^ REESE LIBRARY OF TIIK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ' / , 188 J Shelf A T o. Accessions No. A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY . li3f?7'7>v A MANUAL OP DENTAL ANATOMY HUMAN AND COMPARATIVE BY CHARLES S. TOMES, M.A., F.R.S. WITH 191 ILLUSTRATIONS SECOND EDITION LONDON J. & A. CHURCHILL NEW BURLINGTON STREET 1882 BIOLOGT LIBRARY LONDON : BBADBURY. AONEW, & CO. PRINTERS, WHITEFRIARS PEEFACE. IN introducing a Second Edition of this Manual but few words are necessary. It has been entirely revised, some portions, notably the chapter on the dental tissues, have been in great part rewritten, and many new illus- trations have been added here and elsewhere in the book. My indebtedness to Professor Owen's " Odonto- graphy," to my father's "Dental Surgery," and to his " Lectures on Dental Physiology and Surgery," to Professor Flower's " Lectures on the Teeth " (published in the British Medical Journal, 1871), to Kolliker's and to Strieker's Histologies, I will again acknow- ledge, since it is both impossible and undesirable to encumber a student's book with references to au- thorities for every statement. And if I have any- where failed to give due acknowledgment to another whose writings I may have made use of, I crave forgive- ness for my omission. I gladly embrace this opportunity PREFACE of expressing my thanks to Professor Hollaender for the honour he has done to my book in rendering it into German, and to Dr. Cruet for translating it into French ; and at the same time I gratefully acknow- ledge the kindness of many of my friends who have sent me corrections which they have noted as heing required in the text of the first edition. CHARLES S. TOMES. 37, CAVENDISH SQUARE, December, 1881. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE THE NATURE OP TEETH DESCRIPTION OF THE TKETH OP MAN . 1 CHAPTER II. THE MAXILLARY BONES, AND ASSOCIATED PARTS . . . . 23 CHAPTER III. THE DENTAL TISSUES : ENAMEL, DENTINE, CEMENTUM, TOOTH PULP, &c. . . . . . . . . . .40 CHAPTER IY. THE DEVELOPMENT OP THE TEETH IN FISH IN REPTILES IN MAMMALS CALCIFICATION OP THE DENTAL TISSUES . . .115 CHAPTER V. THE DEVELOPMENT OP THE JAWS AND THE ERUPTION AND ATTACH- MENT OP THE TEETH 176 CHAPTER VI. THE TEETH OF FISHES . 214 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. PACK THE TEETH OF BATRACHIA AND REPTILIA 23!) CHAPTER VIII. THE TEETH OF MAMMALS INTRODUCTORY REMARKS HOMOLOGIES OF THE TEETH MILK DENTITION .... . 264 CHAPTER IX. THB TEETH OF MONOTREMATA, EDENTATA, AND CETACEA . .301 CHAPTER X. THE TEETH OF UNGULATA . . . . . , . . 314 CHAPTER XI. THK TEETH OF SIRENIA, HYRACOIDEA, PROBOSCIDEA, AND RODENTIA 344 CHAPTER XII. Tns TEETH OF CARNIVORA .' . * 374 CHAPTER XIII. THE TEETH OF INSECTIVORA, CHIROPTERA, AND PRIMATES . . 394 CHAPTER XIV. THB TKSTH OF MARSUPIALIA . *"'.' . ,i . 419 MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY HUMAN AND COMPAKATIVE. CHAPTER I. THE TEETH OF MAN. THE range of the subject of Dental Anatomy turns upon the meaning which is attached to the word " Tooth ;" but, although this chapter might most appropriately open with a definition of this word, it is very much easier to explain what is ordinarily understood by it, than to frame any single sentence which shall fulfil the requirements of logical definition.X Most vertebrate and a great many invertebrate animals have certain hard masses in or near to the orifice of the alimentary canal, i.e. y the mouth ; by these hard masses, sometimes of bony and sometimes of horny nature, various offices in connection with the prehension or com- minution of food are performed, and to them the term " teeth " is applied. In many animals teeth have come to be used for other purposes, such as for sexual warfare j but it can hardly be doubted that teeth have primarily to do with the nourishment of their possessor/^ The subject of the homologies of the teeth cannot be fully entered upon until the details of their development have 2 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. been mastered ; still a few words may even at the outset be devoted to the elucidation of their real nature. . The mucous membrane which lines the alimentary canal is continuous with is, indeed, a part of the external skin, with which it blends at the lips. Now if a young dog-fish, just about to be hatched, be examined, it will be found that it has no distinct under lip, but that its skin turns in over its rounded jaw without interruption. The skin outside carries spines (placoid scales)^ 1 ) and these spines are con- tinued over that part of it which enters the mouth and bends over the jaws ; only they are a little larger in this latter position. If the growth of the dog-fish be followed, these spines of the skin which cover the jaws become deve- loped to a far greater size than those outside, and the identity and continuity of the two become to some extent masked. No one can doubt, whether from the comparison of adult forms or from a study of the development of the parts, that the teeth of the shark correspond to the teeth of other fish, and these again to those of reptiles and mammals ; it may be clearly demonstrated that the teeth of the shark are nothing more than highly developed spines of the skin, and therefore we infer that all teeth bear a similar relation to the skin. This is what is meant when teeth are called " dermal appendages," and are said to be perfectly distinct from the internal bony skeleton of the animal ; the teeth of the shark (and of many other creatures) remain imbedded in tough mucous membrane, and never acquire any connection with the bone. Indeed, all teeth alike are developed from a part of the mucous membrane, and any connection which they may ultimately get with the bone is a secondary matter. As it has been well expressed by Dr. Harrison Allen ( J ) "The placoid scale has the structure of dentine ; is covered by enamel, and is continued at its base into a plate formed of osseous tissue. " Gegenbaur's Comparative Anatomy, translated by F. Jeffery Bell, p. 424. THE TEETH OF MAN. ('Anatomy of the Facial Region'), "if the hairs of the scalp were to be inserted into the skull, or of the moustache into the upper jaw, we should express great astonishment, yet such an extreme proposition is no more remarkable than what is seen to take place in the jaws," again " the feathers of certain birds making impressions on the radius, the whalebone pendent from the roof of the mouth, are examples of this same association of tegumentary appendages with the bones." In their simpler forms, then, teeth are met with as very numerous spines, differing but little from the spines of the skin except in size, and still less from one another. In many fish the teeth, though more specialised, are scattered over almost every one of the numerous bones which form part of the walls of the mouth and pharynx ; in reptiles they are much more limited in position, and in mammals are absolutely confined to the intermaxillary, maxillary, and mandibular (lower maxillary) bones. In fish and rep- tiles it is the exception for the teeth in different parts of the mouth to differ markedly from each other; in mam- mals it is the rule. Teeth owe their hardness to an impregnation with salts of lime ; the organic matrix may be of albuminoid charac- ter, in which case the tooth is of horny consistence, and is spoken of as " cornified ; " or the matrix may be, like that of bone, gelatigenous, in which case the tooth is more richly impregnated with salts, and is spoken of as " calcified." The great mass of a calcified tooth is usually made up of "dentine," which gives to it its characteristic form, and often practically constitutes the whole tooth : to this may or may not be added enamel and cementum. Without further prelude we may pass to a description of the human teeth, this course appearing to me, after some little consideration, to afford to the student the most ad- B 2 4 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. vantageous introduction to the subject, as he must neces- sarily already possess some knowledge of their forms, while to the matters alluded to in the preceding pages more full reference will be made hereafter. XIn the human subject no tooth rises above the level of its fellows, and the teeth are arranged in close contact, with no interspaces between them. The teeth are ranged around the margins of the jaws in a parabolic curve, or something approximating to one ; in the lower races of mankind the curve tends to a squarish, oblong form, owing to the prominence of the canines (compare the figure of the denti- tion of Simia Satyrus), whilst a deviation in the opposite direction is daily becoming more common in the most highly civilised races, resulting in a contour to which in extreme cases the name of V-shaped maxilla is applied. It may be stated, as generally true, that the teeth are somewhat larger on their labial than on their lingual aspect, a result which necessarily follows from their standing with- out interspaces along a curved line. And as great variations in size and shape, as well as in colour, are found to exist between different individuals, it is only possible to give such a description as shall apply to the generality of teeth. The teeth of the upper jaw are ranged along a curve of larger dimensions than those of the lower, the incisors pass- ing in front of the corresponding lower teeth, and the ex- ternal cusps of the bicuspids and molars closing outside those of the lower teeth. There are, however, some points of detail to be noted in the relation borne by the upper to the lower teeth, besides, that comprised in the general statement that the former lie outside the latter, by which it is brought about that each tooth is antagonised by portions of two teeth in the other jaw, and has not only a single opponent. The upper incisors and canines, when the mouth is closed, from the larger size of the arch in which they are arranged, THE TEETH OF MAN. shut over and in front of the lower teeth, concealing the upper thirds of their crowns ; while the- of the bicuspids and molars_j3f_the lower jaw are received into the depressions between theexternal amir-internal 4fee similar teeth in the upper jaw, thus allow- ing the--^xtHrliaIjLiibeefeft*^f i the upper teeth to close ex- ternally to the outer ttlfreTcles^ef the lower row. From this arrangement of the tubercles, we are enabled in mastication to use the whole surface of the crowns of the opposing teeth ; the act of mastication being performed by bringing tb^ external tubereles of- the under molars opposite to those of the upper row ; W&&B, by the lateral motion of the under jaw inwards, ffirif QTitaraal tubnrnlrrT^rr^^TTTrn the inclined surfaces of the external,- and up those of tho 'ntnrnnl tnhnrfiltirirfthn njrpnr tiathj ftrrmftfigrim t 1 - 1 '-" n n ^ any interposed substance. It will also be observed that, from the difference of width in the incisors of the two jaws, the central incisors of the upper extend over the centrals and half of the laterals of the under row, and that the superior laterals lie over the remaining half of the inferior laterals and the anterior half of the canines of the lower jaw. The canines close over the halves of the canines and first bicuspids, while the first bi- cuspids impinge on the half of the first and half of the second bicuspids of the lower row. The second upper bicuspids close upon the anterior third of the opposing first molars and the posterior half of the second bicuspids. The first molars oppose the posterior two thirds of the first, and one third of the second molars of the lower jaw, while the second upper molars close upon the unoccupied posterior third of the second and the anterior third of the wisdom teeth. The wisdom tooth of the upper being smaller in size than that of the lower jaw is perfectly opposed by that portion of the latter left unoccupied by the second upper molar tooth. 6 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. By this admirable arrangement no two teeth oppose each other only, but each tooth in closure of the jaw impinges upon two, so that should a tooth be lost, or even two alter- nate teeth, still the corresponding teeth of the opposite jaw are to some extent opposed, and thus remain useful. For when a tooth is wholly unopposed, a process is apt to be set up in the jaw by which the useless organ is gradually ejected. The direction of the teeth in the upper is verti- cally downwards and slightly forwards, while those of the lower jaw are placed vertically, the molars tending slightly inwards. It is usual to represent the dentition of any animal by what is termed a dental formula, which enables the reader at a glance to see the number of teeth of each variety pos- sessed by the creature. Vthus, instead of writing out at length that man has two inc\sors on each side in both upper and lower jaws, one canine, tw> bicuspids or premolars, &c., it is written thus : \ / SHld 1>O? T 2 1 z\ 3 I. c. prm. m 9 1 9 \ ^ or in the deciduous set : \ I. 2 c. I dm. - 20. 21 2 A For the purpose of description three parts of the tooth, , are distinguished by name, viz., the crown, neck, and root.)V This distinction of parts which we make in describing human teeth, when we speak of crown, neck, and root, is applicable to the great majority of mammalian teeth, though there are some few simple forms of teeth in which no such differentiation of parts can be seen. The crown is that portion which is exposed above the borders of the gum, and is in human teeth coated with enamel ; the neck is that portion which corresponds to the THE TEETH OF MAN. edge of the gum, and intervenes between the edges of the bony sockets and the edge of the enamel ; the root is that part which is enclosed within the bony socket, and is covered by cementum. ^ x " Of these it is to be remarked that the " neck," although a convenient and necessary term for descriptive purposes, marks an arbitrary division of less importance than that expressed by crown and root j also that although this divi- sion into three parts can be made in the case of socketed teeth of limited growth, no such distinction of parts can be made in teeth of perpetual growth. Special names have been applied to the various surfaces of the crowns, as, owing to the curvature of the alveolar border, terms which had reference to front, back, or sides would, in different parts of the mouth, indicate different surfaces, and so lead to confusion. The lips and tongue and the median line of the mouth, however, are not open to this objection, so the surfaces which are directed outwards towards the lips are called " labial ; " and those inwards towards the tongue " lingual ; " the interstitial surfaces are called " median " and " distal," the word median being applied to the surface which would look towards the middle line of the mouth had the alveolar border been straightened out. In other words behind the canine, the " median " is equivalent to anterior, and " distal " to posterior surface. Forms of the several Teeth. It is usual to speak of the teeth as being modified cones, and to attribute their variations to deviations from this typical shape. In a broad sense this may be true of the simplest teeth, such as are met with in some fish and reptiles and monophyodont mammals, which are little more than simple cones ; but there are in- dications which would point to something more complex than this as the fundamental form of a mammalian tooth, for even among the monophyodonts, as I have elsewhere 8 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. pointed out, the armadillo has a bilobed tooth germ, the one cusp predominating over the other. But I do not think that we have at present the data upon which to cer- tainly determine the fundamental form of the mammalian tooth. There is evidence that all the teeth in the jaw of a mammal may have been derived from a single form; in other words, marked though the distinction between in- cisors, canines, bicuspids, and molars seems to be at first sight, a closer inspection reveals various gradational or transitional characters linking them together, though there are gaps in the chain not bridged over by forms known to us. This may be seen by a careful study of the human teeth, as I shall endeavour to show; but it is much more conspi- cuously seen in an extinct animal (Homalodontotherium, an extinct ungulate from Patagonia, described by Professor Flower, Philos. Trans. 1874), which apparently possessed the fall typical number of mammalian teeth, viz., forty-four. The point in which its dentition is chiefly instructive is that the teeth, in close juxtaposition one with another, present an exceedingly perfect gradation of form from the front to the back of the mouth, no tooth differing markedly from its neighbour, though the difference between, say, the first incisor and first molar, is exceedingly great. In Professor Flower's words, " it is only by the analogy of other forms that they can be separated into the groups convenient for descriptive purposes, designated as incisors, canines, premo- lars, and molars." In viewing the gradational characters which do exist be- tween the various human teeth, it must not be forgotten that some links in the chain have dropped out and are absent. Mention has already been made of the full typical number of mammalian teeth being 44, i.e. I. c. Imxn, = 44. THE TEETH OF MAN. The human subject does not possess the third incisor, nor the first two premolars, so that a somewhat abrupt change of form in passing from the incisors to the canines, and from the latter to the bicuspids, is no more than might be / anticipated. /N Incisors. Of these there are four in each jaw ; two cen- tral, two lateral incisors. Their working surfaces form wedges, or obtuse and blunt-edged chisels, calculated to divide food of moderate consistency. Upper Incisors. The centrals are very much larger than the laterals, and viewed either from the back or front taper with some regularity from the cutting edge to the point of the root, the neck not being marked by strong con- striction. The crown of the tooth, as seen from the front, is squarish, or more strictly, oblong, its length being greater than its breadth. The median side, by which it is in contact with its fellow, FIG. 1 ('). is a little longer than the distal, so that the median angle of the crown is a little lower, and, as a necessary consequence, a little more acute than the distal angle of the cutting edge. Near to its base the crowns narrow rather abruptly, so that near to the neck a space is left between the contiguous teeth. ( T ) Front and side view of a left upper central incisor. a Distal surface. & Neck. c Root. 10 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. The labial surface is slightly convex in each direction, and often presents slight longitudinal depressions, which end at the cutting edge in slight notches. In recently-cut teeth the thin cutting edge is elevated into three slight cusps, which soon wear down and disappear after the tooth has been in use. The edge of an incisor may be regarded as formed by the bevelling off of the dentine of the lingual surface, which is nearly flat from side to side, with a slight tendency to con- cavity, while from above downwards it is distinctly concave, and often presents longitudinal depressions similar to those on the labial surface. The lingual surface towards the gum terminates in a distinct prominence, oftentimes amounting to a bounding ring of enamel, termed the basal ridye, or, in the language of comparative anatomy, the cingulum. It is variable in the extent of its development ; it rarely rises into a central prominence at the back, but in the angle where the ridges of the two sides meet a deep pit is often left in the enamel, which is a favourite site for caries. The crown, or what amounts to the same thing, the enamel, ter- minates on the lingual and labial aspect of the tooth in a curved line, the convexity of the curve being directed upwards towards the gum; on the insterstitial surfaces, both median and distal, the curve is less regular, and its contour would be more correctly described as V-shaped, the apex of the V being towards the crown of the tooth and away from the gum. ^ The dentist will do well to remember the disposition of the enamel in this situation, as it is a point of some importance in shaping the cervical edge of a cavity preparatory to filling it. The transverse indentations of the enamel met with both on lingual and labial surfaces, though more especially in the latter, are marks of arrest of development, and, common as they are, are to be regarded as abnormalities. ps The central incisors are larger than the laterals, though THE TEETH OF MAN. 11 not in so great degree as is the case in the . anthropoid apes. The pulp cavity bears a general resemblance to the ex- ternal contour of the tooth ; towards the cutting edge it is very thin, and is prolonged at its two corners to a slight extent into "cornua;" at the neck it is cylindrical, and is also cylindrical in the root, tapering gradually till it ap- proaches close to the apex, when it becomes suddenly con- stricted. Upper lateral incisors are in every dimension some- what smaller than the centrals. They widen somewhat abruptly near to the cutting edge, but below this they taper pretty regularly to the end of the root ; the labial surface FIQ. 2 1 . is convex in each direction, while the lingual surface is perhaps rather flatter than that of a central incisor. The outer (distal) angle of the crown is far more rounded or sloped away than in the centrals, and the distal surface, looking towards the canine, is in a slight degree convex; the median surface may be slightly concave. The enamel terminates towards the gum in contours pre- cisely similar to those which obtain in the centrals : but the basal ridge, or cingulum, is often more strongly pro- nounced, and the presence of a central tubercle upon it is less infrequent. From this greater prominence of the cin- ( J ) Front and side view of a left upper lateral incisor. 12 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. gulum and consequent more marked depression in front of it, caries is more frequent upon the lingual surfaces of upper lateral than upon those of upper central incisors. The pulp cavity is, relatively to the whole tooth, perhaps a little larger than in the central incisors j in other respects the same description will suffice. Lower central incisors are very much narrower than those of the upper jaw j not more than half the width at their cutting edges, which again are much wider than the necks of the teeth. From before backwards they are deep at the neck ; hence the fangs are very much flattened from side to side, and rotation is inadmissible in the attempt to extract them. The enamel contour at the neck is similar to that of the upper incisors, but there is no well-marked cingulum. FIG. 3 ( J ). Lower lateral incisors are, unlike the upper teeth, dis- tinctly larger than the centrals in each one of their dimen- sions, but more especially in the length of their fangs, which are much flattened, and often present on their sides a median longitudinal depression, sometimes amounting to an actual groove. The distal angle of the crown is rounded off like that of the upper lateral incisors, though not so markedly. Canines, Cuspidati, Eye Teeth, are, in all respects, (*) Front and side view of lower central incisor. THE TEETH OF MAN. 13 stouter teeth than the incisors ; not only are the crowns thicker and stronger, but the roots are very much longer. The crown terminates in a blunt point, which lies in a straight line with the long axis of the root ; a feebly pro- nounced line or ridge runs down the outer surface of the tooth from this point to the neck. The crown slopes away both before and behind the point or cusp, but as that side of the tooth which lies next to the bicuspid is convex, and as it were produced towards that tooth, the slope is longer on the distal than on the mesial half of the crown. The crown thus not being perfectly symmetrical renders it easy to determine at a glance to which side of the mouth the canine belongs. The internal or lingual surface is not concave like that of the incisors, but is in a slight degree convex, and a median ridge runs down it from the apex of the cusp ; this ridge FIG. 4 ( J ). where it meets with the ridge which borders the lingual surface and corresponds with the cinguluni of the incisor teeth, is often developed into a well-marked prominence or cusp. In transverse section the neck is nearly triangular, the outer or labial being much wider than the lingual aspect. ( ! ) Lingual, labial, and distal surfaces of an upper canine, showing the basal cusp and the three ridges which converge towards it. 14 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. Lower canines are less pronounced in form than the cor- responding upper teeth : the point is more blunted, the fang shorter, the perpendicular labial ridge not being traceable, and the want of symmetry between the mesial and distal halves of the crown less marked. The lingual surface has perhaps a greater tendency to concavity. Fremolars, Bicuspids, are eight in number, two on each side of both upper and lower jaws, and they correspond to the third and fourth premolars of the typical mammalian dentition, the first and second premolars not being re- presented in man. Upper Premolars. The crown, as seen looking upon its grinding surface, is roughly quadrilateral, its outer or lingual border being, however, larger and thicker than its inner, and the teeth are carried round the curve of the FIG. 5 0). alveolar border mainly by means of this difference in size in the external and internal portions of the canines and the two bicuspids. As is implied by its name, the crown has two cusps, of which the outer is the larger and stouter, and broader. The outer and inner surfaces (labial and lingual) are convex and smooth, with no basal ridges at the edge of the gums. The inner and outer cusps are not joined by a transverse ridge ; instead of this there is a deep transverse fissure ; in point of fact the cingulum has been elevated to form the inner cusp, and forms slight elevations bordering the anterior (*) Grinding surface of an upper bicuspid. THE TEETH OF MAN. 15 and posterior (mesial and distal) edges of the grinding surface. The root is single, and much compressed from side to side : very often, however, it is double for the greater part of its length, and if not so divided is often marked by a groove upon each side indicating a tendency towards such division. The outer border of the root is also often marked by a longitudinal furrow, which may amount to complete division. In fact a bicuspid may have three perfectly dis- tinct roots, like a molar, or it may have any form of root intermediate between this and its typical single laterally- flattened root. The first bicuspid is more variable in respect of its roots than the second. The second upper bicuspid differs from the first in that the difference in size between its outer and inner cusps is less, the inner cusp being relatively considerably larger, and, indeed, often preponderating over the labial cusp in length. The pulp cavity in the crown is furnished with distinct cornua ; at the neck it is very much flattened from side to side, being often reduced to a mere fissure, which is how- ever considerably larger at its two extremities than in its middle. Hence the pulp cavity of an upper bicuspid is difficult to fill j a difficulty again increased by the impos- sibility of always discovering what number of fangs it has, as their division sometimes takes place rather high up. Lower premolars are smaller teeth than those of the upper jaw, and are quite distinct in shape. The outer or labial cusp is bent inwards, and the labial surface of the crown is very convex. The inner cusp is but feebly deve- loped, and is connected with the outer by a low ridge ; it is also narrow. The root is rounded, a little larger on its outer side than on its inner, and tapers regularly towards its point ; the pulp cavity is cylindrical at the neck, and also tapers regu- 16 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. larly in the root. The cornu of the pulp which corresponds to the inner cusp is but feebly developed. The second lower bicuspid differs a good deal from the first ; its crown is much squarer and larger in all its dimen- sions. The inner cusp reaches to a higher level and is stouter, and the greater development of the ridge which bounds the posterior (distal) border of the grinding surface makes it attain to such a large size as to make the tendency towards a transition from the bicuspid type to the quadri- cuspid type of a true molar very evident. Having completed the brief description of the forms of these several teeth, it is worth while to note one or two general characters of the series. The differences between a well-marked incisor, canine, or premolar are so strongly pronounced that the resemblances which underlie them are apt to be overlooked, and it might be supposed that in shape they had little in common. Nevertheless a very distinct gradation may be traced, and FIG. 6 O. it is far from uncommon to meet with teeth which possess in a marked degree transitional characters. If the external or distal angle of a lateral incisor be sloped off more than usual, while at the same time its cingulum and basal pro- minence be well marked, it makes no bad imitation of a ( : ) Lower first bicuspid, seen from the inner side, and showing the pre- ponderance of its outer over its inner cusp. THE TEETH OF MAN. 17 diminutive canine ; and such laterals are often to be met with by any who search for such deviations from the normal form. Thus the form characteristic of a lateral incisor, if it be a little exaggerated, very nearly gives us the form of a canine, and if we look at the teeth of an Orang the lateral incisor is to all intents a diminutive canine ; and in the present dis- cussion the great comparative size of the canine, which is traceable to readily intelligible causes, may be put aside, as it tends to obscure the point to be here insisted on. Between the canines and the bicuspids a similar relation- ship in form exists, and it is more apparent in the lower than in the upper jaw. The fact that at the base of the inner or lingual aspect of the canine is to be found an elevation of the cingulum, in many instances amounting to FIG. a low cusp, has been already noted ; and it has already been pointed out that the inner cusp of the first lower bicuspid is both smaller and lower than the outer. A longitudinal section through the crowns of the two teeth will demon- strate without the necessity of further description that the Section of a lower canine and first bicuspid, showing the characters common to the two. 18 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. basal cusp of the canine and the inner cusp of the bicuspid are the same thing, differing only in degree, while it is interesting to note that the pulp chamber in the bicuspid has hardly any prolongation towards the small inner cusp, so that the resemblance between the two teeth is thus made more complete. This close relationship of canines and bicuspids will be again considered in the chapter on the Homologies of the Teeth ; for our present purpose it will suffice to merely point out its existence. The transition from the bicuspids to the molars is more abrupt ; at least it is not so easy to point out exactly how a modification of the one would arrive at the form of the other. But it merely needs an exaggera- tion of the differences existing between a canine and a first bicuspid to make a good imitation of a second bicuspid. If any one will take the trouble to make mental note of the deviation in form which he meets with in teeth, he will find that they almost invariably consist of approaches to- wards the form of the teeth on either side of them ; and will infallibly be led to the conclusion that incisors, canines, and bicuspids are not three patterns of teeth perfectly distinct, and each sui generis, but that they are modifications of one and the same pattern. I may add, that comparative odontology teaches us the same thing, and demonstrates clearly the substantial identity of the three forms, as also of the true molars. Upper molar teeth have crowns of squarish form, the angles being much rounded off. It may be premised that the first molar is more constant in shape than the second, and this latter than the third ; with this proviso the first and second may be described together. The masticating surface carries four subequal cusps, two labial or external and two lingual or internal ; the anterior internal cusp is distinctly the largest, and it is connected with the posterior external cusp by a thick oblique ridge THE TEETH OF MAN. 19 of enamel, the remaining two cusps having no such con nection. This oblique ridge on the upper molars is met with in man, the anthropoid apes, and certain New World monkeys. The grooves which separate the cusps pass down on to the labial and lingual surfaces of the crown, but are lost before reaching the gum ; where they terminate, however, there is often a pit, which is a very favourite situation for FIG. caries, especially on the labial aspect of the teeth. It is very rare to see the grooves passing down upon the mesial or distal surfaces of the crown, a raised border of enamel generally cutting them short in this direction. The roots are three in number, two external or labial, and one internal or palatal. The latter is the largest, and runs in a direction more strongly divergent from the axis of the crown than the other roots. It is directed obliquely in- wards towards the roof of the palate, is subcylindrical, and often curved. The external roots are less cylindrical, being mutually compressed, so that their largest diameter is transverse to the dental arch ; the anterior is rather the larger of the two, and is more strongly pronounced on the side of the neck of the tooth. The anterior labial root is occasionally confluent (*) Masticating surface of a first upper molar of the left side ; the oblique ridge connects the anterior internal with the posterior external cusp. c 2 20 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. with the palatine root, but still more frequently the pos- terior labial and palatine roots are confluent : occasionally, also, four distinct roots may be met with. Lower molars. The first lower molar is the most con- stant in form, and is somewhat the largest; its grinding surface presents five cusps. Four cusps are placed regularly at the four corners of a square, these being divided from one another by a crucial fissure ; the posterior arm of the crucial fissure bifurcates, and between its diverging arms is the fifth cusp, which is thus to be described as median and posterior. FIG. 9 The transverse fissure passes over the limits of the grind- ing surface, and on the outside or labial surface of the tooth ends in a pit, which is a common site for caries ; although it occasionally passes over the lingual surface, it is here less pronounced. They are implanted by two fangs, placed anteriorly and posteriorly ; the roots are much flattened from before backwards, and they are very usually curved slightly backwards. In the median line of each root there is usually a groove, by the deepening of which four fangs may be produced ; or this may happen with the one root only, so that a three rooted tooth is the result. : -( l ) Masticating surface of a first lower molar, right side, tlie five cusps of which are indicated by figures. THE TEETH OF MAN. 21 The second molar does not greatly differ from the first save that the roots are more often confluent, and the fifth cusp less marked, even if it exists at all. FIG. 10 Third molars, denies sapientice, wisdom teeth, of the upper jaw, resemble in a general way the first and second molars ; that is, when they are well developed and placed in a roomy dental arch. But amongst more civilised races it may almost be said to be exceptional for the wisdom teeth to be regular either in form or position, so that extreme variability prevails among these teeth. The two inner tubercles are often blended together and the roots confluent, forming an abruptly tapering cone, the apex of which is often bent and crooked, so that but little vestige of the three roots can be traced, the pulp cavity even being quite single. Third lower molar. This tooth is seldom so small as the corresponding upper tooth, and its crown is often large even when its roots are very stunted. It has five cusps as a rule, and bears a more or less close resemblance to the molars which precede it. It is either two-rooted, or if the roots be confluent, a groove usually marks a tendency to division into two fangs. It is stated by Prof. Owen (" Odontography," page 454) that although the wisdom tooth is the smallest of the three molars, the difference is less marked in the Melanian than in ( ] ) Second lower molar of right side, the four cusps being indicated by figures. 22 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. the Caucasian races, adding also that the triple implantation of the upper and the double implantation of the lower is constant in the former races. More extended observations have overthrown this statement as a positive dictum to be accepted without exceptions, but it may nevertheless be taken as expressing a general truth. FIG. 11 0. The milk teeth differ from the permanent teeth by being smaller, and having the enamel terminating at the neck with a thick edge, so that the neck is more distinctly con- stricted. The incisors and canines are somewhat similar to their successors, the canines, however, being relatively shorter and broader than their successors. The first upper molars have three cusps, two external and one internal : the second more nearly resemble the permanent molars. The second lower deciduous molar has four cusps and resembles a second lower permanent molar. The roots of the deciduous teeth diverge from the neck at greater angles than those of permanent teeth, in consequence of their more or less completely enclosing between them the crypts in which the latter are developing. ( l ) Third lower molar of the left side. CHAPTER II. THE MAXILLARY BONES. THE teeth are implanted in a part of the jaw bones specially developed for the purpose, the bone being moulded around the roots of the teeth subsequently to their being- formed arid moved into position. The manner of attachment of the human teeth is that termed " gomphosis," i.e. t an attachment comparable to the fitting of a peg into a hole ; the bony sockets, however, allow of a considerable degree of motion, as may be seen by examining the teeth in a dried skull, the fitting being in the fresh state completed by the interposition of the dense periosteum of the socket. This latter, by its elasticity, allows of a small degree of motion in the tooth, and so doubtless diminishes the shock which would be occasioned by mastication were the teeth perfectly immovable and without a yielding lining within their bony sockets. When this becomes inflamed and swollen by exudation the tooth is pushed to a certain extent out of the socket, and so being to a less extent limited in its range by the bony socket, acquires an increased mobility. The teeth are in all mammalia confined to the bones which carry them in man, namely, the intermaxillary and maxillary bones and the lower maxillary bone or mandible. 24 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. While full description of these bones ( ! ) will be found in any general anatomical work, there are so many points in their anatomy which directly concern the dental student that a brief enumeration of some of their relations can hardly be dispensed with. Superior maxillary bone. To facilitate description of its parts, anatomists divide it into a "body" and "pro- cesses," of which latter there are four, the nasal, malar, alveolar, and palatine. As the body of the bone is hollowed out by an air cavity, the antrum, its shape is similar to that of that cavity, namely, roughly pyramidal, the base of the pyramid being inwards towards the nasal chamber. The nasal process springs directly upwards from the body in a vertical line with the canine tooth : it is a strong plate of bone, roughly triangular when viewed from the side. The malar process forms the apical portion of the pyramid already alluded to ; it starts out nearly horizontally from the body just behind and below the nasal process, and is characterized by its great strength and stoutness. Never- theless it has been known to be fractured by a blow, and separated from the body of the bone. The antrum may be prolonged into it. The palatine process forms a horizontal table projecting inwards from the body; as the floor of the nose is nearly flat, and the palate is arched from before backwards, the front of the palatine process is necessarily much thicker than the back, where it is quite a thin plate. The alveolar process is a strong wide ridge of bone, curved so as to form with that of the other maxillary bone the elliptical figure characteristic of the dental arch in the higher races. It may be described as consisting of two plates, an outer and an inner, which are connected by numerous trans- (!) Much that is of great interest, and that is not to be found in text books, is embodied in a series of papers on " The Facial Region," by Dr. Harrison Allen (American Dental Cosmos, 1873-74). THE MAXILLARY BONES. 25 verse septa, the sockets of the teeth being formed by the interspaces between these septa. The internal alveolar plate is the stronger, the external the thinner and weaker, a fact of which we take advantage when we extract a tooth by bending it slightly outwards. On the outer surface of the alveolar process are eminences corresponding to the roots of the teeth, and depressions in their interspaces, apt to be FIG. 12 ('). especially marked over the canine teeth ; while between the teeth the alveolar processes attain to a lower level, so that the margins of the bone are festooned. Looking down into an empty socket, the bone is seen to be every- where very porous, and to bo perforated by foramina of considerable size, while at the bottom there is the larger foramen admitting the vessels and nerves of the tooth. The alveolus of each individual tooth consists of a shell of comparatively dense bone of small thickness, which is im- bedded in a mass of loose spongy bone; this dense shell comes into relation with the dense cortical bone of the jaw (*) Superior maxillary bone of right side. 1. Body. 2. Tuberosity. 7. Malar process. 8. Nasal process. 12. Alveolar process. 26 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. mainly at its free margin, near to the neck of the tooth. Over very prominent roots a portion of alveolus is at times wanting, so that in a macerated skull the root is exposed to view. The upper maxilla serves to give form and support to the soft parts of the face, and also to carry the upper teeth. These have to be rigidly fixed, while the teeth of the lower jaw are brought forcibly against them with more or less of shock. And whilst these blows have to be received, and resisted, and ultimately borne by the cranium, it is obviously desirable that they should be distributed over a sufficiently wide area, so as not to be felt unpleasantly. The ascending nasal process is very stout, and serves to connect the maxilla strongly with the frontal bone, which also in the region in question is powerfully developed ; the thick malar process gives rigidity and resistance to lateral movements of the jaws, and carries off the strains to the lateral walls of the cranium ; it is buttressed at the back by the pterygoid processes. Taking next the various surfaces of the bone, there are four, or, if we include the palatine aspect, five : the external, forming a large part of the face, the superior or orbital, the internal or nasal, and the posterior or zygomatic. Upon the external or facial surface we have to note the eminence caused by the socket of the canine tooth (" canine emi- nence"), and immediately behind this a depression, the canine fossa, through which the antrum is sometimes punc- tured. The alveolar border, from the situation of the third molar to that of the second bicuspid, gives attachment to the buccinator muscle ; while immediately beneath the margin of the orbit is the infra-orbital foramen, whence issues the infra-orbital nerve ; hence this is one of the situa tions to which neuralgic pain really dependent on the teeth may be referred. The orbital and nasal surfaces concern us only through THE MAXILLARY BONES. 27 their relation to the antrum, to be presently described ; in the zygomatic surface, which is convex and forms part of the zygomatic fossa, are several orifices transmitting the posterior dental nerves and vessels ; a groove which, con- nected by the apposition of the palate bone into a canal, forms the posterior palatine canal ; and at the bottom, a rounded eminence, the maxillary tuberosity, which lies behind the wisdom tooth, and has been occasionally broken off in extracting that tooth. The body of the bone is excavated by an air-chamber, the antrum, which is coated in life by a continuation of the nasal mucous membrane, and this frequently becomes secondarily involved in dental disease, so that its anatomical relations are of great importance to the dentist. Like the somewhat similar air cavities in the frontal bone the maxillary sinus does not attain to its full size, relatively to the rest of the bone, until after the age of puberty, although it makes its appearance earlier than the other nasal sinuses, its presence being demonstrable about the fifth month of foetal life. Hence it follows that its walls are thicker in the young subject than in the adult; and, ac- cording to the observations of Mr. Cattlin (*), it is somewhat larger in the male than in the female. It is very variable in size, so that out of one hundred adult specimens the above-mentioned writer found one which would only contain one drachm of fluid, while in contrast with that was another which held eight drachms ; two and a half drachms being the average capacity. Al- though it is exceedingly variable in form as well as in size, it tends towards a roughly pyramidal shape, the apex of the pyramid being directed towards the malar bone, which it has been seen to encroach upon, and the base towards the nasal cavity; it is, however, useless to minutely describe (*) "Transactions of the Odontological Society," vol. ii. 1857. 28 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. its form, inasmuch as the two antra in the same individual are sometimes quite dissimilar. The floor of the cavity is rendered uneven in most specimens by prominences corre- sponding to the roots of the molar teeth, which ordinarily are but thinly covered by its bony walls, while it is not by any means rare to find some of them actually bare. The cavity is also more or less completely subdivided by bony partitions springing from its walls, as is well exempli- fied in the accompanying figure ; these partitions are for the most part thin, but they occasionally attain to consider- able thickness, and they are stated to occur most frequently at the anterior or posterior angles of the base of the pyramid. On the base of the pyramid is the orifice by which it opens into the middle meatus of the nose ; this orifice being partly closed in by the ethmoid, palate, and inferior turbinated bones, and also by soft parts, so that in a recent FIG. 13 0). subject it will barely admit a goosequill ; and it should be noted that this orifice opens into the antrum near the top, so that it does not afford a ready means of egress to fluids accumulated in the cavity. Through this orifice the mucous membrane lining the (*) Section of an antrum of the left side, divided into many pouches, by bony septa, and extending into the malar bone. Drawn from a specimen in the collection of Dr. Maynard, in the possession of the Bal- timore Dental College. THE MAXILLARY BONES. 29 antrum is continuous with that of the nasal fossee, and, like that, it is ciliated; but it differs from the latter in being thinner and less vascular. The teeth which usually come into the closest relation with the antrum are the first and second molars, but any of the teeth situated in the maxillary bone may encroach upon its walls, and I have seen an abscess, originating at the apex of the fang of a lateral incisor, pass backwards and perforate the antrum. Its walls have four aspects, namely, towards the orbit, the nose, the zygomatic fossa, and the face, while its floor is formed by the alveolar border. With the exception only of the latter, its walls are very thin ; and this exception has an important practical bearing in the diagnosis of tumors in this region, as accumulations of fluid or morbid growths really situated in the antrum bulge any or all of its walls in preference to the alveolar border, whereas tumors spring- ing from the base of the sphenoid or elsewhere and encroach- ing upon the antrum, push down and distort the alveolar border as easily as any of the other walls of the cavity, inasmuch as the pressure caused by them is not transmitted equally in all directions, as is the case when the medium transmitting the power is a fluid. The lower maxilla or mandible consists of a body and two rami, which ascend almost perpendicularly from its posterior extremity. The horizontal portion or body is curved somewhat in a parabolic form ; it has a convex ex- ternal and concave internal surface, and an upper (alveolar) and a lower border. On the convex facial surface we have to note the ridge marking the position of the symphysis, and below this the mental prominence. Externally to this, below the line of contact of the first and second bicuspids (or a little before or behind this point) is the mental fora- men, which constitutes the termination of the inferior dental canal. Running obliquely upwards, and first visible 30 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. at a point a little distance from the mental prominence is the external oblique line, which becomes merged in the base of the coronoid process. Where it rises as high as the alveolar border, i.e., opposite to the third and sometimes the FIG. 14 ( l ). second molar, the outer alveolar plate is strengthened by it, so that it becomes less yielding than the inner plate. The student should bear this fact in mind when extracting a lower wisdom tooth. The buccinator is attached to the alveolar border oppo- site to the molar teeth ; the platysma myoides to the outer side of the lower border along a region somewhat further forward : the masseter over the whole outer face and border of the ascending ramus and the temporal to the apex and side of the coronoid process. The other muscles attached to it are facial muscles of expression. On the inner surface of the body are four tubercles, situated in pairs in the median line, about opposite to the ends of the roots of the incisors, but somewhat variable both (*) Lower Maxillary Bone. 2. Ramus, where masseter is attached. 3. Symphysis. 5. Mental foramen. 6. External oblique line. 8. Angle of jaw. 9. Internal oblique line. 10. Coronoid process. 11. Condyle. 12. Sigmoid notch. 13. Inferior dental foramen. THE MAXILLARY BONES. 31 in position and in size in different individuals. The upper pair of tubercles give attachment to the genio-hyo-glossus, the lower to the genio-hyoid muscles ; they are interesting to the dental student not only as giving attachment to muscles concerned in deglutition, but as affording convenient fixed points for measurements of the relative growth of parts of the jaw. Beneath these genioid tubercles lie the slight depressions which give attachment to the anterior belly of the digrastric muscle, while between the two points alluded to commences the internal oblique line, which runs ob- liquely upwards and backwards, becoming more pronounced as it extends backwards, and terminating at the inferior dental foramen. This internal oblique ridge marks the line of growth of the condyle (see Development of the Jaws), and gives attachment to the mylohyoid muscle, which forms the floor of the mouth, in all its length. Thus the bone above the ridge belongs strictly to the mouth, that below it has more relation with cervical structures. The depression for the sublingual gland is above this line, consequently this gland is visible from the mouth ; that for the submaxillary gland is beneath it and further back. The inner surface of the ascending ramus gives attach- ment to the following muscles : at the neck of the condyle to the external pterygoid ; on the inner face of the coro- noid process, as far down as the level of the top of the crown of the wisdom tooth, to the temporal ; on the inner side of the angle, over a large surface, to the internal pterygoid. The orifice of the inferior dental canal is rough and spinous, giving attachment to the internal lateral ligament of the jaw, while beneath and behind it is the groove for the mylohyoid vessels and nerves ; the canal runs forward in the bone a little distance beneath the ends of the roots of the teeth, and emerges at the mental foramen, turning out- wards at an angle to reach it, and sending onwards small A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. canals to the incisors, not traceable far. It is nearer to the outer than to the inner surface of the jaw in the latter half of its course, and is apt to be very close to the ends of the roots of the wisdom teeth, and to those of the bicuspids. The alveolar processes of the lower jaw, at their posterior part, diverge more widely than those of the upper jaw, the relative antagonism between the upper and lower teeth being preserved in this region b}' the former having an in- clination outwards, the latter inwards. The ascending rami join the body at an angle which is very obtuse in the foetus, nearly a right angle in the adult, and once again obtuse in advanced old age ; the explanation of this change will be given under the head of the Development of the Jaw. The articulation of the human lower jaw is peculiar, and allows of a degree of play unusual in a joint. The ovoid condyles, when the jaw is at rest, are lodged in depressions, the glenoid fossae of the temporal bone, formed partly by the squamous and partly by the vaginal portions of the bone. The posterior half of the cavity is rough, and lodges a portion v of the parotid gland : the anterior is smooth, and is bounded in front by the eminentia articularis, which is the middle root of the zygoma, enters into the formation of the joint, and is coated over by cartilage. Between the condyle of the lower jaw and the temporal bone lies a moveable inter- articular Jibro -cartilage, which is an irregular bi-concave oval plate, the edges of which are united with the capsular liga- ment, so that the joint is divided into two cavities, furnished with separate synovial membranes (unless when, as some- times is the case, the fibro-cartilage is perforated in its centre). The joint is described as having four ligaments : the capsular, stylo-maxillary, internal and external lateral ligaments. The capsular ligament is but feebly pronounced, and hardly deserves the name ; the stylo-maxillary reaches from THE MAXILLARY BONES. 33 the apex of the styloid process to the angle of the jaw ; the internal lateral from the spine of the sphenoid to the mar- gins of the inferior dental foramen; the external lateral, which alone is a ligament strictly proper to the articulation, reaches from the outer side and tubercle of the zygoma to the outer surface of the neck of the condyle. The form of the articulating surfaces and the compara- tive absence of retaining ligaments combine to allow of a variety of movement unusual in any other than a ball and socket joint. The articulation acts as a simple hinge when the jaw is simply depressed, and this is the only motion possible in many animals, as in typical carnivora. When, however, the mouth is opened to the fullest possible extent, the condyle leaves the glenoid cavity, slides forward, and rests on the articular eminence, the interarticular fibro- cartilage being carried forward with it. The passage of the condyle on to the articular eminence, although always taking place when the lower jaw is excessively depressed, takes place sometimes without any depression of the lower jaw, which then passes horizontally forward ; or it may take place on the one side only, giving to the jaw the lateral movement so useful in mastication. In the mastication of food the various movements are combined, or succeed one another with great rapidity ; the lateral movements are not very extensive, the outer cusps of the lower teeth of one side being brought to antagonise the outer cusps of the upper teeth, and then being made to slide forcibly down the sloping surfaces of the latter till they return to their normal antagonism ; when one set of muscles is tired the same pro- cess is gone through on the other side of the mouth. The closure of the jaw, and the rotatory and oblique motions, are accomplished by four pairs of very powerful muscles; these are antagonised by muscles comparatively/ feeble and indirect in their application. The closure of the jaws is effected by the masseters and 34 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. the temporals, attached to the outer sides of the jaw ; and the external and internal pterygoids, attached to its inner sides. The masseter, temporal, and internal pterygoid muscles close the jaws and press the teeth against one another, and FIG. 15 XT" ! i!f'"////'/ this is their principal action. They are antagonised by the digastric, the mylohyoid, and the geniohyoid muscles, which, aided perhaps by the platysma, depress the lower jaw when the hyoid bone is fixed by its own depressor muscles. The external pterygoid draws the jaw forward, and so in some measure tends to open it ; as the two muscles do not always, or indeed generally, act together, they give a lateral movement to the jaw. The superficial portions of the masseter and the internal pterygoid are ordinarily supposed, as their direction is slightly backwards, to assist in drawing the jaw forwards, but Langer, one of the most recent inves- tigators of their action, attaches very little importance to this, and indeed considers that, when the jaw has been pulled forwards by the external pterygoid, the combined action of the internal pterygoid, the temporal, and the mas- seter, may bring it back again. ( l ) Pterygoid muscles. 1. Upper, and 2. Lower heads of external pterygoid muscle. 3. Internal pterygoid muscle. THE MAXILLARY BONES. 35 In ordinary mastication the various movements are com- bined in every possible manner. When the mouth is widely open the condyles play upon the articular eminence in front of the glenoid cavity, and the external pterygoid, which assists in widely opening the mouth, draws not only the condyle, but also the inter- articular nbro-cartilage forwards, so that the latter still intervenes between the condyle and the articular eminence. The interarticular cartilages do not, however, accompany the jaw in its extreme movement, but are believed only to pass forwards as far as that part of the eminence which is slightly hollowed out. As, however, in dislocation the} 7 accompany the condyles, this supposition may be incorrect. The position of repose is neither complete closure nor opening of the jaws : in persons with enlarged tonsils the habitual position is one with the mouth somewhat more widely open, owing to the difficulty of breathing through the nose ; a fact which often causes an irregularity in the disposition of the teeth. The axis on which the jaw moves is, owing to the bend of the ramus, far behind the glenoid cavity; it lies very nearly in a plane formed by prolonging the plane of the masticating surface of the teeth. The .motions executed in mastication differ much according to the nature of the food ; hence it happens that in different animals the muscles of mastication are very variously developed. Thus, in the Herbivora, which move their jaws greatly from side to side, as any one may observe for himself, the pterygoids, and especially the external pterygoid, attain to a very large relative size. On the other hand, in the Rodents, which move their jaws backward and forwards in gnawing, the masse ter is enormously developed, and has a very marked general backward direction. D 2 36 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. Although it is not strictly true, the masseter and temporal may be said in mammals to be developed in an inverse ratio to one another : when one is large the other is not. The masseter is at a maximum in Carnivora, which have FIG. 16 little lateral movement possible to their jaws ; the temporal is also highly developed in many of the class. In the great apes, the temporal becomes enormously developed only at the period of second dentition ; this fact, conjoined with its size, which in herbivora seems to have some relation to the presence or absence of canines, would incline one to suppose that it was useful in that rapid closure of the mouth appropriate to biting when animals fight or seize prey. The form of the glenoid cavity also bears an intimate relation to the dentition of the animal, and the nature and extent of the movement of its jaws. Thus, in a child it is nearly flat, with no well marked surrounding elevations; its axis is transverse, and little rotary motion is made use of. In the adult it is deeply (') Condyle of the lower jaw, and glenoid fossa of a tiger. THE MAXILLARY BONES. 37 sunk : the axis of the condyle is oblique, and rotary move- ments are largely made use of in triturating food. In the Felidse, it is strictly transverse ; their teeth, adapted for slicing but not grinding, would gain nothing by lateral motion, which is rendered quite impossible by the manner in which the long transverse condyles are locked into the glenoid cavity by strong processes in front and behind. Curiously enough the interarticular cartilage is present, but as the condyle never moves forward, the cartilage is not attached to the external pterygoid muscle. In Herbivora the condyle is roundish, the ascending ramus long, the pterygoid muscles large, and the glenoid cavity shallow ; in the whale, which of course does not masticate at all, there is no interarticular cartilage, and no synovial mem- brane; the articulation is reduced to a mere ligamentous attachment. The harder a substance is, the farther back between the molars it is placed ; and as the food escapes from between the teeth it is constantly being replaced by the lips, cheeks, and tongue, the buccinator muscle being largely concerned in this work of preventing morsels of food from escaping from the teeth during its mastication. Just as the muscles of mastication vary in their relative development in accordance with the food to be dealt with, so also do the salivary glands. As a rule herbivorous creatures have large parotid glands; that is to say, those creatures which deal with the driest food and masticate it the most have this gland largely developed. For instance it is very large in Ruminants ; in Herbivorous 'Marsupials it is larger, in the carnivorous section smaller, than the submaxillaries. When an espe- cially viscid fluid is required, as, for example, that which lubricates the tongue of an ant-eater, this is furnished by exceedingly large submaxillary glands. The nerves of the teeth are derived from branches of the 38 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. fifth nerve, the nerve of sensation of the whole side of the face and head : the lower teeth through the inferior maxil- lary nerve, the upper through the anterior and posterior dental branches of the superior maxillary nerve. The nerves are given off from the nerve trunks in bundles, corresponding in number to the roots of the teeth for which they are destined. For the details of the distribu- tion of the fifth nerve the student must refer to works treating of anatomy, as it would be out of place to enter upon the subject at length in these pages, in which merely one or two matters of special interest to the dental student will be touched upon. In the case of the inferior maxillary nerve the roots of the teeth come into very close proximity with the main trunk of the nerve ; this is especially the case with the lower wisdom teeth. Within a few days of writing these lines I extracted a lower wisdom tooth (with forceps) for a gentleman, who, immediately after the extraction, in- quired if he could have bitten his lip, as it felt swollen; on testing it I found slight but well marked numbness on that side of the lip and chin, which did not wholly subside before he left me. In this case a groove upon the under surface of the much curved roots appeared to indicate that the nerve trunk was in close contact with the tooth. No reason is at present known why the tooth pulp should be so richly supplied with nerves, as no obvious advantage results therefrom. Teeth with persistent pulps which go 011 growing throughout the life of the animal, have always large nerves : thus a very large trunk goes to the pulp of a rodent incisor. But although in this case the rich nervous supply doubtless has to do with nutrition, and presides over the great formative activity of the tissue, this does not fully account for the pulps of the teeth of limited growth being so amply supplied with nerves. As has been mentioned in the description of the lower FIG, 17 I 1 ). (!) DIAGRAM OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE BRANCHKS OF THE FIFTH NERVE. (From Tomes' "Lectures on Dental Physiology and Surgery" drawn by Mr. C. De Morgan.) A. Ophthalmic division : 1. Frontal. 2. Nasal and long ciliary. 3. Branches to ciliary ganglion. B. Superior maxillary division : 4. Orbital j {jjjjjj' lal } 5'. Sphenopalatine (Mcckel's) ganglion 0. Posterior dental, passing down. ' 13. Ptery. Inferior dental. U- CrUObCllUi VU II L O OS 3 JH o o ill 21 11 Jji I I c At this date one observes at the edge of the jaw of the embryo only the epi- thelial eminence and the epithelial in- flection of Kolliker. The superior max- illary and intermaxillary bones are not united, and the inferior maxillary arch contains Meckel's cartilage only, with- out any trace of bone. It is in the course of this 7th week that the epithelial bands (enamel organs) of the temporary teeth are successively formed in the order of their designation. At this date appears in juxtaposition with the downward extremity of the epi- thelial band the first trace of the den- tine bulb. This stage occurs nearly simultaneously for the whole series of the temporary follicles. At this period the wall of the follicle de- taches itself from the base of the bulb and rises up its sides. This stage occurs in the same order as the preceding. The wall of the follicle continues its de- velopment. The epithelial germ com- mences its transformation nto an ena- mel organ. The wall of the follicle is closed. The epithelial band is broken and the follicle is thenceforward without any connec- tion with the epithelium of the surface. ll- S 3 isi 11 II g h* glj H 1! i! 1 ii EH| 1 ? * *c5 O +a CO 5=1 8j 3! PI o 1 ti-S ' & P^ X 8 CO CO t- r- o 00 00 CO rS C-S^j o ^ An^iH ^"^eq ib" 1 " 3 1- i-^t- ; " i Appearance of the wall of the follicle. Enclosure of the wall and rupture of the band. Appearance of the cap of dentine. The cap of dentine is from -003 to '007 inches in height. The cusps of dentine which originate up- on the several apices of the dentine organ have coalesced. The cap of dentine is from -004 to '039 inches in height. 00 29 O 11 !|i 1 1 gas &* '"^ a 2 a es'ffl^ eS ^ ^ S 0* 'W C* rn a & s ,g 1 !! ff o S S gg g -S 73 Ejj o. "!' I i ^1 ^ g n5 S ^ 'p. S OT i 'S oj S - HI 1*1 a> 1 ^*2* | 0^ | * a -3*^ O | 1 ic wall of t after the 21s a certain dis ill! 11 uitinuation processes. osure of th cap of denl formation o month after < H H lllll'ls / CO CO 00 | 5 (tilo^ 5 o o ? |(%f o f 1 S oo 9 00 S J1| . 2 o o 1? " S I l| 3< 1 ^-2^ S^P -22 " *' (M CO CO ^ te s 8,3 ** co oo o

~ |o| ? o| M b | L 2 148 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. CALCIFICATION. A tissue is said to be " calcified " when the organic struc- tures of which it is composed are hardened and stiffened by impregnation with salts of lime. The impregnation with lime salt may go on so far that the residual organic matrix is reduced to a very small proportion, as is exemplified in the case of adult enamel, in which the organic constituents make up only from one to three per cent, of the whole, so that practically the enamel wholly disappears under the in- fluence of an acid j or the organic matrix may persist in sufficient quantity to retain its structural characteristics after the removal by solution in an acid of its salts, as is the case with dentine, bone, and cementum. There are two ways in which a calcified structure may be built up : the one by the deposition of the salts in the very substance of a formative organ, which thus become actually converted into the calcified structure ; the other by a formative organ shedding out from its surface both the organic and inorganic constituents, and thus, so to speak, excreting the resultant tissue. An example of the latter method is to be found in the shells of many mollusks, in which the mantle secretes the shell, and is able to repair fractures in it, without itself undergoing any apparent alteration j while the formation of dentine, bone, and enamel (') are examples of calcification by conversion. The insoluble salts of lime are altered in their behaviour by association with organic compounds, a fact which was iirst pointed out by Rainie, and has been more recently worked out by Professor Harting and Dr. Ord. If a solution of a soluble salt of lime be slowly mixed with another solution capable of precipitating the lime, the ( a ) All observers are not, however, agreed as to the formation of the enamel. (Cf. page 157.) THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 149 resultant lime salt will go down as an amorphous powder, or, under some circumstances, in minute crystals. But in the presence of gelatine, albumen, and many other organic compounds, the form and physical character of the lime salts are materially altered, and in the place of an amor- phous powder there are found various curious but definite forms, quite unlike the character of crystals produced with- out the intervention of the organic substance. Mr. Rainie found that if calcium carbonate be slowly formed in a thick solution of mucilage or albumen the re- sultant salt is in the form of globules, laminated in structure, so that the globules may be likened to tiny onions ; these globules, when in contact, becoming agglomerated into a single laminated mass, it appearing as if the laminse in immediate apposition blended with one another. Globular masses, at one time of mulberry-like form, lose the in- dividuality of their constituent smaller globules, and become smoothed down into a single mass ; and Mr. Rainie suggests as an explanation of the laminated structure that the smaller masses have accumulated in concentric layers which have subsequently coalesced ; and in the substitution of the globular for the amorphous or crystalline form in the salt of lime when in contact with various organic substances, Mr. Rainie claimed to find the clue for the explanation of the development of shells, teeth, and bone. At this point Professor Harting took up the investigation, and found that other salts of lime would behave in a similar manner, and that by modifying the condition of the experiment very various forms ( l ) might be produced. But the most im- portant addition to our knowledge made by Professor Harting lay in the very peculiar constitution of the " calco- spherites," by which name he designated the globular forms seen and described by Rainie. That these are built up of (*) Thus he was successful in artificially producing "dumb-bell'* crystals. 150 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. concentric laminae like an onion has already been mentioned, and Mr. Rainie was aware that albumen actually entered into the composition of the globule, since it retained its form even after the application of acid. But Professor Harting has shown that the albumen left behind after the treatment of a calcospherite with acid is no longer ordinary albumen ; it is profoundly modified, and has become exceedingly resistant to the action of acids, alkalies, and boiling water, and in fact resembles chitine, the substance of which the hard skins of insects consist, rather than any other body. For this modified albumen he proposes the name of " calcoglobulin," as it appears that the lime is held in some sort of chemical combination, for the last traces of lime are retained very obstinately when calcoglobulin is submitted to the action of acids. The " calcospherite," then, has a true matrix of calco- globulin, which is capable of retaining its form and structure after the removal of the great bulk of the lime. Now it is a very suggestive fact that in the investigation of calcification we constantly meet with structures remark- able for their indestructibility : for example, if we destroy the dentine by the action of very strong acids, or by variously contrived processes of decalcification, putrefaction, &c., there remains behind a tangled mass of tubes, the " dentinal sheaths " of Neumann, which are really the immediate walls of the dentinal tubes. Or if bone be disintegrated by certain methods there remain behind large tubes, found to be the linings of the haversian canals (Kolliker), and small rounded bodies, recognisable as isolated lacunse ; and in the cuticula dentis we have another excellent example of this peculiarly inde- structible tissue. In point of fact, as will be better seen after the develop- ment of the dental tissue has been more fully described, on THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 151 the borderland of calcification, between the completed fully calcified tissue and the formative matrix as yet unimpreg- nated with lime, there very constantly exists a stratum of tissue which in its physical and chemical properties very much resembles " calcoglobulin." It should also be noted that globular, spherical forms are very constantly to be seen at the edges of the thin cap of forming dentine, and may be also traced in and around the interglobular spaces (see Fig. 34) ; moreover, isolated spherules of lime salt have been described by Messrs. Kobin and Magitot as occurring abundantly in the young pulps of human teeth, as well as those in the herbivora, where their presence was noted by Henle. CALCIFICATION OF THE ENAMEL. Although the calcification of the dentine commences before that of the enamel, it will be convenient to describe that of the enamel first, as being a somewhat simpler and more easily intelligible process. As has already been mentioned, I am distinctly of opinion that the enamel is formed by the actual conversion of the cells of the enamel organ into enamel, but as this view is not held by all who have written upon the subject, I will first mention the alternative theory, namely, that the enamel is in some sense secreted or shed out by these cells. In support of this latter theory the names of no less authorities than Professor Huxley, Kolliker, Wenzel, and Magitot, may be adduced, but the grounds on which their decisions are based are appearances susceptible of a different interpreta- tion. Kolliker considers that the cells do not undergo any direct conversion, but that the enamel is shed out from the ends of the enamel cells, the enamel fibres therefore corre- 152 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. spending in size and being continuous with the enamel cells whence they were shed out. Professor Huxley's reason for doubting the direct con- version of the enamel cells into enamel was that a membrane could be raised from the surface of growing enamel, at any period of its development, by the use of acid reagents, this membrane necessarily intervening between the formed enamel and the enamel cells ; hence he denied that the enamel organ contributed in any way directly, though it might indirectly, to the development of the enamel. To the nature of this " membrane " I shall have again to refer, so that for the present it will suffice to say that the structure in question cannot be demonstrated, and in fact has probably no existence, prior to the use of the reagent. The cells of the internal epithelium of the enamel organ or enamel cells have been already in some measure de- scribed : they are elongated cells, forming a very regular columnar epithelium, and are hence rendered hexagonal by mutual apposition ; they vary in their length and diameter in different animals. To secure uniformity of nomenclature, the name adaman- toblast has recently been proposed for them, as being better comparable with the term odontoblast and osteoblast. Although they are connected with the cells of the stratum intermedium by a process at their base, they often adhere more strongly to the enamel, when once this has begun to be formed, than to the rest of the enamel organ, so that when a dental sac is opened the enamel cells are most easily obtained by scraping the surface of the enamel. The cells thus torn away often have tapering processes at the ends directed towards the enamel, which were first described by my father, and go by the name of " Tomes' processes." The cells are also slightly enlarged at these extremities, especially if they have been immersed in glycerine or any such fluid which causes their shrinkage, for this end of the cell having THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 153 received a partial impregnation with lime salt at its peri- phery, and so being rigid, is unable to contract with the rest of the cell. These enlarged, everted ends, often show a very FIG. 71 sharp contour, their trumpet-like mouths tending to confirm the statement of Waldeyer that the protoplasm of the cell is not covered in by membrane at its ends. The impregna- tion with calcareous salts commences at the free end of the FIG. 72 ( 2 ). enamel cell, and at the periphery before the central portion, and it is to this fact that the existence of " Tomes' pro- cesses " is due, for when the enamel cell is dragged away from the formed enamel prism, it separates across the line of calcification ; and thus the axial part of the cell, when torn away, projects out further than its periphery, in con- ( 1 ) Enamel cells with Tomes' processes. ( 2 ) Enamel cells ; the two on the right have been shrunk by immersion in glycerine, and present the open trumpet-shaped ends described in the text. 154 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. sequence of calcification having extended less far at this central portion of the cell. In other words, if the forming enamel were freed from the adherent enamel cells, its surface would be pitted, each little pit marking the centre of an enamel prism \ and if a thin section of this immediate surface could be taken off, it would be pierced with holes at regular intervals. The enamel cell with its process is like an odontoblast with a very short dentinal fibril, which has been pulled out of the formed dentine, and the nature of the " Tomes' processes " is well illustrated in the enamel organs of marsupials. It will be remembered that their enamel is permeated by a large number of canals, which become continuous at the junction of the dentine and enamel, with the dentinal tubes. Accordingly the enamel cell of a marsupial, engaged in the formation of a permanently tubular enamel, is just like an odontoblast in that it has a long, fine process, pulled out of the already formed enamel. As the youngest part of the enamel has by no means attained to its full hardness, it is quite possible to obtain, in small pieces, sections parallel to its surface ; the nearer they are to the surface, the larger will be the perforations, show- ing what has already been stated respecting calcification commencing at the periphery of each cell to be true. And it is possible, by the use of an acid, to obtain such sections upon a larger scale, for under the influence of such a reagent, this youngest layer of the enamel peels off in a sheet, bringing with it in places enamel cells, in places enamel prisms, adhering to its opposite sides. When destitute of adherent enamel cells or prisms, this so-called membrane is foraminated ; and the processes of the ends of the enamel cells are fitted into and passed through these perforations. The real nature of the membrane which could be raised from the surface of growing enamel was first demonstrated by my father, and his explanation has been accepted by THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 155 Waldeyer and other authorities ; it will be seen that this sheet, produced solely by the destructive action of reagents, corresponds with the membrana preformativa of some writers (see page 171), and with the membrane described by Pro- fessor Huxley as intervening between the enamel cells and the enamel. Hence it will be seen that the fact of acids raising a membrane from the surface of the enamel does not really militate against the theory that the enamel is due to the direct conversion of the enamel organ into enamel. The ends of the enamel cells near to the formed enamel are granular, this granularity being due to the deposition of particles of lime salts, as is indicated by its clearing up when treated with acid. The cells on the one side of the membrane readily separate from one another, adhering, however, slightly by their dilated ends (vide supra), and the fact that we are able to isolate the youngest layer of enamel as a thin sheet is probably to be explained by its chemical nature. It ap- pears to belong to that class of peculiarly resistant sub- stances which are to be found on the borders of calcification, and behaves very much like Professor Harting's " calco- globulin" (see page 150); at all events it may safely be said to have undergone some chemical change preparatory to the reception of its full amount of lime salts. The calcification of the enamel should be so complete that its fibrous structure is but slightly apparent in longi- tudinal sections, and the individual fibres should appear structureless, with the exception of the feebly marked striation (see page 50). In enamel of imperfect structural character the centre of the fibre is not completely calcified, the arrest of development having taken place short of its full conversion. The stellate tissue of the enamel organ disappears some time before the whole thickness of the enamel is formed, and changes go on in the latter up to the time of the erup- 156 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. tion of the tooth ; the enamel of a tooth prior to its erup- tion having a chalky, opaque surface. The enamel of the teeth of reptiles is developed from an enamel organ which at no time possesses any stellate tissue ; this is also the case in all fish which I have hitherto ex- amined. In the poison fangs of snakes the enamel cells, over the interior of the poison tube, appeared to be trans- formed into a stellate reticulum, which change in this case would appear to be a retrograde metamorphosis. The nuclei of the enamel cells, which lie at the extre- mities furthest from the enamel, appear to recede as calcifi- cation goes on ; they do not exercise any special influence on the process as far as can be seen. (*) Transverse section of the tooth sac of a poison fang (Viper). The crescentic pulp (a) is surrounded by a layer of dentine (d) ; external to this is a layer of columnar enamel cells, which, upon the exterior of the tooth, upon which a thin layer of enamel is to be formed, are large con- spicuous cells. Where they pass in between the horns of the crescent, into that part which will ultimately be the poison canal, their character is lost, and their place taken by stellate cells (/ ). No enamel is formed in this latter position. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 157 As has been already mentioned, Kolliker dissents from the above account of the calcification of. the enamel, partly on the ground that enamel cells may be seen of the same size and form at all stages of the formation of enamel. The process he regards as one of secretion, the enamel being shed out, so to speak, from the free end of each enamel cell ; hence the prisms of the enamel will correspond in size and number with the cells of the enamel epithelium ; the processes of the enamel cells he regards as being fragments of this hardened secretion which are Btill clinging to the parent cell. M. Magitot (Journal de 1'anatomie de M. Ch. Robin, 1879) has revived this view, describing each cell as terminated, towards the forming enamel, by a little plate of dense material through which by some process of exosmosis the constituents of enamel travel out. He notes that these plates often cohere so as to form a sheet (cf . page 154), but says nothing of their being perforated. No one, however, who had seen the enamel cell of a marsupial with the tapering process five or six times as long as itself which had been pulled out of the young enamel would be satisfied with the excre- tion theory. The reasons for adopting the opposite view will have been ga- thered from the text ; they are, in brief, the occurrence of the 11 Tomes' processes," especially in marsupials ; the rigidity of the open mouths of the enamel cells ; the pitted surface of the youngest layer of enamel, the foraminated membrane which can be raised from it, and the relation of these facts to the occurrence of the processes of the enamel cells. Schwann believed that the enamel cell was constantly increasing at its free end (.?., that next to the enamel), and that the new growth, or youngest part of the cell, is calcified as fast as it is formed ; this view differs little from that of Kolliker, who prefers to express it by saying that this end of the cell is constantly shed- ding off or secreting a material which becomes external to itself. My father, Waldeyer, Hertz, and many others, believe that the cell growth takes place not at this free end, but at the attached nucle- ated end, and that it is the oldest portion of the cell itself which receives an impregnation with salts and forms the enamel. Professor Huxley's opinion (page 152) is, I take it, based on the fact that a membrane could be raised from the surface of young enamel, which must have intervened between the enamel cells and the enamel prisms ; if my father's explanation of the nature of this membrane be accepted, the difficulty vanishes. My own researches upon the development of the teeth of fishes also furnish evidence ten ding in the same direction ; as has been al- ready mentioned, the enamel cells in some parts of the enamel organs of certain fish, such as the eel and perch, and certain Batrachia, e.g., the newt, have dimensions very greatly exceeding those of the cells in the remainder of the organ. These highly developed cells, 158 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. three times as long 1 as the corresponding cells lower down upon the dentine papilla, are in the position of the terminal cap of enamel which characterises these teeth. Moreover in the tooth sac of the poison fang of a viper, the distribution of the large cells coincides with that of the enamel on the finished tooth. Calcification of the Dentine. The dentine is formed upon the surface of the dentine bulb, or papilla, from with- out inwards, so that no portion of dentine once calcined can receive any increase in external dimensions ; all additions must take place upon the interior of the dentine cap. The nature of the dentine bulb has already been to some extent described ; it remains to consider somewhat more minutely the nature of its surface. The cells constituting the mem- brana eboris, to which Waldeyer has given the convenient name of " odontoblasts," form an exceedingly sharply denned layer upon the surface of the dentine wall, being arranged in a single row ; the cells immediately beneath them differ strongly from them, so that there is not so marked an appearance of transitional structure as may be seen in the stratum intermedium of the enamel organ. Nothing what- ever like the linear succession of formative cells, which, by coalescence at their ends went to form the dentinal tubes, as described by the older writers, is to be seen. The odontoblast cells vary in form according as the den- tine formation is actively going on or not, but at the period of their greatest activity they are broad at the end directed towards the dentine cap, so as to look almost abruptly truncated. The several processes of the cells have already been described; there are, however, sometimes several " dentinal processes " proceeding from a single cell, and Boll has counted no less than six. The cells are finely granular, and are, according to Waldeyer and Boll, destitute of all membrane ; the nucleus is oval, lies in that extremity of the cell which is farthest from the dentine, and is sometimes prolonged towards the dentinal process so as to be ovoid or almost pointed. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 159 The dentinal process passes into the tubes of the dentine, and it frequently happens that when the membrana eboris is only slightly separated from the dentine these processes, FIG. 74 1 . which constitute the dentinal fibrils, may be seen stretching across the interval in great numbers. The odontoblasts, as may be seen from figures 30 and 31, are fitted closely together, and there is no room for any other tissue between them, so long as the formation of dentine is actively going on. Prior to its commencement, however, the cells are not so square at their ends, and the appear- ance of the thin edge of such a pulp suggests the idea that they are bedded in a transparent and structureless jelly, which projects a little beyond them. To render my mean- ing more clear by a homely illustration, the surface of the pulp at this stage reminds one of the clear jellies put upon the table with strawberries or the like buried in them, near to, but beneath, the surface. But no such substance can be seen when once calcification has actively set in. When the pulp has completed, for the time being at all events, the formation of the dentine, the odontoblast cells become more elongated and more rounded in their outline and taper off towards and into the dentinal process, instead of having truncated ends. The cells figured by Lent as the formative cells of dentine I regard as odontoblasts taken from an adult tooth, the 0) Isolated odontoblast cell. 160 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. period of formative activity being past, and I am inclined to think that his views on the subject of development are open to criticism, as being based upon the appearances presented by such old cells. FIG. 75 ('). The dentine is, I believe, formed by the direct conversion of the odontoblast cells, just as is the enamel by that of the enamel cells, and is derived from them, and from them alone. According to this view, which is supported by Waldeyer, Frey, Boll, Dr. Lionel Beale, and many other writers, the dentinal fibrils, the dentinal sheaths, and the matrix between these latter, are alike derived from the metamorphosis of the odontoblast cell. In other words, the three structures in question may be taken as being three stages in the con- version of one and the same substance : thus we have the dentinal fibril in its soft condition, little more than the unaltered protoplasm of the cell, then the dentinal sheath, one of those peculiarly resistant substances which lie on the borders of calcification; and lastly, the matrix, the com- pleted, wholly calcified tissue. That some such relation exists seems to be indicated by the fact that dentinal tubes once formed are capable of (') Odontoblasts in situ. After Waldeyer. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 161 further calcification, by which their calibre becomes sensibly diminished. Thus, my father states (speaking of the incisor teeth of rodents), " the tubes which proceed from the pulp cavity near the base of the tooth, are, in most cases, per- ceptibly larger than those that are situated higher up ; hence it follows that, as the latter were once near the base of the tooth, the dentinal tubea undergo a diminution of calibre after their original formation. In the teeth of the Sciuridse I have found a difference of size amounting to a third or half between the tubes near the base and those near the surface in wear." And Dr. Lionel Beale calls attention to the fact that the hollows of the canals are largest nearest to the pulp, and smallest at the periphery of the tooth, in other words, at the oldest pail ; also that calcification is still slowly going on even in advanced life, so as often to lead to the oblite- ration of the peripheral tubes. There is, too, the statement of Robin and Magitot, that the teeth become more rich in calcareous salts as age advances, so that analyses of human teeth show great discrepancies. It is difficult to see how a dentinal tube once formed can become contracted to a third or half of its diameter unless we believe that that which was at first the soft tissue (den- tinal fibril) occupying its canal may become at its periphery metamorphosed into " dentinal sheath," while that which was originally this latter has passed into the condition of matrix. Other illustrations of this fact, observed by inde- pendent writers, suggest themselves to me; the converti- bility of the dentinal fibril into dentinal sheath and of the latter into matrix, seems to be of necessity implied by the narrowing of the calibre of a tube once formed, for the tubes thus narrowed present no special character ; their walls do not appear any thicker, nor do they in any way become dif- ferent save in the one matter of diameter. The phenomena of dental caries also appear to lend some support to this M 162 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. view, that dentinal fibril, dentinal sheath, and matrix, are but three ages of the same tissue. For under the influence of caries the walls of the tubes, invisible, or almost so, in perfectly healthy dentine, become apparent. As I have elsewhere expressed it, the most external portions of the odontoblasts undergo a metamorphosis into a gelatigenous matrix, which is the seat of calcification, while their most central portions remain soft and unaltered as the fibrils. Intermediate between the central perma- nently soft fibril and the general calcified matrix, is that portion which immediately surrounds the fibril, namely, the dentinal sheath ; as expressed by Dr. Lionel Beale they are protoplasm, formed material, and calcified formed material. That the whole of the dentine is derived from a conversion of the odontoblast cells is not agreed to by all writers. Thus Kolliker and Lent believe that while the canals and their contents are continua- tions of the odontoblasts, the matrix is a secretion either from these cells or from the rest of the pulp, and so is an " intercellular " sub- stance. Their view is therefore intermediate between the excretion and conversion theories; and Kolliker goes on to say, "since the dentinal cells are immediately drawn out at their outer ends into the dentinal fibres, and do not, as was formerly thought, grow out in such a manner that the dentinal fibre is to be regarded only as the inner part of the cell, so it is not possible to derive the dentine Immediately from the cells." But is not Professor Kolliker think- ing and writing of those aged, spent cells which his pupil Lent figured ? No one could speak of a young, active odontoblast as " drawn out into the dentinal fibril." A good section of young developing dentine shows that the cells are square and abrupt towards the dentine ; they do not taper into the dentinal process in the smallest degree, and there is no room for any intercellular sub- stance whatever. Hertz coincides with Kolliker in regarding the matrix as a " se- cretion from all the dentinal cells in common which stands in no definite histological relation to the individual cells," but his figure also I believe to be representative of an adult inactive surface of pulp, in which dentine formation had almost ceased. Kolliker and Lent are of opinion that a single cell is sufficient to form the whole length of a dentinal fibril, not having seen evidence of active cell growth in the subjacent layer of the pulp, from which they would infer that the membrana eboris was supplemented by THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 163 new cells from below. In the latest edition, however, Kolliker speaks with much more hesitation on this point. Magitot now (1881) holds that the whole of the dentine is " a product elaborated by the odontoblasts," but neither secreted by nor formed by the conversion of the odontoblasts, and he denies the existence of the sheaths of Neumann in toto. Klein believes that the odontoblast forms the matrix only, whilst the dentinal fibrils are processes continued up between the odontoblasts from a subjacent layer of stellate cells. Robin and Magitot formerly held that the dentine matrix was formed by the transformation of the odontoblast cells, but that the tubes were interspaces between these latter, not corresponding with the axes of the cells. The thinnest layer of dentine, such as may be found at the edges of the dentine cap, is soft and elastic, and so transparent as to appear structureless. Where it has at- tained a somewhat greater thickness, globules begin to appear in it, which are small in the thinner, and larger in the thicker portion of the dentine cap. As they are actually in the substance of the cap, their growth and coalescence obviously go on without any very immediate relation to the cells of the pulp; in point of fact, a process strictly analogous to that demonstrated by Mr. Kainie and Professor Harting (see page 148), is going on. Thus, in the formation of the first skin of dentine, a stage of metamorphosis pre- paratory to impregnation with calcareous salts distinctly precedes that full impregnation, which is marked by the occurrence of globules and their subsequent coalescence. The occurrence of these globular forms and consequent large interglobular spaces, in the deeper parts of adult dentine, is therefore an evidence of arrest of development rather than of any otherwise abnormal condition. When the formation of the dentine and enamel has gone on to the extent of the crown of the tooth having attained its full length, the reproduction of new formative pulp (in teeth of limited growth) takes place only over a contracted area, so that a neck, and finally one or more roots are the result of its conversion into tooth substance. In teeth of constant growth, however, no such narrowing of the forma- M 2 164 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. live pulp takes place, but the additions to the base of the tooth are of constant, or ever-increasing dimensions, as is the case in some tusks, which are of conical form. It is said that the number of roots which would have been developed at the base of a particular dentine organ may be inferred from the vessels, i. e., that in a single rooted tooth the vessels would, even at an early period, form a single fasciculus, in a double rooted one similarly they would be arranged in two bundles, so that the ultimate formative activity will be exercised around one, two, or three centres of nutrition. I am not however able, from my own ob- servations, to thrown any light upon this matter. THE CALCIFICATION OF VASO-DENTINE. During the conversion of the membrana eboris into ordinary hard unvascular dentine the vessels of the formative pulp recede, so that, whilst at all stages a capillary plexus is to be found just below the odontoblast layer, no vessels are to be found amongst the cells which constitute it. Nevertheless a moment's reflection will show that (except in the earliest stages, before any dentine is formed) the plexus must at a prior time have occupied the place now taken possession of by the inward marching odontoblasts and dentine. But in the calcification of a formative pulp into vaso- dentine this recession of its vessels before the advancing border of calcification does not take place ; the whole vascular network of the papilla remains and continues to carry blood circulating through it, even after calcification has crept up to and around it. So that if we imagine a vascular papilla to have its stroma suddenly petrified whilst its circulation went on all the same, we should have something like a vaso-dentine. Just as in hard dentine, the odontoblast layer is distinctly TEE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 165 marked oft' from the rest of the dentine organ, and the dentine is wholly derived from its conversion into calcined material, so that the difference between vaso-dentine and hard dentine is not one of a very fundamental character. Indeed, as we have seen (p. 85), the same formative pulp, the same odontoblast layer, is able at one time to form hard tubular dentine, at another vaso-dentine. All, therefore, that has been before said of the calcification of odontoblasts will apply equally to those of a vaso-dentine pulp, save only that in a typical tissue of this latter kind each cell calcifies solidly, and does not leave the axial portion soft, to remain as a dentinal fibril. Of the development of Plicidentine nothing more need be said, as it presents no peculiarities which are not the obvious result of the folding of the surface of its formative THE CALCIFICATION OF OSTEO-DENTINE. With the exception of the thin external layers (see fig. 47), which are developed from a superficial layer of not very highly specialised cells, osteo-dentine is built up in a manner fundamentally different from that in which hard dentine, plicidentine, and vaso-dentine, are constructed. For it is not, like these, a surface formation ; it is not laid down in a regular manner upon the exterior of a pulp, and it has no relation to an odontoblast layer, if we except, perhaps, its thin exterior shell. So soon as this has been formed its inner surface becomes roughened by trabeculse shooting inwards into the substance of the pulp, which speedily becomes traversed completely by them, as well as by the connective tissue bundles which are continuous with them. Thus the pulp being pierced through in every direction by these ingrowths cannot be withdrawn, like the pulp of a hard or of a vaso-dentine tooth, 166 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. from the interior of the dentine cap. Osteoblasts clothe, like an epithelium, the trabeculae and the connective tissue fibres attached to them, and by the calcification of these the osteodentine is formed. The process is exactly like the calcification of any mem- brane bone, and the connective tissue bundles remind one of those which are believed to be the occasion of the formation of Sharpey's fibres in bone. In the case of teeth which are going to be anchylosed to the subjacent bone, these fibres run continuously from the interior of the dentine cap down to the bone, and calcification in and around them binds the two inseparably together. It is interesting to note, especially in connection with the fact that some observers believe Sharpy's fibres to be elastic, that the hinged teeth of the pike (see fig. 88) owe their power of resilience entirely to the elasticity of these connective tissue bundles, which do not become completely calcified, although at an early stage it would be quite im- possible to say whether the tooth under observation was going to be anchylosed, or to be a hinged tooth tied down by elastic strings. The Calcification of Cementum. Just as is the case with bones elsewhere in the body, cementum may be formed in two distinct ways, by membranous ossification, and by ossification in a fibro-cartilage, the former method obtaining upon the roots of teeth, and the latter upon those crowns where the cement organ described by Magitot exists. At the time when the crown of a tooth appears through the gum, it alone is complete, and the root has yet to be calcified ; as each portion of dentine of the root is completed it is coated with a closely adherent vascular membrane which is in fact the follicle wall, and which is to become, when the cement is formed, the alveolo-dentar periosteum. The inner or dentinal face of this membrane presents a layer of large cells, the osteoblasts of Gegenbaur, and it is THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 167 by their calcification that bone or cementum is directly formed. These osteoblasts are themselves a special de- velopment where bone is about to be manufactured, as is clearly explained in the following extract from a paper by my father and the late Mr. De Morgan, who termed them osteal cells : " Here (towards the bone) in the place of cells with elongated processes, or cells arranged in fibre-like lines, we find cells aggregated into a mass, and so closely packed as to leave little room for intermediate tissue. The cells appear to have increased in size at the cost of the processes which existed at an earlier stage, and formed a bond of union be- tween them. Everywhere about groiving bone a careful ex- amination ivill reveal cells attached to its surface, while the surface of the bone itself ivill present a series of similar bodies ossified. To these we propose to give the name of osteal cells, as distinguished from lacunal and other cells." Externally to the osteoblast layer, but still very near to the perfect cementum, lies a reticulum or network made up by the inosculating branches of cells. The cells have largish round nuclei, and are each furnished with three or four homo- geneous processes, so that the tissue, save in very thin sec- tions, looks hopelessly confused from the interlacing of the cell processes. Many of these processes pass into, and are lost in the clear, structureless matrix of the already formed cementum ; the functions which they perform in its deve- lopment are not very apparent, as they do not correspond to anything which can be traced in the completed tissue. Externally to the fine-meshed net-work which has been well figured and described by Dr. Lionel Beale, the soft tissue surrounding the root partakes more of the character of ordinary fibrous tissue, and may be teased out into fibrils. The fibrous bands run mainly in a direction from the alveolus towards the tooth. Many of them pass through the whole thickness of the soft structures, extending from the 168 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. bone of the alveolus to the cementum of the tooth, becoming lost at each extremity in the one tissue or other. The osteoblasts form both matrix and bone corpuscles : in Professor Klein's words " each osteoblast by the peripheral portion of its cell substance gives origin to the osseous ground- substance, while the central protoplasm round the nucleus persists with the latter as the nucleated bone-cell. The bone- cell and the space in which it lies become branched. For a row of osteoblasts we then find a row of oblong or round territories, each composed of matrix, and in it a nucleated branched cell. The outlines of individual territories are gradually lost, and we have then a continuous osseous lamina, with its bone-cells. The ground substance is from the outset a network of fibrils ; it is at first soft, but soon becomes impregnated with inorganic salts, the process com- mencing at the ' point of ossification.' The bone cells, with their processes, are situated in corresponding lacunae and canaliculi, just as in the adult osseous substance." Thus just as calcification in an enamel cell or in an odon- toblast commences upon its surface, and proceeds inwards till it has more or less completely pervaded it, so in the case of the osteoblast the deposition of calcareous salts proceeds from without inwards. To use a rough comparison we might imagine a calcifying osteoblast as like an egg-shell, the central cavity of which was being gradually obliterated by the addition of successive layers on its interior (it is not to be understood that any such lamination is to be detected in an individual osteoblast). In a certain number of osteo- blasts this process of calcification does not proceed with such regularity as to obliterate their centres, and at the same time to fuse together their exteriors, but as it pro- gresses with some degree of irregularity towards the centre, tracks of uncalcified matrix are left, and finally it stops short of obliterating the central portion of the cell. Al- though for the purpose of description I have spoken of the THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 169 centre of the osteoblast cell as a ' space,' of course it is not hollow, but consists of uncalcified matrix, and in this situa- tion lies the nucleus of the cell. In carmine-stained preparations from the teeth of calves a round nucleus may sometimes be seen lying in the stellate " lacuna ; " the nucleus soon disappears, and plays no active part in determining the form of the lacuna. The nucleus may also be seen in the developing bones of human foetuses and, though this is difficult to understand, the traces of the nucleus seem to be beautifully preserved in the lacunse of a supposed Pterodactyle bone from the Wealden, a section from which was figured by my father in the paper referred to. Exactly as calcification, advancing with irregularity in FIG. 76 (M. the interior of an individual cell, fails to render it homo geneous by pervading its whole substance, so it may fail so completely to unite contiguous cells as to obliterate their contours. A lacuna, surrounded by such a contour line, mapping the limits of the original cell, or cluster of cells, is what is termed an " encapsuled lacuna." That which determines the formation of a lacuna, or an encapsuled lacuna, at any particular spot, is unknown : all that can certainly be said upon the subject is embodied in (') Encapsuled lacunae 170 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. the following extract from the paper by my father and Mr. De Morgan, above alluded to : " We see the boundary of the original lacunal cells only in those cases where the lacunae have but few, or are entirely devoid of canaliculi. It would appear to be a law, to which there are few, if any, exceptions, that when anastomosis is established between adjoining lacunse, the lacunal cells blend with the con- tiguous parts, and are no longer recognisable as distinct bodies." According to Kolliker, the cementum first is deposited in isolated scales, which coalesce with one another, rather than in a continuous sheet. In the teeth of the Primates, the Carnivora, Insectivora, &c., the cementum, at least in any appreciable thickness, is confined to the roots of the teeth. Various reasons, however, exist, for regarding Nasmyth's membrane as an exceedingly thin layer of cement, which have been entered into in the section relating to that structure, and need not be recapitulated here. It will suffice to say, that it appears to be one of those structures midway betwixt full calcification and full vitality, and shares with such substances the power of resistance to chemical reagents which characterises them. M. Magitot states that the calcification of the cartilaginous cement organ of Herbivora differs in no respect from that of other cartilages, but in his description he merely states that patches of calcification appear here and there in the deepest portion of the organ, coalesce, and come to invade its entire thickness ; and further that the cement at the period of eruption is constituted of " osteoplasts " regularly grouped round vascular canals, and included in a ground substance finely striated. (Journal del'anatomie, 1881, p. 32.) Where mtra-cartilaginous ossifications occur elsewhere in the body a temporary bone is formed by the calcification of the cartilage matrix, which is subsequently absorbed and swept away, as marrow-containing channels appear in it, and bore THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 171 their way through it, substituting for the calcined cartilage a bone developed from osteoblasts, and ultimately all remains of the calcined cartilage or temporary bone disappear. Thus all bone whether developed in cartilage or in membrane is formed alike, the calcined cartilage merely forming a temporary framework or scaffolding, in and amongst which the bone is formed from osteoblasts. But M. Magitot does not describe in much detail this calcification of cartilage and subsequent removal to give place to an osteoblast-derived bone, though he speaks of the cartilaginous cement organ as a transitory or temporary structure. Membrana Preformativa. To the student of dental development few things are more perplexing than the con- flicting statements which he reads in various works as to the nature and position of the Membrana preformativa, of which I have hitherto studiously avoided all description; while it is not encouraging, after having mastered with difficulty some one description of its character, to find that many of the most recent authors altogether deny its exist- ence. I will endeavour, therefore, so far as I am able, although not myself believing in its presence, to put the matter in a clearer light, and to point out wherein lie the discrepancies of statement. According to the older theories of tooth development, under the thrall of which most authors have written, the tooth germ was in the first instance a free, uncovered papilla of the mucous membrane, which subsequently sank in and became encapsulated, &c., &c., (see page 129). Moreover, it was taught by the older histologists that fine homogeneous " basement membranes " were to be found in a great variety of situations, amongst others beneath the epithelium of the mucous membrane, and that these were of (physiologically) much importance, inasmuch as they formed defining limits, through which structures did not pass. As a necessary con- sequence of these views, it was assumed as a matter of 172 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. course that the " dentine papilla " was covered over by a " basement membrane," or membrana preformativa. Thus this membrane necessarily intervened between the enamel organ and the dentine papilla, and hence gave rise to difficulties in the understanding of the calcifying process. Henle considered that evidences of its presence speedily became lost, but that ossification proceeded in opposite directions upon the two sides of this membrane : from within outwards in the case of the enamel, from without inwards in the case of the dentine. Prof. Huxley, starting on the same hypothesis as to its position, namely, that it was between the enamel organ and the dentine papilla, came to a different conclusion as to its after fate ; relying upon the fact that a continuous sheet of tissue or membrane can be raised from the surface of the developing enamel (see page 152), he concluded that this was the original membrana preformativa, that it afterwards became the Nasmyth's membrane, and that enamel was developed without the direct participation of the enamel organ, seeing that a membrane separated the two. My reason for doubting the correctness of these conclusions has been there given ; the membrane so demonstrable is, I believe, artificial, and does not represent any naturally existing structure. Kblliker strongly affirms the existence of the membrana preformativa, and in the older edition of his Histology, held that it became converted into Nasmyth's membrane ; al- though he now gives a different explanation of the origin of Nasmyth's membrane, I have not found a definite state- ment as to his recent views of the ultimate fate of the membrana preformativa. We have thus three destinations assigned to the mem- brane^ covering the dentine papilla, or membrana prefor- mativa. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 173 (i.) Between the dentine and the enamel (Henle). (ii.) Between the enamel and the enamel organ, or out- side the enamel (Huxley). (iii.) Between the dentine and the pulp (several writers of less authority). We come next to those writers who deny its existence altogether, explaining on other grounds the appearances observed. Markusen believed that it was nothing more than the part of the papilla first ossified ; and Dr. Lionel Beale definitely denies the existence of a membrane in any one of the three situations above detailed, as do also Hertz, Wenzel, and Waldeyer. Messrs. Robin and Magitot have offered a plausible ex- planation of the appearance of a limiting membrane over the pulp, which is briefly this : the formative pulp is rich in a clear substance of gelatinous consistency (which in fact forms its chief bulk), and which reminds the observer of the tissue contained in an umbilical cord. This is some- what more dense towards the surface, where it forms a matrix for the odontoblasts and projects beyond them, so as to look, in section or at a thin edge, like a sort of varnish to the papilla. From its greater density near the surface, it may become corrugated, and so look like a folded or torn membrane. I am quite inclined to agree with the foregoing explanation. I am inclined to think, that but for the erroneous theories that the dentine germ originated as a free papilla on the surface, which would according to the prevalent view have been necessarily invested by a basement membrane, we should never have heard of a membrana preformativa. At all events it is difficult to imagine that such a membrane exists upon papilla formed at such a great distance from the surface as those of the snake or the lizard (Figs. 61 and 62) ; 174 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. and if there be such a membrane, it must be a secondary development upon the surface of the mass of cells which primarily constitute the rudiment of the dentine papilla, and in that case is not a part of the general basement membrane of the oral mucous membrane ; or else it must have been carried above as a sort of cul de sac in front of the inward growing process of epithelium, to which in that case it would belong rather than to the dentine germ. Neither of these suppositions commend themselves as probable ; and a still greater obstacle to the acceptance of a membrane in this position is afforded by the structure of Marsupial teeth (see fig. 23), in which the membrane would be everywhere per- forated by the soft contents of the dentine and enamel tubes. ROBIN ET MAGITOT. Journal de I'anatomie. 1866. LEGEOS ET MAGITOT. Follicule Dentaire. Journal de I'anatomie de M. Ch. Robin, 1873. Morphol. du follicule dentaire. 1879. Formation de 1'organe dentaire. 1881. KLEIN. Atlas of Histology. 1880. WALDEYEE. Strieker's Histology. 1870. HUXLEY. Quart. Jour. Micros. Science. 1853. KOLLIKEE. Gewebelehre. TOMES, J. Quart. Jour. Micros. Science. 1853. Dental Surgery. 1859. TOMES, CHAELES S. Develop, of Vascular Dentine. Philos. Trans. 1878. Develop, of Teeth of Batrachia, Ophidia, Se- lachia, and Teleostei. Phil. Trans. 1875 1876. On Nasmyth's Membrane. Q. J. Microsc Science, 1872. OWEN. Odontography. 1845. Anatomy of Vertebrates. 1870. NASMYTH. Med. Chirurg. Transact. 1839. Observations on the Teeth. 1835. MAECUSEN. Bulletin de 1'Acad. de S. Petersburg. 1849. GOODSIE. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Journal. 1838. BEALE, DE. LIONEL. Structure of the Simple Tissues. Archives of Dentistry, vol. i. DUESY, EMIL. Entwickelungsgeschichte des Kopfes. 1869. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JAW. 175 HERTWIG. Entwickelung der Placoidscliuppen und Zahne. Jen- aisclie Zeitschrift. 1874. Zahnsystem der Amphibien. Archiv. f. Mik. Anat. 1874. RASCHKOW. Meletemata circa Dentium Evolutionem. 1835. HEINCKE. Zeitschrift f. Wiss. Zool. Bd. xxiii. 1873. WEDL. Pathologie der Zahne. 1870. TOMES AND DE MORGAN. On Development of Bone. Phil. Trans. 1852. GEGENBAUR. Manual of Comparative Anatomy. Translated by Jeffrey Bell, 1878. ROLLET. Connective Tissues, in Strieker's Histology. HARTING. Quart. Journal Micros. Science. 1872. RAINIE. Brit, and Foreign Med.-Chirurg. Review. 1857. DEAN, M. S. Annotated Translation of Robin and Magitot on the Origin of the Dental Follicle. Chicago, 1880. CHAPTER V. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JAWS THE ERUPTION AND THE ATTACHMENT OF THE TEETH. AT an early period in the development of the embryo there is a single primitive buccal cavity, which is subse- quently divided into a nasal and an oral cavity by the palatine plates growing horizontally across it ; the pharynx behind the hinder end of the primitive buccal cavity remains undivided. Both upper and lower jaws make their appearance about the twentieth day as little buds from the first visceral arch, and grow inwards towards the middle line : those which form the lower jaw reach to the middle and there coalesce, those for the upper jaw stop short, and the gap left between them is filled by a double downward sprouting process from the forehead, which afterwards forms the intermaxillary bone. A failure in the coalescence of the maxillary processes with this intermaxillary process, on one or both sides, results in a single or double hare-lip. In the lower jaw or mandibular processes there appears, about the end of the first month, a dense cord of cartilaginous consistence, Meckel's cartilage, which seems to serve as a scaffolding, giving form and consistency to the lower jaw prior to the occurrence of calcification. Meckel's cartilage, formed as two distinct halves, soon unites in the middle, and then forms a continuous curved bar, the hinder ends of which reach up to the tympanum. About the fortieth day a centre of ossification appears in the mandibular process, which, spreading rapidly, soon forms THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JAW. 177 a slight osseous jaw outside Meckel's cartilage, which is not however in any way implicated in it, and very soon begins to waste away, so that by the end of the sixth month it has disappeared : that end of it alone which extended up to the tympanum does not so waste away, but becomes ossified into the malleus. There are, however, observers who hold that in some animals, at all events, Meckel's cartilage plays a more active part in ossification of the jaw. In the upper jaw the suture separating the intermaxillary from the maxillary bones becomes obliterated very early on the exterior surface, but it long remains distinguishable on the palatine aspect of the bones. The later changes which are undergone by the jaws during the development, eruption, and loss of the teeth, have long engaged the attention of anatomists, and amongst others of Hunter, who was the first to arrive at a tolerably correct appreciation of the process. In the first edition of my father's " Dental Surgery," the results of a very extensive series of observations carried out upon maxillae collected by himself, were detailed, confirming in the main Hunter's conclusions, but adding many new points to our knowledge ; and from this work I have borrowed largely in the present chapter. Professor Humphrey, who had overlooked these descriptions, which were never published in any other form than as an introduction to the " Dental Surgery," instituted a series of experiments upon growing animals, which tended towards the same conclusions. As a means of giving the student a guide in his reading of the following pages, and a clue to the results towards which he is being led, a preliminary statement, which does not pretend to scientific accuracy, may perhaps be useful ; while the description given will relate for the most part to the lower jaw, because its isolated position, bringing it into relation with fewer other bones, renders it more easy to study; not that any difference of principle underlies the 178 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. growth of the upper jaw. The different parts of the lower jaw answer for different purposes ; one division of its body having a very close and intimate relation with the teeth , the other serving a distinct purpose, and being only secon- darily connected with the teeth. The alveolar portion of the jaw, that which lies above the level of the inferior dental canal, is developed around the milk teeth : when they are lost, it disappears, to be re-formed again for the second set of teeth, and is finally wholly removed after the loss of the teeth in old age. The portion of jaw below this line, which is essential to deglutition and respiration, is late in acquiring any con- siderable development. Once formed it is never removed, save that when in advanced old age the muscles of mastica- tion are no longer in full use, it becomes, to a slight extent only, wasted. In order to understand the drift of the following descrip- tion, it is essential to keep in view the different life histories of those two parts of the jaw just alluded to. In an early foetus, long before the necessity for respiratory movement or deglutition has become imminent, a thin lamina of bone has begun to be formed beneath the tooth germs, forming, as it were, a semicircular gutter running round the jaw, in which the developing tooth sacs are lodged. The thin gutter of bone thus formed is above and outside Meckel's cartilage, and intervenes between the rudimentary inferior maxillary vessels and nerves, and the teeth. The sides of the bony furrow rise as high as the top of the tooth germs, but they do not arch over and cover them in, in such manner as the permanent tooth germs are arched in, for the long furrow is widely open at the top. Passing on to the condition of the mandibles at the time of birth, the two halves are as yet not anchylosed, but are united only by fibre-cart ilage. " The alveolar margins are deeply indented with large open crypts, more or less per- THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JAW. 179 fectly formed. The depth of these bony cells is only suffi- cient to contain the developing teeth and tooth pulps, the FIG. 77 ( ! ). 0) Upper and lower jaws of a nine months foetus, the teeth having been removed from the jaws on one side to show the extent to which they are calcified at this period. (Two-thirds life size.) a. Alveoli of lateral incisors, b. Alveoli of canines, c. Alveoli of second temporary and first permanent molars. A bristle has been passed through the inferior dental canal. N 2 180 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. former rising to the level of the alveolar margins of the jaws. At this period the crypts or alveoli are not arranged in a perfectly uniform line, nor are they all equally complete. The septa, which divide into a series of cells that which at an earlier age was but a continuous groove, are less perfect at the back than at the front part of the mouth. The alveoli of the central incisors of the upper and the lower jaws are a little larger within than at the orifice, and this diiference is made still greater by a depression upon the lingual wall of each for the reception of the pulp of the corresponding permanent tooth. They are divided from the crypts of the lateral incisors by a septum which runs obliquely backwards and inwards towards the median line. The sockets for the lateral incisors occupy a position slightly posterior to those for the central teeth, and are divided from the canine alveoli by a septum which proceeds obliquely backwards, and in the lower jaw, as regards the median line of the mouth, outwards. By the arrangement of these divisions the alveoli of the central incisors are rendered broader in front than behind, and the relative dimensions of the sockets of the lateral teeth are reversed, as shown in Fig. 77. The crypts of the canine teeth are placed a little anteriorly to those of the laterals, and nearly in a line with those of the central incisors, giving to the jaws a somewhat flattened anterior aspect." While the main bulk of the lower jaw is made up by the alveoli of the teeth, in the upper jaw the alveoli descend but little below the level of the palatal plates, though the sockets are tolerably deep. The antrum as a special distinct cavity cannot be said to exist, being merely represented by a depression upon the wall of the nasal cavity, the alveolar cavities therefore being separated only by n thin plate of bone from the orbits. The figure represents also the extent to which calcification has advanced in the various teeth. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JAW. 181 A full half of the length of the crowns of the central incisors, about half that of the laterals, and the tips only of the canines are calcified ; the first temporary molars are complete as to their masticating surfaces ; the second tem- porary molars have their cusps more or less irregularly united, in many specimens the four cusps being united into a ring of dentine, the dentine in the central depression of the crown not being yet formed. During the formation of the permanent teeth, very similar relations exist between the amount of calcification in the incisors and canines ; thus when, as sometimes happens, the development of the teeth proceeds very imperfectly up to a certain date, and then changes for the better, it may be that the lower half of the crown of the central incisor, somewhat less of the lateral, and the extreme tip of the canine will be honeycombed, while the remainder of the tooth will be perfect, thus per- petuating an evidence of the stages to which each of these teeth had at that particular period attained. Having noted in some detail the characters of the jaws of a nine months foetus, we may pass on to the consideration of those changes which precede the cutting of the deciduous teeth. A general increase in size takes place, new bone being developed at all those points where the maxillse are connected by soft tissue with other bones, as well as from their own periosteum. But the increase in dimensions does not take place in all directions equally, so that material changes of form result. In correspondence with the elongation of the tooth sacs, the alveoli become increased in depth, and their edges circle inwards over the tooth sacs; active development of bone takes place in the sutures uniting the two halves of the jaws to one another, which is compensated by the inclination inwards of the alveoli of the central incisors. In the lower jaw the articular process, at first hardly raised above the level of the alveolar border, rises rapidly up, the direction 182 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. of the ramus at first remaining oblique, though the angle of the jaw becomes developed as a stout process for the attach- ment of muscles. At the age of six months the syniphysis is still well marked, and the mental prominence first becomes noticeable. FIG. 78 An additional bony crypt for the first permanent molar has also appeared, though its separation from that of the second temporary molar, from which it was at first in no way distinct, is yet incomplete, especially in the lower jaw. In the upper jaw the first permanent molar crypt has no posterior wall ; bony cells for the permanent central incisors are well marked, but those for the laterals are mere deep pits in the palatine wall of the crypts of the temporary teeth. At the age of eight months, or thereabouts, the process of the eruption of the teeth, or "teething," has fairly set in ; anchylosis has taken place at the symphysis of the lower jaw, the mental prominence is well marked, and in the upper jaw the antrum has become a deep depression, extending under the inner two-thirds of the orbit. Postponing for the moment the consideration of the erup- tion of the teeth, in order to follow up the growth of the jaws, it becomes necessary to take some fixed points as standards from which to measure the relative alteration of other portions of the bone. In most bones, processes for the attachment of muscles would be very unsuitable for the purpose, because they would alter with the general altera- (*) Lowci* jaw of a niue months foetus. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JAW. 183 tion in the dimensions of the bone : thus a process situated at a point one-third distant from the articular extremity of a large bone, will still be found one-third distant from the end, though the bone has doubled in length. The four little tubercles which give attachment to the genio-hyo- glossus and genio-hyoid muscles are not, however, open to these objections, as they are already, so to speak, at the end of the bone, or, at least, of each half of it ; and their general correspondence in level with the inferior dental canal, which can hardly be imagined to undergo much alteration, in- dicates that their position is tolerably constant. The points selected as landmarks are then, the spinse mentales, the inferior dental canal and its orifice, and the mental foramen. The mental foramen itself does undergo slight change in position, but this change can easily be estimated, and may as well at once be mentioned. As the jaw undergoes increase in size, large additions are made to its surface by deposition of bone from the periosteum, neces- sarily lengthening the canal. The additions to the canal do not, however, take place quite in the line of its original course, but in this added portion it is bent a little outwards and upwards. If we rasp off the bone of an adult jaw down to the level of this bend, a process which nature in great part performs for us in an aged jaw, or if instead we make due allowance for the alteration, the mental foramen becomes an available fixed point for measurement. The mental foramen, which undergoes most of its total change of position within a few months after birth, comes to correspond with the centre of the socket of the first tem- porary molar ; later on it corresponds with the root of the first bicuspid, which is thus shown to succeed, in exact vertical position, the first temporary molar. On the inner surface of the jaw the tubercles for the attachment of the genio-hyo-glossus and genio-hyoid muscles are in the foetus, opposite to, and very little below the base 184 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. of the alveoli of the central incisors, a position which they afterwards hold with regard to the permanent incisors. The upper of the two pairs of processes are about at the same general level as the mental foramen. The general result arrived at by measurements taken from these fixed points is that the alveolar arch occupied by the teeth which have had deciduous predecessors, namely the incisors, canines, and bicuspids, corresponds very closely with the whole alveolar arch of the child in whom the tem- porary dentition is complete ; and that the differences which do exist are referable, not to any fundamental alteration in form or interstitial growth, but to mere addition to its exterior surface. Or more briefly, that the front twenty of the permanent succeed vertically to the places of the tem- porary teeth, the increase in the size of the jaw in an adult being due to additions at the back, in the situation of the true molars, and to other points on the surface. If measurements be taken across between the inner platen of the alveoli on either side at the points where they are joined by the septa between the first and second temporary molars, and at about the level of the genio-hyo-glossu& tubercles, it will be found that the increase is slight, if any, notwithstanding that in other dimensions there is a very great difference between the jaws of a nine months foetus and of a nine months child. Again, if an imaginary line be stretched across between these two points, and from its centre a line be drawn for- wards to the spina mentalis in the same two jaws, this will be found to differ but little in length in the two specimens. But, if instead of measuring to the spina mentalis, the line had been carried to the anterior alveolar plate, a great difference would have been observable ; in point of fact, con- temporaneously with the development of the crypts of the permanent teeth inside them, the temporary teeth and their outer alveolar plates are slowly pushed outwards, a process,. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JAW. 185 the results of which we see in the separation which comes about between each one of the temporary teeth, prior to their being shed, where the process of dentition is being carried on in a perfectly normal manner. Measurements taken for the sake of comparing adult jaws with those of an eight months child, give closely similar results, which I have endeavoured to roughly embody in the accompanying figures. In these it is shown that the increase in the dimensions of the jaw has taken place in two directions; by prolongation backwards of its cornua concomitantly with the addition at the back of the series of teeth of the true molars, which follow (*) Diagram representing a jaw of a nine months fetus, superimposed upon an adult jaw, to show in what directions increase has taken place. 186 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. one another at considerable intervals ; and by additions to its exterior surface by which it is thickened and strengthened. The study of the growth of the jaw in vertical depth is also very instructive. We find that, as has already been men- tioned, the history of that part of the jaw which lies below the inferior dental canal is very different from that which lies above. From the time of birth to that at which the temporary teeth begin to be cut, the jaw below that line has been making steady but slow progress in vertical depth ; the alveoli, above that line, have been far more active but far more intermittent in their development. Again, passing from the nine months foetus to the seven years old child, in whom the temporary dentition is complete, the framework of the jaw below our imaginary line has f years attained to a depth almost equal to that which it is seen to have in an adult ; in the adult again it corresponds pretty well with that in an aged jaw. The alveolar portion, how- ever, is far deeper in the adult than in the child (this difference is not sufficiently well marked in the figure), and (!) Lower jaw. The horizontal line marks the level of the inferior dental canal. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JAW. 187 in fact constitutes almost the whole increase in vertical dimensions down the passage from the child's to the adult's form of the jaw. FIG. 81 ('). FIG. 82 ( 2 ). In the lower jaw we may take.it as proven that the basal portion has little relation to the development of the teeth, but that the alveolar, or upper portion is in entire and absolute dependence upon them, a point to ( J ) Lower jaw of an adult. ( 2 ) Lower jaw of an aged person, the dotted lines indicating the outline of the parts removed by absorption, as the jaw assumes the form charac- teristic of advanced age. 188 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. which I shall again return in speaking of the eruption of the teeth. It remains to speak in some further detail of the precise means by which the enlargement of the jaw is effected. To a slight extent there is formation of bone going on at the symphysis, prior to the complete anchylosis taking place : the share taken by this in increasing the size of the jaw would, however, appear to be but small, after the ter- mination of the intra-uterine period. Additions to the surface, at the edges of the alveoli and at the base of the jaw are continually going on, and bring about that addition to the exterior already noticed. But the main increase in the size of the jaw has been in the direction of backward elongation; in this, as Kolliker first pointed out, the thick articular cartilage plays an im- portant part. The manner in which the jaw is formed might almost be described as wasteful ; a very large amount of bone is formed which is subsequently, at no distant date, removed again by absorption; or we might compare it to a modelling process, in which thick, comparatively shapeless masses, are dabbed on to be trimmed and pared down into form. To bring it more clearly home to the student's mind, if all the bone ever formed were to remain, the coronoid pro- cess would extend from the condyle to the region of the first bicuspid, and all the teeth behind that would be buried in its base: there would-be no "neck " beneath the condyle, but the internal oblique line would be a thick bar, corre- sponding in width with the condyle. It is necessary to fully realise that the articular surface with its cartilage has successively occupied every spot along this line ; and as it progresses backwards by the deposition of fresh bone in its cartilage, it has been followed up by the process of absorption removing all that was redundant. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JAW. 189 On the outer surface of the jaw we can frequently discern a slight ridge, extending a short distance from the head of the bone ; but if the prominence were preserved on the inner surface, the inferior dental artery and nerve would be turned out of their course. We have thus a speedy removal of the newly-formed bone, so that a concavity lies imme- diately on the inner side of the condyle ; and microscopic examination of the bone at this point shows that the lacunae of Howship, those characteristic evidences of absorption, abundantly cover its surface, showing that here at least absorption is most actively going on. In the same way the coronoid process, beneath the base of which the first, second, and third molars have successively been formed, has moved backwards by absorption acting on its anterior, and deposition on its posterior surfaces. The periosteum covering the back of the jaw is also active in forming the angle and the parts thereabouts. It is worth while to add that the direction of growth in young jaws is marked by a series of minute ridges ; in like manner the characteristic marks of absorption are to be found about the neck of the condyle, and the front of the coronoid process, and those of active addition about the pos- terior border, so that the above statements rest upon a basis of observation, and are not merely theoretical. Two cases of arrested development of the jaw ("Dental Surgery," p. 108) lend a species of experimental proof to the theory of the formation and growth of the jaw above given. There are authors, however, who maintain that the growth of 'the jaws is not merely a backward elongation of the cornua, together with additions to the external surface, but that an " interstitial growth" takes place. AVedl inclines to this latter view, and the question cannot, I think, be held to be absolutely settled. Although it is difficult to form any definite conception of interstitial growth in a tissue so dense and unyielding as bone, so that the doc- 190 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. trines promulgated in the foregoing pages have the support of ct, priori probability, there are some rather paradoxical facts to be met with in comparative odontology. Never- theless, there can be no doubt, that backward elongation as teeth are successively added, &c., is sufficiently near the truth in the case of human and most mammalian jaws for practical purposes. It remains to notice the changes in form which the ascending ramus and the angle of the jaw undergo. In the foetus the ramus is but little out of the line of the body of the jaw, and the condyle little raised above the alveolar border. Gradually the line of development, as is indicated even in the adult jaw by the course of the inferior dental canal, takes a more upward direction ; copious additions of bone are made on the posterior border and about the angle, so that in an adult the ramus ascends nearly at right angles to the body of the jaw. In old age, concomitantly with the diminution of muscular energy, the bone about the angle wastes, so that once more the ramus appears to meet the body at an obtuse angle. But all the changes which mark an aged jaw are the simple results of a superficial and not an interstitial absorption, cor- responding with a wasting of the muscles, of the pterygoid plates of the sphenoid bone, &c. ERUPTION OF THE TEETH. THE mechanism by which teeth, at the date of eruption, are pushed upwards into place, is far from being perfectly understood. The simplest theory would appear to be that they rise up, in consequence of the addition of dentine to their base ; in fact, that their eruption is due to the elonga- tion of their fangs. ERUPTION OF THE TEETH. 191 Various very strong objections have been brought forward, clearly proving that this cause is quite inadequate to explain all that may be observed. In the first place, teeth with very stunted roots which may be practically said to have no root are often erupted. Again, a tooth may have the whole length of its roots completed, and yet remain buried in the jaw through half a person's life, and then, late in life, be erupted. Moreover, when a healthy normal tooth is being erupted, the distance travelled by its crown materially ex- ceeds the amount of addition to the length of its roots which has gone on during the same time. To turn to comparative anatomy, the tooth of a crocodile moves upwards, tooth pulp and all, obviously impelled by something different from mere elongation; and my own researches upon the development and succession of rep- tilian teeth clearly show that a force quite independent of increase in their length shifts the position of, and " erupts" successive teeth. But what the exact nature of the impulse may be, is an unsolved riddle : the explanations which I have read, being, to my mind, less satisfying than the admission that we do not know. V-^Towards the eighth month of childhood the bony crypts / which contain the temporary teeth in the front of the mouth begin to be renewed. The process of absorption goes on with greater activity over the fronts of the crowns than over their apices, so that almost the whole outer wall of the alveoli is removed. At the back of the mouth the crypts still retain their inverted edges ; indeed, development of the crypts is still going on in this part of the mouth. When a tooth is about to be cut, very active absorption of its bony surroundings goes on, particularly on the anterior surface, the bone behind it being still required as forming part of the crypt of the developing successional tooth. But no sooner has the crown passed up through the very wide and free orifice so formed, than absorption gives place to 192 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. deposition, and the bone rapidly developes so as to loosely embrace the neck of the tooth. Additions to the margin of the alveoli keep pace with FIG. 83 the gradual elongation of the roots of the teeth ; as this is a moderately rapid process, the alveolar portion of the jaw increases in depth almost abruptly. But it does not do so uniformly all over the mouth ; if it did, the teeth could only be closed at the back of the mouth, unless the rami elongated by an equally sudden accession of new bone. The front teeth are erupted first, and the jaw deepens first in front : later on the back teeth come up and the jaw is deepened posteriorly ; meanwhile the elongation of the ( j ) Jaws of a male nine months old, in which the eruption of the teeth is just commencing. /- Vr V\ / o^ n i r \ i UNIVERSITY 7 ) ERUPTION OF THE TEETH. 193 rami has been going on slowly, but without interruption. Thus is brought about a condition of parts allowing of the whole series of teeth coming into their proper mutual antagonism. It was pointed out by Trousseau that the eruption of the teeth is not a continuous process, which, once commenced, is carried on without intermission to its completion, but that it is interrupted by periods of repose. The teeth are, according to his statement, cut in groups ; the eruption of the teeth of each group being rapid, and being succeeded by a complete cessation of the process. Individual variations are nume- rous ; the following may be taken as an approximation to the truth : The lower centrals are erupted at an age ranging from six to nine months ; their eruption is rapid, and is completed in ten days or thereabouts ; then follows a rest of two or three months. Next come the four upper incisors ; a rest of a few months ; the lower laterals and the four first molars \ then a rest of four or five months. The canines are peculiar in being the only teeth of the temporary set which come down between teeth already in place. To this, as well as to the greater length of their root (though it is not quite clear what this has to do with it), Trousseau ascribes the great length of time which their eruption occupies, it taking two or three months for its com- pletion. According to him, children suffer more severely from constitutional disturbance during the cutting of these teeth than that of any other, but Dr. West thinks that the eruption of the first molars causes the most suffering. It may also be noted that the canines during their develop- ment lie farther from the alveolar border than do the other teeth, so that they travel a greater distance ; obviously, not merely from the elongation of the root, which is wholly inadequate to effect such a change in position. 194 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. The dates of the eruption of the milk teeth vary much, no two authors giving them alike ; but the whole of the deciduous teeth are usually cut by the completion of the second year. Cases in which incisors have been erupted before birth are not very uncommon. At a time when the crowns of all the deciduous teeth have been fully erupted, their roots are still incomplete, and are widely open at their bases, so that it is not till between the fourth and sixth years that the temporary set of teeth can be called abso- lutely complete. \/ At the sixth year, preparatory to the appearance of any of the permanent teeth, the temporary teeth may be observed to be slightly separated from each other ; they have come to occupy a more anterior position, pushed forward, it may be, by the great increase in size of the crypt of the permanent teeth behind them. The general relation of these to the ( J ) Normal well-formed jaws, from which the alveolar plate has been in great part removed, so as to expose the developing permanent teeth in their crypts in the jaws. ERUPTION OF THE TEETH. 195 temporary teeth may be gathered from the accompanying figure, in which it will be noticed that the canines lie far above and altogether out of the line of the other teeth, and that a slight degree of overlapping of the edges of the per- manent central and lateral incisors exists. The bicuspids lie in bony cells which are embraced pretty closely by the roots of the temporary molars, and it hence happens that extraction of the latter sometimes brings them away in their entirety. The first permanent molars are erupted in a manner closely similar to that described as occurring with the temporary teeth ; that is to say, their bony crypts become widely opened out by absorption, the crown passes out, and new bone is rapidly formed which embraces the neck, prior to any considerable length of root being formed. Last, then, follows the absorption of the root of the tem- porary teeth, a matter first accurately investigated by my father. The root at or near to its end, becomes excavated by shallow cup-shaped depressions ; these deepen, coalesce, and thus gradually the whole is eaten away. Although ab- sorption usually commences on that side of the root which is nearest to the successional tooth, it by no means invari- ably does so ; it may be, and often is, attacked on the oppo- site side, and in many places at once. The cementum is usually attacked first, but eventually dentine, and even enamel come to be scooped out and removed by an extension of the process. That part of the dentine, however, which immediately surrounds the pulp appears to have more power of resistance than any other part of the tooth, and thus often persists for a time as a sort of hollow column. The absorption of the temporary teeth is absolutely independent of pressure ; the varying position of the excavation has already been noticed, and it may be added that in many lower animals, for example, the frog or the crocodile, the growing tooth sac passes bodily into the o 2 196 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. excavation made before it in the base of the tooth which has preceded it, while if pressure had had any share in the matter the cells of its enamel organ, &c., must have inevitably been crushed and destroyed. Again, when the absorption and shedding of the first teeth FIG. 85 have taken place early, before their successors are ready to appear, perfect little sockets are formed behind the lost (!) Jaws of a six year old child. In the upper jaw complete sockets are seen where the temporary incisors have been shed. ERUPTION OF THE TEETH. 197 temporary teeth, cutting them off from the permanent teeth destined to follow them. Absorption, too, may attack the roots of permanent teeth, which is another reason for regard- ing the process as not necessarily dependent upon the approach of a displacing tooth. Closely applied to the excavation produced by absorption is a mass of very vascular soft tissue, the so-called absorbent organ. The surface of this is com- posed of very large peculiar-looking cells, bearing some little resemblance to those known as " myeloid cells," or the " giant cells " of recent authors. Microscopic examination of the excavated surface shows it to be covered with small hemispherical indentations, the "lacunse of Howship," into each of which one of the giant cells fitted, and in which they may sometimes be seen in situ. In what manner these giant cells, or " osteoclasts," effect their work is not known, but their presence where absorption of hard tissues is going on is universal. Some suppose that they put forth amoebiform processes, others that they secrete an acid fluid, but nothing very definite is known ; a curious parallel is afforded by the manner in which a fungus can drill and tunnel through and through the dentine, as may be very constantly observed in teeth long buried. The process of absorption once commenced does not neces- sarily proceed without intermission, but may give place for a time to actual deposition of osseous tissue on the very sur- face eroded ; probably by the agency of the absorbent cells themselves, which are capable of being calcified in the exca- vations they have individually made. These alternations of absorption and deposition, so com- mon a result of inflammations of the pulp, or of the alveolo- dentar periosteum, as to be diagnostic of the former occurrence of these maladies, often occur during the normal process of the removal of the deciduous teeth, and result in the deposi- tion of a tissue not unlike cementum in excavations made in the dentine, or even in the enamel. 198 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. The eruption of the permanent teeth is a process closely analogous to that of the temporary set. Rapid absorption of the bone, especially on the exterior surface of the crypts, takes place, and an orifice very much larger than the crown of the tooth is quickly opened out. Hence it is that the slightest force will suffice to determine the direction assumed by the rising crown : a fragment of a root of a temporary tooth, the action of the lips and tongue, &c., are all potent agencies in modifying the arrangement of the teeth. The temporary teeth stood vertically, the permanent teeth in front of the mouth stand obliquely, thus opening a space between the lateral incisors and the first bicuspid for the canine, which during development was out of the line altogether. And, inasmuch as the crowns of the teeth are on the whole much larger than their necks, it would be manifestly impossible for them all to come down simul- taneously. ^ The permanent teeth usually make their appearance in the following order : First permanent molars, about the seventh year ; a little later, the lower central incisors, upper centrals and laterals, the first bicuspids, the canines, the second bicuspids, the second permanent molars, the third permanent molars. The period of eruption is variable. From a comparison of several tables, I find the principal discrepancies to relate to the date of the appearance of the canines and the second bicuspids. The canine would certainly appear to belong to the eleventh and twelfth years ; but some authors consider that the second bicuspid is usually cut earlier, others later than this date. We may now revert to the phenomena observed in the alveolar processes. They were first built up as crypts with overhanging edges enclosing the temporary teeth : then they were swept away, in great part, to allow of the eruption of ERUPTION OF THE TEETH. 199 the temporary teeth : and next they were rebuilt about the necks, to form the sockets, of the deciduous teeth. Once more, at the fall of the deciduous teeth, the alveoli are swept away, the crypts of the permanent teeth are widely opened, and the permanent teeth come down through the gaping orifices. When they have done so, the bone is reformed so as to closely embrace their necks, and this at a period when but little of the root has been completed. Take for example the first upper or lower molars : their short and widely open roots occupy the whole depth of the sockets, and reach respectively to the floor of the antrum and the inferior dental canal. No growth, therefore, can possibly take place in these directions ; the utmost available depth has already been reached, and as the roots lengthen the sockets must be deepened by additions to their free edges. It is impossible to insist too strongly upon this fact, that the sockets grow up with and are moulded around the teeth as the latter elongate. Teeth do not come down and take possession of sockets more or less ready made and pre- existent, but the socket is subservient to the position of the tooth ; wherever the tooth may chance to get to, there its socket will be built up round it. Upon the proper appreciation of this fact depends our whole understanding of the mechanism of teething; the position of the teeth determines that of the sockets, and the form of the pre-existent alveolar bone has little or nothing to do with the disposition of the teeth. During the period of eruption of the permanent teeth the level of the alveolar margin is seen, in a dried skull, to be extremely irregular, the edges of the sockets corresponding to the necks of the teeth, whether they have attained to their ultimate level, or have been but just cut. And when temporary teeth have been retained for a longer 200 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. period than is natural, they sometimes become elevated to the general level of the permanent teeth (which is consider- ably higher than that of the temporary teeth), so that they take their share of work in mastication. When this is the case the alveoli are developed round them, and co/ne to occupy with the tooth a higher level than before. FIG. 86 (). j* Enough has perhaps been said to illustrate the entire dependence of the alveoli upon the teeth, a relation of which dentists every day avail themselves in the treatment of i regulation cases : it remains to say a few words as to the ^forces which do determine the position of the teeth. Inasmuch as when a tooth leaves its bony crypt, the bone does not at first closely embrace it, but its socket is (!) From a child aged fourteen. The specimen well exemplifies the fact that the height of the alveolar edge corresponds exactly to the position of the neck of each tooth, on which it is wholly dependent. A temporary tooth (the first right lower temporary molar) has been elevated, so that it has attained to the level of the surrounding permanent teeth, and the edge of the socket follows the level of the neck of the tooth. ERUPTION OF THE TEETH. 201 much too large for it, a very small force is sufficient to deflect it. And, indeed, a very slight force, constantly operating, is sufficient to materially alter the position of a tooth, even when it has attained to its full length. Along the outside of the alveolar arch the muscular lips are exercising a very symmetrical and even pressure upon the crowns of the teeth ; so also the tongue is, with equal symmetry, pushing them outwards : between the two forces, the lips and the tongue, the teeth naturally become moulded into a symmetrical arch. That the lips and tongue are tho agencies which mainly model the arch is very well illustrated by that which happens in persons who have from childhood suffered from enlargement of the tonsils, and are conse- quently obliged to breathe through the mouth, which is thus pretty constantly open. This causes a slight increase in the tension of the lips at the corners of the mouth, and is im- pressed upon the alveolar arch as an inward bending of the bicuspids at that point ; thus persons with enlarged tonsils will be found, almost invariably, to present one of the forms of mouth known as V-shaped. But Dr. Norman Kingsley attaches far more importance to disturbed innervation than to any mechanical causes, and refers most dental irregularities to unhealthy conditions of the child's nervous system. f\ When the crowns of the teeth have attained such a level as to come in contact with their opposing teeth, they very speedily, from readily intelligible mechanical causes, are forced into a position of perfect correspondence and an- tagonism ; and even at a somewhat later period than that of eruption, if this antagonism be interfered with, the teeth will often rise up so as to readjust themselves in position. \/ 202 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. THE ATTACHMENT OF TEETH. Although the various methods by which teeth are fixed in their position upon the bones which carry them pass by gradational forms into one another, so that a simple and at the same time absolutely correct classification is impossible, yet for the purposes of description four principal methods may be enumerated, namely, attachment by means of fibrous membrane, by a hinge, by anchylosis, and by implantation in bony sockets. Attachment by means of Fibrous Membrane. An" excellent illustration of this manner of implantation is afforded by the Sharks and Rays, in which the teeth have no direct connection with the cartilaginous, more or less calcified, jaws, but are imbedded solely in the tough fibrous mucous membrane which covers them. This, carrying with it the teeth, makes a sort of sliding progress over the curved surface of the jaw, so that the teeth once situated at the inner and lower border of the jaw, where fresh ones are constantly being developed, rotate over it, and come to occupy the topmost position (cf. description of the denti- tion of the sharks). That the whole fibrous gum, with the attached teeth, does really so slide over the surface of the jaw, was accidentally demonstrated by the result of an injury, which had been inflicted upon the jaws of a shark. The fibrous bands by which each individual tooth of the shark is bound down are merely portions of that same sheet of mucous membrane which furnished the dentine papillae ; and the gradual assumption of the fibrillated structure by that portion of the mucous membrane which is contiguous to the base of the dentine papilla may be traced, no such fibrous tissue being found at the base of young papillae, and very dense bands being attached to the bases of the com- pleted calcified teeth. Attachment by an Elastic Hinge. The possession THE ATTACHMENT OF TEETH. 203 of moveable teeth, able to yield to pressure and subsequently to resume the upright position, was formerly supposed to be confined to the Lophius (Angler) and its immediate allies. I have however found hinges in the common Pike (Esox), and in the Gadidce (Cod tribe) ; so that, as they occur in these fish so widely removed from one another in other respects, it is probable that further investigation will bring to light many other examples of this very peculiar method of attachment, eminently suited to, and hitherto only discovered in, fish of predatory habits. In the Angler, which obtains its food by lying in ambush on the bottom, to which it is closely assimilated in colour, many of the largest teeth are so hinged that they readily allow an object to pass into the mouth, but rebounding again, oppose its egress. These teeth are held in position by dense Iioro^s ligaments radiating from the posterior side of their bases on to the subjacent bone, while the fronts of the bases of the teeth are free, and when the teeth are pressed towards the throat, rise from the bone. The elasticity of the ligament is such that when it has been compressed by the tooth being over towards it, it returns it instantly into position with a snap. Many of the teeth of the Angler are, like most fishes' teeth, anchylosed firmly. The Hake (Merlucius, one of the Gadidce) possesses two rows of teeth, the inner and shorter of which are anchylosed, whilst the outer and longer are hinged. In some respects these hinged teeth are more highly specialised than those of the Angler, which they resemble in being attached by an elastic hinge fixed to their inner sides, the elasticity of which is brought into play by its being compressed, or at all events bent over, upon itself. The pulp is highly vascular, and its vessels are so arranged that, by entering the pulp through a hole in the ligament, which is about at the axis of motion, they escape being stretched or torn during the movements of the tooth. But the base 204 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. of the tooth itself is modified so as to be particularly fitted for resisting the jars to which a moveable tooth must at times be exposed, and so is the bone upon which it is set. As is seen in the figure, the base of the tooth, or the side FIG. 87 ( J ). opposite to the hinge, is thickened and rounded, the advan- tages which such a form must possess over a thin edge when bumping upon the bone being sufficiently obvious. This (*) Hinged tooth of Hake. a. Vaso dentine. 6. Pulp. c. Elastic hinge, d. Buttress of bone to receive /, formed out of bone of attach- ment, e. Bone of jaw. f. Thickened base of tooth, g. Enamel tip. THE ATTACHMENT OF TEETH. 205 thickened edge is received upon a little buttress of bone, and it occupies a much higher level than the opposite thin edge to which the hinge is attached, so that the tooth cannot possibly be bent outwards without actual rupture of the ligament. And what is not a little remarkable is, that whilst the Hake, the most predatory of all the Gadidce, is possessed of these very perfectly hinged teeth, other members of the family have teeth moveable in a less degree, whilst others again have teeth rigidly fixed. So that within the limits of a single family we have several steps in a gradual progres- sion towards a very highly specialised organ. In the hinged teeth already alluded to the purpose served by their mobility seems to be the catching of active fish, and the elasticity resides solely in the hinges ; but the common Pike possesses many hinged teeth which seem to be con- cerned in the swallowing of the prey after it has been caught, and there is no elasticity in the hinges, the resilience of the teeth being provided for in another way. The teeth which surround the margins of the jaws are anchylosed, and they are more or less solidly filled up in their interior with a development of osteodentine, which, by becoming continuous with the subjacent bone, cements them upon it. The manner of development of this is by rods of calcifying material shooting down through the central pulp (see page 165) j in the hinged teeth also these trabeculse shoot down, and become continuous with the subjacent bone, only instead of rigidly ossifying they remain soft and elastic, so that the tooth is like an extinguisher fastened down by a large number of elastic strings attached to different points on its interior, and hinged at one side. The elasticity is very perfect, so that the teeth depressed and suddenly released return with an audible snap, but it resides solely in these strings, for if these be divided by carefully slipping a cataract needle under the tooth without 206 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. injuring the hinge, the tooth will stay in any position into which it is put. FIG. 88 1 . The points most noteworthy are, (i.) that hinged teeth have arisen independently in three families of fish widely removed from one another, and (ii.) that, whilst the general object of mobility and elastic resiliency is attained in all, it is by a different mechanism, and by the least modification possible of the existing fixed teeth of the family. ( 1 ) Hinged tooth of Pike. a. Dentine. 5. Elastic rods, formed of un- calcified trabeculae which might have become bone. c. Hinge, not itself elastic, d. Bone of attachment, e. Bone of body of jaw. THE ATTACHMENT OF TEETH. 207 Attachment by Anchylosis. In both the socketed and the membranous manners of attachment an organised, more or less vascular membrane, intervenes between the tooth and the jaw-bone ; in the method now under consideration there is no such intervening membrane, but the calcined tooth substance and the bone are in actual continuity, so that it is often difficult to discern with the naked eye the line of junction. The teeth may be only slightly held, so that they break off under the application of only a moderate degree of force, or they may be so intimately bound to the bone that a portion of the latter will usually be torn away with the tooth. A very perfect example of attachment by anchylosis is afforded by the fixed teeth of the Pike, of which the central cone is composed of osteodentine. The method by which the entire fusion of this tissue with the bone beneath it takes place has already been alluded to, the similarity of its method of calcification with that of bone rendering the fusion easy and complete. And in certain extinct fish, whose nearest ally is the now anomalous Australian shark, the Cestracion philippi, the lower part of the tooth is composed of osteodentine, which so closely resembles bone itself that it is impossible to say at which point the bone may be said to commence and the tooth to end ; but even where this intimate resemblance in histological character does not exist, there is often to be found more or less blending of the basal dentine with the bone beneath it, so that there is even here a sort of transi- tional region. From the accounts which pass current in most text books it would be supposed that the process of attachment by anchylosis is a very simple matter, the base of the dentine papilla, or the dental capsule, by its calcification cementing the tooth on to a surface of the jaw-bone already formed. 208 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. In the few animals which I have examined (*), however, I have found that this conception does not at all adequately represent what really takes place \ it seldom, perhaps never, happens that a tooth is attached directly to a plane surface of the jaw which has been formed previously ; but the union takes place through the medium of a portion of bone (which may be large or small in amount) which is specially developed FIG. 89 ( 2 ). to give attachment to that one particular tooth, and after the fall of that tooth is itself removed. For this bone I have proposed the name of "bone of attachment," and it is strictly analogous to the sockets of those teeth which have sockets. It is well exemplified in the Ophidia, a description of the fixation of the teeth of ( a ) Transactions of the Odontological Society, Dec. 1874. "Studies on the Attachment of Teeth." ( 2 ) Section of tooth and a portion of the jaw of a Python, showing the marked difference in character between the bone of attachment and the rest of the bone. THE ATTACHMENT OF TEETH. 209 which will serve to convey a good idea of its general cha- racter. If the base of one of the teeth, with the subjacent jaw-bone, be submitted to microscopic examination we shall find that the layer of bone which closely embraces the tooth contrasts markedly with the rest of the bone. The latter is fine in texture, its lacunae, with their very numerous fine- canaliculi, very regular, and the lamination obviously refer- able to the general surface of the bone. But the "bone of attachment" is very coarse in texture, full of irregular spaces, very different from the regular lacunee, and its lamin- ation is roughly parallel with the base of the tooth. The dentine of the base of the tooth also bends inwards (Fig. 89), and its tubes are lost in the osseous tissue, a blending so- intimate resulting, that in grinding down sections the tooth and the bone of attachment often come away together,, the- tooth and this bone being more intimately united than this, special bone is with that of the rest of the jaw. A study of its development also proves that it has an in- timate relation with the tooth with which it is continuous, for it is wholly removed with the fall of the tooth, and is. specially developed again for the next tooth which comes, into position. The periosteum of the rest of the jaw-bone^ appears to take an important share in the formation of this, special bone substance, and the tooth capsule, by its ossifi- cation, apparently contributes little. In the frog the teeth are commonly described as being attached by their bases and outer surface to a continuous groove, of which the external wall is the highest. Such is, however, an inadequate description of the process, the- tooth, as seen in section, being attached on its outer side by a new development of special bone, which extends for a. short distance up over its external surface ; and for the support of its inner wall there springs up from the sub- jacent bone a pillar of bone, which is entirely removed when that tooth falls, a new pillar being developed for the next tooth. 210 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. When the teeth are, as in many fish, implanted upon what to the naked eye appears nothing more than a plane surface of bone, a microscopic examination generally, in fact in all specimens which I have examined, reveals that the individual teeth are implanted in depressions much larger than themselves, the excess of space being occupied by new and specially formed bone, or else that the teeth surmount pedicles, which are closely set together, the interspaces being occupied with a less regular calcified structure. A good example of the latter method is afforded by the Eel Fro. 90 ('). (Fig. 90), in which each tooth surmounts a short hollow cylin- der of bone, the lamination, &c., of which differs strongly from that of the body of the jaw-bone. When the tooth which it carries is shed, the bone of attachment, in this case a hollow cylinder, is removed right down to the level of the main bone of the jaw, as is well seen in the figure to the left of the teeth in position. Under a higher magnifying power ('*) From lower jaw of ail Eel. a. Bone of jaw. 6. Bone of attach- ment, d. Dentine. /. Enamel, g. Space vacated by a shed tooth. THE ATTACHMENT OF TEETH. 211 the bone at this point would be found to be excavated by "Howship's lacunae." As an anchylosis, the implantation of the teeth is less perfect than that of those of the snake, for the dentinal tubes at the base of the tooth are not de- FlG. 91 fleeted, and do not in any sense blend with the bone beneath them. Accordingly, the teeth are far less firmly attached, and break off quite readily. A transition towards the socketed type of implantation is furnished by some of the cod tribe. In the haddock, for example, the teeth surmount hollow cylinders of " bone of attachment," resembling in many particulars those of the eel ; the teeth do not, however, simply surmount the boiiv cylinders, but are continued for a short distance within them, definite shoulders being formed which rest on the rims of the cylinder. The base of the tooth does not, how- ever, contract or taper any more, and is widely open, so that it cannot be considered that any close approximation to a root is made. The pulp cavity of the tooth becomes con- (*) From lower jaw of a Haddock, a. Bone of jaw. 1>. Bone of attach- ment. y cementum. THE TEETH OF MAMMALS. 297 found nearest to the articulation, where the greatest force is exerted. Thus " bunodont " animals, i.e. those that have rounded conical cusps upon their short-rooted teeth, have a cylindrical condyle ; selenodonts, or those with crescentic ridges on the molars, have a condyle which is expanded and plane, while lophodonts, or those with transversely ridged teeth, have a globular condyle. This correspondence pointed out between the condyle, the movements of the jaw, and the form of the teeth does exist, but it is less easy to see how it is brought about. The simple mechanical explanation that the teeth are drawn out into these forms, hardly conveys much information, seeing that the tooth before it is subjected to these influences, is quite finished, and its form, such as it is, is unalterable : while to effect an alteration in the form of a masticating surface an influence must be brought to bear upon the tooth germs at an exceedingly early period. It might with equal justice be said that the crown of the tooth being- formed thus had influenced the excursions of the jaw, and so modified the condyle. THE MILK DENTITION. Some thirty years ago Professor Owen called attention to the fact that those mammals in whom thd teeth situated in different parts of the mouth were alike in form (homodonts), developed only one set of teeth, and to indicate this charac- teristic he proposed for them the term " monophyodonts." Those, which, on the contrary, had teeth of different size and form in various parts of the mouth (heterodonts), de- veloped two sets of teeth ; a " milk " set, which was dis- placed by a permanent set, and this peculiarity he expressed by the term " diphyodonts." As originally set forth, the terms homodont and monophyodont were interchangeable, 298 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. for they designated the same groups of animals ; in the same way heterodont was an equivalent for diphyodont. But although this is true of a large number of animals, it is not true of all, and it becomes necessary to note some of the exceptions. The nine-banded armadillo (Tatusia peba) is a true homo- dont : its teeth are all very nearly alike, they are simple in form, and they grow from persistent pulps. Yet it has been shown by Rapp, Gervais, and Professor Flower, to have a well developed set of milk teeth, retained until the animal is of nearly full size. Thus it is a true diphyodont, at the same time that it is a true homodont mammal. But no milk dentition has been observed in the sloths, nor indeed at present has it been seen in any other armadillo (except the doubtfully distinct T. Klapperi) ; nor have milk teeth been found in any ceta- cean, so that the rest of the homodont animals are, so far as we know, really rnonophyodont. Nor is it absolutely true that monophyodonts are all homodont : thus the rudimentary teeth of baleenoptera are heterodont (see p. 311). Upon the whole, our information respecting the " milk " or deciduous dentition is defective ; but much light has been thrown upon the subject by the investigations of Professor Flower (Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 1869, and Transactions Odontological Society, 1871), of whose papers I have made free use in this chapter. The perpetual replacement of teeth lost, or shed in regular course, which characterises the dentition of fish and reptiles, finds no parallel in the case of mammals, none of whom develop more than two sets of teeth. Just as homodont mammals as a rule develop but one set of teeth, so heterodont mammals as a rule develop two sets of teeth, though exceptions to this rule may be found. The deciduous or milk set of teeth may be of any degree THE TEETH OF MAMMALS. 299 of completeness ; the milk teeth in man answer the require- ments of the child up to the age of seven years, and in the Ungulata they commonly remain until the animal has assumed its adult proportions. On the other hand, in many " diphyodont " animals the milk teeth disappear very early indeed, as in the mole (see Fig. 117) ; whilst there are many instances of the milk teeth being absorbed in utero. So that in the extent to which the milk teeth are developed, the greatest variability is found to exist. A perfectly typical milk dentition represents, upon a reduced scale, the adult dentition of the animal, with the exception only that sexual differences are but feebly marked, if indeed they are at all present. Thus, as a general rule, the' hindmost of the milk teeth bear more resemblance to the true molars which come up behind them, than they do to the premolars which come up from below to displace them, which latter are generally of simpler form. In what may be termed the normal arrangement, each tooth of the milk series is vertically displaced by a tooth of the permanent series ; but plenty of examples may be found of particular milk teeth which have no successors, and, on the contrary, individual permanent teeth which have never had a deciduous predecessor. It has already been mentioned that amongst homodonts no succession of teeth has been observed in the Cetacea, nor in any other of the Edentata, save the armadillo ; amongst heterodonts there are several Rodents which have no deciduous teeth, e.g., the rat ; the dugong has probably deciduous incisors, but no other milk teeth ; the elephant has no vertical succession, save in the incisors. Among Marsupials, which are true heterodonts, there is only one milk molar on each side in each jaw; this is always displaced by the third or last premolar ; but the milk tooth varies in the extent to which it is developed from being 300 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. rudimentary in Thylacinus, probably absent altogether in Dasyurus, and Phascolarctus, to being a large tooth retained in full use till the animal is nearly full grown in Hypsiprymnus. Within the group Carnivora, the dog and many others FIG. 126 FIG. 127 ( 2 ). have a thoroughly well developed set of milk teeth, which do service for some time ; in the bear the milk teeth are relatively smaller, and are shed very early ; in the seal the milk teeth are rudimentary, functionless, and are absorbed before birth, so that in the specimen figured the milk incisors had already disappeared (see Fig. 127). (*) Permanent and milk dentitions of a Dog ; the latter was well de- veloped. Nat. size. ( 2 ) Permanent and milk dentition of a seal (Phoca Greenlandia). Nat. size. THE TEETH OF MAMMALS. 301 In the elephant seal the milk teeth are yet more rudi- mentary, and the difference between its dentition and that of the monophyodont homodont cetacean (Grampus) is not FIG. 128 f 1 ). great ; an observation which is the more interesting, inas- much as this seal in other characters than its teeth ap- proaches towards the cetacean group. From these facts, which are well indicated in the accompanying figures, Pro- fessor Flower argues that the permanent set of teeth of (*) Permanent and milk dentition of an Elephant Seal (Cystophora proboscidea). ( 2 ) Teeth of the truly monophyodal Grampus (Orca capensis). (These four figures are copied from Prof. Flower's paper). 302 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. diphyodonts correspond to the single set of nionophyodonts, so that the milk dentition, when it exists at all, is some- thing superadded. Whether this be so is a question difficult to determine ; from the facts advanced by Professor Flower, while they stood alone, most people would, with little hesitation, concur with his conclusions ; but the history of the development of the teeth interposes a fresh difficulty. The tooth germ of the milk tooth is first formed, and the tooth germ of the permanent tooth is derived from a portion (the neck of the enamel germ) of the formative organ of the milk tooth (see Fig. 67). Again, in most of those animals in which there is an endless succession of teeth, such as the snake, the newt, or the shark, each successive tooth germ is derived from a similar part of its predecessor, the natural inference from which would be that the permanent set, being derived from the other, was the thing added in the diphyodonts. The question cannot be finally settled until we know more of the development of the teeth of the monophyodont cetacea : thus it might turn out that in them also there are abortive germs of milk teeth formed, which do not go on so far as calcification, but which do bud off, as it were, germs or per- manent teeth ; if such should prove to be the case, this would bring their teeth into close correspondence with those of the elephant seal. The investigation of these questions is further complicated by the fact that there are quite numerous instances of " per- manent " teeth, that is teeth unquestionably belonging to the second set, which are shed off early, and do not remain in place through the lifetime of the animal ; an example of this is to be found in the Wart Hog (Phacochserus), which loses successively all its premolars and the first and second true molars, the last true molar alone being truly persistent. Sometimes nothing but a careful comparison of the teeth THE TEETH OF MAMMALS. 303 of allied creatures will enable us to decide whether a,,parti- cular tooth is to be referred to the milk or to the permanent series ; as occasionally teeth of the latter set are cut very early, at a time when the milk teeth are all in place, and are shed during adult life. Professor Flower gives as an example of this, the first premolar of the hippopotamus. CUVIER. Dents des Mammiferes. DE BLAINVILLE. Osteographie. 18391864. OWEN. Odontography. 1845. GIEBEL. Odontographie. 1855. FLOWER. Lectures on Odontology (British Med. Journal, 1871). CHAPTER IX. THE TEETH OF MONOTREMATA, EDENTATA, AND CETACEA. MONOTBEMATA. THE Echidna, or Spiny Ant-eater has no teeth whatever, and the strange Ornithorhyncus (duck-billed Platypus) is also destitute of true calcined teeth. In the place of teeth its flattened bill is furnished with eight horny plates, two on each side of each jaw. We may therefore pass at once to the orders Edentata and Cetacea, which it is convenient to take first, as their dentitions are of that simple form designated by the term "Homodont." THE TEETH OF EDENTATA (BRUT A). Sloths, Armadillos, Ant-eaters. The term Edentata was applied to the animals of this order to indicate the absence of incisors (teeth in the inter- maxillary bone) : though this is true of most of them, a few have some upper incisors, but the central incisors are in all cases wanting. Some of them are quite edentulous ; this is the case in the Mutica, or South American Ant-eaters (Myrmecophaga and Cyclothurus), in which the excessively elongated jaws cannot be separated to any considerable extent, the mouth being a small slit at the end of the elongated muzzle. Food is taken in by the protrusion of an excessively long, whip-like tongue, which is covered by the viscid secretion THE TEETH OF EDENTATA. 305 of the great sub-maxillary glands, and is wielded with much dexterity. The Manis, or Scaly Ant-eater is also edentulous. The Edentata belong to the monophyodont or homodont section of Mammalia ; but, in some, certain teeth are more largely developed than others, so that we have teeth which might be termed canines ; and it has already been mentioned, that one armadillo, at all events, is diphyodont. The teeth are of simple form, and do not in any marked degree differ in the different parts of the mouth, except only by their size (to this the canine-like tooth of the two- toed sloth is an exception). They are all of persistent growth, and therefore no division of parts into crown, neck, arid root is possible : they consist generally of dentine and cement, with sometimes the addition of vaso-dentine, into which latter tissue the central axis of the pulp is converted ; while in some members of the order other peculiarities of structure exist : thus in the Orycteropus (Cape Ant-eater), dentine like that of Myliobates is found ; and in the Megathe- rium hard dentine, a peculiar vaso-dentine, and richly vascular cementum co-exist (see Fig. 43). I am not aware that enamel has been seen upon the teeth of any Edentate animal, but I found some years ago that the tooth germs of the nine-banded armadillo were provided with enamel organs ; this, however, proves nothing, for (Philos. Trans., 1876) I believe the presence of enamel organs to be universal and quite independent of any after formation of enamel. The teeth of the nine-banded armadillo (T. peba), will serve to illustrate the character of the dentition of the class. They are seven in number on each side of the jaw, of roundish form on section, and those of the upper and lower jaws alternate, so that by wear they come to terminate in wedge-shaped grinding surfaces : before they are at all 306 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. worn they are bilobed, as may be seen in sections of the tooth germs. In the accompanying figure the milk teeth are represented, and beneath them their permanent successors : the divari- cated bases of the milk teeth are due to the absorption set up by the approach of their successors, and not to the FIG. 130 0). X2 N.S. formation of any definite roots. Successional teeth have been detected in this armadillo only (except also in T. kappleri, which is perhaps a mere variety) ; but material does not exist in our museums which would enable us to positively deny their occurrence in other forms. Professor Flower has failed to discover any succession of teeth in the sloths, and I have myself, through the kindness of the late Professor Garrod, examined microscopically the jaws of a foetal Choloepus, in which the teeth were but little calcified, and failed to detect any indication of a second set of tooth germs. The probability is, therefore, that they are truly Monophyodont. In the armadillos the teeth are always of simple form and about thirty- two in number, except in Priodon, which has as many as a hundred teeth, a number altogether exceptional among mammals. Sloths have fewer teeth than armadillos, and these softer in character, the axis of vaso-dentine entering more largely ( : ) Lower jaw of a young Armadillo (Tatusia peba), showing the milk- teeth (a) in place, and their successors (6) beneath them. From a specimen in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. THE TEETH OF GET ACE A. 307 into their composition, and forming as much as half the bulk of the tooth. The Orycteropus, or Cape Ant-eater, the peculiarities of whose teeth have already been alluded to, has about twenty- six teeth in all ; the true ant-eaters are edentulous. The teeth of some of the gigantic extinct Edentates were a little more complex in form and structure ; thus the teeth of the Glyptodon were divided by longitudinal grooves, which in section rendered it trilobed ; and the teeth of the Mega- therium were likewise marked by a longitudinal furrow. In their persistent growth, uniformity of shape, and absence from the inter-maxillary bone, they strictly con- formed with the teeth of recent Edentata. THE TEETH OF CETACEA. No cetacean is known to develop more than one set of teeth, and these, when present in any considerable numbers, closely resemble one another in form. They are usually composed of hard dentine, with an in- vestment of cement; after the attainment of the full dimensions of the tooth what remains of the pulp is very commonly converted into secondary dentine ; tips, and even entire investments of enamel, are met with in many of the order. The dentine of many Cetaceans, e. g. of the sperm whale, is remarkable for the very numerous interglobular spaces which it contains ; these are clustered in concentric rows, so as to give rise to the appearance of contour lines. The cement is often of great thickness, and the lacunae in it are very abundant ; its lamination is also very distinct. In the dolphin the teeth are very numerous, there being about 200 ; they are slender, conical, slightly curved in- x 2 308 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. wards, and sharply pointed ; as they iriterdigitate with one another there is very little wear upon the points, which consequently remain quite sharp. The largest teeth are those situated about the middle of the dental series. FIG. 131 (i). Many variations in the number and form of the teeth are met with ; the porpoise has not more than half the FIG. 132 ( 2 ) number of teeth possessed by the dolphin, while the gram- pus has still fewer. The teeth of the grampus become worn down on their opposed surfaces, and coincidently with their wearing away the pulps become calcined. In the Oxford museum there is a grampus in which, owing to a distortion of the lower jaw, the teeth, instead of inter- digitating, became exactly opposed to one another ; the consequence of this was that the rate of wear was greatly increased, and the pulp cavities were opened before the (*) Jaws of a common Dolphin. ( 2 ) Teeth of upper jaw of a Grampus (after Professor Flower). THE TEETH OF GET AGE A. 309 obliteration of the pulps by calcification, 1 so that the pulps died and abscesses around the teeth had resulted. In the sperm whale the teeth are numerous in the lower jaw, but in the upper jaw there are only a few curved, stunted teeth, which remain buried in the dense gum. The teeth of the lower jaw are retained in shallow and wide de- pressions of the bone by a dense ligamentous gum, which, when stripped away, carries the teeth with it. Every inter- mediate stage between this slight implantation and the well-developed stout sockets of the grampus, is met with in the Cetacea. In the bottle-nosed whale (Hyperoodon bidens) the only large teeth present are two conical, enamel-tipped teeth (sometimes four) which remain more or less completely embedded within the gum, near to the front of the lower jaw: in addition to these there are 12 or 13 very small rudimentary teeth loose in the gums of both jaws. (Esch- richt, Lacepede.) In the narwal (Monodon monoceros) two teeth alone per- sist, and these are in the upper jaw. In the female the dental germs become calcified, and attain to a length of about eight inches, but they remain enclosed within the substance of the bone, and their pulp cavities speedily fill up. In the male, one tusk (in some very rare instances both) continues to grow from a persistent pulp till it at- tains to a length of ten or twelve feet, and a diameter of three or four inches at its base. This tusk (the left) is quite straight, but is marked by spiral grooves, winding from right to left. It is curious that in one of the speci- mens, in which the two tusks had attained to equal and considerable length, the spirals on the two wound in the same direction ; that is to say, as regards the sides of the head, the spirals were not symmetrical with one another. ( l ) Trans. Odonto. Society, 1873. When I published this paper I was not aware that Eschricht had previously published a similar observation. 310 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. The tusk of the male narwal may fairly be assumed to serve as a sexual weapon, but little is known of the habits of the animal. FIG. 133 0). iNatSi* Professor Turner has lately noted the occurrence of two stunted incisor rudiments in a foetal narwal : these ob- viously represent a second pair of incisors, and attain to a length of half an inch, but are irregular in form ; they are situated a little behind the pair of teeth which attain to (*) Cranium of Narwal (Monodon monoceros). a. Stunted tooth, with its basal pulp-cavity obliterated, b. Long tusk. The small figure, giving the whole length of the tusk, shows the proportion which it bears to the rest of the skull. THE TEETH OF CETACEA. 311 more considerable dimensions. All trace of this second pair of incisors is lost in adult skulls. The Cetaceans classed together as Ziphoids have no teeth in the upper jaw, and in the lower jaw only two (in a single species there are four) teeth which attain to any considerable size, though other rudimentary teeth have been formed in the dense gum. The structure of these teeth is very peculiar : a tooth of a species of Ziphius in the Oxford University museum, which was described by Professor Ray Lankester, consists in great part of cementum and osteo-dentine, the true dentine being merely a little fragment situated at the top, and not forming more than a tenth of the whole bulk of the tooth. Ziphius Layardii has teeth nearly a foot long projecting upwards from the lower jaw, which arch towards one another, above the upper jaw, so that they must prevent the mouth from being opened to any considerable extent. The whalebone whales are, in the adult condition, des- titute of teeth, but prior to birth the margins of both upper mid lower jaws are covered with a series of nearly globular rudimentary teeth, which become calcined, but are speedily shed, or, rather, absorbed. The foetal teeth of the Balsenoptera rostrata have been carefully described by M. Julin (Archives de Biologic, 1880), the Balcenopteridce having been previously supposed to be without rudimentary teeth. The ramus contained 41 tooth germs, each furnished with an enamel organ and dentine bulb, with a slight capsule; these were lodged in a con- tinuous groove in the bone above the vessels, thus re- calling the condition of the parts in a human embryo at a certain stage. A very small amount of calcification takes place, a mere film of dentine being formed upon the dentine bulb. But what is very remarkable is that the dentine bulbs are simple near the front, bifid in the middle, and trifid at the back of the mouth ; in other words, these 312 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. rudimentary teeth seem not to be rudiments of a homo- dont dentition as might have been expected, but of a heterodont dentition ; and it is suggestive of a resemblance to such forms as Squalodon, an extinct cetacean, peculiar in having heterodont teeth. At all events it seems to indicate that the homodont dentition of Cetacea is a case of degrada- tion from ancestral forms, a conclusion likewise pointed to by the gradual suppression of milk dentitions (see p. 300). From the upper jaw of an adult whalebone whale there hang down a series of plates of baleen, placed transversely to the axis of the mouth, but not exactly at right angles to it. The principal plates do not extend across the whole width of the palate, but its median portion is occupied by subsidiary smaller plates. The whalebone plates are frayed out at their edges, so as to be fringed with stiff hairs, and their fringed edges collectively form a concave roof to the mouth, against which the large tongue fits, so as to sweep from the fringes whatever they may have entangled. The whale in feeding takes in enormous mouthfuls of water containing small marine mollusca ; this is strained through the baleen plates, which retain the Pteropods and other small crea- tures, while the water is expelled. Then the tongue sweeps the entangled food from the fringe of the baleen plates and it is swallowed. Each plate consists of two dense but rather brittle laminae, which enclose between them a tissue composed of bodies analogous to coarse hairs. By the pro- cess of wear the brittle containing laminae break away, leaving projecting from the edge the more elastic central tissue, in the form of stiff hairs. Each plate is developed from a vascular persistent pulp, which sends out an immense number of exceedingly long- thread-like processes, which penetrate far into the hard substance of the plate. Each hair-like fibre has within its base a vascular filament or papilla : in fact, each fibre is nothing more than an accumulation of epidermic cells, con- THE TEETH OF CETAOEA. 313 centrically arranged around a vascular papilla, the latter being enormously elongated. The baleen plate is composed mainly of these fibres, which constitute the hairs of its frayed- out edge, but in addition to this there are layers of flat cells binding the whole together, and constituting the outer or lamellar portion. As has been pointed out by Prof. Turner (Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1870), the whalebone matrix having been produced by the cornification of the epithelial coverings of its various groups of papilke, is an epithelial or epiblastic structure, and morphologically corresponds not with the dentine, but with the enamel of a tooth. The whole whalebone plate and the vascular ridges and papillae which form it may be compared to the strong ridges upon the palates of certain Herbivora, an analogy which is strengthened by the study of the mouth of young whales prior to the cornification of the whalebone. CHAPTER X. THE TEETH OF UNGULATA. IN the two orders just considered, the Cetacea and Edentata, a single set of teeth would seem to be the rule, and most members of these orders are, so far as is known, both monophyodont and homodont. But in all orders that remain to be considered a Diphyodont dentition, the milk set varying from the merest rudiments to full development, will be the rule ; and being diphyodont, they are for the most part heterodont, that is to say, the teeth differ from one another, and we can distinguish them into incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. Hence we are able to assign to them a dental formula, and an extended survey of mammalian forms lends strong support to the idea that the typical dental formula, in which the full normal mammalian number of teeth is present, is .31 43 1 "3" c T prm T m 3~ Very many have less than this full number : only a few have more ; and it is not a little interesting to find that among extinct mammalia, and especially among extinct ungulata, the typical dentition was more often present than amongst recent animals. Indeed it may be said that most mammals of the Eocene period had the full typical mam- malian dentition. THE TEETH OF VNGULATA. 315 Ungulata, or hoofed animals are grouped thus : (i.) Artiodactyles, or ) Hippopotamus. Pigs, Anoplotherium,&c., even-toed Ungulata j Cows, Sheep, Deer, and other Ruminants. (ii.) Perissodactyles or) H oi-ses, Tapirs, Rhinoceros, PalaBotherium, Ungulata with an / odd number of toes ) The distinction between the two groups is strongly marked, if living animals alone be considered ; but, as Professor Huxley has pointed out, increasing knowledge of fossil forms is tending to break down the line of demarcation. The recent forms bear, in all probability, but a very small pro- portion to the extinct Ungulata, of which our knowledge is as yet but fragmentary ; though the discoveries of Professors Marsh and Cope in the " mauvaises terres " of Wyoming have brought to light a very large number of strange and interesting ungulates ; and this fragmentary condition of our knowledge makes it as yet impossible to give a connected account of the dentition of ungulates, seeing that the forms known to us are only isolated and often widely separated links in the chain. The Teeth, of Perissodactyle Ungulates. Perisso- dactyle (odd-toed) Ungulates are far less numerous than the even-toed section, and among recent animals only comprise the Horse, the Rhinoceros, the Tapir, and their allies. Their premolars, or at least the last three of them, are equally complex in pattern with the true molars ; and canines, tusk- like but not very large, are of frequent occurrence. The lower molars of almost all perissodactyles have a character- istic form, their grinding surfaces being made up of two crescentic ridges. The ungulate animals are all possessed of molar teeth, which are kept in an efficient state of roughness by the enamel dipping deeply into the crowns ; by the cusps, in fact, being of very great depth. It consequently happens that after the immediate apex is worn away, the flattened working face of the tooth is mapped out into definite patterns, which, on account of the light thus thrown upon fossil remains, often consisting of little else than the teeth, have been studied with great care. The result has been to 316 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. establish a general community of type, so that, dissimilar as they at first sight appear, it is possible to derive all, or almost all, the configurations of their crowns from one or two comparatively simple patterns. But odontologists are not yet agreed, or rather do not yet know enough of the vast number of extinct Ungulates which there is reason to believe once existed (of which many have lately been dis- covered) to decide with certainty what the parent pattern was. Rhinoceros. It is difficult to assign a dental formula to this genus, as the incisors are variable in the different species, but all agree in the absence of canines. 9 n 4. 3 i^c-p 1ml. 2 l 4 3 In the African Rhinoceros, in which the adult has no incisors, the young animal has eight incisors ; other species retain the incisors through life ; and it is noteworthy that 9 in the Indian Rhinoceros, which has i , the outer incisors in the upper jaw, are, as is usual, the ones that are absent, but in the lower jaw it is the central incisors which are missing. The first premolar, just as in the Horse, is small, has no milk predecessor, and is not long retained ; the other pre- molars do not markedly differ from the true molars. The premolars and molar teeth, though not differing much in character, increase in size from before backwards. The crowns of the teeth are of squarish outline, larger on their outer than their inner side, and are implanted by four roots. The pattern of their grinding surfaces is very characteristic; but it will be best understood by first digressing to say a few words on the dentition of the Tapir. Tapir. The dental formula is 3143 THE TEETH OF PERISSODACTYLE UNGULATA. 317 In a brief survey, like that to which the present work is necessarily confined, it will suffice to mention that there is no great peculiarity about the incisors, or the canines, save that the lower canine ranges with the lower incisors ; behind the canine comes an interval, after which come the pre- molars and molars, which are interesting, as being of simpler pattern than those of most Ungulates, and it will be necessary to very briefly allude to the various patterns characteristic of ungulate teeth, with a view of showing how they may have been derived the one from the other. In the Tapir four cusps are traceable, but ridges uniting the two anterior and the two posterior cusps are strongly developed, at the cost of the antero-posterior depression, i. e. of one of the arms of the cross which separates the four cusps in other quadricuspid molars. There is therefore left only a deep transverse fissure (hence it is called a bilophodont tooth), and the quadricuspid form is disguised. A low wall on the outside of the tooth connects the two ridges. In the Hog we have a simple four-cusped molar, with a Fro. 134 J . crucial depression separating the cusps ; in the Hippopot- amus the same pattern is repeated, though not quite so simply, as each cusp is fluted in a definite manner. In Rhinoceros the two external cusps are united by a ( J ) Grinding surfaces of upper molar series of a Rhinoceros, a. Posterior sinus, which at a' has become an island, c. Posterior ridge, d. Anterior ridge. 318 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. longitudinal ridge, possibly the ciugulum, and the transverse ridges become oblique ; consequently the valley between the ridges c and d is also oblique in direction, and a second valley " a " behind the posterior ridge is introduced (Fig. 134). The simplicity of the pattern is also departed from by the margins of the ridges, and therefore the boundaries of the depressions, being waved and irregular. The lower molars of the Rhinoceros are made up of two crescentic ridges, one in front of the other, with the hollows turned inwards. It is less obvious how this pattern is derived from that of the Tapir, but it may be that the trans- verse ridges of the Tapir type of tooth may have become curved and crescentic, so that the original outer edge of the posterior ridge abuts against the exterior of the ridge in front of it. The valleys between the processes of enamel and dentine of the tooth of the Rhinoceros, termed " sinuses,' 7 are not filled up solidly with cementum. The more complex pattern which characterises the molar of the Horse may be derived from a further modification of the Rhinoceros molar. To use the words of Professor Huxley : " Deepen the valley, increase the curvature of the (outer) wall and laminae (transverse ridges), give the latter a more directly backward slope ; cause them to develop accessory ridges and pillars ; and the upper molar of the Tapir will pass through the structure of that of the Rhinoceros to that of the Horse." By a further increase in the obliquity of the ridges and in their curvature (c and d), they become parallel to the external or antero-posterior ridge (wall), and bend round until they again touch it, thus arching round and completely encircling the sinuses (a and the space between c and d) in the Rhinoceros tooth. In this way the unsymmetrical pattern of the Rhinoceros tooth may be supposed to become trans- formed into the comparatively symmetrical one of the Horse or of the ruminant. THE TEETH OF PERISSODACTYLE VNGULATA. 319 The outer ridge or wall is in the upper molar of the horse doubly bent, the concavities looking outwards. The trans- verse ridges start inwards from its anterior end and from its middle, and they curve backwards as they go to such an extent as to include crescentic spaces (between themselves FIG. 135 0). and the outer wall). To this we must add a vertical pillar, which is slightly connected with the posterior end of each crescentic edge (this pillar is in Hipparion quite detached). The lower molars of the horse present the double crescent, just like those of the rhinoceros, save that vertical pillars are attached to the posterior end of each crescent, thus slightly complicating the pattern of the worn surface. The interspaces of the ridges and pillar are in the horse solidly filled in with cementum. The extinct ancestors of the horse have the molar pattern considerably simplified, but yet recognisable as being built up on the same model. But in an elementary handbook such as this it will only serve to perplex the reader to enter into a discussion of the relative probabilities of the various and incompatible explanations given of the homologies of the parts of the ungulate molar : suffice it that such correspondences do exist, and if we had before us perfect chains of molars from every (*) Molar tooth of a Horse, showing the pattern of its grinding surface. 320 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY, ungulate which ever lived, there would be no doubt as to the relationship of the various patterns : as it is, we are em- barrassed by the lack of the material, which leaves gaps too great to bridge over without some amount of speculation. As it is, Professor Flower divides the principal varieties (Phil. Trans., 1874,) into three : (i.) That in which the outer wall is feebly developed, and transverse ridges become the prominent features, as in the tapir. (ii.) That in which the outer wall is greatly developed and more or less smooth, the transverse ridges being oblique, as in the rhinoceros. (iii.) That in which the outer surface and edge of the outer wall is zigzagged, or bicrescentic, as in the horse and palseotherium. Eqims. The horse is furnished with the full mammalian number of teeth, the dental formula being .3143 The canines, however, are rudimentary in the female, whilst in the male they are well developed (in the gelding they are of the same size as in the entire horse) ; and the first pre- molar, which has no predecessor, is also rudimentary, and is lost early. A considerable interval exists between the incisors and the premolars and molars, which latter are very similar to one another, both in shape, size, and in the pattern of the grinding surface. The incisors of the horse are large, strong teeth, set in close contact with one another ; the teeth of the upper and lower jaws meet with an "edge to edge bite," an arrange- ment which, while it is eminently adapted for grazing, leads to great wearing down of the crowns. An incisor of a horse or other animal of the genus may be at once recognized by that peculiarity which is known as the " mark." THE TEETH OF PERISSODACTYLE UNGULATA. 321 From the grinding surface of the crown there dips in a deep fold of enamel, forming a cul de sac. As this pit does not extend the whole depth of the crown, and the in- cisors of a horse are submitted to severe wear, the fold eventually gets worn away entirely, and the worn surface of the dentine presents 110 great peculiarity. But as this wearing down of the crown takes places at something like a regular rate, horse dealers are enabled to judge of a horse's age by the appearance of the mark upon the different incisors. The " mark " exists in Hipparion, but not in the earlier progenitors of the horse. FIG. 136 0). FIG. 137 A. horse attains to its adult dentition very slowly ; the first permanent incisors appear about the end of the third year, and the other two pairs follow at intervals of about Incisors of the Horse, showing the marks at various stages of wear. 322 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. six months. As the rate of wear is equal, the mark gets worn out soonest upon the central incisors (about the sixth year) in the middle incisors next (about the seventh), while it has totally disappeared by about the eighth year. After the " mark " is worn away the centre of the tooth is marked by a difference of colour, due to the presence of secondary dentine, into which the remains of the pulp has been converted. FIG. 138 (). The molars of the horse are remarkable for their great length ; they do not grow from persistent pulps, but never- theless they do go on growing until a great length of crown of uniform diameter is made, subsequently to which the short and irregular roots are formed. As the upper working surface of the crown becomes worn, the tooth rises bodily in its socket, and when by an accident its antagonist has been lost, it rises far above the level of its neighbours. This elevation of the tooth takes place quite independently of ( l ) Side view of the dentition of a Stallion. At a short interval behind the incisors are seen the canines ; then, after a considerable interval, the premolar and molar series. THE TEETH OF PERISSODACTYLE UNGVLATA. 323 growth from a persistent pulp, and, in fact, happens after the formation of its roots. The pattern of the horse's molar has been already de- scribed ; it should be added that the last molar differs from the rest in its posterior moiety being less developed than in the other teeth. As each ridge and each pillar of the tooth consists of den- tine bordered by enamel, and the arrangement of the ridges and pillars is complex ; as, moreover, cement um fills up the interspaces, it will be obvious that an efficient rough grinding surface will be preserved by the unequal wear of the several tissues. When a bit is put into a horse's mouth it rests in the interval, or diastema, which exist between the incisors and the commencement of the molar series, and the great con- venience of the existence of such a space has led many authors to assume that the horse was moulded in accordance with man's special requirements, so that it might be suited for its subserviency to his wants. But the wide diastema appeared in the remote ancestors of the horse long ages before man's appearance on the earth, and the advocates of this theory of design would, as Professor Huxley suggests, have to tell us what manner of animal rode the Hipparion. The milk teeth of all the Ungulata are very complete, and are retained late ; they resemble the permanent teeth in general character, but the canines of the horse, as might have been expected, their greater development in the male being a sexual character, are rudimentary in the milk dentition. To the Perissodactyle Ungulates which are specially inte- resting on account of their dentition, must be added Homa- lodontotherium, a tertiary mammal, the remains of which were described by Professor Flower (Phil. Trans., 1874). It had highly generalised characters ; its teeth were Y 2 324 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. arranged without any diastema, and the transition in form from the front to the back of the mouth was exceedingly gradual, so that no tooth differed much from those on either side of it. Taking the pattern of its molar teeth alone into account, it would have been without hesitation declared to be very nearly allied to rhinoceros, on which type they are formed, but the resemblance fails in the canine and incisor region, and it must be considered to be one of those generalised types related to rhinoceros, to Hyracodon and perhaps connecting them with such aberrant forms as Toxodon. The largest of Perissodactyles equalled the elephant in size, and have been named by Prof. Marsh BrontotJieridce. The dental formula was 21 43 1 _ o _ pm _ m _. The incisors were small and sometimes deciduous, and the canines short and stout, the lower being the more conspicuous owing to its being separated by a slight diastema from the premolars, which is not the case in the upper jaw. The premolars in both jaws increase in size from before backwards, and do not differ from the molars next them. In the lower jaw the premolars and molars all consist of two crescents, save the last, which have three crescentic cusps. The molar teeth stand apart from those of any recent peris- sodactyles in their huge size, the squarish last upper molar, for example, measuring four inches antero-posteriorly and more than three transversely (Prof. Marsh, American Journal of Science and Arts, 1876). THE TEETH OF ARTIODACTYLE UNGULATA. 325 THE TEETH OF ARTIODACTYLE UNGULATA. Artiodactyle, or even-toed Ungulata, comprise pigs, hippo- potami, camels, sheep, oxen, &c., amongst living animals. They are divided into Ruminant and Non-ruminating animals : the latter group, equivalent to the "Suina" of the table on page 265, includes the Pigs (Shtidai), Hippopotanndce , and Ano- plotheridfs. The Ruminants are divided into three groups : (i.) The Tragu- I'ldce (small deer of Southern Asia), which form a connecting link between the Anoplotherium (itself a link between the Pigs and the true Ruminants) and the Pecora ; (ii.) Pecora (sheep, oxen, &c.) ; (iii.) Camelidce. In Artiodactyle Ungulata the premolars differ markedly both in size and pattern from the true molars. Of those Artiodactyle Ungulates which are not ruminants the common pig may be taken as an example. 3133 The dental formula is i c p m . The position of the upper incisors is peculiar, the two central upper incisors, separated at their bases, being inclined towards one another so that their apices are in contact ; the third pair are widely separated from the inner two pairs of incisors. The lower incisors are straight, and are implanted in an almost horizontal position : in both upper and lower jaws the third or outermost incisors are much smaller than the others. The lower incisors are peculiar in having upon their upper surfaces a strongly pronounced sharp longitudinal ridge of enamel, which gets obliterated by wear. An interval separates the incisors from the canines, which latter are very much larger in the male than in the female, and in the wild boar than in the domesticated animal. Castration arrests the further development of the tusks ; the peculiarities as to size and direction which characterise the 326 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. tusks of the adult animal are not represented in the canines of the milk dentition, about which there is not much that is noteworthy, save that the young pig has dec. m , of which the first remains in place till the permanent dentition is nearly complete, and then falls out without having any successor ; or it may perhaps be regarded as a permanent tooth which has had no predecessor. The form and direction of the canines are alike peculiar ; FIG. 139 i Nat. Size the upper canine, which in its curvature describes more than a semicircle, leaves its socket in a nearly horizontal direction, with an inclination forwards and outwards. After rounding past the upper lip its terminal point is directed upwards and inwards. The enamel upon the lower surface of the tusk is deeply ribbed : it does not uniformly cover the tooth, but is disposed in three bands. The lower canines are more slender, of much greater length, and by wear become more sharply pointed than the upper ones : they pass in front of the latter, and the worn faces of the two correspond. The lower canine is in section triangular, one edge being (i) Upper and lower teeth of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa). In this specimen the tusks are not so largely developed as they sometimes may be seen to be; THE TEETH OF ARTIODACTYLE UNGULATA. 327 directed forwards, and its sides being nearly flat. Enamel is confined to the internal and external anterior surfaces ; the posterior surface, which plays against the upper canine, is devoid of enamel ; the tooth is kept constantly pointed by the obliquity with which its posterior surface is worn away. The tusks of a boar are most formidable weapons, and are capable of disembowelling a dog at a single stroke, but they are greatly exceeded by those of the African wart-hog (Phaco- chcerus), which attain to an immense size. In the domestic races the tusks of the boars are much smaller than in the wild animal, and it is a curious fact that, in domestic races which have again become wild the tusks of the boars increase in size, at the same time that the bristles become more strongly pronounced. Mr. Darwin suggests that the renewed growth of the teeth may perhaps be accounted for on the principle of correlation of growth, external agencies acting upon the skin and so indirectly influencing the teeth. As in most artiodactyles, the teeth of the molar series increase in size from before backwards : thus the first pre- molar or milk molar has a simple wedge-shaped crown, and two roots ; the second and third by transitional characters lead to the fourth premolar, which has a broad crown with two principal cusps, and has four roots. The first true molar has four cusps divided from one another by a crucial depression ; and the cingulum in front, and yet more markedly at the back, is elevated into a posterior transverse ridge. In the second molar the trans- verse ridge is more strongly developed, and the four cusps are themselves somewhat divided up into smaller accessory tubercles. The last molar measures, from front to back, nearly twice as much as the second ; and this great increase in size is referable to a great development of the part corresponding to the posterior ridge or cingulum of the second molar, 328 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. which has become transformed into a great many subsidiary tubercles. That such is a correct interpretation of its nature is indi- cated by our being able to trace the four principal cusps, though modified and not divided off, in the front part of the tooth, of which, however, they do not constitute more than a small part. Those Ungulates in which the surfaces of the molar teeth are covered by rounded or conical cusps, are termed " bunodonts," in contradistinction to those which present crescentic ridges on the masticating surface of their molars, and which go by the name of " selenodonts." In the Wart-hog (Phacoehrerus), the genus with very large canines, the disproportion between the last true molar and the other teeth is yet more striking. (*) Upper and lower teeth of Phacochoerus. In the tipper jaw, the last two premolars, and the much- worn first true molar remain. In the lower all have been shed off, save the last two true molars. From a specimen in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. THE TEETH OF ARTIODACTYLE UNGULATA. 329 In antero-posterior extent the third molar equals the first and second true molars and the third and fourth premolars (the whole number of teeth of the molar series possessed by the animal) together. When a little worn its surface presents about thirty islands of dentine, surrounded by rings of enamel, the interspaces and the exterior of the whole being occupied by cementum. Of course, prior to the commencement of wear, each of these islands was an enamel-coated cusp. The Wart-hog's dentition has, however, another instructive peculiarity ; the first true molar is in place early, and be- comes much worn down (this is true, in a less degree, of the common pig, and indeed^of most Ungulata). Eventually it is actually shed ; the same fate later befalls the third pre- molar and second true molar, so that the dentition in an aged specimen is reduced to the fourth premolar and the third true molar alone, and eventually to the last true molars alone. Thus, both in the great complexity of the back molars and the fact that the anterior teeth are worn out and then discarded, the Wart-hog affords a parallel to the anomalous dentition of the elephant. As has already been noticed, the upper canines in the boar turn outwards and finally upwards, so as to pass out- side the upper lip ; this peculiarity in direction, yet more marked in Phacochcerus, attains its maximum in the Sus babirussa. This creature, strictly confined to the Malay Archipelago, where it frequents woody places, has (in the male) the upper and lower canines developed to an enormous extent. The upper canines are turned upwards so abruptly that they pierce the upper lip, instead of passing outside it as in other Suidce, preserve a nearly upright direction for some little distance, and then curve backwards, so that their points are directed almost towards the eyes. The lower canines are less aberrant in direction and in 330 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. shape, being somewhat triangular in section, but they also are of very great length, and pass upwards, far above the level of the snout ; their points are also directed backwards, FIG. 141 ('). but have in addition an outward inclination. The canines are devoid of enamel, and grow from persistent pulps, a fact which sometimes has a disastrous result, for the tip of the tooth, occasionally taking a wrong direction, re-enters the head or the jaws of the animal. Their length is very great; the animal is smaller than the domesticated pig, but its canines attain a length of eight or ten inches. Their use is a matter of conjecture; the position of the upper tusks has suggested the idea that they may serve as a protection to the creature's eyes, as it seeks its food, consisting of fallen fruits, amongst the brushwood. But were that the case the female also would probably have them, which is not the case ; and although (*) Skull of Sus babirussa (male). The upper incisors have been lost from the specimen figured : they are much like those of a pig. THE TEETH OF ARTIODACTYLE UNGULATA. 331 in old animals they are often broken off, it is not certain that they are much employed in fighting. Its other teeth are in no respects remarkable. Hippopotamus. The dental characters, as well as others, indicate the affinity of the Hippopotamus to the Suidce. The incisors are tusk-like, and bear but little resemblance to those of most other mammalia ; they are nearly cylindrical, bluntly pointed at their apices by the direction of wear, which is in some measure determined by the partial distri- bution of the enamel, which is laid on in longitudinal bands in the upper teeth, but merely forms a terminal cap on the lower incisors. The upper, standing widely apart, are implanted nearly vertically : the lower incisors, of which the median pair are exceedingly large, are implanted horizontally. The canines are enormous teeth; the lower, as in the Hog, is trihedral, and is kept pointed in the same manner ; the upper canines are not so long, and the portion exposed above the gum is but short. The incisors and canines are all alike teeth of persistent growth. The premolars, of which the first is lost early (being perhaps a milk molar like the similar tooth in the pig) are smaller and simpler teeth built up on the same type as the true molars. These latter, especially when worn, have a very charac- teristic double trefoil pattern ; the four cusps, in the first instance, were separated by a deep longitudinal and a still deeper transverse groove; each cusp was, moreover, tri- lobed; the first result of wear is to bring out the appear- ance of four trefoils ; next, when the longitudinal furrow is worn away, two four-lobed figures result ; and finally all 332 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. pattern becomes obliterated, and a plain field of dentine surrounded by enamel alone remains. The teeth of the Hippopotamus are subject to a great amount of attrition, as is well shown by a specimen pre- sented to the museum of the Odontological Society, in which the molar teeth are all excessively worn. The Hippopotami use their incisors and canine tusks for the purpose of up- rooting aquatic plants, of which their food mainly consists : the roots of these are of course mixed up with much sand, which wears down the teeth with great rapidity. The larger incisors and the canines are, and for centuries have been, articles of commerce, the ivory being of very dense substance and useful for the manufacture of small objects. Anoplotherici.se are an extinct (Eocene and Miocene) family, linking together the Pigs and the Pecora. Fio. 142 (i). Anoplotherium is a genus of interest to the odontologist because fc it possessed the full typical mammalian dentition, as far as the number of the teeth went; the teeth were of nearly uniform height, none strongly differentiated from those nearest to them ; and they were set in close contiguity with one another, so that there was no " diastema." The lower molar teeth of the anoplotherium are built up J ) Side view of the dentition of Anoplotherium (after Owen). THE TEETH OF ARTIODACTTLE UNGULATA. 333 on the same type as those of the rhinoceros (page 317), and present the double crescent ; the upper molars are also referable to the same fundamental forms, though the dif- ference is greater. The laminse (transverse ridges) oblique in the rhinoceros, are in anoplotherium still more oblique, so that they become more nearly parallel with the outer wall, and an accessory pillar is developed at the inside of the anterior laminae. Not very widely removed from the anoplotherium is the Oreodon, an Ungulate of Eocene age. Like a good many tertiary Ungulates (both artiodactyle and perissodactyle) it had the full typical number of teeth, forty -four ; but its interest to the odontologist is enhanced by the Co- existence of strongly marked canines with molars very much like those of ruminants, a group almost always devoid of canines. In the upper jaw oreodon had .31 43 i c pni m i.e. the typical number of each kind of teeth. But in the lower jaw the first four teeth are like incisors, and the tooth which is like a canine is not the tooth corresponding to the upper canine, but to the small upper first premolar. (*) Upper and lower teeth of Oreodon Culbertsonii after Leidy (Smith- onian Contributions, 1852). 334 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. This is a fair illustration of the fact that although in nature it is generally the same tooth which is modified to perform the function of a canine, it is not invariably the same ; for here in the same animal are two different teeth in the upper and lower jaw thus respectively modified. And as they are different teeth, it happens that the upper canine closes in front of the lower. There is reason to believe that there was some difference in the size of canines between the male and female oreodon. The hollow-horned ruminants (sheep and oxen and ante- lopes), and likewise almost all the solid horned ruminant (deer) have the following dental formula : .00 3 3 1 3 C Ti P 3- m 3- The lower incisors are antagonised not by teeth, but by a dense gum which clothes the fore part of the upper jaw ; if a sheep is watched as it feeds, it will be seen to grasp the blades of grass between the lower teeth and the gum, and then to tear them off by an abrupt movement of the head, as it would be impossible for it to, strictly speaking, bite it off. The anomaly of the entire absence of upper incisors was held to have been diminished by the statement of Goodsir, who believed that uncalcified tooth germs were to be found in the foetuses of many species. As this was precisely what might have been expected, it has since that time passed current as an established fact ; but recently M. Pietkewickz, working in the laboratory of M. Ch. Robin, has absolutely denied the occurrence of even the earliest rudiments of tooth germs in this situation, after an examination of a series of foetuses of the sheep and cow, ranging even from the earliest periods. (Journal d' Anatomic, par C. H. Robin, 1873, p. 452.) Since meeting with this statement I have had no opportunity of verifying this matter myself. THE TEETH OF ARTIODACTYLE UNGULATA. 335 Grouped with the six incisors of the lower jaw, and in no respect differing from them, rise the pair of teeth which are very arbitrarily termed " canines." As I cannot attempt to do more in these pages than give the most bare outline of generally well-known facts, I have retained the usual dental formula, i -~ c ~-r ; though under protest, as I do not con- o 1 sider the " canine " to have any such distinct existence as would justify our calling a tooth which is so obviously refer- able to the incisors by any distinctive name. Although the absence of upper canine teeth is a very general characteristic of ruminants, rudimentary canines exist in some deer, and I am indebted to the kindness of Sir Victor Brooke, a high authority upon the Cervidce, for the following : " The upper canines are present in both sexes in all the species of cervidce, with the exception of Alces, Rangifer, Dama, some smaller species of Rusa, Axis, Capreolus, Caria- cus, Blastocerus, Coassus, and Pudu. The upper canines, when present, are with the notable exception of Moschus, Elaphodus, Cervulus, and Hydropotes, small laterally com- pressed rudimentary teeth. Their crowns are in about the same stage of reduction as the crowns of horses' canines, but their roots are relatively nmch more reduced." Hence they are often lost in dried skulls, and it has generally been supposed that but few deer possessed canines at all. The hornless musk deer possesses upper canines of most formidable dimensions, while the female has very small subcylindrical canines. The male pigmy musk deer (Tragulus) has large canines of persistent growth, the female small canines with closed roots. The Indian Muntjac deer (Cervulus) has somewhat small horns, which are perched upon persistent bony pedicles, and it has upper canines which are curved outwards from 336 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. beneath the upper lip, much as are the tusks of a boar ; they do not, however, grow from persistent pulps, and are absent in the female. Cuvier first pointed out that there was a relation between the presence of horns and the absence of canine teeth ; the latter, serving as weapons for sexual combat solely, and FIG. 144 (i). being, probably, in no other way of service to the animal, are not required by an animal provided with powerful antlers or horns, whereas the absolutely hornless musk deer would be totally unprovided with weapons of offence were it not for his canines. To the musk deer and the muntjac must be added Swinhoe's water deer, Hydropotes inermis, and Michie's deer, Elaphodus cephalopus, another small hornless species, of which the males are furnished with formidable canine teeth. Although, with the foregoing exceptions, all the deer, oxen, sheep, antelopes, and the giraffe, animals constituting the greater number of the " Ruminantia," are without canine teeth, yet in the remaining family, the Camelidce, tusk-like canines are met with. It is a character of the Artiodactyle Ungulata that the (*) Cranium of male Musk Deer (Moschus moschiferus). THE TEETH OF ARTIODACTYLE UNGULATA. 337 premolar teeth are of decidedly simpler form than the molars ; indeed in the ruminants the premolars may be said each to correspond to one half of a true molar. The dentition of the ordinary ruminant having been more or less illustrated by the example of the musk deer (minus its great canines), the Camel may be selected as illustrating the peculiarities of the molar series. The Camel is possessed of an upper incisor, and, as has already been noticed, of canines. The first two pairs of upper incisors are absent, but the FIG. 145 I 1 ). third or outermost pair are present, and are rather caniniforni in shape. In quite young skulls six upper incisors are present, but the two inner pairs are lost very early. The canines are strong pointed teeth, and the lower canine stands well apart from the three incisors of the lower jaw, unlike the fourth tooth in front of the mandible of typical pecora (see Fig. 115). (*) Upper and lower teeth of a Camel. 338 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. The first preinolars are absent altogether ; the second premolars, following the canines after an interval, are pointed caniniform teeth. The third premolar is some- times lost early, but the fourth persists. The molars of the Camel are of the " Selenodont " type ; their derivation from forms already alluded to will be sufficiently obvious to the reader who has mastered the descriptions, and their double crescentic crowns, may be taken as fair examples of simple ruminant patterns, accessory pillars, &c., being added in some of the other groups. In all true Ruminants the last true molar of the lower jaw has a third lobe ( 1 ), and the line of the outer surface of the row of teeth is rendered irregular by the anterior edge of each tooth projecting outwards slightly more than the posterior border of the one in front of it. And the devia- tions in the patterns of the surfaces of the molar teeth are so constant and so characteristic that, although the common ruminant pattern is preserved in all, it is often possible to refer an individual tooth to its right genus. The Ruminants all have a well-developed milk dentition, which serves the animal for a long time, indeed until after it has attained to its adult dimensions ; thus a sheep has not completed the changing of its teeth till the fifth year, and a calf till the fourth year. But the first permanent molar is in them, as in so many other animals, the first of the permanent set to be cut, and comes up in its place at the sixth month (in the lamb), and hence has a long period of wear before any of the other second teeth are cut. Conse- quently the first permanent molar is, as is seen in Fig. 145, invariably worn down to a much greater extent than the other permanent teeth ; in the specimen figured it has been ( ; ) Sir Victor Brooke informs me that Neotragus hemprichii, a small Abyssinian antelope, has only two lobes to the third lower molar. TOXODONTIA. 339 worn down below the inflections of enamel, so that it has lost its roughened grinding surface, and is reduced to a smooth area of dentine. Not much is known of the structure of the dental tissues of the Ungulata which calls for mention in an elementary work. The thick cement of the crown of the teeth of the Horse, and indeed of most of the group which possess thick cement, contains many " encapsuled lacunse," and is developed from a distinct cement organ of cartilaginous consistence (see page 144). TOXODONTIA. The existing ungulate animals form only a small propor- tion of those once peopling the earth, and many extinct forms have been discovered, which while having affinities with the Ungulata, can yet hardly be classified under any existing order. For example, Toxodon, a creature equalling the Hippopotamus in size, which was discovered by Mr. Darwin in late tertiary deposits of South America, has a dentition recalling in some respects the Bruta, in others the Rodents. It possessed in the upper jaw two pairs of incisors, the median pair small, the outer exceedingly large, with per- sistent pulps, and long curved sockets extending back to the region of the molars, just as in existing Rodents. In the lower jaw there were three pairs of incisors, sub- equal in size, and growing from persistent pulps ; they resemble the incisors of Rodents in having a partial invest- ment with enamel, but differ from them in being prismatic in section, and in having the enamel disposed on two sides of the prism. The molars were also very remarkable ; they grew from persistent pulps, and had curved sockets, but the curvature of these was in the reverse direction to that which obtains z 2 340 A MANUAL Of DENTAL ANATOMY. in Rodents, i.e., the convexity was outwards, and the apices of their roots almost met in the middle line of the palate ; it was this peculiarity that suggested the name. Another peculiarity in the molar teeth, in which they stand quite alone, is that, like incisors, they have a partial investment with enamel ; those referred to the premolar series having it confined to their outer surfaces, while the three back teeth of the molar series had a plate also laid on to their inner surfaces ; there were seven molar teeth above, and six below. In the interval between the incisor and molar series canines have been found in the lower jaw ; they were sharp edged, and had a partial distribution of enamel over their surface. In an upper jaw alveoli for canines were found, but the teeth themselves are not known. DINOCERATA. In the same region which yielded the toothed birds (Eocene formations of Wyoming), the remains of many huge animals have been discovered, for which new orders have been proposed by Prof. Marsh (" American Journal of Science and Art," 1876), it being impossible to classify them under any existing order. The Dinocerata were creatures nearly as large as Elephants, and presenting some general resemblance to them in general form ; they were remarkable for the relative smallness of their brains, which could apparently have been drawn through the canal of the vertebral column. They present points of resemblance to the Perissodactyle Ungulata, and also to the Proboscidea, to which they were at first referred, though their affinities are rather with the former. The dental formula was .0 DINOCERATA. 341 In Prof. Marsh's words " The superior canines are long, decurved, trenchant tusks. They are covered with enamel, and their fangs extend upwards into the base of the maxil- lary horn-core. There is some evidence that these tusks were smaller in the females. Behind the canines there is a moderate diastema. The molar teeth are very small. The crowns of the superior molars are formed of two transverse crests, separated externally, and meeting at their inner extremity. The first true molar is smaller in this specimen than the two preceding premolars. The last upper molar is much the largest of the series. " The lower jaw in Dinoceras is as remarkable as the skull. FIG. 146 Its most peculiar features are the posterior direction of the 0) Upper and lower jaws of Dinoceras (Marsh). 342 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. condyles, hitherto unknown in Ungulata, and a massive decurved process on each ramus extending downward and outward below the diastema. "The position of the condyles was necessitated by the long upper tusks, as, with the ordinary ungulate articulation, the mouth could not have been fully opened. The low position of the condyle, but little above the line of the teeth, is also a noteworthy character. The long pendant processes were apparently to protect the tusks, which otherwise would be very liable to be broken. Indications of similar processes are seen in Smilodon and other Carnivores with long upper canines. With the exception of these processes the lower jaw of Dinoceras is small and slender. The symphysis is completely ossified. The six incisors were contiguous, and all directed well forward. Just behind these, and not separated from them, were the small canines, which had a similar direction. The crowns of the large molars have transverse crests, and the last of the series is the largest." It would appear possible that the eminences shown in the figure, and spoken of as " maxillary horn-cores," may be merely the extended sockets of the teeth, which would other- wise have had an implantation inadequate to their length ; they are, however, described as solid, except at their bases, where they are perforated for the fang of the canine tusk, which would look as though they were truly horn-cores ', moreover the Brontotheridae had horn-cores equally peculiar in position (i.e., on the maxillary bones). Yet another new order, TILLODONTIA, comprising several genera, has been proposed by Prof. Marsh for the Wyoming- fossil remains, to receive forms which, though not amongst the biggest, are " amongst the most remarkable yet discovered in American strata, and seem to combine characters of several distinct groups; viz., Carnivora, Ungulata, and Rodentia. In Tillotherium, Marsh, the type of the order, the skull has the same general form as in the Bear, but in its structure DINOCERATA. 343 resembles that of the Ungulata. Its molar teeth are of the ungulate type, the canines are small, and in each jaw there is a pair of large scalpriform incisors, faced with enamel and growing from persistent pulps, as in the Rodents. The second pair of incisors are small, and have not persistent pulps. The adult dentition is as follows " There are two distinct families, Tillotkeridce (perhaps identical with Anchippodontidce), in which the large incisors FIG. 147 i 1 ). 571.5. grew from persistent pulps, while the molars had roots ; and the Stylinodontidas^ in which all the teeth have persistent pulps. One genus (Dryptodon), known only by the lower jaw, had six teeth, described as " clearly incisors," the two inner pairs of which are small and cylindrical, the outer of enormous size, faced in front only with enamel, and with persistent pulps carried back under the premolars. C) Upper and lower jaws of Tillotherium (Marsh). CHAPTER XL THE TEETH OF SIRENIA, HYRACOIDEA, PROBOSCIDEA, AND RODENTIA. THE TEETH OF SIRENIA. MORE nearly connected with the Ungulata than with any other order, but still rather widely removed from them, stands the limited order of Sirenia, aquatic mammals formerly termed Herbivorous Cetacea, a term rather ob- jectionable, as they are not very nearly allied to the true Cetacea. The order is now represented by two genera only, the Dugongs (Halicore) and the Manatees (Manatus), but a third genus (Rhytina) has only become extinct within about a century. Their teeth, and other points in their organiza- tion indicate that they are more nearly allied to the Ungu- lata than to any other group, though their peculiarities are such as to elevate them to the rank of a distinct order. They are of large size, and frequent shallow water, such as the mouths of great rivers, their food consisting of sea- weed and aquatic plants. The dentition of the Dugong is in several respects a very interesting one : the front part of the upper jaw, consisting in the main of the intermaxillary bones, bends abruptly downwards, forming an angle with the rest of the jaw. This deflected end of the jaw carries two tusks, of each of which the greater part is buried within the alveolus. The tusk has an investment of enamel over its front and sides, but on the posterior surface of cementum only, so that in THE TEETH OF SIRENIA. 345 the disposition of the three structures it recalls the charac- teristics of a Rodent incisor, like which it is worn away obliquely so as to keep a constantly sharp edge, and like which it grows from a persistent pulp. In the female, the tusks (incisors) do not project from the FIG. 143 ] ). gum, their pulp cavities are closed, and the investment of enamel is complete over the crown of the tooth. The sloping surface of the upper jaw is opposed by the region of the symphysis of the lower jaw, which is of un- usual depth. In this deflected part of the lower jaw there are eight, or ten (four or five on each side) shallow and rather irregularly-shaped sockets, in which curved distorted ( ! ) Side view of cranium and lower jaw of a Dugong (Halicore Indicus). From a specimen in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. The surface of the deflected portion of the lower jaw, with its sockets for rudimentary teeth, shown both in front and in profile view, is indicated by the letter a ; the corresponding surface of the upper jaw by the letter I. 346 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. teeth may be found in a fresh specimen, but it must not be from too aged an animal, as they become eventually eaten away by a process of absorption. These abortive teeth are excellent examples of rudi- mentary teeth, as not only are they stunted, and even ultimately removed by absorption, but they are actually covered in by a dense horny plate which clothes this part of the jaw, and so are absolutely functionless ( J ). These horny plates, in their structure analogous to whale- bone, are possessed also by the Manatee and Khytina ; on the free surface they are beset with stiff bristles, and are throughout built up of hair-like bodies welded together by epithelium. Behind the region covered in by the horny plates, the Dugong has five molar teeth on each side, of simple form, like those of the Edentata, and consisting of dentine and cementum only. By the time the last molar is ready to come into place, the first of the series is being removed by absorption of its root and of its socket. In aged specimens only two molars remain on each side of the jaws. The Dugong is also peculiar as having a single deciduous tooth : namely, a predecessor to the incisive tusks ; but it has been doubted whether it be not rather a rudimentary incisor than a milk tooth. The molar teeth of the Manatee are much more nume- rous and more complex in form, and they approach to the configuration of the teeth of the Tapir very closely. The Manatee has as many as forty-four molars, which are not, however, all in place at one time, the anterior ones being shed before the posterior are come into place ; no (*) Similar rudimentary teeth are found in the corresponding deflected part of the jaw of the young Manatee, to the number of twelve. (Gervais, "Histoire Nat. des Mammiferes," vol. ii., p. 312.) THE TEETH OF SIRENIA. 347 vertical succession is known to occur among them. There are no incisors nor canines, but there are horny plates in the front of the mouth like those of the Dugong. The extinct Rhytina, formerly abundant about Behring's Straits, was altogether without teeth. It has been mentioned that the teeth of the Manatee are tapiroid in external form ; they also possess peculiarities in minute structure, which are unusual in mammalian teeth, but which are common to them and to the Tapirs. In examining some teeth, I found that the dentine, to all intents and pur- poses, of the hard unvascular variety, was permeated by a system of larger, or "vascular" canals, which were ar- ranged with much regularity, and passed out from the pulp cavity to the periphery of the dentine, where they commu- nicated with one another. The dentinal tubes did not radiate from these vascular canals ; they, so to speak, take no notice of them, so that there is an ordinary unvascular dentine with a system of capillary- convey ing channels as well. It is interesting to find that the primd facie external resemblance of the teeth of the Tapir is fully borne out by minute histological structure, and it certainly suggests that the resemblance is not accidental, but has some deeper significance. The enamel of the Manatee is also somewhat remarkable for the absolute straightness of its enamel prisms in many parts of the tooth. The molar teeth of the Dugong consist of a central axis of vaso-dentine, a much larger mass of ordinary unvascular dentine, and a thick layer of cementum, but they do not share the peculiarities of the Manatee's tooth. 348 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. THE TEETH OF HYRAC01DEA. The Biblical coney (Hyrax), an animal as large as a rabbit, must not be passed over without mention, as its dentition has been indirectly the source of much contro- versy. So far as the pattern of its molar teeth goes, it corresponds closely with Rhinoceros, and was hence classed in. close proximity to that genus by Cuvier. But a more extended survey of its characters has led to its being placed in a separate order; it is a good example of the danger which attends relying iipon any single character, such as the pattern of the teeth, as being alone a sufficient basis for classification. O Skull of the Hyrax. THE TEETH OF PROBOSCIDEA. 349 All observers, however, are not agreed as to its position ; it certainly presents affinities with Perissodactyla, and also with the Rodents, also, perhaps, with the Insectivora. The dental formula is i ~ c prm m . Seen from the side, the dentition bears some resemblance to that of a Rodent, because the large size of its central incisors, which grow from persistent pnlps, are chisel-edged, and are furnished with a very thick coat of enamel on their anterior faces : the second pair of incisors, which are small, are soon lost. But Hyrax has the full typical number, pre- molars and molars, and the patterns of the teeth are closely similar to those of the Rhinoceros. In the lower jaw the middle incisors are small, and the outer ones largely developed, and all persist : their crowns are in a manner trilobed, and they pass in ordinary closure of the mouth behind the upper incisors, where they are met by a dense pad of gum. THE TEETH OF PROBOSCIDEA. At the present day the Elephant stands alone, removed by many striking peculiarities from the Ungulata, to which it is more nearly allied than to other orders ; but in former days the order Proboscidea was represented by a good many genera, was widely distributed over the globe, and tran- sitional forms linking the elephant with somewhat less aberrant mammalia were not wanting. In this group the incisors grow from persistent pulps, and form conspicuous tusks ; the Elephant has i , the Mastodon has i , the Dinotherium i Two striking features characterise the dentition of the 350 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. Elephant ; the enormous length of the incisor tusks, and the peculiar displacement from behind forwards of the molar teeth, by which it results that not more than one whole molar, or portions of two, are in place at any one time. The upper tusks are preceded by small deciduous teeth ; this is well established, though it has been recently denied by Sanderson ("Wild Beasts of India" ). When first cut they are tipped with enamel, but the enamel cap is soon worn off, and the remainder of the tusk consists of that modification of dentine known as " ivory," and of a thin external layer of cement. In the Indian elephant the tusks are not so large as in the African species : and the tusks of the female are very much shorter than those of the male. In the African elephant, no such difference in size has been established ; and amongst In- dian elephants males are sometimes met with which have tusks no larger than the females of corresponding size ; they go by the name of " Mucknas." This peculiarity is not always transmitted, and it is known that in Ceylon tuskless sires sometimes beget " tuskers." Amongst the Ceylon elephants the possession of large tusks by the male is an exceptional thing, Sanderson stating that only one in three hundred has them, while amongst 51 Indian elephants only five were tuskless. The tusks are formidable weapons, and great dread of a " tusker," is shown by elephants less well armed. A male makes use of his tusks for all sorts of purposes ; thus when a tamed one is given a rope to pull, he will, by way of getting a good purchase upon it, pass it over one tusk and grasp it between his molar teeth. The largest tusks were possessed by the Mammoth, the remains of which are so abundant in Siberia ; these, which were strongly curved, and formed a considerable segment of a circle with an outward inclination, so as to well clear the sides of the head, attained the length of 13 feet, and a weight of 200 Ibs. each. THE TEETH OF PROBOSCIDEA. 351 A pair of African tusks exhibited at the Great Exhibition of 1851 weighed 325 Ibs., and measured eight feet six inches in length, and 22 inches in circumference, but the average tusks imported from Africa do not exceed from 20 Ibs. to 50 Ibs. weight. Indian elephants seldom have tusks attain- ing very large dimensions ; one was, however, shot by Sir Victor Brooke with a tusk 8 feet long, weighing 90 Ibs. The surfaces of the tusks of the female are often deeply excavated about the level of the edge of the gum, and are sometimes so weakened from this cause that they break off. My friend Mr. Moseley tells me that he was informed by the late Major Rossall, who as a sportsman had great knowledge of Indian elephants, that the tusks of all the females he has ever seen are so affected, and that the larvae or pupee of a dipterous insect are often found bedded in the gum, and attached to the surface of the tusk. There is a specimen of a female elephant's tusk with the pupse attached in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. It would be a matter of interest to ascertain whether the larva really eats away the tusk, or whether the wasting of the tusk be due to absorption set up by the irritated gum. The tusks of the elephant are implanted in long and stout sockets, and grow from persistent pulps throughout the lifetime of the animal. In the Indian elephant about one half of the length of the tusk is implanted, and in young animals the pulp cavity extends beyond the implanted portion, but in older animals it does not extend nearly so far. A knowledge of its extent is necessary, seeing that the tusks of captive elephants have to be shortened from time to time ; this operation is by some done frequently, by others only at long intervals, such as ten years, in which case a large and valuable segment of ivory is cut off, and the end of the tusk bound with metal to prevent it from splitting. Tusks sometimes exemplify on a large scale the results of 352 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. injury to the growing pulp, as it is of no unfrequent oc- currence that elephants which have been shot at and wounded escape. The thin walls of the tusk near to its open end do not offer very much resistance to the entrance of a bullet ; the result of such an injury is not, as might have been expected, the death of the pulp, but in some cases abscess cavities become formed in the neighbourhood of the injury, while in others less disturbance is set up, the bullet becomes enclosed in a thin shell of secondary dentine, or sometimes lies loose in an irregular cavity, and round this the normal " ivory " is deposited ; upon the outside of the tusk no indi- cation of anything unusual is to be seen, so that the bullets thus enclosed are found by ivory turners only when sawing up the tusk for use. As the tusk grows, that which was once in the pulp cavity, and within the alveolus, comes to be at a distance from the head, and in the midst of solid ivory. As an example of the extent of injury from which a tooth pulp is capable of recovery, may be cited a specimen now deposited in the museum of the Odontological Society, by Mr. Bennett, to whom I am indebted for permission to figure it. It is to be presumed that a trap was set with a heavily loaded spear, or that it was dropped by a native from a tree, with the intention of its entering the brain of the elephant as it was going to water, both of these methods of killing elephants being practised in Africa. But in this case the spear penetrated the open base of the growing tusk, which looks almost vertically upwards (see fig. 150), and then the iron point appears to have- broken off. This did not destroy the pulp, but the tooth continued to grow, and the iron point, measuring no less than 7J by 1J inches, became so completely enclosed that there was nothing upon the exterior of the tusk to indicate its presence. THE TEETH OF PROBOSCIDEA. 353 I ain told by Mr. Erxleben that he is acquainted with another instance in which a spear head had become com- pletely enveloped in ivory. FIG. 150 ('). There is also a specimen of a javelin head solidly im- bedded in ivory in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. Ivory is one of the most perfectly elastic substances known, and it is on this account that it is used for billiard balls ; it owes its elasticity to the very small size of the dentinal tubes and the frequent bends (secondary curva- tures) which they make ; to the arrangement of the tubes the peculiar engine-turning pattern of ivory is due. Tt differs from other dentine in its containing from 40 to 43 per cent, of organic matter (human dentine contains only about 25), and in the abundant concentric rows of inter- globular spaces. Along these ivory when it decomposes breaks up, so that a disintegrated segment of a tusk con- sists of detached concentric rings ; in this condition many mammoth teeth are found, although sometimes where they have remained frozen and protected from the air until the time of their discovery they are hardly affected by the lapse ( l ) Iron spear-head, irremovably fixed in the interior of a tusk, believed to be from an African Elephant. From a specimen in the possession of Mr. Bennett. 354 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. of the thousands of years which have gone by since their possessors perished. The trade in ivory is quite an important one, the Board of Trade returns for 1879, giving 9,414 cwts., of the value of .406,927, as the quantity brought to this country. The best ivory is that which comes from equatorial Africa; Indian ivory, is not so highly esteemed, and Mam- moth ivory is so uncertain in its degree of preservation that it does not find a ready sale, even though some samples almost attain the quality of recent ivory. The last remains of the pulp are converted into dentine in which a few vascular canals persist ; this of course occu- pies the centre of the tusk, and is small in amount. Six molar teeth are developed on each side of the jaw by the elephant, and, arguing from analogy, they are some- 3 3 times classified thus milk molars - true molars - ; 3 3 occasionally a rudimentary tooth in front brings up the number to seven on each side. But the peculiarity of their mode of succession renders such a classification merely arbitrary, so far as the elephant itself is concerned, and it depends upon analogy with the teeth of the mastodon. Though the elephant has, during the course of its life, twenty-four molars, they are not all in place, nor indeed are they all actually in existence at the same time. Only one whole tooth on each side, or portions of two (when the front one of the two is nearly worn out), are in use at the same time. After a tooth has been in use for some time, and is worn down, a new tooth comes up to take its place from behind it, and absorption in the old tooth being set up, it is shed off, and the new tooth pushes forward into its place (see fig. 151). Each successive tooth is of greater size than its predecessor ; thus in the Indian elephant the first tooth having, on an average, four transverse plates; the second eight, the third twelve, the fourth twelve, the THE TEETH OF PROBOSCIDEA. 355 fifth sixteen, the sixth from twenty-four to twenty-seven- In the African elephant, in which the individual plates are much broader, they are fewer in number (see page 361). FIG. 151 10 flak Size. A reference to the accompanying figure will indicate how the succession takes place. The tooth in reserve occupies a position at an angle to that in use ; as it moves forwards (*) Side view of skull of young Indian Elephant. The teetli in use are the second and third of the molars which displace one another from be- hind forwards ; the anterior of these, corresponding to a milk molar in other animals, is nearly worn out ; the residual fragment is separately re- presented on the left. The tusk, of which only a short piece can be shown, is indicated within the socket by dotted lines, by which also the form of the pulp cavity is mapped out. A A 2 356 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. and (in the upper jaw) downwards its track forms almost the segment of a circle. Thus its anterior corner is the first to come into use, at a time when the position of the whole tooth is still exceedingly oblique, and the greater part of it is still within the socket. The teeth as first formed consist of detached plates of identinc coated with enamel, the tops of which are mammil- lated ; these only coalesce after a considerable portion of their depth has been formed, and that portion of the tooth has been reached in which there is a common pulp cavity ; here dentine is continuous from end to end of the tooth. Just as the cusps of a human molar are separate when first calcified, so these exaggerated cusps or plates of an elephant's tooth are separate from one another till a great part of their length is completed, and they only coalesce when they reach the level ef the common pulp chamber ; in point of fact the elephant's tooth is mainly made up of its cusps, the remaining portion being insignificant. Several of these detached plates, such as the one here figured, are to be found at the back of the largest teeth even at a time when the front corner has been erupted and has come into wear. That the tooth is thus being built up only as it is required is of obvious advantage to the animal in diminishing the weight to be carried, and is also an economy of space. The teeth when they begin to be erupted do not at once come into use over their whole surface, but they come for- ward in an oblique position so that the front of the tooth has been in use for some time, and its plates have been con- siderably worn down, before the back of the tooth has become exposed at all. Nay more, in the case of the larger molars the front of the tooth is actually in use at a time when its back is not yet completed. In the elephant there is no vertical succession of teeth whatever; the manner of succession usual amongst mammals THE TEETH OF PROBOSCIDEA. 357 has in them given place to a succession from behind, the older teeth being pushed out forwards. Had the elephant always been as isolated a form as it now appears to be, it would have been very uncertain how its six molars should bo classified. But it happens that proboscideans formerly existed in which this pecular succession from behind was to be found, at the same time that the ordinary vertical suc- cession was not quite lost, and amongst these creatures (the mastodons) we are able to say with certainty which of the teeth are milk molars, which are pre-molars, and which are true molars. And as the mastodons pass by insensible gra- dations into the elephants, so that the line of demarcation between the two genera is an arbitrary one, we can tell which of the mastodon's teeth correspond to each one of the six molars of the elephant. Mastodon. In the later tertiary periods this genus, ap- proximating in its dental and other characters to the true (') Isolated plate (= exaggerated cusp) of an Elephant's tooth, prior to its coalescence with neighbouring plates ; at the top are seen its terminal mammillated processes, one of which has been cut off to show the central area of dentine, surrounded by enamel ; at the base would be the open pulp cavity, not shown in the figure. 358 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. elephant, was widely distributed over the world. The dental formula is not quite the same for all the genus, for in some no premolars existed. 102 33 i. _ c. - prm. - milk molars _ m. r The upper incisors formed nearly straight tusks, seven or eight feet in length ; the lower incisors also grew out hori- zontally from the front of the jaw, but in some species the lower tusks are rudimentary, are lost early, or "are altogether absent, thus more nearly approaching to the condition met with in the elephant. The several molar teeth of the Mastodon increased in size from before backwards. The crowns were built up of deep and strongly pronounced transverse ridges, of which the last molar had the largest number. The apices of the ridges, before being at all worn, were divided up into several blunt nipple-like (mastoid) processes, upon which the enamel was thick and dense, but the cement was thin, so that the interspaces of the processes were not filled up level by the latter tissue, as in the elephant. Very definite roots were formed to the molars, the wear- ing down of the teeth being met by the worn teeth being shed off altogether from the front of the series, whilst new teeth were added to the back. Thus, just as in the elephant, the whole number of teeth were not in place at one time. ISTot more than three were in use at one time, and by the time the last and largest molar was cut, there was but one tooth remaining in front of it, and even this was soon lost, the dentition thus being reduced to a single molar on each side. As the succession of the molars in the Mastodon affords a clue to the nature of the grinders of the elephant, it is necessary to add a few words about it. Some Mastodons had three milk molars, of which the last two were vertically displaced by premolars, just as in most other mammals, THE TEETH OF PROBOSCIDEA. 359 but the first milk molar was not so replaced (Mastodon angustidens). There appear to have been Mastodons in which no vertical succession at all took place, i.e., in which there were no premolars, and others in which there was but one. No doubt can be entertained as to the homologies of the teeth, even in those Mastodons which are not known to have any vertical succession, because analogy with those other species in which the second and third molars, counted from the front, were vertically displaced by nearly func- tionless premolars, tells us that the three front molars are milk molars. Now elephants develop six molar teeth on each side ; the elephant is in the same case, quoad its molars, as the Mastodon Ohioticus, which had no vertical succes- sion, so that we thus know the elephant's grinders to be ,33 dm.-m._ Dr. Falconer mentions an elephant from the Sewalik Hills (E. planifrons) in which two rudimentary pre-molars, of no functional importance, actually existed, and so the deter- mination of the elephant's working teeth as , 3 3 dm. - m. - 3 3 rests not only upon analogy, but upon actual observation. The Dinotherium, a large animal, not unlike the Sirenia in the character of its cranium, which was probably of aquatic habits, was remarkable for possessing large tusks, by analogy known to be incisors, in its lower jaw, none being present in the upper jaw. The tusks projected downwards at right angles with the body of the jaw, and were curved backwards. The portion of jaw about the symphysis was deflected downwards, so as to afford an adequate implanta- tion for these anomalous tusks. 360 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. The Dinotherium was as large as an elephant, and the downward pointing tusks were about 2 feet in length ; as, however, tusks of only half this length were found in some jaws of identical dimensions and in other respects similar, it is believed that the male Dinotherium had larger tusks than the female. The molar teeth, much like those of a tapir, need not detain us. .002 3 The succession was vertical, as in other mammals, and it 3 had dna. 7 o But the Dinotherium, Mastodon, and Elephant, present us with a very instructive series of modifications in which we see how the excessively complex grinder of the Indian elephant was attained to by degrees. The molar of the Dinotherium resembles that of a tapir somewhat; it has not any very great exaggeration of its cusps, and does not deviate very widely from the form of many other mammalian teeth. The tooth of Mastodon has its cusps or ridges more numerous and more pronounced, as is seen in the accom- panying figure. FIG. 153 .A. IB Other Mastodons have more numerous ridges upon the teeth, and the African elephant has as many as ten upon ( l ) Molar tooth of Mastodon. THE TEETH OF PROBOSCIDEA. S61 FIG. 154 ('). -j-N.S. (*) Molar of African Elephant. E. Enamel. D. Dentine. C. Cementuni. ( 2 ) Molar tooth of African Elephant, showing the form of its roots, &c. a. Dentine, c. Ceinentum. e. Enamel. ( 3 ) Molar tooth of an Asiatic Elephant, showing the transverse plates of dentine bordered by enamel. 362 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. its last or larger molar, although in it the ridges are in- dividually wide and strongly pronounced. In the Indian elephant the ridges or plates are still more numerous, the roots very inconspicuous and the whole formed into a solid block by cementum. The gradual increase in complexity in the " ridge formula" (or number of ridges in each tooth), of the molars, is well seen in the following table, from Prof. Flower's Hunterian lecture ("Nature," March 2, 1876); it is a corrected table taken from Dr. Falconer's " Pakcontological Memoirs." Milk Molars. ^rueMolars. Total. I. II. III. I. II. III. Dinotlierium giganteum . . . .123 Mastodon (Trilophodon) americanus ..123 (Tetralophodon) arvernensis .234 ,, (Pentalophodon) sivalensis ..345 Elephas (Stegodon) insignis . . .257 322 334 445 556 7 8 10 (Loxodon) africanus . ..367 7 8 10 meridionalis . . 3 6 8 j 8 9 12 (Euelephas) antiquus . .. 3 6 10 j 10 12 16 13 16 22 28 39 41 46 57 primigenius . . . 4 8 12 ! 12 16 24 i 76 indicus . . . 4 8 12 12 16 24 j 76 Some variability exists in the number of ridges, especially when they are very numerous, but the above may be taken as averages ; and some species intermediate in the " ridge formula " have been since discovered, thus M. pentelici and M. andium bridge the distinction between Trilophodon and Tetralophodon, and Elephas melitensis comes between Loxodon and Euelephas (Flower). It remains to describe, somewhat more in detail, the structure of an elephant's tooth, and this has been deferred till the last, because it can be the more easily understood when the manner of its origin has been mastered. In the Mastodon the molar consists of a crown with strong cusps, standing apart, and with marked roots ; in the African elephant that part which consists of cusps has become the THE TEETH OF PROBOSCIDEA. 363 greater bulk of the tooth, the roots are comparatively in- significant, and the interspaces of the cusps are filled up with cementum. The molar of the Indian elephant con- sists of a larger number of yet more elongated and flattened cusps, so that the greater part of the tooth is made up of these flattened plates, fused together with cementum, and so forming a strong and solid mass ; the roots are compara- tively inconspicuous. When the tooth is a little worn each plate consists of an area of dentine surrounded by enamel. The interspaces of the series of plates are wholly filled up by cementum ; the summits of each plate were originally maminillated, and divided up into more numerous blunt processes than the corresponding parts of the tooth of a Mastodon ; when the tooth comes into use the rounded tips are soon worn off, and the grinding surface of the tooth then consists of narrow transverse bands of dentine, surrounded by enamel, and of cementum in their interspaces. The difference in hardness between these three tissues preserves a constant rough surface, owing to their unequal rate of wear. In their wild condition elephants eat trees with succulent juicy stems, and oftentimes grass torn up by the roots, from which they roughly shake out the adherent earth. In con- finement, the food containing less that is gritty, the teeth become polished by working against one another, but the rate of wear is insufficient to keep their surfaces rough ; for the softer cementum does not get worn down in the inter- spaces of the plates of dentine and enamel, but remains on a level with them. Great though the size of the Proboscideans be, they have some points of affinity with the Rodents in the great development of the incisors, the vacant interval between these and the molar teeth, and, as was pointed out by the late Professor Rolleston, the enamel of the elephant's molar having, in its inner portions, a pattern produced by the 364 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. decussation of the prisms which is very similar to that de- scribed by my father as characteristic of all the Rodents save the Leporidse (Hares) and Hystricidae (Porcupines). THE TEETH OF RODENTIA. The animals belonging to this order, which is sharply denned, are scattered almost all over the world ; the island of Madagascar is, however, remarkable for being almost without indigenous Rodents, as is the case also with Aus tralia, two facts which are of no small interest to the student of odontology. For in each of these areas, out of the creatures which are there (in the one Lemurs, in the other Marsupials), there has arisen a form so modified as to mimic the dentition of the true Rodents, viz., the Cheiromys in Madagascar, and the Wombat in Australia. The species of Rodents are exceedingly numerous, and the great majority of them are of small size ; the aquatic Capybara is far the largest of recent Rodents. In general features the dentitions of the numerous species comprising this order are very uniform ; the incisors, (save in the hares and rabbits, in which there is an ac- cessory small pair immediately behind the large ones) are reduced to four in number, are of very large size, and grow from persistent pulps. The jaws for some little distance behind the incisors are devoid of teeth, while beyond the interval the back teeth, generally not more than four in number, are arranged in lines which diverge slightly as they pass backward. The large scalpriform, or chisel-like incisors, extend far back into the jaws, and are much curved, the upper incisors, in the words of Professor Owen, forming a larger segment of a smaller circle than the lower, which are less curved. The length and curvature of these incisors THE TEETH OF RODENTIA. 365 relieve from direct pressure their growing pulps, which come to be situated far back in the jaw, the open end of the lower incisor, for example, being in many species actually behind the last of the molar teeth. The nerve going to supply the persistent pulps is of very large size, and, owing to the open end of the tooth having formerly occupied a more anterior position in the jaw, runs forward beneath the FIG. 157 - tooth, and then bends abruptly backwards to reach the tooth-pulp. In many Rodents the enamel of the front of the large incisors is stained of a deep orange colour ; this colour is situated in the substance of the enamel itself. The scalpriform incisors terminate by cutting edges, the sharpness of which is constantly maintained by the peculiar disposition of the tissues of the tooth. The investment of enamel, instead of being continued round the whole circumference of the tooth, is confined to its anterior and lateral surfaces, on the former of which it is thickest. It is said by HilgeudorfF (Berlin Akad. d. Wiss. Monats- bericht, 1865), that the incisors of Hares differ from those of *) Side view of skull of a Rodent, giving a general idea of the denti- tion of the order. 366 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. all other Rodents in having enamel all round them, although it is very thin at the back. I have not been able to satisfy myself that the thin clear layer at the back of the tooth is enamel, and am disposed to regard it as cementum, the more so as it seems to be continued a little way upon the enamel, and in very young teeth the enamel organ is confined to the anterior surface. When a rodent incisor has been exposed to wear, the anterior layer of enamel is left projecting beyond the level of the dentine, and this arrangement results in a very sharp .edge being constantly maintained. The dentine also is harder near to the front of the tooth than towards the back of the tooth. A thin external coat of cement is found upon the back of the tooth, but is not continued far over the face of the enamel. In the marsupial wombat this layer of cement is continued over the whole anterior surface of the scalpriform incisors. The molar teeth are not very numerous; the mouse 2 family have usually r ; the porcupines have constantly o j n -, and the hares - ; the Australian water-rat (Hy- 4r 2 dromys) is altogether exceptional in having so few as X Observation has established that the last three of these teeth are always true molars, and that when there are more than three, the rest are premolars, and have had deciduous predecessors. But the extent to which the milk teeth are developed varies much. Mr. Waterhouse (Nat. Hist, of Mammalia Rodents, p. 4), has found the milk molar still in place in the skull of a half-grown beaver, while in the hares they are shed about the eighteenth day after birth, and in the guinea-pig disappear before birth. Deciduous incisors have THE TEETH OF RODENTIA. 367 not been found in any of the group, save in the hares and rabbits. In the hares and rabbits there are four incisors jnjjje upper jaw, a small and apparently functionless pair being placed close behind the large rodent incisors ; but in very young specimens there are six incisors, of which the one pair are soon lost. Prof. Huxley (Nature, vol. 23, p. 228) has recently written that " the deciduous molars and the posterior deciduous upper incisors of the rabbit have been long known. But I have recently found that unborn rabbits possess, in addi- tion, two anterior upper and two lower deciduous incisors, Both are simple conical teeth, the sacs of which are merely embedded in the gum. The upper is not more than one- hundredth of an inch long, the lower rather larger. It would be interesting to examine frctal guinea-pigs in rela- tion to this point ; at present they are known to possess only the hindmost deciduous molars, so far agreeing with the Marsupials." Hares and rabbits have six milk molars in the upper and four in the lower jaw, which come into use, but differ from their successors in forming definite roots and not growing from persistent pulps. Other rodents, such as the rat, which has only three teeth of the molar series on each side, and the Australian water-rat ( Hydro mys) have no milk teeth, and are hence truly Monophyodont. More diversity exists in the premolar and molar teeth ; in rodents of mixed diet, such as the common rat, the back teeth are coated over the crown with enamel, which nowhere forms deep folds, and have distinct roots, i.e., are not of persistent growth ; the molars of the rat have some sort of resemblance to minute human molars. In aged specimens the enamel is consequently worn off the grinding surface of 368 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. the crown, which comes to be an area of dentine, surrounded by a ring of enamel. But in those whose food is of a more refractory nature, the molars, like the incisors, grow from persistent pulps (as is exemplified in the Capybara here figured), and their working surfaces are kept constantly rough by the enamel dipping in deeply from the side of the tooth, as may also be seen in the common water-rat. The inflection of enamel may be so deep as to divide the areas of dentine completely up, the result being a tooth like that of the Capybara, which FIG. 158 ! ). 4& NdbS&c is composed of a series of plates of dentine, or f denticles,' surrounded by layers of enamel, and all fused together by the cementum. The result of this disposition of the struc- tures is that the working surface is made up of enamel, dentine, and cementum, three tissues of different hardness, which will consequently wear down at different rates, and so maintain its roughness. Various intermediate forms of the molar teeth are met with ; thus there are some in which complexity of the surface is maintained by folds of enamel dipping in for a little distance, but which never- theless after a time form roots and cease to grow. When the molar teeth grow from persistent pulps, they are always curved, like the incisors, with the effect of relieving the pulps from direct pressure during mastication ; and the last ( x ) Molar of Capybara, showing the transverse plates of dentine and enamel united to one another by cementum. THE TEETH OF RODENTIA. 369 remains of the pulps are converted into secondary or osteo- dentine, which thus forms the central axis of the incisors, or molars, as the case may be. In this tissue vascular tracts sometimes exist, but it is altogether small in amount, the Fro. 159 ('). formation of true dentine going on till the pulp at that particular point is almost obliterated. As has already been mentioned, when the molar series consists of more than three teeth, those anterior to the three true molars are premolars, which have displaced milk teeth ; but they do not differ materially in size or form from the true molars. The form of the condyle and of the glenoid cavity in Kodents are characteristic ; they are much elongated in an antero-posterior direction, so that the range of backward (t) Condyle and glenoid cavity of the Capybara, showing their longitu- dinal direction. R B 370 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. and forward motion, made use of in gnawing, is very con- siderable. The Leporidce are exceptional in having more lateral play than most Rodents. And the power of the teeth is marvellous ; rats will sometimes gnaw holes in water-pipes, or in gas-pipes, in which they have heard water bubbling. The general character of a Rodent's dentition may be illustrated by a description of that of the Capybara. FIG. 160 The incisor teeth are squarish. They are wider than they are deep, and are slightly grooved on their anterior surface. There are four grinding teeth on each side, of which the first three are small, and with few cross plates of dentine and enamel, but the fourth is a very complex tooth, with twelve or more such plates, which are fused into a solid mass by cementum. The tooth being one of persistent growth, there is no common pulp cavity, but each plate has its own. It has already been mentioned (page 160) that the den- ( l ) Cranium of Capybara. THE TEETH OF RODENTIA. 371 tinal tubes at that part of the Rodent's incisor which has come into use are much smaller than those near to its growing base, thereby proving that they have undergone a diminution in calibre at a time subsequent to their original formation. Near to the surface actually in wear they become cut off from the pulp cavity by the conversion of what remains of the pulp into a laminated granular mass, so that the dentine exposed on the surface of a Rodent's tooth must be devoid of sensitiveness, and the contents of the dentinal tubes must have presumably undergone some change. But what the nature of the change in the contents of dentinal tubes which have ceased to be in continuity with a vascular living pulp may be, there are, so far as I know, no observations to indicate. As was shown by my father (Phil. Trans. 1850), the enamel of Rodents is peculiar, and some little diversity in the arrangement of the prisms exists in different families of the order, their character being in many cases so marked, that it is often possible to correctly refer a tooth to a par- ticular family of Rodents after simple inspection of its enamel. In general terms it may be said that the enamel is divided into two portions, an outer and an inner portion (this is true of all save the hares and rabbits), and that the enamel prisms pursue different courses in these two portions. Thus in the enamel of the beaver, in the inner half, nearest to the dentine, the prisms of contiguous layers cross each other at right angles, whereas in the outer portion they are all parallel with one another. In the genera Sciurus, Pteromys, Tamias, and Spernio- philus the enamel fibres, as seen in longitudinal section, start from the dentine at right angles to its surface; in Castor they incline upwards at an angle of GO , but preserve the distinction between the outer and inner layers very distinctly. B B 2 372 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. In the Muridce the decussation of the layers in the inner part, and their parallelism in the outer part of the enamel are also found, but in addition to this the borders of the individual prisms are slightly serrated, the serrations of contiguous fibres interlocking. In the porcupine suborder the fibres of the inner portion of the enamel pursue a serpentine course, nevertheless showing indications of a division into layers ; they become parallel in the outer portions as in other Rodents. Small interspaces are found amongst the enamel fibres of the Porcupines. In the hares (Leporida) the lamelliform arrangement, and the division into outer and inner layers, alike disappear. The peculiarities in the disposition of the enamel fibres, which are so marked in the incisors, do not generally exist in the molars of the same species. Many minor differences in the arrangement of the enamel prisms exist, for a description of which I must refer the reader to the original paper, but in general terms it may be said that the " enamel lamella) have a different and distinc- ( ] ) Transverse section of an incisor of a Beaver (Castor fiber). The enamel prisms of superimposed layers cross each other at right angles in the inner portion of the enamel, but all becorce parallel in the outer. THE TEETH OF RODENTIA. 373 tive character in each of the larger groups, and that the variety of structure is constant throughout the members of the same group ; we may take, for example, the Sciuridce, the Huridce, and the ffystrieidce, in each of which the structure of the enamel is different ; and in each is highly distinctive." And further, that the varieties in the struc- ture of the dental tissue, so far as they are known, with a few isolated exceptions, justify and accord with the classifi- cation of the members of the order given by Mr. Waterhouse in his Natural History of the Mammalia. CHAPTER XII. THE TEETH OF CARNIVORA. THE animals grouped together under the name of Carnivora are divided into two sections, the Aquatic and the Terrestrial Carnivora. The terrestrial Carnivora were formerly classed as " digitigrade ' r and " plantigrade," a classification exceedingly inconvenient, as it left the greater number of the animals to be classified in the de- bateable ground between the two extreme types. As a linear classification is impossible, they are now grouped around three centres : the QEluroidea, or cat-like ; the Cynoidea, or dog-like ; and the Arctoidea, or bear-like Carnivora ; and, instead of taking- the Felidas, or Cats, as the type of the group, it is generally con- sidered that the Dog tribe are the most generalised form, and that the Cats are an extreme modification in one direction, the Bears in another. The Cynoidea comprise the Dog. and its immediate allies, the Wolves and Foxes. The CEluroidea, or cat-like Carnivora, comprise the Viverridae (Civets), Hyasnas, and Cats. The Arctoidea, or bear-like Carnivora, comprise the Mustelidge (Weasels), Procyonidas (Racoons), and the true Bears. The order Carnivora is a very natural one, and its name is, upon the whole, fairly descriptive of the habits of the majority of its- members ; though there are some creatures included in it which are mixed feeders, and others which are purely vegetarian. Iii carnivorous animals one tooth on each side of both upper and lower jaws is of considerable length, is sharply pointed, and is called a canine ; the upper canine is sepa- rated by an interval from the incisors, the lower canine THE TEETH OF VARNIVORA. 37; being received into the vacant space or "diastema" so formed. The incisors are short, almost always six in number, and stand nearly in a straight line, transversely across the front of the jaw, the outermost upper incisor being sometimes large and pointed so as to be like a small canine. The incisors and canines may, on the whole, be said to be tolerably uniform throughout the order, but the variations in the premolar and molar teeth are both numerous and interesting. In the most purely carnivorous members of the order, the Fdidce, the true molars are reduced to a minimum, and the back teeth are thin edged, " sectorial " teeth ; in the FIG. 182 ( ] ). bears, on the other hand, some of which are purely her- bivorous, the molars arc little short of the full typical mam- malian number, and are furnished with obtuse and broad grinding surfaces. The accompanying figure will serve to give the general aspect of the teeth and jaws of a typically carnivorous ( l ) Side view of the cranium of a Tiger, with the mouth slightly opened to show the relative position of the great canines. 376 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. animal, and to show the great development of the processes for the attachment of muscles, and the stout wide arch of the zygoma. To a particular tooth in the upper jaw, and to its antago- nist in the lower jaw, Cuvier gave the name of " carnassial ;" these, conspicuous in the true flesh-feeders, become less dif- ferentiated in the Arctoidea or bear-like Carnivora, and in the bears themselves are indistinguishable from the other teeth, save by a determination of their homologies by a process of comparison with the teeth of intermediate forms. The sectorial or carnassial tooth in the upper jaw is always the fourth premolar ; its crown is divisible into two parts, the one a thin sharp-edged blade, which runs in an antero-posterior direction, and is more or less divided by one or two notches into a corresponding number of cusps ; the other part, the "tubercle," is a shorter and blunter cusp, situated to the inner side of the anterior end of the blade (see fig. 166). In those which are most purely flesh-feeders, the " blade " is well developed, and the tubercle of small size ; an increase in the tubercular character of the tooth is traceable through those genera which are mixed feeders. The lower tooth which antagonises the upper carnassial, passing a little behind it, is the first true molar; in the Felidce it consists solely of the blade, which is divided into two large cusps, behind which is a very small and rudimen- tary third division (which in the Hycenidce, for example, is of conspicuous dimensions). In existing Carnivora but one " sectorial " tooth is to be found on each side of the jaws, but in the Hysenodon and some other extinct tertiary mammals there were three teeth partaking of this character. In a general sense we may say that the characters which indicate a pure flesh diet are : the small size of the incisors as compared with the canines, and their arrangement in a straight line across the jaw ; the large size, deep implanta- tion, and wide separation from one another of the canines ; THE TEETH OF CARNIVORA. 377 the reduction in number of the molar series, those that remain being without broad crushing surfaces, in the place of which a pointed or sharp-edged form prevails. Thus the more numerous the teeth of the molar series, and the broader their crowns, the more likely it is that the creature subsists upon a mixed diet ; and a gradation may be traced even in individual teeth, such as the carnassials, in which a gradual increase in relative size of the internal tubercular cusps of the upper, and of the posterior tubercles of the lower teeth, may be traced as we pass from the ex- amination of the teeth of Felidce, to those of mixed feeders, such as the Arctoidea. It is a familiar observation that immature animals differ less from their allies than do the respective adults, and this is exemplified by the milk dentition of the present order. With the exception of the Felidce, which have only two lower milk molars, the terrestrial carnivora, so far as is known, all have the same milk dentition. .31 3 i - c - m _ . 3 1 3 Cynoidea. The dog presents almost the full typical number of teeth, one upper molar (present in an extinct dog-like animal, the Amphicyon) alone being wanting. .31 42 i _ c - pm - m _ . 3 1 J 4 3 The incisors are small, the outermost being the largest ; the upper incisors have, as in a great many Carnivora, a tri-lobed shape, the surface of the crown being marked by a transverse groove into which the apex of the lower tooth fits, and the anterior of the lobes thus formed being notched so as to divide it into two. The canines, large and conical, are somewhat compressed 378 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. from side to side, and have an anterior and a posterior sharp ridge ; they are also slightly flattened on their inner surfaces. The premolars are flattened from side to side, pointed, FIG. 164 ( 2 ). increasing in size from before backwards, and have small basal accessory cusps (see fig. 163). The fourth upper pre- molar is the sectorial tooth, and is very much larger than the third premolar ; the blade is well pronounced, ' and the (*) Dentition of Australian Dog (Canis dingo). ( 2 ) Milk and permanent teeth of Dog (after Prof. Flower). THE TEETH OF CARNIVORA. tubercle small. The fourth lower premolar does not greatly differ from the third. The two upper true molars are blunt, broad-crowned tuberculated teeth, but the second is very small. In the lower jaw the first true molar or carnassial tooth, has a well-marked blade, which articulates with the blade of the upper carnassial tooth ; but towards the posterior border there is a somewhat thick and blunt tuberculate portion, barely represented in the corresponding tooth of the Felicias; the tubercular portion articulates with the broad flat first upper molar. The second lower molar is smaller, not being one-fourth the size of the first ; the third smaller still; both are blunt-crowned tuberculated teeth (the third lower molar, rudimentary in all dogs, is alto- gether absent in the Canis primsevus). The dentition of the dog, closely similar as it is to that of the wolves and foxes, is such as to allow of a considerable range of diet, there being tubercular molar teeth in addition to a full armament of such sharply-pointed teeth as are characteristic of flesh-feeding animals. Thus the Canidce, uniform as they are in dentition, have somewhat different habits ; the Arctic fox, a flesh-feeder purely, has a dentition indistinguishable from the North Italian fox, which is reputed to be vegetarian in its diet ; the Canis cancrivorus of Guiana eats small mammals, crabs, and also fruit. Hence it is necessary to be very careful in deducing from the character of the teeth what may pro- bably have been the diet of the animal ; an approxi- mate idea may often be reached, but the sources of fallacy are sufficiently numerous to render the conclusion uncertain. Amongst the various breeds of dogs some slight differ- ences exist. Thus in the long-muzzled races considerable intervals exist between the premolars, as is to some extent seen in C. Dingo (fig. 163), while in the short-muzzled races 380 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. the teeth are in contact, and set somewhat obliquely, so as to be almost imbricated. On the whole it may be said that the teeth are less easily susceptible of modification in size than are the jaws, so that crowding of the teeth is induced by selective breeding aiming at the production of short-muzzled varieties. In some long-muzzled races supernumerary teeth are sometimes found j thus De Blainville (Ostdographie, Canidce) figures two examples, the supernumerary tooth being in one case a premolar, in the other a true molar. (Eluroidea. With a dental formula not differing much from the dog (and not all from Canis primsevus) the Viverridce (Civet cats, Ichneumons, &c.) approach the more typical carnivores in such points as the thinner and sharper blades of the premolar teeth and the greater relative length and sharpness of the canines. The dental formula is iiclplm!. 31*4 2 At the same time the lower carnassial tooth has no less than six sharply pointed cusps, and it lacks the typical character of a sectorial tooth, while the long pointed cusps of the molars of some Viverridce recall the characters of insectivorous dentitions rather than those of true flesh- feeders ; furthermore, there are other Viverridce which are not at all savage, and which subsist on a diet of fruits, eggs, &c., such as the Binturong or the Paradoxurus, the teeth of which have almost lost the carnivorous character. Little use can therefore be made of the Viverridce as illus- trating the transition between the dental characters of the other families of the order ; they rather serve to exemplify how, within the limits of a single family, with an identical dental formula, the form and size of the teeth may vary so THE TEETH OF CARNIVORA. 381 as to adapt its members to different forms of food and habits of life. Hycenidw. In the Hyaena the jaw is short and stout; the canines are set far apart, and the teeth of the molar series are reduced in number. .314 1 The incisors are short and stout, but the outermost upper incisor is somewhat caniniform ; the canines are very strong, but are not so long relatively to the other teeth as in the Felidw. The premolars are aH stout pointed teeth, with a very FIG. 165 ('). well pronounced basal ridge or cingulum, serviceable in protecting the gums when the creature is crushing up ( ! ) Upper and lower teeth of Hysena. The strongly marked cingulum is seen upon the lower teeth. In the upper jaw the fourth premolar (carnassial tooth) has a strong blade, divided into three cusps, and a small tubercle opposite to and within the anterior cusp ; it is a good typical carnassial tooth. 382 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. bones ; they increase in size from before backwards in the upper jaw, the fourth upper premolar being a well marked carnassial tooth with its blade and tubercle. The lower carnassial or first molar consists of little more than the notched blade ; but the little posterior tubercle so strongly pronounced in the dog, is in the hyaena distinctly more marked than in the Fclidce (cf. figs. 165 and 166). The only upper true molar is the rudimentary tooth, placed inside the back of the fourth premolar. The main feature of the dentition of the hyama is the great stoutness and strength of the teeth ; they are admir- ably adapted to the habits of the animal, which feeds rather Tipon the portions of carcasses left by the fiercer carnivora than upon those which it kills for itself, and consequently bones form a large proportion of its food. There is a curious hysena-like animal found at the Cape (of which there are often specimens at the Zoological Gardens) called Proteles or Aardwolf, in which the teeth of the molar series are quite rudimentary. The incisors (much worn in old animals) and the canines are fairly well developed ; the molars and premolars quite stunted. The deciduous dentition f dm. _ J is similar to the adult, as respects the teeth being stunted. It is a cowardly animal, and is supposed to feed on putrid flesh ; it is said to eat young lambs, and to bite the large tails of the Cape sheep, which are remarkable for containing an abundance of semi-fluid fat. . Felidce. The dentition of this family is singularly uniform. . 3 1 31 i _ c - p _ m _ . Thus the molar series is reduced below that of hycena THE TEETH OF CARNIVOEA. 383 by the loss of a premolar in both jaws. The incisors are very short, the canines very large, widely apart, and sharply pointed, with a pronounced longitudinal ridge very charac- teristic of the Felidce ; the premolars nearest to them are quite short, so that they stand practically alone, and so can penetrate the flesh of living prey more readily. The first upper (really the second of the typical mam- malian dentition) premolar is almost a rudimentary tooth ; FIG. 166 ('). * the second, a far larger tooth, is sharply pointed ; the third is a well pronounced carnassial tooth, of which the "blade" is divided by two notches into three sharp lobes, with the middle one of which the " tubercle " is connected by a slight ridge. The solitary true molar is a small tooth, placed trans- versely, and within the back of the premolar, so that looking from the outside it is not visible at all. In the lower jaw the carnassial (first molar) is reduced to (*) Side view of lower, and palatal aspect of upper jaw (Leopard). 384 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. the " blade " only ; it is divided by a V-shaped notch into two lobes, and the posterior tubercle is hardly represented. In an extinct feline animal, the Machairodus, found in tertiary strata, and very widely distributed (in France, Italy, India, Brazil, Buenos Ayres) the first of the pre- molars left in the upper jaw of Felis, and there almost rudimentary (see fig. 166), has disappeared; the dental formula is thus : ? oi 3 1 Hmi The upper canines are of immense length, and the ridge of enamel which runs down the front and back surface of the teeth is distinctly serrated ; hence the name of saw- toothed Tiger which has been given to the animal. FIG. 167 0). The lower canines were quite small, and ranged with the incisors. The enormous length of the upper canine renders it difficult to see in what manner it was made use of, as the ( 1 ) Side view of the jaws and cranium of Machairodus (Drepanodon) after Owen. THE TEETH OF CARNIVOUA. 385 mouth could hardly have been opened to an extent sufficient to enable its point to do more than clear the lower jaw. The extinct Hysenodon had feline affinities, but differed in that it presented the typical mammalian formula of .3 1 4 3 i _ c - p - m - , 3 1 i 4 5 its great peculiarity being that one and all of these teeth were of " carnassial " form. Yet the elongated form of its jaw is, so far as it goes, opposed to the idea of its having been highly carnivorous ; its food at all events must probably have consisted of animals very much smaller than itself. Arctoidea. Amongst the Carnivora grouped together by many characteristics as 'bear-like/ a tolerably complete gradation of character in the matter of dentition may be traced. Some of the group, such as the stoats and martins, are very carnivorous ; others are mainly herbivorous. Of the Mustelidee the dental formula is .3 1 4 1 i _ c - p _ m - 3 1*4 2 There is a sort of primd facie resemblance to the feline dentition, for the sectorials are very much like those of the Felidae, but the last tooth in each jaw is a broad topped tubercular molar, even in the most carnivorous members of the group, while in those which are less so, such as the badger, the molar teeth are very broad and obtuse, the lower sectorial having a very small blade and a very large tubercular posterior talon, so that, without having really lost its typical formation, it comes practically to be a broad grinding tooth. In the Procyonida) (Racoons and Coatimundis, &c.), we c c 386 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. have a further departure from the carnivorous character, in the increased development of the molar series : the dental formula is i* cl P 4 m!. 3 1 l 4 2 In the Coatimundi, for example, the upper sectorial Fio. 16S ] . has a very large ' tubercle,' and posteriorly to this there is a small additional tubercle; the 'blade' has no large or conspicuous thin, flat, sharp edge, but presents two pro- nounced cusps. The lower sectorial is no longer recognisable as a car- iiassial tooth, but all the true molars are broad teeth with four or five cusps. The canines are very peculiar, those of the upper jaw being very straight and much flattened from side to side ; those of the lower jaw strongly curved, and marked by a deep groove near the front of their anterior surface. (*) Upper and lower tooth of a Coatimundi (Nasua socialis). The fourth upper premolar (carnassial tooth) has lost its sectorial character by the Wade being much less, and the tubercle much more developed than in the (Eluroidea ; there is an additional internal tubercle at the back of the tooth. THE TEETH OF CARNIVOEA. 387 In the Bears the teeth are yet further modified to suit the requirements of mixed or vegetable feeders. The dental formula is generally 3 The incisors of the upper jaw present the notch across the crown, so common in carnivora, and the outermost is large and not unlike a canine ; the canines are, relatively to the other teeth, not so large as in dogs or Felicia) ; never- theless they are stout strong teeth, upon which the anterior and posterior ridges of enamel are well marked. Tho first three premolars are small dwarfed teeth ; the Fia. 169 (>). first premolar is very close to the canine, and has a crown of peculiar form, produced out towards the canine. All four of the premolars seldom persist through the lifc- ( l ) Teeth of a Bear (Ursus thibetanus). The figure is drawn from a young specimen, in Avhich the canines have hardly attained to their full length. In this bear the four premolars are all persistent. c c 2 388 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. time of the animal ; the first premolar, however, is rarely (if ever in recent species) lost, the second being the first to fall out, and then the third. As the fourth is never lost, in most adult bears the first and fourth premolars are found, with a wide interval between them. The premolars of bears thus form an exception to the rule that when a tooth is lost from the premolars, the loss takes place from the front of the series. The fourth upper premolar (carnassial tooth) retains something of its carnassial character ; the first lower molar very little, save that it is a narrower and more elongated tooth than the other true molars. The true molars are squarish or oblong teeth, raised into blunt tubercular cusps ; they vary in different species. In the sloth bear (Ursus labiatus) the incisors are small and the median pair are lost early ; it is variously stated to be frugivorous and to feed on ants, the latter probably being the more truthful account. CARNIVORA PINNIPEDIA (SEALS). The aquatic Carnivora are divided into three families : I. The Otariida3, or Eared Seals, comprising- the single genus Otaria known as Sea Lions, or Sea Bears. These are the " fur Seals,'" from which seal skin is procured, and they are less removed from the terrestrial carnivora than are the other seals : the limbs are better adapted for walking, there are external ears, &c. II. The Phocida3, to which family the Seals of our own coasts (Phoca greenlandica, &c.) and the Great Proboscis Seals of the southern seas (Cystophora) belong. III. The Trichechidas, or Walruses, an aberrant Arctic family con- sisting of one genus only. The dentition of the seals is less highly specialised than that of other carnivora, in some cases approximating to that of homodont cetaceans. The canines are generally well marked by being larger THE TEETH OF CARNIVORA. than the other teeth, but the molars and premolars are very similar to each other, and are simple in pattern. The milk dentition is very feebly developed in the seals ; in the Otaria (fur seal), which of all the seals most approaches to Fio. 170 0). the terrestrial carnivora in other characters, the milk teeth arc retained for a few weeks, but in most others they are ( l ) Jaws of Otaria, in which the teeth are affected by the form of erosion alluded to in the text. After Dr. Muric. Odcnt. Soc.' k Trans., 1870. 390 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. shed about the time of birth (of. page 300). Thus Pro- fessor Flower tells us that in a Phoca greenlandica a week old scarcely a trace of the milk teeth was left. The teeth of Otaria and of some other seals become much worn down, and they also seem to become eroded at the level of the gums, as they are often deeply excavated at points which seem unlikely to have been exposed to friction, but the nature of this erosion has not been adequately in- vestigated. The common seals (Phoca) have. a, dental formula .3 1 4 1 i _ c -p _ m - . 3 1 l 4 1 The incisors are of simple form, and the outer are the larger. The canine is a strong recurved tooth, with a large root ; behind it follows a series of molars, each of FIG. 171 I 1 ). which (with the exception of the first) bears a central principal cusp, with a smaller accessory cusp before and behind it. The forms of the crowns vary a good deal in different genera, in some the cusps being much larger, more deeply separated from one another and recurved ; and in others the accessory cusps being multiplied, so that the ( { ) Teeth of Phoca greenlandica. THE TEETH OF CARNIVORA. 391 name of ' saw-toothed seal ' has been given to their pos- sessors. In the Hooded seals (Cystophora) the incisors are re- duced to one in the lower jaw and two in the upper ; the FIG. 172 ('). canines are of great size, but the molars are small and simple in form, so as to approximate to the teeth of true Cetacea. The walrus (Trichechus rosmarus), an aberrant Arctic form, is possessed of enormous upper canines, which pass down outside the lower lip, and are of such dimensions as to materially modify the form of cranium by the size of their sockets ; they grow from persistent pulps, and are composed of dentine with a thin investment of cement. The great tusks are employed to tear up marine plants and to turn over obstacles, the walrus feeding upon Crus- tacea, and also iipon seaweed, &c. ; they are also used to assist the animal in clambering over ice : as they are of almost equal size in the female, they cannot be regarded as weapons of sexual offence, but they are undoubtedly used in the combats of the males. ") Permanent and milk teeth of Elephant Seal (Cystophora proboscidea). 392 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. In addition to the great tusks the walrus ordinarily has a row of four or five short simple teeth, worn down to the level of the gums ; of these, the one placed immediately within the base of the great canine is in the inter-maxillary bone, and is an incisor : the ordinary dental formula is given by Professor Flower as il dp*. 1 l 3 But there is some difficulty in assigning 'a definite dental FIG. 173 formula : for in front of the solitary incisor are often the (*) Side view of upper and lower jaws of a Walrus (Tricheclms rosmarus). The upper jaw has been tilted a little to one side, in order to bring into view the molar teeth at the same time with the long tusks. The deter- mination of the teeth being open to question, they have been simply umbered. THE TEETH OF CARNIVORA. 393 sockets (or even the teeth themselves) or two others, which are for various reasons rather to be regarded as non-per- sistent teeth of the permanent set than as milk teeth ; and there are also small teeth sometimes to be met with behind the molars, which seem to be rudimentary permanent teeth. The teeth above alluded to may persist through life, and probably often do ; but they are sure to be lost in macerated skulls, as they have but little socket. Of the milk den- tition four teeth have been traced in each jaw; they are rudimentary, are lost about the time of birth, and corres- pond in position to the more largely developed teeth of the adult. Hence the question if those small rudimentary teeth above alluded to are to be regarded also as milk teeth which are long retained, or as rudimentary permanent teeth ; at present this requires further elucidation. CHAPTER XIII. THE TEETH OF INSECTIYORA, CHIROPTEEA, AND PRIMATES. The insect! vora form rather a heterogeneous order of Mammals. and embrace very various forms. All of them are of rather small size, and some are very small indeed. Their diet consists for the most part of insects, and their teeth are generally adapted for thi^ by being furnished with many points. The best known animals in the order are the Hedgehogs, the Shrews, and the Moles ; to these are to be added the Galeopithecus, or ' Flying Lemur," and the Macroscelidae (Elephant mice). Insectivora are more abundant in Africa, Asia, and South America than in Europe. The Shrews approximate in some measure towards the Rodents, and the Tupaia is very lemurine in its characters. THE common English Hedgehog (Erinaceus) has the dental formula .30 43 4c.pm.m-. In the upper jaw there is a wide interval between the first pair of incisors, which are much the largest, and are caniniform in shape. The next two teeth (incisors) are quite small, and resemble premolars in their form. The next tooth has two roots, and a crown with one cusp, and is also like the premolars behind it. This tooth, the root of which shows indications of division, is sometimes called a canine, because it comes next behind the intermaxillary suture ; behind this come two small premolars. The fourth upper premolar is totally different in size and form from the third : its crown is large, squarish, and THE TEETH OF IN SECT IVOR A. 395 furnished with four cusps, of which the antero-extcrnal one is far the longest and sharpest. The first upper true molar has a square crown, upon which are four sharp cusps : it is implanted by four roots. FIG. 174('). The second true molar is also square, quadricuspid, and has four roots ; but it is much smaller than the first, while the third upper true molar is quite a small, compressed, double-rooted tooth, with a thin-edged crown. In the lower jaw the first incisors, less widely separated than the upper, are also the largest ; then follows another tooth termed incisor, on account of its relation to the upper incisors when the mouth is closed. The third tooth is much larger, and of peculiar form. The fourth tooth from the front is a small single tooth, like the third, but upon a smaller scale. Next behind it, comes a tooth which is very much larger, and its crown carries two principal cusps with a small subsidiary cusp. The next tooth (first true molar) has an oblong crown beset with five sharp cusps, of which four are arranged at the corners of a square, while the fifth, obviously an elevation of the cingulum, lies a little in front and towards the inside of the tooth. In the second true molar the fifth cusp is but little indicated, while the last 0) Upper and lower teeth of the Hedgehog. 396 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANA TOM Y. true molar is a dwarfed tooth \vith but one cusp. Several dental formula) have been assigned to the Hedgehog : there is little room for difference of opinion as to the nomen- clature of its upper teeth : though some authors (e.g.* Professor Mivart) prefer to call the first premolar a canine. But in the lower jaw some authors give i -c- pm _, others i _ c _ pm -, and others again, i - pm -. The last given seems the least artificial, and corresponds best with the relations between the upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed. Rousseau describes the existence of twenty-four milk teeth, which he classifies thus : (i - dm -) ; that is to say, all the teeth in front of the true molars had deciduous pre- decessors, but his grouping of them into incisors and molars is quite arbitrary. The milk teeth are not shed and replaced until the animal has attained to almost its full dimensions, and all three true molars are in place. The teeth of the Hedgehog fairly represents sonic of the features of Insectivorous dentitions, for the forcep-like in- cisors, the stunted or non-developed canines, and the molars bristling with pointed cusps, are common to very many Insectivora. The Shrews have numerous sharply-pointed teeth, the points interdigitating and fitting very closely together when the mouth is shut. There is no tooth either in the upper or lower jaw which is so elongated as to deserve the name of canine ; but between the incisors and the true molars are several small teeth which, by analogy, are called prernolars. The true molars are not very different in pattern from those of the mole (B in Fig. 176), and present the W-contour so common in the molars of Insectivora. The most marked peculiarity in the dentition of the THE TEETH OF INSECTIVORA. 397 Shrews lies in the form of their incisors. The first upper incisor is always very large indeed : it looks vertically downwards, is a little hooked, and has a notch, and a second low cusp behind the principal long pointed cusp. The tip of the lower incisor fits into this notch. The lower incisor is also very large ; it lies nearly horizontally, though the point is bent a little upwards. Along its upper edge there are, in most species, three or four small cusps, while its lower border is curiously prolonged outside the bone of the jaw, so as to in some measure encase this latter. The lower incisor is at least one-third as long as the whole alveolar border. The incisor teeth of the Shrew would appear to form a very efficient pair of pincers, with which to pick up the minute creatures on which it feeds. Of the milk teeth of Shrews little is known : they are said to be absorbed before birth, but accurate observations upon them are much needed, their very existence being doubtful. The dentition of the Mole (Talpa) has been the subject of much controversy, the determination of its canines, I" AFC the inner cusp of the cingulum, while the simplification is carried yet further in the Cape Mole (c in Fig. 176). It would be impossible to notice the somewhat varied dentitions of other Insectivora in these pages, but mention must be made of the very anomalous teeth of the Galeo- pithecus, formerly placed with the Lemurs under the title of "Flying Lemur." Its lower incisors are divided by a number of vertical divisions running down through a great part of the length of the crowns, so that they can be compared to combs, or to (*) A. Upper molar of Urotrichus ; B. Mole ; C. Cape Iridescent Mole, (Cbrysochloris). THE TEETH OF INSECTIVORA. 401 hands with the fingers slightly separated. What the pur- pose served by these comb-like teeth may be remains uncertain : no other animal has similar teeth. Ualeopithe- cus has a well developed milk dentition, the milk teeth being very similar to their successors. The teeth of Insectivora are remarkable for the thickness of their enamel, which in the Shrews is to some extent penetrated by the dentinal tubes. The enamel is deeply coloured in some Shrews, the pigment being actually in the substance of the enamel, and not in any distinct layer. THE TEETH OP CHIROPTERA. The Bats, sharply distinguished from all other mammals Toy the possession of wings, are divided into two groups, respectively insectivorous and frugivorous. The insectivorous Bats, by far the most numerous section, are for the most part possessed of small incisors, rather large canines, and premolar and molar teeth which bristle with sharp cusps, and generally present the W-pattern. In fact, in general character, their teeth resemble those of the Insectivora. The incisors are sometimes reduced in number, and spaces left between them ; and some, as for example, the Vampire (Desuiodus) have teeth specially modified to accord with their blood-sucking habits. This Bat has only one permanent incisor on each side, and this is a large but thin and sharp-edged tooth, with which the wound is made ; the lower incisors are small teeth with feebly notched edges. The canines are large, and the molar series, which is not required in an animal existing upon blood, is stunted. The molar teeth are, however, sharp, though small, and there is no marked distinction into molars and premolars. The frugivorous bats (of which the Pteropus, or flying D D 402 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. fox, is an example) have much larger muzzles, and the molar teeth are set with intervals between them. 212 3 The dental formula is i - c - p - m -, but in some the 2i 1 o o molar series is reduced below this number. The incisors are small, and the canines rather large. Both molars and premolars are of somewhat simple form, being long, and compressed from side to side. The outer borders of the crown of the molars are elevated into distinct but not exceedingly sharp cusps, which become worn down by use. The insectivorous character of the presence of many sharp cusps upon the teeth is not to be found in any of the frugivorous bats. All the Pteropi have deciduous canines, and four deciduous molars, of simple pointed form, but the number of deciduous incisors is very variable. The milk dentition of bats has been very carefully and thoroughly investigated by Leche (Lund's Universit. Ars- skrift, Tom. XII. and XIV., 1878), and at the present the Megadermata are the only family in which the milk teeth are unknown. The milk teeth are not of much functional importance, as they are shed soon after, if not absorbed before, birth, and they are not therefore implanted in very definite sockets. In their slight cylindrical elongated roots, surmounted by expanded crowns, these milk teeth often recall those of the Mole. Sometimes the milk teeth are to be found even after the permanent teeth are in situ; in other instances, as for example the deciduous molars of Molossus, they never cut the gum. The milk dentition of the Vampire (Desmodus) ( l ) ( J ) In a skull of Desmodus, in the possession of Mr. E. F. Tomes, the third milk tooth appears to correspond in position to the permanent canine ; the same is the case in the specimen figured by Messrs. Gervais and Castelmain (Exped. dans les part. cent. d'Amerique du Sud). THE TEETH OF PRIMATES. 403 appears to consist of incisors only, or of incisors and canines ; though the absence of observed molars may be due to the fact that they are, as in Molossus, shed very early. It has, near to the front of the upper jaw, six teeth, each of which is very long and slender, and has a strongl}- hooked point : it has been suggested that these feeble hooked teeth may assist it in holding on to the mother. THE TEETH OF PRIMATES. The order Primates embraces Man, Monkeys, and the Some naturalists have been disposed to separate the Lemurida3 from the rest of the Primates, on the ground that some Lemurs approximate rather closely to the Iiisectivora, while again the order Insectivora contains some forms which recall the Lemurs. But although the Lemuridog are undoubtedly inferior to the Monkeys, and stand apart from them more widely than do the Monkeys from Man, most authors now place them in the order Primates, which is to be divided as follows : _ ( Lemuridaj. Lemurs. Primates < Simiada3. Old and new world Monkeys. ( Anthropidfe. Man. Lenmridce. The Lemurs for the most part are found in Madagascar, and to a less extent on the mainland of Africa and in southern Asia. In their dentition, just as in other characters, they differ somewhat from the true monkeys, though, on account of there being several very aberrant in form, it is difficult to give any general account of them. Most of them have the upper incisors very small, and widely separated from one another ; in the lower jaw these are antagonised by six long, thin, narrow procumbent teeth, generally regarded as being two pairs of incisors and the lower canines : in both upper and lower jaws the next tooth is large and pointed like a canine, but the lower caniniforin tooth bites behind the upper, and therefore is held not to D D 2 404 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. correspond to it, but to be the first premolar (cf. page 283). The premolars are compressed from side to side, and are very sharp : the molars are armed with long sharp cusps, which are worn down in old animals. The upper molars in many lemurs are armed with four cusps, connected by an " oblique ridge " like those of man and the anthropoid apes. There is a very aberrant lemur, the Aye-aye (Cheiromys), which in its dentition imitates the rodents. ijogpmjmj. In both upper and lower jaws the incisors form a single pair of large curved teeth, growing from persistent pulps, and wearing obliquely so as to constantly preserve a sharp cutting edge. The enamel is very much less thick, if not altogether absent, upon the backs of these incisors. After a considerable interval, which is devoid of teeth, there follow four upper and three lower teeth, which are not of persistent growth, but have definite roots, .and re- semble the molars of many omnivorous rodents. Being a somewhat rare and strictly nocturnal animal, little is known of its food ; some have believed that it made use of its rodent incisors to cut away portions of wood in order to get at the grubs contained in it, drawing them out of their hiding place by means of its curiously elongated finger, whilst others believe that it gnaws the sugar cane. But whatever the nature of its food may be, it is certain that its scalpriform incisors arc put to hard work, and so kept worn down, for in a specimen kept for a time in the Zoological Gardens, which was supplied with soft food, the incisor teeth grew to an excessive length, and ultimately caused the animal's death by the points of its lower incisors perforating the palate. The accompanying figure represents the muzzle of this specimen, and although the upper teeth THE TEETH OF PRIMATES. 405 have grown to an inordinate length, and have diverged from one another, it will serve to show the rodent-like aspect of its mouth. Although, functionally, its teeth are those of a rodent, yet despite this adaptive resemblance, the milk dentition FIG. 177 ('). retains certain characters which indicate the lemurine origin of the creature. In the upper jaw the milk dentition consists of two small incisors, a canine and three molars ; in the lower jaw of two small incisors and two small molars ; it is said that in an early stage a third milk incisor is to be found. The permanent incisors push their way up between the first and second milk incisors ; at a certain stage all three ( ! ) Aye- Aye (Cheiromys), which died in the Zoological Gardens (after Dr. Murie). The upper incisors, from want of sufficient use, have grown long and diverged from the middle line. 406 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. are to be seen at once, but the large size of the permanent incisors causes the speedy loss of the milk incisors. No known rodent has so many milk teeth, nor indeed any FIG. 178 ('). milk incisors at all ; the aye-aye thus affords an excellent example of a milk dentition preserving characters which arc lost in the extremely modified adult dentition. The special interest which attaches to the dentition of Cheiromys has been already alluded to (see page 271) ; to briefly recapitulate, it is this : in Madagascar, an isolated area separated by a wide tract of deep sea from other areas, true rodents are almost absent, but lemurs abundant. But i 1 ) Upper and lower jaws of Cheiromys. A. Milk dentition, witli the permanent incisors just emerging, i, I. Upper and lower permanent in- cisors. i2, 12. Upper and lower milk incisors, c. Milk canines, dl, d 2, da, d b. Upper and lower milk molars. (Twice natural size.) B. Reduced figure of permanent teeth (after Peters). THE TEETH OF PRIMATES. 407 one of the lemurine animals which are to be found there has been so modified that its teeth to all intents and purposes are those of a rodent. Yet with all this modification it retains characters (notably its milk dentition) which are quite unlike those of true rodents, but which recall the manner of its origin from higher lemurine forms. SimiacUe. The true monkeys are divided into two great divisions, the new world monkeys and the old world monkeys. The former differ in many respects from the latter ; for the most part they have prehensile tails, and their nostrils are set somewhat widely apart, whence they are called Platyrrhine, or wide-nosed monkeys, and they differ also in their dental formula, which is .2 1 3 3 0/ , i-_o rP -m- = 36. The little marmoset monkeys have only 32 teeth, but they agree with the other new world monkeys in having three premolars on each side, the molars being reduced to two in number. The upper molars of many new world monkeys have the antero-internal and extero-posterior cusps joined by an oblique ridge, a character which is shared in the old world groups by man and the anthropoid apes only. All the Quadrumana have a well developed milk den- tition. Old world or Catarrhine monkeys all have the same dental formula as man .212 3 As an example the Macaque monkey may be taken. The upper and lower incisors, but especially the former, are directed obliquely forwards, and the^ lateral incisors are very much smaller than the centrals. In the upper jaw a con- siderable interval separates the incisors from the canine, 408 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. which is a very large tooth, somewhat triangular in section, with a sharp edge directed backwards, and with a deep groove on its anterior surface. The upper premolars are implanted by three distinct roots, as arc also the true molars ; the latter are quadri- cuspid, but lack the oblique ridge. Neil, Size , The lower canine is a sharp and powerful tooth, though it is very much smaller than the upper; the first lower premolar, by its front surface, articulates with the upper canine, and is of curious form. It is implanted by two roots, but the anterior root is produced forwards, so that the antero-posterior extent of the tooth is much increased. The apex of the cusp of the tooth is almost over the posterior root, and from this point the crown of the tooth slopes obliquely forwards down to its anterior root. This peculiarity in the form of the first lower preniolar is eminently 0) Upper and lower teeth of a Monkey (Macacus nemestrinus, male). The length and sharpness of the canines, and the peculiar form of the anterior lower preniolar, contrasts with the aspect of the corresponding teeth in the Anthropoid Apes or in Man. THE TEETH OF PRIMATES. 409 characteristic of the baboons. There is nothing to note of the second premolar save that it is implanted by two roots, like the true molars, which are quadricuspid ; of them the third is larger than the first two, and is quinquicuspid. There is considerable difference in the size of the canine in the two sexes, that of the male being very much the larger ; this difference does not exist in the deciduous den- tition, in which the canines are relatively small. The Anthropoid Apes are the Gibbons (Hylobates), the Chimpanzee (Simia Troglodytes, or Troglodytes niger), the Orang (Simia or Pithecus Satyrus), and the Gorilla (Troglo- dytes Gorilla). Upon the whole the gibbons are the lowest, and the gorilla the highest of the anthropoid apes, which are all confined to tropical areas. Thus the gorilla and chimpanzee are confined to tropical Africa, and the orang is limited to a part of the Malay archipelago. The gibbons are more widely distributed over the Malay archipelago and tropical Asia. Although upon the whole the gorilla approaches most nearly to man, this can hardly be said to be the case with its dentition. The jaws are very square, and there is a large diastema in front of the upper canine, which in the male gorilla is of great size and strength, its top descending far below the level of the alveolar border of the lower jaw when the mouth is shut. In the lower jaw there is no diastema, but the teeth are all in contact with one another ; the first of the pre-molars is a very strong pointed cone, showing plainly the close relationship between canines and premolars alluded to at a previous page (p. 17). The molars increase in size from before backwards, the third molars attaining to a vejry large size. Nevertheless, though the teeth are coarser and stronger, there is a general resemblance to those of man. 410 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY, It has been pointed out by the late Professor Rolleston that the canine tooth of the male anthropoid apes is a little later in coming into place than in the female. Thus in the male chimpanzee and orang, it is not cut until after the third molars (wisdom teeth) are in place, whereas in the female it follows the second, but precedes the third molars. The sexual difference in the canine teeth is very well marked in all the anthropoid apes, and its later eruption in the males FIG. 180 0). f Nat. Sir is explicable both upon the ground that, being a sexual weapon, it is not needed prior to the attainment of sexual maturity, and also that being of very large size its formation might be expected to take a longer time. No such difference pertains to the milk dentition, in which the order of eruption is exactly that met with in man. Dr. Magitot (Bulletin de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris, 1869) combats the idea that there is any difference in the order of the eruption of the permanent teeth between man and the anthropoid apes, but, while his observations have been both careful and widely extended, he lays much C) Upper and lower teeth of an Anthropoid Ape (Shnia Satyrus, or Orang Outan). THE TEETH OF PRIMATES. A ' 411 .stress upon an observation made upon a, female gorilla skull, in which, as has just been mentioned, the order of succession is not quite the same as in the male. The dentition of the orang approaches tolerably closely to that of man, and the points of resemblance and of difference may be fairly well seen in the accompanying figure. The central upper incisors are similar to those of man, but are larger ; the laterals are, relatively to the centrals, much smaller, and are very caniniform in shape, both inner and outer angles of their cutting edge being sloped off to such an extent that a central pointed cusp remains, in place of a thin cutting edge. The canines are strong, pointed teeth, the cingulum and the ridge joining it with the apex of the cusp being well marked upon their inner sides. In the female the upper canine is about half as long again as any of the other teeth; in the male it is longer. The first bicuspid is a little more caniniform than that of man ; its outer cusp is long and pointed, and a ridge unites it with the anterior part of the inner cusp, which is feebly pronounced; the second is a blunter and broader tooth. The premolars are implanted by three roots. The molars are not unlike the human teeth in pattern. In the lower jaw the incisors are large and stout ; the canines sharply pointed, with a well marked cingulum, and a well marked median ridge on the inner side of the crown. The first premolar is a shorter, stouter, and blunter copy of the canine, and can hardly be said to have an inner cusp. In the second premolar the inner cusp is as high as the outer, and the cingulum is elevated both before and behind till it almost forms two additional cusps. Indeed, I am not acquainted with any dentition which exemplifies the transition from incisors to canines, from 412 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. canines to premolars, and from premolars to true molars, better than that of the orang. FIG. 181 I 1 ). FIG. 182 FIG. 183 ( 3 ). The lower molars resemble those of man, save that their (') Skull of a young male Orang. The upper canine does not nearly reach to the lower alveolar border. ( 2 ) Skull of adult male Orang, in which the canine is largely developed. ( 3 ) Side view of skull of an idiot. THE TEETH OF PRIMATES. 413 surface is marked by that finely wrinkled pattern which is common to all the unworn teeth of the orang. One is struck by the great backward elongation of the jaws, by their squareness, by the parallelism of the two sidea which converge slightly at the back, and by the large size of the teeth in proportion to the bulk of the whole animal. The large size of the canines being in a measure a sexual character, is, as is so often the case, not very noticeable in the young animal : the two acompanying illustrations of a, young and an adult male orang may serve to show this, as well as some other differences developed by age. The differences which serve to distinguish the dentition of the most anthropomorphic apes from that of man are mainly these. Relatively to the size of the cranium, and of the whole creature, the teeth and jaws are very much larger in all their dimensions ; hence the creatures are progna- thous, and the facial angle small, even when compared with the jaws and cranium of an idiot. As might be ex- pected this difference is not so great in the young as in the adult animal. In place of the teeth being arranged in a sweeping curve, the jaws are squarish, the incisors being arranged in some- thing approaching to a straight line between the two great outstanding canines, behind which the premolar and molar series run in straight lines, converging somewhat as they go backward. There is a " diastema " ( J ) or interval in front of the upper canine, into which the point of the lower canine passes, when the mouth is closed. Both the greater square- ness of the jaws, and the existence of a diastema, are direct results of the great size of the canines, and are consequently not marked in young specimens. The upper premolars are implanted by three roots, the (*) Fomething approaching to a diastema is said to have been observed by Vogt and Broca in early European skulls. 414 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. lower by two roots, just like the true molars, and the pre- molars when unworn partake more of the pointed character than they do in man. ( 1 ) Upper teeth of a Caffir. The oblique ridge of the upper molar is distinct, not only upon the first and second, but also upon the third molar or wisdom tooth, which in this skull has the normal three roots well marked. ( 2 ) Lower jaw of a Caffir, in which the quinquicuspid form of the first and third molars is well seen, it being somewhat less strongly indicated in the second molars. THE TEETH OF PRIMATES. 415 The wisdom teeth present the same pattern of grinding surface, are larger than the other molars in the gorilla and the orang, and there is abundant space for them, so that they play an important part in mastication. The molar teeth of these apes are also squarer, their cusps sharper and longer, and the characteristic patterns more strongly pronounced, than in man. Anthropidae. In passing from the highest of the apes to the lowest of mankind, there is a sudden change in the character of the dentition ; but while it cannot but be admitted that there is a gap, yet the differences are rather of degree than of kind. Even in the lowest of human races the facial angle is greater, that is to say, they are much less " prognathous " than the apes, and the upper and lower incisors are more nearly vertical in position, not meeting one another at such an angle as in the apes. Mr. Perrin (Monthly Review Dent. Surgery, 1872) states that in a gorilla skull there is an inch of bone in front of the anterior palatine foramen : in a negro half an inch, and in a Greek skull it was close behind the incisors. Ifc is generally said that in man the molars decrease in size from before backwards ; that is to say, that the first molar is the largest, while in anthropoid apes the contrary is the case. Though this is on the whole true, it requires some qualification : thus in certain lower races, such as the Australian blacks, the second and third molars are not smaller than the first, and of the chimpanzee the same thing may be said. There is no diastema ; no sexual difference in dentition ; no tooth projecting beyond its fellows, and the teeth are arranged in an unbroken arch. The premaxillary bones become fused with the superior maxillary early in- life, whereas^ in the Quadrumana they remain distinct. \, In general terms it may be said that the dentition of th 416 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. lower races of mankind differs from that of the higher in the following particulars : the arch is not so rounded, but is squarer in front ; the teeth are larger, and are disposed with greater regularity ; the wisdom tooth has ample space to range with the other teeth, and is a characteristic upper or lower molar, the pattern of its grinding surface (quadri- cuspid if it be an upper, quinquicuspid if it be a lower tooth) and the disposition of its roots corresponding with the first and second molars, which do not greatly exceed it in size. Specimens of negro skulls may be found in which there is scanty room for the wisdom tooth, and in which consequently it is a little stunted in its development : 011 the other hand, plenty of well formed and well placed wisdom teeth may be picked out of European mouths, though as a rule the wisdom tooth is much smaller than the other molars, does not bear the characteristic pattern of cusps and grooves, has its roots connate, and it is not very infrequently a mere rudimentary peg. The stunted development of the wisdom tooth would seem to be a consequence of want of space during its formative period ; the upper wisdom tooth is especially apt to be cramped in this way. There is some little evidence that the wisdom tooth is in process of disappearance from the jaws of civilized races : in anthropoid apes the wisdom tooth is nearly or quite as large as the other molars, and shows no variability, whilst it comes into place almost simultaneously with the canine : in the lowest races of mankind the wisdom tooth appears to vary but little, is of large size, and is seldom misplaced ; in highly civilised races it is very variable in size, form, and in the date of its appearance, is often misplaced, and is not uncommonly quite rudimentary. It seems to be a legitimate inference that a further modification of the race in the same direction will result in the disappearance of the wisdom tooth altogether. THE TEETH OF PRIMATES. 417 Some exception must however be taken to such general statements : thus the Esquimaux not uncommonly have the wisdom teeth small and sometimes crowded out of place ; and amongst the African races instances on the one hand of the wisdom teeth being small, and on the other, of fourth true molars existing, are to be met with. Nevertheless, for the present, a case in which the wisdom teeth are very small can hardly be called a typical well-de- veloped European mouth. In many low races (Bosjesman, Negro, Australian, New Caledonian, Caffir) the second lower molar has five cusps, just like the first : this is so in the anthropoid apes, but in European races the fifth cusp is generally wanting in the second lower molar. It is not a little interesting thus to find that the differ- ences which serve to distinguish the teeth of the lowest savage from those of an European, are to a certain extent the same with those that mark the step from a Quadrumanal to a human dentition, though of course the divergence of the dentition of the savage from that of the ape is far greater than is that of the European from the lowest savage. It is very possible that the larger development of the jaws of the savage may be simply due to the harder work to which they are put while he is growing up. And after the attainment of adult proportions, the teeth of such a man become greatly worn down by reason of the hard and often gritty nature of his food. It was pointed out by Mr. Mummery, in a very instructive paper (" Transactions of the Odontological Society," vol. iL^ new series, 1869), that destructive wearing down of the teeth was of very common occurrence amongst rude ( ! ) races, while the contrary is true of highly Civilised races ; this was (*) To those races mentioned by Mr. Mummery may be added the mound builders of North America, whose teeth were always worn down to an excessive extent. E E 418 A MAXUAL 01 DENTAL ANATOMY. very likely due to the admixture of earth and other foreign matter with the food. And, furthermore, that the occurrence of dental irregularities, due to an insufficient size of the arches, was comparatively speaking unknown among the ruder races, whilst it has been common amongst peoples of more luxurious habits for a long period of time. The range of variation in the size of the jaws of healthy, otherwise well-developed adults is great : thus the smallest jaw (occurring in a man of stout build, above middle height) with which I am acquainted measures in width only 1 J inch, and in length from back to front '1J inch; whilst the largest (occurring in a gentleman of lesser stature ; of Basque ex- traction, moreover, which makes it the more striking) ( J ) measures no less than 2J inches in width and 2 inches in length : and even larger dimensions are recorded in the "Dental Cosmos " of September, 1876 ; the width being taken between the centre of the alveolar borders at the position of the wisdom teeth, and the length being measured 011 a line drawn from the incisors to another line joining the two wisdom teeth. On the whole, it must be said that there are fewer constant differences between the teeth of the various races of mankind than might have been a priori expected ; in fact, we may almost saj 7 that the teeth of savage man are pretty much what we should look upon as an exceedingly perfectly formed set of teeth if we were to see them in the mouth of an European. 0) Magitot (Bullet, de la Soc. Anthropol. de Paris, 1869) says : " Les liasques, par exemple, reinarquables par la petitesse extreme de leurs dents. " CHAPTER XIV. THE TEETH OF MARSUPIALIA. The great sub-class of Marsupials, consisting- of animals very sharply marked off from placental Mammals by many striking peculiarities and amongst others, by the very helpless condition in which the foetus is born, was once very widely distributed over the globe. Now, however, Marsupials are numerous only in Australia, where they are almost the sole representatives of the Mammalian class ; there are a few Marsupials elsewhere, as in America (Opossums) and New Guinea ; but there are no Marsupials in Europe, most parts of Asia, and Africa. The Marsupials of America are all Opossums {JDidelphidai), and this family is not represented in Australia. There is evidence to indicate that the Marsupials of America have nothing at all to do with the Australian Marsupials, but were derived from a different source, at the time when Marsupials abounded all over Europe. The Marsupials of Australia almost monopolise that country ; thus Mr. Wallace says of it : " The Australian region is broadly distinguished from all the rest of the globe by the entire absence of all the orders of non-aquatic mammalia that abound in the old world, except two the Winged Bats (C/iiroptera), and the equally cosmopolite Rodents. Of these latter, however, only one family is represented the Muridae (comprising the Rats and Mice), and the Australian representatives of these are all of small or moderate size a suggestive fact in appreciating the true character of the Australian fauna. " In place of the Quadrumana, Carnivora, and Ungulates, which abound in endless variety in all the other zoological regions under equally favourable conditions, Australia possesses two new orders or sub-classes, Marsupialia and Monotremata, found nowhere else in the globe, except a single family of the former in America. " The Marsupials are wonderfully developed in Australia, where they exist in the most diversified forms, adapted to different modes of life. Some are carnivorous, some herbivorous, some arboreal, others terrestrial. There are insect-eaters, root-gnawers, fruit- eaters, honey-eaters, leaf or grass-feeders. E E 2 420 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. " Some resemble wolves, others marmots, weasels, squirrels, flying- squirrels, dormice, or jerboas. " They are classed in six distinct families, comprising about thirty genera, and subserve most of the purposes in the economy of nature fulfilled in other parts of the world by very different groups ; yet they all possess the common peculiarities of structure and habits which show that they are members of one stock, and have no real affinity with the old-world forms, which they often outwardly resemble." " Geographical Distribution of Animals." p. 391. WHAT Mr. Wallace says, speaking of the creatures in their entirety, is equally applicable to their teeth. In Australia, the present home of the Marsupials, repre- sentative species abound ; that is to say, widely different though the animals really are, there are many genera and species which have the habits of, and, as it were, fill the place of such creatures as the Carnivora and Insectivora and Rodents amongst the placeutal mammalia. And not only do they possess something of their habits and external con- figuration, but in those characteristic structures which are subservient to the creature's immediate wants, the marsupial representatives closely mimic the more highly organised placental mammals. Thus the teeth of an insect-eating marsupial very closely resemble those of a true Insectivore, though retaining certain eminently marsupial characters ; in the same way the dentition of the marsupial Thylacine mimics that of a dog (compare Figs. 187 and 188). And although marsupial dentitions do vary very much, yet there are many transitional forms by which we are some- times able to trace the successive modifications through which extreme divergence has been ultimately attained. Just as we ascribe to placental mammals the formula as the typical or parent dental formula, so to the Marsupials we must ascribe the following .3134 THE TEETH OF MARSUPIAL1A. 421 That is to say, though the total number of teeth is the same, the marsupial has only three premolars and has four true molars. The premolars (false molars) differ from the true molars in the greater simplicity of their crowns, just as in most placental mammals ; but, although, looking at the complete adult dentitions, no hesitation would be felt in classing the teeth under the heads of premolars and true molars, yet there is a curious anomaly in the succession of the teeth which applies to the whole of the sub-class Mar- supialia, and to some extent invalidates the definition of " premolar " as applied to their teeth. Only one of the premolars (the hindmost) has vertically displaced a milk tooth ; indeed, the whole milk dentition of Marsupials con- sists of four milk molars (one on each side of each jaw), there being no milk incisors nor canines in any known marsupial. It is further pointed out by Professor Flower, who was the first to fully describe these peculiarities in the succession of marsupial teeth (" Phil. Trans.," 1867), that the extent to which the solitary milk molar is developed varies much in the different families j no trace of any succession has been observed in the Wombat ; in the Thylacine (a dog- like creature) the small milk molar is calcified, but is absorbed or shed prior to any other teeth being erupted, whilst in the Kangaroos it is retained till a much later period (see page 430), and in the Kangaroo Pvat (Hyp- siprymnus) the milk molar has not yet given place to its successor at the time when the last permanent molar has come into place, so that it for a long time ranges with the other teeth and does work. It is difficult to obtain very young Marsupials, and material for the complete elucidation of the subject is wanting ; but I have had the opportunity of making sections of the jaws of several young specimens ( Perameles and Halmaturus), taken from the pouch by my Iriend Prof. Moselcy, and I have not so for succeeded in 422 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY (*) Enamel and dentine of a Kangaroo (Macvopus major). The dentinal tubes in the dentine (A) are furnished with numerous short branches at the line of juncture with the enamel ; they are dilated, and a little bent out of their course, while beyond the dilatation they pass on through about two-thirds of the thickness of the enamel in a straight course and without branches. Only a part of the whole thickness of the enamel is shown in the figure. B. Enamel penetrated by the tubes. C. Individual dentinal tube. THE TEETH OF MARSUPIALIA. 423 finding any uncalcified germs or other indications of any of the missing teeth of the milk dentition. A further peculiarity of the Marsupials is the structure of FIG. 187 jim their enamel, which is penetrated by the dentinal tubes. (*) Upper and lower teeth of the Thylacine. The rudimentary milk molar, which is absorbed before birth, has been placed over the third or last of the preinolars, which succeeds to it vertically. (-) Upper and lower teeth of a Dog, which are placed side by side with those of the Thylacine to show the many points of resemblance between the two dentitions. 424 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. My father, some years ago, described and figured the teeth of a large number of Marsupial genera (" Philos. Transac.," 1850), and found that although in the different families the tube system of the enamel varied in its richness and in the depth to which the tubes penetrated, yet it was con- spicuously present in the whole class, with the sole exception of the Wombats, in whom nothing of the kind is to be found. Prof. Moseley's specimens have afforded to me the opportu- nity of study ing the development of this tubular enamel, and the result of my investigations will be detailed elsewhere ; but it may be mentioned that the formation of the enamel tube appears to be precisely analogous to that of a dentine tube, and at a certain period the enamel cells have appended to them long processes like the dentinal fibres. The dila- tation noticeable at the boundary line of the enamel and the dentine (see Fig. 186) is a kind of clumsy joint brought about by the coalescence at this point of the tube-forming cells on the one side odontoblasts, on the other enamel cells. There exists one genus of flesh-eating marsupials whose ferocity is such as to have gained for them the names of wolf and tiger, while the resemblance of the head to that of a dog has given origin to the popular name of " dog-headed opossums." (*) The resemblance to the dog is in dentition even more close than in external form : whilst retaining certain mar- supial attributes, the teeth of the Thylacine are, so far as their working capabilities go, almost exactly like those of the dog. The dental formula is .4 1 3 4 1 3 1 P 3 m 4 The incisors are small, close set, and sharp edged, the ( ! ) It has of course no real relationship to the true opossums, which are not found in Australia. THE TEETH OF MARSUP1ALIA. 425 outermost being somewhat cauiniform. The canines are stout, pointed teeth, not quite so long relatively as those of tlio clog. The premolars are conical teeth, implanted by two roots, and very similar to those of the dog ; they are followed in the upper jaw by four molars, increasing in size from the first to the third, but the last true molar is again a smaller tooth. The upper molars are all of the " carnassial " pattern ; there is a " blade " elevated into subsidiary cusps, and internally to this a " tubercle," supported by a third root. The lower molars also bear some resemblance to the car- nassial teeth of the dog, consisting of a strong, sharp-edged blade, with anterior and posterior subsidiary cusps, the latter being somewhat broad and tubercular. An allied animal (Dasyurus ursinus), though smaller than the Thylacine, and having teeth of a less sectorial character, is so destructive to sheep, and so fierce and untamable, that it has earned the name of " Tasinanian Devil." Within the limits of the same genus, a species (Dasyurus viverriiius) is to be found in which the molar teeth are studded over with long sharp cusps, like the teeth of Insectivora, a group which it resembles both in its habits and food. A number of smaller Marsupials approximate in their dentition more or less to the Insectivorous type, whilst a tolerably complete chain of existing forms serves to bridge over the gap between the rapacious Dasyuridee and the herbivorous Kangaroos and Wombats. Amongst the Opossums the larger species have large canines, and a dentition in its general features approxi- mating to the Dasyuridee ; they feed upon birds and small mammals, as well as upon reptiles and insects, while the smaller species are more purely insectivorous. Myrmecobius, a small Australian Marsupial of insectivo- rous habits and dentition, is remarkable as having teeth in 426 A MAN.UAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. excess of the number of the typical mammalian dentition, having .4 1 3 6 1 3 c r p 3 m o In the Phalangers, nocturnal arboreal animals found in Australia and a part of the Malay Archipelago, the canines, though present, are feeble ; an interspace also separates the incisors from the molar series. The lower incisors, reduced to a single pair, are procum- bent, and grow from persistent pulps ; and a slight exagge- ration of the peculiarities of the dentition of the Phalangers brings us to that of the Kangaroo Rats. The name " Kangaroo Rats " (Hypsiprymnus) is applied to a genus consisting of about a dozen species ; they are all small creatures, not much larger than rabbits, but having the general proportions of kangaroos. They are quiet, gentle little creatures, of strictly herbivorous habits, and they are interesting to the odontologist as possessing a dentition which throws some light upon several anomalous extinct forms, whose habits and affinities have been the subject of much controversy. The dental formula is i I c 1 p 1 m t 1 J 1 4 The first pair of upper incisors are sharply pointed, are directed nearly vertically downwards, and grow from per- sistent pulps. The second and third do not grow from persistent pulps, and their worn crowns do not attain to the same level as those of the first pair. All three pairs are antagonised by the single pair of large procumbent lower incisors, of which the sharp points meet the first pair of upper incisors, while the obliquely-worn surface behind the cutting edges impinges against the second and third upper incisors. The arrangement of the incisors, and the sharpness of THE TEETH OF MARSUPIALIA. 427 the'r cutting edges, are calculated to effect the same objects as those attained by the incisors of a rodent ; a still closer resemblance would be brought about by the dwindling (which occurs in other genera) and final disappearance of the second and third upper incisors, and a compensating extra development of the first pair. The canines are not large ; yet they are not so small as to be termed rudimentary ; in the lower jaw they are absent. Only one premolar exists in the adult, and this is a very peculiar tooth ; its crown is very long from back to front (at least twice as long as any of the molars, and in some species as long as three of the molars), and consists of a finely furrowed blade with a sharp edge ; the blades of the upper and lower teeth slide over one another. Behind this there are four true molars, with square quadricuspid crowns, which become much worn down by use. The third premolar, the tooth to which attention has ( J ) Upper and lower teeth of Hypsiprymnus (Bettongia) (Graii ?). The dentition represented is that of the adult animal, the permanent premolar (pm 3) being already in place. 428 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. already been drawn on account of its size and other pecu- liarities, by virtue of its great size displaces not only the milk molar, to which it is the legitimate successor, but also turns out the second premolar, a tooth belonging to the " permanent " series. In this particular the succession of the teeth in the Hypsiprymnus is the same as that of the true kangaroos, which may be understood by a reference to fig. 190. There are two extinct Marsupials, known only by their jaws, which have been the subject of much controversy. Professor Owen, basing his arguments largely upon the presence of premolars which possessed elongated and sharp- edged blades, held that Plagiaulax and Thylacoleo were carnivorous, saying of the latter that it possessed the simplest and most effective dental machinery for predatory life known among Mammalia ; Dr. Falconer, in the case of the first, and Professor Flower in the case of the Thylacoleo, having shown this view to be untenable, or at least unsupported by adequate evidence. The clue to the nature of the great blade-shaped teeth of these two extinct creatures is afforded by the form of the premolar of the herbivorous Hypsiprymnus (see fig. 189). The incisors were reduced in number and were large ; the teeth between them and the large premolar were stunted ; but both these points are true of the herbivorous kangaroos. The Thylacoleo differs, however, from all known animals by the immense size of the thin-edged premolar (worn flat in aged animals), and by the rudimentary condition of its true molars. But its incisors, lying forwards and closely ap- proximated in the middle line, are particularly unsuitable for catching and holding anything alive and struggling, whilst the nearest resemblance to the blade-shaped tooth is to be found in harmless herbivorous creatures, so that the balance of evidence is much against Professor Owen's view. It has been cited here merely as an instance of how the evidence afforded by teeth alone may be misleading. THE TEETH OF MARSUPIALIA. 429 The Kangaroos, comprising many species of very varying size, are all docile creatures (with the exception of a few old males), of herbivorous habits; they in some particulars recall the ruminants. Their dental formula is . 3 i _ c ~ 1 1 4 p . m -. The three pairs of upper incisors are more equal in size ji nv than in the Hypsiprymnus, and the central pair do not ;grow from persistent pulps. The lower incisors are very peculiar teeth : they grow from persistent pulps, are pro- cumbent, projecting forwards almost horizontally, and are very much flattened from side to side, their outer surfaces being but slightly convex, and their inner surfaces flat, with a median ridge. Their margins are almost sharp. There is an unusual amount of mobility between the two halves of the 0) Upper and lower teeth of Halmaturus ualabatus. The permanent premolar is not yet erupted, and is shown in its crypt : when it comes into its place it will displace the milk molar, and one of the anterior pre- molars as well. In the upper jaAv a rudimentary canine is shown. The point of the lower incisor would fit, in closure of the mouth, behind the long anterior upper incisor, but the width of the page did not admit of the teeth being placed in their true relative positions without reduction in size. 430 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. lower jaw, so that these two teeth can be to a slight extent separated from one another. The upper canine is often present as a very minute rudiment, but in no kangaroo does it attain to a greater size. The dentition of the Kangaroo is somewhat perplexing to, the student, for two reasons : the one, that the last or third permanent premolar not only displaces the solitary milk molar, but also, as in Hypsiprymnus, on account of its greater size, the second permanent premolar, which was in front of the milk molar ; and, besides this, in animals past adult age, teeth are shed off from the front of the molar series till at last only the last two true molars on each side remain. Thus the dentition of the kangaroo at successive ages may be thus represented : .301 14 1 r ' o p T dm I m ? or, in all, six molar teeth. Then the third premolar dis- places the second true permanent premolar as well as the milk molar, and we have i j e - p - (a new one) m -, or, in all, only five molar teeth. Then, one after another, teeth are shed off from the front of the molar series, just as in the Phacochserus (see page 328), till all that is left is 3002 i i c - p - m -. The milk molar of the kangaroo is a fully-developed tooth, which takes its place with the other teeth, and is not distinguished from them by any special characters, so that mere inspection of the jaw of a young Kangaroo having it in place, at the same time with a premolar in front of it THE TEETH OF MARSUPIALIA. 431 and four true molars behind it, would not lead an observer to suspect its real nature. No existing creature serves to connect the Kangaroos closely with the wombat, but the extinct Diprotodon appears to have in a measure bridged across the gap. The Wombats (Phascolomys) are heavily-built, inoffensive creatures, which burrow in the ground and subsist largely upon roots. In their dentition they closely simulate the Fro. 191 ('). Rodents, as they possess but a single pair of chisel-edged incisors in either jaw, growing from persistent pulps, and embedded in very deep and curved sockets. These differ from the corresponding " dentes scalprarii " of true Rodents in that there is a complete investment of cement, which passes over the enamel in front of the tooth as well as covering its back and sides. They are unlike the teeth of other Marsupials in their structure, as the dentinal tubes do not penetrate the enamel, which is therefore, probably, harder and denser and so less readily worn away. The molar teeth also grow from persistent pulps, and 432 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. are very deeply grooved upon their sides, so that their grinding surfaces are uneven. Their dental formula is, .101 4 1 1 C P 1 m I' The first tooth of the molar series is a single column, whereas the deep grooving of the others divides them into two columns, so that its simpler appearance, as well as analogy, would indicate that it is a premolar. But no succession whatever has been observed in the wombats. The adaptive resemblance to the dentition of the true Rodents is exceedingly close, though the Wombat is an undoubted Marsupial ; and the very closeness of the imita- tion is an exemplification of the fact that adaptive charac- ters are very apt to mislead, if used for the purposes of classification. Extinct wombats, of very much larger size than the recent species, are found in the later tertiary deposits of Australia. Amongst the Marsupials there is a pretty little arboreal creature (Tarsipes), not larger than a small rat, which sub- sists upon insects and the nectar of flowers, which it reaches by means of a long protrusible tongue. Its molar teeth are rudimentary, variable in number, and are soon shed ; the lower incisors, which are procumbent, are however re- tained, as are a few small teeth which are opposed to them above. The wonderful diversity of the forms into which the Marsupials have branched out in Australia seems to prove that they have been established in that region, and have been without the competition of more highly organised placental Mammals, for a prodigious length of time j and one cannot better conclude the very brief survey of the teeth of Mammalia which has been attempted in this volume Upper and lower teeth of Wombat (Phascolomys wombat). THE TEETH OF MARSUPIALIA. 433 than by calling the reader's attention again to the character of the Marsupial fauna : this microcosm, in which every place is filled by a Marsupial that mimics the placental Mammal which it represents, for nowhere can we more plainly see the workings of natural selection than in areas thus isolated and deprived of immigrant creatures for countless ages. In the foregoing pages much stress has been laid upon the variability of animals, and the agencies by means of which the variations have been preserved and intensified, so to speak, so that ultimately permanent hereditary modi- fications have been the result ; and it is possible that in laying this aspect of the matter prominently before the reader an impression of too great instability may have been conveyed ; and thus the forms of creatures made to appear more plastic and more shifting than they really are, for it is hardly possible to realize the enormous lengths of time during which the agencies have been at work, and without which they would have been powerless to produce profound alterations. The process which we term inheritance is constantly reproducing animals which are minute copies of their parents ; copies which are even more exact than we can at first sight realise. Thus., even amongst different species of the same genus, whose teeth are apparently quite similar so far as their number and pattern goes, differences exist which are con- stant for the species, and which may be brought into prominence by any method of investigation which is sufficiently accurate. A plan of representing in the form of diagrams certain of the characteristics of an animal's dentition, by means of which differences of proportion so slight as to be barely recognisable by an inspection of the teeth are brought con- spicuously into view, has been devised by Mr. Busk ("Proc. Roy. Soc. 1870 "). P F 434 A MANUAL OF DENTAL ANATOMY. If " odontograms " of various Felidse be constructed, differ- ences between them will be apparent at a glance, although the forms of the several teeth in this family are so very closely similar, that nothing but the very closest observa- tion would have detected the smallest difference between them. I have not practically tested the applicability of this method of comparison, but it is said that these diagrams, embodying as they do only one set of facts about a dentition, have proved less useful than might have been anticipated, and occasionally may even prove misleading. INDEX. A. PAGE Absorption of teeth . . .197 Acrodus, teeth of . . . . 222 Adaptive modification, meaning of term 267 Alveolar processes . . . . 24 process, development of 192 Alveoli, attachment by means of ib. Alveolo-dental membrane 110, 212 Anarrhicas, teeth of . . . 229 Anchylosis of teeth . . . 207 Angler, teeth of . . . . 228 Anoplotherium, teeth of . . . 332 Anteaters, teeth of ... 305 Anthropoid apes, teeth of . . 409 order of erup- tion of teeth in ib. comparison of with man . 410 Antrum 27 teeth in relation with . 29 Archacopteryx, teeth of . . . 261 Armadillo, teeth of . . .305 Articulation of the lower jaw . 32 teeth with one another . 5 Articular process, share of in growth of jaw . . . .188 Artiodactyle ungulata . . . 325 Attachment of teeth . . .202 by membrane ib. ,, by hinges . 203 by anchylosis 207 by sockets . 212 Aye-aye, teeth of. . .271,404 B. Babirussa, teeth of . . .329 Baboon, teeth of . . . . 408 Balaenidee, whalebone of . . 312 PAGE Barracuda pike, teeth of . . 235 Basal ridge, or cingulum . . 10 Basement membrane of tooth- genii 171 Bats, teeth of . . . . 401 milk teeth of ... 402 Bear, teeth of . ... 387 Beaver, teeth of . .45, 372 Bettongia, teeth of . . . 427 Bicuspids, human . . .14 Bilophodout, meaning of term . 317 Birds, teeth of . . . . 260 Boll, on dentine! fibrils . 66-68 Bone, primary . . . . 168 development of. . . ib. Brown stria) of Eetzius . . 52 Buccinator, attachment of . .30 Bunodont, meaning of term . . 328 Calcified teeth . . . . 3 Calcification, dates of in the seve- ral teeth. . . 146 process of . . 148 of enamel . . . 151 of dentine . . 158 of vaso-dentine . .164 ofosteo- . 165 ofcementum . . 166 Calcoglobulin . . . .150 Calcospherites . . . . 149 Camel, teeth of . . . .337 Canaliculi of cementum . . . 97 Canida?, teeth of . . . .379 Canine teeth of ruminants . . 282 of lemurs . . 283 of oreodon . . ib. of mole . . .284 of insectivora . . ib. Canine definition of . . .280 436 INDEX. Canine, sexual development of . 273 true signification of term 281 Canines, human . . . . 12 Capybara, teeth of . . 2G8-370 ,, molar teeth of . . 296 Carcharias, teeth of . . .219 Carnassial tooth . . . . 376 Caniivora, milk dentition of . 377 teeth of . ... 374 Carnivorous dentition, general character of . . . 376 Cement organ . . . .144 ,, doubtful existence of ... 145 Cement, over crown of tooth . 100 Cementum 95 ,, rudimentary . . . 96 ,, structure of . . ib. ,, distribution of 42 ,, calcification of . .166 Ceratodus, teeth of. . . . 238 Cestracion, teeth of ... 221 Cetacea, teeth of . . . . 807 Chaetodonts, teeth of . . .235 Cheiromys, milk teeth of . . 406 teeth of . . . 271 Chelonia, teeth of ... 241 Chiroptera, teeth of ... 401 Cingulum, definition of . . 11 developed into addi- tional cusps . . 292 Coatimundi, teeth of . . 286 Cobra, teeth of . . . .247 Complex teeth, manner of forma- tion of . . . ISSetscq. Con tour lines of Owen . .61 Coronoid process, use of in growth 189 Correlations of growth . , . 275 Crocodiles, teeth of . . 256 implantation of teeth of . . . . 213 succession of teeth in 258 Crypts of developing teeth . .180 Curvatures of dentinal tubes . 60 Cusps, formation of . . . 292 Cuticula dentis . . . .99 Cynodraco 2o9 Cystophora, teeth of . . .391 Czermak, interglobular spaces of 74 I). Dasyurus, teeth of . . . . 425 Deciduous dentition . . . 297 PAGE Decussation of enamel prisms . . 50 Deer, teeth of .... 335 Deficiencies of teeth in hairy men 276 in Turkish dogs. . 275 Dentine, calcification of . . 158 composition of . . . 58 fibrils of , 64 germ . . 113, 132 globular . . .163 granular layer of . . 72 interglobuiar spaces of . ib. matrix of . . 58 modifications of in la- byrinthodoii 79 in lepidosteus 78 in manatee 83, 347 in megathe- rium. . 84 in myliobates 81 in varairus . 76 osteo- . . . .88 plici- . . . . 76 (secondary . . .93 sensitiveness of . . 71 sheaths of Neumann in 63 i ermination of tubes of 72 theories as to forma- tion of . . . . 162 tubes . . . .61 unvascular . . 56 varieties of . . .91 vascular . . . . 82 vaso- . . . . ib. Dents en velours, en brosse, en cardes 235 Dermal spines of fish . . 2,219 Dcsmodus, teeth of ... 401 Development of the teeth 113 et seq. commencement of 113, 128 . . 121 . 115 . . 125 . 128 . . 122 . 126 138 in eel in fishes in li/ards . in mammalia . in reptiles . in snakes of the true molars of the jaws . . 176 of the alveolar pro- cesses . . . 198 Diastema 413 Dicynodon, teeth of ... 243 Dinoceras, teeth of . 341 Dinotherium, teeth of . 249, 360 Diodon, teeth of .... 231 Diprotodon, teeth of . . .431 INDEX. 437 PAGE PAGE Dog, teeth of . . . . 378 Follicle, dental . . .133, 142 ,, variation in teeth of . . ib. Frog, teeth of . . . . 239 Dog-fish, teeth of . . .2, 217 Dryptodon, teeth of . . .343 G. Dugong, teeth of . . . . 345 ,, tusks of male . . ib. Galeopithecus, teeth of . . 401 Germ, tooth 113 Glenoid cavity, form of in cami- .h. vora . . 34 Edentata, teeth of . . .304 form of in herbi- Eel, development of teeth of . 121 enamel-tipped teeth of . 40, 210 Elasmobranch fish, teeth of 115, 215 Elephant, milk teeth of . . 354 molars of . 356, 361 ,, succession of teeth in . 354 tusks of . . 350 vora . . . ib. Globular dentine . . .163 Goodsir, special views of . . 129 Grampus, teeth of ... 308 Granular layer of dentine . . 72 Growth of the jaws . . . 177 Gubernaculum . . . . 145 Enamel . . . 41 et seq. ,, absence of . . .41 Gum, the 108 Gymnodonts, teeth of . . . 230 cavities in . . . 52 calcification of . . 151 H. cells 153 ,, calcification of . ib. entry of dentinal tubes Haddock, teeth of . . .211 Hair and teeth, correlation be- tween 275 into , . . , 53 fracture of . . .44 Hairy men 276 Hairless dogs, teeth of . . . 275 ,, germ . . . . 114 of sargus . . .55 of marsupials . . . 53 organ, development of . 134 ,, externarepithelium nf 1^91 ^ Hake, dentine of ... 87 hinged teeth of . 203, 228 Halicore 345 Halmaturus, teeth of . . 429 Hare, teeth of . . . . 367 (Jl . . JO-i, lOo internal epithelium of . . 132, 153 Tjoplr n^P 1 QO Hatteria, teeth of . . 239, 243 Hedgehog, teeth of ... 394 Helodermis, teeth of . . . 242 ?j 1) 11LCK OI . . . JLuZ pigment in . . .52 prisms of . . . 44 rudimentary . .41 organ, stellate reticu- Hesperornis, teeth of . . 263 Hinged teeth .... 202 Hipparion, teeth of ... 321 Hippopotamus, teeth of . .331 Homnlodontotherium . . . 286 in in oi . . * 13o ,, striation of . 50, theories of formation of . 154 Homologiesof the teeth . .278 Horny teeth 3 Horse, teeth of . . . .321 Eruption of teeth, date of . .193 mechanism of 190 External pterygoid muscle, action of 34 Human teeth, forms of . . . 414 Huxley, Prof., special views on development . . . 152, 157 Hyaena, teeth of . . . . 381 Hyoenodon, teeth of . . . 385 Hydrophis, teeth of . . . 247 F. Hydromys, teeth of . . . 366 Hypsiprymnus, teeth of . . . 427 Felida), teeth of . . . . 375 Hyrax, teeth of . . .348 Fibrils of dentine . . .64 Fishes, teeth of . . . . 214 I. ,, classification of . . ib. structure of teeth of . . 236 Foetus (nine months), teeth of .179 Ichthyosaurus . . . . 258 Ichthyornis, teeth of . . .261 433 INDEX. Iguanodon, teeth of Incisors, definition of . ,, human, description of . Insectivora, teeth of . ,, characteristic molars of Internal pterygoid muscle Interglobular spaces . Kangaroos, teeth of Kangaroo, enamel of . L. Labyrinthodon, teeth of ,, dentine of Lacunae, of cementum . ,, development of ,, encapsuled in pits of enamel of Howship Lamna, teeth of . dentine of . Lemurs, teeth of ,, canines of Lepidosiren, teeth of . Lepidosteus, dentine of . Leptothrix, in interglobulai spaces Lines of Schreger . Lizards, teeth of Lophius, teeth of . Lumen, appearance of M. Machairodus, teeth of . Mammalia, teeth of . 266 typical dentition of . 27 Mammoth, tusks of . Man, teeth of . ,, teeth of different races of . 415 Manatee, teeth of enamel of ,, dentine of . Mandible Mark of horses' incisors Marsupialia, teeth of milk teeth of . ,, peculiar enamel of 53,423 Masseter muscle . Mastication, muscles of . PAGE PAGE . 243 Mastodon, teeth of . . .357 . 280 molars of . . . 360 9 milk teeth of . 359 . 394 I Maxilltt, description of . . ,, development and growth 24 . 400 of .... 176 . 34 V-shaped . ... 201 2,74 Meckel's cartilage 177 Megatherium, dentine of . . 84 Membrana eboris . . 158, 140 preformativa 171 Mental foramen, position of . 183 . 430 Milk dentition, character of 297 . 53 rudimentary 301 Molars, definition of . .18, 280 Mole, teeth of . . . . 397 milk teeth of ... 399 Monkeys, teeth of . . . . 407 240 Monodon, teeth of ... 309 80 Monotremata, teeth of . . . 304 96 Muscles of mastication 33 168 Musk deer, teeth of . . . 336 169 Mustelida?, teeth of 385 54 197 Myliobatcs, dentine of . . . teeth of . 82 223 216 Myrmecobius, teeth of . . . 425 90 Myxine, teeth of ... 215 403 283 237 N. 76 1 Narwal 309 74 teeth of . ib. 60 Nasmy th's membrane, nature of 99 241 Neck of enamel organ . 132 228 of tooth 7 63 Nerves of dentine 71 of the pulp . . 71, 106 of the teeth 37 Neumann, sheaths of 63 Newt, teeth of ... 240 . 384 5 < scq. . 279 0. . 350 . 1 Oblique ridge of human molars 19 . 415 Odontoblast cells . . 69 158 . 347 . 45 Odontopteryx, teeth of . Odontorniths, teeth of 260 261 5, 347 . 30 Ophidia, development of teeth o Opossum, teeth of 125 425 . 289 Orang, teeth of ... 410 . 419 Oreodon, teeth of 332 . 421 canines of . , ib. >3,423 . 34 Orycteropus, dentine of Osseous fish, teeth of 82 224 . 33 Osteoblasts 166 INDEX. 439 l-AGE Osteoclasts 197 Osteodentine 88 ,, in teeth of rodents 371 Iiachiod.0 ,, in teeth of sperm Rattlesna whales . 92 Ostracion, dentine of 309 86 Rhinocer Rlivncocc Otaria, erosion of teeth of . teeth of . 389 ib. Ehytina, Eidsre for Papilla, formative . . . . 139 Parrot fish, teeth of ... 231 Periosteum, alveolo-dental . .109 Perissodactyle ungulata, teeth of 315 Permanent teeth, eruption of .198 ,, development of 137 Persistent dental capsule . , 99 Phacochan-us, teeth of . . . 328 Phalanger, teeth of ... 426 Pharyngeal teeth . . . . ,, of carp . . 234 pike . . 227 ,, rachiodon . 247 ,, scarus . . 233 Phocidte, teeth of . . . . 388 Pigment in enamel . . 52, 401 Pig, teeth of . . . . 325 Pike, teeth of ... 206, 225 Plagiostomi, teeth of . 215 Plagiaulax, teeth of ... 428 Plicidentine 76 Poison fang, development of . 156 mechanism of . . 248 ,, structure of . . 252 succession of . . 254 Poison gland .... 256 Porcupine, enamel of . . 47 Premblars, human . . .12 definition of . . . 280 Primates, teeth of ... 403 Pristis, teeth of . . . 222 Proboscidea, teeth of . . . 349 affinities with ro- dents . . .363 Procybnidrc, teeth of . . . 385 Proteles, teeth of ... 382 Pseudoscarus 230 Pterodactyls, teeth of . . . 259 Pterosauria . . . . ib. Pulp, the . ' . . . .104 ,, degeneration of . . 107 nerves of . . .106 ,, vessels of . . . . ib. Python, teeth of . . . .246 E. PAGE th of . . . 247 seth of . . . 248 Jthof . . .316 is, teeth of . . 243 of . . .347 Eidge formula), of proboscidea . 362 Eodentia, teeth of ... 364 milk teeth of . . . 366 ,, enamel of . . 45, 371 Eoot membrane . . . . 109 Eostral teeth of saw fish . . 222 Eudimentary teeth, examples of 267,271,277,311,347,382,430 Eudimentary milk teeth, ex- amples of . 301, 399, 402, 423 Euminants, teeth of . . . 334 absence of upper in- cisors in . . . ib. S. Salivary glands . Salmon, sexual weapons of . Sargus, enamel of teeth of ... Saurians, teeth of Saw-fish, teeth of . Scalpriform incisors of rodents Scarus, teeth of . Schreger, lines of . Seals, teeth of . Second dentition Secondary dentine Selenodont . Serres, glands of . Sexual weapons, teeth used as Sexual differences in teeth 37 236 55 235 241 222 365 231 60 388 194 92 338 108 273 of Babirussa 330 in teeth of boar in teeth deer in teeth 325 of . 274 of dugong . 345 in teeth of elephant . 350 in teeth of horse . 320 in teeth of monkeys 409, 413 in teeth of narwal . 309 440 INDEX. PAGE , i AGE Sharks, development of teeth of . 117 teeth of . . . 215 Tillodonts, teeth of . Tillotherium, teeth of . 342 343 Sharpey, fibres of . . .98 Tomes' fibrils . . . . 64 ,68 Sheep's head fish, teeth of . . 235 Shrews, teeth of . . . .396 Tomes' processes of enamel cells . Tooth, definition of . . 153 1 Simiina, teeth of . . . . 407 Tooth sac . '.'. . . 142 Sirenia, teeth of ... 344 Tooth germ . 113 Sloths, teeth of . . . . 306 Tortoises, teeth of . . . . 241 Snakes, development of teeth of . 125 Toxodon, teeth of ... 339 non-A r enomous, teeth of . 244 Trichecfrus, teeth of 391 colubrine, poisonous . 247 Tusks of wild boar . 325 ,, viperine, poisonous . . 248 of elephant, foreign bodies Socketed teeth . . . .212 in . . . . 352 Sphenodon, teeth of ... 243 Typical tooth i 278 Sphyraena, teeth of ... 235 Stellate reticulum of enamel organ 131, 135, 156 U. Stratum intermedium of enamel organ t . .135 Ungulata, teeth of . . . . 314 Stratum Malpighi, the . . . 108 Striae of enamel prisms . .50 ,, molar patterns of 319 ofRetzins . . . . 51 Succession of teeth in armadillo . 306 v. in lizards . 239 in mammals . 297 Vampire, teeth of ... 401 in marsupials . 421 Varanus, teeth of . . . . 242 ,, in osseous fish 121 dentine of ... 76 ,, in proboscidea 354 Vaso-dentine . 82 et sea. ,, in reptiles . 122 Viper, teeth of .... 248 in sharks . 115 ,, succession of teeth in . 253 in snakes . 125 Viverridae, teeth of . . . 380 ,, in poisonous snakes . 253 Supernumerary teeth in dogs . 380 W. Sus babirussa, teeth of . . . 330 Sus scrofa, teeth of :. . . 325 Walrus, teeth of . 391 Wart-hog, teeth of ... 328 Whalebone . . . 311, 312 T. Whale, rudimentary teeth of 311 Wisdom teeth . 22 Tapir, teeth of . . . . 316 of lower races of Tarsipes, teeth of . . .432 Teething 182 man . . . ofmonkevs . 410, 416 415 Teeth, equivalent to dermal spines 2 Teleostei, teeth of ... 224 development of teeth of 120 Wolf-fish, teeth of . ". Wombat, teeth of . '.' . enamel of '. . . 229 432 53 Temporal muscle, action of . .32 Wrasse, teeth of . . . . ; ., 235 Temporary teeth, eruption of . . 193 Tetrodon, teeth of ... 231 Theriodonts, teeth of . . 259 Z. Thylaoimis, teeth of . . . 422 Thylacoleo, teeth of ... 428 Ziphoid cetacea, teeth of . . 311 BRADBURY, AUXEW, & CO., PRINTERS, WHITEFRIARS. [CATALOGUE C] LONDON, October, 1884. J, & A, CHUECHILL'S MEDICAL CLASS BOOKS. ANATOMY. BRAUNE.An Atlas of Topographical Ana- tomy, after Plane Sections of Frozen Bodies. By WILHELM BRAUNE, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Leipzig. 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