GIFT OF 1r DE WITT & SNELLIN THE TREATMENT OF DISEASE WITH THE TWELVE TISSUE REMEDIES BEING A TREATISE ON BIOCHEMISTRY. BY WIVI. BO^RICKIK, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, in the Hahnemaun Hospital College of San Francisco. Associate Author of the Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schuessler, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO, ICKE; & RUNYON i8 97 . "Disease is only an altered state of the cellular system, caused by a lack of some constituent part of the human organism at the part affected." VIRCHOW. " 1 need not remind you how great an instrument of advancement the biochemic system of medicine has proved in the hands of this man of genius to whom its devel- opment is due." HUXLEY. " The work of W. H. Schussler, of Olden- burg, on histology and cellular pathology is a compact and valuable little medical sys- tem of iriiifigral hygiene. According to him, these fieU.-salts ,are architectonic in tissues, and c'harged'With supporting the structures of the living fluids. WILKINSON. PREKACB. The new treatment of disease based upon the physiological and chemical processes going on in the living organism, first intro- duced by Dr. W. H. Schuessler, of Ger- many, and designated by him a biochemical treatment of disease, has gained rapidly in acceptance by leading physicians. More- over, the medicines required the so-called Twelve Tissue Remedies have been found to be curative agents of the very highest order for all forms of disease, and as the indications for their use are simple, definite and precise, they are especially adapted to the needs of domestic medicine. They meet all the requirements of remedies for the household, being harmless, yet effective. They enable every layman, without any special medical knowledge, to do much in preventing, curing and eradicating disease tendencies. 260154 IV The author has availed himself of the larger and complete work on the Twelve Tissue Remedies by Drs. Boericke and Dewey, to which he would call the atten- tion of all interested in this new and sim- ple method of curing disease. WM. BOERICKE, M. D. 1812 Washington street. San Francisco, December, 1896. THE THEORY BIOCHEMICAL TREATMENT. The body is made up of cells. Different kinds of cells build up the different tissues and organs of the body. The difference in the cells is largely determined by the kind of inorganic salts which enter into their composition. If we burn the body, or any part of it, we obtain the ashes. These are the inorganic constituents of the body, the salts of iron, magnesia, lime, etc., which build up its tissues. Besides these inor- ganic salts, the body is composed of water arid organic substances in the proportion of one-twentieth of inorganic salts to the re- mainder of water and organic matter; but the latter is inert and useless in the absence of the inorganic cell-salts. These are the real tissue builders, the architects of the organism, and both the structure and vital- ity of the body depend upon their proper vi quantity and distribution in every cell. The biochemical treatment uses these inor- ganic cell salts, when properly prepared for assimilation, and they are the Tissue Remedies, capable of curing every curable disease and ameliorating most incurable ones. HEALTH AND DISEASE. Health is the state of the body when all the cells composing the various tissues are in a normal condition, and they are kept in this state when they each receive the requi^ site quantity of the needful cell salt re- quired for the upbuilding of the different tissues. Disease is an altered state of the cell produced by some irregularity in the sup- ply to the cells of one of the inorganic tis- sue salts. Imperfect cell action results, diseased tissues and organs follow, and all the phenomena of disease are developed. Now the cure consists in restoring the normal cell growth, by furnishing a mini- mal dose of that inorganic substance whose Vll molecular motion is disturbed, which dis- turbance cause the diseased action. To do this successfully, it is necessary to know what salts are needed for the upbuilding of the different tissues and for their normal action. This knowledge is derived from physiological chemistry, and hence this treatment of disease by supplying the needed tissue salt is called the biochemical treatment. What is more rational, what is more nat- ural, founded as it is on natural law, that where there is a deficiency in one or more of the component parts of the constituents of an organism, that this deficiency will produce a deranged or a diseased condition; or, more logical, than by the supplying of these lacking elements an equilibrium will again be restored, and the organism re- turned to its normal condition. By giving a tissue remedy in such a dose as can be assimilated by the growing cells, the most wonderful and speedy restoration to healthy function is brought about in Vlll every case of curable disease. All diseases that are at all curable are so by means of the tissue remedies properly prepared to the needs of the organism. This is very important, and on it depends the success of the treatment, just as much as on the cor- rect selection of the particular cell salt. It seems reasonable that, to make the cell salts immediately useful, they should be prepared in the same delicate form in which nature uses them, and that if they are ab- sorbed by the microscopic corpuscles, they must themselves be finer than the corpus- cles. We know that the mineral or cell salts are infinitesimally subdivided in the different kinds of food we take, thus capa- ble of assimilation by the cells. THE DIFFERENT CELL-SALTS. The cells of each tissue group receive their own special and peculiar cell salt; for instance, those entering into the promotion of nerve cells are Magnesia, Potash, Soda and Iron; of bone cells, Lime, Magnesia IX and Silica, etc., etc., which are, as a rule, extracted by the body from the food we take. There are twelve Tissue Remedies the twelve inorganic salts found in the ashes of the body, all essential to the proper growth and development of every part of the body. They are the "Of Lime, Calcarea phosphorica. Of Iron, Ferrum phosphoricum. Phosphates^ Of Potash, Kali phosphoricum. | Of Soda, Natrum phosphoricum. l^Of Magnesia, Magnesia phosphorica. Chlorides \ ^ Potash, Kali muriaticum, ( Of Soda, Natrum muriaticum. !0f Lime, Calcarea sulphurica. Of Soda, Natrum sulphuricum. Of Potash, Kali sulphuricum. Fluoride of Lime, Calcarea fluorica; and Silicic Oxide , pure flint or quartz, Silica. Of these, those entering into the forma- tion of nerve cells, and hence useful as rem- edies in diseases of the nervous s} 7 stem, are Magnesia phos, Kali phos., etc. ; of mus- cle cells, the same and Kali mur. ; of lone cells, Calcarea, Silicea, etc., etc. Preparations and Doses of the Tissue Remedies, The best preparation of the Tissue Rem- edies is the triturated form. The original salts are triturated according to the homoeo- pathic method with sugar of milk, one part of the salt to nine of sugar of milk, for one hour, which gives the first decimal tritura- tion. The particles of this are still too large to be readily assimilated by the cells, and experience has taught that for general use the sixth trituration, where each grain contains the one-millionth part of a grain of the cell-salt, to be the most desirable. Of some remedies, like Oak. phos. and Katimwr.) and in certain patients, lower preparations are often more efficacious. If favorable response is not evident from the sixth ; substitute the third or second trituration, or in more chronic affections, the twelfth, or even thirtieth, may accom- plish what the lower would not. XI The best method of administering the selected remedy is to dissolve a powder of a size to cover a nickel, or as much as will lie on the point of a knife, in a tumbler half full of water, and then give teaspoon- ful doses every hcur or two, according to the severity of the case. In acute pain and very severe affections the remedy may be given every ten or fifteen minutes Sometimes it is advisable to give it in hot water; this is especially true when pre- scribing for neuralgia and colic. Two remedies may be given advantageously in alternation if both are called for. In chronic diseases two or three doses daily are sufficient. Or the powder may be taken dry on the tongue; a powder the size of a pea for a dose. Use separate tumblers and spoons for each medicine; never mix remedies or use but one spoon for two or more remedies. Mix all medicine fresh daily. Keep the Xll tumblers covered with a dish or paper, in order to prevent contamination of the pre- paration. Recently, compressed tablets made from the tritnration have been introduced, and form a convenient and accurate method for taking the remedies. TREATMENT OF DISEASES WITH THE TWELVE TISSUE REMEDIES. ABSCESS. Is a circumscribed cavity con- taining pus. It is a consequence of inflam- mation of tissues following an injury, such as a blow or presence of a foreign body. The chief symptoms are swelling 7 heat, red- ness, and throbbing pain, frequently with shivering or rigors. TREATMENT. Application of heat, poul- tices of flax-seed or linseed. When the abscess has opened, the wound should be bathed with warm Aqueous Calendula, one part to five, and afterwards a cloth with some Calendula Cerate be applied. REMEDIES. Ferrum phospJi^ every hour, when there is much redness, pain and throbbing in the parts. Calc. sulpli. when matter has formed; this will assist the maturing of the abscess and in many cases render opening the abscess unnecessary. Silica After the abscess breaks, this re- medy should be used. It ripens the abscess and promotes suppuration, rendering it healthy. The best preparation of Silica for this purpose is that prepared from the Bamboo. Use the 6x trituration, a small powder, size of a pea, every two hours. ACIDITY. A symptom of certain types of indigestion in which an abnormal quan- tity of acid is secreted. Frequently asso- ciated with heartburn, sour risings into the mouth and sour taste. TREATMENT. Avoid the free indulgence of starchy foods, potatoes, mushes, pud- dings, etc. REMEDIES. Natrum pliosph. is the chief remedy. It is best given in hot water, by adding a powder of the 6x trituration, size of a Lima bean, to a cup of hot water, and sipping it before meals, or a small powder may be given dry on the tongue every hour until relieved. Calcar. phosph. may be given in the same way, morning and night, as a constitutional remedy to permanently cure the gastric weakness giving rise to acidity. ACNE. An eruption of pimples, usually on the face and especially occurring at the time of puberty. TREATMENT. Look to diet, avoid fat and rich food. Proper attention to bathing, exercise and the bowels is necessary. If there is any menstrual disorder, see to that. REMEDIES. Natrum mur. 12x trituration; a dose night and morning should be given to persons with bad, earthy complexion, who are bloodless and inclined to be con- stipated and generally depressed in body and mind. Kali mur. 6x three times a day, for pim- ples on face and neck, especially after errors in diet pimples filled with thick, white matter. Calcar. phos. Especially during time of puberty. Menses are apt to be rather too early and too free in young girls; much backache. Take a powder, size of a pea, three times a day. AMENORRHCEA. Suppression of menses or their non-appearance at time of puberty. TREATMENT. Nourishing food, plenty of outdoor exercise, salt water baths. Avoid too much school work and home study. REMEDIES. Natrwn mur. 12x A small powder night and morning, in chloroticand anemic girls, w r ho are depressed mentally, have a sallow complexion and inclined to be constipated. Calcar. phosph. 6x Same dose may be given after Natrum mur. has been taken for one month. Kali phos. 6x may be given when, in consequence of the menstrual disturbance, bronchial and lung troubles appear, and the patient is depressed, languid and weak. ANJEMIA. A condition of poor, watery blood, or of bloodlessness, most frequent at puberty and in young girls, characterized by pallor of the face and absence of color from the lips. It is a condition depending on other causes, and constitutional treat- ment alone will benefit. TREATMENT. Avoid the excessive use of iron. Good nourishing food, warm cloth- ing and outdoor exercise are of much benefit. REMEDIES. Calcar. phosph. 3x, a powder three times a day. This remedy acts by supplying new blood-cells. Waxy appear- ance of skin, headache, ringing in ears, vertigo, cold extremities, tendency to pro- fuse menstruation. Ferrum pliosph. 3x follows the above as soon as improvement of the general health sets in. There is a lack of red blood in the system, pale lips, blue rings under eyes, tendency to cough, headaches. Natrum mur. 12x, a powder three times 6 a day is especially useful in young girls with dirty complexion, who have frequent palpitation, are blue and melancholy, have bad dreams, constipation, backache and symptoms of malaria such as chills, fever- ish turns, perspiration, neuralgia, etc. ANGINA PECTOKIS, or Breast-pang, is a neuralgia around the heart, coming on suddenly, impeding breathing and of most painful character. May be dependent on diseased condition of the nutritive vessels of the heart itself. REMEDIES. Magnesia phosph. 6x tritura- tioE, a powder size of a lima bean to be dissolved in a cup of hot water, and a swallow to be taken every minute until relieved. Kali pliosph. 6x trit., a powder night and morning may be given occasionally to ward oft the attacks. APPETITE, Loss of. TREATMENT. Avoid the use of tonics, containing drugs and spirits. Plenty of fresh air and moderate exercise and bathing in salt water should be enjoyed. See that the bowels are in a good condition. REMEDIES. Kail phosph. Nervous weak- ness, gone feeling, palpitation. Calcar. phospJi., when there is much flatulence, acidity. Especially useful after any acute illness or when associated with any drain on the system. ASTHMA. Difficulty of breathing, with- out fever, attended with a suffocative feeling, constriction across the chest, with cough and wheezing respiration. An attack is usually brought on by a cold or error in diet. Asthma is often caused by suppres- sion of a skin disease or by enlarged lym- phatic glands in throat, or nasal obstruction, which ought to be removed or treated before the Asthma can be cured. The treatment is both for the acute attack and eradicative. REMEDIES. Ferrum phos. and Magnesia pJws.j in alternation every J and J hour, 8 when there is much wheezing, nausea and loose cough. ERADICATIYE TREATMENT. Natrum sulph. 12x trituration, a dose night and morning, especially for children who suffer with asth- matic attacks after some skin disease, ecze- ma, etc., who wheeze up at every change of weather. Take for a few weeks, then sub- stitute Calcar. phosph. 3x trituration, to be given in the same way. By persevering for a time with these constitutional remedies, many cases of Asthma can be cured. BACKACHE is a sj^mptom of many differ- ent disorders, usually connected with uter- ine troubles or chronic constipation, piles or kidney complaints. These must be treated before the backache will cease. But there are some remedies specially use- ful when tiie following conditions are present. REMEDIES. Calcar. phosph. 6x trituration, a dose three times a day. Backache in 9 small of back in the morning, numbness, coldness and creeping sensation. Backache in young people who grow rapidly and after any exertion. Natrum mur. 12x trituration, a powder night and morning for backache, relieved by lying on something hard. Kalipliospli. if connected with loss of vital fluids and nervous disturbances generally. BARBER'S ITCH. Kali mur. 6x tritura- tion, a dose three times daily alternated with Calcar sulph. will cure rapidly. At the same time, the beard should be cut off, bathe parts with hot water to which some carbolic acid solution has been added (10 drops to a cup), and afterwards apply some carbolic cerate. BILIOUSNESS. A condition character- ized by headache, drowsiness, furred tongue, loss of appetite, bitter taste and constipation. TREATMENT. Persons subject to bilious- ness should not eat too much meat, drink 10 plenty of water, avoid coffee and high living and take plenty of exercise. REMEDIES. Natrum sulph. 6x trituration, a powder every three hours ; coated tongue, sallow skin, yellow eyeballs, soreness in region of liver, flatulence. Kali mur.j if caused by eating rich food. Natrum pliosph., if the tongue is coated with a bright yellow fur. BOILS (See Abscess). Conical hard swell- ings, attended with considerable inflamma- tion, and acutely tender to pressure. They slowly inflame, get larger, come to a head, arid finally suppurate with a core in the centre, which is discharged with the pur- ulent matter, and all pain ceases. Derange- ment of the system, from abuse of food and torpidity of the circulation, often causes boils. ACCESSORY TREATMENT. Foment with hot water, and then poultice with fresh linseed- meal or bread and milk, applying linen rags 11 soaked with Calendula lotion afterwards. (For medical treatment, see. Abscess. The diet should be in accordance with the con- dition of the patient ; if of full habit and living freely, a spare diet may be advisable; but if, on the contrary, the system is a little below par, a more generous regimen should be adopted. BRAIN-FAG. The result of overwork, worry, anxiety, loss of sleep, too close ap- plication to business, study, etc., character- ized by impaired memory, dullness, nervous- ness, sleeplessness, depressed spirits, lack of appetite and strength. REMEDIES.- Kaliphosph. 6x trituration, a dose in the morning, and Silica I2x tritur- ation, a dose at night, used persistently, will be found the most effective remedies. They will restore sleep, appetite, confidence, and strength. It may be necessary to follow with Calcar. phosph. 6x trituration, a dose before every meal, especially if there 12 is a good deal of general coldness, or a tendency to night 'sweats. BRONCHITIS. Inflammation of the tubes which convey air to the lungs. There is usually fever, constant and violent irri- tation, cough, hoarseness, uneasiness of breathing, oppressed and anxious wheezing, whistling or rattling respiration. The cough is generally dry at first, followed by expectoration of frothy, thick or blood- streaked mucus. If the smaller tubes are attacked, the shortness of breath will be especially severe. This is the form most to be dreaded in children. One attack predisposes to others, and gives rise to chronic bronchitis. Here the cough is per- sistent and loose, with much yellowish expectoration. . TREATMENT . A warm, equable tempera- ture of about 70 degrees should be kept in the room, and the patient put to bed. Liquid diet: milk, gruel, stewed fruit may 13 be given. In chronic bronchitis, a dry, warm climate will prove very beneficial. REMEDIES. Ferrum pliospli., 6x, tritura- tion; a powder dissolved in water, and teaspoonful doses every hour will modify the attack very materially, and frequently cure without any other medicine. It should be continued twenty-four hours, and if the cough then gets loose, pain and fever less, Kali mur. may be alternated with it every two hours. This treatment will generally suffice. Kali sulph. may be substituted when the cough gets very loose and there is much rattling of mucus in the chest. A tablet of the 6x may be given every two hours. The chief remedies for chronic bronchitis are Kali sulph., Calcar, phos., and Silica. Take one remedy three times daily for one week, then change to another. If improvement shows itself continue the rem- edy in a higher trituration, and not so frequently. 14 BUNIONS Inflammation and enlarge- ment on the joint of the great or little toe, MEDICINAL TREATMENT. Silicia is an effi- cacious remedy. Dose Two tablets dry on the tongue, once a day for a week, then wait three days and repeat. ACCESSORY TREATMENT. The application of Arnica lotion (one teaspoonful of the tincture to four or five tablespoonfuls of water) by means of a linen bandage over the part, especially if there is much inflam- mation and pain. All pressure must be avoided. An arnica bunion plaster may be applied to the enlargement. In some cases it may be necessary to paint the bunion with Iodine. BURNS AND SCALDS. TREATMENT. (1) Cover the burn immediately with cotton wool, to exclude the air; or, for the same object (2), cover with linen rags, or cotton wool saturated with olive oil; or (3) powder the wound plentifully with flour, keeping 15 it well covered by new applications if nec- essary ; or (4) cover the whole with a plas- ter of soap, made by scraping white curd soap, and working it into a salve with tepid water, arid spreading it upon linen or mus- lin. Slight or superficial burns or scalds may be relieved by holding the part to the fire, or by applying spirits of turpentine, brandy or spirits of w r ine to them. In dressing burns, puncture the blisters and remove the old skin, but expose the wound as little as possible to the action of the air; do not dress oftener than once a day, and do not disturb the parts by washing them. The exclusion of the air from the part affected is of the utmost consequence, and it is best to apply that dressing which can be obtained the quickest. Carbolized vase- line is an excellent application, and should be substituted for plain olive oil when ob- tainable. Internally, give Ferrum phospJi. 6x, trituration, a powder dissolved in water, and teaspoonful doses every hour. 16 CARBUNCLE. A constitutional disease characterized by circumscribed inflamma- tion of the tissue under the skin, leading to ulceration and death of the tissue in- volved. It generally comes from a de- pressed state of health. It is usually situ- ated on the back of the neck, or trunk. It is distinguished from a boil by its larger size, constitutional symptoms and sieve-like opening. TREATMENT. Keep up the strength of the patient by nourishing food. Poultice with flaxseed and dress with aqueous Calendula lotion. When healing is commenced, apply Calendula cerate. Internally, use treatment recommended under "Abscess." Whatever remedy is given should be alternated with Kali pliosph. 6x tablets, one tablet every two hours. Carbuncle is a serious disease, and ought to have the care of a physician. In his absence, the above treatment will be found the best. 17 CANCER, or Malignant Tumor. Called malignant because it tends to increase in- definitely, to recur after removal, and to invade other parts of the body. TREATMENT Nothing is more certain than that remedies can influence the devel- opment, and sometime cure, these growths; but it requires patience and the physician's skill. The Tissue Remedies are frequently of great use in the treatment of all forms of tumors. Among those of undoubted value are Oak. fluor., Silica, Oak. phosph. and Kali sulpli. Oak. fluor. Knots, kernels, etc., in the breast; hardened glands; hard swelling anywhere. Take one tablet of the 3d trit. night and morning; after a week, take the 6th, and later, the 12th, in order to get the full action of the drug. The other reme- dies may be substituted and used intercur- rently. Kali phosph. For the pains of cancer, and for the offensive discharges. 18 CATARRH, in ite various forms, is one of the most common diseased conditions known. It attacks all ages and classes, and tends to run a chronic course, and predisposes to serious diseases of the lungs and other organs. The skin which lines all the passages of the body nose, throat, bronchial tubes, oesophagus, stomach, etc. is called the mucous membrane. Countless little glands come to the surface of this skin, or membrane, and exude into the passages a thin liquid called mucus, which keeps the passages smooth and moist. Ca- tarrh totally changes the condition of these glands by enlarging and inflaming them and by causing the death of many of their cells. These dead cells are next expelled from the mouth of the gland in a stream upon the surface of the mucous membrane. What had been, in health, a thin liquid secreted from the blood, and containing just the properties to keep the membrane smooth and healthy, becomes now a thick mass of dead matter. While this change 19 in secretion is going on, another serious evil is taking place, namely, the enlarge- ment of the glands, which causes them to crowd against one another, and to thicken the mucous membrane, so that its normal properties and conditions are changed to those of disease. This process is what con- stitutes catarrh, and it may occur in any mucous membrane, but is most common in the nasal tract, usually as result of repeated colds in an organism predisposed thereto or in children where the digestive organs or the skin are otherwise unhealthy. The symptoms besides the discharge, which is usually thick and more or less offensive, are dullness of the head pains in head, sense of smell impaired, breath offensive, etc. TREATMENT. Regulate the diet ; keep the bowels open; insist upon maintaining a healthy action of the skin by daily spong- ing and friction; insist upon wool being worn next the skin night and day, summer and winter; insist upon well ventilated 20 sleeping apartments open windows the year round ; teach the patient to breathe through the nose and to fully expand the chest, and have him practice lung gymnas- tics until he does this properly; and have him live in the open air as much as possi- ble. As a curative and prophylactic agent in nasal catarrh, pure air is the best topical application and also the best general tonic. Kalimur. Dryness and stiffness of nose. Hawking of mucus from the back part of the throat. The most satisfactory remedy to begin treatment. Take one tablet every 3 hours. After a week follow it with Cakarea pliosph., which is especially useful in chronic catarrhal conditions. Nose seems swollen or is ulcerated. The patient takes cold very readily. This remedy has a decided tonic action on the mucous mem- brane and may be used intercurrently with other remedies that may be indicated. Take one tablet after meals and at bedtime. Natrum mur is the best remedy when 21 the discharge is thin and watery. " Run- ning colds 7 ' are frequent. Cold sores on lips. Loss of smell and taste. Chronic catarrhs in bloodless patients who have much backache and headache. Kali sulph. is the remedy when the secre- tions are yellow, slimy. Natrum sulph.. when there is profuse secretion of greenish mucus. After influ- enza, and when the patient is worse from damp weather. Silica may be required in very obstinate cases, where the discharges are offensive or where there is a painful chronic dryness of the nose, or plugs in the nose or ulceration of the mucous membrane. This may be followed by Calcar. fluor. The dose of the selected remedy may be a powder of the 6x tritunition, the size of a pea, three times a day, or one tablet. After the sixth has been tried for a time, substitute the twelfth. Same dose 22 CATARRHAL FEVER is characterized by slight fever followed by a profuse mucous discharge from the head and chest, the head feels stuffed, the nostrils are obstructed, there is frequent sneezing, watering of the eyes, and often sore throat and cough. TREATMENT. The most effectual means of relief is good nursing in a moderately warm and equable temperature a warm bath, or immersing the feet in hot water, and pro- moting perspiration by a hot bed and warm drinks. Animal food and stimulating drinks must be abstained from. If there is a liability to catch cold, do not at once when coming from the cold air, endeavor to get warm by approaching a hot fire, but do so by degrees. Use plenty of cold water daily over the chest, shoulders, throat and neck, sponging freely for two or three minutes, and applying a rough towel or flesh brush afterwards until well warmed. REMEDIES. Ferrum pJiosph. and Natrum mur, one tablet of each every hour alter- 23 nately. When improvement shows itself, lengthen the interval between the doses. Calcar pho&ph., one tablet three times daily for the remaining debility. It will act as a tonic. CHANGE OF LIFE. With the disappear- ance of the menses most women suffer more or less with disturbances in the circu- lation and in the nervous system. The usual complaints are attacks of heat flashes, perspiration, palpitation, nervousness, sink- ing sensations, headaches, etc. Some of these disturbances are inevitable, but can be greatly benefited by proper treatment. Avoid narcotics, stimulants, etc., for the benefit derived from them is delusive and only very temporary. REMEDIES. Ferrum phosp. will benefit the tendency to flashes of heat, sleepless- ness, hot spells and cold feet, etc. Kaliphos. the gone, sinking sensations, the restlessness and nervousness; also sen- sations of numbness. 24 Magnes. phos. abnormal palpitations, pains, etc. Dose of the selected remedy One tab- let three times a day, or oftener for more acute attacks. CHEST AFFECTIONS (See Bronchitis, Pleu- risy, etc.) For pains in chest the best general rem- edy is Ferrum phos. CHICKEN POX. A pustulous eruption resembling smallpox, but much milder in its character and shorter in the duration of its stages. The fever is generally slight, the eruption appears twenty-four hours after the commencement of the disorder, and disappears on the fourth day. The symptoms appear about thirteen days after exposure to the infection. TREATMENT. Ferrumphos. and Kali mur. are the only remedies required. It is not necessary to give many doses, as the dis- ease is mild and runs a short course. 25 CIRCULATION, FEEBLE. A constant feeling of chilliness; coldness of hands and feet ; blue and cold skin wherever it is ex- posed, such as face and hands. TREATMENT. Plenty of exercise in the open air, good, nourishing food, salt water baths, massage, etc. Ferrum phosp. and Cakarea phosp., one in the morning arid the other at night, will soon regulate matters, if there is no organic heart trouble present. COLD IN THE HEAD (Coryza.) Irrita- tion and inflammation of the mucous mem- brane of the nose and eyes. The head feels stuffed and heavy, particularly over the eyes and about the root of the nose, an increased discharge issues from the nose, causing soreness and excoriation, and there is sneezing, watering of the eyes, sore throat, etc. Cold in the head, or catarrh, is generally a mild ailment, but if occur- ring in aged persons, in those predisposed to consumption or in those who are asth- 26 matic or who have suffered from bronchitis, pleurisy or pneumonia it may be very seri- ous. A neglected cold is said to be the cause of half of our diseases in the form of bronchitis, quinsy, erysipelas, rheuma- tism, neuralgia, inflammation of the lungs, consumption, etc. TREATMENT. See Catarrhal Fever and Ca- tarrh. COLDS OF INFANTS. Snuffles. Slight febrile excitement, sneezing, obstruction of the nose, wheezing and difficulty in taking the breast, followed by discharge of mucus from the nose with excoriation and watering of the eyes. ACCESSORY TREATMENT. A warm bath at 96 degrees before going to bed, or placing the feet in warm water will generally re- lieve; and if there is much stuffiness, the bridge of the nose may be rubbed with a little simple ointment or sweet oil. Child- ren should not be accustomed to hot rooms, but taken into the open air freely, care being taken'that their feet are dry and warm. REMEDIES. Same as " Catarrhal Fever.'' 27 COLIC. Pain in bowels, usually due to flatulence, indigestible food, drinking cold water, worms or other intestinal irritation, lead poisoning, etc. There is usually no fever present. In children there is with it much crying, writhing of body, legs are drawn up to- wards the stomach, rumbling in bowels and the pain is relieved by firm pressure and hot applications. TREATMENT, Apply heat to abdomen and be sure that the feet are dry and warm ; give an injection of warm water if the bowels have not moved. REMEDIES. Magnesia phos. 3x trituration. Flatulent Colic, forcing the patient to bend double; in children the legs are drawn up. Colicky babies when they cry half the time; no interference with nutrition. Dose. Take a powder size of a lima bean and dissolve in a tea-cup of hot water and let the patient sip it every few minutes until relieved. 28 Natrum phos. 6x. Colic with symptoms of acidity, sour smelling stools, vomiting or where worms are present. Give one tablet every hour, and when the immediate symp- toms are relieved, give one tablet three times a day. Natrum sulpli. Colic starting in right groin. Flatulent complaints after confine- ment or during menses. Bilious colic, with bitter taste in the mouth. Lead colic. CONCUSSION OF THE BRAIN Due to falls upon the head and injuries require rest, application of hot water, though some- times cold is more grateful. REMEDIES. Natrum sulpli. 6xisof special benefit for the chronic effects of falls upon the head. Take a dose at bedtime. CONSTIPATION. Costiveness. Stools less frequent than natural, with hard excrement and difficult evacuation, generally a mere symptom characterizing a more general dis- ease and frequently resulting from seden- 29 tary habits, indigestible food, the use of aperients, inaction of the liver, or weak- ness of the bowels caused by a general de- rangeraeut of the digestive organs. TREATMENT. The bowels should be solici- ted at a regular time every day, even if there is no action; active exercise must be taken in the open air, and daily friction used over the stomach and bowels with the hand or flesh brush. A cold bath, either sitz or shower, or using cold water over the abdomen, should be taken every morn- ing, together with the employment of a coarse towel or flesh glove. Avoid purga- tives. DIET. A change of diet will generally prove beneficial, and care must be taken not to eat too much at a meal, and to let what is partaken of be simple, easy of di- gestion, and consisting more of vegetable than animal food brown bread, barley bread, wholesome ripe fruit, baked pears or apples j avoiding sotted, m^ats, cheese, rice, 30 highly-seasoned dishes and the like. Cold spring water should be freely partaken of on rising in the morning, and between each meal, but very little liquid should be taken at meals. Pigs and dates are of benefit. REMEDIES. Kali sulpli. Habitual consti- pation with insipid, pappy taste and yellow slimy coating on tongue. Natrum mur. Dry stools, with torn, bleeding, smarting feeling after stool. Stools are hard, dry and difficult to pass. Hemorrhoids, headache and backache ac- companying. Silica. Rectum seems to have lost the power of expulsion, faeces recede after having been partly expelled. Constipation of poorly nourished children with pale, earthy face. Oakar phos. Costive, hard stools with blood, specially in old people, associated with mental depression, vertigo, headache. DOSE. Of the selected remedy take one tablet of the 6x three times a day. When improvement shows itself, take it less often. 31 CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS. Tuber- culosis.- There is no question of the heredi- tary character of this disease, even though there is a germ as its immediate cause, Probably both, the germ and the acquired or hereditary weakness must be present in order that this disease can develop. Per- sons who have catarrhal conditions of the respiratory organs present an inviting field and should be careful about associa- ting with consumptives in close relation- ship or occupying beds and rooms recently occupied by tuberculous patients. SYMPTOMS. General debility, loss of flesh, shortness of breath, cough, hoarseness, fever, especially towards evening and night sweats. Careful examination by a physi- cian can only determine the diagnosis. TREATMENT. So much can be done by careful hygienic, dietetic and climatic measures, that professional advice should always be sought. Good nourishing, easily digestible food, fresh air, avoidance of 32 exposures to rapid changes in the weather, warm clothing, all are essential. Cod- Liver Oil, Maltine, Kumyss, Cream, fresh butter are of benefit and should be pro- vided. REMEDIES. These must be selected ac- cording to the general symptoms of the patient, character of cough, state of stom- ach, bowels, etc. Among the chief are: Calcar phos. In the beginning, when there is loss of flesh, hoarseness, suffocating attacks, cough with soreness and dryness of throat, dull aching in the chest, chronic coughs and night sweats with cold extremi- ties. Calcar sulpli. When the expectoration with the cough is bloody or greenish yellow. Silica. Nightly paroxysms of cough with tickling in throat, emaciation, profuse night sweats. Offensive foot sweats. Con- stipation very marked. Much prostration, patient is always cold. This remedy em- 33 braces most of the symptoms that belong to the phthisical dyscrasia, consequently it is of great value for the constitutional condi- tion in hereditary cases. Dose of the selected remedy use the 6x potency in tablets and take one three times a day. After several weeks, take the 12th potency in the same way. Ferrum phosp. should be used intercur- rently for colds in patients inclined to con- sumption breathing short, oppressed, hur- ried with heat and feverishness. Hoarse- ness and cough, usually dry, sometimes bleeding of nose or from lungs. Blood bright red, frothy. DOSE. Dissolve a powder of the 6th trituration in half a glass of water and take teaspoonful doses every hour. When im- provement shows itself, lengthen the inter- vals between the doses. CONSUMPTION OF THE BOWELS require similar remedies as above. Calc. phosph., Silica and Mpttruin phos. being the chief. 34 COUGH. This is a symptom of colds on the chest, of inflammations of the chest organs or chronic catarrhal conditions. See Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Consumption, etc. REMEDIES, Ferrum pliosp. Short, dry cough after colds, sore feeling in chest, feverishness. Of great value in the begin- ing of any trouble with the respiratory organs, especially in children. Will usually cut short the attack. Kali mur. Loud, noisy stomach cough; croupy, hard cough; thick, whitish expec- toration. Kali sulph. Cough with yellow secre- tion. Much rattling of mucus in chest. Patient feels worse in warm room. Magnes pJios.- Spasmodic and whooping cough, worse at night. Dry cough in ner- vous patients. Calcar pJios. Suffocative cough, better lying down. Cough with expectoration of tough, stringy matter. Natrum sulpli. Cough with sensation of all-goneness in chest. Chest very sore. Thick, yellowish mucus. One tablet of 6th potency every 2 hours. 35 CRAMPS.- Sometimes certain muscles, especially of the calves and feet, are subject to painful contractions which are called cramps, coming on generally during sleep. TREATMENT. Magnes pliosph. is the only remedy necessary. Take one tablet of the sixth potency at bedtime for a few nights. CROUP. True croup is a very dangerous disease and always beyond the sphere of domestic treatment. Fortunately catarrhal croup or false croup is by far the most fre- quent form and yields very readily to simple c hygienic and remedial measures. Usually the attacks come on suddenly at night, the child awakens with a hoarse, barking cough, frightened, restless, more or less feverish. After several hours, sleep sets in and the next day the child may be comparatively well. Frequently a similar attack occurs the next night. The very suddenness of the attack arid the violence of the symptoms coming on after exposure to cold or from some change in the weather 36 speaks for the comparatively harmless Oatarrhal Croup, whereas, a slow, insidious development with marked hoarseness that continues and grows worse with more or less fever marks the onset of true croup which is a violent inflammation of the lining membrane of the wind-pipe, producing a peculiar membranous secretion, interfering with respiration. It is the presence of this membrane that characterizes true croup. It generally commences like a cold with more persistent hoarseness succeeded by fever, difficult breathing, wheezing, whistling, barking and ringing or hoarse cough. Croup rarely occurs after the age of seven years, but is one of the most dan- gerous diseases of children. The cold and croupy cough may sometimes exist for a day or two before a paroxysm or fit occurs; or a child may go to bed apparently well and have an attack of the complaint in its worst form. Medical aid should be ob- tained. Cold and damp atmospheres, sud- den changes of temperature, wet feet, in- 37 sufficient clothing, low and moist localities, are the exciting causes of croup, and one attack generally predisposes the patient to subsequent ones. TREATMENT. Put on a hot compress around the throat, changing it frequently. REMEDIES. The chief remedies for this disease are Ferrum pliosph. and Kali mur^ given alternately every half-hour. If the symptoms do not improve after several hours, substitute Cakarea phosph. and Cal- carea fluor every hour. During convales- cence, give Cakar. sulph. three times a day until complete restoration of health. Use the 6th trituration or tablets, dry on the tongue. CRYITO OF INFANTS. Crying, accom- panied by restlessness, indicates unpleasant sensations; crying with drawing up the legs to the abdomen, points to colic ; crying with crowding the fingers into the mouth, indicates pain from teething; crying when coughing, denotes pain in the chest, etc. 38 TREATMENT. See that the child is com- fortable in every way dry and warm especially the feet and ahclomen. Toast the feet by an open lire, if possible; loosen all bands and see that no pins are pricking any part. REMEDIES. These should be selected ac- cording to the most probable cause as men- tioned above. In general use Calcar. phosph.j 3x trituratiou, a powder to be dis- solved in a cup of hot water and given to the child in sips every few minutes, to be followed, if necessary, by Magnes. phosph. 3x trituration, given in the same way. During the teething period the occasional use of Cakar. phospli. will prevent many unpleasant restless and crying spells. DEAFNESS FROM A COLD may frequent- ly be greatly benefited by remedies. Use Fvrrum pJiosp. 6x, one tablet, three times a day, to be followed in a few days, if neces- sary, by Kali mur., same dose and prepara- tion. If it resists this treatment and there 39 is no wax in the ear which ought to be re- moved by gently syringing with warm water, consult a physician. DEBILITY is a term used to designate a general state of bodily weakness which may be due to many causes; long-continued and strenuous work of any kind, night- watching, after any acute illness, or in con- sequence of some drain upon the system. The treatment consists in supplying good nourishing, easily digested food, plenty of fresh air and sleep in well ventilated bed chambers, avoidance of alcoholic stimulants and of most advertised so-called tonics and the judicious use of one of the following remedies : Kali pliospli. When the nervous system suffers most as evidenced by nervousness, sleeplessness, weakness from the least exer- tion, bodily and mental. Patient is de- pressed and in a sensitive state. One tablet of the 3rd potency should be taken in a cup of hot milk three times a day or 40 oftener if there is also loss of appetite for food generally. Calcar. phosph. is often called for in young chlorotic girls, near the age of pu- berty, when they are very restless and ner- vous. They want to go away from home, and, when away, they want to come back again; they suffer from headache when at school ; they develop very slowly ; circula- tion imperfect; ears and nose cold; con- stant headaches from artificial light, from atmospheric changes worse on top of the head; debility following exhausting dis- eases; menses apt to be too early, with faint feeling in the stomach; a feeling of soreness in the back. In anemia of young, rapidly growing people, in women weak- ened by rapid childbearing, prolonged suckling, or excessive menstruation or leu- corrhoea, it has wonderful restorative power. Take one tablet of the third trit- uration four times a day. N^atrum mur. In anoBmic conditions, where the blood is thin and watery ; chlor- 41 osis, with habitual feeling of coldness in back; skin is dirty, sallow; frequent pal- pitation; delayed menses; constipation; watery, smarting discharges between pe- riods; terrible sadness, especially during menstruation; backache relieved by lying on something hard; the neck is much ema- ciated, and emaciation continues even while living well. Especially useful after abuse of quinine; patient shows marked aversion to bread longing for salt food. Natrum mur. is especially the remedy for malarial symptoms. It is best to give it in tablets of the sixth and twelfth trituration, a dose three times a day. DENTITION. The dentition period of children is usually characterized by more or less disturbance in the mental, gastric or other condition. Very frequently the child is more fretful, restless and sleepless. As a general remedy during the teething period, a nutritive remedy, nothing is bet- ter than the administration of Cakar phos., 42 a powder three times a day. This can be given in the milk or given dry on the tongue or in a little water. Ferrum phosph. is the remedy for fever- ish turns. Natrum rnur. when the child drolls very much. Magnes. pJws. if it twitches, and has a dry spasmodic cough, also for colicky turns. DOSE. Of the selected remedy, give a small powder every two hours. DIABETES is a constitutional wasting disease frequently due to nervous states of a depressing character, like worry, anxiety, etc. It is characterized by great dryness of mouth and throat, burning thirst for large quantities of water and profuse urin- ation, containing sugar. Skin is dry, often accompanied with itching and eruption, boils, etc. The treatment consists in regu- lating the diet, and avoiding so far as possible starchy food. 43 REMEDIES. Kali phosph. especially after depressing emotions, patient is weak, nerv- ous and restless. Give one tablet of the 3x for one week three times daily, after which substitute the 6th, and later the 12th potency. Natrum mur. Great thirst, much wast- ing, and constipation, are the special indi- cations for this drug. DOSE. Same as above. DIARRIKE A Looseness of the Bowels. A too frequent and copious discharge from the bowels, frequently accompanied with pain in the stomach, nausea or vomiting, rumbling in the bowels, coldness, and, in severe cases, with burning pains, violent straining, extreme weakness, and even fainting; sometimes lasting only a few hours, and sometimes months or years, and may be caused by bilious or gastric diffi- culties, cold, impure air and food, mental emotions, etc. TREATMENT. For an acute attack, the best plan is to avoid all food for a few hours; then take mutton broth with bar- ley, or chicken broth and rice, boiled milk, avoiding solid and irritating food of all kinds, as fruit, vegetables, etc. Keep the bowels and feet warm and dry. Rest in bed, if possible. REMEDIES. Ferrumphosph.jW&kery stools, or undigested with colicky pain. Magnes. phosph., if the pains are especi- ally severe. Kali mur., when the stools are bloody or contain much mucus, tongue coated white. DOSE. Of the selected remedy a dose should be given after every evacuation. For chronic diarrhoea, the best remedies are Calcar. phosph. and Natrum snlpli. Take one tablet of the sixth potency alter- nately night and morning and after every evacuation. DIPHTHERIA. A peculiar inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat, 45 which is accompanied by the production of a false membrane patches of grey or wash- leather-like spots which deposit on the ton- sils, and which are small at first, but grad- ually increase and threaten suffocation. The disease is attended with great prostra- tion. It usually sets in with shivering and great depression, dryness and tingling in the throat, difficulty of swallowing, vomit- ing, and sometimes headache. The tongue is loaded, but there is no active fever. REMEDIES Ferrum phosph. and Kali mur. should be given in alternation every hour. If there is vomiting of watery fluid, give Natrum mur. instead. Kali phosph. corresponds to symptoms of blood poisoning, very offensive discharge and breath, also, for the paralytic states, resulting from diphtheria. A dose every two hours. If the larynx becomes involved, give at once Oalcar. fluor. A dose every half hour. Never fail to call in early, in every sus- pected case of diphtheria, the best profes- 46 sional advice you can obtain ; it is too seri- ous a disease for domestic treatment. Blood poisoning arid heart failure or croup setting in, when help may be practically useless, all of which might have been presented by timely care of a physician. DIZZINESS. When it occurs in nervous subjects who, without having any active symptoms of dyspepsia, do not well assimi- late the nutritive portion of the food. Cakar. phosph. 1 x. One tablet after meals. DISCHARGES from any mucous mem- brane according to their characteristics re- quire different remedies. If fibrinous, stringy, gluey, Kali mur. If watery, serous, Natrum mur. If thick, Kali sulpli. If yellowish, Natrum plios. It does not make any difference in the selection of the remedy, whether the dis- charge be from the nose, throat, ears or pel- vic organs, it is the character of the dis- charge which determines the remedy. 47 DROPSY. Various dropsical affections can be benefited by the Tissue remedies, but when they are the results of organic disease, usually heart and kidney, or liver diseases, they are signs of deep-seated mis- chief and of serious import. A physician should invariably be consulted. The prin- cipal remedies are Kali mur., Natrum mur. and Kali sulph. DYSENTERY Bloody-Flux. A disease of the larger bowel, in which the stools are frequent and often bloody, attended with griping and straining, and, in the acute form of the disease, with fever. There ex- ists frequently an urgent desire to evacuate the bowels, which are confined, accom- panied with violent straining; and the stools contain little or no ordinary matter, but consist principally of pure mucus, mucus mixed with blood, pure blood, or greenish, bilious, brownish, or blackish, pu- trid matters. Dysentery generally arises from sudden exposure to cold, indigestible food, unripe fruit, or occurs in autumn weather, in damp, unwholesome localities. The treatment consists in rest, warmth and careful regulation of the diet. Avoid beef-tea, meats, vegetables. Boiled milk, rice, mutton broth, milk toast, will be found of most benefit. REMEDIES. Kali mur. and Ferrum phosp. taken in alternation every two hours will generally suffice in mild cases. Kali phos.j when the stools contain mostly blood, are offensive and there is falling of rectum. EAR, DISEASES OF THE -Earache. Vio- lent pains in the ear, even when there is little or no perceptible inflammation, some- times so intense as to cause delirium, fre- quently the result of a chill, and often existing in connection with toothache. TREATMENT. -Apply heat and give Ferrum phospli. A dose every five minutes until relieved. Hamming in the Ears* Kali phosph. is the chief remedy. Discharge from the Ears. Kali mur. Sil- ica and Oalcar. phosph. are the principal remedies. Give a dose three times a day of one for one week then substitute the next, and so on. But in all chronic dis- charges from the ears, it is well to consult an aurist. ECZEMA is a disease of the skin, very frequent in early childhood. It is usually accompanied by great itching. The treat- ment includes, besides remedies, careful regulation of the diet, avoiding over-feed- ing especially, and avoidance of too fre- quent washing of the parts. Instead of pure water, use oatmeal or bran water, and after bathing, apply freely corn starch. As a rule, salves and medicated applications are not advisable. REMEDIES. Kali mur., Kali sulph., and Natrum mur. are the chief remedies. Give 50 one tablet of the sixth potency night and morning for one week; then substitute the twelfth potency, and if no improvement is apparent after two or three weeks, use one of the other remedies in the same way. Remember it is an obstinate and chronic affection, and needs time and much patience. ERYSIPELAS St. Anthony's Fire. A su- perficial shining redness, and inflammation of the skin, which disappears under pres- sure of the finger, but returns as soon as the pressure is removed. There is gener- ally fever, and a burning heat and tingling rather than acute pain. It frequently fol- lows injuries; blisters often form on the inflamed surface (vesicular erysipelas), and it sometimes assumes a severe and danger- ous form. The more common exciting causes of erysipelas are debility and loss of resisting power from disease, abuse of stimulants, undue exposure to cold, disordered stom- ach, wounds, etc. 51 TREATMENT. Avoid all applications ex- cept flour, cornstarch ; or, when procurable, ripe cranberries. Honey sometimes is also very efficient. Ferrum pJiosph. and Kali mur. are the principal remedies. Give hourly doses al- ternately until the disease is checked. Kali sulph. should be given instead, if blis- ters form. Kali pJiosph. may be alternated with it, if there is much nervous disturb- ance, weakness, restlessness, etc. A dose may be given every hour until improve- ment shows itself. 3 EYE, DISEASES OF. Many forms of sim- ple inflammation of the external eye may be successfully treated with the tissue remedies; but, as a rule, all eye troubles should be intrusted to the care of a special- ist. Ferrum phospfi. is the remedy for in- flammation of any part of the eye, burning sensation, red and inflamed look, cannot bear light, sensation as if sand were under the lids, letters blur while reading. 52 Kali mur. Affections with discharge of mucus, ulcers of cornea. Natrum mur. Muscular asthenopia, neu- ralgic pains around eye, with much water- ing of eyes; granulated lids. Silica Styes, kernels and indurations of the lids; scrophulous ophthalmia. The selected remedy should not be given lower than the sixth potency. For chronic affections the twelfth is better. Give a dose night and morning. FEVER Simple or Inflammatory. Shi ver- ing, sickness, and pains in the back, fol- lowed by hot, dry skin, thirst, headache, short breathing, quick, full pulse, J loss of appetite, and scanty urine. Simple fever is mostly a slight and transient disorder when occurring alone, but when fever ac- companies eruptive or inflammatory dis- eases, it becomes more serious. TREATMENT. In the treatment of fever, the room in which the patient is, should be cool, airy, and well ventilated, and kept 53 at an even temperature of about sixty de- grees. The covering to the bed should in general be light, but suited to the feelings of the patient; the linen should be often changed, and the patient may be frequently sponged down with tepid water. The diet must be light, easy of digestion, and un- stimulating barley-water, thin gruel, or arrowroot, toast-water or water to allay the thirst ; ice-water or ice may be held in the mouth, and fruits stewed or in most cases also fresh may be allowed. Lemonade is also grateful. Unfermented grape juice and Kumyss are admirable foods in all cases where fever is present. Ferrum plios. is the only remedy re- quired. Dissolve a powder of the third trituration in half a glass of water and give teaspoonf ul doses every hour until relief is obtained, then less frequently. Kali 2>hos. For nervous fevers, quick irregular pulse, with nervous excitement and much weakness mouth dry, blisters around mouth, with tendency to delirium. A dose of the 6th every hour. 54 FLATULENCY Wind in the Stomach or Bowels. SYMPTOMS. Fullness in the abdo- men; rumbling in the bowels; severe pain; accumulation or copious discharge of wind, a symptom of indigestion. Maqnes ^Aos. and Calcar phos. are the principal remedies. Take Magnes phosph., one tablet of the third potency after meals, and repeat every half hour until better; take Calc. phosph. night and morning as a constitutional remedy. GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. Acute gas- tric catarrh, usually caused by errors in diet, cold, mental states, specially anger, etc. The chief symptoms are loss of appe- tite, pain in the pit of the stomach, bloat- ness, coated tongue, bad taste, nausea and vomiting. REMEDIES Kali mur., if due to errors in diet, especially fat food. Natrum sulph., if assorted with liver symptoms, jaundiced skin, pain in right side, flatulence, diarrhoea, 55 DOSE. Take a dose every two hours. See Indigestion. GLANDS Glandular Affections. No class of diseases are more strikingly benefited by the tissue remedies as acute and espe- cially chronic inflammations of the various glands throughout the body. There is usually a scrophulous taint at the bottom to account for the readiness with which, from apparently slight causes, the glands will grow painful and swell. The treat- ment of chronic cases requires patience and riot too frequent change of remedies. Kali mur. is the chief remedy for all acute swellings. Calcar. pliosph. for more chronic cases. Commence with the second tritura- tion. Give three doses daily for one week; then give the third, sixth and twelfth po- tency in the same way. jSilica for suppu- rating glands, 56 GOUT (Arthritis) Pains in the joints, with inflammatory or chronic cold swelling, and symptoms of deranged digestion. Pains are generally severe, and the inflammation mostly attacks the smaller joints, particu- larly the first joint of the great toe, which becomes red, hot and swollen. It some- times suddenly changes from one location to another and returns at intervals, vari- ous joints or parts becoming affected after repeated attacks. Gout is mostly a heredi- tary disease, coming on without any evi- dent external cause, generally preceded by disorder of the digestive organs, and ac- companied by a plethoric state of the sys- tem. REMEDIES. The chief remedy is Natrum sulph.j 6 x a dose three times a day. For acute attacks, Ferrum phos. every two hours. If the stomach is involved give Natrum phosph. every two hours. ACCESSORY TREATMENT. The diet must be very spare during the acute symptoms, as 57 thin gruel, bread and milk, light bread puddings, barley water, arrowroot and the like, oranges, roasted apples, grapes, etc. Keep the affected part in such a moder- ately cool state as to be comfortable to the patient, without being so warm as to aggra- vate the severity of the attack, or so cold as to check the insensible perspiration. External applications are generally of little use in a fit of gout; those which are warm doing no good, and those which are cold having a tendency to suddenly check the inflammation, and thereby produce harm. jKumyss and unfermented grape juice may be used freely. Friction with the flesh- brush during convalescence is beneficial, and the limbs and affected parts should be regularly sponged with cold salt water every morning, and well wiped and rubbed afterwards. The diet, during convalescence, should consist of a little digestible animal food once a day, with eggs, bread, etc., but no wines or spirits. 58 GRAVEL. Whenever there is a sandy sediment in the urine care should be taken to change the diet, avoiding too rich food and drinking plenty of pure water. The chief remedy is Natrum sulpli., a tablet three times a day; but if there is much acidity at the same time take Natrum pliospli. instead. GUMS, SCURVY OF THE-Canker of the Mouth. Offensive smell in the mouth with a glutinous bloody discharge from the gums, which are hot, red, soft, spongy, very sensi- tive, retracted from the teeth and subse- quently ulcerated along their margins. TREATMENT. Avoid food that tends to produce acidity, such as sweets, rich food, etc. Kali mur., 3x trituration. Dissolve a powder about the size of a lima bean in half a glass of water and take teaspoonful doses every two hours. Natrum mur. may be taken after Kali mur. if the symptoms do not improve very rapidly. 59 HAEMORRHAGE. The remedies adapted to haemorrhages may be used for bleeding from any orifice of the body. The ten- dency to ready bleeding is sometimes met with in persons predisposed thereto, in such even slight wounds bleed freely, pro- fusely and for a long time. This tendency may be overcome by the continuous consti- tutional treatment of Kali pJiosph. and Oalcar. fluor., using each remedy occa- sionally. Treatment of Acute Hemorrhages. Ferrum phosph. generally suffices, especially in chil- dren that grow rapidly. Blood is bright red. Kali mur. when the blood is dark, black, clotted or tough; vomiting of such blood. Kali phosph. in weak, delicate people, in the aged, and where the blood is blackish, thin, like coffee grounds. Of the selected remedy a dose may be given every five to fifteen minutes until relief is obtained. 60 HAIR. Falling out of the hair is a fre- quent sequel to fevers, but here the loss is only temporary, and can be stayed by tak- ing Calcar. pliosph. three times a day. For the loss and thinning of hair not thus connected faithful brushing is a good tonic procedure. Too frequent washing is not to be advised. An occasional dose of Gal- car, fluor. and Silica will be found benefi- cial. HEADACHE. Pain in the head, either all over the head or in a particular spot, arising from various causes, as cold, rheu- matism, congestion, indigestion, nervous affections, constipation, mental emotions, stimulants, fatigue, eye strain, growth in nose, etc. Catarrhal Headache, (From a cold.) SYMPTOMS. The headache is oppressive, frequently better in the morning, worse in the evening, the eyes are full of tears, sneezing, dry heat in the nose, some cough, etc. 61 TREATMENT. Ferrum phosph. will gener- ally be all that is needed. Take a dose every half hour. Congestive Headache. (From determina- tion of blood to the head.) SYMPTOMS. Fulness and heaviness of the head, accompanied with giddiness, particu- larly on stooping, throbbing and heat, the beating of the arteries on the neck being visible, vomiting as the pain increases; the pain worse on shaking, moving the head, lying down or stooping, sometimes better when standing. Principal remedy is Ferrum phosph. Nervous Headache, Neuralgic pains in the head. (Megrim.) SYMPTOMS. The attacks are frequently periodical, the pain is of a tearing, throb- bing or hard-aching character, and is often felt on one side of the head only or in a circumscribed spot. The painful part feels sore to pressure; light, noise and mental 62 agitation are intolerable, and the headache is often attended with severe retching or vomiting of bile and mucus. TREATMENT. Kali phosph. and Ferrum phosph. alternately every half hour during the attacks. Between the attacks take Natrum mur. for one week, then Silica for one week, and so on alternately for a time. The attacks will grow less frequent and severe. HEAD SYMPTOMS OF THE CHIEF TIS- SUE REMEDIES. Consult these in pre- scribing for the different kinds of headache. Ferrum phosph. Headache from cold, sun exposure; throbbing pain; cold relieves the pain; headache with red face and eyes; rttsh of blood to head; worse from any motion, noise, jar, combing hair, and at menstrual period. Calcar. phosph. Headaches of school children, especially at about the time of puberty; head feels cold, bruised, worse from any exposure; much dizziness; ill- 63 humor; want of disposition to do anything; forgetful, dull. Kali pliosph. Headache of students and those worn out by fatigue old people, and after mental emotions; pain made worse by noise, which irritates; sleeplessness, weariness, yawning; pain sometimes re- lieved by eating; menstrual headache with hunger; tongue coated brownish with foul breath; pain in back of head and across eyes. Magnesia phosph. Spasmodic pain; very severe neuralgic headache ; shooting pains, with sparks before eyes; headache due to eye troubles; better from warmth. Natrum mur. Headache with constipa- tion, with vomiting, with watering of eyes, and with drowsiness; after loss of animal fluids; profuse discharges, night sweats, etc. Here follow with Cakar. phosph. Chronic and sick headaches ; headaches before and during menses, especially in school girls who stud}^ hard, are run down; anemia; headache commences in the morning, in- 64 creases towards noon, and gets better in evening. Natrum sulpli. Bilious headache with bitter taste; bilious diarrhoea; colicky pain, etc. Also for pain in back part of head, at the base of the brain; must go to bed in a darkened room; cannot tolerate noise. Silica. Headaches from nerve exhaus- tion; after excessive mental strain; nerv- ous, sensitive patients; weakly persons, fine skin, pale face, lax muscles; imperfectly nourished. These respond quickly to this remedy. Consult, also, the Index of Symptoms. HEART, PALPITATION OF THE. Palpi- tation or pulsation of the heart felt dis- tinctly and predominantly, sometimes even heard, or so strong as to shake the patient or the bed on which he may be lying, and which may arise from nervous debility, hysteria, severe bodily suffering or violent emotions, constipation, indigestion, torpid liver, weakness from loss of blood or other 65 discharges, a gouty condition, excessive bodily exercise, disease or excitable condi- tion of the heart, etc. Palpitation from Debility. TREATMENT. Ferrum pliospli. is the most suitable rem- edy. If coming on after acute illness, sub- stitute Cakar. phosph. HEART TISSUE REMEDIES. -- Ca kar. phosph.' Weak heart; sharp pain around the heart; palpitation with anxiety, fol- lowed by trembling weakness. Ferrum phosph . First stage of all acute, inflammatory diseases involving the heart; pulse rapid and full; regulates the circula- tion. Kali phosph. Intermittent action of the heart; ill-effects of mental emotions, palpi- tation, pain, etc. ; palpitation from slightest cause; physical or mental exertion. Magnes. phosph. Shooting pain around heart with spasmodic attacks of palpitation. Natrum mur. Watery condition of the blood, shown by anemia, dropsical swell- 66 ing, ready flushing, and palpitation; con- striction around heart; fluttering and in- termittent pulse. HEARTBURN. Heartburn and water- brash are prominent symptoms of indiges- tion, produced by acridity of the secretions. Heartburn consists in a sensation of heat or burning, which extends from the stom- ach to the throat; and waterbrash, in the vomiting or regurgitation of a watery, sour, or bitter fluid. TREATMENT. Avoid all articles of food that you know from experience to disagree with you. Natrum phosph. is the principal remedy. Take one tablet of the sixth potency after eating. If there is much flatulence take Calcar. pliosph. in the same way. HICCOUGH Hiccup. TREATMENT. Hold- ing the breath is the most simple, and in many cases the most effective way of stop- ping hiccough, or drinking a draught of 67 cold water. When it occurs in infants they may be placed to the breast. If subject to this little trouble, attention should be paid to diet, care being taken not to eat too quickly, nor too much at a time. Magnes. ptiosph. is the only remedy re- quired. HOARSENESS. Rough and indistinct voice and cough, sometimes accompanied by pain, asthma, and rattling in the throat. It frequently results from a chill, and often accompanies measles, croup, influenza, etc. TREATMENT.---Use plenty of cold water, or cold salt water, and cold sponging, with vigorous friction afterwards. The diek should be plain and simple; take but little meat, and avoid stimulants; keep the feet warm, and do not exert the voice. Drink warm milk and seltzer during an acute attack and take Ferrum pliospli. and Kali mur. alternately every hour. In very obstinate cases take Calcar. sulph*, one tablet every two hours. 68 HYSTERIA is a condition of nervous weakness, where the patient is emotional, and in which self-control is largely lost; laughing and crying alternate with each other; all sorts of abnormalities of sensa- tions take place; any disease may be simu- lated ; feeling of a lump in the throat ; pain as of a nail in the head, are very common sensations. The hysterical patient is usu- ally of a very highly nervous organization and very unstably balanced. TREATMENT is medicinal to some extent, but mainly moral and hygienic. Do not show too much sympathy with the patient and her innumerable aches and pains; en- courage self control, self f orgetf ulness ; en- courage her to take interest in others, to have a mission of some kind. Discourage reading aimless and trashy literature. Avoid excitement of all kinds, late hours, stimulants, tea and coffee, rich food, etc. Build up the general system by simple but nourishing food, aided by urifermented Grape Juice, Malted Milk, Maltine, Kumyss, etc. Regular exercise in open air, judi- cious use of bicycle riding, driving, swim- ming, walking with a cheery companion, all tend to restore the lost stability of the nerves. Kali pliospli. Nervous attacks from in- tense emotions feeling of a ball rising in throat ; hysterical fits of laughing and cry- ing ; hysterical yawning and spasms ; gen- eral nervousness. Nutrum mur tj when associated with de- laying menses, patient is greatly depressed, sad and weak. All the symptoms are relieved when perspiring freely. Calcar. phosph., as a constitutional tonic, may be given twice a day in the food. INDIGESTION. Derangement of the Stom- ach. Indigestion includes all those almost indefinable and inexpressible states or con- ditions of disease arising from or depend- ent upon slow or difficult digestion or weakness of the stomach. These may be 70 either acute or chronic ; they may either arise from having partaken of indigestible, unwholesome, heavy, fat, sour or flatulent food, or from over-eating, etc., or they may become chronic from a long continuance of exciting causes calculated to impair the di- gestion as too much study, too little ex- ercise, long-continued indulgence in warm drinks, stimulants, purgatives, patent medi- cines, etc. TREATMENT. Look to the diet. Avoid whatever you know from experience to disagree with you, but do not encourage any dietetic theories. Remember what is good for one patient is not necessarily adapted to another, even when suffering- with similar symptoms. Every adult ought to know himself better than any one else what kind of food is most likely to agree with him. Usually a mixed diet of simple nourishing food, eaten slowly and well mas- ticated and at regular intervals is better than restriction to some one or two arti- 71 cles. Sometimes a glass of pure California claret with the principal meal will be of groat benefit; especially is this true in the weak and debilitated, aged and after acute illness, and in total loss of appetite. When coffee cannot be taken try the Homoeo- pathic Coffee, which possesses a good deal of the flavor and taste of true coffee with- out any deleterious effects. REMEDIES.- Ferrum phosph.> Pit of the stomach is tender to touch; vomiting; pain after eating; flatulence; loss of appetite; disgust for milk; cannot take meat; cannot bear tight clothing; thirst for cold water; desire for stimulants. Kali mur. Tongue coated; complaints from rich and fatty food; bitter taste; liver sluggish, with pain in right side under shoulder. Kali pliospli. Hungry soon after eating; gone feeling in stomach; pain in left side; weakness of heart ; constant pain in a small spot in stomach; great nervous depression. 72 Kali sulpli. Yellow-coated tongue; sen- sation as of a load and fulne&s at the pit of the stomach; pain in stomach; waterbrash. Magnes. phosph. Cramp in stomach ; constriction; hiccough; marked regurgita- tion after eating; craves sugar; gastralgia. Natrum mur.- Stomachache with much waterbrash; offensive breath; bowels con- stipated; loss of desire for smoking; very thirsty; sour taste; aversion to bread; red spots on pit of stomach. Natrum phosph. Great acidity; sour risings; moist, creamy coating of the tongue; stomach troubles from presence of worms; heartburn; vomiting of dark, coffee-ground fluid. Natrum sulpli. Biliousness; bitter taste in mouth; vomiting of bitter fluid; heart- burn ; copious formation of gas, which gets incarcerated in intestines. Oak. pliosph. A course of this remedy is useful in all chronic cases of indigestion; pain after eating; craving for bacon, ham, salted and smoked meats ; pain relieved by 73 eating and raising wind; almost an infalli- ble remedy for excessive accumulation of gas in the stomach. Calc. pfwsph.) Ix trituration, a powder given in water half an hour after eating, is efficacious in non-assirnilation of food. Calc. sulph. Desire for fruit, tea, claret and green vegetables. Silica. Chronic dyspepsia, with much chilliness; extreme hunger; disgust for warm food, and intolerance of alcoholic stimulants. INFLAMMATIONS are of so serious a character as to require the immediate at- tendance of an experienced physician. The symptoms are heat, pain, swelling, redness, increased pulse, restlessness, etc. The first stage of all inflammations, when there is fever, heat, etc., is met by the administra- tion of Ferrum pliospli., 6x. Dissolve a powder size of a lima bean in a tumbler half full of water and give teaspoonful doses every hour. Later, after a day per- 74 haps, it may be well to alternate with it Kali jnur., 6x, given in the same way. (See separate diseases.) INFLUENZA- Grippe. Influenza differs from a common cold principally in there being oppressed respiration and great pros- tration of strength. It is frequently an epidemic. Its sudden onset, with great weakness, pains in limbs, back and joints, headache and fever, characterize the attack. The treatment consists of rest in bed, nourishing food, egg-nog, sherry and egg, broths, etc. Natrum sulpli. is the principal remedy throughout the course of the disease and for many of the after effects. Cak. pJiosph. and Kali plwspli. may be given during convalescence and for the re- maining debility. A dose may be taken four times a day first one, then the other. INTERMITTENT FEVER. A paroxysmal disease, usually consisting of chills } fever 75 and sweat, coming on in one, two or more days' interval, caused by malarial germs, occurring in marshy places, damp, low- lying neighborhoods, and associated with a good deal of headache, backache, liver and spleen disturbance. There may be much irregularity in the different stages, one or two being absent entirely, or the whole condition may assume a masked form as ob- stinate neuralgias, gastric disturbances, etc. TREATMENT. As a rule, the services of a physician will be required to select a cura- tive remedy and superintend the general treatment, but the tissue remedies fre- quently cure the most obstinate cases. Chief among them is Natrum sulpli. In the absence of any special symptoms, this will be found the best general remedy. It is especially called for when there are bil- ious symptoms, yellow complexion, bronze- colored coating of tongue, bilious bloody stools. Natrum mur. Chill is apt to return in morning . about 10 o'clock; great thirst; 76 headache; backache; fever blisters; neu- ralgia of head and face. In order to prescribe successfully for this obstinate disease, the conditions be- tween the attacks of chills and fever should be noted, they indicate the curative rem- edy more likely than the character of the different stages, although these, too, must be included in our estimate of the case. JAUNDICE. Jaundice is characterized by yellowness of the whites of the eyes and the skin, whitish or clay-colored stools, and saffron-colored urine. It is attended with more or less derangement of the di- gestive functions. Jaundice is caused by gallstones, disease of the liver, super-abun- dance of bile, improper food, cold, or sud- den emotions, etc. The treatment must include careful at- tention to diet, avoiding meat, coffee. Fruit, gruel, lemonade are useful and grateful to the patient. Natrum sulph. is the chief remedy. Take 77 a dose every four hours. Kali mur.-, if caused by cold and the tongue is coated whitish. KIDNEYS. The kidneys are liable to various forms of disease, and are especially to be attacked after middle age and in men whose mode of life involves high living, much exertion and worry, indifferent at- tention to exercise, etc. These forms of kidney disease are all serious and need the careful attention of the physician. A com- mon form is congestion of the kidney, due to chill, the symptoms of which are sup- pression of urine, pain in back, swelling around eyes, and dropsical conditions else- where. The treatment for this is to put the patient to bed, apply heat or give hot bath; light diet milk is the best. REMEDIES. Ferrum pliosph. may be given, a dose every two hours until improvement sets in. r Kali mur. for the dropsical symptoms. Natrum mur. Brick-dust sediment; 78 bloody urine. One of the best remedies alone, or in conjunction with others, in Bright' s disease. Natrum sulph. aids in throwing off gravel by increasing the secretion of urine. Of the selected remedy take a dose three times a day. KNEE, SWELLING OF, may be due to rheumatism or disease of the joint. Any trouble around the knee-joint should be examined by a physician. Kali mur. and Calcar. phospJi. often act kindly in these affections. LEGS, CRAMP IN THE. Sudden contrac- tion of the muscles of the calves of the legs, frequently occurring at night. The principal remedy for this condition is Magnes. phospJi^ a dose every quarter of an hour for a few doses. Follow with Calcar. phosph., a dose night and morning, LEUCORRH(EA Whites. CAUSES. Cold and moisture, frequent excitement result- 79 ing in debility, inactivity of the body, re- laxing pleasures, late hours, stimulating diet, imprudence in dress, inattention to the bowels, disease of ovaries and wornb> etc. In order to treat this affection success- fully, the whole daily life of the patient must be regulated. Everything tending to local congestion avoided, simple but nour- ishing food taken, sufficient exercise, but not too much. Be careful about going up and down stairs, bicycle riding, etc. Local cleanliness, but not necessarily syringing, is a requisite to the cure. Oakar. pliospli. is the chief remedy, either alone or as an intercurrent remedy; it acts as a constitutional tonic and is especially useful for young girls. The pa- tient takes cold easily and the discharge is like albuminous mucus. There may be local irritation, itching, etc., of the parts. Natrum mur. The discharge is watery, irritating, smarting. There may be back- 80 ache, headache and evidences of impover- ished blood. Kali sulph. Discharge yellow, greenish and thick. Silica. Leucorrhoea takes the place of menses; patient is cold, very sensitive and constipated. Of the selected remedy take a dose three times a day between the men- strual periods; take one remedy for three weeks, then another if indicated, or substi- tute Calcar. phosph. LIPS. The lips are subject to become sore, cracked, dry, scaly or swollen, or are the seat of a herpetic eruption u cold sores." The best treatment consists in the appli- cation of cold cream and the internal use of Kali mur. for cold sores, blisters. Natrum mur. for cracks in the corners of the mouth, or center of lip; sore lips from cold ; swelling of upper lip a dose every three hours. LIVER AFFECTIONS are characterized by pain in right side, under right shoulder- 81 blade, soreness, bilious symptoms, constipa- tion or loose yellowish stools, etc. See Gastric Derangements. The principal liver tissue remedies are the following: Natrum sulph. Pain in region of liver; morning diarrhoea; rumbling in bowels; jaundice; bitter taste. Natrum mur. Jaundice, with drowsi- ness, thirst, headache. Kali mur. Tongue coated white, from errors in diet, rich, greasy food ; cold food, chilling stomach. LUMBAGO. Rheumatic pains in the loins. The treatment consists in application of warmth, friction, porous plaster, and the administration of Ferrum phosph., a dose every hour until relieved. LUNGS; The various diseases of the lungs require careful hygienic, dietetic and medicinal treatment. The latter may be 82 found almost wholly in the use of the tis- sue remedies, for just in the treatment of acute and chronic lung diseases they have won their greatest laurels. (See Consump- tion, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, etc.) LUNGS, BLEEDING FROM, is always alarming, but not so immediately danger- ous as is commonly feared ; but it is usu- ally one of the accidents of consumption; it demands prompt attention. The treatment should consist in rest; pa- tient's head and chest must be well sup- ported with pillows. Application of cold; drinks and food of the simplest kind; ice; the room must be well aired and cool. The principal remedy required is Ferrum pliosph. Dissolve a powder of the sixth trituration in a tumbler of cold water and give patient teaspoonful doses every quar- ter of an hour for several doses, then less often. Follow with Cakar. phosph. as a constitutional tonic, a dose three times a day. 83 MEASLES. An infectious fever attended with an eruption of a purple rash, consist- ing of slightly elevated minute dots dis- posed in irregular circular forms or cres- cents, preceded by catarrhal symptoms about the eyes, nose, and bronchia, for about four or five days, and accompanied by inflammatory fever. For the three or four days before the appearance of the eruption, symptoms of a cold, sneezing, and feverishness, drowsiness, oppression, nausea or vomiting, and a hoarse or ring- ing, loud cough are present. The ^erup- tion appears on the fourth or fifth day, and disappears on the eighth or ninth; it rarely attacks the same person a second time, arid frequently prevails as an epidemic. Mea- sles may be simple or complicated, malig- nant and dangerous. ACCESSORY TREATMENT. The room in which the patient is should be airy, dark- enedj moderately warm, and perfectly free from draughts, much care being taken that the patient does not catch cold, both during 84 the eruption and for some time afterwards. He may be sponged down frequently with tepid water. The diet should be at first light, afterwards more nourishing; all ani- mal food should be avoided, and all drinks should be given tepid, so as not to chill. Protect the eyes from too strong light. The danger of measles is more in the after effects, especially bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. The principal remedy is Ferrum phosph., which may be given every two hours, so long as the eruption is not out perfectly, or so long as the cough is troublesome. It may be followed by or alternated with Kali mur., if the tongue is coated, the cough hoarse, glands swollen, more or less deaf- ness. During convalescence give Cakar. phosph., a dose every three hours until per- fect health is restored. MEMORY-DEFICIENT is a symptom of advancing age, or it may be temporary in nerve exhaustion, after acute illness, over- taxed brain. 85 The treatment consists in cessation from mental labor and the administration of Kali pliospli., a dose three times a day. MENSTRUAL DISORDERS. The first ap- pearance of the menstrual flow usually shows itself about the fourteenth year, but it may appear later, frequently earlier. The mother should apprise the daughter before- hand of its character and meaning. So far as possible, the girl, before puberty, should have an outdoor life and there need be no difference in the physical education of the sexes until then. The late appearance of the menses need cause no alarm if the gen- eral health does not suffer. Sometimes the poor state of the general health is the cause of their non-appearance. Avoidance of too close application to study ; early hours, reg- ular habits, simple food, plenty out-of-door exercise, judicious use of the bicycle; avoid- ance of stimulants, coffee, tea, etc. ; all kinds of excitements and repression of every hysterical tendency; wholesome lit- 86 erature, and companionship, and wise super- vision by the mother of everything pertain- ing to the daily life of the girl. These are the conditions for healthy development, and vigorous and happy maidenhood, and the best possible preparation for her des- tined future life as wife and mother. ' When the general health is below par, give good nourishing food, sea bathing, and see that the girl is not tired out by the con- stant going up and down stairs and march- ing, so common in our public schools. Do not let her do any home work, but see that she retires very early and is allowed to sleep in the morning. It is poor policy in these cases not to permit the child to finish her morning sleep. Better sacrifice the schooling until her health is better. For these cases, a course of Calcar. pJiosph. in various potencies, and continued for quite a while, will yield wonderful results. There are usually premonitory symp- toms before the menses appear, such as headache, languor, backache, pain in 87 breasts, etc. Usually these pass away very soon. When the flow is established great care must be taken to prevent either cessa- tion from cold, especially cold, wet feet, or an excess of the flow from too stimulating food, late hours, excitements. Warm cloth- ing, especially warm stockings and thick soled shoes are of much importance in es- tablishing the regular order of the mens- trual periods. Scanty, Absent, Deficient or Checked Mens- truation. When suppressed from cold, a chill or sudden emotion, a hot foot-bath, hot drinks and rest in bed will restore the flow. If there is headache, flushing of face, pains, etc., give Ferrum pliospli. a powder dissolved in half a cup of hot water every hour until relieved. Galcar phospJi. is the best remedy for scanty menses. Give a dose night and morning between the periods. Painful Menstruation. More or less pain at the period is very common in young un- 88 married women, but judicious medication and attention to the general health will re- lieve the most cases unless due to organic trouble. Avoid all local treatment, but use the remedies, together with rest during the period, warm applications, hot stimulating drinks, etc Magnesia phosph. is the principal remedy and should be taken in hot water every quarter of an hour until relieved. Between the periods take Calcar. phosph. and Kali phosph. , one in the morning and the other at night. Menstruation, Profuse or Too Frequent. CAUSES. Stimulating diet, abuse of stimu- lants, warm baths, fatigue, compression of the body, sudden emotions, violent exer- cise, a weakening mode of life, long sick- ness, excessive nursing of infants at the breast, etc. \ ^ Ferrum phosph. is the principal remedy to regulate the flow. Take a dose every two hours or oftener, if very profuse. In 89 the interval between the periods, take it night and morning. Calcar. fluor. when the system is gener- ally relaxed. It should be taken between the periods as above. Kali mur.j if the color of the flow is dark, thick and coagulated. Kali phosph.j if flow is bright red and offensive. Natrum mur., if pale and watery. Patient has much headache, backache and is ane- mic. Begin with the sixth trituration for the acute symptoms during the menses, taking a dose every two hours. Between the periods, take a dose of the twelfth trituration night and morning. MILK. Lactation is a natural physiolo- gical process and every mother should suckle, if possible, both for her own sake and her child's. There is a very close bond of sympathy and connection between the breasts and uterine organs, and orderly healthy readjustment of the system after 90 labor is greatly furthered by nursing the baby. If the flow of milk is rather scanty or too watery, give plenty of nourishing, liquid food, cocoa, milk, oatmeal, maltine, together with a powder size of a lima bean of Cakarea pliosph., 2nd trituration, given with the food. If the flow of rnilk is too profuse, substitute Calcar flitorica 6x, given in the same way, and restrict the use of much fluid. The same treatment is to be used in order to dry up the milk. Besides, the breasts should be covered with cotton batting and bandaged snugly. MOUTH. Nursing sore mouth, aphthous sore mouth, consist in the formation of lit- tle vesicles on mucous membrane of the mouth, gums and tongue. \ REMEDIES. Kali mur. and Natrum mur. are the chief remedies. Dissolve a small powder of each in a glass half-full of water and give spoonful doses every two hours alternately. 91 MUMPS. Inflammation and swelling of the glands under the ears, which some- times extends to the throat and is conspic- uous externally. It generally increases till the fourth day, and then gradually sub- sides; and is evidently contagious, and often epidemic. It often follows measles or scarlet fever, or is the effect of cold or damp. TREATMENT. The patient should keep in the house, and avoid exposure to cold and damp; the glands should be fomented with warm water, the face tied up with a hand- kerchief or piece of flannel, and kept mod- erately warm, and the diet should be mild and light. If the patient take cold, there is danger of a painful swelling of the testi- cles. REMEDIES. Ferrum phosph. should be given so long as there are any feverish symp- toms, a dose every hour. Usually, how- ever, there are none, when Kali mur., a dose every three hours, will be all that is 92 required. If the swelling should persist, give a few doses of Cakar. fluor. NECK, STIFF. Usually the result of cold or rheumatism. TREATMENT. See under " Rheumatism." Rub the neck with camphorated oil, wrap two or three folds of flannel or worsted round it, and avoid exposure to cold, draughts of air, or wet. Take Ferrum phosph. every two hours. NETTLERASH. An eruption resembling that produced by the stinging of nettles, attended with itching, burning, or stinging pain. The rash often appears instantane- ously, disappears in the warmth and re- appears in the cold, and seldom stays many hours in the same place, and may be caused by mechanical irritation, cold, or acidity and other disorders of the stomach. Usu- ally it can be traced to some special article of diet, shell-fish and strawberries being especially frequently the cause. 93 The treatment consists in avoiding these irritating foods, keeping the bowels in good condition, bathing the parts with oatmeal water, and taking Natrum mur. and Kali mur. in alternation every two hours. NERVOUSNESS consists in a state of exci- tability and abnormal impressionability. It is usually a chronic condition, fostered by indulgent foolish parents, irregularity of diet, especially highly seasoned food, over- work, late hours, stimulants, especially coffee and tea, etc. When excessive, it be- comes hysteria and requires the same treat- ment, which must be mental and moral, with a view to exercising greater self con- trol. Change of air, freedom from respon- sibility, good nourishing food, salt water baths, bicycling are all conducive to bring about a change for the better. Kali pJiosph. and Oalcarea phosph. are the principal remedies and should be given as nerve food remedies right along for some time. Begin with the 6x trituration, tak- 94. ing three doses a day of one for one week, then change to the other. If the patient is chilly and very sensitive and rather of in- tellectual turn of mind, give Silica 6 tritu- ration, a small powder night and morning. After one week, change to the 12th tritura- tion and take the same way. NEURALGIA may be caused by changes in the weather, colds, b anemic states of the blood, injuries, etc. The pains come and go, are burning or stitching, often associated with cramps in the muscles, twitching, red- ness and swelling of face. REMEDIES. Ferrum phosph. should be given when the face is hot and red and the pains increased on moving the head. Kali phosph. suits pale, irritable persons and when pains are accompanied with much weakness. Natrum mur. Pains that return at a certain time each day or are attended with flow of tears. Constipation is a frequent symptom with Natrum mur. 95 Magnes. pliospli. Pains that come and go very suddenly and are always made better by the application of warmth. Kali sulpli. For pains that shift a good deal, and when they are better in cool open air, but worse towards evening. Calcar.phospli. Pains that are associated with numbness and coldness, and always worse at night and every change of weather. DOSE. Of the selected remedy, dissolve a powder in hot water and take a sip every few minutes until relieved. For more chronic conditions, take a dose every two hours. NIGHTMARE. Oppression felt during sleep, great anxiety, excitement, frightful dreams or fancies, and slight fever; often caused by fatigue, late suppers, or indi- gestible food. TREATMENT. Let the supper be light; avoid fatigue and heavy bed clothing. Take a dose of Kali pliospli. before retiring. 96 NOSE, Bleeding from the. TREATMENT Immerse the face in the coldest water, and dash cold water, or vinegar and water, up the nostrils, or apply ice or ice-water to the root of the nose, or apply cold cloths or metal to the nape of the neck or back. Keep the head as much elevated as possi- ble, and let the diet be spare and simple in character. As bleeding from the nose often relieves congestion, the treatment should be adapted to the urgency of the symptoms, which, if slight, need not be much inter- fered with. Persons subject to nose-bleed- ing should lead a temperate life, with mod- crate and regular exercise, a nourishing diet, avoiding stimulants, and should make a free use of cold water. The principal remedy is Ferrum phos. Dissolve a powder in a cup of cold water, and take a swallow every few minutes until relieved. NOISES IN THE HEAD may be due to recent catarrh of the eustachian tube, an 97 extension from an ordinary cold, or as a result of too large doses of quinine, etc. If from a cold, take Ferrum plios.] if after quinine, take Natrum mur. a dose every three hours. OVARIES. Pain in region of groin in females about the time of menses is a com- mon symptom, and is usually connected with other menstrual disturbances. Rest, application of heat, and attention to the bowels, are necessary. Internally, give Kali 2)hos. arid Magnes. phos., alternating every hour. Between the periods, take Calcar. pJios. night and morning. PARALYTIC SYMPTOMS. Numbness and lameness; rheumatic paralysis; loss of sen- sation or motion in a part, may be relieved by the use of Kali mur., if due to rheu- matism; later, Calcar. plwspli., a dose night and morning. Silica is the remedy, if the condition is due to the suppression of foot-sweat, which 98 has frequently caused paralytic conditions and cured only by giving a remedy restor- ing the accustomed sweat, PERSPIRATION abnormal, when due to weakness, as after acute illness or general run-down conditions of the body, will be lessened by sponging the body with vine- gar and water, or cologne spirits and water, and taking at the same time Cakar.phosph., third trituration, a powder every three hours. PHARYNGITIS. Redness, pain and swell- ing of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat. REMEDIES. Ferrum pJiosph., if the parts are dry, hot with painful swallowing; a dose every hour. Kali mur., if the tongue be coated white and parts swollen. Natrum pliosph., if the tongue be coated with a yellowish deposit. The chronic form of pharyngitis is often due to smoking, which must be stopped. A 99 course of Kali mur., a dose of the third trituration three times a day, will often work wonders. PILES. (Haemorrhoids). Small tumors or lumps formed by a distention or relaxation of the veins of the rectum. They may be external, or so far within the rectum as to be imperceptible, and they may or may not bleed. Sensation of weight, pain in the back, loins and thighs, straining during stool, and constipation, frequently accom- pany them. Piles are frequently caused by excessive fatigue, obstinate costiveness, the abuse of purgatives, sedentary habits, stimulating food or drinks, or by a constitu- tional or hereditary tendency. TREATMENT. The pain and irritation often present are much relieved by the free ap- plication of cold water either by bathing or immersion. Aesculas Cerate spread on lint and kept constantly to the parts is some- times beneficial. When the inflammation is great, rest and the horizontal position 100 should be observed, with a mild vegetable diet. Everything heating, stimulating, and constipating, must be avoided in the gene- ral diet, all highly-seasoned food and the like. Individuals subject to piles should bathe in the sea as often as convenient, or in salt water baths. During an attack, in- jections of cold water may be used daily; suitable exercises should be taken, and every endeavor made to keep the bowels regular. In the treatment of piles, attention must be paid to disturbances in the func- tions of the liver, the digestive organs and the bowels, otherwise a cure cannot be achieved. Ferrum phosph. Inflamed and bleeding piles, must be used before the tumors are hardened. Take a dose every hour and bathe with Hamamelis extract. Calcai fluor. is the chief remedy for the permanent cure. It is useful for blind piles, frequently with backache arid consti- pation, etc. After an acute attack, it is the 101 remedy for the remaining tumors. Take one tablet every three hours. Use the 6th potency, later the 1-lith or 30th. Magnes. phosph. is the remedy, when the piles are exceedingly tender and painful. It may be used in alternation with other indicated remedies, but should be given dissolved in hot water, a dose every hour. PIMPLES (Acne). An eruption frequently seen in the young, especially about the time of puberty and whenever the digest- ive tract is impaired. It consists of dis- tinct pustules not unlike very minute boils, seated on a hard inflamed base, which sup- purate imperfectly, leaving behind them small, hard, red tumors, which are slow in disappearing. They generally appear on the face, forehead, and chin, and are ex- cited by too much animal food, spices, stimulants, etc. The treatment consists in encouraging healthy elimination through skin and bowels. Eat fruit, vegetables, and drink 102 plenty of fresh water. Thorough washing with soap and water the affected part, then powder with corn-starch, will prove bene- ficial. The chief remedy is Kali mur. followed by Calcar. sulph. Take a dose three times a day. PLEURISY, FALSE.-Rheumatic Pleurisy. Stitch in the Side. (Pleurodynia.) A rheu- matic affection of the muscles covering arid passing between the ribs, which produces an acute pain in the side increased on in- spiration. It is distinguished fronu true pleurisy by being attended with little or no fever, and by the increase of pain which always takes place on movement of the chest or any exertion causing the contrac- tion of the inflamed muscles. The treatment consists in the application of heat arid administration of Ferrum pliospli. in hourly doses until relieved. PLEURISY. The true form is an inflam- mation of the Pleura, the membrane lining 103 the lungs and chest, and Is a very painful and serious affection. It is accompanied by fever, short breathing, with a stitching pain in some part of the chest. Greatly aggravated by breathing and motion. TREATMENT. The patient's room must be kept quiet, moderately warm, but well ven- tilated. Perfect rest should be observed. All kinds of animal food and heating fluids should be avoided, and the diet should con- sist of farinaceous articles, barley water, arrowroot, thin gruel, light vegetables, milk, etc. ; returning during convalescence to beef-tea, chicken-broth, etc. A wet bandage may be applied over the painful part with advantage, or if the pain is severe, hot linseed meal poultices, hot fomentations, etc. During recovery, care must be taken to guard against catching cold. The principal remedy at first is Ferrum phosph., a dose dissolved in water should be taken every half hour. This may be followed 104 by Kali mur., a dose in alternation with Per- rum every hour. Pleurisy is often complica- ted with inflammation of the lungs them- selves, giving PLEURO PNEUMONIA, a very serious and very dangerous disease which should always receive the attention of a physician. There is high fever, great oppression of the chest, painful breathing, cough and marked weakness. It is a disease especially danger- ous in the very young arid the aged and in constitutions run down by excess or other causes. The action of the heart must be watched as death usually occurs from heart failure. Stimulants are indicated in this disease. Among the Tissue Remedies, Ferrum phosph.. Kali phos. and Kali mur. are those most frequently indicated. The remedies must be given frequently, every hour at least, supplemented by absolute rest, easily assimilated food, milk, broths, etc. The application of poultices may prove of much comfort, but should be done 105 very carefully without disturbing the pa- tient much or exposing him in any way, otherwise they are a delusion. RED GUM. Infant Rash. Pimples occur- ring upon the face, chest, and hands of young infants, with redness of the sur- rounding skin, often dependent upon teething. Bathe the child in bran or oatmeal water, and after thorough drying with a soft towel, powder freely with corn-starch. Give a dose of Ferrum phosph. night and morning. If the child is teething, give Calcar. phosph. , third trituration, a powder in his food or on the tongue three times a day. RHEUMATISM. Pains in the fibrous, muscular, or membraneous parts of the body, generally attended with rigidity of the part affected and aggravation of the pains on motion, and characterized by sen- sibility to atmospheric changes. Shivering 106 and a sensation of cold sometimes precede an acute attack (acute rheumatism), fever is present, aching, tearing, or shooting pains with stiffness are experienced in the parts affected, especially in the joints, and in most cases there is more or less disorder of the digestive functions. In chronic rheumatism the symptoms are similar, but less urgent and more tedious. Rheumat- ism is sometimes local, or wanders from one part to another in a most capricious manner, or even attacks internal organs; is sometimes attended with swelling, heat, and redness, and sometimes without such symptoms, sometimes relieved by motion, and sometimes by rest; sometimes by hot and sometimes by cold applications. Rheu- matism affecting the loins is called lumba- go; the hips, sciatica; and the chest, false pleurisy. TREATMENT. Keep the parts warm and dry; flannel underwear is essential. See that the bowels are kept in good condition ; avoid too much meat; drink milk. 107 The first remedy in this painful affection is Ferrum pliospli- It should be given every hour until improvement shows itself. If the joints are swollen, alternate with it Kali mur. every two hours. For very vio- lent pains, Magnesia pliospli. is to be used, a dose every hour, stopping the other rem- edies meanwhile. Calcar. phosph. is the remedy when every change of weather brings back rheumatic pains. Take a tablet of the sixth potency three times a day for some time. It fre- quently hardens the system against taking cold. RINGWORM. This is a contagious dis- ease caused by a vegetable parasite, and is very common in children, but almost un- known in adults. The parasite is a fungus which attacks the hairs, burrowing into the roots and producing circular patches having a slightly raised and scurfy surface, the hairs on which are dry, brittle, lustreless, and broken off close to the scalp. Some- 108 times there is a small pustule at the root of each hair, which discharges a mucous fluid. The treatment consists in the application of Carbolated Vaseline and the internal administration of Kali mur.. a dose three times a day. RICKETS (Rachitis) is an important dis- eased condition in children, by which the bones are illy nourished and become mal- formed in consequence. The bones are softer, owing to a lack of deposit of the earthy constituents. It always begins du- ring the first dentition. The usual symp- toms are nightly restlessness, sweating about the head, inability to walk or weak legs, large wrists, weak spine, large open fontanelles the bones of the head do not close. There is great tendency to all kinds of catarrhal complications, muscular debil- ity and nervous symptoms. The teeth are cut late, sometimes a year may pass before the first teeth are through. 109 The treatment of a rickety child requires careful attention to details. The diet must be regulated; sugar and starchy food must be curtailed; Mellin's food, fresh cow's milk, broths, plenty of fresh air; sunlight and cleanliness must be found in the nur- sery; warm clothing, combination flannels, warm shoes and stockings are all very nec- essary; massage, salt water baths, inunction of oil are useful aids. A course of the Tis- sue Remedies will accomplish excellent results. Calcar. phos. is the principal remedy. The bones are soft; child is emaciated, sweats profusely, is weak and cold ; may have diarrhoea, sallow, earthy complexion, etc. It is best to give it continuously in the food, beginning with tablets of the first or second trituratiori and putting one in all its food; later, give the third and sixth potency about three times a day. This remedy may be given in alternation with any other that may be indicated. 110 Natrum mur. Especially when the neck is very thin and the thighs, also, are much emaciated. Silica. Head large, rest of body greatly wasted away; abdomen swollen, hot; ankles weak; offensive diarrhoea; child very ner- vous, sensitive, irritable, cold tendency to boils; child feels better when wrapped up very warmly. Natrum phospli. This remedy is espe- cially useful for poorly nourished children, when there is much acidity, sour-smelling stools, perspiration, etc. ; stools often clay- colored. A dose of the selected remedy should be given four times a day and per- severed with for w^eeks, or until marked improvement shows itself. SCARLET FEVER (Scarlatina). A pecu- liar scarlet rash upon the skin, with fever and sore throat. It is infectious and con- tagious; usually commencing with fever, pains in the throat, and vomiting. On the first or second day, or sometimes a little Ill later, a scarlet redness of the skin appears, in large, smooth glassy spots, first on the throat and then on the face and neck, from whence it spreads over the whole body, and usually continues until the fifth or sixth day. The redness disappears on slight pressure, but as quickly returns when the finger is removed. The fever is often accompanied with an affection of the kidneys, more frequently with severe dis- ease of the throat and neck, or of some internal organ, and is often followed by dropsy. It generally occurs only once dur- ing life. It comes out within a week of exposure to the infection. The patient with scarlet fever must be separated. It is contagious from the initial sore throat until the last branny scales have been removed. Six weeks quarantine is not unusual. The treatment must always be superin- tended by a physician. It is a dangerous disease, though epidemics differ greatly in intensity. The most careful attention to 112 nursing and diet are absolutely necessary to ensure recovery. Remedies play but a minor role in the treatment. For the sim- ple forms, nothing outside of the hourly administration of Ferrum plios. is required. This can alwa3 7 s be relied upon until the physician can be called in to take full charge of the case. For the severer types Kali mur.j Kali pJws. and Calc. pJios. are required. SCIATICA. A most painful neuralgic affection of the large nerve supplying the leg, often very obstinate and dependent frequently upon constitutional defects. In the treatment, great attention must be paid to the condition of the bowels, as a loaded colon alone suffices to greatly aggravate the pain, also to the condition of the foot ap- parel, sometimes heavy shoes or boots, and warm stockings going far to cure an attack. Kali plios. Pain down back of thigh to knee, great restlessness, moving about gently gives some relief for a time. 113 Natrum sulpJi.In gouty patients, pain in hip-joint, worse moving about or raising from a seat. Natrum mur. Chronic cases. Pains better by heat, worse right side, hip and knee; hamstrings feel contracted. Magnes plios. When the pains are very severe. Given in hot water, it will often mitigate them. A dose of the selected remedy may be given hourly or oftener, if pains are severe; when less acute, a dose four times a day will prove sufficient. For very obstinate cases Calc. Phos. and Silica may be tried. ST. TITUS DANCE (Chorea.) A disease of the nervous system characterized by twitch- ings and involuntary movements of certain groups of muscles, especially of the face. The disease is often associated with rheu- matism, anemia, worms and as a result of mere imitation. REMEDIES. Magnes pliosph. and Calcar pliosph. are the principal remedies. For the 114 acute attacks, give a dose of Calcar phos. morning and night, and Magnes plws. every two hours during the day. When improve- ment sets in, give one dose of each daily, one in the morning and the other at night. SHINGLES. An eruption of vesicles in small distinct clusters, with red margins which spread around the body like a girdle or belt, most commonly at the waist, and is attended with heat and itching and often with acute pain of a neuralgic character, vesicles do not burst but change color and dry up. In its chronic form it is obstinate and difficult of cure. TREATMENT. Powder the parts with corn starch after applying a little vaseline and take Kali mur. and Natrum mur. in alter- nation, a dose every two hours. If the pain is severe substitute Kali pliospli, a dose every hour. SLEEPLESSNESS (Insomnia) is an early symptom of an exhausted condition of the 115 nervous system and should be treated by looking to the general health. Avoid men- tal work, especially in the evening; stimu- lants, especially coffee, but see that the patient does not go to bed hungry. Often a cup of beef-tea or hot milk at bedtime will ensure a good night's rest. See that the feet are warm when retiring; if neces- sary, put a hot water bag in the bed. The best general remedy is Kali phos. It may be taken with advantage in hot milk on retiring for the night. Silica may be taken during the day, if the patient is nervous and excitable and chilly. A dose three times a day. SMALL-POX (Yariola). Small-pox com- mences with fever, accompanied with nau- sea and vomiting, severe pains in the back and loins, bad smell from the mouth, and frequently with tenderness of the abdomen on pressure. On the fourth day the erup- tion makes its appearance, first on the face and hairy scalp, then on the neck, and 116 afterwards over the whole body. At first, the eruption has the form of small, red, hard, and pointed elevations, which increase and enlarge during the next three days, forming into small vesicles on the top of each pimple, depressed in the centre, hav- ing an inflamed base, and being filled with a clear fluid. On the eighth or ninth da}' the eruption is at its height, after which time the pustules commence to dry up and scab in the order in which they make their appearance. The pustules sometimes run into each other, and form large, continuous, suppurating surfaces. The eruption on the skin passes through the stages of pimple, vesicle, pustule, scab, and leaves marks on the site of exudation. The disease gener- ally exhausts the susceptibility of the con- stitution to another attack and is highly contagious. TREATMENT. The patient's room should be cool, thoroughly ventilated, and dark- ened; some antiseptic should be used free- ly, either on cloth dipped in the solutions 117 or in the form of spray. Cool, fresh air should be admitted several times a day, and the patient should lie on a mattress and be lightly covered. The linen should be fre- quently changed, and the free use of cool- ing drinks allowed. The diet during the feverish symptoms should be spare and light barley-water, thin gruel, etc. ; and if there is no diarrhoea, roasted apples, stewed primes, and the like. When conva- lescence sets in, beef-tea and chicken-broth should be given. Toast-water and oatmeal- water may be used as beverages which, with the diet, should be more cold than warm. To allay irritation and prevent pit- ting, the pustules should be painted with glycerine or starch. PREVENTIVE TREATMENT. Vaccination is the only effectual preventive against small- pox, or if it does not prevent, it will cer- tainly modify its course. Kali mur. is the principal remedy; it controls the formation of pustules* 118 Kali sulph. may be given to promote the formation of healthy skin and the falling off of the crusts. Use the 3rd trit unit ion, a dose every three hours. SORE THROAT. An inflammatory con- dition of the back part of the mouth, (throat, palate, and tonsils), with difficulty of swallowing, impeded respiration, and more or less fever. It may differ greatly in intensity, from the slightest irritation in the throat, which vanishes quickly, to cases of great severity ending in abscess and suppuration, and obstructing respiration to an alarming extent. See Tonsilitis. TREATMENT. Use a wet compress around the throat; gargle with claret and water and take Ferrum plws., a dose every half hour, if the throat is red, inflamed, painful; burning in throat. Useful for the sore throats of singers and those who use the voice much. Tendency to evening hoarseness. 119 Kali mur. When tonsils swell. Ulcera- ted sore throat. Granular pharyngitis. Tough mucus in throat. Natrum mur. Sore throat of smokers and after nitrate of silver treatment. Throat feels constricted with stitches. Chronic sore throat with feeling of a plug or lump and great drjness. Calcara fluor. Relaxed sore throat, uvula too long, tickling in throat. Hawk- ing of mucus early in the morning. Burn- ing in throat. Of the selected remedy, take a dose every hour in acute cases, for more chronic types, a dose three times a day. SPASMS are usually met with in domes- tic practice in children, who are of a nervous organization, and have been sub- jected to errors in diet. The first thing to do is to get rid of the offending cause, hence an injection or even vomiting may be resorted to. A hot bath is always indi- cated. After these things have been at- 120 tended to, give Magnes. phos. dissolved in hot water every few minutes for a few doses. This may be followed by Calcar. phos., especially if the Mag. phos. fails to give entire relief. Gale phos. is especially indicated in convulsions from teething without fever. Fits during development in childhood. In anemic, pale patients, cramps and convulsive movements of all kinds. A dose three times a day beginning with the third trituration, and after some time substituting the sixth and higher. SPINAL IRRITATION is shown by back- ache, weakness, painful spine, headache, impaired digestion, etc., frequently found in hysterical subjects. A course of the Tissue Remedies, together with attention to the general health, massage, salt water baths, will be of great benefit. The chief remedies are Natrum mur., especially when the pa- tient is easily fatigued, weakness from the 121 slightest exertion, restless, pain in back and head, spine very sensitive. Salty taste and repugnance to food; vision be- comes dim after reading; skin dry and harsh, mouth dry; feet heavy; back feels broken ; bladder weak, dribbling of urine. Silica. Spinal irritation of children de- pending on worms. Nape of neck stiff burning in back. Patient very sensitive to every impression, feels better from warmth in general. Kali phos. may be given in alternation with either of these remedies as a general nerve food. A powder may be taken three times a day, half an hour before eating. TEETHING. Dentition. There is no doubt that the teething process does pre- dispose the child to various disturbances; it renders it more sensitive and open to all sorts of impressions and morbid influences. There is more or less restlessness, sleepless- ness, fever, bowel disturbance and skin irritation. Look to the general physical 122 comfort of the child, warm clothing, suffi- cient but not too much bed clothing, reg- ular bathing, good air, sunny room, daily exercise in the open air, if the weather permits, etc. Suitable food, of which mother's milk is the best of course, is of paramount importance. In the absence of mother's milk, cow's milk modified by the addition of barley-water is one of the best substitutes. When the teeth begin to ap- pear, a crust of bread and broth may be given in addition, though milk should be the principal article of diet for the first four years. There is nothing more certain than the favorable influence of some of the Tissue Remedies in regulating this import- ant time in the child's life. Among them none is of greater and wider influence than Calcar. plios. If the teeth are rather late in erupting, it should be given to hasten development. It is the remedy for all troublesome ailments during dentition; es- pecially useful in flabby, emaciated chil- dren who are apt to have loose bowels and 123 suffer from stomach troubles. Give a pow- der of the third trituration in the food three times a day. It may be advantage- ously followed by Calcar. fluor., which also greatly facili- tates dentition; indicated when there is vomiting and spasms, incessant crying, etc. Magnes.phos. In convulsive cases, much twitching of muscles or complete spasms; colic and loose bowels call for it. Should be given after every stool and during spas- modic symptoms every few minutes. THRUSH. Sore-mouth. (Aphthoe). A dis- ease of infants, and also one of which is peculiar to the last stage of chronic disea- ses, consisting of white, spongy and sloughy ulcers, resembling loose skin on the tongue, palate, throat ; and sometimes, when severe, extending throughout the intestinal canal; often caused by want of cleanliness, or bad, or unsuitable food. TREATMENT. Liquid and cool food alone must be given. Keep the mouth scrupu- 124 lously clean with a solution of Boracic acid, or Listerine. Kali mur. and Natrum pliospli. are the remedies which may be given alternately every hour dissolved in water. TONGUE. The appearance of the tongue gives very valuable indications for the use of the Tissue Remedies. Sometimes it alone, when very marked, may lead to the right remedy. The most marked appear- ances characteristic of each remedy are the following: Kali mur. Tongue swollen; coating white, grayish, shining. Kali plios. Tongue excessively dry, brown. Edges red and sore. Kali sulph. Coating yellow, slimy with insipid, pappy taste. Natrum mur. Clean, moist tongue, sen- sation of a hair on tongue. Feels dry, but is not. Small bubbles of frothy saliva cover the sides and tips. 125 Natrum pkos. Coating at the base moist, creamy or golden yellow. Calcar fluor. Cracked appearance of tongue. TONSILITIS (Quinsy). Inflammation and swelling of the tonsils, at times going on to formation of pus. Usually the result of cold. There seems to be a special predis- position to it in certain persons, which can only be eradicated by constitutional treat- ment. REMEDIES. Kali mur. is the principal remedy. Give a dose every hour. Calcar. sulpli. If pus forms, it may then be alternated with the former. Besides the remedies, ice is very grate- ful. Ice-cream will be found a good food. TONSILS, ENLARGED. A very common affection of childhood, often interfering with breathing with mouth closed. Before resorting to cutting, which is so popular nowadays, a course of internal medication 126 should be given a chance to cure radically. Frequently a few weeks' treatment will accomplish the result. The principal remedy is Calcar. pJws. Chronic swelling of the tonsils, causing pain on opening mouth, difficulty in swal- lowing and deafness, husky voice. Give the 2x trituration, one tablet four* times a day for two weeks; then substitute the 3x, and later the 6th given in the same way. TOOTHACHE. --Pain in one or more teeth, which varies extremely in degree, duration, and character, frequently extend- ing to the face, ears, neck, and head, and often resulting from pregnancy, decayed teeth, extremes or sudden changes of tem- perature, cold, rheumatism, indigestion, or from hot or cold, sweet or sour articles of food or drink, etc. REMEDIES. Ferrum phospJi., when there is heat and redness in the cheek and when pain is relieved by cold drinks. 127 Natrum mur.. when the pain is associated with profuse flow of tears or of saliva. Magnes. plios., when the pains are re- lieved by the application of heat and warm drinks. Silica^ when the pains seem to be deep in the jaw. Cakar. fluor., when gum boil forms or other hard swelling. DOSE. A powder of the selected remedy should be given every half or quarter of an hour. When improvement sets in, not so often. TUMORS. Nothing proves the efficiency of constitutional treatment by means of the Tissue Remedies more than the disappear- ance of growths and tumors after a course of this treatment. Not all yield ; probably none in the latter stages of their development, but many in the earlier stages; and it is certain that surgical measures should not be decided upon until a few months treat- ment have been tried. The indications for 128 the following remedies are based on the experience of many physicians and cannot be gainsaid. Kali pJios.,, has been found of much use in cancer, for the pain, offensive discharge and debility. Kali sulpli., in Epithelioma, cancer on the skin near a mucous lining, with dis- charge of thin, mattery secretion, Calcar. phos. Cysts of all sorts require this remedy. Goitre, weeping sinew, house- maid's knee, etc., all yield to this drug. Cak.fluor. Hard tumors. Knots, ker- nels ; hardened glands in the breast. Indu- rated lumps. Silica. Enlarged glands; swellings, lumps that are hard but threaten to sup- purate. The selected remedy should be taken persistently for several weeks, two or three times a day and in varying potencies. ULCERS. Here, too, the administration of internal remedies does more than all lo- 129 cal measures ever accomplished. These are riot to be neglected, but healthy action is greatly furthered by the concomitant use of the Tissue Remedies. The chief one is Silica. Always indicated in suppurative processes, glandular swellings with suppu- ration. Ulcers of the lowar limbs; spongy, easily bleeding ulcers; sluggish ulcers, in hard worked and ill-fed persons. Ulcera- tion following abrasion of the skin over HIP shin-bone. Begin with the third trituration dissolved in water and take a dose three or four times daily. Then gradually substitute the sixth and later the twelfth trituration. URINARY TROUBLES. Disturbance in the normal action of the urinary apparatus, met with in domestic practice, shows itself more frequently as incontinence, or too fre- quent, sometimes too scant arid more or less painful urination. The causes may be va- rious: colds, errors in diet, rectal troubles; and, in women, displacements of the womb 130 are frequent causes. Any pronounced and persistent change should receive the atten- tion of a physician. The urinary symp- toms of the following remedies are well do- fined, and whenever present will often yield to the corresponding remedy: Ferrum phos. One of the best remedies for wetting of the bqd in children and in- continence of urine, when every cough causes the urine to spurt. Inflammation of the bladder; irresistible urging to urinate, aggravated by standing, with smarting and pain. Kaliplu>&. Wetting of the bed in older children. Incontinence in old people; scalding, bloody urine; itching of urethra. Maqnes ^>/ios. Spasmodic retention of urine. Gravel. Natrum plios. Chief remedy in catarrh of thu bladder. Much mucus in urine; frequent urination; diabetes. Natrum sulph. Sandy deposit, gravel, brick-dust sediment. Especially useful in 131 gouty patients. This remedy is advanta- geously followed by Galcar phos. Tendency to stone in the bladder; flocculent sediment. Natrum mur. Cutting in urethra, and after urinating; much and frequent urine; involuntary, after coughing, when walking, etc., etc. VACCINATION. Should any ill effects show themselves after vaccination, Kali mur. and Silica will neutralize them; a dose of one in the morning and the other at night. VAKICOSE VEINS. Enlarged veins, more especially in the legs, and occurring fre- quently during pregnancy. They are dis- colored, knotty, and sometimes become very painful, and may burst, if neglected. Ferrum phos. is a powerful vein remedy. Varicose veins in young persons; throbbing in the parts. 132 Calcar. fluor. is the chief remedy for all forms of varicose veins. Sharp, piercing pains, burning soreness, even ulceration of the veins. Use the sixth trituration, three times a day. Sometimes a local applica- tion of a solution of the 2d trituration, in water, will be of much benefit. VERTIGO is a symptom of various dis- eased conditions; may be caused by gastric disorders as well as disturbed states of the circulation. REMEDIES. If due to congestion of the brain, shown by hot head, full pulse, etc., give Ferrum phosph., a dose every two hours. If due to anemic condition, give Calcar. phos., a dose three times a day. If due to gastric disorders, consult the rem- edies there indicated. Kali plios. in the aged; vertigo worse rising or looking up; nervous causes; run- down states of the system. Natrum sulph., with biliousness and bit- ter taste; excess of bile. 133 VOICE, LOSS OF. Usually from cold or over use of voice. Rest, warm drinks, and Ferrum pJws. every hour, usually soon re- store the voice. VOMITING. BILIOUS VOMITING. See un- der "Bilious Attacks.' 1 THE VOMITING OF BLOOD. This symptom, if it be not a symptom of consumption, may arise from a weakness brought on by some exceptional cause, such as straining, a blow on the stomach, overheating, etc. Spitting or coughing up of blood may pre- sent itself in various degrees of severity, and may or may not be a dangerous symp- tom, sometimes arising from the ulcerative process in consumptom; but at other times it may be constitutional, caused by exter- nal circumstances, such as quick running, violent exercise, lifting, etc. Care should be taken to examine whether the blood coughed or hawked up is from the lungs or stomach, or merely from the nose, or back part of the mouth or throat. Call a 134 physician to determine this. Give cold drinks and dissolve a powder of Ferrum phos., third trituration, in a glass of ice- water and give teaspoonful doses every five minutes until better, then every hour. VOMITING is a frequent symptom in children from errors in diet or at the be- ginning of acute diseases, notably brain troubles; in adults it indicates diseases of the stomach or kidneys, most commonly an excess of bile, so-called biliousness. In order to treat it successfully, the whole patient must be taken into considera- tion and the underlying complaint treated, but the symptom is very marked in the following remedies. Silica. Child vomits as soon as it nur- ses. Morning vomiting with chilliness. Ferrum phos. Vomiting of food with sour fluids, soon after eating; vomiting of blood, bright red. Kali mur. Vomiting of thick, white phlegm. 135 Natrum mur. Vomiting of sour fluid, not food; curdled masses: dark substance, like eoffee-gro.mds; of watery, stringy transparent mucus. Natrum ^9/ios. Vomiting of sour fluid curdy masses with yellow coating of tongue. Natrum sulpli. Bilious vomiting with bitter taste. Morning sickness, constant nausea. Oakar. phos. Vomiting after cold water and ice-cream. Infants vomit often and easily and want to nurse all the time. Vomiting with teething troubles. WRITER'S CRAMP is a functional ner- vous trouble characterized by spasmodic, tremulous, inco-ordinate or paralytic distur- bance when the act of writing is attempted. It is associated with some pain and fatigue. It is a type of other cramps incident upon certain occupations, Uke telegraphers, mu- sicians, etc., who use one set of muscles continuously and without sufficient rest. 136 The treatment consists in rest largely, massage and the administration of Natrum plios. and Magnes. i^lios. A dose of one in the morning and the other at night for some weeks. If necessary, these may be followed by Calcar. plios., especially where there is cramplike pain in fingers and wrists, WHOOPING COUGH. A convulsive cough, accompanied with a shrill whoop, and re- turning in fits which are frequently termi- nated by vomiting of food and mucus. The disease commences with cough, hoarseness, and other symptoms of a common cold; and in the second or third week, the cough pe- culiar to this disorder makes its rppear- aiice. The paroxysms usually occur every two or three hours, and are often worse during the night, or every other day. Between the paroxysms, with the excep- tion of being weak, the patient shows no apparent symptoms of disease. 1. The Catarrhal Stage. SYMPTOMS. Those of an ordinary cold sneezing, watery dis- 137 charge from the nose, watery eyes, hoarse- ness, dry cough, headache, oppression at the chest, feverish nights, etc., lasting for two or three w r eeks, 2. The Convulsive, or Whooping Stage. SYMPTOMS. Violent paroxysms of cough of a convulsive and suffocative character, and distinguished by a peculiar whoop. The face and neck are sometimes swollen and livid, the e^yes protruded and full of tears. The duration of the paroxysms varies from one to five minutes, at the termination of which there is often vomiting or expecto- ration of food or ropy mucus. This stage lasts from five to six weeks. TREATMENT, The diet must be nourish- ing and the strength of the patient well kept up. Plenty of fresh air arid regular exercise should be enjoined. Linseed tea, or gum-arabic water will be found useful to allay the irritability of the throat. All sources of irritation and excitement should be excluded from the invalid. 138 Magnes pJios. is the principal remedy. It should be given steadily, and will soon greatly modify the disease. Dissolve a powder of the third trituration in a glass of water, and give teaspoonful doses every two hours and after every coughing spell. Calcar pJios. may be needed in weakly constitutions, or in teething-children, and in obstinate cases with emaciation. WORMS, THREAD. Small worms resem- bling ends of white cotton or thread, affect- ing the last portion of the bowel, arid espe- cially the rectum, causing great irritation, especially at night, nervous derangement, difficulty in making water, paleness of the face ; picking of the nose, variation of the appetite, etc. They may often be seen in the child's stool, or crawling on the child's person, TREATMENT. Look to the diet; avoid too much starchy and amylacious food, mushes, etc. v >It may be necessary to give an occa- sional injection of salt and water, one tea- 139 spoonful to a quart of water, and afterwards apply a little vaseline to the rectum. Keep the parts immaculately clean. Natrum pJws. is the principal remedy for all kinds of worms round, long or thread worms. There may be pain in the bowels, restless sleep, picking at nose, acidity, itching of rectum, grinding of teeth, etc. ; all symptoms more or less present with this trouble. This remedy probably acts by de- stroying the excess of lactic acid, which seems to be necessary for the life of these worms. Give one tablet of the third po- tency night and morning. 140 MATERIA MEDICA. CALCAREA FLUORICA (Fluoride of Lime). This salt is found in the surface of the bones and in the enamel of the teeth ; also in the elastic fibres and skin. A disturb- ance of the equilibrium of the molecules of this salt, according to the theory of Bio- chemistry, causes a relaxed condition and a dilatation, interfering with Absorption and hence favoring hardening and swelling of the tissues. Enlarged veins, *piles, swollen and hardened glands, tumors/ uterine dis- placements, are conditions resulting from such a cause. SPECIAL SYMPTOMS CALLING FOR THE USE OF CALCAR. FLUOR. Head: Lumps on head; hard swellings; nasal troubles; stuffy cold; bad odor with thick, lumpy discharge, which is hard to detach, going back into throat. 141 Mouth and Throat: Gumboil with hard swelling on the jaw; cold sores; throat troubles, tickling from enlarged soft palate. Stomach and Bowels: Hiccough and vomiting; constipation and piles, swollen and hard ; bleeding piles; itching of rectum; internal piles, with backache : displacement of the womb, indicated by dragging pains; falling of womb; profuse menstruation. Respiratory Organs: The chief remedy in croup; dry, hoarse cough; tickling and cough, with lumps of thick mucus. Extremities and Skin: Enlarged veins; chief remedy for varicose veins anywhere ; blood tumors; gouty enlargements; crack- ing in joints; weeping sinew; inflammation of knee-joint; hardened glands; knots and kernels, and tumors anywhere. CORRESPONDING HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES. Fluoric acid, Aurum and Silica. For hard swellings: Baryta jod.^ Calcar. jod. 142 For offensive catarrh: Aurum and Kali bich. PREPARATION AND DOSE. The best pre- paration for ordinary use is the sixth trit- uration, of which a small powder size of a bean may be taken dry on the tongue, three times a day; or one tablet of the same strength may be used instead. After one week's use of the sixth, it is often advisa- ble, in chronic cases, to substitute the twelfth potency, used in a similar manner. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA ( Phosphate of Lime,), This salt gives solidity co the bones. It is absolutely essential to the proper growth and nutrition of the body and supplies the first basis for the new tissues. An insufficient supply of Calcarea phos. results in defective nutrition, imper- fect growth and decay. It is of greatest importance during dentition, in young, rapidly growing children, at puberty, in old age and especially after acute diseases, 143 drains on the system and in inherited weak- ness and disease tendencies, especially scrofulous and tuberculous manifestations. SPECIAL SYMPTOMS CALLING FOR THE USE OF CALC. PHOS.- Head-. Peevish and fretful state; impaired memory; vertigo, cold feel- ing in head; headache, about puberty; in infants, bones of head do not close; scalp sore, itches, feels cold. Eyes and Ears: Scrofulous inflammation of eyes with spots on cornea; eye-troubles in school children and at the time of pu- berty; cannot use eyes by gas light; twitch- ing of lids; bones around ear aches; ear feels cold. Face: Pimples; complexion sallow, greasy ; face-ache. Mouth and Throat : Bad taste ; teeth develop slowly; difficult teething; glands swollen; chronic enlargement of tonsils; relaxed sore throat; sore throat with pain on swallowing; constant hawking. 144 Stomach; Flatulence and heartburn; infant wants to nurse all time ; pains after eating; craving for salted and smoked meat. Abdomen : Stool is watery, offensive, noisy; summer complaint; pain in rectum; fistula. Urinary and Sexual: Wetting of the bed ; incontinence in old people ; diabetes ; gravel ; uterine displacements, with rheumatic pains; menses too early and too profuse. After pro- longed nursing, leucorrhoea, etc., it acts as a constitutional tonic. Respiratory: Soreness of chest; cough of consumptives; palpitation. Extremities: Rheumatism; numb, cold limbs; sore, aching, worse any change of weather; languor, trembling and twitching: anemia and chlorosis; rickets; flabby, ema- ciated, sickly, ailing, backward children; polypi; irregularity in development; lum- bago, after the use of Ferrum phos; house- maid's knee; bow-legs in children and swelling of the joints. 145 CORRESPONDING HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES. China, Ruta and Symphytum. As a remedy for the aged, Baryta is often more valuable. In children, Calcar. carb. is to be pre- ferred, when they are fair, plump, sweat much, with cold, damp feet much of the time. PREPARATION AND DOSE. For infants, the best preparation is the third trituration, of which one-quarter of a teaspoonf ul may be dissolved in the milk twice a day, and given thus with the food. This may be continued throughout the teething period. For all ordinary purposes, tablets of the third or sixth potency, given three times a day, will be found effective. For old patients, the twelfth potency is best. CALCAREA SULPHTJRICA (Gypsum). - This salt is contained in the connective tis- sue and it stands in close relation to sup- purations. It cures at that stage, when 146 suppuration continues too long. The pres- ence of pus with a vent is the general indi- cation. SPECIAL INDICATIONS. Head: Scald head of children; pimples and pustules on face; cold in head with thick discharge; edges of nostrils sore. Respiratory: Cough with hectic fever; obstinate hoarseness; bronchitis; consump- tion; catarrh with thick, lumpy, pus-like secretions; cough with herpetic eruptions. Extremities: Backache; burning itching of soles; herpetic eruptions all over; boils; carbuncles; chilblains; abscesses; to shorten the suppurative process; felons, ulcers, with excessive granulations. CORRESPONDING HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES. Hepar and Silica. Calcar sulph. resembles Ilepar, but acts deeper and more intensely, and is often useful after Hepar has ceased to act. Silica is preferable in glands that suppurate. 147 PREPARATION AND DOSE. Tablets of the third potency every two hours in acute, and three times a day in chronic, diseases. FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM (Phosphate of Iron). Iron is found in the red blood cor- puscles most abundantly, but is contained also in every cell. A disturbance of the equilibrium of the iron molecules in the muscular fibres causes a relaxed condition, favoring congestion and haemorrhage. Iron restores the tone, equalizes the circulation, and abates the fever. All ailments of a congestive nature, especially in children who are dull and listless, failing appetite, lose weight, etc. Head and Face: Rush of blood to head ; throbbing headaches; head sore to touch, with eyes bloodshot, red, inflamed; florid complexion; hot, red face; face-ache, with flushed face, cheek sore and hot; cold ap- plications are grateful; gums hot; teething troubles, with feverislmess. 148 Nose and Ears: First stage of all colds; bleeding from nose; noises in ears; earache; deafness. Throat: Throat dry, red, inflamed, pain- ful; first stage of diphtheria and ulcerated throat. Gastric symptoms: Thirst; vomiting of food and blood; undigested stools; haemor- rhoids arid dysentery. Urinary symptoms, etc.: Wetting of the bed ; frequeiri urination ; menses too early, and frequent, and profuse; menstrual colic, Respiratory symptoms: First remedy for colds on the chest, especially in children. Painful cough with fever; soreness of chest; cough with emission of urine; cough with bloody expectoration; bronchitis, pleurisy and pneumonia in the first stage; croup; loss of voice; hoarseness; huskiness after talking or singing; whooping-cough with vomiting; palpitation. Back and Extremities: Stiff neck; lum- bago; rheumatic pains anywhere, that are 149 worse moving and better from warmth; acute articular rheumatism. CORRESPONDING HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES. Aconite and Gelsernium: Aconite has more restlessness, tossing about and greater fever. Gelsem., more drowsiness and languor. In anemic conditions, China and Calcar. phos. In respiratory troubles, Bryonia and Tartar emetic follow often. PREPARATION AND DOSE. The best pre- paration for acute conditions, in the begin- ning of all acute diseases, is the third trit- uration, of which a powder size of a bean should be dissolved in a tumbler half full of pure cold water, a teaspoonful of which may be taken every quarter, half or hour, according to the severity of the symptoms. When improvement sets in, the interval between the doses may be lengthened. When the conditions are not very acute, tablets of the sixth potency may be taken every two hours. 150 KALI MURIATICUM (Chloride of Potash). This salt is found in the blood, nerve cells and muscles. It stands in a chemical relation to fibrin and corresponds to the second stage of all inflammations. Croup- ous and diphtheritic membranes, lymphatic enlargements, discharges and expectora- tions of thick, whitish matter. The prin- cipal indications for the drug are such dis- charges and white, greyish coating of the tongue. The efficacy of this remedy is de- monstrated in chronic catarrhal conditions, croup, diphtheria, dysentery, pneumonia. In alternation with Ferr. pJios. in coughs, deafness from catarrh of the eustachian tubes, skin eruptions with small vesicles containing yellowish secretions, ulcerations with swellings and white exudations; in leucorrhoea with characteristic discharge, etc. Symptoms in general are worse from motion; the gastric and abdominal being worse after taking pastry, rich and fatty foods. 151 Head symptoms: ' Sick headache; dand- ruff and eruptions on scalp; chronic dis- charge from ears; deafness and earache; noises in ears; stuffy colds; thrush, canker and rawness of mouth ; tongue coated gray- ish, white and slimy. Throat: It is useful in most cases of diphtheria and specific for diphtheritic sore throat; pharyngitis, tonsilitis; chronic sore throat with deafness. Gastric Symptoms: Dyspepisa with a whitish gray tongue after rich food; vomi- ting of white mucus; jaundice, sluggish action of liver; constipation with furred tongue; abdomen tender; diarrhoea after fatty food; piles, especially bleeding, dysen- tery. Urinary and Sexual Organs: Inflamma- tion of bladder; dark colored urine, with sandy deposit; Urethritis, menses too late, leucorrhoea, thick and bland; ulceration of womb; morning sickness, and inflammation of the breast. 162 Respiratory Organs: Loss of voice; asth- ma, cough, with thick, whitish expectora- tion, croup, pleurisy and pneumonia after Ferrum phos. Back and Extremities: Rheumatism with swelling around joints; rheumatic pains felt only during motion, or at night in bed; epilepsy. Skin: Abscesses, boils, carbuncles, acne, eczema, burns, cold sores, pimples, pustules, warts, etc., all require a course of Kali mur., chief remedy in glandula swellings, old spasmodic conditions. PREPARATION AND DOSE. This remedy acts better in the lower potencies, from 2x to Gx. In diphtheria and kindred affections it should be given ten to fifteen grains in one- half glass water every hour. Locally it should be applied on lint dressing. CORRESPONDING HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES. Bryonia, Mercurius and Sulphur. Like Sulphur, it is a deep acting remedy with eradicating tendencies, useful as an inter- 153 current medicine in the treatment of chronic diseases. KALI PHOSPHORICUM (Phosphate of Pot- ash). This salt is a constituent of all ani- mal fluids and tissues, notably of the brain nerves, muscles and blood. It is an anti septic and hinders the decay of tissues: Nervous conditions known as neurasthenic, is the field in which this salt has become pre-eminent. The results of a want of nerve power, as prostration, exertion, loss of mental vigor, depression, brain-fag, softening of the brain, and when there is rapid decomposition of the blood. It is curative in septic hemorrhages, scorbutic gangrene, stomatitis, offensive carrion-like diarrhoea or dysentery, adynamic or typ- hoid conditions, incontinence of urine, urticaria, predisposition to epistaxisin child- ren, dizziness and vertigo from nervous exhaustion; tongue coated as if spread with dark liquid mustard. Many symptoms are aggravated by noise ; by rising from a sit- 154 ting position; by exertion, physical and mental; pains worse in cold air; ameliorated by gentle motion, eating, excitement, any- thing in fact that will relieve the mind and aid in restoring the lacking nerve force. Typhoid and gastric fever, malignant con- ditions. Head 8ymptorns: Nervous dread, anx- iety and fear; brain-fag; depressed spirits; general irritability; impaired memory; dul- ness, want of energy, hysteria, nervousness and weakness; headaches of students and those worn out; very sensitive to noise and other impressions; confused feeling here follow with Calc fluor., second trituration. Gastric: Tongue dry ; feels as if it would cleave to roof of mouth ; coated dark brown ; edges sore and red; bleeding of gums; hungry feeling; all gone sensation; con- stant pain in pit of stomach; ^j^ulence; diarrhoea, rectum sore, bowel prolapsed; stools dark brown, bloody, offensive. Back and Extremities: Paralytic condi- tions; burning of feet, fidgety feeling, 155 numbness and weakness; Neuralgic pains anywhere with depression ; weakness, scia- tica; cold aggravates all pains. Respiratory Organs: Short breath, hoarse- ness, faintness; intermittent and irregular pulse, palpitation. Urinary Organs: In wetting of the bed of children, this remedy is often effective when other remedies fail. Frequent uri- nation in old people; diabetes with nervous weakness; Bright's disease. Menses prema- lure and profuse, black and offensive; dull headache with menses, very tired and sleepy, legs ache; pain in ovaries and across lower part of back; yellow leucorrhoea. PREPARATION AND DOSE. The lower po- tencies seem to work best. Either the third and sixth, or even the second tritu- ration will answer all purposes. For acute Conditions, take a powder, size of a lima bean and dissolve in half a tumbler of water, 'and take teaspoonful doses every hour. For more chronic conditions, take one 156 tablet of the third potency four times a day. CORRESPONDING HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES. Rhus and Phosphorus, Pulsatilla and Igna- tia. The nearest analogue is Rhus, for the symptoms depending on blood changes, while Phosphorus is more like it in the nervous diseases. As a nerve sedative, Kali phos. corresponds with Ignatia and Coffea. In menstrual headaches Gelsemium Pulsatilla and Cirnicifuga. KALI SULPHURICUM (Sulphate of Potash). The skin and mucus membrane is largely under the influence of this salt. It is especially called for in the late stages of all inflammations. In profuse desquamation. In all conditions accompanied by a yellow mucous discharge or caused by suppression of eruptions or discharge. When the pa- tient is worse towards evening and better in the open air. Head: Dizziness arid headache, worse in warm room and in the evening; dandruff 157 and scaldhead; eruptions on scalp; colds, with yellow, slimy matter; old catarrhs, nose obstructed lost smell; offensive dis- charge. Gastric Symptoms: Burning thirst; cat- arrh of stomach with yellow, slimy coated tongue; pressure as of a load in stomach; dread of hot drinks; yellow, slimy diarrhoea, with colic; habitual constipation. Urinary and Sexual: Slimy, yellow or greenish discharge from urethra or from vagina. Respiratory Organs: Bronchial asthma and catarrh, worse in warm season; cough worse in the evening; great rattling in the chest; rattling of mucus with cough; suffo- cative feeling in hot atmosphere; desire for cool air. Extremities : Rheumatic pains in back and extremities, shifting, wandering, set- tling in one place, then in another. Skin: Inactive skin; chafing of skin; scaly tetters; ivy-poison; nettle rash; burn- 158 ing, itching eruptions; diseased nails; ery- sipelas; eczema and cancerous growth; polypi. PREPARATION AND DOSE. When used ex- ternally for dandruff and skin, use the first trituration dissolved in water, one tea- spoonful to one pint. Internally, tablets of the sixth every three hours will meet most conditions. CORRESPONDING HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES. Pulsatilla is the nearest analogue. Kali sulph. often follows very advantageously Kali mur. and Pulsatilla. MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA (Phosphate of Magnesia).- -This salt is a constituent of muscles and nerves. It causes contraction in muscular fibres and hence its use in cramps, convulsions and other nervous dis- turbances. Pains anywhere that are re- lieved by warmth and pressure. It is the great antispasmodic remedy. Head: Pain in head always relieved by warm applications; neuralgia with chilli- L59 ness after mental labor; neuralgia around eyes, worse on right side; earache worse from cold air or caused by washing in cold water; faceache, worse touch, cold wind, washing, better by application of heat; convulsive twitching of facial muscles or eyelids; toothache; complaints of teething children, especially spasmodic symptoms. Gastric Symptoms: Hiccough, heartburn, gastralgia, flatulent dyspepsia; flatulent colic relieved by warmth and pressure ; abdomen bloated; watery diarrhoea with cramps; constipation of infants, with spasmodic pain at every attempt at stool with much gas. Female Symptoms: Menstrual colic; pain precedes flow; intermittent; ovarian neu- ralgia; membranous discharge with menses; menses too early, dark, fibrous. Respiratory Organs: Whooping cough, best remedy; any spasmodic cough, worse at night and on lying down; oppression of chest; constriction of chest and throat; .angina pectoris; nervous palpitation. 160 Back and Extremities: Neuralgic pains; intercostal neuralgia: tingling sensations; feet very tender; cramps in calves; neural- gia in limbs with muscular contractions; languid and exhausted feeling; chorea; bad effects from stimulants. PREPARATION AND DOSE. This remedy acts best when given in hot water. Dissolve a powder of the third trituration in a cup of hot water and drink while warm. In severe pain it may be advisable to use the first or second trituration in the same way. For colic in infants, the thirtieth potency given in hot water acts best. CORRESPONDING HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES. The most striking resemblance of its action is to Colocynthis which may be used with it in colic and neuralgic affections. In spas- modic symptoms, Belladonna is similar. In female complaints, it is very similar to Puhatilla and Oimicifuga NATRUM MURIATICUM (Chloride of Sodi- um or Common Salt). This is a constituent 161 of every liquid and solid of the body. It regulates the degree of moisture within the cells. Wherever we find a hypersecretion of the watery elements of the body, with simultaneous want of activity in some other portion of the mucous membranes, you will find Natrum mur. the remedy. It acts upon the lymphatic system, the blood, liver, spleen, and upon the mucous lining of the alimentary canal. Natrum mur. is indicated in headache, toothache, faceache, stomachache, etc., where there is either salivation or hypersecretion of tears, or vomiting of water and mucus; also catar- rhal affections of mucous membranes, with secretion of transparent, watery, frothy mucus; also small watery blisters, breaking and leaving a thin crust; diarrhoea, trans- parent, glossy, slimy stools; conjunctivitis with discharge of tears and clear mucus; tongue clear, slimy, small bubbles of frothy saliva on sides; leucorrhoea, watery, smart- ing or clear, starch-like discharge, etc., etc. 162 Head: Very depressed in spirit, hypo- chondriacal mood with constipation, and brain-fag; hammering headache worse in morning; sick headache with constipation; muscles of neck feel weak; itching erup- tion on margin of hair at the nape of neck ; inflamed. eyelids; neuralgia around eyes; impaired vision; old nasal catarrh; loss of smell and taste; sallow complexion; cold sores on lips. Gastric symptoms : Waterbrash ; raven- ous hunger, violent thirst; aversion to bread; heartburn; offensive breath; con- stipation, smarting after stool; piles and fissures. Urinary: Frequent urination; catarrh of bladder; burning and soreness in vagina after urinating; very melancholic about the time of menses; prolapse and smarting leu- corrhoea. Back and Extremities: Backache better by lying on something hard; pain in hip; weakness of legs; cracking of joints. 163 PREPARATION AND DOSE. General experi- ence has taught that the best results are obtained when given in the higher poten- cies, 30x to 200, although some advocate the 3x and 6x potencies. For general use, it is best to begirt with the sixth potency, and if, improvement does not soon show itself, give the thirtieth, a dose night and morning. Locally for stings and as a gar- gle, the crude salt or first trituration may be used. CORRESPONDING HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES. Sepia arid Sulphur. These frequently are of service after Natrum mur. For the ill- effects of excessive use of salt in food, give Phosphorus 30. > NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM (Phosphate of soda)- This salt is found in the blood, mus- cles and nerve cells and in the inter-cellu- lar fluids. Through its presence, condi- tions arising from excess of lactic acid are prevented. It serves to emulsify fatty acids and is therefore a remedy for all dys- 164 peptic conditions traceable to fats. This is the remedy in all cases where there is an excess of acidity. Acts also upon the bow- els, glands, lungs and abdominal organs. It cures sour belchings arid rising of fluids; sour vomiting; greenish, sour-smelling diarrhoea, colic, spasms, fever from acidity of the stomach in children; ague with characteristic coating of tongue; eyes dis- charging a yellow creamy matter; gastric derangements with acidity and flatulence; indigestion, intestinal worms, etc. A cha- racteristic indication is a moist, thick, gold- en-yellow coating on the tongue and palate. Head: Giddiness, with gastric derange- ments; sick headaches with sour vomiting. Gastric: Yellow, creamy coating at the back part of roof of mouth and on tongue; grinding of teeth. Acidity, sour risings; pain after food; nausea and vomiting; flatulence, colic with acidity; stomach-ache from presence of worms; itching of rectum. Respiratory. A useful intercurrent rem- edy in catarrhal troubles associated with 165 acidity. Pain in chest from pressure and breathing; consumption; palpitation, pulse felt in different parts of body. Back and Extremities ; Weak feeling; legs give way while walking; pain in knees and ankles; aching wrists. PREPARATION OF DOSE.- The best general preparation are tablets of the sixth tritura- tion. For children, pellets of the thirtieth potency have been found very efficacious. CORRESPONDING HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES. Calcar. carb. and Rheum, especially for children where there is much acid condi- tion of stomach and bowels. NATRUM SULPHURICUM (Glauber's Salt). This salt does not appear in the cells, only in the inter-cellular fluids. It aids and regulates the excretion of superfluous water. Gastric bilious conditions, dropsy, liver diseases, results of living in damp, low dwellings or regions, uric acid diathesis, all are benefited by this remedy. The 166 chief characteristic symptom is the appear- ance of the tongue dirty, greenish brown. Head : Sick headache with bilious diar- rhoea; violent pain at base of brain; mental troubles arising from injuries to the head. Gastric: Bitter taste; mouth * full of slime, thick and tenacious, must hawk it up; tongue coated dirty, brownish, vomi- ting of bile ; flatulent colic, diarrhoea, stools dark, bilious, worse in morning, particu- larly after wet weather; great size of the foscal mass; aching in region of liver. Urinary. Chief remedy in diabetes; sandy deposit in urine like brick-dust in the water. Respiratory. Asthma, worse in damp weather, cough with thick, ropy expectora- tion; bronchial catarrh; cough worse in early morning; difficult breathing; asthma in children from suppression of skin troubles. Back and Extremities: Soreness up and down spine and back; drawing back of 167 neck; pain under nails; sciatica; gout; twitching during sleep; intermittent fever in all its stages; dropsy. PREPARATION AND DOSE. Use the third trituration in tablets, one every three hours^ CORRESPONDING HOMCEOPATHIC REMEDIES. Thuja and Sulphur.- In the cough, Bryo- nia, but this is indicated rather earlier in chest affections than Natrum sulph.\ and hence the latter often follows it advan- tageously. SILICA (Pure Quartz).' This salt, though very abundantly found in the vegetable kingdom, is found only in the connective tissue to any extent. It acts prominently upon the bones, glands, skin, and is espe- cially suited to the imperfectly nourished constitutions. It is the remedy for ail- ments attended with pus-formation. It ripens abscesses and promotes suppuration. Especially indicated in sensitive patients^ who are always chilly. 168 Head; Oversensitive, irritable - vertigo ; headache coming up from nape of neck, worse on right side, worse from noise, exer- tion, light, study ; better from warmth ; styes. Gastric: Child vomits as soon as it nurses; chronic dyspepsia; disgust for meat and warm food; very hungry; large abdomen; paralytic condition of bowels; patient is cold all the time; menses are associated with icy coldness and constipa- tion, and fetid foot-sweat. Respiratory: Cough of sickly children, with night-sweats; hoarseness; tickling cough; cough and sore throat, with expec- toration of little granules; smelling badly; deep-seated pain in chest; much pus -like expectoration; chronic heart disease. Back and Extremities: Spinal irritation; soreness between shoulders; hip-joint dis- ease; whitlow, felon; nails crippled and brittle; habitual fetid perspiration of the feet or axillae; ingrowing toe-nails; pains in feet; weak ankles; skin heals with diffi- 169 eulty, and suppurates easily; skin very sen- sitive; all sorts of eruptions and ulcerations; enlarged suppurating glands; patient feels better in warm room, and by heat generally. PREPARATION AND DOSE. In scrofulous and glandular affections, use tablet of the third trituration every four hours. In sup- purations, the sixth and twelfth tritura- tions are the best. Dissolve in water, and take a dose every two hours. For chronic affections, the thirtieth night and morning. A very excellent preparation is the Silica obtained from the bamboo; it seems to act more quickly, and is especially indicated in acute diseases. Here use Bamboo Silica 6x, a dose every two hours. CORRESPONDING HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES. Mercurius and Pulsatilla, Picric acid. In suppuration, Calcar. sulph. is better adapted to checking it and healing, promoting healthy granulation. It follows Silica. Silica often follows very advantageously, Pulsatilla and Calcarea. REPERTORY OR INDEX To the Chief Symptoms of the TWELVE TISSUE REMEDIES. flental States. Ambitionless, Natr. phos. Angry, Nat. mur. Apprehensive, .Kali phos. Anxiety, Gale, phos., Kali phos. Brainfag, Kali phos., Silica. Changeable mood, Calc. sulph. Confused feeling, Calc.fluor. Crying mood, Kali phos. Depressed mood, Natr. mur. Despairs getting well, Natr. sulph. Despondency, Kali phos. Difficult thought, Silica. Dread, nervous, Kali phos. Fear of falling, Kali sulph. Fear of financial ruin, Calc.fluor. Forgetful, Calc. p/ios. Fretful, Kali phos. Hallucinations, Kali phos., Natr. phos. Indifference, Fernmi phos. Indecision, Calc. fluor. Insanity, Ferr. phos., Kali phos. Melancholia, Kali phos., Natr. sulph. Night terrors, Kali phos. Over-sensitive, Silica, Kali. phos. 171 "Passionate outbursts, Nat. mur. Sadness, Nat. mur. Screaming, Kali phos. Sighing, Nat. mur. Slow comprehension, Calc. plios. Suicidal tendency, Nat. sulph. Whining, Rail phos. Head. Bald spots, Kali sulph. Brain-fag, Silica, Kali phos. Burning on top, Nat. Sulph. Cold feeling, Calc. phos. Congestive headache, Ferr. phos Dandruff, Kali sulph. , Nat. mur. Effects of injuries to, Nat. sulph, Falling out of hair, Kali sulph. Fontanelles unclosed, Calc. plios. Headache, menstrual, Nat. mur. " sick, Nat. sulph. congestive, Ferr. phos. Lumps on scalp, Silica. Soreness to touch, Ferr. phos. Sunstroke, Nat. mur. Sweat on head, Calc. phos., Silica. Throbbing, Ferr. phos. Vertigo, old age, Calc. phos. " with bile, Nat. sulph. Yellow crusts on scalp, Calc. sulph Eyes. Agglutination of lids, Nat. phos. Asthenopia, Nat. mur. Black spots before, Kali phos. Blisters on, Nat. mur. 172 Blood shot, Nat. pJws. Burning of lids, Nat. sulph. Conjunctivitis, Ferr. phos., Nat, plios, Dull vision, Nat. phos. Eye-ball, sore, Ferr. phos. Eyelids, granular, Nat. mur. Pupils contracted, Magms. phos. Redness, Ferr. phos. Nat. mur.' Styes, Silica . Ears. Aching around, Calc. phos. Buzzing in, Kali phos. Catarrh, Kali mur. Deafness, Ferr. phos., Kali. muf. Discharge from, Kali phos, Silica. Earache, Ferr. phos. , Magnes. phos, Noises in, Ferr. phos., Kali phos. Kinging, as of bells, Nat. sulph< Nose. Bleeding, Ferr. phos. Catarrh, Kali mur. " old, chronic, Nat. mur., Silica. Colds, Ferr. phos. " stuffy, Kali sulph., NaL mitr, Crusts, Kali mur., Silica. Discharge, acrid, Silica. ' clear, Nat. mur. 1 fetid, Kali phos. 1 greenish, Kali sulph. thick, Calc. fluor., Kali sulph. * yellow, Nat. phos Dry coryza, Calc.fluor., Kali mur. Hay-fever, Nat. mur., Silica. 173 Influenza, Nat. sulph. Loss of smell, Nat mur. Nostrils, sore, Calc. phos. Odor, offensive, Kaliphos^ Calc fluor. Pimples on nose, Nat. mur. Posterior nares, dry, Not. mur. 11 " hawking from, Kali phos. Predisposition to take cold, Gale. phos. Running colds, Nat. mur. Sneezing, Kali phos., Silica. Face. Acne, Calc. sulph., Kali mur. Blotched, Nat. phos. Cold sores, Nat. mur., Calc. fluor. Eruptions, Calc. sulph., Kali sulph* Greasy, Calc. phos. Jaundiced, Nat. sulph. Pale, Nat. mur., Calc. phos. Red, Ferr. phos. Sallow, Nat. sulph. Face-ache, Magnes. phos,, Ferr. phos. Hot, Ferr. phos. Yellowish, Nat. sulph. flouth. Aphtha), Kali mur. Breath, offensive, Kali phos., Nat. mur. Cold-sores, Nat. mur., Calc. fluor. Drooling, Nat. mur. Gumboil, Kali mur. Gums, spongy, Kali phos. Lips, crack, Nat. mur. Salivation, Nat. mur., Kali phos. Twitching, Magnes. phos. Ulcers in, Kali mur. 174 Tongue and Taste. Acrid taste, Nat. phos. Bitter taste, Nat. sulph. Blisters on tongue, Nat. mur. Brown tongue, Kali phos., Nat. sulph. Creamy tongue, Nat. phos. Frothy tongue, Nat. mur. Slimy tongue, Kali sulph. Cracked tongue, Calc. fluor. Dry tongue, Kali phos. Flabby tongue, Calc. sulph. Loss of taste, Nat. mur. Mapped tongue, Nat. mur. Numb tongue, Gale. phos. Sour taste, Calc. sulph. Ulcers on tongue, Silica, Kali mur. Teeth and Gums. Complaints during teething, Calc. phos. Convulsions during teething, Mag. phos. Decay of teeth, Calc. phos. Dental fistula, Silica. Drooling, Nat. mur. Enamel, deficient, Calc.fluor. Grinding of teeth, Nat, phos. Gums, bleed easily, Nat. mur. " inflamed, Calc. phos. " sensitive, Nat. mur. Gumboil, Kali mur. " hard, swollen, Calc.fluor. " suppurating, Calc. sulph. Looseness of teeth, Calc. fluor. Throat. Burning, Ferr.phos. Choking sensation, Magnes. phos. 175 Chronic sore, Nat. mur., Kali mur. Dryness, Nat. mur. Clergyman's, Cole. phos. Constriction, Magnes. phos. Croup and Diphtheria, Ferr. phos.. Kali mur. Dry throat, Ferr. phos. Feeling of lump, Nat. sulph. Follicular pharyngitis, Kali mur., Nat. mur. Glands, swollen, Kali mur. " suppurating, Silica. Goitre, Calc.fluor. Mumps, Kali mur., Nat. mur. Posterior nares dropping, Nat, phos. Relaxed sore throat, Gale. phos. 11 uvula, Nat. mur. Ulcerated sore throat, Kali mur. Uvula, elongated, Nat. mur. Gastric Symptoms. Acids, sensitive to, Magnes. phos. Acidity, Nat. phos. Appetite, loss of, Kali mur., Gale. phos. Aversion to bread, Nat. mur. " *' hot drinks, Kali sulph. " " meat, Ferr. jrfios., Silica. " " milk, Ferr.phvs. " " warm food, Silica. Biliousness, Nat. sulph. Burning in stomach, Kali sulph. Desire for bacon, Gale. phos. " " bitter things, Nat. mur* " " claret, Gale, sulph. " fruit, Gale, sulph. 11 " ham, Gale. phos. Desire for salted food, Gale. phos. 176 Desire for stimulants, Ferr. phos. *' " sugar, Magnes. phos. Empty, gone feeling, Kali phos. Eructations, bitter, Kali phos. " sour, Nat. phos. t( burning, Magnes. phos. " gaseous, Kali phos. , Gale. phos. greasy, Ferr. phos. Excessive hunger, Silica. Faintness at stomach, Kali sulph. Flatulence, Calc. phos. '* with palpitation, Kali phos. " " sluggish liver, Nat. sulph. " acidity, Nat. phos. , Calc. phos * teastritis, Ferr. phos. Gastralgia, Magnes. phos. Heartburn, Nat. mur., Silica. Hiccough, Magnes. phos., Calc. fiuor. Hunger, excessive, Silica, Kali phos, Nausea, Kali sulph., Ferr. phos. Nausea and vomiting, Magnes phos. Nausea and vertigo, Calc. sulph. Pain after food, Nat. phos., Calc. phos* Pain at pit of stomach, Kali phos. Regurgitation, Magnes. phos. Thirst, burning, Kali sulph. Vomiting acid, Nat. phos. 11 after cold water, Calc. phos. " before breakfast, Ferr. phos. V bile, Nat. sulph. V blood, Ferr. phos. V coffee-grounds, Nat. mur. " after nursing, Silica. 4< infantile, Calc. phos. 177 Vomiting mucus, Nat. mur. Waterbrash, Nat.phos., Kaliphos. Abdomen and Stool. Abdomen feels cold, Kali sulph. " swollen, Kaliphos. " sunken, Calc. phos. " tender, Kali mur. " tympanitic, Kali sulph. Anus, fissures, Silica. " fistula, Calc. phos. " eruption around, Nat. mur. " abscesses around, Calc. sulph. " prolapse, Calc. sulph., Kaliphos. 11 warts, Nat. sulph. Burning pain, Nat. mur. Colic, Magnes. plios. " lead, Nat. sulph. 11 infantile, Calc. pJios. Congestion of liver, Nat. sulph. Constipation, alternating with diarrhoea, Nat. mur. " with furred tongue, Kali m,ur. " habitual, Kali sulph. 11 infantile, Magnes. phos. *' in aged, Ca'c. phos. Cramps, Magnes. plws. Diarrhoea, from fatty food, Kali mur. " in wet weather, Nat. sulph. " from fruit, Calc. phos. " bilious, Nat. sulph. " from chill, Ferr. phos. 11 from fright, Rali phos. '* foul, putrid, Kaliphos. " green, Nat.phos. '* involuntary, Nat. mur. 178 Diarrhoea^ painless, Kali phos. " slimy, Kali sulph. undigested, Ferr. phos. watery, Nat. mur., Magnes. phos* *' white stools, Nat. phos. yellow stools, Kali sulph. Dysentery, Ferr. phos., Kali mur. Gallstones, Calc. phos. " colic, Magnes. phos. Haemorrhoids, Ferr. phos., Calc.fluor. Itching of anus, Nat. phos. Jaundice, Kali mur., Nat. sulph. Liver, torpid, Kali mur. " congested, Nat. sulph. " painful, Calc. sulph. " soreness, Nat. sulph. Marasmus, Calc. phos. Rectum, stitches in, Nat. mur. " prolapse of, Calc. sulph. , Kali phos. Worms, Nat. phos. " thread, Ferr. phos., Nat. phos. Urinary Symptoms. Bladder, catarrh of, Kali mur., Nat. mur. Bleeding from urethra, Kaliplios. Bright's disease, Calc. phos., Kali phos. Burning after urinating, Nat. mur.< Burning during urinating, Nat. sulph. Diabetes, Nat. phos., Ferr. phos. Gravel, Calc. phos., Nat. sulph. Incontinence, Calc. phos. " while coughing, Nat. mur, Increased urine, Calc. phos. Kidneys, inflamed, Kali mur. Retention of urine, Magnes phos. 179 Stone in bladder, Calc. phos. Suppression, Ferr. phos. Urine, brick-dust sediment, Nat. sulpli. " copious, Calc. phos. 11 dark color, Kali mur., Nat. sulph. " pungent, Calc.fluor. " gravel, Calc. phos., Silica. " with bile, Nat. sulph. " mucus, Silica. " sand, Nat. sulph. " yellow, Kali phos. Wetting the bed, Ferr. phos., Calc. phos. Female Symptoms. Backache with menses, Calc. phos. Bearing- down pains, Ferr. phos., Calc.fluor. Burning in uterus, Nat. mur. Displacements, Calc.fluor. Dragging sensation, Calc. fluor. Dysmenorrhcea, Magms.plios. " as a preventive, Cole. phos. " membranous, Magnes. phos. ^Hysterical symptoms, Kali phos. Icy coldness at menses, Silica. Itching, external, Nat. mur. Leucorrhcea, acid, Nat. phos. " acrid, Silica. " mucous, Calc. phos* " creamy, Nat. phos. " greenish, Kali sulph. 11 irritating, -Nctf. mur. " itching, Silica. " milky, Kali mur. " profuse, Silica. 11 slimy, Kali sulph. 180 Leucorrhcea, smarting, Nat. mur. " thick, Kali mur. " watery, Nat. mur. " yellow, Kali sulph. Menses, acrid, Nat. phos. " with nose bleed, Nat. sulph. 11 with pain, Magnes. phos. '* with sadness, Nat. mur. " black, Kali mur. " bright red, Ferr. phos. 1 ' clotted, Kali mur. " copious, Nat. mur. " corrosive, Nat. sulph. " delayed, Nat. mur. " every two weeks, Calc. phos. " every three weeks, Ferr. phos. " excessive, Kali mur. t Calc. phos. " irregular, Kali phos. " pale, Nat. phos. " premature, Kali phos. " stringy, Magnes. phos. " strong odor, Kali phos. " suppressed, Calc. phos., Nat. mur. " frequent, Kali mur. " long-lasting, Calc. sulph. " profuse, Nat. sulph., Ferr. phos. " scanty, Kali phos., Nat. mur. " with coldness, Silica. ' ' with constipation, Nat. sulph. " with weakness, Calc. sulph. " with headache, Kali sulph. " with melancholy, JVaJ. mter. " with morning diarrhoea, Nat. sulph. " with rheumatic pains, Calc. phos. 11 with excitement, os. ** with twitchings, Calc. sulph. 181 Ovarian neuralgia, Kali phos., Magnes. phos. Prolapse, Calc.fluor. Sensitive parts, Silica. Sterility, Silica, Nat. phos. Ulcerations, Kali mur., Silica. Uterine displacements, Nat. phos. After-pains, Kaliphos., Mag. phos. Burning in breasts, Gale. phos. Knots in breasts, Calc.fluor. Enlarged breasts, Gale. phos. Morning sickness, Ferr. phos. Nipples crack, Silica. Respiratory Organs. Asthma, Kali sulph., Nat. sulph. Breathing oppressed, Ferr. phos. Bronchitis, Ferr. phos., Kali mur. chronic, Nat. mur. yellow expectoration, Kali sulph. Burning in chest, Ferr. phos. Chest, construction, Magnes. phos. " rattling of mucus, Kali sulph. " soreness, Nat. sulph., Calc. phos. Congestion of lungs, Ferr. phos. Cough, acute, Ferr. phos. in the evening, Kali sulph. barking, Kali mur. chronic, Calc. phos., Silica. convulsive, Magnes. phos. croupy, Kali mur. " dry, Ferr. phos. " .hacking, Calc.fluor. " hard, Ferr. phos. " 1 oose rattling, Kali sulph. 182 Cough, loud and noisy, Kali mur. nervous, Magms. phos. ou lying down, Magnes. phos., Calc.fluor. " short, Ferr. phos. spasmodic, Magnes. phos. suffocative, Calc. phos. " tickling, Ferr. phos. whooping, Magms. phos. Croup, Ferr. phos., Calc. suiph. Croupy hoarseness, Kali suiph. Expectoration, clear, Nat. mur. copious, Silica. ' frothy, Nat. mur. greenish, Nat. suiph. f loose, Kali suiph. lumpy, Calc. fluor. ' mucous, Calc. phos. f offensive, Silica. 4 profuse, Kali suiph. ropy, Nat. suiph. 1 salty, Kali phos. slimy, Kali suiph. 1 thick, Nat. suiph. > Silica. ' watery, Nat. mur. ' yellowish, Calc. fluor., Kali phos. Hay fever, Kali, phos., Nat. mur. Hectic fever, Calc. phos., Silica. Heat in chest, Ferr. phos. Hoarseness, Ferr. phos., Kali mur. Larynx, painful, Ferr. phos. Night sweats, Silica, Calc. phos, Pain in chest, Nat. phos. Pleurisy, > Ferr. phos., Kali mur.; later Kali suiph. Pneumonia,) Calc. suiph. 183 Heart. Aneurism, Calc.fluor. Angina pectoris, Magnes. phos., Kali phos. Blood vessels enlarged, Calc.fluor. Chronic heart disease, Silica. Circulation sluggish, Kali phos. Hypertrophy, Nat. mur. Palpitation, Ferr. phos., Magnes. phos. with sleeplessness, Kali phos. Pulse felt all over, Nat. mur. " full around, Ferr. phos. " intermittent, Nat. mur., Kali phos. " irregular, Kali phos. " rapid, Nat. mur. Back and Extremities. Aching of limbs, Cole. phos. " between shoulders, Kali phos. Ankles pain, Silica. " weak, Nat. phos t Arms heavy, Silica. 11 tired, Nat. phos. Back cold, Nat. mur. " crick in, Ferr. phos. *' pain in, Gale, fluor. " soreness in, Nat. Sulph. Backache worse evenings, Kali sulph. " mornings, Gale. phos. " better lying on it, Nat. mur. Bow-legs, Calc. phos. Bunions, Kali mur. Burning of feet, Calc. sulph. Calves, cramps, Calc. phos., Magnes. phos. Chilblains, Kali mur. Coldness of limbs, Calc. phos. 184 Coccyx painful, Silica. Cracking of joints, Oak. fiuor. Crick in back, Ferr. phos. " " neck, Nat, phos. Feet tender, Silica. " swollen, Kali mur. Fidgety feet, Kali phos. Finger joints enlarge, Calc. fluor. Ganglion, Calc.fluor. Glanda swollen, Kali mur. " hardened, Calc.fluor Goitre, Nat. mur., Calc.fluor. Gout, Ferr. phos., Nat. sulph. " chronic, Nat. phos. " rheumatic, Calc. phos. Hamstrings sore, Nat. phos. Hands fall asleep, Calc. phos. " get stiff, Nat. phos. 11 hot in palms, Ferr. phos. " tremble, Nat. sulph. Hang nails, Nai. mur., Silica. Hips painful, .Kali phos. Housemaid's knee, Calc. phos., Silica. Inflamed joints, Ferr. phos., Kali mur* Ingrowing toe-nails, Silica. Itching of limbs, Kali phos. Knees painful, Nat. phos. Limbs fall asleep, Nat. mur. Lumbago, Calc.fluor. Muscular weakness, Kali phos. Nails crippled, Silica. " pain at roots, Calc. phos. Neck emaciated, Nat. mur. " stiff, Ferr. phos. 185 Numbness, Calc.phos., Kali phos. Oedema, Nat. mur. Oversensitive spine, Silica. Pain in back, Calc. phos., Ferr. phos. " " shin bones, Calc.phos. " "shoulders, Ferr. phos. " go to heart, Nat. phos. " through feet, Silica. Paralytic lameness, Kali phos. Rheumatic fever, Ferr. phos., Kali mur. 11 " chronic, Calc.phos., Nat. phos. " " muscular, Ferr. phos. Sciatica, Magnesphos., Kali phos. Shifting pains, Kali sulph. Shooting pains, Calc'. phos. Slowness to walk. Calc. phos. Soles burn and itch, Calc. sulph. Soreness between shoulders, Silica. Stumbles easily, Kali phos. Tired feeling, Calc. ftuor. Weakness in general, Nat. mur. Wrists ache, Nat. phos. Nervous Symptoms. Alcoholism, Magnes. phos. Ball sensation, Kali phos. Chorea, Magnes. phos., Nat. mur. Contortions, Magnes. phos. Convulsions, Calc. phos., Magnes. phos. Crawling sensation, Calc. phos. Creeping paralysis, Kali phos. Debility, Calc. phos. Depression, Kali phos., Nat. mur. Epilepsy, Kali mur. , Silica. Exhaustion, Kali phos., Calc.phos. 186 Fears, Kaliphos. Gait unsteady, Nat. phos. Hiccough, Magnes. phos. Hysteria, Kali phos., Silica. Infantile paralysis, Kaliphos. Nervousness, Kali phos. Neuralgia, congestive, Ferr. phos. intercostal, Nat. phos. obstinate, Silica. Night terrors, Kali phos. Squinting, from worms, Nat. phos. Trembling, Nat. phos., Cole. phos. Twitchings, Magnes. phos. Writer's cramp, C ale. phos. Sleep and Dreams. Awakes screaming, Kaliphos. Cry out in sleep, Calc. phos. Dreams anxious, Nat. mur. " lascivious, l&diphos. " vivid, Kali sulph. Drowsiness, Nat. .sulph. " in old people, Calc. phos. Insomnia, Nat. mur., Kali phos. Febrile Symptoms. Ague, Nat. sulph. Bilious fever, Nat. phos., Nat. sulph. Brain fever, Kaliphos, Chilliness, Silica., Calc. phos. Chill in morning, Nat. mur* Cold sweat, Kali sulph. Feet cold, Nat. plios. Gastric fever, Kali sulph. Hay fever, Silica. 187 Hectic fever, Calc. sulplt. Intermittent fever, Nat. mur. Scarlet fever, Ferr. phos. Typhoid fever, Kali phos. Yellow fever, Nat. sulph. Night sweats, Calc. phos., Silica. Perspiration about head, Silica. cold, Kali sulph. " profuse, Kali phos* sour, Nat. phos. Skin. Abscess, Silica, Calc. sulph. Acne, Kali mur. Barber s itch, Magnes. phos.. Boils, Calc. sulph. Bunions, Kali mur. Chaps, Calc. Huor. Chilblains, Kali phos., Silica. Chronic skin disease, Nat. mur. Coppery spots, Silica. Cracks on skin, Calc. fluor. ' ' between toes, Nat. mur. Dandruff, Kali sulph. Eczema, Nat. mur., Kali sulph. Erysipelas, Kali mur., Ferr. phos. Fissures, Calc. Huor. Freckles, Calc. phos. Hair falls out, Nat. mur., Silica. Hives, Nat. phos., Kali phos. Insect bites, Nat. mur. Irritating secretions, Kali phos. Itching, Calc. phos., Kali phos. Ivy poison, Kali sulph. Jaundiced skin, Nat. sulph. 188 Lupus, Calc. phos., Kali mur. Measles, Ferr. phos., Kali mur. Nodes, Silica, Calc.fluor. Pimples, Kali mur., Calc. sulph. Shingles, Nat. mur., Kali mur. Small pox, Kali phos., Calc. sulph. Wrinkled skin, Kali phos. Tissues. Anaemia, Calc. phos., Nat. mur. ** of infants, Silica. Atrophy, Calc. phos. Boils, Silica, Calc. sulph. Bone diseases, Calc. phos., Silica. Bruises, Kali mur. Burns, Kali mur., Calc. sulph. Cancer, Calc. phos., Kali phos. Carbuncles, Silica, Calc. sulph. Debility, Kali phos. Dropsy, Kali mur., Nat. sulph. Emaciation, Nat. mur., Calc. phos. Felons, Calc. sulph. Glands, Kali mur., Silica. Growths, Calc.jluor. Hasmorrhages, Ferr. phos., Kali mur. Inflammations, Ferr. phos. second stage, Kali mur+ Injuries, Ferr. phos. Marasmus, Gale. phos. Offensive discharges, Kali phos, Polypi, Calc. phos., Kali sulph. Proud flesh, Silica. Scalds, Kali mur. Secretions, albuminous, Calc. phos. greenish, Kali sulph. 189 Secretions, honey-colored, Nat. phos. " offensive, Kali phos. watery, Nat. inur. Sprains, Ferr. phos. Suppuration, Silica, Calc. sulph. Vaccination, after, Kali mur., Silica. Varicose veins, Calc.fluor. Wasting diseases, Kali phos. 190 SOMETHING NEWI flN ADDITION TO ALL fOOD. B. & S.-CONSTITUTIONAL TISSUE FOOD The physiological remedy for the growing organism, which will favor heallhy development, eradicate disease tendencies, cure catarrhal conditions, make teething easy, prevent and cure stomach and bowel troubles, cure unhealthy skin, and in every way help to produce pure blood, from which a sound body can be built up. This is a preparation of the necessary Mineral Salts that go to build up the tissues, but they have passed through the subtle alchemy of vegetable growth, rendering them j therefore, of quick assimilation to the growing cells of the child. Its great use consists in the changing of the consti- tution of the child, correcting disease tendencies and coun- teracting blood diseases of all sorts. Families where there is any hereditary tendency to scrofula, consumption, cancer, rheumatism, gout, catarrh, bone and skin diseases, nervous complaints, and especially where other children have suc- cumbed to these diseased conditions will find in this physi- ological food a wonderful restorative power. It is food to the growing tissues and a medicine to diseased states, whether hereditary or acquired. 191 The physiological Cell-Salts which are necessary for the upbuilding of the body are all present in this preparation, in a form readily assimilable by every tissue. It is both a food and medicine, and indispensable to the growing organism, during convalescence from acute diseases, in run-down states of the system, nervous and physical ex- haustion, at the time of dentition, puberty, change of life, especially valuable whenever there is any drain on the sys- tem from loss of vital fluids, prolonged diarrhoea, night sweats, leucorrhcea, loss of blood, constitutional diseases that feed upon the vigor of the body. Can be taken with the food or drink, or without. Will not interfere with drug medication, since its constituents are the normal Cell-Salts that are present in most foodstuffs, but offered here in a concentrated but highly assimilable form. Results of Using our Tissue Food. A more healthy circulation is established, the bodily and mental functions experience new vigor. Weakness, debility, chilliness, peevishness, nervousness, irritability are removed, because it is a food for tired and worn-out nerves. By means of this food all the elements which enter into the composition of our bodies are supplied in the needful subdivision. Price per Bottle, 5O Cents. PREPARED ONLY BY BOERICKE & RUNYON HOMCEOPATHIC PHARMACY 234 SUTTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO 192 A RESTORATIVE after Acute Diseases, and A STIMULANT to Waning Nerve Power. 1 BOERICKE&RUNYON i. A. SAN FRANCISCO, r^'j THE GREAT REMEDY FOR ALL FORMS OF NERVE EXHAUSTION A BRAIN AND NERVE FOOD NEEDFUL, in many forms of EX- HAUSTED VITALITY incident to modern life. 193 Schuessler's^ Nerve Salt is the great Restorative in the General Debility following acute diseases and from loss of animal fluids, such as occur from Over Lactation, Pro- fuse Menstruation, Leucorrhoea, Exhausting Night Sweats, Emissions, Etc., Etc Symptoms of Nerve Tire Headache, Vertigo, Loss of Endurance, Irritability, Sleep- lessness, General Muscular Weakne.-s with Twitching* Schuessler's Nerve Salt will take them away. Children require it especially during the Teething period, when it will quiet the Nervous Irritability, Restless- ness and Sleeplessness so frequently met with. Again, after any acute disease, Fevers, Diarrhoea, etc. IN OLDER CHILDREN, for Headaches, Pains, Spasmodic Conditions, St. Vitus Dance, Somnambulism, etc. Adults For any symptoms of Nervous Exhaustion in any form, whether affecting the head, mind, stomach or sexual organs, it is a valuable remedy, alone or as an adjunct 194 to others; Brain Fag, Impaired Memory, Nervousness, and Nervous Dread and Gloomy Fancies, Irritability and Impa- tience, Hysteria, Vertigo, Headaches, Backaches, Neuralgia, Sleeplessness, Paralytic and Spasmodic Conditions. Women It is an efficient remedy for many of the Special Ailments of Females, especially when despondent or accompanied by Nervous Disturbances. It will regulate the Menstrual Function, especially when painful, and tone up the system after Child-birth, Miscarriages, Long continued Leucorrhoea or Profuse Menstruation. It is the remedy for Hysteria in all its forms, " Nervous Attacks," and for most of the disturbances incident to Change. of Life. OLD AGE finds in Schuessler's Nerve Salt a wonderful aid to overcome many of the disturbances inci- dent at this time Sleeplessness, Failure of Strength, Mental Depression, Paralysis of any part of the body, Laming Paius, Incontinence of Urine, Loss of all Appetite, Hallucinations and Illusions of the Senses, Impaired Memory, and iirst stages of Softening of the Brain. SCHUESSLKR'S NERVE SALT IS PREPARED ONLY BY BOERICKE & RUNYON Homoeopathic Pharmacy 234 Sutter Street San Francisco, Cal. BRANCH HOUSES! OAKLAND 1225 Broadway NEW YORK 497 Fifth Avenue PORTLAND, OR. 808 Washington Street BEEKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. SEP2pto7f> g 8PMI4 U.aBERKEtEYL.BRARj|S 260154