6461 C3L8 London Carpenters ' company Luncheon at Carpenters 1 Hall THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES fe.1 Xtbe Morsbipful Company of Carpenters. 1st June, 1915. Xunebeon at Carpenters' Iball on the occasion of the presentation of the Freedom of the Company to TEbonms Mbanie, Esq., 3.p. /lib aster : MIX DEN SMITH. TKIlacOens : WALTER W. PULLEIN. FREDERICK G. FITCH, J.P. FREDERICK SUTTON, J.P. Cleih: I. HUTTON FREEMAN. C3ts 868571 GZL.9, 868571 k r ) o flfeenu. SALMON AND MAYONNAISE SAUCE. FILLETS OF SOLE IN ASPIC. LAMB CUTLETS AND PEAS. ASPARAGUS. COLD CHICKEN. YORK HAM. SALAD- JELLIES AND MERINGUES. COMPOTE OF FRUIT AND ICE CREAM. DESSERT AND COFFEE. £ ARPENTERS^HALWTONE^r^IQK: LlV[AI)E-FREE-By-PRBSENTM:iON &*.#£■ 6/. fatten MASTERS* CLERK ►*** J t SilveMBUt Stanoinct Cup & Cover. Bearing the Arms of the Company. Date 1611. Maker: F. Terry, London. Weight 11-35. Height 24 inches. The cup stands upon a circular foot, with egg and tongue ornamentation, above which is acanthus leaf chasing and a balustrade stem, and above these extend three shaped scroll brackets with grotesque terminals ; the bowl of the cup is egg shaped and ornamented with chased work over a matted surface. The cover is decorated in the same manner, and is surmounted with a triangular spire of pierced work resting on three shaped brackets, sur- mounted with the figure of a knight holding in the right hand a spear, the left resting on a shield, bearing the Arms of the Company in pricked work. Round the upper edge of the bowl is inscribed: "John Reeve being M' y* second tymc made me For y e use of y c M' Wardens &> coi-altye of y e Mistery of Freemen of y e Carpentry of y e Cittye of London for ever, hi out charging y c coi-altye then being," and on the foot is inscribed: " Wdrdcns Tho Fawcon, Edward more &• William Bonner." Stlver=(5ilt StanMng Cup & Cover. Date 1609. Maker: F. Terry, London. Weight 31100. Height 19£ inches. The shape, decoration and engraving, are similar to the Master's cup, except for the terminal of the spire being in the form of a spike, on one side is a shield with the Company's Arms, on the opposite side is a shield engraved with a merchant's mark (probably that of the donorl ; the inscription as follows is on the outside of the rim: ••John A use! I having bene twice M' of y' Comp of Carpenters gave this to r 1 ' M r Wardens &> Comity of y e Mistery of Fremen of y e Carpentry of y c Cittye of London Anno Do Kill." 5ilver*(3Ut Stauoiuo Cup d Cover. Date 1613. Maker: R. S. Weight 28 400. Height \9h inches. The shape, decoration and style, are similar again to the previously described cup, and the terminal of the spire is a spike, on the baluster of the stem supporting the brackets are three masks. The cup bears the Company's Arms, and on the second shield is a monogram of the donor's initials, T. E., Thomas Edmones, and it bears the following inscription: " This Clip is y c gift of Thomas Edmones. yongest Warden of f Companye of Caipe liters c r - M r Carpenter to y' Chamber of London & one of y-' jour Vewers ofy 1 same Cyttie, Anno Dom 1612* UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ,^ m THE LIBRARY tTNTV^RPJTY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES flDarcbant SU IPrtntera, 47, St. flGarv Brc 1056. Londcaw-Carpen- ■ ters' company - penters' Hall UCLA-Young Research Library HD6461.C3 L8 I i