.^. %., 3 m ^^ M (*'-. F/Dii((on 6 Con)|jcinv \c\\' Yof'k. f ii» wr ^^^^^——MiMiili M^HAMi ^/^l of tk'c Oove le jindL ihd dLov& came in to him in the evening- aad^ io, in h^r moutti WO.S ered doojn in the firelight olow, Her head upon hep knee: "0 Christ, have pity on us to-night, And brino back mv man to me'" ^e ojind went shrieking about the house, "And fain (jjoutd an entrance o)in, But doop and window wepe barred and fast, And would not let it in. A push -a blast- fop the wind has won, ^ It has thrust the shutter aside. 'drie lamp leaps up -and dies on a flash, And the ashes are scattered wide. And the wife sits on by the bare hearthstone And the wind is lopd of the place. It lays its hands on her loosened hair, And smites on her pallid face. Q\e darkness crept to her ni Faith's h^ht was darkened \< "Is it Love's Kniid then that dipeci- _ i, And the deeds tf-vat the .storm- winds do? "Is it mercy that rides on the wings of doom, Is it Li^ht takes my li§,ht from me,. Is it Life that brin^Ss him a cruel death And 'Jiorse than death to ine?" Hark!-in through the window a rush of ann^s, Had an an^el been sent to save? CX;ould her soul go up from the ojind-swept home, And his fpom^ ti\e ojind-sojept (wave^ Oieuoir\^s still fluttered, and nearer came, to\\\ a soft plume tier cheek caressed. She put up her hands-'twas a stray soft bird She caught and held to her breast. ffP A stray, lost pigeon, wearied witi^ flight In the stress of the stormy aip, ^e tempest had blou/n to hep human hearty •ftnd found it a shelter there. \Be bird found .shelter, and lighted peace In the heart where it rested thus: "If Qod will care for a bird like this, I trust Him - He cares for us." Poor bird, in the storm of death and wind, Did some hand stretch out to thee, (o bring thee safe thro' the maddened skies On a message of peace to me? I trust Him now— He is strong to save- He is mighty to choose and see % "And whatever He does ujhat is best for me e will for His child, I know As o'er dark waters, dark years ago, A dove fo the ark brought peace,- So C^od has sent her this white dove nooj lb bid all her doubtings cease. "Thy will, nui mine, Icon trust" she said, )^nd she held the v;;h!te dove fast That had passed through the storm, as her soul had done, And had anchored in peane at last. And she knelt and prayed -"If it be Thy will, O Mighty, on sea and shore, As the wings of Thy dove guide the boat's white win§s, >\nd brin^ him safe home once more." ' V\nd the storm raved on. ujhen,at last, it slept," ODorn out with the ni^ht of doom, Sleep had come after the night of tears, !,V' , *.- In the little cottage room. "And the wind grown kind blew out of the sky She clouds it had fathered there ^ And the sun rose up on a blue, blue sea, And a heaven of clear sweet air. It played on the masts and the cordage bpown Of a boat in the harbour bay, COhich rose and rocked with the water's breast On that happy Easter drsy. "And ^j)hat had guided the white warm bird, ^ >^nd o:)hot led the ship that night? the Lord of the storm and the sun had led, •And all that He does is ri^ht. :Ah, Friend! a)hen lifeS darkness dar-kens more In the crash of the storm-'ooinds strife^ "^eres a spirit of peace who comes in and breathe;, She joy of a risen h'fe. •And voui" hopes renounced and youp dear dead dreams, UJhose loss left you p life foplopr\, He ojill raise them all fpom the dust again On His Heavenly 6'astep mor-n. forts Ld-QT' tha pctvan^: fop they ?Lther sow- nop reap, whoch neither have ^storehouse' rior barn, and God feed&th them ■■ how much more a^re ye bettor than the fowls ? ^/r.,4 o/(v5('o^row they -'^^^ fcil not, ih^y spin not . unci vet I sot-y^. unit) yoii^ that Solomon en ali his 6ior\r was not ctr rayed I eke one of these. If then God so ciothe the Orrxss, whicli is to-dav in the fCcLd, and to-morrow is cast into the oven, how mucti more wdi Ha clothe wou, O yd- of Uttie, fuiih? Faar not, ittfla. fCock. for U is your Father's _good pLso sar-o, to 6c vc youb the kiri^diom. . £ }ji\i^irAo\ei And, printed 6rTles^ yVjster of jVuremW^- 7^11 ri$>\|-s reserved. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. DEC 19 1966 7 t> frAY 2 7 G7 -4 ?M ►■ M »w-A -B»e- _^J^6T94^ ^ lU m 1 - T'T-^OAI^ Rr„c LD 21A-60m-7.'66 (G4427sl0)476B General Library University of California Berkeley uinder ti-ylord Bros., Inc. Stockton, Calif, ^■M. Reg. U.S.P3, 0^ JlW* / x(- ^^023Sf W. M50673 . ■/**' THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY