8 I HOOVER STEEL BALL Co ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURERS OF B-A-L-L-S STEEL, BRONZE, BRASS COPPER, ALUMINUM AND OTHER MATERIALS IN BOTH HIGH AND COMMERCIAL GRADES MADE IN AMERICA TO THOSE WHO ARE INTERESTED IN OUR PRODUCT WE WILL, UPON APPLICATION, GLADLY FORWARD OUR REGULAR CATALOG AND PRICE LIST, GIVING THE TRADE NAME OF OUR DIFFERENT GRADES OF BALLS, GUARANTEED ACCURACY AND QUALITY, PRICES AND TERMS TJ/07/ FOREWORD WE TAKE PLEASURE IN PRESENTING THIS TREATISE ON THE MANUFAC- TURE OF STEEL BALLS AND WISH TO THANK THOSE WHO HAVE SUPPORTED US IN SUCCESSFULLY OVERCOMING THE PREJUDICE AT ONE TIME EXISTING AGAINST AMERICAN MADE BALLS. THIS SUCCESS HAS BEEN DUE TO THE QUALITY OF OUR PRODUCT COMBINED WITH EXPERT KNOWLEDGE OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF OUR CUSTOMERS. IN THE FOLLOWING PAGES WE HAVE ENDEAVORED TO SHOW STEP BY STEP THE VARIOUS STAGES THROUGH WHICH A BALL PASSES FROM THE ROUGH STEEL BLANK TO THE MIRROR -LIKE FINISHED SPHERE. THE OBJECT OF THIS TREATISE IS TO LAY BARE FACTS WHICH HAVE HITHERTO BEEN GENERALLY UNKNOWN AND IF WE SUCCEED IN STIMULATING FURTHER INTEREST IN THE BALL INDUSTRY, THIS WORK WILL NOT HAVE BEEN IN VAIN. HOOVER STEEL BALL Co. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 372827 L. J. HOOVER PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER COMMITTEE OF THREE HAVING ENTIRE CHARGE OF FACTORY MANAGEMENT AND MANUFACTURING * * M hi 0} \- " (fl ,_ cr z u < > -i O a- H 1 Z Manufacture of Steel Balls DURING recent years the application of ball bearings in machine design has increased rapidly, and this type of bearing is now used in many machines where plain bearings were formerly considered good enough. Until German export facilities were shut off by the war, the majority of the steel balls used in these bearings were made by the Deutsche Waffen und Munitions Fabriken of Berlin, Germany, and the product of this firm has become so celebrated that many persons think the steel ball industry was developed by the Germans. As a matter of fact, the art of ball making goes back to a very early date, and the development of original methods for doing this work is attributed to the Chinese. To those who have credited the Germans with the development of commercial methods of ball manufacture, it will doubtless be of interest to learn that the first commercial steel balls were made in this country under basic patents granted to Richardson of the Waltham Emery Wheel Co., Waltham, Mass., and that the original ball making machinery for the plant of the Deutsche Waffen und Munitions Fabriken was designed and built in the United States and shipped to Germany ready for use. This will be explained in detail in connection with the following historical outline of important epochs in the steel ball industry. HOW THE STEEL BALL INDUSTRY CAME INTO EXISTENCE IT HAS been stated that basic patents for dry grinders used in roughing out ball blanks to a spherical form were granted to Richardson of the Waltham Emery Wheel Co., in 1887. These patent rights were subsequently sold to the Cleveland Machine Screw Co., Cleveland, Ohio, which had control of patents on ball making machinery taken out by John J. Grant. One of the first firms to manufacture steel balls on a commer- cial basis was the Simonds Rolling Machine Co., of Fitchburg, Mass., and the Fitchburg Steel Ball Co. was subsquently formed by employes who left the Simonds firm. After a brief career, the latter firm was taken over by the Cleveland Machine Screw Co., and with facilities acquired through its own development work and purchase from other companies, it was in a position to manufacture the majority of balls used in the bicycle trade. In this connection it will be of interest to note that up to the year 1899 balls one-half inch in diameter were the largest size that were manufactured in quantities. About 1890 the Cleveland Machine Screw Co. designed and built for the Deutsche Waffen und Munitions Fabriken, of Berlin, Germany, equipment used in its original steel ball plant and this marked a most important step in the trade, owing to the reputation for making high-grade balls that was later acquired by this firm. The machines built and shipped to Germany had no reference to American manufacturing rights, and the Cleveland Machine Screw Co. continued to operate its plant in the usual way. In 1894 when a consolidation of bicycle manufacturers was effected, the Cleveland Machine Screw Co. was sold to the Pope Mfg. Co. of Hartford, Conn., which at that time started to manufacture its own balls for use in bicycle bearings. The requirements of balls for the bicycle trade were not nearly as severe as the standards which must be met by balls used in high-grade annular bearings at the present time. This was largely due to the fact that the cup and cone form of races was employed, allowing compensation to be made, and while this form of race did not enable ball bearings to be operated under the most efficient conditions, it was the means of overcoming discrepancies due to inaccuracies in the size of the balls. Up to this time there had been six or seven firms engaged in the manufacture of steel balls, but with the decline of the bicycle industry a number failed. In 1901 the Standard Roller Bearing Co., Philadelphia, Pa., acquired all obsolete and existing plants engaged in the manufacture of steel balls. L. J. Hoover, who was formerly in the employ of the Standard Roller Bearing Co., left that firm in 1906 and formed the Grant & Hoover Co. at Merchantville, N. J. The name of this firm was later changed to Atlas Ball Co., and the plant transferred to Philadelphia, Pa., where it is still in operation. On March 1, 1913, the Hoover Steel Ball Co. of Ann Arbor, Mich., was organized by Mr. Hoover for the 10 purpose of engaging in the manufacture of high-grade steel balls to take the place of those imported from Germany. When the European war started in 1914, the blockade of German ports by the British Navy shut off the supply of steel balls formerly exported by that country to the United States, and the insistent demand of consumers for balls made in this country imposed a heavy strain upon the facilities of domestic producers. Some- what similar conditions existed in all branches of the machinery trade, making it difficult for the ball manufacturers to increase the capacity of their plants ; but the management of the Hoover Steel Ball Co. showed commendable initiative by contracting for the entire output of machine building firms with which orders were placed for special machinery required in ball manufacture; and these firms were given financial assistance to enable them to handle work with the greatest possible rapidity. As a result, the Hoover Steel Ball Co. has greatly increased its capacity, the grow r th being well illustrated by Fig. 1 and the illustration in the center of the book, that show, respectively, the original factory in which the firm started manufacturing in March, 1913, and the plant as it appears at present. An idea of the magnitude of the business will be gathered from the fact that the consumption of steel runs in excess of 500 tons a month, and calculated on the basis of J^-inch balls, the daily production is between 25,000,000 and 30,000,000 balls per day. Fig. 1. Original Plant in which Hoover Steel Ball Co. started Manufacturing Operation in March, 1913. 11 RAW MATERIAL OF THE STEEL BALL INDUSTRY THE steel from which balls are made comes to the factory in coils or straight rods, according to its size. Stock less than 11/16 inch in diameter comes in coils and is known as "wire," while all stock exceeding 5/g-inch in diameter comes in straight bars. The size of the stock is referred to in thousandths, i. e., stock ^g-inch in diameter is known as 0.375- inch stock. The following is a specification of steel wire used for making balls: carbon, 0.95 to 1.05 per cent; silicon, 0.20 to 0.35 per cent ; manganese, 0.30 to 0.45 per cent ; chromium, 0.35 to 0.45 per cent; sulphur and phosphorus, not to exceed 0.025 per cent. The following analysis is typical for the larger sizes of stock which comes in straight bars: carbon, 1.02 per cent; manganese, 0.40; silicon, 0.21; chromium, 0.65; sulphur, 0.026; and phosphorus, 0.014 per cent. A well equipped laboratory is maintained in which chemical and physical tests are conducted on each shipment of steel to determine its suit- ability for manufacture into balls, and an unloading ticket must be signed by the head of the laboratory before the steel is taken from the cars into the plant. Some very interesting conditions have been brought to light by the laboratory work, and a later section of this article will be devoted to a discussion of tests conducted on the raw material and product, data obtained from these tests, and a description of methods and apparatus used in the laboratory. PRODUCTION OF BALL BLANKS BY COLD-HEADING BALL blanks made from stock ranging from 1/16 up to and including j^-inch m diameter are formed on special cold-headers designed for the production of ball blanks by the E. J. .Manville Machine Co., Waterbury, Conn. A battery of these machines is shown in operation in Fig. 2, and in this connection it may be mentioned that the Hoover Steel Ball Co. is equipped with machines of the following sizes: 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, and 5. Production of ball blanks by the cold-heading process has several advantages in its favor. In the first place, there is practically no waste, with the exception of about 0.040 Fig. 2. General View in Cold-header Department; Blanks for All Sizes of Balls up to Y^-inch Diameter are made on Cold-Heading Machines. inch of metal left on the blank to provide for finishing. Blanks can be held to this close limit because the steel is worked cold and there is no tendency for it to become decarbonized. One man can look after three or four machines, so that the cost of labor is almost negligible. Cold-headers used in the production of ball blanks are of the type commonly known as single-blow solid-die machines, and the way in which they operate can best be explained in connection with Fig. 3. These machines consist of a heavy framed which completely surrounds the working parts of the machine, thus insuring a high degree of rigidity. At one end of the machine there is a driving shaft B ; and. at the opposite end of the frame is die-block C. Between the sides of the frame is a movable ram D that actuates the heading punch E. Wire F to be made into ball blanks enters the machine through feed rolls G and then passes through cut-off quill H. At the side of the machine is supported a bracket / in which slide / may be reciprocated by a crank motion from the main driving shaft. Slide J has a cam groove cut in it in which roll K is fitted ; this roll is mounted on cross-slide L, so that a lateral 13 Fig 3. Plan View of Cold-header Mechanism Illustrating Method of Operation. motion is imparted to cut-off knife M located on the end of cutter-bar L. A ratchet feed advances the wire through the cut-off quill until it comes into contact with a stop, which is not shown in the illustration. This stop checks forward motion of the stock when a sufficient length has passed the cut-off knife to produce a ball blank of the proper size. Cut-off knife M is advanced in the manner just described, severing the wire, but retaining it on the cut-off blade by means of a spring finger. Advance of the cut-off knife and wire slug is continued until the slug reaches a position directly in front of the opening in die TV. Here it is held stationary long enough for punch E to begin to push the slug of metal into the die, at which time cut-off knife M retreats Table I. Capacities of Cold-headers in Ball Blanks per Hour Size of Cold- header Capacity for Ball Blanks Diameter in Inches. Max. Size. Production of Blanks per Hour Size of Cold-header Capacity for Ball Blanks Diameter in Inches. Max. Size. Production of Blanks per Hour 00 3/16 7800 2 7/16 6300 9/32 7200 3 1/2 6000 1 3/8 6900 5 9/16 4800 Note Due to time loss in setting up, trouble with stock and breakdowns, the actual average rate of production is from 80% to 90% of above values. Table II. Size of Stock Used for Making Balls on Cold-headers Diameter of Ball Inches Diameter of Stock Inches Diameter of Ball Inches Diameter of Stock Inches 1/8 .100 5/16 .235 5/32 .120 3/8 .275 3/16 .145 7/16 .320 7/32 .170 1/2 .365 1/4 .190 9/16 .395 9/32 .220 5/8 .440 and allows punch E to continue its work by pushing the blank to the bottom of the die cavity. After the slug F has been headed it is ejected by the knock-out pin O which is advanced by the mechanism operated by lever P, which also receives its motion from a crank at the side of the machine connected to the main driving shaft. In this way the ball blank is knocked out of the die and dropped through an opening into a receptacle placed to receive it, this being clearly shown in Fig. 2. Table II gives the diameter of stock used in making blanks for several different sizes of balls, and is presented to show the enlargement that takes place during the heading operation. Various grades of steel* have been used for making dies employed on the cold-headers, but the most satisfactory results have been obtained with the following grades ^'Sander- son" or "Viking Special" made by the Crucible Steel Co. of America; "Intra" made by the Hermann Boker Co.; "Gyro" made by Braeburn Steel Co.; and tool steel made by William Jessop & Sons. HOT-FORGING BALL BLANKS IT HAS previously been stated that blanks for balls exceeding ^g-inch in diameter are hot-forged from straight bars, and in handling this work multiple dies are employed which produce strings of balls containing up to ten balls, according to the size. The stock is heated in "Frankfort" furnaces made by the Strong, Carlisle & Hammond Co. of Cleveland, Ohio; 15 Fig. 4. View of Stock Racks in Hot-forging Department where Ball Blanks exceeding Y^-inch diameter are made. these are oil furnaces which are operated with oil at a pressure of 8 pounds per square inch, and air at a pressure of 2 pounds per square inch. Twelve bars are arranged in the furnace as shown in Fig. 5. The hammer-man takes out the bar at the left-hand side of the furnace, and after forging a string of balls at the end of this bar and cutting it up into individual ball blanks, returns the bar to the furnace at a point at the extreme right. In this way, the bars are used in rotation, which prevents any bar from becoming overheated. This is a matter of con- siderable importance, because the furnaces are maintained at a temperature somewhat in excess of 1800 degrees F. in order to provide for heating the stock as rapidly as may be necessary; but should it happen that steel was left in the furnace for an undue length of time, there would be danger of burning the steel. The multiple forging dies are shown in detail in Fig. 6, in which it will be seen that each die opening is elliptical; the purpose of this is to provide a clearance space at each side into which excess metal will flow. It must be borne in mind however, that while this illustration only shows four die openings, the number of openings runs up to ten, according to the size of ball blanks that are being forged. In the cross-sectional views, the dimensions of the die are indicated by letters, and in Table III are given diameter A of cherrying cutter, distanced between 16 Fig. 6. Type of Die used for Hot-forging Ball Blanks for Balls exceeding %-inch Diameter. Table HI. Dimensions of Hot- forging Dies for Ball Blanks Diameter of Ball, Inch Diameter A of Die, Inch Distance B between Centers, Inch Depth C of Die, Inch Depth D, of Bridge, Inch Diameter E of Stock, Inch 3/4 0.775 0.910 0.387 0.065 0.625 7/8 0.905 1.060 0.452 0.065 0.729 1 1.035 1.210 0.517 0.075 0.823 centers, and depth C to which the cherrying cutter is sunk in making the dies for three sizes of balls, and these data are presented to indicate how dimensions of the dies vary for differ- ent sizes of balls. The depth D of the gate between adjacent diesis a matter of considerable importance, because, it determines the size of the neck between adjacent balls, which is depended upon to hold the string of balls together until they are sheared. Also this depth must be regulated so that there is no tendency to draw the stock adjacent to the neck and form a pipe in the ball blank, which would have a highly detrimental effect on its structure. A land of approximately one-third the diameter of the ball is provided for clearance at the bottom of the die and the upper die member. The dies are made from a special die steel made by the Ludlum Steel Co. of Watervliet, N. Y., or from 17 Fig. 5. "Frankfort" Oil-heated Furnaces made by Strong, Carlisle & Hammond Co., in which Bars are Heated for Hot-forging Operation. "Firth-Sterling Special," made by the Firth-Sterling Steel Co., McKeesport, Pa. This is not an alloy steel, but a regular tool steel adapted for making hot-forging dies. In order to produce round balls in such dies, the bar is turned between each stroke of the hammer, which results in bringing the balls to a close approximation of the spherical form. Along one side of each die is a pipe with a number of holes drilled in it through which water flows onto the dies and work. In purchasing stock for the production of ball blanks for the hot-forging method, it is matter of considerable importance to have all bars of the same length. This is due to the fact that when there is considerable variation in length, some bars will 18 be used up before others, with the result that it is necessary to finish up a number of short pieces in the furnace before putting in an entire new charge. At the end of each bar there is left what is known as a "short end," and experience has shown that these short ends cannot be forged into ball blanks of the regular size, as they fail to fill out the dies properly. On this account, short ends are collected and forged into ball blanks of the next smaller size. By ordering stock in bars of a specified length, ' 'short-ends" are eliminated. After being forged, the hot string of balls is taken to punch presses made by the Ferracute Machine Co., Bridgeton, N. J., which are placed beside the Bradley helve hammers on which the forging operation is performed, the arrangement being clearly shown in Fig. 7. The punch presses are equipped with multiple shearing dies, which consist of a lower die member with holes of the same size as the balls and a multiple punch carried in the ram, one punch being in line with each opening in the die. The string of balls is dropped into place and the Fig. 7. C. C. Bradley Hammer and Ferracute Power Press in which a String of Ball Blanks is Forged and Cut up into Individual Balls. 19 press tripped, resulting in pushing the balls through the holes in the die and leaving the scrap metal which is brushed off before the next operation is performed. The bar is then returned to the right-hand side of the heating furnace, as previously mentioned, and is moved to the left each time a heated bar is removed, until it reaches the extreme left ready for another string of balls to be forged from the heated metal at its end. Three sizes of helve hammers made by C. C. Bradley & Son, Inc., Syracuse, N. Y., are used for forging ball blanks, which have capacities for striking blows of 125, 150 and 300 pounds. ELEVATION OF DIE AND PUNCHES PUNCH. HOLDER FLAN OF DIE Figure 8. Type of Die used for Shearing String Forgings into Individual Ball Blanks. Fig. 8. shows the construction of shearing punches used for cutting up the string forgings into individual ball blanks. At A is shown the form of punch-holder used, which will be seen to consist of a cast-iron shoe with four set-screws for holding the punches. These are secured in a clamp B which is made by drilling holes of the proper size for the punch shanks in a block of the desired form and then sawing this block in half; the punches are then put in place and the entire clamp secured in punch-holder A . The diameter C of these punches is usually made about J^-inch less than the diameter of the balls in the string forging that is to be cut up. A plan view of the die is shown at D, and it will be evident that the spacing between holes in this die is the same as the center distance between the die cavities in the forging die. Also a bridge is provided in the shearing die of sufficient depth to retain the neck left between adjacent ball blanks on the string forging while the balls are pushed through the die. After the shearing operation has been completed, the scrap metal is brushed off the shearing die before the next set of ball blanks is cut up. In has been mentioned that balls ranging in size from ^-inch up to about 2j^-inches in diameter are made by forging strings of blanks according to the process which has just been described. In the case of the larger sizes of balls from &/% to 4 inches in diameter single blanks are usually forged under a steam hammer, making one blank at a time at the end of the bar. Slugs of the proper size are first cut off to the required length and both ends chamfered, the length of stock being determined by the weight of the finished balls after making a proper allow- ance for the material removed in finishing. These blanks are placed in the oil furnace and heated to a forging temperature; and each time a blank is removed to be forged a new slug of metal is put into the furnace in its place. Dies used for this kind of forging are of an entirely different form from those used in string forging; they are cupped out to the desired diameter, but are only turned to a depth of one-quarter the diameter of the ball to be forged and are not relieved. When the blank has been heated, the hammer-man places it in the die and the hammer is worked very slowly until the blank begins to take a spherical shape, when quicker and heavier blows are struck. Owing to the shallowness of the die, the operator has ample room to turn the ball in all directions, and he can therefore produce an almost perfect sphere. Blanks up to 8 inches in diameter are forged without varying more than 0.005 inch from a true spherical form. ROUGH DRY-GRINDING THE method of making ball blanks varies according to their size, small blanks being made on cold-headers and large blanks forged from hot metal according to the methods which have just been described. After this preliminary work, all sizes of balls go through essentially the same treatment certain minor modifications being made according to the quality of the balls; and the method of treatment may also vary some- what in the case of balls of extremely large size. These modifica- tions from standard practice will be taken up in detail. Blanks made by either the cold-heading or hot-forging process are first sent to the dry-grinding room, where they Fig. 9. Side View of Dry-grinder, showing wheel dropped away from work, a Charge of Balls ready to be dropped into Grinding Position, and Ball being measured for Size in Test Indicator. 22 are subjected to a rough-grinding operation before going to the heat-treating department. This rough-grinding results in removing a considerable part of the surplus metal and bringing each ball to a much closer approximation of a truly spherical form than it is possible to obtain in forgings made by either of the methods that have been described. In the case of hot-forged Fig. 10. Front View of Grinding Machine, showing Grinding Wheel raised to Operating Position and Tray of Ground Balls just removed from Machine; Balls seen in Ring are not in Grinding Position 23 ball blanks, this rough-grinding also removes the decarbonized steel from the surface of the blanks produced in forging. An exception to the general method of procedure is made in the case of balls from 1/16 to 3/16 inch in diameter. Such balls are not dry-ground before being heat-treated, but they get a rough and a finish dry-grinding after being hardened. Figs. 9 to 11, inclusive, show the type of machine on which the dry-grinding operation is performed, and the best idea of its construction and method of operation will be obtained by reference to the two views shown in Fig. 11. The main Fig. 11. Front and Side Views of Dry-grinding Machine, illustrating Principle of Operation. parts of this machine consist of a carborundum grinding wheel A and an iron ring B which are driven in opposite directions. Two rings C and D are supported by spiders in such a way that there is a space between the beveled edges of the inner and outer rings sufficient to allow ball blanks that are to be ground to project through this space. In the side view of the machine illustrated in Fig. 11, these rings are shown with the wheel lowered, but when the machine is in operation the balls held between rings C and D are in contact with grinding wheel A ; and ring B presses down and holds them against the grinding wheel. In order to provide for grinding the balls uniformly, the spindles on which grinding wheel A and driving ring B are carried are placed eccentric to each other, which results in giving the balls an oscillating motion in addition to their motion of rotation ; and as a result of this combined movement all surfaces of the ball blanks are exposed to the action of the grinding wheel, which results in bringing them to a close approximation of the spherical form. The way in which the upper and lower spindles of the machine are driven is best illustrated in Fig. 9, which shows how open and crossed belts are brought to the machine pulleys from an overhead countershaft. Probably the best way to describe the operation of one of these dry-grinders is to start at the point where a charge of ball blanks has been ground down to the required size and is to be removed from the machine. To provide for doing this, the head which supports grinding wheel A is carried on a slide on the base of the machine. Secured to the bottom of this slide is a rack E that meshes with a pinion at the end of cross-shaft F. Keyed to the opposite end of shaft F is a worm-wheel G that meshes with a worm actuated by hand-wheel H that provides fine adjustment. Secured to the bed of the machine is a disk /, and in order to drop grinding wheel A out of contact with the work held between rings C and D, the spring latch carried by lever J is withdrawn from a notch in disk / and the lever is moved to the left until the latch engages a stop notch in disk /, which limits the downward motion of the grinding wheel. It will be seen that sufficient clearance is, now provided between grinding wheel A and rings C and D to enable tray K to be swung into position to catch the balls when they are discharged from the holding rings. It will be seen that inner ring D is supported by a spider secured to the lower end of rod L, and in order to discharge the ground balls, ring D is dropped by pushing down lever M. This drops the inner ring and allows the ground balls to fall into tray K. When lever M is released, ring D is returned to its original position by means of a compression spring N. During the time that the charge of balls in the machine is being ground, a fresh charge of blanks is placed in the space between driving ring ,5 and outer ring C; a few of these balls will be seen in position in Fig. 9. After the ground balls have been removed and inner ring D has been returned to the position shown in Fig. 11, it is necessary to place the charge of new blanks in position to be ground. This is done by dropping both rings C and D sufficiently so that the balls held between outer ring C and driving ring B may drop into position, after which the two rings are returned to the location shown in Fig. 11. This result is accomplished by means of lever O that is carried at the end of a cross-shaft which has a pinion at its right-hand end meshing with the rack P cut in the sleeve that supports the spider on which outer ring C is carried. In order to drop a charge of balls into place, the spring latch carried by lever is released and this lever is pulled forward which results in dropping both rings C and D, due to the fact that rod Z/, supporting inner ring D, is pinned to the upper end of sleeve P, to which the outer ring is connected by means of the spider. When the balls have been dropped into position as indicated, grinding wheel A is raised into contact with the work Fig. 12. Special Grinding Machines for Grinding Rings shown at C and D in Fig. 11. by raising lever /. Rings C and D are ground to a smooth surface and fine edge in order that the balls may run freely and reach through the space to come into contact with the grinding wheel A. This is done on special grinding machines, the method of grinding the inner and outer rings being clearly illustrated in Fig. 12. Lever Q at the front of the grinding machine operates a clutch that provides for starting or stopping the machine. It will be seen from Figs. 9 and 10 that the grinders are provided with an exhaust system to carry away the dust of the wheel. HEAT TREATMENT DURING the process of making the steel for the balls and in forging and rough-grinding the ball blanks made from this steel, severe internal strains are likely to be set up in the metal that would often be of sufficient magnitude to cause the balls to be broken when subjected to only a small Fig. 13. Charging End of American Rotary Gas Furnaces in which Balls up to One Inch Diameter are Heat-treated. part of their rated load carrying capacity. Trouble from this source must be eliminated, and this is done by subjecting the balls to a preliminary annealing operation in rotary gas furnaces made by the American Gas Furnace Co. of Elizabethport, N. J., before the final hardening operation. The same type of furnace Fig. 14. Discharge End of American Rotary Gas Furnaces, showing Quenching Tanks and Deflector through which Balls are delivered to Baskets at Bottom of Tanks. is used for the annealing and hardening operations, but for the former the delivery chute on the furnace is arranged to discharge the balls into pans, as shown at A in Fig. 13, while for the latter the balls are discharged into a quenching tank, as indicated in Fig. 14. The form of retort used in these American gas furnaces is shown in Fig. 15, and it will be seen to have a spiral path Fig. 15. Cross-Sectional View of "Nichrome" Retort used in Rotary Gas Furnaces. through which the balls pass as the retort is revolved. At the loading end of each furnace there is a hopper that is kept filled with ball blanks, and the retort draws blanks from this hopper and passes them through the furnace at such a rate that the steel is heated to the desired temperature when the balls are discharged. For annealing, a temperature of 1300 degrees F. is employed, and for hardening the balls are raised to a tempera- ture of from 1425 to 1475 degrees F. according to the size and the composition of the steel. Pyrometers made by the Hoskins Mfg. Co. of Detroit, Mich., are used to determine the tempera- ture of each furnace. QUENCHING THE STEEL BALLS IT HAS been mentioned that the same type of furnace is used for both the annealing and hardening operations, the only change being to place the tube so that the ball blanks are discharged into a pan in the case of annealing, and into the quenching tank in the case of the hardening operation. The retorts used in the furnaces were formerly made of cast iron, and great trouble was experienced through their destruction after they had been in service a short time. This trouble has been over-come by substituting "Nichrome" in place of cast iron, and retorts made of this material last indefinitely. In hardening, there is a difference of practice according to the size of the balls, those of 5/16-inch diameter and less being quenched in oil while balls of larger size are quenched in water. Balls made of some grades of steel are quenched in pure water and others are quenched in brine. In all cases the quenching tanks are provided with a device of the form shown in Fig. 14, which consists of a series of conical sheet metal deflectors through which the balls pass before reaching the wire mesh basket at the bottom of the tank. The purpose of these sheet metal cones is to deflect the course of the balls so that they follow a winding path and are completely cooled before reaching the bottom of the tank. One complete furnace charge can be run into one of these wire baskets and when this is filled, the entire outfit is lifted out of the tank by means of an electric hoist as shown, and the balls are then removed from the basket. The depth of Fig. 16. ''Frankfort" Oil Furnaces for use in Heat-treating Balls over One inch Diameter, and Quenching Tank in which these Balls are Hardened. Note Hoskins Pyrometer for showing Temperature of Furnaces. 30 the quenching tank is about 14 feet. Rotary furnaces are used for annealing and hardening the smaller sizes of balls, and in the case of balls one inch in diameter and over, ''Frankfort" oil furnaces are employed, into which the balls are introduced on trays as shown in Fig. 16. When the balls are heated to the proper temperature, these trays are withdrawn and the balls are dumped into the quenching tanks provided with the sheet metal cones described. The reason for quenching small balls in oil and large balls in water is that the oil does not absorb the heat as rapidly as the water, and in the case of very small balls, the shock of dropping them into water would result in strains so great that many balls would either be cracked or broken, and the strength of those balls in which there were no visible defects would be seriously impaired. In the case of large balls, there is sufficient heat to prevent trouble from this cause. From time to time sample balls are tested by breaking them on an anvil and examining the structure of the steel to make sure that the heat-treatment is producing the desired results. Provision must be made for preventing over-heating of the oil or water in the quenching baths, and this is done by having a circulating system through which the oil or water passes into a reservoir outside the building and then through a coil in this reservoir and back to the tank. In this way the contents of the quenching tank are kept in continual circulation, preventing overheating. SPECIAL TREATMENT TO RELIEVE INTERNAL STRAINS DURING the process of hardening, internal strains are set up in the balls, and it is necessary, of course, to relieve the strains without effecting the surface hard- ness of the balls. This is done by immersing the balls which are carried in wire baskets, in a tank of boiling water for two hours. The equipment used for this purpose is shown in Fig. 17. This practice is only followed in the case of balls that are hardened by quenching in water or brine. Besides relieving the internal strains, the hot water prevents the balls from rusting after their removal, as the hot balls dry off very rapidly. Fig. 17. Water Bath in which Severe Strains are Removed from Balls Quenched in Water by subjecting them to Temperature of Boiling Water for Two Hours. This Treatment also enables Balls to Dry Rapidly and Prevents Rusting. FINISH DRY-GRINDING AFTER being hardened, the balls are sent back to the dry- grinding room, where they are subjected to what is known as a finish dry-grinding operation. This is the same as the rough dry-grinding that the balls receive before harden- ing, except that it is done with a finer wheel which results in removing the scale produced in hardening and also reducing their diameters a little closer to the finished size. For the rough-grinding operation, wheels of No. 40 grit are employed. On the finish-grinding, the grit of the wheel varies according to the size of the balls. Wheels of No. 60 grit are used for all balls exceeding 5/16-inch in diameter, while for smaller balls wheels of 90 or 100 grit are employed. In all cases the machines are driven at the required number of revolutions per minute to give a surface speed of 4500 to 5000 feet per minute at the point where the ring wheel engages the balls. A VISITOR who is conducted through the plant of the Hoover Steel Ball Co. finds it exceptionally easy to become acquainted with what is going on in each shop, because, although the plant is large, it is engaged in making a single product, manufacturing operations on different sizes of balls being conducted in essentially the same way through out. This condition stands out in marked contrast to that found- in plants engaged in the production of a variety of different parts, as the manufacturing operations necessarily vary, making it more difficult to see just what is being done. c o c e * D m E c> F o Fig. 18. (A) String of Hot- forged Bail Blanks. (B}Ball Blanks made by Cold- heading Process. (C) Rough Dry-ground Balls. (D) Rough Dry-ground Balls after Hardening. (E) Finish Dry-ground Balls. (F) Oil-rolled Balls. (G) Oil-ground Balls. (H) Polished Balls ready for Inspection. Fig. 18 shows the condition of the product at each step in the process of manufacture, and it will be of interest to study this illustration carefully, as it shows just what is done to the balls by each operation through which they pass before comple- tion. At A is shown a string of hot-forged ball blanks before they have been sheared apart, and at B are illustrated two ball blanks made by the cold-heading process. Blanks produced by either of these methods are first subjected to a rough dry- grinding operation which reduces them to an approximately spherical form, as shown at C, although the surface is covered with a multitude of small flats and scratches left by the grinding wheel. At D are shown two rough-ground blanks after they have been subjected to the process of heat-treatment, and it will be noticed that their appearance is essentially the same as that of the rough-ground blanks shown at C except that the surface is darkened as a result of the heat treatment. Two blanks are shown at E, which have received the finish dry- grinding after being hardened, and it will be noticed that the appearance of these blanks is the same as that of the rough- 33 ground blanks C except that the flats and scratches are not so pronounced. At F and G are shown two blanks that have gone through a process known as ' 'oil-rolling" and two blanks that have been through the oil-grinding process. The appearance of both these balls is practically the' same except that the oilground balls have been reduced to exactly the desired size. At H are shown two finished balls after being polished, ready to be sent on to the inspection department, where they will be subjected to a series of rigid tests. OIL-ROLLING BALLS IN TUMBLING BARRELS AFTER receiving the finish dry-grinding, the balls are of approximately spherical form, but the surface is covered with flat spots and scratches left by the grinding wheel and there is still a considerable amount of excess metal on the balls to be removed. The first step is to subject them to a process known as oil-rolling which consists of tumbling a charge of balls in an iron barrel containing oil and abrasive. This oil and abrasive is refuse from machines on which a subsequent opera- tion known as "oil-grinding" is performed; this operation will be Fig. 19. View in Oil-rolling Department, showing Special Tumbling Barrels of Large Capacity. 34 described in detail later, and the nature of the abrasive will be explained at that time. Most of the tumbling barrels used in this department have capacity for a charge of 1500 pounds of balls, and these were built especially for the Hoover Steel Ball Co. ; but some 800-pound barrels made by the Baird Machine Co. of Bridgeport, Conn., are also employed. Some of these barrels are shown in operation in Fig. 19. The purpose of oil-rolling is to smooth off the flats and scratches left by the dry-grinders and to remove excess stock, about 0.004 inch being allowed for removal in the oil-grinding operation. Balls up to 1^2-inch in diameter are given this oil-rolling treatment. It is necessary to leave the balls in these tumbling barrels from twenty to thirty-six hours, according to the amount of stock that must be removed, and as each ball rotates in such a way that its entire surface is uniformly exposed to the action Fig. 20. Oil-grinding Machine on which Final Grinding Operation is performed Attention is called to Dials showing Approximate Time when Grinding will be Finished, and Indicator for Testing Size of Balls. 35 of the abrasive and of the balls adjacent to it, this treatment results in the production of perfect spheres. When the time has almost arrived at which the balls should be removed, a number are selected at random from the contents of each barrel, taken out and measured with a micrometer in order to see how closely they approach the required size. The oil-rolling is then continued with successive gaugings until the balls have been reduced to the required dimension plus 0,004 inch, after which they are removed from the barrels, cleaned, and then taken to the oil-grinding department. In reducing balls by the process of oil-rolling, it occasionally becomes neces- sary to add more abrasive to the supply of oil and abrasive ob- tained from the oil-grinders. When this is done, No. 36 carborun- dum is used, as this coarse-grain abrasive increases the speed at which the balls are reduced to the required size. HOW THE PROCESS OF OIL-GRINDING IS CONDUCTED THERE are two main grades of balls made in the Hoover factory, known as "Micro-chrome" and "Commercial" balls, the former being the better quality. Both grades are reduced to the final size by the process known as "oil-grinding" that is conducted on machines of the form shown in Figs. 20 Fig. 21. Side and Front Views of Oil-Grinding Machine, Illustrating Method of Operation. 36 and 21. The construction and operation of the oil-grinding machines will be best understood from Fig. 21, which shows details of its construction. These machines are provided with two iron rings A and J3, each of which has an annular groove cut in it of a suitable size to accommodate the balls C to be ground. It will be noted that there is a small groove at the bottom of the annular groove in the lower ring A , which provides for holding a supply of oil and abrasive. Ring A has the annular groove for the balls cut at the bottom of a larger groove, and ring 5 has a flange in which the ball groove is cut that drops into this large groove in ring A ; the arrangement will be readily understood from the illustration. It will, of course, be understood that the grinding ring is rilled with balls, the number that constitutes a complete charge varying according to the size of balls that are being ground. To provide for loading and unloading the machine, lower ring A is drawn out onto a table D which is provided for that purpose, and after a fresh charge of balls has been put in place this ring is pushed back into position under the upper ring B that is secured to the spindle of the machine. A sheet metal shield is then pushed into place in front of the rings in order to prevent splashing of the oil. Ring A is located in approximately the desired position by means of a hole in the machine bed into which an extension on the under side of ring A drops, but the extension on this ring is a loose fit in the hole to allow ring A to align itself properly with ring B. The upper ring is secured to the spindle, and in order to start the grinding operation it must be lowered into contact with the balls carried in the annular groove of ring A. This is accomplished by a rack on the spindle sleeve that meshes with pinion E secured to lever F. In order to raise ring B out of contact with the work so that ring A may be drawn out onto turntable D, lever F is pulled down into the horizontal position shown in the illustration. In this position spring latch G drops into a notch on ring H that is secured to the frame of the machine, thus holding ring B in the suspended position. After the machine has been reloaded and it is desired to drop ring B into contact with the work preparatory to starting the grinding operation, spring latch G is withdrawn from the notch in ring H by pulling back grip / that is connected to the end of the rod on which latch G is carried. Then the wheel is lowered by gravity, care being taken to hold tight to the crank at the end of lever F so that it is slowly raised to a vertical position instead of flying up and allowing ring B to drop heavily onto the balls carried in the lower ring. It will be seen that there are three grinding heads provided on each machine, and these are furnished with independent tight and loose pulley drives, so that any head may be stopped without interfering with the operation of the other two. This is done by throwing the belt from the tight to the loose pulley by means of lever /, which actuates the belt shifter. The oil- grinders are provided with a dial similar to that of a clock, so that the time for grinding can be observed; the grinding operation usually takes from twenty to forty-five minutes, ac- cording to the size of the balls and the amount of stock that must be removed. When the machine is set up ready to start the grinding operation, this dial is set to the approximate time at which the grinding operation will be completed, and a little while before this time is reached several balls are selected at random from different points around the ring, and are measured with an indicator to see how near they come to the required size. The dials on the machine and the test indicator are shown in Fig. 20. Fig. 22. Small Tumbling Barrels for Cleaning Balls in Sawdust, and Riddles foi Separating Sawdust from Balls. 38 CLEANING AND POLISHING OIL-GROUND BALLS AS SOON as the balls have been ground down to the desired diameter, they are removed from the machine and taken to tumbling barrels containing hardwood sawdust, in which they are rolled for a sufficient length of time to clean off all oil and abrasive. The charge in each tumbling barrel is then taken out and put into riddles through which the sawdust is sifted, as shown in Fig. 22, to separate it from the balls; the balls next go to the tumbling barrels containing a mixture of oil Fig. 23. Kegs in which Balls are Polished by Rolling in Leather. 39 and Vienna lime. They are rolled in this mixture for a sufficient length of time to give them a preliminary polish, after which they are removed and again cleaned in tumbling barrels filled with hardwood sawdust. The sawdust is sifted from the balls in riddles, after which they are rolled for from twenty to twenty five- minutes in kegs containing strips of kid similar to that from which gloves are made, the arrangement of this polishing equipment being shown in Fig. 23. Rolling the balls in this way gives them a high polish, which is the final step in the process ; and the finished balls are then ready to be taken to the inspection department. The following data concerning conditions under which oil-grinders are operated and abrasives and oils used on these machines will prove of interest. It has been mentioned that two main grades of balls are made, which are known as ' 'Micro- chrome" and ' 'Commercial" the former being the better quality. On the "Micro-chrome" balls the grinders are run at 195 revolutions per minute and the abrasive used is a mixture of No. 3-F car- borundum and "Atlantic Red" machine oil made by the Standard Oil Co. On "Commercial" balls, the grinders are run at a speed of 325 revolutions per minute and the abrasive is an equal mixture of Nos. 180 and 150 carborundum to which No. 4 "Road Oil" is added, this oil also being the product of the Standard Oil Co. Used oil and abrasive from the grinding machines is collected and used in the tumbling barrels. SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR LARGE BALLS CERTAIN variations from the practice described in the preceding paragraphs are necessary in the case of large sized balls which would be too heavy to handle in tumbling barrels. For instance, "Commercial" balls over 1^-inch in diameter and "Micro-chrome" balls over 5/g-inch in diameter are burnished on oil-grinders running at high speed and in which very fine abrasive and light oil are used instead of being subjected to a tumbling operation in barrels containing a mixture of oil and lime, as previously described. If large balls of this kind were put in a tumbling barrel, there would be too much shock from the balls striking one another; hence the variation in practice. 40 PRODUCTION OF OIL- ROLLED BALLS IT HAS been explained that in the regular process of manu- facture the balls go from the tumbling barrels to the oil- grinders on which they are reduced to the required size ready for polishing. There are some cheaper grades of balls, however, that do not go to the oil-grinders; these balls are reduced to size by oil-rolling in the tumbling barrels, after which they are polished and sent to the inspection department. The method of polishing is the same as that to which the better grades are subjected, which was previously described. In oil-rolling the balls, a mixture of No. 36 carborundum and No. 4 "Road Oil" is used in the tumbling barrels. MANUFACTURE OF BRASS, BRONZE AND COPPER BALLS IN ADDITION to its regular product, the Hoover Steel Ball Co. does quite an extensive business in the manufacture of brass, bronze and copper balls of various sizes. One important use of these balls is for various forms of valves, although they find a number of other applications. The general features of the methods used in producing these balls are the same as those employed in making steel balls, but there are certain modifications which will prove of interest. Brass, bronze and copper ball blanks up to 1 ^-inch in diameter are produced on Manville cold-headers, and blanks for balls exceeding this size are cast. In the case of very large balls the practice is often adopted of making the blanks hollow, which is done by casting them with a sand core that is subsequently removed. Then in order to prepare the blank for finishing, the holes left by the core prints are drilled, reamed and tapped so that threaded plugs may be screwed in. These hollow ball blanks are then subjected to the regular process of manufacture, and it is a difficult matter to detect the place where the plugs have been screwed in. As in the case of steel balls, these blanks are first subjected to a process of dry-grinding to make them approximately spheri- cal. Brass, bronze and copper balls are too soft to stand treatment in tumbling barrels, as they would be covered with bruises from impact with each other. After being dry-ground, they receive 41 the regular process of oil-grinding and are then polished in machines of the same design as those used for oil-grinding; but in polishing, the balls are rolled in oil without any abrasive, which results in giving them quite a high polish, although the surface produced is not as highly finished as in the case of steel balls which are subjected to burnishing and polishing operations after being oil-ground. In treating brass, bronze and copper balls in the oil-grinding machine, care must be taken not to subject them to too great pressure, and in order to guard against this the rings on the machine are filled with brass and steel balls arranged alternately; the steel balls support the pressure of the upper ring and the head on which it is carried, and allow the balls to be ground and polished without being subjected to sufficient pressure to flatten them. INSPECTION OF FINISHED BALLS AFTER each step in the process of manufacture, the balls receive a general inspection to make sure that nothing is wrong with the adjustment of the machines or with the material from which the balls are made that will prevent the production of balls that come up to the standard. After receiv- ing their final polish, the finished balls go to the inspection department, where they are subjected to a number of searching tests in order that all defective balls may be eliminated and that those balls which pass inspection may be divided into various grades according to the accuracy of their dimensions. The first step is to clean the balls thoroughly, which is done by placing them in metal baskets provided with long handles so that the load of balls may be dipped into gasoline to remove grease and particles of leather carried over from the polishing department. After this washing, the balls are put into canvas bags and rolled on a table so that the bags will absorb the gasoline and wipe off the dirt. The balls are given a preliminary wiping in one of these bags, after which they are placed in a second bag that is cleaner and insures the removal of the last traces of gasoline and dirt. MAKING PLATE INSPECTION AFTER cleaning, the first actual examination is conducted on what are known as "inspection plates, "one of which is shown in Fig. 24. These plates are used on benches that run all the way around the two inspection rooms, so that ad- vantage may be taken of the liberal amount of daylight provided by the windows which extend from below the bench up to the ceiling. The plates are made of glass and painted black. A reflector is set up at the back of each inspection plate which throws light on the balls; and a strip of thin flexible cardboard is drawn back and forth beneath the balls to rotate them and bring all surfaces into view. Several times while making this inspection all the balls on the plate are rubbed with a cloth to change their axes of rotation and insure exposing the whole surface. The first step is to pick out balls having cracks, flats, etc., and these are sold as seconds or scraps. Fig. 24. Type of Glass Plate on which Preliminary Inspection is Conducted. 43 During the next step in the process of inspection, attention is paid to a white spot on each ball that is thrown from the reflector at the back of the inspection plate. As previously mentioned, a card is drawn back and forth under the plates to make them revolve, and the inspectors first pick out what are known as "wigglers," which is the name given to balls that are out of round and go through a series of contortions while being rolled. After this has been done, the balls on the plate are gone over carefully and all those that show any defect are picked out. During this process of inspection, the balls are sorted into eight grades, as follows: (1) "Cracked," balls that have received their cracks from any cause, (2) "Junk," balls which have flats, holes, etc.; (3) "Rubbish," same defects as (2) but not so bad; (4) "Dead soft," balls that are covered with small pits caused by impact with hard balls during the process of tumbling; (5) "Out of round," balls known as "wigglers" by the inspectors; (6) "Fifth grade," balls with small cuts and scratches on them; (7) "Fourth grade," balls showing same defects as "Fifth grade," but not of so serious a character; (8) Balls having no defects sufficiently serious to be visible to the eye. The inspectors engaged in making the plate inspection are provided with small magnets somewhat the shape of a pencil with which they handle the balls with amazing dexterity. Disposal of the defective balls varies somewhat according to their size. Many of the small balls with defects of the kind referred to are sold to various manufacturers, according to the class of service required of them. For instance, very poor balls are sold to novelty makers. Other balls that are not good enough for use in high-grade ball bearings are plenty good enough for the use of certain manufacturers of hardware specialties, such as roller bearing castors for furniture, roller bearing roller skates, etc. Large balls that are found defective are returned to the manufacturing department, where they are ground down to a smaller size in order to remove the defects from the surface of the metal ; and these balls are again carried through the regular process of manufacture. 44 GAUGING BALLS FOR SIZE BALLS that are used in annular bearings must be of abso- lutely the same size in order to give satisfactory results. If this is not the case, the large balls will support all the load, and the undue amount of service to which they will be subjected will cause them to be destroyed more rapidly than would otherwise be the case. In order to fit properly in" the races, it is desirable for the balls to be of exactly the specified size, but provided all the balls are of the same size, they are capable of giving very satisfactory results even though they are either slightly over or under the specified size. In the final process of inspection, the balls are gauged and sorted out into different grades, according to whether they are of exactly the specified size or somewhat under or over this size. Attention is called to the fact that this variation in high-grade steel balls does not exceed- a few ten- thousandths inch. As balls of the different grades are all of the same size, they are capable of giving perfectly satisfactory results. Some users of balls gauge them at their own plants and make this sub-division, while others buy gauged balls ready for assembly. In gauging those balls which show no defects in conducting the plate inspection, practice varies according to the size of the balls, but in all cases the object is the same, namely, to sort the balls out into those which are of absolutely the desired size and those which vary by different degrees either above or below the standard. Balls up to and including ^-inch in diameter are gauged on automatic machines which sort them into seven different grades, as follows: balls exceeding 0.0002 inch over size; balls 0.0002 inch over size; balls 0.0001 inch over size; balls of the specified size; balls 0.0001 inch under size; balls, 0.0002 inch under size; and balls more than 0.0002 inch under size. Auto- matic gauging machines are used for this grading, two batteries of such machines being shown in Figs. 25 and 26. The balls are placed in hoppers A, at the bottom of each of which there is a plate in which a number of holes are drilled in a ring, these holes being of slightly larger size than the balls to be gauged. The plates are revolved, and as each hole comes into line with the delivery tube, the ball carried in this hole drops into the 45 Fig. 25. Close View of Battery of Automatic Gauging Machines with Inclined Blades. tube and runs down over gauge blades B which are set at a slight angle to each other so that balls of the different sizes referred to will drop between the gauge blades and enter tubes that carry them to the proper drawers in the cabinets beneath. It will be seen that two types of machines are shown in Figs.. 25 and 26. In Fig. 25 the gauge blades are placed on an incline so that the balls run over them by gravity, and as the balls are always in contact with the gauge blades, the tubes lead- ing to the drawers of the cabinet can be placed much closer together than on the type of machine shown in Fig. 26, where 46 Fig. 26. Close View of Battery of Automatic Gauging Machines with Horizontal Blades. the gauging blades are in a horizontal position. On the latter type of machine an agitator is necessary to keep the balls moving over the gauge blades. This agitator consists of a crank C and connecting-rod D that actuates a link mechanism which causes a horizontal bar to rise in the space between the gauging blades. This bar rises slightly and then moves forward, carrying the balls with it, after which the agitator bar slowly drops and leaves the balls once more supported on the gauging blades. In 47 this way the balls are moved along over successive tubes and finally drop through between the gauging blades the position being determined by the size of the balls so that different sizes of balls are sorted out as previously described. A stop checks the progress of the ball as it passes onto the gauging blades, and prevents it from rolling too fast. The gauging blades are set by master balls, in order to have the desired angle between them; and before the balls are packed, the accuracy of the blade setting is tested. SPECIAL INDICATOR FOR TESTING BALLS FOR gauging balls larger than 5/s-inch in diameter use is made of. an instrument of the form shown in Fig. 27. This will be seen to consist of an ordinary Brown & Sharpe dial test indicator accurate to 0.0001 inch, that is set Fig. 27. Dial Indicator with 10 to 1 Leverage Ratio, for Testing Accuracy of Balls to 0.0001 Inch. 48 up on the table on which is also carried a holder for the ball to be tested. Connection between the ball and the dial test indicator is made by a lever, the fulcrum of which is so placed as to give a ratio of 1 to 10, and in this way readings obtained are accurate to 0.0001 inch. The girls who conduct this inspection handle the balls very rapidly and sort them out into different sizes according to the amount of deviation from the normal size. COUNTING AND PACKING BALLS IT IS necessary to use great care in handling finished balls to prevent them from becoming rusty. On this account it would not do to have the balls touched by the fingers. For these reasons, several methods of mechanical counting have been developed which give extremely satisfactory results. The apparatus used for this mechanical counting is shown in Fig. 28. The balls are placed in hopper A and dropped down in holes in sliding plate B, which is pushed forward so that the holes are under the hopper during the "loading" Fig. 28. Methods used for Counting Balls Preparatory to Packing. 49 period. The plate is then drawn forward to allow the balls to drop out into a box placed to receive them. Each stroke of the plate counts out one hundred balls, and plates for counting balls of various sizes are made interchangeable so that all of them may be used on a given machine. Balls up to J^-inch in diameter are counted by the machine, and balls from 9/16 to J/g-inch in diameter are counted mechanically by means of board C, into the grooves of which the balls are loaded up to an index line. Plates of this kind are made for various sizes of balls, and each plate holds 500 balls. Large balls are counted by hand, care being taken not to touch the balls with the bare fingers. After counting, the balls are packed in cartons lined with waxed paper, and these are packed in substantial wooden boxes for shipment. RESEARCH DEPARTMENT IT IS obvious that in the tonnage manufacture of a product that must meet such exact requirements as balls for use in high-grade annular bearings, the greatest care must be taken in the selection of raw material and in conducting each step in the process of manufacture in order to produce balls that will pass the inspection department. In addition to the requirements of high-grade balls that were referred to in the description of various examinations that are conducted by the inspectors, it is absolutely necessary for the balls to be of uniform hardness and strength because this is the only way of being sure that all balls will possess the necessary durability and elasticity. Assurance must be obtained that the steel received at the factory is of a suitable grade to produce balls that will fulfill the specifications before manufacturing operations are started, because if the balls were finished before it was found that they were defective, the raw material and the labor involved in converting this material into finished balls would be lost. Data showing that the steel fulfills these specifications 'are obtained from the results of tests conducted in the testing department which is equipped with all the necessary apparatus for making physical and chemical tests upon the raw material. In addition, this department is referred to by heads of the various manufac- 50 turing departments when any case of trouble arises, such as failure of the balls to harden properly, the production of more than the usual number of balls with cracks, and other troubles of this kind. Some exceptionally interesting facts have been brought to light as the result of work conducted in the metallurgical department and chemical laboratory. TESTING RAW MATERIAL THERE are sidings from the Ann Arbor Railroad entering the plant so that cars may be run directly to the building in which the raw material is received and to the building where the finished balls are packed for shipment. The method of procedure in testing raw material is the same for both bar stock and coil, and consists of taking at random a number of each kind in proportion to the quantity received and from the end of each of which is cut a sample. One end of this sample is etched in dilute hydrochloric acid for fifteen minutes. After this has been done, the surface of the metal is carefully examined to see that it is free from seams. The acid tends to accentuate any surface defects that may be present, so that those that might be invisible in the bar as it comes to the plant can be quite easily seen after the treatment. In ball manufacture it is highly important for the stock to have a flawless surface, because any slight defects are carried right through the process of manufacture and are likely to become accentuated, with the result that balls produced from this stock will be rejected by the inspectors. The regular routine tests of the raw material inspected in the laboratory also include a Brinell hardness test. This is especially important in the case of "wire" under 11/16 inch in diameter that is converted into ball blanks by the cold-heading process, because excessive hardness of this material is likely to give trouble through the breakage of the cut-off knives or the dies used on the cold-headers. In order to give the best possible results, stock for the cold-heading machine should have a Brinell hardness of not over 170. A sufficient number of samples to represent the average uniformity of the shipment are examined for pipes, segration or decarbonization, and when 51 necessary microphotographs are made, which together with their accompaning reports, put definitely on record the condi- tion of each shipment. Samples are also taken for chemical analysis from each shipment and the percentage of the most important elements determined, this being influenced by the kind of material received and the effect of these elements on the finished product. In cases where laboratory tests do not show that the stock is defective, an "unloading ticket" is made out and sent to the stock- room, authorizing the material to be taken from the cars and placed in storage, ready to be drawn out on requisition by the manufacturing department. On the following pages are given our specifications for coil and bar stock, and a consideration of these will show the care taken in the selection of raw material used in the manu- facture of Hoover steel balls. HOOVER STEEL BALL CO. SPECIFICATION NO. 1. Chrome-Carbon Steel Wire Cold Drawn. ANNULMENTS: 1. This specification supercedes all previous specifications, or letters of instruction, covering this material. MANUFACTURE: 2. The material must be made by the Electric or Crucible process. QUALITY: 3. The material must be of highest quality in every respect, of uniform composition, and free from slag or other segregation. The wire must be free from imperfections, such as pipes, seams, checks or lamina- tions either on the surface or in the section of the wire. WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH: 4. The wire must be of good workmanship, must have a good surface finish, and must be true to diameter ordered within the limits of plus .002" and minus .002". If the wire is out-of-round, the mean of the largest and smallest measured diameter must be equal to the size ordered, but in no case can they exceed the limits of plus .002" and minus .002". COMPOSITION: 5. Upon receipt of the material at destination, drilling may be taken from the several coils, selected at random, for analysis, and must show the composition of the material to be uniform and within the following requirements. Carbon .95 % to 1.05 % Chromium .35% to .45% Manganese .80% to .45% Silicon .20% to .35% Phosphorus under .025 % Sulphur under .025% CONDITIONS: 6. The material must be thoroughly and uniformly annealed and the fracture must be close grained. The Brinnell hardness (5 m/m Ball under 1000 Kg. pressure) must not exceed 170 at any point in the length or any point in the cross section of the wire, so that when blanks made therefrom are cold upset into the form of a Ball, no defects will open up in the outside surface of the Ball. The wire must be free from any decarbonized surface and after hardening must show a close grained velvety fracture. COIL SIZE, WEIGHT AND CONDITION: 7. Coils must be reeled uniformly and the layers must be bound together securely with separate tie wires to keep them in good shape during transportation so that they can be unwound properly without tangling. If the ends of the coil are tapered down or imperfect in any way, they must be "cropped" off. Coils may be covered with a coating of oil or grease to protect them from excessive rusting during transportation, but the coils must be free from any hard or gritty foreign matter that would interfere with their proper operation in the heading machine. The coils must not be less than 18" inside diameter or greater than 34" outside diameter. Wire of heavy cross section should be wound in as large a coil as possible, but within the outside diameter limit given above. The coils should weigh not less than 90 pounds or more than 110 pounds for wire above .235" diameter. Coils of wire below .235" diameter may weigh as low as 70 pounds. REMARKS: 8. Material which fails to meet the above requirements will be rejected and returned. The manufacturers must pay all transportation charges on rejected material. Ann Arbor, Mich., January 1st, 1917. 53 HOOVER STEEL BALL CO. SPECIFICATION NO. 5. Chrome-Carbon Steel Bars Hot Rolled. ANNULMENTS: 1 This specification supercedes all previous specifications or letters of instruction covering this material. MANUFACTURE: 2. The material must be made by the Electric or Crucible process. QUALITY: 3. The material must be of highest quality in every respect, of uniform composition, and free from slag or other segregation. The bars must be free from imperfections such as pipes, seams, checks or lamina- tions either on the surface or in the section of the bar. WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH: 4. The bars must have as good a surface finish as is consistent with good hot rolling practice. They must be free from excessive scale, and must be true to diameter ordered within the following limits. Minus and plus .005" for sizes under 13/16" diameter. Minus and plus .010" for sizes over 13/16" diameter. If the bar is slightly out-of-round, the mean of the largest and smallest measured diameter must be within the minus and plus limits given above. Appended to this specification is a table giving the prevailing sizes (diameter) of stock which we use, and the corresponding decimal sizes. We reserve the right to change this list from time to time when necessary but the order or contract calling for the material will specify the size wanted. As an example, if our order calls for 13/16" plus .010" (Decimal .823"), the manufacturer may supply this as large as .833" diameter but no smaller than .823" Diameter. COMPOSITION: 5. Upon the receipt of material at destination, drillings may be taken from the several bars, selected at random for analysis, and must show the composition of the material to be uniform and within the following requirements. Carbon .90% to 1.00% Chromium .60% to .70% Manganese .30 % to .45 % Silicon .20% to .35% Phosphorus under .025 % Sulphur under .025 % CONDITIONS: 6. The material must be thoroughly hotvworked to produce a fine grain and must not, subsequent to this hot working, be subjected to a high temperature such as would produce a coarse grain. The surface of the bars must be free from decarbonization to the extent that upon removing .005" from the diameter of the bar, the remaining section will retain its full quota of carbon as called for under composition. The bars must be cut to uniform lengths as ordered. A preferred length will be specified on the order, also a minimum length and a maximum length, but in no case may intermediate lengths be supplied. For example, a 13/16" plus .010" diameter bar will be ordered cut to lengths 64", 73" and 82" with 73" as the preferred length. SHIPPING: 7. When two or more different sizes are shipped together in the same car, they must be so arranged and located in the car that they will not become mixed during transportation . REMARKS: 8. Material which fails to meet the above requirements will be rejected and returned. The manufacturers must pay all transportation charges on rejected material. Ann Arbor, Mich., January 1st, 1917. 54 TESTS OF SEAMY COLD- DRAWN WIRE IN DESCRIBING the inspecting of balls, reference was made to the rejection of those in which cracks are found. These exist almost entirely in balls up to and including 5/8-inch in diameter, the blanks for which are made by the cold- heading process; it seldom happens that cracked balls are found in sizes over j^-inch, blanks for which are made by the process of hot-forging. A study of this subject reveals the fact that after cold-heading, ball blanks very often had some sort of crack, and in a great many cases these were quite deep. At first it was thought that this was due to faulty annealing or to some element in the steel, which had a tendency to make the metal brittle, but subsequent investigation showed that this was not the case. STUDY OF SEAMS IN STEEL BARS AND WIRE DEFECTS revealed by etching the metal in dilute hydro- chloric acid run lengthwise of the bar; sometimes these extend for the entire length of the coil, while in other cases only one end is found to be defective. For want of a better name, the laboratory has called these defects ' 'seams," and it has been proved that wire with seams will in all cases be split to some extent during the process of cold-heading, while that without seams will produce perfect balls in the cold-heading machines. In some cases the cracks opened up in the balls while cold-heading are not so deep that they cannot be eliminated dur- ing the subsequent treatment to which the blanks are subjected ; but in other cases it may happen that these splits in the blanks are so deep that they reach below the surface of the finished balls, in which case the balls will be rejected by the inspectors. The investigation conducted in the laboratory relative to troubles resulting from stock having seams or scratches have developed the following information: (1) Cold-drawn wire on which the surface is apparently quite smooth, and on which no seams are visible, is found in many cases to possess minute laps or seams which are made visible by etching with dilute 55 hydrochloric acid. (2) Although these seams may not be deep on the original wire, they are accentuated by the stretch which the surface of the wire undergoes during the cold-heading operation. (3) Such cracks are likely to be still further ac- centuated in hardening, and in many cases they will cause the ball to split in half. In making a study of the effect of seams on the steel, it is the practice, as previously mentioned, to etch the stock with dilute hydrochloric acid for fifteen minutes. The action of the acid first lays open any surface defects which may be closed so tightly by the pressure of the cold- drawing operation that they will be invisible to the eye unless subjected to the acid treatment. The acid also makes the cracks black, and subsequent grinding exposes the white surface of the adjacent metal so that the crack is brought into as great prominence as possible. TESTING FOR SEAMS IN STOCK BY APPLICATION OF PRESSURE RECENTLY another test for revealing these seams has been developed, which consists of upsetting short blanks cut from the bars. These test blanks for wire having a diameter of .275", are 7/16-inch high and are ordinarily B Fig. 33. (A) Samples cut from Steel with Seam in Surface, and Same Samples partially and fully upset, indicating how Seam opens up through Application of Pressure; (B) Similar Samples from Steel without Seam, which show No Tendency to Split. 56 subjected to a pressure of 20,000 pounds, which results in flattening them out to a height of 3/16-inch, or to a pressure of 50,000 pounds, which flattens them out to a height of 3/32-inch. In all cases where there are seams in the wire, these test samples are split open by this pressure, while a perfect wire without any seams is not damaged by the treat- ment. At A in Fig. 33 is shown a sample cut from wire con- taining a seam and the same blank partially and fully upset; it will be noticed that, although the seam in the wire is small, it has been widened out considerably by the upsetting. At B in the same illustration is shown a similar set from perfect wire, comprising a blank and partially and fully upset samples, and it will be seen that the upset sample does not show any tendency to split. In order to give some idea of the extent to which the seam at A was deepened by the upsetting treatment, section a-b through the blank and section c-d through the flat disk were polished, and photomicrographs of these are shown in Fig. 34. At A in Fig. 34 the seam in the original wire was about 0.010 inch in depth, while at B the depth of the seam after the blank has been upset has been increased to approximately 0.050 inch. From this it will be apparent that seams in the wire that do not appear to be of sufficient depth to give trouble may become very objectionable because of the tendency to deepen during the conversion of the stock into ball blanks. Upset disk B is of about the same diameter as a ball blank made from this wire by the cold-heading process, so that it has been subjected to about the same amount of stretch in upsetting that would ordinarily take place in making a ball blank by the cold-heading process. To show how trouble may develop in this way, a ball 0.375-inch in diameter is produced from a blank 0.400 inch in diameter, so that the blank is reduced 0.025-inch on the diameter, or approximately 0.013-inch on the radius. This leaves 0.050 minus 0.013, or 0.037-inch of the split extending below the surface of the finished ball, which will certainly lead to its rejection by the inspectors. It appears that hardness of the wire does not cause splitting of the upset blank. Tests conducted with a view to establish- ing this fact have shown that blanks made from seamless steel 57 Fig. 34. Photomicrographs of Sections on Lines a-b and c-d in Fig. 33, indicating Increase in Size of Seam through stretching of Metal Surface in Upsetting. with a high Brinell hardness number did not split under the most severe conditions of upsetting, while blanks of metal with a low Brinell hardness number, but with seams on their surfaces, were frequently split during the process of cold-heading. Specifications under which steel is purchased for the production of ball blanks in cold-heading machines call for metal with a hardness number not exceeding 170 as determined by the Brinell method, but slightly harder stock is capable of being worked with fairly satisfactory results. HOW SEAMY STOCK ACTS IN COLD-HEADING MACHINE IN ORDER to confirm the accuracy of the conclusions reached in regard to the action of seamy stock when worked up into ball blanks in the cold-heading machines, tests were conducted by placing coils that had bad seams in them on the cold-headers and observing the kind of ball blanks that were produced. In every case it was found that the blanks produced from such stock showed bad cracks, as shown at A in Fig. 35. In the inspection department, cracks found in finished balls were at one time commonly referred to as "fire cracks" on the assumption that they were developed during the process of heat- treatment, but they are now designated as ' 'header cracks." In 58 this illustration attention is called to the fact that at the top and bottom of each ball blank there is a small projection formed by pressing the metal into the knock-out pin hole in the header dies. These have been termed ' "poles," and it will be noted that the poles lie on the axis of the wire. Midway between the two poles there is a band or "fin" caused by the metal being forced out between the two header dies; and this fin has been termed the "equator" of the ball. Fig. 35. (A) Cold- header Ball Blanks, showing Splits running from Pole to Pole, (B) Finished Balls produced from Blanks Split during Cold- heading Operation. It will be noted at A in Fig. 35 that the header cracks run from pole to pole. At B in the same illustration are shown some finished balls with the same kind of cracks, and it has always been found that cracks in the finished balls have been lengthened to a considerable extent, the ends of these cracks terminating in very fine lines. This can be readily understood when we consider that a small crack or fine sharp tool mark on a piece to be hardened causes a weak spot which in many cases will result in splitting the piece during the process of heat- treatment. At A in Fig. 36 are shown some balls that were picked out in the inspection department because they had fire cracks; these were sent to the laboratory and fractured to reveal the grain of the metal. It will be noticed particularly in the third ball of the third line that at the extreme left of the fracture there is a dark spot near the surface, which is 59 the mark left by the original crack produced during the cold- heading operation. Then to the extreme right there is a fresh fracture which represents all the metal that the ball had to hold it together after being hardened. Attention is called to the fact that the middle of the ball is black and oily; this is the hardening crack into which the oil and abrasive have found their way during the oil-rolling and rveo Fig. 36. (A) Fractures of Balls shown at (B) in Fig. 35, showing Original Header Crack, Fire Crack and Fracture of Uncracked Metal, (B) Etched Balls, showing Crack from Pole to Pole and Crack on Equator. grinding operations. The crack produced in cold-heading was the cause of a further cracking of the ball during the process of heat-treatment. At B in Fig. 36 are shown some finished balls that were rejected by the inspectors because of cracks. Before being photographed these balls were etched with dilute hydrochloric acid, and it will be noticed that the cracks run from pole to pole, and in some cases there are also secondary cracks following the line of the equator. The way in which these equatorial cracks are produced can best be explained by reference to Fig. 37. At A is shown a longitudinal section of the wire which has been etched with hydrochloric acid to reveal the structure of the metal. Attention is called to the lamellar structure, which is characteristic of any steel and is no reflection upon its quality. These laminations run lengthwise of the coil. At B is shown a section of a headed ball blank made from a piece of this wire and etched with acid to bring up the 60 Fig. 37. (A) Section of Steel Stock, showing Lamellar Structure; (B) Cross- section of Cold-header Ball Blank, showing Distortion of Steel Structure; (C) Cross-section of Header Cracked Ball Blank; (D) Ball Blank shown in Cross- Section at (C); (E) Cold-header Ball Blank with Large Fin; (F) Perfect Cold- header Ball Blank; (G) Etched Ball, showing End Grain of Steel at Equator; (H) Etched Ball, showing End Grain of Steel at Pole. structure of the metal. Here it will be seen that the lamina- tions have arranged themselves in a manner similar to magnetic lines of force running from pole to pole. At D and E are shown header-cracked ball blanks, and it will be noticed that blank E shows an unusually large fin on one side. Blank D shows the split on one side and also a por- tion of the split extending into the fin. Blank F is properly headed and shows no crack or excessively large fins. Referring to the view shown at C, which is a cross-section of blank D, it will be seen that the split extends into the fin, and it will also be noted that the crack extends below the surface of the ball, although it comes to the surface at each end at points near the poles. This is due to the fact that the split does not penetrate the ball at right angles to the surface, but runs on a slant. Instead of compressing and filling up the open space in the ball, material has been pressed outward and made a large fin; when this fin 61 is ground away, the crack is quite evident. At G and H are shown finished balls that have been etched with acid to show the grain at the equator and at the poles, respectively. HEADED BLANK FINISHED BALL Fig. 38. Diagram illustrating Distortion of Steel Structure in Cold-header Ball Blank similar to that shown at (B) in Fig. 37. Referring again to the sectional view of the wire shown at A in Fig. 37, and also to the cross-section of a ball blank made from this wire shown at B, it will be seen that the structure of the steel has been greatly disturbed during the process of cold-heading to produce the ball blank. In Fig. 38 is shown diagrammatically the way in which this disturbance takes place. It will be seen that the ends of the fibers come to the surface at the poles and at both sides of the equatorial fin; and when the ball is etched the steel is attacked more rapidly at these points. The peculiar marks shown at G and H in Fig. 37 are the result of this disturbance of structure. The conclusion has been reached that when a ball with so-called ' 'header cracks" is etched with acid and shows two end poles and two equatorial marks with a wide crack running from pole to pole or possibly a secondary crack running between the two equators, this crack is a header crack which is caused by a seam or lap in the steel from which the ball was made. The internal stress due to the structural distortion illustrated in Fig. 38 is completely normalized by the annealing treatment to which all Hoover balls are subjected. A number of these headed balls with header cracks were heated in an electric furnace in the laboratory and quenched in water at 1500 degrees F. ; every ball was further cracked by this treatment, and several of them fell in half or were easily broken by a light hammer blow. Another lot of headed balls with no header cracks was heated in the electric furnace and quenched in water at 1600 degrees F., and not a ball was cracked in hardening. Balls quenched in water at 1500 degrees F. that broke during the process of heat-treatment are shown at A in Fig. 39, while the balls quenched in water at 1600 degrees F., without damage are shown at B in the same illustration. At this excessive temperature the grain of the metal was coarsened, but no hard- ening cracks were produced and it required considerable force to break the balls. Several finished balls were next selected in the inspection department that showed very slight header cracks. These balls were hardened at 1500 degrees F. and cracked in the process of hardening exactly as before. The characteristic black mark left by the original header crack is shown at one side of the balls at C in Fig. 39. Another lot of finished balls showing no header cracks was hardened at 1600 degrees F. and none of the balls was cracked, views of the fractured surfaces of these balls being shown at D in Fig. 39. This confirmed the accuracy of previous tests, and from these data the following conclusions were drawn: (1) The header crack forms a weak spot, so that when the ball is hardened, even at the proper temperature, ? Fig. 39. (A) Fractures of Header Cracked Balls that Split when re-heat-treated in Laboratory at 1500 Degrees F., (B) Fractures of Perfect Balls that did not Split when re-heat-treated at 1600 Degrees F.; (C) Fractures of Balls with Slight Cracks which broke when re- heat-treated at 1500 Degrees F., (D) Fractures of Perfect Balls that did not break when re- heat-treated at 1600 Degrees F. 63 what the inspectors call a "fire crack" is likely to be produced. (2) A ball with no header cracks can be hardened at an excessively high temperature without producing a fire crack. Another hardening test was made with four samples of wire, two pieces of which showed seams, and two pieces that did not. The seamy pieces of wire were quenched at a temperature of about 1500 degrees F. in water and hardening cracks developed along the seams. The two pieces without seams were quenched in water at a temperature of 1600 degrees F. and no cracks developed. All these tests show that with small blanks with- out any header cracks, it is practically impossible to produce fire cracks in the automatic hardening furnaces; when cracks are produced they are started in cold-heading and not through the process of heat-treatment. The shape of the ball is in its favor, as it insures uniform quenching and a minimum of internal strain. Application of too high a temperature would tend to increase the size of the grain in the steel and make it brittle and unfit for use, but it would not produce hardening cracks. EFFECT OF HARDNESS OF WIRE WHEN the wire used in making ball blanks on cold-headers is too hard, there is a tendency for it to break off instead of shearing as it should. When trouble of this sort is encountered, it is likely to be accentuated by the fact that the blank is often carried to the heading die in a sidewise position, which results in the development of abnormal pressure in the die. Working hard stock of this kind results in breaking the cut-off knife or the dies on the cold-heading machine. This condition of excessive hardness does not usually exist for the entire length of the coil ; wire may shear off and head nicely for some time, when suddenly a hard spot will be reached and then the dies or the cut-off knife is likely to suffer. After this hard spot has been passed, the wire may be all right for another period of considerable duration. With the view of showing the relative condition of hard and soft spots in the wire, slugs of metal were selected at a point where trouble was encountered from this cause, and again at a point where the operation of the cold-header was entirely satisfactory. These were tested 64 Fig. 40. (A) Fracture of Hard Metal Slug; (B) Fracture of Normal Metal Slug; (C) Etched Surface of Hard Steel magnified 5.25 Diameters Attention is called to Decarbonization at Circumference; (D) Etched Surface of Normal Steel with No Decarbonization at Circumference. by the Brinell method and it was found that the hard slugs had a Brinell hardness number of 215, while the soft slugs only showed a Brinell hardness number of 190. The latter is really higher than it should be, as 170 is specified for steel to be used in cold-heading machines. "Fig. 41. (A) Decarbonized Surface shown at (C) in Fig. 40 magnified to Sixty- two Diameters; (B) Same Magnification as at (A), showing Condition of Practically No Decarbonization. 65 At A in Fig. 40 is shown the fresh fracture of a slug of hard metal and attention is called to the coarse grain as compared with the finer grain of the normal steel shown at B. The hard specimen was very brittle and easy to break, while the normal steel was tough and capable of bending considerably before being broken. Specimens of these two steels were next polished and etched, with the result shown at C and D, respectively. These are transverse sections cut through the wire, and attention is called to the coarse grain of the steel shown at C\ the ring at the surface is a band of decarbonized steel apparently produced by the application of too high an annealing temperature. The normal steel shown at D has a fine grain and there is no indication of decarbonization. At A in Fig. 41 is shown the decarbonized band of steel sur- rounding section C in Fig. 40, which is magnified to 62 diameters, instead of 5.25 diameters, as in the case of the previous illustra- tion. It will be noted that the extreme edge of this photomicro- graph is somewhat indistinct, owing to the slightly rounded edge formed while polishing the specimen. The decarbonized surface of this stock would not be entirely removed in the process of grinding, and would result 'in the production of either soft balls or balls with soft spots. AtB, Fig. 41, we have the condition where there is practically no loss of carbon at the surface. At A and B in Fig. 42 is seen a decided contrast between the Fig. 42. (A) Pronounced Pearlitic Structure with large cells and Boundaries of excess Cementite, indicating Application of too High an Annealing Temper- ature; (B) Fine-grained Structure, showing Condition obtained with Proper Annealing Temperature. Both Samples magnified to 225 Diameters. 66 structure of the slug of hard metal and that taken from the normal wire. At A there is a pronounced pearlitic structure with large cells and distinct boundaries of excess cementite, which also indicates the application of too high an annealing temperature. At B the structure is fine grained, which is the condition produced by employing the proper annealing temperature. Where lack of uniformity is discovered in the hardness of the wire, it is probably due to application of too high an annealing temperature. CAUSE OF SOFT SPOTS ON BALLS SOME valuable discoveries have been made in the laboratory as a result of work that was started with some other object in view. For instance, an investigation that was started with the view of determining the effect of slight seams found in a certain shipment of steel at the time of the preliminary tests. These seams were not considered serious enough to justify rejec- tion of the steel, but after the first lot of blanks had been finish dry ground, tests were made. This was done by etching a number of balls in dilute hydrochloric acid, to see if the seams had been removed in grinding. The balls were immersed in the solution, and after being etched for fifteen or twenty minutes they were removed, and cleaned. When treated in this way, the balls are usually a light gray color over their entire surface, but the particular lot of balls referred to could not be uniformly etched. At first it was thought that a film of grease or some other foreign matter was interfering with the action of the acid, but a second trial resulted in the same mottled appearance of the etched balls. Part of the surface was light gray, while other parts were dark gray and almost black. Balls with these spots are shown in Fig. 43 and no matter how often they were re-etched, the same spots always appeared and they were of the same outline as those developed by the pre- vious etching. Some of the unetched samples were examined, and it was found that a considerable quantity of black scale was left on the balls, i. e., the forging had not been cleaned up properly after the finish dry-grinding. At this stage the ball 67 Fig. 43. Finish Dry-ground Balls after being etched with Hydrochloric Acid, showing Mottled Appearance due to Soft Spots produced by Decarbonization of Steel. consistently measured 1.135 inch, i. e., within 0.010 inch of the finished size -\Y% inch. Thus far results seemed to indicate that the forging blanks were under size, so five samples were selected at random and measured. The measurements of these five blanks are given in Table 4, reference to which will show that dimensions A across the poles and dimension B near the poles were of ample size; and the surfaces at or close to the poles were also smooth and well filled out. However, these conditions did not exist around the equator, where it will be seen that dimension C was scant in many balls, and additional trouble was caused by the fact that the surface was very rough and covered with "hills" and ' Valleys." In making these equatorial measurements with a micrometer, the distance is taken across the tops of the ' 'hills," while the dimensions in the 'Valleys" will obviously be consider- ably less. It is doubtful, therefore, whether three out of five of 68 these samples would clean up in the rough dry-grinding. A re-examination of the etched dry-ground balls showed that the peculiar black spots did not appear at the poles as frequently as they did at the equator; and when a new file was applied to the black spots shown in Fig. 43, it was found that they were dead soft, while the light gray spots were very hard. The sclerescope hardness of ten of these balls was taken and averaged as follows: black spots, 48; gray spots, 70. Table IV. Measurements of Balls across Poles, near Poles and at Equator. 1.168 1.169 1.170 1.166 1.161 1.151 1.175 1.152 1.161 1.167 1.145 1.172 1.170 1.160 1.163 1.145 1.170 1.158 1.166 .162 .150 .159 .167 The reason for these spots will be understood from the photomicrographs presented at A and B in Fig. 44, which are taken from polished surfaces at the extreme outer surface of the black and white spots on the balls. These surfaces were prepared and photographed in exactly the same way; instead of polishing a flat on the ball, the spherical surface was polished, because a flat surface having any width whatever would also be at a considerable depth below the surface of the ball, and would not reveal conditions that it was desired to investigate. Difficulty was experienced in polishing this spherical surface, and so the photographs reproduced in Fig. 44 show polish marks rather too distinctly, but these have no bearing upon the accuracy of the results obtained in the investigation. At A is shown a large percentage of free ferrite, indicating a hypo-eutectoid structure of about 0.30 to 0.40 per cent carbon; in other words, the metal is similar to a mild steel. On the other hand, the condition revealed at B is practically a pure eutectoid structure of pearlite, this steel having from 0.85 to 0.90 per cent carbon. Specifications under which the steel is purchased call for from 0.95 to 1.05 per cent of carbon, so that in this regard it fulfills requirements. 69 Fig. 44. (A) Photomicrograph of Black Soft Spots on Balls shown in Fig. 43, showing Large Percentage of Free Ferrite or Hypo-eutectoid Structure; (B) Photomicrograph of Hard White Spots on Balls shown in Fig, 43, indicating the Desired Eutectoid Structure. A further test was conducted by preparing flat surfaces of considerable depth on the balls and examining these under the microscope; and in both cases it was found that photomicro- graphs obtained in this way indicated metal containing its full percentage of carbon. Hardness tests show that the metal directly under the decarbonized spot is soft and indicate not only that the decarbonized surface fails to harden, but that it also forms a sort of insulator and retards the proper hardening of the eutectoid steel beneath it. Therefore, the decarbonization plus its effects means a soft area of decided depth, so deep, in fact, that when the ball is finished the soft spot still appears. Having reached this conclusion, specimens of the raw material were prepared by cutting sections trans- versely from the bar, and these were prepared and photographed Fig. 45 illustrating the conditions that were revealed in this way. It will be noted that the steel shown at A is decarbonized to a depth of 0.010 inch 0.020 inch on the diameter of the ball- while in the sample shown at B there is no decarbonization. It was this steel with the decarbonized surface that produced balls showing soft spots in the tests. Fifty of these balls showing soft spots were taken to the laboratory, where they were again heat-treated, and the result was that the balls came out hard. It was not considered, how- ever, that this indicated defective heat-treatment in the process 70 Fig. 45. (A) Photomicrograph of Transverse Section of Decarbonized Edge of Steel Magnification, 125 Diameters; (B) Photomicrograph of Transverse Section of Steel showing No Decarbonization Magnification, 125 Diameters. of manufacture, because it might have happened that the operation of finish dry-grinding removed enough metal from the surface so that the balls would harden properly, although they were prevented from doing so at the time of the original treatment by the decarbonized steel that covered the surface of the balls. Because of the oval shape of the forgings, the depth of decarbonization varies at different spots on the rough-ground surface of the balls; for example, at the poles there is little or no decarbonization, while around the equator the decarbonization is quite deep. When a ball is reduced to the finished size, the following conditions will be found : (1) decarbonized areas where the original decarbonization on the rough ball was deep; (2) soft areas where the original decarbonization on the rough ball was shallow; (3) hard areas where there was little or no de- carbonization on the rough ball. In cases (2) and (3) the steel has its full percentage of carbon, and when the balls are rehard- ened some of the soft spots disappear, while the spots devoid of carbon still remain soft. It would be possible to reduce these balls to a smaller size and reclaim them by rehardening, but this subsequent heat-treatment has a tendency to roughen their surface slightly, which necessitates subsequent grinding opera- tions jhat would probably reduce the diameter from 0.015 to 0.020 inch, so that allowance must be made for this reduction in size. 71 To overcome trouble from the use of stock that is decarbon- ized at the surface, special forging dies were made which produce oversize ball blanks, so that the diameter at the equator measures from 0.060 to 0.080 inch more than that of the standard finished balls. The same stock forged in a regular die would make a blank 0.025 inch to 0.035 inch larger than the finished size. In the present case it is found that these would not clean up, but left soft and decarbonized spots on the surface of the finished ball. For this reason, the special forging dies were produced. This practice was adopted because, owing to the slow deliveries made by the steel mills, it was desired not to reject any steel of this size that could possibly be used. DEVELOPMENT OF A DEVICE FOR SEPARATING HARD AND SOFT BALLS OWING to shipment to the factory of a large quantity of low carbon steel through an error made at the steel mills, and which escaped the rigid sampling to which every car of steel received at the Hoover plant is subject, about seven tons of this material was converted into ball blanks before it was attempted to harden them. This was due to the fact that a large supply of blanks of the same sizes had accumulated, and these were naturally sent through the heat-treating department ahead of blanks made from this shipment of steel. When the blanks had been heat-treated, they were tested in order to determine the nature of the results obtained, and while a number of balls broke with a fine-grained fracture and showed a hardness that was all that could be desired, almost 10 per cent of the balls were found to be dead soft. When these balls were subjected to pressure they flattened out instead of breaking in the usual way. A peculiar mottled effect was noted on the balls found to be file hard, while the soft balls were a dull black color ; but this difference in appearance was not sufficiently marked to enable the balls to be separated, and even had this been possible, the length of time required to eliminate defective balls by this method would have been prohibitive. With a view to overcoming this difficulty, a device was de- veloped which is shown in diagrammatic form in Fig. 46. Its principle of operation is based on the fact that when balls are dropped on a hardened steel anvil there is considerable difference in the height of the rebound of hard and soft balls. The balls to be tested roll down an incline plane and drop upon a hardened steel block, from which they rebound; the hard balls rise high enough to pass over a "hurdle" into a box, while the soft balls do not reach this height and are deposited in a second box. To test the efficiency of this device, 119 balls taken from one of the tote pans in the shop were run through the drop test; 79 dropped into the "hard bin" and 40 into the "soft bin." These balls were once more thoroughly mixed and again run through the ap- paratus with the same result as in the previous case. Additional trials confirmed the accuracy of the apparatus. This method of separation proved so satisfactory that a regular equipment has been built for use in the dry-grinding room, where it is used for separating hard and soft balls. / ! 1 HARD O BALLS , f : "ji^lr ZT\ 47" i _,__47 .4 >, -t - \ i S& / <**' 3lW x \ t SOFT- BALLS \\ / X yn&sj HARD A ANVIL" | Fig. 46. Diagram illustrating Principle of Apparatus developed for Automatic Separation of %-inch Hard and Soft Balls. CONCLUSION MANY of the cases of trouble to which reference has been made are of rare occurrence, but it is obvious that they exert a powerful influence on the quality of the product turned out in the factory. Also, the conditions brought to light by these investigations are exceptionally interesting. It was on 73 this account that they were selected for discussion in the present treatise, in connection with the regular work of the laboratory, and not because they really belong to a description of routine work of testing the raw material and product of a factory en- gaged in the manufacture of steel balls. CRUSHING AND DEFORMATION TESTS THE old method of determining the crushing load of a ball was to test a single ball between two hardened steel plates. It is obvious that if the plates were not of uniform hardness the crushing loads would also lack uniformity, because the plates would be indented during the test and the softer plate, being indented the greater, would present more supporting area to the ball, and thereby increase its resistance to crushing. Inability to produce plates of absolute uniformity puts this method out of the question as a standard test. The Hoover Steel Ball Co. has developed the Three-Ball test as a standard. Three balls super-imposed, as shown in the illustration, are subjected to a gradually increasing pressure until rupture occurs, and the amount of pressure is recorded at this point. We wish to emphasize that testing by the Three-Ball method will yield results somewhat lower than by the plate test by reason of the fact that the contact points are very minute and therefore the pressure per unit of area is tremendous. The plate test is very often used by some ball manufacturers to deceive the buyer by making him believe he is getting a better ball by reason of the high crushing load. Believing that a table of crushing loads would be of very little value to our customers, as a guide to determine the safe working load of the ball, and that such a table might be mislead- ing, we refrain from publishing same. It is evident that the safe working load that a ball will carry depends not only upon the quality of the ball, but also upon the type of bearing in which it is to run, the shape, material and finish of the ball race, etc. 74 We stand ready at all times, however, to give our customers information as to crushing strength and elastic strength, and to give our opinion as to the most suitable size and type of ball for any particular work, after we have received full particulars of the bearing and the nature of the work for which it is required, load, speed, etc. Ball Crushing Apparatus 75 76 I I I* Is Cft; Sfe ii 77 78 Fracture of a hard surface tough center ball. Note the flattening and cone of rupture at the points of contact, formed when the balls were crushed. HOOVER STEEL BALLS HAVE A HARD SURFACE AND A TOUGH CENTRE CO-OPERATION with our customers and extensive service tests of our balls have developed a method of heat treatment which while simple in its theory is difficult of practical control, and this control is only made possible by automatic hardening machines which eliminate the personal element. It is not a difficult matter to harden a ball clear through to the centre, as it is merely a question of quenching at a tempera- ture sufficiently high to harden the interior, but this method is without due regard to the exterior. Hardening a ball under these conditions produces an over-heated exterior which is necessarily brittle, and strength cannot be restored by tempering. Hoover balls are heat-treated to produce a sufficiently hard exterior and a tough semi-hard interior, producing the qualities most needed in ball bearings. The surface is sufficiently hard to withstand wear, without being so brittle as to flake or peel. The interior is sufficiently tough and elastic to stand the strain of heavy loads. This type of ball must not be confused with a low grade steel ball "case hardened" on the surface and with a soft core. When we speak of hard surface and tough centre we refer to a high grade alloy steel in which there is a gradual merging of hardness at the surface to semi-hardness at the core, without a distinct line of demarkation as in the "case hardened" ball. The above photograph shows the fracture of a hard surface* tough centre ball, of which the Hoover Steel Ball Co. is the exponent. SMOOTH AND MIRROR-LIKE surface finish must be maintained in every ball leaving our plant and to this end extensive microscopic examinations are regularly made. The constancy and effect of the many abrasive materials used are kept under rigid control. Microphotographs 1, 2, 3 and 4 show the highly magnified surfaces of several makes of balls for comparison. No. 1 shows the Hoover standard. At the top of this page is shown the apparatus on which microscopic examinations and photographs are made. 80 CHEMICAL LABORATORY WE HAVE an up-to-date Chemical Laboratory which co- operates with the Metallurgical Department in the control of the raw material which is used in the pro- duction of the Hoover Steel Balls, as well as the solution of the different problems which are constantly arising in a plant that is aiming to produce a product as near perfect as scientific methods and human efficiency can make it. Drillings, and in some cases millings, are taken from the samples which are brought to the Metallurgical Department from each shipment of steel which is received at the plant, whether for the production of balls or to be used for the produc- tion of machine parts that may be required in the plant. These drillings, or millings, as the case may be, are analyzed in the Laboratory. The percentage of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulphur and chromium is determined in all steel used for the production of balls. In the case of Header Die Steel, which is used to make the dies that forge the balls, the percentage of carbon is determined on each bar, and if it should be an alloy steel other elements are determined, and a complete analysis is made on one sample taken from the shipment. Samples are also taken from each shipment of Brass and Bronze Wire or Rod, which is received at the plant, and from which are made our Brass and Bronze Balls. These are analyzed to determine the quantities of tin, lead, copper, iron, zinc, and also any elements that might have an injurious effect on the service rendered by the finished balls. As the composition in a great measure controls the hardness, resistance to abrasion, resistance to corrosion, and therefore the life of the finished balls, it can be seen how very important it is that a careful analysis should be made of all raw material from which these balls are produced. A great many oils and greases are used in the plant for various purposes, and these must be all carefully tested and graded. For instance, the finished balls are packed in a mixture of an oil and a grease and it is very important that these should be absolutely free from any element such as acids, sulphides or water, as any of these would etch and oxidize the surface of the 81 balls in a short time so that they would be rendered useless for our customers. The same thing applies to the paper used in lining the boxes in which the balls are packed for shipment. The leather used to put the final polish on the balls must also be free from acid and moisture, or they would be rejected by the Inspec- tion Department on account of rust spots. A surface so highly finished is very sensitive and must be carefully protected not only during production but in the packing, and this is the reason the surface of the balls is so carefully covered with oil to prevent even the atmospheric moisture affecting them. Fuels in the form of coal, oil and gas are also graded and combustion problems investigated in this department. The effect on the finished product of the different modes of handling the balls during production must be considered, and even the humi- dity of the room in which they are inspected has to be reckoned with. It can, therefore, be seen that besides the routine control of raw material, etc., a number of interesting questions arise from time to time which the Chemical Laboratory must assist in solving. * gS S-2 c e,sc g s l: a S B te II s ? S g! ^ C o, c o^S e e 84 I: li if * I* IS s! 5* si 5! a <> c ! Sl 11: "S.B I Is 86 s si h I! ti 87 88 89 e fc a v. ^~ ill! 5 h *S . 1111! t il 90 91 5-8 cc > 1 5*1 H* o S o 8is& lol c .'= c-o S > 8? =- o I I! 51 TUMBLING BARREL ROOM This room is equipped with a variety of tumbling barrels, cleaning barrels and rotary kegs, all of which serve some special purpose, depending upon the size of ball or the grade of finish desired. 94 I? *!! Ill ts OQ S- ^ c c 96 97 98 $2 ""* a> I! ?* i"B i c I! > c 100 IS ** 11 a h 80 i] I! ft = = i l 101 - * II 31 102 i! 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 WEIGHTS OF STEEL BALLS Diameter of Decimal Ball (Inches) (Inches) WEIGHT PER BALL Grammes (Metric) Ounces (Avoir) Pounds (Avoir) 1-16 .0625 .0166 .00096 .00006 3-32 .09375 .0547 .00193 .00012 1-8 .125 .1302 .00457 .00029 5-32 .15625 .2552 .00898 .00056 3-16 .1875 .4408 .01552 .00097 7-32 .21875 .6993 .02461 .00154 1-4 .25 1.0463 .03680 .00230 9-32 .28125 1.4865 .05231 .00327 5-16 .3125 2.0415 .07184 .00449 11-32 .34375 2.7141 .09550 .00597 3-8 .375 3.5226 .12400 .00775 7-16 .4375 5.5871 .19722 .01229 1-2 .50 8.3498 .29392 .01837 9-16 .5625 11.8923 .41856 .02616 5-8 . 625 16.2947 .57520 .03585 11-16 .6875 21.6873 .76336 .04771 3-4 . 75 28.1872 .99200 .06200 13-16 .8125 35.7585 1.25872 .07867 7-8 .875 44.7872 1.57648 .09853 15-16 .9375 55.0169 1.93664 .12104 66.8257 2.35232 .14702 -1/16 .0625 80.1379 2.8199 .17626 -1/8 .125 95.1271 3.3473 .20923 -3/16 .1875 111.8809 3.9369 .24608 -1/4 .25 130.4965 4.5919 .28702 -5/16 .3125 151.0656 5.3157 .33226 -3/8 .375 173.6764 6.1113 .38199 -7/16 .4375 198.4563 6.9833 .43649 -1/2 .50 225.4820 7.9343 .49594 -9/16 .5625 254.8682 8.9683 .56057 -5/8 .625 286.6917 10.0881 .63056 -11/16 .6875 321.0544 11.2973 .70614 -3/4 .75 358.0711 12.5998 .78756 -13/16 .8125 397.8185 13.9985 .87498 -7/8 .875 440.398 15.4968 .96864 1-15/16 .9375 485.939 17.0993 .06880 2 2. 534.491 18.8077 .17559 2-1/8 2.125 641.101 22.5591 .41007 2-1/4 2.25 761.019 26.7788 .67382 2-3/8 2.375 895.037 31.4947 .96859 2-1/2 2.50 1043.924 36.7340 2.29608 2-5/8 2.625 1208.474 42.5239 2.65798 2-3/4 2.75 ' 1389.436 48.8916 3.05600 2-7/8 2.875 1587.727 55.8691 3.49213 3 3. 1803.881 63.4751 3.96755 3-1/8 3.125 2038.920 71.7457 4.48451 3-1/4 3.25 2293.482 80.7033 5.04440 3-3/8 3.375 2568.460 90.3792 5.64920 3-1/2 3.50 2864.492 100.7960 6.30031 3-5/8 3.625 3183.875 112.0345 6.99997 3-3/4 3.75 3523.164 123.9734 7.74903 3-7/8 3.875 3887.462 136.7923 8.55028 4 4. 4275.876 150.4599 9.40458 4-U4 4.25 5128.882 180.4756 11.28073 4-1/2 4.50 6088.179 214.2314 13.39065 4-3/4 4.75 7160.402 251.9608 15.74896 S 5. 8351.420 253.4605 18.36854 C = Contents in Cubic Inches. = 4/3 TT R 3 = 4.1888 R 3 = .5236 D 3 W = Weight of Steel Balls in pounds. = R 3 (.28065 X 4.1888) = 1.17558 R 3 = .14695 D 110 FORMULA FOR DETERMINING PITCH DIA. OF BALL CIRCLE AND CLEARANCE BETWEEN BALLS Notation: Di = Pitch Dia. of Ball Circle. D2 = Dia. of Circumscribed Circle. Ds = Dia. of Inscribed Circle. d = Dia. of Balls. N = Number of Balls in the Ring. S = Clearance Between Each Pair of Balls. Di = (d+S)XCSC. 180 \ N / /ISO )3 = Di-d /180 = DiXSIN. f 180 \ IT)-' The following table gives the value of the CSC. and SIN. for "N" Balls. No. of Balls "N" Angle a 180 CSC. 180 SIN. 180 N N N 6 30 2.00000 .50000 7 25 42' 51.43" 2.30476 .43388 8 22 30' 2.61313 .38268 9 20 2.92381 .34202 10 18 3.23607 . 30902 11 16 21' 49.09" 3.54947 .28173 12 15 3.86370 .25882 13 13 50' 46.16" 4.17858 .23932 14 12 51' 25.72" 4.49396 .22252 15 12 4.80973 .20791 16 11 15' 5.12583 . 19509 17 10 35' 17.65" 5.44219 . 18375 18 10 5.75877 . 17365 19 9 28' 25.26" 6.07554 . 16459 20 9 6.39247 .15643 21 8 34' 17.14" 6.70950 . 14904 22 8 10' 54.55" 7.02667 .14231 23 7 49' 33.91" 7.34394 .13617 24 7 30' 7.66130 .13053 25 7 12' 7.97873 .12533 26 6 55' 23.08" 8.29623 .12054 27 6 40' 8.61380 .11609 28 6 25' 42.86" 8.93140 .11196 29 6 12' 24.82" 9.24907 .10812 30 6 9.56677 . 10453 111 THE CIRCLE d = Diameter of Circle. C = Circumference of Circle. C=7rd =3.141593 d A = Area of Plane Surface. 7r = 3.141593 Trd 2 A = = .785398 d 2 4 Areas of Circles are to Each other as the Squares of their Diameters. THE SPHERE V = Volume of Sphere. d = Diameter of Sphere. S = Area of Convex Surface. d 2 V .523599 d 3 Surfaces of Spheres are to each other as the Squires of their Diameters. The Volume of a Shpere = 2/3 the Volume of its Circumscribing Cylinder. Volumes of Spheres are to each other as the Cubes of their Diameters. BALL DIA. IN INCHES C RCUM. N INCHES AREA VOLUME CU.- INCHES SECTION SQ. INCHES CONVEX SURFACE SQ. INCHES /SZ .09818 .00077 .00307 .00002 /16 . 19635 .00307 .01227 .00013 /SZ .29452 .00690 .02761 . 00043 /8 . 39270 01227 .04909 .00102 /SZ .49087 .01917 . 07670 .00200 /16 . 58905 .02761 .11045 .00345 /32 .68722 . 03758 . 15033 . 00548 /4 .78540 .04909 .19635 .00818 /32 .88357 .06213 .24851 .01165 16 .98175 .07670 . 30680 .01598 11 32 1.0799 .09281 .37123 .02127 3 8 .1781 .11045 .44179 . 02761 IS SZ .2763 . 12962 .51848 .03511 7 16 .3744 .15033 .60132 .04385 15 32 .4726 . 17257 . 05393 1 Z .5708 .19635 .78540 . 06545 9 16 .7671 .24850 . 99403 .09319 5 8 .9635 .30680 .2272 .12783 11 16 .1598 37122 .4849 .17014 S 4 .3562 .44179 .7671 . 22089 .5525 .51849 .0739 . 28084 7/8 .7489 .60132 .4053 .35077 15/16 .9452 .69029 .7611 .43143 1. .1416 .7854 .1416 .52360 1/16 .3379 .8866 .5466 . 62804 1/8 .5343 .9940 .9761 .74551 3/16 .7306 .107J .4301 .87681 I/* ,- .9270 .2272 .9088 .0227 .1233 .3530 .4119 .1839 3/8 .3197 .4849 .9396 .3611 7/16 .5160 .6230 .4919 .5553 1/Z .7124 .7671 .0686 .7671 /16. .9087 .9175 .6699 .9974 /8 .1051 .0739 .2957 .2468 1 /16 .3014 .2365 .9461 /4 .4978 .4053 .6211 .8062 1 /16 .6941 .5802 1 .321 .1177 /8 .8905 .7612 .044 .4514 1 /16 .0868 .9483 1 .793 .8083 2. .2832 .1416 1 .566 .1888 /16 .4795 .3410 1 .364 .5939 .6759 .5466 .186 .0243 /16 .8722 7583 1 .033 .4809 /4 .0686 .9761 .904 .9641 /16 .2649 .2000 1 .800 .4751 n .4613 .4301 .7Z1 .0144 /16 .6576 .6664 1 .666 .5829 /Z .8540 .9087 1 .635 .1813 /16 .0503 .1572 20 629 .8103 /8 .2467 .4119 21.648 .4708 1 /16 .4430 .6727 22.691 1 .164 It .6394 .9396 23.758 1 .889 I /16 .8357 .2126 24.850 1 .649 /8 .0321 .4918 25.967 1 .443 1 /16 .2484 .7771 27.109 1 .272 3 .4248 .0686 28.274 | .137 1/16 6211 3662 29.465 1 1/8 .8175 .6699 30.680 I '979 3/16 .014 .9798 31.919 .957 1/4 .210 .2958 33.183 ] 974 i/l .407 .6179 34.472 I .031 S/8 .60S .9462 35.784 20.129 7/16 .799 .2806 37.122 21 . 268 1/Z .996 .6211 38.484 22.449 .192 .9678 S9.872 23.674 .388 .321 41.283 24.942 11/16 .585 .680 42.719 26.254 3/4 .781 44.179 27.611 13/16 977 .tit 45 . 664 29.016 7/8 174 .798 47.173 SO 466 15/16 .370 48.708 3 .965 4. 12.566 12 566 50.465 33.510 112 DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS OF FRACTIONS OF AN INCH Fract. Dec. Fract. Dec. Fract. Dec. Fract. Dec. 1 17 33 49 .015625 . 265625 .515625 .765625 64 64 64 64 I 9 17 25 .03125 .28125 .53125 .78125 32 32 32 32 3 19 35 51 .046875 .296875 .546875 .796875 64 64 64 64 1 5 9 13 _ .0625 __ .3125 _ .5625 .8125 16 16 16 16 5 21 1 37 i 53 mm .078125 _ .328125 .578125 ! .828125 64 64 ! 64 ! 64 3 11 19 27 __ .09375 H .34375 .59375 .84375 32 32 . 32 32 7 23 39 55 . 109575 .359375 .609375 .859375 64 64 64 64 1 3 5 7 .125 .375 .625 .875 8 8 . 8 8 9 25 41 57 _ . 140625 _ . 390625 .640625 _ .890625 64 64 64 64 5 13 21 29 __ . 15625 _ .40625 _ .65625 __ . 90625 32 32 32 32 11 27 43 59 .171875 421875 .671875 .921875 64 64 64 64 3 7 11 15 .1875 .4375 .6875 .9375 16 16 16 16 13 29 45 61 _ .203125 __ .453125 __ .703125 _ .953125 64 64 64 64 7 15 23 31 __ .21875 _ .46875 _ .71875 _ .96875 32 32 32 32 15 31 47 63 .234375 _ .484375 _ .734375 _ .984375 64 64 64 64 1 1 3 .25 5 .75 1 4 2 4 TABLE OF DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS OF MILLI- METERS AND FRACTIONS OF MILLIMETERS 1/100 mm. = .0003937". mm. Inches mm. Inches mm. Inches | mm. Inches mm. Inches 1/50 = .00079 "/50 = .00866 21/50= .01654 31/50= .02441 41/50= .03228 2 /50= .00157 i/50 = .00945 22/50 =.01732 3*/50 = . 02520 42/50 =.03307 3/50= .00236 13/50 =.01024 23/50=. 01811 33/so =.02598 43/50 = . 03386 4/50 =.003 15 14/50 = .01102 24/ 5 o= .01890 34/50 = . 02677 44/so = . 03465 5 /50=. 00394 15/50=. 01181 25/50= .01969 35/50 = . 02756 45/50= .03543 6/50 =.00472 16/50 = .01260 26/50= .02047 36/50 =.02835 46/ 5 o =.03622 , 7 /50= . 00551 17 /50= .01339 27/50= .02126 37/50= .02913 47/50= .03701 8/50 = . 00630 18/50 =.01417 28/50 = . 02205 38/M>=. 02992 48/so =.03780 9/50= .00709 19/50= .01496 29/50= .02283 29/50= .03071 49/50 = . 03858 I0/ 5 o= .00787 S/50= .01575 so/so =.02362 40/50= .03150 10 mm. = l Centimeter = 0.3937 inches 10 cm. =1 Decimeter = 3.937 inches 10 dm. =1 Meter =39.37 inches 25. 4 mm. = 1 English Inch. 113 CONVERSION TABLE DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS OF MILLIMETERS IN INCHES 1 m/m to 500 m/m. 1 m/m = .03937027" nun. Inches m.m. Inches m.m. Inches m.m Inches m.m Inches man Inches m.m Inches ] .03937027 7ft 2.87402971 145 5.70868915 eii 8.50397832 287 11 .29926749 358 14.09455666 429 16.88954583 2 .07874054 74 2.91339998 14(i 5.74805942 217 8.54334859 288 11 .33863776 359 14.13392693 430 16.92921610 3 .11811081 7* 2.95277025 147 5.78742969 -218 8.58271886 289 11 37800803 300 14.17329720 431 16.96858637 .15748108 7(i 2.99214052 14S 5.82679996 -219 8.62208913 291 11 41737830 301 14.21266747 432 17 00795664 .19685135 77 3 03151079 149 5.86617023 221 8.66145940 -291 11.45674857 302 14.25203774 433 17.04732691 .23622162 78 3.07088106 150 5.90554050 -2-21 8 70082967 292 11.49611884 563 14 29140801 434 17.08669718 .27559189 79 3.11025133 151 5.94491077 2-2-2 8.74019994 2!)3 11 53548911 304 14.33077828 435 17 12606745 .31496216 80 3.14962160 152 5.98428104 2-23 8.77957021 2!) 4 1 1 . 57485938 505 14.37014855 430 17.16543772 .35433243 81 3 18899187 153 6.02365131 -2-24 8.81894048 2!)5 11 61422965 500 14 40951882 437 17 20480799 10 .39370270 82 3 22836214 154 6.06302158 -2-2.-, 8 85831075 296 1 1 65359992 507 14.44888909 438 17.24417826 11 . 43307297 88 3.26773241 1 55 6 10239185 22 (i 8.89768102 297 11.69297019 568 14.48825936 439 17.28354853 18 .47244324 84 3.307102C8 156 6.14176212 -227 8 93705129 298 11 73234046 309 14.52762963 440 17.32291880 19 .51181351 85 3.34647295 157 0.18113239 2-2S 8.97642156 2!)!) 11 77171073 370 14.56699990 441 7.36228907 14 .55118378 86 3.38584322 15S 6.22050266 22!) 9.01579183 Kin 11.81108100 571 14.60637017 44-2 17 40165934 1.5 .59055405 87 3 42521349 159 6.25987293 230 9.05516210 301 11 85045127 37-2 14.64574044 443 7.44102961 10 . 62992432 88 3.46458376 160 6.29924320 -231 9 09453237 i()-2 11.88982154 373 14.68511071 444 17.48039988 17 .66929459 89 3.50395403 K.I 6 33861347 -2:! 2 9.13390264 503 11 92919181 574 14.72448098 145 17.51977015 IS .70866486 90 .54332430 162 6.37798374 2:!:! 9 17327291 504 1 1 . 96856208 575 14.76385125 440 7.55914042 1!) .74803513 91 .58269457 1 63 6 41735401 234 9 21264318 505 12.00793235 570 14.80322152 447 7.59851069 20 .78740540 98 . C2206484 K!4 6.45672428 235 9 25201345 500 12.04730262 377 14.84259179 44S 7.63788096 21 .82677567 93 .66143511 Ki5 6.49609455 230 9.29138372 507 12.08667289 !78 14.88196206 149 7.67725123 2-2 .86614594 94 . 70080538 100 6.53546482 -237 9 . 33075399 ios 12 12604316 379 14.92133233 150 7.71662150 *S .90551621 95 .74017565 107 6.57483509 238 9 37012426 !()!) 12 16541343 580 14.96070200 451 7.75599177 24 .94488648 !>o . 77954592 168 6.61420536 23!) 9 40949453 510 12.20478370 581 15.00007287 452 7.79536204 5 .98425675 97 .81891619 169 6 65357563 240 9.44886480 ill 12.24415397 iS -2 15.03944314 153 7.83473231 20 .02362702 98 . 85828646 170 6 69294590 241 9 . 48823507 312 12 28352424 383 15.07881341 454 7.87410258 87 . 06299729 !! .89765673 171 6 73231617 21-2 9 52760534 313 [ 12 32289451 384 15.11818368 155 7.91347285 88 . 10236756 100 93702700 17-2 6.77168644 243 9.56697561 314 12.36226478 585 15.15755398 450 7.95284312 *9 .14173783 101 .97639727 173 6 81105671 244 9 . 60634588 3 la! 12 40163505 580 15.19692422 457 7.99221339 SO .18110810 102 01576754 174 6 85042698 245| 9.64571615 316|l2. 44100532 387 15.23629449 158 8 03158366 :u .22047837 103 05513781 175 6.88979725 246 9.68508642 517 12.48037559 5S8 15.27566476 15!) 8.07095393 3-2 .25984864 104 . 09450808 176 6.92916752 247 9.72445669 31812.51974586 18!) 15 31503503 400 8.11032420 33 .29921891 10.-, .13387835 177 6 96853779 248 9.76382696 319 12.55911613 .390 15.35440530 401 8.14969447 34 .33858918 100 .17324862 17S 7 00790806 249 '9.80319723 320 12.59848640 5!)! 15.39377557 40-2 8.18906474 85 .37795945 107 .21261889 17!) 7.04727833 250 9.84256750 321 12.63785067 392 15.43314584 403 8.22843501 30 .41732972 108 .25198916 ISO 7 . 08664860 251 9.88193777 322 12.67722694 393J 15. 4725 1611 404 8 . 26780528 SI . 45669999 109 29135943 181 7.12601887 252 9 92130804 i23 12 71659721 39415.51188638 165 8 30717555 98 . 49607026 110 .33072970 18-2 7.16538914 253i 9.96067831 i-24 12 75596748 595 15.55125665 400 8.34654582 39 .53544053 111 . 37009997 183 7.20475941 254'lO. 00004858 525 12 79533775 590 15.59062692 407 8 38591609 40 .57481080 11-2 40947024 184 7.24412968 255 10.03941885 520 12.83470802 597 15.62999719 108 8 42528636 41 .61418107 11.'! 44884051 185 7 . 28349995 256 10.07878912 i-27 12 87407829 598 15.66936746 469 8.46465663 4-2 .65355134 114 .48821078 186 7.32287022 -257 10.11815939 528 12 91344856 i!)!) 15 70873773 470 18 50402690 43 .69292161 115 52758105 187 7.36224049 258 10 15752966 529 12.95281883 400 15 74810800 471 18.54339717 44 .7?229188 116 56695132 188 7.40161076 2;,i) 10 19689993 ;:!(i 12 99218910 401 15.78747827 47-2 8.58276744 4.) .77166215 117 .60632159 18!) 7.44098103 -2(10 10 23627020 !31 13 03155937 40-2 15.82684854 473 18.62213771 4(i .81103242 US .64569186 190 7.48035130 -261 10 27564047 532 1 3 07092964 403 15.86621881 474 18.66150798 47 .85040269 11!) 68506213 11)1 7.51972157 262 10 31501074 133 13.11029991 404 15.90558908 475 18.70087825 48 .88977296 120 72443240 192 7.55909184 203 10.35438101 534 13 14967018 105 15 94495935 470 8 74024852 4!) 50 .92914323 .96851350 121 122 . 76380267 .80317294 193 1!)4 7 59846211 7.63783238 201 -265 10 39375128 10 43312155 i:i.-, 530 13 18904045 13.22841072 407 15 98432962 16.02369989 477 478 8 77961879 8 81898906 51 00788377 123 .84254321 195 7 67720265 200 10.47249182 537 13 26778099 408 16.06307016 479 8 85835933 52 .04725404 124 .88191348 196 7 71657292 207 10 51186209 i:is 13 30715126 40!) 16. 10244043 480 8 89772960 53 .08662431 1-25 92128375 197 7.75594319 20S 10 55123236 i:59 13.34652153 410 16 14181070 481 8.93709987 ,U .12599458 126 . 96065402 IDS 7.79531346 26!) 10.59060203 540 13 38589180 411 16.18118097 48-2 8.97647014 55 .16536485 127 . 00002429 HI!) 7 . 83468373 270 10.62997290 341 13 42526207 41'2 16 22055124 483 9 01584041 56 .20473512 1-2S . 03939456 -200 7.87405400 271 10.66934317 54-2 13 46463234 413 16.25992151 484 9 05521068 57 24410539 129 .07876483 -201 7.91342427 27-2 10.70871344 343 13 50400261 414 16.29929178 485 9 09458095 58 .28347566 130 .11813510 -20-2 7.95279454 273 10.74808371 544 13 54337288 415 16.33866205 480 9 13395122 53 .32284593 131 . 15750537 20:! 7.99216481 274 10.78745398 545 13.58274315 410 16.37803232 487 9 17332149 (i() .36221620 132 .19687561 -204 8.03153508 275 10.82682425 340 13 62211342 417 16 41740259 488 9 21269176 61 .40158647 133 23624591 205 8 . 07090535 27 (i 10 86619452 547 13 66148369 4 IS 16.45677286 48!) 9 25206203 62 44095674 .134 .27561618 206 8 11027562277 10 90556479 348 13.70085396 419 16 49614313 490 9 29143230 03 .48032701 135 31498645 207 8 14964589 278 10.94493506 549 13 74022423 420 16 53551340 491 19 33080257 04 .51969728 136 35435672 208 8.18901616 279 10.98430533 550 13 77959450 421 16 57488367 492 19.37017^54 65 55906755 137 .39372699209 8.22838643 280 11.02367560 351 13.81896477 422 16 61425394 493 19 40954311 6(i .59843782 138 43309726 210 8.26775670 281 11.06304587 552 13.85833504 42316.65362421 494 19.44891338 67 68 .63780809 139 .67717836:140 47246753211 .51183780212 8.30712697 8.34649724 282 2 S3 11 10241614 11 14178641 553 554 13 89770531 13 93707558 424'ie. 69299448 425 16 73236475 495 496 19 48828365 19.52765392 69 71654863!l41 .55120807213 8 38586751,284 11.18115668 555 13 97644585 426 16.77173502 497 19.56702419 70 .75591890142 59057834214 8.42523778 285 11.22052695 550 14.01581612 4-27 16.81110529 498 19 60639446 71 79528917 143 62994861 215 8.46460805286 11.25989722 357 14 05518639 428 16.85047556 491) 19.64576473 72 .83465914 144 66931888 500 19.68513500 114 CONVERSION TABLE MILLIMETER EQUIVALENTS OF FRACTIONAL INCHES & inch to 12% Inches 1* 2* 3' 4* 5" 6" 7' 8' 9* 10' 11' 12' 1 25 3995 50.7990 76.1986 101.598 126.998 152.397ll77.797 203.196 228.596 253.995279.394 304.794 1/64 0.3968 25.7964 51 1959 76.5954 101.995 127.394 152.794178.193 203.593 228.992 254.392279.791 305.191 1/32 0.7937 26.1932 51.5928 76.9923 102.391 127.791 153.190178.590 203.990 229.389 254. 7891280.188 305.588 3/64J .1906 26 5901 51.9896 77.3892 102.788 128.188 153.588178.987 204.386 229 . 786 255s 1861280. 585 306.985 1/161 .5874 26 9870 52.3865 77.7860 103.185 128.585 153.984J179.384 204 . 783 230.183 255. 5821280. 982 306.381 5/64 .9843 27 3838 52.7834 78.1829 103.582 128.982 154.381179.781 205.180 230.580 255. 9791281. 379 306.778 3/32' 3812 27.7807 53 1802 78.5798 103.979 129.378 154.778180.177 205.577 230.977 256.376^281.776 307.175 7 /64 7780 28.1776 53.5771 78.9766 104.376 129.775 155.175180.574 205.974 231.373 256.773i282.173 307.572 1/8 .1749 28.5744 53.9740 79.3735 104.773 130.172 155.572 180.971 206.370 231.770 257.170;282.569 307.969 9/64 .5718 28 9713 54.3708 79.7704 105.169 130.569 155.969181.368 206.768 232.167 257.567,282.966 308.366 5/32 9686 29 3682 54.7677 80.1672 105.566 130.966 156. 365181. 765 207.164 232.564 257. 964(283. 363 308.763 11/64 .3655 29.7650 55.1646 80.5641 105.963 131.363 156. 762182. 162 207.561 232.961 258. 360^283. 760 309.160 3/16 .7624 30.1619 55.5614 80.9610 106.360 131.760 157.159 182.559 207.958 233.358 258.757J284.157 309.556 13/64 1592 30.5588 55.9583 81.3579 106.757 132.156 157.556182.956 208.355 233.755 259. 154(284. 554 309.953 7/32 .5561 15/64 .9530 1/4 ! .3498 17/64 .7467 30.9556 31.3525 31.7494 32.1462 56.3552 56.7520 57.1489 57.5458 81.7547 82.1516 82.5485 82.9453 107.154 107.551 107.948 108.344 132.553 182.950 133.347 133.744 157. 953 183. 3521208. 752 158. 350183. 749 209. 149 158.747184.146209.546 159.143 184.543209.943 234.152259.551284.951 234. 5481259. 948'285. 347 234. 9451260. 3451285. 744 235 . 342 ! 260 . 742 286 . 141 310.350 310.747 311.144 311.541 9/32J .1436 32.5431 57.9426 83.3422 108.741 134.141 159. 540(184. 940 210.339 235.739 261.139 : 286.538 311.938 19/64 .5404 32 9400 58.3395 83.7391 109.138 134.538 159.937185.337 210.736 236.136 261.535'286.935 312.334 5/16 7.9373 33.3368 58.7364 84.1359 109.535 134.935 160.334 185.734 211.133 236.532 261.9321287.332 312.731 21/641 8 3342 33.7337 59.1333 84.5328 109.932 135.331 160.731 186.131 211.530 236.930 262.329287.729 313.128 11/32; 8.7310 34.1306 59.5301 84.9297 110.329 135.728 161.128186.527 211.927 237.326 262.726 ! 288.126 313.525 23/64- 9. 1279 34 . 5274 59.9270 85.3265 110.726 136.125 161.525186.924 212.324 237.723 263. 123^288. 522 313.922 3/8 9 5248 34 9243 60 3239 85.7234 111.122 136.522 161.922187.321 212.721 238.120 263.520288.919 314.319 25/64 1 9.9216 13/3210 3185 35.3212 35.7180 60.7207 61.1176 86.1203 86.5171 111.529 111.916 136.919 137.316 162.318 187.718213.118 162.715188.115|213.514 238.517263.9171289.316 238. 914 264. 3131289. 713 314.716 315.113 27/6410.7154 36.1149 61.5145 86.9140 112.313 137.713 163.112;188.512 213.911 239.311 264.710290.110 315.509 7/1611.1122 36.5118 61.9113 87.3109 112.710 138.109 163.509188.909 214.308 239.708 265.107290.507 315.906 29/6411.5091 36.9087 62.3082 87.7077 113.107 138.506 163.906189.305 214.705 240.105 265.504'290.903 316.303 15/32H1.9060 37.3055 62.7051 88.1046 113.504 138.903 164.303189.702 215.102 240.501 265. 901 j29 1.300 316.700 31/6412.3029 37.7024 63.1019 88.5015 113.901 139.300 164.700190.099 215.499 240.898 266.298i291.697 317.097 1/2 12.6997 38.0993 63.4988 88.8983 114.297 139.697 165.097190.496 215.896 241.295 266.695,292.094 317.494 33/6413.0966 38.4551 63.8957 89.2952 114.694 140.094 165.493190.893 216.292 241.692 267.092292.491 317.891 17/3213.4934 38.8930 64.2925 89.6921 115.091 140.491 165.890191.290 216.689 242.089 267.488j292.888 318.287 35/6413.8903 39.2899 64.6894 90.0989 115.489 140.888 166.287191.687 217.086 242.486 267.885293.285 318.684 9/1614.2872 39.6867 65.0863 90.4858 115.885 141.284 166.684192.084 217.483 2-I2.SS3 268. 282:293. 682 319.081 37/6414.6841 40.0836 65.4831 90.8827 116.282 141.681 167.081192.480 217.880 243.279 268.679294.079 319.478 19/3215.0809 40.4805 65 . 8800 91.2795 116.679 142.078 167.478192.877 218.277 243.676 269.076294.475 319.875 39/6415.4778 40.8773 66.2769 91.6764 117.075 142.475 167.875il93.274 218.674 244.073 269.473,294.872 320.272 5/8 115.8747 41.2742 66.6737 92.0733 117.472 142.872 168.271193.671 219.071 244.470 269.870295.269 320.669 41/6416.2715 41.6711 17.070(1 92.4701 117.869 143.269 168.668194.068 219.467 244.867 270.266295.666 321.066 21/3216.6684 42.0679 67.4675 92.8670 118.266 143.666 169.065194.465 219.864 245.263 270.663296.063 321.462 43/6417.0653 42.4648 67.8643 93.2639 118.663 144.063 169.462194.862 220.261 245.661 271.060|296.460 321.859 11/1617.4621 42.8617 68.2612 93.6608 119.060 144.459 169.859195.258 220.658 246.058 271.457'296.857 322.256 45/6417.8590 43.2585 68.6581 94.0576 119.457 144.856 170. 256 I 195. 655 221.055 246.454 271. 8541297. 253 322.653 23/32 18. 2559 43.6554 69.0549 94.4545 119.854 145.253 170.653196.052 221.452 246.851 272.251297.650 323 . 050 47/6418.6527 44.0523 69.4518 94.8513 120.250 145.650 171.050196.449 221.849 247.248 272.648298.047 323.447 3/4 19.0496 44.4491 69.8487 95.2482 120.647 146.047 171.446196.846 222.245 247.645 273. 0451298.444 323.844 49/6419.4465 44 . 8460 70.2455 95.6451 121.044 146.444 171.843197.243 222.642 248.042 273.441:298.841 324.241 25/3219.8433 45.2429 70.6424 96.0419 121.441 146.841 172.240197.640 223.039 248.439 273. 8381299. 238 324.638 .51/5420.2402 45.6397 71.0393 96.4398 121.838 147.237 172.637198.037 223.436 248.836 274.235i299.635 325.035 13/1620.6371 46.0366 71.4362 96.8357 122.235 147.634 173.034198.433 223.883 249.232 274.632300.032 325.431 53/64 21.0339 46.4335 71.8330 97.2326 122.632 148.031 173.431 198.830 224.230 249.629 275.029300.428 325.828 27/3221.4308 55/6421.8277 7/8 22.2245 46.8303 47.2272 47.6241 72.2299 72.6267 73.0236 97.6294 98.0263 98.4232 123.029 123.425 123.822 148.428 148.825 149.222 173 . 828 199 . 227 224 . 627 174. 224 199. 624i225. 024 174. 6211200. 021 225. 420 250:026!275.426;366.825 250.423,275.823,301.222 250.820276.220:301.619 326.225 326.622 327.019 57/6422.6214 29/3223.0183 48.0209 48.4178 73.4205 73.8173 98.8200 99.2169 124.219 124.616 149.619 150.016 175. 0181200. 418J225. 817 175. 415200. 815 ! 226. 214 251 .217)276 . 616;302 . 016 251. 614 277.013;302. 413 327.415 327.812 59/6423.4151 48.8147 74.2142 99.6137 125.013 150.412 175.8121201.211 226.611 252.011 277.410!302.810 328.209 lD/16'23.8120 49.2116 74.6111 100.011 125.410 150.809 176.209201.608 227.008 252.407 277.807i303.207 328.606 61/6424.2089 49 . 6084 75.0080 100.408 125.807 151.206 176.606202.005 227.405 252.804 278.204303.603 329.003 31/3224.6057 50 . 0053 75.4048 100.804 126.203 151.603 177.003202.402 227.802 253.201 278.601304.000 329.400 63/6425.0026 50.4021 75.8017 101.201 126.600 152.000 177.399202.799 228.198 253.598,278.998304.397 329.797 115 DICKINSON BROS GRAND UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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