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Mechanical Equipment of
School Buildings
Copyright 1916
The Bruce Publishing Company
Introductory Note
THE chapters of this book appeared origi-
nally as a serial in the American School
Board Journal and the interest aroused among
school board authorities and architects has led
to the present republication in a more per-
manent form.
Schoolhouse design and construction have
advanced remarkably during the past genera-
tion due largely to the intensive study of
architects and engineers who have specialized
in this branch of building and have developed
a large body of well tested theory and prac-
tice. It has been the privilege of the author
to share in this development as a designing
and supervising engineer and more recently as
a consultant of school boards and architects.
The book is therefore the outgrowth of ex-
perience and wide observation of successful
domestic engineering as applied to school
buildings. ^ q ^
Table of Contents
Chapter I. Page
Heating and Ventilating Business Organization in Schoolhouse Construction General
Principles of Heating and Ventilation Types of Ventilating Systems Location
of Supply and Exhaust Openings in Classrooms 7
Chapter II.
Ducts and Flues Types of Duct Systems Arrangement of Flues Breathing Walls 13
Chapter III.
Heating and Ventilating Special Rooms Assembly Rooms Down and Up Systems of
Ventilation Automatic Temperature Control 19
Chapter IV.
Ventilating Toilets and Laboratories Methods of Installing Toilet Exhaust Systems
Exhaust Systems for Chemical Laboratory Hoods School Kitchen Ventilation . . 25
Chapter V.
Toilet Fixtures Traps Vitreous Ware Fixtures Types of Closets Ventilation of Fix-
tures Flushing Devices 32
Chapter VI.
Plumbing Fixtures Flush Valves Urinals Ventilation of Urinals Types of Bubbling
Fountains Sinks 37
Chapter VII.
Number and Location of Fixtures Basement Toilet Rooms Types of Toilet Room Ar-
rangement Methods of Figuring Number of Fixtures Special Arrangement of
Toilet Rooms 43
Chapter VIII.
Toilet Partitions and Shower Baths Types of Partitions Types of Shower Bath Stalls
Arrangement of Stalls Metal Fittings 48
Chapter IX.
Water Supply Systems Types of Pneumatic Systems Gravity Systems Water Filters
and Sterilizers Pumps Pressure 54
Chapter X.
Hot Water Systems Down Feed and Up Feed Systems Methods of Heating Water
Control of Hot Water Systems Mixing Valves Forced Circulation 61
Chapter XI.
Fire Protection General Equipment Sprinkler Systems Standpipes- Fire Pumps
Hand P'ire Extinguishers 68
Chapter XII.
Drinking Water Water Coolers Refrigeration Systems Ammonia Systems Special
Drinking Fountains 73
Chapter XIII. Page
Sewage Disposal Septic Tank Systems Operation and Arrangement of Septic Tanks
Disposal Fields 78
Chapter XIV.
The School Power Plant Economy of the School Power Plant Typical Arrangement of
Plant Boilers and Engines Electric Current 84
Chapter XV.
The School Swimming Pool General Considerations Cleanliness Filters and Sterilizers
Arrangement of Pools Waterproofing 90
Chapter XVI.
Pool Equipment Water Heaters Circulation Pumps Filters Electric Sterilizers
Rules for Operating Pools 95
Chapter XVII.
Electric Lighting The Need of Illuminating Systems Types of Lighting ^Types of Fix-
tures Standards of Light Intensity Location of Lighting Outlets Illumination
of Special Rooms 99
Chapter XVIII.
Vacuum Cleaning High and Low Vacuum Systems Floor Outlets Arrangement of
Piping Special Pipe Fittings Types of Vacuum Cleaning Machines 104
Mechanical Equipment of School Buildings
Heating and Ventilation
The school laws of every state in the Union
make the erection and maintenance of proper
schoolhouses the first and one of the most im-
portant duties of school boards. The laws recog-
nize tacitly that while the schoolhouses are only
a physical accessory to the education of future
citizens, it is nevertheless true, that neither
children nor teachers can perform their respec-
tive part in the educational process unless the
schoolhouses are convenient, sanitary, safe and
To school-board members and citizens individ-
ually, the educational aspect of erecting and
equipping schoolhouses may not appear as an
intimate duty so much as the more vexing duty
of securing funds and of using those funds to
the best advantage. The pecuniary problems in
turn are not less troublesome to members of
school boards than the actual architectural and
engineering problems, bound up as they are
with the educational demands of teachers and
superintendents, the hygienic requirements of
sanitarians and the limitations of knowledge
and experience on the part of the members
Several millions of dollars of the taxpayers'
money are spent every year on new buildings,
and whether this vast amount is spent wisely or
unwisely is dependent, almost entirely, on the
wisdom and care of the school boards. Consid-
ering the fact that comparatively few members
ever have previous experience in construction
work of any kind beyond, perhaps, the erection
of their own homes, it is remarkable that the
various communities thruout the country are not
loaded up with a large number of well-meant,
but absolutely unfit, school buildings. That this
is not 80 is due, without doubt, to the pains-
taking attention given by the average board in
handling building problems. Still, even care
cannot produce the results obtained by exper-
It is the purpose of this and succeeding chap-
t<^^s to present to school-board members, both in-
dividually and collectively, the various problems
arising in almost every new schoolhouse which
is erected and to discuss these problems with
their solutions in a simple, plain and straight-
forward manner easily appreciated by the un-
It is not desired to enter into the discussion
of the arrangement or construction of school
buildings so much in this book as it is to dis-
cuss the equipment and mechanical end. The
erchitectural end should be left to the architect
selected by the board with the school board act-
ing as an advisory and criticising committee.
The school board which tries to undertake the
erection of a sediool building without an arch-
itect is not only going to get into a lot of diffi-
culties but will end up by wasting the public
Yet the employing of an architect will not
necessarily solve all the problems. The modern
school has developed into such a distinctive
type of building that problems ordinarily solved
by standard methods in other structures require
totally different treatment for school use. The
boards thruout the country should employ not
only competent architects but should assist the
architects after they are employed by turning
over the responsibility of the mechanical equip-
ment to engineers, thoroly experienced in such
work. "The best is the cheapest" in the long
run and the best engineer is the one whose ex-
perience on schools has been the largest and
most successful. No school board can go wrong
in following this procedure and the larger the
building the greater the emphasis which must
be laid on this point.
Even then, the boards should be familiar with
the various points involved as in almost every
instance they make the final decision as to
the results justifying the expenditure and un-
less they know what the results will be and the
value of such results there is great chance of
financial waste.
In Fig. 1 is shown the normal business or-
ganization of school construction and one which
gives the most satisfactory results. Here the
school community appoints the school board
which in turn selects the site and the architect
end engineer. The site (according to the safe
bearing load of the soil) determines the foun-
Fig. 1.
dntion and the architect must not be held re-
srtonsible for expensive foundations necessitated
by poor bearing soil. All school boards should
take borings to determine the character of the
vinder strata before purchasing as the necessity
of expensive foundations will often make a
higher priced site really cheaper.
After the contracts are let the engineer con-
trols the heating, plumbing and lighting con-
tractors' work, while the masonry, carpentry,
steel, painting, plastering, roofing and miscel-
laneous work is under the control of the archi-
tect. The work of these contractors is united
to form a finished and complete building, and
all disputes are carried back thru the architect
or engineer to the school board for judgment.
It is better that the engineer be selected and
appointed by the board as he is then better able
to serve the board's interest alone than when he
is selected by the architect and is therefore un-
der obligations to him. It goes without saying,
however, that the selection of an engineer who
is antagonistic to the architect is not good busi-
ness policy since they must co-operate.
Let us take first the matter of heating and
ventilation since this is the most important of
all the mechanical contracts amounting from ten
to fifteen per cent of the total cost of the build-
ing. Of course, the problem of ventilation con-
sists of supplying a reasonable and proper
amount of fresh and warmed air to each class-
room and other occupied rooms in such a way
as to least inconvenience the occupants and so
as to produce the most beneficial results. After
this air has been breathed or otherwise con-
taminated the logical continuation of the prob-
lem consists of the removal of such foul air
from the locations where it naturally collects,
thus raaintaining a circulation in the atmos-
Before the subject of ventilation can be in-
telligently considered the composition of the
atmosphere must be noted, together with the
changes produced which render it unfit for fur-
ther use.
In the first place, air is a mixture of gases
being normally about one part nitrogen and
four parts oxygen with some ozone and car-
bonic acid gas; besides this there are usually
present small quantities of ammonia, sulphuric
and nitric acid, floating organisms and inor-
ganic matter, together with various local im-
The oxygen is by far the most important of
the various gases, it being the gas required both
in combustion and respiration. The nitrogen
serves as a dilutent of the oxygen and does not
enter actively into any of the processes in which
we are interested.
Carbonic acid gas, while in itself not especi-
ally harmful, is a sort of gauge on the purity of
the air. This is owing to the fact that, while
in the open country the proportion of this gas
is only 3 to 6 parts in 10,000, in the process of
respiration its proportion is increased in almost
direct ratio with other more harmful, but less
easily detected, impurities. Therefore, the pro-
portion of carbonic acid gas is almost an in-
variable indication of the degree of foulness
reached by the air.
It is a generally accepted standard that not
less than 30 cubic feet of fresh air per minute
This much being decided upon, the board
must next decide if the air is to be supplied
exactly as it comes from the outside dust
laden, smoky or odorous as it often is or
whether money shall be spent for a filter or air
In Fig. 2 a ventilating apparatus, or "fan
room arrangement" as it is often termed, is
shown in which no modification of the air is
should be supplied for each pupil in a classroom
in fact, this is required by law in some states.
Another authority gives 50 cubic feet per min-
ute for high schools and 40 cubic feet per min-
ute in grammar schools. It is not just apparent
why the high school student who generally is in
the building for a shorter period, should be thus
favored. From practical experience and general
practice no school board will go wrong, or can
even be subject to criticism, in adopting the
80 cubic foot standard.
made beyond that of raising its temperature
slightly by the "tempering heater." Then it
goes to the "fan" and is pumped thru the
"heater," which warms it, into ducts to the
classrooms. In Fig. 3 a coke screen is shown,
this consisting of vertical wire mesh partitions
12 in. or 18 in. apart, between which coke is
placed and the air drawn thru the mass. The
filtration obtained by this method is not partic-
ularly effective and the process of cleaning tht-
filter is difficult.
ii m^
A/f Washer
In Fig. 4 a cloth filter is shown which con-
sists of a large number of frames, across which
cheese cloth is stretched as a massive strainer
and thru which the air is drawn before being
sent to the rooms. The filter will not do any-
thing beyond catching the larger dust particL^S;
etc., which would otherwise be carried along
with the air, but it is easier to clean and pre-
ferable to the coke filter.
Fig. 5 shows an "air washer" which is a de-
vice for washing the air by means of a fine
water spray that removes not only dust but
also a large proportion of smoke and odors which
at times may be carried in from the outside.
Besides this, the air washer can be procured
with a regulating device which maintains the
humidity or moisture in the air at any desired
degree, doing away with the excessively dry and
Ijarching steam heat effects ordinarily experi-
enced. By all means install an air washer un-
less financial limitations absolutely prohibit its
use. Fig. 6 shows an elevation of Fig. 5 giving
an idea of the appearance of the apparatus when
properly set on foundations.
In order to properly introduce the fresh air
into a schoolroom and also to withdraw the foul
air, the location of the supply and exhaust open-
ings must be carefully determined. Of course,
the main object is to circulate all the air in
the room, or to put it another way, to circulate
air in all portions of the room, while a secondary
object is to circulate the air in such a manner
as not to make air currents disagreeable or
even perceptible.
Let us take Fig. 7 which shows the plan of a
typical small room with the approximate cir-
culation of air indicated by arrows between the
supply and exhaust registers which are located
fairly close together. It will be seen that owing
to the narrowness of the room this arrangement
is fairly good but entirely out of place when
a room is of greater width, as shown in Fig. 8,
v/here fully two-thirds of the room is stagnant.
In Fig. 9 is shown the normal method of
treating standard sized classrooms for say 40
or 50 pupils. It will be readily seen that the
amount of stagnant area is comparatively small.
The diagrams hold reasonably true regardless of
"' >*'? < * -. \t^^!'i.\.
Air 1 1
p/oshcr ' j
. ? >.>? . I . ' . > ...-I.
u ^
Fig. 7. Plan of schoolroom showing effect of locating
supply and exhaust openings near one corner of narrow room.
Fig. 18.
ply and open up the cold air inlet from the
lower duct. Typical arrangements of this kind
are sho'wn in Figs. 17 and 18.
vital consideration as it may require the drop-
ping of the whole basement floor level a foot
or more in order to obtain proper headroom.
To obviate the disadvantages of the trunk
line and double duct systems the individual duct
system has been devised. So far as piping goes,
this system resembles the common hot-air fur-
nace, each flue or room having an individual
supply duct carried back to the heater. (Fig.
The temperature of the air in this system is
Fig. 19.
f/ues toJ^ooms -
-JIofj4/r Chamber
t ' t, . *
S/=iSE/^-/^T Co/^/T'/ao/z
'v.-tf*-''>:-o i<>;' ov-i'-'i
A . <4'
!>.. <...'.
Fig. 20
The air in the lower duct is usually at a
temperature of 35 to 40 degrees Fahr. in ex-
treme cold weather, as in this case also all air
is previously drawn thru a tempering heater.
When the outside temperature rises above 35 to
40 degrees the tempering heater is shut off and
the temperature of the air in the lower duct is
then the same as the outside air. The cold air
duct is usually made from 50 to 66 2-3 per cent
of the size of the hot air duct.
It can be seen that the double duct system
renders possible the control of the temperature
of the air to each room by the use of the mix-
ing dampers but the headroom in the basement
is cut down by a little more than the exact
height of the second duct. This is often a most
regulated at the heater (as in a trunk line sys-
tem) but is governed by the double damper ar-
rangement (similar to that in a double duct
Fifsf F/oorj
f- 'if- - - " * - ..'^f
B/13MA/r COf?RIDOf^
.o -.o .,.
Fig. 21.
\;. '.'^.'."rr <: 'I'
Fig. 27.
Fig. 28.
in the balcony with the balcony floor removed
and the ducts connecting to the registers in the
ceiling under the balcony indicated. In Fig.
28 is shown a plan of the balcony with the
mushroom inlets the same as the ground floor.
Fig. 29 gives the vent space above the audi-
torium ceiling and shows the connections to the
ventilating girdle a cross section of which is
given in Fig. 30. This girdle allows air to
enter the auditorium all around its entire length
and also serves to conceal a row of electric
lights for indirect illumination.
The pipe coils shown in Fig. 29 are for the
purpose of keeping the roof slab warm over the
auditorium as experience has proven that where
the air is properly humidified the presence of a
cold ceiling is liable to cause condensation.
These coils together with radiators shown in
Tigs. 26 and 27 make it possible to keep the
auditorium warm during periods of dis-use and
also to heat it up prior
to time of use without
the expenditure of elec-
tric power to circulate
the air; that is, the heat-
ing is accomplished in
all normal weather by
direct radiation without
the use of the ventilat-
ing air, and it is not
necessary to start either
the supply or exhaust
fan until the occupants
are actually assembled.
This cuts the electric
power down to a mini-
mum and is a most eco-
nomical operating ar-
rangement. While in
many auditoriums the
heating is accomplished
entirely by the hot air
these are not as economical to operate unless
kept constantly in use and even then require
more electric power than auditoriums supplied
with direct radiators.
It will be noted in the plan Fig. 25 that a
revolving damper is shown. This damper is
arranged so that all the fresh air supply going
to the auditorium above is carried thru on one
side of the damper and all the exhaust air com-
ing from the auditorium is carried thru the
otiier side. The damper is arranged in such a
way that one of the large ducts is connected to
all ceiling registers, the light girdle and other
openings above the floor, while the other duct
is connected to the vent spaces under the main
floor and under the gallery floor into which all
mushrooms and other floor outlets are connected.
A simple turn of this damper will change the
supply fan so that the fresh air will enter all
of the top outlets while the exhaust air is pulled
out of the floor outlets by the exhaust fan.
Reversing the damper causes a reverse of the
entire system that is, the fresh air is then
directed into the vent space beneath the audi-
torium floor and under the gallery floor issuing
into the auditorium thru the mushrooms while
at the same time the foul air is withdrawn from
the ceiling registers under the gallery and the
light girdle in the ceiling, changing in the brief-
est possible time from what is termed the "down-
supply" system into an "up-supply" system.
Fig. 29.
Now the desirability of this will not at first
Le apparent until it is remembered that the
presence of a large audience in an auditorium
makes the problem one of cooling rather than
heating. This at first would seem to require
only that the radiators be shut off and the ven-
tilating air be allowed to enter at a low enough
temperature to accomplish the desired cooling
effect. While this in reality would accomplish
the cooling required, the cold air falling on
the unprotected heads of the audience results
A vrnTORiUT^
Fig. 30.
in unpleasant and dangerous draughts quite
similar to those obtained from opening an out-
side window, except perhaps that they are of
greater volume and not so low a temperature.
The result, however, is decidedly undesirable.
This can be obviated by simply turning the
damper when the temperature in the auditorium
begins to rise enough to demand cold air and
feeding air from the bottom. This air does not
come in at low enough temperature to cause
discomfort to the feet and lower portions of the
body which are better protected against the cold
than the head and neck. By the time the cooler
air his risen to the breathing line it has been
more or less tempered both by the bodily heat
and the mixture with the air already in the
room so that it is not only less noticeable but the
draft dropping towards the floor has been en-
tirely eliminated.
If the reader is not familiar with what is
meant by a mushroom in the floor a reference
to Fig. 31 will indicate its construction clearly.
The ordinary mushroom is six inches in diam-
The school boards who place direct radiators
in their buildings including the auditorium and
supply air for ventilation only have the most
economical system to operate. Those who install
the reverse damper in their auditorium systems
have not only the most economical but at the
same time the most satisfactory system.
Fig. 31.
Fig. 32.
All that has been said regarding heating sys-
t'frms in the foTegodng diapters has been stated
with a presumption that automatic regulation
will be installed. By this it is meant that on
each radiator will be placed a valve similar to
that shown in Fig. 32, and that each mixing
damper will be controlled by an air motor sim-
ilar to that shown in Fig. 33. It has been
proven that it is an absolute impossibility to
maintain proper temperature thruout a school
v.'here the radiators or in fact any other source
of heat must be controlled by the individual
teacher or by the janitor. This is largely due
Aif Motor
Fig. 34.
to the personal preferences of the various indi-
viduals in charge of the rooms, some preferring
a cool room perhaps, 65 or even lower, and
others preferring a hot room, 75 or slightly
higher. Trouble is also caused by the teachers
neglecting to maintain proper temperature when
interested in their other duties. An immense
amount of school money is wasted because the
average teacher when feeling warm finds it
much easier to pull the window down from the
top or raise it from the bottom than to go
around and manipulate two or three radiator
valves. Thus, the heat obtained by burning coal
under the boiler is radiated in room after room
vrhere it is not required simply because it is
impossible to force the attention of those in
charge to the difficult proposition of keeping
their thermometers between 68 and 70 degrees.
Automatic regulation is obtained generally by
compressed air which is run thru the building
in very small pipes, to instruments located in
each room, called thermostats. These thermo-
stats are adjustable so that they will (at any
desired temperature) open a valve in the air
line. This valve permits the compressed air to
enter a pipe which connects to^ diaphragm valves
on the radiators similar to that shown in Fig.
32. The air operates the valve in one direction
and a spring in the other. When the tempera-
ture gets too hot the thermostat closes off the
radiator and saves the school board's steam.
At the same time the temperature oi the ven-
tilating air (if supplied thru a double duct
system with a mixing damper, or thru the indi-
vidual duct system with similar equipment) is
also changed. The compressed air enters the air
/ \
Fig 33.
Fig. 35.
Fig. 36.
motor shown in Fig. 33 thru the pipe P, raising
the diaphragm D, which moves the plate T and
raises the lever L which is pivoted at point C.
The lever L is connected to the mixing damper
lod at R and moves the dampers so as to shut
off the hot air and turn on the cold air if the
room is too warm and vice versa if the tem-
perature is too low. When the air supply is
cut off the spring S brings the lever arm back
to its original position. The method of con-
necting up one of these air motors to move the
dampers in the flues is shown in Fig. 34.
The steam which is saved by such eiiuipment
is prevented from leaving the boiler and raises
the pressure so that the damper regulator shown
in Fig. 35 will shut the damper in the main
boiler flue and thus check the fires. This dam-
per regulator is nothing but a cylinder C in
which the piston R is pushed up by the steam
pressure, the pressure point at which it moves
being determined by the number of weights
which are piled on S.
It can easily be seen that with this equip-
ment a rise in temperature outside of the build-
ing or the heating up of the rooms by the pres-
ence of the pupils conserves the steam the in-
stant it is possible without underheating the
rooms. In fact, it is claimed that automatic
regulation has been known to save 25 per cent
of the fuel which would otherwise have been
In Fig. 36 is shown a photograph of ther-
mostatic control applied to a radiator, while
Fig. 37 shows an air motor controlling two
dampers such as are used in the double duct
Figure 37.
Ventilating Toilets and Laboratories
Possibly of even greater importance than the
air supplied to and exhausted from classrooms
is the method of ventilation employed in the
toilets, since this has a direct bearing upon the
health of the pupils. It is a well-grounded
theory that no fresh air should be supplied to
a room in which odors of any sort are created.
This applies not only to toilet rooms but to
locker rooms, kitchens and all other apartments
which are operated under similar conditions.
The reason for this is apparent when we con-
sider the condition which results from not sup-
plying such a room with fresh air, altho at first
glance this treatment seems likely to result in
just the opposite effect from that desired.
When a room is not supplied with fresh air
and when at the same time air is withdrawn,
a condition is created and maintained which is
known as an "unbalanced air pressure" that is
to say, the air within the room (owing to the
resultant partial vacuum), is of slightly less
pressure than the surrounding atmosphere. As
a result of this, every crack and leakage space
thru which air can pass between the room and
either the surrounding apartments or the out-
side of the building carries an air current pass-
ing inward toward the room in an effort to
make up this unbalanced condition. The room
in this case really becomes an actual partial
vacuum of very limited degree and draws air
into it from every side; this also results in an
inward draft when the door is opened instead of
a current of air in the opposite direction.
Under all normal conditions where air is ex-
hausted from a toilet room and no fresh air is
supplied, the odors created therein do not pass
into the rest of the building but, on the con-
trary, the air from the rest of the building con-
stantly passes inward to replace that withdrawn
from the room by the vent flue. This, id prac-
tice, has been found to give the best results of
any known method of treatment of toilet rooms.
Unless, however, a fan is connected to the toilet
room exhaust its action is not likely to be
It is true a great many schools install heaters
in these "aspirating" flues consisting of steam
pipes or radiators which heat the air after it
leaves the room and create a suction somewhat
like a chimney. This, however, is not as posi-
tive as the fan and the highest class of school
work invariably employs separate toilet exhaust
fans. Care is also taken that the toilet exhaust
flues, while they may be connected with each
other, are never in any way connected to the
flues from other rooms in the building. It
has happened more than once (when such an
experiment has been made) that the exhaust air
from the toilet room, at periods when the fan
was out of commission, passed up its own flue
to the flue from another room and then dropped
back down the second flue into the building
again. Therefore, the toilet exhaust system
should be kept absolutely separate and distinct,
and, at the same time, the maximum beneficial
effects should be obtained by the use of the ex-
haust fan to secure positive movement of the
The only subject remaining for discussion on
the toilet room exhaust system is the location
of the exhaust outlet. On this point there is
great difference of opinion, many preferring the
exhaust outlet at the ceiling, near the door,
while others, equally positive, advocate the loca-
tion of the outlet near the door but at the floor
instead of at the ceiling. In the opinion of the
writer this disputed point is quite immaterial
as the ideal point to catch an odor is at the
place of generation and not after it has floated
perhaps across the entire length of the room
before passing into a register.
One good method of installing toilet outlets
consists of concealing the flush tanks over the
water closets with a boxing made of the same
material as the closet partitions, this boxing
having an opening over each closet as shown in
elevation Fig. 38.
A cross section of this box, which will make the
construction much .clearer, is given in Fig. 39.
There are, however, objections to this casing
among which may be mentioned that it usually
makes the tanks inaccessible, it is rather un-
sightly and, besides this, it is not so efficient as
a register placed directly back of the water
I i
1 ri I
I- 1
Fig. 48.
FonondNbhA U
fe/^pA I I
^Konge ^Jfood Oyen
I 1^.^/ocy^
^ F^ P ^"
Fig. 50.
Fig. 49.
material which is nearly acid proof. The ideal
fume exhaust is made either of tile pipe or con-
crete. Where it is impractical to use either of
these two, copper pipe is substituted. The fan
is usually made of oast iron coated with acid
proof paint and has a wheel made of "monel
metal," which is a practically acid-proof metal-
lie composition.
A laboratory using the individual method is
given in Fig. 44, the fumes in this case being
carried under a concrete step which is made 7^
inches high all along one side of the room and
extending over to the fan.
A cross-section of this step on line "A-A" is
shown in Fig. 45, in which S is the top of the
concrete step, F the finished floor, D the duct
under the step and P a piece of tile pipe into
which the flue running under the table is con-
nected. A small flue is also extended over the
instructor's talble, a cross section of this on
line "B-B" being shown in Fig. 46. The duct
under the step connects into a copper box open-
ing into the suction side of the fan which is
located in an adjoining room. The fan dis-
charges thru a copper pipe out of a copper ven-
tilator set well above the roof. An elevation of
this apparatus on line "C-C" and the connec-
tion between the duct and the fan is given in
Fig. 47.
Fig. 48 is a typical layout taken from a new
high school in which the glass case arrangement
is utilized. In this plan the tables are indi-
cated by T, the sinks by S and the glass cases
with hoods by H. Owing to the fact that this
chemistry laboratory is on the top floor (a com-
mon location in modern schools) it was possible
to connect these hoods with three inch copper
pipes run straight thru the ceiling to a main
copper duct located in the attic space above, a
l)]an of which is given in Fig. 49. All the main
ducts in this space are connected into a suction
box from which the fan draws the fumes and dis-
charges them thru a roof ventilator. In an in-
stallation of this kind it would have been pos-
sible to use tile pipe had it not been for the
fact that the ceilings over the classrooms are
only "hung" ceilings and were not regarded as
substantial enough to support a tile duct with
its accompanying concrete slab. With the ex-
ception of the special chemical fume exhausts,
all chemical laboratories should be ventilated
with supply and exhaust ducts the same as other
Kitchen ventilation follows out the general
rule, previously laid down, of exhausting the air
and not supplying fresh air to the room. This
may be done by an exhaust flue with a register
located at any convenient point. Much better
satisfaction is given when the odors are caught
"at the point of origin" which is generally over
the stove, soup kettles, vegetable boilers and
similar odor producing kitchen equipment. Ow-
ing to the fact that most of the odors are given
off in a heated condition so that their tempera-
ture is higher than that in the room they tend
to rise and seek the ceiling, where after a time,
they become cooled and drop back to the floor
again, reaching all parts of the room by this
method of circulation.
(puctftomFonfo C/?//r?r?ey
Fig. 51. Cross Section X-X of Fig. 50.
To arrest these odors as soon as possible a
hood is generally extended over all the trouble-
some equipment. A graphic example on a small
scale is shown in the little kitchen plan given in
Fig. 50, where a hood is placed over the range
and has an exhaust duct (connected to a fan)
placed between the hood and the ceiling. This
is shown more clearly on the cross section along
the line X-X given in Fig. 51. Numerous out-
lets connect the hood into the exhaust duct to
the end of which is connected a small exhaust
fan. This fan discharges into a small duot car-
ried along the inside of the hood, as shown. It
opens into the chimney flue. By using indi-
vidual hoods and exhaust equipment of this sort
the odor from a soup kettle can be killed with-
out making it necessary to run the entire ex-
haust system for the whole kitchen until later.
In the lunch room, owing to the large number
of pupils present at times, it often proves im-
practical to follow out the scheme of exhaust
only, inasmuch as the quantity of air will be
excessive on the "30 cu. ft. per minute per
pupil" basis. Therefore, in lunoh rooms a com-
promise is often made by exhausting the full
30 cu. ft. and supplying say 15 or 20 cu. ft.
This will still cause an inward leakage at all
points and yet does not absolutely rob the pupil
of fresh air. These exhaust registers are pre-
ferredly located near the doors, the idea being
to catch any air of the room which might be
moved toward the openings leading to other
portions of the building by the swinging of the
doors or by other causes.
(Grover Cleveland High School, St. Louis, Mo.)
Toilet Fixtures
The subject of plumbing is one in which every
school board is vitally interested. While the
heating and ventilation of a. building contribute
largely to the comfort of the occupants, the
plumbing acts directly, and almost immediately,
upon their health. Altho it is undoubtedly true
that the lack of ventilation may in time have a
bad effect on the physical welfare, epidemics and
serious diseases are not likely to be created;
with faulty plumbing epidemics and diseases are
bound to occur and few parents, indeed, when
such an event stirs them deeply, are inclined to
be lenient in their judgment of the authorities
at fault.
Strange to say, the average architect has but
a very hazy idea of the mysteries of plumbing,
while iJersons not directly interested in con-
struction work are completely beyond their
depth. One of the most remarkable facts in
connection with modern sanitation, (and un-
doubtedly the cause of much of the general ig-
norance on the subject) is the recent date of the
development of sanitary science. It has in fact,
progressed to its present state, almost from its
infancy, within the last fifty years, and the
modern syphon-jet water closet can hardly be
said to have been in common use previous to
1900. Today, even among sanitary engineers
of acknowledged standing, there are radical dif-
ferences on what shall constitute correct and in-
correct plumbing work.
To a great extent, especially in cities of mod-
erate size, the piping of plumbing fixtures is
regulated and controlled entirely by local ordi-
nances. The requirements of these local enact-
ments vary widely, sometimes even conflicting
in important details.
Such being the case, the writer is unwilling
to make hard and fast statements regarding
many sanitary details, but will rather present
accepted generalities and some warnings against
positive dangers upon which no question can be
logically raised.
The primary purpose of the modern plumbing
system is to supply water in the proper condi-
tion and at the proper temperature to the var-
ious points in the building where required, and
to remove such water, together with other waste
m.atter, in an inoffensive and sanitary manner.
A proper system includes all fixtures, piping
and other equipment necessary to accomplish
this in the most satisfactory way.
Modern plumbing is based on the theory that
drainage pipes and sewers become foul and gen-
erate a gas (commonly termed "sewer gas")
which is most dangerous to health. Upon this
accepted fact the waste pipe from every fixture
is trapped at the closest possible point to the fix-
ture. A trap is usually a bend in the waste
pipe (Figure 52) somewhat like an inverted
syphon with waste water standing in the bottom
and thus "water-sealing" the pipe so that no
air can pass from the room into the sewer and
(what is more important) so that no air or sewer
gas can pass from the sewer into the room.
Figure 53 also shows a common type of trap
known as a "pot" trap often used for bath tubs,
shower baths, etc., its purpose and action being
similar to the first type described.
To prevent a "slug" or rush of waste water
from drawing out, by syphonage or suction, the
water which should remain in the trap, prac-
tically every trap is "relieved" or "back vented."
This relief is afforded by a vent connected to a
pipe opening into the outer air and serves to
break the syphonic afction so that the contents
of the trap are always intact.
Some traps, such as floor drains, leader traps,
etc., it is not desirable to vent, since a vent line
causes a current of air and makes the evapora-
tion of the water in the trap much more rapid.
On fixtures in common use this evaporation is
negligible as the water in the trap is renewed
with every discharge of the fixture. Where traps
are liable to remain for considerable periods
without use, and therefore without renewal, it
is customary to omit the vent.
The division of plumbing work with which the
school board members are most intimately con-
cerned is the selection of the type of, and mater-
ial for, the plumbing fixtures. For instance,
water closets may be of the local vent type; they
may be of the range type, syphon jet, or wash
down ; they may be vitreous, porcelain, or enam-
Sewer* (jo s
Fig. 53.
eled iron. Urinals may be of the stall, lip, or
trough type, either locally vented or not; they
may be made of vitreous ware, porcelain ware,
slate, glass, alberene stone, etc., etc.
To begin with, what is the distinction between
vitreous ware, porcelain ware, and enameled
iron? All are white, all are used for various
fixtures and, to the casual observer, might easily
be mistaken for a ah other.
Vitreous ware is plain, glazed china, similar
in makeup to the well-known china tableware.
It is produced by firing a clay core in a kiln
until it vitrifies, and then glazing it by dipping
in a glazing solution which is fused to the clay
body by another firing. The chief advantage of
this ware is its impervious and non-absorbent
body which is thoroly vitrified. It may be dis-
tinguished most positively from porcelain ware
by what is known as the "aniline ink test" in
which a chip is immersed in aniline dye for a
period of several hours. At the end of that time
the piece is broken thru the fractured side and
the distance that the ink has penetrated the
fractured surface is measured. Good ware will
not show a pink discoloration over 1-32 inch
Of course, for plumbing fixtures this mater-
ial is almost ideal, altho the fixture design is
limited by the potter's skill to form the clay, and
the ability of the kiln to fire such forms with-
out distortion. This ware is the most expensive
of any used for fixtures, but should be required
wherever the financial considerations permit,
and where the fixture designs can be produced in
vitreous form.
As an example, water closets are almost uni-
versally vitreous ware and should he other
materials for water closets being prohibited by
many of the first-class plumbing codes. No
school board should allow other than vitreous
closets in any school under its control.
Porcelain ware, solid porcelain or "porcelain
china" as some manufacturers delight to char-
acterize an inferior ware is produced in much
the same manner as vitreous ware, except that
the body is composed of a clay mixture which is
fired at much lower temperature than the vitre-
ous ware, and which does not vitrify. There-
fore, while porcelain looks and feels like vitre-
ous ware, the slightest chip of the glazed sur-
face exposes the porous base. This base quickly
takes up water and impurities and soon becomes
foul. It will not stand the aniline ink test with-
out the ink penetrating a much greater depth
than 1-32 inch.
Porcelain ware is largely used for lavatories,
washtubs, and other fixtures where the sanitary
requirements are not as exacting as in water
Up to the present time the stall urinal has not
been commercially produced in vitreous ware,
owing to the large size of this fixture and its
failure to stand the excessive kiln temperature
without serious warping. Some manufacturers
have sxTOceeded in producing a stall urinal eigh-
Fig. 54.
Fig. 55.
teen inches wide of vitreous ware, bmt the reg-
ular 24 inch width has so far defied their art.
Enameled iron ware is produced by making a
fixture out of cast iron, and then coating it with
a white enamel glaze, which is fused in a fur-
nace. This results in the uniting of two dis-
similar substances with different co-efiicients of
expansion. These fixtures are exceedingly liable
to have the coating crack when very hot or cold
Slate is much used in schools for the con-
struction of trough urinals and so-called "slab
work" which includes toiletroom wainscots,
water-closet partition, shower-bath stalls, etc.
Marble is used for slab work of particularly
fine character, but is usually too expensive for
school purposes.
Alberene stone is a natural, dark-gray, mot-
tled stone, streaked with dark veins, and is
Fig. 56.
water strikes them. Also, the coating is very
brittle, a slight blow chipping it off and expos-
ing the iron below. This, while not absorbent,
is highly corrosive. It soon rusts, and produces
an offensive looking and unsanitary fixture. The
use of enameled iron today is gradually being
confined to sinks and slop sinks, cheap bath tubs
and lavatories.
Galvanized iron ware is little used except for
sinks and slop sinks. It is not to be recom-
mended for schools.
Fig. 57
much used in schools for trough urinals, slab
work, table tops, chemical sinks. It is partic-
ularly well adapted for acid demonstration
tables, being practically acid proof. The joints
are made by grooving and inserting a contin-
uous metal clamp which is buried in the joint
and made water proof by the use of litharge.
From this varied assortment the school plumb-
ing fixtures must be selected and their surround-
ings must be decided upon.
So far as the water closets are concerned.
there is only one kind which is generally ap-
proved for school use, this being the "syphon
jet" type of vitreous ware. In this type the
syphoning out of the contents of the bowl is
assisted by a jet which helps to raise the water
in the closet over the high point of the syphon
ac the time of discharge. This action is illus-
trated in cross section by Figure 54.
the use of the "range" water closets which are
now obsolete, having been recognized as radi-
cally bad from the sanitary standpoint. A safe
rule to use in selecting superior types of plumb-
ing fixtures is the one which says: "Each and
every square inch of surface on a fixture not
cleaned and scoured off at each flush is a dis-
ccunt to its sanitary properties." Just see where
Fig. 58.
The wash-down closet is quite similar to the
syphon jet except that the jet and its action
are lacking, and this closet, therefore, fails to
have the immediate and superior action of the
sypbon-jet type. It is a cheaper and less satis-
factory substitute for the jet closet, altho its
use is not by any means a serious transgression
of the modern sanitary requirements.
Let me warn school boards, however, against
Fig. 59.
the range water closet stands with its large ex-
posed and unflushed surface. It cannot even
be made from vitreous ware, owing to its enor-
mous size.
Having decided on a vitreous syphon-jet closet
the next matter for consideration is whether it
shall be locally vented or not. At the time the
matter of ventilation of toilet rooms was being
touched upon the application of local ventila-
tion was mentioned, and it was noted that this
subject would be discussed more fully under the
fixture itself.
In Figure 55 is shown what is known as the
local-vent water closet, or closet with "raised
rear vent," sometimes also caP-ed a "Boston"
vent. This vent is formed directly as an in-
tegral part of the fixture and is usually con-
nected thru the wall into a "utility corridor."
This "corridor" is the space for pipes back of
the plumbing fixtures and is vented directly
into a duot carried to the outer air.
From a ventilation standpoint it is extremely
desirable to catch all odors at their point of
origin rather than to draw them across a large
portion of the room before they find egress thru
the vent register. From a sanitary standpoint
the use of the local vent is debatable.
Many maintain that the vent and flues con-
nected to it soon become so foul as to constitute
a detriment rather than an advantage. On the
other hand its use seems to be on the increase in
schools where the most up-to-date equipment
is provided. It is interesting to note that the
Schenley High School in Pittsburgh (under con-
struction in 1915-1916 and which cost nearly
a million dal.iars) has employed locally vented
water closets almost exclusively. In fact the
Iceal vent closet has been officially adopted by
the Pittsburgh School Board as the standard
type of closet for all their school buildings.
The Montclair (New Jersey) High School
costing about $700,000 and completed in 1915,
uses locally vented water closets for all pupils'
The Elizabeth (New Jersey) High School
costing about $500,000 and completed in 1914,
d'd not employ local vents, but the remodeling
and enlargement of the New Lebanon School at
Greenwich, Conn., (completed in 1915) does.
In none of these cases, either with or with-
out the vent, has the mortality or health rate
been seriously affected, so we may rest assured
that the opponents of the local vent are exagger-
ating to a certain extent, at least.
Selecting the type of water closet also in-
cludes the means of flushing. Today there are
three standard means for flushing closets the
gravity tank, the pneumatic compression tank,
and the flush-valve.
The gravity tank may be a high tank located
near the ceiling or a low tank set just above
the fixture. Each of these tanks fills with water
from a small pipe which is closed off at the
proper time by a valve, in the tank, operated by
a copper float.
To flush the closet a chain pull or small lever
handle is used which allows the water to flow
out of the tank thru a good sized connection into
the closet, giving the required amount of water
within the needed time. Gravity tanks are
cheap but are not recommended for school work
owing to the ease with which they can be tam-
pered with and put out of order. They may be
installed, when protected from mischievousness,
as they are in the Elizabeth (New Jersey) High
School. A protected tank is shown in Figures
50 and 57, P indicates the partition, FT the
flush tank, VR a vent register, VS a vent space,
H an alberene side and T a removable top.
Far better for school work is the pneumatic
compression tank which is illustrated in Fig-
ures 58 and 59. This tank is normally full of
air and the closet seat is raised in the front
about IJ inches by a spring. When the fixture
is used the depressing of the seat to its proper
level opens the valve on the supply pipe so that
water rushes up and partially fills the tank, com-
pressing the air above it. When the seat is
released the supply-pipe valve is closed and the
flush connection into the closet is opened. The
water in the tank, driven both by gravity and
the compressed air above it, is forced down the
supply pipe and performs the flushing operation.
Since it is nearly an impossibility to use this
closet without its flushing automatically, it is
particularly desirable where very young chil-
dren are present or a foreign population is to be
served. The tank will not operate satisfactorily
on less than twenty pounds per square inch
water pressure sat the closet.
Plumbing Fixtures
The third type of water closet flushing
device consists of a flush valve so designed as
to permit almost the free and instant opening
of the water pipe into the closet and then grad-
ually shutting off the flow. While the shut-off
is automatic, the operation of the valve must be
I>roduced by manipulating a push button or
lever handle. These flush valves are used al-
most exclusively in larger buildings of public
character and are being received with more and
more favor in schools, altho they are more ex-
pensive than a compression oir gravity tank.
A favorite method of installation, where utility
corridors are used, is to place the valve in the
corridor and to operate it by a push button ex-
tended thru the corridor wall (Fig. 60). This
arrangement has two advantages; the valve is
secure from meddling, and repairs can be made
by the janitor without entering the toilet room.
This, of course, is specially desirable in girls'
toilet rooms.
Flush valves can be obtained which operate
on as low as six pounds of wiater pressure, altho
not less than ten pounds is recommended by the
writer to avoid the possibility of trouble. Small
piping will not do for the valves; the common
size of the flush valve pipe branch must be IV2
in., or at least iVi in. Each valve should have
a separate shutoff or stop valve, either entirely
separate or incorporated in the flush valve, so
as to permit repairs to one fixture without put-
ting the whole battery out of commission. This
feature is desirable on all fixtures altho the first
cost of such a large number of extra valves
seems excessive.
Flush valves require a steady, even pressure
to give the best results. For this reason they
are usually installed in combination with a
house tank a subject which will be taken up
later under the discussion of the water supply
for the school building.
One other type of water closet, which deserves
mention before leaving this subject, is the "wall
hung" closet shown in Figure 61. This closet
has been installed in several buildings, among
which may be mentioned the Reading Terminal
in Philadelphia and the City and County Build-
ing at Wihnington, Del. So far, its use in
school work has been exceedingly rare. Yet
there is no reason why it should not prove just
as satisfactory in educational buildings as else-
The advantages claimed for this fixture are:
ease of cleaning floors beneath, absence of dirt-
accumulating joints at the floor, better circula-
tion of air and the possibility of carrying the
soil pipes at the back entirely above the floor
in the utility corridor, instead of on the ceiling
of the room below as is customary with the
common closet.
The next fixture in sanitary importance is
Fig. 60.
"^F/ush P/pe
f 3 ton e Tj^o u^h
\ w/f/j cf/'(7//7 of e/?d
Fig. 62.
'Flush ripe.
Vent Space
Fig. 63.
Fig. 64.
^q \Lv-^^
:^a. r^^TT kM. .1 i I. .1 ^i\. c^F
Fig. 65 B.
the urinal which has shown anarked develop-
ment in late years. The old, standard trough
type (usually made of slate, glass, or alberene
stone) is shown in Figure 62. In this type the
flush pipe at the top is perforated and keeps
the slab and trough washed off by a constant,
or intermittent, flow of cold water. This type
of urinal is being installed in many schools,
but is rapidly losing favor because of its rather
repellent appearance and excessive water con-
A step in advance from the trough urinal is
what is known as the lip urinal. This fixture is
illustrated by the photograph. Figure 64, in
which it is shown with a flush valve attached.
The lip urinal is very popular in older public
building work but has been little used for
schools. Altho cheai>er than the stall urinal,
later described, it requires a more or less ex-
pensive partition and backing of marble,
alberene, or slate, so that the cost over all is
Fig. (JG.
sumption when constantly flushed. It abso-
lutely reqiiires, by its construction, either a
complete flush along its entire length or no
flush at all. It can be readily seen that, with
such a condition existing, economy in water
consumption is impossible.
Figure 63 shows a trough urinal of the above
style arranged for local ventilation and, while
this eliminates some of the objectionable odor
otherwise likely to arise from this type of fix-
ture, it does not help the excessive water con-
nearly as much as the stall type. Moreover the
floor under such fixtures is liable to be in an
unsanitary state, requiring practically constant
attention to keep it in proper condition.
The most satisfactory type of urinal for
school use is undoubtedly the stall fixture shown
in Figures 65A and 65B. These fixtures are
flushed in this case by a flush tank FT thru
the flush pipe F; they waste thru individual
traps into the soil pipe SP, the traps being
vented by the vents V into the vent header VH.
As shown these fixtures are local vented at LV
Fig. 67.
into the vent space VS, altho they are common-
ly installed without this arrangement.
These fixtures are generally set directly on
the rough concrete E-C after which the finished
floor FF is carried up to and around them. It
is not considered desirable to set the tops of
these fixtures even with the floor owing to the
liability of dirty scrub water, sweepings, and
other foreign substances to find their way into
the fixture. These urinals can be flushed with
flush valves, and when so installed exhibit much
economy in water consumption. A view of a
typical battery installed in one of the new
modern high schools is shown in Figure 66.
Another method of local venting this type of
fixture consists of making a pipe connection
from this vent chamber down to the waste pipe
immediately under the fixture. The idea is that
a draft will be created not only at the bottom
of the fixture but in the upper part of the waste
pipe as well. It is hard to definitely say that
either method is much superior to the other as
both have staunch advocates, and the writer has
never been able to note any marked difference
in favor of either.
Lavatories in school buildings should be made
of vitreous, with spring or push button faucets
to avoid waste of water. It is not believed that
the siocalled "Fuller" type of faucet is as satis-
factory for school use as a good compression
faucet built along modern lines. A lavatory
with an integral back and a supporting leg is
recommended, somewhat of the type shown in
Figure 66. There is probably less chance, how-
ever, of going wrong on the lavatory selection
than any other fixture. If a cheai>er fixture
than the one shown is desired, the leg may be
omitted land the fixture supported from the wall
by a cast iron wall bracket and small nickel
plated lugs.
Still further reduction can be made in cost
by substituting a porcelain lavatory or an
enameled iron one, altho neither will stand
usage so well as vitreous ware.
One of the greatest problems of the modem
school is the drinking water. How to present
to the pupils an adequate supply of cool and
palatable water in a manner which is germ
proof is a question of no small importance. In
many states today, and in a much larger num-
ber in the near future, the common drinking
cup is, or will be, illegal. More than this, there
is great hygienic necessity in this prohibition
so that it is a matter of wisdom that new school
buildings be equipped with some sort of drink-
ing fountain not requiring the use of cups.
Of course individual paper cups can be used,
but there are numerous objections to this prac-
tice. Free cups will be wasted by the pupils
and used for every conceivable puipose besides
that for which they are intended. Cups vended
by the "penny-in-the-slot" method are hardly
practical especially in schools younger ohildren
attend. The supply of cups is constantly be-
coming exhausted resulting in the use of second
Fig. 68.
handed cups (or worse) until the supply is re-
The only practical way to avoid the danger
of common drinking cups and the nuisance of
individual cups is to install bubbling drinking
fountains. These come in three general styles:
the pedestal type, the wall hung type and the
trough type.
Most drinlving fountains of the trough type
are improvisations from the old faucet-cup sink
arrangement in which some sort of bubbler has
been attached to the faucet. There are types,
however, in which the trough or sink is deliber-
ately used for one to six bubblers, thus making
one waste connection serve all the fountains in
the same trough.
The wall hung fountain, illustrated in Figure
67, is a cheap and satisfactory form of individ-
ual fountain. It is sometimes set in batteries of
three, or even more.
Pedestal fountains have the advantage of
being set out on a floor in any desired position,
without regard for a wall. These can be ob-
tained in many forms and styles from the ex-
tremely rugged, such as is installed in the East
Orange (N. J.) High School (Figure 68), to
the most advanced, foot-control vitreous foun-
tain such as is installed in the Elizabeth (N. J.)
High School (Figure 69).
The type of bubblers requiring pressure by
the hands to operate are not likely to be as sani-
tary as the bubblers with a spring faucet or foot
control and should not be used when avoidable.
Fig. 69.
Fig. 70.
Sinks are a comparatively rare fixture in
schools excepting those of more advanced chitr-
acter. They may be divided into service sinks
and sinks for teachers and pupils. The service
sinks comprise slop sinks, kitchen and lunch-
room and boiler room sinks. The pupils' sinks
include domestic science sinks, chemistry sinks,
arts and science sinks, etc., the teachers' sinlvS
are limited almost entirely to demonstration
table sinks.
In general enameled iron sinl^s are fairly
satisfactory for service use. The boiler room
sink is galvanized iron almost without excep-
tion. Where slop sinks are installed in toilet
rooms adjacent to nice plurmbing fixtures they
are generally of porcelain, but when placed in
slop sink closets accessible to the janitor only,
galvanized iron is often substituted.
Both kitchen sinks and slop sinks should have
backs integral preferred ^and valves control-
ling the supplies so as to regulate the flow of
the water and to allow repair of the faucets
without shutting down other fixtures. A good
installation of a school kitchen sink is shown
in Figure 70. Here the valves are set in the
wall with the bonnet and wheel handle exposed.
Drain boards on kitchen sinks are coming
into much wider use than formerly. The
favorite board is built of ash as this does not
break the amount of dishes which a board of
enameled iron will.
Cooking sinks are preferably vitreous, but
porcelain is also much used. Demonstration
table sinks are made of vitreous ware, porcelain,
alberene, etc. These usually have ground tops
and are set under openings cut in the tops of
the table. Alberene is often used where acids
are to be handled.
Number and Location of Fixtures
After the school hoard has reached a definite
decision upon the plumbing fixtures to be used,
the question arises. How many, and, where?
It is indeed a hard problem to state, with
exactness, the number of fixtures of each kind
required for any given building. This is due
to the general vagueness regarding the maxi-
mum seating capacity, largest probable number
of occupants, etc., which usually exists at the
time the building is designed.
Of course, the primary motive in the location
of plumbing fixtures in any building is to place
them in convenient and accessible positions
where, at the same time, they will be inconspic-
uous. It is, however, a fact to be regretted that
many schools, even at the present time, are
arranged by school boards to have their main
toilet rooms for both sexes in the basement. It
must be granted that the use of the basement in
this manner secures service from a portion of
the building which otherwise is likely to be
used for storage only, and also, that an equal
amount of space is obtained on the upper floors
for classrooms. On the basis of economy and
seclusion, the main basement toilet room is
desirable, but this is the only recommendation
which the writer has ever found for it. The
basement toilet is neither accessible nor con-
venient; it is quite likely to be poorly lighted,
and, owing to its distance from occupied rooms,
its ventilation is often neglected.
It is encouraging to note that the better new
schools, especially high schools, are being
equipped with toilet rooms for both sexes on
every floor. This arrangement reduces the run-
ning up-and-down stairs to a minimum and pre-
vents the congregation of large groups of pupils
in a room where they are not under the teachers'
supervision. The arrangement, also splits up
the congestion of a large number of fixtures into
six or eight sub-divisions, each located in a
separate room with an outside window, thus
securing ventilation and light in an amount
vastly superior to that possible in the basement.
The number of fixtures required for any given
school is governed entirely by the number and
the age of the occupants. It is probably con-
servative to say that about 20 per cent greater
toilet accommodations should be furnished in a
grade school, embracing the classes from kinder-
garten up to the eighth grade, than in a high
school in which the average age is from 15 to
16 years.
Regarding the number of fixtures, it is inter-
esting to note the table (Fig. 71), in which five
high schools, "HS," and three grammar schools,
"GS," all recently completed and placed in ser-
vice, are listed in a comparison of the number
of plumbing fixtures installed. The seoond ver-
tical column gives the number of pupils for
whidh each building is designed; the third col-
umn, "WC," indicates the number of water
closets in the building, and the fourth column,
"per cent," indicaites the number of water closets
per one hundred pupils. Thus wo see that in
High School No. 1, designed for 1050 pupils,
there aire 56 closets installed, or 5.33 closets per
one hundred pupils. In High School No. 2, de-
signed for 1150 pupils, the aooommodations are
not nearly so great, there being 34 closets in all
or 2.95 per one hundred pupils. Hig'h School
No. 1 is undoubtedly somewhat high (altho not
excessively so) while High School No. 2 is likely
to experience difficulty with its toilet aooom-
High Schools 3 and 4 may be assumed as be-
ing nearer the average, these having 4.58 and
3.67 for closets per one hundred students. High
School No. 5, built for 1800 pupils, has a much
higher percentage of toilet accommodation per
pupil thruout, owing to the fact that this build-
ing carries a large ilepartment known as the
"Shop Section" for manual training consisting
of carpentry, forge work, bench shop, wood
turning, etc. All of the shops are on a separate
floor and accommodations are provided on the
same level, thus to some extent duplicating
fixtures installed on other floors.
In the three grade schools listed, the water
closet accommodations are higher than in any
of the high schools cited, this being entirely con-
sistent and accounted for by the presence of a
large number of very small children.
The fifth column, "U," gives the number of
urinals installed in each school. It is estimated
that every running two feet of a trough urinal
are counted as a single fixture. It is apparent
that a fairly good balance is maintained in both
the high schools and grammar schools in pro-
portioning these fixtures, few varying greatly
from the average of 1.79 per one hundred pupils.
In the seventh column "L" are listed the
lavatories, which in High School No. 5 reach
an excessive figure owing to the large shop
section previously mentioned. The ninth
column "DWF," shows the number of drinking
water fountains installed, High School No. 5
being excessive on this point also. Probably 1.5
fountains per one hundred pupils can be con-
sidered a very conservative and satisfactory
instead of the number of pupils served, and it
reconciles to a great extent, apparent incon-
sistencies shown in the first table. For instance.
High School No. 5 (owing to its large size to
accommodate the shop section) in the second
table figures low on both its closet and urinal
accommodations. It is still a little high on
lavatories, but even there it does not exceed
Grammar School No. 3, drinking water foun-
tains being the only fixtures which show in
excess in both tables.
The percentage of fixtures to cubic contents
in Fig. 72 is figured on the basis of 100,000 cu.
/fS *1
/fS '3
JfS '^
NS '^
OS "1
GS "3
ToU/ *At
4-. JO
Fig. 71.
N3 * i
Z 000,000 S6
/ /
JfjS 'Z
l./ot.oao 34.
JfS '3
Jf^ *^
4.. ...
/ Zo
as "z
/ 03
a^ "3
/. o jv;a<>
1 Z3
Toto/a^ A V.
Fig. 72.
The second last column, "SS," shows the num-
ber of slop sinks installed, High School No. 5
being apparently liberal on this point also. The
number of slop sinks, however, is determined
not so much by the number of pupils as by con-
venience of access by the janitor, the general
practice being to place two upon each floor of
a large school and one upon each floor of a small
The table just discussed is based entirely upon
the relation which the number of fixtures should
bear to the number of pupils served. This pro-
portion, as previously stated, is the only proper
method of estimating the number of fixtures
required. As a check upon this, the table shown
in Fig. No. 72 is also very interesting. This
table is worked out exactly the same as the pre-
vious table with the exception that it is based
upon the cubic feet contained in the building
ft. so that a percentage of 2.80 water closets
m-eans that there are 2.8 closets for every hun-
dred thousand cubic feet contained in the build-
ing. Any new school checked with the average
of these two tables should give a high and low
number of fixtures which may be used as prac-
tical boundaries. Fixtures installed somewheres
between these two limits will be sufficient to give
practical service and yet will not be excessive.
Their location on the different floor levels should
to a large extent be determined by the propor-
tion of pupils located on the respective floors.
If it is absolutely necessary to install the main
toilet room in the basement an arrangement
such as indicated in Fig. 73 is probably one
of the best layouts which can be secured, altho
even the best cannot be recommended. In this
scheme the boys come down a stairway at one
end of the building into a boys' corridor to the
Gir/s Corr/c/or ^ oy.s' Cofridor
Fig. 73.
Fig. 75.
G I-
Fig. 74
53 @rD
J ^
Durr Dvr^^
1 d
Fig. 76.
P ^ <
main toilet room. This should be somewhere
near the middle of the building. The girls fol-
low a similar procedure at the other end, but
there is a solid partition at the toilet room
separating the boys' corridor from the girls'
corridor and effectually preventing any conflict
between the sexes below the first floor.
The fixtures should be arranged on each side
of a vent space V in which all valves and piping
can be located, the girls' fixtures in the girls'
toilet room G backing up against one side of
this vent space, and the boys' fixtures in the boys'
toilet room B backing up against the other side.
If desired the vent space V can be continued
to the corridor wall with an access door for
In all the toilet rooins shown wibh this chapter
WC indicates water closets, U urinals, L lava-
tories, SS slop sinks, DWF drinking fountains
and FD floor drains.
A toilet room laid out in tihis manner is made
as desiraible as a basement toilet can be made.
A vent space, V, should be used to ventilate the
rooms serving this purpose, being connected to
a duct, equipped with an exhaust fan, which dis-
charges the foul air from the building.
The ordinary school is generally constructed
with a corridor thru the center and classrooms
on 'both sides. Toilet rooms located on the upper
floors of such a building must
necessarily have an entrance
door from the corridor, at one
end, and must receive light and
air from a window in the out-
side wall, at the
other end.
For this reason,
many toilet rooms
are narrow in
width but are equal in length to the width of the
ordinary classroom.
Two toilet rooms built in this shape are shown
dn Fig. 74; G indicates the girls' toilet room,
B the boys' toilet room, and D the door. The
rooms are located at opposite ends of tlie main
corridor and have entrances directly therefrom.
The rooms are repeated on each floor level of the
building. Several criticisms can be made in
this arrangement, first of which is the fact that
no screen is present to prevent the passerby in
the corridor from obtaining a full viiew of the
toilet room whenever the door is opened. Second,
the slop sink, in case of the girls' toilet room,
is located as far from the door as it could be,
instead of close to the door for the convenience
of the janitor. In fact, the slop sink should not
be placed in a toilet room but s'hould be located
Fig. 77.
in its own oloset. This will be shown in other
layouts which are much more satisfactory.
In Fig. 75 we have another similar toilet
room in which the slop sink is placed in a much
more desirable position and where the screens S,
which are equipped with swinging doors, effect-
ually shut out observation when the corridor
dcor, D, is open. The school, however, has made
a serious error in the omission of lavatories from
the toilet room. These should never be omitted ;
at least one or two are necessary in all cases.
In Fig. 76 are sihown much better rooms of
this type. These two toilets have the following
desirable paints : The opening of the door D is
screened by a second door S ; the lavatories L are
located near the window; a private toilet, FT, is
installed in the girls' toilet room, G; and, the
slop sink, SS, is placed in its own closet where
it can be reached by the janitor without entering
the toilet room. Immediately outside the toilet
room in the main coridor, drinking water foun-
tains, DWF, are hung, and the space behind the
fountains, FS, is used for ventilating flues. It
is to be regretted that in this school where the
toilet facilities have been well taken care of the
use of the trough urinal, TU, should have been
In Fig. 77 is shown a combined toilet room
which, however is possible only in schools where
more than one main corridor exists. In this
particular case one wing of the building runs at
an angle to the main portion producing an
angular main corridor as shown. On the angu-
lar corridor, entrance to the girls' toilet room,
G, is obtained thru a door screened by the two
screens, S. A private toilet is placed in the end
of the room; here also is a towel chute TC. In
the boys' toilet room, B, a screen, S, and in-
dividual urinal fixtures are also provided. The
janitor has his own closet with a slop sink, this
closet being large enough in which to do con-
siderable washing and cleaning, if necessary.
There is absolutely no criticism to make in the
arrangement of fixtures in this toilet room, and
it is regretted that the layout is not such as to
make it applicable to schools in general.
Toilet Partitions Shower Baths
The matter of partitions in toilet rooms is a
most important one and should be given careful
consideration by every school board. These par-
titions ought to be non-absorbent, substantial,
pleasing in appearance, and should be built with
the least possible amount of metal work. For-
merly and even at the present time slate is
much used, aitho alberene stone has of late
years been widely adopted. Marble is seldom,
if ever used, in school work owing to the ex-
pense, while Argentine glass undoubtedly pro-
duces the finest kind of result.
Argentine glass is milk-white and non-trans-
parent. It is produced in sheets about one inch
thick, and gives an inviting and sanitary ap-
pearance attained by no other miaterial. This
glass, of course, will not stand so much hard
usage as other materials and it is therefore im-
practicable to build partitions of it except where
a reasonable amount of care may be expected.
For instance, Argentine glass partitions may
be used in high schools but never in grammar
Where alberene stone is employed it is cut in
slabs one inch or one and a quarter inches
thick, is polished and made up with rabbetted
joints. The alberene partition is of a grayish
color with long black veins which are likely to
extend thru portions of the stone. These veins
give the appearance of weakness with danger of
possible future cracks; but this danger is con-
fined to aippearance only, as the stone is at
least as strong if not stronger at the veins
thian in the clear material.
Slate, the old standard material, requires
little argument or explanation owing to its ex-
tensive use. Almost every school employs slate
partitions to a greater or lesser extent. The
chief objection if it is an objection ^to slate,
is the appearance which is dark and uninviting.
Slate partitions also offer much opportunity
for scratching and for miarking oibjectionable
pictures and writing on the toilet room walls.
This latter, of course, is highly undesirable.
One school board has, after much experimen-
tation, adopted the slate partition painted white,
and provides each janitor with a can of quick
diying white paint. Every day at the close of
the school session the partitions and walls are
inspected and all writings are disposed of in a
moment by a little white paint. This paint be-
comes dry before the beginning of the school
session the next morning.
The normal water closet enclosure which is
shown in Fig. 78 should be about 4 ft. or 4 ft.
6 in. deep, 6 ft. 6 in. high and should have the
back set out 6 in. from the wall to conceal the
piping and also to serve as vent space. While
the backs of the enclosure should extend solid
to the floor, the partitions between the enclo-
sures should be supported 12 in. above the floor,
to permit the free circulation of air about and
around the fixtures. The partition slabs are
usually supported by angle clips and by being
set into the back slab, while at the front iron or
brass standards are used. The standards gen-
erally extend down and are embedded in the
The wainscot is usually made of the same
material as the partitions and compartments,
aitho sometimes a tile wainscot is used. This
should extend the same height, namely 6 ft.
6 in. above the floor. It is usually provided
with a small cap piece for a finish. In Fig. 79
a view is shown of the same type of compart-
ments (looking the other way) indicating the
most satisfactory method of ventilating a toilet
room, namely, thru a register R placed back
of the water closet. This does away with all
discussion as to the sanitary or insanitary qual-
ities of the local vent closet and secures equal
or possibly superior ventilation results.
Let me call attention to a danger which seems
to be on the increase. This is the instilling
into the younger generation of what might be
termed a "lack of decency" for which some
boards are almost criminally responsible. It is
not believed that any member of any modern
school board would install a water closet in his
own home in an open hall without screens where
members of the family are constantly passing
back and forth. Yet in the school, toilet rooms
(in which a constant promenade is going back
and forth) are often provided with fixtures
' >f:\f ..' ' *, A i. f ' J. i ^.v ' . *
>' ' / ;' ' '
>:> ,'" > ,'
Jht'tZ-tiofi -
<*-< ; r *; . * ; ? .' ? j^" ;j ' .'*.% < ;' : ^ "v -v: ''-.'^
Fig. 78.
Fig. 79.
."- ';'<'."i>~;e V.i* **'"-: D^;-. " e -^-'. * -: : *-
Fig. 80.
y. ^CeiJ/ng V/
2z VJ Ycyt^'kS^? ^ ^r/oor %
Fig. 81.
possibly with screens between them without
doors and provocative of a lack of modesty
which is far from what parents desire.
As an example of this we have toilet rooms in
many schools built somewhat on the scheme
shown in Fig. 80 in which a simple dividing
screen, made of sheet iron and supported on a
piece of bent pipe, is used to avoid the expense
of a proper closet partition. Arguments in
favor of this arrangement can be heard on the
basis of economy, better circulation of air, in-
creased light, etc., etc. But after all advantages
have been duly weighed, the fact cannot be over-
come that water closets installed in this manner
should be considered a nuisance by the com-
munity, and the board responsible for such an
installation should be severely censured.
It should be remembered that, where a pupil
is required by law to attend school a certain
number of hours a day, he or she must of neces-
sity use the toilet fixtures provided by the school
board and that the board, in failing to provide
suitable enclosures, indirectly forces a pupil,
willingly or unwillingly, to use the facilities
provided. Under such a condition of affairs
school boards should be doubly careful in the
arrangement of toilet rooms and the manner in
which they are fitted up.
This subject brings up another. It was for-
merly the custom to omit partitions entirely on
all types of urinals, yet it is encouraging to
note that the use of a slab partition between
the fixtures as shown in Fig. 81 and the divid-
ing off of the trough urinal by similar parti-
tions is gradually coming into practice. Fig. 81
is a good example of individual fixtures, prop-
erly partitioned, with a vent space in the rear
into which an integral local vent from the fix-
tures, or a local vent from the pipe below the
fixtures, can be connected.
Shower bath stalls are built in three ways.
The first is the individual shower bath stall as
shown in Fig. 82. This stall is about 3 ft.
square and 6 ft. 6 in. high. The walls are car-
ried down to the floor slab on all sides and the
doorway is cut down to within 6 in. of the floor,
the 6 in. below this point serving as a curb to
retain the splashing water. The top of the door-
way is formed by a rod which serves as a brace
for the slabs, and from which the curtain is
hung by rings.
The second type of shower bath is that com-
bined with the dressing room as shown in Fig.
83. This consists of a shower bath compart-
ment as just described, the compartment in this
case, however, opening into a dressing room of
similar size. A curtain is used between the
dressing room and shower and a dwarf door,
similar to a water closet door as shown, is used
to screen the dressing room. In many cases it
has been found desirable to cover the tops of
compartments with a wire screen, as indicated
in the drawing, to prevent the stealing of
clothes, towels, etc., by pupils in the adjacent
compartments, and to prevent skylarking and
the throwing of missiles into the compartments
when they are occupied. Care shouM be taken
in an arrangement of this kind to leave suffi-
cient room under the dwarf door so that in
ease of emergency access to the interior can be
had by the instructor by crawling under the
door and unlocking the same. Several cases
have been known where persons have been taken
suddenly ill or have fainted while using a
shower thus requiring immediate attention and
outside help.
The third tj-pe of shower is shown in Fig. 84.
This consists of a shower compartment as
Fig. 82.
Fig. 83.
Fig. 84.
Fig. 85.
previously described and an outer room 18 to
24 in(ihes wide in which a hook is placed. The
purpose of this outer room is to keep dry a sheet
or dressing gown, bath slippers and bath towel.
Showers arranged in this manner are generally
used in connection with a girls' locker room.
The arrangement is somewhat as shown in Fig.
85, where S indicates the showers and outer
rooms, the unmarked compartments are dress-
ing rooms; P. S. is a pipe space, between the
two rows of shower baths, and D an access door
for repairs. In a scheme of this kind each girl
pupil is assigned a dressing room in which she
removes her outer clothing preparatory to the
use of the shower. Sheets are usually pro-
vided by the school to be worn in passing from
the dressing room to the shower bath, altho
some pupils prefer to use a bathrobe or dressing
gown. It will be seen from Fig. 85 that while
some of the dressing rooms are very convenient
to the showers others are at a considerable
The method of procedure for the pupils is
briefly as follows : Wrapped in sheets and wear-
ing slippers, the girls pass from their individ-
ual dressing rooms to the outer rooms of the
showers. These outer rooms may be protected
by a curtain or a dwarf door similar to the one
previously shown. The towels, sheets or gowns
and slippers are placed in the outer rooms and
the shower baths taken in the adjacent shower
compartments, curtains being placed between
the outer rooms and the showers in order to
keep the articles in the outer rooms dry. On
completion of the bath the pupils dry them-
selves in the shower compartments, step into
the outer rooms, don slippers and sheets or robes
and return to the dressing rooms to complete
their dressing.
There are great advantages with this ar-
rangement involving as it does a minimum time
in the shower and making fewer showers serve
a larger number of pupils satisfactorily. It
allows the showers to be placed closely together,
simplifies and economizes the plumbing, and
above all allows the pupil the privacy which all
are justified in demanding.
The metal work for partitions should be kept
down to the smallest possible amount. Such as
must be used is generally made to correspond
with the fixture trimmings. Nickel plated brass
is more commonly used than any other one
material, yet it is far from being satisfactory
for continued service. The nickel if polished
soon wears off and, if not polished, gets dirty
and becomes covered with verdigris caused by
thf splashing water which combines with the
copper in the brass body underneath.
Polished brass is used to some extent, this
material being of solid metal and always of the
same standard appearance when kept polished.
It is cheaper than nickel plated material.
Ked metal is brass with an unusually high
amount of copper in the composition (85 per
cent or more) ; this is being adopted in some
of the newer schools.
White metal is by far the anost satisfactory
of all the various materials, but it is also much
higher in cost. It is a metallic composition
which has exactly the appearance of nickel plate,
but is liable to tarnish less quickly. Its use
is recommended wherever financial considera-
tions permit. Sometimes economy can be ef-
fected by using galvanized cast iron piping
underneath the lavatories and painting same
with white enamel to match the color of the
Water Supply Systems
There is little of greater importance in the
modern school than an adequate supply of clean
and pure water at a cost not so high as to be
excessive. In some dis.tricts where schools are
erected a good municipal or private company-
water system in service with reasonable rates
and pressure solves the difficulty, but in other
cases conditions must be met which involve cal-
culations based on the height of .the building,
probable amount of water used yearly, cost of
water per cubic foot, cost of coal, and interest
on pumping equipment. It is not at all im-
possible that it rday prove cheaper to drive a
well on the premises and pump all water used
than it would be to buy the supply from a local
A water supply may require special attention
from any one of the following reasons :
(a) No supply of any kind available.
(lb) Proper water but insufficient pressure.
(c) Proper water but too high pressure.
(d) Proper water but with great fluctuation
in pressure.
(e) Water not fit for use without purification.
(f) Water supply not to be depended upon at
all times.
(g) Any combination of the above.
Where no water supply is available a driven
well and pump are the usual recourse. In this
case the water is either pumped into an elevated
tank (maintaining the proper pressure on the
school by gravity), or it is pumped into a so-
called "pneumatic" tank in which compressed
air is confined, the pressure of the compressed
air tending to drive the water out of the tank
when a faucet is opened and thus keeping the
building under proper pressure.
A typical pneumatic system recently installed
in one of the new high schools is shown in Fig.
86, being arranged as shown diagrammatically
in Fig. 87. Here the pneumatic tank T with a
manhole Mh and supported on the piers P is
filled by the water pump WP driven by the
motor M. The operation of this apparatus is
entirely automatic being controlled by the regu-
lator E which operates the electric switch S con-
trolling the wires W to the motor M. The water
from the pump is discharged past the air cush-
ion AC, the air supply being maintained in the
tank by the use of the little belted air com-
pressor C This compressor is a necessary ad-
jvmct to all pneumatic systems as the air in
the tank, when under pressure and in contact
with the water, becomes entrained in the water
in the form of minute bubbles. This process
results, of course, in gradually withdrawing the
air from the tank making necessary some means
of renewal. The bubbles give the water a pecu-
liar milklike appearance when drawn at the
With an elevated gravity tank several dif-
ficulties and objections are likely to arise. In
the first place it. must be supported no mean
proposition when it is considered that a 5,000
t-.") 10,000 gallon tank (customary size for
schools) weighs from 45,000 to 90,000 pounds
or an average of 33 tons! This tank miist be
placed on a floor at least one story above the
Fig. 87
Fig. 86. Pneumatic Tank in a New School.
Fig. 88. Drinking Water Filters of Good Type.
Fig. 90.
floor on which the highest fixture stands in order
to get sufficient pressure on the uppermost fix-
tures. The tank should be housed in and cov-
ered to keep it clear of dust and dirt; it must
be protected against freezing, and after all tliese
matters are attended to it will still allow the
water therein to become warm or tepid in hot
A pneumatic tank can be buried in the ground
so as to keep the water supply fairly cold and
(with the possible exception of an objection to
carrying a tank at such high pressure in the
basement of the school) it is undoubtedly more
satisfactory and certainly cheaper than an ele-
vated gravity tank.
When water at too high a pressure is en-
countered a reducing valve must be used. Water
delivered at more than 75 pounds pressure is
objectionable to use. It produces leaks read-
ily, and wears out faucets because they must be
Fig. 91.
-3upp/y Main
in Koof jSpoce.
-Aif Cushion
f- Connection to
Aif Cushion
Connect/on to
Lowest rixtute
in jBosement^
Fig. 92.
turned off tightly; it makes more frequent the
renewal of faucet washers and produces '''ham-
mering" and undesirable splashing when the
faucets are opened. In fact, 45 pounds per
square inch pressure in the basement is a very
good figure to carry. Reducing valves can be
obtained for almost any desired reduction of
pressure, the usual reduction being from 80 to
150 pounds down to 45 to 70 pounds.
When great variations in pressure occur it is
often most economical to use a gravity tank,
allowing this to fill without pumping when the
pressure is high and making it large enough to
carry the school until the next period of high
pressure at which time it will be re-filled. If
the pressure even at the highest point is not
sufficient to force the water up into the tank,
then pumping must be resorted to and a pneu-
matic equipment will probably be more satis-
Water is sometimes obtained which is sandy
(for instance river water or lake water in time
of spring rains) or it may be contaminated by
bacteria from various sources. Sand and grit
are very undesirable as they get into flush
valves, shower valves, etc., and clog their opera-
tion, besides cutting washers, lodging on valve
seats and causing other annoyance. This trouble
can be disposed of by use of pressure filters
which employ sand, quartz, charcoal, and other
mediums for filtration. The filters for a large
sized school will cost from $1,200 to $1,500, if
of the best make and materials. Cheaper filters
can, of course, be had, but they are a poor econ-
omy in the long run.
For bacterial impurities, filters are also used
altho not so efficiently. When water is driven
thru a filter a sort of mat forms on the surface
in which certain bacterialogical processes are
carried on resulting in partial purification, this
purifying being further assisted by bone black
or charcoal. The use of filters, in general, may
be said to be at its best when confined solely to
clarifying water that is, removing substances
floating or not dissolved in the water since
anything in solution is affected little, if any,
by filtration. A double cylinder filter of the best
type is shown in Fig. 88, this being arranged so
that the water passes thru first one cylinder and
then the other, thus giving really two separate
For sterilized water there are four standard
processes distillation and recondensing, boiling
or raising to boiling point, chemical treatment
and electrical treatment. Distillation produces
water which, however pure it may be, is at the
same time robbed of its salts, gases and other
substances. The result is a flat and unpalatable
tho pure product.
By boiling or by just raising to the boiling
point (which is better) water fairly free oi
bacteria can be obtained containing a large pro-
portion of its original characteristics. This
process has gained great favor. Electrical treat-
^ sJioose f{j//ey\
Z "Suct/orj
Fig. 93.
Fig. 89.
Fig. 95. Water Supply in School with Pressure Reducing Valve,
Temporary Meter, By-pass, Etc.
ment by means of ultra-violet rays produced by
a special electric lamp in a crystal bulb is more
expensive but at the same time more satisfac-
tory than any of the other methods. Positively
no change whatsoever is made in the water or
its taste but the bacteria are absolutely killed
within a fraction of a second after exposure to
the ultra-violet rays. To make this system
practical the water must be clear. It may prove
necessary, however, in some cases to install
filters in conjunction with the electric steril-
izer. A view of an ultra-violet ray sterilizer in-
stalled in the Bennett School, Millbrook, N. Y.,
is shown in Fig. 89.
If for any reason, a roof tank or "house"
tank is decided upon, it will be more economical
to put the main water pipe in the ceiling, or
roof space, over the top floor. This is, of course,
provided the construction of the building per-
mits; if there is no such space the entire water
supply must be carried down and fed from the
basement as shown in Fig. 90. This illustra-
tion is an oblique projection of an ordinary
school system arranged with a house tank HT
in the pent house PH and supplying risers
thru a basement main as just described; the
pump HP is used in this case to fill the house
tank thru the check valve C and gate valve (t
when required. Fig. 91 is a view of a similar
system assuming that a pneumatic tank is used
(located in the basement as shown). In this
case the risers R are fed from the main supply
header MSH located in the basement and sup-
plied by water under pressure in the pneumatic
tank PT. The water is pumped into the pneu-
matic tank by the pump P.
With the roof space, or "top feed," system the
pipe risers are arranged as shown at "A," Fig.
92; but with a basement, or "bottom feed," the
vertical pipes are arranged as shown at "B."
The valves allow repairs to be made on any
riser without interfering with any other fixtures
except the ones located on that particular riser.
Undoubtedly the best type of water pump
(not a well pump) for schools is a little direct
connected, motor driven, centrifugal pump such
ad is shown in Fig. 93. A pump of this kind
does not require packing, has no pulsation (when
starting up it gradually builds up a pressure
until it exceeds the back pressure of the dis-
charge pipe) and has only one moving part
an interior rotating paddle wheel or impeller
which is simply a plain iron or steel casting.
Fig. 94. Centrifugal Motor Driven "House Pump" with auto-
matic control and pressure gage.
The pump shown has also a special tight and
loose pulley to allow belt drive after discon-
necting from the motor if at any time the cur-
rent is cut off. The belt can be driven by a
gas engine, hot air or steam engine or other
mechanical means which local conditions permit.
Provided the motor is of direct current type the
tight and loose pulleys can be omitted, and an
electric storage battery can be used to supply
current to the motor. A storage battery will
cost considerably more than a gas or steam
engine drive even tho the latter may not be
quite so convenient. A view of such a pump,
actually installed with automatic control and
pressure gage, is shown in Fig. 94.
Care should te exercised not to be deceived
on water pressure. For instance, a school is
proposed on a site where the minimum street
water pressure is- 35 pounds, and the highest
60 pounds. This means about 35 pounds in the
basement of the school at least with a possible
60 pounds at certain times. Suppose it is ex-
pected to use filters and compression tank water
closets with some of the closets located on the
third floor. Let us see if the pressure is suf-
ficient :
Compression closets require 15 pounds to flush
Three stories at 12 feet equals 36 feet by .43
pound equals 15J pounds loss for head.
Filter loss equals 5 pounds.
Vipe loss (friction) 5 pounds to 7 pounds.
Total loss, 15, 15J, 5 and 5 to 7, or 40J to
42^ pounds. This shows that part of the time
the closets on the top floor would fail to operate
A view taken in a newly completed school is
shown in Fig. 95. In this school it was neces-
sary to reduce the water pressure for use, the
street supply coming in at S, passing thru the
temporary water meter M, the pressure reducing
valve PRV and into the house line H. Either
the meter or the pressure reducing valve (or
both) can be cut out for repairs by closing
valves on either side and opening valves on the
by-pass B. The fire line is taken off at F so
as to be subjected to the high pressure on the
street side of the reducing valve. The tempor-
ary meter was installed for use during construc-
tion and will later be replaced with one of
proper size.
Hot Water Systems
The school of today should be provided with
a hot water system whic'h will supply hot water
to all lavatories, shower baths, sinks and slop
sinks. Before the introduction of showers pro-
vision for hot water was often omitted from
schoiols, it being argued that the lavatories would
answer their purposes reasonably well when sup-
plied with cold water only. This was undoubt-
edly true. The introduction of showers, how-
ever, at once necessitates the installation of a
certain amount of hot water equipment, to-
gether with the required piping. Under these
conditions, it is a matter of only small addi-
tional expense to supply the other fixtures with
hot water, making the system complete thruout.
To give satisfactory service in the modern
school building, it is necessary for a hot water
system to be installed so as to circulate hot
water as closely as possible to the fixtures sup-
plied. With the plain, "dead-end" hot water
system, without circulation pipes, the water lies
stagnant in the pipes and constantly cools off
therein, making it necessary to draw off this
cooled water thru the faucet outlet before hot
water can be obtained. Where shower baths are
installed the hot water piping is necessarily of
fairly large size and this requires that a con-
siderable body of water be thus drawn off.
To avoid this waste the circulating system is
used, by means of which a constant circulation
of water thru the hot water lines is maintained,
this circulation extending up to the point where
the "dead-end" or non-circulating branch to a
fixture is connected to the main. To obtain hot
water under these conditions, it is necessary
to draw out only the small amount of water
contained in the pipe between the faucet fixture
and the circulation line, which (with careful
designing) can be kept down to so small an
amount as to make delivery of hot water almost
Circulation systems are of two kinds and are
known respectively as the "downfeed" or "over-
head system" and the "upfeed" or "basement"
system. Of these two systems better results are
obtained so far as circulation goes, with the
overhead system. By this method it is neces-
sary to carry all of the hot water to the roof
space above the top fioor ceiling and then to
feed (from this roof space) vertical hot water
drops down and thru to the basement. Here the
drops are collected together into a hot water
return line which goes back to the hot water
The cooling of the water as it stands in the
drops causes it to contract thereby increasing
its weight. The weight of the water in the main
hot water riser carried up to the roof space is
not thus affected. This results in the water in
the drops sinking into the return line and going
back to the tank as fast as it cools. It must
be understood, however, that this cooling in a
well designed system amounts to only ten or
fifteen degrees so that even the return water is
plenty hot enoug'h for all ordinary use.
A graphic representation of a system of this
kind is shown in Fig. 96 where the circulation
system is used in connection with a house tank.
The hot water heater is located in the basement
B and is supplied from the house tank into
wihich the cold water is pumped by a pump not
shown in the sketch. From the hot water heater
the water rises up thru the main hot water riser
past the first, second and third floors to the roof
space above the third floor ceiling C and below
the roof R.
At this point (which is the highest point of
the hot water system) an air vent pipe is tapped
in, this being taken up into the pent house and
turned down over the house tank. The reason
for this is that all water when heated gives up
a certain amount of air, ordinarily contained
in all cold water), which collects in bubbles and
gradually works to the highest point in the
system. Of course when this air accumulates
in any quantity it retards or stops entirely the
hot water circulation.
The hot water supply then runs horizontally
in this ceiling space so as to supply the re-
quired drops which are connected into the hot
water return as shown. The probable method
of running the cold water supply with the cold
water drops paralleling the ones for hot water
is also indicated.
In Fig. 97 is shown the up-feed system in
which the main hot water supply, instead of be-
ing carried up to the space between C and R,
is run in the basement and feeds the hot water
supply risers from the bottom instead of from
th(' top. The hot water ascends in these risers
to a point just below the connection to the third
floor fixtures at which point a branch is tapped
off for the hot water return. This line parallels
be eliminated from consideration, especially
where large quantities of water are to be heated.
The most common method of heating water is
by means of a tank filled with the required
amount of heating surface composed of brass
tubing. In this tubing the steaim is condensed
the same as in an ordinary radiator. In fact,
the brass tubes are nothing but pipe coils sur-
rounded by water instead of air. A view of a
Alt' Vent -
'/fot Water Supply Ma/n
Main Hot
Woter Eiset-i
- tfofWatef
CM from
TonH to
Fig 96.
the riser down to the basement and is connected
in the basement to the hot water return line,
which is carried back to the heater. Air relief
on this system is obtained thru the top fixture
connections, the air being drawn off with the
water as fast as it accumulates.
For heating water several methods are in use.
Of these coal and steam are the cheapest and
most used, and gas is next. The least common
is electricity which is so expensive that it may
tank heater of that description is shown in
Fig. 98. It is often desirable, however, to have
heaters which can be used in the summer time
when the main steam boilers are not in service.
In a case of this kind the tank is installed as
before but a hot water stove is also arranged to
circulate water to and from the tank just as
the ordinary kitchen stove circulates water to
and from the kitchen boiler. This hot water
stove is used when the main boilers are out of
service, but it is not used during the winter
when steam is available. Exceptions are made
of course in cases where the steam boilers are
overloaded, and it is advisable to conserve the
steam as much as possible by using the coal
In cases of high water pressure, say 40 lbs.
or over, it is not good practice to install hot
water heaters (which are generally made of cast
iron) as they are not built to stand any great
pressure. In cases like this, instead of the small
In cases where showers are not installed, but
where hot water is required only in small quan-
tities, for washing dishes and for supplying a
small number of lavatories, gas heaters are some-
times used. These gas heaters are automatic in
operation and are arranged to keep the tank at
a certain temperature. A thermostat in the tank
turns on the gas (which ignites from a pilot
light) whenever the temperature of the water
falls below a certain number of degrees and
turns off the gas (with the exception of the pilot
Cold Wafer J?/\sef
/fot ]Vote/'J?/3er
If of hfafer 7?eTi//'r7
j-HofWoferSapp/Y 1^-^
CM from Street-
Fig. 97.
hot water heater, a steam boiler of equal capa-
city is installed. The steam and return con-
nections are then run to the tank and cross
connected to the supply and return connection
from the building heating boilers. This results
in filling the brass tubes with steam at all times,
the steam coming from the small boiler during
the summer and from the heating boilers dur-
ing the winter. The plan avoids the use of high
pressure on the cast iron boiler. A view of a
hot water tank installed in one of the newest
schools, in which both steam connections and
a hot water stove are used, is shown in Fig. 99.
light) whenever the desired temperature is again
reached. In many cases steam connections are
made for winter service, especially when the
water comes in very cold and the gas heater is
instated for summer use only. A view of an
installation of this type is shown in Fig. 100.
All hot water heaters should be provided with
thermostatic control to prevent insufficient
v/arming and overheating of the water. With-
out the attention of the janitor, overheating is
apt to result in boiling and the formation of
Where showers are installed special provision
1 ^ , ^ * . u , ** I ,, ' ' : , '
^/V'- i""j-f>'rY'''''"^v;v';'"f v'''r'':''''^''T'' i;\*' '" -' ':
Fig. 101.
.'i -^:^;\ v'c;.^ !^^:.A^..^:^.^:>?;^ ->--.'^,/.5>'.-- <'%-'- '^/-'^'.-
? '',.cs",-' '-fr .'^
Colc/Wafer^ j
>y .' >/^'-' *f ^\ ''ii '.' ' -". ''
Fig. 102.
= '. V .. . i / ;< a r.',' ^. "'<'./ ."^/e'/'. '., ', ^'> I-'-^ t'a'.'^: ..''' i.'- f, >,.'0.' .'/a.' '-f.'.
s ' , _ ' ^
. c .a
Tempefed Wo/e/'L/ne
dj^-^y Shoive/'Ifeoc/s
/-Dfo/f? Tfoug/7
i' . '*
Fig. 103.
should always be made to prevent accidental
scalding. This is necessary owing to the fact
that hot water at a satisfactory temperature for
other uses is entirely too hot to be used in a
shower. In fact, the customary temperature
for satisfactory service on sinks, lavatories and
similar fixtures is generally assumed to be 150
Fahr., while many persons in a shower bath
(especially young children) cannot endure water
at more than 100 degrees.
It is, therefore, customary to install some
means whereby water supplied to showers will
not be hotter than 100 Fahr. in temperature
no hot water being supplied directly to the
showers. The cold water line in addition to its
connection to the regulator, is extended to and
connected with the cold water side of the show-
ers. Both of these pipes are usually concealed
back of the slab work.
In each shower stall is placed a common
shower mixing valve which if of the anti-
scalding type opens the cold water first and
then gradually closes the cold water and opens
the tempered water line until pure tempered
water is being delivered to the shower. Turn-
ing this handle back across the dial reverses the
Fig. 104.
and also means whereby this temperature can
be reduced to plain cold water at will. The
exact method of this application depends con-
siderably upon the character of the shower in-
stallations and the desired method of operation.
Where individual showers controlled entirely
by the pupils are used, the most common as well
as the safest way, is shown in Fig. 101. Here a
thermostatic hot water regulator supplied with
both hot and cold water delivers tempered water
(at 100 Fahr., or thereabouts) into a tempered
water line. This tempered water line is con-
nected to the hot water side of all the showers.
aperation gradually shutting off the tempered
water and turning on the cold water, until a
cold water temperature is reached, then shut-
ting off the cold water and thus stopping the
flow of the shower. Showers arranged in this
manner allow the individual pupil to control
absolutely the temperature of water which he
is using up to 100 (or other temperature for
which the regulator is set) and down as low as
the temperature of the cold water will permit.
This scheme automatically keeps the showers
shut off in stalls that are not in use, thus pre-
venting the waste of water.
In cases where yoiinf? pupils use the showers
it is often desirable to have the instructor,
rather than the pupil, control the water tempera-
ti^re. To make such a control possible an
arrangement as shown in Fig. 102 is sometimes
used. In this scheme the hot and cold water
is carried to a regulator like the one described
above. No mixing valves are placed on the
showers and no cold water connections are made
to the showers; the shower heads are supplied
solely from the tempered water line. In this
arrangement the instructor standing at the reg-
ulator, can, by watching the thermometer T,
^- wm
' -AC \
* .^^1''' '^'''^^'W^fe^-^^MB''''"'*'^^^^"'"^-
Fig 99.
Fig. 100.
deliver water into the showers at any tempera-
ture from 100 down to the temperature of the
cold water suppV- The regulator will prevent
scalding by not supplying water above the
proper temperature. In case the regulator fails
to operate properly at any time, manipulation
of the valves on the bypass and close attention
to the temperature registered on the thermom-
eter T will allow temporary service until repairs
can be made. The chain pulls shown in the
showers are connected to spring valves which
automatically close whenever the chains are
released. These are installed to prevent water
In Fig. 103 is shown the common type of gang
shower in which heads are located on the ceiling
and the whole group is operated as a unit. In
cases of this kind the number of heads is usually-
made sufficient to take care of an entire class
or subdivision of a class so that the chances of
not having a pupil under every head are small.
Of course chain pulls and spring valves can
bo installed on the heads, but it is usually a
problem to make the chains long enough to be
reached by the smallest without making them
so long as to strike the heads of the tallest
The hot and cold water comes in as before and
goes to a regulator of different type from those
previously shown. All water is delivered to the
tempered water line by the regulator at any
temperature desired. The water flow is con-
trolled by the instructor who stands at the reg-
ulator and turns on the valve. As this regula-
tor is practically fixed after being once set for
a given temperature, a cold water bypass as
previously illustrated is necessary to reduce the
temperature below 100 when desired.
In some buildings it is impossible to get hot
water circulation by gravity. This happens
when two separate sections are so built that the
only connection is a tunnel or other passage
below the level of the hot water tank. This is
quite likely to happen where a central plant is
used to heat and light a group of school
Where such a contingency arises, circulation
must be forced by means of a pump arranged
somewhat as shown in Fig. 104. Here hot water
is supplied to a building from the storage tank
T thru the hot water supply pipe, IIWS, re-
turning from the boiilding thru the hot water
return line, ITWR, to the circulation pump, CP,
which forces the water to circulate. The tank
is provided with a relief valve, RV, a mud
blowoff, MB, and a thermostat TT, with a
waste W.
The water is heated by the steam heater, SH,
having a steam supply, SS, and a drip, D. This
steam supply is governed by the diaphragm
valve DV, operated by the thermostat, and cir-
culation between the heater and tank is main-
tained by gravity thru the check valve C. The
cold water supply enters at CW.
Fire Protection
Every time we pick up a newspaper and read
of a school fire, with the occasional accompany-
ing casualties, we instinctively shudder. Death
by fire is indeed horrible, but the slaughter of
thf innocent seems doubly so. The number of
school children today housed in buildings with-
out proper fire protection is a very high per-
centage of the total; and a thoro fire drill sys-
tematically carried out is no assurance of safety
in case of actual need. Roughly speaking,
school buildings may be divided into four
classes, those strictly fireproof thruout, those
with fireproof ed walls and stairways and with
slow burning construction otherwise, those of
slow burning construction thruout and the
common frame school.
All buildings need fire protection, even those
which are fireproof. You can take an iron oven,
fill it with excelsior, touch a match to it and
well, the oven is fireproof, but what chance
would a human being have in it? A fire is not
so likely to start in a fireproof building, it is
less likely to spread to other rooms, hut the
interior of any building, together with its furni-
ture, desks, equipment and combustibles, can be
and often is burned. This must be guarded
The most common method of school fire pro-
tection is the installation of a system of stand-
pipes with hose outlets and hose at each floor
leAel and with one or more Siamese outlets at
tlie building wall for the connection of the fire
engine upon its arrival. Like a great many
other things in common practice, the school fire
hose is rather contradictory. In the first place,
many schools have among their occupants only
two adult male employes the janitor and the
principal and even this number is reduced in
some cases. If a 2y2-inch hose is installed
(which is the customary size) there is little
likelihood of either of these two men being
present exactly at the very time and place to
operate the hose when needed. Under ordinary
pressure it is absolutely impossible for a woman
to direct the stream from a hose of this size,
in fact (under high pressure) it often requires
two or more firemen who are experts and thoroly
familiar with the handling of hose to properly
control and direct it.
On the other hand, if the small size hose is
installed (usually II/2 inches in diameter) it is
hardly large enough to be effective in case a fire
of any magnitude develops, as this hose is only
slight-y larger than a common garden hose.
Moreover, a l^^-inch thread will not fit the fire
department's standard hose, so that, in case of
fire on the second or third floor, the firemen
must, at a great loss in time, run their hose
up from the ground level to get any quantity
of water at the point required.
Everyone who has made a study of the origin
of fires and the damage resulting from the
same has arrived at the conclusion that the
time to fight a fire is in its incipient stages
not after a conflagration has developed. Pre-
vention is a thousand times better than cure!
Operated under the above disadvantages, how,
then, can we be assured that the installation of
fire hose will protect our building and the
pupils ?
This naturally leads to the question. If not
fire hose what? The answer to this is some-
thing which, up to the present time, has been a
considerable innovation in a school namely,
the automatic sprinkler system.
A system of this sort is being commonly in-
stalled in every modern building, be it for
department store, office or manufacturing pur-
poses. But, strange to say, the sprinkler system
has seldom been employed in schools. Appar-
ently children are not considered so valuable as
merchandise, for the only objection that can be
urged against the sprinkler system is its cost.
Yet in many purely commercial cases the inter-
est on the initial investment has been more than
offset by the saving in insurance premiums,
making it (even under the worst possible condi-
tions) not as expensive as it would at first
Briefly the automatic sprinkler system is
nothing but a series of cold water pipes under
pressure with heads located in the proportion of
one to about 100 sq. ft. of floor area. The heads
are plugged with a fusible metal which melts as
scon as the temperature rises to an abnormal
degree. This temperature varies in different
types of heads from 300 to 600 degrees Fahren-
heit. To obtain the rough cost of installing a
system in a school building the total area in
square feet of all the floors should be added to-
gether and divided by 100 to give the a.pproxi-
mate number of outlets required. The system
will cost somewhere between six and ten dollars
a head, the average being about eight dollars.
A view of a sprinkler system for a typical class-
re cm CR and wardrobe W is shown in Fig. 105,
HOt l O
-O Oi O II
O* *(3^
oi en I
'If 3
O O lOl lOt t
Fig. 105.
where a main M in the corridor C supplies the
sprinkler heads H thru the branches B.
A sprinkler system properly installed consti-
tutes a perpetual safeguard against fires, day
or night, watchman or no watchman. In case
a fire starts, all that is necessary is to wait for
the nearest head to open up. Within five min-
utes after the opening of the head, either the
fire is out or it has burned enough to open an
increased number of heads by a continuation of
the heat. This will result in such an increase
in the amount of water as to make the further
progress of the fire impossible. Valves located
so as to control each floor, or portion of a floor,
are then shut off and the flow is stopped. The
insertion of a new head and the re-opening of
the valves brings the protection again into serv-
ice with its original efficiency.
For school boards who feel that a sprinkler
system is entirely too much of an innovation
to thrust upon their local communities, I would
recommend the use of the standard standpipe
system with the pipes arranged so that the
farthest portion of the building is not more
than 75 ft. distant from the nearest hose outlet.
Allowing 50 ft. of hose and 25 ft. length of
stream, this will bring the extreme parts of the
Fig. 106.
building within reach. The standpipes will
probably figure out about 100 ft. apart, owing
to the distance lost in going around corners.
In an auditorium it is customary to place a
standpipe somewhere near the rear so that a
hose can be run in thru the entrance and serve
the back part of the auditorium while another
stt;ndpipe near the front, or in the rooms baclv
of the stage, takes care of the stage and front
The Siamese outlets are generally made two
in number, so as to make connection to these
outlets possible even should one be made in-
accessible by a fire located in the basement
close to the outlet.
Fig. 107.
Fig. 106 shows a typical standpipe installa-
tion with the fire hose located in the corridors C
just outside of the classrooms CR. This sys-
tem is fed by the fire pump shown or by a city
water connection until the arrival of the regular
fire apparatus. The fire engines may couple
their hose to the Siamese connection S and feed
into the standpipe system thru the check valve
CK, which allows water to pass inward but not
outward. The standpipes, as many in number
as required, are connected to the water main in
the basement corridor.
It is customary in some schools to put the
hose valve and hose rack in a recessed wall case
Fig. 108.
with a bronze frame and plate glass cover as
shown in Fig. 107. This, however, is not to be
considered as good practice as the plain expos-
ure of the ho!^c and valve, preferably in a cor-
ridor near tiie top of the main stairways. By
the latter plan, everyone who is a regular occu-
pimt of the building must become aware of the
position of the hose without any particular in-
struction. While it might be supposed that
hose exposed in this manner would be subject
to tampering by the pupils, strange to say this
does not seem to be the case.
The fact should not be lost sight of that the
standpipe from its very character is intended for
the use of the fire department. This is indi-
cated, first, by the Siamese connection intended
for coupling on fire engines to supply water;
second, by the common use of 2V2-inch hose
with thread to match the fire department's
standard; third, by the usual lack of anyone in
the building capable of controlling and operat-
ing such a hose in case of need, and last, by
the fact that at the beginning of a fire a hose
is not required, oftentimes doing more damage
than good.
In either a sprinkler or a standpipe system it
is desirable to provide some source of supply in
addition to the general water system. The more
sources, the less the chance of failure. A grav-
ity tank (that is to say a roof tank or a tanlt
on an elevated tower from which the water will
flow by gravity into the fire system) is regarded
as one of the surest sources of supply, because
it does not depend upon any mechanical device
to produce the flow of water, and the failure of
power does not affect it. Still a supply of this
sort is not by any means infallible. The tanlc
niay freeze; the valve in the supply from the
tank may be closed accidentally; something
may get into the tank and stop the outlet; or
thc' tank may become dry thru accident or over-
When a gravity tank is available it is gener-
ally considered sufficient to cross-connect the
standpipe supply to the water supply for the
building, assuming that the pressure on the
water supply is sufficient to operate the hose.
If a gravity tank is not available it is custom-
ary to furnish two other sources of supply. One
of the most satisfactory is the pneumatic sys-
tem simiilar to that described for a pneum'atic
Fig. 111.
Fig. no.
v/ater supply with a tank large enough to dis-
diarge about 3,000 gallons of water before fail-
ure. A second good source is a pump driven by
an electric motor, steam or gas engine, which
v.dll keep up a continuous supply after the ex-
haustion of the tank.
It is well to provide this pump with a suction
reservoir so that, in case the water supply to the
building fails, the fight against the fire can
still be carried on with the aid of the fire pump
and the standpipe. A steam driven fire pump
will not be satisfactory in a school where high
pressure steam is not available at all times
botli day and night. A gas engine cannot be
regarded as equal to an electric motor in relia-
bility. On the other hand, an electric metor is
usually dependent on current from an outside
wiring system which can never be guaranteed
to supply current without danger of failure at
a crucial time. It is only by a combination of
two or more sources of supply that the chance
of not having water when the time of need
ccmes is made so small that it can be safely
In general, fire pumps are electrically driven,
especially in the newer installations. An ap-
proved Underwriters' pump of the motor-driven
centrifugal type is shown in Fig. 108, and a
rotary pump used for a similar purpose is shown
in Fig. 109. It will be noted that both of these
are direct connected, i.e., the shaft of the motor
is coupled directly to the shaft of the pump
without the use of gears, belts or other inter-
vening devices.
For the use of the occupants of the building
in the early stages of a fire, fire extinguishers
aro by all means the most satisfactory. These
may be the regular chemical extinguishers,
shov5Ti in elevation and cross-section in Fig. 110,
or they may be small hand extinguishers. Either
could be used effectively by a woman or even
by a twelve year old child. These extinguishers
are usually installed on a basis of one to every
1.000 sq. ft. of floor area, which means prac-
tically one to a classroom. This is on the basis
of the Underwriters' requirements, but it would
seem entirely practicable considering the divi-
sion of schools into classrooms to place one
extingnisher in the corridor between every two
The commonly termed "chemical extinguish-
ec," shown in Fig. 110, consists of a copper shell
partially filled with a mixture of bicarbonate
of soda and water. The top is formed by a
screw plug, which is turned by the wheel to
which it is attached. On the bottom of the
plug is a basket in which is set a glass bottle of
sulphuric acid. Tipping the extinguisher causes
the acid to flow slowly out thru the neck of
the bottle and to mix with the soda and water,
forming a gas. The resulting pressure drives
the contents of the extinguisher out thru the
flexible rubber tube on the side of the apparatus.
To operate the extinguisher it must be in-
verted and held in this position while the
stream from the tube is directed on the fire.
These extinguishers cost about seven dollars
apiece and are, perhaps, the most common form
of hand extinguishers.
Another very good type of chemical extin-
guisher is shown in Fig. 111. This extinguisher
is only 3 inches in diameter and about 14 inches
long and the total weight is only 6 pounds. It
is primarily a hand pump filled with a special
chemical which is of a peculiar nature. Some-
what like quicksilver, it can be squirted onto
the fire by manipulation of the pump handle,
but it does not wet, stain or injure anything it
strikes. It is without doubt the least damaging
of all chemical extinguishers.
Modem development has placed one danger
in the way of extinguishing fires the electric
current. Any hose or other means used to
direct a stream of water in an electric fire is
liable to have the current follow up the stream
and shock the operator. This danger is present
with all means of putting out fire excepting
chemical in powder form, sand in pails, or the
special extinguisher shown in Fig. 111. The
chemical used there is a non-conductor and
vaporizes into a gas as soon as it strikes a fire.
These smaller extinguishers, while costing ahout
the same as the larger ones, have a more ex-
tended use, not only for electric fires but for
gasoline, oil, etc.
Drinking Water
One of the peculiarities of unequal develop-
ment in modem school sanitation is the progress
made in some directions and the lack of progress
painfully apparent in others. It would seem to
one that cool drinking water which has been
properly filtered and sterilized would indeed be
one of the first requisites of a truly modern
school. Still building after building is con-
structed without carrying the matter beyond the
point of providing some very nice drinking
fountains of the latest design, carefully con-
nected up to the same cold water used to supply
the lavatories and to flush the water closets.
Doubtless some of this seeming inconsistency
is due to the fact that schools' are in general
use during the cooler months only. Still the
sessions often extend past the first of July and
open early in Sei3tember.
In most communities drinking water from a
street main or driven well will be cool to a cer-
tain extent. In homes and other small build-
ings, it will be satisfactory. In larger buildings,
however, where the supply must be carried in
pipes a distance, 'thru the basement and up
risers to the second and third stories, the water
becomes thoroly warmed in transit. It has prac-
tically the temperature of the building and when
it reaches the fountain outlets, has a disagree-
ably insipid, flat taste.
The newer office buiMings, department stores
and all new post office buildings of any size rec-
ognize the necessity of cooled drinking water
and are providing it. This provision assumes
a simple character in the post office buildings
(where greater economies in equipment are prac-
ticed than the average taxpayer is aware of)
and grows more complex as the number of out-
lets, ice boxes and ice making requirements
The simplest form of water cooling consists
of the common water cooler tank in which ice is
melted in the tank to produce the desired lower
temperature. This is not suitable for school
use because the purity of the water becomes
dependent on the purity of the ice. It makes
necessary the objectionable practice of hauling
ice constantly thru the building to supply each
and every tank.
As an improvement over this there is the tank
which forms merely a receptacle for cracked ice
and its melted water, together with a pipe coil
thru which the drinking water passes on its way
to the faucet. The receiving end of this coil is
connected to the cold water supply line and the
discharge end is brought thru the side of the
tank and connected to the faucet. As the water
passing thru the pipe coil is never in direct
contact with the ice, and is cooled only by the
transfer of heat from the drinking water to the
water from the melted ice during its passage
thru the coil, the temperature of the water re-
ceived is liable to be much more modified than
Y* i>'
^^ A
Fig. 113.
in the cose where ice is melted directly in the
w ater.
In such a tank, dirty or impure ice may be
used with impunity as there is no connection
between the water in the coil and the water from
the ice in the tank. The modified temperature
is. Off course, an advantage as water has been
found to be most desirable for drinking pur-
pcses when about 50 F. This scheme, how-
ever, is not des'iraWe for schools as there is still
the necessity of carting ice thru the building,
while the coil is so small that it does not con-
tain any reserve supply of cold water for a rush
demand such as is likely to occur at a recess or
lunch period.
If, however, all the drinking fountains are
placed in the same relative position on each
floor a small water pipe carried directly down to
thf; basement from each group of fountains can
be connected to a large coil of sufficient storage
capacity for overload periods to properly meet
the requirements.
A tank suitable for this type of installation
is shown in Fig. 112 where the ice I floats in
the melted ice water which is kept at a constant
water line WL by the overflow O. The water to
be cooled eniters the coil C thru the upper pipe
S and leaves thru the lower one as indicate^d by
the arrows. The coil is contained in a tank
built of two layers of | in. wood W, with paper
P between, and has an interior lining L of gal-
vanized iron or copper. It is set in a drip pan
DP, which has a drain D, and the water to and
from the tank is controlled by the two valves V.
Of course the size of the pipe and the number
of loops installed determine the s-torage capacity
of cold water. After leaving this tank the
water pipe is run directly up to the drinking
water fountains.
This is also the scheme used in the United
States Post OfiSce Buildings except that the box
in government buildings is slightly more elab-
orate in construction. The government boxes
are built as shown in the detail. Fig. 113, in
which A is by 2 in. beaded and matched lumber
and B is finely packed granulated cork. C is a
No. 26 gauge galvanized iron lining which cov-
ers boith the interior of the itank E and the bot-
tom of the cover D, with soldered joints. The
cover is hung with iron hinges and is provided
with a lifting handle. The box is set on a
yellow pine frame which lifts it 6 in. above the
floor. It contains about 50 ft. of | in. block
tin pipe which is made continuous and without
fittings inside the tank.
To operate all drinking water from a central
point some form of refrigeration and water cir-
culation is required. For small insitallations in
which simplicity and fool proof mechanism are
desired, there is a patented machine known as
the Audiffren-Singrun, which uses sulphur diox-
ide as its refrigeration agent. This consists of
a shaft upon which are mounted two sealed
chambers in which the refrigeration agent is
compressed and expanded. By operating the
expansion chamber in the water to be cooled the
desired refrigerating effect is obtained, and
there is no possibility of leakage of ammonia
fumes or other troubles from which larger plants
sometimes suffer. The machine is sealed in the
factory and is operated by an electric motor and
a supply of cooling water. It should be under-
stood that the heat absorbed by the cooling
water is approximately the amount of cooling
effect obtained in the drinking water and that
the whole process of refrigeration consists sim-
ply of the transfer of the heat from the drink-
ing water to the cooling water (which often gets
quite hot) thru the medium of the refrigeration
agent used. All power which is consumed is
consumed by this process of heat transfer.
Probably three-quarters of the refrigeration
systems installed are of the ammonia type, that
is to say, ammonia is used as the refrigerating
medium. This is the case in the West Phila-
delphia High School in which a modem refrig-
eration plant is installed. In tjhis school drink-
ing fountains are placed in the corridors, in the
basement, near the pupdls' lunchrooms, in the
vicinity of the shower bathroom and in the cor-
ridors of all floors of both wings. The cooling
plant is placed in the basement and consists of
an ammonia compressor driven by a 25 H. P.
motor, a cooling tank 3 ft. by 6 ft. by 12 ft.
long, an ammonia condenser, an ammonia re-
ceiver, an oil separator, and a pump to circu-
late the water to the fountaiins and back again.
A plan of this equipment is shown in Fig. 114,
which is self-explanatory.
The cooling tank is of ^ in. steel set on a
concrete foundation with two layers of 2 in.
oork ibeneath. The tank itself is insulated on
the sides by cork about 10 in. thick, sheathed
with two thicknesses of 1 in. pine and four-ply
tar paper. The coil in the tank in this case
contains ammonia, the expansion of which pro-
duces an intense cold, thus cooling the water in
the tank. The coil is of 2 in. extra heavy am-
monia pipe and has a capacity of cooling 1,600
gallons of water from 70 degrees to 40 degrees
in five hours.
The process in this plant consists of com-
pressing the ammonia gas to a high pressure in
the ammonia compressor, the compressor dis-
charging into the pipe marked "Ammonia Dis-
charge" on the plan. The ammonia gas which
is la* a high temperature owing to its compres-
sion, is then passed thru the oil interceptor from
which it is carried down to the condenser. The
condenser consists of double pipes, the inside
pipes being 1^ in. and the outside pipe 2 in.
in diameter. One pipe contains the ammonia
and the other pipe cold water obtained from the
city mains. The cooling of the gas passing thru
this condenser results in its liquefaction. After
liquefying, the gas is collected in the receiver.
The liquid gas is now of ordinary temperature
but lat a very high pressure. From the receiver
it passes thru the line marked "Ammonia to
Tank Coils" to tilie "Expansion Valve." This
valve allows the liquid to pass from the high
pressure of the receiver into the low pressure
of the cooling coil. This results in the am-
monia vaporizing and absorbing a large amount
Fig. 114
P^ig. 116.
of heat, this heat being taken from the water in
the cooling tank. The gas in the coil is then
drawn thru the ammonia suction pipe back into
the compressor and recompressed ready for a
second round of the cycle.
This is the ammonia system from which the
drinking water circulation is entirely separate,
the only connection between the two being in
the cooling tank where the expansion coil is im-
mersed in the drinking water. The warm water
coming back from the building is carried thru
a hack pressure valve BPV, which prevents the
water from running out of the system into the
cooling tank. After passing thru the back pres-
sure valve it enters the cooling tank where the
water level is maintained by an automatic de-
vice which sup]>lies make-up water to replace
tl>at drawn off in the building. In the cooling
tank the water is brought into contact with the
cooling coil and chilled to the desired tempera-
ture. The coldest water falls to the bottom of
the tank from which it is drawn off thru the
suction pipe to the circulation pump and dis-
charged into the line supplying the building.
The drinking water in a system of this kind
and, in fact, in the previous system where sul-
phur dioxide is used, must be circulated by a
circulation pump so as to flow as continuously
Fig. 115.
as possiWe to the various outlets. The outlets
must be placed as near the circulating main as
possible 'to avoid dead water in the pipe between
the faucet or bubbler and the circulating main,
and to avoid wastage in drawing this dead water
In Fig. 115 we have a typical system of this
kind installed in a three story school supplying
eight fountains F and circulating thru the
piping in the directions indicated by the arrows.
The return pipe coming back from the system
is united with the cold water make-up C from
which the water enters the pump P and is then
discharged thru the cooling tank T and then
thru the pipe circuit as shown. E.V is a relief
valve to allow for expansion in case the system
should be stopped and the water allowed- to
warm up. In the warming process there would
be a certain amount of expansion that would
exert great pressure if not properly relieved.
The fountains shown in Fig. 115 are what is
known as the pedestal type and may be located
upon the floor at any convenient point. An-
other very popular type of fountain for school
work is shown in Fig. 116. This fountain is
operated by what is known as the pedal control
consisting of a valve in the floor box which is
operated by stepping on a ball projecting about
J inch above the box. It is obvious that this
type of fountain can be used only on a vertical
\?JS V,' *-'-Q-
JO *? a .
Fig. 117,
wall. Both the pedestal and the wall type may
be operated from the floor or by means of a
spring valve handle in the side. In cases where
one fountain is not sufficient to avoid undue ex-
pense the receptor type is generally used. A
typical fountain of this type is shown in Fig.
117. It consists simply of a supply pipe run-
ning to bubblers which are opened by jwessing
down the hand wheel around the bubbler. The
water from these outlets is caught in the re-
ceptor which has a trap to the wall and resem-
bles a common sink in every respect except the
Sewage Disposal
The subject of sewage disposal for schools
located in unsewered districts is one which often
causes consideraible anxiety to school boards.
Generally the trouble is accompanied by a larger
or smaller amount of expense which may, or
may not, be necessary. A great deal of the
trouble and considerable expense can be spared
by selecting a location where the slope of the
?ite and character of soil are suitable for a small
disposal plant. In fact, it can be proven that in
certain cases the ground may be so unsuited for
sewage disposal as to make the purchase of a
more expensive site (which is better suited to
the end desired) an economical procedure in the
In general, sewage disposal for a school should
not include the water from the roof as this pro-
duces an excessive amount of liquid to take care
of in a very short time and at infrequent per-
iods, so that the plant must be designed entirely
too large for at least nine-tenths of the time.
This in itself will operate so strongly against
the requirements of the septic tank (explained
litter) as to make success almost impossible. It
will in addition require a much larger initial
expenditure for needless capacity. The roof
water should be carried to nearby dry wells,
spilled into a creek or gutter, or (if desired)
it can be collected in a cistern and pumped into
a tank from which it may be drawn to flush
Avater closets. Assuming, therefore, that the
roof drainage may be neglected in this particu-
lar discussion, the disposal system must take
care of all drainage for the building which will
average about 100 gallons per day per person in
ordinary structures occupied 24 hours per day.
A school, however, is not occupied for this
length of time; no laundry work is done there
and little water is used for culinary purposes.
In consideration of these facts the amount of
sewage per piqjiil drops from 100 gallons to
about one-third, to approximately 30 gallons per
pupil per day.
There are several methods of sewage disposal
which can be used; the intermittent sand filter
system, the contact system, the percolating filter
system and the field absorption system. It is
sufficient for the purposes of this discussion to
say that most disposal systems (excepting that
of field absorption) employ open tanks or filters
and that such installations are not desira:ble for
school work owing to the odors, to the danger
of pupils falling in, etc. How a disposal system
can take raw sewage and without the addition
01 any chemicals or other ingredients and with-
out any mechanical manipulation whatsoever
can produce a resultant, free from germs and
comparatively harmless is indeed wonderful.
That this discharge can be purified to a point
exceeding that of drinking water is little short
of marvelous ! Such are the facts, however, and
the results are obtained simply by the intelli-
gent use of the natural laws and forces which
we have at hand.
Sewage is composed almost entirely of water.
This water carries a few other substances such
as waste matter, soap suds, grease and other in-
gredients, and some insoluble minerals which
may get into the system. It is a well known
fact that animal and vegetable matter when
thrown upon the ground will putrefy, or rot,
and gradually disappear. In fact, the original
sewage disposal system consisted of this natural
process to dispose of the slops and filth. Where
too many slops were thrown in the same spot
the ground became water soaked and turned
sour. This process, scientists tell us, is entirely
due to the activity of bacteria. These bacteria
divide into two classes, one of which breaks
down or decomposes the material and the second
of which purifies or makes harmless the result-
ant. Let us see how this can be applied to the
modem septic tank.
The modern septic tank is generally built
somewhat in the shape shown in Fig. 118, the
sewage entering a chamber A thru the inlet I,
passing under a partition E, into the septic
chamber B. The sewage decomposes as it moves
slowly thru the chamber towards the division
wall F. When the sewage enters the tank the
heavier portions and those which are insoluble
settle to the bottom forming the sludge indi-
cated by X. After the tank has been in service
for some time a spongy, slimy mat is formed in
?^\\V\^/^/- yNV^^xy/A's\VV>V/X / As\'^/J^^
Fig. lis.
Fig. 119.
chamber B. This mat floats on the surface of
the water and serves to colonize and multiply
the bacteria in the tank. Access to the tank is
obtained thru the manholes MH, which are set
at the finished grade FG. After it is completed
the tank is invisible, being entirely buried
under-ground. Only the three manholes and the
vent V extend up to the surface of the ground
and are visible.
who think a septic tank is a sort of a sewage
panacea. The remaining work consists of ren-
dering this discharge pure and of absorbing it
or of taking care of it in some other inoffensive
Before we leave the subject of septic tanks
let us glance at Fig 119 which is another type
of tank to serve the same purpose. This tank
is built with a center division and has two in-
By the time the sewage reaches the dam G it
has become a thoroly dissolved solution which
pours over the dam into the chamber C known
as the discharge or "dosing" chamber. In this
chamber the outlet from the tank is located.
This outlet is governed by the syphon S which
discharges thru the drain D intermittently for
purposes later explained. Now the action in the
septic tank, it must be thoroly understood, is
only half of the complete purifying operation.
The discharge from the tank is not harmless
or odorless, contrary to the ideas of many people
lets, A and B, and two outlets, K and L, gov-
erned by the syphons, I and J. The sewage
entering at A passes into chamber C which is
known as the "settling" chamber. All the heavy
matter sinks to the bottom in this chamber and
the water overflows the dam X into chamber E
(known as the "septic" chamber) where the
septic action takes place, altho some decompos-
ing work goes on in chamber C as well. After
passing thru chamber E, the middle stratum of
the water passes up thru the pipe in the wall Y
and thru the wall into the dosing chamber G.
Similar action is followed on the other side of
the tank where the sewage coming in at B,
passes thru D, F and H and then out of tlie
dosing chamber by means of L. It will be noted
in the sectional view that this tank is shown as
set flush with the grade M so that the whole top
of the tank is exposed. Either this or the method
used for the first tank is permissible.
For the purposes of this article a tank for
500 pupils has been shown. This is because few
elementary schools exceed this number of pupils,
particularly in sections where no sewers exist.
Therefore, it is the disposal equipment shown
for the maximum condition likely to be encoun-
The most important points of septic tank de-
sign relate to the cultivation of the bacteria
therein. It is a remarkable fact that a new
that the septic tank gives less and less satisfac-
tory results as the sewage discharge into it be-
comes more and more intermittent and irreg-
The sewage in passing thru the tank becomes
too far fermented if it remains more than 24
hours and on the other hand is not properly
acted upon if it remains less than this period.
This is one of the reasons why a septic tank
applied to schools will not give as satisfactory
service as one applied to an institution such as
a hospital or alms house where the building is
occupied both day and night and seven days a
week. In fact, septic tanks have been found to
be quite impracticahle for churches where they
are used only one day a week. Therefore, for
500 pupils at say 30 gallons each per day, the
total daily sewage will be 15,000 gallons. This
y/A^^^/y^\<^y'//\ \}}/^\\'^))///^\\\^{
Fig. 122.
septic tank gives but little satisfaction for a
period of approximately six weeks which is the
time required to develop the bacteria to their
most active condition. The condition of inac-
tivity also follows whenever a tank is cleaned,
unless a portion of the "mat" is retained and
"planted" in the new tank to accelerate fermen-
In passing thru, the water in the tank should
be agitated as little as possible so as not to
hinder the formation of the mat, maintaining
the same intact after it has formed and also in
Older not to disturb the sludge or non-decom-
posing material which settles to the bottom. As
the bacteriological action which goes on is a
constant one continuing unceasingly in the
darkness both night and day, it has been found
that the best results are obtained where the
discharge of sewage into the tank is constant or
almost constant during the whole 24 hours and
reduced to cubic feet (15,000 divided by 7^)
gives 2,000 cu. ft. This is the required capacity
of the tank exclusive of the dosing chamber. In
the second tank shown the combined capacities
of both sides must be considered.
The discharge from a septic tank for schools
should be taken care of if possible by what is
known as a disposal field or rather two disposal
fields. Two fields are desirable since it is neces-
sary to turn the sewage into one field one day
and into the other field the next day, giving each
field a breathing space of 24 hours in which to
dry out. A typical case of this kind is illus-
trated in Fig. 120 in which the school building
SB is supposed to house 500 pupils. The 8 in.
sewer leaves the building and flows down to the
septic tank SB (the detail of which has already
been shown in Fig. A). After leaving the septic
tank the sewage goes to the three-way valve V
which throws it into one
of the two branches lead-
ing to disposal field "DF
No. 1" or to disposal field
"DF No. 2."
It is essential in order
to Ket a flow from the
building to the tank and
then to the field that the
field be located at a lower
level than the point at
which the sewer leaves the
school basement. If this
is not the case pumping
must be resorted to which
is very undesirable as well
as costly. The lines on
Fig. 120 marked 10, 9, 8,
7, etc., are grade lines,
each line indicating the
fall of a foot in the ground
level going from the build-
ing to tJie field.
The disposal fields them-
selves consist of 3 in. tile
])ipe T, as shown in Fig.
121. The bottom of these
ti'es is about 10 in. below
the surface of the ground,
G. They are laid with
open joints covered by a
cap C and set in a trough
B, which allows a small
amount of leakage at each
joint. Where the earth F
is not of a porous or ah-
sorbent nature these tiles
are buried in trenches
which are filled in with
sand and gravel F so as to
facilitate the absorption of
the discharge from the
septic tank. Another
method of laying tile for
these fields is shown in
Fig. 122, where the fin-
ished grade is indicated by
G, the original earth by E,
a special absorbent filling
by F, the main distribu-
tion line M supplying the
branches B which are in-
stalled upon bricks S so as to keep them properly
lined up.
To prevent these fields from becoming soggy
and sour by constant applications they are used
alternately, but even this is not sufiicient. If
the septic tank discharged a constant flow the
ground in the field nearest the point of entrance
of the pipe line would be over saturated by the
constant supply during every other day and the
remote portions of the field would never be
reached. To overcome this objection the dosing
chamber is installed in the tank iriito which the
sewage passes until the chamber has been filled
to a predetermined level. ^Vllen this point is
reached the syphon is filled and once the flow
is started it continues until the chamber is
emptied to its low level. This results in supply-
ing enough liquid to penetrate all portions of
the field before it can leak out thru the joints,
thus, as it is technically termed, "dosing" the
field thoroly.
After the discharge from the tank enters the
soil it is set upon by the second class of bacteria
which require air in order to properly do their
work. These bacteria are thickest at the sur-
face of the ground and gradually disappear
imtil at the depth of five or six feet they are
practically extinct. These bacteria soon render
the tank discharge practically harmless so that
it amounts to little more than introducing an
equal amount of water in ithe soil. This water
is rapidly absorbed and vaporized in the field so
that no drains beyond this point are necessary.
Another method whereby more superior puri-
fication results can be obtained is known as the
intermittent filter disposal system, an idea of
which can be obtained from Fig. 123. Here the
drainage line DL enters the septic tank S as
before. After passing thru the tank the sewage
is discharged by a syphon to the distributing
pipe DP which is laid on top of a filter bed F.
This bed is made of broken material allowing
more or less free circulation of air down into
the mass. After dripping thru this material
which is confined in a concrete basin the liquid
finds its way iruto the underdrain UD which dis-
charges it into the manhole MH. From this au
outlet is taken into a nearby stream or lake or
into a similar secondary filter and even in some
cases (where the highest degree of purification
is desired) thru a third filter. In this figure,
G indicates the finished grade, I a slope down to
the top of the filter bed, and E the original
earth. Filter beds of this type must be open and
while giving a greater capacity of absorption
for the same ground area they are not as desir-
able for schools as the disposal fieM. Of course
it is desirable with schools to have everything
covered from inquisitive pupils so far as pos-
sible, and for this reason the disposal field is
the most desirable method of taking care of the
septic tank discharge.
The School Power Plant
Few school boards realize the economy of a be produced for tins special purpose and, instead
school power plant and fewer still adopt the
idea even after being convinced. The reasons
for this will appear later, but regardless of the
variety of objections often urged against such
installations, their desirability is beyond ques-
tion in many cases.
It must be understood at the start that a
power plant consists of boilers, engines, genera-
tors, feed water heaters and the other apparatus
necessary to produce electric current sufficient
for the needs of the school. With such current
available, it should be used for any and all pur-
poses wherever necessary in order to secure the
maximum advantages at minimum cost.
Electric current for motors, lights, experi-
ments, etc., is daily becoming a greater and
greater necessity in the modern school building.
As an example of this it may be said that one
of the new Pittsburgh High Schools uses for
ventilation alone some 23 fans, several of which
require motors from 30 to 50 horsepower each.
Having once installed a power plant, current in
any reasonable amount can be generated for
school use at little or no additional expense.
This is explained in the following manner:
Steam must be generated to heat the building in
any event and to produce this required amount
of steam a given amount of coal must be con-
sumed. Now if this steam is raised to 60 lbs.
Of 100 lbs. pressure (instead of only the 5
pounds usually carried on low pressure heating
systems) there is a tremendous amount of energy
available which can be turned into electric power
by passing the steam thru an engine connected
to a generator with a loss of only a very small
portion of the heating capacity of the steam.
After passing thru the engine about 95 per cent
of the original heating value of the steam is
available in the exhaust steam, at 5 pounds
pressure, for heating the building.
The steam required for heating is usually so
far in excess of the amount required for power
that little if any additional steam is ever needed
for power purposes, except on warm days in the
spring and fall when no heat is required. At
these times the steam required for power must
of being turned into the heating system is
thrown out thru the free exhaust pipe. Were
it not for this waste in warm weather, power
cculd be produced even more profitably than at
Some one in making a comparison of the cost
of buying current from a lighting company and
producing current on the premises combined
with using the exhaust steam for heating, has
deduced the fact that even if the lighting com-
pany could produce its current free of charge
the cost of distribution alone is sufficiently high
as to make a private plant cheaper. This state-
ment however, must be limited in its application
to large consumers and to districts not imme-
diately adjacent to large central power stations.
There need be no concern for the safety of a
high pressure plant in a public building, such
an a schoolhouse. There is no reason to rule
against a plant in this particular. Almost all
large office buildings, large department stores
and the large majority of manufacturing estab-
lishments own and daily operate plants of ex-
actly this description. High pressure can be,
and is, made as safe as low pressure, while
greater and more numerous safeguards are in-
stalled to prevent even the possibility of acci-
As to cost: The average school can make all
the changes necessary to install a plant at a
cost approximating $10,000.00. The fixed in-
terest charge on this amount will be about $500
per year to which must be added depreciation,
repairs, extra coal, attendance, etc. The amount
of depreciation is usually considered as about
5 per cent per annum and the upkeep about
2 per cent which gives some 12 per cent (count-
ing fixed interest charges) of the initial invest-
ment to be charged up to the cost of running
the plant each year. There will also be some
additional coal used to supply power only, dur-
ing the warmer days of the late spring and early
fall. Just how much this would amount to is
problematical depending on the season, amount
of power used, fireman, etc. It would proib-
ably be fair to assume about 90 to 100 tons
might be used costing perhaps some $400 to
$500. Additional labor in the boiler and engine
room might cost another $400 and engine room
supplies such as oil, waste, etc., about $100.
From this it can be seen that a plant costing
$10,000 initially would require
10,000 X 12% equals $1,200 fixed charges
500 additional ooal
400 additional labor
100 miscellaneous
$2,200 total operating
cost per year,
or a monthly average for ten months of about
$225. Just at the present owing to the abnor-
mally high prices, the initial cost of a plant
might, and probably would, somewhat exceed the
above estimate but this would affect the yearly
operating cost but little especially when dis-
tributed over ten months during the year. The
modern high school, however, has but little dif-
ficulty in running up an electric bill of $600 to
$1,200 per month depending on the rat paid,
amount of night school, and minimum rates for
summer ase when the school is not in session.
The economy of school power plants may per-
haps be understood better thru a description of
a typical power plant installed in 1915 in a
Fig. 124.
high school in an Eastern city. This plant has
given the utmost satisfaction to the board in
charge. The original intention was not to in-
stall a plant but on the contrary to construct
a swimming pool. Tentative estimates on the
cost of the pool and of its operation caused the
board of education to abandon the proposed
plans. The space was very conveniently turned
into an engine room when the board realized
that an annual saving of more than $1,500 could
be made by such an arrangement.
It is always well in installing low pressure
heating plants to provide (as was done in this
case) boilers designed to stand high pressure so
that power can be generated in them later if
desired. The additional cost of such boilers is
not much, and their usefulness for possible
future power purposes is desirable. For this
reason cast iron boilers are not well suited for
large schools where power may be desired later.
Cast iron boilers cannot safely carry high steam
pressure under any condition.
In the particular case referred to, two generat-
ing units were installed, one of 50 kilowatt and
the other of 75 kilowatt capacity. One of these
units can te run in case the other breaks down,
but the larger unit must be utilized when the
auditorium is used at the same time as the class-
rooms. This condition is, of course, very rare.
The three boilers shown in the plan in Fig.
124, supply steam to a high pressure header
running across the boilers near the front. From
this header all steam is taken; the branch at
the right hand end goes thru the wall into the
engine room and supplies the two engines. Just
to the left and in front of the boiler connection
Roof of
Main Bui/diny
Roof of Boiler Ro>
^ Steam toH.W. Tont<
^3team /c ui/e/in^
Oi/ Seporatof
i:iih. from Sny. No. I
-- \^
Fig. 125.
Fig. 126.
is a steam connection, passing thru a pressure
reducing valve PK-V and into the header ex-
tending across the back of the boilers. From
this all steam for heating the building is taken.
A branch from this header also supplies steam
to the feed water heater.
To understand the free exhaust and oil sepa-
rator, the plan shown in Fig. 125 must be re-
ferred to and the path of the exhaust must be
followed. This exhaust pipe is laid in a trench
underneath the floor to a vertical riser, marked
"Thru the Eoof." The exhaust steam is carried
from the engines into the exhaust to the vertical
riser. At the ceiling this riser has a branch
^-:' w
Fig. 127.
going thru an oil separator into the heating sys-
tem. In warm weather the exhaust steam en-
ters a second branch thru a back pressure valve
directly to the outside air. The method of pipe
arrangement is shown in Fig. 126, which is an
elevation of the riser with the branch to the oil
separator and the extension of the riser to the
exhaust head on the roof.
A cross section thru ihe boilers and engine
room is shown in Fig. 127. This view also in-
dicates how the exhaust pipe is carried under
the engine room floor.
After completion, this plant was carefully
tested out and has since given ev^ery satisfaction.
In this school the boilers were installed before
the final decision was made by the board to in-
stall a plant. Owing to the foresight of the
engineers these boilers were, luckily, capable
of carrying high pressure so that the changes
were limited to the installation of engines, pip-
ing, feed water heater, etc. The plant is saving
yearly more than $1,500 (in some years nearly
$2,000) per year which is equal to a 20 per cent
interest rate on the investment of $10,000. Of
course some extra ooal, attendance, oil, etc., are
required but these are not sufficient to seriously
impair the good showing made.
Objection to a school plant is sometimes urged
on the basis of dirt and noise. Both of these
charges are unfair to properly designed plants.
Many engines are so well built and carefully
balanced that a person standing just outside of
the engine room door cannot tell whether they
are in operation or not. So far as dirt is con-
cerned, the engine room is far cleaner than any
boiler room. This may be readily seen from
the two views accompanying this article. Fig.
128 is a view of the boiler room and Fig. 129,
a view of the engine room. The pictures show
that the latter is absolutely clean beyond any
possible censure.
Sometimes such seeming difficulties are en-
countered as a requirement for a small amount
of power for the operation of a small motor or
a few lights. In the building described it was
desired to run the house pump which supplied
\\ ater to the tank on the roof during the sum-
mer and also to furnish light to the offices occu-
pied by the school board and administrative
officers. For this purpose a gas engine of 9^
horsepower, operating a 7^ kilowatt generator,
is used as an emergency. It is run only for
small power requirements when the main plant
is not in operation. A view of this equipment
including the house pump is shown in Fig. 130.
There are several reasons why schools which
are large power consumers should be built so as
to make the installation of a plant possible:
First 'A school, capable of economically in-
stalling its own plant so as to compete with the
local service company, can generally secure a
reduction in the rate charged for current, solely
because of this far-sighted arrangement.
Second A school so arranged can at any time
install a plant if the power requirements in-
crease or the local rates for current are raised.
Third ^A school with boilers and piping, de-
signed for power plant service, will have a much
more serviceable equipment and a better heating
installation at the most important point in the
heating system, viz., where the heat is developed.
Schools, which have large power requirements
and in which plants are installed, have found
the following advantageous :
Fig. 128.
Fig, 129.
First Current can be obtained in almost un-
limited quantities with practically no addi-
tional expense.
Second ^The buildings are entirely independ-
ent of outside trouble such as wires blown down,
trouble at the central station, etc.
Third No charges are incurred during sum-
mer closing.
Fourth Current of any kind or quality can
be generated whereas, with outside service, cur-
rent (such as the local service company decides
to furnish) must be accepted and used. Often-
times such outside current is totally unsuited
for school work.
Fifth It is possible to have all the above ad-
vantages and*still save money to a considerable
extent, the exact amount depending on the local
It may be remarked that most of the current
furnished by service companies is of the "alter-
nating" variety which, while suitable for lights,
is totally unsuited for school work where motors
are directly connected to large ventilating fans
and other apparatus is used requiring slow speed
or variable control motors. Alternating current
in fact is so undesirable that in many schools
a motor-generator set is installed consisting of
an alternating current motor operated by out-
side current. This motor drives a "direct cur-
rent" generator which, in turn, supplies the
school. While the result attained with such
apparatus is the same as if direct current were
furnished by the company it is not economical.
Only about 90 per cent of the energy put in at
one end of the machine comes out of the other
and thus the power bill is increased by about 10
per cent for which no service is rendered.
The principal reason that e-ectric companies
continue to furnish alternating current is that
this current can be raised to higher voltage and
therefore can be transmitted on a smaller wire
than direct current. The current thus meets
most economically the requirement of the ser-
vice company whicli is the transmission of cur-
rent from the central station to the point of use
v/ith a minimum loss and least cost. The con-
sumer, however, must take it as delivered re-
gardless of the requirements at the consuming
end of the line and of his own interests.
Fig. 130.
The School Swimming Pool
Schools in which swimming pools are installed
are becoming more common every day, and
among the newer schools recently planned or
already in process of erection, pools are the rule
rather than the exception. This applies of
course to buildings of reasonably pretentious
character and where other facilities are simi-
larly complete. As all indications seem to
clearly point toward the increased use of pools
in the years to come, it is essential that they be
viewed from a proper standpoint and considered
with regard to their operating cost as well as
initial outlay.
Painful as the fact may be to the ardent advo-
cate of the pool, it is undoubtedly true that
^o^\4 '^f
Fig. 131.
pools are far from being an unmixed blessing.
They are expensive to install, require some ex-
penditure to maintain, must be provided with
one or more attendants, must be heated, should
have rigid sanitary rules enforced to prevent
their becoming a source of danger and, alto-
gether, are more or less of a responsibility.
Accidents, too, have happened such as occa-
sional drownings, diving into a pool basin after
the water has been withdrawn, striking the head
on the bottom when diving, etc., etc. True, such
accidents are comparatively rare, yet they are
not so impossible as to have already actually
On the other hand the increasing popularity
of the pool shows its capability for assisting
hygiene by promoting bodily cleanliness not so
much with the idea of actually washing in the
pool as by making the pool act as an induce-
ment to take the good shower bath required he-
fore entrance into the pool is permitted. Many
schools are also making their pools serve others
besides the pupils of the building, each building
being thrown open on evenings and Saturdays
to the entire adult population of its respective
district. This is falling directly in line with the
increasingly popular idea of making a school,
not only a place of learning, but in truth a com-
munity, or civic, center.
^Vhile accidents are indeed possible, the pres-
ence of an instructor, combined with clear water
in the pool and good light will make the danger
sufficiently remote to be reasonably neglected.
Undoubtedly the greatest danger is from the
spread of disease thru the medium of the pool
water. This, if not guarded against, is indeed
a most serious danger. Yet it can be effectually
guarded against, and science has made the pool
operated along modern sanitary lines entirely
The simplest method of obtaining pure water
in the pool and one that readily suggests itself
when contamination of pool water is considered
is to run in fresh water! This seems so simple,
so efficient and so satisfactory a solution of the
problem that it should be entirely unnecessary
to go farther. Now, there is little to be said
against such a procedure until the bills for water
(and coal to heat the water) begin to come in;
and the worst of it is that these bills will keep
growing and growing, as the pool becomes more
and more popular, until they become excessively
Yet facts are facts ! In dollars and cents the
ordinary pool costs about $5 to heat with coal
at $5 per ton and about $7 for water with water
ac $1 per thousand cubic feet. This makes a
total cost of changing the water in the pool of
$12 each time, and this brings up the question
of how many times the water must be changed
in a year.
When it is remembered that with this method
the water enters the pool directly from the city
mains (or other source of supply) and from the
time the first user enters the pool until it is
finally run off and a new change of water run in
constantly and continuously increases its bac-
teria and other impurities, it can be seen that a
considerable quantity of fresh water must be
used to dilute the impurities a sufficient amount
so as to render them negligible. Actual experi-
ments in pools operated under this plan show
that about 25 gallons of fresh water are required
for each bather who uses the pool, and the fre-
quency of change, therefore, depends almost en-
tirely on the number of users. Supposing 200
persons use the pool each day. This means 5,000
gallons of fresh water per day, or a complete
change of water once every ten days. With four
hundred users the pool would have to be changed
every five days, etc. The average practice seems
to require a change about once a week so that in
a year the cost of coal and water will amount to
about $12 X 52 or $624 per year. And remember,
with this method there is no guarantee of free-
dom from bacterial dangers for while the dan-
ger is lessened it is not entirely removed by any
On the other hand a pool can be equipped
with mechanical devices which render the use of
heat practically nil and which keep the water
in a purer condition than when it originally
entered from the city main. So far as cost is
concerned these devices can be paid entirely in
three or four years out of the saving made over
the cost of operation when raw water is used all
the time. This plan of operation involves the
use of heaters, filters, sterilizers, aeration, and a
CG-agulant feed into the water.
In purifying swimming pool water it has been
found necessary to
(a) Inject a co-agulant which causes the im-
purities to lump or clot together so as to be
easily strained out.
b) Strain out all coarser impurities by driv-
ing the water thru a filter just as water is fil-
tered in nature by passing thru the porous
(c) Kill various dangerous or undesirable bac-
teria by means of sterilization, either by the ad-
dition of a chemical or by electrocution.
(d) Mix the water with air called aeration
to oxidize certain bacteria and to combine
minute particles of air with the water so as to
m.ake it bright and sparkling.
While these processes sound rather formidable
they are comparatively simple, the co-agulant
being a simple solution injected into the water
on its way to the filter so as to make the impuri-
Fig. 132.
ties more easily caught thru co-agulation or the
formation of larger particles. The co-agulant
(usually alum is used for this purpose) is
placed in a plain iron cylinder and part of the
pool water going to the filter is bypassed so as
to run thru the alum chamber. As a result a
small part of the alum is dissolved and mixed
with the pool water before it gets to the filter.
The filter is a common cast iron shell in which
sand, quartz, bone black, charcoal or other
medium is used and thru which the water is
forced. A sectional view of a common type of
filter used for this purpose is shown in Fig. 131
in which I indicates the inlet, O the outlet,
B a breaker to stir up the bed and WO a wash-
out pipe for running off the discharge when
washing out the filter bed.
The sterilizer may be similar to the co-agulat-
ing receptacle except that hypochloride of lime
is used. The sterilizer may be of more preten-
tious character utilizing electric current and
killing bacteria by means of the ultra violet rays,
similar to the process described for the sterili-
zation of drinking water.
Aeration is secured by allowing the water to
shoot thru the atmosphere. It is generally
effected by spraying the water as it enters the
pcol or by letting it fall from some high point
into the pool, as shown in Fig. 132. In this fig-
ure, I indicates an ornamental inlet such as a
lion's head, etc.
Supposing this equipment is installed, how
long will it be possible to retain the water in
the pool and in what condition would it be at
the end of the period? In answer to this the
ri!ther surprising statement can be made that
the water may be used indefinitely and, more
astonishing still, that the water can be main-
tained at even a higher degree of purity than
its original natural state! In other words a
pcol of water after being in use constantly by
bathers for even as long a period as three years
is in a purer state than any natural drinking
water. This has been proven by actual scientific
tests on pools after such periods of use. From
this it can be seen that when pools are properly
installed and operated they can be maintained
at such a degree of purity as to make talk of
contamination a joke, except to the ignorant.
In connection with this it is interesting to
note the existing practice along this line, as
shown by queries sent to some five hundred
pcols taken at random thruout the country.
While replies were received from over 50 per
cent of the pools the results shown by these
answers may be assumed to cover the average
conditions in the United States especially on the
older pools.
The answers showed that roughly,
(a) The average capacity of pools is 50,000
gallons and 94 per cent are rectangular in shape
running in size from 20 x 10 feet to 140 x 65
(b) Some 68 per cent receive natural light
either from skylights or windows.
(c) The average temperature maintained is
about 74 degrees Fahrenheit.
(d) The pools where purity is maintained by
re-filling with fresh water amount to about 66
per cent of all the pools.
(e) Out of such pools only 4 per cent refill
daily, 14 per cent every other day, 18 per cent
twice a week, 2 per cent every five days, 50
per cent every week, 8 per cent every ten days,
5 per cent every two weeks and one pool only
every 30 days.
(f) Some 34 per cent of all the pools employ
filtration of which 100 per cent filter the water
entering the pool, 64 per cent use re-filtration to
maintain purity, 20 per cent use lime and 2
per cent sulphate of copper in addition; another
2 per cent employ all these three methods.
(g) About 60 per cent have scum gutters.
Certain accessories accompany a pool such as
shower baths, lockers, towels, suits, etc. Lockers
must be provided for each occupant of the pool,
and showers should be arranged for bathing pur-
poses besides the ones installed exclusively for
pool use. As a general thing the locker rooms
are designed so as to be utilized either for gym-
nasium or pool purposes as desired. Of course
where outsiders are allowed to use the pool this
is not possible but where school pupils alone are
to be considered such an arrangement is usually
In connection with the locker rooms and often
in the same room individual showers are in-
stalled for rinsing off after gymnasium practice
and for the use of those who do not desire to
enter the pool. Such showers are not used in
any way connected with the pool and are solely
for gymnasium or other outside use.
The showers for the pool users are commonly
installed between the entrance to the pool room
?nd the pool itself; the idea being to force all
users to remain at least a full minute under the
shower before entering the pool. By this means
the shower washes off and disposes of much of
the coarser impurities which would otherwise
be carried into the pool and where they would
contaminate the water very rapidly.
Supposing that it has been decided to install'
a pool, the first thing to be determined is the
location and size of the room. ^Vhile it is en-
tirely practical to install a pool on an upper
floor this having been done in more than one
case it can hardly be recommended as an eco-
nomical proposition owing to the great weight
of water and walls to be supported. In fact in
a 50,000 gallon pool the weight of water alone
approximates 250 tons. On this account the fav-
orite pool location is in the basement where it
can be set directly on the ground and no other
structural supports are needed.
For a school pool where both sexes are to be
served, it has proven a great success to locate
the pool in the middle of the building making
one end of the basement a "boys" section with
the boys' lockers, showers, play room, toilets, etc..
and the other end of the basement a "girls" sec-
tion with similar equipment for the girls. Then,
by opening a door from either side into the cor-
ridor leading to the pool, direct access for either
boys or girls into the pool can be obtained as
desired without danger of conflict between the
Fig. 133 shows a typical school pool of stand-
ard size, viz., 20 feet wide by 60 feet long.
Usually the shallow end is made with 3 ft. 6
in., to 4 ft. 6 in., depth of water, and the deepest
portion with 7 feet to 7 feet 6 inches depth. The
pool showers are shown in the shape of three
heads set over a gutter directly at the door enter-
ing the pool room. These heads should be con-
trolled by a valve operated by the instructor who
should see that each pupil gets a thoro drench-
ing. It will be noted that the boys' locker room
and girls' locker rooms are located adjacent but
on opposite sides of the pool room.
The most economical way to build a pool of
substantial construction consists of erecting con-
crete retaining walls with a reinforced concrete
bottom, thus forming the rough shell to retain
the water. Concrete and other masonry, how-
ever, is not watertight by any means and on the
inside of this shell must be placed a waterproof
membrane to retain the water and to prevent
The waterproofing is most commonly obtained
by coating the walls and bottom with hot pitch,
on which are laid successive layers of tar felt,
each layer being covered with, a coating of hot
pitch before the next is applied and all joints
overlapped about eighteen inches. To protect
this membrane from mechanical injury and also
to form a proper base on which to erect the tile
or enameled brick lining, an eight inch brick
wall is built inside of the membrane along the
sides and a cement floor is laid over the bottom.
Then the tile, terra cotta or enameled brick lin-
ing as the case may be is placed to form a
sanitary flnish on the inner surfaces of the pool.
A section of a completed pool wall is shown in
Fig. 134. Here, C indicates concrete, B brick,
M mortar, W waterproofing, P pool, E earth
and T tile or enameled brick facing.
Pool Equipment
Having constructed a pool the next problem is
the matter of supplying water to it. The most
ideal water supply and one that gives water in
almost unlimited quantities is an artesian well,
but owing to the fact that wells are often im-
practical and also because cold water is always
at hand for use in the toilets and showers the
pool is usually supplied from the general source
from which the building is supplied.
When the water enters the pool directly, the
temperature is entirely too low for use and
some form of heating is necessary. The sim-
plest method is to heat it by an injector using
high pressure steam and shooting the pool water
mixed with the steam condensation into the pool
as shown in Fig. 135, which is self-explanatory.
Owing to the necessity of having steam at 30 or
40 lbs. pressure in order to operate this appa-
ratus properly and to rather unsatisfactory re-
sults attained by this method it is little used in
the new pools now being built.
Another method giving more satisfactory re-
sults is shown in Fig. 136. It consists of hot
water heating boilers which circulate the water
between the pool and the boilers by means of
gravity. This requires that the boiler be set
lower than the pool level the lower the boilers
are set the better such circulation becomes. Pro-
vided it is possible to get the condensation back
to the steam boiler, a steam heater could be sub-
stituted in place of the hot water boiler shown
in Fig. 136; this, however, is a very uncommon
Having supplied the water into the pool and
raised it to a satisfactory temperature, how shall
it'c purity be assured and maintained? Shall it
be used in a constantly increasing state of im-
purity for three to seven days (at the end of
which time it must be wasted and a new supply
run in) or shall it be filtered before entering
and then refiltered daily, to keep it in fairly
good condition?
Assuming that filters are to be used this im-
mediately necessitates the use of a pump which
is commonly termed a "circulation pump" to
force the water thru the filters in refiltering.
The best type of pump for this purpose is a cen-
trifugal pump direct-connected to a small elec-
tric motor. A IJ in. pump is entirely sufficient
for the standard size pool.
The circulation pump takes the water from
the deepest part of the pool (and from the bot-
tom thereof, thus securing the coldest water)
and discharges it thru a heater (usually of the
steam type and hung on the ceiling) from which
the water passes to the filter and then back to
the pool. On re-entering the pool it is desir-
able to insert the water at two or three different
points preferredly at the opposite end from
which the pump is drawing out the water. This
results in a gradual movement of the water from
the shallow toward the deep end, and prevents
localizing the inflow of warm water.
If a filter is used its operation should be
assisted by the use of a co-agulant feeding appa-
ratus. This is very inexpensive and consists
simply of a cast iron reservoir in which alum
is placed. The amount of alum fed is con-
trolled by allowing a smaller or larger stream
to pass thru the receptacle dissolving the alum
and carrying it back into the circulation line so
as to mix with the circulating water going to
the filter.
After leaving the filter the water should pass
thru a sterilizer in order to kill the remaining
bacteria. It must be remembered that the filter
is in fact little more than a strainer while the
sterilizer is a germicidal agent, neither being
complete without the other, as it is desired to
return the pool water both clean and pure. The
sterilizer is also an inexpensive feature. If one
of chemical type is used, it is similar to the
co-agulant chamber in construction and opera-
tion except that it uses lime instead of alunf.
The arrangement of such apparatus is shown
completely in Fig. 137 where the water coming
from the pool goes to the circulation pump and
is then discharged thru a check valve either to
the sewer (if it is desired to empty the pool)
or to the steam heater. If it is desired to by-
pass the heater for repairs, or any other reason
the valve in the heater by-pass HJB is opened
and the other two valves are shut. The water
then goes to the filter and rises toward the top
connection where the larger part bypasses thru
C'B, the two small lines leading to and from
--^) >' M-, i; ..<^\o
j/i^/p Fres. S/'eom^
Injector Tee-
. -' V'.O '^
Fig. 135.
'J^oo/ Room JT/oo/'
FiK. 13fi.
Fig. 137.
the co-agulant feed so that a small portion goes
thru the co-agulant receptacle as explained. If
it is desired to bypass the filter, the filter by-
pass FB is used, the water passing on to the
sterilizer where the main portion goes thru the
sterilizer by-pass SB and then back to the pool.
While this is the outfit in use in a large num-
ber of the pools where re-filtration is used, the
proper refiltration it has proved by test to be
purer than the average drinking water as drawn
from the faucet in the cities of the country.
Where the electric sterilizer is used a box is
usually placed at some high point into which
the water is pumped and then after passing thru
the ultra-violet rays overflows into the pipe
leading down to the pool inlet. Such an equip-
L 1 jL ^-'
Fig. 139.
electric type of sterilizer has made such great
strides in recent years and has produced results
60 remarkable that it deserves most emphatic
recommendation. This apparatus employs an
electric lamp emitting invisible ultra-violet rays
to kill all germs in the pool water which is forced
to flow past within the required distance of the
lamp. After water has been in use sometimes
for as long as three years with this sterilizer and
ment is shown in Fig. 138 where a plan view
and two cross sections are given. The water
is pumped into the box thru the inlet I and
enters compartment A ', from compartment A to
compartment B the only connection is by means
of a rounded opening in the middle of which
opening the quartz lamp is set. To make assur-
ance doubly sure a similar partition and lamp
are placed between compartment B and com-
partment C so that the germs must twice run
the gauntlet of electrocution. The water passes
from chamber A to chamber B thru the open-
ing, and then to chamber thru the second
opening. In chamber C the water overflows
into the outlet pipe O which carries it down to
the pool inlets.
It is also recommended that a scum gutter be
provided for the pool in any case. As a matter
of fact with re-filtration properly carried on
there is little or no scum to take care of and
water splashed into the scum gutter is lost by
going down the overflow. Yet if, at any time,
it is desired or necessary to operate the pool
without the use of the filter, this can be done
in a much better manner by using the scum
gutter and overflowing the water into it.
The gutter itself is formed in sections of
glazed terra cotta blocks with drain pipes con-
nected every twenty feet or so. Its use not only
frees the pool itself from scum, etc., on the sur-
face but it also catches all drippage from the
pool room floor that would otherwise run down
the sides of the pool and help contaminate the
The piping for the overflows consists of 2 in.
or 3 in. drain pipes carried down and united
into a 4 in. overflow line which is carried out
and connected to the pool drain beyond the drain
valve. From a sanitary standpoint it is much
better to carry the overflows immediately to a
trap located just below the scum gutter, and in
some cities this is an absolute requirement.
There are manifest disadvantages to this as can
be readily seen on account of the traps being
located in the solid masonry walls of the pool
and requiring cleanouts in the pool room floor.
It is therefore common practice and is generally
permissible to pipe the overflow, as shown in
the plan and elevation given in Fig. 139, where
O indicates overflows and CO. cleanouts.
The valve on the drain is necessarily located
below the pool bottom and should be placed in
a manhole to make access possible. The handle
may be extended up to a point just under the
manhole cover or if the manhole is in an unim-
portant position may even be extended thru
the cover with the wheel mounted above the
Now as to cost : The average pool room should
be about 75 ft. long, 35 ft. wide and not less
than 10 ft. high; this gives a cubic footage of
26,250 cubic feet which, at 20 cents per cubic
foot, means a cost of $5,250 for housing the
pool. To build a modern pit for a pool includ-
ing walls, waterproofing, enameled brick, scum
gutters, etc., amounts to $3,000 to $4,000, The
piping, valves, heater, pump, etc., will run to
$750; a filter capable of properly handling a
50,000 gallon pool about $1,500 including co-
agulant feed and chemical sterilizer; an electric
sterilizer will cost about as much as a filter but
cannot be substituted for it.
This gives approximations as follows:
Pool without filtration
Pool pit $3,500
Piping 500
Pool with re-filtration plant '
Filters $1,500
Additional pipe 500
Pool with electric sterilization $6,000
Sterilizer $1,500 _, . .
It can readily be seen from this that even the
cheapest pool is pretty expensive and a good
pool is only more so. Still, if a pool is to be
installed, by all means put in a good installa-
tion and do not render a questionable service to
the community by providing a disease carrier
and germ developer in its midst.
All boards operating pools in their schools
will do well to follow the nine commandments
laid down in a paper recently read before the
American Association for Promoting Hygienic
and Public Baths. They are as follows:
1. Maintain the water in the pool pure and
clear; employing both refiltration and chemical
2. Have the pool well lighted; natural light
by day sunlight when possible.
3. Keep an attendant always on duty when
the pool is in use; prohibit admission at other
times ; allow no one to enter the pool alone.
4. Maintain a strict supervision of the bath-
ers, medical examination if practicable; pre-
venting persons with communicable diseases
from entering the pool.
5. Enforce the scrubbing of each bather be-
fore entering pool.
6. Prevent all clothing or provide sterilized
7. Surround the pool with a scum gutter and
prevent expectoration in or about the pool.
8. Prevent visitors carrying dirt and disease
germs on their footwear into the pool room.
9. Do not have any obstruction in the pool,
or along the edge of the pool, nor adjacent to
the pool.
Electric Lighting
The importance of providing for the proper
lighting of classrooms is one which should not
be underestimated. The need of illumination
for day classes on dark days and the require-
ments of night schools both combine to render
satisfactory lighting an essential of schoolhouse
planning and equipment. It is not within the
province of this discussion to argue the pecu-
liarities of the eye, or the diseases resulting from
a lack of proper or sufficient lighting. These
topics are distinctly within the province of the
school hygienist, the physician and the oculist.
It may not be out of place, however, to note that
the eyes of average pupils are subjected to their
first concentrated use in the schoolroom and that
the eyes of children of school age are only in the
transitory period of growth succeeding baby-
hood and are far from possessing the visual
strength which is acquired in later life. Eye
troubles developed during this time are likely to
become chronic weaknesses later and should be
carefully guarded against.
There are in all some twenty-one million
school children in the United States of whom
not less than two million are troubled by defec-
tive vision. Of course, this is a dry and statis-
tical statement. Yet the fact is conducive to
thought, even tho it does not necessarily follow
that these two million pupils are visually defec-
tive on account of poor light in the schools.
Some children develop eye troubles before en-
tering school and still others abuse their eyes
by overstudy or by other means for which the
schools could not possibly be held responsible.
But admitting that the trouble is there, it cer-
tainly should not be aggravated in the classroom
A\here the school boards are responsible.
Artificial illumination has always been de-
signed with the idea of producing a condition
approximating sunlight. How poorly such an
approximation really is (when obtained from
various sources of artificial light) the reader is
fully aware of, yet the modern systems of light-
ing.' more nearly approach such an ideal condi-
tion than any methods previously developed.
The natural lighting of the modern classroom
has worked down to a fairly consistent design in
which the windows equal in area 14 to 25 per
cent of the floor area and are arranged on the
left-hand side. It has been recommended by
experts on illumination that the depth of class-
rooms (perpendicular to the window wall) should
not be greater than twice the height of the win-
dow above the top of the desks; also that the
walls be light colored and the ceiling white.
With such design the most satisfactory results
will be obtained, and the light walls and white
ceiling will also assist the artificial illumina-
Other items also enter into the matter of
making artificial light satisfactory. Installa-
tions, perfectly correct so far as design may be
concerned, will give considerable trouble and
result in much unnecessary eye strain if other
matters are not made to harmonize with the end
in view. For instance, the use of highly glazed
paper in the school books is bound to fatigue the
eye in a very short time, regardless of the ar-
rangement of the lighting. The size of type,
the spacing of lines, the color of print and paper
similarly affect the eye. Still worse, is the con-
stant reflection from highly polished desks,
glazed walls and glazed blackboards.
The development and perfecting of the tung-
sten filament for the incandescent electric light
have revolutionized lighting in the last few
years. The tungsten lamp has produced a whiter
light, far more nearly approximating sunlight
than the old carbon filament. It does this at a
cost of about 31 per cent of what the old carbon
filament required, when compared candle power
for candle powei*. It has made commercially
practical the "indirect" method of illiunination
which, while vastly superior to the old direct
style, is not as efficient a method of illumina-
tion. That is to say, it takes more current for
ii- direct lighting but the rays are so diffused as
to make such lighting very desirable.
There are three, general methods of lighting
consisting of:
(a) Direct illumination, in which the light
shines directly on the surface illuminated.
(b) Indirect illumination, in which the source
of light is entirely concealed by a shade and the
illuminating effect is secured by reflection from
some white diffusing surface which is usually
the ceiling, and
(c) Semi-direct illumination, in which the
majority of the light is indirect but a portion of
the shade is made translucent so that the balance
is "direct," but Avell diffused.
Diffusion of light is accomplished by breaking
up the rays of light emitted from one or several
sources so as to have a more even light of lesser
brilliancy emitted from a larger area than the
prime source. A clear glass globe gives prac-
tically no diffusion but the same globe in frosted
glass diffuses to a very satisfactory extent.
In Fig. 140 is shown a standard type of direct
lighting fixture which is inexpensive and of good
design. In this case a glass, metal or porcelain
reflector may be used and the rays of light from
the lamp are thrown directly down onto the floor
and furniture. The use of this fixture in long
corridors, stairways, wardrobes and similar cir-
culation passages, where the lights are almost
always burning but where no one's eyes are ex-
posed to the light for any long period of time, is
recommended owing to the high efficiency of the
direct light.
Fig. 141 is a similar fixture with a bowl of
translucent glass which tends to diffuse the light
to a great extent. This fixture is recommended
for such rooms as the principal's main office,
waiting room, medical examination room and
similar locations where pupils or instructors may
have their eyes subjected to the light for longer
Fig. 142 is a frosted or semi-transparent shade
covering lights where the headroom is low as
under stairways, etc., and where longer fixtures
would be in the way.
Fig. 143 indicates a fixture with an opaque
nietal reflector that throws all the light up to
the ceiling from which it is reflected downward.
This is the common type of indirect fixture and
is recommended for classrooms, art rooms, dress-
making, typewriting rooms, etc., including all
places where pupils are likely to be subjected to
artificial light for long periods. Its chief disad-
vantage consists of the rather dark and gloomy
ai>pearance of the under part of the reflector.
Fig. 144 shows a type of semi -indirect fixture in
which the illumination of the glass bowl results
in some light passing directly downward while
the balance is reflected onto the ceiling by the
bowl the same as in the indirect fixture just dis-
cussed. This fixture is recommended where the
cost of current is an important feature. With
less cvirrent consumption, the lighting results of
this fixture are almost as satisfactory as with
the purely indirect fixtures.
Besides the ones illustrated, there are other
derived variations and designs for fixtures ad
infinitum. All are based on the types of fixtures
shown and on combinations thereof. Many such
fixtures possess real merit but it is impossible
to discuss all here. Their characteristics are
largely the same or similar to the typical fixtures
already cited.
After the question of fixtures is decided the
matter of their location becomes imperative.
Usually school authorities do this backwards;
tliat is, they locate the outlets long before they
know what kind of fixtures will be purchased.
Be this as it may, the outlets must be located
^hen a building is built and right or wrong
they are therefore located.
It has been proven by experience that for the
standard sized classroom measuring up to 24 ft.
Fig. 140.
Fig. 141.
Fig. 142.
Fig. 143.
Fig. 144.
by 32 ft., or thereabouts, four outlets will give
fair, six good, and nine excellent results with
direct illumination. With the four outlets, 150-
watt lamps are generally used, giving 600 watts
for the room. With six outlets, 100 watts are
usually installed giving 600 watts for the room.
With nine outlets, lamps of 60 watts each, or
540 watts, are sufficient. Philadelphia, New
York and Boston use nine outlets, and twelve
are unusual but not unknown. With direct
lighting the effect of nine 60-watt lamps is much
easier on the eyes than six 100 or four 150-watt
lamps, as the nine outlets distribute the sources
of light and render the illumination more even.
With indirect fixtures four outlets should be
enough, but the new gas filled lamps of 200-watt
size should be used. As a general thing when
outlets must be installed before the kind of
lighting is decided upon six outlets are adopted,
these being very satisfactory for direct fixtures
and ideal for indirect or semi-indirect work.
It might be explained parenthetically here
that common tungsten and carbon filament
lamps raise their filament or incandescence in
a vacuum of more or less perfect intensity. The
lamps known as "gas filled" raise their filaments
to incandescence with the aid of a gas, inside
a gas-tight bulb; hence the term "gas filled."
Gas filled lamps are entirely too bright for
direct lighting, being used in the larger unit
sizes, for indirect and semi-indirect fixtures.
One 150-watt vacuum bulb is generally consid-
ered as approximating one 100-watt gas filled
From this it can be deduced that the current
per classroom for various combinations will run
about as follows:
Method of Approx. Watts
Illumination Type of Bulb Per Room
Direct Lights Vacuum Tungsten 600
Indirect or Vacuum Tungsten 900
Serai-indirect Gas Filled Tungsten 800
This means that while indirect lighting adds
over 50 per cent to the candle power, gas filled
bulbs cut the current per candle power to about
50 per cent, thus making the actual increase in
current consumption over direct lighting only
about 30 per cent. With indirect and semi-
indirect illumination it is necessary that the fix-
tures be installed so as to bring the top of the
glass approximately three feet from the ceiling
in rooms eleven to fourteen feet high.
It should be pointed out here that while in-
direct and semi-indirect fixtures approximate
ideal lighting they have certain objections pecu-
liar to school work. The objections have been
regarded so seriously as to prohibit their adop-
tion in at least one case, viz.. New York City,
and there are others who have had similar
These faults mainly lie in the fact that the
pupils find the fixtures good receivers for paper
wads, erasers, pencils, rubbers, waste paper, etc.
Difficulty is also experienced in making the
janitors keep the bowls clean, as these are con-
cealed from view, and very rapidly collect dust.
This dust, if not removed obscures the light to
such an extent as to reduce the efficiency 50 per
For the proper location of outlets the room
should be divided into as many rectangles as
outlets, and an outlet should be placed in the
center of each rectangle. Some school boards
make it a practice to set the lights slightly off
center toward the windows so as to have the
artificial light rays fall on an angle somewhat
in imitation of the natural rays of light from
the windows. It is of course impossible to actu-
ally produce enough change of angle to be of
any importance and the location of the outlets
in such unbalanced positions makes a very bad
appearance in the room. One economy which
CAcry board may practice is that of putting the
row of lights along the windows on a separate
switch. There are many dark days when there
may be plenty of light adjacent to the windows
but not farther away. In this case the farther
outlets only are used. The lights along the
windows are on a second switch and are used
only at night and on very dark days.
The arrangement of outlets for a classroom
having four lights, together with the wiring and
switches for the same, is shown in Fig. 145. The
more common six light classroom is shown in
Fig. 146 which also indicates a floor outlet for
the teacher's desk. The room with nine outlets
is shown in Fig. 147, but this arrangement is
seldom used. In all cases the lights in the coat
rooms should be on a separate switch. Where
two coat rooms are adjacent one light can be
made to do for both by using a dwarf partition
and installing the light high and directly over
the partition.
It has also become the practice in some cities
to place a floor outlet under the teacher's desk
to allow for the use of a desk lamp, if desired.
In such cases the outlet is made in a box, flush
with the floor, into which an extension cord for
the desk lamp is plugged. Such outlets are in-
stalled only with direct lighting. In some schools
in which visual instruction is emphasized a wall
plug is provided in the rear of the room for a
small stereopticon.
In corridors, of course, illuminating require-
ments are not so exacting, being only one-third
to one-fourth the requirements of classrooms,
and outlets are seldom spaced over 40 feet apart.
Usually 100-watt lamps are employed spaced
about 30 feet apart. Shorter spacing and smaller
units (60 watts or less) will give more uniform
light than longer spacing and higher powered
lamps, but the first cost is greater.
In lecture rooms the light should be particu-
larly good at the front of the room where experi-
ments will be carried on and at the rear an
outlet of 5,000 watts capacity is usually pro-
vided for stereopticon use.
It is also a good idea in locating wall switches
to place them six feet from the floor to prevent
their manipulation by the younger pupils.
For those interested in the eccentric location
of outlets for classrooms the plan shown in Fig.
148 is given. Here the normal locations of a six
light arrangement are shown in dotted lines and
the eccentric locations are indicated in full lines,
the distance between the normal centers and the
modified centers being given in each direction.
Vacuum Cleaning
The newest mechanical equipment to be al-
most universally adopted for school use is that
for vacuum cleaning. The modern vacuum
cleaning machine is a distinctly recent develop-
ment and because there are comparatively few
buildings in which vacuum cleaning has been
installed for any great length of time, there is
but little practical data on the subject. The
results obtained depend largely on the individ-
ual operator, and few school boards have enough
machines in service to give any fair comparison
between them. Still fewer school boards have
made any effort to compare the results which
have so far been reached. While much testing
has been done by the individual manufacturers
of the various makes of apparatus their con-
clusions cannot be accepted as wholly unbiased,
and with the exception of tests made by the
federal goverment there is little data of depend-
able nature.
Some information on the use of vacuum
cleaning in schools has been collected by the
author and will undoubtedly be a help to those
who are not familiar with this kind of equip-
In the first place vacuum cleaning, as its name
implies, is a system of cleaning by means of a
vacuum partial vacuum would be more correct
and is suitable for the removal of dust,
snialler particles of refuse and other material
such as sand, small nails, matches, splinters,
etc. This removal is effected without causing
the slightest dust to fly and settle at some other
objectionable point.
In order to operate such a system a vacuum
producer (or machine), a system of piping, a
flexible hose, and various cleaning tools are
necessary. The vacuum producer exhausts the
air of the piping system thus producing the
required degree of vacuum. The flexible hose
connected to the various outlets on the pipe
lines serves to carry the vacuum from the pipe
outlet to the desired cleaning point, and the
actual removal of the dirt is accomplished by
the cleaning tool attached to the end of the
The theory of operation is that the pressure
of the atmosphere (which is about 14 pounds
per square inch) tends to drive the air into the
end of the cleaning tool where the vacuum open-
ing is located and thus to diminish or entirely
break the vacuum. As the machine on the other
end of the piping is constantly withdrawing the
air, the vacuum, however, is not entirely broken
by the continuous rush of air. The constant
continuance of this action makes possible clean-
ing by vacuum.
If the vacuum opening in the end of the tool
is laid against a piece of carpet, rug, or even
the bare floor the obstruction acts as a plug
and causes the air to enter the opening thru
every possible leak either around the opening
or thru the material itself. During its passage
into the tool the air engages every particle of
loose dust and dirt in the neighborhood of the
opening. The action is much like the winter
wind blowing the ground clear of snow in spots
vs'here the fury of the gale is concentrated.
Vacuum cleaning, however, will not remove ink
spots, stains, grease or other similar uncleanli-
ness; it is able to carry only loose particles of
dry matter.
Vacuum cleaning systems are generally
classed as "high" vacuum or "low" vacuum,
according to the degree of vacuum maintained
by the machine, and as "large volume" or
"small volume," according to the amount of air
handled per "sweeper." The size of the plant
is based on the number of "sweepers" or tools
which the machine can operate effectively at
one time. Thus a "two sweeper" plant can
operate two tools run by two different men from
any two outlets desired, but will not be able to
remove the air as fast as three sweepers would
admit it. Three sweepers on a "two sweeper"
plant would result in a loss of vacuum on the
whole system to so great an extent as to put
all the tools out of commission. The effect is
the same as putting too many faucets on 'a
small water pipe resulting in a great loss of
pressure when all are opened and a consequent
reduction in the amount of water delivered by
A "high" vacuum plant is one which operates
at a vacuum equal to about 10 or 12 inches of
mercury (5 pounds per sq. in. less than atmos-
phere) while a "low" vacuum system operates
on about 5 or 6 inches of mercury (2V2 pounds
per sq. in. less than atmospliere) . While high
vacuum is more effective for thick carpets, rugs,
upholstery, etc., it has little, if any, advantage
for bare floor cleaning.
An excellent form of tool for bare floor work
is shown in Fig. 149. It is provided with slots
to prevent the pads from sticking too tightly to
the floor on account of the vacuum suction.
To get into corners a rubber pointed tube which
is equally efficient to clean desk boxes, pigeon
holes and other small places is used. The hold-
ers for the tools are generally of aluminum and
are hollow, so that the air and dirt passes thru
the handle to the hose connected at the upper
end. The size of the hose may be 1% inch, but
1^/^ inch is better as it reduces the friction
loss an important factor in low vacuum sys-
on the opposite side of the building. This
arrangement still leaves the middle portion be-
yond reach of the hose. Therefore, outlet V.
C. O. No. 4 is placed in the corridor on the
center line of the building, and the radius from
this outlet covers the balance of the building.
Theoretically these outlets would be sufficient
but they must be tested out for the location of
doors to see that the hose will reach when run
around the actual path which it must follow.
On outlet No, 1 it is found that the hose will
not quite reach to the extreme corner of the
lower lefthand classroom; but the distance is so
small that the tool length (4 ft. in.) may be
counted upon to cover the dotted space. A
similar laying out of hose thru the offices O and
the toilet T from outlets Nos. 1 and 2 shows no
trouble; but on outlet No. 4 it is found impos-
Fig. 149.
The piping for vacuum cleaning must be run
so as to have outlets at certain convenient
points. These points are located on the various
floors directly over one another so that one verti-
cal riser will serve one or two outlets on each
floor without any horizontal piping. As a typi-
cal example the plan of the small school shown
ill Fig. 150 may be taken to determine the loca-
tion of the vacuum cleaning outlets. In the
drawing, C indicates classrooms, A auditorium,
O office, TR teachers' room and T toilet.
Beginning at the lower lefthand corner a
circle can be swung with a fifty foot radius
(the desirable length of hose) the center of the
circle being at the vacuum cleaning outlet V.
C. O. No. 1. It is found that this circle will
not cover the entire lefthand end of the build-
ing so another outlet, V. C. O. No. 2 is placed
so that its 50 foot radius will cover the balance
of this end of the building. Similar outlets
V. C. O. No. 5 and V. C. 0. No. 6 are located
sible to get into the auditorium A. Neither
will hose run from outlets Nos. 1 or 6 cover it.
Consequently another outlet in the auditorium
(No. 4a) is necessary to cover the dotted por-
tion shown. Had the auditorium been provided
with a door near outlet No. 4, the hose could
have been run thru the door and outlet No. 4a
omitted. Trouble also develops in the rear
classroom between outlets No. 4 and 5 but the
portion not covered (shown dotted) is so small
that the length of tool may again be considered
sufficient to make up the required distance.
In the basement (Fig. 151) the lines are con-
nected together into a main fitted with clean-
outs, (C. O.) and to the vacuum cleaning mach-
ine. In the machine the air and dirt are sepa-
rated, the air escaping usually into a fine or
outdoors, but sometimes, on small machines, in-
to the basement itself. The piping should all
be black iron with recessed screwed drainage
fittings to avoid clogging. The cleanouts should
^\ /
Fig. 150.
1 I
Fig. 151.
be brass plugs screwed into the pipe fittings.
It is also a good plan to have cleanout Ys' in
any long straight run say at fifty foot intervals
to permit easy access in case of trouble. Flan-
ges as shown at "FLG," Fig. 152 also permit
disconnecting when desired.
Fig. 152.
The elevation of the typical riser shown in
Fig. 152 shows how the piping is run to the
upper floor, picking up the first floor outlet on
the way down. Some engineers advocate that
'^BfOSS P/uf
Fig. 153.
Fig. 154.
no riser or main be less than 2% inches in size
so that matches cannot become lodged cross-
wise in the pipe as they are liable to in the
smaller sizes.
In putting in vacuum cleaning piping several
points should be kept in mind: Install clean-
outs as shown in Fig. 153 but never as in Fig.
154, as the dirt will be thrown into the plug
pocket collecting there and gradually building
up a stoppage in the pipe. Never joint two
branches with a "bull-head" tee as shown in
Fig. 155, nor even with a double Y as shown in
Fig. 156 as the air will throw the dirt into the
opposite branch so as to plug it up. Instead,
use two Y's as shown in Fig. 157. Always
joint a branch to the main with a Y as shown
in Fig. 158 but never with a tee as shown in
Fig. 159; also see to the very important point
of having every pipe carefully reamed before
erection to avoid burrs which will catch lint
and dust.
Fig. 155.
\_L-^j5ro/7 c/7 T-J_3
Fig. 156.
Where outlets are put in for basement use
they are below the level of the main and must
pull the dirt up to the level of the main. This
is entirely practical but the basement drop
pipes must be connected so that the dirt passing
thru the horizontal line cannot fall into it. A
connection like that shown in Fig. 160 should
never be made. Either connect the basement
pipe hach of the upper floor riser or bring it
into the main sideways so that dirt will not
drop down as it passes in the main.
It is impossible in a discussion of this kind
to recommend any particular machine for
school use as there are several good machines
on the market. The most practical method for
a board to use is to decide upon the number of
sweepers they will want operated at one time
and then to receive manufacturer's proposals
as to the details of their particular apparatus,
power consumption under full load, cost, etc.
This gives the greatest opportunity to get a
good machine at the lowest cost and will per-
mit any manufacturer to compete.
In order to determine how many sweepers are
necessary something must be known of what
Fig. 157.
can be done with one sweeper. On bare floors
vacuum cleaning is much more rapid than with
carpets and an ordinary schoolroom can be
cleaned in about fifteen minutes so that eight
classrooms could be easily cleaned by one man
after school sessions. It can also be assumed
that the corridors, special rooms, etc., can be
cleaned during school hours. Therefore, the
sweeper capacity will run close to one for every
eight classrooms or fraction thereof.
Another way to figure is that a good operator
can clean 4,000 sq. ft. per hour. Allowing 21/2
hours for cleaning after sessions,* would give
4,000x21/2, which equals 10,000 sq. ft. per
sweeper capacity.
The cost of vacuum cleaning systems varies
widely with the type of machine, length of runs,
etc. As an idea it might be said that a one
sweeper plant with piping, tools, etc., will cost
in the neighborhood of $1,500, a two sweeper,
$1,800 and a three sweeper, $2,100.
p^"*^ K/ser to Upper T/oora
J3/^an ch
Fig. 158. Fig. 159
Fig. 160.
Aeration, Swimming Pool, 93
Air, Composition of, 8; Pressure Unbalanced in Rooms, 25;
Standard for Lunchroom, 31
Air-Motor for Temperature Regulation, 22
Air- Washer, 10
Alberene Stone Fixtures, 34; Partitions, 48
Alternating Current, 89
Ammonia Systems of Refrigeration, 74-76
Architects, 7
Argentine Glass Partitions, 48
Arrangement of Lighting Outlets, 102; Pool Equipment, 95;
Shower Bath Stalls, 52; Toilet Room Fixtures, 46;
Vacuum Cleaning Outlets, 105-108
Artesian Well, 95
Artificial Illumination, 99
Assembly Room, Ventilation of, 19
Auditorium Radiators, 21
Auditorium, Ventilation of, 19
Automatic Sprinkler System, 68-71
Automatic Temperature Regulation, 22-24
Bacteria, 78-82
Basement Toilet Rooms, 44-46
Baths, Shower, 93
Boilers, 86-87; Hot Water Heating, 95
Bottom-feed Water System, 59
Breathipg Walls, 17
Bubblers, 41
Carbonic Acid in Air, 8
Centrifugal Pump, (Pool), 95; (Water), 59
Chemical Fire Extinguishers, 71-80
Chemical Fume Exhaust, 30
Chemical Laboratory Hoods, 30
Chemistry Laboratory, Ventilation of, 28
Circulation, Down-feed System of Hot Water, 61; Forced
Hot Water, 67; Up-feed System of Hot Water, 61-63
Circulation Pump for Drinking Water, 76; for Pool, 95
Classrooms, Location of Air Registers in, 10-12; Natural
Lighting, 99
Cleaning, Vacuum, 104
Cleanouts, Vacuum, 105-107
Closet, Local Vent, 36; Partitions, 48-50; Range, 35; Syphon
Jet, 35; Wall Hung, 37; Wash-down, 35
Cloth Filter, 10
Coke Screen, 9
Compartment, Shower Bath, 50-52
Cooking Sinks, 42
Cooling Water Tank, 75
Conditions of Swimming Pools in the United States, 93
Construction of Swimming Pools, 93-94
Contact Sewage Disposal System, 78
Control of Water Temperature, 66
Control, Thermostatic, 24
Corridors, Illuminating, 103
Co-agulant, 91
Co-agulant Feeding Apparatus, 95
Cost of Pool, 98; Power Plant, 84; Power Plant Operation,
85; Swimming Pool Operation, 90-91; Vacuum Clean-
ing Systems, 108
Current, Alternating, 89.
Damper Regulator, 24
Damper, Revolving, 21; Air Mixing, 13-14
Diffusion of Light, 100
Direct Illumination, 99
Direct Lighting Fixtures, 100
Disposal Field, Sewage, 81
Disposal System, Contact, 78; Intermittent Filter, 82-83
Double Duct Systems, 13-14
Down-feed System of Water Circulation, 61
Down Supply Systems of Ventilation, 21
Drain Boards on Kitchen Sinks. 42
Dressing Room, Shower Bath, 50
Drinking Fountains, 40-41, 77
Drinking Water, 73
Duct Systems, 13-18
Economy of School Power Plants, 84-87
Electric Current, 84
Electiic Sterilizers (Water), 97-98
Electric Power, 84
Enameled Iron Fixtures, 34
Engineers, 8
Engines, 87-88
Exhaust and Oil Separator, Free, 86
Exhaust, Chemical Fume, 30
Exhaust Outlet in Toilet Room, 25; in Classroom, 10-12;
in Assembly Halls, 19; in Lunchroom, 31
Extinguishers, Chemical, 71-80; Fire, 71-72
Fan Room Arrangement, 9
Fans, Toilet Exhaust, 25
Faucets, 40
Fields, Sewage Disposal, 81
Filters, 57; Coke, 9; Cloth, 10; Intermittent Sand, 78;
Percolating, 78; Pool, 91-95; Pressure, 57
Fire Extinguishers, 71-72; Chemical, 71-80
Fire Hose, 68
Fire Protection, School, 68
Fire Pump, 71
Fixtures, Arrangement of Toilet Room, 46; Direct Light-
ing, 100; Location of Lighting, 100; Location of Plumb-
ing, 43; Number of Plumbing, 43-44; Objections to
Indirect and Semi-indirect Lighting, 102; Selection of
Plumbing, 32-35; Semi-indirect Lighting, 100; Toilet
Room, 28
Flexible Hose (Vacuum), 104
Floor Outlets, Lighting, 102-103
Flues. 17; Toilet Exhaust, 25
Flushing Devices, 36
Flush Valves, 36-37
Forced Circulation of Hot Water. 67
Fountains, Drinking, 40-41, 77; Pedestal, 41; Wall Hung, 41
Free Exhaust and Oil Separator, 86
Galvanized Iron Fixtures, 34
Gang Shower, 67
Gas Heaters, 63
General Considerations of School Swimming Pool, 90
Generators, 86; Motor Set, 89
Gravity Tank, 36, 54-57; Fire, 71
Gravity Ventilation, 17-18
Gutter, Scum, 98
Heaters, Gas, 63
Heating, 8
Heating Plant, High Pressure. 84; Low Pressure, 84-86
Heat, Steam, 84
High Pressure Heating Plant, 84
INDEX Continued
High Vacuum Cleaning System, 104-105
Hoods, Chemical Laboratory, 30-31; Kitchen, 30-31
Hose, Flexible (Vacuum), 104; Fire, 68
Hose Rack, 70
Hose Valve, 70
Hot Water Heating Boilers, 95
Hot Water Systems, 61
House Pump, 87
House Tanks (Water) 59
Illuminating Corridors, 103
Illumination, Artificial, 99; Direct, 99; Indirect, 99-100;
Semi-indirect, 100
Importance of Proper T,ighting of Classrooms, 99
Indirect Illumination, 99-100
Individual Duct Systems, 13-17
Individual Shower Bath Stall, 50
Injector, 95
Intermittent Filter, Sewage Disposal System, 82-83
Intermittent Sand Filter System, 78
Iron, Enameled Plumbing Fixtures, 34; Galvanized Fix-
tures, 34
Kitchen and Slop Sinks, 41
Kitchen Ventilation, 30
Lamps, Tungsten, 99
Lavatories, Vitreous-Porcelain, 40
Lecture Room Lighting, 103
Light, Diffusion of, 100
Lighting Fixture, Direct, 100; Indirect, 100; Semi-indirect,
Lighting, Lecture Ro.om, 103
Lighting of Classrooms, Importance of Proper, 99; Na-
tural, 99
Lighting Outlets, 101-102; Arrangement of, 102; Location
of, 102-103
Light Intensity, Standards of, 102
Local- Vent Water Closet, 36
Locution for Sewage Disposal Plant, Selecting a, 78
Location of Air Registers in Classrooms, 10-12
Location of Disposal Field, 82
Location of. Exhaust Outlet in Toilet Room. 25
Location of Exhaust Registers, in Lunchroom, 31; Lighting
Fixtures, 100; Lighting Outlets, 102-103; Plumbing
Fixtures, 43; Swimming Pools, 93
Locker Rooms, 93
Low Pressure Heating Plant, 84, 86
Low Vacuum Cleaning System, 104-105
Lunchroom, Location of Exhaust Registers, 31; Standard of
Air, 31
Marble Fixtures, 34
Material and Heighth of Wainscot in Toilet Room, 48
Metal Work for Shower Bath Partitions, 52-53
Mixing Dampers, Air, 13-14
Motor, Air for Temperature Regulation, 22; Generator
Set, 89
Mushroom Inlets in Auditoriums, 19-22
Natural Lighting of Classroom, 99
Number of Plumbing Fixtures, 43-44
Oil Separator, Free Exhaust and, 86
Operating Cost of Power Plant, 85; Swimming Pool, 90-91
Organization of Schoolhouse Construction, 7
Outlets, Arrangement of Lighting, 102; Floor, 103; Vacuum
Cleaning, 105-108; Location of Lighting, 102-103
Overflows, Pool, 98
Partitions, Alberene Stone, 48; Argentine Glass, 48; Closet,
48-50; Slate, 48
Pedestal Fountains, 41
Percolating Filter System, 78
Piping, Installing Vacuum Cleaning, 107
Plumbing, 32
Plumbing Fixtures, Location of, 43; Number of, 43-44;
Selection of, 32-35
Pneumatic Compression Tank, 36
Pneumatic Tank, 54
Pneumatic Water Supply Systems, 54-56; for Fire, 71
Pool, Cost of Equipped, 98
Pool Equipment, Arrangement of, 95
Porcelain Lavatories, 40
Porcelain Ware, 33
Power, Electric, 84
Power Plant, Cost of, 84; Economy of, 84; Operating Cost
of, 85
Pressure Filters, 57
Pressure, Water, 59-60
Producer, Vacuum, 104
Protection, School Fire, 68
Pump, Centrifugal (Pool), 95; Centrifugal Water, 59 ;
Circulation for Drinking Water, 76; Circulation (Pool),
95; Fire. 71; House, 87
Rack, Hose, 70
Radiators, Auditorium, 21
Range Water Closets, 35
Reducing Valves, 56-57
Refrigeration Systems, 74
Registers, Assembly Halls, 19; Supply and Exhaust, 10-12
Regulation, Automatic Temperature, 22-24
Regulator, Damper, 24; Thermostatic Hot Water, 65
Revolving Damper for Auditorium Ventilation, 21
Rooms, Locker, 93
Rules for Operating Swimming Pools, 98
Sand Filter System, Intermittent, 78
School Boards, 7
Scum Gutter, 98
Selection of Plumbing Fixtures, 32-35
Selecting a Location for Sewage Disposal Plant, 78
Semi-indirect Illumination, 100
Semi-indirect Lighting Fixture, 100
Semi-transparent Shades, 100
Separator, Free Exhaust and Oil, 86
Septic Tanks, 78-81
Sewage, 78-81
Sewage Disposal, Contact System, 78
Sewage Disposal Plant, Selecting a Location, 78
Shades, Semi-transparent, 100
Shower Bath and Dressing Room, 50; Compartment, 50-52
Shower Baths, 93 ; Metal Work for Partitions, 52-53
Shower, Gang, 67
Shower Mixing Valve, 65
Siamese Outlets, 68-69
Sinks, Cooking, 42; Kitchen and Slop, 41
Slate Fixtures, 34; Partitions, 48
Slop and Kitchen Sinks, 41
Sprinkler System, Automatic, 68-69
Standard of Air Change, 9; in Assembly Halls, 19; Lunch-
room, 31
Standards of Light Intensity, 102
Standpipe System, 68-71
Steam Heat, 84
Sterilizers, 57-59; Electric, 97-98; Pool, 91-95; Ultra-violet
Ray, 57-59
Study Room, Ventilation of, 19
Supply Registers, 10-12; Assembly Halls, 19
Sweepers, Vacuum Cleaning, 104
Swimming Pool, Construction of, 93-94; Length of Time
Water Can be Retained in, 91-93; Location of, 93;
Operating Cost of, 90-91; Pure Water, 90; Rules for
Operating, 98; Waterproofing, 94
Swimming Pools in the United States, Average Conditions
of, 93
mDEX Continued
Switches, Location of Wall, 103
Syphon Jet Water Closet, 35
Tank. Cooling Water, 75; Gravity, 36, 54-57; Gravity
Fire, 71; Pneumatic, 54; Pneumatic Compression, 36;
Septic, 78-81; Water House, 59
Tempera ture, Control of Water, 66
Temperature Regulation, Air Motor for, 22; Automatic, 23
Thermostatic Control, 24
Thermostatic Hot Water Regulator, 65
Toilet Exhaust Fans, 25; Exhaust Flues, 25
Toilet, Normal Enclosure, 48
Toilet Outlets, Installation of, 25
Toilet Room Fixtures, 28; Arrangement of, 46
Toilet Rooms, Arrangement of, 4G-47; Basement, 44-46
Toilet Room, Wainscot, 48
Toilets, Ventilation of, 25-27
Top-feed Water System, 59
Traps, 32
Trunk Line Duct System, 13
Tungsten Lamps, 99
Ultra-violet Ray Sterilizer, 57-59
Unbalanced Air Pressure in Rooms, 25
Up-feed System of Hot Water Circulation, 61-63
Up Supply Sytem of Ventilation, 21
Urinals, 28, 37-40; Ventilation of, 40
Vacuum Cleaning, 104
Vacuum Cleaning Machine, Method of Purchasing, 108;
Operation of, 104
Vacuum Cleaning Sweepers, 104
Vacuum Cleaning System, High, 104-105; Low, 104-105;
Cost of, 108
Vacuum Cleanouts, 105-107
Vacuum Producer, 104
Valves, Hose, 70; Shower Mixing, 65; Flush, 36-37, Reduc-
ing, 56-57
Ventilating Toilets, 25-27
Ventilation, 8; Auditorium, 19; Down and Up Supply
Systems, 21; Chemistry Laboratory, 28; Kitchen, 30;
Study Room, 19; Toilet Fixtures, 36; Urinals, 40
Vitreous Lavatories, 40
Vitreous Ware, 33
Wainscot in Toilet Room, Material and Heighth of, 48
Wall Hung Closet, 37
Wall Hung Fountain, 41 i
Wash-down Closet, 35
Water Cooling Tank, 75
Water, Drinking, 73; in School Swimming Pools, 90; Methods
of Cooling Drinking, 74; Methods of Heating, 62-65
Water Pressure, 59-60
Waterproofing, Swimming Pools, 94
Water Pump, Centrifugal, 59
Water Supply, 54
Water Supply System, Pneumatic, 54-56; Fire, 71; Hot, 61
Water Temperature, Control of, 66
Well, Artesian, 95
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