1 mWMm A^yi/i^.M^i Book of ^heer James Frederick Mason THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^-lA-^f--?-^ / isn ^==- — ^^f^ COMPILED BV JAMES FREDERICK MASON New York DODGK PUBLISHING COMPANY 33 East aoth Street i 1^03 by Dod^e^y)/ Publishin^^ ^r,-— beltetie in tl)c mmm of Your nnl^tv^^ tafeingjs. ifear noticing attD no one* lobcrour txjorfe, l^orfe, l)ope, tnx^u iaeep in touci^ toiti^ to-DaY* Ccaci^ Yourself to be practi- cal anti up-to Date anti ^tn^ 0ible« gou cannot fail. ^-f^ rA^c 'A^Z .^fESMM^?. deputation i0 in iC0elf onl^ a fartljing canDlet a toabering anD uncertain flame, anD easily blotijn out ; but it is; t^e lig^t b^ toljic^ tbe toorlD loofe0 for anD finD0 merit* — Lowell. in ^ou !)anh (SoD tbert morning iDl)cn ^ou get up tljat vou t)atoc gomrtljing to Do ttiat tiar, lul)icl) mugt be Done lBl)etl)er ^ou lifee it or not. Being forceD to inorh, anD forced to Do vour best, taill breeD . . a bunDreD toirtue0 \si\)it\) t\)t iDle netoer fenoto. — Charles Kingsley. let uj3 lobe jso toell 0ur toot* gtiall jstill be jstoeeter for our lobe^ ^nD jstill our lobe ht mttttt for our tDorfe* — Elizaheth Barrett Browning. Opportunity C mm^ to mc tl^trc 10 no majctm for a noble life lifee ti^ijs: Count rour }^iqfy^^ m moments^ rour truejst momenta, TBeltebe tl^at in tl)e time tol^en ^ou toere ti^e greatejst anD mojs^t jspiritual man, tl)en ^ou txjere ^our truejit mt — Phillips Brook*. 10 a perfume v^u cannot pour on ot\)m tDiti^out getting a fetD tiropjs rourjself* \)evt are lo^al l)cart0, ttjrre are gpirtts brabr, tEtjere are souls tljat are pure auD true; tirijfn gibe to tlje luorlD t\)t best vou l)atie, ^nD ttje beet toill eome to vou. ^ttf lobe, anD lobe to ^our lieart Uiill flolu, strengtl) in ^our utmost iteeD ; l^abe faitl) anD a score of bearts uoill sbob) Sljeir faitb in rour ixjorb anD DeeD." 31g a plant toljicl) cannot be forced, ^me frienDsftiip 10 no goiirD, gpring* ing in a nigljt anti toittjering in a ija^» — Bronte. 0]^au paj2j)S tl^ijs tear but once; an^ gooD tiding, ti^cre-^ fore, tl^at g| can Do or anv fetnD- ne?J0 t]^at 3! can )2^]^otD to an^ l^uman being, let me no it notD. iLet me not Defer it nor neglect it, for 31 ^Wl not pa)S0 t])i^ tpa^ again* — A, Ji. liegeman. i0 tl^e potjson of i^uman life* — Blair. Old Triends akc nrto fnrnliB, buti lierp t[)e oIU ; CI)ocse tobo arc Biltjtr, t b c fi c are jolti. Jltieto malic frienlifi, lite netD m a 1i r toinr, Slffe toill mel: latD anU refinr. JFrirnUBbtpe tbat ba^f BtootitbctcBt, ® I m e an ti cbanjf, arc sarclp btat, firoto map torinfelc, bair turn grap. f ricnlifibip nrtrr otona Uccap ; Jor 'min olH frtcnUB fetnU anU true ^c once more our poutb renctn. ^5ut, alas, olU fricntiB must "Hit; Mm fricnUB mnst tbctr place Bupplp. Cbftt cbcriBb frirnUBbip in po"'^ brcaBt- Betu iB ffooU, but olU ii beat, iflafee neto frienUB, but keep tbe olU: CboBe arc BilPer, tbcBC are ffoin. a0 lotc, ajs lotct) ot^tx^ 31 ij)oulti almost 0aY tl^at toe arc tntiijspcnjsablt; ann no man 10 u^clcjs^ toi^tlc l)c \)a^ a frtcntj. — Rohert Louis Stevenson. 5;uppUfsf tlje place of etoer^tljing to tljose tol)o fenotD ^)ott) to mahe t\)t rtgljt u0e of it; it maftes; ^our piosprrit^ more liapp^, anD it makes; ^out aDbersit)? more eag^. © 5D ff i ^ r u g men! 91 time ' I t fe c t b t 6 tifmantJEi :§»tron5 mtnliEi, great bcartfi, true f aitb, antj rcatJP banlifi. iflcn to bom tbc Inst of ofBce Uofg not bill; ;fttcn tobom tbr cpoilc of of&rc cannot bup; Jttcniubo po6fiC6c( opinions anti a mill; jttcn tobo batif bonoi^. anti mbo tuiU not lie; ■ jficn tobo can BtanU before a tjemagosuc anu scorn \)i6 trcacbcrous flatteries tuitbout toinfeing;. Call men, Bun=cron)neli, iubo Utif abotjc tbe fog; 3^n public Untp anU in pritiate tbinfeing;! — Josiah Liilbert Jlollund. 31n t\)t morning of life toorfe ; in t\)t miU^Da^ gitje counsel; in t\)e ebming pra^» gftting, Ijonor, anD peace mh pure Utoing ^cg, lobe i« tliat; and it i£f t\)t beflft tl)m2 in t^e toorlD, anu tl)e tljing tljat Utoefif longest. — Henry Van Dyke. tKlje first tiling a feinDness Drsierbfflf i& accfptance, tlje scconD, transmifisfion* — George MacDonald. abr time to gprab a lobtng InorD ^Ijcrr lobing UjorDB are 0f iDom l)farD ; anD it toill linger in tlje minD, auD gather otl)er0 of iti hint), '^ill lotjing U)orD0 toill ec^o Iwtiere CrBttoljile t^e Ijeart toas poor anD bare ; anu 0ometol)ere on t^^ IjeabentoarD track ^Ijeir mu0ic toill come ecl)oing bacb, anD flooD tl)V s'oul uoitt) meloDVi ^ucl) is; ilotoe'0 immortality. fOS ^n Cbening draper •33p Eofatrt Lottifi ^tetenson C.bfgfftb tbrc. Lorli, to brbolU as iDttb fauor, folk of marip famtltes anH nattonet, satbrrcli toffctbcr in tbc peace of tbifi roof. -Be patient still ; suffer tts atubile long:er to enliare, anU (if it map fac), belp us to 1)0 better, ^less to us our ejctraorDinarp mercies, -fie toitb our frienUc; be toitb ourseltoes. (3o tuitb eacb of us to rest ; if anp atoatie, temper to tbem tbe iarfe bours of toatcbinff; anH toben tbe Ijap returns to ne, call as up toitb morning faces anli luitb raorninj bearts — eager to labor — eager to be bappp, if bappiness sball be our portion — anH if tbe Uap be marfeeli for sorroto- strong to cnJare it. as a tireo motber wben tbc Dag te o'er, Xea&0 bB tbe ban£> ber little cbllD to b<&, Ibalf wdlinfl, balf reluctant to be le&, anD leaves bts broken plagtblngs on tbe floor, Sttll flastnfl at tbem tbrougb tbe open Ooor, •Mor wbollp reassureb anb comtorteb asg promises ot otbers In tbeir steab, "CQlblcb tbougb more splenblb mag not please btm more, So nature Deals wltb us anb takes awa^ ©urpla^tbings one bs one, anb bg tbe banb Xeabs us to rest so tientl^ tbat we go Scarce knowing if we wisb to go or stag, JBeing too tull of sleep to unberstanb •fcow far tbc un» known transcenbs tbe wbat we know. —LongfeUoir. / UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 5^ AU6 1>iil*V' 0^ ^'' .\^' 0> ^^'^ Foini L9-2//i-G,'49('B.1568)444 itj I'llliMIIIIMIIillll! 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