THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp:// DEBATABLE GROUND G. B. STERN NEW YORK ALFRED • A • KNOPF MCMXXI C30PYRIGHT, 1921, BY G. B. STERN This book has been published and copyriffhted in England under the title "Children of No Man's Ixind" Published, January, 1921 Second Printing, April, 1921 PRINTED IM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO H. G. WELLS LIBRARY ' "What is love of one's land? . . . I don't know very well. It is something that sleeps for a year, for a day. For a month, something that keeps Very hidden and quiet and still, And then takes The quiet heart like a wave, The quiet brain like a spell, The quiet will Like a tornado, and that shakes The whole being and soul . . . Aye, the whole of the soul." Ford Madox Hueffer PART I CHAPTER I L"