o CO Q MINNEAPOLIS PUBLIC LIBRARY. © Y STEM CLASSIFICATION IN DEX, Scheme for Numbering Books — — -♦- Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1880. MINNEAPOLIS PUBLIC LIBRARY. S V S T E M CLASSIFICATION I N DEX, Scheme for Numbering Books. — -♦^— Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1889. 6CHOOL EXPLANATION OF CLASSIFICATION. The following classification is, in the main, that devised b\ r Mr. John Edmands for the Mercantile Library of Philadelphia. To him, therefore, the merits of the system must be credited. Any defects, on the other hand, that may be noted, may properly be ascribed to the modifications thought necessary in applying the system to a smaller and somewhat different class of library. The central idea of the system is not a precise nor scientific division, but a grouping of the library into primary and secondary classes, which, without being so general as to become unwieldy, should not be so specific as to necessitate a book being placed on two different shelves at the same time. Nor in the arrangement has a logical order been aimed at, so much as one that should be convenient in practical operation. The technical has only occasionally been preferred to the popular term, and usuall}' the popular teriti also has been added by way of explanation. The very full index (pages 8 seq. ) should direct any incjuirer, however unscientific, to the class under which his topic may be found treated. The primary classes are twenty-three (for the present twenty-two) in number, designated by the capital letters A, B. C, etc. (except Prose Fiction — see below.) The combination of these letters with a series of small letters (a, b, c, etc.) designate the sub-classes (Ab, Ac, etc.). Of these latter there are at present some one hundred and seventy-five. But as in the com- binations certain small letters have been omitted (viz: j, m, all vowels, and all those involving repetitions, as Aa, Bb, Cc), this number may be enlarged when necessary. As there are only primary and secondar\ r classes, no class is so small as to require more than two letters, the capital and the small letter. The books in each sub-class are placed on the shelves in alphabetical order, Dy the names of the authors (excepting in biography — see below); or if the author is unknown, they are arranged according to the titles. The scheme for numbering the books (pasje 29) consists of the assignment of one thousand numbers (0 to 999) to each of the sub-classes, and the distribution of all the names of authors over the whole range of numbers. A reference to the table determines what number should be assigned to any author added to the class. It follows that that author will have the same, or nearly the same, number in whatever class his works be fou-id. Thus, J. S. Mill would have a number between 591 and 600 in Political Economy (Wb), and also in Political Science (W), or Philosophy of Religion (Xb). Several volumes by the same author in the same sub-class are designated by a decimal to the right of the author number (Wb591.1, etc.). In the department of Biography all general works and collections of lives have been put into one group — L*, arranged as in other sub-classes, by author, etc. Individual biographies are arranged in twenty -six sub-groups, according to the names of the subjects of the biog- raphies, — the persons whose lives are written. These are designated by the capital letter L, and a small letter which is the initial of the person whose life is written. In each of these groups, therefore, the books are arranged on the shelves in alphabetical order, not by name of author, but by that of the subject of the biography, thus bringing all the lives of any one person together on the same shelf. The successive volumes of the lives of such an individual *An exception to this are the lives of Artists, where joined with historical or critical estimate of their work.;. These have been classed with the Fine Arts (Tcj. 269039 MINNEAPOLIS 1-riJLIC LIBRARY. are designated by a decimal. The class of Individual Biography is so large as to require a basis of 10,000, instead of 1,000, for the numbering scheme. Lives of J. S. Mill, e. g., would be some number between Lm5921 and Lm.V.ilo. All the novels have been arranged in twenty-six groups, those whose writers' nanus begin with A forming one group, those beginning with 1'. another, and so on throughout the alphabet. These initial letters are placed on the books in connection with the numbers, and serve also to distinguish the several groups. The authors in each of these groups are arranged, so far as possible, in alphabetical order, and numbered 1. 2, 3, etc., these numbers preceding the letter; and the individual books of each author are placed in alphabetical order by their titles. In this department no Utter or other character is used as a general designation of" the class, the method of numbering and the form of the label (oval instead of stmare) being sufficient to distinguish the books from those of any other class. The Juveniles will not as yet he grouped as a separate class. They will be found, for the most part, under I 'rose Fiction, or grouped according to subject, as History, Travels, etc. Tin- classification is not merely that used on the shelves, but for the present will be that used in the SUBJECT Card CATALOGUE also (which will thus form an exact miniature of the shelves*, and in the PRINTED FINDING List, so soon as issued. The AuTHOB Card CATALOGl I will group under a single head all the works in the Library by any given author. Presuming, then, a reader wishes : 1. To find what books the Library contains by a given author: Let him look under that AUTHOR'S name in the AUTHOR CARD CATALOGUE. Or, 2. To find what books the Library contains on a given TOPIC : Let him look for that TOPIC in the INDEX, note the CLASS under which it is grouped, and refer to that CLASS in the SUB- JECT CARD CATALOGUE or PRINTED FINDING LIST.* Or, 3. To find whether the Library Contains a book with a given TITLE: Let him consider the LEADING SUBJECT or TOPIC TREATED by the hook, and refer to that in the INDEX. The primary classes are as follows: General and Miscellaneous Works Designated as Class A. ** Juveniles " B. General History, Ancient History " C. History of Asia, Africa, Oceanica " D. History of Europe " E. History of America " " F. Geography, Voyages and Travels (General) " G. Travels in Asia, Africa, Oceanica " H. Travels in Europe " J. Travels in America " K. Biography " L. Language and Literature " M. Poetr\% Drama " " N. Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy " 0. Natural Science " P. Medical Science " I\ . Useful Arts " " S. . Fine Arts, Architecture, Amusements, Sports " T. Philosophy, Education " " V. Social and Political Science, Law " - ' W. Religion " " X. Foreign Literature (in the originals, and not otherwise classed by subject) " " V. bullish Prose Fiction " *ii maj happen that he then Bnda do booh in the Library covering specifically the topic desired, lint the Index is not intended t<> shoM whai topics are treated by the books in the Library, bu1 where the books treat- ing any given topics, if In the library, will be found. ** i > 1 1 1 i t bed for t in' present . SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION. SYNOPSIS OF THE CLASSIFICATION. EXHIBITING THE VAKIOIS CLASSES AND THEIK RELATION TO EACH OTHER. GENERAL AND MISCELLANE- OUS WORKS.— A. A , — Bibliography A\.b. — General Cyclopedias. A.C. — General Periodicals. Ad. — Newspapers. A,f. — Polygraphy; Pamphlets; Special Libra- ries. ,A.g, — Collected Works of Individual Authors. ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. Twenty-six groups, according to initial of author's name; authors to have numbers con- secutively in group ; particular volume of an author to be indicated by figure to right of letter; e. g., Ainsworth might be -ta ; Tower of London, 4al5. a. b. c. etc., using lower case throughout. JUVENILES.- B. (Not to be used at present. For Juveniles, see authors or works starred ( ; I in various classes — Prose Fiction, History, Travels, etc. ) Same as Fiction, except that instead of a, b, e, etc., we shall have these letters preceded by the main class letter, B ; e. g., Alcott might be B2b ; Little Women, B2a8. Ba. Bb. Be. etc. GENERAL HISTORY; ANCIENT HISTORY.— C. C« — Study and use of history; Philosophy of History ; Method of writing History. Ob. — Chronology ; Numismatics ; Inscriptions Cd. — Statistics ; Statistical Almanacs. C£. — Ethnography ; Antiquity of Man. Cg- — History of Civilization. Oh.. — Universal History. Ok. — Ancient History. CI. — Greece. On. — Rome. Op. — Mediaeval and Modern History. HISTORY OF ASIA; AFRICA; OCEANICA.— D. X}. — Turkish Empire; Palestine; Arabia; Per- sia ; Western Asia. Db. — India and Indian Empire. JJc — China; Japan; Eastern Asia; Oceanica. Df.-y vEgvpt and Northeastern Africa. l /}Urtle^-^ Do*. — Africa, other and general. HISTORY OF EUROPE.— E. E. — Europe. Eb. — Great Britain ^Constitutional and Po- litical. s\ Ec. — England and Wales^ U uMLt nU^j- , Ed. — Scotland; Ireland. Ef. — France. Eg. — Germany; Austria; Holland; Nether- lands. Eh..— Switzerland ; Italy; Sicily; Spain; Portugal. Ek. — Russia ; Poland ; Modern Greece ; South- eastern Europe. El. — Scandinavia. ^c<^ial MINNEAPOLIS I'l J5LIC LIBRARY. AMERICAN HISTORY F. I\ — South America. Fl) — North America and the Indians; Sep- arate States except, the United States. I^C. — Eastern and Middle States. I'd. — Southern and Southwestern States. T\*> — Western and Pacific States. ■*• •> • I'll, — United States: Revolution. Ffc.— War of 1812; Mexican and Minor wars. I'l. — Rebellion and Reconstruction. I'll, — General and Constitutional. Fp, — State Papers; Reports of Departments, etc. I'l*. — Industrial and Statistical IIistorv T ; Census Reports. Fg. — Congressional Documents, in chrono- logical order. TRAVELS AND DESCRIP- TION.— G. (For Islands not specifically mentioned, see adjacent continent.) Cr, — Oeneral and Universal; Geography of the Earth; Atlases and Maps; General Gazeteers ; Collections of Voyages. Grt), — Travels and Voyages in various parts of the World. Gc. — Arctic and Antartic regions. TRAVELS IN ASIA; AFRICA; OCEANICA. H. H, — Palestine; Syria; Arabia. HI).— Asia Minor, Western Asia. He. - Central and Northern Asia. Hd,~India. Hf.~ China ; Japan; Pastern Asia. Hg, — ( 'eeaniea. Hk. _ Egypt and Northeastern Africa. HI.— Other parts of Africa; Madagascar. TRAVELS IN EUROPE.— J. J,— Various parts of Europe. J"b.— Great Britain. Jo.— France. JfcL— Germany ; Austria; Central Europe. Jf.— Netherlands ; Belgium. Jg.— Italy. Jh. —Spain and Portugal. JI'.— Russia; Greece; Turkey; Southeastern Europe. Jl.— Scandinavia. TRAVELS IN AMERICA.— K. K. — North and South America; West Indies. Klj — South America. Kc. — North America ; Mexico and Central America ; West Indies. Kd.— United States. Kf. — Pastern. Middle and Southern States. Kg. — Western and Pacific States. L. La. Lb. Lc. Ld. Le. Lf. I lUll,— History of Literature; other Nations. HIl£ — Rhetoric, Criticism; Misc. Essays. ]\I1.— Elocution and Oratory; Readers and Speakers; Orations and Speeches. ]\In — Literary Selections; Anecdotes; Table Talk, etc, SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION. POETRY; THE DRAMA -N. JJ. — Studies on Poetry and on the Stage; His- R, ( tory of the Stage; Versification. .N"b- — Works of Shakspere and upon Shak- spere. Rb. Uc. — Dramatic Works by English Authors: R<». Collections. R,d. Hd. — Dramatic Works by English Authors: Rf. — Individual. Nf. — Poetry by English Authors: Collections- Rg,- U«r — Poetry by English Authors: Individual. Rh. Nil, — Poetical and Dramatic Works: Other Rk.- Nations in Translation* MEDICINE.-R. ieueral Works; Systems of Practice; Dictionaries; Periodicals; Hospital Reports; Clinics. •Anatomy and Physiology. Hygiene and Public Health. -Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Pathology; Diseases and their Treat- ment. •Surgery; Dentistry; Anaesthetics. -Obstetrics; Sexual Science. -Veterinary Medicine. MATHEMATICS; PHYSICS; ASTRONOMY.— O. O. — General and Collected Works on Physical Science; Transactions; Periodicals. OT). — Mathematics: General Works. Oc. — Arithemetic, Algebra, Geometry, Etc. Surveying. Od. — Natural Philosophy : General Works. Of. — Mechanics; Hydrostatics ; Hydraulics: Pneumatics ; Ballooning. Off. — Acoustics; Optics; Vision. Oh.. — Heat; Magnetism ; Electricity; Gal- vanism. Ok* — Astronomy; Astrology, etc.; Tides; Almanacs. NATURAL SCIENCE. P. p. — General and Collected Works; Periodicals: Dictionaries. J?1). — Ethnology - ; Biology; Comparative Anatomy ; Evolution ; Origin of Species; History of Creation. Pc. — General Zoology ; Taxidermy ]?d. — Ornithology — Birds. P£ , — Entomology — Insects. Po\ — Conchology — Shells. Ph.. — Botany — Plants. Pk. — General Geolog}- : Glaciers; Volcanoes; Earthquakes. I*!.— Local Geology; Surveys: /Mineral Springs, Pn, — Mineralogy; Palaeontology ; Fossils. Pl>, — Physical^ Geography ; Meteorology ; riiids; Storms. . — Chemistry; Spectrum Analysis; Alchemy For originals see Foreign Literature (Y.) USEFUL ARTS.— S. S. — General and Collected Works ; Patents ; Inventions; Industrial Exhibitions. ST). — Trade; Weights and Measures; Interest Tables; Business Manuals; Short hand. Sc.— Mining; Metallurgy. Sd- — Engineering ; Railroads ; Waterworks, etc.; Roads. Sf. _ Machinery and Mill-work. Sg. — Steam and the Steam Engine. Sh.. — Electricity: Practical Applications. Sli, — Military and Naval Arts. SI. — Agriculture , Gardening ; Productions of the Soil. Sll, — Domestic Animals; Dam 7 - Products. J5}p. — Landscape, Ornamental, Window Gar- dening; Forestry. Sr. — Domestic Arts: Domestic Economy; Food ; Fuel and Lights ; Dress. Jg-fc. — Manufactures; Chemical Technology; Textile Fabrics; Dyeing; Mechanic Trades. Sv. — Carpentry and Building; Cabinet Mak- ARCHITECTURE; FINE ARTS; AMUSEMENTS; FIELD SPORTS. T. X. — General Works; Aesthetics. XI). — Architecture Xc« — Drawing; Design; Art Decoration. Td.~ Painting. Xf. — Sculpture; Carving; Plastic Arts. Xg. — Engraving; Etching; Lithography; Photography. Xh.. — Music; Composition; Harmony. Xk, — Musical Instruments; Instruction. i/^k^^^Uf-^ty - MINNEAPOLIS PUBLIC LIBRABY. JJ # — Collections of Music-. Tn. — Indoor Games and Amusements. Tp. — Field Sports and ('.anas. Wr, — Constitutional and Statute Law: Common Law, Special Branches. \lTs. — Trials; Reports; Evidence; Practice. PHILOSOPHY; EDUCATION.— V. "V"- — General Works on Philosophy; History o! Philosophy; Metaphysics. "V"b. — Logic; Psychology; Mental Philosophy. Vc> — Moral Philosophy. Vd. — Morals; Manners; Etiquette; Charac- ter, etc. "Vf. — Anthropology ; Phrenology ; Physi- ognomy; Mental Hygiene ; Body and Mind. Vg. — Education. Vh.. — Educational Institutions. SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE; LAW. -W. "^V» — General Works on Political and Social Science; Woman. ^V^l), — Political Economy: General Works; Land Tenure. Wc. — Labor and Capital ; Communism: Socialism. \yd,-T;triff ; Protection ; Free Trade. 1 WTf. — Finance; Taxation; Revenue. ARTg. — Commerce ; Communication. Whi — Slavery and the Slave Trade; Coloniza- tion; Emigration. ^V^li. — Crime ; Punishments ; Pauperism ; Temperance. Wl. — Associations: Free-Masonry, etc. "^fp. — Law: General Treatises. "Wq» — Law of Nature; International, Civil and Canon Law; Maritime Law. x.-< Xb. Xc. Xd. Xf. Xg. Xh. Xk XL- RELIGION.— X. ieneral and Collected Works. -Natural Theology ; Philosophy of Re- ligion; Science of Religion ; Compara tive Religion. -The Bible; Commentaries; Lives of Christ and of the Apostles ; History of the Jews. -Systematic, Doctrinal, Dogmatic, His- tory of Doctrine; Evidences. -Homiletic; Pastoral; Practical; Devo- tional ; Sermons ; Religious Fiction. -Church Polity ; Institutions; Work. — History of Christianity and of the Christian Church. Christian Churches and Sects. Non-Christian Religions; Mythology; Folk Lore; Magic; Witchcraft; Mod- ern Spiritualism. FOREIGN LITERATURE.— Y.* (Except where grouped by subject.) Y.— Greek. Yb>— Latin. Yc —French. Yd. — German. Yf . — Danish ; Norwegian. Yg. — Swedish. Yh..— Dalian. Yk. — Spanish and Portuguese. Yl. — Other Nations and Polyglottic. 'Original. For Translations see various subject classes lNDF.v TO CLASSIFICATION. INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION. Look for any subject or topic in this Alphabetical INDEX, and the letters at the right will direct to the place in the previous SYNOPSIS, or in the CARD CATALOGUE, or on the SHELVKS where the books on that subject, if any be in the Library, will be found. A BOLITION, ■**- Aborigines of America, Wh. Africa, Eastern, history, Df. Alps, Jd. Fb. travels, Hk. Alsace-Lorraine, Germain , Abortion, Wk. Africa, North and West, his - history, Eg- Absolutism, W. tory, Dg- Amateur theatricals, Tn. Abyssinia, history, Dg- travels, HI. Ambassadors, Wq. language, Mf. Africa, South and Centra' , Ambrotypes, Tg. travels, HI. history. Dg- America, aboriginal, Fb. Academies, Yh. travels, HI. America, North, botany, Ph. Academies of science, 0. African colonization, Wh. customs and costume' Acadia, Fb. African languages, Mf. Cg- , Fb. Accent, Mb. African slavery, Wh. description, Kc. Accidents, Rg- Agnosticism, Vb. ecclesiastical history, Xh. Accounts, Wg. Agricultural chemistry, SI. geography, Kf. Acoustics, Og- implements, SI. geology. • PI. Acrostics, Mn. reports, SI. history, Fb. Acting, Actors, N. Agriculture, general, SI. statistics, Fr. , Cd. Actors, lives of. L. animal, Sn. travels. Kc. Acts, legislative, Wr. vegetable, SI. America, South, botany, Ph. Acts of the Apostles, Xe. Air, Of , Pr. customs and costumes Addresses, Ml. Alabama, history, Fd. Cg- Kb. Adjutant-General's reports , Fb travels, Kf. description, Kb. Administration, W., Eb. , Fp. Alabama claims, Fl. ecclesiastical history. Xh. Admiralty law, Wq. Alaska, K. geography, Kb. Adulteration of food, Sr. Albania, Ek •Jk. geology, PI. Adultery, Wk. Alber types, Tg. history, F. Advent, second, Xd. Albigenses, Xh. statistics, Cd. Adventures, travels, etc., G .-K. Alchemy, Ps. travels, Kb. Advertising, Sb. Alcoholic liquors, St. American languages, Alb. Advocacy, Ws. use of, Wk. American painting, Td. Aerolites, Pr. Ales, St. American revolution, Fh. Aeronautics, Of. Algae, Ph. Americanisms, Mb. Aesthetics, T. Algebra, Oe. Amputation, Rg. .Ethiopia, history, Dt. Algeria, Algiers, HI. Amusements. Tn. travels, Hk. Aliens, Wr. morals of, Vd. Affections, Vc. Alkalies, St. Ama, anagrams, Mm. Afghanistan, history, D. Allegories, Xf. Anaesthetics, Rd. ,Rg- travels, He. Alloys, Sc. Analysis, chemical Ps. Africa, botany, Ph. Almanacs, Ok. Analytical geometry. Oc. costume, customs, statistical. Cd. Anatomy, art, T. Cg., Hk , HI. Almeshouses, Wk. comparative, Pb. ecclesiastical history, Xh. Alphabets, M. human, Kb. geology, PI. ornamental. Tc. Ancient architecture, Tb. 10 MINNEAPOLIS PUBLIC Ui:i;.\l:\. Ancient classics, V. Architects, lives of L. Asthma, ki. Ancient customs, costumes , Cg. Architectural drawing, Te. Asylums, Wk. Ancient geography, <;. Architecture, Tb. Astrology, Ok. \m cdotes, Mn. naval. Sk. Astronomical instrument- , Ok. religious, Xf. Arctic explorations, Gc. Astronomical maps, Ok. Aneurism, Kl. Argentine Republic, history, P. Astronomical obsei v.i ■ i< >ij 3, Ok. Angels, Xd. travels, Kb. Astronomical tables, Ok. Anglican church, Xg. , Xh. A ri: in ism, Xd. Astronomy, theoretical, Ok. Angling, Tp. Aristocracy, W. practical. Ok. Anglo-Saxon history, i-b. Aristotelian philosophy, V. Atheism, Xb. Angle-Saxon language, Mb. Arithmetic, Oc. Athletic sports, Tp. Anglo-Saxon literature, Mg. Arizona, histor}', Fg. Atlantic ocean, Pr. Animal Kingdom, Pc. travels, Kg. Atlases, G. magnetism, Vf. Arkansas, history, Fg- Atlases of the heavens, Ok. Animalculae, Pc. travels, Kg. Atmosphere, Pr. Animals, Bible, Xc. Armenia, history, D. Atonement, Xd. domestic, Sn. travels, Hb. Attributes of God, Xb. Annuities, Oc. Armenian church, Xh. Auctions, Sb. Anonyms, A. Armenian language, Mf. Auction catalogues of books, A. Antartic explorations, Gc. Armies, Sk. Aurora, Ok. Anthropology, Cf. Arminianism, Xd. Australasia, Hg. Antilles, K. Armor, Sk. Australia, history, Dc. Anti-masonry, Wl. Arms, coats of, heraldry, C ).,L. travels, Hg. Antinomianism, Xd. Art anatomy, T. Austria, history, Eg. Antiquities (see also subject Art biography, L. , Td. travels, Jd. or country (, Cf. Art education, T. Authors, lives of, L. Antiquity of man, Cf. Art galleries, T. Autobiograplr,-, sec Biogr aphy. Aphorisms, Mn. Art schools, T. Autonyms, A. Apocalypse, Xc. Artesian wells, Sd. Ava, Hf. Apocrypha, Xh. Articulates, palaeontology, I'n. Avesta, XI. Apologetics, Xd. zoology, Pc. Azores, Jh- Apophthems, Mn. Artillery, Sk. Aztecs, Pb. Apoplexy, Rf. Artists, lives of, L. , Td. "DAALBEC, -D Babylon, Ck. Apostles, Xc. Arts, fine, T. Ck. Apostolic church, Xh. Arts, useful, S. Backgammon, Tn. Apostolic fathers, X. Xh. Arts and trades, St. Baconian philosophy, V. Apostolic succession, Xd. Ashantee, HI. Bacteria, Ph. Apothegms, Mn. Asia, botany, Ph. Bahamas, K. Apparatus 0d. customs and costumes. Ball playing, Tp. Apparitions, XI. Cg., Kb. He. Ballads, Xf. Apples, SI. ecclesiastical history, XI. Ballooning, Of. Aquariums, Pc. geology, PI. Bampton lectures, Xd. Aquatint, Td. history, D. , Dc. Banditti, Wk. Aqueducts, Sd. travels, IIIk, Be , Hf. Rank note engraving, Tg. Arabia, ancient history Ck. Asia Minor, history, D. Bankrupt laws, Wr. modern history, 1). travels, lib. Hanks, banking, Wf. travels, H. Assassination, Wk. Baptism, Xd. Arabian language, Alt". Assault and battery, Wk. Baptists, Xd. Arabian philosophy, V. Assaying, Sc. Barbadoes, K. Arabs in Spain, Fdi. Assent, Vc. Barbary states, history, I ig. Arboriculture, Sp. Associations, Wl. Travels, 111. Arbors, S P . musical, Barometer, Pr. Archaeology, Cf. Assurance, Wr. Th. Baronetage, L. Archery, Tp. Assyria, Ck. Barons, British, Eb. Arches, Tb. Assyrian language, Mf. Bartholomew, St., Ef ,Xh. IN'M'.X Id CLASSIFICATION. 11 Bas-reliefs, Tf. Boating, Tp. I', nl-aria, Jk- Base ball, Tp. Boats, Sk. Burial, Cg. Basque language, Mf. Body and mind, Vf. Burmah, history, Dc. Bas(|iic provinces, Jc Bohemia, .! . Caucus, W. Cavalry, Sk. Cave-dwellers, Cf. Caves, Pk. Celibacy Xk. Celtic language, Mb. Celtic literature, Mg. Celtic poetry, Nf. Celts, Kb. Cements, St. Cemeteries, Cg., Sp. Census, U. S., Fr see also names of countries. Centennial exhibition, U. S., S. Central Africa, history, Dg. travels, HI. Central America, histor}', F. travels, Kb. Central Asia, He. Ceramic art, Tf. Ceremonies, Cg. religious, Xf. Cetacea, Pc. Ceylon, history, Db. travels, lid. Chaldea, Ck. Chaldee language, M£ Chancery law, Wr. Chances, calculation of, Oc. Character, Vc, Yd. Charades, ' Tn. Charitable associations, \Yk. Charities religious, Xg. Charts, geographical, G. historical, C. Chasing, Tf. Checkers, Tn. Cheese, Sn. Chemical agriculture, Chemical analysis, Chemical technology, Chemistry, agricultural, applied, theoretical, Chess, Childbirth, Children, diseases of, Chili, history, travels, Chimneys, China, history, travels, Chinese language, Chinese literature, Chinese religion, Chivalry, Chloroform, Cholera, Christ, Christian anticputics. Christian doctrines. Christian lathers, works of, Christian institutions, Christian sects, Christianit}', evidences, history, Christmas customs, Christology , Chromolithography, Chronology, Church, Church and state. Church architecture, Church of England, Church fathers, Church history, Church music, Church polity, Church of Rome, Circassia, Circumnavigations, Circuses, Citizenship, Civil engineering, Civil law, service reform, Civilization, history, Clairvoyance, Classical antiquities, Classical education, -, ancient, Classification of knowledge, M. SI. Clergy, lives of, L I's. Climate, hygiene, Re. St. Climatology, Pr. 1, SI. Clinics, Rf. I's. Clock-making, St. I's. Clothes-making, St. Tn. Clothing, St. Kb. < !oal, geology of, Pk. Rf. mining of, Sc. F. Coal oil, Pk. Kb. Coal trade, Wg. Sv. Coast survey, Oc. Dc. Coats of arms, L. I If. Cochin china, Hf. Mf. Co-education, Vg. Mb. Coffee, SI. XI., VI. Coinage, Wf. Cg„ Cp. Coins, Cb. Rd.,Rg. Coleoptera, Pf. Rf. Collected works, Ag. Xe. Colleges, Yh. Xh. Collieries, Sc. Xd. Columbia, S. A., history, F. X., Xh. travels, Kb. X. Colonization, Wh. Xg. Color (optically ), Og- Xk. (painting), Td. Xd. Colorado, history, Fg. Xh. travels, Kg. Cg. Columns, Tb. Xd. Combustion, Oh. Tg. Coined}', see drama Cb. Comets, Ok. Xg.,Xh. Commentaries, Bible, Xc. W., Xg. law, Wp. Tb. Commerce, Wg. Xg.. Xh. Commercial law, Wr. Xh. Common law, Wr. Xh. Common prayer, Xf. Th. Common schools, Vg- Xg. Communication ( trade ), Wg. Xk. Communion ( eucharist ), Xf. Tib. Communism, We. Gb. Comparative anatomy, Pb. Tn. Comparative mythology, XI. Wq. Comparative philology, M. Sd. Compass, Oc. Wq. Compends, fine arts, T. W. histor}', Ch. Cg. natural science, P. \'f. philology, M. Ck. philosophy, V. Vg. science, 0. Y. sociology, w. edge, M. theoiogy, Xd. INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION. L3 Compend, useful arts s. Corsica, Jg. Dancing, Tn. Composition, Mk. Cosmetics, Sr. Danish language, Md. musical, Th. Cosmogony, Xb. I >auish literature, Yf. Mil. Comte's philosophy, V. Cosmology Xb. , Od. Dark ages, Cp Conchology, Pg. Cossacks, Ek ...Ik. Darwinism, Pb. Concordances, of Bible, Xc. Costa Rica, Kc. Dates in history, Cb, 1 See names of authors Costume, historically, Cg. I leaf and Dumb institutes, Vh. Confectionery, St. toilet, Sr. Deafness, Rf. Confederate States, Fl. Cottages, Sv. ,Tb. Death, (physiology), Rb. Confessional, Xk. Cotton culture, SI. Death and resurrection, Xd. Confucianism, XI. manufacture, St. Death penalty, Wk. Congo, Africa, history, Dg. trade, Sb. Debate and debating, Ml. Congregationalism, Xk. Councils, church, Xg. Xh. Debates in Congress, Fp. Congressional debates, Fp. Counterpoint, music, Th. Debt, public, Wf. Congressional documents, Fs. Courtesy, \\\. Decimal system, Oc. Conic sections, Oc. Courts, Ws. Decimal w'ts and me's'r's, Sb. Conjuring, Vf. Courts martial, Ws. Declamation, Ml. Connecticut, history, Fc. Cousin's philosophy, V. Decorative art, Tc. travels, Kf. Covenanters, Xh. Decorum, Vd. Conscience, Vc. Cows, Sn. Deductive logic, Vb. Conservation of forces. Od. Cranberries, SI. Deism, Xb. Conservatories, (garden), Sp. Craniology, Pb. Delaware, history, Fc. Conservatories of music, Th. Crayon drawing. Tc. travels, Kf. Constantinople, History, D. Creation, Pb. Xb. Delusions, Vf. travels, Jk. Credit, Wf. Democracy, W Constitution, English, Kb. Creeds, Xd. Democratic party, Fn. U.S., Fn. Cremation, Cg- Demonology, XI. Constitutional law, Wr. Crete, Jk- Denmark, history, El. Construction, (building), Sv. Cricket, Tp. travels, Jl- Consuls, Wg. Crimea, Ek -,Jk. Denominations, Christian, Xk. Consumption, Rf. Crimes and punishment, Wk. Dentistry, Rg. Contagion, Re. Criminal law, Wr. Depravity, Xd., Wk. Contracts, law of, Wr. Criminal trials, Ws. Derangement, mental, V ■.,Rf. Conundrums, M11. Critical ps3 r chology, Vb. Dervishes, XI. Convents, Xg. Criticism', literary, Mk. Descartes's philosophy, V. Conversation, Mk. Crocheting, Sr. Descriptive astronomy, Ok. Conversion, Xd. ,Xg. Croquet, Tp. Descriptive geometry, Oc. Conveyancing, Ws. Croup, Rf. Design and drawing, Tc. Convict labor, Wc. Cruelty to animals, Vc. Despotism, W. Cookery, Sr. Crusades, Cp. Detectives, Wk. Co-operation, Wc. Crustacea, Pg- Deuteronomy, Xc. Copper, Sc. Cryptogamia, Ph. Development theory, Pb. engraving, Tg. C ry stallography , Pn. Devil, Xd. Coptic language, Mf. Cuba, history, Fb. Devotional theology. Xf. Copyright, Wr. travels. K. Dew, Pr. Corals, Pk. Currency, Wf. Dialectics. Vb Corea, Hf. Currents, Pr. Dialects, see names of lan- Corn laws, Wd. Customs and duties, Wd. guages. Cornices, Sv. Customs and manners, Cg- Dialogues, Ml. Coroners, Wr. Cyclopaedias, general, A. Diamonds, Pn ., Tf. Corporal punishment, Wk. See also special topics. Diaries, sec Biography. Corporations, law of, Wr. [\ACtUERREOTYPE, *J Dahomey, Tg- Dictionaries, see names of Correction, houses of, Wk. III. languages and subjects Correlation of forces, Od. Dairy, Sn. Didactic theology, Xd. Correspondence, Sb. Dalmatia, Jk. Die-making, St. 14 MINNEAPOLIS PUBLIC LIBRARY. Diet, I differential calculus, I digestion, I >i^csts, I lining, Diphtheria, I diplomacy, Diplomatics, I (irectories, general, See sub-divisions undc r travels. Discipline, education, Diseases, Disinfection, Dispensaries, Dispensatories, Dissection, Dissenters, Xli., I distillation, I distribution of animals, plants, District of Columbia, hist., travels, Divination, Divorce, Doctrinal theology, 1 documents, public, Dogmatics, Dogs, Domestic animals, I domestic architecture, Domestic economy, Domestic and foreign rela tions, Domestic medicine, Domestic trade, Domestic worship, Dominos, Drainage of cities, of soils, Drama, general treatises, English, Xc, French, in translation, German, " " Greek, " Italian, " Latin, " Spanish, " '• For originals of above sec foreign literature, etc. parlor, I iramatic amusements, I Iramatic music, Draughts, 1 >r.i wing, Re. Oc. Rb. Wr. Sr. Rf. \V,|. A. G. Vg. Rf. Re. Wk. Rd. Kb. Xk. St. Pc. Ph. Pe. Kf. XI. Wr. Xd. Fs. Xd. Sn. Sn. Tb. Sr. Pp. Kf. Wg. Xf. Tn. Re. SI. N. \d. Nh. Mi. Nh. Nh. Nh. Mi. Tn. Tn. Sr. Tn. Tc. Bb. Vd.. Yl. Drawing books, Dreams, Dress, costume, I tress-making, Drives, Driving, I (rugs, I irniils, Drunkenness, Druses, Duelling, Dutch language, Dutch literature, Dutch painting, Dutch poetry, Dutch reformed church, Dutch Republic, Duties, morals, Duties and customs, Dwarfs, Dwellings, (pre-historic), Dyeing, Dynamical electricity, Dynamical geology, Dynamics, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, l?AR, diseases, * J functions, Early English text society, Earth, figure of, Earthquakes, East, history, travels, East Indies, travels, Easter, Eastern church, Eastern states, history, travels, Eating, Ecclesiastical histor}', Ecclesiastical law, Ecclesiastical polity, Ecclesiology, church, Echinoderms, Eclectic medicine, Eclectic ps3 r chology, Eclectropathy, Eclipse, Economy, domestic, political, Ecuador, history, travels, Eddas, Td.. Tc. \f. Cg. Sr. Sp. Tp. Rd. , XI. Wk. XI. Cg. Aid. Alh. Td. Nh. Xk. Eg. Vd. W.l. Pb. Cf. St. Oh. Pk. Of. Kf. Rf. Rf. Rb. Mb. Pk. Pr. Pk. Dc. II. Hf. Xf. Xk. Pc. Kf. Sr. Xh. Wq. Xg. Xg. Pc. R. VI, . R. Ok. Sr. Wb. F. Kb. Mb. Education, Vg. Educational institutions, Vh. Educational reports, Vh. Egypt, ancient, Ck. modern, Df. travels, Ilk. Egyptian architecture, Tb. language, • Ml. literature, Mh. religion, XI. Election sermons, Xf. Elections, W., Fn. Elective franchise, W. Electric lighting, Sh. Electricrty, Oh. Electro-magnetism, Oh. Eleemosynary institutions, Wk. Elementary education, Yg Eleusinian im-steries, XI. Elgin marbles, Tf. Elocution, eloquence, Ml. Emancipation, Wh. Embalming, Cg. Embargo, Wq. Emblems, Mn. Embroidery, Sr. Embr3 r ology, Pb. Emigration, Wh. Emotions, Vc. Pmipirieal psychology, Vb. Enamel painting, Td. Encaustic painting, Td. Encyclopaedias, general, Ab. See names of subjects. Engineering, Sd. England, history, Ec. constitutional history Eb. travels, Jb. English church, Xk. English composition, Mk. English dialects, Mb. English dictionaries, Mb. English drama, Nc, Nd. English etymology, Mb. English government, Ec. English grammar, Mb. English language, Mb. English literature, Mg. English orthography, Mb. English philology, Mb. English philosophy, V. English poetry, M"., Ng. English prosody, Mb. English synonyms, Mb. English rext society. Mb. INDEX To CLASSfFICATION. 15 Engraving, Tg. Evil, Xd. Fowling, Tp. Enigmas, AIn. Evolution, Pb. Fevers, Rf. Ensilage, SI. Exchange, Wf. Fiction, see Englis i i >rose Entertainments, see drama. Excise, wr. fiction. amusements. Exegesis, biblical, Xe. Field sports, Tp. Entomology, Pf Exhibitions, art, T. Fiji, Hg. Entozoa, Pc industrial, S. Figure of the earth. Pr. Ephemerides, Ok. Exodus, Xe. Final causes, V. Epics, see poetry. Expatriation, Wq. Finance, Wf. Epicureanism, Vc. Experimental chcinistr\ r , Ps. Fine arts, T. Epidemics, Kf. Explorations, G. Finland, history, El. Epigrams, Mn. Explosives, Wg. travel, Jl- Episcopal church, Xk. Express companies, Wg. Fire arms. Sk. Epistles, Bible, Xe. Extradition, Wq. Fire engines. Sg. Epistolography, Sb. Eye, diseases. Rf. Fire insurance. Oc, Wr. Epitaphs, Mn. functions, Rb. Fire works, Sk., Tp. Equador, historj^, F. T^ABLES, see class of -*- fiction. prose Fire worshipers, XI. travels, Kb. Fish culture, Sn. Equestrian exercise, Tp. Facetia?, Mn. Fisheries, Sn. Equipments of armies, Sk. Faculty, Yf. Fishes, Pc. navies, Sk. Fairy tales, see class of prose palaeontology, Pn. Equity, Wr. fiction. Fishing, Tp. Errors of speech, Mk. Fairs, agricultural, SI. Flags, L.,Sk. Erse language, Mb. industrial, S. Flanders, history, Eg. Erse literature Mb. Faith, Xd. travels, Jf- Eschatology, Xd. Faith and reason, Xb. Flax, SI., St. Esquimaux, history, Fb. Fallacies, Vb. Flemish painting, Td. Essays, literary, Mk. Family, W. Flies, Pf. See names of subjects. Family histories, L. Flora, Ph. Etching, Tg. Family medicines, Rf. Florence, history, Eh. Eternal punishment, Xd. Family worship, Xf. travel, Jg- Etherization, Rg- Fanaticism, Xh ., XI. Florida, history, Fd. Ethics, Vc. Fancy-work, Sr. travel , Kf. Ethiopia, Df. Farces, see drama. Flower gardening, Sp. Ethnography, Cf. Farming, SI. Flowers, Ph. Ethnology, Pb. Farriery, St. Fluxions, Oc. Etiquette, Vd. Fashion, Cg. Folk lore, Cg- Etruria, history, Eh. Fasts, Xf. Food, (cookery), Sr. travels, Jg- Fatalism, V. Xb. (medical), Re. Etymologies, comparative M. Fathers of the church, X. Xh. Force, Od. See names of languages Fauna, p. Foreign missions, Xg. Eucharist, Xd. Feasts, Sr , Xf. Foreign relations, Fp., Wq. Eulogies, L. Federalism, Fn. Foreign trade, Wg. Europe, botany, Ph. ! Feet, Rb. Forestry, Sp. customs and costumes Female education, Vg- Forgery, Wk. eg., e Female employments, w., Wc. Form books, (law), Ws. ecclesiastical history, Xh. Female seminaries, Vh. Formation of charac ter, Vd. geography, J- Female suffrage, W. Fortification, Sk. geology, PL Fencing, (exercise), Tp, Fortune telling, XI. history, E. Fenianism, * Wl. Fossil man, Pb. statistics, Cd. Fermentation, Ps , St. Fossils, Pn. travel, J- Ferns, Ph. Foundries, St. See names of countries. Fertilizers, SI. Foundling hospitals, Wk. Evidence, (law), Ws. Festivals, church, Xf. Fountains, Sp. Evidence of Christianity, Xd. Fetichism, XI. J Fourierism, Wb. k; MINNEAPOLIS ITIiLie LIBBARY. Feudalism, Cp.,W. Genealogy, L. ('.race, doctrines of. Xd Fowls, Sn. Generation, spontaneous, Pb. ( '.rafting, Si Fractures, Rg. Genesis, Xc. ('.rains. SI. France, history, Bf. Genoa, history, Eh. Grammars, comparati vc, M. travels, Jc travels, Jg- See names of langi ages Franchise, W. Geodesy, Oc. ( Iranada, Eh ,Jb. Franciscan, Xh. < Geography, G. ('.rangers, Wl. Franco-Prussian war Ef. See names of countries. Grape culture, Fl. Free-hand drawing, Tc. Geographical distribution. Grasses, SI. Freedmen, ( Am. I, Fl. Pc. I'h. ornamental, Sp. Free-masonry Wl. Geological reports, PI. Grave mounds. Cf. Free trade, Wd. Geology, Pk. ( '.rave stones. Sp . Tf. Free will, Vl». local and surveys, PI. Grave yards, Sp. Cg. French dictionaries, Md. Geology and religion, Xb. Gravitation, <)d. French drama. Ye., \h. Geometry, Oc. Great Britain, history Eb. French language, Md. analytical, Oc. travels. Jb. French literature, Yc, Mh. Georgia, history, Fd. Greece, ancient, CI. French poetry, Ye., Nh. travels, Kf. modern, history, Ek. French revolution. Ef. ( ierman dictionaries, Md. travels. Jk. French spoliation, Fp. German drama, Yd. , Xh. poetry of, Y , XI. Fresco painting, Tc. German language, Md. Greek architecture, Tb. Friction, Sf. German literature, Yd., Mh. Greek church, Xk. Friendly societies, Wl. German philosophy, V. Greek drama. Y , Mh. Friends, society of, Xk. ( rerman reformation, Xh. Greek language, Mc. Friendship, Vd. German poetry, Nh. Greek literature, Y., Mh. Fruit culture, SI. Germany, history, Eg. Greek mythology. XI. Fuel, Sr. travels, Jd- Greek poetr}% Y. ,Xh. Funds and funding, Wf. Germ cells, Pc. Greek philosophy, Y. Funeral sermons, Xf. Gestures, Ml. Greenback party, Fn. Funeral rites, Cg. ('.hosts, XI. Greenhouses, S P . Furniture, Sv. Giants, Pb. Greenland, history, Fb. Future state, Xd. Cipsies, Cf.,I travels. Kc. / 1AELIC LANGUAG * Galleries of art, E, Mb. Girders, Sd. Grounds, private, Sp. T. Girondists, Ef. Groves, Sp. Galliean church, Xk. Glaciers, Pk. Guatemala, history, Fb. Galvanism, Oh. Glass, St. travels, Kb. Gambling, Tn., Wk. painting. Td. Guiana, history, F. Came laws. Wk. Glazing, St. travels. Kb. Games, indoor, Tn. potterv-, Tf. Guide books, sec names oi outdoor, Tp. Glees, Tl. countries. Gardening, SI., Sp. ('.lobes, use of, Ok. Guilds, We. Wl. landscape, Sp. Glossaries, see names of Guillotine, Ef., Wk. Gas engines, Sg. languages. Guinea, HI. Gas-fitting, St. Cloves, Cg ., St. Gun cotton, Sk. Gas-lighting, Sr. Gnostics, Xh. Gun making, Sk. ('.as making, St. God, Xb. Xd. Gunnery, Sk. Ps. Cold, Wf. ('.un powder, Sk. Gastronomy, Sr. Cold mining, Sc- Guns, sporting, Tp. Gauging, Sb. Coniometry I'n. Gutta percha, St- t< its, general, ('.. Good Friday, Xf. Gymnastics, Kc. See subdivisions under ( rospels, Xc. Gynaecology, Rii. travels. Gothic architecture, Tb. Gypsies,. C '., i-:. Gearing, Sf. Goths, C P . , Eg. HABEAS CORPUS, 11 Hair, \Ys. Gem engraving, Tg. I '.out, Kf. Kb. ('.ems. I'n., Tg. Government, w. Hakluyt society, G. INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION. 17 Hallucination, Yf. Holland, history, Eg. tceland, history, El. Hand, Kb. travels, Jf. travels, Jl. Handwriting, Sb. Holy Laud, history, I). Icelandic language, Md. Harbors, Sd. travels, H. Icelandic literal lire, Yf., Mh. Harmony, music, Th. Holy Rinnan Empire, Cp., [cell »ndic poetry, Yf. , Xh. Harmony ofgospels, Xc. Rg.,Xh. rchnology, I'ii. Harness-making, St. Holy Spirit, Xd. Ichthyology, Pc. Harpsichord, Tk. Home education. Vg. Iconography, Tf. Hasheesh, Rd. Vd. Home missions, Xg. Idaho, history, Pg. Hats, St. Homicide, Wk. travel, Kg. Ilayti, history, Fb. Homilctics, XI'. Idealistic psychology, Yb. travels, Kc. Homoeopathy, K. Idiocy, Pf. Health, Re. Homologies, Pb. Idioms, Mb. public, Re. Honey, Sn. Idolatry, XL Hearing, Rb. Horolog3 r , St. Illinois, history, Pg. Heart diseases, Rf. Horse, Sn. travels, Kg. Heat, Oh. Horse-riding, Tf. Illiteracy, Vh. Heathen religions. XI. Horse-shoeing, St. Illumination, lighting. St. Heating, Sr. Horsemanship, Tp. Illusions, Yf. Heaven, Xd. Horticulture, Sp. Imagination, Yb. Hebrew history, Ck. Xh. Hospitals, R. Immersion, Xd. Hebrew language, Mf. Hot-houses, SI., Sp. Immigration, Wh. Hebrew literature, Mb ., Yl. House building, Sv., Tb. Immortality,. Xd. Hedges, Sp. House furnishing, Sr. Imprisonmcnl for debt, Wk. Hedonism, Ve. House-keeping, Sr. Incandescence, Oh. Hegelian philosophy, V. House of correction, Wk. Incarnation, Xd. Heliotypes, Tg. House of refuge, Wk. Income, Wf. Hell, Xd. House painting, St. Incunabula, A. Heraclitie philosophy. V. House-wifery, Sr. Independents, Xh. , Xk. Heraldry, L. Huguenots, Ef., Xh. Indexes, A. Herbariums. Ph. Human anatomy, Rb. See names of subjects. Heredity, Pb ., Yf. Human body and mint Yl. India, history, Db. Heresies, Xd. Human physiology. Rb. travels, Hd. Hermaphrodites, Ph. Humane societies, Wk. India rubber, S ., St. Ilermeneuties, Xc. Humor, Mn. Indiana, history, Pg. Heroism, Vc. Hungary, history, El. travel, Kg- Herpetology, Pc. travels, Jd. Indians, American, Fb. Hieroglyphics, Ml". Hunting, Tp. Indigestion, Rf. Higher education, Vg. Hurricanes, Pr. Indoor amusements, Tn. High license, Wk. Husbandry, SI. Induction, Yb. Highwaymen, Wk. Hybridism, Pb. electrical, Oh. Himalayas, He. Hydraulic engineering, Sd. Inductive logic, Yb. Hiudostan, history, Db. Hydraulics, Of. Industrial drawing. Tc. travels, Hd. Hydrodynamics, Of. Industrial exhibitions. S. Histology, Pb. , Rb. Hydrography, Pr., Sd. Industrial schools, Vh. Historical books of the H3 r dromeehauics, Of. Inebriate institutes, Wk. Bible, Xc. Hydropathy, R. Infallibility, papal, Xd. Historical eh'rts andtabl's , Ch. Hydrophobia, Rf. Infanticide, Wk. History, ancient, Ck. Hydrostatics, Of. Infantry, Sk. ecclesiastical, Xh. H3'giene, Re. Infidelity. Xb. modern, Cp. mental, Vf. Injuries, Rg. philosophy of, c. Hymnology, Xf. Ink, A. universal, Ch. Hypochondria, Rf. Inoculation, Rd. Histrionics, N. ICE AGE, -*- Icebergs, Pk. Inorganic chemistry, Ps. Hoisting, Sf. Pk. Inquisition, Xh. 18 MINM.AriH.IS ITI5LIC LIBUAKY. [nsane hospitals, R. Insanity, Rf. [nscriptions, Cb. Insects, IT. Inspiration of the Bible, Xc. Instinct, Vb. Institutions, educational, Vh. feudal, Cp . w. monarchic, YY. musical, Th. religious, Xg. patriarchal t Xc. republican, w. Instruction, Vg. Instrumental mnsie, Tl. Instruments, Oc. Insurance, Oc. Wr. Insurance companies. Wr. tntaglios, Tf. Integral calculus, Oc. Intellect, Vb. Intellectual philosophy, Vb. Intemperance, Wk. Intercommunication, Wg. Interest, wr. Interest tables, Sb. Interior decoration. Tc. Interior department, Fp. Intermarriage, Cg. , Kh. Intermediate state, Xd. Interments, Cg , Re. Internal improvements, Sil ., W. Internal revenue, Wf. International copyright, Wq. International exhibitions, S. International law, Wq. Intolerance, Xh. Intuitive psychology, Vb. Inventions, s. Invertebrates, Pc. palaeontology, I'n. Investments, Wf. Ionian Islands, history, El. travels, Jk. Iowa, bistory, Eg. travels, Kg. Iranian languages, Mr. Ireland, history, Ed. travels, Jb. Irish church, Xh. Irish languages, Ml). Irish literature, Mg. Irish poetry, Nf. Iron bridges, Sd. manufacture St. Iron metallurgy, Sc. Kansas, travels, Kg. mining, Se. Kant's Philosophy, V. Ironclad ships, Sk. Kiltie, see Celtic. Irrigation, SI. Kentucky, history, Fg- Islam, XI. travels, Kg. Israelites, Xc. Xh. Kindergarden, Vg. Italian drama, Vh. , Nil. Kinematics, Of. Italian language, Md. Kitchen, Sr. Italian literature. Vh., Mb. Knighthood, Cg., Cp. Italian painting, Td. Knights Templars, Cp., Wl. Italian poetry, Vh. , Xh. Knitting, Sr. Italian Republics, Cp. , Eh. Know nothing party, Fn. Italian sculpture, Tf. Koran, XI. Italy, historv', Kh. T ABOR, *-* Laboring classes, Wc. travels, Jg- Wc. JACOBINS, *' Jainism, Ef. Labrador, Kc. XI. Lace-making, St. Jamaica, bistory, Fb. Laconics, Mn. travels, Kc. Lake Dwellings, Cf. Jansenism, Xh. Lakes, artificial, Sp. Japan, history, Dc. Land surveying, Oc. travels, Hf. Landlord and tenant, Wr. Japanese language, Mf. Landscape gardening, Sp. Japanese literature, VI., Mh. Landscape painting, Td. Japanese poetry, VI ,Nh. Land tenure, Wb. Japanning, St. Language, universal, M. Java, history, De. Lapland, history, El. travels, Hg. travels, Jl. Jerusalem, history, D. Xh. Lathe work, Sv. travels, H. Latin drama, Yb., Nh. Jests, Mn- Latin language, Mc. Jesuit missions, Xg. Latin literature, Vb., Mh. Jesuits, Xk. Latin poetry, Yb.. Nh. Jesus Christ, Xc. Laundry, Sr. Jewelry, St ., Tf. Law, Wp. Jews, Ck , Xc. Xh. canon, Wq. John, (Apostle, ) Xc. civil, Wq. Joinery, Sv. commercial, Wr. Journalism, Mg. constitutional, Wr. Judaism, Xe. , Xh. international, Wq. Judgment and future state , Xd. maritime, Wq. Jugglery, Tn. mercantile, Wr. Junius letters. Eb. natural, Wq. Jurisprudence, Wp. patent, Wr. medical, Wr. Roman, Wq. Jury, Wr. statute, Wr. Justification, Xd. Law of nations, Wq. Juveniles, see various classes, Lawns, Sp. (Prose Fiction, History, Lawn tenuis, Tp. Biography, etc.) Lawyers, lives of, L. I/'ABBALA, -*■*• Kafirs, Xe. Lead, Sc. HI. Leather, St. Kaleidoscope, Og. Legends, Cg. Kamschatka, He. See also travels, various Kansas, history. Fg. countries. INDEX TO CLASIFICATION. 19 Legerdemain, Tn. Lord's day, Xd. Maps, astronomical, ok. Legislation, Wr. Lord's supper, Xd. Marble manufacture, St. Legislative annals, Eb. Pp. Lorraine, history Ef. Marbles, Sc , Tf. Legitimacy, Wr. travels, Jc Marine architecture, Sk. Lent, Xf. Lotteries, Yd. Marine engines, Sg. Lepidoptera, Pf. Louisiana, history, Fd. Marine insurance, Wf. Letter writing, Sb. travels, Kf. Marine law, Wg. Letters, L., Mk. Low countries, history, Eg. Maritime law, Wq, Levant, Tk- travels, K- Mark, gospel of, Xc. Levees, vSd. Loyalists, Americen, Fh. Market, Sb , Sr. Levelling, Oc. Luke, gospel of, Xc. Market gardening, SI. Leviticus, Xc. Lumber, Sp ., St. Marriage customs, Cg. Lexicons, see names of Lunacy, Rf. Marriage ethics, Vd. languages. Lunatic asylums, Rf. Martial law, Wr. Libel, Wr. Lung diseases, Rf. Martyrs, Xh. Liberia, HI. Lutherans, Xk. Maryland, history, Fc. Liberty, W. Lynch Law, Fg., W. ,Wg. travels, Kf. Liberty of press, Wr. MABINOGEON, ^ Macaronics, Mg. Masonry, Sv. Libraries, catalogues, A. Mn. tree, Wl. economy, A. Machine engraving, Tg- Massachusetts, history, Fc. history and reports, A. Machinery, Sf. travels, Kf. Lichens, Th. Madagascar, history, Dg- Matches, St. Life insurance, Oc. Wr. travels, HI. Materia medica, Rd. Life-saving service, Fp . Sk. Madeira, Jh- Materialism, V. Light, Og. Madness, Rf. Materials, building, Sv. Light-houses, Sd ,Sk. Magazines. Ac. Maternity, Rh. Lighting, Sr. Magic, XL Mathematical drawing, Tc. Lightening rods, St. Magnetical observations, Oh. Mathematical instruments , Oc. Lights and fuel, Sr. Magnetism, Oh. Mathematical tables, Oc. Lime, Sv. animal, Vf. Mathematics, Ob. Limestone, Pk ,Sv. Magyars, Eg- Matthew, gospel of, Xc. Line engraving, Tg- Mahometanism, XL Mauritius, HI. Linear perspective. Tc. Mails, Wg. Mausoleums, Tf. Linguistics, M. Maine, history, Fc. Maxims, Mn. Liquids, Od. travels, Kf. Measles, Rf. Liquors, St. ,Wk. Malaria, Rf. Measures and weights, Sb. Litanies, Xf. Malayan language, Mf. Mechanical drawing, Tc. Literary criticism, Mk. Malaysia, Hg. Mechanical engineering, Sd. Literary essays, Mk. Malt, St. Mechanical trades, St. Literary miscellany, Mk. Mamelukes, D. Mechanics, Of. Literary property, Wr. Mammalia, Pc. Mechanics' associations, Literature, history ol, Mg. ,Mh. palaeontology, Pn. We , Wl. Lithograplry, Tg- Man, anatomy, Rb. Medallions, Tf. Lithology, I'n. antiquity, Cf. Medals, Cb. Liturgies, Xf. doctrine, Xd. Medieval architecture, Tb. Loans, Wf. ethnography, Cf. Medieval botany, Pd. Local government, w. natural history, Pb. Medieval customs and cos See also names of places. physiology, Rb. tumes, Cg. Locke's philosophy, Y. 1 • Maniacs, Rf. Medieval history, Cp. Locks and keys, St. Manitoba, Kc. Medical jurisprudence, Wr. Locomotives, Sg- Manners and customs, Cg. Medicine, R. Logarithms, Oc. Manual labor, We. veterinary, Rk. Logic, Vb. Manufactures, St. Meditation, theology, Xf Lollards, Xh. Manures, SI. Mediums, XL Longevity, Re. Maps, G. Melodeons, Tk. 20 MINNEAPOLIS PUBLIC LIBRARY. Melody, Th. Minnesota, history. Pg. Memoirs, *L. travels, Kg. Memory, Vb. , Vg. Minstrelsy, NT. Mensuration, Oc. Mints, wr. Mental derangement, Rf. Miracles, Xd. Mental faculties, Vb. Missals, Xf. Mental hygiene, Vf. Missions, xg. Mental philosophy, Vb. history ol, Xh. Mental physiology, Vf. Mississippi, history, I'd. Mental science, Vb. travels. Kf. Mercantile law, Wr. Missouri, history, Pg. Merchants, lives of, L. travels, Kg. Mesmerism, Vf. Mnemonics, Vg. Mesopotamia, history, Ck. Modeling, Tf. travels, lib. Modern architecture, Tb. Messiah, Xd. Modern history, Cp. Metal manufactures, St. Mohammedanism, XI. Metallurgy, Sc. Molecular physics, Od. Metaphysics, V. Molinists, Xh. Meteorology, Pr. Mollusea, Pg. Meteors, Ok. paleontology, Pn. Methodism, Xk. Monaco, travels, Jc Methodology, V. Monarchic institutions, W. Methods of education, Vg. Monasteries, Xg. Xh. Metric system, Oc , SI.. Monastic orders, Xg. Xh. Metrology, Ob. Money, Wf. Mexican war, Fk. Mongolian language, Mf. Mexico, history, Fb. Monitors, iron-elads, Sk. travels, Kc. Monks, Xg. Xh. Mezzotint, Tg. Monograms, Tc. Michigan, history, Fg. Monopolies, We. travels, Kg Montana, history, Fg. Microscopy, IV. travels, Kg- Middle Ages, history, Cp. Montenegro, history, Ek. Middle Stales, history, Pc. travels, Jl<- travels, Kf. Monuments, Cg , Tf. Midwifery, Rh. Moon, Oh. Military engineering, Sd , Sk. Moral philosophy, Vc. Military law, Wr. Morals, Vc. Vd. Military science, Sk. Mi iravians, Xh. Xk. Military surgery, Rg. Morea, history, El. Military and naval arts, Sk. travels, Jk- Militia, Sk. Mormonism, XI. Milk, Sn. Morocco, 111. Millenium, Xd. Morphology, Ph. Millinery, Sr. Mortality, Kc. Mill-work, Sf. statistics, Cd. Mind, science of, Vb. Mortar, Sv. Mind .and body, Vf. Mortgages. Wf. Mineral waters, PI. , Rd. Mortuary customs, Cg. Mineral) >gy, l'n. Mosaic, Td. Mines, mining, Se. Moslems, XI. Miniatures, Td. Mosquito shore, Kc. Ministers, duties of, Xf. Mosses, Ph. lives of, L. Mothers, Rh. vd. .M..tlis, Mottoes, Mouldings, Mound builders, Mount, iins, M in amies, Municipal govcrnmei Murder, Museums. Music, criticism, operatic, sacred, secular and genet Musical composition, Musical instruments, Musicians, lives of, Mutual aid societies, Mysteries, Mysticism, Mythology, \TAMES, -*-' Naples, history, travels, Narcotics, National costumes, National customs, National debt, Natural history, Natural philosophy, Natural religion, Natural science, Natural selection, Natural theology, Naturalization, Nature, Naval architecture, Naval science, Navies, Navigation, Navigation laws, Nebraska, history, travels, Necromancers, Needle-work, Negroes, Nervous system, diseases, Nestorians, Netherlands, history, travels, Neun iptera, Neutrals, laws of, Nevada, history, travels, New Brunswick, histo Sv, Pk. al, Rd Pf. Mn. Tb. Cf. , Pr. Cg. w. Wk. <>., I'. Th. Tl. Tl. Tl. Th. Tk. L. Wl. XI. Xh. XI. M. Eh. Jg. Vd. Cg. Cg. Wf. p. od. Xh. p. I'll. Xb. Wh., Wr. P. Sk. Sk. Sk. Oc. Wq. Fg. Kg. Vf. Sr. Cf. Kb. Kf. Xh. K4. Jf. IT. Wq. Pg. Kg. ■v, Fb. INDEX TO CLASSM'K ATION. '21 New Brunswick, travels, Kc. Novels, seeclass of prose fiction. < Ornamental designs, Tc New England, history. Fc. Nubia, history, Df. * Ornamental gardening, Sp ti avels, Kf. travels, Ilk. ( Ornamental work, Sv ., Tc New Granada, history, F. Numbers, book of. Kc. ( Ornithology, I'd. (i avels, Kb. Numismatics, Cb. < Orphans, Wk. New Guinea, history, Dc. Nunneries, Xh. , Xk. < trthoepy, M. travels, Hg. Nursery, Sr. Sic names of languages. New Hampshire, history, Pc. Nursing, Kc, Orthography, M. Mb. travels, Kf. / VATHS, ^ Object teaching, Ws. See names of languages. New Jersey, history, Fc. Vg- Osteology, Rb travels, Kf. Observations, astronomy, Ok. Ottoman empire, seel urkey. New Mexico, history, Fg. Obstetrics, Rh. Out-door sports. Tp. 1 1 avels, Kg. Ocean currents, Pr. Oysters, IV ., Sr. New Platonists, Y. Ocean transportation , Sb. ,Wg. DACIFIC ISLANDS, A Pacific ocean, Dc ,Hg. New Testament, Xe. Oceanica, history, Dc. Hg ..Pr. New York, history, Fc. travels, Hg. Pacific states, history Fg. travels. Kf. Odd Fellows, Wl. travels. >(' the Bible, Xc. Philosophy, V. Pleading, Ws. Patriotism, Vd .,\V. ancient, V. Plumbing, Re ..St. Patristic philosophy, V. mental, Vb. Plurality of worlds, Ok. Pauperism, Wk. moral, Vc. Pneumatics, Of. Pavements, St. natural, Od. Poetical books of Bibl Xc. Pawnbroking, Wr Philosophy of art, T. Poetry, N. Peaee, reform. Vc .,W. Philosophy of history, C. American, Nf. Ng. Peaches, SI. Philosophy of language, M. Arabic, Yl. Nh. Pears, SI. Philosophy of literature, collections, Nf. Peat, Pk .,Sr. Mg. Mh. English, Nf. -Ng. Pedagogics, Vg. Philosophy of religion, Xb. French, Yc. ,Nh. Pedobaptism, Xd. Philosophy of science, 0. German, Yd. ,Nh. Peerage, Cp .,Ec.,L. Philosoplvy of sociology. w. Greek, Y. .Nh. Peloponnesian war, CI. Phoenicia, Ck. Italian, Yh. ,Nh. Peloponnesus, Jk. Phoenician language, Mf. Latin, Vb. ,Nh. Penal law, Wr. Phonetic short hand, Sb. oriental, Yl. ,Nh. Penance, Xf. Phonetic spelling, Mb. Portuguese, Yk. ,Nh. Peninsular war, Ec. , Eh. Phonography, Sb. Persian, Yl. ,Nh. Penitentiaries, Wk. Phonology, Mf. Spanish, Yk. ,Nh. Penmanship, Sb. Photographic chemistry, Tg. Poets, lives of. L. Pennsylvania, histor\ r , Fc. Photography, Tg. Poisons, Rd. travels, Kf. Photo-lithography, Tg- Poland, history, Ek. Pensions, W. Phrenology, Vf. travels, Jk. Pentateuch, Xc. Phthisis, Rf. Polar regions, Gc. Perception, Vb. Physical education, Re. Polemic theology, Xd. Perfectionists, Xh. Physical geography, Pr. Police, Wk. Perfumery, Sr ,,st. Physical science, Od. Polish language, Mf. Periodica^ general, Ab. Physics, Od. Polish literature, Mh. See special subjects. Physiognomy, Vf. Polish poetry, Yl. ,Nh. Peripatetic philosophers, V- Physiography, Pr. Politeness, Vd. Perpetual motion, Of. Physiology, Rb. Political associations, Wl. Persecutions, Xh. comparative, Pb. Political economy, Wb. Persia, ancient history, Ck. mental, Vf. Political institutions, w. modern history, D. vegetable, Ph. Political parties, Fp .,\Y. travels, 111). Piano forte, Tk. Political science, VY. Persian language. Mf. Picture galleries, Td. Political speeches, Pn. Persian literature, Yl. Mh. Piedmont, history, Eh. Politics, American, Pn. Persian poetr}', Yl.Nh. travels, Jg- Politics, British. Eb. Personality, Vb. Piers, Sd. Polity, ecclesiastical, Xg. Xk. Personal libert}', W. , Wr. Pig, Sn. Polygamy, Wr ,X1. Personal property, Wr. Pigeons, Pc .,Sn. Polygraphy, Af. Personal rights, w. ,Wr. Pigmies, human. Pb. Polynesia, history, Dc. Perspective, Tc. Piracy, Wk. languages. Mf. Peru, history, F. Pisciculture, Sn. statistics, Cd. travels, Kb. Plague, Rf. travels, Hg. Pessimism, V. Planets, Ok. Polyps, Pc. INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION. 23 Polytheism, XI. Private grounds, Pomology, SI. Private libraries, Pompeii, Eh.Jg ,T<1. Private t lie; it Heals, Ponds, artificial, Sp. Private worship, Poor, Wk. Privateers, Poor laws, Wk. , Wr. Probabilities, Popery, Xli. , Xk. Procedure, Popes, lives of, L. Xh. Production, Population, C<1., Fr.,\Ve. See names of countries. Porcelain, Tf. Porcelain painting, Tf. Portrait painting, Td. Portraits, L. Port Royal, Xh. Portugal, history, Eh. travels, Jh. Portuguese language, Mf. Portuguese literature, Yk.,Mh. Portuguese poetry, Yk.,Xh. Positivism, V. Postage stamps, A. Post office, Fp.,Wg. Potato, SI. Pottery, Tf. Poultry, Sn. Powder, Sk. Practical astronomy, Ok. Practical theology, Xf. Practice of medicine, Rf. Prayer, Xd.,Xf. Prayer books, Xf. Prayer meetings, Xg. Preaching and preachers, Xf. Pre-Adamites, Cf. Precedents, Ws. Precious metals, Se.,Wf. Precious stones, Pk.,Tf. Predestination, Xd. Pre-emption, Wr Pregnancy, Rh. Pre-historical archaeology, Cf. Pre-historic man, Cf. Presbyterians, Hk. Prescriptions, Rd. President's message, Fp.,Fs. Press, liberty of, Wr. Prices, history of, Wf.,Wg. Primeval man, Cf.,Pb. Primitive Christianity, Xh. Primogeniture, Wr. Printing, A. Prints, Tg. Prison associations, Wk. Prisons, Wk. Sp. A. Tn. Xf. Wq. Oc. Ws. W1...WV. Productions of the soil, SI. Profit sharing, Wo. Progress of civilization, Cg. Progress of population, Cd. Prohibition, Wk. Projectiles, Sk. Projection, Tc. Promissory notes, Wr. Pronunciation, Mb. Property, Wc. Property law, Wr. Property tax, Wf. Pro phecy , Xc . , X d . Prophetical books of Bible, Xc. Prose composition, English ,Mk. Greek, Latin, Mf. Prosod3\ M. See names of languages. Prostitution, Rh.,Wk. Protecion, Wd. Protestant episcopal church, Xk. Protestant reformation, Xh. Protestantism, Xk. and Romanism, Xh.,Xk. Protoplasm, Pb. Protozoa, Pc. palaeontology, Pn. Provencal language, Mf. Provencal literature, Mh. Provencal poetry, Yc.,Nh. Proverbs, Mn. book of, Xc. j Providence, • Xb.,Xd. Provincialisms, English, Mb. Pruning, SI. Prussia, history, Eg. travels, Jd. Psalms, Xc. Pseudon3'ms, A. Ps}-chology, Vb. Public accounts, Fs.,Wf. Public buildings, Tb. Public charities, Wk. Public documents, U. S., Fs. Public education, Vg. Public, funds, Fr.,Wf. Public gardens, Sp. Public health, Re. Public houses, Vd. Public lands, U.S., Pp. Public libraries, A. Public meetings, Fn.,Wl. Public schools. Yh. Public speaking. Ml. Public worship, Xf. Pulpit oratory, Xf. Pumps, Sf. Punctuation, English, Mb. Punishment, Wk. Punjaub, Hd. Puritans, Fc.Xh. Puse\ism, Xh.,Xk. Puzzles, Tn. Pyramids, Dfi.Hk. Pyrites, Pn. Pyrotechnics, Sk. Pyrrhonism, V. Pythagoreanism, Y. AUADRUMANA, ^t Quadrupeds, Pc. Pc. Quakers, Xk. Qualitative analysis, Ps. Quantitative analysis. Ps. Quarantine, Re. Quarrying, Sc. Quaternions, Oc. Quietists, Xh. Quotations, Mn. D ABBIXICAL literature, Mh. *■" Race-horse, Sn. Races, history, Cf. Racing, Tp. Radiates, Pc. palaeontology, Pn. Ragged schools, Xg. Railroad corporations, Wr. Railroads, engineering, Sd. law of, Wr. locomotives, Sg- transportation, Wg. Railroading, Sd. Rain, Pr. Rank, *L. Rationalism, Xb. Readers, Ml. Reading, art of, All. courses, A., Mk. Reading for self education, Vg. Real estate law, Wr. Realism, V. Reason, Vb. 24 MINNT.U'OI.IS rrui.ic LIBRARY. Reasoning, Vb. Rhymes, sec poetry. OABBATARIANS, ^ Sabbath, Xh Rebellion, Southern, PI. Riddles, Tn. Xd Receipt ln>< >]g .,R1 .,Rf. Weights and measures, Sb. Visions and dreams, VI. Welsh language, Ml,. VACHTINC. -*■ Year bonks, scientific Tp. Vital principle, Pb. Welsh literature, Mg. 0. Vivisection, Vd. West Indies, history, Fb. statistical, Cd. Vocal culture, Ml ,Tk. travels, Kc. Yellow fever, Rf. Vocal music, Tl. West Virginia, history. Fd. Young men's associations Xg. Voice, elocution, Ml. travels, Kf. Yucatan, history, Fb. Voice, physiolog3 r , Kb. Western States, history , Fg- travels, Kc. singing, Tk. travels, Kg. 7END A vesta, ' J Zodiac, XL Volcanoes, Pk. Westminster confession Nd. Ok. Voting, VY. Whale, IV. Zoology, IV. Voyages, c< illections, G. Whale fisheries, SI. Zoophytes, IV. general, C,h. Wheat, SI. Zoroastriauism, XL Voyages, polar, Gc. Whigs, Pn. Zulus, HI. scientific, 0. Wigs, English, Eb. NIWir.l'IMMi SCHEME. 29 NUMBERING SCHEME. Table of Numbers used in Locating the Books in the Sub Classes. See page 3. (Except Prose Fiction, see page 4.) A a 1— 10 Albe Haa 371—380 Hann Qua 721- -724 Quy w-i.r 11— 20 Andra llano 381—390 Hav Andre 21— 30 Arnolf Haw 391—400 Heno Raa 725- -730 Ras Arm mi 31— 40 Az Henp 401—410 Hess Rat 731- -740 Reo Baa 41— 50 Bap Hest Hoi 411—420 421—430 Hoh Hov Rep Riv 741- 751- -750 -760 Riu Rosel Baq Bat 51— 60 61— 70 Basz Belg How 431—440 Hy Rosem 761- -770 Rz Belli 71— 80 Bernh I 441—450 lz Sa 771- -780 Samk Berni Blac Bonm 81— 90 91—100 101—110 Blab Bonl Boy Ja Johns 451—460 461—470 John Saml Scare Schom 781- 791- 801- -790 -800 -810 Scard Schol Seif Boz 111—120 Bruc Ka 471—480 Kirc Seig 811- -820 Shv Bind 121—130 Bz Kird 481—490 Ky Shu 821- -830 Smith, E. Caa Cane Cam Chad x31— 140 141—150 151—160 161—170 Cand Cart Chac Chim La Lanf Lebr Lerp 491—500 501—510 511—520 521—530 Lane Lebp Lero Lol Smith, F. Spa Stef Stra 831- 841- 851- 861- -840 -850 -860 -870 Soz Stee Stoz Sz Chin Coc Coop Cow- 171—180 181—190 191—200 201—210 Cob Coon Cov Cz Lorn Maa Maio Marf 531—540 541—550 551—560 561—570 Ly Main Mare Mass Ta Tha Tig Tie 871- 881- 891- 901- -880 -890 -900 -910 Tez Tif Tra Tz Da a 211—220 Del a Mast 571—580 Mele Delb 221—230 Dig Melf 581—590 Micg (Ta 911- -920 Uz Dih 231—240 Drum Mich 591—600 Moh Drnn 241—250 Dz Moi 601—610 Monti Va 921- -930 Yes Ea 251—260 Eli Montj Alosd 611—020 621—630 Mose My Vet 931- -940 Yz Elk Esa Fa 261—270 271—280 281—290 Erz Ez Ferd Naa Nicd 631—640 641—650 Nice Wa Waro Werh 941- 951- 961- -950 -960 -970 Warn Werg Wilk Fere 291—300 Flam Oa 651—660 Orp Will 971- -980 Wok Flan 301—310 Franch Orr 661—664 Oz Wol 981- -990 Wz Franei 311—320 Fy Pa 665—670 Pap Gaa 321—330 Ged Paq 671—680 Pelk X 991- -992 Gee 331—340 Gior Pell 681—690 Phe Gios 341—350 Gor Phi 691—700 Place V 993- -996 Yz Gos 351—360 Grif I'lad 701—710 Poth Grig 361—370 Gyz Poti 711—720 By Za 997- -1000 Zy "orrpTF 1 " ^r 7 I T « 7 * 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LIBRARY SCHOOL LIBRARI This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. APR31M9S4 TT-koi cn m 1 '«<* General Library mrir r.i m 1 7 « University of California (D6471sl0)476 Berkeley woy/ora : PAMPHLET BINDER