4.35 4.97 5 59 6.21 6.83 7.46 8.70 9 32 9.94 11.18 12.43 3000 , .75 1.49 2.24 2.98 3.73 4.47 5.22 596 6.71 7.46 8.20 8.95 1044 11.18 11.93 13.42 14.91 5000 I 1.24 2.49 3.73 4.97 6.21 7.46 8.70 9.94 11.18 12.43 13.67 14.91 17.40 18.64 19.88 2237 24.85 Kl..rins { ^1 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 1 .10 .11 .12 .14 .15 .16 .18 .20 100 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .14 .15 .16 .18 .20 200 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .22 .24 .28 .30 .32 J6 .40 2.S0 .02 .05 .07 .10 .12 .15 .17 .20 .22 .25 .27 .30 .35 .37 .40 .45 .50 300 .03 .06 .09 .12 .15 .18 .21 .24 .27 .30 .33 .36 .42 .45 .48 .54 .60 400 .04 .08 .12 .16 .20 .24 .28 .32 .36 .40 .44 .48 .56 .60 .64 .72 .80 .SOO .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .60 .70 .75 .80 .90 1.00 600 .06 .12 .18 .24 .30 .36 .42 .48 .54 .60 .66 1 .72 .84 .90 .96 1.08 1.20 700 .07 .14 .21 .28 .35 .42 .49 .56 .63 1 .70 .77 j .84 .98 1.05 1.12 1.26 1.40 730 ' .07 .15 .22 .30 .37 .45 .52 .60 .67 .75 .82 ' .90 1.05 1.12 1.20 135 1.50 .SOO .08 .16 .24 .32 .40 .48 .56 .64 .72 .80 .88 ' .96 1.12 1.20 128 1.44 1.60 9(»0 .09 .18 .27 .36 .45 .54 .63 .72 .81 .90 .99 1.08 1.26 1.35 1.44 1.62 1.80 1000 .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.40 1.50 160 1.80 2.00 1100 .11 .22 .33 .44 .55 .66 .77 .88 .W 1.10 1.21 1.32 1..S4 1.65 1 76 1.98 220 1200 .12 .24 .36 .48 1 .60 .72 .84 .96 1.08 1.20 1.12 144 l.M 1.80 1.92 2.16 2.40 I.SOO .15 .30 .45 .60 .75 .90 1.05 1.20 1.3.S I .SO 1 .65 1 so 2 10 2 25 2.40 2.70 3.(10 2000 .20 .40 .60 .80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.S0 3.00 3.20 3f.O 4.110 2.S00 .25 .50 .75 11)0 1.25 1 .SO 1.75 2.00 2.25 2 .SO 2.75 3.00 3..S0 3.75 4.00 4..S0 5(10 30()0 .30 .60 .W 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.10 2.40 2.70 300 3.30 3.60 4.20 4.50 4.80 5.40 6.00 3.S()0 .35 .70 1.05 1.40 1.75 2 10 245 2.80 3.15 3.50 3 85 4.20 4.90 525 5.60 6.30 7.(J0 4000 .40 .80 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.80 3.20 3.60 4.00 4.40 4.80 5<60 6.00 6.40 7.20 800 4 SOO .45 90 1.35 1.80 2 25 2 70 3.15 3.60 4 05 4 50 4 95 5.40 6.30 6.75 7.20 8.10 900 .SOIIO .•>{) \m I.SO 2.(M) 2.50 3.00 3.S0 4.1)0 4.S0 5.01) 5.50 6.IH) 7.(M) 7.50 800 9()l) 10 III) 60t)0 .60 1 20 I.NO 2.40 3 00 3,60 4 20 4 HO 5.40 6 IM) 6W) 7.20 8.40 9.(H) 960 10..V0 12 (M) 7000 .70 1 40 2.10 2.N0 3.50 4.20 4.90 560 6.V) 7.IMI 7.70 8.40 9S0 10..SO 11 20 12(0 1400 SOOO .NO I 60 2.40 3 20 4.00 480 5 60 6.40 7.20 800 8 SO 9 M) 11 20 I2IMI 12S0 It. 40 16(10 9000 .'») 1 .SI) 2.70 3 60 4 50 5.40 6.30 7 20 8. to <'IM) 9'>0 IDS!) 12 60 13. SO It. to 16 20 IMM) toooo 1 IN) 2IM) MW 4 IM) .S 1)0 6IH) 7IM) .SIK) 9IN) III IN) II IN) i:iN) 14 IN) ISIN) IfilNI ISIN) Jlllll) 1 .SOOO 1 .^0 .VIM) 4. SO 6IM) 750 9.IH) II) .SI) 121)1) 1.1 Si) 15.00 16 SO I.SIN) 21 IN) 22 SO 2t IN) 2MM) .■nil) Dutch Money. Dollars and Cents to Florins (Guilders) and Cents. Money of the Netherlands 1 Florin = lOO Cents. For figuring profits when exchange on Holland is quoted by I/16 , 1/8 , and so on, see directions given on page 4; when quoted by .01 .02 etc., see page 141. Write amounts as | follows; it is better to use the word, Fl orins, than the word, Guilders; avoid odd cents: Two Thousand Three Hundred Ninety One and ^^lioo Florins. (Or Guilders. ) 391/8 100000 25559105 20000 5111821 30000 7667732 40000 10223642 50000 12779553 60000 15335463 70000 S 20 0000 90000 2.3003195 17891374 447284 + 1/64 25555112 5111022 7666534 10222045 12777556 15333067 17888579 20444090 2299960 1 + 1/32 25551121 5110224 7665336 10220448 12775560 15330672 17885784 20440897 22'>96009 + 1/16 ' 25543141 5108628 7662942 10217256 12771570 15325885 17880199 20434513 22988827 + 3/32 ' 25535166 3/32 ■ 25542287 5107033 5108457 7660550 7662686 10214066 10216915 12767583 12771144 15321100 15325372 17874616 17879601 20428133 20433830 22981650 22988058 — _ 5/64 25538293 5107659 7661488 10215317 12769147 15322976 17876805 20430634 22984464 - 1/16 25534300 5106860 7660290 10213720 12767150 15320580 17874010 20427440 22980870 3/64 100000 25530309 20000 5106062 30000 7659093 40000 10212123 50000 12765154 6000 185 70000 8 20 0000 90000 22977278 15318 17871216 424247 _ 1/32 25526318 5105264 7657895 10210527 12763159 15315791 17868423 20421055 22973686 _ 1/64 25522329 5104466 7656699 10208932 12761165 15313398 17865630 20417863 22970096 39 3/16 25518341 5103668 7655502 10207337 12759171 15311005 17862839 20414673 22966507 + 1/64 25514355 5102871 7654306 10205742 12757177 15308613 17860048 20411484 22962919 + 1/32 25510369 5102074 7653111 10204148 12755185 15306222 17857259 20408295 229.59332 + 3/64 25506385 5101277 7651916 10202554 12753193 15303831 17854470 20405108 22955747 + 1/16 25502402 5100480 7650721 10200961 12751201 15301441 17851682 20401922 22952162 + 3/32 332 100000 25494440 25501615 20000 5098888 5100323 30000 7648332 7650484 40000 10197776 10200646 50000 12747220 12750807 6000 664 70000 80000 20395552 20401292 90000 22944996 22951453 15296 17846108 17851130 — 1,5300969 _ 5/64 25497627 5099525 7649288 10199051 12748814 15298576 178483.39 20.W8U)2 22947864 - 1/16 25493641 5098728 7648092 10197456 12746820 15296184 17845548 20.W4912 22944276 _ 3/64 25489655 5097931 7646897 10195862 12744828 15293793 17842759 20391724 22940690 _ 1/32 25485671 5097134 7645701 10194269 12742836 15291403 17839970 20388537 22937104 _ 1/64 25481689 5096338 7644507 10192675 12740844 15289013 17837182 20385351 22933520 39 1/4 25477707 5095541 7643312 10191083 12738854 15286624 17834395 20.382166 22929936 + 1/64 100000 25473727 20000 5094745 30000 40000 10189491 50000 12736863 6000 236 70000 17831609 SOOOO 20378981 90000 22926354 7642118 15284 + 1/32 25469748 5093950 7640924 10187899 12734874 15281849 17828823 20375798 229227-3 + 3/64 ' 25465770 5093154 7639731 10186308 12732885 15279462 17826039 20372616 22919193 + 1/16 25461793 5092359 7638538 10184717 12730897 15277076 17823255 20369435 2291.5614 + 5/64 25457818 5091564 7637345 10183127 12728909 15274691 17820473 20366254 22912036 + 3/32 3/32 25453844 25461072 5090769 5092214 7636153 7638321 10181538 10184429 12726922 12730536 15272306 15276643 17817691 17822750 20363075 20368857 22908460 22914964 — - 5/64 25457090 5091418 7637127 10182836 12728545 15274254 17819963 20365672 22911.381 1/16 100000 25453110 20000 5090622 30000 7635933 40000 10181244 50000 12726555 6000 866 70000 8 2( 0000 90000 22907799 15271 17817177 362488 _ 3/64 25449131 5089826 7634739 10179652 12724566 15269479 17814392 20359305 22904218 - 1/32 25445154 5089031 7633546 10178061 12722577 15267092 17811607 20356123 22900638 - 1/64 25441177 5088235 7632353 10176471 12720589 15264706 17808824 20352942 228970.59 39S/16 25437202 5087440 7631161 10174881 12718601 15262321 17806041 20349762 22893482 + 1/64 25433228 5086646 7629968 1017.3291 12716614 15259937 1780.^260 20346582 228899(15 + 1 .« 25429255 5085851 7628777 10171702 12714628 15257553 17800479 20343404 22886330 + 3 64 25425284 5085057 7627585 10170114 12712642 15255170 17797699 ' 20340227 22882755 This part of 1500 2500 3500 : 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 this tabic- vas 39 1/8 38339 63898 89457 11.5016 140575 166134 191693 217252 242812 computed pri- 39 3/16 38278 63796 89314 114833 140351 165869 191388 216906 242424 inarilvlorc ■nts, 39 1/4 - 1 /16 38240 63734 89228 114721 140215 165709 191202 216696 242190 l)ut it ma} ■ l)c 39 1/4 38217 63694 89172 1146.S0 140127 165605 191083 216561 242038 used for larger 39 I/4 + 1 /I6 38193 63654 89116 114578 140040 165502 190963 216425 241887 amounts, for 39 5/16-1 16 38180 63633 89086 1145.39 139992 165445 190898 216.351 241804 the rates g ven. 39 5/ie 38156 63593 89030 114467 139905 165342 190779 216216 241653 ri\'ii: TM!!.!;: iNTi:ui:sT iMii.i;: iV.V, AliVKirriSKMKNT IN li Al'K Florins (Guilders) and Cents to Dollars and Cents. Dutch Money. Money «.»" Ilollaiul. 1 (".uilcltr lOO CentH. F"or values of coins, see nago 190. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate amounts to 31', cents on al.OOO. Write figures as follows; giving preference to the first two forms : Fl. 4395^1 Fl. 67^1 G. 395^1 Fl. 395 2S_ 100 This part nf this tabic was 39 I s o imputed pri- 39 ■» i6 iiiarilyforcciits, 39 1,4 - ',16 hut it iiiny Ik- 39 I/4 1 used for larger 39 1/4 + I'^l atuounts, for 39 5 ,4- I u tlu- r.Ui-s j;ivcn. 39 S ,4 nvTK TAIll.KS isood 5H6KS 5N7H1 58838 58875 58912 5H932 5H96'» 250(10 97813 97969 980M 98125 98186 9822(1 9S2H1 35000 13693H 137156 137289 137375 137461 137508 13759-4 15000 1 76063 176344 176515 176625 176735 i;(>79f. 1 7(.9()6 55000 65000 215187 254313 215531 254719 215740 254966 215875 255125 2IM110 255284 2160.S4 255372 216219 255531 75000 293438 29390() 294191 294375 29-4559 294659 294 S4 4 S5000 3325M 33309-4 333416 333625 333834 333947 334156 95000 371688 372281 372642 372875 373108 373235 373469 INTKUKsr TAIILKS SKI-: AOVKIITISKIIKNT IN IIM K Dutch Money. Dollars and Cents to Florins (Guilders) and Cents. Money of the Netherlands 1 Florin = 100 Cents. For figuring profits when exchange on Holland is quoted by l/l6, 1/8, and so on, see directions given on page 4; when quote d by .01 .02 etc., see page 141. Write amounts as follows; it is better to use the word, Fl orins, than the word, Guilders; avoid odd cents: Two Thousand Three Hundred Ninety One and -^lioo Florins. (Or Guilders.) + 1/16 100000 25421314 20000 30000 7626394 40000 10168525 50000 12710657 60000 70000 17794920 80000 20337051 90000 22879182 5084263 15252 788 3' ' 16 + 5 m 25417345 5083469 7625203 10166938 12708672 15250407 17792141 20333876 22875610 + 3 '32 25413377 25420657 5082675 5084131 7624013 7626197 10165351 10168263 12706688 12710329 15248026 15252394 17789364 17794460 20330702 20336526 22872039 22878592 - 3/32 -5/64 25416682 5083336 7625005 10166673 12708341 15250009 17791678 20333346 2287.5014 - 1/16 25412708 5082542 7623812 10165083 12706354 15247625 17788896 20330167 22871437 - 3/M 25408736 5081747 7622621 10163494 12704368 15245241 17786115 20326989 22867862 - 1/32 25404764 5080953 7621429 10161906 12702382 15242859 17783335 20323812 22864288 o« , - •'" 100000 25400794 20000 5080159 30000 7620238 40000 10160318 50000 12700397 60000 70000 17780556 80000 20320635 90000 22860715 15240477 39 -Vs 25396825 5079365 7619048 10158730 12698413 15238095 17777778 20317460 22857143 + 1/64 25392858 5078572 7617857 10157143 12696429 15235715 17775000 20314286 22853572 + 1/32 25388891 5077778 7616667 10155557 12694446 15233335 17772224 20311113 22850002 + 3/64 25384926 5076985 7615478 10153970 12692463 15230956 17769448 20307941 22846434 + 1/16 25380962 5076192 7614289 10152385 12690481 15228577 17766674 20304770 22842866 + 5/M 25377000 5075400 7613100 10150800 12688500 15226200 17763900 20301600 22839300 + 3/32 25373038 5074608 7611911 10149215 12686519 15223823 17761127 20298431 22835734 100000 25380371 20000 5076074 30000 7614111 40000 10152148 50000 12690185 60001) 70000 80000 20304297 90000 22842334 - 3/32 15228223 17766260 - 5 64 25376402 5075280 7612921 10150561 12688201 15225841 17763482 20301122 22838762 - 1/16 25372435 5074487 7611730 10148974 12686217 15223461 17760704 20297948 22835191 - 3/64 25368468 5073694 7610540 10147387 12684234 15221081 17757928 20294775 22831621 - 1/32 25364503 5072901 7609351 10145801 12682252 15218702 17755152 20291603 22828053 , , ~ ''M 25360539 5072108 7608162 10144216 12680270 15216324 17752378 20288432 228244S5 39Vi6 25356577 5071315 7606973 10142631 12678288 15213946 17749604 20285261 22820919 + 1/64 25352616 5070523 7605785 10141046 12676308 15211569 17746831 20282092 22817354 + 1/32 100000 25348655 20000 30000 7604597 40000 10139462 50000 12674328 60000 15209193 70000 17744059 80000 20278924 90000 22813790 5069731 + 3/64 25344697 5068939 7603409 10137879 12672348 15206818 177412K8 20275757 22810227 + 1/16 25340739 5068148 7602222 10136296 12670369 15204443 17738517 20272591 22806665 + 5/64 25336783 5067357 7601035 10134713 12668391 15202070 17735748 20269426 22803104 + 3/32 25332827 5066565 7599848 10133131 12666414 15199696 17732979 20266262 22799545 - 3/32 25340212 5068042 7602064 101360K5 12670106 15204127 17738148 20272170 228061')] - 5/64 25336250 5067250 7600875 10134500 12668125 15201750 17735375 20269000 22,S(l26;5 - 1/16 25332288 5066458 7599687 101.32915 12666144 15199373 17732602 20265831 2279'MI(.0 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 - 3/64 25328328 5065666 7598499 10131331 12664164 15196997 17729830 20262663 22795495 - 1/32 25324370 5064874 7597311 10129748 12662185 15194622 17727059 20259496 22791933 „v , - ' M 25320412 5064082 7596124 10128165 12660206 15192247 17724288 20256330 22788371 391/2 25316456 5063291 7594937 10126582 12658228 15189873 17721519 20253165 227S4S10 + 1/64 25312501 5062500 7593750 10125000 12656250 15187500 17718750 20250000 22781251 + 1/32 25308547 5061709 7592564 10123419 12654273 15185128 17715983 20246837 227776';2 + 3 64 25304594 5060919 7591378 101218.38 12652297 15182757 17713216 20243675 22774135 + '/16 25300643 5060129 7590193 10120257 12650321 15180386 17710450 20240514 22770.^79 Tliis ])art of 1500 2500 3500 4.S00 5500 6500 7500 8500 j 95(t0 1 this table was 39 3/8 - 1 /16 38119 63532 88944 114357 139770 165183 190595 216008 241421 computeii Jiri- 39 3/8 38095 63492 88889 114286 139683 165079 190476 215873 241269 marilylorcents, 39 '/i6- 1 /16 38059 63431 88804 114176 139548 j 164921 190293 215666 241038 j but it may be 39 7/i6 38035 63391 88748 114105 139461 164818 190174 21.5531 240887 used for larjjer 39 1/2 - 1 16 37998 63331 88663 113995 139328 164660 189992 215324 240657 amounts, for 39 1 '2 37975 63291 88608 11.3924 1.39241 164557 189873 215190 240506 the rates given. 39 I/2 + 1 '16 37951 63252 88552 113853 139153 164454 189755 21.5055 240356 ii\ii: ■I'Mii.i:: I.NTKKKST 'lAHl.i;: aii\ki! in mack 1' orins (Guilders) and Cents to Dollars and Cents. Dutch Money. Moiic > <.l" Holland. 1 C.uilder lOO Ciiit.M. F or values of coins, see page 190. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate 1 amounts to 31'/, cents on Si, 000. Write figures as follows; giving preference to 1 ,r . £ . • ^ / 1 tiie 111 SI IWU Kiriiib . r 25 100 Fl. 4395^1 Fl.67^A G.395'J> 1 Fl. 395 + ',16 11 200000 7S67414 300000 11801121 400000 15734828 500000 19M)8535 600000 2.1602242 700000 ' 275.15949 sooooo 900000 35403363 314696.56 39 5 •* + 5/M 1 3934321 7N(>8643 11802964 15737285 19671606 21605928 27540249 31474570 35408892 + 3/32 3934936 7869871 11804807 157.39742 19674678 23609613 27.544549 31479484 3.5414420 3 32 3933809 7867617 11801426 15735234 19669043 23602852 27536660 , 31470469 35404277 -S/M 3934424 7868848 11803271 15737695 19672119 23606543 27540967 1 31475391 1 .15409814 - 1 1* 3935039 7870078 118051 17 15740156 19675195 23610234 2754.5273 31480312 ' 35415352 -3,M 3935654 7871309 118(16963 15742617 19678272 23613926 27549580 1 31485234 , 35420889 - '/32 3936270 7872539 11808S09 15745078 19681348 2.1617617 ' 2755.1887 31490156 35426426 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000 - '/M 3936885 7873770 11810654 15747539 19684424 23621309 27.558193 31495078 .1.5431963 39 ^/8 1 3937500 7875000 11812500 15750000 19687500 23625000 27.562500 31.5000(10 35437500 + iM 3938115 7876230 11814.146 15752461 19690576 23628691 27.566807 31504922 35441037 + ',32 3938730 7877461 11816191 15754922 19693652 23632383 27571113 31509844 35448574 + 3/64 3939346 7878691 11818037 15757383 19696729 23636074 27575420 31514766 35454111 + 1/16 3939961 7879922 11819883 15759844 19699805 23639766 27579727 31519688 35459648 + S,'M 3940576 7881152 11821729 15762305 19702881 2364.1457 27.584013 31.524609 35465186 + 3,32 3941191 7882383 1 1823574 15764766 19705957 23647148 27.588340 31529531 35470723 100000 3940053 200000 7880105 300000 11820158 400000 157602U 500000 19700264 600000 2.1640316 700000 27580369 800000 31520422 900000 35460475 - 3/32 -5/64 39406<.9 7881338 118220U7 15762676 19703345 2.1644014 27584683 31525.1.52 35466021 - '/16 3941285 7882570 1 182.1855 15765141 19706426 23647711 27588996 31.5.^0281 35471566 -3/64 3941901 7883803 11825704 15767605 19709507 23651408 27593310 31535211 35477112 - '-32 3942518 7885035 11827553 15770070 19712588 2.1655105 27.597623 31.540141 35482658 - 1 64 3943134 7886268 11829401 15772535 19715669 2365!*03 27601937 31545070 35488204 397/,^ ...... 3943750 7887500 118312.50 15775000 19718750 23662500 27606250 31550(1(10 3.54937.S0 + ' M 3944366 7888732 11833099 15777465 19721831 23666197 27610563 315.549.10 35499296 + '32 I 00000 39449S2 200000 7889965 300000 11834947 400000 15779930 500000 19724912 600000 2.1669895 700000 77 800000 31.5.S98.59 900000 15504842 276148 + 3/64 3945599 7891197 11836796 15782.395 19727993 23671592 27619190 31.5647N9 .15510388 + >, 16 3946215 78924.^0 118.18645 15784859 19731074 2367 72S9 27623504 31,^69719 35515934 ^ 5 m 3946831 7893662 11840493 15787324 19734155 23()80986 27627817 31574648 35521479 • ■' U .VM7447 3>M6297 7894895 7892594 11842342 11838891 15789789 15785188 19737236 19731484 23684684 21677781 27632131 27624078 31579578 31570375 35527025 35516672 - * M - 5m 3946914 7893828 11840742 15787656 19734570 2.1681484 27628398 3157.5312 35.522227 - ' 16 3947531 7895063 11842594 15790125 19737656 2.1<*5188 27632719 31.5802.50 35.527781 I 00000 200000 300000 100000 500000 600000 700000 SOOOOO 900000 - 3,64 3948148 7896297 11844445 1 15792594 19740742 23688891 276370.19 31.585188 3553.1336 - '32 3948766 7897531 11846297 1579.S0A3 19743828 23692594 276413.59 31.590125 35.5.18891 - «,64 3949383 7898766 11848148 15797.531 19746914 23696297 27645680 3I.595(l(-2 3.5.544445 39 V2 3950000 7900000 11850000 15800000 19750000 23700000 27650000 316000(0 35550000 + '/64 39S0617 79012.U 118S18.S2 1.5802469 197.5.3086 23703703 27654320 31604918 35555.555 + >/32 3951234 7902469 118.53703 l.=;8(M9.18 197.56172 23707406 27658641 31609875 .15-561109 + 3/64 39518.S2 7903703 1 15807406 197.592.58 237111(19 276<.2961 31614812 j 35566664 + 1 16 3952469 79U49;,S I1H571I)6 Lwiosrs l'l7(,2.1ll 21714813 27667 81 31M97.50 ' .15572219 Ihis part of ' '•''""" -■''""" ■'■^""" '■''""" •''■''""" '^^'""' i-""""" !^'""' -^-*'*' tills t.iMc was 393 s - l;i6 T9026 98376 137726,177077 216427 2.55778 295128 .3.14478 37.1829 lomputiil pri- 39 3 s 59063 984.18 137813 177188 216.563 25.59.18 29.5313 .3.14688 374063 niarilylorcciils, 39 7 16- ',16 .59119 985.12 137945 177.^.58 216771 I 256184 29.5.596 3.15009 374422 l)iit it iiiav be 39 •/l6 1' 59156 I 98.594 1.38031 I 177469 1 216906 2.56344 ' 295781 335219 I 374656 uscl for larger 39 1 2 - ' 16 59213 ' 98688 1.18164 1776,19 [ 217114 2.56589 29WK.S | 335.540 375015 amounts, for 39 11 592.50 987.50 1.18250 I 1777.50 2172.50 2.567.=0 296250 | 335750 37S2S0 ilic r.itis jjivin. 39 I 2 f I 16 59287 9S8I2 1.VS1.16 177861 217386 2.5(.910 29(,4.i5 3.1S';t.0 1 3754K5 I'ATK TMll.IvS INTKUK.-4T TVlll,l:.S .SKK .M>VK11TISKM KNT IN II \i K o|- llooK Dutch Money. Dollars and Cents to Florins (Guilders) and Cents. Money of For tiguring profits the Netherlands 1 Florin = lOO Cents. when exchange on Holland is quoted by I/I6, 1/8, and so on, see directions given on page 4; when quote d by .01 .02 etc., see page 141. Write amounts as follows; it is better to use the word, Fl orins, than the word, Guilders; avoid odd cents: Two Thousand Three Hundred Ninety One and ^"/loo Florins. (Or Guilders.) '.9 1 , ^' ^ <•' 100000 25296693 20000 5059339 30000 7589008 40000 10118677 50000 12648346 60000 70000 17707685 SOOOO 20237354 90000 22767023 15178016 25292744 5058549 7587823 10117097 12646372 15175646 17704921 20234195 22763469 - 3 32 25300180 5060036 7590054 10120072 12650090 15180108 17710126 20240144 22770162 - 5,64 25296224 5059245 7588867 10118490 12648112 15177734 17707357 20236979 22766602 - ' 16 25292269 5058454 7587681 10116908 12646134 15175361 17704588 20233815 22763042 -3,64 25288315 5057663 7586495 10U5326 12644158 15172989 17701821 20230652 22759484 - '32 25284363 5056873 7585309 10113745 12642181 15170618 17699054 20227490 22755926 - '64 25280411 5056082 7584123 10112165 12640206 15168247 17696288 20224329 22752370 39 "/le 100000 25276461 20000 5055292 30000 40000 10110585 50000 12638231 60000 70000 17693523 80000 20221169 90000 22748815 7582938 15165877 + '64 25272512 5054502 7581754 10109005 12636256 15163507 17690759 20218010 22745261 + ','32 25268565 5053713 7580569 10107426 12634282 15161139 17687995 20214852 22741708 + 3,64 25264619 5052924 7579386 10105847 12632309 15158771 17685233 20211695 22738157 + ' 16 25260673 5052135 7578202 10104269 12630337 15156404 17682471 20208539 22734606 + 5,64 25256729 5051346 7577019 10102692 12628365 151540,« 17679711 20205384 22731057 + 3,32 25252787 25260275 5050557 5052055 7575836 7578082 10101115 10104110 12626393 12630137 15151672 15156165 17676951 17682192 20202229 20208220 22727508 22734247 - 3 32 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 - 5/64 25256325 5051265 7576897 10102530 12628162 15153795 17679427 20205060 22730692 - '/16 25252376 5050475 7575713 10100950 12626188 15151425 17676663 20201901 22727138 - 3/64 25248428 5049686 7574528 10099371 12624214 15149057 1767.3900 20198743 22723585 - 1/32 25244482 5048896 7573345 10097793 12622241 15146689 17671137 20195586 22720034 - 1 64 25240537 5048107 7572161 10096215 12620268 15144322 17668376 20192430 22716483 395/8 25236593 5047319 7570978 10094637 12618297 15141956 17665615 20189274 22712934 + '/m 25232650 5046530 7569795 10093060 12616325 15139590 17662855 20186120 22;09.W5 + 1/32 25228709 5045742 7568613 10091484 12614355 15137225 17660096 20182967 22705838 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 + 3/64 25224769 5044954 7567431 10089908 12612384 15134861 17657338 20179815 22702292 + 1/16 25220830 5044166 7566249 10088332 12610415 15132498 17654581 20176664 22698747 + 5/64 25216892 5043378 7565068 10086757 12608446 15130135 17651825 2017.3514 22695203 + 3, 32 25212956 25220495 5042591 5044099 7563887 7566148 10085182 10088198 12606478 12610247 15127774 15132297 17649069 17654346 20170365 20176396 22691660 22698445 - 3/32 - 5/64 25216551 5043310 7564965 10086620 12608275 15129930 17651586 20173241 22694896 - ',16 25212608 5042522 75637H2 10085043 12606304 15127565 17648826 20170087 22691347 - 3/64 25208667 5041733 7562600 10083467 12604333 15125200 17646067 20166934 22687800 i 100000 20000 5040945 30000 40000 10081891 50000 12602363 60000 15122836 70000 17643309 80000 20163782 90000 22684254 - 1/32 ' 25204727 7561418 - 1/6, 25200788 5040158 7560236 10080315 12600.394 15120473 17640552 201606.30 22r>80709 39 "/16 25196850 5039370 7559055 10078740 12598425 15118110 17637795 20157480 22677165 + 1/64 25192914 5038583 7557874 10077166 12596457 15115748 17635040 20154331 22673623 + 1/32 25188979 5037796 7556694 10075592 12594489 15113387 17632285 20151183 22670IIS1 + 3,/64 ] 25185045 5037009 7555513 10074018 12592522 15111027 17629.531 20148036 22666.^^l) + 1/16 25181112 5036222 7554334 10072445 12590556 15108667 17626779 20144890 22(.6.i(l(.l + 5 ^4 25177181 5035436 7553154 10070872 12588590 15106308 17624026 20141745 2265')463 This part of this tabic was 39 9/l6- ' 1500 2500 3500 4.500 5.500 6500 7500 8500 9500 /16 37938 63231 88523 11.3815 139107 164400 189692 214984 240277 coinputcd pri- 39 9/l« 37915 63191 88468 113744 139021 164297 189573 214850 240126 inarilyforcciits, 39 5,'g - 1 /16 37879 63131 88383 113636 138888 j 164140 189393 1 214645 239897 but it may be 39 S/g 37855 63091 88328 113.565 1.38801 164038 189274 214511 239748 used for larger 3911/]6- 1 /I6 37819 63032 88244 113457 138669 163882 189095 214307 239520 amounts, for 39"/l6 37795 62992 88189 11.3.386 1. 38.583 163780 188976 214173 2,39370 the rates Riven. 391' 16+ 1 16 37772 62953 881.34 113315 ' 1.58496 ' 163677 ' 1888.58 ' 2140.39 1 2.W220 1 IN i'i:iti;.sT TAiii.K.s si.K .\ii\ i'.ktisi:mi;nt in hack Florins (Guilders) and Cents to Dollars and Cents. Dutch Money. Mom y «1" IlollaiKl. 1 Cuildcr ^ lOO Cents. 1 For values of coins, see najie 190. A fluctuation amounts to 31'.,' cents on $1,000. Write tigures as the tirst two forms: of 1-32 per cent in the rate follows; giving preference to 25 lUO Fl. 4395^0 FL67^1 G. 395^1 FL 395 ^-^ :':; 10(1000 .V*52541 3953159 200000 7906172 7907406 7905082 7906318 300000 1 400000 11S.592.S8 i 1.5812344 11861109 15814813 11857623 158101M 11859478 j 15812637 500000 19765430 197f>K516 19762705 19765796 600000 23718516 23722219 2371.S246 23718955 700000 27671602 27675922 27667787 27672114 800000 900000 3.S5777>3 3.5583328 35572869 35578433 3l62471HS1 793W8() 7941221 7942461 7943701 1190'W71 ll')11831 119|.V,91 1191.55.S2 1587'W61 1.SS82441 1.58,84922 1.5887402 19849951 1985.1052 19S.S6152 19859253 238122 31764K83 31769844 31774M)5 3572l this t; was 39 '' |6- 1 e illipiUlcl pri- 39 » 16 iii.irilvlorccnts, 39 5 )j - 1 lb 16 15000 25000 35000 45000 55000 1 65000 59307 98S44 138382 177920 217458 2569«;6 59344 98')06 13S469 17S031 217594 257156 594(M) 990(X) 1 138601 1 178201 217801 257402 75000 85000 2965.13 33()071 296719 .136281 297002 ' .336602 95000 375609 37.5844 376202 I'ut it may be 39 5 (, i.^.tl for larger 39" i6- ' .iiiK.iiiUs. for 3911 ,4 the rates Kivin. 3911 m 1 16 16 59438 ' 99063 ' 1.38688 1 178313 217938 257.563 59494 99157 1.18819 1781S2 218145 257808 59531 9'>219 13S906 178594 21S281 257969 59.568 99281 13899.1 KsroS 218418 258130 297188 ; 3.16H13 2<^7470 1 337133 2<>76.S6 337344 297S42 .1375.S5 3764.18 376796 377031 377267 i>.\ri-: lAui.K.s 1 vlil.K.S .SKK A H W.ll I l.-iKM K.NT IN ll.Vl K 148 Dutch Money. Dollars and Cents to Florins (Guilders) and Cents. Money of the Netherlands 1 Florin = 100 Cents. Money of the Netherlands, page 140. For figuring profits when exchange is quoted by Vl6, 1/8, etc., see page 4; when quoted by .01 .02 etc., see page 141. V/rite amounts as | follows; it is better to use the word, Fl orins, than the word. Guilders; avoid odd cents: Two Thousand Three Hundred Ninety One and ^"/joo Florins. (Or Guilders.) 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 9000 39M ,6 + 3 32 25173250 5034650 7.551975 10069300 12586625 15103950 17621275 20138600 22655925 39.70 25188917 5037783 7556675 10075567 12594458 1511.3350 17632242 20151134 22670025 39.71 25182574 5036515 7554772 10073029 12591287 15109544 17627802 20146059 22664316 Dollars 39.72 25176234 5035247 7552870 10070493 12588117 15105740 17623364 20140987 22658610 to Florins 39.73 25169897 5033979 7550969 10067959 12584948 15101938 17618928 20135917 22652907 39.74 2516.3563 25180840 5032713 5036168 7549069 7554252 10065425 10072336 12.S81782 12590420 150981.38 15108504 17614494 17626588 20130850 20144672 22647207 22662756 - 3 '32 -5/64 25176902 5035380 7553071 10070761 12588451 15106141 17623831 20141522 22659212 - 1/16 100000 25172966 20000 5034593 30000 40000 10069186 50000 12586483 60000 15103779 70000 17621076 80000 20138373 90000 22655669 39v; 7551890 - 3/54 25169031 5033806 7550709 10067612 12584515 15101418 17618321 20135225 22652128 - 1/32 25165097 5033019 7549529 10066039 12582548 15099058 17615568 20132077 22648587 - 1/64 25161164 5032233 7548349 10064466 12580582 15096698 17612815 20128931 22645048 39 3/4 25157233 5031447 7547170 10062893 12578616 15094340 17610063 20125786 22641.509 + 1/64 25153303 5030661 7545991 10061321 12576651 15091982 17607312 20122642 22637972 + 1/32 25149374 5029875 7544812 10059749 12574687 15089624 17604561 20119499 22634436 -T-3/6, 25145446 5029089 7543634 10058178 12572723 15087267 17601812 20116357 22630901 + 1/16 100000 25141519 20000 30000 7542456 40000 10056608 50000 12570760 60000 15084912 70000 17599064 80000 20113215 90000 22627367 5028304 + 3/64 25137594 5027519 7541278 10055038 12568797 15082556 17596316 20110075 22623835 -T- 3/32 251.3.3670 5026734 7540101 10053468 12566835 15080202 17.593569 20106936 22620303 39.76 25150905 5030181 7545272 10060362 12575453 15090543 17605634 20120724 22635815 39.77 25144.S81 5028916 7543374 10057833 12572291 15086749 17601207 20115665 22630123 39.78 251.38260 5027652 7541478 10055304 12569130 15082956 17596782 20110608 22624434 39.79 25131943 5026389 7539583 10052777 12565971 15079166 17592360 20105554 2261874S 39.80 25125628 5025126 7537688 10050251 12562814 15075377 17587940 20100503 22613065 39.81 100000 25119317 20000 30000 7535795 40000 10047727 50000 125.59658 60000 15071590 70000 17583522 80000 20095453 90000 226073S5 5023863 - 3/32 25141309 5028262 7542393 10056524 12570655 15084786 17598917 20113048 22627178 - 5/64 25137378 5027476 7541213 10054951 12568689 15082427 17596165 20109902 22623640 - 1/16 25133448 5026690 7540034 10053379 12566724 15080069 17593413 20106758 22620103 - 3/64 25129519 5025904 7538856 10051808 125647.59 15077711 17590663 2010.3615 22616567 - 1/32 25125591 5025118 7537677 10050236 12562796 15075355 17587914 20100473 22613032 - 1/64 25121665 5024333 7536499 10048666 12560S32 15072999 17585165 20097332 226094<18 3913/16 25117739 5023548 7535322 10047096 12558870 15070644 17582418 20094192 22605965 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 + 1/64 25113815 5022763 7534145 10045526 12556908 15068289 17579671 20091052 22602434 + 1/32 25109893 5021979 7532968 10043957 12554946 15065936 17576925 200S7914 22598903 + 3/64 25105971 5021194 7531791 100423S8 12552986 15063583 175741SO 200S4777 22.=;95374 + 1/16 25102051 5020410 7530615 10040820 12551025 15061230 17571435 20081640 22591846 + 5/64 25098131 5019626 7529439 10039253 12549066 15058879 17568692 20078505 22588318 • 3/32 2.5094214 5018843 7528264 10037685 12.547107 15056528 17565950 20075371 22584792 3V.82 ' 25ii.'!nn9 5022602 7533903 10045203 12556504 1.5067805 17579106 20090407 22601708 39.83 2.S10ft7()3 5021341 75.32011 10042681 125.533.52 15064022 17574692 20085363 22.59(,033 This part of this table was 39.70 1500 2.S0O 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 37783 62972 88161 113.350 1385.39 163728 1,SS917 214106 239295 computed pri- 39 3/4 - I/16 37759 62932 88105 11.3278 138451 163624 188797 21.3970 2.39 H3 m.-irilyforccnts, 39 3/4 37736 62893 88050 113208 138365 163522 188679 21.3837 238994 but it m;iy be 39 3/4 -f I/u 37712 62854 87995 113137 138278 163420 188.561 213703 238844 used for larj^er 39.80 37688 62814 87940 113065 1.38191 163316 18S442 213.568 238693 amounts, for 3913'i6- I/16 37700 62834 87967 113101 138234 16.V367 18S.501 213634 2387h.S tile rates K'Ven. 3913 if, 37677 62794 87912 113030 138148 163265 188383 2I3.S01 2.38619 DATK TAI'.l.i:: INIl:iti:ST TAlil.KS SKH .\I)Vi:iiTISi;MKNT IS D.VCK i Florins (Guilders) and Cents to Dollars and Cents. Dutch Money. .Mom y ..f H.. laiKl. i <;uiUKi- 100 Cents. F""or values of coins, sec n 31', cents on $ forms : age 190. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate Minounts to llio first two 1,000. Write lifjures as follows; giving preference to IL 100 FI.439S^l> 77. 67^1 G. 395^1 Fl. 395 100000 200000 300000 100000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000 3911 1^ + 3.,, 3972471 7944941 11917412 15889883 19862354 23834824 27807295 317797W> 357522.36 39.70 3970000 7940000 11910000 15880000 I'WSOOOO 23820000 27790000 31760()(i() 35730000 39.71 .3971000 7942000 11913000 15884000 198.5.5000 23826000 277970(10 3176X000 357390(K) 39.72 3972000 7944000 11916000 15888000 19860000 23832000 27804000 317760SH 2,;ss6(}oo 2.VS65105 27867000 27842623 31848000 31820141 35829000 35897658 - 3 J2 - 5/M 3978140 79.56279 11934419 1.59125.V) 1>)S>)(I(,')S 2.iSf.,S838 27846978 31825117 35803257 - ' 16 3978762 7957523 11936285 15915047 1<(\'»3S(I<» 2>S72570 27851.W2 31830094 35808855 - 3/64 3979384 79.58768 11938151 15917.535 V)\'ll,')\'l :^sr6.303 2785.5687 3183.5070 3.5814454 - '32 3980006 79f>0012 1194(M)18 1.592(M)23 I'Oiiniij'i : %ssoo35 27860041 3184(K(47 35820053 -,..., -'" 3980628 7961256 11941884 1.VJ22512 I'CIII.U HI J ;ss3768 27864396 3184.5023 35825651 .V)'Vi(, 39812.S0 7962500 11943750 1.5925000 |9')( 16250 2,issr5(l0 27S6S750 318.5(H)00 3.>83 12.50 100000 200000 300000 tooooo 5000(1(1 (>(I0000 700000 SOOOOO 9(10000 + '/64 3981872 7963744 11945616 15927488 19'A)'J360 2.W91232 27873 1(H 318.54977 3.5836849 + '/j2 3982494 7964988 11947482 1.5929<;77 1W12471 23894965 278774.59 3185313 l.V«U8 178763 218488 258213 2979.W iiltM 377.389 i irily forcciits, 39 34 59625 99375 139125 178875 218625 258375 298125 .137875 377625 It it in.iv l)c 39 34 + ' 16 59662 9'>437 139212 178987 218762 258.536 298311 .3381(86 377861 -.,1 for la'r;:cr 39.80 59700 9951K) 1.VJ300 179100 2189(H) 2.58700 298.500 3,\8.«H) 378100 iMDUiits. fi>r 3913 14- 1 16 59681 9'M69 139257 179014 218832 2.58620 29N407 3.38195 377982 !>■ r.'itcs nivcii. 3913 ,» 59719 99.531 1.VJ344 1791.56 218969 258781 298.594 3.38406 378219 HATK TVOI.K.S 1 \ CCltKST rviii.i: . )■ l.N ll.MK Dutch Money. Dollars and Cents to Florins (Guilders) and Cents. Money of the Netherlands. 1 Florin = lOO Cents. Money of the Netherlands, page 140. For figuring profits when exchange is quoted by l/l6, 1/8, etc., see page 4; when quoted by .01 .02 etc., see page 141. Write amounts as follows; it is better to use the word. Florins, than the word. Guilders; avoid odd cents: Two Thousand Three Hundred Ninety One and -"hoo Florins. (Or Guilders.) 39.84 39.85 39.86 39.87 100000 25100402 25094103 250H7S07 25US1515 25101903 25097978 25094054 25090131 20000 30000 40000 10040161 10037641 10035123 10032606 10040761 10039191 10037621 10036052 50000 12550201 12.547051 12543904 12540757 125,50951 12548989 12547027 12545065 60000 70000 17570281 17565872 17.561465 17557060 17571332 17568584 17565838 17563092 80000 90000 22590361 225846')3 22579027 22573363 22591713 225881f;0 22584648 22581118 5020080 5018821 5017561 5016303 7530120 7528231 7526342 7524454 15060241 15056462 15052684 15048909 20080321 20075282 ' 20070246 20065212 - 3/32 - 5/64 - 1/16 -3/64 5020381 5019596 5018811 5018026 7530571 7529393 7528216 7527039 15061142 15058787 15056432 15054079 20081522 20078.382 20075243 20072105 - 1/32 + 1/64 100000 25086209 25082289 25078370 25074452 20000 30000 7525863 7524687 7523511 7522336 40000 10034484 10032916 10031348 10029781 50000 12543105 12541145 12539185 12537226 60000 15051726 15049373 15047022 15044671 70000 17560347 17557602 17554859 17552116 80000 90000 22577588 22574060 22570533 22567007 5017242 5016458 5015674 5014890 20068968 20065831 20062696 20059562 + 1/32 + 3/64 + 1/16 + S/64 25070535 25066620 25062706 25058793 5014107 5013324 5012541 5011759 7521161 7519986 7518812 7517638 10028214 10026648 10025082 10023517 12535268 12533310 12531353 12529396 15042321 15039972 15037623 15035276 17549375 17546634 17543894 17541155 20056428 20053296 20050165 20047034 22563482 22559958 22556435 22552913 + 3 32 100000 25054881 25075226 25068940 25062657 20000 5010976 5015045 5013788 5012531 30000 40000 10021952 10030090 10027576 10025063 50000 12527440 12537613 12534470 12531328 60000 15032929 15045135 15041364 15037594 70000 17538417 17552658 17548258 17543860 80000 20043905 20060181 20055152 20050125 90000 22549393 22567704 22562046 22556391 7516464 39.88 39.89 39.90 7522568 7520682 7518797 39.91 39.92 39.93 25056377 25050100 25043827 25062620 5011275 5010020 5008765 5012524 7516913 7515030 7513148 7518786 10022551 1002(1040 10017531 10025048 12528188 12525050 12521913 12531310 15033826 15030060 15026296 15037572 17539464 17535070 17530679 17543834 20045101 20040080 20035061 20050096 22550739 225450^0 225.39444 22556558 - 3/33 - 5/64 - 1/16 - 3/64 - 1/32 100000 25058701 25054783 25050867 25046951 20000 30000 40000 10023480 10021913 10020347 10018780 50000 12529350 12.527.391 12525433 12523475 60000 70000 1 754 i 090 17538348 17535607 17532866 89000 20046961 20043826 20040693 20037561 90000 22552831 22549305 22545780 22542256 5011740 5010957 51)10173 5009390 7517610 7516435 7515260 7514085 15035220 15032870 15030520 15028170 - 1/64 39J-VI6 + 1/64 + 1 '32 25043037 25039124 25035212 25031301 5008607 5007825 5007042 5006260 7512911 7511737 7510564 7509390 10017215 10015649 10014085 10012521 12521518 12519562 12517606 12515651 15025822 15023474 15021127 15018781 17530126 175273S7 17524648 17521911 20034429 20031299 20O2817O 20025041 225.38733 22535211 22.531691 22528171 + 3/64 + 1/16 + 5/64 + 3/32 100000 25027392 25023484 25019577 25015671 20000 5005478 5004697 51)03915 5003134 5007511 5006258 5005005 5003753 30000 7508218 7507045 7505873 7504701 7511267 7509387 7507508 7505629 40000 10010957 10009394 10007831 10006269 10015023 10012516 10010010 10007506 50000 12513696 12511742 12509789 12507836 12518778 12515645 12512513 12509382 60000 70000 17519174 17516439 17513704 17510970 17526289 17521902 17517518 17513135 80000 20021914 20018787 20015662 20012537 20030045 20025031 20020020 2001.5011 90000 22524653 22.521136 22517619 22514104 22533801 22528160 22522523 22516S!-:8 15016435 15014090 15011746 15009403 39.94 39.95 39.96 39.97 25037556 25031289 25025025 25018764 15022534 15018773 1501.S015 15011258 This part of this table was 39.85 computed pri- 39 7/s - l/i6 marilvforcents, 39 ' 8 1500 2500 3500 4.S00 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 37641 37641 37618 62735 62735 62696 87829 87829 87774 112923 112923 112853 138018 138017 137931 163112 163111 163009 188206 188205 188088 213300 213299 213166 23K394 238393 238245 but it may be 39.90 used for larger 391S/|6- l/i6 amounts, for 3915/i6 the rates {;ivcn. 39.95 37594 37582 375.59 37547 62657 62637 62598 62578 ' 87719 87692 87637 87610 112782 112747 112676 112641 137845 137801 137715 137672 162907 162856 162754 162703 187970 187911 187793 1877.35 21.30.33 212966 2128.V3 212766 238095 238020 237872 237797 h\ii: iMii.i;; 1NTK1U:ST TABLES Si;ii ADVKKTISK.M i: IN HACK Klorins (Guilders) and Cents to Dollars and Cents. Dutch Money, .Moiiiy of II For values of coins, see :i mounts to 31 'i cents on ilio first two forms: loo Cints. Mfie 190. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate jl.OOO. Write figures as follows; giving preference to Fl. 4395^1' FL67?l G. 395-1 Fl. 395 2S 100 Dutch Money. Dollars and Cents to Florins (Guilders) and Cents. Money of the Netherlands 1 Florin = lOO Cents. Money of the Ncthe riands, page 140. For figuring profits when exchange is quoted by 1/16. 1/8, etc., see pa^ e 4; when quoted by .01 .02 etc., see page 141. Write amounts as | follows; it is better to use the word, Fl orins, than the word. Guilders; avoid odd cents: Two Til oiisand Three Hundred Ninety One and ^'^lioo Florins. (Or Guilders.) 39.98 100300 25U12506 2 5 }000 30000 40000 10005003 50000 12506253 6000 504 70000 80000 20010U05 9i)000 22511256 302501 7503752 15007 17508754 39.99 25006252 32 25023459 5001250 5004692 7501875 7507038 10002501 10009384 12503126 125117.30 15003751 15014076 17504376 17516422 20005001 20018768 22505626 22521114 _ 3 _ 5 M 25019547 5003909 7505864 10007819 12509773 15011728 17513683 20015637 22517592 _ 1 /i6 25015635 5003127 7504690 10006254 12507817 15009381 17510944 200I250S 22514071 - 3 !m 25011724 5002345 7503517 10004690 12505862 15007035 175U.S2l(7 2(I0(W379 22510552 — 1 32 ; /3UU/813 5001563 7502344 10003126 12503907 15004689 17505470 21)1106252 22507U33 _ 1 64 25003907 5000781 7501172 10001563 12501953 15002344 17502735 20003125 22503516 40 100000 25000000 2 5 }000 30000 7500000 40000 10000000 50000 12500000 6000 000 70000 8 21 0000 90000 22500000 100000 15000 17500000 101)000 + 1 64 24996094 4999219 7498828 9998438 12498047 14997657 17497266 l4 40.08 24950100 4990020 7485030 9980040 12475050 14970060 17465070 I996()0S0 2245.5090 40.09 24943876 4988775 7483163 9977551 12471938 14966326 17460713 1W55101 22449489 40.10 24937656 4987531 7481297 9975062 12468828 14962594 17456359 199.50125 22443890 40. 1 1 249.M439 4986288 7479432 9972575 12465719 14958863 17452007 19945151 22438295 40.12 24925224 4985045 7477.567 9970090 12462612 14955135 17447657 19940179 22432702 This part of 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 S500 9500 this table w as 40 - 1 16 37523 62539 87555 112570 137586 162602 187617 212633 237648 computed ori- 40 + 1 16 37477 62461 87445 112430 137414 162399 187383 212,367 237352 marilyfDrcents, 40.05 37453 62422 87391 112360 137328 162297 187266 212235 237203 but it may l>c 40 1/16- • /16 37465 62442 87418 112395 137371 162348 187325 212301 237278 used for lar};er 40 l/i6 37442 62403 87363 112324 137285 162246 187207 212168 237129 amounts, for 40 1/16+ 1 16 37418 62364 87309 112254 137200 162145 187091 2120.36 2369,S1 the rates fii\ en. 40.10 37406 62344 87282 112219 137157 162095 187032 211970 236908 ii\ri'. TAiii. iNTi;iti:sT TAiii,i:s ■;i;f. Ai>vicni'isi;Mr,Ni' in r. mk Florins (Guilders) and Cents to Dollars and Cents. Dutch Money. Money ..f Ilulland. 1 Cuilder = lOO Ci-nts. I'Or values of coins, see pasie 190. A fluctuation of 1-32 per cent in the rate 1 amounts to 31'^,' cents on $1,000. Write fijSures as follows; giving preference to the first twc Fl. 4S (^■^„„^.-. . \ luriiio . '95^1 Fl.67'1 G.395'J> FL 395 too M).9H lUUOOl) .^')'),S(i0(l 200000 7996000 300000 11'>9^(KM) 100000 K5W2O0O 500000 19990000 600000 23988000 700000 27986000 800000 900000 35982000 31984000 .1V.99 3996250 7'WSOOO 7992500 11997(100 119S.S750 15996000 15985000 19'W5000 19981250 23994(HI0 23977500 27993000 27973750 31W2000 31970000 35991000 3.5966250 - ii2 -5/M 3W6875 7993750 119«;0625 15987500 19984375 2.3981250 27978125 31975000 35971875 - '/l* 3997500 7995000 11992.500 15990000 19987.500 23985000 27982500 31980000 35977500 -3/M 3998125 7996250 ll'W4375 15992500 19/32 3998750 79<)7500 1I'»6250 1599.5000 19993750 23992500 27991250 31990000 3.5988750 - '/M 3999.V"5 7998750 ll'W8125 15')97.S(I0 19996875 23W6250 27995625 31995000 35994375 10 100000 4000000 200000 8000000 3000011 12011(11100 KKIIMKI iMKIIIIKKi ."^(1(1(1(10 600000 700000 28000000 800000 32000000 900000 36000000 2ll(l>)(MI00 24000000 + 1,M 400(1625 8001250 12001875 16(1025(1(1 20(103125 24003750 2S004375 32005(100 361 M 15625 + 1/32 40012.S0 8002500 12003750 1600.5000 2011(162.50 24007500 28008750 32010000 360112.50 + I'M 4001875 8003750 12005625 16007500 20009375 240112.50 28013125 32015000 36016875 + >/l6 ! 4002500 8005000 12007500 16010000 20012.500 2401.5000 28017500 32020000 36022500 + S/M 4003125 8006250 12009375 16012.500 20015625 24018750 28021875 32025000 36028125 + 3 '32 4003750 4001000 8007500 8002000 120112.50 12003000 1601.50(10 16004000 200187.50 20005000 24022500 24006000 28026250 28007000 32030000 32008000 36033750 36009000 40.01 100000 200000 300000 100000 500000 600000 700000 800000 <)(l(l(IO(l 40.02 4002000 8(HH00O 12006000 16008000 20010000 24012000 280140(10 ;,:iiiMii;ii ,w,ll|Ml|l(l 40.0.^ 400,^1(10 8006000 12009000 16012000 20015000 24018000 28021(1(1(1 .iJ.'J II Ml ,;,,ii:,- 1 40.04 40l)^o(lo 8008000 12012000 16016000 20020000 24024000 28028000 32(i.i2(;(io ,^^(l,^(.(l(IO 40.05 4005000 8010000 12015000 16020000 20025000 24030000 2SO35000 320400(10 3(i(i450()(l 40.06 4006000 4002494 8012000 8004988 12018000 12007482 16024000 1600W77 20030000 20012471 24036000 24014965 28042000 28017459 32048000 32019953 36054000 36022447 - 3 .,, - ' (►• 40U.M20 8006240 12009360 16012480 2(H)1.5601 24018721 28021841 32024961 36028081 - 1 16 4003746 8007492 1201 12.W 160149S4 2001S730 21022477 28026223 32029969 .160.13715 -iM 100000 4004372 200000 8008744 300000 12013116 400000 160174.SS 5(101100 2(i(i21S60 600000 700000 2N030604 800000 32034977 9001)00 3()0.19,149 2I02( 2M - '/32 4004998 800'W96 12014994 1601'W92 2(l(l2t''''(l 21029988 28034986 3203'«84 3(>044982 10 '/16".':!" 4005624 80112-18 12016.S72 16022496 20(I2S1J(I 24(1,13744 28039368 32IH49*;2 36050616 4006250 8012500 12018750 1602.5000 20031250 24037500 28043750 3205(M)O0 36056250 + lM 4006876 80137.52 1202W)28 16027504 20034380 240412.56 28048132 3205.5008 36061,884 + •/32 1 4007502 801.S(I()4 12022506 16030008 20037510 2404.5012 28052514 3206(K)I6 36067518 + 3/M 4008128 8016256 12024.VS4 160,12512 20040640 24(H8768 2805*>896 32065023 36073151 + Vl6 4008754 8017.S08 12026262 16035016 20(H3770 24052523 28(K.1277 32070031 36078785 100000 200000 , 300000 tllOOOO 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000 + S/M 1 4009380 8018760 12(l2SH(i iMi;r-jn JniiK.S'M) J iD.^f.:,"'' 2MI65(>59 32075039 360.S4419 + 3'32 4010006 4007000 4(H)H(HH) 8020012 8014000 8016000 1203(liilM 12021000 12024000 IdlMllllJ.i 1(,(I2,S(HI0 160320(MI Jllll.^lKl J"' 2 II i(, 11(1 '.S J III Iji ml 2lii 1^ 1 2M);(l0ll 2soi')0(io 28056000 32(lS00t7 32056000 32064000 36090053 36063000 3<.O7200O 40.07 40. OS 2(l0.v^(l("i 2004(MM]il 40.09 4()(W0<)0 80I8IH)0 12027000 16036000 20045000 210,^4000 28063(M)0 32072000 36a8|000 40.10 40.11 40.12 401IHM)0 4011000 4012000 8020000 8022000 802-10110 1203(MIOO 1203.V1(M) 12(I.?6(MI0 I601(I(MH) 1601111(1(1 I6I)1.SIMI0 2oo.>>iooo 24(KiOOOO 21066(MI0 28070000 28077000 280S1000 3208(MI00 320.88000 .1M»9(K100 36090000 ,>(.|(IV(MIO 20(1,^5000 2iiof,(io(io 21072000 320' KilMIO This part ..1 i 15000 25000 35000 15000 55000 65000 75000 S5000 '),^(IO(l this tabic was 40 - 1 16 59963 9'W38 I.VW13 j 179888 2198M 259838 2'W813 339788 1 3797(k1 ('■iiii|nitcd pri- 40 (- 1 16 600.VS lWMWi3 14(M)8« , 1801 13 220 1.W 2M)163 ,1(H1I88 .140213 3802,18 iii.irilv fi>rcciits, 40.05 60075 100125 140175 180225 220275 260325 300375 340425 i 380475 t)iit it may In- 40 1 16- > 16 60056 10<1050 3007.50 340850 1 3809.50 D.VTK T.Mll.K.S INTKIttUIT T.Mll.fUS .SKK .M>V KICTI.SKMK.VT I.N ll.MK nK In Dutch Money. Dollars and Cents to Florins (Guilders) and Cents. Money of the Netherlands. 1 Florin = lOO Cents. Money of the Netherlands, page 140. For figuring profits when exchange is quoted by | 1/16. 1/8 etc., see page 4; when quoted by .01 .02 etc., see page 141. V/ritc amounts as 1 follows; it is better to use the word, Florins, than the word, Guilders; avoid odd cents: Two Thousand Three Hundred Ninety One and ^^hoo Florins. (Or Guilders.) 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 - 3/32 24945S05 4989101 7483651 9978202 12472752 14967303 17461853 19956404 2245(1954 _ 5,64 24941604 4988321 7482481 9976642 12470802 14964962 17459123 19953283 22447444 _ I/I6 24937704 4987541 7481311 9975082 12468852 14962623 17456.393 19950164 22443934 - 3'64 2493.^806 4986761 7480142 9973522 12466903 14960284 17453664 19947045 22440425 _ 1 32 24929909 4985982 7478973 9971964 12464955 14957945 17450936 19943927 224.36918 - 1 M 24926013 4985203 7477804 99704(t5 1246.'?007 14955608 17448209 19940810 224,1.1412 401/8 24922118 4984424 7476636 9968847 12461059 14953271 17445483 19937695 22429907 + i/64 24918225 4983645 7475467 9967290 12459112 14950935 17442757 19934580 22426402 + 1/32 100000 24914333 2 4 MOO 30000 7474300 40000 9965733 50000 12457166 6000 600 70000 17440033 80000 19931466 90000 22422899 «2867 14948 + 3 64 24910442 4982088 7473132 9964177 12455221 14946265 17437.309 19928353 22419.197 + 1/16 24906552 4981310 7471966 9962621 12453276 1494.3931 17434586 1992.5241 22415897 + 5/64 24902663 4980533 7470799 9961065 12451332 14941598 17431864 19922131 22412397 + 3,32 24898776 24919013 4979755 4983803 7469633 7475704 9959510 9967605 12449388 12459507 14939265 14951408 17429143 17443309 19919021 19935211 22408898 22427112 40.13 40.14 24912805 4982561 7473842 9965122 12456403 14947683 174.18964 199.30244 22421525 40.15 24906600 4981320 7471980 9962640 12453300 14943960 17434620 19925280 22415940 40.16 100000 24900398 2 4 )000 30000 40000 9960159 50000 12450199 60000 14940239 70000 8 19 0000 90000 22410359 J80080 7470121 174.30279 920319 40.17 24894200 4978840 7468260 9957680 12447100 14936520 17425940 19915360 22404780 40.18 3 32 24S88004 24906709 4977601 4981342 7466401 7472013 9955202 9962684 12444002 12453355 14932802 14944026 17421603 17434697 19910404 19925367 22399204 22416038 — _ 5/64 24902815 4980563 7470844 9961126 12451407 14941689 17431970 19922252 22412533 _ l/l6 24898921 4979784 7469676 99.59568 12449461 14939353 17429245 19919137 22409029 _ 3/64 24895029 4979006 7468509 9958012 12447514 14937017 17426520 19916023 22405526 _ 1/32 24891138 4978228 7467341 9956455 12445569 14934683 17423796 19912910 22402024 1/64 100000 24887248 20000 4977450 39000 40000 9954899 50000 12443624 60000 14932349 70000 17421074 8 19 0000 90000 22398523 7466174 909798 40 3/i6~ 24883359 4976672 7465008 9953344 12441680 14930016 17418351 19906687 22395023 + 1/64 24879472 4975894 7463842 9951789 12439736 14927683 17415630 19903577 22.191525 + 1/32 24875586 4975117 7462676 9950234 12437793 14925351 17412910 19900468 22388027 + 3/64 24871701 4974340 7461510 9948680 12435850 14923020 17410190 19897360 22384531 + 1/16 24867817 4973563 7460345 9947127 12433908 14920690 17407472 19894254 22.181035 + 5/64 24863934 4972787 7459180 9945574 12431967 14918361 174047.54 19891147 22377.541 + 3'32 24860053 4972011 7458016 9944021 12430027 14916032 17402037 19888042 22374048 100000 24881811 2 4 9000 30000 40000 9952725 50000 12440906 60000 14929087 70000 80000 19905449 90000 22393630 40.19 J76362 7464543 17417268 40.20 24875622 4975124 7462687 99.50249 12437811 14925373 17412935 19900498 22388060 40.21 24869435 4973887 7460831 9947774 124.34718 14921661 17408605 19895548 223S2492 40.22 24863252 4972650 7458976 9945301 12431626 14917951 17404276 19890602 22376927 40. 2.^ 24857072 4971414 7457122 9942829 12428536 14914243 17399950 19885657 22371365 40.24 24850895 4970179 7455268 9940358 12425447 14910537 17395626 19880716 22365805 _ 3 32 24868034 4973607 7460410 9947214 12434017 14920821 17407624 19894427 22381231 40 1 4 5 64 24864146 4972829 7459244 9945658 12432073 14918487 17404902 19891316 22377731 This part of 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 this vas 40 1/8 - 1 /16 37407 62344 87282 112220 137157 162095 IS7033 211970 236908 compuU-d ori- 40 I/s 37.383 62305 87227 112150 137072 161994 , 186916 211838 236760 inarily forcents, 40.15 37360 62267 87173 112080 136986 161893 186800 211706 236613 but it nia^ ' he 40 3 16- 1 16 37348 62247 87146 112045 136944 161843 186742 211641 236540 usci] for larger 40 3 ^ 37324 62208 87092 111975 136858 161742 186625 211509 236392 amounts, f'T 40 3 ,6+ 1 16 37302 62170 87037 111 905 1.36773 161641 1S6509 211376 236244 the rates g veil. 40.20 37313 62189 87065 111940 1.36816 161692 186567 211443 2.16318 liATK TMU.K.S INTEliKST TAIll.KS SICK AllVKKTI.SK.M I:M IN It Ai K Florins (Guilders) and Cents to Dollars and Cents. Dutch Money. M.miy of Ilolliind. 1 (Uiilclii- = lOO Cfiits. For values of coins, see page 190. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 25 cents on $1,000. Write figures as follows; givin/J preference to the first two forms: Fl. 4395 -!o Fl. 67 ^1 G. 395 ?2 Fl. 395 25 100 10 '/s - ■> J2 - 5;m - 1,16 - 3/64 - I/J2 - 1/64 + •/64 + >/32 + Km + '/16 + 5/64 + 3 32 40.13 40.14 40.15 40.16 40.17 40.18 - 3/32 - S/M - 3 64 - 1/32 10 Vl _ 1 /64 + ",64 + >/32 + 3 64 + < 16 + 5,M .+ 3,32 40.19 40.20 40.21 40.22 40.23 40.24 _ 3 mmno ^(Ht.s7.1s 4010619 ■101 1246 4011873 4012500 4013127 100000 4013754 40I43SI 401.5(MW 4015635 4016262 4013(M)O 4014000 4015000 100000 4016(M)0 40I7IIIH) 401S(MIO 4014982 4015610 4016238 40I6S66 4017494 100000 4018122 4018750 4019378 4020006 4020634 4021262 4021890 4022518 100000 4019000 4020000 4021000 4022000 4023000 4024(MK) 4021227 402IN55 200000 8017477 8018730 8019<«4 8021238 8022492 8023746 802505W)9 12W)7553 30<)000 12057(M>0 120<>(NHM) 120<>.VXHJ 12066000 12069000 12072000 12(X>.V)80 120655<>6 400000 16034953 16037461 16039969 16042477 16044984 1WM7492 16050000 16052508 tOOOIKI 161155(11(1 11)057523 16060031 16062539 16065047 U)052(M)0 16056000 UH)60000 400000 U,064(t(M) U>(I720(M) 16059930 16062441 160M953 16067465 1606W77 400000 16072488 1W)75000 16084906 16087422 500000 2(MM3691 20(M6826 20 20065000 2007(M)()0 20075000 500000 2()(IK(H)(M) 2(I(I.S5(I()0 2(I(W()(I(K) 20074912 20078052 20CS1191 20084331 2U087471 500000 20U90610 20O<«750 2(KW68<;() 20100029 20103169 20106309 2(11091 IS 2(I1125SS 5(M)(I0() 2O(W500O 20UKMHI0 20105(MK) 201100UO 20115000 20120 24132000 24138(HK) 24144(M)0 24127359 24131133 700000 280^.1168 I 28(K)5557 280<)9'>45 28074334 28078723 28083111 280875(H) 28()<)1889 700000 2808 2811K(Xi3 28122459 700000 28126854 28131250 2S1355572 36101215 36lO«i.S57 36112500 36118143 900000 36123785 36129428 36135070 36140713 36146355 36117(KK) 3612fi(MI0 36135000 90000 36144(M)0 36153(M)0 361()2()00 36134842 36140493 36146145 361517% 36157447 900000 36l6.1()'»«> 36168750 36174401 36180053 36185704 36191355 36197007 36202658 900000 3(il71()(M) 3618(1(1(10 36I89(;()() 36l';8000 ,36207000 36216(1(10 .3 1(K)4<.9 1(H)532 tlic rates fjivcii. 40.20 603U0 I 100500 35000 15000 550(M) 650O0 140350 180450 220550 2<)0V) 180844 221031 261219 140744 18()'>57 221169 261.W2 140700 180'>00 221100 261. MX) 75>4 341807 95(K)0 .ViO/64 /32 '64 24817835 24813956 24810078 24806202 4963567 4962791 4962016 4961240 7445350 7444187 7443023 7441860 9927134 9925582 9924031 9922481 12408917 12406978 12405039 12403101 14890701 14888374 14886047 14883721 17372484 17369769 17367055 17364341 19854268 19851165 19848062 19S44961 22336051 22332560 22329070 22325.S81 + + + + /64 ,'32 5/64 /I6 100000 24802326 24798452 24794579 24790707 2 4 4 4 4 0000 30000 7440698 7439536 7438374 7437212 40000 9920930 9919381 9917832 9916283 50000 12401163 12399226 12397290 12395354 60000 14881.396 14879071 14876747 14874424 70000 17361628 17358916 17356205 17353495 80000 19841861 19838762 19835663 19832566 90000 22322(194 22318(1(17 22315121 22311637 960465 959690 958916 958141 + + >/'64 ''32 24786837 24782968 24801587 24795438 4957367 4956594 4960317 4959088 7436051 7434890 7440476 7438631 9914735 9913187 9920635 9918175 12393418 12391484 12400794 12397719 14872102 14869781 14880952 14877263 17350786 17348077 17361111 17356806 19829469 19826374 19841270 19836350 22.3081.53 22.304671 22321424 2231.S894 40.32 40.33 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 40.34 40.35 40.36 40.37 24789291 24783147 24777007 24770869 4957858 4956629 4955401 4954174 7436787 7434944 7433102 7431261 9915716 991.3259 9910803 9908348 12394646 12391574 12388503 12385435 14873575 14869888 14866204 14862522 17352504 17348203 17.34.3405 173.39609 198314.33 19826518 19821606 19816696 22310362 22.3(14833 222443(1(1 22243783 40 3 s I 5m 1 16 Vm 24791043 24787167 24783291 24779417 4958209 4957433 4956658 4955883 7437313 7436150 7434987 7433825 9916417 9914867 9913317 9911767 12395522 12393583 12.391646 12389709 14874626 14872300 14869975 14867650 173537.30 17351017 17348304 17345592 198.32835 19829733 19826633 19823534 22311939 22308450 22304962 22301475 This part of this table was 40 I/4 - '/I6 computed pri- 40 I/4 marilvforcents, 40.30 1500 37290 37267 37221 2500 62151 62112 62035 3500 4.S00 87011 111871 86957 111801 ■ 86849 111662 5500 136731 136646 136476 6500 161592 161491 161290 7500 8500 9.^(1(1 186452 211312 i 2MA72 186335 ; 211180 : 2MM2> 186104 210918 2.357.32 but it niav be 40 5/ 14- 1/16 1 37233 uSLil for larger 40 5,6 37209 ani..unts, lor 40.35 , 37175 the rates given. 40 i% - I/16 37175 62054 62016 61958 61958 ' 86876 111698 136519 161341 186163 210985 2.VS806 86822 111628 136434 1 161240 186047 210853 23.S6.S') I 86741 111.524 ! 1.36.307 U.KWO 1,S.S,S74 210657 ! 23544(1 86742 111.525 1.36.308 161091 185S75 210658 235441 •Mll.KH INTlvKKST TAIILHS SKK .\ llV]:i!'l'l.Si:.\l i:\l' IN IIAIK Florins (Guilders) and Cents to Dollars and Cents. Dutch Money. Mont. y of Holland. 1 Guilder = lOO Cents. For values of coins, see pa^e 190. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 25 first two for cents on $1,000. Write figures as follows; giving preference to the ms : 2S_ lUO FL 4395^1 Fl.67^'^ G.39-;^J> Fl. 395 ,100000 300000 300000 100000 500000 600000 700000 SOOOOO j 900000 - 1/16 4022484 8(M4969 120674.S3 16089938 20112422 24134'>06 28157391 32179875 36202359 -3/M 4023113 8046227 13069340 1WW2453 20115566 24138680 28161793 32184906 1 36208020 - '32 4023742 8047484 13071327 1()094969 20118711 241424.53 28166195 32189938 36213680 - '/« 4024371 8048742 13073113 160974S4 20121855 34146327 28170598 32194%9 36219340 10 '/4 ! 4025000 8050000 1307.SOOO 16100000 20125000 24150000 28175000 3230O(M)0 36225000 + I/M 4025<>2V 8051258 13076887 16102516 20138145 24153773 28179402 33205031 3623OW.0 + '/32 1 4026258 8052516 12078773 16105031 20131289 , 24157547 28183805 .33210062 362.36320 + 3/64 4026887 8053773 12080660 16107.547 20134434 34161.130 28188207 32215094 36241980 lOOOOU 300000 300000 400000 500000 6O(MI00 700000 SOOOOO 900000 + 1,16 4027516 8055031 13082547 16110063 30137578 34165(W4 28192609 32230125 36247641 + 5/64 4028145 8056289 120844.34 16112578 20140723 34168867 28197012 33225156 36253301 + 3/32 4028773 4026000 8057547 8052000 12086320 12078000 16115094 16104000 2014.1867 20130000 24172641 24156000 28201414 28182000 322.10188 33308000 36258961 36234000 40.26 40.27 4027000 8054000 12081000 16108000 20135000 34 163000 28IS9000 33316000 36243(M)0 40.28 4028000 80.56(M)0 13084000 16112000 2014(M)(K) 3416S(I00 28196(I(M) 33334000 ,16252000 40.29 4029000 80.58000 13087000 16116000 30145000 34174000 28203000 33333000 36261000 40.30 4030000 80<>0000 13090000 16130000 30150000 34180000 28210000 33240000 36270000 40.31 100000 4031000 4027471 200000 8062000 8054941 300000 13093000 13083413 400000 16134000 16109883 500000 30155000 30137354 600000 34186000 34164834 700000 28217000 28192295 SOOOOO 900000 36279000 36247236 32248000 .12219766 -3 32 - 5/64 4028101 8056201 130S4303 16113403 20140503 24168M)4 281967fH 32224805 36252905 - ''l6 4028730 8057461 13086191 16114922 2014.1652 24172.183 28201113 3222419 16I.>25.59 2016,5698 34I98.S38 28231978 32265117 36298257 + »/l6 4033770 8067539 12101.30«; 1613,5078 30168848 34303617 28836387 33370156 36303926 + S/64 40343'N 80687W 12103198 16I37.59S 30171997 24306396 28240796 33375195 36109595 -^3„ 4035029 403201)0 8070059 8064(MMI 1310.5(188 13096000 16140117 16128000 30175147 30160 3611.5364 36288000 40.32 40.33 4033000 8066000 13099000 161,^2000 2016.5000 34198(M)0 28231000 333M000 36297000 100000 300000 300000 100000 500000 600000 Tmiooo SOOOOO 900000 40.34 40.34000 806K0(M) 13103000 1613MI00 30I7(I(MM) 3t3(HO(IO 3.S3,18000 33273000 361060(H) 40.35 403.5000 807(KX>0 131050(K) 1614(M)00 30175(100 24310000 38345000 33380(KK) 36315000 40.36 403(>OO0 8072000 i2\mm 161440(X) 20180000 242l6t;00 28252000 32288(KtO 36324(MI0 40.37 4037000 40.33715 8074000 8067430 12111000 12101145 16148000 161348.59 20185000 20ir,8574 24222000 243033H9 28259000 282360(M 32296000 32269719 36133000 36.10.1434 - 3 :; 40 1 s "" ' M 40.^4346 8068691 13103(137 1613738,^ 20171729 34306(174 28240430 33374766 .16109111 - ' 16 4034977 SO<)';<)53 131(M9.V) 16|39-;(X> 20174SS,1 34309S59 38244836 .13379813 3(v114 7S9 'm 403.V>07 8(171315 131(K.S32 16143430 20178(U7 3131.1645 283493.52 33384S59 37.V'.173 ' 2222.5695 | This part of this table was 40 S/g 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8,500 9500 37152 61920 86687 111455 136223 160991 185759 210,526 235294 computed pri- 40.40 37129 61881 86634 111,386 1.36139 160891 185644 210396 2,35149 marilyforcenls, 40.42 1 37110 61851 86591 111331 136071 160811 1855.52 210292 235032 but it may be 40 7/i( 37094 61824 86553 111283 136012 160742 18.5471 210201 234930 used for larger 40.45 37083 61 805 86527 111248 135970 160692 185414 2101,36 234858 amounts, for 40.47 37064 61774 86484 111193 13,5903 160613 185322 2100.32 234742 the rates fjiven. 40.48 37055 61759 86462 111166 135870 160573 185277 209980 234684 IIVI'H TAIIhES INTEKKST T.\IU,KS .>io 190. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts 1 to about 25 cents on $1,000. Write fijjures as follows; givinfS preference to the first two forms: Fl. 4395^1 1 /'7.426 12114000 161.52(HI0 20190000 24243926 2.S2845K0 ,'2,12?234 3636.5889 + 3/32 600000 24247711 24228000 7000(10 (. ^(MlllllO 900000 36371.566 36342000 2S2KS'" .^rv-^ll:sl 32304000 40.38 28266000 40.39 4039000 8078000 I 12117000 16I.56(H)0 201'».S()00 242340(10 28273000 32312000 36351000 40.40 4040000 8080000 1 12120000 16160(100 2020(1000 24240000 28280000 32320000 36360000 40.41 4041000 8082000 1212.^)00 161f>4(MI() 202(15000 24246000 282H700() 32328000 36369000 43.42 4042000 8084000 12126(KI0 1616S(I00 20210000 24252000 28294000 32,~..16000 36,178000 40. 4.^ ■KM.^OOO 8086000 8079918 12129000 16172(H)0 2021.5000 12119877 161.598.16 2019<;795 242.58000 24239754 28301000 28279713 32344000 .12319672 36.187000 36359631 - ■' .12 - S/54 lOOOOO 4040591 200000 8081182 300000 12121772 400000 500000 16162363 20202954 600000 2424.1545 700000 6 SOOOOO 32.124727 900000 36365317 282841.1 - '/16 4041223 8082445 12123668 16164891 20206113 24247.336 28288559 .12.129781 .16371004 -3/64 4041854 8083709 ', 12125.563 16167418 ! 20209272 24251127 28292981 32334836 36376690 - 1/32 4042486 8084973 12127459 16169945 20212432 24254918 28297404 32339891 36382377 10^/,6-..'^r , 4043118 8086236 12129354 16172473 20215.591 24258709 28.101827 32344945 36.188063 1 4043750 8087500 12131250 16175000 20218750 24262500 28306250 32350000 36393750 + 1/64 1 4044382 8088764 12133146 16177.527 20221909 242662<>1 28310673 3235.5055 36.1W437 + 1/32 4045014 8090027 12135(M1 16180055 20225068 24270082 2.S3 15096 32360109 36405123 + 3/64 100000 1 4045646 200000 30(M»00 100000 500000 8091291 i21.V)937 1 16182582 20228228 60()0C 873 700000 2N319519 SOOOOO •100000 36410810 24273 32365164 + 1/16 i 4046277 80»>2555 121.188.12 ■ 16185109 20231.187 24277664 2832.1941 32370219 36416496 + S/64 4046909 8093818 12140728 16187637 20234.546 242814.55 28328364 32375273 3W22183 + 332 4047541 4(M4(I(M) 8095082 12142623 16190164 20237705 808K(H»0 12132000 1617()OO0 202200(10 24285246 24264000 28332787 28308000 32.V80328 323520)M) 36427869 36396000 40.44 40.45 4(M5(H)0 80<>(iO()0 1213.5000 16180(100 20225000 24270000 2S3 15000 32360000 36405000 40.46 4046000 8092000 121.38000 161840(K) 202.1tM)00 242760110 28322000 3236N000 36414000 40.47 4047000 8094000 12141(K)0 161.8X000 202.1.SOOO 24282(MI0 28329000 32376000 36423000 100000 200000 300000 10(1000 500000 600000 700000 SOOOOO 900000 40.48 404.S(HI(I 8(l''6(l()0 12I1II1IMI |(,1V2(MI(I 2112)11(100 2(2\sooo 2\>,16000 32.vS40('() .16432000 40.49 4O4''(HI0 4046203 80'«0()0 ; 121171)00 16196000 20245000 8092406 1 121.18609 , 16184813 , 20231016 2)294000 24277219 2.S343000 28323422 323''2000 32.169625 36441000 3641.5828 -3/J2 -5/64 404«O6 809.3672 12140508 ' 16187344 20234180 24281016 28327852 32374688 36421523 4J . , - ' '■* 4047469 80949.18 ! 12142406 16189875 20237344 24284.SI3 28332281 32379750 .16427219 4048102 8096203 12144305 16192406 2(I24050H 242.SS(.0'» 2S3.16711 .123848 12 .164 .12'* 14 - '12 4048734 8097469 12146203 I6194"'.1H 202(3672 242''2I(I6 28.1411)1 32.W875 3(.4.18609 ' b\ 4049.367 8098734 12148102 16197469 2024(vS.l6 24296203 28345570 32394938 36444305 Tllis ji.uL "1 1.5000 25000 35000 45000 55000 65000 75000 S5000 95000 | tliis tiil)li- was 40 3 s i 60563 1009.18 141313 , 181688 222063 2624.18 .302813 343188 383563 iDinputciI pri- 40.40 60600 101000 141400 181800 222200 262600 303)MH) 343400 383800 marily fi)rcciits, 40.42 60630 101050 141470 181890 222310 2627.10 303150 343570 .18.1990 l>iit it may l)c 40 7 16 60656 10109» 141531 181969 2224(V. 262844 .10.1281 .343719 .1841.56 used for lar>;cr 40.45 W»f.75 101125 141575 182025 222(75 262925 .103375 34.1825 .1.'*4275 .'itnouiits. for 40.47 60705 101175 141645 182115 222.5N5 263055 303525 34.1995 384465 llio rates jjivcii. 40. 4H 60720 101200 141680 182160 222640 263120 30.1600 344080 384S60 1 UVVV, TAIll.KS l\Il;i[|- ■*V.V: AliVKlnlSl'MKNT IN 11 VIK Dutch Money. Dollars and Cents to Florins (Guilders) and Cents. Money of the Netherlands. 1 Florin = lOO Cents. Money of the Netherlands, page 140. For figuring profits when exchange is quoted by l/l6, 1/8, etc., see page 4; when quoted by .01 .02 etc., see page 141. Write amounts as follows; it is better to use the word, Florins, than the word, Guilders; avoid odd cents: Two Thousand Three Hundred Ninety One and ^^/joo Florins. (Or Guilders.) 40 1/2 + ',M + 1,'32 + I'm + 1 16 + 5,M .+ 3/32 40.51 40.52 40.53 40.54 40.55 40.5 6 _ 3 100000 409/1 - '61 (, + 1/64 + 1/32 + 3/64 + 1/16 + 5 64 + 3 32 40.57 40.58 40.59 40.60 40.61 40.62 - 5 64 16 405/8 - 3/64 - '/32 '/64 + 1/64 24691.S58 24687501 24683644 24679789 24675936 24672083 24668232 24685263 100000 24679171 24673082 24666996 24660912 24654832 24676447 24672588 24668731 100000 24664874 24661019 24657165 24653313 24649461 24645611 24641762 24637914 100000 ?4634067 24630222 24648755 24642681 24636610 24630542 24624477 24618415 190000 24638483 24634630 24630779 24626928 24623079 24619231 24615385 24611539 20000 4938272 4937500 4936729 4935958 4935187 4934417 4933646 4937053 20000 4935834 4934616 4933399 4932182 4930966 4935289 4934518 4933746 20000 4932975 4932204 4931433 4930663 4929892 4929122 4928352 4927583 20000 4926813 4926044 4929751 4928536 4927322 4926108 4924895 4923683 200CO 4927697 4926926 4926156 4925386 4924616 4923846 4923077 4922308 30000 7407407 7406250 7405093 7403937 7402781 7401625 7400469 7405579 30000 7403751 7401925 7400099 7398274 7396450 7402934 7401776 7400619 3QD00 7399462 7398306 7397150 7395994 7394838 7393683 7392529 7391374 30000 7390220 7389067 7394627 7392804 7390983 7.389163 7387342 7385524 30000 7391545 7390389 7389234 7388079 7386924 7385769 7384615 7.383462 40000 50000 9876543 12345679 9875000 12343750 9873458 12.341822 9871916 12339895 9870374 12337968 1 9868833 12336042 9867293 123.34116 9874105 12342631 40000 50000 9871668 12339585 9869233 12336541 9866798 12333498 9864365 12330456 9861933 12327416 9870579 12338223 9869035 12336294 9867492 12334365 40000 9865950 50000 12332437 9864408 12330510 9862N66 12328583 9861325 12326656 9859785 12324731 9858244 12322806 9856705 12320881 9855166 12318957 40000 50000 9853627 12317034 9852089 12315111 9859502 12324378 9857072 12321341 9854644 12318305 9852217 12315271 9849791 12312238 9847366 12309207 40000 50000 1 9855393 12319242 ' 9853852 12317315 9852312 12315389 9850771 12313464 9849232 12311540 9847693 12309616 9846154 12307692 9844616 12305770 60000 14814815 14812500 14810187 14807874 14805561 14803250 14800939 14811158 60000 14807502 14803849 14800197 14796547 14792899 14805868 14803553 14801238 60000 14798925 14796612 14794299 14791988 14789677 14787367 14785057 14782748 60000 14780440 14778133 14789253 14785609 14781966 14778325 14774686 14771049 60(mo 14783090 14780778 14778467 14776157 14773848 14771539 14769231 14766923 70000 17283951 172812.50 17278551 17275853 172731.55 17270458 17267762 17279684 70000 17275420 17271157 17266897 17262639 17258383 17273513 17270812 17268111 70000 17265412 17262714 17260016 17257319 17254623 17251928 17249233 17246540 70000 17243847 17241155 17254129 17249877 17245627 17241379 17237134 17232890 70000 17246938 17244241 17241545 17238850 172.36156 17233462 17230769 17228077 SOOOO 19753086 19750000 19746916 19743832 19740748 19737666 19734585 19748210 80000 19743337 19738465 19733596 19728730 19723866 19741158 19738071 19734985 80000 19731900 19728816 197257.32 19722650 19719569 19716489 19713410 19710331 80000 19707254 19704178 19719004 19714145 19709288 19704434 19699581 19694732 80000 19710787 19707704 19704623 19701543 19698463 1969.5385 19692308 19689231 90000 22222222 22218751 2221.S2K0 22211810 22208342 2220487 22201408 22216737 90000 22211254 22205774 22200296 22194821 22189349 22208802 22205329 22201.S,5,S 90000 22198387 22194917 22191449 22187982 22184515 22181050 22177586 22174123 90000 22170661 22167200 2218.3880 22178413 22172949 22167488 22162029 22156573 90000 221746.35 22171167 22167701 22164236 22160771 22157.308 22153846 22150385 This p.irt of this table was compulcd pri- m.'irilyforccnts, hut it may be used for larger amounts, for tile rales Riven. 40 1'2 40.52 40.55 40 9'16 40.60 40.62 40 5/8 1500 2500 37037 61728 37019 61698 36991 61652 ' 36980 61633 36946 61576 , 36928 61546 36923 615.38 86420 86377 86313 mill 111056 110974 86287 i U0940 86207 86164 86154 110837 110783 110769 5500 6500 7500 13.5802 160494 185185 1.357.35 160415 18.S094 135635 160296 184957 135.593 160247 184900 135468 lh()098 184729 135401 160020 184638 135385 160000 184615 8500 209877 209773 209618 209553 209360 209257 209231 9500 234568 2344.52 234279 234206 233990 233875 233846 IIATH TAllI.KS ISTKKKST TABLES .SKE ADVEKTISK-MENT IN BACK OK liODK Florins ^Guilders) and Cents to Dollars and Cents. Dutch Money. Moniy "1" Hc.llaiicl. 1 (Wiildir -= lOO Cents. For values of coins, see page 190. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 25 cents on $1,000. Write figures as follows; giving preference to the first two forms: Fl. 4395^1 Fl.67'1 G.395?o PL 395 2S 100 i0'/2 40. .S2 40.53 40.54 40.55 40.56 10"/! JOS/s 64 054.^49 054')H2 055616 056250 0568H4 057518 05SI51 05.S7S5 100000 059419 0(>0()5.^ 057000 058000 059000 ()6(HM)0 0610(10 (162(100 00000 058691 059.126 ()5*>">61 ()f)0596 0612.10 061865 062500 (k..11.15 8108697 8109<>65 81112.12 8112500 811.1768 81150.15 8116.103 8117570 20 0000 8118838 8120105 81U0()0 8116000 8118(100 8120000 8122000 8124000 200000 I 8117.183 8118652 8119<>22 8121191 K 122461 81237.10 812.5000 8126270 12163(M6 12164947 12166849 12168750 16210125 16212656 16215188 16204000 100000 1(.20S0(1() 16212UU0 16216000 16220000 162240(10 162097X9 16212324 16214859 400000 16227535 162,10070 162.12605 162.15H1 400000 16237676 16240211 16228000 16232000 16236000 16240000 16244000 16248(1(10 40000 16234766 16237.105 162.19844 16242383 16244922 16247461 162.5()(«)0 162525.19 20271743 20274912 20278081 20281250 20284419 20287588 20290757 20293926 500000 20297095 20300264 202850(10 2029000(1 20295(100 2030(1000 20105(100 21 l."W (1110(1 50000(1 20293457 20296631 202'W805 20302979 203061.52 20309326 20312.500 20315674 I 24326092 24329895 24333697 24337500 24341303 24.145105 24348908 24352711 600000 24356514 24.160316 24342000 24348000 24354000 24360000 24366000 24372000 600000 24352148 24355957 243.597M> 2436.1574 24367.183 24371191 24375(1(1(1 24378809 28.167719 28372148 28376578 28357000 700000 28364000 28371000 28378.000 28385000 28392000 28.167131 28371567 28376004 700000 28380440 28384877 28389313 28393750 28.198187 28402623 28407060 28411496 700000 2841.5933 28420369 28399000 28406(100 28413000 284200(10 284270(10 28434000 700000 28410840 28415283 28419727 28424170 28428613 28(3.1(157 28(3750(1 2844 19^ 3 12420250 32425312 32430375 32408000 ' 800000 32416000 32424000 j 32432000 I 32440000 32448000 .12419578 32424648 32429719 800000 32434789 32439859 32444930 32450000 .12455070 .12460141 32465211 .12470281 SOOOOO 32475352 32480422 32456000 32464000 32472000 32480000 32488000 32496000 SOOOOO 32469.531 32474609 32479688 32484766 32489844 324') ('»22 325ii(i(i(;(l 325(i5ii;s This p.irt i)( tills talilc- w.TS t'MupiiticI ])ri- iii;irily fi>rcciits, liiit it iii.iy lie used lor l:irniT nniiunls, fur ' 111- rates ^iven. 45000 55000 550n0 75000 S5000 1822.50 2227.50 263250 .1037.50 3442.50 182340 2228f)0 263.180 .103900 344420 182475 223025 263575 304125 .144675 182.531 223094 263656 304219 344781 1827(M) 22.13(10 263'MMl 3(14.M10 345 K.O I827'«) 223410 264030 304650 345270 182813 223438 2W063 304rA8 34.5313 •ifoon 3.'-: 1:50 384940 385225 .18.5344 385700 3.''.=;8';o 385938 liATK r Mil. IS i\i'i,iti;.-;r tmu.k; .si;k ,Mivi;;.Mi;.vi- in ltA<'K 162 Dutch Money. Dollars and Cents to Florins (Guilders) and Cents. Money of the Netherlands 1 Florin = lOO Cents. Money of the Netherlands, page 140. For figuring profits when exchange is quoted by l/l6, 1/8, etc, see page 4; when quote d by .01 .02 etc., see page 141. Write amounts as follows; it is better to use the word, Fl orins, than the word, Guilders; avoid odd cents: Two Thousand Three Hundred Ninety One and ^"lioo Florins. (Or Guilders.) + 1,'32 100000 24607695 20000 4921539 30000 7382308 40000 9843078 50000 12303847 60000 14764617 70000 80000 19686156 90000 22146925 17225386 '''/32 4070021 8140043 12210064 16280086 20350107 24420129 28490150 32.560172 36630193 + 1/16 4071293 8142586 1221.3879 ' 16285172 20356465 24427758 28499051 32570344 36641637 -f 3/32 4072564 4069000 8145129 8138000 12217693 16290258 12207000 16276000 20362822 20345000 24435387 24414000 28507951 28483000 32580516 .12552000 36653080 36621000 40.69 40.70 4070000 8140000 12210000 16280000 20350000 24420000 28490000 325601)00 36630000 40.71 4071000 8142000 12213000 16284000 20355000 24426000 28497)100 32568000 366390(10 40.72 4072000 8144000 12216000 16288000 20360000 24432000 28504000 32576000 36648000 40.7.? 100000 4073000 200000 8146000 300000 lOOOflO 12219000 16292000 500000 20365000 60000 ) 000 700000 10 soiioni) ■100000 36657000 24438 285110 325MOOO 40.74 41174000 41172453 8148000 8144906 12222000 16296000 122173.59 16289813 20370000 20362266 24444000 24434719 28518000 28507172 32592000 32579625 36666C0O 36652078 - 1 If, - 1 ,13 41173727 8147453 12221180 16294906 20368633 244423.59 28516086 .12.589812 36663539 - ' hi 41174363 8148727 12223090 162974.53 20371816 244)6180 28520543 32.594906 36669270 10 Vi 4075000 8150000 12225000 16300000 20375000 24450000 28525000 32600)11,0 366750)0 + \lx> 1 4076273 1 4076000 8152547 8152000 12228820 16.^05094 12228000 16304000 20381367 20380000 24457641 24456000 28.53.1914 28532000 32610188 32608000 36686461 36684000 40.76 100000 200000 300000 100000 5000110 600000 700000 800000 9(10000 40.77 40..S0 401* 16 4077IK)0 40800110 4081250 81.54000 8160000 8162500 122310IIII l()3iis(iiiii 122)01100 16320I1III1 12243750 Ua25000 Jll.iSSllOO 2))62(100 2S5,V»||()0 2S5600)H) 28.5(.8750 32616000 3264)M)(]0 32650000 36693000 36720(!('0 36731250 20)111 IIMIO 2)).soii(io 20406250 40.K5 4085000 8170000 12255000 16340000 2042.50011 :i5iiiMiiu 28595)100 325(I00 8190000 122S5I10O 163H00I10 20)751100 2)570000 28(165000 327611000 3( 855000 41 4100000 82000110 I23IHIO0O 1640IHI00 2051101100 2)i>0iiooo 2S7000i;0 3280)10(10 3(,9(:0(i0() This part ol 1.5000 25000 35000 15000 55000 65000 75000 S5000 950(;o I his tal)lc \va^ 40.6.S 1 60975 10I62S j 142275 182925 22.V575 264225 304875 .145525 .186175 .■)ininitc1(inatii)ii si-tpaj;c IH. Owinj; to tin. wide range in v.ilnc-s Ik t ween r.-ites 41 .incl ."i< , this tabic will not ]irove accurate xlow 4-4. or above 4-' ■ ; it niav 1) e used, how ever, for nites as low ; s 43 or as lii;,'h as 4.S, but results will be in error by about 5 or 6 per cent at those points. F T hig h rati s the lisuns ire too large, for low rates too small. For rates 1 elow about 4.^, the table on page 141 should 1 he used Dollar* ; for rates above about 48, the table on page 17y should be used. 1 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 1 .11 .12 .14 .IS .16 .18 .20 50 1 .01 .02 .03 .04 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .h .12 .13 .15 .17 .18 .20 .22 100 1 .02 .04 .07 .09 .11 .13 .15 .18 .20 .22 .24 .26 .31 .33 .35 .40 .44 150 I .03 .07 .10 .13 .17 .20 .23 .26 .30 .33 .36 .40 .46 .50 .53 .59 .66 200 .04 .09 .13 .18 .22 .26 .31 .35 .40 .44 .48 .53 .62 .66 .70 .79 .88 250 .06 .11 .17 .22 .28 .33 .39 .44 .50 .55 .61 .66 .77 .83 .88 .99 1.10 .^00 .07 .13 .20 .26 .33 .40 .46 .53 .59 .66 .73 .79 .92 .99 1.06 1.19 1.32 400 .09 .18 .26 .35 .44 .53 .62 .70 .79 .88 .97 1.06 1.23 1.32 1.41 1.58 1.76 500 .11 .22 .33 .44 .55 .66 .77 .88 .99 1.10 1.21 1.32 1.54 1.65 1.76 1.98 2.20 600 .13 .26 .40 .53 .66 .79 .92 1.06 1.19 1..32' 1.45 1.58 1.85 1.9S 2.11 2.38 2.64 700 .15 .31 .46 .62 .77 .92 1.08 1.23 1.^9 1.54 1 1.69 1.85 2.16 2.31 2.46 2.77 3.08 NOO .18 .35 .53 .70 .88 1.06 1.23 1.41 1.58 1.76 1 1.94 2.11 2.46 264 2 82 3.17 3.52 900 .20 .40 .59 .79 .99 1.19 1.39 1.58 1.78 1.98 2.18 2.38 2.77 2.97 3.17 3.56 3.96 1000 .22 .44 .66 .88 1.10 1.32 1,54 1.76 1.98 2.20 2.42 2.64 3.08 3.30 3.52 3.96 4.40 1 100 3( .48 .73 .97 1.21 1.45 1.69 1.94 2.18 2.42 2.66 2.90 3.39 3.63 387 4.36 4.84 12(10 Jf) .53 .79 1.06 1,^2 1.58 1.85 2.11 238 2.64 2.90 3.17 3.70 396 4.22 4.75 5.28 IMH) .2'' .57 .86 1.14 1.43 172 2.00 2.29 2.57 2.86 3.15 3.43 4.00 4.29 4.58 5.15 5.72 1400 .31 .62 .92 1.23 1.54 1.85 2.16 2.46 2.77 3.08 3.39 3.70 4.31 4.62 4.93 5.54 6.16 1500 .33 .66 .99 1.32 1.65 1.98 2.31 2.64 2.97 3.30 3.63 3.96 4.62 4.95 5.28 5.94 6.60 1600 .35 .70 1.06 1.41 1.76 2.11 2.46 2.82 3.17 3.52 3.87 4.22 4.93 5.28 5.63 6.34 7.04 1700 .37 .75 1.12 1.50 1.87 2.24 2.62 2.99 3.37 3.74 4.11 4.49 5.24 5.61 5.98 6.73 7.48 ISOO .40 .79 1.19 1.58 1.98 2M 2.77 3.17 3.56 3.96 4.36 4.75 5.54 5.94 6.34 7.13 7.92 1900 .42 .84 1.25 1.67 2.09 2.51 2.93 3.34 3.76 4.18 4.60 5.02 5.85 6.27 6.69 7.52 8.36 2000 .44 .88 1.32 1.76 2.20 2.64 3.08 3.52 3.96 4.40 4.84 5.28 6.16 6.60 7.04 7.92 8.80 2200 .48 .97 1.45 1.94 2.42 2.90 3.39 3.87 4.36 4.84 5.32 5.81 6.78 7.26 7.74 8.71 9.68 2400 .53 1.06 1.58 2.11 2.64 3.17 3.70 4.22 4.75 5.28 5.81 6.34 7.39 7.92 8.45 9..';o 10.56 2500 .55 1.10 1.65 2.20 2.75 3.30 3.85 4.40 4.95 5.50 6.05 6.60 7.70 8.25 8.80 9.90 11.00 3000 1 .66 1.32 1.98 2.64 3.30 3.96 4.62 5.28 5.94 6.60 7.26 7.92 9.24 9.90 10.56 11.88 13.20 5000 1.10 2.20 3.30 4.40 5.50 6.60 7.70 8.80 9.90 11.00 12.10 13.20 15.40 16.50 17.60 19.80 22.00 .20 .18 I'CJOJ 1 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .14 .15 .16 50 .00 .01 .01 .02 .02 .03 .03 .04 .04 .05 .05 .06 .07 .07 .08 .09 .10 100 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .14 .15 .16 .18 .20 150 .01 .03 .04 .06 .07 .09 .10 .12 .13 .15 .16 .IS .21 .22 .24 .27 .30 200 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .22 .24 .28 .30 .32 .36 .40 250 .02 .05 .07 .10 .12 .15 .17 .20 .22 .25 .27 .30 .35 .37 .40 .45 .50 300 .03 .06 .09 .12 .15 .18 .21 .24 .27 .30 .33 .36 .42 .45 .48 .54 .60 400 .04 .08 .12 .16 .20 .24 .28 .32 .36 .40 .44 .48 .56 .60 .64 ,72 .80 500 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .60 .70 .75 .80 .90 1.00 600 .06 .12 .18 .24 .30 .36 .42 .48 .54 .60 .66 .72 .84 .90 .96 1.08 1.20 700 .07 .14 .21 .28 .35 .42 .49 .56 .63 .70 .77 .84 .98 1.05 1.12 1.26 1.40 750 .07 .15 .22 .30 .37 .45 .52 .60 .67 .75 .82 .90 1.05 1.12 1.20 1.35 1.50 SOO .08 .16 .24 32 .40 .48 .56 .64 .72 .80 ,88 .96 1.12 1.20 1.28 1.44 1.60 900 .09 .18 .27 .36 .45 .54 .63 .72 ,81 .90 .99 1.08 1.26 1.35 1.44 1.62 1.80 1000 .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.80 2.00 1100 .11 .22 .33 .44 .55 .66 .77 .88 .99 MO 121 1.32 1.54 1.65 1.76 198 220 1200 .12 .24 J6 .48 .60 .72 .84 .96 1.08 1.20 1.32 1.44 1.68 1.80 1.92 2.16 2.40 1400 .14 .28 .42 .56 .70 .84 .98 1.12 1.26 1.40 1.54 1.68 1.96 2.10 2.24 2.-52 280 1 500 .15 JO .45 .60 .75 .90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 2.10 2.25 2.40 2.70 300 1 600 .16 .32 .48 .64 .80 .96 1.12 128 1.44 160 1.76 1.92 2.24 240 256 2.88 3 20 1 SOO .18 .36 .54 .72 .90 1.(18 1.26 1.44 1.62 1.80 1.98 2.16 2.52 2.70 2.88 324 3.60 2000 .20 .40 .60 .80 I.Ofl 1.20 1.40 160 1.80 200 2.20 2.40 2.80 3.00 320 360 4.00 2500 .25 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 I..S(> 1.75 2.(M) 2.25 250 2.75 3.00 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.50 500 3000 .30 .60 .90 1.20 ISO IM() 2.10 240 2.70 31)0 3.30 3.60 4.20 4..50 4. SO 540 6.(«) ♦000 .40 .80 1.20 1 61) 2.00 2.40 2.80 3.20 3.60 4.00 4.40 4.80 560 6.00 6.40 7.20 NOO 5000 .50^ 1.00 I.SO 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 550 6.00 7.00 7.50 800 9.00 in(N) (>0(I0 .60 1.20 1.80 2.40 3(M) 3.60 420 480 5.40 6.00 6.60 7.20 8.40 900 960 lO.SO I2(M) S(I(MI .80 160 240 3 20 4.00 480 560 640 7.20 8.00 880 960 11.20 1200 I2K0 14.40 Ih.(M) 10000 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.(M) 6 00 7.00 N.OO 9(M) lOOO 11.00 12.00 u.oo 1500 l(i(H) l.soo 2(l()0 Mexican Money, Etc. Dollars and Cents to Pesos and Centavos, M^.n^-^t" Money of Mexico, some Central American, South American and Asiatic countries. For figuring profits, see pages 141, 165 and 179. About countries using money of the values here given, see page 164, A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to from about $: .22 to about $1.2S on $1,000. Write amounts as follows: Three Hundred Ninety Five and ^^/joo Pesos. Or, Dollars, Local Currency. 41 100000 24390244 2000( ) )49 30000 40000 50000 12195122 60000 14634146 70000 17073171 SOOOO 90000 21951220 4878( 7317073 9756098 19512195 41.05 24360536 4872107 7.308161 9744214 12180268 14616322 17052375 19488429 219244S2 41.10 24330900 4866180 7299270 9732360 121654.50 14598540 170316.30 19464720 21897810 41 1/8 24316109 4863222 7294833 9726444 12158055 14589666 17021277 19452888 21884498 41.15 24301337 4860267 7290401 9720535 121.50668 14580802 17010936 19441069 21871203 41.20 24271845 4854369 7281553 9708738 12135922 14563107 16990291 19417476 21844660 41.25 24242424 4848485 7272727 9696970 12121212 14545455 16969697 19393939 21818182 41.30 24213075 4842615 7263923 9685230 12106538 14527845 16949153 19370460 21791768 41.35 100000 24183797 20000 4836759 30000 40000 9673519 50000 12091898 60000 14510278 70000 16928658 80000 193470.38 90000 21765417 7255139 4138 24169184 4833837 7250755 9667674 12084592 14501511 16918429 19335347 21752266 41.40 24154589 4830918 7246377 9661836 12077295 144927.54 16908213 19323672 217.39130 41.45 24125452 4825090 7237636 9650181 12062726 14475271 16887817 19300362 21712907 41.50 24096386 4819277 7228916 9638554 12048193 14457831 16867470 19277108 21686747 41.55 24067389 4813478 7220217 9626955 12033694 14440433 16847172 19253911 216606.'^() 41.60 24038462 4807692 7211538 9615385 12019231 14423077 16826923 19230769 21634615 41 S 8 24024024 4804805 7207207 9609610 12012012 14414414 16816817 19219219 21621622 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 SOOOO 9(1(100 41.65 24009604 4801921 7202881 9603842 12004802 14405762 16806723 19207683 21608643 41.70 23980815 4796163 7194245 9592326 11990408 14388489 16786571 19184652 21582734 41.75 23952096 4790419 7185629 9580838 11976048 14371257 16766467 19161677 215.56886 41.80 23923445 4784689 7177034 9569378 11961723 14354067 16746412 19138756 21531101 41.85 23894863 4778973 7168459 9557945 11947431 14336918 16726404 19115890 21505376 41 7/8 23880597 4776119 7164179 9552239 11940299 14328358 16716418 19104478 21492537 41.90 23866348 4773270 7159905 9546539 11933174 14319809 16706444 19093079 21479714 41.95 23837902 4767580 7151371 9535161 11918951 14302741 16686532 19070322 21454112 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 42 23809524 4761905 7142857 952.3810 11904762 14285714 16666667 19047619 21428571 42.05 23781213 4756243 7134364 9512485 11890606 14268728 16646849 19024970 21403092 42.10 23752969 4750594 7125891 9501188 11876485 14251781 16627078 19002375 21377672 42 1 8 23738872 4747774 7121662 9495549 118694.36 14243323 16617211 18991098 21364985 42.15 23724792 4744958 7117438 9489917 11862.396 14234875 16607355 18979834 21352313 42.20 23696682 4739336 7109005 9478673 11848.341 14218009 16587678 18957346 21327014 42.25 23668639 4733728 7100592 9467456 11834320 14201183 16568047 189.34911 21301775 42.30 23640662 4728132 7092199 9456265 11820331 14184397 16548463 18912530 21276596 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 42.35 23612751 4722550 7083825 9445100 11806375 14167651 16528926 18890201 21251476 42 3 8 23598820 4719764 7079646 9439528 11799410 14159292 16519174 18879056 21238938 42.40 23584906 4716981 7075472 9433962 117924.53 14150943 16509434 18867925 21226415 42.45 23557126 4711425 7067138 9422850 11778563 14134276 16489988 18845701 21201413 42.50 23529412 4705882 7058824 9411765 11764706 14117647 16470588 18823529 21176471 42.55 23501763 4700353 7050529 9400705 11750881 14101058 16451234 18801410 21151.586 42.60 23474178 4694836 7042254 9389671 11737089 14084507 16431925 18779343 21126761 42 5 8 23460411 4692082 7038123 9384164 117.30205 14076246 16422287 18768328 21114.369 This i);ir ot ' 1? 00 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 this talilc > vas 41 3( 585 60976 8.S366 109756 134146 158537 182927 20731? 231707 coinputL-il pri- 41.25 3( 364 60606 84848 109091 133333 157576 181818 206061 230303 inarilylorct nts, 41.50 3f 145 60241 84337 1084.34 132530 156627 180723 2048 IS 228916 but it nia\ be 41.75 : 3s 928 59880 83832 107784 131737 155689 179641 203593 2275(5 used for lai gcr 42 1 35 714 59524 83333 107143 130952 154762 178571 202.381 226190 amounts, for 42.25 35 503 59172 82840 106509 1.30178 15.W6 177515 201183 224852 the rates j;i ven. 42.50 35 294 58824 82353 10.5882 129412 1.52941 j 176471 200000 223529 I).\TB TAIILES I.NTi:iU:ST TAIII.HS SKK A li\ iClfll.SKMKXT I.\ HACK Pesos and Centavos, Mmuir to Dollars and Cents. Mexican Money, Ktc. All countries using money of the value here given have decimal systems. Exchange i)n most Central and Sonth American countries is usually drawn in U. S. dollars or in Enfilish money. In the far East, drafts are commonly payable in the money of the country on which they are drawn. Write figures as follows: Pesos 345 ^1 Loc. Cur. $ 295 ~1 L„c. Cur. 395 25 WO 41 41.05 41.10 4H 8 41.15 41.20 41.25 41.30 41.35 4138 41.40 41.45 41. .SO 41.55 41.60 41S8 41.65 41.70 41.75 41.80 41.85 417s 41.90 41.95 42 42.05 42.10 42 1 „ 42.15 42.20 42.25 42.30 42.35 42 .In 42.40 42.45 42.50 42.55 42.60 42 5 „ 4111(10(10 ■4105000 41I(J000 4112500 4115000 41 20000 4125(100 41.10000 11)0000 41.15000 4137500 4140000 4145000 4150000 4155000 4160000 4162500 100000 4165000 4170000 4175000 41S()000 41H.5000 41H7500 41900110 4 195000 100000 4200000 4205000 4210000 4212500 4215000 4220000 4225000 42.10000 100000 42.15000 42.17.500 4240000 4245000 425(K)00 4255U00 4260000 4262500 200000 8200000 8210000 S22OO0O 8225000 82.10000 8240000 8250000 8260000 200000 827(1000 8275000 8280000 82911000 8.100000 S.I 100(10 8.1211000 8.125000 200000 83.10000 8340000 8350000 8360000 8370000 8375000 8380000 8390000 300000 8400000 8410000 8420000 8425000 8430000 8140(1(10 8)50000 8160000 200000 8470000 8475000 8480000(I0 I69.S0()(I0 iroOlMHIO 17020000 17040(MIO 170.5(M100 500000 20500000 205250(J0 20550000 20562500 20575000 20600000 20625000 20650000 50000 20675000 20687500 2070(1000 20725000 20750000 20775000 20800000 20812500 500000 20825000 20850000 20875000 20900000 20925000 20937500 20950000 20975000 500000 210(1(111011 210250(111 21050000 21062500 21075000 21100(H)0 21125000 21150000 500000 21 1 75000 21187.500 21200000 21225000 21250000 21275000 2I3(H«)00 21312500 600000 24600000 ; 24630000 j 24660000 ' 24675000 I 24690000 ' 24720000 247.50000 1 24780000 600000 24810000 24825000 24840000 24870000 24900000 24930000 24960000 24975000 600000 24990000 25020000 25050000 25080000 25110000 2512.5000 25140000 25170000 2526U0U0 25275000 25290000 25320000 25350000 25380000 600000 25410000 2542.5m)0 2544(MMIO 25470000 25500000 25530000 255WK)00 25575000 7(K)0()0 28700(400 28735000 287700(1(1 28787500 28805000 28840000 28875000 28910000 700000 28945000 28962500 28980000 29015000 29050000 29085000 29120000 29137500 700000 2915.5000 29190000 29225000 29260000 29295000 29312.500 29330000 29365000 700000 :'i40(Mi(io J'M.15000 29470000 I 29487500 ' 29505000 I 29540000 ' 2957.5000 j 29610000 70000 29645000 ' 29662500 29fv8(MI00 I 29715000 I 29750000 29785000 29820000 29837500 SOOOOO 32800000 328 40000 32.S.S(IOOO 329(10(J00 32920000 32960000 33000000 33040000 800000 33080000 33100000 .13120000 33160000 33200000 33240000 33280000 33300000 800000 33320000 33360000 33400000 33440000 33480000 33500000 33520(100 33560000 SOOO OO 33600000 336400(10 33680000 33700000 33720000 33760000 33800000 33840000 800000 33880000 33900000 33920000 339<>OO00 34000000 34040000 34081M100 34100000 9000 00 36W0000 36945000 36990000 37012.500 3703.5000 37(18(fOO0 3712.50(M) 37170000 900000 3721.5000 37237500 37260000 37305000 37350000 37395000 37440000 37462500 900000 37485000 37530000 37575000 37620000 37665000 37687500 37710000 377.5.5000 900000 3rN(ioo(io 37845000 37890000 37912500 37935000 37980000 38025000 38070000 900000 3811.5000 38137.500 3S 160000 38205000 3S250(100 38295000 38340000 38362500 This p.irt • I this t;il>lo wa:, i-i)iiiputi'(l ])ri- luurily for ccnt- nvds, but may be used for lnrj;cr amounts, for the rates fjiven. 41 41.25 41.50 41.75 42 42.25 42.50 15000 25000 35000 45000 55000 65000 75000 61500 K 12.5(H) 143500 184500 225500 2(>6500 307.500 , 61875 103125 144375 185625 226875 2f*12S 309375 1 62250 103750 145250 186750 228250 269750 311250 1 ; 62625 104375 146125 187875 229625 27 1 375 313125 1 63(MH) 105(M)0 147000 189000 231000 27.1000 3I.5tH)0 63375 105625 147875 190125 2323 75 274625 316875 637.50 1062.50 148750 191250 233750 276250 318750 85000 348500 350625 352750 354875 357000 3.59125 361250 95000 389500 .191875 3942.50 396625 399000 401375 4037.50 l>ATK TAIll.H.M INTKllK.Sl' T.Vni.H.S .SKK AI>\ CUl ISDM KNT l.S IIMK Mexican Money, Etc. Dollars and Cents to Pesos and Centavos, ^"lu^ys" Money of Mexico, some Central American, South American and Asiatic countries. For figuring profits, see pages 141, 165 and 179. About countries using money of the values here given, see page 164, A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to from about Sl.lO to about $1.18 on $1,000. Write amounts as follows: Three Hundred Ninety Five and ^"hoo Pesos. Or, Dollars, Local Currency. 42.65 100000 23446659 20000 4689332 30000 7033998 40000 9378664 50000 11723329 60000 14067995 70000 80000 18757327 90000 21101993 16412661 42.70 23419204 4683841 7025761 9367681 11709602 14051522 16393443 18735363 21077283 42.75 23391813 4678363 7017544 9356725 11695906 14035088 16374269 18713450 21052632 42.80 23364486 4672897 7009346 9345794 11682243 14018692 16355140 18691589 21028037 42.85 23337223 4667445 7001167 93348S9 11668611 14002334 16336056 18669778 21003501 42 7/8 23323615 4664723 6997085 9329446 11661H08 13994169 16326531 18658892 20991254 42.90 23310023 4662005 6993007 9324009 11655012 13986014 16317016 18648019 20979021 42.95 23282887 4656577 6984866 9313155 11641444 13969732 16298021 18626310 20954598 43 I 00000 23255814 20000 4651163 30000 40000 50000 11627907 60000 13953488 70000 16279070 80000 18604651 90000 20930233 6976744 9302326 45.05 23228804 4645761 6968641 9291521 11614402 13937282 16260163 18583043 20905923 43.10 23201856 4640371 6960557 9280742 11600928 13921114 16241299 18561485 20881670 43 1/8 23188406 4637681 6956522 9275362 11594203 13913043 16231884 18550725 20869565 43.15 23174971 4634994 6952491 9269988 11587486 13904983 16222480 18539977 20857474 43.20 23148148 4629630 6944444 9259259 11574074 13888889 16203704 18518518 20833333 43.25 23121387 4624277 6936416 9248555 11560694 13872832 16184971 18497110 20809249 43.30 23094688 4618938 6928406 9237875 11547344 13856813 16166282 18475751 20785219 43.35 100000 23068051 20000 4613610 30000 6920415 40000 9227220 50000 11534025 60000 138408.30 70000 16147635 80000 90000 20761246 18454441 43 3,8 23054755 4610951 6916427 9221902 11527378 13832853 16138329 18443804 20749280 43.40 23041475 4608295 6912442 9216590 11520737 13824885 16129032 18433180 20737327 43.45 23014960 4602992 6904488 9205984 11507480 13808976 16110472 18411968 20713464 43.50 22988506 4597701 6896552 9195402 11494253 13793103 16091954 18390805 20689655 43.55 22962113 4592423 6888634 9184845 11481056 13777268 16073479 18369690 20665901 43.60 22935780 4587156 6880734 9174312 11467890 13761468 16055046 18348624 20642202 43 s 8 22922636 4584527 6876791 9169054 11461318 13753582 16045845 18338109 20630372 43.65 100000 22909507 20000 4581901 30000 6872852 40000 50000 11454754 60000 13745704 70000 16036655 80000 90000 20618557 9163803 18327606 43.70 22883295 4576659 6864989 9153318 11441648 13729977 16018307 18306636 20594966 43.75 22857143 4571429 6857143 9142857 11428571 137142S6 16000000 18285714 20571429 43.80 22831050 4566210 6849315 9132420 11415525 13698630 15981735 18264840 20547945 43.85 22805017 4561003 6841505 9122007 11402509 13683010 15963512 18244014 20.524515 43 7/8 22792023 4558405 6837607 9116809 11396011 13675214 15954416 18233618 20512821 43.90 22779043 4555S09 6833713 9111617 11389522 13667426 15945330 18223235 205011.39 43.95 22753129 4550626 6825939 9101251 11376564 13651877 15927190 18202503 20477816 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 44 22727273 4545455 6818182 9090909 11363636 13636364 15909091 18181818 20454545 44.05 22701476 4540295 6810443 9080590 11.350738 1.3620885 15891033 18161180 20431.328 44.10 22675737 4535147 6802721 9070295 1 1337868 13605442 15873016 18140590 20408163 44 1/8 22662890 4532578 6798867 9065156 11331445 13597734 15864023 18130312 20396601 44.15 22650057 4530011 679.5017 9060023 11325028 13590034 15855040 18120045 20385051 44.20 22624434 4524887 6787330 9049774 11312217 13574661 15837104 18099548 20361991 44.25 22598870 4519774 6779661 9039548 11299435 13559322 15819209 18079096 20338983 44.30 22573363 4514673 6772009 9029345 1 1286682 13544018 15801.3.S4 18058691 20316027 This par this table t o» 1 500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 was 4i .75 3 5088 58480 81871 105263 128655 152047 1754.39 198830 222222 computed pri- 4; 3 »884 58140 81395 104651 127907 151163 174419 197674 220930 iiiarily fore cuts, 43 .25 3 t682 57803 80925 104046 127168 150289 173410 196532 219653 but it ma_ ' be 43 .50 3 H83 57471 80460 103448 126437 149425 172414 195402 218.391 used for la r^er 43 .75 3 >286 57143 80000 102857 125714 148571 171429 194286 217143 amounts, for 44 3 ♦091 56818 79545 102273 12.5000 147727 170455 193182 215909 the rates jr veil. 4< .25 3 5898 56497 79096 101695 124294 146893 169492 192090 214689 iiATi; T.vni.Ks INTHUEST TABLES SEE ADVIOUTISH.MKNT IN BACK OP BOOK Pesos and Centavos, .\i,„u'>r to Dollars and Cents. Mexican Money, Etc. All ciitintries usiiij^ money of the value here given hiive deciniul systeniH. Iv\ch:inj5c on most Central and South American countries is usually drawn in U. S. dollars or in Enfjiish money. In the far East, drafts are commonly payable in the money of the country on svhich they are drawn. Write (ijiures as follows: Pesos 345 ?2 Loc. Cur. $ 295 -!» Cur. 395 2S 100 42.65 42.70 42.75 42.80 42.85 42 7 8 42.90 42.95 51111(1(111 21,»25(I(H) 2135(1(11)0 21375(1(10 2H00000 2H25000 21437500 21450000 21475000 500000 21500000 21525000 215500(10 21562500 21575000 21600000 21625000 21650000 500000 21675000 2l6.H750() 2170011(1(1 21725000 21750000 21775000 21800000 21812500 500000 21S25000 21850000 21875000 21900000 21925000 21937500 21950000 21975000 500(100 22000000 22025000 22050000 22062500 22075(1(10 22|(M1(I(MI 22125000 22150000 600000 25590000 25620000 25650000 25680000 25710000 25725000 25740000 25770000 60000 25800000 25830000 25860000 25875000 25890000 25920000 25950000 25980000 60(m00 2601(1000 260250011 26(HI10(1(1 261170(100 26100000 261300(10 26160000 2617.S000 600000 26190000 262200110 2625011(111 2628000(1 26310000 26325000 2634(M100 2637(11100 6011(1(10 264001100 26430000 26460000 26475000 261900(111 2(i52ll(Hlll 2655(10(1(1 .■'•>5S(iO(io 700000 29855000 29890(100 29925000 29960000 2(KM) 330(MK) 374000 243375 287625 331875 376I2S 95000 406125 408500 410875 41.32.50 41.5625 4|S(M10 420375 , IK TMil.i:; IMl'.ltUST TVOl.KS tiV.V. AKVKOTIsr.Mr.NT IN II MK Mexican Money, Etc. Dollars and Cents to Pesos and Centavos, ^C^" Money of Mexico, some Central American, South American and Asiatic conntries. For figuring profits, see pages 141, 165 and 179. About countries using money of the values here given, see page 164 A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to from about $].09 to about $1.13 on $1,000. Write amounts as follows: Three Hundred Ninety Five and ^'^lioo Pesos. Or, Dollars, Local Currency. 44.35 100000 22547914 20000 4509583 30000 6764374 4 9 0000 50000 11273957 60000 13528749 70000 15783540 80000 18038331 90000 20293123 019166 44 3 s 22535211 4507042 6760563 9014085 11267606 13521127 15774648 18028169 20281690 44.40 22522523 4504505 6756757 9009009 11261261 13513514 15765766 18018018 20270270 44.45 22497188 4499438 6749156 8998875 11248594 13498313 15748031 17997750 20247469 44.50 22471910 4494382 6741573 8988764 11235955 13483146 15730337 17977528 20224719 44.55 22446689 4489338 6734007 8978676 11223.345 13468013 15712682 17957351 20202020 44.60 1 22421525 4484305 6726457 8968610 11210762 13452915 15695067 17937220 20179372 44 5 s 22408964 4481793 6722689 8963585 11204482 13445378 15686275 17927171 20168067 44.65 100000 22396417 20000 4479283 30000 6718925 4 8 0000 50000 11198208 60000 13437850 70000 80000 17917133 90000 20156775 958567 15677492 44.70 22371365 4474273 6711409 8948546 11185682 13422819 15659955 17897092 20134228 44.75 22346369 4469274 6703911 8938547 11173184 13407821 15642458 17877095 201117.32 44.80 1 22.321429 4464286 6696429 8928571 11160714 13392857 15625000 17857143 20089286 44.85 22296544 4459309 6688963 8918618 11148272 13377926 15607581 17837235 20066890 44 7 s 22284123 4456825 6685237 8913649 11142061 13370474 15598K86 17827298 20055710 44.90 ' 22271715 4454.343 6681514 8908686 11135857 13363029 15590200 17817372 20044543 44.95 22246941 4449388 6674082 8898776 11123471 13348165 15572859 17797553 20022247 45 100000 22222222 20000 4444444 30000 6666667 4 8 0000 50000 11111111 60000 13333333 70000 15555556 8 17 )000 90000 20000000 888889 777778 45.05 22197558 4439512 6659267 8879023 11098779 13318535 15538291 17758047 19977802 45.10 22172949 4434590 6651885 8869180 11086475 1.3303769 15521064 17738359 19955654 45 1/8 22160665 4432133 6648199 8864266 11080332 13296399 15512465 17728532 19944598 45.15 22148394 4429679 6644518 8859358 11074197 13289037 15503876 17718715 19933555 45.20 22123894 4424779 6637168 8849558 11061947 13274336 15486726 17699115 19911504 45.25 22099448 4419890 6629834 8839779 11049724 13259669 15469613 17679558 19889503 45.30 22075055 4415011 6622517 8830022 11037528 13245033 15452539 17660044 19867550 45.35 100000 22050n7 20000 4410143 30000 6615215 4 8 0000 50000 11025358 60000 13230430 70000 15435502 80000 17640573 90000 19845645 820287 45 3,8 22038568 4407714 6611570 8815427 11019284 13223141 15426997 17630854 .19834711 45.40 22026432 4405286 6607930 8810573 11013216 1.3215859 15418502 17621145 19823789 45.45 221)02200 4400440 6600660 8800880 11001100 13201.320 15401540 17601760 19801980 45.50 21978022 4395604 6.593407 8791209 10989011 13186813 15384615 17582418 19780220 45.55 21953897 4390779 6586169 8781559 10976948 13172338 15.367728 17563117 19758507 45.60 21929825 4385965 6578947 87719.30 10964912 13157895 15350877 17543860 19736842 45 5/8 i 21917808 4383562 6575342 8767123 10958904 13150685 15342466 17534247 19726027 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 45.65 21905805 4381161 6571742 8762322 10952903 13143483 15334064 17524644 19715225 45.70 218818.38 4376368 65645SI 8752735 10940919 13129103 15317287 17505470 19693654 45.75 21857923 4371585 6557377 8743169 10928962 13114754 15300546 17486339 19672131 45.80 21834061 4366812 6550218 8733624 10917031 13100437 15283843 17467249 19650655 45.85 21810251 4362050 6543075 8724100 10905125 13086150 15267176 17448201 19629226 45 7/8 21798365 4359673 6539510 8719346 10899183 13079019 15258856 17438692 19618.529 45.90 21786492 4357298 6535948 8714597 10893246 13071895 1.5250545 17429194 19607843 45.95 21762786 4352557 6528836 8705114 10881.393 13057671 1.5233950 17410228 19586507 This par of 15 00 250(1 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 this table i vas 44 .50 33 708 5618 78652 101124 123595 146067 168539 191011 213483 computed pri- 44 .75 33 520 5586 6 78212 100559 122905 145251 167598 189944 212290 marilyforct nts, 45 33 333 555S 6 77778 100000 122222 144444 166667 188889 211111 but it iiiaj be 45 .25 33 149 5524 9 77348 99447 121.547 143646 165746 187845 209945 used ("or la Rtr 45 .50 32 967 5494 5 76923 98901 120879 142857 164835 186813 208791 amounts, for 45 .75 32 787 5464 5 76503 98.361 120219 142077 16.3934 185792 207650 the r.-itcs pi vi-n. 45 7/8 32 698 544<1 6 76294 98093 119891 141689 163488 185286 207084 M r i: T.VIILKS INTHmCST TABLES SIOK ADVKKTISK.MENT IN BACK OK BOOK Luc. Cur. 395 25 100 Pesos and Centavos, suJ,'" to Dollars and Cents. Mexican Money, Etc. All countries usinjf money of the value here given have decimal syHtenis. Exch;inf5o on most Central and South American countries is usually drawn in U. S. dollars or in Enfiiisii money. In the far Kast, drafts are commonly payable in the money of the country on which they are drawn. Write tijiures as follows: Pesos 345 -!» Loc. Cur. $ 295 ?2 44.35 44 3 s 44.40 44.4.'; 44.50 44.55 44.60 44 5 8 44.65 44.70 44.75 44.«0 44.S5 44 7 „ 44.90 44.95 45 45.05 45.10 45 1 N 45.15 45.20 45.25 45.30 45.35 45 3 s 45.40 45.45 45.50 45.55 45.60 45 Ss 45.65 45.70 45.75 45. SO 45. S5 45 7 „ 45.90 45.95 Th part "t iliis tabic was < '>iiiputi'(l pri- marily l"i>r cciit- ivi>s, liiit maybe Msi-d for lnr>;cr itiiiuiits. for 44.50 44.75 45 45.25 45..S0 45.75 tiif rates jiivcn- 45 7 h I SOCIO 23000 .15000 15000 55000 6.5000 W)7.S0 111250 155750 2011250 211750 2N9250 67125 111.S75 156625 201.^75 2)6125 290«75 67500 112500 157500 202500 247500 2925(M) 1 ' 67875 n.M25 15.S375 20.V,25 24SS75 294125 6«2S0 1I.V.S0 159250 20 » 7.50 2502.50 2957.50 6«ft35 160125 205.H75 251625 2'>7.17S 6KS12 1H6S7 160562 20.17 4.1581; llATK TAlll.KH I.NTI'.UDST IVllI.K.S .sl:i; .Mi\ i:i; I I- .T IN r. \' K Mexican Money, Etc. Dollars and Cents to Pesos and Centavos, X.?^^^ Money of Mexico, some [Central American, South American and Asiatic countries. For fi guring profits, see pages 141, 165 and 179. About countries using money of the values here given, sec page 164 A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to from about $1.05 to about $1.09 on $1,000. Write amounts as follows: 1 Three Hundred Ninety Five and ^"/loo Pesos. Or, Dollars, Local Currency. 46 100000 21739130 20000 4347826 30000 40000 50000 10869565 60000 13043478 70000 15217391 80000 90000 19565217 6521739 8695652 17391304 46.05 21715527 4343105 65146.S8 8686211 10857763 13029316 15200869 17372421 19543974 46.10 21691974 4338395 6507592 8676790 108459S7 13015184 15184.W2 17353579 19522777 461 8 21680217 4336043 6504065 8672087 10840108 13008130 15176152 17344173 19512195 46.15 21668472 4333694 6500542 8667389 10834236 13001083 15167931 17334778 19501625 46.20 21645022 4329004 6493506 8658009 10822511 12987013 15151515 17316017 19480519 46.25 21621622 4324324 6486486 8648649 10810811 12972973 151351.35 17297297 19459459 46.30 21598272 4319654 6479482 8639309 10799136 12958963 15118790 17278618 19438445 46.35 100000 21574973 20000 4314995 30000 40000 8629989 50000 10787487 60000 12944984 70000 15102481 80000 90000 19417476 6472492 17259978 46 3 8 ' 21563342 4312668 6469003 8625337 10781671 12938005 15094340 17250674 19407008 46.40 21551724 4310345 6465517 8620690 10775862 12931034 15086207 17241379 19396552 46.45 21528525 4305705 6458558 8611410 10764263 12917115 15069968 17222820 19375673 46.50 21505376 4301075 6451613 8602151 10752688 12903226 15053763 17204301 19354839 46.55 21482277 4296455 6444683 8592911 10741139 12889366 15037594 17185822 193.34049 46.60 21459227 4291845 6437768 8583691 10729614 12875536 15021459 17167382 19313305 465 8 21447721 4289544 6434316 8579088 10723861 12868633 15013405 17158177 19302949 46.65 100000 21436227 20000 4287245 30000 6430868 40000 50000 10718114 60000 12861736 70000 80000 17148982 90000 19292604 8574491 15005359 46.70 21413276 4282655 6423983 8565310 10706638 12847966 14989293 17130621 19271949 46.75 21390374 4278075 6417112 8556150 10695187 12834225 14973262 17112299 19251337 46.80 21367521 4273504 6410256 8547009 10683761 12820513 14957265 17094017 19230769 46.85 21344717 4268943 6403415 8537887 10672359 12806830 14941302 17075774 19210245 46 7 8 21333333 4266667 6400000 8533333 10666667 12800000 14933333 17066667 19200000 46.90 21321962 4264392 6396588 8528785 10660981 12793177 14925373 17057569 19189765 46.95 21299255 4259851 6389776 8519702 10649627 12779553 14909478 17039404 19169329 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 47 21276596 4255319 6382979 8510638 10638298 12765957 14893617 17021277 19148936 47.05 21253985 4250797 6376196 8501594 10626993 12752391 14877790 17003188 19128587 47.10 21231423 4246285 6369427 8492569 10615711 12738854 14861996 16985138 19108280 471/8 21220159 4244032 6366048 8488064 10610080 12732095 14854111 16976127 19098143 47.15 21208908 4241782 6362672 8483563 10604454 12725345 14846235 16967126 19088017 47.20 21186441 4237288 6355932 8474576 10593220 12711864 14830508 169491.S2 19067797 47.25 21164021 4232804 6349206 8465608 10582011 12698413 14814815 16931217 19047619 47.30 21141649 4228330 6342495 8456660 10570825 12684989 14799154 16913319 19027484 47.35 100000 21119324 20000 4223865 30000 6335797 40000 50000 10559662 60000 12671595 70000 14783527 80000 168954.59 90000 19007392 8447730 47 3 8 21108179 4221636 6332454 8443272 10554090 12664908 14775726 16886544 18997361 47.40 21097046 4219409 6329114 8438819 10548523 12658228 14767932 16877637 18987342 47.45 21074816 4214963 6322445 8429926 10537408 12644889 14752371 16859852 18967334 47.50 21052632 4210526 6315789 8421053 10526316 12631579 14736842 16842105 18947368 47.55 21030494 4206099 6309148 8412198 10515247 12618297 14721346 16824395 18927445 47.60 21008403 4201681 6302521 8403361 10504202 12605042 14705882 16806723 1S907563 47 S 8 20997375 4199475 6299213 8398950 10498688 12598425 14698163 16797900 IK897638 This par this tabic t of 1 = >00 250( ) 3500 4500 5500 6500 7.500 8500 9.S00 was 46 3. >609 543-. 8 76087 97826 119565 141304 163043 184783 206522 coniputfcl pri- 46 .25 3: >432 540; 4 75676 97297 118919 140541 162162 183784 1 205406 marilyfcrc .■nts, 46 .50 3: '258 537< )3 75269 96774 118280 139785 161290 182796 1 204301 but it ma} f be 46 .75 3. '086 534 '6 74866 96257 117647 1.39037 160428 181818 2033(18 used for la rpcr 47 3 915 531' )1 74468 95745 117021 138298 159574 180851 202 1 :h amounts. for 47 .25 3 746 529 74074 95238 116402 137566 158730 179894 2S the rates j; von. 47 .50 3 579 526: 2 73684 94737 115789 136842 157895 178947 1 200O00 1 DAIK TABLE.S I.NTEUKST TAHLKS SKK Al>Vi;itTISK.\IENT IN BACK OK BOOK Pesos and Centavos, to Dollars and Cents. Mexican'Money, Etc. All countries usin|; money of the value here ^iven have decimal systems. I'-xchanfSe on most ('ontral and Soutli American countries is usually drawn in U. S. dollars or in luifilish money. In the far I'.ast, lirafts are conimonly payable in tlie money of the country on which they are drawn. Write fijiures as follows: Pesos 345 -!» Loc. Cur. $ 295 ?i Cur. 395 100 46 46. OS 46. 1() 46 I .s 46.15 46.20 46.25 46.30 46.35 46 3 8 46.40 46.45 46.50 46.55 46.60 46 5 8 46.65 46.70 46.75 46.80 46.85 467 8 46.90 46.95 47. 47.05 47.10 471 8 47.15 47.20 47.25 47.30 47. .^.S 47 < s 47.40 47. 4S 4 7.. SO 47..SS 47.60 47."! H Klllllllll 4(>I)5()(M) ^6IOO0O 4612500 4615000 4620000 4625000 4630000 100000 4635000 4637500 46^onoo 4645000 4650000 4655000 4660000 4662500 100000 4665000 4670000 4675000 4680000 4685000 46S7500 4690000 4695000 100000 47lMI(MHI -17I).^(HII) 47II):iven. 47.50 15000 25090 69(HI() 115000 69375 11.5625 1 697.50 116250 ' 70125 116S75 ' 705(M) 117.500 ■ 70875 118125 712.50 118750 35000 161000 161875 162750 16.1625 164500 165375 15000 207(HIO 208125 209250 210375 211500 212625 55000 253000 254375 2557.50 257125 2.58500 2.59875 65000 2990(10 .30(U.25 302250 303875 305500 307125 i>\Ti: ru-.i. 166250 213750 2612.50 3087.50 (MI.UIiST TMll.CS SKK AIIV KCTISKMK.NT IN llAi K 7.5000 S5000 34.5000 .191 COO 34(>875 .393125 3487.50 395250 1 1 3.50<.25 .397375 ' 352500 399500 1 354375 401625 356250 4037.50 95000 43;(.00 4.V)375 441750 444125 446500 448875 451250 Mexican Money, Etc. Dollars and Cents to Pesos and Centavos, ''^MoH'y" Money of Mexico, some Central American, South American and Asiatic countries. For figuring profits, see pages 141, 165 and 179. About countries using money of the values here given, see page 164, A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to from about $1.01 to about $1.05 on 51,000. Write amounts as follows: Three Hundred Ninety Five and ^^/loo Pesos. Or, Dollars, Local Currency. 47.65 47.70 47.75 47.80 47.85 47 7 s 47.90 47.95 48 48.05 48.10 48 1 8 48.15 48.20 48.25 48.30 48.35 48 3 s 48.40 48.45 48.50 48.55 48.60 48 5,8 48.65 48.70 48.75 48.80 48.85 48 7 8 48.90 48.95 49 49.05 49.10 49 1 8 49.15 49.20 49.25 49.30 100000 20986359 2096436 I 20^42-408 20920502 20H98642 20HK772S 20876827 20855057 I 00000 20833333 20811655 20790021 20779221 20768432 20746888 20725389 20703934 1 00000 20682523 20671835 20661157 20639835 20618557 20597322 20576132 20565553 100000 20554985 20533881 20512821 20491803 20470829 20460358 20449898 20429009 100000 20408163 20387360 20366599 20356234 20345880 20325203 20304569 20283976 20000 4197272 4192872 4188482 4184100 4179728 4177546 4175365 4171011 20000 30000 6295908 6289308 6282723 6276151 6269592 6266319 6263048 6256517 30000 4166667 4162331 4158004 4155844 4153686 4149378 4145078 4140787 20000 4094166 4092072 4089980 4085802 20000 4081633 4077472 4073320 4071247 4069176 4065041 4060914 4056795 40000 8394544 8385744 8376963 8368201 8359457 8355091 8350731 8342023 40000 50000 8333333 8324662 8316008 8311688 8307373 8298755 8290155 8281573 40000 10493179 10482180 10471204 10460251 10449321 10443864 10438413 10427529 50000 10416667 10405827 10395010 10389610 10384216 10373444 10362694 10351967 50000 6103764 6097561 6091371 6085193 60000 12591815 12578616 12565445 12552301 12539185 12532637 12526096 12513034 60000 12500000 12486993 12474012 12467532 12461059 12448133 12435233 12422360 60000 12409514 12403101 12396694 12383901 12371134 12358393 12345679 12339332 60000 12332991 12320329 12307692 12295082 12282497 12276215 12269939 12257406 60000 12244898 12232416 12219959 12213740 12207528 12195122 12182741 12170385 14583333 14568158 14553015 14545455 14537902 14522822 14507772 14492754 70000 80000 16789087 16771488 16753927 16736402 16718913 16710183 16701461 16684046 80000 16666667 16649324 16632017 16623377 16614746 16597510 16580311 16563147 80000 16546019 16537468 16528926 16511868 16494845 16477858 16460905 16452442 80000 16443988 16427105 16410256 16393443 16376663 16368286 16359918 16343207 80000 16326531 16309888 16293279 16284987 16276704 16260163 16243655 16227181 90000 18887723 18867925 18848168 18828452 18808777 18798956 18789144 18769552 90000 18750(100 18730489 18711019 18701299 18691589 18672199 18652850 18633540 90000 18014271 18604(i51 18595041 18575851 18556701 18537590 18518519 18508997 90000 18499486 18480493 18461538 18442623 18423746 184143:: 184(1 4'>I)S 18386 HIS 90000 18367347 18348624 18329939 18320611 18311292 18292683 18274112 182.S5578 This part of this tabic was computed pri- marily forccnts, but it may be used for larjjer amounts, for the rates piven. 47.75 48 48.25 48.50 48.75 49 49.25 1500 2500 3500 31414 52356 73298 31250 52083 72917 31088 51813 72S39 30928 51546 72165 30769 51282 71795 30612 51020 71429 30457 50761 71066 5500 115183 6500 136126 114583 135417 113990 134715 113402 134021 112821 133333 112245 132653 111675 131980 DATE TAISI.KS I .Nli:ii i;S]' lAl;!.!:! 4500 94241 93750 93264 92784 92308 91837 91371 AliVKIll'lSK.VKNT IN I'.AlK 7500 j S500 157068 ' 178010 156250 ■ 1770S3 155440 j 176166 154639 175258 153846 174359 153061 173469 152284 I 172589 IF IKiiiK 9500 198953 197917 196891 195876 194872 193877 192893 Pesos and Centavos, 'iu,Jy" to Dollars and Cents. Mexican Money, Etc. All couiitrifs using money of the vjilue here given have decimal systems. Exchange on most Central and South American countries is usually drawn in U. S. dollars or in English money. In the far East, drafts are commonly payable in the money of the country on which they are drawn. Write figures as follows: Pesos 345 -'» Loc. Cur. $ 295 ?2 L,,c. O'r. 395 2L 100 47.65 47.70 47.7.S 47.K0 47.H5 47 7 „ 47.90 47.95 This p.irt i>f this t.ihlc was computed pri- in.irily for ct-iit- avos, but may be used for larger nmounts, for 47.75 48 48.25 48.50 48.75 49 the raits jrivcn. 49.25 isooo 2S()00 3.=;ooo 1 7162.=; ll'«7.S 16712.S 72000 120000 UkSOdO 72.175 120625 1WW75 727SO 12I2.S0 169750 I 7.M25 121K-.S 170625 ' 7.1.S00 I22.SOO 171500 7387S I23I25 172375 jsono 214.S75 2I6(HKI 217125 21K250 219375 220500 221625 55000 65000 262625 310375 264(M)0 312(Mm 1 26.S37S 313625 ' 266750 3152.50 26H125 316«75 269500 31K.50O 270H75 320 125 75000 3.SKI25 3M)O0t) 361H75 363750 365625 367500 S5000 405875 40N0OO 410125 4122.50 414375 416.500 95000 453625 456000 45H375 460750 463125 465500 369375 41W05 46rs75 lATK TAIll.KS INTKltKSr TVIll.K.S Hf.y. AKMIKTISKM KNT IN IIMK Money of Japan, Mexico, Etc . Dollars ccms. to Yen Zt, Pesos ccn'tavos. Etc. Money of Japan, Mexico, some Central American, South American and Asiatic countries. For figuring profits, see pages 141, 165 and 179. About countries using money of | the values liere ^iven, see page 164 A fluctuation of .05 in the rate amounts to from about SI. 00 to about $1.01 on $1,000. Write amounts as follows: 1 Ninety Five and ^"hoo Yen. Or, Pesos. Or, Dollars, Local Currency. 49.35 100000 20263425 20000 4052685 30000 40000 50000 10131712 60000 12158055 70000 14184.397 80000 16210740 90000 18237082 6079027 8105370 49 3 8 20253165 4050633 6075949 8101266 10126582 12151899 14177215 16202532 18227848 49.40 20242915 4048583 6072874 8097166 10121457 12145749 14170040 16194332 18218623 49.45 20222447 4044489 6066734 8088979 10111223 12133468 14155713 16177958 18200202 49.50 20202020 4040404 6060606 8080808 10101010 12121212 14141414 16161616 18181818 49.55 20181635 4036.327 6054490 8072654 10090817 12108981 14127144 16145.^08 18163471 49.60 20161290 4032258 6048387 8064516 10080645 12096774 14112903 16129032 18145161 49S,s 20151134 4030227 6045340 8060453 10075567 12090680 14105793 16120907 18136020 4SK.65 100000 20140987 20000 4028197 30000 40000 8056395 50000 10070493 60000 12084592 70000 80000 90000 18126888 6042296 14098691 16112790 49.70 20120724 4024145 6036217 8048290 10060362 12072435 14084507 16096579 181086.52 49.75 20100503 4020101 6030151 8040201 10050251 12060302 14070352 16080402 18090452 49.80 20080321 4016064 6024096 8032129 10040161 12048193 14056225 16064257 18072289 49.85 20060181 4012036 6018054 8024072 10030090 12036108 14042126 16048144 18054162 49 7 8 20050125 4010025 60150.^8 8020050 10025063 12030075 14035088 16040100 18045113 49.90 20040080 4008016 6012024 8016032 10020040 12024048 14028056 16032064 18036072 49.95 20020020 4004004 6006006 8008008 10010010 12012012 14014014 16016016 18018018 50 100000 20000000 20000 4000000 30000 40000 8000000 50000 10000000 60000 12000000 70000 80000 16000000 90000 18000000 6000000 14000000 50.05 19980020 3996004 5994006 7992008 9990010 11988012 13986014 1.S984016 17982018 50.10 19960080 3992016 5988024 7984032 9980040 11976048 13972056 15968064 17964072 50 1 8 19950125 3990025 5985037 7980050 9975062 11970075 13965087 15960100 17955112 50.15 19940179 3988036 5982054 7976072 9970090 11964108 13958126 1.5952144 17946162 50.20 19920319 3984064 5976096 7968127 9960159 11952191 13944223 1.5936255 17928287 50.25 19900498 3980100 5970149 7960199 9950249 11940299 1.3930348 15920.398 17910448 50.30 19880716 3976143 5964215 7952286 9940358 11928429 13916501 15904573 17892644 lOOUOO 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 50.35 19860973 3972195 5958292 7944389 9930487 11916.584 13902681 15888779 17874876 503 8 19851117 3970223 595.5335 7940447 9925558 11910670 13895782 15880893 17866005 50.40 19841270 3968254 5952381 7936508 9920635 11904762 13888889 15873016 17857143 50.45 19821606 3964321 5946482 7928642 9910803 11892963 13875124 15857284 17839445 50.50 19801980 3960396 5940594 7920792 9900990 11881188 13861386 15841584 17821782 50.53 19790224 3958045 5937067 7916089 9895112 118741.U 1.3853157 1.5832179 17811201 50.54 19786308 3957262 5935892 7914523 9893154 11871785 13850416 15829046 17807677 50.55 19782394 3956479 59.34718 7912957 9891197 11869436 13847676 15825915 17804154 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 50.56 19778481 3955696 59.33544 7911392 9889241 11867089 13844937 15822785 17800633 50.57 19774570 3954914 5932371 7909828 9887285 11864742 13842199 1.5819656 17797113 50..58 19770660 39541.32 5931198 7908264 9885330 11862396 13839462 15816528 17793594 50.59 19766752 3953350 5930026 7906701 988.3376 11860051 1.3836727 1581.3402 17790077 50.60 19762846 3952569 5928854 7905138 9881423 11857707 13833992 1.5810277 17786561 50.61 19758941 .3951788 5927682 7903576 9879470 1185.5.365 13831259 15807153 17783047 50.62 19755038 3951008 5926511 7902015 9877519 11853023 13828526 15804030 17779534 SOS 8 19753086 3950617 5925926 7901235 9876543 118518.^2 1.3827160 1.5802469 17777778 This par this t.-il)le t of !i i; >00 2501 > 3500 4500 .5500 6.500 7.500 8500 9500 was 49.50 3( )303 505( )5 70707 90909 111111 ! 131313 151515 171717 191919 coinputid j,ri- 49.75 3( )151 502J 1 70352 90452 110553 130653 150754 170854 190955 inarily lure LMltS, 50 3( )000 500( )0 70000 90000 110000 130000 150000 170000 190000 but it iiia_ l)c 50.25 2' )851 497. >1 69652 89552 109453 129353 149254 169154 189055 used for la rRtr 50.50 2 >703 495( )5 69307 89109 108911 128713 148515 168318 188120 amounts, for 50.55 2 )674 494. )6 69238 89021 108803 128586 148368 1681.50 187933 the raUs k veil. 50.60 2 J644 494( )7 69170 88933 108696 128458 148221 167984 187747 i>\ii; TAiu.i'.s iNTi;ui:s-i' ■iwiii.:;: SKIO ADVKltTlSlOMENT IN HACK V and len Sen Pesos ccnilvo,. Etc. to Dollars ("'1,1,. Money of Japan, Me.\Ico, Ktc. 1 Yen = 100 Sen. 1 Peso (Mexican Dollar) = lOO Centavos. Exeli:in ge on most Central and South American countries is usually drawn in U. S. dollars or in Kn glish money. In the far East, drafts are commonly payable in the money of the country on which they are drawn. Write figures as follows: 7 iir 2S Y.l 25 11 Pesos 345 -!» Loc. Cur. $ 295 ?2 Z-Z: 395 Im 49.35 I 00000 ■("W5000 200000 ys 70000 300000 400000 19740000 500000 24675000 600000 29610000 7001)1 000 SDOOOO 39480000 900000 4441.5000 14805000 .14545 49 3 N ■♦y.u.soo '«75()()() 148 12500 19750000 24^1,87500 29625000 34562500 39500000 44437500 49.40 ^y4llu(Hl 9SS(I0I)0 14820000 19760000 24700000 29640000 34580000 39520C00 44460(100 49.45 ■4V45000 9890000 14835000 19780000 24725000 29670000 34615000 39560000 44505000 49.50 4950000 9900000 14850000 19800000 24750000 29700000 34650000 39600000 44550000 49.55 495.S0()0 9910000 14865000 19820000 24775000 29730000 34685000 3964i;0(:0 445950110 49.60 49(.0000 9920000 14880000 19840000 24800000 29760000 34720000 39r^8ii(;i.O 44640000 49 5 8 4962500 9925000 14887500 19850000 24812.S00 29775000 34737500 39700000 44W)2500 49.65 100000 4965000 200000 9930000 300000 14895000 400000 500000 24825000 600000 29790000 700000 3475.5000 SOOOOO 900000 44685000 19860000 39720000 49.70 4970000 9940000 14910000 19880000 24850000 29820000 34790000 39760000 44730000 49.75 •49"50OO 9<)50000 14925000 19900000 24875000 29850000 34825000 39800000 44775000 49.S0 •♦WOOOO 9960000 14940000 19920000 24900000 29880000 34860000 39840000 44820000 49.85 49S5000 9970000 14955000 19940000 24925000 29910000 34895000 39880000 44865000 49 7 8 4987500 9975000 14962500 19950000 24937500 29925000 34912500 39900000 44887500 49.90 4990000 9980000 14970000 19960000 24950000 29940000 34930000 39920000 44910000 49.95 4995000 9<>90000 14985000 199SOO0O 24975000 29970000 34965000 39960000 44955000 50 101)1)00 511110(11)0 200000 lOOOIHlOO 301)000 I5(I(I(I(K)0 400000 20000000 500000 2.->000(IOO 600000 30000000 70000 000 SOOOOO 900000 45000000 35001 40000000 50.05 5IMI.S(MH) 11101(1(1110 l.SOl.SOOO 20020000 25025000 30030000 35035000 40040000 45045000 50.10 50 1 8 5l)HII)(H) 5012.500 1(1(12(111(10 15(130000 15(J37500 20040000 20050000 25050(100 25062500 30060000 30075000 350700110 35087500 40080000 40100000 45090000 45112500 101)25000 50.15 5015000 100.10000 15045000 20060000 25075000 30090000 3510.5000 40120000 45135000 50.20 5()2l)()00 loo-toooo 15060000 20080000 25100000 30120(100 35140000 40160000 45180000 50.25 5025000 10()50()0() 15075000 20100000 25125000 30150000 3517.5000 40200000 45225000 50.30 5il.i(IOOO 10060000 15090000 20120000 25150000 30180000 35210000 40240000 45270000 101)000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000 50.35 50,V5d00 10070000 1510.5000 20140000 25175000 302101)00 35245000 40280000 45315000 50.18 50.17500 10075000 15112.500 20150000 25187500 30225000 35262500 40300000 45337500 .50.40 51)11)1)00 lOOHOOdO 15120000 20160000 25200000 30240000 35280000 40320000 453601100 .SO. 4 5 511)511110 lOdVOOdO 15135000 20180000 25225000 30270000 35315000 40360000 45405000 .50.50 5050000 10100000 151.50000 20200000 25250000 30300000 35350000 40400000 45450000 .50.. 53 5053000 10106000 15159000 20212000 25265000 30318000 35371000 40424000 45477000 50.54 S0S4OO0 lOlOSOflO 15162000 20216000 25270)H)0 30324000 3.5378(M10 40432000 45486000 50.55 5055000 10110000 15165000 20220000 25275000 30330000 35385000 404)0000 45495000 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 SOOIKIO 9(1011110 50.56 50.57 5056000 5057000 10112(100 10114000 i5U)8000 15171000 20224000 252SOOOO 252S5(i(i(i .>O'!,^MlO0 353''2(iO() .15399000 4O44H(l(10 40456000 455041100 4.5513(1(10 ill', i:i^ II 2o22soo() .S(»..S8 5058000 ioii6om) 15174000 2(12.12000 25^')00iio ■sMUMir II 35)060(10 40464000 45522(100 .50.59 5059000 10118000 15177000 20216(100 2^2"' • ■ ~ 1000 35413000 40472000 45531010 50.60 .SO. 61 50.62 5060000 5061000 5062(MI0 I012(M)00 10122000 101240(10 151800(10 1518.10(10 15186000 202 10000 2024 1000 20248000 iiOOO 35420000 35427000 35434('00 40)SOO0O 4()4SS((10 4()49(,0(10 45540000 45549(4 45558('(0 (.000 30372000 50 S 8 .5062500 10125000 15187500 20250000 25312500 30375000 35437.= 00 40500000 45.56:.= (0 This par t "f 15000 25000 35000 45000 55000 65000 75000 S5000 95000 tliis tabic was 49.50 742.50 1237.50 173250 222750 272:50 32ir.=o .1712.50 42075 ) 4 70250 1 '>IllpUtCs, l»it in used for U lytic 50.25 irKcr 50.50 75.175 757.50 125625 1262.50 1 7.5875 1767.50 ! 226125 227250 277750 3 37rvS75 3787.50 42712 42925 5 477375 ) 479750 28250 amounts, f'>r 50.55 7.5825 126.175 176925 227475 278025 328575 379125 42967 ; , 480225 till' rates K ivcn. 50,60 75900 126500 177100 1 227700 278300 328900 379500 43010 J 1 480700 >XTK Tviii.K.s ivrr.KK.sT Tviii.cs si.c .\ iivi'.i: 1 i.-ii:M i:n r i.s h.m k 178 Money of Russia, Japan, Mexico, Etc. Russia Japan Mexico THERE are several countries using money tiie exchange value of which ranges from a little below 50 cents to about 52. The principal ones, and those for which the eight pages following will be most used, are Russia, Japan, the Philippine Islands, China and Mexico. They all have decimal systems and to convert United States money into that of any of them, divide by the rate; to convert their money into ours, multiply by the rate. Of the countries mentioned, Russian ex- change is the most important. The monetary unit is the rouble, or ruble. The minting or par value of the gold rouble is 51% cents. Gold is coined 900 parts fine in denominations of 5, 7%, 10 and 15 roubles; the 15 rouble p. piece is the Imperial, and the 7% rouble piece is the Half Imperial. Paper money is much used but there are some excelent for- geries in circulation. The silver rouble, the 50 kopeck and the 25 kopeck pieces are 900 parts fine; smaller denominations are 500 parts fine. Japan is a gold standard country and its monetary unit is the yen which is worth, in United States money, 49.8 cents. Gold is coined 900 parts fine in 5, 10 and 20 yen pieces. Silver is coined 800 parts fine in 10, 20 and 50 sen pieces. Paper money is issued in various denominations by the Bank of Japan. Japan's currency system will com- pare favorably with that of any other nation, and its banking facilities are good; but New York and Chicago foreign exchange jobbers ordinarily do not furnish a list of banks in the country upon which drafts may be drawn, as they do for cities throughout Europe. Banks in the United States, especially those at in- terior points, desiring to issue drafts on Jap- anese banks, must make special arrangements for the privilege. This is not only true of Japan but of China and other oriental coun- tries, and of Central and South America as well. Partial lists are sometimes furnished. The banking business, in this particular, is improving from year to year, however, and with the opening of the Panama canal, it is to be presumed that our foreign exchange relations with these countries will grow. Mexico is a gold standard country; its gold peso is worth 49.8 cents, and is 900 parts fine: its silver peso is 902.7 parts fine; lesser denom- inations are 800 parts fine. Mexico coins a silver trade dollar, the "Mexican dollar," especially for export; it is not a part of the general circulation, since the coinage act of 1904, but it is the same weight and fineness as its "peso;" it is used largely in some parts of the orient, and in some Central and South American countries. The Philippine Islands exchange with the United States is growing in importance as our trade with the country increases. Drafts should be written in "Philippine Pesos," or in United States dollars, preferably the former. The silver peso and its subdivisions in cent- avos are 900 parts fine and are coined at the United States mint, and are of the high grade for which the United States coins are noted. The peso weighs 416 grains as against the 412% grain silver dollar with which we are familiar. It appears to be the same size but it is a trifle heavier and is worth just half as much. 100 Philippine centavos, or cents, make 1 peso. For Chinese money see page 164. There are some remarks on that page also about Japanese and South American moneys. Prior to the year 1868, there was minted in Spain a coin called the "doubloon; its name was due to the fact that it was twice, or double, the value of the pistole. It weighed about 129 grains, was 900 parts fine, and was worth about $5.00. Central and South Amer- ican countries, being Spanish in their origin, had, many of them, a coin called by the same name, a doubloon. The published data in regard to these coins is meager; they were not all of the same value; but they have been altogether supplanted by the currencies adopt- ed in recent years. There is so little gold used in these countries at the present time that practically none of it reaches the United States, especially interior points. The Mex- ican doubloon was worth about $15.50, that of Chilli about $3.65. Profit Table for Russian and Japanese Moneys. For explanation see souk- oI" tlit profit tal)Us for otlur comilrics. for instance pajjc 1+1. This table Is intended for rates as low as 47 or -1-S on pajje 174-, l)nt owinj,' to the wide ran^e in vahie there will he .in error of about 5 or G per cent at that point; the figures will be too small by that amount. For s.)tne of the hi^h rates on paj^-e, the fi;;ures will be too larne up to about 1 per cent, that is, if the profit shown in the table is $5.U0, the error may amount to about 5 cents. Dollars 50 lUO ISO 200 250 .^00 400 500 600 700 SOO 900 1000 1100 1200 1.^00 1400 1500 1600 1700 INOO 1 900 2000 2200 2400 2500 .^000 5000 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 I .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .03 .06 .09 .12 .15 .17 .04 .08 .12 .16 .19 .23 .05 .10 .15 .19 .24 .29 .06 .12 .17 .23 .29 .35 .08 .16 .23 .31 .39 .47 .10 .19 .29 .39 .49 .58 .12 .23 .35 .47 .58 .70 .14 .27 .41 .54 .68 .82 .16 .31 .47 .62 .78 .93 .17 .35 .52 .70 .87 1.05 .19 .39 .58 .78 .97 1.16 .21 .43 .64 .85 1.07 1.28 .23 .47 .70 .93 1.16 1.40 .25 .50 .76 1.01 1.26 1.51 .27 .54 .81 1.09 1.16 1.63 .29 .58 .87 1.16 1.46 1.75 .31 .62 .93 1.24 l.S.S 1 86 .33 .66 .99 1.32 1.65 1.98 I .35 .70 1.05 1.40 1.7.S 210 .37 .74 1.11 1.47 1.S4 2.21 J9 .78 116 1.S5 1.94 2..V1 .43 .85 1.28 1.71 2.13 2.56 .47 .93 1.40 1.S6 2.33 2.79 .49 .97 1.46 1.94 2.43 2 91 j .58 1.16 1.75 2.33 2.91 .3.491 .97 1.94 2.91 3.88 4.85 5.82 1 .07 .07 .14 .20 .27 .34 .41 .54 .68 .81 .95 1.09 1.22 1.36 1.49 1.63 1.77 1.90 2.04 2.17 2.31 2 44 2.58 2.72 2.99 3.26 3.40 4.07 679 .08 .08 .16 .23 .31 .39 .47 .62 .78 .93 1.09 124 1.40 1.55 1.71 186 2.02 2.17 2.33 2.48 2.64 2.79 2.95 3.10 3.41 3.72 3.88 466 7.76 .09 .09 .17 .26 .35 .44 .52 .70 .87 1.05 1.22 1.40 157 1.75 1.92 2.10 2.27 I 2.45 2.62 2.79 2.97 I 3.14 3.32 3.49 3.84 1 4.19 I 4.37 5.24 8.73 .10 .11 .12 .101 .19 I .291 .391 .49' .58 .78 .97 1.16 \.ib 1..S5 1.75 1.94 2.13 2.33 2.52 2.72 2.91 3.10 3.30 3.49! 3.69 3 88 4 27 4.66 4.85 5.82 9.70 .14 .IS .53 .58 .681 .73 .64 .70 1 .82 .87 .85 .93! 1.09 1.16 1.06 1.16 { 1.36 1.46 .16 .18 .16 .17 .31 .35 .47 .52 .62 .70 .78 .87 .93 1.05 1.24 140 1.55 1.86 1.75 210 .20 .19 .39 .58 .78 .97 1.16 1.55 1.94 128 1.40 1.63 1.49 1.63 1.90 2.03 2 17 2.45 1 2.72 1.70 186 2.17 2.32|24S 2 79 ' 3 10 1.92 210 2.44 2.61 I 2.79 3.14 1 3.49 2.13 2.33 2.34 2.56 2.56 2.79 2.77 I 3.03 2.99 3 26 3.20 3.49 3.41 3 72 3.63 3.96 3 84 1 4.19 4.05 4.42 ! 4 27 4 66 4.69 5.12 2.72 2.91 3.10' 2.99 3.20 3.41 3 26 3.49 3.72 1 3.53 j 3.78 4.04 I 3.80 4.07! 4.35 i 4.07 4.16 4.66 4..15 4.66' 4.97 4.62 I 4.95 I 5.28 4 89 5.24 I 5 .S9 5.12 5.33 6.40 10 67 5.59 5.82 6.98 11.64 516 5.53 543 5.82 5.98 6.40 6 52! 6.98 6.79 7 27 8 15j 8 73, 9 31 13.58 1 14.55 1552 5.90 621 6.83 7.45 776 3.49 3.88 3.84 4.27 4.19 I 4 66 4.54 I 5.04 4.89 543 5 24 5 82 5.59 621 5.94 6.60 6 29 6.98 663 7.37 6 98 7 76 7.68 8.54 8.18 9 31 8.73 970 10.48 1164 17.46 19.40 Roubles I .01 50 100 150 200 250 .300 400 500 600 700 750 800 900 101)0 I 100 1 200 1400 I 500 1600 ISOO 2000 2500 .1000 4000 SOOO 6000 .SOOO 10000 .02 .20 I .40 .25 .50 .30 .60 .40 .80 .50 I 00 .60 1.20 .80 I 60 I 0(1 2 00 .01 .03 .04 .06 .07 .09 .12 .15 .18 .21 .22 .24 .27 .30 .33 36 .42 .45 .48 .54 .60 .75 .90 120 I ."iO 1.80 3 40 1 no .04 .05 .02 .02 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .10 .10 .12 .12 .15 .16 .20 .20 .25 .24 .30 .28 .35 .30 .37 .32 .40 .36 .45 .06 .07 .08 .40 .44 .48 .56 .60 .64 .72 .80 100 1.20 1.60 2.00 240 I (Nl .50 .55 .60 .70 .75 .80 .90 1.00 1.25 1 .SO 2(M) 2..';o 3IM) 4.00 .03 .06 .09 .12 ' .15' .18 .24 .30 .36 .42 .45 .48 .54 .60 .66 .72 .84 .04 .09 .13 .18 .22 .27 .36 .45, .541 .63 .67 72 .81 .'»0 .9<> 10 .11 .12 .05 .05 .06 .10 .11 .12 .15 .16 .18 .20 .22 .24 .25 .27 .30 .30 .33 .36 .40 .44 .48 .50 .55 .60 .60 .66 .72 .70 .77 M .75 .82 .90 .80 .88 .96 .90 .99 1.08 .90 1.05 .96 1.12 1.08 1.26 1.20 1.40 1 .SO I 75 ISO 2 10 2.40 280 3.00 ISO 3.60 4 20 480 5W) 6 00 7(H) .96 108 1.12 1.26 1.20 1.35 1.28 1.44 1.44 1.62 160 180 2(M) 2.25 240 270 3.20 360 100 l.lOi 1.10 1.21 1.20 1.32 1.401 1.54! 1.50 1.65 1.60 1.76 1.80 1.98 2 00 2.20 ' 2 .SO 2.75 3 00 3 .10 400 4 40 ^14 .07 .14 .21 .28 .35 .42 .56 .70 .84 .98 1.05 1.12 126 1.20 I 1.40 1.321 1.54 1.44 1.68 1.68 196 1.80 2.10 1.92 { 2.24 2.16 ] 2.52 2.40 1 2 80 3.00 3..S0 3.60 420 480 5/>0 .15 .16 .18 .07 .08 .09 .15 .16 .18 .22 .24 .27 .30 .32 .36 .37 .40 .45 .45 .48 .54 .60 .64 .72 .75 .80 .901 .90 .96 1.08! 1.05 1.12 1.26 1.12 1.20 1.15 1.S0 1.65 1.80 2.10! 225 240 2.70 300 3.75 4. SO 6.00 1.20 1.15 1.28 1.44 1.44 162 1.60 1.80 1.76 1 98 1.92 2 16 2.24 2.S2 240 270 320 360 4.(M) 4.50 4 80 5 10 6.40 720 .20 .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.80 2.00 220 2.40 2fO 3 00 320 3 60 400 5 (10 6.00 8 00 4 m) 4..S0 5 00 5.50 6.00 7.(M1 750 8 ()0 9 00 10 00 4 80 5 40 6 00 6 60 7.20 8.40 9 (M) 9 M) 10 SO 12(10 640 720 800 880 960 11.20 I2.IN) I2S0 14.40 1600 8.(M) 9.(M) 10.00 11.00 12.00 14.IK) 15 (K) 16 (M) 18.00 20.00 Russian Money, Etc. Dollars and Cents to Roubles and Kopecks, 't!\i„cys! Money of Russia, Japan, Mexico, and some other American and Asiatic countries. For figuring profits, see page 179. For Russian, Japanese, and other monies, see pages 178 and 164, In exchange transactions with some of these countries, drafts are often written in United States dollars or in English money. Write amounts as follows: Six Hundred Twenty Five and ^^hoo Roubles. Or, Yen. Or, Pesos. 50.70 50.71 50.72 50.73 50.74 50.75 50.76 50.77 50.78 50.79 50.80 50.81 5013/16 50.82 50.83 50.84 50.85 50.86 50.87 50 7 8 50.88 50.89 50.90 50.91 50.92 50.93 5013 ,6 50.94 50.95 50.96 50.97 50.98 19723H66 19719976 19716088 19712202 19708317 19704433 19700552 19696671 100000 19692792 19688915 19685039 19681165 19680197 19677292 19673421 19669551 100000 19665683 19661817 19657952 19656020 19654088 19650226 19646365 19642506 100000 19638649 19634793 19631902 19630938 19627085 19623234 19619384 19615536 3944773 3943995 .3943218 3942440 3941663 3940887 3940110 3939334 20000 3938558 3937783 3937008 3936233 3936039 3935458 3934684 3933910 20000 3933137 3932363 3931590 3931204 .3930818 3930045 3929273 .3928501 20000 3927730 3926959 3926380 3926188 .3925417 3924647 3923877 3923107 5917160 7889546 5915993 7887991 5914826 7886435 5913661 7884881 5912495 7883327 5911330 7881773 5910165 7880221 5909001 7878669 30000 5907838 40000 7877117 5906675 7875566 5905512 7874016 5904350 7872466 5904059 7872079 5903188 7870917 5902026 7869368 5900865 7867821 30000 40000 5899705 7866273 5898545 7864727 5897385 7863181 5896806 7862408 5896226 7861635 5895068 7860090 5893910 7858546 5892752 7857003 30000 40000 5891595 7855460 5890438 7853917 5889571 78.52761 5889282 7852375 5888126 7850834 5886970 7849294 5885815 7847754 5884661 7846214 This part of this table was computed pri- marily forcents, but it may be used for larjjer amounts, for the rates jjiven. 50.65 50.70 50.75 50.80 50.85 50.90 50.95 1500 29615 29586 29557 29528 29499 29470 29441 2500 49358 49310 49261 49213 49164 49116 49068 3500 4500 1 69102 88845 69034 88757 68966 88670 68898 8S583 68S30 88496 6H762 88409 68695 88322 5500 108588 108481 108374 108268 108161 108055 107949 6500 12S332 128205 128079 1279.53 127827 127701 127576 DATH TAHI. F.S 1 NTIOIIIOST TA Ill.K: AIIVIOKTISKMMNT IX HACK 7500 148075 I 147929 147783 j 147638 147493 147348 147203 8500 167818 167653 167488 167323 167158 166994 166830 9500 187.S62 187376 187192 187008 186S:4 ISdf.KI IMvl.S Roubles and Kopecks, Mfm!','"" to Dollars and Cents. Russian Money, Etc. All countries using money of the value here given have decimal .sy.stems. Value of coins, page 190. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 19 cents i)n S1,0(X). Write figures as follows; give preference to first form; avoid odd j kopecks. and other units of small denominations: 100 R''62 S^l R.345'" Y. 395^1 See forms on page 177. Ri 625 lUUUUO 200000 300000 400000 50UO0O 600000 700000 sooooo 900000 50.6.^ SII6.?(ltM( 10126000 151S9000 20252000 25315000 30378000 .15441000 40504000 45567000 50.64 SlIMIMIO 1012S000 15192000 20256000 25320000 30384000 35448000 40512000 45576000 S().«>5 SIKiSlHM) 101,10000 15195000 20260000 2.5325000 30390000 35455000 40520000 45.585000 50.66 5II(>MIII0 10132000 15198000 20264000 25330000 30396000 35462000 40528000 45594000 50.67 5067(100 10134000 15201000 20268000 25335000 30402000 35469000 40536000 45603000 50.68 .SIKvSOOO 10136000 15204000 20272000 25340000 30408000 35476000 40544000 45612000 5011 lb .SO(..S750 10137.500 15206250 20275000 25343750 30412500 35481250 40550000 45618750 50.69 506'«I00 10138000 15207000 20276000 25345000 30414000 35483000 40552000 45621000 50.70 lOOIlOO 507(K)00 200000 10140000 300000 15210000 400000 500000 25350000 600000 30420000 700000 35490000 SOOOOO 40560000 900000 45630000 20280000 50.71 5071000 10142000 1.521.3000 20284000 25355000 3(M26000 35497000 40568000 45639000 50.72 5072000 10144000 15216000 20288000 25360000 30432000 35504000 40576000 45648000 50. 7.^ 5073000 10146000 1521')000 20292000 25365000 30438000 3551 loco 40584000 45657000 50.74 507-1000 10148000 15222000 20296000 25370000 30444000 35518000 40592000 45666000 50.75 5075000 10150000 15225000 20300000 25375000 30450000 35525000 40600000 45675000 50.76 5076000 101.52000 15228000 20304000 25380000 30456000 35532000 40608000 45684000 50.77 5077000 10154000 15231000 20308000 25385000 30462000 35539000 40616000 45693000 50.78 100000 507S000 200000 10156000 300000 15234000 400000 500000 25390000 600000 30468000 700000 35546000 800000 40624000 900000 45702000 20312000 50.7'> 507'>0(MI 10158000 15237000 20316000 25.195000 30474000 35553000 40632000 45711000 50. HO SIISODIKI 10160000 152400(10 20320000 25400000 30480000 35.560000 4064(1000 4572(1000 50.N1 SOS 1(11(0 10162000 15243000 20324000 25405000 30486000 35567000 40648000 45729000 501.' 1, 50H1250 10162500 15243750 20325000 25406250 30487500 35568750 40650000 45731250 .50.82 50H2(MIO 10164000 15246000 20328000 25410000 30492000 35574000 40656000 45738000 50.8.^ 50.84 50N3000 50H»000 10166000 10168000 15249000 15252000 20332000 20336000 25415000 25420000 30498000 30504000 3.= 3,= 5Sl(((i(l 4(1(<64(1(I(1 (Ii(i72tlllll 4574 7000 45756000 5ssu(i(i 50.85 50.86 50.87 50 7 s 100000 50S5000 50H(.(KIO 50H7l)OO 50H75O0 200000 10170(M)0 10172000 10174000 1017.5000 300000 15255000 15258000 1.5261000 15262500 (00000 500000 25425000 25430000 2543.5000 25437500 600000 30510000 30516000 70(10(1(1 35?'i~ 35(inji'i:ii SIIIKIIKI IIKi^l 1 I) 4 (0000 20340000 20344000 20348000 203500WI 5765000 Mil 45774000 45783000 45787.500 3.- -((Ki'Kiddd 305221100 305251100 (id'KMlll 35612500 40700000 .50.88 5(issiiiiii III! 76000 15264000 20352000 25440000 30528000 35616000 40704000 45792000 50.89 5us')niiii I'lirsooo 15267000 20356000 25445000 30.534000 3.5623(K)0 40712000 45801000 50.90 5(l')iiiMin lnlsOOOO 15270000 20360000 25450(K)0 30.540000 3.5630000 40720000 45810000 50.91 5( I'M III III 1IIIS2II00 15273000 20364000 25455000 305(6000 35637000 40728000 4 58 19000 lOUOOO 20IIIIIMI 3(11111(111 100(100 500000 (lOdOdO 700(1(10 SOOOOO ■100000 50.92 509208000 45864000 50.97 50.98 .50'»7(MIO Slf'HIHIO lOl'MINHI 1I)I'I6000 152'>IO(Hl 152"))(i(iii 2II.VSSIIIIII 25(S5illlll 25 cm 11 '11 30.582000 30.5,S,SOOO 3567'>0(lO 356S(i(ioo 40/76000 40784000 45873000 45882000 2ll,V»2iliiii This par this tatiU- t „l 15000 25000 35000 4.5000 5.SO0O 65000 75000 S5000 95000 was 50.65 7.S975 126625 177275 227925 278575 329225 379875 430525 481175 ciimputnl ,,ri 50.70 76050 126750 I774.5( 228150 278850 3295.50 380250 4.109.50 481650 iiiarilv for k,, .50.75 76125 12(.875 177625 228375 279125 329875 380625 431375 482125 [Kt-ks, but ma.v 50.80 762(M) 1270(M) 17780( 2286(H) 2794(M) 330200 ,18l(Hm 431800 482600 l>c used fi>r larK 50.85 76275 127125 177975 228825 279675 330525 381375 432225 483075 cr niiiouiits , for 50.90 76.VS0 1272.50 1 781.50 229050 279«)50 330850 .1817.50 4.12650 483550 thf rates « ivcn 50.95 75425 127375 17K32S 229275 280225 331 175 382125 433075 484025 IMTK TM'.I.K- ! r TMK.KS SKK AiiVi'.ltTISK.MCNT IN II V"K Russian Money, Etc. Dollars and Cents to Roubles and Kopecks, And Other Munevs. Money of Russia, Japan, Mexico, and some other \merican and Asiatic countries. For figuring profits, see page 179. For Russian, Japanese, and other monies, see pages 1 178 and 164, 1 n exchan ge transactions with some of these countries, drafts are often written in United States do lars or in Enghsh money. Write amounts as follows: Six Hundred Twenty Five and ^^hoo Roubles Or, Yen. Or, Pesos. 50.99 100000 19611689 20000 30000 5883507 40000 7844675 50000 9805844 600 00 11767013 70000 80000 15689351 90000 17650520 3922338 13728182 51 19607843 3921569 5882353 7843137 9803922 11764706 13725490 15686274 17647059 51.01 19603999 3920800 5881200 7841600 9802000 11762400 13722799 15683199 17643599 51.02 19600157 3920031 5880047 7840063 9800078 11760094 13720110 15680125 17640141 51.03 19596316 3919263 5878895 7838526 9798158 11757790 13717421 15677053 17636684 51.04 19592476 3918495 5877743 7836991 9796238 11755486 13714734 15673981 17633229 51.05 19588639 3917728 5876592 7835455 9794319 11753183 13712047 15670911 17629775 51.06 19584802 3916960 5875441 7833921 9792401 11750881 13709362 15667842 17626322 51 1 16 100000 19583843 20000 3916769 30000 40000 50000 9791922 60000 11750306 70000 80000 90000 17625459 5875153 7833537 13708690 15667075 51.07 19580967 3916193 5874290 7832387 9790484 11748580 13706677 15664774 17622871 51.08 19577134 3915427 5873140 7830854 9788567 11746280 13703994 15661707 17619421 51.09 19573302 3914660 5871991 7829321 9786651 11743981 13701311 15658642 17615972 51.10 19569472 3913894 5870841 7827789 9784736 11741683 13698630 15655577 17612524 51.11 19565643 3913129 5869693 7826257 9782821 11739386 13695950 15652514 176(i''(t7S 51.12 19561815 3912363 5868545 7824726 9780908 11737089 13693271 15649452 1 76(15(1.1 1 5118 19559902 3911980 5867971 7823961 9779951 11735941 13691932 15647922 176(13'! 12 51.13 100000 19557989 20000 3911598 30000 40000 7823196 50000 9778995 60000 11734794 70000 80000 15646392 90000 17602190 5867397 13690593 51.14 19554165 3910833 5866250 7821666 9777083 11732499 13687916 15643332 17598749 51.15 19550342 3910068 5865103 7820137 9775171 11730205 13685239 15640274 17595,1(18 51.16 19546521 3909304 5863956 7818608 9773260 11727912 13682564 15637217 17591869 51.17 19542701 3908540 5862810 7817080 9771350 11725620 13679891 15634161 17588431 51.18 19538882 3907776 5861665 7815553 9769441 11723329 13677218 15631106 17584994 51 3,16 19536020 3907204 5860806 7814408 9768010 11721612 13675214 15628816 17582418 51.19 19535065 3907013 5860520 7814026 9767533 11721039 13674546 15628052 17581559 51.20 100000 19531250 20000 3906250 30000 5859375 40000 50000 9765625 60000 11718750 70000 13671875 80000 15625000 90000 17578125 7812500 51.21 19527436 3905487 5858231 7810974 9763718 11716462 13669205 15621949 17574692 51.22 19523624 3904725 5857087 7809449 9761812 11714174 13666537 15618899 17571261 51.23 19519813 3903963 5855944 7807925 9759906 11711888 13663869 15615850 17567831 51.24 19516003 3903201 5854801 7806401 9758002 11709602 13661202 15612802 17564403 51.25 19512195 3902439 5853659 7804878 9756098 11707317 13658537 15609756 17560976 51.26 19508389 3901678 5852517 7803355 9754194 11705033 13655872 15606711 17557550 51.27 19504584 3900917 5851375 7801833 9752292 11702750 13653209 15603667 17554125 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 SOOOO 90000 51.28 19500780 3900156 5850234 7800312 9750390 11700468 13650546 15600624 17550702 51.29 19496978 3899396 5849093 7798791 9748489 11698187 13647885 15597582 175472H0 51.30 19493177 3898635 5847953 7797271 9746589 11695906 13645224 15594542 17543860 51.31 19489378 3897876 5846813 7795751 9744689 11693627 13642565 15591503 17540440 51 5/16 19488429 3897686 5846529 7795371 9744214 11693057 13641900 15590743 17539586 51.32 19485581 3897116 5845674 7794232 9742790 11691348 13639906 15588465 17537023 51.33 19481785 3896357 5844535 7792714 9740892 11689071 13637249 15585428 17533606 51.34 19477990 3895598 5843397 7791196 9738995 11686794 13634593 15582392 175.^0191 This par t of 15 00 2500 3500 4.S00 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 this tabic vas 51 2' 412 49020 68627 88235 107843 127451 147059 166667 186275 computed pri- 51 .05 2' 383 48972 68560 88149 107737 127326 146915 166503 186092 iiiarilyforc ;iits, 51 .10 2S 354 48924 68493 88063 107632 127202 146771 166341 185910 but it nia\ • be 51 .15 2' 326 48876 68426 87977 107527 127077 146628 166178 185728 used for la rper 51 .20 ' 2S 297 48828 68359 87891 107422 126953 146484 16601(5 185,547 amounts, for 51 .25 25 268 48780 68293 87805 107317 126S29 146341 165854 1H53M) the rates p veil. 51 .30 ! 2S 240 48733 68226 87719 107212 126706 146199 165692 185 1 85 BATE TABLES INTKltK.ST T.VMl.KS SEE ADVEKTISEMENT IN IIAPK OF BOOK Roubles and Kopecks, Momyr to Dollars and Cents. Russian Money, Etc. All coiintrie.- iisin^ money of the value here given have deeimal systems. p:\0.c 190. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 19 Value of coins cents on SI, 000. Write tijjures as follows; give preference to first form; avoid odd kopecks, and other units of small denominations: R'l625^1 R.345'1 Y.395?" See forms on page 177. Ri 625 25 100 IIMKMHI 20001)11 300000 tooooo 500000 600000 .so.yy 5l)')"»(lO(( lOIOSOOO 15207000 20396000 25495()00 30594000 .SI SIIMMMKI 102(100(10 15300000 20400000 25500000 30600000 -S 1 .0 1 SIIIIIIIMI 1021120(10 15303000 2(M04000 25505000 30606000 51.02 .S11I2I 1(1(1 1((2040(IO 15306000 20408000 25510000 30612000 .SI. 03 .SKBOdO 10206000 15309000 20412000 25515000 30618000 51.04 51(14(100 1020.S000 15312000 20416000 25520000 30624000 51.05 .SKISddO 102101100 1.531.5000 20420000 25525000 30630000 51.06 5lll(>(l(Ml 10212000 1 .531X000 20424000 25530000 30636000 101)01)0 2U0000 300000 (00000 500000 600000 51 1 16 5I()(.2.>0 10212500 15318750 2042.5000 25531250 30637500 51.07 5107000 10214000 15.321000 20428000 25535000 30642000 51. ON SIosiiiH) 102U.000 15324000 20432000 25540000 30648000 51.09 Slooooo 1(I21NOOO 15327000 20436000 25545000 30654000 51.10 .SI 10000 10220000 15330000 20440000 25550000 30660000 51.11 5111000 10222000 20444000 25555000 3066<)000 51.12 5112000 10224000 15336000 20448000 25560000 30672000 5118 5112500 10225000 15337500 20450000 25562500 30675000 lOUUOO 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 51.13 5113000 10226000 15339000 20452000 25565000 30678000 51.14 51U000 1022S000 15342000 20456000 25570000 30684000 51.15 5115000 10230000 1.5345000 20)6i;ooo 2557.5000 30690000 51.16 5116(M)0 10232000 15348000 20464000 25580000 30696000 51.17 5117000 10234000 15351000 20468000 25585000 30702000 51.18 SIIHOOO 102.36000 1.53.54000 20472000 25590000 30708000 51 i 16 5I1S7.SO 10237500 153,56250 2047.5000 25593750 30712500 51.19 511'»()00 1023HOOO 15.357000 20476000 25595000 30714000 in!ii)0() 200000 300000 400000 SOOJOO 600000 51.20 512(1000 102)0000 15360000 20480000 25600000 3072)1000 51.21 5121000 10242000 15363000 20484(MI0 25605000 30726000 51.22 51221100 102)4000 15366000 204S.SOOO 25610000 307321100 51.23 512.1000 10246000 15369000 20492))00 25615000 30738000 51.24 512)000 10248000 15372000 20496000 25620000 30744000 51.25 5125000 10250000 15375000 20500000 25625000 3075)1000 51.26 5l2(iOOO 10252000 15378000 20.504000 25630000 .307.56000 51.27 5127000 10254000 1.53SIOOO 20508000 25635000 30762000 !ni)l)ll() 200000 .300000 400000 500000 6000))0 5 1 .2K 5!2S1M)0 10256000 15384000 20512000 25640000 307680))0 51.29 5I2"'(IOO 102.5.SOOO 15.387000 20516000 25645000 30774000 5 1 .30 5130000 10260)MM) 15390000 20520(M)0 25650) )00 30780000 51.31 5 1. M 000 102620(I00 2567(1000 3O.SO40O0 700000 35693000 3570))000 35707000 35714000 35721000 35728(i00 35735000 35742000 700000 35743750 35749000 35756000 35763000 35770000 35777000 35784000 35787500 700000 35791000 35798000 35805000 35812000 35819000 35826000 3.58312.50 35833000 700000 35840000 35847000 358540))0 35861000 35868(M)0 35875000 358S20)M) 35889000 70(1000 3,S8')(,(I00 35903000 35910000 35917000 3.59187.50 35924000 3593 1 0(M) 359380(H) SOOOOO 40792))00 40800000 408081100 40816000 40824000 40832(1(:0 40840(1110 40848000 800000 40850000 408560)10 408640(10 40872000 40880000 40888('(I0 4089f,(:(,0 40900000 800000 40';04000 40912000 4092(!())10 40928000 40936000 40944000 4))950000 40952000 800000 409600)10 40968)MI0 40976000 40984000 40992000 41000000 41008000 41016000 SOOOOO 41024000 4I0.320))0 4I))40))))0 41048000 41050000 41056(:00 4IO<>4000 41072000 90000 458910)K) 45900000 45909000 45918))00 459270))0 45936000 45945)100 45954000 900000 45956250 45963000 459720)10 4.5981))00 459«>0000 45999000 46008000 46012500 900000 46017))))0 46026))00 460350(10 46044000 46053000 46062000 460^18750 46071000 90000 46080000 46089000 46098000 46107000 46116000 46125000 461.34000 4()I43()00 900000 46152000 46161000 46170000 46179000 461812.50 46l8Mi(.0 46197000 4620CIMI0 This p.irt of this tnlilc was computed pri- iimrily for ko- }K-cks, hilt niav be used fur larj;- cr aiitounts, for tlif r.'itts L'ivoii. SI 51.05 51.10 51. IS 51.20 51.25 51.30 15000 25000 35000 4.5000 55000 65000 75000 76500 127.500 178.500 2295)K) 280500 331500 3825)M) 76575 127625 178675 229725 280775 .331825 .382875 76650 127750 178850 229950 281050 .3.32150 383250 76725 127875 179025 2.30175 281.325 3.32475 383625 76800 128)MI0 1792))0 23()4(>0 28l(>()0 332800 3840O0 76875 128125 179375 230625 281875 .3.33125 384375 1 76950 1282.50 179550 230850 2821. SO 33.34.50 3847.50 ' {•\rv, TM I\TKI:1ST TMll,K.>t HH KUriSKMl NT IN II MK Russian Money, Etc. Dollars and Cents to Roubles and Kopecks, ^"t^c'ys" Money of Russia, Japan, Mexico, and some other American and Asiatic countries. | For figuring pro fits, see p age 179. For Russian, Jan anese, and other monies, see pages 1 178 and 164, In exchan ^e transactions with some of these countries, drafts are often | written in United States do iars or in English money. Write amounts as follows: Six Hundred Twenty Five and ^^hoo Roubles Or, Yen. Or, Pesos. 51.35 100000 19474197 20000 3894839 30000 40000 50000 9737098 60000 11684518 70000 80000 90000 17526777 5842259 7 789679 13631938 15579357 51.36 19470405 3894081 5841121 7788162 9735202 11682243 13629283 15576324 17523364 51.37 19466615 3893323 5839984 7786646 9733307 11679969 l.%26630 15573292 17519953 513 8 19464720 3892944 5839416 7785888 9732360 11678832 1.3625304 15571776 17518248 51.38 19462826 3892565 5838848 7785130 9731413 11677696 13623978 15570261 17516543 51.39 19459039 3891808 5837712 7783615 9729519 11675423 13621327 15567231 17513135 51.40 19455253 3891051 5836576 7782101 9727626 11673152 13618677 15564202 17509728 51.41 19451469 3890294 5835441 7780587 9725734 11670881 13616028 15561175 17506322 51.42 100000 19447686 20000 3889537 30000 40000 .50000 9723843 60000 11668611 70000 80000 90000 17502917 5834306 7 779074 13613380 15558149 51.43 19443904 3888781 5833171 7777562 97219.52 11666343 13610733 15555123 17499514 51 7 ,6 19441069 3888214 5832321 7776428 9720.535 11664642 13608749 15552855 17496962 51.44 19440124 3888025 5832037 7776050 9720062 11664075 13608087 15552100 17496112 51.45 19436346 3887269 5830904 7774538 9718173 11661808 13605442 15549077 17492711 51.46 19432569 3886514 5829771 7773028 9716285 11659541 13602798 15546055 17489312 51.47 19428793 3885759 5828638 7771517 9714397 11657276 1.3600155 15543035 17485914 51.48 19425019 3885004 5827506 7770008 9712510 11655012 13597514 15540016 17482517 51.49 100000 19421247 20000 3884249 30000 5826374 40000 7768499 50000 9710623 60000 11652748 70000 80000 90000 17479122 13594873 15536997 51.50 19417476 3883495 5825243 7766990 9708738 11650485 13592233 15533981 17475728 51.51 19413706 3882741 5824112 77654S2 9706853 11648224 13589594 15530965 17472.335 51.52 19409938 3881988 5822981 7763975 9704969 11645963 135S6957 15527950 17468944 51.53 19406171 3881234 5821851 7762468 9703086 11643703 13584320 15524937 17465554 51.54 19402406 3880481 5820722 7760962 9701203 11641444 13581684 15521925 17462165 51.55 19398642 3879728 5819593 7759457 9699321 116.39185 13579049 15518914 17458778 51.56 19394880 3878976 5818464 7757952 9697440 11636928 13576416 15515904 17455.392 51 9/16 100000 19393939 20000 3878788 30000 5818182 40000 7757576 50000 9696970 60000 11636364 70000 80000 90000 17454545 1357= 758 15515152 51.57 19391119 3878224 5817336 7756448 9695559 11634671 13573783 15512895 17452007 51.58 19387359 3877472 5816208 7754944 9693680 116.32416 13571152 15509888 17448623 51.59 19383601 3876720 5815080 7753441 9691801 11630161 13568521 15506881 17445241 51.60 19379845 3875969 5813953 7751938 9689922 11627907 13565891 15503876 17441860 51.61 19376090 3875218 5812827 7750436 9688045 11625654 13563263 15500872 17438481 51.62 19372336 3874467 5811701 7748935 9686168 11623402 13560635 15497869 17435103 51 S 8 19370460 3874092 5811138 7748184 9685230 11622276 13559322 15496368 17433414 51.63 inoiioo 19368584 20000 3873717 30000 5810575 40000 50000 9684292 60000 11621151 70000 13558009 80000 90000 17431726 7747434 15494867 51.64 19364833 3872967 5809450 7745933 9682417 11618900 13555383 15491867 174283.S0 51.65 19361084 3872217 5808325 7744434 9680542 11616651 13552759 15488867 17424976 51.66 19357336 3871467 5807201 7742935 9678668 11614392 13550135 15485869 17421603 51.67 19353590 3870718 5806077 7741436 9676795 11612154 13547513 15482872 17418231 51.68 19349845 3869969 5804954 7739938 9674923 1 1609907 13544892 15479876 17414861 51M ,6 19347037 3869408 5804111 7738815 9673519 11608223 13542926 15477630 17412334 51.69 19346102 3869220 5803S31 7738441 9673051 11607661 13542271 15476881 17411492 This par this table t of 1 = 00 250( ) 3500 4500 1 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 vas 5 1 .35 2<- 211 486f 5 68160 87634 107108 126582 146056 165531 1851105 computc-d pri- 51 .40 ■2S >183 486. 8 68093 87548 107004 126459 145914 165370 184825 marily fore '.Its, 51 .45 2' >155 485' )1 68027 87464 106900 126336 145773 165209 184645 but it ma) • be 51 .50 2' >126 485-1 4 67961 87379 106796 126214 145631 165049 184466 used for la rRcr 51 .55 2' 1098 484' )7 67895 87294 106693 126091 145490 164888 184287 amounts, for 51 .60 2' )070 484. )0 67829 87209 106589 125969 145349 164729 184109 thcr.-itcs K veil. 51 .65 2' )042 484( )3 67764 87125 106486 125847 145208 164569 18.1930 ii\-i'i-; tm;!,!'.: ini'i;kI':si' TAiiMcs sf.ic advkutisic.mknt in back Roubles and Kopecks, Mnmyr/to Dollars and Cents. Russian Money, Ktc. All i-ountries ii.sinjj money of the value here jjiveii have deoiniiti systems. Value of coins, pafic 190. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 19 cents on Sl.OlR). vV'rite figures as follows; give preference to first form; avoid odd kopecks, and other units of small denominati(ins: R-625-I R.34S'J> Y. 395^1 Sec forms on page 177. R'l 625 25 100 This part of this tnlilc was ooinputccl pri- marily for ko- pecks, Init may lie used for larj;. If amounts, for I he r.iles j^iveii 51.35 51.40 51.45 51.50 51.55 51.60 51.65 774(MI 12^)00 1S0600 2.122(M) 2H.1800 3^?>^0^) .1S7t)W) ■I.W6(M) ■«'»(l2lltl 77475 129125 180775 232425 2S-I075 335725 3«7375 43W25 4'>(l675 I'vii: rMii.i; i\ imii.ks ■.K ADVKKTlsr.MCNT IV HMk Russian Money, Etc. Dollars and Cents to Roubles and Kopecks, Mlnl-j'" Money of Russia, Japan, Mexico, and some other American and Asiatic countries. For figuring profits, see page 179. For Russian, Japanese, and other monies, see pages 1 178 and 164, In exchange transactions with some of these countries, drafts are often written in United States do lars or ir English money. Write amounts as follows: Six Hundred Twenty Five and -^/joo Roubles. Or, Yen. Or, Phil. Pesos. 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 51.70 19342360 3868472 5802708 7736944 9671180 11605416 13539652 15473888 17408124 51.71 19338619 3867724 5801586 7735448 9669310 11603172 13537033 15470895 17404757 51.72 1933-48S0 1 3866976 5800464 7733952 9667440 11600928 13534416 15467904 17401392 51.73 19331142 ; 3866228 5799343 7732457 9665571 11598685 13531800 15464914 17398028 51.74 19327406 3865481 5798222 7730963 9663703 11596444 13529184 15461925 17.394666 51.75 19323671 3864734 5797101 7729469 9661836 11594203 13526570 15458937 17391.304 51.76 19319938 I 3863988 5795981 7727975 9659969 11591963 13523957 15455951 17387944 51.77 19316206 3863241 5794862 7726483 9658103 11589724 13521344 15452965 17384586 51.78 loooao 19312476 20000 3862495 30000 5793743 40000 50000 9656238 60000 11587485 70000 80000 15449981 90000 1738122S 7724990 13518733 51.79 19308747 3861749 5792624 7723499 9654373 11585248 13516123 15446998 17377872 51.80 1930501:* 3861004 5791506 7722008 9652510 11583012 13513514 15444015 17374517 51.81 19301293 3860259 5790388 7720517 9650647 11580776 13510905 15441035 17371164 5113 16 19300362 3860072 5790109 7720145 9650181 11580217 13510253 15440290 17370326 51.82 19297569 3859514 5789271 7719027 9648784 11578541 13508298 15438055 17367812 51.83 19293845 3858769 5788154 77175.38 9646923 11576307 13505692 15435076 17364461 51.84 19290123 3858025 5787037 7716049 9645062 11574074 13503086 15432099 17361111 51.85 lonooo 19286403 20000 3857281 30000 5785921 40000 7714561 50000 9643202 60000 11571842 70000 80000 15429122 90000 17357763 13500482 51.86 19282684 3856537 5784805 7713074 9641342 11569610 13497879 15426147 173.54416 51.87 19278967 3855793 5783690 77U587 9639483 11567380 13495277 15423173 17351070 517/N 19277108 3855422 5783133 7710843 9638554 11566265 13493976 15421687 17349398 51.88 19275251 3855050 5782575 7710100 9637625 11565150 13492675 15420200 17347726 51.89 19271536 3854307 5781461 7708614 9635768 11562922 13490075 15417229 17344382 51.90 19267823 3853565 5780347 7707129 9633911 11560694 13487476 15414258 17341040 51.91 19264111 3852822 5779233 7705644 9632055 11558467 13484878 15411289 17337700 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 51.92 19260401 3852080 5778120 7704160 9630200 11556240 13482280 15408320 17334361 51.93 19256692 3851338 5777008 7702677 9628346 11554015 13479684 15405353 17331023 5115,10 19253911 3850782 5776173 7701564 9626955 11552347 13477738 15403129 17328520 51.94 19252984 3850597 5775895 7701194 9626492 11551791 13477089 15402387 17327686 51.95 19249278 3849856 5774783 7699711 9624639 11549567 13474495 15399423 17324350 51.96 19245574 3849115 5773672 7698229 9622787 11547344 13471901 15396459 17321016 51.97 19241870 3848374 5772561 7696748 9620935 11545122 13469309 15393496 17317683 51.98 19238169 3847634 5771451 7695267 9619084 11542901 13466718 15390535 17314352 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 51.99 19234468 3846894 5770340 7693787 96172.34 11540681 13464128 15,387575 17311021 52 19230769 3846154 5769231 7692308 9615385 115.38462 13461538 15384615 17.307692 52.01 19227072 3845414 5768122 7690829 9613536 11536213 13458950 15.381657 17304365 52.02 19223376 3844675 5767013 7689350 9611688 11534025 13456363 15378700 1730UU8 52.03 19219681 3843936 5765904 7687872 9609840 11531809 13453777 15375745 17297713 52.04 19215988 3843198 5764796 7686395 9607994 11529593 13451191 15372790 17294.389 52.05 l'>2 12296 3842459 5763689 7684918 9606148 11527378 13448607 15369837 17291066 52.06 19208605 3841721 5762582 7683442 9604303 11525163 13446024 1.5366884 I72S7745 Tliis par this taljlc t of 1. >00 250f 3.500 4500 5500 6500 7500 1 8.500 9500 ^vas 51.70 2' )014 4835 6 67698 87040 106383 ! 125725 145068 164410 183752 computed marilyforc pri- 51.75 2f «86 483( 9 67633 86957 106280 125604 144928 ! 164251 183575 ents, 51.80 2f W58 482( )3 67568 86873 1 106178 125483 j 144788 ' 164093 j 183398 j but it ina_ • be 51.85 2f «30 482 6 67502 86789 106075 12.S.362 1 144648 163934 183221 used for la rgcr 51.90 2 «02 481 67437 86705 105973 125241 144509 163776 183044 amounts, for 51.95 2 1874 48i: >3 67372 86622 105871 125120 144370 16.3619 182868 tliL- rates a veil. 52.05 2 ^818 480. 11 67243 86455 105668 124880 144092 163.305 182517 ii\i'K CAi!!,!;; iNii'.iiKsr ■rAiii.i;: ■ilJO AllVKItl'ISICMKNT IN HA Roubles and Kopecks, Mmu>'v' to Dollars and Cents. Russian Money, Ktc. All coiiiili-ies iisinjj iiioni-y of tin- value lii-rt- ^'vi-ii have (It-ciinal .systems. Viiluc of coins, pnj'e 190. A fluctuation of .01 in tlic rate amounts to about 19 cents on $1,000. Write figures as follows; give preference to first form; avoid odd kopecks, and other units of small denominations: R'l625-:i R. 345(2 Y.395^-2 See forms on page 177. R'l 625 25 100 51.99 52 52.01 52.02 52.03 52.04 52.05 52.06 Tliis piirt of this talilc was I'oiiiputi'd pri- in.irily for ko ptcks, I)ut inny lie ustil lor larjr- IT niiiounts. for !!io r.itos >;ivcn. SI. 70 51.75 51.80 51.85 51.90 51.95 52.05 15000 77.S.SO 77h25 7770(1 7777.S 2.S000 12'>2.=iO 13W75 12'».SIM) 12W2.'; .VSOOO l.s(»';5() iHii2.=; IH131M) 181475 1.5000 2.?2(>5l) 2.t2K75 2.VM0() 2.VM25 55000 2S1.150 2S4f.2S 2«4'«)0 2SS17S (oOOO 3.V6()5() .VV).V5 .1.16700 3.U025 75000 .1.S7750 .1S,S125 3S.S500 38JiN7S 77H.50 12'>750 | 181650 ; 233550 285-150 \ 337.150 , 389250 77'>25 12'W75 , 181825 2.1377S 28572S 337675 ' .189625 78075 , 130125 182175 234225 286275 33K325 3W375 85000 4394.50 439875 440300 440725 441150 441575 442425 95000 4911.50 491625 492100 492575 493050 493525 4'M4 75 llVTK TVIll.KS INTKllK.-iT T\lll.l:.S Sl:i: Ar>VKI!IISK.MKNT IN llAi K Russian Money, Etc. Dollars and Cents to Roubles and Kopecks, 'Vwyr Money of Russia, Japan, Mexico, and some other American and Asiatic countries. For fi !5uring pro fits, see page 179. For Russian, Japanese, and other monies, see pages 1 178 and 164, In exchan «e transactions with some Di these countries, drafts are often written in United States do lars or in English money. Write amounts as follows: Six Hundred Twenty Five and ^^lioo Roubles. Or, Yen. Or, Phil. Pesos. 52 116 100000 192076S3 20000 3841537 30000 5762305 4 7 9000 50000 9603842 60000 11524610 7000 378 80000 90000 17286915 j83073 13445 15366146 52.07 19204916 3840983 5761475 7681967 9602458 11522950 13443442 15363933 17284425 52.08 19201229 3840246 5760369 7680492 9600614 11520737 13440860 15360983 17281106 52.09 19197543 3839509 5759263 7679017 9598771 11518526 13438280 15358034 17277788 52.10 19193858 3838772 5758157 7677543 9596929 11516315 13435701 15355086 17274472 52.11 19190175 3838035 5757052 7676070 9595087 11514105 13433122 15352140 17271157 52.12 19186493 3837299 5755948 7674597 9593246 11511896 13430545 15349194 17267843 52 1,8 19184652 3836930 5755396 7673861 9592326 11510791 13429257 15347722 17266187 100000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 52.13 19182812 3836562 5754844 7673125 9591406 11509687 13427969 15346250 17264531 52.14 19179133 3835827 5753740 7671653 9589567 11507480 13425393 15343306 17261220 52.15 19175455 3835091 5752637 7670182 9587728 11505273 13422819 15340364 17257910 52.16 19171779 3834356 5751534 7668712 9585890 11503067 13420245 15337423 17254601 52.17 19168104 3833621 5750431 7667242 9584052 11500863 13417673 15334483 17251294 52.18 19164431 3832886 5749329 7665772 9582215 11498658 13415102 15331545 17247988 52 3 le, 19161677 3832335 5748503 7664671 9580838 11497006 13413174 15329341 17245509 52.19 19160759 3832152 5748228 76643U4 9580379 11496455 13412531 15328607 17244683 52.20 100000 19157088 20000 3831418 30000 4 7 DOOO 50000 9578544 60000 11494253 70000 13409962 80000 90000 17241379 5747126 562835 15325670 52.21 19153419 3830684 5746026 7661368 9576709 11492051 13407393 15322735 17238077 52.22 19149751 3829950 5744925 7659900 9574876 11489851 13404826 15319801 17234776 52.23 19146085 3829217 5743825 7658434 9573042 11487651 13402259 15316868 17231476 52.24 19142420 3828484 5742726 7656968 9571210 11485452 13399694 15313936 17228178 52.25 19138756 3827751 5741627 7655502 9569378 11483254 13397129 15311005 17224880 52.26 19135094 3827019 5740528 7654038 9567547 11481056 13394566 15308075 17221584 52.27 19131433 3826287 5739430 7652573 9565716 11478860 13392003 15305146 17218290 52.28 100000 19127774 20000 3825555 30000 5738332 4 7 JOOO 50000 9563887 60000 11476664 70000 13389441 80000 15302219 90000 17214996 551109 52.29 19124116 3824823 5737235 7649646 9562058 11474469 13386881 15299292 17211704 52.30 19120459 3824092 5736138 7648184 9560229 11472275 13384321 15296367 17208413 52.31 19116804 3823361 5735041 7646721 9558402 11470082 13381763 15293443 17205123 52 5 16 19115890 3823178 5734767 7646356 9557945 11469534 13381123 15292712 17204301 52.32 19113150 3822630 ';733945 7645260 9556575 11467890 13379205 15290520 17201835 52.33 19109497 3821899 5732849 7643799 9554749 11465698 13376648 15287598 17198548 52.34 19105846 3821169 5731754 7642339 9552923 11463508 13374092 15284677 17195262 52.35 100000 19102197 20000 3820439 30000 5730659 4 7 mo 50000 9551098 60000 11461318 70000 13371538 80000 15281757 90000 17191977 540879 52.36 19098549 3819710 5729565 7639419 9549274 11459129 13368984 15278839 17188694 52 3 s 19093079 3818616 5727924 7637232 9546539 11455847 13365155 15274463 17183771 52.40 19083969 3816794 5725191 7633588 9541985 11450382 13358779 15267176 17175573 52 7 ,6 19070322 3814064 5721097 7628129 9535161 11442193 13349225 15256257 17163290 52.45 19065777 3813155 5719733 7626311 9532888 11439466 13346044 15252622 17159199 52 1 2 19047619 3809524 5714286 7619048 9523810 11428571 13333333 15238095 17142857 53 18867925 3773585 5660377 7547170 9433962 11320755 13207546 K5094340 16981132 This par this table t of 1 = 00 250e ) • 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 was 52 .10 2f !791 479f 5 67179 86372 105566 124760 143954 163148 182342 computed pri- 52 .15 2f S763 479. 9 67114 86290 105465 124640 143816 162991 182167 inarily fore =nts, 52 .20 2f (736 478' »3 67050 86207 105364 j 124521 14.3678 162835 181992 but it iii.i. ' be 52 .25 2f i708 478H 7 66986 86124 105263 124402 143541 162679 181818 used for la rfjer 52 .30 2i i681 4781 )1 66922 86042 105162 124283 143403 162524 181644 amounts, for 52 .35 2f (653 477. ,5 66858 85960 105062 124164 143266 162369 181471 the rates p veil. 52 » 2 2} i571 476 9 66667 85714 104762 123810 142857 161905 180952 DATK TAltl.KS IXTKUKST TAllMCS SICK ADVERTISEMENT IN HACK OF BOOK Roubles and Kopecks, 'suJy" to Dollars and Cents. Russian Money, Ktc. All countries using money of the value here given have decimal systems. Value t)f coins, nafjc 190. A fluctuation of .01 in the rate amounts to about 19 cents on SI, 000. Write figures as follows; give preference to first form; avoid odd kopecks, and other units of small denominations: R'±625ll R.345'" ¥.395-" See forms on page 177. Ri 625 2S 100 100000 200000 300000 100000 500000 600000 700000 SOOOOO 52 1 16 521)6250 10412500 156187.50 20825000 26031250 .31237.500 36443750 41650000 52.07 52()7()()0 10414000 15621000 20828000 26035000 31242000 36449000 41656000 52.08 52US(M)() 10416000 1.S624000 20832000 26040000 312)8000 36456000 4U>64(I00 52.09 5209000 10418000 15627000 20836000 26045000 31254000 36463000 41672000 52.10 5210000 10420000 15630000 20840000 26050000 31260000 36470000 41680001) 52.11 5211000 10422000 15633000 20844000 26055000 31266000 36477000 4U>88llliii 52.12 5211000 10424000 15636000 20848000 26060000 31272000 36484000 41696000 52 1 8 5212500 10425000 15637500 208.S0000 26062500 31275000 36487500 41700000 100000 200000 30000J) 400000 500000 600000 700000 SOOOOO 52.13 5213000 10426000 15639000 20852000 26065000 31278000 36491000 41704000 52.14 52H0OO 1042S000 15642000 208.56000 26070000 31284000 36498000 41712000 52.15 5215000 10430000 15645000 20860000 26075000 31290000 36505000 41720000 52.16 5216000 10432000 15648000 20864000 26080000 31296000 36512000 41728000 52.17 5217000 10434000 15651000 20868000 26085000 31302000 36519000 41736000 52.18 521HOOO 10436000 15654000 20872000 26090000 31308000 36526000 41744000 52 3 ,6 5218750 10437500 15656250 20875000 26093750 31312.500 36531250 41750000 52.19 5219000 10438000 15657000 20876000 26095000 31314000 36533000 41752000 1 00000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 SOOOOO 52.20 5220000 10440000 15660000 20880000 26100000 31320000 36540000 41760000 52.21 5221000 10442000 15663000 20884000 26105000 31326000 36547000 41768000 52.22 5222000 10444000 15666000 20888000 26110000 31332000 36554000 41776000 52.23 5223000 10446000 15669000 20892000 26115000 31338000 36561000 41784000 52.24 5224000 10448000 15672000 20896000 26120000 31344000 36568000 41792000 52.25 5225000 10450000 15675000 20900000 26125000 31350000 36575000 41800000 52.26 5226000 10452000 15678000 20904000 26130000 31356000 36582000 41 SUM 100 52.27 5227000 10454000 15681000 20908000 26135000 31362000 365K9000 418160(10 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 SOOOOO 52.28 5228000 10456000 15684000 20912000 26140000 31.V.8000 36596000 41824000 52.29 1 5229000 10458000 15687000 20916000 26145000 31374000 36603000 41832000 52.30 5230000 10460000 15690000 20920000 261.50000 31380(100 36610000 4184(1(1(10 52.31 5231000 10462000 15693000 20924000 26155000 31.186000 36617000 41S4MI00 52 5 n 5231250 10462.S00 15693750 20925000 26156250 31.187.500 36618750 418.>0000 52.32 5232000 10464000 15696000 20928000 26160000 31.V)2000 36624000 4185(,(i00 52.33 5233000 10466000 15699000 20932000 26165000 31.V)8000 36631000 418(.4()00 52.34 523 11)00 Ii)ir,sooo 15702000 20936000 2C 1 70000 31404000 36638000 41872000 iiimioo JOIIIIIIO 300000 IIIOOOO 5II0IIII0 600000 700000 SOOOOO 52. .^5 523.=;(i(lO loiroooo I.S705000 20''(IKIIIII 26ir.=ooo 31410000 36645000 41880000 52.36 5236000 10472000 1571181111(1 2119 t II II Id 261801100 31416000 36652000 41888000 52 3 8 5237500 104750iMili 262IS750 31462.500 36706250 419500(M) 52.45 5245000 1(M90000 I57.VS(M)0 2ii';sininil 2r.225MOO 31470000 3671.5000 419(.0000 52 1 i 525(M)00 lO.SOOIHIO 157.50000 2IIIIII.IIIIII 26250000 315001 llio 36750000 42(MlOOOO .s.\ 5300000 lowioooo l.59000((0 ;;iJi)iiiinii 265000110 3ISII0IHI0 37100000 42400000 900000 4^)8562.50 468(1.11111(1 46872111)11 4(>8Ml)()l) -Ii.^'inorii K, -'!')<,( II 4(i'((IS(ll)ll 46912500 900000 46917000 46926000 46935000 46944000 46953000 46962000 46968750 46971000 900000 46980000 46989000 469<)80(I0 47007000 47016000 47025000 47034000 47(H30(JO 900000 47052000 47061000 47070000 47079000 47081250 47088000 47097000 47106000 9000110 47115000 47124000 47137500 47160000 47193750 47205000 47250000 477(»0(l(lO This p.irt of this t.'il)lf \va.s computed pri- iiiririly for ko. [K'cks, but niiiv 1)C used for Inr;;- cr amounts, for tho ratis ^jivcn. 52.10 52.15 52.20 52.25 52.30 52.35 52 1 2 15000 25(tOO 35000 1.5000 55000 65000 75000 85000 78150 1.1((2.50 1823.50 234 150 281,550 338<.50 3907.50 442850 78225 1.10375 182525 2.14675 28«.825 3.18975 391125 443275 783(M) 1305(H) 182700 234900 287100 339300 391500 443700 78375 1.10625 I8287S 2.15125 287375 3.19625 391875 444125 784.50 1.107.50 183050 235350 287650 339950 392250 444.5.50 78525 1.10875 183225 235575 28792S 340275 392625 444975 78750 131250 183750 236250 288750 341250 393750 4462.=;o 95000 49-1950 495425 495900 496375 496850 497325 tosTFO KVVV. TMll.CS IMKHI-.MT TAIll.K.S SKK A HV KU r[.- Japan, Yen and S. 800 India, Rupee and S. 916% Philippine Isl mds, Peso and S. 900 Straits Settlements Dollar. 900 Argentina, Peso and S. 900 prance. Franc, Brazil, Milreis and S. 916H Helgiuni, P'ranc, Bolivia, Boliviano and S. 900 Switzerland, Franc, Chili, Peso and S. 835 Italy, Greece, Spain, Lira, Drachma Peseta, ( 5 units. \ 1 u. and S 900 835 Costa Rica, Columbia, Colon. Dollar. 2 decimo .and S. 900 835 Bulgaria, Lev, Ecuador, Sucre .-md S. 900 Koumania, Lei, Guatemal.-i, Ser\-ia, Finland, Dinar, Mark an 1 M. 868 Honduras, Nicaragua, Peso and S. 900 50 and 2."> penni. 750 Salvador, Norway, 1 and 2 krone. 800 Haiti, Gourde. 900 Sweden, .")0, 40 and 25 ore. 600 Mexico, Peso. 902.7 Denmark, 10 ore. 400 Less than peso. 800 Germany. .Mark and M. and S. 900 Panama, Peso and S. 900 Netlicrlands, Guilder, '-a and M. 945 Paraguay, Peso. 'i guilder and S. 640 Peru, Sol and S. 900 Austria-Ihingary , 2 .-ind 5 krone. 900 San Doming! Dollar. 1 krtme and S 835 I'ruguay, Peso. Russia, Rouble and Vi nnd Vi 900 Venezuela, 5 bolivars. 900 20 copecks and S. 500 2 bolivars and S. 835 Esample. — How much is the silver in n I'nited States silver dollar worth when b:ir silver is ipioted at 5t> cents an ounce? A silver weighs ■I-I2'-.. gniiiis; deduct one tenth aii .s.s 0(UI3 II (KtUH w, mc4 2\ (M)7S0 7h n(W6 .12 oim2 .v7 Interest on 95 cents, (and PS'/,), Being the Value of 4 Marks. Computed on the basis of 360 days to the year. The interest figures in the first part of each column are computed on 95 cents. For all ordinary purposes, the others may be disregarded ; but where it is desired to figure on 95% cents, the two figures following the hyphen may be substituted for the last two figures of the number preceding it, being careful only where the third figure back is increased by 1. RATE 1 day 3 days 5 days 10 days 30 days 60 days 90 days 120 days 95 95Vj 95 951A 95 95' 4 .0000250 52 .00008 08 .00013 13 .00025 25 .00075 76 .00150 51 .00225 26 00300 02 3,8 .0000264 66 .00008 08 .00013 13 .00026 27 .00079 80 .00158 59 .00238 39 .00317 19 12 .0000278 80 .00008 08 .00014 14 .00028 28 .00083 84 .00167 68 .00250 52 .00.333 35 S,8 .0000292 94 .00009 09 .00014 14 .00029 29 .00088 88 .00175 76 .00263 65 .00350 52 34 .0000306 08 .00009 09 .00015 15 .00031 31 .00092 92 .00183 85 .00275 77 .00367 69 7/8 .0000319 21 .00010 10 .00016 16 .00032 32 .00096 96 .00192 93 .00288 90 .00383 85 3 .0000333 35 .00010 10 .00017 17 .00033 34 .00100 01 .00200 01 .00300 02 .00400 03 »,8 .0000347 49 .00010 -10 00017 17 .00035 35 .00104 05 .00208 09 .00313 15 .00417 20 1/4 .0000361 63 .00011 -11 .00018 18 .00036 36 .00108 09 .00217 18 .00325 27 .00433 36 38 .0000375 77 .00011 -11 .00019 19 .00038 -38 .00113 13 .00225 26 .00338 40 .00450 53 1 2 .0000389 91 .00012 12 .00019 19 .00039 39 .00117 17 .00233 34 .00350 52 .00467 70 58 .0000403 05 .00012 12 .00020 20 .00040 41 .00121 22 .00242 43 .00363 65 .00483 86 3/4 .0000417 19 .00013 13 .00021 21 .00042 -42 .00125 26 .00250 51 .00375 77 .00500 03 7,8 .0000431 33 .00013 13 .00021 21 .00043 43 .00129 30 .00258 60 .00388 90 .00517 20 4 .0000444 47 .00013 13 .00022 22 .00044 45 .00133 34 .00267 68 .00400 02 .00533 36 1 N .OI)0()4.S8 61 .0(1014 14 .00023 23 .00046 46 .00137 38 .00275 77 .00413 16 .00550 53 1,4 .0000472 75 .00014 14 .00024 24 .00047 48 .00142 43 .00283 85 .00425 28 .00567 71 3/8 .0000486 89 .00015 15 .00025 25 .00049 -49 .00146 -47 .00292 93 .00438 41 .00583 87 »2 .0000500 03 .00015 -15 .00025 25 .00050 50 .00150 51 .00300 02 .00450 53 .00600 04 S8 .0000514 17 .00015 15 .00026 26 .00051 52 .00154 55 .00.308 10 .00463 6<> .(K)<)17 21 ^* .0000528 31 .00016 16 .00026 26 .00053 53 .00158 59 .00317 19 .00475 7S .00633 37 78 { .0000542 45 .00016 16 .00027 27 .00054 ■55 .00163 64 .00325 27 .00488 91 .00650 54 s .0000556 59 .00017 17 .00028 28 .00056 56 .00167 68 .00333 35 .00500 03 .047 71 • 8 .0000569 73 .00017 17 .00028 28 .00057 57 .00171 72 .00342 44 .00513 16 xmM K7 ' 4 .0000583 87 .00018 18 .00029 29 .00058 59 .00175 76 .00350 52 .00525 28 .00700 04 1 2 .0000611 15 .00018 18 .00031 31 .00061 62 .00183 85 .00367 69 .00550 53 .00733 38 3 4 .0000639 43 .00019 19 .00032 32 .00064 64 .00192 93 .00383 86 .00575 79 .00767 72 .000mi = .00038 38 3,8 <;. = .00150 51 .6 ■; = .00240 42 "40 00010 10 I /to .00040 40 1/3 .00133 34 .8 .00320 22 • .12 .00013 13 i8 .00050 50 2/3 .00266 68 .03 .00012 12 ' .Vt .00013 13 3 20 .000<>0 60 3/4 .00300 02 .06 .0(H)24 24 ' 24 .00017 17 5/32 .0006,3 63 .1 .00040 40 .09 .04H)36 M> 3m 00019 19 1/6 .00067 67 .2 .OOOSO HO .12 .(HK)4.S 4.S 1/20 * .00020 20 3/16 .00075 75 .3 .001:0 21 .IS .IMH)60 hO < 16 .00025 25 1/4 .00100 01 .4 .00160 61 .18 .OtH)72 72 S64 nnmi 31 !^ 1,. 00125 26 .5 IKI^IM) (1! .21 OOdSt S4 INDHX. Englisli Money Tables, tor rates from $4.75 to $5.00 per pound. French Money Tables, for rates from fcs. 5.10 to fcs5.30;'K per dollar, German .Money Tables, for rates from 92 cts. to 98 cts. per 4 marks. Dutch Money Tables, for all rates from 39% cts. to 40% cts. per florin. Page i 8 to 45 48 to 67 68 to 93 142 to 163 .Ml Other Tables arc in Numerical Order, for rates from 14 cts. to 52'. ^ cts, per foreign monetary unit, and may be found as quickly from the value of the exchange by the marjiinal inde.\ as by the paj^e numbers. Profit Tables arc at the beginning of each section, into which the book is naturally divided for the different countries, together with some other information about figuring exchange, writing drafts, value of money, etc. The proper page number for these tables is also given at the head of every page. African countries, drafts on. 47 Asiatic countries, drafts on. 47 Argentine Republic. No tables. 190, 164 Austria-Hungary, money of, etc. 106 Profit Table. 107 Conversion tables. 108- 121 Belgium, same as France and Spain. Brazil. No tables. 47, 190 Bolivia. No tables. 190 Bulgaria, same as France and Spain. Central American countries. 164, 178 Ceylon. 47 China, money of. 164 Conversion tables, up to 52% cts. 166- 189 Chili. No tables. 190, 164 Costa Rica. No tables. 190, 164 Columbia. No tables. 190, 164 Crossed sterling check, or draft. 5 Denmark, see Scandinavia. Ecuador. No tables. 190, 164 Egypt. 46 Finland, same as France and Spain, France, money of, etc. Profit Tabic, rates 19 and 20. Conversion tables. Rates 5.10 to 5..30\. Rates 19-20. (Gold basis.) Rates 14-19. (Silver basis.) Germany, money of, etc. Profit Table. Conversion tables. Rates 92 to 98. Rates 23 to 25. Greece, same as France and Spain. Holland, money of, etc. Profit Table. Conversion tables. 5, 100 101 4S- 67 102- 105 94- 99 122 123 68- 93 134- 127 110 Ml H2- 1().^ of. 192 180- 179, 166- 190, 180- Identification of foreign payee. Interest tables. India and Burmah. Italy, same as France and Spain Japan, money of, etc. Profit Table. Conversion tables. Mexico, money of, etc. Profit Table. Conversion tables. Netherlands, see Holland. Norway, see Scandinavia. Panama. No tables. Peru. No tables. Philippine Islands, money Profit Table. (^.(inversion tables. Portugal. Remittances by foreign Post. Roumania, same as France and Spain. Russia, money of, etc. Profit Table. Conversion tables. ISO- Scandinavia, money of, etc. Profit Table. Conversion tables. 130- Servia, same as Prancj and Spain. South American countries. 164, Spain, money of, etc. Conversion tables. Rates 14-19. (Silver basis.) Rates 19-20. (Gold basis.) Sweden, see Scandinavia. Switzerland, same as France and Spain. Turkey. N'aiue of coins. P'O X'cnezuela same as I'Vance and Spain. 94- 102- 128 195 46 178 179 189 17S 163 1S9 190 164 17S 179 189 47 128 178 179 1S9 12S 129 139 I7S 100 10(1 1() I'M INTHRHST TABI.HS. The Ua\is Tables ha\c' the interest figured at the following rates, 3, 3'/2, 4, 41/2, 5, 5V2, 6, 6'/2, 7, 7>/:, 8, 9, 10 and 12 per cent. The type is the same as in this book of Foreign Exchange Tables; there is a line for each rate, and carried out in the same manner, an imaginary decimal point under an imaginary decimal point for different multiples of the same number. The interest on any given amount at a certain rate per cent and for a certain number of days usually corresponds with the interest at some other rate and for some other number of days. For instance, the interest at 6 per cent for 60 days, at 5 per cent for 72 days, at 4 per cent for 90 days, at 3 per cent for 120 days, and at several other rates for other numbers of days, all give the same result. Advantage has been taken of this fact in these tables and it was found possible to reduce the number of pages in the book very materially from the number of pages other interest books contain to get the same sum total of results. The consequence was a great saving in the composition and the cost of publication and the opportunity to otTer the best interest table for the money yet produced. Other interest tables do not contain all the rates this book contains, except those set in small type, and which are quite expensive. And those tables, for ordinary purposes, are not more useful than these. They are computed on the basis of 360 days to the year with supplementary tables for quickly reducing the result to a 365 day basis if desired. If you are in need of an interest table, be sure and get a descriptive circular and sample page of these; you will not want any other. Price per single copy. Postpaid. . . . . . $1.50 DATE TABLES. Showing the number of days from any date to any other date within one year, with supplementary tables for figuring Interest and Return Premiums. The principal feature to this book is the cut indexes at the side. First is an index for the months from which dates are reckoned. On opening the book to one of these months, a second index much like the first is revealed. These two indexes enable one to pick up the book and turn almost nstantly to any two dates in the year and the number of days intervening is given in the margin. Then there are 30, 60 and 90 day tables, and quickly accessible, as well as tables showing the number of days from any date in any month to the corresponding date in any other month. The book is set in the same type as the Foreign Exchange and the Interest Tables. Price per single copy. Postpaid. $2.50 GRAIN TABEliS. T.ABLES FOR WHEAT AND OTHER GRAIN, Price $1.25 Showing the value of any amount of grain, by steps of 10 lbs., from l.S cts. to Sl-^O per bus. POUNDS TO BUSHELS TABLES, . . . Price 50 cts. Reducing pounds to bushels .it 32. .^3, .^4, 35, 48, 49, 56, 57, 60, 68. 70. 72. 75 and 80 pounds. For any of the above, address: i:. n. DAX'IS, Publisher MINNEAPOLIS, .MINN. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. RvVi' £ 9 .^w*7 JUN2 2 07-IZW DEC 1 4 1968 6 tt RECEIVED LiEC 3 '68 -2 PM LOANDEPT^ MAY m^r * Q/SC. J(i/VIQ mr CfP^ -AH, ©AT General Library University of Californi; Berkeley ^\/u K t^-