UC-NRLF 7Mb IN MEMORIAM FLOR1AN CAJORI / ' // TREATISE '''"If W U (efore two, three, ten, &c. But, besides the sanction of custom, may not the article be used before it with the same propriety as before the words hundred, thousand, mill/on, &c. ? It seems to be as awkward, and as incorrect, to talk of increasing a number by unit, as of increasing it by hundred or thousand* 2 NOTATION AND NUMERATION. Thus the figure 5, when it stands by itself, or is followed by no other figure, denotes simply five; but when placed to the left of one figure, it expresses ten times five, or fifty ; when to the left of two figures, it expresses ten times fifty, or five hundred ; when to the left of three, ten times five hundred, or five thousand, &c. ; as in the number 5555. In like manner, in the number 7854, the 4 signifies simply four units, or four ; the 5, five tens, or fifty ; the 8, eight hundred ; and the 7, seven thousand. The names of the local values of figures will be known from the following table : NUMERATION TABLE. From this table it appears, that if a line of figures be divided into periods of three figures each, commencing at the right hand, the first period will contain units, the second thousands, the third millions, &c. ; and it is usual and convenient thus to divide the figures by which large numbers are expressed, for the purpose of facilitating their numeration. The periods succeeding those contained in the table, are quintillions, trxlUlions, septittions, octiUwns, and nonittions ; and analogical names might be formed for the still higher periods. Those already given, however, are more than sufficient to express any number which it is ever necessary to designate in language. The local value of any figure used in expres- sing a number, is at once discovered from this table. Thus, 6 in the eighth place from the right hand, expresses six tens of millions, or sixty millions; and. conversely, sixty millions will be expressed by the figure 6 in the eighth place.* * This method of dividing lines of figures into periods, and of naming those periods, ia that which is used by the French and Italians. It is strongly recommended by its simplicity and elegance ; and has been adopted in the treatise on Arithmetic by Mr. Anderson, in the Edinburgh Encyclopedia ; and in Professor Leslie's " Philosophy of Arithmetic." In other English works, the periods are made to consist of six figures each, and have the same names as those in the table given above, except thousands, for which there is not a distinct period. The two methods agree as far as hundreds of mil- lions, and it is rarely necessary to name larger numbers. For the use of those who pre- NOTATION AND NUMERATION. 3 The cipher, or zero, having no value, is used in combinations of figures, to fill places where no value is to be expressed, and thus to make the other figures occupy those places in which they will express the intended values. Thus the figures 365, combined in this order, denote three hundred and sixty-five; but the expression 306050, which contains the same significant figures, means three hundred thousand, no tens or thousands, six thousand, no hundreds, five tens, and no units ; or three hundred and six thousand, and fifty. From these principles we have the following rule : To express in Words the Numbers denoted by Lines of Figure** RULE (1.) Commencing at the right hand side, divide the given figures into periods of three figures each, till not more than three remain. (2.) Then the first period towards the right hand contains units or ones ; the second, thousands ; the third millions, &c. as in the Numeration Table : and therefore commencing at the left side, annex to the value expressed by the figures of each period, except that of the units, the name of the period. Thus, the expression 37053907, becomes by division into period?, 37,053,907, and is read thirty seven millions, Jifty three thousand, nine fer the English method, the following table is subjoined ; and the answers of the Exer. cises are given according to both methods at the end of the work. 1 1 is scarcely necessary to say, that the rules and directions given in the text will be applicable in this method, if the periods be made to consist of six figures each instead of three, and if the second period be called millions, the third billions, &c. as in the following table : COMMON NUMERATION TABLE * 9 1 I f t I ! f I I Jill ISff *sll if 51 A 1 8- || |l 4 NOTATION AND NUMERATION. hundred and seven, the term units or ones at the last being omitted. By practice the pupil will soon find it unnecessary to divide into periods any lines of figures except those of considerable magnitude. Exercises in Numeration. Write down in words, or name, the numbers signified by the following expressions : Ex. 1. 24, 2. 144 3. 365 Ex. 4. 1000 5. 1728 6. 2240 Ex. 7. 9790 8. 37048 9. 30009 Ex. 10. 4055070 11. 300405 12. 79503046 Ex. 13. 8005600480 14. 557290000 15. 680000042 16. 93090093 17. 113355 18. 785398 19. 7030462 20. 24902490 21. 9003008005 Ex.22. 40657200 23. 100000001000 24. 60606060700707 25.. 102030405060708 26. 901001101201301 27. 200030040538 28. 73820760005192645 29. 10001000010000100 30. 40050060700809000 Ex. 31. 7946289006400300047264791 To express Numbers ly Figures. RULE (1.) Make a sufficient number of ciphers or dots, and divide them into periods ; (2.) Then, commencing at the left, place in their proper positions beneath the dots or ciphers, the significant figures necessary for expressing the proposed number. (3.) If any places remain unoccupied, let them be filled with ciphers. Thus, the method of expressing the number, two hundred and five millons, twenty thousand, seven hundred and nine, will be found in the following manner : 000,000,000 ...,...,..., 2 5 2 7 9, or 2 5 2 79, and thence by filling the unoccupied places, 205,020,709. By practice the learner will soon be able, in most cases, to dispense with the dots or ciphers. Exercises in Notation. Express the following numbers in figures : Ex. 1. Fifty-two. 2. Three hundred and thirteen. 3. Five hundred and four. 4. One thousand and twenty-four. 5. Two thousand and forty-eight. 6. One thousand, eight hundred and fifteen. 7. Seven thousand, eight hundred, and fifty-four. 8. Three thousand and eight. NOTATION AND NUMERATION. 5 Ex. 9. Five thousand and seventy. 10. Four thousand, five hundred, and four. ' 11. Twenty thousand and eighty-four. 12. Six hundred and fifty thousand, and ninety. 13. Seven millions, seven thousand, and ten. 14. Sixty-four millions, three hundred. 15. Eleven millions, two thousand. 16. One hundred and ten millions, and twenty thousand. 1 7. One billion, ten millions, two hundred thousand. 18. One trillion, one hundred billions, two hundred millions, 19. One million, and fifty thousand. 20. One billion, two hundred thousand. 21. One trillion, seven hundred thousand. 22. One quadrillion, and nineteen millions. 23. Seventy billions, ten thousand, and eighty-eight. 24-. Nine hundred billions, sixty-eight millions, and twenty. 25. The following numbers express the distances of the prin- cipal primary planets from the sun, in miles; express them in figures : Mercury, thirty-seven millions; Venus, sixty-nine millions; the Earth, ninety-five millions; Mars, one hundred and forty-five millions; Jupiter, four nun- dred and ninety-four millions; Saturn, nine hundred and seven millions; and the Georgium Sidus, or Herschel, one thousand eight hundred and ten millions.* Such is the facility with which large numbers are expressed, both by figures and in language, that we have generally a very limited and in- adequate conception of their real magnitudes. The following consider- ations may, perhaps, assist in enlarging the ideas of the pupil, on this subject: To couui a million, at one per second, would require between twenty-three and twenty-four days of twelve hours each. The seconds in six thousand years, are less than one-fifth of a trillion.f A qua- drillion^ of leaves of paper, each the two-hundredth part of an inch in thickness, would form a pile, the height of which would be three hundred and thirty times the moon's distance from the earth. Let it also be re- membered, that a million is equal to a thousand repeated a thousand times ; and a billion equal to a million repeated a thousand times. In the ancient Roman notation, I signified one, V five, X ten, L fifty, and C one hundred. To these characters were added, at a later period, D, signifying five hundred, and M, one thousand. When any charac- * In sersral of the subsequent rules, examples are introduced which are calculated to exercise the pupil in notation. To familiarize him with numeration, the teacher should frequently require him to read off in words, the answers of the exercises which he performs. f A billion, in the common notation. J A thousand billions, in the common notation. ^ In the other notation a billion is equal to a million repeated a million of times. 6 SIMPLE ADDITION. ter was followed by another of equal, or of less value, the compound value was equal to the simple values of both taken together ; but when a character preceded one of greater value, both together expressed a value equal to the difference of their simple values. Thus, II expressed two ; XI, eleven, and IX, nine; CX, one hundred and ten, and XC, ninety. We find also 13 put for 500 ; and by every such 3 annexed, the value is made ten times as great. Thus, 133 signifies 5000 ; 1333, 50,000, &c. CI3 was also used to express 1000, and the prefixing of C and the annexing of 3, increased its value ten times. Thus, CCI33 signified 10,000; CCCIp33, 100,000, &c. A line drawn over the top of a letter, made it signify as many thousands as the letter itself expressed units. Thus, V expressed 5000; C 100,000, &c. The following table, together with the preceding observations, wiM give an adequate idea of the Roman notation : I .... 1 IX . ... 9 LXXX . . 80 II .... 2 X . ... 10 XC ... 90 in. 3 XX . ... 20 C .... 100 IV, or 1III . 4 XXX ... 30 D, or l> . 500 V ... 5 XL . ... 40 M, or do . 1000 ^^ VI . . . . fi L . ... 50 Tvnvr rr 1 T 9nnn VII ... VIII . . . 7 8 LX . LXX ... GO ... 70 iviivi, or 11 . .\}\j\j 133, or V^ . 5000 MDCCCXXIV, or Cl3l O CCCXXIV, 1824. SIMPLE ADDITION. ' THE object of ADDITION is to find the number which is equivalent to two or more given numbers taken together. The number which is equivalent to two or more numbers taken together, is called their SUM. When the given numbers are all of the same denomina- tion, as all yards, or all gallons, the operation is termed SIMPLE ADDITION. When the numbers to be added express quantities of the same kind, but of different denominations, the operation is termed COMPOUND ADDITION. To add Quantities of the same Denomination. RULE (1.) Place the numbers so that units may stand under units, tens under tens, &c. (2.) Find the sum of the column of units, set down the last figure of it below that column, and carry to the next the number expressed by the remaining figure, or figures, if there be any. (3.) Proceed as before with The remaining columns, and at the last column set down the entire sum. SIMPLE ADDITION. 7 Thus, to add together 9468, 2956, and 79, let 9468 them be set as in the margin, and proceed thus : 2956 9 and 6 are 15, and 8 are 23; set down 3, and car- 79 ry 2 to the column of tens. Then 2 and 7 are 9, and 5 are 14, and 6 are 20; set down a cipher, and 12503, sum carry 2. 2 and 9 are 11, and 4 are 15; set down 5, and carry 1. 1 and 2 are 3, and 9 are 12; set down 12, and the sum, or answer required, is twelve thousand, five hundred, and three. The sign -{-, commonly called plus, is employed in arithmetic and other parts of mathematics, to signify that the quantities be- tween which it is placed, are to be added together; and the sign = , called the sign of equality, is used to denote, that the quanti- ties between which it stands, are equal to one another. Thus, the expression, 12-}-9=21, means, that 12 and 9 added together, are equal to 21 ; or that the sum of 12 and 9 is 21. Reason of the Ride. The rule for performing addition depends on the nature of no- tation, and on the obvious principle, that tJie whole is equal to the sum of all its parts. By placing units under units, tens under tens, &c. we are enabled the more easily to add together the figures of the same local value; and one is carried for every ten, because, by the nature of notation, ten in any column is equivalent only to one in the column immediately to the left of it. We commence with the units merely for the convenience of carrying to the next co- lumns. Thus, in the preceding example, the sum of the column of units is 23; and therefore, after setting down 3, we have 20 remaining. But, by the nature of notation, 2 in the next column is equal to 20 in this; and therefore we carry only 2. Some teachers may, perhaps, consider it pioper to make pupils com- mit the following table to memory : ADDITION TABLE. 2 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 2= 4 9 =11 7 = 10 6= 10 6=11 7 = 13 9 = 16 3=5 4=6 3 and 8=11 9 = 12 7= 11 8= 12 7 = 12 8 = 13 8 = 14 9 = 15 8 and 816 6=8 4=7 4 and 7 and 9 = 17 7=9 5 = 8 4=8 5 and 6 and 7 = 14 9 and 8=10 6=9 5=9 5= 10 6 = 12 8 = 15 9 = 18 To enable the learner to acquire accuracy and despatch in addition, it is proper to train him to add in the following manner, till he can do it with facility: Since 6 and 6 are 12, 26 and 6 are 32 : (here it should be pointed out to him, that 12 and 32 end in the same figure :) since 9 and 7 are 16, 39 and 7 are 46 : since 8 and 6 are !4, 88 and 6 are 94 j since 6 and 9 are 15, 16 and 9 are 25, &c. 8 SIMPLE ADDITION. Methods of Proof. 1. Add the several columns, according to the rule, comment ing at the top and proceeding downward, and if the result be the same as was obtained by adding them upward, it may be presumed that the work is right. 2. Separate the given numbers into two or more divisions. Find thf sums of these divisions, severally, and add these partial sums together. If the last result be equal to that found by the common method, the work is right. This will appear obvious from the following example : 37928 93640 23574 75849 Entire sum, 230991 Sum of the 1st division, 131568 2d, 99423 Entire sum, 230991, roof. This method may also be employed with advantage in finding the sums of large columns, instead of adding the whole at a single operation. The first method is very convenient and useful, when the columns are not very large. 3. Commencing at the left hand, add the several columns with- out carrying, and set down the full sum of each column with the units in their proper place, and the tens below the figure immedi- ately to the l^ft. Add together the two lines thus resulting, and if the last result agree with that obtained by the common method, it may be concluded, that both are right. Thus, in the annexed example, the sum of the left hand column is 25, which is set down in full : the sum in the next column is 30; the cipher is set in its proper place, and 3 under the 5; and so with the rest. The sum of the two lines thus obtained, is equal to the sum found by the ordinary method.* 28249, sum. This method of addition might be used instead of the common method; and as it requires nothing to 25029 be carried, it might be employed with advantage 322 when the calculator is liable to interruptions. 28249, proof * Addition may also be proved by casting the nines out of each of the given numbers, as will be explained in multiplication ; and then by casting the nines out of the sum of the sxcesses, and out of the sum of the numbers. If these latter excesses be equal, the work is generally right ; otherwise, it must be wrong. This method however, \s of lit. l)c use in proving addition. SIMPLE ADDITION. Exercises in Simple Addition. 1 2 3 4 5 3789 92864 486759 17896 258111 4236 79784 537192 570937 4174456 7483 4759 468013 784947 6880921 6047 28936 16975 9678 9911604 6. 94753 + 2847 -f 793688 + 9386 -f- 258 + 3456. 7. 8289364 -j-275224 + 6875144+ 12897 + 7650368 + 94986347 + 42682 + 3749286 + 7676. 8. 294796 + 489276+ 16759284+4938 + 5713245 + 3348675 + 798426 + 9482 + 39867. 9. 275 15436 + 8937549 + 37246375 + 48795 + 378 + 2863487 + 864937 + 3894+7863927 + 826957. 1 0. 986759 + 4976346 + 29483 + 898647 + 3984753 + 6489778 + 57893 + 2468 144 + 576989 + 498653. 1 1 . 4683795 + 24867593 1 + 94986473 + 2849758 + 533S8336 + 7788995 + 2137485+ 6758927 + 4926431 + 27729512 + 7842634+949867 + 343/216 + 78934. 12. Add together 9466495,375573735,754547,3789284,29886799 992984,293675,2684487,3592873,8847599, 738873, 7849376 334486,123845,672849,73554,8674. 1 3. Required the sum of 978+749+4764+8967 + 70889294 + 7759286 + 939723 + 864937 + 99375847 + 29-1-886 + 94623 + 924086 + 794867 + 935279423+9738413208 + 2468975 + 945237 + 3834975. 14. 28674 + 39257 + 3834 + 92751+92503+86759 + 394875 + 34938 + 375396 + 759394 + 267934 + 6846 + 94657835 + 1926 + 484673 1 9 + 2488 + 9357. 15. Add together seven thousand and ninety-four; two thou- sand, one hundred, and nine ; eight thousand, nine hundred, and sixty; eighty-seven thousand and sixty-two; three hundred and seventy-five; nine thousand and thirty; thirty thousand and forty- six; fifty-four thousand, seven hundred, and seventy-five; seven thousand, eight hundred, and fifty-four. 16. Sir Isaac Newton was born in the year 1642, and died in his eighty-fifth year. In what year did he die ? 17. William the Conqueror began his reign in England in the year 1066, and reigned 21 years; William II. reigned 13 years; Henry I. 15 years; Stephen, 39 years; Henry II. 35 years; Richard I. 10 years; John, 17 years; Henry III. 56 years; Edward I. 35 years; Edward II. 20 years; Edward III. 50 years; Richard II. 22 years: in what year was this last prince dethroned? 18. In 1821, the population of the following towns in England, Scotland, Ireland, and France, (the three largest in each) were as follows: 1O ' SIMPLE ADDITION. London, 1,274,800 Manchester, 133,788 Liverpool, 118,972 Dublin, 186,276 Cork, 100,535 Limerick, 66,012 Glasgow, 147,043 Edinburgh, 138,235 Paisley, 47,003 Paris, 720,000 Lyons, 115,000 Marseilles, 102,000 Required the number of inhabitants contained in the three largest towns, in each country. 19. In the year 1810, the weight, in pounds of the cotton wool imported into England from the rest of Europe, was 16,725,708; from the United States, 55,194,616; from the British West Indies and conquered Colonies, 17,889,184; from foreign American Colonies, 22,137,397; from the East Indies, 23,144,907; from other sources, 1,478,291. Required the entire quantity. 20. The Pyramids of Egypt are thought to have been built 337 years before the founding of Carthage, Carthage to have been founded 49 years before the destruction of Troy, and Troy to have been destroyed 431 years before Rome was founded; Carthage was destroyed 607 year^ after the founding of Rome, and 146 years before the commencement of the Christian era; the Western empire of Rome ended in the year 476 of the Christian era, and 590 years before the Norman conquest; Constantinople was taken by the Turks 387 years after the Norman conquest, and 348 years before the union of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801. How many years elapsed between the first and last of these events? 21. Captain Cook, in his first voyage round the world, sailed from Portsmouth to the Madeiras, a distance of 1451 British miles; thence to the Canaries, 339 miles; from these to the Cape Verd islands, 985 miles ; and thence to Rio Janeiro, 3058 miles; from that to Cape Horn, 2659 miles, and thence to Otaheite, 4919 miles; from Otaheite to the most southern point of the voyage, 1619 miles; and thence to Cook's strait in New Zealand, 1988 miles; from Cook's strait to Green Cape in New Holland, 1368 miles; and thence along the eastern coast of New Holland to the most northern point of that island, 2176 miles; thence to the straits of Sunda, 2487 miles; and thence to the cape of Good Hope, 5818 miles; from that cape to St. Helena, 1884 miles; and thence to Ascension island, 822 miles; from Ascension to Corvo in the Azores, 3462 miles; and thence to Portsmouth, 1598 miles. How far did he sail in all, exclusive of numerous deviations from these courses ? 22. The following is the number of barrels of porter brewed in London by the twelve principal houses, between 5th July, 1814, and 5th July, 1815: what is the entire quantity? 337,621; 182,104; 172,162; 161,618; 123,100; 119,333; 105,081; 72,080; 56,922; 51,294: 38,107; 32,256. 23. Required the entire population of England, from the fol- SIMPLE ADDITION. H lowing statement of the population of its several counties, accord- ing to the Census of 1821 : Bedford, 83,716 vjerks 131,97 r < Hertford, 129,714 Huntingdon, 48,771 Kent 426016 Shropshire,.. 206,153 Somerset,.... 355,314 Southampton, 283,298 Stafford, 341,040 Suffolk, 270,542 Surrey, 398,658 Sussex, 233,019 Warwick,.... 274,392 Westmoreland, 51,359 Wilts 222 157 Bucks, 134,068 Cambridge,... 121,909 Cheshire, 270,098 Cornwall, 257,447 Cumberland,. 156,124 Derby, 213,333 Devo'n .. 439 040 Lancashire, 1,052,859 Leicester,.... 174,571 Lincoln, 283,058 Middlesex, 1,144,531 Monmouth,.. 71,833 Norfolk, 344,38b Northampton, 162,483 Northumberland, 198,905 Nottingham,. 186,873 Oxford 136971 Dorset, 144,499 Durham, 207,673 Essex, 289,424 Gloucester,.. 335,843 Hereford,.... 103,243 Worcester,... 184,42-i York, E. Riding, 190,449 , N. Riding 183,381 , w. Riding', 799,357 Rutland, 18,487 24. The following are the Irish acres, and the inhabitants of the several counties of Ireland.* Required the number of acres, and the population of each province, and of the whole kingdom; Lough Neagh, in Ulster, containing 58,200 acres : PROVINCE OF ULSTER. PROVINCE OF LETNSTER. Acres. Population. Acres. Population. Antrim, 387,200 269,856 Carlow, 137,050 81,287 Armagh, 181,450 196,577 Dublin, 142,050 346,550 Cavan, 301,000 194,330 Kildare, 236,750 101,715 Ronegall,.... 679,559 249,483 Kilkenny,... 300,350 180,326 Down, 348,550 329,348 King's co. ... 282,200 132,319 Fermanagh, . 283,450 130,399 Longford,... 134,150 107,702 L. Deny,.... 318,500 194,099 Louth, 110,750 119,188 Monaghan, ,. 179,600 178,183 Meath, 327,900 174,716 Tyrone, 463,700 259,691 Queen' sco. . 235,300 129,3^1 Westmeath,. 231,550 128,042 Wexford,.... 342,900 169,304 \Vicklow,.... 311,600 115,162 PROVINCE OF MUNSTER. Acres. Population. Clare, 476,200 209,595 Cork, 1,048,800 802,535 Kefry, 647,650 205,037 Limerick,.... 386,750 280,328 Tipperary,... 554,950 353,402 Waterford,... 262,800 154,466 PROVINCE OF CONNACKHT. Acres. Population . Gahvay, 969,950 314,748 Leitrim, 255,950 105,976 Mayo, 790,600 297,538 Roscommon, 346,650 207,777 Sligo, 247,150 127,8,51 * Th? acres a: e given from Beaufort, and the population from the Census of 1821. A* that Census was, in some instances, in a slight degree defective, it is thought, tint ti.e P"l>iila inn e*c.viled seven millions. The acres given alme are Irish, Tw iu ue. 12 SIMPLE SUBTRACTION. 25. The number of inhabitants contained in the several coun- ties of Scotland, in 1821, was as follows. Required the popula- tion of the whole kingdom: Aberdeen,... 155,387 Argyle, 97,316 Ayr, 127,299 Elcpn, 31,162 Orkney & Shetland. 53, 1 24 Peebles, 10,046 Perth, 139,050 Renfrew, 112,175 ^To^, \ *> Roxburgh, 40,892 Selkirk, 6,637 Stirling 65376 Fife, 114,556 Forfar, 113,430 Banff, 43,561 Haddington, 35,127 Inverness,... 90,157 Kincardine,.. 29,118 Kinross, 7,762 Kirkcudbright, 38,903 Lanark, 244,387 Linlithgow, .. 22,685 Nairn, 9,006 Berwick, 33,385 Bute 13 797 Caithness, ... 30,238 Clackmannan, 13,263 Dumbarton,. 27,317 Dumfries,... 70,878 Edinburgh,.. 191,514 Sutherland,... 23,840 ;Wigton, 33,210 SIMPLE SUBTRACTION. THE object of SUBTRACTION is to find the difference be- tween two numbers. The number found in Subtraction is called the REMAIN- DER, the DIFFERENCE, or the EXCESS.* % When the given numbers are of the same denomination, the process is termed SIMPLE SUBTRACTION. When the given numbers express quantities of the same kind, but of different denominations, the process is termed COMPOUND SUBTRACTION. Rule for Simple Subtraction. (1.) Place the less number below the greater, with units under units, tens under tens, &c. as in Addition. (2.) Be- ginning with the units, take, if possible, each figure in the lower line, from the figure above it, and set down the remainder. (3.) But if any figure in the lower line be greater than the figure above it, add ten to the upper; then subtract as before, and carry one to the next figure in the lower line. The sign , generally called minus, when set between two num- bers, denotes, that the latter is to be taken from the former Thus, 16 9=7 denotes, that if 9 be taken from 16 the remainder is 7. * The number to be subtracted it sometimes called the subtrahend; and that from which it is to be taken, the minuend. SIMPLE SUBTRACTION. AS Methods of Proof. 1. Add the remainder and the less of the given numbers toge- gether: if the sum be equal to the greater, the work is correct. 2. Subtract the number found from the greater of the given num- bers ; if the remainder be equal to the less, the work is correct. Examples in Simple Subtraction. Ex. 1. From 7854 take 4513. 7854 Set the numbers as in the margin, and pro- 4513 ceed thus: 3 from 4, and 1 remains; 1 from 5, and 4 remain; 5 from 8, and 3 remain; 4 Remainder, 3341 from 7, and 3 remain : the remainder therefore is 3341. Proof, 7854 To prove the work, to the less of the given 7854 numbers add the remainder, and the sum will 4513 be 7854, the greater; or, as in the second me- thod, subtract the remainder from the greater Remainder, 3341 number, and the result will be 4513, the less. Proof, 4513 Ex. 2. Required the difference of 3712 and 1831. In this example proceed thus: 1 from 2, From 3712 and 1 remains; 3 from 11, and 8 remain; car- take 1831 ry 1 to 8, and then 9 from 1 7, and 8 remain ; carry 1, and then 2 from 3, and 1 remains. Remainder, 1881 The difference, therefore, is 1881, and the operation would be proved in the same manner as before. Reason of the Rule. The rule for Subtraction depends on the principle, that the dif- ferences of the several parts of two numbers are, when taken to- gether, equal to the difference of the numbers themselves. The reason of placing units under units, tens under tens, &c. w, that figures may be subtracted from others of the same local value with more facility. By carrying one to the lower figure, we increase the lower line as much as we increased the upper, and thus the difference will be the same as if neither had been increased. Thus, in the second of the above examples, when in the tens* place we subtract 3 from 11, we thus add 10 to the 1 in the upper line; then the lower line is increased by the same quantity by adding 1 to the 8; because, by the nature of notation, 1 in the third coluir.r is equivalent to 10 in the second. Thus, therefore, both the given numbers are equally increased, and consequently the difference must be the same as if they had received no increase. 14 SIMPLE SUBTRACTION. As a farther illustration of Subtraction, let it be required to find the difference of 83 and 57. Here, as 83 7 cannot be taken from 3, we may consider 83 as equal 57 to 70 and 13; and subtracting 7* from 13, and 5 from 7, we find the difference to be 26. In this simple and 26 natural method, the values of the given numbers under- go no change; and, with only one exception, it might be employed with as much facility as the common method, the next figure in the upper line being always diminished by a unit, when one would be carried to the figure below it, in the common method. The exception is the case in which the next figure in the uppct line is a cipher: in this case the common method is considera- bly preferable ; and, as in practice, that method is in no case in- ferior, it is universally preferred. Exercises in Simple Subtraction. Ex. 1. 4507932048 Ex.8. 915161718151617189 2. 3345617748 3. 65934 48566 4. 9040158270 5. 62341732686 6. 8463192177825 7 44444441234567 9. 202122223192021222 10. 357912468 24680135 11. 750304657134992884 12. 376995145 19490718 13. 15342517853845248 14. 100000000 1000 100 1 15. Take four thousand and four from four millions. 16. Required the difference between three millions and three thousand. 17. Subtract nineteen thousand and nineteen, from twenty thousand and ten. 18. Required the difference between three, and three hundred thousand. 19. Subtract one million, nine thousand, and six, from two millions, twenty thousand, nine hundred, and thirty. 20. Required the excess of nine hundred and twelve thousand, and ten, above fifty thousand and eighty-two. 21. La Place, the celebrated French Mathematician and Phi- losopher, was born in 1749: required his age in 1824. 22. The height of Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Eu- rope, is 15680 feet; and the height of Chimborazo, the highest mountain in America, is 21427 feet: how much is the latter higher than the former ? 23. The height of the Peak of Tibet, thought to be the highest mountain in the world is 24,235 feet; and the height of the Peak of Teneriffe is 12,340 feet: required the difference of their heights 24. In the years 1707, 1708, 1709, and 1710, the neat revenue arising from the British Post-Office, was, at an average, 58,052; in 1722, it was 98,010; in 1783, 159,858; in 1792, 368,784; and in 1801, 755,299. Required the increase between the first of these periods and the second, between the second and t SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION. 15 25. The population of London in 1821, was 1,274,800; of Glasgow, 147,043; Edinburgh, 138/235; Manchester, 133,788; Liverpool, 118,972; Birmingham, 106,722; Leeds, 83,796. Re- quired the excess of the population of the first of these cities above that of the second, of that of the second above that of the third, &c. 26. In 1821, 1822, and 1823, the imports of Ireland from Great Britain and elsewhere, were 5,1 97, 1 93,6,407,428,and6,607,488, respectively: required the excess of the third above the second, and of the second above the first. 27. The exports of Great Britain and Ireland, in 1821, 1822, and 1823, were 46,980,565, 47,289,320, and 46,196,554, respec- tively: required the excesses of the second above the first and third, 28. In 1795, the quantity of tea sold by the East India Com- pany, for home consumption, was 18,498,569 pounds; and in 1800, 20,780,724 pounds. How much more was sold in the latter year than in the former ? 29. The following are the years of the Christian era in which the undermentioned events happened : required the number of years from each till the year 1824. Commencement of the Hegira, or era of the flight of Mahomet, 622; The Arabic, or modern nota- tion in Arithmetic, introduced from Arabia into Europe by the Saracens, 991; First Crusade, 1096; Magna Charta signed by King John, 1215; Linen first made in England, 1253; Termina- tion of the Crusades, 1291; Spectacles invented by a monk ot Pisa, 1299; Gunpowder first used in Europe, 1330; University of St. Andrews founded, 1411; Algebra introduced into Europe from Arabia, 1412; Printing invented, 1440; Constantinople taken by the Turks, 1453; America discovered by Columbus, 1492; Vasquez de Gama's discovery of the route to the East Indies by the Cape of Good Hope, 1497; Commencement of the Refor- mation, 1517; Spinning Wheel invented, 1530; Copernicus died, 1543; Spanish Armada destroyed, 1588; Telescopes invented, 1590; University of Dublin founded, 1591; English East India Company established, 1600; Decimal Fractions invented, 1602; Thermometers invented, and Satellites of Jupiter discovered, 1610; Logarithms published by Napier, 1614; Circulation of the blood discovered by Harvey, 1619; Barometer invented, 1643; Air Pump invented, 1654; Newtonian Philosophy published, 1686; Georgium Sidus discovered, 1781; Union of Great Britain and Ireland, 1801; Battle of Trafalgar, 1805; Battle of Water, ioo, 1815. SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION. THE object of MULTIPLICATION is to find the amount ot a number repeated a certain number of times. It is, there- fore, only an abridged method of performing Addition, when the numbers to be added are equal to one another. 16 SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION. The number to be repeated is called the MULTIPLICAND; the number which shows how often the multiplicand is to be repeated, is called the MULTIPLIER; and the number found is called the PRODUCT. Both the multiplicand and multiplier are sometimes called FACTORS, from their making or producing the product. When the multiplicand expresses a quantity of only one denomination, the process is termed SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION. When the multiplicand expresses a quantity of the same kind, but of more denominations than one, the process is termed COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. MULTIPLICATION TABLE.* Twice 3 times 4 times 5 times 6 times 7 times 1= 2 1= 3 1= 4 1= 5 1= 6 1= 7 ' 2= 4 2= 6 2= 8 2= 10 2= 12 2=14 3= 6 3= 9 3= 12 3= 15 3= 18 3 = 21 4 = 8 4=12 4=16 4=20 4 = 24 4 = 28 5 10 5=15 5 = 20 5=25 5 = 30 5= 35 b = 12 0= 18 6=24 6=30 6=36 6=42 7 = 14 7=21 7 = 28 7 = 35 7 = 42 7=49 8=16 8=24 8 = 32 8 = 40 8=48 8= 56 9= 18 9=27 9 = 36 9=45 9=54 9=63 10 = 20 10=30 10 = 40 10 = 50 10=60 10=70 1 1 = 22 11 =33 11=44 11 = 55 11 = 66 11 = 77 12 = 24 12 = 36 12 = 48 12=60 12=72 12=84 8 times 9 times 10 times 11 ti;res 12 times 1 = 8 J = 9 1= 10 1= 11 1= 12 1 i 2=16 2= 18 2= 20 2= 22 2= 24 3=24- 3= 27 3= 30 3= 33 3= 36 4=32 4= 36 4= 40 4= 44 4= 48 5 = 40 5= 45 5= 50 i= 55 5= 60 6 = 48 6= 54 6= 60 6= 66 (i= 72 7 = 56 7= 63 7= 70 7= 77 7= 84 8 = 64 8= 72 8= 80 8= 88 8= 96 9=72 9= 81 9= 90 9= 99 9= 11)8 10=80 10= 90 10= 100 10= 110 10= 120 I 11 = 88 11= 99 11= 110 11= 121 11= 132 12=96 12= 108 12= 120 12= 132 12= 144 * Though the part of the Multiplication Table given in the text, is quite enouh for the pupil to commit to memory at first ; yet after he has made some proficieucy in SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION. 17 It will perhaps enable the pupil to commit the preceding Table to memory with more ease, if he be caused to construct it by Addition. Thus, to find the products by 7, let him set in one column the figure 1 seven times, in another the figure 2 seven times, in another the figure 3 as often, &c. Then, the sums of these columns will be the products by 7. He will thus be taught the construction and nature of the Table, and will perhaps find it easier and more interesting to commit the pro- ducts which he has formed himself, than those which he finds without explanation in the Table. It will also assist the learner, if his attention be turned to the relations subsisting between some of the successive pro- ducts in the Table. Thus he will see that the products by 10 are form- ed simply by the addition of a cipher ; that the first nine products by 11 are formed by repeating the figure; that the products by 5 terminate in 5 and 0, alternately ; that in the products by 9, the first figure gene- rally increases, and the second decreases, by a unit, &c, Rule for Simple Multiplication. (1.) Place the multiplier below the multiplicand, with units under units, tens under tens, &c. (2.) If the multi- plier do not exceed \ C 2, multiply, by means of the Multi- plication Table, each figure of the multiplicand by it, be- ginning with the units, and setting down and carrying as in Addition. The result will be the product required. (3.) But if the multiplier be greater than 12, find the products of the multiplicand by the several figures of the multiplier, successively ; setting the right hand figure of each product under that figure of the multiplier which produces it. The sum of all these products will be the total product required. If either the multiplicand, or the multiplier, or both, end in ciphers, the significant figures may be arranged and mul- tiplied according to the rule, and as many ciphers annexed to the product, as are found at the end of both factors. Ciphers in any other part of the multiplier, are to be ne- glected. Arithmetic, it may he found of advantage to require him to commit what follows, as it Till enable him, in many cases, to shorten his work in a considerable degree. The la- bour of committing a more extended table, would be scarcely compensated liy the id vantage resulting. 13 times 14 times lj timea 16 times 17 times 18 times 19 time* = 26 ' Remainder. Hence, when the divisor is unity, with one or more ciphers an- nexed the quotient will be found by cutting off from the dividend as many figures for remainder as there are ciphers in the divisor : thus, If it be required to divide 53826 by 100, the quotient is simply 538 T Vc. and of the divisor in the other. SS ABBREVIATIONS IN DIVISION. In the article on Division, the method of dividing by the factors of the divisor, has been given. In most cases in which this me- thod is useful, the factors are readily discovered by any one who is well acquainted with the Multiplication Table. In some cases, however, which may be of use, they are not so easily discovered ; and, besides, the discovering of the factors of composite numbers is a problem of some interest in the theory of numbers, in frac- tions, &c. Hence, the following observations on this subject may be found useful. 2 is a factor of every number which ends in 0, or in any of the even* digits, 2, 4, 6, 8: thus, 2 measures 226; for, since it mea- sures 10, and consequently the multiples of 10, it must measure 220; and measuring 220 and 6, it must measure their sum. It may be proved in the same manner, that 5 is a measure of every number that ends in or 5. 3 is a measure of every number, the sum of whose digits is divisible by 3; and 9 is a measure of every number, the sum of whose digits is measured by 9. (See p. 20. ) A composite number, suppose 600, is decomposed into all its prime, or simple factors in the following manner: Divide by 2, (the least prime number;) divide the quotient, 300, by 2, and the next quotient, 150, by -2, also; let 2600 the quotient, 75, which is not divisible by 2, be di- 2 300 vided by 3, (the next prime number ;) then the quo- 2 150 75 25 5 tient, 25, which is not measured by 3, being divided 3 by 5, (the prime number next in order,) and the 5 result by 5, we have the quotient 1, and the de- 5 composition is completed; COO being equal to the continual product of 2, 2, 2, 3, 5, 5. If none of the prime numbers, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, &c. measure the given number, it is prime. In this case it is unnecessary to carry the divison any farther, when the quotients begin to be less than the divisors which produce them. The decomposition will be often facilitated by the remarks in the preceding paragraph : thus, 245 has evidently the fac- tor 5; and dividing by it, we have 49, the factors of which are 7 and 7; and therefore the simple, or prime factors of 245 are 5, 7, and 7. Having found the simple divisors of a number, we may thence find all the divisors which it admits. Thus, to resume the same number, 600, L_?__?__J 5 let all its simple factors, together with 1 i 4 8 3 5 25 unity, (which is a divisor of every whole 6 10 50 number,) be set as in the margin; then 12 20 100 set unity as the first divisor, and, for the 24 40 200 second, multiply it by 2, the second sim- 15 75 pie divisor,and the result is 2 for another 30 150 divisor. Then, the next simple factor CO 300 being 2, v/c multiply I and 2 (the divi- 120 600 * F-.'cn numbers arr those which are divisible by 2, without remainder; all other* arc caticd odd number*. TABLES. 57 SOTS already found,) by it; the products are 2 and 4, the former of which is rejected, as it is the same as one already found. We next multiply the divisors, 1, 2, and 4, by the next simple factor 2, and reject the products 2 and 4, as they are the same as two divisors already found. The next divisor is 3, and by this the di- visors 1, 2,4, 8, are multiplied: the products, 3, 6, 12, 24, are other divisors. Proceeding thus with the two remaining factors, 5 and 5, we find the divisors of 600 to be, J, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, &c. being twenty-four in number; and these are the only divisors which it admits. TABLES OF MONEY, WEIGHTS, MEASURES, &c.* TABLE OF MONEY. 2 farthings =1 halfpenny 2 halfpence, or 4 farthings =1 penny rf.f 12 pence = 1 shilling ...s.or/ 20 shillings =1 pound 21 shillings =1 guinea.^ Hence, a pound contains 240 pence, 480 halfpence, or 960 far- things; and a guinea, 252 pence. A half-guinea is 10/6. * Before the pupil proceeds to Redviction, the Compound Rules* &c. he should be acquainted with the divisions of ihe money, weights, and measures which are most ge- neniily used. The teacher will exercise his own judgment in determining which of the Tables here given should be committed to memory: perhaps the parts that are printed in the largest type may be sufficient. The Tables fixed on for this purpose should be se- verally committed immediately before the pupil commences those part* of Reduction in which they are respectively employed , and when he commences the corresponding parts of the Coinpoi^d Rules, it will have a good effect to require him to revise them. f This character, and others similarly placed, in this and some of the following Tables, are u^l as abbreviations for the names that precede them. The marks of abbreviation are generally omitted, when they are sufficiently understood without explanation. Farthings were formerly denoted by q ; but now , annexed to pence, denotes a farth- ing 4, a halfpenny, or 2 farthings; and f, three farthings. . s. d. and q. are the initial letters of the Latin words, libra, solidus, denarius, and qttadrans; which denote pound, shilling, penny, at d farthing, or quarter, respectively. The character / is a corruption cf the long/, arising from rapidity in making it. t Other coins (some of them mentioned chiefly in old authors,) are the groat, value 4d. ; the crown, 5s. ; the nob'e, 6s. Sd. ; the angel, 10*.; the mark, or tnerk, 15*. 4rf. ; the pistole, about 16. lO.i. ; the moidore, 27s. The guinea (so called because the gold of which the first guinea* were mwie, was prorured from Guinea, in Africa) orgina'ly bore the figure of an elephant, as a > em. blem of the place from which the gold was brought It passed at first for 2(k. British ; but, in consequence of a scatcity of go'd, it afterwards rose to 21s 6d.: at a subsequent poriod it fell to it- present value. 44 guineas weigh a pound troy, and hence the wpSght of each is a Tittle more than 5 penny-weights, 9 grains. 'Ihe pound is so called, because anciently the silver for it weighed a pound troy. la ibv year 1825, the currency of Ireland was assimilated to that of Great !5i itain Tlfl 38 TABLES. TABLE OF TROY WEIGHT.* 24- grains, ~l penny-weight, dwt. 20 penny-weights = ] ounce, oz. 12 ounces rrl pound It). Hence, an ounce contains 480 grains j and a pound, 240 penny weights, or 5760 grains. This weight was formerly used for weighing articles of every kind: it is now used in weighing gold, silver, jewels, and liquors; and in philosophical experiments. It is also employed by apothecaries in mixing their medicines, though they buy and sell them by avoirdupois weight. When troy weight is thus used, it is called APOTHI-C ARIES' WEIGHT; but in this case the ounce (?) is divided into 8 drams, ( 5 ) the dram into 3 scruples, ( '^ ) and the scruple into 20 grains. TABLE OF AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. ounce, oz. pound, Jb. quarter of a hundred, q. or qr. hundred weight, cwt. or c. ton stone cwt. 16 drams 16 ounces = 28 pounds = 4- quarters, or 112 tbs = 20 hundreds = Also, 14 pounds*. = 8 stone The hundred weight here mentioned is sometimes called the great hundred, or the standard hundred, to distinguish it from hundreds of different magnitudes, which are used in particular places. One of the most general of these is the long hundred, or the hundred in long weight, which contains 120 pounds: hence, In Long Weight, 30 pounds avoirdupois ... rrl quarter; 4- quarters, or liO pounds rrl hundred weight. The use of this weight, however, is now illegal. that time, though accounts were kept in both countries in the same denominations, the Irish pounds, shillings, pence, and farthings, were oflessvaiue than those of Britain, 13 of each denomination in the former country being equivalent only to 12 of the corresponding denomination in the latter. Thus, the I ritish shilling was equivalent to IS pence Irish ; and, while the guinea was 110 British, it was equivalent to l 2 9 Irish. * Troy weight was introduced into Europe from Cairo in Egypt, about the time of the Crusades, and was first adopted in Tro) es, a city in France, where great fairs were held, and whence it has its name. The weights and measures used in the British Empire, as well as in almost all other places, were derived originally from very imperfect standards. As the origin of weights, a grain of wheat was taken from the middle of the ear, and being well dried, was used as a weight, and called by its original name, a grain. A weight equal to 32 grains wa called a penny- weight, from its being the weight of the silver penny then in currency. A weight equal to i!0 penny- weights, was called an ounce, a woid of the same origin (the Latin word, uncia,} and import as the word inch, each signifying a tiuetfth-ptirt, the one appropriated to denote the twelfth part of a pound, and the other the twelfth part of a foot. At a later period the penny-weight came to be divided, not into 32, but into 24 TABLES. 99 The stone, in the greater number of places, is 14 pounds, which alone is the legal one; but in different parts of England it is of various mag- nitudes, from 8 to 16 pounds. In Ireland, also, in the sale of some articles, the stone of 16 pounds, or one-seventh of the standard hundred, is used.* A ton of stones is 21 hundreds, Long weight. TABLE OF LONG MEASURE. 12 lines =1 inchj- J 40 perches z=l furlong 8 furlongs n=l mile 3 miles =1 league. 12 inches zzl foot 3 feet = 1 yard 5^ yards =1 perch J A fathom is 2 yards, or 6 feet; a hand, (used in measuring horses,) is 4? inches; a span, 9 inches. From this Table, by an easy reduction, it will appear that a mile con- tains 320 perches, 1760 yards, or 5280 feet. Till the year 1826, the perch in Ireland contained 7 yards instead of 5^, so that 11 Irish miles were equivalent to 14 British ones, and the Irish mile contained 2240 yards, or 6720 feet. TABLE OF CLOTH MEASURE. 4 nails =1 quarter j 4 quarters =1 yard. A Flemish ell is 3 quarters of a yard; an English ell, 5 quarters, or a yard and a quarter; and a French ell, 6 quarters, or a yard and a half. Cloth measure is a species of long measure, and the yard is the same in both. Hence, a quarter of a yard is 9 inches; and a nail, 2 inches and a quarter. TABLE OF SQUARE MEASURE, OR OF THE MEASURES OF SURFACES. 144 square || inches = 1 square foot 9 square feet rzl square yard 30 square yards rrl square perch. equal parts; each of which, however, was called a grain, though really a third part greater than the original grain. * In England, 14 pounds of wool=rl stone, 2 stone=l tod, 6 tods and a half=l wejr, 2 weys=l sack, 12 sacks=l last : ami a pack of wocl=210 pounds. t 3 barleycorns make an inch. The barleycorn, however, is never employed now as a measure. Instead, also, of being divided into lines, the inch U now generally divided into tenths. J The perch is also sometimes called a pole or rod. Each of the names given to this measure is expressive of the instrument by which it was measured a rod, a pole, or perche, a French word of the same import. In some counties of England the perch is 6 yards, in some 7 yards, and in others 8 yards. In Cunningham measure it is t>^ yards ; in forest measure, 8 yards ; and in woodland, or Burlcigh measure, 6 yarrti. Nor>e of these, however, is now legal. The yard is said to have been taken from the length of the arm of Henry I. of England, and seems to be the origin of long measure. I! A Square is a figure which has four equal sides, each perpendicular to the adjacent ones A square inch i* a square each of whose sides is an inch in length ; a square yard, a square, each of whose side:, is a yard in length, &c. The table of square measure if 40 TABLES. TABLE OF LAND MEASURE. 40 square perches =rl rood | 4 roods r=l acre.* This is obviously a continuation of the Table of square measure. TABLE OF CUBICf OR SOLID MEASURE, OR OF THE MEASURES OF CAPACITY. 1728 cubic inches. =:! cubic foot | 27 cubic feet r=l cubic yard. LIQUID MEASURE. 4 naggins, or gills 1 pint j 2 pints =1 quart 4 quarts, or 8 pints =1 gallon.^ This is evidently a species of cubic measure. Formed from the table of long measure, by multiplying each lineal dimension by itself; thus, a square foot is=12x!2=144 square inches, &c. * In measuring land, surveyors use a chain, which is 4 perches in length, and is d.- vided into 100 equal parts, called links. They also compute by chains and links, but ex- flibit the result in acres, roods, and perches. 10 square chain*, or 100,000 square links, are an acre. It may be observed, also, that 640 acres are a square mile j and that a hide of land, mentioned by old wiiters, is 100 acres. In Irish measure, or, as it is often called, Irish plantation measure, 64 acres are equi- valent to 49 acres in Forest measure ; 625 to 784 in Cunningham measure ; 56 to 41) in Woodland, or Burle igh measure ; 121 to 196 in English Statute measure ; and 1369 to 1764 Scotch acres. These numbers are found by multiplying each of the numbers ex. pressing the length of the perches, in the different kinds of measure, by itself. Thux, the English perch being 11 half yards, and the Irish 14 half yards, we have 121=11x11, and 196=14x14. Hence, to pi event a common mistake, it maybe proper to remark, that the difference in the comparative magnitudes of the acres is much greater than that of the perches or miles. The chain in Scotland, prior to 1826, was fixed at 74 feet and hence, the chain in Ireland being 84 fert, we find the equivalent numbers for Irish and Scotch acres, by multiplying the halves of 74 and 84, respectively, by themselves. From these principles the following Table is constructed, which is useful in reducing Irish measure to any other. The first line shows the quantities equivalent to 1 Irish acre, the second those equivalent to 10, &c. ; and by means of Compound Multiplication, and Compound Addition, the values of other numbers of acres may be readily found. Thus, for 729 Irish acres, add together 7 times the numbers in the third line, twice those in the second, and 9 times those in the first. It may be observed that, now, the only legal measure is the English Statute measure Irish. 1'orut. Cunningham. Scotch. n'ooJlantt. Englit/i. a. a. r. p.lOtte- a. r.p.lOthi. a.r. p.lVthi. a. r. p.lOtto. a. r. p. Kit ** I 0325 1107 1162 1 1 17 8 1 2 19 2 10 7 2 25 12 2 7 12 3 21 6 13 2 17 8 16 31 7 100 76 2 10 125 1 30 -i 128 3 16 5 136 17 8 161 3 37 4 1000 7oS 2 20 1254 1 24 1288 2 5 1 1361 17 8 1619 5 13 o f A cube is a figure contained by six equal squares. (Dice afford a familiar instance of this figure.) A cubic inch is a cube whose sides are each a square inch ; a cubic foot, a cube whose sides are each a square foot, &o. It may be remarked, that 1728 is equal to 12x12x12, and 27=3x3x3. t Tht: English hogshead, in wine measixre, contains 65 gallons ; the pipe, 2 h jogbhcads, TABLES. TABLE OF DRY MEASURE. 2 pints =1 quart 2 quarts =1 pottle 2 pottles, or 4 quarts I =1 galh -2 gallons =1 peck 4 P^ or i = 1 bushel 8 gallons $ 8 bushels z=l quarter 5 quarters =1 wey 2 weys, or 10 qrs..z=l last. This measure, which is another species of cubic measure, is used in measuring grain, seeds, and various kinds of dry articles. In many places, however, these are bought and sold by weight. TABLE OF TIME. 60 seconds.. rrl minute 60 minutes = 1 hour 24- hours rrl day 7 days rrl week 52 weeks and 1 day, or 365 days =1 common year 52 weeks and 2 days, or 366 days z=l leap year. The year is divided into 12 portions, called calendar months, the names of which are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Of these, April, June, September, and November, have 30 days each; and the rest, ex- cept February, have 31 days each. In leap years* February has 29 days; in common years, 28 days; } so that a leap year contains 366 days, and any other 365. The precise length of the year is found to be 365 day:*,, 5 hours, 43 minutes, 48 seconds: it is, therefore, 365 days, 6 hours, nearly. or 12fi gallons ; and the tun, 2 pipes, or 4 hogsheads, or 252 gallons. In the measure of foreign wines, however, ihere are great varieties. A tierce (the third part of a pi|>e) is 42 gallons, and a puncheon is 2 tierces, or 84 gallons. In beer measure, 9gallons=l firkin; 2 firkins, or 18 gallons^l kilderkin ; 2 kilder- kins, or 36 gailonsrrl barrel 54 gallotis=il hogshead . 2 hogsheads, or 108 gallons 1 butt The hothead of ale, in London, contains 48 gallons; the barrel, 32; the kilderkin, 16; and the firkin, 8. In England, in the country, both in ale and beer measure, the hogshead contains 51 gallons; the barrel, 34 ; the kilderkin, 17 the firkin, 4 8}. * Leap years occur at intervals of 4 years, and may be known by dividing by 4 the number expressed by the last two figures in the number of the year, according to the Christian era : if there be no remainder, it is leap year ; otherwise, the remainder .shows how rmny ye.irs it is after le.ip year. To this there is one exception, as the exact cen tnrie^ are not leap years, except when the number of centuries is divisible by 4, without remainder Thus, the year 1820 was leap year, because 20 is divisible by 4 but 1833 was the third year after leap year, because 3 remain when 23 is divided by 4. Aiso, the year 000 will be a leap year, but 1900 not, as 20 is divisible by 4, but 19 not. f Learners may easily remember the number of days contained in each month, hy recollecting that the months are long and short alternately t with the exception of August, which u long, while the months after it follow the rule. 42 TABLES. TABLE OF THE DIVISION OF THE CIRCLE. The circumference of every circle is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees;* each degree is subdivided into 60 equal parts, called minutes; and each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds. MISCELLANEOUS TABLE. 12 articles =rl dozen 12 dozen =1 gross 20 articles rzl score 5 score =1 hundred 6 score or 120.. ^ { long hundrei 24 sheets of paper ml quire 20 quires ........... =1 ream. An Act of Parliament, already referred to, " for Ascertaining and Establishing Uniformity of Weights and Measures," came into opera- tion in January, 1826. By this act, "the standard yard of 1760," in custody of the Clerk of the House of Commons, is to be the standard yard, when the temperature is at 62 of Fahrenheit's thermometer; and this is to be the origin of all other measures of length. The thirty-sixth part of this yard is an inch; and the length of a pendulum vibrating seconds in the latitude of London is found to be 39*1393 such inches; that is, according to the notation of decimal fractions, 39 inches and 1393 ten thousandths of another. This affords the means of recovering the standard yard, should it be lost. It is enacted, in like manner, that "the Troy pound of 1 758," in custody of the same officer, shall continue to be the standard unit of weight; and, tbis pound containing 5760 grains, the avoirdupois shall contain 7000 grains. Hence, 144 pounds avoirdupois are equivalent to 175 pounds troy; and 1 Ib. avoirdupois is equal to 1 Ib. 2 oz. 11 dwts. 16 grs. troy; but the ounce troy exceeds the ounce avoirdupois by 42^ grains. The weight of a cubic inch of distilled water is 252*458 grains troy, the barometer being at 30 inches, and the thermometer at 62 ; and thus there is a means of recovering the standard pound, if it should be lost. It is farther enacted, that the standard measure of capacity for all liquids, and for dry goods not measured by heaping, shall be a gallon containing 10 pounds avoirdupois of distilled water in the same state * Degrees, minutes, and seconds are marked thus : , ', ". Hence, the expression, 4i 24* 54", is read, 41 degrees, 24 minutes, 54 seconds. The reason of these marks being employed will appear evident from the consideration, that minutes and seconds ate only abbreviated expressions for first minutes, or minutes of the./?/ order, and second minutes, or minutes of the second order; mimttes, in each instance, signifying small parts. It may be proper to remark, that the circumference of a circle is the line which contains it ; that all straight lines drawn from the centre to the circumference are equal ; that any of these lines 'is called a radius; and that a line drawn through the centre, and terminated both ways by the circumference, is called a diameter. It may be farther re- marked, that seconds, both in time and in the circle, were formerly divided each into 00 thirds, but that they are now divided into tenths or hundreds. REDUCTION. 43 of the barometer and thermometer. This gallon, therefore, contains 277'274 cubic inches; and the bushel weighs 80 pounds, and contains 2218*192 cubic inches. It is a curious coincidence, that the cube of one-sixth of the length of the seconds' pendulum is so nearly equal to the gallon, as to exceed it by only about three-tenths of an inch. In Heaped Measure, the diameter is to be at least double the depth, and the height of the cone or heap is to be three-fourths of the depth. The measures are to be made cylindrical, with a plain and even bottom; and the outside of the measure is to be the extremity of the base of the cone. The internal capacity is to be the same as that of the correspond- ing liquid measure. The bushel is to be the standard of this measure, and its diameter is to be 19^ inches from outside to outside.* REDUCTION. WHEN a given quantity is expressed in any denomina- tion, REDUCTION shows the method of expressing it in an- other. Reduction consists of two branches, or problems ; one in which quantities are reduced to a lower denomination ; the other in which they are reduced to a higher. The former is often called REDUCTION DE- SCENDING, and the latter REDUCTION ASCENDING. In the former Mul- tiplication is employed ; in the latter Division, according to the following rules : Problem 1. To reduce a quantity to a lower denomination. RULE Multiply the number which expresses the quan- tity by the number which shows how many of the lower denomination make one of the higher; and if any part of the given quantity be already of the lower denomination, add to it the product. Problem 2. To reduce a quantity to a higher denomina- tion. RULE. Divide the number expressing the quantity, by the number which shows how many of the denomination in which it is, make one of the higher denomination : the quotient will be of the higher denomination, and if there be any remainder, it will be of the lower. When there are intermediate denominations between that in which the quantity is given, and that to which it is to * It may be useful for the more advanced pupil to know, that the o'd French foot is 12'78933 English inches, or 12 inches, 9| lines, nearly ; the toise, or fathom, or 6 French feet, 6 feet, 4 736 inches, English, or 6 feet, 4 inches, 9 lines, nearly; and the metre* 59-3702, or 1 yard, 3 inches, and 3 eighths, nearly. 44 REDUCTION. be reduced, it is generally better to reduce it by successive steps ; first, to one or more of the intermediate denomina- tions, and then to the required denomination. Methods of Proof. 1. To the answer found by either of the preceding rules, apply the other rule, and if the result be the same as the given number, die work is conrect. 2. The operation may be proved by the methods of proving Multiplication or Division. The reasons of the rules will he explained in the illustrations of the examples. REDUCTION OF MONEY. Exam. 1. Reduce 59 to farthings. In this example the pounds are multi- plied by 20, to reduce them to shillings, because there are 20 shillings in each pound. The shillings, in like manner, are multiplied by 12, to reduce them to pence, and the pence by 4, to reduce them to farthings, because there are 12 pence in each shilling, and 4, farthings in each penny. Hence, it appears, that in 59 there 1180 shillings, 14160 pence, or 56640 farthings. The operation is proved by dividing successively by 4, 12, and 20, the former multipliers, in a reversed order: rect, since the final quotient, 59, is the same as given in the question. Exam. 2. Reduce 94 12s. 8d. to farthings. In this example in the multiplication by 20, 12 shillings are added to the product; in the multipli- cation by 12, 8 pence are added, and in the multipli- cation by 4, 1 farrffing is taken in. Hence, the an- swer is 90849 farthings. 59 20 1180 shillings. 12 14160 pence. 4)56640 farthings 12)14160 pence. 2|0) 11810 shillings. 59, proof. and the work is cor the quantity d. s. 94 12 8 20 4)90849 1 892 Shillings 1 2)22712 j 12 2lO)'Tfe9]2 8^ 22712 pence 94 12 8^, proof 4 90849 farthings. Exam. 3. Reduce 83918 farthings to pounds, &c. In this example, the farthings are di- vided by 4, because in the same sum there are 4 times as many farthings as there are pence: for a similar reason, the pence are divided by 12, to reduce them to shil- lings, and the shillings thus found, by 20, to reduce them to pounds. Hence, it ap- pears that 83918 farthings are equivalent 4) 83918 farthin ; 12) 20979 2|0) 174|8 3. 67 8 3 In* REDUCTION. 45 to 20979 pence, with two farthings, or a halfpenny; to 174-8 shil- lings, and 3 pence halfpenny; or finally, to 87 8 3. The ope- ration would be proved by reducing the answer to farthings, in the manner exhibited in the foregoing exam-pie. By this means we should obtain 83918, which being the same as the given number of farthings, it follows that the answer is correct. Exercises. Answers. 1. Reduce 341 4 to pence 81844- 2. 97 17 3 to halfpence 46975 3. 783 2 3 to farthings 751789 4. 481 to pence 115440 5. 33333 pence to pounds 138 17 9 6. 1023 16 to shillings 20476 7. 113 15 3 to pence 27303 8. 1 2 9 to pence 273 9. 2300 pence to pounds 9118 10. 1 9 3 to pence 351 11. 463 19 7 to farthings 4454-22 12. 1 14- U to farthings 1638 13. 95283 ^aWpence to pounds 198 10 1 14. 38 14 to pence 9288 15. 133 6 8 to farthings 128000 16. 7853 19 llf to farthings 7539839 17. 47589 pence to pounds 198 5 9 18. 1234567 farthings to pounds... 1286 1| 19. 53 14 to farthings 51552 fcO. ~-~~~ 75396 shillings to pounds ....*.. 3769 16 21. 13/4 to pence 160 V 22. 47474747 farthings to pounds... 49452 17 2| 23. .. . 348 guineas to pence 87696 24. 967 guineas to pounds* 1015 7 25. 497 12 8 to farthings 477728 26. 69173 pence to guineas 274 gs. and 10/5 27. 1000 to guineas 952 gs. and 8/0 28. 371 14 10 to halfpence 178436 29. .~~_ 823903 farthings to guineas 817 gs.and 7/7f * To reduce guineas to pound*, multiply them by 21t the product is shillings which reduce to pounds. To reduce pounds to guineas, reduce them to shillings, and ... do those .shilling.-, by 21. 4* REDUCTION. REDUCTION OF TROY WEIGHT. Exam. 4. Reduce 1 Ib. 5 oz. 12 dwts. 13 grains, to grains. lt> oz. dwt. grs. In this example the multi- 1 5 12 13 pliers are 12, 20, and 24, be- 12 cause in each pound there 24)8461 are 12 ounces, in each ounce 17 20 penny-weights, in each 20 2|0)35|2 13 penny-weight 24 grains; and the 5 ounces, 12 penny- 352 12)17 12 13 weights, and 13 grains, are 24 taken in, as hi the former Ib i 5 12 13, examples. 1421 Proof. 704 8461' grains, Answ. Exam. 5. Reduce 111111 grains to pounds. In this example the grains are grains divided by 24, (or by 6 X 4,) and 6)1 1 1 1 1 1 the result is 4629 penny-weights, 15 grains; these penny- weights 4) 18518 3 are again divided by 20, and the result is 231 oz. 9 dwts. 15 grs.; 2|0) 462|9 15* and these ounces being divided by 12, the final result is 19lbs. 3 oz. 12)231 9 15 9 dwts. 15 grs. the answer requir- . ed. The operation would be prov- Ibs. 19 3 9 15, ed in the manner in which the last Answ. example was wrought. ' Exercises. Answers. 30. Reduce lloz. 12dwts. 12grs.tograins.5580 31. ~_~~~ 3 Ibs. 7 oz. to penny-weights.860 32. ,....... 1785 dwts. to pounds 7 Ibs. 5 oz. 5 dwts. 33. ,~.~-~ 1785 grains to ounces 3 oz. 14 dwts. 9 grs. 34 785398 grains to pounds 136lbs.4oz.4dwts.22grs. 35. ....- 29 pounds to grains ...^ 167040 , \ For the irotle of fijidhig the true remainder here, see page 577. REDUCTION. 47 REDUCTION OF AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. Exam. 6. Reduce 27 cwt. 2 qrs. 22 Ibs. to pounds. cwt. qrs 27 2 Ibs. 22 110 28 902 220 3102 pounds, Answ. 4)3102 7J "775 2 4) _HO 22 cwt. 27 - proof. In this example, the hun- dreds being multiplied by 4, the product is quarters, be- cause there are 4 quarters in each hundred; and the quarters being multiplied by 28, the product is pounds, because in each quarter there are 28 pounds. The odd quarters and pounds are taken in, as the operation proceeds. Hundreds may be very easily reduced to pounds by the following rule, derived from the principles explained in pages 32 and 33: Multiply the hundreds by 12, without writing the multi- plier, and, as the work proceeds, take in the odd pounds, and 28 pounds if there be 1 quarter, 56 pounds if there be 2, or 84 pounds if there be 3 : set the product below the hundreds, two places to the right hand, and add the two lines together. Thus, in working the preceding example in this manner, 27 is multiplied by 12, and the product increased by 22 and 56, and the result, 402, being added to 2700, (which is evidently done in consequence of the cwt. qrs. Ibs. 27 2 22 402 56 3 1 02 pound s, Answ. way in which the numbers are set,) the sum, 3102 Ibs. is the an- swer, the same as before. Exam. 7. Reduce 591241 pounds to tons. tn this example, as in the proof of the last, the pounds are divided by 28, (or, which is equivalent, by 4, and the quotient by 7,) to reduce them to quar- ters ; the quarters by 4 to reduce them to hundreds; and the hundreds by 20 to reduce them to tons. From the operation, it appears, that 591241 pounds are equivalent to 21115 qrs. 2 1 Ibs.; or to Ibs. 4)591241 7)147810 1 263 18 3 20 5278 21 4) 21115 21 TJ 21115 2|0) 527|8 3 21 28 Tbw*263 18 3 21, 168941 A*W. 42230 Ibs. 591241, proof. 5278 cw't. 3 qrs. 21 Ibs.; or to 263 tons, 18 cwt. 3 qrs. 21 Ibs. REDUCTION. 36. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51. 52. Exercises. Reduce 137 tons to hundreds ............... 2740 47 cwt. 3qrs. 241bs. to pounds .... 5372 135 cwt. 3qrs. lllbs. to pounds... 15215 484cwjt. Iqr. 20 Ibs. to pounds ... 54256 _ 13 Ibs. 4oz. 5drams, to drams .... 3397 _35cwtt 2qrs. 191bs. to pounds ... 3995 313cwt. Iqr. 25lbs. to pounds ... 35109 1 ton to ounces . .................... 35840 214cwt. Sqrs. to poun&s .......... 24052 94cwt. Iqr. lllbs. to pounds .... 10567 59 tons, 11 cwt. 8 Ibs. to pounds... 133400 57386 pounds to hundreds ........ 512cwt. 1 q. 141bs. 57386 quarters to tons ............ 717t. 6 cwt. 2qrs. 57386 drams to hundreds ......... 2 c. 2 oz. 10 drams. 1000000 pounds to tons ............ 446 1. 8c. 2q. 8lbs. 1000000 ounces to hundreds ...... 558cwt. Oqr. 4 Ibs. 38489 Ibs. to cwt. long weight ...... 320 cwt. 2q. 2M !U. 40865 pounds to hundreds ......... 364-cwt. 3q. i 92950 pounds to tons ............... 41 1. 9c. 3q. IS ibs. 238 c. 2q. 10 Ibs. long wt. to Ibs. . 28630 783914 pounds to tons ............. 349 1. 19c. 20 Ibs. Exam. 8. Reduce 53 miles, 3 furlongs, 12 perches, 4 yards, to yards. In this example, because the English perch contains 5 yards, the perches are multiplied by 5, and half of them taken, and the 4 yards are added in with the two results. It may be observ- ed, that if the last figure be re- jected from the product by 5, there will remain half the num- ber of perches; and if the figure rejected be 5, it will be half a yard, or a foot and a naif. This example would be proved m the itr-t^er in which M. F. P. Y. 53 3 12 4 8 427 furlongs. 40 17092 perches. 85460 8546 54010 vards, Anew. REDUCTION. 49 Exam. 9. Reduce 231278 yards to mile*. In thi^ example, the yards are multiplied by 2, to re- Yards, duce them to half yards, and 231278 the result divided by 11, the 2 half yards in a perch, to re- duce'it to perches. The re- 11)462556 half yards. mainder is 6 half yards, or 3 yards; and the answer is found 4[0)4205|0 6 half yards, or 3yds. to be 131 miles, 3 furlongs, 10 perches, and 3 yards. 8)1051 10 perches. The proof would be perform- ed in the same manner in Miles 131 3 10 3, Ansu>. which the last example was wrought. The pupil should be required to perform it. Had the remainder been 7 half yards, instead of 6, it would have been equivalent to 3 yards, and 1 foot, 6 inches. Hence, instead of 3 yards at the end of the answer, we should have had 3 yards, 1 foot, and 6 inches. Exercises. Answers. 57. Reduce 51 feet 4 inches to inches ... 61 C os 3 miles 3 furlongs to yards... 5940 59. 94 miles, 1 fur. 6 per. to per. 30 ! 26 60 751823 feet to leagues 471. 1m. 3f. 4 p. 5y. 2f. 61 758246 inches to miles llm. 7f. 29p. 2y. 2f. 8i 62. 571 leagues 2 miles to miles 1715 G3 57391 1 yards to miles 326m. Of. 27p.2y. If. Gi. 64 23456 feet to miles 4m. 3f. 2)p. 2y. 3f. 6i. 65 25 miles and 34 per. to feet... 13256 1 C6 1000000 inches to miles 15m. 6f. 10p.2y.2f. 4i. 67 100 miles to inches 6336000 REDUCTION OF CLOTH MEASURE. Excrcixes. Answers. 68. Reduce 28 yards, 3 qrs. 2 nails to nails*...462 69. 5247 nails to English ells 2G2 e. 1 q. 3 n. 70 58 yards to nails 928 71. , 285 nails to yards 17 y. 3 q. 1 n. 72 1241 English ells, 2 qrs. 3 nails, ? ^g^ to nails ) ' 73 '4'iB yards to English ells 374 a. 2 q. 71. 15GO" Flemish ells to vurds..: 1170 \ * MuKip'v tli? ' irds by 4, and take in the quarters ; and \r.\ k the ncxrexrr<-:-e, divide the naiis l>*i; the ., rfwer. 50 REDUCTION. Exercises. Answers. 75. Reduce 1123 English ells to French ells 935e. 5q. 76 985321 inches to yards 27370 y. lin. REDUCTION OF SQUARE MEASURE. Exercises. Answer*. 77. Reduce 245 square perches to square inches .. 9604980 78 ^^^ 1325419 square inches to sq. yds 1022 y. 6f. 43 i. REDUCTION OF LAND MEASURE. A. R. P. 37 3 12 4 151 roods. Exam. 10. Reduce 37 acres, 40 3 roods, 12 perches, to square yards. 6052 perches. 30^ 181560 1513 183073 yards, Anstff. Exam. II. Reduce 111111 square yards to acres. yards, llllll 4 C 1 1)444444 qrs. of yards. 131 J ( 11)40404 4lO)367|3p. 11 qrs. or 2} yards. 4)91 r. 33 p. 2f yards. Answ. 22 a. 3r. 33 p. 2f yards. In this example, to find the acres, the yards are reduced to quarters, and divided by 121, the quarters in a perch, or 30| yards. The remainder is 11 quarters of a yard, or 2 yards and 3 quarters. Exercises. Ansivers. 79. Reduce 234 acres, 1 rood, 13 per. to per 37493 80 93827 perches to acres 586 a. Ir. 27 p. REDUCTION. 51 Exercises. Answers. I. Reduce fi^'^ns, 8_hm|j yd,. j ^ ^ ^ ^ 82. ~~^^~ 256 acres, 15 perches, to yds. . 1 239493| REDUCTION OF TIME.* Reduce Exercises. Answer*. 83. 17 days to minutes 24480 84. 1 day, 4 hours, 12 seconds, to seconds 100812 85. 12345678 seconds to days ; 142d.21h.21m.18s. 8G. 34652 hours to weeks 206 w. 1 d. 20 h. 87. Eleven millions one hundred seconds to days... 127 d. 7 h. 35 m. 31 days in May _8 Exam. 12. How many days 23 May are there from the 8th of May 30 June till the 23d of July ?f 23 July 76 days, Answ. 88. How many days are there from the 12th of August, 1817, till the 24th of April, 1818? Answ. 255. 89. How many days are there from the Sth of January, 1816, till the 12th of December in the same year? Amw. 339. 90. How many days are there between the 17th of March, and the 25th of December ? Answ. 283. 91. In the mint in London there are eight coining presses, which, with a child to supply each, strike 19000 coins in an hour. Now, if these were employed 12 hours each day, for 313 days, in coining halfpence, what would be the number and the value of all the pieces coined during that tune? Answ. Number, 71364000; value, 148675. * Reduction of cubic measure, of liquid measure, and of dry measure, Ls so cr. -; - , af;cr what has gone before, that it is unnecessary to give particular sets of exercises 1 jr each Und. f This, and the simi'ar questions which follow, though not strictly of tne same kind as the others in Reduction, are inserted on account of their utility. J Questions of the following kind are frequently useful : 1. If the Sth of August be on Saturday, on what day of the week will the 1st of N - vembcr be ? The number of days between these dates is found to be 85, which being divided by ',', becomes 12 weeks and 1 day ; counting one day, therefore, after Saturday, we find th;.; the first of November must be on Sunday. 2. If a common year begin on Friday, on what day will the 18th of June, the anniver- sary of the battle of Waterloo, happen ? AKSVU. Friday. 3. The 9th of July, 1824, was on Friday; on what day did the year commence. Ansia. On Thursday. 4. If a leap year commence on Wednesday, what day of September will be the fir-i Monday of that month ? APSIU. 7lh. Here, let ihe day be found on which September will commence, and the rest b easy. 52 REDUCTION. 92. The quantity of linen exported from Ireland to the United States in 1806, was two millions, six hundred and seventy-five thousand, six hundred and nineteen yards. How many miles in length was the whole? Answ. 1520m. If. 36 p. ly. 93. Required the amount of a collection of one halfpenny each, from the inhabitants of the counties of Down and Antrim. (See exercise 24, page 11.) Answ. .1248 6 10. 94-. "In the year 1815, Catharine Woods, of Dunmore, near Ballynahinch, then about thirteen years of age, spun a hank of linen yarn, of 12 cuts, each cut 120 threads, each thread two yards and a half, which weighed ten grains," being at the rate of 700 hanks to the pound avoirdupois.* It is required to determine the ength into which, at this rate, a pound of flax would have been extended. (See Stuart's "Historical Memoirs of the City of Armagh" page 424.) Answ. 1431 m. 6 f. 21 p. 4 y. 95. In the salmon fishery on the Bann, near Coleraine, 320 tons of salmon were taken in 1760. How many stones of 14 pounds, are in this quantity? Answ. 51200. 96. The quantity of cotton wool imported into Ireland, in 1811, was 53,133 cwts. of which 16,148 cwts. were exported. Required the number of pounds in each of these quantities, and in the quan- tity consumed in the country. Answ. 5950896 Ibs.; 1808576 Ibs.; and 41 42320 Ibs. 97. Suppose one person to lie in bed nine hours each day at an average, and another only six hours and a half; and suppose the latter to employ the time thus gained in reading and study, for forty years; to how many years* study, of 12 hours each day, would the entire time gained be equivalent? Answ. 8years, 121 day*, 8 hours. 98. The whole surface of the terraqueous globe contains 196,649,494 square miles; and of these, Europe is supposed to contain 4,456,065. Required the number of acres contained in each. Answ. 125855676160, and 2851881600. 99. In what time would a body move from the earth to the moon, at the rate of thirty-one miles per day; the mean distance being 238,545 miles? Answ. 21 years, 30 days. 100. In what time would a body, moving with the velocity of sound, pass from the earth to the sun, the distance being 95 mil- lions of miles? (See Ex. 57, page 22.) Answ. 14y. 27 d. 15 h. 50m. * For this extraordinary, and perhaps unequalled performance, a premium of fifteen guineas was awarded by the Linen Board of Ireland. 17J Ibs. of such yarn would cdto- tain a thread more than equal to the circumference of the earth. Stuart's Memoirs. The same year, another premium, of the same amount, was awarded to Elizal>f>th Hl'Cance of the same neighbourhood, for having spun a hank which weighed 12 grains, and which was consequently at the rate of (7000 grains-rl2) 583 hanks and 4 cuts in pound. COMPOUND ADDITION. 53 101. In how long time would a cannon ball, with the velocity of 1960 feet per second, move from the sun to the Georgium Sidus? (See Ex. 25, page 5.) Answ. 154 years, 224 days, 5 hours, 46min, 7 T V 6 9 o sec - 102. By the latest measurements, the earth's mean diameter is fouad to be 7911 miles and three quarters, nearly. How many yards, feet, and inches, are contained in it? Answ. 13924680 yds.; 4 1 774040 feet ; 50 1 288480 in. 103. In England there are 50,535 square miles; and in Wales, 7425 such miles. Required the number of acres contained in both. Answ. 37,094,400. 104. In the city of Pekin there are said to be seven bells, each weighing 120,000 Iba ; and in Moscow there is one bell which weighs 127,836 Ibs.; another which weighs 288,000 Ibs.; and a third which weighs 432,000 Ibs. Required the weight of each in tons. Answ. 53 t. lie. 1 q. 20 Ibs.; 57 t. 1 c. 1 q. J6 Ibs.; 128 t. 11 c. 1 q. 20 Ibs.; and 192t. 17c. 16 Ibs. COMPOUND ADDITION.* RULE. (1.) Arrange the given quantities so that those in each column may be of the same denomination. (2.) Add the numbers of the lowest denomination together; re- duce their sum to the next higher denomination ; set the remainder below the column added, and carry the quotient to the next. (3.) Proceed thus with all the other denomi- nations, except the highest, which is to be added in the same manner as numbers in Simple Addition. Either of the two first methods of proof given in Simple Ad- dition, may be employed in Compound Addition. Exam. 1. In this example, the sum of the farthings . *. d. is 14, which being divided by 4, the farthings 39 18 7 in a penny, the quotient is 3 pence; and 51 12 4i the remainder, 2 farthings, or a halfpenny, 79 19 n is set down. The quotient, 3, is then ad- 87] ded with the pence; the sum, 54, being di- 43 13 9j vided by 12, the pence in a shilling, the 375 16 10 quotient is 4 shillings, with a remainder of 6 pence, which is set down. The quotient, Sum, 599 9 6Jf * For the definitions of the several Compound Rules, see the corresponding Simple Rules, pages 6, 12. 16, and 24. f The proof is Irft to exercise the learner ; and it will be proper to require him to perform it. not only in this examples but in all the exercises in this rule. o-i COMPOUND ADDITION. 4, is then added with the units of the shillings: the sum 1 which the latter figure is set down, and the tens being carried to the tens of the shillings, the sum is 8, which being divided by 2, because 2 tens, or 20 shillings, make a pound, the quotient is 4, which is added with the pounds, as in Simple Addition.* . s. d. In this example the halfpence amount Exam. 2. 15 3 8 to 5, or 2 pence halfpenny. In such ex- 16 7* amples, where all the fractional parts are halfpence, it is easier to call each a half- penny, than 2 farthings. ^_9* Sum, 234 18 9 When the columns are very long, the work becomes heavy and la- borious; and therefore, in such a case, the given quantities may be sepa- rated into two or more divisions, as is suggested in page 8. Exercises in Compound Addition 1 2 3 4 s. d. s. d. s. d, s. 'd. 485 12 7f 3 14 8i 413 13 10* 4 13 6* 49 16 si 19 ^ 1245 10 9 3 15 7| 186 13 llj 5 17 7085 15 1 IA 7 10 11 787 10 8; 2 12 6 8519 6 4* I 12 9| 239 9 9- 2 16 10* 3456 14 10 2 8 7 843 11 4 1 5 8| 90 12 5 4 3" 374 16 7 3 8 3 69 15 2 4 ' 6 16 8J 285 4 9J 5 2 4 A. 179, 18 11* 7 6 2 599 19 8 10 14 *4 788 9 9 9 15 10* 5. Add together 59 12 7f, 05 14 2*, 345 5 9$, 88 16 8J, 186 17 4*, 347 7 6, 3 2 9*, 7 14 7J, 52 8 6f, 59 3 4, 42 18 10*, 187 10 10, 954 16 5f 6. Add together 324 14 10*, 518 5 9*, 39 15 6, 54 11 11*, 49 1 8i, 9 7 1H, 1000, 86 6 3*, 324, 7?) 11 6*, 5 13 9, 611 4 2*, "186 13 1*, 476 "8 5. *PENCE TABLE, d. s. d. d. s. d. d. s. d. d. *. d. d. s. d. rf. 5. . Value, 1,853, 10 * 16 8 j length, 10903 ro. Of. 21 p. 4y. 31. The amount of the duties paid on goods imported into Li- merick in 1764, was 19,809 15 9; in 1765, 21,332 4 8; in 1766, 16,729 8 2; in 1767, 16,316 10j in 1768, 16,571 12 8; in 1769, 20,237 12 7; in 1770, 22,138 4; in 1771, 20,213 12 6; in 1772, 22,003 2 0; in 1773, 20,606 15 7; in 1774, 17,317 9; in 1775, 16,979 10 6. What was the entire amount during these twelve years ? Ansiv. 230,315 5 6. 32. The following are the several quantities of land, in English measure, contained in the Royal Forests in England: New Forest, 66,942 a. 3 r. 26 p.; Dean Forest, 23,015 a. 3 r. 29 p.; Aliceholt and Woolmer, 8,694 a. 1 r. 31 p. ; Whittlevvood, 4,850 a. 3 r. 32 p.; Which wood, 3,709 a. 3 r. 5 p.; Waltham, 3,278 a. 3 r. 2 p.; Salcey, 1,847 a. r. 23 p.; Sherwood, 1,466 a. 3 r. 10 p.; Bere, 926 a. 2 r. 13 p.; Rockingham, 860 a. 3 r. 23 p. Required the sum. Answ. } 15594 a. r. 34 p. * The units of perches may be added as in Simple Addition, and the sum of the tens divided by 4, the tens in 40. In like manner the units of minutes, seconds, thirds, &c. may be added as in Simple Addition, and the sum of the tens divided by 6, the tens in 60. f Several parts of Compound Addition usually delivered in books on Arithmetic, are omitted, as they are in general of no use ; and if they should at any time be require*!, they can be performed without difficulty by the application of the same principles on which the others depend. D2 58 COMPOUND SUBTRACTION. RULE. (1.) Place the less number below the greater,* so that the numbers in each column may be of the same de- nomination. (2.) Then, beginning with the lowest deno- mination, subtract, if possible, each number in the lower line from that which stands above it. (3.) But when this cannot be done, subtract the number in the lower line from a unit of the next higher denomination; to the remainder add the upper number, for the true remainder, and carry one to the next higher number in the lower" line. (4.) Pro- ceed thus with all the denominations, except the highest, in which the work is to be performed as in Simple Subtrac- tion. s. d. Exam. 1. From 33 17 10 J 33 17 lOf take 18 8 '4. 18 8 4^ 15 9 6i, Amw. Exam. 2. Required the difference between 159 9 4 and 86 17 8^. In this example, as a halfpenny is greater *. d. than a farthing, it is taken from a penny, and 159 9 4^ the remainder being added to the farthing, 86 17 8 the sum, three farthings, is set down; a pen- ny is then carried to 8 pence, and the sum 72 1 1 1i%,Ans. being taken from one shilling, the remainder 3 is added to 4- pence, and the amount set down. We then proceed thus: 1 and 7 are 8; 8 from 9 and 1 remains; 1 from 2, (the tens' figure in the shillings in a pound,) and 1 remains; 1 and 6 are 7; 7 from 9 and 2 remain, &c. Exercises in Compound Subtraction. t. d. s, d. . 1. From 2. 19 3 10 575 15 H take 8 15 3| 124 13 4 3. 4. 192 11 4| 511 3 2 88 16 9 247 10 64 5. 12 4 9 524} * It is more usual, and generally more convenient, to set the less number below the greater, in Subtraction : it is by no means essential, however; and the pupil should lie accustomed, both in Simple and Compound Subtraction, to subtract downward as v/ull as upward, that he may be able to do so, when it may happen in complex operations, that the numbers are so arranged. The methods of proof, and the principles on which the operations depend, are iho sninr : in Siir.ple Subtraction. COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. 8. d. *. d. Ex.6. From 100 take 1 2 9 7. JW+--M 513 5 8| 188 17 4J 8. 1516 19 si 847 12 9* cwi. q. #>s. cwt. q. tbs. Ex . 9. From 13 3 20 take 9 2 12 10. jj.-j--jj.-j 23 1 5 ^-r-nrjjxjjj 17 3 22 11. ~v~~~. 105 79 1 13 tons. cwt. q. Ibs. tons. cwt. q. Ibs. Ex .12. From 15 7 24 take 5 12 1 10 days. h. min. 5 30" S. Required their difference, 18. The latitudes of Belfas* and Glasgow, are 54 36' N. and 55 51' 32" N. respectively. Required their difference. 19. The following are the times in which the principal planets perform their revolutions about the sun; required the differences of the first and second, of the second and third, &c. : Days. h. m. Mercury, 87 23 16 Venus, 224 16 49 Earth, 365 6 9 Mars,.. .. 686 23 31 Days. k. m. Jupiter,.. 4332 14 27 Saturn, 10759 ) 51 Georgium Sidi us, ... 30737 18 COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. Problem 1. To multiply a number of more denominations than one, by a number not exceeding 12.* RULE. Commencing with the lowest denomination, mul- tiply successively the several numbers in the multiplicand by the multiplier, dividing, setting down, and carrying us in Compound Addition. * Or not exceeding 19, if the learner have committed to memory the supplement to the Multiplication Table, page 17. The same circumstance will also modify the succeeding P ..'.cms, in a similar manner. &> COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. Exam. 1. Multiply . I H 7 by 9. In this example the farthings, pence* and s. d. shillings are multiplied successively by 9; the 1 14- 7| products, as they ure found, are respectively 9 divided by 4, 13*30, (or the tens of the shil- lings by 2;) the several remainders are writ- 15 11 9f ten down, and the quotients carried. The pounds ure multiplied as in Simple Multiplication; and the pro- duct is found to be .5 11 9|. Exercises in Compound Multiplication. s. d. Ex.l. 3 14 9^X2 2. 1 17 8|X3 3. 18 11^X4 4. I 10 4X5 s. d. 5. 3 15 10! X 6 6. 1 2 9 X7 7. 2 18 9X8 8. 6 13 4X9 s. d. 9. 15 10 X 10 10. 9 7 8X11 11. 3 19 7x 12 12. 1 16 7 X12 Problem 2. Jo multiply by a number which exceeds 12, but is the product of two or more Jactors, each less than 13.* RULE. (1.) By the preceding problem, multiply the given multiplicand by one cf the factors. (2.) Multiply the result by another. (3.) Multiply this last result by another, if there be so many ; and thus proceed, whatever is their number. Exam. 2. Multiply 18/3J by 42. In this example the multiplicand is s. d. multiplied by 6, and the product is 5 18 3^ 9 7|. This again is multiplied by 7 6 and the product is 38 7 4J. Tht rea- son of tne operation is sufficiently obvi- 597^ ous, since 42 is the product of 6 and 7. 7 The work might be proved by multi- plying the multiplicand by 7, and the 38 7 4 result by 6. When the multiplicand contains one or more farthings, if one of the factors be even, it is better to use it first, as the farthings may thus dis- appear, and the rest of the work be easier. But if the multiplicand end in even pence, without farthings, and one of the factors be 3, 6, or 9, it is better to use that factor first, as the pence may thus disap- pear : and in all cases in multiplication of money, when 12 is one of the factors, it should be used l 13 7^ first, as part of the operation may be performed by 12 inspection, by setting down 3 pence for each farth- ing, and carrying to the shillings 1 for every penny JL'20 3 3 in the multiplicand. Thus, in multiplying l 13 7^, by 12, set down 3 pence, and carry 7 to the shillings, saying, 12 times 3 are 36, and 7 are 43, Ac. * For the method of finding the factors in thf more difficult cases, see page u^i. iy .vcvi,'*', Mill s-joii learn to and there by iu-pecuon, in ail useful cases. COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. 61 Exercises. Answer.-,. s. d. s. d. Ex. 13. 1 17 9i X 14 26 9 1 14. 13 4.iX 15 , 10 7 15. 2 8^X 16 2 3 4 16. 3 14 OjX 18 66 12 H 17. 1 5 3 X 21 , 26 10 3 18. 14 1 X 22 , 15 9 10 19. 13 2 X 24 15 16 20. 6 HfX 25 , 8 14 5f 21. 12 7^X 27 17 3j 22. 2 1 X 30 61 11 3 23. 2 15 5 X 32 88 13 4 24. 1 16 6^X 33 , 60 5 2 25. 1 19 4 X 36 70 16 26. 8 6|X 40 17 1 8 a?. 1 11 3 X 42 65 12 6 28. 2 2 6X 44 93 11 10 29. 8 4X 45 , 18 16 10$ 30. 2 12 126 18 31. 16 4|X 49 40 3 *i 32. 3 1 3|X 53 168 12 33. 3 lO^X 56 10 15 10 34. 6 HtX 60 20 16 3 35. 2 10 5 X 63 158 16 3 36. 1 14 4 X 'i 113 6 37. 4 5^X 72 15 19 6 38. 1 6 9fX N> 107 5 39. 5 31 X i^l . ... 21 6 Hi 40. 1 6 7 X *4 Ill 13 41. 4 94 X W?i 355 * 7 10 42. 1 10 8 x :;o lo% 43. 1 15 llf X 9o iW ^4 44. 8 7JX 99 42 15 I] 4 45. 1 17 2 X100 185 16 8 46. 16 1HX108 91 11 6 47. 18 9 XI 10 103 2 6 4M. 4 8^X 1^0 , 28 2 6 49. 2 19 6 X121 359 19 6 50. 1 16 7^X132 , 241 14 6 51. 2 19 2^X144 426 3 52. 1 12 5 X*75 , 121 11 jj 53. I 18 8fXll2 216 17 8 54. 14 2xl28 91 1 4 * In this and each of the six following exercises, the multiplier is the product of three factors; 75 being=3x5x5 ; 112=8x2x7, or 4x4x7; 128=8x8x2, or 4x*x8; fcc. In like manner, 140=2x7x10; 19ii=12x4x4j 240=12x'-'xlO; 17!=li'xIXi2, *tc. &c. 62 COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. Exercises. Answer*. s. d. *. d. Ex.55. 1 2 7X147 166 2 9f 56. 11 4X168 95 11 57. 1 16 8 X175 320 16 8 58. 215 2X196 54016 9 Problem 3. To multiply by a number which exceeds 12 but is not produced by factors below 13. RULE. (1.) Use those factors whose product is nearly equal to the multiplier. (2.) Increase or diminish the re- sult, as the case may require, by the product of the multi- plicand and the difference between the multiplier and the product of the factors employed. Exam. 3. Multiply 14/10 by 38. g. d. In this example, 38 not being the pro- 14 10 duct of any two factors not exceeding ii?, 12 we multiply by 36, as before, and to the ITIs 6^ prod, bv 12. product we add twice the multiplicand, to find the product by 38. The answer oT"!" 7 " would have been obtained with nearly the ** o 9 same facility, had we multiplied by 40, _ . ? ' (4X10,) and subtracted twice the mul- ~& ** 3, ... 38 tiplicand; and thus the operation might be proved. Exam. 4. Multiply 1 4 10 by 61. The operation in this, example is con- tracted by taking in the multiplicand, in the multiplication by 5. This contmc- tion may always be employed when 'K product of the factors is one less t an the ^75 multiplier. A similar contraction might be employed, though not with the same facility, when the excess is 2, 3, &c. Exam. 5. Multiply 2 7 8^ by 79. In this example it is better to find the s. d. product by 80, and subtract the multipli- 2 7 8^ cand from it, than to multiply by 77, and 8 add twice the multiplicand to the product, as in the one way there is one multiplica- 19 1 8, prod, by 8. tion fewer than in the other. A like con- 1 traction may be applied with advantage in every case in which factors can be I DO 16 8, found, whose product is ow more than ^ 7 8^-,tobesubtr. the given multiplier, while factors can- not be found whose product is only OP.L 188 8 il, prod. by 79 less than it. COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. Exercises. Aiisivfrs. 5. (I. .9. d. Ex. 59. 5 3 X X 13 .... 67 1 2 60. 2 8 7|X 23 IS 10J 61. 10 1 X 29 .... 43 12 5 63. 17 3iX 31 .... 26 1G (H (#. 11 39 .... 22 1 ^i 64. 18 8 X 40 .... 42 IS h 65. 1 11 o^x 47 .... 72 17 1 I? 60. 4 6 5 X 52 .... 120 13 8 v 67. 13 0X 53 .... 34 10 \^ v 68. 2 5 4 X 58 .... 131 9 4 , 69. 12 MX 65 .... 104 9| 70. 19 68 .... 67 7 3 71. 12 8*X 09 .... 43 10 1* 85. 3 17 8.f X 122 .... 471- 2 m 86. 2 T3 MX 125 .... 331 IS 87. 10 8 X 130 .... l ( W 6 8 88. 6 94 X 139 .... 47 4 Of 89. 17 4X 145 .... 120 2 4 90. 15 7 X 150 17 6 91. 2 4 8|x 155 .... 340 9 9* 92. 2 11 5iX 150f.. .,, . 4U1 4 3 * In multiplving by 13, if the pupil have committed the Multiplication Table no {.. Iher than 1-' times 12, he may multiply by 12, and take in the multiplicand as he proceeds, as in the annexed example. In this way the multiplication by any multiple of 13, not exceeding 13 times 13, may be performed in two lines, as also by any number which is greater by unity than any of these multiples. Hence, - only two lines are necessary in multiplying by 6, 3f>, 52, 53, 65, d ly i^, _-^s?u. 78> 79, 91, !, 104, 105, 117, 118, 130, 131, 143, 156. 157, 16", 170. J- The subjoined example will show how Compoilnd Multiplication maybe pcVI'onncd, however great the multiplier is. This method, however, will scarcely be employed by any one who has learned the modes of computation usually taught ill the Rule of P> at- tics. It is therefore given in a note, and not in the text. 64 COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. Exam. 6. Multiply 33 c. 3 q. 22 Ibs. by 7.* In this example the pounds, when mul- tiplied, are divided by 28, and the quar- ters by 4. In long weight the divisors are 30 and 4. cwt. q. Ibs. 33 3 22 7 237 2 U,Answ. Exercises. Answers, cwt. q. Ibs. cwt. q. Ibs. Ex.93. 1 2 17X27 44 2 11 94. 3 22X86 81 1 16 95. 2 2 19 (long weight J X 59 156 3 11 96. 1 2 27 (long weight J X 96 165 2 12 97. Required the cost of a chest of tea, containing 97 lt>s. at 6/JO ^ Ib. Answ. 33 6 10 J. 98. Required the amount of a box of linen cloth, containing as under: ' piec. yd. per yd. 3 75 at 3s. Id. 3 75 39 3 68 3 11 3 75 42 Answ. 140 2 0. 99. Required the amount of a hogshead of rum containing G6 gallons, at 4/10 ty gallon, and a puncheon containing 116 gallons, at 4/9 ^ gallon. Answ. 15 19 0, and 27 11 0. 100. What cost a hundred weight of indigo, at H/4 V pound? Answ. 63 14 0. piec. yd. per yd. piec. yd. per yd. 2 49 at 2s. Id. 3 75 at 2s. lid. 2 49 2 3 3 75 3 I 2 48 2 5 3 75 3 3 3 73 2 7 3 75 3 5 3 75 2 9 Exam. What cost 2485 yards of broadcloth, at 15/7$ per yard. t. d. 15 ~l~ price of 1 yard. 10 "7~~16 3 = ... 10 yards. 10 100 .. 10 = 312 10 = 62 10 = 3 18 1|= ... 1000 2000 400 In this example we find successively the pricei ef 10, 100, 1000. We then multiply the price of 1000 by 2; of 100 by4; of 10 by 8; and of 1 by 5. We have thus the prices of 2000, of MX), of 80, and of 5, the sum of which is 1941 8 1}, the answer. The following exercises may be wrought in a si- ncilar manner : Exercises. s. d. 3 6 Six 3178 1 11 31x159.34 24913 9 5 2 6 9|x 938 2194 10 7 17 1|X63491 54430 6 1 1941 8 l|=z .. 5^ 2485 Answers. s. d. 10556 18 4J Ex.1. 2. 3. 4. * Compound Multiplication is seldom employed, except in relation to money ; but if it should be necessary to use it hi cases not illustrated here, no difficulty can arise, as the method is similar in '^ l *-'*.'* COMPOUND DIVISION. $ 101. If a carpenter receive 18/4$ ^ week, what is his salary in 52 weeks? Answ. 47 15 6. 102. How many pounds are there in 91 guineas? Answ. 95 11 0. 103. What is the amount of the duty on 100 gallons of brandy, at 13/7 V gallon? Answ. 67 18 4. 104. What is the duty on 63 gallons of rum, at 10/10 ^ gallon ? Answ. .34 2 6. 105. What is the duty on 58 cwt. of raw sugar, at 1 126^ cwt.? Answ. 94 5 0. 106. What is the amount of the duty on 149 Ibs. of West India coffee, at 7d. V ft>.? Answ. 4 16 2f. 107. From 1783 to 1793, both inclusive, the money paid for slaves, imported into the West Indies in Liverpool vessels, was, at an average, 1,380,622 16 4 each year. What was the entire amount? Answ. 15,186,851 1. It may perhaps be proper to caution learners against the absurdity of attempting *<> multijfy mcney by money. This caution will not appear unnecessary, if it be considered that whole pages have been filled with instructions how to perform this problem ; and it has been attempted to be shown, even with the semblance of geometrical demonstration, that if 2/6 be multiplied by 2/6, the product may be either Sfd. or 6/3 ! Let it be considered, however, that in Multiplication a quantity is sim- ply repeated a given number of times : thus, if 2/6 be repeated 4 times, the amount is 10/; if 5 times, 12/6 &c. To talk, therefore, of multiplying 2/6 by 2/6, or, which is precisely the same, of re- pealing 2/6 2/6 times, is absolute nonsense. In the Rule of Pro- portion, indeed, we sometimes appear to multiply such quantities. Thus, in finding the interest of a sum at a given rate, for a year, we multiply by the rate, and divide by 100. In this case, however, both 100 and the rate are divested of their characters as expressions for money, and are merely to be regarded as abstract numbers, used as the terms of a ratio. By multiplying by the rate, suppose 5, we merely re]ieat the principal 5 times, or find a principal 5 times as great; and then, as there must be one pound ot" interest for each hundred pounds in this increased principal, we try by Division how often it contains 100 ; and we thus find the pounds of the interest. We see from the nature of Division, that there is no absurdity in dividing money by money ; that is, in finding how often one sum is contained in another. COMPOUND DIVISION. Problem 1. To divide a number of more denominations than one, by a number not exceeding 12. RULE. (I.) Divide the highest denomination by the given divisor, by Short Division (2.) Reduce the remainder, if 66 COMPOUND DIVISION, there be any, to the denomination next lower, and add to the result what was given of that denomination. (3.) Di- vide the sum by the divisor ; and thus proceed to the lowest denomination, or till nothing remains. Exam. 1. Divide 14 16 7 by 10. In this example, after dividing 14 by 10, we have remaining 4, or 80 shil- lings; which, increased by 16, becomes 96 shillings. Hence, we find the next part of the quotient to be 9 shillings, and the remainder is 6 shillings, or 72 pence, which, increased by 7, becomes 79. This being divided by 10, we have the remain- der 9 pence, or 36 farthings, to which the odd farthing is annexed; and continuing the division, we find the entire quotient to be 1 9 7f, and the remainder 7 farthings, or Ifd. The proof is per- formed as in Simple Division. Exercises in Compound Division. 14> s. d. s : d. s. d. Ex.1. 10 11 8- -2 6. 1 19 5- - 7 11. 20 1 3- -12 2. 2 16 7 - - -3- 7. 3 15 7~- - 8 12. 1 0- - 6 3. 4 5 9f- -4 8. 5 17 11- - 9 13. 1 0- - 7 4. 9 9 6- 5 9. 7 13 6 - -10 14. 1 10 0- - 8 5. 8 13 4 - -6 10. 5 12 9 - -11 15. 1 9 3- - 9 Problem 2. To divide by a number which is greater than 12, but is the product of two or more factors, each less than 13. RULE. (1.) Divide the given number, by Short Division, by one of the factors. (2.) Divide the quotient by another factor. (3.) Divide the result thus obtained by another fac- tor, if there be so many: and thus proceed, whatever may be their number. Exam. 2. Divide 59 13 3^ by 66. In this example the factors are 6 and 11. In the division by 6 the quotient is 9 18 10^, and the remainder 2 far- things; and in the division of this quo- tient by 11, the quotient resulting is 18/Of, and the remainder 9. This re- mainder being multiplied by 6, the first divisor, and the product increased by the former remainder 2, (see page 27,) the true remainder is found to be 56 farthings, or , 1/2. In the proof by Multiplication, this remainder must be added to the final product. 6)59_ 119 5 8 59 12 59~3 d. Jt 10^.. .2 Of...5Gfar 6 [or 1/2. proof COMPOUND DIVISION. 57 In the use of this Rule, if there be no pence in the dividend, or if it tjnd|p 3, 6, or 9 pence, and if one of the factors be 3, 6, or 12, it is better to use that factor first, as in the division by it there will be no remainder. If ne factor be 2, 4, or 8, and there be no farthings in the dividend, it is generally better to begin with that factor. If the shillings and pence of the dividend be any multiple of 10 pence, (as 1/8, 2/6, 3/4, 15/10, &c.) and one of the factors be 5 or 10, it is best to begin with that factor. The same may be observed in rela- tion to multiples of 5d. and 2d. (and, when 5 is a factor, in relatio" to multiples of l^d. ;) but these are not so easily discovered. Exercises. Answers. 150 ,, 18 6 180 12 8d. 5|d. 2 id. 6d. . 74 V2* 1/0* 9d. 6d. 4d. 1/0 2/5* 1/6 2/6 1/3 Problem 3. To divide by a number which is greater than 12, and is not produced by factors below 13. RULE. The process is to be conducted as in problem 1, except that Long Division is to be employed instead of Short. COMPOUND DIVISION. Exam. 3. Divide 2074 6 9^ by 597. Here, the first part of the quotient is 3, and the remainder 283 6, or 5666 shillings, from which, as in Simple Di- vision, we obtain for quo- tient 9 shillings, and a re- mainder of 293 shillings and 9 pence, or 3525 pence. Dividing this by the divisor, we obtain for quotient 5 pence, and a remainder of 540^ pence, or 2161 farthings, which gives a quotient of 3 farthings, and a remain- der of 370 farthings, or 7/8. The work is proved by multiplying the quoti- ent by 600(6X10X10,) and subtracting three time 597, and finally, by addir Exerci s. d. Ex. 46. 61 - 597)2074 1791 ~283 20 s. d. s. d. 6 9 (3 9 b'i,Amw. 6 20 16 iutj 10 5666 5373 208 8 9 293 12 2084 7 6 10 8 5| 3525 2985 2073 19 0} 7 8 540 2074 6 94, 4 Proof. 2161 1791 370 farthings, or 7/8 . ;s the quotient, to obtain the product by g the remainder, 7/8, to the result. ses. Answers. s. d. Rem. _ 13 4, 13 10 9(\ 47. 937- 48. 50 4 2 - 49. 99 - 50. 45 10 Oi- 51. 115 12 6 - 52 93 9 4^ - 17 . 10 9^ lAd - 19 .. 2 12 10 4d _ 26 .. 3 16 1} 2d _ 29 ..111 4}.. .. l|d _ 37 ..326 _ 4,3 ..23 5^... . 8d 53. 82 6 11 - 54 67 3 10} _ 51 .. 1 12 3| d. _ 57 .. 1 3 6| lOd 55. 54 13 2 - 56. 108 18 1|- 57. 329 4 - 58. 167 16 - 59. 53 12 - 60. 288 5 - 61. 344 14 _ 65 .. 16 9^ 4|d _ 71 .. 1 10 8 . 9Ad _ 78 ..44 4| i/fj _ 85 .. 1 19 5 a . 3^d _ 91 ..Oil 9^ 10 jd _ 97 .. 2 19 5 1/7 _ 103 ..3 611 1/7 62. 179 6 - 63. 599 24- 64. 342 11 4|- 65. 400 - 66. 9846 13 4 - 67. 2045 16 5}- 68. 3982 2 8i _ 133 .. 1 6 11 . 6|d _ 201 .. 2 19 7^.. . 1/10 ;; _ 313 . 1 1 10 1 . 4/6 _ 365 .. 1 in 5d. 5375 1 17 4 .. 10 0^ 1/4| 1347 .. ..219 I 1 . ]/* COMPOUND DIVISION. 69 70. If the duty on a pipe of port wine, containing 138 gallons, be .52 6 6, how much is the duty on each gallon? Answ. 7/7. 71. If a chest of tea, containing 96 tbs. cost 33, what cost 1 ft.? Answ. 6/10i. 72. If a hundred weight of sugar cost 4: 8 8, what are the costs of a pound and of a stone? Answ. 9^d. and 11/1. 73. If a contribution of 354 12 'is to be made up in equal shares by 26 persons, how much must each contribute ? Answ. 13 12 9, rem. 6d. 74. If prize-money to the amount of 495 5, is to be divided equally between 75 seamen, how much will each receive ? Answ. 6 12 Of, rem. 3fd. 75. If a person spend 200 a-year, how much does he spend, at an average, each day, and how much each week ? Answ. 10/1 L}, rem. 2d.; and 3 1611, rem. 4d. 76. The following are the amounts of the duties paid at the custom-house of Belfast, during the undermentioned years: re- quired the annual sum, at an average. In 1800, 62,068 In 1806, 1801, 182,314 1807, 1802, 270,434 1808, 1803, 201,180 1809, 1804, 207,402 1810, 1805, 228,645 1811, In 1812, 395,254 1813, 450,498 1814, 1820, 373,721 306,263 386,709 207,382 320,981 318,121 425,174 321,325 1821, 344,449 Answ. 294,265 17 71 f. 77. In 1821, the population of Great Britain and Ireland was 2 1 ,238,580, and the net amount of the public revenue of the United Kingdom was 58,108,855 2 2|. What was the quota of this amount paid by each individual, at an average ? Answ. 2 14 8i, rem. 12489 8 Of. 78. In the year 1821, there were coined in the British mint 203,761 pounds of gold, value 9,520,732 14 6. Required the value of each pound. Ansiv. 46 14 6. 79. How much land is there, at an average, for each individual in England? (See page 1 1, Ex. 23, and page 53, Ex. \Q3.J Answ. *a.3r. lOfiWrWrP- 80. How much land is there, at an average, for each individual in Ireland? (Set- page 11, Ex. 24.^ Answ. 1 a. 2 r. 39 B V&V:& P- late Irish measure. It may not be improper here to shrw the method of multiplving and dividing, when the multiplier or divi or contains a fraction, though these oj erations really belong to the di. urine of fi action*. 70 SIMPLE PROPORTION. In the annexed example, to multiply by 22, we first multiply by 22, in the 1 16 6 X 22 J way already explained. Then, for f , we multiply in a separate place 1 16 6 by 3, and divide the product by 4: the re- sult, is 1 7 4, which being added to the product by 22, the sum is 41 10 4, the product required. The work 40 3 for the fractional part is left to the 1 7 4 learner to perform. If the multiplier had been 22 or 22|, we should have 41 10 4 found the product by 22, as before; and in the one case, have added to it one-fourth, in the other one-half of the multiplicand. As an example in this 22f)30 2 10$ kind of division, let it be _4_ *_ s - d - required to divide 30 2 91)12011 6(1 6 6 104 by 22|. Here we 91 multiply 22 by 4, the low. 39 er term of the fraction, 20 and to the product 88, we ' VQI add 3, the upper term. We multiply the given di- _ vidend also by 4. Then, 4*5 dividing this product by 91, we find 166 for 546 the required quotient. 546 It may be observed, that these methods are equal- ly applicable in Simple and Compound Multiplication and Division. SIMPLE PROPORTION, IN comparing the magnitudes of two quantities of the same kind, the flsotieni, which is obtained by dividing the first by the second, is called the RATIO of the first to the second. The two magnitudes are called the TERMS of the ratio, the first the ANTECEDENT, the second the CONSE- QUENT. Thus, the ratio of 42 to 14 is 3, or is that of 3 to 1 ; and the ratio of 7 to 4 is If, or is that of if to 1. In like manner, if the second term be divided by the first, the quotient will be the ratio of the second to the first. Equality of ratios constitutes PROPORTION or ANALOGY; and the terms of equal ratios are called PROPORTIONALS : the first and last the EXTREMES, the rest 'the MEANS. SIMPLE PROPORTION. 71 Thus, since 8 is one-half of 16, and 6 one-half of 12, the fofer numbers, 8, 16, 6, and 12, are proportionals, and constitute a propor- tion or analogy. When considered in this relation, they are usually written thus, 8 : 16 : : 6 : 12, and are read, S is to 16, as 6 is to 12 ; or, they are written, as 8 : 16 : : 6 : 12, and read, as 8 is to 16, so is 6 to 12. SIMPLE PROPORTION is the equality of the ratio of two quantities, to that of two other quantities. COMPOUND PROPORTION is the equality of the ratio of two quantities to another ratio, the antecedent and conse- quent of which are respectively the products of the ante- cedents and consequents of two or more ratios. The object of that part of Simple Proportion which is usually taught in courses of Arithmetic, is to find the num- ber which has the same ratio to one of three given numbers, that there is between the other two ; or, to find a fourth proportional to three given numbers. Three numbers being given, to find a fourth proportional.* RULE. (1.) Arrange the three* given terms in the same line, in succession, placing the one which is of the same kind with the required term, the third in order ; and if, by the nature of the question, the required term is to be .greater than the third term, put the greater of the other two terms in the second place ; otherwise, put the less in that place. (2.) Then, if the two first terms be not of the same simple denomination, reduce them to the same deno- mination, usually the lowest mentioned in either. (3.) Find the product of the second and third terms, and divide it by the first ; the quotient is the fourth proportional in the same denomination as the third term, and may be reduced to a higher denomination, if necessary. Reason of the Rule. By the definitions of ratio and proportion, if the first of fotir proportionals be divided by the second, and the third by the fourth the quotients are equal: and if the first of these quotients be mul- tiplied by the second and fourth terms, and the second of them by the fourth and second terms, the first result will be the pro- * The resolution of this problem is unquestionably the most important result of the doctrine of proportion. On account of its great utility and very general application, it is often called in the older works on Arithmetic, the Golden Rule. From the circum- stance of three terms being given to find a fourth, it .Mas al SIMPLE PROPORTION, Exam. 4. What is the yearly rent of 47 a. 3 r. 21 p. at 1 4 6 and, consequently, the second analogy becomes 17:9: : ^^l*^i? ; whence it appears that in both methods the same multiplications and di- visions are in reality performed, and consequently the one is only a modification of the other. In this method 5 and 365, or 5 and 40, might be divided by 5 as a contraction. The principles on which the operations in Compound and us Simple Proportion depend are the same. *4 COMPOUND PROPORTION. It may be remarked, that one very considerable advantage which tne second rule possesses, is, that by it the operation is kept entirely free from fractions till the conclusion ; while in the other mode, fractions of- ten arise from the first analogy, and render the remaining part of the work more intricate and difficult. Exam. 2. If the carriage of 66 standard hundreds, for 4 2 British miles, be .6 5, what is the carriage of 36 hundreds, long tveighf., for 90 Irish miles, at the same rate ? As 66 stand, cwt. 36 ions; cwt. 112 lt)s. 42 miles, Brit. 11 120 tbs. 90 mile's, Irish, f' : *6 5 : 9 In this example, since the answer is to be in money, 6 5 is placed as the common third term. Then it is evident, that were all things alike, except the number of hundreds, the answer would be less than Q 5; and therefore, 36 is put as consequent, and 66 as antecedent. But had the number of hundreds been equal, the answer must evidently have been greater than 6 5, on account of the difference in their magnitudes; arid therefore, 112 is made antecedent, and 120 consequent. The arrangement of the remaining terms proceeds on similar principles, and the an- swer is found by dividing the continual product of .6 5 and the consequents, by the continual- product of the antecedents. The operation is much abbreviat- ed, as in the margin, by di- 11:6 ~) viding the terms of the first (14): 15 I .. fi , . o q . and third ratios by 6, and 7 : 15 f" those of the second by 8, and 11 :(14) J neglecting in the work 14, which occurs as an antecedent in one ratio, and a consequent iu another. This question might also have been wrought by four analogies in Simple Proportion. Everyone of these, however, would have given origin to fractions, the neglecting of which would have prevented the precise result from being obtained. The work might also have been nodified by reducing the hundreds and the miles, respectively, to the same kind. The using of 112, indeed, as an antecedent, and 120 as a consequent, serves this purpose, as the hundreds are thus reduced to pounds : and the multiplication by 11 and 14 serves a similar purpose, in relation to the miles. Ex. 1. If the carriage of 59 cwt. 19 miles, cost 2 16, how far may -1-3 cwt. be carried at the same rate for 2 4? Ansio. 20m. 2. If the carnage of 13 cwt. 65 miles, cost ? 5, how many hundreds may be carried 40 miles at the same rate for 3 15 ? Answ. 35 j 5 ? cwt. 3. if 12 horses in 5 days plough 11 acres, how many horses would plough 33 acres in 18 days? Answ. 10. 4. If a person walking 12 hours each day, perform a journey of FRACTIONS. 85 250 miles in 9 days, in how many days, walking 10 hours each at the same rate, would he complete a journey of 400 miles ? Answ. 17^V days. 5. If the expenses of a family of 8 persons amount to .42, in 16 weeks, how long will 100 support a family of 6 persons, at the same rate? Answ. 50|$ weeks. 6. If 29 men, in 5 days of 12 hours each, reap 32 acres, in how many days of 13 hours each, will 20 men, working equally, reap 40 acres ? Anxw. 8^| days. 7. If 15 12 pay 16 labourers for 18 days, how many labour- ers, at the same rate, will 35 2 pay for 24 days ? Answ. 27. 8. If 36 yards of cloth, 7 quarters wide, cost 25 4, what cost IzQ yards of the same quality, but only 5 quarters wide? A)isw. 60. 9. If a tradesman earn 16 guineas in 108 days, how many so- vereigns would he earn at the same rate, in 270 days; 20 guineas being equivalent to 21 sovereigns? Answ. 42. 10. If the rent of a farm containing 26 a. 2 r. 23 p. be 50 8 9, what would be the rent of another farm containing 17 a. 3 r. 2 p. if 6 acres of the latter be worth 7 of the former ? Answ. 39 4 7. 11. If a puncheon of rum containing 85 gallons, cost 58 8 9, what would be the value of a hogshead containing 63 gallons, and composed of four parts of the same rum, and one part of water ? Answ. 34- 13 0. 12. In what time would 23 men reap a field which 40 women would reap in 6 days, if 7 men can reap as much as 9 women ? Answ. 8^-5 days. 13. If a person walking 13 hours each day, travel 191 miles in 7 days; in how many days of 10 hours, will he complete the re- mainder of a journev of 500 miles, at the same rate each hour ? Answ. 14Hi- 14. If 63 Its. of tea cost 20 10 6, what cost 70 tbs. of a different quality, 9 Jbs. of the former being equal in value to 10 I os. of the latter ? Answ. 20 10 6.* FRACTIONS.f IF a quantity, considered as a whole, be divided into any number of equal parts, a FRACTION in respect to that quan- * Many of the questions usually proposed under the head of Compound Proportion arc quite misplaced, as some of them are merely anticipations of what is afterwards de- livered in Interest, and others belong to Mensuration, or other subjects, with the prin- ciples of which the pupil is supposed to be unacquainted. Hence, the number 21 d variety of exercises here given, are purposely less than in several other works on Antii- nietic. t With respect to the position which the doctrine of Fractions should occupy in a 86 FRACTIONS. tity, signifies one or more such parts : and the quantity di- vided is called, in respect to the fraction, the INTEGER, or UNIT. A fraction is expressed by two numbers, or terms, called the numerator and the denominator. The DENOMINATOR is written below the numerator, and expresses the number of equal parts into which the integer is divided ; and the NUMERATOR expresses the number of such parts denoted by the fraction. Thus, A, which is read four-jifths, is a fraction, and signifies that a unit is divided into five equal parts, and that four of these parts are taken. If the numerator of a fraction be taken as an integer, and divided into as many equal parts as there are units in the denominator, the fraction may also be regarded as ex- pressing one of these parts. Thus, if 4 be divided into 5 equal parts, the fraction f expresses one of these parts, and is therefore the same as one-jiflh of 4. A PROPER FRACTION is that whose numerator is less than its denominator. An IMPROPER FRACTION is that whose numerator is not less than its denominator. Thus, and are proper fractions; and |, f, and 1 ^ are improper fractions, A number consisting of a whole number, with a fraction annexed, as 5f, is termed a MIXED NUMBER. course of Arithmetic, writers seem to be much divided in their opinions ; some intro- ducing it immediately after Simple Division, some after the doctrine of Proportion, and others at a more advanced part of the course. The first of these positions is certainly the natural one, both because Fractions for the most part arise from the remainders in Division, and because on this account they are of the same nature with the quantities treated of in the Compound Rules. The principal objection to this arrangement is, that the study of Fractions is too difficult and intricate to be prosecuted with success by the majority of pupils, when they have learned only the fundamental rules, without having acquired that ease and readiness in managing numbers, which are derived from more varied and extemled practice. The following article is so composed, that tne pupii may study it in the place where it stands ; or if the teacher should think it better, after Simple Division, after the mercantile rules, or indeed at almost any other part of the course before the extraction of roots. It may be observed, in general, that the several parts of Arithmetic tend to illustrate each other. Thus, if the pupil have learned the doctrine of Proportion, he will more easily and more successfully study Fractions ; and if he have studied Fractions before Proportion, he will be able to acquire a more e~- Umcted and adequate knowledge of the latter. For this reason his attention should be frequently recalled to the rules he has passed ; and in this case he should bero.-.de to ;ivai* himself of tuch illustrations, as the subsequent rules which li* lias learned may afford FRACTIONS. 87 A SIMPLE FRACTION expresses one or more of the equal parts into which a unit is divided, without reference to any other fraction. A COMPOUND FRACTION expresses one or more of the equal parts into which another fraction, or a mixed number, is divided. Thus, | is a simple fraction ; but f of \%, and % of f of 1$, are compound fractions. Compound fractions have the word of interposed between the simple fractions of which they are composed. A COMPLEX FRACTION is that which has a fraction either in its numerator or denominator, or in each of them. Thus, , , and , are complex fractions. 9 9$ 6 y For the definitions of several other terms that will be employed in what follows, see the first Note in page 24. It is of the greatest consequence that the pupil should acquire a cor- rect idta of the nature of fractions, on commencing the study of this important part of Arithmetic The following illustrations may perhaps be found useful in assisting him in this respect. Fractions generally have their origin from the division of a number by another which does not measure it. Thus, if 13 be divided by 5, the quotient is 2, with a remainder of 3 to be divided by 5. To have an accurate idea of the nature and value of the latter part, we are to conceive 3 divided into 5 equal parts; and, by the nature of divi- sion, any of these parts will be its correct value. Each of these parts is evidently less than l, the unit under consideration, and is therefore called a fraction, from its being, as it were, a broken part of the unit or integer. Arithmeticians have agreed to denote it, as has been already remarked in Division, by the expression , which may be read, one-Jtfih of 3. In like manner, the quotient of 4 cwt. by 7, is expressed C wt. and may be read one-seventh of 4 cwt. Resuming the former fraction, if we suppose each pound to be di- vided into 5 equal parts., 5 being the number of units in the divisor, each part will be one-fifth of \, and in S there will be 5X3, or 15 such parts. Dividing these by 5, we obtain 3 of these parts, or three- fifths of l, for the value of the fraction : whence it appears, that one- Ji/iJi of three pounds is equivalent to three-fifths of one pound ; and in a similar manner it would be shown, that whatever may be the integer, one-fifth of three is equivalent to three-fifths of one, or three times the fifth part of one ; one-seventh of four to four-sevenths of one, &c. When fractions are considered in the abstract, without reference to any particular integer, we say briefly four-sevenths, instead of four-sevenths of one; the former expression being understood to be equivalent to the latter. Hence we see, that the two definitions of a fraction given in the text, though tliey suggest to the mind ideas which aie apparently different, are in effect the same. Agreeably to either, the lower num- ber may properly be called the denominator, as it gives name (such as seventh, &c.) to the parts into which the integer is divided ; and, 88 FRACTIONS. agreeably to the first definition in the text, the upper number is called the numerator, as it numbers the parts expressed by the fraction. According to these views, every fraction would have its numerator less than its denominator, and wouhi consequently be less than its unit, as its name imports. Such a view is too limited however to answer the general purposes of calculation ; and it is often necessary to consider as fractions, quantities which equal or exceed the integer ; or which indicate the quotients of numbers not only by greater, but also by equal or by smaller numbers, without the division being actually performed. Quantities of the latter kind are therefore called improper fractions ; and, for the sake of distinction, others, in respect to them, are called projyer fractions. It is evident, from either view of the nature of a fraction, that it is less or greater than a unit accordingly as its numerator is less or greater than its denominator, and that it is equal to a unit, if its nu- merator and denominator be equal. In addition to the preceding illustrations, it may be proper to state, thut fractions are of the same nature as the subordinate quotients in Compound Division. Thus, if 27 be divided by 20, the quotient is l 7, or 1-^3, each expressing precisely the same quantity, and each of the 7 remaining pounds being reduced into 20 equal parts in each case. From these principles we may readily derive some of the chief pro- perties of fractions. For this purpose., let us compare the fractions $ and jfcj, the denominator of the second of winch is treble of the deno- minator of the first, while their numerators are the same. Now it is easy to see that the former is three times as great as the latter : for in the former, the integer 2 is divided into 5 equal parts, while in the other it is divided into three times as many equal parts ; and consequently, each part in the latter case, is only one-third of each part in the fox- mer ; that is, the fraction ^ is one-third of the fraction |. Hence, it appears, that by multiplying the denominator of the fraction by S, we obtain a fraction equal to one-third of -| ; and that by dividing the denominator of the fraction T \ by 3, we find a fraction equal to three times ^ 5 . Now, since, by the preceding illustrations, the quotient of 2 by 15 is the same as two-fifteenths, the product of -fa by .'3 is six- fifteenths, in the -same manner as the product of 2 shillings by 3, is 6 shillings; and since ^ ^ s one-third of J, and also one-third of T 6 ^, it follows, that T \ must be equal to f. Hence, by multiplying each term of the fraction ^ by 3, we obtain an equal fraction T ^ ; and by dividing each term of the fraction T 6 5 by 3, we get an equal fraction -|. We see also, that by multiplying the numerator T 2 5 by 3, we obtain a fraction 3 times as great as T 2 -^; and by dividing the numerator of the fraction jSg. by 3, we find a fraction which is equal to one-third of T 6 ? . It is evident, that similar properties might be proved in a similar manner to hold respecting any other fractions; and hence we have the following important properties which belong to all fractions: 1. If the terms of any fraction be both multiplied, or both divided by tlie ssifnc number, the value of the fraction is not changed. 2. A fraction is multiplied by any number either by multiplying its nume- rator, or dividing its denominator, by that number. 3. A fraction is divided by any number either by divitlifig its numerator, or multiplying its denominator, by that number. REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. 89 4. It appears also, from the principles here explained, and from the principles of proportion, that if two fractions be equal, the numerator qf the one is to its denominator, as the mimerator of the other is to its denomir- nator ; or, by inversion, that tlie denominator of the one is to its numera- tor, as the denominator of the other is to its numerator. The same operations can be performed on fractional as on integral quantities. Hence, the doctrine of Fractions comprises the Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction, and Division, of Fractions. Before entering on these operations, it is proper to show how such quantities may be modified, without changing their value, so as to fit them for the several operations to be performed on them, and for the different uses to which they are to be applied. This will constitute Reduction of Fractions.* REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS.f Problem I. To jlnd the greatest common measure of t\oo given numbers. RULE. (1.) Divide the greater number by the less. (2.) If there be a remainder, divide the less by it ; and thus proceed, always dividing the last divisor by the last remain- der, till nothing remains. The divisor which leaves no re- mainder is the common measure required. If in the operation any divisor be a prime number, and leave a remainder, it is unnecessary to proceed farther, as there is no common measure greater than unity. Exam. 1. Required the greatest common measure of 247 and 323. In this example, the first remainder is 247)323(1 76 ; and the less number, 247, being di- 247 vided by this, the remainder is 19. Di- 76)247(3 viding 76, the last divisor, by this, we 228 find that there is no remainder. Hence, Foth terms. See page 36. Exam. 2. Reduce V?l to i ts lowest terms. Here, we divide the given terms by 2 ; 9) 3) those of the result by 9 ; and those of that 2)^|f=|^=f=:|. result by 3; and we see that ^ is equal to f $ , f, or . The last of these has evidently no common mea- sure greater than unity ; it is therefore the expression required, being the simplest form of the given fraction. The same result would have been obtained rather more quickly by dividing by 6 and 9. Exam. 3. Reduce Hi 8 to ' lis simplest form. Here, two ciphers are cut from the end of 7) each term, which is equivalent to the divi- 6)HS!S=S!=I- sion of each by 100. The quotients are then divided by 6, and the results by 7, and the fraction is re- duced to the form , which is its simplest form. The reason of this rule is evident from the first of the princi- ples established in page 88. Exercises. Reduce the following fractions to their simplest forms : Answ. I Ex. Answ. 7. 3k I 8. M T S 9. m f 10. tfg i 11. if! I 12. H Ex. Answ. is. 15. This method of reducing fractions to their lowest terms is very con- venient and easy in practice, when the terms of the proposed fractions are not very large, or when the divisors are readily discovered. It la- bours under the disadvantage, however, of not determining, in many cases, whether the fraction is in its lowest terms or not ; and besidts its being a process which depends on trial, and which therefore is not strictly mathematical, the measures are generally discovered with diffi- culty, unless they are some of the smaller numbers. Thus, if the fraction ^-|^ were proposed, we should readily discover that it may be reduced, by division by 3, to the form ^g|, which we would perhaps conceive to be its simplest form, not knowing that it is still farther re- ducible by 19, and that the simplest form is -fa. The following me- thod, though often tedious, is perfect in principle, a'wtys reducing the fraction to its simplest form, and not depending on trial. RULE. II. (1.) Find, by problem I, the greatest com- mon measure of the numerator and denominator. (2.) Di- vide them both by this, and the quotients will be the nu- merator and denominator of the required fraction. It is often of advantage to carry the reduction as far, by the first rule, as can readily be done, and then to apply the second rule to the result. 92 REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. Exam. 4. Reduce the fraction -^V^ to i ts lowest terms. In this example, by dividing the denominator by the numerator, the numerator by the remainder, &c. we find the greatest com- mon measure to be 97: and dividing both terms of the given frac- tion by this, we obtain r ' ff , which is the equivalent fraction in its lowest terms. Exam. 5. Reduce ^V^V to its lowest terms. Here, because the terms end in 5 and 0, 5 is a measure, and reduces the fraction to fff. This again is reducible by 9, be- cause 9 measures the sum of the digits of each term ; and the re- sult is f|, which, by the second rule, is reduced to T V Exam. 6. Reduce T Vs% * i ts most simple expression. We see here immediately, that 6 is a common measure ; for 3 measures the sum of the digits of each term, and 2 must be a measure, since the unit figures are even. After division by 6, therefore, the fraction becomes ? 7 r 8 T . In applying the second rule to this, 55 at the third division is to be divided by 23, which is a prime number, and is not a measure of 55. ^ 7 -/ T , therefore, we conclude to be the simplest form of the fraction; a;id thus we are saved the trouble of three or four divisions. It may be proper for the pupil to recollect, that At the conclusion of evert/ operation, if there be a fraction^ it should be reduced to its simplest form. Reduce the following fractions to their lowest terms: Ex. Answ. 17. if 18. f H* .......... If* Ex. Answ. 19. mi if* 20. 21. Ex. 22. 23. 24- JJIf | Problem III. To find the least common multiple of t or more given numbers. RULE I. (I.) Arrange the given numbers in succession, ami find by inspection a number which will measure as many of them as possible. (2.) By this number divide all the given numbers which it measures, and write the quo- tients and the undivided numbers in a new line. (3.) Pro- ceed, if possible, in the same manner with the numbers in this line ; and thus continue the process till no number greater than a unit will measure any two or more of the numbers last found. (4-.) Then multiply all the numbers in the last line, and all the divisors employed in the opera- tion continually together, and the result will be the com- mon multiple required. The work is often much shortened by rejecting, in any REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. 93 line, any number that is contained without remainder in any other number in the same line. If no two of the given numbers have any common mea- sure greater than unity, their continual product will be the least common multiple. RULE II. (1.) Find by problem I, the greatest common mea- sure of two of the given numbers. (2.) By this, divide one of those two numbers, and multiply the quotient by the other. (3.) Perform a similar operation on the product and another of the given numbers. (4-.) Continue the process thus with each succes- sive quotient, till all the numbers have been used, and the final result will be the least common multiple required. Exam. 7. Required the least common multiple of 24, 10, 9, 32, 6, 45, and 25. Here, the given numbers be- By Rule I. ing placed in the same line, as 2) 24 10 (9) 32 (6) 45 25 we see by inspection, that 9 is 3) \% (5) \Q 45 25 contained exactly in 45, and 6 ^ -TO ^Q 15 25 in 24, these are neglected. Then ' ' using 2 as a divisor, we obtain the quotients 12, 5, and 16, 2X3X5X 16X3X5=7200,^n. and we place in the line with them the undivided numbers, 45 and 25 : and since the quotient 5 is contained exactly in either of these, it is rejected. We then divide by 3, and obtain the quotients 4 and 15, which with the undivided numbers, 16 and 25, are placed in a new line. 4 is then rejected as it is a measure of 16: and dividing by 5, we place in the next line the quotients 3 and 5, and the undivided number 16. Then, as no two of these have any common measure greater than unity, the three divisors and the three numbers in the last line are multiplied continually together, and the product, 7200, is the common multiple required. By Rule II. Rejecting 9 and 6 as before, we divide 24 by 2, the greatest common measure of it and 10, and we multiply the quo- tient 12 by 10: the product, 120, is the least common multiple of 24 and 10. Then, the greatest common measure of 120 and 32 being 8, we have 32-^-8=4, and 120X4=480, the least common multiple of 24, 10, and 32. In the next place, the greatest com- mon measure of 480 and 45 is 15; and, since 45-r-15=3, we have 480X3=1440, the least common multiple of 24, 10, 32, and 45. Lastly, since the greatest common measure of 1440 and 25 is 5, and since 25-f-5=5, we have 1440X5=7200, the least common multiple of 24, 10, 32, 45, and 25, and consequently of 9 and 6, of which 45 and 24- are multiples. With respect to the reason of these rules, it is difficult to give a strict, and, at the same time, an easily comprehended proof; and 94 REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. for most learners the following illustration may perhaps be pre- ferable : In the operation by the first rule, 2 X 12 X 5 X 16 X 45 X 25, the product of the first divisor and the numbers in the second line, is evidently a multiple of each of the given numbers, 24 being con- tained in it 5 X 16 X 45 X 25 times; 10, the second number, 12 x 16 X 45 X 25 times, &c. Again, 2 X 3 X 4 X 1 6 X 15 X 25, the product of the two first divisors and the numbers in the third line, is also a multiple of each of the given numbers, 24 beinir contained in it 16X15X25 times; 10, the second number, 3>^ 4 X 16 X 3 X 25 times, (since 2 X 15=30, and 30= 10 X 3;) 32, the fourth number, 3X4X15X25 times, &c.: and the illustration mav be extended in a similar manner to the rest of the operation. That the given number 6 may be rejected in the operation, will readily appear from considering, that 6 is contained exactly 4 times in 24, and will therefore be contained without remainder in any multiple of 24, and 4 times as often as 24. In like manner it would appear, that 9 may be rejected, as 45 is a multiple of it. That 5 and 4 may be rejected in the succeeding lines will be evi- dent from this, that they would disappear were the lines that con- tain them divided respectively by 5 and 4. The proof of the second rule depends on the principle, that if the product of any two numbers be divided by any factor which is common to both, the quotient will be a common multiple of the two num- bers. Thus, if 48, the product of 6 and 8, be divided by 2, a factor of both, the quotient 24, will be a multiple of both, since it may be regarded either as 8 multiplied by the quotient of 6 by the factor 2, or as 6 multiplied by the quotient of 8 by the same- factor. Now this being so, it is obvious that the greater the com- mon measure is, the less will be the multiple; and consequently, the greatest common measure will produce the least common mul- tiple. When the common multiple of the two first numbers is found, it is evident, that any number which is a common multiple of it and of the third number, will be a multiple of the first, se- cond, and third numbers : and thus the reason of every part of the second rule is manifest. It may be remarked with respect to the practical application of these rules, that the second always gives the least common multiple. The multiple found by the first is not always the least possible; but it will be such, if care be always taken to use such a divisor as will measure more of the given numbers, than any other divisor would. This rule therefore, being very easy in practice, is generally preferred to the other. It may be farther remarked, that by practice the pupil will gradually become able to discover, in many instances, the common multiples by inspection, especially when the given numbers are not large. REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. 95 Exercises. Required the least common multiples of the follow- ing numbers: Exercises. Answ. 25. 6 10 15 18 90 26 7 11 13 3 3003 Exercises. Answ. 28. 63 12 84 7 252 29. 54 81 63 14 ... .. 1134 27. 8 12 20 24 25 .... 600 30. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9... 2520 Problem IV. Any number of fractions having different denominators being given ; to Jind equivalent fractions hav- ing a common denominator* RULE I. (1.) Find, by problem III. a common multiple of all the denominators : this will be the common denomina- tor. (2.) Then, divide the common multiple by the first of the given denominators, and multiply the quotient by the first of the given numerators : the product will be the first of the required numerators. The other numerators are found in a similar manner. RULE II. (1.) Multiply each numerator by all the denominators, except its own, and the product will be the numerator of the equi- valent fraction. (2.) Multiply all the denominators continually together for the common denominator. Exam. 7. Reduce $> T \, H, and ^ 9 D , to fractions having a common denominator. By Hide I. Here, by 8)360 12)360 18)360 20)360 problem in. the least com- mon multiple is found to 45 30 20 J 8 be 360 ; and the rest of 5 7 11 9 the work will stand as in the margin. The cor- 225 210 220 162 rectness of the results ^ 5 . would be proved by re- *** *** * io > Anno ' ducing them to their simplest forms, as the given fractions would thus be obtained. Thus, H& would be reduced to f ; f to T \, &c. By Rule II. 5 X 12 X 18 X 20=21600, the first numerator; 7 X 8XL8X20=: 20 160, the second numerator; 11X8X12X20= 21120, the third numerator; 9X8X12X18=15552, the fourth numerator; and 8X12X18X20=34560, the common denomi- nator. Hence, the equivalent fractions found by this rule, are Sim, 3HIS, fiWfc and ifi!, which being reduced to their lowest terms, would in like manner, be shown to be equivalent to the given fractions. In this example the results found by the second rule are expressed in numbers inconveniently large; and the same is very generally the case. Hence, the other rule should always be preferred, except when tto 95 REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. given denominators are prime to each other; that is, when they have no common measure greater than a unit. With respect to the reason of these rules, it is evident, that the operation by the second is nothing else than the multiplication of both the terms of each fraction by all the denominators, except its own; and in this way the rule might have been expressed. Thus, the first of the given fractions is |, which by the operation , , . 5X12X18X20 21600 is transformed into ^ ^ ^ 2Q ,or ^ ; and this by the first of the properties proved in page 88, is equal to the proposed fraction |. In the first rule, the division of the common multiple by th given denominator is evidently nothing else than the finding of the number by which if both the numerator and the denominator of the given fraction be multiplied, the denominator of the result will be the same as the common multiple; and, by the principle before referred to, the result will be equal to the given fraction. Thus, in the preceding example, when 360 is divided by 8, the quotient is 45; by which if both terms of the fraction - be mul- tiplied, there results ff , for the equivalent fraction required. Exercises. Reduce the following sets of fractions to other frac- tions having common denominators: - Exercises. Answers. 31. &, A, H, H, t m HI, HI, m, HI 32- H, H, I, T 7 *, t, i 33. ij, H, H, 4*, |, A- 34. H, H. H, TtW, if 35. i,|, i, rH 36. H, ii, n, H, TV 37. T^T, -riirr* TwVw 38. H> U, H, i*7 t 39. 4, A, H, A, *V> A VWJr, iV*V **, TV/Ty, fV 4 s %, ifgff 40. i, t, T v, /T, &, TVV-. w, m w, T%, T 4 ^, TV? Problem V. To reduce an improper fraction to a whole or mixed number. RULE. Divide the numerator by the denominator; the quotient will be the whole number required : and if there be any remainder, write it over the given denominator for the fractional part of the required result. The reason of this rule and of that for the next problem, is evi dent from the nature of fractions. Exam. 8. Reduce V and ^ to whole or mixed numbers. ' ?. ^ 20 8* dnsiu. 22$, Answ. REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. Exercises. Reduce the following fractions to whole or mixed numbers: Ex. Answ. \ Ex. Answ. Ex. 41. H 1 43. VW 20^ 45. SV 42. 6_4^ 21HI I 44. 1 i??.... W^ft 46. VV 30 Problem VI. Jo reduce a mixed number to an improper fraction. RULE. Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fractional part, and to the product add the numera- tor; the sum will be the required numerator, below which write the given denominator. A whole number may be expressed in a fractional form by writing a unit below it ; or by multiplying it by any whole number, and writing that number below the product as denominator. Thus, 9=i= 3 4% &c. 6H Exam. 9. Reduce 5}- to an improper 12 fraction. ff, Answ. Exercises. Reduce the following numbers to improper fractions : Ex. Ansiv. Ex. Answ. Ex. Answ. 47. 15* V 48. 3 W 49.46| 50. 51. i^ftfe \m 52. 19f ^ 8 Problem VII. To express any given quantity as a fraction of another given quantity of the same kind) considered as an integer. RULE. Make the integer the denominator of the required fraction, and the other given quantity its numerator, both being reduced to the same denomination, if they be not ot the same already. Exam. 10. Reduce 13/9 to the fraction of 1. In 13/9 there are 165 pence, and in 1, 240 pence; the fraction therefore is $ which, by reduction to its lowest terms, becomes \%. The reason of this is evident, since 1 penny is 7 ^ of a pound, and in 13/9 there are 165 pence, or of "a pound. Exam. 11. Express a pound troy weight as a fraction of a pound avoirdupois. A pound avoirdupois weight contains 7000 grains, and a pound troy weight 5760 grains. (See page 39. ) Hence, the fraction is ?o> r in its lowest terms, {$$. This rule enables us to find the ratio of two quantities. Thus, the ratio of 13/9 to l is that of f to 1, or 11 to 16 ; and a pound avoir- dupois is.to a pound troy, as 1 to \%> or as 175 to 144. (Seepage 89, 98 REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. Exercises. Answers. 53, Reduce 12/6 to the fraction of 1 | 54 32 10 100 tf 55 2/8 1 2 9 & 56 Iqr. 201bs . ~~ 1 cwt. long weight ..,. fc 57 2 hours 23 h. 56m. 4s J^ 58 2/1 6/8 ft 59. The height of Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Britain, is 4350 feet, and that of mount Ararat 9500 feet: express the former as a fraction of the latter in its simplest form. Answ. T W 60. Express 96 pages as a fraction of a book containing 432 pages. Answ. f. 61. If one farm contain 37 a. 2r. 14 p. and another 168 a. Or. 28 p. what is the simplest form of the fraction expressing their comparative magnitudes? Answ. ^V Problem VIII. To find the value of a fraction in the de- nominations contained in the integer. RULE. Consider the numerator as expressing the integer taken as often as there are units in the numerator, and di- vide it by the denominator. This problem is, in strictness, a particular case of the next. On ac- count of its frequent use, however, it is perhaps better in a separate form. Exam. 12. Required the value of . Here the integer is 1; and the numerator, s. d. being regarded as 4 times that integer, or 7)4 4, is divided by the denominator: the quo- tient ll/5 is the value of the fraction. The 11 5^ reason of the rule is manifest from the nature of fractions. Ex. 13. Required the value off of 5 13 9. s. d. Here the integer is 5 13 9; then, the nu- 5 13 9 merator expressing three times this quantity, 3 we multiply by 3, and divide by the denomi- nator 8; the quotient, 2 2 7|, is the required 8)17 1 3 value. 2 2 71 Exam. 14. The height of M'Gillicuddy's Reeks, the highest mountain in Ireland, is 3610 feet: if a person have ascended through f of this space, to what height has he ascended? Here, the height of the mountain is the in- teger; and the numerator expressing three times this quantity, we multiply by 3 and di- Q\7nQn vide by 8, and we find for the answer 1353f ^ 1353* feet. REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. 99 Exercises. Aiiswers. 62. f ......... 63. T \ ........ =3/9 64. T VVo- ..... =6/9ft shilling, = lO^d. Exercises. Answers. 60. W fot = 5i's inches. 67. ^ Irish mile. = lf.26p.-iy.2f. 68. | of \ 2 9.. =13/7$ G9. A of -148 5. =80 17 3^ of 175 tons ........... = 145 tons, 16 cwt. 2 qrs. 18J Its. 71. The earth revolves once on its axis in 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4 seconds; in what time does it perfofm f of a rotation ? Anm\ 10 hours, 38 minutes, 15 seconds. 72. By the articles of the Union of Great Britain and Ireland, which took place in 1801, during the first twenty years Britain was to contribute jf, and Ireland -j^V, of the amount of the pub- lic expenditure. How much did each country contribute in making a million sterling? Answ. 882,352 18 9if-, and 117,647 1 2 T V Problem IX. To reduce a given fraction to another of a lower denomination. RULE. As in common Reduction, reduce the given nu- merator, considered as an integer, to the denomination to which the fraction is to be reduced, and write below it the given denominator. Exam. 15. Reduce T e 3 oo to tne fraction of a penny. Here, by reducing 3 to pence, and writing 1600 below it, we have for the required fraction tV^d. which by reduction to its lowest terms, becomes /od. The reason of this is manifest, since by the nature of fractions, the given fraction expresses a sixteen- hundredth part of 3, and it must therefore express a sixteen- hundredth part of the pence in 3. Exercises. Answers. 73. Reduce -fc to the fraction of a shilling ............. f shil. 74-. - -3 cwt. to the denomination of pounds .... 16^ fbs. 75* What part of a second k-nny&jzro- dav? .............. AV The converse of this problem, or the reduction of a fraction to a higher denomination, is seldom of use. It is performed by operating on the denominator in the way mentioned in the rule. Thus, if it be required to reduce ^d. to the fraction of a pound, let the denominator be multiplied by 20 and 12, and the numerator be retained : the result, 4a 9 00> or, in its simplest form, ^QQ, is the result required.* * The method of reducing compound to simple fractions will be given in Multiplica- tion of Fractions, and that of reducing complex fractions to simple ones, in Division of Fractions. These are the natural and proper positions of these problems ; but should any teacher conceive their introduction necessary here, with a view to prepare fractional quantities for Addition, Subtraction, &c. it will be easy for the learner to turn over far them to Multiplication and Division. F -2 100 ADDITION OF FRACTIONS. RULE. (1.) Reduce the given fractions to others, having a common denominator, if they be not such already. (2.) When they are in this state, add all the numerators toge- ther, and below their sum write the common denominator : the result will be the sum of the fractions ; which, if it be an improper fraction, must be reduced to a whole or mixed number. (3.) If some of the given quantities be mixed numbers, the fractions are to be added by the preceding part of the rule; and the whole numbers, with any integral part that may be obtained by the adding of the fractions, are to be added by Simple Addition. Exam. r. Add together if, \l, and T V Here, the sum is f f, which becomes, by 14 ) reduction to a mixed number, 2 T 3 ^, or, by 11 > 15 the reduction of the fractional part to its 8 ) lowest terms, 2, the sum required. The reason of the process is so obvious as 33 scarcely to require illustration. The first of the given fractions expresses fourteen- 1 5)33(2 &, or 2$, fifteenths of the integer; the next, eleven of Answ. these parts: consequently, the two taken together must express twenty-five of these parts. In like manner the addition of any others may be illustrated. Exam. 2. Add together 3&, ff , and 6|f. In this exercise, by reduc- 3|& .... 1395 ) ing the given fractions to .... 1450 > 1800 equivalent ones having a com- 6|f .... 1656 ) mon denominator, we find the first to be tffcfc, the se- llffik 4501 cond H&, & c - Then, by Answ. - adding the numerators, we 1800)4501 (2 flfo find the sum of the fractions - to be ff g, or 2-^, by re- 901 duction to a mixed number. We then write the fractional part beneath the given fractions; and carrying 2 to the whole numbers, we find the required sum to be Exercises. Answers. 1- 2. 3. * 5. *+.H*i**t+ tt-Mt-HH 6. 7. 8. 9- 10. 11. 12. 15. 16. 17. SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS. 101 Exercises. Answers. 3H-12i+13|i ...... .......................... 29H* f+H II* SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS. RULE. (1.) Set the less quantity below the greater, and prepare them both as in Addition of Fractions. (2.) Then, if possible, subtract the lower numerator from the upper ; below the remainder write the common denominator, and if there be whole numbers, find their difference as in Simple Subtraction. (3.) But if the lower numerator exceed the upper, subtract it from the common denominator ; to the remainder add the upper numerator ; write the common denominator beneath the sum ; and carry one to the whole number in the lower line. The reason of this rule is evident from the explanations already given of Simple Subtraction, and of Addition of Fractions. Exam. 1. From 87 A take 42 A Rem. 45 A Exercises. 1- ^-^f 3 - 3*. ISfldfi" 4. \ A 5. 12^ 6. Exam. 2. 73| 25 ) 17A.....J 5 56H 17 Answ. Exam. 3. 10A ...... 14 > 3ff. ..... UO 6 T V* 79 175 * Exercises. Answ. 7. A A 8. TV- A tft 9. H (7)__ 4 nominator, we have T \ for the CO^ ^f IT required result, the same as before. The reason of this rule will appear evident from 'the principles established in page 88. Thus, since -}f is the same as one-nine- teenth of 12, it is evident, that the product, of -J by if i TIT f its product by 12. Hence it appears, that to find the required product, we are to multiply $ by 1 2 and to divide the result by 19; and by the principles referred to, this will be effected by mul- tiplying the numerator by 12, and the denominator by 19: that is, the numerator of the final result is the product of the given numerators, and its denominator the product of the given deno- minators. The contraction evidently produces the same result that would be obtained if the terms of the product found by the rule, were divided by the number rejected, or by the common measure employed in the contraction. These principles will assist in removing the difficulty which learners often feel in accounting for the product of a quantity by a fraction b< - ing less than the quantity itself. From what we have seen above, it ap- pears, that in every case, in what is called Multiplication of Fractions, there is not only a multiplication but also a dimsion. Hence, in the first example, siure we multiply -^ by 12, and divide the product by 19, the result must obviously be less than the multiplicand |~ From this also it is evident, that when one factor is less than a unit, the product is less than the other ; and consequently, when both factors are less than units, the product is less than either. 8 DIVISION OF FRACTIONS. 10S Exam. 3. Multiply 17f by 12|. These quantities, by reduction to improper fractions, become g 7 and V- Then, 1 f 7 X V = 5 tl 7z:: l V 9 > by reduction to its lowest terms; and this being reduced to a mixed number, becomes 227|, the product required. The product may also be found, as 17| in the margin, without reducing the 12f factors to improper fractions. In this mode, 12 times f= 6 6j or 10, which 214 is carried to the product of 17 and 12.... 6 12. We have then to find the pro- ducts of 17 and f, and of f and f. The former is 12|, and the latter f. 227f V, or If. The sum of all the three partial pro- ducts is 227f, the same as the answer found already.* Exam. 4. Reduce the compound fraction f of f of 3^ to a simple fraction. Here the mixed number 3 is reduced to y. Then, by taking the product of the numerators, 3, 8, and 10; and also that of the denominators 4, 9, and 3, we obtain f-gf, or in its lowest terms 2 -, the simple fraction required, which might be reduced to the mixed number 2f. In this example, the work might be contracted by rejecting the numerator and the denominator 3, and by dividing the denominator 4 and the numerator 8 by 4, and the same result would be obtained. Exercises. Answ. AXtt .............. rifr H .............. It ............ rift 5. 6. 7. 8. 19 T VXlT\ 9. 34HXW 10. 21fX2HX21| 11- 12. HI 164UI 10252}! iWo 3 o rift: 13. 14. Exercises. Hi Answ. 24f| S T V, 16.HXI* ............... W 17. 12^-XlVr 18. | of f 19. A of ^ ............. ft 20. ^of 9| ............... 6^ 21. f off of | off ..... $ 22. 1 of |- of 7 ........... 5 23.fXTV-ffXrV .... It 24. XiXH ........ DIVISION OF FRACTIONS. RULE (1.) Reduce mixed or whole numbers to improper fractions, and compound fractions to simple ones, if any * When the pupil has learned the method of aliquot parts, he will see, that it may often be employed with ease and advantage in the multiplication of fractional quantities. 104 DIVISION OF FRACTIONS. such be given. (2.) Then invert the divisor,* or rather con- ceive it to-be inverted, and proceed as in Multiplication. A complex fraction is reduced to a simple one by divid- ing the numerator by the denominator, according to the preceding rule. Exam. 1. Divide fo by fo &-KV= /&=? Answ. Here, the divisor being conceived to be inverted, and the frac- tions being multiplied, we have for the answer T \X V=i^% ii- The rtason of this Deration will be understood from consider- ing, that j 7 7 is only one-twelfth of 7; and consequently, the quo- tient obtained by dividing by T \ must be twelve times the quotient obtained by dividing by 7. We must therefore divide by 7, and multiply the result by 12, which is the same that is done by the inversion of the divisor. From this it appears, that in Division of Fractions, there is in reality, both a division and a multiplication. It will also readily appear, that if the divisor be a proper fraction, the quotient will be greater than the dividend. Exam. 2. Divide 5^ by 2|. Here, 5&=}f, and 2r= V 3 : we have therefore for the required result, f f X *= V X A= W=2f By the application of the principles established in page 88, a fractional number may be more easily divided by a whole number, than it is by the general rule. Thus, Exam. 3. Divide 75^ by 9. Here, 9 is contained 8 tunes in 75, with the 9)75 fa remainder 3. Then 3 1 7 , by reduction to an ~~8f| improper fraction, becomes f$, which by divi- sion by 9, becomes f$, the remaining part of the quotient.f Exam. 4. Required the value of the complex fraction \ Here, 5|=V> and 6f=Yi an ^ tne simple fraction required is v-M?<*m- It may be useful on some occasions to know, that if the given frac- tions be reduced to equivalent ones having a common denominator, the quotient of the resulting numerators will be the required quotient. Thus, the fractions in the first example are equivalent to g and f i : * That is, take its numerator as denominator, and its denominator as numerator. It may be remarked, that the fraction resulting from the inversion of another fraction, is called its reciprocals since any two numbert whose product is a unit, are called !hr reciprocals of each other. Thus, ^ and j 7 5 , | and f or 8, are the reciprocals of each other, as y x T ' a =1. and 1x8=1. t This mode of dividing furnishes an explanation of the rule in page 27, for finding the true remainder in dividmtt t>y the factors of a given divisor. THE RULE OF PROPORTION IN FRACTIONS. 105 Dividing therefore the numerator 10, by the numerator 21, we have 12, the same quotient as before ; and thus may all the exercises in this rule be performed. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Exercises. Answ. =4320 Exercises. 13. f-5-A 14- ! 3 T-f 15. ef 20. 21. 22. Answ. = T ^ = 2* =A =Uf =1^ =6? THE RULE OF PROPORTION IN FRACTIONS. IN fractions, in the rule of Proportion, whether Simple or Compound, the terms are arranged in the same manner as if they were whole numbers; but they are reduced, mul- tiplied, and divided by the rules for the reduction, multi- plication, and division of fractions. When only three terms are given, it is evident from the rules for the multiplication and division of fractions, that if the first term, after the necessary reduction, be inverted, the continual product of the result and the other two terms, will be the fourth proportional required. The work may also be performed by reducing the first and second terms to fractions having a common denomina- tor. The common denominator may then be rejected and only the numerators employed. Exam. 1. If 3f cwt. of sugar cost 17^*3, how much may be bought for 4i ? Here, as 11 P T \ : 1\ : : 3f cwt.; or, by reduction to improper 15X29X25 10875 tractions, as W : *? : y cwt.; g59x?x7 ^^l^ cwt. the fourth proportional required, the value of which by pro- blem VIII. page 98, is found to be 3 qrs. IHtfi ^* s - Exam. 2. If % purchase 1| Ifts. of indigo, how much may be bourht for |f- shilling? As | : \%s. : : 1|- Ibs.; or, by reducing the first tenri to the denomination of shillings, and the third to an improper fraction, 106 DECIMAL FACTIONS. 9X16XH * 3X II as >rs. : ifs. : : V ft. 160xl9><6 ^y Ibs.; or, by multiplying by 16, = lff oz. Exam. 3. If f lb. of tea cost 6/8, what cost f lb. ? As lb. : I lb. : : 6/8 : X $ X 6/8, or H X 6/8, or 6/2$. The work may also be as follows, since 6/8 i^y, or $: as It). : fi v 7 fr lb. : : * : * =^U; or by problem VIII. page 98, =r > X " X are decimals ; and -& is written -7 ; Y&y '9; TiH&OT' '00003; $g, 4'75, &c. Hence, conversely, The denominator of a decimal, thus expressed, is the number denoted by a unit with as many ciphers annexed, as there are figures in the given number. Thus, -37i3 T 3&j '004, ^; -00083, ^MtRy &c. From this notation it is evident, that the figure immedi- ately following the decimal point, denotes tenths; the next figure, hundredths; the third, thousandths, &c. Thus, since 476 is equivalent to 400+70-J-6, the fraction '476, or -^j is equivalent to T$8&+ T 3&y+ 1 iftnr or to T%+T&H~n&ff> b X dividing the terms of the tirst of these fractions by 1OO, and those of the second by 10. In a similar manner it would appear, that "709 i,s equivalent to seven tenths, no hundredths, and nine thousandths. Hence, the values of figures in decimals, as well as in whole numbers, are increased in a tenfold ratio by remov^Jjjy ing them one place towards the left hand, and diminished in the same ratio by removing them one place to the right. Thus, in the decimal '004, by removing the point one place to the ' right, and consequently the figures of the decimal one place to the left, u e have O4, which denotes T ^, or ?$$$, and is ten times^the given fraction, -j^g- ; but by introducing a cipher after the point, which rt> . moves the figures a place to the right, we have -OO04 or T ^^Q, whicn is evidently only a tenth part of the given fraction j^W, or i^,, From these principles it will readily appear, that A decimal is multiplied by 10, if the separating point be removed one place towards the right hand; by 100, if two places; by 1000, if three places, &c.: and, conversely, a decimal is divided by 10, if the separating point be removed one place towards the left hand; by 100. if two places; by 1000, if three places, &c. ; vacant places, when such oc- cur, being supplied in both cases by ciphers. Thus, -7248X10=7-248, or 7 T <&& ; 6 '347X100=634 -7 ; 6'3X 1000=6300. Also, 78-33-i- 10=7 -833; '736-:- 100= -00736 ; 7'3~ 100='073, &c. It appears also from the same principles, that The value of a decimal is not changed by annexing a cipher to the end of it, nor by taking one away, as in each case the significant figures retain the same positions in re- lation to the separating point. Thus, '50=-5=-500, each being equivalent to one half. From this view of the nature of decimal fractions, it appears, that there is in every respect the closest resemblance between them and whott numbers j and hence all operations on decimals are penorm^d in x- 108 DEDUCTION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. actly the same manner as those on whole numbers due attention being paid to the position of the separating point. This last circumstance, indeed, demands the utmost care, as the point is the characteristic of the decimal ; and from what precedes, it is evident how much depends 011 its proper position. Exercises in Notation and Numeration of Decimal Fractions. Write the following fractions according to the notation of deci- mal fractions: 1. Three hundred and six ten-thousandths. 2. Three hundred- thousandths. 3. One ten-millionth. 4. One ten-thousandth. 5. One tenth. 6. Fifty-seven hundred-thousandths. 7. Two hun- dred ten-millionths. 8. Five hundred and nine hundredth^. Express the following decimal fractions in words: 1. -58 I 3. -007 I 5. 31-73 | 7. -00004 I 9. -034567 2. -106 4. -0007 6. 3-173 8. -00041 10. -00000011 REDUCTION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. Problem I. To reduce a common fraction to a decimal. RULE. (1.) Let the numerator, with a cipher annexed, be divided by the denominator, and to the significant figure or cipher placed in the quotient, prefix a point. (2.) Then, if there be a remainder, annex to it more ciphers, and con- tinue the division till nothing remain, or till the result con- sist of as many figures as may be thought necessary. A given quantity may be reduced to the decimal of an- other given quantity of the same kind, considered as an in- teger, by first reducing it to a common fraction by problem VII. page 97, and then reducing the fraction thus found to a decimal. Exam. 1. Reduce ? f 3- to a decimal. 5 1 2)3000(-005859375 Here, 3 by the addition of one cipher, becomes 30, in which 512 is not contain- 4400 ed; and therefore a cipher is put in the quotient, and a point prefixed. ~By the 3040 annexing of another cipher, 30 becomes 300, in which the divisor not being con- 4800 tained, another cipher is put in the quo- tient. After this the division proceeds 1920 in the usual way, a cipher being added each time, and the decimal is found to be 3840 005859375, or T ^Wo 7 <5W> which by reduction to its lowest terms, would be- 2560 come -S^TT, the given fraction; and thus the work is proved to be correct. REDUCTION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 109 With respect to the reason of tJie rule, the given fraction, by an- nexing to each of its terms nine ciphers, (the number that was annexed in the preceding operation,) becomes 5itr8-(ji and this, by dividing each term by 512, becomes TuV^Wo s jn5j which in the notation of decimals, is '005859375, the same as before. Hence it is obvious, that the preceding reduction is in reality the multiplication of each term of the given fraction by 1000000000, and the division of each of the results by 512; and it is evident from the principles established in page 68, that the result must be equivalent to the given fraction. This operation might also be illustrated in other modes. Thus, according to the fourth principle in page 89, we should have 512 : 3 : : 1000000000 : 5859375, the numerator of the required frac- tion; which in relation to the denominator 1000000000 would be expressed by '005859375, according to the notation of decimals. Another illustration might also be derived from the latter part of the rule for problem IV. page 95. Exam. 2. Reduce ^ to a decimal. In this example, each remainder alter 12)500000 the two first is 8, and hence the same figure must be repeated perpetually. *41666, &c. Exam. 3. Reduce T 6 T to a decimal. Here, after two figures have been ob- 11)60000 tained in the quotient, the same series of remainders, and consequently the same '5454, &c. series of figures in the quotient, must recur; and therefore, were the work pursued, the first two figures of the decimal would recur without end. Exam. 4. Reduce 13/8 to the decimal of a pound sterling. Here, 13/8=164 pencezri|= f; and <, reduced to a decimal, 12)80000 in the manner already shown, becomes 68333, &c. The same result may 20)13-6666, &c. be obtained by writing, as in the mar- . gin, 13 shillings below 8 pence; then '6833, &c. dividing by 12 and by 20, we find 13/8 equivalent to 13-6666, &c. shillings, or to '68333, &c. as before. The first three figures of the decimal of a pound may be found very readily, thus : Take half the number of shillings for the first figure ; and for the other figures increase the farthings in the given pence and farthings by 1, if they amount to 24 or more, and by 50, if there were a remainder of 1 shilling. Thus, if 13/8 be given, the half of 13 is 6, and 1 remains ; and in 8 pence there are 32 farthings, which exceeding i'4, is made 33, and this, because 1 shilling remained, is increased by 50, and becomes 83 : hence the three first figures are '683. A decimal which cannot be exactly expressed, but which may be continued to an unlimited number of figures, is 110 REDUCTION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. called an INTERMINATE DECIMAL, to distinguish it from others, which in respect to it, are called TERMINATE, When a decimal is expressed either by the continual re- petition of the same figure, or of the number expressed by two or more figures, it is called a PERIODICAL or a CIRCU- LATING DECIMAL ; and the figure, or number, so repeated is called the PERIOD. Thus the decimals in the second and third examples are periodical, the period in the one consisting of one figure, and that in the other of two. When only one figure is repeated, the application of the terms yerwd and periodical, though convenient, and perhaps best on the whole, is scarcely correct, as each of the terms suggests the idea of more figures than one. On this account, some writers term such decimals repeaters, or recreating decimals. A periodical decimal is said to be MIXED, if it consist of one or more figures prefixed to a periodical part ; others are called PURE. For the sake of brevity, in writing decimals of this kind, it will often be sufficient to write the period but once, and to denote its continuation by putting a trait, or stroke, over the first figure of the period, and another over the last, or one over the repeating figure, if there be but one figure in the period. Thus, -47333, &c. may be expressed by '473', and '5637637, c. by 56'37'. The following considerations will tend to explain still farther the na- ture of these fractions. By the preceding rule we find the following results : ='1111, &c. ; ^-=-010101, &c. ; ^3= -001001, &c. ; ^y = 00010001, &c. These decimals are all periodical; and if any of them be multiplied by a whole number, die result will also be period- ical. Thus, if we multiply the third by 128, we find =! 28 128, &c. ; if by 998, we get ff|= -998998, c. Here we see, that the value of the periodical fraction is the common fraction, whose denomi- nator is the number expressed by as many 9's as there are figures in the period, and whose numerator is the period itself: and the same may be shown in every case. Hence, we have the following rule : To "find the value of a pure periodical decimal, take the period for numerator, and at many 9*s as there are figures in the period, for denominator. Thus, -8181, c.=fi= T T ; 2'97'=fH==H; '3'==f=h- '^9, &c.=|=l, &c. If the decimal be mixed, its value may be easily found by the same principle. Thus, if it were required to find the common fraction which would produce the decimal -12436436, &c. by multiplying by 100 we should find 12'4'36'V or 12-fig. Dividing this by 100, we ob- tain, for the value of the proposed fraction, 1 ^ ? -f"at^o> or D y reduc- 12X999 . 4H6 12424 3106 t,on to a common denominator, ___+__=-_=__. From this vre may readily derive a rule which will be easier iu yrae- REDUCTION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. Ill ttce. For in the last result, since 12 is multiplied into 999, or into 1000 1, the product is 12000 12; to which if the other numerator be added, we have for the required numerator 12436 12, and the deno- minator remains the same as before. From a due consideration of this result, we may derive the following rule : To find the value of a mixed periodical deci?nal, from tlie number expressed by ike finite jmrt with the period annexed, subtract the finite part for the numerator ; and, for the de- nominator, to as many 9*5 as there are figures in the period, annex as many ciptiers as there are figures in the finite part. Thus, to ftnd the value of 83', from 83 take 8, and there will remain 75, and the required frac- tion is %%, or f. Again, if -5416' be given, we have 5416-7-541, or 4875 for numerator, and the fraction is ^, or 1-|. In like manner, to find the value of '263'Gl', we have for numerator 26301 26=26275, and.for denominator 99SOO. Hence the required fraction is ggggg, 01 iggs- The value of such fractions may also be found by the summa- tion of series, as will appear hereafter. By the method thus shown, interminate decimals may be reduced to common fractions, and subjected to the rules for managing such quan- tities. Unless when complete precision is required however, this is not necessary: and indeed in all useful cases their values, instead of being found with entire accuracy, are to be approximated, by carrying the de- cimals out to as many figures as may be necessary in any particular case. In thus approximating the value of a decimal, if it be carried to two places, the error irill be less than a hundredth part of the integer; if to three places, less titan a thousandth; if to four places, less than a ten-thousandllt, c. Thus, if the decimal -2 f V, be carried only to "27, the error will be less than yi^, since the true value is more than T -^j, and less than ^$j ; if to the three figures '272, the error will be less than -J^JQ, since the true value is greater than T %\j^- and less than T Vo%> & c. It may be remarked here, that when a vulgar fraction is in its lowest terms, and its denominator contains no simple factors except 2 or 5, (the two prime factors of 10,) the equivalent decimal is finite, but in every other case it is interminate. The cause of this is, that neither JO, 100, nor any similar number, is divisible by any of the nine digits ex- cept 2 and 5. It may also be observed, that the number of circulating figures must always be less than the units in the denominator. This is obvious from the consideration, that the number of remainders different from each other, which can arise in any operation in division, nust be less than the units in the divisor. Thus, in dividing by 7, it is evi- dent, that the only possible remainders are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 ; and since, in reducing to decimals, a cipher is annexed to each remainder, there cannot be more than six dividends, and consequently, six figures in the quotient, all different. It may be added, on this part of the subject, that any prime number, except 2 and 5, is contained, without remainder, in the number expressed in the common notation, by as many 9's as there are units, wanting one, in tiie prime number itself.* Thus, 3 is a measure of 09 ; 7 of 999,999; and 13 of 999,999,999,999. It is easy to show from this property, that every prime number, except 2, 3, and 5, isa'measure of the number * For a demonstration of the general proposition of which this is a particular cac**, ice Legendie's Theorie des Nombres, No. 129 112 REDUCTION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. expressed in the common notation, by as many 1's as there are units, wanting one, in the prime number itself. Thus, 7 -is a measure of 111,111; and 13 of 111,111,111,111, Sec. It may also be remarked, that while the prime number is always a measure of the number expres- sed by the number of 9's or 1's above specified, it is sometimes con- tained exactly in the number expressed by one-half, one-third, or some other submultiple, or exact part, of the number of those figures. Thus, while 11 is a measure of 9,999,999,999, it is also contained exactly in 99, the number expressed by two (one-fifth of 10,) 9's ; and 13 is a mea- sure of 999,999, or 111,111. Exercises. Reduce the following fractional quantities to decimals : Exercises. Answers. 9. & -(X-l/ 10. $ -4/683544303797 11. vfo 0'044 / 12. ^ B 0'00444' Exercises. Answers. 1. T V -4375 2. ^r -09375 3. nfr* -0048828125 4. H '275 5. TV / 76923 y 13. ^ -O^S^ 6. T \ '583' 14. !' 7. yfa -01'04895' 15. -fa 0/12345679' 8. TTy fo T -0'0059994' 16. ^ 022 / 7' Exercises. Answers. 17. 10/9 to the decimal of 1 -5375 18. 0/10 1 -04375 19. 17/7 __ 1 -87916' 20. 3 r. 11 p an acre -81875 21. 2 qrs. 8 Ibs cwt 5'71428 / 22. 37 perches, mile -115625 23. 3 hours, 30 minutes, day -14583' 24. 15 minutes, 30 seconds, hour , -2583' 25. 16/8 1 2 9 l f 326W 26. 3 c. 1 q. 7 Ibs. ton -165625 27. 6d. ,^vv~~~~~~~.,~~~~~~. shilling -5416' Ex. 28. If the diameter of a circle be 1, the circumference is 3}- nearly, or 3 T a T V more nearly. Express each of these decimally.* Answ. 3-l'42857', and 3*1415929, &c. 29. If the circumference of a circle be 1, the diameter is 5 \ nearly, or $$$. more nearly. Express each of these decimally. Answ. -31'8', and -318309859, &c. 30. An English acre is if of an Irish acre : required the equi- valent decimal. Answ. -61734693877551, &c. 31. Reduce a quarter of wheat containing 456 Ibs. to the decimal of a hundred weight. Answ. 4-07'14285'. 32. The old Irish liquid gallon contained 217-6 cubic inches, and the old English wine gallon 231. Reduce the former to the decimal of the latter. Answ. -94/19913'. * The circumference true to twenty decimal places, is S-HljD'.^SS^STSSSSfjitv REDUCTION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 113 Problem II. To Jind the value of a given decimal in the parts contained in the integer. RULE. Multiply the given decimal by the numbers which, were it an integer, would reduce it to the lower denomina- tions contained in it, and, after each multiplication, point off for decimals as many figures towards the right hand as there were ^figures in the given decimal. The figures re- maining on the left will express the required value. Exam. 5. Required the value of '3945 of a day in hours, &c. Here, the given decimal is multiplied '3945 day by 24, the number of hours in a day, and 24; four figures being cut off towards the -^ right, it appears that -3945 day is equal 1^780 to 9 T V$& or 9 T V<& hours. The deci- 7890 mal -4-68 (the cipher being omitted, see page 107,) is then multiplied by 60, and 9-4080 hours three figures being cut off, there results 60 28-080 or 28-08 minutes. By continuing the process, the value of the given deci- 28-080 minutes mal is found to be 9 h. 28 min. 4 sec. 48 60 thirds^ With respect to the reason of this process, it is only necessary to ob- 4*80 seconds serve, that it is exactly the same as find- 60 ing the value of V$&& day by problem VIII. page 98, the pointing off of the 48'0 thirds. decimals serving the purpose of dividing by die denominator. Exam. 6. Required the value of -5937. Here, by multiplying by 20, we find, -5937 that the given decimal is equivalent to 20 llTVok shillings. Then, by multiply- 11-8740 shillings ing by 12, we find *874s. to be equiva- 12 lent to 10-488 pence. In like manner, ~7n~Tft 488d.is shown to be equivalent to Ifjfo ^ P< farthing, or a halfpenny, very nearly; and consequently, the required value is 1-952 farthings. 11/10$, nearly. Answ. 11/10, nearly. The following rule is easy and useful in practice : To Jind tlie value of the decimal of a pound sterling to the nearest farthing ; (l.J Take a fifth of the number expressed by the two first figures of the decimal, for the tfril- lins,s of the result : (2.J Diminish the number expressed b>/ the remainder with the third figure of the decimal annexed, by a twenty-fifth of itself, and what remains will be the farthings in the rest of the required value. Thus, in finding the value of -5937, the fifth part of 59 is 11, the sniffings of the answer ; the remainder is 4, which being prefixed to 4, (the third figure in- creased by a unit, because the next figure 7, is greater than five,) we have 114 REDUCTION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 44, the twenty-fifth part of which is more nearly 2 than 1; we therefore re- icct 2, and have remaining 42 farthings, or IQi; and hence, the answer is 11/10^, nearly, the same as before. With respect to the reason of this process, it is evident that the given decimal is more nearly equal to 594O than -5930; we use therefore the former, or its equal 594. Now this is equivalent to '55-|-'044, the value of the former part of which would be found by the general rule for this problem, by multiplying by 20 and dividing by 100, which is the same as dividing l>y 5, since 20 is one-fifth of 100. Then, for the value of -044 or T ofo>> by di- minishing the denominator by one twenty-fifth part of itself, we have 960 ; and by diminishing the numerator by a similar part of itself, we have 42 nearly : hence 1^0^^ nearly equal to -^g%, or 42 farthings, since gJ^=l farthing. Practice will soon enable the learner to esti- mate with sufficient correctness, the effect of the fourth figure of the decimal, in respect to the quantity to be rejected. In this example, in- stead of using 44 farthings, we might use 43'7, and it would be easy to see, that the twenty-fifth of this would be about 1'7 ; and rejecting this, we should have 42, as before. Exam. 7. Required the value of *805''of a yard in long mea- sure. This, and similar exercises, may be 8055' of a yard, wrought either by converting the pro- 3 posed decimal into a common fraction, m the way shown in page 111, or more 2*4166 feet, easily by employing an approximative 12 process, as in the margin. Here, we . carry 1 to the product of 3 and 5, be- 4*9999 inches. cause, had the decimal been continued farther, it is evident 1 must have been Answ. 2 feet, 5 inches. carried from the preceding product. For a similar reason, 7 is carried to the product of 12 and 6. The result is found to be 2 feet, 4*9 / inches, which is equivalent to 2 feet, 5 inches. ( See page IIO.J Another 5 was added to the given decimal, that the result might be more distinct and certain. Exercises. Required the values of the following decimals : Exercises. Answers. 33. -0675 of a cwt ?1|- Ibs. 34. '4625 of a ton 9 cwt. 1 qr. 35. -0484 36. *8845 of an acre 3 r. 37. '00213 of a day 3 minutes, 4?^% s sec. 38. '!' 13/ nearly. 39. '&857l4f of a cwt 1 qr. 4 tbs. 40. IIS'O' of a mile 36 perches, 2 yards. 4J. '615 of a shilling 7gd. 4?. '483'5 / 9/8 nearly. 43. -2385 of a degree 14> 18" 36"' 44. -GS'ltf of a cwt. Iwig weight 2qrs. 15$ tbs. nearly ADDITION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 115 Exercises. Answers. 45. '06' 1/4 46. -47916' fos, troy 5 oz. 15 dwts. 47. -2'& 4 8/6, nearly. 48. -4375 of a shilling 5^d. 49. -09375 of an acre , 15 perches. 50. '4/ foot, long measure 5 inches. ADDITION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. RULE. (1.) Arrange the given numbers so that the sepa- rating points may all be in the same column. (2.) Find the sum as in Simple Addition. (3.) Point off as many places of decimals, as there are in the given number which contains most. If any of the given numbers contain periodical decimals, let these be carried out to as many places as there are in the longest of the finite decimals; or, if greater accuracy be required, let them be carried as far as may be judged necessary. In the application of decimals to practical purposes, it is generally known, from the nature of the case under consideration, to how many places it is necessary, that the result should be true. When a result is thus required to be true to an assigned number of places of decimals, it is //- per to carry the decimals which consist of more places, to at le;tst one place beyond the 9>sig>ied number, and to reject the last , figure. In this case, it is proper to observe, that when a decimal is not carried out to its full length, the last figure of the part retained, should be increased by a. unit, if the suc- ceeding figure be 5, or greater than 5. Exam. 1. Add together 81-4632, 9'75, and 47-388. Here, the numbers are arranged as in 81 '4632 the margin, and added as in common 9-75 Addition. The reason of the arrange- 47-388 ment and operation is manifest, those figures being added together which are of 138*601 2, sum. tht same local value. ^xam. 2. Add together 3*7'3', '873, 51-7', 108-2, and 73-4-63 128, so that the result may have four places of decimals true. In this example, the first, third, and 3*73737 fifth numbers are carried to five places, -873 each, and the last figure of the third is 51-77778 made 8, because the next figure would 108*2 be 7. In like manner the fifth figure of 73-46313 the last line is madesJ, because the sue- ceeding figure is 8. : The reason of this 238*0513, sum. 116 SUBTRACTION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. is evident, since 30 is nearer 28 than 20 is, and 30, by the re- jection of the last figure, becomes 3. In the addition, 'the sum of the last column is 18, from which 2 is carried, because 18 is nearer 20 than 10. The correct sum, found by carrying the deci- mals farther, is 238-0512795'!', which by retaining only four figures of the decimal, and increasing the last of them by a unitjji because it is followed by 79, &c. becomes 238-0513, the same as before. Exercises. 1. Add together }-83, 5'674, -3125, 18'3, 100, 38'62, 4-3957, and -5. Answ. 169-6322. 2. Required the sum of 93-617843, 7-836, 12-25, -71375, 4-391, 7-839, 3-7674285, and -8693. Answ. 131-2843215. 3. Required the sum, true to six places, of 51*25, 3'4', -63'7 , 7-885', 7-875, 7*8'75', and 11-1'. Answ. 90'0793'60724'. 4. Required the sum of -7354, -7354', '735'4', 7 / 354 / , -07354, and 0735'4', Answ. 3-088857'991'. 5. Add together -3, -3', -45, -4'5', -3'51', -6468, 6468', -646'8', and 64W. Answ. 4*47663'456I8'. 6. Add together -8', *8'7', and -&7&. Answ. 2*6'44553'. 7. 8, and 9. Required the sum, true to five places, of the num- bers given in exercises 5th, 6th, and 13th of Addition of Frac- tions, the several fractions being previously reduced to decimals. Answ, 6-0078125, 3'907'14285', and 1*56101 1'90476'. SUBTRACTION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. RULE, (1.) Set the less number so that each figure in it may stand below a figure of the same local value in the greater. (2.) Then find the .difference as in Simple Subtrac- tion, and place the separating point as in Addition of De- cimals. Exam. 1. From S'5'4 7 take 1-34265. 3-546 Here, the greater number is ex- . 1-34265 tended, and the remainder is found to be 2-202804'5'. 2-202804 / 5 / , diff. Exam. 2. Required the difference of 8'6 and 2-7'. Here, the, less number is carried to From 8-6 four places, that the true answer may Take 2*7777 be discovered with greatgr certainty. In the subtraction, ciph&s are con- Rem. 5-8222 ceived to be annexed to* the greater number, and 1 is carried to the repeating figure first used, be- cause this must have been done, had the less number been carried one place farther. The answer is found to be 5'S^. MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 117 Exercises. Answers. 1. 3-4681-2591 = 2*2089 2. 6-45 l-WSr = 5-104'5' 3. 56-4297 29-68534= 26--7443G 4. 34-52810-63475. =23-89325 5. -682 -09647 ='58553 6. 13-6' 4-345 =9'3216 / Exercises. Answers* 7. 5-83 4-l'7'.... =l-658 / 2' 8. 17-4' -4/8' .. .. = 16-9/5' 9. 3-3'42' l-7'5 y . = 1'5'84766/ 10. 17| 7f* =9-94642857 11. 7V* ff 4e 7 -5 =2-9617521 12. 15 T V 13 ? V.. =1-8188235 MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS*: RULE I. Multiply the factors as in Simple Multiplication, and point off in the product as many places of decimals as there are in both factors, supplying the deficiency, when any occurs, by' prefixing ciphers. Exam. 1. Multiply -582 by 66-3. Here, because there are three places '582 of decimals in the one factor, and one 66*3 in the other, there must be four places of decimals in the product. 1746 The reason of the rule will be under- 3492 stood from considering, that when the 3492 denominators are supplied, the first fac- tor becomes $&&> an d the second 66 T 3 ff , 38*5866, product, or 0% which, by the rule for the mul- tQQ vj* fV'Q tiplication of frdHbns, page 102, give for product 10000 whence it appears, that the product of 582 and 663 must be di- vided by 10000, 'which is effected by cutting off four figures. It is evident, that the divisor must contain as many ciphers as there are in both denominators; that is, as there are decimal figures in both factors. Exam. 2. Multiply '13, by -7. -13 Here a cipher must be prefixed to the pro- *7 duct 91, ad there are two places of decimals in the one factor, and one in the other. Exercises. Answers. 1. -78 X '42 =-3276 2. 7-8X4-2 =32-76 3. 7-49X63-1 =472-619 Exercises. 4. -144X*144 091 Answers. .. =-02073 5. 1-05 X 1-05 X 1'05= 1-15762 6. 36-48 X '475 =17-328 Exercises. Answers. 7. -IX'IX'1 X'lX'l =-00001 8. 13-825X5-128 =70*8946 9. -08 X "036 =-00288 * In this exercise and the two next, the given tractions are to be reduced to decimals, and the difference taken according to the rule. 118 MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. Exercises. Answers. 10. -31X*32 = '0992 11. 3-18X41-7 =132-606 12. 62-38X7 =436-66 When the number of decimal figures is great, or the factors numer- ous, the decimal figures resulting from the application of the preceding rule, are, in many cases, unnecessarily and inconveniently numerous. The following approximative rule will be found extremely useful in such cases. RULE II. (1.) Count off, after the separating point in the multiplicand, (annexing ciphers, if requisite,) as many figures of decimals as it is necessary to have in the product. (2.) Below the last of these, write the unit figure of the multi- plier, and write its other figures in reversed order. (3.) Then multiply by each figure of the multiplier thus inverted, neglecting all the figures of the multiplicand to the right of that figure, except to find what is to be carried ; and let all the partial products be so arranged, that their right hand figures may stand in the same column. (4-.) Lastly, from the sum of these partial products, cut the assigned num- ber of decimal places. In carrying from the rejected figures, we should always take what is nearest the truth, whether it be too great or too small. Exam. 3. Multiply 7-24651 by 81-4632, so that there maybe only three places of decimals in the product. '% Here 1, the unit figure of the multiplier, is written below 6, the third decimal figure of the multiplicand; 8, the figure which precedes 1, is written after itj 4, the figure which follows it, is set before it, &c. We then sav, 8 times 5=40, and 1, carried for 8 times 1,=41: 7-24651 1 is then set down, and 4 carried, and the 2364' 18 rest of the multiplication by 8 proceeds in the usual way. Then, in multiplying 7-246 by 1, we add 1 to the product for 51, be- cause 51 is nearer 100 than 0, and there- fore it is nearer the truth to carry 1 than 0. In multiplying 7-24 by 4, three is car- ried for the product that would have' re- sulted for the rejected figures : for going two places back, we have 4 times 5rz20; 590-325, product. 4 times 6=24, and 2z=26, which being nearer 30 than 20, we carry 3. For a similar reason, in multiply- ing 7*2 by 6, we carry 3 from the rejected figures; and thus we proceed in similar cases. In finding what is to be carried for the rejected figures, it is generally sufficient to go one figure back : but in .doubtful eases it is better to go farther. MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 119 The reason of the preceding operation will 7-246,3 I be seen from the adjoined work at full length, 81-4(iti2 in which a vertical line is drawn, cutting off ihe part rejected in the abbreviated process. 11449302 The result in this way is 590-323, or rather 21 173953 590-324, on account of the following figures, 434J7906 and is less by a thousandth part of a unit, 2898 604 than the result before obtained. The rea- 724651 son of this difference is, that all the partial 579720 8 products in the contracted mode, except the last, happen to be rather too great. If, as 590-323 893432 in the preceding example, the results which are too great be marked by the sign , and those that are too small by -f- > i fc mav enable us in some degree to judge of the ac- curacy of the result, as we may suppose it to be nearly correct, if the -number of the signs of each kind be nearly the same, since the excesses and the defects will then probably balance each other, Exam. 4. Multiply -681472 by 01286, so that the decimal in the '681472 -product may contain five figures. 68210-0 In this example, since the multipli- er contains no integer, a cipher is placed below the fifth figure of the multiplicand; and then, the multiplier being written in reversed order, the work proceeds as in the last example. *00876, product. Exam. 5. Multiply 7-94 / by 3*69, 7-9444' so that there may be four places of 96-3 decimals in the product. Here the multiplicand is carried out 238333 to four places, and by a process simi- 47666 lar to those which precede, the answer 7150 is found to be 29-315, which is quite correct. 29-3150, product. Exercises. Answers. 13. 1-123674 X M23674 to 6 places =1-262643 14. 7-2 / 85714 / X 36-74405 to 6 places =267-706650 15. 24-6'3' X '2347 to 6 places =5'78215 / 4' 16. -863541 X -10983 to 5 places =-09484 17. -1347866 X '288793 to 7 places =-0389254 18. -26736 X '28758 to 4 places ='0769 19. 2-65641 9 X l'7 / 23 / to 6 places =4*578932 20. l-e'o'X 1'^S 7 to 5 places =2-45975 21. -053437 X '047 126 to 6 places =-002521 22, 23, 24, 25. Required the product, true to six places of de- cimals, of the numbers fciven in exercises 4, 6, 14, and 17 in 120 DIVISION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. Multiplication of Fractions; the several fractions being previously reduced to decimals. Answ. -113445, -467480, 2-393162, and 150-289438. J DIVISION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. RULE. (1.) If the divisor and dividend do not contain the same number of places of decimals, supply the defici- ency by annexing ciphers, or in a periodical decimal, the next figures of the period. (2.) Then rejecting the sepa- rating points, divide as in whole numbers, and the quotient will be a whole number, p.) If there be a remainder after all the figures of the dividend have been employed, ciphers or periodical figures may be annexed, till there be no re- mainder, or till as many figures be found as maybe judged necessary. The part of the quotient thus obtained will be a decimal. If after the rejection ofSthe separating points, the divi- sor be greater than the dividend, the quotient will contain no whole number, and the work will proceed according to the rule for problem I. in Reduction of Decimals. When the divisor is large, the work will be shortened, if, instead of annexing a cipher or periodical figure to each re- mainder, a figure be cut off from the divisor. In this case, each product is to be increased by carrying from the pro- duct of the figure last cut off, and of the figure last placed in the quotient. It may facilitate the use of this contraction, if after the rejection of the separating points, so many figures be annexed to the divisor and di- vidend, or taken from them, that the divisor may contain one, or for greater accuracy, two figures more than are required to be in the quo- tient. Other directions might be given ; but the following examples and illustrations will perhaps be preferable. Exam. 1. Divide 1346-5 by 43-68. Here, by annexing a cipher to the dividend, and rejecting the points, we have for divisor 4368, and for dividend 1 34650. Hence, dividing in the common way, we find 30 for the integral part, and annexing ciphers to the remainders, and continuing the operation, we get -826465, c.; and the entire answer is 30-826465, &c. The work is left for the learner to perform. With respect to the reason of the operation, the value of 1346*5 is not changed by the annexing of a cipher; and the removal of the points merely multiplies each of the given numbers by 100. DIVISION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 121 (See page 107. J It is evident therefore, that the value of the quotient will not be affected, sinee, while the dividend is multi- plied by 100, the divisor is increased in the .same ratio. We might also consider the dividend as the numerator, and the divisor as the denominator of a fraction ; and then the reason of the process would depend on the first of the principles established in page 88. The reason of removing the points, is to make the dividend and divisor whole numbers, and thus to render the operation as much as possible the same as in Simple Division. Exam. 2. Divide -1342 by 67-1. Here, by annexing three ciphers to the divisor and rejecting the points, we get for divisor 671000, and for dividend 1342. Then the dividend being the greater, the quotient will contain no integral part; and the annexing of a cipher to the dividend, gives one cipher for the quotient: the annexing of a second gives ano- ther cipher; but the addition of a third gives 2. Hence the quo- tient is -002. When the number of places of decimals In the divisor is not greater than in the dividend, the number of figures of decimals in the quotient is to be equal to the difference between the number of places in the divisor and dividend, as is evident from Multiplication of Decimals; and in this way the number of decimal figures in the quotient is often very easily determined. Exam, 3. Divide 2-3748 by 1-473G, so that the quotient may contain three places of decimals. In this example, the 14736)23748(1-61 1 1 4736)23743(1-0 1 1 numbers being prepar- " 14736 14736 ed according to the rule, and $xi first fi- 9012 90I2|0 gure of the quotient 8842 8841 6 being found, instead of adding a cipher to the 170 170f40 remainder 9012, we 147 14736 omit the last figure of ! the divisor, to denote 23 23|04Q which, a point is plac- 15 141736 ed below it. Then 6 being put in the quo- ' 8 b 304 tient, we multiply 6, the figure cut off, by it, and without setting any thing down, we carry 4, because the product 3G is nearer 40 than 30. After that, 3 is cut off in like manner, and then 7. The quotient is found to be 1-611, or more nearly 1-612, because the remainder 8 is rather more than the half of 14. The annexed operation at full will explain the reason of the contracted process, the vert: cutting off the rejected part. G 122 DIVISION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS, Exam. 4. Divide 73*64 by '43^, so that the quotient may have four places of decimals. 43232323)7364000000(1 70-33oo 43232323 Here it is easy to see, that the quotient will contain three places of whole numbers. (This would be seen by divid- ing 736 by 4.) Hence the quotient must contain seven figures. Extending therefore the divisor to eight places, and the dividend to the same num- ber of places of decimals, the process will stand as in the margin. In the work, instead of bringing down the two last ciphers of the dividend, two figures may be cut in succes- sion from the divisor, and the rest of the operation will pro- ceed as before. 30407677 30262626 145051 129697 15354 12970 2384 2162 222 216 6 The pupil should work the following exercises by both methods, par- ticularly by the abbreviated process : Exercises. Answers. 1. 47-58 -i-26- 175 =1-8 1776504 2. -341 2 -j-8-4736= -040266239 3. 468-7' -r-3-365 ..= 139'309889 4. -o'8'-;-77-482... = -00756 122 5. 75-347 -K3829 = 1 96-779838 6. 6-5' -=-7-06249..:= -928222 Exercises. Answers. 7. 1-f- 10-473654..= -09547766 8. 7-5-J-37-38 =-20004-205 9. 5-09'-j-6'2' = -8T 10. 11. 12. 2-r62'-f-3-125..= -69 18' Exercises. Answers. 13. -079085-^-83497 =-094716 14. -6'l'-f-I3-543516 =-04549495 15. 23-6-f--037538 =628-69625-:. 3 16. 7-1 2649 1H--531 , =13-420887005 17. -879454-T--897 =-98043924 18. 52-7'3'-r-52-734567 =1-000053224 19. 2-3 / 70 / -i-4-9 / 23076 / =-4 / 81 / After the full illustration of the multiplication and division of deci- mals, which has been given in the preceding pages, it appears unneces- sary to give their application in the Rule of Proportion ; as in thus ap- plying them the pupil can encounter no difficulty, the terms being arrang- ed in the manner already explained, and the product of the second aiul third terms, in like manner, divided by the first. Should it be thought necessary however, the exercises in page 106 may be wrought in this manner, by reducing the common fractions which they contain, to de- c-imal fraciioiis. 123 PRACTICE. An ALIQUOT PART of a number is such a part as, when taken a certain number of times, will exactly make that number. Thus, 5 is an aliquot part of 20, S of 12, &c. What is generally called PRACTICE is only an abridged method of performing operations in the Rule of Proportion by the use of aliquot parts; and is generally employed in calculating the prices of commodities. TABLES OF ALIQUOT PARTS. 10/0 1 2/0 . .. JTS 4d .... J of 1/0 6/8 .. ___? 1/8 .... J* 3d .... \ of 1/0 5/0 2d .... = i of 1/0 4/0 -4- 1/0 I l|d . i of 1/0 3/4 2/6 .., 1/0 .... = & 6d -^- of 1/0 Id .... = T V of 1/0 Jd ...=!* of 1/0 2 qrs 1 qr 16 IDS = \ cwt. \ CWt. =| cwt. COMMON WEIGHT. 14 Ibs = i cwt. 8 Ibs = T ycwt. 7 Ibs z^iV cwt. 4 Ibs.. r:.jV cwt. 14 Ibs.. = of aqr. 7 Ibs.. = of aqr. LONG WEIGHT. 2 qrs =^ of a cwt. 1 qr rz^ of a cwt. 20 IDS =1 of a cwt. 15 tbs rr | of a cwt 12 Ibs =-^ s of a cwt. 10 Ibs =^5 of a cwt. 2 roods Irood = | acre rr^acre LAND MEASURE. 20 perches | acre 16 perches^ acre 10 perches ! rood 8 perches^: rood These tables may be constructed by problem VII. page 97 ; or rather by dividing l, 1 acre, &c. by 2, 3, 4, &c. and selecting such of the quotients as are free from fractions. The following continuation of them may often be found useful. By its means the pupil may frequently be assisted in discoveting what aliquot parts may be most advantage- ously employed in many of the operations which he may be required to perform. The more obvious and less useful parts are omitted. 2/6 : 1/8 : MONEY. ( $ of 10/0 tJf 5,0 Uof JO/0 of 5/0 1/4...= 1/3...= i of 4/0 C | of 10/0 ] i of 5/0 C i of 2/6 (1 .> of 100 10d....= 124 10d....= 8d.. .= PRACTICE. % of 2/6 iof 1/8 of 4/0 i of 3/4 J of 2/0 i of 5 / i of 2/6 . , 5d "" i T Vof 5/0 i of 3/4 i of 2/6 i of 1/8 T V of 4/0 .A of 3/4 . i of 2/0 iV of 2/6 i of 2/0 COMMON WEIGHT. ld....= TV Of 2/6 J of loci ' T Vof 1/3 i of i/ % of 6d. I- of 6d. 1 of 3d. 14 7 lbs = of 2 qrs. i of 2 qrs. 4^ of 16 lbs.* I of 2 qrs. i of 14 lbs. o lu 2lbs ..... = of 1 qr. of 16 U*. of 16 lbs - of Bibs. In the calculation of prices, the quantity of the commodity may be of one denomination, or of more than one : and accordingly, the subject divides itself into two branches, with several varieties, as will uppear from the following rules and illustrations. . RULE I. In finding the price of a commodity, when the price of each article^ as well as the quantity, is of one deno- mination, the product of the given price and of the number of articles, will be the price required. Exam. 1. Required the price of 289 .cwt. of beef at 2 ^ cwt. Here the price of cwt. at \ ty c\vt. is evidently 289; and the price of the same at 2 & xr.vt. must obvi- ously be twice that amount. Exercises. 289 cwt. at 2 W cwt. 289...=price of 289 cwt. at \ 2 cwt. 578. ..=~ .2 Answ. 1. 311 at 3 933 2. 1286 at 5 ... 6*30 Exercises. Answ. 3. 197 at 4- 788 4. 309 at 1 309 RULE II. When the price is an aliquot part of a higher denomination, take a like part of the number of articles, and the result will be the price in the higher denomination. Exam. 2. What cost 532 lbs. of tea at 6/8 F tb. ? 532 tbs. at 6/8 W tb. 532 rrpriceiof 532 tbs. at 1 each 6/8=: J of XI... 177 6 8=^L 6/8 PRACTICE. IP this example, since 532 articles, at 1 each, would cost 532, it is evident, that at 6/8, the same number of articles would cost one-third of that amount, 6/8 being one-third of 1. We therefore divide 532 by 3, and the quotient, 177 6 8, is the required price. Exam. 3. Required the price of 537 yards of ribbon at 3d. ^ yard. 537 yards at 3d. W yard. 537 s =price of 537 at 1/0 # yard. 3d.= of 1/0 134/3 =__ at 3d. 6 14 3, Answ. Here, the price of 537 yards at 1 shilling would be 537 shil- lings; and the price of the same at 3d. would evidently be one fourth of that, or 134/3, which by reduction becomes 6 14 3. Exerdses. Amiv. 7. 739 at 3/4 123 3 4 8. 645 at 2/6 ....... 80 12 6 Exercises. Answ. 5. 389 at 10/0 194 10 6. 538 at 5/ 134 10 RULE III. When the price of each articled not an aliquot of ajtigher denomination, it is to be divided into such parts, that the price of the whole quantity at each of these prices, may be found by the first or second rule ; and the sum of prices thus obtained will be the whole price required. Exam. 4. Required the price of 479 cwt. of sugar at 4 9 6 cwt. 479 cwt. at 4 9 6 V cwt. 479 =price of 479 cwt. at? 1 ^ cwt. 4 5/0= i 4/0=i of 1 of 1 5 of 5/0 Answer. 1916. 95 11 15 16 19 A 6=ZZZZ^ x^-^^-u-a 2143 10 6, 4 9 In this example, at 1 ^ cwt. 479 cwt. would cost 479, and hence, to find the price at 4 ^ cwt. we multiply by 4. Again, since 5/=r one-fourth of a pound, and 4/zr one-fifth of a pound, the prices at these rates will be found by rule II. by taking the fourth and the fifth of 479. It still remains to find the price at 6d.: now, since 6d. is one-tenth of 5/, the price at Cd. will evi- dently be one-tenth of the price at 5/, and therefore we take on-3- izo PRACTICE. tenth of 119 15 the price at 5/, and the result is 1! 19 0, thf price of 479 cwt. at 6d. ty cwt. Finally, the price of the whole quantity at 4 V cwt. being 1916; at 5/, 119 15; at 4/, 95 16; and at 6d. 11 19 6; the price at 4 9 6 will be 2143 10 6, the sum of these. Exam. 5. Required the price of 647 yards of linen at 3/9 V yd 647 yards at 3/9 V yard. 647 rrpriceof 647 yards at 1 V yard. 2/6= of 1 I 80 17 6= 2/6 1/3= I of 2/6 I 40 8 9= 1/3 Answer, 121 6 3rr 3/9 In this example, the price at 1 IT yard is obviously 647, and as 2/6 is one-eighth of a pound, the price at 2/6 will be one-eighth of 647, or 80 17 6. Now, 2/6 with i/3 make up the given price 3/9; and 1/3 being one-half of 2/6, the price at 1/3 will be one-half of the price at 2/6, and hence we take the half of 8C 17 6. Then the price at 2/6 being 80 17 6, and that at 1/3 being 40 8 9, the price at 2/6 and 1/3, or at 3/9, will be 121 6 3, the sum of these. This exercise might be wrought with nearly equal facility by finding the prices at 3/4 and 5d. and taking their sum. Exam. 6. Required the price of 247 ewt. of flour at 1 5 ^ c. 247 cwt. at 1 5 ty cwt. 247 =price at 1 V cwt. 5/0=|ofl... 61 15= 5/ Answer, 308 15 = 1 5 This and the preceding examples have been wrought at full length for showing the reason of the operations, and thus the pupil should be accustomed to work similar questions, 247 cwt. at 1 5 V cwt. till he thoroughly understand 5/=^... 61 15 the reason of the process. Afterwards, however, the 308 15, Answer. work may be properly con- tracted as in the margin, which is the mode commonly employed. Exam. 7. Required the price of 195 Ibs. of raisins at 1/3 V lb. 195lbs. at 1/3 V lb. ) 4)195 =price at 1 lb. 1/3=^ of !...$ ) 4)48 15 Answer, 12 3 9= 1/3, PRACTICE. 127 Or thus, 195fos. at 1/3 perJb. 195s.. ..= price at 1/0 perlb. 3d.= ^ of 1/O..J48 9 = 0/3 2lO)24|3 9 = 1/3 ,12 3 9, Answer, as before. In the first of the preceding operations, since 1/3 is one-six teenth of a pound, we divide 195, the price at a pound sterling per pound, by 4, and the result again by 4. 195lbs. at 1/3 perlb. In the second method, 3d.=: of 1/0. ..48 9 the price at one shil- ling being 195 shillings, 2|0)24|3 9 and the priceat 3d. one- fourth of that amount, 12 3 9, Answer. or 48/9, the sum of both is 243/9, the price required, which by reduction becomes 12 3 9, the same as before. This operation may also stand as in the margin. Example 8. What cost 1257 yards of ribbon at Gfd. per yard? 1257 yards at 6|d. per yard. 6d.= of 1/0 I 628 6 =r price at 6d. per yard. fd.= of6d. I 78 6f= fd 2|0)70|7 Of- 6|d 35 7 Of, Answer. Exam. 9. Required the price of 347 cwt. of coffee at 7 11 6$ per cwt. 347 cwt. at 7 11 6| per cwt. 7 10/=i J/3=i 3/3=i Jd.=i ofl of 10/ of 1/3 of 0/3 f^ffX&9 173 21 4 1 10 13 6 9 9 8 = 10 r o 3 3 0| 2629 12 2= ^7 11 Cf PRACTICE. Or thus, 347 cwt. at 1 11 6f per cwt. 10/= of 1 i/ = ^of io/ 0/6= of 1/0 d.= of 6d. = price at 7 per cwt. 173 10 = 10 17 7 ^.-^.y...... 010, 8 13 6 = 006, 1 1 8|= Of, Answ. 262912 2= 711 6| Exam. 10. If a tradesman have 3/9 per day, how much is his yearly salary, the days of labour in the year being 313? 313 days at 3/9 per day. 3/4= i ofl 3d. = of 3/4. 52 3 4 = amount at 3/4 per da} 7 . 6 10 5 = 0/5 , 13 0= ^, 0/0| Answ. 59 6 9*= 3/9^ " This exercise might have been wrought by distributing 3/9^ into the parts, 2/6, 1/3, and *d. ; but those employed above are much piefer- able, as, in the other case, *d. being one-thirtieth of 1/3, we must have divided by a number inconveniently large. Unless, indeed, in particu- lar 'circumstances, we should, "if possible, avoid taking parts that would L require us to divide by any number greater than 12. The seventh ex- ample affords an instance in which no inconvenience or difficulty arises from employing a larger divisor; and every person's experience will point out others. In taking aliquot parts, it sometimes shortens the work to take the Kime part twice, as the result of the first operation may be. 1 copied with- out working for it again. Thus, 18/6 may be distributed' into 10/, 4/, 4/, and 6d. Sometimes also the price at a small rate may be found, and from it the price of a greater may be obtained by multiplication. Thus, 16/4 may be divided into 2/, 14/, and 4d. the price at H/ being 7 times the price at 2/. In like manner, for, 17/1 we may take 1/8, 15/, and 5d. Other remarks on this subject will be found at the end of this article, Exercises. Answers. J. d. s. d. 9. 1625 at 2 8^ , 220 I 0. 10. 1429 I 2 9 1625 9 9 11. 1973 6 10 674 2 2 12. 749 5 8 212 4 4 13. 1689 4 10* 411 13 10 14. 2476 18 6 , 6 15. 5926 11 8 34of> 16 8 16. 313 a 8 135 12 B 17. 5934. 1 5 10 7664 15 18, 3576 11 4^ 2033 17 19. 958 1 18 8 , 18.52 2 8 % m PRACTICE. 129 Exercises. Answers. i. d. t. d. 1898 at 6 10$ ........................... 632 8 9 21. 1594 13 6 ........................... 1075 19 22. 695 14- 10 ........................... 515 9 2 23. 2386 1 6 6 ........... . ............... 3161 9 2k 725 178 ........................... 1002 18 4 25. - 589 1 11 6 ........................... 927 13 G 26. 286 12 1 ........................... 172 15 10 27. 7649 5f ........................... 183 5 If 28. 5728 1\ ............. ~ ............ 173 8 29. 6491 lOf ......... . ................. 290 14 10| 30. 991 1 3j ........................... 64 31. 436 ' 4 17 8 ........................... 2129 2 s" / 32. 3725 5 8 ...... . .................... 1059 5 \\\ // 33. 1677 5 1 ........................... 426 4 9 34. 7913 2 16 10 ........................... 22502 11 I0j 35. 4265 1 14 \\ ..... ...................... 7277 3 Ij 36. 249 5 13 9 ...... . .................... 1416 3 9 - 37. 576 18 11| .......... . ................ 546 U 38. 6485 2 10 2| ..... . ..................... 16280 1 Ok RULE IV. The price of any number of articles at 2 shU~ tings each, is found by doubling the last figure of the num- ber for shillings, and taking the number expressed by the preceding figures as pounds. Exam. 11. What cost 647 yards of muslin, at 2 shillings F yard? The reason of this rule is, that 2 shillings 647 yards at 2/ are one-tenth of a pound, and the work is - no more than a contracted division by ten. 64 14 0, Answ. Thus, in the annexed example, by dividing by 10, we should have .64, with the fraction fa or y doub- ling both the terms, %$, or 14 shillings, RuLBy. If the rate be an even number of shillings, mul- tiply by half that number, and in multiplying, double the last figure of the product for shilling^ ; the rest will be pound?. Exam. 12. Required the price of 273 fts. of indigo. shillings ^ Ib. This rule and operation are evi- 273 Jbs. at 8/ v dently nothing more than an ex- 4 tension of the last. In the annex- - ed example, the price is ^ or T 4 ^ <10& 4 of a pound; and hence \*;e multi- * ply by 4, and the doubling of the last figure shillings, is equivalent to a division by 10. ^ 3 787 Ifes. at 17/ ^ ib. 8 J30 PRACTICE. RULE VI. When the number of shillings is odd, we may find, by the last rule, the amount at one shilling less than the given rate, and for that shilling take aV of the price at one pound. Exam. 13. What cost 787 Ibs. of nutmegs, at 17 shillings pound? In this example, the price is first found at 16/ W pound, by multiplying by 8, and doubling the last figure of the product for shillings; then, for the remaining shilling, a twentieth part of 787, the 668 price at 1 per lb. is taken; and the sum of both results is 668 19, the price at 17 shillings. Exam. 14. Required the amount of 233 cwt. of pearl ashes, at 3 9 per cwt. 233 cwt. at 3 9 per cwt. 3 4 699 93 =price at 3 per lb. 4 _ 8/ ...-.....-. 3= - I/ - Answer, 803 17=. ,3 9 In this example, we first find the price at 3 by multiplying by 3; then the price at 8/ by multiplying by 4, and doubling the last figure of the product ..for shil- lings ; and -lastly, the price a? I/, by taking a twentieth part of 233, the price at 1 per cwt. It. is evident, that we might have taken one eighth of the price at eight shillings, for the price at one shilling. Answers. s. d. 13/ 438 15 14/ 358 8 1G/ .255 4 17/ 737 16 18/ 423 3 4...S145 12 5 13..4090 12 RULE VII. The price may often be determined very easily, byjinding the amount at a rate higher than the given rate, a?td deducting from the amount the price at the difference beiiueen the given and the assumed rates. 'This method is generally of little use, unless the difference between the given and the higher rate be an aliquot part of the higher. This ditkrence may be called the COMPLEMENT of the given rate. Exercises. 39 397 at 2/ Answer s. 39 14 62 14 228 18 132 6 336 8 421 13 569 8 s. d. .0 Exercises. 46. 675 at 47. 512 48. 319 49. 868 50. 470 51. 983 52. 724 40 418 3/ ....... 41. 763 6/ 4.0 378 7/ . 43 841 8/ 44. 937 9/ 45. 949 12/ ... PRACTICE. 131 Exam. 15. What cost 189 tons of coals at 17/6 per ton? 189 tons at 17/6 per ton. Or simply thus: 189 =price at \ per ton. 189 at 17,0 2/6=23 12 6= 2/6 2/6=.. .23 12 6 Aruw. 165 7 6= 17/6 166 76 In this example, since 17/6 is less than a pound by 2/6, which is an aliquot part of a pound, the required price is found by :^k- ing from 189, the price at 1 per ton, 23 12 6, the price at 2/6 per ton. Exam. 16. What cost 257 feet of plank, at lOd. per foot ? Here, from 257 shil- 257 feet at lOd. W foot, lings, the price at I/ per 2d.= of I/... 42 10 foot, we take 42/10, the price at 2d. per foot: 20)214 2 the remainder is 214/2, or by reduction 10 14 10 14 2, Answer. 2, the price at lOd. per foot. Exam. 17. What cost 514 gallons of seal oil at 3/1 1 ty gallon? 514 gallons, at 3/11 V gallon. 2056/ =price at 4/ V gallon. ld.= &of I/... 42 10...= Id 210)201 13 2...= 3/11 100 13 2, Answer. Exam. 18. Required the price of 193 cwt. of Turkey fiee. at 3 18 r cwt. lu this example, 193 cwt. at 3 18 V cwt. the price at / V 4 cwt. (found by doubling the last 772 =price at 4 V cwt. figure, &c.) is taken 19 6...= 2 from the priffe at . 4. 752 14...= 3 18 Exercises. Answers. s. d. f . d. 53. 358 at 13 4 238 13 4 54. 599 10$ 26 4 11 55. 967 008 32 4 8 56. 275 2 15 750 5 132 PRACTICE. Exercises. Answers. s. d. s. d. 57. 361 at 3 12 **.... 1299 12 53. 889 009 33 6 9 5'0. 483 5 16 8 2817 10 oO. 189 047 43 6 3 til. 997 11 45 13 11 62. 753 019 65 17 9 63. 649 1 5. 47 6 5 64. 721 19 634 19 0" We now proceed to problems of the second class ; and in resolving them, we may employ either of the two following general rules. RULE VIII. When the quantity is not expressed by a whole number of one denomination, find the price of the integral quantity according to the method already illustrated, and then find the price of the fractional parts, or lower deno- minations, from the given rate, by means of aliquoj parts, or otherwise : the sum of all will be the whole price re- quired. Or, RULE IX. When the quantity is not expressed by a whole number of one denomination, find the price of the entire given quantity at \-\ for each unit of the integral part, valuing the subordinate parts at the same rate ; and then the work will proceed in the manner already explained, with- out the necessity of farther work for the subordinate parts. Exam. 19. Required the price of 79| yards of broadcloth, at 1 2 11 Vyard. By Ride VIII. 79| yards, atl 2 11. 5 ^6rrJ 9 17 6 = price at 2/6 5< 1 = 1 of 2/6 1 12 11 = 5d. * of 1 2 11 11 5i^^ J.-^JJ-KJ of Jt vard i of 1 i AH 5 8|= ^1 91 7 7^, Answer. * .> 12 is the difference between 4 and 8 shillings, and 8/=one-tenth of 4. --Ex. ercie t52 will be wrought by finding the price at two shillings, and then proceeding in the usu.il manner ; and the answers of exercises 60 and 63 may be derived from the prices ;it 5/0 and 1/8. f Thus rule is restricted to pounds, which is almost the only useful or necessary appli cation of the principle. The principle however, is universal in its nature, and might be extcutiod to any other rate in a similar manner. W,th respect to the eighth and ninth rules, it may be observed, that the ninth (of which rules X. XL XII. and XIII. are particular applications,) is very elegant, on ac PRACTICE. 133 In this mode of resolving this exercise, the price of 79 yards is first found, (or rather the parts of which it is made up are found ;) and then for yard tJife half of 1 2 1 1 is taken, and for ^ yard the half of that is taken : then the sum of all these parts is 91 7 74, the result required. By Ride IX. 79f yards at 1 2 11. 79 15 2/6= | I 9 19 5d. = of2/6 I 1 13 = price at \ 44 _ 2/6 gl ; JJJWJJWJX . 5 yard. 91 1 7=. 2 11. In this method we first find the price of 79f yards at \ ty yard. This is obviously 79 15; for the price of 79 yards is 79, and the price of a quarter of a yard being evidently 5/0, the price of | of a yard is 15/. Then, the price at 1 ^ yard being 79 15, the price at 2/6 ^ yard will be one-eighth of this, or 9 19 4 ; and the price at 5d". one-sixth of the price at 2/6, or 1 13 2. The sum of these prices is 91 7 7^, the whole price, as before. Exam. 20. What cost 69 yards of cambric, at 13/10 & yard ? By Rule VIII. 69$ at 13/10 3/4= i of 10/ .= yd. = iof f yd. 34 11 1 6 11 8f Here, after finding, in the way already illustrated, the parts whose sum will be the price of 69 yards at 13/10 W yard, we take for f of a yard the half of 13/10, the price, of one yard, and for the remaining eighth we take ^ of 6/11, and the result is 1/8|, the price of ^ of a yard. The sum of nil these partial prices is 48 3 If, the whole price re- quire .i. By Ride IX. 69f yards at 13/10 V yard. Answer, 48 3 If. 69 12 6 =price at 1 ^ yard. 10/= 3/4=4- of 10 48 3 lf=. 13/10 count of the principle on u hich it depends ; and in many cases it affosoa tne neatest ajKl most concise mode of resolving problems. In some cases, however, it gives ori^ji) to 1&4 PRACTICE. In this method, since, at \ $*" yard, one-eighth of a yard would cost 2/6, five-eighths would cost 5 times 2/6, or 12/6; and con- sequently, at that rate, 69|- yards would cost .69 12 6. The rest of the work proceeds in the usual manner. With respect to both modes, it may be observed, that ou account of the large divisor, 20, the work would have perhaps been as short, had we taken 10/, 3/4, 5d. and Id. though it would appear to be a line longer. Exercises. Answers. 65 328f at 6 s = a Ibs.. 880 16 11 = price r/quired. fractions, which, when perfect accuracy is required, render theJfperation tedious in a considerable degree. In such cases the eighth rule/is sometimra not so objectionable. For mercantile p\trposes, however, as it is unnecessary to work for the precise fractions the ninth rule, when managed as will be shown in the succeeding rules abovementioned, will perhaps be found superior in all the principal and more difficult calculations. Let the teacher and calculator judge, however, and employ whichever they may consider preferable. c. q. Ibs. 198 2 21 at 4 8 8 5 2* PRACTICE. By Ride X. V cwt. 135 198 13 9 =price of 198 c. 2 q. 21 Ibs. at \ V cwt. 794 15 = 79 9 6 =. V 6 12 5|= 880 16 1H= 400 080 a 8 8 The first mode of working this exercise is sufficiently explained in the operation itself. In the second mode, we say, one-seventh of 21 is 3, and twice 21=42, and 3=45 pence, or 3/9, which is the value of the pounds at 1 ^ cwt. We then set down 9d. and carry 3 to 5 times 2, or 10 shillings, the price of 2 quarters; and we thus find the price of 2 q. 21 Jtbs. at 1 ^ cwt. to be 13/9, to which 198, the price of 198 cwt. at the same rate, is pre- fixed. The remaining part of the operation proceeds in the usual manner. Exercises. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. cwt. 75 285 117 84 134 836 812 176 q. Ibs. s. 3 21 at 4 14 3 12 2 2 16 Answers. s. 358 16 18 .1109 . 101 .1068 . 123 .2021 .5391 . 501 13 5 2 4 8* 19 10} 13 \} 3 m Exam. 22, What cost 319 c. 3 q. 16 Jbs. of glue, at 2 12 6 cwt. ? "By Ride VIII. c. q. Ibs. 319 3 16 at 2 12 6 per cwt. 2 638 = price of 319 cwt. at 2 per cwt, T;Q T n n in/ 2/6= ^ of 10/ 2 q.= of 1 c. 1 q.-~| of 2q. 39 1 17 6 13 7 6 ,9/fi ^ , 3 = price of 2 qrs. at U -1 nr 2 12 6percvrt, 16lb.=} of 1 c. Si 6 16 Ibs. Answer, 839 14 4, the price required. 136 PRACTICE. By Ride IX. c. q. Ibs. 319 3 16 at 2 12 6 per cwt. 5 2} 319 17 10$ = price at 1 per cwt. 2 639 10/= I 159 2/u=iof 10/ I 39 839 14 4^ ~ __ 2 12 6 _ The latter mode of performing this example gives origin to frac- tions, which render the operation more tedious. This may be ob- viated by conducting the operation on the same principle, but con- verting the fractions into decimals, which it will be found to be sufficient to carry out to two places each. Thus, the work mrv be as follows : c. q. Ibs. 319 3 16 at 2 12 6. 5 24 319 17 10-29 2 639 15 8-58 10/= I 159 18 ll-14i 2/6=r| of 10/ I 39 19 8-78 Answer, 839 14- 4'50, or 839 14- 4, as before. Here, in taking ^ of 16, we have 2 to carry, and 2 remaining; then, conceiving a cipher annexed to the remainder, and dividing 20 by 7, we set down the quotient 2, and conceiving a cipher an- nexed to the remainder 6, we have 7 contained most nearjy '.* times in 60. We then proceed in the same manner as before, and find for the price at 1 per cwt. 319 17 10-29 nearly. After this the work proceeds exactly as before, except that in each line the [>ence and the decimal are multiplied and divided as if they were a single whole number, the point alone being preserved. Thus, in finding the price at 2/6, after having found 39 19, we have 2/11, or 35d. remaining; we then divide 35-14 by 4, as if it were all one number, and find for the quotient 878, or, the point being placed before the two last figures, 8-78. The final result is 839 14 4'50, or 839 14 4, the same as by the other processes. In working by this method, it should be recollected, that '25d. is a ; '50d. a Italfpenny ; and '15(1. three farthings : and in valuing th PRACTICE. 137 decimal found in the ansiver, the pupil should consider to which of these it ii nearest, and value it accordingly, It may be observed, that in consequence of the method of managing the decimals in all operations of this kind being uniformly the same, any pupU may practise this method, whether he have studied decimal fractkms or not. The following exercise is wrought several ways for the purpose of showing their comparative advantages and disadvantages, and of afford- ing to the pupil an additional example of the mode ct' performing cal- culations of this kind. Exam. 23. What cost 212 c. 3q. 19 Ibs. of barilla, at 1 13 2F cwt.? ByRult ? VIII. c. s. 212 3M9 at c< 106 21 4 10 12 1 15 4 16 7 8 3 4 8f 7^ 3f| On fee. 10/ hus: ^ / c. q. Ibs, 212 3 19 at &c. 106 21 4 10 12 1 15 4 16 7 8 3-50 x> 4 8-86 7-11 3-55 i/=iof2/*.;; 2d.=ofl/... 2q.=4oflc... Iq.=of2q... 2lb'.=|ofl6lb ltb.= ^of 2lb i/=frf2/::: 2d.=iofl/... Iq.= of2q.... 2ib'.= ofl6rb! Hb.=of 2lb. 353 1 Answer, 353 1 10'02, or 353 1 10, nearly, By Rule X. Or thus: c. q. Ibs. c. q. Ibs. 212 3 19at&c. 212 3 19 at i 5 2* 5 2$ 212 18 44 212 18 4-7' 10/=.... 106 9 2 T \ 10/=.... 106 9 2-35 2/=&... 21 5 10 T \ 2/= &... 21 5 10-07 l/=iof2/ 10 12 ll^a l/=of2/ 10 12 11-03 2J.=ofl/ 1 15 5| 2d.=iofl/ 1 15 5-84 Answer, 353 1 10^ Answer, 353 1 10-00 Exercises. Answers. c. q. Ibs. s. d. s. d. ci 75 1 16 at 1 9 9 H2 V? | 1 _1_ 1 * *J 82. 538 2 17 10 4 278 6 of 83. 346 14 1 12 7 531 j v 4. 3 If 84. 786 28 18 9 8 2+ R.T 647 2 11 6 10 8 4,930 > *T2 19 6 oO. \rv 86. 238 03 3 19 7 947 12 10 8?! 181 3 13 2 13 4 .. .. 484 19 6i j ., V 1S Exercises. c. ? Ibs. s. 88. 251 2 1 at 1 17 89. 103 27 5 14 90. 418 2 17 2 91. 179 3 25 3 10 92. 246 3 24 3 5 93. 319 1 9 18 94. 90 2 10 5 2 PRACTICE. Answers, d. s. d. ] 466 6 9^ 14 10 592 15 6^ 8 851 5 2 3 .. 632 3 U 4 806 15 7 297 7 4A 463 14 RULE XI. In computing prices in long weight, multiply the pounds ^by 2 for pence, and the quarters by 5 for shil- lings ; and perform the rest of the work by rule IX. The reason of iJiis rule is evident, since at 1 ^ cwt. long weight, each quarter would cost 5/, and each pound one-thirtieth of this, or 2d. Exam. 24. Required the price of 218 c. 2 q. 17 Ibs. (long weight ) of beef, at 1 17 3 ^ cwt. By Rule VIII. c. q. Ibs. 518 2 17 at &c. 10/=. .= | cwt.... .=iof 2q.. 09 54 10 21 16 2 14 18 3 1 -i - 6| Answer, 407 4 By Rule XL c. q. Ibs. 218 2 17at&c. 5 2 218 12 10 ..|109 6 5 54 13 2*50 21 17 3-40 2 14 7-92 407 4 4-82,or 407 4 4f,nearty Exercises in long weight. c. q. Ibs. s. d, 281 3 3 at 113 Answers. *. 95. 281 3 3 at 113 7 47314 96. 86 3 17 1 14 l| 148 5 97. 598 3 13 2 12 6 1572 98. 238 2 19 1 16 6 435 11 99. 216 2 1 13 10 365 8 100. 411 1 28 12 3 252 17 101. 384 17 108 396 18 102. 277 2 23 383 947 12 RULE XII. In computing the values of acres, roods, and nerches, multiply the perches by 1 i for pence, and the roods by 5 for shillings, and the rest of the work will proceed ac- cording to rule IX. \ PRACTICE. 139 The reason of this ride is also evident, since at 1 V acre, each rood would be worth 5/, and each perch worth one-fortieth of this, or l^d. Exam. 25. What is the yearly rent of 136 a, 3r. 29 p. of land, at 1 4 3 V acre? The work by rule VIII. A. R. p. 136 3 29 at 1 4 3. 5 H 136 I 27 18 7-50 7 8-70 14 2-79 Answer, 166 166 - - - HO PRACTICE. Exam. 27. Required the price of a set of silver article* weighing 216 oz. 14 dwts. 18 grains, at 9/2 ^ oz. 02. dwt. grs. 216 14 18 at 9/2 $" oz. 216 14 9 price at 1 f oz. 72 4 11 2/6= 27 1 10 99 6 9, Answer. Exercises. Answers. 111. 175 t. 18 c. 1 q. at 38 13 6799 112. 219 t. 16 c. 3q. 11 7 6 250013 113. 93 oz. 7dwt. 15 gr. 10 4 48 4 ll| 114. 263 oz. IGdwt. 9 gr. 11 3 148 7 tl| The preceding are the most useful applications of the principle ou which the ninth and the succeeding rules are founded. Various others might be given, which however are omitted, as they are of less impor- tance, and as the pupil who is well acquainted with those already ex- plained, will find it easy to apply the same principles in other cases. RULE XIV. In many calculations, instead of multiply- ing the quantity by the price, it is better to multiply the price by the quantity. This is often the case, when Com- pound Multiplication can conveniently be employed. Exam. 28. Required the price of 12c. 3q. 8 Ibs. of ho: 23 IS 6 f cwt. c. q. Ibs. . s. d. 12 3 8, at 23 18 6 #" cwt. 12 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 1*0. 2 qrs.= c 1 qr.=|of2q. 8 tbs.=* of 2 q. Answer, Exercises. 8 c. 2 qr. 12 Ibs. at 8 a. 3 r. 19 p. 9 tons, >3 cwt. 12 cwt. 1 q. 10 Ibs. (long weight}.... at 1 1 a. 1 r. 23 p. 1 yd. 3 n. 2 nails 287 2 =rprice of 12 cw 11 19 3 = 2 5 19 7 = 1 1 14 21 t. qrs. qr. 8 Ibs. ;306 15 0^=r_ *. d. 1 15 9 12C.3 Am 15 q. 8 Ibs. *wers. *. cL 7 8$ i oj 14 9 18 2 9 2j H 10* 18 10 8 5 19 8 57 2 10 H .. 30 1 3 7 13 193. , 2 PRACTICE. i'4j 121. Tlie quantity of rum imported into Great Britain from Ja- maica in isil, was 4,604,771 gallons. Required the amount oi the priaie cost at 3/9 j, and oi' the importation duty at it; gallon. Required also the drawback, (or sum refund*! on ex- portation,) at 7/7 V gallon, oh one-third of the same quantity. ^72987 1(5 8^; 2494250 19 2; and 581991 17 9." 122. The quantity of wool exported from Ireland in 1806, was 4337 c. 3 q. 8 Ibs.: what was the value at 3 19 7 & cwt.? Answ. 17*69 19 0|. 123. What is the importation duty on 359 gallons of port wine, -iiion? Answ. <136 2 5. What is the duty on 710 gallons of Madeira wine, at 7/8 J F gallon? Answ. 273 12 11. 125. Required the amount of the duty on 124 gallons of French : L 1/4J W gallon. 'Answ. 70 10 6. What is the duty on a cwt. of opium, at 8/9 I 5 " lb. ? Ansiv. . 127. Required the cmty on 47 c. q. 19 Ibs. of mother-o '- :i8lls, at 4 1341^ cwt.; and on 197 fbs. of tortoise shell, llf f lb. Ansiv. 220 2 6, and 3 ;9. 9|. . 128. What is the duty on 517 Ibs. of j*st fndia coffee, at 5 28^ cwt.? Answ. 23 13 11. 129. Required the duty on 179 c. 2. q. 12 Ibs. of Muscatel rai- at 2" 3 6 & cwt' Answ. 391 4f. 130. In 1SOO, the quantity of foreign calicoes ^and muslins printed in England and Wales, was 1,577,536 yards; of British calicoes and muslins, 28,692,790 yards; and of linens and stufis, 3,232,073 yards. Required the amount of the duty paid on each quantity, the first at 7d. and the second and third at 3^ ty yard. Answ. 46011 9 4; 418436 10 5; and 47134 7 11. J3I. The quantity of tea imported by the East India Company, in 1791, was 16,299,854 Ibs. the average prime cost of which in India was 1/6| per pound. Required the entire prime Aii&w. 1273426 1 10i, 132. The quantity o"f wheat consumed in England and Wales, :), is computed to have been 7,876,100 quarters. Required rh-j value at 4 15 7 per quarter, the average price of wheat during that year: required also the value, at the same rate, of 46,598 quarters, the part of that quantity which was imported from Ireland. Answ. 3 7,64 1,1 94 11 8, and 222,699 12 2. 133. Belfast, 1 3th G Jenry Wilson, Bought of S.i-.. . yards fine white linen, at 4/! *..; >7 yards cambric, at 12/10 ^17 yards muslin, at 3/9 ,. ,, , S8f * J 14* PRACTICE. 134* Joseph O'Reilly, Esq. 1823. To David White & Co. Br Sept. 2th, To fine scale sugar, 4c. 3q. 22lfes. at 4 17 4^cwt Dec. I st, To tea, for 1 chest, containing 83 Jbs. at 7/4 ^lb 54 10 1 135. Dublin, 8th December, 1824. Mr. William Joyce buys from Patrick M'Neale, 138 gallons port wine, at 16/7^ ^"gallon; 130 gallons sherry, at 16/4; 110 gallons Madeira, at 26/9; and 120 gallons Teneriffe, at 14/10. Required the whole amount. Ansu<.457 Q \. 136. Mr. Edw. Stone buys of, Hugh Sinclaire of Cork, Jan. 3d, 1824, 156 tierces prime betf, at 5 9 8; 313 barrels ditto, at 3 5 8; Feb. 8th, 93 barrels prime pork, at 3 8 3; Feb. 26th, f>4 barrels inferior ditto, at 3 3 6. Required the entire amount. Answ. 2403 12 11. 137. Belfast, Jan. 2d, 1830. Mr. Alexander Jefferson buys from William Fitzpatrick, 218 yards linen at 3/2 per yard; 173 yards muslin, at l/4 per yard; 2 pieces printed calico, containing 56 yards, at 1/2 per yard; and one piece ditto, containing 27| yards, at lOd, per yard: and he pays in part 32 12 6. How much remains due? Answ. 18 4 9. 138. Mr. Robert Bellingham buys from Patrick Cunningham of Limerick, Feb. 5th, 1830, 3 cwt. of fine scale sugar, at 8/10 per stone; 2 cwt. coarse ditto, at 7/4 per stone; a chest of tea con- taining 86lbs. at 4/6 per tt>; 38 gallons whiskey, at 6/10 per gal- lon; and 10 gallons rum, at 13/6 per gallon. Required the amount. Answ. 55 11 0. The method of aliquot parts in its application in -finding prices, hav- ing been fully developed and illustrated in the preceding pages, it may be proper to conclude this article with some miscellaneous matter that could not with propriety have been intermixed with the general princi- ples already exemplified. * In this exercise and the preceding, which are called Bills of Parcels, the price* of the several articles are to be found and set in the blank spaces towards the right hand .- the sum of these partial amounts is the entire amount required. The form of the first of thc-Ae exercise* is that which is usually employed, when all the articles are bought at the same time: but when the times are diflerent, the form is generally that of the next exercise. The remaining exercises of this kind are left for the pupil to write oui, in ;orm, for his own improvement. PRACTICE. 143 Operations in the Rule of Proportion may often be abbreviated by the me- thod of aliquot parts, whe- ther the first term is a unit or not. Thus, if it were proposed to find how muchflour might be bought for 6 5 8, if 7c. 2q. IGtbs. cost .11 ; the terms Answer, 4 1 13, being arranged in the usual nearly, way, we may multiply the third term by 6, and take parts of it for 5/8. By this means, the product of the second and third terms is found to be 48 c. Oq. 2 T 8 3 tbs ; ami this being divided by 11, by Compound Division, the quotient is 4c. 1 q. 13lbs. nearly, the quantity required. Thus, also, if it be re- b. b. *. d. quired to find the price As 12 : 365 :: 2 13 6 of 365 bottles of wine, at 2 2 13 6 per dozen (ques- tion 53, page 79), the work 730 will stand as in the mar- 10/=r^ 182 10 gin. Experience will ena- 2/6= ^ of 10/ 45 12 6 b!e the student to judge !/0= r VoflO/ 18 5 when this method may be employed with advantage, 12)976 7 6 and when the common method is preferable. 81 7 3, Answ. As an application of this method to quantities of another kind, let it be required to find the sun's mean apparent motion in 10 days, 7 hours, 20 minutes, the mean space which he 5^ 8" - 3 apparently describes each 10 day in the ecliptic, being 8"'3. Here the daily h. m. 9 51 23 14 47-1 2 27-8 49-3 space being multiplied by 6 0= day 10 by Compound Multi- 1 Q= of 6h. plication, there results 9 20=4 of * n - 51' 23", for the space de- scribed in 10 days. Then 10 9 27 2 for 6 hours, a fourth of the daily space is taken; for one hour, a sixth of the result; and for yo minutes, a third of this last result. The sum of all these partial results is 10 9 f 27"'2 nearly, the mean space required. The following is another example of the application' of t!-.! principle. When the radius of a circle, that is, half ITS di is I, the half of the circumference is 3-14159265; hence, let it ' 3-14159265 30 0' 0"=i of 180 6 = i of 30 2 =r $ of 6 40 = of 2 4 0=^3 of 40' 30 = of 4' 3 =r,kof 30" Answ 52359677 10471975 03490658 01163553 00116355 0001454-i 00001454 67618416 144 PRACTICE. required to find the length of a part of the circumference con- taining 38 Ml 33". Here, half the circumfe- ference being 180, the rea- son of the process is obvious; and the answer is true, ex- cept the last figure, which should be 3, the difference being occasioned by the re- jection of remainders in the divisions. Various abbreviated modes of finding prices in particular cases, are given in works on Mercantile Arithmetic. These may be use- ful ibr the pupil who has had considerable experience in arithme- tical calculations, and who is well acquainted with the more com- mon and general rules for such purposes; but for the less experi- enced pupil they are quite unfit, as from their variety and want 01 connexion they must tend only to perplex and puzzle him, and to make him conceive the subject to be more difficult than it really is. It has been thought better, therefore, that no abbreviations except such as are of the most general and obvious nature, and such as are likely to be most frequently useful, should be intro- duced in the preceding part of this article, but that such others as might appear to be worthy of notice, should be inserted at the end of the article, that the attention of the pupil might be di- rected to them or not, as the teacher should reckon best. To find the price of any number of articles at 2d. each; since 2d.= T ^, we divide by 120: then since 2d.= s. 4532 at 2a twelfth of itself. TARE AND TRET. 145 The price at 5/7 may be found by adding to the price at 5/ an eighth of itself; the price at 3/1 by adding to the price at 2/6 a fourth of itself; aud the price at 2/9 J by adding to the price at 2/6 an eighth of itself. The prices at 4/4, 1/10|, and 2/2, may be found by the same rules, except that we are to subtract, instead of adding. To find the price at Q 15, to the price at 6, add an eighth of itself; and to find the price at 6/9, to the price at 6/, add one- eighth of itself. In like manner, to find the price at .3 7 6, to the price at 3, add an eighth of itself; and to find the price at 2 12 6, take an eighth of itself from the price at 3. The price of 24 articles may often be found very readily by tak- ing each penny in the price as 2/j the price of 48, by taking each halfpenny as 2/; and the price of 96, by taking each farthing as 2/. Hence, the price of 25 yards at 3/6, is readily found to be <-i 7 6; for in 3/6 there are 42 pence; and by doubling the last figure of this, we have <4 4 for the price of 24 yards; to which 3/6, the price of one yard, being added, the ,sum ,4 7 6 is the required price. Because 112 farthings 2/4, to find the price of 112 articles, reduce the price of one to farthings, and doubling the last figure for shillings, take the rest as pounds, and to the result add a sixth of itself. Thus, since in 9fd. there are 39 farthings, to find the price of 1 12 at 9|d. each, by doubling the last figure of 39, we have 3 18, to which a sixth of itself being added, we have .4 11, the price required. To find the price of 120, reckon every penny in the given rate 10/. Thus, 120 at 4d. each, amount to 40/, or 2; and at 5 Exam. 1. Required the neat weight of 39 c. 3 q. 21 Ibs. tare 16 Ibs. ^ cwt. tret and cloff as usual. In the several parts of this and the following ope- rations, for the purpose of avoiding fractions, for the last figure of eac^ quoti- ent, that which u the truth has been tifcen. If greater accuracy quired, one or two plj of decimals may be wrought for. The reason of the process is sufficiently ma T mfest. / c. q. los. 39 3 21 16 lbs.=i- of 1 c. 5 2 23 2 lbs.=4 of 16 Ibs. 2 24 Tare, 6 1 19 Suttle, 4lbs.=A of 104 Ibs... 33 , 1 2 1 2 4 32 26 2 lbs.= T ^ of 3 c... 22 Neat weight, 32 4 Exam. 2. Required the neat weight of 59 8 &< casks of butter, weigh- 4 ^ i ng gross, 40 o. q. 4 IDs. tare 12 Ibs. V cask. Exam. 3. Required the neat weight of 24 c. 1 q. 16 Ibs. tare 2 $f cent Here, 2 being a for- tieth of 100, the tare is a fortieth of the gross weight, 59 casks. s.= T Voflc. 4 24 3.= of 8 Ibs. 2 12 Tare, t> Gross, 40 1 8) 4 ] subt. Ibs. 16 12 Neat weight, 33 2=r, l a of 100. Neat weight, 2 24 c. q. 24 1 . 02 23 3 4 Exercises. Find the neat weights of the following quantities: 1. 166 c. q. 8 Ibs. tare 4 V cent. Annv. 159 c. 1 q. 20 Ibs. 2. 164- c. 1 q. 12 Ibs. tare 5 ^ cent, tret as usual. Amw. 150 c. q. 15 Ibs. 3. 104 cwt. tare 12 Ibs. ^cwt. tret as usual. Anstu 89 c. 1 q. 4 Jbs. 4. 125 c. 2 q. 17 Jbs. tare 15 Ibs. #" cwt. Answ. 108 c. 3 q. 8 tbs, 5. 75 c. 1 q. 26 tbs. tare 13 Ibs- ^ cwt. tret as usual. Answ. 64 c. q, |?i Ibs. nearly. 2 6. 9i c. 3 q. 4 Ibs. tare 12 Ibs. ty cwt. tret and cloff as usual. Answ. 80 c. 3q. 16 Ibs. 7. 133 c. q. 10 Ibs. tare 17 Ibs. ^ cwt. tret as usual 4nsip t - lOSc. 9. q..5 Ibs. 8. 91 c. 1 q. tare 5 V cent. Answ. 86 c. 2 q. 21 Iba. 9. 88 c. 2 q. tare 7 f cent. Answ. 81 c. 3 q. .13 Ibs. 10. 24- c. 2 q. 7 Ibs. tare 6 #* cent. JJWH;. 23 c. q.'lO Jbs. 11. 19 c. 1 q. tare -i ^ cent. Answ. 18 c. 1 q. 26 Ibs. / 12. 22 bags weighing gross 45 c. I q. 19 Ibs. tare 5 Ibs. & bag, tf.it as usual. Answ. 42 c. 2 q. 26 Ibs. 13. 39 barrels, weighing gross 83 c. 2q. tare 18 Ibs. W barrel, tret as usual. Aasw. 74 c. 1 q. 1 Ib. 14. 96 tierces, weighing gross 213 c. tare 23 Ibs. W tierce, cloff -; usual. Answ. 192 c. Oq. 15 Ibs. / 15. 141 c. Oq. 25 Ibs. tare 6| F cent, tret and cloiF as usual. Answ. 126 c. q. 23 Its. nearly". / INTEREST. THE sum to be paid by a person for the use of money which he owes, is called the INTEREST of that money. The money due is called the PRINCIPAL. The sum of the principal and interest is called the AMOUNT. The RATE is the money allowed for die use of one hun-- dred pounds for any given time, but usually for a year. When interest is charged on the original principal only, it is termed SIM; LE INTEREST. When interest is charged, not only on the original prin- cipal, but also on the interest a-s it becomes due, it is called COMPOUND INTEREST. It is scarcely necessary to remark, tint per cenL means per hundred, and per annum, per year- SIMPLE'INTEREST.* '/^ f RULE K& To find the interest of a given si, >-. , - : at a give* rate per cent, per annum ; multiply the principal Lv'iae rate, and divide the product -by loo. Or, As 100 are to the rate F cent. & annum, so is the pri to its interest for one yeai. * In Interest five quantities are concerned, tV ;,r;>u. f crest, and the amount; and any throe of these, except tliv .at, being given, the rest can befm,.;l. Hence, caic', H2 148 INTEREST. Exam. 1. Required the interest of .576 5 8 for 1 year, at 6 W cent. ty annum.* Or thiLs: (See note, last page.) 576 5 8 576 5 8 6 6 34|57 14 3 100)3457 14 3 20 Answer^ 34 11 6 Here, by the first, or exact me- thod, the answer is 34 11 6^, with T&O or ITS of a farthing. 2,04 The reason of the operation is quite evident, as it is nothing more than this: as the principal 100 is to its interest 6, so is mil of ^several problems. The most useful however, and consequently that which claims the greatest degree of attention, is that in which the principal, the time, and the rate, are given, to find the interest or amount. This problem may be resolved in all cases by means of the first or second rule : the third and fourth, present modified, and in many ases, shorter methods of effecting the same. The following rule may also be found useful : To divide money by 100, for the pounds of the quotient, take the pounds of the divi- dend, except the two last figures, which are to be divided by 5 for shillings : from the remainder with half the shillings of the dividend annexed, reject a twenty-fifth part, and regard what remains as farthings. If there be pence, or an odd shilling, their e- feet in modifying the quotient, may be estimated as nearly as possible. Thus, let it be required to divide 8i)47 13 8 by 100. t. cL Here, by cutting off' two figures, we have 89; and one- fifth 100)8947 13 8 of 47 is 9, the shillings required, and the remainder is 2. This remainder with 7, the half of 14 shillings, annexed, becomes 89 9 6} 27, from which 1, nearly its twenty-fifth part, being rejected, we have 26 farthings, or 6|d. "We use 14 shillings in this example, because 13/8 is nearly 14/. The reason of ihe rule will be understood from the paragraph commencing near the bottom of page 113. As another example, let it be required to divide 2658 16 10 2658 16 10 by 100. Here, after cutting off two figures, we have 26, and the fifth of the remainder is 11 for shillings, and the remainder 26 11 9J 3. This remainder being prefixed to 8|, the half of I"/, to which 16/10 is nearly equal, we have 38, the twenty-fifth part of which is obviously about 1 J. Then 38j| being diminished by this quantity, the remainder is 37 farthings, or <>ur cent, per annum. INTEREST. 1*3 the principal, .576 5 8, to its interest; and it is evident, that as often as the one principal contains its interest, so often will the other contain its interest: that is, by the nature of proportion, the interest will be proportional to the principal. See the com- mencement of Simple Proportion. Exam. 2. Required the interest and the amount of 619 9 6 for 1 year, at 5 W cent. ^ annum. 619 9 6 at 5 V cent. 5 The division at full length is as follows : 3097 7 6 for 6 V cent. 34(07 2 3 309 14 9 for .__ 20 100)3407 2 3 for 5 i 1|42 12 . , , ( 34 1 5=interest. <619 9 6=princrpal. 5|07 653 10 11:= amount. In the work of this example the principal is multiplied by 5 for 5 per cent, and, for ^ per cent, half the principal is added to the product. At the conclusion of the contracted division, it gives the result more nearly true to reject one than nothing from 21, though less than 25, and more especially as there are three pence in the dividend. In the exam- ples that follow, the division at full length will be omitted ; it may be proper however for the pupil occasionally to work exercises both ways. Exam. 3. What is the interest of 1374 1 9 for 1 year, at 5 1 per cent, per annum ? 1374 1 9 at 5| tf* cent. Since 5=,& of 100, this example might be 6870 8 9 wrought by taking a twen- = of 5. ..858 16 1 tieth of the principal, and - increasing the result by 100)7729 4 10 an eighth of itself. - 77 5 10, Answer. Exercises. Find the interests of the following sums for 1 year, at the given rates per cent, per annum. Exercises. Answers. s. d. s. d. 1. 774 11 3 at 5 .............................. 38 14 6| 2. 53912 6 5 ............................. 2913 7 3. 288 16 6| ...................... ....... 18 15 5 4. 468 16 8 3j ............................. 16 8 2 5. 254 14 8 5 ............................. 13 . 6. 87612 6 51 ............................ 50 8 i} 150 INTEREST. Exercises. s. d. 7. 589 13 4 8. 376 12 8 9. 175 8 2 10. 286 4 7 11. 637 11 4-- 12. 411 1 10' 13. 2617 7 3 14. 899 10 7i 15. 937 5 II 5 16. 534 3 17. 39 16 18. 671 19 5J Answers. s. d. at 3| 22 2 3 4 15 1 3f 9 15 15 8f 71 22 10 9f 5| 37 3 10 11 *. 45 4 4J 3i 91 12 4| 42 14 64 4^ 42 3 (ji 7 ? 38 14 7 5 .., 2 9i 4 4 28 11 2 RULE II. To Jind the interest of a given principal for any a year; (1.) Find the interest for a year by rule I. : (2.) as one year is to the given time, so is the inte- rest for one year to the interest required. The work may often be abbreviated by finding the inte- rest for months or fractional parts of a year, by the method of aliquot parts. In using this method, the answer will often be found with more ease, or with a greater degree of correctness by multiplying by the rate ; then multiplying or taking aliquot parts for the time ; and last of all divid- ing by 100. Exam. 4. Required the interest of 99 2 4 for 2| years at 4 per cent, per annum. In this example the in- 99 2 4 terest for 1 year is first 4 found, which is 3 19 3 nearly. This is then mul- 100)396 9 4 3 19^ 3 4, int. for 1 year. tiplied by 2|, the number of years. It might have been done by multiplying by 3, and subtracting a fourth of 3 19 3. The formal analogy would have been : as 1 y. : 2f y. ::3 19 3:iO 18 Of. 10 18 Of, Answer. Exam. 5. Required the interest of 179 12 11 for 1 year and 7 months, at 5 per cent, per annum. The interest for 1 year is found, by the method already ex- plained, to be 8 19 7J. The rest of the work by aliquot parts, is us follows: '1 ! 6 months= year 1 month := of 6 mo. In this method the divi- sion by 100 As delayed till the end of the operation : everything else is as before. By this means the error that often arises from ne- glecting the remainders in the division by 100, is done away, and the answer thus found is more nearly true, than that which in many cases- would be obtained by the other method.* INTEREST. . 8 19 7f=interest for 1 year 151 9 14 6 months 1 month 4> S^^r interest required. Or thus: 179 1241 5 6 4i month = 898 44-9 4 7 2 3i 74 17 100)1422 3 !* 4 Exercises. Find the interests of the following principals for thee given times, and at the given rates per cent, per annum. Exercises. Answers. s. d. s. d. 812 10 10 for2y. 5 in. at 4| 93 5 5 ~8|m. at5 :.... 26 15 y. 10m. at 4f 33 12 y. 8m. at 6 49 Om. at 6 41 y. 5 m. af 5| 34 16 y. 10m. at 6 94 9 y. 9 m. at 5 21 19 7 m. at 44 17 I 44_ 1 y. 10 rn"at 5 78 13 2y. at 5| 20 16 11 1 y. 9m. at 3 31 19 9^ 5 m.at 6 49 2 2\ 2y. 4m. at 5| 48 15 10| 19. 812 10 10 JO. 719 18 4 21. 419 7 9 22. 493 16 8 23. 824 18 9 24. 427 8 8 25. 792 12 3 26. 250 18 4 27. 651 28. 780 1 4 ; 29. 193 18 2; 30. 584 18 8' 31. 1964 7 6 32. 365 4 10: * The interest of a sum for any number of months at 6 per cent, per annum, may be ocry easily found by multiplying the sum by half the number of /no.-Ms, and dividing the result by 100 : and hence the interest at other rates may be derived by means rf nit- quit partt. Tims, to find the interest of 250 for 10 months, at 4 per cent, pci ai.ru;:,i, we multiply 250 by 5 ; and dividing the product by 100, we find the inteicst at 6 per cent, to be 12 10 0. We then take from this a third of itself, and there rcii.a:; - 8 6 8, the interest required. This method is neat and short, b>it is seU: > real business. Other contractions iu calculating interest for months, are iiai. same objection. *>. 152 INTEREST. Exam. 6. Required the interest of 342 11 8 for 86 dayv at 4 per cent, per annum. In this exercise the interest for a year is found to be 13 14 J nearly; and as 365 days : 86 days : : 13 14- Of : 3 4 7 nearly, the interest required. Exam. 7. Required the interest of 29 17 4, from June 29, 1818. till Feb. 12, 1819, at 5 per cent, per annum. The number of days from the 29th of June, till the 12th of February followmg, is found, by the method shown in page 51, to be 228; and the interest of 429 17 4 for a year, is found, by the method already explained, to be 21 9 10^. Then, as 365 days : 228 days : : 21 9 10 : 13 8 6, the interest required. It will readily be seen, that this and all similar questions may be wrought by Compound Proportion. The terms will be arranged thus : AS ?6 5 day S fit days } : : * 29 * : *I3 8 . ? . 365 days : 309 days }' 1U . J4 d J0 , and in working this, we should, by the rule for Compound Pro- nortion, multiply together the principal, the days, and twice the rate, and divide'the product by 365 X 200, or 73000, It is easy to see, that when the rate is 5 per cent, since the double if 5 is 10, it will be sufficient to divide the product of the principal and days by 7300. Exercises. Answers. s. d. s. d. 44. 648 15 6 from June 2, till Nov. 25, at 5 15 1 io. 1120 10 Mar. 23, Nov. 2, 6 4 1 i6. 688 18 4 Mar. 10, Aug. 25, _ 6 19 ' t H3 154 1 7 INTEREST. Exercises. lA Ansivcrs. s. d. s. d. 47. 884 8 8 from Mar. 3, till Oct. 28, at 5 ..... 28 19 1| 48.486815 June 8, Nov. 1, 6| .....126 11 9 49. 597 10 8 May 6, Aug. 21, 5| 9 12 ,8^ The following rule will be found very easy and practicable in Interest and Discount : RULE IV.* To Jind the interest of a given principal for any number of days, at 4- per cent, per annum ; (1.) multiply the principal by the days : (2.) to the product add one-tenth* of itself: (3.) from the sum take four times the same pro- duct, wanting the three last figures : (4.) divide what re- mains by 10,000 (or cut off four figures ;) the quotient will be the answer nearly. When the interest is large, reject a farthing for each 10 contained in it. For other rates than 4 per cent, increase or diminish the product of the principal and days, by the method of ali- quot parts, and then proceed by the rule. Exam. 9. Required the interest of .8985 14 for 12 days, at 4 ty cent. ^ annum. Here the product of the principal and 8985 14 days is 107828 nearly, and the tenth of 12 this (found by setting each figure one place nearer the right hand side, and in- 107828 8 creasing the unit figure by 1, because 28 10783 is nearly 30,) being added to it, the sum W- is 118611. After this, we multiply 107 118611 /' by 4, and increase the product by 3, (car- 431 ried for 4 times 8, the first of the figures cut off:) the result, 431, is then subtract- 1 1,8180 ed, and the remainder, 118180, divided by 10,000, in the way pointed out in the 11 16 last example: the quotient KS 11 16 4^, from which, because it is nearly 10, a farthing is subtracted, and the remainder, 11 16 4, Answ. J1 16 4, is the interest required. * The following method of finding interest for days at 6 per cent, per annum, may :>:? fout'd useful, when the interest to be found is not very large. Divide the product of the principal and days by 100 j take one third of the quc'.jpi.t Kir shillings, and one-sixth of the remainder for farthings ; and from the sum thus ol>- t.Tiued, reject a penny for each six shillings contained in it ; the remainder will be the .merest required, very neatly. .or correction may sometimes be made, by adding to the result obtained by the ' part of the rule, a penny for each six shillings contained in the first correc- tioi , or a penny for each 20 in the entire interest, will give nearly the same correction. INTEREST. 155 Had the rate been 5 V cent, we must have increased 107828 8, ' by one-fourth of itself, and then have added to the result oi^e- tenth of itself, &c. With respect to the reason of this easy and expeditious rule, the reader who has studied decimal fractions, will find by the last rule, that the interest of ], for 1 day, at 4- W cent. ^? annum, is 873000, or -0001 096, nearly, or -0001 1 -0000004, nearly : and it will appear on a little consideration, that the operation by the rule is nothing else than multiplying by '00011 and -0000004, and takingthe difference of the results. The correction is neces- sary, because the decimal '0001096 is not the exact interest of one pound for a day. Exercises. Answers, s. d. *. d. 50. 773 6 8 from June 9, till Dec. 6, at 4 15 5 1 51. 59312 6 May 12, Oct. 29, 4 11 1 2 52. 374 5 April J, Dec.29, 4 11 3 U 53. 246 18 10 Mar. 14, June 8, 6 3 9 side, and is the sum due by the person to whom the account is furnished. It is scarcely necessary to say, that the two last lines, in Italics, form the answer of the account, being found by the calculator. It may be proper to require the pupil not only to perform the calcu- tion of the interest on the following accounts current, but also to write the accounts out in proper form on a sheet of paper, after the manner of the specimen given at the foot of this page and the succeeding. The answers are in the lines which are printed in Italics. Exercises 57, 58, 59. Required the principal and interest due on each of the following accounts current, till the date at the end of each, the first at 6, the second at 5, and the third at 6 ^ cent. ^ an. Dr. Mr. J. Fox, in Account Current, with S. BELL. Cr. 1824. s. d. 1824. s. d. May 19, To goods ... 512 12 6 June 13, By cash .... 400 18 Aug. 23, To tea 273 8 Nov. 8, By wheat... 680 Oct. 4, To goods ... 186 10 Dec. 1, By bill 73 5 8 ]Sov. 18, To sugar ... 272 5 1825.. 1825. Jan. 18, To balance* J . n , . , of interest] 10 4 ll Jan. 18, By balance ) m , 6 g tonewac. } ,1255 5 1255 5 Kx. 5G. Dr Mr. JOHN JARDINE, Newry, in Account J riiM . Feb. 11, s. 7 d. 6 914 10 June 20 To amount of rum and sugar . 415 8 4 btv. 10, fo interest, due on 1 his aecount 4 "821 r~ 24 V INTEREST. Dr. Mr. C. JOHNS, Dublin, in Account Current, with THOMAS LINN & Co. Belfast. Cr. 1824. s. d. 1824. *. a. Sept. 3, To balance 1280 3 11 Sept. 19, By sugar 1510 10 Dec. 21, ToJinen... 793 18 1825. 18*25. Mar. 20, By goods 1248 8 Jan. 27, To goods...l040 5 May 25, By "bill... ..912 16 8 Mar. 26, To linen... 838 14 2 June 2Q\By balance ?306 16 Ql June 26, To balance ) 9t , of interest J ~ 9 1* \ tonewac " * ^2 3978 10 in 3978 10 iii Dr. Mr. T. HART, in Account Current with H. ORR. /Cr. 1824. s. d\ 1824. s. d. Feb. 9, To linen... 768 8 9 April 1, By sales of > May 7, To lawn. ...436 17 6 flaxseed J 4 8 July 8, To goods.. 948 5 10 June 27, By sugar 500 Aug. 18, To linen... 673 11' Sept. 11, By bill on ) Oct. 29, To balance ? , A ]0 of interest. ] 3 * Ash & Co. C 1533 London ) 12 6 / Oct. 29, By balance ? ^ nfl 16 9 / to new ac. J 2861 13 11 2861 13 11 Ex. 60. On the fifth of January, 1822, the public funded debt of Great Britain and Ireland, consisted of 534,355,086 6 1 1 at 3 F cent. V annum ; 29,547,003 19 3_3i __ 75,947,763 19 44 ___ and, 153,056,763 7 9_5 _ Required the annual interest of the whole. Answ. 27,755,546 9 1. The following rules serve for the resolution of the remaining cases of Interest. As these cases are of minor importance, the rules are given without proof, and without illustration by examples. They are easily proved however, by the principles of proportion ; and the pupil will iind it easy to apply them iu the resolution of the subjoined exercises. Current, with CHARLES CAULFIELD, Belfast. Cr. 1824. Mar 24 166 s. d. 4 April 6 347 18 Sept 26 By bill on Cavan & Co. Dublin 200 Dec. 10, By balance to your debit in a new account 106 13 10 82' 5 * 158 INTEREST. RULE V. To find what principal, in a given time, would produce a given interest) at a given rate per cent, per annum; As rate : 100 > . principal. Given time : 1 year $ Ex. 61. How much money must be lent on the 2d of April, at 6 W cent. W annum, to bring in for interest 24-, on the 18th of November following ? Answ. 634 15 7J. 62. What principal, at 5 V cent. W annum, will bring a yearly income of 341 5 ? Answ. 6825. 03. What principal lent from the 24th of March, 1824, till the i7th of November, 1825, at 4^ IP" cent, "t?" annum, will gain 1200 '/ Ar.sw. 1614-1 10 3. 64). What principal at 5 IT cent. ^ annum, would be equivalent to the funded national debt of Great Britain and Ireland ? (Ses ike answer to question 60 of this rule.) Answ. 555,1 10,929 2 6. RULE VI. To find what principal, in a giiien time, would increase to a given amount, at a given rate per cent, per annum; (1.) To the product of the time and rate, add the product of 100 and 1 year in the same name as the given time: (2.) Thui, as the sum is to the abovementioned product of 100 and * ^ear, so is the amount to the principal. 65. What principal lent on the 1st of January, 1824, at 5 ^ cent. ^ annum, would amount to 1000, on the 29th of Septem- ber in the same year ? Answ.96Q 12 6i. 66. What sum must be lent at simple interest, at 4- IT cent. ^ annum, that the amotmt, at the end of 2 years, 10 months, may be 627 186? Answ. 564 1. RULE VII. To find the time in winch, at a given rate, per cent, pet annum, a given principal would produce a given interest: As principal : 100 ) ik [ : interest J '' V^ar : time required. 67. In what time will 460 amount to 500, at 4 V cent. $* annum ? Answ. 1 year, 340 days. 68. How long must 2000 be lent at simple interest, at 8 cent, per annum, to amount to 2280 ? Answ. 4 years. 69. How long must 887 5 be lent at 5 4 per cent, simple interest, to gain 120? Answ. 2 years, 210 days. RULE VIII. To find at what rate a given principal would gain '. given inter (st in a given time: 70. At what rate per cent, per annum, simple interest, 1500 amount to 1850, in 4 years ? Answ. 5 3 8$. DISCOUNT. 159 71. If a merchant, with a capital of 5000, gain 2000 in 2| years, at what rate per cent, per annum, simple interest, has he gained? Answ. 14 10 11, nearly. 72. If 1 amount to 1 2 9 in 3 years, at simple interest, at what rate per cent, per annum must it have been lent? Answ. 4 4, 7 DISCOUNT. DISCOUNT is an abatement made for advancing money before it becomes due. The money which is received as the full payment of any debt or bill due some time after, is called its PRESENT WORTH. RULE. To find ike present "worth of a If ill or debt, (1.) find the interest of the debt at the given rate, and for the given time : (2.) consider this interest as discount, and sub- tract it from the debt to find the present worth. Exam. 1. Required the present worth of a bill of 170, due at the end of 3 months, at 5 per cent, per annum. Here, by the method already explained in Interest, the discount is readily found to be 2 2 6; and this being taken from 170, the remainder, 167 17 6, is the present worth. Exam. 2. What is th^resent worth of a bill of 39 5, due on the 1st of September, but paid on the 3d of July preceding, discount being allowed at 5 per cent, per annum ? The time here is 60 days, for which the interest of 39 5 is found to be 6/5^; and by subtracting this from 39 5, we have remaining 38 18 6^, the present worth. In Great Britain and Ireland three days, called DAYS OF GRACE, are always allowed after the time a bill is nominally due y before it is legally due. Thus, suppose a bill were drawn on the 8th of April, at 4 months, it would be due, not on the 8th, but on the llth of August. . It may be remarked, that if, withdyt the days of grace, a bill should appear to be due on the thirty-first o a month which contains only thirty days, the last day of that month is to be taken, and not the first of thy next ; and consequently, the third of the next month will be the day on which, by the addition of the days of grace, the bill will be really due. Thus, a bill d-rawn on the thirty-first of August, at three months, would be due on the third of December. In like manner, a bill, which, without tlie addition of the days of gr,ace, would be due on the twenty-ninth, ^hirtieth, or thirty-first of February, if that month con- tained so many days, would be really due on the third of March. It may be farther remarked, that bills which fall due on Sunday* are paid in Britain on Saturday, but in Ireland on Monday. 160 DISCOUNT. Exam. 3. Required the present worth of a bill of .-677, drawn 8th March, at Q months, and discounted 3d June, at. 5 per cent, per annum. By counting forward 6 months and 3 days from the 8th of March, we find this hill to be due on the 1 1th of September. The num- ber of days from the 3d of June till this date is 100, and the in- terest of .77 for 100 days, at cTper cent, per annum, is found by any of the methods formerly explained, to be 1 1 !, and con- sequently, the present worth is 75 18 lOf . Exercises. Required the present worths of thd following bills, at the given rates & cent. ^ annum: I'M Exercises. Zj_ ' Answers. s. d. Drawn, Discounted ', s. d, 1. 416 3 4, Mar. J, at 7 mos. June 9, at 4 .... 410 16 7| 2. 533 6 8, Sept. 5, 5 Nov. 12, 4|... 527 10 11^ 3. 218 11 8, Au?. 14, 4 Oct. 3, 4 ....216 15 8 4. 607 34, May 22, 5 July 10, 5.... 597 7 6 5. 895 12 0, Jan. 5,~~11 May 9, 5 .... 869 9 6. 284 8 8, Sep. 25, 5 Nov. 30, 6.... 280-1 7. 588 12 8, Mar. (5, _ 6 June 11, 6 ....579 18 6 8. 486 18 8, Mar. 25, 10 June 19, 5 .... 472 1 2 9. 875 5 8, Feb.25, 7 ~ June 4, 5 .... 861 7 6 JO. 388 2 6, Dec. fe,_ 6 Mar. 25, 6 .... 383 ' 2 11| 11.1000 0,Fcb.JG, 11 Sep. 12, 5$.... 98011 2| 12. 568 12 9, Apr. 27, 7 June 3, 5".... 554 12 4 13. 447 12 6, June 23, 6 July 8, 5f.... 43511 4- 14. 511 3 4, Man 31, 7 .May 8, 6.... 494 17 5^ 15. 649 13 4, Nov. 9, 9 April 19, 5|.... 638 8 2 Ex. 16. Required the discount of 284 13 OJ, for one year, at 5 per cent, per annum. Amw. 15 13 H. 17. What is the discount of 549 9 5^, "for 32 days, at 5 per cent, per annum? Amw. 2 8 2. / 18. What is the* resent worth of 970 18 4, due at the end of 19 months, at 4 per cent, per annum ? Amw. 897 17 11. The rule which has been givei. above for the calculation of discount, is that which is always empK y-.d by merchants. It is founded however on a principle radically fal^e ; and always nines the discount too large, and consequently the present irm tit too small, Ini the interest of the true discount. This will appear manifest, it' we consider, that the true present worth of any debt, is such a sum as twiild, if tf.nl at interest at the assigned rate. Amount to that debt at the time ut winch it u'ould liace been due : and con- fequently the discount, or the difference hetween the present worth aiul 'he debt, should be, not the inteu^t of the debt, but the interest of the present worth; and therefore the interest of the debt will exceed the 'rue discount, that is, the interest of the present worth, by the interest t discount. lie present worth will be found by the following analogy: At the amount y \QQ fo r t / ie g i v( , n t i me aHf i al t / ie j^oposed rate, is to . 10O, DISCOUNT. 161 to is the debt to its true present w^rth; and the present worth being sub- tracted from the debt, the remainder is the discount. The reason of, this rule v>ill Le evident from the consideration, that 100 is the present worth of its amount regarded as a debt : and conse- quently the analogy given above will become .simply this: as the amount of 100 considered as a debt, is to 100, the present worth of that debt, so is any other debt to its present worth. It is obvious al.-^o, that for the two first terms of the analogy, we might use the amount of any turn whatever, and that sum itself j but it is generally more simple and easy to employ 100 and its amount. To exemplify this rule, let it be required to find the true present worth of 200, due at the end of a year, at 5 per cent, per annum. In this case, the amount of 100 being 105, we have, by the rule, this analogy: as j105 : 100 : : ='200 : lSO 9 6^, the present worth required. By the common rule the result would have been lSO: consequently the error is 9/6^. Again, let it be required to find the true present worth of 463, for 7 months, at 5 per cent, per annum. Here the amount of aIGO is 102 18 4 ; and therefore, as ,102 18 4 : =100:: -i63: =449 17 6f nearly. By the common method the result would be 449 9 1 1, and the error 7/7J. This question, and all similar ones, may be very easily wrought by the following rule : Multiply the months by the rate, and add the product to 1200 ; then, as the sum is to 1200, so is the debt to its true present worth. Thus, in the preceding example we should have this analogy: as 1235 t 1200: : 463 : 449 17 6f. The reason of this rule may be thus shown : as 12 months > 7 months : : 5 : |, the interest of 100 for 7 months. Then, as =100f : .100, or by reduction of both to twelfths, as 1235 : 1200: : &c. As another example, let it be required to find the correct present worth^^f 512, due on the 19th of September, but paid- op the 8th of May* preceding. Here, the number, of days being 134, we have this analogy: as 365, (Jays : 134 "days : : 5 : l 16 8^, the interest of 100 for 134 days: and then/\as\tlOi' 16 8 : =100 : : ,512 : 502 15 5^, answer. This .queWion, and all others in which it is required to find the correct present worth of a sum for a given number of days, may be v rougbl more easily and more accurately by the following rule :* Multiply tlte days by the rate, and add the product to 36500 (=365X100:) then, as this su?n is to 36500, so is the debt to its true present worth. Thus, in the present example 134X5=670, and 36500-}- 670=3.71 70 : then, as 37 170 : 36500 : : .512 : =502 15 5, the present worth. This rule depends on the same principle as the last ; and the reason of it may be thus illustrated. As 365 days : 134 days : : &S : %$%> tl)e interest of 100 for 134' days, at 5 per cent per annum. Then, as 100|-2 : ;100; or by reduction to three-hundred-and-sixty-fifths, as 37170 : 36500 : : the dabt to its present worth. Both these rules are iu reality the same as rule VI. in Interest.* * Unless the time be great, tlie true present worth may be readily derived by approxi- mation from that found by the common method, by finding the interest cf the interest fiirt foiled, and adding it to the present worth, found by the common method ; then by 162 DISCOUNT. The following examples and considerations will 'perhaps be useful in showing the falsity of the common method of discount. If a person have a bill for .100 payable at the end of a year, at 5 per cent, he will receive, according to the common method of discount, only 95 for it ; and were he to lend this sum for a year at the same rate, instead of 100, to which it obviously should amount, he would receive only 99 15. The true present worth is 95 4 9], and con- sequently the error 4/9-f. Again, had the same bill been payable at the end of two years, the present worth, by the common method, would have been 90, while it should be ,90 18 2 T 2 T . The error is conse- quently 18/2^, and '90, instead of amounting to ,100 at the end of two years, would amount to no more than 99. Had the time been four years, the present worths would have been 80, and 83 6 8, and the error 3 6 8. The amount also of the present worth, '80, would be 96) and consequently '4 less than it should be. If the time had been ten years, the present worths would have been 50 and 66 13 4, where the error is 16 134; and the amount of the pre- sent worth 50 would be 75 instead of .100. Finally, were the time 20 years, the present worth, according to the common method, would be nothing, while it should be =50: and were the time greater than 20 years, the present worth would be unassignable, as it would appear to be less than nothing ; or if any meaning could be attached to the result of the operation, it would be, that the person who held the bill, instead of receiving any thing for it, would be required to pay something to get it off' his hands. From these examples, it will appear how very erroneous the com- mon method of computing discount is, when the time is long.* In every case, indeed, the discounter of the bill has a greater rate of in- terest for his money, than the nominal rate; and the longer the time, finding the interest of this last interest, and subtracting it from the approximate present worth ; and so on by adding and subtracting alternately, the interest of the last, interest till the correction becomes so small, that it would be unnecessary to carry the operation farther. When the time i very short, the true result will often be obtained as easily iu this way, as by the principles above explained. As an example, let it be required to find the present worth of a bill of 140, due at the end of 6 months, at 4 per cent, per annum. Here the interest of 140 is 2 16 ; that of 2 16 is !/!, and that of 1/1| is a farthing. Then, by subtracting 2 16 from 140; by adding 1/1-J to ths remainder, and lastly, by subtracting a farthing from that result, we find the present worth to be l'Ji 5 l\, which is correct. * It might be shown algebraically, that the error in the common method of calcu- lating the discount or present worth of a given debt, at a given rate, is nearly propor- tional to the square of the time, when the time is small, or more properly when the dis- c< unt is small compared with the debt. Thus, at 5 per cent, per annum, the error on a bili of 1000, for g'months, is nearly 1/4-J, while for 4 months it is nearly 5/5$, or very nearly 4 times 1/4J. It might be shown in nearly the same manner, that the error in the sums to which the present worth of a given sum found by the common method, would amount at the given rate, would be exactly proportional to the squares of the times. Thus, in the ex- an pies in the text in this page, it appeared, that in ca e of a bill of 100, payable in a year, at 5 per cent, per annum, the amount would be 99 15, while, if it were payable in two years, the amount would be only 99 the error being in the one case 5/, and in the other, 1. or 4 times 5J COMMISSION, INSURANCE, &c. 163 the greater is this rate. Thus, to recur to the last series of examples, since by paying 95 at present, the discounter will be entitled to lOO at the end of a year, he obviously gains 5 on 95 ; and therefore, as 95 : 5 : : 100 : 5 5 3 T ^ his gain per cent, In like manner, if the time were two years, the gain per cent, would be found to be 5 11 1^-; if four years, 6 5 ; if 10 years, 10 per cent. ; and if 19 years, cent, per cent. It is true indeed, that when the time is short, as it generally is in roal business, the difference between the results found by the two me- thods, is inconsiderable; and therefore the common method, the calcu- lation for which is so easy, may be employed without much error. Still however, the principle is false, as it gives profits to the discounter, which are not proportional to the times. It may be said, indeed, that those who keep money for the purpose of discounting, are entitled to more than the simple common rate. This may be true ; yet at the same time, it does not prove the correctness of the principle on which this mode of computation depends ; since, if the discounter is to have a gj-eater rate, it should be some fixed rate, and not a variable one, depending on the ^ime the hill has to run. Should it be thought advisable for the learner to work Discount in the correct method, the exercises at the beginning of this article will serve his purpose as well as any others ; and the following are their answers by tii at method : True Answers. s. d. Ex. 1. 410 17 11 Ex. 7. 580 12 2 J 8. 472 16 0| 9. 801 10 7f 10. 383 11. 980 2. 527 3. 216 4. 597 5. 870 6. 280 2 3| 12. 554 s. d. 9 11| 11 10 18 7| 19 1 s. d. Ex. 13. 435 17 8 14. 495 7 6 15. 638 12 16. 14 16 9i 17. 2 7 ll| 18. 903 Of COMMISSION, INSURANCE, &c. COMMISSION is the sum which a merchant charges for buying or selling goods for another. BROKERAGE is a smaller allowance of the same nature, paid usually for negotiating bills, or transacting other mo- ney concerns. INSURANCE or ASSURANCE is a contract by which one party, on being paid a certain sum or premium by another, on account of property that is exposed to- risk, engages in case of loss, to pay to the owner of the property the sum insured on it. RULE I. To compute the commission, brokerage, insurance, or any other allowance on a given sum, at a given rale per 164 COMMISSION, INSURANCE, &c. cent.; multiply the sum by the rate per cent, and divide the product by 100: or, as 100 are to the rate per cent, so is the given sum to the allowance required. The work may often be abbreviated by the method of aliquot parts. Exam. 1. Find the commission on .791 11 8, at 2 V cent. Here, by multiplying by 2, and dividing by 100, we find for the answer .19 15 9^. The same result would be obtained by dividing the given sum by 40, since 2 is a fortieth of 100. Exam. 2. Find the brokerage on 829 14- 6, at 3/6 V cent. Here, aliquot parts are taken s. d. for 3/6, and the result being di- 829 14- 6 vided by 100, the quotient is 1 9 o|, the brokerage required. 2/6=% j 103 14 3| In like manner, had the rate been 1/0= ^ \ 41 9 8f , f, or any other fractional rate V" cent, aliquot parts must 100)145 4 have been taken for the rate, and the result divided by 100. 1 9 Exam. 3. Required the premium of insurance on 512 9 4, "at 6166 per cent. Here, by multiplying by g. cL 6, taking parts for 16/6, and 512 9 4 dividingby 100, the insurance 6 is found to be 34 19 6. The result, in this particular 307416 exercise, might be found 12/= T \yof6 more easily by multiplying 4/= ^ of 12/ by 6 and dividing by 100, by 6d.= | of 4/ 307 9 7$ 102 9 10: 12 16 which means, the insurance at 6 ^cent. would be found; 100)3497 11 and thence the insurance at 6 16 6 Wcent. would be 34 19 deduced by adding to the result an eighth of itself, and a tenth of that eighth; because 6 16 6 is six times 129, the best parts for which are 2/6 ={ of 1, and 3d.= T \y of 2/6. ijj^ RULE II. Tojindhotu much must be insured on propertifquvrth a given sum, so that, in case of loss, both the value of the pro- perty and the premium of insurance may be repaid: (1.) sub- tract the rate from 100; (2.) as the remainder is to 100, so is the value of the property to the sum to be insured. Exam. 4. How much must be insured, at 8^ ^Pcent. on an adventure of 600, that, in case of loss, not only the value of the adventure, but also the premium of insurance, may be repaid? Here, as 100 8^ : 100 : : 600 : 655 14 9. The truth COMMISSION, INSURANCE, c. 165 of this operation is proved by finding the premium on 655 14 9, at 8 ^ cent. This is found to be 55 14 9, Hence, in case of the adventure being lost, the owner will receive not only 600, the value of the adventure, but also 55 14 9, the pre- mium; and thus he will sustain no loss whatever. The reason will appear manifest from considering, that in receiving 100 which had been insured at 8 ty cent, the owner would receive but 91 in lieu of the property, 8 having been paid for the insurance. Ex. 1. What is the commission on 942 16 3, at 4 <^cent.? Answ. 42 8 6. 2. Required the brokerage on 946 18 10, at 5/6 ^cent. Answ. 2 12 1. 3. Kequired the commission on 569 14 9, at 7^ ^fcent. Answ. 42 14 1\. 4. What is the premium of insurance on 675 11 8, at 5 13 9 tf'cent.? Answ. 38 8 5J. 5. What is the expense of insuring a vessel and cargo, worth 3649 8 0, at 3^ cent.? Answ. 118 12 !. 6. Required the premium of insurance on 1486 13 9, at 2 16 lOi^cent. Answ. 42 5 6|. 7. What must be the sum insured, at 5f W cent, on goods worth 1938 12 6, that, in case of loss, the owner may be repaid both the value of the goods and the premium of insurance? Answ. 2056 17 11. 8. What is the brokerage on 681 4 10, at 5/3 ^ cent. Answ. 1 15 9. 9. At 2 56^ cent, what will be the cost of insuring goods worth 1560, that, in case of loss, the owner may be entitled to the value of the goods and the premium? Answ. 36 6 3f. 10. Required the commission on 863 12 6, at 2 W cent. Answ. 21 11 9f. 11. Add to 579 16 10 the commission on itself at 7| ^ cent, and find the insurance of the sum at 4| #" cent. Answ. 27 5 5. 12. At 4f guineas ^cent. what will be the premium of insuring property worth 592 6 8, so that, in case of loss, the owner may be entitled to the premium and the value of the* property? Answ. 31 1 10. 13. At 5 guineas $f cent, how much must be insured on goods worth 813 ll 3, so that, in cae of loss, the owner may receive the value of the goods and the pre"h*nin? Answ. 863 8 6. The following accounts of mercantile transactions will serve as ex- ercises in calculating insurance, &c. ; and may be found useful, particu- larly for pupils who are intended for business in the counting-house. The learner should be required to write out the fifteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth, in proper form, and to find the neat proceeds. An ACCOUNT SALES is an account of goods sold by a factor. It is furnished by him to his employer, and contains the quantity and price of the goods sold, the charges attending the sales, and the neat proceeds, 166 COMMISSION 7 , INSURANCE, &c. or the sum which the owner of the goods is to receive, after all charges are deducted. An o lNVOlCE is an account containing the quantity, prime cost, and charges of goods sent from one person to another, usually by sea. The following account contains the names of the purchasers, the quantities sold, and the rates. The amounts of the several quantities are left for the pupil to find and set in the money columns. The sum of the several amounts will be found to bei'1146 16 10. The several charges, and the commission on l 146 16 10, are then added together, and the sum, 116 8 9, taken from the gross amount, "1146 16 10. The remainder, =1030 8 1, is the neat proceeds. Ex. 14?. Account sales butttr received per the Dolphin, from Cork, sold per order and on account of John Evans, Esq. Belfast. ' fir- tins tt>s. 1824. Jan. Feb. Mar. 16 20 25 3 5 6 13 15 16 15 Jos Hyman 5 5 2 4 19 20 10 10 10 10 22 20 10 25 3 15 10 200 312 318 128 251 1200 1274 646 634 636 642 1402 1266 628 1603 ;187 ,'920 \ 647 12694 at 2/1 C2 2/2 2/0 1/9 16 8 10 9 1 Elizabeth Naylor .. John Hughes ....... VV'ii Roberts .. M. A. Hvnds Aaron Moreno Eml. Emanuel Mathew Shannon .. S.Touzalin &Co.... Soloman Marks .... Thos Hill 22 4d. Eml. Emanuel J. C. Clarke jrl. A. Hyams Jos. Isaacs & Co.... B. Daly & Co 1/9 22|d. 11-16 116 Fieigh wha Adverl negi r Comm ^ f 7}p Neat Eva t and primage, 22 1, *fage and landing, 5 5, isipg, 17/6, drayage and 28 6 ... 2 2 6 ission on 1146 16 10, at er cent >roceeds, to credit of J. 1 1030 8 Errors excepted. Kingston, Jamaica, 5-pt. 14, 1824. MORROW, KEVIN, and EVANS \ COMMISSION, INSURANCE, &c. 167 Ex. v ]5. Account sales of soap received per the Waterloo from Belfast, sold by order, and on account of David Sanford, Esq, 1S27, March 2. To John Panillo, 2055 Ibs. at 5 per 100 Ibs.; to A. Maxwell, 43? Ibs. at -* March 23, to A. Maxwell, 1976lbs. at 3 3 4; to' William Moliere, 2431 ibs. at 3 2 6; April 1, to Marcusa Hyams, 1198 ibs. at 3 10; May23,-to D. S. Davis, 1963 Ibs. at 3; to A. Grant & Co. 463 Ibs. "at 3; June 18, to John Angus, 3392 Ibs. at 2 13 4; June 26, to Carvallo and Rivers, 4091 ibs. at 2 13 4; June 23, to J. Antonio, 2372 Ibs. at 2 13 4; Aug. 22, to John Berry, 279 Ibs. at 3', to R. M'Clela-nd, 1997 Ibs. at 3 10; Sept. 4* to Leah .Levy, 3988 ibs. at 3 6 8; Sept. 10, to Sarah Myers, 3194 its. at 3 6 8. CHARGES Advertising for sale, Drayage, and Negro hire, 2 10; Commission on , at 1\ pta cent. Kingston^ Jamaica, Sept. 12, 1824. (Signed) Mason "and Newsam. Amw. 887 6. 16. INVOICE of 3 whole and 40 half barrels beef, and 20 half barrels pork, shipped by John Marsden & Co. on board the Ro- sanna, Robert Bishop, master, for Glasgow, on account and risk of Mr. Andrew Blakely, merchant, Greenock. A. B. 3 barrels Mess Beef at 4 1 1 40 half do. do. do. 25 20 do. do. Pork 212 CHARGES. Paid carriage and shipping ) _ 7/2, quayage 1/6.. \ Stamp 3/4, Bills of Lading I/ Commission on at 2 per cent Errors excepted. Belfast, Dec. 4, 1824. In the preceding invoice, the lettersTM^Mj| i are the letters with which the barrels were ma.i 8 months, the interest of the second at the same rate for 1 month, and the interest of the third at the same rate still for 3|- months : the last of these interests will be found to be exactly equal to the sum of the other two. The times used in the proof, are the differences between the equated time, and the times at which the se- veral debts are due. EQUATION OF PAYMENTS. 169 Exam. 2. If a person owe .100 payable at present, and 000 payable in 7 months; at what time may both be justly paid at a single payment? Here, 100 XO-f- 600 X 7=4200, and 100 + 600=700: ilien 4200 -=-700=6, the months required. Ex. 1. Required the equated time for the payment of two debts, one of,350 due at the end of 8 months, and another of 600 due at 13 months. Answ. llfV months. 2. If a debt of 45 be payable a't 6 months, another of 70 at 1 1 months, and a third of 75 at 13 months; what is the equated time for the payment of the whole? Answ. lOff months. 3. If a debt of 1200 be payable, one-half at 18 months, one- fourth at 15 months, one-sixth at 10 month.s, and the remainder at 3 months, what is the equated time for the payment of the whole ? Answ. 14rj months. -k What i.s the equated time for the payment of four debts, the first for 120 due at 1 month, the second for 135 due at 7 months, the third for 160 due at 10 months, and the fourth for iOO due at 1 year? Answ. 7 T 5 ^j- months. 5. What is the just time for the payment of two debts, the one of 139 6 due at the end of 7 months, and the other of 170 12 6 due at the end of 2J years? Answ. 21 T W 6 T months. 6. If a debt be payable, one-third at present, one-fourth at 6 months, one-fifth at 12 months, and the remainder at 18 months; what is the ecjuated time for the payment of the whole ? Answ. 7* months. The rule above given, is that which is generally preferred in work- ing questions in Equation of Payments. No rule in Arithmetic, how- ever, has given origin to so warm disputes ; some writers arguing strongly in support of its accuracy, and others entirely condemning the principles from which it is deduced. The following rule is used by those who consider the preceding one erroneous: RULE II. (1.) Find the present worths of the several debts at the given or common rate of interest: (2.) then find, by rule VII. page 158, in what time, at the same rate, the sum of the present worths thus found, would amount to the sjam of the debts. The result thus obtained will be the time required. To renew the dispute on this unimportant subject, and to echo fie arguments that have been advanced on both sides of the question, is in- consistent with the plan of this work. It may suffice to say, that the principle on which the first rule depends, is, that the interest of the money, the payment of which is delayed beyond the time at which it is due, is to be equal to the interest of that which is to be paid, before it becomes due, and that this principle i-> little to the same objections as the common rule for Discount. Jn the second rule, on the contrary, the result depends on tlie present values of the debt; and it appears to be an obvious principle, that all such transactions and agreements should be regulated in conformity to the present value of the money, and the improvement of which it is susceptible. This latter principle, which is 170 PROFIT AND LOSS. entirely neglected in the use of the first rule, is acted on in the second in using the rate of interest. When the times are short, however, the difference of the results by the two rules is small, and the first being easier in its application, may be employed with as much propriety as the common rule for Discount. The following are the answers of the exercises according to the se- cond rule ; the first at 5, and the rest at 6 per cent, per annum : 1. 11 mos. 4 days I 3. 14 mos. 17 days I 5. 20 mos. 16^ days 2. 10 mos. 17 days | 4. 7 mos. 13 days j 6. 7 mos. 17 days. PROFIT AND LOSS. THAT branch of Arithmetic which treats of the gains or losses on mercantile transactions, is called PROFIT AND Loss. The method of performing the first example and the first six exercises, is so obvious as not to require a formal rule. Exam. 1. If a hun- 112 Ibs. at 6d. dred weight of rice be bought for 2 8, and 6d.= \ of 1/0 j 56 sold at 6d. per pound, $d,= fa of 6d. | 48 what is the gain ? Here, the hundred 60/8, or weight being bought for Selling price 3 8 2 8, and sold for 3 First cost.... 280 8, the gain is evident* ly 12/8, the difference Gain 12 8, Answer. between them. Ex 1. If a merchant purchase 93 c. 3 q. 12 Ibs. of rozin, at 9/4 per cwt. and pay for charges 3 4 0; what does he gain by sell- ing 27 c. 2 q. at 12/4 per cwt ; 29 c. 1 q. 20 Ibs. at 12/8 per cwt, j and the reminder at 12/9 per cwt.? Answ. 12 2 3|. Tin's exerciseJBfeiy be wrought MBfnding the price of 93 c. 3 q. 12 Ibs. at 9/4 per c>t to find the Jirst cost ; as aSlOO, together with the gain per cent. PROFIT AND LOSS. m or diminished by the loss per cent, are to jglOO, so is the selling price to the prime cost. Exam. 6. What was the first cost of flaxseed, which being sold at 3 10 6 per hogshead, the seller clears 13 per cent.? As 113 : 100 : : 3 10 6 : 3 2 4 T \V, the first cost re- quired. In this example it is evident, that what cost 100, is sold for } 13; and the analogy used above is no more than this- as the selling price, 113, is to its first cost, 100, so is the sell ling price, 3 10 6, to the corresponding first cost, 3 2 4^. Exam. 7. If a merchant, by^ selling pearl ashes at 4- 14. 6 per cwt. lose 18 per cent.: what was the prime cost? As .100 18 : 100 : : 4 14 6 : 5 15 2ff, the first cost required. In this example it is evident, that what cost 100, must have been sold for 82 ; and therefore the preceding analoev is simply this: as the selling price, 82, is to the corresponding first cost, 100, so is the selling price, 4 14 G, to the corres- ponding first cost, 5 15 2|f. Ex. 22. If 11 per cent, be lost by selling 128 yards of broad- cloth for 98 188, what was the prime cost per yard ? Ans. 17/4$. 23. Suppose a book to be sold for 4 19 9, and 17 per cent. to be gained; what was the first cost? Answ. 4 5 3 T V- 24. If 13 per cent, be gained by selling tea at 7/4 per lt>. what was the first cost, and what is gained by the sole of 34-9 Ibs. at the same rate? Answ. 6/5 tW, and 14 14 5 25. What was the first cos of tar which being sol d at l the answer in pounds, &c. This exercise has been wrought without any contraction ; and it may perhaps be proper for the learner to proceed thus for some time, as in this way he will better understand what he does. Abbreviations will soon however readily suggest themselves, particularly in the mode ot reducing the terms. These are left unexplained, because in far the greater number of instances, the use of aliquot parts is much to be pre- ferred, especially in conjunction with the following rule : RULE II. To reduce pounds, shillings, and grotes, Flemish, to jlorins and stivers ; Multiply the pounds and skillings by 6, adding to the skillings half the grotes or pence before found. Thus, resuming the last 386 17 4 at 1 17 2 example, and taking ali- 193 8 8 for 10 skillings quot parts, we find 718 96 14 4 5 _ 18 6|, the same as before, 38 13 8f 2 _ and by multiplying the 3 4 5~~. 2 grotes pounds and skillings by 6, il8~18 6%, and adding to the skillings g 31, the half of 6i: the same re's'ultisfouodL before. , pennings Exam. 2. Reduce 2475 florins, 10 stivers, 9 pennings to British money, exchange at 36/10 Flemish V pound sterling As 36s. lOg. : 2475fl. lOst. 9p. : : 1 : 224 7. 12 20 442 grotes 49510 stivers 8 16 3536 pen. 792169 pennings After the preceding reductions, which are performed according to the table, the answer is found by simply dividing the second term by tlie first, since the third is a unit. There are two kinds of money in Amsterdam, called banco, or bank money, and currency, or current money. In the former of these, all bills of exchange are valued and paid. It is of purer AMSTERDAM. 177 metal than the currency; and hence it bears a premium of 3 or 4, and sometimes 5 ty cent.: that is, ,100 of bank money is valued at 103, 104, &c. of currency. This premium is called the Agio. The method of reducing bank to current money, and current to bank money, will appear from the two following examples : Exam. 3. How much currency is equivalent to 798 florins, 17 stivers banco, agio at 3 ^ cent. ? Here the last term is As 100 : 103 : : 798 f. 17 st, multiplied by 20, to re- 20 duce it to stivers. Then, the operation being con- Stivers 15977 > , . , ducted in the usual way, 103 5 m the result is 16536 stivers, with the remainder 19, 100)1653619! which is multiplied bv 16, and divided by 100', 20)16536 3 to find pennings, because I6pennings=i stiver. Florins 826 16 3y Answer* Then, the stivers being divided by 20 to reduce them to florins, the answer is found to be 826 florins, 16 stivers, 3 pennings. The operation might also have been performed by multiplying the given sum by 3, dividing the product by 100, and adding the result to the given sum. Exam. 4. Reduce 439 florins, 14 stivers, currency, to banco* agio at 3 1 IT cent. Here, after the necessa- As 103| : 100 : : F.439 14 ry reductions and contrac- 44 10 tionsof the first and second terms, the third is multi- 5)415 5)400 plied by 80 by Compound Multiplication ; and by di- 83 80 viding the product by 83, 83)35 176(423ff.r6s.2p. the answer is found to be Answer. 423 florins, 16 stivers, and 2 pennings^ Exam. 5. tleduce 125 14 6 British to Dutch currency r , ex- change at 36/3 Flemish ^ pound sterling, and agio at 4 V cent* 125 14 6 at 1 16 3 In this example, by the 62 1? 3 for 10/ method of aliquot parts, 31 g 7 , ^ the value in bank money, is 7 17 * j/3 found to be 227 17 6|. ,.-- .^ .."". ~ The agio on this (found by *** l ' | f . multipljing by 4 and di- 9 2 "* tor ^ 1O viding by 100) is 9 2 3^, ^236 19 10, Answer. which being added to 6 227 17 6, the sum, Flor. 1421 19 stivers, Amwer, 178 EXCHANGE WITH 236 19 10, is the result in pounds, skillings, and grotes, currency, which by reduction, according to rule IV. becomes 1421 florins, 19 stivers. Ex. 6. Reduce 2084 florins, 16 stivers, currency, to British money, agio at 4| ^f cent, and exchange 37/8 Flemish W pound sterling. By mtiltiplication by 20 and 2, the given sum is reduced to 83392 grotes or pence: then, as 104| :"lOO : : S3392d. : 79992d. the value of the given sum in bank money; and, as 37/8 : 79992d. : : 1 : 176 19 5, which is the answer. The reason of the ope- ration is obvious. Exercises. Reduce the follwing sums at the given rates Flemish ty pound British. Exercises. Answers. 1. 3486 fl. 17stiv. 1 gr. to British, at 35/3 .... 329 14 6| 2. 345 1 8 to Flemish, at 33/11 351 1 fl. 4st.7pen. 3. 4GOOfl. 7stiv. to British, at 35/10 ...&,. 427 8 10| 4. 159 to Flemish, at 35/3 ..;... 1681fl. 8st. 1 gr. 5. 235 to Flemisk at 35/6 2502fl. lost. 6. 722 18 4 tojfeih, at 34/6 ,.... 7482 fl. 3st. 7. 2406 fl. 17^ st v fc. .British, at 35/4 227 1 3| . 5409 fl. 5 st. 5m*. to British, at 34/7 521 7 6 9. 6270fl. 11 st. ffi-pen. to British, at 34/11... 598 12 6 ]0. 2617fl. 17stjJkjD British, at 35/4 246 19 4 Ex. 11. What Mrlie value, in Flemish money, of goods sold in England for gHJifa 6, exchange at 34/6 Flemish V pound British? Answ. Hfisfl. 17st. 4 pen. 12. Required the value, in British money, of a bill for 7767 fl. 17|st. exchange between England and Holland at 35/7 Flemish f pound British. Answ. 726 16 4. 13. Reduce 1863 rix dollars,* 48| stivers, to British money, exchange between England and Holland at 35/l Flemish V pound sterling. Answ. 442 4 5. 14. Reduce 279 9 5 British to florins, &c. currency, exchange at 37/10 Flemish W pound British, and agio at 3f ^cent. Answ. 3279 fl. 1st. nearly. 15. Reduce 5179 florins, 16 stivers, currency, to British money, exchange at 36/11 Flemish ^ pound sterling, and agio at 4 ^cent, Answ. 449 3 5 *-. * R\x dollars being reduced to stivers by multiplying them by 50, and conversely, sti- vers to rix dollars by dividing them by 50, we can as readily reduce rix dollars, o find the value of rix dollars, as we can manage florins. HAMBURGH. 179 EXCHANGE WITH HAMBURGH. Accounts are kept in Hamburgh in marks, schillings, and pfen- nings ; and also in pounds, skillings, and pence Flemish. TABLE. 6 pfennings^ I grote, or penny Flemish; 12 grotes or pencerzl skilling; 20 skillings 1 pound. Also, 12 pfennings, or 2 grotes or pence Flemish 1 schilling, Hamburgh money; 16 schillings 1 mark.* Hence, 1 skilling Flemish 6 schillings Hambro' money, and the schilling is equal to the stiver. In Hamburgh, as in Amsterdam, there are two kinds of money, banco, or bank money, in which exchanges are reckoned, and cur- rency. The agio on the former is high, varying from 18 to 25 $T cent. Exam. 7. Reduce .318 7 9 British to Hambro' money, exchange at 35/6 Flemish ^f pound British. As 1 : 318 79:: 35/6, or, by reduction, as 240d. : 76413d. : : 4-26 grotes : 135633 grotes, which being divided, according to the table, by 2 and by 16, is reduced to 4-238 marks, 8 schillings, or 4238 m. 8 sch. 6 pf. This may also be wrought in the following manner: In 35/6, the rate Ffemish, multiply the skillings by 6, and add to the pro- duct half the grotes; the sum 213 is the schillings, Hambro' mo- ney, which are equivalent to 35/6 Flemish, as is evident from the table. Then by multiplying this by 318 for the pounds of the given sum, and taking aliquot parts for 7/9, we find for the an- swer 67816 schillings, 6| pfennings, or, by reduction, 4238 m. 8 sch. 6 pf. the 3fene as before. Exam; >. Reduce 5127 marks, 5 schillings, Hambro', to British money, exchange at 36/2 Flemish ^ pound sterling. As 36/2 : 5127 m. 5 sch. or, by reduction, as 217 schillings : 82037 schillings : : 1 : 378 1, Answer. Exam. 9. Reduce 86 17 1 British to Hambro' currency ', exchange at 35/8 Flemish per pound sterling, and agio at 22 per cent. This being wrgught as the 7th example, there will result 18586 schillings, 9 pfennings, the value in bank money. Then for cur- rency, multiply by 22 and divide by 100, and there will result for the agio 4089 sch. 1 pf. which being added to the bank money al- ready found, the sum, 22675 sch. 10 pf. or 1417 m. 3 sch. 10^ pf. is the sum required in currency. Exam. 10. Reduce 7854 marks, 7 schillings, Hambro' cur- * Also 2 marks 1 dollar of exchange, 3 marksrrl rix dollar. Hamburgh money was formerly distinguished by the word tubs, from Lubec, the place where it wa< comet!. Thus, in most bunks on Arithmetic, .we find mark lubs instead of mark, frc. This how- ever appears now to be laid aside among men of business, the word Hamitro' bcin_: jjc^-- rally used injreferec"e. By the examples it will be seen, tltat Londou gives the cerium, and HamUufehMf u/tCfrfeJtfl price 180 EXCHANGE WITH rency, to British money, exchange at 34/1 1 Flemish per pound sterling, and agio at 21 per cent. The given sum is equivalent to 125671 schillings; then, as 12! : 100 :: 125671 sch. : 103860 schillings nearly, banco; and, again, as 34/11, or its equivalent, 209 schillings : 103S60 schillings : : 1 : 495 15 Of British, Answer. Exercises. Reduce the following sums at the given rates, Flem- ish per pound British: Exercises. Answers. 16. 7563 m. 8 sch. 8 pf. to British, at 34/6... 584 12 5 17. 275 12 6 to marks, &c. at 35/3 3643m. 6 sch. If g. 18. 346 18 10 to marks, &c. at 36/1 .... 4700 m. 19. 2468 m. 5 sch. to British, at 33/8 195 10 2 20. 496 12 8 to Hambro' at 35/6 6611 m. 6 sch. If g. 21. 6487 m. 13 sch. 4 pf. to British at 35/H.. 492 11 22. 543 16 10 to Hambro' at 35/8 "... 7273m. 14 sch. 23. 8236 m. 10 sch. to British, at 35/11 611 10 8 Ex. 24.. Reduce 428 14 9 British to Hambro' currency, ex- change at 36/4 Flemish per pound British, and agio at 22 per cent. Answ. 7155 m. 14 sch. g. 4 pf. 25. Reduce 5364 m. 13 sch. Hambro' currency to British money, exchange at 35/9 Flemish per pound British, and agio at 23 per cent. Answ. 325 6 10. 26 Required the value, in Hambro' bank money, of a bill for 721 13 10 British, exchange between England and Hamburgh at 35/3 Flemish per pound British. Answ. 9539m. 13 sch. HJ-g. 27. Reduce 6748m. 1 1 sch. Hambro' currency, to British money, exchange at 36/10 Flemish per pound sterling, and agio at 23 per cent. Answ. 397 4 7$, EXCHANGE WITH FRANCE. Accounts are kept in France in francs and centimes. They were formerly kept in livres, sous, and denier s. The livres, sous, and deniers were formerly used exclusively in accounts in France, but now the francs and centimes are employed, except in small transactions. The livre also had formerly the name of franc ; l>ut in a coinage during the time of the Republic, by some mistake in the mint, the 5 livre pieces were made too heavy, each being worth 101^ sous instead of 100, and the error made in the one coin was extended to the rest. The coin corresponding to the former livre was called the Jrai^ and the name livre appropriated exclusively to the old coin ; and to fa- cilitate calculations, the old division, (similar to the divisions of our coins) was laid aside, and the franc was divided decimally, as will appear from the first of the following tables. TABLES I. 10 centimesirl decime; 100 centimes, or 10 deci- flics=l tranc. FRANCE. 181 II. 12 cleniers = 1 sou; 20 sous =r 1 livre j 3 livres = 1 ecu, or crown Tournois; 81 livres = 80 francs. In exchange with France, England gives the certain for the variable price. The great advantage of the decimal division of money, will i* felt in the work of the examples and exercises in exchange with France and Portugal. Exam. 11. Reduce 274 5 9 British to francs, &c. exchange at 23 francs, 57 centimes & pound sterling. As 1 : 274, 5 9 : : 23 f. 57 c. or, by reduction, as 240d. : 65829 d. : : 2357 centimes : 646496 centimes, or 6464 francs, 96 centimes. 2357 274 5 9 This and other exer- cises of the same kind, 9428 may be wrought by the 16499 method shown in the 4714 margin, the division by 589^ for 5/ 100 being performed 59 0/6 merely by cutting off the 29 0/3 two figures. 646495f cents, or 6464 f. 95| c. Exam. 12. Reduce 2867 fr. 48 centimes to British money, exchange at 24 f. 36 c. W pound sterling. As 2436 centimes : 286748 centimes : : 1 : 117 14 3, Answ. Exercises. Reduce the following sums at the given rates, French, ty pound British : Exercises. Answers. 28. 184 18 4 to French, at 23 f. 49 e. 11390 f. 69| c. 29. 9564 f. 33 c. to British^ at 23 f. 57 c 405 15 8 30. 675 18 3 to French, at 23 f. 15 c 15647 f. 37 c. 31. 4260 f. 75 c.to British, at 23 f. 50 c. 181 6 2 32. 6499 f. 67 c. to British, at 23 f. 40 c 277 15 3 33. 868 17 6 to French, at 23 f. 60 c 20505 f. 45 c. 34. 21 167 f. 83 c. to British, at 23 f. 34 c. . 906 IS 8 35. 488 19 lO^to French, at 24 f. 1 c. ... 11260 f. 54 c. Ex. 36. Required the value, in French money, of a bill for 483 16 11, exchange at 24 francs 37 centimes ^ pound British. Answ. 11791f. 34c. 37. Required the value, in British money, of goods sold for 75647 francs, 18 centimes, exchange at 24f, 51 c. per pound sf.er- lin. Answ. 3086 7 7. 182 EXCHANGP; WITH EXCHANGE WITH PORTUGAL. In Portugal, accounts are kept in milrees and rees. TABLE. 1000 rees zz 1 milree. Also 400 rees 1 crusado, and 4800 rees zz 1 moidore : con- sequently, 2^ crusados zz 1 milree. Exam. "13. Reduce 64 10 10 British to milrees, &c., ex- change at 5/3 sterling per milree. As 5/3^ : 64 10 10 : : 1 milree : 243 milrees, 937 rees, Answ. Exam. 14. Reduce 5236 milrees, 266 rees, to British money exchange at 5/4 per milree. As 1000 rees : 5236266 rees : : 64d. : 1396 6 9, Answer. rp, . , . ., 5236-266 This and similar ques- 1047-2532 349-0844 1396-3376, or tions may be very easily tw 1 f wrought as in the margin, V^ 1 3 * ;by the method of aliquot parts, and by decimals. 1396 6 9, Answ. Exercises. Reduce the following sums at the given rates per milree : Exercises. Answers. 38. 479 17 6 to Portuguese, at 64^d 1785 m. 581 r. 39. 2486 milrees, 560 rees, to British, at 63|d 655 6 2f 40. 594 ra. 480 r, to British, at 64d 158 16 9 41. 512 8 9 to Portuguese, at 62|d 1971 m. 703 r. Ex. 42. If goods worth 236 14 8 British be consigned to Portugal, what is their value in Portuguese money, at 5ld. per milree? Answ. 962m. 990 r. 43. If port wine be bought for 3245 milrees, 435 rees, \\hat is the cost in British money, at 6 Id. per milree, 6 per cent, being paid for insurance? Answ. 874 7 5|. EXCHANGE WITH SPAIN. In Spain there are two kinds of money called plate and vellon ; and accounts are kept in both in piastres, reals, and maravedies. The piastre is also called the pezza, the dollar of exchange ; and the piece of eight, or of f . Plate money is more valuable than vellon in the ratio of 3-2 to 17. Thus, 17 reals plate are equivalent to 32 reals vellon. Plate only is used in exchanges with England. Hence, as 17 is to 32, so is any sum, plate, to the sum, vellon, equal to it; and as 32 is to 17, so is any sum, vellon, to the equiva- lent sum, plate. TABLE. 34 maravedies zz 1 real ; 8 reals zz piastre. Also 4 piastres zz 1 pistole of exchange ; 375 maravedies 1 ducat. Exam. 15. Reduce 406 3 9 British to Spanish money, ex- change at 39^-d. per piastre. AMERICA AND THE WEST INDIES. 183 As 39 : .06 3 9, or by reduction, as 79 halfpence : 194970 halfpence : : 1 piastre : 2467 piast. 7 reals, 27 mar. Here England gives the uncertain price. Exam. 16. Reduce 7511 piast. 5 reals to British money, ex- change at 40d. per piastre. As 1 p. : 7511 p. 5 r. : : 40d. : rfJ267 11 8J. The second mode would 7511 n ^Vlt q/4,1 have been wrought rather /o11 ?' r * at 3 /4i more easily by first finding ^25116 8 for 3/4 the value at I per piastre, , ~ , , , . ' (See RULE IX. page 132.) lo ! f ^f - f; This value would have been 4 * r aJS * 7511 12 6; 5 reals being __ _ five-eighths of a piastre. J26? n Exercises. Reduce the following sums at the given rates per piastre : Exercises. Answers. 44. 936 p. 4 r. 15 m. to British at 38d ......... 150 4 9 45. 167 15 4 to Spanish, at 39d ............... 1025 p. 6 r. 23 m. 46. 809 9 8 to Spanish, at 40^d .............. 4767 p. 4 r. 2 m. 47. 5318 p. 5 r. 24 m. to British at 38|d ........ 858 15 Ex. 48. Reduce 263 18 9 British to Spanish money, vellon, exchange at 41fd, per piastre, plate. Answ. 2855 p. 7r. 31 m. 49. Reduce 8429 piastres, 7 reals, vellon, to British money, ex- change at 40d, per piastre, plate. Amw. 760 7 9. 50. Required the value, in Spanish money, of a bill for 363 18 10| British, exchange at 38|d. per piastre. Answ. 2254 p. Or. 28m. 51. Reduce 1927 piastres, 3 reals, vellon, to British money, exchange at 39fd. per piastre, plate. Answ. 169 11 Sf. EXCHANGE WITH AMERICA AND THE WEST INDIES In the United States, accounts are pretty generally kept" in dol- lars, which are subdivided each into 100 cents, or into 10 dimes, each containing 10 cents. In several parts of the United States, how- ever, and in the British possessions in America, accounts are kept, as in Britain and Ireland, in pounds, shillings, and pence. American pounds, shillings, c. are generally distinguished by the term currency annexed. These pounds, in consequence of the scarcity of coins, and the use of paper money instead of them, are of much smaller value than pounds British. When exchanges with America are made in pounds, the calculations are conducted in the same way as in exchanges between England and Ireland : but when they are made in dollars, the calculations uroceed in. the same manner as in exchanges with France or Portugal. 1R4 EXCHANGE WITH Exam. 17. Reduce 946 17 10 British, to American cur- rency, at 77 ty cent. As 100: 177:: 946 17 10: 1675 19 11^, currency. The answer might also be found by taking aliquot parts ; or by multi- plying by 77, dividing the product by 100, and adding the quotient to the given sum. Exam. 18. Reduce 796 13 6 American currency, to Brit- ish money, exchange at 69 V cent. As 169 : 100 : t 796 13 6 ; 471 8 l, British, Answer. Exam. 19. Reduce 2746 dollars, 30 cents, to British money, exchange at 4/3 British, V dollar. As 100 cents : 274630 cents : : 4/3| : 589 6 2|, British, Answ. The answer might also be found very easily by the method of aliquot parts. Exam. 20. Reduce492 3 4 British, to dollars, &c. exchange at 4/7 British <$" dollar. As 4/7 : 492 3 4 : : 1 dollar : 2147 dollars, 64 cents, Answer. Exercises. Answers. 52. Reduce 382 8 Brit, to Amer. cur. at 71, &c. 653 18 1 53 5611 dol. 42 cents, to Brit, at 4/5|F d. 1250 17 7 54. 846 10 9 currency, to Brit, at 66, &c. 509 19 3 55. 936 5 4 Brit, to dollars at 4/6 ^ d. 4123 d. 1 c. Ex. 56. What sum, American currency, is a bill for 367 4 British, exchange between England and America at 52 ^cent.? Answ. 558 2 10. 57. Reduce 7593 dollars, 70 cents, to British money, exchange between England and America at 4/7 ^ dollar. Answ. 1740 4 5. If the pupil be made fully acquainted with what precedes respecting exchanges, he will find little difficulty, with the assistance of tables, in vplying the same principles to similar cases, which it would exceed the limits of the present Publication to illustrate individually. To facilitate this, the following tables are annexed, which will be found to contain what is most useful and necessary on the subject* LEGHORN. 12 denari* di pezza =r 1 soldo di pezza : 20 soldi di pezza = 1 pezza of 8 reals. Also 12 denari di lira = 1 soldo di lira; 20 soldi di lira = 1 lira ; 5f lire, moneta buona = 1 pezza of 8 reals. GENOA. The same table as for Leghorn serves for Genoa. Be- sides this, 4 lire and 12 soldi = 1 scudio di cambio, or crown of exchange; 10 Ike and 14 soldi = 1 scudio d'oro marche, or gold crown. NAPLES. 10 grains == 1 carlin ; 10 carlins, or 100 grains rr I ducat regno. * Denari is the plural ofdenaro, soldi of soldo, lire oflira t and pezxe of pezaa ITALY, &c. 185 VENICE. 12 denari = 1 soldo; 20 soldi = 1 lira; 6 lire and 4 soldi :=: 1 ducat current, or of account; 8 lire = 1 ducat effective. PETEESBURGH. 100 copecs == 1 ruble. VIENNA. 4 pfenings =: I creutzer ; 60 creutzers == 1 florin ; 90 creutzers, or 1 florin = 1 rix dollar of account. STOCKHOLM. 12 fenings, or oers = 1 skilling; 48 skillings =r 1 rix dollar. COPENHAGEN. 12 pfenings = 1 skilling; 16 skillings = 1 mark; 6 marks Danish, (or 3 marks Hambro') = 1 rix dollar. The following exercises, which the pupil will find to be easily resolved, will serve to illustrate these tables. Ex. 5a Reduce 2467 pezze, 12 soldi, 6 denari, of Leghorn, to British money, exchange at 50 pence sterling ^ p. Arts. 51 4 1 9^. 59. Reduce 467 14 8 British to pezze, &c. of Leghorn, ex- change at 49 pence V pezza. Answ. 2290 p. 18 s. 9d. 60. Reduce 947 8 6 British to pezze, &c. of Genoa, exchange at 47 pence sterling V pezza. Answ. 4837 p. 18 s. 3 d. 61. Reduce 4263 pezze, 16 soldi, 8 denari of Genoa to British money, exchange at 44d. sterling W pezza. Answ. 790 11 8i. 62. Reduce 786 4 8 British to Naples money, exchange at 41 d. sterling, V ducat regno. Answ. 4546 d. 8 c. 9 gr. 63. Reduce 3794 ducats, 4 carlins, 5 grains, Naples currency, to British money, exchange at 40f d. fy ducat. Answ. 644 5 3|. 64. Reduce 170 10 British to lire, &c. of Venice, exchange at 47 pence sterling V lira. Answ. 870 1. 12 s. 9 d. 65. Reduce 793 lire, 12 soldi, and 6 denari of Venice, to British money, exchange at 45 pence sterling ty lira. Answ. 148 16 1. 66. Reduce 190 19 3 British to rubles, &c. exchange at 3/1 sterling fr ruble. Answ. 1222 r. 16 c. 67. Reduce 31416 rubles, 20 copecs, to British money, ex- change at 3/4 sterling V ruble. Answ. 5301 9 8. 68. Reduce 255 118 British to rix dollars, &c. of Vienna, ex- change at 4/4 sterling ty rix dollar. Answ. 1179 rix d. 55 cr. 1 pf. 69. Reduce 867 rix dollars, 25 creutzers, of Vienna, to British money, exchange at 4/7 ^ rix dollar. Answ. 198 15 0^. 70. Reduce 1045 6 8 British to Swedish money, exchange at 4/3 ^ rix dollar. Answ. 4919 rix d. 10 sk. 4 f. 71. Reduce 1318 rix dollars, 20 skillings, 6 fenings, Swedish, to British money, exchange at 4/6 sterling V rix d. Answ. 296 12 1 U 72. Reduce 313 9 7 British to Danish money, exchange at per rix dollar. Answ. 1433 rix d. 4 sk. 7 pf. 73. Reduce 576 rix dollars, 4 Danish marks, 4 skillings, to Brit, money, exchange at 4/4 sterling per rix cl. Ans. 124 19 Of. 74. In 1795, the values of the imports and exports of Peters- burgh were 31,767,952 and 23,019,175 rubles respectively. Re- quired the values in British money, exchange between Petersburgh and London at 2/1 1 per ruble. Answ. 4,699,009 11 4, and 3,404,919 12 8. 186 ARBITRATION, &c. 75. At the end of the reign of Louis XIV. the values of the imports and exports of France, were 71,000,000, and 105,000,000 livres respectively ; and at the period of the French Revolution, they had respectively increased to 380,000,000, and 424,000,000 livres. Reduce these several values to British money, exchange at 25 livres, 9 sous, 9 deniers, per pound sterling. Answ. 2,785.679 5 1 ; 4,119,666 10 Of; 14,909,269 4 llfj and 16,635,605 13 9i, 76. In 1784, the value of the exports from Spain to America was computed at 4,348,078 British ; and the value of the imports was, in money and jewels, 9,291,237, and in merchandise 3,343,936. Required the value of each of these sums in Spanish money, exchange at 38^ d. British per dollar. Answ. 27,104,90 I 57,919,399f3 del.; and 20,845,3 1 ARBITRATION OF EXCHANGES. WHEN the courses of exchange between the first and the second, the second and the third, the third and the fourth, &c. of any number of places, are given; the method ot finding the course of exchange between the first place and the last, corresponding to these courses, or of valuing any sum of the money of the first place in that of the last through the medium of the others, is called ARBITRATION OF EXCHANGES. As the actual course of exchange between the first place and the last is almost always, from various circumstances, different from the arbi- trated course, this method is of use in enabling a merchant in one place to discover whether he should draw and remit directly between his own place and another, or circuitously through other places. All the operations may be performed by one or more analogies in the Rule of Proportion. The method by the Rule of Proportion is easy and intelligible, when there are only three places concerned, or in what has been termed SIMPLE ARBITRATION. But when more than three places are concerned, or in what has been called COMPOUND ARBITRATION, the following rule, usually called the CHAIN RULE, is generally preferable. RULE (1.) Let all the quantities of the same kind be re- iuced to the same denomination, ir they be not so already. (2.) Let a blank* be left for the required quantity, and to The interrogative mark (?) may properly be placed in the blank. This rule will be found considerably more easy in its application, than those usually given for the same purpose in books on Arithmetic. It is also expressed in general terms, o as to serve not only for the purposes of exchange, but for the comparison of weigbu and measures, and for any other uses to which it can be applied. ARBITRATION, &c. J87 the right of it place as consequent the term to which it is to be equivalent: then, below the blank, place as antecedent the other given term which is of the same kind as the last consequent, and to the right of it place as consequent the term which is equivalent to it. (3.) Proceed thus, till all the terms are arranged in two vertical columns: then, divide the continual product of the consequents by the continual product of the antecedents, and the quotient will be the result required. The operation may often be much abridged by striking out any antecedent and consequent that are equal, and by reducing to their lowest terms such as admit a common divisor.* Exam. 21. When the exchange between England and America is at 80 per cent, and between England and Amsterdam at 36/4 Flemish per pound British; what is the arbitrated course of ex- change between America and Amsterdam ? Here the American Flemish ? =.1 American, money is in pounds, American j180=100 English, and also the English. English .1 =436d. Flemish. Then the Flemish be- 100X436_20X I09_ , , __ 2f)A2 . ing reduced to pence, jgO 9 ' ' the answer is found in pence Flemish, and becomes, by reduction, 20/2$ Flemish per pound American. This question might have been solved by a single analogy. Thus, as 180 : 100 t 436d. : 242fd. In this mode, we multiply and divide by the same quantities as in working by the chain rule; and the same is the case in all applications of this rule. This not only shows the correctness of the rule, but also that it is nothing else than Simple or Compound Proportion exhibited in a different, and, in many cases, in a more convenient form. The learner will perceive, that, in the ar- rangement of the terms by the chain rule, the first antecedent and the last consequent are always of the same kind. Ex. 77. What is the value of a franc in American money, ex- change between England and America at 50 per cent, and between England and France at 24 francs, 87 centimes, per pound sterling? Answ. Hfffd. Exam. 22. Suppose a merchant in England owes a merchant in Portugal 572, whether is it better for the Portuguese mer- * The application of logarithms greatly facilitates, in many cases, the operations by the chain rule. In using them in this way, the contraction above mentioned is generally of little use, unless when terms can be rejected. 188 PAR OF EXCHANGE. ciiant to have a direct remittance from London to Lisbon at 68d. per milree, or a circular remittance through Amsterdam and Paris, exchange between London and Amsterdam being at 37/3 Flemish per pound sterling ; between Amsterdam and Paris at 56 pence Flemish for 3 francs; and between Paris and Lisbon at 460 rees for 3 francs, an expense of 1 per cent, being incurred in the circular course ? Portuguese ? = 572 English. English 1 = 37/3 Flemish =r 447d. Flemish 56d. = 3 Francs. Francs 3 = 460 rees, Portuguese. 100 98 572 X 447 X 3 X 460 X 98_ 143 X 447 X 46 X 197 56 X 3 X 100 28 X 10 3 the sum Portuguese by the circular course. Again, as 68d. : 572 : : 1 milree : 2018 milrees, 824 rees, the sum Portuguese by direct remittance. Hence the circular exchange will be more ad- vantageous to the Portuguese merchant, as by it he will receive 49 milrees, 933 rees more than by the direct. Below the antecedents and consequents we place 100 and 98, and multiply by them, to modify the result according to the loss W cent. ; 98 being equal to 100 1^. Ex. 78. Suppose, that a merchant in Russia owes a merchant in London 12000 rubles, and that the course of exchange between London and Petersburgh is 36d. V ruble : it is required to find how much more or less profitable it is for the London merchant to draw directly on Petersburgh, or to draw through Paris, Amsterdam, Hamburgh, and Vienna, the course of exchange between London and Paris being at 24 f. 55 c. $P pound sterling ; between Paris and Amsterdam at 55 grotes Flemish for 3 francs ; between Amsterdam and Hamburgh at 33 stivers for 2 marks Hambro' ; between Hamburgh and Vienna at 100 rix dollars Hambro' for 299 rix dollars of Vienna ; and between Vienna and Petersburgh at 185 creutzers $* ruble. Answ. The direct remittance is better by 10 7 11. The following useful table, with the remarks which are subjoined to it, will form a proper conclusion to this article. It will be easily under- stood by a reference to the tables already given. " TABLE of the intrinsic par of exchange between London and the principal places in Europe, 'gold against gold, and silver against silver,' calculated from assays lately made both in London and Paris :" PROPORTIONAL PARTS. 189 Amsterdam, banco Rotterdam, cur. ... Hamburgh, banco. .. Paris, old coins ... , new coins ... GOLD. SILVER. 35/10-8 37/1-7 11 flor. 14 st. 35/1 Flemish 25 liv. 9s. 9 den. 24 f. 87 c. 45*82 pence, ster. 4fi-/7 11 flor. 4 st 34/2-4. Flemish 25 liv. 9s. 9 den... 25 francs, 26 c 45-52 pence, ster.... 49-0 .._.... _ . 42 41 1 fifi-5 ____ fiS'4, Madrid and Cadiz Venice 3fi-n* 39 ., 46-38 48-9 . In addition to the information contained in the preceding table, it may be remarked, that the American dollar, and the rix dollars of Vienna, Copenhagen, and Stockholm, are each equivalent to about 4/6 British at par. The rubles in use in Russia prior to 1762, were of different values, from 3/7 to 3/9 British, valued according to their weignts ; but those coined since that time have been made lighter, and their values have been about 3/2 or 3/3 British. The East India coin which is most frequently mentioned, is the rupee. Of this there are two kinds the current rupee, and the sicca rupee. The value of the former, according to the mint price of silver in England, is 21d., or more accurately, 21-177d. ; and that of the latter 24d., or more accurately, 24-566d. The cur- rent is to the sicca rupee, as 100 to 116. In India, the market price of rupees is generally much higher than their intrinsic value, the current rupee being worth about 2/, and the sicca rupee nearly 2/6. A lack of rupees is 100,000 rupees, or about 10,000 British, and a crore is 100 lacks. DIVISION INTO PROPORTIONAL PARTS. RULE. To divide a given quantity into parts which shall have to each other given ratios : as the sum of the numbers expressing the ratios, is to any one, of these numbers, so is the entire quantity to be divided, to the part correspond- ing to the number used as the second term of the analogy. The operation is proved by adding the several results together : if the sum be equal to the quantity to be divided, the work is right. When all the parts, except one, have been determined, that one may be found by adding the rest together, and taking the sum from the number to be divided. In this case the operation will be proved by finding that part by the general rule : the agreement of the two results will prove the accuracy of the work. 190 DIVISION INTO The reason of this rule, which is of frequent use In Arithmetic, and other branches of the Mathematics, is obvious from the princi- ples delivered in page 82. Exam. A farm of 97 a. 3 r. 5 p. is to be divided into two parts, such that the one may be three-fourths of the other. What are the parts ? Here, the parts are evidently in the ratio of 4 and 3, the sum of which is 7. Therefore, as 7 : 4 : : 97 a. 3 r. 5 p. : 55 a. 3 r. 20 p., the greater part j and as 7 : 3 : : 97 a. 3 r. 5 p. : 41 a. 3 r. 25 p., the less part. The sum of these parts is 97 a. 3 r. 5 p., which proves the operation. Ex. 1. Suppose a traveller to proceed from Belfast for KJllarney at the rate of 6 miles ^ hour, and another at the same time from Killarney for Belfast at the rate of 5 miles ^ hour : where will they meet, the distance between the two places being 224 miles? Answ. 122 T \ miles from Belfast. 2. Divide 398 into three parts which will be to one another as the numbers 5, 7, and 11. Answ. 86|f, 121 5 3 g-, and 190 5 8 5 -. 3. Divide 80 miles into four parts in the ratio of 10, 9, 8, and 7. Answ. 23 T 9 T , 21 T 3 T , \8tf-, and 16W- 4. Divide 5000 among three persons in such a manner, that the share of the second may be one-half greater than that of the first, and the share of the third, one half greater than that of the second. Answ. 1052 12 7^, 1578 18 H T V,and 2368 8 5 T V In this exercise it is easj T to see, that the parts will be as the numbers 1, 1, and 2^, or as 4, 6, and 9. 5. Pure water is composed of two gases, or kinds of air, called oxygen and hydrogen, in such proportions, that the weight of the former is to that of the latter as 15 to 2 Required the weight of each contained in a cubic foot, or 1 000 ounces, avoirdupois weight, of water. AIISUJ. 882 T V oz., and 117J4 oz. 6. How much copper and how much tin will be required to make a cannon weighing 16 c. 1 q. 20 Ibs., gun-metal being composed of 100 parts of copper, and 11 of tin? Answ. 14 c. 3 q. 5 T 7 T 3 i tt>s., and 1 c. 2 q. 14 T \\ tbs. 7. The British standard gold for coinage consists of 11 parts of pure gold, and 1 part of alloy ; (usually a mixture of silver and copper:) how much pure gold and how much alloy are contained in a guinea? (See exercise 77, page 80.) Antw. 4 dvvts. 22^ gr. & 10$ grs. 8. The British silver coin consists of 37 parts of silver and 3 of copper; how much of each does the half crown (2/6) con- tain, each pound, troy weight, being coined into 66 shillings ? Answ. 8 dwts. 9^ T grs., and 16 T 4 T grs. 9. How much tin and copper are contained in a bell weighing )50 Ibs, bell-metal being composed of three parts of copper and I of tin ? Answ. 112 Ibs., and 37 Jbs. PROPORTIONAL PARTS. 191 10. Pewter is composed of 112 parts of tin, 15 of lead, and 6 of brass ; how much of each ingredient is requisite to make a ton of - pewter ? Answ. 16 c. 3 q. 10 T % tbs.,2c. 1 q. 0\% ft), and 3 q. 17^ tbs. 11. Proof spirits are composed of 48 parts of alcohol, or pure spirit, and 52 parts of water. How much of each of these is con- tained in 84 gallons of proof spirits? Answ. 40^ gal. and 43f g. 12. 76 parts of nitre, 14 of charcoal, and 10 of sulphur, compose gun-powder : how much of these ingredients will be requisite to form a hundred weight of powder? Answ. 3 q. I fa ftx 15 tbs., and 1 1 tbs. The following questions are illustrative of some applications of this rule which are often very useful to the Mathematical student. They are not useful however, nor even intelligible, to the mere Arithmetical pupil. By him, therefore, they should be omitted. Exam. 2. Required the natural sine of 54 35' 43", those of 54 '6af and 54 36' being -8149593 and -8151278. Here the difference of the two sines is '0001685; then, as 1' or 60", (the difference of the arcs whose sines are given) :'43" (the excess of the intermediate arc above the less,) : : -0001685 : -0001208, the part of the difference corresponding to 43"; and the sum of this and the less sine is 8150301, the sine required. The ciphers might have been rejected, and 1685 used as a whole number, and the result 1208 added to the smaller sine, as if it had been a whole number. Had the second of the given numbers been less than the first (as is the case in the cosines,) the result of the analogy must evidently have been subtracted. Ex. 13. The logarithm of 3-1415 being -4971371, and that of 3- 141G, -497 1509, required the logarithm of 3 r 141593.^;u;. -4971499. l'-k The logarithmic tangent of 23 27' is 9*6372646, and that of 23 28' is 9-6376106: required that of 23 ' 27' 54". Answ. 9-6375760. 15. Required the sun's declination at Greenwich on the 10th of July 1818, at 35 minutes past 7 o'clock in the evening, his decli- nation on the 10th at noon being 22 18' 47", and on the llth at noon 22 11' 10" Answ. 22 16' 23". 16. The moon passed the meridian of Greenwich, on the 10th of October 1818, at 36 minutes past 9 o*clock in the evening, and on the llth at 23 minutes past 10 ; at what time did she pass the meridian of Mexico, in longitude 99 5' 15" W.? Answ. 49 minutes . past 9 o'clock, on the 10th. 17. On the 19th of August, 1818, the declination of Venus, at noon, at Greenwich, was 2 0' S.,and on the 25th at noon 5 5'S. Required the declination on the 23d at noon, in the island of Owy- l.ee, in longitude 155 58' 45" \V. Ansm. 4 - \& 41" S. 192 FELLOWSHIP. FELLOWSHIP is the method of determining the respective gains or losses of the partners in a mercantile company. Fellowship is usually distinguished into two kinds, Simple and Compound, or Single and Double. In SIMPLE or SINGLE FELLOWSHIP the stocks or sums contributed by the several partners, all continue in trade for the same time. In COMPOUND or DOUBLE FELLOWSHIP the stocks continue in trade for different periods. SIMPLE FELLOWSHIP AND BANKRUPTCY. RULE I. As the whole stock is to the whole gain or loss, so is the stock of any partner to his gain or loss. In the same way, the estate of a bankrupt may be di- vided among his creditors by this analogy : As the sum of all the claims on the estate is to its value, so is the claim of any creditor, to his dividend or share of the estate. This rule is merely a particular application of that contained in the last article, and therefore requires no separate illustration. The method of proof is also the same. Exam. 1. Three merchants, A, B, and C, form a joint capi- tal, of which A contributes 700, B 1000, and C 1600. What is the share of each in a gain of 880 ? Here, the sum of the stocks is 3300, the whole capital. Then, as 3300 : 880, or by contraction, as 15 : 4 : : 700 : 186 13 4, A's share; and as 15 : 4 : : 1000 : 266 13 4, B's share; and lastly, as 15 : 4 : :'1600 : 426 13 4, C's share. The sum of these shares is exactly 880, which proves the operation to be correct. Exam. 2. A bankrupt owes to A 900; to B 860; to C 640; to D 150; to E 70; and to F 30; but his whole estate amounts only to 1250. Required the share of each creditor. Here the sum of the debts is 2650. Then, as 2650 : 1250, or by contraction, as 53 : 25 : : 900 : 424 10 6f, A's dividend; and as 53 : 25 : : 860 : 405 13 2, B's dividend. In the same manner we find C's share to be 301 17 8| ; D's 70 15 1 ; E's 33 4|; and F's 14 3 0|. The sum of all these is 1249 19 11 1, a farthing being lost by neglecting the remainders. In the division of a bankrupt's estate, it is usual first to find how much in the pound he can pay, that is, how much the creditors will receive for each pound of their respective claims. Thus, resuming AND BANKRUPTCY. 193 the same example, we have this analogy : as .2650 : .1250, or as 53 : 25 : : 1 : 9/5 nearly, the sum that each creditor is to re- ceive in the pound. Then, by using the method of ali- 300 at 9/5 V pound, quot parts as in the margin, A's share will be found to 5/ $ 225 be 4,23 15 0, agreeing 4/ = i 180 nearly with the result al- 5d = T V of 5/. ..18 15 ready found, the difference arising from taking 9/5 in- 423 15 stead of 9/5|. In the same way the rest of the dividends would be found. The following rule, which may be readily employed by a person who has not learned a regular course of decimal fractions, will be found to be preferable, in a considerable degree, to that given above, in the more complicated questions in Fellowship ; and it is evident, that it is equally applicable in every case of dividing into parts in a given ratio. RULE II. (1.) Reduce the whole stock and gain to the same denomination, if they be not so already : (2.) To the latter annex six ciphers, or more if the stocks be large, and divide by the former ; the quotient will be a decimal : (3.) Multiply this decimal by the several stocks succes- sively, taking aliquot parts for shillings and pence; and from each product cut off as many figures as there were ci- phers annexed : (4.) Value the figures cut off by the method shown in Reduction of decimals,. problem II. Exam. 3. If a bankrupt, whose property amounts to 2100, owe to A S6 12, to B 1263 9 6, to C 724 15 10, to D 1000, and to E 242 16 4; how much can he pay in the pound, and what is the dividend of each creditor ? In this example, the sum of the debts is 4057 13 8; and the pence in this and in 2100 are 973844 and 504000. Annexing ciphers to the latter, and dividing by the former, we obtain 5175367, the value of which is 10/4^ nearly, the sum which Ike can pay in the pound. We then, as in the margin, multiply 0175367 by the first debt -5175367 826 12, and obtain for 826 12 A's dividend 427 15 11. By proceeding in a similar 31052202 manner, we should find for 10350734 B's dividend 653 17 lOf, 41402936 for C's 375 2 1 1 ; for D's 10/= .... 2587683 .1517 10 8f; and for E's 2/ = 1 1 3 517537 125 13 4. The sum of a 1 these is 2100, which 427-7958362, or proves the correctness of 427 15 11. the operation. The learner who has studied decimal fractious, K 194 SIMPLE FELLOWSHIP, &c. will see that in finding the decimal, besides other contractions, figures may often be cut from the divisor, and a smaller number of ciphers annexed than are prescribed in the rule. Several of the following questions are expressed briefly, and it may be a useful exercise for the pupil to write them out at large. Ex. 1. A's and B's stocks are 375 and 425 respectively : re- quired the share of each in a gain of 240. Answ. A's .112 10, B's 127 10. . . 2. Three merchants, A, B, and C, enter into partnership : A puts into the joint stock 329, B 289 10, and C 317. Re- quired the share of each in a gain of 583 12 6. Aiisw. A's 205 5 0|, B's 180 12 2, C's 197 15 3|. 3. A's stock 1750, B's 1250 : whole gain 565 12. Answ. A's 329 18 8, B's 235 13 4. 4. A's stock 349 16 7, B's 520 : whole gain 346 18 9. Answ. A's 139 10 7f, B's 207 8 \\. 5. A's stock 384 18 10, B's 186 17 4, C's 811 17 6* : whole gain 396 13 7. Answ. A's 110 7 1^, B's 53 11 5^, C's 232 15 0. 0. A's stock 348 16 6, B's 804 11 4, C's 621 12 2: whole gain 795 18 8. Answ. A's 156 8 4^, B's 360 15 6$ C's *78 14 9. 7. B's stock 595 12 8, C's 701 116: whole gain 588 I 9. Answ. B's 270 7, C's 318 1 2. 8. X's stock 448 19 3, Y's 582 13 4, Z's 261 1 4: whole gain 718 18. Answ. X's 249 13 7, Y's 324 h| Z's 145 3 81. 9. M's stock 475 15 8, N's 346 12 4, O's 396 17 6 : v.'holegain 279 4 10. Answ. M's 108 19 3, N's 79 7 7 a, O's 90 17 10. 10. A's stock 178 18 8, B's 236 15 8, C's 493 18 B, D's 213 17 6: whole gain 583 10 9. Answ. A's 92 18 8-j, B's 122 19 7|, C's 256 10 9, D's 1111 7f. i 1. A debtor, the value of whose effects is only 1075 12 6, owes to A 586 13 7, to B 348 10, to C 674 5, and to D 1000. What is the dividend of each, and how much is paid in the pound ? Answ. A's 241 16 8, B's 143 13 1, C's 277 18 7. D's 412 4 H; and 8/2 in the pound. 12. A, B, C, and D enter into partnership, and A puts in 987 - gallons of whiskey at 9/'10| IT gallon; B, 789 gallons of rum at I6/H: C, 238 gallons of brandy at 1 4 9, and 183 gallons of geneva at 1 111; .md 1) 497 gallons of wine at 18/4: and they contribute besides 120 in money, in equal shares. Required the share of each in a gain of 318 10 8. Answ. A's 75 1 4, B's .96 13 2f, C's 76 3 9, D's 70 12 3. 13. A, B, and C, enter into partnership with a joint stock of 7500, of which 3(>00 belong to A, 3000 to B, and the re- mainder to C. At the end uf a year, the gain is found to be 1079 4. Required the s>hare of this gain which each is to re- COMPOUND FELLOWSHIP. 195 ceive, a clear salary of 511 17 6 ^annnm hei allowed to C as acting partner. Answ. A's 560 6 3|, B's 466 18 71, C's 651 19 1. 14. If two persons purchase a house jointly for j2000, and after- wards let it for the yearly rent of 183 6 8 ; what share of the yearly profit rent is each to receive, the one having contributed 350, and the other 1 150 of the purchase money, and the ground rent being 44 8 V year ^ Aiis.-v. 59 11^, and 79 17 8f. COMPOUND FELLOWSHIP. HULE (1.) Let all the times be of the same denomination, and multiply each stock by the time of its continuance in trade : (2.) Then using the products as stocks, proceed ac- cording to either of the rules for Simple Fellowship. Exam. A and B enter into partnership : A contributes 600 for 13 months, and B 800 for 10 months. Required the share of each in a gain of 650. Here the products are 7800 and 600 X 13 =. 7800 8000, the sum of which is 15800. 800 X 10 = 8000 Then, as 1 5800 : 650 : 7800 : : or, by contracting the first and second 15800 terms, as 316 : 13 : : 7800 : 3:30 17 8|, A's share : and as 316 : 13 : : 8000 : 329 2 3$, B's share. The sum of these is 650, which proves the correctness of the operation. In proceeding by RULE II. of Simple Fellowship, we divide 650 with ciphers annexed by 15800, or 13 with ciphers annexed by 316, and we find for quotient '04-1 13924- ; and multiplying this successively by 7800 and 8000, and cutting eight figures from the products, we obtain 320-886072 and 329-1 1392, or 320 17 8f and 329 2 3, the same as before. The reason of this rule will be evident from the consideration, that a stock of 600 for 13 months, would be the same as 13 times 600 for 1 month ; and one of 800 for 10 months, the same as 10 times 800 for 1 month. Hence, if these increased stocks be employed, it is evident, that since the times are then to be regarded as equal, the operation will proceed in the same manner as those in Simple Fellowship. Ex. 1. A's stock 280 for 5 months, B's 266 13 4 for 6 months: whole gain 331 12 6. Answ. A's gain 154 15 2, B's 176 17 4. 2. A's stock 170 for 8 months, B's 80 for 6 months : whole gain 250. Answ. A's 111 16 10$, B's 138 3 If. 3. A's stock 248 12 6 for 10 months, B's670 for 3 months, C's 512 7 6 far 6 months: whole gain 439 18 8. Ans. A's 144 9 7, B's 116 161, C's 178 12 11J. K 2 19$ ALLIGATION. 4. C's stock .178 6 8 for 18 months, D's 237 17 6 for 12 months, E's 536 5 for 10 months : whole gain 370. AJUW. C's 103 18 9 : i, D's 92 8 6, E's 173 12 8|. 5. A's stock 485 IS 4 'for 1 year, B's 279 10 for 9 months, C's 675 11 8 for 8 months: whole gain 386 15. Answ. A's 163 19 11, B's 70 14 11^, C's 152 1-j. 6. A's stock 576 15 for 11 months, B's 365 4 10 for 15 months, C's 582 6 8 for 9 months: whole gain 568 15. Answ. A's 211 9 If, B's 182 12 If, C's 174 13 8. 7. M's stock 1038 13 9 for 6 months, N's 692 9 2 for 9 months, O's 1384 18 4 for 6 months: whole gain 686 1 2 Answ. M's 180 10 10, N's 216 13, O's 288 17 4. 8 Three merchants A, B, and C, entered into partnership, and or, the 1st of March each contributed 1000. On the 3d of May k took out 300; on the 8th of June B put in 360, and on the 20th of August C withdrew 280. On the 1st of September A put in 450; and on the 16th of October each took out 180. On the 8th of January of the following year, on making up accounts, it is found, that they have gained 1250. How is this gain to be divided among them ? Answ. A's share 384 1 1 1 f , B's 512 12 U, C's 353 5 103. ALLIGATION. ALLIGATION is a rule which is chiefly employed in cal- culations respecting the compounding or combining of articles of different kinds. This rule has its name from a Latin word, which signifies to bind, be- cause in the practical application of the rule, the quantities are usually linked or connected together by lines. It is a rule which is of little practical utility ; being principally used in the solution of questions, which are of rare occurrence in real transactions. Besides, every thing that can be effected by this rule can be done in general in a better and easier way by Algebra. Hence this article will be more circumscribed in its limits than it might otherwise have been. The following is the principal problem in this rule, and indeed the only one that belongs to it exclusively. Tojind in ivhat proportions, quantities of given values must be taken, to form a compound of a given value. RULE. (1.) Let the rates of the ingredients, all in the same denomination, be written in a line ; and let the mean rate in the same denomination . be written above them. (2.) Take two of the rates, one of which is greater, and the other less, than the mean rate, and write the difference between each of them and the mean rate, below the other. (3.) Proceed thus with the rates two by two, if there ence Lher. - be ALLIGATION. 197 more than two, till one or more differences stand below each. (4.) Then, if only one difference stand below any rate, it will be the quantity required at that rate ; but if there be more than one, their sum will be the required quantity. The connecting or linking of the rates with crooked or curved lines, in the use of this rule, is attended with little advantage. Should that method be preferred, however, it can present no difficulty, as each rate less than the mean rate is to be connected with one greater, and each greater with one less, and the differences are to be set below the rate to which the line directs. Exam. 1. In what ratios must two kinds of flour, worth 2^d. and d. V lb. respectively, be taken, to make a mixture worth ib.? Here the mean rate, 13 farthings, is set above the other rates, 10 farthings and 15 farthings. Then, the difference between 10 and the mean is set below 15, and the difference between 15 and the mean below 10. Hence we find, that the quantities must be in the ratio of 2 to 3; that is, for every 2 Ibs., or 2 cwts. at 2|d. ^ Ib., 3 Ibs., or 3 cwts. at 3|d. V Ib. must be taken, to form a compound worth 3d. V Ib. The correctness of this operation, and of the principle on which it depends, will appear manifest from the consideration, that in selling 3 Ibs. at 3d. per Ib., instead of 3fd., there is a loss of 11/ ^ gallon. It is scarcely necessary to say, that any quantities in the same ratios will serve the same purpose. With respect to the reason of the operation, it is obvious from what was said respecting the preceding exercise, that 1 gallon at 10/, and 6 198 ALLIGATION. at 17/ each, would make a mixture worth 16/ per gallon, and likewise, that a mixture of 2 gallons at 14 /, and 2 at IS/, would be worth the same per gallon ; and It is evident, that both mixtures taken together must make a mixture of the same value per gallon also ; and in the same way every operation in this rule may be explained. From these principles it is also manifest, that if we should mul- tiply or divide I and 6 by any number, and 2 and 2 by any number, we should still have results that would satisfy the conditions of the question. Thus, multiplying the former by 3, and dividing the latter by 2, we find for answer 3 gallons at 10/, 1 at 14/, 18 at 17/, and 1 at 18/. Different answers may also be found by connecting 16 the rates differently. Thus, by 10, 14, 17, 18 using 10 and 17 we get 1 and 6, and by connecting 10 and 18, we 1 1 ' 6 6 have 2 and 6 ; and then by using 2 2 14 and 17 we get 1 and 2. Alter this; by the requisite addition, we 3, 1, 8, 6 find 3, 1, 8, 6 for the required quantities ; and it is obvious, that by a still farther application of these principles, different answers might be found without limit. The correctness of these results is proved by adding together the prices of 3 gallons at 10/, of 1 at 14/, of 8 at J7/, and of 6 at 18/. This will be found to be 288/, which divided by 3-f- 1 -f <8 ~h 6 g a " on s, gives exactly 16/ for the mean rate ; and thus the proof may be conducted in every case. This method of proof has been generally made a separate case of this rule, and called with no great propriety Alligation Medial. The operation according to the preceding rule, is usually called Attign- tion Alternate. Exam. 3. How much linen at 2/ and at 2/5 ^ yard, must be taken with 216 yards at 3/4, that the whole may be worth 2/6 & yard at an average ? Here by taking the differences, &c. 30 as in the margin, we find that the quan- 24, 29, 40 tides may be in the ratio of 10, 10, and 7. Then as 7 : 10 : . 216 : 308f It 10 10 6 appears therefore, that 308f yards at 1 2y, the same quantity at 2/5, and 216 yards at 3/4, will compose a parcel 10, 10, 7 worth 2/6 W yard, at an average : and various other answers might be found. This question belongs to what is usually called Alligation Partial. Exam. 4. What quantities of tea, worth 8/, 7/6, and 6/6 V lb. re- spectively, must be mixed together, to form a parcel containing I12fts. worth 7/4 rib ? ALLIGATION. 199 Here, in finding the ratios, to make 88 the first two terms different, the differ- 96, 90, 78 cnces between 88 and 90, and 88 and 78, are set down twice. In this way it 10 10 8 is found, that the quantities may be as 102 10, 20, and 12, or, by halving each term, 2 as 5, 10, and 6. Hence, by the method of dividing into parts in a given ratio 10, 20,12 (see page 191,) as 21, the sum of these, : 5 : : 112 Ibs,; or by contracting, as 3 : 5 : : 16 Ibs.: 26| Ibs.; and as 3 : 10 : ? 16 tbs. : .53* Ibs. ; and lastly, as 3 : 6 : : 16 ibs. : 32 Ibs. It appears therefore, that 26 Ibs. at 8/, 53^ Ibs. at 7/6, and 32 Ibs. at 6/6, will form a compound of 112 Ibs., worth 7/4 V lb. This question belongs to what has generally been called Alligation Total. This name for this particular case of Alligation, as well as those already mentioned for the other cases, is properly falling into disuse. As many questions in this rule admit of several answers, the pupil should prove his results in working the following exercises, particularly when his answers may differ from those here given. Ex. 1. In what proportions must sugars, worth 13d., lld.,and 9d. IT lb. respectively, be compounded, that the mixture may be \vorth lO^d r lb. ? Answ. 3, 3, 7 ; 1, 2, 3 ; &c. 2. How much water must be added to a cask of spirits con- taining 84 gallons, worth 13/6 ^ gallon, to reduce the value to 1 1/4^ ty gallon ? Answ. 1 5W gallons. 3. What quantities of three different kinds of raisins worth lid., 15d., and 22d. ^ lb. respectively, must be mixed together, to fill a cask containing 200 Ibs., and to be worth 16d. V lb. Answ. 6 1 Ibs. ; 61 ^s.; and 77$ Ibs. , 4. How much land worth 1 7/6 ^ acre, must be added to a farm containing 51 a. 2 r. 20 p., worth \ 14 6 V acre, to reduce the average value of both together to 1 2 9? Answ. 115 a. 2 r. 6fp. 5. A box of linen, containing 1200 yards, worth at an average 3/ V yard, consists of two kinds, one worth 2/8J, and the other worth 3/9 IT yard. How much of each kind does it contain ? Answ. 876 H yards, and 323 T V yards. 6. How much spirits, at 14/ W gallon, must be added to a mix- ture consisting of 41 gallons at 9/6, and 59 gallons at 10/8, to make the compound worth 11/6 ^ gallon? Answ. 52 ^3- gallons. 7. How much first flour worth .1 11 6 per cwt. second flour wort 1 9, third flour worth 1 7 6, and fourth flour worth 17/6, must be taken, to form a ton worth 25 168? Ans. 2 c. 1 q. 20 \ Ibs.; 7 c. 1 q. 5i Ibs.; 4- c. 3 q. 13 Ibs. ; and 5 c. I q. 17 Ibs. 8. A gentleman's labourers xronsist of men at 1/4, and women at lid. per day; and the amount of the wages of the whole is the same as if each of them hail \f'i\. Required the number of the men, the number of the women being 21. Answ. 49. 200 INVOLUTION. A POWER of any number is the product obtained by the continual multiplication of that number, repeated a certain number of times as factor. A number, in relation to any power of it, is called the ROOT of that power. When the proposed number is used twice as factor, the product is called the SECOND POWER, or the SQUARE,* of that-number ; when three times, the THIRD POWER or CUBE; when four times, the FOURTH POWER ; when Jive times, the FIFTH POWER, &C. Powers are often denoted by writing after the proposed number, and a little higher, the number which shows how often the proposed number is repeated as factor. This number is called the INDEX, or the EXPONENT, of the power. Thus, 5X-5 = 25, is the second power, or the square of 5, and may be written 5 2 , where 2 is the index ; 7X"X?X7 = 2401, is the fourth power of 7, and may be written 7 4 , where 4 is the indox, &c. The method of finding any assigned power of a given number, or, as it is also expressed, the method of raising a number to any proposed power, is called INVOLUTION. From the preceding definition of a power we have the following rule for Involution : RULE. To find any assigned power of a given number ; or to raise a given number to any proposed power : find the con- tinual product of the given number repeated as factor, as often as there are units in the index of the proposed power. The process may often be abbreviated by multiplying to- gether powers already found. In this case, the index of the power thus found is equal to the sum of 'the indices of the powers multiplied together. * The second power of a number is very improperly called the square of the number. The square of a. line, or the square described on aline, is a geometrical figure havu;<; four sides each equal to the proposed line, and having its adjacent sides perpendicular to each other : but this is evidently by no means applicable to an abstract number. The, mistake has arisen from the circumstance, that the area of a square is found numerically by multiplying the number expressing the length of the side, by itself, which is the same as the process by which the second power of that number \s determined. It might be Sliown in a similar manner, that the third power of a number is with equal impropriety called the cube of that number, the cube being, not a power of a number, but a solid body. The terms square and cube, however, as well as square root and cube root, have been so long and so generally used in this improper sense, that it would perhaps be vain to attempt to correct the error any farther than by frequently using the legitimate CM* pressions, se cond powe r, second root, &c. instead of thsm. INVOLUTION 201 When the given number is either wholly or partly a deci- mal, the operation may often be much abbreviated, by the rule for contracting the multiplication of decimals given in page 118. Exam. 1. Required the fifth power of 23. Here, by multiplying 23 Multiply ...... $ 23= 1st power. by itself, we find 529 for the second power of 23. By Multip i y ....... multiplying tins by 23, we _ find 12*167 for the third M . . . ( 12167 = 3d _ power. By proceeding in Miply.... ^ 23 like manner, we find the c 2?9841=4th WJWWJJM fourth power to be 27984*1, Multiply.. .< 23 and the fifth to be 6136343. ^ ^jjjjH&fl _ The same result might also have been found by multiplying the second power 529 by itself, and the product 279841, which is the fourth power, by 23. The same result would also be obtained by multiplying the third power by the second. In like manner, if it were required to find the twelfth power of a number; multiply the number by itself to find the second power ; the second power by itself to find the fourth power ; the fourth by itself to find the eighth ; and, lastly, the eighth by the fourth to find the twelfth. Exam. 2. Required the fifth power of f . The fifth power of 3 is 243, and the fifth power of 8, 327G8 : the answer therefore is Tiff?' '-^ ie reason of this is evident front. Multiplication of Fractions. Exam. 3. What is the third potter of !.? This, by reduction fro an improper fraction, becomes ; and b? involving the numerator and denominator each to the third power, we find for answer VV> r Ifi- Each of the last examples might have been wrought by reducing the fractions to decimals, and then working by the general rule. Exam. 4. Required the sixth power 1-12, true to five places of decimals. 1-404928 = 3d power. 8 29404-1 1404928 By raising this to the third power, in 561971 the way already shown, we find 1-404928, 5620 and this being multiplied by itself, as in 1264 the margin, we find for the sixth power 28 1-973822. U 1-973822= 6th Kxercises. Involve the following numbers to the powers denotec by their respective indices : K3 202 EVOLUTION. Ex. Answ. 1. 678 s . . ............... 4:59684? 2. 119 3 ............... 1685159 3. 75 4 .............. 31640625 86*... ........ 4704270176 9 9 ............ 387420489 7 12 ........ 13841287201 II 10 ........ 25937424601 (f) 6 * 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 3) 4 .............. H6UM Ex. Answ. 11. (t) 7 12. 4-S67 4 ......... 363-691179 13. 1'03 17 ............ 1-652848 14. 1-035 18 ........... 1-857489 15. l'04 16 f .......... 1-800943 16. 1-0475 24 ......... 3-045767 17. 1-05 31 ............ 4-538039 18. 1-055 26 ......... 4-0231290 19. 1-06 34 ........... 7-251025 20. 1-07 32 ..... 8-7152708 EVOLUTION, OR THE EXTRACTION OF ROOTS. EVOLUTION is the method of finding an assigned root of a given number. J The I^DEX of a root is a fraction whose denominator de- notes the order of the root, and whose numerator is a unit. The root of a number is also expressed by prefixing to the number the sign,^ with the number above it which- de- notes the order of the root. In case of the square or second root, however, the number 2 is omitted. Thus, the fourth root of 10 is denoted by 10*> or ^/ 10, and means a number whose fourth power is 10; and the second, or square root of 7 is written 7a" or y^7, and means a number, such, that if it be multiplied by itself, the product will be 7. To facilitate the extraction of the square and cube roots, it may be proper for the pupil to be familiar with the following tables : TABLE I. The square of 1 = 1 ; of 2 = 4; of 3 = 9 ; of 4 = 16; of a = 25 ; of 6 == 36; of 7=49 ; of 8 = 64 ; of 9 = 81. TABLE II. The cube of 1 = 1 ; of 2 = 8 ; of 3 = 27; of 4 = 64; of 5= 125; of 6 =216; of 7= 343; of 8 = 512; of 9 = 729 * The brackets enclosing tbig fraction, which in this use of them constitute the a)ge- liraic v'inculum in one of its forms, denote, that the entire fraction, and not its numerator alone, is to be involved to the sixth power. The object in the next exercise, in like manner, is to find the fifth power of 2|. f Perhaps the easiest mode of working this exercise will be to find the sixteenth power, and divide it by 1'04. In like manner, in the 17th exercise, the thirty-second power may be divided by 105 It is unnecessary to inform the Mathematical student, that involution, when great ac- curacy is not required, is immensely facilitated by the use of logarithms. t Evolution may also be defined to be the method of finding a number, the continual product of which repeated a given number of times as factor, will amount to a given number. \ This sign is the letter r, the initial of the Latin word radix, a root, changed in form by rapidity in making it, and by its appropnatiou to a particular use. 203 EXTRACTION OF THE SECOND, OR SQUARE ROOT. RULE I. To extract the second, or square root of a given number: (1.) Commencing at the unit figure, cut off periods of two figures each, till all the figures of the given number are exhausted.* (2.) The first figure of the required root will be the square root of the first period, or of the greatest square contained in it, if it be not a square itself. (3.) Sub- tract the square of this figure from the first period ; to the remainder annex the next period for a dividend ; and, for part of a divisor, double the part of the root already ob- tained. (4.) Try how often this part of the divisor is con- tained in the dividend wanting the last figure, and annex the figure thus found to the parts of the root and of the divisor already determined. '5.) Then multiply and sub- tract, as in Division; to the remainder bring down the next period ; and, adding to the divisor the figure of the root last found, proceed as before. (6.) Continue the process till all the figures in the given number have been used ; and if any thing remain, proceed in the same manner to find decimals, adding, to find each figure, two ciphers, or if the given number end in an interminate decimal, the two figures that would next arise from its continuation. Exam. 1. Required the square root of 365. Here, by placing a separating mark 3 / 65(19*1049 between 3 and 6, the given number is 1 divided into the two periods, 3 and 65. 1, the root of the greatest intcg- 29) 265 ral square contained in 3, is then put 9 261 in the quotient, and its square taken from the first period. To the remain- 381 ) 400 der the next period is brought down, 1 381 which makes for dividend 265. The first part of the divisor is found by 38204) 190000 doubling 1, the first part of the quo- 4 155816 tient. In finding, in the next place, what figure must be annexed to the 382089)3718400 part of the root already found, though 9 343880 1 2 would be contained 13 timss in 26, yet we try 9, as we know the next 382098 ) 279599 figure cannot be greater than 9. We annex 9, therefore, to the parts of the root and of the divisor al- * In dividing a decimal, or a number consisting of a whole number with a decimal, Into periods, the division must also commence at the unit figure or the decimal peuu, and must be continued both ways, if there be a whole number, and if there he an od.i iiiivire at the end of the decimal, a cipher, or if it be a periodical decimal, the figure that would next arise from its continuation, must be annexed. Thus, 4T7'24~> will be divided thus, V17/-2V50 ; -H'SWBS. &c. thus. *!/' W'66; and -567 thus, -S&lQi && 204 EVOLUTION. ready found, and multiplying 29 by 9, we find for product 261, and for remainder 4-. Hence, we have for root 19, and for remainder 4. Now, to find decimal figures, a point is put in the quotient, two ciphers annexed to the remainder, and 9, the figure last found, added to 29, the former divisor. We have then for dividend 4'00, and for part of a divisor 38. This part of the divisor is contained once in 40 ; and therefore the first figure of the decimal is 1, which is also annexed to 38. In working for the next figure, we have the divisor 382, which not being contained in 190, a cipher is annexed to the parts of the root and divisor already found, and two ciphers annexed to the dividend to find another figure. The rest of the work proceeds in the same manner, and the root, true to four places of decimals, is found to be 19-1019. The truth of this re- sult is proved by multiplying 19*1049 by itself, and adding the re- mainder to the product ; as the result will be exactly 365. In this, ay well as in every other case in extracting roots, in which there is a remainder, after all the significant figures have been used, the fractional part of the root would be an inlerminate decimal, differing from the interminaty decimals which we have seen already, in its not repeating or circulating, and thus presenting no law by which it can be continued.* In this case, in any practical application, the extraction, is to be carried on, till as many decimal figures are obtained as the degree of accuracy necessary in the result may require. The principle on which the preceding rule depends, is, that the square of the sum of two numbers is equal to the squares of the numbers with twice their product. Thus, the square of 34 is equal to ttit- squares of 30 and of 4 with twice the product of 30 and 4 ; that is, to 900-f 2X30x4-f-16n 1156. Hence, in extracting the second root of 1156, we separate it into two parts, 1100 and 56. Then 1100 contains 900, the square of 30, with the remainder 200 ; the first part of the root therefore is 30, and the remainder 200 -j- 56 or 256. Now, according to the principle abovementioned, this re- mainder must be twice the product of 30 and the part of the root still to be found, together with the square of that part. Now, di- viding 256 by 60, the douWe of 30, we find for quotient 4. Then, this part being added to 60 the sum is 64, which being multiplied by 4, the product, 256, is evidently twice the product of 30 and 4, together with the square of 4. In the same manner the operation may be illustrated in every case. The rule is best demonstrated, however, by Algebra. RULE II. When the root is to be extracted to manijjlgure.s^ the process may be much contracted by the following ride : Find, by rule I., half, or one more than half, the number of figures required : then to the remainder annex one figure instead of * Continued fractions, as will appear hereafter, show the law of continuation of square roots : in respect to other roots, however, there is no method known which shows the lav. of their i ontinuation. SQUARE ROOT. 205 two, and having found the divisor in the usual way, proceed according to the contracted method of dividing decimals. Thus, suppose it had been 382098)2795990(1 9-1 049 7-3174 required, in the preceding ex- 2674691 ample to find the answer true to nine places of decimals; 121299 these and the two places of 114-6:30 whole numbers are eleven figures in all ; and, therefore, 6669 before commencing the con- 3821 traction, it is necessary to find six figures. These have 2848 been already found to be 2675 19-1049. Taking therefore 382098 and 279599, the divi- 173 sor and remainder already 153 found, and also the quotient 19-1049, the continuation of 20 the preceding work will stand as in the margin, a cipher being added to the dividend, according to the rule. The first figure thtrf results from the division is 7, which, in working the operation at full length, must have been annexed to the divisor : we therefore carry 5, for 7 times 7, to 56, the product of 7 and 8. After this, tile work proceeds exactly as in the contracted mode of dividing decimals. By this means the root is found to be 19-104973174. RITLE III. To extract the root of a vulgarfraction, reduce it to its simplest form, if it be not so already, and extract the roots of both terms, if they be complete powers : other- wise divide (he root of their product by the denomina- tor. The root may also be found by reducing the fraction to a decimal, if it be not such already, and taking the root of the decimal. Thus, the second root of is L. This result may be obtained either by taking the roots of both terms, or by reducing the given fraction to the decimal -25, the second root of which is *5, or T %, or , the same as before. In like manner, the root of 2^, or f , is , or 1 . This result might also be obtained by extracting the root of ~2'25. This would be found to be 1-5, or !, as before. Again, if it be required to find the second root of ^; let the square root of 35 ( = 5X7,) which will be found to be 5 '91 60798, be divided by the denominator 7, and there will result -84515425, the root required. The same result would be obtained by extracting the root of 71'4i?85 / 71, the decimal equivalent to the given fraction. The more advanced pupil may sometimes find the following contrac- tions useful : 1. {f the denominator be an exact square, and tlie numerator 206 EVOLUTION. not, divide the square root of the numerator by the square root of the denominator. 2. If Ike numerator be an exact square and the denominator not, divide the product of the square roots of the numerator and denomi- nator by the denominator. The following rule, which is only a particular application of the gene- ral rule to be given hereafter for finding the roots of powers in general, may be found useful in carrying a root out to a great number of figures, after it has been carried to a considerable number by the common rule: (1.) Find the square of the part of the root already found. (2.) Then make the sum of the given number and three times this square the Jtrst term of an analogy ; the sum of this, square and three times the given number, the second term ; and the port of liie root already found, the third term: the fourth term will be the required root true to nearly three times tlie number of figures in the part before found. Thus, the square root of 2 is found by the common method to be 1-414, the square of which is 1*999396. Then, as 3X 1 '999396+2 : 3X2+1-999396: : 1-414 : i '4 1421356237, which is true, except the last figure; and if we should repeat the operation, using this number and its square, the root would be found true to about thirty places. We might employ this rule from the beginning of the operation, by estimating the root as nearly as possible. It will in general be easier, however, to find the leading figures of the root by the common method. That method also, contracted in the way already shown, will for the most part be preferable to this, when the root is not required to be carried beyond ten or twelve figures. Exercises. Required the square roots of the following numbers : Exercises. Answers. I Exercises. Answers. 1. 5 2-236068 | 16. 33 5-74456-26465 2. -5 -7071068 I 17. 333 18-24828759 3. '7 .. .. -8366600 ' 18. 666 25-806975801 4. -07 -2645751 3. -06 -2449490 6. -006 -0774597 7. 785 28O1785 8. 78-5 8-8600226 9. 562 23-70653918 10. | -6123724357 1 1. 13 ... 3-633180425 12. 1728 41-56921938 13. & -19364916731 14. 1| 1-172603940 15. IT 1-018577439 19. $ -74535599250 20. T 4 T -60302268915 21. -81649658093 22. H| 1-16', or H 23. lli 3-3', or 3$ 24. ii -82915619759 25. 6} 2-4784787961 26. 794^ 28-181554251 27. 3333333 1825-7417671 28. 105VS 10-269106361 29. 25381| 159-31624734 30. 57000^ 238-74727068442 31. 123456789 11111-1110605555 32. 987654321 31426-968052932 33. 207JI 14-411607975672 34. 822650 907-00055126775 35. 34967W 186-99513848809 36. 29524'+ 244* 29525*008247247 207 EXTRACTION OF THE THIRD, OR CUBE ROOT. RULE I. To extract the third, or cube root of a given number : (1.) Find by trial a number nearly equal to the re- quired root, and call it the assumed root : (2.) Find the cube of this root : (3.) Then as twice this cube added to the given number, is to twice the given number added to the same cube, so is the assumed root to the true root, nearly: (4-.) By employing the approximate root thus found, and repeating the process, a number still nearer the true root will be obtained ; and thus the process may be repeated as often as may be thought necessary.* The operation is proved by involving the root, when found, to the third power: and the more nearly the result agrees with the given number, the more nearly correct is the root. In the use of this rule, each result will generally be true to between two and three times the number of figures to which the assumed root was true. It may be observed also, that each remit is too nearly eyuai to the assumed root; or, in other words, the correction is too small, as if the assumed root be too great, the result is also too great; otherwise, it is too small. Exam. 1. Required the third or cube root of 34567. Here, by cutting off three figures towards the right hand, we find for the first period 3-t, the root of which is above 3, since the third power of 3 is only 27 ; and hence, since the root must have * This rule, as well as the approximative rule already given for the extraction of ih square root, is only a particular application of the general rule to be given hereafter, for the extraction of roots. The rule which is commonly employed in extracting the cube root is here subjoined for the use of any who may be disposed to prefer it. The rule giver, above, however, abridges the labour very greatly, as will appear by the application of both rules to any particular exercise. The labour by the common i vle, indeed, of finding the cube root of a number true even to seven or eight figures, is so very great as to ren- der the operation formidable in a high degree, and to make any shorter method very desirable. The following Is the Common Rule. (1.) Commencing at the units, divide the given number into periods of three figures each. (2.) The first figure of the required root will be the cube root of the first period, or of the greatest cube contained in it, if it be not a cute itself. (3.) Sub- tract the third power of this figure from the first period, and to the remainder annex the next period for a dividend, and for part of the divisor take 300 times the square of the part of the root already obtained. (,-i.) Try how often this part of the divisor is contained in the dividend, and annex the figure thus found to the part of the root already deter, mined. (5.) Then, to find the complete divisor, add to the part already found 30 times the last figure of the root multiplied by the part of the root before it, and add also the square of the last figure. (6.) Then multiply and subtract as in Division ; to the remain- der bring down die next period, and proceed as before. (7.) Repeat the operation, till all the figures in the given number have been used ; and, if any thing remain, continue the operation in the same manner to find decimals, adding, to find each figure, three ciphew : r, if there be an interminate decimal, the three figures that would next arise from iu continuation. 208 EVOLUTION. two figures, (one for each period,) it must be greater than 30.* We may suppose it therefore to be about 32 or 33. The cube of the former we find to be 32768, and that of the latter 35937. Hence, the given number differing from each by pretty nearly the same quantity, we may suppose its root to be about 32'5. The cube of this, is found to be 34328-125. The first part of the remaining work may conveniently 34328-125 34567 stand as in the margin. 2 2 The work is then to proceed as in the Rule 68656-250 69134 of Proportion and the 3456? 34328-125 result is found to be 32-5752101, which is the As 1032 9 3 .250 : 103462-125 : : 32-5: required result, true ex- 32-5752101, Answ. cept the last figure, the true result being 32-57521043, &c., as would be found by repeat- ing the operation with 32'575, as the assumed root. Exam. 2. Required the cube root of 100. The root here is evidently between 4 and 5, but nearer the lat- ter, as 100 differs less from 125, the third power of 5, than from 64, the third power g? . 336 1QO of 4. Let then 4-6, the cube of which '_ is 97-336, be assum- . Q4 . rt79 200 ed After this the 6 ' 2 . 33(j work may stand as &>S?5tfg As a* 678 ' 297-336:: 4-6:4-0^8 4-64158, the required root nearly. By repeating the operation with 4-64, as the assumed root, there will result 4-641588833 for the required root still more correctly. Exam. 3. Required the cube root of 782140. Here the root proper 778688 7 82 140 to be assumed is readily 2 2 found to be 92, the cube of which is 778688. The 1557376 1564280 work will then stand as 782140 778688 in the margin, and there will result 92-13575 for As 2339516 : 2342968 : : 92 : 92-13575 the required root nearly. By repeating the operation. with 92-136, there will be found, for the required root, very nearly true, 92-135747933. * It is scarcely necessary to remind the Mathematical pupil, that the root prom r to be assumed, both in this article and the next, will be found wilh great ease by moans of logarithms. The finding of it will also be facilitated, as in the preceding exanmi?, in- dividing the given number .into periods as in the Square Root, but each consisting of tiireo figures instead of two, and by considering that there must be a figure in the root for each period. ROOTS IN GENERAL. 209 RULE II. To extract the cube root of a vulgar fraction, re- dace it to a. decimal, and then extract the root ; or multiply the numerator by the square of the denominator, find the cube root of the product, and divide it by the denominator. The cube root of a mixed number is generally best found by reducing the fractional part to a decimal, if it be not so already, and then extracting. It may also be found by re- ducing the given number to an improper fraction, and then working according to the preceding directions. Exercises. Find the cube roots of the following numbers : Exercises. Answers. 6. 1234567 107-276572 7. 44-6 3-546323 8. T \ -64-365958974. 9. f -9614997135 10. 376 .. ,.. 7-217652 Exercises. Answers. 1. 123 , 4-973190 2. 517 8-025957 3. 900 9-654894 4. 1 23456789 . 4-97-9338592 5. 12345678 .... 231-120418 EXTRACTION OF ROOTS IN GENERAL. The following article is intended only for the Mathematical or the more advanced Arithmetical pupil. For others, besides it be- ing in a considerable degree difficult, it is seldom useful. RULE. To extract any root whatever: (1.) Call the index of the given power n ; and find by trial a number nearly equal to the re- quired root, and call it the assumed root. (2.) Raise the assumed root to the power whose index is n. (3.) Then, as n-\-l times this power added to n-^-l times the given number, is to n 1 times this power added to -j- I times the given number, so is the as- sumed root to the true root nearly. (4.) The number thus found may bs employed as a new assumed root, and the operation repeated to find a result still nearer the true root. For the mode of investigating this rule, which is perhaps the best and most convenient that has been discovered, see the teruth of Dr. Hutlon's Tracts, where it was first given. Exam. 1. Required the 365th root of 1-06. Here we may take 1 for the assumed root, the 365th power of which is 1 ; and n being 365, we have n-\- 1 =: 366, and n I 364. The work will then proceed in the following manner, and the an- swer is found to be 1-0001596. 1 X 366 == 366 I X 364 = 364 1-06 X 364 = 385-84 1-06 X 366 = 387-96 As 751-84 : 751-96 : : 1 : 1-0001596. In extracting the fourth root, we may either use the preceding rule, or we may extract the second root of the given number, and the second root of the result. In extracting the sixth root also, we may eithet use 210 SERIES. the preceding rule, or we may extract the third root of the giren number, and the second root of the result: and in this way we may proceed in every case in which the index of the root to be extracted is a composite number. When the index is a prime number, however, the root must be found by the general rule. Exam. 2. Find the value of 111 This expression means the third root of the second power of 1 i, and therefore we may extract the cube root of 121 for the required result. The answer might also be obtained by the general rule by faking 5 for the assumed root, and I, the reciprocal of I, for n. The pupil will probably find the former method the more simple. The answer will be found to be 4-946088. Exercises. Find the roots of the following numbers signified by their several indices: Exercises. Answers. I Exercises. Answers. 1 987654321* 19-27274 3. I05 T ^ 1-004074 .. 1-047128 4. 9^... .. 52-19591 SERIES. A SERIES is a succession of quantities, or terms, that de- pend on one another according to a certain law. In every series, the first and last terms are called the EXTREMES, and the rest the MEANS. Writers on Arithmetic usually treat of only two kinds of series, equidifferent series and continual proportionals. These are of more frequent and general use, than other kinds of series, and on this account claim more particular attention. Quantities in equidifferent series are also said to be in arithmetical progression ; and continual proportionals are said to be in geometrical progression. * * These names for equidifferent quantities and continual proportionals, are highly im- proper. Series of both kinds belong equally to Arithmetic and Geometry. The appel- lations, arithmetical progression and geometrical progression, should, thi-refore, be entirely disused, as tending to impress false ideas on the mind respecting the nature of the quanti- ties. The term proportion is applied, if possible, still more improperly to equidifferent quantities, as this term is alv/ays expressive not of equality of differences, but of equality qf ratios. The latest and best continental writers have accordingly rejected these terms, and substituted more appropriate ones, calling them by the names above given, or others of similar import, such as progressions by difference*, and progressions by quotients. Bor.nycastle, in his larger work on Algebra, though he still retains the terms, acknowledges their impropriety. W.th respect to the name, continual proportionals, here applied to the second kind of quantities, it may be observed, that, besides its being perfectly ex. pressive of the nature of such quantities, it has long been thus applied in works oa Geometry, and it is equally applicable in Arithmetic. 211 EQUIDIFFERENT SERIES, OR ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. An EQUIDIFFERENT SERIES is that in which the terms either all increase, or all decrease, by the same quantity.* This quantity is called the COMMON DIFFERENCE. Thus, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, is an equidifferent series, in which the succes sive terms increase by the addition of the common difference 2 : and 20, 17, 14, 11, 8, is another, in which the successive terms decrease by the common difference 3. The following are the most useful rules for the management of quan- tities of this kind. RULE I. The Jirst term and the common difference being given, to Jind any other assigned term: (I.) Multiply the common difference by the number which is equal to the number of the terms preceding the required term : (2.) Then, if it be an increasing series, add the product to the first term ; otherwise, subtract it. Exam. 1. Required the thirty-fifth term of the increasing equiditferent series, whose first term is 7, and common difference 3. Here, 34- times precede the required term; wherefore, 34 X 3 -f- 7 = 109, is the term required. The reason of this operation will be manifest from the consider- ation, that were the series to be continued to the thirty-fifth term, the first term must be increased by 34? additions of the common difference. Ex. 1. Required the fifty-fourth term of the decreasing equidif- ferent series whose first term is 100, and common difference }\. Answ. 33|. 2. First term of an increasing series 36, common difference 3f ; required the hundredth term. Answ. 392f . 3. First term of a decreasing series 329, common difference $ ; required the ninty-ninth term. Answ. 24>3|. RULE II. The extremes and the number of terms being given, to Jind the sum of the series . Multiply the sum of the ex- tremes by the number of terms, and take half the product. Exam. 2. The first term of an equidifferent series is I, its last term 312, and the number of terms 193. What is its sum ? Here, 1+312 := 313, and 313 X 193 = 60409, tne half of which is 30204^, the sum of the series. The definition of eqi:idifferent quantities would stand more correctly, though n >t so simply, thus : An equtdiffereni scries is that in which the terms either ail increase, or nil decrease, and the difference of any an d the number of terms zr 51 ; required the sum of the scries. Answ. 38. RCJLE III. The extremes and the common difference being given, to find the number of terms : Divide the difference of the extremes by the common difference, and add a unit to the quotient. The reasons of this rule and of the next will be obvious from com- paring them with rule I. Ex. 6. Given the greater extreme = 500, the less rr 70, and the common difference 10 ; required the number of terms, Answ. 44. 7. Given the less extreme rr 3, the greater, 579, and the common difference =r 9; what is the sum of the series? Ansiv. 18915. Here, let the number of terms be found by this rule, and the sum of Oie series by rule II. Ex. 8. With, the common difference 12, how many equidif- ferent means can be inserted between the extremes 8 and 1700? Ansiv. 140. RULE jtV. The extremes and the number of ferns being tojind the common difference ; Take a unit from the EQUIDIFFERENT SERIES. 213 number of terms, and by the remainder divide the difference of the extremes. Ex. 9. Given the extremes = 3 and 300, respectively, and the number of terms =: 10; required the common difference. Answ. 33. 10. What is the common difference of a series consisting of 1001 terms, the extremes being 1 and 100001 ? Answ. 100. RULE V. The extremes being given, to find any assigned number of equidifferent means : Find the common difference by rule IV, and add it continually to the less extreme, or subtract it from the greater ; the several results will be the required terms. One mean may be found by taking half the sum of the extremes. Exam. 3. Given the first term 1, the last =: 99, and the number of terms 8 ; required the complete series. By rule IV. the common difference is found to be 14, by the continual addition of which to 1, the entire series is found to be 1, 15, 29, 43, 57, 71, 85, 99. Ex. 11. Insert 5 equidifferent means between 20 and 30. An*iv. 2 If, 23i, 25, 26f, 28^ 12. Required the several terms of a series the extremes of which are 4 and 49, and the number of terms 6. Answ. 4,13,22,31,40,49. RULE VI. The sum of the series, one extreme, and the num- ber of terms beinv given j to find the other extreme : Divide twice the sum of the series by the number of terms, and from the quotient take the given extreme. The reason of this rule is evident from rule II.* Ex. 13. Given the first term of an equidifferent series consisting of 24- terms, =r 1 ; required the last term, the sum of the series being 576. Ansiu. 47. * If the greater extreme be denoted by g, the less by /, the common difference by J, the number of terms by n, and the sum of the series by*: then g = l+(n l}d, and * = n(g-+4) ; from which twoequation.sanythreeoftlie.se quantities being given, the rest ran De fuu'.id. The full resolution of these equaMons will, among other results, give the rules contained in the text. The consideration of such equidifferent quantities as are usually, but very improperly said to be in arithmetical proportion, has been omitted from its comparative inutility. These are quantities of such a nature, that the differences of the first and second, of the third and fourth, of the fifth and sixth, &c., are equal. Of thi kind are the following quantities : 2, 5 ; 10, 13 ; 21, 4, &c. The principal property of four such quantities is, that, as in the continued equidifferent quantities already explained, the sura of the ex- tremes is equal to the sum of the means ; whence it follows, that if there be four such quantities, and from the sum of the means either extreme be taken, the remainder Will be Uie other extreme. 214 SERIES. 14-. Giver, the number cf terras = 50, and the strm of the series = 1275; required the greater extreme, the less being 3. Answ. 47. 15. Required the sum of the first ten thousand numbers in the natural series, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. Answ. 50,005,000. 16. Required the sum of the first ten thousand odd numbera, l,3,5,7,&c. Answ. 100,000,000. 17. Required the sum of the first ten thousand even numbers, 2,4,6,8,&c. Answ. 100,010,000. 18. Required the sum of the first ten thousand numbers that are divisible by 3, (3, 6, 9, 1 2, &c.) Aw>w. 1 50,0 1 5,000. 19. If a person on a journey travel the first day 30 miles, and each succeeding day a quarter of a mile less than he did the day before, how far will he travel in 30 days? Answ. 791 5 miles. 20. How many strokes does a common clock strike in a year ? Answ. 56940. 21. If 120 stones be laid in a straight line, each at the distance of a yard and a quarter from the one next it ; how far must a per- son travel who picks them up singly and places them in a heap at the distance of 6 yards from the end of the line, and in its continu- ation ? Answ. 8 Irish miles, 4 furl. 35 per. 5 yds. 22. A body falling by its own weight, if it were not resisted by the air, would descend in the first second of time through a space of 16 feet and 1 inch; in the next second, through three times that space ; in the third, through five times that space ; in the fourth, through seven times, &c. Through what space would it fall at the same rate of increase in a minute ? Answ. 57900 feet. CONTINUAL PROPORTIONALS, OR GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. A SERIES OF CONTINUAL PROPORTIONALS IS that in which the successive terms all increase by a common multiplier, or all decrease by a common divisor.* The common multiplier, or common divisor, is called THE RATIO OF THE SERIES. Or THE COMMON RATIO. Thus, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, are continual proportionals, in which the suc- cessive terms increase by the ratio 2 ; and 192, 48, 12, 3, f, &c. are con- tinual proportionals decreasing by the ratio 4. It may be observed, that we might regard every series of this kind, whether increasing or decreasing, as being produced by multiplication, the ratio in a decreasing series being a proper fraction. Thus, in the * This definition would stand more correctly, though not so simply, thus : A seriet of continual proportionals is that in which the terms all increase, or all decrease ; and the quotient obtained by dividing the greater of any two adjacent terms by the less, is equal to that obtained by dividing the g> eater nfimy other two adjacent terms by the less. CONTINUAL PROPORTIONALS. 21o series last given, the ratio or common multiplier might be considered to he ^. In what follows, however, the ratio will be taken always greater than a unit, according to the definition already given.* The following are the most useful rules for the management of quan- tities of this kind. RULE I. The first term and the ratio being given, to find any other proposed term : (1.) Raise the ratio to a power whose index is equal to the number of the terms which pre- cede the required term. (2.) Then, if it be an increasing series, multiply the first term by the result before found ; otherwise divide it by that result. Exam. 1. Required the 8th term of the series of continual proportionals, whose first term is 6, and ratio 2. Here, the 7th power of 2 is found to be 128; which being mul- tiplied by the first term 6, the product is 768, the 8th term. The reason of this operation will be manifest if it be considered, that in finding the successive terms up to the 8th, the first term must be multiplied by 2, the product by 2, that product by 2, and so on, till the 8th term would be found after seven such multipli- cations : and it is evident, that the same result will be found by a single multiplication by the 7th power of 2. A similar illustration serves in case of a decreasing series. Exam. 2. Required the 20th term of the series, whose first term and ratio are each T06. Here, we are to multiply the 19th power of 1 06 by 1*06, or, which is the same, we are to involve 108 to the 20th power. This is found by involution, to be 3-207135. Exam. 3, Required the 6th term of the "decreasing series whose first term is 100, and ratio 1. The 5th power of 1, or 1-5, is 7-59375, and 100 being divided by this, the quotient is 13-16872428, the term required. Ex. 1. Given the first term of an increasing series 12, and its ratio 3; to find the 18th term. Answ. 15-19681956. 2. The first term of a decreasing series is 1, and the ratio 1*07; required the 14th term. AKSW. '4 149644. 3. The first term of an increasing series is 194-3, and the ratio 1-05; required the 3 1st term. Answ. 839-75333. 4. Given 'the first term of a decreasing serjes r= 500, and the ratio = 1-04; to find the 14th term. Answ. 300-287. * It is proper for the learner to know, that in a series of continual proportionals, the proiluct of the extremes is equal to the product of any two terms equally distant frwn than ; or to the second power of the middle term, if the number of terms be odd. The rea- son of this is evident, since the greater extreme exceeds the term next it in the same ratiu in which the other extreme is less than the term next it. :216 SERIES. 5. Given the first term of an increasing serfes 1, and the ratio 2 ; required the 3oth term. Ansiv. ^34359738368. 6. Given the first term of an increasing series 1, and the ratio = 3; required the 36th term. Answ. 50031545098999707. RULE II. To find the sum of a series of continual propor- tionals ; multiply the greater extreme by the ratio, and di- vide the difference between the product and the less ex- treme, by the difference between the ratio and a unit. When the series is a decreasing one, and the number oj terms infinite, divide the product of the ratio and the great- est term by the difference between the ratio and a unit. Or, Divide the ratio by the difference between it and a unit, and multiply the quotient by the first term.* Exam. 4. Given the first term of an increasing series rr 4, the ratio = 3, and the number of terms = 6; to find the sum of the series. Here, by rule I. we find the last term to be 972. Multiplying this by the ratio, we obtain 2916 : and dividing 2912, the dif- ference between this and the first term, by 2, the difference, be- tween the ratio and a unit, we obtain 1456, the required sum. The reason of this operation is best shown by Algebra; it may be illustrated in the following manner however : let the terms of the ed ri a S s b fn P 't a h C ; *+ 12 + 36 + '"8+324+972 = sum mar^n ' then 12 + 36 + 108+324+972 + 2916 = sum X 3 let each term be multiplied by the ratio, and let the products be re- moved each one place towards the right hand. If the upper line be then subtracted from the lower, there will remain 2912 rz sum X2; and consequently the sum is equal to 2912-f-2zr 1456. Now 2916 is evidently the product of the ratio and the greater extreme, and 2912 is the difference between this and the less ex- treme ; also the divisor 2 is the difference between the ratio and a unit : and a similar illustration may be given in any other case. In^a decreasing infinite series, the last term is to be regarded as nothing; and hence the reason of the rule for its summation is manifest. * The following rules, which may be illustrated in the same manner as the rule given io the text, may also on some occasions be employed with advantage : I. To sum an increasing series : (1.) Raise the ratio to a power whose index is equal to the number of terms : (2.) Divide the difference between die result and a unit, by the difference between the ratio and a unit: (3.) Multiply the quotient by the first term. II. To sum a decreasing series : (1.) Raise the ratio to a power whose index is equal to the number of terms : (-2.) From the power thus obtained, take a unit, and divide the remainder by the same power : (3.) Divide the quotient by the difference between the ratio and a unit, and multiply the result by the firt term. CONTINUAL PROPORTIONALS. 217 Exam. 5. Required the sum of the series whose least term is i5, and ratio 1-04, the number of terms being 31. This exercise may be wrought in the same manner as the last ; or perhaps more easily by the first rule in the note. Thus, by in- volution, we find the thirty-first power of 1-04 to be 3-37313 Then 3-37313 1 = 2-37313, and 1 -04- 1 r= -04 ; also 2-37313 -r--04 = 59-32825, the product of which by 45, the first teim is 2669-77125, the required sum. Exam. 6. Required the value of the interminate decimal -1'8'. This is the same as ^+ToVoo + T or 1^ nearly. 12. Given the least term of a series = 1, the ratio = 1|, and the number of terms := 16: required the sum of the series. Answ. 1311-68167114. 13. Given the least term := , the ratio = 4, and the number of terms = 14 : required the sum of the series. Answ. 11184S10|. 14. Given the greatest term =-12, the ratio := 1 J-, and the number of terms = 12; to find the sum of the scries. Answ. 53-2706. RULE III. The extremes and the number of terms being given, to jind the ratio : Divide the greater extreme by the less, and extract that root of the quotient whose index is one less than the number of terms. Exam. 7. Given the extremes of a series r= 3 and 192, and the number of terms = 7 : required the ratio. Here, 192-f-S = 64, the 6th root of which is 2, the ratio of the series. In the use of this rule we must generally employ either logarithms, or the rule given in page 211. Ex. 15. Given the extremes == 1 and 10, and the number of terms = 9 : required the ratio. Answ. 1-333521. L 218 SERIES. RULE IV. Tojind any proposed number of mean propor- tionals between two given numbers : (1.) Take the two given numbers as extremes ; take also the number of terms in the series two greater than the required number of means, and find the ratio by rule III : (2.) Then the product of the ratio and the less extreme will be one of the means; the product oi this mean and the ratio will be another ; and thus all the means may be found, whatever is their number. When only one mean is required, it is most easily found by extracting the second root of the product of the extremes. Exam. 8. Find three mean proportionals between 5 and 1280. Here, the series would consist of 5 terms, and the extremes are 5 and 1280; and hence the ratio is found, by the last rule, to be 4; and by the repeated multiplication of this and of the first term, the means are found to be 20, 80, and 320. Exam. 9. Find a mean proportional between 5 and 10. Here, 5 X 10 = 50, the square root of which is 7-0710678, &c. the mean required. Ex. 16. Find two mean proportionals between 1 and 2. Answ. 1-259921, and 1-587401. 17. Find a mean proportional between -^ and 100. Answ. 3-16227766. Ex. 18. If a thrasher agree to work 18 days for a farmer, on condition of receiving two grains of wheat for the first day's work, 6 grains for the second, 18 for the third, &c. : what would be the value of all he would be entitled to receive, supposing 7680 grains to fill a pint, and the wheat to be worth 7 shillings a bushel ? Answ. 275 17 5J. 19. Suppose a house, having 20 windows, to be sold at the rate of 4/0 for the first of these windows, 6/0 for the second, 9/0 for the third, and so on ; the value of each being increased by one half of itself, to find the value of the next ; for how much would it be sold ? Answ. 1329 14 0$. 20. If a father give as a portion to his daughter, aged 19, a far- thing for the first year of her life, three farthings for the second, 9 farthings for the third, &c. ; . to how much does her portion amount? Answ. .605,344 10 3^. 21. It is said that an Indian discovered the game of chess, and showed it to his sovereign, who was so much pleased with it, that he desired the inventor to ask any reward he chose. The inves- tor then asked one grain of wheat for the first square of the chess table, two for the second, four for the third, and so on ; doubling continually to 64, the number of squares. Now, suppose it had been possible for the prince to pay this reward, what would have HARMONICAL PROPORTION. 219 been the value of the whole at 12/6 W cwt., 10,000 grains being supposed to weigh a pound avoirdupois ? Answ. 10,293,942,005,418 5 6^. 22. Find the value of the interminate decimal "IG'S'. Answ. ^^. 23. Required the value of the infinite decimal '51'85'. Answ. \$. 24. Find the sum of the infinite series i, , -, T V &c. Answ. 1. 25. Find the sum of the infinite series 3-, ^, ^ , B* r , &c. Answ. . HARMONICAL PROPORTION. It may be proper to subjoin to what lias been said respecting equidif- ferent quantities and continual proportionals, a few observations on har- monical proportion, a subject which, though of minor importance, should not be entirely overlooked. Three or four numbers are said to be in HARMONICAL PROPORTION, when the first is to the last, as the difference of the first and second is to the difference of the last and the last but one. Thus, 2, 3, and 6, are three numbers in harmonical proportion, 2 being to 6 as 3 2 to 6 3: and 15, 12, 6, and 5, are four numbers in har- monical proportion, since 15 : 5 : : 15 12 : 6 5. The reciprocals of three equidifferent numbers are in harmonical pro- portion. Thus, A, , and , the reciprocals of 2, 5, and 8, are in har- monical proportion : and if these fractions be reduced to equivalent ones having a common denominator, the numerators 20, 8, and 5, will be of the same nature. To find^/bur numbers in harmonical proportion, find three such num- bers in the manner just shown ; and then let the mean ancione extreme, and the mean and the other extreme, be multiplied or divided by any numbers whatever, and the four numbers thus found will be the terms required. Thus, taking 20, 8, and 5, the numbers last found, we have, by halving the first term and the mean, and trebling the mean and the third term, 10, 4, 24, and 15, which are in harmonic proportion, since 10 j 15 :: 104 : 2415 ; and in this manner we may find as man,y such numbers as we please.* * It is worthy of remark, that the reciprocals of continual proportionals are also con- tinual proportionals, while the reciprocals of three equidifferent numbers are ia hanuoni- cal proportion, and, consequently, the reciprocals of three numbers in harmonical pro- portion are equidifferent numbers. Farther also, if any two numbers be taken as ex- tremes, the harmonical mean, themean proportional, and the equidifferent mean between them are three continual proportionals Tims, the three means between 20 and 5 ; .ire 8, 10, and 12 : the second of which is a mean proportional between the other two. I o POSITION.* POSITION is a rule by which, from the assumption of one or more false answers to a problem, the true one is obtained. It admits of two varieties, Single Position^ and Double Position. In SINGLE POSITION the answer is obtained by one as- sumption : in DOUBLE POSITION it is obtained by two- Single Position may be employed in resolving problems, in which the required number is any how increased or diminished in any given ratio ; such as when it is increased or diminished by any part of itself, or when it is multiplied or divided by any number. Double Position is used, when the result obtained by increasing or diminishing the required number in a given ratio, is increased or diminished by some number which is no known part or multiple of the required number ; or when any root or power of the required num- ber, is either directly or indirectly contained in the result given in the question. SINGLE POSITION.f RULE. (1.) Assume any number, and perform on it the operations mentioned in the question as being performed on the required number : (2.) Then, as the result thus obtain- ed, is to the assumed number, so is the result given in the question, to the number required. Exam. 1. Required a number to which if one half, one third, one fourth, and one fifth of itself be added, the sum may be 1644. Suppose the number to be 60 : then, if to 60 one half, one third, one fourth, and one fifth of itself be added, the sum is 137. Hence, according to the rule, as 137 : 1644 : : 60 : 720, the. number re- quired. The truth of the result is proved by adding to 720, one half, one third, &c. of itself, and the sum is found to be 1644. The number 60 was here assumed, not as being near the truth, but as being a multiple of 2, 3, 4, and 5 ; and in this way the operation was kept free from fractions. By the assumption of any other number, however, the answer would have been found correctly, but often not so easily. The reason of the operation is obvious from the principles of proportion. Ex. 1. Divide 2000 between A, B, and C, giving A as much as B and a fifth part more, and C as much as both together. Answ. A's part 545 9 1, B's 454 10 11, C's 1000. * This rule is sometimes called the Rule of False, or the Rule of False Position, or the Rule of Trial and Error. It might properly be called the Rule of Supposition. f Every question that can be resolved by this rule, may also be resolved by the rule for Double Position, or without Position, by some of the preceding rules; and hence this rule is of little importance. DOUBLE POSITION. 221 2. One third ~of a ship belongs to A, and one fifth to B, and A's part is worth 1000 more than B's : required the value or the ship. Answ. 7500. 3. It is required to divide 252 into three parts, such that one third of the first, one fourth of the second, and one fifth of the third, shall all be equal to one another. Answ. 63, 84, and 105. 4. To find a number such that if it be multiplied by 10, and the product be divided by 13, the quotient, increased by the number itself, and by 80, will amount to 1000. Answ. 520. 5. Required a number to which if one half of itself, one third of that half, and one fourth of that third, be added, the sum will be 500. Answ. 292Jf. 6. A father bequeaths to his three sons 7000 in such a man- ner, that if the share of the eldest be multiplied by 5, that of the second by 6, and that of the third by 7, the products are all equal. What are their shares ? Answ. 2747 13 ^, 2289 14 42, and 1962 12 4. 7. The number of a gentleman's horses is two fifths of the num- ber of his black cattle, and for every four of the latter he has eleven sheep. Required the number of each, the number of the sheep exceeding that of the horses by 141. Answ. 24 horses, 60 black cattle, 1 65 sheep. DOUBLE POSITION. RULE I. (I.) Assume two different numbers, and perform on them separately the operations indicated in the question: (2.) Then, as the difference of the results thus obtained, is to the difference of the assumed numbers, so is the difference between the true result and either of the others, to the cor- rection to be applied, by addition or subtraction, as the case may require, to the assumed number which gave this result. This rule, which was first published in substance by Mr. Bonnycastle in his larger work on Arithmetic, in 1810, is the simplest and easiest that has yet appeared for the resolution of questions in which the given result is a known number, independent on tJie required number : and these ques>- tions are generally the most useful. Mr. Bonnycastle appears, however, not to have been aware, that this rule fails in relation to the whole class of questions, in which the result of the operations to be performed, ac- cording to the question, on the required number, is not a known, determi- nate number, but tlte required number, or one depending on it, such as some multiple or part of it. In that case the following rule will be necessary. This rule has also the advantage of being applicable in every case whatever. RULE II. (1.) Having assumed two different numbers, per- form on them separately the operations indicated in the question, and find the errors of the results. (2.) Then, as the difference of the errors, if both results be too great or both too little, or as the sum of the errors, if one result be too 222 DOUBLE POSITION. great and the other too small, is to the difference of the as- sumed numbers, so is either error to the correction to be applied to the number that produced that error. Exam. 1. Required a number, from which if 2 be subtracted* one third of the remainder will be 5 less than half the required number. Here, suppose the required number to be 8, from which take 2, and one third of the remainder is 2. This being taken from one half of 8, the remainder is 2, the first result. Suppose again, the number to be 32, and from it take 2 : one third of the remainder is 10, which being taken from the half of 32, the remainder is 6, the s&cond result. Then, the difference of the results being 4, the difference of the assumed numbers 24, and the difference between 5, the true result, and 6 the result nearer it, being 1 ; as 4 : 24 : : 1 : 6, the correction to be subtracted from 32, since the result 6 waa too great. Hence, the required number is 26. Exam. 2. If one person's age be now only four times as great as another person's, though 7 years ago it was six times as great : what is the age of each ? Here, suppose the age of the younger to be 12 years; then would the age of the older be 48. Take 7 from each of these, and there will remain 5 and 41, then* ages 7 years ago. Now, 6 times 5 is 30, which taken from 41, leaves an error of 11 years. By supposing the age of the younger to be 15, and proceeding in a similar man- ner, the error is found to be 5 years. Hence, as 6, the difference of the errors, (both results being too small,) is to 3, the difference of the assumed numbers, so is 5, the less error, to 2, the correc- tion ; which being added to 15, the sum, 17, is the age of the younger, and consequently that of the older must be 70. Both the rules above given for Double Position depend on the prin- ciple, that the differences between the true and the assumed numbers, are proportional to the differences between the result given in the question and the results arising from the assumed numbers. This principle is quite correct in relation to all questions which in Algebra would be re- solved by simple equations, but not in relation to any others ; and hence, when applied to others, it gives only approximations to the true results. la this case the assumed numbers should be taken as near the true an- swer as possible. Then, to approximate the required number still more nearly, assume for a second operation the number found by the first, and that one of the two first assumptions which was nearer the true answer, or any other number that may appear to be nearer it still. In this way, by repeating the operation as often as may be necessary, the true result may be approximated to any assigned degree of accuracy. When ap- plied in this way, Double Position is of considerable use in Algebra, affording in many cases a very convenient mode of approximating the roots of equations, and finding the values of unknown quantities in very com- plicated expressions, without the usual reductions. Exam. 3. Required a number to which if twice its square be added, the sum will be 100. DOUBLE POSITION. 223 It is easy to see that this number must be between 6 and 7. These numbers being assumed, therefore, the sum of 6 and twice twice its square be added, and the result is 99-8448. Then, as 105 99-8448:7 6-82 : : 105 100: -1746 ; which being taken from 7, the remainder is 6-8254-, the required number still more nearly : and if the operation were repeated with this and the for- mer approximate answer, the required number would, be found true for seven or eight figures. Ex. 1. A merchant increased his capital each year by a fourth of itself, except an expenditure of .300 ^ annum, and at the end of four years found himself worth 5000. What was his original capital? Answ. 2756 9 7$. 2. Suppose every thing to be as in the last exercise, except that at the end of four years the merchant found himself possessed of twice his original stock: how much had he to begin with? Answ. 3918 11 8. 3. Required as in the two preceding exercises, supposing every thing as before, except that at the end of the time the merchant finds himself possessed of only half his original capital. Ansiu. 890 18 11. 4. Required a number from which if 81- be taken, three times the remainder will exceed the required number by a fourth of itself. Answ. 144. 5. Required a number such that if it be multiplied by 1 1, and 320 be taken from the product, the tenth part of the remainder will be 20 less than the number itself. Answ. 120. 6. Required a number whose half is as much less than 1000, as its double is greater than 999. Answ. 799$. 7. A farmer engaged a labourer on condition of paying him 1/4 a day for every day he should work, and of charging him 9d. for his I)oar4ing every day he should be idle. Now, at the end of a -*^ar (313 days) the man was entitled to 12 : how many days then did he work ? Answ. 227%$ days. 8. How many guineas of 1 2 9, and moidores of I 9 3 each, will pay a bill of 130, the number of pieces of both kinds being 100? Answ. 50 of each. 9. If 1 be added to a number, and 100 divided by the sum, the quotient is 3 less than if 1 had been subtracted from the number, and 100 divided by the remainder : required the number. Answ. 8-2259751. 10. Required a number which exceeds 3 times its square root by 11. Answ. 26-4201648. 11. Required a numbei to which if twice its square and 3 times its cube be added, the sum will be 2000. Answ. 8-506744. 13. Given the sum of two numbers == 20, and the sum of their squares =z 324 : required the numbers. Answ. 17*8740079, &<-' 224 COMPOUND INTEREST. The method that naturally presents itself for finding the amount of a sum at compound interest, is to find its amount at simple interest at the end of the first year; then to take this amount as a new principal, and find its amount in like manner, which would be the amount at compound interest at the end of the second year, and the principal for the third year, the amount of which must be found in like manner. Continuing the process, we should thus find the amount at the end of the proposed time. This will be illustrated in the following example. Exam. 1. Required the amount of 2500 at the end of 4 years, at 6 W cent. ^ annum, compound interest. Here, the amount for 1 year is 2650 ; the amount of which for 1 year also is 2809, the amount at compound interest for two years. The amount of this again for 1 year, or the amount of the given sum at the end of the third year, is 2977 10 9 : the amount of which for the same time is 3156 3 10, the amount of 2500 for four years. The amount at simple interest would have been 3100, which is less than the amount at compound interest by 56 3 10. When the time is short, this method may be practised without much trouble; but when the time is long, the labour would be- come very great. In this case, the methods that follow should be employed. RULE I. Tojind the amount of one pound sterling for any number of years, at compound interest: (1.) Divide the amount of 100 for 1 year by 100, and the quotient will be the amount of one pound for 1 year: (2.) This amount in- volved to a power denoted by the number of years, will be the amount of 1 pound for that number of years. The contracted mode of multiplication of decimals is peculiarly use- ful in this rule, and in computations in compound interest and annuities in general. So also is the contracted method of dividing decimals. 118, 121, and 203.) Exam 2. Required the amount of one pound sterling for 20 years at 4 ty cent. ty annum, compound interest. Here, the amount of 100 for 1 year is 104*5, the hundredth part of which is 1*045, the amount of 1 for a year. The second power of this is 1*092025, the amount of 1 at the end of the second year. The product of this by itself, by the contracted method of multiplication, is 1-192518, the amount at the end of the fourth year. The square of this again is 1*4-22099, the amount for eight years ; the square of which is 2*022366, the amount at the end of the sixteenth year. Finally, the product of COMPOUND INTEREST. 2X, this by ^ei-192518 (the amount for four years) is .2-41 1708, or 2 8 2f nearly, the amount of ,1 for 20 years. At simple inter- est, the amount would have been only 1 13. Had the products herebpen found at full length, the labour would have been immense. In the last multiplication, one of the factors would have contained 49 figures, the other 1C-, and the pioduct 61. It should be carefully remarked, however, that the decimal part of the amount found as above, will rarely be true in all its places. A trifling error in reject- ing or over-estimating a figure at the end of s decimal may accumulate, and render the accuracy of the last figure, or the last two figures doubt- ful. Thus, in the preceding result, the two last figures should have been 14 instead of OS, which would occasion an error of rather more than a penny in the amount of .1000. When great accuracy is required, therefore, the amounts should be brought out to a greater number of places, and the last figure or two of the final amounts rejected, or not de- pended on. The larger the sum also whose interest is required, and the longer the time, this is the more necessary, as the effect of the error is the more perceptible. Exam. 3. What is the amount, true to six places of decimals, f '1 for 6 years, payable half-yearly, at 5 ^ cent. & annum compound interest ? Here, the payments being half-yearly, the amount of 100 for half a year is ,102 10, or 102-5 ; and, consequently, that of < 1 for the same time is 1-025: the square of this is "1-050625, or 1*0506250, the amount for two half years, or one year c Multiply- ing this by 1-050625, by the contracted method, we obtain 1-1038129, the fourth power of 1-025, or the amount of \ for two years ; the third power of which is 1-3448888, the twelfth power of 1-025, or the amount of \ for six years or if only six figures of decimals be retained, 1-344889. Exercises. Find the amounts of t in the following exercises, at the given rates W cent. W annum : Exercises. Answers. 1. For 10 years, at 10$* cent., &c 2-593742 2. 17 6 2-802799 3. 100 3 ~~- 19-218632 4. 100 4 50-504948 5. ~~. 100 *~. 5 131-501258 6. 100 6 339-302083 RULE II. To find the amount, or the interest, of any sum, it compound interest, for a given time, and at a given rate : Find the amount of \ for the given time by rule I., and mul- tiply it hy the given sum ; the product will be the amount required. If the principal be subtracted from the amount, the re- mainder will be the interest. L3 226 COMPOUND INTEREST. Exam. 4. Required the amount of 760 14. 4 for 12 years, at 5 If cent. ^ annum, compound interest. By rule I., the amount of 1 is found to be 1-795856. This being multiplied by 760, ] '795856 and aliquot parts taken for 14/4, 144 as in the margin, there results for the amount .1366 2 9; and 107751360 the principal being subtracted I2570QQ2 from this, there remains for the QQ'-OOQ f in/ interest, 005 8 5. The siin- 359171 _ 4/ >le interest would have been you^i ' * J.A 456 8 7. The same result would have been obtained bv would in that case have been found by multiplication alone. Exercises. Find the amounts of the following sums at the given rates ty cent. IP" annum : Exercises. Answers. s. d. 3. d. 7. 251 16 6 for 9 years, at 5 V cent., c 390 13 3 8. 212 0_l5 4 _ 381 16 9. 213 13 4 14 5 452 2 9 10. 463 10 10 12 6 932 14 8 11. 295 12 6 17 4^ 624 15 4 12. 495 7 6 13 3^ ___ 774 14 lOf 13. 649 13 6 16 5 1418 3 2 14. 582 7 6 5 5 761 2 9| 15. If a boy 12 years old, have a legacy of 1396 16 8 left to him, how much will he have to receive at the age of 21, the legacy being improved by compound interest at 5 ^ cent. W annum. ? Answ. 2166 18*11. 16. Required the amount of 589 10 5 from the third till the twenty-first year of a boy's life, at 5 ^cent. V annum, compound interest. Avsw. 1418 15 0. 17. 648 from the 6th till the 21st year of a boy's life, at 4f, &c. Answ. 1299 16 6. 18. If a merchant commence trade with a capital of 1200, and eaoh year, after paying all expenses, increase the capital of the former year by a fifth part of itself; how much will he be worth at the end of 30 years ? Answ. 284,851 11 2, &c. the annuity is said to be worth about 12$ yeans' purchase. 230 ANNUITIES CERTAIN, vide the latter remainder by the former, and the quotient will be the amount of an annuity of \ forborn for the pro- posed time: (3.) Multiply this amount by the given an- nuity, and the product will be the amount required. When the payments are not yearly, instead of the amount of 1 for a year, use its amount for the interval between the payments ; and instead of the number of years, use the number of payments that would have been made during the time they were remitted, and then proceed as before. Exam. 1. If a person save 120 ^ annum, and improve it at 5 ^ cent. ^ annum, compound interest, how much will he be worth at the end of 20 years ? The amounts of 1 for 1 year and for 20 years, at 5 ^ cent. per annum, are (as found by rule I. Compound Interest) 1-05 and 2-6532977; from each of which if a unit be subtracted, there remain 05, and 1-6532977. Let the latter of these be divided by the for- mer, and the quotient, 33-065954, is the amount of an annuity of \ for 20 years; then let this be multiplied by 120, and the pro- duct, 3967-91448, or 3967 18 3, is the amount required. In this case, the gain by interest is 1567 18 3, since the person's savings without interest, would have been 120X20, or 2400. Exam 2. Let every thing be as in the last example, except ttot the annuit , is payable half-yearly, instead of yearly. Here, since the payments are half-yearly, there would have been 40 payments ; and the amount of 1 at the end of half a year, in these circumstances, is 1-025, the 40th power of which is 2*6850723, the amount of 1 at compound interest at the end of 20 years. Then, 1-6850723 -f- -025 = 67-402892, is the amount, at the end of 20 years, of an annuity of 1 payable at the end of each period of 6 months. Multiply this by 60, the sum payable each half year, and the product, 4044-17352, or 4044 3 5, is the amount required, which is 76 5 2 more than the answer of the last question. It is evident, that the more frequent the payments are, the greater is the amount : for the several gains by interest are thus put sooner to gain more interest. (See exercise \\.J The theory of the preceding rule is much more easily and satisfactorily explained by an algebraic investigation, than it can by common Arith- metic. For the use of those, however, who are unacquainted with Algebra, the following illustration of a particular case is annexed. Let it be required to find the amount of an annuity of l for 8 years at 5 per cent, per annum, compound interest. At the end of the time, the eighth payment woula be simply l : the value of the seventh would be l'Q5, as it would remain at interest for 1 year : that of the sixth l'05 2 , as it would remain at interest 2 years : that of the fifth jl-05 3 ; of the fourth al-05+; of the third 1-05* ; of the second l -05 s j and of the first l -05 7 . Hence, the entire amount to be re- ANNUITIES CERTAIN. 231 ceived at the end of the time would be the sum of the scries of continual proportionals 1, 1 '05, 1'05, 1'05 3 . TO5 4 , 1'05 3 , 1 05 , and 1"05 7 . But, by rule II., page 216, the sum of this series is (1 '05 6 Ij -- *05, which agrees with the rule here given for finding the amount of an an- nuity of 1. The rest is obvious. It' may serve to illustrate the nature of annuities, to show another method of resolving the first exercise, which method might also be em- ployed in solving all questions of a similar nature. As 5 : 100: : aJ20 : : '2400, the principal which would gain 120 per annum. Then, at compound interest, the amount of 2400 for 20 years is s6367 183^; from which 2400 being subtracted, we have remaining 3967 18 3, for the interest, or improvement of this imaginary principal, which is also the amount of the annuity. When the pupil shall have learned to perform the exercises on this rule and the next, he may be taught to use Tables II. and III. at the end of the book as often as they are applicable. By this means the labour will often be greatly abridged, in the same manner as operations in com- pound interest are often-much shortened by the use of Table I. Exercises. Find the amounts, at compound interest, of the fol- lowing annuities, payable yearly, and forborn during the given times, and at the given rates per cent, per annum : ^ Exercises. Answers. 1. Annuity 2. 3. 7 8. If a person rent a farm at 57 14 3 ^ year, payable yearly, and forbear paying rent for 16 years: how much will he owe to the proprietor at the end of that time, allowing him compound interest at 5 IT cent. W annum? Answ. 1365. 6 8. 9. Suppose a person who has a salary of 75 a year, payable half-yearly, to allow it to remain unpaid 17 years : how much will he be entitled to receive at the end of that time, compound interest being allowed at 6 IT cent, ty annum? Answ. 2164 17 7$. 10. Suppose a salary of 1 1 7 6 a year, payable at periods of two years each, to be forborn for 12 years at 5 v cent. IT annum, compound interest : what will be its amount? (See exercise 4. ) Answ. 175 10 7f 11. Suppose a salary of 120 V annum, payable quarterly, to be forborn at compound interest for 20 years : to what sum will it amount at 5 V cent. V annum ? Answ. 4083 11 3. RULE II. To Jlnd the present value of an annuity at com- pound interest : (1.) Find by the last rule the amount of an s. d. 100 13 15 9 forborn 10 years, 14 at 4 6 . . . s. d. 1200 12 2i 9g9 14 103 56 17 6 9 6 653 11 4^ 11 7 6 12 181 1 is 34 2 6 8 5* . 331 14 11| 14 15 9 15 371 11 10| 51 2 8* 14 ~ 4A... 968 2 OJ ANNUITIES CERTAIN. annuity of 1 forborn for the given time, and at the given rate : (2.) Divide this by the amount of \ at compound interest for the given time, and the quotient will be the present value of an annuity of 1 for the given time : (3.) Multiply this by the given annuity to find the present value required.* In case of an annuity to continue for ever, or, as it is called, a perpetuity, subtract a unit from the amount of 1 for a year, or for the interval between the payments, and di- vide a unit by the remainder : the quotient is the present value of a perpetuity of 1 ; which multiply by the given perpetuity. Or, as the given rate : .100 : : the perpetuity : its pre- sent value. Exam. 3. Required the present value of a house held on a lease of which 22 years are unexpired, and bringing a profit rent of 5 10 per annum, payable yearly, compound interest being allowed at 6 per cent, per annum. Here, the amount of 1 for 22 years is 3-603537. Then divid- ing 2-603537 by -OG, we get 43-3923; the quotient of which by 3-603537, is 12-041583, the present value of an annuity of 1 for 22 years at 6 per cent, per annum. Let this be multiplied by .45 10, and the product is 547-892026, or 547 17 10, the re- quired value. Exam* 4. Let every thing be the same as in the last example, except that the annuity is payable Jialf-yearly instead of yearly. In this case the amount of 1, at the end of 6 months is 1-029563, the square root of 1*06; the 44th power of which (44 being the number of payments,) or its equal, the 22d power of 1-06, is 3-603537. From this take 1, and divide the remainder, 2-603537, Iry -029563, and the result by3"-603537: the quotient, 24-43916, is the present value of 1 of each payment, which being multiplied by 22 15, the half-yearly payment, the product is 555-99089, or 555 1 9 9|, the amount required. Exam. 5. Required the value of a perpetuity of 80 a year, at 6 per cent, per annum. * Perhaps some might prefer the following very simple rule for this problem : As the given rate is to 100, so is the annuity to the imaginary principal which would annually produce the annuity. Then from this principal subtract its present worth found by rule III. for Compound Interest : the remainder will be the present worth of the annuity. It may be remarked, that when the payments are not yearly, different writers have viewed the subject in different lights, and given different rules for computing the present value. The method employed in example 4, is perhaps preferable; but the reader who is well acquainted with the principles of compound interest will feel it easy to form other rules fbunded on diflerent suppositions. The work of example 2, proceeds on a different principle. ANNUITIES CERTAIN. 283 As 6 : 100 : : 80 : 1333 6 8 : or 80-^-06 = 1333$, the value required. Exam. 6. Suppose the same perpetuity as in the last question, payable half-yearly : what is its present value ? At 6 per cent., the amount of 1 at the end of half a year, is 1 '029563 j and in this question each payment is 40 : therefore the value of the perpetuity is 40-7-'029563 =r 1353-0426, or 1353 10, exceeding that found in the last question, in conse- quence of the frequency of the payments, by 19 14 2^. The reason of the first part of this rule is evident from the defi- nition of the present value of an annuity (page 229,) and from rule I. in this article, and rule III. in Compound Interest. It might also be easily shown from rule III. of Compound Interest, that at any particular rate, as 5 per cent, the present value of an annuity of 1 is the sum of the decreasing series of continual proportion- als, whose terms are the present worths of 1 at compound inter- est for I year, 2 years, 3 years, and so on; the first term being 1 _j_ 105, the ratio 1 '05, and the number of terms equal to the num- ber of years. Now the summation of this series, according to rule II. in the note, page 218, agrees exactly with the first part of the rule given above: and the summation of the infinite series of pre- sent worths, according to the second part of the rule in the text of the same page, agrees with the rule here given for a perpetuity. Exercises. Find the present values of the following annuities, for the given times, and at the given rates per cent, per annum, compound interest : Exercises. Answers. s. d. s. d. 12. Annuity 84 7 9 to continue 9 years, at 5 599 16 2f 13. JJ-JJUU-XJJUU-JJM 4S 12 9 19 6 391 Oi 14. 75 o o ^^ 6 2i L 413 2 4 91 15. 58 10 5 3: I 264 2 7! 16. 17. ~~~~~~. 113 95 15 5 G JJWJWJJJ 1 4' 10 922 676 12 15 4 si 18. How much must a person pay to have a salary of 224 per annum for 19 years, being allowed compound interest at 5 per cent, per annum ? Answ. 2707 2 2f . 19. Suppose a widow to be entitled to an annuity of 40 a year, payable half-yearly, from a fund, for 8 years : what is it worth at 6 per cent, per annum, compound interest ? Answ. 252 1 3^. 20. If a farmer have a lease of 65 acres for 36 years, at 1 12 per acre, what fine must he pay to reduce the rent to 15/ per acre, compound interest being allowed at 6 per cent, per annum ? Answ. 807 16 2. 21. Required the present values of a perpetuity of 1, and of 234 ANNUITIES CERTAIN. another of 68 5, payable annually, at 4f per cent, per annum Answ. 21 I OJI, and 1436 16 10tV. 22. A perpetuity of 126 6 8 at 4 per cent., &c. Answ. 2972 10 IHf. 23. A perpetuity of 96 7 6, and another of 1, at 3 per cent., &c. Answ. 2753 11 5^, and 28 11 5}-. 24. Required the present values, at 5 per cent, per annum, of a perpetuity of 1, payable yearly; of the same payable half- \early; and of the same payable quarterly. Answ. 20; 20 4 11; and 20 7 5. RULE III. Tojind the present value of an annuity in rever- sion : (1.) Find by rule II. the present value of the annuity from the present time till the end of the period of its con- tinuance : (2.) Find also its value for the time before it comes into possession : (3.) The difference of these two re- sults will be the present value required* The reason of this rule is so obvious as to require no explanation. The following rule is also founded on obvious principles, and may per- haps be preferred by some. RULE IV. (1 .) Find by rule II. the present value of the an- nuity during the time it is to be possessed : (2.) Then the present value of this result, found by rule III. of Compound Interest, will be the present value of the reversion. The next rule which is in principle the same as the last, will perhaps be found preferable for the purposes of calculation to either of the preceding. RULE V. Subtract a unit from the amount of 1 at com- pound interest during the period in which the annuity is to be possessed: divide the remainder by the amount of \ at compound interest during the period from the present time till the termination of the annuity ; and the quotient by the amount of \ for a year, diminished by a unit ; the result will be the present value of a reversion of \. Exam. 7. A father leaves to his eldest child for 8 years a profit rent of 280 per annum, payable yearly, and the reversion of if for the 12 years succeeding to his second child. What is the present value of the legacy of the second at 4 per cent, per annum, compound interest? By rule III. Here, by rule II., the value of an annuity of 1 for 20 years at 4 per cent, is 13-590325, and for 8 years 6'73274o; the difference of which is 6-85758, the present value of a reversion of 1 in the proposed circumstances. This being multiplied by 280, the product, 1920-1224, or 1920 2 5, is the value re- quired. LIFE ANNUITIES. 235 By rule IV. The present value of an annuity of 1 for 12 years is found by rule II. to be 9-385073 ; and by rule III. of Com- pound Interest, the present value of this for 8 years is found to be 6-85757l>, us before. By rule V. The amount of 1 at compound interest for 12 years, diminished by a unit, is -601032; and the amount of \ for 20 years is 2-191123. Divide the former by the latter, and the result by -04, and there will finally result 6-857579, the same present value as before. Exercises. Required the present values of the following an- nuities in reversion, at the given rates per cent, per annum : Exercises. Ansrvers. *. d. 3. cL 25. Ann. 135 10 9, after6yrs. & for 8 yrs. at5L. 622 13 26 . 79 12 6, 4 ^ 5 ,.332 9 27 58 9 10, 3 '. 7 44.. 302 28._^_5412 3, 4 8 7 .. 248 15 8$ 29. A Perpetuity of 84, 7 6, after 8 years, at 7 .. 701 10 7 30 136 17 9, 8 5 ..1853 4$ 31. What fine must be paid, to change into a perpetuity, a lease for 16 years, which brings a profit rent of .71 13 3 per an- num, payable yearly, compound interest being allowed at -ij per cent, per annum ? Answ. 866 6 8. 32. What fine must be paid to add 25 years to a lease which brings a profit rent of .1 12 10, and of which 14 years are unex- pired, compound interest being allowed at 5 V cent. & annum ? Answ. 800 16 4f. 33. What is the present value of the reversion of a perpetuity of .60 W annum, payable yearly, but not to come into possession till the expiration of 100 years, compound interest being allowed at 6 ^ cent. ^ annum?* Answ. 2 18 11. ANNUITIES CONTINGENT, OR LIFE ANNUITIES. LIFE ANNUITIES are those whose commencement or ter- mination, or both, depend on the extinction of one or more lives. When life annuities are in possession, they are often called simply ANNUITIES ON LIVES ; but when they are in rever- sion, they are generally called ANNUITIES ON SURVIVOR- SHIPS. * This question may tend to correct a mistake that pretty generally prevails respecting the comparative values of long leases and perpetuities, the latter being supposed to ex- ceed the former in value in a far greater degree than they really do. In the case on which this exercise is founded, the difference of present values U no more than 2 13 (1. 236 LIFE ANNUITIES. The VALUE OF A LIFE is the present value of an annuity of \ to continue during that life. The EXPECTATION OF A LIFE of a given age, is the mean period during which persons of that age live. The COMPLEMENT OF A LIFE is double the expectation of the same life. The calculation of life annuities depends on the joint application of the rules of compound interest, and of the doctrine of chances, to tables deduced from observations on the duration of human life. In what follows on this subject, a selection of the rules most generally use- ful will be given./ ^oV the theory of these rules, which is of a nature too complicated to be given in a work like the present, the reader who wishes to become thoroughly acquainted with this interesting and diffi- cult subject, may have recourse to the writings of Simpson, De Moivre, and more particularly of Dr. Price and Mr. Morgan, where the subject will be fo-und treated at great length, both in theory and practice. The duration of life being different in different countries, calculations have been founded on the registers of births and deaths kept in London, Breslaw, Northampton, and various other places. Tables IV. and V at the end of the book, which are employed in what follows, are founded o the Northampton register, which is thought to serve, for the gene- rality of places, better than any other. RULE I. Tojind the present value of an annuity to continue during the life of a person whose age is given : Take from table IV. the value of \ for the given age and rate, and multiply it by the given annuity. Exam. 1. What should be given at 6 ^ cent. $T annum, for a farm worth 36 ty annum, held on a lease of one life aged 58 years? Here, by the table, the value of an annuity of \ on the life of a person aged 58 years, is, at 6 ^ cent., 8' 173, the product of which by .36 is 294-228, or 294 4 6f, the value required. Ex. 1. If a person aged 38 years, have a salary of 138 10 ^ year for life, what is its present value at 5 ^ cent. W annum ? Ansu>. ,1678 1 3f. 2. What should a person aged 32 years, pay, at 4 W cent, # annum, to have for life a yearly salary of 180? Answ. 2609 2. 3. If a farm of 28 acres be held at 1 14 6 ^ acre, on a life aged 41 years, what fine must be paid, at 5 per cent, per annum, to reduce the rent to 10 shillings per acre? Answ. 401 2 9^. RULE II. To Jind the present value of an annuity which is to continue during the joint lives of two persons, and to cense when either of them dies: In table V. find the age of the younger, or of either if they be equal, in the first column ; and in the same division of the table, in the second column, find the age of the other; opposite to the latter is the value of an annuity of l, which multiply by the given annuity. LIFE ANNUITIES. 237 Exam. 2. What is the value at 4 per cent., of an annuity of .90 per annum, to continue during the joint lives of two persons, whose ages are 15 and 50 years respectively? Here, by table V., the value of an annuity of 1 is 9-872, the product of which by .90 is 888-480, or 888 9 7|, the value required. Exam. 3. Required the present value, at 6 per cent., of an annuity of 120 per annum, which is to cease, when either of two persons, aged 14 and 57 years respectively, shall die. Neither of these ages being in the table, recourse must be had to the method of proportional parts. (See page 191.) Thus, the table gives, for 10 and 55, 7*951, and for 15 and 55, 7-812. The difference of these is -139, four fifths of which being subtracted from 7-951, the remainder, 7-840, is the value of 1 for the ages 14 and 55. In like manner, the table gives for 10 and 60, 7-250, and for 15 and 60, 7-135; four fifths of the difference of which being taken from 7-250, the remainder, 7-158, is the value of 1 for the ages 14 and 60. Hence we have, for 14 and 55, 7-840, and for 14 and 60, 7-158; two fifths of the difference of which being subtracted from 7-840, the remainder, 7-567, is very nearly the present value of 1 for the ages 14 and 57 : and this being multiplied by 120, the product, 908-04, or 908 9, is the value required. Ex; 4. Required the present value, at 6 per cent., of an annuity of 39 10, on the joint continuance of two lives of 25 and 73 years. Answ. 182 8 10^. 5. Required, at 5 per cent., the present value of an annuity of 43 126 on the joint lives of two persons, whose ages are 44 and 51 years respectively. Answ. 342 9 5|. RULE III. To find the present value of an annuity to con- tinue during the longer of two lives : From the sum of the values of the single lives (found in table IV.) subtract the value of the joint lives (found by rule II. :) the remainder is the present value of an annuity of 1 on the longer of the two lives. Exam. 4. For how much should a house be sold which brings a profit rent of 41 5 per annum, and is held by a lease on the longer of two lives aged 20 and 35 years, compound interest being allowed at 6 per cent, per annum ? By table IV. the values of the lives are 12-398 and 11-236, the sum of which is 23-634. Also, by table V., the value of them iointly is 9-45 1, which taken from the preceding sum, leaves 14-183, the value of an annuity of 1 on the life of the longest liver j which being multiplied by 41 5, the product, 585-049, or 5S5 llf. is the present value required. Ex. 6. What should be paid, at 5 per cent., for the purchase cf 238 LIFE ANNUITIES. a profit rent of .68 5 per annum, to continue during the longer of two lives, aged 38 and 42 years ? Answ. .1001 18 4. 7. What should a man, aged 44, pay, at 5 per cent., to secure, during his own life, and that of his wife,* aged 39, an annuity of ,200 a year ? Answ. 2892 9 3^. RULE IV. Tojind the value of an annuity during the joint continuance of three lives ; or which is to terminate on the ex- tinction of any one oj them : Find by rule II., the value of the two eldest jointly ; and, by table IV., find what single life would have this same value. Then find, by rule II., the value of the joint continuance of the single life thus found, and of the youngest, and this will be the value of the three proposed lives jointly. Exam. 5. Required the present value at 4 per cent., of an an- nuity of 140 on the joint continuance of three lives aged 15, 30, and 35 years. Here, at 4 per cent., the value of the joint continuance of two lives aged 30 and 35, is 10-948; which in table IV. is found to he the value of a single age of 51 years nearly. Then, by rule II., the value of the joint continuance of two lives, of 15 and 51, is 9-6335, the value of an annuity of \ on the joint continuance of the three given lives. The product of this by 140 is 1348-69, or 1348 13 9, the value of the given annuity. RULE V. Tojind the value of an annuity on the longest of three lives ; or which is to continue, till they are all extinct : From the sum of all the values of the single lives, found in table IV. and of the value of the three jointly, found by rule IV. ; subtract the sum of the joint values of the lives com- bined two and two, by rule II. ; and multiply the remainder by the given annuity. Exam. 6. Required the present value, at 4 $T cent., of a house and farm which yield a profit rent of 32 10 ty annum, held by a lease of three lives, aged 35, 30, and 15 years. Here, by the last example, the value of the three lives jointly is 0*6335, and their values singly are 14-039, 14*781, and 16*791. Also, by rule II., the value of the first and second jointly is 10-948; of the first and third 11*787; and of the second and third 12*246. From the sum of the first four of these numbers take the sum of the others, and the remainder, 20*2635, is the value of an annuity * The duration of the lives of females is found to be somewhat greater than that of males. It is inccnsk-tent with the natureof this work, however, to take into calculation this cirouuuKaittCt which in genera) produces but a ;1 ght difference in the result. LIFE ANNUITIES. 239 of 1 on the life of the longest liver of the three. This multiplied by 32 10, gives for the value required, 658-56375, or 658 1 1 3, Ex. 8. How much should a man pay at 5 W cent. ty annum, to purchase an annuity of 320 a year to continue till himself aged 55, his wife aged 49, and his son aged 20, shall all be extinct? Answ. 5103 11 0. RULE VI. To find the value of the reversion of an annuity ajter the death of the present possessor : From the present value of an annuity of 1 for the entire continuance of the annuity, subtract the value of an annuity of 1 during the life of the possessor: the remainder will be the value of a reversion of \ in the given circumstances, which multiply by the given annuity. If there be two or three lives, the same rule will serve, their values being used instead of the value of the single life. Exam. 7. If a person aged 47 years, possess a perpetuity of 500 per annum j what is its present value at 5 ^ cent, to his son, who is to possess it at his death ? Here, the value of 1 in perpetuity is 20, and, by table IV, the value of an annuity of I on a life of 47 years is 10*784. Then 20 10-784 =9-216; which multiplied by 500 produces 4608, the value required. Exam. 8. A man leaves an annuity of 165 $" annum, of which 30 years are yet to come, to his nephew, aged 38 years, during life, or till its termination ; and the reversion of it to a charitable institution, in case the nephew die before the termina- tion of the annuity. How much is the present value of the re- version at 4 ^ cent. ? In this case, the present value of an annuity of 1 for 30 years, is by rule II. of Annuities Certain, 17-292 ; and, by table IV. the pre- sent value of 1 on a life of 38 years, is 13-548. Then, 17-292 13-548 = 3-744 ; and 3-744 X 165 = 617-76, or 617 15 2, the value required. Ex. 9. What is the present value at 5 V cent., of the reversion of a perpetuity of 400 ty annum, not to come into possession till the death of the present incumbent aged 70, and of his intended successor aged 30? Answ. 2538 16 0. RULE VII. To find the present value of a proposed sum payable at the decease of a person 'whose age is given : From the value of \ in perpetuity, take the value of an annuity of \ on the life ; divide the remainder by the value of the perpetuity increased by a unit ; and multiply the result by the given sum. 240 LIFE ANNUITIES. If the present value thus found be divided by the value of the life, the quotient will be the annuity payable yearly* By using the value of two or three lives found by the preceding rules, we may apply the same rule. Exam. 9. How much must a person aged 32 years, pay, at 5 ty cent., to secure to his family at his death the sum of .1000? At 5 W cent., the perpetuity of 1 is .20, and, by table IV. the value of a life of 32 years, is 12*854. The difference of these is 7-146; and this being divided by 21, the quotient is '340286, the present value of 1 payable at the decease of the person. Then, 340286 X 1000= 340 5 8, the value required: and 340-286 -;- 12-854= 26'473 = 26 9 5, the annuity. Hence it appears, that at 5 ^Tcent. ty annum, if a person either at one payment deposit 340 5 8, or pay each year during life the sum of 26 9 5, his heirs at his death will be entitled to receive 1000. Ex. 10. At 6 V cent. W annum, how much ty year, must a person aged 66 years, pay during life, to entitle his heirs at his death to receive 1500? Answ. 128 13 10. 11. If a husband and his wife be each aged 45 years; how much V annum must be paid during the longer of the two lives, to entitle the family after the decease of both, to receive 4000, compound interest being allowed at 6 & cent. ^ annum ? Answ. 75 8 5|. Exam 10. How much must a man, aged 39, pay per year, at 6 & cent., during his marriage, or during life, to entitle his wife aged 32 years, in case she survive him, to an annuity of 50 a year during the remainder of her life ? By rule II., the value of the two lives jointly is 8-774, and the value of a life of 32 years is, by table IV., 1 1 -512. The difference of these, 2-738, is the present value of the reversion of an annuity of 1 to be paid to the wife after her husband's death, in case she survive him. The product of this by 50 is 136-9, or 136 18, the sum to be paid at a single payment. Let this be divided by S'774, the value of their lives jointly, the quotient 16*603, or 15 12 Of, is the annual payment. Hence, if there be paid annually, during the joint continuance of both lives, the sum of 15 12 Of, or at present, in a single payment, 136 18, the wife, if she survive the husband, will be entitled to an annuity of 50 per annum during life. This solution proceeded on the supposition in regard to the annual payments, that the first of these was not made till the end of the first year. If it be made at present, however, we must di- vide by the value of the joint continuance increased by a unit j in the present case by 9-774. In this case the annual payment would be found to be J4 i. CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 241 Exam. 11. If a number of persons form themselves into an association for providing annuities of 4:0 & annum for their surviving widows, and each person, at the age of 30, contribute 15 to the fund, and equal annual contributions during the rest of his life: how much must each of these annual contributions be, money being improvable at 6 ^ cent. ^ annum, and the wife of each being supposed to be at an average three years younger than himself? The value of a life of 27 years is 11*917, and the value of two lives of 27 and 30 jointly is 9-481. The difference of these, 3-436, multiplied by 40, gives for the entire sum to be paid at present, at a single payment, 97-44. But as only 75 are to be paid at present, there will still remain 22*44 to be paid by annual contri- butions, by dividing which by 8-481, we obtain 2 7 3% for each of these contributions. Exam. 12. Suppose that, as in the last question, a man aged 30 years, pays 50 into a fund ; what annual contribution must he pay during life to entitle his family to an annuity of 40 per annum for ^ryears after his death, interest being at G & cent ? The present value of an annuity of 40 for 8 years at 6 $T cent. is 248-3918, (by rule II. of Annuities Certain.) Then, by rule VII. of this article, the present value of this sum is found to be 70-084 from which 50 being subtracted, the remainder, -20*084, is the sum still remaining to be paid at present ; and this being divided by 11*682, the value of a life of 30, the quotient, 1 14 4, is the annual contribution required. CONTINUED FRACTIONS.* IT often happens that fractions, even when reduced to their simplest forms, are expressed in numbers inconveniently large; and hence it is often desirable to approximate their values in .smaller numbers. Thus, if the fraction %%%$, which is in its lowest terms, be proposed, we may wish, even for the purpose of forming a more correct idea of its magnitude, to find other fractions, in smaller terms, which will be nearly of the same value. The method that most naturally presents itself for this purpose is to divide both terms by the smaller of them, as the smaller will by this means become 1, and we shall thus be enabled to compare the other with that number with which the * For full information respecting the nature and applications of continued fractions, see Bonnycastle's larger Treatise on Algebra, Lacroix's Complement des Rumens t? Atgebre, Legendre'a Essai sur la Theorie dot Nombres, Birlow's Theory of Numbers, l-agrwige's Additions to Euler's Algebra'and several other works. What is here given is one of the most intere.-ting applications-, and one which cannot fai! to be usolui to the more advanced arithmetician. M 2452 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. mind can most easily compare it in respect of magnitude. By this means the fraction becomes g , the denominator of which, being between 2 and 3, we conclude that the value of the give n fraction is between and ^; and therefore is a first approxima- tion to its value, being too great. Divide again both terms of the the fraction in the denominator by 217, and it will become r-rr- , which is between and . By taking instead of we shall have, for a second approximate value of the prop osed fraction, O r ft, which is too small, as instead of ft*fr, we use d in the denominator , which is greater than T YrV To continue the ap- proximation still farther, we divide botb terms of the fraction ^, by 30 : the result is , which is less than \ and greater than ' 3~o~ I Hence, if instead of using in the preceding fraction, we use -rr or its equal 3 \, we shall have for the next approximation to the va- lue of the given fraction - or *f which is too great, because I 2 3 7 ^ T-J-, or its equal 3 V> is too small, in consequence of $ being too J T \ great; and therefore ( - must be too great, since the denomina- 2 & tor is too small. By continuing the process in a similar manner, we find |ff, T V and H, f r tne succeeding fractions, the last of which is the given fraction,* and thefirst an approximate frac- tion smaller, and the second another greater, than the given frac- tion. These successive fractions have the remarkable property that each of them approaches more nearly than the one which precedes it, to the value of the given fraction. Thus, >$, is nearly equal to |; more nearly equal to ft; more nearly equal to 4f-J still more nearly equal to iff; and, finally, more nearly still to /ijVff* That there is this continual approach to the true value of the frac- tion, will appear evident, if it be considered that in each of the re- sults in the preceding operations, a correction is made on the re- sult which goes before it The several converging fractions above obtained, if the last or supplementary simple fraction be rejected from each, except when ?ts numerator, like that of the rest, is a unit, may be written at full length, as follows : * If the given fraction be finite, the last of the converging fraction! wffl ahnqm be equal to it, as in this example. CONTINUED FRACTIONS, 243 1 In this form they are called continued fractions. It appears, there- fore, that a CONTINUED FRACTION is that which has for Us denominator a whole number with a fraction annexed, which fraction hat also for its denominator a whole number with a fraction annexed, the denomi- nator of which latter fraction is also a whole number with a fraction ; and so on, however far the fraction may be continued ; and each nu- merator is a unit.* It will be seen by a review of the preceding processes, that the denominators of the continued fraction are the quotients which would be found in using the rule given in page 89, for finding the greatest common measure. Hence, we have the following rule : RULE I. To convert a given simple fraction into a continued frac- tion: Divide the greater term by the less, the less by the remain- der, &c. as in finding the greatest common measure : the quotients will be the denominators of the several fractions in the continued fraction, and the numerator of each will be a unit. The successive fractions which approach continually to the va- lue of a given fraction expressed in large numbers, may be found bv reducing it to a continued fraction, and perating in the way already employed in approximating the value of if : the following method^ however, will be found much preferable. RULE 1 1. " A fraction expressed by a great number of figures be- ing given, to find all the fractions in less terms, which approach si near the truth, that it is impossible to approach nearer without employ- ing greater terms :" Reduce the proposed fraction to a continued one, or at least find the quotients, by the preceding problem. Then write the several quotients in a line ; and if the given fraction be greater than a unit, take the first quotient as the numerator, and a unit as the denominator, of the first fraction, which set below the second quotient ; but if the given fraction be less than a unit, make the first quotient the denominator, and a unit the numerator f the first fraction. Then, for the second fraction, multiply both the terms of the first by the quotient which stands above it, and add a unit to the product of that term which was the first quo- tient : the result is the second fraction, which is to be set below the third quotient. To find the succeeding fractions, multiply the terms .of each fraction, when found by the quotient, which stands above it, and to the products add separately the terms of the pre- ceding fraction. Exam. 1. The height of Slieve Donard, in county Down, is 2654 * It is not essential to the nature of continued fractions that each numerator be a unit ; but fraction* of this kind only are used as instruments of calculation. M2 244 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. feet, and that of Ben Lomond 3262 feet : it is required to find a series of converging fractions, expressing as nearly as possible the ratio of the heights of these mountains. Here the fraction expressing the 1327)1631(1 height of Slieve Donard in relation to that of Ben Lomond, is f||f, or, in its 304)1327(4- lowest terms, IfH, and the quotients 1216 found in the manner shown in the margin, are I, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 4: 111)304(2 consequently the continued fraction is &c. , +T.L-L The successive converging tractions will be found thus : 14212141 4 *. t, A, H, u, ii, m. m, wi, Here, the quotients, or denominators, being arranged in succey- sion, we take for the denominator of the first fraction, 1, the first quotient, and we make its numerator 1 also. Then, by multiply- ing both terms by 4, the quotient which stands above them, and adding 1 to the product resulting from the denominator, because it was the first quotient, we obtain f, for the second fraction. We then multiply 4. by 2, the figure above.it, and add to the product the preceding numerator ; and we multiply 5 by 2, and add to the product the preceding denominator ; and thus we obtain T 9 T for the third fraction. We next multiply the terms of this fraction by 1, and add to the results 4 and 5 severally : we thus find the next fraction to be . In this way, rejecting the first fraction, -f, which is evidently far from the truth, we find that the height of Slieve Donard is nearly | that of Ben Lomond ; more nearly -fa it: still more nearly, -^l; more nearly still, -, &c. ; f- being too small, -ft too great, \% too small, ff too great, &c.* E cam. 2. The circumference of the circle whose diameter is 1, is found to be greater than 3-1415926, but less than 3-1415927: * Thus, 4 of S262=2fi09|-; T 9 T of 3262=2668lf > -ff of 3262=26 50f ; f$ of 3262= 2655^- ; if of 362=265S*f ' wl ch are evidently approaching 654, the true value, be- ing alternateV greater and less. It may be observed, that in all cases, the error of ea*h fraction is a less part of the integer than a unit divided by the product of its own and tli succeeding denominator ; but a greater part than a unit divided by the product of its own denominator, and the sum of that and the succeeding denominator. Thus, in the preceding example, the error of f is less than-~ 5 n X3262, but greater than CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 245 required the series of fractions converging to the ratio of the cir- cumference and the diameter. In questions like this, in which one term of the fraction or ratio is not precisely given, but is contained between given limits, as when one of the terms is an infinite decimal, it is proper to work for the quotients by both limits, and to use those only which result from both. Thus, in the proposed exercise, by dividing 3* 14 15926 by 1 '0000000, this divisor by the remainder, &c. and by proceed- ing in like manner with 3*1415927, we find in both cases, the quo- tients 3, 7, 15, 1, after which the quotients would be different, and are therefore not to be used. Hence the converging fractions are found as in 3 7 15 1 the margin. f, y, ?M iff, It appears, therefore, that the diame- ter of a circle is to its circumference nearly as 1 to 3 ; more nearly, as 7 to 22; more nearly again, as 108 to 333; and still more nearly, as 113 to 355. The degree of approximation of each of these to the given ratio, will be discover- ed by dividing the first term of each by the second. In this way the last gives 3' 14 159292, which exceeds the truth by less than a ten-millionth part of the circumference. Had the circumference been taken to a greater number of places, (see note, page i 12,) the succeeding fractions would have been found to be ^ Exam. 3. Let it be required to approximate the ratio of 1-41421* to 1. Here the quotients are found to , 1 . be 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, &c. and consequently ^~2~^JL J^ the continued fraction, the same as in 2 -f- -j-j- , _ the margin. The converging fractions 2 ~T also are thus found ; & c - 12222 2 }> f, i, H, f *, ft, &c. Ex. 1. The height of mount Etna is 10963 feet, and that of mount Vesuvius 3900 feet; required the approximate ratios of their heights. Answ. fc J, T \, H, rV*, &, W- 2 The height of mount Hecla is 4900 feet, and that of mount Perdu, the highest of the Pyrenees, 11,283 feet : required the ap- proximate ratios of their heights. Ansiv. , f , f, f, -fife, & c - 3 Find the approximate ratios of 1 and 3'60555 13, (that is, >f 1 to the square root of 13.) Answ. fr. *, f, T a r , &, VW, yW> j&, ; -' c 4. Required the series of ratios approaching the ratio of Engl^h and Irish acres. Answ. \, , f, |, i, &, H, I?, \U- 5. The weights of equal bulks of pure water and fluid mercury * This is the square root of 2, which therefore is expressed by a unit, with a continued fraction, each of whese denoimiiatori is 2 Hence ttic fraction may be continue,! with- ON ARITHMETICAL SCALES. are as 1 to 13-568 ; required the series of fractions converging to this ratio. Answ. i,^, tS> A* TroV> *V\ TrWV- 6 It has been computed, that between the years 1696 and 1800, the value of money decreased so much, that in the former year 1 would have procured as much of the necessaries of life as 2 7 1 1 in the latter. Required the series of fractions approach- ine to the latio of the values of money at these periods. Answ. , ON ARITHMETICAL SCALES. THE system of notation for which we are indebted to the Arabi- ans, and which has been employed and exemplified in the preceding pages, proceeds according to the combinations of the number ten, and is such as to correspond to the names given to numerals in almost all languages. The language of every civilized nation, an- cient or modern, furnishes names for ten times ten, and for ten *iines that product : but none of them furnishes distinct names, of general use, for the powers of seven, eight, twelve, &c. ; these, as well as other numbers which are not powers of ten, being denomi- nated from a combination of the names of the powers of ten, with the names of units,* when necessary. Thus, for the second power of eleven we have no distinct name, but we call it one hundred and twenty one, that is, the second power O/*TEN with twice TEN, and one unit : and the third power of fifteen we call three thousand, three hundred, and seventy jive ; that is, three times the third power of TEN, three times the second power of TEN, seven TENS, and Jive units. In like manner, in the natural succession of numbers, the first after one hundred, is called one hundred and one, the next one hundred and two, &c., no new names being given, but merely combinations of those previously formed. This remarkable agreement in the numerical language of almost ail nations, seems evidently to arise from the use that is made of the fingers in arithmetical computations, in the ruder periods of society, and very generally by those who have not been instructed in better modes of calculation. Such persons, in counting a num- ber of objects, would naturally distribute them into parcels, each consisting of ten, from the number of the fingers employed in reck- out limit, the law of continuation being manifest; r 1=34. * i which is not the case when the root is expressed 7 ' "S~_j_~ - J i decimally. The same holds respecting the square 3 4-~~ root of every number which is not a square. Thus, the square roots of 11 and 35 are expressed by the continued fractions in the margin, the ^ law of continuation in each of which is mani- ' 1 H~ 1 4- &e. test. * The mathematical reader will know, that the number oru may be regarded as that power of ten ^or indeed of any number) whose index is zero. ON ARITHMETICAL SCALES. 247 onmg them : and, if the number of these parcels should be great, it would be natural, in ascertaining their number, to form them into larger parcels, each containing ten of the smaller ; and it is easy to see how this principle would be extended to the numeration of any number of objects however great. It is also evident, that when names would be invented, by some process of formation now unknown, for all the numbers so far as ten, and also for the powers of ten, the names of all other numbers would be obtained by a pro- per combination of these. Thus, the number eleven might be called one and ten ; twelve, two and ten ; thirteen, three and ten ; twenty, two tens; thirty, three tens, &c. : and we find this method of denominating numbers strictly followed, except in some of the smaller numbers, such as eleven, twelve, twenty, sixty, &c. which, from their frequent use, have been more liable to have their names corrupted and altered, but which, when their derivations can be discovered, are always found to be formed on correct anological principles, according to the foregoing explanation. Of the advantages and excellence of this system of notation we can scarcely be duly sensible. Instructed in its use from the earliest lessons we receive in Arithmetic; never comparing it, or comparing it but slightly, with other modes of expressing num- bers by characters ; and finding no deficiency, no need of im- provement, nothing to call our thoughts to the subject, we use it without feeling its superiority, and with a very inadequate idea of its power. We do not reflect, that merely by means of the differ- ent positions and combinations of no more than ten simple cha- racters, we can adequately and correctly express any number, how- ever great. With the Roman, or even with the Greek notation, on the contrary, we find it impossible to express numbers that ex- ceed a certain magnitude : and, even were additional characters formed to supply this defect, we would find, that calculations, which are performed with great facility and despatch by the deci- mal notation, would, by either the Greek or Roman system, be ex- cessively tedious and intricate, while the performance of many others would be almost impracticable. But, though the decimal system of notation has so far the ad- vantage over these and all other systems not depending on the same principle, we must not conclude, that no other system of equal excellence could be invented. There may be an indefinite number of systems of notation founded on the same principle, and possessing various degrees of excellence. In the decimal nota- tion, we distribute numbers into classed or parcels of ten each ; these classes again into higher classes, each containing ten of the lower ; these into still higher classes, each containing ten classes of the second order, and so on, till the numbers are exhausted. But if we proceed still in the same manner, only making the classes consist of two, instead of ten, each, we have the binary scale of notation, in which only the two characters, 1 and 0, are requisite for expressing all numbers : and if the classes be made 248 ON ARITHMETICAL SCALES. to consist of three each, we have the ternary scale, in which only three characters, 1, 2, 0, are requisite. In the t^arse manner, it is obvious we may have a quaternary, quinary, duodecimal, trigest- mal, sexagesimal, centesimal, or any other scale, by merely taking 4, 5, 12, 30, 60, 100, or any other assigned number, as the number contained in each class.- This number may be called the RADIX, ROOT, or BASE, of the system; and it is obvious, that in each system there will be as many distinct characters required, as there are units in the radix. Thus, in the decimal scale ten characters are necessary, but. in the duodecimal twelve would be required, which number would be made up by adding to the characters at present in use, two others to denote ten and eleven. In what follows, D will be used to denote ten, and H to denote eleven ;* and, in the duodecimal scale, twelve will of course be written 10. Hence, to express a given number in any atxigned scale : JJiiide the given number by the radix of the scale ; divide Lite reside also by the radix, and the result arising from this again by the radic. Continue the division in this manner as long a,-; possible, and to the final quotient annex the several remainders in a retrograde order, placing d- i^vovq^'- phers where there is no remainder. Thus, the expression of 592835 in the decimal scale, will be 2470DH in the duodecimal scale, 1 ; >V 1 Hi as will appear from the annexed operation. ~ Here it is evident, that by dividing the given number by IO^OQ 12, it is distributed into 49402 Classes each containing 12, with :he remainder 11. By the se- cond division by 12, these classes are distributed into 41 1G classes, each containing 12 times 12, or the second power of 12, with a remainder of 10 of the for- mer classes, each containing 12. By the third operation, the classes last found are distributed into 343 classes, each containing 12 of the latter, which were each the second power of 12, and therefore these are each the third power of 12 ; and the remainder is 0. In like manner, the next quotient expresses 28 times the fourth power of 12, and the remainder, 7 times the third power of 12; and the final quotient expresses twice the fifth power of 12. with a remainder of 4 times the fourth power of 12. Hence the * These characters, which may serve the intended purpose vis well as any others in the few instances in which they will be employed in what follow*, may be easily recollected by conceiving the fiist to be formed by i mining together 1 ai;d 0, the characters winch express 10 in the common nutation aiw 1 by joining wuh a I-L< 1 anu 1, v.Lkh express ektw. \ ON ARITHMETICAL SCALES. 219 iriven number is analysed into 2 X 12 3 4-4x 12 4 4-7 X 12 a -f- X 12- 4~ 10 X 12-{-ll,or 2470DH, according to the notation above adopted. It will be easily found by proceeding in the same manner, that for seven thousand, eight hundred, and fifty four, the expression iu the binary scale will be 1111010101110; in the- ternary, 10120*2220; in the quaternary, 1322232; in t\\Q quinary, 2224O4j in the senary, 1 00210; in the septenary, 31620; in the ociary, 172-31); in the nonary, 11686; in the denary or decimal, 7854; in the undcnary or undecimal, 59oO J in the duodenary or duodecimal, 4060; in the vigesimal, or that whose radix is twenty, (19) (12) (14); in the trigesimal (radix thirty), 8 (21) (24);. in the quinquagesimul (radix fifty), 374; in the sexagesimal (radix sixty), 2D(54); ami in the centesimal (radix one hundred), (78) (54): where each pair of the figures enclosed in brackets would be represented by a single character, were there a sufficient number of distinct characters for each scale. The converse of this problem, or the reduction of a number to the decimal scale from any other, will be performed by finding Hie indues of the several digits, and collecting those values into one sum: or, more cattily, by multiplying the left hand digit by the radix, and adding to the product the next digit; then by multiplying this sum 4,-p' : by iJie radix, and adding to the pro- duct the next digit, and so on till all the digits shall have been employed.* ^a Thus, 4503142 in the senary scale is equivalent to 4 X 6 8 -f- 5 X 6 5 + 0X6*4-3 X 6" -f-1 X 6*-|-4X 64-2, or 226214; which result will be obtained more easily by the operation in the margin. Thus it appears that the deci- mal scale is only one out of many on the same principle; and, _ upon due consideration, it will be found not to be the best scale that might be adopted. It does . ~ not suit the plan or the limits of the present work. to add much to what has been said on this curi- 99fi9i4, ous and interesting subject. l;or farther information, recourse may be had to various works, especially to Professor Leslie's Philo- sophy of Arithmetic, to Mr. Anderson's Treatise on Arithmetic in the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, and Barlow's Theory of Kuiu- * It is scarcely necessary to remark, that both this rule and the pieceding are \: tne P art f tne whole property belonging to the second son. Then, Hf HH=*i, and 1 !=!?, the part of the youngest. Also J| i_HI=HH> tne difference of the parts of the first and second. Then, as *$} : $f, or as 2251 : 3476 : : 500 : 772^^4-, the share of the eldest : as 2251 : 1225 : : 500 : 272^ 2 5 r , the share of the second : and as 2251 : 1540 :: 500 : 342 Y y i s 8 T, the share of the third. 4. A gets 4 of a legacy for 3 that B gets, and C 5 for 6 that B gets, and A's share is 5000. What is the whole legacy ? Sol. As 3 : 6 : : 4 : 8, A's part, when B gets 6, and C 5. Then as 8 : 8-f-6-f5 : : 5000 . 11875, the whole legacy. a. A person possessed of | of a ship, sold of his share for 1260. What is the value of the whole ship at the same rate? Sot of f=|; and as : 1 : : 1260 : 5040, the answer. 6. A person being asked the hour of the day, said, that the time past noon was f of the time till midnight. What was the hour? Sol. As l-J-3 : J, or as 9 : 4 : : 12 hours : 5 hours, 20 minutes; and therefore the time was 20 minutes past 5 o'clock in the after- noon. 7. A, B, and C purchase a ship ; A pays $, B i, and C 2000, the cost. What are the sums paid by A and B ? * These questions are selected from various authors. Their solutions are annexed for the purpose of showing the more advanced student, how they and similar arithmetH a> questions may be resolved. They will be found useful in preparing the pupil for v.-rk.j y the series of questions that follow them, and for resolving any of the more questions that may be proposed for resolution by common Arithmetic . 252 QUESTIONS WITH THEIR SOLUTIONS. Sol. $4-f=i, and 1 |f |i, C's part. Then, as J : ?, or as 31 : 14 : : 2000 : 903 U 7 T ; the part paid by A; and as : -?, or 31 : 18 : : 2000 : 1161 ? 9 T , the part paid by B. 8. Required the stocks of A and B, A's gain being 160, and B's 130, and A's stock 175 more than B's. Sol. 160 130=30. Then, as 30 : 175 : : 160 : 933, A's stock; and as 30 : 175 : : 130 : 758^, B's stock. 9. A's stock 240, B's 210; whole gain 120, and C's part of it 30. Required A's and B's gains, and C's stock. Sol. 120 3Q=9Q, the sum of A's and B's gains; also 240 -{-210:= 450, the sum of their stocks. Then, as 450 : 90, or 5 : 1 : : 240 : 48, A's gain ; as 5 : I : : 210 : 42, B's gain; and as 1 : 5 : : 30 : 150, C's stock. 10. A gains 12 in 6 months, B 15 in 5 months, and C 21 in 9 months. What is the whole stock, C's part of it being 40? Sol. In compound fellowship the gains are proportional to the products of the stocks and times ; and, conversely, the stocks are proportional to the quotients obtained by dividing the gains by the times. Hence, as V : + + *0 : 125$, the whole stock. A's stock would be found thus : as V : y, or as 2^- : 2, or as 7 : 6 : : 40 : 34f . 11. A and B gain 13 10, B and C 12 12, and A and C 11 16 6. What is -the gain of each ? Sol. From 18 19 3, half the sum of the given monies, which 'is evidently equal to the gains of all the three, take 12 12, and Aere will remain 6 7 3, A's part. In like manner, 18 193 il 166=7 2 9, B's share; and 18 193 13 10=r5 9 3, C's share. 12. If A can do a piece of work in 10 days, and B in 13; in what time will both do it, at the same rate ? Sol. In one day A does fe and B T V f ^ ne work ; therefore both together do in one day iV4-YV T 2 3 3 o f it- Hence, as T Vo of the work : 1, the whole work ; or as 23 : 130 : : 1 day : 5-J-| days, the time required. It appears from this work, that the answer will be found by dividing the product of 10 and 13. by their sum. 13. A, B, and C, can trench a field in 12 days ; B, C, and I), in 14- days; C, D, and A, in 15 days; and D, A v and B, in 18 uays. In what time will it be done by all of them together, and by each of them singly ? Sol. In one day, A, B, and C, will do ^ of the whole work B, C, and D, -& ; C, D, and A, T V ; and D, A, and B, T V Lee these fractions be added together, and the sum, iVe%> * s tne P art done by all working 3 d-ays, since in each of the three parts, ^ y*5, and T^, of the whole work, there is one day's work of A ; in^each of the three parts, ^ ^ f and T l , one day's work of B, &c. Dividing the sum by 3, therefore, we have / 7 Yo the part done bv all four in one day. Hence, as yVW of the work: 1, the whole QUESTIONS WITH THEIR SOLUTICKNS. 253 work ; or as 349 : 3780 : : 1 day : 103$ clays, the time in which it would be performed by all of them working together. Now, from 3 : W C, arid D, take -fa, the part done by B, C, and D, and the remainder g^fcu is tne part done in one day by A. Then, as T f w : 1, or as 7i> : 3780 : : 1 day : 47*$ days, the time in which the work would be finished by A alone. By proceeding in the same manner, we should find, that B would perform it 38$4 days ; C in 27 T Vg- days ; and D in 1 i 1 T \ days. 14. A an.l B,at the opposite extremities of a wood 135 fathoms in compass, begin to go round it the same way at the same time; A at the rate of 11 fathoms jn 2 minutes, and B of 17 fathoms in 3 minutes. How many rounds will each make, before the one will overtake the other ? Sol. As 2 minutes : 3 minutes : : 11 fathoms : 16 fathoms, the space gone by A in three minutes. Hence it appears, that B, in going 17 fathoms, gains | fathom on A; and the object of the question being to find how many rounds he will make in gaining half a round, we have this analogy; as fathom : 17 fathoms : : 3 round : 17 rounds, the space to be gone over by B: consequently A will make 16^ rounds. 15. Suppose A, B, and C, to start from the same point, and to travel in the same direction, about an island 73 miles in compass, A at the rate of 6, B of 10, and C of 16 miles per day: in what time will they be next together ? Sol. Since B gains 4- miles each day on A, as 4 miles : 73 miles : : 1 day : 18^ days, the time in which B would gain a round on A, or in which these two would first be together again. Abo, ns 6 miles, the space gained each day by C on B : 73 miles : : 1 day . lii^ days, the time in which B and C will first be together, Now the least common multiple of 18 and 12^, which are both divisible by G^, is readily found to be 3G|, the number of days required. 16. A person remarked that when he counted over his basket of nuts two by two, three by three, four by four, five by five, or six by six, there was one remaining ; but when he counted them by sevens there was no remainder. How many had he ? Sol. The least common multiple of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, being 60, it is evident, that if 01 were divisible by 7, it would answer the condition? of the question. This not being the case, however, let 60 X 2-f 1, 60 X 3-f- 1, 60 X 4-f 1, &c. be tried successively, and it will be found that 301 = 60X54-1, is divisible by 7 ; and con- sequently this number answers the conditions of the question. If to this we add 420, the least common multiple of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7,. the sum, 721, will be another answer; and by adding perpetu- ally 420, we may find as many answers as we please. I 7. At what time, between twelve and one o'clock, do the hour and minute hands of a common clock or watch, point in directions exactly opposite ? 254 QUESTIONS WITH THEIR SOLUTIONS, So/. This is the same, as to find in what time after twelve, at which time the hands are together, the minute hand will have gained half a round on the hour hand. Now it is evident, that in 12 hours the minute hand gains eleven rounds ; and consequently one round is gained in the eleventh part of 12 hours, and half a round in half that time, or the eleventh part of 6 hours ; that is, in 32?\ minutes. The time required, therefore, is 32^ minutes after twelve o'clock. 18. If one ship, containing 150 hogsheads of wine, pay for toll at the Sound, the value of 2 hogsheads wanting .6 ; and another, containing 240 hogsheads, pay at the same rate, the value of 2 hogsheads, and .18 besides; what is the value of the wine $T hogshead ? Sol. The tolls must evidently be in the ratio of 150 to 240, or of 5 to 8. Hence the value of 2 hogsheads less by 6, must be to the value of 2 hogsheads together with .18, or, the half of each being taken, the value of 1 hogshead wanting 3, must be to the value of 1 hogshead together with 9, as 5 to 8. of the va- lue of 1 hogshead with | of 9, therefore, must be equal to the value of 1 hogshead wanting 3; that is, f of the value of 1 hogs- head, with 5f , must be equal to the value of 1 hogshead want- ing 3. Hence, 5% must be equal to f of the value of 1 hogs- head wanting 3 : and consequently | of the value of a hogshead must be equal to 8 3 . Hence, as |- hhd. : 1 hhd. . : S% : 23, the value of 1 hogshead. 19. If 3 men, or 4 women, can do a piece of work in 56 days, in what time will one man and one woman together, perform it ? Sol. In 56 days, one man will do J, and one woman of the work ; and consequently, in the same time, one man -and one wo- man will do i -|-:j, or T \, of the work. Hence, as T V of the work : 1, the whole work : : 56 days : 96 days, the time required. 20. If 7 gallons of brandy cost as much as 9 gallons of rum, and 9 gallons of mm as much as 12 gallons of geneva, and the price of 3 gallons of these, taking 1 of each kind, was 2 26; what was the value of each V gallon ? Sol. It appears from the question, that the prices of 1 gallon of t>randy, 1 of rum, and 1 of geneva are as ^, , and -fa; whence, by reducing these fractions to equivalent ones having a common de- nominator, and using the numerators, we find, for the ratios ot the prices, 36, 28, and, 21. We have, therefore, by the method of dividing into proportional parts, the following analogies : as 36 -f- 28-4-21, that is, as 85 : 36 : : 2 2 6 : 18/, the value of the brandy V gallon ; as 85 : 28 : : 2 2 6 : 14/, that of the rum ; and as 85 T 21 : : 2 2 6 : 10/6, that of the geneva. 255 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS.* ' 1. IF a person gain 83- per cent, by selling apples at the rate of 8 for Gd., how much does he gain per cent, by selling them at the rate of 3 for 2^d ? Answer, 1 1 ^. 2. If eggs be bought at the rate of 5 for a penny, how must they be sold to gain 40 per cent.? Answ. At the rate of 25 for 7d. 3. If 150 apples cost 9/4, how many of them must be sold at the rate of 8 for 6d., and how many at the rate of 3 for 2^d., that the gain on the whole may be 10 per cent. ? Answ. 90 at 3 for 2-$d., and 60 at 8 for 6d. 4. A merchant engages a clerk at the rate of 20 for the first year, 25 for the second, 30 for the third, &c., thus augmenting his salary by 5 each year. How long must the clerk retain his situation, so as to receive on the whole as much as he would have received, had his salary been fixed at 52 10 ty annum? Ansuu. 14 years. 5. Three gentlemen contribute 164 5 towards the building of a church at the distance of 2 miles from the first, 2-J- miles from the second, and 3^ miles from the third ; and they agree that their shares shall be reciprocally proportional to their distances from the church. How much must they severally contribute? Ansu> 72 9, 50 8, and 4-1 8. 6. If a person purchase pins, when there are 18 in the row, which sells for a farthing, and sell them when there are only 1 1 in the row, how much is his gain fT cent.? Answ. 63 fY 7. A hosier sells 90 pair of stockings and gloves for 12 10, the stockings at 3/, and the gloves at 2/6 IT pair. Required the num- ber of each. Answ. 50 pair of stockings, and 40 pair of gloves. 8. A son having asked his father's age, the father replied : " Your age is twelve years; to which if five-eighths of both our ages be added, the sum will be equal to mine." What was the father's age? Answ. 52 years. * The qupstions contained in this article are intended to exercise the advanced stu- dent in the use of the several rules and modes of operation, exhibited both in the text and in the notes of the preceding part of this work. They are not adapted for the ica- jority of arithmetical pupils ; as for their purpose they are too difficult, acd possess too little practical utility. It i* hoped, however, that, besides affording much practice in cal- culation, and in the application of the rules already delivered, they will form useful exer- cises for the reasoning powers of tnost who have taste or ability for such speculations. The great and principal object with every teacher of Arithmetic, should be, to make hit pupils acquire an extensive and substantial practical knowledge of this science, without occupying their time and attention with many puzzling or difficult questions. At the same time, however, when he meets with pupils of capacity, and of considerable profici- ency, if may be very proper to direct their attention to such questions as are contained m this article. By this means he will have a farther proof of their capacity, and he may lay the foundation of future proficiency in other departments of mathematical science. Some of the following questions may be solved perhaps most easily by Position. They tnciy ail, however, be wrought without Position : and the student should endeavour to do them without this ruie, as they will thus, form a much better exercise for his thinking powers, and fit him in a greater degree, for solving questions of difficulty, either ui rithmetic, or m other departments of Mathematics. 266 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. 9. The population of Great Britain was 10,820,100 in 1801, and 12,596,803 in 1811. Hence, it is required to find its amounts in 1810 and 1821, the yearly increase being supposed to be propor- tional to the population. Answ. 12,406,733 in 1810, and 14,665,248 in 1821. 10. Three merchantsJb&dng formed a joint stock of ] 064, A's stock continues in tra|w months, B's 8 months, C's 12 months; and A's share of the gph is 114, B's 133 4, and C's 165. What was the stock of each? Answ. A's 456, B's 333, and C's 275. 1 1. The stocks of three partners, X, Y, and Z, continue in trade 8, 10, and 7 months respectively; and their respective gains are 115 10, 204 15, and 183 15. Hence, it is required to find their several stocks, the difference between those of Y and Z be- ing 220. Answ. X's stock 550, Y's 780, and Z's 1000. 12. The joint sum of two series* of continual proportionals, con sisting of five terms each, and having a common mean, is 80^, ami their ratios are 1 and 2-. Required the series'. Answ. 2%, 3^, 5, 7$, 11; and f, 2, 5, 12, and 31^. 13. If A, B, and C could pave a street in 18 days; B, C, and D in 20 days ; C, D, and A in 24 days ; and D, A, .and B in 27 days ; in what times would it be done by all of them together, and by each of them singly? Answ. By all in 16-^ days; by A in 87f f days ; by B in 50|- days ; by C in 41 T V days ; and by D in 170jg days. 14. If A can reap a field in 13 days, and B in 16 days, in what time would both together reap it? Answ. In 7 -./y days. 15. If A and B, with C working half time, could build a wall in 21 days ; B and C, with D working half time, in 24 days ; C and D, with A working half time, in 28 days ; and D and A, with B working half time, in 32 days ; in what times would it be built by all of them together, and by each of them singly ? Answ. A would finish it in 52 i days ; B in 57|| days ; C in 44 T 4 7 days ; D in 280 days ; and all in 16 days. 16. X, Y, and Z can build -^ of a wall in 10 days ; Y, Z, and V, ! 4 , of it, in 6 days ; Z, V, and X, T 4 ff of it in 7 days ; and V, X, and Y, the remainder of it in 9 days. Hence, it is required to find in what times it would by done by all of them together, and by each of them separately. Answ. By all in 23 ^0^ days ; and by X, Y, Z, and V respectively, in 292^*%, 79|HSS 93HIII, and 624flB days. 1 7. The stocks of three partners, A, B, and C, are 350, 220, and 250, and their gains 1 12, 88, and 120, respectively ; and B's stock continued in trade 2 months longer than A's. Re- quired the time the money of each continued in trade. Answ. S, 10, and 12 months respectively. 18. In what arithmetical scale would five hundred and fifty four be expressed by 95 ? Answ. In the scale whose radix is 61. MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. 267 19. The population of Great Britain uas 0,523,000 in 1700; 7,8(30,000 in 1 750 ; 10,820,100 in 1801; and 12,59(3,803 in 181 J. Hence it is required to find the annual raies of' increase on each million of the population between the first and second, the second and third, and the third and fourth, of the above-mentioned years, the rate of increase at any time during each period, being sup- posed to be proportional to the population at that time. Answ. During the first period, 3736 ; during th&second, 6287 ; and dur- ing the third, 15320. 20. If a gallon of water were resolved into the oxygen and hy- drogen of which it is composed, it is required to detennine the bulk into which it would thus be expanded, water beins 74-1 times heavier than an equal bulk of oxygen, and 9699 times heavier than an equal bulk of hydrogen. (See excr. 5, p. 192 J Answ. The two gases would fill 1794? {% gallons. 21. The Neperian logarithm* of any number, is to th-2 common logarithm of the same number as 1 is to -4-3429448, nearly. Re- quired the series of ratios converging to this ratio. Anxiv. 2 to 1 ; 7 to 3 ; 23 to 10 ; 76 to 33; 99 to 43 ; 175,to 76 ; (or 700 to 304 ;) 624 to 271 ; 3919 to 1702; 12331 to 5377; 16300 to 7079, &c. 22. Reduce the fraction whose numerator is the square root of 5, and denominator the square root of 11, to a continued fraction, and find the first seven of the series of fractions converging to its value. Answ. i.'f, ff, f$, &, fH, and H$\. 23. A person, in discounting a bill, at 6 per cent, per annum, according to the common or false method, finds that he has 6^ per cent, per annum for his money. How long must the bill have been discounted before it was due ? Answ. 1 year and 103 days, nearly. 24. A person pays 54 for the insurance of goods at 3f per cent. ; and he finds, that in case of the goods being lost, he will by this means be entitled to the value of the goods, the premium of insurance, and 5 besides. What is the value of the goods ? Answ. .1381. 25. Reduce five ninths to a fraction in the septenary scale of notation, whose denominator in that scale may be expressed by a unit with as many ciphers annexed as there are figures in the nu- merator. -Answ. The numerator will be -381361361, &c. or -S'ei'. 26. If a merchant each year increase his capital by a fifth part of itself, except an expenditure of 400 per annum, and at the end of 15 years be worth 12000 ; find, without Position, his ori- ginal capital. Answ. 2649 1 1. 27. A servant draws off one gallon each day for 20 days, from cask containing 10 gallons of rum, each time supplying the de- ficiency by the addition of a gallon of water ; and then, to escape * Neperian logarithms are also frequently, but improperly, called hyperbolic loga- rithms. The number -43i'29319, &c- is called the tnjdutus uf the system of cuimuaa logarithms. 258 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. detection, he again draws off 20 gallons, supplying the deficiency each time by a gallon of rum. It is required to determine how much water still remains in the cask. Answ. 1*0679577 gallon, or rather more than a gallon and half a pint. 28. A sells a quantity of tea, which cost him 246 12, to B ; and B sells it to C, who' disposes of it for 391 1 1 10. Required the prices at which A and B sold it, each of the three merchants having gained at the same rate per cent. Answ. A geld it for 281 14, and B for 335 13. 29. A and B set out from the same place, and in the same di- evtion. A travels uniformly 18 miles per day, and after 9 days turns and goes back as far as B has travelled during those 9 days; he then turns again, and pursuing his journey, overtakes B 22 days from the time they first set out. It is required to find the rate at which B uniformly travelled. Answ. 10 miles per day. 30. A merchant every year gains 50 per cent, on his capital, of which he spends 300 per annum in house and other expenses, and at the end of 4 years he finds himself possessed of a capital 4 times as great as what he had at commencing business. Find his original capital without using the rule of Position. Answ. 2294,V. 31. At what time does the sun set, when the length of the day (from sunrise till sunset) is four times the length of the morning or evening twilight, and the evening twilight two sevenths of the time from its termination till day-break ? Answ. At 3 r V minutes past 5 o'clock. 32. How will 13579 in the trigesimal scale, be expressed in the duodecimal scale ? Answ. 372433. 33. Find the first nine fractions approaching to the ratio of 1 to the cube root of 2. Answ. \, f, $, ff, H, M, Hl> IH. and 504. 34. Required, the approximate ratios of the English foot to the French metre, and also to the toise. (See note, page 43.) Answ. The foot to the metre, as 1 to 3, 3 to 10, 4 to 13, 7 to 23, 25 to 82, 32 to 105, 57 to 187, 89 to 292, 146 to 479, &c. ; and the foot to the toie, as 1 to 6, 2 to 13, 3 to 19, 5 to 32, 33 to 21 1, &e. 35. How will that fraction be expressed in the decimal scale, whose denominator in the octary scale is a unit with as many ci- phers annexed as there are figures in its numerator, and its nu- merator 644 repeated without end ? Answ. f j. 36. What is the difference between ^ in the quinary scale, and 5 7 T in the nonary scale ? Answ. Twenty-seven one-hundred-and thirty -thirds. 37. What is the product of \ 4 in the duodecimal scale, and J, in the octary scale ? Answ. One and five-elevenths. 38. It is required to find a sum of money, of which, in the space 4< years, the true discount, at simple interest, is 5 more at the rate of 6 than of 4 per cent, per annum. Am>w. 89 18. 39. One third of a quantity of flour being sold to gain a certain MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. 259 rate per cent., one-fourth to gain twice as much per cent., and the remainder to gain three times as much per cent. : it is required to determine the gain per cent, on each part, the gain upon the whole being 20 per cent. Answ. The gains per cent, are 9|, 19|, and 28$. 40. A man travels from his own house to Belfast in 4 days, and home again in 5 days, travelling each day, during the whole journey, one mile less than he did the preceding. How far does he live from Belfast ? Answ. 90 miles. 41. What is the radix of the arithmetical scale> in which 9(20) (12) 609 in the trigesimal notation will be expressed by 5000004? Answ. 19. 42. The men employed by a gentleman work 12 hours, the wo- men 9 hours, and the boys 8 hours, each day : for labouring the same number of hours, each man receives a half more than each woman, and each woman a third more than each boy : the entire sum paid to all the women each day is double of the sum paid to all the boys ; and for every five shillings earned by all the women each day, twelve shillings are earned by all the men. Hence it is required to find the number of each class employed, the entire number being 59. Answ. 24 men, 20 women, and 15 boys. 43. A man leaves to his eldest child one-fourth of his property ; to his second, one-fourth of the remainder, and 350 besides ; to his third one-fourth of the remainder and 975 ; to his youngest one-fourth of the remainder and .1400; and what still remains he bequeaths to his wife, whose share is found to be one-fifth of the whole. Hence it is required to find the value of the whole property. Answ. 20,000. 44. Ttie less of two bales of cloth is bought at the rate of twice as many pence per yard as it contains yards, and costs .31 2 more than the greater, which contains 4 yards for every 3 in the less, and is bought at the rate of as many pence per yard as it contains yards. How many yards are contained in each ? Answ. 244 yards in the greater, and 183 in the less. 45. It is required to find a sum of money such that its true dis- count for one year at 5 per cent, will be 1 more than the sum of the true discounts of one-half of it at 4 per cent, and the rest at 6 per cent. Answ. 11575 4. 46. A property of 10,000 is left to four children whose ages are 6, 8, 10, and 12 years respectively; and it is divided among them in such a manner, that their several shares being improved at 4 per cent, per annum, compound interest, they shall all have equal properties at the age of 21. It is required to determine the sum left to each. Answ. 2180 3 4, 2380 15 11, 2599 17 9, and 2839 2 lOf. 47. A property is left to four children, one aged 6 years, two aged 9 years each, and one aged 1 1 years, in such a manner that all their properties are to be equal on their coming to age, com- pound interest being allowed at 4 per cent, per annum. Now, one 260 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS, of the twins dying before the period at which the eldest would be of age, his share is divided among the rest in such a manner that their properties may be still equal, when they come to age ; arid, in consequence, each is found at that period to have 1000 more than he would otherwise have had. What was the value of the entire property bequeathed ? Answ. 7367 2 11^. 48. A man owes a debt, to be paid in four equal instalments at the end of 4, 9, 12, and 20 months respectively; and he finds that, discount being allowed, according to the true method, at 5 " cent. $T annum, 750 paid at present will discharge the whole lebt. How much did he owe? Answ. 784 1 V/ T 1 ^. 49. If a merchant commence trade with a capital of 5000, and uin so much, that, after paying all expenses, his capital, each year, is increased by a tenth part of itself wanting 100, how much will he be worth at the end of 20 years ? Answ. 27910. 50. A man borrows 500, and agrees to pay simple interest at 5 $*" cent. IP annum. At the end of 1 1 months he pays one part of the principal with its interest; 8 months after he pays another part with its interest from the time it was borrowed; and 11 months after that he pays the remainder of the principal with its interest in like man- ner from the time it was borrowed. What was the amount of each payment, each of the two last being double of the first ? Answ. The first payment 108ff^ J, and each of the others 51. Mercury revolves round the sun in 87 days, 23 hours, 15 minutes, 44 seconds, and the earth in 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 12 seconds. Required the seven first approximate ratios of these periods. Answ. , *\, &, H, TT, iVi ^d fi- 52. Venus revolves round the sun in 224 days, 1C hours, 49 minutes, 1 1 seconds, and the earth in the time stated in the pre- ceding question. Required the first eight fractions approaching the ratios of these periods. Answ. \> , f, f, T %, $f |, f^f, and Htff-- 53. 35 Ibs. of tea being mixed with 20 Ibs. of a better quality, the mixture is found to be worth 7/4 per Ib. Required the value of each kind, the difference of their values being 1/10 ty Ib. Ansiv: 8/6 and 6/8 V Ib. 54. Express three hundred and fifty seven in the scale of nota- tion whose radix is 3. Answ. 2110K*. 55. If a person lend 7000 at 6 ^ cent. IP annum, compound interest, and allow the interest to accumulate in the hands of the creditor, except 240 ^ annum, which he lifts for family expen- diture ; how much will the creditor owe him at the end of 1G years? Answ. 11621 1 1. 56. If a boy read each day 2 lines more of Virgil than he did the day before, and find, that having read a certain quantity in 18 days, he will read, at this rate of increase, the same quantity in the next 14 days; how much will he read in the whole time? Answ, 4032 lines. MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. 261 f 57. Two men, A and B, are on a straight road, on the opno- :e sides of a gate, and distant from it 308 yards and 277 yards effectively, and travel each towards the original station of the other. How long must they walk till their distances from the gate will be equal, B travelling 2 yards, and A 2J- yards, per second? Answ. 1 minute, 33 seconds, or 2 minutes, 15 seconds, _ 58. Every thing being supposed to be as in the preceding ques- tion, at what time will each be at the same distance from the ori- ginal station of the other, as the other is from his ? Answ. In 44 minutes after starting. 59. Suppose a person to mix 1 1 Ibs. of tea with 5 tfcs. of an in- ferior quality, and to gain 16 per cent, by selling the mixture at 7/3 per Ib. : it is required to determine the prime costs, when a pound < f the one cost a shilling more than a pound of the other Answ. 6/6$ and 5/6f per 15. 00. If a person borrow 1100 at 6 per cent, per annum, coin- pound interest, and agree to pay both principal and interest in eleven equal annual payments, how much must each payment be, the first being made at the end of the first year? Answ. 1 39 9 5. 64. If a farm of 84- acres be held at 1 76 per acre, on a lease of which 48 years are unexpired, what fine must be paid at present to reduce the rent to 10/ per acre during the last 30 years of the lease, compound interest being allowed at 6 per cent, per annum? Answ. 354- 8 11|. 62. A man aged 45 has a pension of 300 a year during his own life ; but he wishes to exchange it for another to continue not only during his own life, but also during that of his wife, aged 40. What will this pension be, money being supposed to be improvable at 6 per cent, per annum, compound, interest ? Answ. 236 14 7. 63. Required the converging fractions approaching to the ratio of 5 hours, 48 minutes, 48 seconds, and 24 hours. Answ. ^, 2 7 9 , A, iV^and ,Vr- 64. If the acting partner in a mercantile concern contribute 1000 to the original joint stock of the company, and annually increase this sum by 150 saved from his salary; to how much will his share of the joint stock amount, at the end of 1 1 years, on the supposition, that, after all expenses are paid, there is a clear gain of 10 per cent, per annum on the entire capital ? Answ. 5632 15 10. 65. Suppose 17 gallons of spirits, at 10/6 per gallon, to be mixed with 7 gallons at a different price. What was the price of the latter per gallon, when 20 per cent, is gained by selling the mix- ture at 13/ per gallon? Answ. 11/7^-. 66. If a grocer mix together 13 parts of better and 7 parts of worse sugar, the price of the latter per cwt. being only f of that of the former ; v/hat were their prime costs, if by selling 17cwt. 3qrs. 20lbs. at 4 6 6 per cwt., he gain 12 11*? Answ. The better 3 16 1 IVB, and the worse 3 4 il?f per cwt. respectively. 262 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. 67. A merchant bequeaths 1000 among six clerks in pro- portion to their salaries, and the periods they have held their situations. Now, one of them has held his situation five years, and his salary is 120; two of them four years, with salaries of 75 each ; and the rest two years, with salaries of 60 each. Required their several shares. Answ. The share of the first 384 12 3^; of the two next 192 6 1H each; and of the rest 76 18 5 T 7 3 each. 68. If a shopkeeper each year double his capital, except an expenditure of 240 per annum, and, at the end of 4 years, be worth only three-fourths of his original capital ; find without Position, what he had at commencing trade, Answ. 236 I 3H 69. What sum will amount to 1 more at simple than at compound interest, in four months, at 5 per cent, per annum ? Answ. 3699 9 2. 70. Required the sum of the infinite series, f r 4 5~f"^5 i^5~i~ ne tlius described, is called an EL- I.IPSE; the points F and f, wher. the pins are fixed, are APPENDIX. 265 called the FOCI Cand each of them a FOCUS) ; the line AB, drawn through the foci, and terminated both ways by the curve, is called the GREATER AXIS; and the line DE, drawn perpendicular to this axis through its middle point, and terminated by the curve,*fs called the LESS AXIS. XIX. MENSURATION is the method of determining by computation the comparative magnitudes of figures ; and is divided into two branches, the mensuration of surfaces, and the mensuration of bodies or solids. XX. The AREA of a figure is the space which it contains. In Mensuration, the magnitude of this space is ascertained by the number of times that a given space, called the mea- suring unity is contained in it. XXI. The MEASURING UNIT which is adopted for sur- faces, is a square whose side is some of the common mea- sures of length, such as a square inch, a square foot, a square yard, &c. (See the Table of Square Measure, page 39.) MENSURATION OF SURFACE& RULE I. Tojindthe area of a parallelogram : Multiply its length by its perpendicular breadth. Hence, to find the area of a square, we are only to mul- tiply a side by itself. Exam. 1. Required the area of A B the parallelogram ABDC, the length AB, or CD, being 30 feet, and the perpendicular breadth, AE, 15 feet. j C E D Here the product of 36 and 15 is 540, the area in square feet. Exam. 2. If the length of the floor of a rectangular room be 22 feet 5 inches, and its breadth 16 feet 11 inches, how many square feet does it contain ? This and similar examples, in which the dimensions are given in feet and inches, may be wrought in different ways. 1. By reducing 5 inches and 11 inches each to the decimal of a foot, we obtain for the dimensions, 22-4-16', and 16-9 16 7 ; the pro- duct of which is 379-21527' square feet, or 379 square feet nearly, the area required. 2. As a second method, by reducing the dimensions to inches. we obtain 269 and 203 ; the product of which is 54607 quare inches, the area required : and by dividing this bv 144, we get 379 square feet, 31 square inches, a result which agrees with that found by the former method. N 266 APPENDIX. 3. Another mode, which is perhaps preferable to either of the preceding, is the method of duodecimals, or, as it is often improperly called, the method of cress multipli- Feet In. cation. This will be understood from 22 5 the operation in the margin, in which 16 11 we multiply successively by 16 and 11. The product of 16 and 5 is 358 8 divided by 12, and the remainder is 20 6 7 set down, and the quotient carried. In multiplying by 1 1, both the pro- 379 2 ducts are divided by 12, and the remainders set one place towards the right hand. The sum of the two partial products is then taken, and the result is found to be 379 square feet, 2 twelfths of a square foot, or 24 square inches, and 7 square inches ; or 379 square feet, 31 square inches, as before. The answer might also be obtained by multiplying by 16, and working for 11 inches by means of ali- quot parts. The results obtained by , this latter method are often called, very im- properly,^^, inches, and parts, instead of square feet, twelfths of such feet, and square inches. According to this mode, the last answer would be read 379 feet, 2 inches, and 7 parts. It may be written, 379 f. 2* 7". The multiplication of feet and inches might also be performed very simply and easily by reducing the feet to the duodecimal scale, and then carrying for 12 in the multiplication. Thus, by reduction to the duodecimal scale, (see page 248) the dimensions in the foregoing example become lD-5 and 14-H, and the work will stand as in the margin, the answer in the duodeci- mal scale being 277-27, or by re- duction to the decimal scale, 379 feet, 2 twelfths of a foot, and 7 in- 277-27, or ches. The learner, after a little 379f. 2> 7", Answer, practice, will perhaps prefer this method to any other. Exam. 3. Required the area of a square field, each of whose sides is 6 chains 30 Jinks. Here, (note 1, page 40) each side is 630 links ; and multiplying this by itself we ob- tain for the area 396900 square links ; or 3-969 acres, by division by 100,000; whence by multiplying by 4 and 40, we get for the 3-96900 required Content' 3a. 3r. 35 p. with a small 4> remainder. 35-040 APPENDIX. 267 jx. 1 . Required the content of a field in form of a parallelo- gram, the length and breadth of which are 12 chains 76 links, and Q chains 43 links. Answ. 12 acres, roods, 5 per. 2. Given the length of a street = 937 feet 6 inches, and its breadth=66 feet 8 inches ; required the cost of paving it at 8d. ^ square yard. Answ. .245 18 llf. ,. 3. At 9f d. ^ yard, required the cost of painting a room, the sum of the lengths of whose sides is 70 feet 10 inches, and its height 10 feet I inch. Answ. 3 4 5f. 4-. Required the content of a rectangular garden whose length is 98 yards, and its breadth 81 yards. Answ. I acre, 2 perches, Irish measure; or 1 acre, 2 roods, 22 perches, 12 yards, English mea- sure. 5. What is the content of a deal-board, 9 feet 8 inches long, and 8 inches broad? Answ. 6f. 1CX 2". 6. If each side of a square table be 3 feet, 10 inches, what is its content? Answ* 14-f. & V. RULE II. To jind the area of a triangle : Multiply the base by the perpendicular, and take half the product : or multi- ply one of these lines by half the other. Exam. 4. Required the area of the triangle ACD (see the dia- gram page 265) whose base CD is 15 feet 4 inches, and its perpen- dicular AE, 8 feet 7 inches. Feet In. Here, by the method of duo- 15 4 decimals already explained, and by 8 7 halving, we find for the area, 65 "j22 8 feet, 9 twelfths of a foot, and 8 8114 inches, or 65f feet, nearly. g - 7 4 65 98 Ex.7. Base= 13 chains 24 links, perpendiculatf = 8 chains 59 links. Answ. Areaz: 5 a. 2r. 30 p. 8. Base = 21 feet 7 inches, perpendicular = 17 feet 10 inches. Answ. Area= 192f. 5' 5". RULE III. To find the area when the three sides are given {I.} Add the three sides together, and take half the sum: (2.) From the half sum take the three sides severally: (3.) Find the continual product of the half sum and the three remainders : (4.) Extract the square root of this product* The area of an equilateral triangle may be found by mul- tiplying die square of one of the sides by '4330127. E vim. 5. Required the area of a triangle, whose sides are 3, 3, and 4 feet respectively. Here, half the sura of the sides is 4*5 ; and subtracting frc-m this 2 f,S APFFNDIX'. the three sides successively, we find the three remainders 2*5,1*5, and -5. Then 4-5 X 2-5 X 1'5X '5 = 8-4375 ; and ^ 8'4375== 2-9047375, the area required. Ex. 9. Sides, 9 chains 62 links ; 6 chains 38 links ; and 7 chains 20 links. Answ. Area, 2 acres, 1 rood, 7 perches, nearly. 10. Sides, 13, 14, and*15 feet. Answ. Area, 84 feet, or 9 yards. 11. Sides, 3 feet 8 inches ; 4 feet 7 inches; and 6 feet 5 inches. Answ. Area, 8'233 feet. RULE IV. To Jind the area of a trapezoid : Multiply the sum of the parallel sides by the perpendicular breadth of '.he figure, and take half the product. Ex. 12. Given the parallel sides of a trapezoid =: 33 and 28 in- ches, and its breadth =11 inches : required the area. Answ. 335 J inches. 13. Parallel sides = 75 and 33 feet, breadth = 20. Answ. Area, 1080 feet, or 120 yards, RULE V. Tojindthe area of a trapezium : Multiply either of the diagonals by the sum of the perpendiculars drawn to it from the opposite angles, and take half the product. Or, Find, by rule II. or III., the areas of the triangles that compose the trapezium, and add them together. Exam. 6 Given BD, the diagonal of the trapezium ABCD, rr 15 perches 6 yards ; and the perpendiculars drawn from A and C = 6 perches 5 yards, and 5 perches 4 yards ; to find the area. Here, the sum of the perpendiculars is 12 perches 2 yards, or 86 yards; and the diagonal being 15 perches 6 yards, or 1 1 1 yards, we have 8H X 111 = 9546, the naif of which is 4773, the area in square yards, which, by division by 49 and 40, is reduced to ? roods, 17 perches, and 20 yards. Ex. 14. Perpendiculars 8 chains 82 links, and 7 chains 73 links ; diagonal 17ch. 561, Answ. Area = 14 acres, 2 roods, 5 perches. 15. Given BD = 21 perches, BA=18 perches, AD=9 perches, BC= 12 perches, and CDrr 15 perches. Answ. Area = 168-68008. RULE VI. To find the area of a polygon : (].) Divide it by diagonals into triangles and trapeziums : ('2.) Find the areas of these by some of the foregoing rules : (3.) Add all these areas together. APPENDIX. 269 Ex. 16. Given EU= ad perches, and the perpendicu- lars to it from A and D rr: 27 and 18 perches respectively; given also AC = 4-6 perches, and the perpendicular to it from B = 20 perches ; to find the area. Ans. lla.0r.5p. 13 17. Given AB = 6 feet, BC= 3 feet, CD = 4 feet, DE =r 5 feet, AE = 4 feet, ACzr 7 feet- M EC = 8 feet. Required the area. Answ- 31"! 23574 fpp- I?"~ ~z. V>'^ iiie area of a regular polygon is most easily fou.iu uj multiplying the square of one of the sides by die number standing opposite to the name of the polygon in the annexed table. Pentagon 1-7204774- Hexagon 2-5980762 Heptagon 3-6339126 Octagon 4-8364272 Nonagon 6-1818240 Decagon 7-69420S8 Hendecagon 9-3656411 Dodecagon 11-1961524 Ex. 1 8. Side of a Hexagon = 5 inches. Answ. Area = 54-951905. 19. Side of an Octagonal inclosure = 60 yards. Answ. Area = 2 a. Or. 34 p. 36yds. Irish measure, or 3 a. 2r. 14 p. 19yds English measure. RULE VIII. The diameter of a circle being given to find the circumference: Multiply the diameter by 3*1416, or more accurately, 3* 14- 1593 : Or, As 113 is to 355, so is the diameter to the circumference : or, when much accuracy is not necessary, as 7 is to 22, so is the diameter to the circumference. The diameter would be found from the circumference, by reversing any of the foregoing processes. Ex.20. Given the diameter = 13 inches. Answ. Circumfer- ence = 40-8407. 21. If the diameter of a circular cask be 2 feet 9 inches, what will be the length of a hoop for it ? Answ. 8 feet, 7-67257 inches. 22. If the girt of a round tree be 12 feet 5 inches, what is its diameter? Answ. 3 feet, 11-42817 inches. RULE IX. Tojind the area of a circle : Multiply the di- ameter by the circumference, and take one fourth of the product : Or, Multiply the square of the diameter by 7S54-, or, for greater accuracy, by '785398 : Or, Multiply the square of the radius by 3-141593 : Or, 270 APPENDIX Multiply the square of the circumference by *07958. The area of an ellipse is found by multiplying the product of the axes by -7854, or more accurately, '785398. Ex. 23. Required the area of a circular pond whose diameter is 31 yards. Answ. 754-7694- square yards. 24. Required the area of the space on which a horse may graze, when confined by a cord 7 perches in length, having one of its ends fixed at a certain point. Answ. 1 a. r. 16'7 p. 25. Required the content of a circular grove, 56'5 perches in circumference. Answ. la. 2 r. 14- p. 26. What is the area of a circular table whose diameter is 5 feet 8 inches ? Answ. 25 feet 31$ inches, nearly. 27. What is the area of an elliptic ceiling, the axes of which are 33 feet 5 inches, and 20 feet 3 inches ? Answ. 59 yards, feet, 67 inches. MENSURATION OF BODIES, OR SOLIDS. DEFINITIONS." I. A figure whose ends, or bases, are parallel, and its sides parallelograms x is called a PRISM. Such a figure is termed a RIGHT PRISM, if each of its bases be perpendicular to its other sides ; and it is said to be TRIANGULAR, HEXAGO-NAL, &c. if its bases be triangles, hexagons, &c. II. A prism whose bases, as well as its other sides, are parallelograms, is called a PARALLELEPIPED. A common chest, bar of iron, brick, &c. afford instances of right parallele- pipeds. III. A right parallelepiped whose sides are equal squares, is called a CUBE. Such are dice. IV. A PYRAMID is a body bounded by plane surfaces meeting in a point called the VERTEX of the pyramid, and by a rectilineal base terminated by those planes. V. A CYLINDER is a round body which is of equal thick- ness throughout, and wnich has circular bases, parallel to each other, such as a rolling stone for walks, a round pillar, &c. VI. A body which has a circular base, and which tapers uniformly to a point named the VERTEX, is called a CONE. A sugar-loaf, and the top of a round pillar are nearly of this form. VII. A FRUSTUM of anybody is what remains, when the top is taken away. VIII. A GLOBE, or SPHERE, is a body of such a figure APPENDIX. / / I 271 that all points of the surface are equally distant from a point within it called the CENTRE. IX. If one of the parts into which an ellipse is divided by either of the axes, revolve about that axis, the figure which it describes is called a SPHEROID : PROLATE, if the revolution be performed round the greater axis ; OBLATE, if round the less. An egg is nearly of the former figure ; and a watch, or a flat turnip, nearly of the latter. X. The CONTENT, or VOLUME, or as it is often improperly called, the SOLIDITY of a body, is the space contained with- in it. The magnitude of this space is expressed by the number of times that it contains a given space called the measuring unit, XI. The MEASURING UNIT which is adopted for bodies, is a cube whose base is the measuring unit for surfaces, such as a cubic inch, a cubic foot, &c. (See the Table of Cubic Measure, page 40.) RULE I. To Jind the content of a prism or cylinder : (1.) Find the area of the base : (2.) Multiply this by the per- pendicular height, or distance between the ends. Hence, to Jind the content of a right parallelepiped, take the continual product of the length, breadth, and thickness, or depth : and, to Jind the content of a cube, find the third power of one of the sides of its base. Exam. 1. Required the content of a box of cloth, the length, breadth, and depth of which are 4 feet 10 inches ; 2 feet 1 1 inches; and 2 feet 2 inches, respectively. Here, by the method of duodecimals, we multiply 4 feet 10 inches by 2 feet 1 1 inches : the Feet In. product, 14 feet, 1 twelfth, and 4 10 2 inches, is the area of the base. 2 1 1 We then multiply in a similar manner by 2 feet 2 inches, the 9 8 depth, setting each product in 452 multiplying by the inches, one place towards the right hand. 14 1 2 The final product or content of 22 the box, is 30 cubic feet, 6 twelfths of a foot, 6 one-lmn- 28 2 4 dred-and-forty-fourths of a foot, 242 and 4 inches, or 30 \ feet, nearly. In measures of capacity, since 30 & 6" 4 W . the cubic foot contains 1728 cubic inches, the twelfths of a foot are each 144 cubic inches, and the hundred-and-forty-fourths are each 12 inches. Hence the foregoing answer is easily reduced to 272 APPENDIX. 30 feet and 940 inches. The same result would be obtained by reducing the dimensions to inches, finding their continual product, and dividing it by 1728; or by reducing the inches to decimals, and proceeding in a similar manner. The results in such cases as tiie present, are often improperly called feet, inches, parts, and seconds. Ex. 1. Required the number of gallons of water, of 217*6 cubic inches each, contained in a rectangular cistern, the length, breadth, and depth of which are 16 feet, 10 feet 6 inches, and 8 feet 4 inches. Answ. 11117*647. 2. If each side of the base of a triangular prism be 2 inches, and its length 14 inches, what is its content ? Answ. 24-2487 inches. 3. Required the number of cubic feet contained in a room whose length, breadth, and height are 24 feet, 18 feet > inches, and 10 feet 7 inches. Answ. 4699. 4. Given the diameter of the base of a cylindric column = 3 feet 1 inch, and its height =: 18 feet 9 inches :* required its content. Answ. 140-00 16 feet. 5. Required the content of a bale, the length, breadth, and thickness of which are, 4 feet 8 inches, 3 feet 3 inches, and 2 feet 6 inches. Answ. 37 feet, 1 1 twelfths. 6. Given the length, breadth, and thickness of a uniform plank equal to 22 feet 7 inches, 1 foot 5 inches, and 6 inches, respec- tively. Required the content. Answ. 17-32957 feet. RULE If. To find the content of a pyramid or cone : Mul- tiply the area of the base by the perpendicular height, and take one third of the product. Ex.7. Given each side of the base of a square pyramid =r 10 inches, and the perpendicular height, or altitude == 9 feet 9 inches : required the content. Answ. 2f. S 7 1". 8. Given the diameter of the base of a conical glass-house = 37 feet 8 inches, and the altitude =r 79 feet 9 inches. Required the entire space enclosed. Answ. 29622 feet, nearly. 9. The height of the largest of the Egyptian pyramids is 477 feet, and each side of its base, which is a square, is 720 feet. Re- quired the content. Answ. 82425600 cubic feet, or 3052800 cubic yards. 10. Given the altitude of a conical sugar-loaf r= 17 inches, and the diameter of its base ;= 9 inches. Required die content. Answ. 360'4986 inches. 11. How often may a conical glass, 3 inches deep, and If inches in diameter at the mouth, be filled out of an Irish liquid gallon ? Answ. 90^ times nearly. RULE III. To find the content of a frustum of a pyramid, made by a plane parallel to its base: (I.) To the product of two APPENDIX. 273 corresponding sides of the greater and less ends, add one third of the square of their difference ; the sum will be the square of a side of the mean base : (2.) From this find the area of the mean base by some of the rules already given for the measurement of plane surfaces : (3.) Multiply the result by the height. To find the content of a like frustum of a cone : (1.) To the product of the diameters of the two ends add one third of the square of their difference ; the sum will be the square of a mean diameter : (2.) Multiply this square by '1854, and the product by the height. Exam. 2. Given the sides of the greater and less bases of a regular octagonal pyramid == 19 and 10 inches respectively, and the length 5 feet 6 inches : required the content. Here, 19 10 =r 9, and 19 X 19 + 9 2 -H3= 217, the square of a side of the mean base, which being multiplied by 4*8284272, the tabular number (see page 27 1 ) we find for the area of the mean base 1047-7687024 : and the product of this by 5-5, the length, is 5762-7278632 : and dividing this by 144, we obtain 40-01894349 feet, the content required. Ex. 12. If the length of a frustum of a square pyramid be 18 feet 8 inches, the side of its greater base 27 inches, and that of its less 16 inches, what is the content? Answ. 61*228395 cubic feet. 13. Required the content of an ale glass in form of the frustum of a cone, the diameter at the mouth being 2$ inches, that of the bottom 1 inch, and the depth 5 inches. Answ. 12-76275 cubic inches. RULE IV. To find the content of a globe: Multiply the cube of the diameter by -5236* To find the content of a spheroid: Multiply the fixed axis by the square of the revolving axis, and the product by 5236. Ex. 14. Required the contents of three globes, whose diameters are 12, 15, and 21 inches respectively. Answ. 904-7808, 1767-15, and 4849-0596 cubic inches respectively. 15. Required the content of a balloon in form of a prolate spheroid, having its longest diameter 48 feet, and its shortest 38 feet. Answ. 36291-7632 cubic feet. RULE V. To find the area of the surface of a body bounded by plane surfaces : Find the areas of those surfaces separately, and add them together. To find the area of the curve surface of a right cone : Mul- tiply the circumference of the base by the slant height, and take half the product. 274 APPENDIX. To fold the area of the surface of a globe ; Multiply th square of the diameter by 3'1416. Ex. 1C. Required the area of the surface of a square pyramid each side of the base of which is 2 feet 8 inches, and its slai?* height, measured from the vertex to the middle of any side of the base, 3 feet 9 inches. Answ. 27 feet, 1 twelfth, and 4 inches. 17. Required the area of the entire surface of a right cone, the slant height of which is 4 feet 7 inches, and the diameter of its base 2 feet 1 1 inches. Answ. 27-679896 square feet. 18. If the earth were a sphere 7912 miles in diameter, what would be its superficial content? Answ. 1 96,663,355-7504 square miles. 19. Required the superficial contents of the three globes men- tioned in exercise 14. Answ. 452-3904, 706-86, and 1385-4456 square inches respectively. RULE VI. Tojlnd the content of round or squared timber : (1.) Take the girt of the tree at the middle, and divide it by 4 (which may be done by halving tbe line used in taking the girt, and then halving the half thus obtained) : (2.) Multiply the square of the quarter girt thus found, by the length. If the breadth and depth of squared timber differ consider' ably, measure them, and multiply their product by the length. If the tree do not taper uniformly ^ measure the girts at the middle and ends, or at other equal distances ; add the re- sults together, and divide the sum by the number of girts taken ; use the quotient as a mean girt, and proceed as before. If great accuracy were required, timber which tapers uniformly, should be measured as the frustum of a pyramid or cone ; but when it tapers slowly, as is generally the case, any dimension taken at the middle may be used as a mean without much error. The measurement of round timber, however, by taking, according to the foregoing rule, which is universally adopted in practice, the quarter girt as the side of a square to a mean section of the tree, is very erroneous, giving the content far too small. If it should be wished to correct the result thus fyund, it mny be done by adding to it one fourth of itself, and to the sum one fool for every 54 contained in it. Another method of approximating the true content is, to multiply the square of one fifth of the girt by twice the length ; or, which is perhaps easier, to multiply the square of the girt by 08, and the product by the length. By both these methods the result is rather too great, and requires to be diminished by one foot in 190. Ex. 20. Given the mean girt of a square piece of timber ~ 6 feet 8 inches, and its length r= 44 feet 4 inches : required the con- tent. Answ. 123- F48 7 cubic feet. 21. Required the content of a APPENDIX. 275 is 32 feet 6 inches, and its mean girt 5 feet 10 inches. Answ. 69*1 19 cubic feet; or, more correctly, 87-9 feet. 22. Given the length of a piece of squared timber = 3 1 feet 4 inches, and its breadth and depth at the middle = 2 feet 7 inches, and one 1 foot 9 inches respectively. Required its content. Answ. 14-1-65 cubic feet. 23. Given the girts of a round tree at the ends, and at two in- termediate points equally distant from them and from each other, equal to 10 feet 6 inches, 5 feet 6 inches, 8 feet 8 inches, and 7 feet respectively, and the length 21 feet 5 inches. Required the content. Answ. 83-89 cubic feet ; or, more correctly, 106-8 feet. RULE VII. Tojind the content of a common cask in gallons: (1 ) To the square of the head diameter add double the square of the bung diameter, and from the sum take four- tenths of the square of the difference of those diameters : (2.) Multiply the remainder by the length : (3.) Then mul- tiply the result by '0012, to find Irish liquid gallons ; by 0011-5, to fincl English wine gallons; orb"y0009|, to find English ale gallons. The result thus found in Irish gallons may be corrected by adding to it a four-hundredth of itself. Ex. 2-1, If the head diameter of a cask be 25 inches, the bung diameter 34 inches, and the length 43 inches, how many gallons does it contain? Answ. 150 Irish, 141^ wine gallons, or 115 ale gallons. Ex. 25. Given the length of a rectangular field = 15 perches : required its breadth so that it may contain an acre. Answ. lOf perches. 26. If a horse be bound in the middle of a field by a cord, one end of which is fixed at a certain point ; what must be the length of the cord, that the horse may be allowed to graze on exactly an acre? Answ. 7-1365 perches. 27. Given the height of a stone column in form of a frustum of a cone = 28 feet 6 inches, and the diameters of its ends 3 feet, and 2 feet 3 inches, respectively. Required its weight, a cubic foot of the stone weighing 2568 ounces, avoirdupois. Answ. 11 tons, 2 cwt. 2qra. 3tbs. 28. Required the diameter of a circle whose area is a square foot. Answ. 13-54054 inches. 29. Required the diameter of a globe whose content is a cubic foot. Answ. 14-8884 inches. 30. Given the diameter of the base of a cone =r 50 inches, and its content = 50 cubic feet : required its height. Answ. 1 1 feet HE AMOUNT O? 1, AT COMPOUND 1NTEKJB.S1 4 per cent. 5 per cent. j 6 per cent. Yrs. 3 per cent. 1*040,000 ro50 ooo 1*060 000 1 1-030,000 1-OS1/H30 1-102)500 X \J\J\J)\J\J\J 1-123,600 2 1*060,900 1-124,804 1-157,625 1-191,016 1-09-2,727 . 1-169,859 215,506 1-262,477 4 I*12i),o09 , 1-216,653 276,282 1-338,226 5 1-159,274 ( 11 f\ 1 f\ * Ch u 1-265,319 340,096 1-418,519 ,194,052 1 1-315,932 407,100 1-503,630 1 -229,874 1-368,569 477,455 1-593,848 1-266,770 1-423,312 551,328 1-689,479 10 11 1-343*916 IO O A 1 O 1 1-480,244 1-539,454 628,895 710,339 1-790,848 1-898,299 I 12 13 384,234 1.425,761 1.468,534 1. r i o e n/" 1-601,032 1-665,074 1-731,676 795,856 885,6 9 979,932 2-012,196 2-132,928 2-260,904 1 e 512,590 1-800,944 2-078,928 2-396,558 10 16 n 1 1-604^706 I./? til O/1 O 1-872,981 1 947,900 2-182,875 2-292,018 2-540,352 2-692,773 1 "652,848 1_r*fAO >f OO 2-025,817 2*406,619 2-854,339 io 19 O/ 702,433 1-753,506 Ion/? lit 2-106,849 2-191,123 2-526,950 2-653,298 3-025,600 3-207,135 P 2) 22 2 B 2, 97 .806,111 1-860,295 1-916,103 V973,587 2-032,794 '093,778 2.- 156,592 2-278,768 2-369,919 2464,716 2-563,304 2-665,836 2-772,470 2-883,369 2'785,96 2-925,261 3-071,52 3-225,101 3-386,3&; J 3-555,673 3-733,456 3-399,564 3-603,537 3-819,750 4-048,935 4-291,871 4-549,383 4-822,346 1 C _~l,4O.> 2-998,703 3-920,129 5- 11J, 687 28 29 30 31 32 S3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 2-287,928 2-356,566 2-427,262 2-500,080 8-575,083 2-652,335 2-731,905 2-813,862 2.898,278 2-985,227 3-074,783 3-167,027 3-262,038 3-359,899 O. \ Gf\ f*C\C* 3-118,651 3-243,398 3-373,133 3-508,059 3-648,381 3-794,316 3-946,089 4-103,933 4-268,090 4-438,813 4-616,366 4-801,021 4-993,061 5-192,784 4-116,136 4-321,942 4-538,039 4-764,941 5-003,189 5-253,348 5-516,015 5-791,816 6-081,407 6-385,477 6-704,751 7-039,989 7-391,988 7-761,588 6-418,388 6-743,491 6-088,101 6-453,386 6-840,590 7-251,025 7-686,087 8-147,252 8-636,087 9-154,252 9-703,50? 10-285,718 10-902,861 11-557,0:33 44 46 LQ o 4oU,oyo 3-564,517 S-67 1,452 3-781,596 3-895,044 4-011,895 5-400,495 5-616,515 5-841,176 6-074,823 6*317,816 6-570,528 8-149,667 8-557,150 8-985,008 9-434,258 9-905,971 10-401,270 12-250,455 12-935,482 13-764.611 14-590,487 15-465,917 16-393,872 r 49 50 4-256^219 4- ,83,906, 6-833,349 7-106,683 10-921,333 11-467.400 17-377,504 18-420,154 TABLE 11. SHOWING THE AMOUNI OF AN ANNUITY OF L 3 per cent. 4 per cent. } 5 per cent. , 6 per cent 1-OUO,000 ' 1-000,000 1-000,000 1-000,000 2-030,000 t 2-040,000 2-050,000 2-060,000 3-090,900 3-121,600 3-152,500 3-183,600 4-183,627 4-246,464 4-310,125 4-374,616 5-309,135 5-416,322 5-525,631 5-637,092 6-468,409 6-632,975 i 6-801,912 6-975,318 7-66?,462 7-898,294 8-142,008 8-393,837 8-892,336 9-214,226 9-549,108 9-897,467 10-159,106 10-582,795 11-026,564 11-491,315 11-463,879 12-006,107 12-577,892 13-180,794 12-807,795 13-486,351 14-206,787 14-971,642 14-192,029 15-025,805 15-917,126 16-869,941 15-617,790 16-626,837 17-712,982 18-882,137 17-086,324 18-291,911 19-598,631 21-015,065 18-598,913 20-023,587 21-578,563 23-275,969 20-156,881 21-824,531 23-657,491 25-672,528 21-761,587 23-697,512 25-840,366 28-212,879 23-414,435 25-645,412 28-132,384 30-905,652 25-116,868 27-67.1,229 30-539,003 33-759,991 26-870,374 29-778,078 33-065,954 36-785,591 28-676,485 31-969,201 85-719,251 39-992,726 30-536,780 34-247,969 38-505,214 43-392,290 32-452,883 36-617,888 *1-430,475 46-995,827 34-426,470 39-082,604 44-501,998 50-815,577 36-459,264 41-645,908 47-727,098 54-864,512 38-553,042 44-311,744 51-113,453 59-156,382 40-709,633 47-084,214 54-669,126 63-705,765 42-930,922 49-967,582 58-402,582 68-528,111 45-218,850 52-966,286 62-322,711 73-639,798 47-575,415 56-084,937 66-438,847 79-058,186 50-002,678 59-328,335 70-760,789 84-801,677 52-502,758 62-701,468 75-298,829 90-889,778 55-077,841 66-209,527 80-063,770 97-343,164 57-730,176 69-857,908 85-066,959 104-183,754 60-462.081 73-652,224 90-320,307 111-434,779 63-2 7 5, 944 77-598,313 95-836,322 119-120,866 66-1 i 4 322 81'702,246 101-628,138 127-268,118 69-159,449 85-970,336 107-700,545 135-904,205 72-234,232 90-409,149 114-095,023 145^058,458 75-401,259 95-025,515 120-799,774 154-761,965 78-663,297 99-826,536 127-839,762 165-047,683 82-023,196 104-819,597 135-231,751 175-950,544 85-483,892 110-012,381 1 42-993,338 187-507,577 89-048,409 115-412,876 151- 143,005 199-758,031 92-719,861 121-029,392 159-700,155 i 8 1 2-743,5; 3 96-501,4-57 126-870,567 168-685,163 j 226-508,124. 100-396,500 132-945,390 1^-119,421 HI -098,61 2 104-408,395 139-263,206 188-025,392 I 866-564,528 108-540,647 145-833,734 198-426,662 / 72-958,400 112-796,867 152*667,083 209-347,935 tfSO-335,904 TABLE III. SHOWING THE PRESENT V.ii.trE OF AN ANNUITY OF 1. ifrs. 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 3 per cent < 6 per cent. 1 970874 961538 952381 943396 2 1-913470 1-886194 1-859410 1-833392 3 2-828612 2-775190 2-723248 2-673011 4 3-717099 3-629994 3-545950 3-465105 5 4-579708 4-451821 4-329476 4-212363 6 5-417192 5-242136 5-075691 i-9 17324 7 6-230284 6-002054 5-786372 5-582381 8 7-019693 6-732744 6-46321 1 6-209793 9 7-786110 7-435331 7-107820 6-801691 10 8-530204 8-110895 7-721733 7-360086 11 9-252625 8-760576 8-306412 7-886874 1-2 9-954005 9-385073 8-863249 8-383843 13 0-634956 9-985647 9-393570 8-852682 14 11-296074 10-563122 9-898638 9-294983 35 11-937936 11-118487 10-379655 9-712248 16 12-561103 11-652395 10-837767 10-105894 17 13-166119 12-165668 11-274064 10-477258 18 13-753514 12-659396 11-689585 10 827602 19 14-323800 13-133938 12-085319 11-158115 20 14-877476 13-590325 12-462208 1 1-469920 21 15-415025 14-029159 12-821150 11-764075 22 15-936918 14-451114 13-163000 12-041580 23 16-443610 14-856840 13-488571 12-303377 24, 16-935544 15-246961 13-798639 12-550356 25 17-413150 15-622078 14-093942 12-783355 26 17-876845 15-982767 14-375183 13-003165 27 18-327034 16-329584 14-643031 13-210533 28 18-764111 16-663061 14-898125 13-406163 29 19-188457 16-983712 15-141071 13-590720 30 19-600444 17-292031 15-372448 13-764830 31 20-000431 17-588491 1 5-592807 13-929085 32 20-388768 17-873540 15-802673 14-084042 33 20-765794 18-147643 16-002546 14-230228 34- 21-131839 18-411195 16-192901 14-368140 35 21-487222 16-664610 16-374191 14-498245 30 21-832254- J 8-908279 16-546848 14-620986 37 22-167237 19-142576 16-711284 14-736779 38 22-492463 19-367861 16-867889 14-846018 39 | 22-808217 \ 19-584482 17-017037 14-949074 40 23-114774 19-79277 J 17-159083 15-046296 41 23-412402 19-993049 17-294365 15-138015 42 i 23-701361 20-185624 1 7-423205 15-224542 43 I 23-981904 20-370792 17-545909 15-306172 44 24-254276 i 20-548838 17-662770 15-383181 45 24-518715 20-720036 17-774067 15-455831 46 , 24-775452 20-884650 17-880064 15-524369 47 25*024711 21-042933 17-981013 15-589027 48 25-266710 21-195128 \ 18-077155 15-650025 25-501660 : 21-341469 18-168719 15-707571 50 | 25-7297 '67 21-482 IP? ' 18-255923 15-761859 TABLE IV. SHOW ING THE VALUE OF AN ANNUITY ON A SINGLE LIFE. Ages. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. 6 per cent Ages. 4 per cent 5 per cent. 6 per cent 1 13-4(55 11-503 10-107 49 11-475 10-443 9-563 2 15-633 13-420 11-724 50 11-264 10-269 9-417 3 16-462 14-135 12-348 51 11-057 10-097 9-273 4 17*010 14-613 12-769 52 10-849 9-925 9-129 5 17-248 14-827 12-962 53 10-637 9-748 S-980 6 17-482 15-041 13-156 54- J 0*421 9-567 8-827 7 17-611 15-166 J 3-275 55 10-201 9-382 8-670 8 17-662 15-226 13-337 56 9-977 9-193 8-509 9 17-625 15-210 13-335 57 9-749 8-999 8-343 10 17-523 15-139 13-285 58 9-516 8-801 8-173 11 17-393 15-043 13-212 59 9-280 8-599 7*999 12 17-251 14-937 13-130 60 9-039 8-392 7-820 13 17-103 14-826 13-044 61 8-795 8-181 7-637 14 1G-950 14-710 12-953 62 8-547 7-966 7-449 15 16-791 14-588 12-857 63 8-291 7-742 T-263 16 16-625 14-460 12-755 64 8-030 7-514 7-052 17 16-462 14-334 12-655 65 7-761 7-27G 6-841 18 16-309 14-217 12-562 66 7-488 7-034 6-625 19 16-167 14-108 12-477 67 7-211 6-787 6-405 20 16-033 14-007 12-398 68 6-930 6-536 6-179 21 15-912 13-917 12-329 69 6-647 6-281 5-949 22 15-797 13-833 12-265 70 6-3G1 6-023 5-716 23 15-680 13-746 1 2-200 71 6-075 5-764 5-479 24 15-560 13-658 12-132 72 5-790 5-504 5-241 25 15-438 13-567 12-063 73 5-507 5-245 5-004 26 15-312 13-473 11-992 74 5-230 4-990 4-769 27 15-184 13-377 11-917 75 4-962 4-744 4-542 28 15-053 13-278 11-841 76 4-710 4-511 4-328 29 14-918 13-177 11-763 77 4-457 4-277 4-109 30 14-781 13-072 1 1-682 78 4-197 4-035 3-SS4 31 14-639 12-965 11-598 79 3-921 3-776 3-641 32 14-495 12-854 11-512 80 3-643 3-515 3-394 33 14-347 12-740 1 1-423 81 3-377 3-263 3-156 34 14-195 12-623 11-331 82 3-122 3-020 2-926 35 14-039 12-502 11-236 83 2-887 2-797 2-713 36 13-880 12-377 11-137 84s 2-708 2-627 2-551 37 13-716 12-249 11-035 85 2-543 2-471 2-402 38 13-548 12-116 10-929 86 2-393 2-328 2-266 39 13-375 11-979 10-819 87 2-251 2-193 2-138 40 13-197 11-837 10-705 88 2-131 2-080 2-031 41 13-018 11-695 10-589 89 1-967 1-924 1-882 42 12-838 11-551 10-473 90 1-758 1-723 1-689 43 12-657 1 1-407 10-356 91 1-474 1-447 1-422 44 12-472 1 1-258 10-235 92 1-171 1-153 1-136 45 12-283 11-105 10-110 93 0-827 0-816 0-806 46 12-089 10-947 9-980 94 0-530 0-524 0-518 47 11-890 10-784 9-846 95 0-240 0-238 0-236 48 11-685 1 10-616 9-707 96 o-ooo o-ooo o-ooo TABLE V. SHOWING THE PRESENT VALUE OF AN ANNUITY OF 1 ON THE JOINT CONTINUANCE OF TWO LIVES. Ages. 4 per en 5 per cnt. 6 per en Ages. 4 per cnt 5 per cnt. G per cnt. 5 13-591 11-984 10-691 30 11-313 10-255 9-260 10 13-9J3 12-31. i 11-010 35 1O948 9-954 9'112 15 13479 11954 1 10-716 40 10-490 9-576 8-7L5 20 12993 11-561 1O391 45 9-959 9-135 8-424 25 12 633 il-S!81 10-170 50 9-321 8-596 7-966 30 12 220 10-95S 9-913 3C 55 8-619 7-999 7453 35 11732 10-572 9-602 60 7-802 7-292 6 &5T 5 40 11-1.50 10-102 j 9219 65 6-844 6-447 6-069 45 10.500 9-571 i 8778 70 5-729 5442 5-180 50 9-742 8-941 j 8-248 75 4-5.37 4-365 4- 188 55 8-931 8-256 7-665 80 3-406 3-290 3-J81 60 8011 7-466 6-982 _ 65 6-963 6-546 6-171 35 10-612 9(580 8'b83 70 5-768 5-472 5-209 40 10-196 9-331 "8-589 75 4' 57 4-362 ! 4-181 45 9-706 8-921 8-242 ^ T - 50 9-110 8415 7-809 * m 10 14-277 12-665 11-345 35 55 8-448 7-849 7-3.2 15 13-841 12-302 11-048 60 7-669 7-174 6-732 20 13-355 11*906 10-719 65 6-747 6-360 6-010 25 12-998 11-627 10-497 70 5663 5'382 5-125 30 12-586 11-304 10-239 75 4-5 16 4.327 4 -152 36 12-098 10-916 9925 80 3-383 3 1268 3360 40 11-513 10-442 9-537 . _____ 10 45 10-851 9-900 9088 40 y-820 9016 isw 50 10-085 9-260 ; 8-548 45 9-381 8643 8-003 55 9-256 8-560 7-951 50 8'834 8177 7-607 60 8-314 7-750 7-250 40 55 8221 7651 7-146 65 7-236 6-803 6-414 60 7490 7-015 6 ;>!0 - 70 6-008 5-700 5418 65 6614 6240 5iM 75 4-725 4 522 4-350 70 5-571 5-i'98 5047 80 3-517 3-395 ; 3-281 75 4-457 4272 4101 m ^ i 80 3-349 3236 3 1^0 < 15 13-411 11-960 10-767 20 12-961 11-585 f 10-453 45 8-990 8-312 771h 25 12-630 11-324 10244 50 8-503 7-891 7-353 SO 12-246 11-021 10-001 45 55 7-948 7-411 6-935 35 11-787 10-655 i 9-703 60 7-274 6-822 6418 40 11-234 10-205 9-333 65 6-453 6-094 5-769 15 45 10-607 9-690 : 8-905 70 5-460 5195 4-953 50 9-872 9-076 i 8-386 75 4-386 4206 4'( '-! 55 9-077 8-403 J 7-812 SO 3-308 3-191 3 (&,-> 60 8-170 7-622 I 7-135 _ ____ 65 7-127 6-705 6-325 50 8-081 7522 7050 8 5933 4-695 5-631 4-495 5-355 4-310 55 60 7-593 6989 7098 6568 6658 6- ,89 80 3-492 3-372 3-259 50 65 6--V36 5897 5*590 _ ^ __, n -_ | T . . _ 70 5-306 5054 4-82. 20 12-535 11-232 10-156 75 VS35 4-112 3-951 25 12229 10-989 9-960 ___ 80 3-247 3140 3-039 30 11-873 10-707 9-732 _ . 35 11-445 10368 9-451 55 ?179 6735 fi-33-5 40 10-924 9-937 9-100 60 6-659 6272 5 "924 45 10-330 9-448 8-692 55 05 5-986 5671 5 384 20 50 9630 8-861 8-195 70 5-132 4893 4-674 55 8-869 8216 7-643 75 4-171 4-006 3-852 60 7-995 7-463 6-990 80 3-180 8-076 2-978 65 6-986 6-576 6-205 60 5.000 5"-579 1 i 70 75 80 5-826 4-619 3-443 5532 44C4 3-325 5-262 4-242 3-214 60 65 70 75 5-658 4-900 O OOo 5-372 *'680 3866 5112 4478 3-721 _ i 25 30 11-944 11-618 10-764 10-499 9-776 9-561 - 80 65 3-092 201 T9GO 2-699 4-7,'JH 35 10-175 9*295 M 70 4-573 4-378 4199 40 10-725 9*771 8960 75 3-806 S-66.-3 3*5'>3 45 10' 160 9-304 80 2-965 2-873 2-786 50 9'48S 8-739 8-089 70 4-087 3-930 S-7'81 25 55 8-754 8-116 7-555 75 3471 3347 S'-twfi GO 7-9C>6 7-383 6-919 70 SO 2-757 2-675 2-598 65 70 "5 6920 5-780 6-515 5-489 4-396 5-223 4-216 """ 75 80 3-015 2-4-IS "917 2 381 2827 2-323 ' 80 3-4i'h ' 3-S<'8 ' S-WS 80 80 2-068 *01 ^S9 ANSWERS TO EXERCISES. NUMERATION. Ex. 1. TWENTY FOUR. 2. One hundred and forty four. 3. Three hundred and sixty five. 4. One- thousand. 5. One thousand, seven hundred, and twenty eight. 6. Two thousand, two hundred, and forty. ?. Nine thousand, seven hundred, and ninety, 8. Thirty seven thousand, and forty eight. 9. Thirty thousand and nine. 10. Four millions, fifty five thousand, and seventy, li. Three hundred thousand, four hundred and five. 12. Seventy nine millions, five hundred and three thousand, and forty six. 13.* Eight billions, five millions, six hundred thousand, four hundred, and eighty. 14. Five hundred arid fifty seven millions, two hun- dred and ninety thousand. 15. Six hundred and eighty millions, and forty two. 16. Ninety three millions, ninety thousand, and ninety three. 17. One hundred and thirteen thousand, three hundred, and fifty five. 18. Seven hundred and eighty five thousand, three hundred, and ninety eight. 19. Seven millions, thirty thousand, four hundred, and sixty two. 20. Twenty four millions, nine hundred and two thousand, four hundred, and ninety. 21.* Nine billions, three millions, eight thousand, and five. 22. Forty mil- lions, six hundred and fifty seven thousand, two hundred. 23.* One hundred billions, and one thousand. 24.* Sixty trillions, six hundred and six billions, sixty millions, seven hundred thousand, seven hundred, and seven. 25.* One hundred and two trillions, thirty billions, four hundred and five millions, sixty thousand, seven hundred and eight. 26*. Nine hundred and one trillions, one billion, one hundred and one millions, two hundred md one thousand, three hundred and one. 27.* Two hundred billions, thirty million.-:, forty thousand, five hundred and t& rt y eight. 28.* Seventy three quadrillions, eight hundred and t\venty trillions, seven hundred and sixty billions, five millions, one hun- dred and ninety two thousand, six hundred and forty five. 29.* According to theccnnmon Notation : Ex. 13. Eight thousand and five millions, six hundred thousand, four hundred and eighty. 21. Nine thousand and three millions, eight thousand and five. 5. One him- dred thousand millions, one thousand. 24. Sixty billion?, six hundred and six thousand, and sixty millions, seven hundred thousand, seven bundled and seven. 25. One hun- dred and two bi II ions, thirty thousand, four hundred an.1. 13031 Ex.16. 2997000 14816 29 . 1202 281 2. 15708 17. 991 12250 833 236 3. 17368 18. 299997 22926 728 234 4. 32131 19. 1011924 Ex.26. 200060 609 233 5. 590731 20. 861928 1210235 571 224 6. 8285307 21. 75 27. 308755 533 222 7. 3209877 22. 5747 1092766 525 214 8. 763544529 23. 11895 28. 2282155tbs.- 494 210 9. 10101001 24. 39958 413 205 10. 333232333 61848 412 1S1 11. 7468053687 208926 384 170 12. 327504427 38651*4 371 138 13. 99579930 85. 1127757 332 43 14. 89998999 8808 <^. *^*\ 327 23 15, 3995996 4447 307 19 294 9 SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION. Ex.1. 432 Ex.9. 2074$ V 2. 3180 10. 18160 / 3. 3645 11. 1615040 4. 5616 12. 161504000 5. 11193 13. 573440000 6. 1000 14. 7068600 7. ;7414 15. 49152000 8. 80388 SIMPLE DIVISION. Ex. I. 156950 Ex.6. 3432416* 2. 45744 1 i 7. 8288202$ 3. 853196| 8. 4840788^ 4. 6303411 9. 4106265ft 5. 1023648} , , COMPOUND ADDITION. Ex.1. 3852 2. 36 3. 21849 48 2431 3765 1861 19011 1503 10 2612 331 515 52J 1 3169 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. s. d. 15 10 12 3 : 18 2- 6 9 2; 15 1,. 19 W, 17 ?;. 4 6; 4 6 8 2$ 10 10J 1 2 11 9 8 6 s. d. Ex.16. 4281 9f 17. 6219 7 l| 18. 20351 16 &l 19. 224c. Iq. lltbs. 20. 97tbs. loz. loclrs. 21. 383 tons. 8 cwt, 22. 362lbs. 23. 693 cwt. Oq. 23Ibs. 24. 616 cwt. 2q. 91bs.. 25. 65lbs. 26. 429t. 17c. 2q. 20lb s . 27. 468c. 3q. lllbs. 28. 517a, Or. 9p. 29. 127 la. 3r. 4p. 284 ANSWERS TO EXERCISES. COMPOUND SUBTRACTION. . d. d. h. min. sec. Ex.1. 10 8 G Ex.14. 24 9 50 -30 2. 451 1 9 15> 6 o 57> 12 * 3. 103 14 7 . 2 39 43 4. 263 12 7| 1 50 11 5. 7 2 *i g 36 57 6. 98 17 3 3 58 2 6 7. 324 8 3 16. 35 3 30 8. 669 6 51 17< 22 3 15 18. 1 15 32 N c. q. Ibs. 9. 418 Days h. m. 10. 5 1 11 19. 136 17 33 11. 25 2 15 140 13 20 12. 9t.l4 3 14 321 17 '22 3645 14 56 d. h. min. sc. .6426 1 1 24 13. 3 6 13 46 19978 16 9 COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. s. d. s. d. Ex.1. 797 2. 5 13 21 3. 3 15 9 4. 7 11 8 5. 22 15 1| 6 7 19 3 Ex.7. 23 10 8. 60 9. 7 18 6; 10. 103 4 4 11. 47 15 6 12. 21 19 COMPOUND DIVISION. s. d. Rem. s. d. Ren, Ex.1. 5 5 101 Ex.9. 15 4 ...2d. 2. 18 10i...fd. 10. 10 3 3. 1 1 5i...fd. 11. 1 13 51 4. 1 17 lo|...|d. 12. 034 5. 1 8 10... Id. 13. 2 10$...$d 6. 5 7$...ld. 14. 3 9 7. 9 5j...ld. 15. 033 8. 13 H...-W. VA 02437 -. 1; M306030 34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY