LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ^ IE SYNNOYE SOLBAKKEN WORKS OF BJORNSTJERNE BJORNSON 'II PATRIOTS EDITION Synnove Solbakken Translated from the Norse By RASMUS B. ANDERSON NEW YORK DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY Copyright, 1881, 1882, Bt HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO All rights reserved. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF BJOENSTJERNE BJORNSON". Only a very condensed sketch can here be given of the great Norse poet, novelist, dramatist, orator, and political leader, whose works are now offered to the American public. Bjornstjerne Bjornson was born December 8, 1832, in Kvikne, a rural district in the central part of Nor- way, at the foot of the beautiful Dovre Mountains, where his father was a Lutheran priest. The scen- ery is grand and majestic, though rather austere; and life is of a somewhat solitary character, for the farm-houses here, as elsewhere in Norway, are widely separated from each other. While the poet was yet a mere boy, his father was transferred to the celebrated Romsdal, one of the finest valleys in Western Norway. Here the sombre hues of the mountain-masses are mingled with the variegated splendor of the valley. Dark fjords stretch their long arms into the country. The mount- ains, whose summits are crowned with ice and snow, rise almost perpendicularly from the water's edge in 6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF some places, while in others golden fields, green mead- ows, and fine forests lie between the fjord and the mountain. The ravines on the mountain-tops are filled with mighty glaciers, that clasp their frosty arms around the valley, and send down, like streams of tears along the weather-beaten cheeks of the mount- ains, countless waterfalls and cascades, overarched by beautiful rainbows, and falling in endless variety into the valley and fjord below. The environments are of no slight importance in the development of genius, and we find the impres- sions inspired by the weird scenes amid which Bjorn- sou spent the days of his childhood, constantly unfold- ing blossoms in liis poems, novels, and dramas. Nor is it alone the impressions that these scenes made upon him that are to be taken into account. The Norse folk have been looking upon these same silver-crested mountains, from which the summer sun never de- parts, upon the same ocean, islands, lakes, fjords, and flower-clad valleys, and have listened to the same melodious brooks, babbling streams, thundering riv- ers, roaring waterfalls, and soughing groves, for gen- erations. These surroundings have more or less colored the Norse myths, epics, folk-lore tales, bal- lads, melodies, proverbs, eddas, sagas, customs, man ners ; in short, all the products of the Norse mind and heart, the whole life of the Norsemen. In estimat- ing Bjornson's genius, therefore, the influence of the environments and of Norse traditions upon countless generations of his forefathers must not be over BJOBNSTJERNE BJORNSON. 7 Jooked. We hope to be understood when we say, briefly, that the external, physical nature of Norway largely modified and moulded the ancient Norsemen's character ; that nature and the Norse character thus formed gave color to the Norsemen's religion, tales, traditions, and other intellectual products ; that the climate and scenery of Norway, together with the accumulative influence of the national character and the popular traditions and literature upon the people from generation to generation, produced a full-blown flower in the genius of Bjornstjerne Bjornson ; and, finally, that this principle may be applied to any great national writer or artist in any country. Nor do we by this statement mean to exclude the influence exer- cised by foreign nations and foreign literatures upon Bjornson himself, and upon his ancestors. At the age of twelve Bjornson was sent to the Molde grammar school. Molde is a small coast town in Romsdal, which is celebrated on account of the grand and beautiful scenery with which it is sur- rounded. But he was a dull scholar. When he was admonished to apply himself, in order that he might learn enough to enter the university, he answered, " They want me to study and read so much, while I would prefer to write." He had already begun to think of becoming a poet, and of course the greatest of all poets, though he was constantly reminded that he was thought stupid. People called the boy an agitator. When he was only fifteen years old, he BrganLzed a society of boys and founded a paper 8 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF written by hand. Its name was, as might be ex- pected, " Liberty." In the society political matters were discussed, and Bjornson was the leader of the republican party. This was in the year 1848, when revolutionary ideas found their way even to the re- motest valleys of Norway. Bjornson's society had a debate on the election of president of the French republic, and he voted for Lamar tine, while the ma- jority voted for Louis Napoleon. Nor did Bjornson distinguish himself at the uni- versity in Christiania, whither he was sent in 1852. He continued to neglect his regular studies, and de- voted himself to poetry and journalism. Caring but little for books, he studied all the more earnestly the volumes of nature and human society, both of which he has interpreted with remarkable force and beauty. It is related that a Swede, who visited Christiania in 1853, and was struck by the fine ap- pearance of a young man in a gathering of students, turned to one near him and inquired who that young man was. The answer was, " Bjornstjerne Bjornson, a young man who wants to become a genius." One of the by -slanders, who had listened to the conversa- tion, added, " I would rather call him a young genius \7ho wants to become a man." While pursuing his aniversity course, which he never completed, he pro- iuced his first literary work of any considerable length. It was a drama, entitled " Valborg." It was accepted by the managers of the theatre, but, before it was played, he took it back and destroyed bjOrnstjkrne bjOrnson. 9 It. He had already outgrowu it, aud decided that it would not do him credit. For some time afterward (1854-56) he devoted his time mainly to dramatic criticism and to reviewing books for " Aftenbladet," later also for " Morgeubladet," aud to corresponding for provincial newspapers. Norway, since her separation from Denmark in 1814, had been striving to create a national literature, and when Bjornson entered the university in 1852, the first literary epoch of the young and free nation (the Wergeland-Welhaven epoch) was about being completed. It had produced Mauri ts Christoffer Hansen, the founder of the Norwegian novel ; Johau Welhaven, the leader of the conservative party, which aimed to build up a Norwegian literature on the foundation of foreign, particularly Danish cult- ure ; and his great opponent, Henrik Wergeland, ander whose banner gathered all the liberal spirits, all who had faith in the ability of Norway to develop an entirely independent national literature, art, and life. Their object was to root out every trace of foreign influence. This first epoch had also produced Asbjbrnson and Moe, the collectors of the popular tales of Norway ; the great poet, Andreas Munch ; *he historians, P. A. Muuch and Rudolf Keyser; vnd a considerable number of eminent scholars unong whom may be noted Sars the naturalist, Han ten the astronomer, Abel the matheraatician, Aaseu tne linguist and creator of a new language for Norway, based on the dialects. The famous violin 10 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ist, Ole Bull, also belougs to this epoch, and around him cluster a magnificent group of musical (om posers, painters, and other artists. With the beginning of the second half of this cent- ury we enter upon the second epoch of modern Nor- wegian literature — the so - called Bjornson - Ibsen epoch. The poets of this period are Cjornstjerne Bjornson, Henrik Ibsen, Jonas Lie, and Kristofer Jausou. Of these Bjornson is decidedly the most conspicuous, and may be said to be the legitimate successor to Henrik Wergeland, with whom he has much in common both as poet and political leader. He is in fact carrying forward the work left unfin- ished by Wergeland ; while Welhaven, the great an- tagonist of Wergeland, has found no eminent suc- cessor in the ranks of living Norse writers. Bjornson's literary career really begins with the year 1857, when he published his first novel. Since then his life has been singularly varied and active, and in the midst of his many conflicting occupations he has been an exceedingly prolific writer. Twice he has been director of a theatre : the first time in 1858, when Ole Bull put the theatre which he had founded in Bergen into his hands; and the second time in 1865, when the management of the Christiania royal theatre was intrusted to him. He held both positions, however, only for a brief space of time. Three times he has entered the field of journalism; the first in 1856, as editor of his own paper, the " Illuatreret Folkeblad " the second in bjOrnstjerne bjornson. 11 1859, as co-editor of *' Af tenbladet ; " and the third in 1866, as editor and publisher of " Norsk Folke- blad." Since 1856 he has been a constant and dili- gent contributor to the public press on all ques- tions of national interest. His articles and addresses would alone, if collected, fill many large volumea. His winters he has frequently spent abroad, in Den- mark, Germany, France, and Italy, and he is at this writing visiting the United States, whose citizens everywhere give an enthusiastic welcome to the tall, erect, broad-shouldered, and silver-tongued son of the frozen North, His first novel, produced in 1857, was " Synnove Solbakken," the volume now presented to our readers in an English dress. It at once made a profound im- pression, and established his reputation both at home and abroad, not only on account of the simple and charming plot, but also for the short, direct, pithy, saga style in which it was written ; and here we may add that the author has been growing increasingly .erse and concise in his style from that day to this. It became the corner-stone of a new school of litera- ture, and when we take into consideration that the Wergeland-Welhaven epoch continued to be more or less deeply imbued with Danish culture, modern Nor- wegian literature may fairly be said to begin with " Synnove Solbakken." It was the first great national work unimpressed with the old Danish stamp. As is the case in the old Norse sagas, portraits of the char- (icters are no'^ drawn, nor are his works marred bj 12 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF lengthy dissertations from a moral fitand-point. In- stead of long, fine-spun declamations of this sort, he lets his characters speak for themselves, and leaves it to the reader to judge whether they are good or bad. He does not stop to describe separately the details of features and dress, but he watches his opportunity to give glimpses of them as the story progresses. He por- trays his men and women while he tells what they do and say, and thus the reader knows, when he has fin- ished the book, how Synnove, or Thorbjorn, or Aslak must have appeared to the author. As before stated, there has been no interruption in Bjornson's literary activity, and he has given the world a series of novels and dramas, which have found their way into all lands and been translated into many tongues. They all reveal a startling psychological insight and acquaint- ance with the deepest laws of human life. His novels are, besides " Synnove Solbakken ; " " Arne ; " "A Happy Boy ; " " The Fisher Maiden ; " " The Bridal March ; " " Magnhild ; " " Guiseppe Mansana ; " and several short stories. His dramas are : " Halte Hul- da ; " " Mellem Slagene " (Between the Battles) ; 'Kong Svajrre;" " Sigurd Slembe ; " " Maria Stu- k,rt ; " " De Nygifte " (The Honeymoon) ; " Sigurd Jorsalfar " (Sigurd the Crusader) ; " En Fallit " (A Bankrupt) ; " Redaktoren " (The Editor) ; " Kon gen" (The King); '-Leonarda;" and " Det Ny System" (The New System). His lyric and national songs are published in one volume, and he is also the author of an epic poem, published in a separate vol- bjOrnstjerne bjOrnson. 18 ame, entitled " Arnljot Gelline." When we add to this a small volume, "Vis Knut" (Wise Knut), and his little volume " Republiken " (The Republic), issued late in 1880, we have completed the list of his published works. Mr. Bjornsou is without a peer in the north of Europe as novelist, national and lyric poet, orator, and contributor to the daily press ; and as dramatist he knows but one competitor for the first rank, Hen- rik Ibsen, whose "Love's Comedy," " Brand," and " Peer Gynt " Edm. W. Gosse, in his " Studies in the Literature of Northern Europe" (London, 1879), characterizes as " a trilogy, perhaps, for sustained vigor of expression, for afiiuence of execution, and for brilliance of dialogue, the greatest of modern times." On the other hand, it is interesting to notice that Robert Buchanan, an equally high authority in liter- ature, pronounces Audhild, one of the female charac- ers in " Sigurd Slembe," Bjoruson's great dramatic trilogy, " a creation worthy of Goethe at his best," — worthy, in his opinion, " to rank with ' Clarchen,' ' Marguerite,' and ' Mignon ' as a masterpiece of deli- cate characterization." Bjornson has never been surpassed in his delineation of delicate female types, both in his novels and dramas, and this furnishes one of the best proofs of his claim to rank among the master poets of any age. Bjornson's dramas have aad a boundless influence' upon modern thought in Scandinavia, and we might include Germany, and when jjioperly translated they will not fail to secure him the homage of England and America. 14 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF It may be said that Bjornson's great work, or rather the red thread running through all of Bjorn- son's works, is a struggle for the independence of Norway ; an effort to secure an emancipation and de- velopment of all those intellectual energies that Nor- way may properly call her own. We discover this tendency alike in his novels, poems, dramas, and in his miscellaneous writings. He loves his country, and therefore takes a profound interest in every question that concerns its welfare ; and it is safe to say that his name is intimately connected with every important issue that has been raised in Norway dur- ing the past twenty years. In every question his words and his songs have been heard either 'pro or con. In many movements he has been the first who has spoken. His literary works are thoroughly im- bued with the progressive spirit of the age. In his novel " Magnhild " and in his drama " Leonarda " he has championed the rights of women and exposed the wrongs in private and domestic life in a manner that would delight the heart of Julia Ward Howe or T. W. Higginson. He saw the corruption of the press 4nd wrote his drama " The Editor." He saw the corruption in the world of trade and commerce, and wrote his drama " The Bankrupt ; " a play, by the way, which it seems might be made very successful on the American stage. Presented by an actor like our Barrett, it could not fail to make a powerful im- pression. In his drama " The King," Bjornson has given the fullest and freest expression to his repub- BJORNSTJERNE BJORNSON. 1 t Ucan tenets. He there represents monarchism as a lie, ami lets the king himself advocate the republic as the ideal form of government. To those who suggest ex- cuses for and favor the monarchy as a temporary evil, as a necessary school, in which the nation is to be edu- cated and ripened for self-government, he makes the king, who has come to look at his royal position as false and abnormal, address this striking question : " Is it, then, necessary that a people, on their eternal progress toward the truth, should march with a lie as their leader?" That a drama enunciating such prin- ciples could not be played at the royal theatre, needs not to be stated; but those who have embraced the doctrine that all men are created equal and endowed with an inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pur- suit of happiness, hail in Bjornson the promise of a Norwegian republic. With a keen eye to discover corruption and hypocrisy in the church as well as elsewhere, he has broken many a lance with the priests, and has dealt many a blow to the orthodox bigots of his time. Bjornson's political speeches are landmarks in the national development of Norway ; and his lectures are models of eloquence, both as regards style and delivery. One of the most splendid efforts of his life as an orator was his address at Ole Bull's grave, •)n August 24, 1880, to an audience of more than twenty thousand people. Ole Bull's funeral was more magnificent and solemn than if he had been a king; but the greatest honor of the f'ay was em» 16 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF bodied in Bjornson's remarks, of which every word was a diamond iu the crown of the violinist's immor- tal fame. When Bjbrnson writes a national song it is at once taken up and sung by the whole nation, from Lindes- nes to North Cape. The national hymn of Norway to-day is his song written in 1859, of which we will attempt to translate two or three stanzas : — '* Yes, we love with fond devotion Norway's mouutaiu domes, Rising, storm-lasiied, o'er the ocean, With their thousand homes ; Love our country, while we're bending Thoughts to fathers grand, And to saga-night that's sending Dreams upon our land. " Harald Norway's throne ascended By his mighty sword ; Hakon Norway's rights defended Helped by Oyviud's word ; From the blood of Olaf sainted Christ's red cross arose; From its peaks King Sverre tainted Bishops dared oppose. " Peasants all their axes brightfned. Ready for each foe ; Tordenskjold in battles lightened Set the land aglow. Even women did assemble On the bloody plain; Others could but weep and tremble, But 't wa* not in vam." Another very popular song by Bjornson is hii ' Over de hole Fjselde " (Over the Lofty Mountains) b.jOrnst.terne bjOrnson. 17 which is V ivy characteristic of the author's style, and expresses in sublime verses the longings and aspiration of the young Norsemen. It is, iu fact, an expression of the yearning of the young Norway, and is not in- applicable to the ambitious struggles of the young Bjoruson himself. Mr. Bjornson told us, when we visited him in 1873, that he considered it his best poem. We are happy to be able to give a spirited and faithful metrical version of it from the pen of Auber Foiestier, the author of " Echoes from Mist- laud, and translator of Kristofer Janson's " The Spell-Bound Fiddler," and various other works. " Oh, how I wonder what I should see Over the lofty mountains ! Snow here shuts out the view from me. Round about stands the green pine-tree, Longing to hasten over ; Dare it become a rover V " Soars the eagle, with strong wing play, Over the lofty mountains; Rows through the young and vigorous day, Sating his courage in quest of prey; When he will, swooping downward, Tow'rd far-oS lands gazing onward " Leaf-heavy apple, wilt thou not go Over the lofty mountains ? Forth putting buds 'mid summer's glow, Thou wilt till next time wait, I know ; All of these birds art swinging, Knowing not what they 're singing. " He who for twenty years long'd to fle« Over the lofty mountains, 2 18 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Nor bej'ond them can hope to see, Smaller each year feels himself to be ; Hears what the birds are singing, Thou art with confidence swinging. •' Bird, with thy chatt'ring, what wouldst thou here, Over the lofty mountains ? Fairer the lands beyond must appear, Higher the trees, and the skies far more clear: Wouldst thou but longing be bringing, Bird, but no wings with thy singing? " Shall I the journey never take Over the lofty mountains V Mast my poor thoughts on this rock-wall break? Must it a dread, ice-bound prison make, Shutting at last in around me, Till for my tomb it surround me ? " Forth will I ! forth ! Oh, far, far away, Over the lofty mountains ! I will be crushed and consumed if I stay ; Courage tow'rs up and seeks the way, Let it its flight now be taking. Not on this rock-wall be breaking ! " One day I know I shall wander afar Over the lofty mountains ! Lord, my God, is thy door ajar ? Good is thy home, where the blessed are; Keep it, though closed a while longer, Till my deep longing grow stronger." The Btirrmg music written for both of these poems will be found in the " Norway Music Album," re- oently published by Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston. We cannot close this brief sketch of Mr. Bjornson jfithout giving an account of an interesting ''ncident B.rORNST.TERNE B.IORNSON. 19 w^hich occurred in Madison, Wisconsin, during his visit here in the beginning of January, 1881. While Mr. Bjoruson was stopping at the hotel in this city, an elderly man came to see him. At the sight of Bjornson tlie man was very much moved, — - sobbed like a child, the tears choking his voice, while he attempted to greet the great skald of the North. Mr. Bjornson also appeared to be deeply touched by the sudden appearance of his guest, and, grasping his hand, he exclaimed, " Why, are you here, my dear Arne ? " The scene of their meeting was intensely affecting, and the reason for it will be evident from the following explanation:^ Arne is not the "Arne" of Bjbrnson's novel of that name, but Arne Kulter- stad, a Norwegian, whose life he had saved twenty years ago. He is a man about fifty years old, has a large frame, and in his younger days must have been the very picture of strength and beauty. Some twenty-five years ago, Arne, a fine-looking, vigorous young man, who had been a sergeant in the Norwegian army, and as such had become noted for his athletic strength, as well as for his kindly disposi- tion and honest character, had a serious feud with one of his neighbors in his mountain home in Val- ders, a valley in the central part of Norway. His tnemy was a dissipated, mean, cringing, and base villain, who at a party succeeded in getting Arne 1 Mr. Bjornson told the story in detail, in my presence, to • reporter of the Madison Slate Journal, from which I have, in r&rt, transcribed it for these pages. 20 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF drunk, and persuaded him to sign papers by which he lost his old homestead. The feud grew in bitter- ness from year to year. One day, when business had brought both to the same place, it came to blows between them, and his foe drew a knife, and gave Arne severe wounds in his hand and arm, the marks of which he bears to this day. There were many other aggravating circumstances, among which may be mentioned, as the worst, the fact that upon the farm which his enemy had gotten possession of Arne's father lived and received his annual al- lowance, according to Norwegian law. When the father lay upon his death-bed, Arne visited him, and learned that he had been ill-treated, and that his death had probably been hastened by the cruelty of the owner of the farm. This so enraged Arne that revenge was a mere question of time and opportunity. The opportunity was not easily found, for the villain feared Arne, and shrewdly avoided meeting him. He never went out alone. One morning, early, he had, however, deemed it safe to go a short distance from home with his team. But it so happened that Arne too had gone out that morning with his rifle to nunt, when on returning he saw his enemy, and at once determined to give him a mark at least as severe as the one he bore himself. He raised his gun to take sight. He was one of the best marksmen in the country, and had brought down many a bird on the wing; but, unfortunately, as his enemy was walking ^y the Bide of his team, he happened to stumble jus.* B.IORNSTJEKNE lUORNSON. 21 at the moment when Arne pulled the trigger, and, in- stead of giving him a severe wound in the arm, as he intended, the bullet entered his breast, and he soon after expired. Arue was convicted of murder, and sentenced to death. This was in the lower court. The case wab appealed. Mark now the remarkable incident which occurred ! Having been sentenced to death by this lower court, he was to be transferred to an adjoining bailiwick. The bailiJS who had him in charge, know- ing his prisoner's honesty and truthfulness, did what probably no other bailiff ever did. The bailiff was very busy, and Arne, knowing this, told him that there was no necessity of his going with him or send- ing any guards, for he would go alone and place himself in the hands of the officer in the next baili- wick ; and such confidence had the bailiff in Arne's uprightness and integrity that he unhesitatingly sent him alone, without any guard, and Arne promptly did as he had agreed ! The sentence of the lower court was confirmed by the supreme court, without any recommendation to pardon. As there was no direct evidence in the case, Arne's lawyer had advised the defendant to deny everything. The effect of a confession was now re- sorted to, but without avail. He was locked up in prison, and in a few days he was to be beheaded. The young and enthusiastic poet Bjornson was at this time in the capital. He had heard of the case, "jad read all that had been said about it in the presa, 22 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF and had become so much interested in it that he went to the prison, partly to see this remarkable criminal, partly out of curiosity to see a man who stood at the threshold of execution. He had a long talk with Arne, and was much affected by his man- ner and by his story of the aggravating circum- stances which had led to his great crime. As he was about to leave the prison-cell, Arne arose, stretched out both arms to Bjornson, and besought him in tones of deepest agony : '' Oh, save me ! " These words rang in the ears of the poet, and he determined to move heaven and earth, if this were possible, to procure a pardon. He immediately set himself to work, and wrote for the press what he still considers the most masterly article of his life ; indeed, such an article as but few others than Bjornson could write. It set the whole community, the whole land, in com motion. The wives and daughters of the judges who had pronounced the sentence and the wives of the members of the king's cabinet were the first to sign- a petition to the government for his pardon. The death- sentence was changed by the king to imprisonment for life. For twenty long years Arne had to remain in prison, and not until the summer of 1880 was he re- leased. By this time his wife had died, and his family was scattered. He found himself alone and friendless in a dreary world. After twenty years of confinement within the walls of a prison, liberty itself scarcely seemed a boon. He came to Wisconsin, where he Had a married daughter. Hearing of Bjornson's arri BJOKNSTJEKNE BJORNSON. 23 4 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. was Thorbjoru's. Thorbjorn stared at him for he looked ugly. The blood had dried on his face, and was smeared all over ; he coughed and clutched often at his breast. He looked for a moment silently at Thorbjorn, and then he burst out violently, — " I do not like your eyes, boy ! " With this he got astride of the sled, seated himseK, and started down the hill. " You can get your sled back where you can find it ! " said he, and laughed, as he turned once more and stuck out his tongue at him. Thus departed Aslak. But during the week that followed the lens- mand ^ made his appearance at the house ; the father was sometimes absent ; the mother wept, and she also was away several times. " What is it, mother ? " " Oh, Aslak is the cause of it all 1 " One day they caught little Ingrid, as she sat and sang : — " O blessed world, I am weary Now of thy doiugs so dreary 1 Once the girl puts foot in sight, Reason leaves the boy outright ; Wat'ry food the housewife makes, Ease her lazy husband takes ; Puss beyond the rest is keen and wily, For cream she 'a stealing so slyly." ' 1 Bailiff. « Auber Forestier's translation- SYNN6VE SOLBAKKEN. 46 There was of course a query as to whom she could have learned this snatch of a song from. As was expected, it proved to be from Thor- bjorn. He became much alarmed, and said he had learned it from Aslak. He was then made to understand that if he sang any more such verses himself, or taught them to his sister, he would get a whipping. Shortly after this lit- tle Ingrid happened to swear. Thorbjorn was again called up, and Saemund thought he might as well give him a taste of the rod now ; but he cried and made such fair promises for himself that he was allowed to escape this time. The next Sunday there was service, his father said to him, " You will not have any chance to get into mischief at home to-day; you are goiug vith me to church." CHAPTER n. The church stands, in the peasant's fancy, on a lofty eminence, apart by itself, consecrated to peace, with the solemnity of the grave about it, and the cheerfulness of the mass within. It is the sole house in the valley upon which he has bestowed any ornamentation, and its spire, there- fore, actually reaches up a little farther than it appears to reach. Its bells greet him on his way thither, of a bright Sunday morning, and he always uncovers his head to them, as though he would return with thanks their greeting ! There is a covenant between him and them which no one can fully estimate. Early in life he doubtless stood by the open door and heark- ened to them, while the church people moved past in silent procession down on the road ; his father was getting ready, but he himself was too small to go. He combined then many ideas with those heavy, sonorous tones which reigned supreme among the mountains for an hour or two, reechoing from one to the other ; but one was inseparably connected therewith synnOve solbakken. 47 clean, new clothes, gay-clad women, and well- groomed horses, with bright harnesses. And when these bells ring thus one Sunday over his own happiness ; when in brand-new, but too large, clothes he walks with dignified assurance by his father's side, on his way to church for the first time, aye, then there is ex- ultation in them. Then, surely, they can fling open all the doors to what he is going to see. And on the way home, when they still keep up their clanging over his head, rocking the sing- ing, the mass, the words of the sermon, in their reverberations, there is chased back and forth what engrossed the eye during the service, — the altar-piece, the costumes, the people ; then, once for all, they arch over the previously gath- ered impressions, and consecrate the smaller church which henceforth he bears within him. When a little older, he has to tend the herds on the mountains, but of a fine, dewy Sunday morning, as he sits on the stone, with the cattle below him, and listens to the church-bells rising above the tinkle of their bells, he grows melan- choly. For there rings through them some- thing bright, cheerful, alluring, from down be- low : thoughts of acquaintances at church ; of the joy when one is there, and the still greater joy, when one has been there, of the good dinner 48 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. at home; of father, mother, brothers, and sis- ters ; of the merriment on the green in the glad Sunday evening, — and the little heart rebels within his breast. But it always ends with the thought that those were the church-bells that were ringing. He reflects a little, and finds stored away in his mind a fragment of some hymn he has learned ; this he sings, hands folded, and eyes peering far down into the valley below, repeats a little prayer, besides, springs up, feels happy, and blows such a blast on his loor that it resounds through the mount- ains. Here in the little mountain valley the church has its special language for each age, its peculiar look to each eye ; much may have been built up Detween the individual and it, but never any- thing over it. It stands full-grown and ready, in the eyes of the candidate for confirmation, with finger pointing upward, half threatening, half inviting, for the youth whose choice is made ; broad-shouldered and strong over the sorrows of manhood ; with plenty of room and full of tenderness for weary old age. During divine service, young children are brought in and baptized, and it is well known that during this act the devotion is greatest. Therefore, it is impossible to describe Norse synnOve solbakken. 49 peasants, corrupted or uncorrupted, without coming into contact at one point or other with the church. There will seem to be a dull uni- formity in this ; but it is, perhaps, not of the worst sort. Let this be said once for all, and not especially on account of the church visit which here follows. Thorbjoru rejoiced at the thought of the walk to church and the sights he was to see ; his eyes were dazzled with the manifold colors without the church ; he felt the weight of the stillness which hung over eveiybody and every- thing within before the mass began ; and al- though he did not remember to bow his head himself when the prayer was read, it seemed as though it were bowed by the sight of many hun- dred bowed heads. The singing began, and all sang at once around him, so that it almost ap- palled him. So absorbed did he sit there that he started up as from a dream when their pew door was softly opened for some one who came in. After the singing was over the father took this new-comer by the hand, and asked, — « Is aU well at Solbakken ? " Thorbjoru raised his eyes ; but whatever he saw, or did not see, there was little connection to be traced between this man and any kind of witchcraft. He was a gentle-looking, fair-corn- 4 50 synnOve solrakken. plexioned man, with large blue eyes, a high brow, and he looked tall in his seat ; he smiled when he was spoken to, and said " yes " to every remark Ssemund made, but was, on the whole, a man of few words. " If you look over there you will see Syn- nove," said the father, as he stooped down to Thorbjorn, took him on his knee, and pointed over to the pew opposite, on the women's side. There was a little girl kneeling on the bench and looking over the railing. She was still fairer than the man, — so fair that he had never seen her equal. She had a red streamer to her cap, light yellow hair beneath this, and now smiled at him, so that for a long time he could not see anything but her white teeth. She held a shining hymn-book in one hand, and a folded orange-colored silk handkerchief in the other, and was now amusing herself by strik- ing the handkerchief on the hymn-book. The more he stared, the more she smiled ; and now he chose also to kneel on the bench, just aa she was doing. Then she nodded. He looked gravely at her a moment, then he nodded. She smiled and nodded once more ; he nodded again, and once more, and still once more. She smiled, but did not nod any more, for a little while, until he had quite forgotten it ; then she nod ded. synnOve solbakicen. 61 " I want to see, too! " he heard behind him, and at tlie same moment felt some one pull him by the legs to the floor, so that he came near falling ; it was a thick-set little fellow, who now scrambled valiantly up into Thorbjorn's place. He, too, had light, but bristling hair, and a snub-nose. Aslak had probably taught Thor- bjorn how the bad boys he met at church and school should be dealt with. Thorbjorn there- fore pinched the boy in return so hard that he wanted to scream, but did not, and crawled in- stead very quickly down from the bench, and seized Thorbjorn by both ears. The latter made a grab at his hair, and pulled him down under himself ; still the boy did not scream, but bit Thorbjorn in the thigh. Thorbjorn drew it back, and dashed the boy's face right against the floor. Then he was himself seized by the jacket-collar, and lifted up as though he were a bag full of straw ; it was his father, who took Thorbjorn on his lap. " If it were not in church, you would get a thrashing ! " he whispered in his ear, and squeezed his hand so that it hurt clear down in his foot. He remembered Synnove, and looked over at her ; she was still there on her knees, out was staring before her with such a vacant look that he began to realize what he had done. 52 synnOve solbakken. and that it must be something very wrong. Aa soon as she noticed that he was looking at her she crept down from the bench, and was no more to be seen. The chorister came forward, and then the priest ; he listened to and watched them closely. Again the chorister came forward, and again the priest ; but still he sat on his father's knee, and thought, " Will she not soon look up again ? " The little fellow who had dragged him down from the bench sat on a foot-stool, farther up in the pew, and every time he wanted to rise he got a thrust in the back from an old per- son, who sat and nodded, but awakened regu- larly every time the child made a move to rise. " Will she not soon look up again ? " thought Thorbjorn ; and every red ribbon he saw stir- ring round about reminded him of the one she wore, and every flashy painting in the old ohurch was either just as large as, or a little smaller than, she. Yes, now she stretched up her head ; but as soon as she saw him she gravely drew it down again. Once more the chorister came forward, and once more the priest ; the bell was rung, and every one arose. The father talked again in a low tone to the fair-complexioned man ; they went together over to the pew where the women were, whq SYNNdVE SOLBARKEN. 53 had already arisen. The first person who came out from there was a fair-complexioned woman, who smiled as the man did, but more faintly ; she was rather small and pale, and held Syn- nove by the hand. Thorbjorn went right over to the latter ; but she went quickly away from him, round her mother's dress. " Let me alone ! " said she. " This little boy has never been at church before," said the fair woman, and laid her hand on him. " No, and that is the reason why he got to fighting the first time," said Saemund. Thorbjorn looked bashfully up at her, and then at Synnove, who seemed to him graver than ever. They all went out, — the older ones in conversation, but Thorbjorn following Synnove, who drew closer to her mother whenever he ap- proached her. The other boy he saw no more. Outside of the church they paused, and began a longer conversation. Thorbjorn several times heard Aslak named, and as he feared they might talk a little about him also, ut the same time, he retreated a few steps. "This is not for you to hear!" said Synnove'a •nother to her. " Go away a little, ray dear ; go iway, I say." Synnove drew lingeringly back. Thorbjorn 64 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. then went nearer her, and looked at her, and she looked at him ; and thus they stood for a long while, just looking at each other. Finally she said, — " Fy I " " Why do you say fy ? " asked he. " Fy ! " said she once more. " Fy I For shame ! " she added. " Why, what have I done ? " " You have been fighting in church, and while the priest stood there saying mass. Fy ! " " Yes, but that was a long time ago." This made an impression on her, and she said presently, — " Are you the boy whose name is Thorbjorn Granliden ? " " Yes ; and is it you they call Synnove Sol- bakken ? " " Yes. I have always heard that you were such a good boy." " No, that is not true ; for I am the worst one of all of us at home," said Thorbjorn. "Well, I have never heard" — said Synnove, and clasped her small hands. " Mother, mother he says " — " Hush ! Be quiet, and go away ! " met hei irom that quarter, and she paused, then went plf)wly and l)ack wards to her place, her large blue eyes fixed on her mother. SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. 55 " I have always heard that you were good," said Thorbjorn. " Yes, that may be sometimes when I have been reading," she replied. " Is it true that you have such a lot of nisses and trolls and other bad things over your way ? " asked he, placing his hands on his sides, with one foot thrust forward, and resting on the other, just as he had seen Aslak do. " Mother, mother ! Do you know what he says ? He says " — " Let me alone ! Do you hear ? And do not come here before I call you ! " She had to retreat again, slowly and back- wards ; as she did so she put a corner of her handkerchief in her mouth, bit it hard, and pulled at it. "Is it not true at all that every night there is music inside of the hills over there ? " " No ! " " Have you never seen trolls, then ? " "No!" " But, in the name of Jesus " — ' Fy ! You must not say that ! " " Oh, pshaw ! — that is nothing ! " said he, spitting between his teeth to show how far he could spit. " Yes, it is," she replied ; " for if you talk so vou will go to hell." 60 SVNNOVE SOLRAKKEN. "Do you think so?" asked he, decidedly more humble ; for he had only thought that he might get a whipping for it, and his father was now standing so far away. " Who, for in- stance, is the strongest over your way?" asked he, and pushed his cap a little more to one side. " I am sure I do not know," " Well, over our way it is father. He is so strong that he thrashes Aslak ; and Aslak is strong, I can tell you." " Ah, indeed ! " " Once he lifted a horse." " A horse ? " " Yes ; that is as true, as true — for he told me so himself." Then she could have no doubts, either. " Who is Aslak ? " asked she. " He is a very bad boy, I can assure you. Father whipped him so hard that in the whole world there never was any one whipped so hard before." " Do you fight over there at your house ? " " Yes, sometimes, when — Do not you do 10 over at your house ? " " No, never." " What do you do there, then ? " ** Oh, mother gets the meals ready, knits, and SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. 57 lews ; Kari d<,)es these things, too, but not as well as mother, for Kari is so lazy. But Randi takes care of the cows ; father and the boys work out in the field, or else keep busy at home." This seemed to him a satisfactory explanation. "Then every evening we read and we sing," she continued, " and we do so on Sundays, too." " All of you ? " " Yes." " That must be tedious." " Tedious ? Mother, he says " — but then she remembered that it was forbidden her to bother her mother. " Oh, you had better be- lieve I own ever so many sheep," said she. " Do you ? " "Yes. Three of them are going to have lambs this winter, and one of them, I am quite Bui"e, will have two." " And so you have sheep, have you ? " " Yes ; and I have cows and pigs, too. Have you none ? " " No." " If you will come over to see me, you shall have a lamb. Then you will surely get more irom it." " That would be too nice for anytblng." They were silent for a while. " Cannot In- (jrid have a lamb, too ? " asked he. &8 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKKN. " Whoislngi-id?" " Why, Ingrid, — little Ingrid." No, she did not know her. " Is she smaller than you ? " " Yes, of course she is smaller than I, — just about like you." " Oh, dear me I You must bring her along do you hear ? " Yes, he would do so. " But," said she, " if you get a lamb, she can have a pig." This he, too, thought was far wiser ; and then they talked a little about their common ac- quaintances, of whom, to be sure, they had not many. Their parents were now ready, and they must go home. That night he dreamed about Solbakken, and lie thought he saw only white Iambs over there, and a little fair girl with red ribbons in the midst of them. Ingrid and he talked every single day about going to Solbakken. They had so many lambs and little pigs to tend that they knew not which way to turn among them. Meanwhile, they wondered greatly that they could not go over there at once. " Just because that little girl asked you ? ' «aid the mother. " Did you ever hear the like I ' " Never mind ; you just wait till the nex* SYNNOVE SOU'.AKKEN. 59 Sunday there is service," thought Thorbjom " and then you shall see." It came. " You are said to be so bad about boasting and lying and swearing," said Synnove to him, " that you cannot be allowed to come until you have stopped your bad habits." " Who says so ? " asked Thorbjorn, surprised. " Mother." Ingrid waited in suspense for his coming home, and he told her and the mother what had happened. " Now you see ! " said the mother. Ingrid said nothing ; but after this both she and the mother reminded him every time he swore or boasted. Ingrid and he, meanwhile, fell into a quarrel about whether " the dog take me " was swearing or not. Ingrid got a whipping, and after that he kept using " the dog take me" the whole day. But toward evening his father heard it. " Yes, he shall take you 1 " said he, and gave him a blow that sent him reeling. Thorbjorn felt most ashamed before Ingrid, but after a little while she came over to him and patted him. A few months later they both made a visit \o Solbakken ; Synnove afterward came to visit ^hem : they over to Solbakken again and thus 60 SVNMOVE SOLBAKICEN. it continued all the while they were growing up. Thorbjoru and Synnove were rivals in their studies ; they went to the same school, and he became at last the more clever scholar of the two, — so clever that the priest interested him- self in him. Ingrid did not get on so well ; and both the others therefore helped her. She and Synnove became so inseparable that people called them the " ptarmigans," because they always flew together, and both had very fair hair and complexions. It happened, occasionally, that Synnove got angry with Thorbjorn, because he was so ex- citable and fell into so many squabbles, Ingrid always acted as peacemaker, and then they be- came good friends again as before. But if Syn- niive's mother heard of his fighting, he was not allowed to come to Solbakken that week, and hardly the next. No one dared tell Saemund anything about such things ; " he is so severe with the lad," said his wife, and imposed silence upon all. As they grew up, all three became good-look- jiiig, although each in his own way. Synnove grew tall and slender, had flaxen hair, a finely moulded, bright face, with calm blue eyes When she spoke, she smiled, and people sooa said it was a blessing to come within the atmos synnOve solbakken. 61 phere of her smiles. Ingrid was smaller, but stouter, had still lighter hair, and a very little face that was soft and round. Thorbjorn be- came of medium height, but was extremely well formed, had dark hair, dark blue eyes, a sharply cut face, and strong limbs. He had a habit of saying of himself, when he was angry, that he could read and write just as well as the school- master, and feared no man in the valley, — ex- cept his father, he thought, but he did not add that. Thorbjorn wished to be confirmed early ; but that could not be. " As long as you are not confirmed you are only a boy, and I can better control you ! " said his father. So it chanced that he, Synnove, and Ingrid went to the priest at the same time. Synnove, too, had waited un usually long ; she was fifteen, in her sixteenth year. " We never can know enough when we come to make our confirmation vow," her mother had always said ; and her father, Gut- torm Solbakken, had answered " yes " to this. So it was not strange that a couple of suitors began to put in an appearance : one the son of people of the better class, another a rich neigh- bor. " It is too bad ! She is not yet confirmed 1 " " Well, then, we must have her confirmed.' 62 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. Baid the father. But Synnove herself knew nothing of this. At the parsonage, the ladies of the priest's family thought so well of Synnove that they in- vited her in, to talk with her. Ingrid and Thor- bjorn waited outside among the rest, and when a boy said to the latter, " So you did not get in with her ? They are surely going to take her away from you ! " it cost that boy a black eye. From this time forth, it got to be a habit among the other boys to tease him about Synnove, and it became apparent that nothing could throw him into a greater rage. In a grove below the parsonage there took place, at last, by agree- ment, a big fight, which had this teasing for its cause ; the fight had grown to such an extent that Thorbjorn had to deal with a whole crowd at once. The girls had gone on in advance, so there was no one to part them, and the fight grew, therefore, worse and worse. He did not want to give up ; several attacked him at once, and so he defended himself as best he could, and the blows he dealt about him betrayed afterwards what had taken place. The cause came out at the same time, and it made a great deal of talk in the parish. The next Sunday there was service Thor- bjorn would not go to church ; and the next day synnOve solbakkkn. 68 tliey were to go to the priest he feigned illness. And so IngriJ went alone. He asked her, on her return home, what Synnove had said. " Nothing." When he joined the others again, he thought that every one looked at him, and that the rest of the class giggled. But Synnove came later than the others, and passed much time with the priest's family that day. He feared a scolding from the priest, but soon became aware that the only two in the parish who knew nothing of tiie fight were his own father and the priest. This matter was not so bad, after all ; but how he should gain access to Synnove again, he knew not, for it was the first time that he did not really like to ask Ingrid to intercede. After the recitation was over, Synnove was again in at the priest's ; he waited as long as there was any cue else in the grounds, but at last he too had to go. Ingrid had gone among the first. The next day, Synnove had come before all the others, and was walking in the garden with one of the young ladies and a young gentleman. The young lady took up some flowering plants, and gave them to Synnove ; the gentleman as- sisted ; and Thorbjorn stood among the rest outside, and looked on. They explained to her qjuite loud, so they all heard it, how these plants 64 svnnOve solbakken. were to be set out, and Synnove promised to attend to them herself, that everything might be just as they said. " You cannot do it alone,' said the gentleman, and Thorbjoru pondered oyer this. When Synnove came out to the oth- ers, they showed far more respect for her than usual, but Synnove went over to Ingrid, greeted her gently, and asked her to accompany her down to the green. There they seated them- selves, for it was long since they had had a good talk together. Thorbjoru again was left with the others, and looked at Synnove's pretty, strange flowers. That day Synnove went at the same time as the rest. " May I carry your flowers for you ? " said Thorbjoru. " Yes, if you like," she answered, kindly, but without looking at him, and taking Ingrid by the hand, went on ahead. At the foot of Sol- bakken she paused, and bade Ingrid farewell. " I can carry them myself the short distance that remains," said she, and took up the basket Thorbjorn had set down. The whole way he had been thinking about offering to plant the flowers for her, but now he could not muster the courage, for she turned away so abruptly. Bat afterwards he thought of nothing else ex cept that he, still, ought to have helped hei with those flowers. synnovp: solbakken. 65 " What were you two talking about ? " he asked Ingrid. " About nothing." When the rest were well in bed, he quietly- dressed himself again and went out. It was a beautiful evening, balmy and still ; the sky was faintly overcast with bluish -gray clouds, here and there torn asunder, so that it seemed as though some one might be peering out from the dark blue as from an eye. No one was to be seen about the houses or farther away ; but the grasshoppers were chirping all through the grass, a rail piping on the right was an- swered on the left, and then there began a singing in the grass from place to place, so that it seemed to the wandei'er as though he were attended by a large company of followers, al- though he did not see a single one. The forest stretched upwards, now blue, now dark and still darker toward the rocky waste, and looked like a great sea of mist. But thioiigh this he heard the heath-cock strike up its note, a single owl shriek, and the force chant its old, vigorous rhymes louder than ever, now that all had set- tled down to give ear thereto. Thorbjorn looked over toward Solbakken, and went on- ward. He turned off from the usual path, quickly reached the gard, and very soon stood 66 synnOve solbakkex. in the little garden that belonged to Synnove, and that lay directly beneath the one loft win- dow he knew so well, that of the chamber in which she slept. He listened and peered around, but all was still. Then he searched about the garden for working implements, and sure enough there he found both spade and hoe. The spading of a bed had been commenced ; only a small corner was finished, but in it two plants were already set out, probably to see how they looked. '' She became tired, poor girl, and left it," he thought. " It takes a man to do this," he thought further, and set to work. He did not feel the slightest desire for sleep; indeed, it even seemed to him that he had never performed so easy a task. He remembered how they were to be set out, remembered also the parsonage garden, and planted them accord- ingly. Night passed away, but he was not aware of it ; he scarcely paused to rest, and had the whole bed spaded, the flowers set out, one here and there planted over again to give a better effect, and ever and anon he would steal a glance up at the chamber window to see whether any one was watching him. But neither there nor elsewhere was any one to be seen, nor did he hear so much as the barking of a dog before the cock began to crow, awaken SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. 67 ing the forest birds, who then, one after another, piped up their " good-morning " song. While he Etood there patting down the earth around, the bed, he thought of the tales Aslak had told him, and how once he had believed that trolls and nisses grew over at Solbakken. He looked up at Synnove's window, and smiled, as he wondered what she would think now in the morning hour. It had become pretty light, the birds were already making a terrible racket, and so he leaped over the fence and hastened home. No one should be able to say that it was he who had been there and set out flowers in iSynnove So.bakken's garden. CHAPTER III. Soon all kinds of things were said in the parish ; but no one knew anything with cer- tainty. Thorbjorn was not seen any more at Solbakken after he and Synnove were confirmed, and this was what people could least under- stand. Ingrid often went over there ; Synnove and she would then usually take a walk in the wood. " Do not stay away too long ! " the mother would call after them. " Oh, no," Synnove would answer, and not come home before the dusk of the evening. The two suitors presented themselves anew. " She will have to attend to the matter herself," said the mother; the father thought the same. But when Synnove was taken aside and questioned, they were rejected. Then several others made their appearance, but no one heard that they brought good luck home with them from Solbakken. Once, when her mother and she stood scouring some wooden milk-pans, the mother asked whom it was she was really thinking about. The question came so suddenly upon her that she blushed. " Have SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. 69 yon given any one a promise ? " the mother asked, and fixed her eyes on her. " No," an- swered Synuove, promptly. There was noth- ing further said upon the subject. As she was the best match in the parish, she was followed by eager eyes when she ap- peared at church, the only place where she was to be seen outside of her own home ; that is to say, she was never found at any dance or other merry-malcing, because her parents were Haugians. Thorbjorn sat directly opposite her at church, but they never talked together, so far as people could observe. Nevertheless, each and every one felt assured that there must be something between them ; and as they did not go about together in the same way as other young lovers in the valley, there began to be a great deal of talk. Thorbjorn did not seem to be much liked. He probably felt this himself ; for he was pretty rough in his conduct when several were together, as, for example, at dances and weddings ; and so it happened that now and then he would rush into a fight. There came a lull, however, after several had learned how strong he was ; and so Thorbjorn early formed the habit not to brook having any one stand the least in his way. " You are now re- Bponsible to yourself alone," said Saemund, his TO SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. father ; " but you will do well to remember that perhaps I am stronger than you." Autumn and winter passed away; spring came, and still people knew nothing definite. There were circulated so many rumors con- cerning the refusals Synnove had given that her company almost ceased to be sought. But Ingrid was her constant companion. They two were to go together to the saeter ^ this year, the Solbakkeu family having purchased a share in the Granlid saiter. Thorbjoru was heard singing up in the mountains, for he was get ting ready one thing and another for them. One beautiful day, when it was already draw- ing toward evening, and his work was done, he sat down to think matters over. His thoughts probably dwelt chiefly upon what was being talked of in the parish. He laid himself on his back in the red and brown heather, and with hands under his head he fell to gazing up at the sky, which moved so blue and glittering above the dense tree-tops. The green leaves and pine needles flowed out over it in a quiver- ing stream, and the dark branches which cut through this made strange, wild designs therein. But the sky itself could only be seen when a leaf was wafted aside; farther away, through 1 The moantain pasture. synnovp: solbakken. 71 the tree- lops, which did nut touch one another, it burst forth like a broad river, in whimsical oscillations, and flowed over. This attuned his mood, and he began to think of what he saw. The birch laughed again, with its thousand eyes, up at the spruce ; the fir stood there with silent contempt, its spikes bristling on every side, for as the breeze gradually became more caressing, more and more of the saplings quick- ened, darted upward, and thrust their fresh foli- age right under the nose of the fir. " Where were you, I wonder, last winter? " inquired the fir, waving to and fro, and perspiring rosin, in an intolerable heat. " This is almost too bad ! — so far to the north. Whew ! " But then there was an old, gray, bald fir, that, tov/ering above all the others, could still reach down a many-fingered branch, almost perpen- dicularly, and seize a courageous linden by its topmost poll, and make it shiver clear down to its knees. This fathom-thick fir had had its branches lopped by man, higher and higher up, until at last, weary and disgusted, it suddenly shot so far upward that the slender spruce at its side became frightened, and asked whether it, too, remembered winter's storms. " Do I remember them ? " said the fir, and with the aid of the north wind boxed the 72 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. spruce's ears so smartly that it was not far fiom losing its balance, and that was bad enough. The large-lirabed, dusky-hued fir had now planted such a mighty foot in the ground that its toes stuck out at least six yards off, and were even thicker than the thickest part of the willow, as the latter shyly whispered, one even- ing, to the love-sick hop-vine that twined it- self up over it. The bearded fir was conscious of its power, and said to man, as far beyond his reach it put forth branch after branch, " Strip me if you can ! " " No, they cannot strip you ! " said the eagle, as he graciously alighted on the fir, folded his wings with dignity, and brushed some miserable sheep's blood off his feathers. " I really think I shall ask the queen to settle here ; she has some eggs she must lay," he added more softly, and looked down at his bald legs ; for he was ashamed because there came rushing over him a quantity of tender memories of those earliest spring days, during which one is apt to become rather foolish with the first warmth of the sun. Soon he raised his head again, and gazed from beneath his feather-shaded brows up into the dark mountain waste, in order to see whether the queen, egg-laden and suffering, might not be sailing about there. Off he then flew, and SYNNCiVE SOLBAKKEN. 73 the fir could soon see the pair far away tov^ard the clear, blue ether, where they were sailing as high as the loftiest mountain peak, and were discussing their household concerns. It cannot be denied that the fir was a trifle anxious ; for, proud though it felt, it would be still prouder to get a brace of young eagles to cradle. The pair came down, and directly to it. They did not speak to each other, but set right to work to fetch twigs. The fir expanded, if possible, more than ever; nor was there any one who could hinder it from doing this. But through the rest of the forest there was a busy chatter, when it was seen what honor had been bestowed on the great fir. Thus there was a small, comely birch that stood mirroring itself in a pond, and thought it had a right to expect a little love from a gray wagtail that was in the habit of tiiking a noonday nap on its branches. It had buried the wagtail in fra- grance clear up to its beak ; it had covered its leaves with insects, so that they were easy enough to catch ; nay, finally it had, in the heat, built and bent together a well-sheltered little house of twigs, thatched with fresh leaves, so that the wagtail really was about to establish it- self there for the summer. Now, however, the eagle had taken up his abode in the great fir, 74 synnOve solpakken. and off it must go. Here, indeed, was sorrow 1 It trilled out a parting song, but very softly, that the eagle might not notice it. Some small sparrows, in the alder bush yon- der, did not fare much better. They had kept up such a clatter that a thrush, up in an ash hard by, had never got to sleep at the right time, had become furiously angry sometimes, and had made a fuss. A solemn woodpecker in the neighboring tree had laughed until it had almost lost its footing. But then the eagle was seen in the great fir ! and the thrush and the little sparrows and the woodpecker, and every creature that had wings, must be off in a great hurry, over and under the branches. The thrush had sworn, as he flew away, that he would never again take a house where he had sparrows for neighbors. So the whole forest stood there, forsaken, and musing amidst the cheerful sunshine. It was to have all its joy in the great fir, but that was a poor joy. The forest bowed down anxiously every time the north wind stirred, the great fii beat the air with its mighty branches, and the eagle flew in a circle around it, calm and com- posed, as though this were merely a creeping puff of wind, that was bearing upward some paltry perfumes from the forest. But the whole synnOve solbakken. 75 fir family was glad. Not one remembered that it would get no nest to rock this year. " Away ! " said the fir-trees ; " we are of the same family." " What are you lying tnere and thinking about?" asked Ingrid, who smilingly advanced from between some shrubs she was bending aside. Thorbjoru started up. " Oh, so many things can play in one's mind," said he, and gazed defiantly over the trees. " Besides, there is so much talk in the parish, in these days," he added, as he brushed some dust from his clothes. " Why do you always trouble yourself so much about what people say ? " " Oh, I do not know, exactly ; but — people have never yet said anything that was not in my mind, whether it was in ray actions or not." " That is a naughty thing to say." " So it is," said he. Presently he added, " But it is true." She sat down on the greensward ; he stood with his eyes fixed on the ground. " I can easily become what they want me to be ; they had better let me be as I am." " Then it really is your own fault, after all " 76 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. " That may be, but the rest have a share in it. I tell you, I want peace ! " he almost shouted, and looked up at the eagle. " Why, Thorbjorn ! " whispered Ingrid. He turned toward her, and laughed. " Hush ! hush ! " said he. " As I told you, many things can play in one's mind. Have you spoken with Synnove to-day ? " " Yes. She has already gone to the saeter." " To-day ? " " Yes." " With the Solbakken cattle ? " " Yes." "Tralala! The sun does his tree afar behold, Triumlire! ' Art thou there, O thou, my own glittering gold? ' Triurnlit, triumling! Wakes the bird, with a spring. 'What is the matter?'" " To-morrow we let loose our cattle," said Ingrid. She wanted to turn his thoughts in another direction. " I am to go along and drive them ! " said rhorbjorn. " No, father wants to go himself." " Ah, indeed ! " observed he, and was silent. " He asked for you to-day," said she. ' Did he ? " said Thorbjorn, and cutting off a twig with his sheath knife, he began to strip the bark from it. SYNN6VE SOLBAKKEN. 77 "• You should talk more with father than you do," said she, gently. ^' He thinks a great deal of you," she added. " That may be so," replied he. " He often talks of you when you are out." "All the less frequently wlien I am in." « That is your fault." "Perhaps it is." "You must not talk so, Thorbjorn; you knew very well what there is between you." " What is there ? " "Shall J repeat it?" " It may as well come out at once, Ingrid , you know as much as I do." "Yes, to be sure. You will go your own way, and that you know he does not like." " No ; he would rather keep me in leading- sti-ings." " Yes, especially when you are going to fight." " Are people to be allowed to do and say whatever they choose ? " " No ; but you can keep out of their way. That is what father has done himself, and he has become a respected man by so doing." " Perhaps he has been less tormented than I have been." Ingrid was silent a little while; then she 78 synn6ve solbakken. continued, after glancing around her : " There is no use in speaking of this again ; but still, whenever you know that enemies are in wait- ing, you ought to keep out of the way." " No ; that is just where I want to be ! My name is not Thorbjom Granliden for nothing." He had stripped the bark from the twig ; now he cut the latter in two. Ingrid fixed her eyes on him, and asked, rather slowly, " Are you going to Nordhoug on Sunday ? " " Yes." After having sat silent for a while, without looking at him, she said again, " Do you know that Knud Nordhoug has come home to his sister's wedding ? " " Yes." Now she looked at him. "Thorbjorn! Thor- bjorn ! " " Shall he be allowed now any more than before to interfere between me and others ? " " He does not interfere, — not more than others wish." " Nobody knows what others may -wish." *' Yes, you do know well enough." " At all events, she never says anything her- self." "Oh, how you do talk!" said Ingrid, looking displeased ; and then, getting up, she glanced over her shoulder. synnOve solbakken. 79 He flung away his bits of twig, put his knife into its sheath, and turned toward her. " Listen I I sometimes get tired of this. People ruin both my honor and hers with their gossip, for nothing is done openly. And, on the other hand, — I cannot so much as go over to Solbakken, — because her parents do not like me, she says. I am not allowed to visit her as other lads go to see their girls, because she is now one of the saints — to bo sure ! " " Thorbjorn ! " said Ingrid, becoming rather uneasy. But he continued : " Father will not put in a word for me. ' If I deserve her I will get her,' he says. Stuff, nonsense, on the one side, and no compensation for it all on the other ! Why, I do not as much as know whether she really " — Ingrid started forward, and placed her hand over his mouth, looking behind her as she did so. Just then the bushes were bent aside, and a tall, slender person, blushing rosy red, stepped forward : it was Synnove. " Good-evening ! " said she. Ingrid looked at Thorbjorn as though she would say : " There, you can see for yourself ! " Thorbjorn glanced at Ingrid as though he BO synn5ve solbakken. wanted to say, " You should not have done go." Neither looked at Synnove. " I suppose I may be allowed to sit down a while : I have walked so much to-day," and she seated herself. Thorbjorn turned his head as if to see whether it was dry where she had sat down. Ingrid had let her eyes wander over to Gran- liden, and now she suddenly cried out, — " Oh dear ! oh dear ! Fagerlin has got loose, and is going across the new-plowed field. The horrid beast! What, Kelleros, too? Well, that is really too much ; it is time for us to be off to the saeter ! " and she started down the slope, without even saying farewell. Synnove arose at once. " Are you going ? " asked Thorbjorn " Yes," said she ; but she stood still. " You might as well wait a little," he ob- served, without looking at her. " Another time," replied she, gently. " That may be a long time hence." She raised her eyes. He was looking at her loo, now ; but it was quite a while before either spoke. "Sit down again," said he, a little em barrassed. " No," she answered, and remained standing SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. 81 Me felt a sense of defiance rising within him ; but just then she did something which he had not expected • she advanced a step, bent her- self forward to him, looked up into his eyes, and said, with a smile, — ' Are you angry with me ? " And when he ventured to return her look she began to cry. ••' No!" replied he, his face flaming. He held out his hand ; but as her eyes were full of tears, she did not see it, and he drew it back. Presently he said, " So you have heard it?" "Yes," she answered, then looked up and smiled. But there were now more tears in her eyes than before. He knew not what he should do and say ; therefore the words escaped his lips, — " I have no doubt behaved too badly." This was spoken very gently. She looked down and turned half away. " You should not judge what you know nothing about." This was said in a half-choked voice, and it grieved him ; he felt like a helpless boy, and 80 he said, as he could not think of anything else : " I beg your pardon." But now she actually burst out crying. This he could not bear, but went over to her, put his arm about her waist, and, bending down 6 82 SYNN{)VE SOLBAKKEN. over her, said, "Do you really care for me then, Synnove ? " " Yes," she sobbed. " But you are not happy ? " She did not answer. " But you are not happy ? " repeated he. She now wept more than ever, and tried to draw herself away. " Synnove ! " said he, and tightened his hold. She, still weeping, nestled up to him. "Come, we must talk a little together," continued he, and he helped her to a seat in the heather ; he himself sat down by her side. She dried her eyes, and tried to smile ; but she could not. He took one of her hands, and looked into her face. " Dear, why cannot I come over to Sol- bakken ? " She was silent. " Have you never urged this ? " She was silent. " Why have you not done so ? " he asked, and now drew her hand nearer to him. " I dare not," said she, quite softly. His face grew dark ; he moved one foot a little toward him, and, resting his elbow on his knee, laid his head in his hand. *' In this way, I shall probably never get ovei there," said he, finally. synnOve sole ak ken. 83 Instead of replying, she began to pull up the heather. " Oh, yes, I have no doubt done many things which were not as they should be. But indeed, people might bear a little with me. I am not wicked " — he hesitated a moment ; " besides, I am still young, — only a little over twenty years old, but" — he could not finish the sentence at once. " But any one who is really fond of me," he added, "■ ought to " — and here he stopped outright. Then he heard, in suppressed tones at his side, — "You must not talk so; you do not know how much one — I dare not even tell Ingrid about it " — and again she burst into tears. "I — suffer — so — much ! " He threw his arms around her, and drew her close to him. " Talk to your parents," whis- pered he, "and all will come right, you will see." " It will be as you wish," she sobbed. " As I wish ? " Then Synnove turned, and put her arm about his neck. " If you only cared for me as much as I do for you," said she, very lovingly, and with an attempt to smile. " And do I not ? " asked he, softly and ten- derly. S4 SYNN5VE SOLBAKKEN. " No, no ; you never take my advice. You know what will bring us together, but you never do it. Why do you not do it ? " And as she now at length had begun to speak, her words flowed freely, and she continued in the same strain : " Ah me ! if you only knew how I have longed for the day when I might see you over at Solbakken. But there is always something to hear which is not as it ought to be, and your own parents are the people who bring it over to us." There was kindled, as it were, a light within him ; and he now distinctly saw her moving about at Solbakken, waiting for a little peace- ful moment when she might quietly speak of him to her parents ; but he never gave her such a moment. " You should have told me this before, Synnove ! " " And have I not done so ? " " No, not as now." She thought this over a little ; presently she said, carefully laying small folds in her apron, " Then I suppose it was because — I did not quite dare." But the idea of her being afraid of hint touched him so deeply that, for the first time in his life, he gave her a kiss. SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. 85 This SO astonished her that slie suddenly stopped crying ; her eyes grew unsteady, as she tried to smile, looked down, then up at him, and now really smiled. They talked no more, but they found each other's hand again ; neither ventured upon the slightest pressure. Then she drew gently back, began to wipe her eyes and her face, and to smooth her hair, as it had be- come somewhat disordered. He sat there think- ing to himself, as he looked at her, " If she is more shy than the other girls in the parish, and wants to be treated in a different way, it will not do to make any objections." He accompanied her up to the sseter, which lay not very far distant. He would have liked to walk hand in hand with her, but there had come something over him that made him scarcely dare touch her, and feel that it was strange that he was allowed to walk by her side. When they parted, he said, " It shall be some time before you hear anything bad of me again." At home, he found his father engaged in tanying grain from the store-house to the mill ; for the people in tne parish round about had their grinding done at the Granlid mill, when the water in their own brooks had given out ; 86 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. the Granlid mill-stream was never dry. There were a great many bags to carry, some pretty heavy, some exceedingly large. The women stood near by, wringing the clothes they had in the wash. Thorbjorn went over to his fa- tlier, and laid hold of a bag. " Would you like me to help you ? " " Oh, I can do it very well alone," said Sse- mund, as he briskly lifted a bag on his back and moved away toward the mill. " There are many of them," said Thorbjorn ; and seizing two large ones, put his back up against them, and drew them over his shoul- ders, each with one hand, while he steadied them on either side with his elbow. Midway, he met Sfemund, who was returning for more ; his father gave him a hasty glance, but said nothing. As Thorbjorn, in his turn, went back to the store-house, he met Saemund with two still larger bags. This time Thorbjorn took a small one, and went with it ; when Ssemund met him he looked at him again, and longer than the first time. So it happened that at last they met at the store-house. " There has come a message from Nordhoug," said Saemund ; " they want to have you at the wedding on Sunday." Tngrid looked imploringly over at him from her work ; his mother, too. SYNNOVK SOLBAKKKN. 87 " Ah, indeed," answered Thorbjorn, dryly, but took this time the largest two bags he could find. " Are you going ? " asked Saeraund, in a gloomy temper " No." CHAPTER IV. The Granlid steter was beautifully situated, commanding a fine view of the parish ; of Sol- bakken, first and foremost, with its many-hued groves about it, and then of the other gurds, which lay forest-encircled, so that the green patch with houses in its midst looked like a peace-stead that had been discovered and forcibly snatched from the wild woodlands. There were fourteen gards that could be counted from the Granlid saeter ; of the houses of the Granlid gard the roofs alone could be seen, and even these only from the extreme end of the saeter lawn. Nevertheless, the girls often sat watching the smoke which rose from the chim- neys. " Now, mother is cooking dinner," said In- grid. " To-day they will have corned beef and bacon." "Listen! they are calling the men," said Synnove. " I wonder where they are work- ing to-day," and the eyes of both girls followed the smoke that darted up in giddy haste through synnOvp: solrakken. 89 the clear, glad, sunny air, but soon slackened its 8])eeil, considered a while, then spread out in a broad processional sweep, growing ever thinner and thinner, until at last it became like a flut- tering veil, and soon was scarcely visible. Many thoughts would then arise in their minds, and wander out over the parish. To-day the guests were all assembled at Nordhoug. It was a couple of days after the wedding, but as the festivities were to last six days, there reached them every now and then the report of a gun, and the voices of those who could shout the loudest. " They are having a merry time there," re- marked In grid. " I do not envy them," said Synnove, and took up her knitting. " Still it would be interesting to be there," said Ingrid, who was sitting on her heels, and looking toward the gard, where the people were walking to and fro among the houses, — some going toward the store-house, where probably tables of refreshments were spread, others in pairs, separated from the rest, in confidential conversation. " I do not quite know what there is to de- sire over there," said Synnove. " I scarcely know myself," replied Ingrid, 90 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKKN. who sat as before. " I suppose it must be the dancing," she added. Synnove made no reply to this. '' Have you never danced?" asked lugrid. " No." '' Do you think, then, that dancing is a sin ? *' '"'■ I really do not know." Ingrid said nothing more upon the subject just then, for she remembered that the Hau- gians strictly forbade dancing, and she did not care to inquii-e further into the position Syn- nove's parents took with her in this particular. But whatever train of thought she might have fallen into, she said, presently, "A better dancer than Thorbjorn I have never seen." Synnove paused a while before she said, " Yes, he is said to dance well." " You should see him dance ! " burst out In- grid, turning toward her. But Synnove answered abruptly, " No, I do not wish to see that." Ingrid was a little sur- prised at this. Synnove bent over her knit- ting, and began to count the stitches. Sud- denly she let her knitting fall in her lap, gazed vacantly before her, and said, " So intensely happy, though, as I am to-day, I have not been for a long time." " Why ? " inquired Ingrid. SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. 91 "'■ Oh — because he is not dancing at Nord- houtr to-dc o ly- Ingrid sat lost in her own thoughts. '' Well, there are, no doubt, many girls who would like to have him there," said she. Synnove parted her lips as though she were about to speak, but she did not utter a word, knit off the last stitch of a needle, and began jn another. " Tl)orbjorn probably longs to be there him- self ; I feel sure of that," said Ingrid; but did not, until it was too late, consider what she had said, and looked at Synnove, who sat there over her knitting, blushing crimson. Now Ingrid was able to take a hasty review of the whole conversation ; she clasped her hands, moved on her knees over the heather until she brought herself in front of her, and began to look Synnove squarely in the face ; but Synnove went on knitting. Then Ingrid laughed, and said, " Now, for many a long day you have been hiding some- thing from me, again." " What do you say ? " asked Synnove, and cast a questioning look at her. "• You are not angry because Thorbjiirn dances," said Ingrid, laughing as before. The other did not answer. Ingrid's face was one 92 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. broad smile, and now she put her arms about Synnove's neck, and whispered in her ear, " But you are angry because he dances with others than you ! " " How you do talk ! " said Synnove, tore herself away, and arose. Ingrid got up also, and followed her. " It is a pity that you cannot dance, Syn- nove," said she, and laughed, — " really a great pity I Come, now, I might just as well teach you at once ! " She took Synnove by the waist. " What are you going to do ? " inquired Synnove. " Teach you to dance, that you may not have such sorrow in the world as to have him dance with others than you ! " Now Synnove too had to laugh, or at least make a show of laughing. " Some one might see us," said she. " Bless you for that answer, stupid as it was," replied Ingrid, and began forthwith to sing " tra-la-la," and move Synnove round in stej: to it. " No, no ! It is not possible ! " " You have not been so happy for many a day, you said a while ago. Now, come I " '' If it only were possible ! " synnOve solbakken. 93 " Just try, and you will see that it is possi- ble ! " " You are so giddy, Ingrid ! " " That is just what the cat said to the spar- row, wheu the sparrow would not stand still and let the cat catch him. Come, now I " *' Indeed, I actually feel inclined to, myself but" — " Now I am Thorbjoru, and you are his young wife, who will not have him dance with any one but yourself." "But" — Ingrid sang again " tra-la-la." " But " — Synnove still insisted ; yet she was ah'eady dancing! It was a spring-dance, and Ingrid went on in advance with great strides and manly swing of the arras ; Synnove fol- lowed with short steps and downcast eyes, --- and Ingrid sang : — " The fox once lay 'neath the birch-tree's root, By the heather ; The hare came hopping there, on tripping foot, O'er the heather. ' Well, this, indeed, is a sunny day. And glitt'ring beams all around here play, O'er the heather. "The fox then laughed in his quiet laif, By the heather ; In wanton mood came frolicking tlie har«, O'er the heather. 94 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. ' I feel 80 glad over even-thing, Ueigho ! — but you make a daring epring, O'er the heather.' " The fox lay quietly waiting there, By the heather ; And tumbling right toward him came the hare, O'er the heather. ' Good gracious ! why, is that you, my dear ? Pray, how can j'ou dare come dancing here O'er the heather?'" i "There ! was it not possible?" asked Ingrid as they paused, out of breath. Synnove laughed, and declared she would like better to waltz. " Why, there is nothing in the way of that," observed Ingrid, and they prepared for it at once by Ingrid showing her how she should place her feet; "for waltzing is difficult," said she. " Oh, it is easy enough, if we can only keep time," said Synnove ; and so Ingrid suggested that they should try. So they did, Ingrid singing and Synnove joining in, at first only huinuung, then aloud. But suddenly Ingrid paused, let go of her, and clasped her hands in sheer astonishment. " Why, you can waltz ! " she broke out. " Hush I Do not let us talk about it any more," said Synnove, and again took hold oi Ingrid to continue. 1 Auber Forestier's translation. synnOye solbakken. 95 " But where did you learn " - " Tra-la-la, tra-la-la ! " and Synnove swung Ingrid round. Then Ingrid danced to her heart's content, while singing, — " See, sunbeams dance on old Haukelid high ; Dance, my sweetheart, for shades of evening draw nighl The stream now leaps tow'rd the glitt'riug wave ; Leap, too, rollicking youth, leap on to thy grave! See, birch-trees bend to the wind's giddy play ; Bend, thou confident maid ! What now did give way ? See"i — What curious songs you are singing ! " said Synnove, and stopped dancing. " I do not know what I am singing ; I have heard Thorbjorn sing them." " They are Slave Bent's songs," said Syn- nove. " I know them." "Are they?" asked Ingrid, and felt a little uneasy. She sat with her eyes fixed on the offound, and said nothing. All at once her attention was drawn to some one down on the road below. " Say, there is some one driving down from Granliden, and taking the parish road!" Synnove looked that way, too. " Is it he ? ' asked she. "Yes, it is Thorbjorn ; he is going to town.' 1 Anber Forestier's translation. 96 synnOve solbakken. It was Thorbjorn, and he was driving to town. It was a long distance off. He had a heavy load, and therefore drove leisurely along the dusty road. This was so situated that it could be seen from the sseter, and when he heard the shouting from above he knew who was there stood up on his load and shouted back again, so that it resounded through the mountains. Then the loor was played down to him ; he sat and listened, and when it stopped he stood up again and shouted. This continued as he drove on, and it put him in high spirits. He looked at Solbakken, and thought it had never had so much sun as now. But while he sat there looking at it, he entirely forgot his driving, so that the horse went its own way. Suddenly he was startled by its making a great spring to one side, so that one thill cracked, and off went the horse in a wild trot across the Nordhoug fields ; for it was over them the road lay. He stood up in the cart and drew in the reins. There arose a struggle between him and the horse ; it was about dashing over a precipice, and he held it back. He got it so far that it reared, and then he sprang down, and before the horse could start on again he had caught hold of a tree ; now tl^e horse was forced to stand still. The load was overturned, one thill broken, and SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. 97 the horse stood and shivered. Thorbjorn went forward to the animal, took it by the bridle, and spoke gently to it ; he at once turned it, to make sure of avoiding the precipice if it should start off again. Stand still it could not, so terrified was it, and he was compelled to fol- low it, running along, farther and farther on, straight up to the road again. He thus passed directly by his own things, which lay over- turned ; the pails and tubs broken, and their contents partly destroyed. Hith(»rto he had thought only of the danger ; now he began to consider the consequences, and waxed wroth. It was plain to him that there would be no trip to town that day, and the more he reflected upon it the more vexed he became. Reaching the road, the horse gave another jump, then tried with one bound to tear itself loose ; and now Thorbjorn's anger broke out. While he lu-ld the bridle with his left hand, with the great riding- whip in his right, he gave the horse lash after lash, lash after lash, on its flanks, until it was so maddened that it struck out at his breast with its fore-feet. But he held it off from him, and beat it now harder than be- fore, with all his might, and using the butt end of his whip. " I will teach you, you obstinate scamp 1 " 7 98 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. and he struck. The horse neighed and whin- nied ; he struck. " Ha ! you shall make the acquaintance of a fist that is strong ! " and he struck. The horse snorted until the foam rolled down over his hand ; but he struck. " This shall be the first and last time, you crip- ple ! There ! Once more ! So ! Ho, you worthless nag, you shall learn how a man can punish ! " and he struck. Meanwhile, they had turned ; the horse had ceased to offer any resistance, quivered and quaked under every blow, and crouched, neigh- ing, whenever it saw the whip approaching. Then Thorbjorn became rather ashamed; he paused. At the same time he espied a man, who sat on the edge of a ditch b}'^ the road- side, leaning on his elbow, and laughing at him. He knew not how it happened ; it grew dark before his eyes, and, holding the horse by one hand, he started toward the man with up- lifted whip. " I will give you something to laugh at ! " he shouted. The blow fell, but it half missed its mark, for with a shriek the man rolled down into the ditch. There he re- mained standing on all fours, but he raised his head, squinted at Thorbjorn, puckered up his mouth as for laughter ; yet the sound of laugh- ter was not heard. Thorbjorn was startled, for SYNNOVE SOLHAKKEN. 99 this faco he had seen before. Yes, it was Aslak. Thorbjorn did not know why, but there ran a cold shiver down his back. " I suppose it was you who frightened the horse both times," oaid he. " Why, I was only lying there asleep," an- swered Aslak, and drew himself up a little ; " and you woke me when you got so frantic over your horse." " It was vou who made the horse frantic. All animals are afraid of you," and he patted the horse, from whom the sweat was pouring in streams. " I should think he would be more afraid ol' you now than of me. I have never acted so to any horse," said Aslak, who was now bolt-up- right on his knees in the ditch. " Do not use too strong language," said Thorbjijrn, and shook his whip menacingly. Aslak arose then, and scrambled up out of the ditch. " I, you say, — I use strong language ? No I " '' Where were you going, that you were driving 8o fast?" said he, in a bland voice, as he ap- proached Thorbjorn, but staggered from side to side, for he wns - mund inquired about his son. 128 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. " He has been roughly handled," was the short reply. '' Will be get over it ? " asked Ssemund, and fell to adjusting the horse's saddle-girth. " Thank you, that is all right," said the doc- tor. " It was not tight enough," replied Saemund. There was a brief silence, in which the doc- tor looked at him ; but Ssemund was zealously tightening the girth, and did not look up. " You asked whether he would get over it ; yes, I think he will," said the doctor, slowly. Ssemund glanced up, hastily. " Is there hope of life?" asked he. " There has been for several days," replied the doctor. Then a few tears trickled down from Sae- mund's eyes ; he strove to brush them away, but they came again. "It is really a shame that I am so fond of the lad," he gasped ; " but you see, doctor, a finer fellow there has never been in the parish ! " The doctor was touched. " Why have you not wished to know anything before ? " he asked. " I have not had the courage to hear it," re- plied Ssemund, and had another struggle with his tears, which he could not force back synnOve sole ak ken. 129 " And then there \v»n-e the women-folks," he continued ; " they were constantly on the k)ok- out to see whether I would ask, and then I could not." The doctor gave him time to com pose himself, and then Ssemund looked jfixedly at him. " Will he get his health back again ? " asked he, suddenly. " In a certain way, although we cannot yet be sure of it." Then Ssemund grew calm and thoughtful. " In a certain way," he muttered. He stood looking down, and the doctor would not disturb him, because there was something about the man which forbade it. Suddenly Saemund raised his head. " Thank you for the informa- tion," said he, held out his hand, and started for home. Meanwhile, Ingrid was sitting with the pa- tient. "If you feel able to listen, I will tell you something about father," said she. "Tell me," rephed Thorbjoru. " Well, then, the first evening the doctor had been here father disappeared, and no one knew where he was. Now it seems that he had gone over to the wedding-party, and all the people there felt ill at ease when he came in. They Bay that he sat down among them and drank with them, and the bridegroom tells that he » 130 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. thinks he grew half tipsy. Then first he began to question about the fight, and got the full particulars as to how it had happened. Knud came in ; father wanted to have him tell all about it, and made him go with him out to the spot where you two wrestled. All the people went with them. Knud then told how vou had treated him after you had lamed his hand ; but when Knud did not want to say anything more, father di-ew himself up, and asked if this was the way it went on afterward, — and at the same time he seized Knud about the chest, raised him, and laid him down ou the stone, which still had your blood on it. He held him down with his left hand, and drew out his knife with the right. Knud changed color, and all the guests were silent. There were people there who saw father shed tears, but he did nothing to Knud. Knud himself did not stir. Father then lifted Knud up, but laid him down again after a while. ' It is hard to let you go,' he said, and stood staring at him, while he still held him. " Two old women went past, and one of them said, ' Think of your children, Saemund Gran- liden ! ' They say that father at once let go of Knud, and that pretty soon after he was gone from the gard ; but Knud left the wedding SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. 131 made his way ou from house to house, and was Been there no more."' Scarcely was Ingrid through with her narra- tion when the door opened; some one looked in, and it was the father. She went out at once, and Stemund came in. What father and Bon then talked about no one ever knew ; the mother, who stood up against the door that sho might listen, thought once that she heard them speaking about whether Thorbjorn could re- cover his health or not. But she was not sure of it, nor did she like to go in as long as Sae- mund was there. When Saemund came out he was ver}'^ gentle, and rather red about the eyes. " He will be spared to us," he said to Ingebjorg, as he passed by ; " but the Lord only knows whether he will get his health back again." Ingebjorg began to cry, and went out with her husband ; on the store-house steps they sat down, side by side, and many things were talked over between the two. But when Ingrid came softly in again to Thorbjorn, he lay there with a little note in one hand, and said calmly and slowly, " This you uiay give to Synnove the next time you see uer." When Ingrid had read what was in it slie 132 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. turned away and wept; for the note ran thus : — " To the highly esteemed maiden, Synnove, Guttonn^s daughter, Solhakken : — " When you have read these Imes, all must be over between us two. For I am not the one you ought to have. The Lord be with us both. " ThORBJORN, SiEMUND'S SON, GrANLIDEN." CHAPTER VI. Synnovb had learned of the disaster the day after Thorbjorn had been at the wedding. Hia younger brother had been sent up to the sseter with word about it ; but Ingrid had detained him out in the passage, just as he was starting, and had charged him with what he was to say. Synnove, therefore, only knew that Thorbjorn had overturned his load, and that he therefore had been obliged to go up to Nordhoug for help ; that Knud and he had met, and that Thorbjorn had been somewhat hurt. He was in bed, but it was nothing dangerous. This was news calculated to make Synnove more vexed than alarmed. And the more she thought about it, the more disheartened she became. Whatever he might promise, he was sure to act so that her parents would have some fault to find with him. But they two ought not to be separated now, any way, thought Synnove. There were not many messages sent up to the seeter, and so time dragged before Synnove got further news. The uncertainty weighed 134 SYKNOVE SOLBAKKEN. heavily upon her mind, and as lugrid did not come back again, there must be something amiss. She was not able to sing the cattle home in the evening, as she had been in the habit of doing, and she did not sleep well at night, for she missed Ingrid. The effect of this was that she felt weary by day, and this did not make her heart any lighter. She went about her daily duties, scoured the wooden pans and bowls, made the cheese, and prepared the curds, but took little satisfaction in it ; and both Thorbjorn's younger brother and the lad who tended the herds with him felt sure now that there must be something between her and Thorbjorn, which fmuiished them -with a theme for many conversations up in the pasture. The afternoon of the eighth day after Ingrid had been summoned home she felt more op- pressed than ever. So long a time had now passed away, and still no tidings. She left her work to sit down and gaze over the parish, for this seemed to her a sort of company, and she did not want to be alone now. As she sat there, she grew very tired, laid her head down jn her arm, and directly fell asleep; but the sun scorched, and it was a restless sleep. She was over at Solbakken, up in the loft, where her things were, and Avhere she used to sleep SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. 136 from the flowers in the garden there was wafte'l up a most delicious fragrance, although no that which she was accustomed to, but some- thing different, almost like that of heather, " What can this come from ? " she thought, and bowed her head down out of the open window. Yes, truly, there stood Thorbjorn, down in the garden, planting heather. " Why, my dear, what are you doing ? " asked she. " Ob, the flowers will not grow," replied he, and went on working iij the garden. This made her sorry for the flowers, and she finally begged him to bring them up to her. " Yes, I will, if you wish," said he, and then he gathered them up, and came toward the house with them. But she did not seem to be in the loft any more, for he could come right in to where she was. At that moment her mother appeared. " Good gra- cious ! Is that horrid Graulid boy coming in here to you ? " cried the mother, as she sprang forward, and stationed herself directly in his way. But he insisted upon coming in, not- withstanding this; and now a struggle arose between the two. " Mother, mother ! he is only bringing my flowers back to me ! " said Synnove, beseechingly, and wept, " Oh, that makes no difference," said the mother, and con- tinued to struggle. And Synnove was fright- 136 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKKN. ened, terribly frightened, for she knew not which of them she wanted to win ; but neither of them must lose. " Be careful of my flow- ers I " cried she. But they struggled now harder than ever, and the pretty flowers were strewn around everywhere ; the mother trod upon them, and so did Thorbjorn. Synnove wept. But when Thorbjorn had dropped the flowers, he looked so ugly, so very ugly ; his hair grew, his face, too ; his eyes had a wicked look, and he stuck long claws into her mother. " Take care, mother ! Do you not see that it is some one else, — take care ! " she shrieked, and made a move to go over and help her mother, but she could not stir from the spot. Then some one called her, and called a second time. Immediately Thorbjorn disappeared, the mother also. Then some one cried again. " Yes ! " said Synnove, and awakened. " Synnove ! " the voice called. " Yes ! " answered she, and looked up. " Where are you ? " was asked. " It is mother who is calling," thought Syn- nove, as she rose, and went back toward the Bseter lawn, where the mother stood, with a lunch box in one hand, and shading her eyes with the other, looking toward her. '' You were actually lying there asleep on the bare ground ! " said the mother. SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. 137 " I grew so sleepy," replied Synnove, " that I just lay down for a little wLile, and before I knew it I was asleep." " You must be careful not to let such things happen, my child. Here is something for you in this box ; I baked yesterday, as father is going on a long journey." But Synnove felt clearly that her mother had not come for this, and she thought that she had not been dreamino: of her for nothing:. Karen (that was the mother's name) was, as has been said before, small of stature and slender, had fair hair, and blue eyes that were constantly in motion. She smiled a little when she spoke, but it was only when she talked with strangers. Her face had grown rather sharp. She was quick in her movements, and was always bus3\ Synnove thanked her for her gift, took off the lid, and looked to see what was in the box. " There, there you can do that another time," said the mother. " I noticed that vour bowls had not been washed yet; you must see to l/hat, my child, before you take your rest." " Yes ; but that has only happened to-day." " Come, then, I must help you, since I am here," said the mother, and rolled up her skirts. " You must accustom yourself to order, whether you are under my eyes or not." 138 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. She moved on to the dairy, and Synnove followed slowly. They took every article out and washed it. The mother then inspected all the work, and found that it was not bad ; gave much advice and helped to clean up ; and thus an hour or two passed. While they were work- ing she told what was going on at home, and how busy she was now and would be until she got father off. Then she asked if Synnove re- membered to read the word of God before she went to bed at night. " For you must not for- get that," she observed, " or else the work will fare badly the next day." As soon as they were through, they went out on the lawn, and sat down there to wait for the cows. And when they were well seated the mother inquired after Ingrid, and asked if she was not soon coming up to the dairy again. Synnove knew no more about this than her mother. " Aye, to think that folks should act BO ! " said the mother ; and Synnove clearly understood that it was not Ingrid she meant. She would have liked to cliange the subject, but had not the courage to do so. " They who never have our Lord in their hearts are found out by Him sometimes when they are least ex- pecting it," continued the mother. Synnove 5poke not a word. " Well, this I have alway SYNNOVK SOLBAKKEN. 139 said : the boy will never amount to anything. 13 tit to act so — it is a shame ! " They were sitting side side by there, and gazing out over the landscape beyond ; but they did not look at each other. " Have you heard how he is get- ting on ? " asked the mother, and now glanced hastily at her. " No," answered Synnove. " They say he is in a bad way," said the mother. Synnove's heart grew faint. "Is it, then, serious ? " asked she. " Oh, he was stabbed with a knife in the side ; and then he had some pretty severe blows, besides." Synnove felt that she was blushing crimson ; at once she turned a little more away, so that her mother could not see her. " Well, it is not a very serious matter, I presume ? " said she, as calmly as she could. But her motlier had observed that her breast heaved violently, and so she answered, " Oh, no. I cannot say that, either." Now Synnove began to suspect that some- thing dreadful had happened. " Is he in bed ? " she asked. " Why, bless me 1 of course he is in bed I It is a pity for his parents, such worthy people as 140 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. they are. He has been well brought up, too, BO that the Lord has nothing to blame them for." Synnove was now so anxious that she knew not what she should do. Presently her mother continued, " Now it proves to be well that no one is bound to him. The Lord has done everything here also for the best." Syn- nove grew very dizzy, and it seemed as though she would glide down the side of the mountain. " Well, I always said to father, God have mercy on us ! said L We have only this one daughter, and we must take care of her. Now he is rather inclined to be too yielding, excel- lent man as he otherwise is; therefore it is a good thing that he takes counsel where he finds it, and that is in the word of God." But at the mere thought of her father, and how gentle he always was, Synnove had still more difficulty in forcing down the tears, and this time no resistance was of any avail ; she began to weep. "Are you crying?" asked her mother, and looked at her, without being able to see her ^ace. " Yes ; I was thinking of father, and then ' — and she burst out crying, in good earnest. " But, my dear child, what is the matter ? " " Oh, I do not really know I It came ovei synnOve solbakken. 141 me — perhaps some harm will come to him on this journey," sobbed Synnove. " How you do talk ! " said the mother. "All should not go well with him ? Going to town on a smooth country road ? " " Yes, but remember — what happened — to the other," faltered Synnove. " To him? Yes ! But your father does not go dashing ahead like a fool-hardy simpleton, I should think. He will come home again un- harmed, — provided the Lord will watch over and guide him." The mother began to get an idea from the weeping, which now it seemed impossible to stop. Presently, without moving from her place, she said, "There are many things in the world which are hard to bear, but we must take consolation in knowing that they might be far worse." " Aye, but that is poor consolation," said Synnove, and wept sorely. The mother did not really have the heart to answer what she thought ; she merely said, " The Lord himself ordains many things for us in a plainly visible way • He has doubtless done so in this case also." And then she arose, for the cows were beginning to come lowing up the ridge, the bells tinkled, the herd-boys 142 SYNN5VE SOLBAKKEN. shouted, and they came down slowly, for the cows were well filled and quiet. She stood and looked on ; then bade Synnove come with her and see to the cows. Synnove now arose, too, and followed her, but they went slowly. Karen Solbakken busied herself with wel- coming the cattle. The cows came up one by one, and they knew her and lowed ; she patted them, talked to them, and felt happy when she saw how they had all improved. " Ah, yes," said she, " the Lord is near to those who keep themselves near to Him." She now helped Synnove to put them in ; for Synnove made slow progress to-day. The mother did not comment on this. She helped her also to milk, although by so doing she re- mained up there longer than she had intended. When they had finished straining the milk, the mother began to prepare to go home, and Syn- nove wanted to go with her part of the way. " Oh, no," said her mother, " you are doubt- 'ess tired, and would like to be left in peace." And she took the empty box, held out her hand, and said, looking fixedly at her, " I will come up again soon to see how things are go- ing with you. Cling to us, and do not think of others." Scarcely was the mother out of sight before SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. 143 she began to consider how she could most quickly get a message down to Granlid. She called Thorbjorn's brother. She wanted to send him down, but when he came she found that it would be embarrassing to confide in him, and BO she said, " It was nothing." She then thought about gf'ing herself. Certainty she must have, and it was a pity Ingrid had sent her no word. The night was quite light, and the gard was not so far off but that she could easily walk that distance, when such a matter as this drew her down there. While she sat thinking of this, she summed up in her thoughts all that her mother had said, and began to weep afresh. But this time she was not slow; she threw a kerchief about her, and took a roundabout way, so that she might escape the notice of the boys. The farther she advanced, the more she has- tened, and at last she sprang down the foot- path, so that the small stones were loosened, rolled down, and frightened her. Although she knew it was only the stones rolling, she thought there must be some one near by, and she was compelled to stand still and listen. It was nothing, and she hurried on faster than be- fore. Then it chanced that she came down with A bound on a large stone, whose one end pro- 144 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. traded into the road, but which now gave way, dashed on and past her. It made a terrible racket, the bushes crackled, and she was afraid, but grew still more so when she really fancied that there was some one who rose and moved farther on down the road. First she thought that it might be a wild beast. She paused, and held her breath ; down below on the road, what she had seen also paused. " Hoy ! " cried a voice. It was her mother. The first thing Synnove did was to hasten away and hide. She kept stiU a good while, in order to find out whether her mother had rec- ognized her, and was coming back ; but she went on. Then she waited still longer, in order that her mother might get well out of the way. When she started on again, she walked slowly, and was soon approaching the houses. When she saw these, she began to grow op- pressed again, and she grew more faint the nearer she came to Thorbjorn's home. All was still there. The implements of labor stood leaning up against the wall ; the wood was chopped and piled up, and the axe stuck fast in the block. She walked past these, and on to the door ; there she paused, looked around, and listened ; but nothing stirred. As SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. 145 she stood there, uncertain whether she should go up-stairs to Ingrid or not, it came into her mind that it must have been on such a night, some years ago, that Thorbjorn had been over and planted her flowers. Swiftly she pulled off her shoes, and stole up the stairs. Ingrid was much frightened when she woke up, and saw that it was Synnove who had awakened her. " How is he getting on ? " whispered Synnove. Now Ingrid recalled every- thing, and she wanted to begin to dress, in or- der to avoid answering Synnove immediately. But Synnove seated herself on the edge of the bed, begged her to lie still, and repeated her question. " He is better now," said Ingrid, in a whis- per. '' I am soon coming up to the sseter." " Dear Ingrid, hide nothing from me ; you can tell me nothing so bad that I have not fan- cied something worse." Ingrid still tried to spare her, but Synnove's alarm increased, and there was no opportu- nity for evasive answers. In a whisper were dropped the questions, in a whisper the an- swers ; the deep silence round about heightened the seriousness of both questions and answers, 80 that it grew to be one of those solemn mo- ments in which people dare to look the worst 10 146 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. truth directly iii the face. But this much they both seemed to decide upon, that Thorbjom's fault was small this time, and that nothing bad on his side intruded itself between him and their sympathy for him. They both wept freely, but quietly, and Synnove wept the most ; she sat quite crushed on the edge of the bed, Ingrid tried to cheer her by reminding her of how much happiness they three had had to- gether ; but, as is so often the case, every little remembrance from those days over which sun- shine played, now in their sorrow melted into tears. " Has he asked after me ? " whispered Syn- nove. " He has scarcely spoken at all." Ingrid now thought of the note, and it began to weigh upon her. " Is he, then, not able to talk ? " " I do not know how it is with him ; he probably thinks the more." " Does he read ? " " Mother lias read to him ; now she has to do so every day." " What does he say then ? " " Oh, he says almost nothing, as I told you He only lies there and looks." " It is in the painted chamber lie lies ? " " Yes." SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. 147 " And turns bis bead toward tbe window ? " " Yes." They both were silent for a moment ; then Ingrid said, " The little St. John's toy you once gave him hangs iu the window, and keeps turning round." " Yes, it is the same," said Synnove, sud- denly and firmly. " Never in the world shall any one get me to give him up, whichever way it may turn ! " Ingrid felt greatly distressed. " The doctor does not know whether he will recover his health," she whispered. Now Synnove stopped crying, raised her head, looked at her without saying a word, then let it fall again, and sat still, lost in thought ; the last tears trickled slowly down her cheeks, but no new ones followed them. She clasped her bauds, but otherwise did not stir ; it was as though she sat there forming a great resolve. She then suddenly arose, with a smile, stooped down over Ingrid, and gave her a warm, long kiss. " If he becomes an invalid, then I will take care of liun. Now I will speak with my parents." This touched Ingrid deeply ; but before she could find words she felt her hand grasped. " Farewell, Ingrid ! Now I will go up alone." And she turned away, hastily. 148 synnOve solbakken. "'There was that note," whispered Ingrid after her. " That note ? " questioned Syunove. Ingrid was already up, had found it, and went over to her with it ; but as with her left hand she thrust it into Synnove's bosom, she put her right about her neck and kissed her, while Syn- nove felt her great, warm tears fall on her face. Then Ingrid softly pushed her out of the door, and closed it ; for she had not the courage to see any more. Synnove went slowly down the stairs, in her stocking feet ; but when her thoughts became too much for her, she inadvertently made a noise, grew alarmed, hurried out of the pass- age, seized her shoes, and, with them in her hand, hastened away past the houses, across the fields, and over to the gate. Here she paused, put them on, began to go up the path, and made haste, for her blood coursed rapidly through her veins. She walked on, singing softly to herself, and hurried more and more, 90 that at last she grew weary, and had to sit down. Then she remembered the note. When the shepherd dogs began to make a noise the next morning, the herd-boys had awakened, and the cows were to be milked and Bet free, Synnove had not yet returned. SYNNOVE SOLBAKKKN. 149 As the boys stood wondering where she could be, and discovered that she had not been in bed the whole night, Syiinove appeared. She was very pale and quiet. Without a word, she be- gan getting breakfast for the herd-boys, put up their lunches, and afterwards helped to milk. The fog still hung heavily over the low ridges ; the heather glittered with dew all over the sorrel-tinted heights. It was rather chilly, and when the dog barked he was answered on every side. The cattle were set free ; lowing they greeted the fresh morning air, and the cows, one by one, started off over the foot-path ; but there in front of them sat the dog, ready to receive them and hinder them from passing un- til every one had been let loose, whereupon he also let them go. The bells vibrated along the ridge; the dog barked, making the welkin ring; the herd-boys tried which of them could shout the loudest. From all this noise Sjmnove moved away down to that part of the seeter where In- grid and she were in the habit of sitting. She iid not weep, sat there quietly with her eyes lixed before her, and gave heed now and then to the tumultuous noise which was gradually be- coming more distant, and which blended the better the farther away it got. Meanwhile, she began to hum softly to herself, then to 150 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. Bing louder, and at last with a clear, high voice, the following song. She had adapted it from another one she had known from the time she was a child : — "Now thanks for all since we two were small, lu groves we played, at each merry-making; I thought our sports would float onward all 'Till Time's gray twilight was breaking. "I thought our sports from the birch would rise, Leaf-crowned and glad, and would upward wander To where bright Solbakken meets the eyes, The old red church seeking yonder. " Of evenings oft I did sit and wait, The spruce-grown forest there watching ever ; The mountains darkened, the hour grew late. But thou, ah thou, earnest never ! " I sat and waited, and oft I thought: When day declines he will venture over; But fading light flick'ring flashes brought. The days they came and passed over. "The weary eye is accustomed now To seek one way, 't would be slow at changing; It bums and aches here beneath the brow, Yet still one way it is ranging. " At Fagerlid, in the church, they say, I '11 comfort find, as is surely fitting; But ask me not to go there, I pray, For he, by my side, there is sitting. "And yet so well who it was, I know. Who placed our homes there bo near togetnor. Ajid cut a way for the eye to go Through woods, o'er flowerv heatker. SYNNOVE SOLBAKKRN. 151 ' And vet so well who it was, I know, Who placed the seats at the Lord's own table, And caused that people in pairs to go Toward the chancel are able." ^ 1 Auber Forestier's translatioa CHAPTER VII. Some time after this, Guttorm Solbakken and Karen sat together over in the great, light sitting-room at Solbakken, and read aloud to each other from some new books they had pro- cured from the neighboring town. They had been at church in the forenoon, for it was Sun- day; then they had taken a little walk to- gether through the grounds to examine the condition of the fields, and to consider which land should be allowed to lie fallow and which should be plowed up for the next year. The;y had sauntered from one pasture and field to an- other, and it seemed to them that the gard had improved greatly in their time. " God knows how it will prosper when we are gone ! " Karen had remarked. Then it was that Guttorm had begged her to come in with him that they might read in the new books ; " for one does best to avoid such thoughts." But now the books had been examined, and Karen was of opinion that the old ones were l^etter. "People only write over again what is in the old books," said she. SYNNdVE SOLBAKKEN. 153 " There may be something in that. Sosmnnd said to me to-day in church that children were only their parents over again." " Yes, you and Sa^mund evidently talked of many things to-day." " Saemund is a sensible man." " But he seeks his Lord and Saviour too lit- tle, I am afraid." To this Guttorm made no reply. " What became of Synnove ? " asked the mother. " She is up-stairs," answered Guttorm. " You were sitting there with her yourself, a while ago ; what frame of mind was she in ?" " Oh " — " You should not have allowed her to stay there alone." " Some one came in." The wife was silent for a while. " Pray, who was it ? " " lugrid Granliden." " I thought she was still at the saeter." " She was at home to-day in order that her mother might be able to go to church." " Yes, to be sure, we saw her there for once." " She has a great deal to do." ^ Others have the same ; nevertheless, one generallv manages to go where one longs to her 154 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. Guttorm made no reply to this. After a while Karen said, " All the Granlid family were there to-day except Ingrid." " Yes, it was probably to accompany Thor- bjorn the first time." " He looked poorly." " No better could be expected. I only won- der he appeared so well." *' Yes, he has had to suffer for his folly." Guttorm looked down a little, as he replied, " He is only in his youth yet." " There is no good foundation there ; one can never feel sure of him." Guttorm, who sat with his elbows on the ta- ble, twirling a book round with one hand, now opened it, and just as though he were reading softly dropped the sentence, " He is said to be E[uite sure of fully regaining his health." The mother now took up a book also. " That is, indeed, a good thing for such a fine-looking lad," said she. " May the Lord teach him to use it better ! " They both read ; but presently Guttorm said, as he turned over a leaf, " He did not look toward her once during the whole day." "Yes, and I noticed, too, that he kept his seat m the pew until she had gone out." After a while, Guttorm asked, " You think lie will forget her ? " SYNNOVE SOl.BAKKEN. 155 " That would at all events be best." Guttorm read on ; the wife turned over the leaves. " I do not care much to have Ingrid stay here," said she. " Synnove has scarcely any one else to talk with." " She has us." Now the father glanced over at her. " We mast not be too strict." The wife was silent. Soon she said, " Nor have I ever forbidden her to visit with Ingrid." The father closed his book, arose, and looked out of the window. " There goes Ingrid," said he. Scarcely had the mother heard this than she hastily left the room. The father remained for some time at the window ; then turned and walked up and down. The wife came in again, and he paused. "Yes, it was as I thought," said she. " Syn- nove is sitting up there crying, but rummages about in her trunk when I come in." And then she added, sluiking her head, " No, it is not well to have Ingiid coming here ; " and she be- took herself to preparing the evening meal, passing often in and out. Once while she was out Synnove came in, rather flushed from weeping and quiet ; she 156 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. walked close by her father, into whose face she looked up as she passed, and over to the table, where she sat down and took a book. Presently, Bhe closed this, and asked her mother if she should help her. " Yes, do so ! " said the latter. " Work is good for all things.'' It became her task to set the table ; it stood over by the window. The father, who thus far had been walking to and fro, went over there now and looked out. "I believe that barley field the rain beat down is straightening up again," said he. Synnove took her stand by his side, and looked out, too. He turned ; his wife was in, and so he merely stroked the back of Synnove's head with one hand, after which he began pacmg the floor again. They ate their suppei-, but very quietly. The mother said grace that day both before and after the meal, and when they had arisen she iesired them to read and sing, which they did, too. " The word of God gives peace ; it is after all the greatest blessing in a house." With this the mother looked over at Synnove, who had cast down her eyes. " Now I am going to tell you a story," said the mother ; " it is true, every word, and not bad for those who will re- flect upon it." synnOve solbakken. 157 And then she began as follows : " There was, in ray younger days, a young girl at Houg, who was the granddaughter of a learned old lens- mand. He early took her under his own care, that he might have py in her in his old days, and of course taught her the word of God and good behavior. She was quick at learning and delighted in knowledge, so that in the course of time she was far in advance, while we stood behind ; she wrote and ciphered, Icnew all her school-books and twenty-five chapters in the Bi- ble, when she was fifteen years old. I remem- ber it as though it were yesterday. She cared more for reading than for dancing, so that she rarely was to be found at the merry-makings, but oftener in her grandfather's loft-chamber, where he kept his many books. It so hap- pened that whenever we did meet her she always seemed to be somewhere else, and we said to one another, ' Were we only as wise as Karen Hougen ! ' She was to inherit the old man's property, and many a good fellow offered himself to share it with her ; but they all got refusals. About this time the priest's son came home from the priest-school. Things had not gone well with him, because he had more taste for carousing and mischief than for proper tilings : now he drank. ' Beware of him ! ' said 158 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. the old leiismand. ' I have been much with peo- ple of the upper classes, and it is my experience that they are less worthy of our confidence than peasants.' Karen constantly heeded his voice beyond that of others. And when, by and by, she began to come into contact with the priest's son she avoided him, for he sought her. Soon she could go nowhere without meeting him. ' Awaj ! ' cried she ; ' it will do you no good.' But he persisted, and thus it happened that at last she was forced to pause and listen. He was handsome enough, but when he told her that he could not live without her he frightened her. He was always hanging about the house, but she did not come out ; he stood outside of her window at night, but she did not appear ; he said he would put an end to himself, but Karen knew what she knew. And then he would take to drinkinc: again. ' Beware of him ! These are all the devil's snares,' said the old lensmand. One day the fellow appeared in her room; no one knew how he had come there. Now I am going to kill you,' said he. ' Yes, io so if you dare,' said she. But then he shed tears, and told her that it was in her power to uake a respectable man of him. ' If you could abstain from drinking even half a year,' said she. And so he kept from drinking half a synnOve solbakken. 159 year. ' Do you trust me now? ' asked he. ' Not until you have given up all kinds of gayety and merry-making for half a year.' This he did. ' Do you trust me now? ' asked he. ' Not until you go away and finish your studies for the priesthood.' He did this, too, and the next year came back with his studies completed. ' Do you trust me now ? ' asked he, and even had on gown and collar. ' Now I should like to hear you preach a few times,' said Karen. And he preached strictly in accordance with the word of God, as it behooves a priest to do ; he spoke of his own weakness, and how easy it was to conquer if one could only begin, and how good the word of God was when once it was found. After this he again sought Karen. ' Yes, now I believe you live up to what you have learned,' said Karen. ' And now I will tell you that for three years I have been be- trothed to my cousin, Anders Hougen ; you shall publish the bans for us next Sunday.' " Here the mother concluded. Synnove had paid little attention in the beginning, but had gradually roused up more nnd more, and at the last hung upon every word. " Is there any more?" inquired she, much alarmed. " No," answered the mother. The father .ooked at the mother, and then her gaze grew 160 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. unsteady and avoided his ; and after a little re- flection, during wliicli she drew her finger along the table, she continned, " Perhaps there might be something more ; but it does not matter." *' Is there more ? " asked Synnove, turning to her father, who seemed to know about it. " Oh — yes ; but it is as mother says ; it does not matter." " What became of him ? " asked Synnove. "Ay, that is just it," said the father, and looked toward the mother. She had leaned back against the wall, and was looking at the two. " Did he become unhappy? " asked Synniwe, softly. " We must end where the end ought to be," gaid the mother, and arose. The father did likewise. Svnnove slowlv arose after them. CHAPTER Vm. Some weeks later, early in the morning, the entire Solbakke household was preparing for church-going. There was to be confirmation, which took place a little earlier this year than usual, and on an occasion of this kind the house Avas always locked up, for all wanted to go. They were not going to drive, as the weather was clear, although rather cold and blustering in the morning ; the day promised to be fine. The road wound about the parish ; and past Granliden, then took an abrupt turn to the right, and fully two miles farther on lay the church. The grain was in most places cut and put on poles for drying. The cows had nearly all been brought down from the mount- ains, and were tethered. The fields were either covered with their second growth of green, or where the earth was poor were of a grayish- white hue. Round about stood the many-col- ored forests : the birch already drooping, the aspen quite yellow, the rowan with dry, shriv- eled leaves, but vnth berries. It had rained 11 162 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. hard for several days ; the small brush that lined the roadside, and stood sneezing in the Band, was now washed clean and fresh. But the mountain sides began to beetle more darkly over the valley, now that the devastating au- tumn had dismantled them and made them look sober; whereas the mountain brooks, which had only occasionally shown life during the summer, rolled swollen and leaped down with a great noise. The Granlid force fell more heavily and with more gravity, especially when it came to the rock}'^ waste of the Granlid slope, where the mountain suddenly refuses to accompany it any farther, and makes an ab- rupt curve inward. It braced itself in the rock, and then rushed onward, and shouted so that the mountain trembled. The rock was well washed for its treason, for the force sent a pro- voking jet of spray right up into its face. Some inquisitive alder bushes, which had ap- proached the edge of the precipice, had nearly reeled down in the flood ; they stood gasping in the shower-bath, for the force was not spar- ing to-day. Thorbjorn, both his parents, his brother and sister, and the rest of the household passed by and beheld this. He was now weU again, and had already taken vigorous hold of his father's synnOve solbakken. 163 work, as before. The two were continually to- gether, and so they were to-day. " I almost think those are the Solbakke peo- ple we have right behind us," said the father. Thorbjoru did not look back, but the mother said, " Yes, so they are ; but I do not see — oh, yes, far back there." Either because the Granlid family went faster after this, or because the Solbakke fam- ily slackened their speed, the distance between them became greater and greater ; at last they could scarcely see one another. It looked as if the church would be crowded ; the long parish road was black with people, walking, driving, and riding. The horses, now in the autumn, were full of mettle and little accustomed to being together ; the result of which was that they went neighing along, and were so luiruly that the trip was dangerous, al- though quite lively. The nearer they drew to the church, the greater noise the horses kept up; for each one that arrived called out to those who already stood tied there, and they in turn tugged at their tethers, stamped on the ground with their hind hoofs, and whinnied at the new-comers. All the dogs of the parish, who the whole week long had sat listening to one another, scolding and teasing one another. 164 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. now met here at church, and rushed into the most desperate fights, in couples and in great knots, all over the grounds. The people stood quiet in rows along the church wall and along the houses, spoke in whispers, and merely 'ooked i>.t one another out of the corners of their eyes. The road leading past the wall was not broad ; the houses on the opposite side were close by ; and the women generally stood along the church wall, the men directly oppo- site, along the houses. Not until later did they venture to cross over and mingle together ; and even if acquaintances espied one another at a distance they acted as though they did not know one another until that time came. It might then happen that when a fresh party came up some of those already there stood so directly in their way that a greeting could not be avoided ; but it was given, in such cases, with half-averted face and few words, where- upon the new-comers were apt to withdraw each to his side. When the Granlid family approached, the prevailing stillness, if possi- ble, increased. S^mund did not have many to greet, and so he quickly passed down the line ; the women, on their part, at once fast- ened themselves against the wall, and remained standing there among the foremost. The r& synnOve solbakken. 165 Bult of this was that when it was time to go into church the men had to cross over again after the women. Just as they were doing so, three vehicles, one after the other, came driv- ing up more rapidly than any of the preced- ing ones, and did not slacken their speed as they turned in among the people. Sasmund and Thorbjorn, who came near being run over, both looked up at once ; in the first vehicle sat Knud Nordhoug and an old man, in the sec- ond his sister and her husband, and in the third his parents. Father and son looked at each other ; not a feature of Saimund's face moved. Thorbjorn was very pale. They both gazed away and looked directly before them ; then they saw the Solbakke family, who had just paused directly opposite to greet Inge bj org and Ingrid Granliden. The vehicles had come in between ; conversation had grown stiff ; their eyes still hung on those who had driven on, and it was some time before they could with- draw them. After one and the other had be- gun to recover from the surprise, and let their eyes wander around to seek something to di- vert their attention, they fell on Ssemund and Thorbjorn, who stood staring there in the road. Guttorm Solbakken turned away, but his wife at once sought Thorbjorn's eyes. Synuove, 166 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. who had probably caught these, turned to In- grid Granliden, and took her hand to greet her, although she liad done so once before. But they all at the same time became conscious that their servants and acquaintances were every one observing them, and SaBnmnd went right over and, without looking at him, took Guttorm by the hand. " Thanks for last," ^ said he. " Thanks to yourself for last." To Guttorm's wife too he said, " Thanks for last." "Thanks to yourself for last;" but she did not look up as she spoke. Thorbjorn followed, and did as his father had done. The latter had now come to Synnove, who was the first person he looked at. She looked up at him, too, and forgot to say, " Thanks for last." Thorbjorn appeared just then; he said nothing, she nothing. They took each other by the hand, but lightly ; neither could raise an eye, neither could stir a foot. " It is surely going to be blessed weather, to- day," remarked Karen Solbakken, and glanced hastily from one to the other. It was Saemund who answered : " Oh, yes ; that wind is driving the clouds away." 1 A common greeting in Norway, equivalent to " Thanks for tht Uflt time we were together." synnOve solbakken. 167 •' That is a good thing for the grain that is standing out and needs dry weather," said In- gebjorg Granliden, and began to brush the back of Saemund's jacket, probably because she thought it was dusty. " The Lord has given us a good year ; but it is rather uncertain whether we shall get every- thing under cover," began Karen Solbakken, and glanced over again at the two, who had not stirred since the last time she looked. " That depends upon how strong a force we can muster," replied Ssemund, and turned in such a way toward her that she could not very well look where she wanted, " I have often thought that a couple of gards might unite their forces; we would surely do better in that way." " It might happen that they would want to make use of the dry weather at the same time," said Karen Solbakken, and took a step to one side. *' Yes, to be sure," answered Ingebjorg, and stationed herself close beside her husband, so that Karen could not look where she desired now either. " But in some places the crop ripens earlier than in others : Solbakken is often a fortnight in advance of us." " Yea, and so we could very well help each 168 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. Other," observed Guttorm slowly, and drew a step nearer. Karen gave bim a hasty glance " However, there are many circumstances which can come in the way," added he. " That there are," said Karen, and moved a step to one side, a step to the other, and still anothe-', but glanced back again. " Oh, yes, there is often a great deal in one's way," said Saemund; and a smile seemed to play about his lips. " That is no doubt so," said Guttorm. But his wife interposed, " Man's power does not extend far ; that of God is the greatest, I should think, and it depends upon Him." " Do you think He is likely to have anything especial against our helping one another with the harvesting at Granliden and Solbakken ? " " No," remarked Guttorm. •"• He cannot have anything against that," and he looked gravely at his wife. She turned the subject. " There are a great many people at church to-day," said she; "it does one good to see them seek the house of God." No one seemed to want to reply ; finally Gut torm observed, " I really believe the fear of God is increasing ; there is a larger attendance at church now than there was in my young lays."' synnOve solbakken. 169 " Oh, yes, — the people are increasing," re- marked Sseraund. " No doubt there are some among them, per- haps the greater part, who merely come over here from habit," said Karen Solbakken. " Perhaps the younger ones," observed In- gebjorg. " The younger ones like to meet one another,' said Ssemund. " Have you heard that the priest is going to apply for another parish? " asked Karen, thus turning the conversation a second time. " That would be too bad," said Ingebjorg. " He has both baptized and confirmed all my children." " I suppose you would like him to marry them also, first," said Ssemund, and chewed away at a chip he had picked up. "I wonder if it will not soon be church time 1 " exclaimed Karen, and looked over at the door. " Yes, it is pretty warm out here to-day," said Scemund, chewing away as before. " Come now, Synnove, let us go in." Synnove started, and turned, for she had donbtless been talking with Thorbjorn. '' Will you not wait until the bell rings ? " asked Ingrid Granliden, and stole a glance at Synnove. 170 synnOve solbakken. "Then we can all go in together," added Ingebjorg. Synnove knew not what she should answer. Stfimund looked over his shoulder at her. '' Wait, and it will ring soon for you," said he. Synnove grew very red ; her mother looked sharply up at him. But he smiled with his eyes fixed on her. " It will be now as the Lord wishes ; was not that what you said a while ago?" said he, a; d sauntered on in advance toward the church, the others following. At the church door there was a crowd, and when they came to look it was not open. Just as they drew nearer to inquire into the cause of this, the door was opened, and the people poured in ; but some of them stepped back, and this separated those who were entering. Up against the wall stood two people, in conversation, one of them tall and heavily built, with light but straight hair and snub nose ; and this was Knud Nordhoug, who, when he saw the Granlid family approach, stopped talking, looked rather em- barrassed, but stood still, nevertheless. Ssemund was obliged now to go right past him, and fixed m him a pair of eyes, as he did so ; but Knud did not lower his either, although their gaze was not steady. Now came Synnove, and the synnOve solbakken. 171 moment she so unexpectedly caught sight of Kuud she grew deathly pale. Then Knud cast down his eyes, and straiglitened himself up from the wall to go. He had taken only a few steps when he saw four faces turned to his ; these were Guttorm's, his wife's, Ingrid's, and Thorbjorn's. As one bewildered, he went straight toward them, so that without know- ing what he was doing he soon stood face to face with Thorbjorn himself ; the latter at once made a movement to turn aside ; but several people had come up, and this could not so eas- ily be done. This occurred on the stone slab lying outside of the Fagerlid church. Upon the threshold of the vestibule Synnove had paused, and Ssemund farther in ; as they stood higher than the others, they could distinctly see every one outside, and be seen by them. Syn- nove had forgotten all else around her, and only stared at Thorbjorn ; the same with Ssemund, his wife, the Solbakke couple, and Ingrid. Thorbjorn felt this, and stood as one nailed to the spot ; but Knud thought he must do some- thing here, and so he stretched out one hand little way, but said nothing. Thorbjorn also put his forward a little, but not so that the -wo hands could touch. "Thanks for" — began Knud, but remem- 172 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. bered at once that this was not the proper greeting here, and drew back a step. Thorbjorn looked up, and his eye fell on Synnove, who was as white as snow. With a long stride forward and a vigorous grasp of Knud's hand, he said, so that those nearest could hear it, " Thanks for last, Knud ; we may have gained much good from it, both of us." Knud gave vent to a sound, almost like a sob, and it seemed two or three times as though he tried to speak, but the effort was in vain. Thor- bjorn had nothing further to say, he waited, did not look up, — only waited. There was ut- tered, meanwhile, not a word ; and as Thorbjorn now stood there twirling his hymn-book, it chanced that he dropped it. At once Knud stooped, picked it up, and handed it to him. " Thank you! " said Thorbjorn, who had half stooped himself. He raised his eyes, but as Knud looked down again, Thorbjorn thought, " It is best for me to go." And so he went. The others went, too, and when Thorbjorn had been seated for a while, and ventured to look over at the women's pew, his gaze met Ingebj org's face, beaming with a motherly smile on him, and that of Karen Solbakken too, who evidently had been waiting for him to look over there; for the moment he did so she nodded synnOve solbakken. 173 at him three times, and when he hesitated she nodded again three times, still more gently than before. Sremund, his father, whispered in his ear, " I thought so." They had heard the opening prayer, sung a hymn, and the confirma- tion candidates wei'e already taking their places before he whispered to him the next time : " But Knud does not know much about being erood : let it ever be far from Granliden to Nordhoug." The confirmation began by the priest coming forward and the children uniting in singing Kingn's confirmation hymn. To hear them sing all at once and without accompaniment, their fresh young voices so full of trusting hope, is calculated to touch people, and especially those who are not too far advanced in life to remem- ber their own day. When after this deep si- lence ensues, and the priest, the same now as more than twenty years ago, the same who has taken such pains to find an occasional little hour wherein he has talked for the improve- ment of every single one of them, — when now he clasps his hands over his breast and joins in the hymn, there is indeed much emotion. But the children begin to shed tears when the priest talks of their parents, and wishes them to pray to the Lord for their children. Thorbjorn, wlio 174 SYNNdVE SOLBAKKEN. but recently lay at the point of death, and still more recently believed that he would be an in- valid all his life, wept much, but especially when the children took upon them their vow, and all seemed so sure of being able to keep it. He did not once look over at the women's pew, but at the end of the service he went over to Ingrid, his sister, and whispered something to her, whereupon he hurriedly pressed forward and went out ; and some were under the im- pression that he had gone up over the slope and through the woods, instead of by the road, but they were not sure of this. Saemund searched for him ; gave it up, though, when he saw that Ingrid too was gone. He then looked round for the Solbakke people; they were seeking everywhere for Sjunove, whom no one had seen. Then they started for home, each sepa- rately, and without their children. But already far on their way were both Syn- nove and Ingrid. " I am almost sorry that I came along," said the former. " It is no longer serious now that father knows of it," said the latter. " Yes, but he is not my father," replied Syn uove. " Who knows ? " replied Ingrid ; and then they said nothing more upon that subject. synnOve solbakken. 175 " This must be where we were to wait," re- marked Ingrid, as the road made an abrupt curve, and they entered a dense wood. " He has taken a long, roundabout way," said Synnove. " Ah'eady come ! " interposed Thorbjorn ; he arose from behind a great stone. He had ready in his mind all that he wanted to say, and that was not a little. But to-day things could not go wrong ; for his father knew his wishes and approved thera, of which he felt sure, after what had occurred at church. This oportunity was what he had been longing for the whole summer, and he surely would be more able to speak now than he had ever been before. " We had better take the road through the woods," observed he ; "■ we will get on faster that way." The girls said nothing, but went with him. Thorbjorn thought about speaking to Synnove, but first he wanted to wait until they got up over the hill, afterward until they were across the marsh ; yet when they were well across, he decided that it was best not to begin until they had come into the woods, far- ther on. Ingrid, who probably thought they were getting on pretty slowly, began to slacken her pace, and fell more and more behind, until ^he was scarcely visible. Synnove pretended 176 synnOve solbakken. she did not notice this, but began to pick here and there a berry which thrust itself forwiiixl on the roadside. " It would be strange if I could not find words for myself," thought Thorbjorn ; and so he re- marked, " The weather proved to be fine to-day, after all." " So it did," answered Synnove. And then they walked on a piece again. She picked ber- ries, and he kept moving. " It was kind of you to come with me," said he ; but to this she made no answer. " It has been a long summer," he continued , but to this she made no answer, either. "No, as long as we are walking," thought Thorbjorn, " we will never get the conversa- tion started. I think we had better wait a lit- tle for Ingrid," said he. " Yes, let us do so," answered Synnove, and stood still. There were no berries here to stoop for, — this Thorbjorn had plainly seen ; but Synnove had picked up a large straw, and now she stood and threaded the berries on the straw. " To-day I have been strongly reminded of the time when we went together to confirma- tion," said lie. "I, too, thought of it," replied she. SYNNOVE SOLBAI^KEN. 177 "Many things have happened since that time," said he ; and as she made no answer, he continued : " but most of them have been dif- ferent from what we expected." Synnove was very industriously threading her berries on the straw, and held her head bowed down as she did so. He advanced a little in order to look into her face ; but, as though she observed this, she managed to make it ueces- sai7 for her to turn again. Then he grew al- most afraid that he should not be able to say what he desired. " Synnove, you must have something to say, too." She looked up and laughed. " What shall I say ? " asked she. He recovered all his courage, and wanted to put his arm right around her waist ; but when he came near her, he did not exactly dare to do 80. He therefore merely asked, very timidly, " Ingrid has talked with you, I presume ? " " Yes," replied she. " Then 1 dare say you know something, too," said he. She was silent. " Then I dare say you know something, too," he repeated, and drew nearer the second time. " You know something, too, I suppose," an- swered she. IS 178 SYNNdVE SOLBAKKEN. He could not see her face. "Yes," said he, and tried to take hold of one of her hands ; but she was more industrious now than ever. " It is so provoking," continued he ; " you steal ray courage away." He could not see whether she smiled to this, and there- fore he did not know what he should add. " To cut the matter short," said he, suddenly, speak- ing in a loud tone, although tlie voice was not quite steady, "what have you done with that note ? " She made no reply, but turned away. He moved after her, laid one hand on her shoulder, and bent over her. " Answer me," he whispered. " I have burnt it." He quickly seized hold of her and turned her toward him ; but then he saw that she was about to cry, and so he did not dare to do anything but let go his hold of her again. " It is too bad that her tears come so easily," thought he. Just at that moment she said, " Why did you write the note ? " " That Ingrid has told you." " Yes, of course ; but — it was hard in you.' " Father wished that " — *' Nevertheless " — stnnOve solbakken. 179 " He believed that I would be a broken- down invalid all my life ; hereafter I shall take care of you," said he. Tngrid appeared at the foot of the hill, and they started at once to go on. " It seemed as though I cared most for you when I no longer thought I should be able to get you," he continued. "One knows one's self best when one is alone," said she. " Yes ; then we find out who has the great- est power over us," said Thorbjorn, in a clear voice, and walked gravely by her side. She picked no more berries. " Will you have these ? " asked she, handing him the straw. " Thank you ! " said he, and held fast to the hand that reached him the berries. " So then it is best that things go on in the old way," said he, in rather a faint voice. " Yes," she whispered, scarcely audibly, and turned away. Then they went onward, and so long as she was silent he did not either dare touch her or speak ; but he felt no weight at all in his body, and therefore came pretty near tumbling over. There was a burning in his eyes, and when, just then, they reached an elevation from which 180 synnOve solbakken. Solbakken was plainly visible it seemed to him as though he had lived there all his life, and longed to get home. " I might just as well go over with her at once," thought he ; and, drinking in courage from the view, he grew stronger in his resolve with every step. " Father will help me," thought he. " I cannot bear this any longer ; I must go over there, — I must ! " He walked faster and faster, looking straight before him ; there seemed to be a glow over parish and gard. " Yes, to-day ; not an hour longer will I wait ; " and he felt so strong that he knew not which way he should turn. " You are leaving me behind," he heard from a sweet voice just back of him. It was Synnove, who had scarcely been able to follow him, and now had to give up. He felt ashamed, turned, and walked back with outstretched arms, thinking, " I wLU lift her right over my head ; " but when he came near, he did not do so at all. " I walk so fast," said he. " You do," replied she. They were near the parish road ; Ingrid, who for some time had been out of sight, came up right behind them. " Now you two shall not walk together any 'onger," said she. synnOve SOLBAKKEN. 181 Thorbjorn was startled at this ; it came too Boon for him. Synnove became also a little em- barrassed. " I have so much I ought to say to you," whispered Thorbjorn. She could not avoid smiling. " Oh, well," said he, "another time " — and he took her hand. She looked up with a clear, full gaze ; he grew warm under it, and promptly it ran through his mind, " I will go with her at once ! " Then she discreetly withdrew her hand, turned calmly to Ingrid, bade her farewell, and went slowly down toward the road. He was left standing behind. The brother and sister went home through the woods. " Did you now have a talk together ? " in- quired Ingrid. " No, the road was too short," said he, walk- ing fast, as though he did not want to hear more. " Well ? " asked Ssemund, looking up from his dinner, as the two entered the room. Thor- bjorn made no reply, but went over to the bench opposite, probably to take off his things; Ingrid followed, laughing slyly. Saemund be- gan to eat again ; now and then he looked over w 182 synnOve solbakken. at Thorbjora, who seemed very busy, smiled, and ate on. " Come and eat," said he ; " the dinner will be cold." " Thank you, I do not want anything," said Thorbjorn^ and sat down. "So?" and Saemund went on eating. Pres- ently he said, " You were in a great hurry to get away from church to-day." " There were some people we had to talk with," said Thorbjorn. " Well, did you get to talk with them ? " " I scarcely know," said Thorbjorn. " The deuce you do not ! " cried Ssemund, and went on eating. Shortly after he finished, and arose ; he walked over to the window, stood a while looking out, then turned, and said, " See here, let us go out and look at the crops." Thorbjorn arose. " No, you might as well put your coat on." Thorbjorn, who was in his shirt-sleeves, laid hold of an old jacket that hung above him. " You pee, I have put on a new one," said Saemund. Thorbjorn did the same, and they went out ; Saemund leading che way, Thorbjorn following. They went down toward the road. " Shall we not go over to the barley ? " asked Thor bjorn. '* No, we will go yonder to the wheat," re* synnOve solbakken. 183 plied Saemund. Just as they reached the road. a cart came slowly driving along. " That is one of the Nordhoug carts," said Saemund. " Yes, those are the young people from Nord- houg," added Thorbjorn. By the young people he meant the newly-married couple. The cart halted as it came near the Granlid men. " She is really a proud woman, that Ma- rit Nordhoug," whispered Saemund, and could not take his eyes from her. She sat leaning back in the cart, with one kerchief loosely tied about her head, and another drawn around her. She was looking fixedly out at the two ; there was not the slightest emotion in her clear-cut, strong features. Her husband was very pale and thin, had a still more gentle look than for- merly, much as one who has a sorrow he can- not speak of. " Are you men out looking at the grain ? " asked he. " It seems so," replied Sasmund. " It is doing well this year." " Oh, yes, it might have done worse." " You are late," said Thorbjorn. " There were a great many acquaintances to take leave of," said the man. *' Why — are you going on a journey ? '' aaked Saemund. 184 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN " I expect to, yes." " Are you going far? " « Oh, yes." *' How far, for example ? " " To America." " To America ! " exclaimed both men in a breath. " A new-married man I " added Sse- mund. The man smiled, and said, " 'I think I will stay here for the sake of my foot,' said the fox, when he had been caught in the trap." Marit looked at him, and then at the others, and a slight flush overspread her face ; other- wise it was unchanged. " I suppose your wife will go with you ? " said Ssemund. *' No, she will not, either.' " They say it is easy to gain position in America," said Thorbjorn ; he felt that the conversation should not be allowed to come to a stand-still. '' Oh — yes," said the man. " But Nordhoug is a good gard," remarked Ssemund. " There are too many people on it," re- plied the man. His wife looked at him again. " One stands in the way of the other,' he added. SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. 185 "Well, good luck on your journey," said Sffiniund, and took his hand. '' Tlie Lord grant you what you wish to find I " Thorbjorn looked his old school-mate ear- nestly in the eye. " I will talk with you by and by," said he. " It is good to have some one to talk with," said the man, and scraped the bottom of the cart with his whip. " Do come over to our house," said Marit ; and Thorbjorn, as well as Ssemund, looked up in surprise ; they had really forgotten that she had so pleasant a voice. They drove on ; the cart moved slowly away ; a little cloud of dust encircled them, — the evening sun fell directly on it ; against his wadmal clothes her silken kerchief glist- ened. They came to a hill, and disappeared. The father and son walked on for a long time before they said anything. " I have a foreboding that it will be long be- fore he returns," observed Thorbjorn, finally. "That is best, I suppose," remarked Sse- mund, " when one has not secured happiness at home ; " and once more they walked silently Dn. " You are going past the wheat field," said Thorbjorn. 186 synnOve solbakken. "We can look at that on our way back," and they went farther on. Thorbjorn did not altogether like to ask where they were going; for they had now passed the Granlid grounds. CHAPTER IX. GlJTTORM and Karen Solbakken had already finished their dinner when Synnove, flushed and oufc of breath, entered. " Why, my dear child, where have you het up and placed Synnove's dinner before her. When Synnove had taken her seat at the table, and her mother had sat down directly opposite, the latter said, " I suppose there were others you were talking with." " Yes, there were many," replied Synnove. " The child may surely be allowed to talk with folks," said Guttorm. 188 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. " To be sure she may," said the mother, rather more gently ; " but still she ought to come home with her parents." To this no reply was made. " It was a blessed church day," remarked the mother. " It does me good to see the young folks come forward in church." " It makes one think of one's own children," said Guttorm. " You are right there," said the mother, and sighed. " No one can tell how things will go with them." Guttorm sat silent for a long time. "We have much to thank God for," said he at last ; " He has allowed us to keep one of ours." The mother sat drawing her finger along the table, and did not look up. " She is our great- est joy," said she, softly ; " and she has done well," she added, still more softly. There fol- lowed a long silence. " Yes, she has given us much happiness," said Guttorm ; and later, in a soft voice, " The Lord make her happy ! " The mother was still drawing her finger along the table ; there fell now a tear upon it, which Bhe kept wiping away. " Why are you not eating ? " said the father looking up, a little while later. synnOve solbakken. 189 "Thank you, I have done," replied Synnove. "But you have not eaten anything," now spoke up the mother, too; "and you have had a long walk." " I am not able to," said Synnove, and bus- ied herself with an end of her kerchief. " Eat, my child," said the father. "I cannot," said Synnove, and burst into tears. "But, dear, why are you crying ? " " I do not know," and she sobbed. "She does cry so easily," said the mother. The father got up and walked to the win- dow. " There are two men coming up this way," said he. "Why — is that so, at this time of day?" inquired the mother, and she too went to the window. They looked for a long time down the hill. "Dear, who can it be?" said Karen, at last, but not quite as though she were seeking in- formation. " I do not know," replied Guttorm, and they stood and watched. " Really, I cannot understand it," said she. "Nor I either," said he. The men came nearer. "It must be they, nevertheless," said she, finally. 190 SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. " Yes, I suppose so," said Guttorm. The men came nearer and nearer. The elder of the two paused and looked back ; the younger one did the same ; then they continued onward. " Can you imagine what they want? " asked Karen, in about the same way as the first time. " No, I cannot," replied Guttorm. The mother turned, went over to the table, removed the dishes, and cleared up a little. "You had better put on your kerchief, my child," said she to Synnove ; " for here come Bome strangers." Scarcely had she said this before Saemund opened the door and came in, Thorbjorn di- rectly behind him. " Bless the company ! " said Scemund, paused a little at the door, then went quietly to greet those within ; Thorbjorn followed. They came last to Synnove, who still stood in a corner, with her kerchief in her hand, and did not know whether she should put it on or not ; indeed, perhaps scarcely knew that she held it in her hands. " Pray, be seated," urged the mistress of the house. " Thank you ; it is not far over here," said Saemund, but sat down nevertheless. Thor- bjorn took a seat by his side. " We lost sight of you altogether at the church to-day," said Karen. synnOve solbakken. 191 " Yes ; I was looking for yon," said Steinund. " There were many people there," said Gut- torm. " A great many," repeated Sa3mimd ; "and it was a fine church day, too." " Yes, we were just talking about it," said Karen. " A confirmation is a very touching sight to any one who has children himself," added Gut- torm ; his wife moved a little on the bench. " That it is," said Ssemund ; " it sets one to thinking seriously about them ; and that is why I wandered over here this evening," he added, looking about him with an air of se- curity, and he changed his quid of tobacco, lay- ing the old one cautiously aside in his brass to- bacco-box, Guttorm, Karen, and Thorbjorn, let their eyes wander in different directions. " I thought I would accompany Thorbjorn over here," began Ssemund slowly ; " it would take him a long time to get here alone, I fancy, — and he would make poor work of it, besides, I am afraid." He cast a sly look at Synnove, who was conscious of it. " Now, it is just this way : he has set his heart on Synnove from the time he was oid enough to understand anything about such matters ; and it is not very sure but she also has set her heart on him. And so I 192 synnOve solbakken. think it is best for them to come together. 1 was little in favor of this in the days when T saw he was scarcely able to manage himself. to say nothing of other things, but now I think I can vouch for him ; and if I cannot she can, for her power is now the greatest, I suppose. What do you two think of our making a match for them ? There is no need of any haste, but I do not know, either, why we should wait. You, Guttorm, are pretty well off; I, to be sure, rather less so, and have more to divide among ; but I fancy that will be all right. You will have to say now what you think of this, — I will ask her afterwards ; for I am pretty sure I know what she wishes." Thus spoke Ssemund. Guttorm sat in a stoop- ing position ; kept alternately placing his hands one above the other ; made several signs to raise his head, each time drawing his breath more heavily, but did not succeed until the fourth or fifth time ; then at last he straightened his back, stroked his knees up and down, looked over at his wife, so that the glance now and then took in Synnove. The latter did not stir ; no one could see her face. Karen sat drawing her fin- ger on the table. " The fact is — it is a fine offer," said she. " Yes, and it seems to me we might as well SYNNOVE SOLBAKKE-N. 193 accept it with tlianks," said Guttorm, in a loud voice, as though he were considerably relieved, and looked from her to Ssemund, who had folded his arms and leaned up against the wall. "We have only this one daughter," added Karen; "we have to consider a little." "There is reason in that," said Ssemund; " but I cannot see what objection there can be to giving an answer at once, as the bear said, — he had been asking the peasant whether he could have his cow." " We might as well answer at once," re- marked Guttorm, and glanced at his wife. " What I thought was that perhaps Thor- bjorn might be a little wild," said she, but did not look up. " That, I think, has righted itself," suggested Guttorm ; " you know yourself what you said to-day." The husband and wife exchanged looks ; this lasted probably a whole minute. "If we could only be sure of him," said she. " Well," said Syemund, joining in the con- versation again, " so far as that matter goes, I can only say what I have said before ; it is all right with the load when she holds the reins. It is astonishing what power she has over him ; I had proof of that when he lay ill at home, 13 194 synnOve solbakken. and did not know how things were going with him, — whether he would get well or not." " You should not be so hard to please," said Guttorm. "You know what she wants herself, and you know it is for her we live ! " Then Synnove looked up for the first time, and turned a pair of large thankful eyes on her father. "Oh, yes," sighed Karen, after a moment's silence ; and now she drew her finger along the table a little more vigorously than before. " If I have held out against it the longest, it was because I meant well by it, I suppose. Per- haps I was not so hard as my words." She looked up and smiled ; but the tears would come. At this Guttorm arose, " Then, in God's name, that has come to pass that I have most wanted of all things in the world," said he, and crossed the floor to Synnove. " I have never doubted that," said Saemund, also rising. " Those who are meant to come to- gether come together." He crossed the floor. " Well, what have you to say to this, my child? " said the mother, she too going over to Synnove. She still kept her seat ; the rest stood about her, all except Thorbjorn, who sat where he had first taken his place. stnnOve solbakken. 195 " You must get up, my child," whispered the mother to her; whereupon she arose, smiled, turned away, and wept. " The Lord be with you now and always I " said the mother, thre\> her arms around her, and wept too. The two men walked across the floor, each in his own direction. " You will have to go over to him," said the mother, still weeping, as she let go of her, and stole a loving glance at her. Synnove took a step forward ; then stood still, because she could not get any farther Thorbjorn sprang up and went toward her, seized her hand, held it, knew not what more to do, and stood there holding it until she gently withdrew it. Then they stood silent by each other's side. The door opened noiselessly ; a head was thrust into the room. "Is Synnove there?" was asked, in a cautious voice ; it was Ingrid Granliden. " Yes, she is here ; come in ! " cried the father. Ingrid seemed to hesitate a little. " Come now ; all is well here," he added. They all looked at her. She appeared rather embarrassed. " There may be somebody else outside," said she. " Who is it?" inquired Guttorm. '• It is mother," replied she, softly. 196 synnOve solbakken. " Let her come in ! " said four voices at once. And the Solbakken wife went to the door, while the others exchanged pleased glances. " You may as well come in, mother," they heard Ingrid say. And so Ingebjorg Granli- den, in her glittering head gear, entered. " I knew what was going on,'" said she, " al- though Ssemund never can tell anything. And so Ingrid and I could not help coming over here." " Yes, it is just as you want it to be here,'* said Ssemund, and moved so that she might ap- proach. " God bless you for drawing him over to you ! " said she to Synnove, putting her arm about her neck, and patting her. " You have been very faithful, my child ; it has ended after all as you desired," and she stroked her cheek and hair. Her tears ran down over her face ; she paid no heed to these, but carefully wiped away Synnove's. " Yes, it is a fine boy you are get- ting," added she, " and now I feel perfectly safe about him," and she embraced her once more. " I tell you, mother has found out more in her kitchen about this matter," said Saemund, " than we others who have been right in the midst of it." syi^nOve solbakken. 197 The weeping and emotion were calming down a little. The housewife began to bethink her of the evening meal, and spoke to little Ingrid about helping her, " for Synnove is not fit for it this evening." And so Ingrid and she set to work to cook the cream-porridge. The men got to talking about that year's harvesting, and what its results might be. Thorbjorn had taken his seat by the window, and Synnove glided over to him and laid her hand on his shoulder. " What are you looking at ? " she whispered He turned his head, gave her a long, tender look, then directed his gaze out of the window again. " 1 am looking over at Granlideu," said he; "it seems so strange to look at it from here." DATE DUE CAVLORO PRINTED INU.S A. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 661 457 2 ilVERSITY OF CA, RIVERSIDE LIBRARY 3 1210 01275 2695 I i ilH iiiiiiiiiiiiil