THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW GIFT OF The American Academy of Public Affairs of Los Angeles c ELEMENTS OF DEDUCTIVE LOGIC BY NOAH K. DAVIS, PH.D., LL.D. if PROFESSOR OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA AND AUTHOR OF " THE THEORY OF THOUGHT " " KLE- MENTS OF INDUCTIVE LOGIC " ETC. \fj>'liuc <-7riaTi,/ia; . AKISTOTLE NEW YORK : CINCINNATI : CHICAGO AMEKICAN BOOK COMPANY Copyright, 1893, by HARPER & BROTHERS. All riqhtjt reserved. W. P. 2 -/ v /*( PREFACE THIS treatise is designed as a text-book for under- graduates. It comprises the body of approved log- ical doctrine, so that in a limited time a student may acquire a rounded knowledge of the funda- mental forms _o.f thought, be profited by the excel- lent discipline of the study, and prepared for the pursuit of philosophical sciences. Those who wish to go beyond the elements of logic will find much additional matter in my larger work, entitled " The Theory of Thought," designed especially for universities. In my "Elements of Psychology " are explained the relation of the idea as a mental image to the notion as a product of thought, and the various mental processes involved in thinking. In both works many references will be found to authorities and to the literature of the subject. In the preparation of the present text, I have tried to be clear, simple, and true, and to mitigate the natural severity of the subject by copious illus- tration. The care I have taken, and my experience IV PREFACE of more than twenty years in teaching logic, lead me to hope that my fellow-teachers and their pupils will find the treatise well adapted to their wants, and that it will therefore tend to promote the study of this admirable and invaluable science. A special feature is a praxis appended to i.u-h chapter. Many standard exercises have been re- tained, and many new ones introduced. They have been carefully arranged in progressive order, in cor- respondence with the increasing complexity of the subject. }. would suggest that the working of the praxes alone, without any recitation of the text, will insure a more satisfactory knowledge of ele- mentary logic than the closest reproduction of the text, the praxes being omitted. In the chapter on Fallacies, I have adhered to the original Aristotelic distribution, believing that it should be well known to every student of logic, and that none better has been proposed. No treatment of induction is included in this book. But, deeply impressed with the importance of that branch of logic, especially in its relation to the physical sciences, I have prepared a companion volume, entitled Elements of Inductive Logic, which completes the system. NOAH K. DAVIS. UNIVERSITY OP VIRGINIA. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I. DEFINITION OF LOGIC Page 1. The definition. The word. A valued study 1 2. Science distinguished from art. Logic a science 1 3. Thought the object-matter of logic 3 4. Forms of thought. Second intentions 4 5. Necessity of the forms. Their violability 5 6. Free treatment adopted 6 II. PRIMARY LAWS 7. Their origin and general character 8 8. The Law of Identity. Rhetorical forms 9 9. The Law of Contradiction. Rhetorical forma 9 10. The Law of Excluded Middle 11 11. Single statements. Co-ordinate and complementary. . 11 12. Logic only a negative criterion of reality 12 13. The postulate of logic. Equipollence 13 14. Praxis on Primary Laws 14 PART I. CONCEPTION I. THE NOTION 15. Abstraction. Marks. Concrete and abstract terms. .. 15 16. Generalization. Classification. Specialization 17 17. Conception. Individual and general concepts 18 18. These momenta coexist. Mark and concept 20 19. Denomination. Common and proper names 20 VI CONTENTS Page 30. Intension and extension of concepts. Correlated 22 21. Progress towards perfection. Clear and distinct. ... 23 22. Praxis on The Notion 25 II. RELATIONS 23. The qualitative and quantitative wholes 26 24. The quantitative whole, integral and collective 27 25. The qualitative whole, intensive and extensive 28 26. Coextension of notions 30 27. Subordination of notions. Genera and species 30 28. Praxis on Relations 32 III. DIVISION g 29. Co-ordination of notions. Dichotomy 33 30. Negative notions. Correlative notions 34 31. Trichotomy and polytomy. Disparate notions 35 g 32. The ground, process, and kinds of division 36 33. Rules for division 37 34. Praxis on Division 39 IV.- DEFINITION 35. Intensive view of definition. An explication of marks 41 g 36. Indefinable notions. Convertibility 41 g 37. Extensive view. Intersection. Genus and difference . 42 g 38. Forms approximating definition 43 g 39. Kinds of definition ; real, nominal, genetic 44 g 40. Rules for definition 45 g 41. Praxis on Definition 47 V. SYSTEM g 42. Scheme of intension and extension 49 g 43. Scheme of first and second intentions 49 g 44. The summum genus. In science. In talk 50 g 45. The infima species. In nature not considered 51 g 46. Individuals, the basis but not parts of a logical system 52 g 47. Relation of division and definition in a system 54 CONTENTS Vll Page 48. Expression of a system. Porphyry's tree 56 49. Praxis on System 57 VI. PREDICATION 50. Its form limited only by self-contradiction 59 51. Quality of judgments or propositions 59 52. Existence predicated. Relative. Absolute 60 53. Negative forms. Pure. Infinite. Impure 61 54. Intensive and extensive forms. A non-predicable 62 55. The categories of Aristotle. Interpreted 63 56. The predicates of Aristotle 64 57. Praxis on Predication 65 VII. SIMPLE PROPOSITIONS 58. Propositions of two kinds, categorical and conditional 67 59. The categorical proposition dissected 68 60. The copula, its tense, its quality. Negative subject or predicate 69 61. Strict logical order. Rhetorical displacements 70 62. Quantity of judgments or propositions 71 63. Individual propositions 72 64. Universal propositions. Signs of. Ambiguity of all . 72 65. Partial or indefinite propositions. Signs of 73 66. Ambiguity of some. Its semi-definite sense 74 67. Scheme of the propositional forms 75 68. Complex propositions. Subdivision. Treated as simple 75 69. Praxis on Simple Propositions 77 VIII. COMPOUND PROPOSITIONS 70. First kind, having components obvious 79 71. Second kind, exponibles. Exclusives and exceptives. 79 72. Semi-definite propositions 81 73. Quantified predication. Small letter symbols 82 74. Two views; compound qualitative, or simple quantita- tive 83 75. Rule for quantifying the predicate 85 76. Praxis on Compound Propositions 85 V1U CONTENTS PART II. DEDUCTION I. IMMEDIATE INFERENCE Page 77. Definition and distribution of judgments 87 78. Implications distinguished from inferences 88 79. Rule limiting quantification. Illicit process 89 80. Determination. Modified forms of 90 81. Infinitation. Rule for 91 82. Conversion. Three kinds of. Remarks 91 83. Opposition. Square of. Rules. Table of relations . 94 84. Praxis on Immediate Inference 97 II. THE SYLLOGISM 85. Reasoning and the syllogism illustrated and defined. . 99 86. Dissection of tbe syllogism. Its parts defined. Their order 100 87. Notations, circular and linear, disapproved ; graphic, approved 102 88. Intensive and extensive forms. Rule for converting. 104 89. This distinction examined, and discarded 105 90. The syllogistic judgment. Characterized by neces- sity 107 91. Relative truth or falsity of its several propositions. . . 108 92. Praxis on Tbe Syllogism 109 III. CANON AND RULES 93. The canon. Four forms of, with comments Ill 94. The eight general rules, with reasons and comments. . 114 95. Praxis on Canon and Rules 118 IV. FIGURE AND MOOD 96. The four figures explained and illustrated 120 97. Special rules relative to the several figures 121 98. The nineteen moods, how ascertained 123 CONTENTS IX Page 99. Names of the moods. Two basic forms. The con- clusions 123 100. Reduction, ostensive. How accomplished. General rule 125 101. Reduction, indirect. How accomplished. Superflu- ous 127 102. The fourth figure criticised. Superfluous and erro- neous 128 103. Praxis on Figure and Mood 129 V. MODIFIED FORMS 104. The enthymeme. Its four orders illustrated 132 105. The epichirema. Defined and illustrated 134 106. The sorites. Its two forms. Five points noted. . . . 134 107. Compound and irregular syllogisms, with illustra- tions 136 108. Seven methods of argumentation. Remarks 139 109. Praxis on Modified Forms 142 VI. CONDITIONAL PROPOSITIONS 110. Conditions, three kinds real, causal, logical 146 111. General distribution of propositions 147 112. The conjunctive proposition. Forms of 148 113. The disjunctive. Contradictory forms of 149 114. The disjunctive. Modified forms of 150 115. The conjunctive-disjunctive. Forms of 152 116. Interpretation of the conjunctive judgment 153 117. Praxis on Conditional Propositions 155 VII. CONDITIONAL SYLLOGISMS 118. Reasonings founded on conditional forms 158 119. The conjunctive syllogism; axioms, moods, rules. ... 159 120. The disjunctive; contradictory, subcontrary, and cop- ulative 161 121. The conjunctive-disjunctive; double treatment 163 122. The dilemma; simple and complex forms 163 123. Criticism and estimate of the forms 165 124. Praxis on Conditional Syllogisms 168 CONTENTS VIII. QUANTITATIVE FORMS Page 125. The quantitative whole. Kind and degree 171 126. Quantitative notions, common and proper 171 127. Judgments of equality and inequality 172 128. Immediate inference 174 129. Mediate inference. Syllogisms of equivalence 175 130. Geometrical illustration. Its generality 177 131. Mediate inference. Syllogisms of inequality 178 132. Praxis on Quantitative Forms 180 IX. FALLACIES 133. Definition. Two remarks. Distribution 183 134. Paralogisms. Apparent violations 184 135. Sophisms in diction ambiguities 185 136. ^Equivocatio. Its importance. Jests 185 137. Amphibolia. The oracles 186 138. Compositio et divisio. Another view. Punctuation.. 187 g 139. Accentus, prosodia. Sarcasm 188 140. Figura dictionis. Solecisms and paronyms 189 141. Sophisms in matter. Meaning of this title 190 142. Accidens. Illustrations 190 143. Secundum quid. Two forms of 191 144. Ignoratio elenchi. Enlarged view of 192 145. Consequens. Two forms of 193 146. Petitio principii. Five forms of 194 147. Non causa pro causa. An erroneous view of 196 148. Plures interrogationes, or cornutus. Varieties of . . . 197 149. Praxis on Fallacies 198 INDEX.. . 205 ELEMENTS OP DEDUCTIVE LOGIC INTRODUCTION I. DEFINITION OF LOGIC L. Logic is the science of the necessary forms of thought. The word logic is Greek. Aristotle, the author and finisher of the science, did not give this name to his work, but it was ap- plied by his followers, and has been for many cen- turies its universally recognized title. In the me- diaeval universities, logic was studied as one of three ways to eloquence, and in modern schools it is just- ly held in high esteem as an independent science and an excellent discipline. It will be well, at the outset, to have a distinct explication of the several terms used in the forego- ing definition of logic, and to this we now proceed. 2. A science is a complement of knowledge having, as to form, the character of logieal perfec- tion; as to matter, the character of truth. Log- ical perfection requires primarily that the objects 1 I / 2 INTRODUCTION of knowledge shall be classified clearly, distinctly, completely, and harmoniously. Truth requires that the objects be real; what is unreal and false cannot constitute a science. Hence, a science is a perfect- ed system of truths; or, science is classified knowl- edge. Few branches have reached this ideal per- fection ; perhaps pure mathematics alone has done so; but others, having made high attainments, are properly called sciences. Science and art should be distinguished. A sci- ence teaches us to know, an art to do. Science discovers laws, art gives rules. Science is specu- lative, art practical. The scientist knows the prop- er relations of things, the artisan brings them into these relations. There is a science of civil law, there is an art for the practitioner, Anatomy is a science, surgery an art. But science often leads so directly to art, and art is so dependent on sci- ence, that they are not always clearly distinguish- able. Now, logic is not at all an art, but strictly a sci- ence. It tells us how we think when we think cor- rectly, but does not pretend to tell us how to think. It is of great interest to know what are the princi pies and processes of thought, the laws that regulate intellect in the attainment of truth. Yet knowl- edge is power, and when one has mastered this sci- ence there is a practical result in a special cultiva- tion of his faculties ; for whatever process one clear- ly understands, it is manifest he can more efficiently perform. As grammar and rhetoric are helpful to DEFINITION OF LOGIC 6 correct and elegant speaking and writing, so logic is helpful to correct and cogent thinking. 3. The object-matter of logic is thought. Each science has its own object-matter. As .astronomy treats of the stars, geology of the earth's crust, zo- ology of its fauna, botany of its flora, mathemat- ics of quantity, theology of God. philosophy of prin- ciples, psychology of mind, ethics of morals, so logic treats of thought. Thought denotes the acts of the understanding as distinguished from perception, memory, imagination, feeling, desire, and volition, of whose exercises logic takes no notice. Thought is the bringing a notion into or under another. This is to comprehend or understand it. For ex- '] ample, when I say a lily is a flower, I bring my( notion lily under a class-notion flower, and so this' is a thought. Now, we think about all kinds of things, but logic is indifferent to all except one that is, thought itself. In studying logic, we think about thought. As a science, it is the theory of thought. Let it not be supposed, however, that logic treats of thought as exercised in scientific pursuits only. It treats of thought universally. Thought as found in all sorts of literature and speech, in common conversation, in silent meditation, all our every-day thinking about the most trivial things at any in- stant, as well as the lofty thought of the philoso- pher or theologian, is of the same nature, proceeds in the same manner, is according to the same laws, is 4 INTRODUCTION logical if correct. Logic explains how any human mind thinks correctly at any time about any thing. 4. It appears, then, that logic has nothing to do with the things we think about. It treats of thought in disregard of its contenfr. Excluding the matter of thought, it discusses the form of thought. The form as distinguished from the matter may be exemplified thus : When I think that the book be- fore me is a folio, the matter of this thought is book and folio, the form is a judgment. Thought is concerned with the relations of objects to each other, and the nomenclature of logic consists of the names of these relations apart from the objects re- lated ; as, judgment, concept and mark, species and genus, subject and predicate, definition, syllogism, dilemma, etc. These are all names of mere forms of thought. In mediaeval logic, the matter and form were dis- tinguished as first and second intentions. First in- tentions are names of objects ; as, lily and flower, book and folio. Second intentions are names of relations ; as, species and genus. Hence a second intention is, in modern logic, a form of thought. Logic, then, is ascience of second intentions. Gram- mar, also, is a science of second intentions, treating of the forms of speech ; as, verb, adverb, noun, ad- jective, clause, sentence, etc. Grammar is the sci- ence of second intentions or forms of speech. Log- ic is the science of second intentions or forms of /thought. DEFINITION OF LOGIC O The matter and the form of thought cannot have any actually separate existence. No object is think- able except under some form of thought ; no form of thought can have any existence in consciousness unless there be some object of thought. But by abstraction we can contemplate these apart; we can consider either the object of thought or the manner of thinking it ; we can distinguish the form from the content or matter. Logic,Jtherefore, is i an abstract science, abstracting from all matter the mere form of thought, and considering this only. It follows that logic stands in a similar and fun- damental relation to all other sciences, for it consid- ers only what is common to all that is, the forms of thought to which all are subjected making that alone its object-matter. Now, philosophy is the sci- ence of principles, and therefore fundamental in treating of the primary truths that underlie all knowledge. But philosophy proceeds logically or not at all. Hence logic is fundamental even t phi- losophy, in that it exhibits the processes of thought which bind philosophy as well as all other sciences. Moreover, logic itself must proceed logically, and can become a science only by conforming to those laws which it is its province to explicate and ex- hibit. 5. Logical forms are necessary forms. That is to say, the mind cannot think truly, unless it pro- ceed according to these forms. It must not be understood that logic invents laws to control our 6 INTRODUCTION thinking ; it merely discovers and unfolds the strict necessities that exist in the very nature of mind and things, and formulates them as laws of thought. It demonstrates that the mind must proceed accord- ing to these laws or under these forms, if the pro- cess be truly consecutive from one thought to an- other. Any violation of the laws, or deviation from the forms, it shows to be an inconsequence, and therefore futile. For these laws are not necessary in the sense that they are inviolable. We may wilfully or ignorantly disregard them ; and, blinded by prejudice or pas- sion or confusion of thoughts, we often do violate them ; but the process is fallacy and error, and the result null and void. All consequent thinking must be legitimate ; that is, it necessarily conforms, con- sciously or unconsciously, to these laws. The con- formity is necessary to valid thought. This is log- ical necessity (not unlike the practical necessity of a certain means to a certain end), and should be dis- tinguished from philosophical necessity and moral necessity. 6. Such, then, is the definition of Pure Logic, both Deductive and Inductive. Since it excludes the matter of thought, considering only its form, a strict observance of its limits would forbid the use of concrete examples. This would make the treat- ment very narrow, dry, and difficult. We shall therefore transgress the bounds of the definition whenever it seems desirable, and give concrete illus DEFINITION OF LOGIC trations involving matter, hoping to enliven and facilitate the study. The student, however, should constantly keep in mind that logic has nothing to do with the matters thought about, does not at all concern itself with the truth or falsity of any prop- ositions used for illustration, but deals only with the forms in which such matter is expressed. II. PRIMARY LAWS 7. An analysis of our thoughts, discharging their matter, discovers that they have definite forms ( 4). These forms, being native and necessary ( 5), are universal; that is, they are in all thoughts, and all thoughts are in them. Since they are uni- versal, we may view them as conforming to laws ; and these, when formulated, are known as the laws of logic. Now, a thorough analysis of the empty forms, rejecting their differences, discloses certain general abstract principles. As the result of com- plete analysis, these are ultimate; as essential in every thought, even in that of themselves, they are necessary; as common to all the forms, they are strictly universal ; as intuitively self-evident, they are axiomatic. These, then, are called Logical Principles, or Primary Laws of Thought. This complement of laws is assumed by logic as its punctum saliens, and it proceeds to demonstrate from them as axioms the secondary and special laws that regulate all thinking. The whole of pure logic is only an articulate development of the pri- mary laws and of their applications. Deductive logic posits three laws; inductive logic superadds others. PRIMARY LAWL 9 8. The three primary laws are as follows: The first is the LAW OF IDENTITY. It is the princi- ple of affirmation. It is variously stated, but pref- erably thus : Whatever does not contradict a / subject may be affirmed of it. The subject and the attribute are thereby identified ; hence the name of this law. E. g., A is A; 2x3=6 ; The moon is our satellite / Francis Bacon is Lord Veru- lam Saltpetre is nitrate of potassa. In these ex- amples the identity in thought is entire. But the law extends to partial identity. E. g., A is a / 6 > 4 ; The moon is spherical / Congress is in session ; Silver is a metal. In this case one term is only a part of the content of the other. The great majority of propositions take this form ( 50). Supplementary laws are: Whatever is essential inlT subject InusTHSe affirmed ofjt ; as, The sun is 'bright; and, Whatever is not essential in a subject may be denied of it ; as, The sun is not up. Strictly logical propositions are always to be con- strued literally, and should be distinguished from rhetorical forms, wherein more is meant than meets the ear. E. g., A man's a man for a* that / What I have written I have written y I am that I am. Such highly significant expressions in rhetorical identity have no meaning when taken literally. 9. The second is the LAW OF CONTRADICTION. It is the principle of negation. Its statement is : Whatever contradicts a subject must be denied of it. Being in opposition, the subject 10 INTRODUCTION and an attribute are thereby set apart. Contradic- tories cannot coexist ; affirmations not self -consist- ent are unintelligible. If we attempt to unite them, the thought is null, it destroys itself. E. g., A is not A, = ; The circle is square ; The larger half ; The laws of chance I expected to be disappointed ; It is certain that nothing is certain. This is the log- ical paradox, or logical absurdity. Also notions that are incongruous, as noisy colors, are essentially contradictory, and cannot coexist. According to the law, we must deny contradic- tories of each other. Of two contradictories one must be false. E. g., A is not non-A; 2+ 3 is not 4; No pain is pleasurable What is wrong can never be right ; No lie is of the truth. Let it be observed that A and non-A divide the universe of things, so that whatever is one is not the other; everything is either man or non-man. Such opposition is abso- lute contradiction. But the members of a genus or logical universe, though in themselves mere contra- ries, are contradictory of each other relatively to their limiting genus. Thus, if we take the universe animal, then everything within this universe or genus is either man or non-man, i. e. brute, and so these are contradictories. E. g., A man, is not a brute likewise, A fish is not a reptile A whale is not a fish A vine is not a tree. For similar rea- sons, an attribute incongruous to a subject is to be denied of it; as, A dishonest man is not trust- worthy. Likewise two individuals are denied of each other ; as, fronds Bacon is not Roger Bacon. PRIMARY LAWS 11 Rhetorical contradictions are often used to con- vey emphatically a covert meaning. E. g., Sitter Sweet; Festina lente Not to decide is to decide; When I am weak, then am / strong ; Hope that is seen is not hope y In diplomacy ; whatever is is some- thing else Learned ignorance is wiser than pre- sumptuous 'knowledge. Such opposites are like the barbs of an arrow. The invisible point pierces, the barbs cling. This is the rhetorical paradox. 10. The third is the LAW OF EXCLUDED MIDDLE. It prescribes a necessity in affirmation. A state- ment is: Whatever contradicts a contradic- tory of a subject must be affirmed of it^ Evi- dently, of two absolute contradictories one must be true of any subject. If a genus or logical uni- verse be strictly divided into two species, every- thing within it must be of one or the other kind. In either case no third affirmation is possible, i. e., every middle possibility is excluded; hence the name of this law. E. g., X is either A or non-A ; God ex- ists, or does not exist ; Every animal that is not a man is a brute; Defence being impracticable, we must yield / To be or not to be, that is the question ; If he do not fulfil the agreement, I shall be disap- pointed. The argument called reductio ad absur- dum ( 108) is an application of this law. Of two contradictory alternatives it shows one to be ab- surd, hence the other must be allowed. 11. The second and third laws are often united 12 INTRODUCTION Fin one brief but compound statement ; as, Of two contradictories one must be false, the other true ; or, Any attribute^ must be either denied or affirmed of any subject. It has been proposed to reduce the three laws to one simple statement ; as, All thought must be self- consistent. But an analysis of self-consistency will evolve the three laws as its ground. Still contra- diction is obviously their common principle. Also the attempt has been made to deduce from one the other two. But neither can be inferred as a second from another as first. In every such at- tempt the inferred law is necessarily presupposed, 4 L which is petitio principii, Like the sides of a tri- angle, not only are they not the same, not reduci- ble to unity, but also each gives, in its own exist- ence, the existence of the other two. The three are co-ordinate and complementary T di>t,inp.h yp|. insejDarable. 12. It has already been said that logic is con- cerned only with the form, not at all with the mat- ter, of thought. Consequently, it furnishes no guar- antee or criterion of the material truth of any proposition. There is no logical fault in our say- ing, for instance, that Spain is an island, or that Theft is justifiable. These false affirmations are in accord with the first law, and so are formally cor- rect. What is conceivable in thought may be quite impossible in fact, and so is merely logically possi- ble ; as, a centaur. For the sphere of thought is PRIMARY LAWS 13 far wider than the sphere of reality, and there is no valid inference from the correctest thinking a thing to its actual existence. But whatever violates either of these laws we know is impossible, not merely in thought, but in reality. We cannot allow that a thing can differ from itself, or that it can both be and not be, or that it can neither be nor not be. AVe must regard that as false and unreal which these laws condemn. They thus determine the sphere of impossibility, and that not merely in thought, but in reality ; not only logically, but metaphysically. While, then, these laws are no criterion of the reality of an object or of the truth of a proposi- tion, they are a strict and universal criterion of non-reality and of falsity. Thus they are related to existence, not positively, but negatively. And this holds equally of all the secondary and special laws of logic. Our science, then, in its relation to other sciences, is not a positive criterion of truth ; it is only _a negative criterion, being conversant with thoughts, and not with things ; with the pos- sibility, and not with the reality, of existence. 13. Beside the primary laws we place the POSTULATE OF LOGIC: Lgic postulates to states explicitly all that is implicit in a thought. As pure logic has no concern at all with the mat- ter of thought, so it has none with its language. It deals not in words, and must not be bound by them. Now, ordinary speech is often elliptical and rhetorical, much of thought being conveyed 14 INTRODUCTION in hints and metaphors. In dealing with it, the logician must be free to strip off all ornament, to supply all lacuna?, and so exhibit the thought naked and entire. This is sometimes difficult to do, thought being so subtile and evasive, and words so meagre and inaccurate. The only limitation is that the thought itself must not be changed. Also, there must be liberty to alter the form, provided, likewise, the thought be not modified. t Expressions |hus translated or transformed are equipllent,and the procedure is by equipollence. 14. Praxis. What point or points of this chap- ter are obviously exemplified, and in what way illustrated, by each of the following propositions? 1. George Sand is a woman. He is she. 2. Courts of justice are worse than useless. 3. That which survives is the fittest. 4. When an irresistible force meets as insurmountable obstacle, the result is compound stationary motion. 5. Man is the only being that laughs. 6. Will is either free or necessitated. 7. That Herod is a fox, means that he is cunning. 8. Richard is himself again. 9. If death be death, these have passed into the past; If death be life, they live, though their semblance dies. 10. Summum jus. summa injuria. 11. A man who never makes mistakes, never makes any- thing else. 12. If a man be wise, he is cautious, which is to soy, Every wise man is cautious. - 13. His honor rooted in dishonor stood, And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true. PART I. CONCEPTION I. THE NOTION 15. A notion is either a mark or a concept. In the forming of notions three movements^of , thought may be discerned : abstraction, general- ization, and conception. First of abstraction^ When a complex object impresses us, it is appre- hended as possessing qualities. In so far as they are dissimilar, they cause in us a feeling of differ- ence. Now, if attention be fixed on one quality, as the color or the weight, the other qualities be- come obscure, while this one is drawn by attention into vivid consciousness, and so becomes the chief, perhaps the exclusive, object of cognition. This quality is said to have been abstracted, or drawn away from, the others, and the process is called logical abstraction. By it we obtain a clear and distinct knowledge of the qualities, attributes, char- acters, features, etc., that determine an object, or, in general, of its marks. Marks considered merely in respect of their form are of several kinds T which may be designatgd_and_ exemplified as follows : 1st. Positive and negative ; as, rational is a positive, and imperfect a negative, mark of man. 16 CONCEPTION 2d. Essential or necessary, and accidentaLojLcon- tingent ; as, rational is an essential, and learned an accidental, mark of man. 3d. Original and derivative; as, rational is an original, and learned a derivative, mark of man, de- rived from his rationality. 4th. Simple and complex ; as, conscious is a sim- ple mark, it being incapable of analysis, and ani- mal a complex mark of man, this being composed of organized and sentient, 5th. Common and peculiar ; as, mortal is a mark common to man and brute, risible a mark peculiar to man, found in no other being. A peculiar mark is called a property when viewed apart from the essence as belonging to a certain class of things, and to no other ; as risible is a property of man, and a property of the circle is that the chord of 60 is equal to the radius. ^A peculiar mark is called a particular mark when it is found onlyjnasmgle individual : as the mark set upon Cain. A mark is very often thought of as though it were itself a substantial thing. Instead of being referred to its original substance, it is completely severed therefrom by thought, and established in an independent but fictitious existence. Marks so treated are called abstractions, and are expressed by abstract terms, very many ending in -ness. E. g., blue is a concrete mark of the sky, of the ocean, of sapphire, etc. ; but Uueness is thought of as some- thing independent of these things and having a real existence apart, which is a mere fiction of il -L i T THE NOTION 17 thought. Likewise, Aristides is /ws, but we extol justice apart from any person. Here the mark just is thought as concrete in the man, inhering in him ; but justice is thought as abstract and hav- ing independent being. So human is a concrete, humanity an abstract term. A concrete term is the name of an inhering mark ; an abstract term is the name of a mark viewed as an independent and substantial thing. 16. In observing several objects, we note that they differ in some respects, or produce dissimilar impressions; perhaps we also note that they are alike in some respects, or produce similar impres- sions. The repetition of an impression is precisely what excites attention, and determines the direc- tion of reflection. Thus consciousness is concen- trated naturally on those objects which partially agree, and then on those respects or marks in which they agree. For example, we observe a horse, an ox, a goat, a dog, and we note that each has four feet, in which respect they agree. When marks are^entirely similar the impressions they make on us are indistinguishable. But what we cannot dis- tinguish is to us virtually the same. Accordingly, we consider them to be the same, though really in different objects. This act, to think the similar n. We think that each of the animals named above has the same mark, four-footed. A plurality is reduced to unity, and the generality of the mark consists 2 18 CONCEPTION in this, that it may be said of any of the objects. Generalization is a fiction of thought, but without it our limited powers would be unable to grasp the multiplicity of objects about us. Generalization is classification, another aspect of the same operation. By thinking a mark as com- mon to several individuals, we thereby group them ; we constitute a class. Thus, the animals named belong to the group or class quadruped. Now, in considering this group of quadrupeds we note that the ox and goat each have horns ; so we generalize and call them horned quadrupeds. The horse and dog have no horns ; so we general- ize and make a group of non-horned quadrupeds. This is specialization, correlative to generalization. We have marked off two species, the horned and the non-horned, the A and the non-A, subordinate to the genus or universe quadruped, which is their sum. It is obvious that specialization is the inverse of ^generalization, involves it, and likewise is clas- sification. 17. A third movement of thought is concep- tion, its product, a, con rapt. JCo__cojiceiYe is to grasp together. When a number of marks have been abstracted, they may^be. collected by thought into one notion, and so constitute a concept. A con- cept, then, is a union of marks, or a bundle of marks, thought as belonging to some thing. Each object has an indefinite plurality of marks. Many of them may be known to us, but a mental THE NOTION 19 representation of an object becomes confused if we attempt to grasp into one or comprehend more than a very few of them. We therefore make a selection of some distinctive and some essential marks to form our concept, and must be content with this partial and inadequate representation. For example, I take the marks Athenian, inquisi- tive, virtuous, moralist, famous, martyr, these and perhaps others, to constitute my notion of Socrates. I may know much more about him, but practically this, or some such limited group of marks, com- prises all I use in representing him. On the sup- position that these marks have not been general- ized, the concept is complex, but not general. Yet a notion thus formed of an individual is potentially general, potentially a class notion. There might be several persons having all the marks here at- tributed to Socrates. We must then add a partic- ular mark, as, Plato's teacher, to the notion and thus secure its individuality. When a concept is constituted of marks that have been generalized, that is, of common marks, the notion is then both complex and general. It is a class notion, comprising the objects to which the marks are common. For example, I take the fol- lowing marks, which I have abstracted and general- ized, each of which I have thought as common to a large number of objects : self- luminous, bright, sparkling, celestial, very distant, relatively fixed, etc. ; and, making a unity of this plurality, I form the concept star. This complex notion is applicable to 20 CONCEPTION each of a host of distinct objects, in which fact its generality consists ; and the word star, which stands for this bundle of marks, is the common name of many individual things. A general concept^ then, isji combination or reduction to unity in thought of similar marks of objects, thereby constituting a class. 18. The three momenta we have described are not separate and successive in thinking, but are so distinguished and stated to enable us to compre- hend what is actually an indivisible operation. It is merely a logical analysis of an activity whose movements co-operate and coexist. Moreover, a mark ^nd concept are commutable. Everyjnark is potentially a concept, and every con- cept potentially a mark. Thus : Man is animal, or Man is an animal. Here animal is first a mark, then a concept. The distinction consists in the use made of the notion. If used connotatively, the no- tion is a mark ; if used denotatively, the notion is a concept. Man is animal means that man has the attributes connoted by the mark animal. Man is an animal means that man is one of the kind of things denoted by the concept animal. 19. A notion would immediately fall back into the infinitude and confusion from which it has been called out, were there not some especial means to render it permanent. This is accomplished by a word. The notion is fixed and ratified by a verbal THE NOTION 21 sign, by means of which it can easily be recalled. Language, even in mere denomination, is a register of thought. The name of a general notion is a common noun. Every common noun consists of one or more at- tributes belonging to each of several objects. It stands for a product of thought, and is a factitious unit useful in further thought. A mark is expressed by an adjective noun, a concept by a substantive noun, and an abstract noun is the name of a mark thought as a thing. Let it be observed that many notions, both marks and concepts, are registered in phrases instead of single words; as, for instance, there is no single word to express the notion of morally weak, or of a rainy day. Also, a verb is the naming of an action or passion or mere being. A common noun is often used to_designate an individual object or group by prefixing a limiting word ; as, a svng, this world, those books, my house, the king, your friends, these troubles, etc. Such naming designates the object^ thpu^_mdiyidual- ized, as belonging to a class. The terms are con- notative ; they imply marks, and attribute these marks to the object or group they indicate. A proper noun, strictly taken, is non-connotative. It denotes an individual, but in itself does not im- ply or indicate any qualities or marks of the indi- vidual. It is an unmeaning sign which we connect in our minds with an object, so that when it meets our eyes or ears it recalls to mind the thing. This is true of names strictly proper. But a name stand- 22 CONCEPTION ing for a notion of an individual is evidently a com- plement of marks, as the example in 17 of the notion Socrates. Moreover, names of individuals are often so contrived that they indicate their class; thus, names of persons generally distinguish sex, also family relations; and names of mere things also often have class significance, as Monticello, Charlottesville, Fluvanna. In such cases marks are connoted, and there is a distinct approach to the common noun or class name. 20. Concepts have a twofold content, intensive and extensive. The intension is determined by the number of marks comprehended by the concept. E. g., Man connotes or comprehends the marks ex- isting, living, sentient, rational. This explication of the connotation of a notion is its determination or definition. The^uantity^pf extension, is determined by the number of specific concepts or of objects contained under the concept. E.g., J/rt* denotes or contains under it the species logician, chemist, trtist, mechanic, etc. This explication of the denotation of a notion is its specification or division. If the marks constituting the content of a con- cept be few, it may extend to many things ; if the marks be many and distinctive, the concept extends to few things. Thus the concept bird has few marks, as animal, biped, feathered, winged, etc., but is applicable to, or contains under it, a great variety and number of things; now the concept swan has at least one more mark, web -footed, and THE NOTION 23 the variety and number of things denoted is less. Hence the LAW: The greater the intension the smaller the extension, and vice versa; or, these contents are in inverse ratio. Wo think a predicate either as a mark or as a class ; as, Facts are stubborn, or, facts are stubborn things. The one is thinking in intension, the other in extension. True, these involve each other, are essential correlatives, and are readily convertible ; we do not think the one without, at the same time, thinking the other. But usually one mode is in vivid consciousness, while the other is obscure, and either phase of thinking may become habitual, one person more attentively considering the qualities of a thing, another regarding it as a member of a class. 21. Progress injnowledge consists chiefly in rendering concepts clear and distinct. Conception is first obscure and then clear. We think a concept clearly when it is distinguished as a whole from other wholes. ^This is accomplished by negative judgments distinguishing of^ setting~~aparT other concepts from this one, especially those which lie nearest to it, or by remarking a specilic dill'erence. E. g., We have a clear knowledge of the faces of our friends, since we readily know one from another. So we have a clear notion of horse when we know that it is not ox, nor ass, nor mule. So, also, our knowledge of justice is clear when we know that it is not truth, nor benevolence, nor wisdom, nor power. 24: CONCEPTION Our notion of perfume is cleared by noting its specific difference ; it is something that can be smelled. Clear conception is first confused, then distinct. We think a concept distinctly when, viewing it as a plurality, we distinguish the marks or the objects that constitute it. Distinctness is attained by af- firmative judgments. Analytic abstraction pre- cedes, and is followed by a synthesis wherein the mark is affirmed of the thing. Or the notion is ap- plied to its various objects, and in this becomes known by what is contained under it. E. g., An artist knows distinctly the features he has deline- ated. An artisan knows the virtues of his tools, and also their various kinds. It is natural 'and logical, when onejindertakes to explain any obscure matter, to begin by clearing it, especially .of those things tEat lie nearest to_it that/Js^which most nearly re- semble it showing that it is not these, and then proceeding to render it distinct by pointing out what it is in itself, or to what it applii s. Distinctness, then, has two modes: one which notes the marks which a notion connotes, distinct- ness in intension ; the other which n0tes the ob- jects it denotes, distinctness in extension. Inten- sive distinctness is attained by logical definition, which enumerates marks. Extensive distinctness is attained by logical division, which discovers kinds. A primitive notion, such as identity, can be cognized only per se. However clear it may be, it has no distinctness, either intensive or extensive. THE NOTION 25 22. Praxis. Write answers to the following questions, and make reference to the section and paragraph illustrated : 1. Name the kinds of these marks of an apple: red (e. g., positive, accidental, original, simple), round, juicy with cider, innocuous, grown on this stem, worth five cents. Also of preachers as they ought to be, these : unselfish, called to this ministry, hortatory, devoted, well informed, spiritu- ally minded, widely sympathetic, all things to all men. 2. Name which- of the following terms are concrete and which abstract : trnth, truthful, trueness, true, truthful- ness, wisdom, wise, foolish, folly, consciousness, individu- ality, gratitude, homely, straight, a straight line, a circle, a fault, mercy, improved health, a healing balm. 3. What marks constitute your notion of Caesar ? What denotation has the word? What concept is formed of: small, hard, transparent, brilliant, elementary, precious, ornamental ? 4. What mark is common to : chair, sofa, stool, bench ? What general marks characterize the concepts : teacher, preacher, doctor, lawyer, author ? What specific mark dis- tinguishes teacher, preacher, and author from the others ? 5. Change the quality noble into a concept. Distin- guish the notion book from this book. Is Kaiser a com- mon or proper name ? Has the name Mary Jones John- son any meaning? 6. Give the intension of the concepts: war-ship, hexa- gon, wisdom (see James iii. 17). Give the extension of the concepts: vessel, triangle, wisdom (cf. James iii. 15). 7. Clear the concept piano-forte ; then render it distinct intensively, then extensively. Make a note on the logical procedure in 1 Cor. xiii. II. RELATIONS 23. The relations which notions bear to each other need fuller explication. As preliminary, a very important and thorough - going distinction should be made between two wholes in or under which the mind thinks its objects. They are these : 1st. The Qualitative or Logical Whole. This is ' ^f two sorts : (a) The intensive whole, whose parts are marks. (5) The extensive whole, whose parts are kinds. 2d. The Quantitative or Mathematical Whole; of two sorts : (a) The integral whole. (5) The collective whole. These primary forms of the notion, the qualitative and the quantitative, should be carefully observed. Heretofore we have considered solely the former ( 15 sq.). It js entirely subjective, a creation of thought, and its parts are separable only by ab- straction. It is general, and its parts are general. The latter is not so entirely subjective, since it is often determined by, and so corresponds to, aa_ob- jective reality, and its parts are separable only by dissection. It is individual, and its parts are indi-^ vidual. RELATIONS 27 The importance of this distinction is seen in that, although both forms intermingle in our thoughts, reasoning in one of these wholes is regulated by principles differing from those regulating it in the other. Radical defects in the common logical theory, as well as many superfluities, are due to a neglect of the distinction. The oversight occurs, probably, because nearly every notion is capable of being viewed in either whole, either as a quali- tative common notion or as a quantitative total; and its transference from one of these aspects or forms of thought to the other is often very facile, taking place almost unconsciously. This does not make it a matter of indifference, but is a reasen- why we should the more carefully note this subtile play of thought, so as not to be misled by it into illogical confusion. We shall proceed to discuss the qualitative or logical whole minutely and at length. In the next section, however, and occasionally, we shall make mention of the quantitative whole so far as is need- ful to distinguish it clearly, and to recognize it when it occurs in qualitative propositions Its full dis- cussion is postponed to 125 sq. 24. The quantitative or mathematical whole, then, is individual; that is, not capable of division into kinds. An individual is indivisum in se, et di- visum ab omnialio^ Formally, it is a unit viewed as a quantity, and consisting of portions severable in thought. These are evolved by cutting" asunder 28 CONCEPTION the whole; that is, by partition or section, which must be clearly distinguished from logical division. Such parts are neither marks nor kinds, but merely new individuals. First, the integral whole is that in which the whole is before the parts. The sections may be hoinogeneous, as a hexagon severed into similar tri- angles / or heterogeneous, as a human body, con- sisting of head, trunk, and limbs. Anatomy is a sci- ence of partition or dissection. The general notion sword logically divides into the kinds sabre, rapier, etc. ; but each sword consists of and is separated by thought into the sections hilt, blade, etc. Second, the collective whole is that in which the parts are before the whole. Such are the notions of an army, a, forest, a town, formed by repetition of the notions of a soldier, a tree, a house. We should not confuse the general notion of which is u class notion capable of division into kinds, with the particular notion of some one army, which is an individual, and can only be parted into sections, as regiments. These are not kinds of army, but each is a new individual. Quantitative notions occur frequently as the sub- ject of qualitative propositions, but never as the predicate. 25. In the qualitative^Jntensiye whole, notions are_related as congruent, incongment, an.d~confli.c- tive. Congruent notions are such as may coexist in thought. All identical notions are congruent, as RELATIONS 29 achromatic and colorless. Also many that are not identical, as learned and virtuous, beauty and riches. Incongruent notions are such as cannot unite in the same object, as a in nx'iral msr, a !>! n<- Mn Convertible. 2. Property ; as, Man is risible. . . . = None of the essence ) 3. Genus; as, Man is an animal. . = Part of the essence ) 4. Accident; as, Man is a biped. . = None of the essence \ Inconvert ble - It has been proposed to substitute specific differ- ence for definition, since it already contains genus, and to make the number five by adding species as predicable of individuals. But the list would not be improved ; for, as Aristotle himself remarked, both difference and species are of the nature of genus, and interchangeable with it ( 27, 37). 57. Praxis. Write the quality of each of the following propositions, stating whether the predi- cation is logically permissible or not, and why, and noting existential forms : 1. I do not just now remember anything I have for- gotten. 2. A national debt is a national blessing. 3. There is none that doeth good, no, not so much as one. Let there be light ; and there was light. 4. A flying arrow is at rest. 5. It is impossible to love and be wise. 6. There is a tide in the affairs of men Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. 7. I think there be six Richmonds in the field. 5 66 CONCEPTION 8. Man is not a beast for burdens, nor a reptile for bruising. 9. There is no place like home. 10. Let us try to amuse ourselves by doing nothing, and so making ourselves miserable. 11. An idiot is irrational. A brute is non-rational. Note which is the major term in the following, with the reason : 12. Pearls are precious. Rubies are stones. 13. Heresy is sin. Solomon is wise. Predicate a categorical class of each of these subjects : 14. Gold. The wealth of Crcesus. Antiquity. Red. Parallelism. A battle. New York. A multitude. Upright. A defeat. State to what category and to what predicable each of these judgments belongs : 15. Snow is frozen mist ; it falls lightly ; is very white ; but is easily discolored ; it is colder than water ; lies level ; occurs only in winter ; but not at the equator ; it has minute crystalline forms ; and accumulates in huge masses. VII. SIMPLE PROPOSITIONS 58. As a product of thought, a judgment is the result of comparison. Two notions are compared, and the judgment pronounces that they agree or! disagree. In case they disagree, they are set apart' by a denial. In case they agree, they are unified by an affirmation. To judge affirmatively is to bring a notion into or under another. One is thought as determined by the other; for either the latter is brought as a mark into the one, which is thereby determined, or else the one is brought under the other as a class, and thereby determinedi A judgment expressed in words, since it is placed before us for acceptance, is called a proposition. What is subjectively a judgment is objectively a' proposition. The prepositional forms with which logic is im- mediately concerned are the conditional and the categorical. A conditional proposition states a comparison so nearly complete that only some pro- vision remains in question. The contingency is expressed as a condition, thus : If air be pure, it is wholesome. Categorical propositions constitute the negative member of the dichotomy. A categorical proposition is one wherein no contingency or condi- 68 CONCEPTION tion is expressed. This difference is obviously not essential ; but since the conditional declares rela- tively to some provision, and the categorical names none, the latter is said to declare absolutely. In strictness, however, all propositions, except axioms, are conditioned on prior thoughts, and on the ex- istence of their objects ( 52). The provision may or may not be expressed. While, therefore, we shall give the conditional form special consideration in a subsequent chapter ( 110 sq.), we shall not care to exclude it meantime from view, though our at- tention for the present will be directed chiefly to the categorical form. 59. The categorical proposition is severed by partition into three portions ( 24). In affirmation these are : ' 1st. The notion of something determined, called the Subject. 2d. The notion of something determining, called the Predicate. 3d. The part which expresses this relation, called the Copula. In the negative proposition there is no determi- nation of one notion by another. But in both forms something is spoken of, which is the Subject ; some- thing is said of it, which is the Predicate ; and that which says this is the Copula. Thus, Snow is Pure, or S is P. In early logic the predicate includes the copula, and this is still the usage of gramma- rians. But logicians now reckon the copula as a SIMPLE PROPOSITIONS 69 distinct co-ordinate part. The subject and pred- icate, being the extremes of the partition, are called the Terms of the proposition. It is not at all req- uisite that a term should consist of a single word ; each term may be composed of many words in in- tricate grammatical relations. E. g., "With taper light To seek the beauteous eye of heaven to garnish (=sulyect) Is (=copula) wasteful and ridiculous excess" (predicate). 60. A judgment always expresses the relation of two notions now in mind ; therefore the copula must always appear as the present tense of the verb to be : For the mind is its own kingdom, in which an eternal now does always last. Very often in common speech it is absorbed in verb forms, or elided, and a whole proposition may be ex- pressed by a single word. E. g., Stars twinkle, i. e. Stars are things that twinkle ; He loved, i. e. He is one who loved; Cogito, i. e. /am thinking ; Ilium fuit, i. e. Troy was, i. e. Troy is something that for- merly existed (existential) ; Did he say so ? Ans. Yes, i. e. He is one who said so. All verbs are per- haps fundamentally one, the verb to be of the sum- mum genus being, their variety arising from the in- corporation of various temporal and attributive no- tions with this simple verbal element, its own past and future forms being adverbial notions incorpo- rated with its present tense. The copula admits of only one qualification, ne- gation. Hence in a negative proposition the nega- 70 CONCEPTION tive particle, wherever it may occur, is a part of the copula. E. g., The quality of mercy is not strained; No chastisement is joyous; Not a drum was heard; Not every mistake is culpable; Britan- nia needs no bulwark, i. e. Britannia is not needing a bulwark. Let it be observed that affirmative propositions often contain negatives in the subject or in the predicate, and should not be mistaken for negative propositions. E. g., To wonder not is a rare art; Axioms affirm what no one can deny. Also observe that propositions affirmative in form are sometimes negative in thought. E. g., The brute perishes; He is blind; Darkness and silence fall on land and sea. Negative thought may also be conveyed in affirm- ative forms by means of such words and phrases as without, beyond, far from, the reverse _ of \ on the contrary, wanting, deficient in, devoid of, and the like. E. g., We can do without it. \ 61. In accordance with its postulate ( 13), logic requires that all propositions shall be trans- formed, as has been shown, so that, without addi- tion or retrenchment or distortion of the thought, the three parts, subject, copula, predicate, shall severally appear. The process is sometimes quite . troublesome, and the result awkward, but it is nev- ertheless indispensable. E. g., So he said becomes What has just been said is what he said ; If he should come to-morrow, he will probably stay till Monday becomes The happening of his arrival to- SIMPLE PROPOSITIONS 71 morrow is an event from which it may he inferred rt-v ]>robable that he will stay till Monday. The proposition often exhibits rhetorical inver- sions, and a displacement of minor parts. E. g., Great is Diana of the Ephesians / Few and short were the prayers we said / Flashed all their sabres bare ; Gold and silver have I none ; but what I have, that give I thee. Herein order must be re- stored, the subject naturally coming first. All inversions and displacements corrected, all elisions supplied, and the three parts stated dis- tinctly in their natural order, constitute the re- duction of a proposition to its strict logical form.J Hence every proposition must, for logical purposes, be reduced to one or the other of the two invaria- ble forms, S is P, or S is not P. 62. It has already been stated that proposi- tions, as to their Quality, are positive and negative ( 51). It is now to be observed that propositions, as to their Quantity, are total and partial. The quantity of a judgment or proposition is determined solely by the quantity of its subject, according as this is definite or indefinite. The following scheme exhibits this division with, subdivisions : f Total, definite. f Individual, as, All the world's a stage. I Universal, as, All men are players. Propositions J . f Divisive, as, Some plav soldier. |^ Partial, indefinite J 1 Indivisive, as, Some act armies. The quantity of the subject, and hence of the prop- osition, is indicated by the predesignation all or 72 CONCEPTION some, or its equivalent. These two exhaust the possibilities of predication; that is to say, every possible proposition predicates either concerning all, or concerning some, of its subject. It is often the case that no sign of quantity is prefixed. A judgment always has quantity in the mind of the thinker and speaker, but the hearer may be left to surmise the quantity from the mat- ter or the context. E. g., Birds breathe, i. e. all do, the predicate being of the essence ; Birds sing, i. e. some do, the predicate being an accident. On re- ducing such propositions to strict logical form, it is generally needful to designate the quantity by its sign. 63. Individual propositions are those in which the subject is thought as an indivisible total. The subject may be a proper noun, as in Ccesar is ambi- tious ; or something designated by the definite ar- ticle, or any demonstrative or possessive, as in The world is round, This 'man is crazy, Let your words be few. It may be a collective whole, as in The college of apostles was typified in the twelve tribes ( 24). It may even be a genus, as in The horse is a noble animal. It may be unified by all, as in All Jerusalem went out to meet him. . 64. TJniEfirsal propositions are those in which the subject is thought as a divisible total. The subject is said to be distributed, because what is said of it as a whole is thought as distributively SIMPLE PROPOSITIONS 73 applicable to each part, as in All men are players, i. e. all without exception ; and in Every man is a }>l5<7 32. Though this be madness, yet there's method in it. 33. Even a fool is counted wise, when he holdeth his peace. That I am is no proof that he is. 34. They strive that they may enter in. 35. There's a divinity that shapes our ends, Rough-hew them how we will. VIII. COMPOUND PROPOSITIONS 70. A compound proposition is one that com- prises two or more judgments, co-ordinate or near- ly so. For logical treatment the components are to be separated, and stated independently. Such propositions are of two kinds, according as the composing elements are more or less obvious. The first kind, wherein the components are quite obvious, has received no specific name, and needs only a few illustrations. E. g., Art is long, and time is fleeting' Every man desireth to live long, but no man would be old. In Veni, vidi, vici, there are three propositions. So also in Pompey, Crassus, and Ccesar were triumvirs. It is often the case that a simple proposition has a compound subject or predicate, as in Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar were the triumvirs, for the three are here taken col- lectively as one whole. So Roses and lilies contend for a home in her che-ek is single and simple ; but in Darkness and silence settle on land and sea there are four propositions. 71. Compound propositions of the second class, having components less obvious, require analysis, and are called exponibles. They are chiefly ex- clusives and exceptives. 80 CONCEPTION Exclusives may be formulated and exemplified thus: . . . _ ( AisB A or I OnlyA,sB = -j NonA . gnotB Qr Q ( Faith justifies A E. g., Faith alone justifies = -j What is not faith does not ) ( justify f It is evident that this proposition may be in- verted and the excluding particle made to appear in the predicate ; thus, Justification is by faith alone, i. e. B is only A. Exceptives are exemplified in All but one were saved, which means Nearly all were saved, and One was not saved, I and O. It should be noted that but is sometimes not exceptive, but merely adver- sative, as herein ; also, that it sometimes means that not, as in It cannot be but nature hath some director. No useful rule can be given for the resolution of these exponibles. The components differ in quali- ty, and one is direct and the other implied. But the distinction between exclusives and exceptives is of no logical moment, for they are mutually con- vertible, the difference being that what is the di- rect judgment in the one form becomes the indirect in the other. The following are some of the exclusivejmd ex- ceptive particles : only, almfe, merely, solely, save, but, etc. These particles, when qualifying a uni- versal subject, quantify the predicate totally; as, God alone is wise, i. e. He is all the wise. When qualifying the entire predicate, they limit the sub- COMPOUND PROPOSITIONS 81 ject to that predicate ; as, The sacraments are but two, i. e. there are no more. Sometimes the ex- clusion or exception is in the sense, and not expressed; as, (There is only) one Lord, one faith, one baptism. 72. Our thoughts are often incompletely ex- pressed. A proposition may be accompanied by another limiting judgment unexpressed, with no sign of implication, yet understood, because of our knowledge of the matter. Thus if we say, Some flowers are fragrant, knowing very well that some are not, the proposition is accompanied by the counter-judgment, Some flowers are not fragrant. If this double thought be completely expressed in a single, grammatically simple proposition, it is, Only some flowers are fragrant. Now, this form! is an exponible, a logical compound, which an- alyzes into the two logically simple propositions : Some flowers (I know not how many) are fragrant I Some flowers (I know not how many) are not fragrant Each of these, considered in itself, entirely apart from the other, is wholly indefinite ; for the mean- ing of some, I know not how many, must in that case be at least some, perhaps all. It is evident, then, that some, in the semi-definite sense of some at most, not all ( 66), is equivalent to only some, and does not occur unless one judgment is thought as limiting another. Therefore, propositions quan- tified by the so-called semi-definite some are com- pound propositions. 82 CONCEPTION Since logic proposes to exhibit a thorough anal- ysis of thought, it should in no case stop short of simple forms. It is out of character to present compound forms as the result of analysis, and especially to rank them as co-ordinate with simple forms. Hence the semi-definite proposition must be denied a position among the elementary forms, and assigned a place among the abbreviated, ellip- tical modes of statement, subject to analysis and full, discrete expression. 73. The predicate of a simple qualitative prop- osition has no quantity whatever. We mean to say, not merely that it may have none, but that it cannot possibly have any. This is quite obvious in case of intensive propositions. E. g., An athlete is strong, cannot mean either all strong or some strong, which is senseless, but simply that the mark strong is found in the subject. In case of negative prop- ositions, both intensive and extensive, the same is true. E. g., Some athletes are not studious, or are not students, means simply to deny the notion studious or students of the subject, without any quantification of students. The subject and predi- cate are merely coexclusive. The same is equally true, though perhaps nofr so clearly evident, in case of affirmative propositions in extension. E. g., AU athletes are sportsmen, or Some athletes are snobs, merely places athletes in a class, without any thought whatever of the quantity of the class; that is, without thinking it as either all or some. COMPOUND PROPOSITIONS' 83 The statement that a predicate cannot have quantity is true of simple qualitative propositions only. We can readily, and often do, think quan- tity into the predicate of extensive propositions; but this is to compound our thoughts, the pred- icate becoming for a moment the subject of thought, and then being restored to its place quantified. For example, if we say, All triangles are trilateral, and then think that All trilaterals are triangles, we may express the double thought directly thus: All triangles are all trilaterals. It has already been remarked that an exclusive or an exceptive added to a universal subject quantifies the predicate totally ( 71), and so the same thought may be indirectly expressed by the ex- ponible, Only triangles are trilaterals. In like man- ner predicates of other forms may be quantified. A very convenient mode of symbolizing the forms of such propositions has been devised, which we shall have some occasion to use. Let a stand for a total, i for a particular term ; also let f repre- sent the affirmative, and n the negative copula. Then the forms spoken of may be represented thus: All triangles are (all) trilaterals all are all afa All triangles are (some) figures. . . .all are some afi Some men are (all) priests some are aU ifa Some men are (some) poets some are some ifi Some men are not (any) poets some are not any ina No oaks are (any) vines not any are any ana 74. Two views may be taken of these forms. 84 CONCEPTION With reference to their origin, they are compound propositions, formed from components, into which they can be resolved. In this view, they cannot be allowed co-ordinate rank with the four simple forms ( 67), and must be held subject to analysis. If viewed in themselves, without reference to their origin, they are seen to be propositions, not in the qualitative, but in the quantitative whole ( 23). For consider the meaning of afa. Take, All men are all bimana. Here the ambiguous all ( 64) has changed from the distributive all, which quantifies the components, to the cumular, indivisi- ble all ( 63). It does not mean, Every man is every bimana, which is nonsense, but All men (taken to- gether as a mass) all bimana (taken together as a mass). The proposition, considered in itself, is therefore a mathematical equation. This is clearly true of the affirmative forms. As to negative forms, any thought into the predicate does not properly quantify it, but serves rather to emphasize the nega- tion, the proposition remaining qualitative ; though, of course, a mass may be denied of a mass, and we may think a negative proposition in either whole. While, therefore, a simple qualitative judgment always has a quantified subject T it cannot have a rjuantified predicate. It follows, also, that a system of logic built upon the quantification of the predi- cate is vicious, either by confusing compound with simple forms, or else by unnaturally transferring all thought to the quantitative whole, and so mak- ing logic merely a branch of applied mathematics. COMPOUND PROPOSITIONS 85 75. Finally, it is to be observed that in draw- ing inferences, and so transforming thought, it is frequently necessary to make a predicate, for a mo- ment at least, the subject of a judgment to which quantity is assigned. Then this is spoken of as the quantity of the predicate, and must be taken into account in many forms of illation. Now, this so- called distribution of the predicate, ascertained by compounding the thought, and having no verbal sign, depends on the quality of the judgment, and is expressed by the following RULE : Negatives distribute the predicate, affirmatives do not. In view of the preceding discussion, it is clear that this statement taken in itself as to simple judg- ments is not true. But taken merely as a derived rule to be applied in illation, tersely and hence im- perfectly expressed, it serves, under the given ex- planation, as an unerring guide in logical processes. 76. Praxis. Referring to each of the follow- ing propositions by its number, state whether it be simple, complex, or compound. If either of the two former, reduce it to strict logical form, and affix the capital symbol ( 67). If compound, state what kind, then write its components, affixing to each the capital symbol, and noting the semi-definite some. If its predicate have a sign of quantity, symbolize literally ( 73), then state its components with their capital symbols. 1. None but the brave deserve the fair. 2. Mercy but murders, pardoning those that kill. 86 CONCEPTION 3. Men may come, and men may go, But I go on forever. 4. Length, breadth, and depth are all the dimensions of extension. 5. When I was a boy, I always chose the wrong side. 6. It is the duty of every man to fear God and honor the king. 7. Jonah sought to evade the God who is omnipresent. 8. Few, few shall part where many meet, The snow shall be their winding-sheet. 9. There is no fireside, howsoe'er defended, But has one vacant chair. 10. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter in, but he that doeth the will of my Father. 11. Some inspired men were all of the apostles. 12. Brutus, in killing Ca3sar, was merely patriotic. 13. The moon is only our satellite. /' / 14. The moon is our only satellite. 1 5. The paths of glory lead but to the grave. 16. A fool thinks none except himself wise. 17. Ho ! hearts, tongues, figures, scribes, bards, poets, cannot Think, speak, cast, write, sing, number hoo ! His love to Antony. 18. Live how we can, yet die we must. 19. Some who are poor are nevertheless contented. 20. All grace is all free favor. Certain gifts are not any favor. 21. All present are some of my friends. 22. My tasks are all but impossible. 23. The quarrel toucheth none but us alone. 24. Whereto serves mercy, but to confront the visage of offence ? PART II. DEDUCTION L IMMEDIATE INFERENCE ; 77. A judgment either affirms or denies that one notion is in or under another ( 58). A division of judgments, grounded on the process by which they are formed, is as follows : ! Intuitions. ( Inductive. Inferences. < ( Immediate. ( Deductive, -j ( Mediate. Intuitions are self-evident, axiomatic judgments. They are the origin of all knowledge, and deter- mine all other judgments; for example, the Pri- mary Laws ( 7 sq.). Inferences are enunciations in which from seme- thing laid down and admitted, something distinct from what is laid down follows of necessity. Or, more simply, to infer is to derive a judgment from one or more premised judgments. Both the process and the conclusion are called inferences. Inductive inferences are universal judgments de- rived from particular cases, and furnishing premises for subsequent deduction. The general definition of Logic includes them ( 6), but the present work 88 DEDUCTION is limited to deductive inferences. Inductive Logic requires a separate treatise. Deductive inferences are judgments of equal or less generality than the premises from which they are derived. They are especially the subject of Deductive Logic, and are of two kinds, immediate and mediate. When two notions having a given relation are concluded of each other in another relation with- out the introduction of a third notion, the inference is immediate. In this case one judgment is derived directlyfrom another. The conclusion has but one premise, the given judgment. The matter in both is the same ; the relation is modified. A mediate inference or a reasoning is accom- plished through a third notion used as a medium of comparison. It has two premises. 78. Implications should be distinguished from inferences. An implied judgment is one actually coexisting with the given judgment, either merely in thought or involved covertly in the expression. An inferred judgment is one that only potentially exists in the given judgment, and may be derived from it. The statement of the one is nothing new, there is no advance, no progress of thought, but only its full expression ; that of the other contains something new, there is a step forward, a progress of thought. The forms extension and intension are hardly to be considered even as implying each other, much IMMEDIATE INFERENCE 89 less as inferable one from the other. They are simply different aspects of the thought, which nec- essarily coexist, one having merely accidental pre- ponderance ( 20). Correlatives merely imply and are not inferable from one another ( 30). To infer from The cause of the explosion was a spark, that The effect of a spark was the explosion, is a fallacy ( 146). The interchange of active and passive forms is not an inference. God made the world, and The world was made by God, imply each other, or rather are equipollent ( 13). Incomplete speech implies thought, as in the semi-definite proposition ( 72). Thus if we say, Some men are rich, it is accompanied by the judg- ment that Some men are not rich. But this actually coexistent thought is not inferred. We cannot say that from Some men are rich, it follows that some are not. An exponible contains an implied, indi- rect judgment covertly expressed, as in Only some men are rich. Finally, neither the compounding of two or more simple propositions, nor the resolution of a com- pound proposition into its components, should be mistaken for inference. 79. Also preparatory to an account of the sev- eral kinds of immediate inference for which we shall have subsequent use, we state a prohibition applied to all deductions in the following RULE: The quantification must not be increased. 90 DEDUCTION Truly we may deduce all from all, some from some, some from all, but not all from some. It is evident that what is said only of some furnishes no ground for a deduction concerning all. The attempt to make this deduction in violation of the foregoing rule is called the illicit process. The principles of induction license the inference of all from some, and so exhaust the possible processes. 80. Determination. Immediate inference by determination is one of the four kinds to be noted. The same mark may be added to both terms of a proposition, by which they are more closely deter- mined ( 42). The new judgment thus formed is an immediate inference from the given premise. Thus, from Coal is fuel, it follows that Cheap coal is cheap fuel; if Science be system, then A false science is a false system. We must be on our guard not to use a determinant ambiguously, as in A king is a man, therefore A good Icing is a good man. The narrowing of both subject and predicate by thinking a mark into them is passing from genus to species. We observe that the subtraction of the same mark from both terms is legitimate ; but the remainder is an implicit judgment, not an infer- ence. Inverting the foregoing process, the t\vo terms of a proposition may be added as marks to the same concept. Thus, if Science be system, then A scientific arrangement is a systematic arrangement. Also two propositions may be combined, the terms IMMEDIATE INFERENCE 91 of one being added as marks to the terms of the other. Thus, if A museum be a collection of speci- mens, then A scientific museum is a systematized collection of specimens. 81. Inflnitation. This mode of immediate inference passes from the purely negative to the infinite judgment ( 53). It places the subject in the outer, infinite sphere. Thus, if The soul be not mortal, then The soul is non-mortal. These prop- ositions express different thoughts. They are sim- ilar, but not identical. The reverse inference is in- cluded, for the sake of brevity, under the same name. Also purely affirmative and doubly nega- tive propositions are infinitated ; thus, if Man be mortal, then No man is non- mortal, and reversed. Hence the general RULE : Change the quality of the judgment, and also of its predicate. The quantity of the judgment remains unchanged. In using privatives, as in-, un-, dis-, -less, etc., we must be on our guard lest we derive too much. With this precaution, we add the following com- plete series of examples : Since All metals are fusible, then No metal is infusible A yields E " No miser is happy, " Every miser is unhappy. .E " A , . ( Some sins are not un- ) " Some sins are pardonable, " { j. . . . I " O ( pardonable ) u Some men are not gentle, " Some men are ungentle. ..O " I 82. Conversion. In immediate inference by conversion, the terms are transposed. Besides ob- serving the general rules already given ( 75, 79), 92 DEDUCTION we must take heed to make a total transference ; that is, the whole naked subject must be made predicate, and vice versa. By naked is meant with- out the sign of quantity all or some. Thus, from Every old man has been a boy, we cannot infer that Some boy has been an old man, but that Some one who has been a boy is an old man. Hence it is gen- erally needful before converting to reduce the prop- osition to its strict logical form. We shall consider only three kinds of illative conversion, and these only so far as our subse- quent need in syllogizing requires, which is that we be able to convert each of the four forms A, E, 1,0. 1st. Simple conversion transposes the terms with- out changing the quantity or the quality of the proposition. It is applied to E, and to I ; thus : No one without sympathies is a true poet; E ana .'.No true poet is without sympathies E Some mathematicians are poor financiers; I ifi .'. Some poor financiers are mathematicians ...... I 2d. Conversion per accidens, or by limitation, jre- duces the quantity without changing the quality of the proposition. It is applied to A, and the con- verse is I ; thus : All plane triangles are rectilinear figures; A afi ..Some rectilinear figures are plane triangles I This is called per accidens because it is not the transfer of a predicate per se, but only of an unes- IMMEDIATE INFEKENCE 93 sential or accidental part which that term, viewed universally, includes. Observe that the rule in 79 forbids retracing the step, reconverting the I into A, which would be the illicit process. If, on subjecting the predicate of A to inquiry, the proposition is recognized as afa, as when a property, a definition, or a division is predicated, then it is convertible simply. Also E may be converted per accidens ; but this case is rather simple conversion followed by subal- ternation. 3d. Conversion by contraposition, or by negation, changes the quality but not the quantity of the proposition. It is applied to O, and the converse is I. To contrapone, we have the following RULE : Inflnitate, and then convert simply. Thus : Some pure air is not wholesome; O I ifi .'.Some unwholesome air is pure I This is evidently a double process. It was devised to convert O, which cannot be converted simply or per accidens, as either would be the illicit process. It is applicable also to A. Upon inspection it is obvious that the whole doc- trine of conversion has respect to extension. An intensive judgment cannot be converted. But on changing its predicate to a class notion it becomes extensive, and so convertible. Since an individual cannot be a predicate ( 54), 94 DEDUCTION it follows .that an individual proposition ( 63), though it be symbolized by A or E ( 67), is in- convertible. We say Juno is a queen, and may say One queen is Juno ; but this apparent conversion per accidens is merely a rhetorical inversion ( 61) ; the subject of thought is still Juno. No mere in- version is a logical conversion. 83. Opposition. A proposition in any one of the four forms A, E, I, O, is in opposition to the same matter in each of the other three forms. The relations are such that if the given proposition be formally true or false, we can immediately infer the formal truth or falsity of some of the others. Opposition is of four kinds, exhibited thus : All Salt is Pure, A s Contrary E No Salt is Pure. P *< ** I SQUARE OF ^ * **. ^g OPPOSITION. Cj *. rf ^]?* Some Salt is Pure, I _ _ Subcontrnry - Q Some Salt is not Pure. 1st. Contradictory opposition exists between A and O, and between E and I, propositions having the same naked or unquantified subject and predi- cate, but which differ in both quantity and quality. RULE : Both cannot be true, and both cannot be false. This is merely a specific statement of the Laws of Contradiction and Excluded Middle ( 11). E, g., If All Salt is Pure be sublated, then IMMEDIATE INFERENCE 95 by an immediate inference we can posit Some Salt is not Pure. If Some Salt is Pure be posited, then we can immediately sublate No Salt is Pure, and so on. If it be true that Every man has a con- science, then it cannot be that Some men have no conscience. Such propositions are said to be dia- metrically opposed. Contradiction is pre-eminently logical opposition. Also it is complete ; the other forms are more or less incomplete. 2d. Contrary opposition exists between A and E, universal propositions differing in quality only. EULE : Both cannot be true, but both may be false. Between A and E there is a tertium quid, namely I and O ( 31). If All S is P be posited, No S is P is sublated, and vice versa. But to deny that All Stars are Planets does not afford the in- ference that No Stars are Planets, for both are false, since some are, and some are not, I and O. Contrariety is less logical than metaphysical. Contradiction occurs only in thoughts, and contra- dictory thoughts cannot coexist. It cannot occur in things, i. e. among real, external objects, contra- diction has no place. Contrary thoughts can co- exist indeed always do so as white and Hack, straight and crooked, motion up and down. But these cannot coexist in reality, in external things. Hence contradiction is logical, contrariety physical, opposition. Says Aristotle : Body cannot receive contraries ; mind can receive contraries ; therefore mind is not corporeal. 3d. Subcontrary opposition exists between I and 96 DEDUCTION O, particular propositions differing in quality only. RULE : Both may be true, but both cannot be false. They are compossible. If Some S is P be allowed as true, it may be that Some S is not P is also true. But if I is false, then O must be true, and vice versa. We remark, howWer, that the some in the two propositions must be a different some. If the same some is thought, the proposi- tions are incompossible. Also that if the some is semi-definite, the rule becomes : Both must be true. 4th. Subalternate opposition exists between A and I and between E and O, propositions differing in quantity only. RULE: If the universal be true, the particular is true ; if the particular be false, the universal is false. This is not strictly opposition, but rather a specific application of the Law of Identity ( 8). No illustration is needed. These formal relations arising from opposition may be tabulated thus : Contradictories. Contraries. Subalterns. (If A is true, O is false, ---- E false, I true. If E is true, I is false ..... A false ..... O true. -,...,'.. ' , If A is false, O is true. ) m , A , , . . , If E is false, I is true. \ The others Determined. C If I is true, E is false. ) Tfae otherg undetermined . Particulars^ . f If I is false, E is true, ---- O true ..... A false. I If O is false, A is true, ---- I true ..... E false. Hence by the truth of universals, and by the falsity of particulars, all others are determined ; otherwise only the contradictory. r IMMEDIATE INFERENCE 97 Let it be observed that when the proposition is individual ( 63) all the distinctions in opposition are merged in the simple negative, which is com- plete contradiction ; as, Caliban is a man, and Cali- ban is not a man. 9 84. Praxis. Draw an immediate inference from each of the following propositions : Infer by determination from the three following : 1. War is an* evil. (Use unprovoked, and welcomed with ardor.) 2. The ignorant are ceremonious. (Use an age, and a nation.) 3. Honesty deserves reward. (Combine this with :) Every man whom we meet is a neighbor. Infinitate each of t;he following propositions : 4. Some men's hearts are not in the right place. 5. It is wrong not to reward the deserving. 6. In jewels and gold, men never grow old. 7. There are studies much vaunted, yet of little utility. Convert each of the following, and affix the symbols as in 82 : 8. None are free wb/ do not govern themselves. 9. With man many things are impossible. 10. Whoso loveth instruction, loveth knowledge. i\j\\. Fair promises are often not to be trusted. Contrapone and then infinitate the following : 12. Some invisible things are not intangible. 13. Every unjust action is inexpedient. 98 DEDUCTION If the following be true, what opposites are true, and what false ? 14. By night an atheist half believes a God. 15. No one is always happy. 16. Some democracies are unstable. 17. Some great orators are not statesmen. If the following be false, what opposites are false, and what true ? 18. All self-confident persons have strong will, 19. No honest men become bankrupt. 20. Some private vices are public benefits. 21. Some plants do not produce seed. II. THE SYLLOGISM 85. "When we are unable to judge directly the relation of two given notions, resort is had to some third notion as a medium, which, being directly compared with each of the former, enables us to see their agreement or disagreement, and conse- quently to conjoin or disjoin them. This is medi- ate inference or reasoning ( 77). For example, take the notion man, and the notion frefrwilled. On comparing these, we are unable, perhaps, to judge whether or not this mark belongs to that concept. So we seek a medium of comparison. We find the notion responsible, and see directly that man in- volves responsible, likewise that responsible com- prehends free / thus we come to see that man involves /ra?. This is the intensive view. It is formally stated thus : Every maiyjs respousible ; Every responsible is iree; . '. Every man is free. Again, we are unable to judge, perhaps, whether or not man is contained under the class free agent. But we judge that man is contained under the class responsible agent, and this under the class free agent, and so conclude man to be a, free agent. This is the extensive view. It is formally stated thus : 100 DEDUCTION Every responsible agent is a free agent ; Every man is a responsible agent ; .'. Every man is a free agent. A mediate judgment thus formally and fully ex- pressed is called a syllogism. What is subjectively a reasoning is objectively a syllogism. Hence the definition :_A syllogism is a reasoning f ully_and regularly expressed in language. What is meant by regularly will more clearly appear hereafter. Another definition is : A syllogism is an inference by which a proposition is derived from two others conjointly, the one being virtually contained in the others. 86. In dissecting the syllogism we find three propositions, two antecedents or premises, and a consequent or conclusion. To conclude is to shut up together in the last proposition notions which stood apart in the first two. The word syllogism also means a collecting together. The following is an example in extension : - All Men are Persons; =M: P = Major Premise; All Slaves are Men ; = S : M = Minor Premise ; /.All Slaves are Persons; = S: P =: Conclusion. Here are only three notions or terms, Slaves, Men, Persons. These are in the relation of whole and part, Slaves being contained under Men, and Men under Persons. P, then, is the term of wid- est extent (as in the notations), or the Major Term ; least extent, or the Minor Term ; and M, in this THE SYLLOGISM 101 case, of intermediate extent, or the Middle Term. The latter occurs in each of the premises, but not in the conclusion. The two former, called the Ex- tremes, constitute the conclusion. "We may now define as follows : The Middle Term. (M) is the one with which each of the extremes is compared in the premises. It is also called the Argument, or the Keason. The Major Term (P) is the extreme of greater quantity, or the greater whole. It is always (in extension) the Predicate of the conclusion. The Minor Term (S) is the extreme of less quantity, or the lesser whole. It is always (in ex- tension) the Subject of the conclusion. The Major Premise is the premise containing the Major Term. It is usually placed first. It is also called the Sumption. The Minor Premise is the premise containing the Minor Term. It is usually placed second. It is also called the Subsumption. Observe that the middle term is not so called because of intermediate extent, but because it is the medium of comparison. There are many cases in which it has not intermediate extent. The order of the propositions, the major premise first, the minor second, and the conclusion last, is arbitrary, and merely agreed upon for the sake of uniformity. Also that there are three distinct propositions. It is easy and accurate to state the reasoning in an inverted order, and in a single proposition ; as, That slaves are persons is an infer- 102 DEDUCTION encefrom the judgments that they are men, and that men are persons. In the foregoing example all the propositions are universal and affirmative. The following differs in these respects : No murmurs are prayers. . .(E) /^ "^ ^ *\ Prayers. Some sighs are murmurs ... (I) .'. Some sighs are not prayers . (O) ^ ' : In this example one premise is particular, and one negative, yielding a conclusion which is both. 87. Let us consider the several notations. The circular and linear have already been mentioned ( 25), and on slight inspection are easily under- stood. The circular is objectionable, as allowing a great variety of insignificant arrangement, and also as constantly signifying too much. For instance, in the last example it expresses No S is P, and also that Some S is not M, or the semi -definite some. The linear has the advantage that only those parts of the lines opposite each other are compared. Of what is beyond the limit of com- parison nothing is said, the extension of the line merely serving to show that it is indefinite. For this and other reasons the linear is preferable to the circular. These notations are not at all applicable to in- tension, but only to extension. But even as ap- plied to extension they are radically objectionable. THE SYLLOGISM 103 Both circles and lines have geometrical extension only, and are quantities ; and therefore when used to figure qualitative notions they transfer thought to the quantitative or mathematical whole ( 23), and so induce confusion. This is favored by the ambiguity of the word extension, and has doubt- less been influential in promoting the unnatural and false view that all propositions are equations, and logic a branch of applied mathematics ( 74). The circular and linear notations are therefore cov- ertly false and misleading. We shall not, however, wholly discard them, for by long and widely ap- proved usage they have become almost an integral part of elementary logic; but we caution the reader by pointing out their essentially erroneous representation. Another mode of notation, called graphic nota- tion, is shown in connection with the examples. It needs some explanation. A colon standing next a term indicates that it is distributed ; a comma, that it is undistributed. The positive copula is ex- pressed by a pointed dash ( ), in manuscript a slight pen-stroke ; the negative by the same crossed ( H- ). A peculiar advantage of this device is that it discriminately expresses either extension or inten- sion. Pointing to the predicate, the copula indi- cates an extensive judgment ; thus M : P reads All M is (contained under) P ; P -+ : M reads No M is (contained under) P ; M , S reads Some S is (contained under) M. The long dash is the copula of the conclusion ; thus, P " , S reads 104 DEDUCTION Some S is not (contained under) P. Pointing to the subject, the copula indicates an intensive judg- ment ; thus S : M reads All S is (comprehends) M ; S , ^ P reads Some S is not (does not com- prehend) P. When needful, a sign of quantifica- tion ( , or : ) may be added to the predicate also. This admirable method of notation is very elastic, capable of expressing thought relations accurately, and is recommended for constant use. 88. In the intensive syllogism the predicates are marks. The following is an example, with its graphic notation : i Silver is Metallic; = S : M \ Metal is Positive; =M: P V = S: M: P .'.Silver is Positive. = S : P ) By positive is meant electro-positive. The same matter transformed yields : {All Metals are Positive elements; \ Silver is a Metal ; l=P :M :S .'. Silver is a Positive element. Here the relative quantity of the extremes is in- verted ; the greater part in extension, P, is the less- er part in intension, and vice versa ( 54). This is in accord with the law that extension and inten- sion are in inverse ratio ( 20). In the example, Silver comprehends Metallic, and this comprehends Positive ; S is obviously the greatest whole, and P the least. Hence, in intension the major term is the subject of the conclusion, and the minor term THE SYLLOGISM ' 105 its predicate. And, since it is agreed to place the major premise first, the order of the premises is transposed. Consequently, for changing either form into the other, we have the following RULE: Transpose the premises, and invert the copulas; that is, instead of comprehends, read is contained under, and vice versa. 89. The distinction between the extensive and intensive syllogism has been discussed because need- ful in order to general definition, and to a complete view of the dissected parts. We are now prepared to make an estimate, briefly and once for all, of the value of the distinction. The grammatical differ- ence, which frequently but not always appears, be- tween substantive and adjective noun forms in the predicate is hardly a logical difference. This apart, the external difference lies wholly in transposed premises. But the order of the premises being merely conventional, any distinction founded there- on is arbitrary and artificial, not real and natural, and so goes for nothing. The other difference named in the rule is the inversion of the copulas. This is not an external difference. Ordinarily the copula is wholly indifferent and ambiguous, and its special meaning is indicated only by unusual sub- stitutions ( 54). The difference, then, lies entirely in the thought, in the modes extension and intension, and the con- sequently, reversed relation of part and whole. That this is a difference in kind may be granted, one to 106 DEDUCTION be noted in an exposition of mental modes, and in a theory of thought. But it is of very small log- ical consequence. Both forms of the syllogism are mediate inferences through the same medium ; both reach the same conclusion ; the formal expression of both is the same ; the supreme canon ( 93) is essen- tially the same for both ; the general rules ( 94) are the same ; and the special rules ( 97) need for ad- aptation only the interchange of the words major and minor y hence no general modification of the old logical doctrine is called for by introducing the intensive syllogism. The practical difference is of no moment. When we consider that one of these modes subjectively, and with the greatest facility, changes to the other, and that without further consequence, we ask: What is the worth of a difference between forms so completely and readily transmutable ? The two always actually coexist in thought as psychological correlatives, one more obscure than the other ( 20), and their convertibility would indicate rather iden- tity, being inconsistent with the opposition which belongs to kinds. Moreover, we very often use both forms in one reasoning. For example : All of the metals are positive; Intensive. Silver is one of the metals; Extensive. .'.Silver is positive Intensive. This is formally perfect, calling for no logical mod- ification whatever. From these considerations we conclude that it is THE SYLLOGISM 107 needless to continue to observe the distinction. Let the reader, then, understand that hereafter we shall view all matter primarily in the form of extension, even when adjective predicates are used, satisfied that at any instant the view can readily be re- versed, and noting expressly the form of intension only in special cases. 90. Formally stated, a syllogism consists of three propositions. But let it not be understood that a syllogistic judgment or reasoning consists of three judgments. Two judgments are premised; then parts of these are combined. This last alone is the act of mediate comparison, the syllogistic judgment, the reasoning ; and it is a single act of mind, a single thought, only one judgment. Sub- sequently it is formally stated as a third proposi- tion, the conclusion. In the definition of inference it is said that some- thing distinct from what is laid down follows of necessity ( 77). Accordingly, the essence of the syllogism is the necessary sequence of the conclu- sion from the premises. This necessity flows from the necessary character of the Primary Laws ( 5> 7), to which the syllogism conforms, and by which alone it is ultimately governed. It is some- times expressed in the conclusion by the addition of must. For example : If all metals are fusible, And gold is a metal, Gold must be fusible. 108 DEDUCTION The common distinction, then, between demon- strative and moral or probable reasoning lies wholly in the matter, not at all in the form. The form is in all cases demonstrative, apodeictic, nec- essary. 91. Since logic is not at all concerned with the matter of thought ( 50), it has no regard for the material truth or falsity of syllogistic propositions, but only for the relation of sequence. In view of this fact, it would be an improvement if the prem- ises in logical examples of the syllogism were ex- pressed not categorically, but conditionally, as in the example in the preceding section. The mind of the reader would then be less drawn to the truth or falsity of the propositions, which is not at all in question, and away from the form, which is the sole consideration. For the same reason, illustra- tions whose matter is trite and familiar are to be preferred. But some remark upon the relations of the parts of the syllogism with reference to formal truth and falsity is desirable. The antecedents being granted, the consequent must also be allowed. If_ the_antficedents be true, necessarily the consequent is true. Whatever measure of doubt attaches to the antecedents, just that degree of uncertainty- no more, no less belongs to the consequent. Should t/he antecedents be false, it does not follow that ,the consequent is false ; it is merely unproven, and may, perhaps, be established by other antecedents. THE SYLLOGISM 109 These antecedents, being false, prove nothing : The natives of Italy were Greeks ; The Athenians were natives of Italy; /. The Athenians were Greeks. This example shows also that the truth of the con- sequent does not guarantee that of the antece- dents. But if the consequent be false, it follows that at least one of the antecedents is false. These points may be summarized thus : Affirming the antecedents, affirms the conse- quent. Denying an antecedent, nothing follows. Affirming the consequent, nothing follows. Denying the consequent, denies an antecedent. 92. Praxis. Point out the major, minor, and middle terms in the following reasonings, and re- dress them in syllogistic order. Then write the circular, linear, and graphic notation of each : 1. True poets are men of genius ; but since very un- wise men sometimes prove true poets, they must be men of genius. 2. Whatever is universally believed must be true. This may be said of the existence of God, which, there- fore, must be a truth. 3. No duty involves loss ; hence to give freely does not always involve loss, for this is occasionally a duty. 4. Sensualists are not free ; for they are governed by passion, and no one so governed is free. Write the graphic notation of each of the fol- 110 DEDUCTION lowing syllogisms, then change the extensive to the intensi\ r e form, and vice versa, and write the graphic notation of the result : 5. All men are liable to err ; None liable to err are safe from disaster; /. No man is safe from disaster. 6. All expedient actions are justifiable actions ; Some wars are expedient actions ; .-. Some wars are justifiable actions. Answer the questions appended to the following syllogism : 7. If infants have no language, and if they reason, then some reasoning is possible without language. But the sumption is quite doubtful ; therefore, what follows ? But the subsumption is not true; therefore, what follows ? But the conclusion is not true ; therefore, what follows ? But the conclusion surely is true ; therefore, what follows? But both of the premises are true ; therefore, what follows ? III. CANON AND RULES 93. The syllogistic judgment that the antece- dents necessitate the consequent ( 90) is deter- mined by the Primary Laws. Since these, howev- er, because of their wide generality, are not readily applicable, the principle of the syllogism is ex- pressed in a single special CANON which can be used as a direct test of its validity. We select four out of many modes of statement. 1. Part of a part is part of the whole. As marks are parts of a notion, and species parts of a genus, this is obviously applicable to both exten- sion and intension in the qualitative whole. Also, it applies to the quantitative whole. Its general- ity, brevity, and simplicity render it very useful. It is, however, inadequate, being applicable only to affirmative syllogisms. A modified formula, limited to the qualitative whole, is : What is said distributively of a whole may ~be said of a part. Let the reader apply these formulas to any of the foregoing affirmative syllogisms, and the mean- ing will become clear. 2. Quicquid de omni valet, valet etiam de quibus- dam et singulis. Quicquid de nullo valet, nee de quibusdam nee de singulis valet. These are the 112 DEDUCTION famous Dicta de omni et nullo of the schoolmen. They have been often and sharply criticised as senseless, the first being charged with saying merely Whatever is true of each, is true of 'each the second, What is not true of any, is not true of any. 3. Whatever is discovered or admitted as predicable distributively of a class, must be allowed as predicable of any of its discovered or admitted members. This formula, carefully worded to avoid similar reproach, is applicable to syllogisms both positive and negative, but is limited in expression to those in extension. We note : predicable, positively or negatively; discovered, by intuition, by induction, or by testimony ; admitted, by hypothesis, or mere- ly for sake of argument ; of a class, as an undivided whole ; must, necessity ; members, species or indi- viduals. 4. Any notion may be replaced by its equiv- alent ; or by its undistributed genus ; or, if distributed, by any of its parts. This canon of replacement is here proposed as more general than the others, and as more truly expressive of the actual process of thought. It is simple and self-evident. The first clause is appli- cable to coextensive, or equipollent, or mathemati- cal equivalence. For instance : A is equal to B ; B is equal to C ; .'.A is equal to C. .(replacing the first B by its equivalent C). The several clauses are applicable to the various CANON AND RULES 113 forms of immediate inference. For instance, con- version per accidens may be viewed thus : All men are men ; ( mere identity). Prop. .All men are mortals ; (mortals, genus of men). .'.Some mortals are men. .(replacing the first all men by its undistributed genus). The view taken in this canon of the qualitative syllogism is peculiar. It considers the sumption as stating a relation between two notions ; the subsumption as stating that some other notion is a part of one of them ; the syllogistic judgment as replacing that one by this part ; and the conclusion as setting forth the result. For instance : All men are mortal ; (sumption). Socrates is a man ; (he is one, a part of all men), :. Socrates is mortal (replacing all men by this part). The third clause of the canon applies thus to syllo- gisms of the first and second figure; the second clause, to those of the third figure. Moreover, some natural and very simple forms of reasoning, which it is difficult to put in strict logical form, are directly justified by this canon. For instance, the follow- ing has been accounted a sore logical puzzle : The divine law commands us to honor kings ; Louis XIV. is a king ; .'.The divine law commands us to honor Louis XIV. Its solution by replacement is easy. In the sump- tion kings is a distributed notion, and in the con- clusion is simply replaced by its part, Louis XIV. This seems to be the actual mental process by which a child would accept this conclusion. 8- 1 14 DEDUCTION 94. The canon in its original and usual form is directly applicable only to syllogisms of the first figure. For this reason, and because its use as a test is, in some cases, rather confusing, logicians have resolved its principle into a series of distinct GENERAL RULES applicable to any figure. All sound reasoning must conform to these rules. Be- ing quite simple and used separately, they render the process of testing a syllogism easy, quick, and sure. They are as follows : 1. A syllogism has three, and only three, terms. For a reasoning, which it expresses, com- prises three, and only three, notions two compared by means of a third. A good syllogism is a tripod. The following is a quadruped ; verbally it is a triad, but in thought quaternio terminorum, and hence called a quaternion : Light is contrary to darkness ; Feathers are light ; (light equivocal). /. Feathers are contrary to darkness. 2. A syllogism has three, and only three, propositions. For three terms give three pairs, and three only. Apparently we have more in- All beings that have nerves are sentient A All self-moving things have nerves A Worms are self-moving A .'. Worms are sentient A The reasoning is good, the form logical; but we shall find in a subsequent analytical study ( 106) that it is a Sorites, resolving into two syllogisms of three propositions each. CANON AND RULES 115 3. One premise at least must be affirmative. For if the middle term agrees with neither of the other two, we cannot infer through it whether or not they agree with each other. From the follow- ing negative premises No marble is sentient E Some statues are not marble O we get no conclusion ; for, however true it may be, they do not prove some statues not sentient. But the following yield a conclusion : No man is without religious feeling E Many men are not true believers I .'. Many infidels are not without religious feeling O But the minor premise is really affirmative, the negative particle belonging to the predicate, which thereby becomes equivalent to infidels, and consti- tutes the subject of the conclusion. 4. If one premise be negative, the conclu- sion must be negative. For if one extreme be denied to the middle term, it must be denied final- ly to the other extreme which agrees with the middle term by Rule 3. For example : Few men weep O All men feel A We cannot conclude Some who feel weep. How- ever true it may be, these premises do not yield it. Few is essentially negative ( 65), and gives a nega- tive sumption, yielding a negative conclusion : Sumption, Most men do not weep O Now subsume, ... All men feel A Hence conclude, . .Many who feel do not weep O 116 DEDUCTION 5. The middle term must be total at least once. For if in each premise it is used in a partial sense, it may in each denote different objects, and so be equivalent to two terms, making four in all, in violation of Rule 1. From these premises Some of our students use profane language I Some of our students are refined gentlemen I we can conclude nothing, for the middle evidently refers to entirely different groups. This is the fal- lacy of undistributed middle. Sometimes it is not quite so obvious ; for example : A valid syllogism has three terms A This syllogism has three terms A .'. This is a valid syllogism A Here the middle is in each case the predicate of an affirmative, and is not distributed ( 75), and so the conclusion is unproven. If, however, an undistributed middle be so quan- tified that the sum of its portions is more than the whole, a conclusion is competent. This is called the Ultra-total Quantification of the Middle Term- Two thirds of mankind are Asiatics I Asiatics Two thirds of mankind are heathen I mankind .'. Some heathen are Asiatics I heathen"] (At least one half are, perhaps all are.) The early logic makes no mention of this appar- ent exception to the rule, which is apparent only, not real, for the reasoning is in the quantitative, rather than in the qualitative, whole. 6. An extreme, if partial ia a premise, must be so in the comclusiom. For if only some CANON AND RULES 117 is premised, we cannot conclude all we cannot argue from part to whole. The violation of this rule is the fallacy of illicit process ( 79). It is illicit major or illicit minor, according to the term to which the fault attaches. For example : All birds are winged A A bat is not a bird E .'. A bat is not winged E Here the major term winged is not distributed (i. e. is partial) in the premise, since it is there the predicate of an affirmation ; but it is distributed (i. e. is universal) in the conclusion, since it is there the predicate of a negation. Hence there is an illicit process of the major term. The following is an illicit process of the minor term : Persons without imagination are not true poets.. E Good logicians are often without imagination I .*. Good logicians are not true poets. E Illicit major occurs only when the conclusion is negative. Illicit minor occurs only when the con- clusion is universal. 7. One premise at least must be universal. For if the premises be I I, there is no distributed term for a middle (Rule 5). If they be O O, both premises are negative (Rule 3). If they be I O or O I, there is but one term distributed, the predi- cate of O ; if this be taken for the middle term, then illicit major, since the negative conclusion required by Rule 4 distributes its predicate, the major term ; if it be not so taken, then undistrib- uted middle (Rule 5). 118 DEDUCTION 8. If one premise be particular, the con- clusion must be so. For a universal following A with I would require 2 distributed terms ; there is but 1 ; A " O " " 3 " " " are but 2; E " I " "3 " " " . " " 2; E " O, both negative (Rule 3). No conclusion whatever. 95. Praxis. Reduce all propositions to strict logical form ( 61), and arrange them in syllogistic order ( 86). Apply the first canon, pointing out the parts and whole, to 1. The truly virtuous are truly happy. The poor are often the one, and therefore the other. Apply the third canon, pointing out the class and its member, to 2. All planetary bodies move in elliptic orbits (by induc- tion). Now, if an asteroid be truly a planet (by hypothesis), then the orbit of an asteroid is elliptic. Apply the canon of replacement, supplying the conclusion, to 3. The gospel promises salvation to the faithful ; yet many are faithful whom the world condemns. Affix the symbol to each proposition, and then point out what rule or rules, if any, are violated in the following examples: 4. Many who conquer their passions have strong will ; Whoever resists temptation conquers his passions ; .. Whoever does not yield possesses powerful will. CANON AND RULES 119 5. No sentient being is without a nervous system ; The sensitive mimosa is not sentient ; /. The sensitive mimosa has no nervous system. 6. Whatever causes intoxication should be prohibited ; The use of wine causes intoxication ; /. The use of wine should be prohibited. 7. No one is rich who is not content ; No miser is content ; /. No miser is rich. 8. Few men are entirely unworthy of respect; Most men are unlearned ; /. Some unlearned men are worthy of respect. 9. Some x is y ; every y is not z ; hence some x is not z. 10. No rose is without thorns ; This bouquet is of roses ; .-. This bouquet has thorns. 11. All rational beings are accountable for their actions; But many that suffer punishment are irrational ; /. Many that suffer punishment are not accountable for their actions. 12. Every man ha* wants; All men are rational animals ; . . . afa .-. Every rational animal has wants. 13. All householders pay taxes ; The voters are those that pay taxes ; . . afa /. All householders are voters. N. B. With reference to the forms of examples 12 and 13, see 146 and 131. IV. FIGURE AND MOOD 96. Syllogisms are divided into Figures accord- ing to the position of the middle term. In the First Figure, it is the subject of the major premise, and predicate of the minor. In the Second, it is predicate of both. In the Third, it is subject of both. In the Fourth, it is predicate of the major, and subject of the minor. Thus : Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. M~P P~M M~P P-M S M S M M S M~ S .-.S-P .-.8 P .'.8 P .-.S~P tub prce turn pros prat turn tub tub turn prce tub. This last line is a useful mnemonic, without any other meaning. The first figure serves especially to establish general propositions. The universal affirmative A can be proved only in this figure. It has been sufficiently illustrated in foregoing examples. The second figure, whose conclusion is always negative, is especially adapted to proving differ- ences, and so clearing obscure thought ( 21). For example : The true apostles were not thieves ; ana Judas was a thief; afi .'. Judas was not a true apostle ana FIGURE AND MOOD 121 The third figure, whose conclusion is always par- ticular, is especially adapted to bringing in exam- ples, and thus proving an exception to some uni- versal statement. For example : The apostles sought no temporal reward ; ana The apostles were zealous in their work ; af i .'.Some zealous persons did not seek temporal reward ina This contradicts, and so disproves, All zealous per- sons seek temporal reward. Only in the third fig- ure can the middle term be individual ; for in each of the others the middle term is once at least a predicate, and an individual cannot be predicated ( 54). For example : Peter was an inspired man ; af i Peter was unlearned ; afi .'. Some one unlearned was inspired ifi The fourth figure is reserved for subsequent and special examination ( 102). 97. By deduction from the General Rules of the syllogism ( 94) we obtain, relative to the several figures, certain SPECIAL EULES, as follows : Example. Special Rule*. Fig. 1 (sub prcs). No man is perfect Major premise must be universal. (Else undistributed middle.) Some saints are men Minor premise must be affirma- tive. (Else illicit major.) .'. Some saints are not perfect . Fig. 2 (prceprce). No perfect-one is a man Major premise must be universal. (Else illicit major.) Some saints are men One premise must be negative. (Else undistributed middle.) .'. Some saints are not perfect . (Hence the conclusion is always negative, Rule 4.) 122 DEDUCTION Example. Special Kulei. Fig. 8 (sub sub). No man is perfect. Some men are saints Minor premise must be affirma- tive. (Else illicit major.) .'. Some saints are not perfect . Conclusion must be particular. (Else illicit minor.) Fig. 4 (prce sub). No perfect-one is a man If either premise be negative, major must be universal. (Else illicit major.) Some men are saints If major premise be affirmative, minor must be universal. (Else undistributed middle.) /.Some saints are not perfect. If minor premise be affirmative, conclusion must be particular. (Else illicit minor.) These rules, and their proof, should be thoroughly examined ; but only those of the first figure need be retained in memory. All have reference to ex- tension. To adapt them to the intensive syllogism, it is needful only to change the word major to minor, and vice versa, wherever they occur. The symbolic notation of the example above is the same for each of the four figures; the graphic notation is different for each of the figures ; thus Perfect Men P -H : M , S (Fig. 1.) Saints 98. The four figures of the syllogism are sub- divided into moods, upon the ground of the quan- tity and quality of the premises. The conclusion need not be taken into account, since it is deter- mined by the premises. A method of ascertaining the moods is as follows : FIGDKE AND MOOD 123 Relative to quantity and quality, we recognize four propositions, A, E, I, O. These, as premises, taken two at a time, yield sixteen possible combi- nations, exhibited in the following scheme : AA Figs. 1, 3, 4. EA Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4. AE " 2, 4. [EE] 3d Gen. Rule. AI " 1, 3. El Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4. AO Fig. 2. [EO] 3d Gen. Rule. IA Figs. 3, 4. OA Fig. 3. [IE] 6th Gen. Rule. [OE] 3d Gen. Rule. [II] 7th " ' [OI] 7th " ' [IO] 7th [OO] 3d " " But not all these combinations will yield con- clusions, for they do not all represent the premises of valid syllogisms. Those bracketed are to be eliminated as violative of the General Rules. Eight (one half) remain as valid, since they accord with the General Rules. Let us now inquire in which of the four figures each of these eight valid combinations may occur. We apply the Special Rules, and find that EA and El accord with all these rules, and therefore can appear in each of the four figures, as indicated in the scheme. The figures in which the others can appear are similarly ascertained and indicated. Upon counting, we find there are nineteen valid moods of the syllogism. 99. The first figure has the mood A A. Now annex the symbol of the conclusion, and coin a word containing the three vowels consecutively as the name of the mood, thus : Barbara. The several 124 DEDUCTION moods are treated in this manner, and the names of the nineteen moods thus coined are arranged in the following mnemonic hexameters : Barbara, Celarent, Darii, Ferio queprioris; Cesare, Camestres, Festino, Baroco 1 secundce; Tertia Darapti, Disamis, Datiai, Felapton, Bocardo, 2 Ferison habet. Quarta insuper addit Bramantip, Cameues, Dimaris, Fesapo, Fresison. 1 or Dokamok, * or Fakofo. orFokmafokf. These names of the moods are very convenient. By applying its name to any reasoning, we at once indicate its figure, and the quantity and quality of each proposition, and also, as will be seen, its rela- tion to other moods to which it may be reduced, and the method of reduction. Moreover, they serve as a test; for, since these are all the valid moods, when we have a simple syllogistic form to which none of the names is .applicable, we know at once that the reasoning is false. From the conclusions it appears that each of the four judgments is proved in Fig. 1. Its four moods are reducible to two, the third and fourth being varieties of the first and second. Thus : Barbara or Darii. Celarent or Ferio. All M is P ; No M is P ; All or some S is M ; All or some S is M ; /. All or some S is P. /. No S is P, or Some S is not P. Here is one positive and one negative form. Since all the other moods may, as we shall find, be re- duced to one or the other of these, they are the two fundamental forms of all reasoning. The evi- FIGURE AND MOOD 125 dence of this, furnished by reduction, is perhaps the chief merit of the system. Again, on noting the conclusions throughout, it appears that A is proved in 1 figure and in 1 mood whose initial letter is B. E " 3 figures " 4 moods " " " C. I " 3 figures " 6 moods " " " D. 1 O " 4 figures " 8 moods " " " F.* 1 Except Bramantip. a Except Baroco and Bocardo. Hence the proposition A is the hardest to estab- lish, and the easiest to overthrow; and O is the easiest to establish, and the hardest to overthrow. 100. Reduction is of two kinds. First, Osten- . sive Reduction. A syllogism in any other mood may be ostensively reduced to one or another of the first four, and thus brought under the syllogis- tic canon ( 93). The initial consonant of each name is that of the mood in Fig. 1, to which it reduces. Baroco and Bocardo are exceptions, but may be replaced by their alternates. The reduction is accomplished by substituting for one or more of the propositions an immediate inference from it. Other consonants in the name direct us in doing this. s indicates that the proposition symbolized by the vowel that precedes it is to be converted simply. p indicates that the preceding proposition is to be converted per accidens. (Except in Bra- mantip, where it shows that, after converting simply, a universal is warranted by the prem- ises. This is the reverse of per accidens.} 126 DEDUCTION k indicates conversion by contraposition* f indicates infinitation. m indicates that the premises are to be trans- posed (mutari). The consonants b, d, 1, n, r, t, are not significant, but are inserted merely for the sake of euphony, or for metrical quantity. The following examples will sufficiently illus- trate the process : Fig. 2, Camestres, reduces to Fig. 1, Celarent. AllPisM; No Mis 8; NoSisM; AllPisM; /.No S is P. /.No P is 8. Cam- Every wicked man is discont'd; J I Ce- No discontented man is happy ; es- No happy man is discontented; > = < la- Every wicked man is discont'd; tres. .-. No happy man is wicked. ) ( rent. /. No wicked man is happy. Fig. 3, Darapti, reduces to Fig. 1, Darii. Da- All wits are dreaded; \ | Da- All wits are dreaded; rap- All wits are admired; f ~ 1 r '~ Some who are admired are wits; tl. .-.Some who are adm'd are dreaded. ) ( i. .-. Some who are adm'd are dreaded. fig. 2, Fakofo, reduces to Fig. 1, Ferio. Fak- AH murders are intentional ; \ i Fe- No unintent'l things are murders; Of- Some homicides are not intent'l; I = -| rt- Some homicides are unintent'l; O. .'.Some homicides are not murders. ) ( o. .'. Some homicides are not murders. If in a given syllogism a proposition requiring conversion in order to reduction be an individual proposition, then the reduction is not practicable, for an individual proposition cannot be convert- ed ( 82). Moods having the same initial letter conclude the same formal judgment. The only exception is Bramantip, for Baroco and Bocardo have alternates inF. Moods having the same initial are equivalent moods, being generally reducible to each other FIGURE AND MOOD 127 by the following GENERAL RULE FOB REDUCTION. Cause the propositions to appear as required by any legitimate inference from them, trans- posing, if need be, the premises. 101. The ostensive reduction just explained could not, it was believed, be applied to the two moods Baroco and Bocardo, having a premise in O. Hence the early logicians devised the Reductio ad impossibile. It is a test of the validity of rea- soning from granted premises in those two moods. B, the initial letter, shows, not that the syllogism is reduced to Barbara, but that Barbara is used in making the test. c indicates that the proposition preceding it is to be omitted, and the contradictory of the conclusion substituted. This gives premises in Barbara, from Avhich a new conclusion is drawn. E. g. : Baroco, tested by Barbara. Ba- All murders are intentional; (1) Bar- All murders are intentional; (4, roc- Some homicides are not inteut'l; (2)*.jr ba- All homicides are nifrders; (5; * .-.Some homicides are not murders. (3) ^^, ra. /.All homicides are intent'l (6; Here the conclusion drawn in Barbara (6) is false, because it contradicts a granted premise (2). Hence a premise in Barbara is false ( 91). But one of these (4) having been granted (1), the false one must be the one substituted (5). Now, this false proposition being the contradictory of the origi- nal conclusion (3), that conclusion must be true, and this reasoning in Baroco valid. So also : 128 DEDUCTION Bocardo, tested by .Barbara. Hoc- Most men do not weep; (2) * * Bar- All who feel weep; (6) r- All men feel; (1) V ba- All men feel; (4) do. .'. Many who feel do not weep. (3) / \ ra. .-. All men weep. (6) It is sufficient to say : If we contradict the con eluding 0, then by plain proof (Barbara) we con- tradict the premised O, which is absurd, being a self-contradiction. All the other moods may be tested by the same process. But even in the case of Baroco and Bocar- do it is superfluous. The former can be reduced to Fig. 1 by using its alternate Fakofo; the latter by Dokamok ( 82). But since Bocardo concludes O, it should reduce, not to Darii, but to Ferio. Therefore we propose Fokmafokf as a preferable alternate. Viewing reduction as a means of testing the validity of syllogisms, then : Ostensive reduction is direct reduction, and indirect test; Reduction ad impossibile is direct test, and indirect reduction. 102. The fourth figure is open to just and fatal criticism. The general form ( 96) is : But observe that, in the affirmative form, P being the major term, the premises are impossible. The greater cannot be contained under the less. But if S be the major term, we directly conclude P S. This is Fig. 1, t. p. Then we may convert the con- clusion per accidens, or else simply, and get Some FIGURE AND MOOD 129 6 P. The procedure is evidently compound, which forbids Bramantip and Dimaris taking rank with the simple moods. In thought they are Bar- bara and Darii, with transposed premises, which is arbitrary ( 86), and a subsequently converted conclusion. For similar reasons, Camenes is Ce- larent. Fesapo and Fresison are even more faulty. The direct conclusion is illicit major, which is corrected by a conversion per accidens. This passage, through a fallacy, is of course inadmissible. Therefore, the moods of the fourth figure should be rejected as not co-ordinate with the others, as superfluous, and in two cases erroneous. 103. Praxis. Write a detailed proof, based on the General Rules, of the three following points : 1. Prove that the conclusion in Fig. 3 must be particular. 2. Prove that the major premise in Fig. 1 must be uni- versal. 3. Prove that from IE no conclusion is valid. Name the moods expressed by these notations : 4. P : M . . S 6. P H , M ; S 8. P -H:M, S 5. P : M H- : S 7. P, M : . 1' 8 9. P : M -H \ S following examples the agreed order of the propositions is preserved. Redress each in strict syllogistic form, supplying any lacking prop- osition, and name its mood. Then write its graphic notation. Then, if it be not in Fig. 1, reduce it 9 130 DEDUCTION thereto. To Baroco and Bocardo apply the test per impossibile. 10. Whoever possesses prudence possesses all virtue ; Whoever possesses one virtue must possess pru dence. 11. Prudence has for its object the benefit of indi- viduals ; But prudence is a virtue. 12. No good action results in evil ; Some alms-giving results in evil. 13. All abstract studies strengthen the intellect; Exercises that strengthen the intellect are profitable. 14. No science is capable of perfection ; All science is worthy of culture. 15. No vicious conduct is praiseworthy ; All heroic conduct is praiseworthy. 16. All pride is inconsistent with religion ; Some pride is commended by the world. 17. All true philosophers account virtue a good in itself ; The Epicureans do not account virtue a good in itself. 18. A fallacious argument is not a legitimate mode of persuasion ; A legitimate mode of persuasion sometimes fails to convince ; .. Not all those arguments are fallacious that fail. 19. Every candid man acknowledges merit in a rival; Every learned man does not do s ; .*. Every learned man is not candid. FIGURE AND MOOD 131 20. A few men at least are truly honorable, yet all have imperfections ; hence some are so who have im- perfections. 21. All expedient acts are conformable to nature ; Nothing conformable to nature is hurtful to society. 22. Nothing that must be repented of is desirable. Now many of our most intense enjoyments constrain repentance. Few of these, then, are truly de- sirable. 23. There is no growth without sunshine, and these flowers, being deprived of it, will not grow. 24. What is not in Scripture is not binding on con- science ; Since many ecclesiastical canons are not found there- in, they may be disregarded. 25. No virtue is a natural quality ; Every natural quality has God for its author. i 26. Some kinds of anger are not unrighteous ; Every kind of anger is a passion. 27. Some of our tax-laws are oppressive measures; All oppressive measures should be repealed. 28. Prejudices are in no case compatible with perfection j Yet some are quite innocent 29. All wicked men are discontented; Socrates is not discontented. V. MODIFIED FORMS 104. The various modes in which reasonings may be expressed are endless. Except in treatises on logic, it is rare that a formal syllogism occurs. In conversation, or even in argumentation, its pres- ence is offensive, for an intelligent hearer does not need complete statement, a hint being often suffi- cient. Unnecessary words do not elucidate, but obscure, thought. It is usual, then, to abbreviate expression. Even essential propositions, if they be obvious, are elided ; often they are compounded or condensed, so that the thought is rarely stated entire, or in strictly logical order. We propose now to illustrate some of these modified forms. An Enthymeme is an incomplete syllogism, one or two judgments being unexpressed. There are four orders : 1st. The major premise unexpressed. This oc- curs most frequently because the sumption is very often a general rule understood and admitted, whereas the subsumption is often a question of fact which needs to be stated and established, in order to be subsumed. E. g., Yonder celestial body has a proper motion among the fixed stars ; there- fore it is a member of the solar system. MODIFIED FORMS 133 2d. The minor premise unexpressed. This gives emphasis to the conclusion. E. g., Pra/yers are often sinful j for whatsoever is not of faith is sin. 3d. The conclusion unexpressed. Sometimes this is high art. The speaker does not formally com- mit himself, the hearer draws the conclusion, as in the famous speech of Antony over the body of Caesar. E. g., Virtue is always discreet; but there is a zeal without discretion. 4th. Only one judgment expressed. When we see on a tombstone The memory of the just is Messed, the implied syllogism is manifest. This form often occurs in texts, proverbs, pithy sayings, and in witticisms. If some one, seeing me vexed, should say, The way of the transgressor is hard, I am indignant, for the implied syllogism concludes me a transgressor, and that through an undistrib- uted middle. This was precisely the argument of Job's comforters. Sometimes this form is an in- sinuation, as when Falstaff replies to Prince Hal, Lord, Lord, how this world is given to lying ! The answer to a question is often indirect, merely giv- ing a premise which authorizes the doubtful prop- osition. E. g., Is smuggling a crime ? Ans., What- ever violates the rights of society is a crime. The message to Pilate from his wife may be taken as an instance of a single word hinting premises sup- porting the hortatory conclusion : Have thou noth- ing to do with that JUST man. Finally, when the disciples of John asked our Lord, Art thou he that should come f he replied indirectly, giving them a 134 DEDUCTION minor premise, not in words, but in deeds. In that same hour he did many miracles, and bade the dis- ciples tell John what they had seen. 105. An Epichirema, or reason-rendering syl logism, is one that has attached to either premise, or to both, a supporting reason. That is to say, it is a syllogism having for a premise the conclusion of an enthymeme. This enthymeme may, of course, be expanded into a syllogism. A syllogism whose premise is the conclusion of another is called an Episyllogism. One whose conclusion is the premise of another is called a Prosy llogism. For example : Episyllogism. Prosyllogism. Vice is odious ; ( Whatever enslaves is a vice ; Avarice is a vice ; for it enslaves ; = < Avarice enslaves ; /. Avarice is odious. ( .'. Avarice is a vice. The propriety of thus, in the progress of an argu- ment, offering some reason or reasons in support of its doubtful propositions is apparent. By so doing we avoid the necessity of returning over the game ground; and by clearing doubts as we go along, we are not so likety to excite in the hearer the disgust that comes of suspense. 106. A Sorites is a chain of enthymemes, holding throughout the relation of prosyllogism to episyllogism. It is expressed either intensively or extensively. The difference between the two forms as to the order of premises is merely conventional, not essential ( 86). MODIFIED FOKMS 135 SCHEME OP SORITES. Progressive form, in intension. A^ B 13 C C D I) -H K I .'.A -HE Regressive form, in extension. Resolution of the progressive form. a is c; C is D; .'. a is d. A is B; Bis C; .'. a is c. Resolution of the regressive form. D is not E ; c is not e ; CisD; BisC; ,'.c is not e. .'. b is not e. a is d; D is not E ; .'.A is not E. b is not e ; A is B; .'.A is not E. Example. Some who are prosperous are avaricious; The avaricious are intent on gain; The intent on gain are discontented; f he discontented are not happy ; ^ome who are prosperous are not happy. Notation in depth. Example. No discontented men are happy men; All men intent on gain are discont'd men; All avaricious men are men intent on gain Some prosperous men are avaricious men; /.Some prosperous men are not happy men Notation in breadth. Other notations in breadth. D C B pros discontented men men intent on gain avaricious men perous men The following points should be carefully noted and analyzed : 1st. The regular Sorites has as many middle terms, and hence resolves into as many syllogisms, as it has premises, less one. 2d. The first proposition is the only major prem- ise expressed ; the other premises are minors. 136 DEDUCTION . 3d. Each unexpressed major premise is the con- clusion of the preceding syllogism. 4th. Only one premise may be negative, and this must come last in intension, and first in ex- tension ; else illicit process. 5th. Only one premise may be particular, and this must come first in intension, and last in exten- sion ; else undistributed middle. We also remark that in the scheme all the syllo- gisms are in Fig. 1. A sorites cannot occur in the other figures throughout. One step, however, may be in Fig. 2 or Fig. 3, but only one, and it must be either the first or the last. 107. Arguments are frequently stated in what at first glance appears to be a single simple syllo- gism, but which a slight inspection discovers to be compound, or to involve some deviation from rule. When a conclusion is a compound proposition, it is evident that there must be at least one com- pound premise, and that the statement involves two or more syllogisms. For example : The triumvirs were ambitious; Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus were triumvirs; .'.Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus were ambitious. Here are obviously three syllogisms involved in one statement. If we substitute for the major term founded the empire, then there is but one, since the change makes all the propositions simple. When the conclusion is simple, a compound prem- ise involves a surplus of matter. For example : MODIFIED FORMS 137 Whatever revolves about the earth must present phases, The moon alone revolves about the earth; /.The moon makes phases. This compound minor premise resolves into The moon revolves about the earth, from which the con- clusion follows, and What is not the moon does not revolve about the earth, from which no conclusion is competent, since it would give illicit major. Hence more is contained in the premises than can be col- lected in the conclusion. But a compound exponible premise in other cases may yield a compound conclusion collecting all that is given. For example : .Justification comes by faith alone; Our highest hope is justification; /.Our highest hope comes by faith alone. This may be resolved into two simple syllogisms, Barbara and Celarent. But it is not requisite, for we may view comes by faith alone as simply the major term, and the whole as Barbara. There is a class of disguised syllogisms in which the premises are irregularly stated. They consist of simple propositions indeed, but require, in order to bring them under logical rule, the substitution of equipollent propositions, or else of one or more subsidiary inferences. In some cases the resolution is obvious. For example : The sun is a thing insensible; The Persians worship the sun; .'.The Persians worship a thing insensible. Here are five terms; yet the reasoning is evident- 138 DEDUCTION ly very good. The canon of replacement is di- rectly applicable, the conclusion being obtained by replacing, in the minor premise, the sun by its un- distributed genus, a thing insensible, as declared in the major premise. But even under the common logical rules the resolution is very simple. From the major premise we may immediately infer, by determination ( 80), They who worship the sun worship a thing insensible, and we then have a per- fectly regular Barbara. The following would hardly puzzle a tyro : Whoever probes a wound is on the verge of crime ; A wound is probed by the healer ; /.The healer is on the verge of crime. For the passive minor, substitute the equipollent active form ( 78), The healer probes a wound, and we have again Barbara. An example involving an immediate inference in opposition is as follows : That riches are often a bitter curse is true ; And yet it is also true that most men desire riches ; /.It is false to say that no men desire what is often a bit- ter curse. The syllogism which is here slightly disguised is the following Darii : They who desire riches desire what is often a bitter curse ; Most men desire riches ; /.Most men desire what is often a bitter curse. This major premise is immediately inferred by de- termination ; the conclusion, by opposition ; for if E be false, then I is true. MODIFIED FORMS 139 108. There are certain modes of procedure in argument which, though strictly belonging under a doctrine of method, may fairly be mentioned here. The argumentum ad rem is the direct or osten- sive proof of the thesis, or problem, or main point in question, the qucesitum. In order to such procedure, premises must be had. To assume them without proof is to beg the question or principle, petitio principii ( 146). If they be granted argamenti gratia, or allowed as unquestionable, the procedure is legitimate. But whence come unquestionable premises? To say they are conclusions of precedent inferences is in- sufficient, for the question recurs as to these. The answer is that ultimately they are derived from pure intuition or from experience, the two original sources of all knowledge. When the ultimate premises are intuitive princi- ples, self-evident truths, axioms, the procedure is a priori. So from the axiom, Two straight lines cannot enclose an area, geometry is evolved ; from the primary laws of thought, logic ; from the mor- al law, ethics. The syllogistic, deductive process a priori is strictly demonstrative, apodeictic ( 90). And since the ultimate premises are necessary truths, the conclusions are necessarily true. When the ultimate premises are empirical, or truths of experience, they have been obtained a pos- teriori. Thus induction infers from particular facts of experience truths of empirical universality, and so affords premises for subsequent deduction ( 77); 140 DEDUCTION % such as All men are mortal, and The volume of a gas is in inverse ratio to the pressure. Hence arise the inductive sciences; as astronomy, geology, physics. Probable or moral reasoning, or dialec- tics, always involves empirical matter, and so falls short of strict demonstration. The argumentum a fortiori, which may be taken as one variety of that ad rem, and understood to mean/br a stronger reason, gathers up in the con- clusion an additional force from relations in the premises. The general formula is : If A be con- tained under B, and B under C, then by so much the more is A contained under C. For example : If God so clothe the grass of the field, shall he not much more clothe you f When unquestionable premises as a basis for direct probation are not available, resort is often had to one of the three following indirect methods : The argumentum ad verecundiam is an appeal to authority, to some venerable institution, to an- tiquity, etc., as when a dictionary is allowed to settle the disputed meaning of a word, or reference is made to an orthodox creed. The argumentum adjudicium is an appeal to the judgment or common-sense of mankind. We hear it often in conversation in the phrases Everybody says, and No one thinks, etc. The argumentum ad populum is an appeal to principles cherished by the public. It is legiti- mate if the principles be sound. But an appeal to prejudice or passion usually betrays weakness. MODIFIED FORMS 141 f The argumentum ad impossible or reductio ad absurdum indirectly proves a thesis by showing that its contradictory is absurd, that it is self-con- tradictory, or contradictory of an axiom or other admitted principle, as in 101. For example, In a triangle the sides opposite two equal angles are equal; for if they be not equal, it follows that a part is equal to the whole, which is absurd ( 10). Likewise it is used in disproof ; as, If the foot-tracks were made by the prisoner, he was wearing shoes much smaller than his feet. The argumentum ad hominem is arguing from the premises of an opponent merely to defeat him. We accept his principles on which to base a coun- ter-argument, even if believing them false, our ar- gument being directed against him personally, ad hominem. It aims to convict him of ignorance, bad-faith, inconsistency, or illogical reasoning, and so to put him ex curia. Usually it attempts no more. Our Lord often used this method to silence his adversaries, as in Matt. xxii. 41-45. Since the argument proceeds ex concesso, it is formally intro- duced by a concessive proposition ; as, Though one rose from the dead (Luke xvii. 31) ; and, Though, rich, yet not therefore happy, for, etc. Criticism is mostly in the form ad hominem, and should be dis- tinguished from proof of the opposite or contro- versy. "We remark, finally and generally, that in disproof the attack may be directly on the thesis, showing 142 DEDUCTION it to be false, or upon the argument, showing it to be from a false premise, or else illogical. In the two latter cases the result is merely negative ( 91), but is often sufficient. The onus probandi, or bur- den of proof, rests ordinarily upon the party mak- ing a primary assertion, whether positive or nega- tive. If, however, he can fairly appeal ad verecun- diam or ad judicium, or even ad populum, the logical presumption is in his favor, and the onus falls on the disputant. 109. Praxis. State of each of the following examples whether it is a simple enthymeme, or an epichirema, or a sorites. Put it in strict logical form, and write out the implied syllogisms, nUming the mood. In case of an epichirema, distinguish the pro- and epi-syllogism : 1. Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy. 2. Cunning cannot be a virtue ; for no virtue degrades. 3. Every man should be moderate ; for excess will cause disease. 4. Kings, having no equals, have no friends. 5. Suppose ye that these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans, because they suffered such things ? I tell you nay. 6. The flesh of ruminants is good for food, and these animals, since they have horns and cloven hoofs, belong to that class. 7. What if a rule never is, and a principle always is, a law admitting no exception? MODIFIED FOKMS 143 .8. Whatever tends to withdraw the mind from pursuits of a low nature deserves to be promoted. This classical learning does, since it cultivates a taste for intellectual enjoyments. 9. The Scripture narratives are trustworthy ; because the writers had the means of knowing the facts ; because they evidently were sincere and candid ; and because the narratives are consistent. / 10. All true patriots are friends to religion, religion being the basis of national prosperity ; but, since their lives are not in accordance with its precepts, it follows that some great statesmen are not friends to religion. 11. Lithium is an element; for it produces an alkali, therefore is a metal, and hence an element. 12. I will not do this act, because it is unjust; I know that it is unjust, because my conscience tells me so; and my conscience tells me so, because the act is wrong. Put the following logical climax in its opposite form, and write the circular, linear, and graphic notation : 13. The prudent are temperate ; The temperate are constant ; The constant are unperturbed ; The unperturbed are without sorrow ; Those without sorrow are happy ; /. The prudent are happy. Seneca, Epist. 85. Put the following in its opposite form, and write the notation : 144 DEDUCTION 14. Nothing which is indissoluble is mortal ; What has no composition of parts is indissoluble ; A spirit has no composition of parts ; A thinking substance is a spirit ; The mind is a thinking substance ; .-. The mind is not mortal. Plato, Phcedo, 78. State each of the following as a regular sorites in either form : 15. A demagogue must hold the people in contempt ; for, being a favorite, he must know how to manage them ; therefore he understands their weaknesses, and his contempt must follow. 16. We must increase the income-tax ; for war has be- come a necessity, and we cannot go to war without money, which can be raised only by taxation. But the only tax which the resources of the coun- try can bear is the income-tax, since it will fall on the richer part of the population. Write out the syllogisms involved in the follow- ing irregular and compound forms, supplying any inference that may be lacking : 17. The French once more are endeavoring to establish a republic. A republic is a representative government ; 5 \ The French once more are endeavoring to establish a representative government. 18. The value of money is merely a purchasing power; Interest on money is only a reward of abstinence ; /. Interest on money is not the value of money. MODIFIED FORMS 145 19. Gladstone, Argyll, and Disraeli are eminent states- men ; but they are also eminent authors ; /. In some cases literary success is not inconsistent with statesmanship. 20. They are out of the reach of their enemies who can- not be robbed of what they love ; He cannot be robbed of what he loves who loves God alone ; /. They who love God alone are out of the reach of their enemies. 21. None are happy but the virtuous; There are many rich men who are not virtuous ; .*. There are rich men who are not happy. 22. Every one desires happiness ; but virtue (alone) is happiness ; hence every one desires virtue. 23. The true philosopher places his chief happiness in moral and intellectual excellence. But it is false to say that there is an excellence without activity ; /. His chief happiness is placed by the philosopher in moral and intellectual activity. What names mark the following reasonings : 24. If any objection that can be urged would justify a change in the established laws, no laws could reasonably be maintained. 25. That used in Luke v. 21 ; and its answer. 26. That used in Luke xiii. 15-16 ; and in John x. 34-36. 27. Those used by Demetrius in Acts xix. 23-27 ; and by the town-clerk in vers. 34-41. 28. Those used by the barbarians in Acts xxviii. 3-6. 29. Those used by Paul in Romans v. 7-10. 30. That used by Eliphaz in Job iv. 17-19. 10 VI. CONDITIONAL PROPOSITIONS 110. The word condition is used in at least three several and important senses, as follnffiaj 1st. A real condition is what must be, that some- thing else may be. Here must indicates conditio sine qua non, or necessitous antecedent/is. E. g., If space is, body may be; or, more fully, Space must be, in order that body may be. So also, Freedom must be, that responsibility may be. This primary meaning has reference to reality in objects, and therefore is metaphysical rather than logical. 2d. A causal condition is what determines an event. It is causa essendi, an efficient cause of being necessitas consequentis. E. g., If force is, a change is; If industry is, prosperity is. In many specific cases the condition, because of an apparent plurality of causes, is not essential or sine qua non. Likewise an occasion may be a condition. E. g., If repentance is, forgiveness may be; If peace (a negative) is, prosperity may be. Deductive logic is not at all concerned with either real or causal con- ditionals. 3d. A logical condition is what supports a cog- nition. It is causa cognoscendi, an efficient cause of knowing, a reason necessitas consequentice. CONDITIONAL PROPOSITIONS 147 Very often a real or a causal condition or an oc- casion is thought merely as a logical condition. E. g., Tf space is, then (I know that) body may be ; If industry is, then (I know that) prosperity is; If repentance is, (I know that) forgiveness may be. The inverted real and the inverted causal proposi- tions furnish logical conditions. E. g., If body is, (I know) space must be ; If responsibility is, then freedom must be; If prosperity is, surely there is industry. But very often in conditional proposi- tions the logical relation of containing and con- tained, 01 a reason supporting a conclusion, alone is found. E. g., If men are, rational beings are; If gold is, metal is; If be a man, he is mortal. In simple forms the logical condition is never sine qua non. In compound forms it so occurs. In its treatment of conditionals, deductive logic is concerned exclusively with the logical condition, with propositions expressing the relation of reason and consequent. 111. The distinction between categorical and conditional propositions has already been noted ( 58). The general distribution is as follows : (Categorical S is P, and S is not P. ( Conjunctive; If A be B, C is D. tional J Disjunctive; c is either D or non-D. ( Dilemmatic; If A be B, C is either D or non-D. Hypothetical is synonymous with conditional, and hypothesis with supposition. The dilemmatic prop- osition, because of its compound character, is also 1 48 DEDUCTION called the conjunctive-disjunctive proposition. Con- ditional propositions are always affirmative. , 112. A conjunctive proposition expresses the relation between a reason and its consequent. It has two clauses, or members. The subordinate clause expresses the condition, and is called the hypothesis, the supposition, the protasis, the ante- cedent, or the reason. The principal clause ex- presses what is conditioned, and is called the apod- osis, or the consequent. Usually and formally the protasis is written first, but inversions often occur. Existential conjunctives have but two terms; formula, If A is. B is ; examples in 110. Another class having but two terms will be noticed pres- ently ( 116). Conjunctives involving three and four terms are formulated thus : 1 (a) If A be B, A is C; e. g., If man be responsible, he is free, (b) If Abe B, C is A; e. g., If bliss have no anxieties, igno- rance is not bliss. (c) If Abe B, B is C; e. g., If rubies be clay, some clay is precious, (d) If Abe B, C isB; e. g.,If metals be fusible, gold is fusible. 2 If A be B, C is D; e. g., If the wise be virtuous, Socrates was innocent. In each of the first forms there are but three terms, one being common to both members. In the sec- ond there are four. In simple sequence, the con- sequent only or both clauses may be negative and may be particular ; but the consequent in 1 (b) must be negative, and in 1 (c) must be particular, CONDITIONAL PROPOSITIONS 149 113. A disjunctive proposition expresses the relation between two alternative clauses in which one must be true. The formula is: Either C is D, or C is non-D, usually abbreviated as in 111. One clause is affirmed on condition that the other be^ denied. In general, then, the condition lies in the opposition of the clauses. The opposed clauses are called the disjunct members, and their relation the disjunction. An inverted formula is: Either D or non-D is C. This form of judgment involves the principles, and is subject to the laws of Division ( 29 sq.) and Opposition ( 83). It implies the division of an unnamed genus into co-ordinate species, and affirms identity between an object or a class of the genus and one or the other of the species. For example : Carlo is either a dog or a non-dog ; or, naming the genus, Carlo, being a brute, is either a dog or a non-dog. So also, Cares are either distressing or not, all under the genus feelings Every action is either bond or free ; Either now or later will suit me very well. Disjunctive judgments, to be strictly logical, must make a complete disjunction ; that is, the disjunct members must exhaust the divisum, and be exclusive of each other. For example : Either all wars are evil, or some wars are not evil. Either the prisoner is guilty, or he is not guilty. guilty [ not guilty The members are contradictories within the divided genus or logical universe ( 27). The law of con- 150 DEDUCTION tradictory opposites is that one must be true and one false ; hence, affirming either denies the other, and denying either affirms the other. It follows that a disjunctive resolves into four conjunctives, thus : If C be D, it is not non-D; If C be non-D, it is not D; If C be not D, it is non-D ; If C be not non-D, it is D. Disjunctive judgments often appear in the form : Either C is D, or M is JX". Here the matter of the opposed clauses is entirely distinct, and the oppo- sition is mediate, evolved thus : Either Richard III. was a monster, or he was not a monster; But If he was not a monster, Shakespeare was wrong; Hence, Either Richard III. was a monster, or Shakespeare was wrong. The alternative is declared, not between members directly opposed, but between one of these and a consequence of the other. 114. When a division is more than dichotomous ( 31), we have a series of disparate terms, exhaust- ive and coexclusive ; thus : C is either D, or E, or F, or ,- Bodies are solid, or liquid, or aeriform. | sol. | liq. Disparates, in logical treatment, must be reduced to contradictories by grouping them into two op- posed members ; thus : Bodies are either solid or (liquid or aeriform=) fluid. Less than all the members of a disparate series CONDITIONAL PROPOSITIONS 151 will not yield a disjunctive judgment, since they are not exhaustive. We cannot say : angles Bodies are either solid or aeriform. Angles are either acute or obtuse. I acute I obtuse Hence it appears that contraries, being any two members of a disparate series ( 31), cannot as such constitute a disjunctive, for both may be false. "We cannot say, Men are either white or black, for some are red, and so the statement is neither true nor logical. When formal contraries are affirmed disjunctively, it is an indirect assertion that a ter- tium does not exist, and so they become contra- dictories ; as, Sheep are either white or black. Also contraries may be stated disjunctively as mere alternatives ; as, Speak briefly, or be silent. A cop- ulative proposition, however, is formed from con- traries ; as, Ye cannot serve God and Mammon. In logical strictness, disjunct members must be not only exhaustive, but coexclusive. Yet we often make an imperfect division wherein the species are communicant or intersect, yielding a specific disjunction wherein both may be true. For ex- ample : mischiei-maker Jack is either a fool or a knave. fool knave That is, he must be one, he may be both. Hence denying one affirms the other ; but affirming one, nothing follows. As this is the principle of sub- contrary opposition, we distinguish the form as subcontrary disjunction. The copulative and this 152 DEDUCTION subcontrary proposition are mutually convertible by a sort of contraposition ; thus : Either ye do not serve God, or ye do not serve Mammon. . . .subcontrary. Jack is not both smart and good copulative. Disjunctive judgments always affirm, are always positive, never negative. In cases where denial is possible, it is done by neither nor, thus : C is neither D nor E. charactef The boy is neither smart nor good. smart 8 ood This, however, is not a disjunctive proposition, but a negative categorical compound, a double denial. In Give me neither poverty nor riches, the implied tertium is sought. While either or are signs of disjunction, neither nor are not at all disjunctive. 115. A disparate series may be transformed by a supposition, thus : An angle is either acute, right, or obtuse; If an angle be not acute, it is either right or obtuse. Either the doctor is not skilful, or the patient is beyond remedy, or he will recover ; If the doctor be skilful, either the patient is beyond remedy, or he will recover. Either A is not B, or C is D, or C is non-D ; If A be B, C is either D or non-D. Such is the genesis of the dilemmatic or con- junctive-disjunctive proposition, which, as this name indicates, is a compound of the two preced- ing forms, and hence involves no new principle. It may be defined as a conjunctive having a dis- junction in the protasis or in the apodosis, or in CONDITIONAL PROPOSITIONS 153 both ; or, viewed inversely, as a disjunctive having a conjunction in one or both members. Usually its forms are said to be numerous and intricate. But we hold : 1st. That a difference in the matter or quality of clauses wherein there is partial identity makes them distinct clauses, having a distinct formula. 2d. That the distinction between contradictory and subcontrary opposition may be disregarded, understanding that each formula represents either. 3d. That trilemmatic, tetralemmatic, and poly- lemmatic forms are, for logical treatment, to be grouped into dilemmatic contradictory forms. These points being allowed, the following for- mulas are exhaustive : 1, Simple, (a) Either if A be B, C is D; or if A be B, E is F; having antecedents identical and conse- quents disjunct, (b) Either if A be B, C is D; or if E be P, C is D; having antecedents disjunct and conse quents identical. 2, Complex, Either if A be B, C is D; or if E be F, G is H. having antecedents disjunct and conse- quents disjunct. The following are concrete examples of these several forms : 1 (a) If Socrates was innocent, Anytus was either deceived or perjured. (b) If a man be either well or ill deserving, he is a moral agent 2 If the accused was deliberate, he was criminal ; or if not, insane. 1 16. It is now apparent that the conjunctive judg- ment is the basis of the conditional forms. Let us,- then, inquire more particularly into its significance. 154 DEDUCTION The conjunctive is sometimes thought as a quali- fied proposition. For example : If air be pure, it is wholesome. This taken from testimony, or ob- tained by induction from experience, does not im- ply any reasoning, though capable of being con- strued syllogistically, but is a simple judgment, equipollent with : Pure air is wholesome. More generally, however, a reasoning is implied. Observe that the clauses may be in form either positive or negative, but that in fact they are neither affirmed nor denied. In If A is, B is, it is not said that A is, or that B is. In If virtue be knowledge, it is teachable, it is not said either that virtue is knowledge, or that it is teachable. The clauses are posited not really, but ideally. Observe also that the proposition as a whole is always and only affirmative. What, then, is affirmed ? Merely a relation between the members ; not, however, the relation of containing and contained, but a relation of dependence, the relation of sequence. E. g., If A is, then (or it follows that) is. Or, B is, if (or follows from) A is. Evidently the prota- sis is a logical condition or reason, a premise, and the apodosis is a consequent or conclusion. Sup- plying an unexpressed premise, we have : (All knowledge is teachable ;) If Virtue be knowledge, then Virtue is teachable Barbara. The conjunctive proposition, therefore, is an en- thymeme ( 104). Since its matter is ideally stated, it affirms a sequence only ; it is a judgment con- CONDITIONAL PROPOSITIONS 155 cerning judgments, expressing in the purest man- ner the syllogistic judgment ( 90). All the various forms of inference are implied by conjunctive propositions. Immediate inference by determination ( 80) is affirmed in If coal lefuel, then cheap coal is cheap fuel; conversion per acci- dens, in If triangles be figures, then some figures are triangles, etc. The latter exemplifies a conjunctive form of two terms only. Mediate inference is implied by those of three or more terms. Of the forms given in 112, viewing them as ideal enthymemes and supplying the un- expressed premises, 1 (a) yields Barbara, or other moods of Fig. 1 ; 1 (b) yields Cesare ; 1 (c) yields Darapti ; but 1 (d) yields Barbara, confirming the rejection of Fig. 4 ( 102). The form 2, of four terms, yields a sorites, thus : (Socrates was wise;) If the wise be virtuous, (And the virtuous be innocent,) then Socrates was innocent. 117. Praxis. Name each of the following ex- amples in terms of second intention ; designate the section and paragraph it particularly illustrates, explaining how ; and then reply to the special points required. Distinguish the four following, and redress as logical conditions : 1. We may enter, if there be room. 2. If the moon has passed the meridian, it will soon be high tide. 156 DEDUCTION 3. If the moon has no atmosphere, it has no twilight. 4. If he happened to be there, you surely met him. Are the following seven examples categorical or conditional ? 5. I will not let thee go, unless thou bless me. 6. Until the night comes, we must work. 7. Is any among yon afflicted ? let him pray. 8. Lear is either at the hut, or at the palace. 9. Hiawatha left his hut or wigwam. 10. It has not been decided whether the war will con- tinue or not. 11. Neither flattery nor threats could prevail. Having described the following thirteen exam- ples, reduce disparates to contradictories, also sub- contraries to copulatives, and vice versa : 12. They who slew Caesar are either patriots or parri- cides. 13. Either Caesar was ambitious, or Brutus was criminal. 14. Either if this be a judgment, it affirms or denies ; or if it be a question, it does neither. 15. The sun moves round the earth, or the earth moves round the sun. 16. A woman either loves or hates ; she never thirds it. 17. Punishment is intended either to repress crime or to reform the criminal. 18. Your god either is talking, or is pursuing, or is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth. (From this obtain a conjunctivo-disjunctive.) 19. Wherever there is smoke, there is fire. 20. Whenever the moon is on the ecliptic, there is an eclipse. CONDITIONAL PROPOSITIONS 157 21. There could be no choice, were there no difference. 22. Day and night are never simultaneous. 23. Every man is already either justified or condemned. ( What genus is here divided? Reduce to conjunc- tives.) 24. Either my wish is fulfilled, or you have disappointed me. (Mediate. Evolve, as in 113.) Having designated the names and specific forms of the following examples, reduce the conjunct! vo- disjunctives to disparate disjunctives, and vice versa: 25. If Caesar live, he will -either rule or ruin. 26. If we go to war, we must either contract a debt, or increase taxation, or indemnify ourselves at the enemy's expense. 27. If my chess-king be moved, or if he be covered, or if I capture the attacking piece, nevertheless I shall be checkmated at the next move. 28. Either if education be popular, compulsion is un- necessary ; or if it be unpopular, compulsion will be resisted ; or if the people be indifferent, com- pulsion will be fruitless. 29. The mastery of an abstruse science, unless there be competent instruction, is hardly possible, or at best is imperfect. Complete in syllogistic form the reasonings im- plied in the first four examples in 112. Why must the consequent in 1 (b) be negative? Why must the consequent in 1 (c) be particular ? VII. CONDITIONAL SYLLOGISMS 118. The various forms of the conditional prop- osition are used, without regard to their implied reasoning, as premises in further reasoning. A few illustrations shall suffice. The following is Barbara, easily solved by re- placement ( 93) : ; If the using of credit be a demand for goods, all forms of credit affect prices; But bills of exchange are a form of credit; .'. If the using of credit be a demand for goods, bills of exchange affect prices. The following is Camestres, from a disjunctive premise : All sciences are either pure, inductive, or mixed; Astrology is neither; /.Astrology is not a science. The following, from a conjunctivo-disjunctive, is Barbara with transposed premises : If a ruler make an entirely unselfish use of despotic power, he must be either a saint or a philosopher ; But saints and philosophers are rare ; /.Those rulers who so conduct themselves are rare. The following is a sorites formed of conjunctives, and resolving into two syllogisms : CONDITIONAL SYLLOGISMS 159 If the Scriptures be the word of God, they should be clearly explained; If they should be clearly explained, they must be diligently studied ; If they must be diligently studied, an order of men must be devoted to them; /.If the Scriptures be the word of God, an order of men must be devoted to them. The foregoing are strictly and properly condi- tional syllogisms, though this title has been usurped by other forms ( 119 sq.). They may be distin- guished from categorical syllogisms, but evidently the difference is not essential ( 58). 119. Early logicians devised a system of con- ditional forms, using the terminology of the syllo- gistic forms. Of these there are four kinds. The so-called conjunctive syllogism has for a major premise a conjunctive proposition, the minor premise and conclusion being the assertion or de- nial of the component clauses. It is governed by the following axioms : 1. Asserting the reason asserts the conse- quent. 2. Denying the consequent denies the rea- ; son. But denying the reason does not deny the conse- quent, and asserting the consequent does not assert tho_reason_; for the consequent may follow from some other reason ( 91). If the protasis be in fact a sine qua non, it should be expressed by Only if. which is a compound form. 160 DEDUCTION The double axiom gives rise to two so-called moods. The forms of the conjunctive syllogism in these moods are as follows : MODUS ( If A be B ; then C is D ; \ MODUS PONENS -J But A is B ; But C is not D ; >- TOLLKNS (constructive). ( .'. C is D. ! .'. A is not B. ) (dettructive). If the people are industrious, wealth is increasing ; Wealth is not increasing ; .'. Wealth is increasing ; PONENS. They are industrious : TOLLENS. .'. The people are not industrious. The sumption affirms, though one or both clauses be negative. It alone is conditional, the rest are categorical. There may be four terms, as above ; all occur in the sumption. Hence the subsumption has no new term, and the conclusion may have nothing in common with it. From the axioms two RULES are derived serving to guide and test. They are as follows : 1. In Ponens the subsumption and conclusion must each agree with its correspoiding clause in both quantity and quality. 2. In Tollens the subsumption and conclusion must each disagree with its corresponding clause in both quantity and quality. Conclusive deviations from these rules will, on inspection, be found to lack logical accuracy. The double disagreement in Tollens is because logical denial is only by contradiction. When the subject is individual, or a generic total, as above, its quan- tity being fixed, contradiction is merely a change of quality. CONDITIONAL SYLLOGISMS. 161 The following example illustrates the rules : If any nation prosper, all are benefited ; Some are prospering ; . or This one prospers ; .-.All are benefited. Some are not benefited ; or That one is not ; TOLLENS. ..None are prospering. Negative clauses, one or both, conform strictly to the rules. Thus : If A be not B, then C is not D ; PONENS, asserts. A. is not B; | C is D; TOLLENS, denies. .-.CisnotD. : .\AisB. On contraponing the sumption that is, taking the negative of each clause and then transposing them we find that the moods are mutually reducible. In reductio ad absurdum it is usual to state the argument hypothetically ; then the tollent mood is often so obvious that it is not expressed ; e. g., If we say we have not sinned, we make God a liar. The disjunctive syllogism has for its ma- jor premise a disjunctive proposition whose dis- junction is resolved in the minor premise and conclusion. It is governed by the axioms of con- tradiction and excluded middle ( 9, 10). The disjunct members being contradictory, affirming one denies the other, and vice versa. This yields two moods, each double, thus : \ MODUS > PONENDO ) TOLLENS. MODUS c C is either D o TOLLENDO < C is not D ; PONENS. ( /. C is E* r E (=non-D); CisD; /.C is not E. or " C is not E; .-.CisD. or Cis E; /.Cis not D. 11 162 DEDUCTION Either all men are justified, or some are condemned ; TOLLENDO Some are not justified;! All are justified; PONENDO PONENDS. /. Some are condemned. | .. None are condemned. TOLLENS. " None are condemned ; | Some are condemned ; " u .'. All are j ustified. ] /.Some are not justified. " The sumption always affirms. The conclusion has the same quantity as the subsumptkm^but_the opposite quality. When the disjunction is subcontrary ( 114), _we maff proceed in the ponent moods, but not in the tqllent. For example : All afflictions are either punitive, or tentative, or disciplinary; To. PONENS. Job's afflictions were neither punitive nor dis- ciplinary ; .'. They were tentative. " David's were not tentative; .'. They were either punitive or disciplinary (per- haps both). _siihlate__lbe other, for both may be true. A copulative proportion involving^ contraries ( 114) yields conclusions in the tollent nmods^Jbut not in the ponent. For example : Ye cannot serve God and Mammon ; Po. TOLLENS. Ye serve Mammon ; /.Ye do not serve God. Sublating one contrajy_jdQje^_nnLp_osit the other. for both may be false. As the subcontrary dis- junctive and the copulative propositions contra- pone into each other, so likewise these syllogistic forms are mutually convertible. CONDITIONAL SYLLOGISMS 163 121. The dilemmatic proposition, being a com- pound form ( 115), furnishes a double process. Viewing it as a conjunctive, according to its first definition, and taking the disjunct members as a single clause, we proceed as in 119 ; thus : If A be B, either C is D, or E is F ; PONENS. But A is B; /. Either C is D, or E is F. Neither C is D, nor _ ToLLEN8> E isF; /. A is not B. If the apostles taught falsely, they were either deceivers or deceived. POSTBNS They did teach falsely ; .'.They were either de- ceivers or deceived. They were neither de- ceivers nor deceived ; /.They did not teach falsely. TOLLEN8. On the other hand, viewing it as a disjunctive, according to its second definition, we proceed as in 120 ; thus : If A be B, either C is D, or E is F; To. PONENS. But C is not D ; /.If AbeB, E isF. If Socrates was innocent, Anytus was either deceived or perjured; But Anytus was not deceived ; /.If Socrates was innocent, Anytus was perjured. By denying Anytus was perjured, we have another To. Ponens. The disjunct members being contra- dictories under the stated condition, yield also two forms in Po. Tollens. Observe that neither of these forms of the con- junctive-disjunctive syllogism, though involving each a dilemmatic proposition, treated first con- junctively, then disjunctively, is a dilemma. 122. The dilemma is a conditional syllogism 164: DEDUCTION having a double conjunctive premise and a dis- junctive premise. Either may be taken as the sumption, but it is usual to write the double con- junctive first. None of its propositions is dilem- matic. It has three forms, as follows : 1. Simple constructive : If A be B, C is D ; and if E be F, C is D ; PON ENS. But either A is B, or E is F ; .'.CisD. 2. Complex constructive : If A be B, C is D ; and if E be F, G is H ; PONENS. But either A is B, or E is F; .'. Either C is D, or G is H. 3. Complex destructive : If A be B, C is D ; and if E be F, G is H ; TOLLENS. But either C is not D, or G is not H ; /. Either A is not B, or E is not F. A single concrete example from Demosthenes de Corona must suffice. It is in the complex con- structive form, as follows : If ^Escbines joined in the public rejoicings, he is inconsistent ; if he did not, he is unpatriotic ; But either he did, or he did not ; .'. Either he is inconsistent, or he is unpatriotic. The form of the sumption in this example may be expressed thus : If A be B, A is C; and if A be not B, A is D. Here the first term of each of the clauses is the same, and the antecedents differ only by the nega- tive. Yet the form is complex, for the clauses dif- fer either in matter or in quality ( 115). There cannot be both a simple constructive and a simple destructive dilemma. Denying the con- sequents in No. 1 gives : If A be B, C is D; and if E be F, C is D; But C is not D; .'.A is not B; and E is not F. , CONDITIONAL SYLLOGISMS 165 This, however, is merely a double conjunctive syl- logism in Tollens. The simple destructive form, corresponding to No. 1, is : If A be B, C is D; and if A be B, E is F; Hut either C is not D, or E is not F; .".A is not B. But this is merely No. 1 contraponed, and then treated in Tollens. It is therefore essentially the same, and should not be enumerated apart. 123. Let us briefly inquire into the nature of the forms presented in the three foregoing sections. Are they truly inferences ? We recall that deduc- tive inference is of two kinds, mediate and imme- diate. In mediate inference we determine the rela- tion of two notions through a third, the middle or medium. A syllogism is the formal expression of this mediate process, and hence a middle term is its essential feature. Now, hypothetical or conditional syllogisms, so called, contain no middle term. .There- fore they are not syllogisms, not expressive of rea- soning at all. Inspect the following : C If law prevails, our rights are MODUS I secure ; Major Premise. PONENS. j But law does prevail ; Minor Premise. [_ .'. Our rights are secure Conclusion. There is no term here with which the two terms found in the conclusion are compared in the prem- ises. There are in all four terms, and all found in the so-called major premise. The so-called minor introduces no new matter, and has nothing in com- mon with the conclusion, as in a true syllogism 166 DEDUCTION Are they immediate inferences ? An immediate inference from a given judgment infers directly that is, without a medium a different judgment. Let us inspect the same example presented in a slightly varied form : If Law prevails, then our rights are secure. Law prevails, then our rights are secure. Now, here is an absolute iteration of thought, stated first as supposititious, then as assertorial. The sub- ject is the same. The predication is the same. The second judgment, then, is not different logically from the first, and therefore this cannot be an im- mediate inference. In the tollent mood and in the disjunctive syllogism an immediate inference by opposition ( 83) is indirectly involved. These forms express primarily the passage of thought from the ideal to the real, from the ques- tionable to the true, some unexpressed ground hav- ing been discovered. The process is therefore metaphysical rather than logical ( 91). Ought not, then, these conditional forms, these pseudo- syllogisms, to be banished from logic ? By no means ; for they are true, natural, and very com- mon modes of expressing thought, and hence call for logical analysis and treatment. Nothing is more common than for a reasoner at the outset to state hypothetically his premise and conclusion. This he does for the sake of clearness, and to show whither he is tending. For example : If the prisoner was sane, then he is responsible for his act. His first argument may be to show the necessity of CONDITIONAL SYLLOGISMS 167 the sequence herein declared. As accusing counsel, he next endeavors to establish this antecedent minor, perhaps by showing the deliberation of the agent, his consistency, his motives, etc. ; and, it may be, he brings in the testimony of medical experts. When the argument is complete, he closes by de- claring categorically : The prisoner was sane, therefore he is responsible for his act. Again, many of these conditional forms present exceedingly condensed expressions through which thought darts with rapidity ; and unless the thinker is familiar with their analysis, he is in danger of paralogism, or of being imposed upon by sophism. On the other hand, their condensation gives to a just argument weight, and logical and rhetorical force. They should, then, be discussed'not only as subjects of analysis, but also because of the practi- cal advantages resulting from their close examina- tion. It is clear, however, that their nomenclature ought to be changed. The unfortunate misappli- cation of the terms syllogism, major and minor premise, mood, etc., and the attempt to enunciate rules and methods of reduction parallel to, but dis- tinct from, those of the true syllogism, have filled logic for centuries with confusion and error. But so deeply rooted in logical literature and so widely spread are this false system and terminology that the needed correction can be made only by the highest authority. 168 DEDUCTION 124. Praxis. In what moods are the follow- ing three syllogistic forms? 1. Every body is solid, liquid, or aeriform; Solid, liquid, and aeriform bodies are elastic; /.Every body is elastic. 2. Memory is either circumstantial or philosophic; Also it is either voluntary or spontaneous; /.In this case, what is either voluntary or spontaneous is also either circumstantial or philosophic. 3. Desires are either spontaneous or voluntary; But whatever is voluntary has moral quality; /.Desires are either spontaneous, or they have moral quality. Describe each of the examples in terms of second intention ; redress in strict form ; if inaccurate, say w herein ; then reply to specific points. 4. Mohammed was either an enthusiast or an impostor ; But he was an enthusiast, and therefore not an im- postor. (Is the disjunction contradictory ?) 5. Unless matter can move itself, its first motion must have been given it by a spiritual being. But mat- ter cannot move itself ; therefore, etc. 6. If man cannot make progress towards perfection, we must believe him to be either an incapable brute, or already divine. (Ad abs.) 7. Whether logic be regarded as a means of mental dis- cipline or as a practical guide in reasoning, it ought to be studied. But it is both. Hence (what ?) 8. The ancients were in genius either superior to the moderns, or inferior, or equal. (How many syllo- gisms may be based on this?) 9. If all testimony to miracles is to be admitted, the CONDITIONAL SYLLOGISMS 169 mediaeval legends are to be believed ; but they are not to be believed, and therefore no testimony to miracles is to be admitted. 10. There are two things we ought not to fret about: what we can help, and what we cannot. (From this form a dilemma.) 21. The greater angle of a triangle is subtended by the greater side. If b > c, then B > C. For if not, then either B= C, orBC. Q. E. D. Euclid, Book I., Proposition 19. 12. If the world existed from eternity, there would be records prior to the Mosaic ; and if it were pro- duced by chance, it would not bear marks of de- sign. But there are no records prior to the Mosaic, and the world does bear marks of design. /. The world neither existed from eternity, nor is it the work of chance. 13. A government cannot be at the same time despotic and the licenser of a free press ; But the English government permits a free press ; /. The English government is not despotic. 14. If the books in the Alexandrine Library be in con- formity with the doctrines of the Koran, there is no need of them ; if adverse, then also they should be burned. 15. If pain be severe, it will be brief; and if it last long, it will be slight ; hence it should be borne patiently. 170 DEDUCTION 16. If a man cannot be virtuous, he must be either una- ble to know what is right, or unable to will what is right. But he is not unable to know what is right, for he is intelligent ; nor unable to will what is right, for he is free. 17. We must either gratify our vicious propensities or resist them ; the former course will involve us in sin and misery, the latter requires self-denial ; there- fore we must either fall into sin and misery, or practise self-denial. VIII. QUANTITATIVE FORMS 125. The distinction between the qualitative or logical whole and the quantitative or mathe- matical whole has already been indicated ( 23), and some note made of the latter ( 24). It is now needful to examine the quantitative forms of thought more particularly, because of their essen- tial difference, and because, though constantly oc- curring, logicians commonly either neglect them altogether, or else confound them with the co-ordi- nate qualitative forms. In the qualitative whole the thought is funda- mentally of marks ; in the quantitative, of magni- tudes. A quantity, as distinguished from a quality, is measurable by some standard or unit of measure, real or ideal. Magnitudes differ in kind, and when thought as kinds the notion is qualitative; but magnitudes of the same kind differ in degree, and the notion of degree is quantitative, is measurable, is mathematical. The distinction between kind and degree is fundamental and thorough-going in all thinking, and differentiates the two wholes. 126. From its name alone, a common noun, it is often impossible to decide whether a notion is 172 DEDUCTION qualitative or quantitative. Thus mankind in its form is a class, and the human race is a mass, an individual, having no species, and can be partitioned only into sections ; but population may be thought either as a class or as a mass. So being or thing is a class including all kinds of existences, and the Universe is a mass, a mathematical whole, a col- lection of all things into a unit, the only one not a part of any other, and is capable only of dissection ; but, as herein said, things may be thought as a col- lective whole. Again, animals may be thought as divisible into kinds, or as the individual sum total of many individuals, severable only, as the part saved in the ark, and the part destroyed by the deluge. The ambiguity of the predesignations all and some has been noted ( 64, 66) ; hence these do not serve to determine which whole is thought. Generally, if not determined by the context, it is quite ambiguous, the thought readily taking either form, and requiring introspection to ascertain which of the two is thought. So far of general names. Proper names, and common names deprived of their generality by demonstratives, possessives, and the like, designate individuals ( 63), and the thought is quantitative. 127. Degrees are formally of two sorts, equal and unequal. Hence quantitative judgments or judgments of degree are two, both being mathe- matical comparisons. First, in the judgment of equality the ambigu- QUANTITATIVE FORMS 173 ous copula is ( 54) means is equal to (=), and when this is so expressed the proposition is unam- biguously quantitative. For example: A is B ; The population of London is double that of New York ; X= Y, or X is equal to Y, often expressed : X and Y are equal. Second, the judgment of inequality conforms to the axiom, A whole is greater than a part, and so has the copula is a part of, or its obverse contains, or else is greater than (>), or its obverse is less than (<). When these are expressed, the judg- ment is unambiguously quantitative. For exam- ple : A is a part of B, or contains A / Maine is a part of New England, or conversely ; or else A is greater than B, or B < A / The earth is greater than the moon, or converse! y. This simple relation is often compounded with other notions ; as in in- cluded by, longer and shorter, better and worse, strong- er, more repulsive, most attractive, highest, etc. Thus degrees of comparison are quantitative. For exam- ple : Men are stronger than boys means The strength of men is greater than the strength of boys ; Iron is not as heavy as lead means The specific gravity of iron is less than that of lead Lias lies above coal means The height (in the geological scale) of Lias is greater than that of coal ; Women love best means The love of women is greater than any other. In the qualitative whole an individual cannot become a predicate, and therefore the individual proposition is inconvertible ( 54, 82). In the quantitative whole an individual is often the pred- 174 DEDUCTION icate, and all quantitative propositions are always and only simply convertible, the copula in the sec- ond class being changed to its obverse. When the predicate is an individual, or when it is qualified numerically or by some term of meas- ure, or when it is quantified as all or some, directly or indirectly ( 74), the proposition is quantitative. E. g., Aristotle is the father of logic ; Thou art the man; This is our home; A legion is (=) ten co- horts ; His reasons are as two grains of wheat hid in two bushels of chaff; It weighs a pound ; All men are all reasoners ; Here only thieves (generic total, not every one) are to be dreaded, or all (the sum total) that is to be dreaded ; The committee (collective) consists of some (a portion or section) of our wisest men ; The population of London is more than (>) a million. Generally the character of the predicate determines in which whole the proposition lies. The complete generality of many quantitative forms should be observed. Several of the fore- going examples are cases. Pure mathematics, the science of quantity, treats almost exclusively of such abstract generalities; as 6=8x3; o?y t = (x + y) (xy)'-, Triangles on the same base, and be- tween the same parallels, are equal. 128. Inference in the quantitative whole is im- mediate and mediate. Immediate inference from equivalent propositions conforms to the CANON: Equals affected by equals are equal. This is QUANTITATIVE FORMS 175 a general statement of four of the logical axioms (icotvai twoiai) of Euclid, that if equals be added to, or taken from, or multiplied by, or divided by equals, the results are equal. The process corre- sponds to Determination ( 80). E. g., As from A horse is an animal, and What is young is strong, we may immediately infer that A young horse is a strong animal, so from a=b, and c=d, we may im- mediately infer that a + c=b + d. The principle, in a modified form, applies to propositions of ine- quality. E. g., Ifa>l>, then 129. Mediate inference from equivalent propo- sitions conforms to the CANON : Quantities equal to the same thing are equal to each other. This is Euclid's first logical axiom. The general formula is : If A = B; A is not equal to B; and B = C ; Negatively : B is equal to C ; then A = C. /.Aw not equal to C. This may be called the jsyllogism of equivalence. Obviously it is a specific application of the Primary Law of Identity ( 8), which is the ultimate prin- ciple involved in both the foregoing canons. The first clause of the canon of replacement ( 93) also justifies the process, and is even more general. A concrete example in this form is as follows : The density of the human body is the density of water; The density of water is the density of air taken 817 times; .'.The density of the human body is 817 times the density of air. It will be observed that the middle term here is 1 76 DEDUCTION a standard of measure. And this gives occasion to remark the logical function of standards of meas- ure of all sorts. They furnish the media through which we are enabled to compare quantities which cannot be immediately compared. The yard, the bushel, the pound, the atomic weight of hydrogen, the thermometer, barometer, electrometer, etc., sup- ply us with middle terms through which to reason in our calculations. The metric system furnishes a common middle term, the metre, by which to com- pare its various standards with each other. In the syllogism of equivalence the order of prem- ises is obviously indifferent. The order of subject and predicate is also indifferent ; that is, either term may be made the subject of thought, and the other the predicate, without other change. The distinc- tion of major and minor terms, and consequently that of major and minor premises, does not exist, the terms being equivalent. The equivalent prop- osition is always and only simply convertible. The doctrine of Conversion, then, has no place relative to this syllogism. It follows, also, that Figure is of no moment, and is to be disregarded. Moods are reduced to two, the positive and the negative ; for the quantification of every term is always total. Hence questions concerning distribution and non- distribution cannot arise. These eliminations render the logical treatment of this syllogism exceedingly simple. Perhaps from this simplicity it is, as well as from its clear intui- tive exactness, that elementary mathematics is with- QUANTITATIVE FORMS 177 in the grasp of immature minds, even children often being able to apprehend it quite thoroughly ; whereas reasoning in the logical whole, with the qualitative syllogism as the unit form, requires more mental discipline and maturity. 130. A geometrical example (Euclid, I., 32) con- forming to the canon of mediate inference may be stated as follows : The three interior angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles; For the interior angles are equal to the adjacent exterior and interior angles ; And these are equal to two right angles. The expression is rendered more facile by the use of a lettered figure, the letters taking the place of a verbal description of a part ; but the processes are identical. Let us exhibit a slightly varied and redressed proof of the same proposition by aid of a lettered figure ; thus : Through the apex of an angle b draw a line parallel to the opposite side. Then : a=a' Prop. 29. b=b Identity. c=c' Prop. 29. +b+c =a'+b + c'. Canon of immediate inference. a'+b+c'=2L Prop. 13. .'.a +b+c =2 L Canon of mediate inference. This last equation may of course be translated into words. I, It is needful to remark particularly that whether the proposition be expressed in symbols or in words, 12 178 DEDUCTION both have the same, and indeed a complete, gener- ality. Also that the passing from one to the other is not at all a logical process, but simply a trans- lation of expression. Changing the symbols into words is often spoken of as a generalization or an induction, but it is neither. Nor is the reverse a deduction ; yet the following, for instance, is some- times laid down as a syllogism : All radii of a circle are equal ; AC and BC are radii of a circle; .'.AC and BC are equal. But there is here no progress of thought, no change of thought whatever, only of expression. AC and BC stand for any radii of any circle; hence the simulated conclusion is as completely general as the verbal proposition which simulates a major premise, and nothing whatever is proved. 131. Mediate inference from propositions of inequality conform to Euclid's 9th logical axiom, A whole is greater than a part. This, modified, furnishes the CANON : A part of a part is part of the whole ( 93). Syllogisms in conformity with this canon may be called partitive syllogisms. A single example, and the converse form, shall suf- fice for illustration : A minute is apart oj & degree; A contains B; A degree is a part qf& circle ; Converse : B contain* C ; ,'. A minute a part of a circle. /.A contains C. QUANTITATIVE FORMS 179 Another modification of the axiom furnishes the CANON: A greater than a greater is greater still than the thing. Syllogisms conforming to this canon may be called comparative syllogisms. The formula is : A > B ; B is less than A ; A B > C ; Conversely : C is lest than B ; B .'. A > C. .'.CM less than A. C E. g The planet Jupiter is greater than the- earth; The earth is greater than the moon ; .'. The planet Jupiter is greater than the moon. Logicians sometimes distinguish between the in- ferences a minore ad majus and a majore ad minus; but the distinction is superficial, since one is sim- ply convertible into the other. Observe that the premises authorize a pregnant conclusion, one a fortiori ( 108), usually expressed thus: /.By so much the more is A greater than C; or: .'.C is still less than A; or: .'.A fortiori the planet Jupiter is greater than the moon. The following example is followed by its re- dressed form : The tree is higher than the man; The spire is higher than the tree; .'.The spire is still higher than the man. The height of the tree is greater than the height of the man; The height of the spire is greater than the height of the tree; .'. The height of the spire is still greater than that of*the man. The following (Euclid, I., 20, redressed) exhibits a variation in respect of its symbolic statement ; 180 DEDUCTION Any two sides of a triangle are greater than the third. Extend the side A until C'=C. Then : c'=c Prop. 5. a + c'>c' Ax. 9. .\a + c'>c Mediate inference. Then A + C'>B Pro'p. 19. A + C'=A+C....Ax.2. .'.A + C >B Mediate inference. Not only do both kinds of judgments of degree occur in the same reasoning, as in the foregoing demonstration, but qualitative judgments also often combine with quantitative. For example : Regulus is a star of the first magnitude; Sirius is as bright or brighter than Regulus; . '.Sinus is a star of the first magnitude. A proposition whose terms are not merely equiv- alent, but in strict and entire identity ( 8), that is, in what has been called the sibi-relation, cannot serve as a premise in a proper syllogism ; for such terms, differing merely as to words, are one in thought, and consequently we should have a pseudo- syllogism of only two terms, begging the question ( 146). Of. 26 ; 95, Ex. 12 ; and 130. Quantitative relations may be expressed also in the several forms of the so-called conditional syl- logism. For an instance, see 124, Ex. 11. 132. Praxis. State whether the following prop- ositions are qualitative or quantitative. If the lat- ter, redress with the copula : 1. It is the duty of every man to serve God and honor the king. Only birds are feathered. / \ . I v , , QUANTITATIVE FORMS 181 2. George Eliot is Mrs. Lewes. Arrows are swifter than eagles. 3. God alone is good. We are all sinners. 4. Every sly act is nothing less than dishonest. 5. The container contains the contained. That man is my father. 6. None but Aryans are capable of the highest civil- C- ization. Can the deduced formula Circ. = %irR, or this vis viva mV, be generalized? Name the class to which each of the following reasonings belongs. Supply any lacking proposi- tion. Kedress, if need be, exhibiting the copulas. Construe the first as qualitative also : 7. Wisdom is more precious than rubies, and rubies than gold ; hence wisdom is of yet higher value than gold. 8. The author of Athalie was the greatest French dramatist ; But Racine was the author of Athalie. 9. The market value of my cloke is $15 ; A sword will cost me $10. (Luke xxii. 36.) 10. John knew more than Peter, and Peter than Mark; /. John knew more than Mark. 11. Aristotle lived after Plato, and Plato after Socrates ; /. Aristotle lived after Socrates. 12. Virginia is one of the Southern States; The Southern States are a part of the Union ; /. Virginia is a part of the Union. 13. Lias lies above Red Sandstone ; Red Sandstone lies above Coal; .. Lias lies above Coal. " J 182 DEDUCTION 14. The orbit of Venus is within that of the Earth ; And this within that of Jupiter ; .-. The orbit of Venus is within that of Jupiter. 15. The dome is under the sky, and the altar under the dome ; therefore the altar is under the sky. 16. Behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee ; how much less this house that I have builded ! 17. It were better to have no opinion of God at all than such an opinion as is unworthy of him ; for the one is unbelief, the other is contumely ; and cer- tainly superstition is the reproach of the Deity. Prove the following proposition (Euclid, I., 15), first in words only, then by the figures and letters, as in 130 : 18. If two straight lines intersect, the vertical angles are equal. Eedress the following demonstration (Euclid, I., 18) as in 131 : 19. The greater angle of a tri- angle is opposite the greater side. Let A C be greater than A B ; take A D equal to A B, and join B D. Then since ADB is the exterior angle of the triangle B D C, it is greater than the interior opposite angle D C B. Prop. 16. But since the side A D is equal to the side A B, the angle A D B is equal to the angle A B D. Prop. 5. Therefore the angle A B D also is greater than the angle ACB. Much more then is the angle ABC greater than the angle ACB. Ax. 9. q. K. D. IX. FALLACIES 133. Any violation of logical law is a fallacy. Logical forms are determined originally by the nature of intellect as expressed in the primary laws of thought, from which are derived by deduction the laws of special forms. Hence any essential de- viation from a form is a violation of its law, and so a fallacy. Under this wide definition come illog- ical predications, generalizations, definitions, divi- sionsj etc., as well as illogical inferences^ Two remarks are needful. First, that Jogical forms, though necessary, as stated in the definition of logic ( 1), are nevertheless violable ( 5). They are necessary to knowledge of truth, and cannot be violated without risk of error, folly, falsity ; just as a violation of the laws of health risks disorder, disease, death. Second, that what does not violate logical law, however false in matter, js not fallacy. Our science does not take into consideration the material truth or falsity of judgments ( 4, 50). Therefore, in case of inference, the truth or falsity of the premises and conclusion is disregarded, the form alone being considered ( 91). Many logi- cians, overlooking this, include among fallacies syl- logisms correct in form, but having false premises. 184 DEDUCTION These, however, are not fallacies. For example, if some one argues from the distress of a country that the government is tyrannical, we must sup- pose him to assume that Every distressed country is under tyranny, which, though false, leads logi- cally to his conciasion, and there is no fallacy ; or that Every country under a tyranny is distressed, which may be true, but the inference from this, the middle being undistributed, is a non sequitur, a fallacy. The distribution of fallacies is as follows : ( Paralogisms MaC ' eS Sophisms jl0>>- ( In matter. The differences- here indicated will be explained in the progress of the discussion. 134._Ajaralogism is a violation of a law of jgrny manifest' without regard to the diction or matter! Of this we have already had many inci- dental examples. When the form of a proposition is obviously the logical paradox, A=non-A, as To do wrong is sometimes right ; or when there is an inference from All A is B, to All B is A, as To possess a large amount of money is to be wealthy, hence To be wealthy is to possess a large amount of money ; or an inference through an undistributed middle ; or an inference involving the illicit proc- ess these and the like are paralogisms. Sometimes, however, law is only apparently, not really, violated. For example : FALLACIES 185 No rose is without thorns; This bouquet is ef roses ; .'.This bouquet has thorns. Here seems to be an affirmative conclusion from a negative premise, violating General Itule 4. But on looking into the diction of the major premise, it is seen to yield by infinitation Every rose has thorns, and then the form is Barbara. 135. ^ophisms in diction, in voce, are such as require an inspection of the expression in order to detect the formal fault. They all arise from am- biguities of language. A term repeated ambigu- ously, though identical to eye and ear, must be counted twice, for it represents two notions. A syllogism containing such a term is therefore, in thought, quaternio terminorum, a quaternion, a log- ical quadruped ( 94). This is the common vice of sophisms in diction. Aristotle distinguishes six species, which we proceed to examine. 136. ,2Equivocati.o is. the use of a term in two different senses. If it be the middle term, it is called the fallacy of ambiguous middle, as in : Designing persons are untrustworthy; Everybody forms designs; .'. Nobody can be trusted. Likewise an ambiguous major or minor term pro- duces a quaternion. Perhaps no fallacy is so prolific as this. Living languages abound in ambiguities, and no procedure V 186 *' DEDUCTION ' is safe that does not keep close watch upon them. Many important words, as nature, state, representa- tion, moral, inconceivable, and even money, are quite * ambiguous. There are at least five distinct senses in which the word law is habitually used. The only security is in exact definition and consistent usage. As by attrition crystals become pebbles, so words in common use lose their sharp meaning. Like coins defaced by much handling, current words are no longer clear. Science, to be accurate, takes refuge in a barbarous terminology. The paranomasia or pun is the sophism of equiv- ocation. Here is a time -honored example: Two men ate oysters for a wager ; one ate ninety-nine, but the other ate two more, for he ate a hundred and won. This affords occasion for the general obser- vation that jests are usually mock logic, and often in absurd form let fly a sharp dart of truth. The " bull " is a palpable self-contradiction, generally an unconscious blunder, but sometimes on purpose ; as, Do you believe in ghosts f No indeed, I've seen too many of them or, as when my wife said to me, / hope I shall not live to see you a frisky widower. 137. ^Amphibolia differs from equivocation in that the ambiguity is in the construction of a sentence rather than in a term. Examples of am- phiboly are : How much is twice two and three f I will go and return to-morrow. See Quince's pro- logue in Midsummer- Night's Dream, act v., sc. i. In the Nicene Creed, the words "by whm all FALLACIES 187 things were made" are grammatically referable either to the Father or to the Son. Amphiboly was the trick of the oracles. Thus the prophecy of the Spirit in Henry 71., pt. ii., act i., sc. iv. : The duke yet lives that Henry shall depose, But him outlive, and die a violent death. But this, says York, is just the response of the ora- cle to Pyrrhus : Aio te, ^Eacida, Romanos vincere posse; Ibis redibis nuuquam in bello peribis. 138. Compositio et divisio are conjoining what should be disjoined, and disjoining what should be conjoined. Thus, He well knows the al- phabet he had to learn ; In some things we off end all ; Moses was the daughter of Pharaohs son ; Paul returned to his master one Simus (Onesimus). Aris- totle's example of composition is : A man sitting can walk (i. e.. can walk sitting) ; of division, he gives : 5 is % and ?, loth even and odd. He treats them as distinct species, which seems unnecessary, since the distinction between them generally de- pends merely on which of the propositions, involved in the ambiguous statement, is granted, the affir- mation of the other being the fallacy. Whately construes the above as F. Compositionis, thus : Two and three (distributively) are even and odd; Two and three (collectively') are five; .'.Five is even and odd. This is clear and correct, although it transposes the titles. 188 DEDUCTION The distinction between fallacies of this class and amphibolia is not altogether clear. In many cases we hesitate. Perhaps to either may be re- ferred ambiguities wrongly resolved by punctua- tion. A notable example is found in the United States Constitution, Art. 1, 8. After the word " excises " a semicolon is frequently printed, where- as in the original draft, and in the authorized edi- tion of March 3, 1877, it is followed by a comma. Alexander Hamilton held that the items of the rest of the section are additional powers ; Madison, that they are limitations. The semicolon enlarges fed- eral authority ; the comma favors state-rights. This gives occasion for the general observation that it should not be inferred from the trifling character of many of the examples used to illus- trate fallacies, that the fallacies themselves are un- important. In a brief trifle a point is often clearly exposed which, lurking in a body of weighty mat- ters, may be fatal. 139. Accentus, prosodia, resolves an ambi- guity by a stress of voice so as to mislead, gen- erally by an implication. The early rabbis laid emphasis on the word neighbor in Thou shalt love thy neighbor (Lev. xix. 18) ; hence their gloss, and hate thine enemy (corrected in Matt. v. 43 sq.). By emphasis on against in the ninth commandment, it is implied that one may bear false witness in favor of another, which was Jeanie Deans's temp- tation. The phrase If you were' brave differs from FALLACIES 189 If you were brave'. So also Not the least difference may mean no difference at all, or by varying the stress, a very considerable, perhaps the greatest difference. Some words, ambiguous to the eye, are resolved by accent, as to con'jure, to practise magic, and to conjure', to entreat earnestly. Mere- ly the tone may make all the difference between truth and falsehood. Sarcasm is generally indicated by the circumflex accent, and unless this or certain tones are used, the meaning is perverted ; as, It cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem. For other exam- ples of divine irony, see 1 Kings xviii. 27 ; Job xii. 2 ; Psa. ii. 10 ; 2 Cor. xii. 13. 140. Figura dictionis occurs when a meta- phor or other figure of speech is construed liter- ally, or vice versa, as : A fox is a quadruped ; Herod is a fox; /.Herod is a quadruped. This seems very trifling. But let it be observed that figurative expressions abound, that new mat- ter can hardly be spoken of except metaphorically, that the history of the mental sciences shows how difficult it is to avoid being misled by material con- ceptions which are only remotely comparative, and that in debate illustrations are constantly mistaken for arguments, and often are more convincing than good logic. These considerations make it evident that this is a very subtile and ruinous form of fal- 190 DEDUCTION lacy. Hamilton speaks of it with great contempt, unaware that his famous argument for immediate perception is invalidated by this very sophism. It is usual to include in this class errors arising from solecisms ; as, George Eliot deserves his fame. Also those from paronyms ; as, Being touched with pity, his behavior was pitiful A phenomenon is that which appears^ and therefore is merely apparent. 141. Sophisms in matter, in re, are such as re- quire an inspection of the matter in order to detect the formal fault. They are quite commonly called " material fallacies," and described as those whose fault is not in form or diction, but in matter, mean- ing that the form is correct, but the matter, espe- cially the premised matter, is false. If so, they, being logically faultless, are not fallacies ( 133). But not so, for these sophisms are logically, for- mally faulty, only it is requisite to look beyond the diction and examine the matter in order to discover the fault. Of this genus Aristotle distinguishes seven species, which we proceed to examine. 142. Accidens arises from equating subject and accident, or whenever it is assumed that sub- ject and accident have all their attributes in com- mon. By accident here is meant any subordinate part of a general notion, as in conversion j^r acci- dens ( 82). For example : Men (subject) are bipeds; Birds are (an accident of) bipeds ; hence (equating subject and accident), Men are birds, or Birds are FALLACIES 191 men. But it is fallaciously assumed that men and birds have all other attributes in common. Obvi- ously undistributed middle. Again : Since Coriscus is not Socrates, and Socrates is a man, it does not follow that Coriscus is not a man, because Socrates, who is denied of Coriscus, is merely an accident of man. Obviously illicit major. Again : The Greeks produced masterpieces of art; The Spartans were Greeks ; /.The Spartans produced masterpieces of art. Here the Greeks, the subject in the major premise, is the name of a genus taken as an undivided whole ( 63), of which the Spartans is merely an acci- dent. It is fallaciously assumed that whatever is attributable to the genus as such, may be attributed to an accidental member. Obviously ambiguous middle, and hence a quarternion. 143. Secundum quid occurs in an inference a dicto secundum quid ad dictum simpliciter, and vice versa. It is the confusion of an absolute state- ment with one limited by time, manner, or some accidental relation. The first infers from a statement made under an unessential restriction (secundum quid) to one made without restriction (simpliciter). Whatever is pernicious ought to be forbidden; ' The use of wine is pernicious; .'.The use of wine ought to be forbidden. Here the minor premise refers to wine used im- moderately ; the conclusion, to wine however used. 192 DEDUCTION This is the time-honored jspphism of arguing against a thing from the abuse of it. The second infers from a statement made with- out limitation to one limited, proceeding from what is essential to what is accidental. The meat you bought yesterday you ate to-day ; You bought raw meat yesterday; .'. You ate raw meat to-day. Here is inferred, in the conclusion, of meat with the accidental quality of rawness added, what in the major is said of it simply, that is, of the essen- tial substance, regardless of accidental qualities. The first of these cases, when we look into the matter, may evidently be construed as illicit minor ; for what is premised of some, a certain use of wine, is concluded of all use of wine. The second case is plainly a quaternion, having an ambiguous mid- dle ; for The meat you bought yesterday is used in two different senses first, simply or essentially only ; secondly, with its accident. 144. Ignoratio elenchi is ignoring the refu- tation, answering to the wrong point, proving some- thing not the contradictory (elenchus) of the thesis which one intends to overthrow. This supposes a disputant, an attempt at confutation. It is usual to_ take a wider view, and, under the title of Irrel- evant Conclusion, or mistaking the issue, to include all cases where the attempt is to establish a thesis by a proof of something not sustaining it, or of something which may be mistaken for it. This FALLACIES 193 might well be termed Ignoratio or Mutatio con- dusionis. Formally the fault is either in estab- lishing something that is not the required contra- dictory of the thesis, or else establishing something that is not the required thesis. 145. Consequens is to infer that the conclu- sion is false because a premise is false, or the argu- ment unsound ; also, to infer the truth of a premise from that of the conclusion. Thus, if some one argues for the existence of a God from its being universally believed, another may perhaps be able to refute the argument by producing an instance of a nation destitute of such belief, thus contra- dicting the minor premise ; the argument ought then to go for nothing. But many think that this refutation disproves the existence of a God, in which they are guilty of illicit major ; thus : Whatever is universally believed must be true ; The existence of a God is not universally believed; .'.The existence of a God is not true. Others, again, from being already convinced of the truth of the first conclusion, the existence of a God, would infer the truth of the premise, which would be the fallacy of undistributed middle ; thus : What is universally believed is true ; The existence of a God is true; /.The existence of a God is universally believed. If these two fallacies be put in hypothetical form, the one shall proceed from the denial of the ante- cedent to the denial of the consequent ; the other 13 194 DEDUCTION from affirming the consequent to the affirmation of the antecedent ( 91, 119). These two condi- tional fallacies, therefore, are thus identified respec- tively with those of illicit process and undistrib- uted middle. 146. Petitio principii, or petition, or begging the question, is the assumption, as a ground of proof, of a proposition that is not proved, or not granted, or not self-evident. It may occur in any one of five ways : 1st. When the question itself, the qucesitum, the very thing to be proved, is assumed. This may be concealed by using synonyms, or a name and its definition, either directly, or in a circumlocution. Thus there are two varieties. Hysteron proteron, or the last first, does not ex- tend beyond an epithet or a single proposition or inference. Thus: rebel, or bigot. Thus, synony- mously : The doctrine is heretical, for has it not, I leg, caused a schism in the Church ? Again : A rectilinear figure of three sides has its angles equal to two right angles; A triangle is a rectilinear figure of three sides; .'. A triangle has its angles equal to two right angles. Here the minor premise is a name and its defini- tion. These being strictly identical notions ( 35), differ, not in thought, but only in words ; therefore the conclusion is assumed, or the question is begged by the major premise ( 130). The formal fault of hysteron proteron, when syllogistic, is that there FALLACIES 195 are but two terms a logical biped ( 94). Typi- cal forms are : A is B B is B A is A and A is B /.A is B .'.A is B The conclusion is already in a premise, and nothing is proved. Of. 95, Ex. 12 ; and 131 near end. Diallelon, or a logical circle, occurs when a prem- ise is repeated in a more remote conclusion. The form may be represented as a pro- and epi-syllo- gism, thus : A is B C is B A is C then A is C /.C is B .'.A is B In this case the pro-syllogism has an illicit process, or else the epi-syllogism an undistributed middle. Of course any number of syllogisms, or a hiatus, may intervene, and more effectually conceal the fal- lacy. Plato, in the " Phaedo, 1 ' proves the immortal- ity of the soul from its simplicity, and, in the " Re- public," proves its simplicity from its immortality. 2d. When a particular is to be proved and a uni- versal is assumed without warrant. Thus: The king is tyrannical, for are not all Icings more or less sof This is not properly a fallacy, for the form is faultless ( 133). Yet the major premise, being unproven, begs the question. It would be petitio principii to prove to a Mohammedan the divinity of Christ from New Testament texts, for he does not admit the authority of the Bible ; but it would be a valid argumentum ad hominem ( 108) 196 DEDUCTION to prove to him from the Koran the prophetic mission of Jesus, for the authority of the Koran he acknowledges. 3d. When a universal is to be proved and a par- ticular contained under it is assumed. Thus : The knowledge of contraries is one, for is not the knowl- edge of black and white (or good and evil, or any other pair of particular contraries) one and the same? This begs the question, but only in part. A deduction to all would be the illicit process ( 79). 4th. When the problem to be proved is divided and its parts assumed in detail. Thus: Medicine is the science of health and disease. For is it not the science of health f And also of disease f 5th. When two facts are reciprocally implicated, and one is assumed to prove the other. Correla- tives imply and are not inferred from each other ( 78). Thus it is petition to say : Alexander was the son of Philip, and therefore Philip was the father of Alexander; or, A spark caused the ex- plosion, therefore the explosion was caused by a spark; or, therefore the explosion was the effect of a spark. 147. Non causa pro causa assumes a premise which is not the cause to be the cause of an absurd conclusion. The conclusion may be a proper se- quence, and its absurdity justify the contradiction of a premise, but not of the one assumed. Thus : If the prisoner was one of the burglars, and made the foot-tracks under the window, then he was wear- FALLACIES 197 ing shoes half the size of his feet / but this is im- possible j therefore he was not one of the burglars. This reductio ad absurdum ( 108) authorizes the denial of the second part of the protasis, but not of the first, with which the conclusion is not con- nected by any middle term, and so with the first part makes a quaternion. To detect the fallacy, examine whether the suppression of the contra- dicted premise would invalidate the sequence. Evidently this sophism relates to causa cogno- scendiy or reason only, not at all to causa essendi ( 110). But treatises on logic quite commonly ignore the true sense, though the fallacy is by no means rare, and, misled by the usus loquendi of cause, say that it is " to mistake for a cause what is not a cause," meaning causa essendi. Thus : A change of the moon causes a change in the weather, Cometa fulsit, ergo bellum erit. This fallacy is the Cum hoc, vel post^Jioc^ ergo propter hoc. It is an important fallacy of induction, but has no place in deduction. ^ ^ A 148. Plures interrogationes is the call for a single answer to plural questions asked in one. Thus : Was Pisistratus the tyrant and scourge of Athens? As he was the one but not the other, either a yea or a nay would commit the respondent to a false position. Avoiding one horn, he is caught on the other,' and hence this sophism is sometimes called the Cornutus. A safe answer is, Yes and no. A variation in form is : Are you the only rogue in 198 DEDUCTION your family f Such forms are much used in teasing, and lawyers badger unsophisticated witnesses in this way. To some compound question they demand what they call " a categorical answer," meaning a simple yea or nay, when either will entrap the wit- ness in a damaging admission, or in a self-contra- diction or other falsity. Again : Why is a violin- cello player always fat f But we should inquire an sit? before cur sit? The ancient example, Have you cast your horns f may be stated : Either you have cast your horns, or you have them, still which ? But there is a tertium omitted : or you have never had horns. In this case it is the fallacy of incomplete disjunction ( 114). All this seems quite frivolous, but it is not always so. Nor is the form necessarily fallacious. It is used by our Lord to entangle his adversaries (Matt. xxi. 24-27), in which case the disjunction is complete. 149. Praxis. Designate and describe the par- alogisms occurring in many, yet not in every one, of the following examples : 1. All plants come from seed, therefore all seeds come from plants. 2. The French Academy defined a crab as a small red fish that walks backwards. Very good, said Cuvier, only a crab is not a fish, is not red, and does not walk backwards. 8. A legitimate argument may fail to win assent ; No fallacy is a legitimate argument ; /. No fallacy can fail to win assent. FALLACIES 199 4. A monse is an animal, therefore (by determination, 80) a very large mouse is a very large animal. 5. Every one desires happiness ; but virtue secures happiness ; therefore every one desires virtue. 6. Only give me the luxuries of life, and I will dis- pense with the necessaries. 7. None but whites are civilized; the ancient Ger- mans were whites ; hence they were civilized. 8. None but whites are civilized ; the East Indians are not whites ; hence they are not civilized. 9. No good doctor ever takes ,f_ees, ;^all good doctors are also lawyers ; hence lawyers never take fees. iTuJ 10. A little girl studying arithmetic, and coming to a " sura " in which oranges were exchanged for eggs, refused to try it, saying nobody would be such a fool. /_/ ^y^ 11. J. S. Mill's introduction to his " Political Economy " is entitled " Preliminary Remarks," which pro- poses a prospective review. 12. A spaniel is defined as a species of the proximate genus dog. 13. Can you mention anything that is comjnon prop- erty ? 14. All that glitters is not gold; tinsel glitters; there- fore tinsel is not gold. 15. Never do anything you need to be ashamed of, and then you need never be ashamed of anything you do. 16. All do not strive ; but all wish to "succeed ; hence not all strive who wish to succeed. . 17. Some possible cases are improbable ; /. Some probable cases are impossible. \ a 200 DEDUCTION 18. Liberty is a negation (absence of constraint); We cannot be conscious of a negative ; /. We cannot be conscious of liberty. 19. Shakespeare knew little Latin and less Greek. 20. Touchstone says to Corin : Why, if thou never wast at court, thou never saw'st good manners ; if thou never saw'st good manners, then thy manners must be wicked ; and wickedness is sin, and sin is damnation. Thou art in a parlous state, Shepherd ! !. 21. If some men are strong, it follows that some are weak. . 22. An agnostic is one who holds that it is impossible to know anything with certainty. 23. There is no rule without exceptions ; This statement is itself a rule ; ^] :. This statement has exceptions, or There are rules without exceptions. 24. If a wife be beautiful, she excites jealousy ; . If she be ugly, she excites disgust ; Therefore it is best not to marry. 25. Whatever represses the liberties of mankind ought to be resisted ; but among the things that do so, there are governments ; .. Governments ought to be resisted. 26. Nothing is better than wisdom ; Dry bread is better than nothing; /. Dry bread is better than wisdom. 27. Those to whom the Gospel promises come are the faithful ; Many whom the world condemns are faithful ; /.The Gospel promises come to many whom the world condemns. FALLACIES 201 Designate and describe the sophisms in diction occurring in many of the following examples : 28. Whoever necessarily goes or stays is not a free agent ; But every one necessarily either goes or stays ; /. No one is free. 29. Whatever a man walks on he tramples on ; This man walks on the whole day ; /. He tramples on the day. 30. The prophet spake to his sons, saying, Saddle me the ass ; and they saddled him. 31. All criminal actions should be punished by law ; Prosecutions for theft are criminal actions ; /. Prosecutions for theft should be punished by law. 32. No moral principle is an animal impulse ; But some animal impulses are principles of action ; /. Some principles of action are not moral principles. 33. A member of Congress, charged with having called another a liar, apologized thus : Jtt is quite true, and I am sorry for it. 34. Our consciousness testifies to the external reality of objects of sense-perception, but is its witness true ? Of course, for your assertion, literally taken, means only this, that we are conscious of external reality. A reply to Hamilton. 35. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 36. The planets are seven ; Mercury and Venus are planets ; /. Mercury and Venus are seven. 37. Finis rei est illius perfectio ; Mors est finis vitae ; .-. Mors est vitae perfectio. 202 , DEDUCTION s 38. Either animal or vegetable food may be altogether dispensed with ; All food is either animal or vegetable ; /. All food may be altogether dispensed with. 39. Philip saith to the eunuch, Tu'wo-mc a avayivuaKtiq ; 40. Pilate saith to the Jews, Behold your King ! And they cried, Hail, King of the Jews ! Designate and describe the sophisms in matter occurring in many of the following examples : 4' , The gods, say the Epicureans, must be invested with the human form, because this form is most beau- tiful ; and everything beautiful must be found in them. 42. To pray for rain is to ask for a miracle ; but mira- - cles have ceased. It is replied, first, that prayer for rain has often been followed by rain ; secondly, that men have succeeded in causing rain, and to say God cannot do what men can do is impious. + . 43. Prayer may be regarded as useful, if, indeed, we can regard our prayers as announcing to Deity what he does not know, or as effectual in chang- ing his purposes ; But we cannot tell the Omniscient what he does not already know, nor effect a change in his eter- nal purposes; ^ _^ .*. Prayer is useless. ; ' 44. The right of the government to command is un- questionable ; therefore we ought to obey it. 45. Unless logic profess to be an instrument of inven- tion, the reproach that it discovers nothing is unfounded ; but it does not make this profes- sion, and hence this reproach is unfounded. n.e. FALLACIES 203 46. Either God wills to remove evils and cannot; or he can and will not ; or he neither will nor can ; or he both will and can. If he will and cannot, then he is weak, which is not true of God. If he can and will not, then he is malicious, which also is foreign to the nature of God. If he nei- ther will nor can, then he is both malicious and weak, and therefore cannot be God. If he both can and will, which alone is consistent with the nature of God, then whence arc evils, or why does he not remove them ? 47. To allow every man freedom of speech must always be, on the whole, for the good of the state ; for it is highly conducive to the interests of the community that each individual should enjoy a liberty, perfectly unlimited, of expressing his sentiments on its affairs. 48. Mental effort promotes intellectual vigor, but wearies the brain ; hence what wearies strengthens ; but hard study is wearisome, and therefore strength- ens the mind. 49. Whatever is true 1 of John, Peter, etc., is true of all mankind ; Mortality is true of John, Peter, etc. ; .. Mortality is true of all mankind. Whately's " inductive syllogism" approved as such by Mill, Logic, bk. iii., ch. iii. 50. This, that, and the other magnet attract iron ; This, that, and the other magnet represent all magnets ; .-. All magnets attract iron. Hamilton's " inductive syllogism," Logic, 62. 204 DEDUCTION 51. What is not an uncommon occurrence may reason- ably be expected ; To gain a high prize in a lottery is not an uncom- mon occurrence ; /. To gain a high prize in a lottery may reasonably be expected. 52. He who calls you a man speaks truly ; He who calls you a knave calls you a man ; .-. He who calls you a knave speaks truly. 53. Every effect is caused ; The world is an effect ; .. The world is caused. 54. Why does a ball, when dropped from the mast-head of a ship in full sail, fall not exactly at the foot of the mast, but nearer to the stern of the vessel ? 55. Who is most hungry eats most ; Who eats least is most hungry ; .-. Who eats least eats most. 56. Omne animal rationale est risibile ; Omnis homo est animal rationale ; .. Omnis homo est risibilis. 57. We are forbidden to kill ; Inflicting capital punishment is killing; .-. We are forbidden to inflict capital punishment. 58. He that is of God heareth the words of God : for this cause ye hear them not, because ye are not of God. John viii. 47. b- t -a ' INDEX (T7ie number refers to the page.) Abstraction, its process, 15. Accentus, prosodia, fallacy of, 188. Accidens, conversion per, 92. fallacy of, 190. Accident, the mark, 16, 44. ^Equivocatio, fallacy of, 185. Ambiguity of aJ/andof some, 73, 74. Ambiguous terms, fallacies of, 185. Ampliibolia, fallacy of, 186. Analysis of conjunctives, 153, 165. Antecedents, affirmed or denied, 109. Argurnentum ad rem, 139. a fortiori, 140, 179. ad verecundiam, 140. ad judicium, 140. ad populum, 140. ad absurdum, impossibile, 11, 141. ad hominem, 141. Aristotle, categories of, 63. predicables of, 64. Art distinguished from science, 2. Axioms of inequality, 173,178, 179. of reason and con seq., 109, 159. Begging the question, forms of, 194. Biped, the logical, 195. * Bulls, self-contradiction, 186. Canon of mediate inference, 111, 175. of replacement, 112. of immediate inference, 174. of partitive syllogisms, 178. of comparative syllogisms, 1 79. Categorical propositions, 67. Categories or predicaments, (M. Causae, essendi, coguoscendi, 146, 197. Circle, the logical, 195. Circular notation, 29, 100, 135. criticised, 102. Classification, 18. Clauses, of two kinds, 76. Clearness and distinctness, 23. Coextensive notions, 29, 30. Collective whole, 26, 28. Comparative syllogisms, 179. Complex propositions, 76. Com positio, fallacy of, 187. Compound proposition.", 79. Concept and mark cominutable, 20 Conception, its modes, 18. Concrete and abstract terms, 17. Conditio sine qua non, 146, 159. Condition, its kinds, 146. Conditional propositions, 67, 148. syllogisms, 158. analyzed and criticised, 165. Congruent notions, 29. Conjunctive propositions, 148. analysis of, 153. syllogisms, 160. Conjunctivo-disjunctives, 152. syllogisms, 163. Connotation and denotation, 20, 22. Consequens, fallacy of, 108, 159, 193. Consequents, affirmed or denied, 109. Contradiction, law of, 9, 59, 60, 94, 206 INDEX Contradiction, rule for, 94. Contraposition, 93. Contrariety, 36, 95, 151. Conversion, inference by, 91. Co-ordination of notions, 30, 33. Copula, how qualified, 69. Copulative proposition, 151. syllogism, 162. Cornutus, fallacy of, 197. Correlation not inference, 196. Correlative notions, 34, 89. Cross division, test of, 39. Deductive inference, 88. Definition of logic, 1. of science, 1. of marks, 17. of concept, 18, 20. of individual, 27. constituents of, 41. a priori and real, 44. a posteriori, 44. nominal, 45. genetic or causal, 45. rules for, 45. correlated with division, 54. Denotation and connotation, 20, 22. Determination, inference by, 90. Diallelon, the circle, 195. Dichotomy, division by, 33. Dicta de omni et nullo, 111. Dilemma, its forms, 163. Dilemmatic propositions, 152. Disjunctive propositions, 149. syllogisms, 161. Disparate notions, 36, 150. Distinctness, two modes of, 24. Divisio, fallacy of, 187. Division by dichotomy, 33. ground of, 36. kinds of, 37. rules for, 38. correlated with definition, 54 Enthymeme, four orders of, 132. Epichirema, analyzed, 134. Equipollence, 14. Exclusives and exceptive*, 80. Existential forms, 60, 148. Exponible propositions, 79. Extension and intension, law of. 22. illustrated, 49, 62. Fallacies, distribution of, 184. in diction, 185. in matter, 190. False matter not fallacy, 183. Figura dictionis, fallacy of, 189. Figures, the four, 120. Form and matter distinguished, 4. Fourth figure criticised, 128. Fundamentum divisionis, 36. General rules of syllogism, 114. Generalization, process of, 17. Genetic or causal definition, 45. Genus and species, 31, 33. Geometrical illustration, 177. Graphic notation, 103, 135. Ground of division, 36. Hypothetical propositions, 148. syllogisms, 160. Hysteron proteron, fallacy of, 194. Ignoratio elenchi, fallacy of, 192. Illicit process, 90. major and minor, 116. Implications not inferences, 88. Inconjrruent notions, 28. Indefinable notions, 42. Indefinite propositions, 73. Individual propositions, 72. Individuals, concepts of, 19, 27. indefinable, 42. how related to system, 52. as predicates, 63, 174. Inference defined and divided. 87. Infima species, 51. Infirrttation, inference by, 91. Infinite propositions, 62. Integral whole, 26, 28. Intension and extension, law of, 22. illustrations of, 49. predication of, 62. syllogisms of, 99, 104. differences estimated, 105. INDEX 207 Intentions, first and second, 4. Intersection of notions, 30, 39, 42. Judgment, defined, 67. distributed, 87, 147. the syllogistic, 107. Law of identity, 9, 59, 60. of contradiction, 9, 59, 60, 94. of excluded middle, 11, 59, 60. of intension and extension, 23. Linear notation, 29, 100, 135. criticised, 102. Logic, definition of, 1. a science, not an art, 2. an abstract science, 5. a fundamental science, 5. a negative criterion, 12. a postulate of, 13. Logical or qualitative whole, 26,28. partition or section, 28. division, 33. definition, 43. tree or ladder, 56. Many questions, fallacy of, 197. Marks, kinds of, 15. definition of, 17. and concepts commutable, 20. Material fallacies, 190. Mathematical whole, 26, 27, 171. syllogisms, 175, 177. Matter and form, 4, 8, 50. Mediate inference, 88. Mnemonic hexameters, 124. Moods, how ascertained, 123. Mutatio conclusionis, 193. Necessity of logical form, 5. in what sense violable, 6, 183 Negative species, 34, 36. predication, 61, 70. Nominal definition, 45 Non causa pro causa, fallacy of, 196. Notations, 29, 100, 122, 135. geometric criticised, 102. graphic explained, 103. Notions,individual and general, 18. Nouns, common and proper, 21. Onus probandi, 142. Opposition, inference by, 94, 96. Oracles, the trick of, 187. Order, strict logical, 7<>. Ostensive reduction, 125. Paradox, logical, rhetorical, 10, 11. Paralogism, 1 84. Paranomasia or pun, 186. Paronyms, fallacy of, 190. Particular propositions, 73. Partitive syllogisms, 178. Per accidens, conversion, 92. Petitio principii, fallacy of, 194. Plures interrogationes, fallacy of, 197. Polytomy, its origin, 35. Porphyry's tree, 56. Postulate of logic, 13. Predesignations of quantity, 73, 74 Predicables of Aristotle, 64. Predicaments or categories, 63. Predicates, quantification of, 82 rule for distribution of, 85. Predication, its limits, 59. of existence, 60. of negative notions, 61. Premises, definition of, 101. Primary laws, 8, 59, 60. reduction to unity of, 12 Privative notions, 36. Propositions, existential, 6C negative, 61. infinite, 62. definition of, 67 logical parts of, 68. distribution of, 71, 147 individual, 72. universal, 72. particular or indefinite, 7e simple, scheme of, 75. symbols of, 76, 83 conditional, 146. of equality and inequality, 172. Prosodia, accentus, fallacy of, 188. Proximate genus, 43. Punctuation, fallacy of, 188. Punning, fallacy of, 186. Quadruped, the logical, 114, 186 208 INDEX Qualitative whole, 26, 28. Quantified predicates, 82. symbols of, 83. Quantitative whole, 26, 27, 171. propositions, 171. syllogisms, 175. Quaternions, 114, 185. Reason and consequent, 147. axioms of, 109, 159. Reasoning, 88, 99, 100, 107, 132. conditional forms of, 154, 158 criticism of, 165. quantitative forms of, 175, 178. Reductio ad absurdum, 11, 141. Reduction of syllogisms, 125. ad impossibile, 127. Replacement, canon of, 112. Rhetorical identity, 9. contradiction, 11. inversions, 71 Rule for distribution of predi- cates, 85. for quantity inferred, 89. for infinitation, 91. for contraposition, 93. for contradictory oppos., 94. for contrary opposition, 95. for subcontrary opposition, 96.' for subalternate opposition, 96. for intensive syllogism, 105. for reduction, general, 127. Rules for division, 38. for definition, 45. for syllogism, general, 114. for syllogism, special, 121. for syllogism, conjunctive, 160. Science, definition of, 1. Secundum quid, fallacy of, 191 Self-contradiction, 186. Semi-definite some, 75, 81, 89. Signs of quantity, 73. Simple notions indefinable, 42. Some, ambiguity of, 74. Some, semi-definite, 75, 81, 89. Sophisms in diction, 185. in matter, 190. Sorites, scheme of, 136. Special rules for syllogism, 121, Specialization, process of, 18. Species and genus, 31, 33. Specific difference, 43. Square of opposition, 94. Subalternate opposition, 96. Subcontrary opposition, 96. propositions, 151. syllogisms, 162. Subordinate notions, 29, 30. Summum genus, 60. Syllogism, definition of, 100. necessity of, 107. truth and falsity of, 108. conditional forms of, 108, 151 compound, 136. disguised, 137. conjunctive, 160. disjunctive, 161. copulative, 162. analyzed and criticised, 165 of equivalence, 176. partitive, 178. comparative, 179. Symbols of propositions, 76, 88 Terms, definition of, 101. Thought, the matter of logic, 8 Tree, the logical, 56. Trichotomy, its origin, 36. True and false matter, 108, 18c Ultra-total quantification, 116. Undistributed middle, 116. Universe, the logical, 10, 31. Universal propositions, 72. Violation of logical law, 13, 18S Wholes, of two kinds, 26. Wdrds, signs of thoughts, 20. FINIS , C/I.T,. Ji n .Ll e I?!!y.?! 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